GHS Yearbook 1995

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70 I 24th Street Golden, Colorado 8040 I

Enrollment I 3 l 5

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• Answe r on page 284

High School
The Demonlum Volume I 22

s ans tpcryear en p w e lop k back upon the e ar's tri u rl)p hs-a'na lo s ses our accomphsh m e nt a nd setbac~. We re f):} µlqer th e good ti es, he bad ones rt d mo im'p o rt antly we fe Ei l how prou d-w e are of what w e!-ve d one.

Alo ng w'ith another ye<U: com as o.othe yea r& o"k, a o th er yearbook theme and another individual ffi\lg s h p But this year i$ di f- ere t.-eh a n ve taken place throughout th e y e r. own , tn atur ancl e x~rien ced m u ch@or ofliife. This yearbook define s an Sho beginnings and ends o! a l

s those ex e riences of tpumph, tTa r e dy, wins, lo sses, e'tRi ngs we'vedoned r.i._n g t e year. Tffi syearwasspecial because it had tl-\e olden 9 uch.

ry Qne at Gol n has expe r i lookthro gJ -this ookandsee e.veryon r.o u k now,reme bera nd 'magin e-t h, osetnu ._. again. Ten or-t..We ty y_e rs down i-h e road when y o u f icJ< p4 s yearbo -and open it up, enjoy the ..- o ries that will come-fl oo qi o g bat k The experiences of GHS students make ol d'ett what it is Wi tl\ o uvi, e s u ~(Ots, 0 Golqe: tt~ igh would never have had th ~ Go ld en Touch. \.J °'

Being a Demon means so many different thing s. It is different for each one of us whether you are a freshman or a senior. Everyone at GHS is spec ia l and co ntributes something unique to GO


.When you co mpil e all the different thin gs we have at GHS, you can see \vhy th e Demons truly have th e Golden Touch. Now look through the book and see what makes Golden go ld e n See who we • arc on the surface and underneath . Remember all the ffieffiOrleS and \Vhat it felt like to be a Demon. Enjoy the m emories and crave for more. Sec int o the fu turc and back through t11c past. See how the experiences made us who we are. See our Golden Touch. Timothy Blum.

A To"ver t o th e Top The Demon cheerleade rs show their unanimous su pport as th ey cheer the fall sports teams to tnumph Photo by Mr Finell, The Po sse Seniors Brett Myers, Todd 01erkmg, Courtnc} Sasa, Steph Rickard, Enn Funak, Craig and Tim Blum Sll around and soc 1ahze in the courtyard dunng Access, smiling rn the light of their bnghtfutures Photo by BJ Reynolds , ~\ (rQ_~ -\0~ \ \~

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olden High School s tudents are a different breed Each one of them is specia l and unique . Student s at GHS ri se above the crowd. They live with a pa ss ion . All

Demons live a s pe cia l life .

Students ex p e ri e n ce the joy of all the things at GHS. They wat c h and learn GHS s tudent s liVe hfe to th e fulle s t . They go to or try out for the schoo l play or varsity athletics Golden s tudent s parti c ipate in Spirit Week They attend pep assemblies and cheer for their cla ss and the s port s team s. Juniors and seniors are leaders for eleme ntary s tudent s in Outdoor Lab They go to th e dan ces and boogie down with friends or date s. GHS s tudent s hav e a sc hool life that compares to no o th er. They have a Golden Existence.

Outside of sc hool the Demons' life is an illustrious one All havin g ce rtain activities that bring to them th e experie n ce that will la st a lifetime Summer trip s to the Great Wall of China or to the backyard make th e liv es of every studen t in credible . Stude nt s have jobs for income or just a little extra money They party on holiday s and on th e weekend s to relieve stress or jus t t o hav e fun . Golden Demons live life to the exten t that they define and know who they are. Every stude nt at GHS liv es a Golden Exis ten ce . Timothy Blum

GOLDEN 4 - mm~,~

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Pucker Up Baby Jun ior Na t han M ataya puckers up for h is main sq u eeze _L,, , ]D-:v'Yl n

In Joan Cla rk 's language ans class, a classmate of Nathan 's dared him to ki ss a 7 U l 'I I (.,(_ 1 '>g ~uring a frog Jumping co nt est. A s he got ready, he decided to ask th ~ / 1 /Yl ,? , ( ' l '\ que5 t1on, "Do you pro mi se that tt will tu m into a princess?" Photo by Joan C lar ~ I I LX "--V

Friend s, Food and Fun Junior.. K elli Colltgan and Keala Murdock and sophomore Becca Dragul enJoy their lunches outside a:. they catch up on the latest go\S1p and try 10 understand that last PSSC Physics test Photo by Tim Blum

Jump Around

The Senior Class goes crazy as the golden vibes infect the crowd The "disease •· seemed to have 11s effect on everyone during the H omecoming fesuv1t1es, as almost everybody had a ~mile, and a demon tauoo on their face

f.s , wmt ~1 HD~ ;-ro?
Photo by Mr F1nell1

Four seaso ns ..........,

most fun, the hotte s t, and the on :K' ~k'\r" astes s to be summe Wa s 1t s ummer ro ? id you kick back and relax or have an ensee counter? n· rs H e ath e r S awy er and Laura Kolin h an · tense en un r: "We got hit on by the Chuckie Ch e m e." S ark R yerson said that the craziest th . g that e did thi SUJl) er was "I went to Pink Floyd so ber ." reshm eth nd junior Je ann ie Mi ll er kept busy t s sum er, shes 1d," e drove O.J.'s Ford Bronco on the Cali mia hway. " S .... umer is only three months long and th s not ong en ug or some people. Freshman Au s tin mer' erfects m is "o ne thatneverends." Don ' t we wish! Sum r might ave emedshortbutitsurewashot. The hottest day the s u c t..u.•YV\e on June 26 with a skin scorching temperatu of 104 egr s. Senior Erika Brakk e n didn ' t mind the hot eather. " ran cross the U.S. three times just like Forrest Gump." Others £ un clifferent ways to deal with the weather. Sophomore ar., ~ickman really knows how to cool off: " I went to Ben an err~' and ate four pints of ice cream." Every summer seems to.gob aster than the previous one; however, the memories of the urn er s hould keep u s warm all winter. Anne Fay and Becca

tame ummer

G reat Wall ofWhat? Sen10 Jason Cam bell sta nd s by the 5,000 year old Great al o China which is 1,500 mil es long He stayed 1n Hong Kong forthree weeks with the Student Ambassador Program Freshman Sage Connelly had a lot of spa re time this summer to dream about anything and every thing •·1 ki ssed a pink toad and it turned into a fairy "

From sea to shin1ngsea, GHS studen ts traveled the globe on their summer vacations. Sophomore H e d y Kunt e r went to Moun t Rushmore tn Jul v " It \vas an enjoyable tnp and 1 recommend 1t." Those who went to Water World got there quickly but for others 1t took as long as 39 hours to get to their vacatton spots Juni or Co urtn ey M c a went to Spain to v1s1t some fn ends over the summer Co urtn ey said, "It was a really fun, interesting, learning, a nd cultural experience a nd I want to go back " Senior M e lind a E m a nu el went to Logan village, New Mexico thi s summer to go waler s kung and kne e boarding w ith her parents. M e lind a said, "To future knee boarders. keep tension on th e lin e while flirting a nd waving to guys who are fishing " Sophomore An n a Ke lso traveled to Boston, Ma ssachuse u s to visit her best fn e nd and go to the Bo ston Ha rbor " It felt really good to see all my fnends again I Just wish I could have s tayed longer," sa id Anna. Whether you lravel to Spain, Ma ine , or stay here on the Colorado plain; whether you drive to Water World or hike up the high mountain ous terrain , don't let your vacation be spoiled by the rain BJ Re yno ld s

GOLDEN 6 - rnrn~a
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Ba s kin g in th e S un Senior Stephanie Rickard and her siste r, sophompre Jennifer take in the beautiful view on t he Cliffs of Moheir in Ireland

Other students, such as freshman Paul Szabo had a sky d1vmgadven ture 1n Anzona Freshman Tiffany Bausch kept busy nght here ,n Colorado · " I went pool hopping at Lakewood Country Club and got caught "

I D o n ' t Want to G r o w U p Seniors John Mockton and Mike Montgomery cruise through the sand 10 Vatl on their toy motorcycles While Mike and John were riding their motorcycles, Junior Nafhan Mata ya was cruising on a Jet ski " I rammed into my dad who was driving a boat I almost killed my whole family "

Go t Ya Senior Jeremiah Sterner and Junior Andrea Erpelding show Amenca ' s sp1n1 while competing 1n their second annual Forth of July water fight

According 10 Jeremiah, Andrea lost aga1 n A water fight 1s one way to stay cool but.junior Stacey McGuire found another · l spent my summer at Water World with a bunch of my fnends"'


• school's a lm os t ove r f out the swim s uit s and fly off to e t,1 1.4 u means many a people l o d Some s tu over t o

nerves ell, relax, .;;.;.. ~ 1,,ii-1. It' time to break airplane tickets er later . Summer ,· erent people Some ·ve all s ummer long. hile others traveled all verywhere from China to o ore BriaHampleman remem£:.........,.,~ ber " ~ aking at ancover Island, Canada. It was really me eople were less ca utious this s ummer s u ch as junior u.o • .•IUUI e omgaard who sai d , " I went camping with o ut a tent , i as c d as h ell! A big four-wheeler ca me through our and mo s t ran u s ove r ." Man y students s howed their s pr1s ly wild si de thi s s ummer. " We c hased our cloth es roun th e po o l," lau g h ed junior Tami Rodriguez . Some people live more dang e r o u s l y like freshman Jennifer Re ynolds: " I w. nt r afting a nd I fell out in white water and was almost kil led." o t s of GHS s tud e nt s s p ent the s ummer s laving away at work for th eir personal savings. So me GHS s tudents s pent their summe r moving t o Go ld en. Overall, whether s pending the summer at home or cr eating m e m o rie s while vaca ti o ning abroad, the s umm er of '94 was enjoyed b y all. Elizabet h Chilcoat and Katy Ratz

ree Months of Luxury

Nice Hat Junior Kelly Denner improvises with a plastic bag for ram gr.ardunnga rains torm w ith senior J ason Franci s and junior Dan Duron on the Summe r Field Biology tnp C HS s tudent s did everything from camping to adventuring across our country's borders. "The most memorable thing I saw were the dolphins in Mexico," Junior J essica Ka sel remembered wi th a smile.

ls your dream summer going to be spen t baking like a beached whale on a sun filled beach somewhcre\vith a perfect speci men of the opposite sex or lounging m fon t of t he TV whenever you managed to move out of bed? When asked th is hypothetical sttuation, GHS s tudents preferred basking 1n th e glow of the sun as their idea of a perfect su mmer. Other students like sophomore Becky Doherty re sponded , " To go away and be the only g irl at an all boy s' camp " Spending time with friends seemed to be what mos t G HS studen ts wanted to do like sen ior And y Baer w ho said, "o ut \Vtt h three best buds doing everyt hin g you want to do." Pa rt ying 1s on the mind of most students especia ll y senio r Steve King who sai d, " B eing 1n the inside of a full keg " Ot he r people took it Jokingly like sophomo re Matt R ogers who said, " No school "or like Junio r Sara h McGuane when s he sa id, I spent the fourth o f J uly in Lawerence, Ka nsas w it h senior A mb er H olland watching firewor ks that didn ' t go highe r than 25 feet ." Most people were more laid back w ith their answers like senior Terri Hob so n who said, "Not hav ing to work all su mm er long " Anyway you put 11, the perfect s umm e r would be a summer o f fun a nd relaxation Me li ssa Palmer


B es t Bud s Sen1orsJason Elms and Brand on Edie enJOY th e su nny beach at Lake Powell Lake Pow ell is a favont e vacation spo t ofGHS s tudents because of th e many excit ingact1v1t1es s uch as water s knn g, fi s hing, and jet s k11ng I went cliff j ump10 g at Lake Powell ," s tated sophomore M1c helle KJeine1d er

And on That Farm ..... S e nior fanner Tasha Mark ovc h1 ck relaxes at the Su mm e r Club State Swim Meet held at Applewood Athleti c Club Ta s ha was a member of th e hard working , first place 200 meter fr eestyle relay team. So ph omore Je nn i fer Blum kn ew th e feeling when s he told us , " I won h igh point dunng a swim meet this su mm er "

Not an Average Dale Sen iors Hol li Bye rl y, Amanda Hawes and acqu aintances from the Caesar's Pal ace Casino 1n Las Vega s, Nevada pose fo r a s trikin g pi cture Som e people took the s ummer o n a more serious note s uch as s enior Patr ick Boyd who spen t th e s umme r at an art camp in Colo rado Spnngs o r f1kc senior J oy Zhang who said, " I went back to C hina I ' m JU St h vinghere with my mom and dad , and we ' re going to go back so me day "


i ce Legs

Seniors Andrew Zahanas, Jesse B1elack, John Monckton , Shane Parker and Aaron Cheuvront show their ,pn11 the only \Vay they kno,v how During the sp1nt assembly the Freshman Class lost all of the spirit ac1Jv1ues to the Senior Class of course Senior Mitch Bolhg said. "The best thing about Sp1nt Week was the assembly because 1t was dedicated to the football players. Photo by R

Don ' t Move a Mu sc l e Freshman Vanessa Hannemann sits s1111 while ge1t1ng her face painted by Jumor Karen Heffelfinge r Many booths al the carnival sold food, dnnks, and tanoos. Freshman Megahan Burn ell sa id , " My favorite part of the Homecoming cam1val was the sltp and shde and the band. Pi gment."

Photo by R Finel11

Double Take Sen10~ Carly S1egesmand and Melinda Emanuel are caught on Twrns Day shO \\' tng their school spiri t Others who came dressed as twins were juniors April Schossow and Lindsey Brazil who came dressed tn matching Jean skirts and T -Sh1rts Juni or Matt Robie said, "The best day was Maroon and Whit e Day because 1t was Fnday"

by S Shaw

GOLDEN 10 - rnm~,~
Finelh Photo

Yo laughi n g

realize }·ou fo r g eo ut o


Every b o d y o n th e bu s is d e nl y yo u loo k dow n a nd

·am as... Th e n yo u loo k

A sa lw in gTwin

ul a r M a r

· it W ee k was fill ed a ja rn a Day, H a t d Wh i t e Day.

..,__, aj am as too, and yo u around a nd see ev l se is in remembe r th a t it 's Sp ,,vitl1 many fes ti ve a cti v i Day, an d o f co u rse th e ev Spirit Wee k w as fill e d with seen o n h ea d s t o s lipp e r s w o rn vva:, Tw in s D ay. If yo u w a lk e

es s u ---~ w r a pp e r s fir s t ---~ it W eek doubles o f H a rd R oc k Ca fe s hirts , r

uld see eve n th e w h at I same ha ir - d o. F r es hm an Kati e C oo norma ll y wea r exce pt I fo und so m eo n e t as me." Pa jam a D ay! W ow, wh a t a s ig ht ! "'ear1ng ti ge r s lipp e r s, b oxe r s and g irl s in pi

ot h es l e R o drigu ez s t a t e d , "Fo r P a jama D ay a ll I h a d t o o was e t 1V1any p eo pl e sa id th a t thi s w as th e funni es t d ay because th e p eo pl e th a t dr esse d up l oo k ed r i d icul o was th e third d ay o f S pirit W eek. So ph o m o r e Ri ch ard B said, "Ha t D ay w as fun b eca u se we go t t o see a ll of th e hats.' The m os t r es p o n s ive d ay w as M a r oo n a n d Wh i te because th e cl o th es we r e a lr ea d y b o u g ht T. S tokes a nd C. C r o

on's •r1

What was the weirdest occurrence fo r Sp irit \ Wcc:k 1 nus question was asked to many G HS ~tudent~ and even though 1t seems simple enough, man) students had a hard time answenng it. Some people had a hard time wal king around outside on Pajama Day. Sophomore C hr i s Mor ri s o n remarked. " l thought watchi ng people t rying to walk acros., the rocks up at the pll 1n their socks on PaJama Day was funny ., Some people d1dn 't think that there was much enthusias m such as ~nior Hea t her S awye r : "It was k ind of funny the way nobody part1c1pated ,. Th is year's assembly attra1 ted many people's alle nll on because o f some added attracttons " I thin k the dorkiest thmg was the nev. mai.cot,., ~1d Junio r Li ndi e Hit ch cock. I liked it when the football players dressed up hke cheerleaders and tn ed to dance," sa id freshman I tuart Webb Spin t Week ended wi th the carnival which had many attrac11ons. J un 1or Sta cey ,\.1 cG uire remarked, " I fou nd all the bizarre face painting, dunng the ca rn ival very 1nteres t1ng" M,tn) people not only went to the carnival, but we•e ~(so having fun h elping wilh some of the booths. Sop homore AJan Web b said, " I thought 1t "3'- funny when my fri end almost blew out the s aker at the carnival " Ian Beitzel

Show Your S pirit Freshme n Kathy T urner, Tiffany Gray, Sarah P alme r, Megan Word, Tracie Thomas, Jaime McTeer, Celeste Le1d1ch, Danielle Chappell, Teresa Emmons and Bndget McCauley ndedo\vn Was hington St reet during the Homecoming parade. Freshman Chad Butler stated, " Makmg the float was fun but challeng1ng" Photo by R Finelli


Go, D e m o n s Go Junior Jenn D1ngesshows her schoo l sp1n t by rooting for Golden dunng the Homecoming game The stands at Brooks F1t:ld were full of G HS stude nt s as they watched their tea m s victory ove r Mull e n Sophomore Matt Frost said, " Th e best part was the tnple oven 1m e ending 1n a win " Ph oto by R Fine Iii

Make W ay Golden's se nior quarterback Grant Varveri s take s hi s place next to se niors And rew Zahan as and Jason Campbell on the line of sc rimage at th is year's Homecoming game on Sept. 9, 1994 at Brook s Field. Three of Golden's tou chdowns we re <,cored by se nior Greg Schultz. Junior Kara Deca rolis sa id, "The s uspe nse of not knowing who was gomg to win the game was the worst! " Photo by R Finelli

Wh e re' s th e Ball Go in g ? J unior Mark Kohn gets ready to blo ck, while se nior Greg Schultz block s a Mu s tang who 1s daring enough to get in Grant 's way while he throw s a pass to se nior Andrew Zaharia s. Fres hman Ginny Kusy de c ided , "The best part about the game wa s the e nd when we go t a tou chdown and won I "

by R Finell1

GOLDEN 12 - rnm~,t
I ' l I

Golde n game II said fres Mu~tangs a run for the)7 s tarted off with touch downs sco r ed by j B)' the end of h a lftim e m os astic beca u se of the l ead, bu disap pointed because " the Tri

fan s ringing in m y ea r s as as going to be an exciting o ld en gave the Mullen ·e ld on Sept. 9 when first h a lf, with th e

· r Greg Schultz .

__., lden fan we very e nthu sie wer e who were e fi so ph omore Roger Stellers . By the end o -~ ,..,. - Demon fan s "'ere anything but pleased when th .,.... s took th e lead with a score of 15-14 Sophomore said, " During the third quarter was the pepped up because we weren ' t doing sow '' 1he •"",. was the heartbreak for al l the Demon fan s wn were year's game would tum out wi th a win for Golde Go tl1e game in the fourth quarter with one mighty tou t" o point conversion, the fans were all sc reaming wi


fans the third overtime Golden left the field victoriously w1 a · sco re of 34-31. Junior Mark Humphrey d eci ded , "The tea the game because of the team s pirit. '' Robin Politte, Megan Ru and Step hani e Shaw


School may sometimes get to be a bore , but when act1\ 1t1essuch as the Homecoming game are held , Golden spui t 1s en h anced This year an enormou!> crowd of over 2,500 people were at the game played against M ullen H igh School

Fortunately we were v1ctonous over Mull en. Some of the students exclaimed about the best part of the Homecommggame Sophomore Heather Wilson said It was the best because we won " Senio r quarterback Grant Varveri s th ought it was good "when the Mullen kicker missed the fie ld goal " a t the end "The poise and focus of the football team and that they never gave up, " said assistant principal Mr. Dave Anderson Other stude n ts commented about othe r odd and interesting parts of the game Junior Bobby Scott thought 11 was best " when one .> f the Golden players was hurt o n th e field and taken awa} 1n an ambulance ," J u n io r Matt Co rry ~id, It was coo l when I go t on top of the c rowd and was crowd wa lki ng " M any students said th at th is vear s Homecom ing ga m e was the greates t bccau'>e we won after three ove rt imes Senior guard and defensive tackl e S h awn Erwi n liked ,t 1hen 'we had a glo r ious victory over M ullen " Chris Cummings


This Great or What?

Seniors Ja son Campbell and Scott Keasling s h ow off smiles that mean victory for Golden after three long ove rtim es Junior Ja son And erson and soph omores Kevin Bilg e r and Ja son Eagleso n run towards the res t o f the Dem on fans while d oing a vic to ry dan ce o n the wa y. After getting d efeated by Hinkley a t la st year's Ho m ecoming game, the football team sh owed all th e fans a l o ng awaited victory dance A s Coach Loyd put it, "We have a great team, we're going to h ave a successful season "

by BJ Reyn o ld s


" Intriguing," s tate de sc ribe this year's Hom Hom eco ming dinner , Hollywes t, and The C went. Another opti so phomore L population att $8 for the ti everyone Min d y

en asked to g e word. Fo r ili ' s, Silver heels , of the places students cook for their dates like than half of GHS' s total ming dance Students paid ·ch started at 8:30 p.m., but " It was a blast," sophomore ed what she thought of the Homeor Neil M e ehan was asked why i t ce rocked because the game rocked." of the dance? ,.,When the School of Mines ted fre s hman Laura G ouak. Freshman Je ss e fun when he "saw all the fine chics. " Unfortue John Palm er had a tough night after he fell off great for seniors T as ha Marko v chi ck and S teve s they were crowned queen and king . After the dance, ents s p e nt the re s t of the night partying According to raig S utt o n , " I w e nt to the dance with (junior) Pat Engel, fterward s we went s kinny dipping at Holiday Inn.' Tiffany ey and Whitney Wilk



who attended the dance he ld in th e cafeteria at the School of Mines . Fres hman Emily Giometll ~aid, " lt was so hot , I had to have had at least ten cups of punch ." Photo by BJ Reyno lds

T he Homecoming dance, a time to party and be I with your friend s or your date, but what do you do I before the dance'> T rad1 t1 on is that the guy takes h1 I date out to a restaurant to impress her o r jus t ha ve fun Bu t these are the 90's, and th ings are different I now Th e girls treat th e guys to d inner, a grou p of friends go together, and even the same sex go to the dance together " We went to the T able Mesa Inn, and all s ix of us paid fo r three hors d 'o euvres," sa id fre s hman J essa my n S h a n ks . Junior C r ys t a l Sc h e n ek explained, " We had pizza in a lim o, and I had to pay for bot h ." " l too k my date to the Bri arwood and my father paid for half of the $70 bill ," bragged sophomo re J on Pin ea u . Some dates took a si mple approac h li ke so phomore Pri s ci ll a D vora k 's date ; " He too k me to McDona ld 's an d after we went to play putt -putt golf'' Sophomore Davi d J ohn s on said, " l JUS t met my date there at the dance ." To some, Homeco min g dinner is just a frill, but to o th ers it 's where th e fun is Senior Mik e Mont go m ery agreed, " We had more fun at d inne r th an we had at th e dance " So whether you took your dates to dinner or met th em there, 11 does n ' t matter Ju s t as long as you had fun Matt Mon tgomery

GOLDEN 14 - rnrn~t[
Ge tting Pun c h e d Senior Brett Myers accepts hi s punch with a s mile Pa rent volunteers serve d punch to ~tudents

Party Hard Sophomon:. Ca1henne Clark had an excellent time al the dance, but 1n.,1,ted 1ha1 the cafe1ena at f\.11ne., wa, 100 .,mall Many !>tudent!> got involved when popular song., were played Junior Joanna Skwara stated, "l loved the song., They were very roman11c " Photo by BJ Reynold\

YM CA , YM CA TheV1llagcPeople '-,"Y MCA" was the hit song at the dance Senior Brenda Westby and other-, crowded around the dance floor 10 make the lellers w11h the1rarm'>. Junior David [mer adm111ed, " I d1dn 't dance much, but I d,d do the YMCA Photo by BJ Reynolds

Boogie Down Senior Mark Ryerson was caught dancing to "Loser," by Beck . The DJ played a variety of rap, country, and slo\v rock Mark said, " By the end of the night , I had my tie around my head and was s1npp1ng." Ph oto by BJ Reynolds


Money . It makes the world.go round.L and the onl legal .,vay to obtain it is to work fo r. it. With o ut mon~y, buying. stuff like clothes, CD's, Big Mac 's a nd m ovie tickets is vi i;tual ly impossible. The only alternative to living without t hese thin gs is to either sell your body to sc ience or g et a s umm er job. Summer jobs are fun if you work with t he righ t p eople. Junior S anni Keskimaki commented , " I worke d wit h Bob Gre ely, Jus tin Kleineider, and John Hoppin. What an e xpe rience !" Juni or Ryan Chisholm said, "I worked with Jessi ca Dicke, Be th Bi der and Michelle Laferty. I'm jus t the luc kiest guy in th e worl d. " A summer job can be hard work, as junio r Sky Stillw ell knows after working for a veterinarian : " The w orst ,part w as cl eaning up after the animals , walking dog , doin g dishe and the laundry. " No matter what your job en tails, i t p ay s off when you get your paycheck and you spend that · hard earn ed money. Sophomore Mike Hall replied , " I spend my mone y on horse equipment, either that or food. " Senior Sarah Bo yd said," I u se d my money to buy presents for people and to'. enjo y my l a s t s ummer ." Even though money is the incentive for m ost pe ople, fr es hman David Feth sa id, " I worked for the se lf ewar d , knowingyou'vedonesomethingniceforsomeone."Well, I. wh atever you work for , s ummer jobs are an important part of high chool life . Britt I se nberger and Kristin Johnson.

o r in or eanuts

Would you ra th er work than go to sc h.JO I., These G HS s tudents found out that work 1sn 't mu ch different than sc hool , acc1de ntssli ll happen ! Camr S nuth

" l was caught slcc p1ng on the Job" - Chris Edd)

" I dropped three plates in front of a hot guy!" -Carolyn Burg

" I had to clean up throw - up at Safeway' -And ,t I s tank'" - Mark O'Dorisio

"My boss overheard me te lltn g off a customer j and he fired me ." - Teresa ewheart

" l had an eight hour volunteer JOb It s ucked not gelling pay " - Michaela ewman


HS enJoyed work.tng at Hc nta ge Square doing a vane ty of JObs , lik e working at the Alpine Sli de. So ph omo re Andrea Lante nnan s tat ed , "Th e best pan about my Job was quillin g." Ph oto by Mike Imy

A big rock fell o n my hand while l was dotng cons tru cllon work ." - Andy Silvey

" I had to cha se arumals th at go t lhro ugh a gate at Heritage Square I can lau g h about 1t now'" - Hedy Kunter


A kid puked on me at a nursery It was so gross " -Julie Hagemeister

" Wor kin g at McDonald 's IS a bad ex perience '" -Jessie Archuletta


How Much d o you get pai d? We a,kcd O\Ct" 100 ,vork1ng G<7 ldcn -;tudcnL, ,.,hat they were paid by 41 c ]lour These arc the ir rc.,po n<;e<; Under Minirum W g $830 and up 16The SO's Senior Megan Goodwtn, and Juniors Lindsey B ratt! and Hea th er Moon work at NolZ Landin g. a 50's din er, located in Hentage Square Many s tud e nts from G

A n U pl i ftin g Ex p e ri e n ce Senior.. Mike Montgomery, Tasha Markovch1ck,Ja-.on Yosha, Todd D1erk1ng and Junior Dan Beck work the Alpine Slide chairlift at Hentage Square Man1 C HS students worked at place-., hJ...e Arby'-., Bac1, and The Fort. Sophomore Melissa Groenhof ~.11d, ~1 work.ed at Decor South,vest, the best part was getting away from my little brother ·•

So rtin g T hro ug h It A ll Senior Enn Whitford files bani-.. records at First BanJ... for her summer JOb Since many GHS students dnve, gelling a job was mandatory to pay for gas, 1n-.urance, and the all important fuzzy dice Junior Jason BarJ...o,v commented, "The \V0rsl part of having a Job 1s getting out of bed · Photo by Brenda Hardman

Han g in g Arou n d

Seniors Noelle

Behrens and Corinna

Montesano clean up after hours al American E a g I e Outfit1ers 1n Villa Italia Mall The things 1ha1 most people spenl theu money on \\ere CD's, theSlOOGHS parking fee, ski equipment and clothe,; ~, earned S60 walking my dog, and ended up using my dog a-. ba11 to get hot guys • .. a,d Junior S a r a h H ebclcr

Photo b} 111

-----•• I: - ------

Stand O u ts

Fre5hman Dave

F e th and Tim

Raw so n laug h and Joke at the li g h ts and M erry

Chris tm as on each of their back packs

Clot htng ts gelling m ore and m o re expensi ve and many stude n ts f ee l th at th ey spend 100 mu c h of their earnings on clothes and other accessories.

Senior Jimmy Lindberg d1dn ' 1 see m to h ave that problem, " l only spend $20 a yea r because I need a new hat "



There are many different places to shop that are very popular with GHS st ud ent s, such as K -mart Jum or Shaden Ward thinks that the number one place to shop 1s ·•K -ma rt , becau se they have cool b lu e light specials."

Fa s hi o n in th e Makin g Fres hman R yan Artale and Joey K end ell d1 1he1r des igner skater wear co mpl ete with skat eboa rds B aggy pant s and big Tsh1rt s were found to be very co mmon especially am o ng sk aters Sophomore Kim Bellanu 's said that h er fashion pe t p eeve 1s, "wh en g1 rls' sc run chies don ' t m atc h their outfi t " Ph oto by B J Rey nold s

Photo by Finelli
1s - OJrn~lt
Th e Jo c k Look Seniors Todd Nordstrom and Yol anda Chaparo help th e athl e11 c style come to life
Photo by Tim Bl um


a "Cow with the utt er on its belly"

roam 111g

most GHS stu ( ur"rif. Junior wl1 ,n 'peo ple pier Cooper thinks that the tight rol] thei r Jeans '' ever}1011e,sow hat 's1nand w decided, "Fl u orescen t co l ors

r es hm a n Emily Giometti did. To ig deal. It 's a way to express the big fa s hion no-no is rt s." Freshman Katie en t i s when " peopl e a big influence on Rachel Montana o u wea ut ? Sop h are in. " Mo s t GJ-1S students agreed with se ni o t a nd n e a Black inks, " what eek ha s a eve1 is comfortable i s fashio n ." ior L different opinion o n what co mfortable • g wearing boxers o n a Saturday m ornin decided t}1at, "guys 1n s uits make m e di Siegesmund , "Fas hion 1s a term used to incompatible it ems of clo thin g, into a di s tinc memorab le sty le " Se nior Jeff Lee thinks that " fa s you want 1t to be II GHS is divided in to five ca tegorie}, ska ter s, preppies, jocks, cowboys, a nd the

orman or Carly t and nd else who doesn't fit into the se five ca t egories. Sophomore Rickard sai d , "I' m more like a pr e pp ie becau se I like to ha v..rith tl1em. " Robin Politte a nd Anne Fay

"Blue eye-shadow 1s the worst " - Ca rley Williams

"The double sock thing - Lyon Maharas

People that don I match. Krista Be nton

"Those nowcr people Austi n Turner

"People that tuck in their sweatshirts - Tami Rodriguez

Corduroy bell bottoms." - Sha wn For d

A guy with a girl s hair cut " - Jeff Lee

"Suspenders!" - Ja~on Ca mpb ell

"Sandals with soc~.s Kelly Savo ie

"When someone, suspenders and a bell simultaneously. Brett Myers

"Guy in biker shorts Megan Word

"When someone totally stands out " - Angie Dallon

"Bra lops worn over your shirt or without a shirt ill all." - Jennifer Reed

Guys who wear loo much cologne - Becky Doh~rt)

"Girls who don't shave al all• - Casey Bern old "BellbottomsY. 1th platform shoes

\nne Fay and Robin Politte

• Matt Coo nan

The 60' s L i ve On Freshman Renee Gemy keep s thes1xt1es alive byweanng the authentic hippy glasses The styles of the past are making a comback 1n 1994 Junior L1nd1e Hitchcock said that she saw ··a guy weannga com cob as a tail and a Buffalos shin 10 sp1n1 for the Nebraska and CU game" Photo by R Finellt

Some people think of a nught talk to your friend s befo or maybe you s leep before Either way, sc hool, or lif ways. After a while Freshman Rachel W

everyday roubne . ) ou to sleep through cl 1sc; work through cl ass rep ea t itself in man) em to become routine h the grass grow during usually lik e to go t o th~ and do nothing for Access. , sleep, and socialize" Many of garettes before sc hool and after any students mean s getting worl , " I have National Honor s Society on wim team after sc hool ." Senior Craig meworkin Mr. Pinelli' s room ." Freshmat e morning I usually go to my locker and ge• yone else." Going to school can have its up ~ ed to make school fun is in all of the GHS studen1 Kelly Voag said, " I make jokes and talk with ffi) school fun ." When asked what do you do in the chool, sophomore Crystal Swala said, " Hablo con mi'ven though the life of a teenager can be complicated, the hf( mon can be simple. Chris Cummings and Matt Montgomery

ool routine Serena Dove ys and I am o aid, " I usually a Cooper said stuff for class ddowns,so body . Soph friend s to •


Hey, Buddy, Pal, Friend Senior Jeremiah S te mer asks his friend if he got the answer for problem six yet. Many GHS students that reached their required amount of credits in English preferred not to conti nu e

Photo by J.B . Reynolds


" l hke white days better because it 's a lot easter and I don't have AP history" - Carll Co upens


Maroon days are easier because I have my drafting classes,.• Dave Johnson

" I lik e maroon days better because thats when I have my easy classes and I have easy homework ,., - Renae Seakan

Maroon days because I have t,vo gym claSl>e, and world history " - DaoeU Dittbrenner

Maroon days a lot are better because I have weight liftin g." - Drew Smith

Mar oon days because we watch a lot of movies and we have no homework " - Rachel Moodi e


Maroon days are better because l have crc1bby classes on white days " - S hann on Pyle

eneral, se ool activi id, " I like t k Deboer s lunch ." Sophomo football field, go d the trees , a Sophomore D · the CHS s unter sa id, " decide to s sc hool . done We a
Th e students at Golden High School go through the same school rou t ine every day, but ~ome Mudenls hke different color school days more than others Tamsen Stokes
"White days. because I can sleep through my classes"- Megan BurneU

It 's got to b e h ere Sophomore Sabrina Tortora searc hes for a notebook and a pencil before class s tarts " I like to roam th e hallways and talk to friends before class s tart s," said Sabnna Photo by B J Reynolds

IOh Reall y? Sophomore Becky Doherty and Kathenne Clark rethink their thought process before wnung the answer on the board for the rest of the class. Photo by BJ

That 's Like Intere s ting Man Senior Pet er Allen read s the new s paper in the library during hi s s tudent assistant class Peter commented, " Well I can't say it' s been fun 'cause ll ha s n ' t " Peter s pend s his time with hi s fnends up at the pit. Photo by R Finell!

Renyold s

Scare d ?

Senior Boyd Nelson, as Uncle Chns, shouts al Junior Courtney McNa because he doesn't unde rs tand her fear of him It took the cast over 100 hours to build the very detailed and real1 st1c set

Fa mily Matt ers Juni or Jea nn ie Miller, senior T.J Fel h,Jumor Courtney McNa, se ni or Sara h Boy d, and senio r Andrew Baer decide wh at to spend 1he1r money on, while sop homore Ellen Hale tells th e s tory of her extremely brave cal. T ic kets for the play this year were $5 , o r $4 1f you received a coupon from a cast member Ph oto by Ron Finelli

S is te rly Advice Se n ior Melinda Emanuel, play mg Mindy, and Jun ior Jeannie Mill er discuss Mind y's marriage proposal and the effecls !l w1 II have on t he family l t took much time and practice for th e cast 10 perfect 1he1r Norwegian accents which see med to s tay around for a few wee ks after the play end ed. Ph oto by Ron Finellt

I • I
Photo by R on Finelh
l 1 l ,,.. ' 7 SJ C fc tt t it V C I ( I \ c ( (

The theater darke and the audience slowly quieted. A single &potlig ht found the na of the play at her writing desk. Junior Courtney McNa, as Kathe tarted off the play alone; suddenly the stage became full of life. The I Remember Mama took the s tage and kep t the audience entranced d e whole play I Remember Mama is the biography of a girl growing u · igrant family. She i s greatly influenced by her mother who ho mily together through life. Junior Jeannie Miller starred with as the guiding light in Katheren' s life, Mama. The performers ea for around nine weeks for at least three-and-a-half hours after sch ev ay. The r es ult of all the hard work was a performance well th s -- Senior Todd Dierking sai d of Mr.John Klug, the director, 11 just listen to him and it will happen. " The perfo

at he 's doing, ule opened on Nov 3 at 7:00 and closed three days later on rehearsa l the adrenaline was flowing and the energy tl1e final bow on the final night. I Remember Mama was e it was charming and it pulled the audience into the sto viewers care what happened to the quaint Swedish fa Chilcoat and BJ Reynolds

After months of diligent preparation, the actors' hard work paid off in three nights of dazzling success. I Remenzber Mama was a triumph for the theater program at GHS, with exce l1ent acting and a wonderful set design Best of all were the performances turned in by the lead actors, \Vhose intricate facial expressions and poignant voice inflections added s pice to the already entertaining story The touching plot chronicling the memoirs of a se lfle ss mother living in an impoverished family moved the hearts of all the people in attendance When the play was done, everyone was left with memorie s of great cast and a great play Erin 1•urtak

Coffee Ta l k Junior s J e annie Maller , Bri a Hampleman and se nior Carley Siegesmund di scuss the mamagc propos 111on th eir sis te r ha s receive d over coffee Senior Enn Furtak s ta ted , " The ac to rs in th e play mu s t have spe nt a good amount of lam e mastenng their accents Th ey we re very be li evable " Photo by Ron Fin e ll,
dre ss ough

La s t Minut e Senior Michelle Groves finishes last night ' s homework dunng her lunch hour Many s tudents found that lunch was a good lime to catch up on some last minute homework " I can finish my homework for third block dunng lunch ;" stated freshman Tara Davison

Roaming the C ampu s Fre shmen Rex Single?on and Marlena Estes grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria and socialize 1n the courtyard Many students spend their lunch hour on campus because they found they d1dn ' t have enough time lo go anywhere else "We need a longer lunch hour, " said freshman Andree Foster

Photo by Stephani Shaw

C how Down Juniors Jeff Schroeder, Enk Storms, and David M ack grab a bite to eat at a nearby fast food J01nt Wendy ' s wa s one of the more popular places to eat and wa s u sually crowded " I usually go to Little Caesar' s becau se I like pizza and it ' s not usually crowded ,'' said freshman H e1d1 Ciesla r Photo by Courtney Sasa

Photo by Tim Blum
d( ag d( 01 m m B , p] ca El & S( d fli 0 p ' 1 n l

It do? How agree tha t l e a don' t have a c ar o or fast foo d joint yo

pu ss ur u s t t oo c o f lu ck . morning a nd didn ' t H machine, w h e r e d o yo u Bur{;er Ki n g, S ubwa y, o r T places to ea t, unl ess, o f co ur cafeteria. " I lik e t o go t o T aco Be Erik Ahl s trom . " I go t o Burge r ·

h e r e d o yo u go? Wha t d o yo u

e t o s p e nd ? M os t GHS s tud e nt s

t s s t a yin g in th e cafe t eria. I f yo u

t o w a lk t o a n ea rb y r es t a u ra nt mi sse d o ut o n breakfas t t his e fo r a trip t o th e ve nding

, Ta co Be ll, M cD o n a l d's, jus t a fe w of th e favori t e r t o ea t in th e sc h oo l's

's c h ea p ," s t a t es se ni or I lik e fas t food," says th a t lun c h wo uld ha,1 e to be th e b es t perio d o f th e d ay. " [ avo rit e p eriod d s," a dmit s e w o r k, because I ca n l ea v e c ampu s a nd soci aliz e freshma n Jessica Fuller . Lun c h i s a tim e socialize w ith fri e nd s, ca t c h up o n w e ll d ese didn' t ge t b eca u se y o u w e r e up a ll ni g ht fini s hin next day, a nd ea t " I like t o h a n g - o ut with m y fri e n on the la t es t happ e nin gs," says fr es hm a n Aime Page . park to h ac k.i e s a ck o r t o gr a ndm a's h o u se," says juni o r "G et a ride a nd d o lun ch a t a fri e nd's h o u se," says b o th mores Valerie Patton and Stephanie Zachrison . Tiffa n y Do

fresl1ma n Jackie Johansen . Eve ry o

Lunch the eas i est and most enjoyab l e 55 mmules of the day The one challeng1ng question about lunch 1s, where shou l d we go today ? Senior t\-tatt Kas par said, "On Tuesdays it 's Subway becau5'c 11 ts double stamp day and for the rest of the Wcl!k 11 s Taco Bell because I can get a seven layer burrito s1xsoft tacos and a Nachos Bellgrande for all under six bucks." Bei ng able to dnve and gelling to your favorite fast food restaurant day after day must be really great. For those who can't drive, they hav e to find ano t her place to eat l unch Freshman Laura E kb erg said, " M y favori te place to eat lunch as 10 M r Stoke's room ,. I t 's alway good to have a place to go to, to JU St relax and let the pre"-Sure s of the day go away ll 's great lo gel off campus and go get so me greasy hamburgers and a large Coke to pump you up for the last rcmamang cl~ of the school day Senior Neil l\.1ee han said, I enJoy Wendy's becau se of all th e greasy food , and the food there tastes really good." In conclusion, havi ng a favo rite place to go is grcilt even though 1t may mean gaining a few pounds from those l arge orders offncs you got evcryd.i_ Tara O

Lunch at Dave 's Seniors Joy Sumner, Tatum Mattox , and Laura Duke gather al W endy's for lunc h Chea p prices and student di scou nts were what attra cted mo st G H S student s 10 nearby r esta urant s According to Junior Kall e Bo sio , " I go any where that s chea p and tastes good, but th at 1sn ' t too far away '" Ph oto by Cou rtney Sasa


It 's 2 :15 o n a Frid flocki n g t o th eir car s ca ll ed s c h oo l . T hi civilize d fo r s ev

a r e h o u

t . Stud e nt s a r e fr o m thi s pri s on e d t o think a nd ac t et m e a w ay. " A s , ve lik e, " H ey m a n wh a t ar e s ta m pe d e t o w o m e, yo u d o in g t 1g ht ?" o r weeke nd ? 11 n owb oa th e ir w ee k e nd s du ·

up t o Wint e r P a r Pa tr o l ." So m e B m a n Jennifer e nd s," o r · fo r a wh fr es hrn like

yo u go up t o hit th e s l o p es thi s a nd s kiin r e tw o w ays s tud e nt s s pend e wint e r . Juni o r Sarah Hebeler sai d , 11 1 go w ee k e nd b eca u se I a m o n th e Juni o r Ski h ave unu s u a l h obbies t o fill th e ir tim e . Fres holds s t a t e d , 11 ! go bun gee jumpin g o n th e w ee ko r Roshelle Walters wh o a n s w e r e d , 11 ! a m trainin g ir r ace. " T h e r e a r e m o r e traditi o n a l an s w e r s like ah Palmer's o n e : 11 1 go s h o ppin g with m y fri e nd s, 1 or o r e Ian Jackson wh o said , 11 ! wat ch T V fo r 12 s tr a ight :A nd fin a ll y th e r e a r e th e p eo ple wh o think o f o th e r s o n th e d a nd s p e nd tim e wi th th e ir fa mily. T ake se ni o r Erin Furtak, s t a n ce, wh o sai d , " I pl ay ch ess with m y gr a ndm o th e r a nd bake o ki es with h e r ." " Wh a t a s w ee th ea rt! " Wh e th e r s p ee ding down a o unt a in o r l ying a r o und th e h o u se ~ ay, s tud e nt s alwa ys enjoy th ei r tim e a w ay fro m G H S Katy R ~ nd M e lissa Palme r


G e r

Wha t is your fa v orit e movie qu o te? It cou ld be fr o m an y mov ie.s uc h as O ld Ye ller o r i v y all Earp. I

It co uld a lso b e on e o f your fa vorite sayi ngs

He re's a l is t o f people 's res po nses to that qu es tion

Kri s hn J o hn son

Fro m th e mov ie Ind ecent Prop osa l, " Did I ' eve r te ll yo u th a t I love yo u ? No l do....S t ill ?.... Yes.. " - S arah E rwin

" Let me as k you on e qu esti o n Do yo u f ee l

luc ky?" from th e movi e D i r ty Horry -

J o el N e ls on

Fro m Jura ssi c Parle, "God c rea tes din osa ur, God kill s d inosa ur, God c reat es ma n, Ma n kill s Go d, ma n c reat es din osa ur, din osa ur kill s ma n Wom a n 1nhe nt s Earth ." -

C ari ssa Lauw e rs

Do The Mashed Potato So ph o mo res Bec ky Dohe rt y, Ma rk H1c km a n, Bn a Ham pl e man, a nd se ni or T iffa ny Bec kw ith s trut th ei r s tuff a t th e Ho meco min g da nce. Th e re a re o th e r ac t1 v 1t1es peo pl e do to s pe nd their fr ee 11me th a t do n' l in vo lve mov ie th ea ters or parties. J u nio r S ha nn on Py le re pli ed, " I go da ncin g at Roc k Is la nd " Ph o to by BJ Rey nolds


Liar 1 Lia r1 I ' m not a w itch , I'm yo ur w ife a nd a ft e r what you j us t sa id , I' m not eve n s ure I wa nt to be th a t an y mo re," fr o m Th e Prin cess Bride - S hann o n Pyl e

" Ditt o," from Gh ost - Dan e ll Dittbrenn e r

" Yo u ne ve r kn ew wh a t life was until 11 ra n o ut in a red gus h ov e r yo ur lip s," fr o m th e movi e Int er vie w w ith a Vam pi re - C arl ey

William s

GOLDEN 26 - rnm~tf
• I e

So Man y C h o ices So L ittl e T im e Sen ior Angie Joh n son sea r ches for the right movi e t o r ent f o r a slumbe r party ,he Is prepanng to have T he new Go l den Recrea tion Center,., a magne t for C H S students Jun i or Keala M urdock said, I love the Rec center, cspec1ally 1hewatersl1de II rocks" Photo by BJ Reynolds

Put Yo ur Le ft Foo t In Freshman Billy Proncchen plays hacky sac ou t on the track during access H ac k y sac 1 , a favorite act1v11y for students at GHS Sophomore M att Roger.. said, H acky sac 1s fun when you kick 11so the other per..on can't get 11 • Photo by R Finell,

Aim Hi gh? Jumor Jeremy Ballenger look, up to see 1f he really wants to climb the chmbingwall at the Rec Center Some students are the outdoortype who hke to get a adrenaline rush Senior Matt Thomas said, J love to mountain bike and rock chmb because It gives me a good work out "

Photo by BJ Reynolds

Goes i n Rig ht H ere Senior Craig Martin hunches down to place a movie into the VCR at a party I n today ', changing world people find many way, to relieve the pre-.sure, of school and work Take ,ophomore Anna Kelso who ~,d, " I learn all kind, ot yoga po,turc, during the weekend ·

Photo by Tim Blum

• - \ ' J ~.( ~t ,.:- .,,,. " \:' , I
• ""' ,.,, • • • I I I

One More Time Freshman Lauren Milner cames her sled back up lh'- htll before taking another run Sledding ha~ always been a popular pasttme for most GHS students " I have been s ledding ever s in ce I learned how much fun it really was to get wet and wild," said Junior Jerry D1nze s Photo by Amber Camey

C h eers Amigo Fre s hman Dave Feth enJoys a virgin da1qu1ri while cn11s1ng around Mexi co GHS students s pent time away from home and cold weather over winter break. " I s pent my vacation at Universal Studios and Walt Di s ney World in Florida , as well as laying out on the beach, s urfing , and water s k11ng," sa id sophomore Amy T1etson Photo by T Rawson

Down Under J unior Jonathan Pray snor kel s off the southwest side of Mau, Whil e some were off snokeling in salt waters, others were swi mming in the fresh water " I thought winter break would give me a chance 10 relax, but I spe nt every afternoon at swim pract1cea1 the Golden Recreation Center," complamed sophomore Meredith Keaung Photo by T. Pray


You arrive home from sc hool o little brother ha s erased your es Warrior s" on your comput phomo Benton sums up g by simpl g, " You can't print h e r r e lation s hip with he ems to be a fa · ical attitude at GHS . what I have to say."

Often, the younger · or si s ter. " It s u junior Kelly D th ei r little b


se nior, sa 1 that h e i s with res sc hool co mpla · sibling b considera children· by saying it would are twi Mich and

am that your playing " Space

amily feel s con ed by their older brother a use my sister ks she's my mom, " said Other times , p le think that they are doing sister a favor · st by existing. Erin Furtak, a tle brother is lucky because everyone will think m ." Being an older brother or sister also comes Having to drive your sibling to and from anywhere else he wants to go is a common ha Thomas adds, " It 's hard to keep track of my a fre s hman and she runs around." Things get omplicated when there are more than two Casey Bernal, also a so phomore, s upported this

eing in the middle. " Just think how complicated · e fre s hmen Troy and Vanessa Hannemann who lly, sibling relaiton s hips aren' t all bad. Sophomore eider stated, " My older brother acts like my dad to me e my mom to my younger sister, so it all works out pretty rik Lo se man and Jonathan Pray

" My t eachers always remember me because of my s ister." -Tiffany Dovey

" I know if he gets into any tro ubl e ." - Julie Heinz

" Two thin gs - blackmail, and everyone knows my brother so I'm a s tep ahead."

-Matt Montgomery

" My sis ter i s like th e s un - a flaming ball of hot air" - Liam Burnell

" My sis t e r used to hang me by the buckles of m y jeans and leave me places I really hated 1t !" -Nicole Smith

" I wa s really sad when m y sis t er graduated ea rl y th is year I mi ss her now ." -Jon Palmer

GOLDEN 30- rnm~a
Ho ld Up Senior Tim Blum and ha s sis ter, sopho more, Jennifer learn importan t s i gnals whale l earni ng how to scub a dive during th eir vaca t ion an Jamaica during Winter Break Not everyone fight s with their sib ling Junior J D M c Murtry pointed out , " M y sib ltng's nice , we get along.'' Photo courtesy of the Blum family

How Should I Know? Troy a nd Van essa Hann e man n co ns ult abo ut an assignm en t. Hav in g a sib lin g 1s a lso a mea ns o f meettng new pe opl e Se ni o r My les Harv ey sa id , " Dn v in g my s ibli ng's fri e nds aro und 1s rea ll y fu n " p ho to by Am be r Ca m ey

Grrrr! C har lo ll e and Juh e Park er so lve th eir di s put es by arm -wres tling Bro thers and S is ters e nJ oy 1nterac t1n g du ri ng th e day Jun io r David Pa lm er s tated, " We ge t to d iscuss upco min g fam ily ac t1v 1t1 es" ph oto b y Am be r Ca m ey

I n Yo u r Face! John and L\:O nardo Pope stare each o th e r down in t he hall

Often, hav ing or being a s ibling can be u sefu l Junior David Mac k stated t hat, • M y ol der brothe r helps me to ge t things I need " photo by Ambe r Ca m ey

lUi ce lP, nt lS. er 1g m ) fl l~ '\ ;e t 110 ,

Happ y Birthda y! Holla Byerly 's 18th birthday was one exc11tng moment 1n the lounge November 29, 1994 was th e day in which a s trange monkey man showed up to embarrass Holli Moments afterward Holla sai d , " Birthdays are great 1n the Senior Lounge especia lly with strange monkey men flying in "

Haogin ' Around Man, s ha MahaJan, Jeff Jackman and Bryan Marshall hang out in the lounge dunng Access The Senior Lounge has many good qualities se niors can study, talk to their friend s orJust hang out Wade Lowe tell s it the way he sees it " It 's a good place to ditch ."

Breakfa s t Shannon Kelley and Kri s ti Denner s pend their Access eating brea kfas t in the Senior Lounge The lounge is one of the few places in the sc hool wh e re people can eat. Todd Nord s trom said, "The lounge is a great place to hang ou t Your buds are there all the time to talk to ."

GOLDEN 32 - rnm~tf
Photo by Stacie Dnggers Photo by Tim Blum Photo by Tim Blum

The S · e th e cas tl e o f th e C H S hi e r a r c h y th a t each of t h e u scamper thr o ugh o n ce t o b e a ble t o o n e d ay si t in . T h ey · e h o pin g n o t t o ge t tr a mpl e d , stuffed i n a tr as h c an, ge dlik e R e fl ec tin go n so m ew h a t ea n i t u se d t o b e a grea t better times Shaine Wi aid, " It i s, place to find girls." Th e sa Stac i e Driggers, Tatum Ma who said, 11 We u se d t o b e abl e

mal e p o int ySumnera · d m e n h e r e;

was expressed by anda Chaparro, w e ca n find is imma ture littl e b oys runnin g insignifica nt pr o ble m s, th e Se ni o r d ." Exce pt , Jas on Campbell sa id, " It 's a ut o pi a

g ht up

to be." A lth o u g h we t e nd n o t t o lik e th e f ac t, th e Se ni


lot like T .V ., o r so Erin Whitford, Megan Goodwin an Sawyer think: 11 It' s like a bad 9 021 0 r e run ." To e nd o n a p os

Ne il Meehan co n c lud es, " It's a goo d r es tin g pl

Saunde r s


The Senior Lounge is a great place to do whatever one sees fi t to do Some of the best things about the lounge include: "There are no immature underclassmen," Jen C ookso n " The Sex Drugs, and Rock and Roll ," Ja s on Barnard And· The best gossip around," And y Ba er The couche5, the "G" and the cumu lative senior lockers art' pan of the reason the Senior Lounge is secluded from the main drag" of life at G HS S t eve Sbenfis h hkes the lounge because " !l 's a place 10 hang with fnends and relax " Access 1s one of the times when the Senior Lounge 1s packed with peoplt one can barely find room to ge t through to one's locker. But somehow all the people in there

5eem to fit 10 with the memory makrng As each ~aydragson, the senior lounge has people drifting in dnd out, but by lunch time not a senior can be I Jund. This is the on ly lime that underclassmen have a taste of the sec luded cas t le life of the ounge Wha t draws so many seniors to the lounge one might ask? Ly dia Ras con , As hley S peir and Co urtney T urner agreed "Nothing s pecial! "


are ,o many weird people in here, so I don ' t feel ~"' alone Katherine Saunders


I However, Kara Bla ck has a different view : TherePhoto by Ron Finelh

Surrounded by Women Tim Blum and Junior Ian Ba tes sit on the senio r couches under a pile of girls. The Senior Lounge is a place where seniors can be advised of things going on e11her on the weekend s or within the next six months John Mon ckton sa id that the Senior Lounge 1s " a place to hang and be happy "STUDENT LIFE -33

o n s l
Overgaar eyo u ca nb e 's th e pl ace
. n ge 1s a
e i s s till e n jo e pin g off yo Ka t
ese s m a ll, m a n y . day Night Foo tball han gove r , th a t mu s t b e 's kind o f s m e days." Sl ee p i s d e finit e l y so methin g th a t th e e i s a goo d pl a •
excep t , so f e w co u c h es so many p eo ple t o g Anot h e r p oint o f vi e w i s th a t o f Jessica Wage Me li s sa Ill, and Sara Mee a gre e in g th at " it's a plac y·ourself." H o w eve r , Tasha Markovchick jus t said th
oun 1n rou

Br e akfa s t

T im e Mrs. Gibbs , Melinda Emanuel , serves her two child ren George , Todd Dierking , and Rebecca , Elle n Hale , a healthy breakfas t before they ru s h off to school Senio r Enn Hawkin s, who plays the town gossip, Mr s Soames, sa id , , like playmgagoss ,p I get into her character by pretending I'm 1n the Sen , o r Lounge Photo by Ron Finelh

A Strawberry Ice C ream S oda , Plea s e Emily , Jeannie Mill er, and George , Todd D1 erk1ng, tell the s tage manager, Dan Matlock , about Emily's near co lli sio n with a ho rse cart on Main Street while they order ,ce cream sodas. Senior Stacie Driggers , who was an extra 1n Our Town said, " I like my pan because I love being dead! " Ph oto by BJ Reynolds

R eall y? Emily , Jeannie Mill er, asks her mother, Mrs Webb , Carh S1egesmund , if s he is pretty Ti ckets for Our Town were $5 or $4 if you got a coupon from one of the cast members . SeniorT.J. Feth , who pl aye d Doc Gibb s said , " I ge t into character by as kin g people if they will play doctor with me! "

by Ron Fin el Ii

• •·

The a u · ec omes qui · ght s go d o wn a nd th e curtain goes up manage r , y se ni o r Dan Matlock, is standmg a l o ne on s every day li fe in Gro ve r Sudde nly t h e s ta ge co m es aud1ence int o th e lives and f ee

e b e gin s O u w n b y t ellin g u s a b o ut r , a s mall t in th e early 1900' s. th e ca s t co so n a nd pull s th e e char ac t e T h e play foc u ses 1

on the Gibb s famil y and th e W e Th e play o w s th ese tw o fan11lies t hr o u g h every d ay li£e, I second ac t Geo r ge G ibb s, playe d b ys Webb p l aye d b y junio r Jeannie Mille Jeannie sa id, " Playin g E mily i s n o t hard me, who fa lls in l ove with h e r c hildh oo rehearsed eve ryda y a ft e r sc h oo l fo r thr ee h o student d irec t o r s aid, " Th e ac t o r s b eca m e th e

. a th . In th e Dierki and Emily a nd g a rri e d . a gir t like II TH rehearsa l ." One s uper s titi o n that th e ac t o r s o f O own h whistling in th e th e atr e b ecau se wh e n yo u d o, thin g d p eo p The p l ay o p e n e d o n Ja n 26 a nd wh e n it cl ose d o n 28 it receive d mu c h applau se a nd praise. Fr o m th e fir s t w o r id b y th e s tage ma na ge r t o th e l as t t ea r s h e d at E mily's fun e r a l, r Town capture d th e a udie n ce's h ea rt s a nd s h o w e d th e m h ow prec really 1s. Ka t y Rat z and Kati e M cWilli a m s

Each of the eight plays I have done al Golden High School has been a new and umque experience. I enjoy doing thea tre because I enJoy being able to escape the stress of schoo l and be somebody else afh:1 school. Each play incorporates more work than any cl~. but 1t 1s enJoyable work a labor of love!

