GHS Yearbook - 1973

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Table of Contents Activities . . . . . . . 20 Organizations . . . . 36 Faculty . . . . . . . . 62 People : . . . . . . . 80 Sports ........ 90 Classes . . . . . . . . 108 Ads . . . . . . . . . . 164
1, ~~.....,..---- .....5

Let us attend to the present, and as to the future, we shall know how to manage when the occasion arrives.

Time is a great master; • he arranges things well.

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Every man has three charactersthat which he exhibits, that which he has and that which he thinks he has.

There is a destiny that makes us brothers: None goes his way alone;

All that we send into the Iives of others comes back into our own.
J J 14 16

Whatever you are by nature, keep to it; never desert your line of talent. Be what nature intended for you, and you will succeed.

...-• • ..,;.. • - '•.,..• ...18
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As the hom ecoming of the centennial year presented it self to us, we witnessed the passing of the Gold e n Goose, th e annual parad e through t own, and other va rious forms of entertainment

Homecoming week started off with the Golden Goose, otherwise known as th e Facu lty talent show. However , not much tal e nt was pr esent. Acts include d the " B" build in g German Kazoo Band , and the all-time favorite " Bes sie the He ifer " was sun g On e must admit, though , that the " Featherbra in Tw ins" from the Engl is h depart· ment were the favorite s of the audience

A new add ition to the homecoming activities was the ice cre am social, sponsored by Student Council. Key Club , once aga in, proved victorious in the second annual bed race

Breaking with tradition, th e parade and game were held on Fr iday night As the parade mad e its way through th e street s of Golden, ob · servers witnessed an array of float s and the G HS band accompanied by the Tr idettes. For the first t i me in five years, GHS won a hom eco ming game by defeating Jefferson with the score of 12 -7. Dur ing halftime Jeann ie Oppenlander was proclaimed homecom ing que en J eannie reigned until late Saturday night , at which time the cen tennial homecoming dance was over, marking the end of Homecoming 1972


Homecoming Queen 1972

Jeannie Oppenlander

Homecoming Royalty

Senior Attendants Nancy Frizzell , Laun Henderson , and Jill Swanson .

Junior Attendant : Marc, Surratt.

Sophomore Attendant : Tami Granquist

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Spoon River Anthology

Cast Lisa Coughlin, Robin Ericson, Jeannie Fears, Alan H utchinson, Marc Learned, Anne McEncroe, Barry Ou1at. Matt Skulski, Sue Tilkeme1er, Vincent Todd, and L issa Young

A feast for the ears. An opus here A concerto there Harmony flowing 1n the d1rect1ons of your thoughts You never thought the Denver Symphony Orchestra could portray your nightmares as you actually felt them

You thought Brahms was dead, but why did his music bring hfe to your thoughts? Is ,t possible you could really get 1t on with the Denver Symphony Orchestra?

If not, then "Free Fare ', a rock group cons1st1ng of former members of "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and " The Christy Minstrels", would have been for you

With a wh1n1ng sax droning 1n your ear and a blaring trumpet making red v1brat1ons throughout the auditorium, you couldn't help but leave with the feelings they intended you to


Down your river of thoughts, your mind is the raft The walls of the canyons are the memories blocking the sun. Slowly, as you approach the rapids, your ideas of self leave and you begin to realize that you are really part of this river You are flowing along with the current and just ignoring the whirlpools that you can't understand. The sunshine fills your vision , with the thoughts of being the rah, the sky, and the river all flowing in the harmony of nature This is forever, all filled into one minute of eternity.

' - -

The Miracle Worker

Kate Keller Susan T1lkeme1er Captain Keller • • . . . . Jay Burnett Helen Robin Ericson Martha • . . • • . . . . . Nina Darlington Percy . . • • R 1cha rd R osent ha I Aunt Ev A Doctor • • . • . • Lissa Young . • • . • . . Scott Allen James •.......•... Alan Hutchinson Or Anagnos • . • . . Edgardo Goyret Annie Sullivan ..•...• Viney ........•. Blind Girls •..•.•.. . . . . . Jeannie Fears Jerr Gray Sondra Oliphant .• B ett1na Thorn . . Lisa Bryant Vera Fowler . . . . Jan Meritt 33

Valentine's Dance and Blue Knights

f l Cl 34

There are many organizations at Golden High School. some ,vhose purpose see m s vague, and others very invo lv e d in community affairs. (i.e., Ping-Pong Clu b )

• 36


Attcr a bus) <lay of Ind ian hght1ng anJ prospecting , the J>1on l·l·r, g.1therl d a roun,1 the chcertul can1p-tire an<l ,.ing to thl'1r heart 's conten t Little dad tht·) rt':ili1.l· th .it th e, ha<l settled 1n th e n1ost pron11s1ng land. the West. Far 1n the dist ,n cl tht tr ie, ol th e I ndians Loul<l be heard, .,nJ th l shrill l,lll!) ot \\ tl<l an1n1als echoed and r e lthoL"d throu ~h ' thl dark. h ca \ y night

But n o t ontl d id our p101H:c: r lo rlt.ither s pondtr on the 1<lta of turnin g h.lck, hut ,, llh staunt h detern11nation turned thl 1r n11t1<ls to th e day \\'hen gold ,, ould ht di sco, e rt d. ,, hen the: Ind ian.., \\otild ht t<> nqu e re< L and ,vhen pt'a tl 1n th t \\'ts t \vould h t· t,t.1hli,htd

m 0 p N I I

l ' hu.., thc,c: ont t i1n.,g1n.1r,· t'\l'n t, ha ve hl'ro1nt· real1 /,1t ion \Vith otn,tanding ( ,lt·c <' luh, tor both g irl , ,nd ho,, . \t tht ~t 1t<.· ( :on t t·st in l) tn\t·r . ,vc rl'Ct'l\l'd a stlt l' a ,,ard 1n Bo,.., ( ' horu,, tnd one 111 \I1,t'd ()u1rt cttt· C> h,t llle, h.1,·e hcl'n ron qu e red and ou r c;l l'l' ( luh, h ,l \t.' hcen ll! e ntllil'd \\'1th dH.· 1d e.d, on r t· prophc.·,1ed hy tho,e progrt,,1,e jll <>ll l't' r\ 37

