J us-t obt CevtteJL
stage •
BeMer than doing homework For Ondy Mosrers and Scorr Porrerson, hoVing rhe comics read aloud to them by Tom MIT!er is the best i:xirr of the doy
Where ' s the creek ? Dunng o second hour gym doss, Mo~ Heffington orremprs ro hone up hlS golf skills Whor skills"
Pra y er I n the stan ds? Debbte f\omsrerrer (end fnend from Wesrminster) Gino M ornnez, Tim Fields, Tracie Cour and Sharon M cOure offer silent supporr for our Demon football players
• • • l l • • • •\ i • . ' • • '• • • • • • • •.. r • • • • • • • •••• 't . . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . . . . ' · ·.. .. , . . . ' •••••• •• • • • • • t • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . • ,
Catching the spotlight • Clowning around or the powderpuff game are (Front l\ow) Peter Morreruoo, Scorr South Andy Modser,, Mork Fluekiger, l\om Leidner, Orendon Hoger, (Middle Row) Gage Fellows. Fronk l\ciles, John Oochofer, Tom Egon. Andy Copelond, (Dock Row) Enc Hansen, Mork Stone, Ke1rh Cusod<. ond 0111 Oremer
Action sroge righr - Gregory (Yann LuZZJez) Sampson <Tim Fields) Mercuno (Keirh Sealy) and Tybolr (Par Jager) rehearse Mercurio s deorh scene for rhe ploy fl.omeo and Juher
Finding rhelr own places Joe Kennedy heads for D-bu1lding while orher students go rheir own ways
0 a, C. 0 .._ (b a. 0 cf
-... a, E E ::, '-"\
Hoving so much fun - Sandy Dixon sruffs rhousonds of pounds of groceries into socks 1n a day at Safeway
Moy I help you? - lrs gerting to weor rhe snazzy uniform that makes working or McDooolds worrh 1t modelled here by 0111 Oode
Motown summer Ketrh Lansford sics hlS VIOOUS and bloodrh1rsry lawnmower upon rhe 1nnocenr and harm~ grass
Participation peaks
The InrensIry, quoliry, enrhus1osm and sinceriry of school spirir dis· ployed all week by srudenrs was rhe besr
I hove ever observed 1n my years as a prinapol ," said Henr y Lujan ,n rhe porenr newslerrer
Julie Cha v ez and Tom Cul v er were elecred King and Queen over nominees Kr is Foreman an d Dean Erickson , Susan Mcinro y and Willie Tr i mmer and Heather Ta y lor and Tim Luke The junior orrendonrs w ere Janet Hawkinson and Jim Barne y and rhe sophomore orrendonrs were Shannon Mattox and Rick DIDonato .
As usual, rhe Senior class won rhe floor comperirion wirh rh e morro: " Relax, rake your shoes off, Golden is coming home ''
The foorboll ga me ogoinsr rhe Green
M ounro,n Roms h ad on incredible beginning when rhe Demons drove the boll ro rhe Roms' one ya rd line in their firsr possession Ar half nme rhe Demons received a sronding ovorion from rheir fans Tim Luke felr, "This was one of our besr games because we gor so much supporr from rhe crowd ''
Fun without the sun Chnsrine Gillespie , Darb ll.ob1e and Margo Annis giggle and gargle in rhe swimming pool during rhe Luau
Blunt d ispla y of spi ri t • Mike Lucherro exposes himself while 'he loyally supporrs Golden or rhe blockour volleyball gome
Here comes the roy al ty- Nor yet owore rhor rhey ore ro be King and Queen Tom Culver and Ju,.e Chavez pur on rhetr srrozzy dorhes ond smiles ro ride In rhe parade
Loter fO(mer Q.Jeen, Kelly Mdoughtin crowns 1984 ' s Queen Julie Chavez ood l'\ick DiDonoro and Shof"W')()() Morrox srond proudly os rhey ore prodoJ med sophomore orrendonrs Robb vowe ond .Joner Hawkin son ef¥JY riding in o Corverre dunng rhe parade os rhe JUOIOf o rrendonrs ( Crowe standing In for Ji m Barn ey). Jim Dorney tS o sror on rhe foorboll ream so he con r accompany his CO-Junior orrendonr Joner Hawkinson
Fantastic drive In Golden ' s first pos.session of rhe game Dove M eyer runs rhe boll down ro rhe one yard line and rhe crowd goes ecsronc
Not Just a pretty voice 01otr creores o very original floor fO( rhe Homecoming parade and has fun doing ir The singers who ger ro nde on rhe floor ore John Warren , Don Chris ty Mike Hansen. Lisa Ournhom and Angie Arnold
., •
Put your h ead on my shoulder Tim Acker impresses Tino Oouner wirh his dance !es.sons, rruly one of rhe romer momenrs In Tim's eveni"9 However, Keirh Emrick and his dare from Wheor f\idge don'r seem ro nonce as rhey ore wrapped up 1n rhe1r own romonnc evening
Aloh a Deouhful Oob Kinsey shows his Demon Spmr wirh his personalized brand of Howouon foshloo Oeing o Soool Studies reacher. Kinsey knows on rhree rrodltionOI meo()Jngs of aloha 'hello" · goodbye". and (when repeored several rimes In on angry rone) · -yovr moiher sucks rhe roes of drunken lepers".
Abundance of spirit
Homecoming provided on array of In reresnng evenrs for everyone The Srud enr Coundl l~epr lunch rime lively, beg1nn1ng wirh a p1e-eonng conresr on Monday , fallowed by jello sucl~ing on Tuesdoy The huge mugs filled with roor beer were no chall enge for Ton y Do y le , winner of Wed nesday's roor beer chugging Thurs day , even rhe freezing rain d1dn'r srop brave Demonires from gerring into rhe sp1nt of rhing s on Hawaiian Doy
Th e Powder Puff games were rhe rop1c of many conversations rhroughour rhe week The Junior Powder Puff ream was defeated by rh e sophomore ream, who rhen went on ro bear rhe seniors in a close game, 1412 Our rhese doss compennons didn't get In rhe way of a unified, spirit-filled pep assembly All rhar arrended were enrertoined wirh var1ous acr1vmes The h1ghhghrs included skits by borh the staff and the Key Club and a routine performed by rhe cheerleaders
Th e week drew ro a dose wirh a softer touch, rhe Homecoming dance This romantic e vening ropped off Homecoming weel~ for many happy couples
Bottle of the Belch • Jodi Me<:h proncolly inhales 16 gallons of roorbeer wh11e Solly Horney expends equol energy exhohng 1r
Gi m me o Q - Slighrly disrorred cheerleooers Jeff Glenn Tom Traub Tracy Armenro and Fronl~ f\olles odd o rouch of humor ro rhe Homecoming os.sembly
A dedicated seni or - Jenrnfer Judson rol~es sptnr o srep rurrher lemng everyone know. w1rh creative makeup rhor she ployed for rhe senior Powder Puff ream
A test? What test - After school Koren Andrews finds our from Don M ornson ond Kim Draper what resr she musr srudy for , and Nore Marler disc\JsseS rhe days evenrs wirh Shelley Pererson and Eric Jen· sen
I -
Facing the raging winds Chr~y Smirh prepares ro go our inro rhe fierce srorm of Ocrober
Is this your look - Sreve Lororre Heorher Greb, Joe Coin, ~I Williams ( top row ), ond Kim Fox, Sue Lomprell, Mike Vicror and )' Morgon show rheir " fastuonoble " look
fwJsr~, anyone?- A large collection of jewelry ond glo ves are seen everyday on guys and gals It's port of the fashionable look
Con I get o ride home ?. Kim Fox asks rhor ever prevolenr question rhor so many of us face doily Kevin Warren dreods onorher rrek to rhe pmking lor on crurches whlCh. or nmes. seemed robe a fad, especially among ski enthUSiasrs
''Fashion'' Trend?
Like roses ofter rain, each one 1ndiv1duol, rhe srudenrs or GHS were so un1oue thor walking down the halls was on "experience" in irself The most popular hair sryle, wosh-n-wear, was os easy as possible There were a few, espeaolly girls. thor were brave enough to experimenr with color
Layers were definitely "in" and rhe colors were no exceprion Turquotse and fush10 wenr rogerher as well os peach and gray, red and block and the flourescenr oranges, greens and pinks For everyone concerned about fashion loose fitting dorh1ng was a musr Speol~ing of fashion, popular names thor appeared 1n swearers, r-sh1rrs, and jeans were Esprit , Hunter' s Run , Ralph Lauren , Ocean Pacific, and Le vi s Army forigues were worn by those students that wonted that "adventuresome" look and swears were available for those who wonted ro be sporry and casual
Shoes were definitely porr of one's attire It didn't morrer whar color rhe outfit was, there were shoes one could buy ro march Penny loofers, boors, or rop siders were worn by those " GQ " guys
Jewelry Oh yes Ir was very imporranr ro wear all the necessary accessories such as bracelers, unique rings, long earrings and belts rhor were always too big ThiS completed rhe "fashionable" look
Stacey Goudge srared thor, "there were a lor of f a d s, b ut e a ch individual ser his or her own "'fad " '
15 I, - - --·~-..-.-·- -4, -
Prince reigns In " Purple Rain " • Pnnce·s debur 1n " Purple 1'01n nor only gained him noronery bur also many new admirers His srornng role 1n rhe mov,e and rhe soundrrock hove ocqu,red growing conrroversy obour rhe movie ' s meon1ng This bkxkbusrer JS definrety o fun onel
Oh nol They ore gonna ger you If you don ' t wat cb curl 'Gremlins ore here, 1nvad1ng not only mov,e theatres bur also mosr gifr shops across rhe counrry Worch our or rhey will invade your heortl They ore sneaky little vormlf1rsl
Long awaited sequel • A generonon ofrer 2001 mode movie hlSfory its sequel oppeors As rhe posrer 1n rhe LMC encouroges. srudenrs ofren reod rhe book as well as v,ew 1ng the film
Whose a fraid o f rhose big , bod g hosts? - Nor rhe famous 'Ghosrbusrers' • rhor's for sure' This feor1es.s, humorous reom orrrocrs mulnrudes as rhey rry to nd rhe ary of evil ghosrs
16 ' ' t , ""
Fads include movies, music
Jusr as rhere were fads with clorh1ng and hair sryles, rhere are fads wirh movies and muSlc.
Olockbusters like Gremlins and Ghosrbus• rers orrempred ro fnghren and enrerraIn movie buffs, while Pnnce appeared 1n a debur film ennrled "Purple r\01n", which dep1cred his own hfe Many movie-goers, afrer having read Arthur C Clarke ' s version of rhe book, were enrhrolled wirh the release of rhe film 2010
For many Michael Jackson fans, Sep· rember was an excinng monrh, rhe V1crory Concerr come ro Denver's own Mile High Sradium. Many Golden srudenrs and reochers paid )30 for nd~ers so rhey could see rhe Jacksons perform, especially M ichael Jackson who mode a hit with his dance rounne ro 01lly Jeon'' A few lucky members of rhe Forensics ream caught glimpses of the exciting event as they sold Pepsi ro the mob of
rhirsry Jackson fans Said Debbie Miller I will ne. er forger selling Pepsi and having seven foor bouncers grabbing Pepsi's with· out paying for rhem ''
Musical 1nteresrs seemed to be especially spread-our rh1s year Madonna mode a hir of her single "Lil~e a V1rg1n , which come from her second album of rhe some name The Eddie and rhe Crus1ers soundtracl~ was a big seller, roo Of course rhere were still rhe all nme favontes lil~e AC / DC, Rott , Adam Ant , Zebra , and many more
On New Year's Eve rwo of music's hor rest rocl~ers Vince Neil , lead singer of Motley Crue , and Rick Allen , drummer for Def Leppard , experienced rhe 111 effects of rhe use of alcohol, resulnng 1n ouro acodenrs
This year broughr srudenrs wonderful nmes which 1nduded rhe music ro which rhey hsrened and rhe movies rhey saw
The sound of music Just a few of Golden's ravonre mUS1C groups !\arr, Zebra, Modoo 10 AC/OC The Time, Frankie Goes ro Hollywood, Eddie and rhe Cru,s ers, Adam Anr, Prince, and Oananarama
On the move Police officials Eddie Murphy , Judge l\e1nhold ond John Ashron 1nvode rhe ~tare of a corrupr mtlhooa,re whom rhey suspecr of drug smuggling and murder in Poramounr Ptcrures' ' Oeverly Hills Cop"
i - • • -•· --•!• •
HI mom I Michoel .Jockson waves his famous glove or rhe rowds or rhe V1etory Concerr
Never more woe • • •
Good luckl"
"No ' 'Whof;>"
"You don'r soy 'good luck • " "Oh, sorry Um, breol~ a leg ' "Thanks."
Thl5 may seem like a small concern compared ro rhe moJor problem for the first rwo performances of Romeo and Juliet Richard Smith , who starred as Romeo , was very ill And, as 1f rhor wasn'r bod enough, 1t was highly conrogeous Everyone was concerned, espeaolly for Delia Reid , who ployed Juliet Purnng forrh rhe1r besr even when rhey weren'r up ro rhe1r besr showed real dedication
After two performances, Direcror John Klug relucronrly posrponed rhe lost rwo unril Sm i th was stronger
Also included 1n rhe cost were Cyndi Oarday (chorus), Martina Gerwing (chorus), Michael Hanson (Escolus), Kyle Westgard (Pons), Yann Lussiez (Gregory), Andy Madsen (Oenvoho), Alison Shaya (chorus), Mary Smith (chorus), Keith Sealy (Mercurio), Angie Arnold (Lady Copuler), and Peter Mortenson (Capulet)
Many people held mulnple ports such as Joe Cain (chorus), Peter Abram , Elliot Theide (chorus, servant), Mariellen Hug (Nurse, studentdirecror), Karen Whitehouse (chorus, servonr), Pat Jager CTybolr, Fnor Lawrence), Tim Fields (Fnor John, on Apothecary), and Scott Raile (a Monrogue, Old Copuler)
Also a speool rhanks goes ro Cori Lister (flure), Michelle Petersburg (flure) and Mei-Lan Wong (celo, musical direcrory) for adding a touch of profess1onolism
An unjust death • Lady Copuler ( Ang le Arnold ) mourns over rhe slain body of Words of advice r.omeo ( Richard Smith) os.sures Oenvolo Tybolr ( Par Jager) (Andy Madsen) rhot he is old enough ro run his own fife
Ah , true lovel Julier ( Della Reid) rells of rrue love and secrei rendezous
she Knew
to rhe dealh P.omeo Ri chard Sm i th and Tybolr Pat Jager borrle whde Gregory Yann Luss l ez, and
CTlm Fi elds
Married In rhe morn .• Lody Copuler Angle Arnold speokS ro Juliet Della Reid) of her upcom•r,g wedd ng b.Jr
Som son
Moving right along Corne Wilcox and Kelly Sharpe follow some Arvods srudenrs. heading for onorher workshop session
Closs started 10 minutes ago Sron Schofield seems ro hove o flare for orrrocnng rhe srudenrs orrennon
He avy thoughts fill the room
Pot Jager sirs oppreoonng one of rhe few momenrs of silence
Woll hold that pose! Jon Doi ron Amy Von Dyke Melonie
Doker (top) Cheryl Williams
Joe Coin P-okesh Chopra f\ick
D1Donoto Ken Orunel (middle), Cyndi Oordoy John Smith , Par Jager Coro Longngg and Sro• cey Kerrenng (borrom) form a pyromtd ;usr for fun
20 • -
Ne'N outlook gained
Thursdoy , Seprember 27, 44 GHS srudenrs and e1ghr sponsors joined 75 Arvada srudenrs for o 3 -doy A-Team r\erreor in Esres Porl~ Fnendsh1ps were developed, many of which will nor be forgorren
The purposes of rhe rerreor were enhonc Ing rhe ob1hry ro savor rhe good rh1ngs In hfe building self esreem and using posinve peer pressure In f1ghnng drugs and negonve be · hov1ors The workshops were conducred by rhe A -Team, who travel rhroughour rhe counrry ded1conng rheir hves ro young people Mosr of rhe A-Tearn ore !mown for rhe1r och1evemenrs 1n orhlencs and ocodem1cs
Many people may remember rhe A-Team's assembly and rhe1r personal v1Sirs wirh rhe Srudenr Counol and rhe foorboll ream rhe week before rhe retreor Willie Mitchell also returned for the W1nrerfesr Assembly
Wor!~hops, ream planning nme , communiry meetings, and hmired unsrrucrured nme filled the days while more worl~hops, social evenrs and heavy rhoughrs filled rhe evenings An evenruol sense of monvonon and exoremenr filled rhe hearts and minds of rhose who commirred rhemse1ves ro rhe quohry of life or GHS Coming bock ro school was exonng Many come bock with o new ourlool~ on hfe
Dy rhe end of rhe rerreor rhe doseness of rhe All Sror family was incredible Tia Kellenbe nz commenred 'Everyone became close and a fam1'y The A-T earn has a soeool rhing going and everyone should be able to share what we shored ."
Rick DiDonato rhoughr rhe rerreor " w1I help me ro be a leader in rhe furure and will also help our school "
During rhe rerrear vIs1ts from Henry Lujan , Barba ra Sibold , Dan Patterson and an Olympic Gold Medal winner gave sup porr ro rhe retreat
The All- Srors connnued ro meer ,n large groups and comm1rrees rhroughour rhe year ro worl~ for ,mprovemenrs or GHS The sponsors, headed by Bonnie Cady , also connnued rhe1r supporr
Come on guys Whor s wrong w ith Boch? Melonie Doker sirs next to Krisnn r.einers patiently w01nog ro ploy rre Lomb
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Coro Loogngg , rwo Arvodo srudenrs ~bock f\ob HowK1 iS f\okesh Chopra Knsnn r.e1ners , Pot Jager, Melonie Doker (middle) ond Arvodo srudenr, Srocey Kerrenng ond Tio Kellenbenz (fronr) sing 1n high hopes of rhe1r big break coming soon
• 21
All In rhe famil y Jennifer Condreay , Kelly Sharpe , Come Wilcox , Cyndi Dordoy Par Jager and Amy Von Dyke compare notes
the season
W1nrerfesr rhrs year was nor as festive as 1n previous years however, rhe ortempt ro hove o great nme was mode by many On Monday there was o hor chocolore sipping rhrough a candy cone conresr Seem impossible:> Ir wos The wall~ in movies were Hardware Wars , a force of Star Wars, and A Christmas Carol with Mr McGoo. Dressing up as on elf or as Sonro was rhe rheme for Tuesday and rhere were quire a few angels running around roo Some costumes were complicated and others lefr a lor to rhe 1mog1nor1on Wednesday rhe cafererio picnic was nor as successful as Srudenr Council hod hoped , bur a !or of people liked the idea
When osl~ed whether or nor people liked Winrerfesr, many replied , "I don't know, I was suspended ' The snowman building conresr was canceled due ro the lock of all thor fluffy white sruff we were supposed ro ger in December Friday was a spiriruol day, o nme ro give gifts, cards and worm fuzz1es before the Chrisrmas breol~ The assembly ofter school was a great success with rhe KIMN Chicken from KIMN Radio Debbie Bade was chosen first annual GHS Winterfest Pogeanr winner, ofter rigorous quesrion1ng Lastly. Sonro po1d o visit to give candy ro all of the good lirrle boys and girls
• •
Exuberanf elves Natosha Stogner JS so overcome by W1nterfest she cof"l't sroy ii"\ her seat
Wann heor o secret? Drod Moody en;oys rhe ever• prevalent holiday rreor • rhe candy cone
Suggesting holiday advice Willy Mlrchell o member of rhe A Teom, mode o rerurn VI.Sir fOf our Christmas assembly
And heeeeeeeeeeeere ' s Santo Nchord Smirh inrroduces Sonro and soon is bombarded by orooous srudents 1n search of o piece of candy
srrerches our for only o momenr In a flash he is in ocnon, reody ro rhe crowds or the 05.Sembly
23 - - ,;
i ng a
The KlMN Chteken
Was It the speclol seasoning •
.., ... 24 '
No, I om not studying! • Nikki Smith, M ork Fluek,ger Andy Copeland Orendon Hoger and Cora Loogngg make rhe moSf of their spore nme
Afrer eoring Chicken M cNuggets. Scort South grits his reelh in derermoonon, trying ro become o hghtbulb ro light his shade
• i
Clinic services. P,oberr Toggarr and Srocey Goudge rry ro ~nd help for !heir condinons on Halloween ' s Cosrume Doy
Central lnrelllgence Agency beware Garmon Srroh gives o ' Who me' · sm1e while he minks of rhe secrer pas.sword
~uperheroe,s need food too • Md)onolds provides nourishmenr for Superman, o k.o Peter M onenson
Ir w as greorl' exclaimed senior Karen Andrews . The school year of 1984 -85 appeared a success A lrhough rhe usual ups and do w ns were In evidence, rhe feeling of och1evemenr rhrough on e duconon was alw ays pre senr Oorh foculry and srudenrs helped ro promote o more pos1nv e image fo r GHS and rh1s was reft e cred in rhe srud e nr's orriru d es ro do well In all areas As rhe se niors prepared ro leave rhe hallways of GHS and rhe sophomores and Juniors fulfilled their goals, all l~epr ,n mind rhor rhey should srrive ro m e er all exp e cronons, yet hove fun w hile doing so!
'84 - 't-was a very good year
e s a ,.. 25
Splendor from the past
plendor 1n rhe Gross'· rook audiences a srep bock ,n time where rhey found Deonie Loomis ( P..osemerry Wahtola ) and Dud Sromper ( Andy Madsen ) deeply involved 1n a 20's romance Dud's parents, Ace Stamper (Ryder Hart. ley) and Mrs Samper ( Ang i e Arnold ) , were roo busy with Oud's ftightly stSrer, Ginny Stamper (Ka. ren Andrew s) , to help 1n Oud's frustrated love However, Deon1e's parents, Mrs Loomis ( Lia War ton ) and Del LoomtS (Peter Mortenson ) , were involved to on extreme. placing the young lovers in o bod s1ruorion
Dean1e and Dud also hod ro ignore the molioous whispers of their friends, Koy ( Cyndi Bordoy ) , June (S arah Sh i er ) , Juanita ( Kathy Paez) , Toots ( Pat Jager) and r\usry ( Darrell Woolsey )
Suppornng choracrers included Miss Mercalf ( Melissa Powell ) , Glenn ( Eri n Franks ) , Arnold r\oss ( Richard Smith ) , Doy One ( Keith Sealy ) , Ooy Two ( Joe Barton ) , Doc Smiley ( Michael Han. sen) , Angeline ( Chara Ell i ot) , Johnny Mosrerson (S ealy ) , and Doctor Judd ( Bri an Smith ) ,
• TI
Wh at's up Doc? Doc Smiley <Michoel Hansen) disCUSSeS Deonie's condition wirh her farher De1 Loomis (Peter Morrenson)
Whor would my mother soy? - Deonie LoomiS (l\osemerry Wahrolo) experrly dodges Toors's (Par Jager) kiss
. : iii -... .. ...... .. .. ..., ....-': .. .. .. ..
-..offee teo or me? Dud St amper (Andy M odsen) pours h1S rroubles our ro A .flt ,e ·0xiro Elhor). or the nme on unknown wa,rress. bur soon his be'oved b<ide
Aga i n? r\Jchord Smith and P.osemerry Wahrolo rehearse a scene one more time proaice makes perleo
Sunday In the park Deorne Loomis (P.osemerry Wahtolo) and Dud Stamper {Andy M odsen) shore a dehghrful pIcr11c 1n o nor so romonoc oud1ronum semng
Thumbs up, '85 . 1
984-65 Midway through rhe eighties
Arurning point? Time slowly pulled us away from the ideals of the SLXnes and Sevennes radical concerns for rhe envtronmenr and human righrs , and prorests again.st war and violence
As those days become more d1sranr we ore drown ever doser ro the Ninties and beyond The computer age will bring 1neviroble advances in rechnolog1col and medical scienc es
Whor rhe future bnngs. only rime rells, bur 1f rhe year's events were a foreshadowing of the future rhen rhings will 1nevirobly look up Positive events included new arms ralks , moss projects to feed the starving and re1nst1runng of American pride. from rhe supporr of our Ol ympics to rhe resrororion of rhe Srorue of Liberry, funded solely by rhe American peopl e
All thumbs Pres,den r f\eogon shows his Amencon pride shorrly ofrer being eleaed ro onorher rerm as presidenr
" She knows where the beef Is " Wolrer Mondale and running mare Geraldine Ferraro shore enrhUSklsm as rhey ore nom1nored for rhe Democronc ncker for presldenr and vice presidenr
28 •
... , .
Homeward bound ofrer rwo yeors of police ocnon 1n Delrur Amencon Mannes head for home
Food for thought o srorving EthlOplon child sirs holding on empty food par Foounorly mass efforrs were mode by groups and 1nd1V1duols ro help feed rhe srorv,ng children
... .... • .. • .. " •, P .IP.; , ,;, ' I ,,. ' '/ .: ---~ • ·· _. 1111 $ / , / 'I I I J I • / J -,-c ,JI-4 1 ' J! J., I I :- I - = , ~ ,, 1• • I • I .~m1 ~4'iiiiiiiii-11!':;~I IfI --~,~ ~IIJ! r • -- ~.,..tllllti: I 1; ,,~~lf! · ~-~-!~: .. .... 19ell · .-::_:!~=~:.,;~~ ....... --~ '91~ "' --. - -~, .. ........ -~=r' =-~-• •"..:."'.,_, ..... ' • :.oiln •t.,: ~· .. • li -
Hove a heart Amfiool rronsplonr reopienr cha!'!) w,rh hl5 wife Morgorer tour days ofrer rhe incredible surgery Showing her age After holding up o torch for 98 years. rne Srorue of L,t>erry W05 fn desperore need of resroronoo • \ 29
l Just off p l aner earth.
asrronour mes our a new 'jer pock" for trove11ng around space
Thinking touch down • Joe Montono looks for a receiver as lefr gourd for rhe 49ers srops Dolphin Don McNeol's rush
America ' s sweerheart Mory Lou f\erron sreols rhe hearts of mllons w1rh h er gymnas· tic obt1iry
'85 olive
'Ti hough millions of changes occured 11 around us, many old rradirions srill held The American spirit knew a new pnde whe n our Olympic ream turned rhe heads of r e world Many couples srill en;oyed rhe rroc;l 1rion of raising a family, even royalry Mq y loyal fans spent endless hours ,n fronr of t}le relev1Sion watching rhe World Series and the Super Dowl
" yer changes did happen and progress wot ev,denr Pressure was pur on rhe stores by the Federal Government to ratSe rhe dri(lking age ro 21 bur, ro the pleasure of all futu re 18 year olds the bill didn' r poss Soen4e and space rook onorher leap forward wi new 1nvennons and prom1S1ng r,ew leatjs ,n medicine
o each 1985 will represent somerh,ng different For some ir was rhe besr year of thef growing lite Our for others ir was a year for learning from their m1Srokes With each ye¢ r comes new and promising outlooks
-•• ,. , . ANS • I
The roar of v icto ry • Cool~ Gibson and Darrel Evon of rhe Derr0tr Uons congrol'\Jlore each orher wrrh rheir World Se,,es win
The- fomlly four. Prince Charles and Lady Diano pose wirh older son Prince Wilborn and new born Prince Henry
What a sport!
Alrhough organized and ream sporrs were popular or GHS, so were rhe 1nd1v1dual, recreononol and jusr for-fun sporrs GHS srudenrs could be seen running 1nd1v1duolly or wirh friends all around Golden and elsewhere Arhlenc clubs were grear places ro ger on rhe track and run, as well as ploy roquerboll, swim and work our w1rh weight machines
Srudenrs used rheir bicycles to ger themselves 1n shape and ro ger wherever they were going
()owling was a good way ro ger rid of frustration, and It was nor weorher dependent
When winter came, many more sporrs became available W1nrer rowns such as Keystone and Vail offered ice skonng, hockey, and, of course, skiing When one wonted a challenge, Drunken Frenchmen or Mory Jone and A volonche or Loveland provided, and Gonzo skiers like Glenn Wolfangle and Roy Tanner could be found on and off rhe cornice or Loveland doing spread eagles, hehcoprers and sphr-legged Jumps
Hunnng season sent many srudenrs our for wild game Grear hunting could be found all over Colorado as well as rhe neighboring srores
When spnng come, rhe ourdoors srudenr ser our on a comping or fishing trip Along wirh comping, come mounro,n climbing
As school let our, stud enrs looked forward ro summer sporrs of many kinds
• ..., I. - .. _.J:- -, - ..,,,,. ., . ,... • r •
Before the blff - Enn Dev1rr orremprs ro pur up o snow doud before she rakes o spill Oreckenndge offers o voriery of greor skung
Whom 111 Shoun Chnste~ and John Oochoter ease srress by raking our rhetr inner on1mosrr1es on on 1nnoceflr roquerboll
Keeping It up Unnl one becomes profloent like Tino Guerrero and Herb Schroeder trying ro keep o ho<ky sock 1n the 01r con bu~d up stress
own page
You hove speool memories rhor you w1Sh ro save These memories ore unique ro you They m19hr be newspo per d1pp1ngs or photos or, perhaps, ourogrophs from speool friends Whatever rhe memories ore, this 1s your page for your own special mementos
. ---1-+----------------------------------------------------- -
Everybody like s a hug Ar leosr rhree hugs a day ore recommended Jon Doiron helps Don Chnsry get he;
Hine heads better than one Angie Nel son, Scarr Sourh. Shelley Petersen Fronk l\olles. Jenny Judson , Lon Drain Lorry l\ock, Dove Polevoy and Shelley Fischer show rhe1r besr
::- g ~-;::.- --
------:::. .,.-::=- ::: Qo r ::: I ,:.) ; -...-IQ .,. pu ::::; t- :::::::- ::=• • • f • 1 l I - ',... -
'Class \¥ith style' enjoys variety
Th6 year's senior class offered nor only a vonery of people but also a vonery of sryles
We hod cowboys (not to mennon cowgirls). jocks, punl<;ers. new-wavers. rhe scholastically inclined. and rhe less-enthus1osnc crowd
Of course. on assortment of clothing accompanied our assortment of people We hod those who lil<;ed to wear Jeans and tshirrs We hod those who liked ro wear rib bons and lace and also those who liked ro wear lea ther and lace We hod those who JUSt liked robe themselves, no morrer what
anybody else thought We must l<;eep in mind the people who lurl<;ed behind rhe sryles. they were 1mporront no morrer how they lool<;ed or dressed. and rhey ore a port of our groduonng class. rhe "class with sryle Even though we differed in op1n1ons and values. we all hod a common goal, and as seniors, we reached rhot goal Those years didn't really lost a hfenme. Jusr for a fleenng moment. bur rhe cherished memories will lost forever
- - - -· - ·~'~r'" - •-
GHS melodrama Jenny Judson while 91v1ng the photographer on 1nnocenr .,oc:ked by Scorr Sourh Never ro fear Jenny Lorry Rock will defend iJUTse she's unsure of his defense and she deodes ro fend for herself
Besr of friends Dnon Olyrhe Som Keyes , Ken On.1nel and Rondy Snyder end rhe day w11h o friendly bull in rhe lounge one of the mosr popular spors ro find sen10<s of oil kinds
--= .. ::--'=,: -:;: ,---
Now what? Shonna Hummel is somewhat confused by SAT ·or~ ACT scores and college opphconons Who isn't'
' • •
Reptlllon repli ca Er,zordberh Dov1dson dem onsrrores her infamous l,zord look
" I l r \ • "' ,i i • ., f -
•• ' \ . ' • • -,.
