GHS Yearbook 1989

Page 1

e Student Life ...... 6 People ............. 34 Clubs Academi •cs 122 - Sports ............ 148 Ads ................ 178
Golden High School 710 - 24th Street Golden, CO 80401 ( 303 ) 278 - 4494 Senior Class; 364 Juni or Class: 327 Sopho more Class: 346 Fr eshmen C l-ass: 366 Staf f 125 Easy Ri der! - Move over, Rover ! Let Mahoney take over! -
by Kevin M cGrath
after the s Mc C\ S ' ( • I,, 1,t I I, I 11<'1~ IW 11 ,,.,,,,, e cypica\ a utudeic----: -r.,,c l
S t ate of confusion - After weeks upon mon t hs of fund raismg, bandmembers Angela Herrod, Donna H arns and Aru S chowengerdt show signs of mental faugue - Photo by Scott Higgins

Just stop and think for a minute. Pull out those school memories from the dusty file cabinets of the brain. Think back to kindergarten nap time, recess and the old child-beating teachers.

Remember in elementary school when at least one sick child per week would vomit in class, on the way to the john or on the floor in the bathrooms. The funny thing is, as soon as the barf hit the floor, the janitor was there sprinkling orange sanitized sand on it.

Another fond memory was getting away with murder on the playground. The playground security teachers never seemed to notice when you were getting strangled to death by a 200 pound 4th grade girl, but as soon as you retaliated with an obscene word, POW! you were being dragged by your hair to the principal' s office.

Once you reached junior high there was less vomiting, but much more misbehaving. Of

course, one can never forget the utter chaos that would regularly break out in the ca£eteria. Give a child a green bean and you' re just asking for it to be launched across the room. I relish the memories of the vice principal trying to regain control as the Van de Camp weiners hissed through the air followed by a quick volley of macaroni.

Or what about those fun teacher-student games of- who's making that noise, who stole the teacher's edition math book, and who broke the thermostat so it's 85 degrees in here.

But eventually, after many years of immature antics, high school comes along and we all grow to the utmost of maturity. Suuurre. Along with high school comes your driver's license which opens the doors for many memorable experiences, some of which we'd like to forget. But who can forget wrapping Bambi and Thumper around the gleaming chrome of their front bumper. Or how about your friends, who while eating in your car, find something hysterically funny and decide to expel a mouthful of food on your dashboard.

What a long strange trip it's been.

---~- _:___---....___,___2i_
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Look out Barbizon - Chery l Draper deades to start pract1c1ng fo r her senio r pi cture a year early • Phot o by Matt Hanm e1Ste r
Opnung • J •-
Gee, her ha ir looks t ernf1c - With an apprais ing look Brook Borden chec ks out th e pa ss i ng freshman ch i c k s. - Ph o t o by Matt H artme 1s t er -Scott Higgins
takes a Ph oto b
H ave a Co ke and a smirk! • Jod y Koch walks along and drinks a Dr Peppe r • Photo by Kev an McGrath

It ' s like this, my particular trip has been long and it has been strange. But let's go into it in m o re depth than that. Let's start with some comm o n things that all of us remember from the formative years of our lives. Like for instance, do yo u remember that one piece of cloth that you couldn't be caught without? Maybe it was a blanket or a small piece of tattered linen that had b ee n through mud, water and who knows what e ls e . Or maybe you grew fond of a blue denim hat with furry ear flaps, whatever it was, it was the ce nter of your infant world.

But as you got older, these lifeless pieces of

c loth seemed to lose some of their enchantment .

and y ou were sent scurrying off in search of a

Battlestar Galactica figure or maybe you went

straight for the Fis~er Price family vacation van.

Th e se were the thtngs that made the world go

around for you. You cried when one of these was bro k e n, and your world was half fantasy, half

re ality, all fun.

Then it happened again. You got eve n older and you turned to interaction with the neighborhood children as the primary method of having f un. And ohh, did you have fun! What could hav e been better than pelting little Alex with c rab apples, or being beaten to a pulp by his big brother in a ''friendly'' game of football. Or what is more memorable than running to kick the can and just as you are about to boot that darn thing, y ou slip, fall and lose half of the skin on your b o dy. Mother says that it's nothing a little Baetine won't fix. And then you're scared because nobody likes the way that Bactine stings deep into your exposed flesh.

Ah, but that just about closes out the fun ye ars, and it is time for you to go to junior high and high school. Ah yes, now a different type of 1nore social fun begins. Of course, this fun is dampened by now having responsibility, but it is fun nonetheless. And as you prepare to go to college, or trade school, or to go follow the Gratef ul Dead, our long strange trip ends, and another e ven longer, much stranger, trip begins. Or if you j ust began high school, then enjoy the trip.

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Oh m y , t ha t loo k must be pra ct1 cedSome Girlattaphone g ives her very bes t what- th e-$ &% &*-are-youdo1ng look - Ph oto by Kevin M cGrath S t u d y buddies - Kevin Kapwara and Dan Engelke take tim e o ut t o s mil ePh o t o by Ka ycie Levy
• 5 . ·-- - -
-Eric Mahoney Opnung

Say, hey man, let me take you on a trip within a trip. I mean let me, let you, see what the students do. Y e ah, yeah, I know that you know that stud e nts study, but that is only a minute particle of student life. ''So you mean to tell me that students vacation and go to school dances, and go to school assemblies?'' Well, they vacation and have dances . But no, I mean it's even more than that. Try and grasp students driving cars, and or getting into fashion. And then maybe you can start, just start, to realize what a student's life is filled with.

-~--- --
• StuJmt life
Kille r do - Paul McQuay, Pau l Greve and Gary Myers learn the ar t of fashion hairstyling from Mitch Mestling - Pho to by Go lde n Photog raphy
-' -
Wanna buy a bag ? - L tas ty S panish candies M ore than a lege n d - Jim P ri ce escorts Jami Q u ayle t o the safety of t he class roo m. - Photo by Kaycie Levy
yours! - Mic g ett Gage tfits - Ph y asses po ile Tin And
matching Ide n Photogra- I

SEX DRUGS RO C K -NROLL VIOLENCE RANDOM ACTS OF PERVERSION y OU trunk some good kids would "JUST SAY NO ", but who can say no to SUMMER, the best nme of the year Nonce the JOUrnal entry

Jun e 6th- 1988 7:00am

Sunnse on the greatest day of the year. I am free, unchained of the temble burden unposed on me by the educat ional system. I trunk I trunk.

I think I'll go back to bed, and reap the benefits of my good fortune.

August 25th- 1988

Oh, lord, where d1d 1t all go?

Hmmm too many late night par-


ues at Mark 's, too few brain cells left I can't seem to remember All I know is that on June 6th 1t seemed the summer would never end, and now it's scattered hke dust before the dawn. But, alas, 1t was fun whue 1t lasted So I guess I'll go back to schoo~ and start counung the days again

Footp11nts ,n the Sttrui - Con Troxel at a Ha.,,, a1,an beach , • Photo from Troxel collut1on Sunset ,zt Po1pu - Were you one of the lucky ones who JVtZS there ? • Photo courtuy of the Troxel fam1ly collu11on
8 - Summer - ----.., :.--:::- - - -_..,...
Howdy pdgnm • Mt1urun Hmes and Ange/,1 Herrod h,zm 1t up for photogrt1phn Scott "H,ggit baby" H1ggms
~f'a,-cut Wt>st
- /Ml AnJason dt HO"l't'Tl'4-t't'f' Ndttondl Monummt dunng tht' Grt'dt SouthAesttTTJ Offmmt' '88. Photo lry Goldm dlumnw AnJy Gr41, Bombs d1Vd)' }amry HuJson rockt'ts dawn tht' • o1ta slldt' lJ:t> d sl,dc.t>d p,g at Wdtt'T World -
Sllmma - 9
Photo lry SC'ott H,ggms
- -
ummer aze
Cn11sm' - Scott H,ggms l'll'WS the sca11< p,,no111m,z of DISTU']land on the People MCYYcr -
Fun ,n the sun ,n 71 - A
Photo from the Hi gg ins f11 mJy rollution.
footb11/I on tht bt11ch for II YOUNG D,ck Sch11/h11mer - Photo from the Schlllh11mt1 f11mdy colltCtwn C'mon t11lce the p1<t11re - Joey Schomer 11rul Jenny OrCl4tt pose whilt in Oregon -
10 - Summer - - - - -------- :..-:.:-- -
Photo from OrC14lt f11m1l')' colltcllon

Agood case can be made that more learning about life IS obtained from three months of summer va cation than 1s 1n an entire year of school I mean , don ' t get me wrong, school 1s good, but experience IS invaluable Ask J ennifer H ump h rey and she ' ll tell you She said , ' 'Being 1n Europe made an indelible tmpress1on on me I really have a better idea of who I am now that I've seen who I'm not " Heavy Well , not all tnps had to be so senous Take , for tnstan ce, K ay · cie Levy's tnp to New Mexi co Ka ycie said that 1t was " all party, all the time ." But even so , who doesn ' t learn from a good party If you know what I n1ean

And while not all studentS had cataclysmic revelauons such as thi s, all learned important lessons Take Greg Pl ummer , for instan ce Here ' s a man

who due to his summer trauung may now be JUSt about the most adept knife salesman I know Nbe1t the only knives salesman I know OK, enough about the model summer people Now let ' s talk about the rest of us Yeah , that's nght, we worked three hours a day , slept till noon , and f roh cked under the summer sky at rught Remember that day that you got dressed up~ I mean you you even went through the trouble to put on a clean s hin Yeah , that's nght , you were a slob and you know 1t But don' t sweat 1t out. You had fun You learned how co relax And above all else , you learned the most valuable lesson m hf e: How to evade work So congratulations because you are on your way to su ccess.

. . Yi I,. • C: ,~ rl' '
Not bad for a Sophomore - D4Yld Marm YJ<t1m11.ts anoth<r S'Wlm Slllt model while in H,n,;a11
Photo from the Marm fdm1l-y collectwn
Summer • 11

Hurry up 1 • /ustm Drntry modtls somt <om{ortablt looking dothts • Photo fry Kar~ ury

Fd$hwn man W,th hu shirt bu11ontd 10 ,ht top Jason Shaw mamtams a very sryluh fook wh1ft 111ft rtmammg tomfortablt • Photo fry Kmn M,Grath

Sd'J what' ls 1h11 Dukt Unn•nnry 1-1h1r1 implying that Josh ury LS m a bd mood? MtrJbt , bur ,t surt gr'>'ts t"l'tryont dst a laugh. • Photo fry Kt'Yln M,Grath

Sk,r11 and 111ms fash,on • Dtbb1t Auld and Todd MacaWy art drtsstd m rht modt of summer fashwn. • Photo fry Kt'Yln M,Grath

u ous ions

• Fashwn s


People rrught ask wh a t the m os t prominent fashion tr end of the year was. Well, what would you r answe r be? Would yo u say that the trend was big, b lack, baggy clothes that a re two s1zes too big for yo u , but also very co mfort ab le ? Or would you say that the fash io n s changed daily?

Did yo u ever nottce th a t yo ur datly s t yle some tim es, or m os t of th e tune, cor respo nded t o and reflec ted the mood that yo u woke up , n ?

Fo r exam p le, tf yo u were t o wake up in a la id b ack, lazy or bad mood , t he n yo u mig h t h ave slipped int o so m e sweats, o r Jeans and a t-sru rt Then agai n , if yo u we re t o wake u p 1n a good m ood, yo u m ig ht have wo rn a skirt or so m e ru ce p a nts and a sweate r

H owever , Fridays see m ed t o be an exce pt io n No m a tt er wha t km d of m ood m os t peo pl e woke up m , they en ded up dressmg fo r t he party T hey n orm aJly wore sweaters an d a swea t • s hirt for th e coo l eve nin g br eeze, and the ir mos t co m fo r ta bl e jeans.

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Born to~ Mid. Missy Thompron, Tam, Smuh and uu~ Day ftTUt ,~, stuff • Photo by Kayne ury -Orphi c P earse Fatbwns IJ

Hang loose• Dr ~s for peace on nxtu:f day - Photo by Enc Schultz, Out of style? - No, 11 's JUSI clash dtl'f as Mr Sharp olmausly shows hu school pnde • Phot o by Enc Schulti.

Teach your chddren wtll - "Makt {m,e not 'Alar, Stl'Yt Ytllo-wstone, yt1 dig ?" <1re Andy Buk;m;tn 's and Josh Levy's opm1ons on the nxtu:J • Photo lry Ktl'fcu: Levy "Go s-wab the deck"- comm4nJs tht horM tc teacha M s Read - Photo by Ktl'fcu: Levy

Look out!• Troy Coopt'rm4n u full of endurance as ht croutt ,ht lmt of smml'Tl4gt - Photo by Lisa Walter

14 • HorMcoming - I I I I I I l

Have you ever seen so man y teachers dressed up in outrageous cos tumes? This yea r 's H omecom ing week s t a rt ed off wtth s tudent s spo rting wild a nd cr azy thr eads. Eye-1a rnn g plaid sho rt s, st riped shi rts , polka dotted tt es and p a isley pnnted sh irts were eve r present on clash day On pir a t e day, swashbuckling co rsa ir s cru ised th e ha ll s to show how mu ch Go lden wanted " to sank those Pirates " On six ti es day, everyon e dressed Woodst oc k st yle, 1ncl ud1ng th e teachers, who relished flaunting th ei r h1pp1e duds

Th e next day , an uproa ri ous asse mbly rocked the gym where the nominees for Hom eco m1n g royalty were anno un ced: Chad Hotchkiss and Cammy Guetlein, Troy Moody an d Jenny Orcutt, Jason Va l ant an d Heather Ross , Cully W ahtola and Tricia Schroeder Ele c t ed H omecoming Queen and King of th e senior class were Tanya Kuzyk and Scott Johnson Jada King and Nick Howe were th e fr esh men a ttendants ; repr ese nting the so phomore c la ss were Amber Scoville a nd Brent Jenson Standing up for t he juni o r cl ass were Karin Littlepage and Greg Moore

That eve ning , the Demons and P1 -

rates clashed at Brooks Field Despite an exci t ed crowd who cheered unttl voices were hoarse , th e Demons faced a disappo1nt1ng loss ''It 's too bad that they lost , but it seemed to me that they m ade a good effort," said Darcy J o n es after the game. Troy Coope r man added,"Bei ng a part of the football t eam made the game exatmg, but the loss was n ' t very f un ."

The Colo rado School of Mm es Stude nt Center was th e pl ace to be on Sat urd ay, Sep t embe r Io The S tud ent Cente r was decorated with golde nlined clouds all around th e roo m and stu de n ts felt as af everyth ing was t he re JUSt for them As the mu sic played, ge tung down and dirty dan cing was th e wa y to go t hlS year When the musi c got slower, th a t was th e um e t o get close and en1oy each other 's co mpan y. When t he dan ce came t o a close, the d isc jockey played, " Don ' t Worry, Be H a ppy," and everyo n e jomed tn a nd sang As we walked out the door , memones of the good and the bad tim es crossed o ur minds, knowing tha t thlS was our las t high sc hool Hom ecoming . I'm s ure th e class of 1989 will alway s rem ember that "Every C lou d Has A Go lden Lining ."

\1t111oms. Scotl Johnson and Tanya Kuqk. hono rtd tht smwr cLtss as they d,mud to, "£.,,try Rose Has Its Thom .". Photo by Jansen Photograph] No 1101 tbt dt111ont11t1!. Ktlly Halley s~ars tbt prratts as sbt sho1111 schoo l Ti''"' · Photo b-y Mall J../artmnsltr Exntablt • AUm Rutbtr{ord mthuS14stu:allJ nits tbt CTo,,,.J - Photo by Lua rValttr
Homuommg • 15- -..

The muscl es grew tense as I turned the cold s teel of the key. The deep rumble of the V-8 sent a sense of power racing th rough my veins With a qui ck tum of the wrist, an expl osion of sound came rushing out of the speakers Wi t h an al m ost imper ceptible movement t he distinct sound of the transmission came from the underside of the car. M y hands were now wrapped

around the padded steering wheel as its chrome ce nter glistened in the morning sun O K so everyone doesn't fee l like that m the morrung as they begin the daily trek to school. Some people don't have V-8's., some don ' t even have engines the size of squir rel cages. Not everyone has a Ferrari, but just about everybody else has a Volkswagen

The parking lot is a 1ungle and the drivers baboons. Only the crazy sur-

vive the mad dash f rom parking space to exit; those who are sane end u p insane as they stt and wait at the end of the lin e. Every so of ten a nice car 1s seen in the lot , but to each owne r, of each car out there, on those three acres of hot black t op and white paint, thetr car is the only car that really matters

Golden Top Five

Golden Top Colors

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1111111111111111111111111,,,,,,,,11111111111111111 ,...,.._,.i.a.l I ' ' LIFE'S A MOUNTAIN NOTA BEACHListen 10 mt • Ont of tht most popul,ar ~ars statts somt of tht most popul,ar Ylt'll'J • Photo by Matt H artmttJtt'T 16 • Cars
-Mike "C rash " Sanders
1. Ford Mustang 2. VW Bugs 3. Ford Trucks 4. VW Rabbit Honda Accord 5. Chevy Camara 17 13 12 10 10 8
1. Blue 2. Brown 3. White 4. Red 5. Green 6. Silver 7. Maroon 8. Yellow 9. Grey Black IO.Orange 68 65 39 38 24 23 21 19 18 18 6
I • •I .. ---•• ..-I •• • • •' • • • • • •
C.,k ed 1nth mud • A /up CJ-"', 1s Eri< S,hulti's problem-mobile
- Photo b) En< Schulti
C.irs - 17
,\lon strr t ru<{ - Tins to » en ng 4-x 4 ,s / rm Prr,r's prrtft and jo, - Photo lry E rl( S,hult i. Lookm ' good • Clrnt CLir fct mUJt haw mortgaged hrs mother to bu) thrs truck Pho to lry En< Schult.,

an ct?

Hey, balry • Jon Bishop models h,s GQ loo k • Photo by Krnn McGrath
18. 1st Play
SCHLAPP 1 • Lynn Brennan and C&id Oltson On tht Pr<J'A'I Photo by the Fisher foundation. Excust mt, Mr K.mgsfey Anita Vogtler inform! TrO) F11htr that h,1 daughtn ba1 m11ud uhool buausc of alfcgtd "cxpt11mmtal man1uana tt'stmg." • Photo by the Fishn f oundi111on.

Throngs of people crowded around the aud1tonum door

It was a spectacular opentng rught for the fall play, The Imposs,ble Years 177 attended the opening night, S.R 0 by Golden High standards. " It was the best high school production I've seen," sa id Kaycie Levy

The lmposnble Years was a danng departure from the white, clean, and neat school productions of the past, and pe rh aps this was the secret of 1ts success It dealt with contemporary issues th at concern high school students, such as sex, rebell1on, and the

generation gap, wtthout glossing them over The Jokes were raw, fast, and hard-h1tt1ng

The plot revolved around the Kingsley fam1ly and the conflicts therein The father, steadfast Professor Kingsley, could not agree wtth the rebellious ways of his daughter "Ic was better than Cats I'd see 1t again and again," said Val Born Kevin McGrath had a theory about the play's success. "I think the use of sex made the play somehow more interesting."

Tht lmpouibk Years. Round On< Melissa Frclllrich, Truy Fisher and Scott Har11s duke II out · Photo b) tht Fuhtr Foundation.
19- - -·.-- -~
Mumm ', Dad• Deanne /mkms beholds tht morning spltndor of Tra, Fisher • boxer shorts, black socks, dgarcllt and all Photo by tht Fisher Foundation
The lmposr1blt Years•
All rvrapped 11p Hefrn Rhodes looks qwte fcitn ( fl r.ipped 1!(' .is .i Chrrstmas p,J(kagc
20 •
I ____ etter I
Photo b) Ryan F...indtf
do mort b)
A.1\,1 )OU do afl da)
Seo// Huuhnon hopes 10 onr d.J) br a hr/,coptrr p1/o1
Photo b) J..rnn A1cGrath

Hallowee n The um e when you dress up a n d hope to God that someone else you knov.,. d ressed up so ,·ou don't look like an idiot. This year, more than any ocher t ha t I can remembe r, stude nt s actually got into th e sp1nt and dressed up Student Counc il lOntnbuced to the sp1nt by decorating the se nior lounge as th e Dungeon of Terror A cos tum e co nt es t was also held 1n t he cafe t eria with 1u dg1ng done by teachers

Hord es of blissful, merry soul s s k1pp1ng down the hall s with s u ga r plums danc ing 1n their heads, humming " Don ' t worry, be happy", full of \~a rmt h, co mp assio n , love for mankind 1t 's enough to crea t e a seria l killer These are the mixed e mo ti o ns that many a person fee ls during the holi da y seaso n Once aga in , thi s Chris tmas break was one filled with fun, quality um e with the family, and frenzied materia lism If o n e were co li sten closel y in th e malls he might hear a small innocent ch ild saying, " If I don't get the new Tiger Shark G I. Joe Cobra base s tation with remot e

co ntrol repeattng 45 ca liber firing cartridge, I'm go nn a kill you " But don ' t get me wrong. The ho li day spi rit ra n rampa nt at G HS Amo n g the parties, food, the cafe teria X-mas tree a n d G HS choir members chanting Good King We n ceslas, 1t was hard n ot to be 1n a fesuve mood And that's what it 's a ll abo ut

If that weren ' t enough to extinguish the f estivtty m you, then there was still Valennne's Day Yes , that trme of extreme boot licking Yeh , that ' s nght, Brown-nosmg with a capital B. Even if you didn ' t do anything wrong, you had to deplete your savmgs on candy and on flowers whi ch soon died This year, talking balloons were sold which said many different

If that were too personal for your R)Jn KJndcf taSte, then you co uld have sent a Valograrn and flowers to your Love God or Goddess. Of course, Valentine 's Day wasn't complete without the annual Sadie Hawkin 's Dance.

-,-,. - --·----·____ _ • .. ... •-
. l d. "Le ' ak l " messages mc U mg, t S m e ove · And I'll huff. Jnd I'll p1<ff. TcrrJ Kmga fills ., GJr{ield b.,1/oon rn th< 1,,.,/uJ.,) spmt • Photo b) -Scott Higgins I {,Rh tech bJ/loons • ktll) Mc If1. u h<lped sell bttlloons rnth a ,.,/i(ing merSJgt for I, ttlentrnt 's Da7 - Photo b, Scott Hrggrns
Holui")s - 21 - * ----c: -:.
Honest Abe Bob krn sC) prepttres to grlt hrs Httlloncen Gttt)'sburg Address • Photo by Kn111 A·hG rttth

The second play of the year, the musi cal Bye Bye Birdie was a big success Jim Golden as Conrad B1rd1e, heartthrob of m1lltons of teenagers across the co untry, stole the show with his exce ll ent perf orman ce. Other characters 1n t h!S musi cal mcluded B1rd1e's frustrated manager Albert Peterson, played by Travis Becke tt , with his problems 1nvolv1ng his gu1lt-inflicttng

moth er and his about-to-be lost love, Rose Alvarez, played by Raquel Ras· con B1rdie's manager co mes up with a scheme to make him n ch, m whi ch Con r ad B1rdie will give a kiss to some lu cky fan 1n Sweet Apple, Ohio.

The g1rl's name lS Kun M cCafee, played by Joanne Dunn Conrad is to kiss her on the platform a t the railroad station before going off to report to the draft His arrival in t he town creates an uproar with the teenagers 1n the town Likewise the arnval of B1rd1e aggravates the parents of the town . There was a great deal of singing talent displayed by the cas t, and the result was a very entertaining second play

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"He J1.1nt1 to be an Eng/uh tea,h(T'" S111gs Rose to A/bat
• lSS
Photo Ir, S,ott H,ggrns Dan<1ng cnthusiast,,.1/1) Albert Peterson m<ouragts (')eryonr m 1h,s number -Photo b) S,ott Higgin s
"Wt'rt gomg to bt on EJ S ul/iYan ". Although not a rtspccted gospel c'4sm, /oanm Dunnt, Jon Pop~/, Char,,/, Amy RostJjlattr, anJ Holly Wads,,,orth srng this odJ song. · Phot o Ir, Scott H,ggms ( f
I •• -----------·--~-
Scrtn.idmg K,m ,\,frCafu - Brrd1t sings m front of thousands of Tl' Yl('IH'1S, ~hde ,'\.fr and ,\!rs. ~frCafre snc.ik m .i ~4l< ,It the American pub/re, Photo h Srotr H,y.m s Go111g n.i~) our 811d1t - A teenagr f.,n SCTt.Jms 1nldl) , • Photo b') S<ott H,g,:,m
Suor1d Pl.n 21
lr1trodunng Conrad Brrd1c • A non,ial &:all) Amc11r,m bo, ~ho t5 bring J,.,fud into the arm) , - Photo b) S<oll H,ggrns
-·•-• oc1a rou es
Twas " bc1d )t'<1r for airrr,1{1 · The Ch,mnef 9 copter met its fc11e on " lo-a- 1nre nec1r the SoUJh Pl.ille Ri>c7 • Photo courttf) of the Demer Post
14 State ,md uxal Nnu .,' •
"You i.·c1nt I should i.nte do'MI )Ollr f11U alias?!''• A gang member 11 questontd by the pobu. · Photo rmir/ef) of thr D( rner Po11
I • J1
/usr,ce prn.i,ls - Paul Schmult speaks al a rc1/l~ before 1he uc1chers got J rc1ise Photo courury of the Sentm<I

The homeless, the gangs , the nuclear waste, the teachers' stokes, and the fires . As usuaJ the news that left the greatest 1mpress1on was the gnrnmest Soaa1 issues seemed to be of pressing importance After ten or fifteen years of complacency on the pan of the American pubL c, the people of Colorado have awakened and smelled the crack, I mean the coffee No longer was the view s till through rose colo red glasses

A woman raided an abandoned home and took 1t as her own ClaIDUng, perhaps nghtfully, that if the government-owned home were to be left abandoned, 1t co uld be better used by herself and her farrul y It struck me hard, as a normal Amencan who's always had a roof over his head and a meal on h1s table, that fellow human beings could be so depnved And these people weren't Afn cans on the Sahel, o r Cambodians 1n the jungle, but Americans 1n Denver So mu ch for " higher " avihzat1on

Crack Why? Why, because there 's n o food on the table, and there 's no hope of getting out of becoming a doctor or a lawyer, JUSt an addict Suicide, you say, well, yo u ' re nght A slow "high" death The kind of thing yo u ' d have t o be crazy to even try Crazy or really desperate But even more sad than the mdividuaJs whose lives were destroyed by the crack were the md1viduals who endeavored to exploit them 1988 brought the gang phenomena to Denver Or perhaps more accurately , the media brought the gang phenomena to Denver. Following a wave of publicity, Denver was rocked by multiple drive by shootings and other gang related incidents . Once considered one of the more "mellow" metropolitan areas, Denver has become a battleground for drug wars and

a breedi n g ground for crim e Rocky Fl a t s, a name that sends shivers down the spine of any ecolog1ca ll y minded Coloradoa n And the past year <was no exception It began \\1th car loads of waste wa1t1ng t o be sent to Ca rlsbad, New Mexico And 1t ended with a flurry of evidence that the rad1at1on sur r ounding the arsena l \vas co nt am1nat1ng nearbr trailer homes So much for harmless

Due to a lack of funds 1n Denver and 1rrespons1ble use of funds 1n J efferso n Cou nty, teachers were forced to rally Already ac kn owledged as one of the most underpaid profess1ons, th e teachers 1n both counties we re about t o be denied pay raises they desperately deserved Ah fina l1)', we come to a happy note as t he teachers triump hed And for once, the teachers got their JUSt desserts

While social issues we r e the mainstay, n ature d id 1,s best to influence the news as well Drought and f ir e we re two wo r ds t hat f tll ed th e headlines during the past year And the fires we re especially local A fire on Ta ble Mesa set th e rug ht ab laze, and ,vho could forget the s m oke that drifted do~ n from t he I m1lhon acre fire at Yellowstone A resounding reminder th at while man can adapt to al mos t anything, n a tu re as s till k1ng

So there 1t 1s T he n ews. Not t he sports or th e f u nnies, bu t the n ews A n d th e only bright spo t 1s t ha t people are maybe starting to realize that so m et hing must be done P erha ps, 1f more of us bega n to believe that one person cou ld make a d 1ff ere n ce, a nd decided t o do some thin g about the way things are, so m et hing co uld be done

'>oian 011 his litd:. ,n - Thert's nothing fitnn) abo111 1hro1nng awa) )Our d1gnrl) and grO'ltlmg an "tht dirt) boulo.zrd' as u,u Rud ~ou/d ttU )Oil. • Photo courttry of tht Sen11ntl
- -· ---•-
1'<JSt tht /ones' .zrt ha'Yln' another barbtcut? No, not this timt This t1mt a m1U1on acrn of 'rffoJi1ton, h.z)c burst mto flam, Photo courlt$) of tht Assocuttd Prtss
St.zit and l..,xa/ Nnn - 25 - - --- -------

World Briefs

- Mass murd erer Ted Bundy was shocked when he heard a U S district 1udge turn ed down his last stay of exetut1on

- Ame n ca took th e f1rs t ste p t o recovery fro m the Challenge r disas ter , by lau n chi n g th e Di scovery.

- Russ ia ended its Vie tnam 1n Afgahrustan af t er nine years. The last Russ tan left Feb ruary 15,

1 989

- Russia and the U S 101ned forces to save a couple of \\.hales trapped 1n ice 1n the Pa cific Ocean The monumental effort cos t over three m1lhon dollars Do the homeless fit 1n this ptCture ?

- The leaders 1n Cent ra l America 101ned together t o wipe o ut the Cont ras.

- Former President Reagan moved into his new house, whose address was 666

--··--·- •
26 - tVarld NnH I
All photos by Assoaa t ed Press

Terror On The High Seas

September 14, 1968, Ri chard Nixon said the infamous line, "Sock 1t to me, " on the "Laugh In·• telev1s1on show T,venty years later. September 14, Central America, the Gulf of Mexteo and parts of Texas were stomped into oblivion by Hurricane Gilbert.

The hurncane was the largest S\.\'trly ever recorded by mankind 10 modern history This giant tunnel of God s fury acted as a huge skater. 1ump1ng over the small islands 1n the Caribbean and then doing a back olhe on the Yucatan Peninsula The final co unt of fataltt1es numbered into the thousands, and thr number of homeless masses 1. reatcd by Gilbert ,vas estimated to be hundreds of thousands Even the sac red American vacation island of Jamaica was virtua ll y destroyed When all is said a nd done and the cities and co untries ru shed by Gilbert have bee n rebuilt, historians will not look back and connect Ri chard Nixon with this event

or Soul Seoul


After being banished from the elae group of countries overstocked wuh premier amateur athletes this winter at Calgary, the U.S. Olympic team made a resurgence dunng the Summer Games.

The Winter Team became the laughingstock of the world Dave Letterman said, " The real Olymptc team 1s mistakenly 1n Calcutta, and they're k1ck1ng butt1" Dunng the Summer Games the new American heroes who emerged into the national spotlight ,vere Jackie Joyner Kers1e. Florence Gnfftth Joyner, Matt B1ond1, and Janet E\ans The Olympic show put on by NBC gave us a chance t o \1ew all of Bryant Gumble's collect1on of red and yellow power ties Furthermore , the true soliloquy of the Olympics presented itself during the opening ce remon y, as a boy rolled a s imple hoop across an empty field sim ple peace But all was not "bueno" in Seoul Ben Johnson lost a gold 1n the roo meter dash for using of ste roids Any average moron co uld have, and should have, seen that Mr Johnson was 30 pounds heavier this year than 1n 1986 when he first beat Carl Lewis Anyway, we ,von ' t be seeing Ben at any more Olympi cs. A total of six athletes lost medal s to 'stro1ds' and were banned from future Olympte compet1t1ons. Remember chat crazy Kore a n boxer who protested a deC1Sion against h101 by s1 tt1ng 1n the nng for over an hour? The referee who rash ly ruled aga in st him , 1n turn, got the hell beat out of ham by, of cou rse, th e Korean Security Cops This even t put a real damper on the Olympics. Kind of.

What really dragged our Olympic sp1nts down was the men's basketball team They didn't win gold for the first tlme m history Another downer, Greg Lougarus has retired from the amateur world of d1vmg. He's leavtng wuh a total of four gold medals m lus possession The last memones that will surely stay embedded 1n our minds are Steve Timmon 's screaming red hair and Karch K.aral y's father waving an enormous American flag after his son helped wan the volleyball gold

Hot Time In the Summer

This summer was hot, real hot. Afnca hot For the last ten years or so, the world's average temperature has nsen a degree or so This summer the Greenhouse effeet was more nottceably present than ever Many of the summer fires may have been associated with fire cra ckers or lightning, but the dry heat was the factor that fueled the fires ac ross the nauon Fires nationwide outlasted their average life expectancy by weeks a nd months The farmers employed 1n the U S. were decimated to the lowest levels since befo r e the Civil War. Food pnces were three to five perce nt highe r "Skin cancer was the com mon disease, reflecting the saying, a swi mmrng pool at hand 1s better than a hundred ,n the pockt " e

s Presidential Circus

The hoopla began years ago Other countries geared up to watch, and have a good laugh over the biggest arcus m the world

The 1988 Pres1dent1al election

The Republican nonunee George Herbert Walker Bush, made the same mistake George McGovern did m 1972 But Bush got away with one of the biggest blunders m Amen can history. He chose Dan Quayle as his runrung mate That was about as exatmg as the election got Michael Dukalos and graying Lloyd Benson exchanged chea p shoes wah Bush and Quayle during the whole election- sometunes argumg over who could say the pledge of allegiance the best, and sometimes arguing over who started the mudslinging first. For a brief time Michael Dukakis was m the lead, but after the Republi can Convention George Bush had co ntrol over the rest of the election. Jesse Ja ckson made a strong run at che Pres1denual off1ce this year, com1 ng the phrase, " Keep hope alive." Good adV1ce, because the de c1s1ons and appointments that Mr . Bush makes today will affect us for at least twenty years co co me "Where there's mud and slime, George Bush will find 1t," said h1p generation writer Hunter Thompson. Where did all the Liberals go?

• • • •
- - - - -
World Nnvs - 27 - -=----:c < -· - -~-· -------.-

e 'n

,,who Framed Roger Rabbit " , " Dirt y Rotte n S cou ndrels ," " Working Girl " and "Scrooged " were JUSt a few of the man y box office luts thi s year Some of the top movtes among GHS students were "Big", "Beaches" and "T wins ." This year's movtes ranged from the seriousness of " Rain man" to the slapstick humor of "Naked Gun". Howe ver, often lacking the five bucks necessary to hit the theater, yo u found


G H S students rushing home to watch the last exciting minut es of "Days of Our Lives" Among the mos t popular new series were " Ro" "Th h " d sa nne , irty-somet ing , an "Ch ina Beach ." Am ong s tud ents "Satu rday Night Live" topped the ch arts , followed by ''Knots Landmg" , "China Beach" and "Roseanne " Tlus year there we re an increasing number of game shows on tv including " Remote Control", "The Dating Game"

and the cluldren ' s game show "Fun H ouse " Some of the special events cove red on televtS1o n were the Olympics, the World Senes, and Mike T yson and Robin Givens' divorce. MILK DUDS! MILK DUDS! TIME FOR THE MOVIE!

-Leslie Bur chf1eld and Stephanie Woods

" Fat IS funny " • H ystmcal IS one adjutn-c that dtsmbts Roseanne Barr III her h,t sho-rv, " Rouannt." - Photo fry Assonated Press

Beaut; and the beast In On<' of their last p1ct11re1 .is .i couple, l\, / r. a11d /1-!r s. T-,,son pose m JppJrent hJrm<m) b(/ore th(,r dr)oru • Photo lry AssCX14 ted Press

ZS - f\,10-,,1u Jnd Ttl(')--iston
Dodgrn1 • Ord Hnshisn
Rrd: Dt'mbry ccltbratc tht World Srms 1>'111 JUSt after tht fin4/ sm ~c out • Photo fry Ass004ted Press
I ..- ----·---
li\lA GIN£ · A no'4dtd, sn,f/) and >ery i,n(omfortable tht.itn fi,/1 of ~oplt '4 ho (a n 't srop (Mmng for the humorous (omtd) , " H' ho Framed Roger R.sbbu Photo IT) AssO(iated Pren
l\fon ts t1 nd Tc/ n,mo n • 29
What t1 nost 1 • In t1 rurnt brt1111I, Gert1Mo Rn-ert1 suffned ti brokrn noJt dunng the filming of his popu/,,r progrt1m. • Photo b), AJS004Ud Press
-- •--------elicate Sounds Bald down undn /Hulmght 0,/ had lrtmmdou1 maeH IVl th "Btds Jrr 811rnmg " Photo b-y Dmitr P01t JO- Conurts and A lbmm Dtl1tate ~ounds of Tlmndn - Ir J utte,mm stunt? - Photo tour tt~ of BuJgtt ta~s and ruords tV/,.,, No1ry CJH Art H- 't R.F Al rtturntd r:;ith "Grun." - Photo b, Paula Court I

Guns ' n' Roses ressurrected rock 'n ' roll into the "bad boy image" Lotsa booze , women , scandals , etc Commg tn on the glarn rock coattails were Poison, Bntny Fox, Winger (a GHS dropout), White Lion, and others

On the "icon" circuit was Pink Floyd , co mplete wtth pigs , airplanes , and lasers but without Roger Waters.

On the local front , the Subdudes were signed, and Billy Ryan and Black Irish flirted with Elektra Soak ruled the skate rock c1rcu1t, and the Warlock Pm ch ers thought they were Tiffany

Nattonall}, Def Leppa r d came o ut as favorite hea\.'} metal ba n d, DJ Jazzy J eff and t he Fr esh Prince took fa\'Onte rap artist, George fv li chael \\On fa\'orite male vocalist from poprock and R&.B categories, a n d fina ll y Tracy Chapman won fa\'0 rtt e best ne\\' art ist

Best co n ce rt s AC DC, Blue Oyster Cu lt , Ir on fvl a 1den, Metal11ca, Cheap Trick, l\,1onsters of Rock, C r osb}. S till s a n d Nash, Elton John, and Def Leppard

- -
Lookin' good - 'frary Chapman's musl( <omes off be1ttT than he, appearanu. - Photo <011rt<ry of A ssnci.,ted Press
Conuru a11d Albums - JI __- --~----
801111>1 r• Jt T11d,e O'do<k H,gh 8/u, O)sta Cult brought [m,zgrnos 10 the Pa1amo11nt on Dunnb-u I >th. - Photo ,,,urt<S) of R<rydt Ruords

F1gu re ska ting, skung, mo t orcycle r ac in g and hockey are JUSt a few examples of spons outside of school. M a n y s tu dents a re very ac ti ve 1n ou t side spo n s T hese are only a few examples

Hillary Goetz , fo r ins t ance, takes pa r t in t he ve r y p op ul ar s p o rt of ho rsebac k riding H illary n des in combined tr ai n ing com petitio n and is fif t h 1n her area, which in cl u des five s urr ound ing s t at es The seaso n 1s f r om M ay t o la t e Se p tembe r , bu t she k eeps in t r ai nin g yea r r oun d She n des a p•

OU an't ere

proximately six umes a wee k

R y an Davis, along with many other GHS students, pa r ticipates 1n c urling and hockey .The name of Ryan 's team 1s the Arvada Razo rs, and he plays ce nter The hockey season starts 1n Septembe r and goes through Mar ch He practices at least two times a week throughout the season.

D e bbi e Matl oc k is a year round dancer She partic ipates 1n ba ll et, tap and 1azz dance , and po 1nte She dances and performs 1n shows wit h Li t tle Theatre and Golden Recreation Center, and pra cti ces approximately twelve hours a week. She p r actices year round with d ifferent companies and dan ces at differen t co n ven u ons

These are only a few examples of ' You Can't Do That 1n School ' act1v1tte s So if you're bo red t o death after school, and don ' t like school spo r ts , find something that you like to do, and go for 1t!

-. - -·- - - - -.Lo: - - - - - - -
-Orph 1e Pearse rHt 's ., 'fl-ym '11 - Krrk Encxh ptrforms a hefrcoptrr whrft s,11/rng through the sky · Photo fry MrsEn,,rh Sta')' on those ton! Dtbbrt Matlork shows grauful yet prerot mOYtS rn hrr rye rauhmg attrrt · Photo by Mrs Matlock
12 Othn Sports - - -- ---==-"'-=--·--
All duked out Ry,1n Dans takes 11mt to smrft through hrs mask during a gamt • Photo by Mn [).,~If Up. up and al>'a) 1 -H,/l,ry Gcxt, and hn horu,Perk,, tan!) cltar t~ bnc/c wall at Bubt Dra11· • Photo Ir, Koth/tr Photograph) GolJ m '92' - Dan RuJn~ and his parmc Knstm Allm f><JIT skt1u m Colort1do Figurt Skt1tmg C"'1mpumsh1p • Photo lry Lm-y Rudnicki
-.. • ... > !t... • -- .:t:..,-
Czutum, child at p(ay - With his btst Vance f ohnsan 1m1tatwn Mt1tt Bnttt1m pLrys reu1Yer t1fto lCbool• • Photo lry Krnn McGrath
Sports - J J
Who.r tTee! - Peter lalVrmce slaloms doJVT1 the mountain in the G~em<11 1 s Cup m Aspm to qU4lif, /<11 tht Junior Olymp ics. - Photo lry /Ot171 Lrwrmu

You need only one word to describe Golden High School students. Style. No matter where they go, they go in style, and they want you to know it. More than anything, they want to look good, and the rest of the world will have to wait until they do.