Above left-Student Council was put back on the right track this year Under the d1rect1on of Andy Milner (Below) a new constitution was written After a d1ff1cult reorgan1zat1on. Student Council has come through with many new ideas Below right - Key Club has continued ,n ,ts role as an important service organization at G H .S w,th continued work on the campus and help 1n the community •

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I - 39 ..
Right - Members of the Art Club BelowThe ep1tomy of Golden's incompetence Joined 1n Sew,ng Circle Far Right German-Russian Club Below Right-Junior Classical League
,., ( ! L (' t, 41

Far left-Ham Radio Club gathers around their transmitter while unidentified non• member (second from left) attempts to 1dent1fy with the club ' s name Lower leftVICA members meet 1n the auto shop

Left - Roger Hoag and DECA president Jim Hebenstreit preside over the tenth annual D1stribut1ve Education banquet at which Earl Ruemm of Denver Public Schools (below) was the guest speaker Far belowDECA members and their faculty sponsors


Future Farmers of America is one of the newest organizations at G . H.S . and probably the fastest growing. Under the direction of a co mpetent Mr Jim Knight, they placed h ig h in state competition with other similar organizations. Mountaineering Club came out of h i bernation this year and started to reorganize the once popular club.


Stage band 1s perennially one of the best ones 1n th e state. Wi th so many kids inte rested in in str umenta l music, t here are t wo stage bands, A and B. A Band was named as the off1c1al backup band f o r al I Denve r Rocket baske tbal l games

Centennial Si ngers, Below -Joe Bat o r , Todd Frizz el, Andy Milner, Randy Ell iot, Pat Martin , Den n is Rogers, Steve Schaefer, Ro e Woo drum , Pete Ble1dt , Ann Ealy , Cae Babb, Jeannie Oppenlander, Ma ry Boland, Barb B o ll i ng , Kris Holmberg, Donna Schossow, Carol Goo dwin, Ginny Barbour, Janice Flor and Marge Ryan, accompanist.

' ti -

Below left-Tridettes Karla Lakey , Cheryl Dodd , Robin Fike , Susette Herrmann , Jane Williams , Terryl Lofgren Left-J V Cheerleaders : Bonnie Richner, Charlene Hewitt, Avis McDermott , Lone Franz. Below rightVarsity Cheerleaders : C,m Fraser, Sue Anderson , Laurie Henderson , Jeannie Oppenlander, Lynda Stizel

• • 50
Right-Anne Wernstedt, and below rightEdgardo Goyret. exchange students. Above r19ht-Nat1onal Honor Society. Below leftAmerican F 1eld Service •

Every year Band and Concert Choir start nearly from scratch and bui ld up some of the state's best It's doubtful whether the music department wou l d be as outstanding without the skil lful guidance of Mr Kazmi er, Mr. Ryan, and Mr Muniz.


This year's forensics squad (right and below right) has continued to accumulate trophies at tournament after tournament, along with sending more people to the state meet than anyone else Stage Right (below) has earned a charter 1n the Internat1onal Thespian Society in one year for such accomplish• ments as dramatic productions 1n the audi• tonum, "Hot Dog Theatre" at Heritage Square and hosting the Continental Theatre Company's visit to Golden High


Below left-One of Go ld en's newest organizations, Home Economics Related Occupations (H E R O.) Tw o other class -re lated organizations are Above - Future Homemakers of America ; Left and Above leftFuture Business Leaders of America


Intro d uced t his year at Golden was Chess Club, wi t h the c h ar t er members pictured below left Also n ew 1s t he large pipe o r gan, co n st r u c t e d t h r o u gh m any ho u rs o f h ar d wo rk b y a d evo ted grou p o f s t u d en t s

Pi ng Pong Club Joined Golden 's rank s last spring , JUst in time to do a stint on the Rocky Mountain Ping Pong Tour for ' 72 The cities ranged from Miskell's basement to San Angelo , Texas , where the f i nals were held for the first time After a swee p 1n singles competition , Miskell ( right) , champ , and Weimer (left) , runner -up , our dynamic duo turned to the d o ubl es wh e re once again they rea c hed the finals, only to meet such likely opponents as Hoochy -Hoochy and Buddy Smith After a poor start , our illustri ous couple played a torrid second game , winning easily 21-7 After Jumping out to a quick 6 -1 lead , Miskell was rendered unconscious by a Hoochy -Hoochy Express Slam After he was revived , our friends found themselves with their backs against the wall , but they played valiantly and ran th e score to 25-26 , wh ereupon they were beaten by a poor call by th e ref They saw limited action th e rest of the summer, playing only exhib i t i on matches and then hibernating The c lub has started practi ce this spring aga i n for the championsh i p , which will be held at the CSM 1n June (An ed i torial)

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I 60
Right-Yearbook Staff Below-Newspaper staff, left to right Jim Hix , Sue Kinney Kathy Gadd, Kathy O'Ha1r Sue Ande r son Bob Swanson. Denise Hogan , Linda Pomeroy, Jam, Vincent. Marianna Jackson, Hayden Gregory, Karen McDermott

Even the faculty at G H.S. must succumb to the fads and fashions of our times, as modeled here by Earl "Fins" Johnson, not to be confused with Ed "Mickey Mouse" Herber.

0 63
Adm1n1strat1on and counselors · Above left Dee Wilson ; Below left - Dave Bachman Above center - Orlan Cox ; Above right John Thomalla Below center - Bill Lewis; Herb Cochrane Below right - Gale Brandt

Teachers at Golden H 1gh School are changing. Although they are intro• duc1ng and explaining new images of the surrounding world, the strength of their creative teaching scheme still relies on the intensity of the students' interest.

To increase this interest, the teacher must experiment and develop new tactics and then progress to using them. This year more and more teachers are beginning to accept this concept They know that they must be friends with the students before they can witness the glory of teaching .

I 66
Language Arts Above right-Rav Nelson , Above left-Susan Plessinger ; Below leftLowell Sharp , Below right-Dennis West• brook ; Center right - Diana Beatty

English Above left-Shirley Larson, Above right-Patty Potter, Below right-Dawn S t ruxness, Below left-Sandra Nations. Middle left-Robert Holley

Social Studies Above lef-t-Mam1e Thompson Above nght-AI McClaren Below leftDewain Wood Below right-Gerald Garland

History and Journalism Above left-Linda Brady , Above right-Roy Daugherty, Be low right-Jill Christensen (Journalism). Below left-Ken Boerner. Middle left-Charles Herring.

