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Golden High School 701 24th Street Golden, Colorado 80401
'lf ote l\ J"" tf"~ Just Grades "'Aote, 0.11 • .J"~ {~ Just a Game "'1ote \\ r 1(\\0. Just a Pretty Face • <11f(ftt .'JV" {~ Just A Beginning "' ( 01t . J" ... 1~ Just A List of Names I
4r'\Aot e "' JV .. rf"O. Ju s t S c hool
Go D e m o n Chns H oy t stand s atop th e Drama Club float dressed up and painted from head 10 toe 1n demon a111re sh o\A. 1ng his sp1n1 for GHS The 50 ph omore float \A.On the be5t float a\A.ard because as sop h omore Serena Dovey :,aid. " \V e dedicated th e mo-.111me 10 our float and that 1::, wh) we v. on ·• H omecoming weel-.., Aug 13-18, 1993 , a!) a time for stud ent::. 10 become proud of th eir school and sho\11 everyone 1he1r tern fie schoo l :,pin t Ph oto by C) nth1a Bello\\>s
1o th i n g But A "G" Thin g Front R ow L on Adlfinger, Jacl-.. Ha ger. Nath an Ball enger. atalt e Topa Middl e R ow Casey DeBelT). Kun Jensen, Shannon C hi s holm Bacl-.. R ow Greg Lev111. Phtlltp K1ph ardt. Ja,on Thompson and M1l-.. e B oatman. all s11 on th e "G" 1n front of th e schoo l shov. 1ng their !> pe c1a l kind of senior bonding Thi'> bunch of seniors sh ow::, through th e ir ow n experience:, that sc h oo l 1s n ot on l y a place 10 learn. but a place 10 build ltfe - long fnend-.h1p:, and memone5 GHS
1<, a sc hoo l for e\eryo ne no m a tt er who you are Ph o t o b) Cyn thi a Bello\\.S
"\A ot e "'
J'J 1\\0. Ju s t Sc h oo l - 5
All Aboard Junior, ~helhe Hall 5hanc M orrow ocll B ehrens, sopho11o rc Alison Pc.terson. and JUnior Tatum M attox hang out on a boat a t Lake P1 weU \\ 1shing the day would never end The~ spent some of their summe r a the hcau11ful Lake P owell and had a g reat time oell said • lt was a ki ck, it as a \\c.<:.J... of total freedom " P hoto courtesy of M attox family co1lect1on.
After waiting all year long , summer finally arrived . Su mm er is that t ime of year that goes by so quickly; you never knew it came Summer is full o f new adventures, new people , and it always ha s that o n e special thing that we all remember.
F or so me pe op le summer is a time to be lazy, and for others it 1s a time to travel beyond your wonderful home in Colorado. Senior Lori Fisher spe nt h er s ummer in Fran ce. Lori commented, " l had a great time I spent five week s with a French family and I learned a lot about the French c ulture and cus t o m s." The summer of 1993 was exciting for all, no matter where you were. Ra c hel Newberg
ave Me The lifeguard" at the H eri tage Square W ate r Slide, junior Tasha M arkovch1cl-., senior Layla Shadlu and junior Corinna M ontesano work hard to ,ave live, They sp<;nt their ,ummc r making monc 1 and were ahlc to practice th eir swimming sJ...11ls at the same time H eritage Squa re was a great place. to have fun dunng the summe r Photo cou n esy of the Shadlu fam1! 1 collect1on
Hot S umm er Ra ys Whil e rest in g fr om a long day in the hot su n , ~e ni o r, Br ad P earse, Jill Cooper, and jun io r Kri s t i Denn e r enJOY a summe r day a t Chatfield Re servoir Chatfield was filled with many people who en;oycd the heat all sum m er Jong They spent the day watcr-sk11ng and working on their tan s Br ad commen ted, •· W e had a lot of fun \Ve water-skied all day ll was cool 1" P hoto courtesy of Jill Coope r and Kri sti D enner
F anning U p In C anada Tak i n g a break from their daily farm chores, so ph o m o re Brett Davi s and se ni o r Keefe D avis enJoy the c le a n Canadian air Breit and K eefe s pent their su mm e r worlong h a rd o n lheu f ann in Canada Canada is a coot place to go anytime of the year because the tree, always s lay s g reen. Keefe co mment ed, " People are so friendly up there I hked the w ay the people talked h was a good time , eh 1" Ph o to ·ourt esy o f Dav is family collecuon.
Gidd y-Up Horsey Senior Alex Turner sits on his pony while spending time learning h ow to be a real co wboy Alex spent his s ummer with th e stars T o m Selleck and Ju hus Irv i ng while o n a tnp 10 Montan a for Wes temaires Al e x com mented , "Jt was fun getting to rub e l bows with T o m Selleck It wa s a really cool ex peri ence ' " Pho to cou rte sy of Turner fam ily collect1o n
Fly Birdy Fly Senior Dan1dlc Shook feeds the pigeon, 1n front of Trafalgar Square 1n Lo nd on, England Dan1dlc ,pent a great ,ummer in England When Danielle remembered all of the pigeons. ~he commented I came a\l.a} without a ,p<lt on me Ph oto courtesy of the Shook family collectton.
Ge r anam o Senior Terry Smtth hangs on for dear life as he Jumps from the H entage Square Bunjee J ump T erry worked at the H entage Square Alpine Slide all summer and got to bunJee as often as he hked Terry explained his experience by commenting, "Ahhhh 11 It was a bla~t It was fun expencnc1ng flight Without death " P hoto cou rt esy of the Smith family collec1 1on
"\ l ote 1' )"" 1 "'0. J u s t Schoo l _ 7
Tea c hers and new classes. Yes, it's that time again, ba c k to school. Are the s tudents ready to s tart ? Junior Shannon Kelley says, "S ummer wa s t oo short." Are the new students and freshmen adjusting? Junior Jen Smith says, "Being new is hard , but the people at GHS make it easier. " For fre sh men and new s tudent s, it migh t take a while t o find tho se c lasses, but soon everyone will feel at home at G HS. C. Sasa and K. Saunders
Loc ker Ja m Brothers Steve and Enc Ponicsan lool through their books and assignments 1n their locker Bac k to school reminded stude nts of the hallways packed with people trying to ope n stubborn lockers in enough time to make ll lo cl ass before the " Ding , Ding, Ding " of the bell Tardies were a very regular part of first hour classes as students ran from their cars to their lockers, talk to their fnends and still try to make 11 to class on time Ph oto by Jos h Green
Ho me Run Senior Greg Levitt pitches to fellow senior classmate Jared Henningsen 1n the senior lounge Senior lounge games became a regular pastime during the first weeks of school. Brand on Pri nty concluded that, " Back to school 1s a time to remember the fun time s and fnends , because when we leave, we lose all o f them ." Photo by Josh Green.
8"\ l ote, 1'\ )"" 1"'0. J ust Schoo l• I I I ,
tud yTi m e D e ni se S h aner.S haro n M1 c ke,a n d K a th e nn e Standl ey s tud y franti c all y o ut s ide th e s m a ll gym be fore th e end of access Goss ip an d tal k i ng to f n e nds -w as also p a n of thi s s tud)' um e Procra s tin at i o n wa s an a dd 1c t 1on w hen co min g ba c k to school S o ph o more Lay la B yars co m me nt e d , " Pad d ed lock e rs would be m ore co mfortabl e so th a t w e co uld ki c k back and may be s tud y'' Ph o to b y J os h Gree n
Lo un ging Around Senior- Vcmettc Duesterbeck, R o x an ne Al dc.r a n d J ennifer M cdo n ald ca t Sub\vay f or lunch 1n the senior lou n ge -w h ile Ryan W olfru m s t udies
D un n g the summe r add1cttons developed for fa.st food a n d w hoever can dnve v1s1l!. t h ese places regularly Alth ough V eme u c said. "The only reaso n we eat at Sub w ay 1s because Tuesday 1s double stam p d ay P ho to by J G reen
Almos t There As a new day unfo lds a gro up o f GHS s tudents head to ward t he fr o nt d oo r f o r an exciting, fun-filled day o f lea rning and new experien ces
At 7: 30 a m . o n Aug 17 , 1993 GHS came ahve when teac hers and s tudents s tarted class Tlu s y ear abo ut 1,400 s tudents s h o wed up f o r the fi rs t day o f sc hoo l Ph o to by J os h Green
Goo d Morning Students say good -bye to their parents as the y pull away fro m the GHS parking l o t after dropping t hem o ff in the m o rning to begin class Th is v ear unhke l as t, s tudents were required to pay a SlOO fee to park in the stude nt p a rk ing l o t Many O H S students felt that the pr ice f o r parking was too i.i gh Ph o to by J os h Green
I ;_ ---· - \. -·· ----
,'\ i ote, 1" JV "f\\O. Ju s t School - 9
Hysterical laughter, grinning faces, wacky hats and camo uflage, plaid, polka-dots , stuffed animals and 10 foot long ties. Wondering what all these things have in common? It's Spirit Week at GHS, held from Sept. 13 -17 of 1993. Realization dawns on sophomore David Bryant , "S pirit Week? So that's why everyone has lipstick on their face! "
From M s . Sandy Nations kissing a pig to Ms. Judy Van c e in a black leather jacket, the pep rally before the carnival was only a part of the craziest week at GHS. Senior Tristan Smith summed it up when he said, "Spirit Week is when great minds come together and laugh at each other." H Foster, C. Coupens and S. Hebeler
Look Ma, No H an ds! Mr Gene Youngman sk11lfully pedals his unicycle toward'> Golden along with other "teachers on wheels," for the H omecoming parade With over 20 groupc; represented, the parade was a real show of school spirit and pride Youngman satd, " It was my daughter's fault that I learned hO\V to ride a unicycle She wanted to be a clown and so she thought that ll was important that we learned to ride a unicycle together" Ph oto by Cynthia B ellows
O ra nge? Senior Alex Bezzendes hides from the sun beneath his t otally orange, totally cool hat that he's wearing for Spirit Week 's H at and Tie Day The popularity of this day was obvious after seeing the amazing variety o f hats and ties that went wading thr ough the halls during passing pcnO<ls. Senior Jacob Elder, a friend o f Bez.zeridcs', said about h im, " What old lady did he beat up to get that h at?"
by Emily Pe arson
~0 te l' 1 O - ,t\\~ Just Schoo l
inety ix Rul es! Soph<)morc, Ja,on Barko,, 1-..arc.n D}kc, Jill K a11cnhcrg4,;r, Leah Kerr. and Trt\ha I'homa" nde dl)\\ n \\. J'>h1ng1on Ave. on the Sophomore Cla,, float during 1h1. Hon1ccom1ng parad1. \\- inning he,t cla,s float as \\ell a, hc,t o, erall float, the Sophomore Cla,s mJd1. a maJor comchacJ... from la,t ')-Car ,,hen their float \\J'> humc:d. and the} ,,er<- unahlc 10 enter 1t 1-..a,e, Grantham and Kaf) n H effelfinger said ahout their cla,,, \vc ha, e the hc,1 ,p1n1 hecau.,e ,,e like to maJ...e fool, <)f ouf'-chc, and we don t care. \\hat people think ' Photo hj Cvnth1a Bcllc)w,
Don't Move Fre,hman \t alcnc \.1 artin hold, -,1111 while ,he gc.1, a'} mb<.,I of her school ,p1n1 painted on h1.r check for the Hc)mecom1ng carnival The earn1, al wa" mcred1bl} succe,,ful with food game.,. fac<.. pa1011ng. and the nx:k hand Sobtud,. that k c.pt u, dancing 'till our head'> hurt Mart in. ,porting her ne\\ lj painted dc<,1gn ,aid, "[\.er, one thought 1t ,,._a, ch1lhn Pec)plc '>aid it,,. a, pretty gro()\ > •· Photo h} R on F in ell i
Tackle 'Em Freshman Zachary Qu ee n , sophomore Ryan Ch1sholm, a n d fre s hm an M i k e M onc kt on s h o\\ th ei r sp1nt by cheering on the Golden Demons
The Dem ons l ost th e H o m eco min g game in th e pouring ram agains t a s tr ong Auror a- Hink ley team T o their credi t, most G H S fans weathered the storm and s t aye d 1111 th e bitter end Ph oto by Ron Fm cl1 1
Slime Me? Dunn g the H omecom in g carnival Mr Dick Byrne looks at th e sign in d1 sbel1cf, tryin g to figure out why anyone ,,ould sltme someone like him. Byrne helped to raise m o n ey for th e N a ti o nal H onor Society hy voluntecn n g him self t o be a vicltm at th e slim mg b ooth Afterward h e said, " I ,pent half an hou r 1n the shower with a co mh trying 10 ge t the sh m e ou t of my h ai r and off my ches t I thought I \\OU!d n eed a h ai r tran splant " P hoto by Cyn thi a Bellow, ~l ot e 1'\
JV" {l\O. Ju st Sc h oo l - 11
Homecoming was, to say the least, a festive event. As a matter of fact the local newspapers wrote about it for days afterwards. Everyone knew our game against Hinkley caused quite an uproar after one of their c heerleaders claimed that racial slurs were thrown her way during half time . Golden students, however , seemed to be shocked by the media's focus on the racism between sc hools instead of the game. Freshman Mike Hall said, " I was standing near the cheerleaders and I didn't hear a thing ." Despite the bad publicity, Golden handled themselves exceptionally well both during the game and the following week. J .
I C -'7. . ,,.. ... . . ... I --~~
Run Fo r ix Sophomore running back Mark Kolin sweeps nght to score the first touchdown of the game Many Golden supporters showed up for th e "big game," but the Demon<, ' valiant effort wa<, not enough as the team fell short by sa~ points with a score of 21-27 When asked about th e team's chances of winning. senior left tackle Ma rcos TruJillo , <,lated , " After the first touchdown wa~ scored, I felt that we had a good chance,"
Photo by Rich Gores
On T heir Fee t Freshmen Kevin Bilger, Adam W ieber, J osh \V ilbum, Lindsay Herron and others stand up and cheer in the stands during the game on Fnday, Sept 17, at 7 pm Even though Golden overcame Hinkle y 1n terms of yardage, 1t didn '1 seem to help Golden to defeat the oppos1t1on Everyone at Golden was psyched about the game only to have their spint.s dampened by the rain, which ,n tum created th e half time 1nc1dent Photo by Ron F1nel11
Touchdown K urt Jc.nsen righ t after he. -,cored a t ouchd o wn during the game. stops f or a momc.nl of cc:h.:hra11on. he f o r1.; running t o gree t h1, lc.ammatc.'>. J c.n.,,n ga1nc.d the. mos t yarc.15 of th e game,, 1th a to t al of l R~ ,, h1lc quarte r hac. k.
Shan e B a rio\\ h a d a total of 63 passing ) ard'> According to runnin g h ac k J e nse n h e fell t he " te a m pla)e d glxxi O'\era ll "
Ph o t o h y R o n F i nelh
Get 'Em Coa c h Ed Kintz s tand s on t h e s id e hn es en co ura g in g th e pl aye rs dunng lhe H o m ecommg ga m e at Brook s fi e ld ag am s t HmkJ ey Hi g h Th e '93 football s ea s on 1s th e seco nd f o r Kin tz at Go ld e n , c onunuin g a v e ry s u ccess f u l 30 year caree r lhro ug.h o ut J e fferson co un ty Kin tz w as v o t ed th e J e ffers on Cou nty S A "coach o f th e yea r " Ph o t o b y R on Finclli
Fight On Th e G H S M arc hing B and p la y s the G o ld e n fig ht so ng as th e foo tb all pl a yers take to the fi e ld M any G o lden s tudent s s t oo d up t o s h o w thetr s upport fo r the team by s in g ing al o ng with th e hand , hut unfo rtunat e ly , th e y w e re unabl e to play dunng half time due t o the te r rible w e ather A cco rdin g 10 fr es hm a n band 'llemher Katie Cl a rk , " We did w e ll , bu t ll ' s hard t o m a rc h and pl ay a th e s am e time · Ph o t o by R o n F 1nelh
Dem o n c ore T he crowd 1s on their f eet t ocelchralc the fir'> t touch do,,n of the H omccon1ing g..imc D uring the game. a total otthree touchdowns v. ere. scored h1 C, H S one. ,,a., made. h) sophomore. running hac h. tvi ar k. K ohn a n d th1.: oth1.:r t,vo v.e rc. m ade h) senior running hac k K urt J ensen E, cf\·one on the team felt that they p l a ye d a good game P ho t o h-.,. R F inelh
Th e Ho m eco min g da n ce w as a big s u ccess t h is year b eca u se a reco rd number o f a b o ut 70 0 s t uden t s s h o we d up " I t wa s m o re int e res t ing and fun b ecause of th e di ve rse c ro wd ," co mm e nted se n io r Becca Deegan-Young . Th e eve nt wa s h e ld in s id e a t CS M's s tud e nt ce nt er du e t o ra in Th e n ig ht be fo re th e dan ce s eni o rs Terry Smith and Meagan Dorsch were c ro wn e d a s roy alty . Meagan sa id , " It was a g rea t thin g t o happ e n in my se n io r ye ar ." J ami e Burk e, Se r e n a Do vey, and Lau ra Wh it e
Th ey've Go t T h e Loo k Semon, Jarret Thompst1n and Natalie Topa share a tender moment together dunng the Homecoming dance The memorable evening will never be forgotten by the two Next year the student council hopes that the whole school \vill attend the dance Photo by Janssen Photography
Say C h ee s e Senior., Brad Pearse, Jennifer Schroeder. sophomore Kelly Coope r, graduate Chns Budd, seniors Katie Sweat, M ike Woods.Juniors Kristi Denner, and John Monckton all try to look their best for the camera Jenifer remarked" It ,vas a lot of fun, and I am sad that it was my last Homecommg." Homecoming has become a more popular event at Golden 1n the recent past Photo by Janssen Photography
____ __ __-~ ······-~ --·-
lide Senior., Josh Green. Sam Oben and soph()morc Layla 8 1 ars do the Electric Slide\\, 1th little room to hrea1hc.
J o~ h sta ted , The dan ce w a.., mu ch t oo crowded "The music included a vanet1 of artist.., and s tyl es Ph oto b 1 C Bell ows
What , s U p rrc..,hmc.n 1coh. W 11"(1n, Jill Wol1, Kche)
P eter.,en, and rrac\ H obac l-. agru. that their lir.,t Homecoming dance.. \\-JS great '\ 1colc stated, " It \\"a" better than Bell ' , socials Ph o t o h} J anssen Ph otography
Hail To The Royalty Seniors Terry Smith and M eagan D o rsch show off their winnmg c;m1les at the H omecoming dance The previous evening they had been crowned king and queen at the H omecoming football game against Aurora Hinkley Later, Terry remarked, " It was an honor to be chosen by a student body of such calibe r "
In Th e Mood Seniors Rac h el c\vbcrg and B rand o n M cGehee arc having a great lime dancing during the Homecoming dance R achel was remin1sc1ng 1hou1 last year's dance and thought this dance was better although 1t did have some problems " It was t oo c r owded and I kept getting s tepped o n ," commented R,1chcl Photo by Cynthia Bellows
D o wn With Pl a id Juni o r Sieve Eisenba rth and sophomo re Li sa Fit c h portray th e prevailing fashion of pla id in the halls of GHS as 1hey s top for a fn endl} chat dunng pa,;s1ng p e ri od When as ked what Eisenbarth 's fashion was call ed, he replied, "Anything as long as I don't match " Ei senbarth proudly pJrades his plaid on hi s bac k, while Fit c h makes for an excellent mannequin as she pleasan1ly wears her plaid around h er waist Ph oto by T D1 e rk1ng
To Fa s hion or Not to Fa s hion? Jun ior Brook P orter, GQ Ex1raord mau, ex h1b i1S h is fa s hi on sense \vith his colorful s ki cap 1n '' B" hall as part o f the H omecoming spiri t week mirth H is ca p , which suavely clashes with the ma roon lockers , gives a ce nain feel mg of in1elligence P orte r expressed hi s 1hough1s of fa sh io n saying, " Ils ,vha1 you make o f 11. " H e undoubtedly m o d els his beliefs with 1his fashion s tat e ment. Ph o to by T Dierking
"\ Aote 1'\ 16 - J" f" O. Ju s t S ch oo l
Fee d Your F ace Senior Julie Be rkm an displays that a healthy body a nd appetite are in deed s tyli s h as she ta ke s an enormou, mouthful of delicious com on th e cob, 1n the sen i o r lounge during the H omecoming Ca rn ival Wh en asked what fashion meant to her. Juli e s tat ed, " F ash i on 1s a bunch of material," not necessarily clo thin g. The ye ll o\v com. red shirt and green bag pleasantly gives he r the desired "grano l a" look P hoto by C. Bell o,vs
Wha t a Smil e Seniors Amber Swisher a nd Greg Le vi tt laugh as the fest1v1t1es in the senio r lounge abound. Swisher and Levitt, relax after a long strenuous day o f school Swisher bc he v1ng that, "Fashion 1s JUSI a way of exp ressing V•)ursclf," 1s modeling h er e-. er-fashionable smile while L evitt makes an c ~cellent represe ntatt on of the p opularity of both plaid and a shaved head P hoto hy C Bello,vs
What is fashion?
Since fashion seems to mean so meth ing different to everyone, there is no un ive rsa lly accepted definit ion for it. Take for example our sc h ool where several different fashions are sported every day. There are th ose wh o c hoo se to dre ss preppy, others that prefer t o wear we ste rn s tyle s, and others that just want to b e comfortable in their team o r band T-shirts. This s till leave s ro om for new ideas. According t o
Taylor Estes , " It 's when yo u break your glasses and have to tape them in th e middle ." Perhaps junior Mike Breco put it best when he sa id , "Fas hi on is whatever you wear." Many people might feel the same way that Sophomore Claire Wachtler does . "Fas hio n is s tupid Jt ha s nothing t o do with real life. " Per hap s fashion is on ly a mere figment of our imaginations. Jn any case, fa s hion s hould be a s t ate ment , n o t a question T Dierking
T hinkin g Ca p ? J unior Enc Shaffer,hows t he prcva1hng ta,te of the -.tudenh at G H S as he soc i alizes ,v1th fri ends 1n the hall Other -.1udcnts also find caps an endless craze Wh en asked why he chooses to wear a cap, JUn1or Mik e. Hall replied. "To make a fashion statement and to show ind1, 1duaht) " Junior LaRa} Beck stated. "To expres-. my personality through a baseball cap" \V 1th style-. ranging from regular team caps to hemp hat,, a pcr<ion should ha\ e no problem expressing himself with this fashion Ph oto by T D1 erk1ng
Everybody wants a car. You need money to buy one. That means you have come to that point in life. It ' s scary but you have to do it. That's right , ( Insert theme from Jaw's here) it ' s time to get a job. "I
like the job because I want the money," Nathan Olander , a freshman, stated and summed up everyone's feelings . Money soon becomes the on ly reason for working Josh Green and Matt Rogers
W o rkin g f o r P ea nut s Se n, or Ja son Ru sse ll at hi s Jo b fo r a c omput e r lab 1s work.in g in futil e fru , tra u on Every bod y k.n o ws th e onl y reaso n a nyo ne work.s 1s for th e money " I love th e mo ney; th e fr es hman ba by-'> 1ttc rClaire Wac htler s a,d Ev e n th o ugh n1 0, t pe ople onl y get $4 .25 an hour th e y think. it 's en ough t or 1h c 1r ba s ic necess1t1 es Ph o to by T odd D, e rk.in g "\
18 - J'V" '\~O. 1
Ao~e 1t
u s t
\-laJ I H elp You? Sophomore R,an l ucas. a sc hool More \\.Orker. asks tfhe ca n help ,en,or Tamra Pokom, The student store , s run b) an adult \\ 1th students working dunng their free penod. The) hav e a wide vanety of cand 1• dnnks snacks. and suppl ,es ranging from Tw 1xs to HB an pencils Ph oto b) Jo -. h Green r
A m e ri ca ' s W o rkin g Women Seniors
Becca Deegan-Young and Danielle Granqu1,1 are spendin g another day a t " th e office" working their butts off until th e ir sh ift , s over So me "orken. get benefits hke sopho nlore Enc Hobson who ,,..ork, at an , ce cream sho p He -.a,d · I ltke the free ,ce cream ·• Ph oto b1 Todd D1erk1ng
That's $ 10 Ma 'am Senior J osh Green help'> out a patron at the Golden R ec reati on Center where he work, nights after sc hool for a quarter more than minimum wage Desk Jobs are fe,.., and far between for most high school student, and are cove ted becau\e of the lack of manual labor needed to do them and because of th e lack o f grease required to com pl e te th e JOb " I'm lucky to have thi s Job tn'>tead of n,pptng burger-,, but that doesn '1 mean I want 10 do th 1, I'd rather stac k bails than file paper. " J osh sa,d. Photo courtesy of Barber Fanlliy
This Goes . .. THERE! Oooop Danielle Shook. a senior, looks for the correct spo t to file a book on the Golden Library book she lv es The Golden Library 1s a place where Golden students go 10 find boo k, for the tr repon-. hom ework and any other ass ign ments the teachers at G HS happen to give them. and Danielle ,s there 10 help them find the books " It 's not my lifelong dream to be a ltbranan. but 11·.., a good Job for now," Dan,elle -.aid Photo b) Josh Green
Hobbies are an important part of a student's life Somehow they seem to take the pressure off the stressful life of a stu dent. " I like to ski because it gives me an adrenaline rush, " said freshman Andy Buchholz. H ow-
ever, junior Carrie Riedel has a different view on hobbies. S h e said, " I have no hobbies, my life is work." H obbies are a great way to express likes and dislikes of life. Katherine Saunders and Matt Montgomery lff'RA&
Trade Ya' Se ni or-. Da ni e ll e Granqu n, t a nd Kim He bert tool-. at and trade foo tb a ll ca rd s dunn g halftim e A ft e r all th e ir m ott o i s, " Wh a t co uld be beli e r th a n tradin g ca rd '> o f bi g. <, we at y. mu '>c ular me n r o llin g aro und H\ th e gr.i ss toge th e r " S po rt '>, in c ludin g foo tball '> tril.. e g reat int e res ts 1n <, tud e nt s aro und GH S Ph oto by Cy th1n a Be ll ows
Rid e 'em Co ,vbo y Th e , tatu e in fr ont o f th e Pro fe.,-. , ona l Rodeo Co wboy·., A<,<,oc 1at1 on Mw,e um po rtrays rn a ny GHS <, tud e nt s · id e a o f fun Juni or M1!-.e Mc G1nt y s aid , " Rodeo 1, a natural hi g h a nd th e re·-. no thin g e l-.e lik e 11 " Other ho bbi es aro und GH S in cl ud e W e.-, te m a irs, -. port '>, , lc e pin g. vid eo game s, a nd rea din g. Ph oto by Jo., h Gre e n
5K I
• • I
C lim bi n ' Senior San, O1,en clim b, a rock in Coal Creek Can,on " Rock chmbtnc take, great enduranc~. , and 11 ', the onl) ,port \\here )Our ltfe .., in dan g.er the w h o le ta me, " ,aid Sam Photo b) Jo,h Gree n
Pi a) in ' Juni or ~1 ichc lk Gro, c, and ,ophomore Tricia B.1ir prac ti ce h op tng t o C\Ln luall ) be perfect r-.111.hcllc ,a id that n1u,1 c \\a, he r h o bb) 'bccau'>e I ltk e 1t and I hope to ha,c a career in rnu,1c Photo b) Todd D1erk 1ng
Rea dy To S hr ed Senior A m y K ay s h ows off h er Burton ,now boa rd to he r tnends dun n g th e f all "Snowboa rd in g 1s to t ally awesome compared 10 ,k11ng." said fre,hman Mi ke H em n g t o n ·•seventy percent of all snowboarder-. have not even t n ed i. k u n g," accord in g t o H eadli n e News P ho t o by Heather Nuanes
40 Lo , e Sen i o r Mik e Bru c l.. ne r swings a t th e ball to win t he volley " I 1ti...e to pl,1, tennis because 11·, a f un game and 11 he lpi. you keep 1n shape." ,aid fr eshma n 81II Nee Thi, sho\\ s that ho b b i es can be phyMcall) ,1re ng t hen1ng a, well as f u n Thi, 1, one hobb) you can le11er in P ho t o by H eathe r Nuane i.
• "\ ot e 1'\ )"" ,t\\O. J u s t S c h oo l i I -2 1
As you glance at the clock you have a twinge of excitement knowing that you have a minute left in class. You also realize that the twinkie you had at access didn ' t quite get you through 95 minutes of brain -pounding work . Now that class is over,
the question hits you , "Where to go to lunch and do I even have money to spend?" You can do what Anna VanMeter does and go to China Coast to spend approximate ly $3.00. So sit back and chow down! Virginie Rudloff Jennifer Blum
.. ,..,
,"\ l o~e 1'\ 22 - J'v" 1"°' J us t Sc h ool---- -j _j--" _j • J
Goss ip , Goss ip , G oss ip ! The cafe1ena 1, filled wi th th e ru!.h or '> tud e nt '> anioou.., for their food It, ., a grea1 place 10 eat when you can ' 1dnvc to get'-' hal you wanl The -.iartt ng of 1h,.., year was a great '>Urpn-.e for many people Th e cafetena -.o ld food from Taco Bell. Ch1c k. -fi f-A, Pizza Hut , a nd Subway \Vhtch all around h ad a greal re,pon,c from th e -,chool Photo by C Bellow!>
it DO\Vn and Relax Senior Amber '" 1,herenJoys eat 1nghe r ex tra ord 1nal) lun c h \\hik hav in g th e com pa n} o f sen ior Phil K1pharpt The -.e n1 or lounge \\as o ne of the hc,t place, to ea t "hale bei ng ,urroun ded by d1llcrcn t ,tu de nt , S ince the school s tore and cilletena ,o ld It e m s a ll the t ime , ea ting 1n th e loungt becan1e a habit for mo'>tl} everyone
Photo b) C Bello"-,
,\ Deliciou Way of Eating \Vhat a gn. ,ll pl ace 10 ea t th at 1s near b, A group of ,tudenl'- enJO) ea11ng at th e ne" Chinese rc,raurant that 1s on ly a wa lk ac ro.,s th e scree t ~1an) stud ent-. ad m itt ed to loving the food 1n Golden but spe nt mo, t of their mone} for 11 Gelling their money ca me for d1 ffe rent place-. hkc havi ng a JOb or a, k1n g th eir parent'> o matterv.here the money ca me from 11 -.ee med to slip through ou r hands Ph oto by K Na-.ant
Study or Eat? You can do bo th Jccord,ng to,e n, or Mo ll y Ku zy k '>Op homore Rodn ey Hadw1ger and '>Op homore J es 1ca Dicke As usua l th e re wa-. a crowd enJoy1 ng th e fre,h a ir in th e co urt ya rd and ca tc hin g up on lat e as,,gnmeni... Eve n th oug h th e re ha., been open ca mpu s for a -. lo ng as we ca n re member so me pe opl e , till chose to s tay on campu, Photo by K Navant
Good ' n' Cheap Freshmen l.c'>tcr Embree. S umm e r J ones. Mar lain a C le me nt s. and L, z Ca, tl eberry e nJoy a , unn y lunch at nea rb y Ta co J ohn ' s Mex ican food 1s one o f th e more popular lun c h entree'> be cau,e It,, nutn1 1ou!> and 1n ex pen s1ve Th e CO!.t of food has go ne up a lot 1n the pa,1 few year... but luc kil y loca l re\ taurant., give students a belier deal for th e ir mo ney Ph oto by K Navant
• '\ ote i\ JV" 1"Gl Ju s t School - 23
World Youth Day was a memorable event in 1993. Pope John Paul II's visit to Colorado make a mark on everybody. As sophomore Wendy Heywood put it, " Even for non -religious participants like
myself, World Youth Day was a great experience . There were so many exciting people gathered here in Denver with so many different ideas to share." Chris Cummings and Serena Dovey
S trik e a Pose Juni o r Enn Furtak , S te ph a ni e Mo rse. '>O ph o mo re Bn ge n Fink , C raig Fred ri c. ks, -.e n1 or T o n Bos twi c k a nd Mi c he ll e C arabello ta ke pa rt in th e ac 1t v 1t 1es a t C 1v 1c Ce nt e r Pa rk \V orld Yo uth Day took. pl ace in De nv e r fr o m Au g l 115 To e bes t pa rt o f Wo rld Yo uth Da y wa-. whe n we s le pt w11h th ousa nd s o f pe o pl e at C herry Cree k Sta te Pa rk ," , ta ted Furt a k Phot o co urt esy o f th e Bos twi c k. fam1l y
Mass ive Mass Yo un g a nd o ld , re lt g ,o us a nd non- re li gio us g a1h e r1 oge 1h e r to hear th e Ju dd co ne.e n a nd d1 -.c us!> th e ir v iew<, on World Yo uth Da y " World Yo uth Da y wa., an 1nte re-. 1mg ex pen e nce be c au -.e yo u go t 10 see peopl e fr o m all over th e world co me to yo ur tow n to -.ee th e Pope ," rem a rked so ph o mo re Ca n !>s a Lauw er., Photo co urt esy o f th e Bos tw ic k famil y
- -· -- -· -· ---• , • • • I I \ ( \ . I • • \ l 1> \\l l<. 1>1 I ) '\ ( l \ll ' -
Welcome The Cit) and Count) bu1 ld1ng. ot Den\er welcome, \V orld Youth Da) p,ut1c1pan1 , " It \\a, great mee ung pe ople from ot her coun tn e, " remar l... e d -.o ph omore Kaue Owen Photo courte'>) ot t he Bo,tw 1c l... famtl )
Front RO\\ Seats Front ro\, C Fredrid,, , s 1or,e, l\,1 C.arabt:llo R Finl..., f Bo,tw 1, I... F Furtal... Back ro\l. : H Ver-.a" N 1\.1.1rko"ch1cl... C Lauwer, , S \Vinkler. H uan e\. A Ka) Ph o to courte") of the Bo,1w1ck ramily .
Alo ne in a C rowd Sen ior Ton Bo,tw1c k s train s 10 see th e Judd co nce rt 1n C1v 1c Cente r Park Almos t 750,000 peop le s howed up at Cherry Cree k to hea r the Pope Fre s hman Wend, Eberhart com mente d , " It 's wonderful to see a whole bunch of yo uth co min g toge th er for a good cau,e in s tead of a negative one "
Bless You Pope John Paul II walk s 1n front of the Cherry Cree k mass and wave, to a crowd of th ous ands Many fan s of th e Pope s pent the mght at Cherry Creek S ta te Park and 1n the morning li s ten ed to him gave mass " W orl d Youth Day was great because 11 focused everyone's attention on Denver Two very powerful world leaders, as well as yout h fr om all ove r th e world , ca me to Co lorad o" said soph o more J ona than Pray Photo by AP
'\~ore "' )"" f"°' Ju s t Sc ho o l - 25
Lights, Camera , ACTION! Can you imagine s tanding in front of hundreds of people for p o ints given by your peers? It's c onsidered a thrill to the Theatre Sports a
tors The thespians of GHS have discovered a new way to perform It's
called Theatre Sports , a game of spontaneous thinking and acting After the teams are chosen and the judges are picked, the " never the same " acting begins . It ' s all around fun for everyone. Jennifer Blum
& Virginie Rudloff
Hell o? Tall.m g on th e ph one 1s th e nam e o f th1 , gam e Dan Matl oc l- TJ Fe th , J oe l Mu rr ay, an d Jea nni e Mdl e r pe rt orm th e co nfU', in g, te le ph one sce ne L1l.e tht s scene. a ll o t th e sce nes ha ve ac are ful eye wat c hin g th e m Thi s eye bel ongs to th e at e r di rec. to r Mr J ohn Klu g If he ..,e n,es an , l.tnd of res tl ess ness or offe ns ive ne ss 1n th e ac t , Mr Klu g wlll honl- a ho rn s umm o nin g th e e nd o f th e sce ne Ph o to by J Klu g
Suc h In s pir a ti o n 'r ou might not be able 10 tell "hat Todd D1erl..1ng ha, in vented 1n 1h1s scene but 11) ou lool.. clo,ee nough Dan Mat loci... Ebonie Caner. and Lon Fi,her are ponra}tng a mJn made lree Thea1re Sport, "as first d,sco\ered m a Caltfom1a club and no'>'- \\as brought 10 GHS This ne,, wa) of ac un g v. as eagerly accep ted b) the theatre ,1uden 1s and spc· 1a1or, This \\as 1n1ended to capttvate th e aud ien ce a nd 10 ha,e th em pan 1c1pa1e Photo by J ohn Klu g
Tran lation pl e a e As J eann ie Mill er tall..sav. a) 1nSpan1sh. T.J Feth tnes desperately 10 transla 1e for La) la Shadlu On the Fnday night performance several sludents started a trend b) ma l..1n g ch1ld1sh and \0 me um es funny jol..e-. 10,,ard the cast b) yelling out a mu \lng thing-. A consequence for 1h1s h, lanous act \\as h,1\ mg to s it on th e s ta ge with a basl..et ove r you r head. That sure l.. ept 1hem qu1e1 1 Ph oto by John Klu g
Do c tor Sarah Boyd e nt ers 1h e slage 10 replace one o f 1he ac1or. s in ce th ey dec id ed that 1he> have a lready-.pe nt 100 much 11mc 1n the scene The ,t udents 1hat performed 1n Thea1er Spons acted very profe,s1onal For th em all th e ac t ing ,., s p on taneou., and th e} never kn0\\ ...,hat 1s goi ng 10 happen next The ,cene, range fr om the senous " Mora l Dec1s1on " scene ('>'-h1ch us uall 1 has to do w11h pregnanc}) to the h1l anou., " M an on the S 1ree 1 •· Ph oto b) John Klug
To be or not to b e? as Bn a Han,pleman tries 10 1h1nl.. of \Ome1h1ng to sa} she throws ba c l.. her head and '>miles hoping ,ome1h1ng w,11 co me to her Some o l 1he~e actor, \\ere c hose n to perfom, down1ow n \\1th adu h ac1ors and a lso to mal..e m o n e) ! ''Theater Sport, wa., a learn i ng ex pen encc where I learned many new s l..tll'> an d finely tun ed my technique of B.S 1ng" commented Todd D1erl..1ng Ph oto b) J Klu g
Envision living away from your family and friends in a country where everything is unfamiliar. Most of us would be scared to be the only foreigner, but excited about meeting new people and l earning new subjects. That is how foreign exchange
students feel. Freshman Peng Qu from China says, " Your family is not here and you don't have as ma n y friends as in your own country." Despite our differences, we are all similar. C. Coupens and L. H itchcock
S tud y in g Hard A, Monga k1 rea ds he r note~ while ,va1 ttn g for th e c la ss 10 begin " I n, from Jap a n and c hoo s in g the s ubJects I wanted to tak e was fun My hos1 family 1s g rea t Th ey've mad e co min g co Amen ca and li vin g 1n different cul ture son1e ching 1har r will ahvays re mem ber," co mmented Ai Photo by C Bellows
Wh a t? Leonardo Am1go n1 from It a ly look s at a fe llow class mate in wonder Makin g -.ense ou t of what Amcncans do 1s fr equ ently difficult for foreign exchange s tud e nt s Spea k1n ga nd un ders1a nd in g a foreign language. Englt sh 1s th eir bi gges t c hall e nge Ph o 10 by Cyn thi a Bell ows
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~lote 1'\ 28 - J" ~ { \\O. J us t Sc hool ( •
S mil e fo r th e Ca m era Karen Sanchez fr om S pain 1akes a second o ut of her busy sc hedul e to ge t h e r pi c ture taken eed less co say. Kare n · s eas1e5t cla<,s at Golden"- o uld be Spani s h but in s tead s he took Comp Craft Ceramics. and Amencan Hi s tory Photo by Cvnt h1a Bellow ._
Front ro'" At M o n ga k1 Roger Bye. Leonardo A m1 go ni Nasuh,ko Yama g uch i Back ro'" : A1 Yam1sh1ta Karen Sanchez, Mi chae l Enc Chnsten~n. Magn u s 8 Jork lund
Go Horn ets Swedish foreign exchange stu d ent Ma gnus B o rk.Jund s h ows his NBA team s p1nt JU St hke Amencan s. It 's 1s very easy for any s tud en t to get involved 1n Amencan sports bec ause o f TV and s atellite tec hnology Almos t all of the foreign exchange s tud en ts had a favonte Amenca profe ss ional s p orts team Photo by Cynthia Bell ows
The Answe r Is ... Danuta Galuszka from Czechs lov1 a s tudi es for a biology test. Like all foreign ex c h a n ge s tud en ts, Danuta has to tran slate everything into her n a tive lan g uage before d1ge s 11ng 11 S till m ost foreign ex c han ge s tud e nt s do very well academi c ally at GHS
The senior lounge, the hangout for the entire Senior Class, the place to be when you ' re free . Underclassmen weren't allowed in the lounge during Homecoming week, Prom week and sporadically throughout the year , "Get
out of here you stupid junior, " was heard emanating from the lounge. No matterwhatyearyou were often you were allowed to stop and talk about social problems such as the arms race or where to go for lunch. Josh Green.
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I Saw T hi s G uy Se ni o rs Mi c h ell e V ia lp a nd o a nd K a md e n Khm c h a lk talk a b o ut guys \vh1le V 1rg m 1e R ud l off lis t ens in an d In es lo do he r h o m e, vo rk Th e l o un ge 1s the place 10 ta lk abou t sc hool g rip es such as fr es h men, ,op homo res, Juni ors a nd th e p.i rk mg l ot f ee.... Thro ug h ou t th e ye ar se ni ors t ned to hoo t th e u n dc rcla'>S m c n o ut o f the lounge hut lik e coc k roac h,s th ey ke pi comi n g bac k Ph o t o b y Cy nthi a B e ll ows ,-'\ l ote 1'\ 30 - JV" {~O. Just School ----·--- - -·-
G imm e a Ki s Senior Sam Olsen rece1\'e.., a k1~s from senior [mil) \V11!1am after a;oh well done at his wrestling meet Pu b) 1c d 1splay, llf affection weren l common hut did occur once in a while in che senior lounge "The couches make puhhc displays of affection comtortablc to do," Olsen said after his heart stopping kiss Ph oto by Josh Green.
A bout This Big Jim Thompson and Phil 1'.1 phardl calk about the size of pencils the, u..,cd during the la-.t test the} got an ··A" on Grades and teachers were d1-.cusscd constantly m the lounge If th e talk got too boring sentol", \vould resort to games, such asloungeball with a" added up piece of paper and a 1enn1s racket , to fill th eir free time Photo h} Cy nth1a B ellows
No Fre s hmen Allow e d Seniors Kurt J ensen, M cli,s.i M or ns, and M elanie Ri chards arc talk mg v. 11h their f nends while Sarah Hein eman and Rachel Ne\\ berg\\ ork on homc\vork 1n the -.en1or lounge Bccau-.c undcrclassm-.n arcn 't supposed to be 1n the senior lounge each etas., 1, getting a lounge of th ei r own The senior lounge 1s a place for se ni o rs to try to get away from the undercla,srnen and to he by themselves The ,en1or l ounge is 1n a good locau on Not only,.., tl right by th e cafeteria, but 1t 1s abo nght across from the choo l tore Phot o by C)nth1a Bell ow,
Homework in th e Loun g e l v.1n W oehr d1scussc!'. cosmic vcnt1es ,md other ethereal qut.st1on, hcl\,·een cl.isscs The lounge, though not ahvavs quu.:t, wa, the venue c hosen to do all th e last minute home\\ o rk \ ou were supposed to have done four days ago Ha\ 1ng cla,smatc around t<, give 1 ou help, mlormat1on or JU!st tht. an,,,.t.rs v. as a big help to mo t cn1ors \\ ho forgot, put off or ;ust plain d1dn 't ,vant to do their home ,-.ork Photo b, C) nth1,1 B ellows
During the year the administration took on a promising new look Ms. JudyVance took over the difficult job of principal. "My goal for the future is to co ntinue to strive to make the school and the students the best
they can be ," said Principal Vance This statement summed up the feelings of the en t ire administration. With so much enthusiasm from the s t aff, there were many exciting changes at GHS. Jamie Burke and Holley Fos t er
Me s in g A ro und Senior Bobby Greely rub'> th e he..1d of th e new athletic director Mr Rick Lopez for good luck The '> taff at G HS work-. hard to m..1ke th e <,chool succe<,<,ful As'>l'>tant pnnc1pal M., Ethel Platt remarked, "Golden·., be'>t asset l'> the Maff If <, tud ents have good people to work with they will have more of an 1ntere,t 1n being at ,chool and therefore they will get a better education ·• Photo by Todd D1erk1ng
Exc ha ng in g mil es Pnn c,pal M'> Judy Yance and a,,1stant pnnc1pal M !> Ethel Platt greet each other be lore '>C hool M ., Platt 1'> new at GHS and ha., grea t expectation, for the future " I really look forward to ge ttin g involved I like being a part of all a,pec.l\ of h feat CHS. and JenJoy going into classroom, in order ge t a better under..tandmg of what's go in g on,' ,he commented Photo by Todd Dierking
I •
~~ote 1" 32 - JV" {\,O. Ju st Sc h oo l
Good Morning Golden H ig h c h oo l Pnnc1pal Jud y Vance 1nfonn, the school of the daily eve nt s I a m \O fortun a te to be here Th ere 1s trem endow~ parent su pport and an e quall y \\.Onderful s taff," said Vance Ph oto by T D1 ed .1ng
Di g In \.1r Da,e Anderson the a,,i,t.int pnncipal, ,an,plc, the good1e, at the Homecom in g carniva l . " One of the thing, I like the most about Homecom ing i, that thc:re a re c hance, for everyone to part1 c1pa te he remarked Ph oto by Ron Finell•
l 'om puter Whiz Pnn c1pa l Judy Van ce work s on th e sc hool plan s for next month s agenda Wllh so many thing s to ke e p trac k of attendance re cords file s and accoun11ng , the adm 1n1s trat1on relies heav il y on co mput ers to li ght e n th e ir work load "Co mputers are vital tools for s uccess 1n the bu siness world of the future and stude nt s need to acquire as much kn ow led ge of them~ possib le 'sa id ~1 s. Vance Ph o to by Todd D1erk1ng
'I alk Of The c hool Mr Dave Anderson , assistant pnn c 1pal , c ha ts with emor Elutd Aponte about what th e new year ma y hav e 1n s tore With three years ot ellpenence at G HS Mr Anderson kn ows what to expec t "G HS 1s a great sc hool The c hanges made here 1n the rece nt past have made o pportun111es avai lable to Golden s tud en ts th a t a re not available to others ,n Jeffer..on County," s tated Mr Anderson Photo by Todd D1erk1ng
"\ ote JV~ {f'°' Ju s t Schoo l - 33
Every year eight elementary schools attend OES (Outdoor Education School). And every year high school students volunteer to be leaders at either Windy Peak or Mt Evans. Students receive one-half
credit for going and can only go once a semester. Being a high school leader can be very tiring Senior Terry Smith stated, "I enjoyed it a lot. The only cut back was it was very draining. " A.
Peterson, B. Elder
Sit Down Sen io r Ca ro l in c Wa c htler In es to ge t th e ant sy s ixth g raders to s it d o wn on their \Vay to Mt l:.va n s T ry ing to k ee p th e s ixth g raders und e r co ntro l ,vas a n i ghtmare Senio r Pe te r C, es l a r rep lt cd, " lt s ta rt e d ou t ,vh c re th ey ,ver e o ut o f cont ro l It go t he lt e r hu t th e n 1t ,vas to ta l c h aos B y th e en d o f th e w ee k th ey w e re bouncing off th e walls and a ll w e w an ted to d o was s l eep" Ph o to h y C Be ll o w s
-· -I f' ... • • • ' I I
<..,oo fing O ff Senior Peter C1eslar and Junior Edmund Phil I1ps ,vatch as Junior.. Brook Porter and Matt Coonan hold up fello,,., high ,;ch1)(1I lcadersenior Ashley Mccullough After performing their plays with the sixth graders, th\: leader- find some lime to goof off and JOke nh 1ut ,1xth grade behavior Senior Eileen Burke. commented, M , cabin was like 90210 They we.re all hackstabbmgeach other·• Photo h\ C') nth1a Bellows
• l Pl edge All eg ian ce Seniors Cynthia Rell 1w s,Pete r C1ebar,A5hlc1 M ccullough, Clain. Skorski, and Caroline Wachtler with junior" Brook P orte r , M att Coonan.and M1chcllc K unze raise the flag fo r the pledge ()f allcg1ancc Raising the flag was a respons1b1hty of th\: leaders, along w 1th teach mg the classes Junior Melissa 111 commented, "Teaching the cla~ was fun ,, hen you ,vere on your own " Photo p rovided by Cy n thia Bellows
Co u g h It U p Kid J unior Mau Coonan demon'>trates the H c1mhch maneuver on a sixth grader while trying to retrieve his· horro,ved" pen Students were requ ired to fill out booklets while at OES and leaders were constantly answ1-nng quest1ons,lcndmg out ,vnt1ng utensils, and trying to teach them some discipline Getting to know the students ,vas another respons1b1hty for the leaders and trying to understand them was even a bigger challenge "Sixth graders have different ideas of \\•hat's important, ,uch as populanty,looks, etc ,vh1ch caused a lot of tension between the students "stated Junior Kim Brennecke
P hoto by Cynthia Bellow,
Say in g Goo d-b ye Juniors M 1chelk Kunze and Brook Porter, with ,en1ors Cynthia Bellow-., Carol me Wachtler and Claire Skorski gather round to ,ay goodbye at the end of OES This group of students went 10 Mt Evan, "'1th R alston and Coal Creek Elementary ,chnols during the first ,vcek of Novemb1-r \Vhen a,kcd what the funniest thmg was, Junior Brook Porter and senior A hlcy M ccullough s1mul tancou,lv replied," When the boys' dorm had bumping wars, the top floor wa, ,Jamming the bun!- bed, and Jumping up and down,,, h1lc the bouom fl<"1or wa-. hanging on the ceiling \Ve 1h1,ught the floor ,vas going to fall thn,ugh · Ph1110 P) P C1c,l.1r
r\ Aore " JV" 1~0. Ju st Sc h oo l - 35
See in g i s b eli evi n g ! Th is ou t s t a ndin g p l a y r ea ll y m akes yo u think a b ou t iss u es i n th e r ea l w o rld T h e s t ory t ouc h es dee pl y i nto h o w life c an b e diffi c ult a nd h o w it ca n b e t a k e n adv a ntag e of. Eve n i n th e t o ugh es t c onditio n s, pe o ple s eem
t o p u ll thro u g h and l earn fr o m ex p e ri e n ce. " The c a s t in Fl o wers fo r Algernon wa s g r ea t. We r eall y h a d th e o pp o rtun i t y t o g et c l ose whi c h mad e o ur p e rfo rman c e e v e n b e tt er " s a ys Monica Loseman. V Rudl o ff & J Blum
G row in g in Lea ps a nd Bo und s Se ni o r J aso n Pa sc hall repo n s 10 th e d oc to r Juni or Bnan O utlan d o n C ha rli e·~ ( Da n M a tl oc k. ) prog re.,., Th e p re pa rati o n fo r th 1, pe rfo nn a nce '> lan ed bac k. in Nove mber a nd we nt a ll th e way thro ug h C hri <, tm a break. Th e'>e de di ca te d ac to r and ac tres~ gave up their a ft e r !>c hoo l II fe to re he a f\e fo r th e pl a} E ve n th o ug h they had 10 g ive up the ir prec 1o u, tim e fro m 2 30 until 5 00. 1he} a ll a g ree d 1t wa~ wo nh 11 Ph o to by Ro n F1n e l11
Li s ten Here So nn y Carry in g o n w ith an 1n1e ll ec tu a l co nversa ti o n, Bn a n O utl an d a nd T J Fe th de te nnm e the life o f yo un g C harli e Th e p lay be c am e a g rea t b ig , ucce-.-. thro ug ho ul the w hole-.c hoo l E ve n teac he rs we re hi g hl y impressed with all th e tal en 1 o f 1he dra ma c lub th, ., yea r Mr Ro n Fin e llt <, aid , " Th e evo lu1 1o n o f C ha rli e ' , c ha rac ter was do ne w tth !> Ub tle ty a nd und er.. tandm g." Ph o to b y J os h Gree n "\ l ot e l'\ 36 - )"" {\\O. J u s t S c hoo l
- ~- ·-·----- - ----.