They come from all camps. From the

Cro-Magnon-cum-Metallica look of the Stoners to the walking dead look of the Wavers to the labotomized, post nuclear look of the Skate-Punks, Golden High School is the melting pot of many diverse cliques of teen social behavior.

------·---- - -• • 34 • D,wwn Pagt
__..,..... _ - - -=-- - -._.... -- --
Put it on - Tammy Moncabon cakes on the m.ake-up during soence - Photo by Matt Hartme1ster

Upper Rung

S enio r class officers: who were they?

What did they do? And m ore importantl y, what are their plans for the futu re? Tricia Schroe der was secretary- tr easurer: Steph Sut e ra was vice-preside n t, and Eric Ziporin was president of the seruor class.

As to wha t they d id du nng years as underclassmen, they wo r ked on pro ms, homecomings, a n d stud ies

Finally, af t er 12 years ofeduauo n they we re seruors. After a year a t the cop, the cycle begins aga in , and the senio r class office rs of 1989 wJI become freshmen agam

You may have asked yourself, wha t are ou r seruor class off1cers going to do

with the!! lives? Tric ia p lanned t o go to an ou t of s t a t e college, prefe rab ly 1n Californ ia. Steph planned to go to the Uruversuy of Misso uri at Columbia and s tu dy b roadcas tin g Most unportan tly, she wants t o marry George Brett {Geor ge is the handsome firs t base man for the K ansas City Royals)

Next year Enc p l ans to go t o college, but he 1s n ot sure which one yet H1s top choices are Cor n ell in New Yor k , Michigan, or C U Tricia, Steph and Eri c ag reed o n o n e th in g : they we re aruaous to get on wi th t he ir li ves.

-Deena P ot t orff

All the class - Steph Sutera, Eric Ziponn. and Trtc,a Schroeder tal,.e over -Photo by Kaycie Levy
)6 - Srn1crs -...,. - =-----
Shawn Arbu ckle Jason Arosteguy Debbie Auld Joanne Ale vy Denise Alisruo Cind y Alpine Jamee Ambariantz Melissa Anderson Rochelle Anderson Kristine Baker Victoria Bartosh Pat Bates Sheryl Beck Jim Becker Travi s Beckett Jennifer Berry Sharon Bird John Brandt Lyn n Bre nnan Staci Beck Jeff Berry David Blaloc k
- - ----···----· -
Susan Brill Bo.Ji full o' senwrs • Kmn Ka11 wt1Ta, Paul McQuay Km Hughes, Jasun Shaw, Shelly Qucneau and Danny Engtlk.e pa<k. mto the senwr float ar Homuommg • Photo by Matt Ha1fmnsrcr
Sm1ors 37 ·- -- " ---,.- - -------:"~-:---:---_
Officerl4l • Steph S utera de/yes ,mo Wal.den and /e,n,es her stutienr counol aomt's behind • Photo fry Golden Photography
---. - --
Richard Bong He idi Boonzier Jason Boston Darcey Bromberg Lisa Brooks lntennty • ]ant Han btlps adnu Todd Macalady on his future cotlege plan s • Photo l,y Kcryoc I.cry Cass Brown Jennifer Bro\vn Mary Ann Brown
Jesse Bullock Mathew Calvert · Seniors

Under The Gun

Many stud ents had pre -c ollege s tr ess. A ma1or d il emma was which co llege t o attend Once a se ni or had narrowed h1s choices he had to worry abo ut be ing accep t ed Then , he had to feel gu ilt y abo ut ba nkrupting h is fam il y fo r four l ean yea rs. Bei n g a senior a l so m ea nt leaving homeTracy Harding s t a t ed," I feel that pre-college s tr ess 1s due to a lot of things. One of th e big ones 1s that we a re finally growing up and have t o leave home But, I am s ure that the exp enen ce 1s well wo rth 1t " Worrying

abo ut all th ese things mad e sen iors

realize t hey were starting to be a part of the adult world They also realized that th ey had respon sib1 ht1 es 1n m aking critica l cho1ces abou t their futures. After 12 years of p assive res1S tan ce, se niors were on t he 1.t own " The only s tress I have 1s how mu ch money I am going to make afterward," were K evin Kajiwara's feelings. But, there we re a lways laid back people 1n the se nior class bunch, hke J anna Durbin who sa id, " I won't lose any slee p ove r t i " I •

I I t 1
Tricia Capp Cha d Carlson Lance Cook Sara Cook Kim Cooksey Christy Connors Tom Conrad Bnan Cooper W ay ne Cass Am y C h a pman Joey C hri stenso n Wor~g tamtstly • /Im Go/Jm IS complthng his colltgt appli<at1on. -Photo lry fvfcGrath
Sm,ors • J9
-Susan Bi ce

Whai 's Up?

After sc hool , the haUs resounded with a familiar question "So, what are you doing t o night ?" Man y senio r s had no c hoi ce The time clock bec ko n ed. Eric Schultz worked at F oss Drugs 1n t he ph o t o department and loved what he did H e said th a t he en1oyed working wtth n ew faces a nd thought d ealing with th e publi c was a challenge But , of co urse, t he best part was th e m o n ey he earned! Speaking of money, o ne of the mos t favo r ed, cos tl y past im es was snow s kiing . When winter ca m e a r o und , yo u wou ld s urely have seen at leas t ha lf of th e Class of '89 zoomin g d ow n the ski s lopes Besides s kung a nd spe n ding money, so me of th e se niors , hk e Paul

Greve for in s tan ce,, "The most importan t thmg I try t o do dunng my spare tim e 1s go to the foo t ball, vo ll eyball , and baske t baU games whenever I can " A m ajo nty of the se ni ors eith er had Jobs right a fter school and didn 't have ume for any fun , o r th ey were off doing th eir ow n t hing s u ch as taking ca re of favorite possess ions, t he ir cars But whe n Frid ay nights and th e weekends r o lledaround , sen io r s a lw ays found tim e to go to parti es and spe nd tim e with spec1aJ friends Afte r aJJ, what ' s life r ea lly about when yo u ' r e a se ni or?

·--- - - -
-Lisa Stanle y ut 's btrYt" volt T<1ny<1 Ku :.yk.. /mny Brol>'fl , /<11on V<1l<1nt , Supb Sutera , fuse Bullock and Davui Neal art d11ro111ng 1lfbt<h parry they sboufJ go to after a b<1rd day 's JVOrk at S(bool • Photo lry Kmn M<Gr<11b
40 •
Donnell Dailey Sherry Dalton Gwynnda Daniels Seniors Troy Cooperman Chris Coquillard Greg Cox Kimberlee Crouch Lauree Crozier Tammy Curnutt Liz Dashiell Lynn Dashner
- •·.......- -
Kevin Davis James Day Sh.J nr, - Gr~ Plummer, Craig Ho-r;,c , Todd M ,uaLuly, aru! Enc Z1ponn '>'tg out m t~ courtyard. - Photo l,y Kn,in McGrath Laura Day Dustin DeArrnon Kemal Demos KelJy Denning Ted Devitt
Seniors - 41
Dianna Dibble Randy Dickman Duane Doffing Staci Douglas Ron Droel
----- --~ - --
Sp.Jemum "-'uh a msh of adrnu,{m Bnan CooJ>er sho-ws off h11 niJ>er hao abJ1tia fry cftmlnng Looko1d Mountain. - Phot o fry Kenn McGrath Laura Dozzo Kathi Duff y Kimberly Duffy Cally Dun ca n Joanne Dunn
42 -
Janna Durbin Chelsea Dun s Aaron Edward s Glenn Eilers Danny Engleke


Qh what a perfect world 1t would be if we all had good adv ice and took it to heart. The prob lem is what advtce 1s good advtce? As J osh Bill ings once said, "Advice 1s hke castor otl, easy enough to g ive, but d readfu ll y uneasy to take."

The re was some very profound advice dammed up 1n the resevo1rs of Golden High seniors JUSt waiting t o sp ill out Profound indeed 1s M ichelle R ey n o lds advtce, "Never try to volley a basketball."

Kay ci e Le vy calmly stated, "Acco rdmg to Bob Dylan, 'Everybody must get stoned'", but I'm sure they are refernng to the s t oning which occu red 1n med ieval t imes.

Some advice was more practical than others. No matter whe re Va l e ri e S t anford we nt she always had some creep following her During a

recent vtsit to her f nendly neighborhood 7-E leven store, Val was verbally attacked by a drooling nerd Val learned from this expenence to, "avoid immature drooling, psychotic nerds that hang a.round slurpee machines at 7-Eleven stores "

Probably the best advice was, "Come to reg1strauon early so you can get a top locker " Several sen iors expressed the feeling of being cheated 1n the selection of their lockers

In general most phJosoph1cal advtce isn't worth the tune 1t takes to hear 1t. Anslem Feuerback summed this up by saying, "If someone gives yo so-called good advtce, do the opposi t e, you can be sure it will be the nght th ing n ine out of ten t imes"

l<Jrk Enochs Kun Enckson Melissa Faykosh H y hse Ferguson Merlin Fief Troy Fisher Fluek1ger Greg Evershed Jason Farlow Liz Farr J~ and Jul~ Cool - Jul~ Maren adY1ses Paul M<Quay on his plnlosoplry of life •
--Smwrs , 4]
Photo by K<l"Joe ury
Robert Frost Brandy Godw in Jim Golden
44 • Sm,ors
Ther esa Gould Rohen Fulcomer Carrie Gaddis Heather Gardner
o E- i ur H r FAVORS: •8 A E ,sff.AW •WILi> C •
Kevin Gloe Good to tb( la$t drop-That ddigbtfu( tasting, tant11/1imgf1 minutl drink k,io,i,n as Zcm1, as top cbo1Cc among Golden H,gb sm,ors • Photo lry Enc Schul~ Andrea Grandstaff Sh aw n Renee Grantham Scott Green Philip Greenhalgh

Zemi Zeal

In rece nt years, the schoo l s co re 1n che se nior lounge has become a haven for co n s tant snac kers. Probably th e mos t popular it em a t the s tore was th e Zenu, known t o all as a cool a nd refreshing dnnk 1n che rry , lemonlun e, grape, s trawberry and peach .

Mike Klebba, whose personal favo rite was che rry, had thi s to say abo ut th e s tor e, " Th e school s t ore 1s a great idea," as we a re sure yo u a ll ag ree

-E n c Schu lt z

Cammy Guetlein Steven Hall Scott Harris Bryan Hat che r Andrew Hayes Matt Henson Angela Herrod Maureen Hines Todd Hancock Brian H ansen Donna Harns Refushmmt- Greg Plummer sf4ms a Zm11. -Photo by Golden Photography
Smrors - 45
Scott Higgins Katrina Hill Bryan Hinds Jason Hogan Jeff Horner Chad Hotchkiss Craig Howe Tim Howesare Keri Hughes Jennifer Humphrey
46 •
Naughty, n.mghry- /aton Wolf dnnlu a Zem, ,n the senwr lounge, as Jami!! Day ignores h,m · Pbo10 by Golden Photography Seniors


M1Xed feelings were abu n dan t about the sen ior lounge t lus yea r Some of th e seniors felt that th ey were under siege - overrun by noisy un de rclass men "We n eed shac kl es to lock up freshmen an d sophomores 1f they walk through the lounge ," said Scott Hut cheson . Other id eas included taping erran t un de rclass men to the "G" shaped couch, and spr aying the lounge with antt-underclassmen pesuc1de.

Some hazards of th e lounge were


s tr o n g perfume, crowdin g, a n d overheati n g. To so lve this problem , 1t was sugges t ed that the mtSCreants who ca used these p roblems be transferred to " E " lounge.

But over all , peopl e lik ed it "All we need is a ste reo," was the rallying cry. Every seniors t ru e f eeltngs were embod ied 10 o n e statement by C had Hotchkiss , "Everybody 1s n1 ce."

Scott Hutchensen Joe Jarock Mark Jenkins Andy Johnson Cindi Johnson John Johnson Robert Johnson Scotty Johnson -Co n Troxel Future mtmor duorator • HeatheT Ross works hard at k.«pmg her lcxk.eT neat 'ri hdy - Photo by Phorograplry Vaughn Johnson Jennifer Johnston Karen Jonas Semors - 47

What's Next?

W hat are you r plans for the fu- do wnh their lives until a few years ture ?" For most seruors, an- afte r g raduatton. swenng thtS quesuon usuall y took a lot of thought and cons ideration -Fay

After all, many things were involved tn making a deas ion that co uld affect the rest of their hves They had t o co n side r how t hey wanted to p ursue their ca ree rs and how che ca reers and goals they chose would affect their futu re lifestyles So me seruors had a lready established their plans for che future Some planned t o JUSt stay m Colorado to pursue thetr goals. As J essica B ake r stated,"My pl ans fo r the fut ure are pretty we ll se t I plan to go to th e Fashion lns utut e of Denver and stu dy fashion merchandising and con sul tin g, then even tu ally do my own des1grung " Other se ni o rs wanted to move farther away from Colo rado or even o ut of the co untry. B rya n H a tcher said that he would like to JUSt , " tra vel through Europe, h ike thro ug h Italy, and eve ntuall y li ve 10 Europe." Some se n i o rs plans weren ' t quite as s p ec ifi c. ' 'Jus t be an accountant, " was how Ru ss W ilki nso n s ummarized h1s future pl a n s. Still, som e sen io rs had not m ade a decisio n as to what th ey would like to do afte r high school. Then, of co urse, th ere were th e seniors who probably wouldn ' t know what they are going to

Darcy Jo n es Jea ni e Jones Mark K ai se r
48 StnlOTJ
Bound for nu«JJ • Dan Engdke walks 1ub1lantly to Ins next cw11 • Photo lry Golden Photography Kevin Ka)lwara Andi Keck Ja cqueline Keller Jennif er Keller Kim Kerwood John King Sco tt Kippen Jacque Kirby Kan Klabon Mike Klebba Wan114 buy an mrydo~dr.r'- Judging fry the rr locks likt Pett Schuli.tttn~g h.t.s a bnght futurt ,n t1 14kfmdn Photo fry Bnan Johnson Travis Knox Heather Kolin Lon Kroeger Tim Kub1stek Tan ya Kuzy k
Sm1ors - 49
Ryan Laue Paula Lenntg Kayc1e Levy Terna L1 sco Clay Long
----- - - ~•
Juanita Lopez Mi che lle Lucero Enc Lundell Donald Lyon Todd Macalady Bill Madrid Ma lany Maestas Eric Mahoney Chad Maisonneuve Ch ristin a Malkmus Hey, ,naa,rn, gimme som(thmg to tat Rubin 8tCerrd S<tunters up to tM fooJ lint to gtt h1mstl/" nutnhow/7 dtll(U)Us cook~ ·
50 •
Photo by Kay~ UY/ Stnuirs


Spend in g money E v e r y bod y does 1t. Mos t peopl e reall y like do in g 1t But se ru ors 1n high sc hool d o tt the fu nni est •'Yeah, hey I'd like 4 5 cents worth of gas , a p ac k of gum , and soc d o lla rs worth of bottled l1qu1ds ." Al l right, so n o bod y has ever reall y said th, s exa ct thing , bu t a lo t of peop le have said so medung sim il ar hd , of cou rse, we can ' t forge t the ten or fifteen dollars t ha t JUSt go u p m s moke ea ch week These things cla im a lot of dollars, bu t they aren ' t even t he tip of the icebe rg Throw 1n mtlhon do ll ar ins u rance p ayments , and t ho usa n ds of dollars s pent on food for lu n ch , an d 1t is easy to see why se ni ors 1n high sc hool onl y have 4 5 cents t o s pend on gas

Al t hough And y Hayes may be 1n t he m1n onty, h e chooses t o s pe n d every d 1me he owns paying for htS bea uti ful t uba Okay , no t everyon e s p ends every cent on the tu ba1 mos t p eo p le do, b u t n o t everyon e In fa ct , so me peo pl e eve n s p end money on s u ch f n voh u es as clo t h ing And even worse are t he peo pl e who da re t o save mo n ey for co ll ege. I mean a rea l senio r s pen d s mo n ey on hobb ies , hab its an d hedon is m

-K M cGra t h

Connie Manning Julie Maren Co ll een Mcilwee Kelly M c ilwee Anton M cLane Paul McQuay He,d, Melhorn Mitchell Mestling Bernhard Masterson Jason McGJvary Kevtn McGrath Tubarnffic • Amir Ht1')'tS Photo lry McG,.,,h
Smw ,s 51
/<X M cGin nis Photo Ir; J.1 Ha,1meistn

Seni rs

How do se ni ors study? O r , better ye t , do se ni ors eve n study? That 's what we asked senio r Susan Wise , who put at best by sayi n g, "T urn on the radio, swa t ch o n the t v , g rab a sax pa ck, lay out you r books, and s tare at them fo r five minut es to s tress out Then go to bed!" Now, isn't th at the real mean ing of s tu dy ing?

"S d " I h" tu ya n g a t e at n1g t, was a popular time fo r Kevin McGrath Laur ee C roz ie r agreed with Kev in,


sayi n g, "I do my homewor k at the last minute , late at night ." Most seniors also ag reed with Kevin and Lauree Studying late at night made thinking easier

Another popular time for studying was duri n g other classes Kristina Ri c ker commented, " I do my homewo rk during first hour S tu dent Council." No wonder many se ni ors fo und 1t tough ge tti ng that diploma

Study ? D,mJ Nfaf stud~, dd,gmtly ,n thf smwr foungt • Photo by Kacu ury
52 •
Troy Moody Glynn Moore Michael 1vloxley Smwrs Jason Metz Ben Michels \
Scott Miiller Susan Mikulich Craig Miner Mary MitchelJ Chris Mulberry Kelli Mulligan Jeffery Mulligan Sfetozar Muntean Gary M yers T aisaya Navant DaVtd Neal Holly Nelson Meg N esbitt Kun N ielsen C had Ol eso n Jerufcr Orcutt Jill Oslin Oh no, not a l v1onJ,ry 1- KrUy Pollcxk. groans as SM gnps tM counter for drar l,f, aftrr a lo11g aukmd - Photo by Golden PhotogT<tphy
Stnrors • jJ
Teri Oswald
--- -=-- - -At /taJt 11 's niu 'n quilt .8rn M1d1JdJ k1(k1 ., foot m the air aJ he waJttJ Jome t1mt at tht mJ of A-hall
arm 't a,ry other ~oplt P
th11 hall bt(aUJt thert
Matt Hartmnsto Farhad Pakbaz Kell y Poll ock Chad Patterson
II /
H oward Perry T raete Pet erson
' 54 - Sm,ors
S tacey Pfaff Debbie Ph elp s Penn y Plaunt y Jeff Player Greg Plummer

I Been Isolated

You enter th e long dark hallway, and the desolation indicates t hat this must be the freshmen hall. Wait, this deserted, remote hinte rlan d has been relegat ed t o a few brave seniors. P eopl e like Mark Ulmer , and C hristie Connor are amo ng those who have been hidden, nay secluded, 1n th e dar kes t region s of " A " bu1ldmg After three years of indentured servi tu de, I was personally repaid for my devo n o n by being exil ed to the fa r pavilion of " A " b u ilding.

Let me tell you about all of the disadvantages that go with having a locker a t the very end of " A " buildin g Firs t of all , at takes sLghdy l ess than an

hour and half to wal k from your loc ker t o " D " building. But that isn't even th e wo rst of at. Walking across th e co urtyard 1n 1 5 degree weather with on ly 20 seconds to get to class, 1s a tra ck straigh t from the Inqu1s1t1on

But he y, the location does have some adv an tag es. I m ean what could be better t han goin g t o m y loc ker and being warmed by th e almost tantahzang s mells of the cafete n a And th ese d1v1ne quahtt es are enh a n ced by t he death-like se renity After all , with on ly a handful of s tud ents 1n th e hall, i t IS hardly a bus tling pl ace -En c Mahoney

Math ew Po rt er Stacey P owe lJ J a ma Quay le She ll y Q u enea u Rob Redfo rd Enk Reed M iche ll e Reyno lds Ch ris Rice J ames P n ce Lon P ri ce Kns Pytt e
Smrorr • .5.5 - "-- ~
Good humor, mm · Bobl,y Yanei .1rul Pete John son try laughter theran to htlp m.rure tht1r 1urnta l of the s<hool year • Photo by Kt"Yln M<Grath
-,,..- --- -.. 56 - Sm,ors ,, _ -- ~, ~--.- '"'"'
Se,11 ors. 57
-Photo by Randy &>.wyer:
-~ ·~- - - - - - -
Bryan Ri chardson Bren t Sampson Jac queline Schnur Joey Schomer ~8 S1:1110,s Kri stina Ri cke r Mich ell e Rock Heather Ross Ignacio Sagi-Vela Hope Santistevan Neill Saxton Brian Snell Tim Sehl offman Unknown Dr<td Hedd - Whro Id~. bury me dup, pl11ce somt' speakers di Ill) fut Put a tumto1blt 111 m) head, so that I c<1n forl!'Ytr lasttn to the Gr.iuful Dr11d • Photo b) !v1att Hdrtmrastcr

Sr. Soundtrack

Seruors reall y lik e their musi c, JUSt ask 'e m " What's yo ur favorite group?"

" Huh ?, I don ' t understand ." "Groups, yo u want musi c groups?" No , not groups of h yd r oge n a toms or groups of Afncan headmasters roa ming the desert after sund own No, we want mind me nding music Y es, S co tt Hi g g ins, speak your mind " Jethro Tull, Je thro Tull, you got 1t Jethro Tull " An y ocher nuggets of kn owledge? How about , Th e Mighty Lemon Drops, and F1shbo ne ? Wh o? Y es, The Who Some se n1ors' eyes sp arkle when yo u blow th e dust off of nam es like Van Mornson , Lynard Skynard, Pink Floyd and Th e Doors. " The gurus of C rue have created a d isease " sa.Jd Roy ( the world according to me ) S mi th Of co ur se, we know he meant that good musi c st 1C ks with yo u Other bands wh o make glue tunes are Def Lcppard , INXS , Sco rp1an s, Sung ,U2, Soak and TSOL Maybe you're one of the proud few who e ndured the long rughc of met al aga in st the brain, with Bi lly Rya n and Black I n sh a t the Blake Street Wareho use H ow about S layer at the War ehouse? H m m mnnn ? " Metala ca soo thes the brain Rush 1s mell ow", are theories that Matt P o rt e r and Jim Dav e nport have adopted into their lives " Debbi e Gibson , I ain't fooli n '. She's the best, man , and yo u know 1t! " declared D o n Lyo n KA-

ZAMEEE!I The tru e sign of a man wh o didn't get enough oxygen as a n embryo. It 's gotta have good words None of that co mmunistic propaganda," pron oun ced the penultimate Enc Clap t o n fan Always r emembe r , th ough, whether you listen to Pnn ce or Guns 'n' Roses, keep the music close a t heart because the y' re talk1n' 'bo ut our generation

Tricia Schroeder Shannon Schonlaw Scott Shaw Michelle Seibert Ted Shaffer Kyle Shepard Walter Sims Charlotte Skomal Anna Schowengerdt Pete Schulzetenberg Enc Schultz -Brian Johnson M1mts - Can they talk', or art they just stupid' Ask Chad Houhkiss - Photo Ir, F...ry<U Ln,y

Partying Seniors

If yo u we re o n e of the m any seniors who wor ked hard m yo ur sophomore and 1un 1or years, then yo u p robably made yo ur se ni or year the partying ti m e "I might g raduate early so I' m gonna' p ar t y all year!" said Ta m i S mi th , a Golden senio r O n the other hand, L au r ie D a y sa id, "I' m sttll gonna' live 1t u p, bu t I'm no t gonna' cu t loose wit h my s t ud i es " D1 cch1ng classes o r party i ng aJI rugh t migh t have bee n yo ur way of cutting loose f rom t he acade mi c ba ttl eship chains Ta king extra classes as "sleep ti me" was also a popu lar way t o

relax a n ove rstuffed craruum

Those of yo u who bar ely sli d by 1n yo ur p revious years fo u nd you had t o buc kl e dow n th is yea r Ge tt mg good g rades durtng o n e's sen io r year 1s manda t ory for peop le wh o blew off wo rk whi le t hey we re unde rclassme n . Brian C oo p er, a mem be r of t he Na ti onal H onor Socie ty, s ull is a p arty1n' fool, b ut said " I wo rk ext ra ha rd fo r the grades I wan t a n d deserve " All and a ll , is n ' t t ha t wha t be ing a senior 1s abo u t?

--- - -- ---.,_ --£ - - ·-- -
Hey look, JH' made a pyramuJ- Jason Mc(,1/vray and Chns Wells, hold up Jeff Berry to form a pJramid • Photo lry F..aycu lery Jessy Sol a
,ors - - - -cL- - • -
WiJ Spa rr owk Laura Stambaugh
Trey S loan Linda Smith Roy Smith Valene Stanford Kevtn Smnh Melissa Snuth Tami Smith Denrus Stapleton
H ust ling,
CTO l)
- Aftn 4
m fuU twmg for tM
'89 Not a j>dsnng
P.tnt lry
n.armed lry
bustlmg, .1lmoft
one ')ear h1atus rk ~mior lounge b.1ck
class of
hurrying smiors.
Pboto b) k tS)~ Lery
Kimberly Sta t en Jim Sta uf fe r Denise Stellers Davin Stephans David Stewart Monti er Stewart Angie S rrew eler Jeremy Stodola
Amalia S touse Amanda Sturgeon Seniors
-- - --·-•
Ahhhh! • Russ WJ~nson crtJJlxs out on a park l>m ch at Golden• • Photo by Kayne ~ - Stephan1e Sutera Carol Talbot Cheryl Talbot Jeff Tank Kristen Thompson Teresa Tindell Lee Tolar Ivan Tomasi Dara T ribelhorn Cori Troxel
62 - Scn,011 - -- -.--. -....a.a
Mark Ulmer Jaso n Valant


AHHHH , fantasies, don't you all wtSh they co uld co me true ? Golden's most popular fantasy was to be s trand ed on a deserted island with someone. Jan· na Durbin wanted " to be st randed o n a deserted island with ]llll, the campus co p! " Jim, you lucky guy! I guess Rob Fulcomer wan t ed co be very busy on his deserted island because h is fantasy was "bein g stra nded on a dese rted island wit h the Golden High T ndett es You have high s t andards, Rob!

C hris Malkmus ' fa nt asy was "seein g Scott Johnson a nd Jas on Valant m Tndette uniforms doing a da n ce rounne ."

On the other hand, Paul Grev e had a very realist ic fantasy, simply, "receiving a diploma."

We th ough t the most prest1g1ous award for th e most o utr ageous fantasy went to Mik e M cArthur "I'm o n t he Love Boat and we crash I get a raft by myse lf and 1t JUSt happens to have a case of Co rona beer with 10 lim es As I'm floating o n the ocean, I g rab some ice to keep my beverages co ld. I don't know what happens next, but I wake up with my lips pressed against chose of beautiful women " So, Mike, when a re yo u booking yourself on the next cruise ou t ?

Nino Valenti Bnan VanDyke Dawn Watkins Wes Weeks H ea ther Van Westrum Kathenne Wegher Jason Whitney Ru ss Wilkinson Glen Vester by Camil le V1gd Holly Wadsworth
- 6 3
ZZZZZZ 1 • Jason Farlow slups m the 1unw , lounge dunng fru hour • Photo by M<11t Hartmeisur S m wrs
- - -
Angelique Willard Danica Williams Robert Willis Jason Wolf Jay Wolgamott Deborah Wood
64 • SrowrJ l
Enc Yarbrough Jennie Young Susan Wise Kelly Wyant
l • • • • • .. .. !:~=-
Eric Ziporin Ken Withrow Yue Xi Deanna Zurey

J\-1,kt Slobodruk

Not Pictured

Conmtla Alvarado Matthe-A B1111ain Dana Ell,or ]trtm')' F.. vammt

D,nid Anderson J'v/,chatl Burt Nlt/111<1 Frudnrh &au Lmdu)

/fH1<a Baker Chris Cheek

Trans Gourdin W1//1<1m Pankey

1\lattht"1i Barron ]a,nit Clarke Donald Grtnrr Alim Rutherford

l.11nnda Bartosh John Clint Notl Heam V«-k1 Sanks ]non) Benore George Cobb Lua Kl')'n Domtr11ro Santdl, Robert Blunt Justin Dmtr; Br1Jn Kotl Will1<1m S,h11tller

Roland Bostrom Dan~/ Doyle John Kurgan Jason Sha1l-

R1rhard Sheppard Ronn~ H- 'ard

Suma Singh Sherry U ,Ison

1\./,d,atl Sm11h Bob )-ann

urgh Ann Thompson

Lom Turnbull

Pettr T 1l-o T 11-0

Cull) t-1.'ahto& Lu Ii'.ike

Rudell Ahlberg

Joe 8.irton

R1,bo1 Brurr.i

H,J, Boon,a1rr

1\Jat11JS Bostrom

,Veal Dad)

/JmcJ DaHn{'<Jrt

Robot Doffing

Dan Do)le

Claire Frank

Trary Harding

Fauh Hopkins

J<ffrn krnter

1\f1ku koh.ira

John ,\/cCJ,t"I

Chad Odle

Cesar P110

I obe Putman

Clinton Rahm1,'l_ Ka, Rmner

,,- ----- -
Srn,orr 65 --- - .:;..




Kari Bennet

The Unknown

They overran B and C halls You bumped into them 1n class and on campus , yet no one nouced them They were the 1un1or class They passed through the year undete cted , wa1t1ng for their big chance to be a somebody Next Year

The freshmen and sophomores get attention for being new, the seniors for being old, and the 1un1ors, nothing. Wtth th e ex ce ption of those g1f ced 1n the field of a thl etics , Juniors blended 1n with th e rest of the crowd, a n other fa ce in the hall

H ow can you, the reader, stop this rampaging ep1detruc? The solution 1s simple, show sympathy or JUSt nouce them Next tune you ' re 1n the ha ll and you see one of these almost 1nv1s 1ble c la ssme n , stop them and say, "Hey, you' re a JU· ruor, aren ' t ya?" And when they answe r, "Yes, why do you ask?" simpl y repl y, "Too bad!" If you don ' t, the 1un 1or class could JUSt fade away

Derek Bennett

A/n,14 Bennetts

Susan Br et

Eric Bilger

G1ula Boland

Brenda Boom

66 • /uniors - - - - -- - ----::., t- - -
/ustin Ab<rle Af4rsha/l Alim /« Allison /4r( Anderson M4Tc Anderson Brady Auher Courtnt)' Armenta un<1 Amdson M,ke Atttbery Tony Bafdtss.iri &flmtmt Bari@ B,/l Ba"o11 B4um Buk -Mike "The lnVlsible C lassman " Sanders
•• ·.
Follol); the yel/o'A- brick • Tht scarecrow, Shawn R<IJmond, and Dorothy, N,co/e Summers, sk,p to class. Photo fry Enc !vlahonry

Brook Borden

Ton) Bo-)n

~V.ult Braden

Htather Brasull

Kt/fr Broolu

Hnsd,tl Brown

Cheryl Bu/l,rd T.., Bun

Jenn) Burt

M.srry Caaa~.iy

/ad) Carlon

Dand Camey

Dand Cti,ptr }.. C Ch.spman

/tss1<.s Chuholm

Dntk Chnstensrn

Tess" Cwb"ugh Clint Clarke

Tammy Clingan

M1thtllt Condron /nm Conntr

T<Jmm) Cooksry

~i end-, Conti/ IAurtl Counolm<Jn

/tnnrfn C<n-trdalr

Ruy Dalton

James Danrrls

Tina Da~d-, usl~ Dran

Bryan Dtsmartt11u

Hty, Joe• foe Baum rtLixu dunng his fru llmt. Photo h-, Ka-,~ Lery
I , •
Juniors • 6 7

Tom Dt.edru:hs Duon

f tssu-a Dixon

C,ndy Dockter

Chery{ Drapn

Chru Drobnick

Rob Drou1/lard

Dtanna Duncan

Craig Duster

Ch~ Edwards

Grtg Ellison

famt.e Embry

Chnstint Epps

Cesl4 Erbaugh

Melissa Esparza

Ralph Espino1.a

Marcy £11.enhoustr

Todd Ferguson

Michdle Fems

Mark Fish

Clint Fluntr

Aaron Flut

Todd Follt

Tammy Fondy

Robert Fran/cs

Trao Franks

Angtla Furminsky

Seo/I Gamn

C,ndy Gtbhardt

M1kt Gt,lt

68 • fun1or1
EEK 1 I haYt a hair out of plau 1 • Sttphanll Olmort, Stay& Corrtll. ·
-. I . ,.
Photo by Kay& Levy

Jason Gontalrs Chdd Gort on


The Oass of 1 90 will h ave one more year to garner memories- their SENIOR year ! Just what does the seruor tn senionty mean ? Many 1uruors feel that being the oldest m the sc hool will give them more freedom and pleasure to do whatever they feel

Wee dorng For example, seni ors will have their own senior lounge, (finally!!) , later curfews , and a lot more authority to wield over underclassmen!

Shay Gum Sta<ey Grem

Tami Hahn Tobey Hammood

Jason H ampltrr1an l&J H 11nsm

Trav11s Harmon Tammy H amey

Tracey HtnJerso n T11m my H trrod

Pearly wh,tts • H ere's Dennis Pike Mth a grm f
rom tar t
o ear • Photo by T odJ Ferguson
Joh n H 11ms Sa nJy H 11rrrs Ange& H amson M att H anmwter Ca nd, H au n R~h H auser
Joh n H effelfinger M at t H tld
/umors - 69- -· - ·---~-
IVtnJy H dgers Anne H oga n







rphie Pearse has wo n vari o us awa r ds tn ho rsemanship su ch as the Jr Nov i ce Cham p io n and Hi gh

P oint Gra n d Champi on awa r ds

To be a winner, she tra tns 5 days a wee k for about an ho ur duri n g the acttve season The seaso n lasts the maion t y of t he s u mmer with t rials a lmos t every wee ken d Orphie has been nd1ng s in ce she was 1 1 years old b ut only sta rt ed t o compe t e 2 years ago She co m pe t es 1n combi n ed tr aining which 1ocl u des d r essage, cross-country, and s t ad ium 1u m p 1n g. Dr essage i n c lu des fla t wor k and pa tt er ns fo r a i u dge

who looks fo r p recisio n 10 the pe r• fo r mance In cr oss-co unt ry, t he horse and n de r a re u rned on a large course with ma n y obstacles t o Jump. S t adi um 1ump1ng 1s JUS t t hat, an i n doo r co urse of 15 1umps a n d u ght cor n ers. It has bee n a long s tr a n ge tri p fo r O rp h ie P earse A n d she's spent an awful lo t of 1t o n t he bac k of a horse H ard wo rk a n d de t ermmat1 o n t o beco m e a winner has p aid o f f f o r Go lde n 's very own O lym p ic h o p efu l






- - - - - - - - - -70 - Juniors
Josh Ho-ots Brad Huy Ju/,r Hulstn, 1'.tll) ln grJm Dus11n lronshcll Carmen /Jntck Jem,m Jansen Traer Jansen Dan fa"ell Brum fohnson /ertmy Johnson fohnson /ones Jones Kanode Kavanaugh Kay Ru-k Kerstlt'ns Kufd Kirfer K,/l,on Krng
• • 0
Tally Ho 1 • Orphit Ptarst follo1n tht blooJy beaglts on a br,sk romp through tht <ormtrysuft Photo fry Kmn M<Grath

Shane Kmg Sta~ Krng

Joshua Korosu

Tom KotsmtS

Mark. L,ne

Dtmd Lawrena

Vrt/1 Langt /amts umons k1m l<f'dk.

Todd upke

Glenn Lmk

Kann Lttltp.1gt

K,mbtrl) Ltman

Tracy lutas

/enm{tr Lucema

Rob L)on

ShJnnon lvlacFa,lant

M1chtllt M,mtga111

Pamela Martin

Drbbu- fvlatlock

Tamm) Matzke

Sorrel Max~tll

Doug lvfcC/u,e

Tim McDonald

£11, McGaffey

Stth McGrnnu

Ryan McGrath

Sco11 McM1/lm

Diann.t McV1tker

Max M,uht/1

} l I I \
jkl - Shannon MacFarlant takts a brrak from ryprng 1kl; asJf during l)pmg <lass Photo by /,.~~ UI?
Juniors • 71 - - ·- " -· _ _____ _

Tr~lJ M,1chcll

Dand ,\,foon

Chns J\,/oore

Gregg Moore

Jul~ J\.1uelln

G41le \1unsart

Shane M)n

Gus Nt1sses

Chad Nelson

kan Nelson

Mar/I Nelson

Bridget No bag

Can Noble

Brmt N,land

Sttphan~ Olmore

Enc Olson

Gma OnvalJ

Sp)ros PaJMdopoulas

Jul~ Parlette

Molly Pa11on

O,ph,e Pearse

Al)son Pet11son

Elw Ph,11,ps

Chuck. P~karsk.1

Dmms P,k.e

Mike Plancarte

Jon Popiel

Deena Pottorff

Su:,.~ Prm

Ella Quaintance

- -·- ---------------.-..-· -72 • /umo,s
Flash those ptarl~s • Mu:helfe Condron and Les/~ Dean antiopatt the upcoming »eek.end • Photo by Kt'Vln McGrath ,J

M1e~lk QU4rantmo

Drrtl.. Quinn

Hanging Out

Dunng class did your rnmd of ten wander to the upco m 1ng weekend ? Did yo u find yourse lf co unting the da ys till you re ceive d a release from the co nfining walls of Golden High School? What did 1un1ors do dunng these two day vacations?

When the y weren ' t ca t ching up on their sleep, y ou co uld find them hanging out with their friends. You could find groups of Juniors at the Shelter, Chief Hosa, and Ogden Theater. Dunng th e win-

ski s lopes thrashing , crashing, and tre e bashing down the mountain Some s tudents had very unusual plans for the weekends. For ins tanc e, Brian J o h nson clauned, "I went t o clam bakes 1n Mobile , Alabama. Mussels, clams, broccoli, beer, bread, a nd squash Nothing can equal a good clam bake." Not man y st uden ts wo uld part1apate m a nything tlus unusual, but JUn1 o rs always had creati ve ac t1vtt1 es to keep th em bu sy.

te r, you co uld have seen 1uniors at -Stepharue Woods

/14ac Rascon

Alaandna R,n•lmgs

Darrel R.,ry

Clint Ref/ti

T rrtra RegnltT

Am)' Rtid

N1ek1t Rnlt)' ]ul1t Rtsngh

H tlm Rhodts

Htatw R,/ry

Dara Rimbach

Fra nk Rios

Daw/ Rob1t

Ashlt)' Ross

Robert Ross

Dawl Rosm11llrr

J,m Rudolph

M1kt Sandtrs

Tyra Sand)' Jeff Sa1V)tr

., ( I •
CoulJ this bt for D,rys of Our kes' • Rob Lyon sharts a rare senous mommt with Josh Koroste • Photo by KtY1n McGrath
Juniors• 71 - -· - - --~:-

Shannon Schoen

Kaut Schofl.aftn

Dream Seeking

Gaylt Schufti

L,-nntl Stfntr

Sandy Shepard

Jroniftr Shtphtrd

Dreams can teU a lot about a person. Or so I'm told So what better wa y to unlock the mystery of the 1unior than to find out what they dream about Let ' s start wnh one of the more normal dreams Orplu e P e ars e says that she dreams about Pete 's dragon saving her from vampire bats. Oooh! Not even Hannah and Ba.rba.ra could thmlc of a scarier plot But Mi.Ic e Sand could. "It was temble I was bc1ng chased by thLS giant bas ketball, and we {mc..nmg he and the basketball) were on this court the su:e o. Colorado " Good god, that must have been ternble

But enough about how ea.sily fnghtencd the 1uruoN are; let ' s see how easily amused they are S usan B ice relates her story m the folloW'lng manner, "I was With this guy


Summn Shr.,trs

Chris Sitck

Brad Sloan

Denny Smith

Susan Spm<t

Lua Stanlry

Lori Sttfltrs

Adrk1n S1nros

Carla Stt"l'ms

Julit Ste,;rnson

Ben Sruckry

Jmn,ftr Stunkard

Jonathan Sturgton

N,coft Summers

m my social studies whom I don ' t even \mow And you know how m dreams you take really big steps. weU, we were moving real fast " I trunk we get the picture, Susa.n, JUSt another disgusung Olympic race walk fantasy

But the werrde:st one I heard was from a 1un1or who claims that Xeno (the Greek philosopher) clunbcd through his Window and was promptly arrested by the Imm1grat1on and Naturalu:at1on Se!Vlce And as ,f that weren't enough, the group ended up danong m Kenya with leopards. Yikes! I guess what I'm trymg to say IS that dreams are amusmg not only because they're amusing, but bee.use they seem to mITTor the dreamer

74 • juniors
Shtmll V l( ShmabeT)
I J --- - ·-- :..-- was that I 1u11 rtt1d 1 • Robtrt Lyon h,mstl( cxcupitd rv1th a lValkman, a hat t1nd a book • Photo by Mall Hartmt1sttT

Megan Talbot

Danny Thocrnke

Missy Thompson

Greg Tilley

Jam~ T1mmtr1V1lke Tmdalf

Cheryl Tmglr

Hrung To

Kurt Tonlc,n

Amy Trcz,sr

Kan T rullmger

Craig Tumbu/f

Kmt Turner

Ton Tyson

Angela Uorh11

u .s Vessa

Bnan Vialpando

Joe V,aor

Anita Vogt/er

Jeff Walker

Amr iVaters

Jason iVhue

lv! ,kr Wh11thouu

Corey W ,ldr

Chnst~ lVilkrnson

Kara i V,Lso n

Ti1 mmy iVind

Shan non iVuerth

Luke Young

Sean Y oung

) .. "'
IVhat fun I'm h.znng Adrian Stn-ms has a prnry good timt just swtng dtound Photo by f\4att Hartmcuter
Junrors • 75

l.JA'o Yusgwntoro

Tana z.,1;,,,. sk, Stn<" Z(11nan



D,,,,uJ A.,,eT)

\ftfuw Ekad1

Rob(rt Buslry

Brwn EknboD

John Buhop

J:.,m Boi.lrng

Sh.2M1 &ylr

/,1son BraDI()

'"'""' Bruu

H<ul< Bmtskt

.\1J11 81,rke

Afan C.1tura

/ocdlr Cud

D.,ry/ CiftTTI

Nath.,n Clary

Enoch Crago

Al1d1ad Crisl<r

/Jm<'S D1<ktnon

1\fo[/1 Fox

J... -,Ir Frohnt

Aaron Gabru:lson

Brulgcllr Gag<

1\la11 Gagnon

Doug Ga)rr

Dean Halbe,stn

/aem-, Hudson

Tommy Hunter

Tom Ihmt

Sttfan Krrr

lvfark. Larrd

SusJn Lakr

Lisa Ma1or

Nlark J\,f<Connel

Bryan MrK,m

L,nda /We/am

/JSOTI \fr ,v,lliams

Kr11h Croll /rm \fortrnson

St,m Alosrbergrr

Brandon Nagel /arm) l\laon

ll'tnd) ObriUI

D.,,/an 011a

Ch.rd P,ppm

Ch,11 l'}la

Sha An Ra.,,mond

1'11stro Re.nrs

1'.rthltro Re,/f"

;\[.,rk R,nglwno

l'trom<J Rios

Hans Rorbuh

\larlmt Sargent

Roga S<huster

Ph,/ Snlrr

Damron Simcox

T,..Jd Sm)th

Ten Stahl

F,,c S'tol-er

Br<II StrauH

Robert Tat<

Ch,,s Thompson

D.,ii.,, Thompson

St.r() Toler

Paul T11bbs

Scott rl ages

Robb1e n ard

A..,t,r H'1/cot.

