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I LDEN HIGH SCHOOL 1974 I t " I ""' I
Happ iness is such a trivial goal in life that I can imagine it being entertained only by pigs.
3 I I
A . Einstein
M iii lid .... ' • g ii I!
l 11
... ... I l I
I I •
• 1 i • • • ·i e .. • I 10
You don ' t need a weatherman to tell you whi c h way the wind 's blowing Dylan
-1.. . ..
11 I I I I I l I •
i • .. • (. •I ·12 ...---· -
13 I
I II I ~ l -· .._I -~: • .. , r • ' t • • I ' 1 • , t« . _\,{ j ~1 •"• • • l. .. ' • • • \ \ ' 'i \ ' • .,. •• ' . I l • • \ ' \ ~\. , • • ,. . ' ~ " ~~ ·' •
'• I -... )I 17 I
Cross Country
I~ 1 18
I ,. 19
Varsity Team and won-f ost records
John Evans-9 -1
Mark Pattridge - 7-3
Phil (P B ) Cary - 6-4
John Bailey and Kleber Hadsell9 -1
Dave Wheeler and Bruce Burnham3 -3
Jim Hix and Bruce Burnham - 3 - 1
I 21 I I I I
Soccer Soccer team i ncluded : Scott Adlf i n Golden 6-Littleton 1 ger , K i m Barnh i ll , Roscoe Beiley , Chr is Bennetts , T o m Browne , Kelly Golden 1-J F K 2 Burks , Larry Collins, Alf Cooper, Keith Gantenbe i n , Bob Gibson , Kirr Go lden 1-G Washington " B" 0 Hendrickson , Todd Isom , Shannon -. J,J: Jacobs , Don Jensen , Dave Jones , Jin Golden 6-Green Mountain 3 Kadleceh , John Kadleceh , Adrian Kearney, Tripper Loring , Brad Mis - Golden 4-G Wash i ngton " A " 1 I •\ kell, Jean Navant , M ike Ormsbee , Eric T i lkeme i er , Arte Shelton , Lyn Golden 2-Littleton " A " 0 don Schultz , Bruce Smith, K i p Stro • bel , Greg Stout , Paul We i mer Golden 3 -Denver South C Golden 4 -Thomas Jefferson 3 Golden 4 - Ranum 1 Golden 2 -Arvada West 2 .. Golden 6-L i ttleton " B " 1 Golden 1-G Wash i ngton " B " 2...,_ - - ...... ... 4 I Golden 1-Northglen 0 ---- .. . .,.. ..-. 111 -~ "" - YO a "' Won 10 Lost 2 T i ed 1 22
•\ .Jc -I 23 I I I
• 24
-• --j t --25 I I I I
• Football Golden 0 Denver North 20 Golden 7 Harrison 34 Go l den 6 Reg i s 21 Golden 47 Pamona 6 Golden 0 Bear Creek 14 Golden 10 Columbine 27 Golden 0 Jefferson 6 Golden 10 Green Mtn 28 Golden 0 Arvada West 54 Golden 25 Alameda 34 Won 1 Lost 9 The team placed fourth i n Divis i on Two 26
Varsity football team included Mark Auston , Elton Bachl1 , Bob Bardwell , Scott Barkley , Jack Barrett , Tony B erwald , T i m Burk e, Bob Carr, Paul Cook , Ken D i Paolo , Ri c hard Franz, Mike Gaines, Gary Gallego , Nulu1n Gates, Butc h Hrouda , Harold Johnson , Jim O ' Dorisico, A ,c hard Passerine, Kim Miller, Steve Noorlun , Ron P1burn , Kevin Potter , Ron Powell , Bob Purvis
27 l I •
, t • 3 ' 'I ; .., I I , I I I 29 I
Girls Gymnastics
G irls ' gymnastic team : Seniors-Diane Gribble , Ann Benedett i, Karla Lakey, Mona Keenan , Teresa Smo len , Patty Wagner Jun i ors - Abby Bu tron, Amy Gjellum , Marty Root , Debi Uye tan i. Sophomores-Meg Moorehead , Kat hy Petry , Emmy Jo Garrison, Donna Dodson. Ela Ramsay , Rhonda Buehler, Kathy Sundseth, Jeanne Hoover
I 31 J
Voll ey ball
Girls ' volleyball A team-Sue
Ellis , Marcia Hutchinson , Paula Vanderstowe , Dottie Hogan, Sue Hutchinson, Kathy Hrouda, Cheri Nelson, Nancy
Lilley , Donna Simmons B team - Tracy Page , Robin
Goodell, Kathy Frush , Jan Cary, Adrian St. Clair, Kelly Hogan , Julie Goad Coach was Bob Stokes
A team reco r d was 5 -6 B team record 5-6
Girl's Basketball
G,rls' basketball team included Mary Kay Carrington , Jan Cary, Sue Ellis, Kathy Hrouda , Marcia Hutchinson , Sue Hutchinson, Terry! Lofgren , Charlotte Lohrenz , Jenelle Lund, Mary Nelson , Sherry Scherrer, Diane Towle , Marron Trowbridge, Deb, Uyetan, , Melanie Weber The coach was Ann Conlee from Golden Junior High
l 33 I
Golden 80-Adams City 50 Golden 71-Central Catholic 66 Golden 66-Highlands 77 Golden 72 -Pamona 48 Golden 75-Columbine 41 Golden 59 -Brighton 49 Golden 68-Green Mountain 55 Golden 48"efferson 74 Golden 55.Pamona 50 Golden 77-Arvada West 68 Golden 75-Columbine 53 Golden 57 - Lakewood 59 Golden 64.Jefferso n 65 Golden 68-Arvada 79 Golden 59-Alameda 69 Golden 58-Green Mountain 54 Golden 60 -Wheatridge 80 Golden 65-Bear Creek 104 Won 10 - Lost 8 J i m Hix fini shed th e season as the state ' s l eadi ng sco rer , averaging almo st 25 poi nts per game ' =--FT t -- :-_..... --,.. -
Fl! •
so V 3s J
• 36 .. • a •I I
44 _., _,,, ' ' • _, ' ,37 J
Sw imm i ng team i n c luded : Brent Adams , Jef f Adams , Keith Bi ll i ngs , Rick Eagen , R ick Hoss , Mike Huntley , Steve Land in , Clard Lee , Steve Long , T om McCall ister , N eil Middlem iss , Greg Ray , John Sc h ultz , Mike S ivetts , Walter Towle
T he team turned in a 4 ~ record for the season Coach was Steve Metcalf
I • 1 I -
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Wrestling team included Bri an Ankerich, Bob Bardwell , Kent Baird , Rick Baldessari , Steve Boyer, Kim Burke , Bill Blum , Don Carr. Larry Collins, Raymond Crosslin, Arlyn Davison , Tony Englert , Ed Hagman , Dennis Heldt , Darin Heldt , George Holsing • er , Mark Huntley, Harold Johnson, Dave Johnson , Ty Jones. Jim Jordan, Marc Learned , Mike Linder, Dennis Lynch, Steve McHatt,e , Jim O'Dons10, Aon Richner , Matt Rose , Larry Study, Kip Strobel, Mike Trowbridge, Chuck Tubb , Ri c k Waterman , George Hansford
The team f1n1shed the season with an 11-4 -1 record and qualified Mar c Learned and Dave Johnson for state tournaments
Coaches were Darrell Hafl1ng and John Poll ice •
I J •
0 I ~B•f• ftR•fil
• Ba seball team i ncluded : Mi ke Aten , Ed Basske, Scott Barkley , Tony Ber· wald , Bruch Burnham , M i ke Ga i nes, Bill Gray , J i m Hix , Butch Hrouda, Steve No o rlun , Bob Nelson , Ron Piburn, Kev i n Potter, Randy Scharf, Paul Shatstall, John Stermole , Jim Vogt.
The baseball team finished first i n Di vis i on 11 of the Jefferson County League .
- ·.
