\vhile people planning trips to stars allow another boulevard to claim a QUlL-t country lane, it s insane, so the subtle f acl, is the lost:.r th is ti me around
There is more to life than increasing its speed -Author unknown
\vhile people planning trips to stars allow another boulevard to claim a QUlL-t country lane, it s insane, so the subtle f acl, is the lost:.r th is ti me around
There is more to life than increasing its speed -Author unknown
Top left Bob Parlet ; left--Stan Hajek, above--Al Perrella ; bottom left- -John Kellenbenz : below--Mike Hartmeister. O pposite page : above--Billy McAdams; bottom left--Larry Hoozee ; bottom rlght--Earl Tupps I
Above--Dewain Wood (world hist.), Bob Kinsey (Am. hist.), Roger Myers (world hist.), Mike O'Dorisio (world hist.), Tracy Fifer (world hist.): left--Chuck Herring (Am. hist). Opposite page: top left- -Bob Stokes (Am. hist.): top right--Roy Daugheny (social science): bottom left--Mike Mathis (Am. hist.); bottom right-Sam Petroff (Am. hist.).
Members Of The NHS Are Row 1--Karen \veddle, Andrea Lush, Gary Bloomgren. Kevin Andresen. Becky Benedict, John \\lood, Caroline Hopper, \\len dy Smith. Row 2-- Nora Passerine , Betsy Branch. Row 3-- Nancy Hooper, Bev Leger, Manin Moore, Mike Mc Mahan, Judy Powell, Michelle Bull. Row 4 --John Lund, Mary Francis. Jill Burnett, Kim Davis, Beth Goens. Chris Lind, Anna Di Torrice. Row 5-Jodi Mabb, Susan Dotsch. Ellen Martin. Lisa Tannan, Teri Schaps. Leslie Duhnkrack, Mr. Chapman. Row 6--John Barnes. Shirley Holmer, Becky Rodgers, Dan Bloom. Jim Preston, Gay Rittersbacher. Row 7--Karen Michie, Scott McIntosh, Kim Haggard, Kevin Struzski. Roger Hutson, Dan Lacinski, Steve Barwin , Donald Brown, All e n Nordon, Mike Neunzert. Row 8--Dave Gjellum. Ted Steighorst, Cathy Clements, Lisa Sanner, Cathy \-lhite. Russ Klatt, George Sittner, An Hamstra. FHA was pan of the foods classes this year. Shannon Garcia and Jane Cowan are repres e nting the 8th hour class.
Top-HEO, 4th Hour Class: Front Row-Tracy Taylor, Catrina Trcxh:r, Robena TruJillo, Lynnea Johnson, Sarah Long, Jim TruJillo, l\1rs. Richard, t-.1ark \,'eber. l\1iddlc Row- -Sharon Dcmpscy, Debbie Gross, Bridget l\1acke)', John Cooper. Andy Kish, Ed Thaden. Back Row--Diane Dillon. Sheri Arrnentrout. HEO, 1st Hour Class· Front Row--Kerry King. Rod B,1tcs, Mark \\'cbcr, Peggy Poundstone, Dennis Johnson, Rod Brueske, l\1rs. Richard. Back Row- -Ka thy Johnson, Joan Swartout, Li<:a Larum, Helen Hutchings, Ruth Salvido.
HERO · Front Row--Carcy Gross, Allen Voit, Debbie Petry, Mar}' Skelton, Jeff Liddick. h:nai Fredricks. Nancy Ortega, Kathy Ti Iden, l\1rs. Richard. Back Row-Jay Schliski, Kevin Leadford, Gerard Hawley, Jeri Stransk)'. Chris Hansford, Gina t-1oss, Brett York, Sally Howard.
Members Of FBLA Are : Front Row--Tammy Goudge, Penny Avis, Annette Andren, Laree Banks, Harmony Moser. Mrs. Gilben , Jolina King, Jeanette Andren. Middle Row-Debb ie Doty, Lisa Tannen, Jud y Powell, Donna Tomlinson, Linda \valter, Pam Harms , She ri Engraf. Nannette Beyer, Anna Huck, Mrs. O'Nei ll, Mrs Schultz. Back Row-Marcia Hill , Marlene Kennedy, Theresa Tibbetts, Kathy Johnson, Sue Brown , Ca rol Boogren. Diane Heimbegner, Pam Malmgr en, Alane Werber. Members of DECA are : Front ro w- - David Walt, Harmony Moser, Vince Manellero , Ray Denonville, C indy Gol gart , Ci ndy Kater, Dave Niccoli. Mi ddl e Row--Laree Banks , Mr. Lemon, Kathy Vocate, Robena Trujillo, Bud Hoefer. Back Row--Nick Verardi, Natalie Fri tzin g e r, Rusell Wallen, Bob Hansen.
