Competition. You see it in the faces of the determined athletes. You feel it when the students yell. Body to body, the athletes battle until the end. Sports i s complete hype. When you are good, you show it This year, 1991, Golden set the score to prove it. Through hard work, long practices, and determination, comes the honorable title, STATE! -
Marci Parsons
IKara G ood w in' s fa ci al expr ession s3ys all , as s he pu ts th e b:ill ba ck In th e air Ph o to by Eri c B ond
Smil e and all. Al yssa Grav es Is m o re than happ y to h it a home run
by Eri c Bond
Ahh yes, th e o ri gi na l GH S "hand ji ve' ' led by th e GHS Trid e ttcs . Ph ot o by Mi c he ll e Hlad ek
Sp ort s - 37
'\ ' 38 - Golf r ''Now how cool
As Brad Dinkel t.aJces third place In state, h e s hows how proud he is Photo courtesy of T he Tran script
is that??'' - Robert Scheffel
In the beginning of the seaso n, Coach Al Morris had a good feeling that this year would be a great year for Golden golf. And was he right!
State 1st Place
495 strokes I stroke average 76 per teammate
It all started on a warm autumn day. It was a putt, putt, par, par, and the eagles were flying high. Boogies were unheard of and birdies were abundant. Golf was in the air. You could feel the electrifying vibes as you watched the determined faces of the 'fearless three': Brad, J ason, and Robert (BART!). Every night before these men went to bed, if you were a close neighbor, you could hear the glorious words "S tate, State, State!" being shouted throughout their hou ses. All of this deep psychological stuff really paid off because this year was the year Golden took STATE in golf! Thi s year, Brad Dinkel tied for third place at s tate, Jason Brandt placed tenth, and Robert Scheffel took twelth.
Regional 1st Place
219 strokes I stroke average 73 per teammate League
1,544 strokes / stroke average 77
Golf is not a sport that you can start : n the ninth grade and be competitive in from th en on. To be good at golf, you per teammate must start at a very early age. "I s tarted playing golf when I was five years old," Jason Brandt exclaimed. Well, whenever the se wonderfu l young men began to play, it su re paid off. 1990 wa s definitely a Golde n year for state. - Marci Parsons
''I felt privileged to play on the team. It was a great experience to play on such a winning team.'' - Bobbie
Vars ity , 1st row: Robert Scheffel, Steve Murphy, at han Hook, Arbon Reimer, Er ik Nordlie. 2nd ro,v: Al Morris (coac h ), Brad Dinkel, Ja so n Brandt, Co r y Ingram, Chris E k s trom , Bobby Quaratino, Dre,v Feth.
Golf - 39
A t an assembly honoring th e 1990 sta te champs, It is n o thin g but smiles Photo courtesy of The Tl'tll'lscripl
Ju s t imagine the thoughts spinning thro u g h your head a s you locomote d o wn the long trek toward the vault or
Pomona, Wheat Ridge, Evergreen 112-111, 107, 135
Green Mountain 117.2-155.S
Arvada 120.15-156.45
Lakewood, Alameda 131.8-133.6, 122.35
Arvada West 129.8-146.35
Standley Lake 137.65-107 .85
How do you feel about twi s ting your b o dy into a pre tz e l knot ? Well, f o r sixt e en dedicated memb e r s of the Gold e n Hi g h S c hool gy mna s ti cs tea m , the idea i s thrilling and i s all part of their devotion to the sport Their dedi c ation toward gymna s ti cs , thi s sea son, ha s brought the team t o an extra - ordinary season With all the twi s ting , turning, flipping you are b o und to end up with a few a c he s and pain s , but our team remarkably c ame up intact. They came clo se to a victory over Lakewood The gy mna s tic s team had an a s tounding SCOREBOARD vi c to ry over Standley Lake, beating t h e m by 29 . 80 point s . With all their ac quired e x perien c e from throughout t h e se a s on, our Golden girl s went into th e fmal meet s with an added advant age. Our group of a spiring girl s fmi s hed e ighth in the Var s ity League meet and seventh at Dis tricts with a score of 140 95.
Arvada, Arvada West, Pomona, Standley Lake 137 .65-165.2, 153.3, 129.45, 101.2
Varsity League - 8th
District 140.95 - 7th
as you prepare for the big and terrifying di s mount. The press ure i s great, and all eye s are on you, but our OHS gymna s tic s team pulled through it vi c toriou s ly time after time Whether iti s the floor routine, vault, uneven bars, o r even the balance beam, it take s extreme concentration and a huge amount of s kill. While smoothly demon s trating their agility, the Golden gymn as ti cs team were grace and talent personified.
Ugg h! It' s hard work ge tting your leg that far ba c k, as Gerda Lange d em o ns trat es Photo by Ryan Kan
- Mette Boes
40 - Gymnastics -.. a
d e l
' 'Gymnastics actually did really well considering the young team, and as far as improvement goes-the team did a IQt of that also!'' - Sara Thompson
''The team was mostly underclassmen . We had a lot of fun and learned a lot. The seniors did really well!''Jessica Ill
Varsity, 1st row: R. Rascon 2nd row: C. Stevenson , V. Reynolds, H . Strobe, A. Cummings, J. Ill 3rd ro,v: V. Vaughn, G Lange, T. Dittbrenner, S. Maloney, L Day, C Bergeron, A. Hayes, M. Barney , S. Thompson 4th row : Marilyn Wilcox (coach), Jenni Waddell (coach)
j -- -~--_
- ~ .,. €l l:. A
Ju s t like a d og c ha s in g its tail around In circl es, Lori Day goes aft e r h e r ankle Ph oto by R y an Kandel
Head poised, Megan Barker prepares for her next sequen ce or th e tumbling run ahead Photo by Ryan Kandel
- 41
42 - Socce r
H eads, e r .a h f ee t up! Tim L in coin flip s th e ball ba c k o nt o th e fi e ld Photo b y Frank Kon sella
''This year was a great learning experience. We came up against some tough teams, and we did our best. ' 'Jason Haines
Although the scores didn't show it, with socks high and s hort s lo w, thes e guy s worked hard. The season wa s lo ng and tediou s, a nd mos t ga me s were lo s t by only a few goal s. David AdJfinger ex pres sed it th is way , "It was much like the las t three years that I hav e pl aye d It has always been a lot of fun , something I will never for get " And we will ne ver forget when Jason Moore and David Adlfinger lo s t a be t to Billy Neal and Bob Duster when they wagered that th e soccer tea m would win more games than the foot- SCOREBOARD bal l team. Jason and David ended up
wearingfootballjerseys to school . Like
anyotherteam, thi s onehadits injurie s.
Mike Rudolph, a big scorer, wa s out
for the majority of the season , and
goalie Brian Mulberry wa s in and out
for mo s t games. The highlight came at
the las t game against Wheat
when Golden pulled out and won in the
second half. The players were ecs tati c,
and Mountain Dew exploded every - Wheat Ridge
where. "The sea son wa s kind of di sappointing, but winning my las t high sc hool g am e mad e it we ll wo rth t he effort and truly rewarding, " commented frrst te am All - Co nfer e nce player Jason Moore. Heck of a way to end a seaso n! All in a ll, t hese g uy s have kept high spirits and look forward to next seaso n. - J en i Ol son • ,
Vars ity, 1st Row: K. Oberman (manager), P. Martinez, B. Mulberry, J. Haines, C. Powers (asst coach). 2nd Row: T. Lincoln, S. Bailey, N. Cockle, K. Lowe, M. Rudolph, J. Skorski, J. Dean, B. Byerly (asst coach ) .
3rd Row: J.Jay Byerly(coach), R. Gerdes, B. Pouw, C Ewing, D. Adlimger,J. Moore, D. Hughes, B. Byerly,J. Hildreth, C.Walter (manager), B. Barkey (asst coach ) . Soccer - 43
Evergreen 0-5
Arvada West 1-3
Alameda 1-2
Lakewood 2-3
Chatfield 1-2
Green Mountain 1-5
Arvada 1-2
Columbine 1-4
Pomona 2-3 Standley Lake 1-4
Bear Creek 0-4
I"Air " Moore! 6'4' Jason Moore jumps high to gain control or th e ball . Photo by Frank Konsella
"Can 'ttouch me!" David Adlfinger, concentrating hard, dribbl es th e ball downfield. Photo by Frank Konsella
For most, playing a fall sport ta.lees a great deal of dedication and physical preparation. From the start of practices in August, until the end of the season in late October, an athlete must focus a large portion of his or her time to this one sport. For volleyball this year, most of the time paid off. The Golden girls' volleyball team got off to a strong start and won an impressive 12 regular season games. While working as a team , they gained the ability to adapt to Scoreboard opposing team s' stra tegie s, and this
made them successful on the court.
we worked really hard "
most unportant part of volleyball was
that it was fun Nikki
another all-conference team selection,
was one of tho se people . "We had
great year. The team got along well, so we had a lot of fun." As for the opinion of the fans, Damian Rosenberg felt "it rea lly stinks that you can only score on serves". With many returning var sity players, many of whom were all-conference team selections, next year's team will have the opportunity to build on this year's achievements.
- Mitch Reid
Varsity, 1st row: Carla Borba, Lisa Nobel, Marie Schowalter, Nikki Desmarteau. 2nd row: Heather Wright, Angela Elliott, Kari Shaw, Jessica Simcox, Tasha Wilpolt.
George Washington 2-0
:~~~ew i:~ Kari Shaw,
Erle 2-0 1 fl ed h • " I Machebeur 2-1 p ayer,
season. Goodland, KS. 0-2
Auror~ Central 2-0 W estm1nlster 2-0
league games and Thomas Jefferson 2-0
Bear Creek 2-1 · Rangevlew 0-2
Standley Lake 1-2 Standley Lake 2-1
Lakewood t-2
Desmarteau \Vheat Ridge 0-2 ' Green Mountain 2-0
Alameda 2-0
a Columbine 02
a fir st team all -c onference
re ect on
We won a lot of our
For many members of the team, the
44 - Volleyball
''The team had a lot of talent but was lacking the desire to win. They should be awesome next year.'' - Marie Schowalter
''We had a respectable coach this year, and we did well. Next year we expect to do even better.'' - Lisa Nobel
I •
Paig e Wadswo rth, Kerry Gess and Tasha Wilpoll plan th e ir strategy f or their upcoming match . Photo b y Eric Bond
J~lca Simcox shows her true Intensity as she awaits the approaching balJ. Photo courtesy of The Transcripl
The unstoppable Heather Wright prepares to put the ball airborne. Photo courtesy or The Tran1cript
Attempting to block their opponent's shot, Lisa Nobel and Kari Shaw get up above the net. Photo courtesy of The Transcript Volleyball - 45
46 - Cross country
''Nothing is better than the last 100 yards of the race when you use up that last ounce of energy to give the sprint all you've got.'' - Jacob Hughes
On his way to another victory and State, Bryant Trost becomes a blur while crossing a creek.
Photo by Gina Nelson
1 his year, there were many enthusiastic runners for the Golden cros s country team. The team posted seven top three fini she s , an 1 improvement over last year. Leading the team this year were juniors Vlendy Brindle and Bryant Trost, both of whom qualified for state. Wendy's unrivaled enthusiasm for running and her determination to v1 in were key factors for her qualification. Exclaiming her love for thi s sport, Wendy says, "Running is what makes me- me and youy0 u!" Michelle Ellis also seems to enjoy running, saying that long dis- SCOREBOARD tances "give me the mental escape from sti ess that I enjoy most. I can go off an d run for miles and not worry about any other parts of my life". Bryant may thank his natural ability or Mr. Petroff's superb coaching skills. "My coach is sadistic!" Bryant coughs out after a grueling practice and then adds, "Next year, I hope to be district champion and befrrst team in state." Jacob Burgess also seems to remember pri-
marily the pain, saying, "After the frrst mile, it doesn't matter becau se you can't feel anything anyway." Also deserving mention were Emily Kunter , Laura Whitworth, and Ryan Ambariantz, who received second team all conference recognition. Jake Young also looks forward to next year, stating, "I think more runners will come out next year." With just three seniors leaving this year's team, next year may be the best ever! - Frank
Varsity, 1st row: Wendy Brindle, Katherine Briggs, MeraRillos,EmilyKunter.2ndrow: David Burczyk, Paul Younger, Ryan Ambariantz, Dennis Williams, Jacob Burgess, Bryant Trost. 3rd Row: Gina Nelson (coach ), Jason Russell, Ryan Versaw, Jake Young, . Brian Jung, Mike Yang, Sam Petroff (co ach ).
BOYS /G IRLSffOT AL TEAi\1 HORIZON 1/3/ 11 DENVER P.S. S/4/ 13 NORTH DIV. 4 / 3 / 7 KENNEDY 2/ 1/ 11 BOLDER BOULDER 22 / 25/ 45 BEAR CREEK 1/ 2/ 13 SMOKY HILL IS / I 1/ 26 CENTAURUS 7/3 /26 DISTRICT 5/4/ 8
Ryan Versaw hopes to finish the race before anybody spots him wearing tights Photo by Gina Ne lso n
I s Ryan Ambarlantz's hair flying away, or does It just look that way when trying to pass an Arapahoe runner? Photo by Gina etso n
State qualifier Wendy Brindle does her best to beat two Denver public school runners trying to ~y up with her Photo by Ron Versa w
Cross country - 47
At last, our usually weak tennis team enjoyed a victorious year. The team's only defeats came at the hands of Columbine and Green · Mountain. In addition to finishing third in the district as a team, #1 singles player, M ar c us W iec he rs; #3 doubles team, Ri ch Gee and J o nni e J ohn so n ; and the #4 doubles pair, Ori o n Arm o n and A lex B ezze rid es, all went to state How did the team manage to do this, you ask? As a team captain and #2 singles player for the team, I 'm postulating that this success resulted from three separate factors. The first was Germany's contribution to the team, MVP and exchange student , Ma r c us W iec he rs . One day he showed up for practice. The nex t day he was playing # 1 in a sc r immage against Lakewood.The team's intense desire to win accounted for the second reason. Sometimes we fell behind, but we managed to post nai l biti ng, come from behind victories. The third and most important factor was the removal of
Wheatridge and Arvada West from the SA classification. Both teams, who last year finis hed second and third in state , respectively, ascended to the mo re competitive 6A bracket. When we combined these benefits to form the backbone of the team, the advantages were tremendous. Although Marcus, the MVP, wil l be remrning to his homeland next year and four p l ayer s wil l have gradua ted, the majority of the team wil l return. Hopefu lly they wil l bring their wi nning ways with them.-David
Vars i ty, ls tr ow: Fra nkK o nse ll a, Ma rk Wal ter, Ori on Arm o n , Alex Bezze rid es. 2nd ro,v: Ma rc us Wi ec ber s, Davi d Ma ren, Matt D a hm a n , Ge n e Lee, Se an Lee, Ri ch Gee, Coac h Sc ott Co Uin s, not pic tu red , J ohnni e J o hns on.
SCOREBOARD Standley Lake Lakewood Green Mountain Columbine Evergreen Alameda 6-1 5-2 1-6 2-5 4-3 5-2
48 - Te nnis '
• •
Although at times the tennis team struggled, our winning attitude s pulled us through at the end. A key factor in this turnaround was our upset win over Evergreen. -
Rich Gee
Before the season started, I did not see the team as doing very well. However, we refused to be intimidated, so we were able to beat some pretty good tean1s. - Matt
• -.. .. . • ' \ lo:: ' (' '\. ' -1,. • ' ' ' \ ' \ ' ' .. .. ' ,... ' ' ( • • .. \ t ' C • • • -,;--.r' ' \. . t..,ii~~. -
It was about time for Golden to receive one of tho se talented t e nni s players fr om Europe Marcus Wiechers proved very useful in prop ellin g Golden to victories Photo by Frank Kon se lla
\Vith a n expression displaying intense concentration, it is obvi ou s lhal Gene Lee possesses a winning attitude. He and hi s broth e r , Sca n , played at#l doubles. Photo by Frank Kon sella
J o hnnie Johnson prepares to slam the tennis ball durin g a g ru eling match His performance during the season earned him th e title of most improved player.
