GHS Yearbook - 1972

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A wonderful story is unfolding before our eyes . How it wi 11 end we are not allowed to know. Winston Chur chill
To grow is to change , and to have changed often is to have grown much .
J . H Newman
Exploration really is the essence of the human spirit . . . to turn our backs on the quest for knowledge is to perish.
Colonel Frank Borman
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We will now discuss in a Iittle more deta i I the struggle for existence


Homecoming has new attractions

Homecoming had a new attraction this year The first annual bed race was held on Friday afternoon , and was witnessed by many of the students When the dust cleared , Key Club emerged as the victor, with the Seniors second and the Sophomores a close third Saturday morning the parade worked its way through the streets of Golden , eventually reaching its dest1nat1on, Brooks F 1eld Although class floats were not part of the parade this year , many clubs and organ1zat1ons contributed their time and effort to make the parade a success Halftime of the game brought the crowning of Pam Hughes as the Moose Oueen, who reigned over the dance that evening The Tender Fore was enjoyed by many, as they provided both music and entertainment for the Moose Lodge Dance of ' 42

1,. .
Homecoming Queen 1971
'- ·"--
Miss Pam Hughes
Marietta Pastore V1ck1 Bond Shen Henderson Jill Swanson
Mona Keenan

The Triple Charade

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Trafalgar Tremayne cries over the wickedness of h is treasured home Iva Bargain co nvi nce s Trafalgar Tremayne to buy a corset. Mrs Klapington scolds Jim Flannery for being so obnoxious Mr. Mornsion acts bewildered over the attitude of his Wife


Melamed David Nelson

Bontche Schweig

Rickele Angel Kay Mann ing

Rabbi David Angel Charles Jordy

Angel Roche le Angel Carol Waidel ich

Stranger Melodee Sheldon Angel

Rickele 's friend Kris Groswold Angel

Dodi Father Abraham Dan Flynn

Goat Seller Angel Sall i Bond

Mendele Angel Chris Milner


Jim Flannery Kent W ilson


• Janina Brown

Mrs Klap i ngton

Jeannie Fear s

Young Girls Sta cy Steers

Le sI 1e Scofield

Mr Morrison Steve McCarthy

Mrs Morrison Donna Scott

Mrs Pringle

Cassie Bevan


Trafalgar Tremayne

Mike Letty

Mrs. Tremayn e . . Gwen Cooper

" Little " Berth a Trema yne

Debbie Claar

Hurley Burl eigh Andy Milner

Angostura Bitters

Laurie Mooney

Iva Bargain Wendy Angell

Dainty Daisy Dashle1gh V1ck1 F1sbeck

Percy Vere Scott Mossman

Rodn ey Remington Scott Geddi s

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Melamed and R1 ck ele ask the advice of the great Rabbi Dav id

Harlem invades Golden

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Peters shoots against a tough defense. Herring warms up before b ig game.

Band invites Don Ellis

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You're a good man Charlie Brown

It was bound to happen and it did Golden High finally let its apathetic hair down long enough to enjoy a dance comparable only to the likes of Homecoming. After allowing the perfect excuse for a winter dance to slip by when Christmas came and went, it appeared the students were in for another draught, enduring until spring and the Prom However , in the distance a voice could be heard , the voice of the CONCERT CHOIR Acting as savior, the choir quickly swept away the fears and inhibitions of Golden's students with promises of a Valentine's Day Dance This , luckily, was only the beginning- for it soon became apparent that there were to be other activities of the highest caliber Activities such as a Bach's Lunch Auction and a Valegram Booth. Each of these activities made it possible for all kinds of students to become involved to the extent they wanted without fear of ridicule Thank you , Choir , for showing us what fun it is to participate 1n something for pure enjoyment, rather than searching for meaning

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Love Me Tonight

Learning and working for a better tomorrow

To attain G -Club status, one 1s required to collect a set number of points in a sport at G H S. Besides enjoying athletics this year , G -Club donated the materials for the new picnic tables outside the cafeteria This was a welcome change , since the old green picnic tables were falling apart Now, thanks to the combined efforts of G -Club and Key Club , eating outside is a pleasure. Key Club is a service organization sponsored by the Golden Kiwanis Club Last Thanksgiving , Key Club gave turkeys and canned goods to deserving people The Harlem Diplomats came to G.H S last fall courtesy of Key

Club , and with the materials donated by GClub , Key Club built the new picnic tables Other service projects by Key Club proved that it 1s one of the most active organizations 1n the school.

Below left-Golden ' s outstanding athletes make up G-Club. Below center-Dan Hutchinson conducts a Key Club meeting. Above right-Several members of Key Club pose on their completed picnic tables Below right-Mr Perella, sponsor of Key Club.

