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Another year at GHS h as begun a nd e nd e d Over that p as t year we h ave mad e n ew fri e ndships a nd l ea rn ed co untl ess n ew bits a nd pi eces of information. However, not all thi s year was full of fun; we still h ave t o deal with th e o ut si d e world th a t affec t s the lifestyle of Golden ' s s tudents. Peer pressure, drugs, alco h o l, sex, s m okmg and ot h er nasty h abits h ave s l ow ly c r awl e d into the protected lifestyle of GH S .
A l o n g with that, s tud e nt s still h ave t o deal with th e academic part of sc h oo l . Parents a lwa ys want you t o keep yo ur n ose cl ea n a nd t o s ta y with th e ri g ht cr owd. Freshmen had to try Let's Go Golden Th e vars it y socce r tea m s h o ws th e s upport fo r th e Go
t o avo id pu s hin g p e nni es by the huge se niors , a nd figure out th e co nfu sing sc hedule of their cla sses. Sophomore and junior years are one big academic m ess: SAT' s, ACT's, keeping your gra de s up for co llege . Seniors have the worry of b eing accepted into a co llege, finding a career anddecidingwhatthey're going to do with their lives. Sports i s an o ther great pre ss ure because of the co n s tant co mpeting and eagerness to win, with a sch oo l behind you watching everything. So with all that ca n happen, no matter how hard anyone trie s, everyo ne is FEELING THE HEAT.
Matth ew Montgomery
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ld e n foo tb
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t Ridg e g am e G o ld e n b e at Wh ea t Ridge
impress ive winning s tre ak of 2 4 co
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b y Brandon Garre tts
The Wheels o n th e Bu s A double decke r bus leaves packed with Tndelles , cheerleaders, and students to the Wh eat Ridge foo tb all game on Sept. 28 M any freshme n and some sophomores like th e idea of the bu s because th ey or the ir friends co uldn ' t drive and it wa sn' t cool to have your paren1s drop you off Juni or Nik M al kmu s explained, " It was a lo t of fun because all my friend s were there It was li ke a mob1l p a rty." Ph oto by Brand o n Garretts
S ittin ' at th e Pit Ju n ior Aaron Noffsi nger s i ts wi1h hi s buddyAng1e Dalton up in the edge of the " p11" dunng access A cco rd in g in 10 G HS guide l in es s ludent s are n o t allowed 10 leave sc hool property during access pe r iod Junior J on P ineau sta ted, " l th ink thal l s hould be a bl e to go to W endy ' s if k ids can go 10 lhe pit." Photo by Rex Singleto n
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Op e nin g -3
Student life at GHS. Sometimes it resembles Winning that big meet or game and savoring the a marathon, running from class to c la ss , seeming s u ccess it bring s. Being recognized for academic never to have e n ough tim e to s t op and think . achievements. Laughing with a group of friends Other times it slows to a craw l, like finals week while off cam pus for lun c h, and making plans for right before winter vacatio n , when every c lass an exci ting wee kend. These are all activities that lasts a millennium . Howeve r , no matter what time personify s tudent life in high school. It is a time of year, student life at GHS is a unique experie n ce that in reality la s ts four years, but seems to fly that must be cherished. The momentous foo tball quickly by when looking from Brooks Field at game against Wheat Ridge, ridin g h ome victori- graduation. From riding and c heering on the ous on the double-decker bus. Finding the perfect Ho m ecomi ng float to a water fight at the end of Prom date, c lass competi ti ons at Pep rallies. the year, Demon s co me together. This is the fire Wellness Day, a day to take a break from tradi- o f schoo l s pirit that burns throughout the year, tional classes a nd to lea rn about important issues. bringing u s all closer together. Britt Isenberger
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Supreme Co ncentration Fres hm an M o r ga n R eitm eye r p arti ci p at es i n a w at er b all oo n t oss durin g fres hman o r ient at ion Th e fr es hmen s tud ents attended sc hoo l a da y be f or e th e upp ercl ass m en ~o th ey co uld b eco me famih arw i th th ei r ne w sc hool Th e fres hm en w er e abl e to b ecom e acqu ai nt ed w11h o n e an o th er and w i th sch oo l tr ad i ti on s lik e th e hand Jtve, whil e al so find i n g all th eir classes and t eac hers Ph o t o by R on F i n ell i
Soc k Hop Jun ior Eric Anderson gives Senior Mau Rillos and sophomore
Heather Tumwall his shoes before entering the large gym for the parking lot dance. The dance \Vas put on by Student Council and was originally int ended to be held in the parking lot; however, due lo snowy weather ll was moved inside. The dance was not very well attended, with only about 30 students present. Photo by Brandon Garretts
Chillin' Out Seniors Fletcher Cameron, Matt R1llos, Je~1ca Dicke, Geoff Mallow, Kelley Denner, Bobby Purvis and Ja~on Anderson enJoy popsicles while si ttin g in the senior lounge The senior lounge has always been a unique spo t for senio r students to socialize and relax during acce~s. lunch and between classes The Radio Club played music from popular groups such as the Gin Blossoms and Weezer through speakers 1n the !>enior lounge Ph oto submitted by Kelley Denner
Student Life - 5 I I r
ummer is th e time of year we all wai t for. From th e time we were five years old summer has meant freedom , fun , and no respon si bilities for three months. Go ld en s tudents h ad many different but exciting s umm e r experiences, and all see med worth th e wait. According t o se nior Jill Katzenberger, " I spent my summer playing tenni s a ll over th e country, it was great because when I got up it wa s actually light ou t side." Senio r Karen Dyke remarked , " I traveled to Oakland, California with my
Hola d e Es pana Senior Shannan Pyle s tand s in front of a Cathedral in G1Jon,Spa1n located in the region of the Au st ria s Exotic vacaltom, to far off places were not an abnonnality forGHS students Shannan commented, "After spendi ng part of my sum mer 10 Spain, I decided that all Spanish teenagers do 1s slee p, eat, and party "
you th group, and I gaine d a whole new sense of what some kids my age are facing. It made my pr o bl ems l ook stupid." Not all s tudent s had deep revelations , so m e jus t wasted their brain s, and l o un ge d aro und in the s un. Junior Roger Stellars remarked, "Exce pt for all th e reading I had t o do for AP Englis h, I participated in abso lut el y nothing educa ti o nal thi s s umm e r ." Senior Sharon Micke s har e d thi s se ntim e nt as she s t ate d , " Summer is th e b es t tim e t o work o n your tan. " What eve rtheva ca t io n brought, the la zy da ys o f s ummer will not soon be forgotten.
J Burke
A warm s unn y p l ace with no noise , away from work and p eople F o r so m e people thi s cou ld be your ideal vaca t io n s pot. H e re a re some st ud e nt idea s of a perfec t place.
Kim W estby
Sophomo re Stephanie Johnson : " J ama ica is my ideal vacatio n s p ot because I cou ld get a really good tan and h ave dreads."
Sophomo re Raebel Picon : " Baha ma s is m y ideal vaca ti on s pot because I can m eet a ll th e cu te guys."
Se ni or Julie Hagemeister : " Th e B ahamas w here th e re a re so m e m aj o rity hot b abes.
Juni o r Alan Webb : " B aj a, Ca lifo rni a is m y id ea l vacat io n s p ot because th e waves are rea lly hi g h a nd my parents are not there."
Senio r DJ. Hagberg : " An y where there a re a lot of parties ."
t I
S h ar k A tta c k Senior Nick Paslay scuba dives off of Kaanapal1 beach in Maui, Hawaii According to Nack, Hawa11 has some of the mos1 beautiful oceans anywhere J unior Margie Sant commen1ed, ..Summer is great you have three months to do as much or as li1tle as you wan1, and 1n my case I worked all summer long 10 put some money in my bank account "
G idd y U p Seniors Jenny Bauer and Denise Shaner prepare for another day of nd1ng at CSU ' s equestrian camp dunng June Senior Kathenne Standley commented , "It's strange how I always claim 1n the spring tha1 I'm not going to do anything dunng the summer, but when fall comes around I always complain about how bonng my summer was."
S lidin g in th e Rain Senior Hillary Holland plays in t he mud afte ( a ra in storm at the Chnsllan Alternative Music Festival. Hi llary joined 15,000 ot h er s t udents of her faith at this Chnst1an equivalent to Woodstock in Cornerstone Farm l llino 1s Junior Enc Loseman commented , "Summer is the only time of year when 11 doesn ' t malter 1f you ever get anything accomplished"
Stud e nt Life - 7
Pea nu ts, Cra c ker Ja c k! Sen iors Wendy Heywood, S ky Sullwell, Jamie Konegni, and sophomore Ta ra O'Neill ta ke a break from the action as they vo luntee r at a Colorado Rockies game to help raise money inr OHS. Senior Lindsey Brazil commented, "Summer \vas made fo r beaches, boys, and Disneyland "
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Dirty Dancing Sophomore, C.arley \\ 1lham<,, Renee Germ, Lau rd Ekberg, Torrey Shelton, Anne Fay Danielle Chappdl, Tere~ Emmom,, Bndge1 Mccauley.and Tiffany Bausch gel decked out and party to 70 , music on the Sophomore Cla~ float during the Homecoming
Wings to Fly Senior Chn!> Corbin poses with h1, unusual ha1rs1ylc dunng Cruy Hair Day on Thursday At the cam1val. booths were run by school g roup!> such as Key Club, Spanish Club, NHS, and the Stud ent Council Sophomore Jamie Mc teer hked J amaican Day the bel>t because, Everyone looked l ike a fool Photo by 8111 Kelley
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Feeling t'?,ik't;:h,, ,. , ,-r "• r' • t I
Showin ' Your Spirit Seniors J eremy Balle nge r, Ryan Chisholm, Kn s Wall en la , Sky Stillwell, Jamie Konegm, Mik e Le e,Jun1o r En c Anderson, and senior Scoll Dam e ls from the ~ccer team show their school spin t any way th ey can think of.
Maroon and White Senior Dusty Tafoya and junior Zach Taylor show theirspint by pamllng their faces. The GHS carnival ,vas held Friday afternoon with many contests such as a volleyba ll tournament and powder puff football Juni or Dav e \1/e1 s haupl sa id , I liked J amaican Day , cuz' ,ve be Jamm1n ·."
Photo by Bill Kelley
o u ju s t fla s h e d b ack int o th e 70' s- int o th e age o f di sco, hippi es a nd b ell b o tt o m s. Th e n yo u r ea li ze th a t it's n o t th e 70' s a t all In fact , it i s r eall y 1995 a nd it's Spirit W ee k a t Go ld e n . Juni o r Kelsey Petersen 's favo rit e s pirit d ay w as "70' s d ay, b ec au se it w as groovy .'' Spirit W ee k t oo k pl ace th e w ee k o f O c t . 9 with th e foo tb a ll t eam 's tr o uncin g o f W es tmin s t e r fini s hin g up th e w ee k. Eac h d ay o f th e w ee k had a di ffe r e nt th e m e s t a rtin g with Sp o rt s D ay, Ja m a i ca n D ay, 70' s D ay, C r azy Hair Da y, a nd fin a ll y th e traditi o n a l M a r oo n a nd Whit e Da y. So ph o m o r e Jennifer Reynold ' s fav o rit e d ay wa s 70's D ay b eca u se, " I h a d fun dr ess in g like a hippi e, a nd see in g h o w w eird e very o n e el se l oo k e d ." La s t ye ar th e Fres hman C l ass w o n th e award fo r th e b es t cla ss fl oa t, and o n ce again th e C l ass o f '98 t oo k th e titl e o f th e b es t fl o at Man y p eo pl e agr ee d with se ni o r Eric Storms wh o s aid, " I like d J a mai can Da y b eca u se I like d eve ry o n e's hair ." Fro m Sp o rt s Da y t o 70' s Day many p eo ple p a rti cipate d and h a d a goo d tim e durin g Spirit W ee k thi s yea r . Tamse n St o k es a nd Kim Gidd eo n
Want Some Dessert?
Yo u go t o sc h oo l a t G H S, h o m e o f th e De m o n s a nd yo u ' r e quit e s ur e h ow t o sh ow yo u r s p irit. T a m se n S tokes
Se ni or Felicia Jone s: "By be in g a De m o n ." So ph omo r e Rob Pineau : " Be c r azy w ith th e sc h oo l co l o r s."
So ph o m o r e Kristin Johnson : "S h ave yo u r spo rt s numb e r into th e b ac k of yo ur h ead."
Fr es hman Matt Moore : "Go t o s p o rtin g eve nt s a nd p l ay sp o rts."
Se ni or Ken Lee : By fi g htin g b eca u se th a t' s w h a t th e Go ld e n fi g h t so n g sa ys t o do ."
Fr es hma n Spencer Barlow: " Run aro und wi th jus t Gold e n boxe rs o n ."
Se ni or Allison Peterson : "Jay An derso n sh ows sp irit th e bes t b y s h avi n g h is f oo tball n u mber in to hi s h ea d !"
Spanish 1eac her Mr Jerry Yanz gets pie 1n hi s face dunng lhe sc hool carnival for the Key Club boo1h The assembly Fnday af1emoon consisled of class compe1i11on s, roya lty , and lhe hand Jtve Fre s hman Shannon Sumne r liked "? O's Day because a 101 of people participated , and they looked really rad " Pho10 by BiII Ke ll ey
Student Life - 9
It was a cl ea r a nd chilly ni ght as th e Go ld en D e m on s t oo k th e fie ld fo r th e ir H o m eco min g ga m e o n Friday th e 13 th, 1995 . Th e ni g ht was n o t h a unted h ow eve r, as th e te am u se d th eir skill a nd cunnin g t o o ut sco r e th eir W es tmin s t er We s ty s o pp o n e nt s 41-7. Th e gam e t oo k pla ce at Broo ks Field o n th e CS M ca mpu s a t 7 p.m . Th e halftim e ent ertainment sh ow ca s ed th e ta l e nt of th e GH S m a r chin g b a nd l e d by se ni or Steve Schroeder a nd t h e award winnin g T rid e tt es, a nd h on or e d th e se nior roya lty of Ally s on Reynolds and Shayden Ward . Se ni or chee rlead e r Ka y la Hapton s tall comm ent e d , " Th e ga m e w as gr ea t b ec au se th e crowd wa s excite d fro m th e s ta rt . T h e fac t th a t th e D em o n s w er e ah ea d f o r m os t of th e ga m e m a d e i t th at mu ch m o r e exci tin g. " Unlik e p as t y e ar s, the gam e came o ut o n t op a n d s taye d th e r e fo r th e l on g haul. Se ni or runningba ck Matt Rillos co mm e nt e d , " It w as a grea t vi ct ory thi s y e ar b e cau se w e didn ' t have t o go do wn t o th e wir e f or vic t o ry W e pla ye d a solid, e n e rgetic game, a n d we m ade Frid ay th e 13th, 1995 a H om eco min g ni g ht to r e m ember."