Mak e-up A rti t Even though Junior Melinda En1anuel did not have a maJor part an the pla)' ,he cake, ca re 1n putun g on her stage make-up The cas t helped each other with costume'> and otherde1a1b of their appearance to add real"m The) also u'>ed the co,tume, for Children , Th eater and some of the props from Theater class Photo by Ron F1 nelh
Yo u' re Fir ed Senior Mind y Nelms pla ys a bal-.ery ow ner who 1s forced to fire C harhe (Dan Matlock) because he has go tt en too sma rt for his own good The ,hows ticket pnce was $5 00, unless you were o ne of th e lucky people to receive a discount coupon fr om one o f the cast members The cas t was responsible for every aspect of th e production from making p osters to bu1ld1ng th e set Photo by Ron Fmelh
A lge rn o n 's a S mart Mou se Junior Da n Matl ock as C harli e can '1 ge t over how a mouse cou Id be s mart e noug h to beat h, rn through th e maze test Dan ·s ac tin g sl-. 111 was put to th e test in thi s role as he had to cha nge. scene by sce ne from 1 moron to a geni us. Every ac tor gave s uc h an dramatic perfonnance that left th e audience tearful until th e las t scene P hoto by Ron Fin el lt
lA lm os t Ready Senior stude nt director and cast member • Mo ni ca Lo,eman re nee 1, on !he la,1 m1nu1e detail, before the 7 00 pm curtain F/oH ers \\a, an oul\1and1ng perfonnance by the Drama Club prec;cn1ed on tour night s 1n January The pla) dre\>. an amazing. number of ,tudents, parent,. laughs and tear, Pho10 b) Ron Fanelli l
From deadly civi l wars to unprecedented peace treaties , many different political, cultural and environmental changes occurred in the world and nation during the past year. Some of these
events were simply amusing while o t hers will have a long lasting impact on lives. H owever, none of these should be forgotten, t he most memorable are depicted on the following two pages. J. Burke
E n v ir o nm e nt a l Iss u es became an 1n1portant goal and a corporate man date for many compan1e,; J ohm,on & J ohnson, McDonald ', Corp and leading users of paper-ba\ed product-. took an unpreceden ted envi ronmental 1nit1a11ve and JOtncd together to booc,1 th e ir u'>e of recycled paper Wor l-.tn g with the Environmental Defen\e Fund, the con1 pan1 e, wil l help devise wa}s to increase their u,e of recycled paper and encourage their <,upp l1 en, to u-.e more env1ronmcntally -.ound methodc, 10 make paper produ c t'>
Photo by AP
Vasse r Ar a f a t made history 1n September when he signed a peace treaty w11h hrael The 64 yea r old leader of the Pal es tin e L1beratton Organ1zat1on once told a reporter " I a m a freedom fighter l am s ure thi s 1s the way that hi story wi ll remember me " But Arafal 1s ah,o a polt11c1an, going out ofh1i. way to ki ss babies. ,hake h and-., work th e crowd,-· al ways ,howmg that he was some thin g more than a guemlla fighter with a three-day beard
Photo by AP
Hill ary Rodh a m C lint on chaired the Wh11e Hou-.e ta-.J... force 1hat de, 1-.ed the health ,ecunty plan The fir-t lad_y hopes to gel mo-.t of the mone) for her propo,al through Med1ca1d. Medicare and sin tax.e, Ph oto b) AP
Boc;nia In Septt!n1ber the parltan1ent rejected an intemattonal peace plan for that de"a-.1a1ed republic The n10-.e po-.tponed a -.ettlement that would hav e ended th e 18 month old \.l.a r Ph o10 by A P
Bori c; Yelt s in The Ru ss ian Pres ident d isso lved pa rliam en t 1n an unprecedented move 1n late Se pt e mber and a nn ou nced new elec ti ons 1n a bold move 10 e nd hts long-running feud w11h hard-hners In a televised speech that stu nn ed th e coun try. Yeltsin -.aid he was d1 sm1 ss1ng th e legislature 10 pull th e co untry o ut of ti s pohttcal and ec.onomtc c n .,,, Parliam e nt has " lo,t the nght 10 remai n a t th e key levers o f , tat e power," he said R1 0 1s bro ke ou t hl!vera l day'> la ter a nd Yelh1n called in the anny to res tore pe ace Ph oto by AP
Mic hae l Ja c kson conti nu es 10 maJ...e new-. wherever he goes. If it 's not w ith h1-. albums suc h as hi s newes t re lease '' Da ngero us," 11's being caught up 1n vanous allegations The 35 yea r ol d e nte rtain er was accused of c hil d moles ta11 on. pl eaded innocent. and lat e r reac he d a se ttl emen t o ut o f cou rt for a rum ored $ 10 million Ph oto by AP
• --~ .,_,. ·r:!:-~-~.·...~;;;;; -
Throughout the past year, many significant events have occurred in the state of Colorado and also here in Golden . From gang violence to the co n s tru c tion of Denver Internati o nal Airport ,
these events have shaped the future for Colorado. This year has also been a first for the Rockies fans, who broke every a t tendance re co rd in the book. Dave Yang and Serena Dovey
Lea rnin g th e H a rd W ay Two ga n g members are apprehe nd ed by a Denver police officer Gang violence has become a maJor problem 1n Colorado and throughout the country Recently a p o ll wa s taken and 11s re sults s h owe d that Americans' number one concern today 1s violence Ph o to courtesy of the D enve r
P ost "\ ! 0te i\ 40 - J" " {f\O. Ju s t Schoo l - --·- ---· --- -
Ho me Field Advantag e Don Baylor, manager of the Colorado Rockies, watches as his team talces the field Although the Rocki es· w1nn1ng record wasn't wonderful, th e team's spint more than made up for 11 Baylor helped in coach ing first baseman Andres Galaraga to \\ 1n the National League Batt in g Titl e Ph oto courtesy o f the Denver P ost.
In the Making Construction on Coors Ftcld began 1n 1993, and the stadiu m 1s scheduled to open 1n 1995 Located 1n lower downtown Denver, Coors Field 1s expected to bnng a lot of business to the area The stadiu m , along with the new baseball team, arc just a few of the maJor league changes th at took place last year 1n Colorado Ph o to courtesy of Mr Ron Fin ell i
Bronco s Beat Broncos new head coach W ade Phill ips and defensive coordinator Charlie W ater-- prepare for the 1993 football season Coach Ph1lhp s 1s the son of legendary former football coach Bum Ph1ll1p s Philltps 1n his first year of being a head coach lead the Broncos to a 9- 7 record a nd th e playoffs Ph oto courtesy of the D enve r P os t
Air Time D e nver l ntemat,onal Airport rises high and blends with th e Roc ky M ountains The airport 1s located northe as t of Stapleton and opened 1n early M arch Mu c h controver-,,y was involved 1n the construction of DIA, including arguments about money and th e re m ote locat1on Ph o to courtesy of DIA au th ori t y
"\ l ot e, t\ )"" 1"°' Ju s t Sc hool - 41
Holidays are a time for family and friends Students enjoy ski trips, parties, and among other things, presents Sophomore S e th Carr says , " Christmas is my favorite holiday because I get lots of pre-
sents " Holidays give students a day off 1n some cases and in other cases a time to lose stress. Matt Montgomery said, "I like Election Day bec a use I hope to be elected one day ." K. Saunders and D. Yang.
Love Se ni o r S hann o n An z ure-. s 1l., o n s oph o mo re Kevin Eilt s' lap whil e Go ld e n '-, 2 4th S tree t S in ge r-. se re nade a Va l•o-g ram on Val e ntin e's Day Tw o mo re G HS s tud e nt s ha ve thi s sa me fa vo nt e ho ltday Juni o r Tn s ta n Ecre bout sa rc a sti c al Iy sa id , " It ·s th e bu -. 1es t da y o f th e yea r " Se ni o r Tamra Po ko rn y ha s mo re o f a ro manti c v ie w " be ca u se love 1s th e be s t part o f so me on e's life " Ph o to by J os h Gree n '\lote, 1" 42 - JV" {"°' Ju s t School•··- -·-1 • '
Ca tc hing Air Sophomore ate Mataya gets some serious air at Steamhoat Ski Resort O\ier Christmas break ate commented, • I like any holiday in the "inter because I love to sk.1 " Skung 1s one lf the actt\iit1es Coloradans use to pa~ the time even though many natives have never tned the sport Photo by the Mata ya family
Ju s t C ruis ing Sophomores Jessica Dicke and Beth Elder set sail for five days of sun, and sea o, er the three \\'eek Chnstm~ break Beth stated, "The Bahamas arc reallv cool because there 1s no dnnk.1ng age " Leavmg the cold Colorado\\ inter\\. as not too hard for these two as they thoroughly enJoyed their "ta\ 1n 3!.SaU Bahamas Photo provided by Je~,ca Dicke
Boo! H allowee n 1s not JUSt a kid holiday Seniors J oel M urray, and Sara M erryman, Juniors K a th enne Saunders, Stacy Dn ggers, M att Thomas and M ark Ryen.on, fr(;shman Emily W eng rov1us and fnend s went out Trick-or-Trcattng even though they arc high school st u dents Halloween 1s the only holiday that we can be ourselves through," said M att Thomas Ph oto provided by Katherine Saunders
Ya Man! Juni ors Enn H awkins and Stacie Dn gger.. cnJoy a day at the beach over Christmas break S tacie went with Enn and her family to Jamaica, several other G HS students ,vent sou th for th e break avo1d1ng the cold 1n Colorado Junior Elton Naranjo 's favonte hohday 1s C hnstmas "because there's so much cool music" P hoto by the Ha\\ k ins fa mil y
I '
"\ 1ote 1'\ )" ~ {\\O. Ju s t School - 4 3
Ma n y se n io r s h ave bee n asking th e m se lves wh a t th ey are go in g t o do afte r h ig h sc h oo l. Most se n io rs a r e in th e sa m e boa t as Keefe
Davis , as h e s tat e d , " I h ave n o id ea wh a t I am goi n g t o do aft e r h ig h sc h ool. ti O n th e o th e r h a nd m a n y , lik e Jamie Bakker see m t o have it
all pl a nn e d o ut . S he s a id , " I am goi ng t o C S U t o b e a mu sic th e rapi s t , th e n I pl a n t o wo rk at a s p eci al e du c ation sc h o ol. ti What t o d o aft e r hi g h sc h oo l is a big d ea l fo r se ni o r s and h o p e fu ll y th ey will be abl e t o fi g ur e o ut the ir futur e pl a n s and soo n
D Yang & M To
Tee It U p T e e T e e Se ni o r T ee T ee Ch o u sh ows o ff he r p1 c 1ure perfec t s win g a t a go lf c.o ur-.e 1n Jun eau Ala -. ka T ee T ee pl a ns to att e nd Ge org ia T ec h a nd maJor 1n bu c, me,;s T ee Tee -.a id th a t a ft e r he g radu a tes s he will " M ove to Tu c-.o n Anzo na an d w ill marry an ex tre me ly n c h go lf pro " Ph o to prov id ed by T ee Te e C hou
Decis io ns , Decis io ns Se ni o r Al ex Bezze nd es 1s loo k in g through co ll eg e m a nuals 10 fin d 1h e n gh1 o ne for h im A lex wh o 1s an outs tandin g s tud e nt , s ho uld ha ve no troub le findin g a co ll ege th a t will acce pt him Al e x co mm e nt ed , " I pl a n 10 go to co ll ege , may be Pu ege t So und 1n Wai. h1n g 1on It a ll de pend s o n th e money On c.e th e re I'll fi g ure out wha1to d o with nly hfe and hopefu ll y go with 1t " Ph oto by C' Be ll ow-.
·-· -·-
"\ l ot e 1' 44 - I ~" {\\°' Ju s t Sc h oo l
I ' m Too e xy For T h is Pi c tu r e ~en,or A,hlcy Mccu ll ough \trut'> ht'> ,tul fat th e , tud ent co un c 11 auction A\hle) v.a, bought for 700 ca ns b) An1anda Fei n \\th e n a, k.ed v. hat his plan, \\.ere afler he gra duat ed he ,aid. " I wou Id h J... e to be a mal e s tnpper or an u nderwear model for Calvin Khn e" Photo b:y
C u rt a 1n Ca ll EboniL Caner practtcc, her routtnc for l'heatn.. Spon-.. After ht gh ,chool Ebonu:. v.ould hkc to , Tra\el tra\cl , tra, el, Spain Africa, Au,tralia , Jatl, opp, l mean Va t! Then off to ·oil age to hv e 1n some gu) ', loft ·
Photo by H Nuane-.
Day Or ea m e r Senio r Amber Sw isher thin k s about her futurc and how much time , he ha s untJI g raduation Amber sa id " My pos t -sc hool plan s arc to pan) go to the University of Puget Sound and li ve happily ever aftt:r Pho to by H Nuane s
B as e lin e Ace s Sen1orTracey Nobel di spla ys herd eva'> tat1n g backhand T race, 1s plan n in g 10 attend the University o f Flonda next year Aft e r receiving hereduca1 1on <,he plan s to " Go to En g land and win W1mbeldon "
Photo p rovided by Tra cey Nobe l
.. .;,;. .-~-----
To p Te n V id eo R e nt a ls 1. Th e B ody Guard K evi n Costner, Whitney H ouston 2. Unfo rgive n Clint Ea s twood , Gene Hackman 3. A F ew Good M en Tom Cruise, Jack Ni c hol so n 4 Scent of a Woman Al Pa c ino , Chn s O ' Donnell 5 H ome Alone 2 .............. ...... ................. ... .. Macaulay Culkin, Joe P esci 6. Th e Crying Game Stephan Rea , Jaye David son 7. Sommers b y .............................................. Richard Gere , Jodi e Fos ter 8 Bram Stoker 's Dra c ula Gary Oldman , Anthony H opkin s 9. Nowhere to Run ....................................... Jean Claude van Damme 10 . Mal co lm X ........... ...................... .. ...... .... .. D e nze l Wa s hington Top Comedy Shows Top Hour-Long Dramas 1 Home Improvement 1 S tar Trek Next Generation 2. Se infeld 2 S tar Trek Deep Space Nine 3. Rosean ne 3 . se aQuest DSV 4 Coach 4 Lois & Clark 5. Fra sie r 5. Northern Exposure 6 Murphy Brown 6. Sisters 7. Full House 7 Murder , She Wrote 8 Love and War 8 NYPD Blue 9. W ings 9 Beverly Hill s 90210 10. Married W ith Children 10 X-Files I Most Popular Box Office Movies 1 The Fugitive 2. Hard Target 3. The Secret Garden Top Talk Shows 1 Late Show with David Letterman 2 . The Tonight S h ow With Jay Leno 3 . The Arsenic Hall Show I 4 . Ri s ing Sun 5. Jura ssic Park 4 Oprah Winfrey 5 Late Night With Conan O ' Brian 6 . In The Line of Fire 6 D onahue 7 . Free Willy 7 Geraldo 8 . He art and So uls 8. Joan Rivers 9 . The Firm 9 . Sally 10 . S leepless in Seattle 10 Live - Regis and Kathy Lee ,
Top Ten Be s t e llin g Fiction Paperback s
Dragon Te~ b) Dean Koon1 z
1 The S ta r. Shine Dov n b) Sidney Sheldon
1 The Pelican Bnef b) John Gn-.ham
4 Rising Sun b) ~11chael Cn c ht o n
5 The Fim1 b) John Gn'>ham
6 Congo b) 1'vh c had Cnc. ht o n
7 A Time To Kall b) John Gn.,ham
8 Jurai.-.1c Park b> 11c hael Co c hron
9 Sphere b) \11 c hael Cn c ht o n
IO Decked b) Carol Hig g in., Clark
The Top 10 Be s t e llin g ingle s Can 1 Help Falling In Lo\,e l,B40
2 Dreamlo"er ..••...•............ 1anah Can!)
'3 \\hoomp 1 There It 1' Tag Team
4 Late I) ................................................. JO<le ci
5 Runa\.\a) Train Soul A-.) tum
6 If ..................................................•. Jane1Ja c k-.on
7 Right Here S\\ \
8 \Viii You Be There .................... 1ac.h.1el Ja c k-.on
9 I m Gonna Be ( 500 t,.,1Jles) The Proc I aime r-.
10 If I Had o Loot Ton) ! Toni' Tone!
Top 10 Bec; t elling \lbum s Raver of Dream'> 8111) Joel
2 Sleeplev, 1n Seartle ••• .••....••........•••
3 Blac"- Sunda} ., . ................................. .
4 Jan el .................•...................
5 Blind Melon
6 Core ...••.......••...••..•••...••....
7 The \V orld 1., Your-.
8 Prom1-.e-. And Lie.,
...•...•....••....•••..•••• ...............••...•••• ...........•....•....••.
C) pre-.-. HI II Janel Ja c i.. on Blind r--telon Stone Temple Pilot-. Scarfa ce LB40
9 The Bod)'guard Soundtrack
l O Zc>o ropa 2
Dav id Letterman . the darling of the late-night 1elev1,1on audience. left his niche al NBC and mo-..ed O'-e r to Broad,,a) and 52nd St 10 the ne"' ly refurb1'>hed Ed Sullivan Theater that CBS renovated for him He cha nged network., for a reported S 1'i m1ll1on contract And h1'> ne,1, sho\.\ '>wep1 the raungs "'1th rave re, 1e,-.., P e ru si n g th e h e lves Sophomore Dent'>e Shaner ,can-. 1he li brary's , helves fo r her favonte book "I can aJ\-.,iy, find m) favon1e boo k'> 1n the '>choo1 ·., library," Den,.,e '>tated Students · cho1cec; are -.ome 11me'> different than the top ,elltng boo k-.
Photo by Jo.,h Green
l t ~lote 1'\ 48 - )"~ {~(,\Ju s ta Game
Falling Down Senior Donovan Schenck retreats ,n order to mainta in a good defens 1ve position against Lak.ewood on Oct 6 a l Lakewood Memonal S1ad1 um , while teammates Ka rl Rodnguez a nd C had Wadsworth watch from a safer position Many o f the GHS spons teams. most notably football, had belier seasons this year than they had 1n th e past As Donovan put 1t , ·•1 don't k.no,v wha t 1t was We J USt did a lot be1ter aga1ns1 6A teams this year than we usually do That's good" Photo by Cy nthi a Bellows
Steeeeeike One! Senior p11cher Lisa Doms deltvers a perfect stnke at Ulysses Field while sophomore Kelly Cooper and senior Amber Swisher prepare for the unltkely even t th at the hn1er will actually mak.e coci tact w11h the ball All of the GHS women's s ports teams had successful seasons 1h1s year, 1n sp,nt 1fnot 1n record Junior Heather Sawyer portrayed th e feelings of all th e teams when she said , "The fnendsh1p and camarade n e I found on our basketball team was wonderfu l " Photo by "Fluid" Aponte
• • .. • • - ,.
,'"\ {ot e, 1' J+J~ 1(\\0. Ju s t a Game - 49
"If the Demon s wou ld h a, e bealt n Eaglecres t , th ey \\Ould h a,e be(:n ma tc h ed up " 1th Centaurus ne,t, and easil) beaten them, " sa id se ni o r receh'er Jach Hage r
GHS varsity football has had a great season, with 8 wins and 2 losse s with their biggest win comi ng over Alameda , 48-0. A lot of the c redit shou ld be given to Coach Ed Kintz whose encouraging attitude constantly forced the players to be their best. "This is our best season since 1959; the fo o tball team has worked hard to accomplish thi s goal," stated jun io r fullback Gr e g Shultz. The Demons finished as cocha mpi o n s in the league and advanced to the s tate pl ayoffs. GHS lo s t a hard fought game, 187 t o the eve ntual 5A state c hampion, the Eaglecrest Raptor s. Coach Kintz be lieves the winn in g ways will continue next year be c ause the t ea m ha s "g reat c hemi s try ."
Run for da} lig ht Jun1 or-. pht end/ returner Jon Monckton cu t!> lei t to pi ck up good y.tn.lage after a kick.off an the pla)olh aga1n,1 Eaglecre\t Thi-, marked the first game Golden ha-. ever played on an1tic1al turf 5en ,o r running b,1ck K urt Jen,en said I wa, d1,appointed about the la-.1 game, but not the ,ca,on Photo b} C Bellow,
B. Elder , D Yang
T r y in ' m y b e t Sen ior gua rd Joel Fl eet I'> charged up over Golden ., drubbing o f n,al \Vh eat Ridge Thi, ~a!> th e fir.t Demon \ 1ctory o,er the Farm er-. 1n year, Fellow l ineman '>en 1or Marco, TruJ1llo '>aid, Thi !> 1-. big change from pa st}ear... Jt felt good to be a ~innin g team'
l o-ce i'\ 50 - JV'" {\\O. Ju s t a Gam e
.. . .
I I Se1 s:u gol us
orlh ro" : Sh.me 8JIIO..., , '1.1 Jgnus BJOrl lunJ And)
8 .k'r R) an K.;,p.11 J .1,on CJJY1pbc ll, fr..: O ' Brien R"h
Kenner Sh.inc \\ ,cbcr. Todd '-ord ,irom Grci Le\111
AJron Che url'"'
Touchd O\V O! Seni o r All -C o nfe renc e runnin g ba ck 1'.urt J e n,e n break , av.a> for a t o u c hd o v.n again s t Columbine Jen ,e n ru , he d to r o , er I 1 ard , 1h1, sea ,on and sco red 15 tou c hd o ,.,n, While h e ha , g 1, e n up h o pe s o f pla> 1ng pro ball , J e n se n loo k , fon.,ard to play in g ,n c oll ege
What a pain! S e ni o r All Co nfe renc e v.1d e re ce 1, e r Ja e ~ Ha ge r c elebrat e, a g reat pla >. Ha ge r le d 1he Dem o n\ v. 11h a to tal o f '3'3 0 re ce ,, tn g }ard , Ht s l o n ge~ t rece pn o n \\.J ~ 5 ~ 1 ard -. and he a, e ra ge d ove r 18 ~ard ~ per c at c h
Se n ior J..1d, returner lex Turner ict, " Thank s for all t h e s upportµ e go t from th ec roµd s. ltr eall) pu s h e d us o, er the ed g e ·· Centauru R eg i Hinkl ey Scoreboard 33-22 2 1- 14 2 1-27 Wh ea t Rid ge 2 1- 0 ta nl ey L a kewoo d Al a m e d a G ree n M t n . E ag lec res t E ve r g r ee n Columbin e 3 1-3 3 6 - 2 6 2 1-0 17- 13 48-0 10-30 18-7 F 1r.1 ro" : J.hon ThomP'(>n.Jon ,1 onc l.. 1on. \l ad Kohn ",l jll R ill " Sh.l)d- ·n \\. arJ.Sh.mc P.11!. cr Ch.ld 1- o~r. Gre~ Shultr '«ond ro" : ,1 .u~-0-. Tru11llo Kun Jen-on J ..L-on Clld Ja.,on H cmngton , S1c:,c King R.lllJ) H ad" 1gcr Gr.1111 \ M\cn~ 0.1, 1d \1.ld, !l.f ic l c) Correll , Jr-cl Fleet. Ci.11) 8 0.11,n:m [ h1rd ro.- : Ed K1n1r l\.l jll K:i., J": r, 8111 Po,p1,1I , Tob) '1.1 ..c-., J ,c l HJ iar , And) W o o d , And} Zh.in.1., .\le, Tuner, Bruc-c Stoc l lcn. ,1.1 11 Lo)J Jon An&r-;on Glenn Dook) f'
" I th i nk t h a t o ur h o m e games w e r e n ' t ve ry go o d but wh en w e pl aye d a w ay g a m es, w e pl aye d m ore as a t ea m ."- so ph o mor e Jo d i Mundt
The volley ball team had a very c hallanging seaso n . After losing 11 of the 12 varsity players fr om la s t year, dedication and hard work were the on ly thin gs that held the team together With only three se n iors, thi s wa s one of the youngest teams Golden ha s ever had . "This year o ur team wasn ' t that good because it was so young and no one had really played t oge ther befo re ," junior Megan Goodwin s tated Se n ior Mandy Smith said, "There were only three se niors thi s year, but we co ntributed a lo t. ,,
Things are looki ng up for next se a so n as the team gains m o re experience play ing . Sop homore Lindie Hitchcock sai d , " I think next year's volleyball will be a lo t better and h o pefully we ' ll have bigger cro wd s " Beth Elder
Bl oc k So ph o m o r e~ A ndr e a Erpeldi ng a nd Ca rn e Pea rse w o rk toge th e r 10 bl oc k th e ball T e amw o rk he ld th e ream toge th e r 1n 1h1 '> ba tll e aga in , t Co lumbin e " J e nJO) e d pl ay in g w 11h th e pe o pl e eve n th o ug h w e had a bad ,e a ,o n ,'\ a1d so ph o m o re Ca m e P ea r '>e Ph o to b y Robby D e f o re
Wh e n all e ls e fails Th e vo ll eyb all tea m huddl es toge th e r 10 ha s til y d1 '>c u,, what to do n e xt " S e r 11 10 me, l'll , pik e 11 ," a vo ice ca ll s fr o m 1n, 1de th e g ro up So und s lik e a g ood plan Pl a n , ltk e thi s a re what go t thi s tea m ,e ve nth pl ace in Leag ue Phot o b y R o bby De for e
\1 t, z
52 -
, think the best game we played was against Lakewood ( for JV) We
see med to co me together."'- sopho m ore Kim Ziegler
Reach for th e sky So ph omores
Beth Murph y a nd L1nd1e Hit chcoc k stretch their lingen. over the net to block the ball Murph y sa id , ·•Toe lin.t game again s t Stand ley Lake was a 101 of fun We pla ye d up to our potential " Ph oto by Fluid Aponte
Any day now Sophomores Jodi Mundt He ather Moon. and Junior Kelli
Schnase wait pall e ntl y fo r the return of thebalt " Volle y ball 1sa wesome 1 \V c' ll rock nex t )Car," s tat ed Heath er Mo on
S core board G HS/Ranum 4 - 15 9-15 GHS/Eagle Cre~t G HS/Bear Creek 8- 15 5-15 GHS/\Veld Central GHS/Adams City 15-9 15-11 League \1 atc h es G HS/Dohe n ; 3-15 6-15 G HS/Llk ev. ood GHS/\Vasson 10- 15 6-15 GHS/Green Mt GHS/Pomana 2-15 I -15 GHS/Alameda G HS/Chatfield I 0-15 4 - 15 GHS/\Vheat Rid ge E"ergold Tou rn ame nt GHS/Evergreen G HS/Evergreen 5-15 8- 15 GHS/Srandle) Lak.e G HS/Ft Collins 4-15 3- 15 G HS/\V Cent 15 -9 2-15 I 8-16 GHS/Co lumb1n e h & -e 11 - 158- 15 2- 15 8-15 15-1 I 15-9 4 -15 12 -15 12-15 6-15 9-15 6-15 3-15 2-15 I 6-1 4 I - I 5 1-15 7- 15 1- I 5 • Front Ro\\ Megan Goodv.1n,Jod1
Andrea Erpeldin g, Connna Mon tesano Mand >
Bachman Back Ro" Carrie P ea r se, Beth Murph ) Kelli Sc hn ase Je~1ca
Mela ni e Ri chard ., Can)
Coach Steve ak.ata
Photo b y Robby Defore
\ Vhe n as k e d abo ut h is teammates hi s y ea r,se niorDo n ovan c h e n ck s ta ted , " I fe e l th at s ome o f u s had a tt i tude s ~e n e e d ed to d r op i n o r de r t o s ucceed ."
"We had a gre a t se a so n b ec au s e we defeated t ea m s th a t G o lden ha s never beaten b e fo re , but I wa s d isa pp o inted we didn ' t g o to S tate be c au s e that wa s o ur ma in g o al. '' Th is co mment by s eni o r c apta in Karl Rodriguez s h o w s the whole team ' s d is app oi ntm e nt t o ward th e s eason . Karl , a long with co-c apta in s Casey DeBerry and Clint Corbin , wo n All -Co nfe r e n ce h o n o r s t h is year. Casey , t h e on ly o n e t o gain fir s t team re c ognition, s tated that, "a ny o n e co u ld hav e be e n ele c ted [ t o t he All-C o nfere n ce t ea m] thi s ye ar ." The ma in weakness of the t e am wa s its la c k o f c on t inui t y Acco rding to se ni o r , Devon Brindle , " if we p layed a s a t eam , we wo uld have d o ne a lo t b e tter. " So p h omore Jeremy Ballenger a g rees. " It wa s a good t ea m , we just d idn ' t mi x v e ry w e ll. " Chad Wad s wort h
U nd e r C o nt ro l Senior Donovan Schenck head, tor 1he goal a, ,enior, Ca,c} DeBcn, and Karl Rodnguez wa1ch an amazement Thi-. yea r \\a\ tough for the GHS ,occ\!r team "I laked t he teJm \.\C JU\l hJven't played toge1her long enough •· ,en1or Bnan Ellis, ,tated Pho10 by Cynthia Bellow,
Juk e K arl Rodnguez u-,es ,ome fanc 7 footwork ro dance away from a La kewood defender Tut, .,ea-.on 1he team was he l d c;hort of 1he pl ayoff., by a l o,s in t he regiona l to u mamen1 to Standley La ke Donovan Sc henc k comn,ented. "I t h o u ght we d go to Stale " P hoto by Cynthia Bellow,.
Ser ht~
Senior ( ase.) DeBerr ) sa id , ..\ \- e had high goal\ and e,p ec ta t io ns but lo,, n1oral and 1ne ffi c1e nt prac tices held u, h.,ck ."
Wh ea t Ri dge
Front Row Cltnt Co rbin Phil K1pha rd t Second Rov. a,,t coac h S teve Snyder Brandon Garrett'> Dann Menap.i ce, Jerem)
Balle nger. Ja ,on \Vall e nt a, Ca,e)
DeBert) Bnan Elh-. To p Ro,,. l'v1 att Beck T en) Sm11h. De,.on
Bnndl e K.irl Rodn guez, Leonardo
P o p e 1"1,ke Ander.,on Chad
W.id,,,.orth Dono,an Schenc k
Da, 1d Lowe Broo\... Poner C hn .., Corb in Ph oto by Cynth ia Bell o,,,
Ce l e b ra ti o n Ca,ey De B er) co ngra 1ulates M1ke Andet"',Onon a goal again'>! LHS at Lak e wood Me mon al Stad1un1 Thi'> wa, the first '>ea.,on ,n whi c h Golden '>Co red more goa ls t han ,t ., o pp o nenh ( 17 - 18) Said M1\... e, " ll wa., a record-se111ng yea r " Ph oto by C} nth1..1 Be ll o w,
C l eara n ce Goal kce !)l!rChnt Corbin punt '> th e ball down field agatn'>l Columbine Sept 25 at Lak ewood Me morial Stadium Clint produ ced a reco rd number of '> hut -ou t, th, , ,ea,on wi th 6 According to J ake Hill , ''bo th Karl and Clint mad e a lot of good ,ave,"
by C) n1h1a Be ll o,,,
W et Col umbin e B ea r C ree k Alameda L akewood Scoreboard 1- 1 Evergree n 1-0 P o m o n a 0-2 C h atfie l d 2-0 S t a ndl ey L ake 0- 1 Gre e n Mtn 0-9 Pl ay Off : 1-2 Stand ley Lake 2-2 0- 1 6-0 2-3 1- 1 2-0
A .
" We had a lot of ta le n t but Just weren ' t ab le to put it together this year . " - senior Je n ny Maren
Leave s are falling, the days are getting co lder , and the thrill of softball is in the air The 1993 softball season was one with high hopes and high expectations as the softball team was ranked 5th in the state corning into the season . The team struggled and be c ame frustrated at the beginning o f the year. They dropped from the state rankings , but later ca me on strong to qualify for districts. W ith on l y four seniors leaving thi s year, the t eam is relat ively young and as sophomore sophomore Christen Gair said, " It was a disappointing seaso n th is year but next year well be much better." So next year when the leaves are falling and the weather is growing colder, expect to see Golden so ftball on top once again. David Yang
W h o ' o n F irs t ? Third baseman Jill Coo p erihrows th e ball 10 firs t base Coo p er, a senior 1h1s year, was first team all league When asked why the 1eam had -,o many d1fficul t1 es this season Cooper said" \Ve JU!'.t d1dn ' t get a l ong th at well this yea r as a team •·
t eeee rik e! Lisa Dorns pitches to a Wheat R idge op p o n ent where she pit ched a "-tn wi th a score of 5-4 She had everyone c h ee rin g dunng the big wan agai n st ou r rivals The Lad y Demons had a good yea r even th oug h they gradua ted a lot of team members the previous year Photo b y D L owe
• •
Photo b) D avid Lowe
s t a lot of close games thi s ,ear that \\e should ha"e \\-On ." -
Front ro\\ : Heather Sawyer Kell} K1rl1n Jill Cooper Tatum Mattox
Peter,on. L,.,a Doms. Kell>
Bac k r o": Coach Bob Hayes • Christen Gair oelle Benrens. Chnst1ne Smith, Amber
1sher. Shane Morrow. Came
Jenn} Maren Coach David Fairbanks
Speed Demon First baseman Came Myers, a sophmore, streaks toward third base Myers fell that "\Ve came close this year 10 making 1t to State but next year will be a big year for Golden softball •· Photo by David Lowe
, ving Batt e r Right fielder Amber Sw ,sher. asen1or,swmgs for the fences as Junior Shane Morrow looks on and waits her tum Golden won the game defeaung Kennedy 11-1 This victory helped Golden qualify for d1s1nct~ Ph oto by David Lowe
" \\- e
h omore Al iso n
n GHS/GJ Central G HS/Eaglecrest G HS/Pueblo South GHS/Air Academy GHS/Centaru~ GHS/A-West GHS/Columbine GHS/Bear Creek. GHS/Pomona GHS/Evergreen Scoreboard 4-8 3-4 0-18 6-7 5- 11 0-7 0-5 3-13 6-5 8-3 GHS/Wheat Ridge 5-4 GHS/Standle} Lake 1-4 GHS/La kev.ood 4-0 GHS/A lam eda 8-5 GHS/Af'\ada 4-6 GHS/Chatfield 1-4 GHS/Kenned} 11-1 GHS/Green Mountain 2-3 GHS/Thomas Jefferson 12-1 GHS/Ranum 1-3
Pet e r so
/\ ot e 1'\ )"" {l'C,1 Ju s t a Game - 57
·•Golf wa s a lot o f fun this year, but pra c tice was the bes t par t. I am definite !) t h inking of go l f as a pro fe~iona l career." - Ada m Fay
The boys ' golf team, coached by Mark Hornecker , played well this season and learned that team work is the name of the game. Ac co rding to members of the golf team , this season wa s a lo t of fun . " I think we co uld have done a lot better. The team had some very strong players ," co mmented Coach Hornecke r. Acco rd ing to Coach Hornecker , "The number one player this yea r was se nior Mike Woods. " Woods placed 12th overall in the co unty and qualified for State by shooting a 78 He pla ce d 52nd out of 122 at the s tate golf tournament Woods was the only GHS golfer who made it to State. Other good players this year include seniors Jeremy Schossow , Jarrod Henningsen , and junior Derek Corbett . Ra c hel Newberg
Wa tc h Out Juni o rD ere l.. Corbelt 1-eeps h1-,eyc on the ball a, he gracefully tal,..e., h,., (ir-,l ,hot and dnves th e ball down the fa1rwa) Coach Homec ker ,a,d · Derek. wa-. a good team player th, -. year Ne1tt )Ca r he will be returning to make the team even better than th,., ye.ir ·· Ph oto by Cyn thi a Bell ow-.
S h a nk y ou Senior, M1l.. e \Vood and Jarrod Hen mn g-,en are walking to the next hole at a go lf tourn amen t Out of th e eig ht members, of th e tean1 onl) three were n, ors Wood,commented ·• 1 feel like th e .,en 1on, had a good ,ea.,on thl'> year" Photo by Cynthia Bellow,
.., Ol 10 m ,1
58 -
"The Gree le} to urn a ment was very hard because a ll o f th e ba ll s '" e nt out of bou nd s a nd it was a poi nt s tourna men t. I th oug h t \\ e did we ll 1n all o f the tou rn a ment s." - Peter \ 1oon ey
Scorebo a rd
Will o w Spnn g5 Foothil l
I ndi a n T ree
Co a l C ree k
L ak e Arbor
7 th pl ace
6 th pl ace
9 th pl ace
7th pl ace
11th pl ace
Fro nt R o w Coach l'v1ark HomeL ker De rek Corbett Jercm) Scho,-,ow Mike \\iooch Jarrod Henn1ng.,en Ba c k Row Adan\ FJ) Brian Murph) Peter tv1ooney Jo,hua \1 ole, Photo b) Cynth ia Bello\-..,
S hhh Sen ior J arrod Henntng!>en conce nt rate'> a-, he pre parel> h,m,elfto tee off The golf team th ,, year too k fo urt h a t the Walt C la rk l nvt1a t1onal in Love land Henning,en commented. '" We a ll tned rea l hard and we improved a lo t over la,t year Pho to by Cyn th ia Bellow,
FOr e Senior M ike Wocxh, wtng!> at th e ball hopi ng that 11 w111 not h11 anyone M ike made S tate th1c; year. ma king hi m the mo,1 val uable playe r o n t he t eam 1h1, )Car \ Vood, commented, " It wa'>a really grea t honor th a t l made 11 10 S tate my -.cn,or )ear"
Pho to by Cy nth ia Bellow-.
;"\ ote l'\
"f\\O. J us t a Gam e - 59
"It was plea s ing to be on the tennis team because we obtai n ed a cosmic onene ss \\ ith each other , commented junior Dan Ma tl ock
A cco rd i ng to seni o r Luis Ferreyra , th e b oys, tenni s team did all right thi s y ear but they could have done better. The number o ne s ingle s player , senior Alex Bezzerides and the doubles team of s enior Mikael Christensen and senior Leo Amigoni , did exc epti o nally well. The team ,s dual match record wa s 4 -5 . In the area tournament against Evergreen High S c ho o l and Green Mountain High Sc h oo l they came in se c ond The tennis team had a lo t o f s pir it this year. A s fre s hman Bill Nee put it , " It wa s a learning experience and l hope we do better next year. ',
Serena Dovey and Ladonna Ke ith
• w i ng Junior Mike H all finishes smacJ...1ng 1he ball across t h e court to h1, opponent The te n ni, 1eam had man} Junior players and they fell 1hey will be s t ronger nex.t year a, senior.
• My l ea.,t favorite p art of being on the tennis team was the running,'" stated Ted Po hue
Love, Lo e Se ni or Luis Ferreyra concen trates as h e awaits t he serve at pracuce , The boys• ten n is team did not get to go to State t his year As Junior T rav i s Olson put 11, " Th e wors t part of t he tennis season was w h en Alex. was tnJu red and we couldn' t go t o Sta te "
Photo by Heather N u anes
-- -· - -I I f
Photo by H eat he r Nuanes
"Be t\\een ou r pizza ea ting and our tennis playing , " e had no th e ," lated Junior \l i ke \1 on tgo m e r)
GHS/\Vhea1 Ridge GHS/Pomona
GHS/Siandle) Like GHS/Columbine G H S/Lake\\ ood
IOS\ GHS/EHS/G\.1HS loss G HS /Ch atfield \\ in GHS/Al' ada \\ e,t win G H S.Anada • \\ ,n G HS/Bear Creek
second IO\S lo~ \\In los-.
Front r o\\ Joe Ca,c.10, Ted Polttle Ball l\ee ,ck Ammon, ~11ke Hall Jal.k \\engro'V1Us Dan Beck Bac k ro\\ Dan ~1a1lock, Leo Am1gon1 Luis Ferre, ra , Mikael Chri,1ensen t-.11ke · 1on1gomer) Ja\On Anderson Jan Kim LlRa, Bec.k Tra, 1s Ohon Alell Bez1ende, Andre\\ Spr.iggs, ~11ke Bruckner Photo b) Brook Trout Press
ma h Senior Mike Bruckner , olle) s to h1, opponent s coun The team had one more loss 1han ,, 1n Senior Alex. Bezzendes said. ~1) favonte part of being on the team ,, a, when \\C got to compe1e aga1n,1 ,ome of the top teams and pla)er. H\ the s 1a1e ' Photo b) Heather uanc-.
Jump ! Sophomore Dan Beck le.,p, into the .ur 10 hit h1, ,en e 10 h,, opponent The tean\ pr,1C11ced ,en. hard this tennis ,ea,on and gener.,11\ <ltd prell) \\ell in their 1natche, again,t othe r schools I killed even. one.·,, 1th , m) awcson1e ,erve Photo b)- Heather bo.1s1ed Beck
"It ~as easier than I e'<pected. I~ as tired, but it was a good tired . State? Yea , it was hard, but I gu tted it out. AJternate is a really tough position."
-Dan Duran
Cross country is one of the most feared sports knowing that you have to run three miles as hard as you possibly can. Runners end up making their bodies go through injury after injury just to finish the season. "Everyo ne should run cross country so they have something to complain about," said freshman Kristen Versaw . The team was packed full of suffering and pain. " It's fun ... until you run, " remarked junior Erin Hawkins . The boys' team made it to State where freshman Matt Frost ended up only one second behind senior captain Tim Lan e. Along with the boys ' team junior Keri Trost represented the girls at State. After coming ba ck from State junior Mike Johnson commented, " I was ready for State mentally, but not physically." Laura
White and Sarah Hebeler
Almost Th e re Seniors Ja.,on Ru sse ll and T1n1 Lan e , tru gg l e t o f1n1,h regional" a t Clemen t s Par is. Lane barely missed All-Conference b ) placing 11th " R eg1ona1' was really tough. and I wn,h I woul d have got t en allconference," ,aid Tim Lane Ph o t o co urt es} of Ver,aw famt1 1
Move O, er Farmer Sophomore Step h en Schroeders11cksout hi s t o n gue to int1m1d a t e the Wh ea t Rid ge runner at regionals Schroeder w as o n the var, 1t y tea m th 1 , yea rand went to S t ate " If all th e so ph o m ores improve by a minut e. ne,t yea r w ill be a great year," ,aid Schroe d e r Photo by Versaw famd)
62 -
" \\ hen ) ou ge t to th e point \.\ h e n Jou r lungs a re goi n g t o exp lod e,) ou are abou t r ead) l o co ll a pse, and )ou ' re going lo hurl , that 's \.\hen \ ou kno\\ yo u a r e n ot'" orki ng hard enoug h ." - Brittan) I se nb e r ge r
Fir s t r ow As,1'>tant Coac h Holl}
Gir l, Tiger In \ 1t a t1 onal Hon zon In \ 1t a11o nal
Denver Public Sc hoo l-.
Air Force Academy
Com mand er In\ 1ta11onal
Broomfield l nv1tauonal
Loveland Inv1ta11onal
orthglen n In v11a 11 onal
Srnok> Hill ln v1tat1onal
5N6A Lea gue C hmp -.h
5A Reg1o na b
-.econd los, fourth e ig hth loss eigh th to.,, eventh Io.,., ninth ninth
Boy" Tiger In-. 1t..i11 onal Hon1on In \ 1tat1onal
Denver Public Sc.hoob Air Force Ac.a dern)
Commander Inv 11,u,onal
Broomfield Jn\- 11 a11 onal
Loveland In\ 1ta11onal o rth glenn l nv11a t1 onal Smo l-.. y Hill l n\ 1t a11onal
~N6A League Chmpsh
5A Reg,onab
S tat e
los, los, .,, ~th tenth ninth lo.,, to-,, eighth fourth li t th Ii f th 2 h ,t
S\l.an,on Bntt..in) henberger Enn
Ha"" i...,n ., J e,,1ca Ka sel. Ken Trost
Bryn Hud so n , Mi chelle Kunze
R1c helle Mc~1urtry \1 idd le row
Becky Harmon , T ,m Lane Chu c k Cornely Holley Foster. Eric Storm,. 5ha\l. n Bakk er Dan Duran Bac k Row Sa r ah Hebeler. Mik e John,on N1c.olc Smi th Jon
Pin eau Aim ee Hoogheem , Mall
Fro'> t Head Coach Gina Neb.on
Photo by Hea th er Nu a ne.,
Almo s t Fini s h ed Freshman Ri c he ll e Mc Murt ry ,m il e, as '>he passe, a George \Va shin g ton runner Mc Murt ry remarked, That was th e best race. and J go t my pcr<,onal reco rd " Thi s wa<, the first SI-. for the g irl\ ' team a nd th ey pl aced fourth overa ll Pho to cou rt esy o f Versa.,.. family
up and Over Freshman Aimee Hoog hee m run , at Broomfi e ld ln v11 a t1 ona l on Se pt 25 Hoog heem mad e ,;eco nd tea m All- Co nference a t reg iona ls Hoog heem commen ted, " I wru; so exc it ed when I placed 11th " Ph o to courtesy of Versaw family
- 63
"The seaso n had its ups and dow ns, but it µa s a fun experience." - fre s h man Brianne Burri s
The gymnastics team had a fairly good season this year considering all the young talent. According to sophomore Katie Johnston , "It's still a young team, but there will be a lot of talent in years to come." Although much of the team was new, it didn't keep them from trying their best. Junior Kim Brennecke , a member of the varsity team s t ated , "We challenged ourselves to be better as a team and individually." Although injuries seemed to plague the team this year, they usually did not affect the team spirit, as in sophomore Sharon Micke's case, " Even though I broke my ankle, I still felt like a part of the team." Overall , the words that would probably sum up the entire season are dedication and fun .
teady Sophomore Sta cey McG uire pract ices one of her moves dunng her beam rou1tne The team's only win ca me at Lakewood with a team sco re o f 35 l " Th e best pa rt s were the days off and when we finished well," '>lated fre,h man Jami e Harve 1 Ph oto by Rob De Fore
Jamie Burke
Poi nt T h ose Toes Juni or Lydia Ra scon does a hand,tand dunng her beam rou ttn e The team did not ltve up to th e ir ex pe c ta tion s thi s year " It was a lot of fun and too l-. a lot of ded1 ca t1on , but I wish we co uld have made It to State," com me nted so ph omore Stacey McG uire Ph oto by Ro b Defore
.__ -·- -
"Th e good parts ~ e r e g rea t, th e ba d pa rt s w e re a ,, ful , but ove ra ll i t "as a g r e at e xper ie n ce." op h o m o r e Tr icia Ba ir
G HS/Bear Creek/Whe at R1d ge -
G HS/LakewoodGolden Inv 1t at1on a l -
G HS/Eve rgreen -
G HS/ Chatfield/ Standley Lak e-
G H S/ Green Mo u ntain-
G ree ley ln vitauonal-
G H S/Pomona/ Arvada-
G HS/Evgm / Co lumb ./A Wes tLeag ue/Di s tr1 c ts
thi rd fir st e ig hth seco nd thi rd sec ond fifth sec ond fourth te nth/ sixth
F r o nt ro \\ S haron M 1c l-.e Rena Du se nb ul) De bb ie Bu c k \1 id dl e ro~ · Shire lie Sc h m id t. Da ne ll Ditt b ren ner, Seren a Dovey Bnanne
Bum s. Kn s t1 We ndt Ka t ie Johns ton.
Tri c ia Ba ir Bac k r o ~ · He ath er
S tr o bl e Gerda La n ge K im Br ennec ke Jen n1te r Reyne bcJU
T e rn Hob,o n Sara h Kanda ll Kellee
T aru m To rri e Bec"'ar Photo by S teve S m11h
Da n ee Ly dia Rasc on doe s on e o f he r d an ce moves dunn g he r balan ce be a m routin e TI1 e tea n1 hope s to .i cco mpli s h more nex t ye ar " It wa!> a lot o f fun bu t the re was al!>O a lot o f new ta len t so we' II probabl y d o bett e r nex. t ye ar ·• co mm e nt e d so ph o mo re Co ur tn ey Mc Na Ph o to by Rob DeFo re
T ou c hd ow n So ph o mo re S ta ce) McGuire co nce ntra te-. dee pl y o n a perfec t la ndin g Th e team wo rked we ll a nd vot ed Ju ni or Kim Bre nn ec ke mos t valuabl e gymna s t 'Th e re wa s a lot o f team sp1r.1, a nd I'll be bac l.. ne xt year:· s lat ed fr e'.'>hm a n Dan ell Dittbre nne r Ph oto by Rob DeFo re
\ } a
- 65
The boys' basketball team worked through some turmoil and pulled out a 7 - 13 season. Injuries, suspensions and breakdowns in teamwork all contributed to the season ' s results Senior Andrew Wood says , "Pomo na was one of our
Sh oo t th e "J" Senio r Jack Hager shoolS a five-footer at Lakewood At the Green Mtn Tournament, the team had a perfect record with twov1ctorics Sop h omo re A.J Stahl commented, " It went well th is year, bu t I 'm looking forward to next year " Photo by Cynt hio Bellows
best games. " Coach Rod Pugnetti was encouraged about the this season desp ite the losses The coach and returning players are looking forward to next season with high hopes for a good season full of wins C. Wadsworth and J. Green
Close Call J unio r Aaron Cheuvron t struggles to keep the ball 1n bounds agai n st Lakewood The school ralhcd behind the learn, especially at th e "black ou t" game against Wh ea t Ridge Sen i o r Dam on Hor,t said, " I wi sh \VC had that much s upport for every game " Ph oto by Cyn thia B ellow:.
"\ ote, 1'\ 66 - ) \J" f"O. Ju s t a Game
••\Ve are going to become a better ball team and s upri se a lot of other teams"• Senior Damon Horst
·•E,er)on e is c omin g b ac k a nd ~\
Fr o nt r o " : And) \lvood Jac.k Hager Kurt Jt>nscn, Darin Menapace Man R1ll0, B ac k r o \\ Coach Rod Pu~net11 Aaron Cheuvront. Damon Ho~I Rob Hoyt. Sean Corcoran Shane Bario"' Rtc.h Kenner Grant Varven, Coach Mark Valh!JOS
In t h e Way Six foot, two inch -.cn1or Damon Hor,t 1-. -.copped by an oposing player at Arvada West The Demon, eventual, fell to the \Vi ld Cats, SO to 9 I "The year \\.as d 1fficu lt, there wa, stuff that happened that we couldn '1 slop." said senior Rob Hoyt
C o u rt Quarterback Shufflmg h1, way toa ba,ke1, ,en,or Andy Wood look, for a tea nl mate to pass to The fan,alwa}, gave the baske1ball p layer. 10n, of sp1nt to keep them go ing. Afler the Wheatrigde ga m e, Golden delivered a I OOperce nt show of school sp 1n1
Photo by Cyn1h1a Be ll ows
sho uld be takin g a turn for th e bett e r " 5e n, or Kurt J ense n Broomfield Coronado Heritage Green Mountain Brighton Arvada Paltsade Ar vada West Westm1n1ster Alameda core board 59 - 62 Fvergreen 70- 45 Chalficld 70- 65 Pomona 67 - 73 Green Mountain 80- 61 Standley Lake 56 - 82 Columb ine 83 - 69 Bear Creek 50 - 91 Lakewood 64 - 78 Wheat Ridge 46 - 71 Wheat Ridge 43 - 56 46 - 75 67 - 62 47 - 83 68 - 65 43 - 45 52- 65 50- 40 61 - 66 64 - 67
Photo b, Z::em1
Photo by Cynthia Bellows
"\ Aot e T' JV {\,O. Ju s t a G a m e - 67
"We lea rn ed to p lay above th e ri m a n d go th e dis t a n ce: SEGA!"
Hea th er Sawye r
The crowd roars as our own Lady Demons jog onto the court, ready for whatever is thrown their way. The G HS women's basketball team went through their season with only a few but well deserved victories . Even though their
wis h Sophomore Allyson Reynold.., shoots to .,core 1n the game against Chatfield The ir prnc t1ce.., cons,..,t of dnlls, pep talks, weight lifling, and of course, lots and lot-. of shooting hoops "We have to play like we prac11ce, <,O we work hard," said D anell D itt brenner Photo by Rob De fo re
season wasn ' t the bes t , the stands were usually filled. The faithful fans of the Lady Demons stood by them even on bad days . Even though this season was a litt le rough, their future looks bright. Jennifer Blum and Holley Foster
H a nd s O ff Sophomore D anell Dtllbrcnner dnves towa rd the hoop during a home game against Arvada W est The Lady D emons were defeated 1n potnh hut not 1n pint '" \Ve ' re the shorte.., t team 1n the SA but \VC 're fast," satd A lly..,on R eny nold.s Pho to hy Cy nt hia B ellow-.