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Students communicating through different ,n

me ans

You won't find any articles about dress code in the Trident Though 1t comes out far too se ldom , the Tr ident doesn't bore you with incidents of disinterest. Though there are some tri vial articles, many artic les concern thems elves with the Olympic games in Colorado, student apathy, and ot h er points of interest to everyone Hav e you a knack for arguing with your br others and sisters? Do you get dramatic ju st to agitate your mother? Why not develop your knack for oral ex press ion! If you feel the urge , head over to Sharp's di scount hou se, exp ress your qual if ica ti ons and get to work Although th e re is a lot of fun involved with forensics, most of it is blo o d , sweat, and lots of filing cards. For tho se interested debaters who do well may usua lly be found in the periodicals room do ing something pertaining t o debate

or bothering Mr s. Luhbhan according to their moods Most theatrical students may be heard inserting their lines into conversations with friends. Although those who are in Forensics started by doing "Little Red Riding Ho od" it is impossible to acknowledge the fact because they have become noticably better

Above left-Freda Willis prepares for upcoming forensics meet. Below left- Trid ent staff listens intently to Mr. Peter s explain lay-0ut. Above center-Editor of Trid ent, Sheri Henderson, plans for upcoming paper. Below center-A few of the many Forensics fa ces. Above right-Along with Mr. Sharp Mrs. Potter coaches Forensics teams.


Awareness cre ates greater involvement

If you have a 3 point average along with the approva l of the faculty you have made 'th e Nati onal H onor Society Although t h ey have few meetings a year , the Society sponsors the chess tournament an d the sa le of ice cream cones on warmer than average days at Golden Th e Honor Society holds an annual banquet 1n the honor of its new members eac h spring Steve McCarthy headed the group that rewrote the Student Organ1zat1on Constitution which now makes it possible for eve r y stu d ent in the schoo l to vote on iss u es dur ing Student Organization

meetings Although the students hav e the privilege of voting, few take advantage of 1t , thus for cing th e student organ1zat1on to be nearly useless

Below left-Robin Hult conducts meetings. Above left-Steve McCarthy, Shen Henderson, Dan Hitch1nson, Beth Nogues make up Student Association officers Below Center-Members of National Honor Society posed and wa1t1ng. Above Center-Tom Woznick and John Barringer listen intently to important meeting Below Ri ght- Students enjoy repa i nted IMC N o 3.

The routine s during half-time would have been total wipe-outs for the Tr idette s had 1t not been for some proficient leadership and a rythm ica lly accurate band . Early la st fall, one co uld view the band and Tnd ettes practicing out on the muddy football field Those mud-soaked pract ices proves fruitful , as the half-time presentations showed. Even an untun ed ea r could h ea r the difference between those s loppy practices and the p e rformances under the stadium lights. Though

some may not have thought the Tridettes improved from practice to performance , few can say they didn 't have fun doing it

Above left-Tridettes anticipating homecoming performance Below center-Andy Sheer and Gary Baughman during a concert band show Above center-Fall marching band becomes year-round concert band. Below right- Tridettes rest after tiresome routine. Above right-Marching band in homecoming parade.

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'' As the players tried to take the field the marching band refused to yield. "

Expression of thought through • music

They pester you w ith their Chr istmas c ards 10 week s before Christmas . You s ee them walk i ng around the halls wearing matching o utfits Then s uddenly it h it s you These people aren ' t just ord i nary high school si ngers They have a certa i n fines se about the i r style of si ng i ng that sets them apart from the med1ocre s They ' re pretty good -i n fact they ' re s o good that they de s erve a t i mely name like Centennials . This year they were : Andy Milner , Janina Brown , Peter Bleidt , Carol Goodw i n, Joe Bator , Laura Thomas , Scott Mo s sman , Jani c e Flor , Don · na Scott, Jon Chappel , Andy Sipes , Steve Schafer, Chris Milner, Charlie Madsen, Marie Beattie, L iz Hannum , Jeann i e Oppenlander,

Paul S i mpson , Barb Johnson , Pat Cha se.

" What ' s ' The French Connection '?"

" It 's that mov ie that had Don Ell is for the mu si c producer. "

" Oh Who 's Don Ell is?"

" He 's the guy who came to play at Golden w ith the stage band i n January ."

" Oh yeah Now I remember. You know , that s tage band brings some pretty wellknown people ."

" Yeah. That stage band is pretty good "

" I gue ss Kazm ie r mu s t know his mu si c, huh? "

" Yeah I gue ss s o .''

" H tt d '' mmm pr e y goo

.. ,-·


Say that you don't especially relish the thought of being a stay-at-home after graduation. Say that you'd like to get into the business world That's just great, but how will you get there without help? F 8 L A helps alot of kids understand that the i nsane business work of typewriters and ticker tapes 1s very complicated. Though few people will admit 1t, big business 1s what runs our country. This being fact,

those in F 8 L A have a headstart. Do you constantly harass your neighbors' eardrums while revving up your cycle? Do you identify with Easy Rider? I f so you belong in t he Golden High School Easy Rider Advocates Club This group of far-out, groovy, cyclists rides around 6th Av. hills and attends motorcycle rallys with other c l ubs. Th us, make the club the only one on wheels at G. H .S.