' Jamie Burke
O pp o rtunit y Kno c k s Senior Oscar Sand t heads down fie ld as he takes advantage o f grea t blockin g by his tea mm ates
The fans crea ted al most as m uch excit emen t as the ga me as th ey cheered th ei r Demons to v ictory. J un,o r Margie Sa nt com ment ed, " It was a n exc111ng ga me, th e outco me made i t th at m uc h s weeter." Ph oto by Ron Fi nelll
A l o t of p eo pl e go to th e H o m eco min g game a nd h ave l oa d s o f fun . Th ey go t o w a tch th e ga m e a nd s h o w sch o ol s pirit. Gale Buynard s ai d , " P a intin g m y face w as th e b es t part o f th e ga m e Man y p eo pl e p aint th e ir faces and wea r th e sc h oo l co l o r s. So ph o m o r e Julia Schmidt sa id, " When w e mad e th e t iebr e akin g to u c hd o wn, I w e nt cra zy ." Juni o r Amy Wilson w as n ' t j u s t w a tchin g th e gam e " I like d all th e gu ys in th e ti g ht p a nt s. " Se nio r Craig Sutton w as n o t w a tchin g th e ga m e. H e w as in th e gam e a nd like d th e p art wh e n " I kn ocke d th e quart e rb ack o n hi s butt ." Overall, everyb o d y like d th e turn o ut o f o ur victory. Juni o r Jackie Johansen s umm e d i t up by s ayi n g, " T h e b es t part w as th a t w e pl aye d w ell. " Va n e s sa Kos l o w a nd Kim G id deo n
Fee li ng t't 10 - Nri~P
Sco re As the officia l s ignifi es a touchdown, exc it ed Demon teammate s celebra te th e mom e nt of victory Junior Roger Ste ll ars remar ked, " It was the s p1nt o f Friday th e 13t h that led th e De mon s to victory " Ph oto by Ron Finell,
S w ee t V i c t o r y Senior Matt R1llos 1s congra tulat ed by Juni or teammate Jak e Goble after an 80 ya rd punt return Fre!, hman Spencer Barl ow comme nt ed, " Wh e n I first got there r th ough t th at Westminste r was gomg to k ill us, but after a few minut es r realized th a t it was go in g to be a great game " Ph o to by Ron Fin e lh
Mi ss i o n Imp ossi bl e Senio r Mik e Sutton attemplS to c hase down th e Westy quarterback Freshman Ryan King sa id , " It was so much fu n to watch the team pla y with so mu ch energy, and the cheer leaders sc rea m at the tops of their lungs It was the most exc it ed I ha ve ever see n the GHS teams and c rowd "' Phot o by Bill Kin g
So und s of S u ccess Juniors Ni c k Walt ers and Je ff Ke ml er perform as pa rt of th e hal f time festivities during the game Senio r Tri cia Bair commented, " It 's g reat to p lay 1n front of so many people Th e ene rgy during th e game and th e s how was reall y high a nd th a t mad e everything a 101 more fun " Ph o to b y Ron Finel11
S tud e nt Li fe - 11
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t a yin ' A live, th e Go ld e n H o m eco min g d a n ce ' 95 t oo k place at t h e Crys t a l Rose in Li ttl e t o n . T h e d a n ce s t a rt e d a t 8 p .m . a nd th e tick e ts cos t $7 p e r p e r so n o r $ 14 p e r co upl e . Acco rdin g t o se ni o r S tud e nt Co un cil m e mb e r , Sanni Keskimaki, "Th e d a n ce w as r e all y s u ccessful . T h e turn o ut was alm os t t wice w h a t w e exp ec t ed., so w e m a d e a mu ch lar ge r pr ofi t t h a n n o rm a l ." Beca u se of th e unu s u a lly l a r ge a tt e nd a n ce, m a n y s tu de nt s fo und th e fac ilities a bit t oo s m a ll. Alth o u g h th e d a n ce fl o or was p acke d , m os t s t ude nt s m a d e th e m os t of th e s itu a ti o n . Se ni o r Bard Nielson r emarked, " It w as r eally a l o t o f fun , a lth o u g h it was c r o wd e d , th e n ight as a w h ol e d efinit el y m a d e up fo r th a t little in co n ve ni e n ce. " Th e l ocatio n was th e bi gges t ch a n ge thi s yea r Se ni o r s tud e nt b o d y pres id e nt, Jonathan Prey sai d , " T h e d a n ce was qui e t a bit diffe r e nt th a n in year s pa s t
W e t ook a d va nta ge of a n ew building s it e o ut sid e o f th e Go ld e n ar ea, and th e r e we r e m o r e p eo ple th e r e h a vin g fun a nd d a n cin g than r ece nt yea r s ."
Se ni or Roya lty Allyson Reynolds a nd Shayden Ward w e r e a nn o un ce d t h e eve n i n g befo r e th e d a n ce durin g h alftim e o f the foo tball g am e The <l a n ce ' s th e m e, b ase d up o n th e di sco e r a, cr e at e d a th e m e fo r th e e ntir e
H o m eco min g w eek. A s pirit d ay a nd m a n y o f th e fl oa t s r evo lve d a r o und th e 1970' s th e m e. Ja mi e Burke
C elebration
Fr es hm an Sar ah
B ie rnat twi sts around to chec k out what 's happ ening be hin d her in a fas t dan ce Se ni o r Kath erin e Standl ey, " Well , co ns1denn g th e fact th at l spent mos t of th e ni ght w orr y in g ab out ge tt i ng trampled , I'd say th e bes t part ab out th e ni ght wo uld be dinn er a t Casa
B oni ta " Ph o t o b y
R o n F i n elh
YM CA, YMCA H om eco ming att end ees part1c1pat ed 1n th e infamou s YM C A s on g in an attempt to gain so m e l 970 's spirit S ophomore f an Schmidt co mm ent ed , " ll f ell lik e so m eb o dy needed to o pen so m e windo w s, but m aybe th at w as h ea t r adiating from all th e g o o d l ooking g irl s that w er e th ere '' P ho t o b y R o nFi ne ll1
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Could it r eally be- dream dat e to th e Home co ming dance. Junior Melissa Bellew s tat e d , " I would like so meone that i s tall and h e h as to have a se n se of hum or. H e ha s to be a blond who i s s mart and ha s a nice ca r ." Junior Eric Laird sai d , " She wou ld be as tall as my s h ould ers, with brown hair and brown eyes. She would have to l ook beautiful. "Sop h omore Danielle Hagberg sai d , " H e need s blond hair and blu e eye s and h e h as to be 5 f ee t 6 inche s." Freshman Chineane N arans s aid, " H e need s br own ha ir, green eyes, h e ha s t o be o ld e r th an me, h e has to be h o t. So ph om ore Shilah Ga ule said, " He ha s to b e a cowboy, who i s my h ei g ht and ha s b lond h air a nd blue eyes . He a l so h as t o b e buff. "
In th e Mood Juniors Jason Chappell and N1kk1 Varvens take time out fora dance among t he crowd of people This year 's dance had a much la rger turnout with over 800 s tu dents att ending. Senior Sharon M1cke s tated, "This year s Homecoming Dance was the best one I have eve r been to Although tt was really crowded, everyone was dancing and having a blast, and 1t wa1, better th an I could have expected H Photo by Ron
Good Times Sophomore Shilah Guale shows her stuff on the dance floor. Although the theme was disco onented, there were few songs from tha t era due to an overwhelming s tud ent request Senio r J ason Barkow remarked, "Well 11 seemed hke there were about 25 bilhon peop le 1n an a rea that cou ld handle two billion people so needless to say there was a lot of c lose dancing." Ph oto by Ron Finell 1
Jo hn Lo,v e and fnend s sho w th e cro wd how to do the Electn c Shd e dunng a co untry so ng The dance took place in Littleton due to an expected increase m anendace that was underes timated Junior Bna n Murph y co mm en1ed, Th e dan ce was to crowded, too hot , loo smal I, and th ey played too much co unt ry music, but beyond th at it was a lot of fun." Ph o to Ro n Finelh
lide Juni ors Duke Reher,
Student Life
as hi on - yo u h ear th e w o rd a nd yo u can ' t h elp d ay dr ea m and w ond er Cl o th es are a very imp ort ant p art o f man y p eo ple's li ves. Wh e th er b ein g a s ta t e m ent of wh o yo u ar e, or w h o yo u wa nt t o b e, cl o th es a r e a n ecess i ty. W e as k e d m a n y G H S s tud e nt s wh a t th e m os t imp ort ant it em in th eir w a rdr ob e was, an d th ese a r e only so m e o f th e an s w er s w e go t . " U nd erw a r e, d efinit e ly," sa id fr es hman Maria Salano . " Boxe r s," we r e th e a n s w er s of m a n y, like so ph o m or e Kelli O ' mara, a nd se ni o r s Kevin Hazard and Henry Risner . Sh oes ca n ' t b e ove rl oo k e d , " Pla tfo rm s are in," said so ph o m or e Meaghan Burnell a nd juni or Ted Politte sa id th a t "Sand a l s a r e p opul ar ." T h en th er e i s th e t e nd e r s id e of all m en; junior Joel Verbeck said , " M y gir lfri end's ea rrin g." Tr e ndy i s to ta lly in thi s yea r "All th e girl s wea r cl o th es fr o m Co nt emp o," said se ni or Mike Imy . " Th e 70' s a r e co min g b ack ," said se ni o r Kevin Ellis, a nd so ph om or e Megan Word said th a t, "Fl owere d dr esses a r e everyw h e r e." W ell, wh a teve r you d ec id e to wea r, i t i s a s ta te m ent o f wh o yo u a r e a nd it s h o uld b e taken se ri o u sl y, if yo u w a nt it t o b e. Amb e r Sc h ae fer a nd N i ck Cookso n
The Wh o le E ffec t Juniors Sarah Coonan and Natal ie Stahl are chatting in the1rcomfortabl e clothes H ol ey j ean s are totally 1n thi s y ear , they ' re cool , comfortable and totally hip " They look great on chi cs but not on guys," said sophomore Ja so n Spark s.
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Photo by B.J Reynold s
Outer Eye Wear Sophomores Aaron Barre tt , Marcus Maltempo , Chris Hamblin and Jason Myers enJOY the ou tdoo rs with thcirouterwearwraps Sunglasses area majo r part of one's wardrobe Senior Jason Ba r kow said , " Sunglasses are becoming like s hoes ; everyone 1s beginning to have the same kind ."
Photo by Bob Williams
Skating My Day Away . Sophomore Matt Maupin, Juniors Damion Ashby and Nick Brakken, and sophomores Rya n Artale and Micheal Kyle hang out by the pit. Sophomore Matt Maupin said, " My most important tt em 1n is my s kate." S katers are one of the bigger trend s t his year, along with snowboarders and rollerbladers Ph oto by Rex Singleton
Coo l and Co lle c tiv e Sophomores Sage Conne lly and Karla Heffe lfin gerenJoy the outdoors in their simple sweatshirts and fas1onable flannels . S1mple 1s 1n this year, Not on ly 1s ll easy to wear, 11 is easy to find Junior Melissa Myers said that. "Thnft stores are the best place to find cool clothes " Phot o by Bob Will iams
Tiny, Trendy, Tees Junior Anna Kelso has the whole ttny tee effect gomg on Tiny Tees can be seen with almost anyth ing on them, flowers, hearts, cartoon character.. or the occasional words of wisdom " My s hirt 1s the most important ttem 1s my wardrobe,"' said Junior Drew Smith
Photo by BJ Reynolds
Cool Like That Senior Tyler Mit chell chills out in hi s unusually cool glasses and snow hat on a chilly day Sun glasses are not Just eye protection anymore, they are fashion faves "Sun g la S.!>es II kc wraps and stuff look better on guys. but on the other hand most things look better on guy!. except for g1rly clo th es," said freshman Chry stal Craig P hoto by Rex Sing leton
Student Life - 15
s th e curt ain we nt up, few co uld say th a t a t th a t p oi nt th ey co uld see o r fee l littl e m o r e th a n a s p a r se s t age. T h e a udi e n ce soo n fo r go t th e b ackgro und a nd b eca m e e n gul fe d int o th e li ves o f th e c h arac t e r s. I Saved a Winter Just for You h a d n o c h arac t e r s s t a nd o ut farth e r th a n th e r es t; it t ook a n e n se mbl e t o po rtr ay th e iss u es th a t t ee n age r s h ave t o d eal with t o d ay. Everyt hin g fr o m t ee n pregn a n cy t o s ub s t a n ce a bu se t o c hild a bu se w e r e co nfr o nt e d in th e blunt, earn es t p e r fo rm a n ces.
Qui e t on th e Se t Senior Kevin Koe l, as Boy 3, and Ju ni o r Andy Silvey, as Boy 1 , intently practice their lines for the play Th e play had three running dates, Nov 8 - 11. Fr es hm a n Kelly He rnd o n said , " It ' s a good pl ay because ki ds ca n relate to it " Ph o to by Ron F1nel11
Bef o r e th e pl ay o p e n e d o n Nov. 8, th e s tud e nt d ir ec t o r , se ni o r Katie Bosio , said s h e h o p e d fo r a u goo d turno ut ." T h e cast agree d wi th se ni o r Jeannie Miller, w h o p l aye d Girl 1, wh o said s h e h o p e d th a t th e a udi e n ce w o uld b e a bl e t o II r el a t e t o i t, a b o utwh a t yo u ' r e go in g thr o u g h , " an d l eave th e p l ay thinkin g a b o ut th e m o r al m essages i t se nd s. I Saved a Winter Ju s t for You , th e co ntrove rsi al play writt e n e n tir el y b y hi g h sc h oo l s tud e nt s, m a n y th o u g ht w as a mu s t see fo r G H S s tud e nt s, a nd a l oss f o r th ose wh o didn ' t . Mr . John Klug w as th e dir ec t o r . Kara P al a nuk & T iffany G ill
Dream On J unior Girl 1, se n ior Jea nni e Mill er, thin ks of a far off p lace as Boy l,junior Andy S il vey, gazes deep ly in to her eyes The play dealt with i mport an t subject matt er Sophomore Amb er Fis k th oug ht , " Iss ues con tained in the play shou ld be more vocal in th e school e nvironment " Ph oto by Ron Finelli
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Sad Memories Jun io rs C rai g R o ik and Bria H a mpl e m a n , so ph o m o re M ega n W o rd and s en io r K a re n Dy ke to ur the abandoned German co nce ntrat io n ca mp Da c hau while di sc uss in g pre judic e Kri s tin e Co rn e l y sa id , " I think it 's about time they h a d a pl ay that rel a te s to teens ." Ph o to b y B J Re y no ld s
Look Ju nio r An d y Silvey s hows sop h o m o re Lau re n Mi l ner wh a t h e sees o u l s id e th e bu s w h ile so ph o m o re M ega n W o rd and Ju n i o r B na Hamp lem a n s il qu ie tl y Aro und 3 80 ti c ke ts we re sold fo r th e p lay Sop h omo re Wh i t ney W il k thoug ht, "The play affected t hose w h o went and saw th e p lay because 1t i n corporat es t he li ves o f ot h ers i n i t. " Ph oto b y Ro n F1n el h
Why Us? Sop h o mores J e ss ica And erso n , D avi d Fe th , Ju n io r E ll e n H ale a nd se ni or Karen He ffl efi nge rwo nd e r w hy teenagers h ave so ma n y p robl e m s Jun ior K at ie S m i th sai d ," I woul d lik e to say th at th e poe t ry an d e m o 11o n o f th e p lay h ad a grea t e ffec t o n th e s tude n ts of G HS , but I kn ow m os t are 100 se l f-ce nt e re d to ca re ." BJ Reynol ds 1 11-
Hello S h y Boy 2, se n io r Pat S wift , t ries to appro ac h G irl 2, jun io r Kirst i n Fi s h e r Th e cas t o f Winter , bet Mr KJu g lhal if I he y so ld 5 00 tick e ts , he w o uld h ave to s h ave his go atee Fres hman Casey M ec h sai d , "' It ' s a goo d pla y beca u se parents need to kn o w m o re about wh a t ' s go in g o n m th ei r tee n age rs ' li ves ." Ph o to b y BJ R ey no ld s
Student Life - 17 - - ea.,I I I i ! I
ram costumes to prop s and makeup to lighting, nothing can be too perfect. Soon after, th e audience arrive s and take s their seats, the s tar s of the night, the actors begin their p e rformance s. The Rimers of Eldritch, written by Lanford Wilso n , is ba se d on the effects of di sturbing issues and rumor s that take place in a s mall town . Many of the characters po ssess dy s functional and hypocritical qualitie s. When asked to de sc ribe her character, junior Ellen Hale who played Wilma
Atkins, sai d , "S he wa s really no sey and gossipy." Aside from the s heer thrill of performing s uch evil-spirited parts, there ar e many rea so n s that the cast had for auditioning, from having plan s of acting after high sc hool, to trying something n ew. Sophomore David Feth had a simpl e rea so n , " I love being on s tage. " While most actors agree that each play performed is new and differ e nt, th e re i s one thing that stood outin TheRimersofEldritch:Mr.John Klug, who wa s not only the director, but also played an important part in the play. Amanda Pitt & R.J. Miller
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Open WideJun iorTraci Va n Woensel, as Mary Windrod, perfonns her character with flair Once again Mr Klug pledged th at if 550 tickets were sold , he would shave his goatee Although ticket sales didn't reach 550 , Klug s h aved his goatee anyway Photo by Ron Finelli
Tea Anyone? So ph omore J essicaAnderso nwh op la ysCo ra
G roves and senio r Ke vin Koel, as Walter, talk at the table The Rimers ofEldritch dealt with problems in a small town Se ni o r J ea nn ie Miller said, "This play s tood ou t from all the rest because I go t to work with Mr Klu g " Ph o to by Ron Finelli
What Were My Lin es ? Senior Karen Dyke who plays Evelyn Ja c kso n and junio r Ellen Ha le sit toge ther and gossip Even without se ll i ng 550 ticket s, the play s till attracted a lot of pe op le Senior Karen Dyke stated, "With a la rge audience, acting can be scary, but once you get warmed up , it 's fun !"
by Ron Finelli
Y ikes! Drama teacher Mr John Klug, as Skell}, te1ls Kalle Bosio, as Eva Jackson, that R obert 1s a good boy Klug ' s c hara c ter was very deceiving "Mr Klug ' s character was the only sa n e person in the town , and th e person everyone thought was crazy , " said Junior Ca th enne C lark
Photo by Ron Finelli
T akin g C harge Sen io r Jeannie M ille r, as Nelly Windrod , tell s junior Traci Yan Woensel to stop s preading rumors about her Man y of the actors 1n The Rune rs ofEldnch also took part in th e technical and artwo rk aspects of the play Senior Kevm Koel said, " l hke acting because it is a way to rel ieve stress " Ph o to by Ron Finelh
See ka P ee k Seno r Ka t ie Bosio and sophomore David Feth , as Ro bert Conkli n , dream of autumn . The play wa s performed on three different night s, Feb 1-3. Student Direc tor, Karen H e ffelfinger, said, "The play is a lo t more work than people think it is " Ph o to by Ron Finelli
Student Life - 19 '... . -·'
C lau stro phobia Junior Josh Moles is in close quarter s while sea r c hing for hi s researc h informatt o n between immense s ta c ks of books and magaz ines in the library. With tw o separa te librari es, six floors , and milli ons o f articles and books to searc h through, jus t finding where so mething 1s located ca n be a feat in it se lf " It smell s really bad up there ; all of those big books and magazines are just rott ing up there at CU," sa id Bec ky Doh e rt y Phot o by Ro n Finelh
Dire c tions Anybody ? Ju nio r Phillip Willis find s him se lf los t in th e perioch cals sectio n of the library The No rl in Library left many GHS Juni ors dazed and confused as to w here they are , what they ' re looking for , where th ey' re going and how to ge t th ere, but th ey even tu ally ge t it. " It is a lot of work , bu t thi s paper help s yo u learn how to ge t yourself and you rwrit 1ng organized," said junio r Kellee Tarum Pho to by Ro n Finelli
Feeling t'l.
