6 34 14 42 166
GHS reigns · Greg Rosen Cllpcurcs the Demon spmt b) caging the nger •
- =-=~ - -~ 1 ~ • • • •1 • Golden High School Demonium 117 701 West 24th Street Golden, CO 80401 Population: 1,312
Photo by Ryan Kandel
What is the essence of VIVIDITY? What makes a sensation INTENSE and SPECTACULAR? What is it that BURNS a memory into the circuitboards of your brain? In short , what CHARGES your SYNAPSES?
Can you remember a VIVID sensation? What MOVED you? (t My horse flipped over on me, " said Toni Diedrichs , " and I was STILL in the saddle."
Situations involving police were a common, UNFADED memory. (( Let me put it this way ," said Seth McGinnis , t' There ' s this INTERESTING, SINKING feeling when you see cop lights behind you. It's like icicles falling through your whole body." Visiting exchange student Mads Nielsen also had a memory:"I was chased by THE cop ," he said. Welcome to America, Mads.
Other students didn ' t have to cross that line to experience that BRILLIANT and UNFORGETTABLE oment. In fact , some were downright BENIGN . (((I r~~ember) when I won a smurf in a ski competition. I was si een years old ," revealed Paolo Pedenovi. Scooter W lensiek CLEARLY remembers .. when all the flu ya my rain were frozen ." And after several moment 0£ PRO OUN D meditation , Aaron Fleet plucked this memo from his EXTENSIVE memory vaul . • There was thi time when I stuck my hand in a w'cker basket to grab a p ce of fruit , and a piece of wic}etwent under mr fingernail It was BLINDING PAIN.''~-;,~:fi!J';t;::r:;~-},...ll~
And fo some, vividity has take ~ a ~f8ErJ, but BRILLIA form For Kian Kaia irgm ijylclness is getting reall Ottered in senio le)!
Clabaugh, it ;was a grape. · ha~1r cool." (We do 't know, either. ¥Jiu Anne Hogan, i was Having a gentl "And it hurt."
As for myself, well, high sch~ll. VIVIDNESS, but it has left INrJ.I V1olet Nights and walking in tlj my hird Interp round was going LIV~ ,l,pJY and COLORFUL experienc that w have lived? What would Ii~ e of VIVl l5'NESS gnawing at th.e Bai a DENSE, OBTUSE, VAPID, LB~ VIVID: It ' s ot just a theme; i' t -Jarl Ande on
. so or r fa
n we say out the spirit r Keds? DULL, t' and DUMB. eaning of life.
Get Up! Get Up! Get Up!· Dreams , they complicate Ryan McG rath 's and Adr ian Steven s' lives . ·
2/ 0pening
Photo by Ryan Kandel.
A Bluer Shade of Viv id· P olo PedenOVJ and othfr I~'] tandecs express the essence of vividity. · Ph oco by Jarl Anderson
I remember , all the after school hours of homework , the friends , and the inevitable inertia gained as we walked through the doors that one last time; yes, I remember.
The time passed so slowly that it seemed like someone had pushed the great universal pause button. Can anyone recall the sophomore years with Mrs . Hale ? Or how about the Kinsian Diamond being rammed into your skull? You see , we have climbed the towering totem pole of high school, anxiously scaling the wall to see what ' s on the other side. But , as we ,ve neared the top , we ' ve slowed down a bit, kind of scared to see what is on the other side. Wow , it ,s the big hand of responsibility and it looks like it ,s going to slap us around until the high school days are gone. We'll soon realize that we weren ,t climbing a wall but merely the foothills to a 14,000 foot mountain. But there ' s still time enough to remember the good experiences. Y ah, you ' ll remember
So many things have happened and will happen to those on the verge of graduating that the only possible thing to do is to sit back and take it all in Sort through it later , when there ' s time
We are all living in a strange twisted era where we ,ve been taught that rain is bad for you and sex is even worse. The world is an upside down inside out negative o n color paper kind of place. It ' s the t ype of place where many of our religious leaders are p olitiques and our go vernment is awkwardl y powerful. Is there nothing left t o believe in ?
Yes , our memories . This book is our wa y of sorting through the memories , taking a step b ack and looking around So, look around. What do you think ? What do you remember ? Ever ything is in ,here , all the people you want to remember and all the ones you didn ' t have time to g et to know.
The memories will hopefully come flooding back , sparked b y a word or a pi c ture You know , memories are like th e time you and your friends got in the car and started d riving and then suddenl y you forgot wher~ you were going Don ' t worry; we ,11 keep climbing
But for now ) baby , let ' s drive
-Brian Johnson
• •
4 / 0peniog
She's got the look · Joelle Ce ci l has the eyes of a piercing steel azure tue . Or maybe the y're just blue , yo u never know · Photo by Br ian Johnson
Alright, what's in the locker· Am y Johnson 1s appalled at the incredi ble amounts of carnage in Mi ssy Schultz' s loc ker · P hoto by Ryan K anda!
'ftaddy.U Dohi1•Amy Reicl Darliog btitd to&-•t In~b of tbc perfffl f}l_'M •·.!;.r..""
Ph• by, AMY Kleut
Bzzzzzz The dreaded alarm clock Quickly , you roll over to push the snooze button Remembering you need to get up early Just to finish the homework you were too tired to complete last night, you briefly consider getting up aah Its Monday , and you need all of your energy because it 1s evident that it 1s going to be a long week ahead You push the snooze button a few more times . Reluctantly , you open one eyelid and discover that your ride will be arr1v1ng 1n 15 minutes' In a mad dash, you run to the closet and grope for clothes 1n the dark because the daylight 1s too bltnd1ng You hop 1n and out of the shower JUSt to give the 1mpress1on of cleanl1ness ext , you run to the kitchen You finish off your Cocoa Puffs 1n record time It ' s off to school and you ' re wet, messy, and dressed as 1f you have no clue as to what the words color coord1nat1on mean Yes, the sun 1s r1s1ng v1v1dly on another Golden day. -Andy
Klein and Leslie Burchfield
- --Student Life7 7
.., ,.. -
Twenty miles o( bad road · Rannae Sanders and Janelle Facmell1 ger back from a muddy romp on a motorcycl e in South Park. • Phoro courtesy of the Sanders coUecuon
ing in Ame s neat poke
Bright lights , big cuy· Gus Nasses. Derek Chnsrenscn and Golden alumna Bnce Tatman adml!e th e saghrs of bcaunful Las Veg1,S, Nevada • Photo by Brian Johnson
is a country w different unders , you at it's en there."
OOO HHHHH baby!· Duncan Halstead funs with the photographer Ul Greece ·
Ph oto courtesy of Duncan Halstead
I I Hier Gr-anza
Puff awa y- G HS smok ers once aga.m e njoy The
ere are no ..,_ •~-~ - u lots o ~ ; - was little d to
Pit · Photo by Gold en Photography
loo k!· Can
locker as tidy as Megiln Talbott) · Photo by Golden Photography
be here."
Wat c h ouc Miss America - Klan Kavanaugh gives us his male version of the pageant wave K1an 1S accomparued by Shannon Wuerch • Photo by Ryan Kandel
4 is a c rowd - Drew Fulton, Laura Porterfield , Heather Wright and Bill Westb y cram into an "oldie but goodie" throughout the duration of the parade - Photo by Ryan K andel
Homecoming Royalty 1989-1990
Senior King and Queen - Kian Kavanaugh and Deena Pottor ff
Senior Attendants:
Debbie Matlock
Tony Balde ss ari
Susan Spence Doug Gayer
J ennifer Stunkard Jeremy John so n
Megan Talbott
Shannon Wuerth
Gregg Moore
Damion Simcox
Junior Attendants: Fre hman Attendant :
Brad Dinke l
Andrea Barrett
Andrew Fulton
Laura P o rt erfield
Sophomore Attendants:
Brendan Finnegan
Heather Wright
P leued to meet you Mr Pr esadeot · Mr Lu1an congraculatcs the King and Queen, Kian Kavansugh and Deena Pottorff after bcUlg crowned · Photo by Jansen Photography
Marooned on a Golden Island
Homecoming ' 89 was kicked off with the most exciting pep rally in years Every one was there to see Shawn Raymond's speech about weiners , Lowell Sharp as "the joker" , and Stephanie Olmore for getting the freshmen royalty . The absence of Henry Lujan and John Vidal led to a somewhat wilder assembly, with the notable exception of the freshmen who, by the looks of things , seemed to be sedated .
The parade was followed by varsity football ' s disappointing loss to Lakewood 36 to 26. Amongst rumors of brawling with Lakewood , a girl fight, and near girl fights , the game, as a whole, was pretty exciting. Jeremy Johnson once again was a standout, rushing for three touchdowns , one of which was a kickoff return Billy Neal's pass to David Jones also deserves recognition
- Sean Larmore
Srudenc Life
The fro n t ho e· Dave Ros.smiller, Dusttn Jarman , Clint Fleener Brad Sloan, and David 1'-1)·co t,ced Lakewood on Homecomtng. • Photo by Randy Olsson Photography
Rollin' down 12th St.· Scott Sutera eels like a real man, nding along with a truckload of women · Photo by Ryan Kandel
• ' I l ,
Hey got a needle· Erin Hessman and r. :igela Kotsincs arc dying to pop thc1.r balloons on the Junior Homecoming floa : · Photo by Ryan Kandel
M y fa ns • Amy Cusack flashes her Miss America wave while Mane Schowalter, and Awon fubcmun arc awed by her presence • Photo by Ryan Kandel
"It was a big disappointment, l1ardly anyone danced"
Student Life / 17
- Pat Sandt ·
s the ul ever - St arday -l _ I Hola , Chica· Olive , Anila Vogt/tr, greets Manalo and J esus , Tim 1\f(Donald and ja1on Hamp l tman, at the beginning of their date · Photo by Michelle Hladek 18/ Student Life Co me o n , Olive!· Florence , Tania Stiztr, tnes to convince OLve that going out on a date won 't be a disaster · Photo by Michelle Hladek Shhh , I'm trying to listen· The poker gang tries to listen in on Fe lix, Jon Popitl, as he uses the bathroom • Photo by Michelle Hladek :.hi" On Speed , •.•••. Owlc:o Fllion MUtTay ••.• B"'m Nyland Roy Greg Tilley V innio .•••.•• Scott KutroU Oscar ••••• Kiara K:avanaugh Felix •• •.• •• Jao Popiel G-ndolyn .•..... Jen Gny Cecily Ceuoncb Whitney female Cast Sylvie •.••.. K&ity Mickey ••.••••... Val Born Rc.ncc ••••• s1tp&1lio B&r<lily Ven Caaancb Whitney Olive .•••.• • Anita Vogeler Aorcncc ..•.•• Tania Scl7.l:r M&nalo •••.• Tim McDonald Jc.rus .••• Juoo fumplCTIW1
The John Klug produ c tion of The Odd Couple last fall was well recejved at Golden and did well a t the ticket office. Kathleen Reilly said , " I was reall y impressed with Brent Nyland a nd Kian Kavanaugh. Yup , they ' re pretty much hunks in my book , now ." The play was cast separately , male and female, each playing every other night As for the plot, Jon Popiel, Felix Unger and Tanya Setzer ,Florence Unger both go through a marriage ending fight and move in with their best friends, Kian Kavanaugh, Oscar and Anita Vogeler,
Olivia So , from there on, it wa s a barrel o ' laug h s as the characters tr y to solve their extraordinary personality conflicts. Greg Tilley said , "The opening night was like walking through a mine field with Mr. Klug always remindin g yo u to s tep on one so everyone would get a laugh ." The line that will remain with everyone who s aw the pla ys still lingers in a haze of laughter and cheering. " Breaking a person's heart is like killing a bull with a pis tol. '' And so goes life in the theatre • Michelle Hladek and Brian Johnson
Student Lifc/ 19
Uggg!-R orah St owS t re · laxes aftet he. gu lps ~own bis trashc an iunch.- Jthoto
by Ryan Kanicl
HALLOWEEN . The Eve of All Saints . The holiday celebrated on the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, a pagan, bacchanalian gathering steeped in darkness , superstition and blood.
So, how did GHS relate to this ? Why , the y had a dance sponsored by our very own Tridettes and a costume contest sponsored by National Honor Society There was a great turnout and seven people, Tami Hahn , John Brandenburg, Cheryl Draper , Ben Trefny , Kelly Ingram, Mike Sanders , and Cindy
Dockter walked away winners in the annual contest
In high school, trick- or- treating does not take center stage. There are many troubles that go along with it There is a popular question that always seems to get asked , "Aren't you a little big to be trick-or-treating? "
" Look lady , it ' s cold, I'm tired , so give me the candy and let me go home and get some sleep." And so goes another Halloween -Jarl Anderson and Andy Klein
20/ Srudent Life
Je rem y Who?· Jeremy H udson a ,eiigious figure ? · Photo by R Kandel Well goUeee!· Da' co rn here ain ' t nunin• likes what we·s got back home ,., Nebraska drawls Kurt Westgard •
Eric Bond
Does anyone have any WD-40 ?· J ohn Brand e nburg searches desperately
Dorothy and the
Bn ck
· Photo by Ryan Kandel
Photo by
Student Life / 21
Out of A frica· Mike Sanders and Cindy Dockter d1sgu1se themselves as Ztmbabwian jungle dw ell ers · Photo by Ryan Kandel
was because e hatl fantasies of being half-naked Africans.''
- <S:indy Dockter
1990 The year of the horse An approp n ate name for a year when the sw ift winds of change ru shed f ree over che face of the world Li ke o cher pivotal years in history such as 1783 or 1812, 1nst1cut1ons ever ywhere were cha ll enged 61 new ideas Some survived the te st of cha nge Others crumbled Here ' s a look ac the events that occurred in this most extraord in ar} year.
R evolutionary C hanges in th e Co mmun ise Blo c
In January of 1989, 1n his ficst days 1n office , George Bush c hallenged East Germany co " tear down the wall. " We all rolled our eyes Right, George
And then , m November, it happened By December, pieces of the most form1dable symbol of totahtanarusm were expensive tunkets m novelty shops And by November, our world view of rhe commumst bloc as a static and unchangmg instrument of suppression had be come somewhat antiquated (Howevet, the secretary of defense waited until almost February to tell us that the threat of war had d1mlfllshed Prudence!). Here 's a bnef summary of what happened where m the eastern bloc
Hungary· Waves of refugees streamed out of Hungary early m 1989 Among theu numbers were East Germans and Jews Hungary was the first of the communist bloc counrnes co exchange 1rs communise government for a form of democra cy
Ea11 Germany· Several days after breakmg down The \Vall , East Germany completely deposed theu new, days-old communist leaders , mcludmg Pnme Minister Egan Kranz Although Ease and West German y have yet to combme , East German y recogntzed the leadership of \'Q'esc German Chancellor Jc 1s currently m a state of governmental flux
Czuho1/011ak1a• Czechoslovakia also eased its border restncuons and allowed room for other political 1deolog1es, mcludmg Rice Czechs , Corn Czechs , ecc
Romania· Romania shook with violent , revolutionary c hanges In a bloody revolt, the Romanian people , with help from renegade army units , ousted the deeply entrenched regime of N1kolae Ceauses c u Ceausescu and his wife were promptly executed , and the future of Romania 1s still uncertain And Nadia Comanec11s at large m the Umced States with a lover " Amenca l"
Lithuania· Lithuania attempted a consntuuonal sucess1on from the Union of SoVJet So c1ahsr Republics bur was stymied for the ume being Azerbaijan• Another property of the USSR , Azecba1Jan rocked w1ch ethnic tension as racial tensions between Muslim and Chnsuan facuons cook a violent turn But Mikhail G got the Azecba11ams ro quit m1xmg 1t up, thanks to good old fashioned Russian martial law
H ush ! The r e's been a massacre 1n Ch in a Pro-Democracy demonstrauons centering around Tiananmen Square in Beijing began in April , 1989, when Mikhail Gorbachev was v1smng Premier Deng Xiapeng Ar one pomt , nearl y a mtll1on people poured into the streets The communise government roleraced the upstarts unul May, when 1c called our che tanks and crushed the gathenng m the square Although the government reported 300 c1vthan deaths , 1t 1s estimated by diplomats that the total is more likel y around 3000 The replica of che Statue of Libert y 1n the square was smashed beneath the ranks The world was hocnfied , bur rhe horror was short hved , and soon 1t was busmess as usual In January, 1990, the governm ent suggested that 1t would attempt more democranc reforms Smile or die
Let 's Visn P ineapple Face
Van Hal en said it George Bush rook 1t to heart " Panama' ' While G HS students were home for winter break , che Pentagon was mountmg 1cs largest mil1taty operac1on smce Vietnam and all for one man 24,000 U S rroops crashed che Christmas fesuv1t1es m Panama Ciry m search of Ma nu el Nonega After thoroughly combmg rhe countryside, · Pmeapple Face" popped up m th e Vancan Embassy (apparently he never left the city ) When Mr Nonega became bored of his Bible and his monastic cell, he decid ed his gig was up and turned himself m He 1s now facmg a cual in M1am1, and 1ud1c1anes a re combing the Streets for that elusive 1uror who says "Manuel , who >"
In other Central Ameucan news, El Salvador was again the center of struggle Re bel forces attempted to storm the capital in che biggest revolc in El Salvador since 1981 bur we re dnven back by governm ent forces Sev era l hundred Salvadouans died as well as six Jesuit pnests in the wrong place at wrong ume
Th e F ringe of R eality
Voyager 2 ended 1rs long traverse of rhe solar system Photos from Neptune rook hours to reach Earth and retained a stri k mg but eene quality 1989 also sa w the launch of a Venus probe, as we ll as George Bush poinnng co Mars as our next goal m space exploration Bue still no Elvis
Muc k ing A round in P ri n ce William Sou n d
1989 was a year when envuonmenral concerns became paramount, almost paranoid Therefore, 1r was not the beSt year to be crashmg oil cankers mto reefs Nevertheless , that 's what rhe upsy Exxon Captam decid ed to do The Cap handed over the wheel co an uncertified ensign after d ec1dmg ro go belo w deck for a nightcap and a snooze The result> Several million rons of crude oil m the pnsune and oh-so-cold waters o f Alaska 's Prince William Sound, several zillion dead Alaskan ammals, and several b1zilhon unhappy , ecologically nghteous consumers bnck m che contmenr al US Afte r Exxon s vali ant and completely incompete nt arrempc co cl ean up th e water, tensions were reaching a fever pitch T his event may we ll be " che spill heard round the world, " and a rallymg cry for env1ronmenrahsrs everywhere
Ot he r Bar bara Bush 's dog Millie had puppies Salman Rushdie hunt ed by che lac e Ayatollah for The Sata nic VtrJtJ Dan Quayle not a potted plant Number o f AIDS related deaths exceeds number of Amencan deaths in Vietnam Wa shington Mayor Ma non Bar ry busted foe coke Amencans try "ice " Sovie ts reveal rhac the Aral Sea has decreased m size by nearl y a thud due co over·ungation The vinyl LP phased ouc by most maior record compani es The Navy shut down for forty-e1ghc hours for a '' sa fe ty ch eck '" after bombing campgrounds and crashmg Je ts into apartment complexes Ra cism w1tch-hunts m che music induscy mvo lv1ng Public Enemy and Guns·N·Roses Gary Coleman sues Mo m 0 111/and debuts a nd revives Opus and Bill the Cat -Ja rl
o rba chev
Pho t os cou n es>·
22 / World ews • • •
Faces 1990· Mikhail G
Ge o rg e Bush l\ept
e M1l11 e Da n Qua yle. -
' I
D eca d e 1n R e 1ev..
1981 - Martial La\\ 1n Poland
An\\ar adac assassinated. Bobby ands star\eS co death in an Irish prison. High Infidelit y' 1s album of the ,ear
1 982 - Lech \X alesa freed from prison 1n Poland nemplo> menc reaches a nation high JaLzerc1se 1s 10
1983- all\ Ride first woman in , space Guion Brufo rd , first black man 1n space Federico Pena elected Mavor of Denver Vanessa \X illiams is the first black lv11ss America , but qui ck ly abdicates \\ hen dubious photos appear 1n Penth ouse.
1984- Olvmpic Games 10 Los Angeles Live Aid \X alter tv1ondale
1985 - .tvfexico C1tv ro cks Bonzo , goes co B1tburg Titani c found .tvl art1n Luther King Jr s birthday becomes a national holidav .
19 8 6- Irangate and a long list of names \\e hope ne\er to hear again Oli\er ~orth , John Poindexter Fa\\' n H alL Ronald Reagan Corazon Aquino rises co pov:er 1n the Ph1ll1pines , oust1ng former estranged leader Ferdinand Mar cos and his \\tfe , I melda of the M 1ll1on hoes Crack arrt\ es tn full force 1n L c1t1es The Challenger explodes and \\e helpless!\ re\\atch the 'vtdeotape O\er and over again
19 8 7 - Donna &. Gar}, Fa\\.n & Ollie, Jessica & J 1m Glasnost and Perestroika sow the seeds for catacl} sm1c change 1n the l R R obert Bork. Fun and \.\.argames 1n the Med1cerran1an The ev. York garbage barge I F treat y. Bad ) ear for stocks
19 88 - eoul Oh. mp1cs Ted Bund\ fried D iscover\ lifts off. getting us back on the space track Michael Dukak1s, and a coup le v.,hales trapped under the ice -Jarl
• •
fte1h t he- Fra ,__..-· in Ci:nma. pines!> in .a11.i.n, nn l'ncle: s::. 1n Al ~ska. · Photo) courteS) AP
In South Afnca President P .W . Botha stepped down from his high horse (and died ), and it appeared another conservative oppressor , F W de Kl erk, was go ing to h op nght on , but ... Th e man wh it e racists are learning to loathe , and blacks are cautious ly learning to accept , started che cogs of change moving H e , first , released man y political prisoners . Thi s somehow excluded elson Mandela , but his imminent release has many blacks ancic1panng his return to the fight for equality Hi s wife, W1nn1e Mandela , warned that Nelson may be too o ld to have an effect in toda} s politics Pre siden t de Klerk also legalized the A .N .C. (African National Congress ) which allowed the opp ressed to protest, dance, chant, and do whatever the y wanted 1n the streets. Some whites became frightened as their "security " was threatened, and millions of blacks t ook co the cobb lestones Th e government may use these precedents t o cloud th e scene, though . All
schools are still segregated , and blacks can still be thrown int o Jail withou t a trial.
K ee l e d Over
H ead H oncho numbers were ca lled up frequently this year :
· Emperor H1r oh1to passed quietly, ex-leader Ferdinand M arcos died 1n H awa ii , and Ayatollah, finally, b1c 1c.
- 60's radical Abbie H offman died of a heart attack. H e stopped using coca ine , I he ar Perm anently.
- Ru skie Andrei Gromyko, Ambassador to the United Scates , and hard liner for four communist premiers died a hornble dea th .... a capitalist overdose 1n the United States .
- Composer Irvin g Berlin , God bless . . , passed away.
- Baseball Commisioner, Bartlett G 1amatti, died less th an a week afcer he expelled Pete R ose from baseball you figure 1t out - By
Bnan J ohnson
All photos by Associated Pr ess
" Roa! Roa! Look, I told you I could be president!· Solidarity leader Walesa and President Bush · Photo by Associated Press
Chemise from C.U. wins Nobel
Thomas Cech, a chem ist, stomped on the worldly terra b} winning the obel Pri ze H e also garnered the Tnenn1al H arvard Univers i ty Science Award Smart guy or lucky chem is t ? Well , ac tu ally Cech and his par tn er Sidne, Altman discovered a way to reproduce ribonucleic ac id (RN A) Y ou kn ow, thi s might be helpful After all R A 1s the dr iving force beh in d th e chem ical change we ca ll life Somehow the se guys were able to cha ll enge the theories about the beginning of life This might a lso lead to new and 1mpress 1ve , mind you , ways of fighting commo n viru ses and things such as Ai ds The awards were well deserved
Flying Fur
This past year , Colorad o, as well as the natt o n, woke up to the c ruel and unusual treatment administered to an imals Aspen Mayor Bill Stirling c n ed foul , and tned co purchase one hundred foxes that were to be used for fur s He also tned to ban the sale o f fur produ c ts in Aspen Stirling ' s opponents argued chat man y ri c h toun s ts c ome to Aspen and spend their mone y on furs and such o , wha t it reall y c omes down to 1s mo ne y Apparentl y, a national poll sa ys, 88 % of Amen c ans are c on cerned about animal rights , but when mone y talks
Showdown ac the Bi g R ock
Can Colorado Win .. . Ever ?,,
The Bron cos ate it har d in the Super Bowl , again . People a round Colorado were su re that this was the ' Broncos· Year ', aah , but isn't every year the Broncos · Year,1 The Bro n cos seeme d to tak e th eir frustrations ou t on their wives this season instead of on the field Some players beat their wives , some hired prostitutes , and a few JUSt turned co drmk Speaking of drink , it was estimated that "77 % of Den ve r view ers t u rne d the game off o r were drunk by the third quarter" . . It was total and comp lete hum1lta t1 on.
The CU Buffaloes s tart ed the year as an unde rdog 1n the Big Eig ht Conference and ended the dream yea r 1n despa ir First , s tarting Samoan Quarterback Sa l Aune se was diagnos ed with terminal stomac h cance r It was found out late r that he and the coach's daughter had a thing go in g between them But tt was more th an Jus t a thing , as it turned out s he eventually had Aun ese ' s baby Isn ' t this an ille ga l pro cedu re , or something 1
Oh , yea h, we were discussing foo tb all. So , the Buffaloes went on to beat Nebraska and Oklahoma and win a cha nce for the natt ona l title agai n s t Notre D ame Following Colo rado foo tball tr adi ti on, th e Buffs (Co lorado ) lo s t, (aga in).
Lase J u ly the Fe ds came rambling into town with white gloves and s il ver pistols And the y headed dire c tl y for our littl e plutonium pile The y took man y photog raph s and found the evil that lurked between Boulder and G o lden , radiation poison , contaminated water , illega l waste , and " lawd , it was a mess ." For R ocky Flats, th is was not a year to che ri sh . Their parent c ompany ba c ked out and left them to fend off the media t out seul umerous new c ases of illness caused b y th e plant t urned up , and radi o a c tive mater ial was found floattn ' down into Arvada water rese r voi rs But while all this was happening , R o ck y Flat s c laime d no wrong do in g Go figu re.
Co lorado Sidelights
- Colo ra do got the oka y from Congress to for g e ahead and bu ild a new ai rp ort out in Adams Count y The main comp laint from Colorada n s was that IT 'S IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!
- The bones of Alferd P acker and his victims were dug up , and sc ient ists found ou t that h e wasn ' t kidding
- Den ver ' s pollution pr ob lem went down sligh tl y 1n 1989, but it s till remained a hassle It also had an adve rse effe c t on Denver 's eco n omy, which rema ined 1n a recession . -
- Katie San t, H a Tran, and Brian J ohnson
-· -
ta1 e and Lo ca l 2 5 ::-,
''I'm obsessed with Billy Warlock.'' -
Trullinger ; " St ruck ouc· Pete Rose bit the bi g one .ind sli d out of baseball en the ~um.mer of 89 · Ph oto by AP 26 / Studeot Life Th e nev. n1ghcumer · Arsen10 Halls already straddhng the gates to Paramount . · P ho to b\ AP , ,. / ,. E II• -! • .,.. '· .. • ' 4 • (, : ' • • Thumbs up , c rown oo, coses in hand · M iss Ameri ca steps into the role of roy11lcy · Photo by AP 6 feet of r e d hair under · This past year we lost one of the world ' s most chenshed comics. Lucille Ball · Photo by AP /. 1 ' .. • a .. '" l'· ' 'I ' • I 1 I {
You 're being summoned. You ca n't resist , for you wouldn't last another second without a glimpse of him or her . You cancel all plans on Friday night Just to spend an uninterrupted hour with your role model or admired " perfect 10 " You ' re Obsessed , whether it be with B i ll y Wa rl ock of Bay Watch , or Kim B asi n ge r from Batn1an . You secret ly wish to be that person , or you've fallen head over heels for the inaccessible steady date You 're overcome with che aching, glowing throb of depression or love ,
situated 1ust below the heart , ca used by 1ealous r, envy, or lust. You change your hair , c lothes, personalit y, everything and anything co become closer to this person . You hope to become that person or to hear an unexpected knock at the door Desperatel y seeking a date for the Emmys and the use of a phone , Tom Cruise or C h er have Just had a flat right 1n front of your house Ever y fantasy you've eve r had turn s to realtt} . COME ON IN 1! -
R} Burke
• sessions •
Sru deoc Life 27
Music - Rock, Rap, Reggae! Where would we be without it ? Probabl y some1vvhere less worthwhile like the librar y, ponderin g in silen c e the jo y of harsh head bang in '.