F.ach ~hardcte r 1s a learning expenence, whether 1t be a Shakespearean s1 ngerwho cries at wedd I ngs in As Youl 1/ce/t, ora peanuts p1amst 10 You ' re a Good Alo I Cliarlte Brown, to a rei.arded gen ius inFlowers for \lgerlU)n

Golden High School has a reputa t ion fo r pun mg on good theatre, and J th ink t his 1s a reflec11on of the d1rcc1or ~tr John Klug He has taugh t me so much jbou1 both theatre and non-t hea t re subJects I definitely owe a resound in g thank you" to this ~aid guy with the pony - tai l 1 suggest to all the undercl J,;sman to take advantage of this rare oppor1un11v to do high school t hea t re be fore 11 is too late.

uan Matlock

n ;ti~
Come On Bes sie Doc Gibb s, T .J Feth , 1s reading t he paper while Howie New so me, lan Bal es, pulls on his confused cow Senior Todd Dierking said, " The most 1nteres11ng things that happen 1n rehearsal are the real ghosts that v1sil us in the graveyard scene " Photo by Ron F1ne lli

What A Rec

The new Golden Communi ty Center opened this October It ha s been a popular place for OHS s tudents to train for their seaso nal s ports and to relax with their friends afte r sc ho o l The fa c1l1ty has a lap pool , a water s lide, a climbing wall , a weight and cardiovasc ular exe rcise room a nd a running tra ck, along with a gym and va n o u s rooms for d1 fferent activities

GOLDEN 36- mm~

E litc h 's Anyone? The Elit ch 's Amusement Park th at has been 1n th e same s pot for over a hundred years was clo se d las t fall and moved downtown The new park will have more s pace , and room to grow 1n the future Par kin g 1s a conce rn for many people , howeve r, as the area mu s t co mpete with downtown s hopping , Coors Fi e ld, and a future facility for the Nuggets

Ph oto by Ron Finelli

We Didn't Start The Fire Terrible fo rest fire s ravaged t he Western s lope, killing 14 fire fighters Reinforcements were brought in from different s tate s to figh t the blaze that bla ckened a total o f three m illion ac res around Glenwood Spri ngs It was th e worst fire 1n the na ti on s ince th e 1920 's Ph o to cou rt esy of the Denver Pos t

Photo by Ro n Fine lli
i -• 4:, t '-'. . • .. .. .. ' • • • • .. • I'! II '(
I • °Yr • ' l -

Let's fa the grea tes t o u and altho u g h it c an an abund an ce o f art fe s

i s a gr e at pla ce t o liv e. W e h ave so m e o f es, th e b es t s kiin g in the Unit e d S t a t es, , it's n o t as b a d a s Ant a r c ti ca. W e h ave nd ce l e bratio n s in th e cit y, ye t a s mall inut es a w ay . Plu s w e h ave C h e rry tovv n atmos ph e r e i s o nly Creek Mal l, n ee d I s ay m o r

We a r e fe rv e ntly hopin \vill open t hi s y e ar . Du e t o poo problems, th e o p e nin g ha s been de Co lorado t ax paye r s ar e b e ginning s ta11ds fo r " dumb id e a after-all. "

e nv e r Int e rnati o n a l Airp o rt actin g and b aggage sys t e m s in ce O ct o b e r 1 993. M os t that D I A r ea lly

l oca l m e r c h a nt s, ch a ndi se. So m e to bear Coo r s Fie ld i s s till in the pr ocess b e ing intentio n t o b e open fo r th e ' 95 se a so n , with th e Maj

1 he ba se ball s trike ha s had a maj o r im espec ia ll y th ose wh o d e al in profess i o nal s p o are going o ut o f bu s in ess be c au s e the finan cia

i s t oo mu ch with e v e ry s trike s in ce Augu s t

The r ece nt numb e r o f C alifo rni a n s m o vin g t o Co l o attemp t t o ge t away fr o m th e crim e, eco n o my a nd o v e r c r o Califo rnia, o nly s how s why p eo ple want to liv e h e r e. So h o l nead high and b e pr o ud that y o u ar e a Co l o rad a n , a nd n o t an Yorker. Britt I se nb e rge r.

Riding the Rail s Denver in st alled a new fonn of publi c tran sport at Ion called Light Rail , a train that run s on elect nc1ty inst ead of gas

The sys tem Is mu c h m o r e econom i cal, quie t er and qui c ker than t he bu s service Light Rail travels I n areas suc h as the 16th Stre et M all and t hree people ha ve d i ed due to co lh s1on with th e trains Pho to co urt esy of th e Denver Pos t

.' I ' t ... r --- I •
• I
Election Day Governor Roy Romer and h i s wife B ea, look at a sample ball ot as they prepare for the elect i on agains t Repub lt can Bru ce B en so n Romer was elected governor, but due to the election of man y republica ns into Congress, he will now have to work wit h a H ouse and Senate of republi ca n majority Ph oto courtesy of the Denver Pos t

Fee li o' Groovy Aft er h earing ab o u t t h e l egend ary roc k f es tiv al fro m th eir parent s f o r yea r s, a new gen era tion se i ze d th e o ppo rt unit y 10 hav e a f es ti va l of th eir o wn and orga nize d W oo ds t oc k '94 Th ou sa nd s o f peo pl e arri ved a t Sau gerti es, N ew Y o rk t o enjoy th e 2 4 ho ur a d ay mu si c, in vo l vi ng an y thin g fro m f o lk mu si c t o r oc k Ph o to b y A ssocia t ed Press

Th e w o rld turn s, a wa r a nd p e a ce; t ear s a n th e c urr e nt eve nt s o f b o mb s h e ll s h a tt e rin

ife and d ea th; o f life r e fl ec t e d in th e s d o f th e d e af e nin g ath, tot qui e t whi s p e r o f a child, ular s o writ e r Elto n J o hn, " It s a th e w o rld turn s. A twi s tin g Ka l e id o s tum " With eve ry i ss u e, w e t oo a r e a ff ec t e

It is in thi s r e w o rld a nd T hi s ye in vo l ve p e n a l th e

·cat e d t o th e yea r o f 1 99 4 and th e s.

t o igne d a $3 0 milli o n crim e bill which d I assault wea p o n s a nd a ll o win g th e d e ath d e r a l crim es. Ne l so n M a ndel a wa s e l ect ed m e an presid e nt in th e co untry' s fir s t all-ra ce t e min o rity rul e. And th e W o rld Se ri es wa s n ' t e t o a s trike b y b ase b a ll pla ye r s a ft e r o wn e r s tried ca p t o r e du ce cos t s.

tury a uth o r , C h a rl es Dicke n s wro t e in A T al e Of T wo as th e b es t o f tim es, it w as th e w o r s t o f tim es, it wa s the age m , it w as the age of foo lis hn ess, it w as th e e p oc h o f b e lief, i t e e p oc h o f in cr e dulity , it w as th e seaso n o f li g ht, it wa s t h e so n o f d a rkn ess, it wa s th e s prin g o f h o p e, it w as th e winter of es p a ir " So it w as in 1 99 4 Britt Ise nb er ge r

i a ted Press

GOLDEN 38 - rnlt~
J ui ce Fee ls The S qu eeze Footb all legend O.J Simp so n w as accuse d of brut ally murd er i ng hi s exw1 fe, Ni co l e Bro wn S imp so n and h er f ri en d Ro nald Go ldm an Th e tnal int eres ted th e pub l ic so mu c h th at ev en th e prelimin ary hea ring\vas nati on all y t el ev ise d Ph o t o b y A ssoc

Yellow Submarine Thousands of Cuban Refugees boarded makes hift rafts 1n an attempt to flee the regime of Fidel Castro and 1mm1grate to Flonda President Cltnton ended 28 years of favored treatment , and refu sed entry into the Unned States He then orde red U S Navy s hip s to intercept the refugees and detain them to the Navy base at Guantanamo bay Photo by Associa ted Press

It 's A Deal Israe li Pnme Minister Y1tzhak Rabin and King Hu ssein of Jordan s hook hand s before President Clinton tn a Mideast Peace ceremony at the Wh ite House The peace treaty ended 46 years of war betwee n the two na11on s. Ph oto by Associate d Pr~

What A Kick!

The 1994 World Cup socce r competi 110n was played 1n the United States In 1h1s photo Arnenca played Braz1 I and lost 1-0 1n the second round Brazil advanced to the final round.and played against llaly gotng into a t1ew11h Brazil winning 3- 2 in the s hootou l Orlando Dall as, Detroit, Chicago, Wa shington DC , Pasadena , L. A and Bos ton all were host c111es to the W orld Cup Ph oto by A ssoc iated Press

'1 a l l ! ;

Top Comedy TV Shows

Top Hour-Long Shows

Top Box Office Mevies

1 Seinfeld 2. H o m e Impr ove m e nt 3. Grace Under Fire 4. Mad About You 5 . Frasier 6. Win gs 7. Fresh Prince o f B e l - Air 8. R osea nne 9. Murphy Bro wn 10. The Nanny GOLDEN 40 - OJm~( t 1. Sc hindl er' s 2. Sp ee d .·· 4. Jura ssic Pa . anu R eeves T o m Hanks Sam Neill JuliaRoberts Denis L eary, Judy Davis Doubtfir e Robin William s Ace Ventura: P e t Detectiv e Jim Carrey 9. F o ur W e dding s and a Funeral Andie Ma cDowell 10. City Slickers II ens o
1 ER 2 NYPD Blue 3. Star Trek : Deep Space Nine 4. sea Qu es t DSV 5. Sisters 6 . Beverly Hills 90210 7. Cosby My s terie s 8 Party of Five 9. Earth 2 10 . X-Files Billy Crystal • e 1me
1. Forrest Gump 2. Lion King 3. Qear and Present Dange;. 4. Stargate 5. TheMask 6~ Tr ue Lies 7 The Santa Clau se 8. Star Trek Generations 9.. Pul p Fiction 10. Dumb and Dumber

Top Selling Albums

Top Best Selling Si n g les


Best Selling Fiction Books

Best Selling Nonfiction Books

1. II 2. 1he Lion King 3. Forrest G u mp 4. Dookie 5. 3 Tenors in Concert 6. The Sign 7. The Jerky Boys 2 8. Hell Freezes Over 9. MTVUnp lugged in New York 10. Duets II BoyzIIMen Sou n dtrack Soun dtrack Green Day Carreras, D o mingo, Pava r otti Ace of Base The Jerky Boys Eagles Nirvan a Frank Sinatra 1:1 I: 1_ f ll Make Love to You 2 Stay 3. Endless Love 4. When Can I See You 5 Wild Night 6. All I Wanna Do 7. Can You Feel the Love Tonight 8. Shine 9. DonrtTu mAround 10. !Swear
1 Disclosure 2. Fo rres t Gump 3 Like W ate r For C h oco late 4 Pearl in th e Mi s t 5. Insomnia 6 C lear and Present Danger 7 The Celestine Prophecy 8 Debt of H ono r 9. Without Rem orse 10. Gone But Not Forgotton Michae l Crichton Wins t o n Groom Laura Esquivel V C Andrews S teph en Kin g Tom Clancy James Redfi e ld Tom Clancy Tom Cla ncy Phillip Margoli n
1 The Ship ping News 2 Care of the So ul 3 La s her 4 Where Angel s Walk 5 All the Pretty H o r s es 6 Chicke n Sou p f or the Soul 7 Hi s Ki sses are Dreamy 8 Mama Make s Up Her Mind 9 Gumpisms 10 The Road Le ss Traveled E Annie Pr o ulx Thomas Moore Anne Rice J oan W Anderson Co rma c Mc Cart hy Ja ck Canfie l d and Mark H ansen Be rkel ey Breathed Batl ey White Win s t o n Groom M Sco tt Peck, M D
Lisa Loeb Luther Vandro ss, • Mariah Carey Babyface John Mellencamp Sheryl Crow Elton John Collective Soul Ace of Bass All-4-One STUDENT LIFE - 41 I ' ' '

H S a thl e ti cs: I t's a b o ut co mp e titi o n , d e te rmin a ti o n s tre ngth a nd s p o rt s man s hip I t's abo ut th e victo ri es th a t m a k e u s c h a mpi o n s a nd th e d e fea t s th a t h e lp u s t o gr o w a nd b eco m e b e tt e r co mp e tit o r s. It 's a b o ut t ea m cam arade ri e a n d pullin g toge th e r a s a sc h oo l. It's abo ut p e p asse mbli es a nd tail ga te parti es a nd s upp o rtin g e ach o th e r .

Th ere a r e th e gru e li n g h o urs o f pr acti ce th a t h e lp th e pl aye r s b eco m e co n te n de r s G H S a thl e ti cs h ave a To u c h o f Victo ry Sp o rt s a r e an o utl e t w h e r e s tud e nt s ca n b eco m e i n vo lve d a nd di s play th e ir • tale nt s It 1S a gro up o f i n divi duals co min g t oge th er to fun c ti o n as o n e. Each p e r so n with a diffe r e nt s tre n gt h th a t th ey a r e r ea d y t o co mbin e with o th e r s t o co mplete th e t ea m . NO individu a l can take th e pla ce o f a t eam . It is th e o n e area wh e r e w e ca n fo r ge t abo ut th e diffe r e n ces b e tw ee n th e cl asses a nd w o rk to g e th e r a s a sch oo l to • ac h ieve co mm o n go al s. W o rkin g har d to h e lp th e t e am s r eac h th e ir p o te ntlal is Mr

P a t H a rri so n, th e n e w a thl e ti c dir ec t o r thi s yea r a t G H S Hi s ex p e rtise h e lp s giv e Go ld e n a To u ch of Vic to ry

At G H S f a ll s p o rts o f t e nni s, so ftball , cross co untry, golf, foo tball, gymna s ti cs, vo ll eyba ll , a nd socce r a ll h a d s u ccess ful seaso n s, wh e th e r it b e winnin g le ague, • r eac hin g th e s t a te pl ayo ffs o r impr ovin g fr o m la s t ye ar. Th e wlfit ers port s like b oys' a nd girl s' b as k e tb a ll , wres tlin g and girl s' s wimmin g a ll s trive d t o b e the be s t th ey co ul d b e a nd a tt a in e d th e ir o wn goa l s Th e s prin g s p o rt s o f track, ba se ball, girl s' go l f, b oys ' s wimmin g, gi rl s' te nni s and girl s' socce r fini s h e d off th e ye ar' s s p o rtin g ac ti vi ti es b y r e a chin g n e w l eve ls of int e n si ty, winnin g and s p o rt s man s hip . Th ese

t e affisand th e a thl e t es s triv e t o b e th e b es t th ey ca n b e, and k ee p GH S athleti cs

alive with th e ir To u c h O f V ict o ry . Co urtn ey Sas a and Tim Blum


42 - ~~lO~l ' •

Perfect 10 Junior S ta cy McGuire lands her vault in perfect fonn 1n a mee t held at Broomfi eld Hi g h School Gymnasts s uffered fr om a s mall squad but s till had a s uccessfu l season, bettenng l ast year's record

Squash Fore ign exc han ge s tud ent Yamaguchi Nasu h iko fights against hi s opponen t to not ge t pinn ed in hi s match The wres t lers bro ke new g round with girl s on the team fo r th e first time in O HS hist ory

\-\ONJ , '--v~'ut~ up? -=s- donA knolu <-0~'\Qt-\o ~G..\./ ,, ~w_,.\ ,Jou •l\t\.tt> rv-e Lt)-e...

S h o0 td Cct, pe0\. 10 ~C'AltZ c:,n (?L~ ., 11 N 0..\/< c, '(j<X?ri s Ov\'\lfv(..,V--

5 \0. y Gu-\ cl- Sh,!.\- .



Ja mmin' 6' 8" Senior Sean Corcora n jams it home for tw o in a playoff win ,:,a ms t Lakewood Bo ys' basketball had a number of leapers who co uld dunk 1h, ost at will Their first year und er Coach Bob S tokes netted s ix win s

- 43

" Golden 's quarterback is back in the shotgun 53, 21, 861 hut, hut, HIKE! There's the snap. The quarterback passes to an open wide receiver in the end zone . The ball is in a perfect spiral. Golden scores and wins the game 27 to 20. Golden played an almost flawle s s, and wonderful game. " Football i s no~ always about winning and l osing, butaboutteamworkand dedication. T h e football team practices every afternoon after

school . Their practices consis t of drills , pep talks , and of course, lots and l ots of running. Unfortunately, this s eason the team was defeated by o ur all time rival, Wheat Ridge. Senior Jason Campbell unhappily s tat ed, " It was definitely a disappointment to the year's achieveme nt s, especia lly to this year' s grad uating cl ass. " The school spirit was rather lively thi s year at th e Homecoming game, where we defeated Mullen in triple over-

time at Brooks Field. Senior Jesse Bielak entausias ti ca lly sa id, " Overall th e t eam improved, but in some si tuati o n s we just didn' t see m t o click." Senior Grant Varveris had a spectacular passing year as the Golden quarterback Junior Matt Rillos excitedly commented, " I' d like to make a career ou t of football. " This year' s t eam finished with an overall record of six wins and four losses Kristin Johnson and Tara O ' Neill


s; __ : 49 t ............~---•< 49 ,----•
Pu s h um ' Back Seni ors Ja so n H errin gt on, and An d rew Za h an as pu t th eir ann s 1n th e air to ch ee r aft er a g r ea t de f ensive play Th is year's t ea m kn o w s th at sw1 t ch ingcoach escan o ft en be diffi cult. Se nio r Ne il M ee h an s t at ed, " W e h ad a bad se ason wi th a n ew coac h " Ph o to by R Fine ll i
First Row : Joh n M onckton, David Pa lmer, Dre w Smith, J oson Ha ll, G reg Schultz Second Row : Dan Pe tro (coach). Da vi d Bradder, T o m Du~lcr, M i ke M onck ton, Joke Thompson. Gary Boatm a n, M all Dn<,e0II, M all Kaspar {lnuner) Third Row : M all Loyd (co:ich). B ill P<Kpi$1] (coach), DJ H agberg, Chn~ Hom, Neil M eehan, S ha wn Erwin, M ark Kohn, Kevin B 1lger,Adam W ieber, Randy B le'lh (coach) Fourth Ro~ ()<.c.,r S:indl, Ja.wn Hernng1on, David M ac k, Todd Nordstrom, Craig Su lio n, Shaine W ieber, Shay W ard , Dave Sidw ell (eo;,ch) Fif\h Row : Shane Par ker, Randy Hadw1gcr, Ja.wn Campbell, Gdf M allow, Jc.~ B iela k, Sieve Barlow, Joe O' B nen, Ja.wn AndeNOn, Mau R ill~ Back Row : Gn,nl Varveri, Andrew Zahan..s, Juslln Hi ll, A aron Cheuvront, M ar k VcN:r, M icheal Bollig, Jason Eagleson, S teven King

And It' s Good Sophomore Adam Wieber kicks a field goal, while senior Grant Varvens readies the ball. This year ' s team was constantly pumped up , and ready 10 play Senior Sha1ne Wieber said , It ' s a combinatton of emottons You love , you hate, you get sick, but in the end, you can say lt 's been real "

Photo by R Finell,

No Blood, No Foul Junior Matt R,llosshow so ff hi s abahty to get his un1fonn bloody, hopefully he doesn 't have to do has own laundry This season Rillos played receiver and defensive back The team was well prepared so that ended w11h a wanning season. Photo by R Finelh

It's All Mine Senior Neil Meehan dodges a Columbine blocker as he In es to run for a touchdown Playing football mean s being able to take many hard hit s. Seniors Andrew Zahanas and Aaron Cheveront commented, "The harder we h11, the more we forget .... "

by R Finell,

SCOREBOARD Team Us Th em Team ICentaurus 19 24 Lakewood Mullen 34 3 1 We s tmin s ter Co lumbine 21 20 S t a ndl ey Lake Green Mountain 3 21 Evergreen I Whea t Ridge 6 10 A l ameda Us Them 35 6 33 6 6 9 35 14 29 0

From pitc hin g t o hittin g, th e Hayes . The team won 15 out of girls ' so ftball team wa s r ea dy for 22 games whi c h is an a grand s lam of a seaso n The impr ove m e nt over la s t year's s m e ll of g love s being o il e d fill s seve n out of 20 games . It i s agreed th e air as th e t eam run s o ut onto by everyo ne on th e team that th e diamond. One of th e m os t hitting i s their greatest s tr e ngth . rewarding ga m es of th e ir seaso n Juni o r Christen Gair r es ponded, w as when th ey almost b ea t th e " Hitting i s the b es t part about first ranke d , SA s tat e c hampion being on th e team be ca u se when t ea m of Arvada W es t . Wh a t you get to hit your adrenaline i s make s A-West so t o ugh i s that totally pumping. It's great! " 11 all th e girls play co mpetitiv e Seniors Heather Sawyer, Tatum s umm e r ball," claim s Coach Bob Mattox , Kelly Kirlin , Shane

Morrow, and Noelle Behrens are the captains of the team. They are the captains because of the good examples they se t such as s howing up to practice on time hu s tling, and not complaining mo s t of the time . ,,The Demons were one of the top eight team s thi s year a~ State. So if you think th e s oftball team is anothet bun ch of girls, you haven' t seen them in action. Katy Ratz an d Melissa Palmer

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You're Outta There Senior Hea t her Sawyer throws the ball to firs t base hoping to get an Arvada Wes t player out. The D e m ons lost in extra innings agai n s t P ueblo Cou nt y in a close semifi nal game m Aurora Senior Tatum M attox sai d , " Th e best 1hing abou t being on th e team is all the grea t friends you make •· Ph oto by R F inelli

First row: Tatum Matt ox, Hea th er Sawye r Second row : S h ane Morro w , Kell y IGrlin , Noelle Behrens
TOUCH OF 46 - ~,10~r
Third row: C h risten Gai r, Cha rl otte Parker, Valerie Patton, Ju lie P a rk er Back Row: J oel H a lhwell (assis ta nt coach), Tiffany M oon, J essica W urtenberger, Kelly Cooper, Bob Hayes (coach)

Batter Up Senior Noelle Behrens concentrates on the ba ll , whi le Junior Jessica Wurtenberger practices he r swinging and imagines herself hitting a homerun Seniors Heather Sawye r, Tatum Mattox,Jun 1or Kelly Coope r, and sophomore Val Patton made AllConfe rence Sophomore J ulie Par ker said, H111 1ng the ball 1sn 't as easy as 1t looks " Pho to by Ron Finelh

It' s Going, Going, Gone Senior Shane Morrow grunts as she hits the ba ll past the left fie lde r to sco re a homerun Shane and Junior J essica Wurtenberger made second string All-Conference Sophomore Va l Patton said, "Losing is the one worst pans about being on the team because somet imes we get down on each other " Ph oto by R Fine l h

Sliding Home J un ior Ke ll y Cooper saves her team from three outs as she crawls to third base before the baseman tags her The players all agreed the reason why the team did so well this year 1s because they worked together Senior Shane Morrow said, "Everyone 1s friends with everyone now " Photo by R Finelli

,I ' • J I • J l • -Team High la nd s Ranc h Peach Fu zz T o urnam ent Palisa des G J Ce ntr al Fruita , Bo ulde r j Alameda Arvada I Kenned y I Arvada Wes t "'o lumbin e Bear C reek
Us Them Team 1 0 Eve rg ree n Po mo n a 16 2 Ch atfi e ld 4 0 Wh ea tr idge 0 2 G ree n Mo unt a in 9 8 S tandl ey Lak e 16 1 La kewoo d 2 1 Regio na ls: Mo unt Bell o Fo rfei t Th o rt o n 5 8 S ta te: Pu ebl o Ce ntra l 1 8 Pu eblo Co unty 11 10 Us Them 24 0 2 1 4 3 1 4 0 14 4 5 7 0 12 2 20 3 6 3 8 12

I C an Fly Junior Aaron Turn er doe s a leap lo get the ball before hi s enemy while Junior Brand on Garretts looks on Th e team was very talent ed and th ey had th e skill and di sci pline to take them as far as they went Senior Craig M artin said, " W e get our d1scipl1ne from our coach b eca u se he makes us practice and pl ay hard " Ph o to by R Fin elli

C an ' t Touch This Jun ior J er em y B allenger steal s the ball ou t fron1 underneath hi s oppo n ent's feet J eremy made seco nd team All Conference and seco nd t eam All Sta t e J un1or Darin M enapa ce stated , The bes t thin g wa s when I save d a penalty ki c k al the game against Regi s" Phot o by R Finelli

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Fro m co m e r ki cks t o p enalty kicks th e b oys' socce r t e am r eally put th e m ov es o n th eir o pponen ts. T h ey s urpri se d eve ryone an d excee d e d th eir exp ec tations by makin g it t o th e se mifinals of Sta te. Th e m os t a m azing ga m e w as wh en th ey b ea t the first- r a nke d t eam P o udr e, se nding t h e m t o th e se mi-final s of State. Junio r Jamie Konegni said, " T h e m os t exic tin g g am e was Po udr e wh en I sco r e d th e

goa l whi ch eve ntually l e d u s t o vi ct ory ." It i s a gree d b y everyon e on th e tea m th a t the ir All St a t e Coac h , Brian Barkey was a m ajo r influ e n ce in th e s u ccess of th e ir seaso n Se n io r Jason Wallenta sa id , " H e t o t a ll y kn ow s wh a t h e i s t alking abo ut. H e's brilliant, th e b es t coac h I' ve eve r had! " Th e tea m did we ll thi s ye ar b eca u se th ey all play t oge th er in th e o ff seaso n . Juni o r Craig Gamble sa id, " W e a ll

worked t oge th er as one unit, n o in divi du als ." Every time t h e team p l aye d , t hey p l ayed t o t heir full es t potential . An examp l e of this is ,., w h en we were l osing t o M u llen 2-0 and d uring overtin1e we played up to o u r p o te n tia l and beat t h em 3-2," said senior H arold Neyra . T h e team h ad an amazing season a nd p l a n to re p eat it nex t year. Melis s a Palme r a nd Ka t y Ratz

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IFirst Row : S ky Stillwell , Jeremy Ballenge r, Jason Wallen ta, Mike Anderson , Harold Neyra Sec ond R o w : Brooke Porte r, Craig Gamble , Jeff Lee , Jamie Konegn1 , Kurt Faulkenthal Third Row : Cra ig Mart in , Chn s Co rbin, Brandon Garrelts , Aa ron Turner, Simon Pranat1 s Ba c k Row : Leo Pope , Dar in Men apace . Not pictured Bnan Barkey (coach)
SCOREBOARD Team Us Them Mullen 3 2 Manuel 1 0 Lakewood 9 0 Green Mounta i n 0 2 Arvada We s t 0 1 Co l umbine 0 3 S tandley Lake 0 1 Bear Creek 2 3 Arvada 1 4 Wheatridge 1 1 C h a t fie l d 0 3 A l ameda 5 0 Pomo n a 6 1 Evergreen 3 2 Greeley We s t 6 1 Montrose 3 0 Poudre l 0 Regi s 1 2

If yo u h ave eve r playe d vo ll ey ball th e n yo u s h o uld kn o w th a t yo u s h o uld a lw ays k ee p your h ea d up . Ev en in so ph om o r e Lynn Deberry' s second ye ar pl a yin g o n th e G H S vo ll eyb a ll t e am, s h e s till h as n ' t fi gur e d thi s o ut: " W e w e r e pla yin g Eve r gree n and m y mind w as n ' t o n th e ga m e . Th e se rv e r o n th e o th e r t ea m se rve d th e b a ll tow a rd s m e and it hit m e ri g ht in th e face, " s h e ex pla in e d . Fres h -

man Heather Tumwall and th e r es t o f th e pl a y e r s f ee l if th ey h a d m o r e s upp o rt, th ey w o uld d o eve n b e tt e r than th ey did thi s y ear . Tumwall s aid, " Th e r e i s n o t e n o u g h s upp o rt fo r vo ll e yball and p eo ple think it i s a blo w o ff s p o rt, but w e r ea lly w o rk hard." Th e t eam ' s h a rd w o rk r ea lly paid o ff th o u g h Junior Kim Zieglar d e cide d th a t thi s seaso n s h e w as d e finit el y " b e tt e r th a n las t yea r " Juni o r Andrea

Erpelding s aid that if junior Beth Murphy " wa s n ' t always tryin . t o p e rk u s up and s aying pos iti, • thin gs, " our team wouldn ' t b whe r e it i s today. To have gr e at t e am y o une e dagreatcoa d t o co a ch it. Emily Bachman s ai , h e r co a ch wa s good b ec ause c " hi s attitude, and he want s u s tc d o w e ll and win " Th e team thi y e ar wa s very s u cc ess ful bein on e wiri s h o rt of going to Statl R obin Politte and Anne Fay

Over Your Head Jun iors Beth Murp hy and Andrea Erpeld ing wait to return the ball th at th e opposi ng tea m m ight h1l ove r th e ne t Ju n io r Beth Murph y led th e tea m in h1 t lln g e ffo rt Se nior Emil y Ba chman sa id abo ut he r seaso n, " It we nt well , I s ta rt ed mos t of th e ga mes." Ph o to by R F inellJ


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Front Row: And rea Erp el ding, Am be r Cam ey , Ka mi Bri ndl e, Dani e ll e Stone, Emily Bachm an Middl e Row: Lynn DeBerry, Steve Nakata (coach), H ea th e r Tumwall Ba ck Row: Llnd y Hit c hcock, Ke lli Sc hna s e, Carrie Pears e, Stacey H o yt, Be th Mu rph y, Jo di Mun d t, Kim Ziegle r.

Service Anyo ne? Junior Came Pearse spikes a winner an a v ict ory over Adam s City After losing to Littleton during the season, the G HS volleyball team was able 10 come back 1n League and beat them 1511 , 15- l l winning firs t at League. Jun ior Jody Mundt decided, " If we ha d bea t Littleton 1n D1 st nct we would have go ne to Regionals . Photo by R. Finelh

Bump , Se t, S pike Juni or Andrea Erpe ld ing gets rea dy to se t the ball , while seruor Emi ly Bachman waits patiently for her tum to s pike the ball. Andrea led the 1994-95 season in assists per game Despite th e few stand-outs on the team, Ju n ior Carrie Pearse sta ted, "There was no bes t player; 11 was that we were all togeth er " Ph o to by R Finelli

Re ach for th e Sky Senior Emily Ba chm an reac hes up towa rds the ball in a perfect se t position while j un io r Lind y Hit chcoc k 1s running to ge l in posi tio n fora spi ke Jun ior Came Pearse led 1n block.s per ga me and pa ssi ng e ffo rt Junior Andrea Erpe ld ing slated, The team really knows how to work together on th e court." Ph o to by R Finelh

Team Adams City Evergreen Arapahoe Tournament Arvada We s t I Englewood Arvada I Co lumbin e Bear Creek I SCOREBOARD QHS-Them 15-11 15-9 6-15 2-15 5th P la ce 4-15 13-15 2-15 11-15 15-11 14-16 15-7 15-7 5-15 4-1 5 15-11 Team Lakewood Wheat Ridge Alameda Nort hgl enn Lakewood C h atfiel d Alameda Leagu e Dis trict GHS -Them 12-15 11 -1 5 15-8 9-15 15- 13 10-1 5 15-4 6-15 10-15 15-4 15-11 15-7 15-12 1st Place 3 rd P lace 9-15 9-15 L ___________________________

G H S' s ninth place fini s h in go lf thi s seaso n w as a di sa pp ointm e nt t o so m e. T o o th e r s it w as a g r ea t ac hi eve m e nt F r es hm a n Luke VanWoensel th o u g ht th a t " w e co uld h a v e d o n e b e tt e r b eca u se w e' r e b e tt e r than ninth place. " Fres hm a n Zach Shirk sa id, " It' s goo d fo r a youn g t ea m ." Th e G H S m e n ' s go lf t ea m w a s yo un g thi s yea r co n s i s tin g o f o n e se ni o r , o n e junio r , fo ur so ph o m o r es and fo ur

fr es hm e n In thi s s p o rt whi ch many p eo ple think i s o nly fo r se ri o u s co mp e tit o r s, fr es hman Josh Barth els s aid th e b es t thin g that th e y did wa s II goo f o ff, pl ay in g around d e finit e l y." G u ys o n th e t eam s tart e d pla yin g go lf fr o m wat chin g t ournam e nt s o n t el e vi sion to foll o win g in th eir fath e r' s foo t s t e p s. M os t o f th e und e r cla ss m e n pl a y er s l oo k e d up t o th e only se ni o r o n th e t e am, Jay Anderson.J ay wa s th e

o nly playe r from GHS to go to St a te. " I wa s glad to be there to r e pr ese nt GHS ," s aid Jay . Many diffe r e nt thing s go through th e playe r' s mind wh e n in co mpetition. Sophomor e Peter Mooney s aid he thinks about " playing th e cours e not the people. " Next year th e t eam hope s to putt th e ir way to fir s t place . BJ Reyn o ld s and Elizabeth C hil coat

A Slice of Green So ph o mo re Pe te r Moo ney places his putt in pract ice a t Ro llin g Hill s Everyo ne agreed that a s unn y da y 1s th e bes t co nd1t1 o n to pla y in Fres hman Zac h Shir k th oug ht tha t th e mos t 1mpon a nt thm g to think a bo ut in prac ti ce wa s to " ha ve fun and d o yo ur bes t " Pho to by M Homec ke r


: < i < i ( i :> : C 0 •
Front Row : J os h Ban hel s, Luke Van Woe nse l, Dav id Fe th , Pe te r Mooney , Zac h S hir k Ba c k Row : Ad am
Fa y, J os h Mo les, B ri a n Murph y, Jay And erso n, J oel Ve rbe c k, M ark Ho mec ke r (co ach )

FORE Junior Adam Fay practices hi s dnve before the next competition The bes t score out of the whole season was senio r Jay Anderson 's 76 al the Eagle In vita tional o r Luke VanWoensel's 76 at th e Indian Tree " We improved as the season progressed because the freshmen sho t real good scores," said sop homore Peter Mooney Photo by M Homecker

Driving Lessons Freshman Luk e VanWoensel is improving has dnve dunng practice G HS 's young and inexperienced team did not place as well as they hoped they would Coach Mark Homecker ' s thought about the youth was th at "they ' ll becoming back and we have two strong fresh men ." Photo by M Ho meeker

Putter Up Sophomo re J osh Moles prepares to help the team by practicing his pull at Applewood

The best overall team placing was third place taken at Indian Tree " It was good expe rience foryoungg uys , bu t I wasn ' t happy about our finish ," s aid senio r Jay Anderson about th e team ' s ninth place finish in the Jeffco league Ph oto by M Homecker •

Team Pl ace Team Meadows 12th pla ce Ind ia n Tree
IFoo thill s 12th pla ce Eagle Inv1t Lake Arbo r 6 th pla ce St a te Uay Anderson) Pla ce 3 rd place 6 th place 28 / 140

Kill e r Ba c khand Se ni o r Travis Olson saves the ball in compe tition against Evergreen pushing GHS 's 4 - 3 victory Th e G HS toumam ant record wa s second place at the Area Toumamant a nd first at Regional s. " GHS is lucky to ha ve two s trong fre s hmen who played at Sta te thi s year," sta ted Athletic Director Pat Harri son Ph oto by R Finel h

Love AJI Juni o r Eric T e na s tre tc hes for a serve on GHS's practice co urts Thi s year's coach was Mr Eric J en nings who was well lik ed among the team Fres hm an Eric Horva t sa id that the bes t th ing about Coach Jenni ngs was "'the way he Joked around and foil owe d o ur progress and was not too serio us abou t the sport." Ph oto by Ron Finelli

' I I ·-----------------------~----,. • - ••..J • ' •
TOUCH OF 54 - ~,ro~r
. , Nru,t&~ Travi s Ol so n, M1ke Montgom ery, Bjorn Elberling,
Nee, Dan Bec k and I had a great weei..end in
Collins (State)."
lockjumps to r pne singles
elli E s e 0 • m er \Ol \Ol en ~i
Photo by R Fin

Between worrying abo ut little green things flying at them, yodelmg, and practicing their s arcas m , thi s year's boys' t e nni s team fo und time for working o n their str o ke s and playing in r egional tournamen ts. Freshman EricH orvat saidwhath e remembered most abo ut thi s year wa s how much fun th e t eam had and how well we did at Stat e. GHS tennis players played a t dis trict finals, and afterplacingfirstwent

o n to State. Junior Eric Tena wa s di s qualifi e d during co mp etition for sitting for more than 25 seco nds b eca u se of a leg cramp. This seaso n held improvem ent in many areas for everyo n e. Senior Mike Montgomery s ummariz e d hi s impr ove m e nt ove r th e year by saying, " I got aggressive, and ca me to th e n e t, a nd played every point ." Although mo s t people think that co n ce ntration i s a key e l e m ent

of playin g well, se n io r Dan Matlock th o u g ht about ,,, oranges and wh ee lbarr ows." Over th e 1994 seaso n thi s tea m grew cl ose b eca u se th e se ni o r s se t an example of t ea m s pirit Joking around t o preve nt te n sing up h elp e d th e t enni s tea m to prepare for co mp e titi o n . With th e te nni s tea m 's youth thi s year, th ey are s ur e t o b e a powerful t ea m f or futur e seaso n s. Elizabeth C hil coa t and Tiffany Dovey

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Matt Schneide r, Bj orn Elberling, Eric Tena, Ian Schmidt, Travis Olson, Laray Beck, Mike Montgomery , Jake Game r, Mike Hall, Eric Horvat, Dan Matlock, Dan Beck, Bill Nee , Enc Jennings (coach)
Team Pomona Standley Lake Arvada We s t Columb in e Area Tournament Arvada Evergreen Alameda Bear C r eek R egio nal s Us Them 0 7 6 1 0 7 3 4 seco nd 7 4 4 3 place 0 3 3 4 firs t pla ce

t'er1'ect 10 Senior Kim Bren necke is fini s hing up her noor exercise The gym nastics team had a lot o f great s trengt hs ; they a lways stuc k toge t her through th e rough ti mes and supported one a noth er. Freshman Anne Fay proved this by s ta ling t hat, "They made me fee l welcome » Ph o to by R Fine Iii


s6- ~,ro~r

Split Ends Junior Stacey McGuire spins h erse lf around the ba rs like a pro at the Co lumbin e mee t. Coach ~1arilyn Wilco x taught at GH[~r.&li.1-11111•• coac gy mna sti cs fo r four more years. Sophomore To rri e B ecwar commented that "it" as awfully to u g h but worth iL " Photo by R. Finelli

Strike A Pose Fres hman Andrea Dillb renner tops off he r routine wi th an excellent score of7 2 . At S tat e freshman Anne Fay score d a hi g h sco re of 8.75 on the fl oo r exerc ise. Coac h Mari ly n Wilcox s tat ed,"Th e tea m co uld have used more privately tra ined gy mna sts." Ph oto by R Fin elli


The gy mna s t s at G o ld e n y e ar than la s t ye ar ." During a reached theirt eamgoalthi s y e ar me e t th e t e am acc umul a t es They end e d th eir se a so n byplac-p o int s by h ow w ell th a t indiing fift h o ut o f 11 t e am s and had vi dual do es. One of th e s tr en gth s one s ta t e qualifier . Fres hman o f th e gymn as ti cs t eam w as th eir gym n as t Anne Fay advan ce d t o ability t o impr ove. Th ey imState by ta kin g fir s t pla ce on th e pr ove d by 50 p oints a t th e end o f floor exe r cise. Sh e fini sh e d th e th e se a so n . Se n io r Kim floor exe r cise with a sc ore o f 9 .3 Brennecke s tat e d 1 11 O ur indio u t of a po ss ibl e 10, defe ating vidual sco r es b eca m e m o r e co nthe ot h er 10 team s at Regi onal s. si s t ent whi ch r es ult e d in o ur Juruo r Tricia Bair happily com- hi g h es tt e am sco r ea tth e League mented, " W e scored higher thi s m ee t ." Coach Marilyn Wilcox

h a d m a n y p ositive comme nt s ab o ut th e tea m a nd th eir achieve- 1 m ent s thi s seaso n . Sh e s ta t e d th a t se ni o r Lydia Rascon, "was a grea t t ea m l ea d e r ." Sh e a lso s t a te d th a t Anne Fay " w as th e m os t en thu sias ti c gymn as t, a r ea l go-ge tt er ." So ph o m o r e Sabrina Tortora sai d th a t, " I impr ove d o n m y tri cks and m y sco r e go t hi g h e r ." Th e tea m m a d e th eir seaso n fun b y w o rkin g t oge th e r . Ta r a O'Neill a nd Kri s tin J ohn so n

' - _, ·-
Fro nt Ro w: M egan W ord , A nne Fay , K elly M cD aniel Second Row : K 1andra W underlich , Jaime H arvey, Mdna Rascon , Tome Becwa r, An drea D ittbrenner, Stacie M cguire, Jai me Cox, M egan Rummley, Tn c,a Bair Ba ck Ro w: Lydia Rascon, Sara Mee, Kim Brennecke, R ena Duesenbarry , Danell 0111brenn er, Briann e Burn Sara Kende ll , Sabrina Tortora
Te am Us Pl ace Co lu mbi n e / Green 105 3rd Mo unt ain S ta ndl eyLake / A-Wes t 142 3rd Go lde n In vi tatio n a l 145 4th Evergree n 142 2nd Bea r Creek / Pomona / 142 3rd Colum b in e Wh ea tRid ge / Arva d a / 138 9 3 rd Lakewoo d Gr eely in vi tatio n a l 139 6th Po m o n a / Lakewood / 14 0.7 3rd Evergree n A-Wes t / C h a t fie ld 149.35 3rd Vars i ty League Meet 14995 9t h Regio n a ls 152 5t h Sta te- 1 Q u a lifie r 8.75

Running through the s tr ee ts o f Golden may not s eem like mu c h fun to mo s t people, but thi s doe s n't s eem to bother th e cross country team. In fa ct , they see m to e njoy it. Junior Chuck Comelly s aid, " M e and Matt almo s t got hit by a car ." Senior Captain Keri Trost s aid, " The team i s v e ry supportive, I have nev e r been on a team that works s o well together." Sophomore Matt Frost fini s hed 10th at State.

He decided that the be s t part of th e s ea s on was " being All State, and comp e ting on var sity ." So phomore Aimee Hoogheem fini s hed sixth in State with a time of 20 :46, and Keri Trost fini s h e d 18th with a time of 21 :49.2. TheCro ss Countryteam fini s hed ninth with 258 point s. Without s upport and encourag e ment from their coach Gina Nelson, s ome members of the t e am wouldn ' t be where they

are today . Freshman Mike Duran stated, " The reason I ran s o fast is because I was fleeing from my coach, who only beat me up twice. " Freshman Rob Pineau said, " Gina makes you work hard. " Practice paid off in the end . " The best thing that happened was State because we didn ' t think we ' d get that far," said sophomore Aimee Hoogeem. Robin Politte and Anne Fay

Wish Me Luck Th e very s uccess ful girl s' c ross co u ntry tea m pre pares f or a vic to r y agai nst North g len n. Th e tea m work ed ve ry well toge th er and they go t along on an d off th e trac k Coach Gi na N elson sa i d," [ am very pro ud of th e team, and th ey rea ll y p ull ed it toge th er." Ph o to courtesy of th e Versaw fami ly

• Arc She IJ'b Brc
Front Row : Jessa my n S hanks , Jessica Kase l, Aimee Hooghee m, Rob P ineau , Keala Murd oc k, Sann i Kes kim aki , Sara h Hebe ler Second Row : Jon Pinea u, Mike Du ra n, Matt Fros t, Mi che ll e McMurty, Kri s ti n Versaw , Beth Mul vi hill , Mik e Johnso n, A lb in a Ga rb erg Third Row: David W eis ha upt , Kel sey Peterso n, Rya n Whit e, C hu c k Co m e ly, Jethro Wagne r, Steve Sc hroede r, Gi na Ne lso n (coac h) Back Row : Mi chell e Kunze , Lau ra Wh ite, Bn an San ders, Mike Manley , Keri Tros t , T a mse n S tokes

One Pa ce Ah e ad Sophomore Knstm Versaw ,s JUSt one pace ahead of a Cherry Creek runner 1n th e Broomfield Inv1tat1onal The tea m had a special mo110 that helped them keep theirm1nds off the nervousn ess they felt before a meet. " Pretend you're a bee in the Circus," said sophomore Aimee Hoogheem , but she couldn't tell wh at 11 meant Photo by Ron Finelh

Trailing the Bes t Sophomore M att Fros t 1s being follow ed by hi s shadow s from Ev ergreen The whole varsity team qualified for State, and three ind1v1duals placed in the top 20 The whole team tned hard , an d everyone alway s did the best they coul d ," Junior Chuck Comelly decided Photo by Ron F i nel h

• Run Like the Wind Th e GHS mens' varsity c ross country team prepares for th e race while wi sh i ng th e r t of the members on th e tea m lu c k The team was very young, 1 t was mad e up of five fres hm an, nin e sop homo r es,e1g htjumors, and four se niors Fres hman Tam se n Stokes said, " Even t hou g h l was hun , I stall had a goo d seaso n " Pi c ture by R on Fin ell 1

:e n g it b u n it " e d Race Arapa h oe In vi t. 2- l)e n da n In v it.
i t. :-= Iear Creek In vi t.
s Men' s Race
2 th 29 th Bo uld e r In vi t. 5 th 10 th No rth g l e nn 8 th 15 th L eague 12 th 15 th R egio n a l s 3 rd 6 th S t a t e • Women 's Men 's 5 th 14 th 4 th 10 th 2 nd 7 th 9 th
Liberty Bell In v
Broomfield In v

The boys' ba ske tball t ea m had a trying seaso n and ended up with a final r eco rd of 6-15. Although th e t eam lo s t all of la s t year's s tart e r s, many other s trong playe r s s tepped up to r e pla ce th e m . L ea ding the t ea m thi s year w e r e se nior s Sean Corcoran and Grant Varveris, and juniors Aaron Turner, Matt Rillos , and John Matis .

The s tronge s t asset of the team wa s th eir enthusiasm for

co mp e ting. Coach Bob Stokes co mmented, " The depth and enthu sia s tic attitudes of the team help e d u s get through the year. Co mmitment and po s itive thinking a ss isted u s tremendou sly. "

Thi s wa s the first seaso n Stokes coached the team, and although their record didn' t live up to the teams ' expectations, they still had fun learning from a new coach. " The best part of

Racking Up the Points Junior Steve Bar low make s a succes sfu l jump sho t as his Skyview competitors look on . Lack of experience was the greates t weakness that faced the team throughout the season " W e expect to be much stronger next year becau se many of our varsi ty starters are juniors thi s year ," stated Stokes. Ph oto by Ron Finelli

TOUCH OF 60 - ~,10~1

coaching ba s ketball i s working with the players. I enjoy the teaching a s pect involved in coaching most , and learning with the players through practices and scrimmages is a great experience," remarked Stokes. Matis seconded this when he stated, " The best thing about Coach Stokes was his knowledge of the game and his ability to get along well with the players." S.

,-----------------------------· I I f V1 (
Front row: Zach Queen, Nathan Malaya, Joel Verbeck , Mall Rillos , Gra nt Varveris, John Mat is, Jaso n W Eagleson , Thomas Ro me Back row : Coac h Bob Stokes, Aa ron Cheuvront, Jason Anderson, Geoffrey 'Ar Mall ow , Steve Bar low, Sea n Corcora n, Aaron Turner , A.J Stahl , Rich Ke nner, Darin Menapace , Coach Joe Al R11los Ph oto by Ron Finelli

White Men C an Jump Jun ior N atha n M at aya o u ts t re tc h es hi s o ppon ent 10 ma k e a bas k e t M at aya co mm en ted, " W e r ea ll y h ad a st r ong tea m bondage thi s ye ar W e alwa ys pull ed t oge th er w hen we w er e do wn 1n the game, an d r m ade a l o t of close f nends dunn g th e long prac11 ces and ga mes " Ph olo by Ron F inelh

The Air Up There Jun ior M att R illosJ um ps t o m ak e th e sh o t wilh 6 :4 9 l e ft i n t h e l as t qua rte r o f th e g am e ag ain st Sk yv1ew " W e l earned a l o t abo ut th e g am e 1h1s seaso n, an d all h ough w e d i dn ' 1 do qu tt e as w ell as w e w o uld h ave lik ed , th e t ea m as a who l e co n sid ered 1h e seaso n su ccess f u l ," re ma r k ed Rt ll os Ph o t o by Ron Fin el1 1

De-Fense Se nior Gran t Varveris prep ares 10 st eal th e b all fro m h i s oppon ent as th e T r i dell es and th e ch ee rl ea ders roo t h i m o n " Inj uri es reall y see m ed 10 pl agu e th e 1eam th is ye ar wh ich so m ewh at htnd ered our su ccess, but o ur spi r i t, posi tiv e attitud es, an d enco ur age m en t fro m Coac h St ok es k ep t us p um pe d ," rem ark edJuni o r D ann M en ap ace Ph o to by Ro n Fin elh

SCOREBOARD Tea m U s The m T eam Bro omfie ld 67 56 A l a m e d a GreenM tn To urnam e nt Eve rtee n De n ver W es t 52 49 C h a t e ld D o h e rty 56 77 P o m o n a P o udre 33 91 G r ee n M o unt a in Skyview 58 63 S ta ndl ey Lake j We s t min s t e r 48 60 Co lum o in e N orthgle nn 54 75 Bea r C r ee k I ,i\-neatrid ge 49 51 L a k e w oo d Arvada 59 77 Playo ffs: La k e w ood ! Arvada W es t 60 67 A l a m e d a L Us 49 5 1 53 5 1 50 58 46 62 94 66 49 Th em 5 1 57 89 63 57 50 69 55 47 50 62

T h e 1994-'9 5 La d y D em o n s acco mpli s h e d wh a t n o o th er G H S girl s' b ask e tb a ll t ea m h a s d o n e in r ece nt m e m oryth ey fini s h e d th eir r e gul a r seaso n wi th a w i nnin g r eco rd o f 10 win s a nd eight l o ss es. Aft er d o ublin g l as t year's win s, th e girl s b ea t Al a m e d a in th e playoff s b efo r e l os in g a cl o s e on e t o D o ug l as Co unty . Coach Lisa Wahl s a id, " I t ca m e d o wn t o wh a t s t o pp e d u s a ll yea r- w e mi sse d

o ur free thr ow s." But so m e o f th e t oge th e r . Th ey l e arn e d th e y tea m 's i mpr ove m ent ca n b e at - co uld win th e cl ose on es after a tribut e d t o th e d eve l o pme nt of las t seco nd vi ct ory ove r p owerfr es hm en Tara O ' Neill and An- ful Ev ergr ee n . Aft er the r e gular drea Dittbrenner. In th e b e gin - se a son wa s ov er th e t e am wa s nin g o f th e seaso n , '' l ea d er s hip r a nke d ninth in State. Senior w as o n e of th e grea t es t w e ak- Courtney Sasa co mment e d , n esses b eca u se th e se ni o r s " Th e r e a so n wh y w e did w ell i s we r e n't lea din g th e r es t o f the b ecau s e w e w ere playing contea m in w o rkin g t oge th e r, " s aid s i s tently a s a te am for all four Coac h W a hl . But ca pt a in s quart er s and s hootingi s th e be st Courtney Sasa and Heather it ha s b ee n " Anna Kel s o and Sawyer h elp e d brin g th e t eam M e lissa Palme r

It's Mine Senior Hea th er S aw ye r dodges her oppon en t, a Wh eal Ridge Farm er, to sco re a bas ket Hea t her averaged abo ut seve n rebound s a game on bo th o ffen se a nd defense Hea ther s tated, " I think my grea tes t s trength 1s my dnb b ling a bilit y." P ho to b y Ro n Ftn el h


'< ) A ) I .. ( ) ( ) 0 :
Front Row : Ally so n Rey nolds, Heather Sawyer, Ke ll y Cooper, Jay na Horvat Ba c k Row : Lisa Wah l (coach) , Kara Ro me, Co urtn ey Sasa, Stacey Hoy t, Danell Dinb re nner, Carrie Myers, Randy Schrei ner (assistan t coac h)

Not Gonna G et Me! Junior Danell Dittbrenner scrambles to get away from her opponent to score a basket on the other s ide of the coun One s trength the team had was playing together as a unit. Junior Carrie Myers stated, " W e all come read y to play , and encourage each other which keeps u s going " Phot o by Ron Finelh

Think You C an Get Pa s t Me ? Juni o r Jayna Horvat s tands guard of her A - Wes1 opponent. During the Evergreen game 1t came down to the last seconds, but the Lady Demons came out on top by tw o points The whole team agreed with Jayna "Coac h Wahl motivates the team and really relates 10 us " Pho to b y Ron Finelli

Saturday Night Fever Junior Kara Rome s tand s poised and ready to block the s hot , while junior Kelly Coope r looks on The team has two captains 1his year, u n like last year when the cap1ams s wi1ch e d each game Junior Allyson Rey nolds commented, " The only bad thing about playing is that w e d on ' t ge t recognized tha t often " Photo by Ron Finellt

SCOREBOARD Team Us Them Tea m Palisade 27 28 Po m o n a IRan u m 48 38 G r ee n M o untain Denver W es t 65 34 S t a ndl ey L ake I Skyview 4 9 26 Co lum o in e \'v estmins t e r 49 41 Li ttl e t o n Wheat Ri dge 36 42 Bea r C r eek Arvada 51 46 Lake w ood Arvada West 38 49 Pl aAoffs: Alameda 79 35 l a m e d a Ever~ee n 53 51 Do u g l as Co un ty '"' hat ' eld 36 55 Us Them 37 62 37 44 50 58 57 28 44 39 37 29 47 43 69 37 42 47

R e ad y, Se t. .. Sophomore Zach Pike and his opponent wait for the ref to blow the whistle so that they can start their match The time before they start the match i s the mos t exci t ing This seaso n three wrestlers went to the state tournament

TOUCH OF 64- ~tro~r

Winner 's C irc le Jun, orClifford K elley ge ts a ta ste of victory M ost w r estlers agreed that the key to winning a match 1s self motivation Junior Chuck Comely said that he enjoys wrestling because "' You have to be motivated otherwise yo u won ' t ge t anywhere" Ph oto by Ron Finell1

Photo by Ron Finell 1
st e, tli

Pumped! Th e whi s tl e blo w s and you ar e facin g y our o pp o nent on the o th e r s id e of t h e mat. You and yo ur o pp one nt s tart to cir cl e ea c h o th e r wai ting for the right tim e t o a tta ck.You s ee your chan ce and s trike Thi s i s the ex citem e nt in eve ry mat c h becau s e in wr estlin g only one pers on l e av es a winn e r Junior Shawn Erwin sa id, " It's exhilarating to win ." It take s dedication and e ffort to

win a mat c h . Wr es tl e r s h ave t o run and d o o th e r typ es o f co nditi o nin g t o s tay in s hap e. Fres hman Steve Frost s aid, " Th e hardes t thin g ab o ut wr es tlin g i s th e runnin g ." Juni o r Gus Nickell agr ee d with St e v e s ayin g, " Th e trainin g and conditi o nin g w as t o u g h ." Wr es tl e r s h ave t o s ta y o n a s tri c t di e t b ec au se th e y ge t weigh e d in b e fo r e e v e ry m a t ch . Some of th e m hav e b ee n see n running in th e hall s in att e mpt

t o l ose th a t ex tr a p o und b efo r e a m a t ch . So m e w o nd e r w h y a n yo n e w o uld s ign up fo r thi s s p o rt . Juni o r Shayden Ward t o ld u s wh y: " Beca u se it ge t s m e pump e d up ." Beca u se of all th e d e di ca ti o n fr o m th e m e mb e r s o f wr es tlin g t ea m , th e ir seaso n w as full o f ac hi eve m e nt s. Everyo n e fr o m JV t o v a r s ity w o rke d t o m a k e th e wres tlin g t e am s u ccessful B Dra gul, T . St o k es

Front Row: Keith Gi bson, Clifford Kelley, Kn s Wallenta,Ja mes Kelley, D usti n S t ratton, Zach Pike Ba c k Row : Coach Chu ck Barbee, Jos h Wagner, Nasuh1 ko Yamaguch i, Dav id Herbert, Shawn Erwin, Gus 'ltc.kell, Shay Ward, Coach Larry May
SCOREBOARD Team Us Them Po m o n a 19 59 W id efiel d 29 46 S ta n ley Lake 5 58 Pa lm e r Q u ad 39 33 Eve r gree n 40 31 La k e w oo d 24 48 G ree n M o unt a in 27 42 Arva d a 28 40 Eve r gree n 54 15 G r ee n M o unt a in 45 15 Wh ea trid ge 32 38 Air Aca d e m y 15 55 La k e w ood 43 27 T h o m as J eff e r so n 39 31 Ala m ed a 46 30 ,

Fl~¥i ing in Mid-air J Lauwers tires rom1he1'Thck cfflting a"200 fll ~~yle event. The swim team prac t ice d a~~en

C.Om11 11UJ il y Ce nte r everyday from 4 :00to5 : rdock said, --Befo re a big meet , go fo rge servi n g of fries, chicken nuggets, an 8' d b n 1'wanl 1<'681

oto by Ron Fi n ell i

Makin g Wa ves Sop h omore J e nn ife r Blum goes fo r firs t place as s h e swi ms th e bulterfly Th e Go lden gi rl s demonst ra te d their abilities at s tate this year, taking seve nth place. Sop homore Kri s ten Versaw said, " I like be in g on th e tea m and m ess in g around after practice, and I lik e bobs ." Ph oto by Tim Blum


S tr e tc h It Out Sop homore Jami e Harvey comes dow n afte r performing a p i ke dive in a m ee t at M eyer's P ool. The swi mm ers ha d another s ucces s ful year afte r beco m ing the league cha mpions for the third t ime in a row Sophomore Aimee Hooghee m sai d , " l really li ke my coac hes. They a re very su pportive ." Ph oto by Ro n Finelli

66 - ~tlO~~
.. V sv th lh le lh \V cc RI TI SC

This year the lady free. Sophomore Jennifer Blum sw immers trained h ard and turned in an exce ll e nt swa m well. One big highlight of p e rforman ce in th e 100 the seaso n wa s their victory over backstroke and b eca m e th e 4A the highly ranked SA Chatfield s tate champion. She also pla ce d team. At league th e Demon s fifth in th e 200 Individual three-peated as League champs Medley The 200 yard freestyle w1nn1 ng the 4A divi s ion by relay o f se ni o r Tasha co ming out ahead of Wheat Markovchick , so phomor e R.tdge by a margin of 11 points. Kristen Versaw, juni o r Serena Their 400 freestyle relay beat the Dovey and se ni o r Angie sc hool re co rd by two seco nd s. Johnson t ook two seco nd s off At Sta t e, so phomore Kristen their tim e at State, but w e r e a Versaw placed fifth in the 50 littl e di sa ppoint e d at th e ir

pla cing Senior Keri Trost said, " I lik e s wimmin g b eca u se it keeps m e in goo d s h ape a nd I ca n do my favorite eve nt, 100 breas ts tr oke." So ph o m o r e Katy Ratz sa id," Wh en I tell people I s wim th e 500 free , they l ook at m e as if I' m cra zy becau se it's 20 lap s." On a cl osing n o te, junior Sanni Keskimaki offers a s wimmin g p oe m : " Swi mmin g ro cks, d o it o n th e blocks, with so m e h o t s wimmin g jocks. " Britt I se nb e

< Ill ) ( i > : I • C < a < -------I
Front row · Coach S teve B ates, Sara Logan , T as ha M arkovchick Seco nd row Serena D ovey, San n, h. cs k1mak1 , Am y Turgeo n, Keri Trost, Penny Greely , Kn sten Versaw , S tacy Arndt , Aimee H ooghee m, Back row K aty Ratz , Ca nssa Lauwers, Sarah Palme r, Angie John so n, Je nnifer Bl um, Meredith Keating, Jc .,s1ca R1gg.s Ph oto by T im Blum
SCOREBOARD Tea m Us Th em Bear C r eek 72 114 Jeffco Leagu e Relay s lst4A Co l o r ado Invitational 4th 4A Arvada W es t 75 111 Alameda 151 23 Je ffco In vi tati o n al 4th4A Pomona 78 111 Arvada 109 75 C h atfie ld 119 67 Jeffco League 1s t 4A C h ampion s h ip s Co l o rado Hi g h Sc h ool 7t h4 A Gi rl s C h amp i o n s hip
e r

Simon Says C ross Your Hand s Juniors

Becky H a , J~ica Dicke, Katie O w en, and AnJli Gupta l ead the studen t body 111 th e famou s Hand Jave The H and Jive has become one of the school' favorite past im es ,n assemblies and half time shows to pep the c rowd. Photo

Huddle To ge th e r E very one! Th e Tndelles huddl e in a circle on th e gym noordunn g an assembly Senior Kara Bla c k sa id , State compet1uon wa s the most exciting th ing thi s year " Th e Stat e compet1t1on was h eld at the Denv er Co li se um where th ey placed third in all

by Ron Finell, TOUCH OF

Ready O.K. Sophomore Tridettes Ke ll ee Tarum, Ra chel M ontana, Khri sty Robinson , and Ka11e Dorsc h perform their routine dunng the H omecoming parade H omecoming 1s one of the busiest umes out of th e sc hool yea r wi th the carnival, parade, royalty , asse m bly, and mos t importantly, t he ga me.

by Ron Finelh
68 - ~CTO~l
Photo Photo by Ron Finell i

What's the one thing that after sc ho ol, so m e tim es until 5 not only gets the crowd pepped o'clock or eve n lat e r . Junior up , but can also dance their little Anjli Gupta commented, " Hard hearts off to a fast beat? That work, dedication, good attitude, thing is the one and only Porn but most of all, b e happy. " This Po n squad, better known as the advice i s offered t o a ll th ose Tri dettes. Sure, dancing in front young ladi es who want to go of the school in cool outfits is out for ne x t year's squad . Tryreally easy and anyone can do outs are held every s pring to it. Think again! Trying to re- decide who will b e o n th~ squad. member dance move s, and Some of the r e quir e m e nt s making sure not to me ss up can needed to mak e th e tea m are be very stressful and time con- thatyoucandoth es plits atleast suming. They practice every day one way and toe t o u ch es. Being

o n th e squ ad th e year before ca n be h e lpful becau se you know what th e judges expect. Being a Tridette ha s its resp o n sibilities just as much as fun . They h ave to maintain th e s ame eligibility requirem e nt s just like all of the athletes . Junior Beth Elder sai d , " This year h as b een an expene n ce I' ll never forget. " Hav e fun and dance . Michelle Tucker, Danielle Chappe ll, a nd Desiree Rosales

YOU Go Girl Th e Tndettes perfonn one of many routines dun ng half-lim e of Homecoming game agai ns t Mullen High Sc hool Wh en asked what outfits they lik e to wear, referring to their spandex outfits, junior KJm Goonan s tated about her and sen ior Kara Black said, We alwa ys wanted to be ice s kacers •· Photo by Robin Pointe

-- -~-• < -------111111111111: I C : < ) <
Amber Kell er, Kacie Dorsc h, Rac hel Monca na, Crysla l Swala, Jessica Di c ke, Kelly Denner, Kell ee Tarum. Khri scy Rob in so n, Debbie B uc k, Bec ky Hayes, AnJlt Gup ta, Katie Owen, Beth Elder Not Pictured : Kara Black, Kim Gorman

"We got spiri t, yes we do! We got spirit, how 'bo ut you?" ye ll th e spo rt s fans l e d by th e GHS cheerl ea d e r s. Although cheerl eade r s make what th ey d o look easy, th ey put many h o ur s of hard work into it. Senio r Keira Bresnahan sa id th e worst part a bout c h ee ring is "pr acticin g all th e time." But s h e admitted th a t the performing was worth a ll th e hard work. The c h ee rlea ders are n ot o nly r es pons ible for

cheering at s p o rt s event s, th ey are also r es pons ibl e f o r makin g th e posters whi ch announce th e co ming eve nt s, planning assemblies, helpin g set asse mbli es up , ch ee ring at th e m , and vo lunt ee ring to work at invit a ti o nal wre stlin g event s. This yea r th e ch ee rl ea d e r s were coac h e d by M s. Lindy Schossow and Ms. Shari Byerly. Senior Yolanda Chaparro s mil e d as s he sa id, " W e e njoy working togeth e r ." This wa s

the first year in several that GHS ha s had ch ee rleader s, and it was r e wardin g that they placed ninth o ut of 27 at State, putting th e m in th eir t o p third of the co ntend e r s. Athletic director Mr. Pat Harrison gave the cheerl ea ders a tru e compliment when h e sa id, " Of all th e athletes in Golden, I would s ay that they hav e the longe s t and hardest seaso n ."