Brain Drain Juni or Becca Oragul s ift s thro ug h he r researc h Finding va l uable information is a vita l part of makin g a resea rch paper " The resea r ch part of a pa per 1s th e hardes t because hal f of the s tuff yo u find is no t help fu l," sai d ju nior Katy Ratz
Ph oto by Ron Finelli.
Eureka! Jun ior Jake Goble is triumph an t in the co mpleti o n o f his sea rch for the perfect research doc um ents. Finding a key piece of evidence for the research paper is a joy that any resea rcher look s forward to. J un1or J oe Casc io said, " 1looked on the «net" for a cou pl e o f hours and had almost all o f th e informatio n that 1 needed. "
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Photo by Ron Finelli
ese ar c h p a p e r . T h ese tw o w o rd s s trike fe ar int o th e h e art s o f hundr e d s o f hig h sc h oo l juni o r s and se ni o r s e a c h y e ar wh e n th ey find th e m selv es in th e language art s Co ll ege Co mp os iti o n F o r the Co ll ege B o und (C C B) c la ss . Th e cla ss inv o lves ind e pth r ese arch o n a ce rtain t o pi c which i s co mp ose d into a 10-15 pa ge pap er .Daunting, wh e n y o u co n s id e r that f e w o f th e s tud e nt s in thi s cl ass hav e e v e n writt e n p a p e r s ove r fi ve pa ges in l e ngth . D ea dlin es s pi ce up the liv es o f th ese upp e r cl a ss m e n
CopycatJ unior Matt Mo ntgo mery eage rly s pen ds h is mo ney co pyi ng impo rt ant artic les Not o nly d o re s ea rc h proJect s take up va lu able tim e, b ut they can be very ex pen si ve " It wa s unrea l how muc h money l spen t on co p ies, ove rd ue books and par king !" sai d j un io r Kirs tin Fi s her Ph oto by Ron Finelli.
C ompute r G en eration Jun io r s F abi ol a A r auJo, Fl e tc her B r own, Jur ge n Sc hl ie man, and Jam es L o be gin th eir in vesti gatio ns for art i cl es on co mpute rs T he hard es t part o f rese arch i s fin di ng info rm at io n for to pics. J unio r B 111 Nee said , " I \vas rea ll y ove rwh el med by th e si ze of th e No rlin Library , b ut th e ad va nce d co mp u t er sys tem made it muc h easier to find wha t I w as l oo kmg for " Ph oto by Ron
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thr o u g h o ut th e pr ocess of w ri tin g th e ir p a p e r s. T h ey h ave s p ecifie d d a t es wh e n th e ir o utlin e s a nd r o u g h dra ft s are du e; and finall y ," th e d a t e " wh e n th e co mpl e t e d p a p e r i s du e. Afte r fini s hin g th e p a p e r m a n y r ep o rt th a t it h e lp e d th e m in th e l o n g run . Juni o r Phil Ji p Willis s t a t e d , " Eve rythin g I r e all y n ee d e d t o kn o w , I l e arn e d in CC B. T h e r e s earc h p a p e r t a u g ht m e m a n y u s e ful s kill s th a t will h e lp m e thr o u g h m y a dult li fe. " Co n gra tul a ti o n s t o th o s e o f yo u wh o h ave s urvive d th e CC B " p a p e r " a nd goo d lu c k fo r yo u a ll wh o will b e writing yo ur 10- 15 p age s n ex t year . By Sa r a h E. M cG u a n e •
Student Life - 2 1
h e 1995-96 yea r w as fill e d with m a n y unf o r ge tt a ble eve nt s. Co l o r a d a n s f e lt joy wh e n c h ee rin g o n th e ir b e l o v e d R oc ki es, a nd h o rr o r wh e n th ey h e ard th e n e w s o f th e O kl a h o ma C it y b o mbin g. T h e Co l o r a d o R oc ki es exc it e d f a n s wh e n th ey mad e it t o th e pl a y o ff s, a nd th e n e w Co l o rad o Av a lan ch e h oc k ey t e am gave s p o rt s f a n s eve n m o r e t o c h ee r ab o ut as th ey co mp e t e d excell e ntl y in th e ir fir s t se a so n in Co l o r a d o. T h e p oss ibility o f th e Okl a h o ma b o mbin g trial co min g t o Co lo r a d o
On Trial Timot hy McVeig h and one othe r man, Terry Nic hols, are charged wi t h 1 1 count s in t he bombing of the Alfred P Mu rrah Fe d era l Building in Okla homa C11 y The explosio n on April 19 killed 169 people and inju red mo re than 500 The tr ial is rumored to be moved to Co lor ado in th e spring o f 1996
s urpri se d m a n y c i tize n s, pr o ducin g mix e d fee lin gs. O n a hi g h e r n o t e, m os t p eo pl e will n o t f o r ge t th e s tru gg l e th a t p o l a r b ea r c ub s Kl o ndike a nd S n o w f ace d aft e r th ey w e r e b o rn, a nd h ow th ey ca m e t o l ove th e cub s as th ey gre w up . And, Co l o r a d o ci tiz e n s w o n ' t f o r ge t th e h e artbr ea k th ey f elt wh e n Kl o ndike and Sn o w m ove d t o Flo rida . C l ose r t o h o m e, Go ld e n citiz e n s vo t e d t o limit th e gro wth in th e c ity t o o n e p e r ce nt a nnuall y. This ca u se d c o ntr ove r sy am o n g bu s in esses wh o b elie v e d th a t th e limit e d gr o wth w o uld hind e r th e s u ccess o f th e ir co mpani es. S. D ovey a nd S Sv e nnin gse n
All Aboard T he rece nt ly co mple ted Denve r Int e rn a tio nal Ai rp ort ran int o ma ny s nags and setbac ks 1n it s firs t yea r o f ope ra t ion Du r ing the Ch ris tm as seaso n, th e unde rgro un d tra ins broke d own a nd st ra nded many t rave lers, ca us ing th e m to miss connect ing fl ig ht s Oppo ne nts of the bui ldi ng of DI A a re now co nvi nced th at its co ns tru c ti on was a mista ke
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Feel ,ng the i'..} t.i. \I\,.) 22 - trtA.,~,o
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Swwwiiiog Batter The Co lorado Roc kie s mad e it 10 t he playoffs through a wild ca rd spo t th is season
In the play offs the Rock ies battled against the Atlanta Braves, but won on ly one of th e four games they played. The Roc ki es did , however, have an excellent season preceding th e playoff ga mes an d improved their a-ecord from the yea r before
Sitting in the S un The birth of the polar bears Klond1ke and Snow enthralled many Colorado citizens. As they grew up , the two bears cap tu red the hearts of school children and adults alike. Eventually they ou tgrew their home al the Denver Zoo, and their fans watched 1n dismay as Klondike and Snow were transported to the1r new home at Sea World 1n Flonda
Score Denver sports fans were extremely excited to learn of th e relocation of the Quebec Nordiques to Colorado. The team was renamed the Colorado Avalan c he, and, with both a talented coach and talented players, is having an incredib le first season Add1tionally , the famous Patrick Roy goalie tran s ferred from th e Montreal Canadians to play for the Avalanche team
on ear
Up and Co ming Go lden recen tl y passed a new law limi11ng lh e grow th 1n Golden to one percent a yea r Thi s amendment was created due to the recent expa nsion in the ci ty Proponen ts hope that this wi ll protect th e sma ll -tow n image o f Go lden , while opponents believe th at this law will destroy both re s1den1tal and co mm ercial growth
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Photo by Ron Finelh
Student Life - 23
P eace ful Dream s The c ivil war in the former Yugoslavia continued throughout 1995-96. More than three million people have lost their homes, more 1han 200,000 have been lolled , and lens of th ousands have become refugees Late in 1995 lhe U.S. sent 1roops into Bo snia as part of the Uni1ed Nations effort to produce peace among the C roats, the Se rbs, and the Mu sli ms.
Broken Record Baltimore Onoles s hortsiop Ca l Ripken marched inlo the record books when he broke Lou Gehng's record and played in 2,131 consecullve baseball games. Gehng bad held the record since 1939 Ripken broke the record on Sept. 6 and went on 10 fin is h 1he season having played 2,153 consecullve games, the las l 70 of them without an error.
Ju s tice for All ll was three decades ago , after a series of race rio ts, that race-based programs began to improve the Jives of black s. Bui in 1995-1996 these affirmative act ion plans began to ge1 weake r ,:-he Supreme Co urt iss ued decisions making ii harder to justify g iving min onlie s pref~rence~ 1n the awarding of fede ral co ntra cts; and the Chnton Administration ree val uated federal affirmauve action programs.
r, vocals and guita r, Mark Bryan , gui tars, Dean Felber , bass , and Ji m Sonefeld, drums The group sho t to th e top of the charts with their \ Cracked Rear View, and won seve ral Grammy:, 10 the process
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Feeling t't,
Cracked Rear View The Sout h Ca roli na band, Hoo tie and the Blowfis h, includes Darius Rucke
From what wa s hailed as th e trial of the century, to the tragic death of 169 innocent people in the Oklahoma City , Bombing, to the deployment of • United States' troop s to Bo s nia, the 1995-1996 sc hool year wa s full of surprises both nationally and internationally. The trial of ex-football great Orenthal Jame s Simpson for the murder of hi s ex-wife and her companion captivated the entire country for eight month s, and exposed many American s to the complicated legal world. The departure
of U .S. troop s t o war - torn Bos nia s parked a n ew d e bate over th e United S tat es' o bligatio n s int e rnationally. The nati o n wa s d evas tat e d by the t e rrori s t bombing of the Alfre d P Murrah government building in Oklahoma city, which r es ulted in tightened se curity of government buildings around th e co untry . All of the se events, along with many more that are not d e picte d on th ese page s, hav e becom e part of our memori es forever. S9 m e have taught u s le sso n s, so m e mad e u s laugh or s mil e, and others mad e u s cry, but mo s t will n eve r b e forgotten. UmitOzdemirandJamieBurke
Not Guilty The murder trial o f O J Si mpso n ended Not gu ilt y It took the j ury Jess than four hours to reach a ve rdict 1n the se ns ational trial that la s ted eig ht mo nth s The jury o f 10 women and two me n fou nd that Simpson did not kill his former wife, Nicole Brow n Sim pso n a nd h e r fri e nd , R o nald Goldman 1n June 1994 Th e trial twisted and turn ed through a maze of scie ntifi c evidence and dozens of expert w1 tnesses Ju dge Lance It o presided ove r the tn al in which Los An ge les P o li ce D etec 1ive Ma rk Fuhrm a n 's ra c i al slurs and attitudes became o ne of the f oca l p oints o f Simp so n 's defen se
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Million Man March Over a million black men marc hed in Wasli ing ton in a s piri1ed rally for unity and brotherhood . The Milli o n Man March was organized by Nat io n of Is lam leader Louis Farrakhan Part icipan ts we re op tim isllc that one of th e o ut comes of the peaceful day o f praying , si nging and speechmaking would be more understanding between blacks and whi tes.
Student Life - 25 I I • I I I
I ' Top Ten Best T.V. Shows 1. Friends 2. E R 3. H o m e Impr ove m e nt 4 . Mad Ab o ut You 5. T h e Singl e Guy 6. C ar o lin e in th e C ity 7. Seinfeld . 8. Homicid e 9. NYPDBlue 10 Chicago Hop e Top Ten"Worst T.V. Shows 1 . Mighty Morphin P o wer Rang e r s 2. Central Park W es t 3 Baywatch Nights 4 . Ro sea nne 5. Maybe This Time 6. M e lrose Place 7. JAG 8. Sister, Sister 9 . VR. 5 10. America 's Funniest Hom e Video s Top Ten Best Top Ten Best Singles Movies 1. Toy Story 2. Get Shorty 1 . Fantasy ... ........ .. ............ ....... Mariah Carey 2. Gangs ta' s Paradise Coolio 3. C lu el ess 3. Ki ss From A Ro se Seal 4. Batman Forever 4. Waterfalls TLC 5. Seven 5. Breakfas t At Tiffany' s Deep Blue 6. Ap o ll o 13 Something 7. The American 6. One Sweet Day ............... Mariah Carey & President Boyz II Men 8. The Bridges of 7. One Of Us Joan Osborn Madiso n County 8. Runaround ........................ Blue s Traveller 9 . 007 Golden Eye 9. Only Wanna B e With You ... Hootie & The 10 Ac e Ventura : Blowfi s h Wh e n Nature 10 . A s I Lay Me Down To Sleep ...... So phie C all s B.Hawkin s Top Ten Worst Movies 1. Showgirls 2. The Brady Bunch Movie 3. Johnny Mnemonic 4. Wat e rworld 5. Judge Dredd 6. The Scarlett Letter 7. Nine Month s 8. Congo 9. Fair Game 10. Species Top Ten Best Albums 1. Cracked Rear View Hootie & The Blowfis h 2 . Dangerou s Mind s ...................... Soundtrack 3. Jagged Little Pill .............. Alanis Morissette 4. One Hot Minute Red Hot Chili Peppers 5. Crazysexycool TLC 6. Four Blues Traveller 7. Throwing Copper Live 8. Melon Collie & The Infinite Sadness ... ..... ... ... ... ............ ..... ... ..... .. Smashing Pumpkins 9. Under The Table & Dreaming .................... . ...... .... .. ... .. .. ...... .. ..... .. .... .... Dave Matthews Band 10. Tigerlily Natalie Merchant
What better way to get Brodbeck, Mr. Bob Putka , and camped along th e Yampa away from sc hool and your as well as many other teach- andGreenRiversforthreedays parents than the junior raft trip. ers to accompany them. and four nights; while th e first Fo r many juniors, it is the ex- Alisha Smith s tated, "All I trip rafted and camped along pcnence of a li fetime, so m e- have to say is, watch out for the Dolores River Nhan thing that you will remember ro cks." This year, there were Nguyen stated, " I had a lot of forever. Working togetherwith only two raft trips to sta rt with, fun with my buds. " The trip is your friends as a team on the but because of the l arge re- definitely some thing that water can be c hallenging , but sponse, there was another trip sho uld not be missed, es pewas a big part of the trip added E lizabeth Chilcoat cia ll y when the cos t is only Amanda Fein s tated , " The sta ted, " I ' m g l ad they added a round $120-$130, while a way we grew and all became a the extra trip No one s hould com m e rcia l trip would run family was a great experience." mi ss this chance to take on the around $720. M any underSponsors for the trips were Mr. rapids." The juniors on the classmen l ook forward to this B ob Hayes, Mr. J oho seco nd and third trips raft e d specia l op portunity J Heinz
Kitchen Duty Kevin Ellis and Nahn Nguyen got the privilege of doing the dinn e r di s he s Kevin com men ted, " It wa s the ultimate high ,. The Juniors enjoyed lots of rain, great food and comfortable rocks to s leep on.
by J ulie Heinz
Row , Row , Row Your Boat That 's what Dan Beck, Kn s t,n e Comely, Oscar Sant, and M1 chelle Tucker did when the w ater was calm Many of the Juniors had sore arm s and legs dunng and even after the trip Mi chelle Tucker commented," I built my puny mu sc le s up, row ing , rowing, and more rowing."'