Stnt U',lliamson

Chris n ,nk.ltr

Aha 1 - The search for tht last good prtu of dtbatt rvultnu is Oltr as Dertk Chrrstrnstn finds what ht's for -
76 -
Photo b) Ryan Kandt{
H'efl thats .r mu looking rrng - /a mes Embury dupl.rys hrs mucho macho cLiss ring. - P,-oto b) ,\JJtt Hartm<ist,, of a casrutf outfit - Brad Ho, strugglts through anothc monotonous day m the lrfeof"
- - - ·-- ~ , 1- - I
1umor - Photo b) tla11 Hartmrister

School Jewels

S1nce the Middle Ages , kings, heathens, and even peasants have worn rings Through the years rings have shrunk, making them less of a weapon , and henceforth beg1nn1ng thelf downfall 1n populanty Although rings became something only the wealthy could afford, their mysti cism continued on ; ring of fame, three ring circus, toilet bowl nng and the Maf1a nng. Would Genghis Khan approve ? I think not

Jostens has provided this school with nngs for years and thelf top financial nng marker projector, B uela Bau mg arte n er, says that the outlook for future rmg sales is "good ". Well , that ' s 1nformanon we Just can ' t let slip through our hands I know this mformauon will come as a shock to those students who predicted a further downfall 1n nng sales The fa ct is that as long as there are studentS, nngs will always remain easier co selJ than candy They sttll have a certain degree of personality, a twinge of importan ce Some guys sull believe that ,f they have a big nng, they will get the girls. Hee , Hee

Today, students can get anything from their grade point average to their favorite sport engraved on their nngs

Rmgs suggest certain tra1tS, whether good or ill, 1n peoples ' personalities Whether you wear a nng JUSt tc flaunt your personal achtevementS, 01 for personal defense reasons, or JUSt tc have a big p iece of metal half the size of your head protruding from your finger, having a nng becomes valuable later in life when memories of your childhood wither and disappear , or so they say.

"I like these new nngs They are a lot higher quality than the old ones These rmgs are insoluble, totally 1ndestruct1 ble ," sa,d a 1ub1lant D ic k Schalham e r , wt ping battery aad off hi s goggles

"The only reason I have a class ring ,s so hopefully one day the sun will shine through the emerald JUSt nght and, of course, stop time Zuel lS god," said R o b R e dfo rd m a trance-like stuper And we thought Mr S c hal· ha m er had problems But whatever the reason you give for having a nng , no matter how perverse, wear 1t nonstop and don ' t forget what class 1t representS. And don't forget 1t cost you 240 dol1ars

-Bnan Johnson and Matt Hanme1ster A nd ..• 11 spark les M ary Ann Brown ha, ., real nea t nng. • Pho to h, M att H artmnst er
1 - I
"Don't to1k.e m) p1<ture" · Tracy Ul<o11 1rhints as she 1?1J k.ts the trek. bo1<k from dau • Photo b) R.n1n i\ lcG,.,,h
funrors • 77
All those happ) faus - Ch,11 Epps, Rob S<hrnidt, and D a)e Camry loo k as d11enthused as th() <o1n - Photo b) Todd Ferguson

Let's face 1t , a n y opportunity t o leave schoo l on a tnp 1s welcomed Fo r the so ph omores, it 's Washington DC ., where th ey fi ll their souls with the esse n ce of Amenca n heritage. For the Juniors, it's up the c reek w n h a paddle , fillin g t he ir lungs w it h wa t er. For the se ni ors, Senior Semi n a r , whe r e t hey fiJI themselves with the b li ss of t he real world.

T he Washington DC tnp 1n-

etours ...

eludes v1s1t1ng the Smithsonian Museum , th e F B I. bu1ld1ng and man y o t her s umulat1ng h1stoncal a nd educati o nal sites When asked about the tnp Fay Bates said , " It was one of th e m os t fun educauonal expe rien ces I' ve ever had ." This tnp 1s a pr og ram open to all sop h o mor e s tud e nts 1n the nation

When yo u break the bonds of soph o mons m and become a 1un1or, th e r e 1s ye t another exciting tnp to embark on, t he 1un1or r a ft tnp Up to e ig ht ee n 1un1ors depart on each of the two t o th r ee r af t tnps every yea r The rafters travel to Utah and ca mp 1n Dinosa ur N a tional Park Over the next few da ys students and tea che rs alike enJOY rafting down the Yamp a and Green Rivers. D e bbi e Auld said, " The raft tnp helped me learn to cope with everyone " Others agreed

that it was the best schoo l related happeni n g the y' d eve r experienced. Any student who survives to become a senior a n d has enough credit ca n try t o 101n Senior Seminar This 1s a n experie nti al education program and 1s n ot fo r the lazy a t heart Only 24 s tudent s are able to p art1 c1pa te 1n t his p r ogram each year It co nt a in s man y diffe r ent "sem in ars" that r a n ge f com desert ecology to snow ca mpin g. Ja· so n H oga n said, " T his 1s the most ente rt a1 n1n g class I' ve ever had It 's an experience that I'm s ur e will pay off 1n the futu r e." Sen ior Seminar 1s s upported by t he st ud e nt s who part1c1pate , so 1t costs between s ix and seve n h undr ed do llars. T his may be expe nsive, but 1t 1s worth 1t!

,.r ,.,, - ,,,: ' ·~:'fl ., • ii "" ' .,{ 1. ~!1 :\;, '' ..,
-Robert W1ll1s, Scott H1gg1n s & C Scott K1ppen I , .
78 Ftaturts --__ ...,. - - .--...,.m.=.-- - -
What a dump Htather Vtrbtrk and Fay Batts stray t hrough tht old town of Jamtstown • Photo by Sara Thompson

11'&.t fun • On th( junior raft tnp neryon(, md,,Jmg Bob HJ)(J Jnd 1\/Jrl:. Young, drus 1,p f,l.t lrma11cs. · Photo b) Dcbb,e Auld

Ft.iturtf • 79
Sm,or S(mtntt(S First row • Rmu GrtJntham, H(<1ther ~Jn iVtstrum, /mm/tr Humphrey, Jul~ A-1arm , /mmfn Or<Utt, StJO Douglas, A.,zye~ Ln,, Cris/)' Connors, CJ/I)' Dune<1n, Suo11d ro~ • C.ollun Afr£Jp,u \fatt C<1hert, B,/1 Sehu(/f(T Robtrt W,flu , Jason Hogan, Not p,etured. Dareey Bromberg, Aiattl4S Bostrom, Glenn Eilers, u~ Farr, Re,,in fvfrGrath, Aftt,h Mestfmg, Joe Sehomn. Trr) Sloan • Photo by /Watt Hartmt,sttr Juliana Drummond Ph,/1,p Seyler, lgnaoo Sag,- Vela, Ka, Rmntr, Hans Rorbeck.. and Mutias Bostrom during therr ns11 to Amrrrca Photo lry Scott H,ggrns
80 • Ftaturn - ·-•- - ----.:._._ -
Guld}up • Mattias Bostrom and John Hddrtth daringly tame a concrrtt !,on ,n Washington D C. • Photo lry A-1.illr.zs Bostrom

Tra • lll Paces

Not many high school students would have left their homes for a year and ventured into a new culture, language, and lifestyle A g reat number of foreign exchange students came to Golden thtS last year GHS offered many changes for these students, one of the most interesting experiences for the group was a raft tnp with the Key Club. Overall, their attitudes toward experiences 1n America were as different as their separate backgrounds. M ikie K o hara of Japan en1oyed the five day school schedule as compared to the six day schedule she had 1n Japan Ka i R e nn er of Germany liked the fact that we do not have nine or ten sub1ects. Han s R o rba c k f rom Denmark was impressed with the Colorado mountains, and American ca rs, highways, and large trucks Braz1ltanJ uliana Drummo nd en1oyed the hecuc life of the American teenager filled with "dates and

Jobs." M a tt i as B os tr om en1oyed the American students' openness In fact, Mattias considered attending an American un1vers1ty I ngnac10 Sagi -Vela liked American life but would much rather have Spanish food Ph illi p Seyler from Germany mused , " It has been a great experience, I really like it here I will miss it when I go home It has helped me to widen my horizon and see another area of the world "

- -
Rocley Mt h,gb- Ka, Rrrmn nts liura/ly one milt t1b<1>t set1 lotf in DenYer, ColortUJo. - Photo fry Ka, Renner A helping J,,,rnJ. Ch,,rl,, Gunn g,YtS t1 reassunng welcome to M,~ Koht1rt1 of /t1pan. · Photo by Rym kandt! H,, Mom- Wh,,t JVJ/f Ph,[(,p Seyler t1rni Hans Ro,buk's parents think -,.,hen they see hor,, strt1ngt Ammca h,,s mt1dt the,r sons' - Photo courttry of Ph,{{ip Seyler and Ht1ns Rorbeclr.

&th Ahrens

R),m AmbaTl4ntl

Kefl1 Anderson

Lesley Andrn-1-fonu

Chara Armon

Jori A)'r(s

Kanm Azad

Stephan~ &chofn

Kerri B.1/dwm

Dori &rckeen

El, &rloJV

Andrra Barrett

Megan Bamry

Michelle &strn

Jcr11ca Baumann

s""" Bd)'s

ShaJVn &ach

And)' Beekman

Kruten &//,on

Ann &llo~s

Melod~ Bennetts

Cmdy Bergeron

Nick Bctterides

Mark Blunt

Bngette Blythr

K<II)' Bocock

Eric Bond

A my Bradsby

John Brandenburg

Jaton Brandt

82 - Sophomoru - - - ·-·---::_ t :- -
To each his OJVn - Bndgct Fitzgerald can't force a smde on a Moruury, but Jul~ BroJVn gnns from ear to ear - Photo by 1'.mn McGrath.

A Class Act

h e s op ho m o r e c l ass f o und i tse lf tn a uni q u e pos1t1 o n Fo r the fi r s t um e m a lo n g ttm e a class was ab le t o avoi d occupy in g th e bo tt o m run g o f t h e h, gh sc h oo l ladd er An d it see ms a! t ho u g h miss in g this d em eaning experi en ce has resu lt ed tn a co n f ide n t soph o more class. Led by P resid en t Andy Bee kman, V ice- pr es id en t Bridge t F i tz ge rald , an d Secretary- tr eas ur er T e ra P o rt e rfi el d , th e class of ' 91 far ed well 1n vari ous s p1nt act, vitt es.

Take, f o r exampl e, the ho meco ming p a rad e. Who wo u l d have

eve r expe cted t he lowly so ph omo res t o com e t oge th er as a cl ass and ta ke t he f irs t p rize 1n the fl oa t co mp e t 1t1 o n ? T hese n ewco m e rs eve n had the n erve an d l un gs t o wi n s p irit wars a t t he m andatory pep asse m bli es. W h ile th eir spirit was ad mirab le, t hei r confi dence bo rde red o n t he a nn oying fo r t he m o r e r ese r ve d u p pe r class m en T e r a P o rt e rfiel d said tha t a main goal of th e offi cers 1s to b uil d t he ir class sp 1nt With suc h a good s tart , th e JOb o f t he off ice rs o ugh t t o be easy

-O rph1e Pearse & D ee n a P o tto rf f I

Ktt~ Bremer

Katbmnt Bnggs

Brand,, Brooks

Dttx Br=

Jul~ Bro1V11

Kari Brcnn1

Dawn Bro1Vn[u

Dawn Bryant

S&<TTtt Buft

Bnan Burch

Ltsl~ Burchf~/J

5,,,,,1, Burke

Gttb Burkhardt

Rod Ca=on

Chad Carland

Sonia Carlson

Kelly Choruzy

Sonya Cr.meros

Duaynt C/,,rk

/ttc~ C!,,rk

Amy Conley

Roxan ne Conner

That's t1 lot of gu m • Sophomort dass Yl<t prtndtnt, Bndgttt F1tlgert1/J, ttnd stnttttry/tuasura, Ttrtt Portq~/J, r. tttch as cl.ass prtsidtnt, Andy Btt~n. plays -wuh his gum. Photo by Km n M cGrttth
SophomortJ • BJ -- ----

Ami Cu14ck

US4 Dttrlmg

No Wheels 0

Keith DttYIS Danny Dd'J

ne of the bigger events of a sophomore's life was getttng t o lun ch Just how did sopho mores do thi s? W ell, that 's one question that's easy to answer Some of th e lu cky ones got their licenses early meaning that new mania cs zipped aro und the parking lots of G. H .S . " L oo k out! " But so me of th e unlu cky o nes ended up thumbing o r hoofing 1t Some sou rces dubbed Tim

Schloffman, "the so pho m ore taxi cab ." If he had put o ut a sign and painted his tru ck yello w, he could have made a bundle off the less fonunate So let's expand o n dus. Remember the people yo u cove red with unforg1vmg carbon mo noX1d e gravel ch1p sl ush cakes ? The y'll soon have their h ce nses and take their re ve nge

Jeannie Defore Damon Delgttdo

Brent Dennis Brttd Dmkel

Kristie Dittbrenner

John Dodge

J,m Domenico

Miehelfe Dorsch

Robert Duster

Jcsnctt &tton

Chttnu Elf,ott

Andee Ellis

S1<1h Elsbury

Ktttlry Engelke

uttrld Espmola

Audra £.,,,ershcd

84 • Sophomoru - - ·--: --~---= ~ - -
Doug Cox E~ Cross
T\' OP
Another duli r Mth long ha,r • C/4'j Moseley gnics his best smile for photogrttpbrr Enc Mtthoney • Photo Ir, Enc Mahoney

Chns Ewing

Scan Fanry

J~ Fisher

Bndgcr F1t{geral.d

G,'14 Fl<r>d

Chuck Fl,-nn

Stephan~ Flynn

Suph Fouer

&th Fox

Brett Friday

Kath} Frey

fol~ FroJt

Kns Fulcomer

R,d: Gardner

Ri<h Gu

AnT14 G,l

Paula Gullund

Ang~ Godsey

H,lla~ G~rt

Deanne Go/orth

Dustrn GranqutSt

Jrnny Gray

Mar~ Grtry

Stetson Grun

Alison Haberman

Jeff Had1111gn

Tom Hager

Stn-rn Hall

Kcnny Handon

Bnan Haptonstall

• I
Smile prctl)' - Ju{14r14 Drummond and £nn Humt4n gn-c tmsiutl looks for the camera. - Photo lry Ktry~ Levy
Sophomoru - 85

Brwn Hardrrum

from/er Hard,

D<11>71 H,ryntr

/ustrnt Heam

/u/U! Heber/

Enr Heintrnan


M,rah H=gar

Er,k Hmnk.sro

Chns Hroson

Enn Hessman

M,rheflt Hladek

Dro1St Hommrk

/mm/tr Honeyman

Brandon Horst

~Varrro Horvc/f

Dtmd Hughes

Cory Hulin

Amy Humphrey

Richard Humphrey

MelodU! Jansen

Dustin /tJrman

Brmt f ohnson

Dnek Johnson

John Johnson

MtJrk Johnson

Debb,r Jonrs

Brum f orgmun

NtJttJIU! KtJrpoff

RytJn Kandt/

' 86 Sophomores
Onl) 390,041 buu to go • li,/tJrk. Blunt digs into a dainty duh of a drl1ghtf11ll) de/1nous d.i,r, produrr - Phato fry Kayne Ln,

S<oll ,.ist1off 1'..irri Kmiln

So $ophomoric

sophomore. The word itself battle cry, sophomores split into 1s demeaning. Derived from two groups· those who fulfilled sophomoric meaning 1mma- their name and those who tned as ture and superficial So let's find hard as they could to cha nge the out from the source JUSt what 1t 1s image of sophomores forever like living down to this name Sophomores ,von a,vards 1n forenT o m Ha ge r said that he didn't sics, athletics, and showed great have any trouble being immature, leadership But don't get too wor1t was the superficial part he d idn't ned because Eric Bon d provided u n derstand And M e lo d ie B e n· hope for all of us when he said, nett s didn't even see what was so "Being called a sophomore 1s not bad about being a sophomore, "It's really demeaning if you don't not a freshman, at least " And know what 1t means ." Alas, a light t hat's nght, Meloche, at least tt's at the end of the tunnel not a f reshman

Fueled by t he aforementioned -Enc Mahoney

uslu- 1'.tndtll R,m"' J... 11iry-


Ange/., A. ouines

Stnt 1'.r1Jmt1

Rtnlla 1'.nbb s

Susan Krukb.ium

Tna J;.~gn

1'.artn J...ronaugt

lvrs kubust.i

Lmd.i A.ulmlt

B,/1 A.ulp

Tr<YJ Lang

Brandon Larstn

Ptttr L.ir17n1ct

N,colt uFran<OIS

Torey unoch

Harold usst1

Jason Lnvis

Knsnn u-riu

I I • \
Sm,lts all around • M.irk Fish, fl.1,ckllt HLtdtk.. and Ch.inu E/1101 ritrt' rtprcstntati1t of tht' sophomort <'4ss d1lns1ry Photo lry J...~cu ury
Sophomortt 87- -

New Yet Old

And God said "LET THERE BE LIGHT , and tenth graders ." A man once described tenth grade as a matenalisttc puberty God continued on, " Let them be named sophomores, and let them think subhmmal thoughts ." Stuff like bells, toys, doob1dge ? New events and fever formaht1es, transition becomes a tri cky thing for a fresh sophomore Some other mighty thoughts that bear down on the sophomo res ' nunds " Soaety, good music, friends, popularit y, recreational doings, Time,

magazines, and Life." Oh, to be a sophomore once more But it ' s not the same now, Time's the y are a changm ', folks. Most sophomores aren't getttng the attention of sophomore classes past, because seniors have new to ys freshman . Sophomores today don't know the simple pleasures of bright cop per pennies, and steel grey super turbo duct tape " Frantic, escape, run, blend with the crowd , avoid big guys named C u l· ly ." Oh, to be a sophomore

, , 88 • Sophomores -·--- ~
• Tim Lm<oln Ra(hel A1ak.ari:r, Stacy f,..1alonr Staur \-falonry DanJ Maren Molls Marrs And'J Martmrz. Jory MttSon Ja1 MtrJ Rohm M<Dol),rll Ruh M rKrr Ang, M<Mahan Sean Mrrhan Chad M r,crs Brum Mdlrr Karm Mdlrr Amu Mura Tammy Mont abon Jason M oore
-~ , ~-
Julie M oore Paul f,..foorr Wafter M oran -Brian
' . . I ) ) • I
Ask. mr 1/ I care. Mark. Fish and Muhrllr Hladtk. painfully disguise their rxntrmmt • Photo by Ka1eu ury

M11tt Morg11n

Dr11g11 Munttan

D11Y14 M1ers

Robtrr Nt11l

Ry11n Nelson

B1/ly Neal

Knsttnt Nord/I(

T "'11 Ortega

IUJ Oslin

Knshd Pagt

Cathy Pal,mdn

Buley Ptachtr

Cynth14 Pinu

Knth Polloclc

T tTa Porttifl(/d

Sttphttnl( PotttT

RJchttrd Pnct

Camt Pn lltr

K11nn Pyttt

Todd RKlctT

&q~I & JCon

S tacey Ref/t i

M11 ch Rnd

Nathan Reyn olds

Sandy Reynolds

Heather Rtidt l

Bobbi( Romtro

Scott Rost

D11n Rou.,.,ater

Tammy Rosn

- - - - ---....- -
Scomtd IO'>tr • DIIYl4 Adlefingtr srnku his btst post for th< flirting pho1ogr11phtr Photo fry Kayne ury
Sophomores • 89 - - ------..!"'

&t&my S.1latar

Mike Salatar

D.rYU! Salur

uro-y Sattnf,dd

Sandy Schcuk

Mane Scho'IIYaltfT

Chn1 Schulu

Laura SchJi.eppe

Cory Snbetta

K,m Scott

A mbtT Seem/le

Da"m Scudder

Toma Set~er

Kan Shaw

/erem7 Shepherd /mm Shook

Joe Skorski

M,ke Smuh

Robert Smith

Krysrrne Smyth

Jory Stauffer

Kesha Stem

Jronrfer Ste/llano

E11ka Suphms

E11ka Stoll

Heather Stone

Desrru Strang

Johnny Strong

Sanya Tamura

Chris Thlfde

I 90 Sophomores ---- - ~----= ~-~
\ l Looking for /o,,e m ,11/ tk lliTOng placts • Kelly &xo<k CTUIS(S tk halls. - Ph-Oto fry Kt'Vln McGrath _..,___, II

Chm Tolar

D.rvid Tompkms &n Trefn'J

Jared T nix/horn

Y,-onnc T ru11llo

Knstt T ru/lznger


Being a sophomore IS fun and full of excitement, espeaally when there are older people to go out wnh That 's the fun part. Meeting new people and fmdmg out what they are really Lilce, LS an expcnence m itself. However, finding a full ume companion can be frus-traung, nund boggling, dtfficult, perplexing, aggravaung, and all together cmbarrassmg Needless to say yo u do have fun while all of this IS gomg on There becomes a wider variety of students to choose from as you reach !ugh school, but fmdmg the nght one may take awhile

When sophomores find that certam someone, they either go out with hun for their social starus or beca\J$C they really do Lilce that spec ial person Other sophomores

don't care 1f they go out with scruors or .sophomores_ as long as thctr date IS considerate B illie J o V igil feels that going out with seniors IS a little more interesting than dating sophomores beca\J$C scruors have a more .sophuucated attitude

But hey, the leap from iuruor high to high school tS enhanced by the poss1bil1ttes of new romance And there IS not a seruor gu y in the world who will tum down a pretty, fun lovtng sophomore JUSt beca\J$C she's a sophomore And whether the roman ce 1s found or not, the excitement of so many new faces can ' t be avoided So one can only hope that the search for romance 1s msp1nng and not d1stcacnng

-Debbie Auld

Mu:&ul Turlry

D.rvid Turner

Doug Turner &chef Valmtmt

M.itthtJV Varho/Jt

Mclm~ V.irholdt

/mrnfer II aughn

Heather Ver.raw

B,/1~ Vigil

M11ch Vogt

Chad Von Cords

Paige Wadsworth

Chad Wagncr

K,m lVa1erski

Enn lVake

Su!lt iValkn

• \ --- -
I i:v,znt you 1 - Kns Kubas/a grabs Sttphan~ Potter as Kelli Anderson foolu on - Photo by Em: Schult{
Sophomorn - 9J


Out to Lunch

Thu year lunch was an adventure for the underclassmen They explored the strange new world of off campus eats In.stead of havtng hot gnsly hamburgers tn the cafetena. the y had cold, gristl y hamburgers at the restaurant up the street Or three or seven One teacher expressed her amazement at the ga.stn c c.i paaty of thu year's sophomores She said that once she witnessed the con.sumpuon of seven or eight tacos by one small sophomore

But these feats of eating arc pretry normal. It IS true that increased physical freedom often results in increased dietary freedom, as eVJdenced by the fact that in their first year of lugh school, people often gam

between five and ten pounds. So thlS was not too strange

Of co urse, there were some exceptions. Some sophomores realized that lunch was the perfect nme to do the homework that should have been done the evcrung before The library became overrun with sophomores, the 1uruors being too busy going to class, the seniors too lazy to even bother, and the freshmen not having realized all the poss1biLues involved with lunch

In fact, the most crcanve sophomores spent their lunch hours sweating tn the back sats of cars, thelf hot, mo1St Never mind





I I 92 - Sophomores
Zdch Wd(kt'T Lua iValtt'T Jod Wd'Ttg()JI, Chru Wdtkm s /de~ Well Rydn ivellt'T Kurr Westgdrd Cau,mdra Whitney Colby Witst'11bcrgt'T Anna W,lliams Sdra Williams Jim W,lhs A I= Wilson Uriah Wilson Wmdt'T Josh Wuhart fason Wuhon WQOd Woods Wyant Ydrbrough Toggit Z,mmt'T
yr - \ ' '\ i • ('• (
MMmmmmm 1 • Chns Wt/ls t'11JO'JS a sodd from T11co Btll, one of the popu/,,r lunch time hdng outs. • Photo by Kmn McGrdth


Dd'Yld Ad{fingn- Mu:htflt Maddm

/c1m~ &ng Scn-m Mc1gno

Rou Brc1d,.m Stc1n Mc1honq

Shanncm Broui.n- Stan Mares

Chnstopkr Buss Jascm Mannella

Chnstopkr Calmtllt Cc1rol Mc1rtm~

Dn-ek Chnsty Charlu McCourt

uo11<1rdo Come10 Rebecca McNtTM']

Chnstopkr Cru~ Kmd4U McPtd<

Knstm Dcmoh~ Cham Medina

Chanty Dreb/01, Kcnn Mcmclc

Knstm DrucoU Mrchcal Odum

Dan~/ &ir.c1rds Nanq Cm,,t

Shawn E~ans Joel Paulscm

M,rry Fl<Y)d /usnnc Picruall

Kathy Frey Ryan Ruharson

Shona Frye Daml4n Rosmbn-g

J,/1 Godbey Pc1tnclc Sc1nat

Kc1thryn Gonmgn- Gino St1Tn

Mn-esa Gnulmrch Ccmn~ Schmult

Tammy Hc1nsscm /mmfn- Smuh

Stephm Ha~ Chad Sttphms

John Hildreth Michc1tl Srrutz

Galm Huff Yun Ta,

fcarm~ Hull Chnstopkr Thro

Ruth ls<mi Ca~ UUnch

Mano Jt1UngJLC uc1 Vcssa

Sttphan1C Kulc Enc V,gal

Truy Kmg RJChard Wart

Ruhllrd lArgmt Muhatf Wa1hbum

Enck lArsm Hcatkr Watscm

Kttth lArscn Chnstophn- Wells

Afarlc upro RCTKc Wells

Hc1rold usstr John Wh,tt

Jo1h uvy Chnstophtr Wh1tt1ngtcm

Paul Lmgcnfeltn- Chnstian Wilson

Robot Locke

'. -· -. ·-- -· --r-··'- ) 1 l
Gu, Im so ~ottd SrtphanlC Fosttr lookJ somrAMt d,sgusttd as Fay Batts c1nd TiM Orr,z try h.,,d to be 1gnortd. - Photo b-y Erac Schultz Arm't I CMtt' ConnlC Schmult shows us a wannmg smile as she pracncts, perhaps for hn- future aJ a polwoan - Photo lry Kt'Yln McGrath
Sophomoru - 9J- - ·. - --=-
Yts, that's a pom-pom m tht upptr right hc1nJ comtr - M11chy Bc1t1n lS not a b,1 mtn-tsud m a gc1mt of cc1tch She'd rather do some math • Photo b-y Kenn McGrc1th

, '

Fa m ous person s' q uotes t o ponderSam Kin1son " I' m tired of k1ss1ng you and tas tin g what a n othe r man had fo r lun ch "

Steve Ma rt in " Language 1s the most i m portant u m I think you know what I' m trying t o say "

" I s t t ok to ye ll m ovie m a c rowded fi r ehouse ?"

" I guess I wou ldn' t believe an ytlung if tt we r en ' t for my lu cky ast r ology mood watch."


L augh on ce a da y because a day w it hout s u nsh in e is like rught."

" Always ta ke a litte r bag 1n yo u r ca r It does n ' t t a ke up m u c h r oo m , and 1f 1t gets f u ll, yo u ca n JUS t t oss 1t o u t t he

uotes to Pon er

wi ndow ."

" I f yo u ' r e ev e r abou t to get robbed , t hrow up on your mo n ey, a n d you ' ll be safe "

Dusnn H offm an " F ive mi nut es t o Wapne r , f ive minu t es to Wapne r , Who ' s on f ir s t ."

Geraldo Rive r a " H ey, hey , he y, JUSt settle down here for a POW 1" Robe r t A H einle in " An elepha n t 1s a m ouse bui lt t o governme n t spe cif1 catt ons "

All 1n all , I believe t ha t a quote sa ys a lot about a person sometlmes I f you ac t ualJ y r ead t his page , then you migh t n oti ce t ha t the r e a r e m ostly JUSt se n io r an d freshman quotes . So t he sophomores and 1un1ors are timid

Who ca r es ? Nonetheless , here 's a page full of q u o t es fo r you to spend co untless ho ur s ponde rin g 1n about 2 0 yea r s , when yo u a ct ually s it down and r ead this

C ully Wahtola S e nior

" I f i t d on ' t f it, f o r ce it. "

L y nn Brennan Senior

" F o r get abou t th e d ays t h at i t ' s bee n cloudy, b ut don ' t fo r ge t your hou r s in the su n !"

Rob Redford S e nior

" An idealis t is one w ho , d iscoveri n g th a t a rose s m e l ls bette r t han a cabbage, co n clude s t h at it a l so m a k es b e tt e r soup Ar e yo u an ide a lis t ?"

Heather Kolin Senior

" A r e you r efe rr i n g t o my n ose?"

Tricia Capp Senior

" I t ' s a rat ra ce and th e " r a t s ar e w1nn1n g.

Jimmy Golden Senior

" I r ea lly r es p ec t y o u fo r h d' " you r u min

Matt Porter Senior

" Wh en I bel c h, everyon e • • II enJ o y s 1t.

Maureen Hines Senior

" Y o u 're n eve r ful l y d re ss e d w itho u t a s mile ."

Kim Nielson Senior

" H ey, baby, ope n t he doo r ! "

John McCarty Senior ( Quote by Capta i n M aximum )

"Good Lo r d ! She 's b e en s t r u c k s en s ele ss by that pat h eti c ally s m all p i e c e o f flying d e br is "

Mattias Bostrom Senior " Wa y to g o number bla c k !"

Jason Shaw Senior " S o many wom e n, so litt le t i me ."

Kri s Pytte Senior


Don ' t turn a r o und ! "

Jeff Kintner Senior

"G e t off m e ! "

Brent Sampson Senior

"Oooh- o o o h , ha ha . "

Ignacio Sagiela Senior

"Savage p olla! "

Cari Nobel Junior


s c

a b V C s s

P i e r c e me w i t h you r l ove tu s k s , you r ag i ng bul l e l ephan t o f the A f ri c a n Savannah!"

Kurt Tonkin Junior

" W hat i t is ! Wh at it was! Wh a t it w i ll be ! "

Cari Fox Freshman

" A lways put yo ur r i g h t s h oe on yo ur ri ght foo t.

94 • Features
A dm11sr's dream A fa irly outspoken Ryan M (Gra th pr<n,ts to us that he has bun {Toss, ng • Photo lry Kaycre Levy
r ' l J } ] \:

Meli s sa Anderson

Se nior

"Just do it."

Mike Sanders


"That's r eal original, Kurt!"

Dara Tribelhorn

Se nior

"Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations... I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that."

L e igh Thomp s on Se nior

" It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to bold a bake sale to buy a bomber."

M ar s hall Allen


"The way fo r me to react 1s enveloped by my per so nal desire to begin to choose the right path which is concealed by the clouds of doubt and indecision which s urround and torment my su bconcious mentality "

V alerie Stanford

Se nior

"Whats wrong with you?

An adrenalin attack?"

M e lis s a Fa y kosh

Se nior

"Go w r ap yourse l f In Sara n Wra p a n d jump in front of D-buil d ing! r es fun!"

R y an Laue

-~e n i or

"If you dr ive us w ild, we'll drive you c r azy."

Jim Becker Senior

"Never get caught in th e backseat alone."

Brian A. Fa s ick Freshman

"I don't know what happened, now." but i t led to

Lora Young Freshman

"What doe s n't go around, won't come around. "

Li s a Patz e r

Fr e shman

"Here we have a baby; 1t consists of a bald h ea d and a pair of lungs. "

Chad Myer s Sophomore

"Neve r play leapfrog with a unicorn. "

Jacob Miner Freshman

"GHS skaters rule!"

C rystal Wagon e r Freshman

"A line is a dot that went fo r a walk "

Brian Brookhart Freshman

"The modern day Hamlet"To have or not to have, that is the question "

"C,mon . Take me to lunch! Pleeaassee?"

Justin Carr Freshman

" T oday is today and tomo r ro w is t omorrow."

Nathan Brittain Freshman

" Th ose w h o live in glass houses should undress in basements!"

Erin Fergu s on Fr e shman

"Most guys are jerks."

Gus Na ss e s Juni o r

" I w is h I had an i slan d and w o men were the cu rren cy."

Laura K oe nig Fr es hman

" H ome work causes brain damage!"

Frank Kon se lla Fr es hman

"S mile at the wor ld and the world will smile back."

C la y Fl e en e r Fr es hman

"If one falls, one should get up ."

C h e rr y C hill s t e r S o ph o mor e

" I am not a c rook ."

Vaughn John s on S e nior

" Were you dropped d o wn the s tair s on your head as a baby ?"

Je ss e Sola Senior

"But that's the sa me answer he had and he got it right."

Billy Trox e l Freshman

"To all freshmen: Avoid any large upper-cla ss men standing in the hall, flipping pennies, or who speak of 'initiation' I f confr onted by one and asked t he question, ' Are you a f reshman? ', just say 'NO'."

C. Scott Kippen Senior

"Do you need a silencer to kill a mime?"

"Why do we drive in a parkway and park i n a d r iveway?"

"If Toyota and Chevrolet made a car, would it be a Cheloyta or a Toylet ?"

"If you took off a fly' s w i ng s, would it be a crawl?"

"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends s olely upon what you put into it. "

Jam e e A mbariantz

Se nior

" Underclassmen- I h igh ly re com mend taking c hem is try. It' s the harde s t class you'll ever love. Ha !"

K e ri Hu g h es S e nior

"I don 't want to be quoted . "

Seth McGinni s Junior

"And as she hit me, the first thought that flashed through my mind wa s, ' I d o n't need Lhi s, n o t on a F d , " r1 ay or

"O h well . It coul d be wor se. Maybe. Thou g h I don ' t know how .. . "

Ftaturts • 95- - ~


Dand Ad/finger

B,ll Ahlberg

Jeff"Y Al11hui

Malcolm Aru!crson

Annt Arulrnvs-J=s

Lon Adnuklt

Josh Armmt4

Stan Armmta

Jmn7 Amsparger

Scott Atmoo

Jeff A)'erS

Amaru/11 Bako


J,m Ballard

Sl(phame Bard;ry

Kns Barr

FtrJ Batts

Brmt Baumgartner

Jusrm &ak/ry

Laura &di:

Ctltstt Bukrr

Aaron Boshart

Crystal Binney

Aaron B«ko

Val Born

Wmd7 Bnndlt

I 96 •
Looks fikt a persona{ prob/mi 10 mt - Fruhmm dass off=s N,dr Ho1>t arul Kim Hampftm4n progus1 through 1mtldt1on by posing as onnital ~1ns 1omtd at hu nuk arul waut Class rtp Maro Parsons was not ttYa1lablt Photo by KtrJ~ ury

Sernd Help

• -• 1 RESH , maaaan!I! "Is dus the H .... new generation, the hope of Golden's future?" we asked ourselves as we saw them come 1n the door. "It's like buddy day for ete rn1t y 1" muttered Cori Tr o x e l as s he got out her s tompin' bootS. Madam Troxel was refemng to the small bands of ove r-an,aous, swea ty-palmed greenies huddled around lockers and m dark, ill Lt co rners . Aaah yes, how 'bo ut those freshmen c lass officers Nic k H owe, Kim Hampl em an and M a rci Pars on s seem to be the leaders of this ragtag band Representatives take note , there 1S a light at the end of the tunnel Even the usually hazed and battered sophomores are feeling the resultS of the bureaucratic mandate whi ch co nverted the school to a four year system But wa1t. I chink yes, I know, that we all might have been freshmen on ce But 1t was different then Yes, let's dunk back when being a

freshmen used to mean top of the t o tem pole, total and co mplet e doIDJnauon over every living student 1n the school It' s quite the opposite now Thi s year new freshman s tud entS got a qui ck ed u ca tion on how many ways an upper class man co uld wreak havoc on their s ubsophomon c mmds Many a time brave freshmen s kulk ed and iuked their paths down the dark co rndor of Senior hall, a true t estame nt to their nerve and gumption " The attitude of these littl e squeaks 1S that th ey can't be hurt, the y can' t be s t o mped on Wrong 1" D ean H al b eison said as he co nveruendy thrust two freshmen out of lus way, a la Da le Halb eiso n "Co urage, wee ones co urage", Jarl And erso n said as he cha nneled the spirit of fr esh men past Courage? No , no, m y friends and spineless wo nd ers, it's ca lled tru e gnt





Ryan Burke

Bnan B.,tTly

N1tolt Cantwtll

Justin C.rrt

Kt/Ii CtrtJVT1gh1

DaYJd Ctsar

Matt Cessor

Stant Chrldnston

Jamit Christmson

Mark. Citslar

Lon Clark.

Nata/it Clark.

Tammit Clmr

Kelly Colt

Ph,11,p Colllt'I'

Sarah ConntT

&thany Coroms

Htathtr Courtney

I t' I
Colkttt Brodit Brian B,oolc&irt Brem~ Chns Buchholi Bwhmski Jacob Burgtss -Bnan Johnson and Jar! Anderson
Freshmm 97 -- - ·

Kindra Crant

Brack Crouch

What a Change

Milr.t Dallm

Joe Danirl

Marlin Danirls

Ryan D4YU

Lon Day

Joe Dean

alk1ng down the halls on the first day of school I noticed that there were some differences between the 1un1or high and high school My instincts kept celling me that I was not actually 1n a middle American high school, but that I was really 1n an airport "Hey, Sally, where 1s your next class?" "Well, Betty, le says here T erm1nal B, gate 13 " Is there a difference? You bet Another thing that I noticed was that there were lounges here What a neat concept, seeing a plush couch between classes that 1s JUSt coo 1nvtt1ng to pass up Juniors and seniors beckoned you to sit down, saying "You won't be late, Ms Clark will understand." But most of the ume you can't sit 1n a lounge because someone 1s sp r awled like an 1ntox1cated bear, beat from all h is school work and it's only second

Nikki Dtsmaruau

T nuiy Dettman

Matt Domtnl(O

Thelma DraJ><r

Nicolette Dnggtrs

Mrkt Drucoll

hour The second thing that I noticed was that there were no bells to remind the teacher that his never ending wave of algebra notes must end Another d1f ference that I discovered 1s ch e privilege of open campus It thrilled me to know that after nine years of having to eat cafeteria food and peanut butter and 1elly sandwichs that I would finally get a break We freshmen finally got to break through the barrier and eat higher priced food that was not really good for us You know, fellow freshmen, I think that I speak for all of us when I say that 1c's no t the food that's 1mpress1ve, 1t's what the food symbolizes Freedom. Next year when we get our cars we'll be able to take our freedom 1n stride with the dnve thru

Marco Dwlmt

Heathtr EJwards

Chnst1t1n Ekstrom

&cky Elgin

Chuck Emanutl

Janelle Fannell,

Br1t1n Panek

Brtt Fauver

Regina Femtr

Erm Ftrgu1on

Matt Ftrru

EJrn Fike

, I I
98 - Frtshmtn --·p_-\
-Fay Bates

Brendan Fmncgan

Jod, Fuh<r

C~ Fleener

Trtm.J Florcth

Stnc Follc

Al1<kllt Franks

Brian Fnas

K)lt F,ohnt

Brent Fry

Shona Frye

R1<k Fr.rtak

Chns Gab~lson

Daw/ Garr

C1n.d) Garnn

Chns Ga,n

Jenn) G,lmort


jJJon Gr'?