-• 43 I
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-\.:, • •- l -' • ( Homecoming 73' Opposite above left-winner of bed raC8 ; opposite below left- Homecom ing dance ; center- tug-of- war ; left- winn i ng float ; below - 1920's Day and Golden Goose e, I'ri .,.< ' \ , ·, I \ • I
• • • 48
Homecoming Royalty clockwise from bottom left - senior attendants Mona Keenan, Rae Ann Appleton, Robin Goodell, 1un1or honor attendant Tami Granquist, sopho• more honor attendant , Ji ll Hafner Opposite page - Homecoming Queen Marc, Suratt
• I
Claude Upson
..........•......... Nancy
Patrick , as a boy ...•............ Richard
Ito . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . .•. Marc
. . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . Lissa
...•.....•. .•.......... J
.........•...•. Matt
Bishop • Serg i o
. . • . . . . . . . Er ic
• • . . . • . . . . . . . Wendy
. . . . • .
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. • . . . Nina O
. . . • . . . . . . . Barb
. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .
a man •......
. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Jackie
. . • . . . . .
Norah Muldoon
Young Osbert
1m Hutchins Ralph Devine
So r rentino M
Mandat Auntie Mame
Quinn Mr Waldo Scott Adlfmger
George Halcomb Mr Babcock
Dave Kilian Cousin Jeff
Steve Vitlachica
art i ngton
Burdick Cousin Fan
Cata Emory MacOougal
Bart Cox Mother Burnside
Nancy H alcomb Patri c k
Scott A ll en Brian O'Bannion Todd Frizzell Agnes Gooch
Easton Gloria Upson
Christie Mossman
Dons Upson
Gretchen Gabel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . Phil
Fred . • • . • •..•..•....•....... • Robbie
Sneed Michael Jim O ' Oorsio
•..•................. Pat ti
Rad c liffe . • . . • . • . . Ca r ol
Guests . . . . . . . . . • . . . Judy Roberts , Jan Maritt , Ronda Sharp ,
Pegeen Ryan
Marci e Mille r
51 l
52 I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER Gene Garrison Eric Mandat Porter Bart Cox Tom Garrison Scott Allen Margaret Garriso n Jack ie Easton Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patti Ranney Nur se Judy Roberts Reverend Pe ll Ph ii Sneed Marvin Scott Randy Ell i ott Or. Mayberry . . . . . . . . . Sharon Loht Alice ......... . ..... Lissa Young
s3 I
This year on the culture scene we find that students of Golden High went to San Francisco and New York to explore im portant cultural centers of the world In San Francisco the students were partic· ularly impressed with the Hyatt House Hotel which is a mass complex of architectural art work and sculpture The cultural aspects of the trip i ncluded musical plays and a visit to Berkley Campus where students observed art be ing created all over campus.
During the New York trip , December 6 - 11 , visits to Time Square, Ferry r ides and attendance at ballets and plays took up most of the students' t i me. Im• pressive highlights included Alvan Ailley's Contem · porary Ballet and the play "Don't Bother Me ; I Can't Cope ."
The trips were sponsored by the Arts i n Education program
n r11 11ul!II UIIUPI Jl'Wlllll QUUUJl IIUtllWI IUttolPI lallntlD uuonnt• wa11uum ___... IJIII ............
Sculpture students design ed an ecology tunnel in the art resource center to make the student body at GHS more aware of the i r environment
Some 750 students and teachers c rawled through the sculpture , discover ing feel ings and sensations that they were not aware of. The tunnel was completed in three weeks by Lee Darr ig rand , Linda Mount , Don Port , Jenny Hite and Suzi Williams.
• 56
Wide Range of Activities Characterizes Golden Days
" Golden Days'' climaxed with the crowning of Sue Hutchinson as carnival queen after a week of activities The booths at the grand finale event this year were constructed by the voe -tech department
Centennial Si ngers had started the week off with a nontraditional concert Other activities included the alumni banquet, the talent show (in which " Flash Hayes and The Ramblers " stole the show), the box lunch sale, and the Battle-of-The-Bands.
Up With People
Golden High School was awakened by a group of lively young singers known as "Up With People ." The concert proved to be a different approach from past programs at GHS The group sang songs in d ifferent languages and from different countries. Students really took part when members of the group chose students seated on the floor to "kick up the ir heels" to music sung by " Up With People ."
Theres a Time and Place for Everything
Valentines week this year started off with a breakfast pr,epared by HERO Later in the day students were surprised with wet kisses and not · necessarily-harmonious songs spon· sored by the Valogram service of the junior class. Suckers and pictures in front of a special background were also sold and the celebration ended Saturday night w ith " Wondershell " sere nad ing love rs The dance was spon · sored by Centennials
Forensics club accumulated trophies and ribbons at forensics meets, including Jeff-Co Sweepstakes first in senior debate and second in girls' extemp and dramatic interp. They also won events in many other tournaments
Forensics : front row-Judy Roberts , Debbie Br i cker , Crista Barwin, Li nda Olbert , Rhonda Byrne , Marc ia Miller , Peggy Br icker, Pat Jelen , Mrs Kirby Second row - Mr Farrar , Shannon Jacobs , Michelle Carthy , Jeff Trowbridge , M ike Trowbr idge , J i m Campbell , Phil Hays. Back row - Scott Allen , Debbie Anderson , Todd Fr izzell , Bill Schute , Debb ie Hugg ins
Golden High's drama t ic club , Stage R ig ht , completed installation of a new lighting system and new stage curtains in the auditor i um with money raised through the i r three productions and from br i nging Continental Theatre Company back. They also won the Cheer-Off contest d u ring Spirit Week and decorated the trophy case in front of the counseling center with plants.
A new service organization, Youth Extending Services, first made its presence known through a food drive at Thanksgivi n g time Othe r projects were wrapping Christmas gifts at He r itage Square to raise m oney for Jeff -Co Action Cente r and
helping at t h e Foot h ills Art Center
Stage Right (below) front row - Nancy Halcomb , Lisa Coughlin (sec.), Nina Darlington (historian), Robbie Watt, Don Walters (pres ) Second row - Phil Sneed, George Halcomb , Dave Monson , Marcie Miller, Bart Cox, Randy Elliott Back row - Tim Colton, Tracy Farr is, Scott Allen , Marc Learned , En c Mandat , Dan Fong , Dana Miller, Lissa Young, Snow Deaton, Jan Maritt , Bettina Thorn , Suzi Howes Not pictured - Mr Holley (director), Richard Rosenthal , Jackie Easton
YES (bottom) standing - Donna Simmons, Steve Sorenson, Mr Daugherty (sponsor) Seated-Christa Barwin , Debbie Anderson , Kathy Frush , Brenda Drake , Cheryl Allen
• ' -
Junior Classical League , also known as Latin Club, participa ted in activities including a money-raising fruitcake sale before Christmas and the statewide Roman Festival Saturnalia. Introduced to Golden this year was the Campus Crusade for Christ. During meetings Crusaders discussed problems and practical solutions pertaining to the real ity of everyday living.
JCL (right) : T om Curley , Scott Carlson WE S (above) : Back rowRuss Johnson , Mr Pol lice, Mr Met calf, Fred Cornelius , Steve Barnh ill , Becky Cutshall, Tom Linton , Ra y With am Front row - Ken Samuels, Dan Strong, Simonne Jacksoo. S J\ Johnson (sec ) , Dennis Lynch (pres ) , Jerry Tate, Ji~eJerf.