Climb To The Top Seni or Joy

Gettin' Down Junior Apnl Schossow leads the chee rl eader squad at State competi ti on 1n Oecembe r w h1 ch was h eld at the Denver Col Iseum " We were really excited and nervous to co mpet e, but we d i d our best, " said sop homore Jennifer Dmges Photo by Ron Finelh


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tSum n er i s su ppo n ed by h er fell ow c hee rs \vh1 le showing off h er flexibility. W orking wi th eig ht other individuals 1s a ch allenge 1n i t self, but so phom ore Tammy Wh ite contrad i c ts that by say ing, " Not really, all th e people on th e squad s are pr etty easy t o work with" Photo by Ron Finell1

Are You


The squad

Sharon e k e ab s':etl>all cheerleaders a("'e women of th e other peopl e's opinion oftb important thing. Sopho said s hed oes o ' twonya because, "I know who

esjuol o r e. GH S's

s, knowing is not the most Kristen Bohn people's thoughts

m. "

Photo by R. Finelli

.... . I :1t-0' ,!. ) ~; ~.; •' ·; . ~·· (( \;~t~ ~'it \ =' '" . • ••
Fro nt Row : Sharon M 1cke Second Row : Jennifer Dinges, Keira Br esnaha n Third Row : Holl ey Foster Fo urth Row : April Schossow. Megan Goodwin, Joy Sumne r, Yolanda Chaparro On Top: Andrea Arc her

Junior Varsity Vo ll eyball

Fro nt R ow: Amber Ca m ey, Ka mi-Jo Bnndl e, S1l ke Meder, Lynn Maharas

Midd le Row : Jennifer Reed, Lynn De Ba rry Ba ck Row : Heathe r Tumwall, Sandra Wolf Coach Mehssa Reed Ktm Zieg ler Stacey Hoyt

Leve l Three Volleyball

Front R o w : Les h eJarv1e, Sage Co nnell y, Ce le s te Leidich, He id i Cies lar Middle: Ju dy Kunze Ba ck Row : J ennife r Elgin, Carley Will ia ms, Coach Rhonda Haver, Jody Rmdt, Amelia Tietsort

Ju.nior Varsity Softball

First Row: Olristiue Smith, Jessica Ol~n, Sha1tnon Rood,<!Midle Row i Amber Schaefer, Kelly Omara, Heal.h er Wifson Baek Row : Coach Shannon High, Carrie Smith 1 Mary Ellen Cetnar, Lisa Fitch, Katie Cooper, Bri:mna Wel ls, Maegen Connolly

Junior Varsity Soccer

Fint Row : Scou Danie ls, Joey Kend¢ll >John Paul Pope , Chri~Rozelle, Karl Hel Imer, Albert Hges. Ma ll

La rson , Nick Malkmu s Middle Row : Ju stin

Needham , Johnathan Schreiner, Jason Chappell, Eric

Bartosh , Ryan Chisholm, Paul Huds()n Ba&. Row : Luke Santilli, Ricardo Moraes, Ted Politte, Abdullah Omer, Yamaguchim Nasuhiko


Third Leve l Softba ll

First R ow: Chnstme Maren , Emily Thompson , Teresa, Emmons, Katie Clark , Darcy Krt1n1ch, Seco nd Row: Mi chelle Boyd, Kerry Jones, Kel)J And erso n, Enn Porter

Junior Varsity Footb all

Front Row: Davi<l Bradder, Jeremy Hotsenpiller, David Palmer Drew Smilh tJ ason Hallt Terry Eilera. Travis ShieJds ~o od Row : Coach Bill Pospisil, 'Torn Ouster, ChnsHom, Henry Risner, DJ Hagberg. Payton Michael, Matt Kaspar, Coach Randy Blesh

'Jnird Row~Adam \V"1eber Jason Eagleson, Ju.rge.n Schlieman, JasonAnderson, Chris Anderson, Cra,g Sutton Back Row: Jake Thompson , Casey Bernal. Kev in Bildger Mike Mon ckton, Mart Driscoll

Third Level Football

F irst Row: Stephen Beooit, Nick Walters j Shane Rumley, Nick Lahey, J osh Dalgeuy, Steve Frost , Zachariah N.e1'son Second Row : Jonatbon Keeney Robby Childcrston. Peter Palanu le. Cody Long, Dan risher, Willie -Bortles, Austin Turner, Jason Mye~ Paul Szabo, Joel Nelson, Enc Fink Back Row : Aaron Barrett, Doug Doffing. Josh l..evJ~ Ezra R~nthal, Paul Barre tt , Anthony Brooks, J asso n Sehwe l tmao , Andy Rog e~ Adam Sey mou r, Bryan Velasquez. Marc Rood

Pl,C • '=3 c s: C • :C ) d .. ) )....
- 73

Get Vertical Sophomore Jason Eagleson aims high using the backboard to score tw o points on a reverse lay-up The JV team members achieved a lot more th an expected this yea r Freshman Andrea Dittbrenner slated, "The JV teams are th e next genera lt o n of Golden ." Photo by R Finelli

GirJs' JV Basketball

Front Row: Andrea Dittbrenoer, Maria Rascon , Tami Rodriguez, Akiko Miyoshi Back Row : Coach Lisa Wahl~En1ca Vierke.UndieHiichcock , Tara O' Neill , Nikki Varveris , Wendy Heywood , Coach Randy Schreiner

Girls' Level m Basketball

Front Row: Jessie Howell Back Row: Torrey Shel ton, Kristin Johnson, Eri n Hastin~, Coach Marty Malaya. Kelli

Anderson>Kalie Cooper, Laora Ekberg

Not Pictured: Tamsen Stokes, Jamie McTeer

TOUCH OF 74- ~cro~r r

JV Cheerleaders

Boys' Level ID Basketball

Front Row: Marc Rood, CalvirlKeney, Andy Rodgei-s1 Robby Ch:ilderston, Eric Fmk, Chris Roz-elle,, Erl~ Horvat Back Row: Joel Nelson; Jason MyetS1J-0sh Moles, Aaron 'Barret,, Erik Loseman, Paul Barret, Adam Miller, Steve Simmons, Za(h Shirk


Fr~t Row: Albert llg~ J<,hn Ri-Opatb , Rob Pineau, Ty Giw@, Mike Bad~ Middle- 8~ Hedy Kunter~Steve Frost, Terry Eilers. Rodney Yigilt Mike Troy Bauer, Jason lullt Jass<>n S¢nwettman Row ~ CQ#th UQ1)' May, Date ~ry, Matt. Robie , Russ ltaMe:(lt Kindra St:eele, Justin Hitl Nick Walters. Chuck Cornely, Matt Walton , Coach Clock Barbee

,. -· 4, "'1 .. ' '
C•) 4 d ,, Ill ( ) 2 .c C•) : • • - ··------~
Front Row: Kri ste n Bohn Middle Row: Carli Co upen s, Leah Kerr, Lisa Gores Ba ck Row : Laura Zaharias, Tamara Wh i te , Hea th er Moon

$----: < ··--"'---:

Junior Varsity spor t s at GHS has really tak en a tum for the best . This year they have upset many highly ranked teams. The JV girls ' basketball team ha s made many improvemen t s. They had a key win against th e rival Wheat Ridge The girls finished with a winning seaso n Sophomore Nikki Varveris co mment ed that, " This was our be s t season and we made a great team because of our great friendship." In all the l

Yes, We Did It Again Mem bers from the JV football team chee rw ildly as they JUSI make a fantastic play The JV team th is season had a terrific season as th ey walked off the field with no losses Freshman Austin Turn er confide ntl y commented," Good year, hope fully I can make varsity" Ph oto by R Finelli


different sports that GHS ha s to offer, the JV team s always seem to make a mark The JV football team finished their season undefeated. To accomplish all the things that the JV team s did this year, they had to practice, and above all practice hard . Coach Randy Schreiner always told his girls' basketball team that, " We are going to be county champs this year, and to do this we have to work hard and focus. "The boys ' soccer team also had a

great season. Sophomore Ryan Chisholm stated that, "JV soccer went well this year. It was great to be nominated JV All State by all of the varsity players." All of the JV s ports, including soccer, should be co mmended for their great seaso ns . If this is a sign for up and coming talent at GHS, then these players will definitely have a positive impact on the varsity sports next year. T. O ' Neill J Heinz

...._,____ • >
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We Got the Spirit Yes We Do Juniors Carli Coupens, Leah Kerr , and Laura Zaharias are cheering al a JV basketball game during half time along with sophomo re s Kristen Bohn, Jennifer Dinges, Lisa Gores and Tamm y Wh ite. Th e JV chee rle ading squad did well together they spent hours hours pract1c10g to make every little thing perfect. They were at all th e games possible , and made them selves very noticeable by s howing their g reat school spint Jun1 orCarli Coupens happily com mented," C heerin g was fun, I enJoyed the basketball games ." Ph oto by R Finelli

Ni c e Lay-up Junior A J Stahl goes 10 for the layup while Junior Steve Barlow and sophomore Jason Eagleson make sure 1t goes 1n by establishing a decent rebound i ng position The JV boys' team worked well together as a team Sophomore Zach Queen said "' It was a fun year and I think we did pre1ty good "Photo by R Finelli

Beginning A Routine Sophomore Sabnna Tortora awaits for her routine to begin at a gymnastics meet. Gymnastics 1s a graceful sport and you have to have a lot of coord1nat1on to do 1t. Sabnna commented, 41ne team did well this season and I tried my hardest. ..,

Another Three Point Shot Freshman Tamsen

Stokes shoo ts a t hree point sho t while freshman Katie Cooper watches 10 hope The J V g i rls ' basketball team pulled up the third leve l girl s for every game freshman Kristin Johnson stated, "I t hink 11 was a grea t opportun i ty to improve my skills." Photo by R Fine I It

Photo by R Finelh

iiiitiiiiiiiing! The alarm c lo ck goes off as an o ther sc hool day s tart s. Demons go thr o u g h th e sc h oo l d ay lik e any o th e r, following their r o utine of cla sses, lunch, and th e n back again t o c la ss. As th e da y co mes to a close, another kind of Demon comes o ut. The pr ocra s tinati o n Demon Thi s guy loves to put off work until the la s t minute. Re m e mber th e Golden Rul e: D o n ' t Procra s tinate Tick, ti ck, ti ck. The c lo ck slowly, and e mpha size th e sl o w part, ticks it s way to the e nd o f hi s tory cla ss. Your r ea r aches, and your mind throb s from s itting and li steni n g t o a l ec tur e for the la s t hour and a half . " Read the n ex t 12 sec tion s of Palmer and Co lton for n ex t time, " s pouts the t eac her as you ru s h out of the room Homework: an esse ntial but hat e d part o f the academics at GHS. Day aft e r day s tudents ru s h throu g h the hall s t O get to th eir n ex t cl ass on time Know th e Go ld en Rul e: Don' t b e tard y and do your h o m e work

G H S is th e pla ce to lean 1 _ \Vith the faculty and s tudent s w e ha ve at GHS, lea rning is seco nd nature , d o ing it without thinking Everyday another adven tur e begins, wh e th e r it be in Indi ana Sc halhamer 's PSSC Phy sic s c la ss or in M s. Nations' Am erica n Literature c la ss. Students cram for t es t s, do a la s t minute hom eWO rk assignmen t in Access, and soc ializ e ju s t for the hope of ge ttin g a good grade while havin g a littl e fun Th e Go ld e n Rule : Learn and have fun doing it.

GOLDEN 78 - RULE I l he

Ne ,v Mexico is Where Again? Se ni ors Myles Harvey and Khomknt '<aowthumrong try to find areas on a map dunng AP Hi s tory Ill The AP cla~s w"I give you a credit fo r college, as well as high sc hoo l, 1f you can pa ss a tes t a t the end of the course. Ph o to by Ron Finelh

Now What' s the Answer?

Sophomores Kyl e Cusack and Canss1a Lowers try to work out a problem on the board during algebra class. Jun,or Danell D1ttbrennersta1ed, " Hi gh schoo l 1s a real learning expenence The classes are prepanng me for college " Ph oto by Ron Finelh

Singing Strings Th e orchestra members play to th eir way to perfection dunng cl.u.s Senior Kelly Re,necker s tated, "' My favonce classes are the ones where we get to go on field tnps and work on proJectsand acttv1t1es1n class"

Photo by Ron Finell,

Do yo u think that you could be Albert Einstein if you worked hard enough at science? With all the q u ality programs offered a t GHS , who knows? Junior Dawn Durant thinks that " Dissecting a baby pig was pretty fun ." But s enior Joy Sumner believes th a t " turning a penny into a gold plate was a fun experience ." Science is a department where s tud en t s get lots of hands on ',

whic h are not a lw ays loads of fun. Fres hman Josh Dalgetty said his worst experience was 11 when S hane Rumley a nd I accide ntally l eft th e

• • • nen ce m sci ence wa s when so meone s prayed pepper gas. ''


th ermo m e t er in boiling water and it exp l o ded ." Many s tud ents who took phy sics " fondly " remember Mr. Dick Schalhamer' s uniqu e m e th od of ca llin g on st udent s . " H e h as all your nam es on a TV scree n a nd the n a m e that co m es up is th e person who ge t s to a n swer, " co mpl a in e d se ni or AngieJohnson . But


junior Sarah McGuane love s 11 when h e plays his banjo a nd sings to u s in physics. " " Doc " VanderLaan was co n s tantly taking hi s Biology II cl asses into th e field, whether th a t be b e hind the sc h oo l or in th e Denver Zoo. In c h emis try, stud e nt s ca n pra c ti ce becoming mad scie ntis t s, mixing up s tr a n ge formulas and watching the results. Senior activi t y , some of My worst expeDan Matlock sa id, I like it when things go wrong in scie n ce." Scie n ce always provides pra ctica l inform atio n to s tud e nt s. Junior Stacey Winston l ea rn e d

" h ow to make moons hin e in Mr. Scholes' chemi s try class. " As far as academics is co nce m e d , scie n ce cla sses are always a c halleng e, whether it be following a l ec tur e or di ssec tin g a little insect or a bi g farm animal. As you ca n obvious ly see, all different scie n ces are s tran ge and int e re s ting. St e phani Shaw and M ega n Ruml ey

So il o r Water Freshm an Vanessa Ha nnemann s tudi es and awaits fo r the final temperature of th e so il and water experiment in Mr Chuc k Ba rbee ' s science class Freshman lec k1e Foster sa id , "' th e funnest part o f Barb ee's class 1s the experiments." Sc ien ce doesn ' t always mean making mistakes and messes, 1t req uires a lot of thinking Ph o to by Kathenne Saund ers

Bubble , Bubble , To il and Tro ubl e Seniors Sara Verbeck , Ke ll y Krowne , Erika Berakke n, and Jam es Lindberg are carefu lly examining a chemistry expenment. Che mi s try , like most science classes , gives student 1ns1ghts int o the world around us Se nior Craig Martin said, " I hk e science because I hope one day to be an anarch ist. " Ph oto by Katherin e Saunders

Temperature Up Freshmen Ann Tuffin and Da n Gasper are watching th e temperature ri se fo r a expenmen t in Mr Chu ck Barbee ' s scie nce class Science tak es a lo t of conce ntrat io n and you also ha ve to wo rk your butt off to do the best you can Sophomore Bu c ky Fi sc her said, "Ea rth Science has been my worst scie nce class , because it ' s pointless." Ph oto by Kathenne Sau nd ers

l • 1

L oo kin g up a t th e cloc k, and d o wn a t yo ur pap e r, a nd th e n r ealizin g th a t yo u d o n ' t h ave e n o u g h tim e t o fini s h th e 32 probl e m s a ss i gne d tw o d ays b ef o r e, i s a dil e mma that all m a th s tud e nt s h a v e ex p e ri e n ce d a t o n e tim e o r a n o th e r . O n ce again yo u l oo k d o wn at yo ur p a p e r tryin g t o co mpr e h e nd " th e mind b ogglin g e quati o n s mad e up b y so m e r e all y b o r e d , ,

ju s t r e du ce t o l o w es t t e rm s, " s o p e rhap s th e a n s w e r i s n o. Juni o r Carrie Myers r e m a rke d th a t s h e d oes n ' t kn o w wh y s h e k ee p s takin g m a th, " but so m e tim es it see m s as th o u g h th e g h os t o f th e l ege nd a r y P y th ago r o u s i s h a untin g h e r , a nd fo rcin g h e r to co ntinu e. " Alth o u g h th e co mm o n co n se n s u s among s tud e nt s app ea r s to m a th e m a ti cian a l o n g tim e ago, " as junio r Serena Dovey d esc rib es h e r H o n o r s Pr e-ca l c ulu s h o m e w o rk . If th e r e i s

b e th a t math i s not th e m os t exc iting thin g in th eir liv es, th e r e a r e so me only on e right answ e r.

The wor s t part of math i s that th e r e is

s tud e nt s who •·iiii ac tually look o n e thin g e v e ryb o d y can r elat e t o, it ' s math b eca u se e v e r y one

-- Marg i e Sant fo rward t o g oin g to cla ss. Se ni o r Natha n mu s t p ass a t l e a s t tw o cla sses t o gra du a t e . Wh e n se ni o r Nathan Car t er finally ge t s t o hi s tri go n o m e try cla ss aft e r fr a nti cally fini s hin g hi s hom e w o rk, h e thinks to him se lf: " Will Mr (Di ck) Bradsby e v e r s top talking ? " H o wev e r , a cc ording t o Ms. Diane Kessler, " O l d math t e a c h e r s n e v e r di e, they GOLDEN s2 - RULE

''Taylor r e mark e d , " In Appli e d Math with W eins tein, it ' s hand s-on St oc k Mark e t, graph t a kin g fun " Juni o r Ian K u nter co mm e nt e d , " I e njoy m a th b ec au se it ' s v e ry chall e ngin g and i s o n e o f th e mo s t important cla sses fo r co ll ege and beyond. " Kath e rin e Saund e r s and Jami e Burke


CSU Math Day Participants Front row · Dal e

IWebster, Mik e Osgood, Brook Po ner, Cra ig Ma nin , Anna Olsen, Matt Rillos, Bec ky Do hert y, Pooja Voria Ba ck row · Mr Bob Putka , Boyd Nelso n, Dan Matl ock, Khom Kaow thumro ng, Ta s ha Mark ovc h1 c k, Sa nn1 Ke<;k1mak1, Ellen L1pstein, Steve Sc hroeder

I'm Gue ss ing Sophomore Seve nn e S wan so n tri es to de mons trate a geometric equa t io n o n the board in Ms Di ane Kessle r's class Fres hm an Sa ini Sabi n said, "Lellers and numbers don't mix, so why ta ke Algebra a nd t ry and make th em"

Photo by Ron Finell,

Gee, Le t Me Th ink Freshmen Bobb a Schultz and Amanda Sexton think as hard as they can about what Mr Bob Put kasa ad about their assignment while t hey were actually thanking about the weekend

S quare O ne Juniors Ryan Chisholm and Jeremy Ballenger demonstrate to the class how to solve a d1fficull homework equa tion. " I often wonder 1f I will ever be able to use my Algebra 11 knowledge in re al hfe," commented Junior Kel h Co lli gan Ph o to by Kathenne Sau nd ers

Photo by Katherine Saunders

Engli s h , the language that we all learned at age two . Here w e are 15 year s later still l earning about verb s, no un s, adverb s, a nd comp l e t e sen t e n ce s. Alth ough , i n s o m e of t h e En glis h cl asse s yo u don' t h ave to si t in yo ur d esk a nd d o da ily a ss ign m e nt s a ll th e tim e. M r s. C l a r k ' s A d va n ce d Essay cl ass r ea d th e s t ory

The Ce lebra ted ]umping Fro g of Ca lav eris

Co unty b y M a rk

T w a in a nd go t t o h ave th eir o wn fr og jumpin g co nt e s t o n th e G H S t e nni s

co ur ts Juni o r

Ally s on Reynolds

co mm e nt e d , " M y

ch a n ge of p ace fro m th e daily assi gn m e nt s a nd lec tur es ." Th e s o ph o m ores in Mr Sharp ' s M ass Media cl ass l ea rn h ow t o a d ve rti se an d m ake th eir o wn co mm e rcia l s . Th e o th e r sid e t o En g li s h i s th e essays an d r e p o rt s . Fr es hm a n Ron Collin s sa id, " Writin g a b o ut G r eek m y th ol ogy w as th e hard es t essay t o writ e. " Wh e n so ph o m o r e Lynn DeBerry wa s

''My fr og didn ' t win , as k e d what w as th e

s o I w as g oin g to h av e fr og leg s f o r dinn e r.

--Allyson Reynolds

fr og di dn ' t win so I w as go in g to h ave fr og legs fo r dinn e r , but Mr s.

C l a r k didn' t a ppr o v e. '' On th e o th e r h a nd M s . Judy Boi a n ' s fr es hm e n cl ass d oes b oo k r e p o rt s e ve ry six w eeks. Fr es hm a n Deanna Smith co mm e nt e d , " I think th a t

b oo k r e p o rt s a r e goo d Es p ec ially eve ry six w eeks b eca u se it's a


s 4 - RULE

h a rd es t essay t o writ e s h e r e pli e d , ,., Writin g a b o ut th e b oo k T h e G r ea t Ga t sby. " Fres hm a n Chad Butler

th o u g ht th a t r e adin g w as th e b es t p a rt o f En g lis h . H e co mm e nt e d , " Th e b es t bo o k that I r ead thi s y e arw as Lord ofth e Flie s, b ec au se o f th e goo d moral l esso n " So ju s t r e m e mb e r , while yo u writ e an ess a y, th a t y o u ' ll b e

u sin g thi s langua ge f o r th e r es t o f yo ur life. Ju s t h a n g in th e r e !

Ta m se n St o k es


Leap Frog Junior Chuck Co me ly races hi s frog while Junior Kelly Kuhgan and senio r LaRay Beck loo k on .

They read the book the Celeb rated Jumping Frog of Catavar,s County and were having th eir own frogjumping 'On te st Photo by J Clark

High F ive Seniors Ho ll ey Byerly, Angie Johnson , and Jessica Wager congratu late each other during Mr Ron Finelli 's College Comp and Briti s h Lit class College Comp 1s one of the most challenging clases for most s tudenlS Senior Mike Montgomery said of hi s research paper, JI feels so good wh e n it ' s over" Ph oto by R Finelli

S pe ak U p Freshman Jon Rid path s ta nd s alongside fresh ma n Ca rl y Williams while they are doing th eir presentation on To Kt!/ a M ockingbird in Mr Dick Bums' L A. 3 8 class Reading the book To K,ll a Mo ck1ngb1rd 1s a requirement fo r all stude nts their freshman year Photo by Dick Bum

Thebell ring s and s udd enly so me of the mo s t uninhibit e d the s pian s in GHS fly into th e auditorium. No l onger are they merely s tud e nt s; th ey have tran s form e d into the c hara c t e rs of their in s piration sth err plays. Th ey were written with ch ildr e n in mind but ca n ' t keep from entertaining everyone. It ' s Children's Theatre, a cl ass wh e re s tud e nts write , pr ac ti ce and , ,

Cried Wolf and The Ug ly Duckling, andRapun se l. The actors hav e their own favorite chara c t ers like Junior Kayla Haptonstall who said ," Bubbles the fish in The Three Billy Goats Gruff is my favorite b eca u se I ge t t o play an airhead. " Junior Karen Dyke said , " I like it when Jeannie Miller plays the troll b e-

ca u se s h e r eally gets into her character ." perform play s for Three Jefferson co unty e l- Mice is fun b eca u se e m e ntary sc h oo l s tu- we get to s mack dent s. Tho se who into each other.

s ign up for thi s e l ectiv e cl ass gain th e experience of b ei n g in a tr ave lin g ac ting


--Jessica Wurtenberger ''

troop , a nd e nd up havin g a ton of fun in the proce ss. Goofy accent s, unforgettable ch a ra c t ers and a h ea p of ima gi n a ti o n all co m e together t o tak e a ca ptive a udi e n ce o n a cra zy rid e thr o ugh a world of sli g htly bent fairy t a l es The plays th a t th e group did thi s year in clud e : The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Th e Boy Wh o

Finally, se nior Erin Hawkins believe s that the b es t c haracter i s " Billy in The Billy Goats Gruff , because I' m Billy ." Not everyone in Children's Theatre

ha s a favorite character, junior Mandy Waltz thinks that th e b es t part of th ea tre , " is trav eling in Mr Klug' s van, ni cknamed th e ' lov e bu cke t ."' C hildren 's Theatre i s, and always will b e a magi cal and c razy journey into th e unknown Britt I se nb e r ge r

I l ,

I !
Good Doggy Senio r Boy d Nel so n has hi s ears scratc hed by hi s master, senior Dan Matlock So me s tud ents in Ch ildren' s Theatre accen tu ate their characters w ith reg iona l accents One o f junio r Jea nni e Mill er's favori te lines, when s he plays Pa is : " Gee t yu r g un soo ny " Ph oto by R Fin ell1

'Front row · Mandy WallZ, Karen Dyke , Jennifer Baure r, Stacie Driggers , Je ann ie 11ler Enn Hawkins, J ill Katzenberger Middl e row Sarah Boyd , Je remy Zahrte , Dan Matlock , Ka yla Hapton sta ll , Karen Heffelfinge r Ba ck row : Kevin Koel, Pat ,::apa~,o, Mike Carter.Adam Fay , Ian Bates, Todd Derkrng, Boyd Nel son, T.J Feth , Jennfcr A1rheart, Courtney McNa.


You Serious?

In The Three Billy Goats Gruff, not everyone 1s conv inced o f senio r T .J Feth 's s incent y Man y of the s tudents prefer to act for an audience, so they can see how they are re ceived Sophomore Jennifer Airhart said, The plays th at are best to perform are The Cobbler and The Boy Who Cried Wolf "' Ph o to by R Finell,

Do You See What I See ?

Everyone 's on the lookout fo r the Big Bad Wolf 1n the play , The B oy Who Cried Wolf Some of the best lin es 1n Children's Theatre involve understated JOkes and underlying messages Ju nior Ian Bates' favorite line is "The Big Bad Wolf d1dn ' t invite me for dinner, I must not be a pig"

Photo by R Finelli •

Thisyear's Studen t Council got off to a quick start with Homecoming starting extra early. Freshman representative Anne Fay said, "Because Homecoming was so early, it pulled the whole council together and we had to work together and work quickly to get everything done ." Senior representative Holli Byerly agreed that this year's council was good " be-

Iementary school for three years. There were many topics Student Council discus se d . Some of the many topics included a community-wide Trick or Treat Street which provided a sa fe place for kids to trick or treat . They also brought in canned goods which were donated to the homeless. Some of Student Council felt that they could not do

cause we all work together and all strive '' Student Council for the same goal: to develops a lot of

work hard for the organizational skills school and to be a and creates essential great Student Council." Sophomore secretary / treasurer KristenBohnsaid, " I think they are a good

organization to tie everyone together. ''

selection because they are all responsible." Members of Student Council had different reasons for joining. Freshman president Vanessa Hanneman said, " I wanted to get involved with school this year and I' m learning how to workwithstrangers." Vanessaalso worked in Student Council in el-


some of the activities they needed to do , to make Student Council what it needs, and should be. Senior president Brook Porter said, " We ' ve been trying to get involved with the community, but

when we try to plan projects and organize activities, the supervisors won ' t let us do what would be good for the school." All of Student Council agrees on the fact that Student Council was the best it's ever been.

Look at This Seniors J oy Sumner and Mik e Montgomery look at a li s t for Student Council. Senior stu dent body secret.ary Joy Sumne r sa id ," ( joined Student Council 10 make a difference , get a lot of activities, and be ,here for my last year of high school " Ph oto by K. K

, R Montana, N Varveri s, A Vanme1erTbird R ow: Mr Fink , E Hawkins, K Denner, T Mark ovch1ck, S Ward , K Cooper, G Francis, A Gupta, N Mat.aya, R Chn s ho lm Ba ck R ow: D Jaquez, T . Nordstrom , H. Byerly, J Sumner, M. Montgom ery, C. Caceres, T Dierking, B Porter, A Holland Photo by K. Kelllewell

I Think I Can, I Think I Can Senior Todd

Dierking s tares into nothingness thinking, 1ry1ng 10 tak e care of Student Council bu1 s ness. Sophomore pres1den1 Rena Dusenberry said, " I Joined to make thi s yea r the best, through activi ties and involvement " Phot o by K Kettlewe ll

Front Row : C Le1dich , J Parfe1 , V Hannemann , A Fay , H Tumwall, E Thompson, B Vangundy Seco nd R ow: R Carver, P Voria , K Bohn, J Chappell, R Dusenbury

I t's fi ve mi nut es un ti l third block is s upp ose d t o s t art , a n d s ud de nly yo u realize th a t yo u d o n ' t h ave any q u o t es for yo ur n ews p a p er s t ory w hich i s du e a t th e e nd of th e b l ock. As yo u ru s h a r o und trying to find so m eb o d y wh o knows th e sligh tes t a b o ut yo ur t o pi c, thinkin g th a t m aybe n ex t tim e yo u ' ll actuall y

w ri t e a n y th i n g I w a nt, (w e ll, a lm os t a n y th i n g), a nd ge t it p ubli s h e d , it' s a very s tr ess fu l pr ocess tryin g t o ge t a ll th e p ages r ea d y t o print," s h e s t a t e d T h e G H S n e w s p a p e r s t aff is d e di ca t e d t o publis hin g a n e w e ditio n a b o ut eve r y fo ur w ee k s, a nd th ey wo r ke d t oge th e r quit e a bit in o rd e r t o ac hi eve th a t goa l . do yo u r ass i gnm e nt on ti m e, yo u wo nd e r to yo ur self, " Why a m I d oin g thi s?" Se ni o r

Melinda Emanuel S o m e b o d y h as t o d e liv e r th e n ew s in th i n ks s h e h as th e an unbi ase d non -

a I • "I

sa tiri cal w a y.



reaso n : 1' Beca u se I ca n m a k e fun of w h oever I w a nt t o1 11 s h e r e m arke d .Se n io r Carly Seigesmu n d ''

Ne w s p a p e r m ay see m like a n easy cl ass, but acco rdin g t o Se ni o r Erin


so m e int e r es tin g

p eo pl e," sa id juni o r Serena

Dovey . What e v e r e a c hindividual

s t a ff m e mb e r go t o ut o f th e cl ass/ th e y h elp e d th e s tud e nt b o dy t o

k ee p up t o dat e o n all th e

h a pp e ning s in th e GH S

co mmunity thr o u g h o ut th e y ea r .

"So m e tim es it see m e d like I li ve d in th e n e w s pap e r r oo m , but i t w as a fun o pp o rtunit y fo r m e t o s harp e n up my writin g s kill s, a nd t o w o rk with
Furtak , it 's ac tu a ll y quit e th e o pp os it e. 11 Alth o u g h I a m a ble t o
Ja mi e Burke

iirst row: Melinda Emanuel, Carly Seigesmund, Joel 1 lansen, Serena Dov ey Middle row: Kim Giddeon, Matt ~chne 1d er, J 1m Lindb e rg , Stacey Win s t on, Sarah McGuane Dan Skala, J os h Brooks Ba c k row: Ron Finelh, Shawn Powe ll , Aaron Brown, Bn a n Outland, Dan Matlock, Brett Myers, Enn Funack, Sara Snyder, Kim Kettlewell Ph o to by Ron Finelli

Flash Back Sophomore Sara Snyde r sea rches through old ed tt ons of the Trident looking for exciting s tory ideas Senio r Melinda Emanuel commented, "I love having the ab1 l1t y to say what I want, about what I wan t , whenever I want, and have it printed " Ph oto by Ron Finell,

Frustration Seniors Carly Se1gesmund and Melinda Emanuel try to overcome their mutual cases of writer's block . " Newspaper provides a great env1ronment for the 1mag1na11on to run wild," remarked junior Sarah McGuane Photo by Ron F1nelh

Finally Sophomore Shane Marquardt waits for the final draft of his story to print. "Newspaper helps I 10 sharpen up me's In glish skills," commented senior Dan Matlock with a smirk Photo by Ron Finell1

I ·••··· J

It's late at night. You should be at home sleeping, but the ever faithful are in the yearbook room cramming in order to make a deadline. Th at' s right , yearbook is a cl ass and it is dedicated Golden s tudents who put the book together. Senior Katherine Saunders stated, " Yearbook is an addiction. That is

People are going to

forever . Junior Brittany Isenberger recommends this class to students who " enjoy being

look at this book 20 years down the road and smi le. , , creative, like to write

found out that there was much more work involved in creating a yearbook than they had previously thought. Freshman Kristin Johnson exclaimed, " It was a lot harder than I expected, but it' s worth it to see the final product. " This is a class dedicated to producing a yearbook that the student body will enjoy and remember why I can't get out of it." It ' s a class full of deadlines , photos , layouts , writing, hard workandabove all, stress Yearbook is taught by Mr. Ron Pinelli, but the class was run by returning senior Editor-in-

want to have their work published. " The people in this cla ss must recreate the year, so in 10 years when you pull this dusty yearbook off the s h elf, you will look back and remember th e wonderful times at Golden and of course, those who helped to put the book together. Courtney Sasa

--Timothy Blum interesting s tori es about the schoo l and the student body and Chief Tim Blum . Junior Michelle Tucker said, " Yearbook? No, ' stressbook' is more like it. I don ' t know why I keep signing up for this cla ss Maybe I was abducted by aliens who worship yearbooks, and they hypnotized me so I love it Just joking, I like it when it' s f un ." Many Golden students

'' '
Concentration Sophomore Matt Montg o me ry pa s te s down page s in Yearbook c lass. Yearbook not only involved writing, but al so style book tests and using computers. Freshman Anne Fay stat ed, " Even though i t wa s stressful , Yearbook was a good experience." Photo by Ron Finelli

Great Minds Think Alike Senior Courtney Sasa,Juntor Jamie Burkc,sen1or Katherine Saunders, Junior Michell e Tu cker, sophomore Man Montgomery and senior Tim Blum discuss how to put the yearbook together 1n an editors' meeting Freshman Becca Webb stated, " You have to be dedicated in order 10 do well 1n Yearbook ."

by Ron F1nellt

Photo Hunt FreshmanTamsenStokes contemplates which picture is the best to use on her yearbook s pread Junior Jamie Burke s tated, " Yearbook is my favorite class because I enJoy being creative and hke hard work "

by Ron F1nellt

Front row: Jamie Burke, Cou rtn ey Sasa, Tim Blum , Michelle Tu c ker, Matt Montgomery, Katherine Saunders Second ro,,: Katy Ratz, BJ Reynolds, Me lissa Palmer, Elizabeth Ch1l coa1, Megan Rumley , Robin Politte, Kn sti n John son, fiffany Oovey,Brittany Isenberger Back row: Becca Webb, Whitn ey Johnson, Ch n sCum mtn gs,Step h S haw, Tamsen n .Sto kes, Tara O' Neill, Carrie Smtih Photo by Ron Finell1 Photo Photo

image s and creative urge s can be expressed through art. In taking an art course, a person can express her se lf whether it be in photography, drawing, jewelry, crafts, or ceramics. Many s tudents takin g a n art course agree with junior Cliff Roberts : " It 's fun t o express yourself." He exp r esses him self thro ugh working with metals and woods. So ph o m ore Brian W ellensik expresses , ,

ing art would have to

b e either the devotion or th e co llecting of Art is transform- ideas and putting ing images into visual them together in orobjects. d e r to create a fin', i s hed project. Sopho-

Thetime se t a side t o draw." Artists e n co unt e r various pr oble m s when working. They s tumbl e across a n s w e r s and p o nde r differ e nt po ss ibilities , but se nior Michelle Wagner finds h e r s through " vis i o n s in her h ea d ." Freshman Jared King gets hi s idea s from II magazine s and by looking through s tyle books ." The hard es t part with takhim se lf by drawing an d sa ys, " I like t o work with my hand s a nd crea t e." According to freshman Ginny Kusy, " I am able to ex press my inn er mo s t thought s

--Steve King mor e Jennifer Orand says, " It 's always fun t o see a fini s hed and feelings thr o ugh th e clay by m aki ng pot s." When a s ked why s h e t ook an art cla ss, fr es hman Christy Hassey sa id, 11 1 lik e it, it i s fun and it i s easy."

Freshman Eric Fink agrees : " It 's an easy A ." Freshman Charlie Custer agrees with Eric and says, " It 's kind o f easy and I like havin g

pr o ject. " Art in s truct o r , Mr. Joe McGinnis, states his o pinion of GHS ' s art department by sayi ng, " I am really proud of Golden 's art departm e nt; it i s very s tr o ng and diver se. I feel that it is th e numb e r one in the state. " Tiffany Dovey and Carrie Smith


Molding to perfection Junior Em il y Lowe ca refully complete!> her pot fo r cera mi cs . G HS offe rs a variety of different art courses to fit every individu al ' s needs ,\ccordmg 10 Jayme White , "Art helps me exp ress myself in differen t ways " Photo by Ron F1nelli

Dan Beck make final touch - ups on their drawings

Students agree th at an first appears to be an easy class , but in reality it ' s just as hard as any other class Freshman

Enc Horvat stated , "The work 1s rewarding ." Photo by Ron

A Touch of Co lor Sen ior K Wya nt ad ds colo r to bnng her picture to life Students agree that you feel sat isfied after completing a proJect " P ulling my ideas together to see wha t I' ve created gives me th a t sat isfact ion ," s tates freshman H Shoener Ph oto by R Fine l lt

Picture Perfect Senior Kim Brennecke and Junior
• ._ ·-- § 8 =·
F1n el h
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you like music? If you do, then band or orchestra is the place for you. There, you have the opportunity to learn and play with so me of the finest musicians in the sc hool. However, so me band members take band for other reasons than to learn music as did so phomore Jennifer Rickard: "I took band so I could

Doprefer the clas sica l approach. Sophomore violinist James Lo sai d , " I took orchestra because it's a r ea lly easy class and I have to. " Junior Shawn Bakker co mmented, " I took orchestra because some of my friends were in it ." Being in a band class also gives students different ways to get involved in the school such as maybe letter in it."

Sophomore Becky Doherty also took band for rea so n s other than mu s ic: " I took band because it strengthens your lips and band nerds are good kissers. " Most other members of

I took band because

lettering, playing during assemblies, and competing with others in State. This year, band did the

that's just who I am and what I do, and I just like to play my clarinet. , , best ever, taking third

--Michelle Groves place at the Jeffco Festival on Sept. 28, mu sic took it for just the pleasure of music. " I want to play bass like Eddy Lee, " commented freshman Carla Bosse . " I took band because I love mu s ic and I want to play when I get older," replied so phomore Kate Prestia-Schawb.

Orchestra also see ms to be a popular choice among those who


and got 17th at State, at Englewood High School on Oct. 22. During the fall , the band members participate in Marching Band. Their job is to play at home football and basketball games during halftime and in the stands when the team scores. Matt Montgomery, Katherine Saunders and Michelle Tucker

Lead the Way Sen ior drum majo1 Michelle Groves co ndu c ts the band a l Homecoming This yea r lhe band receive< 1he Spiril Award al Regional Compelitior on Oct 10 Photo by Robin Poli ll e l

Ir -

An d th e Band Pla ye d O n The ban d p lay s 1n th e fr on t co urt yard at th e Jef fco Cour th ou s e Fre s h ma n E r ica S m ith excla im ed , " I watc hed my s is te r play in band for two years so I wan ted to play also , th en s he qui t on me " Photo by K Saunders

Bl o w Y o ur Horn Se ni or Nathan Carter play s h is trum pe t at the Jeffco Co urth o use on Nov 4 Nath an sai d , " People thin k ba nd 1s for ne rds b ut rea ll y, people 1n ba nd are th eeht eof th e sc hool " Ph oto by K Sa unders


Firs t Row : Mr S Ed son , J Akal , C Bo sse, M Th omas, Z Kos te nnan , M Maharas , M Groves, S Maca lady, J Peacoc k, J Ku nze , T Rawson , B Troxe ll Seco n d R ow: E Rya n, L Maharas , M Burnell , D Menap ace, S Pe te rs, J S ha nks , E S mith , T Pe ters, P Dvo ra k, K Sa un de rs , K Clar k, M Jo hn son , S Dan iel, R Go uld , K Mc Da niel , r T ucker, J Dilwo nh , K Pres ti a-Sc haub , R Blac k T hird R ow: T Bai r, H Freier, R Arta le, B Do he rt y, T Mah o nee, L Sa lg , A Chri s ten se n, S Ga ul e, B Anderson , k Ge rn1 , M Lauwers , A Rehe r, R Han se n, E Ove rturf, B Groves, T S hmidt , C Carson Ba ck r ow: W Ebe rh a n , E Ah ls trom, N Wall er , C M ille r, J Kemler , R Buc ho lz, D Rehe r, E. Po ner, S . S chroe der, N. Ca rter, D Ga s per, C. Rozell e, N Church , L Fl o res, P Hi ll , J Ric kard , J Bakk er

of the s tage lights are s hining brightly. The only thing you see is a thou sa nd eyes waiting for your so lo to begin It i s over before you know it Knowing that your job wa s w ell done , you s l owly s tep back into the ma ss o f Singers. If you hav e ever been to a concert performed by th e 24t h Street Singers, then you know that they t ry their

AuSome people dream of becoming a s tar or being in a ro ck band . But for others it is more than a dream, it's a reality . Senior Sarah Boyd said, " I plan t o major in Music Edu cation so that I can u se m y talent to forward th e hope s and ambition s of o thers." H ow would yo u prepare for a so l o? " Take a deep breath and . imagine everyo ne in th e c r owd na- harde s t to do well .

Think h ow you would feel if you acciden tally s tumbled and fell off the s tage during a perform a n ce. Se ni or Boyd Nelson remarked , " The mo s t e mbar-

Take a d ee p breath

and imagin e eve ryone in the crowd naked.



98 - RULE

Practice Makes Perfect Jun ior tr Jeramy Snidow, senior Bo yd Nelson , Juniors Kara DeCarolis, Britt Ise nberge r, and senior Sarah Boyd, learn a piece of music th at th ey will be performing in the future Sop homo re Mi chael Hall said , " 24th Street S ingers 1s an eli te s how choir and I'm proud that I wa, able to make 11." Ph oto by Ron Finclh

k e d ," s aid junior Kara Decarolis . The o nly thing that co uld mak e thi s s ituation wor se is a bad a udi e n ce. Seni o r Ben Kappes ''
ra ss ing thin g i s when yo u are dancing on s ta ge, you go o n e way a nd everyo n e el se goes anoth e r ." Talk abo ut d edication, th e s ingers hav e to b e at sc h ool at 6 :3 0 in the m o rnin g! W e asked junior Don Martin what h e felt abo ut that and h e s aid, " I ca n ' t feel anything at 6 :3 0 in th e m o rnin g." GOLDEN
recalled o ne: " The worst audience that I eve r perfo rm ed in front of was th e se nior citize n s who s tarted fighting and pun chin g eac h o ther durin g a so n g. They had to b e br o k e n up by th e c rowd ." Ins tru c t o r Mr. Eric Weinstein s tated, "S inge r s are a very div e r se group ." B W e bb and W Wilk

Yo delin g Junior Denise Shaner, seniors

T J Feth and Dan Matlock, sophomores

Jason Page, Mike Reynolds,Juniors Lindsey Brazil, Jenny Bauer Kim Gorman and senior Kara Black work on a musical piece The Singers won second place in the Cavalcade of Music Pho to by Ron F1nel11

Encore Members of S ingers go over their songs one last lim e before a performance Junio r J eramy Sn1dow commen ted, A career 1n s1ng1ng could be possible tn the future Everyone seems to encourage me and push m e towards a career 1n mu sic" Ph o to by Ro n Fi nelh

• I '---
Fro nt R ow: Ben Kap pes, Dan Mat lock, TJ Fet h , Joel Ne lso n Seco nd R o w: Bntt Ise nb erger, Ka ll e Jo hnston, J ennife r Baurer, April Schosso w , H il ary Turn e r T hird Ro w: C hns ta Sanders, Kara DeCarolis, Sara h Boyd, Lindsay Brazil , Oem-.eS haner Ba c k R ow: Mr E n c We1 ns te m, Jera my Snidow, Don S kala, Mik e Ha ll , Don Mart in , Boyd Ne lson, Jason Page Mik e Rey nol ds, Mark Hic km an Ph o to by Ron Finel h

u st about everyone ha s been see n parading around their room with hairbru s h in hand imitating Mariah Carey or Boyz to M e n Likewi se on any given day Golden s tudents can be see n cr oo ning at the top of their lungs while driving out of the parking l o t all alone. More often than not these people are

express my feelings through the music we sing.


I like being able to parenting and 1 i V i n g independent l y. Students who take Consumer and Family Studies also learn about pres s ures, mora l s

Student s at Golden enjoy taking Co n s umer and Family Studies for various rea so n s. Freshman Adrianne Wright sa id, " It's a fun e njoyable class, and we get to ex p e riment with a lot of different foods." Yet thi s program is not only coo king and sewing. It helps d eve lop s kill s that will become important later in life like involved in the choir d e partm e nt at GHS. The choir department consists of over 250 s tudent s s pread among s ix choirs, lead by Mr. Eric Wein s tein . Freshman Kelly McDaniels sa id, " I

like choir becau se it's an easy, rela x ing class.'' Junior April Schossow commented, " I like choir because when the other parts are practicing, you can get your homework done ." If you sing in the shower or in the rain , s ign up for choir. You ' ll definitely be in good company!


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and social issues. Senior Marty By rd said, " It 's a cool class if you like that kind of stuff."

Sophomore To n y Ve n so r remarked, " I take Teen Living because the teacher is cool." T h ese classes are excellent for anyone w h o wants skills that will l ast a lifetime.

Britt I s enberger

l •ts fol

• IS
Good Stuff Seniors John Martinez and Ryan Schwettman frost th e ir cupcakes Freshman Bryan Velasquez said , " If 11 looks good, 11 'II taste good "
Photo by K Saunders
~I h>w
C hec k Thi s Out Senior Co urtn ey Stookey adds food colo rin g to the frosting she made for her cupcakes Ms Julian 's classes cook anythi ng from desserts to main dishes Freshman Andrea Sai nd on said, " I like Ms Juli an's class because 1 have it right before lunch and th e n I don ' t have to spe nd money on food " Ph oto by Katherine Sau nd ers
AJaJ tow Co~

Firs t ro w:Tracy Myers, Bnttany Isenbe rger, Denise Shaner, Apn l Schossow, Kim Gorman, Sarah Boyd, Andree Foste r Seco nd ro w: Kara DeCarolis, Me li ssa Cline, Brenda Westby, Jennife r, Sue Luca~, J ennifer Baurer

Third ro w :Heidi Cieslar, Kell y Powers, Amber Ca mey, Kett h R1ndt, M1ke Reynolds, Sonya Evans, Elissa Jones, Co ll ee n St ru ck, C hn sty Wh itfield Fo u rt h ro w: Wh itney Wilk, Karen Neukirchner, Sarah Schiffman, Adrianne Wn g,ht, Ste ph an i Shaw, Meago n Ziegle r, Lindsey Brazil, Marl a1na Cle ments Ba c k row : Joel Ne lson, Josh Sm ith, Ben Kappes, Don S kala, J osh B rooks, Do n Martin, Mik e Hall, Enc Weinstein, direc tor, Photo By Ron Finellt

First row :Julie Hage meis te r, Brenda Wes tby, Kari n S an c hez, Kar la, Sc himn e1s te r, Sara h Boyd, Cy nth ia McDerma nd, t.f oll y Quirk , Renee Mc Rey no lds, La u re n Miln er, Am y Ol sen Seco nd r o w:Desi ree Rosales, Ke ll y Adams, Sa1n1 Sabi n, And rea Saind o n, S hann on Ho lsi nge r, J enn1fer Rey no lds, Mic helle Boyd, An na Wilson, Au d rey Forsyt he Thi rd row:Kat ie Hoage, IGm Wes tby, Am y Page , Pai ge Natzk e, Jess ica Gray, Te resa N1 aves, A pnl J oh ns ton, M1s t1Po iri e r, Arand a Coo pe r, Mic he ll e Lemmerm a n, Mo ni ca Ein s pahr, Mel issa Be ll ew, Debora h Ben net, Kelhlee S haw Bac k row: Sea n Cherne , Sh ane St o ne, J D Rod man, Bu c kner Fi sc he r, Eri c Koe hl e r, Travis Worley, Ad am Wendling, Mark Cola nge lo, Nick Lah ey, J asso n Sc hw e ttm an, Davi d J ames, Eric We in s tein, di recto r, Pho to by Ron Finel l!

Open Wide Fres hm e n Jen ni fer Elg in , Sue Lu cas, a nd Meagon Ziegler s tand wi t h full att entio n as th ey prac tice for t he win ter choir conce rt Freshma n J ennife r Elgin said she lt kes choir because "you can be yo urself and have fu n at the same lime " Photo by Ron Fin ell,

., I I ___ • T .,_______Ir-T,-,,-=--r-n.... , ..., ~ __.
+ ,+

Theone thing GHS students like to be is buff, especia lly th ose who play sports Senior Stacey Hoyt likes weight lifting because " It gives you a time during th e day to lift weights I a l so took the c l ass so I co uld play ball. " During class you can see many s tud e nt s tr aining for different spo rt s s u ch as gymnastics, basket-

ca u se it ' s easy. " All s tudent s have to tak e at l eas t a se m es t e r of ph ysica l e du ca ti o n so if yo u don ' t like W eight Lifting you can s ign up for Gym n as ti cs, Aerobics, or Team Sp o rt s . Freshman Mark Rood t akes b o th Team Sp o rt s and Fitn ess a nd Co nditi o nin g. H e s tat e d , " I lik e W e ig ht Lifting bette r b eca u se it h e lps m e ge t r ea dy f o r s ports and ball and volleyball.

Freshman Jennifer Reynolds co mm e nt e d , " It ha s h e lp ed m e pr e pare for varsity gy mna stics . The cla ss ha s tau g ht me the s kill s that are n ee ded for

n ex t year's seaso n. "

W e ight Lifting i s

I want t o get stronge r ." If you w e re to walk into one of the ro o m s whil e a cla ss cool b eca u se it pump s you up. ,, was going on, you


Juni or exc hang e s tud e nt Akiko Miyoshi tak es a t ea m s p o rt s cla ss, and s h e co mm e nte d that " of all th e s ports playe d I like baske tball th e b es t ." Not all s tud e nt s t ake a gym cla ss to train for s port s . So m e s ign up b eca u se th ey n eed a break from s ittin g in th ei r cl asses, o r in junior Cody Miller's case, " b e-


co uld find s tudent s doing activities ranging from s hooting ba s ket s t o doing flip s

off a balan ce b ea m . Gym i s a great class;itopensyoureyes to many diffe r e nt s ports and activities In Fitness and Conditioning you l e arn how t o work with weight s. No matter what, you ca n always see GHS s tudent s working hard during cla ss . Tara O'Neill and Tam se n Stok es

'' •


Bet I'm Stronger Sophomo re J aso n Eagleson doesaliftcalled"cleans " Mr Mark Homecker introd uced the GHS students to a new wo rkou t this year, called l1gger. Faster, Stro nger Senior S hane Morrow stated," I wish the re were mo re hot guys in the class " Pho to by T O'Neill

Work Tho s e Bicep s Senior Heather Sawyer pumps iron for Mr Mark Hornecker ' s Weight Lifting class Basketball coach Lisa Wahl required the Lady Demons to take a Fitness and Conditioning class Junior L1nd1e Hitchcock commented, It ' s helping me get stronger for basketball "

My World Turned Upside Down Freshmen

Andrea Dittbrenner and Stephanie Johnson spot freshman Rache l Picon on a back handsp ring during Ms. Marilyn Wilcox's gymnastics class Not only does physical education teach skills, bu t 1t also encourages teamwork .

by Tara O ' Neill

Photo Photo by Robin Polttte

Alot of people think that Tech Art s is an easy c lass to pass, but they are very wrong. The Tech Art classes take enthusiasm, skill, and hard work. Many courses fall under th e de sc ription of Tech Arts. Introduction to Metal s helps s tudent s to become familiar with s hop procedure s. Fre s hman Mike Brunker s tated, " In-

I think wood s hop

i s an intellectually s timulating class.

with making so me of your own tools, everything that you make i s an original t o yo ur s tan <lards." Introduction to Woodworking help s s tud en t s und e r s t a nd different ways of working with woods and give th e m the ba sics for different pr oject s. Some proj ec t s are harder than o th ers, but th e re i s always a variety of work to be done and not a lot of tro to Metals i s very entertaining." Metals is more advanced. Studen t s l earn higher level s of work in welding and ma chinery. Mr. John

Kellenbenz, teacher of metal a nd a uto --Ron Collins s h op s aid, " David Imer i s th e best at working with a wide range of the machines in his Advanced Metal s c la ss." Junior David Imer replied, " I' ve been in metal s hop each se mester sin ce I wa s a fre s hm a n . The c l ass s how e d me how t o take m eta l and turn it into a work of art. " Juni o r Erick Bartosh sa id, " You ha ve to deal

time to do it. Freshman Ron Collins sa id, " I think wood s hop i s an intellectually s timulating class to take, I enrolled in it b eca u se I wanted to learn the basics of

wood . " Woodworkingteaches many areas of current t ec hnology Introdu c tion to Au to M ec hanic s i s a course to provide s tud e nt s with ba s i c knowledge of an automobile On the other hand, Advanced Auto Mec hani cs is a hand s on approach to th e maintenance of a ca r Whitney Wilk and Becca Webb


T hi s Goes Where? Seniors Ja son H erringt o n and Tanya Prentice work on a proJ ec t f or Auto Shop Aut o 5hop 1s a hand s on experience, workin g with the care and maintenance of cars Tanya said, " I found th e class very duc.allonal It w as very, very d irt y., Ph o to by R Finelh

Ca reful No w Freshman Matt M aupin runs a dnll press t o complete ht\ gumball m ac hin e for an I ntro t o Woodw orking c l ass The class 1s designed to introduce stu dents to th e power machine tools and give some t ec hni ques for basic wood finishes M att sta t ed, I enJoy what I m ak e, and 11 ' s a fun class " Ph oto by R F1nellt

Concentration Is the Ke y Fres hman Steve Frost co nce ntrates hard on a proJect for Intro to Wood M os t of th e tim e spen t 1n thi s c la ss 1s for 1nd1v1dual proJe ct work Fres hman Jody Rm dt said , The gumball ma c hine that I made was the hard es t to do " Ph o to b y R Finell,

h a t d o th e numb e r o f cas u a l - m a k e th e m r ea d t oo mu c h in a ties i n th e 30 Yea r s W a r h ave t o do t ex tb oo k a t ni g ht No t all kid s wit h th e eco n o mi cs o f 20 th ce n - thi n k a b o ut r ea din g wh e n th ey tury A m e ri ca? O r wh a t d o th e think a b o ut th e h o m e w o rk th a t Ro m a n s h ave t o d o with th e ca pi- th ey r ece ive. " W e d o a l o t o f pr eta l s of th e U.S.A. ' s s t a t es? T h e se n t a ti o n s lik e pr o j ec t s," s aid answer is th a t t h ey a r e b o th p a rt of so ph o m o r e Crystal Beder. So m e cl asses offe r e d und e r th e titl e of s tud e nt s d o n ' t think a b o ut th eir socia l s tudi es. Soc i a l s tudi es w o rk a nd th e cl ass tim e wh e n th ey cl asses r are ly so und think of th e be s t like th e m os t excit- - p a rt o f t a kin g hi sing co ur ses offe r e d , '' t o ry . .., Th e wars, th e bu t t h e t eac h e r s w o rk Th e b es t thing in b a ttl es, th e blo ody h a rd t o k ee p kid s in - hi s tory wa s wh e n go ry parts, th e y'r e t e r es t e d . Juni o r Jen- w e watch e d La s t of th e b es t and th e nifer Martinez th e M ah ican s . m os t int e r es ting," s mil e d w h e n s h e ,, sa id Juni o r Beth sai d , '' M y t eac h e r Clowes . Th e four --Ellen Hale m akes it e nt e rta inin g t o k ee p u s int e r es t e d Wh e n s h e t a lks s h e m a k es it exc iti n g." So m e t eac h e r s u se l o t s o f m ovies a b o ut hi s t o ry t o k ee p th e s tud e nt s int e r es t e d a nd t o c ut d o wn o n l ec tur es b eco min g l o n g a nd b o r i n g. U nf o rtun a t e ly , n o cl ass in cludin g soc i a l s tudi es, i s co mpl e t e ly h o m e w o rk fr ee. M a n y ki d s co mpl a in th a t th e ir t eac h e r s

r e quir e d credit s o f so cial s tudie s can b e ea rn e d m a n y diffe r e nt w ays . Mo s t s tud e nt s t a k e Am e ri can go v e rnm e nt th eir fr es hman y e ar, th e ir so ph o m o r e y ea r th e y t a ke Am e rican hi s tory, a nd th e n a s juniors th ey take w o rld hi s tory, and in th e yea r o f th e ir gr aduation th e y tak e geog r a ph y a nd go v e rnm e nt eco n o m y. Eli z ab e th C hil coa t


106 - RULE

ta rn ed Hi s Wing s Sophomore Robert Groves en lightens hi s cl ass with a reali sti c cos tum e. Social :ti. dies teachers use 1nterac 11 ve l ea rning m eth ods. " He 's really a funny guy, he's reall y energeti c" se nior Bnan Outland sa id abo ut hi s t eacher, Mr M ike O'Don s10

To Be , or No t To B e Sophomore S hane Marqu ardt hopes hi s presenta t ion on th e Crusades will soon be ove r with a rewarding g rade Like man y sc hools, G H S take s a mult1 -m ed1a approa ch t o social studies " The m ov i es ar c the mo st fun ,"' sa id so phomore R ebecca Pnn ce. Ph oto by BJ Reynolds

Toga Party Jun10~ Ka ra Decarolis. Tami Rodngu ez.. Allyson Reynolds, and Laura Zahanas presen t th eir proJect on Cons tantin e W e had t o do 15 hours of co mmun11 y serv i ce as a proJect f or governmen t ," said senior Stacey H oy t


t A n o th er Pool Game

Sophomore Kn sty Robin son answers a qu es tion abou t M arco Polo Freshman Ry an H offm an sai d he learned well basically by playing games." Ph oto by BJ Reynolds

.... .
Photo by BJ Re y nol ds Photo by Ron Fmelh


Cla sses are hard enough, right? So why would anyone in th eir right mind want to make a cla ss any harder for them se lve s. AP s tand s for Advanced Pla ce ment , and that mean s challenging mat erial and higher expections. These two special little l e tt e r s make a world of difference. They can make any cla ss really

because Mr. Kinsey is my favorite liberal in the world.