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the challenging world of tomorrow- -.. .... • •• • • . "' , '""' •.• • ty • .' • •, ·,

A cry of agony pierces the room . " Who put the sugar in the s alt container? " A quiet moan is heard from the other side of the room as a seamstress jabs a needle into her finger Part of learning to be a hom emaker is not all pushing buttons, as any F . H .A . , member can tell you There are just as many mistakes to be made in this push - button era as there ever were in the realm of the happy homemaker However, part of F H A is to teach future homemakers how to make fewer mistakes so that they may excel in the homemak i ng arts of today. Th e ideal situation for anyone i nterested in the teaching field is to be in F .T . A. which is an organization for t h ose who are invigo rated with the thought of teaching and teaching theories F T A gives those who are interested a chance to visit various colleges and sc h ools

Opportunities provided for reward ing

to observe different teac h i ng methods This is an exce llent chance for anyone who is interested in a teaching career Spending t i me with a foreign family can prove to be a valuable lea r ning experience. It can refresh your view of life right down to t h ose stuffed-up brain cells that you t h o u ght could never learn anything new Although life is basically t h e same around the world , there is a lot to be learned from each co untry of the world. A F .S. is o ut to catc h this wonderful idea of u n ity It does this by se nd ing students to experience different count r ies

Be low left -F H A learns in the kitchen Above center- Sponsor of F.H.A , Mrs Mc Hu gh Below center-Mrs Th ompson, F.T.A. sponsor Above and below r ig h t-A F S. and Arsack Marg oss ian, excha ng e s t udent from Greece

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fu ture p"..r -~:. -.c li;"<c-,:.. _~---•41


After many years of being defunct, the Spanish Club 1s up and moving One giant sized proJect the club has taken on is the Job of repainting t h e Spanis h room to look Iike so met h i ng other than a sc ho ol room. Chri s tmas vacation, brought la fiesta de las p1natas, and Christmas carols sung 1n Espanol. A great way to r ound out the Spanish year is viewing Spanish flicks at D U which proves to be the most enlightning to a ll , senors and senoras alike When the s mell of Russian tea h it s your nostrils and the sound o f the " Blu e Danube" grabs your a s tounded ear drums , You know you have just sta rt ed to experience one of the most fabulous examples of a German-Russian tea that Golden ever had to offer. You begin to dol e out money just to taste a little more

of the delicacies being vended during the t ea. But 1t is not to an unworthy cause you are pouring out your life' s savin gs to the German-Russian c lub who is planning to use the money t o sen d so me lucky stu d ent to Ru ssia during th e coming summe r to learn the Ru ssia n way of life and what a delicious way to go If you've always wanted to know what th e Pope was saying up there at the alter or if you've often wondered why E-Plur ibusUnum is on your half -dollar coins , then the J.C. L 1s for you. All Jokes aside, the Jun ior Classical League is an int eresting group who studies ancient Greec ian h1sto ry and the bas is for the Engl is h language For all involved 1t is a living look at an extinct language.

Foreig n (

cultures provide learning experience

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Variety of experiences enriches life

The main problem of the cheerleaders this year wasn't forgetting their cheers-people just failed to join in the yelling Though most fans 1n the stands refused to cooperate, the chee rl eaders ignored this fact and continued on doing their job cheerfully The varsity cheerleaders this year consisted of J oyce Anderson, Vicki F1sbeck, Jody Holsinger, Patt, O'Lear, Cindy Shepherd, and Liz Shpall. Th e junior varsity cheerleade rs were Kathy Barth, Brenda Dobbs, Nancy

Fri zzell, Laun Henderson, Connie Janssen, and Linda Stitzel During Christmas vacation, Ski Club went to Steamboat Springs for several days of sk11ng and fun. Although the accomodat1ons weren't equivalent to those at the Waldorf-Astoria, the sk11ng was great and everyone enjoyed 1t thoroughly The Ski Club plans to take other trips now that 1t has realized the interest of the students 1n sk11ng.

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With help from a J. D Rockefeller grant, artists turned the drab-looking Art Resource Center into a fantastic -looking cultura l center, full of interesting art objects. The halls were filled with brilliantly colored batiks, which showed the artists' ability to coordinate dazzling design with color scheme. For a week students had the opportunity to work with professional we lders, pa inte rs, potters, and a cooking artist. The results proved to be something quite out of the ordinary, and were appreciated by most everyone. Golden H igh School had a group of sewing experts who decided that it was about time


they learned some sewing culture. Meetings were held often enough to keep up with the latest techniques of the sewing wor ld. Frequently, celebrations were held in honor of new s titches created by the circle members At these informal get-togethers, members demonstrated their skill with needle and thread. All 1n all it may be said the Sewing Circle raised the "spirits" of many a dejected seamstress.

Above left-Art Resource Center ,s enjoyed by members of Art Club. Above right-S ew what? Below right- After school, Art Club becomes active.

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of your capabilities leads to personal closeness


Jon Ake , Matt Grenfell, J i m Sykora, Ed Kaestner, Robin Hu lt, Dean Lovett, Wad e Mo ser, Gary Easterling. 2nd row - Jay Gilbert , Mike Dean , Steve Paul son, Ken Hagler , Alex Kilanski, Rick H uffman, Jerry Sykora, Mike Moon , Ed Geron, Ron Blue. 3rd r ow- J e r ry Goad , Tom Saunders , Doug Wheel er, John Kelly , Dave Meyers, Doug Gleaton , John High tower, Mark Renchau sen, Tom Woznick, Jim Thatcher , Shane Ankerich , 4th row - Brian Waring , Lance Mc Knight , Jeff Edwards, Robb ie Weinert , Kerry Lawson, Bob Rush , Pat Cowan, Richar d H asle r , Don Felton , Mike Zell e r . 5th rowCoaches Wood , Peters, H enry, Gonzal es, Duran

