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Desiderata Dedication Faculty Seniors Underclassmen Organizations Sports Activities Advertising 3 4 12 14 26 52 78 108 124 144
Table of Contents
dly the counsel of the years, gracefully e things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit sudden misfortune. But do not distress giniugs. Many fears are born of spirit
. Beyond a wholesome discipline be u are a child of the uni verse no ars. You have a right to be ou, no doubt the
Courtesy of W. Eugene Smith
..• you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.
I -. - -· - - -. .-· ·Therefore be at peace \.vith God, whatever you concieve Him to be •
interested in your own career; however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Courtesy of Fred Plaut
Courtesty of Ken Regan
Many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere the ,vorld is full of heroi sm.
a.;r.,-~ . • ~-· ;r ~- ~.f,,;. ,. ,I ~"""' - • ,. -
especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perenial as the grass.
of W. C, Rauhauser
• - ~., • - • • - • - ,f ;- • I {,,:-J-:-~~-::~• :.-,···_-
placidly amid the noise and haste and
there may by in silence. J _, ,.,,,,,.__.,.. •'t • • 1 l
remember what peace
In today's society it is important for people to communicate. It is especially important between the student and teacher. A man at our school who has been able to communicate with his students is Mr. Roy Daugherty. Because of this we are most proud and honored to dedicate our 1969--1970 yearbook to Mr. Daugherty.
Before coming to Golden Mr. Daugherty was Editor at the Golden Transcript. While here at Golden, Mr Daugherty has taught journalism, English, History and Communications.
At home Mr Daugherty has two children , Paul 6 and Jeanne 4 , and a lovely wife Elaine. Ml'. Daugherty is a very out-going man and takes part in golfing, hiking, tennis, and his greatest love of all, photography.
With all of this help to us we find it necessary to show our appreciation. So This is your yearbook Mr. Daugherty.
-·- -~ :c........~-- - ' • • • • •a \----·
• ' t l ·• - -. • t I '. ..as
- - ---~ ··~ - - :"
''Take kindly the counsel of the years''
• ' t • . .. •
Herb Cochran Assistant Principal
BDave Bachman Counselor
Pat Knapp Counse l or
Dick Booton Director of Student Affairs
John Tomalla Counselor
, __
Robert Arnold World History
Lloyd Campbell American History, Socio l ogy
Loren Christensen C h emistry
Larry Barnhardt Typing, Clerical Record Keeping
John Chapman Physics, Man Made World
Dan Comer Math, Man Made World
Lyle Brownlee Boy's Physical Education
[ -
John Chase Bookkeeping
Larry Daniels Occupational Work Experience
Roy Daugherty American History
Gerald Garland Man Made W o rl d
R uby Hale t-.1ath
Ray E\ving Spanish
Gail Glanzer Typing
Tom Henry Histoi, 19
ILouise French Special Education
Darrel Hafling ?v1ath
Ed Herber ~fath
Sue Hoppin English III
Ernest Kazmier Band J
Loretta McHugh Home Economics
,, I {
Marian Jackson English III
Shirley Larson English N
Al M cLaren American History
Truly Johnson Eng l ish II
Roy Lemmons Distributive Education
Mildred Morgan Art
' I t
• \ , '
Sandra Nations History
.' : I ;
Al Perrellia Industrial Arts
Pat Ryan Vocal Music
Nancy Ortloff English IV, Journalism, Yearbook
Raoul Pirri French
Teresa Sayers World History
-. .
Art Papenfus Biology
Maud Priest English III, Latin
Ray Schuckm ann Biology
Jan Schultz Shorthand
Dawn Struxness English II
Lowell Sharp Psychology, Speech
22 C
Marilyn Wilcox Girl's Physical Education
Dave Skene
{,Qll/i I fOOTB~ll Boy's Physical Education
Lucy Wynar German, Russian
Ul 1I I
Betty A tki n son Math R eso ur ce Ce nte r
Ann Hansen Arts and Foreign Language Resour c e C ent e r
J an Mi ddl emiss Eng l ish Resource Center
Suzanne Barnhardt Business Resource Center
I ' ..
Virginia H ayes Assistant Librarian
Joa n Mill s Social Studies Resource Center
• • Chri sta Coon Lib r arian
Ruth Hopper Instructional Math Aide
Virginia \ ' ila Art Assistant
Nina Deleo Secretary
Gertrude Meyer Secretary
Richard Hansen Media Specialist
Diane Kile Secretary
Katherine Tait Secretary
. " ,. • • • y4 fr 1
Custodians LEFT TO RIGHT; Claude Harland, Robert Kramer, Marjorie Webb, Elzia Morton, Samuel Arguello, Niel Webb, William Ro,ve.
Cooks LEFT TO RIGHT, Eunice Aldrich, Juanita Richner, Erlene Hogan, Esther Baker, l\1arge Bentley FRONT ROW; \ elma Durell, Peg Hoffmann, Inez Graham, Roseann Spicer.
''S peak your truth quietly and clearly: and li ste n to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story."
SENIOR CLASS CLOWNS Ho, va rd De nton a nd Ju d y Brund a g e
28 ~T------
MOST CREA TNE Chris Fisbeck and Steve Branson
MOST ATI-ll..ETIC Pete Scott a nd Donna Blum
Pam Willis and Chuck Tolton
Jim Butler and Jeannette Tennent
BEST LOOKING Kay Rima and Jeff Bailey
Mike Babb and Laura Ernest
'' Come on people , now smile on your broth e r , everybody get together come on and love one another, right now."
Presi dent Craig McDonald
Sec-T reas . Jeannett Tennant
Vice- Pres . Geoff Bailey
Georgine Aeverman
Mary Allen
Luana Anderson
Jo Anderson
Mike Babb
Rex Baker
Barb Bargmen
Linda Baring
David Bauman
Richard Bauman
Janet Bernhard
Joan Bernhard
.I ,, - ---
Lar ry Berquist
Bruce Billings
Claudia Bleidt
Paul Bleidt
Jerry Blesh
Donna Blum
Pam Bond
Dave Bowman
David Braden
Steve Branson
John Brunel
Bev Brunton
Cal Bucholz
Jay Buckley
Barbara Burkhead
Barb Byers
Allen Chapman
Darrel l Clark
Steve Co l ton
Jo Ann Cook
George Cooper
Connie Convin
Kathy Crane
Kim Davis
Gloria Deal
Lori Denison
Guy Ditorrice
Cindy Duerst
Corliss Dean
Howard Denton
Davie Dobbs
Jeff Dufford
Mike Dempsey
Connie Di Donato
Paul Dokken
Steve Dugan
Jim Durant
Judy Edelen
Wendy Edwards
Mary Emanuel
Laura Ernest
Dick Espy
Terry Evans
Vicki Fasl
Sherry Feister
Dan Fike
Chris Fisbeck
Bobbie Fisher
Randy Fitch
Elaine Fl.or
Louis Forester
Dean Fertik
Jerry Frank
Dave Freeman
Warren Frush
Stan Full.,vood
Lo,vell Gee
Sarah Gel\\ ix
Tom Ge'\/ an
Dee Dee Godoy
Bob Gowey
Janet Guth
Sue Harney
Kathy Hebert
Brent Grenfell
Ma rk Hamlin
Dean Hawley
Kris Hefley
Joy Gr isham
Lind a Hansen
Gay H awley
Richard Heinz
Liz Heising
Jeff Hensha,v
Sue Henshaw
Phil Hewes
David Hoffman
Cindy Hogan
Charles Hollis
Sandy Holmberg
Van Howbert
Rick Ho,\·ell
i\1ark Ho,ves
Brenda Hyatt
Roger Hyatt
Cheri James
Kirk Jolivette
Bobbie Keyser
Terry Ivans
Barb Jennings
John Kelly
Chris King
Joanna Jackson
Bi l l Jennings
Kathy Kermiet
Nancy King
Ron Klinkebeil
Kim Kress
John Lehti
Lois Leidich
Mary Leutzinger
Lynn Le,..., is
Joan Long
Holly Lubahn
/ )
IBill Maas
Loretta Malcom
Tom l\1aples
Tom J\1artella
Mona 1v1assey
Dean Maughan
Kathy McDermott
Sharon McHone
Rose McKnight
Patti McN eill
Sandy 1v1eheen
Caro l Meinicke
Jacki Merrill
Abby l\-1erriman
Rob J\.1unier
Ann ?vli ller
Mike Mil l er
Tim Mills
Nita Monarchi
Charlene Moore
MaryAnn Morgan
Nancy Moss
Mike Mullen
Debbie Munoz
Mary Myers
Randy Myers
Ivan Ne ls on
Tom Nicholas
Nancy Nickerson
Scott Noorlun
Carol Oliver
Connie Olson
Katy Opel
Jane Orr
Cathy Ortel
Vera Oscarson
John Ower
Rick Paine
Dale Paulson
Diane Pierce
Don Pearce
Joyce Perkins
Terri Phe l ps
Heidi Pi ckett
Jan Pickett
Steve Pike
Al Platt
Bob Port
Larry Qualls
Georgia Reed
Richard Reeves
Robbie Ref\ em
Allan Reher
Kay Rima
Clark Rogers
Rhonda Rumbaugh
Roy Reher
Rachael Rippy
Jackie Roy
Mary Rustad
Rudi Richardson
Glenda Rodriguez
Bob Rumbaugh
Rick Sampson
Debbie Schemmp
Jim Scherrer
Jane Schmidt
Sue Schon l aw
Linda Schultz
Doug Seipp
Bob Shaffsta ll
Randy Shumate
Rynda Smiley
Carmen Smith
Debbie Sn11th
Lee Smith 47
Vinnie Smythe
Rick Steadman
Jo Stre\veler
Jeanette Tennant
Kathy Spear
Richard Stolpa
Shelly Sunderhuse
Jim Thorne
Laurie Stewart
Fred Straface
Cindy Surratt
Chuck Tolton
• (
Chris Truax
Ed Turley
Sandy Valdez
Gary Valntine
Senior boys do their thing at an assembly.