I took AP history hard , if there 's enough of it . Sophomore Lejo Flores commented, " I think

,, APHistoryisharder

ior Patrick Bitner sa id, " I think it's hard b eca u se you learn more in le ss time ." Sophomore Jennifer Rickard repli e d that " it's hard because it mak es you think above your l eve l of thinking. " Lots of s tudent s liked the fact that in some AP courses you can earn college credit and that it just looks good on a tran sc ript. In so me cases easy work can become hard . A typical AP cla ss co uld consist of l ectur es, di scu ssion s, note taking, pre se ntations, working on assignment or reading, all of which can pu s h a s tudent to the limit . Still there are

Andy Bucholz because of all the reading. " " Most of my AP classes are many who feel brave and enjoy taking AP classes as did so phomore Phillip Willis : " I wanted to enhance my learning, so I could be s marter ." GHS offers many AP classes to all students except fre s hmen. AP classes include: history, math, science, English and foreign languages. Jun -

tough, but if you do all the work then you'll probably get an A," said sophomore Justin Needham. Junior Michelle Tucker sumed AP hi s tory best when she said,"Take it only if yo u really like History, because you learn a l ot, in detail."

10s - RULE
. 2

Wake up Senior Mel issa Ill takes an extended res t in Ms. Sandy Nations' AP English cla ss Sophomore Lejo Flores sa ,d , " ( look AP H1 s 1ory 10 expand my learning ~o nzon " Photo by Tim Blum

Work? Ms Sandy Nations ' AP English class ta kes a small break from th eir usually bu sy sc hedule Senior Ka1herine Saunders said, I took AP Hi s1ory JUS I because Mrs Be1t1nger put me an 11 "' Photo by Tim Blum

Huh , Yeah Sure Senior Dan Matlock and Erin Furtak rethink their hi s torical s ta1 e ment 1n Mr Bob Kinsey 's AP History III Out of all AP classes the AP H1 s tones see med to be the mos t popular Ph oto by Tim Blum

uccess on

Manyglad that I took it. " Courses offered at GHS include Keyboarding, Accounting, Marketing, Business Law, Computer Creativity, and Career Development and Planning. The busine s s cla ss e s at GHS give students an opportunity to learn how the business world works, and helps them to learn s kills which may be beneficial for them in the future. Senior Jay Anderson stated, cla ss for me to take becau s e after college

people at Golden enroll in bu s ine ss cours e s in hope s of gaining e x perience for future career opportunities. It i s a cla s s for juniors and seniors at GHS who think they need to get a head s tart on work before they are forced out into the world and doing thing s on their own. Junior Crystal Schenck remarked that, " Bu s in ess i s a wonderful ''

I am planning on being an accountant, and accounting

Accounting is a fun class with lots of math.

" Atfirstlthoughtaccounting was going to be a goof off class for an easy credit help s me to get the upper hand. " The Bu s ine ss Depart-

Jay Anderson

''was able apply a lot of the math that I have learned in the past. " The Creative Computers program exposes students to a variety of high tech software from graphics to page design. Sophomore Holley Foster said, " I love working on the Mac because I can be e r eative. "

However, once it started I thought it was really fun and I ment offers a full range of classes from s imple keyboarding to on the job training cours e s . Freshman Jessica Fuller s aid of her keyboarding class, 11 Sometimes it i s difficult to keep up with the fa s t pace of the class, but overall it i s fun and interesting, and I ' m


In or Out Freshman J essica Fuller c hanges a di s k so c;he can get to work 1n her keyboa rding class. T yping is one of the bu si ness classes offered at GHS. Typ ing gets you prepared for the bus in ess world ahead of yo u Sophomore Tony Vensor sai d , "Ty pin g is real coo l, I type 60 word s a minute." Ph oto By Ro n Finell•

How Interes ting S tud en ts l1s1en to an attorn ey dunn g their Busin ess Law class Some people at GHS th ink being an allo mey would be prett y cool As Junior J a mi e Webs te r sa id ," Attorneys are coo l because you get to argue " Ph oto By Ron Finelh

Guilty or Not Guilty Guest speaker, a tt orney Brian Boatright, questions studen ts dunng a mock Jury se lectton in Business Law Juniors David Yang, Sean Duffy, Kevin Koel , Netl Browne, and -ren1ors Karen Heater and Frank Berry t ry to honestly answers quest ions about their beliefs and atlltudes Ph oto by Ron Finelh

Pra c ti ce Makes Perfect Ms

Ph yllis Pn ce answers a question from se ni o r Sara Verbeck regarding word processing. The Bu siness Department attempts to bnng students up to the modem technology of using computers for everything f'rom word processing to advanced graphics Senio r Peter Allen sa id , Man, Ph c oShop (software) 1s the cooles t ' " Ph oto by Ron F,nelh

It'sthe middle of the night. You just woke up in a heavy s weat from a nightmare . All you could remember was that you were flying in a Stealth Bomber, you also remember having taken an aviation class in high sc hool. You had receiv e d a flying licen se, but that wa s many years ago, and as you were leveling off the

Stealth Bomber suddenly went into a no se dive . You didn' t know what to do so you panicked. A s you were heading s traight toward s th e ground, your life began to fla s h before your eyes. Then

you woke up!

lots, ba s i c navigation, aviation phys iology, flight planning and deci s ion making, and basic aviation hi s tory After fini s hing both courses, you have the chance to take the FAA Private Pilot written exam and earn your flying license. Sophomore Rachel Carver stated, " I took aviation because in the future , I want to fly ."

Another Technical Elective i s Drafting

Aviation I consists of learning the principle s of flight: the flight e nvironment, an airp l ane's force s, the aerodynamics, s tability, and bas ic ear ly aerospace history. AviationIIinclude s the flight environment: aircraft sys tem s and performance, met eo rology for pi-

recommended for students who are considering a career in engineering, architecture, interior design, auto mechanics or carpentry. Sopho-

more David Johnson happily exclaim ed, " I like drafting becau se you get to build bridge s and becau se it's a fun l earning experience." Senior Katherine Saunders commented, " I kind of have to take drafting because in th e future I' ll need drafting ski ll s for interior and graphic design. " Kristen John so n

I like drafting because it's very challenging.
m Od

Hop efully the Glue Sticks Junior Katie Owen constructs a bridge for a bui lding contest during drafting cla\S. Draf11ngemphasizes practical solutions to prob lems encou nt ere d 1n bu1ld1ng Sophomore C hn s Eddy C4J mm e nted , " I prefer drafting becau se that 's wha t I want to do when I get older" Phot o by Katherin e Saunders

Hand- Eye C oordinati o n Ju nior John P1ekarsk1 takes his time to build attachmenlS for h is airpl ane Aviation I and II and T ec hn ical Draflmg are con s idered laboratory courses Avia tion I includes lectures and many hands -on ac1 1v1t 1es

Steady Going Sophomore Nick Malkmu ss lowly puts together hi s bridge, in hopes ofwinning first prize. Av ia tion I and JI w ere a new addition to GHS last yea r Sop ho mo re Sergio Martinez said, " I c hose draftm g because it was the only elective th at looked 1nterestrng to me" Ph oto by Katherin e Saunders

Photo by Katherin e Saunders

• e tt1ng in vo l ve d is a n esse ntia l p a rt o f a s tud e nt s li fe a t G H S. Ge thn g in vo l ve d i n th e co mmunity o r in th e sc h oo l b rin gs o ut th e b es t in eac h o f u s Wh e th e r itb eNa tio n a lH on o r Societyo rw orkin gata r escu e rni ssio n,ge ttin g inv olved is a m ajo r p a rt o f G H S. Go l de n s tud e nt s h ave a To u ch o f Invo l ve m e n t.

Se ni o r s ge t in vo l ve d for a v ari e ty o f r easo n s. It co uld b e fo r th a t n ee d e d ac ti v ity o n a co ll ege a ppli ca ti o n or ju s t th e d esi r e t o m ee t n e w fri e nd s o r le nd a h e lpin g hand

• t o so m eo n e lfl n ee d . Juni o r s see th e futur e qu ic kl y a ppr oac hin g a nd th e n ee d to ge t in vol ve d So pho m o r es a nd fr es hm e n ge t i n vo lve d b eca u se n o t o nly is a c lub o r co mmuni ty ac ti vi ty a pl ace t o m ee t n ew fri e n ds, b ut it 's a pl ace to lea rn m o r e ab o ut th e

in ere dib 1

e sc h oo l th ey will b e a tt e n di n g fo r th e n ex t fe w yea r s . G H S h as a t o u ch o f in vo l ve m e nt.

Na ti o n a l H o nor Socie ty, F uture Bus in ess Lea d e r s o f A m eri ca, O d yssey o f th e Min d, Fo r e n sics, Improv, Dr a m a c lub, Bi b l e, Phys ics, a nd Ra di o club a ll ha ve a s p ecia l pl ace a t G H S. Wh e th e r it b e a ca nn e d f oo d dri ve t o co ll ec t foo d fo r th e n ee d y o r p la yin g th a t mu c h n ee d e d mu s ic in th e Se ni o r Lo un ge and ca fe t e ri a, D e m o n s ge t in vo l ve d with th e clu bs to m a k e a diffe r e n ce in th e sc h oo l a nd th e co mmunity Gol d e n clubs h ave a T o u c h of Invo l ve m e nt. T im o th y Blum

ATO~~Of 114 - ~oc,~oo

Guns in School. Juni or Jona th an Pra y att empts to shoot a vacuum powered garbanzo gun "The invention of Phy sics Clu b advisor, Mr Dick Schalhamer, , ,;ed a dried garbanzo bean for its projecti le. Mos t o f the friendly physics folks found fun ,n the ir club 's activi t ies Ph oto by Ron Finelli

Hmm, Let's Think Junior Jerry D,nzes, and sophomores Kelsey Petersen and Anna VanMeter, sit and think of some OM idea for spo ntaneous OM , shor1 for Odyssey of the Mind , deals wtth creative, long t~nn pro1ects

Photo by Tim Blum

What To Do With All This

Food Senior Kim Brennecke and JuntorChris Hom rush arou nd franticly to move all thi s food out of the school Being ,n N HS means g1v1ng up time and energy for th e needs of o th ers The saying .. th e need of one 1s more than the need of many" becomes a great example for all to foil ow Ph oto by Dan Matlock

ClU~~ - 11s

Linkin g Am eri ca with o th er co untries is h ard er th a n i t so un ds t o m os t p eo ple In FBLA (F utur e Busin ess Lea d er s o f Am eri ca) th a t's exac tly w h a t th ey d o. T h ey figu r e o ut ways t o m a k e A m e ri ca a nd Co l o r a d o b e tte r a nd m a k e co nn ec ti on s with o th er co ntin e nt s. Se ni o r Amanda Hawe s decid e d th a t FBL A // h elp s pre p a r e yo u fo r th e futur e." So ph o m o r e Jon Pineau go t in vo l ve d b eca u se " I' m o n Go ld en 's jo b pr ogra m a nd it l ooks goo d o n m y hi g h sc h oo l tr a n sc ript ." Se n io r Elizabeth Bitner sa id, " I' m in thi s b eca u se I' m o n th e jo b pr ogra m a nd yo u get a cr e dit fo r it."

Putting It Into Practi c e J eanie Mill er, Boy d Neh.on, and Cou rtn ey McNa tak e th eir Drama Cl ub practice se n ous ly a nd perform in th e fa !I play, / Rememb e r Mama Ma ny o f th e cl ub's members act 1n sc hool play s as wel l as in productions s uc h as Theater Sports Fresh ma n Karen Neuk irc hn er e njoys Drama Club beca use " ( ' m interes ted 10 being in front o f people " Ph oto by BJ Reynold~

Whe n yo u h ea r th e w ord s Dra m a C lub m os t p eo ple thi nk of ac tin g, m ovies, a nd th ea tr e. But wh a t m os t p eo ple d o n ' t think of i s th e b ehind th e s tage w o rk put in b y th e Dra m a C lub m e mb e r s t o m a k e a pl ay p oss ibl e. So ph o m or e Mike Hall sa id, 11 It ' s a ch a n ce t o l ea rn ab o ut th e tec hni ca l exp eri e n ces o f th e th ea tr e.'' M os t p eo ple jo in th e club t o l earn ab o ut the th ea ter but so ph o m or e Becky Doherty b eca m e in vo lve d in dram a II t o b e with p eo ple o f m y own spe ci es." Fres hm a n Torrey Shelton d ecid e d th e b es t p a rt o f it i s, "actu a lly see in g th e fin a l pro du cti on o f th e pla y " Ro bin P o litte ...

11 6 - Mrul

He lping Hand s Senior Todd D, erkin ghe lpsout by pa,ntmg one of the sets for the sc hool 's play/ Rem e mb e r Mama Th e Dram a Club met every1 hursday dunng Access 1n the Aud1tonum Sponsor, Mr John Klu g said, " Drama Club 1s the s tarting point for many se n ous actors." Ph oto by Robin Poltttc

Drama Club

jJtFront R ow: Bnann e Spear, Kare n Neuk1rchn e r, He1d1 Freier Molly Quirk, Dave Feth , Tim Rawson , Torrey Shelton, Carolyn Burg Middle Row : Jennifer Co lba th , Enn Ryan , Kerry J ones, T J Feth, Bna Hampleman, Jennife r Goodland Ba c k Row : Todd Dierking, Bec ky Doherty, Melissa Bell ew, Kat ie Smith, Wend t Eberhart, Mik e Hall , Meltssa Cltne, Cory Ni c kerson , Dan Matlock ,.


row: Elizabeth Bitner, David Yang , Jon Pineau , Ni ck Pa s lay Middle row: Amanda Hawes, Jult e Heinz, Kare n He ater, Frank Berry, Erin Whitford , Carn e Nichol s, Ms. Gail O ' Neil Last row: Shamus Kin g, Ke vin Mahoney, Mau Kas par, Jack We ngrov1us , Shannon Kell ey Photo by Robin Politte

All Work, No Play? J unior Juli e He inz s mtle sas whil e on her offi ce Job, s howing th at FBLA 1s n ' tall work FBLA promotes good business s kill s and leadership Senio r Matt Kaspar s a,d , " h 's a busi ness club 10 pro mot e busine~ s kill s and parliam e nta ry procedures ,n sc hool. " Photo by G O'Neil


A t Go ld e n Hi g h Sc h oo l if yo u in & " I r ea lly e nj oy N a ti o n a l H o n o r w a nt e d t o find a gro up o f p eo pl e th a t Soci e ty b eca u se w e ge t t o h e lp all o f like d t o h e lp o ut o ur co mmunit y1 yo u th e Go ld e n co mmunity, a nd I h a v e a mi g ht l oo k a t th e Na ti o n a l H o n o r goo d tim e d o in g it ." T o j o in NHS Socie ty. A gro up o f 7 0 juni o r s a nd yo u mu s t h ave a 3. 8 GP A, like t o h e lp se ni o r s m a k e up thi s club, d o in g co m -o ut a ll kinds o f p eo ple, a nd ju s t ba s imunit y se rvi ce pr o j ec t s s u c h as ca lly b e a goo d p e r so n Juni o r Britt ca nn e d foo d driv es, ya rd c l ea nin g, Isenberger s t a t e d ," At th e b e ginning a nd fee din g th e h o m e l ess. Juni o r o f th e yea r I go t initi a t e d int o NHS by Carrie Myers sa id, " Th e r easo n I d e- pu s hin g a ni ck e l a r o und the G in th e cid e d t o jo in th e N a ti o n a l H o n o r So- Se ni o r L o un ge whil e w e arin g s wimciety i s b eca u se I w a nt e d t o h e lp o ut min g goggl es, rubb e r g l oves, a nd a o ur co mmunity . I like d th e ca nn e d s ign that s aid m y nam e ." Th e Nafoo d dri ve th e b es t b ec au se I think it ti o n a l H o n o r Soci e ty h e lp s o ut all h e lp e d o ut a l o t o f p eo ple." Se ni o r diff e r e nt g r o up s o f co mmunity Courtney Sasa al so see m e d t o h ave p eo ple a nd th ey a ll see m t o e nj oy it. th e sa m e id ea as Ca rri e by co mm e nt- Tam se n S t o k es

F irst Row : 8 Ise nbe rge r , F Jones, J Cookson, J Cambell, S Ri c kard , E Furt a k , B M ye rs, T. Die r king , J Wengrov1u s Sec ond Row J B urke , J Katzenbe rger, M Groves, M Lafferty , J Zhang , E W hitford , K Bre nnecke, E B rakken, T M arkovch1ck, H Sawyer, A Schossow, T Blum Third

R o w C, Gair, A Arc her, C Pearse , S. Mi c ke , S Hes k omok1, D Piain - Keen, S Dovey , R.J M iller, C W yant , S Kelley , J Driggers , C Sasa, E L 1ps tein, S Driggs , L Burnell , T M attox, S Steine, L Brazil , B Port e r Fo rth Row C. M yers, D Shaner, K Stanton, T Pnge l, D Menapace, N M ata ya, A Gepta, K Owe n , J Horvat, A Reynolds, J Ray , D Pal say, M Emanuel , M M ahajan , E Stattman Ba c k Row W Heywood, H Layman, K Hapton s tall , K Kaowthumrong, 8 Hud so n , D Bryant, D M atlock, P Boyd , S Schroed e r , I Bat es, Z Amban a n tz, C M iller, C Hom, J Ley s hon , E Stallman


11 8 - oo~ruoo

Fill 'er Up Senior Eon Furtak loads a car after th e two \veek long food dnve for th e homeless The Na11onal Honor Society helped out the Golden commun11y by helping to feed homeless. Photo by Tim Blum

Wrapping It Up Senior Dan Matlock ~als up a box of canned foods after counting up all of the food from th e two week long food dnve The National Honor Society went out and did yard cleaning twice this year Photo byT1m Blum

A Full Load Senior Eon Whitford takes an ann full of canned food to the building where all of the food was stored before delivering II Senior Enn Wh itford said, The food dnvc has been go in g on for longer than J rem ember Photo by Dan Matlock

Pyramid of Food s Senior Man 1sha MahaJan stac ks some of the food co ll ected from the NHS food drive The food dnve was very successful with Ms Po veda 'smaroon two clas.'>commg in first place thi s year Th e National Honor Society met every other maroon Tuesday and We dnesday Photo by Dan Matl ock

I . • •
-1 19

In w h a t club c an yo u chall e n ge yo urse lf so l ving fun , crea ti ve, l o n g t e rm p r o bl e m s an d th e n prese nt th e m in co mp e titi o n ? O d yssey o f th e Mind . Fr es hm a n Heidi Cieslar said, " O M i s c h a ll e n gi n g b eca u se it m a k es yo u thin k ." In O d yssey o f th e Mind, o r O M , m e mb e r s a r e d ivid e d int o f o ur tea m s: S tru c tur e A, S tru c tur e B, Scie n tific Sa f a ri , a nd V a ud e vill e. M e mbe r s o f th e s tru c tur e t ea m s build balsa woo d s tru c tur es th a t ca n s upp o rt a m axi mum am o unt of w e i g ht Th e Scie ntifi c Sa f a ri t ea m builds a ve hi cl e th a t is s e lf pr o p e ll e d a nd it ha s t o p e r fo rm va ri o u s t asks. Th e V a ud ev ill e t e am mu s t prese nt an o riginal

Fro nt Row : P e t e r Rappmund, Amb e r Scha e fe r, Margie Sant, Al yssa Krau s, Jerry Din zes, Ian Ba t es, Pa t Boy d , Mike Sc hrei n er, Be n Go uld Middl e R o w : Se v e rine Sw an so n, M rs Eil ee n Coo k (adviso r ), Je nn y Blum , Anna Va nMete r, Jess ica Bakke r, Man1t Lo h a n i, D av id Jo hn son , Devo n Es t es Bac k Row : Ke lsey Pe te r se n, Re n Bu cholz, M y les Ha rve y, Bria Ha mp le man , En ca Sm i th

o ld-fas hi o n e d e nt e rtainm e nt s h o w th a t in clud es thr ee a c t s and a co mm e r cial. Th e tim e p e ri o d o f th e s h o w i s fr o m th e tum o f th e ce ntury t o th e 1920 ' s . " It ' s a n e at ex p e rien ce t o w o rk and s h a r e id e a s with o th e r s and th e n see yo ur id eas b eco m e r e ality," s t a t e d so ph o m o r e Pooja Voria.

T h e t ea m s prese nt e d th e ir pr o jec t s in th e J e ff e r so n Co unty T o urnam e nt o n April 1, 1995. If an y o f th e t e am s pl ace fir s t , seco nd, o r third th ey ge t t o go o n t o th e s t a t e t o urnam e nt o n April 2 9, 1 995 a t D e n ve r Univ e r s it y. O ve r a ll, OM i s a v e ry cr e ative and ch a ll e ngin gc lub Katy R a t z and C arri e Smith

120 - Mrul


Th e Ne x t Empire State Buildin g Sophomores Anna VanMeter, Sevenne Swanson, and Alyssa Kraus construct a unique tower Fr eshman Craig Baldwin said, "OM expands my mind's horizons " Photo by Ron Finelh

Make S ur e Yo u G et it Ri g ht Junior Jerry 01nzes and sophomore Kelsey Petersen look up some OM team member's phone number to get more creative ideas Junior Ian Bates said, The problems are very challenging!"

Leaning Tower of Mars hmallow s Sophomores Alyssa Kraus and Bria Hampleman laugh at how crooked their tower 1s turning out to be Sophomore Margie Sant said, "I joined OM because I thought It would be fun and 1t looks good on my transcript :

I Like This One Better Sophomores Jenny Bl um a n d Margie San t l ook through a book with Mrs. Eilee n Cook trying to get an 1dea for their p roject Junio r Devo n Estes sa id, "The projects are fun, t hey r ock!" Photo by Tim Blum

Photo by Tim Blum
tlU~~ -12 1
Photo by Tim Blum

Wakin g up a t th e cra ck o f dawn o n a Saturd ay m o rnin g to go s it in a s trange cafe t e ri a whil e waitin g t o co mp e t e is wh a t Fo r e n s ics i s all a b o ut A cco rdin g t o se ni o r Khom

Kaowthumrong , " F o r e n s i cs i s r ewardin g, fun , a ndint e r es tin g, but o nly fo r th ose wh o h ave e n o u g h tim e t o d ea l with it ." Se ni o r Stephanie Rickard co mm e nt e d , 11 Alth o u g h For e n sics takes up a lo t o f my tim e, it h as t a u g ht m e th e p o w e r o f w o rd s a nd th e imp o rt a n ce o f se lf-ex press i o n ."

Th e w ee kly t o urn a m e nt s o ft e n dr ag o n f o r up t o 12 h o ur s, and occasio na lly r es ult in so m e s tr a n ge ac tiviti es.

So ph o m o r e Erik Loseman co mm e nt e d , " By th e e nd o f th e d ay, m y

Fro nt r o w : Mr s Pe t e rs (co ac h) , A

Ho ll an d, W Hey w oo d, C Mye rs, C S ,eg es mund , M Em anu e l, M Sa nd ova , Ms. Lo u is (coac h), Mr S harp (coac h)

Second row : D Brya nt , A Lant e nn an , J

Goodl an d,$ Swanso n, P Vooria , K Kn o ll ,

M Turn er, E. L1 ps tei n , J Casc io Third

row : K Be nt o n , S Aron o wit z, A

Hoog hee m, M Mahar as, F Br ow n, J

Sc hrei ner, J Pra y, B Myers, P Boyd , K .

Kao wthumro ng M Osgoo d Fo urth r o w :

H La yman , S McG uan e, ?J Hart , B Hayes, A Coors, M Harv ey, S. Dovey, J Burk e, M Sa nt , T V a nW oe n se l , E Lo seman, M S k,mmyh o m, J Din zes Fiflh ro w : B Hu dso n, R McMurt ry, R Moo di e, T Bec kwith , B Wri g ht , A Grey, G. Fra nc is, non- memb e r, no n- me mbe r, K Co m ely Ba ck ro w J Co ll ins, L Whit e, R St e ll e rs, J Ka~e l , M H ic km a n , M Sac hd eva, J Fitzge ra ld , D Wi llm a n, D DeMa lt e n s, C Ba ldw in, R Faulkn er, S Sh uey

bi gges t goa l i s t o see h o w a nn oye d I ca n ge t m y t ea mm a t es. " T h e n th e r e is so ph o m o r e Mike Skimmyhom wh o co mm e nt e d , " I try t o see h o w m a n y ph o n e numb e r s I ca n acc umul a t e fr o m goo d l oo kin g gir l s. " Fo r e n s i cs d oes h ave its se ri o u s s id e h o w eve r as coac h Lowell Sharp d esc rib e d , 11 Th e G H S F o r e n s i cs s tud e nt s a r e s u ccessful b eca u se th ey a r e a ble t o put t oge th e r so mu ch o f th e l ea rnin g that th ey h ave d o n e in th e p as t and appl y it t o co mp e titi ve publi c s p ea kin g. " Th e Fo r e n si cs exp e ri e n ce w as s umm e d up b y junio r Jonathan Pray wh o sa id, 11 Co mp e tin g i s a l o t o f w o rk and t a k es tim e, buti s r e w a rdin g in th ee nd . 11 J. Burke


..............~11....--J ~ 122 - m,~,~00

It' s Debatable Senior Carly Siegesmund does her best 10 convince the Judge during a round held at GHS 1n November The G HS team took fourth place in Jefferson County al the Sweeps t akes tournament held 1n December Photo by M elin da Emanuel

AlmostJ un1or Jami e Burkeexplaim,Just how close she was to winning her last round as senio r Stephanie Rickard and sophomore M1 ke Osgood I 1sten 1n Junior J erry Dinzes commented," I took Forensics for the mental challenge " Photo by M elinda Emanuel

Strategy Session

Juniors Serena Dovey and Andrew Coon., and senior M yles Harveyd1scu:.s their last rounds Juni or Sann1 Kesk1mak1 commented, Debating was f rustrallng at first, but once I figured out what I was doing, 11 turned out to be a lot of fun " Photo by M elinda Emanuel

Preparation Seniors Carly

S1egesmund and Mehnda Emanuel sort through their evidence to get ready for their next round Senior Myles H arvey remarked, Was11ng my Saturdays at speech tournaments that seem to last an et ernity 1s not exactly my idea of a great tame, but surprisingly enough, I enJoy 11." Photo by Stephanie Rickard

tlU!~ - 123

The Impr ov tr oo p i s makin g a dif- th e pr o ble m s th a t th ey m a y ha ve t o fe r e n ce a m o n g th eir p ee r s a nd mak - fa ce l a t e r in life. Juni o r Courtney i n g it a littl e eas i e r t o d ea l w i th m a n y McN a' s favo rit e p a rt o f inl.prov i s imp o rt a nt i ss u es. T h ey d o pr oble m II to urin g th e diffe r e nt sc h oo l s b ecau s e so lvin g s kit s o n , p ee r press ur e, dru gs, it's fun t o see h o w mu ch yo u ' r e h elpt ee n pregna n cy, sex, fa mil y pr oble m s, in g." T h ey p e r fo rm a b o ut thre e tinl. es ga n gs, c h ea tin g, n a m e callin g, ru -a m o nth . Th eir lar ges t perfo rman ce m o r s, drinkin g, a nd m a n y o th e r i s - thi s yea r wa s durin g th e fr es hman s u es. Impr ov i s a w ay t o u se yo ur o ri e nt a ti o n da y, fo r a c r o wd of alac tin g t a l e nt s t o ge t in vo l ve d a nd h elp m os t 400 s tud e nts. So ph o mor e Anna o th e r s. So ph o m o r e Pooja Vioria sa id, VanMeter s aid, " M y fav o rit e part o f " W e p e r fo rm fo r a n yo n e, e l e m e nt a ry impr ov i s t o urin g and see in g thegr eat sc h oo l s, jun io r hi g h sc h oo l s, a nd hi g h r es p o n se fr o m th e el e m e ntary kid s." sc h oo l s. W e d ea l with i ss u es that Juni o r Karen Dyke thinks that th e p eo ple a r e w o rri e d ab o ut ." T h e tr oo p b es t part i s " thinkin g that o ur s kit i s m a d e up o f 10 o ut s t a ndin g indi- co uld ha ve r ea lly h elp e d ju s t o ne vi du a l s wh o l o v e t o t e a ch kid s ab o ut p e r so n ." Ann e Fa y

~R1~~0f 124 - ~l~l~OO

Working It Out Juniors Jennifer Baurer and Karen Dyke try to work out the problem o f pee r pressure during a problem solving skit. Pe::er pre~ure 1s a touchy subject to some students Junior Counney McNa said, «w e try to help ,. Photo by R Finelh

On Higher Ground Jun iors Kayla Haptom, tall, Kare n Heffelfinger, and J ennifer Baurer answer any questions t hat the aud ie nce might have The troop gets along well on and off the s tage J unior Denise Shaner said, The bes t part 1s perform1ng because 11 makes you feel good " Photo by R F1ne l1 1

Strike A Po s e Junior Jill Katzenburger smiles as she tnes to help kids deal with their problems The 1mprov troop 1s rather small this year Junior Kayla Haptenstall ~1d, "I wish there was more interest at GHS, because 11 's a great thing ." Photo by R F1nel11

Group Hug Junior s Kar en Heffelfinger, Karen Dyke , Denise Shaner, Jennifer Baurer, and Kayla Haptonstall demonstrate a happy end mg, following a problem solving skit abou1 drugs Photo by R Finelh

' • I •

Bibl e club . Th e ve ry n a m e brin gs a b o ut h o rribl e m e m o ri es o f b o rin g

Sund ay sc h oo l t eac h e r s a nd it c h y s uit s, h oweve r t o a gro up o f Go ld e n s tud e nt s i t's so m e thin g t o t a ll y di ffe r e nt . Juni o r Andrew Coors n o ti ce d

a s tr a n ge ph e n o m e n a a nd co mm e nt e d , 11 Whe n eve r I go t o Bible

C lub m y d ay see m s t o tum o ut b e tt e r ." Juni o r Tricia Prigel sa id," Bibl e

C lub is a place wh e r e yo u ca n m ee t life -l o n g fri e nd s wh o will a lw ays b e th e r e fo r yo u ." Fin ally, junio r Karen

Heffelfinger s um s up th e wh o l e Bible C lub philoso phy b y s t a tin g: " we d o n ' t kn o w wh a t th e futur e h o lds, but w e kn o w wh o h o lds th e futu re. "

C ro ss Training J un iors Fe li cia Jones, Tr icia Pri gel, Karen H effelfi nger, Lau ra White , and freshman Ryan Wh i te show the tr aditiona l sy mbol of the Chris tian fanh with their bodies Bible Cl ub plans to mak e lun ches to feed th e homel ess lat er th is yea r Fel icia Jones said that she comes to Bible Club " to kee p myself spi r itu al and con nected to Jesus." Ph o to by B.J Reyonl

Ad a rin g gro up of Go ld e n s tud e nt s d ec id e d t o ve ntur e int o th e wo rld o f in e rti a , ve l ocity, a nd Sir I ssac Ne wt o n , a nd j o in e d Phys i cs C lub . Sp o n so r e d b y M r D i ck Sc h a lh a m e r (a.k.a. Indi a n a Sc h a lh a m e r ), th e club a nal yzes th e l a w s o f phys i cs b y s tudyin g th e aco u s ti cs of th e b a nd r oo m , li s t e nin g t o gues t s p eak e r s a nd tr avelin g t o Mr Sc h a lh a m e r ' s h o u se t o see hi s wind ge n e r a t o r s (a m o n g o th e r thin gs). Se ni o r Melinda Emmanuel said, " I' m in Phys i cs C lub b ec au se I' m a physics n e rd ." Juni o r Scott Daniels sa id, " I r e ally like phys i cs b eca u se yo u ca n a pply it t o th e r e al w o rld ." Britt I se nb e r ge r

~-1~0f 126 - ~,~,~oo \

Fl y in g Hi g h Senior Todd Henson decid e s that he feels ltke hanging around from the physics room ce,ltng that 1s The expenment was performed to see how th e effects of circular mo t ion changed with a change of the radius

Sophomore M ichae l Osgood commen ted " I like physics because you can use math " Ph oto by B J Reynolds

Bible Club

nt R o w : Felicia J ones, Britt Isenberger, Ryan Whi te

R ow

Rachel M oodie, Jessica Kase l, J ennife r Blum , Rena Du senbury, Karen Heffelfinger, Hedy Kunt e r , M s J oyce S im s, M s Sandy Nations B ac k R ow: Tnsha P ngel, Andrew Coors, Laura Whit e. Ph o to by B.J Reynolds

Physics Club

r o nt R ow: Joy Z h ang, Nathan M a taya, H iba Fayom,, M elinda Emmanuel, Carly S 1eges mund Middl e R o w : P atrick B itner, M i ke Osgood, J ennifer P reston, Anna Olsen, Nicole S mith , Kea la Mur dock B ac k R o w : Ellen Lipste1n, Daniel Beck, J ustin Needham, Sco tt Dan iels Ph o to by BJ Reynolds

Get It ? Wh tie Junior Tn c,a Pn gel shares her upperclassman wisdom with fr es hman Ryan Wh ite, J uni or Felicia Jones s m iles in th e background Bible Club 1s ope n to everyone at any time , a nd everyone 1s welcome to JOtn t heir meetings Senior B e n Kappes goes to B ible Club because, ' it's a reassurance o f life, i t 's how you survive" Ph oto by B.J Reynolds ClU~~

Fro Midd le : F

Say It Lo ud and C l ear Senior Shane Weiber relaxes during one of hi s shows Shane and his partner senior Matt Thomas present their s how every morning before school Sophomore Chns Cummings commented , " I hke to express myself through music, and Radio Club is a good way to do 11 "

Radio Club

Taking A Break Sophomores Andy Darlington and Alan Webb take a break during their show, whi le a song is playing The Radio Club members meet once a week on m aroon Tuesdays or Wednesdays to decide what songs to play the following week

Express Yourself Sophomores Chns Cummings and Alan Webb s peak out to the students of G H S during access The 10 members of Radio Club each have th eir own show and they are on the air once a week

128- Mloo
Firs t R o w : Peter Rapmund , lan Beitzel Middl e R o w : Shane Weiber, Chris Cummings , Philip Piwonka, Andy Darlington Ba ck R o w · Jason Francis , Matt Thomas , Kevin Mahoney , Alan Webb Photo by Ron Finelli I • I ,4
• ....~-

Have you ever w o nd e r e d who plays the mu sic that you hear b e for e sch oo l and during access? It 's a group of 11 member s called th e Radi o Club. During the radio club meetings m e mb e r s pi c k which so ngs they are going to play, and they pre-re co rd the so ngs thatwillbeplayedon th e ir n ex t s how Senior Shaine Wieber like s Radio Club becau se " It's a good way to hav e a little fun and do so methin g constructive at th e sa me time I think people like to lis ten to the mu si c w e play. " Senior Kevin Mahoney thought, " Thi s year ha s been really productive as far as getting a good re s pon se from the li s tener s."

Bi e nvi e nd os! Welcome from th e Spanis h C lub . The Spa nis h Club co n sis ts of st ud e nts intere s ted in Spanish a nd go in g t o Spain. To rai se mon ey for th e ir trip , th e Spani s h C lub m e mb e r s so ld cookies durin g th e H o m eco min g carniva l . Senior Craig Martin co mm e nt ed, "Sellin g cookies was a l o t of fun ." The Spa ni s h C lub l eft for Spain March 14 and r e turn ed March 28. Se ni or Noelle Behrens s t a t e d , " It was int e r estin g t o ex p e ri e n ce h ow diffe r e nt th eir culture i s in Spain co mpar ed to ours. " Spani s h C lub e nj oys l earnin g about th e many c ultur es a nd tr adition s of Spain . Adios! Tamsen

St okes

On the Air Sophomo r e Andy Darling and sophomore Al Webb are pre -recording their show m M rs Peters room The Radio Club play s every day during access and before school m the se nior lounge and cafeteria Senior Shane We1ber su mmed up the Radio Club experience by commen ting, " It has been a lot of fun thi s year Ph oto by Chns Cummings


irst pn or ity for almo s t a n y s tud en t when looki n g in a yearbook, is to look in thi s sec ti o n The desire 1s always there to see yo ur mu g s h o t . For Golden st udent s thi s desireisnotexactlyhkeanyother Demons hav e prid ein th e ir class. They ha ve th e de s ire to se e th e people around th e m a nd th e m se l ves s u cceed in schoo l a nd in life They are Go ld en Face s.

Every fa ce i n thi s sec ti o n is uniqu e a nd gives a little so m e thin g to their cla ss and sc hool to make G H S what 1t 1s These faces are fill ed with s p i rit and crea tivit y. Every face yea rnin g to be all it can be C H S s tud e nt s look into th emse lv es and see who th ey are, eac h in th e ir own s p ec ial way . T h ese are Golden Faces .

Se ni o r s Ii ve with th e th oug ht of a fin al yea r o f hi g h sc h oo l and th e pinna c le o f their hi g h sc h oo l caree r, grad uati o n . They live with th e four yea r s o f wonderfu l hi g h sc h oo l memories Juniors and so ph o m ores liv e with the de si re to be se ni o r s and are ju s t waiting for th ei r tim e The y t oo have a ta s t e of hi g h sc hool experience und e r their belts .

Fr es hm e n , o n th e other hand , liv e a new adventure A high sc h oo l adventure But unlik e se ni o r s, j uni o r s, and so ph o m o r es, th ey hav e yet to ex p er ie n ce the joy and pain the adve ntur e will bring them Every ex peri e n ce mak es another memory that will la s t them for a lo n g tim e Every cla ss ha s it s Go ld en Faces

Look for yo ur ph o to and see all th e s urr o undin g faces . See h o w Unl qU e eac h o n e is and h ow eve r yone co ntribute s so methin g to Go ld en Lo ok fo r th e Golden Faces Timoth y Blum

GOLDEN 130 - fACf~ ,1

Taking a Break Seniors Kri sti Denner and Greg Schultz relax 1n the Senior lounge during Access The Senior l ounge 1s a great place to catch up on homework, the latest gossip and much needed sleep. Greg did not want to miss his second block class, so h e told Kns11 "to finish h1, homework and wake him up when the bell rings" Ph oto by Tim Blum

Hitting the Books Junior Jamie Leyshon attempt!> 10 discover what th e ancient Greek, were thinking when th ey dev,.,ed the law, of ma1hemat1 C!>. Photo by Tim Blum Tota ll y ubmerged Senior rasha Markovch1ck find, that II s hard to verbalize when you re starving Photo byT1m Blum

xcu~~~, ~xcu~~

o u ' re late to c l ass and the teache r is pou ndin g you with qu estions: where have you been? Wh y a re you lat e? What is your excuse? You've got to co m e up with a g reat exc use - fast. Even afte r telling the fa s test excuse yo u ' ve ever come up with like J ess ica Wager an d A pril Overgaa rd , " Somebody let the a ir ou t of A pril 's tires at Ta co B ell and we had to pu s h the ca r to the gas s tati on a nd fix it ," you s till realize you ' re in th e s p o tlight. Did the teac her believe your exc use? Will you be let into c lass late again? TJ Fe th 's dramati c performance he gave \vhile reciting his excuse definitely wo uld have gotten him into c la ss with the teacher believing every word: " I was o n my way to schoo l when a deer j ump ed o ut in fr o nt of my ca r . Aft er killing th e deer I felt so bad for it that I took it to a veterinarian 's office after cutting off the teeth and antlers. After I so ld th e teeth and antlers I went to a flower shop to buy fl owers for my teacher \vell, so what if my teacher is a mal e?" One of Marty B y rd 's fav o rite excuses is, " I was with my arm y recruiti ng se rgea nt. " Then he added, " I fool my gym na stics tea che r with that every time ." Anoth e r exc use that see m s to be a Demon favo rit e ha s been used more than a coup le times by J ohn Mo n ck to n : " M y zipper got st uc k." Other se niors lik e Kim Bre nn ec k e s impl y decide d: " I don ' t make excuses. I ju st go in and sit down ." So me hopeful sen iors like S han e P a rke r just s imply pray that their teacher will believe the excuse: " I was bei ng chase d down the ha ll by c rocodile s." Last but no t le as t, there a re a lwa ys some senio rs lik e Ja so n C ampb e ll who man age to get away with the excuse : " I got a concuss ion in football pr act ice," Robin Po litt e

GOLDEN 132 - fAC~~ -A(lr!Jn
Abdullah Abdu l rhaman Erik Ahl s tr o m Daryl Ambr ose Jay Anderso n
ss ie A rc huletta
aso n Amolct
I •
Ja son Amsparger Emily Bachman Andrew Baer Todd Baker Aaron Baldwin Ja son Barnard Emily Barton Laray Beck Tiffany Beckwith Amalia Bedia Villa Noelle Behrens Frank Berry Andrew Bettinger Jesse Bielak

Elizabeth Bitner

Kara Black

Ramie Black

Timothy Blum

Hea th e r B ohn

Mi c hael Bol li g

Patri ck Boyd

Sara h Boyd

Erika Bra kk en

Kim Bre nn ecke

Ke ir a Bres nahan

C harl e ne Brunker

Liam Burne ll

Holli B ye rly

GOLDEN 134 - fAC~~
JJ.JaJx;., -tJ,,./1,....,... ___ ... -


So you won th e lo tt e ry 's $12 million jackpot huh ? Well now what are you go in g to do w ith the ti c ket so so me thing awfu l won't happ e n? Amber Holland th in ks that she has fou nd the perfect hidin g pla ce " I wou ld put it 1n a plas tic bag at th e bottom of a fi sh bowl " Green l and \v ould be the h1d1 ng place for Liam Burnell . Brook Port e r Jokes about where he would h ide hi s w1nn1ng ticket · "I would put 1t in Li am Bumell 's undenvear because no one wa nt s to rea ch 1n th e re " Kell y tant o n sa id , " I wo uld hide it on th e bottom of my ho rse's manure pile! " La ray B ec k figured that nothing co uld happ en to hi s ti c ke t if he kept 1t "i n the g lo ve box of my Fer ran .'' Matt Coo nan thought that $12 milli o n would be safe "in my dirty laundry ." If worrying abou t where to hid e a wi nnin g lotto ticket is o ur biggest p roblem, then everyo ne sho uld kno\v that thing s a re goi ng to be o kay . Anne Fa y

The Suspense The pressure mounts as Laura Duke and En c H artme1s1e r scratch a lo11ery ticket 10 see 1f th ey've won th e Jackpot M any high school students spend money on lottery tickets in an allempt to abandon their homework for a life of luxury Ph oto by Tim Blum
Martin By rd Ca rl os Caceres J ason Ca mpbell Mi c hael Carte r Nathan Carter Travi s Champnoise

In the four years students s pend in high schoo l, many friendships are developed and many memories are made. For some people , however , some of these memories would be better off forgotten. S te phani e Ri c kard recalled her mo st embarrassing moment in high school when she stated, "As a senio r I got mixed up and went to my first maro on c la ss on a white day " K e lli Sc hna se can also remember a day s he wishes s he could forget: " I was playing tennis in a short tenni s s kirt and the wind blew it up while the guys' baseball team was walking by ." For others, day to day activities can be embarrassing "Just being here is humiliating ," remarked P a t B oy d . Some embarrassing moment s however , are worse than others. " I was walking down the hall and sudde nly I bumped into a trash can. Everybody was s taring at me, " revealed Dan Matl ock. B oy d Ne lso n explained, " When I was in seventh grade band class, I reached behind to get so me valve oil and punched a girl right in the breas t. " Serena Dovey

H o w ' d I D o That? Elizabeth Bitne r is mortified as she realizes that she has locked her keys 1n her car Man y limes embarrassing things happen invo lvi ng cars and driving, like leaving th e lights on and kllhng the battery, or stalling the ca r in an intersection

Yolanda Chaparro

Aaron Cheuvront

Je ssica Coalman

Jen nifer Cookson

Matthew Coonan

Sean Corco ran

GOLDEN 136- fAC~~
Ck ... SEAN CorcorOJI
Photo by Kim Kettlewell Cody Cross Knsti Denner Todd Dierking Stacie Driggers Laura Duke Brandon Edie Stephan Eisenbarth Ja so n Elms Melinda Emanuel Caela England Cheri England Tay l or Estes Terry Feth Steven Fi lsinger





Ashley F1nott1 Fi sc he r Fi s h red Fl etche r Shawn Ford Fox Ja so n Franci s Adrienne Fr enc h Je re my Fulton Erin Furtak Albi na Garberg J ake Garner Shane Ga ul e
GOLDEN 13s -
• ro.,U-t.• ,
Je nnifer Goodland

E atin g Ri g ht David Fish spe nd s hi s mon ey filling up on the four bas i c hi gh sc hool food groups fat , ca ffein e. sugar, and salt, hi s bad habll M any C H S students' bad habits involve lilhng lhe1r bodies with Junk and not taking care of them selves Ph oto by Tim Blum

A§TT tiAD:T§

Nonnally when you as k a group o f people what their,vorst habit is, yo u usua ll y get answe rs like, " b1t1ng my nail s, c racking my knuckl es and blowing bubbles with bubble gum." But wh e n yo u ask a group of se ni ors at G HS \vhat their worst habit is yo u get a var iety of answers On e really common one 1s "s moking ," sa id A mi e Mars h , Bec k y P ease a nd M i c h ae l Carter Another one 1s "c hewing," sai d P a t E n g l e and A nd y Ba e r Th e n there are tho se like Greg c hult z ,vho haven ' t grown out of their bad habits G r eg sai d hi s wors t habit ,vas " pi c king my no se!" To dd No rd s tr o m sa id hi s wor~t habit is, " Part y ing I do too much of 1t " Some se niors try to dnve as fa s t as they can to im press their friends and the undercla ss men who ca n ' t wait till they get to dnve, but for H o ll i Bye rl y , " Dn v ing too fa s t," 1s one of her wors t habits. Another habit is from G r a nt Varveris , who s aid his worst habit is " being lazy " Mega n Ruml ey

n Goodwin

Kevi n Greenbaum

Mi c helle Grove~

Mi c ha e l Hall

Elisha Hankin

Mi c ha e l Ha rd endorf

':--,: ..J (ltJA,iettn.e
Ash ley Finotti Abe Fi sc her David Fi s h Jered Flet c her
GOLDEN 13s - fAC~~ • (4~'-,
Shawn Ford
so n Franci s
Fren ch J ere my Fulton
lbina Garberg Jake Garne r
e Gau le
r Good la nd

Ea tin g Right David Fish spends his money filltng up on the four basic high school food groups fa t, caffeine. sugar, and salt, his bad habit M any G H S students' bad habits involve filling their bodies with Junk and not taking care of themselves Photo by Tim Blum


Nonna ll y w hen you ask a group of people w hat the1r,vorst habit is, you usually get answers li ke, "b it ing my na il s, cracking my knuck les and b lowing bubb les with bubble gum." But ,vhen you ask a g roup of sen i ors at GHS ,vhat t heir worst habit is you get a variety of answe rs One really common one 1s «smoki ng," sa id Amie Marsh , Becky Pea s e and Michael C arter Anot he r one is "che,v 1ng," said Pat E ngle and Andy Baer. Th en t here a re those hke Gre g chultz who haven't grown out of their bad hab i ts. Greg sa id h is worst habit ,vas "pick in g my nose'" Todd Nord s trom said h is ,vorst hab it is, Partying. I do too much of 1t." Some se niors try to drive as fast as t hey can to impress the ir friends a nd the underclassmen ,vho can't wa it till th ey get to dnve, but for Holli By erl y, "Driving too fast," is one of her worst habits Anothe r habit is from Grant Varv e ri s, who sa id his wo rst hab it is "be ing lazy " Megan R umley

Megan Goodw i n Kev in G r ee nba um Mi chelle Groves

Mi c hae l Ha ll El is ha Hank in Mi chae l Harde ndo rf

I {ldJu .eJtn .fl M-1rot cJv


Whether 1t be a ca s ual " hi " in the su permarket , or as s er i ous as being invo lved in a police 1nves t1gat1on , we all ha ve contac ts with the police " We were 1n Golden Gate a nd the rangers found us I matched the description o f some wanted g uy and s o the ran ger s kept us at the s tati on, " said J os h S mith . J aso n Jani sc h said he had to "h id e under a van for three hours to avoid a police office r " S han e G aul e said , " M y ca r broke down and when a cop pulled up and asked me w hat was wrong , my car sta rt ed to roll down the hi ll and then my tire blew o ut. " John Martin ez s aid , " I was driving 1n Denve r a nd the ca r that I was in looked hk e a ca r invo lve d in a stabb ing The cops had the1r..guns pulled o n me until th ey fou nd out I wasn ' t who they were l ooki ng fo r."

C hri s ta S and ers became a Labor Day s tati st ic getting 1n an acc ident with a poli ce car. Ju s t a piece of adv 1ce: when you d o co me into con tact with the police , don ' t s ma rt off, and may be you ' ll get off

Myles Harvey

Rebecca Ha rm on Enc Hartme1s ter Amand a Hawes E r in Hawki ns
GOLDEN 140 - fAC~~
Adam Haw l ey Bad Bo ys J ason Campbell and G reg Schultz spread em ' for police officer Jeff Hesalroad ' s mock arrest in the parkrng lot Somethrng to th ink about next t ime, do you really want to be fn s ked again '> Ph oto by Ki m Kettlewell

Karen Hea te r T o dd Henso n E nn Hernd on Mi c ha e l He rri ng ton

Pa t Hill J ess ica Hill ey T e rn Hobso n Amb e r Ho lland

S ta cey Hoy t Me li ssa 111 Je ffe rey J ac km an

Le a h Jarvi s Je ss ic a J enkin s An ge l a John so n

Bry an Johnso n C liffo rd J ohn son Mi c hae l Jo hn so n Khomknt Kaowthumrong B e nJ am1n Kapp es Matth ew Kas par Scott Keas ling Lad o nna Ke ith Shannon Ke ll ey Tamra Keml er Ri c hard Ken ne r
GOLDEN 142 - fAC~~
Dani e l Ker r Kimb e rly Ke ttl ewe ll Da niel Kib le r

Se ni o r S tr e n gt h Enn Hawk ins, Becky Harmon, Tim Blum and TJ Feth prove that they have brains and brawn. Unfonunately M s. Vance had to witness 1t first hand Senior prank s, a btt milde r than this one, have been a pan of GHS hfes tyle for a long as anyone can remember Photo by Cra ig Manin

Ahhhhh ' Remember all the annoying prank s we had to deal with for th e last three years . We ll , now it's o ur turn. Se nior pranks are all for entertainment so JUSt remember tho se eve r famou\ words ' It 's all fun and games until ~omeone gets their eye poked out " Kath er in e Saunders

E ll en L ip s t ei n : "S teal Lh e WR from Wheat Rid ge and put it in th e se ni or lounge."

Aar o n Pe t er se n : " Brand farm animals with 95 and let them run throu gh th e ha ll s."

Jim L in d b e r g: ''T ie fre s hmen in th e se ni or lou nge and put 'Na.1.r' on th ei r hea d s."

J ennife r Coo k so n : " Kidnap Ms. Yance and don ' t let he r go unl ess she lets us out of sc hool early."

Mik e Pierce: " Put 95 c hi c ke ns in heat 1n Ms. Van ce's office."

J er ed F let c h er: "Loc k all of th e underc las smen in si de the sc hoo l. ,,


Steven Kibl e r Christopher Kin g Steven King Kelly Kirlin Laura Kolin Mi chelle Kun ze

Hub Huh Thi s Sucks Yeah, heh , b eh , Thi s S u cks Huh Todd Derking and Jessica Riggs expand their vocabularies and 1ntel11gence levels whil e walchin g lh e Jalesl episode of B eavis and Butth ead. Wal c h1n g B eavis and Bullhead was a favonle lelev1s1on show because il w as so s lup1d , il w as funny Ph o to by

m Blum

I t's a weeknight , and you're watching TV thinking , " Hey, how come my life is n' t like that ?" Bes ides the fact that it is TV , and everyone know s that their life can, t go by a sc ript, se niors hav e their own opinion about what family on telev1 s 1on they would live with Laura Duke sa id , " The Brady Bun ch becau se they a re alway s having family adventures ." Shawn Ford replied , " The Simpsons becau se they are wild and crazy , and I relate to Bart. " Selena Noriega al so s aid R osean n e " becau se they are not perfect, rich and s tu c k- up , like ot her families on TV " Andy Bettinger said " I would be o n L e ave ft to B eaver because all of my friend s say that I s hould be ." Everybody see med to hav e an op1n1on . Michelle Groves sa id , " Rosea nne becau se they are s o obnoxiou s." Jess ieArchuletta admitted , " I \Vo uld be on Marri ed wtth Children becau se Ke11y is hot. " After a few s econd s Mike John so n replied , " H o m e Improvement beca use that is how I would like my family to be.''