So what was iv1ClvfLXXXX music- w ise? Besides trend y in-no-sense-nonsense a la Paula , Bobby , Martika , and Janet MissJacksonlfYerNasty , 1989, music-~vise , was Bad Brains Chili Peppers
Soundgarden Aerosmith Cure Crue Cowboy Junkies Edie and he y! Metallica and the Cult plus Skid Row and Deadl y Kung Fu Action from Big Rap Noiz Boi z like Rob Base Tone Loe and Professor Grif but wait , there ' s still Satriani New Order Jesus and Mary Chain stuff. And Zep here , Zep there , Zep ever ywhere - Marci Parsons and Ali Kolodny
28/ Srudent Life I
Lo ok o u c' - Sk1a R o v. h~ •odar's
- Photo
\' l\ id !· Living Colour pulled the in n.uds of rock ·n roll. getting the fonk bac •· into duU metal. · P hoto b y AP b e \\"auing - Full M oon Fever was -om Pett\··~ bigges t album }Ct - Photo b) '\ P r. Cool R u
youth going wild
b) AP
nn ings !· Bob ~farle} has been a "legend" throughout the la\t three decade~ and v.11 conunue to be for manr }ears - Photo by R)an Kandel
"Until basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, I've got to say 'war' ."
Student Life/ 29
-Bob Marley
• --:-- ··•· •,•T".,-1'--.,,, .,,,~"'rt-r~ -• -• - -
''I never thought I would spend my
ior year in
"J ..,, J t .t;., ,1 <t-";; ( J 30 / S cud e n t Li fe C ould chat be a blemi s h I se e on you r no se· Amy Reid dev1ouslr smirks co lo\e, Tim 1\-k Donald · Photo by Ryan Kandel Y o u see, it 's lik e chi s- Chance Elliot share) his explanat1on as co v.h, males leJ,e the toilet seat up co h1) new wife. Jolene Anderson · Photo b, R, an Kandel Whoo ! That 's some precry mean prune juice you got cher e, Ma· K 1an K avviaugh p urPosely avoi d s Anica V ogeler's reacuon and ex pression. · Photo by Ryan K andel \ Bbck ind Silver Herc We Am MuciilCSc PIQi/2& l' ro Her bert Amy J o Re id Tim McDonald Chan ~ Ellio t Jolene Andr:non ClinlFlocncr Jual fhmplemm JCllllyHatch Kim Ka vmaugb Ana Vogeler SCCll?Klllloll JC11Dy <my c ,.nc1 Whitney I
-Anita Vogeler
ove or
What images do the word Marriage bring forth 1n your m1nd? i'v[oonJtruck, When Harry ,,let Sally or Some Kind Of lf/onderful. Or on a more intense note , War 'n Peace, St. Valentine's DaJ' ,\t1assacre, The Day After, or even The Abyss. The winter play production For Better Or For Worse, five one act p lays about love and marriage. all pertained co life threaten i ng problems. I'm Herbert, ,'.tfarriage Proposal, Black and Stiver, A Rainy Afternoon and Here We Are are among the one- part scenes performed, each br inging a new, but truthfu l view of marned life as we've yet to experience. Emotions rage in The .Afarr1age Pr1Jposa! and are tense in Here We Are. Childhood
fantasies about love and romance create the setting for A Rat n; Afternoon , whereas / 'n1 Herbert humorousl} describes an elder!\ couple tottering through the " Golden Years· · together, expenencing the ever dreaded gift of memory loss . And , of course, a marriage wouldn ' t be a marriage v.r1thout the delightful presence of ch il dren as witnessed 1n Black and Silver
So, with each issue and aspect in mind, before you take the perilous step of ty ing the knot , reflect and ponder what marriage rea ll y enta ils , consider first For Bette r Or For Worse. - Val Born and Al1sa M1nsch
1uden< Life ; 31
Wh y are some seniors so seldom seen at GHS ? It cou ld be that the y are enrolled at Warren Te c hni ca l Center. For many se nior s the Jefferso n County vocational program is a valuable experience Warren Te c h pr ovides a unique opportunity for hand s-o n training Some people reall y enjoy the independen ce and realit y of wo rking in the real world. K e n t T urn e r exults, " The atmosphere is weird . I fit in perfe c tly!" C h e r yl Bull a rd says, " I like it here . It 's fun , and you meet new people .'' Ocher senio rs s tate that Warren Te c h is d ifferent from regular sc hool because only s tudent s who want to attend are enrolled . Ea c h cla ss is individuall y geared co g1ve more
• knowledge for you r dollar. Ah , but wait ,students don't pa y a red c ent for any o f their Whew! ·
c la ss es And , from what I can cell , the y lov e it
-Jame s Kippen
- -· ·- '. • - ·
Lynell Selner finally gets a break from the ulumace design • Photo by Enc Bond
~2 / Pea,ure
II Program Enrollment
_I r, J • • • , , , ' , .' , , • , , , , f, ...... - ~· • \
Secreta rial 11 % Carpentry 7 % Comp ute r Accountin g 3 % Aut o Collision 13 % Com puter Graphic s 11 % Ho spitality, Tourism 4 % Weld ing 7% Busine s s Computer 7 % Auto M echanic s 13 % Indu s trial Ma c hin e ry 4 % Ele ctro nic s 9 9: Horticulture 2 % Printin g Technology 9 % WA KE U P 1 Kent Turner sr,ues blankly at the ~creen o( life 1n his graph c arts class Photo b, \.fart Hanme,ster Left · Ha , Ha, Ha, · John Heffelfinger gives us a look o( approv al before delving into the unknown m industrial machin es Above• Hum , Cristine Rice 1s rev1ew1ng her pros pe cts m he r secret anal class Photos b} Enc BondNICALITY Featu r e / 33 ·· -( •' , ( ( cl ' ' , ' • • , ' • \ , , ' ' '
~4 / People I
Overflowing wich school spiric· A mob of enthusiastic sophomores ride their float in the homecoming parade • Photo by Ryan Kandel
The peopl e of GH a r e th e r ea l m ea t of w h a t th e c h oo l i all a bout. Par e nt s, t eac h e r , a dmini s tr a t o r , a nd , of co ur e, ( mo s t importa ntl y!) s tud e nt a r e a ll e nm es h e d to fo rm Go l de n The more va ried a nd uniqu e eac h indi vidu a l , th e m o r e co l o r ful the student population . Gold e n i a ocio -eco n o mi c mi c r oco m of the United Scar es . You ca n c hoo e yo ur fri e nd f r o m eve r y social strata and h a n g our with a di ffe r e nt e t eve r y ni g ht . On e of Golden 's s trength i s it di ve r ir y. In mu i c, fo r exa mpl e, tastes range from M e talli ca co Moz a rt. V a ri e d a l o, a r e th e choices of hobbie s or f a vorit e ac ti viti e ch a r t ud e n t a r e engaged in after hour s a nd on th e ir hi g hl y tr ea ur e d wee k e nd Some student s ge t their ki c k from Ridin g th e Ro c k ie , ca lin g Quandray Peak , or br a vin g th e whit e w a t e r o f th e Co l o r a d o River. Other s prefe r th e mob ce n e: Th e Bould e r M a ll C r aw l and The C ure at Fiddl e r 's Gr ee n e . And you ca n a lw ay find those people who a r e c ont e nt to c url up with a g ood b o ok o r t o watch their favorit e te levi s ion s how. Bue , in th e e nd , it ' n o t what you do , it 's who you a r e, a nd who you a r e m a k e u Golden.
-Lisa Walter
Aw, come on, Cam!· Susan Aberle tells Cam Loflin his girlfriend won 't mind . • Phoco by Eric Bond
People / 35
Embarrassing moments. We ' ve got two of the best here, so let 's see 1f you rs top s GHS hall of fame moments K a t ie Sc h o w a lt e r 's embarrassing moment came 1n the Soviet Union during a you th convention Students were exchanging gifts when K atie ran out of some thing co give 1n return . She pulled out a balloon and handed 1c co a Russian boy He looked at it , blew 1c up , and waved it around Later , she learned the Soviet Union had a shortage of birch control devices They use balloons for a subsucute!
I asked M ike «cras h " Sa nd e r s about his embarassing moment '' During last year's measles shots, I passed out and did a faceplant tnto the corner of the gym. It took seven stitches to sew me back up. " Those are only two moments; we ' ve got more.
· Sean Larm o re
T ota l goofin ess· "I 1ust feel so squl!rely ," moan Greg Tilley and Joline Andersen · Photo by Ryan Kandel
Mike Attebery Tony Baldessan Cory Ballentine
Jus11n Aberle Marshall Allen
Tern Andersen Jarl Anderson
Marc Ande rson
Lena Arvidson
Scou Barlow
Bill Barr ow
Joe Baum atahe Be c k
Alexia Benoerts Susa n Bi ce
Tony Boyer
Wade Braden
S 1ephao1e Brann an H eac b er Br assell
R obert Be esley
B rtan Benbow 1c k Bender
Eri c Bilger
John Bishop Gisela Bola n d
Seoiors / 37 I
Wbadda ya smi ling (or ~ Kas ie King and Christie Rice take 10 the lounge and homework Photo by En c Bond
c- -/
Juliano Braz
Jim Breeze
Kell y Brooks
He1d1 Brueske
Cheryl Bullard
T y Burr Jenny Jo Burt
Lara Buyze
Marcy Callaway
Jody Carlon
David Carney
Dave Casper
K C Chapman
38 / Seniors
Derek Chnstensen
When 1c comes co being in the spotltghc, Anic a Vogeler is one who can tell you what 1t 1s like Anit a really en JO\ s acting and v. ants to pursue tt further She's quite bus\ with her acting and man\ other act1v1t1es such as leading the color guard. s inging, and pla, 1ng a musical instrument
Anica has always wanted to be an actress , so she dec id ed to take a drama class 1n eighth and ninth grade Her first performance was here at GHS when she was 1n Ol111·e r She has pla,ed man} roles since then She recentl; played the part of a dirt\ slopp} combo, in Th e Odd Couple Anica loves to act because she likes becoming another person She finds acting to be rewarding and hopes to ma JOr 1n drama at Westmont College -Mette
Tessa Clabaugh
Clint Clarke
Aod y Cobb
M1chelle Condron
Tammy Cooksey
Wendy Correll
Lau rel Co un c ,lm ao
Jennifer Coverdale
R oy Dalton
Senao r s / 39
J ames Daniel s Leslie Dean
-- ·"""' .. " - f 40/ Se niors
C indy Do c kter
Lori Donahue
Craig Duster
Cherie tdward s
Cheryl Draper
<.,regory Ellison
Bryan DesMarteau Toni Diedricbs
Brian Dixon
Jessica Dixon
Robert Drouillard Deanna Dun ca n
James Embury Ch r isti ne Epps
After a few sho rt months of summer vacat ion , man} sen iors will be packing their bags to go off co the college of their dreams In every bag there a re c lo ch es , toothb rushes , pens , pencils , and paper But let ' s look deepe r unde r the bas ics and find out what eve r} student needs to su rvi ve co llege I mean the fun little th1ng1es and doodads
Firs t, there are pictures of you r famtl} , friends , and true love
D o n ' t for ge t the sec ret stash of snacks , and those good luck }ellow socks with che que s ti on marks on them the ones ; ou 've worn for every te s t s in ce the seven th g rade
Some o ther imp or tant things are you r pet ham ster and bunn} slippers Tr avis Mit c h e ll sa ys, " I'm tak1n ' my futon' " -Julie Capp
Ces1a Erbaugh Ral ph Esp i noza
Choe Fleener Aaron Fleec
T odd Polle
Tammy Foody
Aaroo Gabrie lson Matt Gag o oo
Marcy Etzco houser Adnaoa Fcroaodcz
M ic helle Fern s
Se niors / 41
Seldom do you find an athlete as versatile and tal ented as J e r e my John so n He excels 1n every sport 10 which he compe t es As a 1un1o r , J e r e m y received all-state recogn1t1on in football, almos t went to state 1n wrestling , and is considered one of the best baseball players 1n the state He will be the first athlete at Golden Hi gh Schoo l ever co letter 10 times Academically, J e r e my earns over a 3 3 GPA J e r e m y 1s considered an excellent young prospect for many univers iti es. Man y schools are interested 1n J e r e m y including I owa , I owa State and Stanford , which 1s his first cho ice J e rem y plays second base but also excels at shortstop. Hi s h1tt1ng 1s excep ti ona l as h is batt ing average 1s one of the highest in the county.
Scon Garvin
Doug Gayer Cindy Gebhardt
-Andy Kl ein
He y Kid !· Jeremy Johnson 1s way too cool co smile for che camera· Photo by Ryan Kandel
/ Seniors
Mi c hael Ge1le Tono Giminez
Jason Gonzales Michelle Gould
Gabriella Guzman Nil s H aagensen
Tami H ah n Tobe y H ammo nd
-- ---U
T a mm y H a rn ey J
mmmmmm !·
:,.,farshall Allen 1s ~een getting intimate with his burrito · Phoco br J\.f1chelle Hladek Jason H ampl emao R ay H aoseo
ohn H arris
Seo io r s/ 4 3
Sa ndi H a rri s Ma n H a rt me1scer Can d i H au n Ri ch H auser John H e((elfioger
Mau Held Tr acy He n d e r son
ammy H e rr o d We nd y H ilge r s Br
ando n H ock
You finall y make 1t to your senior year. Your life is comp letely together , and you r stress level is low EXCEPT FOR YOUR MOST CHALLENGING CLASS The second you hear the name , your heart jumps , you break out into a cold sweat, and a sick feeling comes over you r entire body These symptoms are caused by yo ur free falling grade , la ck of understanding , over indulgence 1n socializ ing , paranoia , and the senes of test papers that were returned with the word " FAIL ' prominentl y scrawled across the ent ire first page .
A number of subjects make the class of 1990 feel this wa y. But the majority of students find , brace you rself for this one , CHEMISTRY to be the most c hallenging c lass of their life Wh y? " I t's impossible , JUSt coo much to learn ," said A a r o n Ga bri e l so n - R y Burke
•-.---····- ·-· .--~ . ~~--=-"~----~=~~--...===
-~~, :-11 ,,.. . . l ~• Ml -Ul -1 t I - UI 1't II ·Ul l!,11 UI ' · lU "... ,_ -
O'Yah· Susan Kiefer and Orphie Pearse slave over life 's basic, chemistry • Photo by Eric Bond
44 / Seniors
Ca r men Janeck Jemini Ja n sen T r aci J ansen
Ao n e H ogan Josh Howes
Brad H oy Julie H ulstein
K elly I ngram
Joa q uin I zq uierdo
Rikke J essen
Brian J oh nson
...__, Jeremy Johnson Mark J Johnson
K1an Ka vanaug h
Andrew Kay
Chan da Killion Ka sie K1og
Ronda Kirkman Pacn ce Kopelman
David Jones
Scon Jones Pacnc1a L Kanode
Scefan K err
IONS rooter than O 1 M ) ANIONS .....
Richard K ersuens Susan Kiefer
CQ 10 <oopcrafl on w,th
ior s/ 45
I've got gloves oo, bow 'bour you? · Carmen Janeck cradles
an unknown substance •
Photo by Er,c Bond
I --•
J os hu a K orosec Tom K ocsin es Mar k Laud
M ar k Laae V r eli Lange
• G
n DIE scu11 K a nn Litd epa g e Tra cy Lu ca s 48 / Se ni o rs
Dav1d Lawrence James Lemons Michelle Leonard K1mb er h Le pa k T o dd Le pk e
le ao Link Kim Litm a
So, how man} sen iors know people at our school named Space Burger , Geese. M cGuff} o r J ones}) What about someone named Ki d or anh) en1or 1n s1de Jokes are \asc and numerous The} go from bizarre , H ow are }er }a }a·s>" co inane o poufcas ice.
ice,· says Adri a n teveos eve r} time a f re shman gees run down tn the road Have }OU ever had a reall~ ~e1rd gu~ named Joe come up co you s1ng1ng, Me Barn o Jose, Vivo aqu 1! · Has a huge senior girl namel } C indi Gebhardt eve r asked you if ' Juanna Carlone) Don 't worry, chis saying 1s re served for J ody Ca rlon and no one else buc 1f you do gee asked , alwa}S repl} · no thanks · H ere 1s one more co ponder " I have bags, and I have big b ig bags. but I m a ll out of b ig bags ,· cou rt esy R ya n M cG rath - Bri an J ohnson
Jennifer Lu ceroa Rob Lyoo
Lua Ma io r Debb1e Matl ock
Tamm y Matzke
So rrel Maxwell
Doug McC lure Mack M cCo ooell
Se oior s/ 49
T im M cDonald S banooo M c farlan e W ilh am M c Gaffey
S1reuia' olit· Ms. Golilen, Cheryl {;)raper, ttie1 ro escape• hectic day by climbmg anto her1-n sanauary • Phcxo by Golden Phorography
Keith Merri ck
Lisa Merri ck Max Mit chell
50 /
Ch ri s Moore Gregg Moor e H a nnah Moore
Seth McG inni s Rya n McG rath
Linda M c lane Ja son M cWi lliam s
Travis Mit c hell Dave Moon
~tao Moss berger Ju l ie Mueller
' Just K 1ck1n ' 1t " is basically the attitude of the average senior Take advantage of chis , for soon the vivid realtcy of " the real world " will sink 1n What will these poor souls do :> Some will drift and become part of the great American work force , and some will fu rther thei r education (or party 1n other words ) Some have real goa ls, t hough , " I want co be a Laker ' s girl ," laughs Ces i a Erb a u g h Sarcastica ll y Tr a vi s Mit c h e ll adds , " I want to c ontribute to educa ti on!" As you can see, many challenging goals lie ahead for these young adul ts. o more ravag ing weekends ; no more dan c es t 11l dawn , no more Swah il i substances or women or men for that mac cer. No mas It's time for the young to grow old This is a true t urn ing po int . It 's e ighteen and l ife to go' -
Maret Parsons
Gayle Mu.ruart
S h ane Myer
Ka n Nelson Man1 Nelson
Br idg et New b e rg
A nia Nie lsen
Mad s Ni else n Ca ri No b e l
B randon James Nagel
Gw Nasses
Chad Nelson
Seniors/ 51
Aaaagghh! Just when you chink you've left high sc ho o l fo reve r, you' re back! Why ? Class reunions , of course! You know , chat ' s when you find out th e gorgeous hunk in gym c lass is now a King Soopers' cat food manage r , and the nerd you sat by 1n math c lass is a billionaire model for GQ Who plans these out rageous encounte rs ? Your wild and craz y senior class officers! Th ey a lre ady have a few ideas fo r themes they might use . Where are they planning on holding you r 10 year reunio n ? "We ' re go ing to rent R ed R ocks
Amphith eat re and re ca ll the band " A cid R eign" (C hris Thomp s on Co r y Ball e ntin e Jeremy Hud so n and Jason Hampleman) t o p erfo rm ," says class secretary /treasu rer Tammy Harney And the 25 th reunion ? Well , vice president Ke ll y Brooks didn ' t have a sin gle idea for a th eme. That ' s all ri g ht. H e ' s go t a few yea rs co think . I f you plan on being around in 50 yea rs , go t o the ca feteria , and a member of the R ad io Cl ub will play the hok y poky! D on' t wor r y! You ' ll be back here before you kn ow it . Lik e it or no t !
- Ali K olodny
Bren t Nyland
Wendy Obrzu t Stephanie Olmore
52 /
Hey you! Get off of my GI· Kelly Brooks, Stephanie Olmott, and Tammy Hamey 11e just sittin' on their G's! · Photo by Ryan Kandel ____________________....,
Senio r s
Eri c Olson Gina Os wald
Spyro s Papadopoulo s Ju.lie Parlette
Mo ll y Panon Orphic Pearse
Al ys on Pearso n Paolo Pedenovi c b
Get away!- Isaac Rascon amaza his friends by aaually sitting in the G • Photo by Eric Bond
Elisa Phillips Chu c k Piekarski
Marc Piekarski
Chad Pippin
Michael PJaacane Joa Popiel
Deena Pouorff
Suzi Pno Ch ri s Pyler
Ella Quaintance Mi c helle Quaratioo
Derek Quiaa
/ 53
Alexandra Rawling s Darrel Ra y
Well , the votes are in on the newe s t indu c tee s tnt o the Traffi c Violation H all of Fame . Firs t , 1n the ca te go ry of Mo s t D angerous Blonde , the awa rd goes t o V reli Lange . She's rolled her car and rearranged som e o ne ' s brand-new RX -7. The Tou g h Luck award goes t o ou r ow n Tammy Harney She's been in numerous acc idents , one with minimal in su ra n ce on her car. Fin all y, the Overall Ac hievement awa rd drum ro ll. IT 'S ME , Mike « CRASH" Sanders . Ever ybody I as ked , sa id , " Y ou a re definitely a t the t o p of my li s t.' ' Three acc iden ts and tw o ti cke ts in one year. It o nl y to o k me three months to park m y red Chevelle in the kitchen of a h ouse That ' s right , A H OUSE . I then wrecked my Mom ' s T-Bird the morning after Pr om . But I was wearing a sea tbelt !
-Mike " Crash " Sanders
A boy and his car· Mike Sanders gives his car a big hug . · Photo by Matt Hartmeister
54 / Seoiors I
Julie Re seig h Hel e n Rhodes Shoo R ide n ou r
S hawn Ra ymond Clint Reffel
There sa Regni er Amy Re id
Nikki Reiley Kathleen Reilly
Elizabeth Riea
Heather Riley
David Robie Da,e Rossm iller
Jeff Sawyer Shanno n Schoen
JenaJfer ~bepberd Mark Sherrill
Summer Shivers Damion Simcox
Jim Rudolph
Mike Sanders Tyra Sandy
Kaue Sc h owalter Lynnell Se iner Sa nd y Shephard
Ir was this big· Jerem y Huds on tells everyone about his close encounter with a monstrous burrito ·
Se niors / 55 )
Photo by Brian Johnson
Bradley S loan
Denny S mith Bran on Snyde r Sus.an Spence Teri Stahl
Lisa Stanley Lor i Scellecs
Julie Scevenso o Bea S ru ckey
Jennifer Srunkard
Ni co le Summer s Megao Talbon
,.,.,,-.- ~.' '.•-•· ,
Robert Tate Danny Tboemke
~lo'--•.•"'· .•
Moderation in All il"hings· Chris ifnomP.son land ! friends discuss their philosophical " diamond~
,ti:·· ·.. - ·· · S6 / S en io r s
Photo by Ryan Kandel
Graduati on 1s a time for refle ct ion It is a ti me to look back over the ups and downs of the Jou rn ey from Junior high days to pseudoadulthood It 's " Miller Time · But were their hi gh school years perfect and 1d}ll 1c, or were there some roug h spo t s:> If the y could change ce rtain th ings, would the} ;, " Yes ," replied Derek C hri s ten se n ' I' d want straight A s, but no work o, watt I'd want t o be a cat · Othe rs had mo re worldl\ conc erns partyin g more , dropping this or that c lass. etc . bu t the maJ o r1t y felt that their scho la s ti c caree r had gone well and didn't need revi s ing in retrospect H owever, the} all ag re ed on one thing , after three yea rs, the time t o say goodbye has finall} co me
-Jarl Anders o n
Chris Tbompsoo Mel issa Tbompsoo
Greg Tilley
Jamie TimmerwiUce
Susan Tiodell Hoang To
Kurt Tonkin Kan Trullinger
Meow• Derek Christensen , man or feline ! · Photo b)' Ryan Kandel
Sen ior s/ 57
Paul Tubbs CraJg Turnbull Keat Turner
Alexandra Van Leeuwen Bri an Vialpando
Joe Victor
Anita Vogeler
• Angela Vorhis
Scou Wages
Amy Waters
James Wellen sie k C hri ste l White
Jason White Mike White h ouse Kellye Wi lcox
58/ Seoiors
Corey Wilde S te ve Williamson
During brisk autumn evenings you can often find Golden ·s own Jarl Anderson doing what he does besc writing ' Mi ss 1ss 1ppi 1ghcs", his seco nd nationally published poem , 1s only a small example o f his many sh o rt free verse poems Hi s p oetry has been featured 1n che national quarterly Ripp les and 1n numerous sma ller publi ca tions such as Lost ?vfagazrne and The Florrda Earthwrse Socrety Calendar Jarl does his best wnt1ng usually during the months of October co De cembe r He sa id , " There is time co chink , and 1t 1s all so beautiful " T o Jarl the two most imp ortant elements 10 his wnt1ng are image and rhythm He hopes co evencuall} take some of his poetry and put 1t co music Here 1s a poem chat Jarl hopes will be published soo n -Sherilyn Ball
Not Pictured
' Pos c-Imag1sc Da 1s"
The ragged edge of a guitar pick worn lovingly down like a broken heart or a fever dream
Deliver Me from a rosa ry of th o rn s, a desnny of understatement , and another night alone
Kara Wilson Chns Winkler
Shannon Wuenb
Luke Young
Teresa Zakowski
Steven Ziemann
Consu ela Al va rado Jessica Chisholm Melissa Fus s John Johnson Isaac Rascon Robbie Ward David Anderso n Daryl C 1£erri Bridgett Gage Shane King Ku st en Reaves Tina Ward Brad y Archer Nathan Clary C had Gorcon Kimberli LaMa ste r Chr1sune Ri ce Wesley Weeks Mau B arton Wilham Crowden Scacey Green John McCarty Robert Ro ss C brisuan Wilkinson Staci Be ck Donnell Dailey Dean Halb eisen Derek McCla1ne David R oule1r Bleu Wilson Brenda Boom Jame s Dickerson Harold Hardin g Dianna McV1cker Marlene Sargent Brook Bo rden ChrlS Drobnick Travi s H armon Steve Mills Ch nsuoe Sc hoemer Ja son Brawley Michael Field Lori H iatt Peter Montoya Roger Sc hu ste r Mary Brown Mark Fi sh Jeremy Hud son James Mortensen Todd Smyth W11l1am Byerl y Molli Fox Tommy Hunter James M yuon Adrian Steve n s Joel Car penter Rob ert Franks Dusuo Ir ons hell Ja1my Nixon Ca rla Steve n s Joelle Ceci l Tra c i Franks Daniel Jarr etr Jam es Olkham Stacy T o ler Seniors / S9
Remember when it was a long strange trip? Well , it still is in a way , we just fo rgot to mention who you were taking the trip with Word has it that some seniors have been friends since second grade Peop le like J oe and Matt , and Ryan and Adrian Other peop le who have been good friends for many years are Cindi and Debbie , Nicole and Susan , Mike and Mike and Traci and Staci . Digging in with friends on the weekends , spending late nights in a field , trying new and diffe rent things are just some of the things that sen iors talk about when they think of thei r best fr iends. " We spent 17 hou rs in a hotel room . All 13 of us! We had an Excellent time I know I' ll never forget it ... ," said a nosta lgic Mik e Ge il e So, always remember your high school fri ends , because there wi ll never be any quite like t hem . Keep in touch
- Brian Johnson
• ,,
J un io r Hi gh Gi rl s· Molly Patton and Joelle Cecil have stayed good fnends since their school years at Bell Jr . High Joelle cl aims , "I wane to have Moll y' s kids " ·
Photo by Chris Thompson
The International) Bo ys of Germany," coke - Photo by
Kr isten ~is 4desn't Peters and.Marc Pie dek
I Where would you go? Australia 31 % Germany 21 % France 16 % Italy 7 % Greece 5 % Spain 5 %
Q~ •1•~ 'I ·-"· • K o o 01 c h1 wa· Dressed in authentic Japanese attire Can '1oble cakes on an Onencal flavor · Photo courtesy of Can ?\/obel Co mr a de s- Kaue Schowalter reveals her American sp1nt · Photo courtesy of Kaue Schowalter and Soviet Union 12 % Switzerland 3 % Fea t ure/63 i ! • I I I I I I I I I I I f I f I I I
L1v1ng dolls Kell} Brooks and hiS Spanish companion kick back on the beach · Phoco courtesy of Kell}· Brooks
• ''I can wear ng ood L oo k at t h e pr etty fl owe r s · Jenrufer
the ever-Popular vest.· Phoc o by Mi
ch elle Hladek
He looks so innocent· Peter Lawrence tries to look like a real school boy · Photo by Michelle Hladek
What a smile· Shauna Blankenship hides her struggle to hold up that wall
· Photo by Ryan Kandel
64 / Fashioo
But mommm , it's rhe latest style!- Dora Salazar tries to tell us it 's okay to wear those h oley jean s. · Ph o to by M ic helle Hladek
Fashion is Never. Out of Style
Ye ah, yeah, I know those Guess jeans cost you $60. Yeah , I know that Forenza sweatshi rt cost you S4O. Is the cost of 9,,earing name brands wo rth it? Thankfully, at GHS it doesn' t matter 1f you wear name brands an}1 more.