Feelln ' olive In ' 85 The gr ooru:ig doss of 1985 shows rhere 's more ro school rhon JUSt srudy,ng
• •... ,.• • • / ' I I , 'I • ' ' IT'' • /': //:••• >1 'I • ,,_. ... ..;;:.> ,,. J •
Lots o' class
RomLeidner , Nancy Parido and Richard Smith planned, bro1nsrormed , organized and pornopored in evenrs such as rhe senior class floor , senior ocnv1ty n1ghr , ACT / SAT preporor1on m1n1-closses , groduonon and more
Leidner said rhor he enJoyed being presi denr of rhe senior doss because , ' 'Once you ore a class officer , everyone expecrs you ro organize and run ocrivir1es Ir gives you rhe imperus ro do rhor, wheres you orherwise would nor do ir on your own Ir' s fun ro do rhings rhor ore successful ' ·
Pa ricio , secrerory -rreosurer , said , ' 'Ir rol~es a lor of rime and ir 1s a challenge Ir is a good way ro ger involved ·'
"Whor';>" said Smith , vice presidenr , " Me a senior class officer:> No, I rhinl~ you hove me confused wirh someone else Pardon me:> You're going rouse my picrure:> Well, 1n rhor case, being senior doss vice presidenr, I was exposed ro many new challenges It was fun I See you in rhe White House '·
' ~ Q f ·. __,,,. .... -
Keep ing bus y Senior o fficers Nancy Poncio, l\om Le1dner and l\ichord Smirh revi ew o fina l draft o f rhe g roduonon program
c:c :,.,_~~~-_,....,. •- -..:----.c •-=- -.I - .::.=:,__
Par Abborr Paulo Anderson Lisa Arnold
Ashley Abel Koren Andrews Chris Auld
Tim Acl~er Craig Andrews Jones Annerre Axron
. -~ """"'--~ .....--:------=--....;. _:,-
f\ob Adams Jon Armenro John Oochofer
Debbie Alle n Tracy Armenro 0 1 11 Oode
''Take it easy'' As
rhe Closs of '85 wenr rnro rhelT final year, course selecrions for many seemed ro change "Trodmonol" courses such as physics and morh were avoided for " less difficulr " courses lil~e PE and woodshop For rhese seniors, who "rool~ ir easy , " free hours were also a necessiry Some srudenrs enjoyed as many as four hours o ff during rhe course of rhe day One ''blow-off'' schedule was rhor of Decky Thomas se cond quorrer
1st off
2nd - Srudenr Assis ronr
3rd DECA
4rh 0usiness Morh
5th - off
6rh off
7rh off
Srudenrs lil~e Thomas figured rhor ofter 12 years of school rh ey shouldn'r hove ro worl~ roo hard rh e1r senior year
l-. . - .1 . ~ I ' ~ ··' .•_: ~La,."M~ ... · . c- ~ ' , I' la, , ,________ •• <1 aa....lW#" - · -:""'\. -~~- --- ----_..,. __ _
Dirty hands Hope Collins orrempr s ro creore some t h ing beo u nful from o fo rm less lump o f d ay
... ,.._,. - \at-.. .,., !!~~_f ·g'Js:; . ..---. .,. , --. -'
ic attitude York Morgan works on his arr proJecr According ro teacher Gene Youngmonn, many srudenrs rol~e arr rhinktng 1t will be easy. and ocruolly find ,r qu,re cholleng,ng
Exerclzlng his derrlere Jeon Novonr relaxes on rhe bleachers dunng hiS P E doss
I L. QJ C .... ",....._ C 0 c!: 0 Q) E :::> 2 -0 (I) C >- 0 (lJ .D C) Vl :::> (lJ .c C Q) -0 3 Q) C 0 (lJ 0 0 c!: (lJ .c _g u .Y. :::> ,_ 0 (lJ C) C) ._ C (lJ (lJ C '-0 0 ---.. u Vl 3 0 ,.__ ,.__ 0 C) .c ._ Cl) C) C 0 V'I C (lJ C) c Q_ <{ Vl ._ .... E (lJ :::> C C C ,.__ (lJ 0 C) C) C o QJ C Cl> - .c Q) = 0 >:::£ ,.__ (lJ "- .Y. Cl) 0 v- C) 0 C) C .D 3 0 0 C) 0 ,.__ QJ .D ,.__ 0 C) C > (lJ :::£ ._ u -0 \... Cl) Cl) .Y. C "- QJ 0 C) C) C .c 0 ._ (lJ Vl :::> :::£ V"\
Where Is your hat? Denise Goodman, Kallie Snyder, and Apnl Oenson are 1n rhe middle of one of rhe1r laughing arrocks nghr before rhe homecoming game or Orool~ field
' --· ~ ~ ..-.. ,\YJ!# ... .....,,,,..
~ --~ r"I - 3
Grian Glyrhe William Gremer
Jeff Groden Hompron Ondwell
Jodi Grady Marry Orighr
Oino Ohorrochoryyo
Kore Orody
Ann Orown
Jomes Ourl~e
Jennifer Corl
Senior spirit shows
Andrea Oirl~by John Oranch
Ken Orunel
Anne Cord Corri Corson
D1d you ever see ony seniors wirhour sp1nr:> If so. ir was Jusr a remporory molfuncnon and rhen they would rhinl~ obour grodu oring and smile 1nsrantly Some seniors showed rhe1r spirit by orrending rhe school assemblies and sports events, sroying ofrer school for rhe senior class pIcrure or jusr hov 1ng fun Orhers showed their senior spInt by laughing whenever possible KollieSnyder exploinedsen1orspirirbysay-
Ing, "Ir's what ler's us ger away wirh laugh 1ng or everything!"
They laughed or everyrh1ng from ·' over 18" JOl~es ro rhe homeworl~ rhey should hove done
Senior spIrir also meonr showing marunry when ir really morrered This included com plenng groduonon requirements, mo1hng col lege opplicanons on rime and planning for rhe future
, ~ "1. ... :, j
Senioritis strikes
What was it? Where did It come from-;> Was there a cure:> These and o rher relevant quesnons were osl~ed rh1s year by seniors when this disease struck rhe1r bodies and souls
Ir usually began wi th the realization rho r their school days were about ro end This Happened or varying rimes For some, sen 1orins srorred on the firsr day of rheir senior year They casua lly ornved or school rwo hours lore and, wirhour guilt, srrurred into doss, prepared only wirh a pencil, left over from rhe1r Junior year
For o rhers it starred as lore as second se mesrer Wirh the l~nowledge rhor rhe resr of their schooling would never be recognized, they figured "Why worl~-;,•·
No morrer whor rhe case may hove been, no senior was completely immune from the grasp of this dreaded disease The only cure, graduation
• •~.
-..-~-w::- .~ • -
Shadow doncln' Amy VonDyke pomapores 1n on ocnv1ry for rhe rruly bored senior dodging one s shadow
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A sudden bout of senlorlrls Adding a furrher d1menwn ro rhe game of 'shadow dodging' liso l'\ittenbery demon• stores o voriotion in whKh she prerends to be threotenly pursued by her shadow
~ .\ Scotr Coss Tim Clingan . Tanyo Cool~sey , ... 'a 0 - ~ --~~- ~ l)] ,_ . .,,'\ , " ' ~ -~·r , . -~~X& ......,, -::. ~..- _.J \.\.. ',_r _ :1,I ' - .~ 1 r, r i-s:.. .. r ·---~' ..l Julie Chavez Olal~e Coelho Greg Coons ~ ,<lt113D '('."'"Shaun Chnsrensen Lisa Cole Tracie Cour £ Dan Chrisry Hope Collins Loura Crisr Mary Oerh Clorl~ Jeff Connolly Wendy Cnsr
Permanent fixtures
seniors on campus would swear on o srocl~ of bibles rhor ofrer groduonon rhey never wonred ro ever rhinl~ obour the prison l~nown ro the naive as Golden High School, when ocruolly there were quire o few rh1ngs rhey would remember Some oursronding momenrs may hove been academic while orher rhings may hove been ocr1vines rhor the school board would frown on 1f they ever found our
Whether ir was one or rhe other or some of both rhere will always be a hrrle of each groduonng class thor will remain. errher through rhe memory of a posr class and rhe,r zany stunts or a graduate remembering rhe "good ol' days" The class may even conrin ue living on 1n a reacher's mind, some more fondly than orhers
Our neverrheless rhere 1s a good sized porr of rhis class tha t shall remain wondering rhe halls ,n search o f the posr .
.. ._
Ghost of seniors post Seniors lil~e Ketrh Lansford will "hounr" Golden High 1n memory for yeors ro come
t 1\ I J Vl C (lJ 0 C X C o a o a ,._ ClJ a Ct 0 (lJ O \!l C: u _J (lJ 1: u 0 C -0 0 0 (lJ ._ - C o a o a o £ C '- C 0 0 <{ :::c E C O 0 (lJ § § o a o Oaa g O £ 0 C Cl> a c::) -
Lori Drain
Tom Egon
Deon Encl~on
Leanne Fiftol
Mori,; Fluel,;1ger
Kimberly Draper
Kelly Ell,;ingron
Jon Ewing
Shelley Fischer
Krisren Foreman
David Dudden
Lee Ellior
John Fagan
Corne Flad~
Ronald Foresrer
Jen1fer Durbin
Heorher Ensminger
Gage Fellows
Laro Fleer
Mori,; Forgy
Tracey Eddy
Lisa Erbach
Oorboro Feighner
Gory Floyd
Jerry Frongos
,§?;~~~I •\~ ~~
Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde?
To some Seniors dismay. hair and tongs did nor grow when rhey dronl~ rhose magic potions In Chemistry Perhaps they gor sicl~ to rhe sromach. bur no fangs Stnv1ng ro create the ulnmare solunons many seniors labored for hours over formulas unnl they were op proved by teachers. Terr i Wahlberg or Tom Dindel . Mand y lee , who was In Di ndel' s class, lil~ed how problem solving was srressed over the memorization of those dreaded formulas Yucl~t
Help was available during "O" hour Kris Hendzel said, "I m1ghr hove learned some
thing if I hod gone ··
Even with homeworl~ help sessions, John Bachofer sroted wearily, "Ir's all Jewish ro me"
On the other hand, Renee Getter was l~nown for saying, "I t 's o breezel"
John Hogan hod nothing ro worry about wirh Steve Drown ' s materials from lost year or his side So much for rhe curves on rhe rests rhis year'
Anne Card decided ro ovoid the hassles by nor tol~1ng rhe class, while Seniors lil~e Lisa Turner and Rom leldner tool~ 1r losr year
Lob da y LISO Cole makes her own grope Juice I \' ' \ ..
" -
...... ... -·
Kim Gilmore
~ .
Korhy Goldbocl~ Srocey Hanneman
Denise Goodmon
Dennis Goodwin
Orerr Gaddis
Don Hochsredler
M ariellen Hug
He1d1 Isom
Eric Johnson
Jenn,fer Hogan
Cindy Hull
Neil Jabn
Kevin Johnson
John Hogon
Shanna Hummell
Kelli Jaycox
M1sn Johnson
Kelly Holland
Anne llgenfnrz
Nancy Jenl~1ns
8.ussell Johnson
Chris Hoover
Durille Isaacs
Terry Jewsbury
Danna Jones
Mori~ Heffingron
Chns He1nnch
Scorr Henderson
Kns Hendzel
Scorr Hermann
- .Ji; •
sen1or srudenrs hod dreams of mol~1ng rhis school o berrer place ro be A mojoriry of the studenrs polled on changes needed, didn't lil~e rhe orrendonce policy For one rhing, rhey rhoughr rhot having porenr op provol, when 18 years old, was unnecces sory As Beth Dorman so1d, "If someone 1s 18 years old, then rhey should ouromoncolly be able ro coll themselves in ro be excused '' Oes1des w1sh1ng rhe ortendonce policy were different, many students hod other suggesnons For example, Mike Ortega commenred, "I would try ro get more sp1nt and more involvement 1n rhe football
Another senior, Mon ique Voj ta respond ed. "I th1nl~ 1t would be great 1f there were some way to get nd of all the 'chques' and mol~e every person feel important and needed''
A number of students would lil~e more things 1n the lounge such as o TV and a stereo "Pu t o speol~er in the lounge so that students could hear the announcements," was also suggesred by Am y Stunkard .
Mark Young offered one lost proposal, "I would mol~e ir so that students could inreroct more"
Troci Jorgenson
Lisa Keller
Jeff Krorcho
Jenn1fer Judson
Joe Kennedy
Keirh Kubosro
Oob Kozm1ersl~i
Kelly Kinner
Chris Kuberry
Amy Lee Keith
Gretchen Kori~
Gail Logerqu1sr
Tio Kellenbenz
Jone Kotecl~1
Susan Lomprell
Keirh Lansford
Mondy Lee
Wishing for a better place to be.
Cheerleader In the making Mil-<e Orrego demon srrores his desire for more spinr w11h Glenn Wolfongle s support
'-..'-~--! ~ -
!'\om Le1dner
Andre Logie
Andy Madsen
Lisa Morrin
Jonell Mayo
I 'I Chen Udd1coor
Tom Lul~e
f\oy Moesros
Gino Mornnez
Sharon McClure
Gen Liddicoor
Srephan1e Lyon
Mil~e Monninen
Kiri~ Morrhews
Audry McDonald
Cindy Lierz
Gecl~y Madonna
Nore Marler
Sondra Mauzy
Carmen McElhinney
Cori Lister
Jeff Madonna
Sl~1p Marsh
Don Moyes
Sroci Mcllwee
, ~ ... """- •··--
--.-- C O _____ _;:----=:--=-- -~. .- ..,,. .,.,. - r== -
' \ ·
Alcohol issues raised
! e student dnnl<ing problem hos built up much orrenrion over the years This posr year rhe orrennon focused heavily on wide spread studenr dnnl'iing, and decreased sru denr dnnk1ng and driving porrly due ro Rom le idner ' s and Jennifer Neighbors ' serious ocodenr D U I lows become rougher In 1984, and or press rime , a new bill hod been 1nrroduced Inro the Srore Legislorure to raise rhe legal dnnl'iing age ro 21
Two school groups, rhe All Stars and rhe Helping Orher Teenogers (HOT) Tearn, fought student drinl'i1ng and driving, rhe for mer even tool'i a rerreor ro rroin the group' s members The HOT Tearn arranged guesr speol'iers to come ro GHS, and the ennre
community was inv1red Sponsor Donnie Cady said, "We ' re having fun , and we're HOT"
Perhaps the biggest news, rhough , come when rhe srudenrs coughr word rhot 37 sru denrs hod been suspended for dnnl'i1ng on the Yourh and Governmenr rnp ,n Denver, rhe weel'i before Winter 13reol'i
"Our enforcement of the policy shows rhor when a srudenr does somerh,ng ,nap propnore, such as in rhe Youth and Govern menr inodenr, ir does nor morrer 1f the sru denr is one of our 'best l'iids' or a hobiruol rroublemol'ier The pohcy does nor mol'ie concessions for rhe srorus of rhe srudenr," commenred John Vidal.
___,,. -• · , \dF ... ' 85 proo f Fear of on occ1denr mode srudenrs rhink ~nously before m1x1ng dnnl~ng ond d riv ng
._ C C 0 0 '- z L. 9 C -5 00 :E ._ (lJ C 0 ..__ > 0 0 0 :E z C ..,. u .c 0 c!: cij 0 .c 0 C :E >>- :E C C C QJ 0 C 0 c::>
young and 1 the restless
Believe 1t or not. the doss of •85 was nor always rhe ''cool and elire" group of srudenrs rhor rhey were during rhe1r high school years Yes, rhey roo were once hrrle l~ids, wirh devious lirtle minds and d1rry hrrle finger nails
Even someone as "cool and collecred" as John Hogan , Tndenr Ediror 1n-Ch1ef, hod his foolish childhood momenrs When Hogan was lirrle he used ro coll himself " John Rock Truck " while ploying wirh his Tonl~os Forensics League lerrermon and "lawyer robe" Shaun Chris tensen did nor always hove his usual "rocr" His firsr per was a dead fish he scooped our of rhe lol~e or Washing ron porl~ when he was tour He l~epr 1r In a cup on his window sill for rwo weel~ un ril his ounr rool~ piry on him and boughr him o goldfish
Corl Lister ' s morher recalls one of her interesting childhood moments "One even Ing when we were worching TV, Cori, obour rhree years old rhen , woll~ed by rhe sro1rwoy and re t urned screaming, ' There 's on ocropus on rhe sro1rwoyI · Envisioning all sons of poss1biltnes, bur nor really expecring on ocropus, we 1nspecred rhe sroirwoy A f nghrened li rrle mouse srood mononless on a srep near rhe bo trom Con's 'ocropus' was removed from rhe house'"
From per srinl~bugs ro small ob;ecrs srucl~ up rhe1r noses, everyone in rhe senior class had embarras1ng hrr le momen rs
~----·~. ' , ...... ~J''
Keep on rruckln ' John l\od~ Truck' Hogon poses w1rh his trusry
Tonko and sister Molly
. •. , 1, I · " t I. , • ·~ I I I 1 I • , 1 ';Ar i., ·I 15·' 1. 4•i•·· ,.., '' !'c t,~ 'I T ! , I l•' ! , • ...... ... • --·•..::>•'.-... '~ .,. . '\, .. "
Cowgirl at three Con Lisrer prepares for her doily tosl~ of ocropus rusr ling _,
. . • I C C (lJ (lJ z (lJ (lJ z._ ._ (lJ CJ' a] "O 0 0 c.. c.. CJ' C 0 <t: :E C C C: 0 ..:J O 0 (lJ .Y. ... C 0 c.. ..6 (lJ 0 § ..c. c Cl. a.. (lJ <t: 1/1 0 0 CJ' u (lJ 0 c.. 0 >(1) u .Y. C :E C 0 (lJ (lJ :::> a.. "O a.. 0 g_ § E 0 I>- C a., 0 a., .!!J z a., >-z .Y. C U 0 (lJ C: C) C) ----- -
J' , ' ,. - __ • .... L1 c l 5corr Porrerson Gene Perry Kimberly Perersburg She1ley Perersen Mone Porrersson Jason Pfaff Cassondra Pfohl David Polevoy Joanna Pomeroy Karherine Ponnous Cynrh,a Porrs Melissa Powell Robby Prachr Par Quirl~ Debbie Romsrerrer Morr Romsrerrer Tommy Rasnic!~ Donielle Rowlins LuJeon Redfern Charles Reece Delio Reid Par Reindel Krisrin Reiners Joe Reinhard Sheila Reynolds
Senior excuses
For some srudenrs one of rhe hordesr pons obour school was nor rhe resrs nor rhe homeworl~. bur simply going to class Oarbara Howes , orrendence secrerory, said rhor on a good day she gave our on over age of five rruonr slips every hour ro students who didn't mol~e ir ro class
Popular excuses mode up by srudenrs included, "car problems", "my alarm clocl~ d1dn'r go off·, "my dog 1s sicl~". and "my mom forgor ro coll ·· Some senior srudenrs, in hopes of gerring a rruonr shp wirhour a coll ro rheir porenrs, rned ro bnbe rhe orrendonce lady wirh presenrs, money, food, and many orher priceless fom1ly relics
This year Jefferson Counry School 0oord Officials mondored a new srricrer orren dence policy for all Jefferson County Schools David Polevoy expressed, "I don'r feel rhor a new policy is going ro change students overn1ghr, bur 1n nme srudenrs will learn rhor rhe consequences oren' r worrh facing ''
. • .-
Students getting excuses Seniors Hampton Dridwell, David Meyer, Tim Pardue, and Tom Egon prepare 10 bnbe rhe orrendence Secretory, while Rick Gage and Dnon Dlyrhe present rhe1r excuses
>(lJ V\ 3 .-4! (J) 0 0 - .c. E a, .X 0 C .c. ai E a. .D -0 0 t- a "O C 0 "' 3 (lJ (lJ O "O =~c 0 :> (lJ l (lJ 0 U c' i.t :E <{ ic 0 C ~9x - '-'- :> C V'I 5l O...... .::::: 3 __, c::, :c
Behind the curtain
Forsome lud<y seniors, losr November 6 was a very 1mportonr day Those rhor were 18 were able ro vore in rhe General Elecnon. which gave rhem a soy 1n rheir furures This was very lil~ely rhe firsr rime mosr hod ever vored
The deos1on was a big one for reg1srered seniors, for rhey decided on issues such as nuclear arms, rhe economy, and oborrion
As Greg Coons po1nred our rhe media ployed a large role, and rhe cond1dores op peorances and speol~1ng rolenrs were very 1mporranr
Jerry Frangas srared, "I do nor vore on leadership quoliries Adolph Hitler was a leader bur I would nor vore for him ·· In sreod. he tried to "ptcl~ rhe person who would represenr America· s values ro his or her besr exrenr. ·'
. ' ,, •,. ' .. """ 1 f,~ --f' !JJY·'
Ollnky the clown Isn' t running As Dove Meyer, Tim Pardue and Scorr Parrerson rry to bnbe f\1chord Smtth. Orerr Gaddis and f\ichard Wesrgard uphold democracy by voring 1n rhe 5rudenr Council moch elecnon November 6
' \ ::: . $ - r .. ' ~ --\ Anja Schulz-Roos Keirh Sealy Enco Sl~yrmon Alesha Smirh Cheryl Smirh Julie Seberg Kelly Sharpe En:~ Smirh Nil~l~i Smirh Richard Smirh . Uso Shier Johnny Simmons Scorr Sourh Denise Sp,rrler Doni Sprague Chris Sm1rh Dee Dee Smirh Kallie Snyder Rondy Snyder
You aren ' t tok ing me seriously SenlOI' Dorothy Roper or rernpr~ ro help ~phomore Ko ren Conner yer ro no ovo1l ; Al gebro II has never been rhor tunny
Word to the wise
The thought of o sophomore, tape and pole broughr a shghr smile and rw1nl~le ro rhe eye of a senior Inflicted rorrure, yeohl Al rhough seniors rool~Joy 1n 91v1ng others pain, rhey were also willing to off er advice "Srudy hard and parry a lot " was 0 111 Oremer ' s priceless suggesnon Yer rhere were a trio of "courreous srudenrs"Dave Me yer , Tim Pardue and Tony Doyle
who gave this counsel, "Here ore some prionries for you sophomores and Juniors coming up Always go ro all of your classes Always go on rime Always do your home worl~ Always be l~1nd and polire to your reochers and fell ow srudenrs Please always try to ser on example in rhe classroom and around school for rhe younger srudents If all rhe srudenrs follow rhese guidelines rhe world will be a berrer place to live in " Too bod we were nor olwoys able ro pracrice whor we preached
Kim Sreohl
Amy Srunl~ord
Heorher Toylor
Julie Srermole
Lon Swenson
Marl~ Toylor
Jenn,fer Stowe
Sierra Swearingen
Theodore Stevenson
Suzi Swenson
Cassy Thiede
Oecl~y Thomas
Kelly Thompson
8.oberr Toggorr
David Thisrlewood
Kevin Thomas
Jomes Tisdel
:..;.r-- --
,(IV '
Mori~ Srone
Trocie Srubbs
I r
Future predictions
When seniors were asl<ed, "Whar do you expecr ro find or your 10 year class reunion?" There were many responses Mosr didn'r expecr ro find any moJor changes or rheir reunion excepr rhor rhey will oil hove grown up and morured Orhers hod more specific pred1crions For example, "on admirer" of Glen Wolfangle expected ro see him as America's newesr and horresr sex symbol Dave Meyer srored "rhere 1s no middle rood for Tony Doyle ." He onnopored rhor Doyle will eirher be Pres1 denr of rhe U S or in jail, which ever comes firsr Tim Romig 1mog1ned Richard Smith as rhe nexr Johnny Carson .
Eric Dahman p,crured Tom Traub in a rhree piece suir driving o 1995 Mercedes
0enz Durille Isaacs couldn't woir ro see Larry Rock for, bold and smol~1ng a cigar When rhe big evenr arrives, 10 years from now, rhe f ocrs will be revealed
Demonstrating his special photogenic look Glen
Wolfongle shows his stuff
Tro1s Tournllorr
Pam Tverberg
AnnoMorio Vux1n1c
Tom Traub
Amy VonDyl~e
Christie Wolrer
Wendy Tnmmer
0ecl~y VonDyl~e
0onnie Wolron
Willie Trimmer
Jerry Vogr
John Warren
Lorry Warr en Liano Worron
Lisa Turner
Monique Vojro
Kevin Warren
Juliano Worron
r.obin Worl~ins
- .......< -~
~~~ - ~ -""'-"
• ,r llilllll,"""7
_. ,. 1 ·~ '• I
Tracey Worl~1ns
Mil~e Werh1ngron
Ted Wildman Jr
Mei Lan Wong
Hoe M1 Yoo
Not Pictured
Donny Andrews
l'\enee Oerrrond
Gory Olo1r
Kennerh Ooehle
Lorry Ootrolfson
Joy Oorrs
Amy Origgs
Gregory Oucl~
Kimberly Colangelo
Wayne Colberr
Desiree Colm
John Conner
Wendy Coons
Donerre Denning
Ooo Dinh
Hong Dinh
Dono Doane
John Duhamel
Kimberly Fox
Leslie Gage
Renee Gerrer
Micheal Greenhalgh
Thomas Grosso
Lynne Hansen
Jomes Kars1of1cas
Som Keys
Charmaine Lindsay
Jomes Morrin
Mory Morrin
Cindy Mosrers
Jeff Mornngly
Thomas Miller
John Mimnaugh
Yori~ Morgon
Edward Ornelos
l'\1chord Rice
Timothy Roberts
Ellen Scorr
Jody Shields
Enc Sieloff
Keith Smith
Kelly Smirh
Audra Southworth
Kelly Spence
Stephanie Srephens
Sandro Srol~es
Kimberly Sweeney
Roy Tonner
Lugenea Vollmar
John VonF eldr
Terrence Wisdom
Trevor Wisdom
Max Wirhrow
Glenn Yaromy
Gory Zerbesr
Graydon Zissel
Oersy Weiss
Orion Whire
Andrea Willen
Dorrell Woolsey
Mori~ Young
Korhy Welch
Poul Whire
Cheryl Williams
Hoe Im Yoo
Greg Zinchini
Rich Wesrgord
Shown Whire
Glenn Wolfongle
Tracey Westling
Chns Whitehouse
Shawnee Wolph
--.. ,-l
..,. ~[ -.......:._~"' ~
Prom is prioity
Jun1ors nor only Juggled many d1fficulr classes bur also hod a grear deal of respons1 biliry in school ocriv1r1es The moJor dury of rhe Junior doss in Srudenr Council was ro raise all necessary funds for Prom
Junior class presidenr, Jim Pearse , explained before fundro1s1ng proJecrs began, ''We hove a lor ro do and one of my main deals is to get our whole class involved It'll be lame if we're rhe only ones orgon1z1ng Prom because ,r's rhe enr1re school's dance Oefore anyone con schnogg on any hor Prom ocnon we hove ro raise some major bucl~oge"
Jody Hauser, vice pres1denr of the Junior class, agreed with Pearse saying, "Prom re quires ded1conon, planning and worl~ rhor most people don't realize "
Juniors porricipored in vonous dreaded fundro1sers lil~e selling concessions or Oronco games, selling f\oy'I Peanut Orirrle (mostly to porenrs) and sponsoring rhe Volennne dance
Dusr, Albright
l\ose Alvarado
Mirra Amir9ofon
John Andersen
Heather Anderson
Niel Andrews
Margo Anrns
• ,
Show us those happ y fac es - J,m Pearse Jody Houser and Janet Howktnson ore rhe JOmin Junior class officers and enJOY every minute.
' •. ,, ~!..,
Thumbs u p- Janet Hawkinson and Jim Pearse non-verbally dtSploy rhe1r feelings obour rhe junlOf doss
Ange10 Arnold Kim Asrle Kelly Anebery Holly Ausrer Hamid Azod Debbie Dode llso Oo1 Paulo Qoqinger Jim Dorney Kim Dares Orod Ooumgorrner Mo Ooxrer Scorr Oozz Jod~e Oed~on Dovtd Oeecher Jomes Oee<:her Michelle Oelio1rs Ke,rh Derry Tom Oice Tommy OIShop Kim Ooehle ' \ 0'' \ \ t '
Tommy Dolejock
Collin Donner
Oinr Oosron
Tonyo Doswell
l\oberr Ooulwore
Lisa 0roden
They call it an alarm
I r hod ro hove been a bomb Ir exploded exactly or six o m every morning , Monday rhrough Fndoy The n1ghr couldn ' t be over , " sleep" was snll 1n 1rs present rense How was rhor loud annoying buzz going ro srop wirhour having ro move one inch from un der rhe nice worm cozy covers However, 1f rhose sirens weren'r rurned off , rhis head was going ro be permanently pounding from rh1s day on So wirh a quick Jump and a slam wi rh a hand. rhe bomb was stopped The morning war was olmosr over Next was ro drag rh1s nred aching body inro rhe shower. which aided in rhe opening of the srone heavy eyelids
It explodes- Is rhis your firsr vision of rhe morn'1ng?
I\Jchord Orodsby II
Sreve 0romon
Crysrol 0rossetl
JoAnne 0rockwoy
Andy Oromberg
Jim 0rown
Jomes 0runne<
Jeff Ooldr
,.ft , . e , ,, "'lo:~~ '
KeVin Oure<non Chtf> Ourges.s Liso Ournhon Dono Ourler Michelle Oyors Amy Cord Krisrin Carlson Tracy Carland Arr Castle April Cea1 Orion Cheer Phillip Cheek Shellee Christensen Lisa CIS()e(OS David Clark Marshall Coffman Norohe Colberr Oeverty Cole Lauren Cole Kerri Cother Andy Collins Peggy Colvin Sreve Colvin Heorher Cook Chrisry Cooper Andy Copeland Eric Coronis Srephonie Cowles u ...I '
Insect invasion B
ugs never die Or so ir would appear from looking 1n the srudent porl.c;ing lot Although Volkswogon quit manufacturing their popular "beerle" several years ago, they srill purr up the hill to the srudent porl.c;ing area in droves each morning
Juniors 1n particular ofren bought " bugs" as rheir firsr cars " They don't use much gos," was a common reason
Matt Etzenhouser added thor he lil.c;ed his VW because , "Ir doesn'r breol~ down" "Ir gers good gos mileage, 1s great 1n snow and fun ro worl-< on , " explained Ira Long Kerri Collier wasn't as enthusiastic, soy 1ng, "Ir's a pile of crop, bur ir gets me around''
Bart Hinkle went even further, 1ns1snng, "I don't lil.c;e it I wonr a Porschel"
Called everything from "nn cons on wheels" to "pregnant roller sl.c;ores," VW bugs neverrheless continued to be a very popular means of rronsportotion
():) t-.)