Photo by Eric Bond
Il y p laying to their potential, sophomore, Orion Armon, and fr es hma n, Alex Be1.zerides, were able to combine their talents no d fo nn a dctcnnincd#4doublestcam PhotobyFrank Kons clla
Tennis -
50 - Softball
'This was the last year I got to play with Billie [Vigil] and I'm glad we made it to state for her. Filling her shoes next year will be hard, but I · think we'll do just fine.''
-Buffi Wolfe
The girl s ' softball team charges off the fi e ld in celebration afte r a hard fought victory Photo by Eric Bo nd
They s hoc ked the c ounty. After a le ss than impress ive seaso n la st year a nd a projec ted 5th place fini s h in the league for their 1990 season, th e girl s' softball team overcame the odd s, s tormed through distnc ts a nd captured a berth in the state softball champion s hip s. " No o ne ex pected us to make it that far," freshman varsity player Danielle Granquist s tated. No one, that is, except the team itself.
Al though they were knocked out of title contention by the Green Mo unt a in Ram s in the state final, the girls be a med after a most succe ss ful seaso n Their hard -fought overall reco rd of 11 -9 will be difficult to outdo, but all players and coac hes feel that improvements can be made for a s uperi or 1991 season .
Es pec ially impres sive was the slugging te am ofBuffi Wolfe and Billie Jo Vigil, cousins: each was placed on the fir s t team all conference li st. Buffi Wolfe fini s hed the season with the mo s t home run s in the county, while
Billie Jo Vigil attributes her stellar performan ce to the team: " W e peaked at the right time, and we all played together well." Althou g h Billie Jo Vigil i s a senior and will be graduating thi s year , Buffi Wolfe and her knack for home runs will return to benefit the team next year, along with 13 other var sity players.
If the best is yet to come, prepare for a state title in girl s ' softball , Golden! - Terra Krieger
''Our enthusiasm and improvements got us to state. Just being there was a lot of fun for me. We'll take state next year!'' - Alyssa
Va r s ity , 1st row: L. Doris, D. Ha y n er, A. Graves, D. Gra nquist, J Coo p er 2nd row: S. Flynn, B. Wolfe, B. Vig il, C. R ya n, H. Nielsen. 3rd row: Bob Hay es (coac h ), S. Lusk , R. Sanders, D Nicholls, K. Mobley, T. Patton, S. Gleaton, Mark Horne c ker (coac h ).
Standley Lake Wheatridge Alameda Evergreen Green Mtn. Lakewood Standley Lake Wheatridge Alameda Evergreen Green Mtn. Lakewood 9-10 3-2 5-9 14-6 1-3 16-3 14-3 2-4 7-3 14-0 0-3 10-1
C once ntrating intently, Billie Jo VJgil prepares to sma c k anothe r ball out of the park.
Photo by Eric Bond
JUSf a bit outside. Freshman pitcher Lis a Doris throws to ano th er Demon win.
Softball - 51
Photo by Eric Bond
It all started in August - Running the "big" hill and knocking each other down at full force in 100 degree heat. Sound like fun? A n un1h c r of ambitious athletes thought so. These guys se t out to prove them se lve s and to prove to everyone else that they vier~ good, de spi te what la st year's record s howed . And prove them selves is exactly what they did. They started off th e season winning their first two games. The big Homecoming game against Aurora Hinckley was just around the comer. The Homecoming tradition held strong as we lo s t our fir s t game of the season. This lo ss failed to bring our players down. Theywenton totwomoreexciting wins, but that's where it all ended.
Quarterback Billy Neal comments, " We could have had a promi si ng season but our team slowly fell apart. Several injuries took its toll on the team . I don't mean to make excuses, but when you only have twenty two people that are able to pra c tice, it hurt s the team. " Player Troy Layton ended
his seaso n with an injury that landed him in the ho spi tal for two week s. Junior Jim Kiefer a lso went out with a knee injury. Billy Neal went on to say, "A lot of people had good seasons and overal l it wa s fun."Despite the hard work and intense practices, th e winning season came to an end. No amount of hard work could prepare the team for th e gan1es ahead. Five tough team s bombarded th e dream of a winning season. - Ali Kolodny and Megan Owen
Varsity, 1st r ow: J. Powell, S .Ammon, B.Smlth , J .Haulman, C . Valentl, A.Campbell .2nd row : K .Kubasta, D.Rosewater, E.Vlgi l, D.Vazqu c7., M Reid, A.Smith, T Layton. 3rd row : B.Finnegan, B .Jen sen, R.Wcll c r, s.r.,[ ee han , R .H umphr ey, C.Meye rs, R.D ustcr, B Neal. 4th row : Don Ca rpln e llo (c oach), J.Klerer, S . Kllmchalk, J O lm ore, L Rl e hle, J.C hri s tenson , J Rey no lds, J .Hadwlger, M.Sellers(ass't . coach). 5th row : T Lenoch, D John so n, D Delgado, C. Fl ee ne r , D Mycrs, A G raham , M Clark , A.Boshart
Centaurus Skyvie,v Aurora Hinckley Alameda Evergreen Columbine Wheatridge Lakewood Green Mountain Standley Lake 12- 0 17 - 0 0-20 17 - 6 31- 7 0-20 14 - 23 0- 42 6 - 42 7 - 31
52 - Football
''The defensive backs were really sweet this year. The team was just too inconsistent to be successful.''
Brent Jensen
The Golden Demons get tough In their Homecoming game against th e Aurora Hinckley Thunderbirds. Photo by Susan Kolodn y
Seni o r David Myers and junior Brendan F1nnegan have th e end zone all to themselves. Photo by Ryan Kandel
''I thought the season went well . We were in a tough league . Hopefully, this season will start a winning tradition for this school .'' -
F ru s trat e d ? B o b Du s t e r is co n ce rn e d th a t h e h as onl y sco r e d tw o t o u c hd own s and kJ c k e d tw o Oe ld goa ls f or th e Dem o n s In th e fir st qu a rt e r !! Ph o t o by S u sa n K o lodn y Footbal l - 53
Damon Delgado
54 - Wres tlin g
D o in g th e H e imlich manu e ve r? Brand o n Lund e ll ,vo r ks t o fo r ce his oppon e nt's s ho uld e r s to the maL Ph o t o by Kati e S ant 1 ]
' ' A person may not know how much he has in him that can be sacrificed until he actually starts sacrificing .''Brandon Lundell
With his feet firmly planted on the mat, the Golden Demon eyes hi s opponent with something between a cold stare and a grimace , unthreatened by the other ' s intimidating stance and overbearing confi1' dence. The ref signals, and for the next few moments, they poke and straightarm each other until one decides that he has better thing s to do With a battle cry, he lunges toward his opponent's leg s
That, for us non-wrestlers, is where the civility end s and the element of brute strength comes in As the opponent s flatten each other, however, the strategy becomes more Alameda apparent to the onlookers, and we are
1 able to settle back and root for the
Golden Demons.
Not that our Demons need a lot to cheer them on because they are doing splendid on their own with a 7 - 3- 1 record . Additionally they entered several tournaments: Golden finished 2nd in the Golden Invitational, 1st in the Colorado Springs Invitational, and 5th
in the Fort Collins Invitational Qualifying for State were Brandon Lundell, Kris Kubusta, Henry Ashton, and Dustin Jarman , who took 1st place in the 189 weight category Congratulations to our Demon champs! - Mette Boes and Ha Tran
1st row: C. Pesina, P. Kiphardt, K. Kelly, K. Santisteven, J. Powell, H. Ashton, J. Klinkefus. 2nd row: J. Olsen(manager), B. Smith, G. Sarti, J. Fleet, E. Smith, K. Kubusta, C. Kopser, S. Hobson(manager). 3rd row: A. Martinez, R. Baldessari, B. Trost, D. Jarman, A. Graham, Z. Walker, B.Lundell, Coach D' Angelo, S. Acker.
' '
SCOREBOARD Lakewood 48- 21 43 - 21 22- 43
Arvada 42- 32
Green Mountain 42 - 21 Evergreen 31 - 31 Ranum 42 - 32 Sterling 15 - 51 G. Washington 44 - 30 Chatfield 41 - 33 Wheat Ridge 30 - 36
H eav e h o! Thr ea t e nin g J e fT Klink efu s pi c ks up h is o pp o n e nt as if h e w e r e as li g ht as feath e r Ph o t o b y K a ti e Sa nt
Like a fi s h out of\.vat e r, Kri s Kubu s ta wri gg les and \\Tan gl es h is o pponent to fini s h off the mat c h. Ph o t o b y Kat le S an t
Wre stling - 55
J css c Fis h manhandl es his oppon e nt as the cr o,vd loo k s o n Ph o to by Katie Sant
This year at Golden High School, if swimmers were a dime a dozen, the resale value of the girls' dive and swim team would be approximately $0.27. ($0.10 /12 = $0.0083 x 32 = $0.27) No offense intended, that 's just our way of stating that the team was composed of 32 members. Although each of the se dedicate d individual s i s surel y worth more than $0.0083, their value i s decrea sing due to the recess ion and competition from the growing Jap anese Yen. But si nce this is not the bu si nes s spread (see pp. 90-91), we will for now , focus on the topic of girls' s wimming and diving. The team did great thi s year. Danielle Nicholls, Leslie Burchfield, Tera Porterfield, and Stephanie Woods on the 200 Medley Relay qualified for th eir 3rd year for sta te Stephanie also qualified in the 100 Backs troke, and in the l ast meet of the seaso n against Columbine, Stephanie, Danielle, Leslie, and Tania Setzer
qualified in the 200 Free Relay Al so, in the league r elay meet, Golden pla ced fifth out of thirteen team s. Th e diver s on the team, headed by Lori Day , did r ather well considering many of them wer e frr s t year competitors . And according to Megan Barney , who lacks depth perception , the only change to be made is, " They need to make th e pool deeper. "
David Maren and Mitch Reid
1s t R ow: Coac h S. Miles, S. Ma s lehati , S. Johnson, T. Porterfield, L. Nobe l,A. Bates 2nd Row : Coac h L. Larson, E. Burke, H. Versaw, G. Lange, B. Co llins, B. Sco tt 3rd Row: A. Arvidson, S. Monckton : L . Port e rfi eld , H. Hahn , H. J o hnson , J. Berkman , Coac h G. Rau 4th R ow: L. Burchfield, D . Nicholls, S . Woods, S. M c K e llip s, C. Bergeron, L. Doh e rty , N. Markovchick, K. Halst ead, L. Walter, M. Barn ey, H. Pre s to n, V. Rudloff, B . De ega n -Young
Arvada Wheat Ridge Jeffco Relays Standley Lake Jeffco Invite Chatfield Alameda Columbin e Summit 114 -71 92 -94 5th of 13 134 - 45 9th of 21 95 -75 132 -54 120 -65 117- 68
56 - Girls' Swimming -
"T he best thing I like about swimming is w h en we get to go to the deep end and di ve fo r money, mostly pennies and the oc cas ional nickel. One day I found lots of mon ey, seve n cents!'' - Kaity
"Swimming is exciting because I like th e co mpetition. In meets, winning is great; bu t in practice, finding the most money at th e b o ttom of the pool is a thrill unparalleled b y an y other.'' - Laura
Afte r spo ttin g a s h iny n icke l a t th e bott om o f th e poo l, Debb ie S h a n e r perfo r ms a s urface d ive i n h opes o f r et ri eving it. Pho to by Mj c h e ll e Hl a d e k
Fo r some spare change, Virginie RudJ ofT wHI Imitate the g iant so uth ern stingray found off the coast of the C ayman I sla nds P h o t o by Ryan Kandel
In a desperate attempt to get Into the y~rbook, Heather H a hn a ttr ac ts the camerama~'s attention with a subtle wave of h er ha n d Photo b y Ryan Kand e l.
Mega n Barney has great diving talent whlle fn the air, but her f ace has a reputation wllh making contact wtth the bottom of th e p oo l. Photo by Mlche11e Hladek
Girl s ' Swimming - 57
58 - Boys' Basketball
Looking frantically for someone to pa ss to, Vince Tho mp so n takes orders from Co a c h Brookhart on what to d o next Photo by Eric B ond
Through hard work and many hours of practice, we developed a good system of playing together as a team. Our hard work paid off! - Billy Neal
While kickin' it on the bleachers, you witness a six foot five inch giant running down the court, and before you know it, a high fl yin', death defying, 360, SLAM DUNK!! "Holy cow!" you exclaim."Is this the NBA?" No, but darn close, it's Golden basketball! This team truly dominated this year,ju s t as predicted. Once again, Brian Valant was the all around leading scorer with an average of seventeen points per game. Jason Moore had some thoughts about this winning season,"It was very exciting, and satisfying. We had many re- SCOREHOARD ,
tumingvarsityplayers. We played well Thornton together and it showed." Not only did Broomfield the players have a good time, the fans Thompson Vnlley
spent many nights in countless high
school gyms encouraging the Demons towards each victory. As one ecstatic fan yelled,'Theexcitement was almost too much. It's a good thing I never leave home without my Speed Stick!"
OK, we guess that's how some crazy Eve r green Demons get theirya-ya'sout! Even the
players thought that the fans were enth 1astic. "The game again s t Thompson Valley was very sweet! It was our Homecoming game and the crowd was great!" added Vince Thompson. All in all, boys' basketball was the most fun sport to attend. By far, it attracted the most fans, and definitely the most hype!Boom! ! - Marci Parsons (MOP!), Al"ben" Kolodny
With our destiny in our ow11 hands, hopefully we will finish the season on the floor of McNichols with the state trophy in our hands, and if not, that will be a real shame . - Brian Valant
Varsity-1st Row: B. Neal, B. Larson, Coach M . Brookhart, N. Howe, D. Cox. 2nd Row: V. Thompson, B . Mulberry, Kip Westgard, Kurt Westgard, J . Moore, B. Valant, B . Janeck, C . Wells.
Fairview Tournament
Alameda Green Mountain Wheatridge Lakewood Evergreen Standley Lake Alameda
Green Mountain
44-42 57-62 67-61 93-68 3rd pl. 56-51 83-101 61-63 67-5S 87-63 80-45 S9-S8 87-63 70-49
Hang In there, buddy! Kurt Wcstgard shows his fru s trati o n in the game against Alameda. Golden pulled through and wo n the game by a point in the Jast second. Photo by E ric
Boys' Basketball - 59
Brandon Larsen makes a great recovery against Thomp so n Valley. Photo by Eric Bond
60 - Tridettes
''It's tons of fun, but it is also a lot of hard work. It's a good way to meet friends who will last forever!'' -Cathy Palandri
Kara Pappalardo and her sister, Crysta, reach to the c ro,vd during a Golden boys' basketball halftime s h o,v Photo by Michelle Hladek
What do you get when you put 18 energetic girl s in uniform s and throw them on the basketball court during halftime? Thirty-s ix pornpons in your face and dance moves that defy the laws of gravity! That's right, you get the Golden High School TRIDE'I IES !!
The " Dettes" were found to be very loyal to their team s. They were often subjected to subsequently boring games and terrible weather At the Chatfield-Golden soccer game, for in stance, they performed with the threat of being struck by lightening due to metallic porn s.