Here at Golden, people wear c loth es that reflect their personalities. If you have the urge to wear a polkadotted tie over a plaid s hirt with puke orange pants , }'Ou may get some funny look s, but no o ne reall y cares.
Around Golden , you never used co see ve s ts . According to Lisa Major , " All of a sudden , everyone 1s wearing them ." You also see man y wi ld haircuts , some dyed jet black, and many people
9,,earing s tonewashed jean shorts .
Fashion is a g re at way to express mood , personal opinions, and sty le in genera l and at Go ld en, people do not judge your characte r by the way you dress .
- And y Klein and Mi c helle Hladek
Fashion / 6S
I r • -'" '. -,.., . Susan Aberle David Adlfioger Beth Ahrens Ryan Ambariann Kelli Anderson Lesley Andrews-Jones James Angel Chara Armon Joo Ayres Karim Azad Srephanie Bachofer Kerri Baldwin Megan Barney Andrea Barrett Michelle Bastin Sean Bays Shawn Beach Kxisten Bellion Anoe Bellows Melodie Bennetts Cindy Bergeron Nick Bezzerides Heidi Blankenship Brigette Blythe Kelley Bocock Eric Bond Amy Bradsby Jason Brandt John Brandenburg Katie Bremer Katherine Briggs Shannon Brouwer Dax Brown Julie Brown Dawn Brownlee Dawn Bryant Sierra Bufe Leslie Burchfield Sarah Burke Gabe Burkhardt Chris Buss Chad Carland Sonja Carlson Derek Christy Sonya Cisneros Duwayoe Clark Jackie Clark Doug Cox Eric Cross 66/Juoiors cf L. • ' J
STRESS This word 1s almost synonymous with Junior yea r It 1s the yea r to get 1t together , or 1n other words, to begin making decisions that will affect the future . Yes , folks , graduation 1s right around the co rner Sure , the seniors will be gone before you, but you' re next 1n line to the throne
Most will agree that you r Juruor year 1s by far the hardest It 1s the yea r to think about either taking or preparing for the SAT's and the ACT's Your Junior yea r 1s also the ttme to establish and maintain a class rank Some top un1vers1ttes require students to be 1n the top 10% of their class
Other Juniors are busy finishing up their required classes so they can coas t through their senior year. These students plan on caking easy-on-the-brain c lasse s such as student assistantships their senior yea r When you need one of next yea r's seniors, look 1n the lounge ! That previously hard working Junior will have become a certified lounge lizard Certainly , you should not have co spend that long a waited partying senior year working hard
So , the ma JOricy of the 1un1or class kept busy thi s yea r and tried to deal with the stress 10 order co prove themselves The y should be proud' -Alt Kolodn y
Who are thes e studs? Moses Mares and Brad Dinkel take a break from all that Junior Stress and go to cheer the football tea m on! P hot o by Ali K olodny
Girl of many roles
" Perso nall y , I think she ' s kind of fruity , but you kn ow, pleasant like a ripe s trawberry. Hmmm good! ", said a s tinging ly h o n es t Greg Ti ll ey He was talking about the diverse and active Tania Setzer
Her attributes consis t o f a very pure but p owe rful voice , which s he uses f o r both acting and s in g ing . She is very amiable t o everyone , even he r tea c her s, but the scoo p o n her is not to ge t her mad . It is sa id that she is a tumul tu o u s fighter.
" Oh man , s he s lap boxes with the best of 'em," said a wounded so phomore
Tania is a ju nior , and thi s fall s h e rat tl ed the theatre world in Th e Odd Couple , which was her fir s t pla y. She a lso parti ci pated in Co n cer t C h o ir , eve ntuall y being selected for All -State Choir , a difficu lt honor t o achieve. nTania , you' re m y hero Y ou r de t ermination and perseve rance h ave enriched my life Oh , yo u mean Tania Setzer , so rr y," sa id Lisa Patzer . Tania says, " M y goa ls in life a re n o t re a ll y defined , bu t I know I will be happ y in whatever I do be caus e I'm myself. Or ma ybe I'll just be a lumber jack ... yea h , that sounds coo l. Lumber men a re re a ll y rad , and big a nd mu scu lar and swea t y, and wh a t was the question ?" - Bri a n J o hn so n a n d M a tt H ar tm eis t e r
I • -··· ---.
Taoia, Taoia Crockett ...•Queeo of cbe wild frontier- Another of Tania 's aspirations is to have her own rhcme music, and to have it playing where ever sh e goes ' 'I've already cried it once, bur people got scared and ran away when the saw the tuba player following me everywhere " ·
Photo by Brian Johnson
68/ Ju.oiors •
, ' J ' Chris Cruz Amy Cusack Dao Day Jeannie De Fore Damon Delgado Brad Dinkel Kristie Dinbreoner Jobno Dodge Jim Domenico Michele Dorsch Kristen Driscoll Bmet Dunn Rohen Duster Jessica Eaton Dao Edwards Chance Elliott Kathy Engelke Leticia Espinoza Chris Ewing Sean Faricy Joe fisher Bridget Fitzgerald Gina Ployd Chuck Flynn Stephanie Flynn Derrick Fossett Stephaine Foster Beth Fox Kathy Frey Denise Froning Jolie Frost Shona Prye Kris Fulcomer Rick Gardner Rieb Gee Paula Gidlund Anna Gil Angie Godsey Dustin Granquist Jenny Gray Marci Gray Stetson Green Charloue Gregory Alison Haberman Jeff Hadwiger Tom Hager Steve Hall Keo Handon Tammy Hansson Juniors/ 69
Brian Haptons1all
Brian Hardman
Scott Harris
Steve Harvey
Jennifer Hatch
Dawo Hayoer
Justine Hearn
Julie Herbert
Eric Heineman
Chris Held
Erik Henriksen
Brio Hessman
Michelle Hladek
Denise Homerick
Jen Honeyman
Brandon Hors t
Warren Howell
David Hughes
Cory Hulin
Rick Humphrey
Amy Humphrey
Melodie Jansen
Dustin Jarman
Brent Jensen
Derek Johnson
John Johnson
Mark Johnson
Debbie Jones
Brian Jorgensen
Ryan Kandel
Natalie Karpoff
Scott Kasrroll
Karri Kemler
Leslie Kendell
Ranie Kirby
Doug Klyn
Paul Koenig
Angela Kotsines
Steve Kramer
Renita Kribbs
Susan Krickbaum
Terra Krieger
Karen Kronauge
Kris Kubas1a
Linda Kuhnle
John Kullhem
Will Kulp
Brandon Larsen
Erick Larsen
11 l
70 / Juniors - ' ' I.. . /.. · ...__-...; I!\ )· \ I
Shed • the light
There's one' One of the few left these da} s Y o u can tell it from the others b} the bold red and blazing silver Yes , it's one the endangered species the Jun1orious Lockot1cus Empt1t1cus , or 10 la;man s terms , the uncluttered locker Today, all 1n the species Jun 1onous , or Juniors, lean towards covering the 1ns1des of the Lockot1cus , thus, creating the spec ies Lockottcus Plasterus with Ptcturus It seems that all Juniors can be proud of their new creat ions , their new lives Over the years both Jun iors and the1r efforts to decorate the i r lockers have evolved to a h igh art To the untra ined eye. the focal point of the Lockot1cus ma} appear as a p ictu re of M e l Torm e or maybe J a m es H a tfi e ld . In the heart of a few lockers 1s the ever present mi rror tn which narc1ss1sc1c Juniors view themselves 10 awe Other lockers boast crates to ho ld required books , coats , and notebooks Man y lockers even spor t pin-ups of beguiling women and muscle-bound men Toda} , even the most pa1nstak1ng Jun iors continually overhaul the ir lockers with each pass ing wh im I ndeed , a definite symb1ottc re lanonsh 1p exists between a Junior an d hts locker In return for the 1un1ors ' constant unwave ri ng attention , the locker g ives 1un1ors a place to stick their mu l titude of parapherna li a necessary for ex is t ence at Go lden H igh School
- James K1ppen
It ' s totally un rea l· Enc Bond's locker delves deep into the mysccries of the unknown. · Photo br Ryan Kandel
Jun iors / 71
Ride the Rock• 1es
Picture yourself going on a jou rne y beyond sight and sound You huff and puff as you pedal a bike up a winding mountain road . You wipe the swea t off you r brow and are eager to rea ch the top , so you can en joy the coas t to the bottom , only to be met by the same cha llenge again.
No , you have not just entered The Twilight Zone Y ou have just encountered the feelings of the riders who were in the bike tour , Ride The Rockies , the 361 mile trip through the wilderness of Colorado from Grand Jun c ti o n to Golden.
Over 2,000 rider s went on this exciting 10 day adventure , and one of them was GHS's own junior , Nick Bezzerides .
He and his cycling partner's days s tarted around 7 a m and ended around 2 p . m . They rode for miles ranging from 32 t o 67 miles a day .
After ridin g, he struggled in the brouhaha of getting his bag off the tru c k and was then caugh t in the mad rush for the showe rs.
The travelers slept in schools, and twice they camped in a tent In a c ruel twist of fate they weathered a June snow in Leadville
Nick s tarted training in late April. This is Nick 's second yea r on this trip Would he go again ? " Heavens , yes!"
72/Juniors • •
Time Ouc!· Ni ck Bezzendes cakes a break from nding co have a snack . · Photo by Joan Lawrence • r '
J ( \ l Peter Lawrence Tore y Le Noch Mark Lepro Chris Les.ser Jason Lewis Kristin Lewis Tim L1ocoln PauJ Lingenfelter Sean Mahoney Stacy Malone Stacee Maloney David Maren Sean Mares Jason Marinelli Andy Marunez Carol Martinez Joel Mason Jai May Robin McDowell Rich McKee Angi McMaban Kendall Mc Peck Chad Meyers Brian Miller Karen Miller Amit Mitra James Moore Jason Moore Julie Moore Walt Moran Mau Morgan David Myers Jim Mytton Robert Neal William Neal Ryan Nel.soo Sean Nelson Kristine Nordlie Mike Odum Trudi Onega Joy Olsin Keisha Page Cathy Palaodri Becky Peacher Chris Pesina Cynthia Pierce Keith Pollock Tera Porterfield Stephanie Potter Juniors / 73
Carrie Priller
Karin Pytte
Stacey Reffel
Mitch Reid
Nathan Reynolds
Todd Ricker
Heather Riedel
Bobbie Romero
Dan Rosewater
Tammy Rossi
Bethany Salazar
Mike Salazar
David Salter
Rayna Sanchez
Pat Sandt
Jesse Sargent
Gino Sarti
Leroy Satterfield
Robert Scheffel
Sandy Schenck
Marie Schowalter
Chris Schulte
Gayle Schultz
Laura Schweppe
Cory Scibetta
Kim Scott
Amber Scoville
Darren Scudder
Tania Setzer
Kari Shaw
Jeremy Shepherd
Joe Skorski
Mike Smith
Robert Smith
Krystene Smyth
William Stattman
Joey Stauffer
Kesha Stein
Jennifer SteUtano
Chad Stephens
Ericka Stephens
Erika Stoll
Heather Stone
Desiree Strang
John Strong
Sonya Tamura
Chris Thiede
Ben Trefoy
Jared Tribelhorn
74/Juoiors I
Slaving Juniors working on Prom
What cost $4,000 and took hundreds of hours to plan) Prom that 's what. All spring, students saved mone\. for this b1g bash But this event d idn ' t JUSt happen
The slaving Juniors spent most of the } ear planning the prom
De c is i on after decis i on had to be made b} the three prom committees M arie Schowalter was president and 1n charge of public relations for the 1990 prom Tera Porterfi e ld was vice president of the Junor class and was 1n charge of prom decorations , and Ali so n Hab e rm an was the secretar} -treasurer and 1n charge of miscellaneous prom act1vit1es One of the most important decisions that had to be made was the location of the prom The class officers visited and inspected possible sites The music is another important facet of any prom , and much t1me was spent deciding on what would work best Hours were spent listening to tapes submitted by various bands and DJ 's and studying song lists
Pr om 1s a very expensive bash cost1ng around $4,000 Mone} comes from fund raisers such as handing out pictures and sell in g flo~vers o. when you're twirling around the dance floor at the next prom , you might want to consider all the hours spent to provide one nights extravaganza Prom comes but once a rear'Christi Ulmer
Don't we look busy· Ah~on Haberman J\.iarrc Showalter and Tcr.l Porterfield took charge of the Junior~ · Photo by Eric Bond
A mean horn
Im agine Being on a boat, floating gently down a mottonless st ream A s you kickback and let you rself drift away, suddenly ou t of the co rner of your eye, dead ahead appears a waterfall. You c an not see the bottom of the fall , bu t w ithout a doubt yo u are willing to cake che c hance co fall f reel y.
The image presented above is the life which B e n Trefn y lead s. Ben participates in che G . H .S. band , and many band members describe him as che " Be st" trumpet pla y er a high sc h ool band cou ld ask for.
During the past fall, the G H S band performed 1n che C U Band Da y on Folson Field where Be n Tr e fn y played a leading role as a so loi s t A s B en approached center field , the stadium be c ame sile nt. Sudden ly hi s sweet-coned trumpet captivated the stands. The audience le aned forward to the edge of th e i r seats co get a better g limp se of the magi c al man behing the b rass horn . Remember all the times when yo u have dreaded entering a c lassroom because in a matte r of minutes yo u know yo u will be taking an imp o rt an t exam ? To B e n an exam 1s a new adven ture All in a ll , it 1s safe t o sa y, "WOW, what a man! " - Leslie B urchfie ld
Who is the man wirh the mean born ?· Ben Trefny reveals lus mus,caJ talent on Folson Field ducmg che C U Ba nd Day · Ph oto by Jole sch Photography
76/Juniors •
l-i ary Ba tes achao G r ay Michael McCullough Ka1hy Bibee M icah H enagar Sean Meehan Ro)e Brackeen Jo h n Hil d r eth K e\ln Mernck Kan Brown Ga lea H uff Maubew Morgan Kelly Ch oruzy Robert J ames Sean Morns Amy Cooley Nathan J anis h M1nam Park Lisa Darling A ngela K udary Joel P aulson Keith Dav is Nico l e Lefrancois Chris P eters Brent Dennis H a r old Lesse r R ic h ard Pnce Dao D ugan K ainoa L ill y R aquel R ascon Shawn Evans Louts M a r ceca M argare c Rieo Mic h e ll e F lem i ng M oses M ares Mera R1llos Brett Friday Da , ,d M asc R ac h el R ios Scou Rose M iJJ ie Win d e r J osh Wishart J ason Wis h o n S1ep h anie Woo d s M att Wyant Damian Rosenberg Michael ScnH? Scou Sullivan Ri chy T hompson Chns Tolar M uchell Voge Dorochy War n ken Michelle Watso n Jacqueline Wells C lay Y a r b r oug h T oggi e Z i mm e r Yvonne Tru iillo Kri s u Trullinger Da ve Tur ner Doug Turner C arne Ullr ic h Ra c hel Yaleoun e Melani e Yarb o ldt Jeoo1 Vaughn H ea1ber V e r sa w Billie YigJI Er ic Vigil C h a d Yan Cords Paig e Wadsw o rth C had Wagner K im Wa1ers ki Sutic Walker Za c h Walker Li s a Waher Joel War1go"C hr1 s Wa t kins Ryan We lller Colby Wei senberg er C h r is Wells Kurt Westgard Ca s sandera Whitney Anna Will iam s J im Willi s Alena Wilson Juni o r s / 77
Not Pictured
ACTIVISM . Pr otes t . Dissatisfa c tion . What irks YOU?
In 1989, GHS studen t s focused their righteous wrath at many targets. Words like "greenhouse effect " and "global warming " be ca me popular soundbites . But were the students really sincere in their opi nion s, or were they just " little rebels " or " e co -bimbos ?"
Publishing severa l articles in the Trident conce rning the abuse of animals , Debbie Matlo ck was one of the more prolific protesters of the year. Her " 300 dolphins killed daily " article led some students t o re co nsider their love for tuna-fi sh sandwiches . " The best way for people to show their co ncern is to boycott all tuna products ," Debbie said in the arti c le Animal rights protesters also came from othe r ca mps Eric Heater , affectionately known as the " guy with the horse shoe on his head ," was also lauded for his " just say no " s tan ce on animal furs.
An other st rikin g protester was Dave Lawrence , who at the time of his interview, was sporting purple hair and a hammer-and-s cy the earring Drawing from such diverse sources as Guid jeff, Jell o Biafra , and the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dave left us with this knowledge " Teenage society is basically co nformist All the great philosophers realized that people have to think for themselves Develop yo ur own ideas Don ' t let society fill your head ." - jARl aNdERSoN
~--··· •·. Bi g H ai r , Bi g C o n c e rn · Enc H eater cakes on a\..9{0rld of conform1sc "sheep' Photo by Jar! Anderson .,.
7 8 / Fearure
, • .J • ;:• • . "~ :., I' _;/.:-',, f 9 ..:, ' r.: '\ :•:tr.• ·t":i·~ ;,, ,., u , ..,, - ' No Quance· Debbie Ma dock engages cnv1ronmental problems in the Tndent bactlezonc · Photo by Jar! Anderson @@) )i'OE!J []}~~Lg ~[!{]WO Gfl@{;!J fl (X) l] fl (S&flJCs~ffi 001 ZF ~I COM( T• &1J lt,,DCIIAII TIii'!'\ f [J,~E0RW 0@fs-i1, Rgq~ ztro pe,R:x:o/D ~1:1'/)-'1!/,0~' MM* - Sc1(Nc£.,P.oorn B ~1ci. Wl •j11T VOii Tl ~llltf ff f!II!! Spa rks of Dis cord · Student poster proposing a gathcnng to encourage a higher envuonmental conscio us n ess On Your Marx · Dave Lawren ce and Matt Held diss id ents · Ph oto courtesy of the Matt He ld coll ecnon ''Don't let society
your head. Be an individual.
Fcaturc / 79 I l
yourself.'' - David Lawrence
On the way to the top
AMBITIO US!! High hopes were abundant throughout this year's sophomore class . Everywhere you looked, success and excellence were apparent within thi s br ight class of 92 Li sa Nobel was a pr ime example. Not only did Li sa letter 10 muluple sports , she also qualified for an advanced tr igonometry class She was in a ll honors classes and held an extremely high grade point average throughout the year Another outstanding individual was Br e nd a n Finne ga n Brendan lettered as a freshman in crack and again as a sophomore. H e also played on the vars it y football team and lette red. Amy Ro se wat e r also showed plenty of sophomore style, and not Jus t any o ld style , the c las s of ninetytwo ' s style. Am y spent her sunny days and s t arry nights puffin ' away o n the tuba , pluckin ' on the piano , and strumm 1n' the violin. She was also active in musica l plays This year , many of the sophomores developed a pos 1t1 ve att it ude toward s school work , athle ti cs , other hobbies , and they began uniting as a class. All of this hard work pa id off 1n the end As Brian V a lant put it , "Success is super when it can be accomplished with great experiences and good time loving." H ey, what can th e sophomores sayi When you ' ve go t tt , you've got it ! - Mar ci P arsons
--· __ :
I \ l I Aron Achord Bill Ahlberg Jeff Alishia Stephen Ammon Malcom Anderson Susan Anderson Ann Andrev.•s · Jones Lori Arbuckle Josh Armenta Sean Armenu1 Jenny Arnsparger Scott Acencio Jeff Ayres Jakob Ba.ker Sherilyn Ball Jim Ballard Stephanie Barday Kris Barr Ju,cin Beakley Laura Beck Celeste Becker Shauna Blankenship Aaron Bocko Val Born Aaron Boshan Melissa Bradley Wendy Brindle Nathan Briuain Jeremy Brodie Brian Brookhart Jennifer Brown Chris Buchob Mat Budzynski Jacob Burgess Ryan Burke Brian Byerly Rod Cameron Nicole Cantwell Justin Carr David Cesar Stacie Childerston Jamie Christenson Mark Cieslar Lori Clark Tammy Cline Nathan Cockle Kelly Cole Terry Collier Sarah Conner Sophomores / 81
Andy Co rdova
Bethan y Co roni s
Hearher Courtney
Stacy Craig head
Ted Crawfo rd
Bra c k C rou c h
Jason Cru me
Joe Daniel
Marlin Daniels
Ryan Da vis
Lori Da y
Joe Dean
Ni c ki DesMarteau
Trud y Dettmann
Man Domeni co
Nicolene Driggers
Heather Edwards
C hristian Ekstrom
C harlie Emanuel
Janelle Facinelli
Brian Fasick
Beth Fau ve r
Brian Ferguson
Erin Ferguson
Mau Perri s
Eden Fike
Brendan Finnegan
C lay Fle e ner
Steve Polle
Cari Fox
Michelle Frank s
Kyle Frohne
Rick Furtak
C hris Gabrielson
Da vi d Gair
C indy Garvin
Cbris Gayer
Jenny Gilmore
John Golay
Shannon Grantham
Jason Gray
Brenda Hall
Juli Hall
Monica Hall
Kellie Halley
Duncan Halstead
C harles Ha:nersley
Alana Haney
Moni ca Han s en
' ' I I
82 /S ophomores,.ir .J ,,.,J ,, J ,:-::::,r ' ' ' ..~"'JfJ ' I / .1- I / ' - I . ' ' t 1 • I' I •
Wild, blue yonder
FL YI G, it 's something that crosses our mind only when we have to travel Usually the only t1me our curiosity draws us to che cockpit to see how the plane is operated is when we are k1ds H oweve r, Brandon Lund ell has always wanted co fly on his own Hi s father , who 1s also a pilot , helped him earn his student pilot license which he received on ovember 6, 1989 He had to pass an FAA written exam, have a c lass 3 medical cer tifi cate, and finall} prove his capability to a flight instructor When Brandon is 17 , he hopes to have a regular pilots license which allows him to have any passenger he wishes To earn this , he must accumulate 100 flight hours with his father or a flight in structor He flys at Centennial Airport with a club called PC Fl ye rs They provide the plane and in return Brandon pays for gas and annual dues
Her e ac GHS , Brandon has a 3 6 GPA and after graduation, he hopes to attend the Air Force Academy Afterwards , he would like to remain in the militar y until retirement or stare hts own corporate Jet company For nov.- , he Just wants co keep flying because , " It's a blast I don't even gee nervous anymore because I have done it for so long " Brandon 1s a lso a member of the GHS wrestling team He wrestled on varsity last yea r as a freshman and hopes to make tt to sta te this year - Valo n e Born and And y Klein
I I I~ I I
Cleared for rake-off· Brandon Lundell stands beside his sleek steel bird · Photo from Lundell Family Collection
He y, buddy! Wanna buy a water bottle ? Not just any old ca nteen , but a real genui ne maroon steeped water bottle , emblazoned with a mean, white devilish figure The sophomores tried to co nvin ce everyone that no self respecting demon would be without o ne or le ave h ome without one . The uses for these bottles were endless and obscu re such as when you had to run those nine mi le s in language arts just because the tea c her was fee li ng a bit overweight. Or when yo u had to spritz water all ove r you r face because the humidit y wa s just too low that day . Nightmares aside, the sophomore class officers wo rke d hard to earn mone y for next yea r' s prom , and boy, what a nift y way t o do it, t oo Vi ce president Erin Ferguson said, "The difficult part of being a class office r is that the student bod y is not aware of how hard we work . Our efforts a re not always visible to the public eye ." Pre s ident Wendy Brindle and Sec retary / Treasurer Jeanine Stelitano would probabl y agree So, put that in yo ur bottle and drink it · Eric Bond
I I J .. ' • ••• •
an 84/ So pbom oces
Bas king io rhe sun· Erm Ferguson, \Xlendy Bnndle, and Jeanine Stel1tano, the sophomore class officers, take a break for the camera. · Photo by Enc Bond
Raebel Harmoo
Barbara Har.ris
Kristeo Harns
Breoda Han
Tioa Hanmeister
Misty Harvey
Josh Hatch
Jobo Hatt
Jasoo Hauo
Amber Haworth
Cole Hayner
K.risteo Haynes
Aaroo Heffelfinger
Sbabla Hemmat
Ce sea Head rix
Nils Henriksen
Tom Heonkseo
Rhaoda Hicks
Kim Holmgren
Nick Howe
Mary Huerta
Jacob Hughes
Todd Ingram
Praoci Isom
Bill Jaoeck
Deanne Jeokins
Raebel Jessey
John Johansson
Amy Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Reoae Jones
Craig Joynt
Dale Kaiser
Kam Kelly
Mary Ann Kerstieos
Jim Kiefer
Adam King
Jada King
James Kippen
Andy Klein
Sean Klimchalk
Christa Knox
Jody Koch
Laura Koenig
Chris Kolin
Ali Kolodny
Frank Koosella
Bm1ly Kunter
• # ( I .. ) ) DUVB
Sopbomores / 8S
Jennifer Lance
Kelle Langfield
Sean Larmore
Justin Laue
Ryan Leahy
Jeremy Leerssen
Jeff Leon
Katrina Lilly
Joe Locke
Kevin Lowe
Brandon Lundell
Shelley Lusk
Carrie Mallory
Preston Martinez
Shabbi Maslebati
Vicki Ma«
Heather Matzke
Karl Maurer
Laura Maynard
Kirsten McIntosh
Katie McLean
Michelle McReynolds
Magi McWilliams
Ryan McWiUiams
Jeanette Meigs
Chris Merritt
Tammy Meyer
Lindsey Miller
Chad Mills
Jacob Miner
Jeanne Mitchell
Kristina Mobley
Hap Moran
Joey Moran
JoAnn Motes
Brian Mulberry
Justin Mundt
Robin Mumma
Angie Munyon
Mica Nace
Rob Nassau
Nason Newberg
Danielle Nicholls
Heather Nielsen
Jerry Nieman
Lisa Nobel
Jean Noble
Eric Norris
Kaci Oberman
·. ' I ..
86/ Sopbomores\
\ \ •
Who 1s go ing to become the most lettered person ever 10 the history of GHS)
H ow about that 6'2", 260 pound lineman that graduated last year. Or the 6'7" skysc rap1n' center. Many students have had " fu ll metal Jackets", but few have obta ined eight or n ine p ins dur ing their stay at Golden J essica i m cox should have t hat pr1v1lege and honor dur ing her sen ior year 10 ·92 She lettered 10 three spor ts as a freshman : basketball , soccer, and volleyball As a sophomore, she aga in plans to play all th ree sports, and will undoubtedl y letter 10 them J ess i ca then needs t o le t ter her Junior and senior years 1n vo ll eyball, basketball, and soccer to become the all-time letter leader. Of course, a four year high school helps Tr oy Moody , a g radua t e of 1989 , lettered nine times , the most possible for a three year high school.