Min a Kurtubi

Brian LaMaster

Brice Landry

Mark Lavington

J effrey Lee

Jame s Lindb erg

GOLDEN 144 _ fAC~~
1V1o:;ttJ. -, , ,~ 7
Ellen L1pste1n David Lowe Nathan l.,owe Man1sha MahaJan Kevin Mahoney ata 5 ha Markovchtck Amie Marsh Bryan Marshall C ra1 g Mart in Daniel Matlock Tatum Matt ox Devin McCay Silke Meder Sara Mee
Neil Meeha n Mand y Mill er John Monckton Cor inn a Montesano Mi c hae l Mo nt gomery Ri ca rd o Mo raes Tobin More head Shane Mo rr ow Brett Myers Boyd Nelson Amy Newcomm Harold Neyra T od d No rd st ro m C had O' har a GOLDEN 146- fAC~~ ~---------

T\t1J)()Jl l)


he future ca n be a sca ry thing for so me people, but not for th is year's Senior Class Wh en a s ked where th ey would b e in 10 yea rs, m os t se ni o rs seemed to have th ei r futures all planned out Future plans rang e from being an ambassador to a zoo logist o r d o in g nothing but traveling around the worl d ( can you g e t paid for that ?) The se se niors see m to hav e di scove r ed the sec ret to making dream s of a Ferran , a Viper , a h o m e entertainment system and a marriage to C indy Craw f o rd o r Tom Cruise a r ea lit y. T o so m e se niors , fam e and fortune d e fin e ultimate s uccess J os h S m i th 1~ su re that he will end up " pla yi n g r ock and roll mu s ic " Mark R eyerso n will be "a very rich bum ." You will pr o bab l y find E rik S tattman "ge ne rou s ly ri ch o n the bnnk of insanity " J ere mi ah S te rn e r sa id , " I'll probabl y st ill be wo r king a t l(jngSoop ers, on l y by th en I will own 1t " H owever, not every o ne will mea s ure their s u ccess by thei r pa ycheck. Some se ni ors plan to h ve a normal midd le c l ass life , lik e Mark La v in g to n who will be " a fo re s t ranger " Al bina Gar b erg wa nt s nothing more than to be "a n architect drawing neat hou ses," and B e n K a pp es believes , " I ' 11 be a U.S M arsha l , married , ma y b e tw o kid s, a whit e pi c ket fen ce and a dog " Strangely , he doe sn' t ment ion anything about a hou se. Bre tt M yers cla im s, " Aft e r I r ece ive my law degree from H arvard, I am going to change the United States int o what it shoul d be a soc iah st 1c coun t ry " Eri c Mi ll e r will be living o n a farm and " farming pig s." S te pani e Ri c kard remarked , " I will be a n amba ss ado r to Spain." Kell i Sc hna s e imagine s her se lf, " marri e d to a comhusker and living on • a farm with two kid s." S tev e IGbl e r kn o w s e xa c t ly what h e wants , " I will be a comme r cial a irlin e pilot trav e ling around the wo rl d to exciting p l aces.'' Well , good lu c k to yo u a ll as you g radu a te and begin yo ur journey int o th e r ea l world, and m ay all your future dr eams come true. Britt I se nb e rg e r

Travi s Ol so n Brian Out land

Apri l Ov e rgaard

M e li ssa Pa lm e r

Ryan P arfet

Jo se ph Obrien

.K. . WHA

You are walking down the hall and somebody calls your name, you and five other people who are blessed with your name turn around yelling " What?" For th is reason nicknames were inven ted Most se niors got goofy grins on their faces and laughed when they ad mitted their nicknames . Som e of the nicknames were re lated to the person 's name , like Todd Nord s trom , "Big Head Todd" and An drew Zaharia s, "Z-man " While other peop le 's nicknames were based o n the pe rson, s actions , s uch as Nathan Lowe , "Waddle" and T ravi s Ols on, "Teaser." Peop le \Vith nicknames l ik e " Squirt," S ta c i e Drigg ers get th em because of they way they look, l ike being short. Below i s a li s t of some more i ntri g uing ni cknames. Katy R atz

Co rinn a Mo nte s an o : " Lulu "

Eri n W hitfo rd : " Wo ofer"

Ri e b Kenner : " Di ck Enner"

Emil y Bachman . " Alby "

Mega n Goodwin : " Motor Mouth Megan "

Jaso n Campb e ll : "So up "

Jess ic a Wage r : " J ess1wo n"

Heather S awye r : " Saw-yer Mam a"

Joy S umn er : "Trouble"

Jesse Bielak: " Ho use''

J e rem y La u e " Pudd "

Ch r ista Sa nd ers · " P ookie Bear"

Shane Parker

Rebecca Pease

Aaron Pe tersen

Edmund Phillip s

J osep h Phillips

Mi cha e l Pi erce

GOLDEN 14s - fAC~~ iOft'.Cl

Zebulon Pik e Broo k Porter

Tanya Pr en ti ce Lind sey Proctor

J enn ife r Rand

Lydia Ra scon

Kri st a Re1c hwe1n Ke ll y Re ine cker

Jennifer Reynebeau Step han ie Ri c kard Ca rrie Ri ede l

Jess ica Ri ggs

Kyle Robertson Step hen Roge rs

Cathe ri ne Ryan

M ark Ry erso n

Karin Sanchez

C hri sta Sanders

Courtney Sasa

Katherine Saunde rs

H eat h er Sawye r

R occo Sca rd ello

Steve Schielman

Karla Schirnn eiste r

Kelli Sc hnase

Gregory Sc hultz

Rya n Schwettman

Aaron Segesman

GOLDEN 1so -


Big Thinker Becky Harmon works diligently on her English assignment dunng access. The senior lounge was a favonte s pot among upperclassmen to study, finish homework and procrastinate Ph o to by Kim Kettlewell


Seniors have heard this phrase throughout their sc hool ca reer But when t hey aren't co ncentratin g on sc hool, what are they pondenng deepl y about? Ca rrie Smith

Donald Martin . " Wh y is 1t that if you spit off the Sears Towe r you put a d ent in so meone's ca r, but when it hai ls, 1t doesn ' t put dent s 1n a car a nd 1t falls twice as hi g h ?"

J ess i ca Ol se n · " Wh y 1s liqu o r l ega l and marijuana 1sn ' t when liqu o r 1s more harmful than marijuana ?"

Matt Ka spa r " How come I have so much to do and so littl e time to d o it in?"

S teve Filsinger: " Wh a t are os tri ches looking at when their hea ds a re stuck 1n the ground?"

Brian Lama s ter: " If I swa llow a li ghte r flame would it hurt ?"

Sa mantha Jakahasbi : " If I don ' t have tim e to do it right the first time, when am I gonna hav e time to d o it the seco nd time? "

J e nnife r Sm ith

Jo s hua Smit h

Wendy Sore nse n

Eric S haffer Step he n Shenfish Ca rl y n Siegesmund

A bd ull ah Abdulr ahm an • Erik

Ahl s tr om• Pe te r All an• Da ryl

Am b rose • J ess ie Ar c hule tt a •

Ja so n Arn o ld • J aso n

Arn s p arge r • E mil y Bac hm a n

• Andr ew Bae r • T odd B ake r •

A a r o n B a l dw in • J aso n

B arn ard • Emil y Bart on • La ray

B ec k • T iffa n y B ec kwith •

Am a lia Be di a Vill a • Noe ll e

B e hr e n s • Fr a nk B e rr y •

Andr e w B e ttin ge r • J esse

Bie la k • Elizab e th Bitn e r • Ka ra

Bl ack • Rami e Bl ac k • Tim ot hy

Blum • H ea th e r B o hn •

Mi c h ae l Bolli g • Pa tri c k Boy d

• Sa rah Boy d • E rik a Bra kk e n

• K i m Br en nec k e • K e ir a

Bres n ahan • L ia m Burn e ll •

Ho lli B ye rl y • Ma rtin By rd •

Ca rl os Cace r es • J aso n

Ca mpb e ll • Mi c hae l Ca rt e r •

Nathan Ca rt e r • Tr av i s

C h a mpn o i se • Y o l a nda

C ha parro • A aro n C he uv ro nt •

M e li s a C lint o n • J ess i ca

Coa lm a n • Je nnife r Coo kso n •

Matth e w Coo nan • S ea n

Co rco ran • Co dy C ross • J esse

Da rr ow • Kri s ti De nn e r • T odd

Di e rkin g • S ta c ie Dri gge rs •

Laur a Duk e • J ess Eas ley •

Br a nd o n Edi e • St e phan

Ei se nb a rth • J as on Elm s •

Me lind a Em a nu e l • Cae l a

England • C he ri En g land •

Ta ylor Es tes • Th e reasa Ev ans

• T e rry Fe th • Stev en Fil s in ger

• A s hl ey Fin o tti • Da v id Fi s h •

J e re d Fl etc her • Sh awn Ford •

Laur a Fo x • Ja s on Fr anc is •

Jer e my Fult o n • Erin Furtak •

Albin a G arb erg • J a ke Garn e r

• Sh a ne G a ul e • Jo e Gollon •

Is ma e l G o nza lez • J e nnife r

Go odl a nd • Meg an Goo dwin •

Ke vin Gr ee nb aum • Mi c he le

Gr oves • Mi c ha e l Hall • Eli s ha

Ha nkin • Mi c hae l Ha rd endorf

• R e b ecc a Harm o n • Eri c

Hartm e is te r • Myl es Harv e y •

Amanda Haw



s • Adam Hawl e y • Mi c ha e l Hayd en • Karen Heat e r • Todd Hen so n • Erin Herndon • Michael Herrington • Jes s ica Hill ey • T erri Hob s on • Amb e r Holland • Stace y Hoyt • Eli s abeth Hurley • Me li ss a Ill • Jefferey Jackman • Me ss ina Jan s sen • Leah Jarvi s • J ess ica J e nkin s • An ge la John so n • Bryan John s on • C lifford John son • Michael John s on • S e an Jone s • Khomkrit Kaowthumrong • Benjamin Kapp es • Matthew Ka s par • S cott Ke as ling • Ladonna Keith • Shannon Kelley • Tamra Ke mler • Richard Ke nn e r • Dani e l Kerr • Kimberly Ke tt lewell • Dani e l Kibler • Steve n Kib ler • Chris topher King GOLDEN 1s2 - fAC~~

• Shamus Kin g • Steven King•

Ke ll y Kirlin • Lau ra Kohn •

Mi chell e Kunze• Mina Kurtu bi

• Bri ce L andry • Mark

Lav1ngton • Jeffr ey Lee • Jam es

Landberg • Ellen Lip ste 1n •

David Lowe • Nathan Low e •

M an i s h a MahaJan • Kevin

Mahon ey • Carte r Mak i •

ata sha Markovch ick • Amie

Marsh • Brya n Marsha ll • Cra ig

Ma rtin • Daniel Mat l ock •

Tatum Matt ox • Silke Meder •

Sa ra Mee • Eric Mill e r • J oh n

M onckton • Cor inn a

M o nt esa n o • Mi c h ae l

Mon tgo mery • Ricardo Moraes

• Tobin Mor ehead • S ha n e Morr ow • Bret t Mye rs • Boyd

Nelson • Amy Newcomm •

H a ro ld N eyra • Todd

Nord s trom • Jonathan Nyholm

• C h ad O ' H ara • Jo se ph

O ' Bri e n • Travi s Olson• Brian

Outland • April Overgaard •

Me li ssa Pal mer • Rya n Parfe t •

S hane Park er • Rebecca Pease

• Aaron Pe te rse n • Jo se ph

Phillip s • Mi c hael Pi e rce •

Zebulon Pike • Bro ok Porte r •

T a n ya P rent i ce • Lind ey

Pro cto r• J e nnife r Ra nd • Lyd ia

Rasco n • Kri s ta Re ic hw ein •

Ke ll y R e 1n ec k e r • J ennifer

R eynebea u • Step h anie

Ri c k a rd • J ess 1ca Ri ggs •

Stephen Ro ge rs • Catherine

Ryan • Mark Ry e rso n • Kar in

Sanchez • Cour tn ey Sasa •

Kath er in e Saunders • Hea th er

Sawye r • Rocco Scardel lo •

Karla Schirrmei s ter • Kelli

Schnase • Gregory Schu ltz • R ya n Schwettman • Aaron

Segesman • Eric Shaffer • Der ri ck Sh a nfe lt • Stephen

Shenfish • Car ly n Siegesmund

• Jen nife r Smith • Jo s hu a Smith

• We nd y Sorensen • As hl ey

Spei r • Ke ll y Stanton • Erik

Stallman • Sarah Stein

Jere miah Sterner • Mor gan

Stock • Danielle Stone • J oy Sumner • Sama nth a Takahas hi • Nath an Taylor • Matthew Thomas • Mich e le Thomp son • Dana Tripp • Keri Tro s t • Amy Turgeon • Courtney Turner • Greg ory Urban • Luke Vanduyn • Grant Varveri s • Sara Verb ec k • T roy Vigil • J ess ica Wager • Matthew Wag ne r • Mich e lle Wagne r • Ja so n W a ll e nta • Dianna We lton • John We ngrov iu s • Brenda We s tby • Erin Whitford • Cu rti s Whiting • S hai ne Wi ebe r • Rob e rt Wollner • Nath an Wri g ht • Ka ri W ya nt • Na s uhiko Yamaguchi • J ason Yo s ha • J oseph Young er • Andr ew Zaharias • J eremy Zahrte • J oy Zhang • ' 95 • ' 95 • ' 95 • !!~ ~ij - 153

Tying the Knot Morgan Stock devotes hi s comple t e and total allent1on to preparing for the big date, hoping it won 't en d 1n disaster Preparing to go out o n a date 1s one of the most involved and t1me-consumingparts of a high sc hool s tud e nt 's life Ph o to by Kim K ettlewell

WHATDat ing is what people in high sc hool live for , but every so often you will get a date that can put yo ur d og to s leep. Dating is a hard thing to do es peciall y when it is you r first. A n gie Johnso n expe ri e nce d a Pr om disas ter : " I wa s on the way to Pr o m, and we were going down 1-25 in my date 's o ld co nv e rtibl e Mu st ang and so mething b ro ke We pulled off to a bu sses only re s t s to p, and he had to fix hi s ca r in orde r to get to the Pro m He had to fix th e car in his tuxedo Luckily no bu sses ca me o rw e wou ld have been s mu s hed ." Todd Dierking s tated s adly · " I finally got the hang of dattng after my third year of high school." Erika n cho se the wrong guy: " My Ho meco ming date my so phomore year- I only pre te nded that I lik ed my him , and all night long he wou ld no t leav e me alone ." Dating at Goldenwhat an ex perien ce. Th e se niors at Golden highly e nj oyed the d a ting sce ne. If you keep Tod d Dierki n g's attit ud e toward s dating and jus t keep trying , dating will not be so bad Tara

Kelly Stanton

Enk Stattman

Sarah Stein

Christy Steinert


As hl ey Spei r
GOLDEN 1s4 - fAC~~ 5
remiah Sterner
,,, ... ..., o(trkfl
Morgan Stock Danielle Stone Courtney Stookey Joy Sum ner Nathan Taylor M atthew Th omas Mi c h ele Th ompso n Dana Tripp K eri Tros t Amy Turg eon Cou rtn ey Turn e r Luke Vanduyn Gra nt Varveri s Sara Verbec k Troy Vigil Je ss ica Wager Matt hew Wagner Mi che ll e Wag ner Ja son Wa ll e nt a Craig Walhn D ia nna W e lt o n Ja ck Weng rovius Bre nda Wes tb y Enn Whitford Curt is Whiting
GOLDEN 1s6 - fAC~~
Shaine Wi eber Robe rt Wo lln er Jr Ka ri Wyant

H a n gi n g With th e Mo b Members of the Senior Class stom1 the 'G" in the -.en1or lounge during acccs., . The Senior lounge seems to be the happening spot, considering how all the undercla,smen dream of the dav ,vhen they can finally inhabit 11 The sen ior lounge can be seen decorated almost daily and 1s a great place to tall... go,,1p, and of course, d1scu~ the always popular topic of nuclear b10-phys1Cl> Seniors also demostrate their school spirit 10 the sentor lounge, such as th e time when they hung t,vo Wh eat Ridge "dummies" from the ce11Jng the da)' of the Golden vs. Wheat Ri dge football game Photo by K,m Kettlewell

Nasuh1ko Yam aguc hi Ja son Yosha

Jo sep h You nger

Andrew Zaharias

Je remy Zah rt e

J oy Zh ang

PSAT, SAT, PA CT, ACT , PSSC Ph ysics Agh! Wh at's a l ittl e 'o l j uni or to do ? Answer please: Study, s tud y, s tud y. Even th ough mo s t people don ' t like to study, it 's necessary to ge t into a good co ll ege, a nd most juniors are ju s t realizing th at, so th ey are m oving rat h er rap idl y. Jolh ~tlbr agree s with that a s h e s tat es, " My juni o r yea r is harder because you h ave to start co n ce ntr at in g o n co ll ege." Some kid s say that th ei r junio r year is a lot easier than th e ir first two years. " Tw o gym c l asses, two business c lasses, a nd a worl d hi story c l ass. What ge ts eas ier than that? " Julie Hohm comme nt ed Sdb Carr ag rees but ha s a different reason: " T eachers pi ck on yo u you r fir s t two yea rs, and th ey trea t you with more respect yo ur l as t yea rs."

Apffb v-,,.. s ays , " It 's the party yea r. Wh a t ca n be better? " Wh ateve r the reaso n , bei n g an upp e rc l ass man is "ge tting respect a nd not being pu s he d a ro und any m o re," sa id Dalen Wulflam.

Khn 'A,pY said, " B eing a n upp e rc l assman m ea n s th at you can drive Y o u d on't see any fre s hm en driving " lvb SmtfIH remin isced , before he co uld drive " me and m y friend s a lwa ys walked to Safeway a n d Littl e Cease r 's fo r lun c h That 's wh a t I remembe r fr o m my fre s hm an year ." Time is moving ra th er quickly , and will move even fa ste r o ur se n io r yea r, so take advantage o f the tim e that is left F or many , t h e jun io r year means more c hall engi ng c la sses, a job , Pro m , va rsity spo rt s, m o re fr eedom from m o m and dad , a nd g rea ter res po ns ibiliti es. For others i t m ea ns grea te r s tress : on ly o n e mor e year till what ? Co ll ege, a ca reer, unemployment , paying re nt , marriag e?! Th a nk goodness we s till ha ve so m e tim e to ki c k back and re lax before th e " rea l world " falls on us Mi c he ll e Tu cke r


GOLDEN 1ss- fAC~~ I
and Stop Me Juniors Maren Olson and Je ssica Collins spe nd their lun ch in th e hall st udying and c hoking each other Having an open campus enab led every s t udent to go out for lun ch, even if they we re unable to dnve o r beg for a ride from a friend Jun ior Riley Tripp st ated, " Because of th e ri si ng prices in food 1n the cafeteria , l go ou t to lun c h."' Ph o to by Robin Polille

We t 'N Wild Junior Canssa Lauwers takes a head first dive onto the slip and shdc during t he H omecoming carnival The swim team made money during the ,-am1val by se l ling talloos and running the slip and slide The swim team was raising money for new suits, sweats, towels, and the booster club Photo by R Fine

Can You D o the C an- C an ? Denise Shaner, L indsay B razil, Sharon ~11ckc, Apn l Schossow and Andrea Archer dance in the senior lounge during Nallonal H onor Society 1n111ataons The 1n1t1at1ons consisted ofweanngsw1mm1ng goggles and rubber g l oves, a sign with the inductee's name on 11, and doing whatever was asked by senior members of NHS for the entire day. Photo by Mr F10ell1
- - -
l h

Zachary Amb a ri antz

Shau n Am br ose

Nic holas Am mo n

J aso n Ander son

M1chae l And erso n

Mon ica Araujo

Andrea Ar c her

Renee Ard o in

Sha nn a As h

Mi c hae l B ade

Tn cia B a ir

We nd i B a ke r

Sh awn B akk e r

J e re m y Ball e nger

Zac hary Ball e ntin e Mi c he ll e B and y

J ason Bar kow

S teve n B a rl o w

Eri ck Ba rt os h

I an B ates

GOLDEN 160 - fAC~~ } • )

Pam e l..i Baughman

Jennifer Baurer

Dani e l Bec k Becklt!y

Cody Bentley

Ro sa Bernal

Jamee; Berry

Li sa Berry

David Bi s hop

Patri c k Bitner

Gary Boatman

Kathrine Bosio

Lindc;ey Bra71l

Timothy Brixner

David Bryant

Jamie Burke

herry Burrough s

Fletcher Cameron

Barbra Campbell

Seth Carr


Christian Carson

Elizabeth C hil coat

Ryan C hi sho lm

Beth Clowes

Kell I Co lli ga n

Jessica Collins

Kelly Cooper

Christop he r Corb in

Kr1st1ne Cor nely

Matthew Co rr y

Ca rli Co up e ns

Jami e Cox

Sara Crowell

Je nnifi er Daggs

Angela Dalton

Scott Danie ls

Brett Da vis

Kara Decaroli s

Riann De lery

Kelley Den ner

GOLDEN 162 - fAC~~ '

Don ' t L oo k Do,vn Jun1orTodd Sunmons scales the famous GHS library tree Ht s favorite super hero 1s Spiderman He only wishes he had Sp1dey's chmb1ng ability. Acco rding to Todd, "Sp1derman 1s m y hero because he gets all the \VOmen and swmgs from the rooftop while doing 1t " Ph oto by Whitney Wilk

IIt' s a bird, iL 's aplan e, no il'sSuperman. We all re membcrw aLc hin gs uc h shows like Mi g hty Mou se and thinkin g that th ey were th e coo les t superhe ro ever K ell y Denn er sai d, " Jean-Claude Van Damm e figure 1t out:' Roc k stars and mu sici an s c an al so be put into th e category of s up erh eroes. Just ask Carli Coupens who sai d, "Jimmy Buffe tt because he has th e best c heeseb ur gers," and J eanni e Mill e r who thinks, " Steve Marun because he is a wild and c razy g uy." Of course th e re st.ill is th e few who think cartoo ns are th e onl y s up erher oes needed. Ju s tin Ridp a th thinks, " Bugs Bunn y becau se he is rad ." Not every s up e rh ero 1s famou s. So me peo pl e who have everyday Job s are role models for th e youth of today . Dav id Palm er seems to think so because he answered, "Co ps, because they are always out sav ing und er-a ged hi g h sc hoo l kid s from dnnking ." Ka tie Bosio's hero 1s he r mo m beca use "s he c an do anythi ng." J o di Mun dt sa id , " I don' t have a s upe r hero beca u se I am my ow n s upe rhe ro." Mo s t peop le have come a long way from the early days of adoring th e Tee na ge Mutan t Ninja Turtles and spendi ng the co untl ess hours he lpin g th e Ninja Turtl es ove rcome Shredder. M Pa lm er

Jes sica Di cke

J e rry D1nzes

Da ne ll Dittbrenne r Ho ll y Ditto

Ja smin e Do mgaard Megga n Dondelinger

Serena Dovey

Mauhew Dozzo

Mauh ew Dnscoll

Aaron Dub ois

Dan ie l Dura n

Dawn Durant

' r' ) "' n\l
' } )

R ichard


Karen Dyke

Al Echeverria

Bjorn Elberltng

Beth Elder

Kevin Elli s

Patrick Enge l

Andrea Erpelding

Shawn Eiw 1n

Devon Estes

Kurt Falkentha l

Adam Fay

Amanda Fe in

Linda Fer rei ra

T anya Fish

Grego ry Fr ancis

Cra ig Fu lme r

Cra ig Ga mble

Wi ll ia m Garretts

Ryan Gee

GOLDEN 16 4 - fAC~~ . I \l I ~bllt'.l\ ' .; -~nnS j J

Keit h Gibs o n

Aa ro n G il Bran t G leaton

Kimb e rl y Go rm an


La c ie Gr ay

Da ni e l Gru ene 1c h

Dona ld G rund e man

AnJlt G upt a

Rod ney Hadw1 ge r Do nald Ha g be rg

Juli e Hage me1s te r Am a nd a Halb e rt

J as on Hall

BenJ a min Ha mblin

Me li ss a Hand Ro bin Ha nkin s

Ka y la Hapt o ns tall

J aso n Hau s

Re becc a Ha yes Kev in Haz ard

,, • • 'i. •

You ' re 15 and one- half and th e road is yours, but before you ge t y()ur license you r parents are goi ng to make yo u take driver's ed So you thi nk to yourself th at lh is won't be so bad because yo u get to driv e as pa rt of t h" co ur se. Howeve r, if you ask aro und to j un iors who already to o k th e c lass, th ey might have a d iffe rent story " I was driving dow n th e road wh en all of lh e sud de n a 10 foo t chi cke n jumped throu gh my s unroo f and I ye ll ed , 'J>. pizza for a buck','' exp la ined Jerry Dinzes . Mo s t other junio rs had a more normal and believable ex pe ri e nce. Lindie Hit c hcock said, " Th e in s tru c tor was a r e al bore. All he did was si t th e re." " I ran over Lh e cu rb and the in s tru c to r star ted to yell at me in Spanis h, " remarked Carli Coupens Bard Neilson exc lai med , " Th e instructor had a perso nality of a puddl e of mud !" " My fi rs t tim e on the hi g hway , th e in su uc to r mad e me drive exac tly 55 mph and everyo ne e lse was kickin' my butt," exp lai ne d Anj1i Gupta Some juni ors jus t had a littl e problem obse rving th e s toplig hts or tho se other li ttle pesky laws. Skylar Stilhvell agreed: "I was makin g a U- tum i n th e middl e of downtown Denver, it suc ked ." " I ran a red li g ht in downtown Denver; well, it was a s mall , a lm os t red light," exp la in ed Katie O,ven "It's rea ll y hard to be coo l whe n your car has a bright red, WARNING : STUDENT DRIVER, painted o n it," ex pl ained Britt I se nb erger. So whether your in s tru c Lor was s tr ic t , weird or as excit in g as a bri c k wa ll , all that rea ll y matte red is th a t you go t you r li cense and ma ybe a lowe r insurance rate. Matt Mont go mery

Andre w Hebe in Sarah He be le r Kare n He ffe lfin ge r Jul ie He in z Da vid Herbert We nd y Hey woo d Ju s tin Hill M ic hae l Hind s L1nd1 e Hitc hcoc k Hillary Holland Chri s toph e r Hom Shawn Hom e r \
r t ry mg to deci ph e r
e ca rb ure to r
u s u a lly an cx p1e n e n ce th a t th e parti c ipant n e v e r f o rge ts. COLDEN 166, J j -
Your Engine's Shot nut. .. Juni o rs Bo bby S co tt and Pat Bnner b en d ove r th e ir R ock y M o untam Dnvin g A c ad e my s tud ent drivtng ca
fr o
th e o
filt e r
s Ed is

Jayna Horvat

Bryn Hudson Ca ll ey Hughes Mar k Hu mphrey

Dav id Im er Kri sto ph er Imy Bri ttany Ise n berge r Th o m as J ac kso n

Elli o tt J a mes Daru s J aque.l Ga rri ck J o hn son Kathryn J o hn s to n

Vin ce nt J o in e r Fe lic ia Jo nes Bre tt J o rge nse n Dann y J ow e rs

Jess ica Kase l Ji II Ka tze nb e rge r Ro xann e Ka y Cliffo rd Ke ll ey

Leah Ke rr

Sann1 Ke s k1mak1

Mo lly Kinghorn

Kirs tin K1phardt

Nathan Kn epp e r

Kevi n Koel

Mark Kolin

Jame s Kon eg nt

Van essa Ko s low

Arthur Krzy s tek

Ian Kunt e r

Matthew Kw1 e tn ews k1

Jonathan Ladebue

Mi c helJe Laffe rty

Ja so n Laman

Carissa Lauw e rs

Heidi La yman

Ke nn eth Lee

Emily Lowe

Ryan Lu ca s

GOLDEN 16s - fAC~~ \ l -------

Antonio Lucio

Gary Luk

Davtd Mack

Geoffrey Mallow

Matthe\v Man ley Enn Mar~hall

Ame5 Martin

Andre\\,, Marllnez

J enn ife r Martinez

Nathan Mat aya John Ma tt s

R ebekah Mc Bri de

Sarah McGua ne Stacey McG uir e Jam es Mc Murt ry Co urtne y McNa

J e nnife r Mc Phat e Dann Menapace

S har on Mi c kc C harl es Mill er


Chnstopher Miller

Cody Mill er

Jeannie Mill er

Raymond Miller Jr

Tyler Mit che ll

Akiko Miy osh i

Jason Mon son

Heather Mo o n

Mitch Morra s

Jodi Mundt

Keala Murd ock

B ethany Murphy

Carrie My ers

J o hnny Nguyen

Carrie Nichols

Cory Nickerson

Ca rl Nie lse n

Je re my Nuanes

Mark O' dorisio

Anna Olso n

GOLDEN 170- fAC~~

You're driving down th e s treet no t paying attention to the road, but instead you' re concentrat in g on that car in front of you with a license plat e you c an 't figure out. Then al l of a s udden an idea co mes to mind, " What 1A1o uld my li ce nse plates say?" It may be wild and crazy or s ubtle and plain , but at lea s t Juni ors have a c lu e about what th eirs would say. Ri c k y D,vig ht sai d , " LUVKELL,, re fe rring to hi s c urre nt g irlfri e nd It took Ri a nn D e ler y a few minutes to reply, but finally s he re marked , " DA BOMB! " K e ll y P o, ve r s sai d s he would put her license plates on her boyfri e nd 's '76 Monte Carlo which would say, ''2 FAST 4 U." Ge n e , vi nkl e pl eck sa id "CHEVY" with a s mil e because of hi s fantasy of owning a Chevrolet. Many Juni ors don ' t have th e time or money to ge t pe rso nali ze d li ce nse plates, but the re is no law against dream i ng . Bob W iJli a m s sa id that his personahzed pl ateswou ld say"ROPEIT. " Oth er peop le are takin g the fast lane down the highway like K a r y N ic h ols who said, "S PEEDY. " Lindi e Hit c h coc k admitted that if s he had her very own plat es s he would be, " QUJCK ." Ann a O lso n will go, " BANANAS " if s he can ' t get her plates. You ca nJu s t see J ere m y N ua n es goi ng down th e hi g hway at 130 mph in a 55 sp eed zone with th e li ce nse plates, " MANIAC ." David Im er 's love for old, fast and c las sy Chevrolet Novas proves to be his we ak s po t , and des ire for the plate, " NOV ACAIN. " It doesn't matte r whether you ' re driving a 1993 Ferrari with th e li ce nse plates '' BUFFY" or a 1971 Pinto with the li ce nse plates " IMCHEAP" Ju s t as lo ng as you hav e wheels . Whitn ey Wilk

Mare n Olson

J e nn ifer Orand

Jere my Orand

Kelly Osheroff

Kathr yn Owen

David Palm er

Ni chola s Paslay

Kev in Pau lse n

Carrie Pearse

Re becca Pease

Christine Peters

Mi che ll e P ete rsen

J oh n PLe ka rs ki

Leonardo Pope

Ke ll y Powers

Jonatha n Pray

Je nnife r Pres to n

Trisha Pn ge t

Robert Purvi s

Matt Raml e t

All yso n Rey nold s

Ju s tin Ridpath

Ma tth ew Rillo s

Hen ry Ri s ne r

Cliff Ro be rt s

Greg Ro bert s

Ma so n Ro bert so n

Matth ew Rob ie

T ami Rodrigu ez

Kar a Rom e

Amanda Ro se

S hanna Rum ley

GOLDEN 172 - fAC~~• 1

Kenneth Sample

Charles Sandt

Lucas Santilli

Cry')tal Schenck

Shirelle Schmidt

Dani el Schmied

Apnl Schossow

Je ffr ey Schroeder

Stephen Schroeder

Henning Schymik

Belen Scott

Adam Seabaugh

Den ise Shaner

J ason Sha\v

Todd Simmons

Ni co le Six

Joanna Sk\vara

Alisha Smith

Chnstine Smith

Elizabeth Smith


S l ee pin g With Th e E nem y Juni or Ryan Ch11>holm 1.1 kes a breather dunng French class 10 catch up on a lillle sleep w th h,s favonte pet wood chuc k Carla Coupens look on and chuckle s at the s ight of the two sleeping together Ph o to by Robtn Pola lle

How much wood would a \vood c hu c k chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?:

Kath e rin e S tandl ey: "A wood c hu ck would up -c hu c k before he chucked all the wood he co uld chuck,,

e r e oa D ovey: " What 's a wood chuck?"

J aso n Laman : "A wood chuck would chuck all th e wood he co u l d chuck if a wood c hu c k could c huck wood."

S haro n Mi c k e: " W oo d chuckscan'tchuck,sowhat's the point of imagining?

J e ni Baure r : " You know what? Wood chucks look hke beavers."

Jill Katz enb e r ge r : " Well , 1f you tak e the dimensions of the front teeth , and divide them by th e diam ete r of a log , and su btract the inv e rse recipro ca l of the dim e nsion s of the w ood chuck's mouth , it's easy to tell that he would chuck approximately 5 097 grams of \Vood."

D e ni se S h a n e r : "A wood c hu c k wouldn't c hu c k wood, becau se a wood c hu c k ca n ' t c huck wood, so a wood chuck won't c hu c k wood."

Nicole Smith

J era my Snidow

Katherin e Standley

J e nnifer Steinert

Skyler Sti ll well

Travi s Stock

Mart h a Stokes

Lara Stone

Eri c Storms

Colleen Struck

April Stussy

Craig Sutton

GOLDEN 174 - fAC~~
) - J ....

Patri ck Swift

Du s ty Tafoya Paul Ta te Tri s ha Th o mas

Ja co b Th o mp so n Mary To Troy T o ma s ko Na than T o mm e r

Ril ey Tripp

Mi c he ll e Tu cker Aaron Turn er Diana Turn e r

Ma ca ndre w Ve rser Jos hua Waggo ner Jo s hua Walk er R os he ll e W alt.e r

Amanda Waltz Shayde n Ward

Da vid Warre n J a mes W aus

-) I

Jamie Web s ter

Carrie Weingard t

Brandon Welch

Tiffanie Wheeler

Laura White

Christy Whil.field

Bob William s

Brett W1lhams

Dan iel Willman

Stacey Winston

Hayley Will

Sandra \Volf

Daron Wo lfrum

Randall \Vr ig ht

Jes sica

W urtcn berger

David Yang

An ge lika Yamo

Lan Yu

Laura Zaharias

Holly Zens

COLDEN 176- fAC~~ '\ ))( t

Class of '96 Ju niors Kara Rome, Mary To , Lindsey Brazil, Kara Decarolis, and Angelika Yamo cheer on the '96 float Even though the Class of '96 won th e float ma~1ng compct1t1on last year, this year the Freshmen Cla~ ran away with 1t Juniors working on this year ' s float told classmates where the float was being built so the class could work on 1t together Although the Juniors d1dn 'twin, class sp1rn was gher than last year

Almost Twins April Schossow and Lind,cy Brazil show off their matching outfit, for Twin, Day dunng Homecommg week Since Juniors are next 1n line to be "King of the Hill " they show grea t support for school dance,, sport'>, and act1v1lle'> Keala Murdock boasted, 'The Juni or Clas.'> 1s the be,t 1"

Who Won ? M1ke Mares chec ks out the lateM score!'> in th e RocJ..y Mountain News Man y Juniors follow the news very closely, especially th e OJ S imp son murder trial. David Bryant sa,d, He's gu1hy but he 'II get off,. Photo by R Fine Iii

l ½ ,i # "'t 'f ' :L j . ,. >. • J' ,If.JI ' •,'AJ .J: .,.- _,. - }"!; -,,_,
, .
Photo by R F1nelh Photo by R Finell, Kimberly Z ieg ler

Sophomore : onesmall s tep to being a Junior one giant leap from being a fre s hman The se are the day s when being a so phomore mea ns discovering who you are and what you hke When you ' re a so phomore, you already know your way around sc hool , who doe s what, and what \vork s best. Now you Ju st have to play the sop homor e game of getting a ca r and getting a Job to su pport that ca r. Everyday is another adventure in the ultimate high sc hool goal, becoming a se nior You might even act a little weird, es pecially to freshmen who don ' t know which way is up As 1• JG Osppel sai d, " You will only be a so phomore once so have fun while you can ." When asked what being a so phomore was lik e, BOeo Ht1o sai d, " It 's better than being a fr es hman 1 David 'w• sai d, " Being a sop homore is like being the cream in the middle of an oreo cookie." There are many things so phomores enjoy doing at sc hool. Some sophomores like to play spo rts, other so ph omores don 't like to do anything related to sc hool. 1• :m Page sai d he likes " belonging to 24th Street Singers "

Qyaa1 Atcary sa id s he like s "s moking a cigarette after class."

Tri l'+:WIN•!hen sa id he enjoyed playing in band and " having the best percu ss ion section in band throughout the s tate " Some so phomores don't believe 1n patronizing fre s hmen CldBms said,

"Ju s t becau se fre s hmen are a grade lo\ver doe s n' t mean I am better than them ." For all the upcoming so phomore s, you'll enjoy being a so phomore for a year, but there is no harm in dreaming of next year. For the Class of ' 97, thi s wa s an outstanding year and there is a lot to look forward to 1n the near future

W o rkin g H a rd Sophomore H eat h er Verard1 tak es time t o smile at the came ra between hom ewo rk problems M ost sophomores were c hall enged by ei th er Algebra I , Al gebra II o r Geometry Soph o more Toby Mi cha el st at ed, " Th e classes that I am t aking n ow are much harder than th e ones I took last year" Photo by Robin Politte

GOLDEN 17s - fAC~~

Let's C elebrate The Sophomore Class nde their float down Washing ton St 1n preparation for the big H omecoming game against M ullen Although the float was unusual and creative, 11 did not take first place ,n the float co m pe t 111on Sophomore Dav,d Johnson stated, I thought our float this year was good Next yea r we will make our float great "' Photo by B.J Reynolds

I Ju s t C an ' t Ge t E no ug h Sophomore and freshmen students take part 1n the trad1t1onal Golden D emons hand Jive at the Homecom1ng pep assembly on Oct 9 Depeche Mode provides the music and the Tndettes p r ov i de the motions Sophomore Nikki Varvens stated, "Now that I have learned the hand Jive, I r eally like 11and think 11 bnngs all the classes together" Photo by Ron Finelh

Jennifer Allen

Christopher Anderson

Fabiola Araujo

Crystal Arc ury

Sta cy Arndt

Stacey Aronowitz

Kyle Atkinson

Mind y Austin

Ju s tin Babbitt

Ja so n Baerren

Travis Baker

William Barbee

J ohn Bartsc h

Jo s hua Bates

Troy Bauer

Paul Bauman

Torrie B ecwa r

Crys tal Beder

I an B ei tzel

Kimberly B e llanti

GOLDEN 1so - fAC~~ .. . ,. J; .' ..,, ' !i ..., J) J -
"\ C.

Have you eve r wondered how th ey ge t so mu ch milk into every KRAFT si ngle? Well, creative CHS so ph omores thou g ht that th ey had it a ll figured out. Answe r s ranged anything fr o m Cows t o tho se kid s p o n sors on television to s tr a n ge KRAFT factorie s. Ann e Fay

Andy Silvey- " Th ey stick a cow int o it"

Jamie Strickland- " First you bl ow th e ch eese up r ea l bi g, th en yo u fill it with milk until it explodes!"

Josh Moles- " Firs t th e milk gods take all of th e milk in the world, and give it to the KRAFT factory , and then th ey s qui sh it int o th e ch eese."


Tracy Hoback- " I d o n ' t kn o w , ask tho se cute little kid s on TV. "

Sergio Martinez" The c h eese is lik e a s p onge and it soaks th e milk all up ."

Kindra Steele- 11 A big m o n s ter put s th e milk and ch eese into a bi g bowl and then, he s tep s int o th e bowl and squi s h es it tog e th e r ."

Matt Dando- " When they are mixing th e ch eese, th ey pour th e milk in until it gets thick, and then they put th e pla s ti c on it ."

Kristen Bohn- " I don ' t car e b eca u se I a m allergic t o ch eese!"

J .,,,-.,
Meli ssa B e ll ew Katrina Bennett Krista Benton Casey Bernal Sab rin a Beumer Daniel Bien1ul is Kev in Bilge r R one ll e Blac k J e nnifer Blum Kri s te n Bohn Cha rl es Boleja ck David Bradder

Nicholas Brakken

Kami Brindle

Jaso n Broderick

Joshua Brooks

William Brown

Jeanette Browne

Lee Brunker

Andrew Buchholz

Debra Bu ck

Gale Bunyard

Carl Burg

Carolyn Burg

Richard Burkhalter

Brianne Burri s

Aubrey Bybee

Ja so n Cameron

Rache l Carver

Jo se ph Cascio

Corey Cavanaugh

Ja so n Chappe ll

GOLDEN 1s2 - fAC~~ ••I '

Kelly Cheney

Amanda Chnstensen

Letitia C hn stensen

Nathan Church

Cathe rin e C lar k

Kathl een C lark

Marla1na C leme nts

Melissa C lin e

C hand a Conklin

Ra che l Cra ne

J e re my C ummings

Mary Curran

Kyl e Cusack

Andrew Darlington

Jennifer Dav is

Lynn De Berry

Ja ck De boer

David De ma lten s

Brya n De Wolfe

J ennife r Din ges

Fruity Flavor Combinations Rescued?

News i s out around GHS that at the management of the fruity flavor garders of Ski ttle s ha s found ca ndy more n e w flavor s and that they are growing out of control.

Will th e so phom o r es at GHS b e able to find new name s for the new fruity combinations

b efo r e th e r e are n o mor e bags of r egu lar Skittles candy? Robin Politte

Jason Chapell- " 6 to th e 6th power = 46,656."

Rena Dusenberry- " 2, 19 3."

Leo Flores- "3, 628, 800."

Matt Frost- 11 Graplesourapple."

Mike Harrington- "G rap e."

Layne Hudson- " Lemonmelberlime!!!"

Tracie Myers- " 1,000?"


Michael Osgood- 11 7 exca lmantory, which i s 7 th e r e ar e 7 Skittles. " ......,.:,,,;.,J

Ted Politte- " Mor e then I can count."



t only if ' Kindra Steele- 11 Grapelberry, limonberry, s trawliinon, monlime, melongrape, b errya rple, arplenana, nanaberry , orangearple, or~fape, and strawnana."

Andy Thomas- 11 Grapelberrysourcherry." "'·

ry Dors c h
Re n a Du se nbury Thoma s Du s ter Pri sc illa Dvorak C raig Dyer J ason Eag leson J o hn Eag leton W end i E b er hart C hri sto ph e r Edd y GOLDEN 184 - fAC~~
Rebecca Doherty Ma
Dotter Rebecca Dragul

Terry Eilers

Mon ica Einspahr

Jon Ekstrom

Larry England Jr

Ju s tin Evans

Rya n Farley

Keyton Faulkner

Amber Femmer

Rod ri go Fernandez

J e nnife r Fink

Bu ckner Fisher

Ki rsti n Fisher

Stephen Fis k

Jo s hua Fitzgerald

Al ejandro Flores

Eri c Ford

Ho ll ey Foster

Ami Freier

Matt hew Fros t

Kimberly Giddeon

\ ' )

Breean ne G las ma nn

Lisa Go res

Me lissa Groenhof

Robe rt Groves

Kad ria n Guld an

Eli Guthrie

J acob Hagle r

J ay ne Ha le

Miche l Ha ll

Bn a Ha mpl eman

Zet h H arold

Mic hae l H arringto n

Jessica H art

J amie Harvey

Chri s ty Ha ssey

Ge ne Have rk amp

She ll y Havil a nd

S teph en H ickm an Jr

Gary Hill ey

Brand y Hinkl e


1s6 - fAC~~

de I

Nathan Hinkl e

Joe Hipp ensteel

Tracy Hoback

Steven Hobso n

Layne Hodson

Aimee Hoogheem

Jo nathan Hoppin

Jo nath an Hornick

Je rem y Hotse npill e r

Sara Hut c hinso n

C hri sti na Hut ch iso n

Jennifer Hut chison

Albert Il ges

I an Ja ckso n

Leslie Jarvi e

David J ohnso n

Stephanie Jo hn son

Sandra John ston

Me li ssa J ones

Rebecca Jo nes

Sa mue l J ones Gregory Karp o ff Me red it h Keat in g Amb e r Ke ll e r Ja mes Ke ll ey Ka c i Ke ll y Ann a Ke lso Sa ra h Kend ell C lay to n Ken to n Me li ssa Kin g Mi c he ll e KJ e in e ide r Kell ey Kn o ll Zac hary Koste rm a n Al yssa Krau s S ha na Kr o ne Di ana Kunt e r He d y Kunt e r Jud ith Kun ze Andr ea Lab e lla Kacy Land s itt e l GOLDEN 188 - fAC~~ \ I to w bE SC P, A Je K S1 N. B

We all wi s h we could be so mething s p ecia l . Something that would brin g a s mile to so meone 's face on a rainy day, or cheer so m eo n e up wh e n th ey' r e f ee lin g bad . Yes, we all would want to be so mething that could do thi s. Some say that a do g 1s a m a n 's best friend , but the hidden truth i s that man 's tru e fri e nd i s th e ca ndybar Below a r e so me responses of candybars and candy that so phomore s would want to b e. M e li ssa Palme r

Amiee Hoogheem" M&M ' s because they m elt in y hand. "

Jennifer Blum" Taffy because I' d be s mooth, Kristin Versaw- " Three Mu s keteer s because so ft o n the inside."

Stacy Arndt- "Milkyway becau se th ey are

Maria Rascon- "S nickers because they kee

Eric Loseman- " A darn good candybar so Jamie Strickland- " Hot Tamales becau se th:

Margie Sant- " Almond Joy becau se so metim e1111a.syo

Torrie Becwar- " Kit Kat because I need a break."

ot in your

Bria Hampleman- " Gobbstoppers because th en I' d have everlasting friend s hips

Andrea Lanterman

Burke Larso n

Kenny Lefevre

Kari Leidic h

Sco tt L1n se nb1g ler

J ames Lo

Manit Lohani

Andrew Long

Enk Loseman

Jam es Lundhagen

Lind sey Lu s k

Amanda Lu s ter

. ) I I-... - - ' \1 ---.,,.

Erin Mackey

Mindi Mars h Troy Mars ha ll

Mi chae l Mah ar as Ru ch i Malh o tra Niko las Malkmu s
Jose ph Manch e n Sha ne Mar q ua rdt
Ro be rt Mc Ph a te Jr Ka th e rin e Mc Wi ll ia ms Bradl ey Me ad Pay to n Mic hae l GOLDEN 190 - fAC~~ \ \ I
Da nie l Martin Va lerie Ma rt in Rya n Ma rtin ez Se rgio M a rti nez J aso n McCa ll Willi a m McGa ffey Ti a Mc Kamey R ic he ll e Mc Murtry

J oshua Mo les Mi chae l Monckton

Rachel Montana Ma tth ew Montgomery

Pe te r Moo ney Ryan Morg an Ja so n Mom s C hn stop her Morn so n

Beth a ny Mulv 1h1ll Bnan Murph y Tr acy Mye rs Willi a m Nee

Ju s tin Needham

Jan et Nelson

Kri st ina Nelso n Mi c hae la Newm an

Minh Ngu yen

Matth ew O ' Rile y Anthony Orihuela Mi c hae l Osgood

If you could be a Smurf, which one would you be and why? The s ophomores seemed to like that que s tion be cause even a couple of day s after the question was asked, you w e re s till h e aring them a s k one another what Smurf was their favorite. Tara O' N eill Here ar e s ome of the replie s thought up by the class of ' 97:

Mike Maharas- " The dude with the red pant s and the red beard ."

Brianne Burris- " The blue one ."

Sabrina Tortora- " I would be Vanity Smurf because I like mirrors ."

Torrie Becwar- " I wouldn ' t be a Smurf. I would be Gargamell. "

Lynda Collins- " Who are the Smurfs ?"

Jaime Harvey" Brainy Smurf because I' ve always wanted to be smart ."

Tiffany Schmidt- " I' d want to be Painter Smurf, but I don' t know his real name ."

Sean Matzee- " Sleepy Smurf becau s e he s leeps all the time ."

Zachery Pike- 11 Greedy Smurf." And why? " Why not. "

David Johnson- " Papa Smurf, I like leadership. "

M e li ssa P a lm e r C harl o tt e Parke r Juli e P a rk e r M o ll y P a tt erso n V a l e ri e Patt o n K e lsey P e t e rse n Huy Pham R o b e rt Pi c kard Ni c h o la s Pi e rce Za c h a ry Pik e J o n Pin ea u Gilberta Pin o GOLDEN 192 - fAC~~

M1 s t1 Po 1r1 er Ted Politt e Enc Pon icsan Juh e Powell

Kathryn Prestia -Schaub

Rebecca Pnn ce

Jo s hu a Protz

Derek Puttm an n

Zachary Queen

Mana Ra scon

Katy Ratz

Mi ch elle Rawlin gs

Jill Rei nec ke r BJ Rey no ld s Je nnife r Ri ckard Charli e Rob ert s

Kri s ty Rob in so n Jam es Robu c k

Matthew Ro ge rs

C raig Roik

--i' I

Thomas Rome

Shannon Rood

Monika Sachdeva

Dale Sacry

Brian Sanders

Marjorie Sant

Sara Savoie

Jurgen Schlieman

Li sa Schoenborn

Brandon Schow

Jonathan Schreiner

Erwin Sherman

Travi s Shield s

Andrew Silvey

Michael Skimmyhom

Carrie Smith

Drew Smith

Katie Smith

Ryan Smit h

Sara S n yde r

GOLDEN 194- fAC~~


Joshua Sprague

Luke Stahmer

Kindra Steele Steven Steketee

Roger Stellers

Michelle Stotler

Jennifer Stover

Jamie Strickland

Sarah Suszczyk

Crystal Swala

Sevenne Swanson

Kellee Tarum

Tiffany Tavenn er Maria Tembo

Andrew Thomas

Troy Thompson

Stephanie Thurman

Sabrina Tortora

Amanda Tucker

Orion Tulchin

\\\tfRO l L

Joshua Tyler

Nathaniel Ulander

Anna VanMeter

Traci Vanwoensel

Nikki Varveris

Tony Vensor

H eather Yerardi

Joel Verbeck

Christian Vermillion

Kristen Versaw

Erika Vierke

Kelly Voag

Jam es Voit

Pooja Voria

J ethro Wagn e r

Jacob Walla ce

Matth ew Walton

Raymond Wat son

Alan Webb

David Wei shaup l

GOLDEN 196 - fAC~~ , J ! -• •$It, • ",, 1(\ n

Bryan W elle nsiek

Karen Welton

Kristina Wendt

Emily W engrovius

Ja yme Whit e Tamara Whit e J eremy Whitm ore Adam Wieber

Phil Willi s Heath e r Wil son

Jill W o lf

Sarah Wolf

Kath erine W o robey B e th Wright Kare n Yaffe J oh n Y oung

Stephanie Zachnson


You wake up in a cold sweat and you jus t had one of the worst nightmares that you can remember . Then you start thinking about your nightma re. I t was the first day of high sc hool and a senior had come up to you and told you to push a penny o r else So you got down on your hand and knees and started pushing your penny all around the dreaded Senior Lounge It 's your first year of high sc hool , and you're not exact l y sure what to expect. Yes you've guessed ityou're a fre s hman , what so me s tudent s think as their worst year possible in high scho ol. Not all of it's bad , though . According to J oe l Ne lso n , " I got out of the Drake penitentiary.,, He and Cri s tina Ma rin o see med to have the sa me ideas because s he stated, " I like GHS because it 's not Bell." On theotherhand Ja sso n Sc b we ttm a n is already thinking about graduating. He said, " I like being a freshman because I on ly have to go to school for four more years ." There is a handful of GHS freshmen who seem to like being hazed by the upperc la ss men . R e n Bu c h o l z seems to be the ring leader of them all because he commented, " I think the bes t thing about being a freshman is being sa ran wrapped to the pole in the Senior Lounge " Ke lli

O' Ma ra ha s dec ided that the best thing of being the freshman is "abso lutely nothing." She had many other fre s hmen to back up her s tatem e nt. An dy R ogers see med to have the fre s hman role all mixed up because he commented, " I like to beat up the upperc la ss men ." La ura Ekb erg s ummed up the whole fre s hman experience by sayi ng , " It wa s a lot better than I imagined ." Tam se n Stokes

GOLDEN 19s - fAC~~
What A re Y ou Loo kin g A t? Freshman Bob Bently works on his assignme nt during the first week of school " Th e toughest part of my fre~hman year was getti n g used to the 95 minut e block schedul e, bu t the ten minute passing periods are great," comme nt ed Andrea Saindon
Photo by R on F ine lh

What's For Lunch? B fi • reanne Zen s and Laura Gasbarra si t on the football i::d du~ng the first day of sc hool All of th e fre s hman class went to school a day ore l e rest of the G HS st ud e nts to ge t used to th e new sc hool and th eir ea~ ht ers Dale We~s te r co mmented , " It helped a lillle to go a day ea rl y but th ey oo many sessions " Photo by R Finelh '

Float On By F h c T·rr res men n s t1ne Ma ren, Steve S imm ons Mike Brown , 1 _a ny Bausch , Emily Thompson , and Vanessa Hann emann ri de.down th estree; the ~ ~mecom1ng Parade This year th e fr es hm en won first pl ace for their a , su rpn s mg the res t of the classes Ph oto by B J Reynolds

. - ' ,.,, f~L,Q_O_ I , ' 1-lelj QdQ__ t I+ tJ'.§to cJ:J crol k2QJ 113 1n Arck»C0 rw,r. L>Y=- •lrod- c0 <+nu..n +t_,Llri_ fn'VW6, Yoo.ti 1 r5 iro root ~ovfe.- r110vl13, We'\\ ~brtt!-t~ 'vul\E'.- -\-ooo ~ ,1 __,...__. ";;::; ffifl'(Q, cl~ , 1-{CVJ2 c__ereaf OUJYUrnQ,r (Dl\ n 1G8 27 7- rYL.!\ ~oi ~- u i5
\ Y1 "

Ke ll y Ad a ms

M ary Ahre n s

J essica An derso n

K e ll i An derso n

Ali ssa Ar c h e r

R ya n Art a le

Nikki B a il ey

J ess ica B a kker

C raig B a ldw in

J aso n B a ldw in

S h a un a B a r bee

Aa ro n Barre tt

Pau l B a rre tt

J os hu a B a rth e ls

Ti ffa n y Bau sch

E li z ab e th B ea rd

D e b o ra h B e nn e tt

H e ath e r B e nn e tt

S te ph e n B e no it

Robe rt B e ntl ey

GOLDEN 200 - fAC~~


Today' s __ ~new s show focu s e s on a n e w fad in hi g h school s all o ve r th e co untry . What' s this excitement all about? It's about how to _-,.,.,...,,..,,___ y our Reese's Pea nut Butte r ve rb

C up . Kids all over the ~-~,-....-,.,,,.,..,...-,.-,- are be coming p e n pals a nd di sc o ve rin g that th ey geograp hi ca l loca li on

r ea lly do have s omethin g in co mmon with th eir p ee r s. M any p eo pl e warn th a t th is common

a ppreciation of ____ could l e ad to ----===~=e"T'"O=----=-- p ea ce. Th e r e is so m e can dy geograp h ica l ioca uo n controvers y over what the r es ult s o f thi s " brotherhood" will b e. " I am afraid that this will l ead to di s crimination," s aid lead e r So me s tud e nt s think that th e --==,,.,..,....,=-- o r ganiza ti on perso n s name only way to _____ a Re es e's is to eat th e -~- fir s t. Kids to day see m l ess verb part o f a R eese's

int e r es t e d in p o liti cs than they ar e in eating a s man y Ree s e's a s th ey can ... - -+ww~- sa id bo, ' ., name

h e _ _ hi s Ree s e's and, " Ya only live __--=..,..,,-_!" Kid s who gr e w up in an a ge emo u on num be r where s ocial pr ess ure s to be ___ _ were e x tr e mely hi g h , are as t o und e d b y th e ir 30Jecuve _ pound weight. Are Ree s e 's Peanut Butte r cup s g o o d fo r _____,..,._____ o r number noun

are they destroying our lives? Elizabeth Chilcoat

Mi c h e ll e Be rn ard Dani e ll e B ird

Mi c h ael Bi s hop

D a ly n Bl ack ney

Mi c ah Bl oo m Jam es B o hk s Willi a m B o rtl es Ca rla B osse

Mi c h e ll e Boyd

J esse Britta in Anth o ny Broo ks

A a ro n Brow n

> .,
< ' I
et> tC c,;.
( \)

John Brown

Clint Bruckner

Michael Brunker

Thomas Bujnowski

James Burkett

Meaghan Burnell

Chad Butler

Jacob Campbell

Eric Carlson

Margaret Carlson

Amber Carney

Kathleen Carson

Danielle Chappell

Robert Childerston

Minty Chinsomboo n

Heidi Cieslar

Crystal C lements

Clinton Coakley

Jo Coa lm an

Mark Colange lo

GOLDEN 202- fAC~~ , •I -

Jennifer Colbath

Ronald Collins

Brandon Condron

Maegen Connolly

Nicholas Cookson

Aranda Cooper

Katie Cooper

Charles Custer

Joshua Dalgetty

Susan Daniel

Tara Davison

Joshua Denson

Andrea Dittbrenner

Douglas Doffing

Tiffany Dovey

Conni Dowgiert

Mi chae l Duran

Erika Edwards

Laura Ekberg

Jennifer Elgin

Teresa Emmons

Sarah Erwin

Marlena Estes

Anne Fay

R unni n g A way To The Circu s

Through the years, many people have wanted to -__,.,.,.....,.--away and join the circus. verb Inticed by dreams of _ __,..,_-.J, they see themselves ____ from the trapeeze, riding on noun verb _____ and acting like-------....----,--- the Clown. Yet who can blame them? The circus animal name o f person reminds people of ___ Where else can a person get popcorn,--~- and _______ food food noun or can see -~- shows at once? Or how about the ___,,..,..._.,.,.......,_ number adJechve that rides th e ---an-1m-al..... and the that amazes the audience . And there's also ......ty-pe---.ol,....tran---s-po""""'rta....,t'"""10~n _a.,...,d.-Je,..,.c.....hv...,,e- ---,p=ro=t.,..,ess=1=on,,.,_.. the baby ____ that stands on huge balls and ____.,....,....____,.._ the tight rope walker; all add animal name of person to the dream of joining the circus someday. Maybe one day, you' ll be under the bright wearing fancy __,...,....-...___,,...,,.,...__ and huge _,,,..,.,,,.,....,,,.......,,..,..:,-:,--!