Don Cress
John Crisr
l\obb Crowe
l" .J',-~ ~ l. '\. •,r"' \ - ~ I• ' \ ~l
Craig Cyr
Doruels Gino Devis
• \ ' ( ' ~r ' \\ l • lJ ~. -
One man car Ira Long's faithful hrr1e orange fnend never lers him down
- ~u...._ Debbie Dl)khuizef' EmmYJOy Dim1rroff Cums Disney Kirk Dovglos Chris Dreblow Scorr Dremon Corhenne Driscoll Neal Driscoll Morr Drisre Trocey Dudley Jeff Dugger Ion Duncan Seen Dunwoody Andy Durbin Kenny Eder Tern Edwards Jim 0mer Jennifer Embury Keirh Emnck Chad Endsley Kyra Epsre1n Mike Errl Morr Erzenhouser Srocey Faykosh Oeornz Fernandez Tim Fields Leslie Finnell l\1chord Fisher r w I iJ..J.•tiiilf' T , " .... r:JJII"""' ,.,, \ l \ , , ...: :.~r - ~, J ' .a r ~\l1~ 'I \ I '-I -.~-~' ,., i ,, "· E ~', '/ 1F . ,.: ' I I '\ 1 it ~ , T 111111 ~-~:·.~~ ... ), , I I V =,. I r \ =-·;-, J, < ., \_ - 1 / I \ . ' -.\ ,, I ' - • t\ J '" V \\. I ' I I ".,_j _j_ ~ ..I - - · - ,. - ' ..,.,_ / r. \ '-J ~ I • J -· -- \ , , I ., I \. I 1 ! A - r' ~ ., j = -~ __ , ·::-=%,-,~ II.:.:• \ '. II , • l
Dumb blondes-myth or fact?
Whar ,s a dumb blonde? ls rhe phrase "dumb blonde" on excuse or o reoliry? Most people seem ro rh1nl~ dumb blondes ore for real However. rhey agree rhot nor all blondes ore dumb Pat Jager said he rhoughr rhar some were prerry smarr and when osl~ed whether or not all blondes were dumb , Jim Dorney gave a defintte, "No "
When people rh1nl~ of dumb blondes they rh1nl~ of girls. but is there the poss1biliry rhar guys con be dumb blondes:> Jenny Kay said, "Definitely" and Graham Hogan agreed In addition, many people said rhar other people than blondes could be sre reoryped as dumb blondes "Jus t because
Todd Fondy
Aleoo Forsyrh
Sherry Fronk
Sean Frey
MeltS.SO Fry
Heorh Fuqua
Greg Gonrher
someone isn ' t blonde does nor mean they don'r deserve ro be ", stored Steve Colv i n. Lisa Leingang so1d rhot people were always telling her she should be blonde
Some people odmttred rhor rhey used the dumb blonde stereorype ro cover up stupid mistakes, but many others said rhey hated being called o dumb blonde Janet Hawk i nson said, " There ore just as many dumb brunettes as there are blondes ·' As for as the facts go, there is no storisticol evidence rhat hair color has anything ro do with intelligence
I' rl
Leslie Garrod
Scarr Goschler
Joe Gershrenson
Lorry Gidley
Chris GiTiespie
Jeff Gleon
f\ondy Golgorr
...* -:f '-·< -, __.._ -
A true blonde Joner Hawkruon explains ro Usa Leingang rhe pros and cons of being blonde
. Gino Gorden Stac.ey Goudge Lisa Gramm Heorher Greb f\oger Green Scorr Green Drendon Hoger Adom Homan Virgil Hordendorl Maurice Horrmon Tonyo Harvey l\oss Hastie Jill Hercher Dennis Houlmon Jody Houser Joner Hawkinson Wayne Heffelfinger Scarr Heisler Chns Hildreth Dort Hinkle Graham Hogon He1d1 Hooper Michelle Hughes Deon Husron Wendy Hurch1nson Drod Jackson Porrick Joger Jeff Jozwieckt IP\ ~/- ~I ...,_ I 1 :1 _,,,-• ,, ., . \ I !. • r 1r ..-.. ---r . ' J ~'t • ,, I I ~ .,,, ."... I \ I.........._~ I ~ . \ \- !. l ·~ ' ' "1 '" 'I I :_--=l\ ---· ..... - ~ ., --. I _,,,-rl.'.._.) ~--.::f"---1I ~ ··_.,, ,.~ J ~·-. J , IT I r;--· .--. .,.,,_., I :; ~1 1: ( \11£. · \. \. I"'-,. I ...., ' · f .---... , ..., ~ ,, _._,,_,. : ,.,_ . -- ' ,-.. .' "'"' ... ....
Enc Jensen Enc Johns Don Johnson Kim Johnson Jerold Jones Kelli Jones Morde Jones Von Jones Chandra Koy Jennifer Koy Drenr Kindsvorer Tamra Kletn Kenn Knittel Mork Knox Debro Kobernusz Kelley Kohn William Kribbs Kenh Kunce Tomirho Kurz Doniel Lo1romore Sreven Langmuir Cindy Larsen Deann Laurin Louro Leov1rr Christopher Le Uso Leingang Debbi Jo Levon Jone L.horok Poul Lindsey Deb ltsco Janice l.isrer Patrick Urr Dove Lock Valerie Logan Ira Long "Y \.'j •:,_/ ) r~ 1r·" )9\1T '.- ' ,·,gf . ' .A '-. ---"'1L L..J , '\\ ~ 5.\1 ____ -.a _ -~ · '--1 \ ..,, .l · '-~· 11 '" V • 4 ·i ,. ~-:;. \ ,, ' '1 • -~ M ) l\~ .;- , -t ' 1 ~, ,,) . "' ·1 V. .)... f J\ 11 ' 1 ·~ '\: 1 ' l (. '. , " I Ll• '\ ' ..
Teenage , madness' occupies juniors
Afovanre possrime of many srudenis rhis year (and every orher year) was to wrire o nore conroining every Juicy bir of gossip or reenoge problem Afrer wriring rhe nore on extra challenge was added to poss the note ro o friend, and ger a reply, without the reacher finding our Girls were usually the porr1oponts in this sporr, boys were usual ly "roo cool" for such foolishness, unless, of
( 1st name )
course, o special girl was involved
The tunny thing obour rhese notes was thor rhey generally were exrremely similar ro one another The main difference being names and dares Oelow is o generic note similar to rhe · Mod Libs'' of elementary school to remind you of notes you've wrirren or seen
Hey baby How be your ( noun )?
This 1s such a ( noun ) I hope we don' r hove ro ( verb) ( adv . ) all year I doubr
ir ( Name ) doesn' t ( verb) me or all Oh well, rhere's orher ( pl. noun ) 1n rhe
( noun. ) - I guess I rh1nl~ I'm going ro ( verb. ) ( Name ) Jusr ( verb) by, man oh man 1s he/she ( adj. )
Love yo, W /0
( 2nd name )
( verb ) you ro ( name of activity)
There's only about ( number) people
I'd wonr ro ( verb ) w1rh They ore ( names ) Do you wonr ro do somerh1ng rh1s weel~-end:> Oh yes, he /she 1s ( adj. ;
Love yo, W / 0 ( 1st name )
( 2nd name ),
You ore such a ( noun ( Name ) would never ( verb ) you I ber he /s he
( 1st name ),
Ler's go ro rhe ( sporting event) rh1s weel~end Coll me Uh oh ( teacher) Jusr called on me Gotro goLuv, ( 2nd name )
. Coro Longngg Dill Love
Kevin Lowe
Mil~e Luchetro
Lyle Lujan
Joe Lyon
Chris Mabry
:.: ..._;;r t • \ f ,' . I~ ' l' ' { ' I \ \ __l~
Jennifer Mocolody
Jennifer Madonna Nodine Maestas Todd Malmgren ChriStino Molone nm Manning Onan Mortin Tim Momnez Margaret Mason Oil! Matheus Jeff Matson Tommy Maxwell Dawna Mayo Jimmy McOure Terry McCully Par Mdnryre Stefani McN1chols om Michener Michelle Miller f\obin Millin Pam Mobley Kristen Molnar Orod Moody LyM Moon Susie Mooney Mindy Moore Sheila Moron Deon Mornson Audrey Morr Derek Mudd Donna Mulligan Eric Mund t Wendi Navarro Deon Nozorenus Debro Necas Jennifer Neighbors T tn'-PI \ , ' ;;;1 _,,~ - -
Look out it's 'The Long Arm'
P,ry the Junior De~des selling candy, rhe main highlight of rhe junior year 1s gerring 1n trouble wirh rhe-THE LAW (eel~) lnvan ably, rhe self respecring junior hos o brush wirh rhe low and invariably, rhe junior hos orher Juniors wirh him/herself and invariably, rhose orher Juniors are the juniors he/she wishes ro impress mosr
So whor does the creative junior do ro save face:> He becomes FUNNY Our whar exacrly ro say:> Soy somerh1ng lil~e " Doy , for
a second rhere I rhoughr rhor was John Wa y ne gerring our of rhor patrol car" or "Gee Officer, would you hold rhis 50 dollar bill while I lool~ for my licence?" (Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes & Rolls drivers only) Never ever ever say onyrh1ng like "Kiss my carbu reror, Flot Foor" or "Snap ir up, Porl~face, I haven'r gor all day" or simply "Oinl~, Oinl~"
Now you Juniors, good luck and be careful
. ShorO() NF•9um Travis
Carol Neuss Cl.on New
\ ·~ -...... \
Mike Nolan Wendy Nyland Missy O' Ho1r Ken Over~rreer
Bookem , Mu rder 1 Tom Zerbesr expenences rhe rhn;i ~) o: being rrr~ Zeroe.sr mis wos posed ) Gol<Jt-o polic4.:
y-~. Mr<
Ne'H privilege 'drives' juniors crazy
Warchour' Junior drivers or large! Yes , rh,s was rhe firsr year mosr Juniors hod rhe privilege of driving. bur ro many of rhem ir was more of a rerror than a pnvilege
When osl~ed whor rhey feared mosr obour driving, most Juniors answered with rhe everyday fears of having a wrecl~ or running a red light Ot course, some of the responses were nor ordinary, such as the fear of dnv1ng on the wrong side of the srreer or rhe fear of running a red lighr and running Inro the new rool~y cop, as Chris Raw li ng s con explain to the cunous
Yer a fear rhor seemed ro be even greor er than those mennoned above was rhe fear of rhe consequences of driving while drunl~ Some Juniors stated that rhey hod dnven while "un der rhe influence'' and rhot
Ir hod fnghrened rhem
Oelieve rr or nor, there were olmosr as many Juniors who feared rhe idea of driving wirh rheir morher or forher as rhere were rhose afraid of drunl~ driving!
Srill, rhere were even more fears
''Wha t really scores me 1s when my sisrer rides w,rh met"
''When my mom rides w1rh me she screams the whole nme '·
''I was going down the highway and I ran our of gos lt was dorl~ ourside and I hove never been so scored in my life ''
Those juniors Their hsr of fears goes on (and on ), but on orricle con only be so long'
Just a word of courion sroy off rhe srreers 1f you value your life or your roes'
Tim Podmo
Marnie Po~er
Kellin Pores
Chris Poulenich
Monon Payne
Pornce Pozar
l\ick Pearce
Jim Pearse
Amy Pearson
Jennifer Peek
Kirsren Pennell
Leanne P~nger
l\oy Pe1erson
Kim Pfeifer (Oores)
'\ \ " S1SJE/l, \JO I 'f•,L ' ,~ ·· X·'-,\ 'D t v I (~'"' "' . • i 0 0
Todd Pfeifer MK:hoe1Phil1ps Lesl'ie PhiMey Wilham Plckrholl Adorn Pineau Amy Pipkin Jomes Plummer Kn.sti Pollock Sreve Popiel Trevor Posrlerhwo1re Tommy Powell Jomes Presron Enc PrKe Shownerre Pnesr Koren Purdy Josh Purrnom Michelle l\odosev1ch Sophia l\ono Kon l'\andolph Juhe l\ord1n l'\ebecco l'\ascon Michele !\ouch Chns l\owhngs Todd !'\eves Heidi l'\ew1nkel Down l\hodus Down I\Jncoe I\Jchord l'\isley
Identity crisis
Many Juniors en.JOY the reolttvely smoorh soiling year between the uncertain nes of being a sophomore and rhe added pressures of being a senior However, some find rhere 1s nor as much to relore ro as a Junior
A Junior seems harder ro 1dennfy rhon older or younger studenrs They ore ofren m1srol"'en for being a grade higher or lower This may be porrly explained by rhe focr rhor Juniors usually hove friends 1n all rhree grades and often hong around wirh seniors or soph omores, whom they usually remember from Junior high
Bart Hinkle, who 1s frequenrly m1srol"'en for a senior, srored, "Ir doesn't morrer, we're all 1n rh1s dump rogether ''
Julie Rardin , another Junior who gers osl"'ed whor college she plans ro orrend next year, laughingly commented, ''ljusr wonder what will happen nexr year I hope people don't rhinl"' I'm a student teacher "
MordSchoe<:h Scorr
Penny l\obem Steve f\obeftson Darb f\ob1e Ot~ l\ogers Gory f\oldon
The look of maturity Juhe f\ord1n demonstrates the potSe thor makes people think she Is o senior She believes that everybody is equally port of the school ond that a person's grade doesn't morter much anyway
(:':{\ fl<,;_., , ·~ ' \ .~, .: ( , r
Kevin Scon
Sheridon nm Silcox
Michael Skinner
Smirh Shelley Smirh
Spillane Lynn Sroble1n
Tom Srrormon Garmon Srroh Michael Srroh Kelly Sweeney
Thomas Krisnn Thompson l\oberr Thompson l • ' J .,..I ~ :::,,; ' ......_ " ">, ~ / \ j~ - I f '
Chris Seres David Shover l\oberro
Corinne Simonds
Louro Srowe
Surprise benefit
Many Juniors, ofter signing up for rhe conglomerore of courses nrled • Ju nior Soool Srudies ·, found rhemselves rhrusr into the ever moving rurmo1ls and rorren fer id quagmires of 1nternotionol pollncs Not only did rhey learn essennols lil~e how many countries there ore in Central America, bur also they acquired such 1nreresnng ridbirs of focr as why World War l starred, how ro say " Hello, how ore you?'' 1n Chinese, why Rus s1on novelists are so verbose, who invented rhe Swiss Army Swab and which Oonanno Republics ore the best voconon spots If you rhinl~ rhis l~nowledge 1s meaningless or besr, rhen you haven't ployed Trivial Pursuit
Fronk nmms
Steve Torh
Kort Tuthm
Kim Von Loorhoven
!\ob Vehring
Gronr Versaw
Mike Viaor
Shannon Viaor
Chns Wales
Mike Wolloce
" - , ! • t (
Dove Weaver
\ \ --
See , I told you Eric Johns po,nrs out on obscure hisroncol locor1on which Enc Mundr con later use ro win o Tnv1ol Pursuir game
Joe Wells
P.ussell w ert)e,
Tom Wesremeld
Kathryn Wesrgord
Kyle Wesrgord
Doson Whidden
Shannon Whlsenh;.,nr
Orion Wildeman
Gino Wilhorru
Norman W1llioms
John Willoughby
Not pictured
1"1.oberr A!.her Alon Moreland
Anthony Dollard Orion Morns
Eric Oorrunek Jomes Noll
Mor~II Cloy Thomas Nord~
Ted Cross Tress Remington
Wendy Fox Curris l"l.obbins
Tonya Wind
Staci Winder
Morr Wineland
Lourree Workman
Mork Yocoverro
l"l.ondy Greene Nicole l"l.od~
Clifford Hougen Greg Steinmetz
l"l.u~II Hoy!Jerr William Stone
Kimberly Johnson P.onold Strong
Down Keen Shoun Tomkus
Michael I.Jtxo Jomes Word
lJso London David Webber
Maryanne Merr z Curr~ Wyckoff
Michael Moon
Pomeol Yanez
Michael Yunk
Tom Zerbest
Corrine Zertuche
Scarr Z1ponn
---·J -
• \ ,, ' I \ •
Can ' t y ou Just see It? P-osemerry Wah tola Karhy Zoccaro and Molly McDonald d&uss the possibility of creonng a mural on rhe floor outside of rhe gym as a Soph · omore Srudenr Council project
Leaders enjoy serving
S ophomore doss officers were ocrive ,n planning major evenrs such as Homecoming and Winrerfesr They also worl~ed on on idea of rhe1r own, a mural eirher on rhe floor 1n fronr of rhe gym or on rhe wall ourside of rhe cafereria Ar press r,me, rhe mural was srill 1n rhe planning srage Sophomore pres1denr Moll y M cDonald recalled, "I hove really enJoyed working w1rh rhe people at Golden and rhose in Council. This hos been a pos1rive and benefi cial experience
Vice presidenr Rosemerr y Wahtola add ed, "Srudent Council was a great opportun, ry ro have fun and have an influence on school evenrs Ir was fun ro be 1n a leadership position and have responsibility '·
Kath y Za cc aro , secretary treasurer. agreed, saying, ·'Srudenr Council ts a very valuable class ro me Ir's a switch from rhe orher classes 1n rhat, although we ger a lor done, ir's a time ro calm down and relax and rhen we ger more things done and thought our .
Liza AbodJ1an Nicholas Adams
'f I "'\ \ " ~,,..: ) " . ,..
P-ami Adams Chrisry Anderson l\ichord Anderson Don Arcnulera
Armsrrong Melonie Doker
Oordoy Samantha Oorelo
Joseph Darron Ten Ooys Mi-\e Oozz Greg Dear l\lchord Dech Ke,rh Dell Scorr Dennen Cori Oeery Morr Derry Susan Derry Enc Derringer Shell Ot0lkowskl K1rsren 01rd Don Olevins Oenron Oond Merry Oond Kelley Dowers Theresa Dowers Dionne Orody !\yon Or~II Lise Oreeze "":::--:::0 '\ \_ 1 l\ I I " ,. -'!.' \ ( t-: ) ""!'> '·l:•'l. """' 1'· - ~--' '·. t , \~. \\ "- I I
Andre Oreton Laro Drewer Leslie Orighom Steve Orouwer Sonya Drown Margo Ourgess Ttm Durron Oob Oyerly Heather Colondn Tammera Campbell ChriS Carbone Curr Carland Poul Carlson Sreven Cornefix Jo Cass Ml"ke Coruro Jenean Chapmon f\okesh Chopra Curr ·Chnsnensen Shene 01ne Tino Oouner Troy Coores Louro Cole Duree Comporsi Jenifer Condreay Koren Conner M ichael Connors f\obby Cool~ Chns Coons ,.., J • ' rl l• • i )' ( \ ' l \ , "' ('
-- Lockers reveal personalities
Therewere many controsrs be rween life as a freshman and life as a sopho more Ar high school studenrs were free to leave campus between classes Another interesting contrasr wos rhe opporrunity ro have one's own locl~er Not having to shore locl-<;ers bred some interesting results
Ofren. rhe decoration or locl~ of ir in a locl~er reflected rhe owner's lifestyle and 1n teresrs As the year progressed. some lock ers were completely "wallpapered" wirh examples of srudenr expression
Colorful collectlon One of the >0phomores who tokes full odvontoge of owning his own locker ,n Herb Schroeder he spends hours collecnng the nghr combiM · tion of pictures and dippings
1001 Ci:--:,per
., . " _r \ ,~ I~ l
Netl Cordell
Poul Coronado
r~-::'-~.., -:_,...- -- _,_- - --..-.::..=.-- ---=~ --= ~I- -,..t $ i i • • • • • • • ••
Cnsry Cress
Out to lunch
year many nin th grade srudenrs sroyed in rhe cofereno ro ear on rhe1r lunch hour However, rhis year mosr srudenrs rool~ odvonroge of rhe open campus privilege The srudenrs who weren ' r old enough ro drive, or d1dn'r hove cars, usually ore or rhe nearby Pizzo Hur, Toco John's or Sovewoy However, rhose who were lucl~y enough ro drive, or could bnbe someone else ro dnve rhem, hod more variery 1n rhe1r school lunches by going ro furrher away places such as M cDonalds, 7 11 , Dairy Queen or even ro Arby's, Ourger King and many orher places
Cherishing their places
Carolyn Culler Orf Cusack
Elena Cyr
Douglas Dole
Enc Dolhn Dallas Daniels
Glendo Dashiell Michael Davidson
( \ \ ' J ~iti ... , ~ , ' ' .. " .. \ I\ • .. -
Kira Davis Scarr DeAnrhony
--~ ta .,.,.c_•,.. •
for o b it ro eat or rhe well known Pluo Hut resrouronr
Piling the ir personal pan pizza Laro Hurcheson - ond Janet Selbe toke o breal~
Denise Worermon and f\osemerry Wohtolo wa t ponenrly since only rhree students ore allowed inside Sovewoy o r o rime Two more ore ready ro rake rhe1r places as soon as rhey enter
r\Ob !:\.JofVlln9 Amy Denson GayDeursch Em ~virr Or enr Dickman OOonoro Ron OOonoro Khonh 0"1h 01ris Disney O\ns Doheny Scorr Donn Jennrf er Donohue Deidre Downs Shaw na Drobrnck Do w n Droel Thomas Drouillard Annerre Duhamel Oecky Dungan Koren Dunn Orff Dvorak Ellzoberh Eadens Gndy Ecker Charo 81iorr Donere Ellison Coorue England Dret Ensmnger Stephanie Erickson Denise Evens ! "' , • II •• ~ I - ' 71, ~· I Al ~ j A ' 1 I ) ,~ .,u ""= -----:-=tr! -z .. "L.J . Z" 11 -,- '_ \ ....__,,, , -:1 • 1 1 ....~" 1 I l l •· ~:•l ...... " 'l;.'.. . -,,_., ',,_.. ""-_:: ;. : :JI. - ·-- -· --_, ..... I • -- .--- I ' \, \ 'J I I i \ 1. ,,_ - 'ii ,I · ' \ \ ti I • l ·" .··, l! t'.\ - ._-1 ' I .. ....~,.. I .... - .,. .. . ,. ,-- \ - ' (~ I; ,... , ' ... ~I I '
Drool~e Fields Enc Fink More Fiserre Joell Fish Shown Fitzgerald Amy Flad~ Tim Foster Enn Franks Chns French Mil~e GoddLS f\od Gaddis Erin Gage Wayne Gamble Kevin Gosvodo Mornno Gerw1ng Dobby Gener Srephen Gener Evererr Gldlund K1mG1II Mil~e Gleed Downonn Godwin Chris Goldbock DeeOee Gooden Gayle Goodwin Tom Grant Wayne Greenhalgh Gory Grosso Tino Guerrero M ork Hogen Juhe Hoger M ory Hagerty Mike Hajek Dole Holbeisen f\oberr Hompron Doug Hording , ., ' ... '- ,· .., ~• -'; .. l \ ',\ \ ' • .. (' \ ,,, ' ., '\ \ . ) •
Solly Horney
Jim Harper
Sche!ene HorriS
Holee Horrley
l\yder Horrley
Cynrhia Houlmon
Elizabeth Houprman
Dallas Hawkes
Mora Hawkinson
Aaron Heern
Wendy Heffelfinger
Cohn Heinrich
Carol Heismonn Julie Herr
M eltS.SO Herrero
Norm H,d~
P.oben Hildreth
TonZJe Higgins
Tonya Hillen
Molly Hogon
P.usell Hopkins
Ke,rh Houghron
Donny Hull
Koren Hull
Kim Hurney
Laro Hurcheson
Teresa lhly
Troo Jenkins
\\ .. ':> • )' \ ' • ·~ ' \ ' . " L ....;\ ,l, !If ~ 11 » _ '
r--Jeff Johnson Mike Johnson f\urh Johnson Tonyo Johnson Tray Johnson Jenni Jones Kon Jones Monico Jones Pam KoJ1woro Angelo Kondel Down Keen Jill Kennedy Srocey Kerrenng Sohoh Klein Mike Klinkenfus Doug Kromer Scarr Krorcho Kevin Kubosta Carolyn Kuberry Scarr Kurgan Loren Long Michelle Long Tammy Lansford Sreve Latorre De-rel~ Lee L1so Levy Thomas Low Srocey Lucktnbtll Tracy Luckinbill f\oymond Lund Darlene Luoma Yann Lussiez ANJrew Mokarov Tommie M olone Krisn Molooey I ... _,..- .-:.~ l ' i' 'I ' .., , ~ - ~4 I ' I ...... --~ I 'I ... -~ l 1 -.,, , ~_J ...,.~ _r,:ma I I ,.,,,., -.i - · • I I II, r- - ..,;a I .,,. I\ 1 ...( '~\ I "'\ I . " -.- r I~ f I I - ,. -1 r -~ - ~ 11 / -- , ~ , · I ~ 1-- ~ ' , fW- I :\• ----..._ 1a·..... • \ ,, ,,- I. ; , J '- \ l I r II L .. ,. 'l•M " • I I , I I ll!a..... I I ' ..,..---~ -\ I " -"" ,,_I I._,. ~ Ir " !..,.__ I , ~ , •• --,, r, 1 111111 I ! • • • • 1, ' ....
Sophomores star
Thedoss of '67 dlSployed o great deal of orhleric ob1liry and school spInr rh1s yea r The girls upser rrodirion by d efearing rhe seniors 1n the Homecoming Pow der Puff Foorboll Gome
The sophomore football ream scored 1n over half of rhe1r games and bear Ever green
A total of 87 sophomores wenr our for foll sporrs and over 25 of rhem lerrered Ar press nme, 42 sophomores were ploying winter sports With so many rerurning lertermen, nexr year's reams promise to be full of ex cepnonol rolenr and Demon Pride'
Hid ing beh ind the microphone Knsry Wirth occeprs rhe Colorado Sidelines/Dr Pepper Mosr Voluoble Player Award for her occom plishmenrs in softball, presenred by Mork Geroli
A cup full of spirit Cnsry Cress, Natasha Stogner. o v1S1ror from Evergreen ond Erin Devitt dnnk o mogic ponon 91v1ng them extra school sptnt for the Homecom ing game.
Age after beauty
S eniors somerimes enJoyed hosseling sophomores However, not oil sophomores go t picl-;ed on by seniors , especially 1f they were prerry girls
Jason Pfaff ' s firsr orrrocnon ro Hallee Hartley was, "nor beouse she was o sopho more, bur because of her blonde hair, and things jusr gor berrer from there '
Terry Jewsbury said, "I wasn ' t exactly lool-;1ng for o sophomore, bur rhot's just the way things turned our, and we gor at teched "
Ar press rime some of rhe other sopho more senior couples were Cynth ia OardayKelth Sealy , Rosemerry Wahtola -Richard Smith , Kathy Paez-Shaun Christenson , Katy Ross -J. R. Ewing , and Mary SmithDarrell Woolsey
Scorr Monninen Chuck Manning
Jomes Marler Jerry Marlow
Shelly Morch David Marsh
Michelle Marsh Shannon Mortox
Tywmo M aup in Lon M oyes
( \, '
Seni or s ond sophomore s can co-ex i st Senior Terry Jewsbury and Sophomore Srephonie Encl~n express how rhey f eel obour each other wirh their smiles
Inspire of the snow P.ichord Smith and Rosemerry Wohrolo ore rry1ng ro keep each orher worm
. Pout Moyes Kelly McCtoY.ey Korhy McDonald Molly McDonald Orer Mc8h1nney Jerico McMiUon Mario McWilhoms Jodi Mech Mickey Messohne M1l~e Meyers Kevin Michels 0111 Miller Lourie Miller Tnno Miller Doug Miner Stacey Monroyo Nancy Mooney Korie Moore Chnsnne Murphy Cher Neal f\ichord Neal f\ondo Neal Down Nelson Sonie Nelson He1d1 Nielsen Denell Nusse Mike Ogle Down Oswald [ I I I ' I ' \ • .__,,.... r ~ ,\ 'i"""-~ "' '' •i, --.. ' ' . \ ~ , \ J J ) ' :,.. J . I I \ I ~,t . • '\ C. ,, \ ~\\ 11 \ ~ ..._ ,::) \ • Iv ~, ( \ ) '\
Keirh Oviorr Tracy Owen Korhy Paez Mtl-<.e Parrish Angel Parron Shonna Poul Chuck Payne Chns Peoi;on Clad10 Peno Thomas Peterman MtcheUe Petersburg Natalie Petersen Lonee Peterson l\on Phelps Jeff Plummer Sandy Perr l\ochelle Pnce Chorlorre Quoronno Kirk Quinn Koren l\offerry Scorr l\oile N1Cole l\01tz Mtke l\olston Chns l\eed Tracy l\ese1gh Elena l\eul Dorboro f\hoodes Jomes Puce Mork l\k:hordson Kenirh l\oberts Morino l\ogers l\ichord l\ogers Leno l\orbech Debro l\oss Katie l\oss \ '1 ~ I 4,,, -- ~ , ~- ---=:· · . ' .rJ'~Yl . . t~ 1 ·- ~1 I' ~- -J C ·l I ) . . _.., • - ~~ "'fill I IW' --r l ,~,·- ;, ~·.~~( I 1 ~7 I :~J_-• J '\_ _ / \ \ L _ L .J. \ -, i . ,,,~~ ,,. ,,, , • , \ "~' ~ -\..• ,a\ 1\, i JI ' \ JV "' ":, f - i' l , .....,_ ' • .)__ I -.. , \ I I ' - ) \. \ \ \ J I r I I I • 1'
Chns Soncerro
Curr Sonders
Don Sonders
Donna Schilling
Korhy Schriner
Liv e lin es s re turns on the 'WOY home Mosr
sophomores hod no choice bur ro ride the bus The bus rides ro and from school were very d1fferenr from one another On rhe way ro school the srudents were ex tremely mellow and many of them fell into a shorr bur sweer sleep The ride home, however, consisted of hyper bodies and mourhs flopping everywhere The differ ence between rhese rwo rides was phe nomenol
As Am y Fl ac k commented, "The nde ro school is quiet and calm bur rhe ride home 1s loud and obnoxious'"
Ru th Johnson agreed with that and odd ed that her nde home was often cold be cause of the · freeze ours" where everyone opened rhe windows wide!
Dennis !'\yon
Oound l ng out of his seat Craig Seiner leans over Marshall Cloy exoredly ro give in derail o small porr of h is day
) \ \ ••
So subme rged In sleep Oob Oyerly slumbers rhrough rhe deporring of h iS fellow busmores as rhey ornve or GHS 'Sleeping beouries " were common on rhe morn ing bus
\ ___..._ \l • c ~ .__,.,.
