The yearboo k staff has chosen to honor a person whose pleasing personality and winning sm ile touches ma ny phases of life at Golden Hi g h School.
Her willingness to h e lp in all areas of sc h ool administration, cl ub activities and office procedures mak es her indispensable to the s mo oth ope rati on of our sc ho ol.
T o Ka t h erine Tait, who has given o ut standing se rvi ce to t h e faculty and st ud ents of Golden Hi g h School in their ma ny acad emic and ext r a-cur r ic ular activities, we proudly dedicate the '64 Maroon and White.
During the summer of 1963, Mr. and Mrs. Tait and Anita spent several unforgettable weeks in Germany visiting daughter Elaine and family. Various points of interest on the continent were included in the itinerary of the most eventful trip.
Katherine is serving as president of the Jefferson County Association of Secretaries and attended the 29th Annual Convention of the National Association of Educational Secretaries as a voting delegate at the Un i v e r s it y of Delaware at Newark. She has earned her Professional Standards Certificate.
The multitudinous phone calls during the course of a day only seem to accentuate the pleasant personality of Mrs. Tait.
An executive secretary could not have more varied and important responsibilities. School records and correspondence add to the long list of duties Katherine accomplishes with dignity and understanding.
She is also responsible for the accurate records of the numerous bank accounts of the school-sponsored clubs.
Th e elected five-member Board of Edu c ati on for Jefferson County R-1 meets once a month with school officials and interested community c itizens to discuss problems of ed u ca tional philosophy, personnel, salari es, bud gets, and the ever-enlarging building program .
The Arts inc lu de var ied pro j e ct s in woodwor k ing, stage set des i gns, mosaic tables and lamps, lathe work , sculptures of wood, c l ay, and other materials.
Studies ofwood, tools, an d a history of art make we llrounded courses
Th e prime mi ssion of the business department i s to pr ovid e stud ents with the m eans of earning a liveli ho o d by eq uippin g them with the s kills that make for proficiency in sec r e tarial jobs.
The d e p art m e n t also st riv es to e du cate students in social skills and g ive th e m a k nowle d ge of the basic realities of business life.
Non-technical cou r ses are typing for personal us e, noteh and, and gene r a l business.
English aims at teaching boys and g irl s the English skills needed for success and happiness in today's world.
Whether the student enters the arm ed forces, goes to work, or attends co ll ege, h e must demonstrate scholastic, social, and li nguistic competence.
The high school graduate will continue to be surrounded by t h e mass media with their pervasive influence on a ll he does. He must b e able to observe keenly, read c r itica lly, and before acting, he i s ex p ecte d to t hi nk .
The foreign language department offers the opportunity of studying on four levels one or more languages: Latin, Spanish, French, Russian and German As he devotes his time to communication in that language, he becomes acquainted with the literature, history, and culture of the people of those areas. Thus he has a more s y mp at he tic understanding of the world in which he lives--a wor l d of so many peoples and tongues but more and more one wor l d .
Do you kno\v. . . who Cyrus Sturgis is? what pithecanthropus means? how many molecules are in a mole?
The answers to these and other questions you may have are only a few of the facts and figures you may find in t h e latest additions to our always-expanding reference section. I n addition, this year we are concentrating upon improving our professional library by adding numerous learned magazines and scholarly books . Mrs. Coon and her student assistants are also busi l y revising the history and biography sections.
Th e e d u c at i o n o f g irl s for the responsibilities of home and family is the primary objective of h o m emaking
Because o f the comp l ex rol e played by the modern h omemaker, it is important for high sc hoo l gi rls to learn the basic h o m e maki ng sk ills and learn something of t h e responsibilities of a wife and m other. This is accomplished through the study of family relationships and child ca re , foods and nutrition, consu m e r economics, clothing and textiles, and housing and home furnishings. Variou s individual and group projects are comp l eted during the year in order to perfect the h o m e skills.
Christa Klein Coon B.A., Texas Women's Univ.The GHS math program offers courses for many different levels of ability. The more able student can earn advanced college placement and college c r edit in mathematics by successful ly co mpleting the accelerated track of the G o l d e n Hi g h math program.
Other tracks provide the traditiona l math cou rs es through trigonometry. The student who does not intend to en r o ll in college has available at the senior level, a math course in elementary topics in algebra, geomet r y and trigonomet ry which will give him a math background necessary in many nontechnical forms of employment.
Boys' physical e du c ation is d e di cated to the d eve l op m e nt of the five physical att ributes: ( 1) physical po,ver, (2 ) a g ility, (3) coordinat i on, (4) e nduran ce and (5) body bu ild. Some of the more outst andi ng phases of work are rope sk1pp1ng , w e i g ht training, Canadian Air F o rce e xercises, gymnastics, co m bative games and r unning acti v 1ti es .
Emphasis is on carry-over value typ e activities. In one year girls would hav e knowl e dg e and skill to k ee p physically fit, always. Individu al sports, gymnastics a n d apparatus and team sports serve as c omp et itive sports which c reate sportsmanship, skill and a d es ire to exce l. Advan ce d students hav e an opportunity to become rat e d basketball officials. This requires cons id e rable knowl e d ge of rule s and the ability to r e fere e ga mes.
Biology is a very popular course primarily for sophomor es. Most of the students are studying biology using the interrelationship of organisms as an approach. One class, h oweve r, is studying from the viewpoint of molecular structure. Both courses were desi gne d by the biological science curriculum study.
Physics is primarily a junior subject and is using material d es igned by the Physica l Sci ence Study Committee Chemistry, which is primarily for seniors, is also using new material desi gne d by the Chemistry Study Group .
Social Studi e s at GHS ar e desi g ne d to h e lp pr e par e th e youn g c itiz e n to make int e lli ge nt d ec i s i ons ab o ut th e v ar io us problems e nc o unt e r e d duri ng th e pro c e ss of eve r y day livi ng . Th e s e proble ms ar e ge ne r a lly divid e d i nto thr ee c l asses: s o c ial, e cono mic and p o li t ical. Co n se q ue ntl y , th e bas i c co urs e s are world hi s t or y an d Am e ri c a n hi sto r y r e q ui r e d of all stud e nt s.
Sociology, e cono mic s , and gov e rnment and law are offered as e le c tives.
In gvor was born in Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden. In th e winter her family lives in an apartment in the suburbs , but in summer they m ove out to their home on the coas t.
Schools in h er hom e l a nd differ greatly from those in Am er i ca . Wh en s h e returns t o Sweden, s h e will e nter the fi eld o f math, physics a nd c h e mistry. She will also tak e courses in religion, geograp h y, hi story, Swedish literatur e and comp osi ti on, art , music and phy sical ed u cati on.
She belongs to tw o spo rt s clubs , on e for s wimming and one f or tr ack, c r oss - cou ntr y and skiing. During th e past summer , s h e pl aced fifth in th e 800 m e t e r Swedish National.
Whi l e in Golden , I ngvor is a guest of Ray and Doris Fr os t and their daug h ter Christy.
Subjects I ngvor is taking at GHS are physics, Fr e n c h IV, English I V, speech, socio l ogy and economics and advanced physical education.
I ngvor is e njoying school social functions , Pep C l ub, skiing and parti c ipated in cross country with the boys' team.
On vacation in Sardinia.
Kathy's complaint of Switzerland is that there is not enough of it. It's too small.
The Alps are so green! Rugged and straight down to a small green valley. "I feel quite Alpine--standing on top of a huge m o u n ta in , seeing the rugged mountains, grassy meadows and beautiful flowers. It's so beautiful!"
Kathy has the unique pr i vi 1e g e of attending Tochterschule III (Frauenbildungschule) in Zurich, Switzerland, as a senior. Subjects include German, French, English, pedagogics, history of art, world history, social studies and economics, biology, art, hygiene, physical education, handicrafts, and singing 36 hours of classes each week.
The Knorr fa mi 1 y includes father, mother, Doris (Mami), Michaela, 1 7, (Micha) Christina, 12, and Stephan, 6. Their hospitality and typical Swiss and German cooking specialities are a thrilling experience.
Voice of Youth members, Terri Monarchi, William Spaniel, and Pat Zie g ler , participated in a pane l discussion on Channel 7 on Novemb e r 10. The topic was "November , '64, the Candidat es and the Parties."
academic grades, over-all enthus i asm, citizenship and participation in e>..1:ra-curricular activities .
A ll St a t e Choir , composed of Frank Joh n son, Danny H o l laus, Diane P oolman, and Cheryl C h ristian, we n t t o the University of Denver fo r a statewide gathering of chosen singers on October 24, 25, and 26
3 Wheatridge 2
had a total of 65 victories and only 5 losses.
The Demons were undefeated in conference p 1 a y; the closest match being a 3-2 win over Wheatridge.