I . I
"~ o~e 1' 68 - J'V " 1"°' J ust a Game
It n o t so mu c h th e s p i rit but th e co mpetition , \ VI !" h an e forrow
Greele) Central Palisade Thorn t on Bnghton Thomas Jefferson Arvada Arvada \Vest
Fr o nt R o " : Allvson Reynold, 1 1ddl e R o " : Kell)' Cooper Heather Sa,.., )'Cr, Shane Morro\\., Christen Gair Ba c k R o w : Jayna Horvat. Danell D111hrcnner, StJcey Ho-. t. Courtney ~asa, Kara Rome. Coach Lisa \Vahl
Hus tle It Sophomore Chnsten Gair works the ball down the court under the intense defense of Palisade High, as Junior Stac y Hoyt stays close lo receive the pass. "l couldn't ask for a better group of girls to coach," said H ead Coach Lisa Wahl P hoto By Rob Defore
R e bound Junior Stacey H oyt and Sophomore Kara Rome play a tough defensive game against Bear Creek H igh School ·'Now that we have the basics down we can work on our 'itraleg1es," said K elly Copper Photo By Cynthia Bellows
j- I ;..------.e.•--!' N 3 J-70 43-52 34-57 61-39 46-51 31-82 29-65 49-53 47-45 27-50 Chatfield Pomona Green Moun11an Standley LaJ...e Columbine Bear Creek. Lakewood Wheat Ridge League i 39-54 39-76 36-65 38-33 51-48 48-53 18-26 49-39 Third
"\ l 01'. e l'\ )"" {\\O. Ju s t a G a m e - 6 9
Down F or th e Co unt Senior
M ickey Corell wrestles his opponen t to the floor during the match against W heat R idge at G HS Along with the leadership of the new coaches, the team captains, M ickey Correll and Chad Kopser, also helped lead the team to victory P hoto by J Green
Man t o Man Sen ior Ben Stevens struggles tobnngdown hhcompctitor
As sophomore Chuck Comely said, "The team had a great season
Although we didn't win the league title, we still had a very strong year"
P hoto by Josh Green
Fron t row : John M artinez. Jason Thomp-.on Midd le . row : Sara H eineman (manager). Tern Hobson (manager). Ryan Schwettman, Chff Kelley, Joe Sant1\l1, R yan Luca.... J J Gabrielson, Coach Chuck Barbee, Coach Toby Macs B a c k row : Chad Kopscr, M ickey Correll, Ben Stevc.ns, Rod Kelly, Todd Baker, Marc,is Trujillo. Photo by Zcm1
. I " , A-W es t Ev e rgr ee n Gr ee n Mt . Ranum Lakew oo d S tandl ey Lak e Scoreboard 25-3 7 Whe a t Rid ge 52- 1 7 60- 18 Alameda 55-18 55-18 Columine 27-36 3 0 -3 6 League Th ird 49-27 State Qualifiers: 22-34 Schwettman, Tru11llo. Correll
" Wres t li ng is a s p o rt. Ev e 11 th i ng e lsei s j us t aga m e ." -JJ . Gabrie ls oo
"The team did exceptiona ll y " e ll co n sidering that" e had a ne" coach and so man} ne~ \tresllers:• - R) an I ucas
The wre s tling team had quite a successfu l season this year. Under the leadership o f four r e turning sen iors, and the brand new coach, Mr . Chuck Barbee , the team won all but two league
S l a m H i m Senior Chad K opscr prepares to hip throw his Columbine opponent "Ou r tw o young coaches brought enthusias m co the team Although we lacked some of the strength of lru.t year's team, \Ve still did very well this season," sta ted senior M ickey Correll Ph oto by Josh Green
matches. " It wa s a great opportunity to work with a n ew coach. He had great ski ll s and he helped us to improve a lot ," remarked senior Chad Kopser . Jamie Burke and Serena Dovey
M u sc l e Man Senior R }an Sch'-"el!man pin'> his oppon\.nt during the Wh eat Ridge match 'Thi., year "a" heller than ever Even-ont.. 1nclud10g myself, 1mpro\e;d muc.h more than \VC had 1n the pa.,,, and we had a lot of fun doing 1t," said senior Marcos TruJIIIO Ph oto by J Green
Ponderosa L
Pomona L
Colo rad o Invit e 7th
Green Mountain w
Cha tfie ld L
effco In v it e 1 s t
Bear Creek
Arvada W es t
Fly Like the Wind Senior Becca
Deegan - Y oung strongly fini shes
hcrl 00 butterfly The addition o f three new assistant coaches, Junior Tim Blum, sophomore Ian Bates, and Tone Stuckless, helped greatly to improve the team throughout the season Ph oto byT1m
One More Lap Sophomore
Carissa Lauwers works on her freestyle stroke during practice "So m etimes I wished I was anywhere but in the p ool , 1n the long run swim team paid o ff and I had a lot of fun," re marked freshman
M eredith Keating P hoto by D Byrne
Arvada League State ..
w L w 1st 10th
Front row · Katie Dorsch, Serena Dovey, An Bate~, Penny Greely, Tasha Mark ovch1ck, Aimee Hoogheem, Sann, Keskimak1, Stacy Arndt Middle row · oelle Behrens, Jessica Riggs, Jennifer Blum, Knsten Versaw, Gerda
L ange, Ltz D oherty, Angie Johnson, Amy Turgeon. Ba c k row · Rena Dusenbury, Katy Ratz
1colc Six, Canssa Lauwers, Meredith Keat1ng,Juhe Berkman, Becca Deegan- Young, Ken Trost
Ph o to by T D1erk1ng
" H's fun to s pit on yo ur frien ds and not get beat up f or it ."
- Eileen Burke
. ' . j
It's not so mu c h th e co mpet i ti o n I hke, it's th e t ea m s pirit ... - Liz Dobert)
Th e gir ls ' swim team had a tough seaso n . Competing against mainly 6A schools , their dual meet record was not as high as they had h oped. However, they sti ll won the 5A championship Based on strong performances from un-
Take Your Mark s Ju n, o r T J'>ha M arkovc h1 c1' ge l\ rea dy to dive mto th e w aterfo rth e50 free M arl-.ovc h1 ck qu alifi ed f or Stat e ai. a membe r of one of the re l ay tea m <, G H S'<, re l a) 5 were amopg thei r ,t ronge'> t a:.se ts th ,., year .,., , th all three team'> qu ali fy i ng for State Photo b) Di ck B yrn e
derclassmen thi s past year, the team is expecting to get better 1n the future.
"Although we had a tough s ea s on in our dual meets, 1t was a great experience," said Senior Gerda Lange. Jamie Burke and Tim Blum
Perf ec t En tr y J u n, or Amy Turgeon ellecute., a grea t d1, e Th e d1v 1ng tea m wa<, .,mJII b ut , 1rong th l'> year. a lth oug h th ere were on l y two member,, both q ualified for League · If yo u do n I s\\. ,m. yo u do n' t kn ov. what yo u re m, .,.,ing,' sa id '>O ph omore N icole Six Ph o to by D B y rn e
" It's been a hard last three years but it ' s been really fun and I' ll miss it. "
If you ' ve ever been to a Golden game you've seen the 13 m e mber Porn squad strut the ir s tuff for th e amusment of the fan s. Spring try o ut s are held for th is team of talented girls. Not everyone is mad e to be a Porn th o ugh ; pra c ti ces are hard and demanding Po rns also have to earn mon ey for the team , by se lling candy or working bingo. The mo s t imp o rtant thing about Porns is teamwork " You have t o learn to work well with people ," said so phom ore Becky Hayes . B Elder and M. Tu c ker
Rea d y? O K.. .Se n1 o r Meaga n Dorsche a nd so ph omore Jess ic a Di cke s h ow u s h o w 10 be a P o rn Th e ir c h ee nn g thro ug h ra in and s n ow k e pt th e c ro wd ha ppy Thi s h as bee n a f un year I ' m loo k. 1n g fo r wa rd to th e futu re," sta ted so ph o mo re K a ll e Ow e n Ph o to by Cy nth ia Be ll o w s
Wo rk It G irl s Se ni o rs Ma c he ll e Vialpan do, Bec k y Purvis. and C ind y Coo per s hake th e ir porn s as th ey run o n 10 th e fi e ld Th e Tnd e tt es had thi s dan ce, as we ll as 0 1h en., d o wn p a t So ph o m ore AnJla Gupta sa i d " I rea ll y e nJoy ed d a n c in g dunn g ga m ~ " Ph o to b y Cy nthi a Be ll o w s
-Misty Rawson
"Tnde ttes is the ultimate experie nce and it was all \YO rth it!"
'93 - '94 Tridettes
C lo,vnin g A round The GHS TndLtte'> ,how u, th eir silly side Being. a Tndene put-.> ou u nder a lot of , t re.,, to perfonn well but when 11 s over th e Tndclte'> are a ll smite Senior Molly Ku zy k <,lated, ''It 'i. strei.sfu). e,pec1all} State, plu s I'm going 10 miss being on th e Porn'> i. qu ad Front Row : Be c k} Purv 1s, Moll} Ku zy k Mi sty Raw i.on. Jem Schroeder, Bec ky Ha yes. eco nd Ro\\ : Meagan Dor..che , Mi c he lle V1alpando Katie Owe n AnJlt G upta Back Ro \\' : Je~ tca Di ck e, Cindy Coo per, Ro bi n Ha glebe rg. Not pictured Kare n Heater. Coach Ginny \Valk er
Put Your Hand s T oge th er Se ni or R ob in Ha gelbe r g and so ph omo re Bec ky Hayes c la p to th e beat during halfttm e Po rn s wm, th e perfect chance to meet people ''You meet a lot o f nea t pe op le It ·s really fun , and I Jove tC 1" i. tated senior Jen, Schroeder Ph ot o by C Bellow.,
Hey Go ld e n Sophomores Jess ica Dicke and Kati e Owen \V 1th sen ior Mi c he ll e Vialpando, c heer o n th e footba ll tea m Th e Porns bnngi.p,nt to Golden s port s even ts and learn a lot from 1t. " Po rn s teac hes you a lot about hfe , love an d st ress," s tat ed Je.,,1 ca Ph oto b> C Bellows
Givi n ' It Their A ll ! J u n iors E m ily Bach m an, Con n na
Montesano, and M egan Goodwi n a ll loo k to coac h
Rhonda Have r for adv ice before a game, wh 1lesoph o m ore
H eathe r M oon di scusses playi ng time w i th coac h Li sa
B ar key All of th e fa ll J u ni o r Va~ lt y tea m s ha d
excep u o n al seasons. ga i ning p res ti ge an d renown for a ll
G H S sports p rogra m s Pho to by Cynth ia B e ll ows
Sophomore Football
Front Row : Jason Hall, Davi d Palme r, Mark Powell , Mark Humphrey Second Row ~Donald Hagberg , David Im er , Sean Nelson, Chris Hom, Henry Ri s ner. Third Row :Shawn Erwin, Brant Gleaton, Shawn Ford, Matt Driscoll, Jake Thompson , Jessie
Archuletta Back Row : Craig Sutton , Jeff Mall o w, Steve Barlow , Justin Hill , Mac Verser Photo by Zemi.
Freshman Football
Front Row : J Baerre n, J Badditt, S. Marquardt, A . Silvey, T . Eilers, J .
Hotse npiller , T Marshall. Second Row: B. Mead, D . Bradder, B. Dewolfe, J .
Hornick, K. Bilger, T . Du s ter, D. Smith, S Fisk , G Bunyard Third Row: Coach
John And erso n , Coach Glenn Dooley, J Bates M Dando, J , Wilburn , D Sacry, T.
Shields, M Hay s, Coach Bill Po s pis il.
Back Row: K. Atkinson, P . Foreman, A.
Wi eber , J Eagleson, T Mi cheal , E
Lo sem an, M , Monckton Photo by Zerni
\Z -... , -
7 =-= Junior Varsity Volleyball (left)
Front Row : Kim Ziegler. Heather Moon , Laura Zaharias, Je ss ica Collins. Seco nd Row : Corinna Montesano. Emily Bachman, Megan Goodwin, Sara Verbeck. Back Row : Coach Li s a Barkey , Knstine
Comely, Maren Olson, Lmdie Hitchcock
Photo by Cynthia Bellows
Level Three Volleyball (right)
Front Row : Tanya Tracy , Krum Brindle, Maria Ras con Second Row : Jennifer Dinges, Rachel Montana, Crys tal Swala
Back Row : Coach Rhonda Haver, Kari Leidich , Wendy Williams, Lynn DeBerry.
by Cynthia Bellows .
Junior Varsity Softball
Front Row : VaJerie Patton , Heather Wilson , Katie Dorsch, Lindsey Lusk , Christine Smith Second Row : Charlotte Parker, Brenda Akins, Allison Peterson , Amy Jankows ki , Carrie Smith . Back Ro,v ; Assistant Coach Wendy Correll , Sara Hutche s on , Tiffany Moon, Carrie Myers, Mindy Marsh , Maryellen Cetnar, Head Coach Sharon Spohn. Photo by C Bellows
Junior Varsity Soccer Team
SA - 6A League Champs
Front Row : Eric Anderson, Sky Still we) I. Back Ro,v : Brandon Garrett s , Jamie Konegni, Craig Gamble, Erick Bartosh, Jason Chappell, Roger Bye. Photo by Cynthia Bellows
Junior V arsity Wre s tling
Fro nt row: Jam es Kell ey, Albert Ilg es, Zachary Pike. Middl e row : Coach Chuck Barbee, Coach Toby Maes , Lucas Santilli, J os hua Walker, Zetb Haro ld, Matthew Rogers, Terry Eilers. Sara h Heineman., Terri H ob so n Ba c k row : Bryan Dewo lfe, Keith Gibson~ Shawn Env1n, Justin Hill , Shayden Ward , George LeBlanc. Ph o to courtesy o f Zemi.
B oys' Junior Va rs ity Basketball
Fro nt ro w: Matt Rillosi Nate Mataya, Ja so n Eagleson. Tobin Morehead, Paul Foreman, Zach Queen Ba c k row : Grant Varveri s1 Geoff Mallow~Darin Menapace, Aaron Tumer1 Rich Kenne r, Steve Barlow, Wes Pouw, Ja s-0 n Anderson, Coach Mark Vallejos. Ph oto by Todd Dierking.
Bo ys' Third Level Basketball
F ro nt row : Ju s tin Josh Molest
Ryan Morgan, Zach Queen, Lonnie Dyer
Bac k r o w: Coa~h Joe R i11os, P aul
Fo reman,, Jason Eagleson, ErikLoseman, Geoff Steve Barlo,v, J ason
Anderson , Layne Hodson, Coach John
Anderso n Photo by Steve Snide r
H ea d to th e Hoo p Sophomore R oxanne Ka> heads 10 the basket \\ h1le sophomore Tami Rodnguez geb down and pla) s dcfcns1,; The JV g1rli. bru.k etball team ha" worked hard on 1mpro\ ing t heir defense this season and learning 10 pla) as a team Rodnguez ~lated, Defense ts something you do that no one notices unless you don I do it " P hoto b) Todd D1crk1ng.
Girl s' Junior V arsity Basketball
Fr ont row: Johanna Tami Rodriguez, Wendy Hey,vood, Kimberly Gorman Back row: Nikki Varveri s, Roxanne Kay , Coach R andy Shrinert~ Lindie Hitchcock. Mi ss ing : Jennifer Eke. Photo courtesy of Zemi.
Girl s' Third Level Basketball
Front row : Debbie Buck, Kami Boodle , Ma r ia R ascon. Middle ro w: Jamie Striklind, J ulie Parker, Katie Smith . Back row : Coa<::h Lisa Wah l, Beth Hart, Tanya Tracy Erika Vierke , Charlotte Parker, Coach R andy Schreiner Photo courtes y ofZemi.
"\ l 01'.e 1')""i'"'°' J ust a Game _ 79
Get U p , Get U p! Assistant wrestling coach. Larry Ma y 1s g1v 1n g ome hel pful hints to one of the GHS wres tl ers " We are go in g to be a force to be recl...oned w11h. " Coach May said abou t the futu re GHS wreMhng team This varsity wres tlin g team on ly lost twice 1n its regu la r !>eason Ph o to by J osh Green
Pl ease Go In , Pl ease Go In !
Head coac h Li s a \Vahl waits breathless and speechl ess as a Lady Demon shoot s a three point s hot at the bu zze r " We nee d to sco re more point s and score consistently." !>a id Coac h Wahl Th e
Lady Dem o ns are s till a young team and expect improv e ment next year.
Photo by Todd D1 e rl.m g
Fo ul , What Fo ul ? Coach Rod
Pu g. nett 1, th e boy s· bas ketball co ac h , obJ ec ts to th e bad ca ll made by th e referee Next yea r th ere will o nl y be three returning vars it y athle tes, but Coach Pu gnett , sa id , " We have so me great l...1d s co ming up " Photo by Tod d Dierking
"' We ' re a mu c h improved team and we ' re ab le to co mpete with evervone else whom we play , but our big eo al is t o believe in ourselves ," sta ted boys' b as ketball coac h Rod Pugoe tti
80 -
Thb year w e are fo c us i ng o n a pos itive a tt itud e a n d b u ildi ng u p th e pl ay ers ' c on fi de n ce " is w h at girls' ha ketba ll co a ch Li s a \ Va hl had t o sa) a t th e begin n ing o f th e baske tba ll seas on .
Coac h es , wh a t a re th ey? Ar e th ey th ere ju s t t o ye ll at u s and t e ll u s wh a t w e're d oi n g wr o n g? No, th ey're th ere t o h e l p u s g e t e v ery th i n g ri g ht . Wr es tlin g coac h Chuck Barbee says, " I fee l Gol d e n wr esAn d A n o th er T hin g Coach B arbee 1s t e llin g sop h o m ore Gary Boa tm a n h ow 10 sco re poin ts a n d how· to pi n hi s o p ponent Gary, '-'- h o couldn' t finis h his season due to an 1nJu ry, s til l m ade a e x t rao rdina r y cont ribu t ion to t h e \ v res tli n g team Ph o to by J os h G reen
tl ing i s o n th e rise , the kid s a r e exc it e d a n d w e're o n ly go i ng to ge t b ett er." S u ccessful gi rl s' baske t ba ll coac h Lisa Wahl says, " V ars ity's t o u g h es t co mp e tit io n will be t h e 6 A t ea m s." M Roge r s and M M on tgomery
H ow Many Po i nt s ow Sw 1m m 1ng coach Ste\ e B ate, and assistant s\v 1m m 1ng coac.h T ori S t uc kless di scuss ho\\ to get enough po1 n h to hea t t h eir opponent Th e G H S s wi m team was kaguc. c. h amp1o n and di d \veil 10 S t a te Ph o to b y Ti m Bl u m
9:00 JD
, • '
" A co " b o) 's lif e i s a dip o f Co pe nh age n a nd a goo d rid e "e ni o r Da, i d Qur es h i
Eig ht seco n ds of pa i n is a n ap t descri pt i o n o f r o d eo T h e J eff e r so n Co unty H ig h Sc h oo l Ro d eo T ea m co mp et es in b ucki n g eve nts a nd a l so in t i m ed eve nt s, suc h a s r o p i n g . Th e Ro d eo T ea m co mpe t es s t a rt i n g i n s p r in g
Co wb oys h ave b ee n c all e d i n sa n e f o r co mp etin g in e v ents lik e bull ridin g. Th e ex plan a t io n f o r co mp etin g i s far si mp l e r th a n in sa n i t y. " Rod eo is a t o t a l ru s h o f Ad re n a lin e ," s aid j uni o r David Qureshi . Jos h Gree n
Chas in g a Dr ea m Juni or M1J.. e Mc G1nt y, a tea m roper a nd a ba re bac J.. b ro nc nd e r rope.., a ', teer tn th e tea m ropin gco mpellt1 o n O th e rt1m ed eve n1 .., a re tea m ro pin g. ca lf ro pin g a nd ba rre l rac. 1ng Mike -,a id . •·1 hope 1o d1 e n d1n g b ronc,." A ,e nt1m e n1 he ld by m..1n y cow boys Photo by Dav id Q ure, h1
Ro pin g th e W ind So ph omo re Bob William s a nd hi s ropin g pa rtn e r nd e aft e r th e ir target , a , pced y c alf Tea m rop ing 1s th e only eve nt in vo lv in g two pe o pl e earnin g point s " It 's a c hall e ng in g , po n .'' Bob s aid a ft e r p lac in g ,eco nd in a rod eo Ph o t by Dav id Qure.., ht
'l<od~o i, e,cileme n t'' • o ph o m o r e Hoh \\ illiams
Ba re ba ck Dan Senior Dan Kerr
nde, 10 the buzzer 1n J rodeo Sorne CO'-"bo7 , fir.I nde hor,e, 1n rod eo bu 1 mo ,1 g ro"' up nd1n g hor-,c, like ,ophmore Pat Engel Pal ~.ud I ,tarted nd1ng h o rse., 1n \V e,1e maire-, and built up toJeflco Hi gh Sc hool Rod eo Team Photo b) Da-. 1d Qure..,h1
Hold Ti g ht Sophomore Breu \\rtlliam, ,pur, h1, bronc. .ifter exploding from the ,hoot Rodeo "'.l' 1n, en1ed 1n the l S and 1, the onl A.rncnc.1n invented ,port Rodeo Amenca , number one ,p<>rt 1, a ,,. 1del) '-.n ov. n eitp r e,,1on u,ed b) cov. bo), Photo b) Da" 1d Qure,h1
Th e T ea m Na11onal H igh School
Rod eo A ,,oc 1a11 on ·, ') mbol "1t1ng nexl 10 a bale of ha y dunng a Rodeo
The Jefler,on Count) Hi gh School
Rod eo Team f ounded 20 year, ago a, a pan ofGHS The rodeo team prac11c.c, Tue,<l.iy, at th e Jeffer,on Cou nt ) Fairground, Photo by D avi d Qure,h1
Th e BuzL e r Danny Kerr mak e, the e1gh1 ,ec.ond" for h1, barebacl.. nde Buc.'-.ing event, are the rno,t dangerou, event\ 1n rodeo "Rodeo,._ add1cll\ e.'
Junior Mik e M cG1nt) ,aid a fter ge111 n g h1, hand pul 1n a ca'> t after a bareback - --· nde Ph oto by David Qure,h1
• • • •
" I like s ummer ball because we have s pon sors so that means we tra et more. The playing is a lot more co mpetithe ." - se nior Jill Cooper
Does life go on after school ' s out? To many people it does. Sports played outside of school are very common. There are sports like hockey , Westernaires , rugby , and also non GHS team sports such as soccer, baseball , so ftball , and lap it up Sophomore Br ett Davis demonstrates a "-.lap shot" while warming up for a game Bre tl plays with his senior brother K eefe and seniors M agnus BJorkland a nd Rich Gores "The best pan of hockey 1s healing the hell out of pcople,"sta ted Br e tl Ph oto courtesy Bre tt Davis
swimming. How do students get involved with outside sports? Mostly they started young or learned from a friend. "My friend took me to a la crosse camp and 1 really liked it. " said sophomore Kent Davis A. Peterson, B Elder.
wing Batter Senior Mik e Boatman s h ows off his picture perfect swmg Mik e participated m Legion ball this past summe r to improve hi s skills for the upcoming Golden seaso n "Su m mer ball is fun because it's easy," said sophomore Gary Boatman Ph o to provided by G Boa tm a n
Do~ nhill bikin g is a lo t o f fun but ii' p~)c h o ti c bec au se yo u ha , e to go 55 n1 p h on a trail. " - so phom o re Da n Duran
Fl y ing Hi g h Senior Co l by Smith catches some air \lih1lc snowboarding and ·working on his tan on a warm winter day Snowboarding has become more popular among Golden s tud en ts and g i ven any day you attend the slopes we gua rante e that a Golden student \vill be ,;een Alth ough i t looks easy, it s not Colh)' has spen t many years. pcrfecung his talent Co l by ad\11Cc " Your fir.-t time snowboa rding you better expect to b e sore because you fall down a lot " Ph oto courtesy o f Colby Sm ith
Drink It Up Sophomore Bar d Nielsen demonstrates ho\\i to si multaneo usl y dnnk pool water and do the butterfly Dunng the s umm er Ba rd swims for the. M ount Vernon Country Cluh Th ey compete with o th er o rgan1za11om, s u ch as th e Golden Marlins who Bard used to s\vi m for He too k second place at Columbine Kno ll s Bard commented, " I' ve been S\v1mmi ng since I was a little kid a nd it s one o f th e few spo rts I ve k e pt up \Vtth m a inl} because I love the co mpelltt on ' Ph oto courtesy of Bard N ielse n Rev It Up Senior J osh Aumiller takes a jump ,vh1le dirt bike ra ci ng Dirt bike ra ci ng takes a lo t of pra c ti ce to master the s kill s of Jumping and slidi ng at high speeds "Co mpeting 1s the best part of dirt bike racing The adrenaline rush 1s great , " co mmented J os h Ph o to cou rte sy o f D Aumill e r
Home on the Range Sophomo re Laura Zahanas pull s he r h orse W1l11 e to a s top JU.St 10 time for a pi c ture Laura h as been nding s in ce s he was nin e " J really enJOY horseback nd1ng It relaxes me and ii is a lo t of fun especially nd1ng bareback," sta ted Laura P hoto courtesy of L Zahari as
--if ate 1'\ JV" {\\O. Ju s t a Gam e - 85
cademics_ is m ore than ju s t le amingt Leam i ng to acpie ve all areas of educ ation. tea · In preparing for the fu ture , ~lie ge or get ajob. Cla sses ra cou ncil to cltoir t o foreig n lanlMU~ bas ics s uch as lan guag e arts,~ socia l st udies. Stud e nts are alSQ
grades , l•s d e el in ential go to udent to the
of th e two new class es available at 0 -&-Aviation and Speedwriting. Fort.ho :t o spend ti m e in clas s afte r sch ool, two n~w asses l are offered du ring "ex tended block,~ Independent / Read ing with P ersona l Writing and Speedreading " w ith Cri tk~Rea ding. For,many stud en ts , elective cla sses arethe m os t impo[lantrea son for comi ng t o s ch ool. Mr. Joe McGinnis states, " I really feel that GHSArtDepartmentis one of the finest in th s tate." Whatever y<i.ur preference is, there c lass foryouatOH$~Remem ber that acad e s are more than justt :. · · des~ ourtney Sasa and Mi<l~ - T~ket- ,· i· .
Wow , Exciting! Se ni o r Al ex Bezz.e nd es, NH S pres id ent , beg in s an oth er mee11ng b y ca llin g r oll and address in g new bu s in ess whil e me mber T e rry S mith loo ks o n N HS helped th e co mmunit y by hav in g a ca nn ed food do ve, pa 1nt1ng th e h ouses o f th e e ld e rl y, and tut o rin g Al ex s ta ted , " Des pit e everyo ne's bu sy sc he dul e, th e pe o pl e 1n NH S ha ve ttm e to help th e co mmunit y ·• Ph oto by Cy nthi a Be ll ows
Gooood Morning GHS Fres hman Matt Rogers t alks int o th e m icro ph o ne as he reco rd s hi s vo ice dunn g Radi o Club Club s prov id ed s tu de nt s different ways to be invo lve d 1n ac u v1t1es at GH S S am Ol se n . a me mbe r o f Rad io C lu b s tated th at " Radi o Club ha s bee n a grea t e .xpen e nce for me." Ph oto by Jos h Gree n
'\ 101'.e, l'\ JV " i"'°'°' Ju st Grades - 87
Sitting at the computer late at night trying to write an English essay is not ..Mrs . Hull and Mn; White give u s project s and ass ignments that bring out the best o f our ability ."'Craig Gamble
an uncommon event for some students at GHS. Perhaps when students think of English class, the first
P l ayi n g DJ. Sen io r W ay n e Janec k sit s 10 th e reco rd i ng roo m thinkin g Radi oT el ev 1s1on teaches stu de nt s abou t th e wo rld o f com mu n1ca t1 on " I l ove En gli sh because th ere are no n ght or wrong answers," stat ed fres hm an Tra c, V anw oe nse l Ph oto by Jo sh G ree n
thing that comes to mind is a lot of reading and writing Skills such as public speaking, acting , and debate are also taught to students in English. "English is interesting, it stimulates the imagination," commented freshman Roger Stellers . S. Dovey
and J . Burke
Prese nt a ti o n Juni o r T iffan y Beck w llh d e li vers h e r s pee c h to h er E n g h s h c lass B ec kwith co mm e nt ed " En g li s h d oes n ' t JU St teac h yo u h ow to rea d and wnt e, It al so teac h es yo u h o w t o co mmuni ca te " Ph o to b y J os h Green
, , I ..
You are Co rr ect, Sir So p homores Lay la 8) ars and C raig F ulmer en tertain th eir class w ith a p resen ta ti o n "Engl ish 1s cool Ou r teacher, M r Herge n re te r , acts hk e a s t udent ," remark e d fr es hm an Ph t l h p W1lh s.
Ph o to b y J osh Gree n
Brainstorming J Pray. s
Dovey , H Layman C Wac.htl e r
J D 1nzes and G M e n zies d1scu,s c u r re nt eve nt s 1n M r L owell
Sharp ·s cla ss. "The be s t pa rt of E n g li sh 1s w h e n we h ave g roup d1scus,1ons " said sophomore Can-.sa Lauwers P hoto by J Green
Break a Leg So ph omores Kat ie J o hn s to n , Ka y la H a pt o n s ta ll . a nd
B ry n Hu dso n ac t ou t a sce n e fr om a b oo k So ph omores h ave th e o pti on o f ta kin g Co mp I o r Com p
2 So ph o m ore J o na th an P ray Jok ed ,
" En g li sh 1s a good language 10 kn ow " Ph o to b y C Be ll ows
Sign Off So ph o m ores F J ones and M Hu m phr ey w a tc h th e tran s la to r s ig n th e E n glis h lesson
Th e re a re a vari e ty o f classes to fulfill th e int e re s ts of s tud e nt s
So ph omo r e M Mar es said, " Th ea tre 1s g rea t wh e n we ac t o u t o ur pl ays ." Ph o to by J Gree n
-- •._1',._,-_· -------. ..;.._.M
For e n ic Front r ow s Dovey J Burlse A Sc hO'>-\OW A ' antennan \4 O,good M
Lo-.cman A Erpelding M Sls,mmyhom D Bryant E Carter J Harve)' Second Ro~ T Becwar,
\.1 Sant S R1clsard L Brazil E L1pstem H John son H Holland C Wac htler T Lane , J Sm11h
H Layman , T Be cl..w11h \V Heywood Third R o\\ E \Vengrov,ous E Lo..cman D Matlock. T
Feth G Mmz1e s S McGuane , B l'-1urphy M Harvey K Koowthmarong C S1ege s mund , M
Emanuel C orberg D Sc hmied J Dmtc, J Pra) Fo urth Ro\\ M Tu cker C Hoyt A Holland
P Bo)'d A Coor'\ R Mc Murtry , C Coupen, C Myers K Rome A 01..cn L Zahanas L Kerr.
J Ru-..sel Back Row A Baldwin M Cline J Fiugerald D Willman C Lundy C Karros C
Pearse C Gair J Mundt J Goodland. R Turls Photo by Heather Nuane:.
Br ea k a Leg So ph omores
Laura Zahanas and Anna Olson pra ct ice their c uttin g for Duet Acting. which 1s part of forensics
"Fo r ensics ex p a nd s the 1mag1nat1on It help s you see things you've never see n before," sa1d
so ph omore Ch n sten Ga ir Photo by H Nuanes
Go G irl Senior Ebon ie Ca n er shows off heraward -w1 nnin gsty le dunng c la ss Allhough fore ns ics takes hard work , th ere 1s a lot o f fun mixed 1n "Th ere are great loo kin g girls at th e tournaments," commen ted so ph omo re Danny
Schmied Ph oto by H Nua nes
It 's D e ba ta bl e Sen1orT1m
Lane sharpens hi s debate s k ills
The tea m was succes"> ful and they s howed 1t thro ug h th eir many awards "Fo r e n s i cs teac he s s kill s that will help you throughout you r l1 fe:· s tated
Lane Ph oto by H Nuanes "\ ote, 1"
Ju s t G r ade s
90 -
)"" {\\.O.
Gett ing up a t the c ra c k o f dawn o n S aturday m o rning s in o rd e r t o c at c h th e bu s that leav es at 6 :00 a m fo r th e 15 h o ur t o urnament is so m e thing that fo rensics s tudent s e ndu r e weekly Ma y b e it 's th e gl o ry of winning that motivate s th ese s tud e nt s, o r maybe
Ju t Jok in g Senior en~ Hoy t entertains his aud ience while competing 1n Dramatic Interpretation of Literature "Forensics teac hes you to speak dam good • Joked sophomore Andrew Coor'. Photo by H Nuanes
1t 's ju s t th e co mp e t1t1v en ess o f th e individu a l, but th e fa c t s till re mai ns t h a t the se s t ud e nt s s h o w up , a nd
"Fore nsics c reates a la bora tory se rt1ng , vhe re spea ki ng, researc h , and th i nki ng s k11l s c a n be practic ed wJth out peo ple be 1n g h ar m ed i f w rong cho ices arc made." Mr Lowe ll Sha rp th ey are s u ccess ful Burke a nd Jami e Sere n a D o v ey
Br ai n Bus ting Sophomore Leah Kerr shows hersenous side Compet1t1on takes ded1c.a t1on but 1t pays off • Forensics lets you apprecia te the work you didn't do when you we re n ' t involved,' said sophomore Beth Murphy Pho10 by H N uanes
'\l at e 1" ; v~ {l'°' Ju s t Grad es - 91
perform plays for elemen-
t a r y school students . Because they perform fairy tales with an exo t ic
Sc r ea min '! Se ni o r C ar o lin e W ac htler Jumps bac k 10 fn gh1 when she no tices th at Sarah Boy d 1s eve n more ev il than i.he suspec ted ' W achtl er 's hair, whi ch would stand on end for every performan ce, was a favo nt e of th e yo un ger el ementary sc hoo l ru g-rats Tres vog ue, non? Ph oto by Jos h G ree n
twist , these Demons are able to capture the attention of the younger generation, while introducing them to the art of th ea t rical production. Junior Steve Abbott concluded , ''Children's Theater is an intergenerational opportunity." L. White and K. Saunders.
In Children's Theater, the school ' s most ta lented thespians, produce and "Whal a place A place where one can go and be himself along wit h having fun," Ja s on Pas chall 92-
Off Wi th Hi s H ea d ! Se ni o r J oe l Murr ay ( tow n lau g he r) te ll s a Jo k e bul Emil y Pe an.o n ( pnn cess so ur) doe i. n ' t hke 11. With th e ir wh1m s1c al sc npt s, th ese C hildre n 's Th e at e r s tud e n1 i. h a d no troubl e e nt e rt a 101ng th e ma&.es. Ph o to b y Hea ther Nuan es
D o n ' t S pill ! Senio r E n c Rattelmueller (a brother) laughs. "'htle Junior T J Fe th (W1lh am) spills punch on senior Emily Pea"on ( pnn cess sour) Pear..on has decided that " Keeping a sour face 1s o ne o f th e hard eM th ings io do on s ta ge" Phot o by H Nuane s
Fir s t ro \\ : Roxanne Alder. Veme1te Due., terbcc k Stac) Dngger Laur.i DuJ.; e, \Va)ne J a n ee !,; Sarah MeIT)man , Ja.'>on Pa'>chjll , Sarjh Bo)d Emil) Pea~ o n eco nd ro \\ : S teve Eisenbarth , Apn l Overgaard Meh,,a Ill Sara l\-1ee Sjrah
S tein, A lex Turner. Caroline Wachtler. Heather John'>on Jeannie Miller Third r ow : Ginger M enzies. Cn,, Hoyt , Ltura Kolin T J Feth Ba c k ro\\- : Jim L indberg, Jeremy Zahne, Enc Ranclmueller. Lori F1,her Jod Murray Joe Younger. Steve Abboll , Boyd Nel~on Ja,on Am,parger. Heather Nuane, Chad Ozde m1r Photo b) H eathe r Nuane.,
Will You Marr y M e? Junior
T J Feth a<,ks se ni o r Caroline Wachtler while JO k1n g a round 1n rehearsal "It', a pla ce where you can act an d h ave a good II me, while warping c h, l d ren •., minds. (for a good purpose)," '>a1d Feth Ph oto by Josh Green
S noo z in ' E n c Rattl e mu e ll er(on e of th e brothers) ta k es a s n ooze during one o f th e produc ti ons Despue Rattlemueller's sleep disorder, C hlldren 's Th ea ter plays are performed for about 40 ,000 e lemen tary st udent s 1n a 20 mile radius Ph o to by Heat h er Nuanes
"'l f ot e 1' )" ~ t{\\O. Ju s t G r ade s - 93
F r on t r o\\- Ron Finel h Heather Nuanes, Heather
John so n Hi llary Holland. Breu Myers , Caroline
Wa c htler , Moni ca Lo,eman Bnan Outland eco n d r o'" Jo sh Brook, Marlaina Cleme nt s, Stephanie \V1 nkler. Daniel Shook , Ka11e Smith, T eeTee Chou. Missy Moms. Tracey Nobel Bac k
row Roger Stelle~. Sara h Wolf Ehud Aponte , S tacy Win sto n Came Pearse Photo by Fluid
W e ll . .. Mr R onF1nel lt , new s paper adviso r and Carohne Wa c htler Ed1tor-1n-Ch1ef discuss the next issue ·s graphics The Trident 1s a monthly production so ma ny deadlines so little 11 me Ph oto by Hea th er Nuanes
Ab s orbed J un iors Bnan Outland and Bretl M yers work hard o n th eir next stone<;, which are always o n time Senior Tracey Nobel co mmented. " Newspaper 1s an educationa l expe n e nce becau~ you can learn how th e new5,paper 1s run " Photo by Fluid
Argh ! Freshmen , J o,h Br oo ks, Ka11e S mith , Marl a ina Cle me nts quickly ty pe away o n th eir pa s tdue stones Sa rah Wolf added, " It 's very stressful, newspaper makes my life a la v in g he ll to ge t stones 1n on time " Ph oto by Hea th e r Nuanes
9 4 -
Stressful deadline s, angry and worried editors, stumped writers , and no photographers- thi s is all a part of the new s paper scene. The news paper is a way of com muni ca ting to people about issues and events that are going on or involv e them in some way.
Fluid f Although the new5paper s taff 1s U5ually hard at work., 5en1or, H eather J ohm,on and Eltud Aponte find a moment of amu,ement. Ellud say!>, " le ''> grr r ea t " Photo b} H eather Nuanes
New s paper is a way o f o pening pe op l e's eyes and mind s to what i s hap. pen1ng.
Indeed , thi s i s rather hard to accomp Ii s h.
Ala s, the
0 I n a h1gb schoo l envi ronment where o~n:; are in cootrot Newspaper is the one pl,1ce where we can use oorfreedomof speech "
Caroline Wachtler
Trident i s ever c hanging. Heather Nu a ne s
A ll R ig h t! Se ni or Ca r oline Watcher 1<, deltnou,ly happy with reltef after finding out the ~ect1on editors, ,o ph omores, Stace)' W tn '>IOn, Carrie Pean.e and H illary H olland have fin1'>hed their layouts for newspaper Ph o t o by Flu i d
Wh e n yo u th in k o f yea rb oo k , wh a t co m es t o mind ? A bl o w o ff c la ss a nd an e a sy ' A 1 ? So ph o m o re Dawn Durant th o u g ht that until s h e go t fi rs t h a nd ex p e ri e n ce, " I
th o u g ht it wo ul d b e easy , but it tu r n e d o ut t o h a v e m o re wo rk inv o lve d . 11 Ye arb oo k inv o lve s takin g pi c tur es, wr it in g c apti o n s, and wr it in g co p y. Th e advi so r , Ron Finelli s t a t e d , " I lik e the c re ative
process a nd I liv e for th e s tr ess . ,, S eni o r Peter Cieslar s um s it up ni ce ly: "Ye arb oo k is an ex p e ri e n ce . 11 Mi c h e ll e Tu c k e r and B e th E lder .
Hmmm Se ni o r Pe te r C 1es l a r con te mpl a tes t h e m a kin g o f a gra phi c h e adlin e P e te r was th e gra ph ic ex pert a n d des igne d all th e g ra phi cs 1n th e boo k He sa id , " I lak e d u s in g th e co mput ers and ex p e n me nt1n g w ith diffe r e n t i deas " P h o to b y D av i d Lowe
Ty p e , a nd Ty p e o m e M o re Se ni ors J os h Gree n and V 1rgm1 e Rud l o ff wo rk q ui e tl y a t o ne of th e co mput e rs. J os h s aid h e t oo k yea rb oo k " b eca u se th e M o rm on (C h a d Wads wo rth ) w as 10 1t , a nd I w a nt e d to be a Podw ab 100 " P h o to b y R o n Fin ell i
" I lil.. e year b ook because u ' s c ool and I'm a cool g u y! nD avi d Y ang 96 -
H a n g o n t o Me! Courtne>
Sasa. P e te r C1eslar Tim Blum, Mi c he ll e Tu c k. e r, and J o.,h Green. h old onto C had \Vad '>wort h ""htle takin g a breather from }earbook.
Ye arboo k. h a d 11'> good ttm es. a, w e ll a, 11, bad plu s a lot of d ed1ca t1on Photo b y Serena Dovey
Front ro\\ : S Dove>. J Burk e , D Yang eco nd row ·
K Sander, , R F1n ell1 1 Coo k son , K Reinecker V Rudloff, J Hu ebe l, R Newberg D Du rant, H Nuanes.
T B o tw1ck. L Whit e T h ird ro": H FoMer. S Hebekr
L Keith, C Coupe n , R Trenk.. C Sa!>a Ba c k row : D Lo\\-e T 01erk1ng, J Green T Blum C Wad,worth.
P C1v,lar M T uc ker C Bellow, 1 Sp1v~> ~ot pi c tu red B Elder Photo by R ya n Goble
What to T y p e? Juni or T im
Blum s to ps and pond ers o n what to wnte n ext Be in g the Ed11 o r- 1n -
C h 1ef ha s a l o t o f res pons 1b1ltt1 es puttin g a l o t of ex tra lime 1n , and taking c harge T1rn s ta1 ed,'' 11 'sa lot of fun even th o ugh the re's
s tress " Phot o b y J os h Gre e n
Whi s tl e Whil e You Work
Fre s hm a n H olley F os ter and se nior C h ad Wad swo rth w o rk
bu s ily to m ee t deadlin e The big ges t fear 1s of " fatal errors "
Sopho m ore J amie Burk e sai d , " l love fatal errors and fatal e rron.
l ove m e 1" Ph oto b y J os h Gree n
• t
First row : M cc ull o u g h Burk e, Do rsc h Cox. Deegan Yo un g, S h oo k eco nd r o ~ : Fink , B e ll an 11 S wi s h e r M a rkovc h1 c k Coo per, Hahn , S mith , Third row : Ru sse ll Ho ll a nd , Goodwin , Duke. P o n e r , S umn e r , Du se nbury , Fourth ro~:
Sc h ne id e r P ray, B o hn, B e nt o n , Furt a k , D y ke. M a ta ya. Back row : M o n c kt o n Ch a pp e ll Coo per Hoy t , C h1 !. h o lm , Ho lland
I think that. So ph o m o re Leah
Ke rr ta lks to th e So ph o m o re Cla!>s
s tud e nt coun c tl me mbe rs about th e
cl a ss ac t1 v it1 es. Hillary H o ll a nd
co mm e nt e d " l w ant to make s ure
th a t eve ry o ne ge ts re pres ented "
Ph o to b y He ath e r Nuan es
What ? Seni o r Becc a Deeg anYo un g 1s takin g part in an important
d1 sc u ss 1on So phom or e Ryan
C h1 !. h o lm co mm e nt e d , " l want to be inv o lved ,n !>C hool a nd make d ec1s 1on s that e ffe c t u s •· Photo b y
Hea th e r Nu a n es
D ec is ion s. Soph o more
Jo nathan Pra y 1s c on ce rn ed abo ut wh a t kind o f d ec 1!> 1on ~ will be mad e dunn g th e m ee tin g He s aid,
" I am he re to repre se nt and pro n, o te sc ho o l s pirit c 1t1 z en h1p and ~c h o l a rsh,p " Phot o by He ath e r Nu a nes
98 -
Hard-working people represent all of the students in the school. This year ' s Student Council has been working on many things: Homecoming, recognizing students and teachers, different activities for each class, community activities, the Student Council auction and student representation on various committees throughout the school.
"I am in Student Council becau_,c,e I want t o make a differen c e,' says junior Erin Furtak.
Student Council is a group of dedicated students who take on the responsibility of representing our school the best that they can Heather Nuanes
Work! Se ni ors J ru.o n Ru sse ll a nd Bn a n Sc hn eide r l oo k a t che pl a n s f or 1h e scave n ge r hu n t
M eagan D o r.c h sa id , " I w ant to be a b le to pu1 peo pl e's id e a s int o effec t a nd m a k e c han ge,; in o ur sc h oo l thro ug h o ur id eas " Ph o 10 b y Hea th er Nuan es
HO'\\ is thi s? Se ni o r Eileen
B u rk e ,., workin g o n a po s te r f o r th e '>e n1 or c,cave n g.e r hu n t A n
i m port an t fac to rin S tu de nt Co un c 1I
1s t ry in g to pr omo te c l ac;s s pirit
Th ey ra ised 7,000 ca n s o f f ood du n n g th e s tud e nt co un c ll a u c 11 o n Ph o to B y H eath e r N u a n es
"\ l ote 1'\ )"" {~O. Ju s t Grades - 99
When it comes to science, GHS provides scientifically enlightening stu"Ten thousand vol~ ru s hing through my body does not sit well ,vtth me • - Senior Sarah Merryman
dent body courses . ranging f r o m earth science to meteorology . Teachers enjoy working hands on with classes , whether Now T h at's Ig neo u Whil e ex. am1n1n g a rock co ll ec ti on Mr D1d e n ck Iverso n an d Kac i Ke ll y di sc uss differe nt ty pe s o f roc ks Ma ny s tud e nt ::, tak e pa rt ,n 1nt e re i:. t10 g e x.penm e nt s at GH S. Ph oto by Cy nthia Be ll ows
it is with rocks or lethal chemicals High school would not be the same without the experience of dissecting a fetal pig. Ms. Judy Edwards commented, "I like earth science because the Golden area has lots of things we can see first hand.''
Coupens and Sarah Hebeler
I See Now So ph o m ore Da n e ll Dittbr e nn e r p ee r s int o th e mi crosco p e. l oo kin g f o r th e answe r " It 's a grea t o pponunity 10 teac h a han<b -o n c la ss," sa id M s Jud y Edw a rd s Ph o to b y Cy nthia B e ll ows
Co nfu ed ? SophomoresCalle}
Hu ghes and J amie Burke ti) 10 figure ou1 which Y.a) 1s north whi le on a biology field rnp ' It ~ems rha1 doing labs in sc ience lend 10 makettalotmorefun 'commen ted so ph omore Chnsune P e1ers Photo by Ken Vanderlaan
Ge t B ac k t o Wo r k Sophomore, J \Vurtenberger, A O1-,en , K Os h eroff and A Schosso\lt cake a 11me out v.h1le on a biology field tnp Biology 1, a great v.•a for students to get hands-on c~penence Photo by K e n Vande rl aan
What Wa s That ?
Sophomores Kelh Co lli gan and Ian Ba tes read th eir sc ien ce book while t ry .1ng to com prehend wh a t th ey saw 1n the microscope , Ri g ht now th e b iology s tudent s are st ud yi n g th e proce ss o f evolu11on Ph oto by Cy nthi a Bell ows
C ar e ful No,v So ph omore
Sh1relle Schmidt drops so luti o n o n th e s ltde to see th e results Man y s tudent s a gree chat u s in g mi c rosco pe s 1s 1he hardes t part of th e c lass " I absolu1ely l ove 1eac h1n g biology," said Mr Ke n Vanderlaan Ph o to by Cynthia Bellows
- - ·-·-~--. -··; - -·~ - ~----.7"~
• • ~ ,,,,,,, '
And the An s wer Is . .. Junior Nrck Huerta , and so phomore Bob W1lltam s and other s tudents are tryin g to get he lp 10 a mat h c lass While so me s tudents wondenfthey will ever use algebra 1n real life , others recognize math as a really important hfe s kill
a y What ? Senior Ehud
Aponte tne s to figure out his gra phi cs calculator Math classes are no longer JUSt adding and s ubtrac ting , but al so work ing with modem tec hnology
It F ig ur es Senior'> Jenn y Reynebeau and Chad Ozdem1r work. t oget her 1n Ms Mart ynu s ka ' s tng class Mo st st udent s admit tn g 1s one of th eir toughest classes Rega rdin g tng.JuniorTim Blum sai d , " I know I m gomg insane'" Photo by Jos h Green
Ca l c ulat ed Ri s k s Senior Danielle Granqu1s helps Benton Edie with an Algebra II problem
GHS offers high powered classes all the way to AP Calculus Senior Caroline Wa ch tler said, " Mr Putka ts anything but monosy llabi c " Photo by C Bellows
{ote 1'\ 10 2 - JV " {~O. Ju s t G r ades
If you can balance your checkbook or figure how much paint it takes to paint a house, thank your math teacher. Whether we like it or not, math affects our lives everyday, Mrs. Diane Kessler believes, " We need math beca use it develops logical thinking and
Bea ts Me Sent ors R yan Wolfrum and Ro c kie Wil son ta c kl e another m a th proble m The y sai d 1hat without the n ew hi g h tec h calc ulators , math would be nearl y 1mpo ible Jum o rCrai g Manin sa id , " Without th e rational ba si s of mathemati cs, we are nothing ·• Photo by Josh Green
good problem sol-ving skills, and because it ' s easy to spell." The Math Department of-
f e r s classes from the basic Math Compe-
"Thehardestpartofmath 1s passing it 1 -~ Sophomore Nichole Smith tencies class to the super challenging AP Ca lcu lu s program.
It 's o Easy M l> Jan Martynu s ka Ine s to help T J F et h understand what'!> w rong with hi s solu u o n Without consta nt h e lp tn g 1s 1mposs1ble M s Martynu s ka sa id "Tng 1s the most u seful math, th e bedrock. of eng1neenng math "
Photo by Jo s h Green
r -0
--i i ote tt JV" {\\Ck Ju s t Grade s - 103
Foreign Ian• guages give us a unique perspe c tive on life Al -
most ev -
ur love il whe n we ge t to dance aro und th e classroo m s1n g1n g Lalin so ngs'!" Laura Kolin
ery o ne takes a foreign language in high s c hool and some realize all the possibilities that c an be in
How Do You Do That? Senior Amy Gardner turns around towards Senior Courtney Cooley\.\. 1th confusion on their homework Looking forward into the future , Heather \Velch ~•d "I've always wanted to be a foreign eitchange student and now I have that chance in Germany ' Photo b} J Green
store for them. The c ourses that are given can make your future much brighter Even senior Danielle Gr anquist admitted, " Foreign language is cool!" Getting involved in the classes makes learning fun, especially when you get to eat the foreign foods! Virginie Rudloff
Uh ... Yea h! Studen t~m Mr Yanz's Spanish class lis ten 10 the lec ture he g1v~. The most advantageous part of foreign language 1s bemg a part of those delicious pany days Each class elects a day co scuff themselve~ silly and eat the food of theircountry Pho co by J Green
"\ ote 1' 104 - )"'" {\\O. Ju s t Grade s
Ho,v Do You pell That ?