Due to their successful job at s ummer camp, the "Dettes,, were invited to perform in the half- time fe s tivitie s at the Cotton B o wl in Dallas, Texa s. The Tridette s worked hard, too! "When pra c ti ce gets tough, and everyone is getting di sco uraged, ju s t remember..... ski nny dipping makes me feel sexy!" Captain Cassandra Whitney mu sed. They practiced five day s a week for three hours a day on the di sgus ting cafe teria floor often with the daily lunch still intac t. But through all the swea t and tears, the Tridette s managed to produce a squad that wa s virtually unstoppable. In fact, in February the Tridette s won a superior first place trophy at the Overland High School competition and senior Raquel Rascon was chosen as Mi ss Mile High Spirit Spectac ular.Je ni Ol son and Megan Owen
''We've worked very hard this year doing a lot more fundraising and volunteering for community services . We succeeded doing all of this even without the benefit of a coach!''
-Karin Pytte
1st row: A.Kolodny, R.Rascon, K.Anderson; 2nd row: C.Whitney, M.McWilliams, M.Parsons, M.Owen; 3rd row: K.Pytte, A.Barrett; 4th row: C.Palandri, K.Bremer, K.Pappalardo, S.Pavelka, B.Blythe, L.Day, E.Ferguson, J.Olson
Andrea Barrett, Lori Day and Cathy Palandrl bust a TridcU e m ov e at an early morning soccer game. Photo by Frank K onse lla
T1idettes - 6 1
Erin Ferguson shows her enthusiasm as the Demon boys ' ba s k etball t ea m "ron1ps'' to victory Photo by Michelle Hlad ek
Sporting a new coach, B o b H ayes, th e girls' basketball team wa s mu c h improved over la s t seaso n With the new c hange s in the sys tem , the girls accomplished what th ey hav e bee n striving for through hard work a nd determination -a victory! Up to thi s point the Lady D e mon s have w o n not one, not two, but thre e games and co uld up thi s mark as the seaso n winds down . How ever, the team reco rd did n o t accurately refle c t the team 's ability becau se th e y w e re overscheduled by two games whi c h they were forced to forfei t. The
two games that were forfeited by th e
were against team s whi c h they
were pic ked out of a hat. J ess
the po si tive s ide, the vi c tori es c an
partially be contributed to Coach
heat Rid ge
36-43 acterized as the seaso n of th e ' ja gs'. Standl ey Lake 57-49 We w e nt from Bric klayer s to Ba ske tball Connoisseurs." The girl s can l ook forward to continued s uccess to build on what th ey have alrea dy ac hi eve d . - Vince Thomp so n an d Brian V a l a nt
Hayes who say s," Thi s co uld b e char-
1st r ow - B. Wo lfe, S . Woo lsey, M. Ma tay a , J. Ste li tan o, H. N i e l se n. 2nd r ow - Coa c h F airb a nk s, L . Es pino z a (Ma na ge r ), N. Des ma rt ea u , J. S im c o x , K. Mo bl ey, J. Br ow n, T .
Kri ege r , K . H olm g r en , Coac h Hayes .
Skyview 37-39
emo n
T hornton 34-38
s Wes tminister 57-29 Chatfield 49-58
Thomp s on Valley 27-46 S
Centaurus 38-61
Skyline 32-48
Alam e da 57-40
Columbin e 28-45 Gr ee n Mountain 23- 76
had previou sly beaten The two team
im cox commented, " How can the
th e draw pi c k two of th e teams
we hav e already beaten? Come on
now! I feel so mewhat cheated." On
62 - Girls
-... .,.....
' Bas ketball
-· - ---
Dum Wolfe press ures th e ball while Myah Mataya and H ea th er ielsen ge t , ba ck on defense Ph o t o by Frank K on - _...~ sc lla
''Even though we don't win much , there is a lot of team enthusiasm and dedication.'' - Nikki Desmarteau
''It felt great to win after a year and a half of losses. As a senior, it ,va s especially fun for me to win a fe,v games.'' - Terra Krieger
The g irls are working hard In a tough zone defen se. Phot o by Frank KonseUa
Jcssica Simcox battles for rebounding position
Photo by Frank Konsclla
Kristle Mobley sets herself and concentrates on the rim she prepares to shoot a freethrow.
.... '
Photo by Frank Kon sella Girls' Basketball - 63
The Demon s are lo sing, 21-17 with two minute s left to play . The s ituation s eem s hopeles s; Golden has the football but i s trapped deep in its own territory. If the team could s omehow gain momentum , p e rhap s .. . We c an picture another game. Thi s s cenario i s in Golden 's gym with the Demons down 8 entering the fourth quarter. The team i s huddled ; the c oa c h stares at the s hrinking hoop wonderin g how he c an spark Golden to another bas ketball triumph
How do the Demon s c om e up with momentum in c run c h time ? What spark ignites our team s t o vi c tory ? Th e intan gi ble an s wer i s school s pirit , " Golden Spirit" if y o u will , whi c h c an bes t be de sc ribed a s in s pir a tional ac tiviti es to m o tivate pl a yers to vi c tory
Gold e n Spirit i s exhibited by diffe r e nt p e ople through diffe r e nt ac tion s. Wh e n ch eerl e ad e r s in c ite c h e ers in f a n s, when p e p band s play , and when the Trid e tte s perfo rm , Gold e n Spirit i s in full s win g . Throu g h Golden Spirit , th e mom e ntum c an alw a y s s hift , that tou c hdown pass c an alway s be made , and the fourth quarte r r a lly c an alway s be awakened - B e n Tre fny and Mitc h R e id
Ev e n th e so m e tim es cl ue less fr ~ hm en s how th ei r sch oo l spi r it
p a rti ci pa ting In
ecom i
par a de. P hoto by Er ic Bo nd 64 - Spirit '
T h e Go ld en Hig h ch ee rlead ers gener a t e enthu s iasm during a p ep assembly Ph o t o b y Mi ch e ll e Hlad e k
' I guess we jam.'' - Brent Dennis
( I ''Golden is high spirited around big games and such.'' - Kris
Am ongst a sea of Demon fans, Jason Reynebeau and Laura Porterfield arc surrounded by the Golden spiriL Photo by K a ti e Sa nt
Th e cheerleaders get almost everyone's attention while th ey parade through downtown Golden. Photo by Eric ': ond
Spirit - 65
ILes ley Andrews-Jones decorates a vehide with Golden Hi gh d eca ls while Kathy Engelke., Mtchy Bastin and Jeannie Defore look on. Photo by Eric Bond
The Lane Lords is not a fad, hobby, or even an extra-curricular activity. It's an emotion, a lifestyle, a state of mind from the s hirts, wacky socks, and Mr. Pibb, all the way to Fred Peterson. LANE LORDS #1 BABY! - Julie Brown
66 - Other Sports
Co ll a r b on e breakln' R o bert Scheffel
from a c lifT in Vail 's C hina Bowl He ex lhlbils a t ota l di s r egar d for the laws of ph ysics.
e id
Photo by Mitch R
IDo you de spise the idea of being glued to your TV set? If you are tired of ordinary life and are trying to seek refuge from the doldrums of your surroundings, then join the club. Here are some examples of what GHS students do for a good time. You might be inspired by Golden's bowlin' "Lane Lords" or by Harold L~er who excels in archery. Then there is Dan Day who kicks butt in karate and the Henriksen brothers who have added a new dimension to skate boarding. Don't forget Jamie Miller who fuels his passion for excitement by going hunting and fishing. To him, "If it flie s, it dies." And if you're a ri s k taker, chances are that extreme skiing is the best way to quench your thirs t for exhilaration.-
David Maren
I ' • I I
1--~ -----
Arche ry master, Har o ld Lesser, ca n nre a quiver of arrows with p inpoint acc ur acy and precision Photo from Lesser family co ll ectio n
1ils H e nrik se n ri sks hi s life as he ollles over a box of explosives. Skate or di e, dud e.
Photo from Henriks e n famil y collection
See n here is the Angel of Death, Jamie Miller, with a bar racuda in hand and nippers on his feet. His loyal assistants are hi s brother, Jason , and sister Lindsey. Photo from the Miller family collection
Other Sports - 67 --<. ' - - · •
Il la ck belt, Dan Day , penetrates his opponent's force Ocld ,vith a po,vcrful bJow to the chest. Photo from Day family co llection
''What d o yo u see In th ere ?" a s ks Angela El• ll ot of Orlon Armon In blue biology. ' 'lslt alive?"
Ph oto b y Ha Tran
ti r 68 - Academics • • •
What Do Teachers Do in Their Spare Time?
I do a lot of walking , and I have a new grandchild. I like to go out to dinner and go on vacation s. I have a n e w knitting ma c hine that doe s lots of s tu ff - Sue Petrov ski
I work on artwork and play ra c quetball and tenni s - Joe M c Ginni s
I love to read and do handwork and take long walk s and listen to mu s ic . I like to decorate the hou se and s pend lot s of time with my family and dog . I enjoy writing on the comp uter , riding bikes and watc hing Channel 6. - Le s lie
I like to play soccer and basketball and spe nd my time working for peace and ju s tice. - Bob Kin sey
I bury my self in books and s hop . - Jac kie Born s tein
For sc h oo l spirit week and to heJp
168 - Facu l ty
tcll the Greek tragedy of Antigone , Mr. Sharp wears his toga Ph
to by Ha Tran
, . t -- I \ \ ' ., f ' .,, ,_ ' ... - • Is It
or Is he that
tu e e
How am I eve r going to get on thi s bus? asks Mr. Vidal, one or three fa c ulty members Injur ed In a softball game. Photo by Michelle Hlad e k
Morris taking a break fro
gym class
ntitl ed , ''fh
Thinker''? Photo by Ha Tran
Camera Shy
David Bachman
Alberta Barnett
Ron Bollig
Diane Brown
Dick Byrne
Don Carpinello
Bob Chapman
Roy Daugherty
Marie Dunn
Debbie Durant
Dave Farrar
Stan Hergenreter
Sue Hickman
Jill Hull
Louise McKelvy
Al Morris
John Miller
Roger Myers
Sandy Nations
Sam Pe troff
Phyllis Price
Mr. Hayes squeezes a tomato to check and see if it is the perfect degree of rotteness to throw at a poor victim at Vegetable Justice.
Photo by Eric Bond
Elaine Smith Terri Wahlb erg
Going nowh e r e and ge t • ling th ere fa s L These two boys are spending lhclr afternoons trying t o perfect the art or climbing up the slide
• • • • • J -~jl, ~'A ~:~-~,. ,:• .~ ~'-4 -~-~ - "ti!;r.; ~?~.J( -MO, - J J-}1 • .:-" .r. ,l,.{:::J. - "~-,;,; -~ e.. .:,;',;I c.. ~·, 1~ • 4 rV',:,-:;•,IE'I, .:.__....,,.. • _,. ,~... .;~-r ,Ill,"i' "' ~., ,., "' •1- ,. ;.;..,.""':....,... ''1 .-.:;,,,~.,_,.:;;.•-':4 .i. ""' .- • L"' of'.o >"' 01"., ~7" ,.-1 • .£1 i~.i._ \. I" c:.~ "' .,.., i":"' ;.. ;I.. -.r~- ·:::;,.;~~ ..:.... - -~:.w~;.;..~ d,M} • ~" r:, ~~~-·· ~·~-- • -.:.;., I_, if • i"' r. :.::~~~ ?.~ ; ·,.~ ~:-:~.. -~~· .. ,..,. - ~L - t\'( r.. .., ., 170 - Senio r Baby Pictures • • •
Photo by Katie Sant
Babies ...
• screaming , crying bundles that brighten • our morning s and shorten our sleep. They're spontaneous , • amusing, rewarding, and often embarrassing. With babies you mu st be alert because in a split s econd you might find them hidden in a clothes hamper or atop a store shelf.
From their unusual pronunciations to their energetic and entertaining antics , babies are truly a "bundle of joy". - Mette Boes
S om e Demo ns s tlll ca rr y around littl e remind ers fr om th eir childh oo d. Kerry Fu ss is cli nging to h er sec ur i t y bl a nk et , Tedd y Bea r Ph oto by Ha Tran
What c ha l oo kin g a t? Thi s bab y Is quit e co ntent beca use o r so me outs id e e nt ert a inm e nt that ls trul y f asci natin g . Ph o t o b y M ic h e ll e Hlad ek
Th e stud e nts at G HS still re tain th ei r cl owni sh anll cs from bab yhood . C hri s Schr e iner demo nstrat es the bab y left In him by s howing off hls c ute bonn et Ph oto by Ha Tran
----- ---~---11111111!1111!1!1 &11
S e ni o r B aby P ic ture s - 171
Robert Scheffel
We knew you could do it. We know you can accomplis h even more Go get em!
We lov e you, Mom and Dad
Yvonne Trujillo
You were de termined Lh en, and you' re de te rmined now! Be success ful! We love yo u, Mom and Dad
Tania Setzer
Congratulations to o ur dynamic , distin c tive, delightful daughter! You ' re preciou s to us. God bless you.
Love , Mom and Dad
Ryan Weller
May yo ur life be filled with sun shin e and powd er snow We love you.
Love, Mom , Dad , & Beth
Matt Morgan
You al ways made us proud of yo u. Congratulations.
Love , Mom, Dad , Jan et & Todd
Stacee Maloney
You mad e it! We knew you cou ld Love always, Mo m, Dad, Kri sti and Lori
172 - Senior Baby Pic tures
David Myers
Don' l worry, be happy- for the rest of your life.
Love, Dad&Mom
Heather Versaw
You're a bl ess ing to us! Congratulation s! God bl ess you
Love , Dad, Mom, Ryan and Scoo t
Eric Bond
"That's my boy!" Eri c, thank you fo r all the happin ess you ' ve giv en us.
Love, Mom, James & Mare h<-)'1
I Carrie Ullrich
Congratula ti ons to a very special lady
Love, Mom, Dad, & Shawn
Charlotte Gregory
You have always been the sun shine in our li ves We're so proud. God bl ess you.
Love, Mom & Dad
Chance Elliott
Win with your s mile Lead with your heart Tru st in God We love yo u Mom , Forres t & Chara
I ,,. T
.. -,,.__..,. . t=o
• < •i
Seni or Baby Pictures - 173
Stephanie Flynn
You are very special to us We wish you happiness and s uccess for th e future.
Love alway s, Mom and Dad
Susan Krickbaum
You have always been suc h a joy We are very proud of yo u. God bless . We love you , Your Family
Cathy Palandri
You hav e made us proud in every way. Co ngratulati ons. Love , Mo m, Dad and Chris ·
Jolie Frost
Oh! The places you ' ll go! Co ngratulation s!
Lov e ya, Mom, Bob and Jim
You ' re th e greates t and we love you. Mom and Dad
May your journey throug h life be filled with wonde rful th ings . We love you very mu c h Mom and Dad
- Senio r Baby Pi c tures
17 4
Terra Krieger
Every passing year o nly find s us even more proud of you We love you Mom and Dad
Mitch Reid
We' re ve ry proud of yo ur acco mplis hme nts . Co ngratulati ons and co ntinued success in yo ur future .
Love , Mom, Dad and Amy
David Adlfinger
We have always cheri shed yo ur enthu siasm and lov e o f life. Ma y yo u never lo se th ese gifts
Love, Mo m and Dad
• • Gina
IFro m cliap ers and Bitty Bean s to prom dresses and baby s itting Genesis, we've watched you g row and mature Co ngratulati ons!
Love , Dad , Mom , Gary and Gen es is
Kristin Lewis
You're number on e in our book ! Co ngratulations and good lu ck Lov e, Mom , Dad and Jess ica
Katie Bremer
You are spec ial! Alwa ys foll ow yo ur drea ms and re member yo ur roots .
Love, Mo m, Da d, Bill , Barb and Ran d y
Senior Baby Pi c tur es - 17 5
Only one word describes you- "Wonderful"- follow your dream! We'll be right beside you always .
Love, Mom , Dad, J emini, Leslie and Troy
Twelve years done, the future to go! Congrats!
Love always, Mom, Dad and Dara
Having you by my side through the past years is aJI I could ever ask fo r Thanks fo r the ride of my life!