The Golden Hi gh School tennis team took the conference championship, swept through the District playoffs, and climaxed the season with a tie for seventh place with Cheyenne Mountain in the State Tournament.
The Golden Netters also won the CSU Invit ational Tournament with Mike Reed, John Huffm an and Randy Vaughn coming out on top of eight other schools.
The story of Jack's racket.
Dual Me e ts: D e f e ate d Arvada, A r v ad a West, Alameda , Wh eat rid ge, Bear Creek.
Defea t ed by L ake wo od
Confe r e n ce State Me e t Championships- -7th at Bould e r--l0th of 24 teams
(Th e t ea m was hampered by the loss of Don And e rson in conferenc e and sta t e c hampion s hips due to over-fatigue.)
BACK ROW Coach Skene, Chip Parfet, Brad Williamson, Cary Hill, Mark Edwards, Bob Baker, Dan Hollaus, Darrel Yarbrough, Manager Wally Kroeger and Coach Beckwith.
MIDDLE ROW· Larry Sackett, Bill Lacey, Van Bullock, Ray Willis, John Colvin, Chris Lubahn, Pat Geehan, Jerry Phillips, Brian Cope, Scott Arnold and Yalcin Yavuz.
FRONT ROW: Rex Paullus, Dan Gorton, Jim Wright, Darrell Wood, Joe Pastore, John Kellenbenz, Mark Goodell, Doug Sutton, Craig Goodell, Jon K.reamelmeyer and Doug Blount.
Coach Papenfus, Doug Detmer, Glen Lang, Chuck Kolin, Phil Huffman, Robin Parker, Dave Meineke, Kevin White, Ron Elkins, Rich Long, Dick Kesler, Wayne Andrews, Greg Parker and Coach McLaren. Manager Jack Fischer, Randy Blesh, Jerry Sutton, Scott Ward, Jack Knight, Jim Harris, Steve Hatchell, Russ Meyer, Don Fleming, Ron Jesse, Everett Jones and Ross Arnold.
P ep Club officers Virginia Easley, Glenda Gamarra , P am Flansburg and Lynn Van Horn carrying the banner. Lind a Russell is the Demon mascot
The Homecom in g P a rade November 9, 1963 and a beautiful day for marching!
Cheerleaders Don Korosec, Norm an And erson and Earl Schwartzkopf on the Sen i or Class float.
Homecoming, 1 963, was held on November 9 in the gymnasium at the high school. The theme was "Under Demon Skies," and Charles Casper and his Roadrunners furnished the music.
Get a hold, Hold him tight , Come on Rick Fight, Fight, Fight 1
Charlie, Roll 'em over, Roll 'e m over, Pin 'en1 1 Pin 'em 1
You can do it, J im. Sure you can. You can do 1t, Jim. P in your man !
See those shoulders, See that mat. Come on, Ron Just like that !
BA C K ROW: Chuck Kolin, Craig Goodell, J ohn Reed and Coach Bob Arnold
MID DLE ROW: Dave Rodriguez, R ick Ormsbee and B ill R eed.
FRONT ROW: Bob Hicks, Mike Albee, Vince Carnagan, Dave Krattli and Ray Harris .
The first week of higl school for the lowly sophomore is one of apprehension and wonder: apprehension of what will be expected of him in being initiated into the school of hi g her education and wonder at whether they will become familiar with our campus-style school.
Each day of the first week a new talent was revealed: one day the boys carried dolls, while the girls dared not to curl their hair or wear make-up for fear of detection by the observing senior girls The entire c l ass had to be able to sound off at any given moment with either the schoo l song (which they were required to know by the first week) or "Hail Class of' 64 ! " The boys had to c ur tsy and the girls had to bow before they could address a senior. There was an abundance of romanticism the first week in spite of the hi l arity of sophomores making proposal s (at the request of a senior) to those whom they had never even met. The spirit of initiation week was also evident in the cafeteria as sophomores acted as busboys for the seniors, had to be last in the lunchline, and also had to stand up \Vhen eating. Regardless of the seniors' overbearance the first week, the sophomore class took everything in high spirit and have become an essential part of our great school.
Tradition, what's THAT?!
The various school clubs and organizations are responsible for presenting skits at the pep assemblies. H igh point of the year is the skit by the faculty prior to the homecoming football game.
Okay, who foofed! 69
Friends, Romans, Countrymen
One, two, three, FOWH 1 Her e come the Jets like a bat out ofSTANDING: Richard Homerick, Cheryl Marti, Jackie Richards, Mark Goodell, Lee Rielley, Mary Spear, Darrell Wood, Sue Herron, Clare Ryland, Jona Caldwell, Richard Long , Maureen Gibson, Chip Parfet , John Reed, Dan Gorton, Jerry Sutton, Charles Casper, Ruth Annand, Gerry Geib, and Seda Bohks .
SITTING: Scott Arnold, Cheryl Wright, Marlys Phegley, Brian Cope, Cheryl White, Lynn Van Horn, Doug Blount, Jon Kreamelmeyer, Rex Paullus and Gene Pickthall.
Chief purposes of Student Council are:
to crea te a greater sense of cooperation and responsibility among the students;
to promote a better studentteacher relationship ; and to foster a f eel1ng of school spirit throughout the student body by encouraging student participation in all activities and organizations of the school.
Singing the school song and playing "Ring around the Rosy'' are only a few of the sophomore antics. The entire week is all in fun and the sophomores then become fullfledged members of Golden High School.
The Council Hootenanny with a bonfire before was something new. After the Hootenanny we decorated for the Homecoming Dance.
H o me c o ming is one of the big Council projects during the yea r . This year it was "Under Demon Skies". We u n de c orated at 7 a. m. the NE XT MORNING ! !??! ! ? ?
The American Field Service is "an open door which leads to und e rstanding and fri e ndship amon g the peoples of th e world."
The many activities of the Golden High chapter help to bring a foreign student to our hi g h school and also h e lp to select candidat es for th e Americans Abroad program.
FRONT ROW: T erri Monarc h1 , Earl Schwartzkopf, Joe Hammet t and T erri Elliott.
SECOND ROW: Ja ck M ichalke, Ron Brown, Kathy Good r ich and An na Bell Mober ly
BACK ROW : Steve Ha t chell, R on Britton, T rudy Allen and John Co l vin.
The Speech Team e nt e rs co mp e tition in De bate, Oratory, Int erpretation, Dis cussio n, and Extemporaneous speaking. They have received many commendabl e ratings. They participated in the Denv er University contest on February 14 and 15 competing against students from the e ntire Rocky Mountain region. Divisional competition was February 28 and 29
Kri sty Venckus, Cheryl Whit e and Nancy Easley received perfect scores on tw o 100-\vord spe llin g tests d i st r i but e d by the Denver Chapter o f NOMA.
Kr isty also received perfect sco r es on two NOMA Math tests.
Clare Ryland and Marilyn Lind e ll were c ho sen by the Ameri can Legion Awcihary to attend Girl s' State on the cam pu s of Colorado Woman 's College. By virtue of th eir e l ect ion to student body offices, Gary Diers and Di ck G eib attended Boy s ' State on the CU ca mpus
Th ey s tudied parliam e ntary precedure and then came to Denver where students were in c har ge o f capito l business for a full day. Gary and Di c k were sena tor s and were responsible for passa ge of an education bill which \vould tea c h th e bas i cs of Communism in compari son \vi th our democratic sys tem .
To obtain membership in th e "G" Club, a boy must receive a letter in a s port , must also re ce ive all the coac h es' approval, and b e voted in by th e current m embers.
Th e Club's purpose is to s upp or t and advance athl e tics , be a service to th e s c ho ol , a nd instill a code of hon or and sportsmanship a m o n g its m e mbers.
TRIDENT staff endeavors through its newspaper to inform th e student body of important events and worthwhile achie vem e nts, c reat e interest in school activiti es, promote school spirit and record th e c umulativ e story of Gol den High.
Marian Jackson, Bill Calmette, Norma Hollis, Bill La,vlor, Bob Ri ce, Lynn Van Horn, David Krattli , Assistant editor, Bill Spaniel and Editor, Iann Ohanian
Ad ve rtisin g Staff: Claire Biggs, Bob Par ent, J ohn Kerr, Jack F isc h er, Photographer B ob F e r guson, Gary Todd.
FRONT ROW: June Da vidson, Shirley Mi ck, Kathy Gaschler, Stan Sons
P a t Small, Lynn Van Horn, Chris Bitzer , Roseanne Hoskins, Marcia Towles, Paul Braly, Bill La wlor and Mickey Phillips.
The m e mbers of th e Junior Classical L e ague co nvenant to hand on th e tor c h of classi c al civilization in the modern world. Th ey believe an acquaintanc e with the civilization of Gree ce and Rome will h elp them understand and appraise this world of today which is indebted to ancient c ivilization in its g ov e rnments, laws , literatur e s, langua ges and arts.