Ski Club Included: Mike Adams, Frank Alexander. Eve Anthon}', Forrest Allcrberry, Keith Baker, Tom Baring, Bryan Bardwell, John Barnes. Steve Barwln. Becky Benedict, Ken Bennetts, John Bradbury, Sue Brakken. Betsy Branch. Kate Branch, Judy Brizee. Keith Bryant. Michelle Bull. Nicki liull, Sarah Butcher. Sherri Bymers. Mike Camerson. Mike Canhy. Pam Cculeers, Sydnee Chattins. Catherine Clements, Katie Creighton. Milton Croissant, Kaycie Davis. Kim Davis, Sarah Davis, Shelly Deal. Sharon Dempsey, Todd Denison. Anna Di Torrise. Becky Downing, Leslie Duhncrack. Vicki Edwards. Jon Eoyang. Laura Evans. Mana Fonda. Marl< Fowler, Da\"id Fox. ~iary Francis, Terri Frazier, Andy Freels, Craig Gaskill. Oa\e GJellum. Beth Goens, Betsy Hannon. Da \' id Harrison. Julie Hatchell, Denise Heibert, Bret Hendzel, Daren Hooper. Carolin e Hooper, Anne Hopper, Brad Horn. Joel Howes. Laurie Howes, Diane h!ffs, Donna Jeffs. Lynnea Johnson. Sonny Jones, Ruth Keel. Kevin King, Jimmy Kingston. Deon Kuhre. ~iarJa Laitinen. Be\' Leger. Larry Leith. Nancy Leprino, Patti Livra. Sarah Long. Andrea Lush, Pam Lush, J .aninne 1'icKercher, Mike McMahon, Karen Michie. Kerry Miller, • t:\ In Miller. Sara Milmoe. Marty Morris. Vaughn Morrison. Lisa Mortenson. Bob ~iclnroy. Jean Nankervis. Scott Newcomb. Dave Niccoli, Allen Nordin, Roger Opfer, Nathah Park. Lia Paulson, Rhonda Ph lps, Andrew Pierce. Britt Price, Patty Reilly, Bill Reynolds, Tammy Riffe. Paul Ritchlin. Gay Rittersbacher. Jackie Schlauch. Caren Schmitt. B.:rr a Scott. Rici< Schuster. Briana Selbe, Angie Sharp. Mary Simcox. l 1:!orge Sittner. Tom Smallen. Darren Sommers. Colette Soper. Glenn Sol'\ lsto. Bruce Snyder, Jill Stermole. Julie Ste wan. Ted Stieghorst. Terr) Tafoya. Diane Thorp. Jenn}' Thorp. Bobbie Sturrock. Ed Thad e n. Pa l) Van Duyne. Greg \'illachica. Pam \,' agner. Linda \,'alter. Karen \ cddlc, Robin \,'hite, John \,'ood, Suzanne \,'ood. Sandy \,'oolsey. \lad line Ziegler, Jeanie Yaco\"etta, Mike Yancey. Robin Young, Mr. Odorlsio.
Mixed Choir (top group) included Ken Bennetts, Heidi Betz. Jim Bloom, Lori Bohnker, Pam Brinkley, Susan Caner, Carmen Clayton Dom C l elano, Tammy Desment. Pam Donaldson, Joseph Emily, Jodiey Faronea, Mela nee Findling, Barbara Fox, Georgia Fox, Teresa Fabiano. Jeni Fredick, Tony Grosso, Nancy Heil, Susan Huston, Cathy Johnson, Beth Kelly. Kerry King. John Mayo. Vickie Mc Cann, Susana Mendez, Tim Morris. Gina Moss, Jill Neathammer. Liz Orrentia , Steve Rodgers. Bob Southwonh Jeri Suansky , Greg Suoud, Margie Thoemke, Debbie Tinker, Alan Trummer, Sandy Trott, Michelle Wallis, Geoffrey Weiber, Gary Westwood, Donna White, Thomas Young, Vicky Zimmerman, and Vicky Zuber• Concert Choir (large middle group) included · Scott Banks, Robert Bennetts, Cheryl Beyer, Cheryl Benson Beth Bleidt, Beth Bloom. Kathy Bohks, John Bradbury, Jeri Burke, Mike Cameron, Beth Caton , Pam Ceuleers, Mark Chase , Kay Chastee n, Sandy Defoe, Ann Dlsborough, Anna Ditorrice, Susan Dotsch, Nancy Ealy, Laura Evans, Sonja Fief. Scott Greene. Sam Groce, Di Lynn Guem , Beth Hafner, Julie Hatchell, Megan Hepworth. Greg Hesseltine, Steve Hickman, Debbie Hill , Rick Hinck, Caroline Hopper, Brett Isom, Ken Johnson. Jo King. Kelly Kroeger , Mike Laden. Tom Landrum, Mike Langley, Pete Linton, Phyllis Loeffler, John Lund. Chris Lynn, Bridget McBride, Dave McCallister. Dan Mccutchan, Jenni McPeek, Manin Moore, Lisa Mortenson, Chris Mueller. Dan Murphy, Nathan Park, No ra Passerine, Karla Peel, Debbie Perkins, Mark Piburn, Brian Richie. Becky Rodgers, Kathy Schaefer, Brian Schulz, Nickie Sharp, Sharon Stroh, Jennifer Thorpe, Roberta Trujillo, Leanna Wetman. Robin White, Kip Winger, and Mike Wood.
Girls Choir· Above--Annene Andren, Jeanette Andren. Wendy Axtell, Nauda Bay, Sherri Bymers, LaUiel Castle, Michelle Colongelo, Teresa 0okey. Susan Ferguson, Laurel Findley. Denise Heben, Anne Hopper. Jenny Kidder. Dawn King, Vicki King, Doreen Kouri, Diane Logan. Sandy Maninez, Patti McGill, Jenny Mcspadden. Kim Ogden. Lynne Panarfello, Natahe Popiel, Janet Quinn, Sherry Reynolds, Evyn Swank, Pamela Taylor. Michelle Tyman Brenda Underwood, Diane White. Patti
Wilcoxon. and Amy \villiams. Voice of Mariah : Below - -Anette Bass. Cheryl Beyer, Kate Bradbury, Maura Cahill, Mary Franklin, Norma Gulley, Jancie Hamilton, Lavada Keener, Vicki Last, Deb Maddox. Deanna Mickle, Many Morris, Susan Morris, Karla Peel. Nancy Perigo, Leslie Ralston, Marie Robbins. Christine Smith. Laurie Tanan. Renee Tiner, Tracy Thorp, Rebecca Underwood, Cheri Vanvorst, and Julie Will.
Above- -Centennial Singers· Mik e \vood. Kelly Kroeger, Steve Hickman, Becln Rodgers, Dan McCutchan, Debbie Tarbox, Beth Caton, John Lund, Charlie Gaines, Lisa Monenson, Susan Dotsch, Matt Cre w, Sam Groce, Nancy Ealy, Nancy Pattridge, Gar,, Bloomgren, Debbie Hill, Mark Chase, Cheryl Benson, Bill Smith. Not pictured- -Mrs. Marjorie Ryan, accompanist. Below- -• Madrigals Back Row--Jim Beck , Jim Huntington, Jeff Weber , Dan Murphy, Jeff Loving , Greg Hesseltine, Deon Kuhre, Mike Canhy. Front Row- - Juli e Tucker, Phyllis Loeffler, Beth Bleidt, Jenn if e r Thorp, Chris Lund, Gail Hoshiko, Kathy Bohks, SherrY Dugger.