, Bra d Carter,

50 •
Gol de n 0 Go ld en 38 Gold e n 20 Golden 8 Golden 22 Golden ...... 43 Golden , 6 Golden 21 Golden 50 Golden. 0 f Greeley West .... 40 Evergr een 7 Wheatridge 38 Arvada West .... 62 Alameda 19 Montrose 12 La kewoo d .... .. 49 Jeff e r so n 0 Bear Creek 14 Arvada . . 6 ..
Left - Mat Grenfell k icks the extra poin t 1st row-Dana Leadford Dan Staples ,

It 1s Saturday as the athlete wanders aimlessly about the house his thoughts are hours ahead, eagerly awa1t1ng the kickoff His mind becomes preoccupied with the upcoming game to such an extent that the outside world no longer exists Dwelling deliberately on his assignments, he reviews each one until 1t becomes automatic - then begins creating different problems he might encounter With the prec1s1on of a computer analyzing its data , he 1ns t1nctively reaches the solution Finally he 1s ready -in a matter of hours he will have a chance to test h1msel f Until then he must wait.

Above-Coach Peters congratulates Staples on a good block. Left - Mrke Dunafon runs for daylight.

Bending forward just one more time, the runner stretches his fingertips downward-touching his toes in his last-minute efforts.

Muscles tensed, he stands at the starting line-the gun sounds. H e lunges forward, fighting his way to the front, and suddenly he is free.

Striding through the grass with a pace developed after many hours of training, the runner is in front. Feeling the power in his legs, the air is crisp against his face-its sweet taste in his lungs as he gasps for more. Feeling these things he realizes his love for running, and as he rounds the last curve he knows he would have it no other way.

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Right-Tony Carr takes time to rest in the shade of an oak i n Berkely Park. Below-Dan Hutchinson, tripping his way toward the finish line for Golden. Cross-Country team , Left to Right - Dan Hutchinson , Pete Ble i dt , Tony Carr , Mark Qu i nn , Dave McGu ire, Dan Hachen , Chuck Madsen, Ken Boerner. Not shown - Mike Pantea , Ph i l M i hoover, Coach Sharp.
Right - Madsen and Quinn are shown exemplify in g the spiri t typical of the Cross Country team. Above-the Demons warm up before a race

The third period draws to a close. For nearly nine minutes the wrestler ha s been using the mat like an artist-darting in and out, ready for the take-down on ly to be met head on Qu ickly breaking hi s opponent's hold he scrambles for a pin the buzzer sounds Slowly h e rises to his feet, exhausted. With the referee holding h is arm in the air he realizes he has won. Walking toward his cheering teammates, his mind races back over the long practices, th e sleepless nights, the moments of endless frustration, and he knows it has been worthwhile.

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Right - Roland Paschall works around for the takedown. Ab ove- Mark Camfield, 1n control of sit uat ion
Right - with the referee holding his arm in the air he realizes he has won •. Below-Paschall wrestles his way to the state tournament. Wrestling team , L eft to Right- 1st row Jim J or da n, Chris Sundseth, Steve Jac k son, Mgr , Pete Ble1dt, Bi ll Hoeper 2nd r ow Kim Burke, Bill Fall ert, Lan ce Sweetland, Roland Pa schall , D ave McGuire, Robrn Elliott 3rd row Coach Po llr ce, Pat Cowan, Gary John so n , Mark Camfield, Joe Zahanas, Don F elto n, Coach H afl Ing N ot shown - H al Johnson
56 Golden 62 Golden .... .. . . 53 Golden 57 Golden 40 Golden . . .... .. 69 Gold en 51 Gold en . 61 Golden .. .. ... 74 St. Mary's 78 Greeley West . . • . 75 Arvada West . . . . 67 Bear Creek 59 Wheatrldge 125 Arvada 81 Lakewood . . . • 93 Alameda ..•• 85 Golden 65 Jefferson 54 Golden ~..,,- Evergreen • . 62 Golden ... .... . 55 Ar vada West 97 Golden. 53 Bear Creek 66 Golden 45 Wheatridge ••• •116 Golden ..... :-. • 62 Ar vada . . . . • • . . 74 Gol den • 61 Lakewood 68 Golden. · • . • 66 Alam eda 107 ..Galde n .•..•.. 88 Je ff erson • . . • • 82 Golden. 7 7 Evergreen 58 -•
Basketball team, Left to Right- 1st row: Wa lt Madsen, Wa d e Mose r, Sco t t Smith , T om Saunders. 2nd row : Dave Meyers, Bill Rowe , Steve Sorensen , Brian Rogers , Mgr 3rd row : Dan Hutchinson, Ro b in Hu lt , J eff Bradley , Mike Bo land No t Sh own - Coach Boerner and Carl Peterso n Ab ove-Mike Bo land b reaks Alameda's press
Below-Moser and Smith typify the classic man against man 1n a scrimmage. Left-Tom Saunders goes f or two using his fade-away Jumper
\ j
J V Basketball team. Left to Rig ht -1st row : Alan Hutchinson, Stewart Black, Mgr 2nd row Dan Ha ch en, Steve Sorensen, Joe Poul os. 3rd row : Mark Renchausen , Mark Darlington , Jeff Trowbridge 4th row : Dan Landis , Rex Aoki, Bill Rowe , Roger Hoag, 5th row: Walt Mad sen, Da ve Meyers

As the ball comes s ailing back across the court, his arm has already begun the nearly instinctive motion backward in anticipation of the return The tennis player 's eyes are concentrated on the small white sphere, because he knows that one slip may cause him to lose important points Back and forth , again and again the ball crosses the net , each time to be met with a driving force that will send it back from where it came After long , hot hours of practice , the player has nearly mastered his reactions , and he knows now is the time to put them to work - in competition.