Students considering teaching as a career are the nucleus of Future Te ache rs of America. They ask and try to answer such questions as: Why and what should I teach? At what level should I teach? What are the advantages and disadvantages of teaching?
Since experience often helps resolve questions, the members visit classrooms, see teachers in action, visit our educational institutions, see films, and listen to lectures about teaching.
FT A is open to anyone who wants to become or thinks he might want to become a teacher. Membership in FTA offers a student the chance to improve his character; to study and observe challenging probl ems of the profession; to explore his skills and interests; and to discuss and work with those of similar aptitudes.
BACK ROW: Marilyn Lindell, Iann Ohanian and Sandy Park s.
MIDDLE ROW: Kath y McDonald, Mar ci a Carpenter, Terri Sampson and Linda Slocum.
FRONT ROW: Joe Hammett, Diane Tura and Brenda Yarbrough
Th e club invites Frenc h students in the area to speak to th em and shows Fr enc h films The c limax of the year is a banquet at a Fr ench restaurant.
The members of French Club, although they may or may not be taking French, strive to increase their knowledg e of Franc e, its langua ge, customs and people. One of the main activities of the club is a Christmas party given at an orphanage , with the members of " Entre Nous" singing French carols and serving their own "patisseries."
Ski Club is for students interested in skiing, Some members are just learning while others are able to take part in competition.
Vice president, Doug Sutton
Secretary, Darrell Wood
Treasurer, Mark Goodell
President. Richard Homerick
Thi s ye ar th e Key Club h as s old wood and d a t es f o r m o n ey to u se for a g ift to th e Boy s ' Ran c h at La Junta. I t ha s bee n a very produ c ti ve ye ar a n d eve r yo n e is lo okin g forward t o a b e tt er c lub i n yea r s to c om e
BACK ROW: Jerry Phillips, P at Geehan, Jerry P ickthall, Loren Hunter, Charles Casper, Darrell Wood and Doug Blount. T HI RD ROW: Brad Childs, Mark Goodell, Craig Goodell, Norm Anderson, Chip P arfet and Mark Ed\vards. SECOND ROW : Gene Pickthall, Charles Palmer, Dave Thomas, Don Korosec, Doug Sutton, Bill Lacey a nd Dick Kesler. FRONT ROW : Don Fleming, Jim Granquist, Gerry Sutton, Con Clark, Richard Homerick, Rex P aullus, Jon Kr eamelmeyer and Todd Lowther OF F I CERS: Art P apenfus, sponsor t -Arms, Charles CasperSTANDING : John Hoyt, Bob Stefanski, Sterling Muths, Chris Lubahn, Peter Rustad, vice president, and James Johnson, sponsor
SEATED : Larry Davis, president , Lauren Garretson, Mike Jahrig. Don Reece and Joe Hammett
CHECKMATES is a ne\v club to improve its members' playing skill by club and intra-school competition. Anyone interested may Join
is to acquaint the members with specific cultural points and customs of Spanish-speaking countries.
BACK ROW: Chris Nelson, Terri Sampson, Jackie Jump, Marcia Carpenter, Donna Chadwick, Tim Swanson, Bob Schoech, Fred Phillips, Ellen Roland and Merilynn Lindell.
SECOND ROW: Jackie Larson, Stephanie Young, Nancy Fischer , Carol Foley, Sue Cushing, Sharon Perry and Ray Ewing, sponsor.
FRONT ROW: Sue Hayes, Nancy Paserine, secretary-treasurer, Terri Monarchi, president, Ron Britton, vice president, and Kitty Waters.
Susan And erson
Marti O'Neal
Linda Th o mas
Diane P ool man are band members who perform special routines with th e band during the football season
Cynthia Kotwica
Vickie Reeves
Sue Ha yes
Seda Bohks give half-time performances during the football season.--
Members of the Golden High School band support school athletic act1v1ties by playing at school pep assemblies and games.During th e summe r Go 1d e n Hi gh S c h o o 1 chee rl eaders hosted othe r e l ec t ed J effe r son County chee rlead e rs at a get -acquainted c linic at the school .
Go 1den cheer l eaders attended a cheer l eading clinic at George Washington Hi g h School in D enve r August 15
To foster and promote an active interest 1n all athletic functions . To encourage by example a high degree of sportsmanship throughout the student body of Golden High School.
All interested S op homores, Juniors , and Seniors possessing activity cards, who endorse the purpose of the P ep Club, and who are able and willing to give of their time and talent to serve the school through this organization, are eligibl e to belong to the P ep Club of Golden H igh School.
Norma Hollis
D ri l l leader
Pam Flansburg Secretary
Lynn Van Horn
Vice President
Glenda Gamarra
Virginia Easley President
• l
SPONSORS: Mis s Mark, Miss Cline, Miss M oo re
PEP CLUB COUNCIL: Diane Tu cker, Gina Dickey, Lynn Van Horn , L eslie Orr, Cheryl White and Jane PenetonAudi o- Visual Club members are boys who give up th ei r study halls and spend these periods aiding teachers in running the slide projector, tape recorders and overhead projectors. These boys accept the responsibility of handling $7,000 worth of equipment, know how to run it, and make minor repairs.
The Golden H igh facu l ty is grateful to these club members for being "on the job" when they are needed. They are indispensable when large groups meet for movies or news films
Terri Monar c hi, president; Mildred Stewart and Christa Coon, sponsors: J eanie Monarchi , vice president. Pat Ziegler, membership c hairman ; Ron Britton and Joy Ziemann, historians; Anne Simps on , secretary and T ony Gal van, treasurer
Purposes of the Voi ce of Youth are to:
Encourag e c r e at iv e thinking.
Define spe c ifi cal ly th e thinkin g and aspirations of youth after care f u 1 research and study.
D ev e 1 op t ec hniqu es and m e thods for e xpr e ssion of opinions formulated.
Prepare American youth for patriotic leadership at home and abroad, capable of assumin g dipl omatic posts.
Foster better understandin g of the probl e m of creating a durabl e p e ace.
STANDING: J oe Hamm ett, Ron Britton, Gary Addington, Barbara Paurnarus , Shirley Stiny, Chris Nelson, Terri Nelson, stephanie Schreiber, Jam ie Mohr, Pam F oss, Jeanie Monarchi, P at Ziegler, Wilham Spaniel and T ony Galvan .With shocking suddenness the routin e of a Friday midday was shattered by radio newscasts of the assassination of ou.r beloved president. The infamy of this November 22 could not be fully co mprehended as stunned students and faculty continued through the ritual of attending classes while listening for final proof that this dastardly c rime ,vas an actuality
Near the end of the school day, disbelief was replaced by a haunting awareness of what had transpired Students ,.,ere to witness on the following days throu gh the medium of t elevision, the final return of our 35th president to hi s city of Washington and th en final resting place in Arlington . Grief-stricken mourners from all nation s of the \\70rld paid their final tribute to a young, vigorous leader of the American nation.
I Youth had identified itself with the youngest of all American presidents through the physical fitness and Peace Corps programs. Voice of Youth organizations had debated policies pro and con with assurances that this was their right in a democracy.
Of our deceased president we say, "He asked, 'What can I do for my country?' and answered with deeds which will be long remembered by a grateful nation."
"Let the word go forth from this time and place that the tor c h has been passed to a new generation of Americans , born in this ce ntury , tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage ." There is an appointed time for everything a time to be born and a time to die a time to love and time to hate a time of war and a time of peace. The Third Chapter of Ecclesiastes
"How could you flood the
three times in two weeks, Pat?"
But NOTICE the quality of our pictures despite the Charlie Casper negative through which they were printed.
Robert Graham
John Green
Paul Green
Robert Grosch
Diana Hall
John Hanlon
Arnita Hardman
Linda Harms
James Harris
John Hartmeister
Larry Helburg
Doris He
Susan Herron
Don Fockler Gerry Geib Pamela Hal ey rmansen Hi cksDon Paine
Janie Parfet
Pam Parker
Ralph Payte
.Jane Peneton
Jack Perkins
Sharon Perry
Diana Petry
Sandra Petty
Fred Phillips
Cynthia Pike
A.ndrea Pomeroy
Barbara Pournarus
Paul Prouty
Kathryn Randolph
Steve Mossburger Gwenn Nicholls Chris Myers Mike OdellDonald Smith
Robert Smith
Doris Southard
Mary Spear
Frank Springer
Ron Starbuck
Joyce Stephan
Nikka Stephen
Vicky Stephens
Leslie Stewart
Shirley Stiny
Lynn Strait
Gerald Sutton
Paul Taylor
Donna Teasley
Not until 10 a m Friday morning , May 1 5 , did the shipment of yearbooks arrive . The party had been schedu led for that evening at 7 o 'clock .