Ted Van Hom
Bev Vassos
Scott Versaw
Mark Wagner
Connie Wall
Carroll Warling
Doug Webster
Brenda Woolaver
Shelia Wall
Jeff W atso n
Lanny Wilkins
Chris Wright 50
Greg Ward
Tony Webber
Pam Willis
Niles Wyhs
Sal l y Albrandt, Robert Anderson, Rose Anderson, Ellen Angell, Michael Auston, Geoffrey Bailey, Sharon Barkey, Tom Beebe, Charles Bishop, Ken Brenton, Gary Bristol, Dennis Bro\vn, Rudyard Bruggeman, Jim Butler, Ke ll i Carr, Be l gica Centonzio, Patricia Centonzio, Gary Chase, Darla Carroll, Steve Castagne, Karon Clay, Haro l d Courtney, jam es Craig, Joe Deitchel, Yvonne Diller, Dennis Dunn, Art Ferguson, 1'v1ark Fockler, Ellen Fol ey, LeRoy Foreman, Carol Frang, Daniel Gaines, Georgette Gallegos, Steven Gaskill, Thomas Gist, Eric Gros,.vald, Lavon Gutzman, Martin Hall, Robert Harper, Bruce Harvey, Kirk Ha,vorth, David Hays, Aida Heeren, Emmitt Hoskins, Terrence Hutchinson, Buddy Jenkins, Margaret Kruesi, Dixie LaBout, Jeffrey Landis, LeRoy Langley, Robert LaReau, Terry Lilly, John Locke, Debbie Loving, Larry lv1ann, Gary 1'v1ann, Craig l'vicDonald, Paul McEncroe, Riley Meehan, Craig l'v1ills, Archie Molton, Thomas Moore, 1'v1arjorie Morgan, Fred Nicholson, Dorrlayne Nielson, Stephen Orin, Mary Page, Susan Page, Gary Paullus, Jerry Paschall, Robert Patterson, Keith Peterson, Meredith Peterson, Steve Pilger, Darrell Ray, Stanley Ray, Mark Reed, Steve Rehfeld, Dianna Roman, Timothy Rome, Wesley Ruckman, Bruce Sass, Roger Sauve, Craig Schilling, John Schmidt, Peter Scott, Randy Session, Walter Simon, Doug Smith, Michael Smith, Richard Sparks, Carolyn Spillman, Leonard Susuras, Mark Tavelli, William Taylor, Penelope Tilden, Brian Urso, Thomas\ anDyne, lvfonika \·onGlinski, John Wahe, Tom Wolfe, Bob Wood, Roger Yarbrough, Bill Bennett, Calvin Ha\vorth, Jack Phillips.
Donna Yarbrough
Kathy Yarrell
Donna Youberg
Pat Ziegl er
Judy Brundage
Gene N ewcomm
• , ·. ,.., • • • • • ..,.:.."-_; ..... ,,, _ .,. • " . , ., .. -: • I> ;:r ' " r. • ' ..,A• • \ , .. ''-:s:;t~ ,, • , '>A, ·•~ , ! ' 't=" :_,,,;. ....
''Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing futures of time."
CLASS of 71
Randy Fleming
Chuck Goudge
Rhonda Kay
Cindy Aiken
Dede Akes
Anita Allen
Kay Alley
Cathy Annand
Theresa Babb
Cindy Baldessari
Peggy Baldwin
Nancy Ballard
Kathy Barbour
Doris Barkey
Cliff Barnhardt
Gene Barth
Patty Bates
Sue Bates
Gaylene Beebe
Patricia Benjamin
Cherine Berlin
Don Beumer Dotty Blan c hard
Marcia Bliesner
Debbie Bowers
Janet Bristol Barbara Brooks
Richi Brown
Karen Browne
Steve Browning
Randy Brueske
Cheryl Buchol z
Mindy Bullock
Wes Burger
David Burke
Karen Burnham
Jeanne Butler
Kitty Campbell
Kathy Caneer
Gary Castagne
Roger Chadwick
Terry Churchill
Kim Coleman
Crystal Collins
Dan Combs
Bob Connally
Lea Anne Cooper
Gay Creason
Becky Crew
Jerry Crosby
Ben Culley
Alan Cutter
Sandy Damron
Cindy Davies
Cindy Degering
She l ley Denison
Judy Di donato
Kay Diller
Terry Dodson
Dave DuBois
Brian Dunn
Ken Durst
Lynda Eggle ston
David Ericson
Nikki Farley
Terry Fender
Candy Fike
Dave Fischer
Herb Flansburg
Susan Fletcher
Nancy Floyd
Ward Force
Val Ford
Pat Foss
John Franz
Dennis Frederickson
Jenny Fulmer
Ken Funnan
Cheryl Garlock
John Gary
Pam Giyan
Tom Gleaton
K aren Godfrey
Bob Goldin
Chuck Goudge
Dave Graham
Bill Gray
Jack Gray
Paula Greenburg
Terry Griffey
Alison Hachen
Linda Hagan
Gary Hall
Bill Hamilton
Dave Hamilton
Nancy Hamilton
Debbi Hancock
Pam Hansen
Emily Harden
Ginger Haye s
Bill Hayes
Dave Hayner
Debbie Hea rtso
Nancy Heigh
Nancy Henshaw
Jim Hinkle
Claudia Hobson
Brenda Hollen
John Holmberg
Kim H ottinger
Todd Howbert
Debbie Howell
J eanne H unt Ann Hutchinson
Mark Hut c hins o n
Li sa Johnson
Gene J orda n Debbie K aestner Rhonda Ka y
Sue K eyser Gregg Kikdow
K ay Knol l
$cherry Kochevar
Ken Kranik
Charles Larkin
Linda Larum
Nanette Lehman
Adrienne Lunsford
Mark Maddox
Mike Mapps
Martha Matson
Debbie McDonald
Lee McDonald
Dan McGuire Crystall McKibben
Chip Mehring
Cindy Melnick
Vickie Merrill
Debra Middleton
Lori Miller Mike Miller
Lorree Mills
Jeff Moerbe
Colleen Mooney
Christie Moore
Nancy Nelson
Dianne Oldenberg
Sandy Opstelton
Scott Oshier
Susan Pantel
Steve Parks
Terry Petterson
Bruce Phillips
Dave Pierce
Mary Pipe s
Jeff Piserchio
Randy Poland
Mike Pomeroy
Jacky Prie r
Steve Purdy
Terry Rice
Debbie Richardson
Ted Richardson
Jeff Richie
I da Riffe
Gary R oe
Lo ra Riffe
Doug Roesler
Carol Rosenthal
Cindy Rowe
Judy Ruckman
' -- - -~-~-
Jeny Ruhl
Erlene Rustad
Deby Rynes
Mark Sander5
Annette Sauve
Becky Schultz
Madeline Scott
Pat Sexton
Jody Shader
Marty Shelton
Cathy Smart
Chris Smith
Karla Smith
Patty Smith
Steve Spatz
Martha Spear
Robert Spritzer
Cindy Stapp
Susan Stevanak
Gary Stevens
Don Stewart
Nick Streweler
Ray Sundseth
Ginger Surratt
Robin Swanson
Karen Sweikhardt
Debi Swena
Debi Sukora
Terry Tavelli
Pam Teasley
Lonnie Terry
Barb Thompson
Fred Thorne
Rita Thorton
Craig Tid,vell
Mike Toolan
Nancy Tubbs
Fred Valdez
Don Van Horn
Mirnrnie Wagner
K athy Wagnon
Mark Wallisa
Susan Walington
Joyce Weatherford
Kay Wackerling
Sue Wendler
Susi West Rita Weyler
Marjory Williams
Blair Williamson
Ann Willoughby
Vicky Wishard
Gary Wood
Martha Woodson
Richard Worth
Aleta Whittaker
Diane Early
Bonnie Billings
Alison Hamp
John Odorisio
Richard Prouty
Pam Syverson
If one is lucky , one might see juniors studying , if one is l ucky
·-----=-- - -
-- -
Dave McC a rth y
Steve Mc earthy
''CLASS OF 72''
Blanche Barber
Debbie I-fall
Patty Jennings
Linda Mcencroe
Jeff Harri s
Roxanne McKnight
Sheri Henderson
Sara King
Brad Patterson
---·-~ - -- ·
Debby Allen David Anderson
J oyce Anderson
Joyce M. Anderson
Wendy Angell
Soraida Armenta Joy Atkinson
Colleen Bain Chri s Baird
Julie Bakke
John Barringer
Carol Batch
Denise Beahm
Marie Beattie
Gene Ben j amin
Terry Benzie Debbie Berquist
Dave Bettinger
Cassie Bevan
Dana Blain
M i ke Boland
V i ckie Bond Geri Boone
Pam Bowen Dan Braden
Jeff Bradley Dave Braisted Kirk Branson Vi c ky Branson Bo b Bro o ks
Kathy Bruns
Karen Brunton
Gary Brunton
Barbara Buchanan
Joycelyn Bullard
Chris Burks
Cindy Burton
Lynne Butron
Kent Busley
Gerald Byers
Linda Carlson
Tony Carr
Ron C astagne
Pat Chase
Elizabeth Childs
Debbie Claar
Vicki Clifford
Cindy Cline
Debra Coakley
Wayne Cobb
Mona Colvin
Dennis Comer Pat Cook
Janey Cooley Ka y Coop
Thelma Copley Steve Davis
Bex Dameron
Bud Dean Holly Deluise
Mike DiTorri c e Joy Dommers
James Donley
Greg Dufford
Denise Dumont
Ken Dunafon Francene Dunn
Danny Eagan
Ricky Edelen Lisa Emerson
Vicki Fi sbeck
Rob ert Fischer
Patrice Fleming
John Floyd Jane Forester
Susan Freeman
Susan Fulks Linda Galland
Richard Garlock Diane Gamer
Scott Geddis Edward Ceron Jay Gilbert
Kathy Gingrich Ram Gohn
Robbie Goodrich Tom Gould Chris Green
Matt Grenfell Carol Griffin
Jeff Groce
Renee Grosch
Melinda Gross
Melissa Gross Kris Groswald
Gwen Grosvener John Guenther Lanette Guildner
Bev Hadlock Dan Hagemeiste