Math Above left-Kathryn Kinman, Above right-Ed Herber, Below left-Elaine Fitzgerald , Below r1ght-Rubv Hale
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,, • ,.,,.) ' ' ... • I 0 71
Ma t h and O.W E. Above right-Larry Daniels (0 W.E.), Below left-Darrell Hafling, Below right-Dan Comer

Science, An, English , L1brar1an : Below left-Art Papenfus ; Below left-Harriet Lu • bahn (Librarian); Above left-Bob W1ll1ams ; Above Center-Maud Priest (English) : Above right-Mildred Morgan (Art): Below center right-John Chapman ; Below right-Loren Christensen.


Physical Educat on and Music : Above leh-Manlyr W cox; Above right-Russ Mun z 'Music); Below left-Tom Henry ; Below r1ght-D 1ck Booton


Art and Music Above left-Mark Dunn (Art), Above right-Pat Ryan (Music), Be• low left-Ernest Kazmi er (Music), Below right-Jerry Rosenthal (Art)

Foreign Language Business. Distributive Education : Above left-Roy Lemmens (0. Ed ); Below left-Gall O'Neil Business); Right-Raoul P,rri (French).

Foreign Language and Business Above left-Bob Brozovich, Above right-Robert Stokes, Middle left-Ray Ewing (Spanish), Below left-Lucy McCarthy (German,Russ1an) , Below right-Janis Schultz

Shop, Special Ed ucation , Home Economics :

Above left - John Poll1ce (Special Ed ) ;

Above right - Steve Metcalf (Special Ed.I ;

Middle right - Rav Christensne (Auto Shop) ,

Below lett - Jeneen Joseph (Home Ee.) , Be•

low right - Loretta McHugh (Home Ee )

Shop and Agricul t ure Above left-Stan H a1ek, Above right-John Kellenbenz , M i ddle left-Mike Hartme1ster , Below leftAl Perella. Below right-James Knight (Agricul t ure)
A SWI~ YOU LOVE To TO UC ti • A\SK THE f1AN ...x..lh o (()\X/ S ONE .., t-1 AV~ 0 U L ·, t1 l G:. FA 11\ y IN YeuR t~OME XT FLOP\, S • (I) 0 (I) 81
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Mane Curie

Sometimes I sits and thinks, but .

Sometimes I iust sits.

Author Unknown

84 • •
Everything has been thought of before, but the difficulty is to think of it again.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I sti 11 believe that people are really good at heart. Anne
F r ank

G. H. S. A thletics

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Above and right - Mark Darlington and Phil Cary work on form
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Varsity T ennis, le f t to right-J. Evans, P. Cary, E Ti lkemeier, J. Kadlecek, J Bailey, D. Jensen, D Bailey Bottom left-Dave Bai ley returns opponen t s serve. Bottom r ight-John Evans works his way to State tou r nament
94 • ' • I ~· ., - '• 'I>' .. t '" " . ., 4 ii ' • I,"" ; • • • ' .. .. ' ~tf ,,.. -
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Cross-country team. left to right-S Bright , J Gelatko. J , Cutshall, S Carr T Stevanak, A Campbell, S. Martella , Mr Sharp, D McGuire. M Carr, J Wolfe, 8 Cox. RightJim Wolfe establishes new school record
Soccer team : Above-left to right (or top to bottom, whichever you prefer), S. Haves. S Kusy. A Kearney A Shelton, S. Adlef1nger, W Madsen C Bennetts, T. Browne, S Long P Weimer, M. Darlington, S. Campbell, K Barnhill, T. Colton (Pele), T. Fockler. Below J. Kadlecek, D. Jones, E. Goyret, K Burks.

Football team · Top row left to right - J Schell. J Poulos. G Easterling, P Cowan, J Kelly . J . Hightower, M. Rencehausen, K. Tidwell, D Yager, S Jackson, R Franz Second row - O Mvers, D Gleaton. J Goad, S Paulson, D Wheeler, S Scherer, G Gallegos , K Miller, D Sykes, J Trowbridge, S Smith, M Camfield First row - J Sy ·ora, J Thatcher, R Huffman, M Jesse, R Hag• ler , B Bardwell, A Bullock , R P,burn, K Burke , K Poner, D Anderson, B Purvis. Coaches T Henry and 8 Brosov,ch

Below-De f ensive coach Al Mclaren shouts encouragemen t s from s1del1nes.

Varsity Basketball Team L to R , sit ung ; D. Myers W Madsen , S. Smith , R Hoag, J Hix Standing, Coach Stokes, M Rencehaus• en, B Rowe , S. Sorensen, D. Hachen, R Aoki, M Carr. S. Carr •


Sw1mm1ng t eam l ef t to right - A Hut ch inson, A B ru n to n, D Urich, L Ebbesen, S Long, S La nden, D Angell, S Wa rr en, M Huntl ey, J Schul t z, W Towle, Mr Kazm,er, N Middl emiss, G Alexande r , K D1Paul o, C L ee

I 104
Left-Suzanne Long works on balence beam. while Robbi Brown, far left and below, shows form on uneven parallel bars which led her to high f 1n1sh1ng ,n stat e meet
I 106 • • • • •
Varsity Wrestling Team L to R , Bottom row - D. Heldt , P Bl e 1dt, J O'Dons10, S Heldt , M Learned , M Huntley Top RowCoach Hafllng, M Camfield, B Bardwell, D Yag e r , H. Johnson, K Burke , B Blum

Shortly , the seniors will be leaving to begin life in the unknown world . The end of the road must come some time, so coming back next year to bolster one's ego will do little to ease the pain of separation