Herb Schroeder
f\ero Sc.h ulrhes.s
Liz Schulrz
Sean Shwobouer
Jeff X:OIT
Mory X:OIT
Shelley Sealy
Janice Selbe
Joyce Selbe
Heorher Sehrrennikoff
Craig Seiner Down Sharp
Kim Sharp
Ahson Shoyo
Sarah Shier
Lorne Stlburn
Vanessa Simcox
Kelly Sl~nner
Rivalry or rescue , 'D
Morty Skyrmon
Orendo Sm,rh
Onan Sm,rh
Chnsnno Smirh
John Smrrh
Krisnen Sm11h
Mory Sm,rh
Enc Sourhwell
on'r you dare go i nro rhe lounge! " " Never, never rell anyone you ' re my s1srer, evert " Alrhough rhese rhrears from older brorhers and sisters seem demeaning , rhere were many advantages ro having older siblings arrend school or rhe some rime For example, rhe rides ro and from rhe school (no more dreaded bus rides) , help 1n finding everything around school (somehow brorhers and sisrers ex plain things berrer rhan school maps) , and rhar exrro help 1n a class already ral~en by on older brorher or sister could be very useful Ir ' s undersrondoble rhor the mojoriry of rhe people who orrended school with an older sibling enjoyed it However, rhere were a few individuals who don'r agree that the situorion was enjoyable "Ir's !~ind of a drag," sro t ed Amy Flack . "Everyone JUdes me by what my s1srer does, especially reochers"
1-"'"!~-~ ....-:.: .. ' -i, I ~. ,,_ I ' ·' ..:: '\-.. \.. .. .. ~r Q - ~ ""'· , ' - .. - '....__. I.·'.,.. \ \ ' t t • • \ l '
' l '
. Lora~ Jeanne Spence Sean Spiilone John Spu:vey John Srouffer Dorio Sreele Todd Sreinbock Dirk Stelter He1d1 Stevenson Heather Stewon Morgon Stewart Norosho Srogner Dab Strotman Kelly Srubbs Ch~ Tonoko Elhot Thiede -~ .; ~r-· 1~. 1, \ I 1 .l. ' ..... - ,. ' \ l- :. \ I \ I ~'!fa ,,,., _., Look mom, we ' re not fight i ng Nor ~eing enough of each orher or home. Morry and Erica Sl~yrmon spend rhetr lunch hour rogerher - - ,!!I
Joe Thisrlewood
How about a date?
[) rriiinnnggg
"- Hello, is Sarah rhere:>
This is Sarah
Hi rh1s 1s 0obby. whar are you doing:>
Nor much, whor ore you doing:>
Norh1ng umm, Do you umm never mind
Whar:>1 Come on, Just rell me Ol~oy, Doyouhoveodoreforrhehome com1ngdonce:>
Pardon me:>
Would you lil~e to go ro the homecoming dance w1rh me:>
Morr Thull
For mosr people their firsr dare happened as a sophomore We'd like ro soy rhor all dares rurned our ro be great. although some rurned 1nro a d1sasrer When a guy called up a girl and asked her ou r, he was probably going crazy until she finally said ''yes·· Then he had ro deode where he was going to rake her Mosr ended up or a movie and dinner When they l~new each orher the dare usually rurned our well, cause rhey could carry on a decen t
Mork Traub
Mork True
l\oxonne Tru1mo
Joel VonDyke
Ten Vonloorhoven
l\ondy VonTrump
Derek VonWesrrum
Volene Vid1s
Dedra Vollmor
Jeff Vorhis
Julie Vux1nic
l\osemerry Wohrolo Por Woldez Amy Walker
.... .... tv
Tim Thied
,. ;. ----le . I , ,, A - J. I ~ ~~; { ll. T"'--57\ - I ' \ .r .- --=- - ( \ I ' )
Anxiously Sarah Klein covers rhe phone rrying ro hide her exoremenr as she wonders whor ro soy nexr
Keei)On Worren
Louro W arren
l\oberr Worron
De nise Wo rermon
Down Weeks
Troy West Scot Werzel
I Thomes Oenjom1n l\obert Leov1rr
Joe Coin l\onold Lierz
Mel~o Calloway Enc Momon I Jomes Clabough John Morrin
l\oberr Colangelo Gerry Morrensen
Fronl< Dangelo V1crorio Orero
Amy Dyl<es l.lso Sourer
Paulo Elms John Schindler
Jennifer Gallagher Philip Schmidr
Debro Gosnell LotS Seiler
M1l<e Greenlow Onan Srrong
Liano Hempel Donavon Tolbert
Deren Hopronsroll Craig Turley
John Hildenbrondr Michael Wallace
Tonya Hillen David Wilson
Kristy Hurchison Connie Wood
. Dove Wolsh
' ·-· ----r, 1 ' - - - - - ~_j I & ,---- -'IJ l \ ~ \ :, r • .i · \\ -----------.. \. £. . I • \ , , .. -<:;;>-' • ,-, ., ,• f 1 1"'~ '/ ,;, I .\ ~ I~ ,, \ ~) \ ' Not pictured
ehouse Dwo1ne Wh1rhingron Come W il cox Debi W1l homs Willer Willis Jodie Wilson Jusnne Wilson KriSry W1rrh Poul Worsfold Kevin Yeorrs Korhy Zaccaro Morr Zellmer Cynrhio Ziemann Fronk Zurey
Words of wisdom Prinopol Henry Luhon and ossasronr pnnopols Don Ponerson and Oorboro S1bold bnef new assistonr John Vidal on survival rocrics or GHS, lore, Vidal posses ir on ro Jock Josr
New man on campus Joel~ Josr quier • ly Joins rhe sroff o couple weeks before second semesrer bur 1r isn't unnl six weel~ later or on orhlerics assembly rhor everyone realizes who he is
New 'bosses'
Barbara Slbold lefr or semesrer to be come assisranr principal or rhe new Charfield High School She acl~nowledged rhar she would miss GHS and rhe other admInIsrrorors, adding, "Ir's grear being able ro worl~ rogerher as well as we did ''
Jack Jost rool~ her place as assisranr princi pol Jost has l~nown Henry Luhan since 1957 when Luhan was his seience reacher or Tnnidad High School They have l~epr In touch since rhen Josr was very proud of his Job or Golden He said, "The vosr moJonry ore friendly and care about their school, I lil~e rhe school's diversity and rhe sraff 1s grear," Anorher new adm1n1srrator was John Vida I. He added a bright rouch ro rhe school w1rh his philosophy, "If you con'r laugh or yourself you can't have fun "
------·-~./.-....., ....
• J y / ..C. V V :::> - "O ::,0 0 c:) c:) 0 a, E o ._ ._ O 0 zu C ! ._ c:) a, C 0 0 ._ a, V'" ... ..c.a, ._ V C >- a, '- c:) .D 2 a, -g .... ._ 0 ._ c:) ._ 0 ._ ,:: C a, 0 ..c.. .D ..c. 0 <( u --.. C0 a, "O E u ._ ..C. C V c:)0 V'I 2 c:) 0 c:) "O E C > 0 ..c. O ..C. 0 0 I- --.. C g a, C a, >- a, "O O "O C O 0 <( a, ._::, ._ a, ..c. a, .Y ._ 04'. >
Sour apple days
S ,udenrs weren'r the only ones who had bod days at Golden High School Teochers had bod days roo
Dick Orad sby may hove been upset when a few of his srudenrs in Morh Analysis forgor rheir deriving licenses Morh Anal was taught 1n rhe Driver's Educonon temp Ger ir:> Deriving license, Driver's Ed room Ha , Ho, very funny, Bradsby l
When Germon reacher, Diane Brown , was asl.c.ed whar rurned her good days into bod, she JOl.c.ingly replied, " Jeff Boldt Tom Zerbe st , and Brad Ba umgartner. "
Drown was l.c.nown ro be displeased when some of her students lil.c.e Joe Well s drew NaZi symbols on her desl.c;s Tal.c.e some rowels and Windex and scrub, Dummkopfl
All in all, we only gave teachers a hard nme once or rw,ce rh1s year l\1ghr, guys:>
,, , • ' """.,_.. t.,A,., "~"-"U
' \
Gi mme a break Mike O'Dor1S10 con'r even find peace on his lunch hour
Koren Carlsen Roy Daugherry
David Fairbanks Delores Corhermon Don Dilworrh David Farrar Lory Cease Oruce Douglass Elaine Firzgerold
Louro Ourczyl~ Oonnie Cody Gene Child Mori~ Dunn Henry Gercl~en
Diel~ Oyrne David Campbell Sarah Daniels Debby Duronr Voundo Goode
1 I
Louise Grore Margery Hagin
Dorboro Horns Mil<;e Horrmeisrer
Sron Hergenreter Mori-; Hornecl-;er
John Jaramillo Carol Job
Eric Johnson Lars Johnson
Weekly Honors?
S ,udent Council, ,non effort to recogr11ze reochers. held srudenr/reocher elecrions for Teacher of rhe Weel<; Winners or press nme were tor besr dressed Art Popenf us , Sandy Nations , and John Klug . Winners for mosr organized were Cheryl Lucas , Joan Jouett, and Oob Williams . Teachers rhor were mosr lil-;ely ro be seen or a rock concerr were Debb y Durant , David Farrar, and Raoul Pi rri . Teochers vored mosr lil-;ely ro succeed were Stan Hergenreter, Dave Fa i rbanks , and Dick Oyrne . Orher planned corogones were greorest comedian, mosr unique most creonve, mosr ourrageous wardrobe, most rrod1rionol, mosr "Vogue" or "G Q ", cleanest room, besr "bod", mosr films, mess1esr desl<;, mosr affecrionore, mosr seductive. biggest nose, shinniesr head, and mosr hair
Sron HoJel-; l\uby Hole
l\oberr Hayes V1rg1n10 Hayes
Dorbaro Howes Carole Haynes
Inez Heinzman Jill Hull
==-==--_;;_..:::: - ,L_ .__ -
Oe s r Dre ss ed? Teocher of rhe week John Klug poses ,n hrs vogue designer roes , shirr, ponrs, ond coffee mug
Gale Hollberg
Interest in sports lasts a lifetime for some teachers
T eachers don't JUst reach, they also do many orher rh1ngs Many of rhe foculry members or GHS ore involved In a sporr one way or anorher Eirher rhey coach or rhey porricipore, and some rimes rhey do borh
This summer Roger Myers , Dewain Wood and Steve Walker pornopored 1n rhe Jrd annual M1nnesoro Gorder ro Gorder Triorholon They worl.c;ed In reams rhor each rode rhe1r bil.c;es 205 miles, ran 50 miles and paddled a canoe 50 miles all in a four day period This was only a worm up for M yers , who lorer comple red rhe lronmon Triorholon In Howo11
Gorh Barbara Sibold and Mark Hornecker were ocnve In running, while rhere Still full of energy l\oger Myers yn 1Ies confldenrly os he completes rhe 1984 lronmon Triorholon World Cham pionship race
was also a faculry aerobics class for borh men and women every Monday, Wednes day and Fnday Undefeored for rhree sea sons in a row. rhe faculry boskerboll ream ployed again losr wInrer coached by Sam Petroff.
In Ocrober, ofrer worl.c;ing rhree monrhs, Ruby Hale received a 100 Mile club porch and a Jocl.c;er from rhe Goldent Recreation Deporrmenr The award was for woll.c;1ng 100 measured miles She Is now worl.c;1ng on her 500 mile porch
There was also a wonderful group of golfers who didn' r l.c;eep score, according ro on anonymous 1nformonr
• -11'l \- 0 "' -- -& : ~ ;
Louise McKelvy
Lindo Jones
John Kellenbenz
Pearl Lucas Caroline Mallory
Oob Kinsey
Henry LuJon Oren Meho
John Klug
Ross McClure Deon Miller
Oob Kromer
,--~~----~-~------------------;:==~-;;-~~~--;,;:--;-::=::::--==:-'.""':=-:-----------------------------------------~~ ~------------------- - -~~-~-------------,,r.i/1 "1'.M"''\ ,..f:\...;,...--, r, r--, .---. ---~
Thomas McDowell Al Morris
Teachers strive for self improvement
S rudenrs were sometimes surprised when they come into class ro find rwo or rhree teachers 1nsreod of one The "exrros" were seared 1n desl'\S wirh rhe srudenrs
When a curious student osl~ed why his soool srud1es reacher was sirring in his English class, he was told rhor ir was pan of a new Peer Evaluation Process
A comm1rree or GHS worl~ed all losr year ro pion and get occepronce for the process, which is on olternonve unique ro Golden
Every year for non tenure teachers and every two years for tenure teachers on evaluation of rhe reacher's performonce 1s required In rhe posr, this was done by one of rhe principals This year, however, 24 teachers and counselors chose ro include peers 1n rhe evoluorion process As ex plained by Zelma Seberg , "It will promote commun1conon among the staff, which con only serve ro improve school climate and
mol~e things better for rhe l~1ds '·
Tearns of rhree teachers and one odm1n1s trot or were for med The reochers observed or leosr four classes roughr by each other reacher, or four hours of counseling dunes for a counselor The odmin1stroror observed a similar amount Tearn meetings were held before observations ro discuss what they wonted observers ro lool~ for and ofter words to reporr what was observed Ar rhe end of rhe year, each reacher wrore on evoluonon based on feedback he hod gorren from observers and discussed rhe evolu orion wirh the odm1nisrroror
Roy Daugherty , Peer Evaluation Com mirree chairperson, said, " The purpose 1s rwofold firsr, ro help teachers improve reaching performance, and secondly ro pro v1de teachers rhe opporrun1ry to communicate w1rh each other about 1nsrrucnonol concerns such as disophnory problems ''
.. J
P.ole reversal ? No, Lou1Se Grore isn'r being o srudenr for rhe day, she's observing l\oy Dougherry's reaching rechniques as porr of rhe new peer evoluonon process Her orrennveness is shored by exchange srudenr Mone Perrersson
Sandy Nonons Don Porrerson Dob Purl~o _... Cheryl Nelson Par Payne Diel~ Roberrs·Mil~e O'Dons10 Som Petroff Jerry Rosenrhol Gail O'Neil Raoul P1rn Steve Rusch Joe Murdocl~ Roger Myers Arr Popenfus Phyllis Pnce Carole Rurr
t I ....
Teachers' pets
Torhe GHS srudenr, o reochers' per was a boy named Eugene wirh roped blocl~rimmed glosses , o briefcase and one rhreep1ece suir thor doesn'r march irself
In reoliry. a zooful of animals could be found 1n different teachers' homes These pers. with anything from scales to fur as coors, brighrened rhe days of GHS insrrucrors and listened ro rheir problems with loyolry and undersrond1ng
"I definitely hove rhe weirdest lool~ing dog I've seen " exclaimed Dave Farrar. ·'This Ausrrollion Shepherd hos blue eyes and no roil · she ploys soccer and fnsbee, and she's an excellent warch dog," said Farrar , who also hosred hamsters and house mice ro his home
Gale Hallberg hod borh o rricl~y feline and o dog " Ping Pong Pants Hallberg 1s the mosr ocrobonc car around , · she ex plained
John Klug also owns a semi -famous car who hos appeared on rhe GHS sroge Sandy Nations claimed , "Teddy Gears mol~e rhe besr pers You don r have ro ler rhem our side and you don r hove per food scorrered around and they don't leave messes '
David Sordeson Zelma Seberg
Elaine Smith Ole Smirh
Ken Vanderlaan John Vidal
Julie Serafin Oob Srol~es Terri Wahlberg
Lowell Sharp Oorboro Sibold
Debbie Srol~es Sue Srrouse
Marilyn Wilcox Oob Williams
Dewain Wood Connie Wr ight
Jone Wunderlich Gene Youngmonn
training Sandy Notion5 reads ro her Teddy Dears our of rhe Teddy Oeor Handbook Dozen5 of Teddy Dears shore her home in srvffed or ptcrorol form
tn , a t@ii@z==-• e
A job well done Jenifer Durbin ond Kns Foreman Congrorulore rhemselves on rhe ploy mode by
Dumping the ball - Tommy Lansford demonsrrores rhe eprome of following rhe rule "l~eep your eye on rhe boll"
4 6 5
Varsity - Front Row : Cheryl Smtrh, Juhe Chavez, Keth Jones Jenifer Durbir- Tnno Miller, Chorlorre Quoronno, Dack Row · (OSS1e Thiede, Oecky Neeley, Suzi Swenson, Tommy Lansford, Kris Foreman, Orod Ounger (coach)
Ill \
Jr Varsi ty - Fr ont Row : Sharon Ne1gum Tommy Lons ford Tnno Miller Chorlotre Quororino Dack Row: Orod Ounger (cooch), Tracy Carland Wendy Niland Sreve Oushey (cooch) Nor P1crured Sreph End~n
rhe GHS volleyball ream
V,cronously rhe GHS volleyball ream sp1l~ed rhe1r way ro rhe rop Oy rhe end of rhe season. rhe1r final record was a srunn1ng 19 JII
"Oecause we wor!~ed hard ro win. ~his year was rhe mosr fun of rhem all,' ex claimed Senior Cassie Thiede
The ream agreed rhar ploy ng or home was a def1n1te odvanroge and rhor rhe con r1nu1ng supporr of rhe school helped
add the oomph
ro rheir games The game aga1nsr Evergreen during Homecoming weel~ drew a blocl~-our crowd'
I -
Sophomores • Fron! Row Kirn Sharp Do-...n Nelson Shonn Morr?x Da c k Row . Heidi Srevemon, JU Ken nedy. Norol,e Perersn• D, J ,e Orody Lindo Sinda,r (coach) Nor P1crured Vanes.so Simcox
Leaping high In rhe air Dechy Neeley sp1i~es rhe boll while reommores Kelh Jones Jenrufer Durban Kns F >remor and Suzi Swenson bocl~ her up
On her knees Norol,e Pererson slides ro o srop JUST 1n rime ro whop rhe boll
> rr-
This year s Golden foorboll ream rool~ o big srep Co lli n Donn e r po1nred our ' The ream really improved wirh rhe help of Coach La rs Johnson . This years vors1ry ream hos progressed rremendously "
Senior Dave M eyer was named Mosr Valuable Player Joh nson said he really hod o hard nme saying who was M V P because rhe boys all did rhe1r JOb ro rhe besr of rhe1r obihry Joh nson srored wirh pride
Sophomores rhlS year pulled rhe1r we1ghr Chet Neal and Tro y John son were rwo of rhe oursronding players on borh vors1ry and sophomore reams The sophomores won one game ogo1nsr rhe Evergreen Cougars, rhe fi rsr game Golden hos won 1n rwo years They come close ro many vicrones, m1ss1ng rhe wins by one or rwo po1nrs
Reaching for the stars defying grov,ry Chns Kuberry reaches for the srars ro carch a rhrow from Mike Srroh
Nall -biting nervous coaches Lars Johnson and Sreve Tepleron war ch and wa,r arrennvely during on ,mpor ranr ploy
1 to 0
''If a guy got down, the next guy picked him ,, up.
' 'I" ,. r "' ' I " ' J I i J
Teamwork work s Quorrerbod\ Troy Johnson I~ for on open '€'(.e1ve< as Mon, Toy1or and Todd Reves sroy bock ro defend him
VARSITY FOOTBALL- Front Row · Don Cook (cooch), M ork Young M ork Toyior Kevin Oorber Lars Johnson cooch Collin Dooner Oms Kuberry Ttm Luke 2nd Row : Deon Oesron 'cooch), Kevin Duremon Enk Jensen V1r9, Hordeodorf Jeff Droden Jim Dorney Neo1 Dr&oll, Dob Ortego (cooch Jrd Row • Srocey Kerrenng monoger Chorf,e Goins cooch), Tom Srrormon, Dennis Houlmon Kon Turh,11 Scorr Dremon Jeff M odonno Chuch Dell cooch), Amy Dykes (monoger Bo ck Row Merry Dond .monoger), Mike Srroh Todd fl.eves Dr,en M ynhell', Scorr Coss Dove Me yer Nore M arler
SOP HOMORE FOOTBALL- Fronr Row · Troy Johnson Enc Fink Amy DyKes mon ager) Srocey Kerrering manager Drer M cElh1nney Khonh Dinh 2nd Row Don Cook (cooch), Dob Srrormon, Kevin Kubusro M erry Oond (manager Denr,is Ryon, M ork f\Jchordsorl, Chucx Dell (cooch) Jrd Row Deon Oesron 'cooch), Denron Dond Troy Coores Kevin Gosvodo, Chuck M anning M ike Khnkefus, Mike M eyer<., Bo ck Row Dirk Sr el rer, M orr Thull David Walsh, Don Sonders. Ro DiDonoro Cher Neol Dob Ortego coach) Nor Pictured : Sreve Templeron (cooch), Dole HolbeISOO
·---------------------------------------------------------------------I ' 'f , ' " " ' " ' ' I I l I ' • l l If ' t a ' '
Hlr It Kelley Kohn ploys cooch while relhng Liso Newell ro slide
JV SOFTDALL • Front Row · Shelly Sm1rh , Kel h Jaycox , More Hawkin.son 2nd Row : Griff W,rrh cooch Jod~e Deckman , Amy Denson Sue Elhs (cooch Dock Row · Kr1Sr· Pollock, Deonn Lounn, Monique Mezo No t Pictured : Knsreo Molnor
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ -
132 - I :I
The wh iz k i d Krisry W1rrh winds up for one of her six differenr p,rches
rhis year rhe g,rls' softball ream become one of Golden s claims ro fame f\onl~ed n,nrh ,n leogue or rhe opening of rhe season , rhe ream performed powerfully and en rered rhe ploy offs ,n fourrh place Afrer a grueling ren 1nn1ng march ogo,nsr Wheor f\1dge and a rnumph over Alameda , rhe g,rls sofrboll ream f1n1shed rhe season ,n rh,rd place Th,s success did nor come easily ro rhe ream New oss,sronr coach G riff W irth , al ways srressed rhor,
Th,s was rol~en ro heorr
There were 1nd1v ,dual successes also ,n eluded ,n rh,s years ream Four people were named AP Conference players F1rsr ream players were Tr acy Reseig h or shorr srop and Kr is ry Wirrh os pircher W i rrh also re ce1ved rhe Dr Pepper M V P of rhe weel"i 1n Seprember Second ream ur hry player was Jo Coss . To m my Po w ell received Honorable mennon as corcher
"This year was greor remorl"ied Jo Coss "especially since we re all fnendsl
_ __ _ ________
' 'To be the best , you have to beat the res t . ''
A class act Good sporrsmonship is displayed while congrorulonng rhe orher ream on o game
V A RS ITY SO FT BA LL Front Row · Trish Pozar Tommy Powell uso Newell f\oso Alvarado 2nd Row Sue Ellis coach Tracy f\ese1gh Kelley Kohn Srefoni McN1chols
Gnff Wirth <coach Bock Ro w : Holee Hanley, Jo Coss
Krisry W1rrh , Chandra Koy Jenny Koy
A kick In the gross This ,nnocenr looking boll is obour ro be 50 yards down rhe field Look or those thigh muscles Tom Culver shows perfecr form 1n kicking o soccer boll
Halftime consu lrotlon Cooch Vince Cosrelonno rallies hlS reom ro "shoot our" another half
on oncoming
Groce In the goal box Scarr Schroeder makes o flying effort ro srop
TheDemon soccer ream won rhree of rhe1r losr five games , ofrer o slow srorr 1n rhe season
Copro,n Jim Tisdel explained "The rurn around come when we dropped rhe ·soccer mode 1n Germany' sryle and rerurned ro rhe old rehoble
'Jeffco kick and run'
rhor was so successful lasr year '·
Junior Larry Gidley was Golden's leading scorer rh1s year and also mode second ream srriker 1n All Srore Greg Gantner also mode second ream or goalie and Chris Hoover , and Tim Romig received honorable men r1on as defenders
Varsity soccer Fron t Row : Orer Ensminger Tim Po
d1llo Chns Doherry Greg Gonrner Scarr Schroeder, Mork Heffingron , Lorry Gidley Tom Culver Dab Oyerly
Bock Row : Vince (05rellono Jim Pearse Jim TtSdel , Chns Auld Poul Woofold, Chris Hoover Tim P.omig
John Hogon, Don Cress John Fagen Waldemar Lorenz (coach)
A Golden Chip Tom Culver cenrers rhe boll ro owoir ,ng reommores
n I I I /0
CROSS COUNTRY Front Row • Molly
Hogon Shelley Perersen LISO Arnold ,
Tonyo Harvey Nancy Por100 LISO Cole
Ashley Abel Tywdlo Maupin 2nd Row :
f\obby Prochr, Down Sharp Kim Drap-
er Soro Scarr Downo Moye Koren An
drews Donerre ElllSO() Mike Davidson ,
Jrd Row · Som Perrott coach), Ted Sre
venson Donny MorrlSO() , Drerr Gaddis ,
Gronr Versaw Ellior Thetde Dnon
Srrong Chns Reed Dock Row : Mike
Gaddis Tom Troub 01nr Dosron Scarr
Werzel Deren Hopronsroll, Joe Coin
Craig Andrews-Jones Doug Daniels
Not Pictured : Chns Heinrich, Rob Dares coochJ
Leader o f th e pock Sophomore Joe Co,n srro1ns ro spnnr ahead of rhe Arvada Wesr ream or rhe ogon,z,ng firush of o Jeffco M eer
G,,r,Cross Counrry hod yer onorher ex ceprionol season w1rh senior Kim Draper and Junior Sara Scott leading rhe resr of rhe ream Kim collecred o n1nrh place f1n1sh or Fo1rv 0 e¼ ond or e1ghrh place or Cenrourus, and Sara received o sevenrh place or Engle wood, place or rhe D1srncr meer, and or Cenrourus, o f ourrh place
The girls hod recurring successes 1n 1nv1ro rionols. 1nclud1ng rh1rd place or rhe F01rv1ew lnv1ror1onol, rh1rd or rhe Englewood lnv1ro rionol, second (and a rrophy ) or Cenrourus lnv1rorionol, ond o srrong fourrh place or rhe D1srncr Chomp1onsh1ps
The Goys Vors1ry ream ran much berrer rh1s year rhon 1n previous years f1n1sh1ng 1n rhe rop half of rhe moJor·ry of rheir meers Craig Andrews-Jones pur rhe ream nro perspecnve when he srored, " In year~ be fore we hod half of rhe rolenr wh1Ch 1eod ro half of rhe eff orr " H1ghhghrs of rhe season were a fourrh place or Cenrourus lnviro nonol and o f1frh place or rhe DPS lnvirorionol
Srorring on Augusr 1J rhe coed Cross Counrry reams worl~ed hard perponng for
• a rigorous season
They rro1ned on all sorrs of rerro1n , ranging from rhe srreers of Golden ro rhe canal porhway enorcilng rhe mesa Through every rype of wearher rhey ran cond1non1ng rhemselves for rhe d1ff1culr 5K courses rhe reams would compere upon Our. campier 1ng a J 1 mile race rool~ more rhon physical endurance ir required a menral power nor easily come by
Striding ii our • Kim Draper lengrhens her :-,rride and w ,g her Jrf'T" o;pnnr ng ro rhe f n~ hne or rhe frtg1dlv cold D151f!CI Meer
() 0 C z --1 ;,:, -<
•CY F,ve words were 1mbedded 1nro rhe minds of every girl on rhe swim ream, rhe command rhor began each race
Swimmers Lori Drain , Lisa Drain , Dawn Baker , Carrie Rumph and Melanie Baker qualified for League A 1n venous evenrs Add1rionolly , diver Lisa Ball was able ro qualify for League in her first meer and Joanne Brockway was the only member of rhe ream ro qualify for rhe Colorado lnvitanonal, 1n diving
For rhe firsr time this year swimmers were required by Coach Sonja Mile s-Gross ro swim every event or leasr once , bur every-
one hod a specialry M osr pref err e d the shorrer distance events such as rhe 50 r e e style and the 100 yard free, backstroke Jf"ltj breosrsrroke. however, there were rr-:>se who acruolly liked 200 yard and 500 y ::ird free
"The ennre ream worked hard and gave each orher o lor of moral supporr," said Eliza. beth Da vidson.
Skipping a breath Down Doker proves rhor breorh1ng every orher srroke is nor rhor hard
GIRL' S SWIMMING Front Row : Susan Lomprell Shelley Smirh Lene
Rorbe<:h 2nd Row : Ltso Drain (co-cop11on ) Enco Skyrmon Come
Rumph 3rd Row : Melonie Dol~er Ehzoberh Davidson (co-copro1n ) Ton yo Hillen 4th Row : Down Doker Emmy Joy Dimirroff Ltso Doll Dock
Row : SonJO Miles Gross ( coach ) Not Pictured: Lon Drain , Joanne Orockwoy
''Swimmers take your mark. BANG!''
Going for ii - L <,Q Do I execures on inward d,ve Concentrating hord - Lon Drain procrices her bock.srrol~e 1-39
Water ballet? The swim reom demonsrrores grace os well os rolenr
While,r may be rrue rhor Golden's boys· rennis ream was nor always In rhe limelighr, all rhe players hod a posmve ornrude and worl~ed hard For example, Ke nn y O v er street ployed a rwo and a half hour J8-game march ogo1nsr Lakewood
"I was rhe firsr ro srorr and rhe lasr ro f1n1sh," remarked O v er street He rhen added,
Br y a n Bardwell coached rhe ream for rhe second year This year's ned for e1ghrh or d1srncrs, and nexr year rhey hope ro improve on rhar mark
Golden's number one singles player, Scott Z i por l n , reftecred, "This year we were faced w1rh reams rhor were larger rhon we were Srill we managed ro fighr rhrough rhe season and do well In all sporrs merely going our Is greor even 1f rhere 1s a chance you m1ghr nor always win The rennIs ream will be bock nexr year, and ready ro win ·'
Bardwell forecasred. "We're losing five seniors, and we'll have ro fill rhose spors w1rh sophomores '' This should be no problem. because rhe maJoriry of rhis year's ream was composed of successful underclassmen
TENNIS ___________ -----..