Lcft--Scnior Liberation Army (S LA ): Standing--Ke\'in Andresen. Dan Scherrer, Gary \o/adhams. Bryan Bardwell. Sitting--John \vood, ~1an Cre w Not pictured: Steve Barwin. Scan Cashin, Kun Rucker, Eric Schlec1in. ~iike Yancey. Abo\e--Orgelwerks: Back row--Arlene \,'hitmcr. Mike \,'ood. Pc1er Linton. Jeff Loving, R.C. Benneus, Sarn Groce. John \vood, Andy ~iiddlemiss. Front row--~irs. ~iallory. Steve Sage, Kathy Schat:fer, Debbie Brown, ~ir. Ryan. Not pictured: Ken Bennt:11s. Denise Catherman, Tom Landrum, \vendy Srnith.
Symphonic Band Above- -John Akal, Jan Anderson. Teal Atkinson, Tom Baring. Cindy Bauer, Becky Benedict, Allison Bequette, Greg Birney, Gary Bloomgren, Susan Boyd. Guy Bryant. Dan Butcher, Martin Choquette, Cherie Christner, Jeff Connor, Cheryl Coronado, Matthew Cowell. Allison Cox, Cindy Coyier. John Davis, Lane Donahoe, Diane Donhowe, Nancy Ealy, Bruce Edwards, Brian Erickson. Sonja Fief. Carl Fischer, Heidi Friar, Natalie Fritzinger, Dean Galland, Dave Green, Richard Green, David Heinicke, Scott Hesseltine, Michael Hoffman, Brenda Hunungton, Roger Hutson, Bret Isom, Donna Jeffs, Ken Johnson, Melanie Kochevar, Tom Landrum. Deanna Law. Pam Lush. James Macek, Greg Marquardt. Margaret Mccallum, Dave McDonald, Andy Middlemiss, Theresa Millin, Vaughn Morrison, Michelle Navant. Todd
Nelson. Alane Obrey, Teresa Osieki, Paul Over , Rhonda Phe l ps, Eileen Pierce, Wendy Pitchell, Joe Prin, Kun Rucker, Tadaus Rudnick , Michael Ryan, Jerry Sandus, Lisa Sanner. Thomas Sayler, Kathy Schaefer Theresa Sch a ps, Charles Schoelzel. Barbara Scott Linda Sheffield, Franklin Shih , Connie Shire. Jay Smith , Glen Sorvisto, Jon Swearingen, Denise Thorpe, Katrina Trexler , Tory Valentine , Rohen Vanduyne, Sam Vickery , James ,.,ambolt , Jeffery ,.,eber, Renee White, Will ,.,ieber, Wysandria Woolsey, and Doug Yager. Orchesua. Belo w--David Fox, Dawn Frahm. Dan Houtz , Kendra La w Angie Moody. and Ba r b Scherer. Opposite page· Stage Band is a select group from symphonic Band. Symphonic Band performs as Marching Band dur ing the football season.
Forensics Team: Back Row--Dean Galland, John Bradbury, Dave \\'illiams. Jon Eoyang, An Harnstra, Scott Banks, David Huston, Frank Shih, Scott Plummer. Middle Row--Kcn Hansen, Kim Reeves, Suzie Brakken, Bud (Yago!) Sperry. Keith Brenneis. Jeanette Johnson. Karen Hooper, Annette Bass. Front Row--Mr. Sharp, Mrs. Hurkett. Don Brown, Vaughn Morrison. Laura Trowbridge, Leanna \,'ell man, Shelley Deardorff, Ann Disborough, Jim Beck, Marguerite Brunel. Betsy Lot.:ff, Kerry ~filler. Lisa Sanner. Theresa ~ii lien.
Right - -A FS : Mazzola, Rick Cowell, Sara Cow1;ll, Maria Reeta, Becky Downing. Ken Hansen, Sue Brakken. Karen Michie. Not pictured--Cindy Ross, Becky Rodgers.
Bottom - -Foreign Exchange Students : Maria Reeta Laitanen, Fritz Rohr, Susana Mendez Barrera. Juan Carlos Unzueta, and Marina Solari.
People to People Student Ambassador Program is a nt.w learning experit.nct. for GHS studt::.nts. seventeen students will travel through Europe this summer. learning about the ways of other countries.
Senior Seminar is an opponunity for seniors to get to know each other and to learn more about life through a variety of experiences in class and on extended field trips.
Left--People-to-People: Judy Bris\;e, Pam Ceulecrs, Cathy Clements, Kim Davis, Sarah Davis, Scott Garlock, Beth Goens. Marilyn Landin. Jenni McPeek. Britt Price. Lisa Sanner, Gl\;nn Sorvisto. Sally Blanchard. Bclow--Senior Seminar: Mike Lad\;n, Bud Sperry. Anna DiTorrice. Randy Jesse, Andi Lush. George Sittner, Caroline Hopper. Erica J,!len, Keri Doggct, ~1r. \v'ood. ~ir. Mathis. Not pictured- -Bryan Bardwell. Tom Leidich, Jim Morton. Pam \ v'dgne r, lk!tsy Branch. Terry Rome.
LA!fl--Ham Radio Club· ~ir. Haiek. Reed
Blah:. Don :vtcAVO}', Dave '"olfe. Belo w
--Radio Club Kim Davis. Bruce \,'areing.
~1oniQue Bouters. Keith Brenneis. Kevin Andr~scn. Sue Bral<l<en Reed Blake. Jon S w l!aringen, Donald Bro w n , Vaughn !l.1ortlson. :-.:ot pictured· Greg Vlllachica. !l.1ike :-icKeough. Bruce Edwards. Don Cleland. !<s. Christensen.
The FFA Club consists of · Back Row--Advisor Mr. Hoozee, Doug Schrnotzir, Kevin Smith, Denny Benton, Dave B.lchman. Bill Beat)', Joe Bachman, Terr)' Horton. Third Row--Larry Mick, Jim Bachman, 11.-fitch Applewhite, Jim Baker, Vic Gillott, Dave Pottt:.r, Ktvin \\'alkcr, Todd Kelson. Second Row--Nancy Bachman, Carlynn Lewis, Kent \,'ood, Don Davidson. Val Foster. Andi Byers. Jeannette Johnson, Debbie Horton, Geri \• ' underlich. Sitting--Dan Bloom, Evyn Swank, Beth Bloom. Tracy Rowe, Cathy Schaefer, Tami Dearment. Jeri Burke, Anita Baal.