Right - Todd Bailey follows through after a strong return Below - Bruce MacDonald winds up for a serve. Tennis team-Bruce MacDonald, Don Johnson, Chris Green, Dave Anderson , Todd Bailey , Dave Bailey , Wayne Cobb, Greg Dempsey. J . V.-Scott Smith, Mark Darlington, Phil Cary , Peter Turl ey .
Above-a player's shoes often times make the difference, and are therefore saved for clutch matches Right - Phil Cary smoothly returns his opponent's shot.
Below Center - Arch ie Brunton explodes off the block LeftGo ld en relayers sight in on easy win. Below-Golden sw i mmer gl i des to v icto ry.
Swim team-Dave Anderson , Elton Bachli, Archie Brunt o n , Nick Dodson, Lars Ebbesen, Ricky Ho ss, Dean Linde nberger , Paul Mar keth , Neal Middlem iss, Clark Lee, Rick Zern , Ken Manning, Steve McCart hy , Dave Bra is ted , Er ic Elv .

Standing on the blocks in rigid ant1c1pation, the swimmer is nervously awa1t1ng the crack of the starter's gun As he crouches down 1n preparation for the dive , he realizes the need for him to use every possible bit of strength he has 1n order to win. The gun sounds, and he skims the water as he starts the stroke Driving harder and harder , until he seems lost in a world of muffled yells and splashing water, the swimmer nears the finish of the race, and as his hand touches the cold, wet tile , he knows that he has won .

Above-Neal M1ddleiss watches eagerly as teammate approaches finish Left-Ebbesen and Zern concentrate on next event

After finishing her routine , the gymnast returns to her seat, eager to learn the results of her performance. She has strived for perfection in every part of the routine, and hopes that the judges will realize the pains-taking time and effort that she has put into it. She has seen her opponents do well, and knows that she will have score high in order to win Gymnastics is both a physically and mentally tiring sport, and she has had to build up her endurance in both areas to bring about a high score The scores are soon to be read, and the gymnast will then know the strength of her performance

l I ' I
Robbie Brown works on her free-exercise routine below, and on the balance beam at right.
,. 1
Right-Pam Hughes shows her champ1onsh1p form 1n a balance beam routine. Girl's Gymnastics - Pam Hughes , Cassie Bevan , Colleen Bain, Lynn Butron , Diane Garner , Debi Purvis, Amy Moorhead , Robbi Brown , Suzanne Long , JoDee Evans , Karla Lakey , Sandy Coakley, Ann Benedetti, Jane Williams , Susan Hutchinson , Nancy Fitch , Terry Smolen , Pat Wagner, Lisa Coughlin

Standing alone , the athlete watches the scoreboard as the seconds slowly slip by, realizing that his team has but a few minutes left to win or lose the game. Suddenly the pounding in his ears grows sharper It 1s more than the sound of the crowd - it 1s a sound of power - that last ounce of strength which enables him to not only meet, but rise above all competition. It can enable him to sprint the last yards of a distance race; lunge into the air, blocking an extra point attempt, or, 1f necessary, bear the agony of a defeat


The teachers of today are a new breed of people

They realize the need for education is now more important than ever, that they are responsible for educating the students as much as they can in the short amount of time they have to do so As newer , better ways of teaching are found, the teachers must change to fit into these new " surroundings ", so that what they teach will be useful to the students in the future as wel I as today

They must realize that learning is a process which

never ends - there is always room for more knowledge - and must make the student understand that learning is necessary for survival. If a person has no desire to learn, the teacher must step in and act as a friend - willing to work with that student individually until he shows improvement. Teachers are some of the most important people in our world today, for it is up to them to provide the education that will be put to use in the future.

Orlan Cox - Princ i pal Herb Co c hrane - Ass istant Prin ci pal Bill Lewis - Ass istant Prin c ipal

Dave Bachman-Counselor

Gale Brandt-Counselor

Dee Wilson - Counselor

John Thomalla - Counselor

.. - ' ' I
John Kellenbenz-Metals/Auto
Ray Christensen-Auto Mechanics
Al Pere I la - Wood / Upholstery
Stan HaJek-D rafting / El ecton1cs Russ Muniz-Vocal /Inst r umental Mildred M organ-Art
M ark Dunn-Art
t •-- -~ I -
Pat Ryan - Vocal M usic
Ernest Kazmier - lnstrumental Musi c Dan Comer - Mathematics Ela,ne Fitzgerald - Mathematics Kathryn Kinman - Mathematics Ed Herber - Math ema ti cs Ruby Hal e- Math ematics
I l 75
Darrel Hafllng - Mathemat,cs
. '76
Jerry Garland - Soci al Sciences Dewain Wood - World Hist o r y Al McLaren - American History
Ken Boerner - World His t ory