John Hall
Nancy Halligan
Ivan Hamilton
Mitchell Hamilton Te rry Hamlin
Joe 1 Hancock
Elizabeth Hannum
Gayla Harber
Kathy Harvey Susan Hayes
I<.athy Hay s
David Heilman
Cindy Heimer
Billie Helburg Kit Herrmann
Debbie Hessenius Anita Hill
Iri s Hill
Roger Hillis Sherril Hoffman
Rhonda Holdren Jody Holsinger
Greg Horne
Dawn James
Diane James Gary Jarvi s
Vickie Jones
Robin Judd Ed Kae stne r
A l ex K i l ans ki June Kirkl and Debra Konald
J oanne Kruesi
Lori Ladd Pam La shley
Colleen Lehman Ruth Leon a rd Gai l Lilly
Jack Houghton
Barbara John son
Pat Keller
Jan Kre ss
Wayne La s hley
Laura Li sh
Pamela Hughe s
Be ss Jone s
Paula Kenniet
Karen Kreut z
Dana Leadford
Mary Loring
- --- -
Monica Lowe
Bruce Macdonald
Terrence MacNamara
Charles Madsen
Kay Manning
Ken Manning
Paul Marken
Shawn Mathis
Robert Matson
Shelley Maxfield
Karen Mayberry
Virginia McCoy
Frank McKnight
Sherry McKee
Daryl Mercer
Holli Miller Jackey Miller
Ray Miller
Robin Milmoe
Mike Moon
Laurie Mooney Alan Morris
Cathe Morris
Wade Moser
Scott Mossman
Mike Mumper
Pattie Murray
Doug Neathammer
Leland Nelson
Debora Newcomm
Beth Nogues
Debra 0 ' Dorisio Patrick O ' Gorman
Patricia O 'L ear
Rodney Olsen
Barbara Pantel
Roland Paschall
Marietta Pastore Penni Pegis
Bobbie Perea
Greg Peters Carl Peterson
Stan Piety
Marcia Pinkley Ellen Platt
Audrey Pelfrey P aula Popp
Pamala Prang
Patty Reed
Mary Robeson
Holly R ogers
Beverly Roman Bruce Root
Paul Scala Dale Scheidong
Scott Scherf Carol Schmidt Le slie Scofield Dave Scott Donna Scott
Brad Scott
Jeff Seipp
Terry Selbe
Tonya Selbe
Liz Shpall
Melodee Sheldon Sheri Lynn Shough
Vince Silburn
Tom Simpson
Dale Singleman
Andrew Sipes
Bobbie Rae Slight
Brad Smith
Craig Smolen
Char Snow
Janet Spear
Bill Starks
Stacey Steers
Dorothy Stevanak
Vickie Stevens
Elaine Stockton T::imi Stroh
Terri Sundseth
James Sutton
Janet Swartout
Maire Taylor
Laura Thomas Rinda Kay Thonpson
Vickie Thorne
Michael Tracy
Louise Tunis Verona Valentine Steve VanDuyne
Gerd VonGlinski Kim Voss
Kathy VanHorn
William Wagner
Holly Wade
Janet Wall
Robert Wamboldt
Marilyn Warren
Jamie Lou Watson
Warren Watterman
Melda Weatherford Peggy vVeaver
Sherry Webster
Loren Weimer
Carol West
Debra White Jay Whitegon
Robert Wilensky Christie Williams
Kent Wilson
Kathleen Wishon Mary Wolf
T ommy Wozneck Ka thy Wright Joseph Zaharias
Delora Zesbaugh Robin Ne,vson
As far as possible be on good term s with all people.
This was the cry \vhen, Laura Ernest, AFS President, returned from a nine \Veek stay as an Am.erican Abroad student in Montevideo, Uruguay. The purpose of AFS moneymaking projects was to bring a foreign student to GHS in 1970. AFS members celebrated Claude ' s French Friday and Saturday in January I hosting seventeen foreign AFS students. During the year, Claude Beghin, l ived ,vith Marty She l ton. He enlightened GHS students about life in France.
LEFT TO RIGHT: FIRST ROW: Sue Freeman, Mr. Ray Ewing, Sponsor, Sue Wendler, Kim Davis, Claude Beghin, Rick Steadman, Laura Ernest, Jane Schn1idt. SECOND ROW: Mary Wolfe, Lee McDonald, Connie Convin, Liz Schpall, Rita Weyler, Sue Stevanak, Alison Hachen, Sandy Opstelten, Rachael Rippy. THIRD ROW: Pat Jennings , Jodi Holsinger, Linda Gallon, Patricia Flemming, Lisa Emerson, Stacy Steers, Kit Herman , Ronda Kay, Debbie Heartso, Carol Schmidt. FOURTH ROW: Betty Tibbets , Kathy Barbar, Sllison Hamp, Andrea Dempsey , Betty Herron , Judy Roy, Mark Hutchinson, Ann Hutshinson , Marty Shelton , Kim Hottinger. FIFTH ROW: Terry Tavell1, Barb Byers, Dennis Dunn, Cindy Baldisari, Bob St. Cyr , Cindy Starks , Mary Loring, Mary Myers, Madeleine Scott.
1 I
Claude Beghin
"Welcome home, Yanqui."
Laura Ernest \Vith an Uruguayan Gaucho.
The purpose of F. T.A. is to acquaint interested students \\'ith the poss1bilit1es of a career in education
The club's activities ,vere man,. They thrilled the children at Ridge Home b} giving a Christmas part).
The members of the club put on a puppet sho\\ and entertained the youngsters. Jane Schmidt, the president and :tvtrs. Struxness, the sponsor, are tr} ing to encourage more students to participate 1n F. T. A. The club ,, ill be plaruung more events for a ,, 1dened outlook on the teaching profession.
F. T. A., 1st ROW· Cindy Starks, 1v1rs. Da,vn Struxness, Alison Hachen, Jane Schmidt, :tv1rs. Sandra Nations, 2nd ROW: Sue \Vendler, Cindy Burton, Mary Loring, Ruth Lenord, Andrea Dempse}. Sand, Opstelton, Carol Schmidt, Laura Ernest.
PICTURED, LETT TO RIGHT: FIRST ROW· Bob St. Cyr, Jerry Blesh, Steve Dugan, Dave Bouman, Eric Groswald , Rick Payne, Blair Williamson, Dave Braden, SECOND ROW: Van Ho,vbert, Chris Truax, Gay Ha,vley, Paul Do1'kcn, Rick Bauman, Paul Bleidt Fred Straface, Craig Schillings, THIRD RO¼: John Board, Dave HJ.milton, Jeff Hcnsha,.v, Doug Webster, Rob Meunier , Steve Colton, Tom Qeaton, FOURTH ROv\~: Jim Bokcs, Steve Pike Jim Thorne, Fred Thorne , Mike Austin, Rick Richards, Jeff Moerbe, Jim Hinkle, FIITH ROW: Tim Romeo, Stan Full,vood, Thom Wolfe, Brent Grenfell, Alan Platt, Pete Scott, Joe Lafferty, Ted R1ch-irdson, Jim Carra.
There are a small group of male students running around our school, cla<l in maroon jackets with ,-vhite sl ecves ,1n<l most important of all a big "'hi te II G". "G" Club's biggest service is selling pins and t:igs to the students to promote school spirit. They also set up a Fire Works stand in the summer for the Fourth of July.
Key Club has been active this year by sponsoring different events. Although there ,vas no II Sophomore Week" the Key Club made sure the Sophomores didn't feel left out by having them clean up the ditch. The club ,vent on to sell tickets for a turkey chase just before Thanksgiving. At Christmas many homes in the Golden area were decorated ,vith trees that the Key Club had been selling. The Ki,..,,anis Stars of Tomorro,v tickets ,vere sold by members of the club vvho also ushered at the activity. Key Oub also taught gun safety. And of course the Kia,vanas enjoyed seeing a Key Club member at their meetings every Tuesday Night.
FIRST ROW: Chuck Goudge, Bob Anderson, Craig McDonald, Mr Art Papenfus , Bill Jennings, Rudy Richardson, Richard Reeves, Phil He,ves, Dick Espy, John Leht1. SECOND ROW: Jay Gilbert, Steve Gaskill, Steve Gaskill, Steve Branson, Thom Wolfe, Allan Platt, Mike Babb, Dave Bauman, Chip Mehring 1 Lee McDonald, Dean Clark, John Co,vell. THIRD ROW: Jay Buckley, Tim Rome, Steve Pike, Jim Thorne, Pete Scott, Ted Richardson, Rick Richards, Jeff Moerbe, John 0 ' Dorsio, Chris Hefley. FOURTH ROW: Robin Hult , Jahn Ake , Mike Dunathan, Stan Fullwood, Mike Austin, John Beard, Joe Lafferty , Jim Carra, Paul Bleidt, Mark Wagner, Richard Frizzell. FIFTH ROW: Randy Fleming, Charles Madsen, Matt Grenfell, Scott Massman, Jim Bokes, Jim Hinkle, Mark Maddox, Dave Haynar, Blair Williamson, Gaye Ha,vley , Scott Versaw, Chuck Tolton, Ed Turl ey.
I ,,..