German - Russian Club (below) · Ke i th B1ll1ngs , Kandy Brynestad , Kathy Theobald , Paul Janakos, Ela Ramsay , Marsha Hutchinson, Emerson Schwartzkopf, Miss Brown, Andy Gregory , Helene Hannum, Karen Straley , Charlotte Lohrenz, Wendy Hervi , Cara Krohm
Campus Crusaders · Standing- Chris Tillman , Bob Spenser. Brent Adams , Tam, Voss , Stan Grad1sars (volunteer leader for Campus Crusaders for Christ from School of Mines). Andre Van Meulebrouck , Vince Herr Seated - Denise Burger , Suzi Howes, Lynne Matthews , Marian Trowbridge, Mrs Howes (sponsor) •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Devotees of the Arts, better known as Triv ia Club, 1s ded ica ted, according to its constitution, "to the purpose of never doing anything worthwhile ." However , they have spent their t ime in this first year with activities including attending mov ies at the Belvidere Theatre in Central City, sponsoring a Trivia Bowl during Carnival Week and compiling a movie made of promotion spots from such cinematic gems as " Blood of Dracula's Castle," "Super Chick," and " The Naked Angles." They specialized in movie , TV and spo rts triv ia.
Student Council (below) : standing-Shannon Jacobs, Bob Bardwell , Emerson Schwartzkopf , Rhonda Sharp , Steve Artemus , Chris Magee , Debb ie Smyth , Ric hard Passer i ne , Mitch Vogel , Julie Beattie , Scott Nelson, Shawn Yancey , Wayne Wheeler , Eric Hadsell , Kirk Strobel , Debbie Anderson , Andy Snow, Andy Gregory, Lynn Moore , Leesa ~myth, Rick Henshaw , Jeff Trowbr idge , Clark Lee , Mike Squibb
Seated - Hugh Colv i n , Bill Sheldon , Kathy Zahor chak, Bill Knickel (pres.), Linda Olbert {g irls ' vice pres ) , Suzi Howes (sec -treas ), Bill Shute (boys ' v ice pres )
Devotees of the Arts : Mi ke Squ ibb , Cra i g Pierce , Mr He rr ing and Mr McClaren (sponsors) , Emerson Schwartzkopf, Bill Shute , Lee H incher
( , _,,, 'T-.,'f ~r;
National Honor Society members : C. Babb, B Baring, K Barnh ill , S Barnhart , A Benedett i, L Bryant , R Campbell , P Cary (pres.), D. Childers, L Coughlin, L Darr igrand , L DeMuth, K DiPaolo, B Drake , N Emerson (vice pres.), R F i ke , N F itch , V Fowler , K Frush, P Gaskill, J Gelatko, J Gray, S. Hayes , A Henry , J H ix, S Hut chinson, S. Jacobs, D. Johnson , B Kn ic kel , C Krues 1, P Lehman , J Lund, J ~rr it, M Mason , D Nankerv is, L. Gilbert, R Passer ine, G Ray, L Ritchl in, N Roesler , B Sheldon , D. Simmons, T Smollen, L Smyth, C. Snell ing, S. Sorensen, R Spenser, M Straley, C T illma n , J Trow-
bridge (treas ), P Wahner, P Weimer , J Will iams , J. Yancey (sec), R Watt , M Ferg eson, P Sheeran, D Barnes, B Bran ch, M Carr, S Carr, H Colvin, A. Gregory, D Harri son, C. Lee, L Ba c hman , J Bail ey , A Bardwell , R Bartels, K Bill in gs , B Blum , J Breaker , P Carlson , C Ch es tnut , P Cole, R. Elliot , M Gartner, K Gjellum, T Granquist, J He inicke, R Hes sel t ine, M Learned 1 N Lilly , L McD onald, L I\Aatthem , A. Moody , H Ne wcome, J. O'Dorsio, K Passer i n e, J Roberts , R Rosenthal , L Schultz, E Schwartzkopf, K Well e r , S Will iams
FBLA (lowe r left ) : Front row - Mrs O ' Neil , Julie Woodruff Geri Zobec , Cindy M iller, Elaine Kerstetter , Debbie Van Damme, Jerry Fitzger al d , Keturah Dobbs ; Second row-Jo Janssen (pres ). Linda Guyer, Jeanne Gray (treas.) , Debbie Johnson , Debbie Lindeman , Juan i ta Gonzales (sec.) , Joyce Swartout , Sue Sm i th , Kathy Hannum , Jessica Newhauser , Connie Ruckman , Gayla Ray , Judy Kater , Cathy Howard , Debbie B ril l , Lyn Cob l e
DECA officers (center) Bonnie Stackhouse, Wendy Blizzard , Kathy Pierce (sec.) , J 1m Dotsch (pres.), Dave Medlin (vice pres.). Jim Jones, Rob Muen1er , Mr Lemmons
OWE (top) Duane Joni and, Cheri Newsom (treas.), Greg Toolan (2nd sem pres.), Debbie Carls, Marcie Miller (2nd sem sec.), Mr Daniels, Rob Hadlo c k, Curt Gilbert, Don Selbe, Randy Durant, Owen Creason, Don Sheffield, Jim W1ll1ngham First semester officers (leh) Rick Zern (pres.) , Kelly Hogan (sec.)
Future Homemakers of America adopted the new title Exciting Creative H ome Economic Opportunities to enhance their image through liberation.
Junior and senio r Home Economics Related Occupations class in their second year contributed to the community by making Christmas toys for needy c hildren and through visits to nursing homes w it h gifts They also offered a pancake
breakfast during Valentines Week
Sen io r HE RO (below): Debbie Holland , Valerie Smi th , Suzi Payne (publicity), Kevin Potter , Vera Schell in g, Pam Wood, V i rginia Morton, Randy Masker , Judy Hamilton , Shelli Terry (vice pres.) , Lori Franz (pres.), Debbi e Hall (treas.), Todd Frizzell (publicity) Not pictured : Cyndy Sample (sec )
•• • .. • • \. . • • • • •... "
ECHO (below) : Scheie Onstott, Leslie DeMuth , Elizabeth Burt, Nancy Hopper, Debbie Childers, Terryl Lofgren , Nancy Downs , Pat Sheeran Not pictured : Mrs Joseph (sponsor)
I I l 71
Junior HERO : stand i ng-Sue Roser , K i m Masters , Cheryl Rosenbrock ,
\ Cindy Coleman , Bonn ie Gi l c hri st, Le e Ann English , There sa Libra , Donna T i dwell (Jr Rep .I, Sh elley Griggs (Jr Rep.) , K i ri Thompso n, Dawn Kr i ll , Sheryl Lohman seated l eft to right : Mrs M c Hugh (sponsor) , Debb ie Humphrey , Linda Clark , Kathy Johnson, Car isa Will tam • son
To help the community become more acquainted with the various fields of agriculture, Rodeo Club helped sponsor Agricultural Awareness Day The group was also involved in practicing for and participating in rodeo contests.
One of the highlights of the Future Farmers of America chapter at GHS was the state FFA contests held at CSU 'M'lere Beth Ann Howard placed as the third highest individual in the state in crop judging Among the many awards achieved by the c hapter are the Master Chapter Award, the Silver Emblem Chapter Award, the Gold Emblem Building Our American Community and the Colorado Co-op Council Area Award
FFA (below) : front row- Mr . Rice , B Hrouda (sent inel) , C Gregory (v ice pres .), D Vincent (reporter) , K Kaminski (treas ) , B Hovvard (parl iamentarian) , D We imer (sec ), L Wunderl ich (pres ), Mr. Knight. second row : R Wymore , M Barant, K Bliss, D Cooper , S Gallager , H Fr itzler , B Wolf , C Mick third row : R. Morton , C Westerfield , J. Bruning , V Braning, M. Galleger , J Luft , J Dubervac, R Ake fourth row : M. Dolloff , R Hadlock , L Ritchlin , M Soule , G. Nepa , J. Ward, D Lacrosse fifth row : L. Barnes, A Feld, R. Johnson , B Kenner, C. Spray , R Dobins , K Linsgraph sixth row : M. Miller, C. Tracy , B. Cooley , E Kennedy , F Cornelius, R McLaughl i n , K White , L. Koch, G Gordon last row : P. Thielson , L Baughman , K Daugherty, G Bennets, B Heldenbrand, L. Study , R Tubbs , D Wheeler , E. Hadsell, C Hadsell. Not p ictured-B Fletcher (Student Council rep.), L Hincher (reporter).