M on1(a Hall ktlly Hallt"J

Dr.nc11n Halsttad K11n Hamp/mum

Alann.s Han t')'

M1n.d1 Hansen

) -·-• •
Sm,lt 1 • Aaron iV,lknuon and M11ndy &kkn t1ppe111 to be enthused about being a, uhool. Photo fry ]tan Noble
Frt1hmm 99

- Fruhmcn

Monika Han.sen

BarbaTa Hams

Kirsten Hams

T 1114 Hartmnster

Muty Harrey

Tyler Harwood

Rtgan Hat(h

John Hat i.

Jason Ha1m

Lanu Hawkts

Colt Hayner

Aaron Hef/tlfinger

ShaMa Htmm4t

Ctr(a Hmaru:

Ni/1 Hennksm

Tom Hmanl:Jen

RhanJa Hl(h

K,m Holmgren

N,dc. Howt

Mury Hunter

Chns Huslq

Todd Ingram

Frano Isom

B,ll fanuk

Dt,mnt Jen kins

Terry Jansen

Amy Johnson

Ml(ht((e Johnson

Chuholm Jonu

Kerth /ontr

I I 100
--- ~
-----:::, ..: - -· -
• • • • RK --
Ne»- pcrs~(tnt - Crystal lVagoner anJ Lua Pati_er dwtU on life 's meaning - Photo by Kmn M(Grath ..


hy 1s 1t that the new kid on the block gets p1Cked on? Yeah, yeah, yeah, a ll of you seniors thought that you deserved to return the cruel treatment you endured as a sophomore You know, "What comes around, goes around " Well, that's exactly the attitude that needed to be cha nged 1

Th1s year, with the add 1t1 on of th e f reshmen class, Golden en-

cry from the "not gwlty'' upperclassmen G ranted, the 9th graders co ntributed to many of the problems, bu t they can't be blamed for all of them.

Don't get me wrong, the youngest of the you ng have and do cause problems, but at least, they are exuberant and eager to learn. They have not yet JOmed the ranks of the b lase and bored ; 101e de vtvre still reigns 1n the1r hearts

counte r ed n ume r ous problems -Val Born " It 's the freshmens ' faul t !" was the


Andy A.ltm

Stan Kl1md,alk

Christa 1'.noJC

Jody koch

Laura K~mg

Chns Kolm

John Kolm

Al, Kolodny

Frank Konstlla

Ed J..ulp

Em,/:y J..unter /mm/tr Lanu

• • f ' I 1 ( I .--•· - ·-_...,...._
I \ •
Jurgms Dalt Kduc Mtlr] Ann KastlfflS T,m K,bln
Kiefer Addm Kmg
"I don'r forgtt fdcts!" - Brdru/on Luru/tll attempts to wtastl himself out of rhis one as sm,ors "p ut him m lint. " - Ph<>to by Kayot ury
James Kip~
' Frtshmm • 101- - ~.





Heather Matzke

Different View

Fee lt ngs about th is year's cont rove rsy over t he p r ob lems the freshmen had we r e voiced loud ly and clea rl y by f r eshmen and uppe r classme n But how d id t he "f r esh m en " teachers feel?

A teacher who was n ew at teach in g f r eshmen at t he h igh school level. M rs. Petrovski , fel t tha t t he f r eshme n class was "a pioneer gro u p breaking g r o u nd for classes to fo ll ow." She also sta t ed, " This 9th g r ade class will be a strong g r o u p of se ni ors; t hey Wl ll be m ore bo n ded to t he ir schoo l tha n senio rs of t he p as t ." Many of

had been put un1 u s tl y on t he freshme n Othe rs, however, fe lt t he f r eshme n acted JUSt as they we r e t r eatedim ma tu rely a n d as, " t he final clul d 1n the fa mily "

I n d eed, t his yea r 's f r eshmen were the a ll aro un d scapegoats for a ll t he p r ob le ms a t G H S. N eve rtheless, t he t eachers fel t s trong ly cha t f r esh m en behav ior would rmp rove wit h ti m e Nex t year , 63% of t he st u de nt body wo n 't be new to the f r eedom G H S ext en ds t o 1ts s tu den ts.

t he t eache rs felt t ha t t he bla m e -Sean Larm o re

Karl Maurer

Kir1un Mcln101h

Shayle McKell,p

Kendell McPalc

M,chtlle McReynolds


--' 102 - Freshmen-
/mn-, L.:tndry J..I ,d,<IIe LangfI( ld Sean Larmore R1an u.1Jry /G,thy UaYllt /ertm, uerssro Paul Lingenfelter Loa-e Brandon Lundell Shell-, Lusk Carri( Ma/lory Martmt l Martinez Ma slehat 1 Mau s Mc Williams
1 ' ' 1 • • • • \, ' • I I ' I
Chak. ow tht sualth bomber • Jm, Olson points out the bomber coming dow11 A hall to
• I '••
UIIC'l4 Espinoza • Photo by Enc J\,fahoney

Enc Med1n11

Jtantttt Mngs

Chns Mtrntt

TammJ Mryu

Chad Mills

Jacob Mmn

Jeanne M,uhdl

Hap Mor11n

Joey Moran

JoAnn Motts

Bnan Mulb<TT'f

Robm Mumm11

Ang~ Mun-,on

Stn-t Murph--, Duane M--,nclc.

Mu:a Nart

Tylor Ncsb,tt

Dan~Ut Nicholls

Htathn N~lsen

Lstt Nobel

Jean Nob/,c

K110 Obt'Tmdn

Enlc. Olmui

Jenmfc-r Olson

Shawn Olson

Tina Oru~

Megan 0-Wen

Dack Pdd,lla

K11r11 Papf'dl11rdo

Jason Parsons

' ' \ j - -~\>~\ ~!1 ' , -
\ I
C~clc. If out · Chns V11lent1 ~atchts the tapuxa ta11ng contnt Photo b--, Kenn McGrath
--·Frtshmen - JOJ --- --- - -·

Maro Parsoris

Da114 Patterson

LISd Patter

Bnan Pa'JTI(

IV,/1 Pmnell

F..(Yln Peterson

Matt Ph,11,ps

Ruth Phmnry

Melani< Pl,ryer

Bart Po'fj,ers

fut~ Pryor

Joe Ragno

Jon Rams

Chn-Jlca Ray

1-.mny Realcs

Jason Rrynolds

Jason Rrynolds

Ca~ Rhoda

Ryan Rteherson

Joy Robmson

Jimmy RO(k

Ty Rodnguti,

Gregg Rosm

Amy Rouwt1ter

Danny Rudmek,

Mike Rudolph

DaYU! Ruglrss

Tanya Sa,gr

Rannar Sanders

Kenny San Tistt'Yt1n

I , 104 - Sophomorrs - -- -: ----:._, - -·
r• ,1 ) I lil ,
Hey - Andy Klem stands around :sva,tmg to br a sophomorr - Photo by K,ry& ury

Sh,1rmon Satttrf~ld

Scott Schoffman

RiRped Off

Freshmen weren't here because they wanted to be

T hey were here beca use t he D1strict played a cruel , cold hearted Joke on them T he freshmen basically got r obbed and didn't g et to enjoy the perks f reshmen have trad1t1 onally enJoyed as elder s tatesmen 1n a three year JUnior high school. But, on th e o th er hand, freshmen now enJoyed open campus and the freed o m t o pick their o wn polSOn. Yet , they still got p1 cked--0n If t he sophomores last year thought that they had

had It bad, then they were wrong. T he freshmen got 1t f r om t hree classes, not JUSt two Yes, an extra class, who cares? An ext r a class meant a co uple h undred more se nio r sahibs harassing them As Jaco b Burgess sa id, "If we had 1t ou r way, we would be back in JUn1or high and t he so p homo r es would be dead! " So o n e hopes we can reach peace wtth the freshmen next year Rem em be r, you were th er e once, too

Melisl4 Schulti. Aln)' Schum4ch<r

Knstat Scott Brarufy ScOY11lt

Tan)'a Stabaugh

Frank Snbtrt

Dtbb~ Shaner

Karen Shan/tit

/ul1<1 Shiatler

JtSSICa Simcox, Mark Slobodmk

Aaron Smith

Br1<1n Stahl

Dan)el Starr

Ian Staten

/eanmt Sttl11ano

Cory Stout

Stn-e Stratton

I - -
Dia )'Oil hear about - Tonya Thompson aruf Becky Elgin s,u aruf ttlf tht Luttat gosS1p
Photo by Ka,oc ury
Fruhmtn • 105 - - - - - -

N o t P ic tur ed

Aaron Achord Brmt lW<Krm

Susan Anderson Laurm McVid.:er

Margaret At11-·ood Ryan Mc Williams

Jeffrey Ayres Mtlan,e Melendres

Jennifer Cape Tammy Mt')er

Sarah Conner Lndsry A1,l/er

Andrew Cordcna Knstma Mobley

Ted Crarvford Clay Mosdy

Heather Dans Greg Mower

Joanetre Erukson Dand Mqyer

TraYU Filing Justin Mundt

Chnstrrtd Clesser Jason Newberg

John Golay Gera/J N,esman

Greg Goodrrtdn Patty Ogg

Warne Grar Nu:k Palmer

Layla Gromek Kara P,lger

Charles Hamersley M ,chelle P,pe,

Sara Hand Trcry Pollard

Josh Hauh Dtmd Ram,wsm

Knsrm Haynes M,,had Rarmond

Eru Hearer Chad Ru:e

Dtmd Htlms Ron Roach

John Johansson Dora Salazar

Craig Jcrynr Jesse Sargmt

Brandy King Clmr Safttr{u:ld

Mafl Kinner Cory Stout

K<nn Klabon Rorrn S,o-,,,e/1

Justrn Lave Jenny Szymanski

Jeff uclman Jason Tjomsland

Jeff Leon Sean Waggoner

Katherine Maclean Fawr, iVmklepluk

Laura Marhand

, ' 106 • Fre1hmm
Mark Summers Leah Sund Ca~ Tamura Chaundra Tarrrum Scoff Taylor Tanya Thompson Todd Thompson Vin« Thompson \ The look of a gm,us Chris Buuholz IS fnlly a <oncerned freshman stuclmt • Photo by En< Schultz

l\arlyn Tilley

Tam To

Tr<r; Toler

Nad)a Toman

/c.Jn Tommn

Tofr; Trame, Heather Trimmer

Bryant TroJt

B,fl-y Troxel

Glmn Turnbull

/mm/er Turrc

A,mberl-y Tysdal


Chm Valmt i

Dmo Vaiquci

Hc,,thcr Verbulc

Nir Vuxml(

Crystal ivagonn

R~c ii alJon

Rcmulc ivallau

CA~ Walter

ft-1arlc Walter

Jeff Wasil

/11/ Waters

Lua t V.itson

Rcgma ivcdglt

Bnan Wt1neflauer

81/l tVtstb),

K,p ive,tgard

Knsry tVh11e

Monira Whitmore

Aaron Wilkm1on

Ann iV,/fu

Clmt Wilson

8,/1~ Wma'

Buffi tVolfe tVoodm

Lora Young

Matt Young

lnka Yusgi,mtoro

Brandon Ziegler

Chris Zaharl4S

-Fruhmm • 107 -- -


Many great students attend this school. This statement has been reiterated by the establishment that directs and gu ides th1s fine educational hut Well, maybe But at least we know for sure that R y an M cGrath , J e r e my Hud· son , Janna Durb in , and C ull y W aht o la exude a spec ial kind of confidence and w1nn1ng attitude that have put this moderate sized subu r ban school on the map

R y an M c Grath , the most accomplished spring board diver 1n thlS co unty, 1s the third best d ive r Colorado has to offer Currently, Ryan IS ranked 19th 1n the n ation Upon ask-


1ng Ryan about h1s huge success, he co mmented , "It's all because of m y ttedyed chamois "

C ully Waht ola, Golden's lone representative on the state football team , says that he will next co nquer the very ph ys ica l sport of ballet Cully, what does 1t take become a state ranked player ? "If the team hadn ' t done so well I wouldn't of rece ived the re co gnition I got, so actually I am represent ing the whole team " Despite long hours of running hills for Coach Bob, C ully remained involved m Fo rensics and Student Council.

Janna Durb in co mpe t ed m a Colorado Miss Teen U .S .A . pageant a nd pla ced f1rst In orde r to place so well among many competitors Janna had to impress the Judges 1n a private 1nterv1ew, sw1msu1t con t est , and a eveni n g gown co mpet1t1on

J e rem y Huds o n , a co m ic legend at G H S , performed at the Comedy Works after aud1 t1 on1ng fo r a I 5 minute rout ine

-Fay Bates

' I
ios Ftatures -·-- -- .-.., _,, ___ -• lll .. ' .
lmpress•~t'. /an"'1 Durbm proud/)' shows off h,r many .aw.ard1 • Photo by Mrs. Durbm Gomg dt>l¥TI • R)an ~frGrath plummns mto tht wattr · Photo lry Kn,n ~frGrath Surpnst • /tr=y Hudson hang, around • Phot o lry Ryan Ktmdtl
• - - -.r_,
Smile -,nd S.Z) d,ust • JanrJJ Durbin rtr1kts a post JHth ,\.f1ss Color.ido. Photo by A-f H Du,bm
Fta11<rts • 109 . - - · -
Cull-y JV-,hrola • The man, tht ,n)th, the foorb-,1/ hero, tht lz1¥)er 7 Phoro by 'vf-,11 Ha,1mn11cr
I I , I • \ ' I I J f f
THE ADMINISTRATORS · Viet PnnnP4f1, John Vidal, George Colbert, and Judy Vanu stand Mth Pnnnpal Henry Lu1an • Ar~ork by Con Troxtl
Paula Bair f
Dick Bradsby I ,, Alberta Barnett Ralp h Bristol ,. Char lotte Blythe
Joh n Brodbec k Ju lia Andrews-Jones Paul Archuletta David Bachman Claire Bach of er Ron Bollig Ja cki e Bornstein Dian e Brown Jen ruf er Burns

Ten Top Pet Peeves

fter speaking to m y advisor, oops, I mean teacher- she, oo p s, I mean they- agreed to wnte up a list of th eir 10 m ost bothersome pet peeves in the classroom, only if her, I mean th eir name was t o remain anonymous r Students who are alle r gic to ba thing and, conseq u ently, s mell.

2 Students who mine for boogers and intently exam in e t he product with avid interest• in fact, m ore interest th an th ey've eve r shown in any class.

3 S tud ents who o nly emp loy their compos itt o n skills on their desks- n eve r o n paper

4 Students who devote th e m a1onty of the penod t o personal groomingpnmping, pursin g, and punple popping

5 Students who r efuse to acknowledge the very obvious humor of th e teachers' s id esp litting Jokes. At the

sa me time, these sa m e s tu dents find thel! fne n ds 1 Juvenile behavtor hilarious.

6 Students who cas t rntensely amorous burrung star es a t one another m• s t ead of perusing th e very inte r esting ver bs o n t he board

7. S tu dents who fidget, tap, and co nstan tl y aud 1t1 on fo r the first g r ade rhythm band

8 Students who cons t antly s tare a t the cloc k Near the end of the period, they look s1gruf1cantly at the teacher and then t o the cloc k to le t the teacher know- IT'S TIME !

9 S tuden ts who perceive every movie as an opporturuty for a nap

10 S tudents who t ell th e teache r that they r eally did the essay, bu t the cat had kittens o n it Co ul d they bnng 1t t omo rr ow?

Di c k Byrne Mani Carrara Lory Cease Gene Child Patty Campbell ,,. Delores Catherman
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . .
Bob Cha pman Joan Clark
Faeulty - 11 J--- -- -
TM thru amigos • Dtn'e Fa,Tban/u Bob Ha-,es , and Roger Myers do their football rout1~ dunng a pep assembly - Photo fry Scott H iggins

Up Smoke

efferson Cou n ty has issued a n ew policy This policy says that no one wiH be allowed to smoke on any public school g r ounds This means that areas such as the "pit " will be closed to students a n d teachers . ThlS 1s where I see a p r ob lem Most of the st ud ents who smoke are legally und erage. But none of the teachers who smo ke are un de r age, obVIously. In fact, a ll of the teachers who smoke have been smoking fo r at least 20 yea rs Should t he co unty be allowed t o up a n d t ell the them they can't smoke on campus af t er yea rs of be in g allowed t o? Th is, I feel was an unjust man euver by th e cou nty This J effe rson Cou nty School Distnct of ou rs has become like every

othe r local, tate, and even t he national gove rm ent , more dtctatonal over the yea rs It has resorted to passing laws that VIOiate th e baste n ght t o t he pursu i t of happiness So those ar e the facts But what do they mean? They mean t hat grown men , and some tim es even old men, have had t o brave nature's elem ents to en1 oy the American tr ad 1t1ona of a K ool Knsp cigare tte What co ul d be so bad about th a t ?

So m e people call 1t death Others s tupid The school board said nyet. But I say let the voice of f reedom cough o ut that each man ca n decide whether or not t o s m oke

Jackie Clements George Colbert Sarah Daruels -Robert Willis
112 • Fa cul ty
HUH ' • Stan HergmrtttT rs <aught rn tht mu!dlt of a dtry dream • Photo lry En< S<hultl Roy D a ugh erty Don Dilw orth Dana Ellis Da ve Fairbanks Da ve Farrar Joanne Foster Molly G audett e Charla Gunn
Barbara Harns Bob H ayes Virgina Hayes Nancy H enrung H hat fun - Gene Ch,/J and £lame Sm11h sho11, off their new tays 10 Die~ SchalhamtT - Photo by Scott H,g_,in s
Stan Herge nreter Joan H ershberger Kay Horvat Barbara Howes Jill Hull
Fc1rulry • 11 J
Enc Johnson Lars Johnson Joan Jouett John Kellenbenz Dian e Kessler
, I ,
Ft1culty stud1 Dup,tt thttr con1tt1nt mtuum of each oth<r Mr Klug and Mr O'Dormo t1rc ~st fnnuis Photo by Kay& Jr,,y
Pearl Lu cas
JI 4 •
Louise M cKelvy
Henry Lu1an Zelma M cDonald Caroline Mallory Jose Martt nez Bob Kinsey John Klug Bob Kramer Lass1 Joe McGinnis Tom McDowell Jim Ma uel Al M orns

1es You 've all heard them and yo u know exactly wh a t I'm talking about. There 's a problem though Somewhere along the line, hes have been associated with the innocent, unsuspecting students of Golden High AHA! This IS total mendacity Teachers are maJor co ntnbutors to the sktl l of lying And 1t IS a sktll. A sk1llf ul he wou ld be one 1n whi ch the student does not nouce a fib has been told until at least a year later In general, we see tea chers lying m two d iffe rent categories 1) "Our lives are really exciting and we are real people " 2)"If you don ' t do this, you will FAIL!"

Here are som e examples of ca tegory number one. Every campaign season, John Kellenbenz (a delinquent at heart), revs up hJS tru ck and goes pohtt cal sig n hunting, "Sometimes I can run over three or four 1n JUSt one yard!" he clauns

Sandy Nations , who finds sp1ntual meaning 10 everydu ng, ("Those two dark eyes on the bi ll board are God"), clauns she witnessed an exorc1Sm

Dick Schalhammer (a child mad sae nta st), bu tlt a 90 tnlhon volt Tesla co t! when he was 3. Schalhammer said, "Sparks were co ming out of the ne,ghbor's radiator It was real neat "

Roger Myers , who likes to d is-

larly clauns that he has been d1vorced s1x trmes. He also has said, "Don't spend all your mone y for prom on some wen ch you ' ll never see again Save It up and go buy a few pizzas " Did Mike O'Dorisio really fly down l-70 at 95mph when has brakes went out?

Stan Hergenreter IS famous for his Mach aavelhan 1ntim1dat1on, but most of all, his ch1ld-hke delight an dece1vtng his students Let me set the sce ne Twenty-five naive sophomores co wenng under a boorrung 220 pound tyrant "Afte r they get thtS new bu il ding fin1shed, I'm going to buy this temporary and move 1t to my backyard for an office It' s go1ng to cost me $7,000 so I would appreciate any donations ." Who wouldn't be li eve such a since re man?

Here are some examples of ca tegory number two . There are some teachers who fee l that every assignment 1s as im portant as a test One of these tea che rs IS Diane Kessler I f you purposely didn't do an assignment she feels that you are on your way to hell "Wha t ? You ' re not finished? Did you forget about 1t o r did you NOT DO I T ON PURPOSE! " How about Joan Clark and Jackie Bornstein who said, "Everyone wilJ finish h1s work ,n class There will be no need to stay after school" HAI

Joe Murdock Roger Myers Sandy Nations Cheryl Nelson Jim Nichols J essica Nowak Mike O'Dons10 play th e "I get around" unage, regu- -Sco tt H1 gg1ns Art )OU finu~J' Mrs Kt11ltr howrs ~tr he innocent pnsonas
Faculty 115
Photo by Krnn McGrath

Private Lives

Have you ever been out on a Satu r day night getting rowdy at the local party and JUSt by chance, a thought entered your mind, and yo u wondered what your tea che rs were doing at that same moment ? Most students do not have t hese in c redible fits of unanswerable ques u ons, but when they do, the thought turns t herr brains into lakes of f ir e . Can you imagine D jck Bradsby playing an int ense game of squash in his free time ? Ask any te achers what the F word means to him o r her, and you wi ll see that 1t 1s not fail, flunk , fashion or anything wret ched ly foul. In a tea cher's vocabulary the F word means fa mil y Many hours of a tea che r's life are spent with (

family. Our tea chers do have personal lives of their own that they are reluctant t o reveal for fear of be in g thought of as normal A student with a highly trained eye ca n look past Stan Herg's Rugger shirt or L owe ll Sharp's sports coat with elbow patches, and see underlying themes m a tea c her's personality So be prepared when you come ac r oss a tea cher jogging, nd1ng a bike, o r sla lom skiing, to adrrut that tea c hers also have lives beyo n d the class r oo m Let us draw some i n s ig ht fro m B111 Murray when he sa id, t he m ag ical words, ' 'It 1s l " a 1ve

B111 Perleberg Sam Petroff J ane Phillips Ltuhu on my fact, luchu on my f au Get them off • DtIYt Fc11rbanks hc11 had c1 1111/, too much bun nus lc11dy · Photo fry Kay~ Ltry I 16 • Fc1culry Raoul Pim Phyllis Pn c e \ Bob Putka L ouise Read D,ck Roberts Steve Ru sch D ave Sardeso n Dic k Schalhame r
r ... -
:: -:,
-.. / I
Ed Scholes Jud y Schowalter Lowell Sharp
E Snuth
-rvhnt d« s tht tapt go? D.nt Farrar prt paru t o film for ma ss mtdl4• Phot
"It Lc-ry
Bob Stokes Debb1e Stokes Sue S tr ouse Marsha Sweet Tom Sweet
Fa(U/ry • I 17 - -. ---
Linda Turgeon Ju dy Van ce Ken vanderLaan John Vid al T ern W ahlb erg

Have yo u ever had one of th ose terrible days when yo u 1us t want to die? Your car runs out of gas on the wa y to school, so yo u miss zero-h o ur , and half of yo ur s tudents were going t o co me 1n for help

Then, through the day, they all complain that you weren ' t there to help, so yo u have to cha ng e the date of th e ma1 o r test During your planning period, yo u s pill yo ur coffee all ove r you r lap and you' re wearing khaki pants

After school yo u were o n your way t o the grocery s t o re, when M r. Vi d a l walks up and reminds you about the faculty meeting after school. Ju st about now you wi sh you co uld be anything but a tea che r

After thinking about thi s, yo u wonder what you would reall y want t o be if you co uld be anything in th e universe You co uld be man y things , an alien from another plan et , with purple skin or fur, and five eyes; or ma ybe yo u ' d JUSt want to be a basketball on earth, flying th rough the air for ten minute s, and then lying around in the garage A few tea cher s gave their o pinions on what they'd want to be

Ja ck i e B o r ns t ein and J oa n C l a rk would both like to be very, very

Not P ictured

ri ch Ja ckie would like t o be a tounst 1n the Caribbean, and Joan would hke to go everywhere. R oger M yers would especially like to be the 1968-69 New York Jets He'd also like t o be Mt Everest D ick B y rn e would like to be able to smg and be an a rti s t , as tronaut , or Goel He 'd like t o be Goel so he cou ld fix things 1n the world It seems strange that nobod y would want to be an alien, or some thing out of thi s world

-Orph1e Pearse

Leslie Bettinger

Maureen Krumm

J oanne Brown Mi che lle Lawton

Virginia Brunkle

Jan Martynuska

Ca th y CLnton Br ett M elia

Laurie Dr efke C hnstin a P ennel

Colle en Peters

Mark Dunn

Jim Elli s Sue P etrovs k1

Pat Forrest a l Ca rol Qu irk

Lorr ain e Hall

Joe Roberts

Mark Horne cker Julie S e rafin \

Shelia Jones

Peg Kow alski

Kitt y Simcox

Terri Sullivan


Aw, did iit fall dorm ? • Roger M-yo s and Da-.e FarrbJnkJ shofl, us that football can bt clumsy · Ph oto b-, Seo// Higgin s
-~ ----'
' 1.18 • Faculty
Yanz Mike Weber Larry Well s Manlyn Wilcox Bob Wilhams
• "'J ), I -
Dewain W oocl Jane Wunderlich
I t
Gene You n gman Laura Zach Whar's so funny? - Da114 El/11, Bob Puck.a, Chrutma Prnntl and Don114 L,ryeru!u/ find 10methmg 1'4rt1<ULir/y funny at an a11tmbly Photo b-y S<ott H,gg,m S1ggic f,ggic quen, - T tm Wahlburg preP4rtJ a few /mu of JUI{ur chlo nde • Photo b-y Krnn McGrath Oh, how <Utt 1 - D1<k SdJJlhamn demonstratu hoD- has pmgums ha,r potrntiaf and kmtll< tnergy • Photo b-y £r1< S<hult1. Hap/"} go fudzy J,/1 Hull c1[~ ays urrnJ to be smdmg
Farofr, - I 19
Photo b-y Knm J\.frGrath


Pcxtry is ont of tht most txprtSJJ'l't and ltast 11pp1eoa1td 11rt forms. And •hilt

J11gh reboots g1>e tMtr highest 11cco'4des to 11thleus 11nd gi'l'e 111 lt4st TMrgin,z{ ruogm tum to singtrs, mus1oans and pub/,c spe11kns, tht 'IVOrld's ports art 11 neglttttd speots So as one /411, fuble, effort to rtetify tht situJticn, the )tt1rbool: st11/f offtrs up a 1>4ge dtd1rattd to high 1<hoof portry

Wt uanned the ptrson11l ==Is of student 11/ter student to comt up with what 11't felt -a.ere nx pcxms represtntatile of the qu,tl1ry of Golden stu• dent portry We found porms 11bou1 f,t.ords, musu, and JUSI life in gencal.

So, the next t1mt you su 11 port, tip your hat 11nd g1Yt 11 littlt bo.,, and 1114Jbt wt tan sa'>'t this most Ya[U4ble of end,mgtrtd sp toes.

-Eric M11hont')



Dark now Ram is rn tht 1111 I {tel 11, I smell 11 I suppose I haw the sterto m1uh too loud I want 10 be taught in tht sound of this musrc that '11'41 ours. The sttrto, too loud is better than tht emptmtss of you not here the m11.11c, too loud, fills 11 nttd.

Denist Alish,o

Blake St. \VJ olf (Confessio ns of a Rogu e)

I .zm a •off NCI. I am a Jtt1lous 110£{. pro11 ling this plau, .i haiy. shaJor,')' bascmrnt ,n the forgotten pc1rt of town.

to Pon

A Cloud y Future

On a cntain dt1) the gtograplry of )OUT 11-orld IS painted on the slq.If you lift your t')ts to su 11. )OU 1111ll entamly startle.

ft rs a ptr/t<t rtnditlCTI of e-,ery mtr, mountain t1nd valley that su"ounds )OUT tin) JIIOTld.

The perfrehon 11 complttt, for as )OU l~ stunntd upon your b11ck stanng into this cloudy art

You can see the mules mmng on sullen courses

Wattr gushing down silrot falls

Chunk.s of rork brtt1/ting mto 111 rapid couru

Look fa rthtr beyond, starch the t11ry, '>'aporfilltd qi,ames, housts and lakes

Maybt, find )OUT fnenJs drifhng about, nlmtl}' carrymg out their affairs.

They ntl'o once realit.t that }'OU art Watthmg tbt1r refltrt,cm m the slq.

Now you find )OUrself.

Starmg back at your1tlf.Rtal1t.t that it ,s 1our 11-orld

Like the Res t Reprtsstd my mind my /tars

m) tho11ghu Repressed 111) hopes m, du.zms

m) wants

Afl m> <011/ 1 feel repressed Sorrel) doesn "t care as long as I a<t like the rest ,;s long JS I do11 '1 chall((1gc the 111/es and f ollorv others like a mmdlns fool 1 a,an t to buak free

I 1rfl111 be me.

For 11 hatt·H:, 111) ab1(1f) le) t-Xp1nss I am nothmg bw .1 done JUSI liltf' thi: re,t

120. Fe,llllltl

811ck 11c1lls clouds of smoke, \"lltrpmg blc1des (If spotf,ghts, anrl la11J, Int musrc 11,1th an obnoxious gwtJr ,1,.,, scrtJmS .iro11nd mf like .i stoned bansh,:e out for tttrnal romgt I .flip through the rro11d c1lcmgsu/e the musre itself, passing among the mynad faus. The r«, the stonas, the drec1mos, .ill thou bom of the f,re

And 1/ I can11ot hc1lt the gtrl 1h1m l 'll JUJt hJ\e to uttle for the mus,e.- Jar/ A11dersc>n My Friend Do you know just how speoal, Yo,~ are to ,ne?

You seeni to ha'>'e unlimited powers, To open even the coldest of hearts. But I do know you'ye opened ,nine, And showed me how the wodd looks, Tbro11gh rny own eyes, You've shori'TJ me how to forget.

Best of all, You have shown me how to be a friend, The best kind, The kind I find in you.


Pamted on the sky• -)rony Burt Zone

Yo11 u/1 )011rself ;you re not tht one

YC1u wot1 't get b1trt II hen the dam.ige 1.c do11t

You tell yotttself II Ron 't happen to )011

Lt•~ the ~mr old sto'), therr 's nothing ntJ1,. CJn 't be the <>nt the one to lose

You 11-,111 1 b<' the one 11ear111g someot1e else's sha<s. C.111'1 )'011 rrad 11, ll ·, upo11 the fl>all. Ho1Y co11ld somrone so b,g, be so small.

You ~alk on watn, 11 'f thr chc1nce you take.

Aga111st th,: odd, the ,re 11-on 't break

1-1 -'hen the sun comes 11p m the dec1d of the mght Yau 11011 't escape from the blindmg /,ght fl'<,[ the blood 111nnmg through 7ottr 1em.<

See tht madness bun11ng 1r1 their brain.<. No11-here to nw, no p/.,_er to hide

It'e 're all .zfong for th.11 ont•IIJ) rule.

You 're nothmg 1111bo111 )'<lUt frumd.

The, 'll bf 11-1th )OU till the b111.-r e11J. Y 01< 'rr 11othmg and yo11 'II f111d 0111 n·h.It thu n-orld ts .zll abo111.

• TrJ1 is Pater~on

l I

Another Year ,.,ith Traged y UnfortuTl4ttl}, this )tar marked tht second con1<0,11u )tar a Goldm H,gh School student P..zs killed ,n an .zutomob,/e accident. Th,s )tar's nct1m 1>-as Ben lW1ehtl.s The number one killer of tterutgen m Ammca toda) is automobile acndmts. It's tragic but 11'1 fact. Tht condolences of tht mtirt school go out to tht f nmds and rel1tn-ts of Ben A/,d,,ul.s, and wt are sure he J>;1/{ be rrmtmbt'Ttd ,n tht most f ,n,or.zble of lights And perhaps, ,f P.t art /11d,ry. th,s )ear 1nll be tbt l,ut )ear of our most tragic streak

In Memory of Ben Michels

Born : August 26 , 197 1

Died : October 18, c988

To Ben Blue ()tS, And blond n,r/s,

A tJ/1 th111 f,.zmt

A co1ptn.ztmg sm,le

m,zdt ,,s smile too.

A l.:rnd of sp111t o111d pol11eness .zl'll-")f

And of course that orangr f1rrb1rd

Ah Ben. \\ e remember rou welll Fraturrs

- 121

hat's right. It's time for the clubs and academics section, the section that most people will glance at briefly and then close so as to likewise close their minds to its contents. But that's probably just a little unfair to the clubs because clubs such as Forensics and Odyssey of the Mind, for example,

were enjoyed and even revered by some students. So this section is dedicated to , the areas of school that were needed most and sometimes desired least. So flip through it. Hate it or love it-yot' won't forget it.

... ' 121 • Clubs & Acadm11cs
I \, . .,,.
• --• " --- ---'1111~ ..,r ....._•..,.
Is it a se maphore? - Roche lle Anderson asks 1n a dazed sta t e of mind - Photo by Kevin McGrath Two heads are Thompson and confer about their s by Golden Photogra p ad students! - And Young, Josh Levy an pete m a tapioca - Ph o t o by

~4 I


Tnbdhcm La"ru C101.1er Darcry Bromberg. Holfy 1-Vad,worth De.mrw Zur~, Anita Vogel", Tammy H<1rn) , 2nd Row: Brian Cooper, Nino V<1/cnti, V,d, I.Ange, Kat,c Schcrv<1lu,. Eric Sc/mitt., Greg 1illy, Chns Py/er; 3rd Row : Julit Hulstnn Jod) C<11/on, SJryros Paf>dopoulos, M<1rk. L.tne, S"t) Pnn. Gutla Boland, Srotr B.rrlow: Back Row: Joanne Dunn, DonM Hams, Anna Schc,a,engerdt, Tr,ms Beckett, Bryan Deslvft1rte<1", Seth McGrnnu, Andy Hil)er; Not P ic ture d : K,mberlu Cro1Cch, Danit/ Engelke, A1aurccn Hines, Craig Hcn,.c, Jennifer H11mphrcy, Tan)a Kui.yk, Ch11stme !,,1alk,m11s, &n lviaM<1hcn, Margaret Nesbitt, Greg Plummer, Scoll Shaw, I-Yan Tomasi, Jason Vala11t, HcJther Van 1-Vestrum, Enc Z1ponn JcS1ica Dixon, Aaron Flett, C"fTlthu Gebhardt, Tama1t1 Hahn, G<l]lt MunSJrt Ct1rr1t Nobel, Brun Vialpando -Photo b, Ke,,in McGrath

FRIENDS FOR PEACE· FRONT ROW: Jul1e Hulstcm , Debbie Matlock, Crystal ~V.iggoner; Back Row: Rn. Robert Kinsey, Anne Hogarr, Charfu P1ek.ask,i. Tesu Clabaugh, Andy Beekman, Lua P<, Da-mf Lanence; Not Pictured: Tamm-, Harney. -Phcto lTy K.rycie lny
1}4 • Clubs and Academics . "' . • • • •• • H
• oc
KEY CLUB · FRONT ROW: D,utm Deam1on, Andy Johnson, Valerre Stanford, ]0Jnt1t Dunn, Back Row: Scott Higgins. Dom Santilfi, Donrw Harru, Dewain Wood. • Photo lTy Kmn McGr.ith. o.,,. now, brown cow 1 • The German oubang~ students rough 1t m the outba( k.. of Colorado. • Photo lTy Dewain lVood

Peace, in te l gence and community service; whatever the categ ory o r what ever the mterest, clubs have bee n established for fell ow Demons to follow and demonstrate thetr pursuits by 1om1ng an organization. H oweve r, with the numerous clubs about Golden, you might not be familiar with all of them , so let's investigate a few of them

Friends For Pea ce (FFP) is one club whose name says 1t all. The name • is simple, and so 1S the concept After all, 1Sn ' t every one for peace? Doesn 't everyone shudde r to think about our very eX1S t en ce bemg annihilated by a fat , g r easy thumb p ressing upon a big, red button of nuclear devastati o n ? I f so, then why isn ' t everyone m Friends For Peace ? That is what FFP 1S all abou t , is n ' t 1t ? Or, are yo u one of the H awks, a secret warmonger, silently rootmg for the earth's destruction? Should there then be a co unter organizat ion, Enemies of Pea ce? Gee, wh a t a good title fo r a novel!

One of the better known , more "p resng1ous" clubs at G H S 1s the National H ono r Society. Contray t o popular belief, the requ irements fo r this

organization go beyond having a 3.5 GPA, members are also Judged on their character and service to the commuruty For mstan ce, thi s year 's annual food drive was most successf ul Stupendously, the student body provid ed 250 fanulies with enough food for one week t o be distributed t o needy homes m the Golden area. A grand total of 3500 items were collected, proV1ng to the t own th at the s tudents a t GHS do indeed have a car mg heart.

Add1uonally, the re sident s of Go lden also benefit from Key Cl u b ' 'What 1s Key C lub ?" you ask Well, when I was askmg chat very same question, no o ne seemed co know! As an answer, I rece ived a tape recorded sim ul ation, played back to me, ''What is Key Club?' So, here's the aruwerIt 's a com munity serv ice g roup that provides aid to th e locals and the town of Golden As one of the pro1ects thlS yea r , the y s pon so red a program " Meals on Wheels." They gave out hot, free lunches to the less fortunate at a local ch ur ch

-Va l Born

• Food for thought · Just a gl,mp~ of tk food that was prcmdtd b-y tht rtudrnt body to fud tk nudy 1h11 p.zst holuury ~ascn. •
Photo b-y Kt'Yln M<Grath
"Mt and my shadow" • Ms. Natums brtt1/u out m song 11nd danu• Photo b-y Tht Lutmmg Post
• • •
Clubs 11nd A<ademrcs 125 - --- -·
H111ltluJt1h 1 Homt ~ut homt 1 • Exhausted Key Club u ustt1t1c to bt ba<k from tht1r adln1turo1<s <t1not trip • Photo by Dewain ~Vood

orenstcs (jf

orens1cs, al though 1nterest1ng, ca n be, let's say, boring So throu gh tedious thinking

I have come up with some ways to make forensics more exc1ung What about full contact forensics?

Not only muse you tackle you r opponents and slam their heads aga in st any obiect, the iudges must be able to clearly hear you r arguments Another great idea 1s st reet gang forensics. Two teams could d1v1de into groups, say the Montbello Bloods and the Golden Boogie-Demons Then each side chooses a weapon· swi t ch-blades, baseball bats, ball point p ens, briefcases, etc After this occurs, th e two teams rumble , th e team with someone s ull standing w1ns the round On a lighter note there is co mi ca l forensics, where students use comedy props for cheap laugh s from th e iudges. Such props could include exploding pens, superglued briefcases, note ca rd s chat incinerate in you r hands, sltnkys, anvils, and rubber ch icken s. Another indu cement to better attendance at forensics meets would be 1azz1er names. Some good names would be Comte Forensics

( Humor ), Deep Forensics ( Poetry), Bombastic Forensics (D r a ma) , Glutton For Punish ment For en s ics (C-X Debate) , BS ( Ba lone y Sandwich) Debate (Exe mpt ) Some st ud ents do not hold forensics as sac red as o ther s One s u ch person said, "You spe nd aJI Saturday from five A M to nine P M s1tt1ng 1n the cafeteria of Ponderosa High School with a bunch of other highly motivated ind1vtdual s.

Join No\.\1 "

All humor aside, this years fo rens ics team wa s outstanding, w1nn1ng some hundred awards. They d id , however, unfortunately miss their third meet 1n twenty years, due to the surprise snow sto rm that dumped one and a half feet of snow on Golden streets. ObVIously, forensics 1s taken seriously by this group of devoted , all Saturday debaters . Thetr sponsor, Lowell Sharp, 1s also serious about his forens1cs; he pi cked up the prest1g1ous Three Diamond Awa rd , for his cumulative points at meets

I •
126 • Forcnsiu & A<adtm1u
Good N,ght, Jrrnc • S taoe Ch,ldcrson her t1{tern0011 ""P· • Photo lry Ryan Kandel L,strnmg c1ttrnu,tl) Shnry Dalt011 c1rul TtmJ li1<0 sho~ l)pr.<al high s(hoo/ urul,YUicd att('l"lt11m
Photo b) Alike Sc1rultrs Hlhat A Good 8"} Chanu Ell,ot brushes up 01'I his atadernics at the world rmo1n1td GHS librar) Photo lry Ryan Karultl

Scicnt,{1< d,l,gtnu Htathcr Rcultl looks O'ltr hn- grun 81 0/ogy d asni-ork • Pho to b-y Ryan Kandt!