Je s sica has been p lay ing all th ree spo rts s ince sh e was ten and cont inues to p rac ti ce t hem daily , one sport at a t ime she says. She hopes to obtain a full nde scho la rship, preferab ly from Brigham Young Un1vers1ty 10 vo ll eyball. Her two hour a day prac t1 ces will help h er to eventually coach vo ll eyball at the high schoo l o r co ll ege level. Sh e a lso would lt ke to p lay some beach volleyball. Many co ll eges an d un 1ve rs1t ies wi ll be offe ri ng a lucrative package t o lure th is young talen t to t he ir schoo l. -
Sean Larmore
Is this a fa ce o f a wo mao o r a myth>- Jessica Suncox stands proud!} in front of her favorite gym, imagining what her letter Jacket 1~ going co look like · Photo b> Ryan Kandel
When you got it, you got it
a t h • 1 n g
n't ' out
What will the y think ? When am I going to find ome to do m y homework ? What if I flunk s c ien c e ? H ow is m y hair ? Sound familiar ? I t should. Everyone at this s c hool worries. Ye s, sophomores worr y too ! About what ? The y haven ' t been thrust into a new and hostile environment of tall people , like the freshmen They aren ' t leaving the famil y nest in less than a year , and they don ' t have the fierce storm of homework and hard c lasses like the juniors. So what do sophomo res have to worr y about ? The top five worries of sophomores are grades , relationships , the dreaded de c ision of what to do wi t h their lives , and defining the purpose of their lives The fifth top worr y was love Sophomo r es even have individual worries . Kir s t e n H a rri s worries about " Where the Oreos are hidden ", and C hri s Ga bri e l so n is haunted with the nagging worrry of " Whether or no t eternal nothingness is g ood , and 1f so , how to dress for it ", bu t p robably the deepest and most troubling worr y has invaded the mind of Ann e Andr e w sJ o n es I t 's she who worrie s da y in and da y out about " Nestle Crunch " So now you are aware that you are not the onl y person or class at Golden Hi gh School that is plagued with worr y itus What are people going to think of t his story ? I s everything spelled right ? I s this stor y boring ? What am I going to do wi t h my life ??? -R y Burke
! I I
D oubl e Ugh ! -Amy Rosewater, Stephanie Barday, Heather Verbeck :tnd L,sa Patzer are worrying their lunch hour away
\ '
Photo by Mchelle Hladek
Er-1k Olered Jeonifer Olson Shawn Olson Tina Ortiz Megan Owen Derek Padilla Nick Palmer Kara Pappalardo Jason Parsons Marci Parsons Dana Patteooo Lisa Patzer Suzaone Pavelka Brian Payne Will Pennell Manhew Phillips Ruth Ph1nney Melanie Player Keith Poggemeyer Bart Powers Julie Pryor Joe Ragno Jon Rains Chns Rand David Rasmussen Cherylea Ray Kenneth Reaves Jason E Reynolds Jason J Reyuolds Carrie Rhodes Chad Rice Joy Robinson J•m Rock Greg Rosen Amy Rosewater Dan Rudni c ki Mike Rudolph Rannee Sanders Kenny Santistevan Mau Santos Cline Satterfield Shannon Satterfield Scott ScbJoffman Melissa ScbuJ12 Amy Schumacher Kdstie Scou Tanya Seabaugh Prank Seibert Becky Seres Sophomores / 89
Talia Shaff
Debbie Shaner
Karen Sbanfelt
Julia Shideler
Jessica Simcox
Mark Slobodnik
Andrew Smith
Brian Stahl
Greg Stanley
Ian Staten
Jeanine Stelitaoo
Roren Stowell
Danny Strong
Mark Summer
Leab Sund
Jackie Sweeney
Car.rie Tamura
Chaundra Tatman
Scott Taylor
Tanya Thompson
Todd Thompson
Vince Thompson
Melanie Tillman
Tam To
Troy Toler
Nadia Tomasi
Toby Trainer
Heather Trimmer
Bryant Trost
Glenn Turnbull
Jennifer Turre
Kimberly Tysdal
Jon Urban
Brian Valant
Chris Valenti
Cristal Van Leer
Dino Vazquez
Heather Verbeck
Nie Vuxinic
Sean Waggoner
Crystal Wagoner
Mark Walter
Jeff Wasil
Jil Waters
Bill Westby
Kip Wes1gard
Dena Wes tho ff
Kristi White
Monica Whitmore
.'. •,. ···--··. .,...-I I'
90/S ophomores J t I -~ • .,...- -1 r I . . ' ( ' • I \,.. I J., I '6'l I I ' •
She cou ld be cons idered popcorn because of the light and fluff}, carefree attitude she possesses She could be considered a warm summer breeze from an exotic island, because of hov. fun, unpredictable, and zan} all her dec1s1ons seem to be She could be considered pupp\ hearted because of all the cunous and uncommon things she has and v. 111, attempt or practice Or she could be cons idered Juli e Pryor Thats right, Juli e Pr yor, the sophomore \).ho had everyone 1n a we at the H omecoming game when she bounced onto the green at half time with her rotating batons, aglow \).Ith that beautiful vello~, orange flame we have all learned to fear and yet love Shes a ma1orette and risks s in ged hair or burnt elbows 1ust to sp in fier} sticks of wonder Juli e ,s also part of Westernaires and has just about perfected the art of tnck nd1ng. v.h,ch 1s the same thing as freestyle bicycle r1d1ng but on a horse named Arthur Juli e 1s also one of our fine cheerleaders and en JOVS using her porn -porns as car wash brushes on her fr1ends while wa1t1ng for the fun to begin Juli e 1s also 1n band learning to pla} 'the drums, tri ang le and th1ng1es like that· At school she en JO} s dancing and has a social life ove rfl owing \).Ith fnends and school act1v1t1es -R} Burke
._ -
0 w
oar o
Burning up ,be crack wn h hor se an
flame · J ulie Pryor competes m maJorcttes with her batons ond rides m \X'csternaire~ with her Arabian horse Arthur · Photos b~· the Prror fam1lr
As if we didn ' t have enough problems and emotions to deal with as teenagers , we now have to deal with the pas sing of our first decade: The first ten yea rs where we actually had to think for ourselves Zowie ! And historians will look back and label o ur generation, the generation f rom 1976 to n o w. Well , let ' s lo o k back at the things we have endured and will probably be labeled for in about twent y years
We are the c hildren of R eagan , whether we want to be o r not . (Un)luckily we spent our formative years under this (Un )popular president .
We are the generation of Aids , a vile c ruel degradation to the human race , and we p robably won ' t see the end of it either, not in our lifetimes .
We are in the age of a drug ravaged nation , where d o pe fiends wou ld kill Sa mu e l Co l e r i d ge, Mar k T wai n or even their own mothers just to gee high
We are making a name for ourselves whether we mean to or not. All the actions we take , and all the decisions we make , affe c t the direction of the co untr y. " We are the pseudo gene ration . You know ? Put an y word after pseudo , and that 's what we are," said a disgusted H a nn a h M oo re . It seems that this generation, more than others, is ca ught up more in pe rsona l problems , leaving the big picture ignored . " What are we anyway? I'm not too su re m ys elf," said a disgruntled Al i K o l o dn y . Yeah , exactly who and what are we anyway ? -Brian Johnson
!leally, really goofy · Jad Anderson o.nd Karen Shanfelt didn't listen to che1r mothers whe n they said to stop making faces And now look, their faces are scuck chat way' · Photo by Bran J ohnson
"Mos t kids today are about as deep as Bon Jovi lyrics''
92 / Sophomores • • • llll
- Seth McGinnis
Aaroo Wilkiosoo
Aoo Withs Tasha Wilpoh Billje
Fawo Winklepleck Buffi Wolfe Bnao Wooden
Baker Be c k y Elg in
Bole1a c k Tra vis Filing
un Bond Tra vis Floreth
i e Bong
G o odman
Braz. Sara Hand
av id C rowder
Joz.waik Brandi Droste
Dns c oll
Ka y
S argent
A m e a n m ouo· Senior Kellr Brooks idea of ltfe consists of one, or two simple pomcs · Be happy, no matter what you're doing and don r make things coo complicated You see, some people JUSt make stuff so hard and their brain cells start to pop Just take a seat and relax, man I, myself find extreme pleasure in makmg weird faces, Jt helps reheve those we,ghry pressures I can do 1t on command too And oh yeah. partymg ts very essenual also · · Photo by Brian Johnson
.. I
Denni s W1lh
to ine Brown Arron Hurley
icture Ja so n Lo rd
o dd Maruoe z.
ha yle M c KeLlips
M c Vi c ker
eve Murph y
hri s Mul s en
y Rodnguez
ic Rupp Dora S alazar
S h e pard
S tate n
T o mmer
lean Tu r nbull
ar o l Wa lter
a m s
Aah , the beauty of It · T he pion ee rs of our g enerauon have loo ks chat kill, and also g ive ho pe Ann e H ogan and Cindy Dockt e r a r e JUSt som e of th e member s of new wave - Pho t o by Brian J ohnson Sophomores/
I I - •,.' .,.--- - -·-Jennifer Alder Jolene Anderson Shannon Arbuckle Orion Armon Heath Arshan Anna Arvidson Dawn Asher Henry Ashton Brian Baker Ernie Bandy Keith Barrett Matt BarthJenoifer Bauer Robert Bauer Nick Bauman Joo Baurer Melanie Beckett Sally Begyn John Bennett Rick Bera Scott Berk.man Joey Blanchard Mette Boes Brooke Bond Greg Bosworth Erika Bottolesoo Jenni Bowerman Travis Brassell Mara Brooks Prank Buice Tonie Burt Ronald Butler Karena Cameron Darcy Cantwell Julie Capp Michelle Carlosk Todd Carlson Mike Clark Brandy Collins Jared Coon Dawn Craib Jenny Crotzer Casey Cruse Deloris Custer Amanda Dahl Stephanie Davis Shiloh Day Sam Defelice Rebecca Dewitt 94 / Preshmen • • \ ( l ,; ) ~ j ., >/1 '.. , tho -.. I ' I •I
They wear the ants
ass 1cers
The freshman class officers of the studen t counci l-the leaders elected by the newcomers to Golden H igh School this year, were the ones who were entrusted with the hopes and dreams of the freshmen of the school. The well being of all of the freshmen rested on their shoulders And JUSt who were the overlords of ch is monumental task 1 B e ch W e ll e r , Pr eside n t , Co u rt n ey Voge l , V i ce P resi d e nt , and So mm e r G l eato n , Secre t a r y Tr eas ur er And did these ladies in face live up co these high expectations of their c la ssma tes 1 Apparentl y so. The fre s hman class officers, along w i th the other freshman repre se ntati ves, kept busy a ll yea r lon g with their student council duties Among the act iv1t1es sponsored by the freshmen were the painnng of the " G " outside the sc hool and the sa le of mar oo n -a nd-white porn porns to the enthusiastic student fans who attended the footba ll and basketball games during the year. The freshmen also turned into rose possessed fiends g1v1ng them away to anyone and everyone dur i ng Home com ing These people were even together enough to com pose a "S tudent Council Freshman H andbook " to help future freshman members of student co un c il " I t wtll help them lea r n how co 'jump n ghc in '", said B e ch W e ll e r And we a ll know now that B e th , Co urtn ey and So mm e r are professional Jumpers · Lisa Walter
'i) I \ I
Youog Srud Co · Bet h Weller, H eat her M itchell , Sommer Gleaton, Laura Porterfield, and Courtney Vogel all uke thei r stands in front of the whole f reshman class. The com mon reaction after the assembl y was that, "We finally got some nice legs on our leaders .'' •
Photo by Lesli e Bu rchfield
Freshmeo /9 5
Look out, here she comes
u ous ros
Kait y Hal s te ad - Wh o a re you and why are you so coo l 1
She ' s in volved
She ' s 1nco EVER YTHI G! She ' s a su per -sc h ooly.
She ' s a supe r soccer s tud , a sw immer in summe r and winter , 1n rain or s hine , a forensics fana n c , a nd a drama d y namo. BUT CAN SHE WRITE C HI NESE?!
BACKWORDS! ? A fiery comet of sc h olas ti c intrepidi ty may be an apt description of chi s outgoing f r eshman . And as for the accesso ri es o f soc ial life , she 's a working , chu rch , youth group , goss1p1ng , pracnca l jok in g , ea ting , and breathing t ype of gir l - Occas iona ll y.
After a ll of h er fun and involvement, after the p lay practice for The Odd Couple , a nd after a long day , K a 1ty loves t o go h ome , s it a nd relax She love s mu sic by Pat s y Cline o r Erasure But most 1mportancl y, Kait y says , " I need t o Just s ic 1n a da rk room , li s ten t o some eas y tunes , and sor t thro ug h my th oug ht s." Kai cy seems t o be th e except1on t o che rule , but s he is just o ne of the many freshmen studen t s whose c re a ti vi t y c ont nbuted t o the c h aracte r of Go lden Sen io r Hi g h School. - Sheril yn Ball
Caught in the act· Kairy puts on an act of despising cleanliness in Tht Odd Couple ·
) \ I \ j
Photo by Michell e Hladek
Chad Dierking
Tanya Dutbrenner
Michael Duco
Paula DlXon
Mark Dockter
Josh Drohan
Dale Duesterbec.k
Da,id Dunn
Jennifer Dyke
Chris Ehrenstrasser
Angela Elliott
Dee Dee Ellison
Michelle Emanuel
Roberc Engston
Josh Erickson
Derrick Espan.i
Eric Evans
Drew Feth
Jesse Fish
Sarah Foreman
Michael Foster
Drew Fulton
Kerry Punmsk)'
Brian Gaddi~
Tye Garner
Adriane Garrett
Chnssy George
Paige Gerdes
Sommer Gleaton
Aleta Goforth
Crystal Go n zales
Ca r a Goodw in
Becky Gould
Aza Gra h am
A lyssa Graves
Sa r a h G r ay
T ory• G r ay
J a n Green
Nath an Gree n baum
Amy H aimerl
J aso n H aines
K a11y H a ls t ead
Bet ha n y H anki n
C ha d H a r dy
Lu cy H a r tm eiste r
C hri s H a ugbte
Jimm y H a ul ma n
Li ana H avenga r
Mic h e ll e H awo r th
Fres hmen /97
! "3t
Jason Haynes
Amy Heffelfinger
Michelle Hein
Jay Hicks
Amy Hill
Jeremy Hill
Nicole Hill
John Hippensteel
Stacy Hobson
Joo Hoenge
Eric Hoffman
Amy Holmes
Kari Holmgren
Nathan Hook
Joel Hoos
Heather Hutchison
Jessica Ill
Carl Ironshell
Sara Johnson
Chrissy Johnston
Sara Johnston
Jeff Katzenburger
Tara Keener
Janer Kiefer
Jeff Klinkefus
Brent Koel
Heather Koleski
Joe Komoras
Chris Koons
Michelle Koza
Mandy Krichevsky
Marcel Krzystek
John Kunz
Carmina Lacomb
Debbie Lancaster
Clin1 Langley
Devon Larsen
Nora Le Fevre
Christina Lee
Ryan Lepro
Holly Leyendecker
Wendy Lindberg
Jenica Loe
Jason Lucerna
Jennifer Luedtke
Jeff Lundeen
Mike Malone
Nicole Markovchick
David Mars
r. I: ------·--
98 / Freshmen
Come and get it!
It 's 4th, 5th, or 6th hour Throngs of students pour out of Golden High School as they head co their favonte lunching spots
Man y students who drive head co restaurants while some go home for lunch The freshmen and upperclassmen who are not fortunate enough to have a dnver's license or a ca r have co settle for the four lunch choices within walking distance of the school
The most preferred place for lunch 1s Pizza Hut, where employees stand in the parking lot and sell the student special The bucks roll in here , and every wise investor should have a share 1n Pi zza Hut
An o ther popular place to dine 1s Taco John's which serves tasty Mexican cuisine
For a quick lun ch, students go to the local conven ience store, Conoco Her e students can load up on such delicacies as candy and popcorn . The most reasonabl y priced and closest lun ch 1s right here at the GHS cafetena This year, the cafetena even offers The Burge r Bar 1n an attempt to compete with fast food chains. Freshman Stacy Hob so n sa 1d ,"The leading pleasures for us freshmen at lunch is go1ng out with friends o r s ta yin g at school with our beloved fnends " -
Julie Capp
Enjoy!· A g roup of freshmen girls enJoy their lunch and socialize on a sunn} afternoon. ·
Phoro by Matt Hartme1ster
GHS whiz kid sews own duds
a1 or
H ave you ever envis ioned you r se lf craw ling 1n money and wealth ? M ose Golden H igh Schoo l students have had this fantasy . But on th e wa y t o becomi ng this mul ti m 1ll ionaire, you have to go th r ough those h a rd time s when money 1s scarce
Watch ou t , Pierr e Ca rdin and Ralph Lauren Trevor Williamson is start ing t o step on some high priced roes. While some pe o ple d is h ou t cas h for designer labeled c lo the s that th e designer has n eve r see n , Trevor Williamson is be in g rambunctious l y creative and des ign ing , and yes, sew ing hi s own pants Although he ' s only bee n sew in g for a few s h o rt months , Trevor ha s sew n seve ra l s t ylish pants
Hi s mom taugh t him how t o sew th is fall , a nd he 's h av ing a ball bei ng a well known des igner. H e's a lr eady ge tting a jump o n life by savi ng a s mall fo rtun e with his imagination. M a n y of his pee r s pr edict th a t Trevor wi ll make a busine ss ou t of this new found t a le nt , go ing on t o make mu lti co lo r ed a nd pat c he d pair of revea ling b i ki ni underwea r " I like t o spe nd my money o n so methin g I r eally like not just c lothes, so why s p end fort y do ll a r s on a pai r of p a nt s when I ca n make them myself for a r ou nd ten dollars ?" Good po int , Trevor . " M oney$ M o n ey$ M o n ey$. "ABBA sang it and Trevor wan t s it ! -Chr is ti Ulmer
J •I
Check i t out· Trevor models his favorite creation, green pants wtch whue butterflies flambe · Photo by Enc Bond
100 / Freshmeo •
Matt Marsh
Scott Marsh
Jason Marshall
Kirk Mastecson
Myah Mataya
Aaron Ma1b1s
Eric Mayes
Tye McCloskey
Muzy McDaniel
Stephanie McKee
Melissa Melendces
Melhorn Raebel
Cacde M1llec
Cole Miller
Joey Miller
Taryn Miller
Tonya Miller
Alisa Miosch
Heathec Mttcbell
Shonda Mon c kcon
Chad Moon
Craig Morgan
Sonya Mossburg
Debca Myers
Brian Naokervis
Jacques Navante
Kim Nelson
Tam, Nelson
Chad Nicholas
Shane Norrts
Bren O'Dell
Ryan O'Hara
Rebecca O ' Hayre
David Olson
Nathan Orona
Robin Oren:
Ted Papadopoulos
Jason Parker
Jenny Parlene
Tame Patton
Ember Pauley
Heather Peterson
Luke Pfaff
Laura Porterfield
Jonathan Powell
Heather Preston
Marla Prince
Jenny Pronechen
Ben Prugh
'I I • ,,~,'i_ I ll' r i=:'. ' '
Presbmen / 101
Jeooifer Pyler
Bobby Quaratioo
Nikki Quayle
Mike Radder
Trish Regnier
Jason Reynebeau
Ja c ob Reynold s
Kyra Roberts
Dom i nique Rosini
Telecia Ross
Stefan Rossi
Chrissy Ryan
Courtney Sample
Katie Sant
Marie Santistevan
Jenni Scheffel
Barbara Schelske
Jurandyr Schmidt
Jennffer Schoech
Chad Schoenborn
Christopher Schreiner
Barbara Scott
Jill Sellars
Jason Sellers
Sheila Seward
Adam Sbaoabrook
Barren Shivers
Jed Siegesmund
Derak Skehon
Kristine Sloan
Brock Smith
Chrissy Smith
Joreen Smith
Donny Snell
Tyler Sonnenfeld
Mau Stattman
Jerry Staurer
Chad Stenhjem
Carol Stevenson
Amy Stow
Amanda Strickland
Katja Stroh
Heather Strong
Carrie Suggs
Scott Sutera
Mike Sutton
Maddie Tafuro
Devon Tate
Katie Taylor
102/ Freshmen -<.. \ \ \ I \ \ I \ ( • ,,, .. -, ; -
r e s
They are refe rred to as freshmen and women But v.h1r I Is it because the) onh eat recentl} baked bread, made from newl} harvested grains, and eggs 1 Do the} onl} dnnk milk fresh from the cov. 's udder; Are they unpreserved , un ca nned or not frozen:' Are our freshmen salt free:' Are the} 1n exper1enced, not >et used , bright and clear 1 D o they have a soul that 1s not }et dull or faded., Are they extremely clean and definitely not stale 1 Is everyth ing the} own brand ne\v , straight from the factor} 1 Are they not yet used I Does ever} one treat them with che utmost re spec t ) Are the} fresh because of the smart aleck factor., What makes 'em fresh; Seven out of ten freshmen and women who were asked if the y were fresh, answered with an a ffirmative But when I asked wh1, I cou ld not even ge e them to h1nt toward s the answer The replie s va r1ed , but smacked of avo id ance and secrecy When asked, J o o Tr ze p acz JUSt smiled mystenousl 1 and \valked away Z ac k J o hn so n said, " I am as fresh as can be because I cake a shower ever} morning " Sounds like a commerc ial , Zac k Ma ybe next year's freshmen and women will be a bit more helpful 1n so lv ing this en igma . -
R} Burke
Eye s a liule lower , p lease· Heath Arshan demonstrates the ilppropnately meek freshmen look • Ph oto bv Machelle Hladek
/ 103
Rid• 1ng the waves
What is KNEEBOARDING ? Is ic proper board in g procedure on a low plane ?
I don ' t know , but Jon Baurer , a dedicated kneeboarder , ts quite an authority on the subject H e says it 's a simi lar co waterskiin g in both equipment and s t yle. There are two ca tegorie s, in c ludin g free-style , or '' trick ," and Slalom " Trick " is the c reative side of the s port , where the parti c ipant makes up " flips ' n ' things. " The slalom , on the ocher hand , requires one to deftly navigate a course of six buo ys at high s peed s. And all thi s 0 YOUR KNEES !
And , d id you know th a t Jon hold s a World 's Re co rd in the slalom category of thi s most unusual s port ? H e ha s successfully com peted in the sla lom course N INETY SIX time s!
During che winter he ca n ' t very well pra c ti ce, but instead he concentrates on his mental attitude and works co be ready for the on co ming season . When summer comes around , tt' s back co work , pra c ti c ing hard at a private lake near Morri son and cr yin g to ge t into ph ys ica l shape for the tense season ahead of him. But , the thing about kneeboarding 1s , once yo u ' re hooked , YOU ' RE HOOKED !
- !vf etce Boe s
Soaring co new heighcs· Jon Baurer 1s well on h1s way co makmg an impression in kneeboarding ·
Photo from the Baure1 Family Album
• • • • • •
• Bradle y Abne y Kerry Be c kley Gordon Behne C hrist o pher Bird Matthew Brenne cke Renea Bridges James Camp bell Carla C ha vez Jamie C hriscen sen Tony C hri scner Ch rasue C lau seen C hristopher Cli ne Darold Coa ce s David Cody Da vid Co l vin Sandy Coope r Mi ch ael Cotto n Matthew Dahman Scott Dalton Richard Das s ler Nachaa Daugherty Jason Denoyer Johneue Erikson I • I T abby Yada Tonya Yada Mike Yang Jake Young Sam Zamora John Zippricb Lana T aylor Sarah Taylo r Sara Thompson Ha Tran Greg Turner H olly Turowall Heidi Van Woensel Megan Varve r as Ryan Ve r saw Ginge r Vincent Courtney Vogel Angie Vogeler Make Voit Danielle Voorhees Aaron Waltz Donny Ward Jeff Wartgow Dave Weingardt Beeb Weller Ray Williams Trevor Willhamson icture Kerry Fuss Jasoo Genson Amanda Gregory Mel ynda H anson Laura Ha ys Eric Heacer Wade Hull Stephen Ingersoll S cephen Lamdry Uriah Jeffreys Za c hary John son Jared Kaber Timothy Kibler Cyn1h 1a K i rk Kenneth Kliewer Edwin Kulp Stefanie Logan Art Macias Rubon Maddalena Mindy M c Douell Jeffery Mi c bnew icz David Miller Gilbert Mille r Cody Muchell M ichael Olson Michael P ark Michelle P iper Taa P ome ro y Laura Poterfield Nicole Reyno ld s Mi chelle Rupp Jonnie Sa lazar Dawn Selbe Shane Shaw Todd S hrader Ca ra Sidelocham Tan ya Sc rian Chrisci na Scrucz Ch ris tina S mub Troy Tra cy C hri stie Ulmer Carol Uieyces Paul Young e r Ra c hael Zokculis F r es h me n/ 10~
The March· Holly Turnwall and Rachel Zok2ius are proudly holding their mk·splashed banner · Photo by Ryan Kandel
A Lean ~ Mean, Battin~ '__. Machine
Softball- meant for young lads I Well , not according to our own Demon Diamond Doers Yes , you guessed 1t , facult y softball. Oh now , don ' t laugh. Just because you envis ion some beer bellied , out of shape , " over the hiller " teache r , such as Di c k Br a d s b y , up to bat, sa ying , " Okay there , J ohnny , nice and easy ," in hopes that h is bottom lip won ' t drop Then , Bra d s b y swings- strike , and then another strike , but this ttme he falls to his knees . Finally, in one last at t empt of desperation , and feeling a surge of opttmism , he pulls back the bat . H e takes a deep breath, swallows hard and whaps it I mean really whaps 1t Mik e O ' Dori s io leads the Demon ' s roar as Br a d s b y charges coward first base " I hope y ou remembered your super-strength Ben-Gay , Dick ," hollers S a nd y N a ti o n s As if it were Di c k Br a d s b y's last and final goal 1n life , he reaches first base , already 1n card iac arrest , thinking to h i mself, " I knew I should have eaten m y Wheaties this .. morning
Seriousl y though , The Golden teachers · softball league was ver y successfu l, with more than its fair share of fond memories and pnme opportun i t ies for candid c amera. - Val Born
First Row : Bob Putka , John Vidal , Dick Bradsb r, Pam Vidal, Coach Mike O'Dor1s10: Last Row : Debbie Stokes , Bob KinSt}", Si&nd)· Nations, Jill Hull, Jerry Yanz. Gail o Ncil. John Horst ; Not Pictured . John Klug . Jud y Vance , Joe ~turdock , Bob Hi&yc:s , Chris Pennel . S:mdy Selzer . · Phoc:o cou"esy of John Vidal .
Pr e•ga m e wa rm -u p · The plater:. endure a blistering and exhausung round o( calisthenics • Photo courcse} of John Vidal
Mi c key · Mr 0 Dons10 signs his first autograph , but certatnh not his lase Photo courtser o( John Vidal
Julia Andrev.·s·Jones Special Ed Aide
Clair Bachofer PE Aide
Leslie Dertinger
Social Studies
Charloue Bl)the Principal's Offi c e
Jackie Borns1e1n English
Dick Bradsb) ~farhematic
John Brodbeck Special Ed
Joanne Brov. n Special Ed Aide
M11rri Cararra
Lory Cease Social \\~orker
Joan Clark English
Sarah Daniel$ S c hool Store
Jill Epps
Main Offic:e
Elaine Fitzgerald t.ta1hemarics
Molly Gaudeue Special Ed Aide
Betty Gleaton Challenge
Charla Gunn
Barbara Harris SLJC / WES
John Horst
Foreign Language
Barbara Howes Auendance
Facuhy / 107
Jill Hull
S heil a Jones
J oa nJou ett English
Diane K essler
Bob K insey
Social Studies
Leslie Lassi Science
J an Manynuska
M atbemaucs
Jo e McGinni s
Marnee M c K e n zie Challenge
Joe Murdock
Er n estine Mueller
Vocal Music
R oger Myers
Social Studies
Sandy Nations English
Jim Nichols
C h allenge
Gail O ' Neil Bu siness
Steve Owens
Ph ysica l Ed
C bri srina P e nn e l Mathema tics
Sa m Petroff
Socia l St udi es
Phy ll is Pri ce Bu si ne ss
Lo ui se Read
H o m e Economics
O ja l a!· Sr Jerry ' Geronimo ' Mana Yanz The p1eture of European vogue·
Photo b, Ryan Kandel
Th e Le c tur e C ir c u11 · Sandy Nauons on the soapbox before an eager crowd of FBLA ers · Phoco courteS} FBLA
108/ Facuhy I l [ t
Another man's meat
an's • OlSOll
Did you e\er '-'Onder ho'-' your teachers ended up lecturing their present classes 1 \X as it an act of impulse sheer co1nc 1dence or 1s the sub1ect the, teach their fa\Orite class 1 You probably guessed that their present class '-' as their favorite. Logical but accurate 1 L e li e B e cc1n ge r fns 10 the logical department American h1stor, '-' as her favorite c.lass 1n high school Dr K e n a nd e rL aa n ,es vou guessed 1t- lo\ed human ph, s1olog,. and. and creatP, e \\'rittng I Yeah. right , and he probabl, drinks coffee \1- 1th a nice hoc burnco. coo. I v.onder ho'" photograph, teacher M a rk Dunn ended '-'' ith ph, sics as his number one class H es 1n the dark room no\v D id John Vid a l reall, spend h is high school da\ 5 sitting ner\oush 1n the assistant principals office> Did he really put a '-'- hoopee cushion on Miss Prims seat! Is he OO\\ en Joring taking out h is frustrac1ons on the student body at G H 1 1 ah.