Not Pictured- -Duane Cook, Craig Laurita, Julie Tucker. Scott Hodges. Ruth K1.t:l, l\1ilcs Langley, Kim Schilling, Sandy Sleep, Al lei" Huntington. Brenda Huntington, Robin Nelson, Kathy Practh, Darren Sommer, Becky Underwood, Amy Deane, Dennis Nelson. Linda Pengo, Kay Richardson, l\.1ary Skelton, Jack Gray, Becky Axtell, Joel Hairgrove, Jim Huntington, Jt:ff Loving. Mike Mackey, Bob Schleppy, Brenda Undtrwood. Terry Klein, Advisors Mr. Tupps and Mr McAdams.
The Rodeo Club Consists Of Back Row- -Kent \vood. Third Row- -Jack Gray, Mark Landon, Miles Langley. Second Row- -Many Pierce, Bill Beaty, Dave Potter, Doug Schmotzir, Teny Klt1n, Kathy Pracht, Tracy Rowe. Scott Hodges. First Row--Mitch Applewhne, Vic Gillott, Tami Dearment, Carlynn Lewis, Kevin \valker, Todd Nelson. Robin Nelson. Kneehng- -Denny Benton, Terry Honon, Lany Mick, Becky Underwood, Roy Feighner. Not Pictured- -Becky Axtell. Dave Bachman. Jim Baker, Pan Brenkley, Duane Cook, Don Davidson, Amy Deane, Val Foster, Joel Hairgrove, Debbie Horton, Craig Lauri tea, Mike Mackey, Monty "Juayle, Kim Schilling, Bob Schleppy. Allem Simmons. Evyn Swank, Julie \,'hites and Advisor Mr. Tupps.
Key Club Front Row--Mike Barkley, Martha Hutchinson. Mark Pi burn. Kevin Andresen, Dan Lac1nsl<1, Tom Leidich, Kurt Rucker, George Sittner. Back Row
- - Tom St. Dennis, Terry Rome, Russ Klatt. Mike Laden, Rod Patton, Randy Jesse.
Above- -Student Council Front Row- -Gary Bloomgren, Lisa Sanner. Diane Thorpe. Laura Trowbridge, Kerry Miller, Denise Thorpe. Second Row--Jeanette Johnson, Kim Davis, Jon Swearingen, John Lund, Kathy \,Jhite, Beth Ca ton, Dena Humphrey, Vicki Edwards, Pam Lush, Sandy Pracht. Susan Dotsch, Andrea Lush, Nora Passerine. Betsy Branch. Anna DiTorrice, Donald Brown. Third Row--Lisa Dotsch, Pam Ceuleers. Karen Weddle, Chris Lind, Casey Davis. Jo King, Robin Ross, Ted Hamstra,
David Heinicke. Back Row--Bill Smith, Shelley Deardorf. Greg Villach1ca. Kim Reeves. Ann D1sborough. Chris Anmeis, Ann Hopper.
Below- -Boys' Noise : Front Row- - Kevin Andresen, Jim Fowler. Tom U!idich, Gary \vadhams, Rod Patton, Mike Murphy. Sean Cashin. Ed Lafehr. Back row- -John \,Jood, Eric Schlecton, Mike Lad e n. Steve Barwin, George Sittner, Mike Yancey, Kun Rucker.
Top Right- - Varsity Cheerleaders-Front Row Diane Dillon. Shirley Holmer. Back Row Lisa Larum. Sheni Armentrout. Bottom Left J. V. Cheerleaders--F r ont Row Laura Fallert, Cindy Coyier. Laura Trowbridge. Middle Row Kim Traub, Diane Pugh. Back Row Alison Cox. Bottom Right. Sophomore Cheerleaders Front Row Eileen Pierce, Pat Grant. Donna Miller. Back Row Bonnie Weber, Kim Reeves, Sandi Tracey. Opposite Page Tridettes Front Row Amy Linder, Annie Tisdel. Becky Downing. Middle Row Diane Thorpe, Karen \veddle. Back Row Andi Lush, Sherri Dugger. Shelly Deardorff. Karen Michie, Sue \vitulski, Nora Passerine, Betsy Branch.
Back Row--Bruce Edwards, Vaughn Morrison,
Front Row--Suzi Brakken, Phyllis Loeffler the late Mike
Christensen Jon Sweanngen. Right--Save Ou r Planet (SOP) Lauren Duhnkrack. Leslie Duhnkrack. Bob Kinsey , Briana Selby. Mike Baker , Carol Cnder. Not pictured Dave Fox. SOP was a new c l ub this yea r which attempted to rais e everyone's awareness of activities needed for the future to Save Our Planet. Besides attending model UN and International Relauons Conferences, they worked on GHS projects including aluminum can collection and selling samples of the United Nations UNICEF nutritious meal in one spoonful.
SeniorClassOfficers:BetsyBranch,secretary:JohnLund,VicePres.: AnnaDitorricc.Pres.
Patricia Larned
Lynnet Anerburn
Richard Bakke
Rodney Bates
Cynthia Bauer
Roy Berquist
Thomas Bettinger
Lester Fears
Vickie Ferguson
Becky Fetzer
Carol Firor
Marta Fonda
Paul Foster
Gerald Bradford Jam es Fowler
Donna Braning
Linda Buda
Sylvia Byrne
Patricia Cameron
Jan et Carstensen
Jeff Cheek
Neil Christensen
Joe Clinton
James Cooley
Scott Copeland
Tim Counci lman
Diane Cox
JoAnn Creasey
Katie Creighton
Matt Crew
Mitch Czuczka
Jim Davis
Juan Delatorre
Raymond Denonville
Lisa Dodson
Keri Doggett
Linda Evans
William Fox
John Freeland
Joel Furuli
Vicky Gambold
Craig Gaskill
Scott Gaylord
Cathy Granquist
David Green
Scott Greene
James Gribble
Michael Grillos
Zara Hadlock
George Halcomb
Arthur Hamstra
Neil Harman
Jon Heanso
Cindy Hecken
Lisa Helms
Eric Hessner
William Ho efer
Kim Houck
Jack Howe ll
Some people see things as they are and ask "Why ?"