Te ac h ing can mean someth ing different t o everyone - Sh ow ing a s tudent Just the right amount of paint t o use ; exp lai nin g the finer points of how a fish breathes , solving a math pr ob lem that seemed nearly impossible Each teacher, in h is own way, is passing along his own knowledge t o the stude nt s, in hopes that they will make as much use of it as they ca n Just as th e students learn, so do th e teachers. Th ey lear n from the stu d en t s - h ow to use their materi a ls so that the stu dent s will b e n ef it th e

most ; what is of interest to their s tud ents and w h at should be changed to become more interes t in g , 1n w h a t a reas the students are weakes t and strongest - t h e li st goes on and on F rom every th ing the teacher learns h e then forms h is own sty le of teaching, usi ng as much of his knowledge to h elp him as h e can He 1s always looking for better ways to use his knowledge , and often must r ev ise hi s work severa l ti mes to meet hrs n eeds

Chuck H erri n g-Amer ican H istory Mam ie Th ompson - American Hi story
I •-~---~~ - ~- .
Roy Daugherty-Social Sc ien ce s Linda Ge r lach - World History
77 ·'i' '
Ray Nelson - Sophomore English Sandra Nations-Jr & Sr Engl i sh Shirley Larson - Jr & Sr English Dennis Westbrook-Sophomore English , Lowell Sharp -S peech Patty Potter - Jr & Sr English
Susan Plessinger -Sophomore English Jerry Peters - English , Journalism
"'- '
• -·· --· -- --
D iana Beatty - R e ad i ng Dawn Stru xness -Jr & Sr Engl is h
Maud Pri e st- E nglish , Lat i n Lu c y Mc Carthy - G e rman , Russ ian
- ----~-· -~- --'-=~
Ray Ew1ng-Span1sh Raoul Pi rri - French
' ~'!.. • •
Lo r en C h ristensen - C h emist r y Jo h n C hapma n - Ph y s ics
' 1 •- - - -
Bob W i ll ia ms - B io logy
• 83
John Galland - Biology
~' ---~ -- -
Tom Henry - Boy s P E
) /
Marilyn Wil cox-Gi rls P E

As another day ends, the teacher will hopefully feel a sense of accomplishment He has tried to communicate with the students- in some cases he has succeeded, in some he has not In those which he has not , there will be another chance , and perhaps then he will be able to get his message across

and begin the same pattern w ith a new topic Although his method of communicating may change from day to day , the teacher will always havl:? the same goal-education of his students , and that one goal will undoubtedly last through the years to come

..- ----- -.
Dick Booton - Boys P E Loretta Mchugh - Home E e.
• 1o.-
Bob Brozovich - Business Larry Barnhardt - Business Roy Lemmons - Distributive Ed Larr y Oan1els-01stribut1ve Ed

Janis Sc h ultz- Office Occupations

John Po lhce - Special Ed

Gall Glanzer - Typing , Shorthand

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If I glorify myself, my glory amounts to nothing
--... 96
It is the civilized who are corrupt.

As It plod s slowly toward you , You sigh and smile a little

And the pile of stones rea c hes for you

You grin as the pa ck slips from your shoulder

Trying to achieve a thrill ,n the Conquest

A drop of sweat

Rolls off your ey ebrow

And you rem ember it 's a hec kuva lot easier going down

Why do you c l 1mb ?

Trying to think of the answer you ga ze outward

IAll thoughts are drowned under the waves of the deluge

As the world beneath your feet sweeps acros s your eye

In a jumble of stark rocks and soft shadow s. And you can see as far as you canWhich Is all you can ask

Sharing your silent thoughts with a bologna sandwi c h

Your gaze turns inward

There's a certain harmony and blending

With the surroundings that your sandwich doesn't feel sitting under the lettuce in the refrigerator waiting

Waiting for a gallant knight to come and Sweep it off its celluloid wrapper

Why do you climb7

Maybe to find the answer

Loren Weimer

March 17 , 1954 - August 15, 1971

' t-- --
...'102 Jon Ake T i m Allen Dave Anderson Joyce Anderson Joyce M Anderson Wendy Angell Shane Ankerich Joy Atkinson Todd Batley Colleen Ba i n Chris Baird Julie Bakke Caro l Batch Den ise Beahm Marie Beattie Walt Beckley Gene Ben1ami n Debbie Berquist Dave Dettinger I I
I • -- -Ca ss i e Bevan Dana Blain Ronald Bl u e Mi c hael Boland Sall, Bond V1ck1 Bond Geri Boone Pam Bowen Don Bowman Jeff Bradley David Bra i sted Robert Brooks Janina Brown Kathy Bruns Kent Busley Lynne Butron Linda Carlson Brad Carter Tony Carr Gene Case 103
Castagne Pat Chase
Cline Debbie Coakly
Dean Mike Dean
Deluise Joy Dommers
Denise Dumont
Kellie Davis
Davis Karlene
Linda Dotts Peggy Downs
Mike Dunafon Francene Dunn Don Durant Danny Eagan Rick Edelen Lisa Emerson V1ck1 F1sbeck Patrice Flemm i ng John Floyd Janet Forester Susan Foster Sue Freeman Sue Fulks Linda Galland Diane Garner Scott Geddis Ed Geron Jay Gilbert Kathey Gingrich l 05