Rodeo Club (top) : Stand ing-Mr Rice {sponsor), Lyle Hart , Cookie Westerf ield , Gary Sennett, Cindy Tracy , Larry Barnes, Ed Orr, Don McDougal , Dave Noble , Jack Barrett {pres . ), Larry Pine , Ron Baughman, Jerry Walls , Larry Study, Linda Graham , Barb Noble , Kim Bl iss , Rick Wymor, Marty McDougal , unidentified , Dale Wh ite, Donna Lang , Mrs Gwen Tracy , Bob Heldenbrand Kneeling-Debbie Inman , Jim Davis, Michelle Barant, Val Foster, Jerry Luft , Jerry Hull , Jason Van Hooser , Sue Shimmer , Liz Heinz, Gene Dowell, Sue Gershwind, Hazel Heatherton , Shirley Lizette, Pam Tilson Not pictured : Beth Ann Howard (treas.)
Bottom : Val Foster, Gary Sennett (vice pres ) , Cindy Tracy (sec ).
.73 j
Thought , a new girls ' service organization, trimmed a tree with hand-made ornaments and sang carols at a nursing home at Christmas time. They also refurbished the girls' bathroom in "C" build ing.
Campus beautificatio n was again a ma i n goal of Key Club. They also went on Kamp-Outs and helped Kiwanis sponsor a scholarship for a GHS student to attend Outward Bound School.
Key Club (including visitors) (top) : back row-John Ake , Lamar Rivers, Mr Papenfus (sponsor), Pau l Shaffstall , Dave Stekr , Er ic Had· sell, Rick Gilbertson, Dave Wheeler , Rocko Perrella, Randy Poundstone, Chuck Tolton , Rob in Hult, Rob Tubbs (hidden), Mr Perrella (sponsor), Rob Alexander , Dave Tolton, Jo Dee Evans, Mike Deam, Rick Ake , Scott Orr, Scott Nelson , Charly Barber, Curt Papenfus, Scott Mossman Center-Clay Bowers (pres.)
G-Club (below) : front row - Marc Learned , Bob Bardwell (pres.), Jim O'Dorsio (Jr Rep ) Second row - Mr Hayes , Wayne Wheeler , Dave Yager (pres.), Rob Vogel. Back row - Richard Franz, Lee Vitgenos , J i m Hightower
Thought : clockwise from front-SSlly Hogan , Suzi Howes, Jane Willims, Betsy St Denis, Diane Halligan , Ann Marie Oscarson, Sharna Loving (pres ), Kathy Passerine, Debbie Croissant, Terry I Lofgren , Donna Halligan , Charlotte Lohrenz, Monica Gartner, Dawn Trice , Lynn 11/ecDonald , Kathy Frush , Robin McDonald , Mary Ann Hatchell , Mrs Thompson (sponsor)
Outward Bound gives students a chance to pit their wits against nature for two weeks in the wilderness. The first aid demonstrated in these pictures is one of the skills they practice.
76 ----
VICA (below) : front-Mark Huntley, Apie White , Pete Turley , Neil Groves , Lee Vitgenos M i ddle - Kenny Klatt, Paul Cook , Pat Ryan, O"a19 Heberle i n , LaMar Ri vers Back - Ji m Tibaldo , Lynn Evans, Greg Rand , Earl Golos, Harold Ericson , Clayton Snyder, Alec Black
Radio Club , VICA Club
Student 1nitiat1ve, student equipment, student time and student talent made possible KSOF radio station and the radio club The station, specializing 1n music and news spots, was wired into the cafeteria, the art rooms, and the drama, music and speech offices. KSOF was featured on Channel 4 TV Evening News for its uniqueness.
Vocational Indu strial Clubs of America worked on such money raising projects as winterizing cars and later selling wastepaper baskets to finance a raft trip
Rad io Club (below) front row-Chris Hiett , Pat Morris, George Halcomb , Steve Villach1ca , Bruce Waring , Tom Browne Bad( row - Emerson Schv.ertzkopf (sec -treas .), Mr Farrar (sponsor), Phil Sneed, Bob Weber. Not pictured Clay Bowers (pres.), Cliff Germann, Dave German, Bob Swanson, John Kadlecek , John Rustad , Roe Woodrum, Lindon Schultz, Phil Hays, M ike Ormsbee (techn ici an )
Varsity Cheerleaders (top left) : Head cheerleader Diane Gribble. (top right}- L isa Gentry , Jul i e Cobb , Bonn ie Richner , Ann Bennedett i, Brenda Drake
Junior Varsity Cheerleaders (above) : Lynn Moore, V ickie Simpson, Lin da Roe , Jenni Angell.
• • ••
79 J
Tridettes (below) Sally Hogan , Dawn Trice , Betsy St Denis , Debbie Croissant , Donna Halligan, Kathy Passerine, Mary Ann Hatchell , Diane Halligan, Robin M~ Donald, Jane Williams , Suzi Howes, Molly St. Denis
Boys ' Noise (above) back row - Ken Miller, Dan uindtn , Mark Carr , Emerson Schwartzkopf , Matt Lee, Bill Kn1 c kel (sec) , Front row - Ken Higbee, Hugh Colvin , Steve Sorenson (pres ), Bill Sheldon (vice pres) , Phil Cary , Rod Campbell, Andy Gregory Not
pictured Ken D1Paolo, Jim Hix , Leon Bachman, Clark Lee, Mark. Sundseth , Art Mast , Steve Carr, Paul Shaffstall , Elton Bach I 1, Mr Nelson (sponsor ) Pep Club (right) Front row-Junior Class Representatives - Kathy Passerine, Sally Hogan
Senior Class Representatives Donna Simmons. Brenda Drake (pres ), Sophomore Class representative Cheryl Drake Second row-Julie Cobb, Diane Gribble Third row - Betsy St Denis, Linda Roe, Vickie Si mpson , Molly St Denis Fourth rowRobin McDonald , Vera Fowler.
- -
l 81
Band Members B Baring, C Barbour, J Beveridge , V Bran i ng , A Brockmeyer , K Brunner , B Burnham , B Byers, S Carlson , R Cash in, 0 Channon , R Coronado , E Coughl in , B Cox , 0 Creason , R Curl e y , J Davis, L Doren , C Dugger, P Dunnewald , P Edelen , J Elmer , C. Evans , D Everett , T Fletc her , C Germann , G Grebe , P Gregory , C Gr iffee , C Griffin, V Hanks , C Harrison , D Hedlund , J Hein icke , L biermann , W Herv i, M Howell , C Hugg i ns , D Huggins , T Isom, P Jannakos , C Jon~ , W Kietzman , D Leg e r, B Leonard , J Lund , J Lund , D Lutz , L Lyt le , L Ma c Br ide , E Mandat , M Mart i nez, N
Middlem iss , J Mye , J Navant , G Neel , S Neel , M Nolan , S Nolan , E
O'Br ien , L Press , G Ray , P. Riffe , M Ross , S Ross , T Ross, L Rulon , D Shih , R. Smith , P Soper, A St Clair, M Straley , M Squibb , D Terhorst , T Thorn , C T illman , D Towle , W Towl e, J Turner , B Underwood , J Wamboldt , G Warren , C Watson , J Woodruff , S Youngquist , J Z immer , M Gates.