• tl 108

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" .John '' joi tH·cl our ruuh in his i:-opho n ,ore yeal'. He c an1t tro111 l h•ur ( ' rc•<>k, ancl t orn1er l y attend<'cl sc hool in \ (orr i,0 11 Fnu, i~ anolh<•r OU(' of th<:' "~tudent-.'' tor \\ h o 111 till• "<•uior:-. urc· f an10Uh H e e\ en r<•c itl•-.. <'h ie·,, ,1t h a ,t o nce• a \\<'<·k, \\hic-h goc-, to ~ho,v that ht • 1, no luggurtl He• i, a quiet boy, and k<'l' p s thnig, to h11n ,l' lt, h<-li<•,i ng that "\\hat lt- unybocl)' s bus1nc~ , i, nobo1h •._ hu-..itH'" l-, •· \\ h<'n , on1c ,ve<'k~ ngo, it \\' a , n •1 1u1 t, ,l t hut hl• hud h<'<'ll fu,l-,1ng, J..Hlnd<•n1oniun1 , t•i~11l'd i n <,old<•n :-iuc h an unhl•ard ot thing coulcl 1111t quitP ht • inulgitu •1 l. Il o\\ <'\ <'r, atter se, <.>rul or hi~ tri1 •111l, in, l'~tigutrd the < ' U, <', it "u, found that l )anH• Hu111or hud b ern c orrec t l t t'.'. blon,1 hair and bright hh1l' ,• y t•, " 11l b<• ,ni,,ed llP \. t , Pllr, pro, i 1h•tl hii- graft hold , out. "'Pnior J>lu, ( 4) th • . 11111 <>h \I ' \\ t ha ,•p 111 •, t 1· :-- •' l'l1 ,uc h an o ld lt1 •ail 1111 ,n<'h .1 , u11nl.!' hody. I lt •r I a, oritl' pa t i111t 1, "' ' ud , llll.! " ( 'i , •1•1 o. '' a11tl \\" ,, 0111h•l' ho \\ ,h1• :--t o ppPol \\111k 111111.! 1•111111:.d• to l11n1• ht•l' p ic• tu n t akc-n. J:1lytht •

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I 110
Alexander Peggy Alexander
Allen Sue Anderson
Aoki Kathy Aronson
Bachman Ginny Barbour Debbie Barkley Robbie Barnhill Jim Barringe r
t hy Bar t h

Nita Bass

Bill Bates

Gary Baughman

Teresa Bergstrom

Diana Beumer

Scott B illings

Stuart Black

Barbara B liss

Barb Bohling

Mary Lynn Boland

Bart Botk in

Mary Boxell

Barbara Broman

Doug Brown

Robbie B r own

Craig Brueske


Arthur Brunton

Karen Bucholz

Brad Buehler

Valerie Buettner

Jay Burnett

Sherry Burroughs

Bill Cameron

Mark Camfield

Terri Carlill

Laura Carlson

Mike Carrington

Connie Catherman

Enc Cattell

Jon Chappell

Kristie Childers


Debbie Clark

Kay Clevenger

Blake Cloyd

Cynthia Cole

Dave Conn

Marcia Cook

Gwen Cooper

Diane Coulson

Becca Cowell

Susan Crawford

V1ck1 Cundiff

Mark Darlington

Sue Davis

_..,. ,r -fh ,
11 3

Margarita Diaz

Joan Durst

Margaret Duston

Kip Eagan

Gen, Eagen

Garry Easterl ing

Lars Ebbesen

Jeff Edwards

Terri Elbrader

Enc Ely

Rex Engst rom

Robin Ericson


Jo Dee Evans

Dorothy Fahrni

Bill Fallert

Jeannie Fears

Don Felton

Carol Ferguson

Linda Ferguson

Dave Fletcher

Janice Flor

Mary Fockler

Linda Fox

Carol Francis

C1m Fraser

Gretchen Frauenfelder

Jackie Frederickson

Nancy Frizzell

r ,
11 5

Janet Fullwood

Kathy Gadd

Theresa Gallagher

Lynette Gallegos

Scott Garrison

Debbie Gettmen

Karen G1ellum

Doug Gleaton

Jerry Goad

Carol Goodw• n

Janice Goodwin

Lynne Gosse

11 6
Edgardo Goyret Carla G r anquis t Randy Greaser Daniel Green Jul 1e Griess L inda Groves Dan H achen L oyce H acking Gerry Hall 1gan B ra d H ammond
11 7
Colleen H annon 8 1II H ansen

Jerry Hansford

Paulette Hart

Atch Hasler

Susan Hayes

Pat Healey

Jim Hebenstre it

Linda Heilman

Lauri Henderson

Susette Herrmann

John Hightower

Jane H,11

Roger Hoag

Pa t Hoaglin

' 118
Tom Hobson Annette Hogan Denise Hogan Suzanne Hogan Kris Holmberg Sheila Hopper Beverly Howell Sharon Hrouda Rick Huffman Susanne Hughes Dave Humrick Lisa Hutchins Alan Hutchinson Jeff Isom Ronald Ivey 11 9
• • 120
Steve Jackson Connie Janssen Laurie Jenkins Mike Jesse Don Johnson Gerhart Johnson Von1e Judd Annette Keller John Kelley Jeannine Kennedy Mary King
Sue Kinney

David Konn

Dan Landis

Ella Langford

Laura Lashell

Kerry Lawson

Mike Lay

Suzanne Lessing

John Lindell

Richard Lofgren

Suzanne Long

Terry Loveall

Craig Loving

I ,..p <
• 122 Cheryl Lowe Pennv Lovd Ed Maas Fred Maas Karen Macek Walt Madsen Suzanne Mankin
Kathy Mason
Karen McDermott Anne McEncroe David McGuire Kathy McKnight Melinda McKnight Syrous Meheen Brian Miller Janice Miller Mark Miller Sue Miller Andy Milner Brenda Mills 123

John Miskell

Eddie Monarch,

Amv Moorehead

Joyce oosdorf

Jody Morse

Roxanne Moss

Cathy Munyon

Oa111d Myers

Bob Nelson

Ronda Nelson

Thor Ncwman

Debbie Obermeyer

Sheila O'Lear

Lou Ann Oliver

Jeannie Oppenlander

Matt Orrent,a

J /~:;:::,

Cindy Os1eck1

Mary Passenne

Pat Paullus

Scott Paulson

Randy Pence

Connie Peterson

L ynn Pierre

Linda Pomeroy

Joe Poulos

John Poulos

Patricia Price

Barry Ou1at

Mark Quinn

Rich Ragsdale

Tim Ranney

Randy Raymer

• I tl 126
Jerry Rehr Mark Rencehausen Susan Rhea Kris Richards Mike Richards Kathy Rice Greg Rippy Donna Rivers Jean Rober t s Rici< Roe Brian Rogers 81II Rowe

Donald Roy

Sandy Rynes

Carol Salisbury

Robert Savajian

Steve Schaefer

Mike Schl1ske

Donna Schossow

Pam Scott

Mary Shaffer

Ted Shih

Robert Silburn

Cindy S1ngleman







Matt Skulski Smith Smith Snodgrass Blake Sorenson Spatz Spillane Mark Springer Mary Stackhouse Kim Steuart Lynda Stitzel Mark Sundseth
==- -;-=~ ..-t: • -•-. -··1 ". "! '•.-·.. =- ' "• /__.___.,
Jill Swanson Jerry Sykora Jim Sykora Peggy Syverson Steve Syverson Cindy Tatman Charles Tennant Jim Thatcher
Amy Thygeson John T 1baldo Ca t hy Tibbetts Kev,n T idwell