With the help of Ken and Diane Webst er , Delmar representatives, yearbooks with names \Vere alphabetized and records checked At an assembly at 2:45, th e yearbook was dedicated to Mrs . Kath erine Tait , school secretary , and the staff presented Mr s R eitz , sponsor, with a dozen long-stemmed roses
The signing party began ahead of schedule and every nook and cranny of th e student cent er was occupied until 10 p m Most stud en t s were unwilling to leave at that time because they were so thoroughly eng r ossed in getting signatures and checking their pictorial school record
WI LDC AT is A me r icana It is a p e r iod piece about oil dril l e r s in t h e Wes t o f 1912
Wi l dca t J ackson a nd h e r yo unge r, da int ie r and mo r e he lpl ess sister J a n e , come t o Centa vo
City Th ey a r e l oo k ing t o s trik e it ri c h s o as t o pr ovide fo r th e lam e s i s t e r . ' 'Wild y ' s" s pee c h is exaggerated as s h e t r i es to co mp e t e in a man' s wor l d on mascu l ine t e rm s J oe Dy n amit e , th e most s u ccess f u l o il fo r e m a n in th e W es t, pull s in t o town, a n d W i l dcat f ee l s th a t s h e mu st have h i m to wo r k th e l a n d s h e will a c quir e .
H er a mu si ng att e mpt s at b e ing a t o ugh o il c r ew boss mak e fo r a l o t of fun in th e mu s ical
Joe •
Sheriff . .
Barney Luke . .•.
M iguel
Pat Ziegler
Tim Shelton
Marcia Runner
Pam Foss
Cheryl Christian
• • Kathy Hauff
. . Emory Bator
Max Ball
Loren Hunter
Barty Coble
Bill Cull um
Steve Lodholm
.• Vic Lang
Corky . . R uss Leavitt
T attoo . •
Oney .•
Sandy . . • Cisco . . . . .
P ostman
Jim Wright
. . Delton Hall
Terry Findley . . P at Geehan
Claire Biggs
"Wildy", Lynn Van Horn
Joe Dynamite, Dan Hollaus
Diane and Frank
Barbara, Terry and Norma
Lynn Van Horn
Dan Hollaus
Diane Poolman Countess Cynthia Kotwica Inez
Norma Hollis Blondie
Barbara Help
Frank Johnson
John Kerr
Dave Kerbaugh
John Kellenbenz
Terry Loeffler
Earl Schwartzkopf
Jack Fisher
Dave Thomas
Ron Brown
Jerry Phillips
Jim Johnson
Bob Parent Cisco
Postman Yal cin Yavuz
Countess Cynthia and The Oilmen
Christy Frost won the Daughters of the American Revolution Award in recognition of good citizenship based on dependability , service and leadership .
The local DAR honored Christy at a tea and she is eligible for a $ 1 00 bond or a $75 scholarship in state competition
Don Fleming, Steve Hatchell,* Joe Hamm ett , Terri Mona rchi and Belle M oberly represented Golden at the State Speech Festival at Colorado University Th ey all received excellent and superior ratings.
John Fodor, Rae Ann Bromfield, and Mar cia Carpenter ,vere chosen to attend the All State Orchestra at C . U. in February John was concertmaster and leader of the entire orchestra; Rae Ann was in the first violin section and Marcia in viola
*Steve won the Journalism National High School Institute for the summer in Evanston, Illin ois
STUDENT BODY OFFICERS for 1964 - 1 965
Emory Bator, president
Brad Childs, boys' vice president
Ruth Annand, girls' vice president
Becky McCoy, secretary -tr easurer
1964 - 1965
Seda Bohks, Hillary
A total of 17 superiors and 11 excellent ratings were received at State Fair
Jim was bo r n on Feb . 2 4, 1 9 4 6 in R iverside , Ca l if.
L ate r, a s an infant, he and his family moved t o the Golden a r ea . H e a t tended Golden schools sta rt ing with P leasant V i e w E l em enta r y , Go l den Junior High , a nd was to have bee n g r aduated f rom Go l den Senio r on June 4, 1 96 4, with the res t of his class .
February 24 , 1946 - March 28 , 1964
He \Vas a person ,vho would al,vays stick up for what he thought r i g ht , f o r Golden High and his Senior class . H e was one of the most popular seniors at Golden with the underclass men , as ,vell as his own class He ,vas fun-loving and certainly did his share for life 1n only eighteen short years
(L ef t) This pic t ure ,vas taken when Jim was a sophomore on a Biology field trip in 1962 (Right) Jim loved baseball , and was a valuable player on second base This pictures him in 1960 when his team won the Legion 'B' Northern Association Championship . J im had many interes t s and participated in sports and was a loya l supp o r ter of Golden's many teams . H e especially liked playing baseball , but also ,vrest l ed and worked ou t with weights On May 27th , his weights were donated on behalf
of Jim , to t he P hysical Educat ion Department for the further deve l op me nt of f u tur e P. E boys His Advanced P. E class p r esented Coach B ooton wi t h a plaque in apprecia tion to C oa c h an d in me m o r y of J im . T he class of 1 66 also presented th e school with a plaque in memory of J i m t o be dis pla yed in t he t r oph y case
SENIOR: Doug Sutton
SENIOR: Ronnie Brown
SENI OR: Larry Sackett
JUNIOR: Bobby Richards
JUNIOR: Mark Goodell
SENIOR: Gary Diers
Denver Post
All League Baseball Team
Honorable Mentio
JUNIOR: Tim Swanson
SEN I OR: Ray Willis
SENIOR: Bob Rice
Denver Post
All League Baseball Team
Honorable Mention
Jun e 13 , 19 47- Apr i l 17, 1964
Th e people of m y world are always fighting for increased power . Th ey pu sh and s h ove , a lwa ys wanting T o scal e th e almighty social to\ver.
If only they would stop awhile and l ook at nature's bright, young face
If they would only do this once , Thi s would stop th e world's fast pace .
But, no, thi s would be an imposition; They might l ose an ext r a dime
Th ey hav e to c limb that social t ower , That' s what tak es up all th eir time
But someday th ey will realize
H ow th ey h ave sca rr ed nature's face
Th ey will not regret, but will s till con tinu e climbing
And yet, th ey call themselves th e " Adva n ced Human Rac e "* (Marc h , 1 964)
Randy and Charlene Randy at Butch Mo rr is' birthday party , March 8, 1964.
*This poem was found among Randy's papers in his desk The copy indicates it is an original.
The Junior - Senior Prom was held on April 18 in the high school gym. The theme was "Tara" and decorations elaborately carried out a Southern Mansion theme. Entrance was via a bridge flanked by weeping willows, and the bandstand was the portico of a Southern mansion complete with magnolia tree and hedge. The juniors elected Peggy Siefken to reign as their queen
Seve nt y-N inth A nnual
"The Past is Gone Forever-The Future is Our Own"
JOSEPH HAMMETT . . . . . . . ..
'' Responsibiliti es of the Futur e 1 '
WILLIAM SPANIEL ........ . 11 Challenges of the Future 11
VALEDICTORY . • Douglas Blo unt
Mr. Hal Shelton> Tr easurer
Board of Education
Golden High Sc h ool Band
David Rucker, Director
T he Concert Choir of Golden High School composed of 66 voices appeared at various school functions including assemblies, Christmas programs, All-County Festival and Sp r ing Concert held jointly with the band They were also guests of the First National Bank of Golden at Christmas time.
Entrance in t o the Choir is limited to those who "survive" an audition in the Spring of the year. Many types and styles of music are performed and memorization is a must
F o r several ye a rs, " Th e Octet" has been a phrase which m eant " Mr . R yan ' s sma ll singing group " Ther e has been mu c h interest and desire tobea member of th e gro up . This year, th e " Doub l e Octet " performed for many l ocal g r oup s including the Golden Chamber of Co mm erce , TheJ eff co Cook ' s Banquet, Rolling H i ll s C ountry Club as well as presenting their o wn section of the Spring Choir and Band Conce rt
During the last week of sc h ool , the group was en l arged t o 20 members and renamed THE GOLDEN CENTENNIAL S INGERS Th e GCS now have the ambitio u s idea of taking a concert tour i n Jul y and August t o the Eastern States. Several cone er t s h ave been a rr anged in c hur c h es and schoo l s acr oss th e nation Th e itinerary will in c lude Kan sas City, St L o ui s , L exington , Washingt o n, Philad e lph ia , New York, Pit tsburgh, Detroit, Windsor, Ca n ada, Chicago, a nd Omaha.
FRONT ROW : P am Webster, Che ryl Christian, Marcie Runner, Ann Bromfield , and Dian e P oolman. SECOND ROW: Cheryl Marti , Karen Th ompson, Pat Ziegler, Danetta Ruth erford, and Cheryl White. THIRD ROW: Emery Bator , Jim Wr ight, Barty Coble , Frank Johnson, and Terry Findley. BACK ROW: Mark War ner , John Bartelmay, T odd L o wther, Ron Brown , and Da ve Th omas
Mrs. Stewart: ''With a single stroke of the brush, Rembrandt could change a smile on a face to a frown."