- ean Larmore
The Thr e e Mu s keteers· HJ repre~ encanve and resident god Dave Kandel . .t ~s1scs Joan Clark and J~ckie Bornstein, the year book advisors Photo br En<. Bond
" Tea c her ' s Pet " is a long-standing and well known phrase When someone talks about a " tea c her ' s pet", most people will aucomaucally assume he is referring , as per the trad1t1onal definition to 1) That (sickeningly ) erudite student who sits in the front of the room and knows all the answers ; or 2) The person whose faults are 1nv1s1ble to the tea c her and in whose eyes he can do no wrong
But , even though one g enerall y assumes that when someone 1s discussing tea c hers ' pets , he means students , let us not forget that the phrase does have an ennrel y different meaning
Teachers ' pets also refer to animals belong i ng to teaching personne l - suc h as Di c k Sc h a lh a m e r 's two dogs and two cats When interviewed on the subject, his words were most enlighten i ng to those who have often wondered about this enthus1ast1c ph ysics tea c her who delights 1n shooting bonzo beans across the room " The c ats ' job 1s to take care of the mice and gophers ," Di c k Sc halh am e r said " M y wife wanted to name them Fluff and P uff, but I said , nah , the m ice would Just laugh So , their names are Termin and ator. " - Lisa Wa
lt e r
' --.•·'
A ge nu ine teac h e r's p et· Jackie Bornscein's dog Alfie gives ti look that earns an
A"' • Photo by Philip Bornstein
Steve Rmch Tech Ans
Dick Schalhamer Science
Lee Shoemaker Challenge
Debbie Stokes Special Ed
Tom S\\-eet
Foreign Language
Judy Vance Adm1n1~trauon
John Vidal Adm1n1Mranon
Tern \\ ahlberg Science
Bob '\\"iU1ams Science
Jerry Yaoz Foreign Language
Gene Youngroann Art
Laura Zach Mathemaci cs Faculty/
Systems Reformer · Bob K insey hopes to initiate world change b} beginning
1n the hearts and minds of Friends for Peace members · Photo b} M ichelle H ladek
Hang Loose· M r Lujan gives the exclusive sign of ' locals only
Photo by Enc Bond
I, I 112 / Faculty I -! pj ______,I ,/ , I ,..,, .. I -· - -:-,r-\ I 0 ) \ ) 9 IW.-.,,r-'"'r" I Caricatures
' ' ,, I . • \ I ~ j1 \ ,£1 (I' II <:( ,A<f;/ '·- -
by Gene Youngmann
-~/. ,.,' lltJi. • -__." ' fr ., ':1--aj~ Ll1 " ,L,,-lfti~lli I ' .-.,;Ill .ll'<' .... ' I \ f ""' ' r\.f' ' . }('Qi,. I ' •• : ' J'lt/Jti <l i. • \ \ r \ I J /W. ,~ ' I - · ·-I I I Car i cac ure s / 113
Th e M a d Scie nti st· Evil experimenter Erik Olsen plays with droppers (ull of dangerous color making chemicals. ·
Photo by Cindy Dockter 114/ A c ademi cs
Do you know wh y you go co school! I bee it ' s not so }OU can spend time with great teachers o , I chink it has something to do with ac1demiks Oops , that ' s spelled wrong , it 's academics (chat e always messes me up ). Yes sir , we spend these twelve years of our lives learning things chat will benefit us throughout our lives
Actually it ' s so we can gee into college
In these hallowed halls we learn more than Just the newest fads . We learn things like how plants make food All this information may come 1n hand y You never know when some guy with a big black automatic is going co c ome up co you and ask , "What amendment 1n the Bill of Rights gives me the right co have this weapon ?" It ' s the second , remember that , JUSt to be safe .
Well , even though most are still un c lear as to wh y the y spend six hours a day , five da ys a week , 36 weeks a year , and twelve years out of their lives Just co go to school , just remember ; it ' s better than going through life illiterate as do 27 million Americans
-Mike Sanders
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Derek The GuruDc rck Chnstcnsen meditates atop the For· cns1cs mobile . · Photo by Matt Hartmc1ster
Academi cs/ 11
English class , that long brain racking hour of grammar, novels, and creative writing After ever yone had been covered up to their armpit s 1n adjectives , Rom eo and Juli et , and The Word Of The Day. along came the clubs and act 1v1ti es that rescued bored students from the tedium of the classroom. These clubs taught students English skills but let them have fun at the same time
The Radio Club broadcasts almost ever y hour of the day . Their Jamming tunes puls ated from the cafeteria for our li stening pleasure, so we could eat to the beat
The Drama Club was bus y ever y Friday during zero hour gathering sets and props . putting together programs for plays , learning about the theater and attending plays in the evening .
Children 's Theater worked hard on perfecting and performing their interpretation of stories and fairy tales The group traveled to neighboring elementary schools to entertain the kids with their talant and humor .
In conclusion , people who are burned out on English sho uld get involved with these groups and put the sp ice back in their langua g e -Julie
What are you look1n ' a1 ? Asks tued T im Mc Donald af1er pracucing foe Chil dren's Theate r · Ph o to b> D,l\vn Brownlee
116/ A cade m ics • •
R a d io C lub O n Par a d e!· Radio Club members John McCarry Greg Turner Doug Turner, and Kent Turner proudly march in the Homecoming Parade · Photo by Ryan Kandel
\\" hat can v. e do to plea~e you m> Goddess ? A group of Children~ Theater members crowd around R.iqu el RJ~Con while practicingP hoto b\ Chance E liott
Drama Club Fir st R o" ·Brent Nyl.ind 1'.1,1n Ka anaugh. ·\m} Reid, An1ta \ ogeler Seco nd Ro" Ruth Phmnev l..1ura Konig ( ourtne} Vogel ,l\,fegan \ Jr\ eris. "-.11n Ha lstead J olene Anderson Jason Hampleman Ch.1nce F.lhon Third Ro" Robert Smith Scott Ka stroll 1\.a than Brittain Lisa P.1t1er, T.1n\ .1 t:t1er -\ngel.1 \ ogder oc Pi c tured .Val Born · Photo b\ [ric Bond
I ...
A cade mi cs 11 7 <> 1 <> <> <> ! • <> <>c> -= ...a. <> <> <> ....,_; <> <> <> <>
Problem number one- If there are 90 student members and all students enrolled in advanced placement calculus , trigonometry math analysis , and Algebra II / math analysis are mandatory members , and the group meets 8 times a year for 6 test sessions and 2 pracdce sessions , what club does all this add up to ? Give up ? Does an yone ever understand story problems?
The answer is Golden High School's Mach Club That's right, the club that takes the Colorado Math League Contests six times during the year and gives its members the opportunity to solve more interesting and challenging problems than those offered within c lass. The tests include six questions each , and Golden High School has had several perfect papers .
Problem number two - Which class was attended for at le as t 10 years by each high school graduate , and teaches on e of th e mos t used and wide spread concepts? The answer is ma th c lass , th e class where we le arned everything from addition to c alcu lu s.
Problem number three- Who is the Y ea rbook s taff membe r who wrote this copy an d made it Ju s t as c o nfus in g as th e av er age story problem ? Answer. - R y Bu rke
'. ,. -· ,·• • I I I
Help · J ulie Parlerte Melodte Ben neus Andre J Ba rr ett Sha wn Evans and Marshall Allen ra ke • machemaucal notes · Pho ro b)' Michelle Hlad ek
118/ A c a d e m ics I\ \ j1
Don 't As k Me· Mart e Schol walte r desperately searching for th e ngh t ans wer Phoco by Eric Bond
I' '\e Go t h · Laura Beck quickly scrawls the soluoon before 1t fall~ out of her head · Phoco b} Michelle Hladek
We Won '· Mr Putka ' s third hour class po!;eS (or a picture after wmnmg first place m the Naoonal Honor Soc1et} s food dri'\C • Photo courcesy of Bob Putka •
i -..4
A ca d e mi cs / 11 9
Some of the headlines that covered the banners marching down main street during the Homecoming parade this yea r read , " We are all citizens of the world ", " Stop apartheid in South Africa ", and , " We share this planet ; we don't own it" Social Studies , the process of absorbing inform atio n that deals with past , present a nd future human ri g ht s events , is the c lass t h at's required for three wonderful years Although it has been s t e reot yped as a c lass of endless le c ture s and textbook re ad ings, it does have a n exciting and fun hig hli g ht
The n ame of this hi g hli g ht is Friend s For Peace , the extremely act i ve club that is well known , but ha s n ' t re a ll y adve rtised the honorable deeds it s members have accomplished. Friends For Peace is described by it s members as an opportunity for s tudent s to become inform ed about cu rrent world, state and rural affairs. Thi s c lub supports a fourteen yea r old boy named Oscar Revaras from El Salvador , and enables him to a ttend school instead of working to su pp o rt his family The members of Friends For Pea ce have also joined Green Pe ace a nd Amne s ty International, an organization th a t works towards freein g priso ners of co n sc ience This demon s tr a t es h ow s tr o ng ly the members feel toward s en vironm enta l issues , freed om. and peace. - Ry
l I t ..I - -------
Friends for Peace Meeting· Mr Kinse y. Terra Knegec, Debbie Matlock Jared Tcibelhorn, Anne Bellows and Amie t-.1ura send out an S O S · Photo by Ryan Kandel
120/ A c adem i c s..
Gee ouc of my fa c e • J eann e M itchell asks poh rely as she a tt em pts to p0nd e r c urre nt a ffa trs · Photo by Enc Bond
222 222 zz transported b k Jennifer Hatch ts h ac to th t rough haz\ ' e Renaissance , car\ and , events \X'ho • monumental ,ays his exciting ?· Phot ton is not o b, Michelle Hladek
Hut Tw o Th F ree F o ur M nends For Peac embers of Homecom1n t marched the R}an Kandef parade aY.ay • Photo b}'
J 1 Lt)
Acodem1c!> / 121
H awai i ? Scuba diving? Getting credit for school , to o? Is thi s too good to be true! Nope! It 's the biolo gy field trip pl a nned for this sum n1 er. For t y stu de nt s will be goi ng to H awa ii and stud ying marine biology Among th e students going is Jill Wacers . She says, " I so ld a lot of Joll y R an c he rs to ge t to go. I hope the trip is as sweet as the ca nd y." Ju s t thi s past s ummer some biolog y students went on a field trip t o Geneva Bas in Marie Schowalter , o ne of the s tudent s who went, sa id , " You haven ' t see n any thing yet wait till the tundra!" She also sa id , '' You ' ll be hatin ' lifeL !" The y s ta yed at Geneva Bas in for ten da ys and it s now ed for two .
Bi o lo gy was just o ne of the science cl asses students co uld t a ke thi s ye ar. The sc ien c e dep artment also offered earth science , ph ys ics, c hemi s tr y, and a Ph ysics Club for mad scienti sts Another brand new c lub this yea r was the Environmental Concern Club Their goa l is t o publi c ize environmental problems Club members are activel y working t o improve the env ironment Th ey wanted to " adopt " a hig hw ay , but since all of the highway 1s a lr eady "a dopted " , the y planned co " adopt " a bridge . They also planned to st art rec ycling paper. M ember Shabbi Ma s l e hati sa id , "Th e earth 1s 1n intensive care , and sin ce it 1s so vital co us , we need co keep it health y."
yn Ball
,. . \ e , I
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB · Lisa Nobel , Staci Childe rscon, Tania Secztr, Lisa Patzer, Togg,e
Zimmer ·
Photo By Enc Bond
122 / Academics
• I I •
Igneous ? Sed imentary >Meta morph ic ?· \Vh 1ch On t' 1s iti Ryan O'Hara and Sara Thom pson loo k in cngu ed dunng ea rth sci enc e · Phoco B} En c Bon d
Bo y, my dogs are ured 1• If the marchers in this parade Am1t l\.f1tr.1, Jared Tnbelhorn, Toggu: Zimmer , and Mark Johnson ) weigh 400 lbs and ha"e marched 300 meters what 1s the ir total force' • Photo Bv Ryan Kandel
R es1 chose 11red feet· The gang from the biology field trip rest at Old Mine after hiking all da\ Phoco courtesy of Marie Schowalter
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Acad e mic s 123
B ei ng a musician is more than jus t sin g tng, being in a band , o r c he s tr a, or pl ay ing an instrument ; it takes the dedication a nd devotion o f an a rti st . Some of ou r mu sic ian s jus t like to write so ngs th a t they lik e, and w hen someo ne res p o nd s t o some thing the y did, it feels really g r ea t. Christoph Peters explained to u s, " Ever yb ody can understand music It' s a way t o express you r emotions ." The marching band did extremely welL making it t o State for the first time in 102 years. Craig Duster ' s biggest co mpl a int was chat the football players didn ' t even ca r e. Mar c hing bands ' drum major , Bryan Desmarteau spent a week thi s s ummer a t a ca mp The majors were evaluated for ove r four days , and at the co mpetition on the la s t day, Bryan was selected as Grand Champion. Br ya n 's reac ti o n : " It was quite a bi t different from instructing a whole band ." He won a troph y a nd " felt reall y coo l. "
Or c he s tra member s did well thi s yea r also with five member s se le c ted for All Stace Orches tr a. The y were Stephanie Barday , Amie Miera, Suzi Prin , H ea th e r Versaw and Juli e Parl e tre . A s for th ose c hoir p eople, there were four members who also qualified for All State Th ose se le c ted were Jon Popi e l , Tania Setzer, Brian Dixon , and C had Pippin One la s t thin g, a lwa ys remember C hri s Thompson 's words, '' An y m ood you wane, there 's n1u s 1c for it ." - Mi c hell e Hl adek
Give a littl e pu c ker · Heather Hut c hins on leads all the rats out of Golden · Photo b) Ryan Kandel
124/ A cade mi cs I
P O P !· Bryan Desmarteau looks like hes going co burst ,f he holds that p0smon any longer • Photo courtesy of Bryan
A m H > Ama t' A re you 10 rh ere? '\othang could break Amar l'vittra s concencrauon on this piece • Phot o by l'vf1chelle Hladek
Um, am I ' m en1oy 1ng rh 1s?· The 24th Street Singers wau for their cue to burst into song Phoro cour res} of Mrs Mueller
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A cade mi cs l 2S
Blue guitars, Sta rry sta rry night , and Chagall danc ers; the stuff of creative c ommunication and high-level thinking . A whirlwind of inspiration that can be redu c ed down to three letters: ART
GHS ' own aspirin g artistes became the respon s ibilt y of a posse of tea c her s adoringl y known as the " Three Ole ' Arts ," Mark Dunn, Gene Youngmann, a nd Joe McGinnis . Veterans Dunn and Y oungmann continued to carve out a legacy in their respe c tive fields of photography and painting / drav.1 ing McGinnis , a relative newcomer to the famil y. scu lpted his second smashing year in the c rafts field " I want people to think of ar c in a positive wa y," he s aid , "y' know , plusses, not minuses ."
W ink .
As fo r the art wunderkinds of the year , let 's jaw about David Hughes and Chanda Killion . Dave drew " fantastic dragons ' n' things ." Chanda drew a reall y good dog ' s mo u t h . W oof! And who could forget the distorted faces ?
In November, the Art Club so ld out and ma de bu tt ons 1n t he cafeteria. Art for mon ey? Oh , we love'em a nyway. -j ar l Anderson and Brian Johnson
l I ' --...------ --
Drawing of the thre e· T h e art leade rs of th!! school this year. and for tht next decad e Y oungmann, D unn, and M cGinnis. · Photo by M att H artme1~te1
126/ Academics
La r ge r cb a n l i f e· Mark Dunn does one of che man) rituals of an art teacher
The changing of the art scenery · Photo by Matthew Harcme1ster
ART CLU B- First Row Cnssy George Nathan Brittain, Ryan Ambariantz, Anna Arv idson, and Gene Y oungm ann
Last R ow: John McCarty Pre s Chand a K1l hon, and Paula D1Xon Othe r memb ers of A ct Club · Deruse Fr onmg, Kan Ke mler, Chnsta Kn ox Shawn Olson Spyros
Papadopaulos , Ken Reaves Jas on Re ynolds, Robert Sm1th, and Debbie Jones • Ph oto by Ryan Kandal
Wisdom on pap er· Ceramics teacher Joe t-.fcGmn1~ instructs student Brady Archer on his art , McGmn1s 1s also very proficient m pamung and drawing, often selling numerous works dunng the year. · Photo by tv1atthev. Hart me1ster
-..------,) .. ,. \ Il' ,, 4 ., .. \----~..J
A ca demi cs / 12 7
NH S - First row : Sarah Burke, Anne Bellows, Mane Schowalter, Heather Versaw , David Maren : S ec ond ro w: Gail Munsart , Vreh Lange, L1s:1 \'Qalter , Debbie Madock , Tera Porterfield Can Noble , Joe Skorski, Julie Moore;Las t ro w: Sus,e Prin. Anita Vogeler , Tracy J ansen, Gisela Bowland , Cindy Gebhardt, Bnan Desmaneau , K un Westgard, Michelle:: D orsch, Chaco Armon , K nsune Nordlie - Photo by Eric Bond
DE C A • Fi r s t ro w: Courtney Armenta, An1y Reid, Am)' Cusack, Jay Clarence , Se c ond ro,v: Hoang To , David Casper, Mark ) Johnson. Jo~h
Howes : T h ird row : Bnan Byerl y Jennifer Sh epherd , Kaycie Chapman , Ing crd Woehr Dernck Fossen La st row : Dave Jones Bech Aherns Michelle Hladek , Rick Kersuens -
I 128 / A c civ1ne s I •• , \
/• •• \I .... ... .,.. ,I J, , __, • \I
Photo b y Enc Bond
Pres ti ge and honor came from being 1n clubs like FBLA , DECA , and HS FBLA sho~ed off the schools business prowess dunng the Fall anonal Leadership Conference DECA was out ga1n1ng good publi c relations between GHS and businesses at1onal Honor Soc1et\ took those who excelled and pushed them to be all that the\ cou ld be - JU St like the Arm}
H S spearheaded a food dnve for the hungr\ of the Denver/Golden area and managed to generate a sea of boxes and canned goods for a good cause HS should have been proud to know that the; made someones Christmas Just a li ttle b i t brighter
D ECA d id well also this }ear They had five members ~ho went to the state level of compet ition Competitors were Judged on solving problems 1n the work place and were expected to role p lay solut ions and have a solid knowledge of t h ei r businesses.
FB LA taught good leadership and sharpened business ski ll s It gave membe rs a real hands-on look at the emplo; ment world. Jenn y Burt said, " The leadersh ip 1s great I have control ove r t hirt} schools!" Enlightened Despotism ;, You decide
-James K 1ppen
• • • • • a •
Dante Me· Jenn) Bun enJoys a fnnge benefit of the business program, a gala pa't}· hosted by her OJT supervisor · Photo courteS} Bridgette Taylor, Interpex l1 D
FBLA O ffice r s· Scott Barlow Josh Dr ohan 1\1 chic B.isun, Jenny Burt, Julie Hebert , Alanna Hane} · Photo Counesv of FBLA
Acu, 1t1es l 29
I • Sc ience 1n space ~ - ,~ ; ( \ ts' 5~r fl' \ '
• 130 A ct n 1t1es Zero Gravit y I • • -
Born· Sports. Ba by Pi x Ed ., S henl yn Ball
Julie Capp , CJuistie Ulmer
r __,J
Ryan Kandel- Co- Photo Ed Michelle Hladek- Photographer , Eric Bond- Co- Photo Ed. Humpty Dumpty
Over Exp osed t 1 ,,,. --.;
Lisa Walter · P eo pl e Ed ., Le s li e Bur c hfi e ld - Co- Sru deot Life Ed , Ali K o lodn y- Co- A ca d emics Ed. , Mar ci P a r so ns - Co· Sports Ed
Andy KJeio- Co- Student Life Ed. , Sean Larmore· Co· Academics Ed
Bri an John so n· Co· H ead Ed ., Jar! And e r son· Co· H ead Ed
Yearbook and new s paper- c lasses not for those with weak constitutions. The hu s tle a n d bustle of these classes is onl y overshadowed by that of the New York Stock Exchange The onl y ca l m comes when the silent wh isper of the words , " The Deadline is complete, " are spoken w i th hushed r everence A lull settles over the r oom as a silent prayer is uttered
P ublications isn ' t Just a rat- race I t is a lso a plethora of genius , a seemingly end less haven for creativity The words of 1nsp i rat1on flow onto b lack and whi t e to forever endure the tests of time This year ' s editors were superpeo p le , overcom i ng great adve rsity, wrestling with time and money, and most i mpo r tantly , ed i t ing . We asked Newspa p er's Tammy Harne y to g i ve us some helpful ins ight on the labonous task of co rr ecttng She sa id , " I t comes subconsciously ."
T a m my also gave some of the c r ed i t to an Ed i t i ng Fa iry that corrects the pages while she's asleep . We then asked J a rl And e r s on ,
Y ea r book co-edito r ex tr ao r dinai r e , if t here was such a t hing " No ," h e exc la i med, "i t 's ac t ually Brian John so n and I in tutus with m ag ic wands a n d w hi te-ou t !" Wow , that ' s nice of them
-Mik e "Nega ti ve P oin t s" Sande rs
Outside Lo o king In
Meu e Boes Ry Burk e,
ot Pic tured : Mall Hartme1 s ler·
• t . 1· - ',; l w -~ s _ \ u- J • • • -• •
Photographer \1ike Sanders, James K1ppen
News paper· Pirs r R 0 '11.'! R ob Lyon, Kyle Fromme, Secon d R ow: Joelle Cecil. Julie Hulscein , Tammy Harney ( Editor), Brook e Bond, Debbie M2.tlock. Lon O uke Chns Lee~ Third R ow: Dr Roy lliughcery, Chris Thompson Jason Gonzal es, Marshell Allen, Tom Dickerson, Kelly Ingram, K.C Chapman, Heather Rtler, Travis Brassell ; Lasr Row: Cra1g Turnbull, BtlJy Barro w • Photo b}' Michelle Hladek
Acliv1ues / 131
Hallelu1ah • The GHS cheerleaders r.use their hands in praise ·Photo br Ryan Kandel
TRIDETIES • First Row · Paige Wadsworth. Racquel Rascon Andrea Barrett Kann Pycce, Middle Ro w Kaue Bremer Sony·a Carlson Bndget fitzgerald. Karen Kronauge Cathy Palandn Lase Rov. Michelle Condron Kann Littlepage Chanda K1lhon Cesia Erbaugh , Katie Schowalter Megan Talbott Sand, Harris ·Photo court es } of The Golden Transcnpr
2 Acu, icies
JUNIOR VA R S I TY C H EE RLEA DE R S: Frooc Row : Danielle Voorhees, Stacy H obson Joey Miller , Second Ro w· D ominique Ros int He ather Peter son, Lase Row : Tanya D1c tbren ner -Phoro courtesy of The Golden Transcnpt
· H ey there , sports fans, this 1s H o\\ ard Cosell reporting li\le from Golden High School v.here I am \.\1tness1ng a truh · exhilarating performance turned 1n b, a de\ astattng Demon defense for bo',S basketball We are at halftime v. ith the Demons ahead b} three Folks this 1s one game , ou '11 regret not seeing. But I must take time out to commend our spint leaders as the, put on a bnlltantl} choreographed half- time shot\ Those Tndettes sure are stealing the hearts of a ll the ,oung men out there The spirited cheerleaders ha"e executed a fla\\ less routine Unde r the guidance of a ne<w sponso r, the\ have (and righcfull} so) won the respect of a receptive student bod\ as the\ ask the crowd how they feel
I have been in formed that this }ear the t\\O groups ha\e in a sense, Joined forces to create a more successful program Both groups have individuall; engaged in fund raisers Trtdettes s p o n so red th e M onster Mash Bash and conducted an aluminum can re cyc le dr ive along with their annual ca r \\ash \\bile the c h eer leaders sold shakers to raise money for a new school mascot Well , with a minute to go before resuming pla,, I remind , ou again th at the Demon 's lead b} three · - Val Born
VARSITY C HEERLEADERS· Fir st Rov. Knsten Dnscoll,Juhe Pr}or, Secon d Rov. Deanne Jenkins Last R ow Tanya Dittbrenner · Phoro courte)\' of fL e Golden T ranscnpc
Sis, Boom, Bab· Dancing the nighc awar, the tcmpnn g Tndette~ dazzle at Homecoming Photo b~ Rand} Ohson Pfiorographj
Accnnte~ 133
a short night 's sleep dunng che student council's summer camp. • Photo
STU D ENT COUN CIL · Fi rs c Row· Sheila J ones , Marte Schowalter, Alison Haberman , Bndget Fitzgerald, Sommer Gle acon, He ather Mi tchell , J enny Scheffel, Laura Ponerl!eld , Kyle Frohne; Seco n d row Tim McD onald, Craig Joynt, Shawn Raymond, Marshall All en. Courtney Vogel , Enn Ferguson, Ste phanie Woods, Beth \'(felle r Tera Porterfi eld , Wendy Bnndlt, Heather Verbeck: La s t r ow · Enc H offman, Dan Rosewa t er, Ces1a Erbaugh, Brent J ensen, Kaue Schowalter, Stephanie Olmore, Lisa Stanley. K elly Brooks, An ne Bellows, Luke Young Greg Rosen , Roren Stowell Jeanine Stelitano, Not pi c tured Kann Ladepage and Tammr Harne y • Photo b} Enc Bond
134/ Actn, u1es
Shhhb !- Alison Haberman 1s Jusc exhausted afcer
by K ane Schowalt er
I /
What 1s involve ment,. It 1s s1mpl \ th e G H Student Council This }ear's St udent Council has turned the i mage around , pr ov in g to the stude nt bod\- that 1t does represent the students of G H S Ac t1 v1t1es suc h as the Gong hO\\ dre\\ excellent rep o nses from the student bod\ During the \\Inter hol1da }s, the cou n cil v.•anted t o promote safe dr1v1ng To encourage not d rinking and drt\t ing during th e ho lt da\- s, bracelets were distributed alo ng with rib bons \\,h tch \vere put o n each s tudent ' s car Pre s idents' Club 1s an o ld idea \\hich Student Council ha s o rgan ized 1n a ne\\ wa\- for thi s \- ear All of the c lu b presidents meet the fir s t Frid a\- of eve ry month, \\1th the 1ntennon of 1n c rea s1ng com mun1 ca t1 o n and su pp o rt throughout the var ious c lu bs of Gold en Hi g h Shcoo l Thi s high schoo l is un ique 1n its d ive rs it y of int eres t and talent s Pr es idents' Clu b offers c lub presidents a cha nce t o understand and apprec iat e their hard wo rk and devotion We hope thi s club and its un 1fy1ng purpo se c an b ecome a tr ad 1t1 o n at GHS Leslie Burc hfi eld and K at ie Schowalter
Hey c rowd • Student Body President Katie Schowalter, shows her funk to the Jdenr~ in an assembly Photo by Ryan Kandel
Don 't smile· Brent Jense n sink~ into dee p thought about the prom · Photo b) ,\f 1chell c.Hladek
A ct1\ 1t1e, 135
Three head s are beuer than one!· Mr Sharp Ronald Reagan , and Gorbachev ponder world peace • Photo by Ryan Kandel
FORENSI CS· Fir s t Row : B Fasick M Johnson , L. \'<lalcer , S
\'(I oods , A Bellows, L Patzer, S Maslehau , M Lane , D Chnstensen. S
McGinnis , K
Page,Secood Row : J Victor , K Brooks, S Raymond , C Armon , J
Defore , T Folle , M
Shenll, P Tubbs , S Bufe; Third R ow: C. Rand J
Harper (coach ), K
Halstead , K \'<lestgard L
M11ler, S Po tt er H
L1nedecker J Crume , R
Phmne} L Sharp; La s t
Row I\ Beck C
Armenta J McCarthy, G
Bosworth C Schoener, J
Skorski C Gabnelson , R
Bu rke L Buyze C Duster.