I love you, Jenni
Fond memories .....
We love you always, Dad, Mom, Cynthia and Whit
Ryan Kandel
A bea utiful ange l wi th class! Boy, am I l ucky.
Love, Dad
We 're proud to be a part of your life. May your achievements matc h your dreams
Love, Mo m, Dad and Ange la
176- Senior Baby Pic t ures
Robert Scheffel
Michelle Hladek
..______________...,._____________.,______________ _
Dustin Granquist
You've shown us the meaning of perserverance and strength You ' ll alway s be our greatest inspiration.
Love , Dad, Mom, Bryan , and Danielle
Tera Porterfield
Remember always th at you are loved . Mom , Dad and Laura
Stephanie Potter
We love you very much and are very proud of what you've accomphshcd.
Love, Dad and Karen
Joel Wartgow
ICongratulations! We are proud of you and we lov e you.
Mom , Dad and Jeff
Cindy Bergeron
Looking ba ck on many fond mem orie s- forward to a fun -fi ll ed success ful future
We love you, Mom and Dad
John ''puddy'' Hildreth
By no stre tch of the imagination, o ne g reat son!
Love, Mom and Dad Senior Baby Pictures-177
I ,
Congratulations! You' re ri g ht on track . Love, Mom, Dad and Ryan
May all your dream s come true.
Love, Mom and Dad
We are proud of Lhe young man you have become.
Love Always , Mom and Dad
You ' ve come a long way, baby , and you're on ly getting betler You are loved, Mom and Dad
Keep up your super attitude on l ife and you will be very s uccess f- ill Happy Graduation!
Love ' Mom , Dad and Sara
You and your adventures and accompli shments have been, and will be , our joy in life.
Love, Dad and Mom
Rich Ge
Vanessa Black
178 - Se nior Baby Pic tur es
Mark Johnson
Kris Kubasta
Am y Bradsby
Jason Moore
Congratulations. We're all very proud of you.
Love , Dad and Debby, Gregg, Ann csa and Karl
Julie l\tloore
You bringjoy and happiness to our lives through your love and lei nd deeds. We love you, Mo m, Dad , Travi s and Matt
Br e nt J e n se n
To a specia l son - yo u have our s upport n ow and always God bless you
Love, Mo m and Dad
I Marie Schowalter
If you continue to fa ce the world with a big smile, you will be happy
Love, Mom and Dad
Jo y Oslin
Your smile is lik e a li ght in th e window, inviting all to be your fn end . Lov e, Mom and Dad
Du w a y ne C lark
We can' t poss ibly say in 15 words how important you are to us . We' re proud of you.
Love, Dad , Mom and Lori
Senior Baby Pi c ture s - 179
A prec ious, s hinin g an gel. Yo u ,II always bem ommy ,s s weet baby and daddy, s littl e g irl.
Love , Ma and Dad
Marie (Reezie) Schowalter
I am so proud of my littl e Reez ie. May th e s un s hine on all yo ur s pec ial mo me nts. Lov e, Kati e
Congratulations-you've alway s made our liv es very special.
Love , Dad, Mom and Chase
Alway s keep a po si tiv e attitud e. May happin ess and s uccess be your s. We love you .
Dad and Mom
J ess i , Dac ia and Danni
Suc h happy little girls you were, always into some kind of adv e nture. We are so proud of your courage, patience and s trength
The Ci s nero s and Romero Family
You will a lways be our baby!
Love, Mom and Dad
Sonya Carlson
Dawn Hayner
180 - Senior Baby Pictures
Sonya Alicia Cisneros ( front)
Bobbie Ann Romero ( back)
Andrea Barrett
Alison Haberman
Leticia Espinoza
Go for it! We all love you. Grandma, Grandpa, Dan , Mom , Ralph and Jes us
Sarah Burke
You're s ull roll ing in th e ri ght di rection. Love from, Dad, Mom, Matt, Eileen, and Ted
Jason Brandt
You reached so me special goals thi s year! Don , t stop now! We love you, Mo m, Dad and J ohn
Stetson Green
May all your daydreams be fulfill ed. Love, Mom , Dad and B.J
You,re preciou s and wc,11 always be there for you. We love you, Mom and Dad
Angela Kotsines
Each day with you has been very specia l. We love you r spirit and zes t for hfe. Follow you r dreams. The future is yours.
Love, Mom and Dad
Julie Brown
Senior Baby Pi c tures - 18 1
Ryan Weller
Ryan, thanks for always being by my side. Good lu ck with everything you do. I' 11 miss you.
John Brandenburg
Wehavenodoubtyour sheer determination will achieve you great success!!
Love, Dad and Mom
Katherine Briggs
Looks like you• re ready. Call home. We love you.
Steve, Ruth, and Clive
Lisa Walter
For all you have been ...
For a ll you are
And for all you will be ... We love you!!!
Mom and Dad
182 - Senior Baby Pictures
Brad Dinkel
May your r oad through life lead you down th e right fairway We love you. Mom, Dad, and Kyle
Brigette Blythe
We are proud of yo u and all of your accomplis hm ents!
Love, Mom, Dad , Brian , Sheila, and Mindy
Brandon Hor s t
You,ve always made us proud!! Enjoy your graduation and a wonderful life ahead
Love, Mom, Dad, and Damon
Pet e r La w rence
Mayall your dream s come true Work at th em.
Our Love, Mom , Dad, David, Shadow , and Timb er
Megan Barney
Megan, does it get any easier? Yes! Good lu ck with every thin g you do!
Love ya, Mom , Dad , John , Paul , and Jim
Michele Dorsch
IMay you continue to look at life with all your humo r and enthusiasm We love you!
Mom, Dad, Meagan , and Katie
Heidi Blankenship
We were proud of you then; we,re proud of you now
We love you, Mom, Dad, and Shauna
Kristine Nordlie
We loved you th en; we lov e you now. Mom , Dad, and Erik
--- .. •
\ I
Senior Baby Pictures - 183 '-.,.
Kelli Anderson
There she 1s, Mi ss Amenca! Or whateve r you want to be! Reac h for the stars!
Love , Mom and Je rry
Mary Bates
Keep right on praising the Lord. Congratulations and God bless you.
Love, Mom
Rob Beesley
We are so proud of th e fine young man you've become. Thanks for being you.
Love, Mom , Dad, Ro se mary and Kimberly
Leslie Burchfield
To our wonderful daughter , good l uck in all yo u do We love you.
Love , Mom and Dad
Rick Gardner
Congra tul atio ns, Rick! This is onl y the beginning!
Love, Mom, Dad and Hea th e r
Reed Gerdes
Wi shing you happiness and success always!
Love, Mom , Dad, Andrea and Paige
184 - Senior Baby Pictures
Michelle Hladek
You 've se t your goals. Fo llow thr oughwe know you will mak e it happen!
Love you!
Moe and Poe
Sean Mahoney
We love you forev e r , Mo m. Dad , Maureen. Eric and Kev in
Sean Meehan
Plenty of smiles, lots of trial s, we love you!
Mom. Dad and Neil P.S . C lea n your room.
Ho ld o n to yo ur dream s and never s top
Ibelieving. We ' re proud of yo u Co ngra tulati ons!
Love. Mom , Dad Holly , Mi chell e and Valerie
As a bri g ht -eyed bab y, you mad e us lau gh. As a grad ua tin g se ni or, yo u make us proud W e rejo ice in wh o yo u are We love you, Dad and Mom
Beauty, brains and va lu es-w hat aweso me assets! Be yourself and use th ese lal en ts well!
Love, Mom and Dad
Gino Sarti
• • ' '
Stephanie Woods
S e nior Baby Pi c tures - 185 ,17. ' . I
Abe rl e, Susan 1, 26, 102
Abney, Brad 142, 164
Acho rd, Aron 26, 130, 153
Adkin s, Heather 150
Adlfinger , David 4 3, 102, 109 , 112 , 175
Adlfinger , Lori 150
Agosto, Anthony 153
Ago sto, Robert 164
Ahlberg , Bill 130
Ahren s, Be th 102
Ald er , Jennifer 73, 142 , 151 , 193
Ald er, Roxanne 150,201
Alishio , Jeff 130
Allen , Amy 164
Ambariantz, Ryan 47, 102 , 193
Amm on , Stefen 15, 52, 130, 132
Am os, Nathan 150
And erso n , Cara 166, 189
And erson, Jolene 142, 195
And erso n, Kelli 61, 102, 126, 184
Anderson, Lisa 150, 19 1
And erso n , Marc 96, 123
Andrews Jon es, Anne 130
Andrews-Jo nes, Julia 166
Andrews-Jones, Lesley 64, 102
Anzures, Shannon 150 , 193
Apon te, Eliud 151
Arbuckle, Lori 130, 136
Arbuckle, Rachel 150
Arbu ckle , Shanno n 142
Armenta, Josh 131
Armenta , Sean 130
Armon, Chara 92, 102, 189 , 19 3
Armon, Orion 14 , 27, 48, 69, 75 , 142
Amsparger , Jenny 130, 140
Ar s han , Heath 142
Arvid son, Anna 56, 143
Ashb rook, R.C. 141
As her, Dawn 142, 193
Ashton, Henry 55, 142 ,150
As hton, Lu.Ann 141
Atencio, Carey 20 , 150, 191
Ate ncio, Sco tt 20, 130
Aumiller, Jo s hua 150 , 163, 201
Ayres, Jeff 130, 153
Ayres, Jon 102,106
Azad, Karim 102
What a year it ha s been for the rap, r&b and soul mu sic men. The mo s t controversial group, 2-Live Crew made big headline s thi s yearwhen their hit album " As Nas ty As They Wanna Be" wa s labled ob sce ne by Florida police. Many find their I music repul sive, unre spectable and degrading to wom en. Unfortunately, the controversy will not stop there Sorry , boys! On the other side i s Bell Biv De Voe , a three man hip-hop group that is soaring to new heights with their hit album " P oison". BBD was originally making swe e t so und s with New Edition, but now each member i s off on hi s own and doin g fine . Jo hnny Gill, a previou s NE boy , i s topping the charts with his so lo album " Rub You The Right Way," especially with ultra- ho t single " Fairweather Friend". And, Ralph Tresvant i s serenading his way right into girls' hearts with hi s si ngle "Se nsitivity". More name s definite ly worth mentioning are Al B. Sure, Babyface, UB40, Timmy T., Guy, Young M .C., Tony! Toni! Ton e !, After 7, and M .C. Hammer with hi s se nsa tion al album , " Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em". Word! - Jen i Ol so n and Me gan Owe n
Biv DeVo e s h ows us t,nw t o "C hill !"
Photo by Associated Press
Sexy Johnny Gill g iv es u s th e lo ok that ha s made him fam o us . Photo by Associated Pr ess
186 - Ind ex
Bachofer, Stephanie 102
Bailey, Pam 130, 191
Bailey, Steven 4 3, 150
Baker, Amanda 141
Baker, Brian 142, 144, 163
Baker, Jakob 29, 130
Baker, Megan 142
Baker, Sheila 150
Bakker, Jaun e 151 , 153, 193
Baldacci, Nina 103
Baldwin , Kerri 103 , 127
Ball , Sherilyn 131, 132
Ballenger, Nathan 150 ,20 1
Ballentin e, Jake 150
Bandazain , Pamela 150
Barclay, Stephanie 34, 35, 130
Barker, Shannon 102 , 123
Barkey, Brian 166
Barlow, Shane 150, 18 7,20 1
Barney, Megan 41, 56, 57, 103, 182
Barr, Kris 130
Barre tt, Andrea 8, 61, 86, 96, 103,180
Barth , Matthew 142, 164
Bastin , Mtchy 64 , 103
Bates , Ari 56, 150 , 151 , 163
Bates, Brian 123
Bates , Mary 103, 185
Bauer, Jennifer 142
Bauer, Scott 150, 160
Bauer, Denny 142
Bauman, Nick 142
Baum gartn e r, Brent 130, 153
Baurer, J onathan 2, 35, 142, 15 1
Ba ys, Sean 103
Beach, S hawn 103
Beahm, An gela 151
Beakley, Justen 130
Beakley, Rebecca 150
Beck, Laura 33, 81, 130, 199
Beck, Matthew 150, 187
Bec ker, Celeste 141
Beckett, Melanie 142
Beckley, Kerry 142
Bee kman , Andy 10
Beesley, Robert 123, 184
Begy n, Sal ly 142
Behn e, Gordon 164
Bellows, Anne 16 , 21, 35, 81, 92,103, 176, 193
Bellows, Cynthia 5, 150, 153, 159
Benn et t, John 15 0
Benn etts, Melodie 103
Beran , John 150
Berg eron, Cindy 41, 56, 103, 177
Berkman , Juli e 56, 150
Berkman , Scott 143, 151
Berry, Randy 141
Be ttin ger, Leslie 166 , 168
Bezzerides, Alex 48, 49, 151 , 18 7
Bezze rid es, Nick 103, 193
Bibee, Kathy 141
Biernat, Patrick 164
Bird, Chns 142
Black, Vanessa 2 1, 120, 123
Blaine, Jennifer 150, 153
Blankenship, He1d 1 103, 182
Blankenship , S hauna 130
Blythe, Bn ge tte 61, 103, 110, 183
Blythe, Charlotte 166
Boatman ,Mic ha el 150,201
Bocko , Aaron 13 1
Boes, Mette 79, 142, 144
Bond , Brooke 14 2, 153
Bond, Dus tm 130
Bond, Eri c 28, 78, 103, 173
Bond, Maril ee 15 0
Borba, Carla 25, 25, 44 , 141
Born ste in , Ja ckie 78, 166, 168
Boshart, Aaro n 52, 130
Boss, Toni 164
Bo stwi c k, Toria 150, 19 1, 201
Bottolfso n, Enka 150
Boyd, An gela 130
Brack een, Ro se 130
Bradley, Meli ssa 130
Bradsby, Amy 18 , 69, 104
Brad sby, Di ck 121 , 166
Bran ch, Sue 166
Brand enburg, John 93,103, 104 , 128, 183
Brandt, Jason 39, 104 , 127, 129, 15 1, 181
Brassel, T ravi s 142
Bremer, Katie 9, 6 1, 92,104, 107 , 127, 175
Brennan, Jamie 150
Brennecke, Matth ew 153
Bretzlaff, Brenda 141
Brewer, An gela 151, 153
Briggs, Kathenne47, 104,110, 182
Brindle, Devin 150, 151
Bnndl e, We ndy 47 , 86, 130, 140, 193
Brittain, Jason 150, 160
Brodbeck , John 166
Brodie, Jeremy 13 1
Brolon, J ennifer 130
Brookhart, Bnan 130
Brooks, Mary 142
Brop hy, Dana 164
Brouwe r, Shannon 104
Brown, Bob 166
Brown, Dax 104
Brown, Jennifer 74 , 141
Brown, Juli e 62, 66, 84, 85, 104 , 111 , 181, 193
Brown , Nico le 24, 130
Brown, Ryan 150
Browning, Craig 123
Brownlee, Dawn 29, 104
Bruckner, George 150
JV Ba s ke tball: F ir s t r o w- B .Od e JJ , M .S utt on , Co a c h H ow e, J.Reyn ebea u,N. Howe . Seco nd r ow -J .Mill er , D.F ulton, B.Mulb erry, M.S lobodnik , K .W es tgard , N. Hoo k, A. Phillip s
, o&l(D11s 0i • 1 4 1 I 1 !.. '~:.1-l~<;, .i l f ":.v ' J£JIO)j ~ 111 olls \ , ., \ C"'" ~ ,'jj - c~ F
A.Wo od , J. G r ee n, D.H or s t I ndex - 187
r es hm en Bask e tb a ll : F irs tr ow-M Bec k, S. Da rl ow, C. Wad swo rth, A.Il ezze rid es Seco nd r ow- J. T h omp so n, K J e nse n , J H age r ,
De Ber ry, J .Olm or e, C.Co rbin,
Budd, Christopher 150, 201
Budzynski, Matthew 130
Bufe, Sierra 33, 104
Buice, Frank 142 , 164
Bunting, Noel 153
Burchfield, Leslie 1, 56, 104, 127,185,193
Burczyk, David 47, 143, 151, 162
Burgess, Jacob 33, 47, 130, 140
Burke, Eileen 56, 150
Burke, Ry 35, 70, 73, 78, 130, 187,189, 193
Burke, Sarah 4, 10 , 33, 104, 116, 122 , 181 , 193
Burkhardt, Gabriel 104
Burt, Tonie 142, 193
Buss, Chris 104
Butler, Ron 142
Byerl y, Brian 43, 13 1
Cantwell, Darcy 15 3, 195
Capp, Julie 79, 142, 193, 195
Cappelli, Jaso n 153
Carland, Chad 16 , 104
Carlock, Jacob 150, 160
Carlock, Michelle 143
Carlson, Kimberly 105
Carlson, Sonja 105 , 180
Carlson, Todd 142
Carney, Da vid 123
Carpenter, Travis 164
Carpine ll o, Don 52
Carr, Jamie 150
Carr, Ju stin 130
Cash, Lisa 166
Cease, Lori 166
Chavez, Carla 153
Chavez, Cipriano 16 , 164
Cheatum, Clay 89
Cheatum, Heidi 150
Chick, Heath er 150, 159, 201
Child, Gene 167
Childers ton, Staci 27, 130
Chisholm, Shanno n 150
Choruzy, Kelly-Jo 105
Chris te nsen , Jason 142
Chris te nse n , Jamie 130
Chri stn er, Tony 142
Cameron, Karena 142
Cameron, Rodney 14 1
Campbe ll , Aryn 52, 142
Cies lar, Mark 91, 130
Cies lar, Peter 150, 159, 163
Cin abro, Corey 151
Cis ne ros, Fe liciana 152, 163
Th e follow i ng i s simply a scrapbook co ll ection of Denver P ost h eadlines from th e f rr s t inklings of war until th e 24th day o f bat tl e, a timeline well wor t h p r ese rv i n g.