Susan Til keme1er

V i ncent Todd

Ginny Tripp

Eva Tunis

Dan Urich

Wayne Uyetan1

Patti Valentine

Paula VanDuyn

Jami Vincent

Nancy Vine

Jonelle Ware

Norman Warling


Skip Warren

Dan Weaver

Bruce Weber

Lor, Werber

Carol Westerkamp

Doug Wheeler

Sharon Wheeler

Jay Willey

J,m Wolfe

Vicki Woodrum

Becky Wright

Joy Yager

Kathleen Yancey

Kim Zaj,c

Roy Zancanella

Amy Watlington

Many jokes are told each year at G H.S. Following is a collection of this year's best, Iisted in alphabetical order


\\ . h t•11 , l 1t• 1111t·t• n1:1kl'' "I' 111 1 u1111d a I " a ." , Ii r 11 1 :i II c I d e t ., r 111 i II t • t I.

J~oru: \\' l •• l lh '.:~1la,· • <' hit•f ( ' harat t, 1-:!-i tit· l> i~: ,1 q 11 ,iut,·d : 11ul1i t 111n

Ila ~ a r<>pul,ion agai11 ~t entc>r<~<l into 1..., apt to }{0 1 u: rl'hlll' '-,( laY • ( ' hi<>f ( ' }1ara<·tc\ris tit -. \ 1·('~1>011sil1il it y .

111ar1 iag1•, au,t ,, IH II 1H' u 11 :-- a ti~ r:,, ·1o ••, • • •


]las i1n1>le nnafl'rc·t0,l n1an1H'l", atttl a loft , , <'hnrital)le out.

Jiorn : Thurst la, • ('hief (thara<' ~eristi<' - l>i1,l o:n:,tit• a11d t·:tp: \11 !, • of eou1n1a1Hling.

If ns n k~c•n intuition, _,·111pathc>ti<', hul r <- · sents i1nposit1011; nlso a tc •n1JH'I' diflic•tilt to C'Olltl OJ.

llorn : Thur~<lnv . • ( ' hi0f ( ' hnrnc t<)ri~tic - Tnl<•nt for th< · 1,l:1:-- t i,· :l l t~.

m Ji 0

, on ln<'!c c-r<•nti, • fort·P, <•011 ~Pr, :1ti,1 •, l,,d hn\P g1P:lt aptitncll' a11,l ('t1dt11 , 111e t•.

Jiorn \\ <~,ln(\s,la, . • <' h i l\f ( ' harn<-tl•ri!--ti<' - fJo,0 and · ju th •f'.

Ken Abel

Brent Adams

Scott Adlfinger

DeAun Allen

Scott Allen

Steve Allen

Dave Anderson

Rae Ann Appleton

Jan Atk i nson

Mark Auston

Cae Babb

Elton Bachli

Bar bara Baring

Scott Barkley

Barb Ba r nard

Dave Ba r nes

Dave Bar r

Melody Bay

Brian Belmar

Ann Benede tti

t 134

Chris Bennetts

Debi Bergeson

Steve Be r quist

Barbara Bettinger

Kim Bliss

Wendy Blizza r d

Ken BoltJes

Debbie Bolts

Bill Branch

Sheri B re t hauer

Peggy Bricker

Art Brockmeyer

Tom Browne

Lisa Bryan t

Kathryn B r ynestad

Alan Bullock

Kim Bu r ke

E li zabeth Burt

Geo r ge Bu tr on

Erica By r ne

• ., " ,,.J, ' t;~ { ,. • • -1. ~! ~ ._: ,
L i I • 136 Don Campbell Jim Campbell Rod Campbell Steve Campbell Bob Carr Mark Carr Phil Cary Debbie Cavness Debbie Childers Chen Christiansen Jon Cline Sandra Coakley Julie Cobb Lynn Coble Hugh Colvin Barb Cooley David Councilman David Cowley Cindy Craig Terry Cramer ,