'' It was exhausting , bu t I won. "
. , , . • ' • • ' -
A roblc bre-a k t ennis Kenny Oversrreer pornopotes in rhe rare and dangerous sporr of orob1c break rennis Do nor otrempr rhis srunr or home
0OY S' TENNIS . Front P,ow : M,l~e Young D,cl~,e Orodsby 0o ck Row : Perer Morren son Morry Sl~yrmon Cr.ns Ourg~ Oryori Dordwell '.coach Ke""'Y Oversrreer. Enc
Dohmoo Ertl~ Hanser"' Nor Pic tured : Hompron Oridwell Dove Locke M1~e Mon o,nen Rero Schulrh~ Scorr Z,porin
• 141
An awesome pair Hompron Oridwell slams rhe boll wh11e Pere, Morrenson husrles for rhe bock up Two oppo0enrs srore or Golden's number one doubles ream 1n owe
W,rh only three Juniors and SIX soph mores, rhe gymnasncs squad earned rhe1r high score of 138 po1nrs followed by 134 oga1nsr Arvada , losing by only 10 poinrs
Natosha Stogner srressed
considering rhe fact rhar rhe ream 1s mostly mode of JUSr sophomores '
The only rerurn1n9 gymnasr , Rebecca Rascon , brol~e her !~nee early 1n rhe season , leaving only rwo Juniors, Heather Cook and Janet Hawkinson
On her toes Heather Sehmnf'llkoff prepares for her losr rumbling run of o successful rounne as reommores Joyce Selbe and Chnsry M oloney worch
A Perfect Ten Norosho Stogner holds on, hoping ro go1n a perfecr score
\ I L
'' The team is great ,
Gracefully on1Ce Se be mcl"oges ro bo Ol"Ce on one foor
With o dittlculr move • Joyce Se be Y10WS excel enr srrengrh and txi,o e
GYMNASTICS - Bo ck Row : Chnsry Cress, Joyce Selbe Norosho Srogner Heorher Sehrrenn,koff Jenice Selbe Front Row : Jor:er Hawkinson Chnsry M oloney Heather Cool~ Not Pictured: Marilyn Wilcox (cooch), Jodie M abb ~cooch Knsr HurchlS()('l Kelly McClos key Rebecca Rascon
Eyes on the ball • Orod Moody diSploys his powerful swing
144 I ,,
VARSITY GOLF • Front Row : Kiri~ Douglas ShowrWh1re Kris Hendzel David Th1srlewood Dack Row : Tom Oczz Scarr Porrerson 0rod M oody Oob Srol~es (coach}, Jann Oronch. Joe Thisrlewood
In deep conce n tration Scorr Porrerson sers up for onother loog dnve
W ith Intens e dete rmination John Drench hirs o picrure perfe<r send shor
Jun1or Brod Moody qualified tor rhe Srore Tournomenr or Foorhills Golf Course rh1s year Moody along w1rh senior Scott Potterson rook AII -Conrerence honors While seniors John Branch and David Th is tlewood l~epr Demon etforrs olive. fin1Sh1ng 1n rhe rop 20 1n league ploy Golden·s ream efforrs led rhem ro a fourrh place fin1Sh overall comper1ng wirh 11 orher Jefferson Counry reams Also conrribunng ro rhe vors1ry ream senior Kris Hendzel and sophomore Joe Thistlewood shored rhe number five pos1non
David Thistlewood lomenred
A r rhe beg1nn1ng of rhe season. Golden players hod high hopes of possibly placing or rhe Srore Tournomenr All Demon golfers were expecred ro qualify fo r Sro re Our Golden's expecronons weren'r enough, which led ro rhe end of o disoppo,nnng season The ream fel r rhor fou rrh place wosn'r bod, bur w1rh rhe rolenr rhey hod rhey felr rhey should hove f1n1shed higher 1n rhe srond1ngs
'' We jus t couldn 't perform when we needed t o ,''
G) 0 145
LL. 146 I Wesr Meadows Tournamenr
of 11
of 11
11 Indian Tree Tournamenr
of 11 f\olling Hills Tournamenr 2nd of 11 Overall f\ecQrd 4rh of 11
VOLLEYBA LL Golden Opponent 15, 15 Overland 10, 12 15, 15 Cherry Creel~ 13, 9 \ 15, 15 Smokey Hill 5. 12 16, 16 Fairview 14, 14 15, 7, 15 Highland 0. 15, 5 15, 15 Mory Crest 8, 7 15, 15 Thornton 6, 4 15, 15 Alameda 5, J 15, 15 Hinkley O. 0 15, 13, 15Whear f\idge11 , 15, 13 11, 17, 16 Pomona 15, 15, 14 15, 15 Green Moun rain 13, 6 15, 15 0ear Creel~ 9, 11 2, 15, 15 Columbine 15, 10, J 7, 2 Evergreen 15, 15 8, 13 Arvada Wesr 15, 15 15, 15 Arvada 11 , 9 15, 15 Alameda 10, 11 15, 15 Lakewood 5 , 4 Overall f\ecord : 17-2
Tournamenr 5rh
Foorhills Tournamenr 4rh of
Volley lnviranonal Green Mrn - A. West Jrd Green Mountain 2nd Pomona - Evergreen 3rd 0roomfield lnvirationol 3rd Columbine - Lakewood 2nd Wheat f\idge - 0ear Creek · Alameda 2nd Arvada Wheor f\1dge - Arvada monoLeague A. Wesr 4rh in Districrs 2nd - Po3rd 8rh
Golden 1515 15,12 10 1515 16,15 15,8,15 15,15 15,15 15,15 15,15 15,14,9 5,11 Overland Cherry Creel~ Smol~ey Hill Opponent 10,11 12,15,15 75 Fair View 14,12 Highland 7 15 9 Mory Cresr 4 9 Thornron 5,7 Alameda 7,5 Hinkley 3,7 Wheor f\1dge 15.16,15 Pomona 1515 4,7 15,15 210 9,10 3,7 15,15 15,15 15,15 Green Mounro1n 1515 0ear Creel~ 89 Columbine 15,15 Evergreen 15,15 Arvada Wesr 1515 Arvada 4 ,9 Alameda 9,4 Lakewood 64 Overall f\ecord 12-7 SOPHOMORE VOLLEYBALL Golden Opponenr 9 ,11 Overland 15,15 14,10 Cherry Creek 16,15 8,11 Smokey Hill 15,15 12,8 Fair View 15,15 7,11 Highland 15,15 14,9 Mory Cresr 16,15 9,10 Thornron 15,15 12,7 Alameda 15,15 8 ,10 Hinkley 15,15 7,8 Wheor f\idge 15,15 11,9 Pomona 15,15 12,9 Green Mountain 15,15 12,10 0eor Creel~ 15,15 8,7 Columbine 15,15 6,8 Evergreen 15,15 9,11 Arvada Wesr 15,15 12,11 Arvada 15,15 10,14 Alameda 15,16 10,9 Lakewood 15,15 Overall f\ecord 1-19VARSITY FOOTBALL Golden Opponenr 0 Arvada 54 0 Arvada Wesr 00 0 Pomona 41 0 Alameda 21 0 Wheor f\1dge 35 0 Green Mountain GO 0 Evergreen 58 0 Lakewood 55 0 0eor Creek 26 Overall f\ecord 0-9 ._______________ _; SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL Golden Opponent 6 Arvada 7 0 Arvada West 9 14 Pomona 35 0 Alameda 21 12 Wheat f\rdge 14 0 Green Mountain 19 13 Evergreen 6 0 Lal~ewood 14 12 0ear Creek 18 Overall f\ecord 1-8 VARSITY BOYS ' SOCCER Golden Opponent 0 f\eg15 4 0 Alameda 0 0 Arvada Wesr 2 0 Green Mounrain 3 1 Pomona 2 2 Green Mountain 7 • 1 0eor Creel~ J 1 Columbine 3 J Evergreen 0 1 Arvada West 4 1 Arva da 3 2 Ala meda 0 J Lal~ewood 1 1 Whear t'\idge J Overall f\ecord 3-11
BOYS ' TENNIS GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY BOYS ' CROSS COUNTRY de O pponenr Fiarv1ew lnvirarional Jrd of 13 Fairview lnviranonal 5rh of 1J 0 Lal~ewood 7 Jeffco Norrh vs Sourh 1sr of 5 Jeffco Norrh v .s Sourh 5th of 5 A'l"Jmeda 2 Denver P S lnvitanonal 4th of 18 Denver P S lnvitononal 7th of 18 4 -,ree N,oun o,n 6 Centaurus lnviranonal 2nd of 1J Centaurus lnvtranonal 4th of 13 Arvada 5 Jeffco North v s South 2nd of 6 Jeffco Norrh v s South Jrd of 6 Evergreen Englewood lnv1rarional 3rd of 17 Englewood lnvirattonal 7rh of 17 Wheor Ridge 7 Doulder Valley lnvirarional 12rh of 30 Goulder Valley Invitational 22nd of JO 0 Calumbrne 7 Smokey Hill lnvitorional 8rh of 26 Smokey Hill lnvitarional 17 of 26 Pomona 4 5 Colorado Academ y 2 4th 1n league 10rh in league Overall Record 2-7i VARSITY SOFTBALL GIRLS ' SWIMMING JV SOFTBALL Golden Opponent Golden Opponent 5 Pomona 2 72 Evergreen 67 Goden Opponent 8 Green Mountain 4 61 Arvada Wesr 108 10 Pomona 20 12 Dear Creel~ 2 61 Whear P.idge 108 10 Green Mountain 2J 14 Columbine 2 77 Lakewood 90 8 0ear Creel'> 18 11 Evergreen 1 46 Pomona 114 1 Columbine 11 1 Arvada West 5 7J Columbine 77 19 Arvada Wesr 8 10 Arvada 9 Jeffco lnvtrarional 11th 14 Arvada 1J J Alameda 11 Relays 11th 1 Alameda 11 10 Lal~ewood 0 League A 11rh Overall Record 2-5 Jrd 1n ploy-offs Overall P.ecord 1-5 Overall Record 7-2 JV BOYS' SOCCER Golden Opponent J Pomona 9 2 Green Mountain 6 1 0ear Creek 4 • 0 Columbine 4 1 Evergreen 2 • 0 Arvada J 2 Alameda J 1 Lakewood 0 4 Arvada Wesr J 1 Whear Ridge 1 Overall P.ecord 2-8f'-1 147
rhe beginning of rhe year on rhroughour rhe whole season. rhtS year's varsity boys' bosl~erball ream was enrhusiosnc, confidenr, and gung-ho for a specroculor season. which 1r was
Over rhe summer rhe ream placed second or rhe Wyoming Goskerball Camp Following rh1s, rhe ream gave rremendous performances, keeping fans on rhe edges of rhe1r sears Th1rreen of rheir n1nereen games were very close Ar one po1nr 1n the season rhe ream was ranked fourrh 1n srare, bur probably rhe mosr memorable parts of rhe season was when rhe ream bear Whear Ridge rwice
Many 1mporront focrors mode up rhe success of rhtS year's ream They were rhe players For rhe mosr port, rh1S ream was a vereron ream However. due ro the injuries of Tom M i ller and WIiiie Tr immer, a few JUn1ors Joined rhe family and mode conrriburions as well
The end of rhe season come 1n rhe final seconds of rhe first d1srncr game Golden was up unril rhe last eighteen seconds when an ANodo "sure shor" srole ir all away
All 1n all.
sroted Junior guard Brad Moody When senior Tim Pardue was asl~ed ro descnbe rhe season. he rhough r for a momenr, and replied, " Ir 's hard ro describe Ir's somerh1n' rhar's done, and done forever We were really confidenr about thar losr game, so really ir was a season cut shorr ·'
No p robl e m - Shown Whtre feels his radar' obthry will ger rhe boll ro rhe bosker even rhrough rhe defender
V) >0 cJ >-
IV) c:: <(
''It was a fun season with lots of high and low points,''
Post ·em up big Homproo 0ndwell and Dove ThJSttewood posr up for o qUJck rwo poinrs
VARSITY BOYS ' BASKETBALL Fron t Row : Joe ThtSrlewood 2nd Row • Tom MIiier O<od Moody Mike Srroh Keflny Eder. Shown Wh,re Bock Row Oob Srokes coach) Willie Tnmmer, Tom Dice, Hompron 0ridwell Dove Thisrlewood Tim Pardue Dove Meyer, Greg Gonrner. Oob Heyes I coach)
Who ' s afraid of the big bad bear 0rod Moody casually works rhe offense
I( --
l30Y51 GASl~ETGALL --------- • .i-
C:::Q D
unng rhe 1984-65 boskerboll season, borh reams, JV and sophomore, hod many
exoring and also many d1soppo1nnng mo-
menrs Doth reams ployed a season of high scoring, dose games
Bobby Getter said "We just couldn'r Q_ seem ro pull our of rhe close games, rhere was so many " However, he added, "we Q grew V)
Together as a team,
and hod o lor of good nmes, we'll improve os o ream when we hove hod o chance ro ploy rogerher longer ''
Another upser for both reams was rhe1r many Injunes G reg Gantner said, "Ankle Injunes killed us '' Oorh reams hod many InJurIes such os broken or sprained onl~les, broken fingers and more Kenny Eder stored, "We may hove hod o betrer season 1f we hod hod more supporr ''
Three against one Oobby Oyer1y jumps high ro score
0901nst rhe Ponrhers
.... >
Hddebronr 2nd P.ow: Oobby Gerrer, Mike Ogle Scor
Werzel Oobby Oyerly Enc Mammon, Back P.ow: John
Srouffer, Poul Worsfold Oenron Oond, Garry Wellman (cooch) fl.on GoddJS fl.on D1donoro, fl.ob Denning
OLOt>, 13
iElf Olis
A n Inch Is all Ir toke s. As Oobby Gener srrerches ro regain pose~on of rhe boll
Ourjumplng his opponent • Greg Gonrner aims ro shoor , over rhe heod of a Lakewood defender
JV BOYS' BASKETBALL • Front Row Enc Jensen Dobby Srrarmon , Kenny Eder Tommy Srrarmon Doug Moon Bo ck Row : Doug Miner f\ob Crowe , Tom Dice Oob Hayes (cooch), Greg Garner Mike Srroh , lro Long
he GHS wresrilng ream rurned 1n a 4-4 league record. while JV earned 6 wins, 2 losses and 1 ne Several of rhe losses were very dose marches Golden's rournomenr aa,viry was also good wirh a firsr place or 1ts own rournomenr and a second place or rhe Colorado Springs lnvirorionol
Coach Joe D ' Angelo said, "This year's ream was full of very
bright, young wrestlers.
The sophomores helped rhe ream rremendously I om looking forward ro nexr year's ream '· Some o f rhe oursronding junior and senior wresrlers were John Fagan , Collin Bonner, Brien Mynheir, Dan Morrison , Scott Plckthall , Keith Smith and Jim Barney.
"Golden hos quire a few underdossmen ro rake senior spots nexr year,·· said Smirh
Scott Pickthall proclaimed, "The GHS wresrling ream hod on oursrond1ng season because of rhe hard work and ded1corion from everyone on rhe ream ''
' LING lV) LL.I c:::: ;3 152 I
his wrestling moves John Fagan prepares ro roll over hlS opponenr
Eye 10 e ye and fa ce 10 fa ce Cher Neal purs on opponenr 1n hts ploce
I • •
Greeting his rival Colh n Donner rerues 1n reodines.s, wo1nng for the Signal from rhe referee ro begin the march
WRESTLING • Front Row · Adam Ptneau Don Lo1ro • more Tim Ourron Roger Green Mork Knox, Doo Ar · chulero Phil Schmidr 2 nd Row · r\obby Prochr V1rg1
Hordendorf Ted Srevenson Enc Johns Joe D Angelo (cooch Lorry Gidley, Don Hull Kev,n Kuboslo Mork Young Jrd Row : Jomes Marler Chns Heinnch , Nore Marier r\ondy PK:krholl (coach) f\ick Ooldessor, (cooch; AndyOromoerg , Troy Johnson DonMornsoo ( ccxopr )
Bock Row : Scort Ptckrholl , Cher Neal. Collin Donner
Onan Mynhelr Keirh Cusock John Fagan (ccxopr J,m
Dorney Nor Pictured: Jeff Oroden, Don Opperman, Ke1rh Sm1rh Craig Cyr Andy Durbin , Don Lo1ramore
Oob usco Otll Marheus Terry McCully , Chns Dennis. Joe
Ca,n Curr Carland Rob Denning Enc Fink Dallas
IHawkes Mike Meyers. KeVJn Michels Mike Wallace f\ich Androde (cooch)
Tlr&d but proud o Lakewood opponenr congrorulores vicror John Fagan Oorh vOOJry and N reams bear the Tigers rhor nighr
13oys CJ)
.C W h-1le m ony o f rh e school 's orhle-re - s s -rro l~-e- B-ri_a_n_W h_i_te - 1n rhe 10 0 m bo d ~-
C would hove loved ro cool off ofter on evenr srrol~e and 50 and 100 m free, Bill Bremer
C by Jumping In a pool, one group worl.c;ed up In rhe 500 m free, and Gage Fellow s 1n rhe
C a swear In ir, rhe 0oys' Swim Team 100 m bock 100 m burrerfly and rhe 50 m
C The 35 member ream was rhe free
Several orhers narrowly missed qualifying
for d1srrias, like Norm Hicks who missed by L/)
Largest in
me m Ory
for GHS Four swimmers quohfied for rhe
srore rournomenr Kenn y O v erstreet , placed 4rh or disrrias In rhe 50 m freesryle
wirh a rime of 23 05 and rhe 200 yard med-
ley relay ream composed of O v er street , Orion Wh ite , Steve Sm ith and And y Mad-
sen earned o s,xrh place nme of 1 48 5 Earlier ,n rhe season , O v er street , hod come wirh1n rwo renrhs of rhe srore record (22 5) for rhe 200 individual medley
Golden was well represenred or rhe disrncr meer wirh Tim Rom ig In rhe 50 m free and rhe 100 m burrerfly, Rom Leidner In rhe 100 m burrerfly and rhe 100 m bock
Eri c Dahman In rhe 50 and 100 m breosr-
obour one second
Nexr year's hopes appear even bnghrer,
OS Golden's League [) won rhe1r disrricr meer
Swimme rs hove be tte r f o rms • Mox W1rhrow shows the Deoury of being o swimmer
BOYS ' SW IMMIN G Fr o nt Row : Gage Fellows, Norman Hicks 2n d Row: Shown F1rz9erold, Mike Dov1dson, Yann Luss1eg Tim Fields Orf Cusack, David Wilson Sonya Miles-Gross (coach) J rd Row : Trenr Oobough Mox
W ithrow Scarr l'\01le, Enc Dohman l'\om Le1dner, Derek
VonWestrum Don Johnson Da c k Ro w : Mike Skinner
Dil l Dremer Dnon Wh1re Stephen Smirh Kenny Over
srreer Tim f\om19 Jeff Connolly No t Pict u re d: Andy
Madsen Perer Mortenson, Kevtn Thomm Par Joger
Mike Young , Don Olev1ns, Chns Doheny Scorr Monninen
Slippe ry wh e n w et (hf Cusack checks our hlS score offer a dive
Toke your mork bong victory! Sw1mm1ng ro a srrong finish 15 Onan Wh1re 11"1 rhe 50 yard freesryle Onan lorer wenr ro srore as port of a relay ream Gasping for olr Gage Fellows hos his eyes on a v,oory 155
156 ,
Porty or GHS Oecky Nee1y 1nv1res rhe resr of rhe Demon crowd as Nancy Ponoo mes ro srop rhe Ponrhers from aosh1ng
C 31
Boxi ng our Is the key Gndy Mosrers ond Suzi Swenson use rheir skills, by boxing ond rebounding rhe boll
Varsity Girls ' Bosketboll Front Row : Noncy Ponoo Tracy Reseigh. Liz Schulrz, 2nd Row : Jim EIits (coach). Knsry W1rrh, Sheila Rosen , Suzi Sw enson. Oe<:xy Neely. Ondy M osrers. Sue Elhs (coach)
Perperuol motion Sheila Rosen dnves o r rhe basker making on easy layup
The girls varsity bo~serboll ream rurned our ro be one of Golden s besr reams ever srored coach Jim Elli s.
he explained, adding, "and rhey deserve a greor deal of praise and recogninon ·
"There was hardly ever a nme rhor we were our-husrled or losr our 1n rensiry We were always full of poise and enrhus1osm · srored Cindy M asters
There were four rerurn1ng vorsiry players rh1S year One of rhem, Shella Rosen , mode orhlere of rhe monrh for January Fur rhermore. several prom1s1ng Juniors and sophomores added rhe1r rolenrs
"The program hos a greor furure wirh some oursrond1ng underdossmon coming bock." said Ellis
Golden's vors1ry ream finished rhe season wirh on 8 11 record wirh some big wins ogo1nsr Lakewood and 0eor Creel~
Qu ick feet - Cindy Masrers dribbles around rhe Pomona defense as Nancy Ponoo and Knsry W1rrh follow for rhe rebound
''No team that I have ever coached put more into basketball ,''
)> l/) rn -I CJ )> ' '
he Junior Vors1ry Demons were marked by husrle, dererm1nanon, and pnde Alrhough rhe ream did nor have a w1nn1ng record, rhey placed n1nrh 1n Jefferson Counry Sue Ellis, 1n her rh 1rd year of coaching or GHS, explained, "Ir's nor easy ro come our and ploy hard when you don' r always win
According ro Ell is, Poudre was rhe mosr exonng game of rhe season The Demons come bock ofrer a rough loss ro L1rrleron ro nip rhe unbeoren Poudre Impalas 35-JJ led by 5'8" sophomore Jo Coss' 13 po1nr scoring performance, rhe girls proved rhey can ploy wirh anyone
Rebounding was led by 5'10" Junior
Chandra Kay w1rh on overage of 6 7 re bounds per game Jo Cass and Trish Po z ar led rhe Demons 1n sreals averaging 2 J G'"ld 1 9 per game respecnvely Jo Cass , wirh :1n overage of 9 5 po1nrs each game, was ne ream's high scorer Following Cass 1n scon1g were Chandra Kay (6 5) and Daw na Mayo (5 2)
Co-copro1n Chandra Kay nored, "Sue (El• lis) is like a sisrer, we con rolk ro her obour anything She IS always rhere ro rell us, 'Good Job'"'
.J .... 13ASl\ETl3ALL ______________ l/) _J c::: >
158 I
These girls have a
lot of pride and intestinal fortitude.''
JV GIRLS ' BASKETBALL Front Row : Trish Pozar (c0<oproln) Jenny Koy 2nd Row : Sue Ellis (Cooch) Ba ck l\ow: Julie Herr, 5olly Harney, Sharon Ne19um, Chondro Koy (c0<opro1n) Downe Mayo Jo Coss (c0<opro1n)
A sudden burst Trish Pozar blows by he< defender wirh a sudden bum of energy
What a tan Jo Cos.s, w1rh her ran legs, sprlf'l<JS for rhe rebound as Jenny Koy admires
.. WINTE~ L/) .. n VARSITY BOYS ' BASKETBALL JV GIRLS ' BASKETBALL JV WRESTLING 0 Golden Opponent Golden Opponent Golden Opponent :;:J 92 Highland 60 15 L1rrleron 24 54 Arvada Wesr J8 66 llrrleron 62 J5 Poudre JJ 60 Gear Creel~ 6 rn 62 Monrrose 44 JJ Fr Collins J5 67 Green Mounra1n 0 CJ 52 Whear Ridge 48 27 Whear Ridge 4J 22 Whear Ridge J1 0 l 75 Pomona 65 J9 Pomona 52 51 Evergreen 6 56 Columbine 45 J7 Columbine 46 42 Cenraurus 24 56 Green Mounra1n 57 5J Green Mounra1n 41 42 Gareway 22 :;:J 50 Gear Creek 64 28 Gear Creel~ J5 18 Rangev1ew 51 61 Lakewood 55 4J Lal~ewood 29 24 Pomona J6 0 82 Evergreen 69 42 Evergreen 49 58 Lal~ewood 0 L/) 45 Arvada Wesr 58 J8 Arvada Wesr 41 24 Columbine 24 81 Alam eda 77 J2 Alameda 22 54 Arvada 56 JJ Arvada 45 Overall Record 7-4 57 Columbine 56 34 Columbine 41 66 Whear Ridg e 64 J6 Whear Ridge 59 56 Pomona 66 28 Pomona 50 59 Green M ounra1n 60 J6 Alameda 4J tfJ Gear Creek 61 BOYS ' SWIMMING 63 Arvada 65 Overall Record 4-1~ Golden Opponent 77 Arvada 84 Overall Record 11-8 82 Arvada Wesr 90 54 Rangev1ew 108 110 Evergreen ' Alameda 107/ 64 VARSITY WRESTLING 48 Whear Ridge 117 Golden Opponent 81 Columbine 87 VARSITY GIRLS ' BASKETBALL 27 Arvada Wesr 42 121 Pomona 29 Golden Opponent J9 Gear Creek 26 Jeff co Relays 5rh 41 L1rrl eron 2J 21 Green M ounra1n 28 League G 1sr 5J Pou dre 44 25 Whear Ridge 24 League A 7rh 5J Fr Collins 58 J2 Evergreen 21 36 Wh ear Ri dge 5J 45 Centaurus 15 Overall Record 2-5 47 Pomona 64 47 Gareway 11 G9 Columbine 44 27 f'\an1urn 27 52 Green Mountain 35 19 Pomona 41 63 Oear Creek 46 37 Lakewood 25 47 Lol~ewood 46 18 Columbine jJ 51 Evergreen 48 47 Arvada West 4J Overall Record 6-4a1 37 Alameda 4J 62 Arvada 41 34 Columbine 43 40 Wheat Ridge 57 63 Pomona 71 60 Green Mountain 39 4Q Gear Creek 56 62 Evergreen 67 Overall Record 8.11
CHEEP.LEADERS - Bottom fl.ow : Debbie Dode Dawn Modus, Amy Pipkin uso Leingang 2nd fl.ow : Aleoo Forsyth Jody Houser l\ebecco l\oscon (copro1n) 3rd fl.ow : Chnsnne Spillane Lynn Sroble1n Top fl.ow : USO Cisneros (copro1n) Hot Pictured: Heorher Toylor (copro1n) !\OSie Cisneros (sponsor)
Be-or feet - Wirh rwo hours berween weigh-in and rhe srorr of rhe Fr Collins wresrt1ng rournomenr Jody Houser kicks~ and relaxes
I 160 -
I i -
Go Demons gol Aleoo Forsyth , USO Cisneros. Amy Pipkin. Jody Houser and Lisa Leingang pep up rhe crowd
Snap ro ltl Chnsnne Spillane and Dawn Modus cheer on the wresrlers ro a 37-21 vicrory over rhe Lakewood Tigers
WInn1ng rhe nrle Nononol Champions or rhe USCA summer comp 1n Forr Collins ser o srondord of excellence for rhe vars1ry cheerlead1ng squad
Debbie Bade and Rebecca Rascon won firsr and second place awards respec nvely 1n 1nd1. 1duol compennon or rhe camp 1n oddinon ro rhe ream award
There was only one squad rh1s year and. consequently. rhe cheerleaders rool~ over rhe dunes of rhe Tnderres. rhe porn pon squao They performed rounnes ser ro the music of rhe Ca rs· 'Hello Again" and Tommy Shaw ' s "Girls wirh Guns" or rhe Home coming and W1nrerfesr assemblies
Furrhermore. rhe squad cheered for mosr of rhe vors1ry sporrs
This meant cheering 3 and 4 times a week
somenmes. wirh procnce afrer school on rhe off days
The squad srarred procnong 1n June and connnued rhroughour rhe summer "The morning procnces were JUsr a drag when you hod ro ger up or 5 30 ro be or school by 6 00," said Amy Pipkin She was one of rhe five cheerleaders who hod never cheered before rhlS year "Oe1ng a cheerleader for rhe firsr nme was a !or of work and o lor of fun. espeoolly since we were pom-pon girls roo," Pipkin said Lisa Leingang added "The besr porr was getting ro go ro games rhor orherw,se I probably wouldn't hove seen You ger ro meer o lor of people roo Ir was fun!"
WIil It go In? Tom Egon , Morry 5kyrmon, Chns Ku• berry Troy Wesr , Todd f\eves , and Joey Thisrlewood worch anxiously os Perer Morrenson's sher soars above Sreve Orower's Jumping block
Flex and shoot Jim Ttsdel has o dear unblocked shor os he eyes rhe bosker and begins ro shoor perhaps because compennors M orry Skyrmon and Sreve Orower ore frozen under rhe glare of Greg Zin<h1n1
M ogle hands Todd !\eves sronds bock os reommore Peter Morrenson prepares ro sinK o fou sher while opponenrs Joey Thistlewood and Sreve Orouwer wa. for o rebound under rhe worchful eyes of Mork Hor necker
--------------------------------------------------------- -·-
-l j 1' .. •-- -
fter irs second year In exIsrence the inrromurol boskerboll league seems here ro sroy.
Enthusiasm ran high
with more srudenrs porrioponng than losr year One newcomer ream was rhe champion "T's· Led by league 1eoding shooting obil1nes of Jim Tisdel, rh1s ream powered above mosr orher compenng reams. such as rhe less glorified Sophomores or Generics Two surprises of on-courr ocnon were rhe second place f1n1sh of rhe oil-sophomore ''Poerry In Monon ' , and the end of rhe one year reign of 1984's chomps, McNuggers .
ThlS intramural league hod special regulo nons, induding one which kept all compen rive boskerbo!I players our Thor rule espe aolly orrrooed many studenrs, SJnce Lorry 01rd like rolenrs were nor required to com pere Instead, vors,ry players ocred as refer ees for rhese games, along w1rh 1nreresred faculty.
An awkward position Fronncolly search ing f0< on open reommore Jim TISde1 dorrs 1n and our of rhe rhree• on-one coverage of Joey Thlsrlewood, Sreve Orouwer, ond Morry Skyrmon
.. ----------------------------------------------INT~A
• -
INTRAMURAL CHAMPIONS Jim TISdel Chns Kuberry , Tom Egon Perer Morrenson Nor Pictu red Collin Donner, Todd !\eves, Greg Zlnch1n1
s C :::v )>
INTEP.HATIOHAL P.ELATIOHS CLUB-Front P.ow: Debbie Miller Po t Jager Kore
0rody, Jody Houser, David Polevoy Use Drain 2nd P.ow: Kim Asrle Sandy Dixon, Anne Cord , Amy Srunkord , f\ocxy Chopra, Neil Jobri 3rd P.ow: Chuck Seres , Paulo Anderson , Julie f\ord1n , Scorr Green, Jim Pearse Debbie Oode, Scorr Hermann, Tanoz Pakboz, John Hogon 4t h P.ow: MiKe Skinner l\ichord
0radsby, Enca Skyrmon, Kyra Epsrein, Doug Daniels, Julie Chavez, Tom Culver Kns Foreman, Staci Mdlwee, Tom Traub Shoun Christensen , Par Abbot Bo ck
P.ow : Jeff Glenn, Jeff ConnoOy John Oranch nm f\omtg f\om Leidner Anja
Schultz-f\oos Audrey McDonald , 0tna Ohorrochoryyo. f\lck Oecx Mike Donovan , Use Arnold Leanne Fifral f\oger Myers (sponser), EJ,zaberh Davidson, f\ob Howkins, Hot Plcture-d: Ashley Abel , Craig Andews-Jones , Janet Ooulch Down Ooumgorrner, Andrea Olrkby, Hampton 0ndweU Amy Driggs, John Conner
Government experience
Whor was governmenr or Golden High School? Srudenrs gave answers like Srudenr Council, lnrernorionol Relohons Club and Junior Sroresmen
Srudent Council kepr busy wirh Homecoming, Winterfesr Prom and orher octIvItIes Nancy Pariclo commenred " I liked working on Winrerfesr the mosr It was a pain , bur worrh ir ''
Srudenr Counal sponsored the health fair , a community luncheon , and the blood drive They were responsible for reacher of the weel~ and days such as Swears Doy and Nerd Doy
lnrernononol Relonons Club, best known for its Youth In Government octiviries, was shadowed by 37 suspensions from school for five days due ro alcoholic consumpnon However, Golden was still a powerhouse or the State Capitol
Anj le Saunder s ran for Governor, Jerry Fragas campaigned for President of rhe Senate, and Bina Bhattacharyya was elected Speaker of rhe House
In office, Bhattacharyya appointed Scott Green ro personal page, Jeff Glenn to choplo1n, and Jody Hauser ro secretory Kate Brady acted as clerk John Hogan ' s bill con -
cernIng rhe placement of emergency telephones every 10 miles along the freeways was signed by rhe student governor, M i ke Shirley, from Lutheran High School Junior Sroresmen , onorher political group or Golden, was organized in 1983 to orrend the notional Junior Statesmen Presidennol Nom1noring Convennon in Los Angeles Debbie Miller and Lisa Turner ro1Sed money for rhe group this year by making a commercial They showed rhe commercial to moJor businesses in rhe Golden area Ar press rime, rhey were planning ro use the money to orrend the Junior Storesmon Convennon in Coliforn10 on Moy J
Concerning Junior Storesmen, Miller commenred, "I learned a lot obour the poliricol process by becoming actively involved in rhe sysrem '·
Looking ro rhe furure, Turner roved, "Never under nmore rhe powers of rhe Unired Srotes Government Vore for Lisa Turner in 20041"
So, put these three groups rogether - Srudenr Council, International Relorions Club and Junior Stotemsmen - and you get GOLDEN GOVERNMENT
Enc Dohman f\ene Daniels Lori Drain Tern Edwards. Jerry Frongos, Joe GeMtenson , f\enee Gerrer Anne llgenfrirz Jennifer Judson , KeOy Kinner Gail Loge qusr Chen Liddicoat Tommy Maxwell, Scarr Porrerson. Michelle f\owlond Ar)ie Sounders, Jody Shields, Use Turner Mi"ke Young , Scarr Zlporin
STU OEMl COU MCI L Fron t Ro w Kelley Kohn Rebecca Rascon Mindy M oore Dole
• r1t-'-i'.en M ty Md._ a I\, hard Sm1rh 2nd Row · Mike Ogle Joner Hawkinson
isneros OoVid Polevoy Jody Houser Down Rhodus (sec ) Doug Daniels Jim
eorse 3 rd Row : Enc J~ (rreo5 ), Rom Leidner Korhy Zoccoro Rokesh Chopro
Dow Nelson Jodi Drody, Met-Ion Wong Bock Row : Jennifer M ocolody Jennifer
'.".O('l Cberyl Smnh { v I re:. Down Doker (pres) f\osernerry Wohtolo , Nancy
PcirlCJO Dab Purl«) (spon50' Mot Pic tured : Gage Fellows. Susan M cinroy , Por Jager
Shannon Monox, Alron Shoyo
IJUMIOR STATE5MEM Kim Asrte, Debbie Miller, Lisa Turner , Roger Myers (sponser) Not
Pictured: f\ob Colongo , Nancy Ponoo Sherry Fronk Ken Kn1nel
One two , thre,e • Scarr Green counrs rhe number of delegores 1n f avor o f o biH, w hile Jody Houser records rhe resulrs
Amen brothers I Jeff Glenn leods House Prayer as Otno Ohorrochoryyo organi zes her docke r of bi lls
Science stimulates B
iology srudenrs hod ro d1secr many closs1ficonons of animals They also hod ro memorize rhe closs1ficonon of animals reproducnon, diseases and rhe1r causes, and rhe onoromy of plonrs
Physics was filled wtrh lighr and morion formulas and equorions For light rhe physics
srudenrs used mirrors and ripple ranks For morion rhere were long "slink,es" used for waves, and more Then rhere were Gene Child ' s Shaggy Dog Stones Every Friday the physics srudenrs looked forward ro Child ' s stories, jokes rhor were a ploy on words
Srudenrs were asked why rhey rook chem1srry Cori Lister said she "Wonred ro find our why solr melrs rhe snow "
John Bach ofer said he rook chem1srry because "I Love Ms Wahlberg "
"I r would look good on my rronscnpr, bur a D was nor worrh rhe agony," Alesha Sm i th , exclaimed
Mark Young said rhor " Dr. Bindel makes learning chem,s rry fun ''
" Dr . Binde l 1s a Goof 13011, but he 1s my friend'' said Dan Opperman .