Charlie: "So can my mother."
Best Wi shes for a most promising future
Danny: "Isn ' t the dance floor slippery tonight ?"
Vicki: " It's not the floor I polished my shoes before I came . "
Diamonds--Watches --China
"Pleasing you pleases us. "
Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria
Italian and American Lunches and Dinners
App l ewood Grov e Shopping Center 20th & Youngfield
Our Best wishes to the seniors Of I 64 !
May we continue to serve you.
Our invitation to the seniors of ' 65 !
May we have the opportunity to serve you?
12th & Ford
Overhead after semester tests: " H ow far were you from the rig ht answer? " Ray: "Oh, about two seats . " M
Fords , Falcons Thunderbirds, T rucks
1117 Washington Ave. Golden, Colorado
"Gol den's L argest Ford Dealer" 101 8 Wa shington 279-4521
Golden and Jeff erson County General Aut o R epairing Complete
Tun e-up and Radiator Service
Front End Al ignment Br ake Service - Wheel B alancing
1720 5 South Golden R oad 279-5466
Open Every Evening S & H Stamps
Clothing for all the Family CONGRATULATIONS
Class of '64
1 820 Jackson Street 279-9012
M iss Mult er: " Th e whole class will have to stay after school today for being so noisy ."
Voice (from the rear): "Give me liberty or give me death."
M iss Mult er: " Wh o said that?"
Voice: "Patrick H enry . "
1122 Washington
We deliver GOLDEN MERCANTILE 27 9-3323
Randy Vaughn in Miss Fairbanks English class: "I never made but one grammatical error in my report , but the minute I done it, I seen it "
1 1 1 2 Washington Avenue 279-3393
''Gol den's Unique H istorical Attraction" Open all year until dark
809 1 2th Street 279-6441
Highway 4 0
L ookout Mountain
Picnic Supplies
Ski Snacks
Plain and F ancy
Congratulations to the Class of ' 64
Mr s. Campbell: "When I was a gir l t\vO men fou g ht \Vith guns to see which o ne would ge t me "
J ohn : "Really? "What happened ?"
Mr s . Campbell: " On e got me in the l eg and the other got me in the shou lder "
Apple\vood Gr ov e Shopping Center 20th & Y oungfie l d
Wall Coverings Art Supplies
17 85 Yank Ct B E 8 -04 21 20t h & Y ou ngfie l d
Golden, Co l o r ado
Congra t ulatio n s , Cl ass of '6 4
When ten sleepy girls pushed Chrisi' s Volkswagon up a 50° hill on Lookout?
When Hurl had her wild party on the mountain in '62 and the girls were chased by the club officials?
When the mighty gth grade boys removed Mousy McKinster' s door hinges from the library?
Jamie's senior party? ?
Wh en the Charity Wagon terrorized Golden?
Wh n Kapke wasn't in court?
When we adored Mr. Bethel?
Leslie's pool-hopping s lum ber party??
Wh en Lynn had dishwater BROWN hair?
Hoffa's warm welcome to Go l den?
Room service at the Hilt on?
When cafete ria lun c h es were tasty and nourishing?
When Dick and P eggy weren't fighting?
When Mrs. L emmon and Mr. Bridge associated?
When the senior boys started bleaching their hair?
Wh en our senior boys didn't wear madras and white levis?
When the senior girls had a crush on Tommy Verra from Ft. Collins? 'f'
Lynn' s after - prom party in '62 and the witch?! ?
J oyce's party in h er basement the refreshments? ! ?
When Virginia liked Ron Vogeler?
Wh en we went to Lak ewood and ..... ? Norma's slit tires? ! ?
When Chery l fel l off J erry ' s Volkswagon?
Clare's pizza party in '62 ?
Wh e n Hauff wasn't going with Jack ?
Wh en Gary Jessen was "top e liminator" of th e '64 junior picnic?
When the fad was t o own a Cushman? Now it's sidewalk surfing!
When Hurl and Joyce spent most of the night behind Flansburg' s couch because they were afraid to come out?
When the yo - yo fad hit Golden and Norm could do "around the world"?
When we used to get the Morrow twins mixed up? We sti ll do.
When the Three Musketeers spent the night together?
The West Drive-In and the drags at Castle Rock?
When only seniors were Homecoming Queen nominees?
Miss Logan saying, 11 P etty and trifling, s ly and sneaky"?
When Char lie was embarrassed to play the drums?
When the girls had a crush on Mr. Nelson?
When Norma fed Willie in Kangaroo Court?
Bill, Ron and Jim had to eat mayonnaise?
Mrs. Banks saying, "Well, I tell you 11 ?
When the pep c lu b bus went to Pueblo and broke down?
When we had Olive Fassett? Remember Fassett' s Faucet?
When Ray Roberts didn't get a ticket or stopped?
When Kitty didn't like Don Nelson?
When Bunny liked "Biggy Bear"?
When Danny's hair was orange?
When Pam liked Stuart Jones?
When Earl Split his lip?
When Cynthia had braces?
When Janyce didn't rat her hair?
E. A., girls????
When Caren Rivers stalked giants?
When the seniors built their Homecoming float?
When Yo - Yo Yavuz first bounced into Golden?
MIC HA EL HOWARD ALBEE--Gymnas ti cs 1 0, 1 1 , 12
DIXIE LE A ALBERT-- P ep Club 12
NORM A N BRUCE ANDE RSON--Key Club 10 , 11 , 1 2 , " G" Club 1 0 , 11 , 12
SUSAN ELAINE ANDERSON-- P ep Club 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Band 10, 1 1 , 12 ; Porn- P orn Girl 1 2 ; Prom Committee 1 1
KAREN FA I TH ARMSTRO NG--Pep Club 10, 1 1 , 12 ; Girls ' Athleti c Ass oc iation 10 ; F rench Club 12 ; Ski Club ; Graduati o n Us herette 1 2 ; P rom C o mmittee Chairman 11 ; Ho me c omin g Drill Team 10 , 11
RONALD L e ROY ARTERBURN--G e rman Club 11 , 12
INGVOR C HRISTIN A ASTRO M--Frenc h Club Treasurer 12 ; American Fi e ld Service R epresentative 1 2 ; P ep Club 12 ; Cross-Country 12 ; Se nior Superlative s (B e st Athlete )
R OBERT GEO R GE BAKER Fo o tball 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Audi o Vi s ual 11 , 12 ; Wre s tlin g 1 0
BONNIE JEAN BA R G MA N--Conc e rt Choir 1 1, 1 2 ; P ep Club 1 2 ; P hilos o phy Club 12 ; Hom eco min g Drill Team 12
MAR GAR E T ANNE BAR L EY - - P ep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Junior Classi c al L e ague 10 ; F rench Club 1 2 ; Pr om Committe e 11
C HAR LES FR A NKL IN B ARTO SH- -Football 1 0
T HOM A S GEO R GE B ATOR --Conc e r t Choir 11 ; Football 1 0 ; Tra c k 1 0 ; Wrestling 10, 11 , 1 2 ; P rom Ushe r 1 0 ; P rom Committee 11 ; Voice of Yo u th 12 ; Student Counci l 11 ; Class T reasu r e r 1 0 ; C l ass Vice- P resident 11
PAUL EDWARD BR AL Y--Baseball 1 0, 11 ; Tenni s 1 1 ; Trident 11 , 12
DO R IS DIA N BR AV O--Spanish Club 1 1 ; Girls ' Athl e tic Ass o c iat ion 1 0 ; P hil os ophy Club 12
RON ALD J. BRI TTON Voi c e of Yo uth (Historian) 12 ; " G " Club 11 , 12 ; Spanish Club Vi ce - P resident 12 ; Ba sketball 1 0 ; Tennis 1 0, 11 , 1 2 ; (Le ttered 1 1 , 1 2 ) Senior
P lay 12 ; Ski Club 12
RONALD RIC HARD B RO WN--Basketball 1 0 ; Baseball
1 0, 1 1
WALTER WI LLIAM B RO WN--Basketball 1 0, 1 2 ; Tennis 1 1 ; Ski Club 11 , 12
R OBE R T EUGENE BUC K LES --D ance Band 10 , 1 1, 12