Time Out Andrea Erpelding, Alisha Smith, Mic helle Tu c ker and Jult e He,nz take a breather after a long day of rafting. Weather cond111ons vaned from su ns hine , to rain, to hail , and to sno w Andrea commented," All I have to say about the water when you Jump in, 1s, bum it' sco ld " Ph otoby Jult e Heinz.
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Photo by Julte Heinz
Student Life - 27
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GHS athletics mean s hard work, determination, team unity, and s ports man s hip. Sports take the s tude nt away from th e sc hool environment and puttheminanentirelydifferent world, the playing field. On the playing field athletes experience victories and def ea t s. The saying " Pra c tice make s perfect" ha s n eve r meant more until you have practiced for many hours trying to p e rfe c t your s troke , ba ckhand, or pas s. But all of your hard work i s paid of when you win a game or you get your perso nal b es t time . Your determination i s so evident when you play that people ca n read it on your fa ce. Team unity and
Is ports man s hip go hand in hand. To have good s ports man s hip you have to have a team that plays well together and s upports each other. GHS athletes po ssess both of these qualities
This year the GHS sports of tennis, softball, cross country, golf, football , gymnastics, volleyball, socce r , bas ketball, wrestling, swimming, track, baseball, and lacrosse all had successful seaso ns by putting the heat on their opponents and Feeling the Heat of their own determination to win. From the first football passed to the la s t hurdle jumped, GHS athletes had an overall s ucce ssful year. Katy Ratz
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I've Got It Juni or Lynn DeBerry passes the ball up to th e cen te r to s tart th e play, while senio r Andrea Erpeldin g watches the ball. The volley ball team got a new coac h thi s seaso n " Th is year ' s volleyball s eason was definitely a learning ex penence," sa id senior Carrie Pearse Ph o to courtesy of Golden Tran scri pt
It 's Min e Senior Jeremy B allenger tackles the ball from hi s Evergreen oppo n ent The soccer team had a good season thi s yea r , winning 10 games and losing only three games Senior Sky St1llwell said, "Soccer ts lt fe' " Ph oto by St eve Schroeder
You ' re Out! Senior K elly Cooper ai m s th e ball at first b ase, h op ing t o ge t someone o u t. The softball t eam finished secon d 1n Stat e, losing t o Pu eb l o Cou nt y by tw o runs Sent or K ell y Coope r sai d , " I ' m glad we made at so far and 1cou ldn ' t have asked for a better team for my sen i or yea r " Ph oto by Ron Fin ell1
I'm Gonna Make It Senior Eri c Stonns uses th e l as t of hi s s t r ength t o c ross th e finish ltn e, while so ph omores Tam se n Stok es, M i ke Fro st , and other G H S cr oss cou ntry members c hee r him on C ro ss cou ntry is one of th e hard es t spo rts t o do because you have to be very dedicated to run so far " T o run cross country you have to be stupid , crazy and dumb, but It ' s a lo t of fun ," sa id se ni or Eri c Stonns Ph oto by D avid Schroede r
I I "
Full Force Senior Aaron Turner (84) kicks to the opposing team , Columbine, and Jason Anderson (12) follows 1l. The demons beat Wheat Ridge with a score of 29 to 14 "The best part of this year was beating W heat Ridge," said Anderson. Photo by Ron Finelli
Defen s ive Dodging . Seniors Dave Palmer (32), and Shayden W ard (72) ru sh a defensive play in order to keep West minster from advancing Defen sive ly the Dem ons had the upper hand on mos t teams There were no speci fic captains on the team this year All the seniors acted as leaders thr ough their example and hard work lt 1s the best way to teach the Juniors and underclassmen about team unity ," remarked varsity football coach Matt Loyd. Photo by Ron Finell ,
The one word that be s t d es crib es thi s year's sea s on. To b e able to play as a team, yo u mu s t b e a t ea m , o n and off the fi eld. " I fe lt that w e really came tog e ther as a t ea m ," sa id se nior Shawn Erwin. The unity helped build a t ea m s pirit that wa s unlike many other sc hool s " Everyone wa s treat e d e qually . W e w e re a family, and w e w e r e ther e for eac h other the whole se a so n ," s aid so phomore Marc Rood . A s unity i s a big part of playing, s o i s the playing on th e field. " Every part of thi s year's team i s s tr o n g, fr o m th e offense to the d e fe n se . Our o nly weakne ss wa s a tough schedule, " s aid var s ity coac h Matt Loyd. " Bo th s id es of the line
dominated thi s year," said se nior Justin Hill. The Demons did pull off a seco nd place fini s h in the l ea gue, following s tate champs, Green Mountain, and ahead of la s t year's s tate champion s, Wheat Ridge They were very close thi s year to the s tate title but it slipped out of their hand s. It wa s a very memorable se ason. The se nior s had a wonderful year full of memorie s that they will be able to carry on with them for the re s t of their live s. The se nior s brought forth leaders hip , unity and great s kill s, that will be able to be carried on next year. "T radition s tart s with ' 96," sa id se nior Shayden Ward. They will be mi sse d next year. Amber Schaefer
D o wn and in Co ntro l. Senior Matt Rillos (21) , keeps hold of the ball against the very tough Mullen Mustangs Part of this year's strength lay 1n the returning upperclassmen "The GHS football team thi s year 1s great I lik e what I have seen happening There is a lot of up beat, positive quality coming from this year's program Although we do not have th e numbers like the other schools do, we have the effort which provides the strength 1n ou r playing We always hav e a sideline of players willing and ready to go , it's great," said athletic director Dave Anderson Photo by Bill Kell y
41 -7
F r o nt R o w J Hall , J Goble , D Smith, T Shields, C Fu lmer, A Rogers, T Du s ter, M Rood, N Ma ta ya, D Palmer, Seco n d R ow · ' '
D Pe tro, coach, A Bl esh, M M onckton, J M yers, S Erwin , S Ward, D H agber g, C. Hom , G B oatman, M Newman, R Blesh , coac h, Th ird R o w . B Ha yes, D Fi s her , M Driscoll, M R11l os, K Bil ge r, C Sutto n, T Mi c h eal, D Mack, 0 Sandt, J Matis, T Eilers , D Morgan, coach, B ack Row · B Coffee, coac h,J Nel son, J H ill , G Mallow , J Anderson , A Turn er, R H adw1ger, Z Ambariantz, J H otsenpilla r, M Loyd , coach
Drinkin g It Up Juni or Drew Smith (20), takes a quick and very g ratefu l drink break The Demons were a very dominating team this year " This ha s been th e best football team that we a t GHS ha s ever had , " said Sm ith Ph oto by Ron Fine ll1
Team Played Score Team Played Score Centaurus 28-26 Standley Lake 63 - 6 Mullen 38-57 Evergreen 49 -7 Columbine 27 - 21 Alam eda 39 - 20 Green Mtn 10 - 17 Play offs: Wht. Ridge 29 -14 Hinkley 40-35 Lakewood 21 -0 Air Acadamy 29-28
Centarus 31-32 - ~
Wes tmin s ter
31 l
S ports -
Co nn olly,
Down and Ready Sop h o more first baseman Mae ge n Conn o ll y waits o n first base fo r the throw from th e ou tfi eld durin g th e Wh eat Rid ge Farmers ga me After th is season fou r se n io r s wi11 be g r ad uat i n g fr o m Gol d e n Coac h Sto k es sai d the st re ng th s o f thi s yea r ' s team were "st ro ng hitting, and goo d pitching ."
Ph oto by R o n Finelli
Hey, What's the Call? Sop h omore ca tc her Ke lli Omara awaits her sign before batting from the tturd base coach during th e Chatfield Chargers gam ~. This season was Coach Bob S tokes ' first season coaching softball , although he coached the boys ' basketball last yea r fo r Golde n H e replaced last year s coach , Mr Bob Hayes Sen io r pitcher Christen Gair commented abo ut Coach S tokes, " Coach S tokes had very high expectati ons for ou r team and i t made us wo rk a lot harder." Photo by Ron Finelli
• 1· I - > -· - -·-· - -· Team Played Score Team Pl ayed Sco re Boulder 5-0 Green Mtn. 7-5 Lincoln 4-14 Standley Lake 0-7 Lakewo o d 6-1 Districts Alameda 5-1 Wind so r 19-0 Arvada 20-10 Th o rnt o n 17-0 Arvada We s t 1-11 Elizabeth 10 -0 Columbine 1-9 Regi o nal s Bear Creek 3-4 F. Christian 11-0 Everg r een 3-1 Dougla s County 13 -3 Pomona 5-1 State Chatfield 4-1 Ranum 9-2 Wheat Rid ge 4-3 Puebl o County 4-6
Front Row : M anage r Beau, Cha rl otte Parker, Kelly Coo per, S hann o n Rood , Amber Scha efe r, Kelh Omara , Tiffany M oon, Coach S hann on Hi g h Back Row : Coac h Bob Sto k es , Christen Gatr, J ess ica Wurt e nb e rge r, Brianna W ells , Kat ie Coope r, M aegen
Coach Dean Kunz
ij Feel Ing t ~ 32- Nfl14, 1
Rocket Fire Senior Chns ten Ga ir fires a p 11 ch towa rd s th e waiting batter during the Chat fi eld game at Golden Dunng the regional and s tate tournament, the G HS so ft ball team sco red a to tal of 37 ru ns So ph omore Ka1 1e Cooper stated, "' My season went really well, 1t was a lot bette r th an last yea r ' s season n Ph oto by Ron Fin el h
Throw Them Out Senio r Val Patton throws fr om third to fi rst base to ge t out the runner during the Wh eat Ridge game During th e d1stnct tournament th e so ftb a ll team's defense shut oul a ll of 1heir opponents Senior J essica Wurt enberge r co mm ented, The team played really well toge ther, w ith all th e experienced seniors and th e tale nt ed underclassmen " Ph oto by Ron Finelli
During fall you may hav e see n many girl s wearing s hirt s that had Leagu e c hampion s, and Regional champions on th e ba ck. They were the so ftball team. Not only were th ey League and Regional champs, but th ey were only one win away from becoming sta t e c hampions. This season the GHS girls ' softba ll t ea m made it further than th ey have ever before. They got seco nd place in State, lo s ing to Pueblo County High School during the c hampi o n s hip game, 4-6 . Many games thi s seaso n go t p os tponed because of the early s now. The GHS so ftball team finished with a winning re co rd of 18 wins and 7 losses, beating la s t year's r eco rd
whi c h wa s 15 -7. They went 4 f o r 5 in th e regional and State tournam e nt s. Se ni ors Christen Gair, Kelly Cooper, Jessica Wurtenberger, Val Patton, and so phom ore Brianna Wells wer e se lected for fir s t t ea m All- Co nfere n ce. Sop h omore Meagen Connolly wa s se lected for seco nd t ea m All - Confere n ce Tiffany Moon received h onorab l e mention . Se ni or Kelly Cooper who r eceived fir s t team All - Conference s aid, '' I am really excited and h o n ored that I r eceive d s u c h an award. " Th e so ftball team would not hav e reached th e l eve l th ey h ad if th ey did not pra c ti ce h ard and hav e dedication . Tamse n Stokes
Sports - 33
It's In ! Seniors Craig Gamble and Brand on Garretts celebrate after Gamble scored a goal 10 the game against Liberty Gamble received ho nora ble mention All-Stale this yea r along wilh senjor Jeremy Ballenger who got first team All -S tate Gamble , Ballenger and senior Mike Anderson were the top scorers of this years team Ph oto by S Schroeder
W e Ha ve Lift- o ff Senior Kurt Falkenthal kicks the baJI lo his forwards during the Columbine game Tiu s year's defense held oppo nents to sco ring only 13 goals compared to the Dem o ns' 35 and wa s one of the reasons the team did so well . "Ou r backfield is one of o ur maJor s trength s this yea r," s tated coach Brian Barke y. Ph oto by R. Finelli
T his year th e socce r t ea m b a ttl e d th e ir w ay t o a S t a t e qu arte r -fin al a pp eara n ce with th e h e lp of fo ur A ll -Co n fe re n ce, two A ll -S t a t e pl aye r s an d a t ea m of m os tl y se n io r s. T h ey t o pp e d of th eir seaso n w ith a 9-3-2 r eco rd . T hi s acco m p li s hm e nt w as n ' t easy, a nd , lik e th e s p o rt i t se lf, t ook a l o t of h a rd w o r k a nd co nditi o nin g. T h is h a rd w o r k p ays o ff wh e n th ey s t e p o ut o n th e fie ld " T h e b est pa rt a b o ut
Fee ling th~ rt~ , ~ ' 4 ' 34 - t2.( tf~~, ,
socce r i s kn o win g th a t yo u ' r e o n th e fi e ld with goo d s p o rt sm a n s hip a nd co mp e titi o n ," s t a t e d se ni o r Skye Stillwell . T h e r e are th ose wh o pl ay fo r th e fee ling th ey ge t a t th e e n d o f a vic t o ri o u s ga m e, o r wh e n th ey sco r e o r bl oc k a go al " I l ove h o w s w ee t it fee l s afte r sco rin g a go al," co mm e nt e d se n io r Craig Gamble. T hi s yea r w as a l so full o f fl a rin g t e mp e r s a nd fl as hin g ca rd s. Go ld e n 's pl aye r s r e-
ceive d m o r e than 12 yell o w c ard s a nd thr ee r e d c ard s. If yo u ge t a r e d c ard yo u a r e e ject e d fo r th e r e m aind e r o f th a t ga m e a nd fo r tw o m o r e ga m es a ft e r th a t . Se ni o r Brandon Garretts r ece iv e d tw o re d card s ove r th e co ur se o f th e seaso n with o n e o f th e m co min g in th e quart e r - final m a t c h up again s t Lib e rty . "T h e r e fe r ees didn ' t und e r s t a nd m y s tyl e o f pl ay," s tat e d G arr e tt s. St eve Sc hr oe d e r
• ~_ , ~JP .__ _ :-- - - ...~ 1/ . .,I • - I-
Here it Goes Senior Jamie Ko negn i throws the ball in to his waiting teammates durin g the Libert y ga me Konegni was o n e of th e four players receiving All-Conference thi s year Konegn1 got honorable mention , with fell ow se ni ors Brand o n Garretts ge tt ing second team and Mik e Anderson and Je rem y Ballenge r getting first team " The team d id we ll this year, we got more All-Conference selections than we ha ve in previous years," s tated Ballenger Ph o to by S Schroeder
Team Played Scor e Team Pl ayed Score
Kenned y 3-1 Arvada 2-0 Gateway 6-0 Arvada W es t 0-2
Bear C reek 2-0 Green Mo unt ain 2-2
Co lumb i ne 0-2 Evergreen 1-0
S ta ndley Lak e 4-2 Po m o n a 3-1
C h a tfi el d 2-2 Wh ea t R idge 1-2
Alam eda 6-1 State Quarter Final Game
Lakew ood 4-0 Libe rty 1-4 -~ ·-
Front Row : Nick Malkm us, Phillip W illis, J o nath an Sc hreiner, Jerem y B alle nge r, M ike Anderson , Rya n Chis ho lm , Kris Wallenta, Sco tt Danjels, Chris Co rbin Back Row : Skye Stillwell , Enc Anderson, Chris Rozelle, M i k e Lee , Kurt Falkenthal , J a m ie Konegni , Eric Bartosh, Cr aig Ga mbl e, Brand on Ga rrett s, Coach Brian Barkey Not Pi c tured : Darin M e nap ace, Simo n Prana1t1s, Dalyn Blackney
Stay Back
There Se n ior Skye Stillwell battles a Colu mbin e Rebe l as se n io r Kn s Wallenta ru shes towa rd s the ball. Columbi ne was o n e of the te a m 's three losses thi s seaso n These losses, howeve r, were overs h adowed by their nine wins "Ou r defense really helped us ge t our nine wins thi s year," said senio r J amie K onegm Ph o to by R Finelh
' - -· - -
Soccer -35
ld i ng , Ca rley
W illi am s , A my T ie tso rt , Ca m e P earse , He a th e r T u rn wall, So n ia Ca m ey , Coac h S andi Au st in
Waiting for the Mom e nt Jun io r L y nn D e Berry a n d so ph o m o re Amb e r C arn ey pr e p a r e f o r an in co m i ng a u ac k fr o m Wh e at Rid g e "T he re a re n o t ice abl e c h a nges 10 o ur p la y ing a nd the te am 1s s t ill imp rovi ng wi t h each ga me ," s tate d Coac h Au s tin Ph o t o co urt esy o f th e Go l den T ran sc ript.