Tom Gould

Liz Greaser

Chris Green

tvlatt Grenfell Carol Griffin

Mike Haberkorn

Bev Hadlock

Jeff Groce Gwen Grosvenor Kns G roswald
J ohn Guenther Lanette Guild ner
Nancy Hall i gan
Mit chell Hamilton Terr i Hamlin
Mike Hampton Joel Hanco ck
L iz Hannum Gayla Harbor
He i mer
He i nzman
He lburg
Herrman Debbie He ssen1 us Anita H i ll Ins H ill
Houghton l 07
Pam Hughes Rob i n Hu lt Dan Hutchinson Dawn James Diane James PattY Jenn i ngs Debbie Jensen Barbara Johnson Bessie Jones Vickie Jones Wayne Jone s Rob in Judd Ed Kaestner Steve Kajtor Pat Keller Paula Kerm iet Alex Kilanski Sara King Valer ie Koken Russell Kuster •
I Lori
Dana Leadford Carol
Colleen Lehamn Ruth Leonard Mike Letey Craig L1ghtburn Monica Lowe Charles Madsen Kay Manning Ken Manning Paul Marken Steve M c Carthy Bruce McDonald Linda McEncroe Scott McFarland Steve McHone Sherry McKee Lance McKnight 109 . . .
110 Roxanne McKnight Dan McNutt Steve Melbye Daryl Mercer Gary Meyer Holli Miller Jackie Miller Robin Milmoe Chri s Milner Karen Moody Mike Moon Laurie Mooney Mary Anne Morgan Alan Morris Cathe Morris Wade Moser Scott Mossman Carla Mueller Mike Mumper
Rose Murin Pattie Murray David Nelson Robin N ewson Be th Nogu es Pat O'Gorman Patt i O ' Le ar Rod Olsen Kim Olson Mike Pant e a Babarba Pantel Don Parker Roland Paschall Marietta Pastor e Steve Paulson Penny Peg1s T e resa Phariss Marc ia Pinkney Wanda Pooley Janette Powell 111

Ann Pulley

Debi Purv is

Patrici a Reed

Holly Rogers

Bruce Root

Shawn Ryan

Tom Saunders

Paul Scala

Andy Scheer

Dale Scheiding

Carol Schmidt

L eslie Scofield

Jeff Seipp

Terry Selbe

Melodee Sheldon

Cindy Shepherd

Sheri Sough

L iz Shpall

Paul S i mpson

T i m Simpson

ii 112

Andy Sipes

Thad Slaughter

Mary Smith

Char Snow

Shelley Springer

Dan Staples

W1ll1am Starks

Stacy Steers

Dorothy Stevanak

Vick, Stevens

Tam, Stroh

Chns Sundseth

Tern Sundseth

Janet Swartout

Jeff Sweetland

Lance Sweetland

Mane Taylor

Laura Thomas

R1nda Thompson

114 Vicki Thorne Mike Tracy Steve VanDuyne Pam Van Harn Kathy Van Horn Debbie Van Steenberg Holly Wade William Wagner Carole Waidelich Janet Wall Marilyn Warren Warren Waterman Jamie Watson Peggy Weaver Sherry Webster Peggy Westbrook Charlotte White Debbie White John Wh1tegon
John Barring er Ramona Pete f1sh Freda W1ll1s Kent Wilson Kathie Wishon Mary Wolf Tom Woznick Kathy Wright Kitty Zachrison Joe Zahanas Dolora Zesbaugh
Greg Hall
~\.:Greg Alexander Peggy Alexander Lynn Akes Sue Anderson Rex Aoki Ron Appleton Kathy Aronson Kurt Bachman Ginny Barbour Debbie Barkley Robbie Barnhill Jim Barringer Kathy Barth Nita Bass Bill Bates Joe Bator Gary Baughman Teresa Bergstrom Diana Beumer Scott Billings Tamsen Bishop Stuart Black Pete Bleidt Barbara Bliss Barb Bohling Mike Boileau Lynn Boland Bart Botkin Mary Boxell Paul Boydstun
Doug Brown Robbie Brown Dennis Browning Graig Brueske Archie Brunton Karen Bucholz Brad Buehler Valene Buettner Jay Burnett Sjero Burroughs Greg Burton Dave Campbell Teri Carlill Laura Carlson Connie Catherman John Chappell Steve Childers Debbie Clark Linda Coakley Cynthia Cole Marcia Cook Gwen Cooper Diane Coulson Pat Cowan Vicki Cundiff

Diane Corwin

Kevin Crain

Sue Crawford

Mark Darlington

Kurt Davis

Susan Davis

Brenda Dobbs

Jolene Dughman

Margaret Duston

Geni Eagen

Kip Eagen

Gary Easterling

Ed .Eaton

Lars Ebbesen

Jeff Edwards

Rich Elliott

Rex Engstrom

Heidi Erbach

Scott Evans

Jo Dee Evans

Sandy Evans

Bill Fallert

Don Felton

Carol Ferguson

Bobby Fletcher

Don Fletcher

Jan ice Flor

Mary Fockler

Evan Fost er

L inda Fox

Carol Francis

Cim Fraser

Gretchen Frauenfelder

Nancy Frizzell

Kathy Gadd

Teresa Gallagher

Lynette Gallegos

Michael Garrelson

Jackie Garramone

Linda Gingrich

Debb ie Gettman Karen Gjellum Doug Gleaton Jerry Goad Jim Gochies Carol Goodwin Janice Goodw i n Lynne Gosse Carla Granquist Julie Griess Dan Green Linda Groves Clayton Guernsey Dan Hachen Loyce Hacking Colleen Hannon Bill Hansen Paul Hanson Ben Hansford Jerry Hansford Dave Hemrich Paulette Hart Susan Hayes Richard Hasler Donna Heartso Jim Hebenstreit Linda Heilman Gerry Halligan ---~--------