Jan. 11 "C ongress set for war vote'' Jan. 13 "Bu sh "'in s ok for war' ' Jan. 14 ''War? Only God knows'' Jan. 15 ''World waits on edge of war' ' Jan. 16 ''War wat ch: deadline expires'' War broke out January 16, 1991.Jan.17 "It's war; Bush pulls trigger'' Jan . 18 "Angry Iraq hit s Isra el' ' Jan. 19 "Stock s jump - oil tumbles'' Jan. 20 "War against Iraq had to be fought" Jan . 21 "Patriots bl as t Scud s" Jan. 22 "Iraq to use pri soners as human shields'' Jan. 23 "Israel attacked; 3 die'' Jan . 24 "Plan to put U.S. flag s on fire trucks doe sn't fly'' Jan . 25 "French jets join air assault'' Jan. 26 "Eco -terror poisons gulr' Jan. 27 "Mid eas t reque s ts flood book stores " Jan. 28 "Spill, a potent weapon" Jan. 29 "Saddam predicts lots of blo od" Jan. 30 "Bu sh; U.S. spirit to triumph'' Jan. 31 "Battle rages at border" Feb. l "Iraqi troops on move'' Feb. 2 "U.S. mu s t s trike s a balance with evil'' Fe b. 3 "Iraq shoots down 3 U.S. fliers'' Feb. 4 "3 missing in B-52 cra s h" Fe b. 5 "7 marin es confirmed killed by U .S. mis s ile'' Feb. 6 "Iraq's army hiding in schools''
Saud i came l s ta nds wa tc h, as do es a US so ld ie r who g lances a r ound no ti ci ng the un fami li ar dunes and t um bl e weeds. P ho t o by The Associated Press
Sa dd am Hu ssein, th e wo rld 's m os t da ngero us e n emy in 199 1. He In vade d Campbell , James 142 Kuwait and th e n ig nor ed a Unite d 1a ti o ns d<m dlin e f or J an 15; th e co nse•
qu ence was a wa r w ith th e A lli es. Ph
he Associa ted Press
' '
Cannady, An ngela
188 - Ind ex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cisne ros, Sonya 20, 105 , 180
Clark, DuWayne 105
Clark, Joan 167
Clark, Jackie 105 , 109
Clark, Linda 152, 153
Clark. Lori 130
Clark, Michael 52
Cline, Tammie 130
Coberley, April 105
Cock le, Nathan 43 , 131 , 189
Cody, David 152
Cole, Kelly 130
Co lli er, Amy 105
Co lher , Philip130
Colhn s, Brandy 56
Co lhn s, Scott 48
Co lvin , David 164
Con lee , Sarah 152
Conley, Amy 4 , 21, 105
Conner , Sarah130
Cooley, Timothy 142
Coo ns, Chris 20
Cooper , Cynthia 33, 152, 163
Cooper, Jill 152
Corbin, Clinton 153 , 187
Cordova , Andrew 80, 130
Coro n1 s, Bethany 130
Corry, Chris 152
Courtney, Hea th er 130, 153
Cox, Andrea 143
Cox, Douglas 59 , 105
Craib, Dawn 143
Craighead, Stacy 13 1, 153
Christenson, Jami e 52
Cross, Eric 106
Crotzer, J ennifer 142
Crouch, Brack 132
Crowder, David 133
Crowd e r, William 106
Crowell, Jana 164
Crozier, Mi chael 152, 163
Cummings, Ali sun 41, 152
Curran , Chris 1,33, 106
Cusa ck , Amy 106 , 122
Custer, Delori s 142
Davis, Kei th 106
Davi s, Marc 144
Davis, Ryan 35, 133, 152
Davis, S tep han ie 144 , 145, 147, 162
Davi s, Keefe 157
Dawdy, David 153
Day, Danny 67, 106
Day,Lori41,56,61, 132,139
De ' Ange lo, Joe 55
DeBerry, Casey 89, 152
Dean, Joe 15 , 36, 43, 133, 139
Deegan-Young, Rebecca 56, 152
Deem, Jennifer 152
Defe li ce, Sam 143
Dittbrenner, Knstie 80, 107
Dittbrenner, Tanya 41 , 14 5
Ditto, Michael 14 5
Dixon, Paula 29, 14 5
Dockter, Mark 144
Dodge, J on 107
Doherty, Elizabeth 56, 152
Domenico, Jam es 107
Dome nico, Math ew 133
Dooley, GJe nda 164
Dorris, Lisa 150, 15 1, 152, 191
Dorsch, Meaga n 152
Dorsch, Mi chele 86, 107, 122, 183, 19 3
Dorward, Jill 152
Douglass, Bruce 167
Defore , Jeannie 64 , 86, 92, 98, Dri gge rs, Nicolette 133 , 193 106, 193
Dnscoll, Kri s te n 107
Defore, Robert 152, 163, 20 1 Drisco ll , Mi c ha el 153
Delants , Patri ck 106
Del gado, Damon 52, 53, 106
Denman , ldlanth e 157
Dahl , Amanda 15 1, 19 5
Dahman , Matt 48 , 49
Dalton , Alana 123
Dalton , An gela 133, 153
Dalton , Matth ew 164
Dalton , Aaron 142
Danie l, Joe 133 , 136
Daniels, Marlin 9, 133
Daniels, Sarah 167
Darby, Jabe 133
Dass ler, Ri c hard 152
Denni s, Bre nt 65, 11 5
Des marteau , Nicky 4, 30, 44, 62,63,92, 99,133,189,193
Dettman , Trudy 133
Dewi tt, Rebecc a 152, 153
Dickerso n, Carolyn 133, 191
Dierking , Chad 76, 145
DiU , Sean 153
Dimitroff, Katrina 75, 14 5, 193
Dinkel , Brad 38, 39, 106, 182
Duesterbeck, Dale 14 5
Dufour, Gary 152
Dugan, Dan 123
Dunn, David 145
Dunn , Emet 2, 141
Dunn , Mark 167
Duran-Kee n, Sarah 153
Du ster , Robert 14 , 43, 52, 53, 107,108
Dyke, Jenrufer 145
In dex
GH S F r en c h C lub: Ba c k row _ v. E lli ck so n, C Anderso n, H. F ri e nd s Fo r P eace a nd E n vir o nm ent a l C lub: Ba c k row -B Kin sey, Leye nd ec ker , A. Humphr ey, K. S ant, M. Varv eri s, N. C ockle , P. J. Trib elhorn , K . Sant , L. P a tz er, R Bu r k e F r o nt row- A. M aca lad y, Mar tin e z Middl e row_ c . Armon , C . V anl ee r, K. Pappalard o, N. S. M asl e hati , J . N o bl e, H. Verb ec k , K . Va n D er La a n Oes m ar t eau , M. Youn g Front row - N. LeF evre, S. Mas lehati
Earl, Lauren 152
Earley, Eldon 152
Eaton, Jessica 98, 107
Edie, Benton 164,201
Edie, Brandon 164 ,20 1
Edwards, Dan 11 , 18 , 19 , 81, 107,108,119
Edwards, Heather 132, 153
Ehrenstra sser , Chris 145
E hrenstrasser , Lybby 152 , 193
Eilers, Jonelle 152
Ekstrom, Christian 39, 133
E lder, Ja cob 152 , 163
Ellickson, Vickie 152 , 189, 191
Elliot, Angela 44 , 69, 145
Elliot, Chance 34, 35, 107 , 123, 173
Ellis, Brian 153
Ellis, Michelle 33, 47 ,133, 140
E lli so n , Deedra 14 5
Emanuel , Charl es 133
Emanuel, Mi c helle 144 , 197
Engelke, Katherine 64, 107
Epps, J ill 167
Erikson , Oralee164
Erion, Tisha 145, 153
Es parza,Derrick152
Espinoza, Leticia 62, 76 8 5, 107,181
Estes, Lo nnie 153
Evans, Eric 145, 153
Evans, Mark 145
Evans, Shawn 107, 141
Ewing, Chris 14 , 16, 43, 107, 126,
Fair, Chrissy 152
Faricy, Sean 107
Fasick, Amb er 152
Fasick, Brian 13 1, 132, 133
Fauver, Bryce 145
Fauver, Bree 35, 133
Fe ldman , David 133
Ferguson, Erin 16, 61, 86, 87. 132
Fe rnandez , Ana 152
Ferrera, Julie 152
Ferreyra. Luis 152
Ferris, Matt 88, 133, 136
Feth, Andrew 39, 81, 145 , 19 3
Field, Michae l 123, 133
Sports in 1990-91 was filled with bi g upsets and c lo se calls. I n football, th e New York Giant s beat the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl , while Colorado and G eo rgia T ec h split the co ll ege poll s. The D e troit Pi s ton s won their seco nd straight NBA title in '89- '90 over the Portland Trailbla ze r s. The Cin ci nnati R e d s pulled off a major up se t of the highly favored Oakland A' s in four straig ht games. Up and comi ng tenni s s tar Jennifer Capriati made her Grand Slam debut, while the Nuggets and Bronc os fizzled . Salt Lake City was awarded the 1992 Winter Olympic s, and Denver made baseball' s short li s t of expansio n cities. - Frank Kon se lla
The ca n vas turn s out to b e a g r ea t spot for Mike Ty so n , afler b ei n g knocked out by Iluster D ou gla s. Photo b y Assoc iat ed Pr ess
C hri s S abo (g lasses) and th e und e rdog C incinnati R eds ce le brat e after sweeping th e Oakla nd A' s in th e World Se ri es. Photo b y Associated Pr ess
190 - Index r l (
Filing, Travis 153
Filsinger, Matthew 164
Finnegan, Brendan 52, 133
F1nrugan, Shawn 145
Fish. Jesse 144
Fish Matthew 153
F1<;her, Joe34,35, 107, 11 7, 195
Fisher, Lisa 108
Fisher, Lo ri 152
Fisher, Rena 35, 152 , 195
Fitzge rald , Elaine 167
Fleener, Clay 52, 132, 133
Fleet, Joel 55, 152 , 201
Fleming, Mic hell e 108
Flores, Maite 24, 152
Flores, Patri cio 24, 152
Flore th, Trav is 133, 153
Floyd, Gina 108 , 175
Flynn, Stephani e 51, 108, 174
Folle, Steve 13 3, 135
Forbes, Lori 153
Forem an, Sarah 145
Fossett, Derri ck 108
Fos ter, Michae l 145
Fox, Beth 108
Fox, Cari 132
Franckowiak, Zachary 152
Franks, Mi chelle 133, 153
Franks, Trisha 153
Freer, Rachel 15 8, 201
Frey, Kathy 108
Friday, Brett 108
Frohn e, Kyle 11, 133
Frost, J oleen 108, 174 , 193
Ful co mer, Kri s 9, 65, 108, 109, 11 5,20 1
Fulton, Drew 8, 153, 187
F urim sky, Kerry 158
Furlong, Jennifer 158
Funak,Rick 6,23, 132, 133, 139, 193
Fuss, Kerry 151, 153, 17 1, 193
Gerdes, Pai ge 144 , 152, 193
Gerdes, Reed 27, 43, 108, 121, 185
Gess, Kerry 45, 132, 189, 193
Gidlund, Paula 108
Gil, Anna 108
Gilmore, Chri sty 158 , 163
Gilmore, Jennifer 131, 133
Gleaton, Betty 167
Gleaton, So mm er 5 1, 99, 148, 153, 191
Goble, Ryan 159
Goedert, Thaiso n 164
Golay, J ohn 133
Gonzales, Crystal 14 5
Goodman, Greg 153
Goodwin, Cara 37, 86, 145, 147, 198
Gray , Torina 144
Green, Jan 14 5
Green, Jo shua 158
Gree n, Stetso n 109, 18 I
Greenba um , Nathan 145
Gregory, Charlotte 109, 173
Gnmes, Healh 164
Groenh of, Sara 158
Grotke, Daniel 145
Gu nn , Charla 167
Gaddi s, Brian 145
Gagnon , Jennifer 158
Galal, Ahmed 24 , 90, 153
Galal , Ayan 24, 153
Gardn er, Am y 158
Gardner, Ri ch 108, 184
Gardn er, Tracy 133
Garner, Nathan 145
Garrett , Adriane 145
Garvin , Cindy 133, 15 3
Gauther , Chris 164
Gayer, Chris 133
Gee, Ri ch 48 , 49 , 108, 12 1
Gen so n, Ja so n 164
Go res, Ri chard 158, 163
Gould, Rebecca 14 5
Graber, J aso n 153
Graham, Aza 52, 55, 145
Granquist, Danielle 5 1, 158, 19 1
Granquist, Dus tin 109, 177
Grantham , Shannon 133, 153
Graves, Alyssa 17, 37, 50, 5 1, 14 5,195
Gray, Ja so n 133
Gray, J ennifer 98, 109
Gray, Marce lla 109
Gray, Mi chell e 158
George, Chris tine 14 5, 193, 199 Gray, Sarah 14 5, 19 1, 199
Haberman, Aliso n 109, 11 9, 180
Hadwi ger, J eff 52, 103, 109
Hagelberg , Robin 158
Hagen , Sherri 153
Hager, J o hn 159,187,201
Hager, Tom 86, 109
Hahn , Hea th er 10, 56, 68, 151 , 158, 159, 163,20 1
Haimerl, Am y 8 1, 145, 193
Hain es, J aso n 42, 43, 145
Hall , Brenda 133
Hall, Brian 164
Hall , Juli e 76, 14 5
Hall , Monica 133
Hall, Stephen 164
"' iris' freshmen basketball: 1st row- M. Richards, V. Bostwick, D. Gra nquist, C. Atencio, M. Smith 2nd row - V. Ellickson, E. Pearson, L. Anderson, K. Larsen 3rd row - L. McCloud, B. Mobley, Conc h Schreiner
Girls' sophomore ba s ketball: 1s t row - B. Hankin, S. Gleaton, E. Pauley, S. Grey, L. Dorris 2nd row - C. Dickerson, P. Bailey, K. Furimsky, L. Minsch, T. Miller, Coach Martynu ska
" _
r~ ,lfl
Ind ex - 191 .