G et S et Sop h o m ore Car ley W illi a ms se ts o ne o f he r teamm ates up fo r a s pike. W illi am s sai d , "Th e best part of pl ayi ng vo ll eyb a ll w oul d be ge tt i ng th at perfec t p ass , se ttin g a perfect set and h i tt i ng th e ba ll stra ig ht d o wn so that n o o ne ca n ge t 1t. " Ph o t o b y BJ Rey no lds
I -, .-..,. , 7 ,.... ......_ - -- ~• ...,. ~.,.. "'.- ,# • - - - I - ~. 1 - -T eam P layed Sco re T e am Pl ayed Sco re No rthglen n 8 - 15 7 - 15 ' A d ams Co u n l y 9- 15 , 11- 15 Ke n nedy 10 - 15 , 10 - 15 Col umbine 1 - 15 , 1- 15 Arap a h oe 4 -15, 10 - 15 Ala m eda 8 - 15 12 - 15 ' E ve rg ree n 8 - 15,9 - 15 Wh ea l R idge 2 - 15 12 - 15 ' Be ar cree k 2 - 15 4 - 15 ' Lak ewood 12-15 , 9 - 15 E n glewood 3 - 15 15 - 13 ' 4 - 15 C h a tfie ld 0 - 15 9 - 15 ' Arvada - W es t 0 - 15, 1 - 15 Au ro ra H inkl ey 11 - 15, 13 - 15 Arv ad a 11 - 15 , 15- 12 4 - 15 -
J e nn ife r
DeBorry, Lin dsey Alpe rs, Amber Ca m ey ,
Re ed , Ce les te Leid ic h, L y nn Mah a ra s T op Ro w· Co ac h Rh o nd a Adam s , Andre a Erp
Feeling t he f.,Jn ,1 4) 36 ,., :J,J J ' A - t •,{ ,--,, t-' -
He re It Co m es Se n1 or Ca m e Pearse prepares herself fo rt he i nco min g b al l durin g an aft ern oo n pra c ti ce , New po s11to ns on th e co urt too k a lo t o f pra ctice, pati e nce and ex peri e nce m lh e g am es, to help adju s t to diffe rent s ty les o f pla y in g " We J us t need more lim e to adJu s t to o ur new pla yers and tran s form o ur weakn esses int o s treng ths," sa id juni o r Ly nn De Berry, early 1n th e se aso n Ph o to co urte sy of the Go ld e n Transcn pt
Get Into Po s ition Heather Tumw all rece ives a se rve fr o m t he o pposi ng team and prepa res he r teamma tes f or a return pla y Dunn g th e se aso n , so ph o mo r e Amb e r Ca m ey s tated, "O ur team is aweso me but we need to s to p p lay in g polill cs and s tart pla y ing vo ll ey b a ll " T hi s ye a r 's te am consi s ted mai nl y o f so ph omores whi ch mad e it a ve ry yo un g tea m P ho to by BJ Rey nold s.
The GHS voll eyball te am had a ve ry tryin g s ea s on thi s year, with a t o ugh sc h e dul e, a y o un g team, and a n e w co a c hin g s t a ff Th e ir " h a rd work, e nthu s ia s m , and a ttitud e w o uld b e th e team 's great es t s tr ength . Fo r th e w e akn ess, th e in exp erienc e of th e n ew pla ye r s, " s aid coac h Sandy Austin. Ye t many impr ove d in th e duration of the se a s on, junior Lynn De Berry wa s voted by fellow tea mm a tes t o b e th e m os t improved player. D e Berry s aid, " I' m g lad I wa s able to improve my o utl oo k o n v oll eyball, m y attitude, and my co nfid e n ce o n th e co urt " Senior Andie Erpelding w as m o s t in s pira ti o nal and s oph o m o r e Heather Tumwall i s n o te d f o r
h e r 2nd tea m All- Co nfe r e n ce. " No matt er wh a t h a pp e n s, yo u ju s t h a v e t o k ee p y o ur c hin up a nd k ee p s tri v in g fo r th e b es t," s a id Erp e ldin g. Se ni o r Carrie Pearse is pl aye r o f th e yea r a nd r ece ive d 1s t tea m All- Co nfe r e n ce, " D e s pit e a ll o f th e int ern a l pr o bl e m s go ing o n with th e tea m , I' v e m a n age d t o k ee p foc u se d o n m y pla yi n g a nd th e ga m e, " said P ea r s e T h o u g h th er e w er e man y s tru gg l es thr o u g h th e seaso n , s o m e f elt th a t th ey b eca m e m o r e o f a tea m by w orkin g thro u g h th e pr o ble m s t oge th e r " W e h a d a h a rd se a so n , but w e had t o pull toge th e r to fini s h , " sa id so ph o m o r e Amber Camey . P a t Swift a nd Kea l a Murd oc k.
Sports - 37
Swinging Hard Juni o r Tony Orihuela drives a long s hot during pra c t ice this yea r at Foothills Golf C.ourse Tony was pl aced 50t h in the league , wit h an average of 90 4 strokes over a period of five to urn aments. C.oac h M ark H o m ecke r said, "Tony is one o f th e tea m 's leadi ng members " Ph oto by M Ho rnecker
On the Fringe J unio r Pet e r M ooney pauses for a p icture j ust before a putt du ring practice this seaso n Although th e team lacked the ex p erience o f seni ors, the juniors on the team added some ex peri ence a nd consis tency C.oach H o m eck e r said, "The guys played very consis tent a ll season." Ph oto by M H ornecker
lAlthough the GHS men 1 s golf team came up with a ninth place fini s h at the league tournament thi s year, the team i s not di sa ppointed. Coach Mark Homecker said , " We played a good seaso n de s pite our lack of experience . 11 This year, the team had no se nior s, only three juniors, seve ral so phomore s, and two fre s hm e n. Coac h Hornecker said , " The kid s have played very consistent all year ." After eighth and ninth place fini s he s all seaso n , the team came home from the la st competition with their fir s t and only top three fini s h and trophy. Sophomore Dave Feth said, " The b es t thing
about playing high sc hool golf, i s all of the free golf. " The guy s had an enjoyable seaso n , and enjoyed their coach. Sophomore Josh Barthels said, " Coach i s really cool because he is knowledgeable about the s port, and he is supportive, no matter what the situation." The team is optimi s tic toward next seaso n. " We should have a lot more experience and depth to the team next year," s aid Hornecker. Although no one qualified for State, sophomore Luke VanWoensal tied for tenth place the in the county Luke had an astonishing average of only 79.4 strokes per tournament. By Chris John so n
.. J ,.
Fee ling t'l_ 38 - Nrtp), .,'
Focus on the Ball Sophomore Zach Shi rk t akes a chip shot during a practice at Foothills tlus season According to the players, the worst thing about th e ga me is the time it takes to practice Sophomore Dave Feth said , " I like to play , but i t tak es h o urs and h ours for a si n gle practice." Ph oto by M ark H omeck er
Tournament Place Tournament Place
Eagl e Tr ace 8th Indian Tree 9th
The Meadows 9th Foothill s 8th
Coal C r eek 8 th Skylin e Invite 3rd
Off Target Sop h omo re Luke Van WoensaJ agonizes afte r a missed s h o t o n the gree n during pra ctice. Luke placed highest of the whole team thi s season, with a 10th place finish in th e league CoachHo m ecker said , "Luke p layed very well thi s season ."' Ph oto by M H omecke r
~, ~,,- ---~ - --...,
Front Row : Austin S mith , Dave Feth , Pet er M ooney , Luke VanWoensaJ
Row : Coac h M ark H omecker, Timo th y H opin, Zach Shirk, Anthony Orihuela, J os hua M o les, Josh Barthels
Sports -39 - - _..- - - -
Wa tch Yo u r Hea d Senior Dan Bec k and Junior B ill Nee practice their return s. This season the GHS tennis team had a regular season reco rd of 46. Sophomore Eri c Horva t said, " Thi s s eason was a good bu1ldingseasonsince we are a you ng team." Ph oto b y BJ Reynolds
S win g ing Hard. Sophomore Troy Han n emen a nd Junior J oe Casc io are doing what they do best and that 's tea m work Even though thi s yea r 's GHS tenms team was young th ey s till ha ve one o r two more years to exce l 1n the s port Coac h EricJenningssaid, " With how our tenni s team 1s getting better, l kn ow that next year will be a great season ." Ph oto by BJ Re n yolds
j • Team Pl ayed Score T eam Pla yed Score Columbine 1-6 Evergreen 2-5 Arvada West 5-2 Bear Creek 4-3 Standley Lake 3-4 Arvada 5-2 Pomona 3-4 Alam e da 3-4 Chatfield 1-6 Regional s 3rd Area 2nd -
Front row · J oh n Piek ars ki , M a ll Schneide r, M ike Fros t , Pet e r Rappmund, Troy H annemann , J oe Cascio Back row · M itch Sandoval , lan Schmid t , Eric Horva t, Enc Jennin gs (coach) , Drew Coonan , Dan Bec k , Ni c k J o hn so n , Bill Nee
I Go t It Sophomore Eric Horvat hits a back hand down the line. The GHS tenni s team took second in the Area Tournament this season Bill Nee said, " I think ou r team did pretty good at the tournament , JU SI like last year " Ph o to by BJ Re ynold s
Ba c khand S ty l e Sop ho more Drew Coonan returns a serve at pra ctice with a stro ng bac khand The GHS tenni s team had eight of its 10 players qualify for State, but unfortunately o nJy o ne doubles team placed Joe Cascio said, I th ought that State was fun but unfortunatel y ou r team wasn't playing its be st.,.. Ph oto by BJ Reynolds
This sea so n th e G H S t e nni s t ea m w as yo un g with o nly a co upl e o f junio r s a nd se ni o r s. A lth o u g h th e y had a yo un g t ea m with t o p pr osp e cts so ph o m o r es Eric Horvat a nd Mike Frost, th e t e am did pre tty w e ll i n th e numb e r o n e a nd tw o s in g l es divis i o n s thr o u g h th e seaso n a nd a t Stat e. Bill Nee said, " I e nj oy h av in g a ll o f th e y o un ge r playe r s o n o ur t ea m b eca u se th ey h ave l o ts o f e n e r gy." H ea d Coac h Eric Jennings al so e nj o y e d h a ving a lm os t a ll so ph o m o r es b eca u se of th eir e n e r gy.
At Stat e th e t ea m didn ' t d o as w e ll as th ey w a nt e d t o with o nl y o n e d o ubl es t ea m pl aci n g, and th a t wa s so ph o m o r e Troy Hanneman a nd
j uni o r Joe Cascio . H o rv a t sa id, "O ur t ea m ju s t w as n ' t o n th ose d ays a nd w e p a id th e pri ce, but a t l eas t a co upl e o f p eo pl e pl ace d ." Dan Beck also s t a t e d , " W e tri e d o ur b es t a nd th a t' s wh a t co unt s." Eve n th o u g h th e t ea m d i dn ' t d o th e ir b es t a t St a t e, th ey did s h o w th e ir co mp e ti tiven ess a t th e A r ea To urn a m e nt pl ac in g seco nd ove r a ll .