82 y • = • i " I I I
Centennials (above) · front row-Bob Perry, Carla Cameron, Bob Spenser, Nancy Halcomb Second row - Cae Babb, Randy Elliott, Ann Marie Oscarson, Chris Bennetts, Christie Mossman, John Kadlecek. Lissa Young, Scott Allen, Mrs Ryan (pianist), Lisa Coughlin, Mr. Ryan (director) Back row-Brad Lindaas, Jill Hafner, Suzi Howes, John Rustad, Pat Cole, Rick Eagen
Madrigals (above) : standing - Melanie Mason , Jim Sherman, Ann Newman, Bruce Waring, Roberta Beahm, Matt Lee, Cynthia Mutchler, Kerry Brunner, Nancy Kauffman Seated-Mimi Dolloff, Cindy Dugger, Gayla Ray, Lee Darrigrand, Cindy Mostek, Stacy Jillson, Rhonda Sharp
' ... .. • •
I 86 Newspaper
Newspaper staff : Karen Gidley, Lee Hinc her (edito r ) , Charlotte Lohr enz , Bob Swanson, Jim Hut c h ins, Don Walters , Cathy Howard , Marianna Ja ckson, Earl Golos, Jim Hix
I •
Yearbook Staff · Photographers-Steve Aiken, Ross Bryant, Chris H ie tt , Doug McLeod , Arte Shelton, Paul Weimer Editors-Paul Weimer (editor-in-chief), Bernice Groswold and Joe Watt (assistant editors), Phil Cary (sports), Robin Goodell (activit ies), Bern ice Groswold (organizations), Betsy St. Denis and Dawn Tr ice (senior), Susie Williams and Brad Thomas (underclassmen), Robb ie Watt {people), Donna Simmons (faculty). Assistant Editors-Mary Lovett, Dan Saunders, Erik Tilkeme ie r, Jon Christensen
American Field Service provides the opportunity for students from foreign countries to live w ith an American family for the school year. This year's foreign exchange students are Theresia Sagmeister of Bregenz, Austr ia and Sergio Sorrentino of Cantanzaro, Italy.
AFS : standing - Mic helle Carthy, Carol Evans , Bill Knickel, Cae Babb (vice pres.I , Lynn Mathews , Jul ie Green, Cissy Cowell, Kathy Frush , Aiga Smidt, Mrs. Brady (sponsor) Seated - Todd Fr izzell (pres.), Theresia Sagme ister, Sergio Sorent1no. Not pictured : Debb ie Smyth (sec -tr eas.l
Left , Principal Orlan Cox and Assistant pr incipal Herb Cochrane ; Below, Administrative Aides-Dewain Wood, Ern ie Kazmier , Bob Cito ; Below Center, CounselorsJohn Thomalla, Gale Brandt
Top, secretaries - Pat Payne , Gertrude Meyer (bookkeeper), Ni na Deleo, Georgie Bell Starks. Center, media spec1al1st and libranan - Vaunda Good and Harriet Lubahn Bottom, counselors-Dee Wilson and Dave Bachman Abov e, attendance and records secretaries - Ann Hansen and Jan Middlem iss
Above, Music Dept.-Carolyn Mallory, Don Walters , Pat Ryan , Ernie Kazmier ; Right, Girls and Boys Physical Educati on - Tom Henry , Marilyn Wilcox , Dick Booton ; Below, Art Dept - Mark Dunn , Jerry Rosenthal , Mildren M organ
Top, Foreign Language departmentRay Ewing (Spanish), Diane Brown (German-Russian), Raoul P1rn (French), Maud Priest (Latin). bottom, Business department-Bob Brozovich. Bob Stokes, Gail O' Nei l, Susan Stuart.
English department : left , speech and drama-Patty Kirby , Dave Farrar, Bob Holley ; below; sophomore team - Denn is Westbrook , Diana Beatty , Susan Pless i nger, Ray Nelson ; bottom, junior-senior team-D ick Byrne , Sandy Nations , Shirley Larson , Jill Christensen
Social Studies department left, $e. n i or Social Science- Roy Daugherty, Jerry Garland cen ter , Wor ld H is toryRobert Stecklein, Dewain Wood , Linda Brady , Debbie Dalton , Roger Myers , bottom , American H i storyAl M claren, Mamie Thompson , Chuck Herring
•' I • t I • 95 I I
• " ' I I 11 I ( I " ' I ! I ( 1J r 1 t I • 96
• •
Top right , Occupational Work Exj)enence (OWE) and Distribut ive Education ( DE) - Larry Dan iels , Roy Lemmons ; bottom left, Vocat ionalTechn ical department - Ray Christensen , M ike Hartme ister , Stan Hajek , John Kellenbenz, Al Perrella
I I 97 '
Opposite page : top left , Home Econom ics department - Jeneen Joseph , Loretta McHugh ; middle , Spec ial Educat ion - Steve Metcalf, John Pollice ; bottom left , Vocational Agri c ulture - Larry Jordahl, J im Knight , Lyle Rice .
"The trouble with chemistry ,s that it's too hard for the chemists "
and Science - left to right - Bob Hayes and Ed Herber ; Loren Christensen, Bob W1ll1ams, and Art Pap· enfus , Kathryn Kinman and Elaine Fitzgerald , John Chapman ; Darrell Halfl1ng , Dan Comer
A E1nste1n
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, • , • • ,,. •• ( l • • I • • I • ·• • • • • l •
/ / 111
11 3
•.......J 115
II .. 116
I' 118
Kenneth Abel
Steve Aiken
Steve Allen
I /'
Jan Atkinson
Brent Adams
De Aun Allen
Dave Anderson Mark Auston
Scott Adlfinger
Scott Allen
Rae Ann Appleton Cae Babb
Kent Army Elton Bachli
Steve Aronson Dave Bailey
Kim Barnhill
Chris Bennetts David Barr Deb i Bergeson
Bar ba ra Ba rin g Dav id Ba rn es J ack Ba rr e tt Steve Berquist
Scott Barkley
Larry Barnes
Sue Bay
Barb Bettinger
Barbara Barnard
Stephan i Barnhart
Ann Bennedetti
Kim Bliss
-I •I ,.
Tom Browne L isa Bry an t
Wendy Bli zza rd Bill Bran c h Art Br oc km eyer Ally so n Bur ch
D avid Boehm Shen Br e tha er
L arry Brooks
Kim Burke
Clay Bowers
Pe ggy Br icker
Regina Brown Elizabeth Burt
George Butron
Bob Carr
\ -
Debbie Cavness
Don Campbell
Mark Carr
Debbie Childers
James Campbell Steve Carr Chen Christianson
Rod Campbell Phil Cary
Jon Cline
Steve Campbell
12 3 I
Dianne Castagne Julie Cobb
David Councilman
Debby Dean
Lee Darrigrand Leslie DeMuth
June Dassler Ken DiPaolo
Lyn Coble Fred Cornelius
Kati Daugherty
4/ :::f ...... ··;,, • • • • • • • •• • !: · lr ~,.