Lee Darngrand

June Dassle r

Debby Dean

Leslie DeMuth

Don Denning

Ken D1Paolo

Chen Dodd

Sharon Doerhoff

Nancy Downs

Brenda D r ake

Janie Dub r avac

Randy Durant

Anne Ealy

Jackie Easton

Ang, Feld

l'liary Ferguson

Robin Fike

Paula Fink

Nancy Fitch

Tim Fletcher

Vera Fowler

Richard Franz

Kathy Fri ck


Kathy Frush

Dawn Gabriella

Gary Gallegos

Gary Gamble

Polly Gaskill

John Gelatko

Lisa Gentry

Cl iff Germann

Karen G 1dley

Cole Gilbert

Cun Gilbert

Juanita Gonzalez

Robin Goodell

Jeanne Gray

Jeri Gray

Andrew Gregory

Diane Gribble

Colleen Griffee

Bernice Groswold

I • 138
t [ :J l j ) :_J LJ_ • I • ,

Ralph Guernsey

Delbert Hageman

N anc y H alco mb

D ebi H a ll

Judy Hamilton

Kathy Hannum

Ben Hansford

Dave Harrison

Sally Hayes

Phil Hays

Rebecca Heberlein

Lisa Hedlund

Charlene Heinz

Bobby Heldenbrand

, I / /

Dennis Heldt

Steve Heldt

Ray Henry

Charlene Hewitt

Chris Hiett

Rhonda H ,ggs

8111 Hoeper

Kelly Hogan

Debbie Holland

Toni Holsinger

Nancy Hopper

Cathy Howard

Butch Hrouda

Ron Hudson

Susan Hutchinson

Marianna Jackson

r 14 0

Simonne Jackson

Jo Janssen

Debbie Johnson

Patricia Johnston

Steve J ones

Duane Jonland

J,m Jordan

Jeff Jurgena

Kim Kam1nsk1

B111 Kau ff man

M ona Keenan

Ed Kennedy

Chr1st1na King

Jean King


Lor i King

Bill Kn1ckel

Gary Kochevar

Karla Lakey

Debbie Lang

Jenny Langford

Debby Larson

Robert Laursen

Clark Lee

Dave Lees

Peter Lehman

B111 Leonard

Dean Linenberger

Beth Linton

Linda Lish

Terry! Lofgren

Scott Loveall

Sharna Loving

Jenelle Lund

Jo Ann Manning

• 14 2

Janice Maritt

Denise Martin

Randy Masker

Melanie Mason

Mike McCoy

M1ck1 McCurdy

Avis McDermott

Lorey Mclachlan

Theresa McVay

Diane McW1ll1ams

Dave Medl i n

Neil M1ddlem1ss

Gloria Miles

Kim Miller

Marcie Miller

Debbie Monson

Carol Morns

Sharon Mueller

Debbie Nankerv1s

Sandy Nelson

14 3

Paul Newman

Cheri Newsom

Laura Nickerson

Sandy Nolan

Sue Nolan

Gary Norlund

Linda Olbert

Sheryl Olsen

Brad Olson

Joe Ops t elten

Tracy Page

C i ndy Parker

R ichard Passerine

Suzi e Payne

Dennis Phillips

Aon P,burn

Kathy Pierce

Vickey Pierce

Kevin Potter

Jackie Powell

Pat J o hn ston

C i ndy Gregory

Dawn Vincent

, -

Becky Price

Bob Purvis

Gayla Ray

Robert Redfern

Bonnie Richner

Lort R 1tchl1n

Nancy Roesler

Sue Ross

Connie Ruckman

Louis Sacane

Marcia Sage

Betsy St Denis

Cindy Sample

Jeff Schell

Larry Schell

Bill Schempp

Steve Scherer

Henry Sch1ll1ng

Cheryl Selbe

Don Selbe

...•. • '.'I
14 5

Larry Selbe

Ronda Sharp

8111 Sheldon

Art, Shelton

Donna Simmons

Brad S1mpk1ns

Mark Smith

Rick Smith

Valerie Smith

Teresa Smolen

Leesa Smythe

Cathy Snelling

Mike Soule

Bob Spencer

Greg Stout

Marcie Surratt

Wendy Sydow

Doug Sykes

Jerry Tate

Dan Terhorst

Karen Tidwell

Chris Tillman

Mark Tipps

Greg Toolan

Cindy Tracy

Dawn Trice

Tom Trimbach

Jeff Trowbridge

Danny TruJil l o

14 6
I '• • '\ 7 _,

Pete Turley

Joe Turner

Cedric Vallo

Debbie VanDamme

Lori VanDuyn

Patti Wagner

Bob Waidelich

Mike Wall

Kay Wallace

Joy Ward

Robbie Watt

Chris Weckerling

Dru Weimer

Jane Willi.ams

Rob Willingham

Pam Wood

Lori Wunderlich

Jeannette Yancey

Lissa Young

Rick Zern


A sheepherder once said that it ' s very hard to corral 400 sheep. We have done it in the following 14 pages.


Ila:-- opi11ion:-. st1011g aud 1ad11•:tl aud 1, 111 ,1 cliuuifit)d to :-.toop to :Ill 111di11:11 , q11:u1,•I.

1101 ·11: \\ 't•dt1t•sda\'

Ila" lo, t\ ) tke"' to

I ~orn :

• for thP good thi11g, t1 a , e) for r P<' rt•a t io11

Ii t , •• 11111

I" \\'t> ll fittt>d to ,·arr,· on hi, • and t•ornpanion:-.hhip of au., ntt•ntnl ratht•r tha11 a 11,•,•, l.

1~oru: .\I one la v •

\\III k ki11d ,, :tlu111•, 11111,l

,·ou \\' ill )ikt)I.,· ri~, , to g1·,•:1t fo1t11111• :111d t•t•h•hritv, clttl' to , 0111 · natur:il :1l' t~, ,11 ,0111

• • dis1•0, t•rit•s i11 the• 1c•:tl111 of 1• 11 , "'ill'"'i.

} \ o I' II :

c 'h il' t' Ila~ fo1t•,1ght and i11t11iti1111, folio\\, lit • i, :--c•lf l't•li:111t ,·ont roll<•• l.

)torn: ~a1ur·da,· •

lt•:1, I I 1111 llt'\ ,., :111d ,·:it11111l I,,

m (I) Ji 0

~he• i:... kincl hut 1101 d1•111011st r:1ti, 1•. t l:tllll" al,solutt» JH'l' :--n11al frt •t•do111, 11111·011,1•11ti1111:il. dignifi,•cl, "ith 111111 ..:11:il "1H I'""''' : 111d ,,,If t'llll f l'Ol.

1{01 ·11: 149

Juanita Aeverman

Rob Alexander

Don Angell

Jenni Angell

Bryan Ankerich

Mike App1e

Mike Aten

Leon Bachman

Loleen Ballinger

Bob Ba rdwel I

V1ck1 Barkley

Judy Barnard

Russanna Bartels

Ron Baughman

Tony Berwald

John Beveridge

Sharon B 1ll1 ngsley

Alec Black

81II Blum

Sam Brady


Vernette Bran1ng

John Breaker

Debbie Bricker

Debbie Brill

Jane Bruning

Ross Bryant

Susie Bullis

Barbara Burdick

Denise Burger

Bruce Burnham

Abby Butron

Ins Byrne

Carne Cahill

Carla Cameron

Chen Caneer

Mary Carrington

Brad Caves

Jill Caves

Greg Cech1n1

Cheryl Churchill

Mike Clark

Pat Cole

Tim Colton

Brenda Cornelius

Fred Cornelius

Jeanice Courtney


Cyn t hia Cowell

Bart Cox

Connie Crane

Debbie Croissant

N i na Darl i ngton

Sherrie Dav ids o n

Juli e Dean

Snow Deat o n

Lan, DeGra z 10

Jeannette De l o ng

Co co de L u1se

Ketu rah Dobbs

Sher ry Eckley

Patty Edelen

Randy Elliot t

Ma rga re t Emanuel

I '

Joni Emily

Mari Englert

Lee Ann English

Russell Engstrom

Harold Erickson

Alan Ferguson

Tern Fox

Noble Franson

Kip Fraser

Heidi Fritzler

Todd Frizzell

Gretchen Gabel

Sheila Gallagher

Darlene Gallegos

Tern Garger

Monica Gartner

Bonnie Gilchrist

Amy Giellum

Janet Gleaton

Julie Goad

Judy Goens

Jaye Goodwin

Tam, G r anquist

153 .. •

Greg Grebe

Julie Green

Connie Griffee

Carrie Gr1ff1n

James Groce

Neil Groves

Art Hate

Diane Halligan

Donna Halligan

Helene Hannum

Joel Hansen

Tawn1e Hansen

Vernon Harrington

V1kk1 Harvey

Mary Ann Hatchell

Wallace Haugen

Craig Heberlein

Jennifer He1n1cke

Rick Henshaw

Wendy Herv,

Lennie Hesseltine

Jennifer Hite

Kelly D Hogan

15 4
l I .