GERMAN-RUSSIAN CLUB: LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT RO\-V: Wendy Edwards, Barb Bargman, Linda Baring, Mrs. ¼ynar, Phil Hewes, ?vhke Austin, Becky Schultz, Nan Lehman. SECOND ROW: Steve Browning, John Gary, Mary Taylor, Joy Dommers, Cathy Burns, Ruth Lenard, Cynthia Burton, Terry Tavell1, Rudi Richardson. THIRD ROW: Jim Snyder, Bob Fisher, Jacki Roy, Gala Harber, Kathy Crane, Linda Schultz, Bev Damron, Joy Atkinson, Cathy Hayes. FOURTH RO¼· Dave Bauman, Bill Maas, Cindy Surratt, Rick Bauman, Betty Herron, Judy Roy, Anne Hutchinson, Ciny Aiken.
FIRST ROW: Stacey Steers, Mr. P1rri, Chrjs Baird, Mike Pante a
SECOND ROW: Monica Lo\ve, Melodee Sheldon, Beth Nogues, Colleen Lehman. THIRD ROW.
Penni Pegis, Bex Hadlock, Kathy Harvey, Nancy Halligan.
1 i JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE: LETT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW. Sandy ?v1eehan. SECOND ROW: Monika Von Glinski , Mis s M a ud Preist, Ginger Surratt THIRD ROW: Jennette Tennant, Liz Childs. FOURTH ROW: Rob Men1eur
Foreign Language Clubs are an important part of learning a foreign language They ban together students \vho are interested 1n a particular l a nguage and the cultural aspects of that language
Dee Dee Godoy, Nancy Moss, Ricky Steadman, Mr. Sharp, Rick Worth, Rose McKnight, Ryenda Smiley, Sandy Opstelton, SECOND ROW : Lonny Anderson, Joanna Jackson, Chris Fisbeck, Jay Buckley, Pam Willes, Clark Rogers, Kathleen Speer, Shelly Sunderhuse , THIRD ROW: Craig Billings, John Brunnel, Cheri James, Carol Meinicke, Ann Hutchinson, Virginia Ronzio, Terry Fender, Monika Von Glinski, FOURTH ROW: Carl Bury, Steve Branson, Mark Hutchinson, Kim Blaine, K1rk Branson, Holly Rogers, Randy Ames, FI FT H ROW: DaVld Goffman, George H oskovek, Mike Dempsey, Bill Jennings, Guy DiTorrice, Lee McDonald.
The forensics students have really been moving this year Under the supervision of Mr Sharp they have been to many speech meets at places like Jefferson High School, Regis, Aurora Hinkley. They are planning to go to Cheyenne for a Tournament on the 28th of Feb. if they get enough cars The biggest event hov,ever, ,vas the Alamosa tournament with all of the rotten oranges and vasoline (for greasing johns) that the students can f ind
The Voice of Youth organization emphasizes creative thinking coupled ,vith the definition and expression of ideas and opinions resulting from careful research and study. It is hoped to present some of these ideas to others through television and editorials. An exchange of materials and ideas result from the meetings. The group also learns to listen to other nev ideas as , vell as presenting thoughts or information of their O\\' n. The president, Clark Rogers, organized informative meetings on mental health, ,vomens' role in the ,vorld, and the service.
VOICE OF YOUTH: LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: Nancy Moss, Cl a rk Rogers , 1v1rs. :t-.1organ, ?vtike Dempsey , Mr. Sharp, Laurie Ste,vart, Vera Oscarson, Ryenda Smiley, SECOND ROW: Vicky Fasl , Dennis Dunn, Lee l\1cDonald, Carol Meineke, Rob Menueir, Candy Fike , Debbie Odorsio , THIRD ROW: Betty Herron, Barb Byers, Jo hn Brunel, Judy Roy, Ann Hutchinson, Virginia Ronzio, Rose McKnight, Holly Rogers, FOURTH ROv\7: Joanna Jackson, Bruce Billings, Mark Hutchinson, Kim Blaine, Kirk Branson, John Hay, Monika Von Glinski.
The ever popular school store has again been 1n operation this year b} the Distributive Education students. If you've been gaining ,veight lately you 1ve probably been buying goodies from the store. During Homecoming the club participated in the parade ,vith a float. The DE meetings have mostly been breakfasts at the local panc-ike house. Members of DECA also ,vere present as the District Conference.
DECA: LEFT TO RIGHT, FIRST RO¼· Lee Smith, Brenda Hyatt, Bob Shaffstall, :t-.1r. Smith, Mr. Roy Lemmons, Bev v~ssos, Sue Schonla,,, Kathy Opal, Rex Baker, SECOND ROW: Don Beumer, Judy DiDanato, Jackie Prior, Bebbie Schemp, Teresa Churchill, Debbie Sykora, Roger Hyatt, Vernon Cook, Tim Rome, THIRD ROW: Gene Ne,,comb, Dave Dobbs, Georgine Averman, Conrue DiDonato, Corliss Dean, Cind)' Durst, Jean Hunt, Ray Sundseth.
j I
Each year, FBLA hopes to ,..,·iden the interests for our future business le a. ders. The club also ,vants to understand better the business ,vorld and its ever changing and expanding opportunities. FBLA plans to increase its activities and membership so that it can take a more meaningful and influential part in the business \vorld,
FBLA: LEFT TO RIGHT, FIRST ROW: Sue Harney, Nancy King, Janet Barnhard, SECOND ROW: Connie Wall, Miss Glanzer, Joan Bernhard, Jackie Merrill, THIRD ROW: Dale Sen Senglman, Pam Severson, Rita Thorton, Vickie Merrill.
• ••
Future Business Women get experience in business at Carnival.
Music through the halls and cafeteria, a luxury few schools have, but a luxury \Vhich Golden High School is grateful to have.
KGHS started only l ast spring and now has future plans to broadcast through out the city of Golden under FM Radio.
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Guy Di T orrice
Roger Hyatt Lowell Gee
M r Garland is the sponsor of KGHS.
A ne,v club ,vas formed this year at Golden High School. This new club is Rodeo Club. It was started by a group of students that have a great interest in the Rodeo ,vorld. These young people look on Rodeo activities as a sport and are competing ,vith other schools. Future hopes and plans are to have a lettering system go for those ,vho are worthy of it.
Daredevils get a thrill by riding the bucking bronco provided by the Rodeo Club at carnival.
LEFT TO RIGHT: FIRST ROW: Mona Massey, Margie Morgan, Mark Howes, Georgia Reed, Mr Daniels. SECOND ROW: Jay l{offman, Doug Allen, lv1artha lv1atson, Jackie Miller , J acl<ie McClain , Sue Schonla,v, Patty Reed, Gary Bristol, Mike Tracy, THIRD ROW. Mike, Diane Early 1 Larry Sterling, Steve Clemins, Vicky Clifford, Connie DiDenato, Randy Fitch , Tom Van Dyne 1 Steve Nelson.
The Rock hounds of G. H. S. had an exciting year. November found them in Ne,v Mexico looking for rare rode specimens. An impronpt sno,v-storm caused little arucity , because Mike Dempsey ,vas able to dig everything out ,vith his shovel.
The club displayed their specimens at the J efferson County Fairgrounds. They have permanent displays in II A" building.
The members have many trips planned and they are selling sandwiches at Speechmeets in order to finance the trips.
ROCK CLUB. LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom Gould, Bobbie Brooks, Alan Morris, Dale Singleman, Connie Co:nvin, Betty Jo Herran, Dennis Dunn, Bruce Harvey, Mike Dempsey, liz Childs, Nancy Moss, Dan Gaines , Mr. Pat Ryan.
l-.1ountaineering Club started the school year \\'ith an exciting trip to Beaver Brook
It ,vas on tlus trip that most of the male members ,vere baptized by a refreshing dunk in Beaver Brook. In Nov GHSJ\1C suffered a great loss; the sponsor, l\1r. Shuckmann, left and ,vent to Ne\\· York. Before he left there ,v as a Hallo\\ een party at the Shuchkmann' s house\\ here many mountaineers \\'ere doused \\"ith \\'hip cream These events "ill be remembered b, GHS1\1C members as ,vell as placed such as l\1r Sunflo,\'er, l\1ass1vc and Princeton.
Moutnainerring Club. LEFT TO RIGI-IT: FIRST ROW: Gary Bristal, Dean Ha,vley, Connie Convin, l-.1ary Allen, Dennis Dunn, Lee McDonald, Randy Shoemate, Andrea Dempsey, Ann Hutchinson, \-Vendy Angell. SECOND
ROW: Laren Werner, Ken Manning, Gerd Von Glinske, Carl Skullski, Terrey Angell, Gay Creason, Kath) \\ agnon, Becky Crew, Robin lv1ilmoe. THIRD ROW: John \'\iestall, Steve \\' erber, Bill Starks, Bruce l-.1acDonald, Steve Parks, Pam Lashly, Dolore Zesbaugh, Rachael Pippy_, Chip Mehring. FOURTH RO\'\i: Tim Hult, Chris Burges, George Hoskevock, Marty Shelton, Greg Horn, Mark Fockler
Centennial Singers. 1st ROW: Ed Turley, Kathy Smart, Pam Willis, Mr. Ryan. 2nd ROW: Kay Rima, Rob Menveir, Barb Jennings, Ho,vard Denton, l<athy Kermeit , Randy Myers , Elaine Flor, Mike Pomeroy , Donna Scott. 3rd ROW: Doug Seipp, Ricky Steadman, Cindy Hogan, Dan Gaines. 4th ROW: Lanny Wilkins, Mary Rustad, Steve Colton.