L} nn De Berr> asks Rena Du!>t!nbur) a question v. hale Andrea Archer and Rachelle Mcmurtry thank hard to come up v. 1th an an"" er Group dialogs and d1scu,;~1ons are a dail> part of a foreagn language cour;e Photo b} Josh Green
And o,v 1r JerT) Yanz lead, h1sclass m agroupd1scu Mon There are man) foreign language clas,e,; offered at GHS 1nclud1ng French. Gennan Latin Span,.,h and Rl ,,1an All classes are filled v.ith act1\1e.s v.h1ch help a student in learning Photo b)' Josh Green
Here' to Another Day The
Spanish class 1s prepanng • for a day of learning Hon1e\\.ork 1s alwa,s a part ol foreign language s ince pracuce makes perfect It reall) does makes thing!'. perfect for people v. ho are looking into the future with their language Photo b} J Green
\Vh a t ? \Vh1le Ashle) F100111 studies hard. Jennifer Duplessis stares awa) qu~t1on10g her teacher Jerem) Smdov. adm111ed to the his ov.n thoughts b) saying "Mr.. Poveda has some ver) strange phra. es such as pra1ne farkle and buffalo chips 11 made learning a little bll more fun Photo by J Green
/\l ot e, l'\ )"" tf "'(}. Ju s t G r a d es - 1 05
Hard Work '? C.1rtcr Maki
[!rtl Jlartrn c, ,tcr, ( r.ug Mart in ,1nd
l:,drnund Phillip , lool- ,It ,rt1tl c, HI
A P World I 11\t ory The hl\t ory
tl,,,,e, ,omct1me, put ,tudcnt, to
,lccp )cnior D.1n R,ind, 111 ,. ,HJ, " It
pu,h1.•, u, to th l' edge o l
ho red om ·• Photo hy I odd 01 cr k 111g
Sp li \ h Spla \ h A P Chcml\try
,tudc rll , Mon,l,I Lo ,cm, 111 ,1 tt e 111pt ,
to w,l\h , I dnp tr.,y w11hout gc 11111 g
wll A P ( hcm1,try g 1vl'' d"h
w,l\h1ng cx p crtlllle and ot h er
cvcry d .,y l- nowledg1.· Mont l, I
,.11d "AP l l,1,,t', arc " ncLc,,.iry
ev il · Ph o t o hy Jo , h (;recn
P ay lt e nti o n Senior. Peter C1e,l<1r Kurt Jcn,cn Wa 7 ne Jancck Bnan Eth, and T erry Smith watch Mr Bob Putka APCalculu, ama,cd ,tudent, with challc ngtng problem, ' It , more o f a challenge to f-.eep my eye, open • ,aid <,enior Amber Swl\her Phot o by J Green
Pr ec ic; ion Senior. <ihane Barlow and Karl Rodn gue, n1ea,urc exac t amount\ in AP Chem 1\try AP chcml\try pu , h ed th e envelope of com ph ta t1 on ,n che m1\t ry cla,,c.., If you re th1nk1ng abou t taking AP cla,,e, ,e n1or Mindy Nelm, ,a id " J u-,t Say No Ph o to by J Green I
Advan Placement are of classes pinnacle education tern . Only
ced (AP) the the systhe most intelligent, or the most foolish dare to sign up for these c l asses. I n doing so these brave souls practically destroy their GPA. As senior Tim
Tea m\\ o rk I va n Woehr S IC\'C L,mgdon and M1<..hclle (,rove, \\.Ork on J <..hc n11\I I) l,1b AP Chcnll,lr) ,howcd ,1udcnl\ "'h.11 hon1cv. or l- "'a, \Vhen contac1cd Hc ,llher John ,on ,aid "I n1 working on Ill} AP h:,1vc rne ,tlonc ·• Photo by J Green
Lane puts it, "AP helps the smartest kids 1n school flunk ." Senior Al e x Bezzerid e s comments on the intelligence of students w h o choose to
··A little advice don't lake 11 your senior year unlcs.., you need a good nap" • ~1i~c.,y Morrb
take AP classes. " We 're the smartest idiots 1n the school." Josh Green and Chad Wadsworth
H e l p! Sc111orC,crd,1 L1ngc peer, overda,,mJlc Tun Lme , ,houldcr in .1n .1llemp1 lo ,olvc .,n •\P ( .1lcu Iu, problcn1 Group "or!-. be<.. ;.une a llC<..'C\'>ll) for lhc hr.I t1n1c in AP C,1kulu,. Scmor Tl·e 1 Cl Chou ,a,d \P , 1.ind, for· Anal and P,llhl'II<.. · Photo b't Jo,h Green
r"\ i ote l\ )" .. 1"'°' J us t Grades - 107
The lights , the glamour, the paint, the pencils ... No it's not another commercial for a fashion institute. It's the art classes at G HS. From Photo 1 to Painting 4, most people agree with junior Rocco " Artists have to know the rule s before they can break them, " Mr G1:ne Young•
Scardello , when he says, "Art is expressing your feelings in a way that everyone can admire and mann enjoy." Artists are known for their abstract way of expressing their ideas through art. Many people think that taking an art class will be easy, but according to junior Jason Yosha , "I thought it would be an easy class , and it turned out to be pretty hard, but it is still my favorite class." No matter what your talent, the art program at GHS will help you create a work of art. David Yang
and Katherine Saunders
tic k y t u ff F reshm e n He ath e r \V ibon , S arah Ke nd ell and Bnanne Bum s si t through ano th e r ce ra mi cs class th1nk1n g abo ut th ei r fin al p roJec t s So ph o mo r e Jam es Mc Murt ry sa id , "A rt 1t ' s a lot o f fun " Ph o to by C Be ll ows
Co n ce n tratio n Juni o r Kim Bre nnec ke ca refull y s ta rts on he r wo rk o f a rt Co nce ntrati on on th e pic t ure mak es he r drawin g a s fl aw less a!> th e on g in al. S he 1s one o f th e few i nd e p e nd e nt s tud y s tud e nt s 1n drawin g :,, tud1 0 c lass Ph oto by C Be ll ows
r ,.,
~~ote 1' 108 - J"" {"O. Ju s t Grade s
Turtle Po,, e r Fre hman Barb Anderson puts t he fin1-.h1 n g touche.<, on her pla ster turtle in her crafb. class Lots of people tale an classes at GHS accordi ng to Junior Jesse B1elal becau,e Art 1, a grea t way o f eitpre,'>lng your ,oner fee lin gs ·• Phot o by C Bellow-.
L' Ma terpiece Sophomore Saman Sadegh i c ut s eye indt:.nllon-. into h i, abs tract c raft proJe~t Sophomore Juh e Heinz ha, de cide d th a t " The work , ., hard bu11hc re-.ult , ., worth,-..h1h.."
Photo by Cy nth ia Bellow
Fini s hing Touche
Fres hman T erry E1len. .<, tart , to add some co lor and ltfe into h, -. maste rpi ece Terry sa id he tool cra ft s class because " I co uld build and be c rea ti ve" C rc at1 v1t) " a grea t ta le nt found 1n G HS art cl asses. Photo by C Bello,,..,
C laymation Juni or T an y..1
Pr en11ce n1otd-. clay but the question"· into what,, , he molding
1r> Even in art cl.1,-. th e re a rc final .... and th;ir ', '"hat 11 was ' Art
c la v,c-.enh an ce the crea ti ve s p1nt "
-...1 1d Mr Joe McG mn " Ph o to by Cyn thia Bell ow,
t Grades - 109
First Ro" K Clark A Reimer 1\1 Thoma., / Ko,tcnn.1/l K Fret:mJn J Carr A Smith. A
e\\ Lomm. C O~fl:!. t,..t Grove.<. R. C¼ berg A ) amo T Pok.om}. K S.iunde~. t,..t Mahara., J
Kunu J Carr Second Ro"· J Akal M 1:xndder 1' Bennen K Rall. K Robtn<,0n K Wendt. f,..1
Keannc. E Ha~kin, R Black. T Van~oen-.t!l C Peter-. K Pre,ua-<.ehaub. C Smnh. T Kemler. 8
Pe-a...e S Ed...on Third Ro"· R Crane , R Dohert} D \\ti-.eman. Sr\ A Chn~ten~n. T Bau.S
Heineman C Riedel K Culler A Buchholz. Church D ~1enopace D Wo~ter.A Floe~.G Sm1lh
Carter C ClN>n W Eberhart B Stover T White B Grovc--.J ~1undt Ba ck Ro~ P Vona. S
DurJJl-keen K Kettlewell K Bohn E L1p-.tein R Alh-.on J Hoppin E. Ahl<,trom E AndeN>n. S
Schroeder r,..1 Berk D Reher G Hille) T V1g1I C Ryan C Curtt<.
Crescen do Junior, Eri k Ahbtrom Richard Alll\on. and Ellen L1pstem sltde 1he1rtrombones dunng rehear.al Richard made All-Count} band Enk commented "Jazz band open" your mind to a different ,1, le o f music"
Photo by H Nuanes
Mar c h On The GHS
March in g band 1s ma rc hin g tn perfect s te p a nd in perfect tune in a para de Drum maJ Or Mi c he le Groves co mm en ted. " Marchin g
sea,on 1s my fav on te pa rt o f band becau-,e I love to co ndu ct " Ph o to by Cyn thia Be ll ows
S trin g it Up Se ni or J ess ica
Mo\1cr 1s prac t1 c1ng her ce ll o during Orchestra r c h ea r ,a l Je,, 1c.acom n, en tcd " Mr Echon ha'> helped me ,o rnu c. h wi th my pl ay in g ab1l1t1es" Ph o to by T .
Dier ki ng
:~:::::······••1 "''
-- -
Mu s ic is one wa y that s tudent s express their c reativity. The Mar c hing band went t o State at Mile Hig h Stadium. The first performan ce for Symphonic band was their Christmas concert. Jazz band is full of the be s t instrument players at G H S. Orchestra
Too t-Too t Jun1orsMa1tBerk and Enc Ahlo,trom. -who are abo 1n Jazz band. are playing th eir be-.t dunng Symphonic band rehearsal Junior Chns Car.on said · Pia) ing m) sax, allow~ me to ex.press m),elf through the music "Ph oto b) C Bello\\-s
performed at Coors and at the Christmas co n ce rt . Di recto r Mr . S c ott Edson
C O mmented, "The talent ba se • 1s expanding,
" Pla ying lhe tru mpe t g1v~ me the ab1hty to e~pre~ emotions 1n an arttul way " Freshman LeJo Fl ores
and we h o pe to take adv ant age of our strengths."
Ra che l Newberg
Acce l e r a nd o The Orche.,tra 1, wor kin g at perfecting their music
The follo\.\-1ng made All-State Orchestra Sara Groenhoff Jes'>1ca h,10.,1er. and R occo Scardello Freshman Wendt Eberhan -.aid " Our mu,1c -.elecuon 1, great " Photo b) T D1er~1ng
-· --~--~-. - ---~
What is 24th young and old. MounStreet Singers? Tee tain Magic is GHS' allTee Chou has the girl choir, made up prip er f e ct marily of sophoanswer: mores. Mountain
W e Magic performs at "Singers i s great, without the cl ass I don't knowwh
times we dance. " Singers is one of GHS choirs , that performs on a regular basis in front of audiences both
community centers , and nursing homes. Singers and Mountain Magic will be going to the multi-state competition called Cavalcades of Music, in Colorado Springs in May. By J. Hu ebel
u .. . . . . . !
Purvi s. s 1 n
a n
,'\ l ote 1'\ 112 - JV" {\\°' Ju s t Grade s
Co ncert C hoir Front ro\v G S ta nl ey. E H a le. S Arndt , R J J o n es, M C urran , A Bull Seco nd row D M a ll oc k , S And erso n , M Ra wso n , B Wes tby. T S p ra tl e. C C la rk Third row A S praggs, J Mu rray, B Ha mpl e m an M Rh o to. M C lin e Back row S C ro w e ll , W Bake r M K e atin g, R Ard o in T Wh ee le r C C utt e r
would do ." Becky
g ...
S in g It Out Director Enc
Wems1e1n and senior drummers
Layla shadl uand Arbon Reimer. lead th e all-g irl Moun 1a1n Magic
In on ly his seco nd year al Golden
Mr We1n s ce1n had built a powe rful vocal mu sic department
Ms Jud y Van ce. GHS pnnc1pal sai d " I'm impre ssed with th e ir performance" Phot o by T odd
24 th S t ree t S in ge r s Front ro\\ B Purvis. J Bakk er. L Shadu C Cooper. M Loseman. C \Vebb C' Sa nd ers, M Nelm, 5 Bo}d f Polomy T Chou A Fasick Back ro"' Mr Enc
W e1ns 1e1n. J Schossow J Sc h owengerd t A Turn e r. A Spraggs. B Nehon. B Ka ppe s. D Mat lock.) Murra} J Smdow, C Hoy t D S kala
Beat It Se n ior Lay la S h adlu of Singers and Jennifer Goodland of Moun1a1n Ma gic beat th e drum s dunn g a performan ce 1n th e aud1tonum on De c. 4 Singers and Mountain Magi c perform together often. in churc he s and hom es fo r th e elderly
Mountain M ag ic Fron t
R ow:R oshe ll e Walte r Kall e Bos io.Sa mantha T akaha shi. K~ey
Granth am. Brittany Isenberger
Kn sune Comely Amanda Fein
Hilla ry Turn er. Kati e Johnston, Je nnifer Goodland, Heather Moon
Bac k r ow Mr Enc Wem~tetn
Li sa Ma y. Pam Bau g hman
Mi ch ell e Jun ea u Kara DeCarolts, Br y nn Hud son, S ta cey Ho> t. Lind sey Bra zi l , Den ise S haner Libb y Lon g. Kelli Sc hna se. Lanna
Photo by C Be llows
o-c e 11 JV " {\\O. J us t G r a d es - 1 13
K e e p milin g Senior Amy Gardne r 1s happil y typing a page forhercomputerclass " Th1 sc la ~ 1<, better th an a stic k 1n the eye,"
,a id Gardener T he Creative Co mput e r class ta ug ht s kill s such as acc.ounung and g raphi cs Phot o by C Bellows
Wh a l ' T h a t ? Fres hman Shane Marquardt loo k!> 1n s urpn !-.e at Mr Bru ceS tokl en Th e outcome for th e business co ur..e s went well thi s yea r and prov id ed s tudent s w ith many <, ktlh " Mark e ting Education 1s en te rtainin g," sa id Matt Corry Ph oto by J Green
A n o th e r D a y A n o th e r A Fre!>hman Josh Wilburn and so ph omore Kim Ziegler type paper, Bu siness co ur ses he lp ,tude nt s pre pare for JObs Ms. Gail 0 e1l said ·•Students should be req uired to grad uat e with business cred it s " Ph oto by C Bell ows
C a n Y o u H e lp ? Fre sh n1an Hu y Pham as ks Mr Bru ceStoe kl e n 1fh1 , ass ignm ent looks co rrec t. 11
1.-. a fun class to tak e," remarked Pham The C rea uve Computer c las, was Just added to GHS and 1:. doing well Ph oto by Cyn thia Be ll ows
I I I I ..at 'I
The students who take business courses are preparing for the future. They are always learning new and different things. " I think every student should graduate from high school computer literate:' remarked Gail O'Neil . Those students who take a Will it E er Print?
Freshmen Ja .,on Mccall and Shane Marquardt wait for their work. 'Those pnnt er; are so slow 1" said fre.,hrnan Mil e Hamn gton The computer.. 1n or ou tside th eclas_,.are for a ll Photo by C Be ll ows .
business course enJoy their new skills Sophomore Heidi Layman explained " Keyboarding is fun for me and l am actua I I y learn-
.. Why aren't there any girl computer gee~ at GHS who hang out ln the computer lab? '' a.-.ked teacher Bruce Stoellen
ing ," Peter Cieslar, Sarah Hebeler, and Laura White
Type A, vay Fre-.hman Lule Sta hlm er 1s fin1sh1ng up on a proJect for class • A great way 10 ex pre<;s \\,ha t we do a nd why we do II 1c; the fact that we I,le letter, " said Jamie Konegn, Ph oto by C 1 nt h1 a Bellows
J ·. -
Environmental Technological Preparat io n (E TP ) and Aviati o n are new
•' I' ve wanted lo do this si n ce I c la sses to GHS was Si)('· - Steve Kibl e r They offer s tudents a chance t o explore ca reer c h o ices and find a ca reer that of-
Loo k Ru sh Chns11ne Sm11h waits f or Steve Ru \ h, th e Av i ation teachertochec k hera1rplane w in g The cla,s had night simula tors to practice 0)'1ng Mr Ru ,h !> l ated , " After this cla-.s st ud en ts can go far want to int o th e av1at1on fi el d "
fer s what they are looking for. In ETP s tudent s learn to solve environmental issues to prevent future problems . Aviation allows students to take the ground w o rk ne cessary to o btain a pilot 's license , a dream for many s tudent s. Josh Green and Chad Wad s worth
Ju s t Rig ht Junior Tr oy V1g1I ge t <, Mr Rush 's approval o n ht , wing before go i ng on t o th e coven n g Students made powered and non-powered g ild er'> and airplanes Th ,., cla ss 11, a pra c u cal learni ng expcne nce," !> l ated Mr Ru!>h P hoto by Jo s h Green
l I I ' ' I ; I I Ii I I 0
;"\ Aote 1\ 1 16 - )"~ {\\.O. J us t Grad es • I .
Photo by Josh Green
G e ntl y o,v S te,e Sc hli e ma n put s a n ot he r piece o n h is airp lane \\--1 ng 1n a via ti on Th e s tud e nt ,built airp la nes a nd gli ders o ut of balsa \\-- ood a nd pa per Th e pl ane, will ha ng from th e ce ilin g a, an exam pl e fo r the the fo ll ow in g se mes ters c lass Ph oto by T od d
D1erk 1ng
T o u g h tuff Sen ior Tami Po k orn) loo k , a l her pr oJec t perpl e,-ed b> thecomp lex ll } Some s tude nt s felt ETP wa.-. a blo\\-- off cla s " ET P 1s n t as eas} an A as ,1 uden1s ,ome t1m e, th an k •• ETP ms1nJ1.tor Ehune Sm ith '>aid Pho to by Cy nt hia Be ll o\\, s
Got It So ph omore Jen nifer S m11h find , th e a nswer 10 th e p ro bl em s he ,s wor king The ho mework was n ' 1give n ofte n but whe n 1t was th e s tud e nt s co mpl a in ed a bo ut th e dt ffi c uil y " I ha te th e ho n1eworl.. an t ha t c lass," J e nnife r sa id Ph oto by Cy nthi a Be ll ow,
What 's So Funn y Na th a n Wn g ht a nd C J \Vh11an g laug h a bout a pa ge o f the ir ETP no teboo l..
ETP farce d so me s tud e nt s 10 tak e o n th e d 1sg us11n g " Th e so luti on \\, as g ross to make," s ai d Me la ni e Ri c hard s Ph o to b } Cy nthi a Be ll ows
r\ { 0t e 1'\
{\\Gt Ju s t Gr ad e s - 117
Measurement of P e rfe ction Fres hman Dr e w Sm11h n1akes s ure th a t h as bread box has a ll th e ri g ht m e a '> ur e m e nt s "S ho p" cla ss es offe r th e c han ce 10 c reat e '>Omethm g use ful. Dre w co mn1 e n1 ed , " Yo u ge t 10 build thm g), th a t yo u can reall y u-, e at home " Pho to by J Gree n
H e C ame , He Sa \v Juni o r Bryan J ohn s on work s on t he tabl e
saw a -, he <, lart <, 10 narro\v d own
th e wood to hi s s pe c , fi c a11 o ns Tht <, piece ,., bein g mad e mt o a c u11m g
b oard Ph o to by J Gree n
Let There B e Light
So ph o m o r e Adam F ay a n d Fre-, hm e n M a tt O ' Rtl ey. J os h Ba t es, a nd J o n Pin e au be g in ma k.1n g l a mp ., u s in g a l a th e ma c hin e 1n wood s hopdunn g 1he 1r access pe nod Ph o to by J Gree n
Pump e d U p Juni o r G a be
Asht o n shows o ff hi'> mu scl es whil e try in g to ge t buff1n th e GH S we ight roo m Tht <; ye ar s gy m clas ses co mbin ed wo rl-.. wtth pl eas ure Gabe s aid he 1s ta l-..m g gy m thi s ye ar be cau se. " It 's fun and it 's required •· Ph oto by C Be llo ws
! • I ' • I ' I ! • I • ' ..., , • .. ....
/\ ot e 1'\ 118 - JV'" {\\O. Ju s t Grad es
In th e 9 0 's peo pl e are co n ce rn e d abo ut s tay in g in s hap e. A p e rfec t way to d o th is i s to ta ke a gy m c lass a t GHS . Juni o r Jay Anderson l ikes gy m
c lasses beca use " It 's fun a nd yo u ge t to pl ay sc h oo l boy g am es with h o t g irl s i n gy m s h ort s."
T ec h . a rt s m ay
n o t kee p you in s h a pe
Demon Po,ver Junior Steve "Bos ton" King bench prei.'>es an as ton1'>h 1ng 225 pounds as senior Mike Boatman encourages hi m to do a few more rep'> Mike and Boston hk. e th e class because "It s a good way to stay , n shape ·•
but 1n th e tec h a rt s classes yo u ca n sha p e thi ngs. Se ni o r C. Smith li kes tec h art s
c l asses
b eca u se " I t ' s so m ethin g di f-
fe re nt to
" I hk e gy m classes an d tec h am classes beca use their not as bori ng as al l my othe r classes.'
Brett Davts
learn ab o ut. " Bo th tec h a rt s a nd gy m c lasses are in va lu a bl e to GH S s tud e nt s. D av id Y a ng
Skip to My Lou Sen1orC had Kopser t.u..es a short breather after burning calones by Jumping rope J umpi ng rope he lps keep Chad 1n shape for the sporti. he play, such as football and wresth n g. Said C h ad. '' I love to s kip rope "
Photo by C Bellows
Photo by C Bellows
"Life management courses help you a lot by teach.ing you how to help out at home ."
Students often wonder how what they learn in school will help them in the real world. Life man-
Lan Yu agement classes
offered at G HS give students hands-on experience by teaching every day skills such
Li k e It ? Senior Corey C1nabro d1'>plays hi s ginge r bread mas t er p iece "Coo l-.1n g 1s t h e g reate st, e1.pec1ally when m } food turn s out tasting wonderful," co mmented freshman M aria
T embo Photo by Cy nthia B ellows
as co oking and interio r design. There have been many life management classes added to the course offe rings at G HS t o fulfill a large variety of different interests . Creative Foods, Interior Design , and Teen Living are a few of those added Jamie Burke and Se r ena Dovey
H o w 's It Tas te? Senior J Hu ebe l answers ques ti ons about her final product. " I' ve l earned a lo t about not on l y how to rna l-. e a m ess, but also about organ1zat1on and clean in g up ," re marked Hu ebel Ph oto by C. Be ll ow1.
' I I I I ' I I ' i I • I ' 0
'.J '·' '.' "- ote 1' 120 - J'J" i" ~°" J u s t Grade s 0
' ( ' ..l
Finally Finished ~1s. Susan Julian and sen ior Jessica \Vagne r listen as senior Jennifer Hu ebel tells about th e co n stru ctio n o f her gingerbread house ProJec,., suc h decorating classroo ms make classes more int eresting.
Ca refu I Senior TerraAtz makes th e finishing touches on her design assignment Life management cour..es enco mpa'>'i a large \.anet) of 1ntere,ts. "The best part as the cooking because it' s a lot of fun s.iad fr~,hmen Kell) Knoll and Mana Tembo Photo b) C Bellows
Designing Woman Senior
Tern Spratte makes add1t1ons to her ant e n or design proJect The hfe mana gement courses dado ' t have as high an en rollm e nt as had been h oped " We're really ho pin g we'll ge t more kid s next yea r." sai d Ms Susan Julia n P hoto by J Green
Look s Good Senior Jessica Wa gne r watches wh1 le h er classmates show her th e next ste p Th e goa l of la fe management co ur..es as to make s ure that students have th e s k1lb ne cessary to h ve on th eir own
Photo b} C Be llows
Photo by Cy nthia
---iio-ce tt JV" {~(}. Ju s t Grades- 121
• I , -.- . -· f • "\lote, l'\ 122 - )"~ {\\O. Ju s t G e tting Involved
, /;' "fl r.,.,,;:J;t \ ,.~ . ~ ,.
Along The Beaten Path So ph o m ores P ooJa Vo n a, Bn tt a n y Ise nberge r , Ca m e P earse a nd J e ff Sc h roed e r work o n b io logy p ac ke ts o n t he b iol ogy fi e ld tnp to C hi e f H osa Dr " Doc" V ande rlaan ha s take n m a n y s tud e n ts o n fi e ld tnp s Th ese lu c ky s tud e nts are th e m oM rece nt rec1p1 e n ts o f D oc's hands-o n a pproac h to sc ie n ce C am e sa id, " I h ad a good t1n1e I w o u ld mu c h ra th e r be o ut th ere s tud y i n g th e re al 1h 1ng i ns tea d o f rea din g a b o ut II i n te x1bo oks " Ph o to cou n esy o f Dr Vand e rl aan
Tap Tap Juni ors J ess ica Ri ggs and S h a nn o n Ke ll ey wo rk on a ph ys ics la b 1n M r S c halhan1e r 's cl ass. M a n y lo n g h o u rs we re s peni b y GH S s tud e nt s wor k i n g o n proJec ts an d ass ig n me nt s, n o t o nl y 1n Ph y51cs but o th e r cla sses as ,ve il J ess ica s tat e d , " Ph ys ics 1s fun Mr Sc halharn e r ·s n ea t in ve nt io n s m a ke lea rn mg eas ie r " P h o to b y Cy n thi a Be ll o ws
,,... -··-::- .,..!
l --1
1'\ )"" f"' O. Ju s t G e ttin g In vo l ve d - 123 -
l ote
Inte rnational Club • Od ysse yof the Mi nd
Pr os t ! Here·., to a ll the hard work sel hn g Crystal Geysers and th ose dehc1 >us Gennan gumm) assortments. Senior Pe ter C1eslar looked on a., sponsor H.!dt Groess tned to sell a delicious Cl)stal Geyser at the homecoming ca rn ival E ch year 1n May. the Gennan C lub h ad a 1radt11on of anend1ng a fancy restaurant Ph oto by Ron Finelh
International Oub
Odyss ey of the Mind
Jennifer Goodland, David Johnson , Wendt Eberha rt Not pictured: Sponsor Eileen Cook, Tee Tee Chow, Maoit Lohani, Pooja Voria., Luke Carr. Khomkrit Ka-0w th umrong, Patnck Boyd. R oss Turk. Ian Bates , Layla Byars and Pete r C 1es lar.
Wh a t is it ? Junior Jennifer Goodland passes 1he structure 10 a sophomore 10 the OM circle " Wh at could thi s be"'' as ked Junior Khom Kaowthumrong, as the <,pontaneous question of the moment s tart ed Spo ntan eous 1s JUSt one of the thing, OM'er<, can do to ,t1mula te th eir mind!> Each answer 1s worth one poi nt and creative answers are worth fi ve Photo by Ron Fin elh
Obj ec tiv e Sophomore Ian Bates s tare s into s pace thi n king of ideas fo r what thi s objec t co uld be as Khorn Ka ow thumron g ex plain s 1h e rule s. " I ,2,3,4,5 each perso n gives an idea as to what the o bJ ec t co uld be One piggyba c k per answer and crea tive answers wtll be g iven extra.points " The Jeffco OM tournament was Marc h 12. l 99 4 at Wh eat Rid ge Hi gh School. Pho to by Ron Finellt
Fro nt row : Veronica Kurtubi. Montl Lohani. Mani t Lohani, Nasvhiko Yamaguchi Back row : Anne Lefevre. Heidi Layman , Felicia Jones , X1 Xt, Ebonie Carter.
r\ Aote 1' 124 - )"" {\\O. J u s t Getting I nvo l ved
\ \ > ,... ----
The Spice of Foreign Life
International Club
Bonjour! Hallo ! Ho la! Salve! This year , the foreign clubs have really had a blast with all the activities that
they were involved in. Each of the four clubs , French, German, Spanish and Latin, kept themselves busy eating
at their gourmet restaurants The groups had an enormous amount of fun with movies, Christmas parties , glamorous
trips, and selling exotic candies Au voir, Bis dann , Ad ios, Vale! Virginie Rudl o ff
To the Limits
" Odyssey of the Mind takes you o n a journey of c h allenging the mind ... " says sophomo r e Layla Byars. Every year there are many options for expanding the mind 's capacity Some of the ca teg ories G HS is parti ci pating in this year, in c lu de a play (" Ili ad") and a s tru c ture (Se t it Free ). Each is accompanied by a spontaneous question Junior Luke Carr s aid "O M, it 's fun , you get to use you r brain and make a me ss at th e same time ." O n e of the a ttribut es th at a team must ha ve, is a po si tive attitude . Junior Patrick Boyd doe s have th is positiv e ou tl ook. He says "Thi s is a great bun c h . W e s h ould have one of th e strongest t eams l,ve ever been o n .)) Katherine Sau nd ers
Buenos Dias! Excited to be attending the homecoming carnival, the Spanish Club awaits their mouth watenng customers arrival Each club member also got prepared for an outrageous experience In March, the Spanish Club planned t o head overseas for a fun filled trip to Spain They will learn the Spanish culture and atmosphere that surrounds them Photo by Cynthia Bellows
i ote l'\ JV~ 1"0. Ju s t Gettin g In volved_ 125
Ca re ful Fre s hmen Manit Lo han , and David J ohnson alo ng with <,ophomore Ian Bat es are on the edge o f their seats as Ross Tur~ ptcls up th e sponta neo us strucrure AnotherOM'ergave an ex plan a tion of th e club, "Odyssey oft he M1ndfun exc ,ttn g and a mind tntn g u1n g expe nen ce," sa id fre~hman PooJa Vona Each week the OM team met on Fndays 1n Eileen Cook's room to build structu res. plan play s. and bu ild their min d w it h a dnll ca ll ed s pont aneous Ph oto by R Finellt
STAND •Friends For Peace
Mov e Along The members of IHOD express their views to the spec t..t ors dunng the Homecoming Parade while nd1ng 1n Roger Myer-.' newly decor .it ed tru ck This club focw,ed on learning about soc1et1 and othe r cultures They .i lso looked for way, to solve problems to get along with different groups of people Ph oto by Cy nth ia Bello,.,.s
Frie nd s For Peace
Fro nt row : Ebonie Carter. Fehc1aJones, Lan Yu, Manhtt Laharu , Haro ld Neara, Anne Lefevre, Roger Myers Back r ow: Chns Cu n 1~. Nathan Tom me r, Mkonda Tembo Bob l(jru,ey )G Xi. Moh it Lohan 1, Nasvh 1ko Yamagu chi,
Front Row : P ooja Vona, Rob10 HawlJn s, Crysta l Schenc k , And y Darlington Ba ck Row : Les he Bettt nger, Nicole Six, Mike M o nt gomery. Ken T rost, Kn s lln Ray mond, Jack ie Bomstten
Pig Out l ntema11onal Hou,e of Pea ce and D1 ver- 11 y (IHOD ) sells mou th wa tering dnn~, during the carnival before th e Homecoming parade to help ra1 <;e n1onc) for the club IHOD was a group which believed 1n world unity and peace They studied about different cu llure s and different ways of life from around the world Ph oto by Heather Nuanes.
Eat Up Bob K1n,cy and Anne Lefevre cu t watermelon sltces and o ther fru it to ,ell at the carnival before the Homecon11n g ga me Fn en d'> For Peace was a club at G HS 1h" year that de.ill w11h environmental und world 1-.sues This g roup put together .1 very -.ucce,,ful school 1dc recycling program t hroughout th e sc hoo l year Photo by Ron Fmcl11
"'\ l ot l 1' 126 -)"" 1~0. Ju s t Ge ttin g In vo lved
I l
I ,
A New Direction
Ever wonde r ed who always strung th e red ribbon on your car during the state-wide Red Ribbon Campaign? It was S TAND (Students Taking a New Direction), known formerly as ALLSTARS H owever, the club's activities went far beyond the one week during th e schoo l year. Who could f orget the coo l
bumper stickers and glow in the dark key chains from their table at Wellness Day. Simply by emphasizing a healthy life-style, and by keeping the studen t s of Golden aware of the harms of drinking and driving, designated drivers and abstention from alcohol became common in the life of Golden students Ei l een Burke
Paving the Way for a Better World
The members of Friends for Peace spend their time providing recycling pro-
Friends for Peace grams for our sc ho ol, and working with national environmental groups When you hear
the name Friends for Peace, think about the l ocal environmental issues of Golden : Rocky
Flats , the br o wn c l oud, trade agreements, car-pooling, and Coors. E . Burke
Folio,, Me Kn s ttn R aymon d an d Ve m e tt e Du es terbec k. ST A~D d ub members. \\-a lk.d o\\- n \Vai,h 1ng ton A ve du n ng th e Homeco min g p ara d e S T A D \\-35 a n ac ti ve dub \\. h 1ch dea lt.,.. 1t h th e e ffec h of using alcohol and drugs Th eir m a in purpose .,.. as to ti) to k. ee p s tud e nt s fro m beco m i n g th e v1c1tms o f b a d decis i ons Ph o to b) T o n e B os t 1c k. Paint A\\'ay Sop h omore Felici a J ones h e lp s p a i n t ~1r ~1 yers · car fo r the Ho meco mm g para de\\ h1c h s h e an d o th e r IH O D mem be rs.,.. 111 nde i n. IH O D m e t o n \V ednesda) dun ng access .,.. 1th a b o ut a 20 s tud e n t a lt e n dance each m eet in g Th e) d isc u sse d '-"a)s to p reve nt preJ ud 1ce 1n ou r school an d 1n th e ,urrou n d1 ng com mu n1 t) Ph oto by Hea th e r N uan es I
/\ l ote 1" )"" {\\O. Ju s t Getting I nvo l v e d - 1 27
\..tr Pr es id e nt Junio r Man Kaspar lights a candle, as part c f his ceremonial 1naugura t1 on as presiden t of FBLA During th e Homecoming carnival FB LA spon'>ored lwo tables in order to raise money for out of school ac11v1ttes such as convent ions and tri p s Sen ior Rocky Wilson said. FB LA 1s "a team ing e~penence and a lot of fun Photo by Pat Capasso
row: M s. O ' Neil , Pal C a passo. Danu ta G al uszka , J ennifer Hu e bel , Ms Pn ce Back ro\\ : Adam Sc hmid t, Pa t Co llin s. Man K aspar
First row : M. Beck , K Rodrigu ez. A . Bezzerides, C. Co rbell, G . Lange. J , Sc ho we ngerdt , Seco nd ro~ : L Doh e rty , R Newberg, T Blum M Lo seman T Nobel , Third ro\\•: T Ol sen , D Matl oc k , S M e rryman , P Ci esl a r, C Wac htler , E Be rk, A. M e nzies, M. Groves. Forth row : E. Furtak, H. Sawyer, S Dngge rs . M. Ne l ms, J C ampbell , B Deegan -Youn g. Xi X1 , E Whitford Fifth row : S Langdon K . J e ~n I. Sub letL , J Mare n C. Sasa K \Vyant , A J o hnson .S ixth row: B Myers , S Barl ow, E L1ps ietn , J Ri ggs, E Brakken, K. Brenn ecke , J Ru sse ll , M \Voods , J Sc hossow , A Turne r, Ba ck row : K Kaowlhunuong. S Kelley J , Sumne r, R Hoyt , T Lan e, P Bo yd , H Bohn , E. Pearson Ph oto by Todd D1erlJng
II Be Quiet People Se n1 ors Al ex Bezz.e n des, J ohn Sc howe nge rdt f Cli nt Corbett a nd Mo ni ca Lose man exerc ise th e1 r exec ut1 ve po wers of ad m1n1 s t ra t1 on as th ey att em pt to ta ke a tt e nda nce fo r one o f the NH S mee tin gs Mos t members h ave to ta ke tim e out o f th e ir bu s) access sc hed ul ~ to come to th e mee tin gs " In c redi b ly e nough we
do seem 10 ge t a fair a mount of philant hro pic ac t1 v 111es d one des pit e JI everyone\ busy sc hed ules," s ta ted Bez.ze nd es Ph oto b) T D1 e rk1n g
I I I I I I • I I • I I
• ;j \ • .,. d
.J!.. ,
I -
/ l 1 1
"l. l ote 1'\ 128 - JV" i""°' Ju s t G e ttin g In volv e d
Thinking about the Future
IFBLA is made up of several different types of s tudent s. FBLA also is a club which deals with the problems of today
The president of FBLA, junior Matt Kaspar s tated , "We plan to work with the Colorado AIDS Project."
Members of FBLA also compete in
areas of business such as accounting and public speaking, with members hoping to compete in na ti onals. Senior Danuta Galuska , de-
fines FBLA in the best way when she says, "It's good for somebody who wants to work in business."
Jennifer Huebel
C oncentrat e Senior, baa c Sublett and ~1att Bec k s11 and v..ait to add input to the conversation about what co mmuntt} !.el"\ ice NHS ,hould do next ~1an y members feel that the commu nit} service~ that NHS doe, are very important ' National Honor Society repre sents the be'>I of GHS and the '> pint all of us , ho uld ha\e :· excla1n1ed ,en,or Tim Lane Ph oto b} Todd D1erk.1ng
The Excitement Juniors Heat her Bohn and Jaso n Campbell si t co ntentedly at an NHS meeung 1n Ms Nations room as ot hers discuss current NHS bu s iness Senior Liz Doherty expressed similar feelings as Bohn and Campbell when s he sai d , " NHS 1s the h1ghl 1ght o fm y hfe I look forward to com in g to meetings every Wedn esday" In these meenn gs, N HS members help 10 decide what their next community proJ ect will be Photo by Todd Dierking
Hungr y? Sophomore reporter of FBLA , Pat Capas'>O, eats a meal of cook ies and hot chocolate after being induc ted 1n10 the club Many of the first year members of FBLA have become officers A matter of fact there 1s only one officer who has been 1n FBLA in pa s t years Freshman Adam Schmidt said, " It (FBLA) sounded fun , and 1t looks good on a JOb apphcanon " Photo by Pat Capasso
Focus on the Community
The National Honor Society (NHS) is not only a group of students with outstanding scholastic achievements, but a
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY club where they help other less fortunate people. "NHS is GHS students at their best. NHS promotes community and GHS's part
within it," stated senior Monica Loseman .
Jason Russell . This year NHS has done a food drive and tutorial program among other things. Todd
"i ot e 1'\ JV" {\\~ Ju s t Getting Invo lved- 12 9
"National Honor Society is the spirit of GHS , it epitomizes the true student," added senior
Improv • Drama
Br ea k A L eg Fre-, hm e n Bria Hampleman and Mike Hall v.1th sophomt, res Ginger Menzies and Sarah McGuane "create a life dunng 1he final n igh of Theater Spons It opened October 21 and ran through the 23, drawing over 00 people a night "Drama Club,~ the only club where the spian s can get toge1,er and be pra,-.ed for tl," said se nior Joel Murray Photo by Jo sh Green
Fr ont r o" ·· Courtney McNa Middl e ro w: J i ll Katzenberger, Kayl a Hapton sta ll Karen He ffel fmg e r , Carly Siegesmund Back r o w: Jessica Kasel, Andrew Si lvey. Joy Zhang, Ms Diane Ke ler (advtser)
Fr o nt ro w: Mic he l Hall. Mark Ryerson , Melinda Emanue l Mark
Hi c kman M i ddl e ro"' : E m ily Pea rson Let itia Chris te nsen , Andrea Lantennan, Holl ey Fos ter, Mefj ssa Cltne, J ason Pas chall Bac k row: Bria Hampl e man , Megan Henry,MonikaSachdeva.Kaue Mc Willam s, Ebonie Carter, Wendi Eberhart
That ' Life So ph omores Karen Heffe lfin ge r and Jess ica Kasel discuss teen pregnancy with th e people attendmg th e Impro, s kll dunng Welln ess Day I mprov acts out s kits to inform people abo ut current issues s uch as tee n drug use and homophobia " I feel hke I'm helping so meo ne 1n the audience when I perform," said sophon,ore Cou rtn ey McNa. Ph oto by Cynthia Be ll ows
It' ho,v Tim e Seniors Ebonie Carter and Lon Fisher preform 1n Drama Club's fin.t produc ti on of the year, Theater Sports As well as produ c tn g the plays, Drama Club also adven 1ses and manages the the m "As an actor I can say that 11 1s great 10 I-n ow th at Drama Club 1s th e re, so ,ve can focus on our lines and nol worry about th e dirty work.," said freshman Mik e Ha ll Ph oto by J os h Green
I I ' I l I I I I I • I • I -- ;
~ ~ote 1' 130 - ) v ~ {\\O. Ju s t Ge tti ng In vo l ve d
'J hat' h O\\ Bu s in ess Senior Ebonie Carter and Junior.. Todd D1erk1ng and Dan \1 atlock. IT) a "puppet -.cene" \\. 1th aud i ence member. freshman Jennifer Blum Done for th e first time 1n Colorado. Theater Sports \\.as a huge success " \\'e couldn t have done 11 by oul">elves , \\.llhout Drama Club thing-. wouldn ·1 hri\ e gone '>0 smooth!)." said sophomore Ginger Menzies Ph oto by J osh Green
Reac hing Out Freshman Andrew S1 l ve) and sophomore Jill Katzenberger r. 1 ..:n1ot1onal during the Impro, s kit fo r \Vellness Da) l mprov goes to other '>Chools to prefonn but occas i onally th e) ac t for you th g roups at local churches " It'-. a great chance to ge t 1n10 the cornmu n1t) and reall> feel that> ou ' re making an impact,' !:>aid Junior M elinda Emanuel Photo b) C) nth1a Bellows
Drama Club is the magic behind the curtains, where you can test your skill in anything from lighting and sound to di-
Creativity? Say What IMPROVISATION
Impr ovisational Theate r is an outlet fo r c reative personalitie s, putt ing th eir acting talents t ogether in order t o help ot h e rs. l mprov performs all over Jefferson Co unty , inc ludi ng the Colorado Academy, h ig h sc hool s, area elementary sc hool s, Welln ess Day , and G HS assemblies. " I like lmpr ov b eca u se I lo ve performing and I feel like I' m making a di ff erence in so meone 's life," said sop homore Kayla Haptonstall . In lmpr ov they ac t o ut ski t s that deal with cur rent iss u es and teen problems , th en the audience is brought in t o decide h ow t o solve them . So phomore Jill Katzenberger said, "Th e kid s we perform for will li s t en more t o u s th an th ey would t o adult s." Holley Fo s t er and Carli Coupens
Lights, Curtain, Action
re cting and stage design .
" I like Drama Club because I get to work behind the scenes," said freshman Katie McWiJliams . Besides play production,
you're acting you ' re the center of attention , lt ,s great for your selfesteem," said senior Emily Pearson . Holley Foster
l ote "'
Drama Club also goes to see professional theatrical performances , and often puts on skits at GHS assemblies «when Ju s t Getting In volved _ 131
)"'" {\\O.
Radio Club• Bible Club
Fea r T hy Lo rd Leah Wekh teache<, about th e fear of God while 5arah M erryman and David Bryant ponder the thought that fea nn g the Lord 1s a good thing Every wea k a d i fferent member volun teers to teach a lesson to t he ro up from a d1fferent <,ect1on of the scnpt ure Nol all members are of the same rel g 1on but all member, do :..hare an interest in rehg1ons and showing th eir behef of God and love of Donu ts as sopho m ore Shaw n Bakker pointed out. " I love ll whe n \Vayne Janeck teac h es cause he bnngs donuts " Phot o by J osh Green
Bible C lub
Back r ow: Dan Duran , San1 Baker, Emtly P earson. Cbn l Corbin, A n dy Coors , David Bryant Middl e row : Ami M e nzies, Tns ha Dawn P ngal , Sara Megatert y, Leah Welch , WayneJaneck. Front row : Eri n Hawkins, Dan R anda U B ec k y H3rm oo, Laura Duke , Kiera B resnah a n , Sarah Duran -kee
Pump up the volum e Seniors Ri ch Gore s a nd Cory In gram mo nit o r the volume of th e mu sic in th e broad cas t booth M an y teach ers co mplain ed abo ut th e vo lum e of th e mu s ic 1n th e lo un ge, but s urpn s ingly so d id th e s tud ent s. " Th e problem 1s real when you ge t kid s co mpla1ning abo ut 11 ," said Assis tan a nt Pnn c1 p al D ave Anderso n Photo b y J os h Gree n
Rad i o C lub
Cheryl Pietrzyk , Tiffany Beck with, Jami e Moss J oy Zhang , M3tt R ogers, Clint Corbin.
~ i ote 1'\ 132 - JV" f"O. Just Ge tt i ng In vo lve d
Working For the Lord
In Bible Club , s t udent s c ome and le arn ab o ut o thers and th e ir wa ys o f li fe. " Bibl e Club is in s pirati o nal ," remarked s eni o r
Jason Russell . Th e r e are differe n t rea so n s fo r j oi n i n g. S oph o m o r e Bryn Hudson s a id , " It is really s p iritual and yo u c an feel th e lov e.' 1 The
c lub all o ws a n yo n e t o lea rn th e Bibl e. " It is a r e all y goo d o pp o rtun it y t o s har e yo ur faith with o th e r p eo pl e," s t a t e d sen io r Amy Menzies . Th e
wh o le cl u b p ra ys a t t h e e nd of eac h m ee t in g. " I e njoy pr ayi n g with o the r s," sop h o m ore Sharon Micke said . La u ra Wh it e
A m e n Keira Bresna han and Dan Randall pra} a t 1heend of a Bible Club meeting \\.h1ch were held on Fndays throughout the year Pra yer.. were evef} th1n g fr om a good performance ,n a p art i c ular s p ort to heahh fo r d1 '> tant f ne n d., to Ju,1 \ \ 1,hing God well Th e g rou p 's ,ponsor "'as teac h e r Mr., Sand} Na11on, and the pre\ldent was Sara M e rryman Ph oto b1 Jos h G reen
Whoomp , Th e re It Is Senio r Clint Co rbin re c ord s anot h er KSOF radi o prog ra m for access. Th e equ ip me nt for broadca s u ng the s hows after bein g recorded wa s boug h t by t h e J efferson County sc h oo l d1s t nc t The vanety 1n music was a l ways a problem , " l t wa s h ard to prog ram at the beginni n g o f t he year b u t go t easier as th e year wen t ," Corbin s aid P hoto by J o s h Green
I H a t e M ee tin gs Jami
e DJ 's and o th e r s tuden ts. Photo b y Jo s h Green
Gooood Morning Golden High School
" Wake up Golden It ' s time to go to c lass and learn stuff
Ju s t to get you in the ri ght mood, h o w about Van Hal e n with ' Jump ' " Thi s phra s e
RADIO CLUB or so mething s imil a r , wa s h e ard every m o rning thr o ughout th e
ina c tive for more than h a v e mu sic in th e f iv e y e ar s, mad e i t s loun ge a t lun c h , '' seco meba c k G o lden stu- n io r Becca Deegand e nt s we r e ent e rtained Young s aid . Th e muduring a ccess and lun c h s ic will co ntinu e n ex t dail y by mu s ic and the y e a r with s ix r e turnD .J . ' s j o ke s. " It 's fun t o in g D . J .'s. J os hGr een
l ote
e Mos, think s abou t h e r n ex t radio p rog ram durin g a D J mee11n g while J oy Zha n g, Clint Corb i n , and M a tt R ogen. li s te n to 1n s 1ruc t1 on g iven by Dave Farrar th e s pon so r Th ese m ee ungs were to dec i de what mw, ,c to play and broad cas 11 n g ti m es Th e mu s ic wa, s uppli ed by th
s c hool year on th e r a dio s tation KSOF whi c h is run by th e Radio Club Radio Club, wh ic h wa s 1" )"" f "'O. Ju s t G e tti n g I n vo lv e d - 133
"So- W ay-Ao h , So -W ay - Aoo h ," everybody screamsdunng the youth chant with Mi chael Simmons Mi chael Simn10n s helped the audience undefl)tand that everyone 1s equal.perfect and drugs aren't needed to get h ig h , but to get high on life. Welln ess Day was a s uccess in tenns of gettin g students to~ different views Photo by R on Finelli
Th e Purpl e H ea rf. A V1ec-Nam veteran shares hi s expenences with tn le~ted stude nts dunng the Viet-Nam Vet'5 Story The 5tudents ca n-1e ou t of thi s sess io n with a new apprecia tion o f what th e vets gave for the U.S. Man y pan els suc h ru. Groups, Options After GHS, and Gang Prevention and Intervention were in cl uded 10 th e day. Photo by Ron Finelh
EEEEEUUU. Roger Steller. lool-.s at an alcohol exh1b1t that graphica ll y ,how-. what alcohol does to your liver, your dn, 1ng. and your personaht) Toi, e,h 1bn wa, put on b) The Hall of Life and "as Joined with a ST.A D e\.h1b1 t in the parl-.1ng lot dep1cnng an alcohol related accident where man) S T A. D members acted th e part of into'<.lcated teens D1,play5 dunng the day includ ed Informatton and Health for Adolescents put on by the J effen.on County Department of Health and Fast Food Facts '" h1ch "as displayed by The Amencan H ea n As-.oc1at1on Ph oto By Ron Finelh
V e ry Intri g uin g. Senior Roxanne Alder ltstern, intently to a spea ker dunng the L1\ ing \V1th AIDS panel \\ h1ch meant to introduce ) oung pe ople to the problen1s faced b) in fected people and to hopefull) deter stu den ts from hazardou<, act1v1t1es The studen ts laughed and cned throughout th e ent ire panel d1,;cus-.1on and n10..,t student\ changed their awareness of tht s devastating and fatal di sease Ro\.anne Alder said. " I became very aw.are of how rarnpant th,., d1~ea~e 1:- 10 the United States •· Ph oto by Ro n F1nelh
I I ' ' I I I I I • I
~~ote t\ 134 _)"~ {"°' J u s t G e tti n g I nvo l ved I\ \I I \ \lfl'I. I, \1 ur I ,
U nity Ca n Happe n Ex-gang member, -.hov. the gang ,.,gn for unit}.\\ h1ch v.a, the me,.,age in the Gang Pre,enuon and I ntel"\-entton panel Rap v.a, u,ed b> the panel members to tell Muden1s ho,v gangc; affect their 11,e, and hov. to deal v. 1th a gang The Cultural D1,en,11y. Can It Happen Here ,peakercont1nued v..tth the ,ame me~,age of d1,ers1 t1 in the community Photo by C1 nth 1a Bellow, Uuuh Yeah "\Vhat do I sa1 ." sophomore J,11 Katzenberger think'> , hen a teammate que:-.t1om, her in the 1mprov portton ofWellne-,., Da1 The G HS 1mpro, group performed once dunng Wei lness Da) covenng topic, Ii ke '>exual hara:.'>ment teen sex and teen pregnanc1 The mo,t popular ,e,,1on, v.ere The Solo Ad,entu re. GHS 1mpro, and Dealing With CraZ) Maker, Photo b1 Ron Fine Iii
C lap C lap ' 'Word " Michael Simmon, scans off the fc<,t 1v1t1es v.11h an exc1t1ng chan1 The opening a.,,embly v.a, 11tled "Young People Across the Globe for the Year 2000" and exhilara ted ,tuden1s 1n10 pan1c1pating 1n 1he day-. event-. Everyo ne v.en1 to th,, assembly and 1he Reality of Dnn king and Dn, mg, D U I S1mu lat1on 1n the parki ng l01 Photo b) Ron Fine l h
Fir s t Off... Senior Rob Defore ma ke" a point while senior Brad Pearse v.a1che, for a reac11on from the teache r Many bo1 , ,n the \Vhat .., Sexual Harassment .,e,s1on held onto 1heir views unul a focus wa<, brought on 1he females doing harasMng Wellne'>'> Day '>taned in 1991 and 1s he ld annually on the ,econd Th ursday in November Photo by Ron Finelh
Emotional Experiences
Wellness Day brought fo rth many emotions throug h ou t the entire day 1 s events . The Solo Adventure wa s th e
highp oi nt of many people' s ex p erie n c e. Seni o r Danielle Williams said "The Solo Adventur e and guy was hila rious made me feel
good " Emotions du rin g the AIDS panel changed " It was really s a d t o see Phil ( an AIDS vic tim ) c ry when s omeone said he wa s brave
for s peaking t o us , " Becky Rising stated , " but the pane l and the whole day wa s g oo d .,, Overall th e da y wa s po s itive . Jo s h Green
"l ote f\ )".. i"\'\O. Ju s t G e ttin g In v o l ve d - 1 35
I I I I I I I I I I • I ~, .,_, " ' j~ • t
Clas h ing Juni ors Laura Ko hn , Megan Goodwin , and Nata s ha Markovch1c k dress a pp ropnate ly for the occasion , clas h da) . dun ng s pirit week . Thi s years ~pin t week had a vanety o f dresl> up days s uc h as hat and Ile day , army day, co mfy day , clash day. and maroon and wh11 e day Year a ft er year. people have dressed willt ngly. hke Natasha, Megan. and Laura, to s how th at they h ad sc hoo l sp1nt. Photo by Todd D1 e rk1ng
Go ld e n Rul es! Junior Gus Nickell and so phm ores Danelle Dittbrenner and Jayna Horva t pa rade around "E" pa rkin g lot duri n g the Homecoming carn iva l v1s t1ng all th e boot hs, t.as11ng food and h s te n1n g to th e band Danelle and Ja1 na showed th eir pnd e 1n their sc hool by dre ss in g 1n sc h ool co lors a nd att e ndin g th e game aga in s t Wh eatndge to c heer on o ur foo tball pl ayers Thi s yea r 's ca rni val had the h ighe s t attendance 1n a co upl e o f years wh ich made 1t eve n be tt e r Ph oto by Heat her Nuanes
"\ oi:e l'\
J" " {"O. Ju s t a Pretty F ace - 137
·-,,a - - • --~ - -·-·-----------I ,~
"I don't have a cool spot." - Casey DeBerry
"for a hundred bucks , the sticker should be made out of gold." -Joe Buttafuco
"It's going to get screwed up, so why do it?" - Josh Smith
"l got the best parking spot in the school, and then the DMV took away my License 1 Chad Wadsworth k "I hate the terrible cars 1 have to park next to.'' - Justin Klein eider
0 A lot of money for a little spot." -Cory Ingram , Hassan
Heather Adkin s
Lori Adlfinger
Roxahne Alder •
Leonardo Amigoni
Shannon Anzures
Eliud Aponte
Tera Atz '
" l don't think it will be successful." -Shannon Chisholm -
For 50 bucks, I should be able to have a kegger on that spot. » -Jim Thompson
µ,-o<d/ f.\:,-.£>~,..2 · Jhannol'1v//nwres "\.{ote i\ i 138 - JV" 1\~0. Ju s t a Pretty Face
Joshua Aumiller
Jaime Bakker
Nathan Ballenger
Shane Barlow
Ariana B..ates
Scott Bauer
Matthew Beck
Cynthia Bellows
Julie Berkman
Alex Bezzerides
Magnus Bjorklund
Eric Black
Michael Boatman
Tracy Boog
Victoria Bostwfe:k
Crysta) Boyle
Devin Brindle
Jason Brittain
~yan Brown
George Bruckner
Julie Brunker
ileen Burke
atricia Burris
\ amie Cabaniss
I~amie Carr
Ebonie Carter
Jamie Chapa
Cipriano Chavez
Shannon Chisholm
Jennifer ChochoJek
Mik~el Christensen
Peter Cieslar
Corey Cinabro
Feliciana Cisneros
Jason Clark Lind~ C)ark
1::1 /- 7.---, -i {o1e 1\ 140 - JV" {\\O. Just a Pretty Face 1 (
''Not being a farmer, Thank god!" -Andy Wood
"Unity, sprit, pr.ide, long lasting friendships, dignity and coupons at "" McDonalds!"Kami Klimchalk & MichelJe
• Vialpando
"Means truth, justice, and the American way.''