Sally Hogan

Nancy Ho l tzmaster

Kathy Horn

Beth Howa r d

Sus i e Howes

Brenda Hunt

Todd I som

Patricia Jelen

R i ck Jensen

Alan Jobe

Kathy Johnson

Mike Johnson

Brian Jonland

Tari Jurgena

John Kadlecek

Judy Kate r

Ma r y Kennedy

Ela I ne Kers t etter

Kathy Kew1tt

Jan King

Jim King

Ken Klatt

L o i s Knuppel

J ennifer K r ause

Dawn Kril l


Cara Krohn

Joe Lac1nsk1

Steve Landin

Mike Larum

Marc Learned

Wendy Lesko

Terry Libra

Nancy Lilly

Brad Lindaas

Mike Linder

Tom Linton

Karen Littler

Sharon Loht

Mary Lovett

Shern Luciano

Jo Lund

Dennis Lynch

Tina Lynn

Liz MacBride

Lynn Macdonald


Enc Mandat

Cheryl Manheim

Penny M app in

T ammy M art in

Art M ast

Kim Ma st ers

Lynne Matth ews

Ray M cCa rthy

Dyann McClelland

Aon McCoy

Kev,n McDonald

Robin M cDonald

Steve M c Hatt 1e

Jan eil M cLean

Doug M c L eod

Sue McW1ll1ams

DeAnn Meacham

Dana M eehan

Mike M el ni c k

Ell a Mile s

Allison M oody

Ca r o l Mo o re

Lynn Moore

Ri cha rd Moore

Ellen M o rri s

I I J I ,.•~ 1o , . • • 1 "' ._ l1 I • • 1 t ' Its T • • ' J " • , t ( I ' • • I ' • • ' - 11 i • ,.. • [ • ... IC ii I r I C I 1 ) t t • I
t ' I ))'., ~ ' i ,l~ •• . 4. h ' · ' 1 <Ji I • t. ,: ' w,lta11z [3 t I 1 . \ 15 7

Pat Morris

V1r91n1a Monon

Mitch Mosser

Cindy Motzkus

Leslie Mugele

Debbie Murphy

Jane Murphy

Frieda Myre

Phil Naas

Susan Nankerv1s

Cheri Nelson

Mary Nelson

Terri Nelson

Gary Nepa

Jessica Neuhauser

Ken Newburn

Helen Newcome

Mike Nolan

Jim O'Oor1s10

John O'Gorman

V1ck1 Olander

Kent Olme

Linda Olson

Mike Ormsbee

Glen Ortel

Anna Marie Oscarson

Larry Os1eck1

Aileen Parke r

Kathy Passe ri ne


Craig Patton

Craig Pierce

Scott Pinkney

Mary Plummer

Ron Powell

Nannette Ragsdale

Patty Ranney

Greg Ray

Patty Reher

Donna Remb1sch

Lamar Rivers

Judy Roberts

Linda Roe

Frank Rogers

Ken Rogers

Lezlie Rome


Marty Root

Cheryl Rosenbrock

Richard Rosenthal

Sue Roser

Matt Ross

Teresa Ross

Bernie Rowles

Wendi Sacotte

Molly St Denis

Kathy Santistevan

Cindy Sass

Dan Saunders

Randy Scharf

S haro n Sch ei d

S h err i Sch errer

L isa Sc h lis k e

V ic ky Sc hm idt

Jo hn Sc hu z

Emerson Schwartzkop f

Carl Scofield

Paul Shaffs t all

S hawnee Sha r p

Don Sheffield


Lesia Sh1nbur

Vickie Simpson

Carolyn Smith

Jeannie Smith

Rick Smith

Sue Smith

Andy Snow

Mik e Sorensen

Mike Spurlock

Mike Squibb

Bonnie Stackhouse

John Stermole

Mark Stiles

Ka t hy Stitzel

Sher r y Stolte

Randy Storm

Joyce Swartout

B renda Swartz

Sally Swift

M ark T erhorst

, . - • • • • I •• I Ii
162 Vangela Terry Jeff Thomas Kiri Thompson Bettina Thorn Diane Thull Donna Tidwell Bruce T,llapaugh Liz Todd Patty Toolan Walter Towle Patt, Trimbach Karl Trinrud Debbie Triplett Debbie Uvetan1 Paula Vanderstowe Leanne Van Harn Sue Vickery Lee V 1tgenos Tammy Voss Mickey Wadhams Andy Wagner Greg Walker Nancy Wall Linda Waller Donna Warling

Dave Warner

Gary Warren

Crystal Watson

Joe Watt

Melanie Weber

Cindy We1haupt

Kirk Weller

Margaret Westerhausen

John Westhead

Wayne Weyler

Paul White

Barb Wilson

Randy Witham

Carol Wood

Julie Woodruff

Roe Woodrum

David Yager

Sandy Youngquist

John Zimmer

Gen Zobec

- I

Since $6.50 was considered to be such an outrageous price for this yearbook, ads are a necessity in paying for this journalistic masterpiece, produced with a degree of expertise unknown to even the most proficient practitioners of yearbook design.