I I .,. • 97
Robert Wrolenski, Jennifer Patterson, Ted Van Horn,
Hoffman, Joel Hancock , Kathy Kermiet, Wendy Ed\vards, Candy Fike, Barb Brooks, Roger Hillis. THIRD ROW: Terry Tavelli, Cathy Harvy, Nita Allen, Valerie Koken, Jenell Cutshall, Francene Dunn, Debbie White, Dave Brastad, Claudia Bleidt, Rodney Olson, Lorraine Snyder, Peggy Baldwin, Mike McDaniel, Terry Dodson, Paula Kermiet FOURTH ROW: Carol Warling, Dan Eagen, Mike Tracy, Tom Gist, Jeff Harris, Bob Rumbaugh, Steve Davis, Loren Weimer, Jeff Dufford, Ginger Surratt, Rick Worth, Nick Stre·wler, Brad Scott. FIFTH ROW: Mark Wallisa, Don Ste\vart, Mike Miller, Chris Green, Glen Davis, Steve Parks, Andy Sipps, Jackie McClain, Kent Willson, Steve Paulson, Jim Scherer.
The band seemed to be one of the most enthusiastic groups this year. They started off ,vith many fund - raising projects to raise money for ne\v uniforms . The members of the band sold moustaches, planned a series of concerts and sold tickets for them, held a Chile supper, sponsored a Valentines Day Dance, and a basketball game ,vith Dave Costa ' s All Stars. Mr. Kasmier, said the biggest goal of the band is to prove their musical ability.
BAND: LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: Mr. Ernest Kazmier, Greg Dufford, Steve Van Duyne, Kim Hottinger, Doris Barkey, Sherry Kochevar, Kitty Campbell, Nan Kehman, Terry Fender, Kathy Jo Hayes, Chris Smith, Rhonda Rumbaugh, Kathy Gingrich. SECOND ROW: Bruce MacDonald, Sherry Shough, Liz Hanum, Gay Lilly,
1 ' •
STAGE BAND: LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: Ed Turley, Mr. Ernest Kazmier, Rodney Olsen, Terry Fender, Marty Shelton, Greg Dufford, Rhonda Rumbaugh, Lanny Wilkins. SECOND RO\i\l: ?\,like Babb, John Hoy, Jim Scherrer, Steve Parks, Randy Meyers, Tim Mills. THIRD ROW: Dean Maughn, Chris Green, Tom Gist, Bob Rumbaugh, Jeff Dufford, Mike Miller.
BAND OF FIC ERS: LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr, Ernest Kazmier, Sponsor; Jeff Dufford, Vice - Pres., Rhonda Rumbaugh, Sec., Tim Mills, Pres.
D Kim Hottinger
E Doris Barkey
M Sherry Kochevar
0 Ki tty Campbell
N Nan Lehman
s Terry Fender
I -
Among many projects promoted b} the band there " ' as a basketball game played by a group of broncos led by Daye Costa, " ·ho play for charity , and a team led by Don Anderson "ho had starred at Golden many years ago. Unfortunatly there ,,as no contest involved since Dave Costa moved immediately in the lead and stayed there.
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I 102
PEP CLUB. LEFT TO RIGI-IT; FIRST ROW: Dim Gettinger, Doris Barkey, Sherry Kochevar, Kitty Campbell, Nan Lehamn, Terry Fender, Vicki Fasl.
SECOND ROW: Carol Oliver, Candy Fike, Sandy Dameron, Sue Freeman, Chris Gorswald, Laur a Thomas, Gayla Harger, Brenda Thomason, Joyce Anderson, Liz Hanoro, Joy Atkinson, Kathy Barbar, Cindy Baldisarri, Kathy Canner, Debbie Kaestner. TI-IlRD ROW: Bar Bargman, Margi Williams, Marie Beatti, Joyce Anderson, Vicki Fisbeck, Mariette Pastor e, Ellen Platt, Vicky Bond, Laura Mooney, Cerri Boone, Carol Rosenthal, Mary Kay Knoll, Debbie Bowers, Cathy Annand. FOURTH ROW: Janet Bernhard, Ginger Surratt, Liz Schpall, Holly Wade, Cathy Van Horn, Patty Jennings, Jody Holsinger, Mary Wolf, Janet Swartout, Dorthy Stevanek, Dora Blain, Judy DiDanato, Teri Babb.,. FIFTH ROW: Cindy Hogan, Holly Deluise, Stacy Steers, Joy Dommers, Debbie Berquist, Liz Childs, Debbie Claar, Partic e Flemming, Paula Kermitt, Julie Bakke, Jammi e Watson, Micki Farley, Elaine F1or. SIXTH ROW: "Tootie" Swanson, Pam Lashley, Bev Hadlock, Wendy Angell, Susan Hayes, Melody Sheldon, Beth Negus, Sheri Henderson, Cindy Aiken, Nancy Ballard, Mimi Wagner, Cindy Satpp. SEVENTH ROW: Pam Teasley, Ginger Hayes, Kay Curtis, Crystal McKibben, Kim Colman, Allison Hachen, Cathy Hayes, Cindy Starks, Mindy Bullock, Kim Blain , Debbie Coakley, Debbie Heartso. EIGI-ITH ROvV: Allison Hamp, Rita Weyler, Linda Gallon, Monika Lowell, Cathy Bruns, Nancy Halligan, Tammy Stroh, Tonya Selby, Terry Sunset, Patty 0 1 Lear, Penny Pegis, Jo Anderson. NINTH ROW: Kathleen Spear, Shelly Sunderhuse, Kay Rima, JoAnn Cook, Terry Angell, Mrs. T. Johnson, Miss Sayers, Judy Brundage, Cindy Surratt, Linda Eggleston, Cathy Smart, Nita Monarchy. TENTH ROW: Donna Blum, Kathy Kermitt, Rhonda Rumbaugh, Claudia Bleidt, Joan Bernahardt, Linda Baring.
0 w
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LEFT TO RIGHT, BACK ROW: Vicky Fasl, Debbie Heartso, Barb Bargman, Cathy Smart, Tootie s,vanson, Teri Babb, Kathy Annan, Debbie Kaestner, Cindy Stapp, Linda Egglestone, Alison Hamp. SECOND ROW: Cindy Hogan, Nita Monarchi, Kay Rima. THIRD ROW: Janet Bernhard, Pam Teasley, Elaine F1or, Kathleen Spear, Carol Oliver, Jo Anderson, Shelley Sunderhuse.
This year the trident staff, under the supervision of Mrs. Ortloff for the first of the year and then under Mrs. Dominick; employed a ne,\ editorial policy for the ne,vspaper. Nancy Nickerson, editor, said the staff ,vas not concerned so much ,vith the publishing a paper every ,veek as it ,vas concerned ,vith publishing a good paper that everybody ,vanted to read.
I \ l I ' \ : \ ! \ I \,./
NEWSPAPER STAFF. BOTTOM ROW, L TO R: Kathy McDermott, Mike LaJoie, Wa l ter Simon, Mrs. Ortloff/ Hassenger, Chuck Bishop, Nancy Nickerson. SECOND ROW: Rachae l Rippy, Brent Grenfell, Dennis Dunn , Brenda Hyatt, John Westdall, Jeff Peterson. THIRD ROW: Steve Gaskill , Mark Fockler, Scott Versay, Vicki Fasl, Carol Frang, Rose McKnight.
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Mrs , Jane Dominick, new Journalism sponsor.
LEFT TO RIGHr, FRONT ROW: D ean Hav1ley, Steve Gaskill, Mrs. Nancy Ortloff--sponsor, Rachael Rippey, Janet Bernhard. SECOND ROW: Chris King, Joann Cook, Cathy Ortel--Editor, Laura Ernest, Lo,vell Gee. THIRD ROW : Joan Bernhard, Debby Loving, Madeleine Scott, Sue Wendler, Debbie Heartso.
Vicki Fisb eck , Vicky Bond, Todd Bailey .
, Carol Schmidt, Cindy Starks, Ann Hutchinson, Ronda Kay, Kim Hottinger, Jerri Crosby. FIFTH ROW: Randy Fleming, Mark Hut chinson, Dan Combs, Bill Jennings, Dan Hutchinson, Liz Childs, Sherry Henderson, Karen Mayberry, Peni P egis.
Under the leadership of Mike Babb and his three Musketeers, v;ho in real life are Bob Anderson, Laura Ernest, and Kathy McDermott, Student Council accomplished many things. 11 Golden Days 11 took the place of Sophomore week. An impromptu sno,vstorm took the place of the gay Homecoming Parade Carnival was an outstanding success as ,vas the drive for Biafral Funds. Student Council opened their exchanges \vith schools to members of the Student Body. They also revised the dress code to read: Individuals should use their disgression in dress - - as long as it complys to the moral and health standards of today. There ,vere some disappointments, as could be expected, but this year's Student Council attempted to make GHS a better place.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Laurie Ste,vart, Julie Bakke, Laura Ernest , Mr. Richard Booton- - sponsor, Mike Babb President, Kathy McDermott, Marie Beatti e, Abby M e rriman. SECOND ROW: Ginger Surratt, Steve Branson, Lee
Chip Mehring, Terrey Young, Kitty Campbell, Jeannette Tennant, Rob Meniuer, Heidi Pickett. THIRD ROW: Lanny Wilkins, Bill Starks, Richard Steadman, Steve Colton , Virginia Ronzio, Mimi Wagner,
FOURTH ROW: Chuck Goudge,
- - • - ::........--- -
M I KE BABB President
Dedi ca t e d t o th e Fe arl ess Fo urso m e ...
LAURA ERNEST Girl ' s Vice-President
BOB ANDERSON Boy ' s Vice - President
KATHY lv1cDERMOTT Secretary-Treasurer
.r / _;- Li--III -;... ... . _,.___- .> ...... I , ... 11 0
Wh at eve r yo ur l a b o r in th e n o i sey co nfu si o n o f Ii fe k ee p p eace w ith yo ur so ul
' ' . .
for more than you can afford to lose, and you will learn the game.