-Damon Horst
"Being a part of the best school around'' -Mike Powers
H That I go to Golden!"
-Karl Rodriguez
"It's like being a Tiger or a Farmer but only better!"Joel Fleet
Friendship that will last ''Not being racist" -Eric forever!" -Missy Morris Rattelmueller
Seth Collins •
Cindy Cooper
Jill Cooper
Clinton Corbin
Dawn Cordova
Mickey Correll
John Cox
Jana CrowelJ
"\, 0te 1'
J"" tf\\0. Just a Pretty Face - 141
' "Freshmer:i wttlli ' .i "Hairy Backs." • · attitudes." -D~n
Melynda Tucker Randall
''.fresY-imen· who knock pieoP,lecl,owti in the balls ." ._f;va Urban
e '
"People wllo teave · l;led~oom f\O©US 0 t e , ." • Glenda Dooley
Michael Crozier 'lhomas Davis
• I don't have 1! pet pea 'bi,itJ liav,e -a dog!" • Jason Russell
'' Fresf.ima·n ' ga!;lg,ster wanBabees , ~ctll'\g like t~y _ are som~thing." · Steve Ro'ni<;,san " All of the · ' 'Ur:idercl~smen wno olcick the laalls."·, Ai.my: Gardner A"
' rt
Jennifer Deern
Robert Qefore '
Willjarn Deering
Elizabeth Qoherty ' ' ' '
• I I I
"W'hen peo()IE: start'· saying somethin,g and , " then " -Tim Lane '\ ___ , L.,f:< c)
• OtnJ I &.#~ t Glenda Dooley Lisa Dorris Meagan Dorsch Vernette Duesterbeck Sarah Duran-Keen Lauren Earl Eldon Earley Benton Edie Brandon Edje Jonelle Eilers Jacob Elder Vickie Ellickson Bri~n Ellis Ryan Engstrom Amber Fasick Luis Ferreyra Matthew Filsinger Lori Fisher JA 0{\\0.~ust a Pretty Face - 143 , •
Rena Fisher
Joel Fleet
Rachel Freer
Danuta Galuszka
Amy Gardner
Christy Gilmore
Ryan Goble
Mieka Gordon
Richard Gores
Heather Graham
Danielle Granquist
Torfna Gray
Joshua Green
Sara Groenhoff
Robin Hagelberg
John Hager
Heather Hahn
'\tote, 1' 144 _ JV~ t(\\O. Just a Pretty Face
"Open the refrigerator. '' -Nathan BaJlenger
"I'd make Ms. Vance push a penny . 11 --Rich Gores at woul
"l would kill a freshman " -Jake Elder
"I would become JIOU
a crash-test dummy."Tristan Smith
"I'd go to a Jimmy Buffet concert sober."Cindy Cooper '
"Run naked through a basketball game."Ashley McCullough
"Nothing, I'm allergic to chocolate.'' -Meagan Dorsch
"I'd let someone drive my car, NOT!'' -Bryan Schneider
Gerald Hansford
Brenda Hardman
Kimberly Hebert
Sarah Heineman
Jennifer Helfer
Colin Herzoff
Jake Hill
~lote 1'\ J"" tf"O. Just a Pretty Face - 145
"My boyfriend Joe."Jamie Carr "Jessica Rabbit and Yoda." - Jake Hill
"I wouf dn ,t want it to be a girl because she would yell ,at me all the time.,, -Sam Olsen
Who would vou t Zike to be
Schmidt Filho.". stranded on a Becca Deegan-
"I couldn't choose who I would be stuck with. I love all my friends too much." -Melanie Richards Young
"I wouldn't want to be stranded on a desert island with any one person. It would get too boring." -Am Ka
Damon Horst
Jennifer Howell
Criss Hoyt
Robert Hoyt
.desert island
. with!
"I would want a cross between a holstein cow, a black angus steer, and a brahma bull.,, -Josh Green
Jennifer Huebel
Jeanette Huerta
Corydon lngram
Wayne Janeck
"I haven't met her yet. but she has sands, blonde hair, she is my height, and she likes to snowboard." -Brian Ellis , f
I '
--1.i otl f\ 146 - J"" {\\O. Just a Pretty Face
Kurt Jensen Eric Johnson Heather Johnson Jessica Johnson Katie Jones • Nikki Jones Ryan Kaspar Arny Kay Robert Kenton Phillip Kiphardt I Scott Kleihege Justin Kleineider Kamden Klirnchalk Lori Koehler Rachel Koehler Chad Kopser Noah Korosec Christopher Kutz
Molly Kuzyk
Timothy Lane
Steven Langdon
Gerda Lange
1 Christopher Larose
Milton Law
Anne Lefevre
Gregory Levitt '
Jeffrey Unsenbigler
Mohit Lohani
Liberty Long
Monica Loseman
Cori Lusk
John Mack
Jennifer Maren
Brian Matzke
"\{ote 148 _ JV" {~~Just a Pretty Face
Adam MccaulJey William Mccullough Jenn ifer Mcdonald Kendall Mcpeck Ami Menzies Sarah Merryman Melissa Miiller GiJbert Miller Cody Mitchell Melissa Morris Jessica Mosier Jayme Mulvihill Joel Murray Johanna Nathanson Amanda Neff Melinda Nelms "' {ote, i\ J"" '{'f\O. Just a Pretty Face - 149
"Tweety Bird, he kicks the cats butt all the time." -Mike Boatman
''Yosmite Sam because he's a butthead and he likes to shoot people " -Ryan Kaspar
"Taz , because he's an animal." -Joel Sanchez ' a oon
''The Lucky Charms guy because he's Irish and he's totigh.'' -Steve ''Boston" Kihg
"Speedy Gonzalez because he's fast and he,s Mexican." -Marcos
Rachel Newberg
Coreda Nicol
Tracey Nobel
Erik Nordlie
"Goofy because he's goofy and he's the man."
' -Chad Kopser
Shane Norris
Heather Nuanes
Jonathan Nyholm
Amy Odum
Trujillo J
"Wiley E Coyote because he's really stupid and wjll try anything that he can get his hands on."- Corey Cinabro "Bevis and Butthead because they remind me of the guys in the pit.~ 'Kurt Jensen
"\ Aote 1' t• 150 - )"" t(\\O. Just a Pretty Face
.fu.Juu~ l' Samuel Olsen Chad Ozdemir Jason Paschall Ronald Payne Brad Pearse Emily Pearson Alicia Peterie Carrie Peterson Heather Platt Tamra Pokorny Steven Ponicsan Jr Michael Powers Brc\ndon Printy Repecca Purvis • Shana Quinn Dan Randall • Eric Rattlemueller Michelle Rawson '\f o-ce 1'\ J"~ "f"~ Just a Pretty Face - 151
• • Hassan Abdulrhaman • Heather Adkins • Lori Adlflnger • Roxanne Alder • Leonardo Amigoni • Shannon Anzures • Eliud Aponte • Tera Atz • Joshua Aumiller • Jaime Bakker • Nathan Ballenger • Shane Barlow • Ariana Bates • Scott Bauer • Matthew Beck • Cynthia Bellows • Julie Berkman • Alex Bezzerides • Tracy Bingham • Magnus Bjorklund • Eric Black • Michael Boatman • Tracy 8009 • Victoria Bostwick • Crystal Boyle • Devin Brindle •Jason Bri(tain • Ryan Brown • George Bruckner • Julie Brunker • Eileen Bur'5e • Patricia Burris · .Jamie Cabaniss • Jamie Carr • Ebonie Carter • Jamie Chapa • Cipriano Chavez • Shannon Chisholm • Jennifer Chocholek • Mlkaelehrist.e(isen • Petet Cieslar Corey Cinabro • Feliciana Cisneros • Jason Oark · Linda Clark • Seth Collins • Cindy Cooper • Jill Cooper • Clinton Corbin • Dawn tordova • Mickey Correll • John Cox • Jana Crowell • Michael Ci:01ler • Thomas Davi$ • Ca-sey De Berry • Rebecca Deegan· young • Jennifer Deem • Robert Defore • WiUJam Doering • ElizuJ:,eth Doherty • Glenda Dooley • Lisa Dorris • Meagan Dorsch • Vernelte Duesterbeck • Sarah Duran-keen • Lauren Earl • Eldon Earley • Benton Edie • Brandotl t'.d\e •Jonelle &ters •Jacob elder • Vickie Ellickson .-Brian Ellis ~Jenntfe{;iEme~on. •'Ryatt Engstrom • Amber Fa sick • Luis Ferreyra • Matthew Filsinger • Lori F1$her •Rena.Fisher • Joel Fleet • Zachary Franckowiak , Rachel ,reer •Da(luta Qa1uszka • Amy Gardner• Christy Gilmore • Ryan 9oble • Ismael Gonzal~z • Mieka Gordon • Richard Gor~ • Heather Gtiham •OanielltGranq__~ • Tor1nft~y -'J~ Green • Sara Groenhoff • Robin HagelbenJ • John Hager • Heather Hohn •Gerald Hansford • Bfenda H~-dtnan • Kiq1~rly HeQert .~ ~rah Heinerpen •Jen9/fr Helfer • Jarrod Henningsen • Colin Herzoff • Jake Hill • Damon Horst • Jenr1ifer Howell • Cdss Hoyt • Robert Hoyt • Jenn1fer Huebel • Jeanelle Huerta • Corydon Ingram • Wayne Janeck • Kurt Jensen • Eric Johnson • Heather Johnson • Jessica Johnson • Katie Jones • Noah Karosec • Ryan Kaspar • Amy Kay • Angele Kelso • Robert Kenton • Phillip Kiphardt • Scott Kleihege • Justin Kleineider • Kamden Klimchalk • Lori Koehler • Rachel Koehler • Chad Kopser • Christopher Kutz • Molly Kuzyk • Russell Lamar • Timothy Lane • Steven Langdon • Gerda Lange • Christopher Larose • Milton Law • Anne Lefevre • Gregory Levitt • ... /\ ! 0-ce 1\ 152 -1v~ i'"°' Just a Pretty Face
• Jeffrey Linsenbigler • Mohit Lohani • Liberty Long • Monica Loseman • Jeff Lucas • Cori Lusk • John Mack • Jennifer Maren • Brian Matzke • Adam Mccaulley · William Mccullough · Jennifer Mcdonald • Kendall Mcpe<:k • Ami Menzies • Sarah Merryman • Gilbert Miiller • Melissa Miller • Cody Mitchell • Melissa Morris • Jessica Mosier • Jayme Mulvihill • Joel Murray • Johanna Nathanson • Amanda Neff • Melinda Nelms • Katie Nelson • Rachel Newberg • Coreda Nicol • Tracey Nobel • Erik Nordlie • Shane Norris • Heather Nuanes • Jonathan Nyholm • Amy Odum • Samuel Olsen • Christopher Olson • Chad Ozdemir • Jas"On Paschall • Ronald Payne • Brad Pearse • Emily Pearson • Alicia Peterie • C~rrie Peterson • Heather Platt • Tamra Pokorny • Steven Ponicsan Jr • Michael Powers • Brandon Printy • Rebecca Purvfs • Shanti Quinn • Oan Randall • Eric Ratttemueller • Mi~He Rawson • Audrey Rea • Arbon Reimer • Aimee Rice • Melanie Richards · Rebecca Rising • Kelly Rittmann • Jill Roat · Dean Robbins • Val~e Robinson • Karl Rodriguez • Antonio Roybal • Virginie Rudloff· Anne Rudolph • Jason Russell • Joseph Santllli • ~sse Stirgent • Joel Sanchez • Pe\er Sauer • Oebbie Schelsk~'\. Donpvan Ss:henck • Michael Schenck • Bryan Schneider • Jeremy Scho~sow John Scho~ngerdt • Jenifer Schroeder • Kristie Scott • Natalie Scott • TratySeres •layla Shadlv · Derrick Shan felt • Danielle Shook • Claire Skorski • Colby Sm1lh • Joshua Smith • Mandy Smith • Terence Smith • Tristan Smith • Anthony Sparks jcfffey Spivey • Andrew Spraggs • Terri Spratte • Greg Stanley •Jay Stouffer • C>arrerl Stewart • Jennifer Strack • Hea ther Strobel • Isaac Sublett · Amy Suggs • Amber Swisher • Naomi Takeshlge •Tee Tee • Mkonda Tembo • James Thompson • Jarret Thompson • Jason Thompson • Natalie Topa • Marcos Trujillo • Melynda Tucker • Alexander Turner • Josephine Turner • Eva Urbtin • Michelle Vialpando • Ginger Vincent • Dustin Voa g • Caroline Wachtler • Kenneth Wadsworth • Jessica Wagner • Sheri Wall • Carlee Webb • Heather Welch • Leah Welch • Melany Wellensiek • Danielle Williams • Rockie Wilson • Dawn Wiseman • Ivan Woehr • Ryan Wolfrum • Andrew Wood • Michelle Wood • Michael Woods • Phillip \l/orobey • Angela Woznick • Michelle Woznick • Xi Xi • Nicole Yagnich • Ai Yamashita "'liotl I\ J"'" "(\\O. Just a Pretty Fae~ 153
Audrey Rea
Arbon Reimer
Aimee Rrce
Melanie R1chards
Rebecca Rising
Jill Roat
, Dean Robbins
Valerie Robinson
Karl Rodriguez
Antonio Roybal
Virginie Rudloff
Anne Rudolph
Jason Russell
Joel Sanchez
Joseph Santilli
Jesse Sargent
Peter Sauer
Donovan Schenck
, --t. { otl l'\ 154 - JV" f"O. Just a Pretty Face •
"McDonalds because I like the chicken nugget Happy Meals." -Tracey Nobel
"I like the picnic tables outside Golden because they are cheap and you don't have to tip.''Alex Bezzerides
"The cafeteria because I can pick on freshmen and get free food."
Peter Cieslar
• I ere
place to ea
"Mr. Sharp's room because it's the only place you can get away from the freshmen."Julie Berkman
• 1Golden Pizza because r like apples." -Chris Olson ,
"The cafeteria because the crowd is so lively." - Jack Hager
"Outside under a tree."Anne LeFevre "Australia because I like their chips." - Josh Smith
Bryan Schneider
Jeremy Schossow
John Schowengerdt
Jenifer Schroeder
Kristie Scott
Ncltalie Scott
Tracy Seres
Layla Shadlu
lun ?
Derrick Shanfelt
Danielle Shook
Claire Skorski
Colby Smith
Joshua Smith
Mandy Smith
Terence Smith
Tristan Smith
Anthony Sparks
Jeffrey Spivey
Andrew Spraggs
Terri Spratte
Greg Stanley
Jay Stauffer
Darren Stewart
Dan Stone
/\ tote f\ 156 - J"" {'(\Cl Just a Pretty Face
J I.
Jenn ifer Strack
Heather Strobel
Isaac Sublett
Amy Suggs
Amber Swisher
Samantha Takahashi
Naomi Takeshige
Tee Tee
Mkonda Tembo
James Thompson
Jarret Thompson
Jason Thompson
Natalie T opa
Marcos Trujillo
Melynda Tucker
Alexander Turn er
Josephine Turner
Eva Urban
Mi c helle
Ginger Vincent
Dustin Voag
Caroline Wachtler
Kenneth Wadsworth
Jessica Wagner
Sheri Wall
Carlee Webb
Heather Welch
Leah Welch
Melany Wellensiek
Danielle Williams
Rockie Wilson
Dawn Wiseman
.. ,'\ Aote, 1'\ 158 - JV" 1"0. Just a Pretty Face
Ivan Woehr
Ryan Wolfrum
Andrew Wood
Michelle Wood
Michael Woods
Phillip Worobey
Angela Woznick
Michelle Woznick
Nicole Yagnich
Ai Yamashita
Hand Jive The Junior and Senior Classes are led by 1he Tride1tes in the (an1ous hand jive during 1he Homecoming assembly on Sept. 17. This Homecoming assembly, the last seniors would attend at GHS1 was climaxed when all sat in amF,ement at Ms. Nations kissed a p1g as the winner of the firSt nnnual ''Kiss-A-Pig" contest. Whon the seniors look back and ponder their high school yean.. they will remember everything The heanbreak and sorrow, the accusations and finger pointing , even 1he long hours of homework Most of all. however. they will remember the good timec; The friendship and love, the parties and clubs, and above all, the great times they shared ,vith their friends at OHS As we move. on in life, we wall always have the privilege of saying, "I was-a Demon." Michelle Tucker and Chad Wadsworth.
i t~e\ \
() \( '
Xi Xi
• • 4 • /\ { 0re 1' J" " {\\0. Just a Pretty Face 159
Photo by Heather Hahn.
Having finally pa sse d through the first two stages in high school, they have moved into the world of " the upperclassmen." The Junior Clas s is somewhere in the in-between . Looking back at the first tw o years of high school, th e juniors see that they have had a fev.experiences they will never forget. This year's Junior Class is full of spirit and enthusiasm . Looking into bigger and better things than they ever had before. New c la ss rooms to look upon and more expectations . Looking more toward the future. More freedom t o c hoose what to do , both academically and socially
Junior Cheri England sta te s, "I am glad I am done with m y freshman and sophomore years, I am looking forward to my senior year. " This view is shared by most juniors here at GHS.
Junior year is one of happiness and fear. Happiness is knowingthat there is more to look forward to such as your first date to Prom and seeing the seniors leave. Fear that once the seniors are gone, juniors must take their place. But for the Junior Class Craig Martin sums it up best by saying, "Juniors are cool, heh, heh , heh. " Chad Wadsworth, Courtney Sasa
J 1
160 - - - 'I • -
Nearl y Roya lty T asha Ma rkovch1c k and Andy Bellinge r r ide down Washington St during th e Homecoming parade, Sept 17 This Homecoming was the first in three years when the Junior float was spa red from being destroyed before the parade Says T asha co ncerning her expc n ence at Homecoming, " We may not have had the bes t fl oat, but ,ve had th e bes t spirit. l 'm proud to he a part of the class of '95"
Photo courtesy of Jessica Riggs •
Lounging Juniors Taylor Estes, Erica BralJ<cn and Kevin Greenbaum work d1hgently on last night's a~1gnmcnt dunng Access near the ramp 1n B hall These. Junior.., like many of their classmates, arc loot-.1ng forward to the lime when they will have the senior lounge for there very own Jason Francis 1s very proud when asked about h1'> cla-.s, he comments, "We arc JUst really great people "
Relaxing Juniors Craig Wallin, Kyle Robertson and Breit M yers discuss their new found problems with being a Junior in the courtyard Having no homc\vork to do during Access they pass the time relaxing. Most JUn1ors hke the block schedule, although some of them say classes a rc too long Angie J ohnson commented, " l hkc the block schedule, 11 gives me ttme to work on my studies"
, ' -
"\ l o~e 1'\ JV~ {\\O. Ju t a Pr e tt y Fa ce - 161
Steven Abbott
Enk Ahlstrom
Peter Allen
Richard Allison
Daryl Ambrose
How do you get o ut of a date?
Riinnnngg .. .. . . Riinnnngg ..... Hello? Oh, hi. Our date? Umm, well. .. . This is probably a familiar situation for most juniors. You said you would do something this weekend because , well. .. there was nothing else to do. After you hav e already made plans, you get an offer ten times better. There's no way in your righ t mind you could refuse. Then comes the dreaded problem of getting out of your earlier date. Here are some answers from your fellow classmates to help you in t ime of crisis . But remember, th ey might get used on you. Holley Foster
" I tell them l promised my mom [' d stay home and re- lace all my tennis shoes."Michelle Kunze
"My dog ate my goldfish so I don ' t feel like doing anything this weekend. Call me next week."-Jeremiah Sterner
" I say I'm dying of prostate Cancer."-Mark Ryerson
" I have t o go clean the toilet. "-Jamie Moss
"My Dad won't let me borrow his car."-Mike Johnson
"So rry, I have to watch my little brother."- Karen Heater
" I have t o read my Bible . "-Laura Duke
"So rry , l made other plans. "-Jessica Coalman
"Sorry, my car broke . . . again! 11 - Jim Lindberg
"There is something wrong with my car. Let's do it another tim e after I've gotten it fixed."-Mike Breeco-Hayden
Jay Anderson
Jessie Archuletta
Jason Arnold
Jason Arnsparger
Gabriel Ashton
Emily Bachman
Andrew Baer
Todd Baker
Aaron Baldwin
Jason Barnard
--h,lnl, • 11\ft,ft''1 , •.. I ( I ~lote 1'\ 1 62 -JV .. {\\.O. Ju s t a Pretty Face
Emily Barton
LaRay Beck
Tiffany Beckwith
Noelle Behrens
Marc Berk
Ma t thew Berk
Andre w Bettinger
Jesse Bielak
Elizabeth Bitner
Ramie Black
Timo t hy Blum
Heat h er Bohn
Michae l Bolhg
Wilber Bond
Robert Bowling
Patrick Boyd
Sarah Boyd
Enka B rakken
Kim Brennecke
Keira Bresnahan
Charlene Brunker
Wilham Bunn
Liam Bu r nell
Roger Bye
Holh Byer ly
Carlos Caceres
Jason Campbe ll
Timothy Campbe ll
Luke Carr
Michae l Ca rter
_,., ,.--... \ ..., .. (,~• f--:, I ~i\ , t ... '1 tft~ f,J'I~). .
/\ Aot e 1'\ JV.. Ju s t a Pr e tt y F ace- 163
Nathan Carter
Travis Champnoise
Yolanda Chaparro
Aaron Cheuv r ont
Jessica Coa l man
Jennifer Cookson
Derek Corbett
Sean Corco r an
Jesse Darrow
Zackery Davis
Amanda Deines
Tony De l eon
Kristi Denner
Aaron Dewitt
Todd Dierking
Stacie Driggers
Laura Duke
Luke Duyne
Rusty Dye
Stephan Eisenbarth
Jason Elms
Melinda Emanue l
Jeffrey Eme r son
Caela Eng l and Cheri Engla n d
Brenda Epps
Taylor Es t es
Sonya Eva n s
Darre ll F ar mer
Terry Feth
/\ o{e, 1' 164 -)"" \\,0. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace IJ
{OCI: Cll
\\'here? What? When? Juni or Broo k. Port er t nes tc licur 'lUt hi s dest1 nauon and hi s name \V1 th the bloc k :.ched ule one ye.i r old so me stud ent:, are still stre ss i ng ou t ove r w hic h cla sse s are bein g held w hich days an d at wh ic h tim e:. everythin g i , going to hap pen ' ' Th e bl oc k sc hedules are not very co nven i ent e pcc1all) "' hen yo u need to talk ," Ju ni or K ath enn e Sa unders -.aid Photo by Todd Di erk i ng
"Stress-Junior Year!!!! " These words go hand in hand. Someone should tell these juniors that it only gets worse. Erik Ahlstrom defines stress as " one of those things where you just want to rip all your hair out while you are running around with bug eyes." If that sounds bad, maybe you need to know how to relieve stress or even better avoid it. Well avoiding stress is almost impossible, but T J Feth has a reliever. "Ultimate stress relief : the restroom." Just in case someone needs to know what a stressful situation is, Erin Whitford has one: "Stress is getting the A.P. History essays , English essays, a math project and physics homelabs all due the day after a break." A side effect of stress is what Michelle Kunze goes through during tests, "I hate taking major tests because you forget what's going on and you stress out and you just want to die." Remember, don't sweat the small stuff- and it's all small stuff!
Katherine Saunders
S teven Fil s inger
As hl e y Fin o tti Abraham F isc her Dav id Fi s h Jered Flet c her
S haw n F o rd Laura Fox
Ja so n Fran c is J e remy Fult o n Erin Furtak
Jake G arner
Shane Gaule
Jenn ifer Go o dland
Me gan Goodwi n Kelly Gorman
... • •
• • • 'I.le ,~r, •• • • • • • • '\ ote 1' J\J \c 1(\\0.
Just a Pretty Face-
Kevin Greenbaum
John Griffiths
Lena G r oves
Aaron Hagan
Amy Ha gue
What would your ve r y own per sonal bumper sticker sa y~
Michael Hall
Elisha Hankin
Michael Hardendorf
Rebe cca
Harm on Eric Hartm eister
Myles Harvey
Erin Hawkin s
Adam Hawl ey
Michael Hayden
Karen Heater
" l just woke up"-Peter Allen
" Hard bodies are good to find"- Emily Bachman
"Spiri t Motivator"-Matt Kaspar
"Save a deer, Bag a Democrat"-David Lowe
"Save the vegetables, Stop vegetarianism"-Brett Myers
"Ge t off the road! I'm Amy and I'm blond"-Amy Newcomm
You're driving down the road when this car with a bright red bumper sticker cuts in front of you. So you decide to tail gate them to find out what it says. ln big letters it proclaims, "FOR DRIVING TIPS CALL 1-800-EAT-SH * * ." "It figures," you think. Then you begin wondering about what to put on a bumper sticker if you could personalize one yourself. These are some crazy answers from some even crazier juniors. Holl ey Foster ,
\ '\ I l ,\r\ l ote 1'\ 166 -)" ~ {\\O. Just a Pretty Face
Jessica Hilley
Terri H obso n
Kelly H offman
Amber H o lland
Autumn H olland
Stacey H oyt
Nicolas Huerta
Michael Hult
Melissa Ill
Jefferey Jackman
Leah Jarvis
Jessica Jenkins
Angela Johnson
Bryan Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Michael Johnson
Brett Jones
Nicole Jones
Sean Jones
Khomkrit Kaowthumrong
Benjamin Kappes
Matthew Kaspar
Ladonna K eith
S hann on Kelle y
Tamra Keml er
Dan ie l Kerr
Kimberly Kettlewell
Daniel Kibl er
Steven Kibler
Shamus King
-~ \ ( I I ll_--
~l ote )"" {\\.O. Ju s t a Pret ty Face - 167
As the Class of 1995 begins their trek towards college and the rest of their lives , the Future Center starts becoming a regular hang-out. With almost every scholarship in the country listed somewhere in the enormous library of information, students find themselves overwhelmed by the choices . Every occupation from odontology , ears and throat doctor, to mason work, laying brick, is listed in the computers. You can cross reference the occupation you want with colleges that offer them and discover which college to attend. Every college in the coun-
try has a listing , short or long, somewhere within all the college books on the shelves in the resource center. If a question comes up about the center or a specific college, a mother volunteer is always there to help and if she can't answer the question , then the counselors are stationed at strategic locations throughout the counseling center. Visits from college representatives are frequent and any particular questions about the college that no one else can answer , they can. Anything you want to do
anywhere you want to go, however much you want to spend, the information is in the Future Center .
Josh Green
. . I
Yo u Wa nn a Go W h e r e? A v ,s1ttng co ll ege re prese nt a ti ve 1n es 10 co nvin c e Erika Bra kken a nd Sa ra h S te in th a t Pu ge t So und , s n ' ta ba d co ll ege 10 a tt e nd Juni o rs s pent man y ho ur., in th e fut ure ce nt e r dec 1d 1n g o n th e perfec t co ll ege to atl e nd fo r th e ir futur e profe ss ion Ma ny s tud e nt s uuh zed th e reso urce ce nt e r to th e ge t th e maximum a mo unt o f 1nfo rrn a11 o n and 1n th e process of ge tll ng that 1nfo m1at1 o n so mc um es s tress in g th e pa re nt vo lunt eers Ph o to by Cy nt hia Be ll ow'> '\ ote 1'\ 168 - )"~ t(\\.0- Ju s t a Pretty Face
I w
fap Ta p Junior Laura Duk.e taps a\\a) on the omr u1 ·r ti) 1ng 10 find 1nfonnat1on on a college ,;he \\JOh to anend af1er she graduates Laura had 10 narro,, her choices and decided on\\> hat college ,;he and her parents could agree on academically .1nd econom1call)
\\'ht:re' That c h olar hip ? Junior ~teg.tn Good\\ 1n l ook.s 1hrough 1he filing cabinet for ,;cholor.htp 1nfonna11on for the college of her dream Students can look up 1nfonnat 1on on many different colleges Many handbook.s give mlormauon on , ary1ng areas Photo b, C) n1h1a Bello" s
Ca n yo u help? JuniorAndyBaerask.scounselorMrs Pat Maupin for some advice on colleges The Future Center helps students w11h quesuons th at deal w11h colleges th ey want to attend Th1rty-e1ght parent volunteers help out with 1nfonna11on also Photo by Josh Green
• "\ l ote l" J"" rf"O. Ju s t a Pr e tt y Face- 169
Steven King
Ryan Kirby
Kelly Kirlin
Laura Kolin
Corinna Kunz
Michelle Kunze
Brian Lamaster
Jeremy Laue
Molly Leonard
James Lindberg
Ellen Lipstein
David Lowe
Nathan Lowe
Antonio Lucio
Manisha Mahajan
Kevin Mahoney
Amie Marsh
Bryan Marshall
Craig Martin
Don Martin
John Martinez
Danie l Matlock
Tatum Mattox
Shannon Mau p in
Devin Mccay
Michael Mcginty
Sara Mee
Neil Meehan
Jessica Melroy
r\ o-ce ll 170 -J" " {\\.O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face I • l D at 10 s.,; m b-
Oa ncin' Carlos Caceres a n d Sarah M cg uane dan ce 1ogethcr al Homecoming tvfost Junior.. d1shJ...e blind date s and hes11a1e 1oge1100 intimate with a date they JU St me t Junior Carter Maki :,;ud , " You can pass - take someoneebe." Ah hough bhnd date s ma) eem uncomfortable at fi~t . some11mes they are the beginning of somet hing great Pho to b> Emily Pearson ..
" Bhnd d a tes a re fo r th e din ga l1n gs, boy am I g lad I ' m bl ond , bl ac k , a brun e tt e. Anyway, love is blind , so a ll dat es ar e too!" sa id Amy Ne w co mm w ho w as j us t a littl e co nfu se d , alm os t hk e Dan Ma tl oc k w ho doesn' t q u ite ge t th e ri ght id ea~ he ays: " Bl ind d a tes ca n ' t see." May be we s hould c la ri fy w h a t b lind d a tes a re for so me co nfu sed jun io rs. Blind dat es a re j u s t o ne of th e way fri e nds ca n ge t fri e nd s toge th e r . So me tim es it mi g ht n o t b e th e bes t way. Ze b Pike h as dec id e d , " I h a te blind dates beca u se yo u don ' tkn ow w ho yo u ' re goi n g w ith ." Oth e rs find th em quit e s tress ful. Ca rri e Ri e de l says, " Blind d ates are ne rv e ra c k ing; yo u 've neve r see n thi s pe rso n befo re. It 's sca r y." B ad bl ind d a tes m ay res ult in th e attitud e o f Ke ll y S ta nt o n as sh e say , " Blind d ates ar e fo r th ose s tupi d, foo li s h des p e ra te peo pl e o f thi s w orld . Boy, I a m g lad I h ave n ' t bee n o n o ne fo r a t le as t a yea r!" But Kar a Bla c k says, " Blind d a tes a re a grea t way to mee t new peo pl e a nd ge t to kn ow th e m , ye t I pre fe r to find Mr. Ri g ht o n my ow n." K ath erin e Saunde rs
Jessica Meyer
Amanda Miller
John Monckton
Tara Montague
Corinna Montesano
M i chael Montgomery
Tobin Morehead
Step h en Morgan
Shane M orrow
Jamie Moss
Dan i el Mote s
B rett M yers
Kris t ian Navant
Boyd Ne l son
Amy Newcomm
-... .~ 7 I ( • •
"\ Aot e 1'\ )" .. {\,O. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace- 17 1
" What S.A.T.? I didn't hearaboutnoA .C. T What are you talking about, boy? When did you tell me about taking tests? l ca n't recall you telling me nothing about no test, and why do l have to take these things ,,, a student cries from the co unseling center .
"Yo u 've known about this since 7th grade. Don ' t freak out, everyone takes this and be s ides it's the only way you'll get into a co llege ," a comforting vo ice replies to the tirade .
Thi s is a typical junio r and co un se lor convers ation near the end of the year. Although a stressful
time , the test itself isn't that hard . " It 's quite easy actually," junior Craig Martin said. Even with four test dates throughout the year for both tests , some juniors put the test off until the senior year. " I should have taken it early, but I was stupid and put it off until my senior year," senior Chad Wadsworth stated. Most juniors don ' t put the test off, but the unlucky few will stress out during the senior year and finally take it and pass with at least a 1,000 point score. Being graded against the rest of the country , a score of 1,200 points will get you into college but maybe not your choice. Josh Green
10 your
"'\ l ote 1'\ 172 -)" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Fa ce Ge con and Ma :A.( Gi, v.hi H :
May I Help You? Fru ,t rat ed with '>tudy
1ng, Junior Dan Matlock helps point ou t i.ometh 1ng for Craig M.inin All Junior, and ,cn1or-. are expec ted to tak.e these te s ts which we all know how important they .ire All college, receive the ACT and S AT te st<, wh ich •., a big fa c tor for being accepted.
c.o ll egc, don ' 1 need both of the te-.t, but OlOSI '> ludent s take them so th ey can see how well they do on either one of them Everyone kn ow'> that the ,e tes ts arc very 1mponant and co uld be a key
by Jo,h Gree n
G ett i ng pr e p a r e d Fi g un ng o ut "ha t th e compk, pac ke ts are say in g. JUn1 o r C raig Ma rti n amt Steve Sch h em a n study for t he up co m ing tes ts !any of us te nd to stress ou t abo ut th e S A T a nd A C.T because th ey are d ifferen t k in d of tes ts GI\ 1ng your..e l f a brea k and s uccess ca n co n1 e "h1le u k1 ng ) o ur tes ts Pho to by J os h Green llard At Work Ju n ior Dan M a tl oc k shows ho"' to do th e n ght s tuff by bein g a n ex.am pl e student. Ev e ry yea r s tud enb ta ke on th e ha rd es t test wh1c h 1s neve r easy to st ud y for M any s tu den ts gc1 hi.I p to reac h th e ir test goals and a re a m azed by theii accom ph s h me n ts Tes ts are neve r fun espe<;1a ll y whe n It co mes to th e these Ph oto by Jo,h Gree n
Tak in ' it ea s y Re lax in g aft e r a ha rd d ay of work, Jun io r Ze b Pik e ta kes a s hort nap be fore he needs to s ta rt s tud y ing aga in On e thin g th e A CT and S A T can do 1s ma ke yo u fee l un com fort ab le bec au se you r rea lt z 1ng JU St how import an t 11 1s M a ny s tu den ts amve d a t th e tes ts with th e ir m os t la id bac k c loth es to give th e mo'> t co m fo rt Peo pl e be lt eve th at at he lp s th e m conce nt ra te be tt e r a nd 11 e nab les th e m to n ot rus h th ro ugh th e tes t, espec iall y with th e t1m e hm11 \V a1c h1n g th e cloc k fl y by yo u gives tes t ta ken. a ne rv ou s brea k down but peo pl e see m 10 ma ke th e 11me a ll n ght Ph oto by J os h G ree n
~ l ote 1' J" " {f\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face- 1 73
Pull S lave Junior David Lo...,,e has his slave.Junior Enn Furt aic, pull him to class 1n a padded can w, th the help of Megan Goodwin Th e slave day earned a lot of food fe r the homeless 1n Golde n while providing fun for studen ts Most s laves were subJected 10 1ncred1ble hum 1h at1on\ such as pus hing pe nni es, c ros~ dressing or one ex treme was feeding th e master food by hand 1n a pubh c res taura nt
Do I hear 100 cans? 200? 300 cans? Going , Going , SOLD! Excitment filled th e auditorium o n W ednesday, Nov 17 fo r the Student Council au ctio n Our poor
S tudent Co un c il member s had been so ld to a great deal of generous can donor s who gave th e m wh at they deserve. " Barking like a dog through the freshman lounge ju st topped o ff the day of humil ia tion! " admitted Brook Porter who was
b e ing dragged along on a leash. Walk ing down the junior hall was a riot for most
b eca u se th e s trangest things were going on such as penny pushing races and off
k ey s ingin g fr om all directions. Next to all the singing , you could hear barking
n oises co ming from the ba c k s of many freshmen who were all scared out of their minds. Then people co me ba ck t o their se n ses after noticing the innocent Tash a Markovchick wa s th ere co nfe ss ing , " I think that Greg Schultz got more than 100 cans' wo rth! " Like most o f thE slaves that day, many admitted that revenge was in o rd e r or so they say. Laura I •uke sa id, " I had the meanest owner in Golden High
Sc h ool and s he ' ll pay on M :> nday! " Overall the experience was worth all the
a c t iv it ies that were demonstr 1ted . Virg inie Rudloff
Gus Nickell
T odd Nordstr o m
Sha ne Norris
Chad O'ha ra
Joseph Obrien
Jessica Olsen
Travis Olson
Brian O utland
April Overgaard
Meli ssa Palm er
Ryan Parfe t
Shane Park er
Rebecca Pea se
Raina Peneton
Aaron Peter sen
) / I \ /\ 1ote 1' 174 -JV" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Fa ce
Carrie Peterson
Edmund Phillips
Joseph Ph1lhps
Cheryl Pietrzyk
Zebulon Pike
Brook Porter
Wesley Pouw
Tanya Prentice
Ricky Price Jr
Lindsey Proctor
Paul Queneau
David Qureshi
Jennifer Rand
Kristin Raymond
Kelly Reinecker
Jennifer Reyne beau
Stephanie Rickard
Carrie Riedel
Jessica Riggs
Cole Roberts
Kyle Robertson
Jeremy Rowe
James Rundle
Catherine Ryan
Mark Ryerson
Ch ri sta Sanders
Shanene Sanders
Courtney Sasa
Kath erine Saunders
H eather Sawyer
d >r \ ) ff J
"\ l ote 1'\ )"" {"'°'Ju s ta Pr e tt y Face- 175
Rocco Scardello
Karla Schirrmeister
Stephen Schlieman
Kelli Schnase
Gregory Schultz
Ryan Schwettman
Marsa Scully
Aaron Segesman
Trese Seres
Eric Shaffer
Carlyn Siegesmund
Dona l d Skala
Gregory Smith
Jennifer Smith
Joshua Smith
Wendy Sorensen
Zachary Sprinkle
Lukus Squires
Brett Stanislao
Kelly Stanton
Erik Stattman
Brandyn Stein
Sarah Stein
Christy Steinert
Jeremiah Sterner
Morgan Stock
Courtney Stookey
Devan Storms
Peter Stow
Joy Sumner
"\ ot e 11 176 -)"" {\\°' Ju s t a Pre tt y Face-\ ~;I
Those Pesk y Curfe w s
It's 12:00 midnight. and you're supposed to be home but you're half way across town. You drive like crazy t o get home, but what do you say to your distressed par ents when you walk into the fr on t door and they ask where you've been? Well, take it from the se juniors and their pr oven excuses. Carli Coupens.
"My cu rfew is midnight or whenever my parents tell me to get home . I think it's pret ty rea sona ble and I usually tell them the truth if I'm late. " -Michele
"I don't have a cu rfew be ca u se my m o m figures I'm not doing anything illegal. "
- Jennifer Goodland
'I have no curfews on weekend s, but on weekdays I have t o be h ome by e leve n . I usually just ca ll them and say I los t track of t ime and I say that we got in a deep conversation."
-Jessica Olsen
"My curfew is twelve . I tell my parents when I'll be home and if I'm n ot home f'II ca ll and tell them when I'll be home. I tell them I either lost tra ck of time or there were all red lights ." -Terri
"My curfew is 10 :30 p m. and if l want t o avo id a curfew I say that I'm spending the night at a friend 's house If I co me home late I tell my parents that I w as lost. '' -Joy Zhang
" I do not have a curfe w but my girlfriend doe s and it really , really , really sucks ."
-Jeremiah Sterner
Julia Tague
Nathan Taylor
Matthew Thomas
Shon n1ne
Jarrett Thompson
Mi che l e Thompson
Dana Tripp
Ker i Tr os t
Am y Turgeon
Gregory Urban
L uke Vanduyn
Grant Varveris
Sara Verbeck
Tr oy Vigil
Jessica Wa ger
/\ o-ce 1'\ )"" 1\\0. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face- 177
Torm e nting subs
When the unfortunate time arises and our regular teacher cannot be present, they are u s ually replaced by a substitute. Students, because of the way we are, tend to take advantage of this potentially humorous situation. Everyone see m s to have a different way of doing this .
" I put tape acro ss all of their papers. They usually like that. " - Taylor Estes .
I always s it in someone else's seat, even if they are not the same sex." -
LaRay Beck
" I don ' t know, I just talk," - Holli Byerly.
"We 've gotten good at taking naps , I mean watching movies every day. "Brook Porter
" Yo u can do anything when there is a sub because they're afraid to bust you. " - Travis Olson
" l seem to always catch up on my sleep when I have a sub." - Dave Lowe
" In Mr. Farrar's room it's fun to watch them fool with the sound system."Laura
Subs are great because they don ' t have control over you. You have control over them. '' - Jason
Michelle Wagner
Jason Wallenta
Craig Wallin
John Wengrovius
Brenda Westby
Tiffany Weston
Tiffanie Wh ee l er
Erin Whitford
Curtis Wh i ting
Shaine Wi eber
Adam Wil son
Ryan Witt
Robe rt W ollne r Jr
Kari Wyant
Nasvhiko Yamaguchi
\ I) '\ ote 1'\ 178 -)" {\\O. Ju s t a Pretty Face .- -· ·-• I
Jason Yosha
Joseph Younger
Andrew Zahana s
Jeremy Zahrte
Joy Zhang
Wh e r e i it ? Ladonna Keith a n d Hol h Byerly ex pl ore th e Future Cen te r 1n so m e of th eir s pa re lim e Dunn g th ei r Junior year most JUn1on. ta ke a m oment to look for sc h o l ars hip s for college It 's n ever too soon 10 I I) to narr ow do v. n college choice or find scholan, h1p infonna t1 on The Future Center a t GHS 1s one of th e finest 1n a ll of Jeffeson County Ph oto by Josh Green
Huh ? At th e tabl e n ear E-ha\l Laray B ec k Emil) B achman. J a ke Young, Mike Hall ,J 1m Lindberg , a nd Kyle R obe rt son s it s tud yi n g so m e 1nfonnat1on for th eir test next block Th e ta b l e'> were paid for and placed ou t side courte'>) of th e sc h ool The tables were grea t 10 h ave for th e sum m e r and s pnn g seasons v. hen the weat h er was nice and everyone wan ted 10 be ou t <,1de Ph o to by J os h Green
V, I ..__
'\ Aote 1'\ JV" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace- 179
Sophomores. What does that name mean to you? Sophomore Henry Risner said , "Being a sophomore means having pride and being better than everyone else." Sophomores are at the stage of many things, but more importantly , turning 16 and getting a license. "I love having my license because I don ' t have to bum rides anymore ," stated Leah Kerr. April Schossow commented, "What?! I don ' t even have a license!"
Some sophomores are keeping busy with sports. Andrea Erpelding said , "Dig it out, set it up, and spike it down! Those are the volleyball rules. " When Julie Heinz was asked if she was g lad to be rid of the freshman name, she laughed and said, "Yes, because now I don't have the name of the low life of the school!" Now as the class of ' 96 ends another year at GHS , they will be sad to say goodbye to their sophomore year. But every day they are looking forward to getting their chance to rule as seniors and get out into the real world .
Michelle Tucker
I a m , vo m a n , hea r m e roar! So
o m o re La y la Byars s
s tre ngth
brut aht y as s he pi cks
so ph o
T.J Lill y in an Am en can ht s tory cl ass . A fter lec tures and homewo rk . Layla and TJ . fe lt th ey
a brea k. No matt e r
hard th ey wo rk ed, th ey fe lt 1l was n 't eno ug h to pass Mr F ink 's tes ts and qui zzes Ph o to
Miche ll e Tu cker
hows her
had deserved
Hurr y up ! The sophomores Came Pearse , K ara Rome, Steve B arlow. A.J Stahl, and Paul Tate listen to the datly a nn ounce m ents in their acce~ class Then they waited for Mr Joe M cGinnis to take roll and e"cuse them forthe day Sophomores had the e)(c1t1ng pnv1lege of taking Biology I. Amencan History. Th eat re , Comp I and II and other classes. Photo by Mi chelle Tucker
C heese! Sophomores Jessica Dicke, Randy H adw1ger and Beth Elder gat h er together and show th eir close f nendsh1p B e th sta te d "I'm g lad I have as good offnends as I do, to get me through my sophomore year" With fnends hke this, you can never go wrong P hoto by Mi chelle Tucker
PROllC W(Aff -
,'"\ l Ole 1'\ )"" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face- 181 '
Yo ur Most Memorable Dream
"Two guys taught me how to play the French horn. " -Lindsey Brazil
" Hell froze over and so did the rest of the world , but I knew how to ice skate so I could get around." -David Bryant
" I had a dream that I remebered my dreams. " -Carrie Pearse
" I came to sc hool without pants or shoes on, but people only realized that I wasn ' t wearing shoes." -Kayla Haptonstall
" I lived in Toon Town , and I had an elephant car that talked to me ." -Calley Hughes
" I was sunbathing in a toaster, and the house caught on fire." -Tricia Bair
" I lived in a shoe with the little old lady." -Kurt Falkenthal
"My dad so ld me to a cop instead of paying for his parking ticket." -Wendy Heywood
Abdullah Abdulrhaman
Melanie Allison
Shaun Ambrose
Nicholas Ammon
Jason Anderson
Michael Anderson
Monica Araujo
Andrea Archer
Renee Ardoin
Shanna Ash
Chris t opher
Danielle Aumiller
Michael Bade
Chris Baggett
"\ Aote 1' 182- )" .. {\\O. Ju s t a Pretty Face
Tricia Bair
Wendi Baker
Shawn Bakker
Jeremy Ballenger
Zachary Ballentine
Jason Barkow
Steven Barlow
Eri ck Bartosh
Ian Bates
Pamela Baughman
Jennifer Baurer
Daniel Beck
Scott Beckley
Maria Befay
Cody Bentley
Jolene Bernard
James Berry
Patrick Bitner
Gary Boatman
Kathrine Bosio
Jacob Boswell
Lindsey B r azil
David Bryant
Sharon Bull
Jamie Bu r ke
Sherry Burroughs
Barbra Campbell
Larina Cannady
Pa t rick Capasso
\... \ ' • ) J
'\ 1ote 1' 1'1 " '\~O. Ju s t a Pre t ty Face- 183
Patrick Cappa
Seth Carr
Christian Ca r son
Ryan Chisholm
Salina Cinabro
Kelli Colligan
Jessica Collins
Patrick Collins
Kelly Cooper
Andrew Coors
Christopher Corbin
Charles Corne l y
Kristine Cornely
Carli Coupens
Jessica Crosswhite
Sara C r owell
Kevin Culler
Chris t op h er Curtis
Angela Dal t on
Brett Davis
Kent Davis
Rache l Davis
Kara Decarolis
Rianne Delery
Craig Delgado
Kelley Denner
Jessica D icke
Jerry Dinzes
Dit t brenner
H o ll y Ditto
·., ), . r\ ~ot e, 1' 184 - JV ~ 1"0. Ju s t a Pre tty F ace• •
The Ol e' Blac k Cat and B ad Lu c k
" It is when you get caught sneaking out of your house. " -Jessica Wurtenberger
" l don 1 t have bad luck . " -Ian Bates
" It sucks when you have a fight with your boyfriend. 11 -Michelle Lafferty
" It is not good luck. 1 ' -Jodi Mundt
" It is when you can't get a ride to lun ch. 11 -Andrea Archer
" l always have bad luck on tests. When I think I do good, I always do badly. 11 -Jessica Kasel
" My bad luck is being a student council servant." ~Jonathan Pray
" It is when your alarm clock doesn't go off and you miss your ride to school." -Ryan Lucas
"Jt is when you forget your homework at home ." -Zach Ambariantz
Jasmine Domgaard
Serena Dovey
Matthew Dozzo
Matthew Driscoll
Aaron Dubois
Jennifer Duplessis
Daniel Duran
Dawn Durant
Richard Dwight
Karen Dyke
Alfredo Echeverria II
Jennifer Eke
Beth Elder
K evin Ellis
Patrick Engel
"\ l ote 1' J"~ {\\O. Ju st a Pretty Face- 185
Th e G o ld e n S oap s
" I love Days of Our Lives beca u se Bill y a nd B o a re s u c h a c ute co upl e and th ey a r e fin a ll y ge ttin g toge th e r ." - D e ni s e S h a ne r
" M y favo rit e soa p o pe r a i s D ays of Our L ives beca u se th e r e a r e so m a n y c ute g u ys o n it. " - C hri s t e n G air
" I l ike Days of Our Lives beca use it i s m o re tru e- to- l i fe th a n m os t soa p op e r as." -J e ram y S nid ow
" M y leas t favori te soa p o p e r a is T he B old and t he B eau t ifu l beca u se i t is to tall y unrea li s ti c a nd it i s so m e thin g to l a u g h a t. " -K a ti e B os io
" M y f avori te soa p o pe r a is D ays of Our L ives a nd I ' m h oo k e d o n i t. " -Jami e L eys hon
" M y f avo r i te soa p o pe r a is D ays of Our Li ves beca u se yo u c an escap e fr o m yo ur o wn life and ge t i n vo l ve d in th e c h ar ac te r s' li ves." - A nna Olso n
" I d on' t l i k e soa p o peras beca u se th ey are dumb a nd everyo n e i s alw ays c ryin g." - Laura Zaharia s
" M y favo rite soa p ope ra is T he Sm u rfs beca u se S murfe tte h as so man y g u ys and I ' m j e al o u s." -A ll yso n
R ey n o ld s
Andrea E r pelding
Shawn Erwin
Kurt Fa l ken t hal
Adam Fay
Amanda Fein
Linda Ferrera
Brige t t Fink
Mon t ez Fi n nell
T anya Fish
Lisa Fitch
Gregory Francis
K ristie F reeman
Craig F ul m er
Christen Gair
Cr aig Gam b le
j . . . - l
"' {ot e 1' 18 6- ) \I " 1(\\0. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace
Jenn1fer Garrett
William Garretts
Ryan Gee
Keith Gibson
Aaron Gil
Brant Gleaton
Laura Gonzales
Kimberly Gorman
Jessica Gran1sh
Kasey Grantham
Lacie Gray
Donald Grundeman
AnJli Gupta
Rodney H adwiger
Donald H agberg
Julie H agemeister
Shawn H aines
Jason H all
Benjamin H amblin
Melissa Hand
Robin Hankins
K ayla
H aptonstall
Rebecca Hayes
K evin Haza r d
And r ew H ebein
Sarah Hebeler
K aren
H effelfinger
Julie H einz
David H erbert
Wendy Heywood
\ j 1 •
'\l at e, t\ )"" {"O. Ju s t a Pre tty Face- 187
When You 're The Middle Child ...
"You don't get a lot of attention from your parents." -Hiedi Layman
" I' m the only girl, so I don't have to share anything." -April Schossow
"My brother and sister always team up to pick on me ." -Pam Baughman
"It s tinks because you ge t blamed for everything." -Ian Kunter
" I love it because you get to go out with your older siblings and pick on the younger ones." -Danell Dittbrenner
" It 's cool because I get more privileges. " -Kelly Cooper
Justin Hill
Michael Hinds
H itchcock
Hillary H olland
Ch ri s t opher Horn
Shawn H orne r
Megan H o rn ick
Jayna H orvat
Bryn Hud son
Calley Hughes
J ennifer Hu ghes
Mark Humphrey
David fmer
Kr is t op her l my Brittany Isenberger
/\ ote 1'\ 188 - )"" {\\O. Ju s t a Pretty Fa ce
Heather Jacobson
Amy Jankowski
Darus Jaquez
Shannon Jeffreys
Garrick Johnson
Kathryn Johnston
Vincent Joiner
Brian Jones
Brett Jorgensen
Michelle Juneau
Jessica Kasel
Jill Katzenberger
Kendra Kauth
Roxanne Kay
Frances Ke iaho
Cliff ord Kelley
Leah Kerr
Jin Kim
Molly Kinghorn
K irstin K iphardt
Kevin Koel
Mark Kolin
James Konegni
Arthur Krzystek
I an Kunter
M ina Kurtubi
K wietnewski
Michelle Lafferty
Carissa Lauwers
.. ....