GE OR G ANNE BUERGER --C o nc ert Choir 11 ; Girls ' At hlet ic Asso c iation 1 0 ; Stud e nt Council (Executive Committ e e ) 1 0 ; Ameri c an F i e ld Se r vice 1 0, 1 1, 12 ; Vice-
P resid e nt AFS 1 2 ; French Club Vice -P resident and Se cr e tary 12 ; Debate Team 12 ; Ski Club 11 , 12 ; Ski Club
C ouncil 11 ; L ' l Abner 1 0 ; P ajama Game 11 ; Voice of Youth 12 ; Senio r Pl ay 1 2
L AWRENC E WARD DA VIS--Jun1o r Classical L e ag ue 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Vice- P resident JCL 1 2 ; Science Semina r 11 ;
P hilos o phy C l ub 1 2 ; Math Club 1 2 ; In te r national R e l at i ons Club 11 ; National Honor So c iety 1 2 ; M r . D emon Nominee 12 ; Senio r Supe r lative (Best Student)
JUNE AMBE R DA VIDSON-- P ep Club 10, 11 , 12 ; Pr om
Committee 1 1 ; Trident Staff 1 2 ; Ho mecoming Drill Team 10 , 1 2
ALICE R UT H DE FL ER - -Girls' At h l etic Association 1 0, 11 ; Tre a su r er G AA 11 ; J unior C l assical L eague 1 0 ; P ep Club 1 0, 11 , 1 2 ; French Club 1 2 ; Ski Club 1 2 ; Pr om
C o mmittee 11 ; Homecoming Dr ill T eam 1 0, 11
J O H N A L A N BAXT E R Wr estling 1 0,
2 ; Audio Visual 11 , 12 ; Concert Ch oir 1 1 , 12
DOROT HY LOUI SE BENNETT Junior R ed Cross 11 , 1 2
C L AIR E A LBE R T BIGGS- - Band 10, 11 , 1 2 ; Boys' Qu a r tet 10 ; Wr e stling 1 0 ; Triden t Adve r tising 11 , 12 ; Pr om C o mmittee 1 1
C HR I SS IE JE AN B ITZE R--A me r ican Fie l d Service 11 , 12 ; P e p Club 11 , 1 2 ; P rom Committee 11 ; De c o r atin g Chai r man 1 2
JUDY MARI E BL AK ES L EE--Junior R ed Cross 1 0, 1 1
SHA RON ANN DERW ENT--P ep Club 1 0, 11 , 1 2; Ho m e-
c omin g Drill Te a m 1 0, 1 2 ; Gi r ls ' Athletic Associat i on 1 0
GAR Y V DIER S--Student Council 1 0, 12 ; Am e r ican Fi e l d Se r vice 1 0 , 11 , 1 2 ; B a seba ll 1 0, 11, 12 ; " G" Club 12 ; Voi ce of Youth 1 2 ; Mr . Demon Nominee 12 ; Boys' ViceP resident ; Senio r Supe r l a tives ( F riend liest B oy)
JANE T KA Y DILLINGHAM P ep Club 10, 11 , 1 2 ; Gi rl s' Athletic Association 1 0 ; Dance B and 11 , 12 ; L ette r e d in Choir 10, 11 ; Acco m panis t 11
NA NC Y LE E E AS LEY--P e p C lub 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Class Treasur er 12; P rom Com mi ttee C h air man 11 ; Nationa l Honor Society 11, 1 2 ; Gr a du a tion Us h e r ette 11
VIRGINIA LO U E AS L EY - - P e p Club 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Deco rating Chair m an 1 0 ; P ep Club Counci l 11 ; P e p Club P resident 1 2 ; Ski C l ub 1 2 ; Pr om Co mm ittee 11 ; Pajama Ga m e 11 ; Homeco m ing D r il l T e a m 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Gr adu ati on Usherette 11 ; A merican Field Se r vice 12 ; M iss D e m on
Nominee 1 2
JOYCE CAROL EATON--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Girls' Athletic Association 10 ; Homec om in g Drill Team 10, 11 ; American Field Service 11 ; Prom Committee 11
ROBERT ALAN FERGUSON--Band 10 , 11, 12 , (Lette r ed 10 , 11, 12) Band Vice-President 12 ; Dance Band 10, 11, 12; Annual Staff (Assistant Photo grapher) 12 , Trident Staff (Head Photo g rapher ) 12
JACK S. FISCHER--"G" Club 11 , 12 ; Audio Visual 1 0, 11 , 12 , Wrestling 10 , 11, 12: Cross-Country 10 , Football Manager 11, 12 ; Track Manager 11, 12
SUSAN KAYE FISK--PepClub 10, 11, 12 ; L1 'l Abn er 10: Spanish Club 11 , 12 ; Vice-President Spanish Club 11 ; International Relations Club Secretary 11, Futur e Teachers of America 11 ; Philosophy Club 12
PAMELIA SUE FLANSBURG--Prom Committee 11 , Annual Staff 11 ; Pep Club 10, 11, 12 , Pep Club Secretary 12 , French Club 10; American Field Service 12 , Girls' Athletic Association 10 , 11 , Homecoming Drlll Team 10, 11 ; Basketball Drill Team 10 ; Girls' State Alt ernate 12; Graduation Usherette 11 ; Miss Demon Nominee 12
LINDA LOU FOZZARD--PepClubl0,11, 12 , Philosophy Club 12 ; Homecoming Drill Team 11, 12
CHRISTY LYNN FROST--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Pep Club Council 11 ; Student Council 10 , 11, 12 ; Girls' Vice President 12 ; American Field Service 11, 12 ; Futur e Teachers of America 10, 11, 12 , French Club 10, 11 , 12 , French Club Secretary l0 ;Girls' Athletic Association 10 ; Hom ecoming Drill Team 10 ; Basketball Drill Team 10 ; Graduation Usherette 11 ; Prom Com m it tee Chairman 11 , National Honor Society 11, 12 , Academic Achievement 10, 11; German Club 12; Miss Demon 12 , Senior Superlatives (Best Student)
GLENDA JOYCE GAMARRA--Latin Club 10 ; American Field Service 12; Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Pep Club Treasurer 12 ; Homecoming Drill Team 11 ; Future Teachers of America 12
KATHLEEN ANN GASCHLER--Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Trident Staff 12 ; Prom Committee 11 ; Homecomin g Drill Team 10, 12
DICK W. GEIB--Class Vice-President 10 ; Key Club 10, 11, 12; President American Field Service 10, 11, 12 ; Football 10, 11; Track 11 ; Student Council 11 , Student Body President 12 ; Ski Club 10, 11, 12; Senior Superlatives (Most Likely to Succeed)
KATHARINE ANN GOODRICH--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Philosophy Club 12 ; Homecoming Drill Team 10
WALTER DANIEL GORTON--Pioneers for Christ 10 ; Junior Classical League 10; Track 10, 11, 12; (Lettered 11, 12) Football Letterman 11, 12 ; "G" Club 11, 12 ; Student Council 12
CAROL HALL--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 , Prom Committee 11
JOSEPH MICHAEL HAMMETT-- "G" Club 10, 11, 12 , Junior Classical League 10, International Relations Club 10 , 11 ; Pre sident IRC 11 ; Cross-Country 10, 12 , (Lettered 10) Track 10 , 11 , Pr om Usher 10 , Biology Assistant 11 ; Future Teachers of Ameri ca 11, 12 , Am erican Field Service 11, 12 , Prom Committee Chairman 11 , Colorado State Speech League 12 , Philos ophy Club 12
DONNIE RAY HARRIS- -Student Council 10 , Football 10 ; Gymnastics 10 , 12
SYLVIA KAY HARRIS--Spanish Club 11, 12 ; International Relations Club 11
MICHAEL HUGH MARTMEISTER--"G" Club 10 , 11, 12 , Cross-Country 10: Track 10 , Baseball 11, 12
KATHLEEN ANN HAUFF--Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11 , PepClubl0 , 11, 12 , Class Secretary 11 ; Prom Committee 11, Girls' Athletic Asso ciation 10, 11; Concert Choir 12 Ski Club 12 , Pajama Game 11 , Li ' l Abner 10, Cheerleader 12 , Senior Superlative (Best P ersona lity), Homecoming queen attendant
PATRICIA LOUISE HAYNES--W est Hi gh School: Gymnastics 10, 11
BARBARA ELLYN HELPS--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 : Talent Show 10, Concert Choir 10, Prom Committee 11 , Band 11 , MaJorette 11 , Ski Club 12 ; Li 'l Abner 10 ; Pajama Game (publicity) 11, Hom ecoming Drill T eam 10, 11 , Cheerleader 12