Hall, Steve 109
Hall , Travis 158
Halley, Kellie 132
Halstea d , Duncan 33, 92, 133 , 14 0
Hal stead , Katie 35, 56, 57, 144 , 193,195
Hamersley, Charles 153
Hand , Sara 141 , 199
Handon , Ken 109
Hankin, Bethany 145, 164, 191
Hansen, Monika 141
Hansford , Gerald 164
Hansson , Tammy 133
Haptonstall , Brian 121
Hardman , Brenda 158
Hardman , Brian 110
Hardy, Chad 133
Harriman , Brian 145
Harris, Barbara 133, 195
Harris, Barbara 167
Hart.mei ster, Christina 133
Hart.meister, Lucy 144 , 145
Harv ey, Misty 134
Harvey, Steve 109, 110, 123
Hatch, Jennifer 1, 79, 103, 11 0, 120, 195
Hatch, J os h 110
Ratz , John 13 1, 134, 153
Haughie, Chris 145
Haulman, Jim 52, 145
Haun , Jason 134
Havengar, Liana 145 , 164
Haworth, Amber 134, 153
Haworth, Michelle 146
Ha yden , Justin 158
Hayes, Am ber 41, 146
Hayes, Bob 167, 168
Hayner, Dawn 5 1, 11 0, 127, 18C ff
Hayn es, J ason 164
Hayn es, Kristen 134
Hays, Laura 164
Hebert, Julie 8, 72, 11 0
Hebert, Kimb erly 158 , 163
Heffelfin ger, Aaron 134
Heffelfinger, Amy 146
Hein, Mi c hell e 146 , 195
Heineman , Eric 110
He in eman , Sarah 158
Hel d, Christopher 110
Hemmat, Shahla 135
Henagar, Mark 159
He nagar, Micah 123
He nnin gsen , Jarrod 158
He nriks en, Erik 67, 110, 11 2
Henriksen, Nils 67, 134, 135
Henson, Chris 11 0, 141
Hern don, Erin 158
He ss man , Erin 11 0, 122, 174
Hiatt, Erin 15 8
Hildreth , John 43 , 111 , 177
Hilgers, Kimber 134
Hill, Amy 158
The year 1990 wa s marked by many significan t events or an intern ational scale. Nelson Mandela of South Africa , th t lead e r of th e Afri c an National Congress, was freed in February after 27 year s in prison. Mandela ha s been the world ,s mo s t univ e r s ally known and influential political pri so ne r s in ce hi s sente nc in g in 1962. Relea sed after negotiation s with Pres ident deKlerk, 71 year old Mandela ha s again take n up an active role in the ANC Communism continued to erode
in Eastern Europe in 1990 Romania h e ld it s frrst free electio ns in 53 years in May, following the revolution in that country in D ece mber, 1989 Ea s t and We s t Germany were officially recognized as one united country- the Federal Republi c of G e rmany o n O c tob er 3. German Chancellor H elm ut Kohl has promi s ed that never again will Germany assert t erritorial ti c laims whic h have been the so urce of so much strife in the 20th Century. What bright hope s for the future of Europe if t thi s i s tru e ! Pres ident Gorbachev and the Soviet Union had a diffi cu lt year due to acute economic problem s in that country. Ld Politically, h owever , it seems as if the troub le s b e twe en the U . S. a nd the U.S.S.R. may soon be worked out. Bu s h and k Gorba c hev had another summi t me e tin g in 19 90, and mo s t people in 1990 believe the Cold War is over. - Li sa ,valter
Two of th e mo s t powerful l ea d e r s of the wor ld, George Ilu s h and Mikhail Go rbachev, s hake han ds on the pr osp ect of a co ntinuall y imp r oving relation s hip b et\'l een th ei r resp ec tive co untri es. Phot o by A ssocia t e d Pr ess
N e lso n Mand ela s tands In triumph with hi s wife, Willie, b ef o re th e trem e ndou s c r owds w hi c h gather on hi s wor ld t o ur to ccleb rat e hi s release and hi s cause.
' '
Photo by A ssociat ed Pr ess
11 Ir. Ir Ir rr )n 1 DV ue pf f!
192 - Index
tlill, Jake 164
Hill Jeremy 146
linman, Jason 123
cf1ppenstee l, John 146
-iladck, Michelle 27, 29, 78, 83, 111, 176, 184
1obson, Stacy 55, 147, 151
foffman, Enc 19 , 86, 87, 146
lollingswo rth , Traci 15 3
Iolmcs, Amy 146
~olmgren, Kan 146 , 199
lolmgren, Kim 62, 134
lomenck, Denise 111
.Ioneyma n, Jennifer 33, 11 0, 111
look, Nathan 39, 146 , 187
Ioover , Bradley 158
1omecker , Mark 167
-lorst, Brandon 10 , 111, 182
Horst, Damon 158, 187
--Io rst, Jo hn 167
Howe, Nick 59, 134, 187
Howes, Barbara 167
Howell, Warr en 111
Hoyt, Chnss 15 9
Hsu, Chueh 141
Hs u, Chun-te 164
Hubble, Ron 141
Hud so n, Gwendolyn 164
Huerta, Maria 134
Huff, Galen 141
Hugar, En n 146
Hugh es, David E. 43, 111
Hughes, David G 1, 104 , 11 2, 134
Hugh es, Jak e 46, 131, 132, 135
Hu g hes, Jeff 158
Hulin, Cory 111
Hull , Jill 167
Hull , Wade 158
Humphrey, Amy 1, 111, 189, 193
Humphrey, Ri chard 52, 111
• Hutchi so n, Heather 146, 153
Jam, Shubhra 158
Janeck, Bill 59, 134
Janeck, Wayn e 158
Janish, Nathan 23, 105, 111
Jansen, Melodi e 111 , 176
Jansen, Terry 134
J annan, Diana 141
Jannan, Du stin 15, 55, 111
Jeffreys, Uriah 14 6
Jenkins, Deanne 134
Jensen,Brent52,86, 111,123 , 128
Jensen, Kurt 158, 187, 193,20 1
Johnson, Am y 134
Johnson, Dennis 141
Johnson, Derek 52, 111, 127, 151
Johnson, Enc 159
Johnson, Heather 56, 153 , 158, 163, 19 3
Jozwruk, Karolina 147
Jung, Bnan 47, 153
lhli , Lori 134
IU , J essica41 , 14 7, 199
Ingram, Cory 39, 15 8
Ingram, To dd 146
Iro nshell , Carl 146 , 164
Iso m, Fran ci 134
Johnson, J ess ica 158
J ohn so n, John 11 2
Jo hn so n, J ohnni e 48, 11 2
Johnson, Mark 11 2, 11 9, 193
Johnson, Sara 56, 144, 146, 193
Johnson, Zachary 14 6
Johnston, Sarah 146
Jo nes, Debo rahll 2
Jones, Kall e 164
Jorgensen, Bnan 11 2
Jouett , Joan 12 1, 167
Joynt, Craig 135
Kaiser, Dale 134
Kandel, Ryan 9, 11 , 27, 78, 112 , 176
Karpoff, Natalie 112
Kaspar, Rebecca 158
Ka spar, Ryan 158
Ka stroll, Sco tt 11 2, 195
Katzenberger, Jeff 146
Kaufman , Je ss 134
Kay, Amy 158
Kay, Jeff 21, 134
Kazm1ersla , Angela 158
Keen , Devin 153 , 193
Kell.hly, Doug 141
Keithly, Shay 146
Kellenbenz , John 167
Kelly, Karn 55, 134 , 153
Kemler, Kam 74, 11 2, 199
Kerstiens, Mary 134, 198
Kess ler, Diane 167, 199
Kiefer, Jim 52, 134
Kiefer, Janet 146
l \atlona l H ono r Soc ie ty: 1 s t R o w - L. Bur c hfi el d , S. W oods, M . Sc h owa lt e r , K . P.lppa lard o, D ri ggers, W. Brindl e, H . V e rsa,v, 2 nd R o w- A . Will is, J . Fr ost, L. f Nobel, J DcFo r c, K Gess, Dcsm art ca u , A Be ll ows, J Br own , S. Burk e, M Rudolph , R F urtak, K Tysda l, T. P o rt erfi eld , S. Masleh a tl , 3 rd R ow - C A rm o n, Ms Natio ns, A . Humphr ey, Bezzc rld es, C . Pa la ndrl , J . S ko rski, M . D o r sc h , J. l'vl o orc, L. Koen ig, A. Mitr a, C Me rritt
t I 7 1
0 I
I nd ex - 193
Fo r e ns ics: 1s t R o,v- S . Ma h oney, A . H um p h rey , J .S kor s kl, M . Joh nso n ,S.Jo hn so n , D Fe th , K Sa n t, L E h re ns trasse r , S. An z ur es, D A s h e r, J Oakker , 2 nd Row- T
Du rt, D Kee n, C. R a n d, A McC la in , H Jo hn son, K. J en se n , A Haimer l, K
mltr ofT, K H als t ea d , P Ge rd es, 3 r d Row
T. O s bor n, D cu dder, T. La n e,
Wa d swo rth , C. S k orsk i, J S ch roede r , C. Wa ll er , E. Urba n, T Ross, J. A lder, S. Mas leha tl , C. Geo r ge, R . Dur ke, 4th R ow- B. Scott, L. Tay l or , K. F u ss, J . Capp, R .
m ba rl a n tz, M. McCo nn ell , C. Sc hrei n e r , J . iegcsm un d
King , Adam 135 Kolin, Joh n 27, 135
King, Julie 159 Kolodny, Ali 61, 79, 134, 162
King , Robert 164 Komoras, Joseph 147
King , Shamu s 164 Konsella, Frank 48, 79 , 134
King , Steven 164 Koons, Chri s 20, 146
Kinne r, Matt 141 Kopser, Chad 55 , 160, 20 1
Kinsey , Bob 70, 167, 168 , 189 Korosec, Noah 161, 201
Kiphardt, Phillip 55 , 158 , 160, Kosednar, Ann 134 165 Kotsines, Angela 86, 112 , 123 ,
Kippen , James 134 181
Kirby, Do ug 158 Koza, Michell e 146, 164
Kirk, Cyn thi a 158 K.rafczyk, Roman 167
Kleihege , Scott 158 Kribbs, R enita 107, 112
Kleineider, Justin 158 , lf>O, 165 Kri c he vsky, Miranda 14 6
Klemmetsen , Brian 146 Krickbaum, Susan 10, 112, 174
Kliewer, Ken 164 Kri eger, Terra 1, 62, 63, 79,
Klimchalk , Kamd enl5 8 11 2, 175
Klimchalk , Sean 14, 52, 132, Kronauge,Karen 15, 17,112, 134 113
Klinkefus, Jeff 55, 146 Krzystek, Marcel 68 , 146
Klug, John 35, 167 Kubasta, Kris 23, 52, 55, 108,
Klyn, Doug 11 2 11 3
Knox, Chris ta 134
Koch, Jody 134
Kuhnle , Chris 153, 161
Kuhnl e, Linda 69, 11 3
Koches , Chery l 167 Kunter, Emily 47, 134
Koehl er , Lori 89, 159 Kun z, John 146, 151, 164
Koel , Brent 153 Kutz, Chris 161
Koen, Devin 28 Kuzyk , Mo ll y 86, 161
Koenig, Laura 134, 193
Koenig, Paul 11 2
Koleski , Heather 146
Kolin, Chris 134
1990 was surely a year in which female recording artists enjoyed their share of news breaking events. Janet Jackson came back from the great beyond to record her hit album "Rhythm Nation 1812". From this record sprang a world tour, a plethora I I I of videos and a successful come back for Janet, Miss Jackson, if you're nasty. Sinead O'Connermade headlines by refusing
to si ng the national anthem for a benefit concert that hosted such guests as Frank Sinatra. Sinead also topped the charts with her latest LP, "I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got", and her single "Nothing Compares 2 U", occupied the number one space for weeks. Once again Madonna stunned the media with one, her performance on the MTV Music Awards, in whi c h she gleefully hiked up her 17th century gown and invited a male dancer to join her in it; and two, with her highly D controversial" Justify My Love" video. Many female artists packed up and went to Berlin to take part in performing songs J by Pink Floyd from the remain s of the Berlin Wall. Among these women were Cindy Lauper, Sinead O'Conner and Joni Mitchell. Overall, 1990 was a year filled with success, demise and best of all, controversy. Hopefully, 91' will be as entertaining. -
Crystal Wagoner
"Si ng it baby! Si nead O'Conner belts out a tun e a t th e MTV Mu sic Awards"
Photo co urt esy <',r ssocia ted Pr ess
"Ma d o nna s hows h e r bl o nd e a mbition b y s triking a po se for h e r adoring fan s "
Photo co urtesy o f A ssocia ted Pr ess
u u u u u u I L I.. I.. I.. I.. L L L L L L L L L L L
194 - Ind ex
Lancaster, Debbie 146
Lance. Jenny 134
Landry, Jennifer 134
Lane Timothy 161, 193
Langdon, Steven 153, 161, 164
Lange, Gerda 40, 41, 56, 153, 160
Langley, Clinton 147
Langston, EhJah 135
Larmore, Sean 17, 79, 134
Larsen, Brandon 59, 112, 113
Larsen, Dane 146
Larsen, Devon 13, 146
Larsen, Erick 11 3
Larsen, Kristen 161, 191
Larsen, Wendy 134
Larson, Lee 56
Lass1, Leshe 167
Laue, Ju sun 134
Lawrence, Peter 81, 96, 113, 183
Layton, Troy 52, 141
Lee, Christina 146
Lee, Hong Kiang (Gene) 24, 25,
48, 49, 141
Lee , Hong Kien (Sean) 24, 25, 48 , 49,83, 123
Lee, Meda.kar la 164
Leerssen, J eremy 35, 134
LeFevre, Anne 161
LeFevre, Nora 27, 146, 147, 189,195
LeFrancois, Nicole 113
Lengenfelter , Pau l 123
Lenoch , Torey 23, 52, 113
Leon,Jeff27, 134
Leonard, Jennifer 161
Lepro, Mark 113
Lep ro, Ryan 146
Le sse r, Chris 113
Lesser, Harold 67 , 114
Levitt, Greg 161,201
Levy, Jo sh 35, 96, 113 , 114
Lewis, Jason 114
Lewis, Kristin 1, 10, 29, 114 , 116,175
Leyendecker, Holly 7, 29, 144, 146,189
Lic hte, David 164
Lincol n, Tim 42, 43 , 114
Li ndberg, Wendy 147
Li nse nbig ler, Jeff 161
Little horn, Nicole 146
Locke, Joe 146
Logan, Stefanie 164
Long , Liberty 161
Lord, Jaso n 134
Loseman, Monica 153, 160
Lowe, Kevin 43, 129, 135
Lu cema, Jason 146
Luedtke, Jennifer 146
Lundeen, Jeff 164
Lundell, Brandon 54, 55, 136
Lusk , Cori 161
Lusk, Michelle 51, 137
Lutze, Bridget 141
Lynch, Kelly 161
Lyon, Robert 81, 123
Maren, Jennifer 161
Mares, Mo ses 8, 19, 114, 123
Mannelh, Jason 20, 114 , 137
Markov chick, Nicole 56, 88, 147
Mars, David 2, 14 8, 162
Marsh, Kimberly 141
Marsh, Matth ew 164
Marsh, William 149, 152, 164
Marshall, Jason 149
Martinez, Andy 55, 81, 114
Martinez, An gie 164
Martinez, Jose 4, 88, 89, 167
Martinez, Preston 43, 137, 189
Martinez, Todd 137
Martynuska, Jan 169
Martynuska, Keith 191
Mas lehati, Shab1 19, 56, 33, 141,189,193
Ma sterso n, Kirk 85, 14 9
Macalady, Alison 146 , 189
Macias, Art 146 , 164
Mack , John 161
Mahoney, Sean 21, 27, 96, 123 , 185 , 193
Mallory , Carrie 2, 137
Malone , Michael 153
Maloney, Stacee 41,114,172
Mannon, Sean 164
Manthey, Daleen 161
Maren , David 48 , 79, 114 , 116 , 163
Mataya , Myah 62, 149
Mathis, Aaron 149, 195
Matzke, Bnan 161
Matzke, Heather 137
Maurer, Karl 136
Maxwell , Greg 153
May, Jai 110, 115
Mayes, Enc 149
McDaniel , Mitzy 149
McCauley, Adam 160 ,20 1
McClain , Adam 18 , 19, 161, 193
McClo skey, Ty 148
111[ WPllP
I ndex - 195
Dr a m a C lub : Fr ont row: J .C app , N.L e fevr e, C .Vogel, K.Halstead . WES: Frontrow: B.Harris , J.Hatc h, P .S purl oc kBa ckr o w:T .Tr acy, M. Varve ri s, M. H ei n, D. C an twe ll Ba c k R o w: J . And ers on, A.Dahl A.Mathis J .Fisb er, S. Ka s tr o ll , A .G ra ves, C .R e ppund , R.Fisher
McConnell , Mark 2, 11 7, 123, 193
McC loud, Liz 191
McCullou gh, William 161
McDo nald , Audrey 161
McDonald , J ennifer 16 1