/\ ,( ot e i'\ JV" i""'O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face- 189
Heidi Layman
Kenneth Lee
Jamie Leyshon
Terry Lilly Jr
Emily Lowe
Ryan Lucas
Christopher Lundy
David Mack
Geoffrey Mallow
Matthew Manley
Michael Mares
Jennifer Martinez
Nathan Mataya
Michael Mayer
Sarah Mcguane
Stacey Mcguire
James Mcmurtry
Courtney Mena
Kelly Meier
Darin Menapace
Ginger Menzies
Sharon Micke
Charles Mi ller
Christopher Miller
Cody Miller
Jeannie M iller
Raymond M iller
Jaso n M o n son
H ea t her M oon
Ai M o r igak1
t ,, "\ l o"'C e 1\ 190 - J-J" i""'O. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace t' ) " \ _,.. .. ,.,,, ") \ )': ·,1 i \Ha rd~ock 'I
The Old S y di ca ti o n of Favo rit e T .V. R e- Ru ns
"The Partridge Family because the 70's are groovy." -Jamie Konegni
"Gilligan's Island because Ginger and Mary Ann are babes. ,, -Shawn Bake r
" I don't watch T.V. re-runs ." - Kelly Colligan
"Brady Bunch because I like their ' fros ." - Steve Barlow
"Sci-fi re-runs are cool!" - Pat Capasso
"Mr. Ed because the horse is cool." - Jason Hall
" I don ' t watch T.V. " - Dan Duran-Keen
"Mork and Mindy because Mork reminds me of people I know " -Beth Elder
"They should have more Brady Bunch.'' -Roxanne Kay -
Jodi Mundt
Carrie Myers
Sean Nelson
Cory Nickerson
Carl Nielsen
Christina Norberg
Jeremy Nuanes
Mark O'dorisio
Dustin Offerson
Anna Olson
Maren Olson
Jeremy Orand
Kelly Osheroff
Kathryn Owen
.. -
~~ote i\ J'V ' {l\O. Ju s t a Pretty Face- 191
Playing the Trading Game
" Billy Joel because his wife is Christie Brinkley.'' - Aaron Turner
"Mayor of Amsterdam so I can see far off places. " - Mark Kolin
" No one because I'm the coolest person I know." - Dave Yang
"Mrs Jean Claude Van Damme. Do you really have to ask why?" -Jessica Dicke
"Di kembe Mutombo so l could be tall for once." - Anjli Gupta
"l' d love to trade places with Sharon Stone." -Lindie Hitchcock
I' d trade places with my mom because she is good at math." -Hillary Holland
David Palmer
Ni c holas Paslay
Kevin Paulsen
Carrie Pearse
Christine Peters
Michel Petersen
Alison Peterson
Leonardo Pope
Mark Powell
Kelly Powers
Jonathan Pray
Jennifer Preston
Tri sha Prige l
Robert Purvis
Jesse Rene
• ,. ... • . .,, ..I r\ o-ce i\ 19 2- )"" {\\.O. Ju s t a Pretty Face
Allyson Reynolds
Melissa Rhoto
Justin Ridpath
Matthew Rillos
Henry Risner
Chff Roberts
Greg Roberts
Matthew Robie
Tami Rodnguez
Kara Rome
Amanda Rose
Shanna Rumley
Amanda Rundle
Saman Sadeghi
Charles Sandt
Lucas Santilli
Crystal Schenck
Shirelle Schmidt
Danie l Schmied
April Schossow
Jeffrey Schroeder
Stephen Schroeder
Adam Seabaugh
Melissa Seiber
Denise Shaner
Jason Shaw
Nicole Six
Joanna Skwara
Altsha Smith
Elizabeth Smith
'\ l ote "' J\J" f"' O. Ju t a Pre tt y Face- 193
Jamie Smith
Nicole Smith
Jeramy Sn 1dow
Randell Springer
Katherine Standley
Justin Steeves
Jennifer Steinert
Skyler Stillwell
John Stoaks
Travis Stock
Eric Storms
Neil Strong
Colleen Struck
Apri l Stussy
Craig Sutton
Pa t rick Swift
Dusty Tafoya
Paul Tate
T r isha T h omas
Jacob T hompson
Mary To
Joshua Tolve
Riley Tripp
Daniel Trusty
M ichelle Tucke r
Ross T urk
Aaro n Turner
D i ana Turner
Ve r ser
Joshua Waggoner
.-. l o~ e, 1'\ 19 4 - JV~ 1"0. Ju st a Pre tt y F ace \ • •
The Tantalizing 900 Numb e rs
Shayden Ward
David Warren
James Watts
Jamie Webster
Laura White
Christy Whitfield
Bre t t Williams
Emily Williams
Daniel Willman
\ I
1-900- Psyc h ic f rie n ds" - Jill Katzenberger
1-900-Je nn i" - Jennifer Baurer
1-900-1MK T O N "- Katie Owen
1-900- L ove M en " - Ginger Meinzies
1-900-W o m e n Rul e"- Kendra Kauth
1-900-M iss Kn o w i t All" - April Stussy "1-900-Ta l k t o m e" - Wendi Baker "1-900 Wh at s Up " - Kelli Colligan " 1-900 Ca n I H elp U " - Alisha Smith Joshua Walker
Amanda Wa
Winklepleck '\ ot e 1'\ )"" 1t0. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face- 195
Favorite toothpastes
"Crest because it fights tartar." - Christen Gair
"Colgate because it's better than Crest." - Steve Barlow
"S parkle Crest because it tastes like bubble gum." - David Mack
"C rest. It tastes good and keeps my mouth cavity free." - Katie Owen
"C rest be c ause they make that cool neat squeeze bottle ." - Alison Peterson
"I use a variety of different toothpastes because I get sick of the taste.' ' - Sanni Keskamki
"Co lgate It gives me a wintery fresh breath. " -Michelle Tucker
"C rest because I like the taste ." -Carli Coupens
Stacey Winston
H ayley Witt
Daron Wolfrum
Randall Wright
Kelly Wuerth
Jessica Wurtenberger
David Yang
Angelika Varno
Robyn Yount
Lan Yu
Laura Zaharias
Holly Zens
Kimberly Ziegler
I '"\ ote 1' 196- JV'" f"O. Ju s t a Pretty Face
Rain , rain go a,vay, co m e again another da y!
Sophomores Be th Elder. Je<,s1ca Granm'> h , a nd Amy Jan~ owsk1 sh ow th eir favorite fashion s ty le. bags on th e head Wh en th ey did this Beth , J essica. and Amy we re on a b1olog> fi eld tnp gat h e nn g 1nfonna11on for a lab Tots day (and this picture) 111 probably be reme mbe red for years to come Ph o to by D oc
Study is all we do These fello~ sop h o m ores are one of the few that use their acce~ lim e wisely studying a nd doing h omewor whether 11's 1n th e ca fetena. cou rt yard. se n ior lounge. o r by th e ir loc~ers Wh e n th e sea<,on was appropnate 10 s i t outs id e and catch some rays. you could find many sophomores loung1n ' 1n th ecounyard
Ph o to by J o\h Green
Ir\ l ote J'J'" {\\O. Ju s t a Pretty Face- 197
Walk down any hall , look into any freshman class and you will be able to see the spirit glowing on their faces. You can sense their spirit in other ways too "Our spirit is shown in our fashion. " Anna Kelso observes . Of course there are the few who actually voice their spirit. "Give me an F, give me an R, give me an E , give me an S, give me an H, give me an M, give me an E, give me an N," Mary Curran stops to catch her breath , "What does that spell ? Freshmen! " There are also the not so spirited freshmen , or maybe 1 they are just intimidated by the upperclassmen. "We are too afraid we will get our butt kicked so we don't show our true spirit, ., comments Letitia Christensen . There are some freshmen this year who are cocky about their spirit. Catherine Clark says, " Compared to the past freshmen, we have a lot more spirit." Then there are those freshmen who have no clue , like Bria Hampleman . "Spirit?" and Matt Rogers , "How does our school anthem go again? " So walk down any hall, look in t o any freshman classroom and you will see that Kyle Atkinson speaks the truth when he says , " Freshman spirit is fresh. " Jennifer
S mil e Fres hm e n Dre w Smith , Ky le Atkin so n, Lo nni e Dye r, and Zac h Pik e s mil e pre u y for th e cam e ra No t o nl y did th ese fo ur fr es hm e n ha ve e xe ll e nt sc hoo l s p1rt dunn g s p,rt wee k , th ey al so had a g rea t tim e a t th e c arnival Th e ir s mil es JU St s how how mu c h fun th ey had a t th e carni val. Ph oto by Cy nthi a Be ll o ws --
Rena Dusenbury. Jason Chappell, ikk1 Varvens, Crystal Swala, Kim Bellanll, Mike M onckton, Stacy Arndt, Kama Brindle, Terra Falco, and Katie Dorsch ride 1heir floa1 during the Homecoming Parade This Homecoming was the fir.-t for the cla~ of '97 Freshman Beth H art stated, "It could have been better 1f 1he freshman floa1 won because 1t was surely number one " Photo by Josh Green.
Pow! Freshman Josh B ates hi~ the H omecoming car \v11h a bang while R yan M organ, P eng \ Vu, Layne Hodson, and Brya n De W olfe look on as 1f they wished they could do 1he same Coming from Bell M iddle School, these kids never expcncnced 1h1s ac11v11y before Pho10 by Todd D ierking •
J ' l' C· <'.I I -~-szz n
'97! Freshmen Michelle Kle1ne1der, Kns1a Benton,
'\ {o-ce \'\ JV~ '\~O. Ju s t a Pretty Face - 199
Jennifer Allen
Eric Anderson
Kri sta Aramaki
Fabiola Araujo
Crystal Arcury
Stacy Arndt
Kyle Atkinson
Mindy Austin
Justin Babbitt
Jason Baerren
Travis Baker
Wilham Barbee
John Bartsch
Joshua Bates
Troy Bauer
Jeffrey Beavers
Torrie Becwar
Crystal Beder
Eric Behne
Ian Beitzel
Kimberly Bell anti
Melissa Bellew
Katrina Bennett
Krista Benton
Sabrina Beumer
Kevin Bilger
Ronelle Black
Jennifer Blum
Kristen Bohn
.. /\ ote, 1'\ 200- JV" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face J
Freshmen's Tips On How To Get Through Your First Year At GHS ... Without Too Much Suffering.
"Make a lo t o f friend s that a re o lder than you ." -Catherine Clark
"S ta y awa y fr o m th e s eni o r lo ung e." -Charlotte Parker
"S ta y loc ked in y o ur loc ker 11 -Matt Montgomery
"Do n ' t a s k t oo ma n y que s ti o n s b ec au se p eo pl e will kn o w yo u 're a fres h ma n ." -Margi e Sant
"Don ' t p ic k fight s with p eo pl e bigger than yo u .'' -Roger Stellers
"Kiss butt ." -Nick Braken
" Pretend yo u ' re a s oph o m o re." -Mark Hickman
"Wh e n y o u se e a penn y, s t a rt running ." -Stephanie Cachrision
"Do n ' t talk back to peopl e that ar e bigger than you." -Brian Murphy
"Ho ld yo ur head up h igh and h o p e th ey d o n ' t k ic k yo ur butt ." -Priscilla Dvorak
Je nnifer Blum David Yang
Charl es Bolejack
Morgan Boyles
David Bradder
Nicholas Brakken
Ka mi Brindle
T.J Brinner
Jason Broderick
Joshua Brooks
William Brown
Lee Brunker
Andrew Buchholz
Debra Buck
Amy Bull
Gale Bunyard
Carolyn Burg
~00 ll . • \\ \ ) J t \
"\ l ote 1'\ JV" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace - 201
Do you remember the first time you drove? "The fir s t time I drove I got stuck in a muddy ditch and a tow truck had to come and get my car out ,'' reminisces Courtny Winship . Even though quite a few freshmen c annot drive , some still love to do it, but as long as it is the way John Eagleton likes it , " Driving is fun , but only if it is illegal. " The parents of the freshmen suffer the most , as Mindy Austin says , " My dad was breathing so hard I thought he was going to hyperventilate." Sometimes i t i s ne c essary for freshmen to roam the halls repeating the basi c rules of driving , so as not to forget how to drive, like Kirstin Fisher who franticly say s , " Let the clutch out and give it gas , let out the clutch and give it gas . ,, Bria Hampleman finds the true meaning of freshman driving , when she screamed, "BRAAAAKE !" Jennifer
L es li e B urg
Bri ann e Bur ris
J o hn Burto n
Dou g la s
C am eron
Ja so n C am e r o n
Ann C a r penter
Ra c hel C arv e r
J os eph C a scio
Co r ey
C avanaugh
Mary e ll e n
Ce tna r
Ja so n C happe ll
Kelly C hen ey
C hri s ten s en
C hri sten se n
s en ~Aote 1' 202 _ )"" {\\O. Ju s t a Pretty Face Wis h ful T hi nk ing Katie Dorsch ge ts out o f t h e car a ft er h e r p re tend dnvmg expenence Kat ie a l ong wtt h o th er freshmen a n xious l y awai t the d ay they get the ir licenses " I wan t my lice n se!" exclaims fresh m an M a ri a Te mbo The fac t ,,. very few fres hmen h ave t hei r licenses. so enJoy se m i-safe s ree ts w h ile yo u st il l ca n P h oto b y Todd D 1erk1 ng
Jare d C hri s tian
Nathan Church
Catherine Clark
Kathleen Clark
Marlaina Clements
Melissa Cline
Amy Coates
Chanda Conklin
Rachel Crane
Jeremy Cummings
Mary Curran
Kyle Cusack
Matthew Dando
Andrew Darlington
Jennifer Davis
Lynn De Berry
Jack Deboer
David Demaltens
Mana Denney
Mauritz Dendder
H arold Dewitt
Bryan Dewolfe
Jennifer Dinges
Rebecca Doherty
Mary Dorsch
Ma tt hew Dotter
Rena Dusenbury
Thomas Duster
Priscilla Dvorak
Ce l este Dyer
Lonnie Dyer
"\ 1ot e "' J"" {\\O. Ju s t a P re tt y F ace - 203
Jason Eagleson
John Eagleton
Wendi Eberhart
Christopher Eddy
Terry Eilers
Monica Einspahr
Jon Ekstrom
Lester Embree
Larry England Jr
Justin Evans
Terra Falco
Ryan Farley
Keyton Faulkner
Jessica Felty
Amber Femmer
Jennifer Fink
Buckner Fisher
Kirstin Fisher
Stephen Fisk
Joshua Fitzgerald
Alejandro Flores
Eric Ford
Paul Foreman
Holley Foster
Ami Freier
Ma t thew Frost
Kimbe r ly Giddeon
Breeanne Glasmann
Lisa Gores
Melissa Groenhof
• "\ {ote "' 20 4 _ )"~ { ~O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Face I
Hrlp ! Senior L, z Dohert) g 1, e!> adv ice to her young.e r -.1ster. freshn1an Becl-.y Dohcrt\ Even thou gh brother, and .,,.,tef'!> may fight, they '>ltll love each ot her enough 10 he lp th em and pro1ec1 th em Sorne 11mes o ld e r or you nge r brother, and \!Siers may be a pain but in th e e nd they are a big help. and can ofte n be th e o nl y fnend in ,ig ht v.h en hel p 15 nee ded Photo by C)nlh1a Bellows
Is there s ibling rivalry among th e GHS s tudent s? Not as mu ch a s one might think. As Natalie Stahl puts it , " It ' s more like having a friend who s t ic k s up for me , than having an o lder brother 1 ' The advantage of o lder friends came up quite often as Nick Brakken remark s, " It 's great because a lot of the uppercla ss men already knew me before I even got here. 11 Being so meone 's little brother or sister can also have some disadvantages as Claire Wachtler co mments , " It 's ni ce except when people call me Caroline's little s i s ter. ,, Another problem occurs if the two siblings are not getting along , as Judy Kunze s ay s, " I hate it when my sis ter trie s to embarrass me ." Many people think that the best part of having an older brother or sister is the availability o f tran s portation Katie Dorsch s tate s, " Th e be s t part is getting a ride to lun c h." Jamie Burke and David Yang
Robert Groves
Jacob Hagl er
Jayne Hal e Mi c h el H all
Bria H ampleman
Michael Harri ngton
Jamie Harvey
Gene Have rkamp
Mi c hael Ha ys
Jackson H ediger
Me gan H enry
Promise H erbert
Sara h H er onema
Lind say H erron
Evan H erzoff
t\ . 1..:
'\late 1'\ )"" {\"O. Ju s t a Pre tty Face -205
Money is the thing that everybody wants, but can ' never get enough of. The Freshman Class has many ways to spend their money. The most popular way to spend money is on music. Tracey Vanwoensel remarks , " I spend my money on CDs and tapes ." Another favorite way to spend money is on food. Erik Los e man says, " If I ever have any money I spend it on so me ca ndy ." These aren ,t the only ways freshmen spend their money , however. Some freshmen have unique ways of s pending their money , such as Fletcher Brown who s tates , " I spend my money on women_ ,, Then there are some fre s hmen who think ahead to the future. " I put my money into an ac co unt for a car," co mments John Bartsch . Most freshmen , however, get a blank look in their eyes when asked how they spe nd their money As Rena Dusenbury puts it , "What money ?" Se rena Dovey
Stephen Hickman Jr
Gary Hill ey
Brandy H inkle
Nathan Hinkle
Joe Hipp ensteel
Tracy H oback
Steven Hobson
Layne Hodson
Aimee H oogheem
Jessica H oover
Jona than H op pin
Jonathan Hornick
Jeremy H otsenpiller
Courtney H ouk
Sara Hutcheson
r\ ote 1'\ 206- )"~ {"(,1 Ju s t a Pretty Face
• • .. . l
No Money Down Meli ssa Bellew displays her cho ice of mu sic, and talks about how she paid almost nothing for 1t Students at G H S use th eir extra noney for a vanety of things Th ey buy tapes, CD's, food and s pend money o, their dates, but only as long as at as 1nexpens1ve. Students do get Jobs. wh1c1' help s quite a bit in the ~ay they s pend their money Ph oto by Heather Nuanc:.
Christina Hutchison
Jennifer Hutchison
Albert llges
William Jenkins
Ross Jensen
David Johnson
Stephanie Johnson
Sandra Johnston
Felicia Jones
Melissa Jones
Rebecca Jones
Samuel Jones
Summer Jones
Gregory Karpoff
Chandra Karros
Meredith Keating
Amber Keller
James Kelley
Kaci Kelly
Rod Kelly
Anna Kelso
Sarah Kendell
Clayton Kenton
Melissa King
Michelle Kle1neider
Kelly Knoll
Zachary Kosterman
Alyssa Kraus
Shana Krone
Diana Kunter
( 5 ,::!I ' '--;oio. ~~l
"\ ote tt JV " {\\O. Ju s t a Pret ty Face _ 207
Hedy Kunter
Judith Kunze
Andrea Labella
Eric Laird
Kacy Landsittel
Andrea Lanterman
Burke Larson
George Leblanc
Brandi Lee
Rachel Leenheer
Kari Leidich
Scott Linsenbigler
James Lo
Manit Lohani
Andrew Long
Erik Loseman
James Lundhagen
Lindsey Lusk
Amanda Luster
Michae l Maharas
Nikolas Ma l kmus
Joseph Manchen
Shane Marquardt
Mindi Ma r sh
Nathan Marsha ll
Troy Marshall
Daniel Ma rt in
Valerie M artin
Sergio M artinez
Sean M atzke
;'\ o~e 1' 208 _ )"~ {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace \ l
Oh Please Fres hm an Jennifer Blum be g~ her ol der broth er. Junior Ti m Blum in the GHS parkin g lot fora nd e to lun c h Ev en th e uppercl ass men v.h o do have _ J I'> had to be g for nd e~ 'A-h e n th e y were fre s hm e n Jennifer co mm e nt ed . "Begging my bro th e r for a nd e to lun c h 1s th e easy pan Ge ttin g him to sa} yes 1, the hard part "
The first year of high school is full of new beginnings , including open campus for lunch . While upperclassmen hop in their cars and get to enjoy their lunches at their favorite restaurant , freshmen usually have to spend lunch in the dreaded cafeteria or must walk to lunch . Dodging oncoming traffic is one of the many dangers of lunch. Stephanie Winkler has an unusual way to get to lunch. Stephanie says , "I walk on my hands to lunch everyday. " Some of the favorite restaurants that are within walking distance are Burger King, Mier' s Deli , and Pizza Hut. Jill Wolf comments, "I usually walk with my friends to Burger King ,, Richelle McMurtry is one of the fortunate freshmen. She comments, " I get a ride to lunch with a sophomore." Lunch is always an adventure no matter how you get there , if you get there at all. Rachel Newberg
Ja s on Mc c all
William M c gaffey
Tia Mckamey
Ri c helle M c murtry
Katheri ne
M c W i lliam s
Bradley Mead
Richard Meester
Payton Mi c hael
Joshua Mole s
Michael M o n c kton
Rachel Montana
Matthew Montgomery
Peter Mooney
Ryan Morgan
Ja s on M o rri s
--l i ot e l" )" " { \\O. J us t a Pretty Face - 209
Let's talk music. What kind do you like? Country, rap , rock 'n' roll, top 40, and alternative are at the top of the list for most of the GHS freshmen No matter what your preference, there is something for everyone. Larina Cannady says, "I like rap, especially Silk, because of the way they sing." For those of you who like rap, Criss Cross, Cyprus Hill , and House Pain may sound familiar. Josh DeWitt, on the other hand , has a fondness for punk. Josh states, " I like Exploited, Misfits, Sex Pistols, and stuff like that." Many freshmen have been seen around the campus, wearing shirts, such as Metallica , Iron Maiden , Pink Floyd and Pearl Jam. These are just a few of the many bands that the freshmen are interested in. I t doesn't really matter what kind of music you listen to , just as long as it's something you can get down and boogie to. J . Huebel.
Christopher Morrison
Bethany Mulvih1II
Bnan Murphy
Wilham Neal
William Nee
Justin Needham
Janet Nelson
Minh Nguyen
Aaron Noffsinger
Matthew O ' Riley
Michael Osgood
Jason Page
Jonathan Palmer
Charlotte Parker
Julie Parker
Let's Rock Fre<,hman Jake Wallace looks thro ugh a CD collecllon p<Yldenng wha t he shou ld hsten to hi s favonte band s, Sex Pi s tol s and Front 242, or ,o me thrn g ne"" Front 24 2 perfonned at Lollapalooza along w11h Pnnu.-. and Dinosaur Junior. wh ic h are also a fe w o f Jake 's favonte s. While Iooi 1ng for ht '> f avorite band'> Ja~e sa id "Sex P1 s 1ol s descnbe the problems in the wc1e1 ,' and I agree .,.. 1th what they have 10 s ay ' Pho10 by Ron F1nelh
I \ 1 ' '-"'-'- " l I I "\ { 0te ri 210 _ )" " 1~0. J ust a P retty Face \ , '- I (. ,.
Molly Patterson
Valene Patton
Kelsey Peterson
H uy Pham
Nicholas Pierce
Zachary Pike
Jon Pineau
Gilberta Pino
Ted Politte
Eric Pon1csan
Julie Powell
Kathryn Prestiaschaub
Becky Prince
Derek Puttmann
Brenden Pyke
Peng Qu
Zachary Queen
Bridget Radeff
Maria Rascon
Katy Ratz
Duke Reher
J i ll Re1necker
Jennifer Rickard
Luke Roberts
Kristy Robinson
James Robuck
Matthew Rogers
Craig Roik
Thomas Rome
Monika Sa c hdeva
I • A ( \. • I • I \ .:a -
"' ~ore 1' )v ~ {\\°' Ju t a P re tt y F ace - 21 1
Dale Sacry
Bnan Sanders
MarJone Sant
Jurgen Schlieman
Steven Schmidt
Lisa Schoenborn
Brandon Schow
Jonathan Schreiner
Travis Shields
Andrew Silvey
Shannon Skelton
Michael Sk1mmyhorn
Carrie Smith
Drew Smith
Katie Smith
Sara Snyder
Joshua Sprague
Luke Stahmer
Steven Steketee
Roger Stellers
Michelle Stotle r
Jennifer Stover
Sarah Suszczyk
Crystal Sw ala
Severine Swanson
Kellee Tarum
Tiffany Tavenne r
Mana Tembo
Ryan Therriault
Andrew Thomas
"\ l ot e t\ 2 1 2 _ JV " f \\O. Ju st a Pre tt y F ace h
hooting A r o und Jo,h Sp rague doe5 hh photograph) honle\1,ork. after school m h1!> free tim e becau,e th e light 1s better tn th e afternoo n," hen he gets home from sc hool Je!>!>tCa Felt y fe lt that he r home\, o rk. could "ail ult after \OCCer practtce All freshmen to do after sc hool \\. hether 1t ·!> a !> port or\\. hether 11 ., homework Photo b) Ton Bo!, t\\-1 c k
What do freshmen do after school? Brad Mead spends his time after school playing sports. Brad comments, " I play football for the GHS freshman football team." Many freshmen at GHS have after school activities such as softball, gymnastics , clubs, forensics, soccer, Westernairs, band, swim team, and church groups . While upperclassman have jobs , there are on ly a few freshmen who are ab le to have jobs. Wh ile t hese freshmen are busy doing their after school ac ti vities, some freshmen have more importan t things t o do Ta lking on the phone and wa t ching TV seems t o b e commo n after school even ts. Somewhere after a ll t hese act ivities, homework ge t s done David Johnson a lso commen t s, " I beat up my sister, watch TV, listen to music, and talk on t h e phone." Whether it's after sc h oo l activ iti es o r leisure t ime at home, freshmen alwa ys see m t o b e on th e go.
Torie Bostwick
Zebula Tober
Sabnna Tortora
Tanya Tracy
Renae Trenk
Amanda Tucker
Orion Tulch in Joshua Tyler
Nathaniel Ulander
Antoinett Urio ste
Danny Vanderheyden
Traci Vanwoensel
Nikki Varveris
Tony Vensor
H ea t her Verardi
Christian Vermillion
"\ {o~e 1'\ )"" {\\O. Ju s t a Pre tty Face - 2 l 3
What's it like being a freshman? Well why not get the facts right from the source, the freshmen themselves. Most all freshmen agree that coming to GHS is not as easy as it may seem . Take it from Bob Groves when he says, " My first week a junior tried to make me tie hls shoe in the bathroom " Well , it might have been just freshman initiation , but it was all over and forgotten by the end of the first month of school.
First impressions are a very important part of the first day of high school for freshmen . Ronelle Black c omments, " My first week at GHS was not good because I didn't know anyone." Besides first impressions, coming to a new school creates quite a few hazards a l so One thing is for sure though, all freshmen agree with Emily Wengrovius when she says , " It ' s better than junior high, " even if you have to get used to it. Katherine Saunders
Kn s ten Ver saw
Enka Vi e rke
Marc Vigil
Kelly V o ag
Jame s Vo it
Pooja Voria
C laire Wa c htler
Kaymi Wagel i ng
Jethro Wagner
Matthew Walton
Raymond Wat son
Alan Webb
David Weishaupl
Bryan Wellen s1ek
Karen Welton
, I '\ o-<e, 1'\ 21 4 - JV " {"°"Jus t a Pre tty Face H anging O u t Fre'> hm e n S teve S te ke tee and J ohn EJ...5tro m s it a~ Uf> u 11, ta J...m g 1n th e ove ~h e lming hi g h '>C hoo ! atm o~ ph e re Fre s hm e n c an < ften be fo und lurk ing in the hall s d unn g lun c h and acc e ss. LeJo Fl o res, an o ther fr ,. shm n , a id " We mu<, t ,1 1c J... toge th e r " Wh e n yo u loo k throu g h the hall s 11 's c bv1ou w ho the fre.,h mc n are by th e th ey s ta y ,n g ro up s Ph o to by Heath e r Nuane !> \ • -
Kristina Wendt
Emily Wengrovius
Tamara White
Jeremy Whitmore
Joshua Wilburn
Erwin Williams
Wendy W11liams
Heather Wilson
Nicole Wilson
Stephanie Winkler
Jill Wolf
Sarah Wolf
K atherine Worobey
Be t h Wright
Stephanie Zachrison
Locker Life Lounging around during access, some freshmen use t heir time to do their homework. Lockers are often a popular place to h ang out and easily used to express 1ndiv1duality. Freshman Julie Parker said, "I love my l ocker I keep pictures of Christian S l ater in there." Each year decorating your locker seems to get more interesting The locker 1s one way for some freshmen to express t hemselves "I cut pictures from magazines," explained freshman Maria Rascon There are some fres h men who just enjoy decora t ing th ei r lockers with funny li tt l e Jokes to h elp them t hro u gh the day "I use comic stnps," expressed fres h man Mindy Marsh Laura White and Renae Trenk
"\ 1ote t' JV" f "O. Ju t a Pre tt y F ace - 2 15
Judith Vance: Principa l Favorite vacation s pot: Palm Dese rt , Ca/ Maui , Hawai i
1ng e GJ{S Jacultv
Dave Anderson: Assis ta nt
Prin c ipal
Hero: Harry Truman
Rick Lopez: Athletic Director
Hero: Lone Ranger Childhood dream occupation: basketball player
Ethel Platt: Assis tant
Pr incipal
Hero: Abigail Adams
Ron Bollie: Counselor
Childhood dream job: Climbing re sc ue c rew
Best/ Worst class: German / print s hop
Bruce Douelas: Co un se lor
Nancy Hennin2: Ass is tant librarian
Nancy Hardesy: Co un se lo r
Hero: her Grannie If she wasn't a coonsellor; she would teach cooki ng classes .
Diane Schloemer: Media Specialist
Childhood dream occupation: teach er or artist
Best/Worst class: Art/ geomet ry
Lory Cease: Social Worker
Pat Maupin: Co un selor
Childhood dream occupation : psychologis t
Lynn Whittekiend: Assistant librarian
The teachers were a~ked the. following questions about their freet1me and their high school exp1erences What I!> your favorite vacation spot ? Wh o 1s your hero'> Wh at was your childhood dream Job'> What were your best and worst classes in high schoo l? If you d1dn ' t teach vour current subJect, what would you teach and why? Here are so me of their responses.
-'"\ 1ote 1'\ 216 - J"" {\\-0. Ju s t a Pretty Face ... • , f I I
I r C s { F F t l
Li nda Baker: Fi na nc ia l
St"( re tary
C harlotte
Charla Gunn:
Cou nse ling
Sec re tary
Urs ula
Krzys tek: Clt n1 c Aide
Ca ra Anderson : Fre nch/S pani s h
Fav orite vaca-
tio n s pot: Fra nce
Hero: Bee th oven
To m Sweet:
Ru ~s 1a n/Fre nch
He ro: J ea n-Lu c
Pi card
Childhood dream occupa-
tio n: bu s driver
, ,.
Blythe: Pr inc ip a l ,s Se c re ta ry
Barbara Howes: Atte nda nce Sec re tary
C arlis on:
Edu ca ti o na l Assis ta nt
C heryl Ko chi s :
Athl e t ics/ Ac ti v it ies Sec re ta ry
C arol Quirk: Ed uc ational A ss is ta nt
Jane Wunderli c h:
Edu ca ti o na l
A ss is ta nt
Heidi Troppman
Jerry Yanz: S p a n is h
Favorite vacation spot: M ic higa n
C hildhood dream occupation: ma nage me nt
Linda Povada:
Spanis h
C hildhood
dream job: tea c he r
Hero: he r h us ba nd
Su s an Julian: Hom e Ee .
Favorite Vacation Spot:
J ac ks on Hol e
Ye ll ow s t one .
Hero: Au d rey
Hepb urn
\ ,, ) ( ~ ! ot e l'\ )"" {"Cl Ju s t a Pr e tt y Face - 21 7
Leslie Bettin2 e r: Social Studies
Be s t/ worst
cla ss in hi g h sc ho o l: Hi !) tory/ Math
John Hors t: Socia l Studie s/ Latin
H e ro: Tarzan
C hildhood dream occ upation: baseball
player Michael O'Dorisio: Social Studies
Favorite vacation s pot: hi s cabin Hero: JFK
Bes t/ Wors t class: Sex ed ./
M ath
Roy Dau2herty: Social Studies
Favorite vacation s pot: New Zealand
C hildhood
dream occupation: Journalist
Bob Kin s ey: Social Studies
Hero: J esus, M L. King
C hildhood
dream job: Cen te r field for New York Yankees
Bob Stokes: Social Studies
Favorite vacation s pot: Australia
Hero: J eb Stuart
• 1,i
Todd Fini<: Social Stujies
E1n s te1n 's father If he didn't teach S.S., he would teach p a renting
Meyers: Social Studies
Hero: R.F.K .
Childhood dream occupation: U.S. Mar shall
Lisa Wahl: Social S tudies
Childhood dream occupation: millionaire
Graduated from: Nebraska University
Pucker up Baby!! ~1s Nations closes her eyes and kiss~ th, pig, after wanning the contest between other teachers She was the one chosen by the entire student body dunng Homecoming week Next year maybe someone e lse ( or even M s alions again 1) ,viii get the privilege of domg the same Ph oto by Todd D ierking
• • '"\ i ote 1' 2 18- )" rf\\O. Ju s
a Pretty Face
Judy Boian: La ng uage Art s/ Soc ia l S tudi e s If s he didn't teach, L.A. and S.S ., s he , d teac h phi los o ph y
Joan Clark: La nguage Art s
Hero: Ben Fran kli n a nd Ma rk Tw ai n
Jackie Bornstein: Lan g uage Art s
Favorite vacation spot: An ywh e re w a nn S t. M a rt i n, Fl o rida Dream job: au th o r
David Farrar: Lan g uage A rt s
Dick Byrne: Lan gu age Art s
Favorite vacation spot: New Yor k
Ci ty
Hero: Do n Q u ixo t Dream job: ga rbage man
Ron Finelli: La nguag e Art s
Hero: J o hn
Way ne
Childhood dream job: wo rk wi th J acque s Co us te au
Stan Hei:2enreter: La ng uage Art s
Jill Hull: Lan guage Art s
Joan Jouett: Lang uag e A rt s
John Klue: La ng uage
Hero: S up e rma n Childhood dream occupation: foo tb a ll pl aye r
Mark Dunn: Art
Favorite vacation spot: Mex ico
Childhood dream occupation: fi re ma n
I l \
Hero: Mo th e r Th e resa . If she didn't teach English, s he ' d teac h ps yc h o logy.
Sandy Nations: Lan g uage Art s
Childhood dream occupation: p r incess
Hero: mom
Childhood dream occupation: Olym p ic ice s kate r If s he didn't teach L.A., s he ' d teac h P E
Lowell Sharp: Lan g uage Art s
Hero: J. F . K . If he didn't teach L.A., he , d teac h Soc ia l Stu die s beca us e it' s th e s tud y of ma nki nd
Joe McGinnis: Art
Childhood dream job: art is t If he didn't teach art he would teach, 101 w ays to mak e a hambur ge r.
Gene Youneman: Art
Hero: T om
Ly nc hwat e rco lo ri s t
Childhood dream job: Arc hit ec t ' ~l o-c e 11 )"'" {l'O. Ju s t a Pre tt y Fa ce - 2 19--
Dick Bradsby: E ile e n Cook: Math Math
Favorite vaca-
Hero: Isado ra tion s pot · Dun ca n
C hildh oo d
C hildh ood dream dream occupation: nun occupation: pro ba s ketball player
Bob Hayes; Marcia Math
H~od~a20 i
Hero: Johnny Ma th Uni ta s and all Childhood th e good dream occupation: missio n- tea c hers he had ary o r tea c her in hi g h school I and co ll ege
l ... 1
Elaine Fitz2erald . Math
Favorite vacation spot: th e world
Childhood dream job: a dancer
What am I
Doing? Mr Lowell S h arp 1s d ressed to kill. Mr Sharp almost always dresses up for Spirit week, this lime for MAS H day M any teachers get 1n to S pi rit week by dressing up or partic1pattng m other activities Photo cou rt esy Mr Sharp
Diane Kessler: M ath
Hero : Martin Luther King J~ If she didn't teach math , s he' d teach home ec.
Hero: G ro uc ho
Robert Putka; Martynuska; Math Math
If she didn ' t Marx teach math , Childhood
s he ' d teac h dream occupanot hin g s he tion: train loves math! . I e nginee r
yyra Zach: Ma th
Hero: Moth er
Childhood dream occupation: pilot
. - I
'\ {o-ce. l'\ 220 - J" .. t(l'O. Ju s t a Pre tty Face
Gail O'Neil: Business
Year of graduation: C lassifie d Hero: Roy Roge rs Childhood dream occupation: forest ranger.
Julia Andrews: Educational ass is ta nt
Phyllis Price: Bu si ness
Favorite vacation spot: Ca nad a Hero: Ja cqueline Kenn e dy
,John Brodbeck: PC
Hero: Ghandi
Bruce Stoeklen: Busi ness
Gretchen Hoeltin2: Educational assista nt
Linda Kowal: ESL Hero: Still looking Childhood dream occupation: S c ie nti s t
Molly Gaudette: Educational as s istant
Yossi Martonovich: Special Ed.
Hero: Dr. Martin Luther Kin g, Jr.
Joe Murdock: Special Ed.
Cindy Nielsen: Educational Assis tant
Jessica Nowak: Special Ed. Hero: Elea nor Rooseve lt If she didn't teach Special Education: s he ' d tea c h Eng l is h Literat ure.
Le Shoemaker: Educational assis t ant
"\ 1ote 1' JV " 1\\0. Ju s t a Pretty Fa ce - 22 1
Betty Taylor: Cha ll enge Hero: H opalong Cass id y If she didn't teach Special Ed., s he'd teac h co mput e rs so s he co uld learn to use h e rs . ..,,.
Matt Ve2as: Educational assistant
Hornecker: P E
Ed Kintz: P.E.
Best / worst subjects in school: typing/ math
Marilyn Wilcox: P .E.
Childhood dream job: tea c her If she didn't teach P.E. s he' d be a m e dia ... s pe c iali st.
Chuck Barbie: Sc ience
Childhood dream occupation: th e owner o f an R .E.I s tore
Leslie Lassi: Science
Favorite vacation spot: M on ta n a If she didn ' t teach sc ience, she'd teach hi s tory
Ed Scholes: Scie n ce
Childhood dream occupation: Aerospace engineer
Judy Edwards; Science a nd
Steve Rusch: S cie n ce/f A
Hero: Chuck Ye age r Childhood dream occupation: pil o t
S cie nce
Hero: John
W ay ne and Jam es B o nd
Elain~ Smith; S cie n ce
Hero: Lin co ln
dream occupation: To se ll winter wear on a tropi c al is land
Bob Williams: Science
Hero : J es u s
Christ Childhood dream occupation: farmer
Scot Edson: Mu s ic
Favorite vacation spot: Red Lodge , Montana
Hero: Ron Santo (C hi cago Cubs)
Dick Schalhammer: Science
Vaction spot: Florida Key s, H a waii , Ala s k a,
Hero: Indiana
Jone s
K~n Van d~r
Laan: Scie n ce
Hero: Thoma ~
Jefferson Childhood dream occupation: Ran c h e r
Eric W~inst~in: Mu s ic
"\lote "' 222 - ) \J "f"O. Ju s t a Pretty Face J
Bru ce Hahn:
fec h Art s
Hero :
Ra nd olph Sco tt
Childh oo d
dre am j ob:
Army tru ck
dn ve r.
C u s t o dial
s t a ff: Ba c k
row : R al ph
Bris t o l , T om
Ge rgus, La rry
We ll s. F ro nt
ro \v : L yle
Joos te n , T o m
M c D o w e ll ,
Mike Web b e r. No t Pi cture d:
D a v i d
D a rd eso n , Di ck Robe rt s, Don Di lworth .
Ca feteria
s taff:
M a e gea n
S mith , Su e
Str o use, Pa tt i
Lo w , P a ul a
Ba ir N o t
Pi c tur e d:
L i n d a
B e nn e tt ,
J e nif e r
Wadd e ll.
' I
J ohn K ell e nb e n z:
ec h Ar t -..O il P aul A r chul e ta: Building Eng in ee r- ;:,~~~ ,,..--~~----~ '\ l ot e 1'\ )"~ 1"0. Ju s t a Pre tt y F ace - 223
, - l ' I '( t \ J f~, ,.t i. ( l 1:,1 ' >/ i ' I J • ' • It 1( ¾, I ' { "t J"" !\,., , 'f , I I • J ! } 'f 1 al ¾ ( f f • 4 l 1' I l i l - ' f • • J J 't 't .. , j ., "' i t ,f' I <?' 1 ' "v' l f • • 'l • l I J .. t i •1 ' l i \ ,j I l .. 1 -t \I t "'I t ' J ; ' • J. ,"\~ate 1' 224 - )" " {\\O. Ju s t A B eg innin g
Fir s t r O\\: Jami e Bakk.er An Bate s. Nadia Madann1 , J em ll e \Vellhan1 , Molly Ku zyk eco nd ro\.\ : Shane BenJam1n , John M c donald, Chns Budd , Ben Mea ger, Br ad Pearse , Bnan Gould Third r o \\ : Ms Krull Ashley Kre s t M1 1 a Mataya. Jennifer Damon Cynthia Bellows. Jenni Kaplan V1rg1n1e Rudolff Gerda Lan ge Ba c k row: Ju<,1tn Khend1ner "'"'* . Chad Ozed,mar. M1k. e Wood., J e remy Schossow.•* • Mrs Capp Ral s ton Elementary third grade
Ju s t for ki cks Ei g ht year old Chad Wad.,wonh ha, a ball with The Table Mountain Youth Soccer A,soc 1at1 on (TMYSA ) whale pla ying v. 1th the Jaguars Chad', th oughts on :r.occe r." It 's the greates t s p on m the cos mos Soccer rocks' " Chad ca n sull be ,een k.a c kmg h, , favontc soccer ball around on occa<,ao n allhough he 1s a lot call er now Some thing :-. never c hange
t A Beg innin g - 225
Your life has been full of @ cha llenge s and you w,11 @ encounter many more as you continue on your
chosen path. God bless
Love, Mom
"Lon what are you hiding @ behind that impish little 111\ smile?" Your adventurous sp,n t , full of fun, and @ laughter brings endless joy@ t o your friends and family .
We love you, Mom and D~d
You're a star!
Love, Jen and Dad
You have always liked th ose baggy pants. We ' re proud of you, and have always loved you!
Love, Mar iely, Mom and Dad
" With each twist of the ba! y of twine , there is a sadnes, fc that goes with the joy. Thl tl kite becomes more distant v. and it won ' t be long befv t: \\ that beautiful creature v,I snap the lifeline that bindc- le you together and will soar itis meant to soar " We lovr s you, Mom, Dad, Jeremy ant' s Shelley
l ( V s E 5
Love , Mom , Dad, Anna , Scott, Carolyn and Eloise
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @
@~, '\ l ot e 1'\ 226 - )\J~ {X'Cl Ju s t A B egi nnin g l
@ @
<§i)<§i)<§i)<§i)<§i)<§) <§)<§)<§)<§)<§i)<§)<§)<§)<§i)
We l ove you always.
XO XO, M om, Dad, Whit, and Anne I •
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <§i)<§) <§i) <§i) <§i) <§)<§) <§)<§) <§) <§) <§)<§) <§i) <§i)
There are so many places t o go and so many more smiles t o meet Never compromise when it concer n s your dreams Give them that chance to come tru e!
Lots of love , Dad, Mom , and Christopher
Congratulations' You worked so very hard and sti ll maintained your enthusiasm and your se n se of humor! We l ove yo u very much!
M om, Dad , and Amanda
we ca n 't so we w on't. We'll all miss you and we love you.
Shawn, Jessica, and Seth
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <§i) <§i) <§i) <§i) <§i)<§) <§i) <§) <§)<§) <§i)<§) <§) <§)<§i)
So n - Enjoy your j ou rne y. May you be deeply touched by o thers and leave your kindness w i th them . Congratulations se n ior!
We Love you, M om and Dad
Always do your best
You have great things 1n store for you We wish you t he best of every th ing
Love always , Mom, Dad , Steve, Spencer and Shelly
Cong rat ulations A r i'
You are our sunshine' May your life continue to be full of boundless happiness and limitless possibilities!
T he future is yours
Love, Mom and Dad
NATALIE TOPA-S he brought $180 to show and te l1 one day. -Mr s. Morri s 2nd grade
ALEX TURNER- Only kid who
u n derstood " King of th e Wind ." - 2nd grade
ROXANNE ALDER- "The chicke n -pox
k id " -Mrs. Morris 2nd grade "i
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
O t e 1'\ l >J" 1~(}. Ju s t A Beg 1nn1n g - 227
You have made us so @ proud as we have watched @you grow into such abeautiful and talented @ young woman. God has blessed you with many gifts Be true to H im and use them wisely We love you, Mom and Dad
@ @ @ @ @
BECCA DEEGAN -YOUNG @ Thanks for helping me @ grow into who I am today @ The time has come to @part I know we will keepin touch True friends @ forever! @
Keep 'em laughing
Love, Mom, Dad , and Nick
Love ya, Cyn
Oh baby boy look at you now . " Wow." Mikey may you get the very best out of life We know you ' ll
@ @ @@ @ @ @ work hard and make your @ dreams come true Never @ forget who loves you themost. @ @
M om, Dad , and Gary @
MICKEY CORELL- His mouth never s topped .- Mr. Moore
FELICIANA CISNEROS- Sweetest of the sweet.- Mr. Moore
KURT JENSEN- Stuffed him many times in ba s ketball .- Mr . Moore
You were such a cute, swee t baby! You always enjoyed being outdoors. Now you are a kind handsome young man. We are proud of you and wish you happin ess and success in the future Contin ue to give every endeavor your best effort
Love, Mom and Dad
We know that someday you'll discover what you ' re really l ooking for.
L ove, M om and Dad
Your cu rio sity and c reat ivity have always amazed us Keep on discovering We love you.
Love , Mom , Dad, Mark , Heidi , and Heather
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -o a f S: ~- 4 4 I 4
r\ Aote 1' 228 - ) "~ {"'O. Ju s t A Beginnin g
What fun you are to be around! Be your own man , make the most of your talents , and always keep that sparkle in your eye
Love , Mom, Dad, and Wendy
I couldn ' t have gotten through this without you
You have been there since day one, through thick and thin Thanks so much for understanding; for your true friendship. Thanks for making me laugh and for being the incredible, unique person you are I love you, Lauren
You still look like a baby monkey , but I still love you anyway!
Your big si ster, Stacey
Shannie, We love your compassion and enthusiasm for life. You ' ve brought us so much joy!
Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan and Brendan
Fin.tro w · J e ff Spi vey Mind ) Ne lm s. Brend a H a rdman ••• Chn s ta S a nd ers. M o rgan Whitn ey. S a, ge LeG a) Seco nd row C h a d W a d s w o rth . C hn s ty G ilm ore, *•• ""Ii<• **.., "'*"'. M rs Jud y Be rg u1 s t Third row · Mi c he ll e So uth wo rth , M1k. e Boa tm a n , Kurt J e n sen, Dan S to ne. *"* *" •*• D ay leen Man th y Fo urth ro w Bnan M az k e, M 1c k e} Co rre ll Bryan Sc hn e id er. S h ane Barl ow, En c J o hn so n , **• , *•* We lch es ter El eme n1 ary thi rd grade
"\ 1OlE, 1'\ JV'" {"O. Just A Beginning - 229
SARAH HEINEMAN- Tallest babe in the ! second grade.- Kyffin Elem @ JENNIFER MAREN- World cha mpion @ Queen of numbers.- Kyffin El e m . @
CORYDON INGRAM- " Id ea man." - Mr s.@ Hi cks kindergarten.
BECCA DEEGAN -YOUNG @ Becca- You are a trea sured siste r and daughter Words can't expres s what you mean to our famil y Your openness and va lues helped define th e great perso n you've be co me Continue to cherish diversity Be \vhat you want , but alway s be you We're very proud, Mom, Dad , and Abby
We are so proud of yoL and all that you do Keep on being the delightful person that you are!
Love, Your Family
BECCA DEEGAN -YOUNG " Bucka / Crystal "
T o a very speci al person and wonderlul sister. Time now for the w orld to di scover you and you to grab for your dreams
You've become a s tr ong independent woman who won ' t let anything stand in your way.
Your proud "bros", Luke and Jake ©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>
- WILLIAM G. DOERING @ F or all you are .. for all you
Why w ou ld anyone shave
such a beautiful h ead of IMl c h eris h ed your enthusias m IMl 10 curls? Congratulations! @ and sense of humor May @
wh hat khnow in your
_. Bud, may you always do @ ywou 1 never lose tdhe s e gifts
e ove you an are very iii'I eart 1s ng t.
_ pr oud of you!
~~~.r~~~~tions , @ @ ~---
~ M1 c helle, and Katie @
-....... •
Love, Mom, and Susan ©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©>©> @ KE EFE DAVI S @ Yo u hav e br oug ht joy and h appiness int o our lives @ W e are pr ou d o f you and @ your a cco mpl is hment s. @ F o ll o w your dream s and keep your se n se o f hum or. @ Remember w e ' ll always be @ ther e for you
Love , @ Dad , Mom, @ Ryan and Brett
VERNE I I E II FREDY" DUES TERBE CK Ev e n fr om th e milk box day s, we alway s knew you w ould succeed in what you set out to do. Don ' t eat too man y d onu t s or do very many fly by 's. Rem em ber family is 4 ever and we love you!
Love, S teven, Kimberly , Dale and Andrew
@ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@,._..... : ....;:,~,. .0-..: 7 "" ~..)lili".7-~:~~
@ .~:S""
iii'I ,'!tl~
w ill b e . We h':lve always
@ @ @
"\ l ot e l'\ 230 - JV'"
Ju s t A B eg
g @
@ @ @ @ @ @t @ @
You were always a nice little girl , and now you are a lovely young lady
We love you
Luv , Mom , Dad , Duncan and Joanne
With a face like th is , how could you possibly think in German and have a photographic memory? You are definitely the spice in our life
We love you , Mom and Dad
Congratulations Princesst
We know you will achieve great and wonderful things in life with your warm smile , enthusiasm , and pos itive attitude May all your hopes and dreams come true Love , Mom, Terry Grandma and Grandpa Haugen
Lui , our years together are unforgettable
You ' re the best big brother and the best friend anyone could ever hope for. I will miss you more than you • realize
Love , Yonatan
A year is a fleeting m o ment , but the memor ie s la s t f o rever Through all the tears and hearta c he s, the laughter and triumph s. A year molded by va s t and d ivers e dreams of who we are . The mem o ries of our sen io r year will rem ind u s o f the bright-eyes y o uth s in s ide us
Lo ve ya , Jenn @ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@
Bud , my " big brother":
Good lu c k on the "hic k ing trail s" of your future . Walk swiftly to keep up, but never forget to st o p and wonder at the beauty of it all.
I love you' Mushale
My son , You have brought nothing but joy to your entire family It is indeed an honor to be your mother
With my love and respect , Linda and Dale Jennings
Your life can be as wide as the ocean behind you. May you enjoy all the wonders waiting for you We are very proud of you.
Love, Mom and Dad
"\ Ao-ce tt J"~ 1"°' Just A Beginning - 231 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Congratulations Mike, Zachary and Bryan!
l You ' re been friends for 15 years - may it last forever.
Love, Mom and Jack
We thank God for the incredible gift , he has gi ,en to us in you! We are excited about all your hopes and dreams. We wish for you a life filled with joy and contentment but most of all that you know that you are always loved .
Congratulations! Dad , Mom and Matt
We wis h you happiness, hea lth and s u ccess in wha t ever you decide to do. We'll miss your smiling face, wit and c h ar m whe n you leave to conquer the real world. Remember we'll always be he re fo r you in th e good times as well as th e bad t imes Mom, Jim, Tim, Heidi, Tami, S k ee t er and Maize
I \ • "1 JI
F r o nt R o , v: Carrie Peter son, Sarah Duran-Keen. H eather Chick, Ami Menzie s. Kate White si de, K ri s ti K labon, Rena Fisher, Angir Brew e r Annette Clark , and Jennifer Schroeder Ba c k R o , v: Greg Kubi s h , Matt Fil s inger, Jamie Brennan , Chris O lsen, L uke B ader. Joe Santilli, Ryan Wolfrum , Iolanthe Denman, Jennifer Blaine Coa l Creek Sixth Grade
l ote Y' 232 - )" " {\\O. Ju s t A B eg innin g
You're a very special and talented person with much to offer the world You have given us wonderful and unforgettable memories and made us very proud to be your parents. We love you, Mom and Dad ROB HOYT
T he doctor did all he could but you pulled through anyway! Just joking- You're the best thing that ever came into our lives. We're so proud of you! Keep up the good work. Be all you can be!