Robin Hensley

Lauri Henderson

Susette Herrmann

John Hightower

Jane Hill

Roger Hoag

Pat Hoagl in

Tom Hobson

Dan Hoffman

Annette Hogan

Denise Hogan

Suzanne Hogan

Kristen Holmberg

Shella Hopper

Martha Hoshiko

Pat Healy

Nancy Howes

Rick Huffman

Susan Hughes

Alan Hutchinson

Jeff Isom

Steve Jackson

Connie Janssen

Laurie Jenkins

Gerhart Johnson

Brent Jones

Charles Jordy

Vonie Judd Annette Keller Jeannine Kennedy Mary King Shawn King Sue Kinney Dan Landis Brenda Langer Kerry Lawson Mike Lay Penny Loyd Richard Lofgren Debbie Lovell Terry Loveall Suzanne Long Craig Loving Cheryl Lowe Karen Macek Walt Madsen Suzanne Mankin Steve Mann John Markel Kathy Mason Karen McDermott Ann McEncroe •
Dave McGuire Dwight Mcleod Kathy McKnight Melenda McKnight Syrous Meheen Cassandra Miles Janice Miller Andy Milner John Miskell Penny Mohr Joyce Moosdorf Amy Moorehead Jody Morse Roxanne Moss Fred Moss Day Mosses Cathy Munyon Dave Myers Bob Nelson Rhonda Nelson Thor Newman Rick Newson Teresa Nutt Debbie Obermeyer Mary O'Hair Sheila O'Lear Lou Ann Oliver Jeannie Oppenlander Cindy Osileki
Doug Paschall Mary Passerine Pat Paullus John Paulos Joe Paulos Mike Pellet ier Connie Peterson Dale Piz JoAnne Plummer Patr icia Pr ice Candy Pritchard Richard Ragsdale Tim Ranney Randy Raymer Jerry Reber Mark Renchausen Mike Richards Roger Reno Kathy Rice Donna Rivers _.'-'

Greg Rippy

Jean Robert

Brian Rodgers

Valorie Ross

81II Rowe

Sandy Rynes

Barbara Sarti

Robert Savojian

Steve Schoefer

Donna Schossow

Pam Scott

Mike Schlisk,

Cindy Sengelman

Mary Shaffer

Cyndy Shephard

Robert Silburn

Bobbie Sllght

Louis Smith

Scott Smith

Loa Snodgrass

V1ck1 Spillane

Kim Stewart

Lynda Stitzel

Sue Spatz

Mark Sundseth

Jill Swanson

Jerry Sykora

Jim Sykora

Peggy Synerson

Steve Syverson

Charles Tennant

Jim Thatcher

ii I I I I • Kevin Tidwell Cathy Tibbetts Susan Tilkemeier Vinnie Todd Steve Trowbridge Eva Tunis Wayne Ugetan i Ginny Tripp Patt Valentine Paula Van Dyne Nancy Vine Darrell Warden Jonelle Ware Norman Warling Sk i p Warren Amy Watlington Bruce Weber Lori Werber Robin Westacott Carol Westerkamp Doug Wheeler Sharon Wheeler Jay Willey Sue Wi lson Jim Halfe Vickie Woodrum Becky Wright Joy Yager Kathleen Yancey Lyn Yarroll Ray Zancanella Mike Zeller Lisa Hutchins
'• t• .. _.I; I ••• ; - r ,. • ,.._ .J• ~,.r • ... • 'O 0 • • II • • • ;C• ...• • :. •


Golden Spud nut Shop

Ell is A&W

Golden Lion 's Club


Jackson St Conoco

Glen's Garage

Joy & Debbie

A G. Raymer Junior Construction Compc.1ny

Sportsman Sporting Goods & BcJrbc~r S hop

' 149

Holly Roger s Edit or Ken Man ning Ph oto Coordinator

Mary Wol f Nei l Middl emiss Darkroom Mgr.

John Mi skell Ass t Ed itors Bill Starks

Carlie Madsen Sports, Fa cul ty Ed Da ve Ne lson

Rob in Hult Bu siness Mgr. Steve Campbell Ph otographers

Bev Hadl ock J oy Atkinson

Colleen Lehman Layout Ed ito rs De bbi e Coak ley Advertisements

Patti O'Lear Activities Ed ito r Gerd VonGlinsk1 Drawings

Rob in J u dd Class Edit o r Loyce Ha cking Photo Touch -ups

Gwen Cooper Jerry Peters Faculty Advisor

Carla Granquist Art Dir ecto r s Way ne Ackermann Graphics Counselor

• • , - -~ ' .. ,.. -

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