McDonn e ll , Jo sh 27, 137 , 153
McG inni s, Joe 168, 169
McGilvray, Heath er 149
McIntosh , Boyd 164
Mc Into sh, Kirs ten 137
McIntosh, Philo 161
Mc Kee , Rich 123
Mc Kee, Stephanie 164
Mc Kellip s, Shayle 56, 137
Mc Mahan , Angela 11 5
Mc Mullen , Ward 164
Mc Pec k , Kendall 115
McRae, Dale 137
McRe yn olds , Mi chell e 137
Mc Vicker , Lauren 15 3
Mc William s, Mag gie 61 , 137, 139
Meehan , Sean 52, 115 , 184
Meigs, Jeaneue 136
Melhorn, Ra c hel 153
Melroy, Jaso n 164
Menzies , Ami 161
Merritt, Chris 9, 137, 193
Meyer, Tammy 137
Meyers, Chad 52, 115
Mi chn ewicz, Je ff 14 9
Milli er, Melissa 160
Mile s, Sonja 56
Miller, Brian 115 , 141
Mill er, Carrie 149
Miller, Cole 149, 153
Mill er, Jamie 67, 11 5
Mill er, Jaso n 144 , 153
Miller, Joey 149
Miller, John 85
Miller , Karen 11 5
Miller, Tonya 148 , 164, 191
Mill s, Chad 149
Miner, Jacob 137
Min sc h , Alisa 99, 149 , 162, 191
Mitchell, Cody 149
Mitchell, Heather 86, 149
Mitchell, Jeanne 137
Mitra , Amit 11 , 105 , 115 , 193
Mobl ey, Kri stina 50, 51, 62 , 63, 137
Moble y , Rebecca 161 , 191,201
Monckton, Shonda 56, 149 , 162
Mon so n , Davina 161
Mon so ur, Margaret 169
Moon , Chad 149
Moore, Jame s 141
Moore, Ja son 4 3, 59, 11 1, 115
Mo ore, Juli e 19, 11 5 , 193
Moore , Paul 11 5
Morgan , Craig 14 8
Morgan, Matth e w 11 5 , 172
Morris, Al 39 , 168
A new gener atio n i s ri sing to the top , a new batch oi activiti s ts who are concerned with the way the w orld is heading. The se people are the "co n se rvation generation" of the 90 's More than 100,000 people took part in the gathering held outside the Capitol in Wa s hington D. C. to celebrate the 20 th annual Earth Day The move i s on all over the world to protect th e earth and make s ure that it i s aroun d for centuri es of Earth Day s to come. Earth Day i s a sy mbol of clean s ing and rebirth. It e n c ourages soc iety to concentrate on its actions and put an end to the glo bal warming and the defore station
of the Amazon. G
Flag burning became a major co ntrov e r sial i ss ue between freedom of speec h advocates and patriot s. The i ss ue was reop e n e d around e l ectio n time an d wa s tabl e d by Congres s men who argued that it wa s a "dead i ss ue" and political poi son. The Senate voted in favor of the Flag Protectio n A ct, 58 - 42 Ultimately, it wa s rejected becau se Congress felt that restricting flag burning wa s an infrin ge m e nt of our fir s t amendment, fr eedo m of s pe ec h. - Katie
Sant and Mette Boes
"T h e answer my fri e nd Is blowin' in the wind." Many peopl e gat h e r t o give thanks to and prai se to moth e r , Ea rth , on the 1990 Eart h Da y. Photo by Associated Pr ess
• }II II lll II
Might as w e ll step on it n ow! An a n g ry Ameri c an exe rcises hi s Co ns titutional ri g ht of free speec h . Photo b y A sso ciated Pr ess
N. N N N N N
19 6 - Index
Moms, Me lissa 161
Moms, Sean 1 23
Morse, Dani e l 115
Mortensen, Jame s 123
~lossburg, Sonya 149
Motes, JoAnn 137
Mulberry, Bnan 43 , 59 , 136, 187
Mulvihill, Jaymie 161
Mundt., Ju sun 137
Munyon, Angie 27, 137
Murdock, Joe 169
Murphy, Colin 149
Murphy, Ryan 153
Murphy, Steve 39, 137
Murray, Joel 161
Myers, David 52, 82, 115, 173
103, 11 6
Needham, Toby 153
Neeley, Haze 20 1
Nelm s, Melinda 161
Ne lson, Gina 47
Ne lso n, Kimberly 14 9
Nelso n, Tammy 148
Neru d , Margaret 160
Newbe rg, Naso n 137
Newberg , Ra che l 161
Ng uye n, So n 137
Ng uyen , Nhan 161
Nic holl s, Danielle 56, 136
Nielse n, Heath er 5 1, 62, 137
Nieman , Gerald 137
Nobel , Lisa 44 , 45 , 56, 86, 131 , 137,193
Nobel, Tra cey 161
Noble, Jean 137 , 189 , 199
Nordlie, Erik 39, 161
Nordlie, Kn sti ne 2, 84 , 116, 183
Norris, Shane 149 , 164
Nowak, Jes si ca 169
Nuanes, Hea th er 86, 161
O' Hara , Ryan 2, 149
Oberman, Kaci 43, 137
Odell, Brett 88, 129, 147 , 14 9, 187
O'Doris io , Mike 167, 169
Odum, Amy 164
Odum, Mike 123
O'Hayre, Rebecca 14 9
Olmore, Jonathan 52, 161 , 187, 201
Olse n, Samuel 160, 20 1
Olso n, Chis 161
Olson, David 149
Olso n, J enntfer 61, 79, 128, 137, 139
Olso n, Mike 149
Olso n, Shawn 136
O ' Neil , Gai l 169
Ortega, Kri stin 116
Oroz, Chnstina 13 7, 153
Ortiz , Robin 148
Osborn, Thomas 149 , 193
Oshn , J oy 55, 116
Osse, Matthew 161 , 201
Padilla, Derek 75, 137
Page , Kei sha 72, 11 6
Palandri , Cathy 16, 60, 61, 92, 11 6, 174,193
Palmer, Nick 13 1, 137
Papadopoulos, Ted 8, 149
Pappalardo, Kara 60 , 6 1, 86, 135,137, 189, 193
Park, Minam 123
Parke r , Jason 143, 149, 164
Parl e tte, J e nrufer 14 9, 197
Parsons, Marci 61 , 79, 137, 140
Pasc hall , Jason 161
Pa tterso n, Dana 136
Patto n, Tame 51 , 149
Patz e r, Lisa 33, 35, 70, 137, 189
Pauley, Ember 14 9, 191
Nankervis, Brian 149
Nare, Mica 68 , 137
Nations, Sandy 193
Navant, Jacque s 149, 164
Neal, Chan te l 164
Neal, Robert 116
Neal, Billy 23, 43, 52, 58, 59,
Owen, Megan 61, 79, 137
Ozdemir, Chad 161 , 164
Paul so n, Joel 116
Pave lka, Suzanne 27, 61 , 137
Payne, Brian 137
Payne, Ronald 161
Peac he r, Rebecca 123
Pearse, Brad 161 , 163
Pearson, Emily 162, 191
• •
_ ,_
Girl s' JV Volleyball: 1s t row - M. Kerstiens, C. Goodwin 2nd row - B. Weller, K. G ess , Steve N a kata (coa c h) , J. Scheffel, P. Wads" 1orth 3rd row - A. Sc huma cher , L. Porterfi eld
In dex - 197
Girls ' So phomor e Voll ey ball : 1s t r o,v - R Zo kaiti s, M . S mith, H Pe ter so n 2nd r ow- M . E m a nu e l 3rd r ow - K . S loa n , J . Pa rl e tt e, E d Sc haffer (c oa c h), D R os ini, H. Pr es ton
Pennell, William 137
Pesina, Chris 55, 123
Petersen , Jo s hua 164
Peterson , Carrie 162, 201
Peterson , Heath er 148, 197
Petroff, Sam 47
Petrovski, Sue 168 , 169
Praff, Lucas 149
Phillips, Avery 82, 149 , 187
Phillips, Matth ew 137
Phinney, Ruth 7, 137
Pierce , Brad 86 , 201
Pierce, Cynthia 138
Piper, JoAnne 164
Plant, Nicole 162
Player, Melanie 138, 140
Poggemeyer, Keith 141
Pollock , Keith 116
Pomeroy, Tia 164
Ponicsan , Steven 162
Porterfield, Laura 56, 57, 65, 86 , 149 , 152,198
Porterfield, Marc 141
Porterfield, Terra 1, 16 , 56, 86, 92,93, 105 , 116,177 , 193
Potter, Stephanie 15 , 21, 35, 116 , 127,177
Pouw, Bryso n 29, 43, 107 , 116 , 117
Powell, Jonathan 52, 55 , 149
Powers, Michael 162, 163
Pres ton , Heath er 56, 153, 197
Price, Rich 116
Priller, Carrie 116 Ra
Pronechen , Jennifer 149 Ra
Pryor, Julie 138 ;Ra
Pursel, Lans 141 Re
Purvis, Rebecc a 85, 162 Re
Putka , Bob 169 Re
Pyler, Jennifer 149 Re
Pytte, Karin 16, 23, 60, 109 , Re 112, 116 , 139 ru
Quaratino, Bobby 39, 150
Quayle, Laurel 150
Quinn, Shana 163
Ragno, Joe 138
Rain s, Jon 6 , 132, 138
Rand, Chri s 73, 138, 193
Rascon.Raquel 12 , 14, 16,41 , R ,
Donald Trump, that two bit, two timing, double crossing , but always well dre sse d, mega millionaire lost a lot in 1990. His brand new hotel and casino The Taj Mahal, has gone nowhere but down the toilet since its grand opening. To make matter s worse, his wife Ivana demanded a divorce after he was seen appearing very friendly in public with model Marla Maple s. And that board game he created wasn't doing too well either.
The world al s o lo st the genius that gave us the Muppets. Jim Hen so n ignored the serious but curable case of pneumonia and died at the age of 53. Everyone young and old loved the Muppet s and Se same Street and held his favorite characters. After watching them, we learned not only how to spell words and count but how to care and love others and how to make K " the world a better place. As long as all the menagerie lives on, there will be no doubt that Jim Henson will. - Julie Capp
The s om e times controversia l, but always e nt e rtaining Donald Trump and hi s wife Ivana before the big split. Photo by A sso ciated Press
RI R i R1 R1 Rt Rt Rt PJ Ri Ri R R R R R R
198 - Ind ex
Ro mero, Bobbie 96, 117 , 118,
Rattelmueller, Eric 162 123, 180
Rawson, Michelle 162
Rose , Scott 118
Ray, Cherylea 76, 139 Rosenberg, Damian 10 , 35
Reaves, Kirsten 117
Reffel, Stacey 117
Rosewater , Amy 27, 138
Rosewater, Dan 10 , 16 , 20, 52,
Regnier, Patricia 150 86,118
Reid, Mitch 52, 78, 79, 117, 175 Ro sini , Domirnque 150, 197
Reimer , Arbon 39, 162 Ro ss, Te lecia 150, 193
Reppond,Celina35, 150 , 195 Ro ss i, Michael 150
Reynebeau, Jason 65, 148 , 150, Ro ss i, Tamara 118
Reynolds , Jacob 150
Reynolds , Jason E. 138
Reynolds, Jason J. 52, 138
Reynolds, Nathan 117
Reyno lds, Nico le 153
Reynolds, Vickie 41 , 162
Rhodes, Carrie 138
Rice, Aimee 162
Roulier, David 118
Rowe, Josh 141
Roybal , Jason 153
Rudloff, Virginie 56, 57, 162
Rudnicki, Dan 139
Rudolp h, An ne 162
Rudolph , Michael 43, 138, 19 3
Rupp , Eric 141
Rupp , Michelle 153
Rice, Chad 138 Ru sc h, Steve 169
Richards , Melanie 162, 191 ,20
Ricker, Todd 117
Riedel , Heather 27 , 117
Riehle , Lee 52 , 117
Rillos, Mera 47, 98, 117
Rising, Rebecca 163
Roberts, Kyra 151
Rock, Jimmy 138
Rodriquez,Karl 15 1, 162
Rogers, Jayna 150, 164
RoJa s, Rodrigo 27, 141
1 Russell, Jason 47 , 162
Rutherford , Jonathan 162
Ryan, Chri stina 51 , 150
Salazar, Mi c hael 118
Schoech, Je nnifer 151
Sample, Courtney 150 Schoenborn, Chad 163
Sanchez,Joel 162,201
Scholes, Ed 169
Sanders, Rannae 5 1, 138 Schossow, Jeremy 162, 201
Sandt, Pat 97, 118
Schowalter, Judy 169
Sant, Katie 78, 79, 151, 189, 199 Schowalte r, Man e 1, 11, 12, 44,
Santilh, Jo seph 163, 193 45,86,92,93, 11 8,127,180,
Santistevan, Kenneth 55, 138 193
Santistevan, Viola 150 Schowengerdt, John 35, 160 , Santos, Matthew 138 163
Sargent, Je sse 138
Schreiner, Chns 72, 150, 171,
Sartt, Gmo 55, 123, 185 193
Sato, Makt.ko 24, 138
Schreiner, Rand y 191
Satterfield, Leroy 139 Schroeder, Je nifer 162 , 193
Satterfield, Meliss a 162
Satterfield, Shannon 162
Sauer, Peter 162
Sc hulte , Chns 110 , 118
Schultz, Meli ssa 138
Schulze, Niels 24, 11 9, 141
Schalhamer, Dick 169 Schulzetenberg, Jay 162
Sawyer, Scott 162
Schumacher, Amy 4 , 8, 30, 92, Scheester, Roger 123 138, 198
Scheffel, Jennifer 17, 150, 198
Schuster, Ro ger 138
Scheffel, Rob 38, 39, 66, 122, Schweppe, Laura 119 118 , 172,176
Schelske, Barbara 150
Schelske, Deborah 162
Schenck, Donovan 162
Schenck, Sandy 118 , 141
Schhchting, Christina 150
Schloffman, Scott 138
Schmidt, J urandyr 27, 150
Schneider, Bryan 150 , 164 , 201
Schneider, Kri s ta 138
Scott, Barbara 143, 150, 193
Scott, Kame 150
Scott, Kimberly 138
Scott, Kri sti e 139 , 153
Scott, Natalie 162
Scoville, Amber 119
Scudder, Darren 119, 193
Seabaugh,Tanya 138, 153, 199
Sedillos, Terralyn 163
Seibert, Frank 138, 139, 153
Key C lub- J. Ill , K. Holm gr e n , S. Gra y, C. Geo r ge, K. S ant, D Woo d
Index - 199
All S tar s - F irs t R ow: J No bl e, R Burke, K. S l oa n , S. H a nd, B ac k R ow: K. K e mJ er , T. Sea b a u g h , L. Beck, D . K ess l er
Selbe, Shawn 163 139
Sellers, Mike 52 Simcox, Kitty 169
Sellers, Jason 150 Sims , Shannon 162
Se lner, Lynn 123 Skelton, Derek 150
Se res, Rebecca 138 Skorski , Claire 163, 193
Seres, Trese 162 Skorski , Joe 17 , 43, 11 9, 134,
Se tzer, Tania 34 , 35 , 90 , 119, 193 172
Sloan , Kristine 86 , 15 0, 197 ,
Shadlu, Layla 151 , 162 199
Shaff, Talia 153 Slobodnik , Mark 138, 187
Shanabrook , Adam 150 Smith, Andrew 52 , 138
Shaner, Debbie 57, 138 Smith, Brock 12 , 52, 55 , 86,
Shanfelt, Derrick 162 148 , 151
Sharp, Lowell 168 , 169 Smith, Colby 162
Shaw, Kari 44, 45, 119 Smith, Christina 150
Shaw, Shane 150 Smith, Eric 55, 162, 20 1
Shawe, Cody 151 Smith, Joreen 150, 164
Shephard, Dan 153 Smith, Mike 119
Shephard, Sandy 123 Smith, Mandy 162, 197, 19 1
Shephard, Jennifer 119 Smith, Robert 141
Shephard, Jeremy 119 Smith , Terence 162
Shideler, Julia 19, 138 Smyth, Todd 30, 123
Shivers, Barrett 150, 164 Sonnefeld, Tyler 150, 153
Shivers, Summer 114, 123 Sorrell, Audrey 138, 15 3
Shoemaker, Lee 169 Soukup, Bridget 162
Shoo~ Danielle 16, 153, 162
Shrader, Jesse 162
Shrader, Todd 150, 164
Soukup, Shawn 119, 141
Spangle, Kristin 163
Sparks, Anthony 164
Sidebotham, Cara 150, 164 Spivey, Jeffrey 158
Siegesmund, James 150, 163, Sprattle, Terri 164 193
Spurlock, Patricia 153, 19 5
Simcox, Jessica 44, 45, 62, 63 , Stahl, Brian 138
"Here we are back at the Orange Bowl with a couple or minutes to go in the fourth quarter. Who will become the national champions, is the big question. Only time will tell With Darian Hagan injured in the locker room and Charles Johnson taking his place as quarterback, Colorado continues to fight for the number one spot But, wait, what is this? CU punts the ball and Ismail returns it. CU is having trouble stopping him on this run. Touchdown for the Rocket. "
"Marc, I could have sworn I saw a clip."