ERNEST H. HENNINGER--Pion ee rs for Christ 11
ROBERT EUGENE HICKS--Gymnastics 10, 11, 12 , Gymnastics Captain 12
RAY NA THEN HINZ--Cho1r 11, 12
C ARL GENE HODKINSON--Track 10, 11, 12 , CrossCountry 11
DAN ED HOLLAUS--Football 10, 11, 12 , Ski Club 11, 12 , Concert Choir 11, 12 ; Li'l Abner 10 ; PaJama Game 11
NORMA LYNNE HOLLIS--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 , Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11, 12 ; Drill Team Leader 12 , Concert Choir 11 , 12 ; Ski Club 12 ; Pajama Game 11 ; Prom Committee 11
RICHARD CLINTON HOMERICK--Key Club 11, 12 : Key Club President 12 , American Field Service 10, 11, 12 ; Student Council 12 ; Junior Classical League 10 , Wrestling 11 , 12
KAREN KAY HOSICK--Prom Committee 11
KENNY W. HOTTINGER- -Wrestling 10, 11 , 12
JO H N DAVID HUFFMAN-- "G" Club 10, 11, 12 : VicePresident "G" Club 12 ; Tennis 10 , 11 , 12 , Basketball 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Track 10, 11, 12
LOREN ROBERT HUNTER--Key Club 10, 11, 12 , Football 10 , 11
KATHLEEN ANN HURLEY--Class Secretary 10 ; Student Council 10 ; Pep Club 10, 11 , 1 2: Decorating Chairman 11 , Hon1ecoming Drill Team 10, 11 , Annual Staff 11, 12 ; Prom Comm i ttee 11 , Cheerleader 12 ; Senior Superlative (Most School Spirit)
WILLIAM JACKSON IRONS--Pioneers for Christ 1 0, 11 , President PFC 12 ; Cross-Country 11 , Track 11, 12 ; Choir 11
MARIAN MI LDRED JACKSON--Pep Club 10 : Voice of Youth 12 : Pioneers for Christ 10, 12 , Girls' Athletic Association 10
JOHN LEE JAYCOX--Football 10, 12 ; Basketball 12
FRANK WILLIAM JO H NSON--Octet 11, 12 , All State Choir 12 , Senior Play 12
WILLIAM HOWARD JURNEY--Tennis 10, 11, 12 , (Lettered 1 0, 11 , 12 ) American Field Service 12 ; Li 'l Abner 10: PaJama Game 11 , Baseball 12 , Russian Club 11
JOHN KELLENBENZ--German Club 11, 12 ; " G" Club 11, 12 ; Football 10, 11 , 12 ; (Lettered 11 , 1 2) Track 11
S HIELA ANN KELLEY--Pep Club 10, 11 , 12; Spanish Club P resident 11 , Future Teachers of America 11: Voice of Youth 1 2; Homecoming Drill Team 1 0, 11 , 12 ; P rom Committee 11 , Miss Demon Nominee 12 , Student Body Secretary-Treasurer 1 2
CHRIS WAYNE KERMIT--Dan ce Band 10, 11, 12; Band President 12
JO H N HEN RY KERR--Football 10 : Baseball 10, 11, 12 , German Club 11 ; Concert Choir 11 , 12; Trident Staff 12
TRUMAN D. KIN G--C r oss-Country 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Track 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Junior Classical League 10, 11 , 12
DONALD STEVEN KOROSEC--Key C lub 10, 11 , 12 ; American Field Service 12 ; S t udent Council 1 0; F ootball 1 0, 11 ; T rack 1 0; Li 'l Abner 1 0; P ajama Game 11
CYNT HIA JEANNE KOTWICA--Band 1 0, 11 , 12 ; Majorette 1 0; Head Majorette 11 , 12 , Am erican Field Service 11 , 12 ; Ski Club 11, 12 ; P ep Club 10 , 11, 12 ; Student Council 11 ; Pr om Committee 11 ; Basketball Drill T eam 1 0: Senior Superlative (Best Looking)
DAVID H. KRATTLI--Gymnastics 10, 11, 12 ; Tennis 11 ; Track 1 0
VICTOR A. LANG--ConcertChoirl0, 12 ; Octet ll ; Voice of Youth 12
MARILYN ANN LINDELL--Pep Club 10 , 11, 12 ; Girls' State 12 , Spanish Club 12 ; Philosophy Club 12 ; Prom Committee 11 ; Academic Achievement 10; Girls' Athletic Association 1 0, 11 ; Sec r etary GAA 11; Intramural Rating in Basketball 11 ; G AA letter 11
DOUGLAS L. LOFGREN--Band 10, 11 , 12
C HRISTO PHER PI ERCE LUBAH N--F oo tb all 10 , 12 ; Track 1 0; Wrestling 11 , Am erican F ield Service 12
PATRICIA A NN MATTOX--Trident Staff 12
ROBERT ALAN MacKINNON--Band 1 0, 11 , 12 ; International Relations Club 11
P ENNY McDONALD--Voice of Youth 12
JO H N HOWARD MEISLAHN--Wrestling 11, 12; Tra ck 12 ; American Field Service 12 , Spanish C lub 12
JOEL MERRIN--Band 10, 11, 1 2; Science Club 11 , 12
STEVEN GRANT MEYERS-- Basketbal l 10 , 11
SHIRLEY JE A N MICK--Trident Staff 12 ; Voice of Youth 12
JAMIE KRISTINE MOHR--Ski Chtb 11 , 12 ; P e p Club 10, 11 , 12 : Ph ilosophy C lub 12 ; German Club 12 ; Girls' Athletic Association 10; Am erican Field Service 12
TERESA ANN MARIE MONAR C HI--Ski Club 11, 12 ; Spanish Club Pr esident 12 ; Am erican Field Service 12 ; Phil osophy Club 12 ; State Speech L eague 12
JO ANN MORROW--PepClub 11 , 12 ; Annua l Staff 11, 12 ; Co- E dito r An nua l 12 ; Science Seminar 12 ; Home co min g Drill T eam 12 , Graduation Usherette 11 ; Prom Committee Chairman 11
JOY AN N MORROW Annual Staff 11 , 12 ; Co-Editor Annual 12 ; P ep Club 11, 12 ; Pr om Committee Chairman 11 ; Science Seminar 12 ; Hom eco ming Drill Team 12 ; Graduation Usherette 11
ELLEN LOUISE NAAS--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Basketball Drill Team 10 ; Hon1eco mi ng Drill T e am 10, 11 ; Prom Committee 11
C HRISTINE ELAINE NELSON--Ski Club 11, 12 ; Spanish Club 12 : Philosophy Club 12 ; Greenwich Hi g h Sc hool : Home R oom R epresentative 10 ; Pep Club 10 ; Sophomore Hospitality 10
JANYCE EILENE NELSON--PepClubl0, 11, 12 Honiecoming Drill Team 1 0, 11, 12 Prom Committee 11. Basketball Drill T eam 1 0: Graduation Usherette 11, Gir ls ' Athleti c Assoc iati on 10 , Senior Superlative (Best Dr esse d )
JUDITH KAY NELSON--Pep Club 1 0, 11, 12 P ep Club Council 10 , Pr o m Committee 11 , Girls' Athletic Associat io n 10, ll ;SkiClub 12 Pajama Game 11 , Track Secretary 11 , Basketba ll Drill Team 1 0, Homecom i ng Drill Team 10 , 11 , 12 ; Wres thng Sec r etary 12 , Graduation Usherette
IAl\TN MARIE O ' HANIAN--P ep C lu b 11, 12, Girls' Athletic Associat i on 10, 11 , GAA Counci l 1 0, 11 , Trident Staff 12 ; Spanish Club 11 : Voice of Youth 12 ; Pr om Committee 11 ; Future T eac h e r s o f Am e ri ca 12
MARTISHIA ANNE O 'NE AL--Bandl0 , 11, 12 , P on1 P orn Girl 12 ; P ep Club 10 ; Prom Committee 11
LESLIE MARIE ORR--Pep C lub 11 , 12 , P ep Club Council 12 Decoratinu Chairman 12 ; Fr ench Club 11, 12 , Pr om • b Committee C hairman 11 , Annual Staff 11, 12. Album Editor 12 ; Ameri can Field Service 12 ; Girls' State Alt ernate 12 Hom ecoming Drill Team 11 , Ski Club 12
ROBERT LEE PARENT-- "G" Club 11, 12 , Phil osophy C lub 12 ; Audio Vi s ual 10 , 11, 12 , Wrestling 10, 11, 12, Cross -Country 10 ; Football Manage r 11 , Baseball Manage r 11 ; Trid ent Staff 12
CHARLES JOHN PALMER--Key Club 1 0, 11, 12 , Key ClubSecretary-Treasurer 11 , Wr estli ng 10 , 11, 12, "G" Club 11, 12 , Gymnastics 10
WILLIAM GEORGE PARFET--G e rma n Club 11, 12, F ootba ll 10, 11, 12 ; Track 11 , 12 ; Ski Club 10 , 11 , 12 , Key Club 11 , 12 , Math Club 11 , Gymnastics 11 , 12 , Student Council 11 , 12