We love you!
Mom and Dad
Turkani, Congratulations, you finally made it! Good luck!
Mom and Shud
ALEXANDER BEZZERIDES - After school concerts.- Kyffin Elem AMBER FASICK - Creative. - Mrs. Hicks , Kindergarten
SHANE BARLOW - Hard worker and a good student. -.Mrs. Shear
Congratulations James Kelly !! We are very proud of you and wish you health and happiness always' God bless you.
Mom, Rob and Zack
You've come a long way baby both in mind and body! Enjoy your achievements and plans and keep interested in your own career however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. You are great. Strive to be happy Love , Kris, Gary, and Grarnma
We're proud of your efforts and achievements. Keep your personal goals se t high. God b l ess.
L ove, Mom and Dad
Our dearest " punkin"
Always continue to understand that happiness is no t based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships wi t h people your love and respect. We love you and areproud of the young woman you are becoming. Mom and Dad
- - ~... .·- "•-- --:~.-~" ,.ii, • •--12:.::.a.....
) "\ i ote 1'\ J"~ { \\O. J us t A Begi nn i ng - 233
People are divided into @ thr ee groups : Those whomake thin gs happen , those @ who watch things happen, @ and tho se who wonder A what happened . W
Congratulations on being @ the captai n of the first A group We're so proud of W the person you've become ,ii\ Love , Mom, Dad and Tanya W
What a gift you are to us! Your charm, sensitivity, and determination will serve you well in all you do Always remember the source of your strengthI sai ah 40:31
We love you, Dad, Mom and Sean
You are the best thing in our lives We are more proud of you than you'll ever know We support you in what ever you choose to do in life. Stay happy
L ori Ann, Write when you find w ork W AAAAH!
Love , M om and Eric and all the rest.
Corki, Congratulations!
@ @ @ @ All Our Love , @ Dad , Mom , A Shelley and Lindsey , W Bree and Kelsey @ @ @ • • ..
Lots of Love , Mom and Dad
You have been my b.f since fifth grade I will mi ss you, don't forget to write to me
Your Best Friend, Heather
Oh, the sweet memories
Wasn't it just yes t erday you were our shy little boy. Follow your dreams son, and accomplish everything you've ever wanted to. Be true to yourse l f, your family and you r friends. Be strong , be safe & be happy We love you, Mom & Dad
'"\ ote 1' 234 - J" " 1\\0. Just A Beginning ,
Stay a s sweet as you are. God will be with you always in all that you do. __
Dear Gerd1e, You are the greatest! We wish you the best 1n school, in life and 1n love
We Love You , Mom and Dad
Anne dear-
Thank you for gracing my life. When I consider you I know there is a God 1
Love, Mom
Just be glad we didn't send the one of you in the bath tub
'Gratulations, we are very proud of you. We love you
Love, Dad, Nicole, Geoffrey, Tigg er, Beav and Sherpa
MICKEY CORRELL- Good sense of humor.- Mrs. Witters
CHRISTY GILMORE- Not a mean bone in her body.- Mr. Moore
MELINDA NELMS- Fun person,cute girl.- Mrs. Shear
Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off and will continue to bring you great things for your bright future You have made me so very proud Love , Dad
Dear Jessica, Congratulat1ons" You are very special, and we are proud of you!
Love, Mom , Dad , Enc and Becky
We ' re proud of you and all you have accomplished. There is so much ahead for you and we know you can be all you want to be We will always be there for you
Love, Mom, Dad , Kevin and David
You have always been a little crazy. Enjoy yourself 1n college but stear clear of the dark side. Your brother, "Frankenstein", who, by the way, did not get a senior baby picture and 1s now an emotional wreck AAARR!
Only Joking, Mom and Dad
;'\ o{e 1'\ )" ~ f f\(}. J ust A Beg inn ing - 235 -• • - I
D ear Ami As you step out to begin your life of adulthood, always
remember how special you
are to us and t o Him Weare so proud of you and
love you much.
Mom and Ginger
A Super Girl turns into a super young woman
Remember the best is yet to be
With love, Mom , John , and Scott
Our little pumpkin has finally graduated
Love , Rick and Sharma
Thank you for listening to me all the time , I will miss you a very, very lot and all of our mis-adventures
Love, your friend , Heath er
Where did you come fr o m my baby so sweet
Where are you going who will you meet.
May the future enfold you with promises kept.
Love, Mom
T , no one has to hold you up anymore! For all you have been, for the special person you are, and for the sports journalist to be , you have always made us proud Last but certainly not least.
Love , Mom , Dad, Cari and Usa
We have always cherished your enthusiasm , kindness and sweet smile. We are so proud of you , Rachel. God bless you.
Love, Mom , Dad, Nasom, Bridgit and Heidi
CHAD WADSWORTH- Started going to Welchester at the age of 2.- Mrs. Witters
JULIE BRUNKER- Sweet, quiet and shy girl.-Mrs. Morris
TERRI SPRATTE- Helpful and always tried hard. -Mrs. Morris
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @,. t " ... ' l... -
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1' 236 - JV" 1\\0. Ju s t A B egi nning =~......._ g
I'm proud of the person you have become, and know you can do anything you set your mind to .
Love always , Mom
Johanna , we are proud of your standards of excellence. You have a foundation for what should be a very bright and rewarding future. Continue giving l ife your best. Thank you f or making parenting a true joy Good luck! We love you Mom and Dad
You ' ve gone from being "Da ddy 's little girl" to a grown-up woman with all the potential 1n the world. Good luck in whatever you c hoose for your future - we love you and are behind you all the way!
Love , Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Misty!
We are so proud of the wonderful person you have become. Thank you for making our lives richer and happier. We wish you much joy and success at college
Love , Mom and Dad
Mindy- follow your dreams
Love , Steve Mindy , Congratulations! You've grown fr om a beautiful , bright, kindhearted little girl , into a "more" beautiful , bright, kindhearted young woman Some th ings don ' t change , they just get better. Love , Dad and Em
The past 18 years have gone by too fast. You have grown and changed We barely recognize the child here with the man of today . We w ish you all the happine ss as you start toward your goals in life
Love Always, Mom, Dad, Chris, Jennie and Shannon
Our friendship is one that will last forever Let's keep laughing, crying and having a great time You have a heart of gold, Misty, and I love you. To all the good memories
Your Best Friend 4-Ever, H eather
I '\ 1ote 1\ JV " { l\0. Ju s t A Beginnin g - 237
Love , Mike and Sharon Reimer
DANIELLE SHOOK- So nice and a good student. -Mrs. Morris
JAY STAUFFER- Quiet and a real sweetie. -Mrs. Morris
VERNETTE DUESTERBECK- Hard worker and a great role model for other kids. -Mrs. Morris
We are so proud of you and your accomplishments . Remember- stay happy and keep your sense of humor We love you very much
Love , Pam and Bruce Russell
You ' ve always been a joy @ t for us. Your sensitivity and iri kindness make you special. l&Y Your sense of humor @ brightens our days As you @ leave home remember youare never alone , be reliable , @ be faithful and finish what @ you start! Congratulations. iri
Love, l&Y Mom and Dad @
The years have passed too @ quickly-but they have been iri a privilege watching you l&Y grow . Thanks for being @ "you ."
@ @ @
You ' ve always been there for me to hang on to.
Love , Emily
Thanks for always picking on me and making me a fighter I will miss you very much and will always love you. If you ever want to fight, you know where to find me
Love Always, Tami
You're sti ll a beautiful baby!
L ove, Mom and Dad
\ .
Love , Mom and Dad @~~__,_______-~~ '\ 0te 238 - )" {\\Cl Ju st A Beginning
Reach for the stars, pretty girl. Hold fast to your dreams and never let anyone take them from you. I could never imagine being as proud of you as I am right now.
I love you! Mom
-~@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§
Congratulations! We are very proud o f you, best wishes f or your future. We love you!
L ove, Mom, Dad and Jeff
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ -
<§<§<§ <§ <§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§<§ ISSAC SUBLETT
" to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell , whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me " Issac Newton
We love you!
Dad , Mom , Karen and Molly
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Congratu lati ons, you ' ve done extremely well. Your fantastic atti tu de will help you reach whatever goals you set. Keep smiling! Love, Mom , Dad and Steve
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
! \ ' -:\ 1
/;, u '
r .s-j \ , __,--' •
c k. e y
rre ll J a!>o n
"'\l ote l1 )"~ {~O. Ju s t A Be g innin g - 239
Sixth Grade Golden / App lewood Junior Bas eball a ssoc,atton Top Rov,, left 10 n g h1 · Jim Thompso
Jol. h Gree
, Joel Fl ee t, John Olm
re, M1
Campbell Bollom row · Coach Fleet , *** , Jac k H ager Marc o s Tru11llo ,
h Campbell
You are a very spec i al person , and we are very pr oud of you We have been t h r ough a lot, and wh a t ever happ ens in th e futu re, we will continue to s t ick together We l ove you and we w i ll be here for you a lw ays
L ove, Mom and Amie
Colby Smith wa s born December 4 , 1975 He was a beautiful baby with blond hair and big blue eyes He wa s swee t , cudd l y and loved t o be r ocked by M om H e gre w up t o be a solid personone who knows h imse lf and fa ces th e w o rld w ith h ones ty Love , Tim and Ellen Smi th
" W e love you!" says it all. Co n gra tulat ions!
L o ve , M o m and Dad
Love You Always, Mom and Dad
Your Dad and I want yo u to know we are very proud of you, and all your accomplishments We wish you much happine ss and the realization of all your dreams.
L ove, M om and Dad
B oy, you got a panty on yo ' head !"
Love , Brian and Kristi
You have always been pure joy- one of your many special gifts. We are so very proud of you.
Congratulations and may God co ntinue to richly bless you
Love, Mom , Dad and Anna
. . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
r\ AOte 1" 2 40 - )"" "(\\O. Ju s t A Beginning @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ,·\. • )
MIKE BRUNKER- Mike loved to go to the little green box of candy and stickers in 1 grade. -Mrs. Davis
WAYNE JANECK- 2 grade's introduction to mining.- Mrs. Davis
RY AN BROWN- Peter Pan complex.-
Coal Creek
We are so proud of you! Your smile and easy-going nature make you a special son and brother. Thanks for being such a joy, comfort and a friend. Stay happy and confident!
We love you, Mom, Dad and Dave
We have been lucky enough to have the very best in you. Life will make you older and wiser, but don't ever lose your special boyish charm.
Love, Mom , Dad and Crystal
Having you as my companion for my first two years of high schoo l was great. I'll miss seeing you here
Love, your "little" sis, Michelle
Congratulations, Mandy' We are very proud of you! So when will you be moving? Just kidding' Good luck in college' We love you 1
Mom and Dad
May your sense of adventure and your courage to try new things always serve you well
Mom and Dad
Through thick and thin , you've always held your head up high May your future always be bright to keep it there. We love you dearly
Mom and Dad
Alex, you made it! We've always been proud of you and all your accomplishments Your foundation is solid as rock, and no doubt all your dreams will come true
Love ,
Mom, Dad, Aaron and Austin
' .. • , "'\ l ote t'\ )"" {"°' Ju s t A Begi nnin g - 241 • ·-·-·. I
May the happin ess you ' ve @ given us be refiected 1n @ your future.
Mom and Dad
I'm proud o f my son, he 's ir., learned to build not only w ith his hand, but with his @ mind @ Mom
@ @ @
We love you!
Mom and Ron
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
You're special and we love you
Dad and Mom
Hey you , Daisy You done good!
We love you, Mom and Dad
We love you, DJ! We wish only the "the best" of whatever life brings to you.
Love , Mom, Dad and Scooter
Leah , you have truly been the pride and joy of my heart What a beautiful young lady inside and out! Congratu la tions and may God bless you always!
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ - . 4
@ @
H EATHER WELCH @---!'-~~-- - ~--!j
We are very proud of you! tfn Our wish for you is many happy years ahead @ Love , Dad , Mom and Brandon r\ o~e 1' 242 - JV" {\\O. Ju s t A Beginning
@ @ @ @ @
Shamus King, Steve King, Josh Smith, Keefe Davis, Benton Edie, Jason Elms, Scott Marsh , Chris Larose, Justin Kleineider, Eric Schaffer Who else could party like this?
Your dreams CAN come true and only the sky is the limit if you w ork hard , but also take t i me to "sme ll the roses. " We are proud of you. You are very special to us We love you and God bless you. Love Always, Mom and Dad
What a gi ft you are to us We are proud o f you, and that you are ou r son. Your mountain is before you, we will support all of you r endeavors and aspirations whatever they are We love you.
Dad, Mom and Grandma
"We are overwhelmed far to o often by life ' s f ustratio n s- far too rarely by its magnificence " Jim Begg s. Through all the rough and tough times we have been thr ough, it Is wonderful that we have always been there for each other. You are magnificent.
I love you
You have taught me more about life than anyone , and helped me ou t when I needed you I will miss you. Please think of me once 1n a while.
Love, your friend , H eather
You 've come along way since the day s of Bert and Ernie I 'm so proud of you I love you Jake Love Mom
P S Bert and Ern ie are proud of you to ol
ANNETTE CLARK- Sound of Silence.- Coal Creek Elem.
RENA FISHER- Canyon Queen for a day.- Coal Creek Elem.
JENIFER SCHROEDER- All tied up.Coal Creek Elem.
'\l at e 1" J"" {l'O. Ju s t A Begi nnin g - 243
It' s been a j oy to see that @ - w o nd e rful s mile of yours -
,ir, ti" (No matter wh ere you 're @
-~ at). Y ou've overcome @
some tr emen d ous hurdle s -
, -, in your hfe that haven ' t @
/ b ee n easy We admire @.z
.., your str e ngth and endur- -
ance and are ex tremely @
proud! K eep up the good @
w ork. -
Love, Mom , Dad and Bryan @
Josh , yo u ' re th e grea te st! @ W e're all c h ee ring f or you @ l ove fr om the wh ole fam @damily! _
You have given us th e greatest gift of all , LOVE! Hang in there
We love you, Nan and Grandpa
Cori, Jim, Chad, Troy , etc.
So metime s I want t o pr o te c t you like you w ere five a g a i n The o nly thing I can do i s guide you Forever be young , Jamie! Have a terrifi c se nior year!
All ou r l o ve and encouragement, Staley, Jason, Ashley, Nathan , and Baby
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ _-u.
Great job and co ngratulations ! Continue throughou t life and your career just as you always performed in hockey
Love , Your Parents
Always a doll. Get t ough, get it all.
Love , Dad
I've seen you grow from a little girl into a young lady
You've made me very pr o ud of you I wish you all the be s t this world has to offer
Love, Mom
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@© @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
F o r Fifi - May you r ealize the treasure of your infinite depths , and may you see yourself as your family doe s: beautiful , s trong, and hopeful. We love you "\ ote 1' 244 - ) "" i""(). Ju s t A Beg innin g
Amber Daun : You have always been a joy and we are blessed to have you as our daughter We are very p r o ud o f you.
Love, Mom , Dad and Kimberly
And tomorrow.. .
To a great group of guys , thanks for s haring in our family We wish you all the best !
Love , The Schossows
You ' ve always been there to take care of me Good Luck in the future! God Bless! l love you!
Love, April
We want you to know , w e believe in you and wi sh you a future that's as bright as can be, and as full of hope as your d r eams You can do it. K eep h olding tightly to your dream , until i t 's n o longer a dream, but a beautiful r eality Love , M om and Dad
' '
'\ ote tt )",. tf\\O. Ju s t A Beg inning - 2 4 5
A"'"ifll••VJull.ah Ah'11.1hh.Ul'.1.n•H,1.,...,n A"'1i11rllm.a.n•t-k,1htt A,ti.1n •l..on AJlf1n1ff•Ul\ Ahl,ttom•R10,.tt'IN A~la.("h.ultt Alkfl•Ptttt
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t'k~ A mmcw"•
,Jt""w, •Enc
8.1 u-cn
a-- I f\.kl &.lrr Tth " fl..J..cr- era!• 8.&urJ.,, ,me 8.uJ.ct •Sh.JI •" El.al..lcr•.\...mn 8.1IJ"-1n•JCTt"m) f:l_.lk'ri,c1•'\:•1h..n
8nnJJrb"(V\ 8ntu1n•T1"-•"'
So I Sa id t o th e G uy . .. Juni ors Edmund Ph1lhp s, Mike Harde nd o rf, Mi c he ll e Kun ze. Luk e Ca rr, fr es h me n Sa bnn a Be um e r. Mind y A u'> t1n , soph omo re Cory N tc kerso n and fre5, hman S andra J ohn s to n talk a bo ut th e wo rld th e eco nomy and wh a t to wea r Sa turday o n th e 1rda tes Fn e nd s yo u had 1n h ig h sc hoo l so me11m e!> lose to uc h w11h yo u as th e yean, go by Look ing up old fn e nd s can be h ard t o do ,v11ho u1 a 100 I to find th e m , a nd the ind ex 1s th a t too l Ph oto by Cy nthi a Be ll ows
Jazz It U p Soph o mor e Ka ra Deca ro li s a nd Juni or Enc S ta ttm a n work on nffs dunn g J azz Ba nd cl ass wh ic h mee t s on Tu es day ni g hts fr om 5,eve n to nin e. El ec n vcs and ac t1 v 111 es prov id ed so me o f 1he be s t tim es yo u ' ll eve r re me mber abo ut G HS Thi s ind ex 1s th e place to co me wh e n yo u ' re loo kin g 1h ro ugh thi s old yea rb oo k ,n 20 years with yo ur kids to fi nd all yo ur fn e nd s a nd go od ttm ei. yo u had 1n hi g h sc h oo l Ph oto by the Deca ro li s famil y
... ., ..
'l l ot e t' )"" {\\O. Ju s t A Li s t of N am e s -2 4 7
Abbott, Steven, 92. 93, 162
Abdulrhaman, Abdullah, 182
Abdulrhman, Hassan, 138,152
Adkins, Heat h e r , 138, 152, 226
Adlfinger, Lo n , 5, 138, 152, 225, 226
Ahlstrom, Enk, I l 0, 111, 16 2, 165
Akins, Brenda, 77
Ald er, Ro xa nn e, 9, 93, 132, 138, 15 2, 226, 227
All e n , Peter, 162, 166
Allen, J e nnifer, 200
Allison, Me l anie, 182
Allison. Ri chard, 11 0, 162
Ambanantz, Zachary, 182, 185
Ambrose, Shaun. 182
Ambrose, D aryl, 162
Am1gon1, Leonardo, 28, 29, 60, 61, 138, 152
Ammon, Nicholas, 61, 182
Anderson, Ja so n , 6 1, 78, 18 2
Anderson, Mi c h ae l, 55, 182
Anderson, J ay, l 19, 16 2
Anderson, Barb ara, I 09
Anderson, Enc, 55, 77, 11 0, 200
Anderson, S hannon , 11 2
Anderson, Dave, 33, 132,2 16
Anderson, J o hn , 76, 78
Anderson, Cara, 2 17
Anderson, J o n , 5 1
An drews, J uha, 22 1
An z ur es,S hannon ,42, 138, 152
Aponte, Ehud, 94, 95, 102, 138, 152 , 226
Aramak1 , Kn s ta , 200
ArauJo, Mon ica, 182
ArauJo, Fabiola, 200
Archer, Andrea, l 04 , 182, 185
Arc hul e ta , P a ul , 223
Archuletta, J ess ie, 76, 162
Arc ury, C ry s tal , 200
Ardoin , R e n ee, 11 2, 182
Arndt , Stacy, 72, 11 2, 200
Arnold, J aso n , 162
Am s par ger , J aso n , 93, 162
Aronowitz, Stacey, 200
A s h .S h a nna , 182
Ashe r , C hri s to pher L ee, 182
As hton , Gabnel, 118 , 162
Atkinson, Kyl e, 76, 19 8, 2 00
Atz , T e ra , 12 l , 138, 152
Aumiller, Dani e ll e, 18 2
Aumill e r , J os hua , 85, 139, 152
Au s tin, M1nd y, 200, 202, 247
BabbHt , Ju stin, 76, 200
Ba c hman , Emtl y, 76, 77, 162 , 166 , 179
Bad e, Mi c ha e l, 18 2
Bad e r , Luke , 232
Ba e r , Andrew, 51. 162 , l 69
Ba e rre n , Ja so n ,76,200
B agge tt , Chris, 182
B a ir , Tn c ia , 21, 65, 110 , 182 , 183
Bair, Paula , 223
Baker, W e ndi , 112, 183, 195
Baker, Todd , 70, 162
Bak e r , Travis, 200
Bak e r , L1nda , 2 17
Bak e r , Sam, 132
Bakk er, Shawn, 6 3, 132 , 183 , 191
Bakker, Jaime , 44 , 113 , 139 , 152,227, 228
Baldwin , Aaron, 90, 162
Ballenge r , J e remy, 54, 55, 183
Ball e ng e r , Na than , 5, 13 9 , 145, 152, 225, 226
Ballentine, Zac h ary, 183
Barbee , Wilham , 200
Barbee, Chuck, 70, 71, 78, 81, 222
Bark ey, Li s a , 76, 77
Bark ow, Jaso n , 11 , 183
Barlow ,S teve n , 76, 78,183,191, 196
Barlow,S h a n e, 13,5 1, 106 , 128 , 139 , 152,227,22 9 ,233
Barnard , J aso n , 162
Ban o n , Emi l y, 16 3
Banos h , En c k , 77, 183
Ban sc h , John ,200 ,206
Bat es, Ian , 7 2 , 101 , 124, 125, 183, 185
Bates, Anana , 72, 139 , 152, 227
Bates, J os hua , 76 , 118 , 199 , 200
Bates, Steve, 80, 81
Bau e r , Scott, 139, 152
Bauer, Troy , 200
Baughman , P amela, 11 3, 183, 188
Baure r , J e nnifer , 183, 195
Beavers, Jeffrey , 200
Be c k , Daniel , 61 , 183
Bec k , Laray , 17, 61, 16 3, 17 8, 179
B ec k , Matth ew,55, 128 , 129 , 139, 15 2
B ec kley , Scott , I 83
Be c kwith , Tiffany , 88 , 90 , 132, 163
Becwar, Torrie, 65 , 90 , 200
B eder, Crystal, 200
B efay , Mari a, 183
B e hn e, Eri c, 200
Behren s, Noelle , 6 , 57, 72, 163
Beitzel , Ian , 200
Bellanti , Kimber ly, 98 , 200
Bellew, Meli ss a , 200
B e llow s, Cy nth ia, 35, 97 , 139, 152, 227
B e nn e tt , Katnna , 110 , 200
Bennett , Linda , 223
Be ntle y, Cody, 18 3
B enton, Kn s ta , 98, 200
Be rk , Marc, 16 3
B e rk , Matthew , 11 0, 111 , 163
B e rk , E , 128
B e rkman , Juhe , 17 , 72, 139, 152, 155 , 226
Bernard , Jolene, 183
Berry , James, 183
B e ttin ger, Andrew , 160, 163
B e ttin ger, Leslie , 126, 218
Beumer, Sabrina, 200, 247
Be zzendes, Alexander, 10 , 44 , 60, 61 , 87 , 107 , 128 , 139, 152 , 155 , 228 ,233,247
Bielak, Je sse, 109 , 163
Bilger, K evi n , 12 , 76, 200
Bingham , Tracy , 152
Bitner, Patri c k , 183
Bitner, Elizabeth , 163
Bjorklund , Magnu s, 29, 5 1, 84, 139 152
Blac k , Kara , 17 1
Bla c k , Rami e, 110, 163
Black , Eric , 139 , 152
Bl ack, Ronelle , 200, 214
Blaine, Jennifer, 232
Blum, Timothy , 72, 97, 102, 128, 163
Blum , J enni fer , 72, 131 , 200
Blythe , C harl otte, 217
Boatman , Gary , 51, 8 1, 84 , 183
Boatman , Michael , 5, 84 , 119 , 139 , 150, 152,225 ,2 28 ,22 9 ,23 2
Bobbin , Lorena , 19 9
Bohn, Heathe r , 98, 128 , 129 , 163
B ohn, Kri s ten, 110, 200
Boian, Jud y, 219
B olejack, Charles, 201
Bollig , Mi chael, 163
Bollig , Ron , 2 16
Bond , Wilber, 163
Boog, Tra cy, 139, 152, 227
Borklund, Magnu s, 29
Bomstien, Ja c ki e, 126 , 219
B osio, Kathrine , 113 , 183, 186
B os twi ck, Victoria , 24, 25 , 97, 139, 152, 227
Bos well , Ja co b , 183
Bowling, R obe rt , 163
Boyd , Patn c k , 90 , 125 , 128,163
Boyd, Sarah , 92 , 93, 11 3, 163
Boyle , Cry s tal , 139 , 152
Boy les, Morgan, 20 l
Bradd er, David , 76 , 20 l
Bradsby, Dick, 220
Brakken , Erika , 128 , 161 , 163, 168
Brakken , Nichola s, 20 l
Brakken , Nick , 20 I, 205
Brazil , Lind sey, 90 , 113 , 182, 183
Breeco- Ha yde n , Mike , 17, 162
Brennan , Jamie , 232
"'\ Ao{e, 1' 248- )" {\\O. Ju s t A Li s t of Names
Bre nn ec l-- e, Kim , 35, 64 65 , 108 , 128 , 163
Bre s n a han , Ke ira, 132, 133, 163
Bre wer, Angie , 232
Bnndle , D ev in , 54, 55, I 39, I 52
Bnndle, K a mi 77, 79,201
Bnnner, T.J ., 20 I
Bn s tol , R alph, 223
Bntta1n, Ja so n , 139, 152 , 227
Brodbeck. J o hn , 22 1
Brodenck, Jas on , 201
Brooks, Jo s hua , 94 , 201
Brown, R ya n , 140, 152 ,2 41
Brown, Wilham , 201 ,206
Bru c kn er, George , 2 l , 61 , 140 , I 52, 228, 241
Brunk er, Char lene, I 63
Brunk er, Juli e, 140, 152, 236
Brunk er, Lee , 20 l
Bryant , David , 10, 90, 132 , 182, 183
Bu chholz, Andrew , 20, 110, 20 l
Bu ck, Deb ra , 65, 79, 20 1
Budd , C hn s, 14
Bull , Sharon , 183
Bull , Amy , 112 , 201
Bunn , WIiham , 16 3
Bun yard, Gale , 76, 20 l
Burg, Caro ly n , 20 I
Burg , Les li e, 202
Burk e, Jami e, 90 , 97 , 101 , 183
Burk e, Eileen , 35, 72, 98, 99, 140 , 152 , 226
Burn e ll , Liam , 163
Bum s, Patri c ia , 140 , 152
Bum s, Brianne, 64 , 65 , 108, 202
Burroughs. Sherry , 183
Burt o n , John , 202
Buttafu co, J oey, 138
Byars, Layla 9, 15, 89, 125 , 180
B ye, Roge r , 29 , 77 , 163
B ye rl y. H o lli , 16 3, 178, 179
By rn e, Di c k , 11 , 2 19
Carhson, W e ndy , 2 17
Carpenter. An n . 202
Carr, Seth, 42 , 184
Carr, Jamie , 110, 140 , 146 , 152
Carr.Luke. 125,163,247
Carso n , C hn s ti a n , l 10, 111 , 184
Caner, M ichae l. 16 3
Caner, Nathan , 110, 164
Caner, Ebonie , 27, 45 , 90, 124 , 126 , 130, I 3 1, 140, 152
Carve r , R achel, 202
Casc io, J osep h , 61, 202
Castleberry, Elizabeth , 23
Cavana ug h , Co rey, 202
Cease, L ory, 2 16
Cet n ar, M arye ll e n , 77, 202
C h ampno1se, Travi s, 164
C h a p a, Jamie , 140 , 152
C h a p arro, Y o landa , 164
C h a pp ell, Jason , 77, 98, 202
C h avez, C 1pn a n o, 140, 152
C h eney, K elly, 202
C h euvront, Aaron , 5 I, 67 , I 64
C hi c k , Hea th e r , 232
Chis h olm, R ya n , 11 , 98, 184
C hi s h olm, Sha nn o n , 5, 138, 140 , 152,225, 229
Choc h o lek, J e nnife r , 140, 152, 229, 2 44
Chnstense n , Enk ,29,60,6 1, 140, 152
Christensen, Amanda , l l 0, 202
Chnstense n , Let1t1a , 130 , 198 , 202
Chnsuan se n , Jared, 202
Ch urc h , Nathan , 11 0, 203
C1es lar, P e ter, 34, 35. 96, 97, l 06, 124, 128,140, 152,155,228
C1nabro, Sa lin a, 184
C1nabro, Co rey, 120 , 140, 150 , 152
C is nero s, F e liciana , 140, 152, 228, 244
C lark , J ason, 51, 140 , 152
C lark Linda , 140 , 152 ,232,24 3,244
C lark , Ca th e nn e, 11 2, 198, 20 1, 203
C lark , Kathl ee n , 13, 110 , 203
C lark, J oan, 219
Cle m e nt s, Marla1n a, 22, 94 , 203
C lin e, M elissa, 90, l 12, 130, 203
Coo r s, Andrew, 90, 9 1, 132, 184
Corbett, Dere k , 58, 59, 164
Co rbe tt , C h ns, 128
Co rbin , C h ns topher Mi chae l, 55, 184
Corbin, C linton , 54, 55. 132, 133 141. 152
Co rco ran , Sean. 164
Cordova, Dawn , 141. 152
Co m e l y, C harl es, 63, 70. 184
Co m e l y. Kn s un e, 77, 11 3, 184
Co rre ll , Mi c k ey, 5 1. 70, 71, 141, 152, 228, 229.235,239
Corre ll , W e n dy, 77
Corry, Ma tth ew, 1 14
Coupe n s, Ca rli , 90, 97, 184, 196
Cox, C h arlotte, 98
Cox, J o hn , 141 , 152
C ran e. R ac h el, l 10. 203
C ro ss\vh 1t e, J ess ica, 184
Crowell, Sara, 112, 184
Crowell, J ana, 141 , 152
Crozier, Mi c h ae l , 142 , 152
Cu ll er, Kevi n , 11 0, 184
Cum mi ngs, J e r e m y, 203
C urran , Ma ry, 1 12, 198, 203
Curt is, C hn s toph er Jo s hua , 1 10, 126, 184
Cusack, K y le, 203
C utl e r . Carol. 11 2
Dalton , Angela, J 84
Dando Matth ew, 76, 203
Dard eso n , D avid, 223
D a rlin g to n . A n drew, 126, 203
D a rrow , J esse, 164
Dau g h e n y, R oy,218
Da v is, Bre tt , 7, 84 , 1 19. 184
Davi s, Ke nt , 84, 184
Davi s, R ac h el, 184
Da v is, Zackery. 164
Davi s, Thoma s. 7, 44 , 84,142, 152, 230, 243
Davi s, Jennifer , 203
Cabani ss, Jami e, 140 , 152, 229 , 244
Caceres, Carlo s, 163
Cachri s 1on , Stephanie , 201
Cameron , Fl etc h e r , 183
Cameron , D oug l as, 202
Cameron, J aso n , 202
Campbell, B a rbra , 183
Campbell , Ja s on , 5 1, 128 , 129 , 16 3, 178, 239
Ca mpb ell, Timothy , 163
Ca nad y. Lanna , 11 3
Ca nn a d y, Larina , 183,2 10
Capas so, Pat , 128, 129, 183, 191
Cappa , Patn c k , 184
Coa lman , J ess1ca, 162 , 164
Coates, Amy , 203
Col li ga n , K elli, 101 , 184, I 9 1, 195
Collins, J essica, 77, 184
Collins, P a tn c k , 128, 184
Co llin s, Se th , 141 , 152
Conklin, C h a nd a, 203
Cook, Eileen , 220
Coo k so n , J e nnife r , 97 , 164
Coo ley, Co urtn ey, 104
Coonan, Matt , 35
Coo p er, Kelly, 14, 49 , 57, 69 98, 184, 188
Coo p er, Cy nthia , 74, 75, 98 , 113 , 141, 145, 152
DeBerry,Casey,5,54,55, 138, 142, 15 2, 225
De Berry, L y n n, 77, 104 ,203
De bo e r , J ac k , 203
Decaro li s, Ka r a, 11 3, 184
Deegan-yo un g, R ebecca, 14 , l 9, 72, 98, 128, 133,142, 152, 146 ,228,230
Dee m , J e nnifer , 142
Dee m , J e nnifer , 152
Defore, R o be rt 135, 142, I 52
De in es, Amanda , 164
Deleo n , T o n y. 164
De le ry , R1ann , 184
D e lga d o, C r a ig, 184
56, 57, 8 4
152,24 3
Coo p er, Jill ,
'\{ote "' )"'"" '{\\O. Ju s t A Li s t of Nam es - 249
De ma lt e n s. Dav id , 20 3
De nman , Io lanch e, 232
De nn e r Ke ll ey, 184
De nn e r, Kn s t1 , 6, 14, 164
De nn e,. Man a, 203
De nd de r, Ma unt z, I JO , 20 3
De witt , Aaro n, 164
De Witt , J os h , 2 10
De w11t Ill , Harold , 203
De v., olfe, Br ya n, 76, 78, 2 03
Di cke, J ess ica, 23, 4 2, 74 . 75, 18 1, 184 , 192
D1 e rk.in g, T odd , 27. 97, 13 1, 164
Dilworth , Do n, 223
Din ges. J e nnife r , 77, 203
D1n ze~. Je rry , 89, 90, 184
Dnt bre nn e r Da ne ll , 6 5, 6 8. 69 100, 137, 184 , 188
Onto Ho ll y, 18 4
Doe nn g, Wilh a m , 142 , 152. 23 0
Do he rt y, Eli z ab e th , 72, 73, 12 8. 129 , 142, 152,23 0
Doh e rt y, Re becca, I l O , 20 3
Do mg a ard , Ja smin e, 18 5
Doo ley, Gl e nd a, 14 3, 152
Do o le y , Gl e nn , 5 L 76
Do m s, Li sa, 49 . 56 , 57, 143, 15 2
Do rsc h, Me a gan , 14, 15, 74 , 75, 98 , 99 , 143, 145, 152, 230
Dorsc h Mary , 72, 77 , 202, 2 03, 20 5
Dott e r , Matlh e w , 203
Dou gla s, Bru ce, 2 16
Dovey,Se re na .5, 65, 72, 89 , 90 , 97 , 185 , 225
D o z zo, Matth e \v, I 85
Dri gge rs, S ta c ie, 4 3, 9 3, 128, 164
Dn scoll , Matth e w, 76 , 185
Dub o is, Aaron , 185
Du es te rb ec k Ve m e tt e, 9 , 93, 127 , 143, 152 , 230 ,238
Duk e, Laura , 93, 9 8, 132 , 162 , 164 , l 69 , 174 , 178
Dunn , Mar k , 2 19
Dupl ess is. J e nnife r, 105, 18 5
Duran , Dani e l. 62. 6 3, 85 , 132 , 185
Duran - Kee n, Dan , 191
Duran -kee n, S arah , 110 , 132 , 14 3, 152, 232
Dur a nt , Da wn , 96 , 97 , 185
Du se nbury , Re na, 65, 7 2, 9 8, 104 , 203, 206
Du ste r, Thom as, 76 , 20 3
Duyn c, Luk e, 164
Dvorak , Pn sc tl la , 20 I , 2 03
Dwi gh t, Ri c hard , J 85
Dy e, Ru sty , 164
Dy e r Ce les te, 20 3
Dy e r, Lo nni e, 78, 198 , 20 3
Dyk e, Kare n , I 1, 98 , 185
Eag leso n, J a so n, 7 6 , 7 8, 204
Eag le to n , J o hn , 202 , 204
Earl , Laure n, 14 3, 152, 2 3 1
Earl ey, Eldon , 143, 15 2
Eberh a rt , W e nd 1, 2 5 , 11 0, 1 11. 124 , 130, 204
Ec heve ma 11 , Alfre do t 85
Edd y, Chn stoph e r R yan , 204
Ed1 c, Be nton . l0 2, 14 3, 152 ,2 4 3
Edi e, Brandon , 143, 152
Ed son , Sco c, 1 l 0, I 11 , 22 2
Ed\vard s, Judy , 100 , 222
Ee re bout , Tri stan , 4 2
Ell e rs, Jon e ll e, 143, 15 2, 231
Eil e rs, T e rry , 76, 78 , 109 , 204
Ein s pah r, Mo ni c a , 204
E1 se nbanh , St e phan , 16 , 93, 164
Ek e, J e nnife r , 79 , 185
Ek scrom Jon . 204
Eld e r, Be th , 4 3, 181. 185 , 191.197
Elder, Ja c ob , 10 , 14 3, 145, 152, 24 3
Elh c kson , V 1c k1e, 143, 152 , 243
Elli s, Kevin , 4 2, 185
Elh s, Bnan , 54 , 55. 106 , 143, 146 , 152, 23 1
Elm s, Ja so n, 164 , 24 3
Emanu e l, Melinda , 37 , 90 , 130 , 13 I , 164
Embree, Les ter , 22 , 204
Em e rso n J e ffre y, 164
Em e rso n, J e nnife r, 152
En ge l, Pa tn c k , 83, 185
Engl a nd , Ca e la , 164
En g land Ch e ri , 160 , 164
En g land J r, Larry , 2 04
En gs trom, Ryan , 143, I 5 2
Epp s, Bre nda , 164
Erp eld in g, And rea , 90 , 180 , 186
Erwin , Shawn , 76, 78 , 186
Es tes. Taylor , 17 , 161 , 164 , 178
Evan s, So nya , 164
Evan s, J us un, 204 ,
Fairb a nk s, David , 57
Fa lc o , T e rra , 204
Falk e nthal , Kurt , 182 , 186
Farl ey, Ryan , 204
Fann e r, Darr e ll , 164
Farr-ar, Dav e, 133 , 219
Fasi c k, Ambe r, 11 3, 14 3, 152 , 233
Faulkn e r, Ke y ton , 204
Fay , Adam , 58 , 59, 118 , 186
Fein , Aman da , 45 , 11 3, I86
Fe lty, J e ss ic a , 204
Femmer, Am be r, 204
EFerrera, Linda , 186
Ferreyra , Lui s, 60 , 61 , 143, I 52, 23 1
Fe th , Terry , 26, 27 , 3 6, 90 , 9 3, 103 , 164 165
F1l s1nger, Steven , 165
Fil s inger, Matthew , 143, 152, 232
Fi nelli , Ron , 36 , 94, 96 , 97 , 2 19
Fink , Brigett , 24 , 25, 186
Fink, Jennife r, 204
Fink , Todd , 98 , 180, 2 18
Finnell , Mo ntez , 186
Finott1 As hley , 105 , 165
Fi sc he r, Abraham , 165
Fi sh, Tanya , 186
Fi sh, David , 165
Fi sher, Lon , 6 , 27 , 93, 130, 143, 152
Fi sher Rena , 144 152 , 232 , 243
Fi sher , Bu c kner, 204
Fi sher, Kirs tin , 202 , 204
Fi sk, Step hen , 76 , 204
Fit c h, Li s a , 16 , 186
Fitzgerald , Jo shua, 90 204
Fitzgerald , Elain e, 220
Fleet , J oe l, 50 51 , 141, 144 , 152, 239
Flet cher , J ered , 165
Flores. Aleja ndro , 110, 111 , 204
Ford , Shawn , 76 , 165
Ford , Eri c, 204
Foreman. Paul, 76 , 78 , 204
Fo ste r, Holley , 63 , 97. 130, 204
Fox , Laura , 165
Fran c is, Gregory , 186
Fra nc is, Ja son , 16 1, 165
Franckowiak , Zac h ary, 144 152, 231, 232
Freeman , Kn s ti e , 110, 186
F reer , Rachel , 144, 152 , 232
Freier, Amt , 204
Fro st , Ma tth ew , 62, 63 , 204
Fulmer, Craig, 89, 186
Fulton, Jeremy , 165
Fu rt ak , Enn , 24, 98 , 99, 128 , I 65
QGabri el son , J eremy, 70
Gai r, Chri s ten , 56, 57 , 69, 90, 186, 186 , 196
Galu szka , Danuta , 29. 128, 129, 144, 152
Ga mbl e , Craig , 77. 88, 186
Gardner, Amy , 104, 114, 142, 144, 152, 244
Gamer , J a ke, 165
Garrett , J e nn ifer, 187
Garretts , Brand o n, 55, 77
Garretts, William , 187
Gaudette, Moll y, 221
Gaule , Shane , 165
Gee , R yan , 187
Gerg us , To m, 223
"\ Aote l'\ 250- ; v~ {l'O. Ju s t A Li s t of Names
C C C ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
G1 bson, Keith. 78. l 87
G1ddeon, Kimberly , 204
Gil, Aaron. 187
Gilmore, Christy. 144, 15?, 229, 235
Glasmann. Breeanne. 204
Gleaton. B rant. 76. 187
Goble, Ryan. 144, 152
Gonza lez, Laura , 187
Gonza lez, Is mael, 152
Goodland, Jennifer 90, 11 3, 124 165, 177
Goodwin,Megan.52. 76, 77,98, 137, 165
Gordon, Mieka , 144, 152
Gores, Ri chard , 84, 132 , 144, 145 , 152, 244
Gores, Li sa. 204
Gorman, Kimberly , 79, 187
Gorman, Kelly 165
Graham, Heat her, 144, 152,232
Granish, J essica, 187. 197
Granquist, Daniell e, 19, 20, 102, I 04, 144, 152,244
Gran t ham, Kasey, 11, 113, 187
Gray, Lacie , 187
Gray, Tonna, 144, 152
Green , J oshua, 15, 19 , 96, 97, 144, 146 , 152 ,239,2 44
Greenbaum , Ke vin, 161 , 166
Gn ffiths, John , 166
Groenhof, Sara, 111 , 144 , 15?
Groenh of, Me li ssa, 204
Groess, Hedi, 124
Groves, Lena , 2 1, l 07. 11 0, 128 , I 66, 177
Groves, B , 110
Grundeman , Donald , 187
Gunn, Char la, 2 17
Gupta, Anjli, 74, 75, 187 , 192
Hand, Me l issa. 187
Hankin, Elisha, 166
Hankins, Robin , 187
Hansford III, Gerald, 145, 152
Hapcon s taH, Kayla, 89, 130, 131. 182, 187
Hardendorf. Mi chae l, 166 , 247
Hardesy, Nancy, 2 16
Harding, Tanya. 199
Hardman , Brenda, l 45 , 152, 229
Harm on, Rebecca,63, 132,166
Harold, Zeth. 78
Harnngton, Mi chae l, 11 5, 205
Han. Bet h , 79, 199
Hanme1s ter, Enc, 106, 166
Harvey, Myles, 90, 166
Harvey, Jami e, 64, 90, 205
Haver, Rhonda , 76, 77
Haverkamp , Gene, 205
Hawkins, Enn, 43 , 62, 63, 110, 132, 166
Hawkins, Robin , 126
Ha"vley, Adam, 166
Hayden, Mi chael. 17. 162. 166
Hayes. Reb ecca, 74, 75,187
Hays, Mi chael, 76, 205
Hazard, Kevin , 18 7
Heater, Kare n , 162, 166
Hebe 1n , Andrew, 187
Hebe ler, Sarah, 63, 97, 187
Hebert, Kimber ly, 20, 145, 152, 233
Hediger, J ackson, 205
Heffelfin ge r, Kare n , 1 1, 130, 187
He in eman. Sarah. 3 1. 70, 78, 1 10, 145, 152,230
He in z, Juh e, 109, 180, 187
He l fer, J e nnifer , 145 , I 52
Henderson, Marcia, 220
Henning, Nancy, 216
Hen ning sen, Jarrod , 8, 58, 59, 145 , 15 2
Henry, Mega n, 130 , 205
Herbert, David , 187
Hadwiger, Rodn ey, 23, 5 I , 18 I , 187
Haga n , Aaron , I 66
Hagberg, Donald , 76. 187
Hagelberg, Robin , 75, 144, 152
Hagemeister, J ulte, 187
Hager,Jo hn ,5,50,5 1,66, 144 , 152, 155 , 225,239
Hag ler, Jacob , 205
Hague, Amy, 166
Hahn, Heather, 98, 144, 152 , 232
Hahn, Bruce, 223
Hai nes, Shawn, 187
Hale, J ayne, 112 , 205
Hall Jason , 76,187,191
Hall, Michael , 17 , 60, 6 1 130, 166, 179
Hall, S hellie, 6
Hall , Mi chel, 12, 205
Hambli n, Benjamin , 187
Ham pl eman, Bria, 11 2, 130, 198 , 202, 205
Herbert, Promi se, 205
Hergen reter , Sta n, 219
He ronema , Sara h , 205
Herrington, Mi c ha e l, 21, 5 1
Herron, Li ndsay, 12 , 205
Herzoff, Cohn, 145, 152
Herzoff, Evan , 205
Heywood, We ndy ,24 , 79,90, 182, 187
Hi ckman Jr ., M a rk , 130, 201, 206
Hi ll, J us t1n , 7 6, 78, 188
Htll , Jake , 55, 145. 146 , 152, 233
Htll ey,Jessica, 167
Htll ey, Gary, l I 0 , 206
Hind s, Mi c hael, 188
Hinkl e, Br andy, 206
Hink le, Nathan , 206
Hippen s teel, Joe, 206
H itchcock, L1nd1 e, 52, 77, 79, I 88, I 92
Hoback, Tracy , l 5, 206
Hobso n, Tem,65, 70. 78,167,177
Hobso n, Steven. 19, 206
Hodson, La yne, 78, 206
Hoelt1ng. Gretchen, 221
Hoffman, Kelly, 167
Holland, Hill ary, 90. 94, 95, 98. 188, 192
Holland. Amber. 90, 98, 167
Holland, Autumn. 167
Hoogheem, Aimee, 63. 72, 206
Hoover, J ess ica, 206
Hoppi n, J ona th an. 110 206
Hom, C hn sto ph er James, 76, 188
Homecker. Mark, 58, 59, 222
Home r, Shawn, 188
Hornick, Megan, 188
Hornick, Jonathan. 76. 206
Horst, Damon, 67, 141. 146, 152
Horst. John, 218
Horvat, J ay na, 69, 137, 188
Hotsenp1 1l er, J eremy, 76, 206
Howell, Jennifer. 14 6, 152
Howes, Barbara, 2 17
Hoyt, Stacey, 69, 113, 167
Hoyt, Cnss, 5, 90, 91, 93, 113, 146, 152, 225
Hoyt, Roben, 67, 98, 128, 14 6, 152, 233
Hudson, Bryn , 63, 89, 113. 133, 188
Hu ebel, J ennifer, 97. 120, 121, 128, 146, 152,233.243
Huena, Ntcolas, I 02, 167
Hu e rta , J ea nette, 14 6, 152
Hu ghes, Ca ll ey, l 0 1, 182, 188
Hughes, J e nnife r, 188
Hull. 1111, 219
Hu lt, Mi c heal, 167
Hu mphrey, Mark , 76, 89, 188
Hut cheso n, Sara, 77, 206
Hut ch ison, C hnsc1na, 207
Hutchison, Jennifer, 207
Il ges, Alben, 78, 207
Il l, Me li ssa, 35, 93, 167
Imer, Da v id , 76, 188
Im y, Kri stop he r, 188
In gram, Corydon, 132, 138, 146, 146, 152, 230,233
Isenberger, Bnttan y, 63, 113. 123, 18 8
I versen, D1d e n ck, I 00, 222
J ackman, J ef(erey, 167
J acobson, Heacher, 189
Jan ec k , Wayn e, 88, 93, 106, 132, 146 ,
Ju s t A Li s t of Name s -25
1\ )"~ i"'°'O.
Janko\vsk.1,Amy, 77, 189,197
J aquez, Darus, 189
Jarvis, Leah, 167
Jeffreys, Shannon, 189
Jenk. 1n s, Jessica, 167
Jenk.1ns, Wilham, 207
J ensen, Kurt, 5, 13, 31, 50, 51, 106, 128, 147,150, 152.225,228,229,233
J ense n , Ross. 207
Johnson, Gamck., 189
Joh nson, Angela, 72, 128. 161, 167
Joh nson. Bryan, 118, 167
J ohnson, Clifford, 167
J ohnson, Mi chael, 62, 63, 162, 167
Johnson.Enc. 147. 152,229
Johnson, Heat he r, 90. 93, 94, 95, 107, 147, 152,233
J ohnson, Jessica. 147. 152
Johnson, Da'- 1d, 124. 125, 207, 213
Jo hn son, Step ha n ie, 207
Joh nston, Kat hry n, 64, 65, 89, 113, 189
Johnston, Sandra, 207, 247
Joi ne r, V 1ncent , 189
J o nes, Bna n, l 89
J ones, Bre tt , 167
J ones, Sea n , 167
Jones, Kat1e, 147, 152
Jo nes, N ico le, 147. 167
Jo nes, Melissa, 207
J ones.Rebecca, 207
J ones, Samue l , 207
J ones, Sum mer, 23, 207
Jo nes, Feltc1a, 89, 124, 126, 127, 207
J ones,RJ,1 12
J oos ten, L yle, 223
Jo rgensen, Brett, 189
J o ue tt ,Joa n ,219
J uli an, Susa n , 121. 2 17
Junea u , Mi chelle, I 13, 189
Ke1aho, Frances, 189
Keith. Lado nn a, 97. 167. 179
Kelle n benz, Joh n , 2 13
Keller, Ambe r 207
Ke ll ey, Clifford, 70, 189
Ke ll ey, S ha nn on, 8, 123, 128. 167
Kelley, J ames, 78, 207
Kelly, Kac i, I 00. 207
Kelly, Ro d ngo, 70, 207
Ke lso, Ange la. 152
Ke lso, An n a, 198, 207
Ke mler, Tamra. 11 0. 167
Kendell, Sara h, 65, 108, 207
Kenner, R ic ha rd. 5 1, 78
Kento n Robe rt , 147
Ke nton, C lay ton, 207
Kerr, Leah, 11, 90, 91, 98, 180, 189
Kerr, Daniel, 83, 167
Kes k1mak1, Sa nn 1, 72, 189, 196
Kessler, Di ane, I 03, 130, 220
Kett lewe ll , Kim berly, 11 0, 167
Kible r, Da ni e l, 167
K ibler, S teve n , I 16, 167
Ki m, Ji n, 6 1 189
Kin g, S ha mu s, 167,2 4 3
King, S teven, 51. l 19, 150, 170, 243
K ing, Me li ssa, 207
Ki ng h o rn , Molly, 189
Kin sey, B o b, 126,2 18
Kint z, Ed. 13, 50, 5 1, 222
K1phard t , Kir stin , 189
K1ph a rdt , Ph i ll ip , 5, 23, 3 1. 55, 147, 152, 225
Kir by, Ryan , 170
K1rhn. Ke ll y, 57, 170
Kl abon, Kri s ti 232
Kl e 1hege, Sco tt , 147, 152
Kl e1ne 1d er, Ju s ti n, 138, 147, 152,24 3
Klei neider, Mi c he ll e, 207
Khm c ha lk , Kam de n, 30, 14 1, 147, 152, 23 4
Kl ug, J o hn ,26,2 19
Kn o ll , Ke ll ey, 12 1,207
Koc his, C hery l, 2 17
Kaowthumro n g, Kh o mk n t , 90, 124, 128, 167
Ka pp es, Bcn1a m 1n, 113. 167
Ka roscc, Noa h , 147. 152
Karpoff, Gregory, 207
Karros, Chand ra, 90. 207
Kase l, J essica, 63, 13 0, 185, 189
Kas pa r, Ma llh ew, 128, 129, 166, 167
Kaspar, R yan, 5 1 147, 150, 152
Katzenberge r, Jil l, 1 l , 130, 13 1 135, 189, 195
Kaut h , Kendra, 189, 195
Kay, Roxanne,79, 189, 19 1
Kay, Amy, 2 1, 25. 146, 147, 152,234
Kea tin g, Me red ith , 72, 11 0, l 12, 207
Koe hl e r, Lo ri , 147, 152, 23 4
Koe hl e r, Ra ch e l, 147, 152
Koe !, Kev in , 189
Ko lin , M ark , 12, 13, 5 1, 189, 192
Ko l in , L a ura , 93, 104, 137, 170
Ko neg ni, Jam es, 77, 11 5, 189 , 19 1
Ko pse r , C ha d , 5 1, 7 0, 71 , 11 9, 147, 150, 152,23 4
Kos te rrn a n, Zac hary , 11 0, 207
Kowa l, L inda , 22 1
Kr aus, A lyssa, 207
Kr o ne,S ha na,207
Krzys te k , Arthur , 189
Kr zys tek , U rs ul a, 2 17
Ku b ish , Greg, 232
Kunt e r, I a n, 188, 189
Kunter, Di ana, 207
Kunt e r, Hedy, 208
Kun z, Cori nna, 170
Kunze, Mi chelle, 35. 63, 162, 165, 170, 247
Kun ze, Judit h, 110, 205, 208
Kurtu b1, M ina, 124, 189
K utz, Chns to ph er Lawrence, 147, 152, 234
K uzy k, Molly, 23, 75, 148, 152, 23 4
K w1e tn ews k1 , Matth ew, 189
Labella, Andrea, 208
LLa f fe rt y, Mic he ll e, 185, 189
La ird , En c, 208
L ama r, Ru sse ll , 152
Lam as ter, Br ian, 170
Lands 1tte l, Kacy, 208
La ne, Tim o th y, 62, 63, 90, 107, 128. 129 , 142, 148, 152
Lang do n .S t even, 107, 128,1 4 8, 152, 235
Lange, G e rda, 65, 72, 73. 107, 128, 14 8, 152,235
La nt e rm an A ndr ea, 90, 130, 2 08
La rose, C hri sto phe r , 148, 152, 24 3
La rson, T , 208
Lassi, Les li e, 222
La ue, Je re my. 170
La uwe rs, Carissa, 24, 25, 72, 89, 189
Law, Mi lt o n 14 8, 152
Lay man , Hei d i, 89. 90, 11 5, 124 , 188, 190
Le bl an c III , G eo rge, 78, 208
Le e, Ke nn e th , 190
Lee, Brand i, 208
Lee nh ee r, Rac he l , 208
Le fev re, Ann e, 124 , 126, 14 8, 152, 15 5, 235
LeG ay, Sa ige, 229
Le1d1 c h, Kan , 77, 208
Leo nard , Moll y, 170
Lev itt , G rego ry , 5, 8, 17, 5 1, 14 8, 152, 225,23 4
Leys ho n , J a m1 e, 186, 190
Lill y Jr , T e rry , 180, 190
Lindb erg, J a mes, 93, 162, 170, 179
L1n se nb1 g le r, Je f frey, 14 8, 153
Lin se nbi g le r, Sco tt , 208
Lip s te in , Ell e n, 90, 11 0, 128, 170
Lo, Jam es, 2 08
Lo hani , Mo hit , 124 , 126, 14 8, l 53
Lo ha ni, Manit , 124 , 125, 12 6, 208
Lo ng, L ibe rt y, 11 3, 14 8, 153
Lo ng, Andrew, 208
Lo pez, R ic k, 32, 2 16
Lose man , Mo nic a , 36, 37, 90, 94 , l 06 , 11 3, 128, 129, 14 8, 153
Lo se ma n, Enk , 76, 78, 90, 208
""~ 0t e l' 25 2- )"~ i""-°' Ju s t A Li s t of Nam es
Low , P a ll! 223
Lowe. Em1ly. 190
Low e, David , 55, 97. 166 170, l 78
Lowe. Nathan 170
Loyd , Ma u , 51
Lu cas, Rya n. 19. 70, 71. 185, 190
Lu cas, J e ff , 153
Lucio , Antonio 170
Lundh age n, Jam es. 208
Lund y. C hri stopher Jo se ph . 90, 190
Lu s k. ,Co n , 148 15 3,234
Lu s k. , Lind sey. 77. 208
Lu s ter, Amanda , 208
Ma yer, M ic hae l, 190
Mcca ll Ja so n, 115 209
Mcca ull ey, Adam , 149, 153, 236
Mccay. Dev in , 17 0
Mcc ull ough, Wilham 35, 45, 98. 14 5.