David Dudden said "I figured I would ger a good grade and tr would mol~e up for my bod moth grade ·'
Lisa P.ittenbery said rhor she took chem1srry because "I wonr ro become a world famous nuclear chem1sr and save rhe world from nuclear desrrucnon and win rhe Nobel Peace Prize ''
Headaches at 17 ? - Tim Clingan IS busy rry1ng ro pull the answers from his brain for hlS chem1Srry ossignmenr
You wonr me to what? Deon Erickson laughs os he finds our he hos ro do h15 chemisrry paper over for rhe rh1rd nme
W arch the waves Greg Gonrer and Cnns Durgess from phys ,cs ore busy dem<Y1srronng how rhe long and danger~ sfin• key waves obour, reedy ro arrack
Don , rock the boar Tom Gronr mes ro pull o speomon from rhe dor~ skummy worer for biology
Look! It's on arachnid Nor really Korhy Zaccaro and Uz Schulrz ore only looking or one of rhe,r many plonr specmens for biology
Donald John H1ldebrandr Michelle
Hughes (v pres ) l.iso Levy <sec.) Melis
so Fry (rres ). Mike ()gal Bock P.ow
l\ooul Pim (sponsor) Dan La,ramore
ChriSnne Cooper (rres) Cbartes Sear
Enk Hansen. Cynrh10 Ports Chuck Se-
keres. Dan Opperman. Hearher Sf\JOTT
l\ick M00<e Morr Zellmer Tom Lowe
Sarah Scorr
LATIN CLUB. Front P.ow: Audrey Mc
I to------------------------------------------------------·
Eating French Cuisine. Alison Shayo ears that yummy foreign food
Studying Her Latin • MellSSO Fry con'r believe oil the new words ro learn
GroVfing interest
In rhe posr, rhe number of srudenrs involved In rhe French and Lonn dubs were o lim1red few Promoring inreresr and orrroaIng srudenrs rhrough letrers and onnouncemenrs helped enrollmenr for rhe French and Lonn dubs increase Sponsor Raoul Pini was exared ro see how many srudenrs joined the dubs for rhe 1984-85 school year ''It is easier ro pion aaIvInes for rhe students if more of them ore involved" so1d Plrrl.
One of rhe oa1viries rhe clubs planned was ro go ro rrodirionol resrouronrs The French dub planned o vJSrr ro rhe Magic Pon which serves a vonery of d1fferenr flavored crepes The Lonn dub planned ro ear or rhe Athenian restouronr, o dass,col Greek resrouront which 1ndudes o floor show with Greek dancers Along w1 rh eating, both clubs planned ro orrend the annual GHS Spnngfesr, which Is o gorhering of all fore,gn language dubs ro ear, dress, and dance according ro rhe languages rhey srud1ed This year rt induded o parade, food, games. skits and compennons
Erasing the Desk Kelly McClo sk ey calmly removes rhe answers from rhe previous 1 1 kJdd ig Dove Locke Mork Richordson and Kelley Kohn ore soaking up French words in rhe background
FRENCH CLUB Fro n t Row : Andy Copeland John Sm,rh Scorr l\a,le YoM LuSS1ez Knsry Murphy Jenifer Condreay Kathy Goldbo<k (rres Tom Gronr Kim Sharp Trocy Dudley Don elle Sruorr Bock Row : Kelly l<.iMer Mindy Moore Jeff Glenn Charo Eli10r <sec l\osemory Wohrolo Cynth10 Oordoy (v pres Not Pictured: l\ooul Pim (sponsor) Molly Mcdonald (program cho,rmon)
Aresurgence occurred 1n rhe foreign language deparrmenr rhis year, necessiroring hinng Dean Miller as a second Germon reacher parr rime Many colleges hove announced rhor, beg1nn1ng wirh rhis year's sophomore doss, rwo years of a foreign language will be required for admission
New Spanish reacher John Jaramillo concen rrored on '' genera ring a conrogeous enthusiasm for rhe Spanish language '' One 1nreresnng assignment involved "culrure capsule" reporrs on areas ranging from politics ro oesrheric coregories The Spanish Club planned culrurol ocnvines ro enhance class porr1apot1on Members were kept informed obour hisponic culrurol displays. fesrivols, speakers, dance performances, etc in rhe area
Germon Club, meanwhile, kepr rhe school supplied with rhe ever-popular Germon candy and organized ocriv1t1es 1nclud1ng mountain hikes
Another fore1gn language srud1es or GHS was English Twelve srudents from eighr countries, including Peru, Japan and Denmark, were tutored by Norma 0oulch, reacher for Teoching English ro Srudenrs of Orher Languages (TESOL) She also helped foreign srudents with any troubling subjects
GERMAN CLUB • Fronr Row : 01ooe Drown (sponsor) l.Jso Shier Shannon Vicror. Leslie Phinney (rreos) Debbie Miller Scarr Hermann (v pres.), Sarah Shier. Ehzoberh Davidson Oock !'\ow Carol HeiSmonn Kim Hurney Merry Oond, Srocey Kerrenng, Kenn Kntrtel (rreos ) Ence Skyrmon, Ashley Abel. Mondy Lee Nor Pictured: Jeff Connolly (pres) Koren Andrews. Dill Dode Margo Durgess. l\obby Cook. Scarr Doon. Srocy Foyko.,h, Koren Hull, !'\om Letdner Tonoz Pokbaz. Kim Von Loorhoven. Seer Werzel
All In good fun. MicheUe Perersburg, Chns Dennis Terry McCully, Keirh Emrich, Tom Zerbesr and Virgil Hordendorff cheer Tommy Powell on as she loys 1r on rhe line ro Dtrk Srelrer
SPANISH CLUB John Jorom1llo (sponsor), Valene Vidis , 0-msnne Cooper, f\oberr Thompson , MelJSSO Leingang FrOflk Zurey USO Ournhom Mornno Ge<W1ng , f\ebecco Dungan Not Pictured: Koren Whitehouse ..sec) Joe Gershtenson (treas), uso Turner pres Knsren Coreson Chns Hildreth Trenr Clabough Scorr Ziponn Oorr Hinkle Con l.lSrer Nancy Ponoo, Koren Dunn Heorher Shrrennikoff
Adding emphasis John Jaramillo reminds rhe doss of upcoming Spanish Oub Aa1vines
It' s all English to me Hoe Im Yoo , Lene f\orbech Ooud10 Peno Heorher Sreworr and Norma Ooulch find rhey con communicate 1n several different languages
Kno'Nledge quest
The morh and compurer deporrmenrs expanded and charged forward inro rhe furure, on rheir one year mission ro seek our strange new equations, ro explore new proofs, and ro boldly program where no srudenr hod programmed before
For instance, Golden's IGM Compurer Lob was supplemenred wirh ~.000 of high rech computer equipment rhonl~ ro IOM Computer Company, and enrollment 1n rhor deportmenr soared from 98 ro 220 srudenrs
Then, in rhe only club in e1rher of these deporrmenrs, rhe morh ream, die-hard moth enrhusiosrs, gorhered once a mon th ro rake a res r from which rhe1 r scores would be rabulored ro rank rhe ream ogo1nsr others 1n the store They held second place or press rime
MA TH TEAM 8o1ne Frrzgerold (sponsor), l\osemerry
Wohrolo Heorher Selirreon,koff 0111 McMahon Leslie
Phinney Srepon,e Lyon Anne Cord Down l\incoe, Lise
Shier Greg Weloorn Not Pictured Jeff Connolly Re nee Gerrer KeM Kn1rre1 Chns Doherry Michelle Perersburg •
No sweat - A rrue vereron of rhese resrs. Jeff Connolly crv1Ses rhrough rhe normally d1fficulr Colorado Morh League Tesr Ifs 100 early for tests Heorher Selirrennrkoff rocks her brain while ogon1ZJn9 rhrough rhe 7 30 rn rhe morning Morh Teom resrs
Who Invented this stuff anyway? • Ir s a difficult JOb ro make Geomerry interesnng, Iv f\uby Hole seems robe doing her best ro keep Scot Wetzel and the rest of the dos.s ov1oke
Dementia In the computer lob - Mooque Mezo and Jeff VorhtS seem complerely exored by rhe1r recent space invader explosion , while Sandy Dtxo Doug Daniels and Mork Yocoverro fronncolly work ro desrroy rhe world
DECA Front Row • Donella Sreworr, Arisro1r Hawkes. Wendy Hurch1nson. Shellee Chnsrensen Oobbi Jo Le van , Jone lhorok, Carol Neuss Bock Row · Tracey War kins , Louro Srowe , Connie r\urherford Onan Sm1rh Ke1rh
Emrick. David Clark, T•m Morr,nez. Adam Hamon, Tom
Norek Jeff Jozw1ecki , Scorr Ooz.z Tim Silcox Marshall
Cloy DebbyDuronr , (sponsor)Oorbr\obie NotPlc1ure d :
Tern Edwards, Tonya Cooksey Debbie Necos Jim Nol
De<xy Thomas pres Chnsne Wolrer ( v pres Juhe Worron (sec ), Charmaine Lindsay (rres ), Shawnee Wolph (pub d1r)
Ne ver toking their eyes off their papers Tonya Cooksey, Kelly Holland, Hoe Mi You Korhy Paez and Uso Saddler procr1Ce rheir business and ryping skills.
176 I
Dis trict conve ntion w inners Shawnee Wolph Tonya Cooksey 01nsne Wolrer and r\oy Maestas flash rheir v1aory smiles
FB LA Front Row : Go1I O ' Neot (sponsor ), Corn Corson, Jerry Vogr Grerchen K~ Denise Sptrrle<, Louro Cnsr, LUJeon l\edfern, Durdle lsoocs , Liso Newell , Srefo(\J McNt· chols, Decky Mosimer Diano Howooh, Ap<il Ceol , Phylfis Price .sponsor Bock Row • Paulo Oollrnge< Par Mdn r.Te Monique VOJra Decky Madonna Not Pictu red: Debbie Allen , Cry~ol Dr05Sell , Swe Oenedo Coren Derkhouse , l\egg1e Oeyer!> Peggy Colvin , Jon Doiron, Lor, Drotn , Jenifer Durbin, Tracy Eddy , Kyra Epsretn , Sro cey Faykosh , Lora Fleer, Sherry Fronk, Heid, Isom , Olen Lidd1Coor Gen I.JddlCOOI Jennifer Madonna , Cindy Mos rers. Carmen Mc£1h1nney Karhy Medino, Angie Nelson, f\on New Srepho(\Je Parke< Kirsren Pennell , Tommy Powell , Sheila f\eynolds , Steve Smrh, Dani Sprague , Jenrufer Stowe , Kim Sweeney SuZJ Swenson , Pam Tver• berg Lisa Turner , Donnie Wolron , Andree W1lletT and Mtke Yunk
Winners abound in business department
The business clubs of our school were
very busy rhis year wInnIng all kinds of awards For Insronce rhe DECA club broughr
In four vicrones or the D1srncr Convennon Shawnee Wolph placed 4rh In odverns1ng and Tonya Cooksey rook 8rh In General Morkenng In rhe Mori~enng Deporrmenr
Chri stie Walter placed 5th In rhe r\esrouronr
M orkenng and Ra y Maestas placed 5rh In General Morkenng DECA wasn r rhe only one winning awards FOLA rook rhe1r fair shore Oorh Heid i Isom and Carmen McElhinney rool~ 1sr place In Ous1ness Graphics and In Ousiness Low Stace y Fayko sh rool~ 1sr and Lisa Turner rook 2nd Some second
place winners were Tra cy Eddy In Office Procedures and Cheri Liddicoat In Public Speaking In AOC Sreno I Susi Swenson rool~ 1sr and Cind y Master s rool~ 2nd Lasr bur nor leosr, Ki rsten Pen nell rool~ 3rd in Mo· chine Tronscnpnon and Jennifer Stowe placed 5rh In Clerk TypIsr I
Wirh rhe new !OM compurer lob available, business srudenrs hod increased opporrunIty ro become prepared ro be leaders In rhe compurer age · A wide vanery of business classes, including on-rhe·JOb rraInIng were offered Many srudenrs rool~ business classes ro improve rypIng skills, even 1f rhey didn'r pion ro enrer business careers
Candelight and e v er yth i ng - FOLA officers were 1nsrolled In o formal ceremo n y They include Monique V OJro. pres , Par M clnryre. v pres -fundro1sing, Denise Spinier, sec Crysral Orassell, rreos , Debbie Allen. re porrer /hisronon and (nor p1crured) Dunllo Isaacs, v. pres -oaIvIries
I• I,•
''What's happenin'?'' ''Systems!''
The world Is o sysrem. mode up of sysrems This idea was presented rhis year in all of the soC1al srudies classes Ir was nor uncommon, during lectures, for a reacher, such as Dewain Wood ro suddenly break off and roar, "What's hoppen1n':>"
The students would ouromoncolly answer, "Systemsl"
This was undoubtedly true 1n the school system alone, nor to mention rhe world For 1nsronce, the Friends For Peace was a group of people working together for peace One of rheir proJecrs was ro raise money and send letrers ro Oscar , a lirrle boy 1n Lorin
America Money was raised by selling doughnu rs during zero hour Another one of rhe groups' purposes was ro make people aware of rhe1r world Awareness posters were hung around the school to accomplish this
The color guard was o new group added ro rhe school rh1s year This group was start ed second semesrer by Mike Braden who also sponsored the group This group was very unique ro Golden because no orher school 1n Jefferson counry hod o color guard Their main responsibiliry was ro pur up the fiag every morning or 7 00
I I 178
FP. IEH DS FOP. PEACE Koren Andrews , Oob Kinsey (Sponsor) Aleoo Forsyrh Sherry Fronk Anne Cord , l..lso Durnhom Nor p1crured Vir91n10 Oornum
Did you he a r th a t? - Psychology srudenrs rake notes as guest speaker Eckard Wolhch explains rhe wOC'k!ngs of rhe cr1m1nol mind
COLOR GUARD MJl#,e 0roden spoosor), f\icky Oecx r-om Ledner , Gerr• Mort~ Not pictured: Sheley Sealy Jim Word
I remember - r.oger Meyers describes his occounrs dunng rhe Cuban Miss,e CriSIS
In hor pursulf of doughnuts r.ussel Werber and Enc Coronis ploy o rriv10 game 1n r.oger Meyers USSP. clos.s
.. -
Brainstorm Mike Ubro searches for rhe nghr word rouse 1n his essay
Great scheduling girls! Decky Sharp likes rhe debore schedules that
Sandy Dixon and Monellen Hug hove mode
IWise c rocks Lowell Sharp mes nor ro laugh or o studenr's )Oke about the Forensics bus
FORENSICS Front P.ow· Debbie Miller , Everert G1dlund , Lon Opfer , Cynrhio Oordoy, Koren Whirehoul,e fl.osemerry WohrOlo L~·e Phi nney , Sherry Fronk , Anye Sounders, Theresa Oowers, Mory Payne 2nd P.ow Tyw1llo Maupin, Down Sharp , Alison Shoyo, Korhy Zaccaro , Molly McDonald Mike Connors, Kyle Wesrgord , Donavon Tolborr Down Oswald Chorlorre Quoronno, Tnno Miller , Use Turner , Nancy Ponoo, Use Arnold Bo ck P.ow · Margo Ourgess, Curr Cor1ond , Come fl.umph , Tom low , fl.om Letdner Shou<' Chnste"5ef'I , fl.ob Howkins , Norm Hick.S Ketrt'l Sealy , Scarr Hender!,()('!, Dill Oode, Onan Srroog , Lowell Shorp(sponser Not Pictured : Mirra Am1nJofon, Koren.Andrews, Annerre Axron , John Oochofer Melonie Ocker Mike Oozz , Greg Oeor , Susan Oened1CT, Enc Oemnger , Chns Ourgess, Dono Our1er Amy Cord, Anne Cord , Mike Coruro , fl.ocky Chopl'o Troy Coores , Koren Conrier Amy Denson. Sandy Dixon, Emmy Oim1rroff, Chris Doherry, Corhy Dnscoll , Dov1d Dudden, Jerry Frongos, Kevin Gosvodo Jeff Glenn, Mike Hansen , Tooyo Hillen, Mariellen Hug , Neil Jobri, fl.urh Johnson , Troy Johnson , Chandra Koy , Scorr Krorcho , Carolyn Kuberry , uso Leingang , Chen Uddicoor, Gen lidd1coor , Par Lm Nodine Moesros. Kathy McDonald , Kristen Molnar , Nancy Mooney, Cher Neal , Wendy Nyland , Korhy Paez , Sandy Pon , Debo fl.e1d , Elena fl.eul , Hetd1fl.ewtnkel , Morne fl.agers , Don Sonders, Phil Schmtdr, Herb Schroeder, Kevin Scorr Kim Von Loorhoven, Ter Vonloorhoven Derek VonWesrrum , Shonnon VterO< , Oob Warren , Joe Wells , Seer Werzel David W115on , Julie Vuxinte
English not just writing
E,er read Hard Times by Charles Dickens? Honors English reacher, Sandy Notions , l'\l ,own for her vasr reddy bear col !ea,ons. assigned her dasses Hard Times ro read
Upon reading rhe book vengefully rold Nations, bears hove 'hard nmes't
Andy Madsen I hope reddy
However, English all reading and wnring Theorer and Forensics were English aedirs too
Eleven forensics srudents qualified for c;rore including Rom Leidner and Shaun Christensen who were undefeated 1n cross e..:om1nonon debore Nell Jabri , David Dudden and Rob Hawkins in Lincoln-Douglas debate Keith Sealy and Mariellen
Hug first qualifiers in Duer Aa1ng, Rosemary Wahtola and Cyndi Bordoy in Drama, and Koren Andrews and Dawn Sharp 1n Humor Chris Burgess, Joe Wells , Rocky Chopra Alison Shaya , Scott Henderson , Mike Han sen , Lisa Turner , Anne Card , and Sandy Dixon were all alternates ro Srate
In Forensics students competed ot tournarnenrs 1n 1nrerpreronon of literature, duer act· '"g public speaking, and debate Coach
Lowell Sharp found preparation for tournaments was much easier wirh the help of studenr OSSIStonrs Anne Card, Sandy Dixon , and Joe Wells Dawn Sharp w as always willing (?) ro compere 1n the place of others
when her forher needed someone Debbie Miller was famous for doing the morning announcements Some called her announcements The Debbie Miller Show .
Hampering this year's season. rhe ream's bus broke down 1n December While some were upser, others were glad, for rhe bus hearer never worked. and windows never dosed all rhe way allowing snow and rain ro enrer the bus What would Cherry Creek soy:>1:>
Wh en Sharp informed the ream rhor o new engine hod been put in the bus. Jeff Glenn asked, "Does If hove o new body">"
Adding ro rhe crocks mode obour rhe Forensics bus. Everett Gl dlund comment ed. "Laying on rhe luggage and suirs 1n rhe bock is more comfortable rhon s1rnng 1n rhose seats I"
Trina Miller retorted, "The bus inspired our ream spirit, because we mode JOl~es obour rhe bus all the way ro rhe rourno menrs ··
Yer all the ream members musr admit rhor rhe bus hod senrimenral value and rrad1non
High te ch English • The compurer lobs were u5ed by many srudenrs for dosses such as Oosic Essay and F0<en SICS Chondro Koy rakes o break from grueling w0<k on the computers
All's well
Alec hod once chased him for ten blocks with o butcher knife , wonnng to make him smaller Claire hod chased him half thor disronce wirh o dead ror [3ur he was really braver rhon rhey , he was on ornsr Oh he hod tried his luck or foorboll lil~e rhe orher boys bur hod only ended up wirh rhree broken ribs when he rockled o boy known ro him only as " Moose . " Thus be hod enrered rhe hollowed halls of the Golden Arnsrs Gleaming rhey srood , like Gods from on earlier age, moJesric and rollRosen tha I , Dunn and Youngmann . The orhers hod laughed when he hod roken up this pursuit, bur now he hod hlS revenge Nor only was he making more money rhon oil of rhem combined , and drawing mosr of rhe cartoons rhor rhey read 1n rhe1r well worn copies of Playboy , bur he was enjoying sp1riruol and culrurol uplifting while Alec struggled ro moinroin his " one square yard of space'' up rhe river
Drawi ng from the well Hoe Nu Yoo (who cerra,nly must be related ra Pablo Pleas.so, no morrer how disranrly) works on yet anorher masterpiece f0< bef already 1mpreSS1ve p0<tfobo
Joo ls Orendo Smrh busies herself wirh the intricate workmanship needed ta make on item of sucn excepnonol value that should 1t be found 1n a tomb 4 0CX) years from now IT w,11 be absolurely poceles.s
ART CLUB Front l\ow Koren An· drews Mei-Ion Woog (v pres), Dino Ohorrochoryyo, Marnie Porker, Tommy Maxwell sec -rreas ), Debbie Kobernusz Mike Skirmer 2nd l\ow Chnsry Anderson , Holly Ausrer Julie l\ord1n , loune Dickenson , Janice Lister , Mondy Lee Julie Chavez, Kns Foreman, Gene Youngmonn (spoosor'. Jrd l\ow Tio Kellenbenz Kathy Goldbeck Cynth10 Pom Amy Pearson, Orion Wildeman
Nor Pictured Hetd1 Isom (pres ) Mlrro Am1nJ0fon l\obb Crowe , 0izoberh Eo dens , Lora Fleer Knsten Molnar Wendy Nyland , Connie l\urherford Mondo Schultz., Amy Keith
Always helpful Jerry l\osenthol helps Jockle Oe<:wnon ro aeare her own expressive arr form
Deck the halls Srudenrs work adorns rhe walls of rhe Foorh~ts Arr Center in Golden This display 1ndudes over 100 arr pieces Earlier 1n rhe year rhe Scholasnc Art Awards l\eg1000I Exh1bir occepred work by Jennifer Srowe and Jennifer Hogon (Gold Keys) Dino Ohorrochoryyo , Kira Davis He1d1 Isom Decky Neety and Kurr Quinn (Cemncores of Ment) and Kris 01rd Enc Coronis Chris French, Orendo Smith Kns Smth, Niel Andrews Wayne Gomble Corinne Simonds Pam Yanez., Sean Frey David Meyer Erik Smith Mei-Ion Wong and Onan Wh1re
flliljii,j./f 1
We have a choir?
When people were asked where rhe choir room was mosr replied either "We hove a choir room?" or "I rhoughr choirs only extSred in church" Mosr people considered choir one of rhose difficult classes like underworer bosker weaving Our more than 50 srudenrs involved in choir would disagree
''We work really hard bur the concerrs ore very rewording and a lot of fun •· said r\osemerry Wahtolo
"I would say choir IS hard somenmes and samenmes ir's nor Out rhot's like any orher class '· commented Oeth Dorman
One of rhe rewards of hard work and ded1corion hos been All Srore Every year a choir was selecred of studenrs from all over Colorado Golden was proud ro hove represenrorives for Golden in rh1s choir each year This yeor' s representonve was Amy Von Dyke
Srudents and faculty always srressed rhe Imporronce of school spirit Yer many choir members have noriced rhat choir concerrs ore one of rhe leost orrended school ocrivities With the rising problem of choirs possibly being dismissed from all Jefferson County schools rhe need for supporr from GHS srudents 1s more important rhon ever
Concert Choir- Front Row : Monellen Hug , Sarah Shier Theresa Dowers, Debro Downs. Down Sharp. Chnsnne Gillespie Nicole f\ock, Ten Ooys 2nd Row : Chns Wh1rehouse Jodi Orody DeeOee Gooden
Soncerro Lisa Ournhom Lourie Miller (rreosur
Tonzie Higgins Jrd Row : Nicole f\o,rz, Enn
Michelle Marsh Audrey Mott L10 Warren
Jones. Chns Molone Angie Arnold Bock Row : Don Chnsry (president) Joe Wells Steve Popiel
Warren Mel~ Powell Cyndi Oordoy Srephooie Lyon Michoel Hansen Keith OeU Not Pictured:
Fields Scott Henderson Koria Drednchs, Stocey
Michko Novonr , f\yder Homey KeVln
" Songs so sweet Monellen Hug Sings to LoU(le Mfer, with no comment from and Chris White~ "
24th Street Si ngers Front Row : Amy Von Dyke, Chnsr,ne G,llesp,e .secrerory Kelli Jones Srocey Kerrenng , Jodi Orody Srocey Goudge 2nd Row · Keith Dell , Don Chrisry , Ord Row : Jim Preston Angie Arnold , Kyra Epstein, Sreve
P0p1et 4th Row : John Warren , Chris Molone MellSSO Powell
(p<esidenr I\Jchord Sm1rh (rreosurer Bock Row : Perer
Morrenson Caroline Mallory (d1recr0< MlChoel Hansen Hot
Pi ctured : Mle Lon Wong , Chris Wh1rehou5e
Sing o song of slx pock Don Christy Tim Fields Mike Hansen Perer M 'lT~lS()('\ Joe Wells Sreve P<>p1el and Kevin Warren p<ocnce for a btg choir coocen
Mountain Mogle- Front Row : Korhy Paez (seaerory), Gino Gorden, Annerre Duhamel. Theresa Dowers. Som Oorelo 2nd Row : Oerh Dorman Jusnne Wilson. Debro Gosnell Nicole f\ock Korby Zaccaro (treasurer) Chris Soncerro Sandy Porr Bock Row · Norohe Colberr (p<esidenr TonZJe Higgins. Audrey Morr Deann lounn, Amy Walker Not Pictured: f\osemerry Wohrolo. Chris Wh1rehouse Koren Whitehouse
SYMPHONIC BAND - Front Row : Michelle Morsrn He1d1 Srevenson Cynrhio Zieman 2nd Row : Onan Srr()()(J Joe Coin , 801ne, Dwo1ne Wh1rh1ngron , Amy Pipkin K,erh Oviorr Oecky Denise Goodmon , Enc Jensen ~rd Row : Par Abborr Poul Carlson, April Osburn Amy VonDkye, Korhy Goldbeck, Korhy McDonald
Mork True April Denson Kallie Snyder Liso Levy l\on Didonoro. Back Row Chns 0urgess , Jim Presron, Dtckie 0rodsby Jeff Connolly M ory Smlrh Dorrei. Woolsey, l\td<; Didonoro. El!lor Thiede Krisnn Carlson. Koren Dunn. Heorher Colondn Koren Connor Chns Polench1, Koren Hun Laro Spanski, Chr&rie Goold bock Not Pictured : l\oss Mc.Clure (Direcror)
• 186 •
Putting their best feet forward rhe bond marches ,n rhe Homecoming parade
The hard work paid off
F or rhe f1rsr nme In as long as anyone can remember, rhe band marched In new uniforms They were mosr ofren seen wearing rhem or home foorboll games Unrorrunarely, rhe S,xrh Avenue Marching Fesn vo , rhe h1ghhghr of rhe season where bonds from around rhe counry compere was canceled due ro rhe weorher In add1non ro being unable ro compere Golden did nor ger a chance ro show off rhe1r new uniforms
On rhe orher hand, rhe J0ZZ bonds per -
formed excellenrly or rhe Golden Jazz Fesn vol Several bands from across rhe srore per for med or rhe fesnvol Golden s perfor monce was one ro remember The J0ZZ bond also planned ro compere In one of rwo fesnvols being held 1n W1ch1ro and Norre Dome
Gond Is a way of life for many people Koll1e Snyder said. " If ir were nor for bond , I wouldn r be ,n school
5th HOU R JAZZ OAHD Front Row : Ellior Thiede 2nd Row : Dove Wilson , Hwi Sou ck Row : Oorre< ren t- Tom Grant, Mork True Robtn Millin, Merk Traub Hot P ctured. McOure (Direcror)
aL --
6th HOUR JAU. BAND: Front Row Robin Millin , Dove W1lso1 Kolhe Snyder, APfil Osburn 2nd Row :
Par Abbort Scort Hermonn Denise Goodmon, Ap(tl Denson Bo ck Row Mork Traub , Dorrell Woolsey Kyle Wesrgord, Elliot Thiede D,cxie Orodsby, Jeff Connolly Hot Pi ctured : Ros.s McOure (D,recror)
Concentrating hard rhe JOZZ bond performs in rhe Golden Jazz Fesnvol
KEY CLUB • Front Row · Duree Compors, Kelly Skinner Bock Row : Kenn Kn1rrel Jennrfer Judson (sec / rreos) Gage Fellows (pres) Down Weeks Marnie Rogers Ondy Dor day Oob Hayes (sponsor) Not Pic-
tured : Dove ThtSrlewood (v pres )
SuZJ Swenson Kelly Jaycox lorry
f\ock John Oronch. Tim f\om19 Down Doker Onan Ross. A!T Papen fus Klwanas sponsor).