DORIS ANN PARK--P e p Club 10, 11 , 12 Spanish Club 11, 12 , Future Teachers of Am e ri ca 11 , Phllosophy Club 12 . Pr o m Committee 11
JOSEPH WILLIAM PASTORE--F oo t ball 10 , 11 , 12 , Tra c k 10, 11, 12 ; "G" Club 11, 12
KATHRYN LOUISE PAYNE - -P ep Club 1 0, 11 , Gi rl s'
Athleti c Ass ocia t ion 10 ; Ski Club 10, 11 ; Graduation
Usherette 11 , Acade mi c Achiev emen t 1 0, 11 ; National Honor Society 11 , Head Chairman Pr om Committee 11, Ameri can Fiel d Service Repre sentative 12
LINDA PAYNTER-- Pep Club 12 ; Ju nio r Classical League 10
DAN LEE PETERSON--Tenn i s 10, 11 , 12 , Ski C l ub 12
MARLYS MARILYN PHEGLEY--Pep C lu b 10 , 11 , 12 ,
Student Council 12 ; Class Secretary 12 , Track Secretary 12 , Ho me co ming Drill T eam 10 , 11, 12 ; Graduation
Usherette 11 : Prom Committee 11 , Homecoming Queen 12
JUDY KAY PHI LL IPS--Girls' Athletic Association 10, 11. P ep Club 10, 11, 12. Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11. P rom Comn1ittee 11
THOMAS MICHEL PHILLIPS-- Basketball 12, Baseball 12 P almer High School Rifle Club 10, Science Club 10. Baseball 1 0. Manitou H igh School Basketball 11
JERRY DANLEY PICKTHALL--Key Club 11, 12, Wrestling 10
LYLA MAY PLA NTZ--PepClubl0, 11,ConcertChoir 12
MARGOT ANN PLUMMER--Girls' Athletic Association 10, P ep Club 10, 11, 12, Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11, 12. Ski Club 12 Prom Committee 11, Choir 12, P ajama Game Publicity 11
MARY ELLEN PLUMMER--PepClub 1 0, 11, 12. Hon1ecom1ng Drill Team 10, 11. Girls' Athletic Association 10 Prom Committee 11, Choir 12, Pajama Game Publicity 11
DIANE MARIE POOLMAN--Band 10, 11 , 12. Porn P orn Girl 1 2, Melodears 10, Octet Plus Four 11
MICHAEL THOMAS REED--Tennis 10, 11, 12 , Basketball 10, 11, 12, Baseball 10; "G" Club 10, 11 , 12
ROBERT LA NSING RICE--Tennis 1 0, 11 , 12 , Baseba ll 10, 11 , 12 , Trident Statf (Sports Editor) 12. "G" Club 10, 11, 12
E RIC JO HN RINEHART--French Club 10, 12
CAREN LEA RIVERS--PepClub 10, 11 , 12, Annual Staff 11 . 12. Organization Editor 12, Concert Choir 10, 11, Prom Committee 11, Homecoming Drill Team 11, P ajama Game 11
TORN JOSE PH RUM B AUGH--Track 11, Vice-President International Relations Club 11. Jeff co Control Data Con1puter C l ass 11 , 1 2
DANETTA MARIE RUTHERFORD--Pioneers for Ch ri st 11 : P aJamaGame 11 , Octet Plus Four 11 , Voice of Youth 12, Lake,vood Hi gh School Youth for Christ 1 0, P ep Club 10. Brigadoon 10
C LARE ELIZABETH RYLAND --Girls' !:~ate 12; P ep Club 1 0, 11 , P ep Club Council 1 0, Student Council 11 , 12 , Basketball Drill Team 1 0. Prom Committee 11 , Ski Club 10, 11 , 12 , French Club 1 0, 12 , Pr esident F rench Club 12 An1e ri can Field Se rv ice 10, 11, 12 , Sec r etary AFS 12, Gi rl s' Athletic Association 10 L1'l Abner 1 0, P aJan1a Game 11 , Miss Demon Non1inee 12
LARRY W. S AC KETT--Football 1 0, 11, 12, Track 10, 11, 12 , ''G" Club 11 , 12 Wrestling 11, 12 , Basketball 10
S ANDY KAY SA L ZM AN-- P ep Club 11
VERGTNIA RUTH S AND ERS--Band 10, 11, 12
STEVE WAYNE SCHEIDING--Football 10 ; Wrestling 11, 12 ; Track 10 , 12
PHILIP STEPHEN SCHULZ--Track 10 ; German Club 11 , 12
EARL R. SCHWARTZKOPF--Football 10: Cross-Country 12 : Track 12 ; German Club 12 ; Senior Superlative (Most School Spirit)
MARGARET LEA SIEFKEN--Homecoming Drill Team 10 , 11 ; Pep Club 10 , 11, 12 ; Ski Club 11, 12 ; American Field Service 11 , 12 ; PaJama Game 11 ; Girls' Athletic Association 10 ; Prom Committee 11 ; Miss Demon Nominee 12 ; Cheerleader 12 ; Homecoming Queen Attendant
CHERYL JEANNETTE SIEWERT--Philosophy Club 12 ; Kremmling, Colorado : Pep Club 10, 11; Cheer leader 10
PATSY ANNE MARIE SMALL--Trident Staff 12 ; Pep Club 10, 12 ; Prom Committee 11
VICKIE LYNN SMITH--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 : American Field Service 12 ; Concert Choir 12
STANLEY RAY SONS--Gymnastics 10 ; Trident Staff 11, 12
WILLIAM JOSEPH SPANIEL--Junior Classical League 10, 11, 12 ; Secretary JCL 12 ; Trident Staff 11, 12 ; Assistant Editor 11 ; Editor 12 ; International Relations Club 11 ; Voice of Youth 12 , Philosophy Club 12
DON G. STARBUCK--Cross Country 11, 12 ; Track 10, 11, 12 ; Basketball 11 ; "G" Club 11, 12
BOB STECHERT--Track 11 ; Tennis 10 ; Ski Club 11, 12
SHARON MARIE STEHLE--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Girls ' Athletic Association 10 ; Prom Committee 11 ; Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11, 12 ; German Club 12 ; Pajama Game 11
PAMELA LORRAINE STEPHEN--French Club 11 ; Prom Committee 11
ELIZABETH ANN SUGGS--Concert Choir 10, 11, 12
ROBERT DOUGLAS SUTTON--Student Council 10, 11 ; Class Vice-President 12; ' ' G" Club 11, 12; Key Club 10, 11, 12 ; Track 11; Football 10, 11, 12 ; Basketball 10, 11, 12 ; Baseball 10; National Honor Society 11, 12 ; Mr. Demon Nominee 12 ; Senior Superlative (Best Personality)
PATRICIA LUCILE TAYLOR--Girls' Athletic Association 10 , 11 ; Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Philosophy Club 12
LINDA MARGARET THOMAS--Band 10, 11, 12 ; Porn Porn Girl 12 ; Pep Club 11, 12; Prom Committee 11
MARY LEIGH THOMPSON--Pep Club 12; Homecoming Drill Team 12 ; Prom Committee 11
DIANE N. TURA-- Pep Club 10 ; Future Teachers of America 12 ; Academic Achievement 10
LYNN VAN HORN--Pep Club 10, 11, 12 ; Vice-President Pep Club 12 ; Student Council 12 ; Li ' l Abner 10 ; Pajama Game 11; Band 10 ; Concert Choir 11, 12 ; Prom Committee 11
PATRICIA VAN HORN--Pep Club 10, 11, 12
DIANE MAE VASCONCELLOS-- Fort Dodge, Iowa: Spanish Club 10 ; Future Teachers Club 10 ; Student Council 11 , Hall Hostess 11
RANDY VAUGHN--Senior Superlatives (Best Looking)
KRISTINE HELEN VENCKUS--Pep Club 10, 11, 12: German Club 11, 12 ; American Field Service 12 ; National Honor Society 11, 12 ; Concert Choir 12 ; Cheerleader 12
MARY KATHLEEN WATERS--Girls' Athletic Association 10 : Latin Club 10 ; Pep Club 10, 11 ; Student Council ll ; SpanishClub 12 ; Ski Club 11, 12 ; Senior Superlatives (Friendliest)
CHERYL SUE WHITE--Academic Achievement 10, 11, 12 ; Pajama Game 11; American Field Service 10, 12 ; All State Choir 11, 12 ; Octet 11, 12 ; Pep Club 10, 11, 12; Student Council 11, 12 ; Class Treasurer 11 ; Annual Staff 11, 12 ; Business Manager 12; Homecoming Drill Team 10, 11 ; National Honor Society 11, 12 ; Prom Committee 11 : French Club 12 ; Senior Superlative (Most Likely to Succeed)
RAYMOND WILLIS--Football 10 , 11, 12 ; Baseball 10, 11; " G" Club 11, 12
JAMES HICKS WOOD--Congress for International Relations 11; Voice of Youth 12
YALCIN YAVUZ--Football 12 ; Wrestling 10, 11
JOY KATHLEEN ZIEMANN--Pep Club 10 ; American Field Service 11, 12; Voice of Youth (Co-librarianHistorian) 12 ; Philosophy Club 12