Forensics • Top Row: Jarl Anderson, Jenny Bun Fifth Row: Kruha Page, C r,ug Joynt, Scan Mahoney, Shala Hemmat, Lon Oark, Enc Mahoney, Kcvtn McGrath, Gwynn Daniels, Shawn Evans. Fourth Row : Derck Chns tnscn. Dean Halbe~n, Nicole Summers, Ben Trcffny, Ryan Kandel, Stephanie Potter, Andy Beckman, Tom Hagct, Joel Paulson Third Row: Jamie Timmcrwtlke, Jeremy Hudson, A.uon Wi.llunson, Togg1c Zimmer, Mane Schowalter, Kurt Wcstgard, Kathy Palandn, Mrchcllc Dorsch Second Row: Joe Baum, Ryan McGrath, Kelly Brooks, Cindy gephacdt, Sierra Buf!c, Anne Bellow~ Crysta l Binney, Amy Humphre y. Todd Follc Front Row: Cindy Bergeron, Lon Arbuckle, Dustin DcArmon, M ike Dallins, Scott KIPEN, Ivan Tom.u1, Shawn Raym ond, Aaron Fleet, Joe Victor, Maureen Hines, Lowell Sharp (sponsor). Not Pictured: Natalie Beck. Mary Bates, Julie Brown, Sarah Bucke, Jenn y Amspargcr, Knsten Bellion, Justin Aberle, Brady Archer, courtncy Armenta, Melodic Bcnnctt:s, Matti.IS bostrom, Ry Burke, Chad ucland, Davtd u.spcr. Chris Cruz, Bnan Dixon , Mike Dr1SC0IJ 1 Craig Duster, Duncan Halstead, Chris Henson , Reagan Hatch, Enn Hessman, Chnsttnc Epps, Ccsia Ecbaugh, Eden Fike, Bridget F'1ugecald , Claire Frank, Rob Franks, Rob Frost, Chris Gubnelson, Mike Gcile, Jimmy Golden, Taml Hahn, John Hildreth, Julie 1vtoore, Tera Portc!icld, Angela Kotsmcs, Leon Jeff, Bnan Johnson, Vaughn Johnson, R1chard Kccsncns, Jenni Lancc, Mark Lane, Vceli Lange, David Maren, Shaylc M cKcllips, Ben M cMahon , Chad Meyers, Gayle Munsart, David M yers, Gus Nas cs, Can Noble, L1 ~ Noble, Stephanie Olmorc, Dylan Ortez, Ruth Phinney, Greg Plummer Enk Reed , Heather Ross , Lisa \Valtcr, Patnck Sandt, Mike Turley, Melanie Varholdt, Stephanie Woods, Mark Sherril, Joe Skorsk1, Adnan Stevens, Cully Wahtola, Cassandra \Vh1tncy, Photo by Kayae Levy. Clubs and Academ1es • 127

as -
Radio Club: Shawn Raymond, Marsh.all Allen, Allen Rutheford, Dave Casper, Scott Hut chC50n Not Pictured: Dave Farrar
I I I .1
t.. fAIA
All Stars· FRONT ROW : R,an Hi t/fer, Anne &llo~ & Ta" Portcrf,eld BA CK ROW : Rhand" Hicks, SJr4 H and, Lrsa Waltn & Jut~ Strt1/in (spcnsor) • Photo lry S,ott Higgms
128 Club1 & A cademi<s
Thespians· FRONT ROW : ValeTie Stanford, Lynn 8rmr1<1n, J\1a11rtro Hines (presulrot), Src t 1 M1l:.11li<h, Moni<a Hall & Meliss.i Fr11:d11ch BACK ROW: J\,J,ch<'ile Hladek., Kr1stm wu, Bnnhard lvfasurso11, Scott Hams , Chad 0/uon, Nathan B11tta1n, Truy Fisher Scott NOT PICTURED: Trd"lv Beckett, Am,., Voeglit, - Photo try M,Grath Granny, what big eyes you Mt• Claire Franlc, Lynn Brmnan and Melis14 Fmdri<h perform in a Children's Theater produ ctum of L11tle Red Ruling H ood for E. Johnson Elanentary 1t11dent s. Pboto b-y Bernhard Maste-rson H1 ho, hi ho - Lisa iValter enjuys All Starr for ,he im pressi~ efft.t 1t 1V11l ha>e on her rollegt mtranu • Photo b-y Scott Higgins
·---- -...., __,.,_ :...- --
Th Th Th T hesp14 ns • Ma urem H iner, Chad Oleson aruJ Valtrn' St ,m ford port Pith thei r p,og, 41 creation from "T he l mpoJJ1ble Y ear!" • Photo by Scott H igganr

Thespians and Pigs}

Like say, brother, I be a Thespian Thesp ians are named after the Greek trouvere , Thespis , who resided on earth during the 6th century before Christ Today, we know a Thesptan as very simply, an actor or actress With that bit of essential information one wonders what Thespians do every Tuesday zero hour 1n that gloomy, dank chamber of theatncs. "We publi cize plays, go to plays and perform stage crew duties," said Valerie Stanfor d When I asked L y nn Brennan to expand on tlus, she said, "We publicize plays, go to plays and perform stage crew dunes"

Pr es id ent Maur ee n H i n es cla.imed that, "We have a problem, no one shows up." In response to this, many asp1 nng Thespians, 1n an attempt to influen ce good atte n da n ce said, "It was the best time I ever had 1t was even better than 'Ca ts' " T hespians is a group that sucks together an d believes 1n pea ce. When

they posed for a picture with a play p r og ram they crea t ed, C had Oleson was he:;.rd saying to Valerie Stan· ford , ''What do you trunk you ' re doing? Get out of the picture You didn't help us with chis "

And now for a particle of 1nformat1on that does not relate to the prev iously mentioned club

Pigs Fat , hairless, ugly creatures that fly over Pink Floyd concerts and make our cho lesterol levels skyrocket, P I.G.S. Pnde 1n Golden schools, alias All Stars Mixmg the cwo may create a minor social faux pas. When I confe rr ed with asp1nng All Star L isa Walt e r , she told me the dub pa.inted maroon G's on t rash cans But, there must have been more to tt than this , and there was All Stars V1S1ted a training seminar 1n Vail and with that 1nformat1on planned to do many other student service proiects

Afphd, ngma 2 mntr, Ol'tr • &mhard Masterson erlJCYJS Thesp14nS ror the grtat opportunity to p[;ry With the ~alk~-talk~s • Photo fry Scott Higgin s
- --:-\ \/ ,· -\ !~ ( ) ( ,__.......~ ,,. -..,,,
, -@ Alf Stars, The sp14m 129

own tn t e Pits.

GHS 1s JUStt fiably proud of ,ts instrument al groups The march ing band was 1nv1ted to perform at the San Diego Sea World Hohday Bo,\ll. And pla y they did, placing fourth 1n a field competatJon and f afth 1n the g1gant1c Bowl Parade

Couch potatoes could catch their act an the halftime show on ESPN

Director Bob Chapman obviously was ecstatic abou t the marching band, when he exclaimed with feeling, "Of all th e bands I could possibl y teach, thi s would be the band I would teach"

The march ing band took part 10 many compeu uons this year They were Wes t ern Welcome Week P arade 1n Littleton, placing 3rd out of 7 bands and w1nn1ng $300 In the Lake -

wood P arade they finished an 4th place , as well as winning "The Bes t Musical Group" m Go lden 's in famous Octobe rfest. Other events includ ed

The J efferson Co unty Invitational Marching Ban d F es tt val, 1n which t hey took 4th place, and Bo ul de r Band Day, whe re a silver cert ifica t e was won

Or chestra 's achieve m en t s were not as extensive as the march1ng band 's, but their fair sha re of awards was wo n They performed at the Colorado Departme nt of Educatton, Th e Coo rs Gathenng, The Music Cavalcade 1n Colorado Spnngs, and the seaso n al concert for the All-County Choir

• •
-by Sean L arm o re T,p,cal forcns,cs bombast And) Bukman btgs for Strphanir Potter's forg,~er,eH ,n a dun artmg uhtarvf Pharo b) R).in A.indel No /Wrrade n h,pn;, Am)' Br.idsb) .ind /',,fartt 5(hon.iltn d~ote therr dass 11me to munch holida)' go.,d,es Ph,,,,, ½ R)an 1'..indd 1JO • and Academics
- ------~ ~- -
Art thoe prokJT)O/Cl or eukJ')Otts 7 - 8m Tre/n) Jsks b1olog1(al au.thorit) Bob H'illiams, ., quotron Phott> b) R)Jn /...Jndel

Symphonic Marching band - lcolm Anderso°' Rochelle Anderso°' Anne Andrews-Jones, Lon Arbudde, Lma Arvidson, Mandy Mer, L.tura &ck, Aaron ~hart, Am y Bradsb y, JuLe Brown , Sarah Burke, Tnoa upp ( treasurer), Sonia urlso°' Natalie Clark, Joe Daniel, Lynn Dash ner, Jim Davenport, Dan Day, Bryan Des!TW'teau (drum maior). Craig Duster, Lcuc~ Espinoza, H yhsc Ferguson, Aaron Fleet , Guu Fl oyd, Jenru Cn lm ore, Jenntfer Gray, Tom Hager, Guen H=I.Donna Hams, Sandi Harris_ uod, Haun , Jason Haun. And y H ayes, David Helms, Angela Herrod (prcsident), Tammy Herrod , Kim H olmgren, Kun Kemler, Doug Klyn. Tom Kotsines, Steve Kramer, Susan Kuclcbaum, Josh ~ 'Y, Kruten UWJS, Sucy Maloney, Preston Maruncz, Heather ~tzke , Seth McGinms, Colleen Mcilwee, Chru Mcrnn, Jacob Miner, Julie Mueller, Meg Nesbit, En c Oleson , Julie Parlett e (band rep ), Joel P.iulson , Bedcy Pea ch er, Jon Popiel , Matt P orter, Carne Pnller, Julie P ryer, J on Rains, Cherylea Ray, Ann. Schowengerot (Band rep), Char (drum rn.iior), Ben Trdny, B1U Troxe~ C hris Valmu, Heather Verbeck, Bnan Vialpando, Joe Victor, Aruta Vogeler {Vice pres), Holly Wadsworth, Renee Waldon. Suz1e Walker, Zach Walker, Jad,,e Well5, Kip Westgard, Mike Whttehousc, Aaron Willunso°' Alena Wilso°' Luke Young, Deanna Zurry (flag captain)

•err's the nearest pawn sbop' • Bob and Dorotlr} Cfupm.zn proud{)' dispLi-, rht 4rh and 5th place .,,i· th.11 the m.1r<h111g band iion m San D,ego -Photo B)' Jul~ Lery

chestra - ( 1st row) Amy Rosewater, Nicolette Dnggers, Heather Versaw, Bob Chapman, endy Obrzut, Stephanie Barday, Holly Wadsworth, (2nd cow) Dorothy hapman, Amit Mitra, Tom Henriksen, DaVJd Carney, Rochelle Anderson , Staci Beck. Suz,e nn, Trao Jansen, Darren Scudder, (not pi ctured) Dawn Watlons

an Band - ( !St row) Julie Mueller, Lena Arvidson, Cancfi Haun , Charlotte Skomal, Kip estgard, ( 2nd row) James Davenport, Chad Oleson, {3 rd row) Luke Young. Steve Kramer (4 th row) DaVJd Stewart, Jeremy Stodob, Mike Whnehousc, Tom Hager

• C
S-,mphom< &nd, j.J'{.l &11d,
- I J 1

Latin Club Raoul P irn Not Pictured · H edi Boon2a1er, DaY1d Casper , Tama Setzer, CJrrac Walter, M"1tt Ferris, Anita Vogdcr, M:icshJII A ll en, H eather Verbeck, Amy Johnson, John l'vkC.uty, Justm Mundt, Dom S.tntill1, Stephame Olmore, Crystal W .igoner. Rorcn Stowell, Jennifer Lu ,ern,1, Clint Fleener - P ho to by Kaycae Le vy

Spanish Club • First R ow Jeannie Defore, Julie Hager, LJ.Sa Walter, Stephanie Woods, Leslie Bur chf ield , Andrea Barrett, Suzie Pnn Se con d Row Boan Vialpando, Melodie Jaruen.

T.\mt H ,\ hn. Julie Hulstc:m , Vrel1 Lange , Debbie Matlock, JuLe Brown, Cindy Dockter, GJSCU

Boland, RKh Gee Third Row Kurt Westgard , DaVtd Salter, Darren Scudder, Duncan H a lstead. Ch n s Merntt , Marc Lang, Chns Mulllxrry, Jason H amplemao, Greg Tille y. Fr.1nl Kon se lla , fv11Chael Turley.- Photo by Kayoc Levy

German C lub · First Row · Heather Vers.1w Julia Sh,dcler,Ruth Phinney Second R o\\ Nathan Bnttam, Laura K<Xnig, Karl Maurer, Tammi R0S.11 l'vlarl.. Ci~lac. Not Pictured· Kc:mal Demo~. Carr,r Pnller, Joel W:\rtgow R"k Mc.Kee - Photo b; Kayoc UV} Fren c h Cl ub • First Row · Tom Sweet, Amy Humphrey, Philipp Seyle r , Anne Bellows Not Pictured Sarah Burke Va l Born, Kristen Bellion - Photo b>· Ka yoc u,,.
I 32 Sp,m,sh, !~1111 , GumJn & Fri•nch Club --- --~ "" :..~-- -
Chrut1114S logs 7 - Stephani< &rd4}, Am)' Rose-r.,1tn and And) &el:man ulcbra/e Bouche de Not!.• Photo rourteS) of French class

ue pasa? Guten tag Bon1our Saluete! Now that we've gree t ed everybody, let's find out what a ll thi s foreign business 1s about.

The language clubs at Golden High School are French, German, Laun and Span ish Each club meets to learn more about the culture and language of ce rtain countries

Act1v1t1es and field tnps are taken to expand and develop cultural awareness of these co untries German Club took a tnp to the Moscow Ctrcus Latin Club had dinner at the Athenian restaurant, and Spanish Club v1s1ted the Tabor Center French Club celebra t es La Fete de Noe l, A Christmas tame tradition

All the foreign language clubs tte their int erests together by having an in ter-c lu b fore ign language bowling tournament, sponsored by the Latin

LanClub. All the students in the clubs enioy the activities, but they also realize the history of the languages Anita Vogeler said, " It makes my day complete knowing I am learning a language that ancient Greeks spoke " She also said, " It helps me w1th my SAT"

Julte Hulste1n shows off her knowledge in Spanish by say ing , "Hola, a los estud1antes de la escuela se llama Golden La cluba de Espanol es muy divertida "

Julie has taken Spanish for five yea rs, participates in the club wi th f 1rst year students and encourages them t o take the class fo r more years Students who are 1n th e clubs a re usually insp ir ed to take more courses 1n that langu age

Th<- blmd le.ufmg the
· .\lrgan
m 'ip.,msh <lass. • Ph..lto b) 1'.z)ete 1..n, ,,
Talbot and Bnan ,\.fd ,m tT)
help each other
-Susa n Bice
Clubs aru/ Academics • 1JJ
Hit IVlth a stun r,ry Gisela Bol,r,u/ is froi,en IVlth her mouth open aru/ Mark L4nt watches with a lade of mthUSU4sm. • Photo by Ka1ne ury

What do Ph ysics Club, Math Club a nd Od ys.sey of th e Mind all have an co mm o n ?

Well, t hey all h ave ded ica t ed G H S s tudents as mem bers . Wh en yo u think of tt, t hese clubs all 1ntertw1n e 1n so m e way or a n o th er Math ti es 1n wit h physics because yo u can ' t have p hysics wit ho ut mat h Odyssey of T he Mind uses te ch nology, so th a t m ea n s you have t o have m ath a nd physics, a nd to have p hysics, you have to have m a th' But 1f you didn ' t have eit he r one of t hose fields, then you wo uldn ' t have Odyssey of T he Mind because to have Odyssey of The Mind yo u have t o have m a t h a n d physics!

And th at's what M a t h Cl ub , Ph ys-

1cs Club and Odyssey of the Mind a ll have 1n common Now Math Club 1s where the dedi cated G H S. students take the Co lorado Math League Test

During the year there were six tests t otal, co nsisting of problem solving equatio n s. The Math C lu b co mpeted with app r oximately fort y schools throughout Colo r ado whereas Phys ics Club and Od yssey of The Mind are not as co mpetiti ve, and focus on physical as well as m ental act1v1ttes Their act1 v1 ttes co n s ist of buJding r obots, electric ca rs , telescopes, and even creating phys ics equations on T -shi rts.

-Mi che lle Quarat1no

·ommon Ties. • •
t t I I ' -..I'
--:I +e I• ' -1 I I ' •
Arc Ile hanng fun yrtJ - Algebra I stuJrou .ire mei.moriied Ir, the m u ltiple uses of th, P) thJgoreJn theorem Photo fry Enc Bond
I J-1
- -:: ~ 'I--------e = /
Med11a11 on works wonders • Gent Ch,ld emphat Jl tS the nud for creatmt, • Photo bJ Matt Ha rt m~Jter Phys,u Club, /1 / arh Club & Ody11ey of the Mind

1-'ururr Bwfogrsts of Amrn<.i ( FBA J? • Students eng.ige ,n the .nerage, run--0{-the-mdl a<t1ut1es for B,olog), • Photo b) 1'nm l\frG,.,,h

Odyssey Of The Mind · Fron t Row · l'vbrL C1t:(lcr, Kim Crou,h Ni,oltttc Dnggcl'$, 2nd Row Bernhard M.utcrson l\latt Budzyusk1 , fvl.att Ferns, Juuannc Drummond, Kathle en Reilly \, .11 Born. KJra P.ipp.11.udo , Back Row · Enc l\b.honey, Dcrc~ Christensen, John H effelfinger John Mcuny, Chm l'vlulbcrl')', Guss Nasscs, Brlln Johnson • Photo b)' Matt Hartmcrstcr

Math Club· Front Row · Deanne Zurcy, Dav,d Maren, Jeannie DeFore, Sus-n Pnn. Mark Cit!lcr; 2nd Row · Jan Manynuslca. Ben T refny, Arntt Mnr.a, Mike Turley, Kan Noble, Daro Bromberg, Sierr.a Bufe, Heather Versaw, Dick Bradsby; Ba ck P.ow· Ri ch Gee, Chad Carland, Aaron Fleet , Kurt Wcstgard, Anne Bellows, Julie Brown, Ryan Kandel, Marie Lane.• Photo by Kevrn McGrath

Ph ysics C lub · D,d, Sh.1lh.1rntr .1nd Gene Child; Not P ic tu re d : Kelly Brooks , G1sel.1 Boland, vrd, Lange, l\Jarl Linc- Dvl.1n Ortiz, Cmd>· Gebhardt Kim Crouch, Tam, J hhn Mr~ Nesbitt Paul Tubbs, Shawn, Tracey Jensen, Suzy Pnn , Dustin DcArmon, Julrt' f lolstcrn, Debbie M,nlock. • Photo by l'vl au H.lrtmc1stcr

Clubs arul Acadtmtu • 1]5
' • I'J l \ I I .,_ 11 I •• I j\ • jj,., j\ ? -
FBLA • Front Row · \'1do M,n1. Denise Ahshio, Chnstinc Epps, Lon Pnce Kim Co..'lbcy, Thcccsa Tinddl, Su..<.an Tindell Ba ck R ow Phyllis Price (sponsor), Chns Cc-qutll;ud. Lis., Brooks, Carne Gaddis, Michelle Sci~n, Debbie Phelps. Kns Baker, LI.S."l Kl\'n, Scott Shaw Ten Oswald, Jenn}' Burt, Gail O'Neil (sponsor) N o t P ic tur ed Susan Bnll. Liz Dashiell, Dianna Dibble, Melis.~ Favl..osh , Heather GardnCT, Kevin Gloe, Al.lnn.i H ancv, Juanit.a Lopez. Joey tvtason. Jeni Orcutt, T,ao Peterson, Stacey Pfaff.,e Quayle, Laura Stanbaugh, Megan Talbott, Sh.innon Wuerth
1 •
DECA • Front Row · uura Douo, Togg1c Zimmer, K.C Ch3pman, Kim Staten Back Row · Joe Rob(ns (sponsor), Dan.t R1mb.lch, Josh Howes D,w1d Ctsper.
/ • /_/ -• .,.> So
'1 what
- --- - - ----::, .:-- -
WES • Front Row : Patty Konodc, Neal D,u ly Back Row : Kan Tru llinger, Jenun i Jansen, Barb.l ra l-fa rns (sponsor), D oug M cClure (v president) , Chns \X'atkms Not P ictured; Pat Bates (prt'sident).
m Eng(,sl,
• Studrou are d11}en to do,il thmgs m t!K }tJSI expanse of Da}e Farrar's room • Photo fry Kmn J\.1,Grath

Full m e t aJ br iefcase, Reagonom1cs

Wee kl y, Young Republicans

Th ese im ages scurr}' through most s t udents' m inds when they hear the names of such business organizations as Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and Work Experience Study Club (WES) Business? Yeah, I know the cutthroat money making swine, those future leaders of Wall Street, the emerging stockholders who strive to become tycoo ns and ruin the Amenc an Economy Aahh, but you 're wrong there FBLA 1s a pnme example of those people who work to become the most dominant leaders 1n the business world They are a group of students who are being prepared for their business future by parucipattng 1n this organ12at1on. The group tnes to develop competent, aggressive business leadership qual1t1es Other goals,

among many. include encouraging scholarships, promoting school loyalty, and pra cticing efficient money management

DECA , a group not often heard about, works to understand how the business world operates They pan1 c1pated 1n the state and d,stnct conferences Awards were pending for them

WES 1s a group that part1c1pated 1n com munity work for special education students They hold the daily honor of ra1s1ng the flag at GHS The y also traveled to see the Ramses exh1b1t at the museum and \\.'ent to the stock shows 1n January WES also sold notepads and ca ndy bars throughout De ce mber to support their organ1zat1on Aluminum cans were also collected from the tea chers' lounge to raise money for the most outstanding WES senior

lt'h.,1 J\I(? - Todd .\ tT)mg to look Im~ 111 c<>mputa< - Photo b'j ,\fair H.irtmnsta I I -. ---------- -=----J ~:, .. •• .,, .,, -Say •ha t ' - Chm MtdiM g,uJ Br<rnd4
ponder dtbtts aruJ crtd,11. •
-, ··.··-- - ---------..,--• us
Photo by Matt Hartmrottr
• ustness
~-.-,,__ // -- Iii 7 • y--
_>,Clubs and AtadtmlCS - 1J7 --- - ~-

·Live a

Throngs of anxious young groupies cr owded around the audit orium d oor , chanting , "Magic! Ma-gic!' ' Th ey were a leather and fishnet crowd d ying for the opportunity to catch of glunpse of their fave superstars, Mountain Magi c. There was a large bun ch of rowdies and y ahooes there to see the openers , the Golden Con cert Choir , t oo Some were addi cted to the hedon1st1 c concert experien ce, some were d r awn by the flash y costumes, and some came JUSt for the musi c, the raw , unadulerated musi c "I dunno , man , there ' s something about choi r music that ' s

pnmal ." one satd Anothe r young lady 1n a torn Metal11 ca Tee , a chroni c Con cert Choir groupie, gushed over h . I "M ' t e1r spa n g y costumes an , n s not JUSt a con cert, " she said , "it' s a show " What 1s Mountain Magi c, really ? Contrary to popu lar be li ef , n ' s not a mountain 1n Disneyland . It ' s an al l women's chambe r choir derived f r om the larger , coed Co n cert Choir They sing madrigals, pop a la "Puttin ' on the Rttz ," and Christmas musi c. They were even 1nv1ted to seve r al compet1ttons

• tC
~- \ \ vj 5/ r~ t - I lv!:'nAn •.t t=;IC I I
/mglt Bell,, grt out of "') wa)• Cmd) A /pine, Joan nt D un n and others m ak t " m erry" carofrn · Ph oto fry R )a n K anilrl I ]8 Conurt Choir & !vfo rmtam M agi<


proud, the ,occ1/ munc dept. • Phot o by Kayc1t Ln,



A n gn: \ orh1s, Jason Whitney, Chad Pippin, Angu: God~y M.ulc:ne S.irgcnt , Chc:ry•lc:a Ray Sec o nd r o w- Gina Fox, Stacey l\laloncy, Lmdey Miller. K aren Miller. Julie Shidle r Car ol J\b runez Th ird r owTaniJ Scne r, Stephanie Barda\', Amy Rosewater, t--l andy Baler, Bn:m D ixon, Ryan L tahy H c:nher Edw,JCds. Fourth row- Nikl1 Reiley, T ina Adams, S t ephani Potter, l 1sty H unter, C.1 n Fo:ir, Ke lly H a ll ey, Rtntt.1 Kribbs, John l'vkCarty No r P ic tured A.ndrrson. J ~nmfc:r Elsbul'}', J ill Godsey, Charn M edina, H eidi Melhorn. Dy la n Onc:z, Tina C r uz, En n Sibe rt , jJck1 \'(1 ells P hoto by Caroline I\. lallory


M o untain Ma g ic : Front ro w Till.l Adams, Meg Nesbit t , J oo nnc: Dunn , C h a r Skoma l Middle row • Kall yn T ill ey, L,sa Moior , Brand y Scov1ll e, C u o l Ma r tinez, LaurJ D ozzo , Angi e Vor h1 s, S t a cey M ,1lone, Cindy Alpin e Ba ck ro w Kns Nordlie, C.1rnc Ulln <" h, J ulu.• l'vl udlcr , Ja .-qu1 K irby N o t Pi c ture d • H e id i lvl clhom , T amm >• J\ l ontob:m, Angie M u n yon, Jenny Syzm an sk1 P hot o by C.uoli n c Mallory

In R)an K,mdrl S mg hec1,enl)
for th< maun · The Concert Chorr belts II out for the bent/it of the rnt of th< school • Photo
mu u
on cert C h o ir: Firs t
o w
Clu bs and Academl!s • 1J9
The 24th S treet Singers· First row: Chad P1pplll, Jason Whitne y, Candy Haun, Char Skomal, Tcavis Bcclcctt; Second row : Angie Willard, Bnan Dixon , Joanne Dunn, Jim Golden, Amy Waters_ Anita Vogeler, Jon Popiel , Arny Bradsby, Heather Kolin Photo lry, Carol11K Mallory All sm,lts En route to S,m D1tgo from \'a11 Fr,mCIUO, St<"( Kramer, J11/,c Pryor, Jenni/tr Gra) , H-,list Fagus011, anJ A11gtla Haro.l sharc a la11gh n,hilc »-aatmg apcctantly • Photo Ir, Chris Merrrtt
140 • Singers & Sau Diego
"Go Wyoming!" • Exnttd spectators of tbc Hofulay Bowl m San Diego, Jacob Mina, Dam1y D<1y and Preston Martintt gtt rt.ady to IMP " pict11r< of a play • Photo by &n Treft1y Share a/>""• Taking a mm11te from tM11 buS) gMdult, T om Kot11nts <1 nd Amt.s Vogeler ,tla"< :,i,/11/t l,sumng to m11.11c 011 the band's tour bus. • Photo b) Ra<hclle Arrdtrson

ahforn1 a, here we comel" ,vas t he rousing cry of the Gold en High School

M a rchi n g Band All through the fall, th ese s tud ents so ld "barrels" of candy to raise money for a trap to San Diego

It was a large and ambitious goal, but they ach ieved 1t, and the second week of winter vacatto n flew to San Diego, Ca lifo rnia , to play at the Holida y Bowl They compe ted against other bands from all over th e country in two areas: field compe ttt1on , and marching compet1t1on Of six teen bands, the Golden High School marching band placed fourth an field and f1fth 1n parade "Their performance was really outs tanding ," said B ob Chapman , the band t eacher.

" I got on nattonal TV" bragged

Ben T refny Bes ides the thrall of representing their school a t such a prestagaou s event as a bow l game a nd going to s unn y California 1n the m iddle of


l€wanter, the band students also got to be tourists. During their stay, the y v1s1ted Sea World, th e San Dieg o Zoo, Seaport Village and many other attrac tion s. It was an exciti ng , once-1na-hfet1me experience for the band students, and a g rea t showing for Golden Hagh School as well

Just as the band was making great music through their instruments, the 24th Street Singers were making music through t heir mouths. During the year, the sin gers met as a class seve nth hour Their main activity during th e 1988-89 schoo l year was to put on a Christmas sho\.\, ,~h1ch they performed at the Manon Hotel , for th e Opt1m1st C lub , and a t several nursing homes, bnngang holiday chee r, and showi ng the outstanding talent of th e 24th Street Singers of Golden High School

~ .1 f -~' __ ,.,, · -__ - -...,----•
Struttmg the11 nuff • /ul,e Brorn1 And) Ha)e1 /lfeg /\iesbitt, Craig DusteT, l\Jat.ilir Cl,rk and He.ith(T Vnbuk mar.-h m th( parade <omf><t111on Photo b) Deanna Z""t') •
Clubs and Acadtm1c1- I 41 --- - -
Surfin' ufan • Touruts at Seaport V,llagt, Califomia, these studtnts gathtr m a group photo as a mommro of tht occa11on Top Row: K,p Wutgard, f,m D,n,mport, Colun M(llJVtt, K,m Holmgren , Matt Porttr, Stacey Malont, una Al'Yldson, Candy Haun; Suond Row. Preston Martmtt, Cr,ng DusteT, Sand, Harns, Deanna Zu"ty, Lynn Dashner • Photo (Ourtery of Deanna Z"rrey

uture L e a

Most s tu dents s truggle ha r d enough with homework, grades , and that welt'd math that se nds their brains ce lls into l1ttle sw irling o rbit s. But what most students do not realize 1s that there are people bold enough to try and take on t he ir problems. And who are these brave so uls who try and cut our b1nd1ng marionette s trings ? They are the peer co unselors , people on a higher level of being who almost always have a sol ution to those problems that usually JUSt drag you down until you kill you r parents Cha rl es Manson style Equipped with their high tech tra1n1ng and gene u c gene d isorders that allow them to take on th1s school's problems, these sen1ors met o n ce a month to work on their solvency methods Mo t her Theresa would be proud These good-doe rs did make a lot of people 's lives eas ier. Kirn Duffy , ha n d on ch in , eyes locked 10 a stare on the floor, mind co ntemplating an answer eve r yone can relate to , said , "It's somewhat fu n ."

Student Council (a k a ." studen t gove rnm ent , b ig tam e, social hut .")


who do basJCally nothing 10 record t1n1e , one hour every day, " Joked Tammy Harn ey. But wait , stop and think Who planned a nd pulled off, thi s yea r 's prom? It ,\.'as Student Council. The y th en be ca me nled and forced a cha nge 10 that accaden t prone light 1n front of the school "We JUSt co uldn ' t take rh1s s1tt1ng down With m y bov in e leadership, we 1n1ttated a cha nge A change for the better, " said a once irritated, C ully W ahtola Student Couno l 'gave baskets t o neighbors They did this t o soothe the feelings of angry property owners, who (God forbid), had to put up wnh those n asty chain smokers. Th ey had a blood dnve, part1capated 1n by s tudents seventeen o r over Vegetable Justt ce was a nifty idea concoc t ed byC had Hotchkiss As at turns out,Cully Wahtola took the m os t vegetables to th e head ( thanks Leslie D e an ), so mething that will cer tainl y ca use him great amo unts pain on those cold morning s next winte r The Members of Student Counol are real people, trying to esca pe a lazy image

1s not as everyone perceives 1t to to be, -Bn an Johnson and J arl Ande rson "A laid-back gang of popular people

142 Srudmt Council & Pen Counselors - - -,- -
Communrry hours? • Cara Nobel washu the car that Allfl stop her later She's making sure Mr Pol1<em,m 1s car 1s really clean during tht Student Council Car Wash • Photo by Cena Erbaugh
•--~;. .,. .- .
Gluful reumon • Do I dettct an irre,,nant fulmg of JO, 111 Studmt Counol mtmbn Greg Plllmmer's heart? fl It true? Nahhhhh. • Photo by Matt Hartmrutn Thanlu 4 million • Cena E,baugh (graoo usly posmg for a /.,st m,nutt dc11dline picture) ct1lls out of Jtatt fr1n1ds on the school phone, S<IYJng herself the b,ll She's telling Otr)one how SM nnglehandedly sa..-ed this page. • Photo by Matt Hartmeuter

C{111su aampft - /a1<m S&n,, dons his famous sm1ft, S<f'l't d cm/) for tht rtaU) stressful 11111atu:ms -

Photo lry Rem BoU,g


Peer Co uns elors - First Ro w Lauree Crozier, Lon Pn ce, Kim Duffr, J0cnne Alt\'V, Back R o¾- Rob Ful, omcr Scott Hut cheson Bn-an RichMdson Not P ictur ed Lon Kroeger Tan} 1 Kuz,,I Jason Sh.,"-". Laurd Stambaugh

Right man, nght /Ob - Peer counselor txtraordmarre, Scott Hutcht scm prtparts to take on a b,g '°' ''list/mg ta1k, l think Mr1 Ko'l!raUlc, had somtthmg a littk less drast ic in m mJ 'llrhtn 1ht uid to ro , prtpartd for, "all l)f>tJ of problmu." - Phot o b] Ka'J~ UV) -

Student Council • First Row · Ccsia. ErbJugh K,m H ampleman, Enn Ferguson, \X'end, Bnndle 1\1.u" Parn>ns. Alt Kolodn>· Second Ro\\ Kaut Schowalter, Stephanie Olmorc, Leslie Dt.1n. Thrd Ro\\ Jennifer Stunk;ird, Jennv Brown , Tammy Harne,. lv lcg.1n 8Jrncy. Amber Scoville. Alison Haberman. Can Nobel. Fourth Row Knsnn:i Ricker Tricia Schroeder, H eather Ross, Bndgette Fitzgerald, l\-l ane Schowalter Guys In Back Dan Engelle. Chad H otchLas.s., Robcn Frost, Cully ahtola, Brad!} Hov Kc\.'ln Ki11war ,1 Not Pictured · Andy Bcekem.1n. Dan Edw.irds. J.inncllt Faonelli, Doug G.1ycr TanyJ Kuzvk Greg Plummer Ter.1 Ponerfidd, G r eg Rosen. Lisa Stanh• Jeanmc Stehuno. Stephanie Sutera, Enc Z,porm First semester student council Scan lv1ares, Katherine \~'cgher

C{ub1 and Acadtm1C1 • 141 - - · - -

FHA FFA and Rodeo Club are s imil a( m that they are all clubs. Let ~s s t ar t with that merry group of homemakers, the Future Homemakers of America As J ea n e tt e M eigs put 1t, " Most of the people who belong to FHA are interested 1n a career 1n home economics." But wait, 1sn 't Jennette Meigs an aspiring fash1on designer? It seems to me that as opposed to the barefoot and pregnant image that home ec used to gave, the new image 1s of r he "working girl"

But enough about homemakers. Let us turn our attention to the ranchers, and all of those other people who make the food we eat each day I am spea king of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Americans go to the s tore , or a restaurant or whereever a nd seem co think that this food JUS t magically appears Not so Every day millions of hard working farmers s lave to produce the burger you eat. This year

our Future Farmers worked d1ltgently at both the Stock Sho\\1, and the H ome and Garden Show So don't worry about the burger that you plan on eating twenty years from now beca use our Future Farmers will take ca re of us

Equipped wit h lariats, cha ps, these yo ung Americans are out looking for the perfe ct ride I've been told chat this feeling ca n not be equa ll ed, 1n this life or any other " I t's all worth 1t when yo u get a good ride, no matter how many bones you break or how much yo ur body scr eams with pain Rodeo 1s the greatest " Those a r e very en t hus iastic words of Danny Do y le. So, students of GHS, don't be so quick to question Rodeo You iust might be m1ss1ng the best feeling available 10 this world

1-14. fFA, FHA. Rodto Cfob & ocadt,mes -Todd Ferguson
T -wo pretty fill1ts • /om, Qu,ryle mJCTJS ~rng on tJJ'f'mng mem~ of Rodeo Club • Photo court< 7 of /om• Quayle
--- -__,. - -"::: , :- -
Future Florists of America:> • FfA mrmbrrs d,str,b,aed ploms ~h,ch th(} hod groim "' I ocoflonol Agneulture doss to many of the clossrooms around tbt school • Ph1>to fry Scott H1gg1m
• •'W • _:) ,__ Ill r• k ••. .. • •' l e- • /
Stock sho~ p,zrttdt • FFA members contrrbuud to tht stock shoD- b) running tt ptttmg zoo. • Photo ,ou,ur, of the Dtmtr Post
/USt for i:.-omtn • Homt uonom,a dttss prOYl(/es prttctlcttl experinra for all stitdtnts. · Photo by ,' Iott Ht1rtmt11ttr Future Farmers of America Kelly Ingram Vid·y Sanks, Dave Rony , Tina \X'csthng, Andy Johnson , Jeff Tank, K.1n Ncl~n • Photo courtesy of Bren tvf el1.1.
Clubs <1rul Acttdrn11<1 - 14J
Fu t ure Homemakers of America Jenny Turre, Slunnon Brower, U>ulSC Reed, Arnie Stou~. K,m Cooksey, Heather Matzke, U>n Arbuckle - Photo br KCVJn McGrath.

nd read all over At GHS, the yearbook and newspaper are both full year classes wh ich deserve special atte nti on

First, every three weeks to a month , the newspaper staff produced anothe r ed iti on of t he Trident, the schoo l's n ewspape r After a p aper came out, the school would be buzz ing with the news they had read 1n the personals, Golden 's written soap ope ra. Feature s t ones such as "Gold en Police lik e G H S stude nts ," provoked many stones of students ' vari ous close calls with police officers. A story about Dave Farrar provided s tu dents with a look into a t eache r 's personal lif e. It was surprising to some people to learn th at t eachers share some of the same int erests 1n hobbie s and music as stud ents do . Tlus t eache r lik ed Guns a nd

ATh is magn1f1ce nt work of ar t JUSt appears magically at the end of th e school year, nght? Many people are su r p n sed t o learn tha t all yea r lon g, the yearbook staff wo rks diligently, st ruggling to make deadlines a nd put a good yearbook together for GHS s tudents When stude nts receive tt , they take 1t comp let ely fo r g ranted, an d what's more,they cnt1cize 1t! "Look at thtS horrible picture of me How dare they put t his 1n the yea rbook! " What a iob 1 " T he staff deserves a big round of applause," said J ackie B o r ns t ein, a yea r boo k sponsor This 1s very tru e So when looking ove r th e 1989 yea rbook a nd picking out 1ts good points and tt s bad, s tud ents s h ould think kindly of th e staff The yearbook 1s a m o mento to be kept which w1ll bring bac k memories of high schoo l for Roses, M eta l!t ca, a n d INXS year s to co m e And th en , th ere 1s th e yea rbook

I I •
l• •
-Lisa Walter Gu 1'1e're ()}(Tll,'Orked 1 • SectlOn editors Enc Z,ponn and Ted Dt'Yltt kick back during =J>4pa Photo lry &ry Thu must be posed • The seniors of the yearbook staff gather around to 11c1 like they're -i.orkrng together Photo by Mall Hartmeister Our <1rt111 guru - Con Troxel prep.1res some drawings for tbt ~earbook. -
146 •
and Academics·· - - - -, 11i--It
Photo by Kay& &ry

Duubft nsion • Kathy Dufh and Shny/ &ck discuss th< possibilltltr for th< ntxt Tridmt issue whr/t l..amberlr Duff'! ob~tr •

by Kay~ ury

Newspape r Staff· FIRS T ROW : Cr,11g H~t R,ck G<1rdntr, K<1th)' Dufh, feff Aluh10, Sim-rt &ck. Totfd H"nroci(. Dr Daughnt') (sponsor), S ECOND ROW: Chns Thompson, Trn Slo m ( <nltrtammmt tdttor ), Enc Z1ponn ( assutant and sports tdttor ), Jason \-frGili-rtl), Ted Dt>11t (front-pagt tditor), John McCirr,, Tael4 Tuadtll (pers0114/s editor), C. Scott J...ippcn, Enc }arbrot1gh (stmor-pagt editor). NOT

PICTURED:T<tmffl) H amey (tditor•m-<hicf and tdllor14IS td1tor ), Rob Redford (ftaturts edi tor), Camt Ullrich, Angd" Harrison (ft"turts editor) Sb.t'PTI Arbuckle ( photogr"pht, ) - Photo b,, F...zy~ Ln-y


Yearbook Staff· FIRST ROW: Rr.m Kandtf, Lisa Stanley, Detna Pottorff f\,fi,s, Thompson, SE COND ROW: Em Bend, Debbie Auld, SUS<ln B,u (clubs & .,,adeuucs editor), Orphit Ptcst M<ttt Ht1rtmt11ttr, Cory Troxtl, Enc .h-1<thoncy ( co-tditor-1n-<h1tf), Scott H iggins ( co-ed1to1-m-ch,tf). l,.a-y~ UY) (srndtnt-l1fe editor), 'I 4( Bom ( sports tdator), Lua ivaltcr, Sttph4me Woods, Jae~ Bornstein (sponsor), JOJn CLn-k (rponsor) THIRD ROW StJJ'I Llrmore, Eric Schult: ( asnst,mt photo tduor ), Rob Willis (peoplt tditor), Nl1kt Sandtrs, Jarl Anderson (assistant editor) Totfd Ftrguso11, !vf,chtUt Qi<4ratmo ( ad ,n.1rwgtr ), KCY1 n McGrt1th (photo tditor ), NOT PICTU RED Fil)' B.itts, Brum Johnson. - Photo by D~t K<11ultl

= :..: ~ • -
------. -·- -
M ischief - W ith a look lik.t that, ont ii onders )'t<Jrbook's Brwn Johmon m mind for nrwspaptt's Tt1mmy H .zmry - Pho to b,, Enc S<h11/ti, YeJrbook, Nni-sf>J/><T
• 147

ake two parts practice and three parts determination and mix with talent and teamwork, and you have the makings of a fine team. Then, let it simmer for eight to ten weeks to get the team just right. Next, add seasoned players with fresh new vigor and sprinkle with many brand new players to create dynamic synchronized fighting machines, Demons!