I /
The Key Is lnvolvment M orn,e Rogers tS rhe pnv~eged member rhor gers ro nde 1n rhe Key Oub's winning floor
For friendly advice - As o sruden r adviser, Down Doker rolks ro some of her peers who JUSr need o friend
• 188 1
H.0.T. Advisors are the Key
Help1ng other reenogers was whor the HOT Tearn srood for and rhor was also rhe ream's purpose The HOT Team was inrroduced lost year bur really rook shape and was o nghrer. more producnve group rh1s year One of rhe main goals of rhe HOT Tearn was ro prevent drinking and driving
To promote rhis concept the ream ser up 1nformonve showcases. visited Elemenrory schools, helped with orher ream building and mer weekly all year Sponsor of rhe HOT Team. Bonnie Cad y , explained , 'The group informally kepr involved 1n school ocriviries and our main funcnon was leading orhers to posinve behavior ··
Another helpful group or Golden High was the Srudent Advisors, sponsored by Ga le Hallberg and Zelma Seberg Although this program 1s drfferenr 1n every school, Golden's peer counselors helped w1rh reg1srro-
non and new srudenr onenronon, bur more 1mportonrly, rhey helped srudents needing supporr when the students did nor feel comf orroble rolking ro on odulr 'If you need o fnend rhor ' s what we re for · said Je nni fer M aca lad y, one of rhe five advisors
The Key Club was also o seN1ce-0rienred group The dub was acnve rhe enrire year beginning wirh o floor 1n the Homecoming porode. rhen moving on ro o conned and boxed food drive for rhe needy , and doing o number of fun skirs dunng school assemblies
The dub mer. 1n rhe evening once a month to ploy basketball or volleyball and a lso hod 1nterdub meenngs wirh orher Key Clubs 1n Jefferson Counry Jenn ifer Judson , o member of the Key Club said , ' ' I om really rhonkful rhor I om in Key Club, nor only for the fun bur because helping people makes me fee l good ,.
H.O T TEAM Front Row : Srephonl McNIChols. 2nd Row : Ooorue Cody (odvlSOf), Ken Orune STUDENT ADVIS O RS Fro n t Ro w · Jennifer M o co lody , Down Ocker, Alisr01r
HU'M' Amy Von Dyke Bock Row : Mindy M00<e, L.tso Cisneros , Julie Sre<mole Not Hawkes Bo ck Ro w • Gale Ho1lberg Zelma Seberg, Tm l\omg , Alesha Sm1rh
Pictured: Shelley Perersen Km Sreo1 Tim Acker
NEWSPAPER-Fron! Row : Orenr K1ndsvorer (2nd sem Phoro ediror) Mtchelle Hughes , P-.oudy Hildrerh ( 2nd row : Jennrfer Condreay, Eric Momon (2nd sem Ad manager) O'loro Elhorr Christine Spillane Anne Cord '2nd sem Counrer P01nr editor Debbte MIier (News editor), Shell Keen (Proofreader) Bo ck row , P-.oy Dougheny Sponsor), Jtm Harper Virg1nt0 Oornum,
Record Keepers
Afew elite clubs and classes were ere· ored ro keep rhe srudenrs of GHS up ro dare on currenr news issues Four groups come forrh, rhe awesome Yeorbool~ sroff, rhe Video Yearbook staff, r\od10 Club, and Newspaper The Yeorbook sroff hod rhe task of purring a year's events 1nro a single book, while the Video Yearbook staff put rhe evenrs of rhe year inro lighr and sound r\odio although plagued with equ1pmenr problems overcome them and provided music or no charge to some of rhe orher club sponsored evenrs Newspaper rried rheir level best ro bring ro pnnr some of the most relivenr and conrroversiol lSSues lil~e "Should oil reachers who reach rhe some class use the same lesson pion
M Iies of smiles An enthused Newspaper Sroff poses tor o nor-so-enrhused Mork Fluklger
Steve Corneftx (2nd sem CounterP01nr ed1ror), Tim P-.omig, Enc Smirh '2nd sem Sporrs ediror) DoVJd Polevoy (Ed1ror -1n-Ch1ef) Soro Scorr (Features ediror) He1d1
P-.ew1nkel (2nd sem Assisronr ediror) Hot Pictured : Dororhy Roper '1sr sem Ad manager John Hogon
<Ed1ror"ln Chief) Homron Oridwell 1sr sem Phoro Ediror), Crysrol Or~I • Louro Stowe Heorher Ensminger
• In
tlJ J tlJ
RADIO CLUB: Par Abbor (V Pres) Nor Pie rured Rob Howkins (Pres), Oloke Coelho, Jod Shields, Dove Farrar (sponsor)
YEARBOOK - Front Row: Mork Fluekiger (phoro ed 2nd Row : Mndy More (ocodem1C5/dubs ed) Scarr Ponersoo, Michelle Perersburg , Stacey Mooroyo, Jill Hui odvtsor) J rd Row : Kelly Kohn ( sporIT> ed ), Richard Sm1rh people ed), Chnsnng Sp1llooe ( coos.sr ed Jontee Lister ' co-os.sr ed ), Debbie Miller 4th Row . Michelle P.owlond Molly Hogon Norm Hicks Debbie Kobernusz ' co-srudent hfe ed Mott Nelson 5th Row : 0-ms Smirh Bock Row : Knsry W1rrh Jo Cass Jeff Plummer, Drenr Kindsvorer ass1 phoro ed ), Gino Gordon Stephenie Porker Not pictured : Andy Copeland, Enc Cororus , Kira Davis , Terne Edwards Soroh Klein , Downe Mayo Par P.etndel {ed 1n<h1ef), Shelly Smith (ods ed ), P.oxonne TruJtllo , Delta P.etd {co-srudenr life ed ), Emmy Joy Dtmttroff
VIDEO YEARBOOK Wendy Nyland , Sharon Neigum, Roberr Thompson , Shannon Viaor Chris Mabry Not Pictured: Voundo Goode sponsor)
The wisdom of experience
Mindy Moore shows new year book staffer Knsry W1rrh rhe bo sics of planning a page
Tearn teaching
Learning and ocrivir1es combined ro keep srudenrs 1n rhe special educonon deportment involved This year many of rhe srudenrs Joined regular G1ology , morh , vocanonal and orher dosses Where several were in rhe some doss, a speaal educorion teacher ream -raughr rhe doss with rhe regu lar reacher
ThtS form of '·mo1nsrream1ng' ' was encouraged by rhe counry adminisrranon rhis year and special educorion reochers found rhar 1r worked foirly well
In oddinon ro standard subject marrer. special educanon srudenrs learned skills ro help rhem maintain Jobs, homes and relononsh1ps in their future lives Self responsiblliry and commun1canon were srressed
Favonre acnvines included a shopping trip ro Denver v10 f\TD before Christmas, the annual trip to rhe Srock Show, spending nme exploring careers in local businesses and rhe overnight comping rrip planned for spnng
Exci tedly wa iting KnsnenSm1rh. Kim Gilmore , Dorbaro Homs, Joefl.e1nhordondToddHoyslen look fO<Word 10 learning how ro nde rhe RID and gong shopping in Downrown Denver
Couldn ' t be prouder Mike Oroden congrorulores Kim Gilmore and Knsnen Sm1rh, happy rhird ptoc.e winners in rhe Sr ore Special Olympics Dowling Tournomenr
WES CLUB ,oe f\e1nhord, Todd Hoyslerr, Kim Gilmure pres Oorboro Harri:. ..sponsor), Joanna Pomeroy (pres Not Pleture-d: Ki isrien Smrh <sec), Som Keyes
Boys will be boys Wh~e Kim Gnmore and Knsnen Smith w~ diligenr y Todd Hovsierr laughs or on 11"\Side pke
Glendo Dosh1en (2nd v pres reporrer re</songleoder 8586 D1Sr rreos ). Donna Jones (pres.) Denel1 Nus.se (hisronon)
Loune Harper (sr advisor 8485 D1sr reporrer) DeeDee
Gooden (rreos,) Not Pictured: Corhenne Dnscoll (1sr v pres).
f\ocheOe Price (sec. '85- 86 D1Sr hisronoo)
More than pots, pans
Home economics doesn' r JUSr consisr of cooking and sewing, there ore many other ospecrs involved in day ro day life for which home ec prepares srudenrs For insronce 1n rhe Child Developmenr class, students cored for "egg babies" Many srudenrs found rhe duries of parenthood more d1fficulr rhon rhey hod onricipored In f ocr , one "egg baby" was found crushed in a rrosh con, founding vicious rumors rhor a dead baby hod been found in a garbage con or GHS
Several srudenrs increased rhe1r 1nvolvemenr in home ec by pornciponng 1n Furure
Homemol~ers o f America (FHA) A few of rhe club's highlights included rheir homecoming floor and rhe srore FHA conference held or rhe Oroodmoor 1n. February, as well as rhe Volennnes parry
Everybody loves a clown Amber Hayes ond orher reochers' children ore enrerrorned by "f\ed Hor" the down or rhe FHA childrens' Valentines Doy parry
He y guys The challenge, "You rhink you con do onyrh1ng girls con? Then rake Home Economics and prove Ir ," w oo Sharon M cClure S1 51n rhe posrer conresr
• 194
FHA Louise Grore (spof'ISO()
Uev Gu¥
Hey good lookin '. what's cook In' ? f\ochelle Pnce prepares rolls , rolls , and more rolls ro feed rhe many hungry guests who orrended rbe FHA 1nsrollonon ceremony
For better or for worse Scorr Sourh and Julie Srermole seem ro hove o happy mornoge bur bow much con rhey fighr in an hour'
Job skills learned
Vocanonal rechnology classes and lndusrnal Ans Club combined ro do some our-of-rhe-ord,nary proecrs Woodworking class produced roys ranging from ,nfonr sears ro rocl~1ng horses
lndusrnol Arrs Club decorored rhe huge pine rree ,n fronr of GHS for Chnsrmas The Counry lenr rhem o lifr rruck ro hong rhe ornomenrs and lighrs Among rhe ornomenrs mode of mosonlTe, poinr, and ghrrer was a four foor figure of Sonr Claus mode by Sall y Harne y and Dan Morr ison ro rop-off rhe rree
The members sold ice scrapers They also rool~ a field rnp ro rhe School of Mines ro see irs robonc welding ser-up
Steve Rusch encouraged more srudenrs ro rol~e rechn1co l orrs classes because, " They con develop skills rouse for gaInIng employmenr or jusr relaxing In rheir own worl~hops
Even 1f srudenrs ore nor planning ro go into a field deohng w1rh crofrsmonsh,p or rechnology, classes such as elecrron1cs , drafting , or ouro mechanics reach sl~ills rhor come 1n handy rhroughour hfe ''
• • 196
Dr l ghte n u p thar sm il e Tom Drouillard wires 1nro his electronics proJecr to shine htS pearly whites l\ondy Vonlrump IS nor quire rhot for yer
I' Tis the season Orendon Hoger Dill Stone , and Jeff Morson, decorore o tree w1rh ornomenrs mode by Industrial Arrs Club Steve l\usch gives his supporr from the ground
Toys for rots Jomes Plummer purs rhe finishing rouches on me rocking horse mode by .vood shop as on
C ~• Shoror M ·G ire Sre ,e P-usch G ~a Mor rinez Bo c k Row Ted Widman, Morr f\omsrer rer SrOf\ Ho,e1-< sponsor) Wayne HeffelfU19er Neil Job< Gory CrO'i.S Jeff Morson, On! Morheus. Mike Libra Nor Pic tured : Tracy Armenro, Ann Orown, Oret dor Hoger Terry McCudy. Don Morrison DrlOO f\05$ Chor es Seer Jim TISde • Sreve Torh
assembly ltne prOJeCf
Future Dentists of Amer ica Chns Coons. furure DDS , musr procrice on wood be for e moving on ro dn,hng bigge r and berrer rh1ngs like reerh and bank sates
Th is Isn ' t a ch allenge, It' s su icid e Ros.s Hasne purs himself 1n danger each nme he ndes rhese ferooous bulls His courage ho5 ptoced him in rhe rop 10 n rhe NoTJonol High School Rodeo Assodorion
.. .k • ' , L ' r r• V r t ..... . .. ,. .... • .. 198 r • ,,.. I • ' ·• r / 1 \ • .. t • ... •
Teaching responsibility
The GHS Furure Formers of America (FF A) choprer nor only compered 1n hvesrocl~ JUd1ng and orher conresrs , bur also ro1Sed money by selling coses of fruir and worl~1ng or Oronco games One moJor proJeer of FF A was sernng up rhe hvesrock display for children or the Nononol Western Srock Show 1n January
There were problems however rhot arose because of this display. FF A pres1denr Annerre Axron explained. "Ir ' s hard ro find babies ,n rhe w1nrer Some ore raised by choprer members , bur most of rhe people we get animals from don ' r l~now us or all They put a lot of trust ,n us ··
Many members worked for profioency awards throughour the year These awards were earned by making improvements on one's farm, house or herd size they were nor meonr ro arouse compennon, bur ro encourage improvement of oneself and his/ her surroundings Compennvely, however rhe FFA hod won a rotol of 20 awards by press nme
Golden did nor hove it's own 1nd1vudol rodeo club, bur several GHS srudenrs be longed ro either the Front Range Rodeo
Tearn or rhe Jeff co Rodeo Tearn High school nders ryp1colly porncipoted 1n over 20 rodeos around the store yearly Ross Hastie pornopored 1n 40 and set a goal ro be 1n 70 beg1nn1ng 1n the spnng Kevin Oorber em phos1zed ' Rodeo reaches srudenrs respons1biliry for themselves because rhey rrovel wirhout guord1onsh1p on weekends ro rodeos ''
Hosne weired unril he was a freshman before he was captured by rhe thrill of bull nd1ng He believes rhor concenrronng on doing well is more 1mporronr than compennon Nor only does ir rake intense concenrrorion to be successful 1n bull riding bur Hosne be heves rhor his f 01rh 1n God helped him rre mendously However , courage IS only porr of It ir 1s also very orhlenc Hosne feels rhor ''Cowboys use up enough adrenalin prepor 1ng before a nde and during on e1ghr second nde to ploy o quarter of Pro f oorboll
Equally exonng as the rodeos were rhe rodeo dances, which were held quire ofren and arrended by many who enJoyed rhem 1nremperorely Oh , yes, JUST for your ,nfor morion , rhe music or rhese dances was nor country wesrern bur rock n- roll
FFA Front Row : Ne Cordell. Annerre Axron ( presidenr ). Susie Den edict, M o ry Derh RODEO CLUO Front Row f\es5 Hosn e (pr e Slde n r , Fronr f\o ':le Deobe f\om5 er e sec rerory ), Sus,e Den ed icr De 1 dre Dow 15 Ke V1n Oorber (presidenr. Jeffco), Dirk f\og e r5 Do c k Ro w Sheron McClure , Tra c e ( our, Gino M orrnez, Gory Cr • ,s.,s John Ande rse n, Cra ig Cyr (VKe president Jeff· .o Kerr •Cd er Ore ndo Lepl~e Ele na Cyr Sob<ino Srnck lor ,d Nor Pic tured : Todd Sreinbock l\o\v Crorg Cy r, M!Cky Messolin e Jerry Mor10w D,rk f\ogers , John Darb Feighner, Oren Melia <sponso Not Pic tured : Ke Vln Oo rber Joy y a Doswell Jorn e Ou~e, Gayle Goddw" Jeff Hor •ey Joe Kenn edy , Geri ,K10cou r Chen uddKoar , Korhy McDonald , Tra\115 Nelson Wend i Navorro, Leann e e, Deb f\omsrerrer Dill
• -• 1 I p -. ., I J I
Srone , f\oberro Sheridon, Sreve Sm,rh , Todd Sre ,n txx Worklns Lorrie Stlburn , Daron Frenc'1, Jackie Deorry
Rising to the top Cheri Liddicoat, f\es5 Hosne and Gen Lidd1coar ifi. coo ore Srore Rodeo Officers
Males can cook too Todd Fondy is preparing robe o furure chef rhrough one o f Worren·s programs
• • 200
The compurer age J,m McClure learns o ery o,uoble 5kJ n rhis doy
Experience leads ro success T,m fl.obem procnces rhe voluob1e ski! of welding or Warren
The most valuable tool
For some very valuable experience and rroining in a number of d1fferenr occuponons sevenry-one srudents from GHS orrended rhe Warren Occupononol Technicol Cenrer (WOTC) This 1s a one or two year program that enables rhe studenrs ro enrer rhe field of technology, business, monufacruring, graphics, healrh or rransporronon, rhrough a selecnon of over fifry-ftve differenr programs
The coordinaror of Golden s WOTC programs, Br uce Dougla ss , boasted rhor, rhe percenroge of kids orrend1ng Warren
Tech who reaeve Jobs ofrer complenng the year course 1s well up into rhe n1nnes · He added ··warren received an award for be 1ng rhe besr Vocorional Technical High School program 1n rhe Rocl~y Mountain region out of e1ghr ··
Many srudenrs orrending Warren Tech find ir ro be a rewording and beneficial ex penence Mike Ortega , for example ex palins "I om 1n mechanics and ir's a lirrle harder for me because my dad reaches up rhere I rh1nk ir's a greor program though, because rhey hove JOb placement ·'
Let's get physical
'' l hile most high school classes were 'Y'f considered condinon1ng for the mind only, P E was cond1non1ng for the body
From Andrade ' s strenuous weight lifting classes to Wil cox ' s 1nv1goraring gymnasncs classes P E gave srudenrs a break from academics while gIv1ng them a chance ro get into shape
When quesnoned why she rook a P E doss Jodi Brady replied , " Oecause l like pain II
Jeff Madonna commented he rook a P E class because he " wonted to get 1n shape "
From those who took PE classes for the fun of 1t to those who rook rhem for serious condition ing P E physical " " was a greor way ro get
• • 202
Don ' t let go Con Oeery spors Ron Foresrer dunng hiS nor so graceful orrempr or o hand· stand
Jill Hatcher proves rhor you should Never underesnmore rhe power of a women
P E ts a boll Eric Johns shoots o ~nrer while ploying boskerboll 1n hlS p E das.s
He-avy metal Cher Neal srro1ns 05 he powers some exrremely heo• y wetghrs tn his rhtfd hour fir~ doss
Look Mal No feet! - Enc Price demonsrrores his hand-walking rolenr
NHS Fron t Row : Scorr Hermann, Jen nifer
Srowe AnnoMono VuXJn1c , Jul. e Chevez, Suzl Swenson 2 n d P.ow : Rom Leidner, Con
l.lsrer (sec ), Leon 1e F1fro1 Pou.o Ande rson •
Koren Andrews rd Row : Chnsnoe Spillane, f\hondo Schu1rz Cos.s,e Pfohl Erica
Skyrmon (pres ), Jim TiSde1 4t h Row : Korhy
Goldbo<:k, Jeff Connolly pres Cheryl
Smirh, LLSO Sh e r Lesli e Ph r,oey Sherry
Fronk LJSO Turner 5th Row : T10 Ke enbe nz
( rreos ), M indy M oor e Bock Row : Kenn
Knirrel, Cro19 Andrews -Jones Ju11e l\ord1n
Wendy Nyland M e IS.SO Fry Enc Jensen ,
Tommy M oxwe Not Plcrured: Down Doker , Coren Derkhouse John Oronch , Tom
Culver, Gino D1Donoro, Kim Draper, Kns
Foreman , Denise Goodmon , John Hogon, Heidi Isom, Kell y Kinne r, Susan Mcinroy
Decky Neely , Nancy Poncio , Onon Ros.s , Cos -
51e Thiede , David Thisr,ewood, Monique
Vo1ro , Met-Lon Wong Ange10 Arnold , Lisa
Ournhom , ChriS rt()e Cooper Scorr Green ,
Deann Lounn, Jenn~er Mocolody Down
R,ncoe , Corr• e Rumph , Kyle Wesrgord , Sandro NorlOOS (sponsor)
'Average' isn't enough
D1sopline and comm irmenr Srudenrs who possessed borh of rhese were found 1n Senior Seminar and Nanonal Honor Sooery ( NHS) These rwo organizarions required exrended hours and hard worl~ from rhe porridpanrs They were orienred rewords srudenrs who tool~ pnde 1n rhemselves and rheir worl~
For instance, NHS srudenrs had ro qualify 1n scholarship , leadership , character and serv ice In oddirion to keep ing high grade poinr averages , rhey were involved ,n many octiviries Ar rhe beg1nn1ng of rhe year , they set up a turoring service for students needing help in speofic classes They also planned a ski rnp One of NHS' moJor proJecrs rh is year was revising their consnrurion
" To be a member of NHS , you musr be
ded1cored • said Erica Skyrman , pres1denr Senior Seminar was a unique orgon1zonon roe Sruden rs were selected and rhen devored rhe1 r second semesrer ro alrernore learning experiences, mostly 1n env1ronmenrs orher rhon classrooms In oddinon ro fund ro1s1ng ocnv,ries , srudenrs pornopared 1n four basic seminars a ph ilosophy seminar a science seminar a cu lrure seminar and a morh seminar
For rhese seminars , srudenrs read books, researched and wrore papers, and rhen rravelled ro rhe sires of " hands-on " learning expenences Srudenrs complered a firsr aid course before embarl~ing on rheir ourdoor adventures The srudenrs involved spenr many hours ourside of school rime in on orrempr ro ger rhe mosr of rhe ir educanon
• 204
• t (
Service with o smile Erica Skyrrnon helps o fellow srudenr wirh on ~r as par of rhe NHS ruro<ing program
Presenting the encounter you never knew when you II be foce TO foce wirh l\esuso Annie She cerra1nly seems ro en)Oy being dose To Enc Dohman ,n Firsr Aid dOS5
f o rward to new
adventures SenlOI' Seminar srudenrs wove good-bye
SENIOR SEMINAR: Dill Dremer Amy Dnggs Scorr C~. Enc Dohman, Goge Fellows, Klmih1ro Goro, Keny Kinner Go1I Logerquisr Andre Loge Mike Monn1nen, Nore Marler Carmen Mc£1h1nney, Sroo Mdlwee Decky Neely Kim Perersburg , Mone Perrerson, Lisa l\1rrenbur9 Julie Srermole An;o Schulz1\oos Tom Traub, Dewain Wood (sponsor)
• • 206 ncn SA i. ES 6 SERVICE , :w>, Whirlpool s & s Electronics & Appliances 17601 50 GOLOEN RD GOLDEN COLORADO 80401 PHONE 279-7919 Golden Floral 17601 So Golden Rd Golden, Colorado 8040 1 (J0J) 279-9755 The Jeweler quality nng designed for your school. PlummerS Jewelry 1206 Washington Ave. Golden, Colo. 80401 Telephone 279 - 4246 tl tll' fW ?Q.Cit ~D€t' ~~Ml Manderin & Szechan Cuisine Order ro Toke Our MON-Ff\l 11 00-2 JO 5-10 SAT 5 00-10 00 SUN 500-900 1111 Wosh1ngron Avenue Golden, Co 80401 (Oosemenr of Cenrre Dldg ) 279-0400 I
Deoresr Susan
Even or 6 monrhs, you were srrong and beounfu1 Todoy rhese quohnes srill shine forrh
we ore so proud of your inner srrengrh shown by your convicnon generous wormrh, and love for orhers These quoliries will afford you greor success 1n rhe odulr lite you ore Jusr beg1nn1ng
We will always be rhere ro love and supporr you
Congrorulorions on your groduonon and all your occomphshmenrs!
Our besr wishes for your continued success
With love , Mom and Dad
Susan Lamprell
Mom and Dad
Richard Smith
Cori Lister ( and Janice)
Everyone coils us sisrers , burro me you're my besr f(endl
Love you Janice
Debbie Miller
Srormy rhonk you for being rhe doughrer you ore none could make her parents prouder Congrorulorions and love, Mom and Dad
Good lucl~. Sis
John and Dawna
Oucl~wheor, looking or you now I find ir hard ro beleive rhor you were once o lirrle girl Our no marrer how old you ore you II always be my lirrle girl. Conrrarulorions!
Love, Dad
' , I I ' J , ( Janelle Mayo
- '
Flexible Senior Package at $50.00 and $100.00 FREE previews with prompt payment L oc ated at southwes t c orn er o f 25th and Harlan 233-5 195 SPILLANE & CO , p .c. 12265 We s t Bayaud , Suite 200 Denver , Co. 986·8443 JB & H RECORD S 11961 West Alama eda Pkwy Lakewood 9890210 DR . ROBERT JOHNSTON D .D .S./p .c. 3785 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge , Co. 421 ·8753 DR DELOUISE 1800 Jackson Golden, Co LAKEWOOD CHIROPRA CTIC CENTER Dr. Robert W Miller D C 279-3378 1614 Carr Street 237-6582 Congratulations Seniors B & BE Family Sho e Store And Repair Doug and Linda Ehresman 717 13t h St reet, Go l den, co (303) 279-1581 Sales-ServiceRepairs-Lessons GUITAR CITY , IN C. 9895 W Colfax Ave Lakewood, Co 80215 238·7588 Ma tt Nelson tes t s a n origin a l Gold Gi
Guitar City is S u per ior in a wide variety of quality guitars, amps, a n d g u itar accessories 2 09
• Gifts, Toys, Candy and Paper Goods Exit 254 Behind Charthouse Little Theatre Culture Centers Inc. 210 Goller Top Jazz Gymnosncs Drama Main 1980 Youngfield Sourh Jewell & Garrison Easr Arapahoe f\d & Glencoe Congratulations Senior Class of '85 from Del's Tonsorial Parlor 1210 W a . shington Golden 279-6172 Your complete hair care center for men and women! MEYER HOME CENTER, INC. 1130 AMPOHOE GOLDEN COLO ,, '' More than a hardware store. I I I I
Shanna Hummel
''Speaol"descnbes people who ocr from rhe heorr and l~eep 1n mind the hearts of orhers "Special" IS the word thor best describes you
Shaun Cristensen
No challenge IS too big for the powerful person you've become I hove loved watching your uniqueness unfold
Christine Whitehouse
Our hrtle girl how nme hos flown , now here you ore and how you ve grown Always keep your gools n s1ghr remember always those who love you
We love you Shanno. Mom, Dad and Shone
All rhe srudenrs. foculry and sroff of GHS
The doss of '85
Moy on your skills and rolenrs
And rhe knowledge you possess. Open doors ro dreams fulfilled
Good torrune and success
And moy eoch porh you follow
Leed ro losring hopptness
Florrery 1s given Respect 1s earned You ve earned a lot
All our love Mom and Dad
Jeffco Off ice & Engineering Supplies HEWLETT PACl~ARD CALCULATORS LARGE OOOK SELECTION GEOLOGY ENGINEERING METALLURGY SOLAR GEOPHYSICS MINING SCHOOL SUPPLJES 279 7625 Alameda Press (Copyquick) 807 1Jrh Srreer 1295 Sourh Jason Srreer Denver, Colorado 80223 FINE PRINTING 300/7~2 Golden, Colorado 80401 211
• • , j • As Golden's leading bank, you know we'll be rhere to help mal~e those successes happen by offering the financial services you can count on From rhe people who know rhe score. First lnrerstote Qonk of Golden First o Interstate Bank First Interstate Bank of Golden , N.A. , 1301 Jackson St. , Golden , CO 80401 David Meyer With every rising of the sun rhinl~ of your life as JUSt begun Never forger how much Mom Dad and God loves you 212 Tom Egan Without the way rhere is no going wirhour the rruth rhere 1s no l~now1ng, wirhout rhe life there is no living Love , Dad, Mom, Mll~e, Julie Jason Pfaff Congrorulanons on your graduation, Jason We ore very proud of you Dad, M om, Juhe '
Portraits by
Friends ,
Chosen Phorogropher of 1980 by Profes.sionol Phorogrophers of Colorado and by Nl5 Phorogeruc US A wlf'lner of 13 fir!.£ places by Pr ofessioool Phorogrophers of Colorado
you for your patronage.
you all the best in your future endeavors.
us in mind for your photographic needs in the years to come And come in to say , '' Hi ," anytime. If your senior year is yet to come , do stop by and get acquainted. Class of '' 85 Call early for our super special Signed , How do you look best for your senior picture? A W eor designer braces 0 Cut out Marlboro ad or rhe cover of Glamor and paste ,r on your face C Go ro Portraits by P Mohan Hint: Ask friends who have gone to Piare Mohan, where your natural beauty shines through! 18JO So Wodsw ooh Lakewood 9882534 21J
We wish
Please keep
She 1s o promise She is a possibihry She 1s a grear big bundle of porennaliry She is a promise ro be anything she wanrs to be Congrarulanons, S1st
Cindy, you were special as a lirrle girl You've grown 1nro a young lady your whole family IS proud of Love , Mom and Dad Love, Mom
• THE GOLDEN MEDICAL CLINIC '' A FAMILY HEALTH CENTER " GR GJellum, MD J M Shorkey, MD J H Gale, MD CW Warson, MD 9 FREE WALLET PHOTOS -Regular Price $19 .00- 1823 Ford Srreer Telephone 279-78t-4 \ 't t 27 Free Wallets w 11ri th i s ad and regular s,tt ,ng -Full ColorPLu s At No Extra Cos t • Indoor and outdoor poses • Awesome abstract proiected backgrounds • Three changes of clothes • 45 minute s1tt1ng time • Be pho tographed w ith a friend hobby or pet -Free T-Shirt with regular sitting-Select from over 12 colorsCALL 420-3505 TODAY Don Feltn e r PhotographJ' Wheat R i dge , Co l o rado Alesha Smith
Dad 2 14 Golden. Colorado 80401 Ray Maestas
and prosperiry in
supporr Love Mom • •
you r new be-ginning, conhnued love and
' •.: I ' , ,, -./ ~ls 1~ ·.~.h, ": ,~I. • ..rt ff .' 'v.. ,:,. ) l ft; I I \..·l ' ~I"' ) K· ..;.a (\ \J.. .,r, q <~ ~(_,: Adolph Coors Company salutes the Seniors of Golden High School, extends best wishes for your future, and pledges to continue to support those American ideals that assure opportunity for all. Sharing the American Dream of Opportunitye1985 ~ph Coo(s Company Golden Colot"ado 80401 Brewe< o f F, ne OJatrty 8ee1"S Smee 1873 215
Best of the west - Henrage Square o ffers something for everyone-exqu1Sire gifts, exar1ng rides and great food and dnnks
A new look - recenrly Henrage Square has expanded, adding many new and 1n reres t1ng shops
• 216
OYZ lJI\IDIN~ ,.~..:: . --:&-----~ ;!::.#~ AiiJ) Heritage Square Open Year Around Chicago Hotdogs Polish Dog Bagels Sandwiches Ownera C.nn & Marte Notz Chicago Pizza Chili Drinks lcecream 278-3034 Herttage Square • IAT~S I.TD H eritage Square Bldg U-2 Box A -Ill Go ld en Co 80401 3 0 3 -278 -2272 I I
.... Heritage Square r~ 0astba 303-279-74 19 •~ - U_s Golden, Co lorado German Rt!~taurant 80 401 And Bt!t!r Ga rden O"'ners Bill Marble Jerrv Pfannens ttel Inquire about our dos.s reunion pomes Manager Kat ey Ga rd n er A zooful of animals Down Oswald and Kim f'\oush ore amazed or ne 10CTedible selection of on1mols or Arumol Krockers KRACKERIa= Plush Toys , Exclus i vely For All Ages I Heritage Square Golden , CO 80401 279-9390 CLAUDIA A DAVIS •• A SH IRT STORY 278 2546 HERITAGE SQUARE GOLDEN , CO80401 R EPAIRS • SPECIAL ORDERS OPEN YEAR ROUND • 7 DAYS A WEEK Box A -102 • Heritage Square • Golden, CO 80401 Jeff Kuykendall 303-278-1412 Jerry Mart i n KATHY GOLDSBERRY 986-5219 BRENDA SCOTT 761 - 61 4 1 Ka11garuo ' s Pouch CR A FT AN O S IL K FLOWE R DESIG NS 303 - 279 -7 4 70 HER I TAGE SQU A RE GOLDEN COLO RA DO 804 01 Gary Finch Heritage Square Golden, Colo 80401 279-0822 ,..._,...., -' ~ NAUTICAL GIFTS MODELS & ACCESSORIES (, H J CK & DOTT'r MACNAMARA H !lt,np '>11 1111• (;u,d n CO '10401 , J1l '11 ,110
+-NORTH WASHINGTON FOSS ARAPAHOE URGENT & - FAMILY CARE I Urgent and Family Care 1224 Arapahoe Street Golden , Co l orad o 80401 THE ARMORY BUILDING D Services P rovided· M inor Emergencies l nJuries Illnesses (Co ld s, Flu Infections) Sports and othe r Ph ysicals Immuniza t ions Laboratory and X Ra y Facilities Bo th Children & Adults Wel come John R Mcinerney , M D , FA C.E.P W David Luce, M D Congratu l ations to th e Class of " 85 No Appointment Necessary 8AM to 8PM · M onday thru Sa turday 9A M to 3 PM · Sundays & H olidays Alisha Sm1rh , SuZJ Swenson and Jelli Jaycox enJOY rhe vanery -lite "Ot h e r Than M o th e r" Be s t wishes and b es t of lu c k from John Jaycox 8992 W Colfax A ue Lakew oo d CO 802 1 5 303 / 234-1210 218 FAMILY HAIR CARE 15750 Old Golden Road Golden, Colorado 80401 F or appointment , call 279·1496 Tues ·Sat. GOLDEN CHIROPRACTIC CENTER, P.C. DR. RICHARD A. BERGERON FAMILY C HIROPRA CTIC CARE •X -RAY FACILITIES •IN SURA NCE ACCEPTED •WORKMAN'S CO MPENSATION •PERSONAL INJURY •AUTO AC CIDENT NO C HARGE FO R CO N S ULTATIONS 2401 FORD - GOLDEN 278-1550
Gary Floyd
From your earliest baby picture and first matchbox cars to your senior portrait and b lack Scirocco, we've watched you grow and mature We love you!! Congratu lations .