C Pippen. J Rams , R Furtak. · Photo b} Enc Bond
136/ Acu v111e s
H ey there , s marti e p a nt ! This \ear, like anv ocher. Golden Forensics was once again, oucscand1ng! Lowe ll h arp led his bra\e troops through an exc 1nng and educattonal forens1(S filled }ear Man} awards ~ere acqu ire d b, Golden Hi gh c hool students On December s ixth, Jo e kor ki took first pla(e 1n the V01ce of Democrac, tournament Bri a n John on received the Outsta nding Speaker av.-ard at Chatfield on December twent} -sec.and So }OU sa\, "OK, so these fine , oung men rece1\.ed some av..ards · But did }ou ever stop to think how these people do this" As Coac h harp describes 1t, "To be 1n forensics , 1t requires a lot of hard \vork, and a l1ttle bit of good luck " Instead of the raging part} life on the weekends, most forensic s tu dents spent their aturda'),S traveling to different tournaments at selected schools ov.., I don ' t knov. about ever,one else out there . but Saturday 1s supposed to be spent do ing no- bra1ner thin gs such as ssss ll eeepppp 111nnnggg 11 ot on l} did s tudent s s lave ove r debates on Saturda 1s, th e, all worked dad~ to prepare for the ir compet1t 1on Fo ren s ics required time, energ}, utmost decerminatton , and ded 1cat 1on - M arci Parsons
Think , J oe, Think '!· At the Voice of Democra cy conte5t, Joe Skorski delivered •n aY.esome speech that awed his listeners · Photo by Lisa Walter
ACtJ\l!ICS 13.,
Mi ss ion accompli shed"· \X inning an award 1s cough , but ~omebod r has to do 1t , L1\.l \\ .liter did • Photo courtes, oi Gene \\ alter
r I 138/ A c t1'\ 1uesAS
Alien L aunee r s· Vrelt Lange Angie Vogeler , Paula Dixon practice thetr verb con1ugat1on · Photo b y Michelle Hladek
•W\L~ I},Y I Pif )J' l ,, I, '"·l , ' '(1, • ' , ' /...,, ·} ' t \ \
SPA N I S H C L U B · Fro nt R ow Frank Konsella, Jann ie Defore , Kirsten Harris , \'(/endy Bnndle Lisa Noble Courtney Sample, Last R ow · Michelle McReynolds , Kelly Cole , Scott Atencio, Chns Zahanas, Kurt Westgard Duncan Halstead · Photo by lvitchelle Hladek
In thi s ever shn nk1ng wo rl d co be compe t1t1 ve people need to le arn o th er languages Three of the languages offered at G H S are Spanish , German , and Latin.
German Club celebrated an espec1al1', happ1r 1rear When the Be rlin wall came tumbl ing down, the German Clu b threv. a part\ . Some o ther highlights were going t o the Octoberfest and having a German Christmas p arty Y et, the ma in purpose of the Ge rm an Club was to become more familiar with Ge rm an}
On th e Span ish Club ' s calendar was a candr bar fund ra iser to earn money for their c lub D1n1n g at an H 1span1c restaurant to sam pl e Spani s h foods was a h1ghl1ght Spa ni sh Club a lso promoted an International Week with o ch e r language c lubs and welcomed exchange studen ts t o JO tn th e ir ac t1 v1t1 es
Lann Club s tudi ed language and the cu lture of th e pe o pl e who ru led th e world for ove r a th ousand years
K e1 Club ts a serv ice o rganiza ti on work ing for a better Go lden. The y v1s1 ced nur sing h omes and did communi t y work Th e club 1s s imilar co YES grou p. Thu s far , the y hav e v1s1ted two nurs ing home s Pr es ident David Salter sa id , " We plan to go Chri s t mas ca ro lin g and rai se money for the p oor and homeless 1n our com munit y. " - Ch r1 s t1 Ulmer
• ( n / I l • .. •
Planning like m a d · Ke} Club President David Salter prepares for the next itetmg Photo by R} an Kandel
GERMAN CLUB · fuM Row Scott KJ stroll DiJne Bro \\ n, Jenni fer Bro\\ n, Chn~toph Ehrcnstr.1sser Last Row Kerry Fu,~. Julia Shideler , Laur.i Koenig , l\tuk Cu\lar , Ruth Phinnt)', Tamara Ross 1, Barbara :>Cott · Photo b\ ,'\i 1chelle Hladek
A ct1\11 1es 139 ! i ! I r:::cl I I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I
H ow often do six t y hi g h sc hoo l students ge t to take off for a week and leave their troubl es and parent s behind ? A bunch of Golden so phomores and Drak e fre s hmen headed ea s t for a fun filled , and let 's not forget educational , week in Washington D .C . and Virgini a. In addition to being a se riou s hi s tori cal ge tawa y, it was also a barrel of fun . " It was a unique , learning experience which I will benefit from for the re s t of my life ," exclaimed Nick Howe. Da ys and night s were filled with tours of famous museums , monuments, and histori ca l fi g ures ' homes . Among the favorite s were the FBI , the Vietnam Memonal , Monticello , and, of cou rse , the free time to shop , meet new people , or just relax in one of Washing ton ' s man y parks . And what , if a nything , did the trip la c k ? "S leep ," ya wned Marci Parsons . -Ali
I,, ij r. ' • ' '• I
• .."'•a '::r
Boy, did they get in c_rouble 1• Megan Owen and Je ni Olson muse suffer the consequences' · Photo b} Amy Schumacher
140/ Fearure DIJI • t', _-. - - ---=-
Colonials Get Crazy!· Megan Owcn , Jeni Ob.on, Lindsey Miller . And y Klein, Am)' Schumacher, Nick Howe. Debbie Shaner , and Bria n Byerl y live ic up in the ballroom at Michie Tavern an Yl!gmia · Photo by Am) Schumacher
• I I s t h a t goo d >. '\ 1ck Howe d1dn t get enough to eat so he tried somedung new· STRA \X S1 • Photo b} Maret Par)onsP a neo c e , g 1rh !· J\.farc, Parsons and Au Kolodny wait 10 tour Carters Gro,e • Photo b)· Am}' Schumacher George cowo bound !· Amy Schumacher Debbie Shaner, and Lmdsev 1',,1iller show off thc:ir recent purchases · Photo by i\1arci Par~ons B a ng , Ban g!· Maggie J\.1cWill1ams and Lisa I obc:1 scar in the Battle of M.inassas • Photo bv Am) Schumacher Flying the Friendly Skies Feacure / 141 ':'l I I i I i I i I I I i I I J I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l I I I I l I l • I l I I l I l I l I l I I I • I l . I
•• I I I
Although it is not for everyone, the athletic program has a loyal and dedicated following among the pla} ers and parents Golden has en Joyed a strong sense of school sp1r1t among students at the assemblies and at games. The assemblies have been the most exciting and interesting 1n years, and the games have been a high energ} maroon experience This year ' s athletic teams , including bo>s ' cross country , golf and tennis along with girls ' softball and g ymnastics , all gave us something co cheer about , victory For the first time in two decades, bo ys· cross country had Luk e Y o un g representing them at the State Conference Likewise, the boys · tennis and golf teams have again followed 1n the tradition of sending members to State , and the gymnastics team went to D1str1cts However , all sports programs bring spectators great pleasure and entertainment For example , the varsity football team dropped compost all over Douglas County High , which was ranked seventh tn state. The list of deserved triumphs continued throughout the year and invigorated fans and spectators alike . -Val Born
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A young team gives its all Destination Unknown
This yea r, Dem on football s h o wed co urage , de termin ation, and a lo t of talent; bu t, the y la cked experience. With a new head coac h and o nl y a few retur nin g sta rter s, Golden football had to sta rt all ov er le wa s a hard - fought bat tle , bu t th e Demons survived " It's been ve ry frust rating . We ' ve come real c los e a few t imes ," said Coac h Don Carpinello .
As leading sco rer , Jeremy Johnson led the Demon s co a long awa ited first win ove r Standley Lake Jeremy had o utstanding assistance fr o m Bob Duster , Dave Jones , and the o ffen siv e lin e The Demon s pulled th roug h again for a 23-8 win ove r D o ug las Cou nty Isaac Rascon s tarted off the game with s t yle, by returning the opening ki c koff for a touc hdown
Billy Neal , the ju nior quarterback , had a very impre ss ive season. H owever, jus t before the season ' s end , Billy b rok e his co llar bone. " We had man y in ju ri es ," Coac h Carpinello o bserved " That made the seaso n real tou g h ."
All in all , Dem o n fo o tball endured and will be back again .
• Ali K o lodn y and Mar ci Parson s
VARS ITY FOOTBAL L · F i r st Row Hadw1ger , Khmchalk , Meehan , Bee ch, Reid , Secon d Row Vasquez, K ubasta,J Johnson , Nea l, Finn egan , Sawye r, Rascon , Th i rd Row Coach H enry, Duster, Domenico, Ewing, Westby, Heffelfinger , K iefer, Coach Carpinello; F o urth Row Clay Fleener , Lepke, Sloan, Clint Fleener , Ha rris, Jones , Weisenberger; Last R ow · Delgado , D Johnson , Lenoch, Simcox, Link , Rossmuler , M yers, Snyder Not Pi c tured Rosewater , Lyon, Thoemke, Sandt, Gayer, Bennen, Ja rman ·
I ' I
144/ F oocba ll . _ ..... .. ·- --
Photo by Zem1 Photography
OJ JAZZ · David Jones 1s caught in the act o( doing it Demon sryle 1 • Ph oto by M ichell e Hla ·
JUNIOR V AR S llY FOOTBALL · first R ow · Domeruco, Ammon. Vasquez, VaJenu, Second R ow· Zeigler Finnegan, Coach Henry Khmchalk , Brown La st R ow King Reynolds Padilla, Fleener Westby, Kiefer · Photo by Zem1 Photog· raphy
FRE S HMEN FOOTBALL · First R o\\ Ashton \'qem· gardt, Reynolds, Garner ; Sec ond R ow · Burce Hicks, Reynebeau, Haulman Sutton Smith, Powell Coach Killner, Third R ow Coach Shreiner, Bosworth Norns Clark Baker, Duesterbeck Katzenberger , Coach Hallman. Last R ow · Malone , Coon. Graham, M1chnew1cz Radder ·
-- - - - - - - - - - -
/ 14S
Photo by Zem, Photography
C ros s Cou ocry • First Ro w E Kunter , K Bnggs , L. Miller , W/ Brindle M Patton. Seco nd Ro w S Con· ner , B Nixon , B Trost , ) Young L Young R Ver· saw K Harns ; Last Row Coach S Pecroff, J Victor, D Wil11ams R Ambauantz, P Younger , J Hughes Coach Gina Nelson · Noc P ic1u r e d K Bnggs. B Barrow, M Calaway , S Kerr - Photo b) Janssen Photography
146/Cross Country
Run like che wind · Emily Kuncer weaves her way through tra f fic. ·
Photo by Eri c Bond
What drives these runner on?
Long st retches of une\en terrain, dehvdrated runners. and gut \,rench1ng pain; thats \ct.hat Golden Cross Countr\ 1s all about . Theres no better feeling than the pain 1n vour knees after the three zillion times \ our feet hie the ground during the meet \X h, these runners put themselves through such torture is be\ ond most The ke', ma, li e 1n the thought of one outside obser\ er v. ho mused. Cross countr\ 1s a boring sport, unless \ ou li ke to run. That must be the reason ,;vhv the\ run, da\ after da,. rain or shine, the, li ke 1t But hO\\ can the, en JOY something so strenuous and painful" State runner. Lu ke Y o un g, lik es co run, in fact. he loves to run But v.h," Is 1t because of the sensation of the breeze blov. ing across his face or the emot iona l high,, I asked him and he ans\vered after a long thoughtful pause. ' I lo\e pain'
-Mike Crash Sanders
I wan e my watecbed 1 • Bryant Trost sits exhaustedly Pondering the reasons wh\ the course 1s so long · Photo by Enc Bond
j _____,
atheletes or are they ... •
Are they super
Cross Countcy/147
Sophomores take the league
I f it were a c artoon , the classi c pows , booms , and smacks would be replaced with riveting spikes , sets , and bumps- the language of the game. B ut vo ll eyball is not a ca rt oon. Pla yer s from a ll four teams took this year ' s season se ri ous l y. The varsity team had 3 wins and 14 losses while the sophomore team fin ished top in its league with a splendid r ecord of 7 wins and only 1 loss Man y of the sophomore players were exci t ed Ca rri e Walter said , " We had a lot of t alented pla yers who wo rk ed hard and well together mak in g the sophomore team number one 1n our league .·· The othe r three t eams · fee lings all seemed to be summed up by Stacie C hild e r son when she said , " All the teams worked really hard I onl y wish we c ould have had a more su cc essful season."
- R y Burke
I !1 Volley
148/ Volle y ball
VARS ITY VOLLEY BALL - Fies t Row L Nobel, N D es Marteau, Second Row · J Simcox K Shaw, H W nght; La s t R ow T Cooksey M Schowalter, A. H aberman, A Schumacher · Photo b> J anssen Photography
Wtlpok A Schumacher B Blythe K Trullmger T Ortega, Last Row S Childerson. T Patton , M Kerste ins Not Pi crured K Stem Photo by Jansse n Phoc ographl
GOLt11, -~ •
H u ert a, L Fah rni, L Porterfield , B Weller, Lase Row A Elliot, C Walter, C Goodwin - Nor P1 crured L Hartme1ster - P hoto by Janssen Phocograph y
First R ow S Johnson , Second Row J Parlette , M Emanuel , R Zokams, La st Ro w · H Preston , J Scheffel. · Noc P iccu r ed H Turnwall
• Photo by Janssen
Photograph y
It 's mine - Lisa Nobel and Jessi ca Simcox fight over who gets the ball · Phot o by R yan Kandel
V o ll eyball / 149 n
I i' I
B O Y S ' V AR S ITY SOCCE R - F, rst R ow T G,menezSalmas, C D us ce r, B Bordon J R qu1erdo, J Braz, C Turnbull, Secon d R ow) Baum, ) R udol p h. M R udolph T ~1 1cchell
B De s Marteau, D Adlfinger, L ast R ow J\ Cockle M
\'v' hnehous e, G M oore, M Nelson. ) H ildreth, D H ughes Coach J Byerly - Photo by Zem1 Photography
BOYS' JUN I OR VAR S ITY S O CC ER - F i r s t Row P M artmez, S e c ond Row · T Lmcoln , T Braz, N Cockle , K Lowe , J Da niels , S Berkman , La s t Row C Schre1gner , J. Gnme , D H ulstead , J Skorski, Bnan Byerly • Phoco by Zem1 P hotograph y ..
50/ Socce c
Twist aod shout · M ike R udol ph heads t he ball do wn th e field • Photo by M an H artm e1ster
Soccer finally gets its foot in the door
GHS soccer-a real kick
A pale orange light c as c ades down on the s weat laden , battle sc arred field olemnl} , a column of people walk off the side of the field Yet ag ain , Golden High Sc ho o l so cc er players outdo themselves
This year ' s teams were exceptional with many returning players and several new talents . The teams ' new coach J ay B ye rl y , was described b; the players as a good mot i vator It was evident at a ll games that all the members of the team recognized the importance of teamwork Their view point was the tned and true , " All for one , and one for a ll " " The soccer team won more games than the footba ll team ," observed M a d s Ni e l se n . Br ia n Mulb e rry sa id , " We've had our best season tn four years ." Well done
-James Ki ppen
H iyaa 1!'· Bn an Mulb erry cakes t he m1 t1a t1v e on th e ba ll •
Pho to b) Matt Hart me1scer
' -
... -~ Soccer / 151 a n ti . n, ti\ 1 ' ti a -
Can you play with the ...
The softball diamond: more than you think
Although , tt is the accep t ed th eo ry th at softball was developed by Galileo in the 16th centu ry, evidence has been presented t o the contrary
Galileo was , for a long time , considered to be the Papa de Beisbol , the father of baseball. He developed the ' four base theor y' in 1547 , and this was the sta rt of softball and baseball a like But , consider this :
Luxor , Eg ypt : In an ancien t templ e commissioned by Ankenteton III , a cache of softballshaped stuffed goat heads are found.
Crete , Greece : In the t em ple of Athena Nike , a sta c k of baseball bat- like artifacts are uncove red Vestal virgins were cons ide red to be ' keepers of the bats '
Bogata , Columb ia: An earthquake uncove rs a series of effigies ... Olmec " softba ll gods ". The deities are female with bizar re heads . Pe rh aps these Indians had softba ll th ousa nd s of / years befo re Columbus
So , as the comp lexi on of the s it ua ti o n da rk ens , Go lden softba ll players themselves offer their opinions about the or igi n s of the game we call softba ll. Te am leader Ci ndy Gebhardt remarked , " Ga lileo cou ldn ' t have invented soft ball- he wasn ' t Spanis h."
Jody Ca rlon read all of the new information abou t the orig ins of softba ll and ha d thi s t o say, " It totall y astounds me to think that softba ll was goi ng on du ring the Ca th o li c Counter Refo rm ation and and all of hi sto ry. It puts a littl e mo re pressure o n us softba ll pla ye rs, because we now have to up h old the lo ng standing traditions o f softba ll." And my , the y did a g rea t job of it, too , winning 9 out of 18 games Brooke Bond , Billy Jo Vigil , and Julie Reseigh were o ther leade rs on the team
After seeking th e final truth abou t softba ll , we are s till left with some loose end s, namel y Buffi Wolfe . Sh e was left wondering , "W h a t did th ey use for balls in the o ld days ?"
I • Rt -J ar l An derson an d Bri a n J ohnso n L------------ -152 / So ftb all
Team on a mission Senior \\'endr Correll helped lc.-ad her team to J wmnmf ~ea5on , where ther beat number t\\O ranked Bear Cre ek · Photo b) R,Jn K.i ndel
Seasoned Veterans· Team inspuauonal leaders , Cin dy Gebhardt and Jody Carlon , drove their ream co a winning season under Coa c h Hornecker and Ha yes ·
Real offensive· G ol de n th r iv e d ch is se ason w it h t heir powerfu l bar s. wha c king until t he wms c a me home • Ph o t o h} Rya n Ka n del
Wing n , Br ooke· Starting pitcher Brooke Bond pre· pares to pitch 1n her 90th game of the year She played league softball over the summmer as weU as for the school ·
Photo by Ryan Kandel
Photo by Matt Hartme1ster
Softball / I 53 G a t\ • ·* I rw -~
-•-·· -· :-
.. .., f- f.~ · ii ~----', ..
BO Y S' GO LF TEAM • First R ow R Scheffel, B Quaracmo , B Dinkel, Coach Morns; Last R ow J Brandt, N Hook , C Zahanas , J Kersuens • Photo by Michelle Hladek
1 54/ B oys' Go lf a nd T e n n i s , # •
B O Y S' TENN IS TEAM - F i r s t Row · J S1egesmund, T Williamson,) Drohan , 0 Armon M Dahman, Seco nd R ow · M Ce1slar , K Westgard , F K onsella , M Walter, R Furtak; Third R ow ·J Johnson ,) H ampleman, N H owe , R Nassau , S Bays, J Tribelhorn, Lase R ow Coach Colltns B Benbow, T Foley , G Tilley , A K lem , A Kay, M Johnson , S Williamson , N Bezzendes, D Maren , Coach Nobel - Phoco courtesy of The Golden Transcnpt
. Gee, w h at fu n'· For Robbie Scheffel. happmess is only a golf course awa} · Photo b} M1chelle Hladek
Par for the courts
For the first time 10 re cent memor}, a Golden athletic team finished 10 the top three 10 the state Golden 's golf team, led b, Brad Dink e l, R o b e rt c h e ffel, and J a on Br a ndt , finished third at the State Champ1onsh1ps in Bou lder Ind1 viduall}. GHS was led by Br a d Dink e l 's s ixth place fin ish. ext year, all three of these go lfer s will be return i ng , and Golden should be favored to win state
Tennis was not quite as successful as golf H owever, the team 1s young and will on l y graduate two varsity players The team MVP was sen ior #1 singles player , Bri a n B e nb ow umber 2 and number 3 singles players , Ni c k How e and Andy Kl e in , will also be returning The team finished with a 4-8 record , but with all of th e youth th e, p ossess. only good things lie ahead - And y Klein
Ho hum · l sn t tennis pr .icu ce .i blast> t\ ot 1f
you ask Brian Benbow , 1ck Howe or Steve
\'V 11l1amson • Photo by And> Klein
.. • •
-/ I
Golf and Tenois / 155
Against All Odds I ' Potential
Hi g h Hoop s! With s eni o r athlete s lik e Dan Thoemk e and Damion Simcox , Demon Basketball was able to beat the odds As they played , they learned from their mistakes . With a new head coach and only three sen iors , this young team fought hard to sta y on top . Although they lacked expe n ence , they had an intense des ir e t o win . Even though their record did not show 1t , the y played with unpara lled effort. Coach Mik e Br ook h art brought the team together as one and taught the players to be lieve in themselves The result was a strong , spirited , self-confident alliance of young men. -Marci P arsons and David Maren
You ' re 1ncrud1n g on my a ir s pa ce, m an- Vince Thompson shoots .it the same ume he dodges his defender s slap of the hand - Photo bv Rvan Kandel
1 56/ Bo ys' Bas k et b a ll ' ------------
Brian Valant follows tht· prtccdent \C:t
his le!,!endary btother as he soars in mid·air co score •
· f 1r ,1 ow· S Sutera , J ll1cks , /\.1
C)ddl /\.f
J l\,ftller D
( l\forgan-
Photo br Ryan Kandel
V AR S ITY • F i rst R ow D Cox, B Larson B Janeck, D. Meyers V Thompson, B Neal: Last R ow J Harns, D Thocmke, K \X estgard Mike Brookhart coach ), B. Valant, J Moore, D Simcox J U ~I O R \ A R SITI · F1r,1 R o\\ : C \\l,h , D Ga1r J "-lille '- Howe
R oY.:J /\.la\or B Janeck , K \\'estgacd , Paul Ho\\C' coach ), 8 /\.1ulberr r , A Rocho , C (.arbnJ O RE
Sucton 8
Toster Las, R o\\
Fulton,N Hook
oach H.1rgl"tU} J l\,f1chnC'w1cz, J Hippensteel
I \
l ~8 / Gymoasdcs
GIRLS' GYMNASTICS • Fir sr R ow T Dittbrenner , S Thompson , C Stevenson Seco nd Rov. J Eaton, S Maloney. M Jansen , La st Rov. C Bergeron , D Duncan J Stevenson, M Eczenhouser, L Da, · Photo b} Ryan Kandel
It ' s Amazi n g! - Lon Day pracuces her lev1tanon. · P hoto b> Ryan Ka ndel
Smooth landing for gymna tic team
The girls' gymnastic team spent every da} after school unttl five o'clock pracucing their routtnes , a flips , and spl it s 14
All their hard work and perseverance paid off as Coach Marilyn Wilcox led the team to sixth M place in the league out of thirteen teams For the,r crowning achievement, the} took th,rd place at ,, the Distrtct Meer.
At the Di stnct Meet sen ior M arcy Eczenhouser and sophomo re Lori Day qualified co vie 1n che M State Meet where Mar cy scored an 8 0 1n the floor exercise Due to an 1n1ury , much co Golden 's ii chagrin , Lori Day could not participate M
When asked about compe tin g in the State Meet , Marcy Etzenhouser commented, " I am excited a
a a n a a n a a a a
• I t
t t t ti ti State ti
-Julie Capp • I
Gymna~ucs / l 59
Tab Dab · Deanna Duncan gracefully finishes her
· Phoco b)' Ryan Kandel
Going for the ''Gold'' ,
Bodie s are better when they're Golden
One word wh ich desc n bed the gir l swimmers chis year was talent! The se swimmin ' women won the vast majority of the1r meets , and several of the women qualtfied for the big state meet 1n Fort Co llin s The team was small compared to other teams How ever, the y had the talent many s c hools ' teams lacked Nuisances which man y of the sw immers faced were the loss of goggles and ripped swim caps The constant m isp lacement of goggles was unfortunate because as any swimmer w ill cell you , it's not just water y ou ' re sw immin g in , it ' s ch l orine , soda ash, super blue , heh , and ocher associated harmful chem ica l add 1n ves which are anything but soothing to the eyeba ll s In fact , if you mee t someone with red eyes , she 1s either (1) a G H S swimmer or ( 2) a gr ieving , die-ha rd Br onco fan . - Le s li e Bur chfield and Li sa Walter
· . . - ..............a '
160/ Sw1mm 1ng
Making Waves · Leslie Burchfiel d demons trates her state·9 ual1 fy10g style · Pho to by Ryan Kandel
I can fly! · Heat her Versaw ·s bulging biceps enable her co move smoothly acr oss the cop of che wacer • Photo by Ryan Kandel
• First R ow Michelle Quarannno , Tera Porterfield,Jenny Arnsparger, Hea ther Versaw Second Row Ka 1ty Halstead , Vrel1 Lange , Leslie Burchfield , Tami Hahn , Laura Porterfield , Kell y Bocock, Coach Lee Larson Third Row Coach Sonia Miles , Nicole Markovch1c k, Shayle McKel11ps , Tarua Setzer, Danielle Nicholls, Debbie Shaner Coach Greg Vowels Last Row Hea ther Preston , Sara J ohnson, Stephanie Woods , Orphic Pearse , Trac y Lu cas , Lisa Walter - Photo by Zem1 Photograph y
I -
Sw 1mm1ng 161 u n n n n
a a a a a a a Q a n n n a
l I
W r es tl i n g• First R ow:· Ashton , Kubasta , A Gabnelson, Bordon , C Gabnelson, Seco n d R ow: · Oslin , Kerr , Baldessan, Schloffman, Lundell , Coon , Hock , Acker ; Las e R ow: · De Angelo , Klmkefus , Kelly , Trost , Smith, Martinez , Sanusteven, Fish, Powell , R Baldessan, Nor P ic tur e d : · Johnson , Palmer, T Marunez, A Smith, Taylor, Ewing, Duston, Sarti, Stephens, Von Cords, Walker , Weisenberger;·
162/ W r es ti 1ng •'
Photo by Zem1 Photography
Gn pp ing excite m e n t· Toni Baldessan humbles his opponent · Ph oco by R yan Kandel
Compromising Positions ' Entanglements
Getting pinned It has been described as the worst feeling 1n the world, leaving you empt y and holl ow Nothing 1s com p arable , n o thing even comes c lose But , risking thi s feeling to obtain the m os t g lo ri ous sensa ti on o ne can ge t o n a mat 1s no t a hard c ho ice for a wre s tler.
These H e- men spent three months out of the yea r either o n a s tn c t diet or tr yin g to gain enough pound s co make weight. Y ou won ' t find chem at Burge r King , but you c an find chem lifting weights o r endlessly runnin g up and d ow n the h all s of ou r deserted school. The y' re dressed in the latest Eskim o attire , fo r the y feel the more yo u sweat, the more weight you ' ll lose The wo rk put 1n thi s year rewarded the wrestlers with four team win s and the most fun the y cou ld have o n a mat at sc ho o l an ywa y. - R y Burke
H e a d to h ead c ombat · Two wrestlers grapple wnh che possibilities ·
- --· ---- --
W r es t hn g 163
Ryan Kandel
Shining In the Shadows 'f7 I I Facing the Odds
PRESSURE. Girls ' basketball had a challeng in g season . With a new coach and a }Oung team , the y had ltttle going for them But, the lady Demons did their best Although their record did not show tt , the y had a good team and will most def1n1tel y be successful in the future It was an uphi ll battle as most of th ei r opponents had had more expenence After all , ftve sophomores and four Juniors made up the vars ity team . As Bu ffi Wo l fe put it , " Our team was really young this 1ear and we expe c t good results next year. " H owever , Jul ie B row n wasn ' t as opt1m1st1c. " We had a good time and learned a lot , but next year we will probably cake up c hess " -Ali Kolodny and Mit ch Re id
~ .L •· -
Almost' Je ssica Sim· cox auempts a la}U p
- -
Photo by R}an K andel
164/ Girls' Basketball @';
The beat is on !· Amy Bcad sby cnes to escape the Wheatridge defense ·Photo by Ryan Kandel
VARSITY BASKEI'BALL • fUSt Ro~ HCW'ICJ Nid.scn, Buffi Wolfe Niklo Dcsmarteau. Last Row: M)-ah Mataya.. Came Gess, Leooa Espcnozt. Amv Bradsby, Julie Brown. Jessia Simcox.Jcarunc &wno, HCW'ICJ Wright.• Not Ptcru.red: Tcm Knegcr Phao by R)-an Kandel
JUNIOR VARS ITY BA SKETBALL • Fi r st R ow· Mera Reels, Myah Mataya , Ember Pauley, Last R ow: Carne Gess. Tasha W1lp0lt, Jeanine Stehtano, lcttcu1 Espinoza Photo by Ryan Kandel Girl\' Ba k etba ll l6S
What can we put in a yearbook that would embarrass a senior most 1 H ow about that one picture that you couldn ' t manage to destroy , that BABY PICTURE lurking 1n the du st y pages of Scrapbook-dom
You know what I ' m talk1n · about , that ph o to that Aunt Marge just adores which you Just can ' t convince your parents to suppress at Christmas or Thanksgiving Yes, that one 1 Could 1t be the one of your first bath in the kit c hen sink with the most peculiar expression on your face ) Or the one o f yo u eating your first ice cream cone at your three year birthda y part y I What about the photo of you pla ying dress-up in your mom ' s c loches when you secretly got into her make-up box and smothered yo ur entire body with ruby red l1psc1ck . Remember the Christmas pla y where you had to dress up as one of the Three Wise Men ' s camels 1 Well , the b lun ders and blushers of childhood will never cease , but, 1n fact , haunt you So friends , look at these pages with fond memory and pray that THAT O E PHOTO , the kiss of death , I won t appear.