This year Golden Demon fans had

much to cheer about. The varsity football team had a surprising 6-4 record. They also had a place in the state playoffs. In golf, sophomore Brad Dinkle took second in the state tournament. Seniors Craig Howe and Kevin Kajiwara qualified for the state tournament in tennis as well. Way to go, De• mons!

-Ryan Kandel •

148 • Sports
.... /
Sports - 149
Smile - Mr Lujan grins at a Golden game with his grandson - Photo by Kevin M cGrath

rivin' Demons

Only a few years ago, Golden football was in a quagmire of m isfortune They rece ived s tate and sometimes even nat ional re cog rutton for their infamous losing st reak But now the beast has awakened. Golden devastated its weak er opponents and was able to put up a most valiant effort against teams like the top ranked Pomona In fact, the Golden Footbal l program came full arcle from infamous co almost famous.

"The team has gone through more chis season than a p erson will in his lifeume, " exclaimed Coach La r s J ohnson Golden cam e from being last pl ace an th e d1v1s1on, t o second pla ce Beyond that, Golden, well deserving-

ly , advanced one d ivision to 3A. The Demon fans couldn't be more estatic and proud of their team, as they rallied around the 1nsp1red players However, all this didn't co me easy for the partiapants. True heart had t o prevail with the grueling three hour p ractices, sue days a week, which couldn't be stated more bluntly, than by freshman Aaro n B o r shart , ''We ran a lot of hills , but had a good time anyway."

Although Golden's season start ed off a bit rough , they unpressively came ba ck with a state playoff berth Bravissimo!

-Va l Born

Determination Enthusiasm Motivation Obstinance N eo-Spartans STATE
·~ • .. - "
• ·-
Look at lmn fly • Jermry "Lght Foot" Johnson mags tht ball out of mu/ • flight /OT 4110thcr of bu spfmJ,J mterceptwns. • Photo by Kt"YITI M cGrath
150 Football• •.. .. • ' ,.. ..
VARSITY AND JUN I OR VARS I TY FOOTBALL Fron t R ow · Jeremy Johnson, Tro y Cooperman, Ton y Baldessan, Mat C1lvcrt, Tom Conrad, Nino Valenti, Jeff Sawyer, Isaac Rascon, 2nd Row Coach Henry, Joe Jarock , Troy Moody, Ted Shaffer, Roy Smuh, Lee Tolar, J,.f( Berry, Steve Hall , David Avery, Co.ich Don Cupmello; 3rd Row · Bob Lewis, Ross Maller, Kyll' hnk , Todd Lepke, David Jones, Brad Sloan, Kyle Shepard, Rob Fulcomer, Coach Lars Johnson , 4th Row Clint Fleener, John Harns, W1l1 Sparr owk, Cully Wahtola, Gus Nasses, Branon Snyder, Bnan H ansen • Photo By Zcm, Photography Hey You "Don't forget to block th< b,g guy!," Yells Nmo Valmtt to guard tVill Sf'<l"owk. • Photo by Kmn McGrath

SOPHOMORE AND FRESHMEN FOOTBALL F ron t Row Chns Valenti, Tim Lincoln, R,ch Prin·, Rick Humphrey, Ste\-e Stratton, Chad Meyers, Pat Sandt, Sean Meehan , Brandon Zuegler; 2nd Row Coach Ron Goutras, Brandon Lundell, Sean KL1mch.,U tv11tch Re,d, Jeff Hadw1ger, B,lly Neal, Robert Duster, Kns Fulcomer, Kns Kubusta, Bnan Fnas, Charles I Iamersley, Coach Sitzman, 3rd R ow· Coach R.indy Jones, Coach R.K H ous ton, Adam King. Brendan FmncgJn , Dan Rosewater, Chns Tolar, Derek Johnson, G.,len Huff, J,m Detvlm ,ko, J,m K,efcr, Dino Vasquez, Coach Bob Solgot, 4th Row B,11 \Vestby, Scott AtenC10, Dustin Jarman , Torq Lenoch, Colby \'{/e,scnbcrgrr, Much Vogt, David l'v1yers, Strve Muilenburg, Clay Fleener, Damon Delgado • Photo by 2cm, Photography

-- --,--K.')lr Finl: ,n a~<' - H<' ~·am 't quiu a~au of ~hat kind of mu1<I<' pl,rys for Pomona • Photo Ir, K(Yln McGrath
SJ>OrtS - 151 - -~ --
0.(1 hrrt! • A Dcmon'J effort to
to a ttammatt
• • •
Photo ½ Todd Ftrguson
I 52 - Volleyball -
VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Front Row · Chelsea Boswell, Dcbb,e Auld. Danica Williams, 81lhe Jo V1g1l, Co.tch John F,s,;her, 2nd Row Ken Hughes, Diane Dibble, Nickie Reiley, Kan Shaw, Jessica Simcox, Dara Tnbelhorn • Photo by Janssen Photograph y FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL Front Row Maggie M c\X'ill 1ams, Danyel Stan:, 2nd Row Stanc Ch,lderston, Amy Schumacher, Mary Ann Kerstte~ Kosty White, Coach Eileen Shoenberger, 3rd R ow · Lindsey MiUrr. Carne Walter, NLssy Schultz; Not Pictured Jodi Fisher
- - ~....,. _ - -~ -·· 1- -~, n • f
- Photo by ].,nssen Photogr;\ph>•


olleyball with Verve

The teams were huddling up before th e long awaited first serve of the game The fans 1n the stands were Golden's finest We took to the co urt with enthus1as1m and th e spint t o WJ.n In the end we came out on top where Go lden be longs

This yea r 's varsi t y team went through a year of ad1ustmg and adapting to a new coach Coach John Fischer of the varsity team made this comment " I had to adiust to a new schoo l and another new t eam It was also hard to ada pt to a team tha t was trying to cope with a new coach for the fourth year 1n a row "

From the players' point of vtew, It was th e same C hels ea Dur is commented, ''We reall y struggled having a new coach again, but overall I felt we did ou r best "

The team fin1Shed out the year w1th a record of 6 an d 10 " It was an 1nterest1ng season The t eam had a lo t of potenttal, but we always seemed to fall short," said Dian e Dibbl e

Keri Hughes pointed out that the team was young and sho uld have a good season next year Well, let's hope Keri 1s nght

CE1 - P,11gt W ,u/n,.,,orth ~ts up for tht spik.t • Photo fry T odJ FtTguson &
''Volleyball players are a lot different than the rest of us. They have hemorrhoids on their hands.''
-- - - -,-- -
JUNIOR VARS ITY VO LL EYBALL - Front R ow Coach Dave Foster, Coach John r,s ·her 2nd R ow· Michelle Quaranuno , Brigette Blythe, Lisa Nobel, Regan Hatch, 3rd R ow Nilh DcsMarteau Alison Haberman, Mane Schowalter, 4th Row · Amy Conley, Jessi ca Simcox; Not P ictured Tammy Cooksey - Photo by Janssen Photography
Sports - 153 __-- - - -·
SOPHOMORE VOLLEYBAL L - Fron t Row Paige Wadsworth, Melanie Pla yer, Mar cie Gram , 2nd Row · Knst1c Trullinger , Johe Frost , Coa ch Wend y Shepard , Keisha Page , Yvonne Trupllo , 3rd Row · Tud1 Ortega, J a1 Ma y, Dan yez Starr, Stephanie Ba chofer~ Not P ictured Ke sha St ein , Tani a Setzer - Photo b y Janssen Photograph y

Swish Swoosh Smack Zing Ouch!

olfers Go for Gold

Golf Slightly ove rw eigh t old m en 1n chec ke red be ll bottoms s macking s mall co lored balls O K ., I've seen Caddyshac k o n e too many tunes A m ore fitting description of golf might be a bea utif ul walk , ruin ed by a little white ball. Howev er, th at was not th e case for years boys ' golf team In fact, many of th e 1988 players co uld be quoted as saying, " I had a blast thi s seaso n! " Ou t of rune mat ches and tournaments this seaso n , the team b r o ug h t home four , co unt em ', four victo ries. Man y of th e spectators wondered how the he ck th e f auways r emained inta ct with all those darn Valvo line and P enzo1l t r actors weeding

and feed in g th e greens But we all know that 1t wasn ' t JUSt winrung matches that made o ur golf team spe• cial . No , it was pl ayers We e Brad D in· kle wh o was honored for his exceptional play Brad placed seco nd m the state compe titi on and was awarded d1stnct champion Well Bra d , yo u ' re on your way to becoming the next spo k esman fo r P enzo1l. With an overall victo ri ous season, th e Golden t eam has an op t1mi st1c outloo k fo r f utur e co n fro nt a tions

L-':.e fore, man 1• Tom H 11gn p,,hnltly 1>1111ts for Arnold P11lmn to m<r1e his Pen t.or/ tru<k • Photo fry Kt"Ytn M <Gr11 1h " G , II
V ' ffl I c::: t1 C: eBade
om H
• Photo
154 Golf
ow: J~ Bullock, John Brandt, Fr o nt r ow: Omt Roh m1g, Chad Carlson, Scot Rose , Jason
Brandt, T
M cGrath
Not your s1aeotyp 1<11l golfer• fuse BuUode. 's golf thoughts 11re, " Y ou stuuupp,J /111/e b11U I'm gonna hit )OU sooo * 1 &ird your skin's gonna rip off" • Photo fry Kt"Ytn M<Grath

Shh! Drnl:le's up.• "Gosh, I w,sh they d sh ut up [ A-·ondn ,f Moms mal:rng lasagn,z for drnnn? Hmm

If I <an m<1ke this ma)be I <an get to st<1te Yeeaah Or maybe nen pla<e saond 111 state Yeah, that's the tul:et I'm gonna do 11 ,md then I'm gonn,1 be ar¥arded distric:t <Mmp1011t I aondn 1/ my deodorant IS a orl:rn g?" • Photo fry Kn-tn 1\.1<Grath

It 's .ill m the tongue' - John 8r<1ndt <hips onto the green, 1ust rn<hes from the rop. • Photo fry Kmn M<Gr,1th

- - ~-
Sports 155
• .. "Gtt that duJt 1" • Greg Moort S(Ttams at ftflow ttammatts m an atttmpt to deftnd th(Jr goal • Photo Fry Mr Wilkinson Slide tarklt 1 • GolJm JO(CtT ttam players wauh tht mttnu pof>ltr play on tbt r~u In front of tbtm
156 • Soccer
f '
• Photo Fry Mr Wdkinson

een on Kicking

It IS no wonder 1ha1 soccer as 1he world's most popular and compet111ve sport Soccer specu.1ors .1rc famous for 1he1r unsportsm-nhke behavior during mtern.ittonal championships Throwing bottles, harassing offte1als, and practtc.111} declanng war on the opposing is commonplace tn this spon However. Golden supponers weren't quite as a<tive in their roles as fans, a face wruch clearly irked the team members who tned to overcome the ind1gn1ty of being ignored But how did they do this you might ask? Well, they s1mply tightend their spikes, endured the pam of 3 hour pr.ietices and shunned the emba.rr.issment of only having IS un1Iorms. Oh yc:ah, thc:y also learned the technique of pl.iying soccc:r with fully drcsscd football players. But through all the mudholes and footballs mistaken for soccer balls, the soccer at Golden had a good time even though they finished wtth an o, 8 and 1


record Despite the rc:cord, they .111 wished the season would not have ended f'v1any of the soccer pl.iyers felt that the tc:am 1mprovc:d tncrc:d1bl} over the season \, ars1t) soccer plavcr Br oo k Bo rd en sau:I, "Th1S )tar Jl-t Jl-trt a nell team, JO next )<ar •t r.11/ all be more org.Jm{td and &ne people 11,ho Amor.. the g.Jmt ' Soccer pla)er A a ron Ga b rielson sau:I, "Thu )tar 11,a1 fun but next )tar 11,e will pt.a, to 11,1n not ju11 for fun' Oh, thanks for cleanng that up Aaron " lVe lu.ed the TndttttJ but 11,e hardly ner sar.. one cheerleader not from our uhool anyzi..r)', ' "commented Enc R eed. B nan Byerly noted " The season was tnttrtJtmg lVe had fun e>tn though our rtcord du:ln 't shozi. 11 " Ne,,t season soccer f ner JVtl/ ag.,rn qu1<l:m Demon puhes

-f.fatt Hartme1stt1 and Brian Johnson

Where's the ball?· Golden teamma tes run down the field 1n search of the black and whtte sphere. · Photo by Mr Wdk 1nson

''Well at least it was fun!''
BOY S ' SO CC ER TEAM - Fro nt R o w · Russ W1lkmson, Jamee A m banantz, OaVtd Adclf111grr Tim Schloffman, Clint Clark. Craig Turnbull, S e c o nd R ow Mattruas Bostrom, John Hildreth Todd Macalady, Jim Rudolph. James Golden, Craig Mulberry; Third Row Coach Glen :rdorowia Glenn Eilers_ Gregg Moore, Jason Moore, OaVtd Hughes, Brook Borden, Greg Plummer, Enk Reed • Photo by Golden Tran.scnpt
I '• ." ..... ....
Spor ts • 157-..........- ~· -

layin' the Field

Out in Left Field

When you first looked at the girls' softba ll t eam, you saw a group of dedica ted young women doing their best to win a softball game. But that 's not all you saw You saw bats and balls and ma ybe even a mitt or two And 1f yo u looked reall y dose, you co uld even see what true gnt the Golden girls' sof tball team had. Although the t eam 's record was only so-so, the seaso n had to be considered a success ,f only because of the fa ct that so many underclassmen assumed starung pos1t1ons As H ea th er K olin said," We lost a lot of leadership when last year's seniors graduated But, we managed to win a few games and we had a good tim e."

That's nght they had a good tune

Well, I guess that's what 's importan t. But, co urse, there were those tunes when one had to put that nose to the grindstone. Such a ttme occurred when the girls took on the archenemy Farmers. The Farmers came into the game as one of the leagues powerhouses- only to meet up wah the defia nt Demons And although the Demons came up a few runs short, the effort was valiant and sincere, much like the Demon season. It was a littly disappointing, but everyone p layed as hard as he could.

Clou <.zll f ad:,1< Clark JU!I misses gettang tagged ,n a g.zme against LAke~ood - Photo b) K,rycu UY)
{58 Softbi1/I
First row : Jackie Clark, Kelly Denning, Cindy Gebhardt, Kim Nealson Second row: Jody Culon, Heather Kolm, Buffy Wolf Third row : Wendy Corre ll , (Coach) Sandy Seltzer, Darcy Jones - Ph oto by Kevm McGrath
.._._._...,,I+..._..1,.....,.. },..; e,i I . .
CRACK' - Look out Babe Ruth, there is the Golden H,gh School softball team!· Photo by Kmn McGrath
- - ----r-·- - - -· -~mkt thrtt, 1ou're out 1 • Heathn Kolm stnkes out one of &ar Cruk's best • Photo lry Bnan
Sports 119 - .- - ------- -·
First r ow: Coach Karen Stahler, Cheryl Talbert, Jearune SteLtano, C.uhenne Wager, Ka t hy Engelke, Michelle Dorsch, Tammy Wmd, Dana Scll1van S eco nd r o w: H eather Neilsen, Amy Jo Reid , LtSa Fluek1ger, Kann Pyt t e, Renita Kribbs Third r ow: Dawn Hayner, Gayle Munsart , Stephanie Flynn • Photo by KeVln McGrath
160 - Cross country
Boys ' Cross Co unt ry Chns Thompson, Trey Sloan, Ryan Amhanantz, Ben McMahon, Bnan Cooper, Scott Hutcheson, Luke Young, Paul McQuay, Bryant Trost Not P ictu red · Joe Vactor, Stephen Kerr, Mike Attebery - Photo courtesy of Gma Nelson
- - -, -:.__ - · -
Girls' C r oss Cou ntry Ctndy Bergeron, Molly Panon, Leslie Dean, Darcy Bromberg. Kathenne Boggs_ Kirsten Hams. Not Pi c tured Joelle Ccal, Sarah Burke - Phot o co uctesy of Gma Nelson

Brrat IB'4'f • Scott Hutchaon curs through tk pa<~ 111:.t a hot k:n1ft through butter • Photo cr,urttr} of G111a Ntlson.

Splul, Splash, I ~as taking a Jog? - Jot Victor • Photo courttry of Gina Ntlson.

acing with the Wind

Your feet thud dully against the uny1eld1ng pavement of the mountain road as your heart races la ke an angry humm1ngb1 rd Sweat stings your eyes as you begin to wonder JUSt what you've decided to do to yourself And the wind dies, leaving you to plod on through the heat, alone

No, you're not crazy, and this isn't a nightmare It's cross country, and co its afficianados it's the sport of the gods. Like the Anc ient Greeks who ran naked for miles and fill es, and hke the f irst ma rathon runner who died at the end of hlS tnp, these long dIStance

masochists really get off on pain and bodily torture, and Golden excelled at this

This year, the team won more trophies than they ever had before. It was a good year for B e n M cMah o n As summed up by Bri a n Coope r , "He ran , like, way faster than anybody else " According to Brian, the team was really close to going to state and everybody tned hard Da rcy Bromb e rg said, 1n a f 1t of ternfy1ng ong1nal"I f " H tty, t was un. 1p S co tt " R e d" Hut c h eso n ' s maroon and gold streaked by the rest of

the ilk at Bear Creek "Red" was also the Jester of the team, charg ing the air with his razor sharp wit and ca tapulting himself into backfl1ps 1n fats of ecstasy

So what dnves this motley crew to this extreme? What would co mpel such men into these · states? The answer to this 1s unclear, but they co me flocking to the cross co untry banner like loyal p1lgnms. "It was real fun, " said J oe Vic t o r That 's nght, J oe You bet

-Jarl "Ultra Violet" Anderson
Sports - 161
sh.ii, halt • Jot Victor, Sttphm Kc-r, arul fnmds stop traffic as they run for Goldm • Photo courttry of Gina Ntlson.

wimming with Splash

The g irl s' sw1m team had one of the best seasons ever. They won six out of eight meets of the regular season and received the second place troph y at the Aurora lnvttattonal Four girls, Tera Porterfield, Stephanie Woods , Lesli e Burchfield, and Danielle N icholls qualified for sta te Leslie Burchfield and Steph· ani e Woods also qualifi ed 1n indivtdual events

Sw ururung was not all work and no play, however Team members had fun with "Sec ret Swunmers". Du r ing the week before League, each swimmer had a "secret s wunmer " to whom each day she gave a no t e and some candy or

other s mall present "My secret swimmer had better not give me t oo muc choc olate!" was all Andrea Barret had t o say Secret Swimmers was d,. s igned by Coach Sonja Miles to get the team members psyched up for League, and a lso served to add somL exciteme nt to daily practice

There were, however, some dra,\ backs to swimming every nigh t k Kr isten Bellion would say, "Peopl are always coming up and ask in g me 1t I'm a swimmer because my hair 1 I" green

-Li sa Walter

Wow!. Lon DtrJ executes d perfect p1kt dn tat the mut against An-add iVcst • Ph-Ot o by Kn1n McGrath
• • i •
I I If I cut can just 2 seconds off my 100 m breastroke, I'll be happy."
J e n Vaughn. n
.162 • Grrls' S"1mmrng
GIRLS' SWIMM ING• First Row : Kirs ten McIntosh, Angela Herrod , Andrea Barrett, Lon Day, W"ndy Bnndl c; Second Row : Laura Schweppe, Vrel1 Lange, Kosten Bell,on, Leticia Espinoza, Katie Bremer, Ryan McGrath, Tlurd Row : Coach Sonia Miles, Lisa Walter , Jenni \ augh n, S tephanie Woods, Sh.iyle M cKell,ps, Leslie Burchfield, Tera Portcrf1cld • Photo by KcV1n tvlt Gr.ith Any d,ry, Ttra • M trJl>t someone shou/J gave Tera Porttrfic/J a good push'- Photo by KCY111 McGu11h All nght, who S<J.J tM water was J¥arm? - C'mon Suphan~ Woods, J>Mrt LS)Our scnstof humor'. Photo by Kmn McGrath
Sports - 16J
Splish, sp!tJsh, splish, gtJtJtJtJSssp - With IM s/uJ:. aquadyruzmu:s of a harp stal, Tami Hahm racts to tM frnrsh ,n tk JOO mt/tr brtastrokt • Photo by Kmn McGrath
- -----· - ~ -~ ·
Wait! Comt ba<k! • Enc Z,ponn sums to bt bt<komng h11 baU back, but IS actually about to mak.t 11 btaut1fu/ smit • Photo by Kn,in M cGrath
164 • Trnn11 .. ..
Hahaha 1 Just try 11 • Kn,in Ka11w11ra gnnJ mamacally, danng hu oppontnt to Int h,m. • Photo by K(Yln M cGrath

lmost State

This year, two of our venerable boys' tennis team members almost made 1t to state I say almost, though 1n fact, they were slated to appear and wou ld have except fo r a teeny-tiny admm1strat1ve error ( they d1dn't find out the time and da t e). These wonderful young men ( who were den ied thei r g lory) were Craig Howe and Kevin Kajiwara

I asked Craig Howe what h is secret to wmrung was.

"I' m unp redictab le They never know what to expect from me ." What a bea ut iful guy.

Maybe 1t 1s be tt er chat this pair was no t unleashed a t state With their amazing prowess at tenrus , they p robably would have swep t state, reduC10g

the compeuuon to sruveling we1n1es They probab ly would have been sued to pay the medical bills of their oppone n ts who rrught have s uffered nervous breakdowns when confronted with the awesome powers of this pair of ma cho dudes .

Of course, these credits to the male sex were not the only members of the team There were some other guys who wor ked ha rd, like Nick How e and And y Klein , who almost almost made 1t to state. And guys hke Justin Dentry who "had fun, and messed around It was a bl ast'" A bureaucratic error left Go lden High students lamenting a lost victory

I Go o1kt14 mal« 171)' d,ry • Enc Z1ponn gl'>-CS hu opponmt tk cnl ()Cm an attempt to thr(nal off hu «n-t Photo lry Kom McGrath
~,;:: :::; 1- J \i~.~
A Smash In Time
BOYS' TENNIS · Front R ow· Craig H owe. KCV1n K.ajiwara, Enc Z,ponn, Hotchkiss, Jrn Engelke, Brian fknbow, 2nd R ow: Mark Walter, Andy Klem, Nick Howe , 3rd R ow Sumer Singh, R1,h Gee, Frank Konsella, Jason Hamplenun, Justin Dentry, Rick Furtak; Ba ck R ow Scott Sh." Nick Bczzcndcs., Steve Williamson, Ryan Lowe, Tyler Harwood, DaV1d Maren, Coach Scott Coll,ns Photo by KcV1n McGrath
Sports 165
Going for tM fall · Chad Houhkus mmaongly ryes the ball speeding toward him • Photo lry Knin McGrath

ymnast Jargon

Gymnastics Ahh. The art of twisting oneself into inhuman positions and then vaulting oneself into the air Golden had developed a certain amoun t of tradition 1n this art And this yea r the team did exceptionally well. They started the year wtth a 1 28 point performance and ended the year with a 156 point performance All nght, so I don ' t know what that means, but rumor has 1t that 1t ts pretty good

After all, the average Joe would probably lay money on a pommel horse to win the Belmont Stakes I mean when I think of a one armed swinging giant, v1s1ons of Atlas p laying Tarzan without the use of one of his upper limbs flash through my head And isn't a pike formation JUSt a school of co ld water predatory fish?

Or, co rrect me 1f I'm wrong, but aren't uneven bars pla ces where there are more guys than gtrls? And isn't Diamodov one of the characters tn Dostoyevsky' s Cnme and PuntShme-nt? And lastly, a reverse kip has got to be any ume that you sta rt your car in reverse and acctdentally kip the gu 1 behind you.

So, what does all of this have to do with gymnastics? Good question. All of these things that sound somewhat ludi crous to the lay person make up the vocabulary of a gymnast. So when you hear a kind of small strong looking young lady say,"Tsukahar~". don't be alarmed because 1t has nothing to do with eattng raw fish.

An'1 no»- for a dismount - Wtndy H1lgn s flys off the balanct btam onto the (old, &lrd 11141 belor.. • Phot o by Kmn M(Grath
''It was one of the funnest seasons e ver. We seemed to all get along real we ll.'' - Cally Duncan
GIRLS' GYMNAST I CS Front Row - Raquel Rascon , Franc1 I som, M egan Barney, 2nd Row J oy Robmson , S t acy Malone y, Back Row · Deanna Dun can, Melody Jenson, Amy Cha pm an, Ca ll y, Julie Stevmson, Mar cy Etzenhouser, Not pictured Wendy Hilgers, Co,1ch Manlyn \Xfikox - Phot o by Zem1 Photography 166 - Gymnast,cs
1 1----•
R1bb1t, nbb11 - Am,ivng, Deanna Duncan trannnognf~s herself mto a buUfrog • Photo by Kmn McGrath
Poise. cltganct StTmgth - Call')' Duncan prtparts hnstlf for a drama/I( finish - Photo /ry Kenn l\fcGrath
Sports - 167
Uhhg 1 , thJt s gotta h1111 • Am')' Chapman srrashu ha midsu11on up against th<- unnm bars • Photo Ir) Krnn McG,.,,h
Sk} ll'
- It
a fa)U/>
gou for
Dann) Thoem1:t m pra(tlCt - Photo <ourttS) of Goldm Trans<Trpt
168 - 80)S Basketball
B oys' Sophomore and Fre s hman Basketball • Front R ow· Brack Crouch, Nathan Bnttam, Niel Ho~e. K,p Wes t gard, Mike Dnscoll, Bnan Mulberry, D aY1d G,ur, Omo Vazquez; Second R ow Aaron Bocko, Jason Brandt, Rich Gee, Brun Valan t , Jason Moore, Bill Jancc k, Chad Carlon, Bill Westby, Jus t ,n Cur, Jimm y Rock, Coach Sco tt Thomas. Ba ck R ow · Vince Thompson, Ch ris Wells, Joey Mason, Brett Friday, Coach Tim \Vallee, Kurt Westgacd, Rob Duster, Doug Cox, J,m K,cfer - Photo by Zemi Photography

Fin ally, t he boys' bas ket ba ll t eam has beg un t o receive t he resp ec t t hey deserve Afte r las t yea r 's reco r d of 167 a n d a 67-6 4 l oss t o G eo r ge W ash in gt o n a t s t a t e, m any va rs it y pl ayers retu rned wit h mu ch n eeded experi ence

S t ar tin g t he season ,v 1t h s ix con sec utive victo ri es, s t a t ew ide n ewsp a p ers had Go ld en r anked as h igh as seco n d 10 s t a t e. Go lde n was a lso one of t he hig h es t sco ring t ea ms 1n t he s t ate ave rag in g ove r 85 p o in ts p er ga m e Accor d in g t o h ead coach J e rry Goi n gs , "Las t seaso n we were pnm a ril y a defe nsive t ea m an d th tS seaso n we ar e of fens 1vel y o ri e nt ed This 1s p robably t he bes t sco ring t eam I have eve r coache d ."

For Grabs

Jason Valant, all -s tate h o peful and leading sco rer , commented, "As long as the team has a good a ttitude and doesn ' t get over co nfident , we will win games." With Jas on Valant ave r aging over 26 pomts per game , the fo urth highest total 1n the state and Jaso n A r os t e gu y av erag i ng 17 poin ts and 1 0. 3 rebou n ds per game, the thud highest t otal 1n the s tate, Golde n had a very su ccess fu l seaso n L u ckily , Go lden onl y had o ne rruno r i n1u ry this season . Wal t e r Sims, a rebounding an d sc ormg for ce, tore so m e ligaments tn his wrtSt keeping hi m o ut of games fo r two and one half weeks

The J uruo r Varsity, led by juruo rs

Dam i on S i m c ox a nd Dann y Th o emke, had a very s u cc essful season, as did the f res hman team , wh o were led b y Nick H o we . The so ph om o res were the mos t pred o minant of all. The y ad van ced co che finals o f their re s pe c tive t o urn a ment wh e re the y beat Arvada f o r t he coun ty champio nship

So y es , inde ed 1t d oes loo k like a true dynas ty IS being es tablished An oddi ty at a sc hool that h a d not be en r espe cted fo r its athleu cs JUSt a few years ag o.

- Ry an Kandel and And y Kl ern

St1uh - Jason Valant Jupl.rys /,u lnghl) profess,onal fonn .igamst £,ngrun • Photo b) R)Jn Karulrl BOYS ' J UNIOR VA R S I TY BASKET BA LL - Fron t R ow Coach Knut e Pet erson, D~ 1d Jonrs., Gle nn Link, Brian Valant, D an ny Thoem ke, Damion S,mcox; B ac k R o" Billy Neal, l)~vid Myers, Vince Thompson, Brandon Larsen N o t P i ctur e d Marshall Allen, J ason M oore, Doug Cox.
Boys' 8.zsl;ttball • 169
BOYS' VARS I TY B ASKET B ALL · F r on t Ro w Coach Knu te Peterson, Cooch Jeri) Goings, D.1m1on Simcox. Walter Suns, Jayson Arosteguy, Kns Pytte, Mark Ulmer, Danny Thoemke, B a ck R ow · Scott Johnson, Greg Cox, T,m Kub1stek, Jason Valant, Ted Shaffrr, Troy l\,1oody

the O ffense

Some people sc off at the noti on t h at physicall y and mentall y girls are able to play basketball Boys seem to tak e " pot sh ots " ev ery ume the sub1e ct of girls ' bas ketball comes up ' 'Your playing resembles ballet out on th e fl oo r," sneers Billy Neal as h e obnoxiousl y imitates a girl playing basketball Other co mments sugges t that when scrambling for a ball, girls ba ck away, for they are afr ai d of breaking a nail

However, this 1s far from the truth Females on the court are aggressive and aren ' t afraid of breaking their nails ( we cut them down) As for bal-

let , we girls must like mixing 1t up a lot This explains ch e loose balls and wild rebounds that we girls go after (many times on our knees) Th e words , " Au contraire, mon frere," Justly refut e Billy Neal's co ntenu ons . With all o f this in mind , I d o have a question for the males of this school who persistentl y put down the female basketball program, ' 'Is this some type of male bonding ? I mean, obvi ously, it' s a definite form of chauvnism, but why? What ' s the big deal ?"

-Val Born

'Out of rn)' f.ict!" - N,cofc DcsA-1artt,1u ,1ttempu a bartfint j«rnprr
f, 0L D~ ' 1 .._ ;:=, 147 ~(!:: I 00\..'J E1 42
Court Culprits
, 30 • '1R --..... · SO PH O M O RES G IRLS ' BAS K ETBALL - Fr o nt R ow S t t> ph a ni e Fl yn n,
2 n d R ow
nn e S t el
Mary Ann Kc:rsuen~.
Sa r ah Burke; Ba c k R o w · Coach R.1ndy Shreiner Dawn H ayner. Danie ll e N irho ll s., Sh ay le M cKcll1ps, V al Boen , M 1ll1 e Wind er
170 - Girls' Bar kttball
- Photo by Zem1 Photog r.1phy JUNIOR VARSITY GIRLS ' BASKETBALL - Fro nt Row · Am y Cusa ck, Cheryl Draper, 2nd R o w A my Bra by. D arc ey Bro mberg, Julie Br own , Ba c k Row · Coach Sue E ll is, B,ll1c Jo V ig il T era Kri eger , \Xl c nd y Co rr ell - Pho t o by Ze m1 P h ot ogra phy
,1,n 't pretf) but
~orks • C,rul, Gebhardt g~1 up for the l,ry-up - Photo <ourttf) of the TranJ(71pt
Varsity Girls ' Basketball· Front Row D anica \Xf11l1ams, K en H ughs., Ka t herine; 2nd Row C ind> Gebhardt, N icole D csl'v1arteau, Back Row Co.ich Jim Ell,~. Jess1ta Simcox, H ea t her Nielsen Not P ictured Jody Grland • P hoto by Zcm1 Photography
172 - Wren/mg
Stop J(T m<mn' around• Tracy Harding f(TOJ m on hu target uxked up • KJlt Fin* &S up his opponmt, ready for the takedO'MJ Photos by Mrs Harding

unnel Vision

Overpowering the cheering crowd is the sweet sound of silence. The wrestlers stare off into space creating each situation on the floor in their head. No one dares talk to them, for they will not answer should the speaker even be heard They sit and wait fo r their few minutes on the mat The face tells the story; the intensity is fierce Each wrestler anttapates his vtctory, his chance to show no mercy, to make his opponent suck the mat The ind1vtduals make the team . One can not count on someone else to pin

tling team was fairly successful, w1th five wrestlers going to state Cully W ah t ola, Kyle Fink, Gino Sarti, Du stin Ja r ma n , Erik Lundell made a 1oumey to the place of many great wrestlers with Cully W ah t ola gaining the State Heavyweight title

The team had a record of 4-3-1, not bad cons1dermg all the in1unes that plagued the team towards the closing of the season All things aside, this year's wrestling team had the V1S1on 1t took to be triumphant the opponent; 1t is up to each wrestler - Mike "C rash" Sanders to go out with that loller instinct and come out victorious Th.ts year's wres-

4th In Districts, not bad.

I got ya where l want ')a Joe Dean takes advantage of hu position. • Photo by Arlene Dtan Silent but dangnotH • Aaron Gabru:lron sits m tht stands, mtd1tatmg for hu m.ztd> • Pharo ½ ,\f,ke S,mdtrs
tl'rtstling • I 71
Top Row Joe D' Angelo , Greg Evcrshed, Kyle Fink , Cull y Wa.lnola, Dusttn Jarman, Tony Baldisan Thi.rd Row Bnan Hat cher, TraVI.S Kn ox. Tim Hauser, Auon Gabnlson, Tracy Harding, Erik Lundell , Neil Saxton, Jeremy Johnson, Stephen Kerr , Milce Atteberry Second Row Kenner, Chns Thompson, Preston Martinez, Zach Wallcc:r, N,dc Palmer Front Row: Chru Gabnc:lson, Kam Kelly, Bnan Trost, Chns Kuba.s ea, Brandon Lundell, Charles Hammersly, Scott Schloffman Photo by Zerni Photography

Practice Makes Perfect

p for Air

The gu ys newl y shaven leg s glimmered 1n the shunmenng water Overwhelnung their opponents, the Boys' team resembled dolphms as the y glided through the water with lightening speed. In turn, tlus was how Golden claimed vi ct ory after victory, devastating whomever they went up against, only sustaining one loss, an unpress1ve re co rd

Likewise, the group had the personali ty and spunk of a winrung team . Sacnficmg Fnday rughts and Saturdays isn' t easy, yo u know However, beyond the inspiring team unity, Golden has 1ts share of successful and re co gnized swimmers, one of them be-

his expertise, diving - ranked one of the top ten divers in the co untry Y et another outstanding water lover is Jam e s Da y, a strong possibility for state co mpetition And finally D oug Gayer, who remarkably and well-deservedly qualified for Nationals in lnd1anapohs .

All together, the male swunoung program was qwte triumphant, to say the least , this season Like all sports here at GHS, the athletic p rog rarr,~ h ave truly come alive, with swunming being no exception With hard wor, and true dedi cation, they can ent er next season confident.

Whee did th< 11, ater go ? • Ryan MeGrath performs ytt another near perfut dtt't • Photo lry Krnn M eGrath.
174 • Boys' Sll'lmmmg
BOYS' SWIM TEAM· Front R ow · Vrel1 Lange (manager), 2nd R ow Mark Johnson , D,w1d Salter, Duncan H.ilsicad , Kevin DaVlS, Ry,1n Wel ler, Sean \Xfeehan, 3rd R ow · Coach Sonia Milt's. Lukt" Young, Scott Atenoo, James Day, Chnd Gayer, Dan Edwards, Coach Grag Vowles, Ba ck R ow Seth M~Gmn1s_ Steve Wdl1.,mson, Greg T11ley, Doug Gaye r, Mark Lane, Matt G.ignon, Not P ic tu red Marian Dam1ds, Ralph Espinoza, Ryan McGrath, Adrian Stevens, Kenn y Withrow, En< Olson, Trac y Lucas (manager), Nickie Reiley (manager) • Photo by Zem1 Photography ing R y an McGrath In cidentall y, -Val Born he 1s nationally known in the f1eld of ll'o~. nery1h1ng'1 upside do1V11 • Adnan Stnms g.ssps ash< eucutes" wan d11t Photo by 1'.nm /l,frG,111h.
Don 't dne m shJlloD Dater • /Jmer Da..,
nurrts J brokm head - Photo ½ l,.n1n /lf<Grath
HoD dolphmuh - Luke Young leaps mto a ,ool pool. - Photo by Kenn f.1,Grath.

the real ,hurfeader please sup forward'



FRESHMEN C HEERLEADERS • FRONT R O W : M1St y Huntcc, Natalie Clark, 2nd R ow: Heather Verbeck, Enn Ferguson , Cin dy Garvin, Jeni Olson; 3rd R ow: Jod y Koch, Debbie Shaner, Michelle McReynolds N ot P ictured: Crystal Bumcy - Phot o by KeVJn McGrath

VARSITY C HE ERLEADERS • FRONT ROW : L!Sa Darlmg, Jacky Wells, Knsun, Nordlie, 2nd Row : Kelli Anderson, Sonia Carlson, Karen Kronauge, Angie Godsey, Coll~n M cllwoc, G1na Floyd, JCSSJ ca Eaton, 3rd Row: Jenny Gray, Cassand ra Wh1rne y; 4th Row: uth)' Palandn , Joy Oslm N o t Pictured: Tom Diedn chs. - Photo by KeVJn McGrath

Would • Jack:y iVtl{s captures ,mposto Marry Grd"J • Photo fry Krnn McGrath
176 •
Cheerleadns, Tndtlltt

Need a spiritual lift?

Do you have lots of school sp1nt, ene rgy, and enthusiasm ? Then y ou may have the makings of a cheerleader or Tndette. However, these girls found that performing 1s not as glamorous as they had expected. Their training started at the begmnmg of the summ er and required many hard hours after school. The first learrung session of chee rs was taught b y Eli Shaffer ( cheerlead mg sponsor) and Becky Gantner (Tndette sponsor ) Both put many hours into making our cheerleaders and Tndettes something to be proud of at GHS

This year's Tndette captains were J enny Brown, Tanya Kusyk, and

Kr i stina Ricker Freshmen cheerleader captain was Debbie Shaner, and varsit y capt a in wa s Colleen Mcllwee

Many of the cheerleaders h ave been disappointed 1n the enthusiasm of the crowds " It would have been mu ch easier 1f the crowd was more enthus1ast1c," said Cathy Palandri It took a lot of courage and gnt for the freshman cheerleaders to get up 1n front of the ennre student body and perform while an apatheti c crowd looked on in stlen ce So, go ahead, be led b y the CHEER leaders , get 1t?

-Missy Thompson

H'hu-h ,hter o1rt i>t on agam" Susan l-V,u looks on ,n Jup thought trying to rtmcnber htT next sup • Photo b) Kenn !t,fcGrath
eady • • • okay!
lRIDET I ES· BA CK ROW : Karen Littlepage , Tnaa Schroder, Susan W1~, Deanna 2u,ey, Cammy Guetlem, 3rd R ow: Michelle Condron , Chns Malkmus, Heather Ross, Laune Crozier, Knsten Thompson; 2nd Row: Ta.isaya Na vant, Janna Durbin , C handa IGJl1an, Kane Schowalter, Ccsta Erbaugh, Front R ow: Krunna Ri cker, Jenny Brown, Tany a Kusyk Not Pictur ed: Katnna Hill • Photo by Kevtn McGrath H old on 11gh t '. K rist in., Ricker and To1n1o1 J.. u.ry k hold 11p /m ny Brown as sht hol<h on for drt11 lift
Chrerleaders, Tnd t t1ts 177
Photo lry Kevrn /l fcGrath.

ee haw food. That's right, we've come to the section that we leave open for students' most needed industr y , th e food business. Every day about 3 billion Golden High School stud e nts go out to eat for lunch. All right, th e r e we r e slightly fewer than 3 billion stud e nts at Golden High, but at any rate the local merchant economy thrived on the high school business. Likewise, high school students would have had a hard time getting by without the businesses. And not just the food business. High school students need haircuts, and they


need white out, and they need to get their cars worked on. The memories and experiences of many students were formed or partially formed by the shops of the area. You remember all those lunches and all those post-partying snacks. Also, you remember how glad you were when the mechanic could fix your car or how relieved you were to find that one store in Golden still had one gyroscope left so you could finish your mousemobile for physics; .

,. " 178. Ads • - - -- -:: - - - - - --:z: ., ..
" ' ---- ~---· -__ ..,._ • I T .
.. .
(:om1ng soon to Golden - A new Burger King! -
Ads /79
Photo by Enc Schultz
/ ,. " 180 Ads ----- "': , ..... _,,,,. l \ 1,,, ai, , • • • • ' i l\1111f111>-: I' '' 11111 h 'l'I''"' ,, 1111,, pr,,,,I, , I" r, h ,, d" n, I,, r n "'" ,,t ,,,11 1 l,,1111 f"' ' l.n , ,,11 1w, r1 1,"r 1h 11 ~dt \ '" r, t\ hHn , J,,,,11, Jr,,(. B 11 h Susan Wis e Hope you will be re aching out to others all yo u r life Love , Mom and Dad M e lissa Anderson We wish you a h f e fil led with laugh t er, hap p in ess, tears , rai n bows, hard wor k, s u ccess , good f n ends , JOY, God 's pea ce and hea r ts f ull of love M o m and J ay Best wishes for a successful future from all your friends at r,j Ftrst f'..:I ~,,;terstate Bank First Interstate Bank of Golden , N A 1301 Jackson St Golden , CO 80 401 303 273-6349 I


Thank you for the sunshine you have put mto ou r u ves. We ' re glad God blessed us wtth your birth.