-n-o-un-~ arttcle o f cloth1ng type o f s hoe

David Feth

Eric Fink

Daniel Fisher

Amber Fisk

Lauren Fitzpatrick

Travis Fleury Audrey Forsythe Liana Forte

f I 1 : c $ I > O> I > '- < S, ,> : ' I c..,....______ ,
GOLDEN 204- fAC~~
I •• •• -.. -... ... •• i : •• . .. •• . ,• • • • • • • •• • • •.•• ••
Brittney Isenberger

Andree Foster

R ebekah Foster

Shannon Franklin

Travis Franklin

Heidi Freier

Mic hael Frost

Steven Frost

J esse Fuller

Carlos Gamarra

Sylvia Ga rdn er

Laura Gasbarra

Dani e l Gasper

R enee Gemi

Tyrel Gibson

Ani ssa Gtl

B enj a min Gould

R ebecca Gould

Je ss i ca Gray

D a niell e Ha g b e rg

Cyrus Hall

C h ris H a m b l in Ge de ra h H a nk in

E ls ie H a nki n s

T roy H a nn e m a nn

V anessa H a nn e m a nn

J oe l H a n sen

Ru sse ll H a n se n Er i n H as tin gs

C hri s to ph e r Haw o rth

M a tth ew H ea t e r

Ka rl a H e ffe l fi n ge r

J a m es H e in z

K a rl He llm e r Bra dl ey H e rb e rt

R obe rt Hind s

A a ron Hinkl e

R y an H o ffm a n

Ca rm e n H o ls in ge r

S h a nn o n H o l s in ge r

J e ram ia H oo k s GOLDEN

206 - fAC~~

Eric Horvat

J essica Howell

Nicole Hudson

Paul Hud son

Anth ony Hult

Amanda Hunt

Jay Ja c kman

David J ames

C hn s toph er Jeffreys

Amber Jo hn son

Casey J ohn so n

Chnstopher Jo hn so n

Kri st in John son

Mind e ll J ohn so n

Ni c hol as J ohn son

Sandra J ohn so n

Stephanie J ohn son

April John s ton

Elissa J one s

Kerry J ones

Laurence Jump

Patrick Kaufman

William Kea s ling

J o nathon Keeney

Michael Keil

Calvin Kelley

Jeffrey Kemler

Joel Kendell

David King

Chih-kai Ko

Dougla s Koehler

Ro c ky Kurtubi

Ginny Ku sy

Nichola s Lahey

Matthew Larso n

Mark Lauwer s

David LeFevre

Mi c he ll e Lemmerman

Ru sse ll Leonard

Jo s hua Levitt

GOLDEN 20s - fAC~~

Have you ever thought aboutwhatyou would change if you were a king or a _______ ? profession \ I' m sure all of us have at one time or another. Some of the things you might do would be reducing the pollution, get rid of homelessness, or having all the money and _ ___,---.-. m obJect the world. Maybe you would live in a kingdom where everybody was your ____ ==-profession or everybody lived on clouds in the s ky In every kingdom you need a _____ _ noun to live in . So what would be in it? Maybe an olympic size swimming pool, an indoor tenni s court, or maybe you would own all the ________ in the world When you walked noun outside every morning, what would your village look like ? You could be walking down a .....,...,,,---,-.-----' dirt road and see carriges, on the other hand you could be driving down a adJectlve freeway in your _____ strech limo. Whatever you imagine your kingdom or life as a •-colorking or queen to be, anything is possible. Tamsen Stokes



Susan Lucas

Seth Macalady

Lindberg Long Lynn Mahara s Tenaya M aho nee M arc us Malt empo Dani el M angan Andrew M arti n Cassie Martin Bridge t M cCau le y Kell y M c Dani e l
M cG ill J a
T ee
M e
o D a n ie
e M
n a p ace I Adam Mill e r Casey Mill e r C h a d Mill e r Anu s k a Mi s ra Ri s h i Mi s ra C hri s t in a M o reno La ve n a M o t es Co rey Mudd H a ley Mun yo n J aso n M ye rs Pai ge N a tz k e J oe l N e lso n L inn e a N e lso n Za c h a riah Ne l so n Ka re n N e ukirc hn e r Co ri nn e N ew co mm GOLDEN 210 - fAC~~ \ ' l ,j L
re m iah
mie M c
da m

Tnsha Newell

Teresa Newhart

Je sse Newland

Sean O'Neill

Tara O ' Neill

Amy Olson

Kelh Omara

Erin Overturf

Amie Page

Peter Palanuk

Jacob Palen

Sarah Palmer

Jennifer Parfet

Ju s tin Peacock

Teresa Peters

Rachel Pi co n

Robert Pineau

Philip Piwonka

Robin Politte

Joao Pope

--= 1 I • \. I ---

Shawn Po we ll

Stacey Pr oc tor

William Pronec hen

Ask the Wise, Old Owl For many generations kids have been licking and licking, to try to find out how many licks it take s to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop In rinal desperation, the kid s decided to climb mountain s, cross plains, and swim over ocears in order to find the wise old owl, who is the only one that knows the answer. But when they co uldn' t find the owt they had to come up with answers themselves. With tootsie pops in hand, the fre s hmen of GHS started licking away until they gave up . For example Dana Self sai d , " I counted up to 36, but then my tongue got tired so I stopped licking. " Or they found an answer to their que s tion. Mike Duran only had to try the experiment once before he found out the ans wer: " It took 278, but I crunched five of them. " Zach Shirk said it took only "2,520" licks before he wa s able to finish hi s tootsie roll pop . Tara Davison doesn' t have the problem of finding out how many licks it takes She simp ly replied, " I don' t lick it I suck." Mindy Johnson decided, " It depend s on how many people you have/' bu t Torrey Shelton sai d , " It depends on how big your tongue is." Ginny Kusy said," As many as I want to, until I crunch it. " Eric Fink didn' t want to bother to count it. He just replied, " Too many ." Christa Ridl know s for s ure how many it take s: " I know for a fact it's 242. I' ve done it before ." Peter Rapmund tried the experiment: " I know that it take s 101. " Tiffany Bausch and Luke VanWoensel didn ' t try it, but they guessed the s ame number as Peter, 101 Kathy Turner and Heidi Whitmore made the journey to the wise, old owl and got the answer so many fre s hman failed to find: "T he world may never know. " Robin Politte

Molly Quirk

Pe ter Rappmund

Timothy Raw so n

Jennifer Ree d

Charmonieux Remigio

Christa Ridl

Jonathan Ridpath

----·--c < \ > . ,..,_.,, > -...i, ••--
Erin Po rt e r
Jennifer Reynold s
GOLDEN 212- fAC~~
\ I ' \ -

Wilham Riedel

Jody R1ndt

Keith Rindt

J ohn Rodman

Andrew Rog ers

Marc Rood

Ezra Ro se nthal

Mi c ha el Roy

Tanner Roy s ter

Chnstopher Rozelle

Laurita Ruiz

Erin Ryan

Saini Sabin

Andrea Saindon

Mit c hell Sandoval

Kell y Savoie

Kri s tin Saxtonw

Ian Schmidt

Miranda Schmidt

Elizabe th Schneider

• '

Michael Schreiner

Bobbi Schultz

J a ss on Schwettman

Tiffany Scott

Renae Seakan

Dana Self

Amanda Sexton

Adam Seymour

Jess amyn Shanks

Stephanie Shaw

Torrey Shelton

Za c hary Shirk

Heather Shoener

Shannon Shuey

Jennifer Shu s ter

Rex Singleton

Tiffany Six

Deanna - mari Smith

Erica Smith

Patrick So lano

GOLDEN 214- fAC~~ ,.._ I


Briann e Spear

Tam sen Stokes

Shane Stone

C lin to n Stiissy

Laure l Swanson

P aul Szabo Jr

Kev in Taylor

Tracie Th omas

Emily Thomp so n Cynt h ia Tucker

Ann Tuffrn

Austin Turner

Kathy Turner

M e li ssa Turner

Hea th e r Tumwall

M ario Valenzu e la

Luk e Vanwoen se l Bry a n Velasquez

R o nda Ve tter

R odney Vigil

E ric Vi s N ic h o l as W a lt ers K e nn e th W a n D ebo ra h W at k i n s R e b ecca W e bb S tuart W e b b D a le W e b s te r IGmb e rl y W est b y Rya n Whit e He idi Whitm o re R a n a Whitn ey Wh i tn ey Wilk Ca rl ey Willi a m s Dre w W i lli a m s Ana s ta sia Wil so n Ju s tin Win ge r R ya n W o bbroc k M e gan Word Ra c h e l W os k D o nald W oz n ick GOLDEN 216 - fAC~~ I L-

Hav e you eve r th o u g ht abo ut h ow th ey cram all that gra h am into Go ld e n Gra ham s? Some people h ave, while others haven' t. It wa s hard for mo s t people t o co m e up with a creative an s wer, but no two answers wer e alike Laura Ekberg commented, " Little a nt s walk all over it, and s mu sh it down ." It took awhile for Eric Fink to answer, but finally h e s tated with a big grin, " Only God and the Easter Bunny know s ." I m ea n, who actually knows h ow th ey cram all that graham? You co uld watch the televi s ion co mm er cia l in s low motion, or write to the co mpany and ask th em how it's don e Freshman Shawn Powell came up with a crea ti ve answer and remarke d , " They take two football play e r s and s trap a box on one of the players h ead; o n the other's h ea d is a large graham cracker. Then, th e two player s r a m into each ot h er, and that 's how they c ram all that graham ." Sarah Erwin happily sai d , " The same way th ey put milk in Kraft Sin g les! " No matter how yo u think th ey cram that graham n o o n e will ever know the truth, except tho se who sea r ch for life's truth .

Gra ham C ra cker Crunch Andrea O111brenn er ho l ds a box o f Gold en Grahams fo r dea r ltfe , afraid that so meone•~ going to take 11 from her Ca rmen H ols in ger exp lain s how they c ram all th at graham 1n10 one h11l e golden gra ham by say in g, "' It 's a sampl e process which ta k es a bump and a gri nd " Ph o to by Court ney Sasa

; > C 4t I ' ' 1 ,, : $ a j > ., >I I
Adri anne Wright Breanne Zens Meagon Ziegler
' C>llC
Judith Vance P rin cipa l Debbie C ooper Cou n se lin g
GOLDEN 21s- fAC~~
C harla Gunn Coun s e l in g Secre t ary
- - JC
\ \
Dave Anderson Assis t a nt Prin ci p a l A c ti v iti es Nancy Hardesty Co un se l ing Barbara Howes Att en d a n ce Sec re t ary Pat Harrison Ass is ta nt Prin c ip a l Athl e t ic Dir ec to r
\ , l Linda
F i na n c i a l S ec re t a ry
re tary
Pat Maupin Co un se lin g Cheryl Kolchis A c ti v iti es Se c re tary ce A id e
Ethel Platt Ass is t a nt Prin c ip a l S c heduling
Wunderlich Offi
c e
A id e
Ron Bolig Co un s elin g Charlotte Blythe Prin c ip a l's S ec Carol Quirk Offi Judy Boian La ng Arts 3, H umanitie s - Stan Hergenreter B LS 9 , BLS 10 Tammi Peters B as ic Es s ay, R a d io & TV Elaine Fitzgerald Al geb ra 2 Se lect e d To pi cs Ja c ki e Born s tein Lang Arts 3, Advanced Essay Jill Hull Bas ic Essay, Comp 1 Lowell Sharp Fo r e n s ics, Lang Arts 3 Pu b l ic Co mm
• l Bob Haye s Algeb r a 2, Calculus, M a th F in a n ce Di c k B y rne Lang Arts 3, H umanities
Joan Jouett Lang Arts 3, Comp 1, Speed Reading Di c k Brad s b y T rig , H onors Geometry , Algeb ra 1 Marcia Henderson Applied M ath, Alge bra 1 Joan C lark Ind e p e nd e nt R ead ing , Ad va nced Essay John Klu g C hildr e n' s Th eate r, The a te r Brenda Burke tt Geometry , A lgeb ra 1 Dian e K ess ler Geome try, A lgebra 1, H onors Pre -c alc u lu s R o n Fi n e lli New s paper, Yearbo ok, CCB , C rea t ive Co mputers S and y Na ti o ns AP English , Comp 2, Bas ic Essay E il ee n Cook CO RE M ath, Geometry , H ono rs Algebra 2 Bob Putka Geometry , AP Ca lcu lu s, A lgeb ra 1
f~WlTI -219

Laura Za ch Algebra 1, Level H M at h

Dideri c k Iversen Earth Scien ce

.. Sco t t E d so n

J azz B a nd , Symp h onic B and, Stri ng O rc hes tra

Eric We in s te in 24t h St. S in gers, M ounta in M ag ic, C h o ir


C hu c k Barb ee B iology 1, Ea rth Sc ie nce

J ud y Edwa rd s Ea rth S c i e nce, C h e m is try , Art

Dick Scbalh a m er P SSC P hysics

J a n Jo hn so n Earth Scien ce '

Ke n Va nd e rl aa n Bi o logy 1 , Bio lo gy 2

Ed Sch o l es Pr ac ti ca l Ph ysics, Che m Co m

E lai ne S mith B io logy 1, En vi ro n Pre p Te c h


B ob W illiam s Bi o logy 1 , M o di fied Bio l ogy

J ohn Kellenb e nz Ar c h Drafting, Aut o, M e t a l s


Bored Boa r d? Ms Elaine Fi tzgerald directs her A lgebra 2 students' board work Many teac hers t ry to vary class activi t ies so t hat the 95 minute blocks are not so tedious . Mr Ron Pine ll i sa id, " I t ry to give my classes a fi ve minu te break midway th rough the block, jus t to make sure they stay awake " Photo by R Pi nelli


S teve Ru sc h Dr a ftin g, W oo d s, A v ia ti o n

S u s an Julian T ee n Livin g C re ati ve F oo d s, Ind e p e nd en t Li v in g

M ark H o rn ec k e r Fitness & Co nditioning , T ea m Sp o rt s

22 0 - fAC~~
Matt Loyd Fitness & Co nd it i oning, Team Sports Joe Murdock Special Ed Chris Baker Am . Hi story, Gov't/Econ Bruce Hahn Am Government Marilyn Wil cox A e robi cs, Gymnastics Jess ica Nowak Special Ed Leslie Bettinger W or l d Hi s tory , Am Hi sto ry
. - • •
Bob l{jo sey AP Hi s tory , Hum a niti es John Brodbeck Spec i a l Ed Jim Panzer Cha ll enge Todd Fink Gov't/Econ , Hum a nit ies , Student Co un ci l Roger M yers Am Hi s tory , Am . Governme nt Lory Cea se Special Ed Jo yce Si m s Hearing Disabl ed Barbara Harris Special Ed Wendy Carlson Heanng Di sa bl e d
f~t~l TT - 221
Dance to the Music Mr Jo hn Hors t leads hi s Latin class 1n a grammar dance Students conjugate Latin verbs as they dance around the classroom Mr Horst sa id , "La ltn 1s fun , nght?" Ph oto by Ron Finellt Mike O 'Dori s io Geography , Psychology, World History G en e Y o ungman Drawing, Studio Drawing B ob S to k es AP History
Once ,
t Council
ed goods whi ch w er e donated to charity Photo
T i
GOLDEN 222- fAC~~ -I
Gail O 'N e il Keyboarding, Business Com., Elect ro nic Office Going
r Roger M yers h osts th e Studen t Council " Rent A Demon " auction Students bid fo r the services of St uden
members for a day All bids received were in cann
m Blum
Li s a Wahl Am H istory, Wo rl d H istory Phylli s Price Keyboarding, P ersona l Law, Acco un ting C harlotte Lindsay F renc h, Spa ni sh Marsha Sweet S pa nis h j Mark Dunn Studio P hoto Photo 1 John Horst Latin , CORE Socia l Studies Linda Poveda Span is h Ed Weinell Ge rm a n Joe McGinni s Pai nting, Drawing, Jewelry Linda Kowal ESL Tom Sweet Span is h, Ru ssian, F renc h
l \
JerryYanz S panis h Diane Schloemer Lib r arian
, . . . . .. . . . . . .. I •
Molly Gaudette Suppo rt Sta ff Linda Marceca S up po rt Staff Tim Martin Cam pu s S e c ur ity N ancy H e nning Media Sp ec iali s t U rsula Krzy s tek C linic Aide Mary Boog e r Camp u s S e c uri ty Le Shoemaker C h a ll enge Aide
:f -1IIIL..
Matt V arga s C ha ll enge Aid e
L y nn Wbitte ki e nd Supp o rt St a ff Custodial S taff: Front row - Paul Archul eta (bui ldi ng Engi nee r, Dic k Robe rts , Mik e Weber Ba ck Row- Larry Well s, Way ne Laska , Ro n Go ll o n
f~WlTT - 223
C afeteria Staff: Paul Mo ntpl ais ,r, Patt i Low , Meagean Sm ith
-- -- - " --=H E Y ! Calherine Clark and frtend s sig n yearbooks tn the large gym after d1stribut1on Friday , May 13, 199 4 That day was swi t ched around so that Access was at the end of the day because of di strib uti o n Freshman B ria H ampleman said, ~M y fav o rite part of the yearbook 1s page 27, because 1t s a picture of me in Theater Sports'" Photo by Katherine Saunders Sprin g 199 3- 9 4

"Oldest Crap Game" Nathan Detroit. played by semor Alex Turner, is havmg a problem findmg a place to hold his crap game, as the chorus, inc uding N1ccly-N1cely Johnson, Benny Southstreet and H arry the H orse, (played by 5'!n1ors J oel Murray and John Schowergerdt, and junior T J Feth) sing about jus how important this game 1s. Freshman Bria H ampleman said, "This play was lhe craziest play I have eve r been m, lhe set changes were impossible'" P ho to by T. Di e rkin g

Golden Hi g h School's la s t produ c tion of the yea r, Guys and Dolls, was a s ma s hing s u ccess. With a c rowd tot a l of over 600 p eo pl e, it was the l argest s how thi s yea r Guys and D olls was a major ta s k , involving the th ea ter , vocal mu sic, and instrumental mu s ic d e partm e nt s, as well as Drama Club. Having eve rythin g read y by ope ning night was difficult for many rea so n s, but mo s t of al l because of th e tim e lim it. In s tea d of th e u s ual nine weeks, th e r e were on l y six. Student direc tor , so phomore Katie Bosio sa id , " With over 100 peopl e in cas t and crew, it wa s a lot to handle I ' m glad we managed not to kill each other."

o ll ey Foster

"Take Back Your Mink" M iss Adelaide and the H ot Box dancers loudly proclaim that they will have nothing to do with anyone w h o thinks that they are not high class dolls Junior Lydia R ascon played Mi ss Adelaide, a night club dancer who has been waiting fourteen years for her fiance, Nathan Detroit, (played by Junior Alex Turner) to marry her Sophomore J essica Kasel said, " I was rea ll y supnscd when the dancers riped off their dresses, 1t \Vas a nice touch."

"I've Never Been In Love Before"

Senior Layla Shadlu sings a poignant song about unexpected love Shadlu played M iss Sarah Brown, a mission doll that was swept away into the dangerous \VOrld of the l ow life gambler, Sky M as terson, played by jun io r Dan M atlock Stage manager, freshman Melissa Chne said, "Putting this togethe r took a lot of hard work and dedication from everyone. I had my doub ts, but 11 a\l fell together a t lhe las t minu te " P hoto by Ron Finelli

/\ {ote it 226 _ )'J~ {l'O. Just The Book

l inc It l,; p Junior JasL•n Francis and freshman Jill Wolf practice dancing skills at tt !:>ad1c. Hawkins dance held March 5 at the Green Center at Colorado School of ~tmcs Ticket prices were $6 per person and S 10 per couple The money raised from the dance "as put mto the Sophoml re Class account for future act1v11ies. Jill commented, ·•1 liked that there" as a It I 1f room to dance l thought it was really fun.''

Once a year girls face the sa m e dilemma guvs do: the poss ibility ofbe1ng reJe c ted when you ask that special someone out. There 's always that voice of doubt that creeps into yo ur head asking you, " Wh at if he says no ? What 1f so meone asks him first?'' Then the moment comes You see him walking down the ha l l. You slow ly walk up to him and your heart starts pounding and you ask him th e dreaded question : "So, do you want to go to Sadie Hawkin s?" Ali Peterson, Beth E l der , and Michelle Tucker

Tear It U p Freshmen Antoinett Urioste, Courtney W inch1p, Tiffany Quintana, D iana Kunt er, and Shelly H aviland tear up the dance floor Sophomore class secretary Kell y Coope r comme nt ed, " It was hard work and I 'm glad it's ove r " But did anyone appreciate all th ei r hard work and effort? D iana sa id, " I thought 11 was really fun, especially going as a g roup of girls That way the re was no pressure " Ph oto by Cynthia Bellows

Getting Down Sophomore Sh1relle Schmidt shows us her groovy m oves. ShJrelle along with others to re up the dance floor, while sophomo re Antione Stahl practiced h is s kill as a wall fl ower Along with dancing you a n d you r swee th ea rt could have your smiling fa ces photographed (for a small fee, of course) There was also a food stand for those of you whose dates were cheap. " It was fun a nd I lik e th e idea of Sad1e Haw kin s because th e gir ls get to treat the guys," stated Shirelle Ph oto by Cyn thia Bellows

-~·· , r
'\ Ao-Ce, 1\ ;v.. {\\O. J u s t The Book - 227


,,_::. - s - .__,.6

" D e d ica t io n o f a thl e tes is th e key to s u ccess," re m a rk e d coac h Gina Nelson , " th e lea d e rs hip o f sen io r Gerda Lange a nd ju ni o r Keri Tros t , he lp e d to pull th e t ea m t oge th e r , a nd th e s tr e n g th of m a n y ta le nt e d f res hm e n a ttr ib ut e d to th e t ea m 's improve d r eco rd ." Th e t ea m 's grea t es t wea kn ess was du e t o th ei r l ac k of d e pth , a nd wi th so m a n y inj ur ies it was diff ic ult to co mp e te a t t o p l eve l. G r een M o unta in w as th e tea m to bea t thi s yea r b eca use of th e qu a lit y of th ei r a thl e tes. O n e of th e h ig hli g ht s of th e yea r w as wh e n th e gi rl s' tea m f ini s he d n inth ou t of 27 tea m s a t th e W i ndja mm e r In v it a ti o n a l. An o th e r acco mpli s hm e nt was wh e n fr es hm e n Aimee Hoogheem a nd Kristen Versaw , so ph o m o re Keala Murdock, a nd se ni o r Cory Ingram a ll qu a li f ie d fo r th e S ta te to urn a m e nt. Vers aw , o n e of th e lea din g m e mb e rs of th e tea m sa ict " I li ke kn owi n g th a t m y wo rk isn' t in vai n , lik e th e sayi n g goes,' n o p a in n o ga in '." S. D ovey a nd J Burke



!!! • .., C ..
the Di s tance Senior Ryan Kaspar prepares to leap over the final hurdle du r ing the 100 meter race to sophomore Laura White , "The best thing about our coach 1s that s he believes in us ."
)f , - ~· ,.. ' . J \ - ..2-..-.> ~ -
Photo by Ron Finelli Ready Set Senior Cory Ingram winds up to throw the discus Ingra m 1X>mpeted in both discus and shotp ul, and has the best record on the team fo r both of those events Ingram threw l 4l feet 10 the discus, and 47 ' 10" 10 the shotput Photo by Ron Finelh I ,

Power House Freshman Knsten Versaw, who placed sevenlh 10 the 400 meter race 1t State, s trives to cross the finish line first 1n the 100 meter spnnt. Freshman Aimee l''>Ogheem, who placed s1x lh 10 the two mile at State , comme nt ed, At first I d1dn ' t like track as much as c ro ss coun try, but now I think it 's fun " Ph oto by Ron Finelh

Home S tre tch Sopho m ore M att R1ll os passes the baton to 1un1or \hane Pa rk er during the 4x800 meter relay race Ft e5hn1c1n l\.i att Frost, who is 'ln t he varsi ty team , com mented , I fell that I did really well this year hut the sea-.on went by very quickly Photo by R on F1nelh

Meet Gi rl s' Place

Guys' Points

First row: Pineau , Lundhagen , J Monc kt o n, D Sm1lh, Ca rt e r, Mahares, Frost Cascio, John so n Seco nd row : And erson, Humphries, Bradd er, Mc Murt ry, Fulmer, Duster, Sanders, R andall Third row : Coach Pos p1sto l, Coach Swanson, Ri s ner, lm ey, Sanl, Pi erce, Ingram , Ward , Rill os, M Monc kt o n , Horn, Coach Nel son, Coach Loyd Fourth row: Bezzendes, Nordstro m, Ka spa r, B asye, Bullock, H tll, Verse r, Cometh Fifth row : Kenner, Lane, Queneau, B arlow, Mall o w Photo by Z1m1


First row : Hoogheem, Sm1lh , Tembo , Lange , Kasel, Murdock Seco nd row: Versa w , Kunze, Tros t D11tbrcnn e r, Tra cey , Mc Murtry , M1 c kc, Coach Swanson. T hird row : Coach Nel so n , White , Coach Loyd , Nathan so n , Hebeler, Posp1s to l, Hudson. Fourth row: Rascon Ph oto by Zim1

" {"O. Just Th e Book - 229

W indJammer 9th Bright o n 60 Skyview 6th Englewood Invite 12 Bnghton 3rd Tiger In vite 2 Tiger Invit e 5th Bear Creek In v ite 17 WHS/E HS 2nd EHS / GMHS 2nd GMHS/EHS 3rd A WHS /C HS/ LHS 3rd
"\ {otl 1'

Gu y ' b ase b a ll s tru gg l e d in th ei r f i r s t se a so n und e r a n e w h ea d coach . Th ey gave it th ei r a ll eve r ga m e th ey pla ye d , eve n th o u g h th ey o nl y w o n o n e ga m e. Co ach Don Stengel co mm e nt e d " I didn ' t think th e seaso n w e nt so w e ll. I th o u g ht w e w o uld h ave d o n e b e tt e r with th e ga m es, but I g u ess with a yo un g t e am yo u co uld e xp ec t that. " Th e tea m a lso los t e ni o r pit c h e r Joel Fleet h a lfw ay thr ou g h th e seas on be ca u s e h e th o u g ht h e o u g ht to pl ay o th e r p os iti o n s r a th e r than J USt pit c hin g. Th o u g h th e seaso n didn ' t go so w e ll f o r th e t ea m , g o o d m e m o ri es w i ll b e l oo k e d b ac k o n M To

You ' re Out Firs1 baseman Jack Hager tags out an opponent from Eaglecrest Golden lost to Eaglecrest 11 - 0 Senior Mike Boatman said," I had a good time playing with all the younger guys and was pleased with the new coach "The team d1dn 't play so well playing against Eaglecrest Photo b) R. Finelh

afe Senior J acob Elde r 1s safe on home plate at the game agains t Bear Cree k which was the only win for Golden all season The Golden Demons \VOn 8 - 7 "We we re up and down a lot \vith a young coaching staff A team with more experienced players we would have won the close games we had," commented freshman Toby M ichael P hoto by R Finelh

GHS I Eag lec res t G HS / B e ar C r ee k G HS / C h a tfi e ld GH S I Arvada W es t G H S / Po m o n a GH S I G ree n Mot. GH S I Al a m e d a GH S / St. Lake 0 - 11 GHS / Lake w oo d 10 - 12 8 - 7 GHS / E ve rg r ee n 8 - 9 1 - 4 GHS / Arv a d a W es t 1 - 11 2 -5 G HS / Wh e at Rid ge 2 - 22 3 - 13 GHS I St. Lak e 7 - 8 2- 6 GH S I Al a m e d a 11 - 13 5 - 16 GH S / Co lumbin e 6 - 12 6 - 7 GH S / La k ew oo d 5 - 6 ;'\ l o-ce 1'\ 23 0 _ )"'" {\\O. Just The Book
ack H
1 Vi (.1 di So M«
Front Ro,v- Cory Cinabro, R ich ard Go res, M ik e Boatman, R oc ky W ilso n, Abe Fisher, Gary Boa tman, P aul Ta 1e Back Row - Coach, S teve Ki ng, J acob Elde r, oby M ichae l, E ric Johnson, Bryan Schne ide r, M agnus BJorkl und, Damon orst,
ager, rant Varve ri s, Coac h, Coach

Teeing O tT Senior Mi ssy Mom~ takes a practice swing at lhe Applewood Course Mi ssy was tenth 1n di stric t and had an average o f 49 .3 for nine holes Coach Manl yn Wil cox explfuned, ~The hardest tea m to beat 1s Columbine because of JJ ~fc Conn1c k , she 1s first in d1stncts - Ph oto by Cynthia Bell ows

If you ha ve eve r watched golf o n telev 1s 1on you'd probably think that go lf wa easy and boring. However a k one of GHS's g irl go lfers and they '11 prob ab ly tell otherwi e. D1 gg 1ng yourse lf out of sa nd trap s a nd avo1d1ng wat e r ha zards can be fun 1f you do 1t right. Seniors Missy Morri s and Tee Tee C h o u made 1t to tate while doing o th er act ivities as well. Coach Wilcox explains , "Sp rin g s ports are at th e wors t time , with th e cheerlead1 ng and the raft trip s, the girl have no time for ports.'' Wil cox predicted that th e team will improve as the players age. Matt Mont go mery


Wh e r e Is That Dumb Ball? Senior Monica Lose man hunts for h e r ball that bounced away Coach Wilcox said, " It 's a s hame that the fore nsic meets interfered with Monica s golf because she s ~o good " Senior Tee T ee C h ou has placed 12 in th e distncl w i th an average of 50,7 for nine holes P hoto by C Bello~

Coal C r eek

Eagle Trace

Lake Valley

R olling Hill s

Lake Arbor

Rolli ng Hill s


The M eadows

Sta te Indi an Tree

Scoreboard 12 th place

"'"'-?: -~~-~-~~ t5r~l§,~~-~~E• ?:'i
Sophomor e Ah so n Peterson , sen io r Tee T ee Chou , senio r M issy Morn s, Juni o r Megan Goodwin, Juni o r J oy Su mn er Not pictured seni o r M o ni ca Loseman
8 th place 15 th plac e Snowed ou t 15th pla ce 7 th place 7th place 10th place
,'\late " ;v ~ t(\\O. Ju s t The Book- 231
M issy
o m s Tee Tee Chou

Bad Hair Day Sophomore, Bard Nielsen shaves seruor, Bob Greely'sheac while Junior, Tim Blum waits fo r his tum The swim team this year consisted of many freshmen and some new upperclassmen. The team lost some swimmers to ur.fortuna te cucumstances but the sw1mm1ng Demons persevered and prospered When Steve Schheman was asked why he swam he replied, "It's a whole lot belie r than running on hard pavement." Pho to by Todd Dierking

Ca p , gogg les, S p ee d o, k ic k b oa rd , pull b u oy, I . M ., a nd s h av in g a re a ll voca bul ary wo rd s fo r sw imm e r s. T h e m e n 's swi m tea m kn ows th e m a ll too w e l l. Th e D e m o n swi mm e rs pl ace d fo urth a t leag u e an d q ua l ifie d two re l ays f o r s t a te. In a dd iti o n Tim Blum a nd Steve Steketee s w am a t t h e s t a te m ee t i n Fo rt Co llin s. If yo u re m e mb e r b ac k to M ay yo u m igh t be ab le to r e m e mb e r so m e b a ld g u ys r oa m in g th e sc h oo l. Th ese g u ys s have d dow n fo r Leagu e a n d S t a t e. A cco rd in g to Tim Blum , Steve Steketee , Lejo Flores , Bob Greely , a nd Bard Nielsen , it was wo rth eve r y ha ir. J .

Li s ten up ! A group of Golden swimmers wait to be given their next se t The swim team swam everyday after school unul five l nadd11ton to sw1mm1ng sets, the boys participated 1n dry land act1v111es, such as when David J ohnson com pleted 260 s 11 -ups to help h im Wlth h 1s backstroke P ho to by T Dierking

Re lay , Relay, Relay!

Fr~hmanSteveSteketee,senior Bob Greely,JumorTim Blum , sophomore Bard Niel se n , and their coach, Steve Bat es hold up our school banner and show theirpnde State was a great success for these four amph1b1ous boys. Steketee placed ninth in the 200 freestyle and Blum placed fifth m the 200 1nd1v1dual medley and tenth in the 500 freestyle The 200 medley re lay dropped three seconds and qualified as a firs t alternate and the 400 freestyle relay placed 18th Both of the relays and all of the mdiv1dual events se t new school records Photo by Jennifer Blum



C O Invit e J e ffco R e l ays GHS / LHS Scoreboard 114 - 4 2 P o m o n a In v it e 5 th 12 4 -28 GHS / SLHS 143- 18 6 6 8- 11 3 GHS / B C HS 123- 15 0 12 th 7 th 123- 49 Leagu e S t at e 4th 11th ,'\ {ote 2 32 _ J\J~ {"°' Ju s t The Book
Front Row : David Johnson, Dan Randall, Adam Shmidt, Todd De r king, and B ob Greely ~1.iddl e Row : Jennife r Blum, Auslln Bradford, Nate Mataya, B randon Schow, Miles H arvey, L cjo Aores, Tim B lum, B ard Neilsen Ba c k Row: Steve Bates, B ill Nee, Steve Steketee, T aylor Estes, D avid B ryant, Steve Schheman, J on Hoppin

Reach for th e Sta rs. Freshman Kami Brindle strains to hit the 1enrus ball Karn, played number one doubles with Junior Arny Turgeon Kami is the only freshman that 1s on the varsity squad -Playing m the snow 1s what freshman Erika Vierke sa1d 1s the only thing s he doesn't like about tennis Sophomore Jill Katzenberger placed second 1n State for singles The on l:,, thing this tenrus team was disappointed with this year was "number one, number three and numbe r four doubles placed thud and could not go on to State," stated Coach Diana Preisser Photo by Ron Finelh 1

tvt o ni c a Arau jo, Kam i Br i ndl e, K eira Br es nahan , E r i n Whit fo rd , Ka y la Hapt o n s ta ll , Se r e n a D ovey, J ill K a tze nb er ge r , Am y Turgeo n M iss in g : Tr acey N o b e l, Ca rlyn S ieges mund , K e ll i Sc hnase and Erik a Vi erk e Ph oto b y Cy nthia B ell o w s.

R ack e ts, t e nn is ba ll s, s un viso r s a nd s unt a n lot io n a ll th e b as ic necess iti es fo r pl ayi ng te nn is. J us t a s k a n yo n e o n th e O H S g irl s' te nni s tea m . Th e g irl s' t e nni s tea m h a d a n ew coac h, D ian a P re i se r wh o le d th e t ea m t o seve n win s. So ph o m o r e Jil l Kat ze n be r ge r a nd se ni o r Tracey Nobel we nt to Stat e in numb e r o n e a nd numb e r three s in g l es. " Th e d e di c ati o n a nd th e h a rd w o rk ,,, was wh a t C oac h Diana Pr e i sser a ns w e r e d t o th e tea m 's grea tes t s tre ngth " Th e b es t p a rt of pl ay ing m y s p o rt to b e abl e t o pla y o n th e tea m th a t I ' m pl ayi n g o n b eca use m y tea mm a tes ar e g r ea t ," s ta te d so ph o m o r e Kay l a Hapto n s tall. Matt R oge r s a nd Lindi e H i t c h coc k

A Hit A bove the Rest. Sophomore Serena Dovey forehands the ball 10 the other side of the court Serena played number three doubles for this tennts team. He r partner Kelli Schnase commented on what the best thing about lhts team was, The team sportsmans h ip and that everyone is so pos111ve ., "Seruor captain T racey Nobel, and Junior co-captains Keira B resnahan and Erin Whi tfo rd were very suppo r ttve and very organized," according to Coach Diana Preisser P hoto by Ron Fine l h

Sco reboard

B ea r C r eek 6/ 1 C h a tfi e ld 4/3

Lak ewoo d 6/ 1 Co lum bi n e 3/ 4

Arv a d a 7/ 0 Po m o n a 3/ 4

Arv ada W es t 3/4 S ta n dley Lake 7/0

Eve rg r ee n 3/4 G r ee n Mou nt a in 3/4

Wh ea tr id ge 4/3 Ala m eda 7/ 0

"\ Ao~e, 1'\

JV" {~O. Just The Book - 2 33

P eac e, Love , a nd Banan as Shannon Ch1sholm, Chnsty GIimore, anc Nikki Yagruch and the rest of the Senior Sem gang take a break after a long dnve The group's d~tination was Flagstaff, Arizona for a prOJect on desert ecology The seniors a so did reports on Southwest culture, manne biology, math finance, and urban pohhcal science According to Jenny Maren,"Fightmg, gelling caught and suffenng the consequences 1s what sem 1s all about " Photo by Shannon Ch isholm

W hat d o yo u think of w h en yo u hea r Se n io r Se m .? Do yo u th i n k of a bun c h of tee n agers with se n1 o riti s w h o refuse t o li f t a s i ng l e p e nc il ? A c l ass f ull o f se n io rs wh o a r e living p r oof th at h o m ewo rk i ba d fo r your hea lth ? W ell, it is a c l ass f ull of se n io rs t h at m ay h ave se n io r i ti s and may loo k a littl e b a tt e r e d b y h o m ewo rk , but as fo r refu si n g t o 11ft a s ing le p e n c il , yo u ' re w ro n g. Th ey a t te n ded se m i nars o n s ubject s suc h as ma th fi n a n ce a nd ph i l osop h y. A l o ng wi th th e se min a rs th ey w ro te r e p o rt s a nd t oo k tr ips. Th e ir jo urn eys too k th e m as f a r as M exico a n d as c lose as th e loca l s h e lt e r b u t all th is tr ave l i n g was n ' t j u s t fun it w as e du c ati o nal. J . Blum

Wh at' s W ro n g With T hi s Pi c tur e? Moun tains and sand 1t canonlybe the Great Sand Dunes Fro nt Row: L. Adlfinger, R H agelberg, J Cabam~. J Kleme1der, K. Khmchalk, S Chisholm, C Gilmore Ba c k R ow : D B ondie, Z Franckowiak, C Ko~er, T Dav1i., C Larose, A Bates, B Elhs, J Berkman, A Spraggs, A Lefevre P hoto courtesy of Shannon Chisholm

O u c h ! Outside of Bumblebee, Anzona cactus plants are obviously abundant, unfortunately Nikki Yagnich had to find out the hard way According to some seniors the desert was beauuful, others desohtc bu t Zach Franckowiak sums 11 up with Being alone in the desert makes me happy" Photo by S Chisholm

• r, · ;. I I • '~\~ , ,. ~, . •
"") • • I

Ba l a n ci n g Ac t Juruor Heather S3\\'Yer kicks lhc ball towards the goal followed by sophomore Roxanne Kay at the GHS versus Arvada soccer game G HS won three to one Sa\\-'ycr scored all of the goals that game Sawyer commented, Were 1m provmg from last year, a lot." Photo by Cynthia Bellows • -

Th e G H S g irl s' socce r has bee n a rewa rd ing exper ie n ce to a l o t of th e fe m ale player5. The coach has c h a n ge d th i yea r Coach Chri s tin e L uft teaches a di ffe re nt a pp roach th a t kee p s th e g i rls 1n mos t of their g a m es. " I li ke th e coac h be tt e r th a n last year because she build s up o ur co nfi d e n ce more," said j u n ior Hea th er Sawye r . " Th e team h ad a defi n ite des i re to b reak away fr o m l as t yea r ' s ty l e of pl aying," said coac h C h ri s t ine Luft , " Th e r e a re a lo t of you n g ki d on th e team, w ho will be ta l e nt e d 1n th e co min g years." G HS p l ayed th e i r b es t ga m e aga in s t Eve rgree n, eve n th oug h they lost C hri s C ummin gs.

G o Fo r Th e Goa l Watched by sophomore Brandon GarretlS and freshman Stacy Arndt, sophomore Jayna Horvat concenlrates on the soccer ball at the Alameda versus GHS game , GHS won one to zero Playing soccer with my teammates makes you know you need teamwork,~ said semor Heather Hahn Sophomore R oxanne Kay commented, "We made a lot of our goals that we intended to " Photo by Ron Finel11

Score Board

Ma rc h 10 Ra num 1-0 April 16 Alameda 1-0

Marc h 16 Sou th H igh 2-1 Ap r il 19 Lakewood 1-2

Marc h 18 W Rid ge 1-2 Ap n l 20 Everg reen 0-5

April 2 Arvada 3-1 A pril 22 Pomona 0-1

A pn l 5 Arva da W es t 1-2 April 27 Chatfield 0-1

A pn l 9 Co lumbine 0-6 May 4 G reen Mt n 1-8

Apri l 13 Bear Cree k 0- 1 May 5 S Lake 2-1

Ju s t Th e Boo k - 235

Fro nt R o w, fro m l eft to right Ki rs u n Kl p h ardt, Kell i Colligan, H eath er Sawyer, S tacie Drigge rs, Penny Greely, Tami R odnguez S e co nd R ow: Chnsten Gair, W endy Heywood, Rebecca Dcegan-young,Ange l a Noms,Jenn1fcr H owell, Allyson Reynolds, Anna O lson. T hird R ow : Christine L uft, Brandon Garret ts, Jayna Horvat. Laura Kohn, Heather Ha hn , Sarah W olf, Roxanne Kay, Courtney Sasa, M ichael Anderson, Andy ;:'u entez. P hoto by Zem1
"\ Aot e,
1' JV"

There is a garden locked behind a wall and the key to its beauty cannot be held in hand, but in the power of the warmth of a heart. The secret of romance and the true beauty that can come to a lonely life, comes when entering this place. The theme of Golden 's Prom '94 was The Secret Garden chosen by the Junior Student Council. Prom was held at the Denver Athletic Club. Cruising Colorado was the theme of After Prom. The setting was the Old West, and each student received a "gold nugget." Prizes and food were extravagant, and all donated by the community. Senior Eileen Burke asked , "Since when has After Prom been so competitive?,, When the D.J . was passing out prizes for various activities.

I 'm Inn oce nt Juni ors Brett Mye rs and Cra ig M artin try to s teal lhc flowers but juniors Erin Furtak a nd Courtney Sasa kn ow lhat they are guilty The wonderful decorations including lhesculpture and the elaborate flowers captured lhe fl avor of spnng and the secre t garden living up to the them e Sophomore Andrea Erpelding said that " Pr om is a lot more materiahs ll c lhan b e f ore because of lhe decorations "' Ph o to by R on Finelli

Tw irl A r o und Juni or Kri sti Denner learns the moves so lhat s h e can do lhe Electric Shde Senior T erry Smilhcommcnted, That was more country line dancing than o ne can handle ff Ph oto by Ron Finelli

It 's Sca rl e t Juru or Sarah Boyd enters under lhe flower entrance mad e for Scarlet O' Har-a Sarah comme nted , " M y mother made this dress because I am infatuated \vilh ' Gone with the W ind "' Ph oto by R on Fin el h

l o-ce t\ 236 _ JV ~ {\\O. Just The Book
I •

The King and Queen Are

T Smith announces the results for P ro m King and Queen They were Karl Rod n guez and H eather Hahn. H ahn said. .. I'm glad people thought of me when they voted and 11 ·s an ho nor to be queen ." Photo by F1nelh

Don ' t Sera tch Edmund Phillips concentrates on his pool game trying 10 hit the eleven ball 1010 the far nghl pocket. Pool IS not JUSI fun It also involves physics, geometry and algebra, all of the basics so that you can WJn Photo by Byrne

C ruising C olorado Junior Tatum Ma11ox and her date tum around to po!>e for the camera whi le they were at after prom The after prom party wru; held al GHS and they had a lot of acuv111es rang1ng from the casino and the turkey bowl to the weddtng chapel and even horse races Karen Heater commented, The turkey bowl was fun, but I kept m1ss1ng the pins and Emily Barton added to the comment by saying, "I had fun do ing turkey bowl but I don t think the turkey did " Ph oto by Byrne

Snake Eye s Aa r on Petersen rolls the dice hopmg that this 1s his lucky rught People could trade the chips for fa k e money and then get pnzes hke tee-shu ts and more expensive thin~ Photo by Bryne

Lucky Bet Aaron Segesman looks at the roule11e table and thinks about where he should put his chips The after prom party was a success due to the efforts of the parents who volunteered the1r1tme 10 set up P hoto by B ryne

Becky Purvis overheard Kurt Jensen 's dad say, The girls should have worn the pants and the guys should have worn the slorts" and ecky said, Just 1mag1ne the ..

Abdullah Abdulrhman said, "The casino games were fun because you have to wait unlit you're older to

play games a1 a real casino, and · there were cool pnzes " Photo by :

B '-"'--------~".""'."'-""!""~~;: I"\ l ot e, 1'\ J"" t(\\O. J us t Th e Boo k - 2 37

Graduation: the day every senior has been looking forward to since the first day of school took place on May 28 at Brooks Field. Excitement filled the air as the students' names were called to come get their diplomas. Musical selections were performed by Alex Bezzerides and Layla Shadlu and the two commencement speakers were Tim Lane and Monica Loseman Valedictorians, Kurt Jensen, Brian Ellis , and Emily Pearson were honored by Principal Judy Vance . The excitement soon turned to tears as the graduates greeted each other after the ceremony. On behalf of the yearbook staff and the entire GHS student body : good-bye and good luck! Serena Dovey, Jamie Burke and Michelle Tucker

Ladi es and Ge ntl emen Josh Smith addresses the crowd dunng the precommencement program M elynd a Tucker commented, " I hked the senior video bccam,e II brought back memories."

T he So und o f Mus ic Alex B ezzerides plays a song en title d " M oving On" which he composed for the commencement ceremony Bczzerides along with Terry Smith were honored for receiving two of only 40 Boettcher scholarsh ip s rewarded 1n the s tate of Colorado
,'\ l ote it 238 _ JV " t(~O. Just The Book •
Photo by Ron Finelli
"O ne Mom ent in T im e" Layla
Shadlu demonstrates
her wonderful
voice as she sings one of her
songs lo her fellow classmates during the commencement ceremony Photo by Ron Finelli
Ph oto by T odd Dierking

Hats Off! The Class of 1994 AJ) Ri se The soon-to-be graduates celebrates the end of their high school years by throwing their hats 1n the air with elation I'm Just gJad to be out of 5<:hool," remarked Tony Spar~ Photo by Ron Finelh

stand and wait to receive their diplomas J enny Maren, one of the graduates, commented, " It was sad to say good-bye, but now I'm on t o bigger and better thmgs " Photo by Todd Dierking

Co ngratulation s Ashley M ccullough accepts his class flower, the white roc;e, after rece1v1ng his diploma Along with the class flower, · Ven1 Vid1 V1c1 " was the class motto meaning, " We came, we saw, we conquered · The graduation ce rem ony lasted one hour and 15 mmutes with 266 seniors graduanng. Mccull o ugh stated after the ceremony, I've waited so long for this moment, and now 11 1s finally here All I have to say 1s good-bye and see ya 1" Ph o to by Ron Finelh

I Pledge Allegian ce The gradua11ng class of 1994 begms its last gathenng as a group Graduate Dan Randall r emarked, " I'm so happy," after the ceremony Ph oto by Ron Finelh

Good Luck Pnn c1pal Judy Vance cong ratulat es Megan Dorsch on a great four years as Bn a n Schneider gets ready to say farewell to h1s pnn c1 pal Ph oto by Todd D1erkmg

Farewe)) Commencement

speaker M onica Loseman addre~s her fellow students about the future dunng the graduatton ceremony Ph oto by T odd Dierking

The Beginning of th e En d

Cindy Coope r begms the graduation ceremony by introducing the first speaker Cooper said, " I was nervous talking in front oflhe c r owd, but 11 was worth 11." Ph oto by Todd Dierking

... •...
'\ 1otl 1' Jv~ t(~O. Just The Book - 239

S miling and S tyling Juni ors Jessica Wag e r, Laura Duke , Craig Mani 1, Erika Brak.ken , C. Jay Wh11 ing. Steve Rogers, Jim Lindberg, Sara Stem, ard M ichelle Kume take a break after a bard day of rafung. When asked abo 1t the tnp C. Jay commented," I liked Lalong showers u, the waterfall." The tbr ~ raft tnps rafted o n the Yampa and Green Rivers P hoto counesy ofM1chellc K unze

What 's the so lution for getting away from school, family, and annoying friends? The answer: going on the junior raft trip . Jun ior Christi Denner s tated , " It was a great expe rien ce. Everyone worked together and we had a good time ." Some people who tried to go on one of the three raft trip s, were not able to because of limited s pa ce. Th e raft trip s la s ted from Wedne s day to Sunday. Five days and four nights of a fun filled , wa ter bound , s un basking time . This trip was one of many trip s that the class of '95 wi ll enjoy Underc l assmen look forward to being a junior for thi s one rea so n .

Tucker and Dave Yang

Deep Thoughts Juniors Courtney Sasa, Tatum Matt ox, Emily Ba chman, Steve Schlieman, Karen Smit h, Laura Kolin, and Tas ha Markovchick stand on one of th e rafts on the third raft tnp Emily commented, " I liked how everyone worked together We got an out of the boat experience because ou r boat , the Amazon, hit a tree branch and we fl ipped out of the boat into the water and sailed down the river It wrui the best tim e of my life " Ph oto courtesy of Mr Brodbeck

Joy Ride J unior J oy Sum ner while on t he third raft trip flips into th e wa ter off the boat Joy commen ted," It was one of the best experie nces 1ever had It was great, espec iall y fl1pp1ng off th e boat." The raft tnp took place in D inosaur National Monument Park located 1n northwestern Colorado Photo courtesy of Mr Brodbeck
"\ {ot e, 1'\ 240 _ JV" {"'O. Ju s t The Book
£ef1 ee- lJJe 've Xflewn ew h 0 tkr' -k>r- a\rflADSf L/ years fbw1 uric! 1 1 "1. Mc-<//.. 3/ad vt.e J"fllf foch CJ/{,c,r; 6 H 5 Mei~ :b&ti £11 1 cr,flcl 1 1-.,?e 7 '-f~v r- Sf 'I\ ro K ~t f'\ R.. k, dis Q s '? c... + yl'NI llet,J sc. hl?fJ f, 5e!ri cl Cr .!!JrMlduq/1~ I II v,'fe .:r; /Yl w~1{s '2..SZ-/t/17 '10 ,1- . I/I/ /V\y ~o.u~t ?vl Jq?!S '/fJNJ{ CT /31-122{ t:c ~ -\ei'Y7() le %/er1J Go/,.. Pc}..}, ,,c O 'e)Ot-/01 0.l'f_ ' f 1 1/t,,_?----

u s t a cut e littl e bundle, o f trouble," s tated the Tramp in the movie Lady and the Tramp . Wheth er you love, like, or se mi -a dore one of the cutest thing s on Earth/ which are n o ne other than adorable babies/ they can be a big heap of troubl e, every once in a while. Now, go back to when you were younger and try to r e member all th e fun you had just sleeping and eating and enjoying yourself to the fullest; except for tho se time s when your diaper had things in it that not only you hated, but also your par e nt s and many baby-s itters hated as well Nasty! Then as you s tarted to grow and you had to learn all of the thing s that went along with growing up : potty training, learning to s hare the toy s you had once called your very own, and the m os t horrible thing of all, learning to feed yourself. You finally get to the place you ha Ve waited fo r : kindergarten . After you get done crying, you learn to cook on your make believe s tove with your make believe food , or how to play h ouse with all of th e coo tie boys (or gir ls) . What a fun life! Then while you reign as king (or queen) of elementary sc hool , you visit Outdoor Lab Schoo l for a week freezing your little buns off In high schoot you fear all upperclas s men, hoping you don ' t h ave to push a penny with your no se or get tap e d to a pole After you s uffer your degree of harassment, you • graduate and look ba ck sayi ng, " I too had

once " Michelle Tucker •

• I -

, I

Smiling Twin s Seniors Ke ll y Kulin and Kim Bre nn ecke s top to show everyone th eir great taste 1n clothes Kelly and Kim part1c1pated in twin s day during H omeco ming sp1n t week Kim and Kell y both laughed and said, " May 1995 , baby el" while they think about lea ving high school Phot o co urt esy b y Kelly Ker lin

S a y Ke r mie! Front Ro w· Rachelle Butcher, Daryl Ambrose J .J Gabrielson, Lydia Rascon , Kermit the Frog, Heather Sawyer Joy Sumner, Nate Brodie., Kyle Robertson , J ason Arnsparger

Second Row : T.J Feth, Dale Karry, Rebecca Stone, Cou rt ney Sasa, Jam ie Boyer, Tim Blum Jessica Olsen, Brett Myers, Angie Johnson, Billy Bunn Third Row : Galadnel Stephens, J ess ica Riggs , Kevin Durant , Danny Matlock , Elton NaranJo, Quinn Kuzm1ch, Scott Kolle, Shane Morrow, Sara Verbeck, Darrell Farmer Back R ow: Craig Martin, Wes Gnffths, David Lowe, Enc Shaffer.Stephen Mc frv1n, Ch1st1eAJverson,Jenn1fer Reynebeau, Mike Anderson, Neil Meehan, Mr Cawthra Photo by Kyffin Elementary

C hillin g b y th e ' 0 1 Poo l , Seniors Dan Matlock , Tam Blum , ,,,.. Brett Myers, Craig Martin Enn Furtak, and Courtney Sa--a take a break from ~w1mmtng to pose for th e camera Swimming can always

be a ttme to relax and have some fun away from work and school

• ,! rt f ,, ..
Photo by Tim Blum

tJ ay Anderso n '

We hope you find all the happiness and success that you deserve, and that your life 1s filled with JOY You have come through the bad limes , now find th e good 1n others, find peace 1n God, and find Jove everywhe re

We love you, Mom and Emma

t Emi ly Bac ~man '


It see ms it 's eithe r raining on us, or the sun 1s so bright, we both ge t burned, but some how, we always pu II through I will neve r for get you 1

Love ya, ME

tEmi l y Barton '

DearEmily, Congratulations on you r graduation Set your goa ls honey, and always believe you can re ach th e m Visualize maximum success and you will achieve 1t!

We love you, Grandma & Grandpa

tEmily B a rt o n '

Dear Emily,

I'm truly am azed at how fast you've grown from th e llttl eg1r l, 1on ce hugged and ki ssed goodbye as I dr opped you off at sc hoo l each morning, to a beau11ful, and talent ed young w o man So build a dream, g rab a s tar, and Jive fo r all you can

Love, Dad

tEmily B achman '

Em s,

Good luck 1n all you do Bug. Keep your independent att itude, yourqu1ck wit , and your high goals It has been great watching you grow into s uch a su per, young lady We will miss you as you begin this new step 1n your life, but we know you will rea ch for the s tars . We will always be behind you and here when you need us.

Lov e, Morn , Dad, and Chad

tJ aso n Ba rn a rd'

To our so n Jason - Live hfe well , respect 11 fully, P lay your s piri t out Seek and then discove r all the best that li fe's about. You make us pro ud 1

Lov e, Mom , Dad and Ro se

tEmily Barton '

Congratulallons Sweet ie: Keep gomg, and learn ing, and maktngyour dreams come true

Love , Mom , Ron, Ross, Andi , and As hlee



' Alway s follo\v your dreams! We are so proud of you and love you lots!• !

Love , Mom, Dad, J oh n & Cole

« C

And y B e ttin ger '

Congratulations' The door ts wide open I Always give il your best shot

We love you, Dad and Mom

tR a mi e B l ac k '

It seems hke only yesterday I Jove you, Dad

You will always be my beautiful blue eyes, Love, Mom

Thanks for being my big Sis Congra t ulauons, Ronelle

If I could have picked my big sister, she would have been you Love, Robbie

tTimBlum '

Ti m, we are so proud of all you do and wha t a wonderful and kind grandson you are The years ahead will be filled with excitement and challenges. Your smile should get you th rough it all

God bless you, Grandma and Grandpa Sed1vec

tTimB!um '

Tim, you have been blessed to us and bn ng us spec ial JOY Whal fun 1t has been watching you grow in to such a te rr iffic person Who would have t hought 1n Oh io, you would become a G HS De mon and the YEA RB OOK ED IT OR • We are so proud of you

Love, Mo m and Dad

tE li zabet h Bitner '

Congratulations to the little girl who alwa1 s had a smi le for you Although she ,snot so little anymore, the smile i.., -.1111 there and will bring a lot of other smiles on this senior graduation day Jim

tRa mie Bl ack '

We are all very proud of you You will go far 10 hfe"

Love , Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Dad Caramella and Fnsk1e

Tim Blum

Tim , thanks for everything You 've been such an 1nsp1ra11on to me I'll miss you when you leave I wish you all the happiness 10 the world

Love , Jen

tH ea

th e r B o hn '

Heather as you move ahead of me on the road to independence, don t forget all the fun times"' e ' ve had as we walked side b1 side

Love, Knsten

Remember to have fun, remain cool, and keep 1 our shirt on'

Love, Dad and Mom

~· ·~

Mi c h ae l B o ll ig '

Mi chael- we are proud of you and your accompltshmenls You have prove n you can achieve the goals you st ri ve for

Love , Mom , Dad, Ri ck

tKi m B re nn ec k e ' Nol htng ever slo wed you down Go for 1t , baby' We re proud of you

Lov e, Mom , Dad an d Mall

tK e ira Bres n a h a n '

Mem o rie s of Keira " D1kk1 's Ding Dong ,"" Jimmy had a nickel," '' Pink lkeem ," '' PUS I D ," "' My ears are popptn'," ''S ip O' Beer " You were my " Baby Alive " You are my comic reli e f Alway s be true to yourse lf Your s pirit is your g,ft

I lov e you, V1kk1

tH o lli B ye rl y

H - Happy 0 - Outgoing

L - Loyal

L - Lovable

I - Incredible

Your the be st s is ter and fnend anyone co uld have


tE rik a Br a kk e n'

Ro ses are red , violets are bloe, Erika we 'r e so proud of y')u AJway s reach forthe stars that v. ill bnng you happtness and succe~.

We love you' Mom, Dad , Nick , Hollie & "Jake the dog ."

tK e ir a Bres n a h a n' I Keira , You ltght up our lives" with your everlasting smile, spiri t, and unrelenting determinatio n You 've grown 1010 a beauuful young woman who makes us proud We wish yo u happiness and success as you embark on your journey of life


, With uncond1t1onal support and love, Mom and Dad

tH o lli B ye rl y '

We are so proud of your inner I beauty, s hown by your generous wannth , strong convictions , and love t for others These qualtues will afford I M!l!li!I you great success 10 the adu lt ltfe )'v'I are JUSl beginning We will always be there to love and support you.

Love , Dad and Mom b 1-

tJa so n C a mpbell '1 I

Congratulallons on all your effo rt~ and achievements You have always made us proud We love you.

Mom and Dad

I '

tYolanda Chaparro '

Congratulat1ons 1 We are very proud of you, best wishes for your future We love you'

Love, Mom and Dad

l. Matt Coonan

You have always been entertaining, generous, and kind We look forward to exc1te1ng, new chapters, even while we treasure th e memori es WAPOYAYA !

Love, Dad , Mom , Sarah, and Andrew

Kri s ti Denner '

I can't think of anyone else I'd rathe r sha re all these memories with You 're the best big sister, and second mom I Thank you for alt your support. I'm very proud of you and I love you tons!

Love, Kelly

tStacie Dri ggers '

You 've always had a happy sm ile , so keep on smili ng through life's challenges.

Love, Mom and Dad

tJ e n Cookson '

Congratula11ons 1 You worked _ so very hard and you ve alway!> been there fora II of us. EnJoy yourJourney You have great things 1n store for you

Love always, Mom, Dad, Nick & Sheba

tKn s ti D e nn e r '

We are very proud of you and your accomplishments You are a lovely young lady who 1s thoughtful and kind You will go far We will always be there for you

We love you, Mom Dad and Kelly

Thank you so much for alway!> being terrific fnend!. 1 I can t remember a time \Vllhout you guys I'll always keep our great memories and hope we can keep making new ones Best of luck always, and keep 1n touch Love always, Kri!>ll

tTodd Di e rkin g '

Todd, anothe r graduation' Keep that wonderful sense of humor and electronic oriented mind, but pick up the wire!> and stuff

Love, Mom Dad, and Chad

l --
l. Shan , Tate , a nd Ke ri L ynn 1
BAB IES ANO ~ij~~,f - 24 7

Ma y God bless my little Christmas bunny

Expose you rself to the world bu t don't forge t a hat because it gets cold out there Congratu lat1 ons 1

Love, Mom and Rocky

Life's a series o f challenges You 've done well - keep up the good work 1 We are so proud of you so n We will always be here fo r you

Love, Mom and Dad

Stuffing your face as usual - bu t it NEYER S HOW S!

Mar ianne

Fromzeroto181nnot1mea all Congratulallons Jason you ' re finally 6 feet tall

On to college with love, From All

We wish you happiness and sucess in whatever you do. Leave 'e m laugh1n '!

Love from, Mom, Dad, Drew, and Dave

Dear Enn , You brought sunshine into our hves Now you ' re ready to light up the world Go for 11!

Love , Mom and Dad

You have been blessed w ith very spec ial gifts \Ve know they wtll help you share and ac hieve happiness and success. We will always be proud o f you

Love, Mom, Dad, and Cara

Laur a Duk e
tM elinda Emanuel ' David Fi s h tJ e nnifer Goodland ' tJa so n W Elms ' T.J . Feth Erin Furtak tMegan Goodwin '

Mi c he le G roves '

From a gentle baby to a beautiful, talented and ambitious adult 1t has been a pleasure watching you grow We love and admire you but we doubt 11 can keep up with you.

Congratulations, Dad, Mom, and Bob

Myles Harvey

You have been fun and entertaining to live with these past 18 years Don' I worry, we' 11 v1s1 t you In the s lammer We always have, and always w1ll love you

Love, Jam ie, Mom, and Dad

Erin Hawkin s

You have reached a great mile stone Congratulations' We are so proud of you You have g rown to be a very spec ial person, blessed with many talents and a heart full of com passions. Follow Jesus and your d reams. Set your sights high to reach for the stars

Love, Mom and Dad

Karen Heater

Cong ra tulauons. We are so proud o f the wonde rful person you have become You bnng so m uch sunshi ne to the family. May all you r drea ms co me tru e '

We love you, D ad and Mom

tRe becca Ha rm o n '

You' re very special to us Your caring ways will touch many as you travel through life Follow your dreams and happinesc; always.