I 164
a I • Ra) aud Pauline StAr c "BRIGHT LIGHTS" OMIT Of~E I hr In • G.H.S. Orphet1m Night 1JF~IT OF ANN AVFUND HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, Feb. 19 S o'clork J CRlNOLI:. £ r.AROLERS SENIOR QVAR1'ET 2. • SCENI PlCTlTRES • s. CHARLESTON CHARLIE Nll HIS 'rROHPE OF CHARI1ESTON CH \RLINES ,. l ~TR. LIAN NIGHTJ ~GALE :rtf R. BOB •• II urplarao ~,,bl YtthJ t•.-.,, t, lr:4 11 l "'I • t'I I • I 2 I • 11.11,• I I • " 165
1 ,. l l l 1 • • I " t .., •• ., •
I I ' I 'I 1 I I ,, I ' I I lr I I I ' ' ! " II
• l •.. ... ·... • 174 I • • • t ' ....... ... r .. • • ··-..,. ,, .. =it t:t ... \I ., • • j -I " I f • .. . ' , . ........... . ' .......... ,.. ... ...... ......... ,f M --- ~-f'I";• • • f --·.., - 'laWWW I llt~••.,.Jii: • .-~•.,.. ·-~-·. , .., • • • 't ~ •·.. r-.~,,., -..... ( • &" .-'",-pt I t •a<ta • ....."....~"" • J, 1 II I • • -


Jim Barringer

Phil Cary

Ka r la Lakey

Cheryl Lowe

Eric Cat t ell Wal t Madsen

Gwen Coope r John Mis kell

Ka ren G jellum

Penny Mohr

Ca r la Granquist Steve Schae f er

Bernice Groswald Jill Swanson

Loyce Hacking Pau l Weimer

Steve Hays

Susette Herrmann

Wayne Ac kermann

Mona Keenan J ill Ch ri st ensen

Sco t t Kusy J e r ry Peters

.. ..... •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Ji 177

On May 24, Mr Ryan and The Orgelwerks dedicated their pnde and JOY to GHS, a pipe organ now worth S30,000-$40,000. Purchased by the choir for $1,200, the organ was installed through some 15,000 hours of work. Guest organist Frank Graboski and students Barb Bohling and John Tibaldo (pictured below) played to a capacity crowd in the auditorium. Concert Choir also performed at the dedication

.I 178

Golden's "International Days" was a fantastic experience for both the 65 foreign exchange students from Colorado and Wyoming and all the students at Golden H igh. The three days were filled with lots of activ ities I1ke a ComeTogether at Soda Straw, 1nternat1onal soccer game , talent show, pot luck, tour through Coors and two days of the exchange students just visiting c lasses and being a part of t h e school.

, 180

What a smash! Centennial Week began and ended with the craziest and zaniest act1v1ties. The kick off of the week was a film, "A Day 1n the Life of Gary Golden" which was later encased with other momentoes in a time capsule under the big G An alumni dinner and concert, box lunch, square dance with the help of The Patchwork Promenaders, and an alumni vs faculty basketball game followed. On 1880's Day Mark Darlington and Lissa Young won the most authentic costume contest Fifties Day was a highlight of the week, with slicked back hair and chinos and jiving like you wouldn't believe, plus a sock hop with authentic records. Then, Joy Yager was crowned Carnival Queen at the big climax of the week Th e beard growing contest was won by " Chin Spin1ch" Rudy Kaminski. Truly smashing week, simply smashing!

Opposite toP- Track team: Top row-Al McLaren. Tom Henry. Bob Munyon, Jim Sykora, Jim Wolfe. Middle- Tom Steuanek, Dave Yager, Carl Trinrud, Bob Bardwell, Leon Bachman. Front-James Harpstre1th, Wayne Weyler Richard Franz. Alan Ferguson, Andy Gregory. Oppcs1te bottom-Baseball team Standing Bob Stokes, Russ Muniz. Butch Hrouda, Steve Noorlun. Roger Hoag. Dave Myers. Scott Paulson, Bill Rowe, Scott Barkley, Bob Brozovich, KneellngR1ck Huffman, Jim O'Danses, Ron Piburn. Kevin Potter. Doug Gleaton Jim Hix, Doug Sykes, Butch Burnham Front row -Paul Shaffstall, Kim Burke

NOT PICTURED Boys gymnastics team : Mark Auston, Mike C1v1ts, Ken Higbee. Rick Hoss (qual1f1ed for state), Clark Lee, Wayne Utan,.

I. t 182 --
18 3
I , .. 184 --• - -

Left -Girls' tennis team Tern Garger , Jul,e Green, Jill Swanson, Julie Goad, Patty Price , Lynn Mc Donal d , Gretchen Gable, Suzanne Long , Cindy Gregory, Susan Rhea

Bottom left-G,rls' track team Coach

Patty Potter Kirby Top Den ise Burger, C1m F raser, Conn,e Janssen, Debbie Clark, Virg1n1a Morton , Carry Griffen, BottomSue Hut c h inson, Jenn ie Lund , Debb ie Utan,, Mar cie Surratt. Below -Gol f team Joe Bator , Dave Barne s, Btll Kaufman , " Baby Fa ce" Herr ing, Matt Ross , Len n y He ssel t,ne , Ktp Fraser , 8111 Blum

' t r , .... • • -..., .. • -• • 't 4 \ . ' . II • ' .. •
18 5

Man of La Mancha

Alan Hutchinson .. Cervantes/Quixote Syrous Meheen Sancho Panza

Lissa Young Aldonza/Dulcinea Jay Burnett, Todd Frizzell, Dave Humerich. Kristen Holmberg, Richard Rosenthal Edgardo Goyret, Joe Bator, Jeannie Fears, Marc Learned, Brent Jones, Scott Allen, Randy Greaser, Robin Ericson, Nancy Halcomb, Sondra Oliphant, Brian Wareing, Matt Skulski, Don Walters, Al Heimbegner, Bart Cox, Tim Coulton, Kathy Gadd, Molly St Denis, Lisa Coughlin, and Debbie Croissant.

l .I i I 186
I ' I , t. i 188
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Right-Queen Anne Wernstedt. BottomProm Court Jill Swanson, first runner-up , Queen Anne, Carla Granquist, Jeannie Oppenlander, Jov Yager, Kathleen Yancey.
Reigns at Prom 189
Exchange Student
I • 190

The hushed audience, cons1st1ng of proud parents, brothers and sisters, sat patiently 1n the bleachers of Brook s Field while so me 350 seniors solemnly received their diplomas Backed by a number of short speeches, the presence of several adm1n1strat1on and Board of Education officials, Concert Choir and beautiful weather, graduation went smoothly. End of high school and the beg1nn1ng of a new way of life were emphasized when the graduates Jubilantly threw their caps into the air and ran about in Joyful confusion.


A few recipients of special scholarships and awards on Awards Night are (clockwise) John Miskell, awarded the Loren Weimer Memorial Scholarship; Vicki Cundiff, winner of Boettcher and National Merit Scholarships; Syrous Meheen, the Adolf Coors Leadership Award designee and Mark Camfield, who received the Bruce Herman Memorial Award

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