A lth o u g h thi s seaso n w as n ' t th e b es t, it h elp e d build s kill fo r th ose wh o n ee d e d it a nd th e und e r cl ass m e n ca n ' t w a it fo r n ex t seaso n J oe Casci o s t a t e d , " I ca n ' t w a it fo r n ex t seaso n so w e ca n s h o w e v eryo n e w e a r e ac tu a ll y r ea ll y goo d ." N ic k Coo k so n
Sports -4 1
Am I Do n e Ye t? Fr eshma n AshJey M eaghe r s tro kes to victory a t th e Jeffco [ nvita La tionaJ This year's All Co nfe rence swimmers were seni ors Sanni Keslamak1and Se re n a Dovey, Ju ru ors K aty R atz a nd Kris te n Versaw, so ph omores Sarah P almer an d Sa ra Logan, an d fres hm e n Juli a King and Ashely Meag h er Meaghe r co m men te d , " I ge t really bored looki n g at the ceili ng w hen I swim the back s troke Ph o to by S teve Schroed e r
Divi n g Ah ea d o f th e Co mp e titi o n Se nio r Carissa La uw ers pl un ges into the pool during h e r 200 freesty le race aga i nst Bear Cree k Thts yea r , senio r Serena Dovey was p tc k ed as th e 4 A s w un m e r o f the yea r So ph o mo r e Sage Con n e ll y said, " Th e best p a rt of the seaso n was the aw eso m e coach es and how t h ey p us h ed us to perfo rm ou r very best.,. Ph o to b y S teve Schroed e r
T h e La d y De m o n s wimm e r s prac ti ce d e xtr e m ely h a rd a ll s ea s o n s o th a t th ey co uld bri n g h o m e th e fin a l win o f b ein g League
C h a m pio n s . R elyin g o n coac h e s Steve Bates
Ia nd S hannon Mulder t o tr a in th e m t o b e t h eir b es t a nd t ake th e m a ll th e w ay fo r th e fo u r th yea r in a r o w So ph o m o r e Sage
Connelly s t a t e d , " Sh a nn o n w o r ke d u s h a rd a nd gave u s a l o t o f d iffe r e nt goal s t o s trive for. Sh e w as upli fti n g a nd e n e r ge ti c; th e t ea m be n efi t e d a grea t d eal fro m h e r ." T h e hi g h t hi s s ea s o n w a s th e e n o rm o u s vic t ory ove r hi g hl y r a nke d Wh ea trid ge, fo ll o w e d b y a co n tinu o u s winnin g s tr eak. T h e vic t o ri o u s
s easo n b egan in N o v e mb e r with try o ut s f o r n ew m e mb e r s a nd fin a ll y e nd e d in February . Practices w e r e h eld eve ry d ay a ft e r sc h oo l, a nd durin g Winte r Brea k a t th e Go ld e n R ec Ce nt e r. With so mu c h s wimming, th e t ea m go t a goo d t as t e o f wh a t b e in g tir e d i s all a b o ut So ph o m o r e Tiffany Dovey sai d , " I go t r e all y w o rn o ut s wimmin g ev e ry d a y but it w as w o rth it b eca u se w e h a d a fa nta s ti c s easo n ." T hi s ye ar th e t ea m had thr ee se ni o r coca ptains, Carissa Lauwers, Sanni Keskimaki and Serena Dovey. All thr ee a gr ee d i s th a t th e r e a so n fo r th e winnin g L e agu e r eco rd i s th e t e rrifi c h ea d coac h a nd th e co mmr a di e o f th e t ea m T e r es a Emm o n s a nd Kim W es tb y
Record Setters Juni or Kristen Versaw sets up to dive into the pool again s t the co mpetiti on at a meet at Meye r' s Pool. Versaw pl aced first in the 50 frees tyle, with a school record time of 24.65 , and was also first in th e 100 freestyle in 4A Versaw teamed w ith Serena D ovey, Sarah Pal mer,a nd Kat y Ratz to set the school record in the 200 freestyle relay at 1:44 46 Th e 400 freestyle rela y team of Serena Dovey, Julia King, Sa rah Palm er, and Kn s ten Versaw also set a record with a time of 3:56.36 The 200 medley relay team of JuliaKing,Ashle y Meagher, Sanni Keskima.ld , and Kri sten Versaw set the G H S record with a time of 1:5 8 62. Phot o by Steve Schroede r
Win so r, R P ico n, K. Fagerburg, K. Jon es, C Lauwers, S Palmer, K. Ratz , S Dove y
How Did I Do ? So phom o re S age Co nnelly loo ks at th e lime boa rd to see ifhert1mebeat s all th e co mpet ito rs Jun ior J amie H arvey set th e sc hoo l 's d ivi ng reco rd wit h a sco re of 302 50 o n 11 dives Jum o r Tracey Hoback said, "The team wa s more together th is year because o f th e leaders hip that the ca pta in s di s p la ye d " Ph o to by Steve Sc hro ed e r
Team Played Us Them Team Played Us Th e m C hatfield 123 6 3 Arvada West 95 91 Jeffco Rel ays 1s t 4A Po m o na 102 83 Bear Cr ee k 89 97 Le ague C hamp ions h i ps 1st 4A 1: Sta ndl ey Lake 108 77 Co lora d o S tat e J effco Invite 3 rd 4A C hampi ons h i ps 7 th 4A Wheat Rid ge 105 8 1 ,.- - --n ~--• - -·Fro nt row : H Fos ter, J Kunze, R Po litte , S. Mic ke , J Harv ey Second row : A H oog heem , T Dovey, M Keating, J King, S. Arndt , S Logan , T H oback, S Kesk1mak1 , A Kel so, A Me aghe r , K Versaw Back row : T Sc hmidt , M Davie s, A. Klein , L. H oog heem, K. F isher, H
Sports - 43 .... - ..- . - -·-
Meet Guys' Place Meet Girls' Place
All T ire d Out Junior Kri sten Versaw rests her head on her father 's s houlder after competing in a hard meet At the regional meet , the girls' team placed third while the boy s took fourth, which was generally a very good placing for both of the teams "Ou r team really had a lot of support from parents and fnends thi s season which was great It really makes you run at your best when you know people are there cheenng you on Our whole team is actually very s upportive of one another, and that gives us all extra motivation ." re marked Versaw Photo by Billy Kelley
First row: Mike Keen , Kyle Russell , Laura Raschen , Keala Murdock , Kristen Versaw, Danielle Chappell, Aimee Hoogheem , Enc Storms Seco nd r o w: Coach Gina Nel so n, Tamsen Stokes, Jam1e Brooks, Steve Schroeder, Brendan Chisholm, John Streelman , Jon Pineau , Emily Russell , Lizzy Hoogheem , Chuck Comely , Brad Bouley Ba ck r ow : Coach LukeYoung , Troy Bauer, ••• • , Jonathan Hall , Mike Frost , Adam Wendling , Aaron Barret, Rob Pineau , Matt Fro st, Bnan Sanders
Hang Loo se Seniors Steve Schroeder and Eric Storms, juniors Matt Fros t, Jon Pineau , and Brad Bouley, and sop homore Mike Fro s t compare their times in the previous race " Thi s season wa s really fun because everyone on the team is really good fnends and we have a lot of fun together," commented se mor Chuck Comely Photo by Steve Schroeder
Fee ling tl! 1 44- NflAT
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Horizon Invite 11th Horizon Invite 6th Leadville Invite 15th Leadville Invite 7th N/ S Meet 4th N/ S Meet 4th Liberty Bell 13th Lib erty Bell 9th Clear Creak 9th Clear Creek 6th Aurora Invite Snow Out Aurora
Snow Out Col umbin e Invite 11th Columbtne Invite 6th Northgl enn FIS Meet 18 th Northglenn FIS Mee t 11th Northgl enn Invite 20th Northglenn In vite 18th League 10th League 9th Regional s 4th Regionals 3rd State 19th State 16th
I11 • I, J \ ,. .. ,# ,# '
Alm os t Th ere Senior C huck Comely st ru ggles to catch i he run n er 1n fron t ofh 1m The boys ' tea m p laced 19th a t the s ta te m eet thi s season , w h ile the girl s too k 16th " I th ank th a t we coul d h ave done a bi t be tt e r , b ut we we re n ' t p um ped up eno ug h We a ll gave ii o ur bes t s hol, bu t we were a litt le disappo1n1ed in th e ou1 co m e of the m eet ," rem arked Co m e l y P h oto by Bill Ke ll ey
Go in g th e Di s tan ce S o ph o m o r e Da nie ll e Chapp e ll and f res hmanLizzie Hoog heem fi nis h th ei r races at th e l eague mee t. Jun io r Matt Frost too k lO Lh place at th e s lat e l ourname nt , whi c h was a di sa ppoinl ment for him beca use he was hoping to place in th e to p fi ve " I didn ' t have a grea t race th at day , but I g uess th at th ere is al ways nex t ye ar,"' co mme nt ed Fros t. Ph oto by Ro n Ve rsa w
Th e GH S cr oss co untry t eam h a d a s u cce ssful seaso n as th e y ac hi eve d th eir goal of t a kin g b o th th e b oys' a nd girl s' t ea m s t o St a t e. T h e t e am unity a nd many r e turnin g upp e r cl ass m e n g a ve th e t ea m s tr e ngth.
Le ading th e t e am thi s seaso n w e r e junio r s Aimee Hoogheem and Matt Frost . U n fo rtunat ely, H ogh ee m w as injure d ri g ht b efo r e th e l eagu e m ee t a nd wa s un a ble t o run . Sh e r ecove r e d in tim e, h o w eve r , t o run in R egio nal s a nd th e n g o o n t o take six th pla ce a t th e s t a t e t o urn am e nt " I w as really di sa pp oint e d wh e n I go t hurt, but I gu ess I alw ays ha ve n ex t year t o place in th e t o p thr ee a t St a t e, " r e m a rke d H oogh ee m
A n o th e r m ain o b s t ac l e th e t ea m face d wa s th eir l ack of d e pth . O nl y s eve n girl s co mp e t e d , an d th e m inimum r e quir e m e nt t o m ake u p a t ea m i s seve n runn e r s " It w a s t o u g h wi th o nl y s eve n girl s, but w e go t b y. T h o s e s eve n r ea lly co mp e t e d h ar d thr o u g h o ut th e sea s o n ," co mm e nt e d Coac h Gina Nels on .
Ne l s o n h a s b ee n coac hin g G H S cr o ss co untry fo r m a n y yea r s n o w , a nd r e p eti ti ve l y turnin g o ut s u cce ss ful t ea m s . " O ur t ea m h a d a l o t o f s pirit a nd ca m ara d e ri e whi ch m a d e it all w o rth it . G in a t a lke d t o u s i ndiv idu al ly , pu s h e d u s t o go farth e r , a nd s upp o rt e d u s a ll th e w ay," s ai d H oogh ee m Sere n a Dovey a nd Ja s o n H e nd e r so n
Sports - 45 i I
Rebound Senior Danell Dittbrenne r fights o ff a Standley Lake defender during o ne o f the Demo n s ' seven wins Dittbrenner wa s one of the lead sco rers , beaten only by se n io r J ayna Ho rvat. " We had an incredib le tim e ; it was a positive experie nce," s t ated se n io r Wend y Heywood Pho to b y Steve Schroede r
Reachin' High Lady Demon senio r Ke lle y Coope r rea c hes fo r lh e ball durin g one of th e team ' s games th is yea r as Taleah Mata ya tnes to h el p Coo per is o ne o f fo ur seniors w h o will be leaving th e team th is year " AJI o f the se n iors s how ed good leaders hip abilities," s tated head coach Lisa Wa hl Ph o to by Stephen Schroeder
A s a Lady Demon passes so m eo n e in th e hall, they appear to liv e up to the titl e given t o th eir ba s ketball team . But thi s plea s ant d e m ea nor is a di s gui se. Thi s nam e that ha s been given to th e m i s a ru se, u se d to make th e girls ' ba s ketball team seem nice . It works off th e co urt , but once the Lady Demon s get onto the court, watch o ut . Some s ay that girls ' s ports are l ess aggre ss ive than th e male coun-
terpart; however, team s can' t go into double boP u s because the other team i s b eing nice Lady Demon ba s k e tball games were plagued with fouls, not to the ex treme, but enough to se nd their opponents into the double bonu s with a few bruises. These bruises helped to relieve so me of the fru s tration that came with the Lady Demons' season. After winter break they won only three games while lo s ing 10. Despite barely mi ssi ng .500 in
their season average, the Lady Demons were a close team Led by se nior s Carrie Myers, Danell Dittbrenner, Kelley Cooper, and Jayna Horvat , the team stayed united under the se rough circumstances. Horvat and Dittbrenner also led the team in sco ring. They swapped high scores in different games, but Horvat s tayed on top with 14 point s a game. Stephen Schroeder
I 1 I I l '
dI 46 - N~;ii~·
fee11 ng
It's Up and In Senior Carrie Myers s hoots a field goal over the Standley Lake defenders during th e close 43-41 victory. In some games. the Demon s were unable to hit some of their open shots. Despite the s lightly la cking offense, th e Lady Demons• defense r emained strong throughout the en ti re season. Photo by Stephen Schroed e r
First Row : Kelley Cooper, Andr ea Dittbrenner, Wendy Heywood, Alison Reynold s Seco nd Row : Head Coach Li sa Wahl , Jayna H orvat, Carrie Myers , Nikki Varvens, Tara Oneill, Danell Dittbrenner, Kara Rome , Laura E k berg, Coach Randy Schreine r
Gimme That! Senior Danell Dittbrenner figh ts over what was soo n called a ju mp ball during the Demons' m atch up with the Chatfield C hargers. Dittbrenner and the other se niors helped to lead Golden's defe nse 10 one of the best in the league "O ur de fense improved th e most, it was th e s tronges t aspect of the learn," said se ni o r Jayna Horvat.
Team Played Soore Team Played Score J efferson 57-19 C hatfield 43-50 Denver We s t 69-14 Pomona 41-56 Skyview 43-44 Green Mountain 37-5~ Westm inister 57-43 S tandley Lake 43 -41 Ra num 57-27 Columbine 45-48 Li ttl e to n 30-50 Bear Creek 63-70 Wh ea t R idge 36-51 Lakewood 46-33 Arvada 44-57 Dis tricts Arvada West 39-40 Lakew ood 49-37 Alameda 80-3~ Littleton 37-53 Eve rgree n 40-6( -~- -.~ n,-
Sports -47
Photo by Ro n Finell1
I Can Fly Se n io r AJ S tahl tri es to catch a pass from hi s te ammate by go ng above the rest when G H S played Co lumbine At the Po mo na game, the GHS c h ee rl eaders got into the compe titi ve spi rit, ye ll i ng back and forth w th Pomona ' s chee rl ea d ers Senio r Darren Menap ace comme nted , "We are a great team a nd we h ave a lot of po tent ia l in sta te "
M alaya, Ja so n Eag leso n , J os h M o les
Row : Darren Men apace , AJ S tah l, Aaron Turner, Eric Horvat , Tom Ro m e
All Eyes Here Jum ors J os h M o les and T o m R o me conce ntrate and h o p e the fr ee-t hrow will be good Th o ugh a 11 e nd ance was so me tim es low, i t did not affect th e team ' s ab 1h1 y to win Jun io r Tom Ro m e sai d early in th e seaso n, " W e h ave to wi n a few ear l y i n th e seaso n, th en we will ha ve a good c han ce at Sta te " Ph oto b y Ron Fi n e ll i
t ~, . i111t.tra- - •&.._ -_ & "'llil •.•·..... .. "Y' ' r"'; J- - - f' Team Played Sco re Team Pl ayed Sco re Broomfield 61-55 Alameda 64-61 Adam s City 89-49 Eve rgreen 36-61 Alameda Tourna m en t Chatfie ld 40-60 Sheridan 102-65 Pomona 55-54 Ranum 64-45 Green Mountain 60-66 Alameda 57 -67 Standley Lake 57-51 S kyview 55-53 01 Columbine 82-83 Westminster 50-58 Bear C r ee k 66-64 01 Wh eat Ridge 65-47 Lakewood 64-60 Arvada 66-72 4A R o un d 1 75-48 Arvada West 59-72 4A Ro und 2 55-97 •"" ·a - -
Front Row : Erik Lose man , Asst. Head Coach J oe R illos, H ead Co ac h Bob Sto k es, J ason
Row : S teve Barlow, Mall Rillo s, Nate
.• •
Photo by R o n
Take That! Senior Aaron Turner fights his way through C.ol umb,ne players to rip down a rebound The team had fina ll y taken shape, looked like a team, played hke a learn and everyone noticed Senior Nate Malaya commen ted, " We had a 101 of good a1hJ e1es, good attitudes with the team unity " Photo by Ron Finelh
Here We Go Senior Ja son Anderson smiles as he goes fo r th e la y-up with C.olumb1ne players trailing behind him . The season wa s a great effort, everyone was i n his place and playing well Sen io r Aaron Tu mer sa id this team was, "One of the better basketball team that has come th rough GHS ." Ph oto by Ron Finell,
The boys' bas k e tball team h a d a t errific seaso n rounding out th e regular se a s on with a record of 12-7. Bea ting Wh ea t Ridge b y 18 points early in th e seaso n wa s one of th e m os t uplifting events. Coach Bob Stokes said o f th e quick s tart, " W e haveju s tb ea tourtw o bi g rival s Wh e at Ridge by 18 and Alameda 61-64. " These win s help e d th e team to rPaliz e what th ey n ee d e d to accomplish to get into and pla ce w e ll in State
Senior Darren Menapace felt that th e improved t ea m thi s year wa s a r es ult of, " A l o t more of a bond between the playe r s. The seve n se niors hav e be e n playing togeth e r f o r a l o n g tim e and th ey play like a t ea m ."
Though th e t ea m played mu c h better thi s year, Matt Rillos co mm e nt e d th a t th e t ea m co uld impr ove o n th eir away ga m es and ge ttin g m otiva t e d b e fo r e a ga m e.
According t o th e t ea m , coac h , and m a nager, so m e of th e excep ti o n al players were Aaron Turner, A .J . Sta hl , Nate Mat aya, Darren M e nap ace, St eve Barl ow and Matt Rillo s.
The t ea m , ranked within th e t op 10 in s t a t e, ha s had great s upp o rt from th e s tudent b o d y. Level III playe r , fr es hman Greg Anderson, said , "Th e b oys' varsity t eam h a d man y s tr o n g p oints, but th e ir coac hin g l e d th e m t o victory. " K Palanuk and M . Whitfi eld
L/ro / · I
Sports - 49
e a e, y, . en ey con row: a e la~ B Fre drickso n, D Fis her, Co ach Chuck Regner, H ch Michael Joseph, Coa ch Sco tt Acke r, D Blackney, K St ran, R. Pineau Back row: J Hall, D H erbert, C Hamblin ers, J H o tsenpillar, R. Hanse n, C Co rnely, V Khristoporov Walte rs, Z. Haro ld, M Hum , C Kelle , J Hall ,
Bashing Bodies. Sop ho mo re Nick Walters bashes hi s o pponent int o the ground Thi s yea r there was a lot of aggression,stro ng-w ill , and und y ing determi nati o n brought about by the wres tl ers . " I th oug ht that my season was mu ch more s uccessfu l than las t yea r 's, bu t la st ye ar was my first year,"' said so ph o more Chri s Hamblin Photo by Steve Schroeder
Just Another Victory. Senio r David Herbert raises hi s hand in v ictol') , again st his Alameda o pponent who was ranked fourth in state This year Davi-i had man y victories which resulted i n a third-ranked seat at the regio nal to urnament " My biggest highlight thi s yea r was my seco nd mat c h when pinned l ast yea r 's th ird place finisher at the s tate c hamp io nshi p in SA, in a time of one minute a nd twenty -fi ve seco nds,"' said Herbert with mu ch pride and a little smirk Ph oto by S teve Schroed er
Feel ,ng the 1wl•~ ,i 50 - fit!.'~
I I Team Played Score Standley Lake 23 51 Alameda 48 36 Lakewood 36 41 Green Mt. 30 45 Wheat Ridge 31 42 Evergreen 28 41
, (/
Escaping the Enemy. Junior Zac h Pike performs a short sit and even tuall y gets out of the hold Zach 1s headed to the regional c hampi ons h.ip and will try to place in orde r to go to the state tournament. "Overall I th ought it was a great yea r We had a lo t of inexperienced guys and g irl s and there were also quite a lo t of good wrestlers, " said Pike Ph oto by Steve Schroede r
Holding on Strong. Seruo r Brad Fredrickson h o lds his opponent with all of his might while trying to gai n comple te control. While being th.iro-ranked nati o nally in freestyle wrestling , Brad wilJ become first-ranked in h.igh-school wrestling at th e state tournament . "Wre stlin g put mein top condition and taught me dicipline ," said sophomore Bobby BentJey . Photo by S teve Schroede r
The GHS wre s tler s had an awesome seaso n this year. The coed wre s tling t ea m co ntained a variety of members so m e with mor e experience and s kill than others, but overall they w ere s till a close-knit group, learning together and always making improv e m e nt s. " My highlight thi s year wa s my easiest match wh e n I toyed with the Wheat Ridge guy right b efore I pinned him," sai d se nior Jeremy "Georgia" Benson. One of the be s t matche s all year wa s against the muchrivaled Wh e at Ridge Farmers; CHS wre s tlers brought about poise, confidence and so me really great pins. Wre s tling i s not just another typical s port nor is it two p eo ple bas hing each other. It involve s a high lev e l of s kill,
and it also r e quires great s tr ength, s tamina and enduran ce. Many wr es tl e r s wer e o n s trict die ts to s tay in th eir w eight classes o r dr op into a low er w e ig ht class. Practices are tou g h and Ion& but in th e e nd the condition of th e wr estler s i s unbelievabl e. " Wr es tling is a hard s p ort, especially if you are a woman . It takes a l o t of time and effo rt if yo u want to b eco m e a goo d wr es tl er," sai d junior Kindra Steele . This year's t e am wa s very s trong and it will b e n ex t year as w ell, with many young wr es tl er s exce lling in this challenging s p ort. A s th e GHS wr es tlin g t e am grows and pa sses o n , they will s triv e f oreve r m o r e t o k eep their tradition of winnin g alive. Amber Sc ha e fer and Sa nni Keskimaki
Sports - 51 i I
Hand s Do wn Anne Fay s how s o ff he r balance durin g a floor exercise.