But others see things as they never were and ask •'Why not?'•
Alan Huizenga Shel l y Olson
Jerry Hull
Debora h Inman
Holly Jacobs
James Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Andrew Kish
John Kl eemo la
Mark Kluherz
Bev Leger
John Lemke
Lauri Leonard
Nancy Lepri no
Peter Linder
Michael Long
Bryan Macey
Lisa Mango
Michelle McNeil
Cheryl McPhilimy
Cherie Merrill
Matthew Miller
Madonna Mooney
Scott Morgan
Phil Morris
Phil Naas
Marvin Nielson
Richard Nogues
Thomas Norlund
Erin Odonoghue
Erin Oma ll ey
Michael Page
Patricia Park
Steve Park
Derek Payne
James Payne
Margaret Perigo
Miriam Peterson
Gary Pierce
Joseph Prin
Kevin Rand
Kenneth Reher
Betty Rhea
Brad Richardson
Lynn Richner
Pat Riffe
Mark Rood
Larry Rulon
Steven Sage
Steve Sannan
Pam Scherschel
Jane Schultz
Mark Schuster
Phil Smith
Vickey Snyder
Wayne Sperry
Lonnie Spicer
Kirk Steadman
Kent Steele
Jon Swearinger
Christy S wenson
Mark Taylor
Randy Taylor
Roberta Taylor
Kristin Terhorst
Brock Thorson
Cathy Tidwell
Pam T rex l er
Cheri Vanvorst
Nick Verardi
Scott Vogel
Michelle Wagner
Sarita Wallace
Roben Want
Bonnie Ward
Rohen Weber
Kathi Weldin
Char Westerfield
Kathy Williams
Gregory Wobbema
Vanna Wright
Parry Wymore
Michael Yancey
Pat Zeller
The homecoming of 1977 centered around the theme of defeat of the opposing team, the Jefferson Saints . In class competition the junior class won in the float contest, while the seniors were victorious in hall decoration. In the week of activities prior to the game and dance there were pep assemblies which included faculty vs. student body races and the ·'Golden Goose ' ' skits presented by facu l ty depanments, ''Stage Right , " and the varsity/jr. varsity cheerleaders .
Reigning over the 1977 homecoming festivities was queen Andrea Wayman-top left, with escon John Wood; in her coun were senior attendants Marianne Kruesi (bottom right) and Julie Feld (bottom left)
The Cast included: Matt Crew, Sandy Defoe, Tracy Thorpe, Kim Reeves, Dianne Gutierrez, Dean Galland, David Fox, LeAnna Welman, Sue Brakken, Mike earthy, Zach Cashin, Bret Isom, John Lund, Steve Hickman, Dan McCUtchan, Mike Laden, Kerry Miller, Pam Wagner, Scott Banks, Jon Eoyang, Anne Hooper, Pam Lush, Wendy Smith, Lisa Sanner, Nancy Ealy, Denise Thorpe, Mark Arnold, Julie Seracuse, Laura Evens. The play was directed By David Farra, and was assisted by Betsy Loeff.
Because there wa s so few acting pans, this play wa s double cast. One included John Lund, Beth Caton, Kim Reeves, Mike Laden, Sandy \voolsey, Le Anna \velman, Scott Plummer. The otht::r included. William Smith, Sandra Defoe, Jenni McPeek, Scott Banks, Ann Disborough, Nancy Ealy, and Zach Cashin.
The Directors were David Farrar and Michael Durbin.
In October of 1976 Golden High was the site of a Political fair including displays sponsored by supporters of issues involved in the Novembe.r election. There were also debatt:.s between representatives of Republican and Demoera tic presidential contenders Speeches were made by incumbent U.S. representative Tim Wirth and republican candidate Ed Scott. Wirth was victorious by a narrow margin.
The Golden High faculty suffered a crushing def eat at the hands of KTLK disc jockeys (72 to 71J. Coachplayer Roger tv1eyers reminisced Caesar as he stared across the Rubicon and uttered his oft quoted meditation "Veni, Vidi, Venci" <I came, I saw, I conquered). l\Aeyers said , as he gazed pensively across the hardwood, "Veni. Vidi, Vomit!".
This year each class sponsored one day of holiday festivities.
Juniors were first with Thanksgiving , which consisted of TurkeyGrams, carnation sales, a turkey hunt and collection of money for charity by elected class turkeys. Next were the Seniors with Christmas. Even the teachers panicipated in this festivity.
Sophomores then sponsored Valentines Day with Carnation Love grams, a Box lunch Social. Cookie Grams, and Candy-a-grams.
May 14, was the day: Colorado School of Mines Grt:en Center was the place, and many Seniors and Juniors enjoyed the Hollywood atmosphere of this year's Prom. Pictures from old movies like the one below flashed on a screen as pan of the decorations. Martha Hutchinson and Matt Crew were crowned King and Queen, with Anna Ditorrice, Susan Dotsch Ed Lafe hr and Kevin Andresen as coun.
Adams, Mike Duesterbeck. Jay
Aldrich, Lynn Eagen Kevin
Alexander, Frank Elliott, Douglas
Alexander. Lynita Emily, Joseph
Allen. Cha rl es Fanning, Patrick Allen. Jeffrey Fanning. Terry
Anderson, Teresa Feighner, Roy Applewhite, Mitch Fellowes, Nelson Arnold. Mark Ferguson. Brad
Ashton. Melvin Fet2er, David
Baal, John Fief, SonJa
Baker, Jody Ford, Gee Nee Barber, Stacey Fowler. Mark
Barbo. Ho ward Fox, David
Barela, Alben Francis, James Barker, Christine Franklin, Mary
Beckman, Terry Gallegos, Harvey
Bennetts, Kenneth Garson Harold Jr.