Love, Mom, Dad and Rachel

tAm a nda H awes 7

You were a very cute baby, but now you are a beautiful adult head mg down a new path J have no womes, fo r l know your strengths and you w1JI succeed Congratulations'

I love and I'm very proud, Mom

tJ os h H e rrin g to n '

Congratula11ons 1 We are so proud of you Go forward \v1th great an t1c1pauon You have achieved much and have much to offer this world Keep your goals high, never sell yourself short You are a wonderful son and have given us so much happiness

Best wishes, Mom and Dad

Ka re n H ea te r

Karen, you' re a great big sister Good luck 1n the future , We love you

Love, Mall and Chad BAB

-- --·- ----·, •
IES AND - 2 4 9

tJ essica Hill ey '

Hoping your future will beas bnghl as these cand les Congra tul auons 1

We love you Mom, Bnan, Gary, and Jonathan

tTerri Hob s on '

We love you. You ' re lur pride and JOY,

Love, Mom and Dad


EnJOY life Be open to all of its opportun1t1es, but be careful of rollercoasters We love you


Follow you r heart We are very proud of you

Love, Dad, Mom and Chns

C l iff John so n

Dear Witty,

I know we've been through some very tough times, but in the future , hopefully, everyt hing w,11 workout I Jove you and ahvays will, no matter what happens next. You ' ll always be my brother Congratulations!

Love your sis ter, Chnssy

tJeff Jackman '

A baby boy with big blue eyes, a m1sch1evous grin and a warmth of spuit- you filled our hearts with joy and became the love of our hves You have a wonderful life ahead of you Follow your dreams dear, and never give up'

We love you, Mom and Dad

tAngie Johnson '

Wonder, discovery, excitement, you have experienced a lot W ith our love we wish you the very best as you seek new challenges. Keep the faith' Love

Mom and Dad

tKimberl y Kettl ewell '

Words cannot express our pride in your accomplishments Your en thusiasm for life, Can Do att itud e and 1nqu 1s11ive mind have been and will contmue to be your recipe for success. The end of thi s Journey ope n~ the door to the beginn in g o f new exciting adven tures.

Love Mom and Dad

tLadonna Ke ith '

Ladonna, W e are so proud of you

Remember all the fun and laughter and always s mile W e love you

Mom and Dad

Ladonna Keit h

You've been a great big sister Have fun in college \Vt ' II mis..-. the fun and fight~ Love your sisters, Amber and J B

tShanon K ell ey '

You have brought JO Y an d happine ss into my life I am proud o f you and your accom pli s hment s Remembe r your family , we ' II always be th ere fo r you

Love Mom

tShannon Kell y '


Ever since I can remember, you have been there for me , and I hope you kn ow I will always be here for you I You have a heart of gold Shan Never forget me or all the t imes we ' ve shared I love ya!

Your best bud , Joy

Trick or tr ea t! Smell my feet if you don't give me so mething good to eat! Meagan Goodwin , Stacie Driggers, T asha Mar k ovchic k and Laura Kohn are all dressed up for Ha ll oween 1988 T imes like this are fun to remember and will always be 1n ou r hearts

,,...._ , .
BAB IES AHO - 2s 1

You have always loved horses from th e first, to your pre s ent day rodeos You make every day an exciting adventure

Congratulations, Love Mom and Dad

Whtie you Journey ltfe 's pathway , may your dreams come true as you con tinu ally stnve to fill those b1gshoes

We love you always, Mom and Dad

Well sisYou've finally grown up I'll always be there for you

Love always , Your Big Bro

\Vhen you look back on your high school years, you will remembe r me! Why is it that when you don't want a per so n to 1 leave, they leave I ' ll mi ss you

Love, Judie

Always s m1ltng What a joy you are 1 We love you

Mom and Dad

Dear Laura , You have always been a joy 1 You are a very specia l daughter, sister and sister-in-law. We are so very proud of you. Congratulatio ns and may God continue to nchly bless you

Love, Mom , Chns and Suzie

Since the day l moved in , we have been fnends I hope that in t he futu re, we always stay close.

Love , your friend, Stacie

Life is j us t beginning-A whole new ,vorld is waiting for you- Go and get it. We love you princess

Lov e Mom and Dad

Dan Kerr tLaura Kolin tMichele Kunze '
" I
Da n Kerr tLaura Kolin Laura Ko lin tMichele Kunze '

David Lowe

You were so cu te, young girl You are part of our hearts Ai. Indon esian gir l you sho uld put your dreams on sky Try to reach as much as you can We are very proud of you We love you and may God ble.-.s you always.

Dad, Mom , Rocky and Tagi


We finally made 11, seniors at la s t Remember Havdallah s, BatMitzvahs, conclaves, late night cabin talks , and surprise v1s1ts 1n NJ For half our lives, we 've been there for each other You will always be my bestes t friend

Love and Mazel Tov, Emily

To all our best buds- Late rs and Peace out 1 Eman & Sargeant Mahon ey Ami

You and Michael were quite a pair Now that you 're graduating, do you think he s1111 feels the same about you? You 're pretty hard for anyone to re sist

Love you, Mom and Dad


\Ve remember with happiness the little boy you were and we arc proud of the caring young man you have become \Ve ,... 1sh you every success and happiness in your future


Mom, Dad, Jeff, and Kevin

Dear Elli,

You've always worked hard to ache1ve your goah your accomp li shments and goodncs.c; are uncomparable We re very proud of you May you alway, be happy

Love, Mom and Andi

tTasha Markovchick '

You alway-. made u-. laugh. '>mile, and count our bJc,.,ings You arc unique We love you Look out world here she comes!

Love, Mom, Dad. Nicole, and Nadia


ie Marsh

You were a <,weetheart from day one Thanks for all the JOY you ve brought ,nto our lives C-0ngrat ulat1on s' You have a lot to be proud of You are a ternfic young lad y

Love, ~rom, Dad Den ise, Mi chelle, Bn an, Lon, and Greg

t Min a Kurtu b i '
Lip s te
e n
tKev in M a ho ney a nd Eri c S haffe r '
M ars
-- -:.. . .
( E ll e n L1pste 1n '
IES AH O - 2s3

You JU"t keep thinkin But ch! That', what you're good at!~

Love Mom, Dad, and Ro-.s

tT a tum M a tt ox '

Tater, ll was "tuff' coaxing you out of that wann place"- bu t )OU came out and ha"e made all of u, '° proud of )OU \V ath you r "swec.t "" ays" and <,trong \l,Jll, you will get everything you want 1n life!

Love:. you, Mom and Dad Ronda and Pe te, Sh.innon and t'1,1arc

tCo rinn a M o nt e a no '

Connn.1 You will alway, be th e ,unsh1ne in our lave:., Good Lu c. 1' 1

Love 'Mom and Dad

tSh a ne M o rr o w '

I kn ow thi , look and I love it! Congratulation s- II s bten a good climb!

Lo ve Mom

Dan Congra tulation <; Dan' May yo alway'> meet life s c hallenge s ""1t h chann and enthus1a,m

Love, Dad. ~1 om, and Debbie

tT a tum M a tt o x '

Aunt Ta-tum, You ""ere cute "'hen )OU ""ere little hke uc-. 1 E-.en though -rou ""ere 'itnct when you babysat us, we love )OU an}"'a} ) ou are a great aunt and pla) softball rea ll y good!

Love )OU al ""a}s, Shanel) Scott. 1ike and Jake

tMi c hae l Mo ntgo me ry' \

Dea r t'1,11chacl, I E" c n at 18 month,. } o u had I Golden High Demon Sp,n t May t his new hfc th a t }OU are about to begin be as full of laughter IO\.C, and ne" I adventures as the last 18 years hav1. given us

Love Mom. Dad , t'1,1att hew and Christ e t

yAmewc o mb '

Amy \'ou arc a v1.ry ,pec.1al person to me You are the bc-.t older S!',te r anyone could hope for , and I m glad I got ~tuck with )OU

Lo" e.


\\ care ,er, proud of )OU Am) We v. ,,h you happ1nes,. JOY. and love Cong ratu la11on, !

Lo\.e ~1 om and Dad

• • • •• •
Da n Ma tl ock

tHarold N ey ra '

Every parent calls their son their <;On, whether he has talent s or has not talents Este es m1 h1jo Harold cuando ten1a 4 anos s1empre le gustaron l as motas It you don't understand, take Spanish class

tTravis Ol so n


Always remember · work hard, be bold, and take chances. We know you have a dynami te future

Love you always, Mom , Dad, T om, Tracy , and Tasha

tMeli ss a Palm e r '

Your smtle and your span t has gouen you through' Congratula11ons 1 We will always love you God ble ss you

Love, M om, D ad, Jon, and Tim

tAaron Peterso n '

Love th e hat dude' You 've got quite a collec 11 on by now-hope you k ee p the hair 1 W e're really proud of you an d know you h ave a ternfic future ah ead of you

Love from, M om, Dad, Kelsey , Abbie, and th e rest of your crazy family

tChad O ' Hara '

Cong r atulations Chad on your many accompl 1,hments We arc very proud of the fine young man you have become The f uturc. as your... we knov. you II choose w1,ely You re.\ cry spcc1al, thanks for being you

Love you, M om and Dad

tApril Ov e rg aa rd '

We 've always been proud of your accomplishments. You make us laugh Always be your sun<,htne self We love you bunches.

M om, Dad, and Jody

Rya n Pa rfe t

Dear Ryan, W e wish you the best of luck Ju st rem embe r , you have Just crossed th e bay, th ,;. ocean hes ahead

Love, Mom , D ad, and B y rd

Ze b Pik e

You 're a very kind and caring person Keep a pos1t1ve attitude and you'll be able to achieve any of your dream We ' r e proud of you 1

Love, M om, Tom , and Zach

- - 1',w.. -

I don't think anyone could have written a sen pt for the perfect kid better than you have played it out 1n your 17 years. You have overcome adversity with hard work , talent , class, and respect You re an all around winner with many more great years to come' 1 My heart bursts with pride and love for you every day you are 1n my !ife.

Love, Morn

F ir s t r o w : Jill Re1necker Seco nd

ro w: Heather Bohn , Came Riedel , Leaf Wagner, Mike Bre cco, Apn I

Overgaurd, Kelly

Re1necker, Amy Newcomb Third

Ow • •• r : , , Michelle Groves, Matt Berk All these st udent s are gathered outside one of Wei ches ter


te mporane s during the fall of one o f their latter years.

Ly di a R ascon

The big day is here We are as excited as you are lt has been a JOY for us to see you through your school years. Our love and happiness go with you as you trac k new adventures Congratulallons 1

Love, Mom, Dad, and Maria

Kelly, don 'I we look I innocent! We sure fooled them! Thanks for al ways being there

Your loving s is ter, J 111 ------~

tKe ll y Rei necke r'

You hold a very specia l place 10 ou r bea n We are so prou d of you

Love, Mom and Dad

tBrook P o rt e r '
tKell y Re in ec ke r '

A fncndsh1p never dies ll only grows stronger and st ronger You have been there for me through tl all and there 1s no place to begin or end, There 1s only what to look forward to You are a true best friend with a heart of gold I know true fnendsh1ps lasy, and I'll always be there for you

Love, Amy

tJe nnife r Re y ne bea u7

Our lives have been the bes t because you have bee n a part of them Your will is mot1vaung to all of us. Continue 10 be responsible for your life and your life will be a ll you want 1t 10 be You have been a wonderful child and fnend. Stay on you r toes and keep dancing

We love you, Mom and Dad

Ca rrie Re idel

Fourteen years seems long 1n numbers, bu t years, 100 short We've come this far, but who's to say we can't go on forever True thin gs last forever, and good things never come 10 an end Th a nk s buddy'

I love ya always, Amy

tChristina Sanders 7

S 1ng1ng in the rain? Napping 1n the dryer? We've always known you are different We love yo u for all th ose differences' You 're special and unique in our eyes a nd 1n God's eyes, too!

God bless.

Mom and Dad

Kelly &Jill Re1necker

To my beautiful baby sister Jill There aren '1 enough words 10 tell you how much I love you Remember I will always be there for you anytime, anywhere 1 love you

Love your big s,~ter, Kelly

u 7

You are the greatest sister and fnend a person could ask for J know you are going to do well 1n ltfe, even though you don 'I always listen to my wonderful advice So good luck, and never forget that your big brother loves you

Love, Jason

J essica Ri ggs

We wanted you to have wonderful dreams And you always have You move us with such charm and grace

A ll our love, Mom and Dad

tChristina Sanders 7

Christa, Bunn y ears al age one' Mi ckey Mouse ears later Now 11 's fancy dresses and Jewelry Grandmas don't always gel 10 see their granddaughters grow up But we hear of all those th ings you've done and we're very proud of you 1

Gra ndma Mc Kay an d Grandma Sanders BAB IES AND

t Ke ll y Rein ec ke r 7
- 25

tCourtney Sasa '

We an. so proud of our number one daughter Keep up the hard work and making your goals. Remember to always keep your heart in the nghl r place, stay true 10 you~elf and enJOY ltfe adventures May God bless you

We love you, Dad, Mom, and Kendra

tKatherine Sa un de r s '

Now you re all grown up and we are ~o proud of you We wish you the very best 10 life You hold the keys to the future and lo our hearts

Love, Mom & Dad

tKa rl a Schirr m e ister 7

Congratulations' 1 We wish you a bnlhant future Work hard and you'll have what you want God bless always.

We love you

Dad, Mom, Cha rl es & Baby Anna

tG r eg Schult z '

Hey Greg, If det erm1na11on 1s th e key to success, that Stealth will be s1 ttmg in the garage next to your Countach

We love you, Mom, Dad, M1, Bobbi , Ka yla, and Mall

tK at her in e S a un de rs '

You were a beautiful bab Katherine , with suc h big spar khn eyes. So full of hope s and dreams, no knowing what the future holds Follow your creative 1nstmcts ana you will go far

Love, Mom , Dad , Andy & Aaron d • ~

H eather S aw yer 'J

lYou 've brightened and blessed our lives , and we are proud and grateful Keep on bemg yourself and the world will be brighter and more blessed, too

Love, Mom and Dad •

tK e lli S c hn ase ' r

Kell, , yourdreamsarejustdream until you put your hean into them then they become your destiny!

Love ya always, Mom , Dad , Kerri , Todd, Muff & Freck

tSte ph e n Shenfi s h '

Congratulations Steve 1 We arc very proud of you Thanks for all tht exciting limes

Love, Mom , Dad & Kim

.., ' _,,.., .~,, "'"' !I,~1.:.._.,~ itj :..J , .. ., - :z

tCarly Sieges mund '

Schmoo, You'll always be our little girl. W e're proud of you

Love, Dad and Mom

tSarah Stein '

We are all very proud of you Always remember to be enthusias11c and opum1sl1c as you hve each day Keep laughing and smiling

Love , Mom , Don, Shawn, and Pop

First row. Mrs. Hornecker Mike Johnson. ••' •••. Enc John son. • • , • • • • ' · M1 ke Montgomery Tasha Markovchick, Brenda Westby , Mr-. S1ratton(A1de) eco nd row: Taylor Estes, • • • ••• ,Adam Holly Third R o \\ : • • • . Paul Qun10. Dusty O Conner

Some of th1, year s Senior Cla-.s a, k1ndergartner.

tCarly Siegesmund '

Congratulauons 1 No moun 1a1n will ever be too hrgh for you lochmb W1 sh 1ng you a future cl!', bnght as your smile

Love, Mom, Dad & Jed

tD a ni e ll e Stone '

" Many daughters do noble things, but you excel them all - Prov 3 1 29

Love, Dan, Mom, Israel, and Allyson


• ' - .

Dear Joy,

With every passing year you hav e give n me so much joy and so many reasons to be proud of you God blessed me with yo u You really are a JOY and a treasure to me Follow you r dreams and keep sp read ing your JOy!

Love always, Mo m

tM ichel e T hompso n '

Congra tul ations Miche le We are so proud of you Yo u have alway s been special Wh at fun 10 have you as our daugh ter You s till loo k like a "' Beautiful Baby ., To all th e good memone s

Lov e forever, Mom and Dad

tCo urt n ey T urn e r '

It 's been wilder than a rid e at Ehtch 's, but you finally made it! I for one, always kn ew you would Good luck with your life my lovely girl Remember, the o nl y s ure thin g you have 1s thi s moment 1

From your very bes t fn e nd , Your mom

tM at thew Th o m as '

Yo u' re sti ll our favorite Ma thew ' We love you very much

Mom and Dad

tK eri Tr os t '

Th ank s fo r being you I Thanks ,,,,,_,.,· for all the fun, laughter, and joy you brought int o ou r lives-and the teasi ng (we both enjoye d) Kee p you r enthusiasm! We love you and are proud o f you today a nd always.

Love , Mom, Dad , and Bryant

tS a ra V e rb eck '

To our sweetie , we have always loved yo u, and always will. Have a wonderful ltfe

Mom, Dad , and Hedgj e.

tJ ess ica W age r '

As alway s, a beautiful s mile for pictures Co ngratul atio ns J ess !

We love yo u - M & D

tJa c k Wengroviu s '

Dear J ack, We love you and are proud of you!

- Dad & Mom, G & G -

Ii '-
Joy Sum n er I
L_ J

tBre nd a W es tby '

Your family 1s awfully proud of you!

Mom and Sis ters

tCurt is Jay Whitin g '

C. J ay, well yo u did 11. It has bee n an int eresting 18 years. We are and will always be proud ofyou and th e direction yo u have chosen 1n the future Be a ll you ca n be! Life is s ho rt - play 11 hard!

Love, Dad, Mo m and Tiffany

tC ra ig W a llin '

We' re so glad an d proud yo u are ou r son We miss you and canno t wai t for you to Jo in us in Alaska as you are so nice to ha ve arou nd Good lu c k as you s tart you r ad ult life and we wish you much ha ppin ess!

Love, Mom & Dad

tCo urtn ey Sasa '

Cou rt , J will never forget all the t imes we've had toge ther Thank s for always being by my s ide to he lp me alo ng when I neede d yo u I hope that w e will a lways be side by s ide 1n pers o n or 1n faith to help each oth er along 1n th e future

Love ya forever, Angie

tErin Whitford '

You have brough1 Joy and happiness to our lives We treasure the past 17 years, )'Ou have made us proud Alway s look forward to what might be, never back to what might have been Follow your heart, reach for the s tars and always remember we love you

Dad, Mom , Ryan, Chns

tShaine Wieb e r '

As you get your wings and you s tart to fly, ma y you learn to steer

Love , Dad

tJ e remy Zahrte '

From "Big Whe e ls" to Real Wh eels", the years have passed too quickly Your enthusiasm and cheerfu l personality wi ll take you far You will a lw ays be our Jer- Bear Co ngra tul ations!

Love , Mom, Dad, & Brett

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QUALITYCONNECTION te a•. o a B otherhood ot Electncal \\'orJ<.ers. Local Union 68 !l.~a• •,-.nal Eler•--a 1 Contr;r.tors ~cc,a· 0" Roel , i\ 1ounta" Chapter
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Sl;NIORS CALL AND COMPARE t,# Stud.lo & Ouldoor t,# Re•ouehed yearbook. photo included t,# Affordable and a~xtble tJ' No one beata oar walle• prlcea t,# Grea• baeksa ounda and tJ' Senior prlcea pod tJD you p atfuete t,# Loe!aled •• 25th Ave & Harlan Doa'twaltl Pick ap tbe (f) a11d call U3·S~9S OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK MON.· SAT. 8 TO 6 SUN. 10 TO 3 WE CARRY OVER 30 ,000 ITEMS IN 27 ,000 SO. FT. OF SALES AREA • PLUMBING • SUPERMIX PAINTS • HARDWARE • AUTOMOTIVE • TOOLS • ELECTRICAL • MAJOR APPLIANCES • HOUSEWARES • LAWN & GARDEN • SPORTING GOODS • SERVICES WE OFFER• • FREE GIFT WRAPPING FOR YOUR MEYER PURCHASES • CUTTlHG AHO THREADING OF PIPE • KWIKSET LOCK REKEYIHG • REPAIRING OF SCREENS AHO WlHDOWS • BUDE SHARPENING HUNTING & FISHING LICENSES 1103 ARAPAHOE STREET• GOLDEN MEYER HARDWARE EB 279-3393 e SERVING THE WEST METRO AREA SINCE 1945 • • +. - ..: ' ummers .... alewe r 1206 Washington Ave. Golden, Colo. 80401 279-4246 Ill~ 1111.\ Ill) 10 Rewards You'll Find d C> ONI. Y c:: ::.> AT FELTNER PHOTOGRAPHY ALL AT NO EXTRA COST Cl an Imprint on Front o r Your T-Shlrt 1 Indoor and outdoor poses 2 Three c hanges of c lothes 3. Spe c ial discount packag e s 4 12 to 16 poses to sele c t from. . 5 61 outdoor posing areas 6. C om.plim.entary T - shirt 7 One 8x10 and two 5x7 ' s 8 . Bring a friend, pet, hobby, c ar, parent, or instrument to be in your photo also 9 Up to 45 m.inutes sitting tim.e 10 Over 100 awesom.e abstra c t and unusual proje c ted ba c krounds. ALL OF THE ABOVE FOR ONLY $87.SD You Expect More from Feltner's and You Get It! Don Feltner Photography, foe. ASX OTHERS WHY CALL 420-3505 TBEY CHOSE US! •

Portraits by Sherry

Pro f ess io n a l Ph o t og r aphy a t Afford a bl e Pri c e s • Hi g h S c h oo l S e ni o r s • P o rtr a its •We dding s/ Bridal Portr a it s The Golden Tou c h Th e im ages o n th e cove r a n d e n ds h eels w e r e c rea ted by r ea l ha nd s, ink ed a nd pr esse d o n p a p e r Ed i to r s J a mie B urk e, Ka th enn e Saunde r s, Mic hell e Tu cker , Co urtn ey Sasa, Ma l l Mo n tgo m e r y a nd Tim Blum a ll tn c d th eir lu ck at m a kin g a c l ea n 1mprcss1o n A cco rding to Tim , 1t too k da ys to wea r th e a ll ink o ff th e ir han d~ Indoor & Outdoor Settings 279 - 3 45 8 A Div isio n o f th e Golden Tndent QUA LI TY T YPESETTING AT REASONABLE PRICES · BROCHURES · F L YERS • NEWSLETTERS • PAMPHLETS • ADVERTISING C r e ativ e d es ign s done o n Macinto s h computers and printed in black and white in 1200 DPI . 278-089 1 I
-ElqCIIU Ill Form:,/ Allv~ Speoal Consi da-alion for \\lt!dding P.ut,es • Prom • Group Rentili • Fr.itmuty &: Soronty Rentili 11> • /oo lt ttfth • IO'I r,y AIIHSIX. Chtf•tuJJ "'°' · H nry Gntr>•I. Pl rrre Cardin, 1/ldmon I • --··•-·-- - --,"t' The Country Mouse Co. Pat Kellenb e nz Handmade Gifts Antiques Custom Picture Framing 1205 Washington Ave Golden , CO 80401 278-0446 a,,,uJ :Kata $/oclc: !¥~

r• Jenrufier Daggs• Jqshua · ,.,_, Andrew Darlington• Jtsse Darrow• Breu Davis • Jennifer Davis • Mike Davi s •Tm Ir~ Detr¥llteris • Kelley Denner• Kristi Denner • J oshua Denson • Bry an Dewolfe,. J • · ·

IJJl1.A~ · Wea Dittbrenner• Danell D'ittbrenner• Holly Ditto • Douglas Doffing• R

i •Streha Dov-ey • Tiffany Dovey• Conni Dowgjeit

ma n•Jeffe~yJackman•Cbad~a · • l anJ n• ThomasJacks9n•Da

J~is f~fre, s · · nJ,ffr~y s • Jessica Jen kin s •Ja~ti

• Je

•· --·-. "'"'>-w:·>'. ' stopber Jo~n • Cltff Joh &• avi.d Jobp so o • Garrick Johnsott tkris ffn hil«i!ia:~ ·. banie J olmsih • Stephani e (10) J ohnson Wb itneyJ ohnson • April Johnsipn • Kat ryn


,. - loJ!t~~Jon es • RebeccalJones • Sam~ Jones · Sean Joo es • BretfJQlgensen • Dan

:, ~'tliuim · Ka_p~~,eg911~~1ca Kase l• M att hew ~par: Jill !4r.zenbe rger • Patri ck ~ufm~n ~xann Kay • tt

~lmj•M01edilh KeaDog • J~~y • Micflad • Ladonna Keith~ Amber ~encY• J;;~lv ia Ktlley • C lifford Kelley · J ames KeU.e y

·. K~y • t(elso • kff.rey K~, Tamra ,l{emlet•loet KendeU

• Sanm ~"kinwd • Kimberly l(etflo.w.eU

• Sarah Kelldell ,,Rieh ard er• C la

• Danie! Kt1>ter~ Steven Kibl er• M~ew K1el,Jlt\'tsk1

King.., Steven__~tJt• Molly Kin~• r<1rstin Kipbard~

• Kefly Kirlin• Michelle K1eineider

Koe-hler•K~bi~~ta K<ilin• ~I<olfn•JamesK<>ntgni•Van~Koslow

~Arlbur • r»ana Kunter

• Hedy Kunter• Ian Kuottf

l n Kenton• Pat man 1'e

• M)C{

• Za ch ary Kos;tOJll

•Judith Kunze• Michelle Kun ze · ma Kurtu t•

Ladibue•Michelle Laf&rty• Nidl(>las Laboy• Bric Laird• Jasoo Laman· Brian Lamaster· Steven Latlders

~•.Burke LatS<>n

· l11Q

268-- GUID~

· g• David King

• J.(elley Kn ~ll

• Jeremy Laue

• Carissa Lauwers

• Mark Lauwers• Markl..a-vington

• C

• EnkK

·· ubi

• Bri~ Landry

• Heidi Layman


• Kacy

• Brandi Lee

• J ,

Jennifer Allen• Petet Allen• Russel etSOn • 9Jristopher Anderson • Erl ,gt'l • Fdf6la Araujo •.Monica.Ara · ,. ~ SJ • Jason A • ~~d~yt ~• Ja500.8aerrffl • • " • Cf.i1g Baldwm •J~Bald-8in • eV$.Barlow • J*n &matd • Aaron r• P.-meta Baughman • ar• .amtS • ..t. _ ••• · mon i;,w,dC · .r.ecke • Kelm Bresiilll • J<amj ram Bt-O.Wn Jeanette B10,vne • ~l • Bock• Thomas BujnO\\~ urnrll • Meaghan. Burndl • Brianne lllef(>n.•Jason~ron • Barbta Campbell Christian Carson• K.atbl iavis Champnoise• • Jason • e y y • eme • roo uvron obert Oiildemon • sttnsen • Letitia Christensen • Jared Christiansen • ~atban Churcl} • Heidi Cies¼,r • 'fat).ya Ciferri • Cathe.dn tneots • Melissa Cline • Meli sa Clinton • Beth Clowes.• Oinlon Coakley • Jessica roalrooo • Jo Ii Colligan • C:isey Collins • Cody Collins• Jessica Collins • Lynda 0>1fi® ! Rooatd Co - .J.S()l,n U>IIU\O y • Jennifer Cookso n • Nicho las Cookson • Matthew Coonan• A,racidag,oper • • O>Ciil n • Chad es CorneJy • I<nstine Corne ly • Ma_ttbew Corry •F'fil} C~ ., • • ns y ary Curran • Kyle Cusack • Charles Custe
'• t(.} •
· kaE<fwatds•Te
' ' · ·. • x:: ' • Ja.c;on
• uoJ die • ding• •~voo,E.c;r¼~Jtiii' :··_.· ¼ y ~A , ·. e · Fish• s ·· ts r• ' r cur,,.~ · s • PfiiYI o•.th asobF~alcis•Sb3.¥ohFi •.8 rickso · F. ~Jessica f'ulJ er • 1g ful ' • Marj~~l ·• Gardnet • Jake Gamer • Brandon Gattelt · G land G ·sa Go~ r • • Abr ·· G~ o G reenbauml n -~ ru · • upta • 'I G ct • • Melis..-<:a • h. ef .amp l 1s · . a · mly • 1y y s • Adam Hawley• Ch Mi~I Hay dcn_.Re' diger · Karen~ffel lfinger •J.:unes Heln.z• ::H4111m·ng~ • Michael ,ether • • a .. J1i{_ irnsclloot •jlj chael ~§i>eH • Aa ron Hin • kl e Lindie flit~• 1 Hobbs · sfrvcn H eifl f Layne H n • Hillary lloillm • 1< ann y>geri. Aimee H"~ 1 ia Hoo , •ca H~ver • na · ·· .!/, llom • ~J,awdH~r~r ~ •,Eri c (lfV81 t.layna Horvat • J.e.1tmy er • Je well • S ra~y • · ,·• ·... · .· ark Hup1phrey • BJ!Sabeth Hurley, •Saraifut n • Chns utch1s9J)
• Matthew
Duran• Mjcbael Duran
Dawn Durant
Re-0-a Du
Jason Eagleson ohn Eagleton• J C§S Easly

Abdulrham an, Abdullah , 132, 152 , 237

Adam s, Kelly , 200

Adlfinger , Lon, 234

Ahl s trom, Erik, 25, 97, 132, 152

Ahrens , Mary , 200

Airhart , Jennifer , 87

Akal , John, 97

Albright , Mark, Photo not available

Allan , Jamie , Photo not availab le

Allen , Jennifer, 180

Allen , Peter, 21, 152

Allen , Ru sse ll , Phot o not available

Allen , Sean, Photo not available

Alverso n, Christ ie, 243

Ambanantz , Zachary, 118 , 160

Ambro se, Daryl, 132, 152, 243

Ambro s e, Shaun, 160

Ammon , Nichola s, 160

Anderson , BenJamin , 97

Anderson , Christopher, 73, 180

Anderson, Enc , 229

Anderso n, Jaso n, 13 , 44 , 60, 73, 160

Anderson,Jay ,52,53, 110, 132,244

Anderso n, Je ssica, 200

Anderso n, Kelh , 73, 74, 200

Anderso n, Michael, 49 , 160 , 235

Anderson , Mik e, 243

Anderson , Dave , 13, 218

Ander so n, Shannon, Photo not available

Angel , Ni co le , Photo not available

ArauJo , Fabiola , 180

Araujo , Monica, 160, 233

Archer , Ali ssa, 200

Archer , Andrea , 71, 118, 159, 160

Archuleta, Paul, 223

Archuletta , Jess ie, 16 , 132, 144 , 152

Arcury, Crysta l, 178, 180

Ardoin , Renee, 160

ArmiJO , Amy, Phot o not available

Arm s trong , Bryan ,

Arndt , Stacy, 67, 180, 189 , 235

Arnold , Ja so n, 132 , 152

Arnsparger, Jason, 132, 152, 243

Aronowitz , Stacey, 122, 180

Artale, Ryan, 97, 118, 200

Ash , Shanna, 160

Atkin so n, Kyle, 180

Austin , Mindy , 14, 180

Bachman , Emily, 50, 51, 133 , 148 , 152, 240,244

Bade, Michael , 75, 160

Baer, Andrew, 8, 22, 33, 133, 139 , 152

Baerren , Ja so n, 180

Baggett, Chris, Photo not available

Bailey, Nik.kt , 200

BalT, Tn cia, 57, 97, 160

Baker, Todd , 133, 152

Baker, Travi s, 180

Baker , Wendi, 160

Baker, Linda , 218

Baker, Chris, 221

Bakker, Jessica, 97, 120, 200

Bakker, Shawn, 96, 160

Baldwin, Aaron , 132, 152

Baldwm, Craig, 121, 122 , 200

Baldwin , Ja so n, 200

Ballenger, Jeremy , 27, 48 , 49 , 83, 160

Ballentine, Zachary, 160

Bandy, Michelle, 160

Barbee, Shauna, 200

Barbee, William , 180

Barbee, Chuck, 65 , 75, 81, 220

Barkey, Brian , 49

Barkow, Ja so n, 17, 160

Barlow, Steven , 44, 60 , 77, 160

Barlow, Shane, 229

Bamard , Ja so n,33, 133 , 152,244,272

Barrett , Aaron, 73, 75, 200

Barrett, Paul , 73, 75, 200

Barthels , Joshua , 52, 200

Barton , Emily, 133 , 152, 244

Bartosh, Erick , 72, 104, 160

Bartsch , John, 180

Bates, Ian, 33, 35, 87, 118 , 120, 121, 160

Bates, Joshua, 180

Bates, Ari , 234

Bates, Steve, 67 , 232

Bauer, Jason , 180

Bauer, Troy , 75

Baughman, Pam ela, 161

Bauman , Paul , 180

Baun , Scott , Photo not avai labl e

Baurer , Jennifer, 87, 99 , 124 , 125 , 161 , 174

Bausch, Tiffany, 7,199,200,212

Beard , Elizabeth, 200

Beck , Dani el, 17, 54, 55, 95 , 127, 161

Beck,LaRay , 19,55, 85 , 133 , 152,135

Beckley, Scott, 161

Beckwith, Tiffany , 26, 122, 133, 152

BBecwar, Torrie, 56, 57, 180, 189 , 192

Beitzel , Ian, 128 , 180

Bellanti, Kimberly , 18 , 180

Bellew, Melissa , 117 , 181

Bellis, Robert , Photo not available

Bennett , Deborah , 200

Bennett, Heather, 200

Bennett, Katnna , 181

Benoit, Stephen, 73, 200

Benson , Jeremy , Photo not available

Benson , Bruce, 37

Bentley, Cody, 161

Bentley, Robert , 198, 200

Benton , Kri s ta, 19 , 30, 122, 181 I

Berk, Matt , 256 I

Bernal , Casey, 19, 30, 181 I

Bernal , Rosa , 161 I

Bernard , Michelle, 201 I

Berry, Frank, 111, 133 , 117, 152 I

Berry, James , 161

Berry, Li sa, 161 I

Bettinger, Andrew , 133 , 144, 152, 245

Bettinger, Les lie, 221 I

Beumer, Sabnna , 181 I

Bezzerides , Alex, 229, 238 I

Bielak, Jesse , 10, 44 , 133 , 148, 152, 244 I

Bilger, Kevin , 13, 44 , 73, 181 I

Bird, Danielle, 201 l

Bishop, David, 161 I

Bitner, Elizabeth , 116 , 117,134, 136, 15::, 245 I

Bitner, Patri ck, 108 , 127 , 161, 166 1

Bjorkland , Magnas , 230

Black, Kara , 19 , 33, 68, 69 , 99 , 134, 152 l

Black, Ramie , 97, 134 , 152, 245

Black, Renelle, 181 I

Blackney, Dalyn , 201

Blesh , Rand y, 44, 73 l

Bl oom, Mi cah, 201 1

Blum , Jennifer , 9, 30, 66 , 67 , 120, 121 , I 127 , 181 , 189 ,23 2 1

Blum, Timothy, 3, 30, 33, 92, 93, 11 8, 13" l 143,152, 232,243,245 I

Bl ythe , Charlotte, 218 1

Boatman , Mike , 230 I

Boatman, Gary, 44, 161, 230 I

Boatright , Bnan , 111 1

Bo hk s, James, 201 1

Bohn , Heather , 134, 15 2, 245, 256 I

Bohn , Kri s ten , 71, 75 , 76, 88, 89, 181 I

Boian , Judy, 219 1

Bolejack, Charles, 181 I

Bolejack, Jeremiah , Photo not available I

Babbitt , Justin, 180 l}( c«.ool 270- GUID~

Beder, Crys tal , 106 , 180

Bedia Villa, Amali a, 133, 152

Behne, Eric, Photo not availab le Behren s, Noelle , 17, 46 , 47, 129, 133, 152

Bollig, Ron , 218 I

Bollig, Michael , 10 , 44 , 134, 152, 246 I

Bongor, Mary , 223 !

Borns tein , Jackie, 219 I

Bo rtl es, WIih am 73, 201

Bo 10, Kathnnt, 25, 161, 163, 226

Bosse Carla, 201

Bo\\ Algernon, Photo not available

Boyd, Michelle 73, 101,210

Boyd Patnck 9 28, 118, 120, 122, 134, 136. 152

Boyd,Sa rah, 16,22,87 98,99, 107,135, 152,236

Boye r, Jam ie, 243

Boy les, Morga n Photo not avai lab le

Boys ter. Ta nner 213

Bradd e r, David, 44, 73, 181, 229

Bradford, Austin. 232

Bradsby Dick, 219

Brakken,Enka,6 81,118 134,152,154, 240,246

Brak.ken, Nicholas 182

Brazil, Lindsey, 10, 16 99,101, 11 5,1 18, 159, 161 177

Brenn ec ke, Kim , 56, 57, 95. 115, 11 8, 132, 134,152,243,246

Bresnahan, Ke u a 70, 71, 13 4, 152, 233, 246

Bn ndtl , Dev i n, 234

Bnndl e, Kam i, 50, 72, 182, 233

Bntta1 n, Jesse, 20 1

Bri x ne r, Tim o th y, 161

Brodb ec k, Jo hn,221

Broderi ck, Jason, 182

Bro di e, Nate, 243

Brooks, Anth ony, 73, 201

Broo ks, J oshu a, 91, 101,182

Brown , Mik e, 19 9

Brown , Aaro n, 91, 201

Brown , Jo hn , 20 2

Brown , Wilham , 122, 182

t3rown e, Jean e tt e, 182

Browne , Ne il , 11 1

Bru ckner, Clint , 202

Brunke r, Lee , 182

Brunker, Mi c hae l, 104 , 20 2

~runk er, Charl e ne, 13 4

Brya nt , David , 11 8, 122, 161 , 177, 232

I t F igures Sophomore Laura White ca lculates an answer for algebra dunng access Working on homc;.wo rk by lockers dunng access was one of the maJor morn ing ac11vites

How Do I Look? J unior Roxanne Kay takes her tum at the wheel an a driver's ed car Getting one's ltcense 1s always a high school highlight.

Buc hho lz, An drew, 108, 182

Bu cho lz, Ren, 97, 120, 198

Bu ck, Debra, 69, 182

Bu1n ows ki , Th omas, 202

Bull , Am y, 182

Bun gar d, Apn l, 182

Bunn, Bill y, 243

Bu nya rd , Ga l e, 182

Burg, Ca ro ly n, 16, 117, 182

Burg, Carl, 178, 182

Burke, E tl ee n, 236

Burke, Jam ie, 93, 118, 122, 123, 161, 276

Bur ke tt, Brenda, 2 19

Bu rke tt , James, 202

Burkh al ter, Ri c hard, 11, 182

Burkm a n, Juh e, 234

Burn al, Casey, 73

Burn ell , Lia m, 30, 118, 134, 135, 152

Burn ell , Meaghan, 10, 20, 97, 202

Bums, Bria nn e, 57, 182, 192

Burroughs,S herry, 161

Burto n, Jo hn , 182

Butche r, Rache ll e, 243

Butl er, Chad, 11, 84, 202

Bybee, Au br ey, 182

Bye rl y, Holl i, 9, 32, 85, 88, 89, 134, 139, 152,246

By rd , Martin , 100,132,135, 152

By rn e, Di ck, 2 19, 276

Ca rl son, Margaret, 202

Carney, Amber, 50, 72, 101, 202

Carr, Set h, 25, 158, 161

Carson, Chns ti an, 97, 162

Carson, Kat hleen, 202

Carter, Mi chael, 87, 135 139, 152 229

Cane r, Nathan, 82, 97, 135, 152

Cartndge, Stacey, Photo not available

Carve r, Rache l, 89, 1 12, 182

Cascio, Joseph, 122, J82, 229

Cas tl eberry Elizabeth, Photo not available

Cas tro, Fidel, 39

Cawt hra, Mi ke, 243

Cease, Lory, 221

Cetna r, Marye ll en, 72

Cham pn oise, T ravis, 135, 152

Chapa, Chnsto pher, Photo not avatlab le Chapa rro, Yolanda, 18, 33, 70, 71, 136, 152,247

Chappe ll , Dan iell e, 11, 202

Chap pe ll , Jaso n, 72, 89, 178, 182, 184

Cheney, Kell y, 183

Che rn e,Sea n, 101,152

Cheuvro nt, Aa ron, 10, 44, 45, 60, 136, 152

Chi lcoa t, Ehzabe th , 93, 162

Chtlders ton, Robe rt ,73,75,202

Ch insomboon, Mi nty, 202

Ch is holm, Ryan, 16, 72, 76, 83, 89, 162, 174

CChisho lm , Shann on, 234

Chow, Tee- Tee, 231

Chri s tensen, Am anda, 97, 183

Caba ni ss, Jamie, 234

Cace res, Ca rl os, 89, 135, 152

Ca mero n, Fl etcher, 161

Ca me ro n, Jaso n, 182

Ca mp be ll , Barbra, 16 1

Ca mp bell , J acob, 202

Ca mpb e ll , Jaso n, 6, 12, 13, 19, 33, 44 , 118, 132, 135, 140, 148, 152,

Ca passo, Pat , 87

Ca rlill , Ad am, Ph oto not avai lable

Ca rl so n, Wend y, 22 1

Ca rl so n, Eri c, 202

Chn ste nse n, Let iti a, 183

Chri s ti ansen, J ared, Ph oto n ot ava il able

Church, Na th an, 97, 183

Cies lar, Hei di, 24, 72, 101, 120, 202

Ci ferri , Ta nya, Ph oto not avai lab le

C1 nab ro, Cory, 23 0

Clark, Ca th erin e, 15, 183, 225

Clark , Kath lee n, 21, 73, 97

Clar k, Joa n, 5, 219

Clements, Crysta l, 202

Clement s, Marl a in a, 101, 183

Cli ne, Meli ssa, 10 1, 117, 183, 226

' I - - -
IND~ -27 1__ ,. -

Clinton, Bill , 38, 39

Clinton, Meli sa, 152

Clowes , Beth , 106 , 162

Coa kley , Clinton , 202

Coalman, J essica, 136 , 152

Coal man, Jo , 202

Colamarco, Pinu ccia , Photo not available

Colangelo, Mark, 101 , 202

Colbath, Jennifer , 117,203

Colligan, Kelli , 5, 83, 85 , 162, 235

Co llin s, Casey, Ph o to not available

Colltns, Cody, Photo not available

Co llin s, Je ssica, 122, 158 , 162

Collins, Lynda , 192

Co llin s, Ronald , 84, 104 , 203

Commons, Bobbi , Photo not available

Co ndron, Brandon , 203

Conne ll y, Ro s etta, Photo n o t available

Connelly, Sage, 6, 72

Connolly, Maegen , 72, 203

Cook, Eileen, 120, 121 , 219

Cookson, Jennifer, 33, 118, 136, 143, 152, 247

Cookson, Ni cholas , 203

Coonan, Matt hew, 19 , 35, 136, 152, 247

Cooper, Aranda,20 , 101 ,203

Cooper, Katie, 11 , 19 , 72, 74 , 77,203

Cooper, Kelly , 46 , 47, 62 , 63, 89, 162, 227

Cooper, Debbie, 218

Cooper, Cindy, 239

Coors, Andrew , 122, 123, 126, 127

Co rbin , Christopher, 49, 162

Corcoran,Sean,43, 136, 152, 60

Comely, Char les, 58, 59, 64 , 75, 84, 229

Comely, Kris tine , 122, 162

Corry, Matthew , 13, 162

Co upen s, Carli, 20 , 75, 76, 162, 163 , 166, 174

Cox, Jamie , 57, 162

Crane, Ra chel , 183

Cross, Cody, 136 , 152, 279

Crowell, Sara , 162

Cummi ngs, Chri s, 93, 128, 183

llf c«OOI

272- GUID~

Peek-A-Boo Jun iors M ar ta Kn ow les and Alhson Hollis s it and watch the Girl's Co lora do Inv it ational Swim Meet at EPI C in Fort Collins

What's the Answer? Seniors Danielle S tone, Mi chelle Groves, and Jason Barnard compete with oth ers 1n a Brit Ltt group activi ty Dan1 ell e said, "I hke group work because you can s hare ideas"

Curran , Mary , 28, 183

Cusack, Kyle , 79, 183

Custe r, Cha rl es, 203

Doffing, Douglas, 73 , 203

Doherty, Rebecca , 8, 19 , 21, 26, 83, 96 , 97, I 116, 117 , 184

DDomgaard , Jasmine , 8 , 163

Dondelinger, Meggan , 163

Dorsch , Mary , 68, 69, 184

Daggs, Jennifier, 162

Dalgetty , Jo shua , 73, 80 , 203

Dalt on, Angela , 19 , 162

Dando, Matthew , 181

Daniel , Susan , 97, 203

Dani els, Scott , 72, 126, 127 , 162

Darlingt o n, Andrew , 128, 129 , 183

Darrow, Jesse, 152

Davis, Brett , 162

Davi s, Jennifer , 183

Davis, Mike , Photo not available

Davi s, To m, 234

Daviso n, Tara , 24 , 203, 212

DeBerry , Lynn , 14,50,72,8 4, 183

Debo er, Jack, 20, 183

Decarolis, Kara , 12, 98, 99 , 101 , 107 , 162, 177

Deeg an-Young , Rebecca , 235

Delery , Riann , 162 , 171

Demalteris, David , 122, 178, 183

Denner, Kelley , 8, 30, 69 , 162, 163

Denner, Kri sti , 89, 131 , 137, 152, 236, 240, 247

Denson , Jos hu a,203

Dewolfe, Bryan , 183

Dicke, Jessica , 16 , 68 , 69, 163

Dickens , Charles, 38

Dierking, Todd , 3, 17, 23, 34, 35, 87, 89, 117 , 118 , 137,144, 152 ,,244,247

Dilworth , Genevieve , 97

Dinges, Jennifer, 12, 70 , 71, 76, 183

Dinzes,Jerry ,29, 115 , 120 , 121,122, 123, 163 , 166

Dittbrenner, Andrea , 56, 57, 62, 74, 103 , 203,217

Dittbrenner, Danell , 20, 26, 57, 62, 63 , 79, 163,229

Ditto , Holl y, 163

Dorsch, Megan , 39

Dotter, Matthew , 184

Dovey , Serena, 20, 67, 82, 90, 91 , 118 , 122 2 123 ,163,17 4, 233

Dovey , Tiffany ,3 0,93,203

Dozzo , Matthew , 163

Dragul, Rebecca, 5, 184

Driggers , Stacie, 33, 34, 87, 118 , 137, 148, 152 ,235,247 ,251

Driscoll , Matthew , 44, 73, 163

Dubois, Aaron , 163

Duffey , Sean , 111

Duke, Laura , 25, 135, 136, 144, 152, 240, 248

Dunn, Mark, 222

Duran , Daniel , 8, 118, 163

Duran, Mich ae l, 58, 75 , 203, 212

Durant , Dawn, 80, 163

Durant, Kevin, 243

Dusenbury , Rena, 57, 89, 127, 184

Duster, Th omas, 44, 73, 184, 229

Dvorak, Pri sci lla , 14, 97, 184

Dwiggins, Benjamin, Photo not availabl e Dwight , Ri chard , 164, 171

Dyer, Craig, 184

Dyke , Kare n, 86, 87 , 124 , 125, 164

EEagleson , Ja so n, 15,44,60, 73, 74, 77,


Eagleton, J o hn , 184

Easly , Jess, 152

Eberhart , Wendi , 97 , 117, 184

Echeverriali , Alfred o, 164

Eddy , Christophe r, 16,113,184

Edgington, Beau, Photo n ot available

Edie, Brandon , 9, 152

• I i l I l ,1 i i D
E E '--" ,J • J ..! I F f I f ' I I

nonston, Sherida , Photo not available

lson, Scott, 97 , 220

dwards , Enka , 203

dwards, Judy , 220

ilers, Terry , 73, 75, 185

1n pahr, Monica , 101 , 185

1se nbarth, Stephan , 14, 137, 152

<berg, Laura, 25, 74,198,203,217

strom, Jon, 185

berhng, BJom , 54, 55, 164

lder, Beth , 16 , 69, 164

.Ider, Jake, 230

lgm , Jennifer, 72, I 01, 203

9 lh s, David , Phot o not available

lh~ , Kevin , 164

lh Bnan, 234, 238

! lm s, Jaso n 9, 137, 152, 248

~manuel , Melinda, 6, 10, 22 34, 90, 91, 11 8, 122 , 123 126,127,137,248

.Jmmon s, Teresa, 11, 73, 204

I?.: :.ngel , Patn ck, 14, 139, 164

Engla nd , Caela, 137, 152

i ngl and , Che n , 137, 152

ngland Jr, Larry, 185

! rpeld1ng , Andrea, 7, 50 51 164, 236

lli ~rw1n ,Sarah 26,217,204

! rwin , Shawn 13, 44, 65 164

!Stes Devon, 120 121, 164

·ste s, Marlena, 24 204

s te s Taylor 1 37 152, 232, 259

~ , cvans, Justin, 185

vans Sonya, 101 ns Threasa, 152

Fink , Todd , 89, 221

Finney, Keitha , Photo no t available

Finotll, Ashley, 13 2 152

Fischer, Abra ha m, 138, 230

Fish, Dav id, 138, 139, 152 248

Fish, Tanya, 164

Fisher, Bu ckn er, 81, 101, 185

Fisher, Dani el, 73, 204

Fi sher , Kirstin , 185

Fi s k, Amb e r, 204

Fis k, Stephen, 185

Fitch, Lisa , 72

Fitzgerald , Jos hua , 122, 185

Fitzgerald, Elai ne, 219, 220

Fitzpat n c k, Lauren, 204

Fleet , Joe l, 230

Fletcher, Jered , 139 , 143 , 152

Fl eury , Travis, 204

Flo res, AleJandro , 97, 108, 109, 184 , 185, 232

Ford, Enc, 185

Ford , Shawn, 19, 138, 144, 15 2

Forsythe , Audrey , 101 , 204

Forte , Liana , 204

Fo s ter, Andree , 24, 101 , 205

Fos ter, Holl ey, 13, 71, 185

Fos ter , Reb ekah, 8 1, 205

Fox , Laura , 13 8, 152

Francis, Gregory , 89, 122, 164

Fran cis, Ja so n, 8, 128, 138, 152 , 227

Franckow1k , Zach, 234

Franklin , Shannon , 205

Franklin , Travi s, 205

J'Fredrickson, Bradley, Phot o not availab le

Freier, Ami , 185

Freie r, Heidi , 97 , 117 ,205

Ga rdn er ylvia 205

Gamer Jake, 54, 55, 138, 152

Garretts, Brando n, 48, 49, 64, 164, 235

Gasbarra, Laura, 199, 205

Gasper, Daniel , 8 1, 97, 205

Gaudette, Moll}, 223

Gau le, Shilah, 97

Gaule, S hane , 138, 140, 152

Gee, Ryan , 164

Gem i, Renee , 19 , 97,205

Gib so n, Keith, 65 165

Gibson, Tyrel , 75, 205

G1ddeon, Kimberl y, 91, 185

Gi l, Aaron, 165

Gil, Ani ssa, 205

Gilmore, Kn s ty , 23 4

Giome ttJ , Emily, 14, 19

Glasmann, Breeanne, 186

Gleaton, Brant , 165

Goldman, Ronald , 38

Ga ll on, Joe, 152

Go lJ on, Ron , 223

Gonza les, Is mael , 152

Goodland,Jennifer, 117,122,138,152 248

Goodwin, Mega n, 16 , 33, 71, 139 148, 152,231,248,251

Gores, Li sa, 75, 76, 186

Gores, Ri chard , 230

Gorman, Kimb erly , 19, 69, 99, 101 , 165

Gouak , Laura , 14

Gou ld , Benjamin, 120, 205

Gou ld , Rebecca, 97, 205

Gray, Autumn, 122

Gray, J ess ica, 101,205

Gray , La cie, 165

Gray, Tiffany, 11

Fa lkenth al, Kurt , 49, 164

Farley Rya n, 185

Farmer, Darrell, 243

Fau lkn er, Keyton , 185

Faulkner, Reif, 122

Fay Adam ,52,53,56,57,87, 164

Fay,Anne 88,89,92,204

Fayoumi, H1 ba, 127

Fe in , Amanda, 164

Femmer, Amber, 185

Fernandez, Nayeh , Photo no t avai labl e

Fernandez, Rod1go, 185

Ferreira , Linda, 164

Fc·th , David, 6, 16, 18 , 29, 52, 11 7, 204

Feth , Terry , 22, 34, 35 , 87, 99, 117 , 132, 137, 143 , 152 ,226,,2 48

Filsinger Steven , 137, 151, 152

Fin elh Ron , 91, 92, 219, 220

fink, Enc , 73, 75, 94 , 204, 212, 2 17

Fink, Jennifer, Photo not ava ilabl e


Fr ench, Adnenne , 139

Fros t, Matth ew, 12, 58, 59, 184, 185 , 228

Frost , Michael, 205

Fros t, Steven, 65, 73, 75, 105, 205

Fuentez, Andy , 235

Fuller, Je sse, 14 , 205

Fuller, Jessica, 25, 1IO , 111

Fulmer, Cra ig, 174, 229

Fulton , J eremy, 138 , 152

Furlong, Mark, Ph oto no t ava il able

Furtak,Erin ,3,23,26,3 0, 90 , 91 , 109 , 118, 138, 152, 236, 243,

Grayson, Abraham , Phot o no t avai lable

Greely, Bob , 16 , 232

Greely , Penny, 67, 235

Greenbaum, Kevin , 152

Greening, Donavon , Phot o no t ava ilabl e Griffith s, John , 243

Groen hof, Meli ss a, 17 , 186

Groves, Mic hele, 24, 91, 97, 118, 139 , 144 , 152 ,2 49 ,256,272

Groves, Robert,97, 107 , 186

Grueneic h, Daniel, 165

Grun dema n, Donald , 165

GGuldan , Kadrian , 186

Gu nn , Charla, 2 18

Gupta, Anjli , 68, 69, 89, 11 8, 165, 166

Gadbois , J ac lyn , Photo no-t availab le

Gair , Chris ten , 11 8, 235

Gamarra , Ca rl os, 205

Gamble , Craig , 49 , 164

Garberg, Albina , 54, 55, 138, 152

Guthrie , El i, 186 1

Hadwige r, Rand y, 44, 165

IN~U -273 I -- -- - -- - - --· - ·

Hagberg , Danielle, 205

Hagberg, Donald, 44, 73, 165

Hage meis te r, Juli e, 16 , 101 , 165

Hager, Jack, 230

Haglebe rg, Rachael , 234

Hag ler, J acob, 186

Hah n, Bru ce, 22 1

Hahn , Hea th er, 234, 237

Halb ert, Am anda, 165

Hale, Ell en, 22, 34, 106, 178, 186

Halku m , Melissa, Ph oto not availab le

Hall , Cyrus, 205

Hall , Ja so n, 44, 73, 75, 165

Hall , Michael , 16, 55, 98, 99 , 101 , 139 , 152

Hall , Mi che l, 116 , 117 , 124,186

Halliwe ll , J oe l, 46

Hamblin , Benj amin , 165

Ham blin , Chri s top he r, 206

Hampl ema n, Bri a, 8, 23, 26, 117 , 120, 121 , 186,189,225 ,226

Hand , Meli ssa, 165

Hank in, Eli s ha, 139, 152

Hankin, Ge derah, 206

Hankin s, Els ie , 206

Hank ins, Rob in , 165

Hann emann , Troy, 30, 31,206

Hann emann, Vanessa , 10, 30, 3 1, 8 1, 88, 89,99,206

Han se n, Joe l, 91 , 206

Hansen , Ru sse ll , 14 , 75, 97, 206

Hapto ns tall , Kayla , 86, 87, 11 8, 124, 125, 165,233

Hardendorf, Mi cha el, 139, 152

Hardesty , Nancy, 2 18,276

Harm on, Rebecca, 140, 143, 151, 152 ,249

Harold , Ze th , 186

Harring ton , Mi cha el, 184, 186

Harris , Barbra , 221

Harri so n, Ra ndi e, Ph oto no t avai labl e

Harri so n, Pat , 5 4, 70, 218

Hart , Jessica, 122, 186

Hartm eis ter , Eri c, 135, 140, 152

Harvey , Jamie , 57, 66, 67, 186, 192


274- GUID~

The Force I s With You Ju nior

Jeremy Nuanes poses as Star Wars ' Darth Vade r fo r the G HS Ha ll oween competition While he w as n ' t a winner, he said it ce rt ain l y was fun

The Sun Will Be Out Tomorrow J unior H illary Holland as Orphan Anme is disappo1n1ed not being a winner in th e H allow ee n co ntest too Bue unlike Vader , s he didn ' t use a light saber on anyone