Mom , Dad , Gina and Genesis
Tracey Watkins
From cute pixi , to beautiful worn· an We are so proud of you! Enjoy a wonderful life We love you dear· ly Mom and Dad
Jodi Brady
You made our family , the " Brady Bunch " comp lete, Jodi Sue We love you God's blessings to you now and always
Mom and Dad
photograph y Glenn L. Jan sse n/ Photographer Je well Sq ua re 7873 W Jewell Ave Lakewood , CO 80226 (Jewell & W adsworth ) (303 ) 988 -1 155 ., -I F
I Best wishes to the Class of '85 from the JULIE SEBERG Essence Golden High School faculty and staff KELLY JAYCOX Search out and touch , aware , Exulting in being . Say yes to life , expectant, Cherishing your experience Dare to find yourse lf Congratulations eral SAVINGS SINCE 1885 220 701 13th Street 232-2121 ''Our 100th Year of Service'' Bea Gouge Branch Manager Asst. Vice President love, In you Dad and Linda Complete Laboratory surgica l, Medical, and radiology facilities for s mall animals Mom Francis Veterinary Hospital P .C. Robert J . Francis D.V .M. 16399 S. Golden Road Phone: 279-5952 Golden, Colorado 80401 Office Hours : 8-6 I
, s • Competitive Prices • Two Great Locations • Several Backgrounds • Ind oor or Outdoor I KIPLING PLAZA MISSION COMMONS 38th & Kipling 88th & Wadsworth Wheat Ridge , CO 80033 Arvada , CO 80005 422-7111 431-5999 221
A man wirh a pushcorr selling unloid eggs on co~gnment ofter charging the hens f0< laying rhem rhe cusromer for buying them, and rhe eggs for being born
AbodJIOn Liza 96
Abbot Par 43 166 186. 187 190
Abel Ashley 43 136 166 172
AC/OC fl
Acker Tim 12. 43 189
Adams. Nicholas 96
Adams. f\om1 96
Adams. f\ob 43
Albnghr Dusn 78
Allen, Debbie 43 m
Allen. f\lCk 17
Alvarado. f\ose 78 13-'.3
Am1nJofon Mirra 78 181 18J
Andersen John 78
Anderson. Arthur 114 199
Anderson Chnsry 95 18J
Anderson Heorher 78
Anderson Paulo 43 166 204
Anderson f\Jchord 96
Androde f\JCh 114 153 202
Andrews. Donny 77
Andrews. Koren 14 25 43 106 172 fl8 181 18J 204
Andrews. Niel 78 182
Andrews-Jones Craig 43 136 1J7 166 204
Annis. Margo 10 78
Annis. f\ob1e 10
Ant Adam fl
Archulero. Don 96 152 153
Armenro, Jon 43
Armento Tracy 1J, 43 197
Armsrrong, Srocey 96
Arnold, Angie 18, 19 26 89 184 185, 204
Arnold, Llso 40, 136 166 181
Art Oub, 18J
Asher. r\obert 95
Ashron, John 17
Asrle. Kim 79. 166
Arreberry. Kelly 79
Auld Chns 40, 135
Ausrer, Holly 79, 18J
A>cron, Annerre 40, 181 199
Ayers. John JO
Azod, Hamid 79
B igamisr 1 A man who momes a beautiful woman and a good cook, 2 A heavy lrolion fog
Dochman, David 114
Dochofer John 4 3-'.3 40, 54 169 , 181
Dode 0111 8. 43, fl2 181
Dode. Debbie 22 79, 160 161 166
Doker. Dab 45
Doker Down
Doldr. Jeff 80 116
Dolduc, Carole 115
Dole;ock, Tommy 80
Dond. Oenron 97, 1J1 151
Dond. Merry 97, 131, 172
Donner. Collin 80. 1JO 131 , 152 153, 163
Dosron 01nt 80. 106
Doswell Tonyo 80 199
Dorrolfson Lorry 77
Dorrs Joy 77 199
Ooulwore f\oberr 80
Dowers. Kelley 97
Dowers Therese 97 181 , 184 185
Days Oaskerboll, SJ Sophomore 150 151
Days Doskerbotl Vorsiry 144 145
Days Golf 144 145
Days' Soccer 134. 135
Days Sw1mm1ng. 154 155
Days Tennis, 140 141
Oroden, Jeff 46 1J1. 153
Oroden l.Jso 80
Oroden, Mike 115 178. 179. 192
Orodsby f\Jchord 115 116
Drodsby f\Jchord. II 80, 141 , 166 186 187
Orodsby l\ichord 80 141 166 166
Drody Dionne 97 129
Orody, Jodi 46 167 184 , 202. 219
Orody Kore 47 166
Oro1nerd, John 115
Oromon Sreve 80
Oronch, John 47 144 145 166 188 204
Orossell Crystal 80 m. 190
Orossell !\yon 97
Oreeze. l.Jso 97
Oremer Dill 4 , 47 7J 154
Oreron. Andre 98
Drewer. Laro 98
Ondwell Hompron 46, 68 141 , 149, 166 190
OriggS Amy 77 166 205
Dngham Leslie 98
Drighr Morry 46
Orockwoy, JoAnne 80, 138
Orodbeck John 115
Dromberg, Andy 80 , 153
Drouwer. Sreve 98 162
Drown, Ann 47 , 197
Drown. D10ne 115. 116 172
Drown. Jim 80
Drown. Sonya 98
Drown, Steve 54
Orunel Ken 20. 39, 47, 189
Orunner Jomes 80
Duck, Gregory 77
Ounger. Orod 128
Ourczyk, Louro 116
Oureman, KeVJn 81. 1J1
Durges.s. ChriS 81. 141, 169, 181 , 186
Ourges.s, Morga 98. 172. 181
Durke, Jomes 47 199
Durnhom , LiSo 11 , 81, 173 , 178, 184, 204
Ourron Tim 98 , 153
Oushey, Sreve 128
Outler , Dono 81, 181
Dyers , Michelle 81
Dyerty, Dab 98, 109. 135, 151
Dyrne, Dick 116, 119
C ockro1I lounge A half-hr room full of haff-lir people
Cody, Donnie 21. 62 116, 189
Coin, Joe 14, 18, 20, 113. 106. 1J7, 153, 186
Calondn. Heorher 98, 186
Calloway, MellSSO 113
Campbell, DoVld 116
Campbell. Tammera 98
Carbone. Chns 98
Cord. Amy 81 , 181
Cord, Anne 47 , 54, 166. 174. 178 181 , 190
Corl. JennJfer 47
Carland, Curr 98, 153, 181
Carland, Tracy 81, 128
Carlsen. Koren 116
Cortson. Kristin 81, 173, 186
Carlson, Poul 98,186
Cornefix. Sreve 98. 190
Corson. Corri 47, m
Corson, Johnny 75
Cass. Jo 98. m. 158, 191. 2J1
Cass. Scarr 49, 131. 205
Casretlono Vtnee 134, 135
Casrle, Arr 81
Corhermon. Delores 116
Coruro, Mike 98 181
Cease. Lory 116
Ceo1, April 81, m
• •
96 138, 181
f\lCk 153 Doll. l.Jso 79 138 139
Anrhooy 95 Dollinger Paulo 79.
222 Dononoromo 17 Donds. 186 187 Dorber Kevin 45 1J1 199 Dordoy Cynd1 18 20 21 26 96 106 171 181 184 188 Dordwell Oryon 140 141 Dorelo Samantha 96 185 Darker Ke1rh 45 Darnen Alberto 114 Dorney Jim 10, 11 79 84 1J1, 152 153 Dornum. Virginia 45, 178 190 Dorrows, .Joner 45 Darron. Joseph 97 26 Dorrunel~. Enc 95 Dares Kim 79 Dares f\ob 106 Doulch Joner 45 166 Doulch, Norma 115 17J Doumgorrner Orod 79 116 Doumgorrner Down 45 166 Doxrer Mo 79 Doyhe Valene 115 Days, Ter· 97 184 Dou Mike 97 181 Oozz Scorr 6 79 176 Dear Greg 97 181 Oeorry. Jackie 199 Deck, f\ichord 97 166 179 Oeckmon Jackie 79 132 182 Oeecher DoVld 79 Oeecher Jomes 79 Oeery Con 97 202 Dell Chuck 131 Dell. Helen 115 Dell Ke1rh 97 185 Oello1rs, Michelle 79 Oenedicr Suson 45 m 181 199 Oen;omin, Thomas 11J Oennerr Scarr 97 Denson Apnl 45 46 186 187 Oerkhouse Coren 45 m 204 Derry Keirh 79 Derry Morr 97 Derry Suson 97, fl6 Demond, f\enee 77 Oeston. Deon 1J1 Derringer Enc 97 181 229 Oeyers f\egg1e 45 177 Oeyers f\on 45 Ohotrochoryyo 01no 47 166, 180 Diolkowski Shell 97 Dice Tom 79 144 149, 151 D1ndel Tom 54 115. 168 Oird. K1rsren 97 18J 01rkby Andrea 47 166
Tommy 79
Gory 77
Don 97 Oloom Dove 6
45 138 167 188. 189 204 Doker.
20. 21
Onan 39
Chorlorre 115
Ooehle Kennerh 77
Ooehte Kim 79
2. 10 11
49, 128 166,
O"leer1eoders. 160 161 Child Gene 116, 169 Choirs. 184 185 Chopra, f\okesh 20 21. 98 166 167, 181 Chnsrensen, Shoun 3-'.3 49 64 106, 166, 181 211 Chnsrensen, Shellee 81 176 O"lnsnensen Curr 98 O"lnsry, Don 11 , 38 49 184 185 Cisneros l.Jso 81. 160 167 189 Cisneros f\os,e 160 Clabough, Trent 110 154 17J Clark, David 81. 176 Oork, Mory Oerh 49 199 Clarke. Arthur C 17 Cloy Marshall 95 109 176 O,ne. Shene 98 Oingon, nm 49 168 Clouner nno 12 98 Coores, Troy 98 131. 181 Coelho, Otake 49 190 Coffman. Marshall 81 Colangelo Kimberly 77 Colangelo f\oberr 11J, 116. 2J2 Colbert Norolie 81 185 Colbert Wayne 77 Cole, Oever1y 81 Cole Lauren 81 98 Cole LISO 49 54 106 Colher. Kern 81 82. 199 Collins Andy 81 Collins Hope 44, 49 Calm. Desiree 77 ColVln, Peggy 81. m Colvin Sreve 81 84 Comporsi, Duree 98 188 Condreay. Jen~er 21 98. 171 190
Cheer , Onan 81 Chapmon. Jeneon 98
Cheek, Phillip 81
119, 176
Durbin, Arrdy 80, 153
Durbin, Jenifer 53, 128 , 129 , m
Dvorak, Oiff 101
Dykes, Amy 113, 131
Eunuch One who IS cur off from rempronon
Eddy, Tracy 53. m
Eder Kenny 80. 149 151
Edwards. Tern 80. 166, 176, 191
Egon Tom 4, 53. 68 112, 162. 163
Elktngron Kelly 53
Ell!Ot Lee 53
ElliOIT. Charo 27, 101 171. 190
Ellis. Jim 157
Ellis Sue 102, 1JJ, 157. 158
Ellison. Donerre 101 1J6
Elmer Jim 80
Elms. Paulo 110
Embury Jennrfer 80
Emnck. Keirh 12 80 172 176
Endsley Chad 80
England Connie 101
Ensminger Oret 101 '\J4
Ensminger Heather 53
Epsrein Kyra 80 166. m 185
Erbach. l.lso 53
Erickson Deon 10 53 168 228
E~ Srephon1e 101 106 128
Errt, Mike 80
Erzenhouser Morr 82 80
Evon Darrel JO
Evans. Denise 101
Ewing John (J I\ ) 53 106
F 1hng cob ner A place to iose things olphobetteolly
Fagan John 53, 135 152, 153
Fairbanks. David 117, 119
Farrar David 117 119 125. 190
Faykosh, Stacey 80 172 m
Feighner Oorboro 53 199
Fellows. Gage 4 53, 154, 167 188, 205
Fernandez. Oeomz 80
Ferraro Geraldine 28
FFA, 199
FHA, 194
Fields, Orooke 100, 102
Fields, Tim 3, 5 18, 19 80, 154. 184
Flfrol, Leanne 53, 166. 204
Fink, Eric 102, 131, 153
Finnell Leslie 80
FisCl"ler. Shelley 7, J8, 53
flserre. More 102
Fish Joell 102
Fisher. l\ichord 80
Firzg~rold, Elaine 117, 174
Flrzgerold, Shown 102, 154
Flock, Amy 102, 109, 110
Flock. Come 53
Fleer Laro 53 177 180
Floyd Gory 53 219
Fluektger Mork 4, 24 53 191
Fondy Todd 84 200
Foorboll. 130 131
Foreman Kris 10 53 128 129 166 180 204
Fox Ken 15
Fox Kim 14 77
Fox Wendy 95
Frongos Jerry 53 70 , 166, 181
Fronk , Sherry 84, 166, 177, 178 181 204
Frankie GoP.s ro Hollywood, 17
Franks , Erin 102, 26
French Cub 171
French, Chns 102, 180
French, Darren 187, 199
Frey Sean 84 182
Fry, Meusso 84 , 170, 204
Fuqua , Hearh 84
-A game 1n which o ban one and o half inches 1n d10meter iS placed on o boll 8 000 mies 1n d1• omerer The ~ecr is ro htr rhe small boll bur not the lorger The player endeavors ro conrrot rhe smaller boll w1rh 1mplemenrs 111 odopred for thor purpose
Gaddis, Orerr 55 68 70 1J6
Gaddis, Mike 102 1J6
Gaddis l\od
Eadens, EliZobe rh 101, 180
Ecker, Gndy 101
Eddie and rh e Cruisers, 17
Forensics. 181
Forgy Mork 53
Fooyrh Aleoo 84 160 178
Fosrer Tim 102
Conner John 77, 166 Conner Koren 7J 98 181 186 Connolly Jeff 49 154 166 172 174 186 187 204 Connors Michael 98 181 Cook, Don 1J1 Cook, Heather 6 81 142 14J Cook, f\obby 98 172 Cooksey Tonya 6 49 176 Coons. Chns 98 Coons. Greg 49 70 Coons. Wendy 77 Cooper Crosry 81. 170 170 204 Cooper Tom 99 Copeland. Arrdy 4 24 81 191 Cordell. Neil 99 199 Coronado Pou 99 Coronis. Enc 81 179 180 191 (our Trooe J 49 197 199 Cowles. Srephonie 81 Cress Christy 99 105 14J Cress Don 82 1J5 Crisr John 82 Cnsr Louro 49 Crisr w endy 49 m Cross Counrry 1J6. 1J7 Cross Gory 102 197 199 Cross Ted 95 Crowe f\obb 11 82 151 180 Cuddy Jennie 50 Culler Carolyn 100 Culver Tom 10 11 50 1J4 135 166 204 Cusack, Oif 100 154 Cusack, Keith 4 50 153 Cyr Craig J7 82. 153 199 199 Cyr Elono 100 199
Dearh • A low chemical rnck ployed on everybody bur sequoia rrees D'ongelo Fronk 113 D ongelo Joe 152 153 Dohman Enc 50 75. 141, 154 166 205 Doiley Dono 50 Dole Douglos 100 Dolhn Enc 100 Doiron Jon 20 J8 50 m Daniels Dellos 100 Daniels,
166. 167 175 Daniels
116 Dashiell Glendo 100 194 Dougherty f\oy 117 122 Davidson Ehzoberh J9 50 1J8 166 172 Davidson Mtchoe1 100 1J6 154 Davis Gino 82 Davis, Kira 100 180 191 DeAnrhony Scorr 100 DECA. 176 Def Leppord 17 Deines, Curr 231 Denning, Donerre 77 Denning. f\ob 101 150 153 Dennis. Chns 82 153 172 Denson. Amy 101, 132, 181 Derr Srocey 50 Desno Jade 82 Derrmonn. Gory 82 Deursch Gory 101 Dev1rr Enn J2 101, 104 Dickens. Charles 181 Dickinson, Lauren 82 180 Dickman, Orenr 101 Dickson More 82 DiDonoro Gino 50 204 DiDonoro. l\ick 10 11 20 21 101 186 187 DiDonoro f\on 101 101 151 168 D1ednchs. Karla 50 184 DiJkhu,zen Debbie 80 Dilworth, Don 117 Dtm,rroff EmmyJOy 80 1J8 181 191 Dinh Ooo 77 Dinh Hong 77 Dinh Khonh 101 101 Dia f\onnie Jomes 7 Disney Chns 101 Disney Cums 80 Dixon Sandy 8 50 166 175 181 Doane Dono 77 Doherty Chns 101 135 154 174 181 Donn Scorr 101 172 Donohue Jennifer 101 Donovan, Mike 50 166 Dorman Oerh 50 57 185 Douglas. Kirk 80 144 Douglass Oruce 117 201 Downs Deidre 101 184 199 Do~e Tony 10 50 7J, 75. 232 Dro,n l.Jso 51 1J8 166 Drain Lon J8 52 1J8 139 166 fl? Draper Kim 14 53 1J6 137 204 Dreblow Chris 80 Dremon Scorr 80 101 Driscoll Corhenne 80 181 194 Dnscoll Neal 80 , 1J1 Dnsre Morr 80 Drobn1ck, Showno 101 Droel Down 101 Drouillard. Thomas 101 196 Dudden David 53 169 181 Dudley Trocey 80 171 Dugger Jeff 80 Duhamel Annerre 101 185 Duhamel, John 77 Duncan Ion 80 Dungan Oecky 101, 173 Dunn, Koren 101. 17J, 186 Dunn, Mork 117 182 Dunwoody Sean 80 Durant, Debby 117,
Doug 82 1J6
102 150 Gage Enn 102 184 Gage Leslie 77 Gage l\ick 68 Goins. Charlie 131 Gallagher Jennrfer 113 Gamble Wayne 102 182 Gantner Greg 84, 105, 149 , 151. 169 Garrod Leslie 84 Garvin Koren 55 Goschler Scorr 84 Gosvodo Kevin 102 131 , 181 Gercken Henry 117 Germon Club 172 Gershrenson Joe 84 , 166, 17J Gerw1ng Momno 102 173 Gerrer Oobby 102 150 Getter l\enee 54 77, 166, 174 Gerrer Srephen 102 Gibson. Cook JO Gidley Lorry 84 135 153 G1dlund Everett 102 181 Gill Kim 102 G1llesp1e Chris 84 184 185 Gilmore Kim 55 192 193 Girls Ooskerboll , JV 158 Girls' OoSKerboll, Varsity 156 157 Girls ' Gymnastics , 142 14J Girls · Sw1mm1ng 1J8 139 Gleed Mll~e 102 Glenn Jeff 13 84 166, 171 181 Goldbeck Chns 102 186 Goldbod~ Korhy 5 , 55 , 171 , 180, 186 204 Golgorr , l\ondy 84 Goode Voundo 117 Gooden DeeDee 102 184 194 Goodmon Denise 46 55 , 186 187 204 Goodwin Downonn 102 Goodwin Dennis 55 Goodwin Gayle 102, 199 Gorden Gino 84 85 185 191 , 223-\... -.. :
Hurney, Kim 103, 172
Husron, Deon 85
Hutcheson, Lero 100, 103 Hurch1nson. Wendy 85, 176
HutchtSOn (Moloney), Krish 11J
Decorator A man who does to your house whot he wouldn't dream of doing ro his own
Idol, Dilly 7
lhly, Teresa 103
llgenfrirz, Anne 57. 166 lndustnol Arts Oub, 197
lnrernonoool l\elonons. 166 lsoocs, Dunlle 57, 75. m
Isom. Held, 57 m. 18J. 204
Jury A group of rwelve people of overage igroronce chosen ro decide who hos rhe best lowyer
Jobri, Neil 57 166 181 197
Jackson, Orod 85
Jackson Mlchoel 17
Jager Per 5 18 1Q 20 26, 27. 84. 85 166. 167
Jorommo John 119 172. 170
Jaycox, Kem 57 102. 188 120, 220
Jozwiecki Jeff 85 176
Jenkins, Nancy 57
Jenkins, Traci 103
Jensen, Enc 86, 101, 151, 167, 186, 204
Jewsbury, Terry 57, 106
Job, Corel 119
Johns, Enc 86, 94. 150, 200
Johnson, Don 86, 154
Johnson, Enc 119
Johnson. Enc 57
Johnson, Jeff 104
Johnson Kevin 57
Johnson, Kimberly 37 86 Q5
Johnson, Lors 119, 100, 131
Johnson Mll~e 104
Johnson, Ml.sn 57
Johnson. r\ussell 57
Johnson f\urh 104 10Q, 181
Johnson Tonyo 104
Johnson, Troy 104 101 152 150, 181
Jones. Donne 57 194
Jones. Jennifer 104
Jones. Jerold 86
Jones Kon 104
Jones Kelh 86 128 129 158 184 185
Jones, Undo 120
Jones Mora 86
Jones Monico 104
Jones Von 86
Jorgenson Troo 59
Jost Jock 114
Jouerr Dennis 6
Jouerr Joon 6 119 120
Judson Jennifer 10 08 59 166 167 188 190
Jun10r Srore 167
The onotomicol Juxroposihon of rwo orbk:ulons oris muscles
,n o store of conrrocnon
Ko11woro, Porn 104
Kondel, Angelo 104
Kondel Dove 200
Kory Donne 120
KorS1oficas, Jomes 77
Koy Chondro 86, 130, 158 181
Koy, Jennifer 86 130 159
Kazmierski, Oob 59 154
Keen Down 95 104 190
Keirh, Amy 59 18J
• 201
, Debro 110 185
K1m1h1ro 55, 205
Srocey 15, 24 , 85 185
Liso 85
Chris 55 Gronr Tom 102 169 171 , 187 Greb Heorher 14 85, 190 Green Roger 85 150 Green, Scarr 85 166 204 Green , l\ondy 95 Greenhalgh, M!Cheo1 77 Greenhalgh Woyne 102 Greenlow, Mike 110 Grosso Thomas 77 Grote Louise 118 122 194 Guerrero Tino 30 102 Hil~h French for Hello Suck· ersl Hogen Mork 102 Hoger 0rendon 4 24 85 196 197 Hoger, Julie 102 Hogerry, Mory 102 Hagin, Margery 118 HOJek, Mike 102 HoJek Stan 118 197 Holbersen, Dole 102 101 167 Hole, l\uby 118 120 175 Hollberg , Gale 118 125 189 Homan Adorn 85 176 Hampel Liano 110 Hompron l\oberr 102 Hansen , Erik 4 55 , 141 , 170 Hansen, Lynne 77 Hansen Mike 11 18, 54, 181, 184 , 185 Hopronsroll , Deron 110 106 Hordendorf, Virg il 85 101 , 150 Hording , Doug 102 Horney, Solly 13 103 158 196 Harper Jim 103 190 Harper Loune 55 194 Horris Oorboro 118 192 190 Horris Schelene 103 Hartley Holee 103 106 130 Horrley, l\yder 26 103 184 Horrmon Mounce 85 HorrmetSrer Mike 118 Harvey Jeff 55 199 Harvey Tonyo 85 106 Hasr1e f\oss 85 198 199 Horcher Jill 84, 202 Horhorne Heath 55 Hougen, Gifford 95 Houlmon CynrhlO 103 Houlmon Dennis 85 101 Houprmon Eltzoberh 103 Houser, Jody 6 , 78, 85 160, 166, 167 Hawkes. Ahsto1r 55 176. 189 Hawkes. Dallas 100, 150. 160 Howkins, !'\ob 21. 55, 166 181. 190 Hawkinson. Joner 10 , 11 , 78, 84, 85 142, 140 167 Hawkinson. Mora 103 Kl2, 158, 200 Howorrh Diano 55, 177 224 Hayes Amber 194 Hayes l\oberr 118 149 151 188 Hayes , V1rg1no 118 Haynes Carol 118 Hoyslerr l\ussell 95 Hoyslerr Todd 92 95 192 190 Hearn Aaron 103 Heffelfinger Woyne 85 197 Heffelfinger Wendy 103 Heffingron Mork O 57 105 Heinrich , Chris 57 106 1!:-0 Heinrich, Cohn 103 Heinzman Inez 118 Heisler , Scorr 85 HetSmonn, Carol 103 172 Henderson Scorr 57 181 184 Hendzel Kns 54 57 144 145 Hergenreter Stan 118 119 Hermann Scott 57 166 172 187 204 Herr Julie 100 158 Herrero, Melrsso 103 Hicks Norm 103 154 181 191 Higgins Ton21e 103 184 185 Hildebrandt Enc 150 Hildenbrondr, John 113 170 Hildenbrondr John 110 150 Hildrerh Chris 85 170 Hildrerh f\oberr 103 190 Hillen, Tonya 103 110 108 181 Hillman MellSSO 6 Hinkle Oorr 82 85 92 170 Hitler Adolph 70 Hochstedler Don 57 Hogon Graham 85 Hogon Jennifer 57 18J Jogon John 54 57, 64 84 85, 105 166 190. 204 Hogon Molly 103 106, 191 Holland Kelly 57 176 Hooper He1d1 85 Hoover Chns 57. 105 Hopkins l\ussell 103 Hornecker Mork 118 120, 162 HOT Team 189 Houghton, Ketth 103 Howes, Oorboro 68, 118 Hug, Monellen 6 18, 57 180, 181 184 Hughes. Michelle 85 170 Hull, Cindy 57 Hull.
Don 103 150 Hull, Jill 118 191, 201 Hull, Koren 103, 172. 186 Hummell, Shonna 09, 57, 189 , 211
KeUenbenz. John 120 Kellenbenz, Tio 20 21 59 18J 204 Kennedy Jill 104 129 Kennedy Joe 07 59 199 Kerrenng Srocey 20 21 104 101 172, 184 Key Oub 188 Keys Sorn 08 77 193 Kindsvorer 0renr 86. 190 191 Kinn er Kelly 59 166 171 204 205 Kinsey Oob 12 120 178 Klein Soroh 104 112 191 Klein Tomro 86 Klinkefus. Mike 104 101 Klug, John 18 119 120, 125 181 Kn1rrel KeM 86, 166 172 188 204 Knox Mork 86 150 Kobernusz Debro 86 18J, 191, 201 Kolin , KeDey 86 102 , 130, 167, 171. 191 , 20 Korbech Lene 108 Kork Grerchen 59 m Kor~ Jone 5Q Kromer Oob 120 Kromer Doug 104 Krorcho Jeff 59 Krorcho. Scorr 104 181 Kribbs, W·lhom 86 Kubosro Keith 59 Kubasro KeVJn 104 131, 152 150 Kuberry Coralyn 104. 181 Kuberry Chris 59, 130, 101. 162, 160 Kunce Keith 86 Kurgo0 Scott 104 Kurz , Tom1rha 86
Neckline Something you con approve of and look down oo or rhe some rime Lady D1ono 01 Lagerquist God 59 166, 205 Lo1romore Don 86 150. 170 Lomprell Sue 6 , 14, 59, 108 207 Long Loren 104 Long, Michelle 104 Longmulf Steven 86 Lansford, Ke1rh 8 50 , 59 Lansford Tommy 104 128 Lorromore Doniel 86 Lorsen Cindy 7, 86 LOSSte Enk 6 Lonn Oub 170 Lcrorte Steve 14 104 Lounn Deonn 86 102, 185, 204 Le Chnsropher 86 LeoVJrt l\oberr 110 Lee Derek 104 Lee Mondy 54 59 172, 18J Le,dner l\om 4 42 54, 61, 62, 154, 166, 167 172 179 181, 204 Leingang Llso 84 86 160 161, 170 181 Lepke 0rendo 199