Bernt.son, Duane Gehring, Larry
Bevington. John Ge ron, Laura
Beyer, Cherlyn Gill, Leroy Blake, Keith Gleason, Jeffrey Boyd.Matthew Go lgan. Sandra
Boyles. Dennis Goold , Pag e
Bruning,David Grace, Steven
Bryant, Guy Green , Rick
Chil d ers, Vickie Griffin. Bradley Cho, Kyungchae Griffin, Glenna Cho, Kyungku Grosso. Anthony Chong, Mi Kyong Gundzik, Michael
Christensen. Gerald Hamilton, Janice
Cleland, Donald Han cock , Joaquin
Condreay, Norman Hanks, Teresa
Corl, Darren Harm on, Daniel
Cou ncilman, Mike Harris, Randolph
Cowell,Matthew Ha ynes Richard
Cox , Terri Hedlund. Grace
Crandell . Jea n ett Heinicke, Dav id
Crawford, Cris Henault, Brian Cri ppen, Shelly Hesseltine, Scott Croissant, Tonya Hickman, Stephen Ctosslin , Rohen Hiller Rick Czuckza, JUI Hoff man, Michael Daniels. Lynn Hoskovec , Steven Davis, Ka yci Housel, Billie DeFoe, Heathe r Houtz, Dan DePierre, Theresa Hudson , Jeffrey Dillon, Jeffrey Huntington, Alan Dillon, Mike Huston , Susan
ChJy. Roben Jacobs, Cunis Jaramillo, Kevin Jensen. Steven Jete r , Roben Johnson. Dennis Keller. James Kerr. Linda Ketcham, Wayde Kidder. Ken King Vicky Kleemola. Mary Klingaman. Michael Kouri, Lisa Krill, Jenni Kuhre, Deon Lally. Robert Lammey. Cliff Landon. Peggy Lang, Scott Langley.Miles Lawless.Mark Lewis,Kevin Lind, Jonathan Link. Kenneth II Litz, Pau1ck Lodholm. Mary Lohse, Michael Long. Howard Loseke, Chnstine Lux, John Major, Leslie Mandalski, Phil Manheim. Mike Marquardtt. Greg Manellaro, James Martin, Jodie Manin, Kelly Maynard, Scott Mayo, Jay McCrory, Kelly McDonald, Kelly McDonald, Linda McGonigal, Lee Medellin, Kimberly Medina Rohen Mendez, Susana Merrill, Rita Mickle, Deanna
Monahan, Caralee Montoya. Frank Moon. Jolene Morns, Timothy Mossberger. James Moyer. Denisa Muenchow. Kevin Murray.Marvin Neel, Danny Nelson. Randal Neunzen. Manin Niccoh. Daniel Noah. Lisa Noble. David Olander. Vincent Olson David Page. James Pates. Nancy Pearce, Manin Peterson, Geoffrey Petry. William Phelps, Rhonda Phillips, Dwayne Pierce, Andrew Pierce, Eileen Plummer. Rohen Polhamus. Chris Poll in, Gloria Pomeroy. Mark Popiel, Natalie Porreco, Kevin Poulakos, Maria Press, Ron Price, Macy
Quayle, Ted Quinn, Janet Qui nones. David Ra tcllffe • Bari Redmond, Rhonda Reinhard, Lenny
Riggs, Kristin
Rogers, Steven
Rohr, Frederick
Rohrmann, Russell
Rulon. Katherine
Saylor Thomas
Schenck, Jeff
Schmitzer, John
Schulze. Mike
Seime. Karla
Sheffield, Brenda
Siegmann. Pat
Smith, Greg
Smith. Roxanne
Snead. Doyal
Snyder. Bill
Snyder. Georgia
Southwonh. Roben
Spenard, Mark
Standford, Gary
St Clair. Alice
Steers. Stuan
Stephens. Mark
Stevens, John
Sturm. Kenny
Swatski, Christopher
Tapp, Carol
Taylor. Pamela
Temps, Lizabeth
Th.irsk. Richard
Tiner. Renee
Tomlinson, Georgia
Trimmer, Melvin
Tripp. John
Turner, Ronald Jr.
Tyman. Michelle
Vanduyn, Rick
Vera , Kelli
Wagner. Elizabeth
Walcott. James
Waldron, Mary
Walker, Debra
Walker, Kevin
Walter, Rohen
Warren. Shelley
Weber. Jeff
Weihaupt, Julie
• Whalen. Many
Whitmer. Arlene
Wilkins, Anthony
Will, Julie
\villiams, Amy
Wilson. \ves
Winger, Kip
\vohhema, David
Wood. Kent
Young, Thomas
Ziegler, Madeline
Cross Country Team : Back row--Jim Beck, Dean Galland, Chris Cra w ley , Bruce Snyder, Dirk Kailey , Scott Hesseltine, Craig Gaskill. Middle ro w Ken Jansen, Darrell Chino, Mike Orosz, Greg Smyth, John Morgan, Steve Ba rw in. Front ro w --Bill Schaible , Joe Beck, Bob Benjamin, Larry Leith Barbara Scott, Coach Lowell Sharp. Not pictured--team captain John Wood.
The '76 football season was a building year for Golden This year's team was made up primarily of Juniors. Next year should prove to be greater with the help of re t urning lettermen.
The varsity team ended with a season record of 1-9 . They p l aced 4th in defense, and 11th in offense. The J V. ' s ended with a 1-3 record The Soph ' s ended w ith an impressive 6-2 record
First Row (1 to r) Eric Schlechten, Dave Loht. Matt Crew, Sonny Jones, Mike Murphy, Mike Laden, Bill Bachman , Tommy Clark, Tom Korosec , Dan Scherer, Kevin Andresen, Mitch Kunce. Second Row (l to r)
Coach Stan Hergenreter, Chuck Bell, Dean Beston, Jay Bullard. Greg Rowe, Rod Baker, Bob Hansen, Jeff Hurd , Rich Lockwood. Jeff Roberts, Steve Sivetts, Miles
\vagner, Terry Bombard, Sam Guffey, Charles Gaines, Mik e Wirth, Coach Larry Thompson. Third Row (l tor) :
Coach Mike Dunafon, Head Coach Bob Stecklein, Steve Ebel, Tim Johnson, Steve Griffee, Rick Wrede , Donnie Poundstone, Jim Wamboldt, Ken Taylor, Jeff Anderson, Dave Ross, Pat Vogt, Steve Walker, Chris Allen, Eric Pierce , Mark Mostek, Frank Sackett, Coach Bob Ha yes, Coach Mark Homecker.