149 , 15 3, 243
Mcdonald J e nnife r, 9, 149, 153 , 235
Mc Dow e ll . T o m , 223
Mcg affey, Wilham , 209
Mcge he e, Bra nd o n 15
Mcgi nni s, J oe, 86, 109 l 81, 2 19
Mcg inty , Mi c ha e l. 20, 82. 83, 170
Mcg uan e, Sa rah , 90, 130, 190
Mcg uire, Stacey, 64 , 65. 190
IIMc kam ey, Ti a, 209
Mc murtry.Jam es, 108 , 190
Morehead. Tobin, 78, 17 1
Mo rga n , Stephe n , 17 1
Mo rga n, Ryan, 78, 209
Mon ga k.i , A1 , 28, 29.190
Morns, Me li ssa, 3 1, 94,107.14 1, 149 , 153,236
Mo m s, Ja so n,209
Morn son, Christopher Ll oy d . 2 10
Morrow, S hane, 6. 57, 69. 17 1
Mos ie r, J essica. 110, 111 , 149. 153,235
Moss. Jami e, 132, 133, 16 2, 17 1
Motes. Dani el. 171
Mul v1htll Ja y mi e. 149
Mul v1h 1ll , Ja ym e. 153
Mu lv ih ill. Be than y, 210
Mundt , J o di , 90. 1 10, I 85. 191
Mac k Dav id, 5 1, 190 , 196
Mack, J ohn, 14 8, 15 3, 235
Ma es. Toby , 5 1, 70, 78
Mah aJan, Man1 s ha 170
Ma ha ra s, Mi chael, 110, 208
Mahon ey. Kev in 17 0
M ak i, Carter, l 06
Malkmu s, Nikola s, 208
Ma ll ow. Geoffrey 76, 78, 190
Ma nc he n, J ose ph ,208
Manl ey, M a1thew, 190
Man thy. Daylee n, 229
Mar e n, J enni fe r, 56, 57, 128, 14 8, 15 3. 230,235
Ma res, Mi chae l 89. 190
Mark ovc h1 ck, Nata sha, 6, 25, 72 73, 98 , 137, 160. 170 , 174
Marquardt Shane , 76, 114, 11 5, 208
Mar sh , Ami e, 170
Ma rs h Wilh a m, 243
Mars h, Mindi 77. 208, 2 15
Marshall , Brya n 170
Marshall , Nathan , 208
Mars hall , Tr oy, 76, 208
Ma nin , Craig, l 03, l 06. 160, 170, 172 , 17 3
Ma nin , Don , 170
Martin , Dani el, 208
Martin , Valene , 11 . 208
Man1n ez, Je nnifer, 170, 190
Martine z, John , 70, 170
Ma rtin ez, Sergio, 208
Manon ovic h, Yoss 1, 221
Mart y nu ska,Jan , 102 , 103 , 220
Mataya , Nathan , 43 , 78, 98 , 190
Matlo c k , Dani e l, 26, 27 , 36, 37. 60, 6 I , 90, 11 2, 11 3, 128, 131, 170 , 171 , 173
Mattox , Tatum, 6, 57, 170
~1 a tzk e, Bn a n, 14 8, 153. 229
Ma tz ke, Sean , 208
Mau pin , Shannon , 170
Maupin , Pac , 169 , 2 I6
11ay, Lisa , I 13
May , Toby, 80
Mcmu rt ry, Ri c he ll e, 63, 90, I 04, 206, 209
Mc Na ,Co urtn ey,65, 130, 190
Mc pec k Kendall, 149 , 153
Mcw1l h am s, Katherin e, 130, 13 1, 209
Mead, Bradl ey, 76, 209, 213
Mee, Sara. 93, 170
Mee han , Ne il , 170
Mees te r, Ri c hard , 209
Megaterty, Sara, 132
Meier, Ke lly , l 90
Me lroy , J ess ica, 170
Mena pace, Dann 55, 78, I I O. 190
Me nzie s, Ging e r, 89, 90. 93, 130. 13 1, 190 , 195
Me nz ies, Ami , 128, 132. 14 9,153,232.
Merry man , Sarah. 43 , 93, I 00, 128 , 132. 149 l 53
Meye r , J ess ica, 171
Meyers, Roge r, 218
Mi c hael , P ay to n , 76, 209
M1 c ke, Sharon , 9 , 64 , 65, 133. 190
M11ll e r, Gtlben , 153
Mull e r, Melissa, 149, 153
Mill er, C harl es, 190
Mill e r, Chnstopher Eugene 190 Mill er, Cody, 19 0
Mill er, J ean ni e, 26. 93 , 190
Mill e r, Amanda , 171
Mille r, Gilbert , 149
Mill e r Jr , Ra y mo nd , 190
Mtt c hell , Cody, 149, 153
Mo les, Jo s hu a,59, 78.209
Monc kt o n, J o hn , 14 , 50, 5 1, 171
Mon ck ton, Mi c ha el, 11 , 76, 98 , 209
Mo ns on J aso n, 190
Mo nta g ue, Tara , 17 1
Mo ntana , Ra c he l, 77, 209
Mo nt esa no, Connna , 6, 76, 77, 171
Mont gome ry , Mi chae l. 61. 126. 171
Mont go m e ry, Ma llh ew, 42 , 20 I, 209 Moon, Hea th er, 76, 77, 11 3, 190
Moo n, Tiffa ny, 77
Mooney, Pe ter. 59, 209
Mu rdock. Jo e, 22 1
Mu rph,. Be th a ny, 90, 91. 19 I
Murp hy, Bnan 59. 20 1. 210
Murray, J oel, 26. 27, 43, 92, 93. 112, 1 13. 130, 149. 153
Myers, Carne. 57. 77. 90. 191
Mye r ~. Bre u 94, 128, 161, 166. 17 1
Mye r ~. Roge r. 126, 127
NaranJ O, Elton, 43
Nathan so n Joh anna, 79, 149, 153,237
Na n o ns. Sandy. 10. 159. 2 18. 2 19
Navan t Kn st1 a n, 171
Nea l, Wilh am, 2 10
Nee, W11l1 am, 21, 60. 6 1,210
Need ham , Ju slln, 2 10
Neff, Ama nda , 149 , 153
Nelms. Me linda , 37. 106, 11 3, 128. 14 9, 153,229,235,237
Ne l son, Sean, 76, 19 I
Ne lso n , B oyd, 93, 11 3, 17 1
Nel so n , K a ti e, 15 3
Ne lso n J a ne t , 2 10
Ne lso n Gina. 63
New berg, R ac he l , 15. 31, 97, I I0, 128. 150 , 153.236
New co mm , Amy, 110 166 , 17 1
Ney ra, Haro ld , 126
Nguy e n, Minh , 2 10
Ni c kell Gus, 137, 174
Ni c ke rso n Cory, 19 1, "47
N,co l, Coreda. 150 , 153
Niel se n , Carl. 85, I 9 I
Ni e lse n. Cindy, '2 1
Nob el. Tracey, 45, 94, 128, 150. 153, 15 5, 236
Noffs in ge r, Aaro n, 2 10
Norberg, Chns un a, 90. I l 0, 191
Nord li e. En k. 150. 15 3
Nord s tro m, Todd. 5 1 174
---i lo re 1'\
JV" {\,0. Ju s t A Li s t of Nam es -253
Nom s, S hane, 150, 174
Noms. S ha ne, 153
Nowak, Jess1ca, 22 l
Nuane s. J ere my, 191
Nuane s, Hea th e r, 25, 93. 94, 97, 150. 153 236 '
Nyholm, J onat han , 150, 153
Pe ters, C hn s un e, 1O1, 11 o, 192
Pe terse n , M iche l, 192
P e tersen, Aaron, 174
Pe te rse n, Ke lsey, 15, 2 11
Pe te rs on, Ali son, 6, 57, 77, 192. 196
Pe terson, Ca m e, 15 1, 15 3, 175. 232
Ph am , Hu y, 114, 2 11
Ph illip s, Edmund , 35, 106 , 175 , 247
Ph1llips, J oseph, 175
Pi erce, Nicholas, 211
Pi e trzy k , Cheryl , 132, 17 5
O ' don s 10 , M ark, 19 1
O'Don s 10 , M ichea l, 2 18
O'hara, Chad 174
O'Neil, Gail. 114, 11 5. 128 , 22 1
O ' nley, Matth ew, 11 8, 210
Obnen, J osep h , 51. l 74
Odum . Amy, 150, 153
Offer so n Du slln, 19 1
Olmore. J o hn , 239
O lse n , J ess1ca, 174,177
Ol se n, Sa mu e l, 15, 2 1, 3 1, 87, 146. 15I 153 '
Ol so n, Anna , 90, l OI, 186, 191
Ol so n , M a ren, 77, 191
O lson, Tra v is, 60, 6 1, 128, 174, 178
Ol son, Chn sto ph e r , 153, 155, 232
O rand , J e re my, 19 1
O sgo od , M1chae l, 90, 21 O
Osheroff, Ke ll y, 10 1, 191
Ou 1rk. Caro l , 2 17
Outl a nd. Bn an, 36, 94. 174
Ove rgaard , Ap n l, 93, 174
Owen , Kathryn , 25, 74, 75 , 19 1, 19 5, 196
Ozdem1r, C had , 93, l 02. 151 , 15 3
Pik e, Zebulon , I7 1. 17 3, 17 5
Pik e, Zachary, 78, 19 8, 2 1 l
P ineau, J on, 63, l J 8, 211
Pino , G1 lb e rta , 21 l
Platt , Hea th e r, 151, 153
Platt , Etha! , 32,2 16
Pokorny, Tamra , 19, 42 , 110, 11 7, 151 , 153
P oi nt e, Ted, 60, 6 I, 21 1
P o lorn y, T , 11 3
Poni csa n, En c, 8, 2 11
P o n1csan Jr , Steve n, 8 , 142 , 151, 153
Pope Leonardo , 55, 192
P o rt e r. Brook, 16 , 35,55,98, 174, 175, 178
Posp1s1l, B111 , 51. 76
P ouw, W es ley, 78, 175
Povada, L1nd a, 217
P owe ll , Mark , 76, I 92
Powe ll , Juh e, 2 11
Powers, Ke ll y, 192
Powers, Mi chael, 141 , 151 , 153 ,237
Pr ay, J o na than , 25, 89, 90 , 98 , 18 5, 192
Pre nti ce, Tanya , 109, 175
pPres t1a-sc ha ub , Kathryn , l 1O, 2 11
Pres to n , J e nn ifer, 192
Pn ce, Ph y IIt s. 22 1
Rad eff, Bn dget, 211
Rand , Jen nifur , 175
RRandall, Dani e l, l 06, 132, 133 , 142 , 15 1, 15 3,238
Ra sco n, L ydia , 64 , 65
Rascon. M ana, 21, 77, 79,2 15
R atte lmu e ll e r , Enc , 93, 141 , 15 l , 15 3
Ratz, Mary, 72, 11 O, 211
Raw so n, M ichelle, 74, 75, 11 2, 15l , 153 237 '
Ray mo nd , K rist in , 126 , 127 , 175
Rea, Audrey, 153 , 154
Re her, Duke , 1 10, 21 1
Re~mer , Arbon , 110 11 3, 15 3, 154,238
Re 1necke r, Ke ll y, 97, 175
Re inec ker J111 , 211
Re ne, Jesse, 192
Reyne beau, Je nnifer ,65, 102, 17 5
Reyno ld s, Ally s on , 68, 69 , 186. 193
Rh oto, Me li ssa, 112 , 193
Ri ce, Amie e, 153 , 154
Ri c hard s, Melani e, 31, 117 , 146 , 15 3, 154 239 '
Rickard, Stephanie , 90 , 17 5
Ri c kard, Jennife r, 21 1
Ridpath , Ju stin , 78, 193
Ri e del, Carne. 20, 11 0, 17 1, 175
R iggs, Je ssic a , 72, 123, 12 8, 175
Rill os, Matth ew, 51 , 78. 193
Rillo s, Joe, 78
Ri s in g, Rebecca, 135 , 153, 154 ,23 8
Ri s ner . He nry , 7 6, 180, 193
R1ttmann , Ke ll y, 15 3
Roa t , Jill , 153, 15 4
Robbin s, Dea n, 15 3
P age.Jason. 2 10
P a lm er, Da vid , 76, 192
P a lmer, Me li ssa, 174
Palmer, Jonathan , 2 1O
Parfe t, Rya n, 174
P arke r, S ha ne, 51, 174
P arker, Cha rl ott e, 77, 79,20 1,2 10
P arker, Juli e, 79,210,2 15
P asc ha ll , Ja so n , 36, 92, 93, 130 , 151, 153
P as l ay, Ni c ho las, 192
P atte rso n , Mo ll y, 2 11
P a tt o n , Val e n e, 77, 211
Paul se n, Kev in , 192
Pa yne, Ro nald , 151 , 153
Pe arse, Carrie, 90, 94, 95, 123, 182, 192
P earse, Brad.6, 14, 135,15 1, 153
P ea rso n , Emil y, 92, 93, 128, l 30, 13 1, l 32, 15 1, 153, 237
Pease, Re becca, 110, 17 4
Peneton, R aina, 174
Pe tene, A li cia, 151 , 153
Pri ce, Ri cky, 128 , 17 5
Pn ge l, Tn s ha , 132. 192
Pnn ce, Rebecca, 21 1
Pn nly, Bra ndon , 8, 151. 153
Proctor, Lind sey, 175
Pu gne tt i, Rod , 66, ·80
Purvi s, Rob e rt , 192
Purv is, Re becca, 74, 7 5, 112 , 11 3, 151, 15 3
Putka , Robert , 10 6, 220
Puttm a nn , Dere k, 2 11
Pyke, Bre nd e n,2 11
Robbin s, Dean, 154
Robe rt s. Cliff, 193
Robe rt s, Greg , 193
Robert s, Cole, 175
Robert s, Luk e, 211
Robe rt s, Di c k , 223
Robe rt son , K y le, 161 , 175, 179
Rob ie, Matth e w, 19 3
Robin son, Valene , 153, 15 4
Robin s on , Kri sty, 110 , 2 11
Robu c k, James, 211
Rodriguez , T ami , 79 , 193
QRodri g uez, Karl , 49 ,5 4 ,55, 106 , 128,141, 153 , l 54 , 238
Ro ge rs, Matthew , 78, 87, 132 , 133, 198, 2 11
Qu , Pe ng, 28, 2 1 l
Queen, Za c hary, 11, 78,2 11
Qu e neau, Paul , 175
Quinn , S hana , 151, 15 3
Qure s hi , David . 82, 175
Roik , Craig, 211
Rom e, Kara , 69, 90 , 193
Ro me , Thoma s, 211
Ro se, Amanda , 193
Rowe , J e remy , 175
254- JV~
Ju s t A Li s t of Name s
{ote 1'\
Roybal . An tonio, 15 3, 154
Rudloff, Virg1n1e, 30, 96, 97, 153 , 154
Rudolph Anne, 153. 154
Rumley , Shanna, 193
Rundle , Amanda, 193
Rundle , James, 175
Ru sc h , Steve, 116, 222
Ru ssell, Jason , 18. 62, 90, 98, 99, 128 129 , 133 , 142,153,154,238
R yan, Catherine, 1 l 0, 175
Ryerso n , Mark , 43, 130, 162, 175
Schreiner, Randy , 79 Schroeder.Jeffrey. 123,193
Schroeder, Stephen, 62, 110, 193
Schroeder, Jenifer, 14, 75, 153, 155, 232,239,243
Schultz, Gregory, 50, 51, 174, 176
Schwettman, Ryan , 70, 7 1, 176
Scon, Kri s tie , 155
Scott, Kn s t1 e, 15 3
Scott, Natalie, 15 3, 155 , 239
Scully, Marsa, 176
Seabaugh, Adam, 193
Segesman, Aaron, 176
Seiber, Meli ssa, 193
Selleck, Tom , 7
Sachdeva, Monika , 130, 211
Sacry, Dale, 76, 212
Sadeghi, Saman, 109, 193
Sanchez, Karin , 29
Sanchez, J oel, 150, 153 , 154
Sa n ders, Christa, 97, I 13, 175,229
Sanders,S h anene, 175
Sanders, Bnan, 212
Sandt, Charles, 193
Sant, Marjon e, 20 l , 212
Santi lli , Lu cas, 193
Santilli, Jo seph , 70, 78, 15 3, 154, 232
Sargent, Jes se, 153. 154
Sasa,Counney,69,97, 128 , 175
Sauer, P eter, I 53, 154
Saunders, K athenne, 43, I l 0 , 175
Sawyer, H ea th er, 49 , 57, 68, 69,128.175
Scardello, R occo, 108 , 111 , 176
Schaffer, Eric, 243
Scha lh ammer, Dick , 222
Sc h elske, Deborah , 153
Schenck, Crystal, I 26, l 93
Schenck,Donovan , 49 ,5 4 ,55, 153,154, 241
Sch e n ck, Michael , 153
Schimneister, Karla , 176
Schheman, Stephen, 117 , 173, 176
Schlieman, Jurgen , 2 l 2
Sch l oe m er, Diane, 2 16
Sc hmi d t , Sh1relle, 65, 101 , 193
Sc hmidt , S teve n , 212
Sch midt , Adam, 128 , 129
Schmied, Daniel, 90, 193
Schnase, K e ll i, 11 3, 176
Sc hn eider, Bryan , 98, 99, 145, 153, 155, 229,232
Schoe n born, Li sa, 2 12
Scholes, Ed , 222
Schossow, April , 90, 101, 180, 188, 193
Schossow,Jeremy,58,59, 11 3, 128,153, 155,245
Sc h ow, Brandon, 212
Sc h owe n ge rdt, J o hn , 113, l 28, 153 , 155, 240
Sch re in er, J onat h a n , 2 12
Seres, Trese, 155 , 176
Seres, Tracy, 15 3
S h ad lu , La yla, 6, 27,1 13, 15 3, 155,240
Shaffer, Enc. 17, 176
Shaner, D en ise, 9, 47. l 13, 186, 193
Shanfelt, D e m ck, 15 3, 156
S h arp, Lowell, 89, 9 l, 2 l 9, 220
Shaw.Jason, 193
Shields, Travis. 7 6, 2 12
Shoemaker, Le, 221
Shook, Danielle, 7, 19, 94, 98, 153, 156, 238,240
Shri n en, Randy , 79
Siegesmund, Carlyn, 90, 130, 176
Silvey, Andrew, 76, 130, 131,212
Simmo n s, Michael , 193
Sindow, J e remy , 105
Six, N icole, 72, 73, 1 I 0, 126. 193
Ska l a, Donald , 113 , 176
Skimmyhom, Mi c hael , 90, 212
Skorski, Claire, 35. 153 , 156, 240, 247
Skwara, Joanna , 193
Smith, Ali s ha , 11 0, 193, 195
Smith, C hr istine, 57, 77, 110, l 16
Smit h , Elizabeth, 193
Smit h , Jamie , 194
Smi th , Nicole , 63, l 03, 194
Smith, Gregory, 1 10, 176
Smith, Jennifer, 8, 117 , 176
Smnh, Jo s hu a, 176
Smi th , Colby, 85, 11 9, 153, 156, 240
Smith, J oshua, 90, 138 , 15 3, 155 , 156, 243
Smllh, Mandy , 52, 153. 156 , 24 1
Smith, Terence , 7, 14, 15, 34, 55, 87, 98, 106, 153 , 156, 240
Smi th , Tristan , 153
Smith, Carrie, 77, 2 10
Smith, Drew , 76, 118, 198 ,2 12
Smit h , K at ie, 79, 94, 212
Smi th , M aegean , 223
Smll h , Elain e, 1 17, 222
Sm ith , Tn s t an, 10, 145 , 156
Sn1dow, J eramy, 105 , 11 3,186, 194
Snyder, Sara. 212
Snyder, Steve, 55
Sorensen, W endy, 176
Southworth, Mi chelle, 229
Sparks, Anthony. 153, 156, 240
Spivey, Jeffrey, 97, 153 , 156. 229, 241
Spohn, Sharon, 77
Spraggs, Andrew, 61. 11 2, l 13, 153, 156, 241
Sprague.Joshua, 212
Spratte, Tern. 11 2, 121, 153, 156, 236
Spnnger, Rand ell, 194
Spnnk.le, Zachary, 176
Squires, Lukus, 176
Stahl, Natalie, 205
Stahmer, Luk e, 115,212
Standley, Kathenne, 9, 194
Stan1slao, Brett, 176
Stanley, Greg, 112, 153, 156
Stanton, K elly, 171, 176
Stattman, Enk. 176
Stauffer. Jay, 153, 156,238
Steeves, Ju s tin , 194
Stein, Brandyn, 176
Stein, Sarah. 93, 168, 176
Steinert, J enn i fer, 194
Ste1nen. Chnsty, 176
Steketee, Steven, 212
Stellers, Ro ger, 88, 94, 134, 20 l, 2 12
Sterner, Jere mi ah, 162, 176 , 177
Stevens, B enJam1n, 70
Stewan, D a rren . 15 3, 156
St 11lwell, Skyler, 77, l 94
Stoaks. J o hn , 194
Stock, Travis, 194
Stock, Morga n , 176
Stoeklen, Bru ce, 5 1, 114, 115, 221
Stokes, Bob , 2 I 8
Stone, Dan , 156 , 229
S tookey, Counney, 176
Storms, Enc, 63, 194
Storms, Devan , 176
Stotler, Mi c h e ll e, 2 12
Stover, Jennifer, 11 0,212
S tow, Pet e r , 17 6
Strack, J en nifer. 153 , 157
Stnck l and, Jami e, 79
Strobel, H eather, 65, 153, 157
Strong, Neil, 194
Strouse, Sue, 223
Struck, Collee n , 194
St u c kle ss, Ton e, 72, 81
S tu essy, Apnl, 194, 195 ·
S u blett, I saac, 128 , 129 , 15 3,157,239
Suggs.Amy, 15 3,157
Sumner, J oy, 98. 128 , 176
Suszczyk, Sa r ah, 2 12
S utt on, Craig, 76, 194
Swala, Crystal, 77, 2 12
'\ {ale l'\ JV " ff\(f Ju s t A Li s t of Name s -255
S\vanso n Seve nn e. 212
Swa n son, H o ll y, 63
Sv,eat. K a ti e. 14
Sweet. Tom, 2 17
Swi ft , P at ri c k 194
Swisher, Amber. 17, 23, 45, 49, 57, 98, 106,153, 157,245
Turn e r , Alexander, 7. 51, 93, 113, 128, 153157.227,241
Turner, Jo sep h i n e, 153, 158
T yler, J os hua , 213
Wallin , Craig, 178
Wallin , Craig, 161
Walt e r , Ro s h elle, 11 3, 195
Walton , Matthew , 214
Waltz , Amanda, 195
Ward ,S ha yde n ,5 1, 78,195
Warn e r , A nth ony, 195
Warre n , David , 195
uTUlander. Nathaniel, 18, 213
Urban, Gregory, 17 7
Urban.Eva, 142, 153,158
Wat so n , Ra y mond , 214
W a tt s, Jam es, 195
W e bb , Carlee, 11 3. 153. 158 ,2 42
Tafoya, Du s t y, 194
T ague. Juli a, 177
Takahashi, Samantha, 113, 157
Takesh1ge. Naomi, 153, 157
T aru m , K ellee. 65, 2 12
Tate. P aul, 194
Tavenner, Tiffa n y, 212
Taylor, Nathan, 177
T aylor, B e tt y, 22 1
Tee.Tee,44,94, 107,113,153. 157,228
Tembo, Mk onda, 126, 153, 157
T e m bo, Man a. 120. 112, 202
Themault. R yan. 2 12
Th omas, Tn sha, 11 , 194
Th omas, Matth ew, 43, 110, 177
Thomas, Shonn1ne, 17 7
Thomas, Andrew, 212
Th om p son, Jacob, 76, 194
Thompson, Jarre tt , 14. 157, 177
Thompson, Mi c h e l e, 17 7
Th om p son, James, 31, 138, 153,157,225, 239
Thompson, J arret, 153
Thomp son, Jason, 5, S l , 70, 153, 157, 225
T o, M ary, 194
Tober, Zebula, 2 13
T olve, J oshua, 194
T om m e r , Nathan, 126
Topa, Natalie, 5, 14 , 15 3, 157 , 225, 227
Tort o r a, Sabri n a, 2 13
Tracy, Tan ya, 77, 79. 2 13
Trenk, R e n ae, 97, 2 13
Tnpp, Ril ey, 194
Tnpp , Dana , 177
Troppman. H e 1d1 , 2 17
Tros t , K en, 62, 63. 72, 126, 177
TruJ1llo, Marcos, 12, 50, 51, 7 0 , 7 1, 150 , 153, 157.239, 24 1
Tru s t y, Dani e l , 194
Tucker, Mi c he ll e, 97, 194, 196
Tu c k e r , M e lynda , 142, 153. 157 ,241
Tucker, Amanda, 90, 2 13
Tul c h1n , Orton, 2 13
Turgeon, Amy, 72, 73, 177
Turk , R oss, 90, 125, 194
Turner, Aaron, 78, 19 2, 194
Turn e r , Di a na 11 3, 194
Urioste, Anto1n e u , 2 13
W ebb. Alan, 66,214
W eb b er. Mik e, 223
Web s te r , J amie, 195
W e 1ns te1n , En c, 11 3
YalleJOS, Mark , 78
VYance, Jud y, 10, 32, 33. 11 3,2 16
Vanderheyden, Dann y, 2 13
Vanderlaan, K en, 101,123,222
Vanduyn.Luke, 177
Vanmeter, Anna, 22
Vanwoensel, Traci, 88,1 10 ,206,2 13
Yarvens, Grant. 5 1, 78, 177
Varvens, Nikki, 79, 2 13
Vegas. Matt , 22 1
Yensor, Tony, 2 13
Verard1, H ea th e r , 2 13
Verbeck, Sara, 77, 177
Vermillion, Chnsnan, 213
Versaw, Kn sten, 62, 72,214
Verser, Ma ca ndrew, 76. 194
Vi a lpand o, Mi c h e ll e, 30, 74, 75, 141 , 153, 158
V1erke, Enk a, 79, 2 14
Vigil, Troy , 110, 116 , 177
v, g il , Marc, 2 14
Vincent, Ginger, 15 3, 158
Voag, Du s tin , 153 , 158
Voag, K e ll y, 2 14
Voit , Jam es, 214
Vona , Pooja , 11 0, 123 , 125,126,214
W e is h a upl Da v id , 24, 214
W elc h , H ea th er. 104, 153, 158 , 242
W elch, L eah , 132, 15 3, 158 , 242
Well e n s 1ek , Melany , 158, 242
W e ll ens i e k , M elany. 15 3
Wellen s1e k , Bryan , 214
W e ll s, Larry , 223
W e lton , Kare n , 214
W end t, Kri s nn a, 65, 110 , 215
Wengroviu s, John ,6 1, 178
Wengro v1 us. Emil y, 4 3, 90, 214, 215
W es tby , Brenda, 112, 178
We s ton , Tiffany , 178
Wh eele r Tiffanie , 112 , 178
Whit e, Laura , 97, 195
White , Tamara, 110 215
Whit eside, Kat e, 232
Whitfield , Christy. 195
Whitford , Enn , 128 , 165 , 178
Wh111ng , Curtis, 117 , 178
Whitmore , J e re my 215
Whitmore L y nn , 2 l 6
Whitney , Morgan. 229
Wieber , Shaine, 51, 178
Wieber, Adam , 12 , 76
Wilburn , Jo s hua , 12, 76, 114, 215
Wil cox, Marilvn , 222
William s, Bob, 82, 83, 102, 195
William s. Bre tt , 83,195
Wa c htler , Caro lin e, 3 4 , 35, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 102, 128 , 153 , 158,242
Wa c htl er. Claire, 17, 18 ,205 ,2 14
Wadd e ll , J enife r , 223
Wad s worth , K e nn e th , 49, 55, 97 , 138 , 158, 15 3, 172,229,236
Wage hng , Kaym, , 214
W ager , J ess ic a , 177
Waggon e r J osh u a, 194
Wa g n e r , Mi c helle , 178
Wagner J ess i ca, 121 , 153. 158
Wagn e r , Jethro , 214
Wahl , Li s a , 69, 79, 80, 81, 122, 2 18
Walker , Jo s hua , 78, 195
Wall , Shen, 153, 158
Wall e nta , Ja so n , 55, 178
William s, Emily , 3 l. 195
William s, Dani e lle , 135 , 153, 15 8
William s, Erwin , 2 15
William s, W endy, 77. 215
William s, B ob. 222
Willi s, Phill ip, 89
Willman , Daniel , 90 , 195
Wilson , Adam, 178
Wil so n , R ockie, 103 , 153 , 158
Wil so n , H eat her , 77, 108 , 215
Wil so n. Nicole , 15,215
Winkl ep l eck, Eugene , 195
Winkl er, Stephanie , 25 , 94 , 209, 215
Win s hip , Courtny, 202
W1n s te1n , Enc , 222
W insto n , Stacey. 94 , 95. 196
,"\ o~e 1' 256- )"~ {\\-0. Ju s t A Li s t of Name s
Wi se man , Dawn , 110, 153 , 158
Witt Ha y ley, 196
Wttt , R ya n. 178
W oe hr, Iva n, 3 1, 107 153 ,159.2 42
Wolf, Jill , 15 ,209,2 15
W o lf, Sara h , 94, 2 15
Wolfrum , Daron, 196
Wolfrum , Rya n, 9, 103, 153, 159 ,232
Woll ne r Jr , Robert, 178
Wood, Mi che ll e, 159
W oo d , Andrew , 51, 66 , 14 L 153, 159, 242
W oo ds, Mi chael, 14 , 58, 59, 128 , 15 3, 159
W orobey, Phillip , 153 , 159
Worob ey, Kath eri ne, 2 15
Wors ter, D, 110
W oz ni c k , Ange la, 15 3, 159
W ozni ck , M1 c helle, 153, 159
Wri g ht Randall , 196
Wn g ht , Nathan , 11 7
Wn ght , Be th , 215
Wu e rth , Ke ll y, 196
Wund e rli ch , Jan e, 217
Wurt enberge r, J ess ica, 10 I, 185, 196
Wya nt , Kan , 128 , 178
Camera Shy
Allen, Cha rl es
Ann1JO , T he resa
Arm stro ng, Bryan Ballin ge r, Fra nk
Basye, S tephen
B auer, J aso n
Baum an, Paul
Ben ne tt , Rebecca
Bis hop, Dav id
Bow, Algernon
Bradford, Au st in Bnxner, Timoth y Brow ne, J e an e tt e
Bybee, Aubrey
By rd , M artin
C i fern, Tan ya
C lowes, Be th
Colba th , En ca
Coll1 ns, Vear!
Curtsinge r, Bnan
Desse ll es. Kasey
Domonk os, Sa ra
Dond eli nger, Meggan
Dowgiert. Sh a nna
Ea s ley Ill , Je ss
XXi , Xi , I 24, 126 , I 28 , I 53, 159
Ya gn 1c h, Nicole , 153 , 159 , 242
Yamaguchi , Na s uh 1ko, 29 , 124, 126, 178
Yam as hita , A1 , 29, 153 , 159
Yan g, Davi d , 96, 97, 192 , 19 6
Yanz , J erry, 104, 105 , 217
Yarno , Angelika , 110, 196
Yo s ha, J ason, 108, 179
Youn g, Jak e, 179
Youn ge r, Jo se ph , 93, 179
Youngmann , Gene , 10 , 108 , 2 19
Yount , Rob yn, 196
Yu Lan , 120, 126 , 196
Zach, Laur a, 220
Zachrison , Stephani e, 2 I 5
Zahana s, Laura , 77, 85 , 90, 186 , 196
Zahanas, Andrew, 5 1, 179
Zahrte , J ere my , 93 , 179
Zen s, Holly , 196
Zhang . Joy , 130, 132, 133, 177. 179
Ziegler, Kimberly , 77, 114 , 196
F1 sc hthal , Kev in Franklin D1 x1e
Grayson, Abraham
Green, Kara
Guldan, Ka d n a n
Halbert, Amanda
Hart, J essica
Hav iland , Shelly
Hawes, Amanda
He ndri c kso n , Carn
He rnand ez, V 1n ce nt
Herndo n , Enn
He rth e r , Sha\v n
Hud so n, Jo e Jam es, Elliot
Kid we ll , Ju s tin
Kin g. Ch n stopher Troy
K1 sge n , J amie
La v1ng 1on, Mark Lavoie, Dani e l
Lynch , Ke ll y
Mars hall, Enn
Ma rsh a ll , J ero m1 e Ma rtin , Ame s
Martinez, R yan
Mcca fferty, C la y
Medrano, J ames
Mn che ll , T yle r
Mossbu rg. Sonya
Newman. Mi chaela
Ng uye n , Nhan
Pala c ios, Covadonga
Pal me r, Me h ssa
Pi ckard. Robe rt
P ierce, Ph1hp
Pi e rce, Mi c hae l
Qu intana, Ti f fa ny
Reb huhn , J acob
Re ich we1n, Kn sta
Rey no lds, M1 chael
Ri c hard s. Apnl
Ri c h a rd so n Sarah
Rlltmann . Sarah
Ro dd y, Ch n sna n
Roge rs, S tep hen
R ood , Shannon
Rowe, Jesse
Sanders. Ro }
Sa nders, J oh n
Sc hm idt, Aaron
Sc hne ider, Kn sta
Schonlaw, Ju s tin
Scott, Be le n -
Seabaugh. Aaron
She nfi s h , S tep hen
Shoemaker. Bnan
Sm1th, R1 a n
S pe nce r J e ffr ey
Sprung, Allen
Stahl, An toine
Ste ink e, Du stin
Ste ph ens, Galadnel
S t o ne. Lara
S tr aushe1m, Mi c hael
Th o mp so n , Troy
Turn e r, Co urtn ey
Va le nzuela, Mano
V,gtl, Chnstop he r Aaron
Wagn er, Matth ew
Walla ce. J aco b
W e nt z, Th o mas
Whitn ey, Co nni e
Wilk e rso n, My ron
Wil so n, Leroy
Wil so n, Crys t al
Yaffe, Ka re n
Young , J ohn
Yo un g, R a nd y
;'\ Aate 11 )"" f\\O. Ju s t A Li s t of Name s -257
I -1-. - . .,, .--
-• \ School s pirit is alive on the se nior Home
c!rive r.t.ote 258- • i"\\O. Ju s t A L is t of Name s
H S blacking out th e s tand s. The Tridets e n co ur age th e b as k e tball t ea m to win against th e Wh ea trid ge Farmers
co ming float. Hanging out with NHS after their food
The 1994 Demonium is dedicated to the student body of GHS and to their s pirit as d e mon s trated by the GHS Handjiv e. I h ope that you e nj oy the hard ,vork of your fello,v students who spent thou sa nds of man-hour s photographing, intervi e,vin g, d es ig nin g, ,vriting, checking, proofing, computing, waxing and s tressing over thi s book. A very s pe c ial thank s n eeds to b e g i ve n to Editor-i n- C hi ef Tim Blum ,vho is largely re s pon s ibl e for meeting all our deadline s and maintaining the sani t y ( mo s t of the time ) of the s taff. When everyone else had gone hom e and the job wasn't done, Tim fini s hed it. Thank s for makin g this th e I est yearboo k I've ever advised. -R .F.
Plummers Jewelry 1206 Wa shington
+ + 0)(1~ am,d + f/J~, ~am,d M'/rlU~ Gol den,Col o . 80401 279 -4246 t CONGRATULATIONS • ' • '. • TO THE * CLASS OF Ii ~ a \ \\ 1994! ! ! I._~~ OMNIBANK Denver West 14 5 05 West Colfax Avenue Golden, CO 80401 2 79- 8404 Member F.D.I.C. HANDJIVE!
PREMIER PHOTOGRAPHY 1830 S. Wadsworth, Lakewood 988-2534
'f . , / • . ' ' . . .. • • • • , • • • • • I • • ' • • • • • .J I • •• • , , • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • , . • • • • • • • • • • ., • ,, ' • • ., • • • • • • • • I • / / / · ( , ,. , ' • ' I ,• •• I , / ' ' • / / ' J , I, • /. • • // • \ ' I ,, ·. • I • •: / I ' • ' , , ' . , / • . , . . /~ • ' • . • • •• ~1 , . , • • / ·, , '/, • , • • , I I / • • ',t•. : • . p H 0 G R A p H y , • I• .' I. 'I / , • . I 1 • ' / . •• • • : ,, • • II ,J . , • I • • • • I • I . ' ' I • I • • I . . • , , • I I Lakewood ' Littleton •• • • / . . • ' , ., , ' , I • • , ' ' • I • .s. 9000 W . Jewell Ave . 3200 W Bowles ' • • ,. // • I • • • • . : • ,, ~~ - :. ~akewoc:,d • . ' Littleton • • • • • • • • . ., · : · · 988-1155 • 347-2300 • t I ., ' ' (,, .. ., .. , . .J" . , '
238-8 1 93
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I t s ee m s every tim e yo u op e n th e pap er a not h e r m a j o r b a nk i n Co lorad o ha s s o ld to s om e big out-ofs t a t e h o ld in g co rpor a tion. W e ll not o urs I n fa c t , we' r e very proud of t h e fa c t that w e a r e lo ca lly m a nage d a n d ind e p e nd e ntl.)' ow n e d \ 1/e th i nk thi s g ives u s so m e uniqu e ad va n t ag e s o ve r the bank s that are ow n e d o ut -of- s t a t e. W e ca n ge t l o a n a ppr ova ls w ith o u t c h ec kin g v., it h so m e b a nk e r o n th e o t her e nd o f a ph o n e . W e und e r s t a nd th e co mmu n ity, b ec au se we ' re part of it . W e knovv o u r c u s t o mer s. W e kn o w th e c h a ll e n ge s a s we ll a s th e o pp o rtuniti es th a t everyo n e in Col o rado is fac in g . And w e s imp ly belie v e it m a k e s s e n s e f o r a bank t o h ave m o r e t h a n ju s t fin a n c ia l ti es to w h e r e it's
loca t e d . G o ld e n b a nk s o f Co lo r a d o. And we e mp h as ize Col o rad o. o F c o
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OPEN 7 DAVS A WEEK MON.-SAT. 8 TO 6 SUN. 10 TO 3 WE CARRY OVER 30,000 ITEMS IN 27,000 SQ. Ff OF SAL ES AREA • PLUMBING • HARDWARE • TOOLS • MAJOR APPLIANCES •LAWN & GARDEN • SU PERMIX PAINTS • AUTOMOTIVE • ELECTRI CA L •HO US EWARES • SPORTING GOODS *SE R V I CES WE OFFE R* FREE GITT WRAPPING FOR YOUR MEYER PURCHASES • CUTTING A!'\'D THREADING OF PIPE · KWIKSET LOCK REKEYING REPAIRING OF SCREENS AND WIJ\'DO\VS • BLADE SHARPENING HUNTING & FISHING LICENSES 11 0 3 ARAPAHOE STREET• GOLDEN MEYER HARDWARE 279-3393 SERVING THE WEST METRO AREA SINCE 1945 REWARD 1 0 R ewards Yo u ' ll Find ONLY AT FELTNER PHOTOGRAPHY -ALL AT NO EXTRA COSTc'~9~<o<',;~,<' 0(\'{Ou< / ~--r--. 1 Indoo r a n d outdoo r poses 2 Three changes of clothes 3 Special discount packages 4 1 2 to 16 poses to select from 5 61 outdoor posing areas 6 Complimentary T - shi rt 7 One 8x 10 and two Sx7 ' s 8 Bnng a fnend , pet , hobby , car, paren t , instrumentto be in you r photo , also 9 Up to 4 5 minutes sitting time 10 Over 100 awesome abst r ac t and unusual projected backgrounds ALL OF THE ABOVE FOR ONLY $97.50 Y O U EXPE C T MORE FROM FELTNER S AND YOU GE T I T ' Don F e ltn e r Pho t ograph y C A LL 4 20 -3505 A SK OTHER S WHY T HEY CHOSE US! f--------------------.....------------------: 0 17744 S. 'Ro.ad ~ , eo go401 273-9279 Special Gifts for Special People • - -ti!_ • !$ I a!" '• ~- ·1205 Was h ingto n Ave. Go l de n , CO 80401 278-0446 :t :, Q,. 3 Q., ("') 0 C: :, t"t' The Country Mouse Co. n ... Pat Kellenbenz "' Custom Framing
The pictures on these two pages have been morphed w i th two different people Can you guess which two? §$ tfJe mo.st .senior anb , m1gbt I abb, sn1artes t FLANNEL WEARiN ', C HAW SPiTTiN ', $ # @! . . KI C KING REDNE C K ON THE YEARBOOK STAFF, I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE MY BIGGEST YEE - HA w AND A WHOOP - DEE - DO T O .f{@ii,el.jf ~cs , l tfJc omni.po tent elber pearbook go b, i THiNK TiM DID A BANG UP JOB RiDiN ' THE OLD YEARBOOK BUCKiN ' HORSE MY . . MEMORIES OF THIS CLAS S WILL LAS T LONGER THAN STINK ON A DEAD SKUNK , mucb hhe mp effec t on tfJis punp , mean ingless planeL 'Q)Jo.se \Dbo joine b tfJeir efCort.s u:11 tfJ mine \Derr \Dortf.Jp , t.1:J ougb 1ns1gn1hcanl, AND SHOULD GET A PAT ON THE BACK AND A LiCK ON THE NOSE EVERYONE ON STAFF SHOVELED $ # @! ALONG WITH EACH OTHER AND WORKED LIKE C OAL MiNER S iN A C A VE iN TO GET THE BOOK DONE unb er mp om n1.sue nl, ll reless anb complete control. Seriously , we would like to thank all who have helped and continue to help us in creating this memory book Thanks to Byrno and Finelli (The Bald Guys) , Tim " Waldo " Blum , Ry " Arkansas " Burke , Ha " Her Ha-ness" Tran , and all the rest of you who gave us inspiration We thank you from the bottom of our hearts MY SENiOR YEAR w AS LiKE ONE BiG DiP OF C OPPENHAGEN wiTHOUT RisKiN ' M ' GUMS: ONE BiG BUZZ FROM AN OBNO x iou s LUMP OF CRAP iN MY MA w Jtlp on[p bo pe (or pou i.s tfJa t, .s om cbo \D , po u can come do.Se to ma tc bing ntp greatness !! Thanks fr o m lten netl) <Cba b "Jnonno n" Wa b.5\D ortfJ and JOSHUA " HICK " GREEN , Y e arb oo k g o d s
EVERY wAk1Nq MO M EN T spEN T s l Av1Nq
AWAY AT TH E coM p u TERS, ouR bod 1Es
f RUS TRATEd ANd IT REA ll y qor To us, b uT n \VAS REA l ly, REA ll y f uN, REA ll yl? If n WEREN ' T foR THE RE l AX 1Nq souN d s o f Mus i c fi ll 1Nq TH E ROOM, wE wou l d HAVE NEVER b EEN HERE AT 1 1 }0 p M WO Rkl N(i
ON TH is d iNq dANq doNq d ARN dEARboo k , wE MEAN yEARboo k W E d oN' T TH1 N k , TH ERE f oRE. WE
" p ETER puMp k1 N EATER" OR B ubbA C 1Es lAR ANd V 1Rq
w o Rk ANd NEVER qETS ANY CREdn" R u dlo ff REI NdEER
Jeff Spivey and Courtn e y
Sasa ,vere so move d by their morph that th e y,vere overcome , vith speechlessness and all they could say for their closing words ,vas , " 19 "
We came in as little girl s , and left a s Godly women. That's all that needs to be said. We laughed , cried , screamed (most ly s creamed ) and threwtempertantrums . In the beginning of time , we thought yearbook would be a piece of chocolate cake , but soon decided it was eggp lant S p ending long , dreadful hours together taught us how to h ol d our tongues and s pea k hateful things about each other under our breathes But all in al l it wa s a terrific year. We kicked butt Thanks. Kelly
Reinecker and
Yearbook to us has been one of the biggest challenges here in high school , cooporating wtth ind ividuals, meeting deadlines , and stress Taking pictures , making layouts , writing copy and captions , and just getting our ideas in the book was cool. The best thing was meeting people who are smart , nice , fun to be with and easy to joke around with too Not only do we become better friends with people we already know, we get to know people older and younger than us. Like us, we never knew each other before yearbook , and no w we have a friendship that will last foreverCynthia Bello ws, Michelle Tucker
doN'r AMI
1N1E "doEs All TH E
Letter From The Editor
Congratulations! You are now reading the two pages of the Yearbook completely dedicated to those who put their hearts and souls into creating a book that all of the school and you would love . The Editors and I hope you don't just like "The Book," but you LOVE it!
The making of More Than Just Words has been more that just another cla ss. It has been home Not only have I put all of my talents and abilities into putting together a book that the editors and I could be proud of, but also that the school could be proud of All of us have put a tremendous amount of time into making this book . Hopefully in ten years you'll see this book and remember the great time all of us had here at GHS
Besides the countless pictured, there are also many that have put a myriad of time and work into this wonderful publication I would like to thank everyone on staff for their help . Thanks to Chad "Mormon PoDWAB" Wadsworth for always being in TOUCH with our FEELINGS, Peter Cieslar for the great creativity, graphics, humor, and fun he brought to yearbook , Josh "Hick" Green for bringing the cowboy out in all of us, Cynthia and Jeff for the carrying the load of photography, and Virginnie Rudloff for showing her calmness and maturity in times of DEADLINES. For you Seniors, good-bye and goodluck We'll have a GREAT time (Oh my gosh, there leaving and I ' m here all alone! ) next year without ya I ' ll miss all of you Thanks to Michelle Tucker, Jen Cookson , Kelly Reinecker, and Courtney Sasa, for your wonderful help and time that you put into the book For all of the Editors , those inside jokes and deadline s wer e absolutely fantastic See you next year!
Before "The Book" comes to a close, I really want to thank my mom, dad , and sister for living through the hectic times , s tress and schedules of the "Yearbook Adventure " I love you all. Thank you Mr. Finelli for your guidance and patience throughout the production of More Than Just Words >it turned out great . Mr. Byrne, thanks for your advice and help as well. And finally my friends Thanks to all my pals who helped me through this year, and put up with my ever-changing schedule
To all the students and faculty here at Golden, this book is for you. I know you'll love "ti1
S tud e nt Li fe
Sp o rt s
P eo pl e
A ca d e mi c s
C lub s & A c ti vi ti e s
B a b ies & Bu dd i e s
I n d ex
Ph o tog r a ph y
A d vi s o r
T o ri e B o s t w ick
Ei l ee n Burke
Sere n a D ovey
B e th Eld e r
Sa r a h H e b e l e r
L ado nn a K ei tth
K a th e rin e S a und e r s
L a ur a Wh i te
C hri s to ph e r A s h e r
C hri s C ummin g s
M a tt M o n tgo m e ry
A l is o n P e te r s o n
A pri l S tu e ss y
T o dd Di e rkin g
D av id L o w e
T i m o th y Blu m
P e te r Cies l ar
C h ad W ad s wort h
M i c h e l le T ucker
Tim , C h a d , P ete r ,
Co urtn ey , J o s h , M ic h e ll e
Co urtn ey Sas a
K e ll y R ei nec ker
J enn i fe r Cook s on
J o s h G r ee n
Virg i ni e R ud loff
Cy n t h ia B e ll ow s
J eff S pi vey
Mr. R on Fine ll i
J a mi e B u r ke
Ca rl i Co u pe n s
D aw n Du rant
H o ll ey Fos ter
J e ni fe r H ueb e l
R a c h el Newb e r g
R e n ae T renk
D avid Yan g
J e nn ife r Blu m
Li ndi e H i tc h c o c k
K ri s ti an N ava n t
M a tt R oge r s
M ary To
J o s h G re e n H ea th e r N u an es
De moni u m wa s pu bli s hed b y J os te n 's Sc hoo l Pr o du c ts Gr o up of To peka , Kan s as . Th e fa c tory re prese nt a u ve wa s Gary Co r dray . E lev e n hundred co pies we re produ ce d. Th e cov e r 1s a fu ll c o l or lit hog r aph of an o n g ina l wate r co lo r pai nt i ng by Mr . Gen e Youn g man . T he e n d s hee ts we r e re produ ced fr om Mr. Yo ungman ' s o r1 g 1nal penc il s ke tch Th e open ing ph oto g ra ph is a com pos ite of M r Youn gman ' s painun g and a nig htt i me p hoto g raph taken by Mr Ron Fin e lli. The c ompo s i te im ag in g wa s co m pl e ted by And y's Cam er a S ho p o f Co r a l Gab le s , F londa . T he bo ok 1s a s i ze 1s 8 by 1 1 in c hes and co nt ai ns 272 pages . The pape r 1s ei g ht y pound Bo rd ea u. All c o py an d g raphi cs we re de skt o p publi s he d by s taff o n Mac int o s h co mpu te r s us ing Aldu s Pagemak e r , Ad obe Ph o to S hop , Adobe Il lu s tra tor, and Effec ts S pec1a h s t. Bac kg ro und art wa s from Wr apt ure s On e . Body co py is 1n 12 point Ko n nna , capuon s are 1n 8 po int Tim es a nd h ea dlin es we re c re a ted 1n Ad o be Illu s trat o r us in g Inge n1u s fo nt All na me s were taken fr o m the co mput e ri ze d o ffi cia l sc hoo l l is t.
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