Jerry Blesh, Jim Thome, Gay Hawley, Chris Truax,
Jeff Moerby, Joe Lafferty, Blair Williamson, John Beard, Jimmy Hinkle , Randy Flemming, Chuck Goudge, Jim Carra, Fred Thorne, Tom Gleaton, Wes Burger, THIRD ROW: Ted Richardson, Dean Lovett, Mat Grenfel, Dave Hamilton, Ed Kuesner, Dave Burke, Don Van Horn, Gene Barth, Rick Paine, Steve Dugan, FOURTH ROW: John Ake, Mike Moon, Mike Dean, Alex Kalanski, Dennis Coner, Dan Staples, Charlie Mattson, Robin Hult, Jay Gilbert, Mike Dunafon, Terry Selbe, FIITH ROW: Frank McKnight, Don Durrant, Ron Blue, Scott Geddis, John Floyd, Joe Zaharis, Ed Geron, Dave Bettinger, Tom Woznick, Greg Peters, Ivan Hamilton, SIXTH ROW: John Guenther, Jack Hoyghton, Steve Paulson, Coach Papenfus, Coach McLaren, Coach Henry, Coach Brownlee, Coach Skene
I- -
Golden 7 Arapahoe 57 Golden 13 Arvada West 26 Golden 19 Alameda 23 Golden 13 Lakewood 14 Golden 7 Bear Creek 0 Golden 0 Jefferson 7 Golden 2 Arvada 42 Golden 0 Evergreen 0 Golden 0 Wheatridge 56 114
LEFT TO RIGHT, BOTTOM ROW: Pete Scott, Al Platt, Thom Wolfe, Robert Refvem, Buddy Jenkins, Stan Full,vood,
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
So ,vhat happened, Carra?
Because field conditions were not perfect during the Homecoming game, Gene Barth (42 ) could not hang on to the ball.
Truax (32) attempts to run around Evergreen's (10).
With Jim C a rra ( 12 ) leading the pack the mighty Demons hit the field.
Skene' s in there some\vhere 1 116
his reputation??
Farmers hit a traffic jam, as the Demon Def ense sl ow them up.
Wi ll Chris T ru ax ca t ch th e bal l and live up to
Jim Ca rr a ( 12) f inally gets going, as he searches for op e n r eceivers
1 l 7
Are Tom Glea t on ( 1 1) and Wheatridge ' s 74 playing Tag'''
••'" a Q -
Fred Thome (22) picks up an additional yard the hard way. t,}I f' t
As a \\'all of v~'heatridge Farmers look on, Blair \\'illiamson (65) singlehandedl) plo,, (32) under.
118 .. •• •• • -
LEFT TO RIGHT. FRONT ROW: Marty Shelton, Greg Dufford, Bob Anderson, Bill Jennings, Steve Gaskill, Geoff Bailey. SECOND ROW: Anderson.
Coach John Chase conferring ,vith sophomore, Greg Dufford
Even ,,·ith all his effort, Geoff Bailey could not play the ball. The Charge of the CHS Demon Geoff Baile) heads to\\ ard the net for a pla)
Greg Dufford looks at !\1art) Shelton sa\·ing the game .
Even ,,·ith limel) grace, 1\iart) Shelton w ent the wrong direction
, -~-·----·, •..,x.... • ',# ,.. 44, .. • ! - Ir: I • rM <,; 1 I •i l 'I.; ' • ' I • . ,-·') ... ) C • • • •.. -·
I 21
..... N I\.) ,40l
1st. ROW: Donna Blum, Kathy Kermiet, Rhonda Rumbaugh, Claudia Bleidt, Joan Ber nhard, Linda Baring. 2nd. ROW: Doug Webster, Rick Paine, Clark Rogers, Mark Wagner, Eric Groswald, Dan Fike. 3rd. ROW: Don Van Horn, Mark Howes. 4th . ROW: Coach Campbel l , Ji m Carra, Niles Wyhs, Van Howbert, Craig Schillin g, Warren Frush, Coach Barnhard.
The Golden Demons Basketball team opened the season ,vith a 58-55 loss, 1n overtime , to Widefield. The highlights of the season ,vas when the Demons defeated the Jefferson Saints 65-62. While the seasons record ,vas not exceptionally good, the brand of playing was exciting. The Demon fans have many thrills to remember.
Eric Gros,vald finished as the third highest scorer in the Jefferson County League. His final appearance in High School play ,vas enhanced by a total of 31 points scored. Craig Schillings and Doug Webster did their best to he l p the ne" coach, Lloyd Campbel l.
. j -{{ • I/ • 1 2 4
) -.__ 125
WRESTLlNG TEAM . LE.FT TO RIGHT; FIRST ROW: C l audia Bl e idt, Greg Dunn, Dave Fischer, Dick Espy, Richard Bauman, Steve Purdy, Tom Gleaton, Jeff Richi e, Randy F1emming, Blair Willi amsom, Donna Blum. SECOND ROW: Joan Bernhard, Dave Burd e , I van Hamilton, Tom Gould, Jeff Seip, Mike DiTorrice, Terry £vans, Jerry Bl esh , Tom Woznick, Dave Anderson, Matt Grenfeld, Lind a Baring. TI-ITRD ROW: Coach Brownlee, Rhonda Rumb augh, Dave Hamilton, J oe Faharias, Owen Coakley, David Bauman, Pat W e b e r, Ro l an P aschal , Mike D ean , Frank McKight , Vines Silburn 1 Dathy Kcrmiet, Coach Hafling. /
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RICK BAUMAN 130 lbs. 1969-70 record 18-0
Ranked Third in the State Tournament.
123 lbs. 1969-70 record 17-1
\ I • .. I II ' • _-.,. • • ... -•• • -·-·..,
''Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence."
Last summer, Cindy Hogan, Kay Rima, and Debby Munoz were chosen to attend Girl's State, for Golden , held at Temple Buell. They described the purpose of Girl's State as learning a sense of duty towards country, and learning more about our government to become better citizens.
The girls began with sessions, some of which were on Parliamentary procedure , party policy , and forming a party platform. Following the sessions they set up city , county, state, and national governments, and elected a National President , Miss Jill Franklin of Denver.
All of the chaperones were members of the American legion, with Mrs. Jayce Sager as director.
Rudi Richardson and Phil Hev,res were chosen to attend Boy's State this past summer. The purpose, they felt, of Boy's State was to teach the structure of the governments- city, county, and State.
Boy's State was held on the CSU Campus in Fort Collins for the week of June 15th to June 21st.
They had several guest speakers dW'ing the week, politica l science Professor Edward Rosek from CU, who fe l t the youth of the world should form an organization to bring the world together for the good of all. There was also a man from Czechoslovakia and representatives from the armed forces
The annual Mesa Verde trip this year proved to be something different. Unlike other years the visitors camped outside for the duration of the trip. Everyone gained a greater understanding of an ancient people while they had a good time romping through the Southern part of Colorado.
Students get right to the top of things while viewing the remains of the sun temple.
Mr. Shuckman is explaining the surroundings of the sun temple to interested l isteners.
A vie\v of the Treehouse from the museum.
A close up of the Treehouse showing the homes of the ancient people.
132 \
Mike Babb and Jan Pickett take the final step and get married
Love- a-Grams rang out through the gym to unsuspecting souls.
Carnival this year, held Sept. 27, proved to be the best yet at Golden. ~1ore clubs participated and people, young and old alike shared 1n the fun. T\VO dances ,vere held The first for the Jr High, sponsored by Forensics \vith music by 11 Bitter Wind", follo,ving ,,·as the High School Dance sponsored by A. F. S. ,vith music by 11 Aphrodite" There ,vere a variety of booths something for all, ranging from the Pep Club Cake Walk to the Kissing Booth to the G- Club Dunker.
For just a fe,v cents, people could get married, ha\ e palms read, or take out all hostilities by splashing people in tubs of ,vater or even electrocuting them
Ride- em Cowboy! Someone is losing to the bucking barrel.
Oops! Donna Blum is sharing IN the fun by helping G-Club in the Dunker.
Jackie Prior freaks out at Carnival.
Noble Hart is seen surrounded by girls, but he is al-
I ffy Can and Emmeline practice annoying Birdie Seed ,
= -
, Dennis Brown and Bill Jennings liven things up with a rousing soft shoe during the play.
134 /
ways true to Nellie.
Amos Quackenbush talks about the marriage of his daughter Nellie to Noble Hart
Robbie Refvem as Noble Hart
Pam Willis as Nellie Quackenbush
Ho,vard Denton as Stafford Blackman
Nita Monarchi as Gwendolyn Finefeathers
Warren Frush as Amos Quackenbush
Chris Fisbeck as Birdie Seed
Dan Gains as Iffy Can
Rynda Smiley as Emmeline
Oh! No! What have we here? Stafford Blackman and Gwendolyn Finefeathers plotting again!
Noble Hart sings to his true love, Nellie Quackenbush.
This year's senior play ,vas an exciting melodrama entitled, "No, No, A Thousand Times No!" This magnificent production, filled with shouts and jeers, was matched only by the thrilling half-time performance, supplied by six male members of the faculty
Birdie Seed (Chris Fisbeck) seems to be dumb-founded over a statement.
..- -_.;;......~,. -. '. -·"\-er---- -..•I ' -f- -I • r 1 ' •1 . : I' • •I •
135 \ '
• • • t • ,... I , . • , I
SENIOR A TTENDANT- - Rhonda Rumb a ugh
Work is progressing steadily on the mural for the Homecoming Dance.
The Golden Demon's guillotine stands ready and lvaiting for the Evergreen Cubs.
The shivering Go l den H igh Pep Club is led through
Claudia Bleidt turns out for Homecoming in rare form in spite of an ankle injury.
the streets by it's officers.