- Val Born
1 1
Brady Archer
You've always been on the right trackCongratulation s
Love , Mom & Glenn
Michelle C ondron
You ' ve always beeo such a happy girl with a s weet smile and a rwinkle 1n your eye You hght up our lives
Love , Mom & Dad
Marcy Etzenhouser
There 1s a gardeo io ber face
Where roses aod white lilies grow
A heavenly paradise in chat place
Wherein all pleasant fruits do grow.
Love , Mom & Dad
Tammy Herrod
Thank s for beiog su c h a great sister ! I c ouldn't have asked for a bener one ! I love y ou! C ongratu l aoons!
Love , Angela
Stefan Kerr
We ' ve gone through mil es and miles of trials with smiles! Good 1ob ! A baby no l o n ger , you're n ow a great so n and great friend - it ' s been fun!
We Love You , M om & Dad
Kim Litman
The next Victona Principal? Wherever life cakes you , you ' ll always make us proud
Lo ve , Mom & Dad
II I I I I ..---·· :.,...,.\ ~-----
168 / Se n ior B aby P1 c ru r es
l -i '
Gayle Munsarc
Your enthusiasm and posu1ve aturude ba,e made you a JOY to li,e wub Congrarulauons (or today best wishes for tomorrow , our lo,e (o r you always
Mom, Dad , & Carolyn
Nickie Reile y
You've come a long way baby •.. And we are very , very proud o( you 11
Mom & Dad
C hri s P yl e r
I( we could ha, e chosen a son, '9. e cou ld not ha,e c hosen beuer You ha"e made us ,cry proud
Love, Mom & Dad
Kacie ( Katers ) Sc howalter
Thanks (or always being someone I can look up co Your support aod (neodsbip are very valuable to me I hope all your dreams co me true.
All M y Love , Reez1e
Greg Tilley
May you graduate again and again We ' re very proud o( you'
Dad & Mom
Luke Young
Vietnam 19'75 • Golden 1990 " No dream is too big " We are always proud o( you
Love Mom & Dad
Ted , Jake , Sarah, Be cca & Abby
Senior Baby Pictures
169 ~1 !! !
You light up our lives ! Onward and upward for a great , successful furore
Love , Mom & Dad
Thank you, Gisela, for the love and JOY you ha ve brought into our lives.
Dad , Mom & Michael
Le s li e De
You have always accepted c hallenge s and had fun excelling in them The furore i s you.rs. Keep making those good deci sions!
Love Alwa ys, Mom , Dad & Joe
Sco tt Ga r vin
Your thoughtful , co n side rate ways are among the many things we love about yo u You are a wonderful, lov1og son God bl ess you always Congratu lation s ''To ss."
With Love & Pride , Mom , Dad , Bryan & Cin d y
Jennife r Stunk a rd
You were a beautiful baby and have grown to be a lovely yo ung lady and a best friend
Thank s for eve rything
Love Alway s, Mom
1, D av id Lawrence
May you reach all yo ur goals with the wind behind your ba c k
Love & Prayer , Mom & Dad
,..,_._ ·•"'- <I'
Br ia n B e nb ow
'" J
170/S enior Bab y P ic ture s ..., L
i se l a B o l a nd '• I
,. { ; -
"'" .. ,....... ·1·
-- _,r
Gregg Moore
Coograrulauoos 1
Lo,e , Mom , Dad , Jason , Karl & Aooe sa
M a rty N el s oo
Monkey Butt - You are the meaning of enthusiasm We admire your spiru and determ1nat100 Ma y your ltfe coouaue to blossom hke a rose
Love Y ou, Y o ur Famil y
Eri c Ol so n
Y ou are special Th eo and alv.ays, v.e're v.uh you all the way God bless you
LO\e ,
t.iom , Dad & D avid
Chris Pyler
Life goes on, we drift apan Memones wi ll , be at bean Remembe r me, li ke I'll r emembe r you, Losing memo n es , 1s easy to do
Je n
Katie Schowalter
No matter w h at you ac h ieve , as long as you want 1t and 1t make s you happy, you are a success Co ntinue to laugh and smile.
Our Love , Dad & Mummy
Susan Tind e ll
Don 't ever be afra id to try to mak e things better
Do n 't ever stop lo,ing
Don ' t e,er stop bel1ev 1ng
Don 't ever stop dream in g yo ur dreams
We l ove You , Mom, Dad , Brenda , Rhonda , Teresa & C h ad
Senior Baby Pi c tures / 17 1
Sc ott B a rlo w
We're so proud of the values you h ave set for yourself Ma y you find happine ss always
This is the only time in the last 17 years you DID NOT need a haircut!
We Love You , Mom & Dad
Ce s i a Erb a ugh
Bravo ! Performed beaut ifully! Remember we ' ll always be in your corner.
Our Co ngrarulation s and Love, Mom , Bob , M any, Scott, Mi chael & Grandma
Dou g G aye r
You have been a real JOY 10 our lives We hope you reach your goals
Love , Mom & Dad
T ammy H e rrod
You have filled our lives with so much happiness God bless your hopes and dreams with much success.
Love You , Mom , Dad & Angela
Rick Ker s ri e n s
Thanks for you r almost ever present smile , your b ri ght outloo k on life and h igh standards you have for you rself
Love You, Mom & Dad
I II I I • I I\ I •
----/ \ /0• • ' J V' 'o \;T ., / ' / '--· /
Love , Mom & Dad
172/ Senior Baby Pi ctu res • • .. -
av id Cas p e r
-...... _J I
D e bbi e Ma tl oc k
ngrarulauons to the little girl w h o kept us on our toes' M ay alJ you r dreams come true We Love You , M om, Dad & Dao
s eigh
lo ve you! Mom , Dad & Sissy S te ph a n ie O l mo r e
, Ste ph ' Y ou always make us proud ' Lo-.e , Dad , M o m & J onathan • , . ' • • • • • •• • M ega n T a lb o tt . .. • • • Y ou ha ve blessed o ur li ves wHh lot s o( lo ve. Ma y God bles s and k eep you alway s Lo ve , M o m , Dad & D onovan R T Fo xy & D C S p aoky +- a ,. -
Jo o P opiel
ou a rc so special 10 us You arc truly blessed v.:ub much ta l ent M ay God lead and prote c t you th r oug h out your lt(e All Our Love, M om , Dad & Steve
e ll ye
wJSh health a nd h app in ess for you ! We Love You , M om, D ad & Ca rrie Senior Bab) Piccures / 17 3
J oe
B a um
For all the good umes!
Lo ve you and Like You , M om & D ad XXOO
D e r e k C hri s te n se n
" A m a n ' s , 1s 1o n sho uld al ~a ys excee d his grasp " - D ad
" You ha,e che three essenua ls for h a ppin essa good heart , an excell ent mind a nd a great sense of hum or " - M om
C h e ryl Dr a p e r
Watching you grow has been a specia l JOY for all of us Y o u ' ve b ec ome a beautiful person \\'! e a r e ,ery proud of you Thank s for JUSt being yo u Lo,e , Mom , Dad , & Mi c ha el
C ind y Le e Gebh a rdt
Co ng r atu lations! We are so happ y and proud to be your family The s un s h ine of you r smile ba s warmed all you know
Love , Mom, Dad , Valerie , & Greg 174/
Juli e Hul s t e in
J ulie Elaine H ul s tein -S pring ' s sweetest so ng
Tr acy Lu cas
Tra cy, you a r e a v. onderful daughter and a wonderful friend I love you more than you'll ever knov. Th ank yo u for being you.
Lo,e , Mom
Se nior Baby Pi ctu res
Our life cogecber bas been excu1ng \X"e are proud of cbe man you'"e become Our 1shes are for your happiness · fore"er
There 1s hule ehe a mocher can ask for than 10 ha,e a daughter hke , ou Thank you for being mane I LO\e You
Damion Sim c
"'"' ' .. \ l~ " ~· ' J --
Am y R e id
You ha,e filled our li\ e \ "ith jov The future 1\ your!> \\ e are proud of you , Lo,e t.1om Dad & ~1u c h
Mik e Whit e hou e
Se n io r Baby P ictures / 17 5
• , ,, C) O• , , ,. O, ,, 0 ,, ,, " ,, " . 11uu u u11• ' I I U 11 J1 II ""- u 11 ... , .. •• • Tr a
• ' I .J
vi s Mit c h e ll
Lo"e Mom , Dad, & H eather
Go gee them, B u d ' We lo"e you a n d are very p r oud of you a n d your accomplishme n ts Lo , e, Mom & D a d e P a rl e tt e
Danny Tho e mk e
We a r e proud of you, son T hank you for bei n g JUSt the k i n d of boy we ' "e a l ways wan ted Love, Dad & M om
The ume has come for graduauon \Xe are ,ery proud o( you and your accomplishments God bles~ you and t h ank you Lo,e, Mom & Dad
Congratulauoos, son! Watching you g rov. into manhood h as been a since r e Joy. We lo,.e your s p ark le and 01ce smil e' Lo,.e , M o m & D ad
Ma y s u ccess, h ap pin ess and lov e be v. 1th you always.
We Love You , Mom & Dad
S h elly· Joie de Vi,.re
Congrat ul anoos · Mom , Dad , M att , Darth , Atla s, M addie , Sweetums, T eddy Bears, Zendy , Bud & P epper
Ma y your s u ccesses b e man y Y ou r disappointments fe w, And a lwa ys rememb e r , We lo ve you Love, M om & Dad
Someone like yo u m akes th e s un s hin e brighter make s a s igh become a s mil e make s our troubles much brighter makes ltfe seem worchwh1le
W e Lo,e Y o u , J ere mi ah· Mom & Dad
Y ou lig h t up our li ves We Lo, e you, D a d , Mom & Jason
John Bishop
1 76/Se n io r Baby P1 cru res
Cl arke
\ \ .... ' .. . .. . . .... .. •• • r ,.. Lt ,, 'y·WJ .,, . ~.. : _._...
l ,) ( J I
Juli e Mu e ll e r
\Ve are ,en proud of you Congrarulauoos. Keep up the good \11-0rk Lo,e ~fom & Dad
Ca ri ob e l
e lo, e vou Cari, 001 for your in1elligence talent and beaut~ but for "ho you are U,<: your countle~s ble'.>'>1ngs "i~el) 10 make ourself and others happ}
t.fom Dad Lisa & Trace}
I J e ff Sawyer
Cong r arulauo n s oo you r maoy
accom p lis bm eots ! We t h ank the Lord for H is love and w i sdom 10 g i ving you to us
All Ou r Love, Mom & D ad
'r ou light up our lne, \\ e ,\.ill ah,a}' Jo,e
)OU' C ongratulauon,'
~tom Dad & Jim
Li sa St a nl ey
You •re a pr ec iou s Je"el 1n our Ines \\ e·re ,o proud of you We hope yo u ' ll c.on unu e yo ur e n t hu siasm for life and you r umely se n se of humor
Lo,.e • Mom , D ad, Br eu, T eig & R ya n
Anit a Vo ge l e r
~'hat a blessing we receJ\ed the da) God ga,c
)OU 10 u,' ~·e·,e en1oyed e,eq da) God bless you as you ,e n e Him
• D ad, M o m , Veronic.i, Angie & J e rry
Senio r Bab} Pic tu r es
7 "'
I ~ I I ,I'
O rphi e P ea r e
B e n Stuckey
I',e always been so proud of you and \\.Ill ah,a) s be grateful for these 18 1o c red1ble years v.1th yo u 1 Lo,e , Mon1
Wendy Hil ge rs
You b,n e been a challenge and your pretty ~mile has been our re'\\.ard- Reach for the stars, the future 1s yours Lo,e , Mom , Dad , & K i mber
Jod y Ca rlon
H ov. v. e'll treasu r e the memones! You', e pro, 1ded so much joy God b less you 10 all you do Lo,e.
M om , Dad, Do ug, & Caro l ynn
Bri a n Johnson
B nan, you ha,e learned 10 march 10 the beat of your O'\\.n drummer I do n ' t a l'\\.ays appro,e or understand but I'm proud of you. You ' ll go far 10 l ife
Love , Mom
Ry a n McGrath
You a r e more than a hugga ble p upp) · you add tremendous JOY and laug h ter to our l n es Lo,e , K 1k1 , K e,, M om & D a d
Matt Gagnon
H ap p y t r ails 10 you!
Lo,e, M om and J en
....... • •
I 78 / Sen1or Baby Pictures
Scott J one s
Graduauon- the end of youth and the beg1nn1ng of your future \\"e face 1he end v. ich sadnes~ but the beginning v. uh expec1ant io}
Dad and tv1om
C had Pippin
T hanks fo r being the kind of son e"ery parent w ishes for' We l o"e you, M om & Dad
Lynn e ll e ln e r
\\ e "ere blev,ed 1he da, ,ou came inco our Int~ t.ta, God blcv, .1nd k(.;ep , ou Dad ~fom , t.11ke &. ( raig
Wendy Corre ll
Your e n thus i asm for li fe 1s an 1nspirauon 10 u~ D r eam b i g d r eams. v.o r k hard, and take the bad days \VHh t h e good
.t.1om and Dad
I tor I cav. a puddyc,u 1 • H oa n g To and Susan Ki efer drcs'> up a\ 1he 1r fa,oricc carioon character'> T hey are ~1111 kids a1 heari - P hoto by
Senior B aby P1c1ures 1 7 9 fil 'ri
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Tam To
[Fn [Fn
IAberle , Justin 36
Aberle , Susan 10, 35, 66
Abney , Bradley 105
Acker, Scott 162
Adlfinger , David 66, 143 , 150
Ahrens , Bech 66, 128
Alder, Jennifer 94
Alfie 110
Allen , Marshall 36, 43 , 131 , 134
Alvarado , Consuela 59
Ambanantz , Ryan 66, 127, 146, 177
Ammon , Stefan 145
Andersen , Jolene 30, 36, 94, 117
Andersen , Teru 36, 187
Anderson , David 59
Anderson , Jarl 36, 59, 131
Anderson , Kelli 66
Anderson , Marc 36
Andrews-Jones , Julia 107
Andrews·]ones, Le sley 66
Angel , James 66
Angelo , D ', Joe 162
Arbuckle , Shannon 94
Archer , Brady 59, 127 , 168 , 177
Armenta , Courtney 128 , 136
Armon , Chara 66, 128, 136
Armon , Onon 94, 154
Arnsparger , Jenn y 161
Arshan , Heath 94, 103
Arvidson , Anna 94, 127 , 177
Arvidson , Lena 36
Asher , Dawn 94
Ashton , Henr y 94, 145 , 162
Acencio , Scott 138
Attebery, Mike 36
Ayres , Jon 66
Azad , Karim 66
Beckley, Ker ry 105
Beesle y, Rob 58, 37
Beg yn, Sally 94
Behne, Gordon 105
Bellion, Knscen 66
Bellows, Anne 9, 66, 120, 128, 134 , 136
Benbow, Bnan 7, 37, 154, 155 , 170
Bender, Nick 37
Bennett, John 94
Bennett, Derek 144
Bennetts, Alexia 37
Benneccs, Me lodie 66, 118
Bera , Ri ck 94
Bergeron, Cindy 66, 158
Berkman, Scott 94, 150
Bettinger , Leslie 107 , 109
Bezzerides, N 1ck 66, 72 , 154
Bi ce, Susan 37
Bilger, Enc 37, 38, 61
Bachofer , Claire 107
Bachofer, Stephanie 66
Baker, Brian 94, 145
Balde ssart, Toni 15 , 36, 162
Baldw1n , Kern 66
Ball, Sherilyn 130
Ballent1ne, Cory 36, 52
Bandy, Ernie 94
Barl ow, Scott 36, 129, 172
Barne y, Megan 66
Barren, Andrea 14, 15 , 66, 118, 132
Barrete, Keith 94
Barrow, Billy 36, 131, 146
Barth, Matt 94
Barton, Matt 59
Bastin, Michelle 66, 129
Bauer, Jennifer 94
Bauer, Robert 94
Baum. J oe 37, 150, 174
Bauman , N 1ck 94
Baurer, J on 94, 104
Bays , Sean 66, 154
Beach , Shawn 66, 144
Beck, Laura 119
Beck, Natalie 37, 136
Beck, Staci 59
Beckett , Melanie 94
Bird , Chnstopher 105
Bishop, John 37, 176
Blan cha rd , Joe y 94
Blankenship , He1d1 66
Blankenship , Shauna 64 , 186
Blythe, Brigette 66, 149
Bl ythe, Charlotte 107
Bo cko, Aaron 157
Bo cock, Kelle y 66, 161
Boes , Mette 94 , 130
Boland , Gisela 37, 128 , 170
Bond , Brooke 94 , 131 , 152, 153
Bond , En c 66, 71 , 130, 186
Boom, Brenda 59
Borden, Brook 59, 150, 162
Born , Val 117, 130
Bornstein, Ja ckie 107, 109
Bosworth, Greg 94, 136, 145
Bottoleson , Erika 94
Bowerman , Jenni 94
Boyer, Tony 37, 49
Braden, Wade 37
Bradsby, Am y 66, 165
Bradsb y, Dick 106, 107
Bra ndenburg, Joh n 20, 21, 66
Brandt, Jason 66, 154, 155
Brannan, Stephanie 37
Brassell, Heather 37
Brassell, Travis 94, 131
Brawle y, Jason 59
Braz, Juliano 38, 62
Braz, Th1ago 62, 150
Breeze , J im 38
Bremer, Kane 66, 132
Brennecke, Matthew 105
Bndges, Renea 105
Bnggs, Kathenne 66, 146
Bnndle , Wend y 134 , 138, 146
Bnccain, Nathan 117 , 127, 177
Brodbeck, John 107
Brookhart, Mike 156, 157
Brooks , Kell y 38, 52 , 62, 63 , 134, 136
Brooks, Mara 94
Brouwer, Shannon 66
Brown, Dax 66, 145
Brown , Diane 139
Brown, Jenn1fer 139
Brown, Joanne 107
Brown , Julie 65 , 66, 165
Brown, Mary 59
Brownlee, Dawn 66
Brueske , He1d1 38
Bryant, Dawn 66
Bufe, Sierra 66, 136
Buice , Frank 94, 145
Bullard , Cheryl 32 , 38
Burchfield , Leslie 66, 130, 160, 161
Burke , Ry 130, 136
Burke , Sarah 66, 128
Burkhardt, Gabe 66
Burr , Ty 38
Bure , Jenn y 38, 129
Bure, Tonie 94
Buss , Chns 66
Buder, Ronald 94
Buyze, Lara 38, 62, 136
Byerly , Bnan 128, 140, 150
Bylery, Coach J 150,151
Byerly, William 59
Callaway, Marc y 38, 146
Cameron, Karena 94
Campbell, James 105
Cantwell, Darcy 94
Capp, Julie 94 , 130
Carland , Chad 66, 157
Carlon , Jod y 38, 49, 152, 153 , 178
Carlosk, Mi chelle 94
Carlson, SonJa 66, 132
Carlson, Todd 94
Carney , David 38
Carpenter, Joel 59
Carpinello, Don 144
Casper, David 38, 128, 172
Cease , Lon 107
Cecil, Joelle 4, 59, 60, 131
Ce1slar, Mark 154
Chapman, K C 38, 128, 131
Chavez, Carla 105
Chtlderson, Stacie 122, 148, 149
Chisholm, Jessica 59
Chnstensen, Derek 9, 38, 57, 61, 115, 136, 174
Chnstensen , Jamie 105
Christner, Tony 105
Chnsty, Derek 66
Cifern, Dar yl 59
Cisneros, Sonya 66
Clabaugh, Tessa 39, 2
Clarence , Ja y 128
Clark, Duwayne 66
Clark , Ja ckie 66
Clark, Joan 107, 109
Clark, Mike 94. 157, 145
Clarke, Clint 8, 39, 176
Clarke Lori 131
Clar'" athan 59
Claussen, Chnstie 105
Clmt Chnscopher 105
Coates, Darold 105
Cobb Andy 39
Cockle, athan 150
Cod\ David 105
Cole Kelly 138
Collins Brandy 94
Coh 1n, David 105
Condron, Michelle 39, 132, 168
Conne r Sarah 146
Cookse} Tammy 39, 148
Coon, Jared 94, 145, 162
Cooper Sandy 105
Correll Wendy 39, 153, 179
Cotton Michael 105
Councilman, Laurel 39
Coverdale Jennifer 39
Cox Doug 66 157
Craib Dawn 94
Cross Eric 66
Crotzer, Jenn} 94
Crowden W11l1am 59
Crume J ason 136
Cruse Case} 94
Cruz (hns 69
Cusack Am} 17, 69, 128
( uslar Mark 139
Custer Deloris 94
Daniels, Sarah 107
Darling Lisa 6
Dassler. Richard 105
Daughert} Dr Ro} 131
Daughert,. achan 105
Davis, Stephanie 94
Da}, Dan 69
Da}, Lon 158 159
Da}. Shiloh 94
Dean Leslie 39. 170
Defelice , Sam 94
Defore J eannie 69. 136 138
Delgado Damon 69 144
Deno}er Jason 105
DesMarteau Br) an 40 128 158
Desmarteau , •1kk1 148. 165
Dewitt, Rebecca 94
Dickerson J ames 59
Dickerson. Tom 1.31
D1ednchs , Ton, 2, 40. 41
D1erk1ng Chad 97
Dinkel Brad 14, 15, 67, 69 155
Dittbrenner Knstte 69
Dittbrenner. Tan}a 97. 1.32 133 158
D,cco , Michael 97
Dixon , Bnan 40
Dixon Je ssica 40
Dixon , Paula 97, 127 , 138. 177
Dockter, C1nd} 20 21 40
D ockter, Mark 97
Dodge , John 69
Domenico J im 69. 144, 145
D onahue Lon 40. 62
Dorsch M ichelle 69 128
Draper. Cheryl 20, 40 50
Dri scoll, Kn sten 133
Dunn Da\1d 9"7
Dunn , Mark 109 126
Duster Craig 40 136 150
Duster, Robert 69 144
D} ke Jennifer 97
Fac1nell1, Janelle 9
FartC}', Sean 69
Fasick Bnan 136
Ferguson Erin 12, 134
Fernandez Adriana 41
Ferns, Michelle 41. 176
Feth, Drew 97
Field , Michael 59
Finnegan Brendan 144, 145
Fish, Jesse 97
Fish Mark 59
Fish Powell 162
Fisher, Joe 69
F1czgerald, Bridget 132. 134
Eaton Jessica 69 158
Edwards Chene 40
Edwards Dan 69
Ehrenstrasser Chnscoph 97 139
Ell1ott Angela 97, 149
Ell1ott Chance 30, 65, 69, 117
Ellison Dee Dee 97
Ellison Gregor} 40
Emanuel, Michelle 97. 149
Embur} James 40
Engelke Kath} 69
Engston. Robert 97
Epps Chnst1ne 40
Epps Jill 107
Erbaugh , Ces1a 41, 51 132, 134, 172
Enckson, J osh 97
Erikson J ohnecce 105
Esparza Dernck 97
Espinoza. Let1c1a 69, 165
Espinoza , Ralph 41
Etzenhouser, Marc} .f l , 158, 159, 168
Evans , Enc 97
Ewing, Chris 69, 144, 162
Dahl, Amanda 94
Dahman, Matt 105 , 154
Dadey Donnell 59
I)alcon, Roy 39, 61
Dalton, Scott 105
Daniels, Jimmy 38, 39, 150
Drobn1ck, Chns 59
Drohan, Jo sh 97. 129, 154
Drouillard, Robert 40
Duesterbeck, Dale 97, 145
Duncan, Deanna 40, 158, 159
Fitzgerald Elaine 107
Flaagensen , •its 62
Fleener, Cla} 144
Fleener , Clint 17, 31, 41, 144, 145
Fleet Aaron 2, 41
Folle . Todd 41, 136. 154
Fond} , Tammy 41
Foreman , Sarah 97
Fossett Derrick 69. 128
Foster, Michael 97, 157
Foster, Stephanie 69
Fox. Beth 69
Fox , Molli 59
Franks. Robert 59
Franks, T raci 59
Frey, Ka th} 69
Frohne , Kyle 131. 134
Froning Denise 69, 127. 177
Frost, J obe 69
Frye, Shona 69
Fulton, Drew 14, 97, 157
Funmsk, K err} ?7
Furtak, Rick 136. 154
Fuss, Ke rry 105 , 139
Fuss , Melissa 59
Gabnelson. Aaron 41, 44, 162
Gabrielson. Chris 136. 162
Gaddis Bnar 9..,
Gage Bndgett 59
Gagnon Mace 41, 178
Gardner Kns 69
Garner T\e 97 1·15
• Garrett Adnane 97
Garvin Scott 42 , 170
Gaudette t-.-iolly 107
Gaver, Doug 42, 144 1Y' 172,
Gebhardt C1nd\ 42 49, 61 128 152 153 172 ,
Gee Rich 69
Ge1le Mike 42 , 48, 60
Genson Jason 105
George Chriss, 97, 127, 1"77
Gerdes Paige 97
Gess Carrie 165
G1dlund Paula 69
Gil Anna 69
Gimenez Antonio Salinas ~o. 62 150
Gleaton Been· 107
Gleaton Sommer 95, 97, 13'1
Godse} Angie 69
Goforth Alec a 97
Gonzales Cr\ seal 97
Gonzales Ja son 42 , 131
Goodwin Cara 97, 149
Gorbache\ 136
Gorton. Chad 59
Gould, Beck} 97
Gould. Michelle 42
Graham, Aza 97 115
Granquist Dustin 69
Graves Al} ssa 97
Gra} Jenn} 69
Gra), Marci 69
Gra} Sarah 97
Gra}, Toq 9 7
Green, Jan 97
Green. Stace} 59
Green, Stetson 69
Greenbaum. I\athan 97
Gregor}, Amanda 105
181 ..