As a so ph o more Anne qualified fo r the s tate compe titi o n fo r he r seco nd yea r 1n a row Gymnastics coach
Ma r il yn Wi lcox s aid, " Anne was a wonderful co ntribut io n to the team thi s year." Ph oto by Ro n Fine ll i
Leap s and B o und s Sophomore Andrea Dittbrenner gets some height during a balance beam perfonnance Sophomore Anne Fay commented, "' We (t he team ) d id real well thi s year, improving our score every meet, and we're o nJ y going to lose two seniors so it s hould be a good team next year." Photo by Ron Finelli
- ,.;· ,· • ;_ - T 'i ....... ~-y, • _, ' ~. 11 -~ 111... -Meet Sco re Chatfield / Bear Creek / Arvada 133 Bear Creek 135 Lakewood 144 Columbine / Chatfield / Wheat Ridge 139 Arvada We s t 146 Lakewood / Pomona / Standley Lake 148 Columbine Innovational 149 Standley Lake / Arvada Wes t 140
Fro nt R ow: Anne Fay Seco nd R o w : Jennifer Reynold s, Maria Ra sco n, Vanessa Joiner , Torrie Becwar, Jaime Harvey, Erika Edwards , B ac k Ro w: Cassa ndra Poner, Shirelle Schmidt, Brianne Burri s, Danell Dittbrenner , Andrea Dittb renner, Kelly McDan ie l Ph o to by Stev e Schroeder
r • '"
Th e GHS gymnas ti cs t e am had a ve ry y o ung t e am this y e ar, but th ey w e r e n ' t l ac kin g ex p e ri e nc e o r tal e nt . Th e tw o se ni o r s, Danell Dittbrenner and Shirelle Schmidt, s h o w e d th e ex p e ri e n ce a s th e t e am l ea d e r s. Danell s tat e d , " W e had a l o t o f fun thi s y ea r b eca u se w e b ecame cl ose thr o ugh o ut th e se a so n ." All o f th e girls g o t th e ir s upp o rt and advi ce fr o m th eir co a c h, Maryiln Wilcox, wh o r ece i ve d th e 4A Co a c h of th e Ye ar h o n o r s Wil cox s aid, " Th ese kid s mad e gr e at impr o v e m e nt s thr o u g h o ut th e year . Th e t e am 's sco r es s tart e d o ut at 133 a nd th e y e nd e d up with sco r es a t 151 " So ph o m o r e Anne Fay w as th e so l e D e m o n t o m a k e it t o th e
Ge ttin g S tarte d Sop homore Kell y McDarue l prepa res to s how off for th e judges dunn g a fl oor routine Even th o ugh th ey oo mpe le as 1ndiv1duals each one oo ntri bu tes to the tea m effort. Juni or Man a Rascon said, " We enjoyed each ot her' s presence and everyo ne suppo rted each othe r through each routine." Photo by Ron Finelli
C ongratulation s Teammates, senio r Dan ell Dittbrenner, sophomore Andrea Dittbrenn e r, senior S hirelle Schmidt , sophomo re Anne Fay , and Junio r Maria Rascon celeb rat e the Demons' performance Despite not always winning or co ming in first the lady Demons s howed g rea t s up po rt fo r eac h other throug hout the season with their team bonding Pho to by Ro n Finelli
s t a t e m ee t thi s year Sh e qualifi e d in f o ur eve nt s and fini s h e d in th e t o p 15 in th e fl oo r exe r cise Fay r e pli e d , " I acco mpl i s h e d m y p e r so n a l goa l thi s yea r b y m a kin g it t o th e s ta t e co mp e titi o n a nd pl aci n g in a n eve nt ."
" Sh e i s m a king pr ogre ss, a nd as a s o ph om o r e, i s a grea t p e r so n t o b e a r o und ," Wil cox said a b o ut Fay. So ph o m o r e Andrea Dittbrenner said, " W e h a d a l o t o f t ea m s p i rit, a nd s upp o rt e d o n e a n o th e r thr o u g h o ut th e year. " T h e t ea m s ta ye d cl ose a nd th a t w a s a m a j o r r easo n fo r th e impr ove m e nt in th e s co r es, b eca u se everyo n e tru s t e d eac h o th e r . A a r o n Turn e r a nd Bra nd o n Ga rr e tt s.
Sports - 53 I I i I ,.
Thank You Seniors Becky Hayes , Kim Gonnan, and Kelly Denner accept the squad 's trophy with a g reat deal of gratitude . It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to perform 1n th e Tndettes They spend several hours after school everyday practicing their perfonnances for games, co mpell tions, and pep rallies to encourage Demon s pirit Junior Katie Dorsch replied, " Dunng ou r season of nine month , we acquire new fnend s hips, and new responsibiht1es ."'
Photo by BJ Reynold s
We Are Family Senior Jessica Dicke 1s wrapped by th e friendship of the Tridettes Tn dettes mus t work togeche r as a fam il y of sis ters to ge t th e excellent perfo nn ances that we as the s tu dent body view at games and other Demon spiri t act1v111es at G HS. To achieve thi s unique fnendship the Tridettes attend camp during the s ummer Sophomore Christine Maren quoted , " Camp was exhausting, and we all looked bad , bu t 11 was a great bonding experience Courtesy of Jess ica Dicke
What i s it that make s the Tridettes s pecial are held everyday after school, sometimes till to GHS? I s it their dance routine s? Is it their 5:00 or lat er It takes a lot of hard work and enthu sias m for sc h oo l s pirit? I s it their dedica - d e dication to perform in the Tridettes. So, to all tion to the tea m 's expec tation s? Or is it the the young ladi es out there, if you feel you have exc it em e nt that th ey express to the s tudent body the dedi ca tion to go out for ne x t year's s quad, at ga m es and other school activities? If you sa id, h e r e's so m e advice. Tryouts are held every " ye s" t o eac h of th ese qu es tio n s, then you are spring, and so me requirement s need to be met ab s olutely ri g ht, but that i s not all. Th e main in order to make th e team. But once part of the specialit y that th e Tridettes have about th em- tea m, it will be an experience never to be forgotse lv es i s th e t oge th ern ess and th e m e mber s of ten while building n ew friend ship s. Junior Katie th e squad th a t s pr ea d th e Demon spirit through- Dorsch replied , " During our seaso n of nine o ut th e s tud e nt body of GHS. Senior Becky month s, w e acquire new friend ship s, n ew abiliHayes s aid , " It is ni ce to be re cogn i ze d and tie s, and n ew re s pon sibilitie s." To the Tridettes, ap pre ciat e d by th e s tud e nt body ." But remem- keep up th e good work and the Demon tradib e r that Tridette s are n o t for eve ryone. Pra c ti ces ti o n will s tay alive. April Stu ssy
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Feeling tf l' ·'Ci \ t l 54 - f~t ru. µ.., ,/
Work It Girls Senior Katie Owen leads the Tridettes in to their outstanding hip - hop dance routine at the Homecoming pep rally Sometimes it just takes a few movies from the G HS girls to move the Demon football players to their place of victory Katie had just th is to say , " Homecoming is a lot of hard work ,b ut it pay s off."
Photo by Ron
First Row : Debbie Buck, Beth Elder, Jes s ica Dicke, Danielle Menap ace, Meagon Ziegler, Katie Dorsch, Kristy Robinso n , Becky Hayes Second Row: Chris tine Maren, Anjli Gupta, Katie Owe n , Crys tal Swala, Rachel M on tana
B ack Row : Susa n Lu cas, Kellee Tarum, Kelly Denner, Vanessa Hannem ann Not Pictured: Kim Gorman
All Together Now
The Tridette s perform one of many routin es during th e CHS v s Colu mbine s occer game. Wh e n asked what make s th e Tnd e tt es s pe cia l, so phom o re Chris t i ne Maren s tated, "Co mbination of ou r unique s tyle a nd te chnique with m ode rn s tyle " Phot o by Ron Finelli
1,2,3, Kick Th e Tndettes s trut their s tuff while perfonning at the State Fair Com p et111on 1n Puebl o At thi s particular competition the Tndeuess trutt ed the1rs1uffvery well
In fact , so well Senior Becky Hayes replttd, " First Pla ce wa s ex c iting , because 11 v,a s the fir.-t compe tition we won " Ph oto by BJ Reynolds
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·l I -~- -.,.
Sports -55 I I I ' I I
Fro nt Row: Robin Politte , Kell y Savoie, Cou rtn ey McNa
MJ d dJe R ow : Tara Davidson , Sharo n Micke , Kay la Hap tons tall
Back Row · Ho ll y Foster, Sara Savoie, Andrea Archer, April Sc hossow
Le t's Go D emons Seniors Ka yla Hoppen s tal , S haron Micke , and Heather Moo n ye ll forG HS at an assembly The tryouts 10 become a cheerleader for both varsi ty and N are always held in the s pring Senio r Heather Moon s tated, " I like being a cap tain because it is a good leadership experience " Ph oto by Ron Fine lh
Hi Mom Seni o r Heath e r Moo n and junio r Kri ste n Bo hn r ide upon th e cheerleadm g fl oa t for Ho meco ming
Th e c hee rleaders made a fl oat th is ye ar as opp osed to la st year when they marched . Tara Da vidson sai d , " Yes, I'm really loo ki ng forward to next yea r " Ph oto by Bill Kell y
G ive Me a G Juni ors Sara Savo ie , Kri s ta Be nt o n, and fre s hmen Jami e Kochevar, and Krystal Hau g he y s hout a cheer o ut for the Jud ges during th e Ho meco ming par ade The c heerlead ers c heer o n the si deIi nes of every spo rtin g event t hat th ey can attend Se nior Cou rtney Mc Na s tated , " I hk e being a che er leader because 1t ' s a lo t of fun " Ph o to by Bill Ke ll y
Feel' ng thJ
56 - ~,r1~,7i'
GHS Seni ors Sharon Mic ke , Heath er Moon , And rea Archer, and Courtney McNa perform a chee r at the Homeco min g assembly Man y of the cheers stated tha t one of the hard est Jobs of being a chee rl eade r 1s ge ttm g the crowd pumped up W hen asked , Jun io r Kri s ten Boh n said that what she looks forward to abou t next year 1s, " Being a senior'" Ph oto by Ron Finell!