"Hey, me too, Al. I wonder if the refs will call it?"
"Yes, therefssawittoo. NotreDame touchdown is no good! TheCUfansaregoingWILD! Thingsarecertainly looking , up for the Buffs!"
"The clock continues to tick. 5-4-3-2-1. CU wins the Orange Bowl and they are now the NATIONAL CHAMPS!!"
"Reporting live from Miami, Florida, this is Ali Kolodny and Marci Parsons with another NBC sports presentation. " - Mop & Bert
t L l l l t I t l
200 - Index
Stanley, Greg 150 Su nd , Leah 138
Stattman, Matthew 150 , 164
Stauffer, Jay 164
Sutera, Scott 35, 150
Su tton , Mike 17 , 29, 75, 150,
Stauffer, Joey 119 187
Stem, Kesha 123
Sweeney, Jackie 138
Stehtano, Jeanine 62, 86, 99 , Sweet , Marsha 169
Sweet, Tom 169
Stelitano, Jennifer 80, 119 Swisher, Amber 86, 151 , 165
Stephens, Chad 83, 119
Stevenson, Carol 41, 150
Stokes, Bob 169
Stokes, Debbie 169
Stone, Daniel 164
Stone, Heatherl20
Stone, Tim 164
Stow, Amy 151
Stowell, Roren 138
Strain, Tanya 164
Strang, Desiree 119
Stricklund, Amanda 148 , 150
Strobel, Heather 41 , 165
Stroh, Katja 150
Strohm, Benjamin 164
Strong, Heather 164
Strutz, Christina 153
Suan, Wya 164
Sublett, Isaac 161, 165
Suggs, Amy 151 , 159, 164
Suggs, Carrie 150
Sullivan,Sco tt1 20
Summers, Jul ie 164
Summers, Mark 164
Tamura, Carrie 138
Tamura, Sonya 120
Tate, Devon 150
Taves , Nathan 141
Taylor, Ian 105, 120
Taylor, Katie 152
Taylor, Lana151 , 193
Taylor, Paul 138
Taylor, Sarah 164
Taylo r, Terah 153
The sing , Carisa 138
Thiede, Chris 120
Thomas, Aimee 35 , 153
Thompson, Alice 153
Thompson, Christina 164
Thompson, James A. 153
Thompso n, Jim 164 , 187
Thompson, Jarrett 164
Thompson, Jason 164
Thomps on, Sara 41 , 153
Thompson, Tanya 138
Thompson , Todd 139
Thompson , Vince 9, 14 , 58, 59,
13 1,1 32,140
Thyne, Salem 15 3
Tilley, Karlyn 84 , 141
Timbrook, Amy 141
To, Tam 141
Tolar, Chris 120
Tomasi, Nadya 141
Topa, Natalie 164
Tracy, Troy 153, 195
Tran, Ha 79, 141 , 153
Trefny, Ben 120, 174
Tribelhom, Jared 70, 20, 176
Trimmer, Heath er 141
Turk, Bryce 164
Turnbull, Glenn 7, 141 , 15 3
Turner, Alex 165
Turner, Damn 120
Turner, Doug 120
Turner, Greg 152, 164
Turner, Josephine 164
Turner, Kenton 120
Turnwall, Holly 15 3
Turpenoff, Stacey 141
Turre, J ennifer 141
Tyrell, Michael 153
Tysdal, Kimberly 131, 141 , 193
Ullrich , Carrie 81 , 120, 173
Trost, Bryant 46, 55, 86, 132, Ulmer , Christi 153
Troxel, Leroy 164
Troxel, William 141 , 153
Trujillo, Afton 153, 164
Trujillo, Marcos 164 , 20 1
Trujillo, Yvonne 120, 172
Trullinger, Kristi 120
Trzepacz, Jon 153
Tucker, Melynda 164
Tune, Robert 164
Urban, Eva 164 , 193
Urban, Jon 141
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Fres hmen Volleyball: 1st Row - Heath e r Haun, Roxanne Alder, Melanie Richards - 2nd Row - Heath e r C hick, R ebecca Mobley, Tori Bostwick - 3rd Row: Raebel Frayer, Carr ie Peterson
Ind ex - 201
Freshmen Football: 1st Row - S. Olson, M. Boatman, A. Mccullough, J. Aumiller, B. Eddie, B. Pierce, B. Eddie 2nd Row- S. Barlow, C. Kopser, M. Ossie, R DeFore, E. S mith, M. Trujillo, J. Sanchez, J. Hancock. 3rd Rowe. Budd, N. Ballenger, H. Neeley,J. Dockerty, B. Smitb,J. Fleet,K Jensen, J. Schossow. 4th Row- M. Cor rell , N. Kro sic k, G. Levit, J. Olmore, A. Wood, J. Hagar, B. Schneide r
The Staff
Ryan Kandel Co-Editor in Chief
Lis a Walter Co-Editor in Chief
Eric Bond Co -Photo Editor
Michelle Hladek Co-Photo Editor
Sean Larmore Index Editor
Ry Burke Co- Student Life Editor
Julie Capp Co-Student Life Editor
Marci Parsons
Ali Kolodny
Sports Editor
People Editor
Mette Boes Baby Picture s Editor
Jenn ifer Hatch Co-Academic s Editor
Terra Krieger
Co-Academic s Editor
Frank Kon se lla Photographer
Katie Sant Photographer
Crystal Wagoner Staffer
Ha Tran Staffer
D av id Mar e n Staffer
Je ni Ol so n Staffer
Megan Owen Staffer
Mitch Reid Staffer
Vince Thomp so n Staffer
Brian Valant Staffer
Ben Trefny Staffer
Joan Clark Advisor
Jackie Born s tein Advi so r
Valant, Brian 16, 59, 132, 141
Valenti, Chris 52, 140
Van ce, Judy 167
Vanderl aan, Ken 86, 169 , 189
Van Woen sel, Heidi 153
VanLeer, Christel 141, 189
Varveri s, Megan 143, 153, 189, 195
Va ughan, Vanessa41,163, 164
Vaughan , Jenniferl20
Vazquez, Dino 15 , 52, 128 , 141
Verbeck, Heather 11 , 132, 141 , 189
Versaw, Heather 56, 86, 121 , 173,193
Versaw, Ryan 47, 153
Vialpando, Michelle 164
Vi ckers, Sharon 123
Vidal , J ohn, 167 , 168
Vieytes, Carol 25, 153
Vigil, Billie Jo 51, 109, 121
Vigil, Eric 13 , 52, 109
Vila Nova, Pollyanna 24, 141
Vincent , Ginger 153
Vogel, Courtney 153 , 195
Vogeler, Angela 151 , 152
Vogt, Mitch 19, 12 1, 123
Voit, Mike 153
Von Cor ds, Chad 121
Voorhees, Danielle 153, 162
Vowels, Greg 56
Wa chtler ,Caroli ne 164
Waddell , Jenni41
Wadsworth, Chad 164 , 187 , 19,
Wadsworth, Paige 1, 11 , 45, 86. 104, 121,198
Wages, Scott 106 , 123
Waggoner , Sean 153
Wagne r, Angela 165
Wagner , Chad 91, 121
Wagner , Chris 164
Wagoner, Crystal 2 1, 78, 141
Wajerski , Kimberl y 121
Wajerski , Sheila 164
Wal cker , Susan 121
Walker, Suzan ne 121
Walker , Zachariah 55, 121
Wall , Jam es 74, 153
Wall ace, R emick 164
Wall en ,Michael 164
Walter, Carol 43 , 141 , 193
Walter, Li sa 56, 79, 122, 183
Walter, Mark 48, 14 0
Waltz , Aaron 153, 164
Body Count wa s produced by Herff Jones Yearbooks in Logan, Utah Our representative was Dave Kand e l. There are 1,100 copies made and a total of 204 page s The paper stock is 100 pound Bordeaux There are 45 pages full co lor and 61 pages of spot color.
The cover was designed and drawn by Bruce White. The colors are Pantone PMS 319, PMS 322 and PMS 553. All typography was done on Macintosh computers. The copy is in 12 point Times except the opening whi ch is in 14 point Times. The headlines are in Avant Garde in the opening and division pages, New Century Schoolbook in th e student life sec tion, Helvetica in the feature and sports sections, Zapf Chancery in the academics section and Time s in the people sectio n.
The spe lling of names was taken from a standard school list.
202- Index lV \\ \\
Ward, Donnie 153
Wartgow, Jeff 2, 151 , 153
Wartgow, Joel 90, 105, 119 , 122,177
Washburn, Angela 164
Wasil, Jeff 141
Waters, Jill 141
Watlans, Christopher 122
Webb, Carlee 159, 164
Wemgardt, David 152
Weisenberger, Colby 122
Welch, Heather 164
Wellensiek, James 27, 30 , 123
Wellensiek, Melany 164
Weller, Beth 153, 198
Weller, Ryan 23, 52, 122 , 126, 128,172,182
Wells, Chris 59, 122
Wells, Jackie 122
Westby, Bill 15 , 141, 153
Westgard, Kip 59, 141
Westgard, Kurt 16 , 20, 59, 86, 108,122,187
White, Erin 34, 35, 153
White, Kristy 141
Whiteside, Caitlin 165
Whitmore, Monica 29, 141
Whitney, Cassandra 12, 61, 122
Whimey, Frank 164
Whitworth, Laura 122
W1echers, Markus 25, 48 , 49, 141
Wil cox, Marilyn 41 , 169
Wilde, Trent 164
Wilkin so n, Aaron 141, 153
William s, Anna 123
William s, Danielle 164
Williams, Dennis 47
William s, Raymond 153
William s, Robert 169
William so n, Trevor 143 , 153
Willi s, James 23, 123
Willi s, Allen 141, 193
Wilpolt-O lso n, Ta sha 44, 45 , 140
Wilso n, Alena 123
Wind , Billie Jo 136, 141
Winder , Mildred 123
Winklepeck , Fawn 153
Wise , Connie 141
Wi se man , Dawn 164
Wi seman, Bill 153
Wishart, Jo sh 123
Wi shart, Karen 164
Woehr , Ivan 164
Wolfe , Buffi 50, 51, 62 , 141
Wolfrum , Ryan 165
Wood , Andrew 164 , 18 7,20 1
Wood, Daniel 164
Wood, Dewain 199
Wood , Jason 164
Wooden, Brian 141 , 153
Woods, Michael 86, 87, 161 , 164
Wood s, Stephanie 56, 123 , 185 , Young , Jake 20, 28, 30, 47 , 152
19 3
Woods ide, Jay 153 , 164
Wool sey, Sunni 27, 62 , 153
Worobey , Phillip 164
Wright, Heather 44 , 45 , 141 , 153
Wuertemburg, J eremy 153
Wyant , Matt 123 , 141
Young , Matt 6 , 141, 189
Younger, Paul 47, 153
Zach, Laura 169
Zaharias , Chris 86, 87, 99, 131 , 139 , 141
Ziegler, Brandon 131, 140, 153
Zimmer , Togie 123
Zokaitis, Rachel 153, 197
Yada, Tabatha 164
Yada , Tonya 152
Yagnich, Nicole 164
Yang,Michael47,144, 153
Yanz, Jerry 169
Yarbrough, Clay
Yopp, Trenton 165
Tribute to Dustin
Life is too short to take for granted. So we need to live life to our potential to r eac h and pass our goals that we just try for now. But once that life i s taken , we strive for our goals, all the time thinking about the person that we had lost and loved so much. Don't forget Dustin Granquist. He was a best friend to everyone he knew.
We all loved you, Dustin.
All your friends
(Excerpt taken from a tribute written by Kris Fulcomer)
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Xi , Xi 164
Index - 203
Well , well, well, what type of crazy things can we say about this year? It has been a wonderful experience filled with nothing but great fun and educational facts. NAAAH! We loved this year so much that we vvant to make high sc hool a five year experience. NOT! Making this yearbook was an easy job and was always rewarding especially at six o'clock at night. DEFINITELY NOWAY, JOSE. One thing we can say is it's OVER!!! However, thi s year wa s not a total flop. We are sure we can all find one decent memory that will keep us smi ling for years to come. After all, you can only experience th e joys of high school once (at least that i s true for so me)! As Marci and Ali say, DESTINATION: OUTTA HERE! - Ali Kolodny and Marci
Through all the years, with laughter and tears, ,vc leave you ,vith an enigma: WHO ARE THESE BO0IES? Photo by Miche ll e Hladek
n s 204 - Closing 6