Gregory , Charlotte 69
Gunn , Charla 107
Guzman , Gabnella 4 2
Harns , Scott 70, 144
Hartme ts ter , Lu c} 97, 149
Ha rtme1scer , Matt 43 , 131
Harve y, Steve 70
Hat ch, Jenn y 31, 70 , 1 21
Hatfield , J ames 71
Hau gh1e, Chns 97
Haulman , Jimm y 97, 145
Haun , Candi 43
Hauser , Ri ch 43, 176
Havengar, Liana 97
Haworth , Mi chelle 97
Ha yes, Bob 106
Ha yner , Dawn 70
Ha}nes, Ja so n 98
H one yman , Jennifer 64, 70
Hook , Nathan 98, 154 , 157
Horst , Brandon 70
Horse , J ohn 106, 107
Howe, 1ck 9, 140, 141 , 154, 155, 15 7
H owe, Paul 157
H owell , Warren 70
H owes , Barbara 107
H owes, J osh 44 , 128
Hoy , Brad 44
Hudson . Jerem y 21, 52, 55 , 59
H ughes , Jacob 146
H ughes , David 70, 126, 150
Janeck , Bill 157
J aneck , Carmen 44 , 45
J ansen , Jem101 44
J ansen , Melodie 70 , 158
Jansen , Tract 44 , 128
Jarman , Dusnn 17, 70, 144
J arrett , Daruel 59
J effreys , Unah 105
J enkins , Deanne 133
J ensen , Brent 11 , 65 , 70, 134 , 135
J essen , R1kke 44 , 62
Johnson , Amy 4
Johnson , Bnan 44 , 131 , 137 , 178
Haagensen , Nils 4 2
Haberman , Alison 9, 17 , 69, 134 , 148
H adwtger , Jeff 69, 144
Hager , Tom 69
Hahn , Tam1 20, 42, 161
H a1merl , Am y 97
H a10es , J ason 97
Halbe1sen , Dean 59
Hall , Steve 69
Hays , Laura 105
Hearn, Justtne 70
Heater , En c 105
Hebert , Julie 70 , 1 29
Heffelfinger, Am y 98
H effelfinger, J ohn 33, 43, 144
Hein , Mi chelle 98
He ine man , En c 70
Held , Chns 70
Halstead , Duncan 10, 138, Held, Mace 43 150
Hender son , Tra cy 43
H als tead , Kate y 11 , 96, 97, Henrik sen , Erik 70 117 , 136, 161
Hammond , Tobe y 42
Henry, Jim 144, 145
Herrod , Tamm y 43, 168,
Hampleman , Jason 18, 31, 17 2 4 3, 52, 117 , 154
Handon , Ken 69
Haney , Alanna 129
Hankin , Bethany 97
Hansen , Ray 43
H anson , M elynda 105
Ha nsson , Tammy 69
Hap t onstall, Bnan 70
H arding , Ha rold 59
Hardman , Bnan 70
Hardy , Chad 97
Ha rgerdy , Coach 157
Harmon , Travis 59
Harney, Tammy 43 , 52 , 54, 131 , 134
Harns , Barbara 107
Harns , J ohn 43 , 157
Harns , K irs t en 138 , 146
Ha r ris , Sandi 43 , 132
Hessman, Enn 17, 70
H iatt , Lon 59
Hicks , Jay 98 , 145 , 157
H ildreth , J ohn 150
H ilgers , W endy 38, 43
H ill , Amy 98
H ill, Jeremy 98
H dl , Nicole 98
H ippensteel.John 98,157
H ladek. Michelle 65, 70, 128, 130, 186
Hobson , Stacy 98 , 99, 132
H ock, Brandon 4 3, 16 2
H oenge , Jon 98
Hoffman , Enc 98, 134
Hogan, Anne 2, 44
Holmes , Amy 98
Holmgren, Kan 98
H omenck, Denise 70
H ulin , Cory 70
H ull , Jill 106, 108
H ull , Wade 105
H ulstein , Julie 44 ,13 1, 174
H umphrey , Amy 70
Humphrey , Rick 70
H unter , Tommy 59
H utchison, Heather 98
Johnson , Derek 70
Johnson , J eremy 15 , 16, 42 , 45 , 144, 154, 176
J ohnson, J ohn 59, 70
J ohnson , Mark 136, 154
Johnson , Ma rk J 45 , 70 , 128
J ohnson , Sara 98, 149, 161
J ohnson , Zachary 103 , 105 , 162
J ohnston , Chnssy 98
J ohnston, Sa ra 98
J ones, David 16, 45 , 128, 144 , 145
J ones , Debbie 70, 127
J ones, Scott 45 , 179
Jones , Sheila 108, 134
J ones , Debbie 177
J orgensen, Boan 70
J ouett , J oan 108
J oyne, Craig 134
Ill , J essica 98
Ingersoll, Stephen 105
Ingram, Kelly 20 , 44 , 131
Ironshell , Carl 98
Ir onshell , Dustin 59
Izquierdo, J oaquin 44, 62
Kanode , Patricia L 45
Ka rpoff, Nacalte 13 , 70
Kascroll , Scott 70 , 117, 139
Kaczenburger , J ef f 98 , 145
Kavanaugh , K 1an 2, 14, 15 , 19, 30, 45 , 117
Kay , Andre w 45 , 154
K eener, Tara 98
K emler, K arn 70, 127, 177
K endell, Leslie 70
K err, Stefan 45, 146, 162, 168
Kersnens , Mary Ann
Kerstems, R ick 45 , 128, 149, 154. 172,
Kessler, D iane 108
K ibler , T imothy 105
K iefer , Jane t 98
Ki efer, Susan 44 , 45, 179
K iefer, J ames 144, 145
K illion, Chanda 45, 126, 127 , 132, 177
K ing , K as ie 37, 45
K10g , Shane 59
K insey , Bob 106, 108 , 111, 120
K irby , Ranie 70
K irk, Cynthia 105
K ir kman, R onda 45
K lein , Andy 9, 65, 130, 140, 154, 1 55
K lie we r, K enneth 105
K li mchal k 144, 145
K linkefus, J eff 98, 162
K lug, J ohn 19, 106
K lyn , D oug 70
K nox, Chnsta 127, 177
Ko el, Brent 98
K oenig, Laura 117, 139
K oe nig, Paul 70
K ol eski, Hea th er 98
K o lo d ny, Al i 130, 141
Komoras, Joe 98
K ons e lla , Fran k 138, 154
Koons, Chns 98
Ko pelm a n, Pa t rice 45
Kaber , J ared 105
Kandel , Dave 109
Kandel , Ryao 65. 70, 130, 167 , 186 , 187
Ko ros ec, J oshua 48
K ocs1nes, Angel a 17, 70
K ots1nes, T om 48
Koza, M ichelle 98
18 2
K K K K K K K K K K K K K K l I l l l I I
Kramer Steve 1 0
Kribbs Renita 70
Knche\sk, Mand} 98
Knckbaum Susan 70
Krieger, Terra 70, 120, 165
Kronauge Karen 70 132
Krz, stek Marcel 98
Kubasca Kns 70, 144, 162
Kuhnle , Linda 70
Kullhem, john 70
Kulp Edwin 105
Kulp \X ill 70
Kunter, Emil} 146
Kunz, john 98
Le} endecker, Holl} 98. 1,6
Lincoln, Tim 1 SO
Lindberg \X end, 98
Link. Glenn 48. 144
Litman, Kim 48. 168
Littlepage, Kann 48 S1. 132, 134
Loe. Jenica 98
Loflin Cam 35
Logan, Stefanie 105
Lowe. Ke" 1n 1 SO
Lucas. Trac, 48, 161 , 174
Lucerna.Jason 98
Lucerna Jenn1fer 49 176
Luedtke, Jennifer 98
Lu1an Henn 16 , 111
Lundeen. Jeff 98
Lundell. Brandon 162
L,on, Rob 49 131 , 144
Lacomb Carmina 98
Laird , Mark 48
LaMaster K1mberl1 59
Lamdr} Stephen 105
Lancaster Debbie 98
Lane, Mark 48, 136
Lange, Vreli 48 54 128 138
Langlev Clint 98
Larmore Sean 130
Larsen Brandon 70 157
L~rsen Devon 98
Larsen l:.nck 70
Larson Coach Lee 161
Lass,, Leslie 108
Lawrence David 48, 170
Lawrence Peter 64
Lee Chris 98. 131
T,eeuwen, Alexandra Van 58
Lefevre Nora 98
Lemons James 9 48
Leonard Michelle 48
Lepak, Kimberli 48
Lepke Todd 48, 144
Le pro Ryan 98
Lewis, Kristen 62 65
Macias, Art 105
Maddalena, Ruben 105
MaJOr, Lisa 49, 65
Malone, Mike 98, 145
Malone, Stacey 158
Maren, David 128, 154
Mares, Moses 67
Markovchick, '1cole 98 161
Mars, David 98
Marsh, Mace 101
Marsh, Scott 101
Marshall, Jason 101
Mart1nez, Preston 1 SO
Martinez, Todd 162
Mart}nuska, Jan 108
Maslehat1 Shabb1 122, 136
Mason, Joel 1 S7
Masterson, Kirk 101
Maca,a M}ah 101 , 165
Mathis, Aaron 101
Madock, Debbie 15 49. 61, 120, 128, 131, 173
Matzke, Tamm} 49
Maxwell , Sorrel 49
Ma}eS, Enc 101
McCart} John 59 116 127, 136. 177
McCla1ne. Derek 59
McCloskey, Tye 101
McClure, Doug 49
McConnell, Mark 49, 60
McDaniel. M1tz} 101
McDonald. Tim 18, 30, 49 116, 134
McDowell, Mindy 105
Mcfarlane, Shannon 49
McGaffey, Wilham 49
McG1nn1s, Joe 108, 126, 127. 177
McG1nn1s, Seth 2, 50 136
McGrath R}an 2, 49. SO, 178
McKee, Stephanie 101
McKell1ps. Shayle 161
McKenzie, Marnee 108
Mclane, Linda SO
McReynolds, Michelle 138
McV1cker, Dianna 59
McWtlhams, Jason 40 SO
McWilliams, Maggie 141
Melendres, Melissa 101
Merrick, Keith SO
Mernck, Lisa 50
Michnewicz, Jeffery 105, 145, 157
Miles, Coach SonJa 161
M1ller, Carne 101
Miller, Cole 101
Miller, David 105
Miller, Gilbert 105
Miller, Joey 101, 132, 157
Miller, Lindsey 136, 140, 141, 146
Miller, Taryn 101
Miller, Tonya 101
Mills, Steve 59
Minsch, Alisa 101
M1tchell, Cod} 105
M1tchell Heather 95 101 , 134
M1tchell. Jeanne 120
M1cchell Max 50
M1tchell. Travis 41 SO 51 , 150, 175
Mitra Arntt 120, 125
Monckton, Shonda 101
MontO}a, Peter 59
Moon. Chad 101
Moon Dave SO
Moore , Chns 50
Moore, Gregg 14 , 50 150 171
Moore, Hannah 50
Moore Julie 128 157
Morgan , Craig 101 157
Mortensen, James 59
Mossberger Scan SO
Mossburg, Sonya 101
Mueller , Ernestine 108
Mueller, Julie SO 177
Mulberr} Bnan 1S 1 l S7
Munsart , Garle 10 51 128. 169
Murdock. Joe 106. 108
Myer, Shane 51
Myers. David
Nagel Brandon James S1
-- · ------ -
17 144 , 157 Myers
101 Myers , Roger 108, 144 M}ttoon, James 59
, Jacques
eal 8111} 16, 144 , 157 • elson Chad S1 elson. Gina 146 l\elson Karl 51 elson Kim 101 elson Marti 51 150 171 elson . Tami 101 ewberg Bridger S1 -1cholas Chad 101 •1cholls Danielle 161 1chols Jim 108 1elsen AnJa S1 62 1elsen Heather 165 1elsen , Mads 2 S1 62 , 151 1elson AnJa 62 1xon Bnan 146 :\ IXOn Jaime 59 obel Can 51, 62 , 63 , 128 177 obel Lisa 122 , 138 141 , 148 149 ordl1e, Knst1ne 128 orris, Shane 101 145 T} land Brent 19 52 117 ODell Brett 101 157 O ' Dons10 Mike 106 O ' Hara R}an 101 1 22 0 Ha,re. Rebecca 101 0 l\e1l. Gatl 106 108 Obrzut, Wend, 5 2 Olered , Enk 89
James 59 Olmore, Stephanie 16 52 134 17 3 Olsen , Enk 52. 114 , 171 Olson , David 101 183 - ··• -
l\ankerv1s, Bnan 101 Nassau, Robert 154 asses, Gus 9, S1 Nac1ons. Sand} 106, 108 avante
Olson, Jennifer 89, 140
Olson, Michael 105
Olson, Shawn 89, 127, 177
Orona , athan 101
Ortega , Tud1 149
Ortiz , Robin 101
Ort1z, Tina 89
Oswald , Gina 52
Owen , Megan 89, 140
Owens , Steve 108
Pfaff, Luke 101
Phillips , Elisa 53
Phillips , Matthew 89
Phinney , Ruch 89, 117 , 136, 139
P1ekarsk1 , Chuck 53
P1ekarsk1, Marc 53, 62
P iper , Michelle 105
Pippin, Chad 53, 136
Plancarte , Mike 38, 53, 61
Player, Melanie 89
Poggemeyer, Keith 89
Pomeroy , Tia 105
Popiel , Jon 18 , 19, 53, 173
Porterfield , Laura 14 , 15 , 95, 101 , 105 , 134, 149, 161
Padilla , Derek 89, 145
Page , Keisha 136
Palandn, Cathy 132
Palmer, N 1ck 89, 162
Papadopoulos, Spyros 52, 127 , 177
Papadopoulos , Ted 101
Pappalardo , Kara 89
Park , Michael 105
Parker, Jason 101
Parlette, J enny 101, 149
Parlette , Julie 52, 118 , 175
Parsons , J ason 89
Parsons , Marci 89, 130, 140, 141
Patterson , Dana 89
Patton, Molly 52, 60, 146
Paccon, Tame 101, 149
Patzer, Lisa 68, 89, 117 , 122 , 136
Pauley , Ember 101 , 165
Pavelka , Suzanne 89
Payne , Bnan 89
Pearse, Orph1e 44 , 52, 161 , 177
Pearson, Alyson 52
Pedenovi, Paolo 2, 52 , 62
Pennel, Chnstina 106, 108
Pennell, Will 89
Peters, Chnscoph 62
Peterson , Heather 101, 132
Petroff, Sam 108 , 146
Porterfield , T era 128, 134, 161
Potter , Stephanie 136
Pottorff, Deena 15, 53
Powell, J onathan 101 , 145
Powers, Bart 89
Preston , Heather 101, 149, 161
Price , Phyllis 108
Pnn, Suzi 53, 128
Pnnce , Marla 101
Pronechen, J enny 101
Prugh , Ben 101
Pryor. J ulie 89, 133
Pucka , Bob 106, 119
Pyle r, Chris 53 , 169, 171
Pyler, Jennifer 102
Pyne , Kann 132
Rachel, Melhorn 101
Radder, M ike 102, 145
Ragno, J oe 89
Ra1ns , J ohn 89, Rand, Chris 89, 136
Rascon, Isaac 53, 59, 144
Rascon, Raq uel 117, 132
Rasmussen, David 89
Rawlings, Alex a nd ra 53
Ray, Cherylea 89
Ray , Darrel 53
Raymond, Sha wn 16, 54, 134, 136
Read, Louise 108
Reagan, R onald 136
Reaves, K en 89, 127, 177
Reaves, K usten 59
Reels, Mera 165
Re ffel, Clint 54
Regnie r, T heresa 54
Regnier, T nsh 102
Reid, A my 6, 30, 54, 117, 128, 144, 175
Reiley, N ickie 54, 169
Reilly, Kathleen 19, 54
Reseigh, J ulte 54, 1 52, 173
Reva ras, Oscar 120
Reyne beau, J ason 102, 145, 157
Reynolds, Jacob 102
Reynolds, J ason E 89
Re ynolds, J ason J 89
Reynolds, Nicole 105, 145
Rhodes, Ca rn e 89
Rhodes, Helen 54
Ri ce, Chad 89
Rice, Ch n st 1e 33, 37, 59
Rid e nou r, Shon 54
R1 en, Elizabe t h 54
Rosenberg, Damian 11
Rose wa ter, Amy 89
Rose wat e r, Dan 134, 144
Rosiru, D ominique 102, 132
R oss, Robe rt 59
Ross, Telecia 102
Rossi, St efan 102
Rossi, Tama ra 139
Rossmille r, D ave 17, 55, 144
Roulei r, David 59
R udnicki, Dan 89
R udol ph, J im 55, 150
R udol ph, M ike 89, 150
R upp, M ichelle 105
Rusch, Steve 111
Ryan, Chnssy 102
Schloffman, Scott 89, 162
Schmidt, J ura 102
Schoech, J enrufer 102
Schoemer, Chnst1ne 59
Schoen, Shannon 55
Schoenborn, Chad 102
Schowalter, Kacie 36, 55, 62, 63, 132, 134, 135, 171
Schowalter, Mane 9, 17, 118, 122, 128, 134, 148
Schreiner, Chnscopher 102, 136, 150
Schultz, M elissa 4, 89
Schumacher, Amy 89, 140, 141, 148, 149
Schuster, R oger 59
Scott, Barbara 102, 139
Scott, K nsne 89
Seabaugh, Tanya 89
Seibert, Frank 89
Selbe, Dawn 105
Sella rs, Jill 102
Sellers, J ason 102
Seine r, Lynnell 32, 55, 179
Selzer, Sandy 106
Se res, Becky 89
Setzer, Tania 18, 19, 68, 117, 122, 161
Salaza r, D o ra 64
Sa laza r, J onnie 105
Sa lte r, Dav id 139
Sample, Co urt ney 102, 138
Sa nde rs, Rann ae 9, 89
Sande, Pac 144
Sandy, Ty ra 55
San t , Kat ie 102
Sa nns t evan, K enny 89, 162
Sa ntis te van, Ma ne 102
Santos, Ma te 89
Sa rgen t , M arl ene 59
Sa rc1 , G ino 162
Sa tt erfield, Cline 89
Saccerfield, Shannon 89
Se ward, She ila 102
Shanab rook, Adam 102
Shaner, D ebbie 140, 141, 161
Sharp, Lo well 16, 136, 13-
Sha w, Kan 148
Sha v.1 Shane 105
Shephard, Sandy 55
Shepherd, J ennifer 55, 128
Sherrill, Ma rk 55, 136
Shideler, J ulia 139
Shivers, Barrecc 102
Shivers, Sommer 55
Shoemaker, Lee 111
Shrader, T odd 105
Qua intance, Ella 53
Quarat1no , Bobby 102 , 154
Quaratino, Michelle 53 , 161
Quayle , Nikki 102
Quinn, Derek 53
R iley, Hea t her 54, 131
R obe rt s, K yra 102
R obie, D avid 55
R obinson, J oy 89
R ock, J im 89
R os e n, G reg 1, 89, 134
Sa wyer, J eff 55, 144, 177
Schalhamer, D ick 1 10, 111
Scheffel, J enni fer 102, 134, 149
Scheffel, Robbie 154, 155
Schelske, Barbara 102
S1delocham, Cara 105
Siegesmund, J ed 102, 154
Simcox, D amion 55, 144, 156,157,175
Simcox, J essica 148, 149, 164, 165
Skelton, Derek 102
Skorski, Joe 128, 136. 137. 150
Sloan, Brad 17, 56, 144
Sloan Knsnne 102
Smith Andrew 162
Smith, Brock 102, 145 , 162
Smith Chnssy 102, 105
Smnh Denny 56
Smith Joreen 102
Smith, Robert 117, 127, 177
Smyth, Todd 59
Snell Donn r 102
Sn}der Branon 56, 144
Sonnenfeld, Tyler 102
Spence, Susan 14, 15, 56
Stahl Ten 32, 56
Stanle}. Lisa 56. 134, 177
Stattman, Matt 102
Stauter Jerry 102
Stein Kesha 149
Stelttano, Jeanme 134, 165
SteUers Lon 56
StenhJem, Chad 102
Stephens, Chad 162
Stevens, Adnan 2, 49. 59
Stevens, Carla 59
Stevenson Carol 102, 158
Stevenson, Juhe 56, 158
Stokes, Debbie 106, 111
Stow Am} 102
Stowell Roren 20, 134
Strain, Tanya 105
Scnckland Amanda 102
Stroh, Kaqa 102
Strong Heather 102
Strutz, Christina 105
Stuckey, Ben 56, 178
Stunkard, Jennifer 56, 170
Stunker, Jennifer 7
Suggs, Carne 102
Summers, 1cole 56
Sutera, Scott 17, 157, 102
Sutton, Mike 102, 145, 157
Sweet, Tom 111
Ulmer, Chnst1e 105, 130
Tafuro, Maddie 102
Talbott, Megan 13, 15, 56, 132. 173
Tate , Devon 102
Tate , Robert 56
Taylor , Kane 102
Taylor, Lana 105
Taylor, Sarah 105
TeJada, Adnara Fdet de 62
Thoemke , Danny 56, 157. 144, 175
Thompson , Chns 52, 56. 57, 131
Thompson , Melissa 57
Thompson , Sara 105, 158, 122
Thompson, Vince 156, 157
Tilley, Greg 19, 36, 57, 68, 157, 169
T1mmerwtlke, Jamie 57
Tindell, Susan 57, 171
Tingle, Cheryl 60
To, H oang 51, 57, 128, 179
Toler , Stacy 59
Tonkin , Kurt 57
Torme , Mel 71
Tracy , Troy 105
Tran , Ha 105
Trefny, Ben 20
Tnbelhorn , Jar od 120, 154
Trost, Bryant 146, 147, 162
Trullinger, Kan 57, 149
Trzepa cz, Jon 103
Tubbs. Paul 57, 136
Turnbull, Craig 57, 131
Turner, Doug 116
Turner, Greg 105, 116
Turner , Kent 32, 33, 57, 116,
Turnwall, Holl y 105 , 149
Valant. Bnan 157
Vance. Jud} 1 , 111
Vanderlaan, Dr Ken 109
VanLeewen, Alexandra 62
Varvens, Megan 105. 117
Vasquez. Dino 144, 145
Verbeck. Heather 134
Versaw, Heather 128, 161
Versaw R yan 105, 146
V1alpando, Bnan 58
Victor, Joe 58, 136, 146
Vidal, John 16, 106, 109, 111
Vidal , Pam 106
V1eyces, Carol 62, 105
V1g1J , B1ll y Jo 152
Vincent, Gmger 105
Vogel , Courtney 95. 105, 117,134
Vogeler , Angie 105, 117, 138
Vogeler, Anica 18 , 19, 30, 39. 58,117,128,177
V O1t, Mike 105
Von Cords. Chad 162
Voorhees, Danielle 105, 132
Vorh1s , Angela 58
Vowels , Coach Greg 161
\X'adsworch Paige 132
Wages , Scott 58
\X' anlperg. Tern 111
Wake Enn 9
\X. alker Zach 162
\X alter Carol 149
Walter Lisa 128, 130, 136 I 3"7 161
Walter tviark 10, 154
Walter Carne 148
\X- alcz Aaron 105
\X ard Donnr 105
Ward Robbie 59
Ward Tina 59
Wartgo\l, Jeff 105
Waters, Am\ 58
Waters Jill 122
Weeks Wesle} 59
\'v'e1ngardt, Dave 105, 145
Weisenberger 144 162
Wellens1ek, James 2. 58. 60
Weller Bech 95 105, 134. 149
Wells. C 157
Westby Bill 14. 15 144, 145
Westgard, Kip 136. 154, Westgard, Kurt 128, 138, 157
White , Chnscel 58
White Jason 58
Whitehouse, Mike 58, 1SO, 175
Wh1cne} , Cassandra 65
Wilcox, Kellye 58, 173
Wil cox, Manlyn 159
Wilde , Corey 58
Wilkinson , Chnsttan 59
W1ll1ams , Bob 111
W1ll1ams , Dennis 146
W1ll1ams , Ra y 105
W 1ll1amson, Sreve 58, 154, 155
Williamson Trevor 1 105 154
Wtlpolt Tasha 149, 165
\X- tlson Bleu 59
\X-'ilson Kara 59
\X- inkier Chns 59
Woehr Ingnd 128
\X- oensel He1d1 Van 105 \X- olfe Buffi 152. 164 , 165
\X- oods Stephanie 134 , 1 ,6 161
\X- nghc Heather 14 15 149 165
\X uerch. Shannon 14 15 59
Yada , Tabby 105 Y ada T On}'a 1OS
Yang, Mike 105 Yanz, Jerr} 106 108. 111
Young Jake 105 1-16
Young, Luke 59 134, 113 116, 117 169
Younger, Paul 105, 146
Y oungmann, Gene 111 , 126
Zach, Laura 111
Zahanas, Chns 138, 154
Zakowski, Tere sa 59
Zamora, Sam 105
Ziemann, Steven 59
Zimmer, Togg1e 122
Z1ppnch, J ohn 105
Zoka1t1s, Ra chel 105, 149
As yet another school year draws to a close, we anticipate the future with curiousity and trepidation as we leave Golden in pursuit of the rest of our lives.
Now especially, at the beginning of the 1990s, we look back at the vivid and crazed circus we call life. Most students have few memories that are not of the 80s. All of us at Golden made our transition from children to young adults during the past decade. Each graduating senior will take away his own memories of growing up, along with those of the important shaping events which occurred during this • time.
The space shuttle Challenger, the Grenada Invasion, terrorism , the bombing of Libya, AIDS, Glasnost, Tiananmen Square, Romania and the Berlin Wall are among the things we will recall. The controversial issues included abortion, the environment, mandatory drug testing, providing · homes for the homeless and racial bias.
Other memories from the eighties are the Reagan Revolution and its indelible effect. A wave of conservatism swept the country, and many liberals were voted out of office. Survivors of the turbulent 60's and 70's seemed to long for the simpler times of the S0's. The ((family'' became the byword of the ultra right. Television evangelists reaped the benefits of this movement, but later many of them were exposed as not ideal family men themselves.
The 1980s have been a tumultuous social, political, and economic time. Materialism reigned supreme, and the issue was conformity - best described by three different groups. Conformists sought the image, the career, and the lifestyle; others did not choose to compete, and still others realized that their dreams were never to be. Whether it was being a yuppie, or a yippie, or a yearner for the past, we all made up these times. And we were all made up of these times.
In retrospect, the last ten years and all that has happened during this time may seem to have passed
quickly' but our recollection of the time we spent in junior high and high school will never really fade. We will remember each other vividly, and the people we knew will be forever young in our hearts. -Lisa Walter and Val Born
l 86 / Clo sing
Sh auna Bla nk e ns h ip. Ph oto by M ic h e ll e Hl a d e k
-·-- -----loro by M ic h e ll e Hl ad e C l osing 187 ··•-
Our tnp 1s finally over and they say it 1s go ing to get harder , they Jay. Bu t , man, this was fun. Th e omes were very tough 1n some instances and pecultarlarly simple 1n others Thanks are due co Jarl, who pulled wo rds out of thin air To you I say, fear not for we will ride again, and don't forge t co write Thanks also go to Li sa and Val who spen t a lot of hours after school with us To you I say. take it 1n stnde and advise your advisers well. M any gra titu des co m\ e lves, M arci and Alt Mette , Julie , and Ch n st1, bel ieve me tt gees easter.
Some of the people who slapped me back into Yearbook M an on M ondays, were the K ool K a t s. Grac1as Bre nt, I K1an and Ti m for stopping by and say ing h t Jerem} , Mike G, Chnstoph, K athleen, M o ll y. J ohn B Cory, Greg T , Joelle , Chris T , D erek, Tessa , 1co le, J essica ( M oo), Gisela , M att, my hippie fnends Chris (bo th of ·em ). Ann e, H annah, and especially Gus H e1 , we've done our nme and I'm glad we did 1t t ogether. Okay bass player , n ow its really time to dance.
I think now , looking back, chat this yearboo k is one of the deeper. better planned , team produced , hipper , books
that chi s schoo l has ever seen or 1s ever go in g co see The main reason our book turned ou t as well as it did was because of our superlat ive adv isers, M s Clark and Mrs . Borns t ein The y spent more om e and p ut more effor t int o mak in g sure thi s book was com plete , than any one else. You guys are as good as the1 gee.
So, now with everyone thanked I thin k I'll put 1n some REM or some Fishbone or ma ybe even some Randy ewman, and board the next train and see where 1t takes me '' It 's the end of the wo rl d as we know 1t a nd I feel fine 1"
ReJ lpJa Loqurtor, Bri an
For My P eop l e-
Fir st of all, a zill ion thanks to my staff Spec ial cred it is due for Val Born. Li sa Walter, Ali Kol odny, Ryan K andel, and, Jtn duda, M egabry t e Bn an Johnson . I t 's " P o ifi ck 1"
I am also indebted co J oan Clark and J ack ie Borns t e in for g ivin g me extreme creattve con tr ol over Their M aJes tte s Ship, V1v1d
ow chat an epoch of m y life has come to a c lose, I offer spec ia l thanks to these people who have pr ofound !} influen ced my academic career. Ann Pfaff, Gary Fears, Sue P etrovsk 1, J oe M cGinnis, M r. H un de} , a nd any oche r M r." or " Mr s." expec tin g great things from me. I will do ever ything 1n m y power co live up to their expec t ati o ns. H e re's a " po1m " for you all. Now , a ll I can see is the sun 1
Best Wishes and Fire D anc in g' J ar!.
Paeon co days past and 1mp oss 1bl e yea rs
What went around came around.
Not necesanl y an ode, but a coda for a great, van ished symphony.
So goes th e denouemen t , Don ' t forget , but don't tr1 an d do ic over agai n Where dest ini es have met there will always be a JUncc 1on of li gh t.
(and for you, my friend, I u,:1Jh only th e beJt; good fortune, grace , and a ho1tJe full of colorfiil btrd.r.)
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