Gymnastics Team gave an impressive record this year by taking third in state. They won eight league meets which helped them capture the county title. They also went on to win district which qualified the whole team for state, when Tammy Goudge placed third on the vault.
Soccer Team Front row--John Lind, Bill Petry, Randy Jesse, Ken Sauer, Dirk Douglas, Sean Obrey, Kevin Manynuska, Greg Lewis, Alben Barela, Eric Harmon, Ron Press, Jon Downing, Ahmed Abdel. Back row--Coach Tracy Fifer, David Sauer, Dan Bloom, Mike Yancey, Rob Lofgren, Mark Voth, John Calkin, Paul Fleming, Rod Patten, John Fleming, Dan Councilman, Fritz Rohr Joel Noorlun. Not pictured--Jay Mayo, Assistant Coach Alan Anderson.
The Girls Swim Team was coached by Sally Blanchard. Although the team lost the first four meets they ended the season with a 10-6 record, taking third out of twe l ve teams in their county meet.
Jacque Mason was the only one to qualify for state in diving. She placed thineenth out of thiny-seven girls
This season many girls set new records for Golden High School. Even with the loss of nine Seniors , next year's team shows great potential.
Girls Swimming Team included Back row--Kun Rucker, Manager: Marilyn Landin, Team Captain, Beth Bleidt, Sylvia Byrne, Sue Morris, Sandy Pracht, Denise Thorp , Third row--Viola Moser, Lisa Sanner, Nancy O'Dorisio, Mary Lodholm, Sara Spaulding, Andi Wayman, Coach, Sally Blanchard, Second row- - Michelle Bull, Diane Thorpe, Llsa Darlington, Jeaninne McKercher, Alane Obrey, Nicki Bull, Joan Kins, Bonnie Krill ; Sitting--Krls Rucker, Kathy Bohks, Terry Osiecki. Diane Gutienez, Linda Sheffield, Nancy Bachman: Not pictured--Jacque Mason.
This year ' s Tennis team , although not too impressive , had a good building year, a nd sh ou ld prove to be stiffer competition in the future. Th e team coached by Dick Byrne, placed 6th in l eague , and 4th in district.
This year's varsity volleyball team, coached by Terry Ha yes, had a record of 13-7. The season itself was basically a building season. Laurie Welch ( Team Captain) received the title of All League and Debbie Durbin received Honorable Mention, missing All League by only a slim margin. With only 3 graduating seniors, the 1977 vo l leyball team will be back bigger and better than ever. The junior varsity and sophomore teams were coached by Sam Peuoff and had records of 13-4, 12-5 respective l y.
Varsity Volleyball team included Front row-Jenny Scott, Cheryl Coronado, Laurie Welch, Kim Knox, Martha Hutchinson, Cathy Nelson, Karen Press, Deb Durbin, Gay Rittersbacher, Julie
Korthuis. Coach Sam
Peuoff. J. V. Back row- Coach Terry Hayes, Laura Nelson, Sue Wood, Jill Stermole, Julie Krause. Nancy Patuldge. Soph. Team Jodi Reinhard, Kris Lund, Diana Durbin, Sue Tarbox, Monica Baaske, Pam Lewis.
The 1977 boy's basketball team, coached by Bob Stokes, had a record o f 712 The team consisted of 7 seniors , 6 juniors, 2 of wh om had starting r o l es , and 1 so ph omore . Th e team played many of the state title co nt enders , sho wing a grea t deal o f determination. They were a team that never gave up.
The junior varsity team, coac h ed b y Bob Ha yes , had a r eco rd of 9-9 , t hi s being the best r ecord the J • V . team has had since 1965. They sh o wed great promise and potential for years to come. Th e team co nsisted of 9 juniors and 4 so ph omores.
Above-JVTeamManagerKevin Miller,BrianSchultz,Jamie
Dietchel, Tom Dameron, Chuck Bell.DeamBeston, Ed Sleeman, RodPatton,KenJensen,Mark Bymaster, John Morgan, Tom Granquist, Jim Landin. Coach BobbyHayes.
CoachBobbyHayes,EncPierce, Michael\virth,EdwardSleeman, RichardNogues,MarkPiburn, MarkMostek,KemHaggard, Charles Bell, Coach Bob Stokes. Front Row--Dana \vunderlich, JamesEllis,MiltonCroissant, DavidMumper, Daniel Lacinski, DeanBeston.
Below--SophomoreTeam\ves Wilson,BrianSchlechten,Rick Cooley,TedHamstra.Steve Flansburg, Don Kunce,Scott Hesseltine,DaveBruning,Mark Foreman, Coach RogerMyers.
The Guls BasketballTeam consisted of the following: Top Photo--Varsity : Backrow--CoachMrs.Hayes,BonnieKonhlus,Manha Hutchinson, Cheryl Coronado , Laurie Welch, JulieKonh.ius, Coach Mrs.Quayle.Kneeling-NancyBachman,NancyPattridge. Debbie Durbin, KarenPress, Cathy Nelson.Bottomleft--J.V. Back row--Coach Mrs.Quayle,LauraNelson, JennyScott, Kris Lund, Sue Wood, Adrianne Chino. Kneeling--Eileen Pierce,Nicki Bull, KimKnox, Juhe Kruase, Debbie Petry. Bottom right-Sophomore Backrow--MonicaBaal,LauraWrede, Diane Durbin, Jodi Reinhard,Ann Hadsell, Sydee Chattin , Bobbie Stunock , Coach Mr. Peuoff. Kneeling--TanyaCrissant,Debbie Welch, Jill Stermole,Amanda Cuellar, PamLewis.