Cheri Dodd
Hugh Colvin
Lisa Coughlin
Robert Davies James Dotsch
Nancy Downs Nina Emerson
Brenda Drake Mary Ferguson
Janie Dubravac Rob i n F i ke
Anne Ealy Paula Fink
T im Fletcher Tony Fotopulos
Ja ckie Easton Nancy F i tch
125 I
Lor i Foreman Vera Fowler
Dan Frahm
Kathy Fru sh
Lori Franz Dawr, Gabriella
Richard Franz Gary Gallegos
Katrina Freeland Gary Gamble
Kathy Frick
Lisa Gentry
Vick i Gentry
Robin Goodell
Jeanne Gray
C i ndy Gregory
Karen Gidley
Steen Gramer
Andrew Gregory
D iane Gr i bble
Curt G ilburt
Earl Gol os Juan ita Gonzal es
Colleen Griffee
Ralph Guernsey
Robert Hadlock
Nancy Halcomb
Bernice Groswald
Linda Guyer
Delbert Hageman
Debbie Hall
Judy Hamilton
Katherine Hannum
Dave Harrison
\ ./
Mike Harber Dennis Heldt Kenneth Higbee
Sally Hays Ray Henry Rhonda Higgs
Phil Hays Charlene Hewitt Doug Hilton
Becky Heberlein Robin Hewitt Lee Hincher
. • • • 129
Charlene He inz Chr is Hi e tt J im Hix
Bill Hoeper Rickey Hoss
Kelly Hogan Cathy Howard
Debb i e Holland Butch Hrouda
Toni Holsinger Ronald Hudson
Sue Hutchinson Si monne Jackson
Nancy Hopper Mike Huntley
Marianna Jackson Shannon Jacobs
Jo Janssen Scott Jones
Wafa Jarbou Duane Jonland
Debbie Johnson Jim Jordan
Harold Johns on Jeff Jurgena
Patricia Johnston Kim Kaminski
Carolyn Kruesi
I l
Dan Lacrosse Bill Kauffman
Mark Kern
L ori King Karla Lakey
Mona Keenan Ed Kennedy
David Kilian Christina King
Tony Klatt Bill Knickel
Debbie Larson Mary Larson
Robert Laursen Debbie Lindeman
Clark Le e Dea n L ine nberger
Peter L ehman Li nda L is h
Bill Leonard T erryl Lofgren
Jene ll e Lund J o Ann Mann ing
Sandra L1 ndell Sharna Loving
Dennis Lyn c h
Janice Maritt
Mike McCoy
Marcie Miller
Diane McWilliams
Debbie Monson
Neil Middlemiss
Carol Morris
Joy Marken
Denise Martin
David Medlin
Roy Morton
Steve Martella
Melanie Mason
Kim Miller
Anna Mueller
Debbie Nankervis
Sandy Nolan
Sherie Onstott -
Sandy Nelson
Sue Nolan Joe Opstelten
Paul Newman
Steve Noorlun
Tracy Page
Cheri Newsome
Gary Norlund
Richard Passerine
laura Nickerson
Linda Olbert
Suzi Payne
Denise Perea Lee Pierce
Dennis Phillips Vickey Pierce
Ron Piburn Donald Port
Cherrilyn Pierce Kevin Potter
Bob Purvis Bonnie Richner
Kathy Pierce Jackie Powell
Gayla Ray Jean Rippy
Lori Ritchlin
Karen Rummerfield
Scott Sauder
Nancy Roesler Jim Sacane Ar te,gh Scarpello
Debbie Rose Marcia Sage
8111 Schempp
Susan Ross Theresia Sagme1ster
Steve Scherer
137 I
Connie Ruckman Cyndy Sample Henry Sch1ll1ng
Cherryl Selbe
Gary Sennett
Pat Sheeran
Arte Shelton
Don Selbe
Ronda Sharp
Bill Sh eldon
Donna Simmons
Brad Simp k i ns
Valene S m i th
T eresa Smo l en
Leesa Smyth
Sergio Sorrentino
Betsy St Denis Kirk Strobel
Cathy Snelling
Mike Soule
Marty Straley Larry Study
Clayton Snyder
Pam Soper
r139 I
Steve Sorensen
Marc, Suratt
Wendy Sydow
Jerry Tate
Greg Toolan
Bob Swanson
Doug Sykes
Dan Terhorst
Cindy Tracey
Shell, Terry Dawn Trice
Karen Tidwell
Tom Trimbach
Chris Tillman
Jeff Trowbridge
Dan Truj illo
Patty Wagner
Kr is We cke r l 1ng
J oe T urner
K ay Wallace Dru Weimer
Debbie Van Damme Donald Walters Pau l Weimer
L on Van Duyn Joy Ward Kevin Weller
141 I
Dawn Vincent Connie Warren Jane Wil I 1ams
Sigi Williams
Jana Wyhs
Rick Wymore
Not Pictured
Jam ie Aten
Rob in Bell
Rick Bender
John Ber l i n
Barb Bettinger
Kathy Breaker
Kathy Brynstad
Kelly Burks
Pa ige Burris
Erica Byrne
Mike Carrington
Margarie Chisholm
Virginia Cochran
Barbara Cooley
David Cowley
Cindy Craig
T erry Cramer
Nick D odson
Randy Durant
Robin Elliott
Angie Feld
Greg F etzer
Char l es Finnel
Bill Fletch er
Dan Flynn
L inda Fox
Pol ly Gaskill
Robert Gehrke
John Gelatko
David Germann
Frank Goodloe
Monica Ha ig
W illiam Hayn es
Betsy He il
Allan He imbegner
Bobby H eldenbrand
Steve Heldt
Jon H ite
Kath l een H oschouer
Beverly How el l
Don Jensen
John Jessey
Bonnye John son
J im Jones
Randy Just
Ken Kelly
Mikel L andon
Leonard Lars on
Cameron L ichter
Mike L in hart
Elizabeth Linton
Randy Masker
Micki McCurdy
Mel inda McKnight
Lor etta Mclachlan
Robert Meunier
Kim Moore
Roxanna Moss
Ri chard Neel
Mary O'Hair
Debbie Osborne
Erica Pat erson
Linda Pate s
Robert Redfern
Randy R ex
Gary Roath
Terry Rucker
John Rustad
Jeff Schel l
Vera Schelling
L arry Selbe
Pam Shaffer
Randy Slight
Markley Smith
Richard Smith
Bob Spencer
Mike Stands
Richard Stewart
Chester Stockton
Greg Stout
Mark Sundseth
T awny Trabue
Pete Turley
David Voth
Bob Waidelich
Larry Wall
Mike Wall
Robbie Watt
Steve Weiber
Rob Willingham
Jeanett e Yancey William
L issa Young
Pam Wood
Lor i Wunderlich Rick Zern
Arc her
Bau~an Debbie Anderson Jenn i Angell
sta Barwi n
Don Angell Randy
John Bailey Alex Barley Ron
Judy Barnard Q-i
Tony Berwald John Beveridge John Bigley D i ane Billings
Pam Allen
Bryan Ankerich
M ike Apple
M ike Aten
Vicki Barkley
Russanna Bartels
Bonnie Bauer
B ill Bentley
Keith Billings
Charles Bowman
Richard Bran,ng
Vernette Braning
Elaine Brendle
Dan Brown
Juanita Brown
Susie Bullis
Iris Byrne
Wayne Camarena
Not Pictured
Carla Cameron
Jim Carrington
Jim Carter
Brad Caves
Greg Cechini
John Christiansen
Cheryl Churchill
Lynda Clark
Paul Cook
Carl Coolbaugh
Jeanice Courtney
Cissy Cowell
Owen Creason • Julie Dean
Thomas Dempsey
Tony DITorrice
Brenda Donley
Dermod Downs
Randy Elliott
Joni Emily
Harold Erickson
John Evans, 111
Carol Evans
Lynn Evans
Mark Fiebelkorn
Sean Fitzgerald
Todd Fockler
Todd Frizzell
Michelle Garrett
James Goodsell
Jaye Goodwin
Steen Gram er
Shelley Griggs
Kleber Hadsell
Vance Hanks
Vernon Harrington
Sharon Bill ingsley
Cindy Brooks
Abby Butron
Michelle Carthy
Ray Chesnut
Pat Cole
Alec Black
Jane Bruning
Marc Busley
Lynn Chambers
Mike Clark
Cindy Coleman
Bill Blum Ross Bryant Carrie Cahill
John Breaker Barb Burdick Sheri Caneer
Denise Burger Phyllis Carlson
Debbie Brill Bruce Burnham Mary Kay Carrington
145 I
, 146 nm Colton Brenda Cornelius Patty Cox Becky Cutshal Sherr ie Dav idson Ki m Duncan D
Cooper Bart Cox Debb ie Croissant Ni na Darlington Snow Deaton Charles Easterling