Harv ey, Myl es, 31, 79, 120, 122 , 123 , 140, 152,232,2 49

Hassey, Ch ri s ty, 94, 186

Ha s tings, Erin , 74, 206

Hatl ey, Hea th er, Photo not available

Haus, Jaso n, 165

Have r, Rh o nd a, 72

Haverkamp, Gene , 186

Ha vila nd , S hell y, 186, 227

Hawes, Amanda ,9, 116 , 11 7,140,152,249

Haw kin s, Erin, 3 4, 86, 87, 89, 140, 143 , 152,2 49

Hawley, Adam , 140, 152, 259

Hawo rth , Chn s toph er, 206

Hayden , Mi chael, 256

Haye s, Reb ecca, 68, 69, 122, 165

Ha yes, Bob , 46 , 219

Hazard , Kevin , 165

Hea ter, Karen , 111 , 117, 140, 152,237,249

Hea te r, Matthew , 206

Hebei n, Andr ew, 166

Hebe ler, Sa rah, 17, 26, 58, 166,229

Hedige r, J ackso n, Phot o not avai lable

Heffelfin ge r, Karen , 10, 87, 124, 125, 126, 127, 166

Heffe lfinger , Karl a, 20 6

Hein z, Jame s, 206

Hei nz , Julie , 30, 11 7, 158, 166

Hellm e r, Karl , 72, 206

Henderson, Marc ia, 2 19

Hen nin g, Nan cy, 223

Henso n, T o dd , 11 , 127, 141 , 152

He rbert, Bradl ey, 206

He rb ert , David, 28, 65, 166

He rgen reter, Stan, 2 19

Hernd on, Erin , 141 , 152

Herrin gton , Mic ha el, 141 , 152

Herr ing ton , J aso n, 44 , 105

Herring to n, J os h, 249

Herth er, Shawn , Ph oto not ava il ab le

Hesa lroa d, Jeff, 140

Heywoo d, Wend y, 74, 102, 118, 122, 166 , 235

Hi ckman Jr, Mark , 6, 26, 99, 122

Higb , Shanno n, 72

Hil l, Ju s tin , 44, 75, 166 , 229

Hill , Patri ck, 97, 140

Hill ey, Gary , 186

Hilley , Jess ica, 141,152,250

Him sc hoot, Sco tt , Photo not available

Hinds, Mi cha e l, 166

Hind s, Robe rt , 206

Hinkle , Aaron, 206

Hinkl e, Nathan , 187

Hinkl e, Brandy, 187

Hipp ensteel , Joe , 187

Hit chcock, Lindie , 11 , 19, 50, 51, 74, 103 , 166 , 171

Hoage, Kath e rin e, 101

Hob ack , Tra cy, 181 , 187

Hobbs , Mic hael, Ph oto not avai l able

Hobso n, Steven , 187

Hobson, T erri , 8, 141, 152, 250

Hodson,Layne, 184 , 187

Hoffman, Kell y, Photo not avai lable

Hoffman, Rya n, 107 , 206

Holl and , Amber, 8, 89, 122, 135, 141, 152

Holl and , Hillary , 166, 27 4

Ho lli s, Alli so n, 272

Ho ls in ge r, Carme n, 206 , 2 17

Ho ls inger , Sha nn o n, 101 , 206

Hoog hee m, Aimee , 58, 59, 66, 67, 122, 187,189,128,129

Hooks, Jera mi a, 206

Hoove r, Jess ica, Ph oto not ava il able

Hoo ver, Mega n, Ph oto not avai lab le

Ho ppin , J onathan , 16 , 187, 232

Ho m , Chr is to pher , 44, 73, 11 5, 118, 166, 229

Ho mecke r, Mark , 52, 53, 103, 220

Ho rn ec ke r, Mrs., 259

Ho rn er, S hawn , 166

Horni ck, Jonathan , 187

Hors t, John , 22 1, 222

Ho rs t, Damo n, 230

Ho rvat , Eric , 5 4, 55, 75, 95, 207

Horvat , Jayna , 62, 63, 11 8, 167 ,235

Hot se npill e r, Jeremy , 73, 187

I I l I 1


Howe ll , Jessica, 74 , 207

Ho well Jen, 235

Ho wes Barbara , 218

Hoy t Stacey, 50, 62, 72, 10 2, 141 , 152

ll udso n, Bryn, 118, 122, 167, 229

Hudson, Nico le, 207

Huds o n, Pa ul , 72, 207

Hugh es, Call ey, 167

Hull , J ill , 2 19

Hult Anth o ny, 207

Humphrey Ma rk, 13, 28, 167, 229

Hunt Am anda 207

Hurle y Eli sabeth , 152

Hu sse in of Jo rda n Ki ng, 39

Hutc hi so n, Chn sllna 187

Hut c hi so n, J en ni fer, 187

Hu tc.h ison, Sara, 187

Jo hn so n, Casey, 207

Jo hn so n, Chris topher, 207

Jo hnso n, Davi d, 14, 20, 112, 120, 179, 187, 192 , 232

Jo hn son , Ga rric k, 167

Johnson , Kri s tin , 74 77 92 93, 207

Joh nson, Mi chael , 58, 142 144, 15 2, 229, 259

Joh nson, Mind ell , 97, 207, 211

Johnso n, Ni cholas, 207

Jo hnso n, San dra, 13, 207

John son, Ste ph anie , 103 , 207

J ohn son, Ste ph anie, 187

J ohn so n, Wh itn ey , 93

Jo hn so n, Cli ffo rd , 142, 152, 250

Jo hnso n, Eri c , 230

Jo hnso n, J an, 220

Jo hn so n, Eri c, 259

J o hn s ton, April , 101, 207

J ohn s ton, Kat hryn , 99 , 167

Keil , Mic hael , 208

Ke ith , Lad o nna , 143, 152, 251

Kell enbenz , Jo hn, 104,220

Kell er , Am ber, 28, 69 , 188

Kell ey , Ca lvin , 75, 208

Kell ey Cli ffo rd 64 65, 167

Kelley, James, 65, 188

Kelley , Shann on , 3 2, 11 7, 11 8, 142, 152, 24 7, 251

Kelly , Ka c i, 18 8

Kel s o, Anna , 6, 27, 188

Kem le r, J effrey , 97, 208

Kemle r, Tamra , 142, 15 2

Kende ll , J oe l, 18, 72, 208

Ke nd e ll , Sara h, 57, 188

Ken ner, Ri c hard, 60, 142, 148, 152, 22 9

Kenton , C layto n, 18 8

Kenna ni, Paima n, Phot o not av a1l ab le

Kenn it the, Frog, 243

Kerr , Danie l, 142, 152, 25 2

Il ges, Albert 75 187

Ill Meli ssa 33 , 109 141 , 152, 250

Imer, Da vid 15, 104 167, 17 1

Im y Knstoph er, 16 7, 229

Ingram , Co re}' 228, 229

Isenberger, Brittany, 92, 93, 98 , 99 , 101 , 118, 127, 166 167

Iverso n, D1den ck, 220

Jo hn s to n, Sandra , 187

Join er, Vincent, 167

Jo nes , Eli ssa , 101 , 207

Jo nes , Fe li cia, 11 8, 126, 127, 167

Jo nes , Kerry , 73, 117, 207

Jo nes , Me li ssa, 187

Jo nes , Rebecca, 187

J ones, Sa mu e l, 188

JJo nes, Sea n, 152

Jo rg ense n, Bre tt , 167

Jo uett , Joa n, 219

Kerr ,Leah , 75, 76, 168

Kes kima ki, Sa nn1, 16, 58, 67, 83 , 118 , 123 , 168

Kess ler , Di ane , 82, 8 3, 21 9

Kettl ewe ll , Kim be rl y, 91 , 142, 152, 25 0

Ki bler, Da ni e l, 142, 152

Ki bler, Steve n, 143, 147, 152, 23 0

Ki ng, Ch ris top her, 143, 152

Kin g, David , 208

Kin g, Jared , 94

Kin g , Me li ss a , 188

Jackman J ay, 207

Ja ckman , Jefferey , 32, 141 , 15 2, 25 0

Jackson , Chad , Ph oto not avai lab le

Ja ckso n, l an , 26, 187

Jackson , Thoma s, 167

Jakahashi , Saman t ha , 15 1

Jame s, David , 207

Jame s, Elh o t, 167

Jani sc h Ja so n, 140

Jan sse n Me ss ina , 152

Jaque z , Daru s, 89, 167

Jarvi e Le sh e, 7 2, 187

Jarvi s, Leah , 141 , 152

Jeffrey s Chn s tophe r, 207

Jeffreys, S han no n, Photo not ava ila ble

Jenkin s, Jes s ica , 141, 152, 250

Jen nings, Mike , 55

Jensen , Kurt , 23 7, 238

Jeremy, Gabriel so n, 243

Johan sen , Jacque li ne , 25

Jo hn, Elt on , 38

John so n, Amber, 207

Johns on , Ange la, 27, 67 , 80 , 85, 141 , 152, 15 4, 243, 250, 261

Jo hn son, Brya n, 142, 152

Jowers, Dann y, 167

Juli an, S usa n, 220 Jump , Laurence, 208

Kin g, Shamus, 11 7, 15 3

Ki ng , Steve n, 8, 44 , 94, 143, 153

Ki ng horn , Moll y, 168

XKi nsey , Bob, 109, 221

J(j phard t, }(j rstin , 168 , 235

Kirlin , Kell y, 46, 143, 153 , 243, 25 2

Kaowthumro ng, Kh o mkrit , 19, 83 , 118, 122, 143, 152

Kap pes , Be njamin , 98, 99, 101 , 127, 142, 147, 152

Karp off, Gregory , 188

Karry , Dal e, Ph oto no t ava il a b le Kase l, J ess ica, 8, 58, 122, 127, 167,226, 229

Kas par, Matth ew, 25, 44 , 73, 117, 142 , 15 1, 152

Ka s par, Rya n, 228 , 229

Katze nberge r, Jill , 87, 11 8, 124, 125, 167 , 174 ,233

Kaufm an, Patri ck, 208

Ka y, Roxann e, 167,235,27 1

Keas ling , Sco tt , 13, 14 2, 152

Ke as ling , William , 208

Kea tin g, Meredith , 29, 67, 188

Keen ey , Jonathon , 73 , 208

Kl e in eide r, Mi chell e, 9, 30, 188

Kl ei ne1d er, J us tin, 16, 23 4

Kl imc hock, Kammi , 234

Klu g, Jo hn, 23 , 11 7, 2 19

Kn e pp e r, Nath an, 168

Kn oll , Ke ll ey, 122, 188

Kn owl es, Mart a , 272

Ko, Chih-k ai, 208

Koch is, Cheryl , 218

Koe hl er, Dougla s, 208

Koe hle r, Eric, 10 1

Koe l, Kevi n, 87, 111 , 16 8

Kolin , Laura, 6, 143, 153, 235 , 240, 25 1, 252

Kolin , Mark, 12, 44 , 168

Ko neg ni, J ames , 49, 168

Kopse r, C had , 234

Kos low, Vane ssa, 168

K.os tenn an , Zac hary , 97, 178 , 188

-------- -- ,~ ' - - - ) ·----= -
INDU -275

Kowal , Linda, 222

Krau s, Aly ss a, 120, 12 1, 188

Krengel , Erik, Photo not a va il abl e

Krone , Shana , 18 8

Krowne , Kelly , 8 1

Krtini ch, Darcy, 73

Krzy s te~ Arthur , 168

Krzy s tek , Ursula , 223

Kulle , Scott , 243

Kunter , Dian a, 20, 188 , 227

Kunter, Hedy , 6, 16 , 64, 75, 127, 188

Kunter, Ian , 82, 168

Kunze , Judith , 72, 197 , 188, 22 9

Kunze , Mi chelle , 58 , 143, 153, 240, 252

Kurtubi , Mina , 144, 153

Kurtubi , Rocky , 208

Ku s y, Ginny , 12, 94, 208, 21 2

Kuzmich , Quinn , 243

Kwietnew ski , Matthew , 168

Getting Recognition Mr D ick

B y rn e a nd M s Nan cy H a rd es t y d is tribut e ac ad e mi c a ward s t o u nd erclass m e n Th e ce re m o ni es w ere held befo re sch oo l i n th e facu ity lo unge fo r eac h of th e three classes

Decisions, Decisions Yearbook

layout ph o tos

Layman , Heidi , 11 8, 122, 168

Lee , Brandi, Phot o not avai lable

Lee , Jeffrey , 19 , 49 , 144, 153

Le e, Kenneth , 168

Lefevre , David , 208

Lefevre , Kenny , 18 9

Lefevre , Anne , 23 4

Leidi c h, Celes te , 11 , 72, 89

Le idi ch, Kari , 189

Lemmerman , Mi chelle , 101 , 208

Leonard , Ru ss ell , 208

Levitt , Jo s hua , 73, 80, 208

Lewi s, Brentley, Phot o n o t available

Leyshon, Jamie , 118, 131

Leyshon , Ja son , Ph o to not available

Lindberg , Camero n, 209

Lindberg , James, 18 , 81 , 91 , 143, 144, 153 , 240

Lind say , Charlotte, 222

Linsenbigler, Scott , 189

Lipstein , Ellen , 83, 118 , 122, 127 , 143 , 144, 153 , 25 3

Lundy , Christopher, Photo not available

Lu sk, Lind sey , 189 l

Luster , Amanda , 189

Macalady, Seth , 97 , 209

MMa ck, David, 24, 11 , 44, 169

Mackey , Erin , 190

Madela , Nelson , 38

Maguire, Molly , Photo not available

Mahajan , Manisha , 32, 118 , 119, 145 , 153

Maharas , Lynn , 19, 72, 97, 209

Mahara s, Mi chael, 97 , 122, 190, 192, 229

Mahonee,Tenaya , 97, 209

Mahoney , Kevin , 117, 128 , 129, 144, 153, 253

Maki, Carter, 153

Malhotra, Ruchi, 190

Malkrnus, Nikolas , 72, 112 , 113, 190

Mallow , Geoffrey , 44, 60,169, 229

Maloney, Shalun, Photo not available

Labella, Andrea , 18 8

Ladebue, Jonathan , 16 8

Lafferty , Michelle, 16 , 11 8, 168

Lahey , Ni cholas , 73, 101 , 208

Laird , Eri c, Photo n o t availabl e

Laman , Ja s on , 168, 174

Lamas ter , Brian, 144, 151

Landers, Steven , Photo not availabl e

Landry , Brice, 144 , 153

Landsittel , Ka cy, 188

Lane , Tim , 238

Lange , Gerda , 228, 229

Lanterman, Andrea , 16, 122, 189

Laro se, Chri s, 234

Larson, Matthew , 72, 208

Lars on , T. Burke, 10, 189

La s ka , Wayne , 223

Laue , Jeremy , 148

Lauwers, Cariss a, 26, 66, 67 , 79, 159 , 168

Lauwers , Mark , 28, 97, 208

Lavington , Mark , 144, 147, 153


276- GUID~

Lo , James , 97, 189

Lockley , Peter, Photo n o t available

Logan, Sara , 67

Lohani , Manit , 120, 189

Long, Andrew , 189

Long , Cody, 73 , 209

Lo seman , Erik , 75, 122 , 189

Lo seman , Monica, 231 , 237 , 239

Louis, Ms ., 122

Low, Nicholas , Photo not available

Low , Patti , 223

Lowe , David , 145 , 153, 243 , 253

Lowe , Emily, 95 , 168

Lowe , Nathan , 32, 145 , 148, 153

Loyd , Matt, 13 , 22, 44, 229

Lucas, Ryan , 168

Luca s, Susan , 101 , 209

Lucio , Antonio, 169

Luft , Chri stine , 235

Luk , Gary , 169

Lundhagen, James , 189, 229

Maltempo, Marcu s , 209

Manchen , Joseph, 190

Mangan, Daniel, 209

Manley , Matthew, 58 , 169

Marceca , Linda, 223

Maren , Chris tine , 73, 199

Maren , Jenny, 234, 239

Mares, Michael , 159

Marino, Cristina, 198

Markovchick , Natasha , 9, 14, 17 , 33, 67, 83 , 89, 118 , 131 , 145 , 153,240,251, 259

Marquardt , Shane, 91 , 107, 190

Marsh, Amie, 139, 145, 153, 253

Marsh , Mindi , 190

Marshall , Bryan, 32, 145 , 153

Marshall , Erin, 169

Marshall, Troy, 190

Martin , Andrew, 209

Martin , Cassie , 209

Martin , Craig, 3, 20, 27, 48 , 49, 81, 83, 129 , 145 , 153, 236, 240,254

e d i t o r s Jamie Burk e, K a th e rine Sa und e r s, M ic h e ll e Tu c k e r and Co urtne y Sasa try to d ecid e o n th e best


Martin, Daniel , 190

Martin Donald , 98, 99, 101 , 15 1

Martin , Ames, 169

Martin, Valene , 190

Martin , Tim , 192

Martinez, Andrew 169

Martinez, Jennifer, 106, 169

Martinez Ryan , 190

Martinez, Sergio, 11 '3 181, 190

Martinez, John , 100, 140

Mataya, Marty , 74

Mataya Nathan , 5, 7, 60, 89, 118 , 119, 122 , 169.232

Matt s, John , 60, 169

Matlock , Daniel , 3 4, 35, 54, 55, 80, 83, 86, 87, 91 , 99.117, 118,, 136,145,153, 226 243 254

Mattox , Laurey. Pho to not available

Mattox. Tatum 25, 33, 46 , 47, 118, 145, 153,237,240,247 254

Matzke, Sean, Ph oto not ava il ab le

Matzk e, Sean , 192

Maupin , Matthew, 105 ,

Maupin, Pat, 2 18

May, Larry , 75

McBnde, Rebekah , 169

McCall Ja so n, 190

Mccauley Bridget, 11, 209

Mccay, Devin , 145

Mc co llum , Michell e,

McCullough, Ashley, 234

McDaniel , Kell y, 57, 97, 100, 209

McD ermand, Cynthia, 101

McGaffey , WJlham 190

McGill, Jeremiah, 210

McG1nn1s, Joe, 94, 222

McGuane, Sarah , 8, 80, 91 , 122, 169

Mcguire, Stacey, 7, 11 , 56, 57, 169

Mc irvin , Stephen , 243

McKam ey, Tia, 190

Mc Murtry , James , 30, 169, 229

Mc Murtry , R1chelle , 58, 122, 190, 229

McNa, Courtney, 6, 22, 23, 87, 116 , 124, 125 , 169

Mc Ph ate, Jennifer, 169

McPhateJ r, Robert , 190

McReynolds, Renee, 101

McTeer, Jamie , 11, 74, 210

McWilliams, Katherine , 190

Mead , Bradl ey, 190

Meder, Silke, 72, 145 , 153

Medrano, Adam, 210

Mee,Sara,33,57 , 145,153

Meehan, Netl, 14, 25, 33, 44, 45 , 146, 243

Menapace, Danielle, 210

Menapa ce, Dann, 28, 48 , 49 , 60, 61, 97,

118, 169

Meri l-Shoener, Heather, 95, 214

Meyer, Eryn, Ph oto not available

Michael , Payton , 73, 178, 190, 230

Micke, Sharon, 19, 71, 118, 159, 169, 174, 229

Miller, Adam, 75, 2 10

Miller, Amanda, 146

Miller, Angela, Photo not available

Miller, Casey, 210

Miller , Chad, 210

Miller , Charles, 169

Miller , Chri s topher, 97, 170

Mill e r, Cody, 102, 170

Mill er, Eric , 147 , 153

Miller , Jeannie, 6, 22, 23, 34, 35, 86, 87, 116 , 163,170

MillerJr, Raymond, 118, 170

Mill s, Tyrone , Photo not available

Milner, Lauren , 29, 101

Misra , Anuska, 210

Misra, Ri shi, 210

Mitchell , Tyler, 170

Miyo shi, Akiko , 74, 102, 170

Mol es, Joshua,52,53, 75,181,191

Mon ckt on,Jo hn , 7, 10 ,33, 44, 132, 146, 153 , 229

Monckton, Micha el, 44, 73, 191 ,229

Mon son, Ja so n, 170

Mont ana, Rac hel, 19, 28, 68, 69 , 89, 191

Montesano, Corinna, 17, 147, 148 , 15 3,254

Montgo mery , Matth ew, 30, 92, 93 , 191

Montgo mery , Mi c ha el, 7, 14, 17 , 54, 55, 88,89, 146,153 ,25 4,25 9

Montplai s in , Paul , 223

Mo odie, Ra che l, 20, 122 , 127

Moo n, Heather , 16, 75, 170

Moo n, Tiffany , 46

Mo o ney , Peter, 52, 53, 191

Mo o re , Fermina , Ph o to n ot available

Mora es, Ricardo , 72, 146, 153

Morehe ad, Tobin, 146, 153

Moreno , Christina, 210

Morgan , Ryan , 191

Morrell-shoene , Heath er, Morris , Mitch ell , 170

Morri s, Tames ha , Ph oto n ot available

Morri s, Ja so n, 191

Morri s, Mi ssy, 231

Morri son, Christopher, 11 , 191

Morrow , Shane, 46 , 47 , 103, 147, 153, 243, 254

Motes , Daniel , Phot o not available

Mote s, Lavena , 210

Mudd , Corey, 210

Mulvihill , Bethany, 58, 191

Mundt , Jodi, 50 5 1, 163 170

Mun oz, Sandra, Ph oto not available

Munyon , Haley, 210

Murdock , Keala , 5, 27, 58, 66, 67, 127, 159,170,228,229

Murd ock , Joe,221

Murphy , Bethany , 50, 170

Murphy , Bnan , 52, 191

Murray , Joel , 226

Myers , Brett , 3, 14, 19, 90, 91, 118, 122, 146, 14 7, 153, 236,

Myers , Carrie, 62, 63 , 82, 11 8, 122, 170

Myers , Ja so n, 73, 75,210

Myers , Tracy, 101 , 184 , 191

Myers, Roger , 221, 222

Nakata, Steve, 50

NaranJo , Elton , 223

Nathanson , Johanna , 229

Nation s, Sandy, 109, 127, 2 19

Natzke , Paige, 101 , 210

Neal , Steven, Phot o not avai labl e

Nee, Will iam, 54, 55, 191, 232

Needham , Justin , 72, 108, 127, 191

Nel so n, Boyd, 22, 83, 86, 87, 98 , 99, 116, 146 , 153

Nel son, Jan et, 191

Nel so n, Joel, 26, 73, 75, 99, 101 , 198 , 210

Nel so n, Linnea , 210

Nel so n, Zachariah, 73, 2 10

Nel son , Gina , 58, 228, 229

Nelson, Kri s tina , 191

Neukirchner , Karen , 101 , 116, 11 7, 210

Newcomm , Arny, 146 , 153, 254, 25 6

Newcomm , Connne, 210

Newell , Trisha, 211

Newhart-Niaves, Teres a, 16, 211

Newland , Je ss ie , 211

Newman, Mi chae la, 16, 191

Newton , Sir Issac, 126

Neyra , Har old , 49 , 146, 153 , 255

Nguyen, Minh , 191

Nguyen , Nhan , 170

Niave s, Teresa , 101

Nichols , Ca rrie , 117 , 170, 171

Nickell, Gu s, 65

Nickerson, Cof1', 117 , 170

Nielsen, Ca rl , 166 , 170, 232

Nobel , Tacey , 233

Noffsinger , Aaron , Photo not available

Nordstrom , Todd , 18 , 28, 32, 44 , 89, 139, 146 , 148 , 15 3,229

Noriega , Selena , 144

Norris, Angela , 235

• •-
' -·-..,
INDU - 277

Norri s, James, Photo no t available

Nowak, Jessica, 221

Nuanes , Jeremy, 170 , 171, 274

Nyholm , J onat han, 153 0

O'Co nn er, Du sty , 259

O'Dorisio, Mark , 16, 170

O'Doris 10, Mike , 107 , 222

O' Hara, Chad, 146, 153 , 255

O'Ne il , Sean, 211

O'Nei l, Gail, 117 ,222

O'Nei ll , Tara, 62, 74, 93 , 211

O'Riley, Matthew, 191

OBrie n, Jos eph , 44 , 147, 153

Offe rso n, Du s tin , Ph o to not avai lable

O lgui n, Ezekiel, Ph oto not availab le

Olsen, Jess ica, 72, 151 , 242

Olso n, Amy , 101 , 2 11

Olson, Anna , 83,127, 170,17 1,235

Olson, Maren, 158, 171

Olso n, Travi s, 54, 55, 147 , 148, 153,255

Omara, Kelli , 72, 198, 211

Omer, Abdullah , 72

Orand, Jennifer, 94, 171

Orand, Je remy , 171

Orihue la, Anth o ny , 191

Osgood, Mi chae l, 83, 122, 123 , 126, 127, 184, 191

Os heroff, Kelly , 171

Out land, Br ian, 91 , 107, 147 , 153

Overgaard, Apnl , 33, 132, 147 , 153, 255, 25 6

Overturf, Erin , 97 , 211

Owen , Kathryn , 68, 69 , 113 , 118 , 166 , 171 p

Page, Amie , 25, 101 , 21 1

Page, Ja so n,99, 178

Pal anu k, Peter, 73, 21 1

Palen, Ja cob, 211

Palm er , David , 3 1, 44 , 73, 163, 17 1

Palm er, Jona than , 14 , 30

Palm er, Meli ssa, 147, 153 , 255

Palmer, Meli ssa A., 93 , 192

Palm e r, Sarah , 11 , 26, 28, 67, 2 11

Panze r, Jim , 22 1

Para nh os, Al essa ndra , Ph o t o no t availab le

Parfet, Je nnifer, 89, 211

Parfet, Ryan , 147, 153, 255

Parker, Charlotte , 31 , 46, 192

Park e r, Juli e, 3 1, 46 , 47 , 192

Park er, Shane, 10, 44 , 132, 148, 153,229


278- GUID~

Parker, Shawn, Phot o not avai l able

Parrott, April, Ph oto not available

Pascha ll , Tina , Photo not availab le

Pas la y, Nicholas , 11 7, 118, 171

Patterson , Mo ll y, 192

Patton , Valerie, 25, 46 , 47 , 192

Pau lse n, Kevin, 171

Peacock, Ju stin, 97 , 211

Pearse, Ca rri e, 50, 51, 118 , 171

Pearso n, Emily, 238

Pease, Rebecca, 139 , 148,153 , 171

Peters, Christine, 97, 171

Peters, Teresa , 97, 211

Peters, Tamm ie, 122, 219

Pe tersen , Aaron , 143, 148 , 153 , 237, 255

Petersen , Kelsey, 58, 115, 120, 121 , 192

Peterse n, Mi c hel , 171

Peterson, J oshua, Phot o no t availab le

Peterso n, Ali so n, 231

Petro, Dan , 44

Ph am, Hu y, 192

Phillips, J osep h, 148, 153

Phill ips, Edmund , 148, 237

Pi ckard , Robe rt , 192

Picon, Rache l, 103 , 211

Pi ekars ki , John, 113 , 172

Pierce, Mi chae l, 14 3, 148, 153 , 229

Pi erce, Nicholas, 192

Pi etrzyk, Cheryl , Ph oto no t available

Pik e, Zachary , 64 , 65 , 192

Pike, Zebulon , 148, 153 , 255

Pineau , J o n, 14,58, 116, 117, 192,229

Pin ea u, Robe rt , 58, 75, 2 11

Pin o, Gilberta , 192

Pitt , Am and a, Ph o to not ava il ab le

Piwon ka , Philip, 128 , 2 11

Pl att, Ethel, 218

Po irier, Mi sty , 101 , 193

Po litte, Robi n, 93 , 211

Politt e, Ted, 72, 184, 193

Poni cs an, Eric , 193

Pope, Jo ao,3 1, 72,2 11

Po pe ,Leo nardo ,3 1, 48,49 , 172,211

Po rter , Broo k, 49 ,83,88, 89, 118 , 135, 149, 153,256

Porter, Erin , 73 , 97 , 2 12

Pos pi si l, Bill , 44 , 73, 229

Poveda , Lind a, 222

Powell , Julie , 193

Powell, Mark , Phot o no t available

Powell , Matthew , Phot o no t availab le

Powell , S hawn , 91 ,2 12,2 17

Powe rs, Kelly , 101 , 111 ,17 1, 172

Pranatis, Simon, 49

Pray, Jonathan , 29, 11 8, 122, 172

Preise r, Diana, 233

Prenti ce, Tany a, 105, 149, 153

Pres tia-schaub , Kathryn , 96, 97, 193

Pres to n, Jennifer, 127 , 172

Price , Phyllis, 111, 222

Prig el, Tri sha , 11 8, 126, 127 , 172

Prince, Rebecca , 107 , 193

Proctor , Lind sey, 149, 153

Proctor , Stacey, 212

Pro nechen, William , 27 , 212

Protz, J os hua , 193

Purvi s, Rob ert, 172

Purv is, Becky, 237

Putka, Bob,83,2 19

Puttm ann , Derek, 193

Py le , Shannan , 20, 26

QQueen , Zachary, 60 , 77, 193

Queneau , Paul , 229, 259

Quintana , Tiffany , 227

Quirk, Mo lly , 101 , 11 7, 212

Quirk, Carol , 218

Qureshi , Davi d, Ph o to not avai lable

Rabin , Yitzhak , 39

Ramlet , Matthew , 172

Rand , Jenn ifer , 28, 148, 153

Randall , Dan , 229, 232, 239

Rappmund , Peter, 120 , 128 , 212

Rasco n, Lydi a, 33, 57 , 149 , 153 , 226,243, 256

Ra sco n, Maria , 57 , 74, 189, 193 ,229

Ratz , Katy , 67, 93 , 193

Rawlings, Mi chelle , 193

Raw so n, Timothy, 18, 97 , 11 7,2 12

Reed, Jennifer, 19 , 72, 2 12

Reed , Nicole, Ph o to not available

Reed , Melissa, 72

Reher, Adena , 97

Reher , Duk e, 97

Reichwein , Krista , 149 , 153

Reinecker, Jill , 193, 256, 257

Reinecker, Kelly, 79, 149, 153 , 25 6, 257

Remigio, Charmon ieux , 212

Reynebeau , Jennifer, 149 ,153,243,257

Reynold s, Ally so n, 62, 63, 84 , 107 , 118, 172,235

Reynold s, Billie, 93 , 193

Reynolds , Jennifer , 8 , 26, 101 , 102, 212

Reynolds , Michael, 99, 101

Rickard , J ennifer, 7, 19, 96, 97 , 108 , 193

Ri c kard , Stephanie, 3, 7, 118 , 122, 123, 136, 147,149, 153

Ridgew ay, Lewis , Photo not avai l a b le

Ridl , Chri s ta, 212

Ridp at h, J o nathan, 75 , 85 , 212

Ridp ath , J us tin 163. 172

Riedel , Ca m e, 149, 256 25 7

Ri edel, Will ia m, 213

Riggs, J ess ica, 67, 144. 149 , 153, 243 , 257

Ri g trup , Reid, Photo not availabl e

Rillo s, Joe, 60

Rill os, Ma tth ew , 12, 44, 45 , 60, 6 1, 83, 172,229

R1ndt , J od y, 72, 105 , 21 3

Rindt , Keith , 101, 213

Ri s ner, Ell en, Phot o not avai lab l e

Ris ner, He nry, 73, 172, 229

Roberts, Cha rl ie , 193

Roberts , Cliff, 94, 172

Robert s, Greg, 172

Ro berts, Di c k, 223

Ro bert son, Kyle, 149, 243

Rob ertso n, Maso n, 172 -

Robi e, Ma tth ew , 75 , 110, 172

Robin so n, Kn s ty, 68, 69, 107 , 193

Rob uck, J ames , 193

Rodm an, Joh n, 10 1,213

Rodn guez, Tam1 , 8, 11 , 19, 74, 107, 172,235

Rodrig uez , Ca rl , 237

Rogers, Andrew , 73 , 75 , 198, 2 13

Rogers , Ma tth ew, 8, 27, 193

Rogers, Ste ph en, 149, 153, 240

Ro ik , Cra ig, 193

Rome, Kara , 62, 63 , 172, 177

Ro me , Th oma s, 60, I 94

Ro mer, Roy, 37

Romer, Bea , 37

Roo d, Ma rc, 72, 73, 75, 102,213

~ oo d,S hann on, 194

Rosa les, Des ir ee, 101

~ ose, Amand a, 172

Rosen thal , Ez ra, 73, 213

Rose r, Brad , Ph oto not av ail a bl e

Rot hman , Diana , Ph oto not a va ilabl e

Roy, Mi chae l, 2 13

Roze ll e, Chri s toph er , 72, 75, 97, 2 13

Pit P eople A v an ely of G HS stude nlS ga th er each day 1n lh e s mok ing area call ed th e pit Th is po li cy of a ll ow in g s tude nts to tec hni ca lly leave camp us dum 1ng access s11rred much con troversy and debate

Computing C reatively Sen ior Co dy Cross works on a g raph ics ass ignmen t o n a comput e r in Mr Ron Fi nell i's Macintos h lab During th e year GHS developed anoth e r Powe r Macin tos h lab in t he li b rary an d co nnected for the first t ime to the Internet

Ru iz , Yve tt e , 2 13

Ruml ey , Mega n, 57, 93

Ruml ey , Shane, 73 , 80

Ru mley , Shann a, 11 1, 172

Ru sc h, Steve , 220

Ru s k, Brando n, Ph oto not ava il able

Russe llII , Kyle, Photo not avai l ab le

Rya n, Ca th erine, 150, 153

Rya n,E rin , 97, 11 7, 213

Ryerso n, Ma rk, 6, 15, 147, 150, 153

Sc hl ic ht , Chris tina, Ph oto not ava ilabl e

Sc hl iema n, Jurge n, 73 , 194

Sc hl oe mer, Di ane, 223

Schm id t, Ia n, 55 , 213

Schm id t, Jul ia , Photo not av a ilable

Schm id t, Miran da, 213

Sch midt , Shire Jl e, 173 , 227

Sc hmidt , Steven , Photo not a vailab le

Sc hmi dt , Ti ffany, 192

Schmidt , Ti ffany , 97

5Sc hm ied , Da niel, 173

Sc hn ase , Kelh , 28, 50 , 136, 147 , 150, 15 3, 233,258

Sab in , Sa in i, 83, 101, 213

Sachd eva, Mon1k a, 122, 194

Sacry , Dale, 75 , 194

Saind on, Andr ea , 100, 101 , 198, 2 13

Salaberri a, Hode i, Ph oto not ava il ab le

Sa lg , Lu cas, 97

S am ple, Kenn eth , 173

San che z, Kari n, 101 , 150, 153

San de rs , Brian , 58, 194, 229

Sa nd e rs, Chri s ta, 99 , 140, 148, 15 1, 257

Sa nd ova l, Mitchell , 122, 213

Sa ndt , Charl es , 44, 173, 229

Sant , Marj ie, 82, 120, 121, 122 , 189, 194

Sa ntilli , Lu cas , 72, 158, 173

Sasa, Courtn ey, 3, 62, 93 , 11 8 , 15 0, 153 , 235,23 6,240,243, 258, 27 6

Saunders , Kath erin e, 92, 93, 97, 109 , 112 , 15 0, 153,258,276

Savo ie , Kell y, 19, 2 13

Savo ie, Sa ra, 194

Sawye r, Heath er, 6, 11 , 33, 46, 47, 62, 103, 11 8, 148, 150, 153,235,258

Saxt on, Kri s tin , 2 13

Sca rd ello , Rocco, 15 1, 153

Sc haefer, Amb er, 72, 120

Sc hafer, Tammie, Ph oto no t ava il abl e

Schalhamer, Di ck, 8 0, 115 , 120, 127

Schenck , Cry s tal, 14, 110, 173

Schi elman , St eve, 15 0, 232, 240

Sc hiffman , Sarah , 101

Schimn e is ter, Karla , 101 , 15 0, 153, 258

Sch neid er, Elizabe th , 213

Sc hn eid er, Matth ew, 91

Sc hneide r, Brya n, 230 , 239

Sc hoe nb o rn , Li sa, 194

Sc ho les, Ed , 80, 220

Schossow , Ap nl , 10, 70, 7 1, 99, 100, 101 , 118,159 , 173

Sc how, Brand on , 194 , 232

Schowe rgerdt , John, 22 6

Schr eine r, J onath an, 72 , 122, 194

Sc hre in er, Mi cha el, 120, 2 14

Sc hrein er, Randy , 62, 74, 76

Sc hr oed e r, J effr ey, 2 4, 173

Schroe der,S teph en, 58 , 83, 97, 1 18 , 173

Sc hultz , Bobbi , 83, 21 4

Schultz , Greg ory, 12, 13, 44, 131 , 139 , 150, 153 , 258

Sc hwe ttman , J asso n, 73 , 75, 101 , 198 , 21 4

Schw e ttm an, Rya n, 100, 15 0, 153

Schymik , Henn ing, 173

Sco tt , Bel en, 173

Sco tt , Tiffa ny, 2 14

Sco tt , Bobby , 13, 166

Scull y, Marsa, Ph oto not ava il abl e

Sea baugh , Aaro n, Ph oto no t ava il able

Sea bau g h, Ad am, 173

Sea kan, Rena e, 20, 214

Seges man, Aaron, 151 , 153, 237

Self, Dan a, 2 12, 2 14

Sext on, Am anda ,83,21 4

----____ ., ,-
IND~X - 279 ·-· --· - " ·- -

Seymour, Adam, 73, 214

Shadleu, Layla , 226, 238

Shafer, Eric, 151, 153 , 243, 253

Shaner, Denise, 99 , 101 , 118, 124, 125 , 173, 174

Shanfe lt , Demck, 15 3

Shanks, Jessamyn , 14, 58, 97, 214

Sharp, Lowell , 122 219

Shaw, Kellilee , 101

Shaw, Stephanie, 93 , 101 , 2 14

Shaw, Jason , 173

Shelton, Torrey , 74, 116, 117 , 212, 214

Shenfish,Stephen,33, 151 , 153 ,258

Sherman, Erwin , 194

Shields, Travis, 73, 194

Shirk, Zachary, 52, 75, 212, 214

Shoemaker, Le , 223

Shoemaker, Brian, Phot o not available

Shuey, Shannon, 122,21 4

Shus ter, Jennifer, 214, Sidwell , Dave, 44

Siegesmund, Carlyn, 10, 19 , 23, 34, 90, 91 , 122,123,127,153,259

Silvey, Andrew , 16 , 181 , 194

Simmon s, Steven, 28, 75, 199

Simmons, Todd , 163, 173

S impson, OJ , 38

Simpson, Nicole , 38

Singleton, Rex , 24, 214

Six , Nicole , 173

Six, Tiffany, 214

Ska l a, Donald , 91, 99 , 101

Skelton, Shannon , Pho to not available

Skimmyhorn, Mi chael, 122 , 194

Skwara, Joanna , 15, 173

Smay, Erik, Photo not availab le

Smith , Alisha , 173

Smith, Carrie, 72, 93 , 194

Smit h, Christine, 72, 173 , 229

Smit h, Deanna-mari , 84, 214

Smith, Drew , 20, 44, 73, 194

Smi th , Elizabeth , 173

Smith, Erica, 97, 120, 214

Smith , Jennifer, 151, 153

Smith , Jo s hua , 101 , 140, 147 , 151 , 153

Smith , Katie , 117, 194

Smith , Nichola s, Photo not available

Smith, Nicole , 3 0, 127 , 174

Smith , Ryan , 194

Smith , Elaine, 220

Snidow , Jeramy, 98 , 99, 174

Snyder, Sara , 91 , 194

Solano, Patri ck, 28, 214

Sorensen, Wendy , 151,153

Sparks, Jaso n, Phot o not availab le Spa rks , TT'tf 39

2s0- GUID~

Spear, Bnanne, 117,215

Speir, Ashley, 33, 15 3, 154

Spraggs, Andrew , 234

Sprague,Joshua, 195

Springer, Randell , Stahl, Antoin e, 60, 77, 227

Stahl, Natalie , Ph oto not available

Stahmer, Luke , 195

Standley, Katherine , 174

Stanton, Kelly , 118, 135 , 153 , 154

Stattman, Erik, 118 , 147 , 153 , 154

Steele, Kindra , 75, 181 , 184 , 195

Stein, Sarah, 118 , 153 , 154, 240, 259

Steinert, Christy, 154

Steinert, Jennifer , 174

Steinke, Du s tin , Photo not available

Steketee, Steven , 195, 232

Stellers, Roger, 13 , 28, 122, 195

Stengel, Don , 230

Sterner, Jeremiah , 7, 20, 147 , 153 , 154

Stillwell , Skyler, 16, 48 , 49 , 166, 174

Stock,Morgan, 153,154

Stock, Travis , 174

Stokes, Martha , 174

Stokes, Tamsen,5,58,59, 74, 77,93,215

Stokes, Bob, 60 , 222

Stone, Danielle, 50, 153 , 155, 259 , 272

Stone, Lara , 174

Stone,Shane, 161 ,2 15

Stookey ,Co urtney, 100 , 155

Storms, Eric, 24, 174

Stover, Jennifer, Photo not avai l able Stow, Peter, Photo not available

Stratto n, Du s tin , 65

Stratton, Melissa, Photo not availab l e Stratton , Mrs ., 259

Strickland, Jamie , 72, 181 , 189, 195

Struck, Co ll ee n, 101 , 174

Sti.issy , April, 174

Sti.issy , Clinton , 215

Sumner, Joy , 25, 30, 70 , 71, 80, 89, 148 , 153 , 155 ,23 1, 240,,25 1,260

Suszczyk , Sarah, 195

Sutton , Craig, 14, 44 , 73, 174

Swa la , Crys tal , 20, 69, 195

Swanson, Laurel, 215

Swanso n, Severine, 83 , 120, 121 , 122 , 195

Swanson , Coac h, 229

Sweet, Tom , 222

Sweet, Mars ha , 222

Swift, Patri ck, 175

Szabo Jr, Paul , 7, 73 , 215

Takahishi, Samantha, 153

Tarum , Kellee , 68 , 69, 195

Tate, Paul, 175 , 23 0

Tavenner, Tiffany , 195

Taylor, Kevin , 215

Taylor, Nathan , 82, 153 , 154

Taylor, Zachary , Photo not available

Tembo , Maria, 195

Tembo, Mkonda, 229

Tena , Eric , 54, 55

Therriault , Ryan , Photo not available

Thomas, Andrew , 184, 195

Thomas , Matthew , 27, 97, 128, 153 , 155 , 160

Thoma s, Shonnine, Photo not available

Thomas, Tracie, 11 , 215

Thomas, Tri sha , 30, 175

Thompson, Emily, 73, 89,199,215

Thomp so n, Jacob, 44, 73, 175

Thompson , Mi chele, 153, 155, 260

Thompso n, Troy , 195

Thurman , Stephanie, 195

Tietsort , Amelia , 29, 72

To , Mary , 159 , 175

Tomaska, Troy , 175

Tommer, Nathan , 28, 175

Tortora, Sabrina , 21 , 57, 77, 192, 195

Tripp , Riley , 158 , 175

Tripp , Dana , 153, 155

Trost , Keri , 58, 67 , 153 , 155 , 228, 229, 247

Troxell , Bill , 97

Tucker,Amanda , 195

Tucker, Cynt hia , 97 , 215

Tucker, Mi chelle, 92, 93 , 108 , 175, 276

Tucker , Melinda , 239

Tuffin , Ann ,28,8 1, 215

Tulchin, Orion, 195

Turgeon,Amy , 67, 153,155,233

Turner, Aaron, 19, 48 , 49, 60 , 175

Turner, Alex, 226

Turner, Au stin, 6, 73, 76, 215

Turner , Courtney , 33, 153, 155, 260

Turner, Hilary, 99, 100, 175

Turner, Kathy , 11 , 212, 215

Turner, Melissa , 122, 215

Turnwall , Heather, 28, 50, 72 , 89, 215

Ty ler, Jo s hua , 196 u

Ulander, Nathaniel , 196

Unger, Monica, Photo not available

Urban, Gregory , 153

TUrioste , Antoinett , 227

Urquijo , Petina , Photo not availab le

Tafoya , Dusty, 28, 175

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Valenzuela, Mario, 215

Vance, Judith 141, 218, 238, 239

Vanderla an Ken , 80, 220

Vandu yn, Luke, 153, 155

Vangundy, Bnttany, 89

VanMeter Anna, 89,115,120,121 124, 196

VanWoen se l, Luke , 52, 53, 212, 215

VanWoensel Traci, 122, 196

Varga s, Mau , 223

Varvens ,G rant, 12 13 44, 45 , 60,61 , 139 , 153, 155, 230

Varv ens, Nikki, 74, 76, 89, 179, 196

Velasque z, Bryan, 73, 100, 215

Vensor Tony, 11,100 196

Verardi , Heath er, 178, 196

Verbeck, Joel, 52, 60, 196

Verbeck, Sara , 8 1 J 53, 155, 243, 260

Vermdhon Chnstian 196

Versaw Kristen, 58 59, 66, 67, 189, 196, 228,229

Verser Macandrew , 44, 175, 22 9

Vetter Ronda , 21 S

Vierke , Enka, 74, 196, 233

Vigil Chnstopher, Vigil Marc, Ph o to not available

Vigil , Rodney 75, 215

Vigil Troy , 153, 156

Vis, Enc, 216

Voag Kelly , 20, 196

Voit, James, 196

Vona,PooJa,83,89, 120,122,124, 196

VWarren , Mi chael , 175

Watldn s, Deborah , 216

Wats on, Raymond, 196

Watts , James, 175

Webb , Alan , 11 , 128 , 129 196


Webb , Stuart, 11 ,2 16

Weber , Mtke , 223

Web ster, Dale, 83, 199, 216

Webster, Jamie , 111 , 176

Weinell , Ed , 222

Weingardt , Carrie, 176

Wein stei n, Eric, 98 , 99, 101 , 220

Wei s haupl , David, 58 , 196

Welch , Brand on, 176

Wellen siek, Bryan, 94, 197

Well s, Brianna, 72

Well s, Larry, 223

Welton, Dianna , 153, 156

Welton , Karen , 197

Wendling , Adam , 161

Wendt , Kris tina , 197

Wengroviu s, Emily, 197

Wengroviu s,Jo hn , 117, 118 , 153, 157,260

We stby, Brenda , 15, 101 , 153, 156, 259, 261

We s tby , Kimberly, 101, 216

Wheeler , Tiffanie, 176

White, Jayme, 95, 197

White , Laura , 58, 122, 126, 127, 176, 228, 229, 271

White , Ryan , 58, 126, 127, 216

White , Tamara , 70, 75 , 76 , l 97

Whitfield , Christy , 101 , 176

Whitford , Erin, 17 , 33,117, 118, 119, 148, 153, 156, 233,261

Whiting , Curtis , 153 , 156 , 240, 261

Whitmore , Heidi , 212, 216

Wil son, Rocky, 230

Winch1p , Co urtney , 227

Winge r, Justin , 216

W1nkJ epleck, Eugene, 171

Win ston Stacey. 80. 91, 176

Witt , Hayley, 176

Wobbrock, Ryan , 216

Wolf, Jill, 197 , 227

Wolf, Sandra , 72, 176

Wolf, Sarah, 197, 235

Wolfrum , Daron , 158, 176

WollnerJr , Robert , 153, 156

Wo rd , Megan , 11 , 19 ,57,216

Worley , Travi s, 101

Worobey , Katherme , 197

Wos k, Rachel , 20,216

Wozni ck, Donald , 216

Wnght , Adnanne , 100, 101, 217

Wright , Beth , 122, 197

Wnght, Patn cia , Phot o not avadable

Wn ght, Nathan, 153

Wri ght, Randall, 176

Wright , Terri , Phot o not avai labl e

Wuerth , Kelly , Photo not available

Wunderl ich, Kiandra , 57

Wund erlich, Jane , 218

Wurtenb erger, Jessica , 46, 47 , 86, 176

Wyant , Kari, 95 , 118, 153 , 156

Wager, Jessica, 33, 85, 132, 148, 153, 156, 240,260

Waggoner, Joshua , 65, 175

Wagner, Jethro, 58, 196

Wagner Leaf, 256

Wagner, Matthew , 153 , 156

Wagner, Michelle, 94 , 153 , 157

Wah), Li s a, 62, 74, 103, 222

Walker, Corina, Photo not available

Walker, Joshua, 158, 175

Wallace , Jacob, 196

Wallenta, Ja so n, 48, 49, 153, 156

Wallenta, Kn stopher, 65

~alltn, Craig, 156, 261

Walter, Roshelle , 26, 175

Walters, Nicholas , 73, 75, 97, 216

Walton, Matthew, 75, 196

\' 1altz, Amanda, 86, 87, 175

Wan, Kenneth, 216

Ward , Shayden , 18,44,65 , 89, 175 , 229

Whitmore , Jeremy, 197

Whitney , Rana , 216

Whittekiend , Lynn , 223

Wieber, Adam , 44, 45 , 73 , 197

Wieber, Shaine, 28 , 33, 44, 45, 128, 129, 153,156 , 261

Wilcox , Marilyn , 56, 57, 103, 221 , 231

Wilk, Whitney, 101 , 216

Wi l kerson , Myron, Ph oto not available

Willafordli , Timothy , Photo not available

Williams, Bob, 171, 176

Williams, Brett, 176

William s, Carley, 19, 26, 72, 85, 216

Wi ll iam s, Drew, 216

Williams , Bob, 220

Willis , Phillip, 108 , 197

Willman, Daniel, 122, 176

Wilson , Anastasia , 101, 216

Wilson, Heather, 13 , 72, 197

Wi lson, Michael , Photo not available

Yaffe , Karen, 197

Yagnich , , 234

VYamagu chi, Nasuhiko , 43, 65 , 153, 157

Yang , David , 111 , 117, 176

Yanz, Jerry , 222

Yamo, Angelika , 158, 159, 176

Yosha, Jason , 17, 153, 15 7

Young, John , 197

Younger , Jo seph, 153 , 157

You ngman , Gene , 222

Yu , Lan , 176

Zach, Laura , 220

zZachrison, Stephanie, 25 , 197

Zaharias, Andrew , 10, 12 , 44, 45 , 148 , 153 , 157

Zaharias , Laura , 75, 76 , 107, 176

Zahrte, Jeremy , 87, 153, 157, 26 1

Zens, Breanne, 199, 217

Zens , Holly, 176

Zhang, Joy , 9, 118, 127,153,157

Ziegler, Kimberly , 50, 72, 158, 159

Ziegler, Meagon , 101 , 217

I I- - -
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IND~X -28 1 -· ~ __ ,. ··--· ---


Hey you' I just wanted to say " job well done " to a ll you II eage r " yearbook s taffe r s, who made thi s book what itis the be s t! Even though it wasn ' t easy to put up with all th e h ass l e, (and each ot h er most o f the time) , and even when things didn ' t get done, some people helped out to make everythin g go well; proving th e theory that it tak es more than o n e t o pu s.r the fat lady over the cliff, or it take s two to tango , or you ge t the idea! Fooling yo ur unexpected friends to take th e class, sayi ng it's easy and even fun, is always a way to brighten your day; so th a t yo u ca n h ave so m eo n e to goof off with when th e editors aren ' t looking Yearbook is always a way t o ge t your th oug ht s and ideas, and yes, eve n your friends int o it. Right o n! Now for the mushy stuff; Jamie , all though you may n o t agree, you will always WlN!!!! Just kidding! Matt, It 's just you and m e kid, hop e fully not! Julie, th anks for taking the class with me , yo u fool! I luv ya! Katherine, I' ll mi ss o ur little, quie t talks, you know about what kiddo' And to th e re s t of the people leaving, you will all gain your sa nity ba ck (ya right!) Good lu ck 1n college, and you leave next yea r s book in great, well, good, um se mi-good hand s, h o p e full y! C h ow! Bon Voyage' Que pasa ga lavasa! °"\, /

Michelle " M ees h " Tucker


To a ll the p eo pl e who hav e helped me through th e goo d t i m es and th e bad times of yearbook, I w o uld lik e to say th ank you. Wat ching people co me and go, and see ing th e books mature ha s been a great m e mory . Althou g h at almost ever, dead lin e I was s tressed and a t time s I took it o ut o n people, I would h ave to say, " I had fun ." All o f you who have quo Le:s in thi s bo o k, thank you al l for you r coopera ti on. Specia l th anks to Chris who a lw ays had the ri g ht word fo r what eve r I w..i \ trying to say Also to the t eac h ers who le t me come in lat e after yea rb ook, o r int e rrupt their cla ss to ge t vital information And don ' t let me forge t, a big thank you to h e r " Ha " n ess H a Tran , Bymo, Finelli, Co urtney Sasa, Jamie Burke, Mi chell e Tucker, Matt Montgomery and especially Tim (t h e editor) Blum . Remember this book is to be a b oo k of memorie s for your high sc hool years which, I hope , h ad " Th e Go ld e n To u c h ." Good luck t o all of yo u and hav e a great, happy and safe futur e / 1 (Jr.,vc.,t ,1., x1a.u-,1-0l.e \.-J

Ka th eri n e Sa under s


Aft er m any la te night s s pent writing, c r op pin g, editi ng a nd re-writing, th e yearbook is fina ll y fini s hed We hop e yo u e nj oy T h e Go ld en Tou c h as much as we e n joye d puttin g it toge th e r Thanks to all our friend s wh o h e l ped u s make it thr ough th is h ec ti c year You a ll are great. Let th e m emo ri es of thi s book and year b e s wee t and la s t forev e r We hope you a ll nev e r lo se the Golden Touch.

{'t \. I ( i '\. L l _ l ; L ( ( J:. .v •-
Co urtn ey a nd Jam ie , 1~ . ) kQ 11 cl l ,., R )J.J


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tim o thy Blum

ADVISOR Mr . Ron Pinelli


Student Life Editor Courtney Sasa

Sports E dit o r Courtney Sa s a

People Editor Tim, Co urtn ey, Jarnie, Matt, Katherine, and Michelle A c ademi cs Editor Jamie Burke

Clubs & A c tiv1b es Editor Matt Montgomery

Babie s & Buddie s Editor Michelle Tucker

Ind ex Editor Katherine Saunders

Photography Editor Mr. Ron Pinelli


Brittany I s enb e rger Kristin Johnson

Tara O ' Neill Melis sa Palmer

Tiffany Dovey Serena Dovey

Kadrian Guldan Katie McWilliams

Katy Ratz Jonathan Pray

Tam s en Stoke s Erik Loseman

Elizabeth C hilcoat Becca Drague

Amber Camey Charlie Roberts

Jon Palmer Julie Heinz

Anna Ke l so Danielle Chappell

Desiree Rosales Erika Edward

Ian Beitzel BJ Reynolds

Chris Cummings Megan Rumley

Anne Fay Step h anie Shaw

Robin Politte Carrie Smi th

Whitney Wilk Rebecca Webb


Ah ye arb oo k , c lass of a ll classes What o ther class do yo u ge t the ch a n ce to wo r k hard a nd kill yo urself over fo r so m e thin g th e s tud e nt bo d y takes for gra nt ed W E ARE

REAL, th e yearb ook d oes n ' t m agicall y a pp ea r (b ut th at w o uld b e r e ally u se ful a t tim es) fo r so m e yearbook god H o wev e r, if yo u want t o co n sid er u s go d s th at's okay b y m e. O nly in y e arbo o k d o y ou g et th e pl eas ur e o f s tayin g a t sc h oo l, in th e sa m e r oo m with th e s am e p eo pl e for 14 h o ur s s trai g ht. In ye arbo o k yo u s to p l ea rn in g exc1h n g thin gs aft e r awhil e; lu c kily yo u figur e o ut h o w to d o th e sa m e thin g diffe r e ntly . Wh e n I a s k e d a fe ll o w e dit o r a b o u t w h y w e s ta y in y e arb oo k, se m es ter aft e r se m es t e r, s h e r ep li e d s impl y that it wa s addi c tin g H o w e v e r, it co uld b e a good addi c ti o n b eca u se I ha ve m e t lo t s o f ru ce a n d / o r in teres tin g p e ople Thi s is wh e re I thank e v e ryo n e in th e w o rld, so I' ll jus t g et it ove r with. I' d like t o thank Ka th e nn e, Jamie, Mi c h e lle, Co urtn e y , Tim, m y m o m , m os t o f th e s t a ff (exc luding th ose wh o w e r e lo ud a nd a nn oyi n g) a nd es p e cially m ys elf be c au se I had to put up w ith m e. To th ose wh o hav e pond e red th e th o u g ht of e nt e nn g " th e Coo l Zon e," ju s t ke ep in mind that m y fav o rit e drink 1s M a al ox, and I fr e qu e ntl y bla ck o ut fr o m s tress Th a nk yo u everyo n e and all y o u s eni o r s have fun in co ll ege n ex t yea r .

Matth e w M o nt go m ery


G old e n T o u c h wa s publis h e d b y Jos te n 's Sc h o ol Produ c t s Group o f Topeka, Kan s a s. Our represe ntative wa s G ary Co rdray . Th e b oo k is e ig ht by 11 inche s and c ontains 28 8 pages. Th e p a p e r is 80 p o und Bord e au x Ele v en hundre d co pi es w e r e produ ce d

The cover is a full lithograph o f o rginal artwork created b y th e Dem o nium s taff Th e Gol den Touch logo wa s cr e ated by Timothy Blum u sing Photoshop and Kai's Power To o l s. Handprint s ar e co urt esy of Timothy Blum The op e ning S te r eo gram wa s created by Timothy Blum u s ing Su perdots 1.2. 6 . Th e image is a combination of the word s G old e n Tou c h and the Trid e nt.

All co p y and graphi cs w e r e d es kt o p publis hed by the D e monium s taff o n M ac int os h c o mput e r s u s ing Aldu s Pag e maker , Ad o b e Photos hop, Adobe Illu s trator, and S up e rd o ts 1.2. 6 . Body copy is in 12 point Palatino and capti o n s a r e in 8 point Times. All name s w e r e tak e n fr o m th e comput e rize d offi c ial sc hool li s t.

I n )/ n It ll 1 d 11
-~- ----·-

Three years ago I joined yearbook . H a Tran gave me th e o pportunity to u se my imagmabonand talent t o c r ea te graphics and s preads . From there h e r " H a- n ess" let me e dit the sp ring s upplement. During my so phom o re year of yearbook I also mad e a lot of fnendships that I will n eve r for get. Thr o ughout all the s tr ess and deadlines of that fir s t year their friend s h.J.p s made me laugh, ea t m o r e pizza, and b eco me add i c ted t o Yearboo k .

N o w a s my thrrd year in Yea rb ook co me s to a cl ose, I l oo k ba c k on m y accomp l ishments and see so much to be proud of Hop e fully yo u the s tudents and faculty of GH S see 1t as well I kn ow that 20 year s, 10 years o r ma y b e even nght before your class r e union you ' ll look a t th.J. s co mpilabon o f pi c ture s and word s and say, "Yeah , that' s the way it wa s," and all tho se memorie s will co m e flooding ba c k . I h ope yo u can see that Golden Senior Hi gh trul y d id h ave th e Go ld e n Touch

Yea rbook is ... how do you de sc ribe it. .. Yearbook . Although Yearbook may b e d e fined as a c l ass it is much m o r e than that It' s an ex perien ce For me Yearbook is a lifestyle It ' s hard to imagine life witho ut it. C' m on yo u go t s tress, deadlines, pizza, di sg runtl ed s taff m e mb e r s and (s h o uld w e say it?) unhappy editors . H ow can you p ass that up ? I will always r e memb e r the l o ng night s m th e " Ye arbook " room Yes, that 's th e YEARBOOK ro o m not th e Newspaper r oo m guy s . Staying in th e r e till 11 :00 at night is som e thing in con ce ivable for o th e r s, but for m e and th e e dit o r s s taying in there for 14 h o urs s tr aig ht is jus t so m e thing that has to b e done to get " Th e Book" finished It wa s n ' t all that bad, I mean h ey yo u had pizza , so m e m o r e pi zza, o th er " Yearbooker s" and yes even more pizza. All th ose inside jokes (P oD WAB , Owww m y s plee n ) helped ease the ten sio n b y makin g th e job " fun " and I will never forget it. Unlike the p op ular concep ti o n , th e Yearbook do es n ' t pop o ut of thin air So m eon e h as to mak e it. Thi s publica ti o n , that mo s t tak e fo r gran ted, was put toge ther by a group o f indi viduals that put in unco untable time , and lots of great (and not so grea t " England is a co ld and rainy place") ideas. Out of th e c ountles s that have help e d , there are a fe w who s tand out. Co urtn ey, thanks fo r all yo ur patien ce and h e lp in putting toge th er this book With o ut you I r ea lly might have take n so m eo n e's h ead of f. Jamie, eve n th o ugh it 's b een a bumpy rid e, it 's s till so mething I w o uld do again and

definit e ly not without yo u along for th e rid e Katherine, yo u ' ll never know how much I r eally ap precia te yo u Your comments were invaluable It's been an adventure and I' m g lad t o say that you were part of it. Matt, it wa s a heck of a time and I ' m glad you w e re wi th u s and that you' r e s taying next year H opefully yo u can bwld o n what you know and u se what I ' ve tried to teach you (r eme mber th e lists!) to h elp make a great b oo k n ext year. Michell e hey even though Yearbook c an be stress ful both you and I got through 1t and I trunk we passe d with flyin g colors. T o all of yo u s taffers, thanks for your work Without yo u it doesn ' t happ en All of you h e lp ed make yearbook an experie n ce I will never fo r get. I t's been grea t, it's b ee n fun , and I couldn ' t have done i t without yo u

Now Yearbook aside, all those that have helped me a r e, again to o great to mention but ther e are som e I can ' t miss Chad " M o rmon " Wad swo rth, P e te r C ies lar and Jo sh G r een thanks for all you ' r e friend s hip and help in getting me thr o ugh my first year a s e dit o r T o m y friends (so rry, I co uldn ' t lis t everybod y) Brett M ye r s, C raig Martain , Dan Matl oc k , TJ Feth, Todd Dierking, Co urtn ey Sasa, The Erins (Hawkins and Furtak) Becky Harmon and Heather Sawyer what c an I s ay exce pt it s been fun and thanks . A big thanks to R on Finelli for helping m e thr o ugh the s e co uple of years and es pe cia lly tho se rough fir s t co uple o f months You ' ro advisement and friend s hip have been invaluabl e Thank you. Bymo it s been a great four years and I thank you for getting me inv o lved in this life the y c all Yearbook. All your help , kn ow ledg e, and guiding friend ship is s omething I will n ever forget. To all tho se that have guided and helped me thr o ugh high school, thanks . How can I forget my wonderful family Thanks M o m and Dad for all the s upport and love You can relax n o w , it 's all ove r . Jen , thanks for s taying after s chool coming up with tho se creative headline s and finishing tho se las t minute s preads for me . I ' ll never forget it. My love for you guys c an ' t be put into words

Hopefully I didn' t leave out too many (I apologize for the many I misse d) and once again I thank all of you I leave you with the words and memories of my wonderful tim e h e re at GHS . I truly hope that this year has had the Go lden Touch .

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