J1mmy- You make

I Lynn Brennan
M om. Knsta and Jamie L L Camille Vigil
o u've always been a star Shoot for the moo n , honey 1 You can be whatever you wan t to be. We love you
Emp l oyee Owned Greg Guameros NATIONAL SCHOOL Barb Sullivan STUDIOS •Jim Golden
Dad and Mo m
TOUCHING THE LIVES OF STUDENTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ._~, GOLDEN FLORAL ~0.-.. At The Village Graduat10ll Cameo Porvarts CAPTURING TODAY MEMORIES FOR TOMORROW Lifet ouch National School Studios Inc 9240 West 68th Place Arvada Colorado 80004 303 451 0365 or 303 424 3408 r1' 17706 S. Golden Rd . Golden, CO 80401 (303) 279-9755 Ads 181
We love you, Mom and Dad
.. • Lori Kroeger All the wonderfu l tim es with you, Lon, watching yo u develop into a lovely young lady Love and congratulations t o our Travis Knox Cong ratu l ations, son! The sky's the limit, reach for 1t! J r I V •) •Dawn Watkins We are so proud of you. From dolls to bat and ball and from rattle to bass fiddle, you're the best We love you, Mom & Dad W I M & D d ! I beautifu l daughter, Dad & Mom e ove you, om a t--___________________________..______________ Gokkn f-'91~~~ Photo9raph1J 182 Ads - --. ~ -~~~ust four blocks north of G .H s 011. ~,\c1cso11 ,15 .20th Str~l'.t Golrl~it. Co SO-+OI tn, -'PP~•mhncnt ,:79- lt,0) For All Of Your Photo Needs And In The Future~ Now... I
I I GOLDEN CHIROPRACTIC CENTER, P.C. TheJeweler quality nng designed for your school. DR. RICHARD A. BERGERON •X - RAY FACILITIES •INSURANCE ACCEPTED • •WORKMAN$ COMPENSATION •PERSONAL INJURY •AUTO ACCIDENT PlummerS FAMILY CH I ROP RACTIC CARE Jewelry NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATIONS 2401 FORD - GOLDEN 278-1550 1206 Washington Ave. Golden, Colo. 80401 Telephone 279- 4 246 4!\ "-· j J. \ l ,,,, l Jennifer Johnston Cong ra tul ations, Jenny! Watch ing you g row has fi ll ed us with a variety of emouons - joy, fea r, excitement, hope, a n d m ost of a ll , LOVE Thanks fo r being you, Mom & Dad • Jason Valant Jason , we ' re so fortunate to have you as a son and a friend May you have the happiness 1n you r li fe you ' ve brough t to us We love you very much , Mom & Dad Jamee Ambariantz Nee Nee , You ' re on you r wa y!! We ' re proud of you and we love you dearly! Mom, Dad , Ryan , & Za ch A ds - ISJ

,Cindy Alpin e


We love yo u and wish you the best for the future Wha t ever 1t hold s, we ' ll alway s be the re for y ou

Love, Mom , Dad , and Joy .,

Roy Smith

You have always been the center of ou r team

Love, Mom, Dad , and Sis

Janna Durbin

From g rade school t o g rad u a t io n , yo u ' ve always been a Joy! Co n g ra tul ations and co ntinued s u ccess m your future Dad and Mom

Scott Miller

Watchmg Sco tty g row! Thanks for being th e wonderfu l son you a re You hav grea t d reams for yourse lf - th e sky is the hm 1t. We l ove yo u!

Love a lways, M o m, Dad, Mel issa, a nd Angela

Mary Ann Brown

Whe re has tun e gone? One day a sweet littl e bund le of JOY - th e n ext, a fine yo un g wo man, who has mad e us a ll very proud Love, Mom , Jr. , and H erschel.

Donna Ann Harris

You always liked t o dress up and s how off. W e' re pr o ud of yo ur accomp li s hments, co ngra tulations! We love yo u and Wt s h mu ch happiness and s u ccess

Lov e, Dad , Mom, and Sandi

184 Ads

- --·--
I •
Robert Johnson Kaycie Levy Kevin McGrath God cou ldn' t have given me anything more precious than you. How proud I am that you are my so n ! The future 1s yo urs We love yo u A D emon at a yo ung age, but a delightful one Our best to you , K ev, as yo u begm yo ur afte r high schoo l hfe Mom, Dad,, Daru el, and J osh Love, Mom! FRANCIS VETERINARY HOSPITAL P.C. Ro6erta. ]. Francis, D.V.M C ~( L. Pea?UJ D.V.M 16199 S. Gou!oi Roat! Go~ Coforw!o 8o401 (303 ) 279-5952 CHARLES L. COURT AD D.D.S. Practice Limited to Orthodontics ( 303 ) 279 - 3355 623 - 14th Street Golden, Colorado 80401 Mom, Dad, K1k1 , and Spanky R HARDWARE THE STORE FOR THE REST OF US) 1103 ARAPAHOE ST. GOLDEN . 279-3393 *HOURS* MON-SAT: 8AM TO 6PM SUN: 10AM TO 3PM Ads. 185

' \ \ L

R oc h e ll e And e rso n

Always loved, always lovely You ma ke each day a spec ial on e Fo ll ow your dreams and make them a real ity

Love, Mom

D a rc ey Br o mb e rg

Well . or o n th e othe r hand we co uld . . . Whatever you dende, whatever you do, we love you and are behind you

Love, Dad , Mom, Fra n , M a tt , Andy, and Jon

J e nn if e r Br o wn

Sweet littl e Jen Jen You 've en n ch ed our life 10 so many ways. May yo u always find I happiness in yo urs!

Love, Mom a nd Dad


~ ' • •••, ,

• • '-

Rand y Dickman

Rand y, You 've made our live s a J OY!

Reme mber always th a t we love yo u! Congrat ul ati ons and good lu ck

Love, Mom , D ad, Brent , Rho n da, Grandmas a n d Gr a ndp as

Tro y Fish e r

Don ' t fo ll ow where th e p ath ma y lead - go in s tead wh ere there is n o p ath and leave a trail Brea k a leg!

Love , M om and D ad

Scott Higgins

You 've truly blessed o ur lives, Sco tt We are so proud of yo u a nd love you ve r y mu ch

May all of yo ur dreams co me tru e.

Love, M om and Dad


- ~- --t.- - -
......, ,,, <]2P I

John Kurgan

Congratulations for a 10b ,vell done We're all so proud of you! May all you r dreams come true.

Our love, Dad, Mom, Mi"ke a nd Scott

Troy Moody

You have been very speaal to us. May the years ahead fill a ll your dreams and goals.

Our love and co ngr acu latt ons, Mom, Dad and Brad

J e ni Orcutt

Your bubb lin g nature and cheerful ,vays have brought JOY to our li ves

We love yo u , Mom and Kns

Greg Plummer

We are proud of you and you r accom phshmen ts.

We'll be 10 your co rner all the way'

Love, Mom and Dad

Nino Valenti

Nino , You've become all we co uld ask for. Hard work has made yo u what you are tod ay. En1oy tomorrow as we have the last 18 yeste rdays.

Love, Mom , Dad and Chr1s

Holly Wadsworth

A Joy For ever!

We love you!

Dad, Mom, J11l , Paige and Chad

Ads ,s~


Troy Cooperman As t he son g goes, " Yo u ar e th e s unsh1n e o f m y life." I'm s ure you will always conti nu e t o b ri gh t en my h f e as well as o t he rs. Love, M o m 188 Ads · - - - --L- -
the moon can be easier than reaching some professors . They show up for cJass , lecture, and then , ,veil, who kno,vs ?
Red Rocks we emphasize accessibility, which means , among other things , that our professors stick around , to listen , to understand, to be understood. They 're real and they ' re human , and they know why you' re there And , knowing that , they know why they are there, too . The new Red Rocks Your knowledge partner. Red Rocks I Community Collegei 12600 West Sixth Avenue, Golden , Colorado 80401 303/ 988-6 160 I I I Kari Klabon Lisa Dawn Co n g ratul a tio n s, W e all a re very pro u d of yo u W e kn ow you will a lw ays t ak e o ur adVI ce. Love M o m, D a d and fa mil y H i Baby, W e' re pr o ud o f you ! Pn sse r Ann , yo u a re # 1, don ' t yo u eve r lose sight o f yo ur go al s. Co n g ratul a t io n s! Lots of L ove, Mom , Dad a nd Tim


Arbuckl e

Goose - You have always been our "TOP GUN" and you will fly with the BEST

Love, Mom , Dad , and Lon

Jill Oslin

Without th e WAY , there is no go1ng; Without th e TRUTH, there 1s no knowing ; Withou t th e LIFE , th ere 1s no living,, Y ou've got a great futur e-Sh1 ne l

Love , Mom , Dad , and Jo y

Mich e ll e S e ib e rt

Y ou have been o ur JOY all these years Ma y all yo ur future hopes and dream s beco me a reality for you We love yo u very mu ch.

Mom , Dad, Frank - ' I

T ema Lynn Lisco

Give hfe all yo u 've got , yo u sweet g irl. We will alw ays be with you H ope 1t cools up for yo u

H e ather Gardner

Ea ch day with yo u has been an adventure Don ' t eve r lose yo ur en thusi as m f or life

Rob Fulcom e r

W e h ave shared sad n ess, frustrauon , happiness, and JOy Rem ember no man who 's loved walks alone - we all Love Y ou Be happy!

"" ti 1
I... __ Lo ve Y ou , -M - om an d Bu tch________._____Lo ve, M om a n d D ad _______......,____Lo ve, M om, D ad a n d Kn s __ Ads. 189

You a re a so n to be proud of and our f nend as well. Thank You

We love yo u , Mom, a nd Dad

Yo u have brought so mu ch love, JOY, and laughter into ou r lives and we ar e so pro ud of you God bless you a lways

Love, Dad, Mom, and Katie

An ge l a Her r o d
190. Ads
It has been s uch a pleasure to have shared the beg1nn1ng of your hfe God bless your futu re with much happ in ess
Tammy -·- -_.,. ·---.. --. L-on PORTRAITS THE SENIOR PORTRAIT SPECIALIST Kl PLI NG PLAZA 10113 W 37th Place Wh ea t Ridge, CO 80033 422 -7111 - Across FromSOUTHWEST PLAZA 8906 W Bowles Ave Littleton CO 80123 971 -0800 M ISSION COM M ONS 7693 W 88th Ave Arvada , CO 80005 431-5999 Jas o n Whitn ey
We love you, Mom
Dad , a n d
Stac ey Powe ll
IDanny Doyle You' re a son to be proud of We love your sp irit and zest for hfe - Follow your dreams We love yo u , Mom, Dad, and Tony Debbie Auld Was, is, and will be an 1nsp1ratton to all of us Dad, Mom, and Chns Taisaya Navant To our nulhon dollar baby You ' ve gone a long way Keep 1t up Your mother, brother, and s1Sters 1111111 Sounarrack 11111111 Take your music along! COUNTY LINE 2680 County Line Rd 779-5003 NORTHGLENN/ THORNTON 930 E 104th Ave 450-6677 , PANASONIC AM/FM personal portable stereo cassette player This personal portable from PANAONI C has an au t otop casse tte player ith fast-forward and ewind. AM/FM tuner features FM ste reo indicator. Lightweight headphones included. RX-SA60 AURORA 15022 E Mississi ppi Ave 671-9399 DENVER 2553 S Colorado Blvd 759-5401 SONY portable gives you the extra convenience of a built- in mic SONY's built-in microphone makes thi s portable cassette player excellent for stu dents in the class and businessmen on the go. Let them relax with the musi c they wan t through t he AM/FM s t ereo tuner JVC proves great sound doesn 't have to be expensive! Hear the distinction in this JVC 3-piece portable with Super Bass horn, for exceptional bass sound Cassette player records directly from AM/FM stereo tuner 2-way speakers are detachable to separate sound $45 $99 SOUTHWEST 9350 W. Cross Drive 979-8900 ARVADA 6390 Wadsworth Blvd 425-6700 • BOULDER 1685 28th Street 442-3600 CAR STEREO SUPERSTORE 1298 W Alameda Ave 778-6289 Sounarrack 1111111 1111111 AudioNideo Specialty Superstores~ Ads - 19 1

H.J. Foss Company

12th & Wathington St . , Golden Mon • Sat , 9am to 6pm

Bring your studen.t I D 10 and re c eive 20% off any pu1chase off e r expir es June 30, l 989


Rea ching th e moo n can be eas ier than reaching so me professo rs. Th ey show up for cl ass , lec tur e, and then , \vell , wh o kn O\VS ?

At Red Rocks we emphasi ze acce ss ibility, which mean s, among oth er things, that our profess ors stick around , to li sten , to und erstand , to be understoo d They ' re real and they' re human , and th ey kn ow \vh y you ' re the re.

A nd , kn owing that , th ey know why they are th ere, to o.

Th e new Red Roc ks . Yo ur kn owl edge partner.

Red Rocks Community College

12600 Wes t Sixth Ave nu e, Gold en , Co lorad o 8040 1 303 / 988-6 160

Our pr id e a nd j oy

D e ni se Ali s hi o '' Tr av is Kn ox"

We ca n ' t believe how yo u ' ve grow n You'll excel by what yo u ' ve show n Putting all other things as ide, look back on your schoo l yea rs with pnd e.

Co n gratula t ions! Twelve years of hard wo r k, yo u m ade 1t T ime to li e back, relax , and plan yo u r future Journe y 1n life

We ' re very prou d of Trav is W e have a spec ial love and f r ie nd ship t hat goes beyo n d G r andson, G r and m a, and Aunt We' re budd ies We ' re beh ind T r avis 100% .

Mom an d B ra ck We love you! Mom, Dad & Jeff Grand ma K nox Co t e, A unt P am K n ox

191. Ads - - - - ----:-::."" r;...I
Jami Quayle J- Joy A-Affectionate M-M1sch1evous I -Irres1stable We're proud and love you beary much! Mom, Dad, NikkiChad Ca rl so n Follow your heart and your dreams will be filled You have filled our lives with many yea rs of JOY Thanks! 1 Co ngratulations, son !1 Love, Mom, Dad, Bren t , a nd Todd Stephanie Sutera You thought PahPah cou ld couch the sky and so can you Always reach as high as you can! Love. Your Family Congratulations Class of '89SEIIOI PGBTBlITS BY 19tBII PBOTOIB!Pll IIC. 1106 Was hin gt o n Ave. 278-0770 Ge n e r a 1 Ph otog r a ph y Se r vices Ad1 • /9J
, • • Br ian Cooper You've always bee n a challe n ge and a delight. We're proud of yo u! Tr icia Capp We are proud of yo u Keep up the good wo rk A nn a S chowenge rdt Cong ratu lations, Anna! You have been a real JOY We love you so mu ch, and we are so proud of yo u Always rea ch for the high notes Love Mom, Dennis, Ch ris ty and Cindy Love , Mom , Dad and Juli e Mom , Dad and John ~W AM1ED~ I ENI OII For Your CHECK THIS OUT: R E WAlRD • Indoor AN D o ut door poses at no extra charge ' 194. Ads Turn your se lf i n at Don Feltner' s • A big variety of 12 to 16 d 1tterent poses bring a hobby, friend pet • Three d i fferent changes of clothes - 4 5 m1n t ues of our personal atten t ion Many Discounts and Special Bonus Offers THANK YOU CLASS OF ' 89 """ I ,•lt11 rr /'hor h1 In c On e h1lf bloc k so ulh of u krs1de Mi ll Sl fll aE.S' r,., I "'"' lor ,~ , \#no our twn ws HURAJI \ ""€, CALL NOW 420-3505 20 % off o n o rder s with a GHS I .D . G rea t fo r Pro m and H o m ecomi ng . 11 06 W as hi ng to n S t, Go ld e n 279 -767 1 I I I



I S co tt Kipp en Keep Sm1 hn '! We love yo u Mom, Dad a n d J a mes • ~( :) 1 Ii"'"" ! ':~'7 0 ---.... M eg N esb itt We' re proud of the way you ar e making yo u r own choices Always remember you have a loving family behind you Bel1cv1ng 1n yo u ! 7
M om, Dad a n d Tylo r ,:.,r. Ro n D roe l
are very special. We ,viii ahvays
love you Keep
Mom, Dad and Tammy Ads - 19>

Armenta, Courtney 66, 127

Armenta, Josh ¢

Armenta, Sean ¢

Armon, Chua 82

Arnsparger, Jenny ¢, 127

Arosteguy, Jason 16c)

Arvidson, Lena 66, 131, 141

Atencio, Scott ¢, 151, 174

Attebery, Mike 66, 16o, 173

Atwood, Mugaret 1o6

Auld, Debbie 12, 78, 147, 152, 191

Avery, Davtd 76, 150

Ayres, Jeffrey ¢, ro6

Ayres, Jon 82

Azad, Karim 82

C h e ls e a B o swe ll

Not only are those big blues eyes and that beautiful smile still with you, but you have a beaut iful heart to match.

We love you always, Mom, Dad , and Donovan

Bachman, Davtd r 10

Bachofer, Claire 110

Bachofer, Stephanie 82, 153

Bair, Paula t 10

Balcer, Amanda ¢

Baker, Jakob ¢

Balcer, Jessica 48, 65

Balcer, Kns 136

Balcer, Mandy 99, 1 3 t, r 39

Baldessa.n, Tony 66, 150, 173

Baldwin, Kern 82

Ballard, Jim ¢

Ballentine, Cory 66

Barckeen, Don 82

Barday, Stepharue ¢, 131, 132, 1 39

Barlow , Eh 82

Barlow , Scott 66, 124

Barnett, Alberta 11o

Barney, Megan 82, 143, 166

Barr , Kns ¢

Barr, Roseanne 29

Barre let, Andrea 82, 132, 162

Barrow, Bill 66

Barton, Joe 65

Beck, Staa 131

Becker, Cclcscte ¢

Beckett, TraVIS 22, 124, 128, 140

Beekmut, Andy 14, 82, 83, 127, 120, 132, 143

Beesley, Robert 76

Bellion, Kristen 82, 127, 132, 162

Bellows, Anne 82, 127, 128, , 32, I 35

Benbow, Bnan 76, 165

Bennet, Kan 66

Bennett, Derek 66

Bennetts, AleXla 66

Bennetts, Meloche 82, 87, r 27

Benore, Jerem y 65

Bergeron, Cindy 82, 117, 16o

Berry, Jeff 6o, 150

Bettinger, Leslie 118

Bc-zzendes, Nick 82, 165

Bice, Susasn 66,74, 147

Bilger, Enca 66

Binney, Crystal ¢, 127, 176

Biondi, Matt 27

B!Shop, Jon 18, 76

Blunt, Mark 82, 86

Blunt, Robert 65

Blythe, Bngette 82, I 5 3

Blythe, Charlotte 11 o

Boclco, Auon ¢, 168

Bocock, Kelly 82, 90

Boland, G~la 66, 124, 132, 133, 1 35

Bol11g, Ron 11o

Bond, Enc 82, 87, 147

Bong, Jamie 93

Bong, Richard 38

Boom, Brenda 66

Boonza1er, Hedi 38, 65, 132

Borden, Brook 3, 67, 157

Born, Val ¢, 131, 1 35, 147, 170

Bornstein, J adoe 11 o, 115, 118, 146, 147, 211

Boshart, Aaron ¢, I 3 1, 150

Boston, Jason 38

Bostrom, Mattias 65, 79, 8o, 127, 1 57

Bostrom, Roland 65

Bnndle, Wendy¢, 143, 162

Bnor, Collette 97

Bristol. Ralph 110

Bnttain, Matt 33, 65, 18o

Bnttain, Nathan 97, u8, 132, 168

Brodbeck, John 110

Brodie, Jeremy 97

Bromberg, Darcey 38, 79, 124, 135, 16o, 161, 170, 186

Brookkrt, Bnan 97

Brook, Branda 83, I 37

Brooks, Kelly 67, 127, I 35

Brooks, Lisa 38, 136

Brouwer, Shannon 93, 97, 145

Brown, 38

Brown, Dax 83

Brown, Diane 110

Brown, Hcrsche 67

Brown, Jenny 38, 40, 143, 177, 186

Brown, Joanne 118

Brown, Julie 82, 83, 127, 131, 132, 135, 141, 170

Brown, Kan 83

Brown, Mary Ann 38, 77, 184

Brownlee, Dawn 83

Brueske, Heide 76

Brunlcle, Virginia 118

Bryant, Dawn 83

Buchholz, Chns 97, 1o6

Budzinslu, Mat 97, 135

Bufe, Sierra 83, 127, 135

Bullard, Cheryl 67

Bullock, Jesse 38, 40, 154

Bundy, Ted 26

Burch, Boan 83

Burchfield, Leslie 83, 132, 162

Burgess, Jacob 97, 105

Burke, Matt 76

Burke, Ryan 97, 127

Burke, Sarah 83, 127, 131, 132, 16o, 170

Burkhardt, Gabe 83

Burr, Ty 67

Bums, Jenrufer 110

Burt , Jenny 67, 120, 127, t 36

Burt , Michael 65

Bush, George Herbert Walker 27

Aberle, Justine 66, r 27

Achord, Aaron 1o6

Adams, Tina 139

Adlfinger, Davtd 89, 93,96, 157

Ahlberg, Bill ¢

Ahlberg, Rudell 65

Ahrens, Beth 82

Alevy, Joanne 43

Alish10, Demsc 36, 120, 192

Alash10, Jeffery 96, 147

Allen, Kristin 33

Allen, Marshall 66,127, 132, 16c)

Allison, Joe 66

Alpine, Cindy 1381 139, 184

Alvarado, Consuela 65

Ambanantz, James 157, 183

Ambanantc-z, Ryan 82, 16o

Anderson, Davtd 65

Anderson, Jarl 9, 66, 97, 120, 127, 14 7, 210, 211, 212

Anderson, Kelli 82, 176

Anderson, Malcolm ¢, 13 I

Anderson, Mac 66

Anderson, Melissa 18o

Anderson, Rochelle 123, 131, 186

Anderson, Susan 1o6, (39

Andrews-Jones, Anne 96, r 3 r

Andrews-Jones, Julia 110

Andrews-Jones, Lesley 82

Arbuckle, Lon 96, 127, 131, 145

Arbuckle, Shawn 35, 147, 189

Archer, Brady 66, 127

Archuletta, Paul 1 ro

Barton, Matthew 65

Bartosh, Lunnda 65

Basun, Michelle 82

Bates, Fay 78, 93, ¢, 147

Bates, Mary 127

Bates, Pat 1 36

Baun, M1t chy 93

Baum, Joe 66, 67, 127

Baumann, Jessica 82

Baumgartner, Brent ¢

Bays, Sean 82

Beach, Melissa 76

Bea ch, Shawn 82

Bcalcley, Justen 96

Becerra, Ruben 50, 65

Bcclc, Laura¢, 13 1

Be ck, Natalie 66, 127

Beck, Shervl 147

Boswell, Chelsea 152

Bowling, K1m 76

Boyer, Tony 67

Boyle, Shawn 76

Bra cken, Rose 93

Braden , Wade 67

Bradsby, Amy 82, 130, l 31, 140, 170

Bradsby , Dtck 110, 116, 135

Brandenburg, John 82

Brandt , Jason 82,154, 168

Brassell, Hc.ither 67

Brawley, Jason 76

Breeze, James 76

Bremer, Kaue 71 83, 162

Brennan , Lynn 18, 128, 129, 181

Bnggs, Kathenne 83, 16o

Brill, Susan 136

Buss, Chnstopher 93

Byer ly, Bnan 97, 157

Byrne, Dtck 111, 118

Callaway, Marcy 67

Calmette, Chnstopher 93

Calvert, Mat 38, 79, 150

Cameron, Rod 83

Campbell, Patty 111

Canrwell, Nicole 97

Cape, Jennife r 1o6


Capp, Tnaa 39, 131, 194

Carlmd Chad 83, 127, r 35, r68

Carlon, Jody 2, 67, 114, 158, 171

Carl.son, 39, 154, 193

Carl.son, Sonia 83, r 3 r, 176

Camcv Dave 67, n. 131

Carpinello, Don 150

Carr , Just1n 97, 168

Carrara, Mun 111

Carr"rnght, Kelli 97

Casper, DaVJd 6 7, 117, 131, 136

Ca.5.$, Wayne 39

Catherman, Delores 11 1

Catura, Man 76

Cease , Lory I r 1

Ceci~ Joelie 76, 16o

Ces.r, DaVJd 97

Ces.sor, Matt 97

Chapman. Amy 39, 166, 167

Chapman, Bob 111, 1301 131, 14 1

Chapman, Dorothy 131

Chapman, K.C 67, 136

Chapman, Tracy 31

Chedc, Chns 65

Child, Gene r 11, 113, 135

Childerston, Stace 97, 116, 151

Clusholrn, Jessica 67

Chorusy Keli y 83

Chnstenscn, Derck 67, 76, 117, 135

Chnstenson, Jamie 97

Chnstenson, Joey 39

Chnsty, Derek 93

Cieslar, Marie 97, 13 2, 135

Cifern, Daryl 76

Cisner0$, Sonya 83

Cla.baugh, Tessa 67, 124

Clarie, Duayne 83

Oarlc, Jaclue 83, r58

Oarlc, Joan 98, r r r, 115, 118, 147, 215

Cla.rlc, Lon 97, 127

Cla.rlc Natahe 97, 131, 135, 141, 176

Oarlce, Clint 17, 67, 157

Om, Jamie 65

Clary, Nathan 76

Oements, Jacloe u1

Cbsa-, Chnrnn.a 1o6

Orne, John 65

Orne, Tammie 97

Omgan, 67

Clmton, Cathy 118

Cobb, George 65

Colbert, George uo, 111

Cole, Kelly 97

ColLcr, Phillip 97

Colluu, Scott 165

Condron, Michelle 67, 72, in

Conley, Amy 83, 15 3

Conner, Jenn 6,

Conn er, Roxanne 83

Conner, Sarah 97, ro6

Connors, Christy 39, 55, 79

Conrad, Tom 39, 150

Cook, Lan ce 39

Coolc, Sara 39

Coolcscy, Kun 39, 136, 145

Coolcscy, Tammy 67 153

Cooper, Brian 39, .µ , 6o, r 24, 16o, 161 194

Cooperman. Troy 14, 15, 150, 188

Coquilli.rd, Chru 136

Cordova, Andrew 1o6

Comcio, Leonardo 93

Coronis, Bethany 97

Correll, Staac 68

Correll, Wend y 67 1 158, 170

CounClU'lWl, Laurel 67

Counney, Heather 97

Coverdale, Jenrufer 67

Cox, Doug 84, 168, 16c)

Cox, Greg 16c)

Crago, Enoch 76

Crane, Krndra 98

Crawford, T cd 1o6

Cnsler. Ma 76

Cross, Enc 84

Crouch, Bradon 98, 168

Crouch, Kun r14, 135, 1n

Crow, Kcith 76

Crozier, Lauree 52, 124, 143, 1n

Cruz, Chns 93, 117

Cummings., Mi ch ele 7

Cusack, Amy 84, 123, r70

Dembsy, RJ ck 29

DcMan1lco, Jim 151

Demos, Kemal 1 31

Denning, Kelly 158

Dennis Brent 84

Dcntry, Justin 12 65, 165

Dcsmarteau, Bryan 67, 124, 131

Desrnarteau, Nilda 98, 153, 170, 17 1

Dettman, Trudy, 98

DeYltt, T cd 46, 147

Dibble, Dianna 136, 152, 153

Di ckerson , James 76

Di ckman , lund y 186

Diedn chs, Tons 68, 176

Dilwo rth, Don 1 11

Dinkel, Brad 84, I 48, I 54, 15 5

Dittbrenner, Kruue 84

Dixon, Bnan 68, 127, 139, 140

Dixon , Jessica 17. 68, 124

Doclcter, Cind y 68, 131

Dodge, John 84

Doffm, Rohen 65

Domenico, Jim 84

Domenico, Matt 98

Donohue, Krutcn 93

Dorsch , Mi ch elle 84, 117, 159, 209

Douglas, Stan 79

Doyle, Danny 65, 144, 191

Dozzo, Laura .µ, 136, 139

Draper , Cheryl 3, 68, 170

Draper, Thelma 98

Dreblow , Charity 93

Orefice, Laune 118

Driggers, N1colette 98, 131, 135

Dr1SC01l , Kristen 93

Dr1SColl , Mice 98, 127, 168

Daily, Neal 65, 136

Dallm, Malec 98. 127

Dalton, Roy 6,

Dalton, Sherry 116

Darruels, Maritn 174

Darud, Joe 98, 131

Daruels., Gwynn 127

Daniels., James 67

Daniels., M_arlm 98

Daruels., Sarah I I 2

Darling, Lw 84, 176

Da5hiell, Liz 136

Da5hner, Lynn 131, 141

Daugherty, Roy 111, r 47

Davenport, James 65 , 131 , 141

DaVIS, Heather ro6

Davu , Ketth 84

David, KCV1n 174

Davis, Ryan 32, 98

Dawdy, T ma 7, 6'

Dawn, Lisa 188

Day, Danny 84, 131 , 140

Day, James 46, 174, 175

Day, Lonn 13, 6o , 98, 162

Dan, Joe 98, 173

Dean, Leslie 67, 71, 14-1, 14 3, 16o

Dearmon, Dustin 124, 127, r 35

Def ore, Jeanrue 84, 132, 135

Delgad o, Damon 84, 15 1

Drobm clc, Chris 68

Droel, Ron 195

Drouillard, Rob 68

Edwards, Dan 93, 143, 174

Edwards, Heather 98. 139

Eilers., Glenn .µ 79, 157

Ekstrom, Chru11na 98

Elgin, Be ck y 98, 105

EII1ot, DaV1d 65

Elliott, Chanc e 84, 87, 126

Ellis, Andee 84

Ell is, Dana J 11, I 19

Ellis, Jam 118, 171

Ells.s., Sue 170

Elli.son, Greg 68

Elsbury, Jennifer 139

Eisbury, S1ah 84

Emanuel , Chuck 98

Embury James 68, 76

Engelke, Dan 5,37, .µ, 48, 1.24, 14 3, 165

Engelke, Kathy 84, 159

Enochs., Kirlc 32, 43

Epps., Chns 68, n, 117, I 36

Erbaugh, Cessa 68, 127, 142, 14 3, in

Enclcson. J oanette 1o6

En clcson , Ki.m 43

Esparza, Melissa 68

Espinoza. Leuaa 84, 131, 162, 170

Espinoza. !Wph 68, 174

Euenhouscr , Marcy 68, 149, 166

Evans, Janet 27

E varis, Shawn 93, 127

Evershed, Audra 84

Evershed, Greg 43 , 173

Ewing, Chru 85

Drummond , Julwu 8o, 8 1 , 85, 135 Facme!L , Janelle 98, 143

Dudine, Marco 98

Duffy, Kathy 42 , 147

Duffy, Kim 42 , 142 , 143, 147

Dukakis, Mi ch ael 27

Duncan, ully .µ , 79, 166, 167

Dun can , Deanna 68, 166

Dunn , Joanna 21, .µ, 114, 138, 139, 140

Dunn, Mark 118

Durbin, Janna 39, .µ, 63, 109, 1n , 184

Duris, Chelsea .µ, 79, 15 3

Duster, 68, 117, 131, 141

Duster, Rob 84, 151, 168

Fa1rbanks, Da ve 111, 112, r 16, 118

Fancy, Sean 85

Farlow, Jason 43 , 63

Farr, Liz 11, 43, 79

Farrar, Dave 112, 117 127, I 36, 146

Fa.s1 clc, Bnan 98

Fau ver, Bree 98

Fa ykosh, MeltSSaS 43 136

FedoroWJcz, Glen 157

Feiner, Regma 98

Ferguson , Erm 98, 143, 176

Ferguson, Hyl1SC 43 , 131, 140

Ferguson, Todd, 4, 6c) 147

Ferris, Matt 98, 132, 135

Ferns, Mi chelle 68

Fief, Merhn 43

Fike, Eden 98, 127

Filing, T raVJS I o6

Fink, Kyle 43, 79, 150, 15 1, 172, 173

Fisher, Joe 85

Fisher, Troy 18, 19, 43, 118, 186

F1tzgera.ld, Bri dget 82, 83, 85, 127, 1 43

Fleener, Clay 99. 15 I

Fleener, Chnt 68, 131, 150

Fleet, Aaron 68, 124, 127, 131, 135

Fl oreth, TraVJS 99

Floyd, Gsn. 85, r 31, 176

Fl oyd, M,ary 9 3

Fluelc1ger, Lisa 4 3, 159

Fl ynn, Chuck 85

Fl ynn, Stepharue 85, 159, 170

Folle, Steve 99

Folle, Todd 68, 117

Fondy, Tammy 68

Forres ta.!, Pat 1 18

Foster, Joanne 11 2

Foster, Steplume 85, 93

Fox, Beth 85

Fox. Can 139

Fox, Grn.a 139

Fox, Moth 76

Frank, Cl.iire 65, 127

Fran.ks, M1chelJe 99

Fran.ks, Rob 68, 117

Franks, Traa 68

Fncdn ch, Melissa 19

Frey, Kat hy 85, 93

Fnas, Bnan 99. 15 1

Fnday, Brett 85, 168

Fnednch, Mel lissa 65, 1 28

Froh ne, Kyle 76, 99

Frost, Johe 85, , 53

Frost, Rob 127, 143

Fry, Brent 99

Frye, Shona 93 99

Fulcomer, Kns 85, 151

Fulco mer, Rob 63, 143, 150, 18c)

Furmrnsky, Angela 68

Furtak, RJ ck 99, 165

Eaton, Jessica 84, 176

Edwards, Aaron 41 .µ

Edwarcls., Ch ene 68

Finnegan, Brendan 99, 151

Fish, Mark 68, 87, 88

Fisher, Jodi 99, 152

Gabnel.son, Aaron 76, 157, 173

Gabriel.son, Chr is 99, 1.27, 173

Gaddis, Came 1 36

Gage, Bndgette 7. 76

Gagnon, Mau 76, 174

Gair, DaVld 99, 168

Gantner, Becky 177

Gardner, Heather 136, 18c)

Gardner, RJclc 85, 147

Garvsn, Cindy 99, 176

Garvsn, Scott 68

Gaudetts, Molly 112

Gayer, Chris 99, 174

Gayer, Doug 76, 143 , 174

Gebhardt, Cindy 68, 24, r 17, I 35, 158, 171

Gee, Ri ch 85, 132, 135, 165, 168

Ge1le, Mike 68, 117


G1dlund, Paula 85

Gil, Anna 85

Gilmore, Jenny 99, 13 1

Gloe, KeVln 79, 1 36

Godbey, Jill 93, 139

Godsey, Angie 85, 139, 176

Goetz, Hillane 32, 85

Goforth, Deanne 85

Going, Jerry 169

Golay, John 1o6

Golden, Jun 22, 39, 140, 157, 181

Gorunger, Kathryn 93

Gonzales, Jason 69

Goodman, Greg 1o6

Gorton, Chad 69

Gourdin, Travis 65

Goutra.s, Ron 151

Gram, Marcie 15 3

Grandstaff, Andrea 7

Granqwst, Dusttn 85

Grantham, Renee 79

Grantham, Shannon 99

Gray, Jason 99

Gray, Jenrufcr 85, 131, 140, 176

Gray, Marcy 85, 176

Gray, Wayne 1o6

Green, Shay 69

Green, Stacey 69

Green, Stetson 85

Greever, Donald 65

Greve, Paul 6, 40, 63

Gromelc, Layla I o6

Gruderuch, Mercsa 93

Gu.stlcm, Cammy 15, 177

Gumble, Bryant 27

Gunn, Charla 81, 112

Hansen, Bnan 150

Hansen, Mmd1 99

Hansen, Monika 100

Hansen, Ray 69

Hansson , Tammy 93

Haptonstall, Bnan 85

Harding, Tracy 39, 65, 172, 173

Hardma n, Boan 86

Harmon , Travas 69

Harney, Tammy 69, 124, 142, 143, 147

Hams. Barbara 100, 113 136

Hams, Donna 2, 124, I 3 1, I 84

Harns, John 69, 150

Hams, l<Jrsten 100, 16o

H_arns, Sandra 69, IJl, 141, 210

Harns, Scott 19, 128

Harn.son, Angela 69, 147

HartmCtSter, Matt 69, 147

HanmetSter, Tana 100

Harvey, Misty 100

Harvey, Stephen 93, 210

HaIVll, Guen I 3 1

Harwood, Tyler 100, 165

Hatch, Jenny 86, 209

Hatch, Josh 1o6

Hatch, Regan 100, 127, 153

Hatcher, Bryan 48, 173

Hatz, John 100

Haun, CandJCe 69, 131, 140, 141

Haun, Jason 100, 131

Hauser, Rich 69

Hauser , Tim 173

Hawkes, Lance 100

Ha yes,, Andy 51, 124, 131, 141

Hayes, Bob 79, I It, I 13

Hayes, Virgina 113

Hayner, Cole 100

Hayner , Dawn 86, 159, 170

Haynes, KrtStm 1o6

Hearn , Justine 86

Hcam , Noel 65

Heather , Enc 1o6

Hershberger , Joan , l 3

Hereshucr , Orel 29

Hessman, Erm 85, 86, 127

Ha cks, Rhanda I 00, I 28

H1gg1ns, Scott 10, 46, 59, 124, 147, 186,215

Hildreth , Joohn 8o, 93, 127, 157

Hilgers, Wendy 69, 166

Hill, Katnna 46, 177

Hinds, Bryan 46

Hines, Maureen 8, 124, 127, 128, 129

Hladek, Mi chelle 86, 87, 88, 128

Hogan, Anne 69, 124

Hogan , Jason 46, 78, 79

Holmgren , Kun 100, 131, r41

Holstein, Julie 135

Homen ck, Dcrusc 86

Honeyman, Jennifer 86

Hopkins, Faith 65

Hornecker, Marie 118

Homer, Jeff 46

Horst , Brandon 86

Ho1 ch k1SS, Chad 1 5, 46 , 47, 59, 142, 143, 165

Houston, R K 151

Horvat, Kay 113

Howe, Craig ,p, 46, 124, 147, 165

Howe, Nick 15, 96, 100, 165, 168, 169

Howell, Warren 86

Howes, Barbara 1 13

Howes, Josh 70, 136

Howesarc, Tim 46

Ho y, Brad 70, 76, 143

Hudson , Jeremy 9, 76, 109, 127

Huff , Galen 93, 151

Hughes, DaV1d 86, 157

Hughes, Ken 37, 46, 152, 153, 171

Hulm , Cory 86

Hull, Jeannie 93

Hull,J,11 t13, 119

Hulstcm, Julie 170, 124, 132, 133

Janeck, Bill too, 168

Janeck, Carmen 70

Jansen, Jemm1 70, 136

Jansen, Melodic 86, 132

Jansen, Terry 100

Jansen , Traci 70, 131

Jarman, Dustin 86,151,173

Jarock, Joe 47 , 150

Jarrett, Dan 70

Jaunque, Mano 93

Jenlans, Deanne 19, 100

Jenlons, Mark 47

Jensen, Tracey 135

Jenson, Brent 15

Jenson, Melody 166

Johansson, John to6

Johnson, Amy 100, 132

Johnson, Andy 47, 124, 145

Johnson, Ben 27

Johnson, Brent 86

Johnson, Bnan 70, 127, 135, 147

Johnson, Cindi 47

Johnson, Derek 86, t 5 1

Johnson, Enc 113

Johnson, Jeremy 70, 150, 173

Johnson, John 47, 86

Johnson, Lars 11 3, 150

Johnson, Mark 70, 86, 174

Johnson, M1chclle 100

Johnson, Pete 55

Johnson, Robert 47 , 185

Johnson, Scott 15, 47, 63, r69

Johnson, Vaughn 47, 127

Johnston, Jcnrufcr 47 , 183

Jonas, Karen 47

Jones, ChtSholm 100

Jones, Darcy 15, 48, 158

148, 164, 165

Kandel, Dave 214

Kandel, Ryan 86, 127, 135, 147

Kanode, Pamcu 70, 136

Kareiy, Karch 27

Karpoff, Natalie 86

Kastroll, Scott 87

Kavanaugh, Kian 70

Kay, Andy 70

Kay, Jeff IOI

Keele, And, 48

Keck, Stephanie 93

Kcllenbenz, John 113, u 5

Keller, JacqueLne 48

Keller, Jennifer 48

Kelly, Kam 101, 173

Kemler, Karn 87, 131

Kendell, LcsLc 87

Kenner , Matt 173

Kerr, Stefan 76, 16o, 161, 173

Kerne, Jaclae Joyner 27

Kersoens, Mary Ann 101, 152, 170

KerstJcns, Ri ck 70, 127 Kerwood , Kim 48

Kes.sler , Diane 1 13, 1 t 5

Kibler, Tim 101

l<Jdd, Angela 70

Kiefer, J1m 101, 151, 168

l<Jefer, Susan 70

l<Jllion, Chanda 70, 177

King, Adam IOI, 151

King, Brand y

Haberman , Alison 85, 143, 153

Hadwtger , Jeff 85, 15 r

Hager, JuLe 132

Hager , Tom 85, 87, 127, 131, 154

Hahn , Tami 69, 124, 127, r32, 135, 163

HalbeLSCn , Dean 76, 97, 127

Hall, Brenda 99

Hall , Juli 99

HalJ, Lorraine , 18

Hall , Moni ca 99, 128

Hall , Steve 85, I 50

Halley, Kelly 15, 99, 1 39

Halstead , Duncan 99, 127, 132, 174

Hammersly, Char les 1o6, 151, 173

Hammond, Tobey 69

Hampleman , Jason 69, 132, 165

Hampleman , KJin 96, 97, 99, 143

Hancock , Todd 147

Hand , Sara 1o6, 128

Handon, Kenn y 85

Haney, Alanna 99, 136

Heben , Juhe 86

Heffelfinger, Aaron 100

Heffelimger , John 69, 135

Heineman , Enc 86

Held , CJ 86

Held , Matt 69

Helms, DaV1d 1o6, 131

Hemmat , Shahla, 100, 127

Henagar , Mi cah 86

Henderson, Tracey 69

Hendrix, Cesca I oo

Henning, Nancy 113

Hennksen, Enk 86

Hennksen, Nils 100

Hennksen, Tom 100, rp

Henry, Tom 150

Henson, Chru 86, 127

Hergenreter, Stan 112, 113, 115, n6

Herrod , Angela 2, 8, , 3 1, 40, 162, '90

Herrod , Tammy 69, 131

Humphrey, Amy 86, 127, I 32

Humphrey, Jennifer 11, 46, 79, 124

Humphrey , Richard 86, 151

Hunter , M.JSty 100, 139, 176

Hunter, Tommy 76

Husky, Chns 100

Hutcheson, Scott 120, 47, 127, 143, 16o, 161

Jones, David 170, 150, t 69

Jones, Debbie 86

Jones, Greg 70

Jones, Jeanie 48

Jones, Keith 100

Jones, Randy 151

Jones, Shelia 118

Jorgensen, Bnan 86

Jouett, Joan 113

Joyner, Florence Gnffith 27

Joynt, Craig 1o6, 127

Jurgens, Jody 101

lhme, Tom 76

Ingram, Kelly 70, 145

Ingram, Todd 100

Ironshell, Dustin 70

Isom, Franc1 100, 166

Isom, Ruth 93

KalSCr, Dale 101

Kaiser, Mark, 48

Ka11wara, Kc:VJn 15, 37, 48, 143,

• 1
1o6 King, Jada 15, 101 Kmg, John 48 l<Jng, Kaste 70 l<Jng , Shane 7 I King, StaClC 71 Kmg, Troy 93 Kinner, Matt 1o6 l<Jnscy, Bob 21, 114, 124 Kmter, Jeffrey 65 l<Jppcn, James 101 Kippen, Scott 48, 127, 147, 195 l<Jrby, Jacque 48, 139 l<Jrby, Raruc 87 Klabon, Kan 188 Klabon, Kc:VJn 1o6 Klem, Andy 101, 104, 123, 165 K11mchalk, Scan 101, 151 Klug, John 114 Klyn, Doug 87, 131 Klyn, Lisa 65, 136 Knox, Chruu 101 Knox, Travai.s 173, 182, 192 Koch, Jody, 4, 101, 176 Koci, Bnan 65 Koerug, Laura 101, t 32 Kohara, Mike 65, 81 Kohn Chns 101 Kohn, Heather 140, 158, 159 Kolin, John 101 Kolodny, Ah 101, 143 Konsella, Frank 101, 132, 165 Korosec, Joshua 71 Kotsmes, Angela 87, 127