Patt i Edelen Lan i DeGraz io
Jeannette Delong Jeff Ellis
CoCo Deluise John Elmer
Keturah Dobbs Margaret Emanue l
Lee Ann English Robert Fraser Teri Gentry
Russell Engstrom Heid i Fr itzler Bonn i e Gilchrest
Alan Ferguson Gretchen Gabel Amy GJellum
Dan Fong , Jr Sheila Gallagher Julie Goad
Terr i Fox Terr i Garger Judy Go e n s
147 I •.. ..
Noble Franson Monica Gartner R ic k Grady
Tami Granquist Oark Grose Helene Hannum
Bill Gray Neil Groves Joel Hansen
Greg Grebe Art Hale Vikki Harvey
Jul ie Green Diane Halligan Mary Ann Hatchell
Connie Griffee Donna Hall igan O'aig Heberlein
Caren Griffin Jeff Hamilton Jenny He inicke
Rick Henshaw Wendy Hervi Lenn ie Hesselt i ne Jennifer H i te Dott ie Hogan
Nancy Holtzmaster
B eth Ann Howard
Debbie Humphrey
Ivy Jacobs
Patty Jelen
Sally Hogan
Kathy HornSu zi Howes
Todd Isom
Chuck Jagger
• • 149 J
Alan Jobe
Kathy Johnson
Mary Kennedy
Cara Krohn
Brian Jonland Elaine Kerstetter Joe Lac i nsk i
Tar i Jurgens Jan King Steve Landin
John Kadlecek Ken Klatt Mik e Larum
Judy Kater Lois Knuppel Marc Learned
Adrian Kearney Jennifer Krause Cindy Lewis
Teri Libra Sharon Loht Christina Hart Lyle Hart Dana Hays Kathy Hewitt Charles Huggins Brenda Hunt Mark Huntley Kim lbold Brenda Jamjoon Stanley Johnson L in da Jones Ronnie Ke i thl i ne T i mothy Kelley Dave Kl i nkebiel Dawn Krill Kr is Kusy Marty Lamarr Mark Lee Wendy Lesko Randy Lichter Todd Lincoln M ic hael L i nder Mike Long Vaugan Lotspeich Bill Lucas Sherri Luciano Jill Luft Dean Lutz Nancy Lilly Steve Long Brad L indaas Bill Loring Thomas Linton Mary Lovett
Pictured Mari o Madri gal Ron Ri chner Penny Mapp1n Frank Rogers Danny McDonald Cheryl Rosenbrock Carol McKearnen Susan Roser Janeil McLean Pat Ryan Dane Meehan Bill Scharf Paula M ills Steve Schmitzer Brenda Miner Steve Schreck Marcus Moench Lindon Schultz Sherwin Morris Linda Selbe Cindy Motzkus Carl Siemer Rosemarie Mueller Mike Sivetts Linda Myers Tony Smith Ph il Naas J i m Southers Su5an Nankervis Lonn ie Spicer Bri an Niel son Charles Spray John Ogorman M ike Spurlock Margaret Onstott Kent Steele Larry Osiecki Tom Stevanak Bill Page Randy Storm Jerry Perk ins Kip Strobel Robert Perry Mike Sullivan Scott Pinkney Scott Syverson Ron Powell Chuck Taylor Robert Prier Randy Taylor Wendy Qu in n Mark Terhorst Greg Rand Jerry That che r Dale Retka , Jr Bettina Thorn Karen L i ttler Jo Lund Li z MacBride Eric Mendat Kim Masters Tom McCallis t er Cheryl Lohman T ina Lynn Lynn MacDonald Art Mast Ly 1nne Mathews Re v McCarthy • I •,.. • 151
I I I 152 Dyanne McClelland Sue McWilliams Mike Melnick Cindy Miller Lynn Moore Ellen Morris Mary McClelland Dee Ann Meacham Cindy M ic k Allyson Moody Pat Morris Helen Morris
Kevin McDonald Robin M cDonald Steve McHattie Doug McLeod
Virginia Morton
O,eri Nelson
Mike Nolan
Leslie Mugele Mary Nelson Jeff Norris
Robert Munyon Terri Nelson Jim O'Dorisio
Debbie Murphy Gary Nepa Linda Olson
Jane Murphy Jessica Neuhauser Cindy Onstott
•I I • • • 153 J
Jean Navant Helen Newcome Mike Ormsbee
> 154
Glen Ortel Craig Pierce
Anna Mar ie Oscarson
Mary Plummer
Aileen Parker Nannette Ragsdale
Kathy Passerine
Patt i Ranney
Craig Patton Greg Ray
Cassie Perl mutter
.. . . I
Patti Reher
Donna Renbisch Judy Roberts Ken Rogers Marty Root Matthew Ross Bern ie Rowles
Lamar Rivers Linda Roe Lezlee Rome Richard Rosenthal
Teresa Ross Cheryl Rucker
Wend i Sacotte
Cathy Sanistevan
Cindy Sass
Dan Saunders
Sheri Scherrer
John Schulz
Carl Scofield
Shawnee Sharp
Lesia Shinbur
Sue Smith
Emerson Schwartzkopf
Paul Shaffstall
Don Shearer
Bill Shute
Andy Snow
L isa Schliske
Duane Siefers Mike Sorenson
Vicky Simpson M ike Squibb
Carolyn Smith Bonn ie Stackhouse
Rick Smith John Stermote
i ' J
Molly St. Denis
Brenda Swartz Diane Thull
... } I {
Mark Stiles Sally Swift Donna Tidwell
Shen Stolte Vangela Terry Erik Tilkeme ier
Brad Stracener Catherine Theobald Bruce Tillapaugh
R ick Stracener
Jeff Thomas Liz Todd
Joyce Swartout Keri Thompson Pat Toolan
Walter Towle Lee Ann Van Harn Andy Wagner
Patti Trimba c h Sue Vickery Greg Walker
Debbie Tr i plett Lee Vitgenos Linda Waller
Mar ian Tro....-br idge J im Vogt Donna War ling
Debb ie Uyetani Tam i Voss Dave Warner
Paula Vanderstowe Miki Wadhams Gary Warr en
Not Pictured
Richard Waterman Kirk Weller Crystal Watson John Westhead Joe Watt Wayne Weyler
Jim Tibaldo Karl Trinrud M ike Turner Bob Underwood Kim Wallace Bob Weber Margaret Westerhausen Ken White Rick Wh i te Jim Willingham Elizabeth Wolf Gary Yanez Ca r ol Wayman Pa u l W hite Barbara W i l son Ju lie Woodruff Dave Yager Ge r i Zobec M el anie Weber Suzie Williams Randy Witham Roe Woodrum Sandy Youngquist Cindy Wei ha u pt Caressa W i ll iamson Coral Wood Norma Worth John Zimmer r 159
,,, •• • ' I
fZT!li1i?~ 4 \ \ 1 I t 11:111 ' \
Jeff Adams John Aragon Charles Barbour Shawn Beck
Gail Berquist Cindy Betz
Warren Agena Steve Artemis Brooks Barns Michelle Behrendt Valerie Berry Sara Bevan
Reca Akes Ed Baaske Vicky Baumgardner
Cheryl Allen Scott Ba in Robert Beahm
Toby Anders0n Rick Baldessari Brett Barad
Conn ie Androes Rhonda Barber Julie Beattle
(Not Pictured)
£Joy Beveridge Sheila Bicking Joy Bierhaus Lori Blevins Joan Boileau Gail Botkin Tami Bouchard Steve Boyer Cathy Brenneis Lauri Brethauer Jim Bruning Kerry Brunner Rhonda Buhler Pat Burger Kirsten Carlson Soott Carlson Jan Carstensen Jan Cary
Richard Ake Lynnet Arterburn Curtis Asher Byron Baird Steve Bauer Garner Bennetts, Jr Robert Bentley Roy Bergqu ist To m Bettinger David Beyer Luella Bogan Tim Booth Robin Brady Donna Braning Debra Bullard Joni Burke Brad Byers Rhonda Byrne 163
Dan Caskey Audrey Catherman
Coldwell Lori Comer
Charlene Convery Dan Cornelius Brenda Cook Roberta Coronada Sharon Coomes Eileen Coughlin
Tim Councilman Nancy Cowan Tom Curley