The 1969 Homecoming was a bit different than most. The activities, including parade, game, and dance , were originally scheduled for Nov. 1, but due to a sudden snow storm, the parade and game were canceled, leaving only the dance going on as scheduled. The dance featured the sound of Catherine Mitchel l Lord, and the cro\vning of Queen Cheri James Miss James attendants were Rhonda Rumbaugh and Patty McNeil , seniors; Mindy Bu ll ock; Junior ; and Dawn James, Sophomore.
On Monday, 1-Tov. 3rd, school ended at 12 noon, and homecoming began. The parade left the h igh school at 2 : 00 p. m. and marched down ;main street to Brooks Field The game, against Evergreen was played in near - freezing weather and ankle deep mud Because of very poor field conditions, neither team scored.
,,...~-.. -:----._. ,.,,._ , r
The c r owd stands for the ''Fight Song" as they cheer the boys on
The sophomore float moves on down main street.
I CONSTRUCTION 1-I ..::: • I ~-•I I , ., .. ;J _,, /14 0
The year 1969--1970 ,vas spent in much confusion. There was many a battle waged over a parking space and much time spent in locating a counselor's office. Many students ,vandered about, searching for an empty room, one without the sound of a jackhammer. Many times walking into ' A' building one was confronted with the unbearable smell of Wet paint and tar . Ho,vever, next year, with the convenience of the new buildings, and more space , all will be forgotten.
... 141
Last August, Oaude Beghin came to Golden, Colorado to live with the Hal Shelton Family. He came under the sponsorship of the American Field Service. He lives in Meudon, France with his mother, father and two brothers, Pierre and Phillpe.
Oaude was an instant success at GHS. He ,vas on the cross country team, sang in the choir, and lvas a featured guest columnist for the school paper.
Claude, \vhile adding some French spice, adapted very ,vell to his ne,v home and life in the "Rocking Moun tains'' of Colorado.
The Beghin's of Fr ance.
• 142
Claude's French Friday and Saturday
On January 16 and 1 7, seventeen American Field Service foreign students visited Go l den. The countries of Japan, Engl and, Belguim, Brazi l , Portgual , Italy, Denmark, S,veden, Finland, Iceland, Tunisia, Austria, Uruguay and France were represented.
The students attended c l asses with their GHS brothers and sisters. They spoke ,vith Golden students during the afternoon. Claude Beghin acted as guide to his foreign peers.
An International Dinner ½'as held Friday evening. Both the Adult and Student chapters brought foreign dishes.
Saturday morning found the students at Coor ' s and l ater at an American - type picnic.
Michi Ondo demonstrating the ancient art of Japanese greeting.
Chris Dupont and Edith Sierra talk about their native countries of Belgium and Uruguay.
Hamburger Anne Hutchinson displayed her ski l l at the picnic .
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11Ex e r c i se c auti o n in yo ur busin ess affairs f o r th e w o rld i s full o f tri c k e r y . But l e t n o t thi s blind yo u t o wh a t virtu e th e r e i s. 11 145
A Jefferson County financial institution faithfully serving the people of Jefferson, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Grand and Summit coun ties
Savings earn at the highest legal rate permitted by regulatory agencies with daily dividends and daily compounding
19TH an d H ighway 6 27 9-4 52 1 Golde 11 Sa \ ,r in gs :~~~.~~~ "!'.. 1 htlRTEENTH ST IJOlOEN ,..O.,.OPAOO 1~9 8AAh~'"f EVEAc,AE[1' <;. )LOAAO 6'" 4 3,z1
-- -. DENNIS H P IKE 1Jenn is o! Golden , J.nc. 13 06 J A CKSON S T GOL0EN , COLORA0O 2 79 - 33 2 7 WHALEY , S GAM BL ES 1211- 13 Wa s h i n g t o n Ave New Expan ded Line s Of Furniture And Appli a n ces. W e Ca rry Our Own Ac co unt s GOLDEN MERCANTILE Quality Gr oc eries and Meat s Ph o ne 279-3323 and 279-332 4 Cliff Sc h oech Gol d en , Co lo r a do STEV IN SON C HEVROLET C hevy,s Are Chea p er I n Go ld en 13t h a nd Ford Golden , Co lo r a d o 80401 279-33 11
---· ~-• MEYER HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS INC. 1112 Washington Ave. 279-3393 The Store To Fill Your Ne e d s Help tamp out bachelors 1 JACK'S P H ARMACY We Fill All Presc ription s The Rexall Store 1200 Wa s hington A ve PLUMMER ' S JEWELRY Diam o nd s, Wat c hes Gifts for all O ccas ion s 1206 Wa s hington 279-4246 PARAMOU T C LEANERS IN C . Shirt 279-3668 1410 Ford St. Golden , Colora d o 80 401 POODLE SPECIALIS T 14 YRS EXPERIENCE Aladdin Dog Grooming Salon PERSONALIZED SERVICE - A LL BREEDS M ISS PAT ' M ORGAN 7 1 2 - 12TH ST GOLDEN COLORADO 80401 279-6450 c: o mphm e nt s of GOUDGE'S 66 SERVICE 12 0 1 Ford S tr e et 2 79 -900 8
\ 't~'t~\U~\\'¼'t"' \ \ I I We were graduates once ... Any e,rabhs.hment ,s created for *.101 ol somt1t11ng bcller and Amer1cJJ.n t>u,,ntts. llt\JI ,nclude1 u$ ,s no ~.-ce,p1ton It sup 10 ne.-. qel'lf'tallons 10 1POI 1n:,.de-quac,e1and tll cffe, 1mpro ement, 'We vc- been doing 11 for Ovet 100 'fC0tS no"" If JOU hclo1e ,dea, on p,olluhon cons..e-rwat•Of' unemployment t><hertr and othet WG•al I economic env1ronmen1a1 problem, let is comp.life notes You m,ght t>e ~urpus.ed no much manpc~e, a~ money .,,.e ,n~es.t,no ,n thesto .ircas and •e m,gtll be $Utpr1~ed P\Oh COl'\SltUClh-e tebels. CJn tH So cong,atula11on1 9radudtt-s and ncrcomt' 10 the fahemJ Hlabhshment Ar c h J Cue n y Pr eside nt GOLDEN STATE BANK Golden , Co lor ado Phon e 279-4556 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Bu si ne ss or Pl easure AIR STEAMSHIP TOURS W e se ll ti c kets t o a nyw he re in the world no ext r a c ha rge for o ur se r vice TRAVEL AGENCY 120 l Wa s hington Golden, Colo rad o 279-667 1
Restaurant 0 p n 6 A. M. Special Low Rates for SKIERS THE WORLD'S INNKEEPER After ~kiing join ,is al th.e fireplace Sing along at the pim,o-bar nightl')· 14707 W. Coifax 279-7611
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum
Or a ngutans are skepti c al o f change s i n their c age s
Someone told me
It's all b appening at the wo. I do believe it, I do believe it's true.
It ' s a light and tumb le journey From the East Side to the park; Just a fine and fancy ramble To the Zoo.
But you can take the crosstown bus
If it's raining or it's cold, And the animals will love it
If you do
Somethin' tel l s me
It 's al l happening at the zoo I do believe it, I do believe it ' s true.
An t elopes a re missiona ri es, (C H S bap tism ?)
The monkeys stand for honesty, Gira ff es are insincere, And the elephants are kindly but They're dumb.
Orangutans are skeptical Of changes in their cages,
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum.
Zebras are reactionaries, Antelopes are missionaries, Pigions plot in secrecy, And hamsters turn on frequently. What a gas! You gotta come and see At the zoo.
Paul Simon 1967, 1968
/ ) ,I
I ,. •• , • • '
I.. ...• 153
Giraffes are insincere.
Elephants are kindly but they're dumb.
Zebras are reactionaries
UUH ...
Pi ge o n s p l ot i n s e c re cy.
Monkeys stand for hone sty
Hamsters turn on frequent! y.
.. • • .. • • • • .. • J I .. • _. • • •: • • • • • •• • • • • • • ' - •• -,r, - ... . • - ' • • • • . • t , - • - • • ~ - • .. .. ... .. • • • • • • ... .,.,. • • ,# • • ., .,• • • • ... -155
Cathy Ortel - -Editor
Sue Wendler Business Editor
Laura Emest - -Photography Editor
Janet Bernhard
Joan Bernhard
Jo Ann Cook
Gloria Deal
Arthur Ferguson
Lov,rell Gee
Vonnie Gutzman
Debbie Haertso
Lisa Johnson
Chirs King
Joan Long
Debbie Loving
Loretta Malcolm
Mona Massey
Jackie McOain
Jackie Merril
Rachael Rippy
Tim Rome
Made l ine Scott
Connie Wall
Greg Ward
Roger Yarborogh
Brend Woolaver
Pat Ziegl er
Gary Bristol
We Would like to give our special thanks to Deans Studios and to The Golden Daily Transcript. Without their help and assistance ,ve probably ,vouldn't have a yearbook. We \vould also like to thank:
Bob Duncan- - Title page
W. Ergene Smith- - Page 6
Fred Plant- - Page 8
Ken Regan - -Page 9
W. C. Rauser- - Page 10
Pete Romph- - Technical advice and many photos
Jack Eckart--American Yearbook Company Representative
Because of labor diffii:ulties in New York, we are forced to cancel publication of the Regional Report sc heduled I
Aquariu s, 1we thank you." Pnompenh )1
Mi ssion Control to 1 lunar module
Ei ghty-F i fth Ann ual
Class of 1970
June Fi rst , Nineteen Hundred Seventy
I f('eEp tll:MIN ON THE MMK61'
1· , t ~: Killin
( , - - -
Kent tale: ODIA
{ Mekong River
Us I
Green River Raft Trip
In May, several groups of students and faculty from Golden rode rafts down the Green River in Utah. Nearly everyone enjoyed the trip and some said that it gave them the chance to become better acquainted with both teachers and students. One group enjoyed the raft trip so well that they planned another camp-out at Mt. Princeton during the Memorial Day weekend.