Koumes, Tom 71, 131, 140

Kowalslo, Peg 118, 143

Kramer, Bob 11 4

Kramer, Steve 87,131, 140

Kribbs, Rcrut.1 87, 139, 159

Kndbaum, Susan 87, 1 3 I

Knegcr, Tera 21, 87, 170

Kroeger, Lon r 43 , 182

Kronaugc, Karen 87, 1J6

Krumm, Maurttn I 18

KubtStek,Tim 1~, Kns 87, 151, 173

Kuhnle, Linck 87

Kulp, Bill 87

Kulp, Ed IOI

Kunter, Enul y 101

Kurgan. J ohn 65, 187

Kuzyk, Tanya 15, 40 , 124, 143 , 177

Kya.mmc., Jeremy 65

Lewis, Jason 87

Knsnn 87, 128, 13 1

Lincoln, Tim 88, 151

Lindsay, Beau 65

Lingenfelter, Paul 93, 102

Lmk, Glenn 71, 1~

Lisco, Terna 126, 1B9

Litman, Kunbcrly 71

Littlepage, Kann 15, 71, 177

Locke, Robert 9 3

Lopez, Ju.n1t.1 50, I 36

Lougan15, Greg 27

Lowe, Kevin 102

Lowe, Ryan 165

Lucas, Pearl n4

Lucas, Tracy 71, 77, 174

Lucerna, Jennifer 71, 132

Luccrno, Michelle 50

Lui an. Henry I Io, t 14, 149

Lundell, Brandon 102, 151, 173

Lundell, Enc 50, 173

Luslc, Shelly 102

Lyon, Donald 50, 59

Lyon , Robert 71, 74

Martynuska, Jan 118, 135

Ma.slehan, Shabnam 102

Mason. Joey 88, 136, 168

Masterson, Bernhard 5 1, 128, 129, 135

Matlock, Debbie 32, 71, 1214, 132, 135

Mart, V1clo 102, 136

Matzke, Heather 102 , 131, 145

Mat:zlce, Tammy 71

Mauel, Jam 11 4

Maurer, Karl 102, 132

Maxwell, Sorrel 71

May, Jai 88, 15 3

Mayha.nd, Laura 1o6

McAnhur, Milce 63

McCany, John 65,, 132, 135, 139, 147

McClure, Doug 71, 136

McConnell, Mark 76

McCourt, Charles 93

McDonald, Tim 71

McDonald, Zelma 114

McDowell, Robm 88

McDowell, Tom 114

McGaffey, Enc 71

Memck, Kevin 93

Memtt, Chr,s 103, 1 31, 132, Mitch 6, 51, 79

Metz, Jason 52

Meyer, Tammy 103, 1o6

Meyers, Chad 88, r27, 151

Mi ch els, Ben 52 , 54, 121

Miller, Scott 52, 184

M.tkuLck, Suzi 52, 128

Miles, Soop 162, 174

M,ller, Bna.n 88

Miller, Karen 88, 1 39

MilJer, Lmdsey 1o6, , 39, 152, 209

Miller , Ross , 50

Milts, Chad 103

Miner, C raig 52

Miner , Jacob 103, 1 31, 140

M1tchelJ, Jeanne 103

Mttchell, Mary 52

M1tchel1, Max 71

M1tchell, Traru 72

Mitra, Arnn 88, 131, 135

Mobley, Knst1na 1o6

Montabon, Tammy 35, 88, 139

Moody, Troy 15, 150, 1~, 187

Moon, David 72

Nagel, Brandon 76

Narc, Mica 103

Nasses Gus, 7, 72, 127, 135, 150

Nauoru, Sandy n5, 125

Nava.nt, Ta1.Saya 53, 177, 191

Neal. Bill 15 I. 169, 170

Neal, David 40, 52, 5 3, 209

Neal, Robert 8c), Heather 159

Nelson, Chad 72

Nelson, Cheryl 1 15

Nelson, Gina 16o, 161

Nelson, Holly 53

Nelson, K.-in 72, 14 5

Nelson , Mart1 72

Nelson, Ryan 8c)

Nesbitt, Meg 5 3, 124. 131, 1 39, 141, 195

Nesbitt, Tylor 103

Newberg, Bndget 72

Laird Mark 76

Lake, Susan 76

Lance, Jcnrufer 101, 127

Landry, Jenny 102

Lanc.,Marlc71, 124,127,133,135, 174

Lane, Marc r32

Lang, Troy 87

Lange, Vreh 71, 124, 127, 135, 162, 174

Langfield, Mi chelle 102

Largent, Ri chard 93

Larmore, Sean 102, 130, 147

Larsen, Brandon. 87, 1~

Larsen, Enck 93

Larsen, Keith 93

US$!., Leslie I 14

Lave, Justin 1o6

La~Tence, David 71, 124

Lawrence , Peter 33, 87

Lawton, Michelle 118

Laycndeclccr, Donna 119

Leahy, Ryan 102, 139

Leavitt, Kathy 102, Jeff 1o6

Lcerssen. Jeremy 102

LcFran co15, Ni cole 87

Lemons, James 71

Lenoch, Torey 87, 15 1

Leon, Jeff 1o6, 127

Lcpalc. Kim 71

Lepke, Todd 71, 150

Lcpro, Mark 93

Lesser, Harold 87, 93

Letterman, Dave 27

Levy, Josh 12, 14, 93, 123, 131

levy, Kaycie I I, 43, 79, 147, 185

Lewis, Bob I 50

lewis, Carl 27

Mac.lad y, Todd 12, 38, 4 1, 50, 1 37, 1 57

MacFarlane, Shan.non 71

MacLea.n, K.-ithenne 1o6

Madden. M1chelle 93

Madnd , Btll 50

Maestas, Mala.ny 50

Magno, Steven 93

Mahoney, En c 1, 50, 127, 147, 215

Mahoney, Sean 93, 127

Matsonneuvc, Chad 50

Maior, LI.Sa 76, 139

Malcarov, Rachel 88

Malkmus, Cheu 50, 63, 124, 177

Mallory, Caroline 114

Mallory, Carne 102

Maloney, Stacee 88, 131, I 39, 141, 166

M cMahon, Ben 124

Ma.negat11, Mi chelle 71

Manning, Connie 51

Manson. Charles 1.µ

Maren , David 11, 88, 127, 135, 165

Maren , Juhe 4 3, 5 I, 79

Mares, Moses 88

Ma.res, Sean 93, 143

Mannell1 , Jason 93

Maretrn, Pamela 7 I

Martina: , Andy 88

Martmez , Carol 93, 139

Martinez, Jose 114

Martinez , Preston 102, 131, 140, 141, 173

Mamnez, Todd 102

McGtlvra y, Jason 51, 6o, 147

McGinn15, Joe 51, 114

McGinnis, Seth 71, 124, 131, 174

McGovern, George 27

McGrath, Kevtn 51, 52, 79, 127, 14 7, 185, 215

McGrath, Ryan 71, 94, 109, 127, 162, 174

Mcllwee, Colleen 51, 79, 131, 141, 176, 177

M cllwee, Kelly 21, 51

McIntosh , Kirsten 102, 162

McKee, Rich 88, 132

McKelLps. Shayle 102, 1'27, 162, 170

McKelvy, Louise 114

M cKun, Brent 1o6

Mc Kim , Bryan 76, 1 33

Mcla1m, Linck 176

Mclane, Anton 51

M cMahan, Angie 88

M cMahon, Ben 127, 16o, 161

M cMuUm , Scott 71

M cNemey, Rebecca 93

McPeck, Kendall 93, 102

McQuay, Paul 6, 37, 43 , 51, 16o

M cReynolds, M1chellc 102, 176

M cV 1cker, Dianna 7 I

M cVteker , Lauren 1o6

M cWiU1ams, Jason 76

M cWill1ams, Maggie 102, 152

M cWilharns, Ryan 1o6

Medina, Charn 93, t 37, 139

Medma, Enc 103

Meehan, Sean 88, 15 1

Me igs, Jeanette 103, 144

Melend r es, Melanie 1o6

Melhorn, He1d1 51, 139

Mella, Brett , 18, 145

Moore, Chns 72

Moore, Glynn 52

Moore, Greg 15, 72, 156, 157

Moore, Jason 88, 157, 168, 1~

Moore, Julie 88, 127

Moore, Paul 88

Moran, Hap 103

Moran, Joey 103

Moran, Walter 8S

Morgan, Matt B9

Morru, Al 114

Mortenson, Jun 76

Mosley, Clay 84, 1o6

Mossberger, Stan 76

Motes, JoAn.n 103

Mower, Greg 1o6

Moxley, Mi chael 52

Mo yer, David 1o6

Mueller, Juhe 72, 131, 139

Muilenburg, Steve I 51

Mulberry, Brian 103, 168

Mulberry, Chns 52, I 32, 135

Mulberry, Craig 157

Mulligan, Jeffery 53

Mul11ga.n, Kelli 52

Mumma , Robin 103

Mundt, Jwu.n 1o6, t 32

Munsart, Gayle 7 2, 124, 127, 159

Muntean, Draga 8c)

Muntean , Sfetozar 53

Mun yon, A.ng1e 103, 139

Murdock, Joe 115

Murph y, Steve 103.

M yer, Shane 7 2

Myers, David B9, 127, 151, I~

Myers, Gary 6, 53

Myers, Roger 11, 115, 118

M yn ck, Duane 111, 115, 1 18

Newberg, Jason 1o6

N1Choll.s, Danielle 103, 162, 170

Nichols, Jun , 1 5

Nie~ Bil ly B9

Nielsen, Heather 103, 171

Nielsen, Kim 53, 124, 158

Niesman, Gerald 1o6

NllCon, Jaimy 76

Nucon, Richard 27

Nobe~ Can 72, 124, 127, 135, 142, 143

Nobel, Lua 103, 127, 153

Noble, Jean 103

Nordlie, Knsune &), 139, 176

Nowak, Jess1ca 1 15

Numan, Gary 158

Nyland, Brent 172

O'Dons10, Mike 1 14, 115

O'Neil, Gail 115, 1 36

Oberman, Kao 103

Obrzut, Wendy ]6, 131

Odle, Chad 65

Odum, Michael 93

Ogg, Patty 1o6

Olerud, Enk 103

Oleson, Chad 18, 53, 128, 129, 131

Oleson. Enc 131

Olrnore, Stephanie 68, 72, 127, 132, 14 3

Olson, Enca 72, 174

Olson, Jem 102, 176

Olson, Jenn1fcr 103

I' ,.. ----- -----------·-

Parlette, Julie 7 2, 131

Parsons, Jason 103

Parsons, Marci ¢, 97, 104, 143

Bob 116, 119

Ch ris 76, 124

ch, Ron I o6

Di ck 1 16 143, 153

Aaron 105

Mane 90, 127, 130, Smith, Denny 74

Elaine 11 3, I 17

, Joe 118, 136 Schowengerdt, Anna 2, 124, 13 1, Smi t h, Jenrufer 93

rRuthecford, Allen 15, 65, 127 Seiner, Lyrme 7 4 Stauffer, Joey 90 l

Pfaff , Stacey 54, r36

Phelps, Debbie 54, 136

Phillips, Elisa 72 Ragno, Joe 104

Ph1ll1ps , Jane 116

Ph1ll1ps, Matt to4

Phinney, Ruth 104, 127, 1 32

P1ekarsk1, Chuck 72, 124

Pierce, Cynthia 89

P1crceall , Jwune 93

P1Jce, Dennis 69, 72

Pilger, Kara 1o6

Piper, Mi ch elle 1o6

P1ppm , Chad 76, I 39, 140

Rahm1g, Clanton 65

Rains, Jon 104,131

Ramuundo1 , Chante l 67

Rascon , Isaa c 150

Rascon , Raquel 89,166

Rasmussen, David 1o6

Ray, Cheryle. ro4, 131, 139

Ra ymond, Mi chael to6

Raymond , Shawn 66, 76, 127

Read, Louase 14, 116

Sagi-Vela, Igna cio So, 81

Sa1ge, Tanya 104

Salazar, Bethany 90

Salazar, Dora 1o6

Salazaer, Mike 90

Seltzer, Sandy 158 Stem, Kesha 90, 15 3

Scrafm, Julie 118, 128 Stel1tano, Jeanine 105, 14 3, 159,

Seres, Beck y 105 170

Setzer , Tania 132, t 39, r53

sSetzer, Toma 90

Seyler , Phil 76, So, 81 , 132

Shaff, Talia 105

Stclnano, Jenrufer 35, 90

Stellers, Lon 74

Stephens, Chad 93

Stephens, Enka 90

Shaffer, Eli 177 Stevens, Adnan 74, 75, 127, 174

Shaffer, Ted 150, 169, 209 Stevens, Carla 74

Shaner, Debbie 105, 176, 177

Stevenson, Julie 7 4, 166

Shan!elt, Karen 105 Stewart, Davtd 131

Sharp, Lowell 14, 116, 126, 127 Stodola, Jeremy 131

Olson, Shawn 103 Pires, Cesar 65 Reaves, Kenny 104 Salazar, David 90, I 32, 174 Shaw, Jason 12, 37, 65, 14 3 Orcutt, Jennifer 10, 15, 5,, 79, P1rn , luoul u6, 132 Rc. ves, Kirsten 76 San Tistcvan, Kenny 104 Shaw, Kan 90, 152 I 36, 187 Pittman , Tobe 65 Redford, Rob 55, 77, 147 Sanders, Mixe 74, 147 Shaw, Scott 124, 136, 165 Ortega, Tud1 89, 153 Plancarte, Mike 72 Reed , Enk 55, 127, 157 Sanders, R.annae 104 Shc~d, Kyle 150 Oncz, Dylan 76, 127, 139 Plaunty, Penny 54 Recd, Louise 145 Sandt, Pam ck 93, 127, 15 1 She~d. Sandy 74 Cruz, Dylan 135 Pla yer, Jeff 54 Reffe~ Stacey 89 Sanks. Vicki 65, 145 Shepherd, Jennifer 74 Cruz, Tina 93, 103, 139 Pla yer, M elanie 104, 153 Reid , Am y 159 Sanulh, Domcru co 65,, 124, 132 Shepherd, Jeremy 90 Oslm, Jill 5 3, 189 Plummer, Greg 11, 41 , 54, 124, Reid , Mit ch 89, I 5 1 Sardcson, Dave 1t6 Sheppard, R1 chard 65 Oslm , Joy 89, 176 127, 142 , 143 , 157, 187 Reile y, N11<lc1 139, 152, 174 Sargent, Jesse 1o6 Shcmll, Mark 74, 127 Oswald, Gma 72 Pollard , Troy I o6 Reill y, Kathleen 76, 135 Sergent, Marlene 76, 139 Sh1dclcr, Juha 105, I 32, 139 Oswald, Ten 5 3, 136 Polloc k, Kelly 5 3, 54 Renner, Ka, 65, So, 8 1 Sacu, Gino 93 , 173 Shinabery, V1ckJc 74 Oviat, Nan cy 93 Pollock, Keit h 89 Reynolds, Jason 104 Satterfield, Omt 1o6 Shivers, Summer 74 Owen, Megan 103 Popiel , Jon 22, 72, 131, 140 Reynolds, Mi ch elle 43 , 55 Satterfield, Lero y 90 Shook, Jcnru 90 Portcrf1eld , Tera 127 Reynolds , Nathan 89 Satterfield, Shannon 105 Shreiner, Randy 170 Po rter , Matt 55, 131, 14 1 Reynolds, Sandy 89 Sawyer, Jeff 150 S,ben. Enn 139 Po rtcrf ,cld, Tecea 83, 89, 128, 143, Rhodes, Came 104 Saxton, Neil 173 Sieck, Cheu 74 162 Rhod~ Helen 20 Schalh.uner, Di ck 10, 77, 113, 115, Sim cox. Dacruon 76, 169 • Potter , Stephanie 89, 127, 130, Ri ce, Ch ad 1o6 116, 119, 135 Simcox, Jessica 105, 152, 153, 171 1 39, 209 Ri ce, ChcJS 55 Schenck, Sandy 90 Simcox. Kuty 1 18 s P o tt orff. Deena 72, 12 3, 147 Richardson, Bryan 143 Schoffman, Sco1t 105, 173 Sims, Walter 168, 169 s Pad1Ua. Derek 103 Powell , Stacey 55, 190 Ri charson, Ryan 93 Schloffman, Tim 84, 157 Singh, Sumer 65, 165 ¥ Page , KCJSha 89, 127, 153 Powers , Ban 104 Ri cherson, Ryan 104 Schmidt, Connie 93 Sitzman, Coach 151 s Pakbaz, Farhad 54 Pnce, James 7, 17, 55 Ra o glsano, Mark 76 Schcrudt, Paul 224 Skomal, Char 22, 131, 139, 140 Palandn , Cathy 89, 176, 177 Pn ce, Lon 55, 136, 14 3 Ri cker, Knsuna 52, 143, 177 Schmidt, Rob 77 Skorski, Joe 90, 127 Palandn , Kathy 127 Pnce, Ph yllis 116, 136 Ri cker, Todd 89 , 93 Schoen, Shannon 74 Sloan, Brad 74, 150 Palmer, Ni ck 1o6, 173 Pn ce, Rachard 89, 15 1 Riedel , Hea thcr 89, 127 Scholes, Ed 117 Sloan, Trey 79, 147, 16o s Panke y, Wilham 65 Pnllcr, Came 89, 131, 132 Rimba ch, Dana 136 Schomer, Joe 10, 79 Slobodnik , Mark 105 Papadopoulos, Spyros 72, 124 Prin, Suzanne 7 2, 131, 13 2, 135, Rios, Veronica 76 Schowalter, Jud y 117 Slobodnik , Mike 65 Pappalardo, Kara 103, I 35 155 Rivera, Geraldo 28 Schowalter, Katie 74, 124, 143 , 177 Sm1th ,
, Julie 104, , 31, 14 0
Robinson , Joy 104, 166
Rock, Jimmy 104, 168 Schroeder,
Rodnguez, Ty 104 Schueller,
Rohmag, Clmt 154 Schul t e, Chru
Romero, Robbie 89 Schultz, En c 17, 40, 124, 147 Smyth , Krystene 90 1 Paulson , Joe 93, 127, 131 Ron y, Dave 145 Schultz, Gayle 74 Smyth, Todd 76 , Pa yne, Bnan 104 Rorbeck, Hans 76, So, 81 Schultz, Melissa 105, 152 Snyder, Branon 150 Pea ch er, Becky 89, 13 1 Rose , Scott 89 , 15 4 Schuma cher, Amy 105, 15 2 Sola, Jesses 6o, 92 Pearse, Orphic 70, 7 2, 74 , 147 Rosen, Greg 104, 143 Schuster, Roger 76 Sol got, Bob 151 Pearson, Alyson 72 Quaintance, Ella 7 2 Rosenberg, Damian 93 Schweppe, Laura 90, 162 Sparrowk, Will 150 Pennel , Christina 118, 119 Rosewater , Amy 22, 104, 131, 132, Sch1betta, Cory 90 Spence, Susan 74 Quarantmo, Mi che lle 14 7, 153 Pennell , Will 104 1 39 Scott, Kim 90 Stahl, Bnan 105 1 Pcrleberg, Ball 116 Quayle, Dan 27 Rosewater , Dan 89, 151 Scott, Knsue 105 Stahl, Ten 76 Perry, H oward 54 Quayle, Jamie 7, 55, 136, 144, 193 Ross, ee 15, 47 , 127, 143, 177 Scoville, Amber 15, 90, 14 3 Stahler, Karen 159 a Peters , Colleen 118 Queneau, Shelly 37, 55 Rossa , Tammy 89, r32 Scoville, Brandy 105, 139 Stambaugh, Laura I 36, 143 1 • Peterson , Ke vin 104 Quirk, Carol 1 18 Rudnackt , Danny 33. 104 Scudder, Darren 90, 131, 132 Stanford, Valene 43, 124, 128, 129 ' Peterson , Knute 169 Rudolph, Jim 157 Seabaugh, Tanya 105 Stanley, Lisa 74, 143, 147 " Peterson, T rac1e 54, 136 Rudolph, Mike 104 Seibert , Frank 105 Starr, Danyel 105, 152, 153 Petroff , Sam 116
Peterson , TravJS r20
, Michael 65, 90
, Chad 54
Tnna 15, 143, 177 Smith, Robert 90
, Dana 104
Bill 65, 79 Smith, Roy 59, 150, 184
Molly 7 2, 16o
Patzer, Lisa too, 104, 12 4
Rugless , Davtd 104 Seibert, Michelle 136, 189 Staten, Ian 105 Petrovski, Sue t 02, 118 Rusch , Steve 116 Scllwan, Dana 159 Staten, Kim 136 1

Stokes. Bob 1 , 7

Stokes, Debbie 117

S1oll, Enka 90

Stone, Heather 90

StoUS( Amie 145

Stout, Cory 105, 1o6

Stover Enc 76

Stowell, Rorcn I o6, 132

Stnng, Desuee 90

Stratton, Steve 105, 151

Strauss, Brett ,6

Strong, Johnny 90 Strouse Sue 117

Strutz, Michael 93

Stuckey, Ben 74

Srunlcard. Jcnrufc.r 74, 143

Sturgeon, Jonathan 74

Sullivan, Tern 118

Summers., Mark ,o6

Summers., Nicole 66, 74, 127

Sund, Leah 1o6

Sutera, Stephanie 36, 37, 40, 62, 143, 193

Sweet, Marsha t 17

Sweet. Tom, 117, 132

Szymanski, Jenny 1o6, 139

Tjornsland, Jason 1o6

To, Hoang 75

To, Tam 107

Tolar, Chns 91, 151

Tolar, Lee 62, 150

Toler, Sucy 76

Toler, Troy 107, Ivan 62, 124, 127

Tomas,, Nadya 107

Tommer, Jean 107

Tomplons, DaV1d 91

Tonlcm, Kun 75

Tra iner, Toby 107

Trdny, Ben 91, 127, 131, 135, 141

T rcz1se. Amy 75

Tribclhom, Dara 62, 124, 152

Tnbelhom, Jared 91

Trimmer, Heather 10'7

Trost, Bryant 107, 16o, 173

Troxc~ B1lly 107, 131

Troxe~ Con 8, 62, 97, 146, 147, 210, 211

Trui1llo, Yvonne 91, 153

Trullinger, Kan 75, 1 36

Trulhnger, Knsu 91, 153, 213

Tubbs, Paul 76, 135

Turgeon, Linda 117

Turley, Mike r 27, 132, 1 35

Turnbull, Craig 75, 157

Turnbull, Glenn 107

Turnbull, Lorn 65

Turne, Kent 75

Turre, Jenny 107, 145

Vazquez, Dino 107, 168

Verbeck, Heather 78, 10.,, 131, 132, 141, 176

Yel"S.lw, Heather 131, 132, 135

Ycssa, Lea 75, 93

Yesterby, Glen 63

Vialpando, Bra1n 75, l24, 131, 1 32

Victor, Joe 75, 127, 13t, 16o, 161

Vidal, John 110, 117, 118

Y1g1l, B,lhe Jo 152, 170

Y1g1I, u.rmlle 63, 181

Y1g1l, Enc 93

Vogeler, Anita 18, 75. 124, 128, 131, 132, 133. 140

Vogt, Mitch 151

Yorhu, Angie 75, 139

Vowles, Grag 174

Yuxin1c, Nae 107

Wells, Jackie 92, 1 31, 1 39, 176

Wells, Larry 118

Wells, Renee 93

Westby, 8111 107, 151, 168

\'v'estgard, Kip 107, 131, 141, 168

Westgard, Kun 92, 127, 132, 1 35, 168

Westling, Tina 145

Whne, Jason 75

Whne, John 93

White, Knsry t0'7, 152, Mike 75, 131

Whitmore, Moni ca 10.,.

Wlutney, Ca~ndra 92, 127, 176, 213

Whitney, Jason 63, 127, 140, 190

Wluttington, Chnstopher 93

Wilcox, Kaue -6

W1lcox, Manlyn 118, 166

Wilde, Corey 75

Wilkinson, Aaron 99, 107, 127, '31

Wilkinson, Chnsuc 75

Wilkinson, Russ 48, 62, 63, 15-,

Willard, Angelique 664, 140

Yanrz, Bob

Y anz, Jerry 118

Yarbrough, Clayton 92

Yarbrough, Enc 64, 147

Young, Jennie 64

Young, Lora 10'7

Young, Luke 75, t 31, 16o, 174 1 75

Young, Mark 79

Young, Man 107, 123

Young, Sean 75

Youngman, Gene 1 18

Yusg1antoro, lnk.i 107

Yusg1antoro, Luky 76

Tai, Yun, 93

Talbot, u.rol 62

Talbot, Cheryl 62, 159

f albot, Megan 75, 133, 136

Tarnura, Came 1o6

arnura, Sonya 90

ank. Jeff 62, 145

Tank, Julie 1o6

Tate, Robcn 76

Tatman, Chaundra 1o6

Tatro, Hope 35

Taylor, Scott 1o6

Thcu, Chnstopher 93

Thiede, Chns 90

Th0tmke, Danny 75, 168, 16<}

Thoma.s, Scon 168

fhompson, Chns 2, 76, 147, 16o, 173

Thompson, Dawn 76

Thompson, Knsten 62, 1n

"liompson, Leigh Ann 65

Thompson, MISSy 1 3, 75, t 2 3, 147

hompson, Tanya 105, 1o6

fhompson, Todd 1o6

Thompson, Trevor 158

Thompson, Vince 1o6, r668, 16<}

Tilley, Greg 75, 124, 132, 174

1~ley, Karlyn 197, 139

T1mmctWillcc, Jarrue 75, 127

Tindell, Susan 75, 1 36

Tindell, Teresa 62, 136, 147

1 ngle, Cheryl 75

Two Two, Peter 65

Tysdal, Kimberly 107

Tyson, Ton 75

Wadsworth, HoUy 22, 63, 124, 131, 187

Wadsworth, Paige 153

Wages, Scott 76

Waggoner, Sean 1o6

Wagoner, Crystal 100, 107, 124, 132

Wahlberg, Tem 117, 119

Wahtola, Cully 15, 65, 109, 127, 142, 143, 150, 173

Wake, Lee 65

Waldon, Renee 107, 13 1

Walker, Jeff 75

Walker, Suzie 131

Walker, Tim 168

Walker, Zach 92, 131, 173

Wallace, Rerruck 107

Walter, Carne 107, 132, 152

W 1lhams, Anna 92

W1lhams, Bob 118, 130

Williams, Daruca 64, 152, 171

Williams, Sara 92

Williamson, Steve 76, 165, 174

Wilh.s, Ann 107

Wilb.s, Jim 92

W1Uu, Rob 64, 79, 147

W ii.son, Sherry 65

W ii.son, Alena 9 2, 1 31

Wu.son, Chnsuan 93

Wilson, Oint 107

Wilson, Kara 75

Wilson, Unah 92

Wind, 81ll1e 107

Wmd, Tammy 75, 159

Winder, M1ll1c 92, 170

Winklepleck, Fawn 1o6

Zach, Laura 118

Zaharw., Chas 107

Zakowski, Teresas 76

Zelkus, John 64

Zeun.n, Steve 76

zZiegler, Brandon 107, 15 1

Zmuner, T ogg1c 92, 127, 136

Z1ponn, Enc 36, 41, 64, 124, 143, 146, 147, 164, 165

Zurey, De,nna 64, 124, 131, 135 141, •n

Ullnch, Carrie 93, 139, 147

Ulmer, Mark 55, 62, 16<}

Walter, LLSa 7, 92, 127, 128, 129, 132, 147, 162

Walter, Mark 107, 165

Ward, Robbie 65, 76

Ware, Richard 93

Wangow, Joe 92, 132

Washburn, Michael 93

Was,!, Jeff 107

Waters, Amy 75, 139, 140

Waters, Jill 107

Winkler, Chns 76

W1Sc, Susan 52. 64, 120, 1n, 18o

Wishart, Josh 92

W1Shon, Jason 92

Withrow, Kenny 64, 174

Woll, Jason 46, 64

Wolfe, Buffi 107, 158

Wolgamott, Jay 64

Wood, Deborah 64

Wood, Dewain 118, 124

Valant, Bnan 107, 168, 16<}

Valant, Jason 15, 40, 62, 63, 16<}, 183

Yalentt, Chru 103, 107, 131, 151

Yalenu, Nino 63, 124, 150, 187

Yan Westrum, Heather 63, 79

Yance, Judy 110, 117

Vanderlaan, Ken 14, 117

Yan.Dyke, Bnan 63

YanWcstrum, Heather 124

Yarholdt, Melarue 127

Vasquez, Dino 151

Vaughn, Jenni 7, 162

Watkins, Chris 92, 136

Watluns, Cawn 63, 131, 182

Watson, Heather, 93

Watson, Lisa 107

Weber, Mike 118

Wedgie, Regina 107

Weehan, Sean 174

Weeks, Wes 63

Wegher, Kathenne 63, 143, 159

Wemcflauer, Bnan 107

W cisenbcrger, Colby 92, 151

Weller, Ryan 92, 128, 174, 210

Wells, Chns 6o, 92, 93, 168

Wood, Shen 92

Wooden, Brun 107

Woods, Steph.tme 92, 127, 132, 147, 162, 163

Wuerth, Shannon 75, I 36

Wunde rLch, Jane I r8

Wyant, Kelly 64

Wyant, Matt 92

201 - .......s - - - - -
202 • Autographs
Autogrpohs • 201
106 • Autographs
. ! • - - -Autographs • 207

Now to wrap it all up , to bring an end to this bo ol to co n c lude our long s trange trip. Life 1s a lon g s trange trip , and no place exemplifies this lik e hig h schoo l. It would seem that high schoo l would be o si mple task, learn yo ur lesso ns, pass yo ur classes an d graduate. But nooo , not high sc hool. High school 1 the pla ce where one is expected to refine social ar.d political ski lls as well as to try to figure out what ont wants to do with hi s/ her life . Throw in the tempt ations of sex, drugs, and alcohol, and high school bt comes a tenuous balance between adulthood and chil 1hood.

It is a long s trange trip that loses people at ever1 turn, a trip in which some people emerge as lead ers early and remain leaders the whole way. Or perh aps someo ne from the back of the pa ck moves forward and begins leading To make it through is easy for one and impossible for the next. Those who make it throu gh revel in their success, then realize that only the initial ste p has been taken and that the majority of the trip 1s left

Adding in all of the factors, it becomes clear that high school is a maze that offers rewards and puni shments; it is the ultimate microcosm of life and life is th e ultimate long strange trip.

[ gotta wr111klr 111 m-, pJntS Jnd J song m m) hr11rt • John Vidal Tla(k s mrrrd) through 1hr halls Photo Ir) Ryan K,mdrl
208 Closing
And so, I says to tht gu-, Obnousl-, mtertsttd m Km n Crow's story, Pett Joh nson, and Lisa S tanley /,urn a1un111tly Photo by Matt H artmr1s ta
{oolu up 111 10 tht '>'ouf trying to tht
Thar 's somtth111g 111 th~ thtrr trets
Chad Von Cords
thing 1/,.,1 him • Ph<>to b-, R)Jn Kandt/
I • r Are )OU sure r.h.,, he s.1u:I? •
an off
U't'rt 11,st
on a r,1,/
Suphan~ Pot1er and Lndse, Af,/1.., gossip d111mg
hour. - Photo bJ R-,.,n Kand<"[
Ptrhaps the /,1ck of .zdequatt outdoor benchu forctd D,nui Neal, Ttd Sh<1'>tr, and John Brandt to occupy tht1t less <omfort,1b/e
Photo b) Kn-rn MeGrath


What A Long Strange Trip It's Been - This annual was bound and printed at the Herff Jones Yearbook plant in Logan, Utah. The coyer was concei-ved by Jar! Anderson and the staff and designed in full color lithograph with additional color applied in naYy HJ 281. The theme lettering was designed by Cori Troxel. Pages 1 - 16 are printed on 100/b. Eurogloss and pages 17 - 208 are printed on 80lb. Bordeaux special. Our local Herff Jones represenati-ve was once again . .. Da-ve Kandel.

The type styles- Di-vision pages used Optima bold italic in 60 point and Cloister in 14 and 10 point The other sections used Optima in 36, 30, and 24 point; Cloister in 10 point and Cloister italic in 8 and 6 point. Macintosh styles were done as follows: 48 point Times in the Student Life section, 48 point Bookman italic in the Clubs & Academics section, 36 point Times in the Sports section, 48 point Bookman on the Features spreads and 9 and 12 point New York and New York italic on pages 94 and 95.

Btads galort ~andra Hams rtlots htr past b) pla)mg duss-up 'fj,11h grandmothrr 's Jf'fj,tlry - Photo <<lUTlt1) of Donna Harns PS)<ho R)an H'tlltr thmlu m hoTTor of his nrx.t dass Ph,,10 by Ka)<lt UV) [, [ ful l,kt skrppmg • Stne H anry btromts qu,u happ) at tht tnd of tht day • Photo b) Ktl)Ot Ltry

Co-td11or-m-chief certainly wam't a 10b I muig11ud I 'l>'ould bt doing thlS uhoo/ year, but nontthtltss, 11 ll'as a 10b I CTJJ<r,td, that IS ll'ht'TI I Jl.'ain 't not t'TIJO-,ing ,r D('Jp1te tht problrou that p&~d our first dtadl,ne (11't thought wt could finish 11 up one n-mmg m thru hours; II took. us a wholt extra i;,uk,) wt <r1ercamt them fry m4k_mg somt ad1u.s1mtnt1 and leammg how to p100-ast1Tl4tt com/ortabl'f

Wt'r( all upuially prouJ of thlS )'t'ar's book.. Mort' th,m any other ')t'ar II LS for tht' stuJCTJts, fry the stuJm11 It 's at'at1Yt', 1m4g1n4twt' and atrrmt'!y i;,t'/{ fVTltlm For that I think. i,,(' ha-,,t' reason to bt prouJ.

f'-,,t dtcult'd that 11 'l>'am't tht actual }tarbook. that ivas difficult to assrmblt' It was fighting tht 2000 8 C. datt'd stone-<tt'hing pnnter that constantly au our text (Mysterwusly, 11 only happmtd in Eri< 's prtst'Tlu.) It ll'af dealing 1Y1th a computer program that i;,ou/d conYm~tly spit out "STYLEWRJTE ERROR" when wt wert' most pr('J1td for time The solu1,on? "It's getting fond of late Ltt 's call II a day " I think. tht' most important factor in getting thlS book dont and k.ttpmg my sanity was tht' prt'St'TIU, humor, and omnmg of Enc Mahoney If ht i,,e,m 't around to talk. to, I had no dt'11rt 10 work.. To him, m)' nn-ereruling thanks I ivould also lrkt to thank. Joan Clark and Jac~ Bomstern for therr constant adnsory adnu, quick. 1YII and tXtcut1l't clout I'm sure they hal't gained mort gray ha,r m theu past Stl'm months than they ner hal't in the past, bur after thlS yt'ar, the r('Jt Mlf bt cak.t" To them I bul good luck. for books to come. A l'try spuial than/cs 10 Krnn and Kay<K for constantly pr0l'l4ing quality photos, Fay for her eary att1tuJt, Bn,m, Jar/ and Mrkt' for the,r 1m4gtn411l't copy, Susan for ivh1mng about the computer, Co,, for her exullmt artwork. and Dt"bb1t, Val, Ryan , Enc 8, Stq,hanu:, Sean, Rob and Lisa W for a/ll'ayJ contnbutmg qualrty i;,orl

I've Strl't'd my time and I 'm dont', gont', fimsht'd Good luck. to Jar/ Anderson, and Brum John1on, ivho 1Y1l1 be on th IS del1gh1ful task. next yt'ar It's tht' erul of the Mahoney & H,ggms Emp11t, but the next era IS 1ust btgmnmg B<1t J),lfhes to all ..•

My lttter, fin4lly I had no 14t'a that I woulJ be speruling a couple of hours a day after 1<hool, or that some of the cool things that hapf>CTl<d would happtTI One such sv.rprlSt' was Con Troxt'l If we couldn't adtquattl)' capturt' an ,magt 1Ylth a photograph, Wt' could count on Con 10 capturt' II 1Ylth a dra1Y1ng And the manner m J11hi<h Jarl Anderson could bnng othmvist dull sub1u11 a/1-Yt 111ll afn4{tS me Ht could tt1k.t something as seemingly uninteresting t1S cross country and tum 11 mto ont of tht most mtertt1ming storu:1 I hll'l't t"Ytr read

Ir is common knowledge that human Tl4ture mak.u us wt11/ t1! rhr last posnblr suond to btgin And this ytar'1 ytt1rbook. stt1ff had plmty of hum4n nature You coulJ count on Kmn McGrt1th to nor n-m tt1k.t a pu:turt 1.nt1l the day 11 wt1s sv.ppoud 10 bt dont But t1s was tht cast 1Ylth tl'tryont on the staff. the work. tht1t Krnn produud under pressure turf>a1tcd all normal exputations of t1 h,gh uhool photogrt1pher

Ltt me at this point take the nme to explain wiry (OJ>Y m this book LS perhaps more loou tht1n copy m prmous boo/cs. Wt dtculed tht1t fry cutting all the fVTlters frtt from the trt1drtW1141 rules of yet1rbook 1VT1tmg JIit would be t1ble to more fully u11/,~t' the cret1t1Y1fl of the staff And 1.nle11 I'm grt1.,,ely misled we 'Wert suca11ful. The ,opy satt1ms n('JI.' t1nd unu.suttl And O'Ytrall -,,;e find rt t o be highly m1ertt1mmg

Lasrly, I a.ould /,kt to pra1St one of the quu:ttst, molt cff=t, t1nd most patlt'Tlt persons l ht1"1-e tl'tr -,,; 'Wllh Scott H,ggin s. A ft hough he IS nor ti highly Y1S1blt person, he IS the mt1m rtt1son that 1h11 semb&nu of pag('J l~s before you His unmdmg patim<t /11eratly pulled us our of many t1 nght situatwn


1 • - • • -
Closing - 21 I

When shall we once again stroll beneath the browning autumn leaves of Golden High School? When shall we once again walk these hallowed halls and dim, crowded ramps? Alas! For all of us lucky enough to return next yea r, we have but three months

. and all I can see is the sun! Bye!

• • .
• • • ree • • •
-J a rl Anderson

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