Ann Darr igrand Mike Dav ies Debbie Davis
J im Davis Arlyn Dav ison Greg Dean
Cyndey DeMuth
Sheridan Denning
Lisa DePierre
Jeff Derowin Marvin Disney Mike Dobyns
Mimi Dolloff Lia Doren Mary Jo Dotsch
Bill Doty Cheryl Drake Matt Dugan
Cindy Dugger Rick Eagen Arch Eason
Lisa Ebbesen Gary Edelen Susan Ellis
Dave Emm
Tony Englert Jenny Erbach
Bambi Erickson Tim Erickson Doug Everett
Jeff Feld Debi Felix Gary Ferguson
Robert Fisk Paul Fost er Irene Fowler
Darlene Francis Sue Francis Kathy Franz
Laurie Freels
8111 Fr i tz
Vickie Gagriella
Mike Gaines
Mary Lee Gallagher
Haze l Gallegos
Vickie Gambold
Erny Garrison Mark Gates
Greg Germann Loretta Gidley Rich Gilbertson
Bambi Goedert Sandy Goodwin Greg Gordon
Peter Gregary Judy Gribble Kathy Grose
Ardis Hachen Rose Hadlock Eric Hadsell
Jill Hafner Ed Hagemam George Halcom
Jeanne Hannan Chad Hansen Karen Hansen
George Hansford
Kent Harger
Clint Harman
Chip Harrison
Rick Harrison
Gary Harvey
Steve Hasler Darin Heldt Tim Hebenstreit Lake Hermann
Mary Beth Hebert Jim Hightower
Steve Hill Joanne Hilton George Holsinger
Jeannie Hoover Vanessa Hopkins Jani Hopper
Robert Horn Bill Howard Bruce Howbert
Jack Howell Dixie Huston Ann Johnson Mi ke Howell Jim Hutchins Dave Johnson Kathy Hrouda Marcis Hutchinson Kim Johnson Sharlene Hudson Cory Jackson Nancy Kauffman Debi Huggins Moerene Jeffery Wayne Kietzman Kelly Hult Andy Johnson Cheryl Kimbley Dorothy King Kandy Kleber Ann Knedler Brad Knickel Loren Koch Randy Kochevar Patty Krause Kathy Krems Gina Krentz (Not Pictured) Timothy Campbell Mary Carlson Dan Carr Martha Carr Karen Carter Rachel Cashin Douglas Channon Rita Cink Sandra Clemens Donald Cole Dan Collins Larry Collins Sharon Connor James Cooley Alfred Cooper 111 John Courtney Diane Cox Arthur Davis I I I Allen Delong Donna DeMaria Randal Dobyns Donna Dodson Dan Downing Peter Dunnewald John Ealy Roger Elbrader Patrick Emanuel Anthony Emily Mitchell Fallert Tomas Fankhanel Kim Fanning Tim Finan 169
Kev i n Kroeger Rick Kubistek
Janice Lacrosse
Matt Lee
R ick Lemon
Cathy Lewis
Bill Libra
Julie Lilke
Cary Lindeman
Charlotte Lohrenz
Lor i Lytle
Dave Macht
C hris Magee
Lor i Malmgren
Colleen Mann
Ken Maples
Arnold Martinez Marvin Martinez Mary Mathisen Mary Matlock Laura McCorkle Brad McDonald Ann M cDougal Cheryl McPhil imy Donna Medl in Anita Meerd ink Martha Mehring Cherie Merrill Nancy Middlem iss Theresa Mills Nina Moore Ann Miller Brad Miskell Meg Moorehead Dana Miller Kathleen Mon crieff Christie Mossman Matt Miller David M onson Cindy Mostek Matt Frey Julie Frick Joel Furuli Kathy Gant Joel Godbey Thomas Goetzcke Alan Gotta Don Harvey Don Hayne s Not Pictured ' Jon Heartso Debra Hedlund Eugene Heimbegner Vincent Herr Eric Hessner Steve Hughes Robert Hull, Jr. Jerry Hull James Huntley N ita Moyer Bruce Mueller Cindy Murphy Pam Murphy Jon Huntley Randy Inman Eileen Irwin Paul Jannakos Brenda Jensen Stacey Jillson Dan Johnson Marty Johnson Ruth J ohnson r 171
• 172
Cindy Mutchler
Jon Mye
Elaine Nelson
Bob Nelson Scott Nelson
Ann Newman
Brett Newsom
Dana Nicoli
Mike Nusz
Edrie O ' Brien
Julie Olbert
Bob O ' Riley
Scott Orr
Kurt Papenfus
Barbara Paschall
Mark Pattridge
Louise Paulsen
Jeff Payne
Rocco Perrella
Elizabeth Petersen
Kathy Petry
Bruce Phariss
Ph illips Br ian Pierce Steve Pierce Anna Potts Randy Poundstone Lisa Press Nancy Pubentz Jan Purl Andrea Pusch Dede Ouinones
Susan Ou inones Andl Radcliffe Chris Ramirez Ela Ramsay Sue Raymer
Ric hard
Gail Shackleton
Jim Sherman
Bob Shultz
Rick Smith
Patricia Riffe Terr i Ritchl in Rose Sahinen
Debbie Schmittel
Gail Schulz
Kathy Simpkins
ce Smith
Phil Sneed
Beth Snell
Laura Snell
Jackie Sparks
Adrienne St Clair
Karen Straley
Kraig Strobel
Kathyrn Sundseth
Rick Sutton
Linda Swartz
Lisa Sydow
Randy Tanner
Not Pictured
Larry Jones
Tighe Jones
Robert Keener
Kevin Kelley
Helen King
John Kleemola
Patricia Knight
Russell Komorow
William Kruesi
Stephen Lafehr
David Lang
Tamra Last
Linda Lathrop
David Leger
Roger Lindeman
Robert Lundgren
Bryan Macey
James Malmgren
Ann Malnati
Van Marken
Bruce Masker
Scott Masters
Ronal Mclaughlin
Michelle Mcneil
Dale Meadows
Roger Meunier
John Morgan
Russell Morgan
William Morris
Dwight Mosby
Monica Moss
Jack Mozena
Maryann Muller
Gary Neel
Dianne N elson
Doni Neuf eld
Tammy Newburn
Diver Dan
Marvin N ielson
Susan Oliphant
Lori Olson
Susan Oswalt
Pamela Pariclo
David Parker
Teddy Parker
Tom Pelletier
Dianne Potter
Mark Rackay
Bert a Taylor Susan Taylor Barabara Tenny
Mary Theobald
176 / / _?t "' -- -· "'!.
Pam Th ielson Al ice Th i rsk Karen Thompson
Steve Tibbetts C athy T idwell Terr i Tipps
Diana Towle Sand i Trimbach Karen Tr ipp
Mike Trowbridge Chuck Tubb Rob Tubbs
John Underwood Steve Villachica Robert Vogel
Cindy Wagner Dan Walter Pat Warling
Patty Wa1ers
Cindy Watson Kathy Watts
\ Randy Weber Mark Werner Steve West Chuck Westerfield Cookie Westerfield Dave Whe eler Wayne Wheeler Jim W ilson Art W itulsl<i Rosal Woodhouse Pat Worth Bru ce Wred e Vanna Wr ight Not Pictured Kevin Rand Ronald Schelling Penny Talmadge Lavra Reed Drake Schmidt Bradf ord Thoma s Pamela Reed Jayne Schonlaw Donna Tuggle Chris Remetes L isa Scott Jan Turley John Retke DN ight Shih Ray Tuttle Brad R ic hardson Fred Simonds David Vanduyn Mark R ichter Tom Skulski A Vanmeulebrouck Bru ce Rogers Lorrie Sorensen Guy Vera Larry Rulon Kirk Steadman Larry Vietti Steve Sage David Stekr Clay Vogt Scott Sanders Debra Stinemetz Brenda Voit Robert Savage Terry Strong Jerry Wamboldt Tim Schaefer James Sutton Pam Wamb oldt Shawn Yancey Kim Zachrison Kathie Zahorchak Bob Zancanella Ed Want Bruce Ware ing Gregory Watson Mark Wellensiek Steve Wh itnable Kathleen Young Paul Young Randy Zinanti 177
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