The Gi rls Basketba ll Team had another excellent season with the Sophomores undefeated 11-0 , J. V. 101 and the Varsity 11-0 also undefeated in the Jefferson County League. The Varsity took second in the sub-district, played 1n the District Tournament and then wt.nt o n t o the State Championship. Outstanding p l ayers on the Varsity team we re Manha Hutchinson and Laurie Welch to supp l y the speed and the quick points, Julie Konhius to stop the inside plays of the other teams, Debbie Durbin to take ove r the Jump ball situations , Cathy Nelson to keep the game moving and the rest of th e sq uad to h e lp make this season an exciting one for eve ryon e
Boys Swimming Included : Back Row--Joe Bachman. Scott Newcomb, Kun Rucker, Scott Gaylord, Brian Richie. Sonny Jones, Ed Lafehr. Dave Bachman, Gary Gorden. Second Row- -Mike Bak1;r, Derrick Dale. Jay Deusterbeck. Joel Howes, John Downing, Mike Laden, Greg Birney. Jim Fowler. Situng--Bob Medina, Mark Fowler, Andrew Piercs, Jeff Kreutzer, and Bret Hendzel Not Pictured--Joe Beck, Jim Beck, Mike McMahon. Kim Refvem. Clayton Sneed. Coach : Sally Blanchard.
The Boys Swimming Team ended their season with a 10-1 record. They placed second in the league meet and took first at the Denver Relays Those swimmers that qualified for the State meet consisted of. Kurt Rucker , Ed Lafehr , Scott Gaylord , Dave Bachman , and Scott Newcomb , and Jim Beck. The Medley Relay, of Kurt, Ed , Scott and Dave placed 13th in the State meet. The Free Relay , of Kurt , Scott G. , Jim Beck, and Scott N. , placed 14th. Other events that did not place were Scott Newcomb. 200 Free, Jim Beck; 100 Fl y, Kurt Rucker, 100 Back, and Scott Gaylord, 50 Free. Coach Sally Blanchard had said the team this year was the best in the years that Golden has had a swimming team.
\vrestling team included Back row- -Tom Gamble, Steve Gleason , Jeff Gleason, Dave Ross, Paul Drobnik, Lynn Armenuout. Middle row--Coach John Pollice , Jeff Dillon, Owen Black, Dan McCutchan, Dave Paschall , Craig Laurita, Dave McHattie, Coach Darrel Hafl ing Front row- -Ken Sauer, Chris Anemis, Dave Saue r. Bill Schaible , Chris Cra wl ey , Paul Ritchlin.
The 1977 Demo n wr est ling squad wa s a very you ng squad, thus it was a learning y e ar. Th e team wa s on ly able to eke out a 3-10 dual season. It was an exciting season , h owever, wat c hing junior Ke n Sauer, USA Jr. Olympics silver medalist, up his wr est ling record since en t e ring high sc h oo l to 94-20-0 , by qualifying for the state tourney in Denve r and winning th e consolation championship at 98 pounds Dave Saue r, se ni or, also qualified for state competition and de feated the Pueblo e ntr y wh o wa s su ppose d to win the t ourn ey , at 112 pounds The Demon squad had two othe r co nsi st e nt winn e rs in junior Chris Crawley at 126 pounds and sophomo re Tom Gamble at h eavy we ight.
The tennis team included Standing- -Jill Stermole, JuJu Krause, Deanna Law, Mary Simcox, Ann Hopper, Lauren Duhnkrack. Terri Thull, Eve Anthony, Jill Morgan, Bonnie Krill, Pam Lush, Susan Morris, Nancy Leprino, Tammy Van Trump. Becky Benedict, Sue \vood, coach ·'Dickie the Demon" Byrne. Kneeling- -lvlichelle Bull. Annabelle Tisdel. Kim Traub, Vicki Edwards, Pam Malnoti, Angie Sharp, LeeAnn Pickenpaugh, Teal Atkinson.
At time of printing, Golden's girl racqueteers were looking forward to an exciting season. At left, Kim Traub displays the team's philosophy, "No Sweat".
This se a son mark e d th e firs t ye ar that Go ld e n' s girl s and bo ys pra c tic e d t o g e th e r. Th e Uni se x pra c ti ces see m e d t o b o o s t th e m o ral e o f all involv e d.
Barwin. Kevin Andresen. John \vood. Not pictured Jim Reynolds, Frank Sackett, Coaches Hergenreter. Stecklein Parfet and Booton. Above: Girls' Track Team included Back row- -Coach Booton, Debbie Petry, Bobbie Sturrock. Pam Lewis, Diann Durbin, Manha Hutchinson, Debbie Durbin, Bonnie Korthias, Coach Parlet. Front row- Julit: Konh1us, Terry Osiecki. Joan Kins , Janice Miller, Robin Young. Lori Morris. Jenny Scott.
Baseball team included Sitting--Greg Rowe. Rod Baker, Tom Granquist, Dave Mumper, Rich Lockwood, Stuan Cobb, Brian Schulz, Chris Cranky. Kneeling- -Charlie Gaines, Stan Spatz. Dean Beston, Greg Huizenga. \•/ayne Brown, Gary Pierce, Sam Guffey, Terry Bombard, Dana \vunderlich, Eric Pierce. Standing--Coach Thompson. Zach Cashin, Joe Noorlun, Hugh Humphrey, Lonnie Matz, \ves \vilson, Jim Gilbert, Mark Mathison, Kevin Martynuska. Bret Doonan. Bruce Snyder. Coach Homacker. Back row- - Mark Burns Dave Smith, Bill Cullum, Ed Sleeman, Don Thull.
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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; listen to others , even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons , they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for there will always be greater and lesser people than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Be yourself. Nunure strength of spirit to shield you against sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourse l f with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe , no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God , whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations are , in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with yourself and your soul With al l its shame, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is stil l a beautifu l world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
--Unkno wn Author--If I leave here tomorrow, \,'ould you still remember m~? For I must be traveling on now, 'Cause there's too many plact.-s I've got to see. But if I stay here with you, Things Just couldn't be the same, 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you cannot change. Lord knows, I can· t change.
High noon, oh I'd sell my soul for water , Nine years worth of breaking my back
There· s no sun in the shado w of the wizard, See ho w he glides, why he's lighter than air.
Hot wind , moving fast across the desen. \,' e feel that our time has a r rived. The world spins. while we put his dream toge t her. A tower of stone to take him straight to the sky.
All eyes see the figure of the wizard As he climbs to the top of the world. No sound as he falls instead of rising . Time standing still, then there's blood on the sand
In the heat and the rain . with whips and chains , Just to see him fly, so many died.
\,'e built a tower of stone , with our f lesh and bone , Just to see him fly . but we don't kno w why. Now where do we go.