• !' -i' ,. "''" • 1 • 1 '- ~ c:,-,.,.. ,.. .L.-•
One raf t group b r eaks camp be f ore h eadi n g f o r h ome.
For t h e beauty and love o f nature and solitude?
-· ·---Are you willing to give earth a chance? For the building of dams, parks, wilderness areas, skyscrapers and ecological systems??
Fo r th e survi v al of th e human race?
Mike Babb's last official duty was to keep this chair warm for
Anne Hutchinson, next yr's pres. \.Vho could not believe the c hair ,vas finally hers.
• • :Pt, I 1 1 I l ] , II 1 ~--- ·
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Meredith Wilson's musical - comedy, "Music Man'' brought full houses to the auditorium on March 18, 19, 20, and 21st. Nick Strewler as Prof. Harold Hill and Connie Olson as Marian Parco headed the all - school production. Other performances which highlighted the evenings ,vere those of Jim Davis, Bill Petty, Pam Willis, Chris Fisbeck, Carol Mienecke, Mark Hutchinson, Cindy Starks and Marty Shelton. Also adding to the production was the Barber Shop harmony by Dan Gaines, Randy Myers, Ho\-vard Denton and Lanny Wilken. The student director of "Music Man" was Elaine Fl or Faculty directors were Lowell Sharp, :t-.1ildred Morgan, Pat Ryan and Ernest Kazmier.
Nick Strewler and Connie Olson headed the school production.
LEFT TO RIGHT, BOTTOM ROW, Mrs. Marion Jackson, Sponsor; Steve Gaskill, Shelly Sunderhuse, Sue Bates, Judy Roy, Rita Weyler, Llnda Baring, Nancy King, Chris Wright, Rachael Rippy, Connie Cor,vin, Sandy Opstelton SECOND ROW: Chip Mehring, Anne Hutchinson, Cindy Aiken, Cindy Hogan, Janet Bernhard, Joan Bernhard, Kay Rima, Cathy Smart, Jackie Roy, Jim Butler, Rynda Smiley, Bruce Billings. THIRD ROW: Ann Miller, Rhonda Kay, Bob Anderson, Chris Smith, Mary Kay Knoll, Richi Bro,-vn, Cindy Baldessari, Nan Lehman, Jane S c hmidt, Kathleen Spear, Kitty Campbell, Jeff Dufford, Jo Anderson, Bill Maas, FOURTH ROW: Sue Stevanak, Sue Wendler, Connie Olson, Chris Fisbeck, Marty Shelton, Wendy Ed,-vards, Nancy Nickerson, Sue Henshaw, Patti McNeil, Sarah Gel,vix, Vinnie Smythe, Marji Williams, Lisa Johnson, Karen Burnham FIFTH ROW: Kathy McDermott, Steve Orin, Danny Fike, Chuck Goudge, Sherry Fiester, Gene Barth, Cindy Starks, Mike Babb, Dave Bauman, Candy Fike, Clark Rogers, Nancy Nelson, Bill Jennings. SIXTH ROW· Dave Braden, Jeanette Tennant, Bill Hayes, Dave Burke, Warren Frush, Laurie Ste,vart, Jerry Ruhl, Geri Boone, Rick Bauman, Virginia Ronzio, Kay Manning, SEVENTH ROW: Laura Ernest, Stacey Steers, Thad Richardson, Randy Fleming, Kit Hermann, Linda Gross, JoAn Kruesi, Rudi Richardson, Lissa Gross, Melody Sheldon, Ruth Leonard, Pat Fleming, Llz Childs, EIGHTH ROW: Greg Dufford, Steve Branson, Shawn Mathis, Carol Schmidt, Penny Pegis, Charles Madsen, Mike Boland, and Dan Hutchinson.
t t t ; t t t t
The choir, under the direction of Mr. Pat Ryan, has been very active this year. They have given four concerts, three at the High School and the fourth with the all-county choir. At graduation, the choir sang the lord ' s Prayer. Ed Turley ,vas the accompanist.
The c h oi r s inging th e lord ' s P rayer at graduation.
Roaring 20's Queen, Jackie Roy and her escort Jim Butler.
• , J \' l -------
LEFT TO RIGHT, Attendant Sarah Gelwix, Attendant Patti McNeil, Prom Queen, Jackie Roy, Attendant Rhonda Rumbaugh, Attendant Connie Olson.
"It's all 1n the job, Randy."
"The 1920 1 s 11 Royalty and their escorts.
9 •• • .; ,,
The Golden High Boys• Gymnastics team have just completed its most successful season in the past four years Led by All - Around man Bob LaReau, the Demons achieved an undefeated deal season , beating Alameda , Arvada West, Lakewood, Jefferson , and Wheatridge
j • • • . t ' ... GOLF
BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHI' , Ric h ard Fri zze l , Bob An d erson, Ken t Wilson, J eff Brad l ey, S T AND IN G, Coac h H e rring , J e ff P ise r c hi o, Al an Cu tt e r, R obert Harper, G ary Wood
TOP ROW- - Claudia Bleidt, Jo Anderson, Nancy Heigh. :MIDDLE ROW- - Pam Hughes, Joan Bernhard, Tonya Selbe, Ginger Hayei,, Ri c hie Bro,vn. BOTTOrv1 ROW - -Manager - Pam Bond, Coach-Miss Wilcox.
s T e nni s T e am
Pam Hughes All Around - State Meet
TOP ROW Nancy Nelson, Coach-Miss Edwards, Sue Freeman MIDD LE ROW-Mary Wolfe, Mimi Wagner , Debbie Jordy, Holly Rogers. BOTTOM ROW -
Lisa Emerson, Liz Shpall, Stacy Steers. FLOOR Jackie Roy, Cassie Bevan.
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LEFT TO RIGHT--Couch Bettinger, Mark Wagner, Steve Dugan, Steve Pike, Jerry Blesh, Gene Barth, C h ris Truax, Doug Webster. TOP ROW--Jeff Henshaw, Jim Carra, Tom Gleaton, John O'Dorsio, Dan Hutchson, Scott Noorlun.
LEFT TO RIGHT--J e ff Moe r be, Guy DiTo rrice , Steve Gaski l l , Dan Pau l son, A l len Platt, Tom Wolfe, Dennis Dunn , Paul Bleidt, Steve Colton, Coach Booton. 2nd ROW Jon Guenther, Claude Beghin, Greg Dunn, Joe Lafferty, J eff Richie, Bob St Cyr, Don Van Horn , Charles Madsen , Edward Kaestner. 3rd ROW- - Mike DiTorrice, Tony Carr , Wade Moser, Matt Grenfell, Mike Bo l and, Jay Gilbert. 4th ROW Norman Heinzman, Doug McCoy, Dan Eagan, Steve Paulson.
Graduation ceremonies were held June 1st in 480 ,veather, ,vhere nearly 270 graduates listened to speakers before receiving diplomas
Some of the speakers were, from LEFT TO RIGHT, Reverend John McKenry, Dr. Charles Romine, Mr. Paul McEncroe, Mr. Gerald Difford. Other Guests ,vere, Mr. Herb Cochran, and Mr. Richard Booton.
Valedictorian Laurie Stewart
The band, under the direction of Mr. Ernest Kazmier, played the processional, the National Anthem, and the recessional.
Born : August 14, 1952 Died: March 1, 1970
In Memory
Born : June 18, 1 953
Died: May 17 1 1970
Born: October 21, 1 954
Died: May 1 7 1 1970
Craig Tidwell
Roberta Brunel
Karen Brunton
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
1 THE MINIMAX LOOK - Designer Georges Kaplan revealed this solution lo the m1n1 • maxi debate m women's coals Models wear mm1max coats which combine features of both
2.MAY FACE COURT MARTIAL - LI Wilham L. Calley Jr, (nght) walks with his military defense counsel, Ma1 Ken neth A Raby at Ft. Benning. Georgia Calley has been charged with the murder of c1v11tans during an attack on My La,. a village m Vietnam
3. TO BEGIN SERVICE -A Boeing 747 supeqet dwarfs Boemg s mtercontmental 707 - once the largest 1ethner m the air. The new 1umbo1et will be put into service in 1970
4 BIAFRAN REFUGEES - B1afran refugees are shown carry mg children and belongmgs as they flee from advancine Nigerian troops
5 MOON WALK - In July, 1969, man took hrs greatest leap into space and walked on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 m1ss1on This was followed m November by Apollo 12 and another manned lunar landmg
3. 4 5
PrmtrJ III l I
6 IRI H FRONTIER SCENE In Belfast, Northern Ireland, Brit h troops were required to keep the peace as Catholic and Protestant fa lions clashed m riots which broke out m Augu I
7 U THANT PAYS RESPE.CTS -U Thant, Secretary-General of th United Nation~ stands before the casket of Dwight 0 E.1 enhower lying in stale under the capitol dome in Washington
8 PARI PEACE TALKS - South Vietnamese delegates sit along 1dP U S delegates in the con! erence room used for the pe e talks Henry Cabot lodge (center) replaced Aver el 1 Harriman a US delegallon leader
9 S RAT[GIC ARMS LIMITATION TALKS BE.GIN - Russian delegation (nearest camera) headed by Vlad,mar Sem1onov, face their U S counterparts headed by Gerard C. Smith al on! r n e table in Hels1nk1 during their f 1rst meeting.
10 ORDER FURTHER TROOP WITHDRAWAL President Nix on ,t at hrs White House desk. after appearing on a na• honw1de broadcast announcing withdrawal of 50,000 more troop tr m South Vietnam by April of 1970
11 OE GAULLE RESIGNS - In April General Charles de Gaulle r 1gned as President following the negative result of the referendum He and Mrs Yvonne de Gaulle are shown after attending morning mass at the church of Harr,court
... 7