Good Lu c k The GHS c heerleaders gat her on the field to do th eir opening chee r at one of th e man y games they att en ded thi s year The varsity cheers are one of th e three spiri t squ ads at Golden " Wh at I hk e abou t chee rleadmg 1s the great oppo rtuni ty to be in front o f people It ' s a lso fun to show off your ab 11it 1es wi th out competing," so ph omo re Kell y Savoie s tat ed Ph oto by Steve Schroader
11 Our t eam i s what ? Dynamit e !" th e cr o wd sc r e am s in r es pon s e to th e cheerl e ad e r s. If y o u participated in going t o a game thi s year it would ha ve become clear how well th e vars ity cheerleade r s did th e ir jo b . Th e che e r s go to camp s during the summe r and have long hard pra ctice s during s cho ol y e ar There are 11 girls that make up the ' 95 -' 96 s quad with se nior s Andrea Archer , Kayla Hapontonstall , Courtney
McNa, Sharon Micke , a nd Heather Moon a s th e captain s. The chee r s co mp e t e d in th e Buffalo Bill' s Da y f es tiviti es thi s y e ar Th e y cam e in seco nd in th e parade, r ece iv in g a tr ophy and a ca s h prize. Juni o r Sara Savoie s tat e d , " Wh a t I lik e b es t ab o ut b ein g a c h ee rl e ad e r i s that I ge t t o m ee t a l o t of diffe r e nt p eo ple a t a ll th e g ames w e go t o ." Th e ch ee r s w e nt t o a s man y ga m es as p ossibl e e a c h se a so n
Th e c h ee r s we nt thr o u g h m a n y coac h es thi s yea r . T h ey finall y w e r e coac h e d b y J e n D eBrun o . Th e ch ee r s practi ce M o nd ay thr o u g h Sa turd ay fo r a b o ut tw o h o ur s eac h d ay. So ph o m o r e Robin Politte sai d , " Pr o b a bl y th e w o r s t th i n g a b o ut b ein g a c h ee rl ea d e r i s th e tim e w e put in t o it; it ge ts very tirin g but it a ll p ays off. " Th e gi rl s a ll agree d th a t th ey h a d a g r ea t seaso n Crys t a l Swa l a
• • -• ,. •
Sports -57
JV and Level III Softball
Front row , J Keeney, T Ma taya, M Newman. Second Row, B Si mms, M Bujnowski, M Palm e r, M Kelley , R Hayes, M William s, K. C lark, H Wil son, B Velasquez. Back Row, B Stokes (coach), C.Craig, S.S umn e r, K J o nes, A Vecchiarelle, K Andersoo, T Emmoos , E.Granqui st, A.Knoxs, E.Th ompso n,S.High (co ach), D Kunz (ooach)
JV fall s ports are a major part of o ur sc h oo l 's foundation Without the JV team s o ur var s ity team s could n ever improve o n ce the elders of th e team s move on. Our JV t ea m s this year were n othing but s u ccessfu l, full of poi se confidence and the co mpetitive e dg e that h e lp ed Go ld e n to b e kn ow n a s o n e of the toughest sc h ool s. All that ca n be sai d is th a t GHS had an exce ll e nt year in eve r y s port. Amber Sc ha efe r
Junior Varsity Football
Front Row : Autumn Bl es h, Aaron Hinkl e, Ja cob Gob le, Dougla s Doffing, J oshua Dalget1y, Ni c k Lahey ,J oe Garrells, Terry E il ers , M1chaela
Newma n, Seco nd Row : M arc Rood , Zach
Ne lso n, Peter Palanuk, T ravis Shie lds, J oel
Nelson , Adam Seymoo r, W illia m Bortles, J ason
Sc hw e ttm an , S teve Frost, Back Row : J o hn
Anderson (coac h), Dan Fis he r, Au s t in Turner, Je remy H o tse np iller, Toby Mi c hea l, Paul Barrell , J ason Myers, Bryan Velasquez, Rob C hilderst o n, Andy Rogers , Ran dy Bl esh (coac h)
Level III Football
Front Row : LKelly , J Ph1ll ips , J Papes ,A Nich o ls, J Bielak, J S t an to n, D Beno1t, J .G regory , J Hall Seco nd Row : J Anderson (coac h), S Barlow, J Rood , a R ood , B Ca ldwell , G Trzepacz, T .C appello , C M ill e r , C Bi e l ak , D Hamrnick (coac h) Ba c k Row : I.Wan o, J Pasc hall , D Di s t in, U Ozdemi r , G Anderso n, B Lynn , D Kohn , E Gu thrie , J Rheder
I I j I I
Feel Ing the ss - ~tfl~,r
JV Soccer
Front Row, Jon Schreiner, Jared Blackney, Ryan Be cwar, Brian Folle, Wes Sramer, Jason Prarat is, Grant Outerbridge Second Row , Justin Needham , Phillip Willi s, Steven Simmons, J ason Chappell, C hns Rozelle , Matt Larson , Jared King, Alan Daniels, Scott Atkinson, Rocky Kurtugt. Back Row , Ted Politte, Ren Bucholtz., Ben Gould
JV C heers
Fro nt Row, Jennifer Elgin , Jennifer Col bath, Krystal Haugh y Second Row Chn s t R idle , Kate Colligan, Jamie Kocheva r, Alissa Archer, Knsta Benton
JV VolJeyball
Front Row, Sage Con nell y, Celes te Le1d1 c h, Lind s ay Winham , Ba c k Row, C. Adam s (coach), Rase y J antz, Jamie Mc Teer, Soni a Carney, J udie Kunze , Sandy Austin (co a c h)
Level III Volleyball
Front Row , Leah Edenfield , Lind sey Alpers Second Row, Brie J amison, Heid i Cies lar, C hristina M o reno Ba c k Row , Sandy Au s tin , coach, Jamie M cTee r, Madeline Van Met e r, Tena ya M aho nee , Heathe r Wn g ht
--.c -
Sports- 59
Creating Wake Junior Tiffany Schmi d t flies her way through one of the hardest races, the 100 yard butterfly This season , the N Lady Demons swam their way to second place overal l al the JV League M eet. " I think that th is yea r ou r JV swimmers were stronger than they have been in the last four years," said senio r, and co-captain Carissa Lauwers Photo by Steve Schroede r
JV Girls' Basketball Front row : Mana Rascon , Taleah Mataya Back row : Crystal Craig, Torrey Shelton , Kri s tin J ohnson , Coach Randy Sch reine r , Erin H astings, Tamsen S tokes, Shannon Summe r Not Pictured : Nik.kl Varveris, Kalle Cooper
Front row: M yka h Palmer,Abbey Knox, Tracey Heywood
Back row: Brianne Spear, J ana M iller, Sarah Adam , Coach M a rt y Mataya , Ju stine Baru ch, Jam ie M cTeer, Annie Konegm Not P ictured : J i ll Er ga nbrigh t
III Girls' Basketball
Feeling t';t 60 - j1{~ttp --
Congratulations Kindra Stee le geis congratula ted for an outstanding performance. The JV wrestlers won most of their meeis, and they took first at the league meet. "It was a lot of fun and it too k a lo t o f work , but it was totaJl y worth it,,. said so ph omore Amber Sc haefe r Ph o to by S Schroeder
Lay up Junior Mariah Rascon dribbles the ball to the hoop The Lady Demon s work hard throu gh long practices to score high during a game "Through all of the hard times , we stuc k together and had a grea t lime ," said sopho m ore Torrey Shelt on Photo by Ron Finelh
JV Boy s' Basketball Front row : Calv an Kelly, Andy Rogers, Eric Horvat , Joel Nel so n, J osh M oles, Marc Rood , Tom Rome Ba ck row : Jason Myers, J onathan Hall , Jos h Levitt , Paul Barrett, Enc Loseman , Jason Eagleson , Steve Simmons, Coa c h Bob S tokes
Level III Boys' Bas ketball Front row
Coac h Ro n Wri sten , Coach David Thistlewood , Calvi n Kell ey, Adam Queen , Ross Martin Middle row : S teven S imm ons, Cha rl es Co rbin , David Ko lin , Adam R istau, M ike Haschke, J ason Melnick, Aaron Barrett Back row : Lee Newgen t, Tim Hoppin , Chris Rozelle , Um1t Ozdemar, Paul Barrett, Greg Anderson
, Yi 0 0 1 '-' ,Ut~ (I "'l't( o~t,1 , 1 t ' 1(j)L?~ 11
Sports -6 1
Although many club s and teams exist at CHS, academics represent the heart of th e sc hool Students don ' t come to CHS to play football or to act in th e sc hool play; they come here to learn Although e ducation ha s greatly ex panded upon the traditional s ubject s of reading, writing, and arithmetic, classes are sti ll an essential and inherent part of th e educational pro cess.
Classes at GHS prepa re s tudent s for their futur es, whether it b e to enter co lleg e or the job market. From Hom e Economics to Calculus, s tudent s learn a variety of s kill s that will la s t th e m a life time. Information students learn
while in high school can often shape their lives and give them a good foot to start out on.
So as the '95-'96 school year roll s by, Demons experie nce different classes, interesting teachers, and new opportunities for expanding their minds. And with these classes comes the homework. Demons begin to feel the heat when they must do 30 math problems, s tudy for a history test on the American Revolution, and read 100 pages in The Great Gat sby, all by tomorrow . As classes become harder and more demanding, Demons find themse lves burning the midnight oil. They always manage to pull through and earn those grades, however. Serena Dovey
62 -
What a Face Senior Nat e M al aya exp r esses hi s disa ppr oval of th e hard math probl em he is attempting to do G H S o ffers a wide va r ie t y o f cour..es i n sc i ence, art , hi sto ry , mathemati cs, Englis h, foreign l anguages, and consumer and ltv1ng skill s. " I don ' t kn ow why I alwa ys t ak e suc h hard c la sses," remarked M ataya " I guess I ' m jus t dumb " Ph o t o by Steve Schroeder
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I Know Senior Chuck Comely explains a h is tory concept to th e res t of h is gro up Studen ts are requ ire d to take four years of language arts classes, two of m a th , two of sciences, and three of hi s tory " I like th e classes here a t Go lden because they c hall e nge m y mind a nd help me to learn at my highes t potential," s tated so phom o re Tiffany Dovey Ph oto by Steve
Almost Done Sen ior Sa ra Crowe ll perfects her pot for art classasse n,or W e ndi B a k er looks on " M y favorite class is Stude nt Counci l because w e get to work as a group to se t up events a nd so lv e problem s W e don ' t alw ay s have a teac h e r telling us wh a t 10 do a nd the class 1s m ain l y run by student s," r ema rke d se ni o r Karen D y ke Ph o to by Ron Finell,
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Academics - 63
T hi s cl ass will b e goo d for m e b eca u se I kn ow th a t I w ill b e a ble t o u se thi s cl ass in th e r eal w o rld . ,, -S t eve B a rl o w
H ey, L ook Over H e r e! Sophomores Eric H o rvat , Alissa Archer, and Jessica Anderson search for plants while on a biology field trip Stud ents who choose to take 1 t a l i ttl e easier take Pract ical Ph ysics and Chem Com Senior Sky St 11lwell sa id that , "Chem Co m 1s coo l because you tea m a l ot abou t nothin g.., Ph oto by K en vande rl.a an
C H S' s Scie n ce De p a rtm ent offers m a n y ch oices t o th e s tu.de nt bo d y thi s yea r r anging fro m l ea rning ab o ut s hin y r ocks in Ea rth Scie n ce t o s tudying ab o ut fe t al p igs in bio l ogy. Th e ch oi ces are endl ess. So m e o f th e hi ghli g ht s of th e yea r w er e Mr. Dick Schalhamer ' s Indi a n a Sc h a lh a m e r qu izzes in ph ys i cs, w h er e h e dresse d up in hi s h a t a nd s t art ed th e mu si c wi th hi s w hip ; fie ld trip s t o th e zoo with bi ol ogy; and mix in g ch e mi ca l s wi th Mr. Diedrick Iverson in c h e m is tr y. So ph o m o r e Marc Rood said th a t hi s favo rit e thin g ab o ut scie n ce w as " wh en w e
we nt t o th e zoo and sa w all o f th e differ ent types of sn akes." M os t scie n ce t eac h er s lik e t o t e a ch th eir s tud e nt s b y d o in g h a nd s - o n pr oj ect s. Se ni or Nate Mata ya said , " Wh en we d o lab s a nd actu all y mix ch emi cal s t oge th er i t h elp s m e l earn a l o t m or e than jus t r eadin g o ut o f th e b o rin g b ook ." Scien ce cl asses ar e n o pi ece o f cake f or an easy gra d e. It takes hard w ork t o r ece i ve a n A Fr es hman David Kolin said , " This yea r I ha ve so mu ch h o m e w ork in m y sci e n ce cl ass co mpar e d t o l as t y ea r. " Th e scie n ce t e a ch er s k ept thin gs int eres tin g thi s ye ar. Aar on Turn e r a nd Brand on Ga rre tt s
[ •x
F~e l, ng t'! . J 64- Nf!l4T
E a sy D o e s It Seniors Geoff Mallow and Shayde n W ard carefu lly mix cnem1ca l s during Chem Com Juni or Drew Smit h sta t ed abo ut Mr Dick Sc halh amer's Ph ysics class that, " H e teaches us a lot we w ou ld never know 1f w e didn ' t t ak e his class " Ph oto by Brandon Garrells
PUll00!C TA9J o, t,a
Sc ie n ce Rul es Seniors J ohn Matis , Nick Ammon , Jayna Horvat, Kelley Denner, Michelle Lafferty, and Chris te n Ga ir prepare for a l ab dunng c lass Freshman Lizzy Hoogheem sta ted, "The amoun t of informa t1on tha t 1s given 1n Earth Science cou ld keep a perso n busy foryeal"!) ." Ph oto co urtesy o f Kell ey Denner
Are You Sur e A b o ut That? Juni ors Jon Schreiner, and J osh Moles loo k over their not~ dunng class Sc ience experi ment s are a big part of the learning process involved with theGHS sc1e nce classes Mr Iv erson co mm en ted abou t che mistry, " If I don't blow so meth in g up or have nine foot n am~. th e st u den ts aren' t sa ti s fied " Ph o to by Bran do n Garrett s
C h ec k T hi s Out Se ni or Ryan Chisholm gets some exercise during Ph ysics class The experience o f all the science teachers provides a grea t learning atmos ph ere at GHS So ph omore T iffa ny Dovey com me nt ed about Bi ology, " It gro~ed me ou t when o ur pi g was c ut ope n and th e s mell was so bad " Ph oto by Brandon Garretts
•• ' ,. , .. .... ....... •• ••• I l•t-1.. ..
. .,
A c ademi cs
A He lpin g Hand Mr Bob Ha yes helps out senio r Darren Me napace with tus Hew leu Packa rd calcula tor, which 1s affectionately kn own to most Calculus s tudent s as an HP Se nio r Katherine Standley remarked , " My calcula tor as my hfe m calculus, wherever I go, so too does my calcula tor " Ph oto by S teve Schroede r
Tes t Anti c ipati o n Seniors Jake Th o mpson and Enc S to rm s work o ut a di f fi c ult problem o n a te s t 1n their Math Finan ce class Freshman Rya n Klng co mm e nted , " Math 1s o ne of the few classes I ha ve taken that I rea ll y had to spend a lo t of ti me do ing ho mew ork for " Pho to by Steve Schroede r
I Go t It Sen io r Sa nn i Keskimaki watches as se ni o r Jo nathan Pray finally gets th e answer in Calculus AP Ca lc ulu s and Calculus were co mbin ed th is year and taught b y tw o teac hers in an attempt to help more kid s p repare fo r th e AP exa m Jonathan remarked , "Ca lcu lu s is a very toug h cl ass, but I ' m su re that after I take the AP tes t and re ce ive co llege cre dit , I'll be glad ( made th e effort " Ph oto by S teve Schroeder
Feeling th e 'I,,j-n: ,' 4' 66 - t , ;f /L., p G
Mo s t p eo ple can r e member a time when they sa t at their de sks, wondering just how relevant what they were learning would ever b e to r ea l life . Well, math is perhap s the one cla ss that tea c h es s tud e nt s a skill th at they will u se daily f o r the re st of th eir live s. According to se nior Jason Laman, " Math i s a tough class and although the cosine of 56 degrees i s probably not a number that I will n eed to s u ccee d in life; th e ability to find it, and to so lve problems u sing math , i s a s kill that will la s t a life time ." The GHS Math Departntent offers a diverse range of classes for students to ch oose from . From the ba s ic
co r e math pr ogra m s, t o th e c h a lle nging AP Calculus class, th e right math courses are available for every s tudent . Juni o r Erik Loseman r emarked, '' It's amazing h ow often my math h o m ewo rk see m s t o di sa ppear into thin air, ma y b e that 's b eca u se m y dog simply pref e r s t o eat numb e r s, n o t letters." W ell, whatever th e case, the ability to maintain yo ur ch eckbook, and t o figure o ut how mu c h t o tip your waitr ess are all abilities attributabl e to GHS math co ur ses. Junior Mike Osgood co mm e nt ed, " Math i s a cla ss we w o uld all like to say we hat e d , but hat e to say we like ." Jami e Burke
" Math is the typ e of class that everybody t akes, but almost nobody knows wh y."
-Roger Stellars
Now Watch This Senior Becky Hayes helps out fellow se nior Bard Neilsen in calculus Junior Joe Cascio commented, " Math 1s my most difficult class, bu t I know that what I learn will help me 1n lhe future At least that 's what my teacher.; keep telling me."
Photo by Steve Schroeder
Deep Explanation Mr Di ck Bradsby explains a homework problem to his Math Finance students as they look on Juni or Kyle Ko ssa k commented, " I like math the best because I enJoy stretching my brain to the max , and my teacher 1s kind of cute "
Academics - 67
Photo by Steve Schroeder
It is inte r es tin g t o l ea rn ab out th e evolution and b ac k gro und of th e II l anguage. K a ti e W o r o b ey
C ruis ing th e Halls Lan guage Arts teac her Joa n Jouell stops to talk to so ph o mores Amber John son and Juh e Schmidt. There are more English relat ed cla sses offered at GH S th an any other su bject. Jun io r Kat ie W orobey said, " It 1s i nteresting to learn about the evolution and background of the lan gua ge " Photo by Steve Sc hroed er
A t o n e p oint or a n o th e r , i t is r equ ire d th a t w e a ll take at l eas t fo ur E n g li s h classes in o rd e r t o gra du a t e. It all starts as in th e fres hm a n E n g lis h cl asses, w h o r ea d R omeo and Juliet an d Antigone, as we ll as r ea din g To Kill a Mockingbird. So ph o m o r es, juni o r s a nd senio r s in M s. Sand y Natio n s' Co mp II / A m e ri can l i t e r a tur e cl ass r ea d an d a n alyze d The Great Gat sby a nd also wr o t e p e r s u asive essays. Junio r s in Mr Ri ch ar d Byrn e's A dva n ce d Essay cl ass r ead The Scarlet Letter a nd Grapes of Wrath. So m e o f l as t year's cl asses are n ' t offe r e d h e r e a n y m o r e. J un io r Brandon Schow said , " H um ani ti es w as a
r e ally coo l cl ass; i t's t oo b a d th a t th ey d o n o t offer it anym o r e." Alth o u g h so m e s tud e nt s e nj oye d th e ir Engli s h cl asses, se ni o r Sara Crowell said , " I can' t w ait t o go t o co ll ege." Se ni o r s in Mr . R o n Pin elli' s Co ll ege Co mp. Cl ass co mpil e d r esear ch p a p e r s th a t r equire d th eir a tt e nti o n fo r th e entir e se m es t e r . Man y stud e nt s m e t t h eir E n g lis h class r e quir e m e nt s in th e Ma cint os h co mput e r l a b in th e libr ary. T h e l ab off e r e d s tud e nts a pl ace t o typ e r e p o rt s and ga th e r info rm a ti o n . Th e En gli s h De partm e nt w as th e fir s t d e partm e nt t o i n co rp o rat e Stand a rd s Base d Edu ca ti o n . Dal e W eb s t e r
ITy ping Away So ph o mo re Lynn Nel so n type s a report in th e Ma ci nt os h co mpu ter lab Th e co mput er lab offered st udents a place to type repo n s o r cruise the Internet. So ph o mo re Dan Gasper sa id , The co mputer lab pro vides G HS s tuden ts with numerous o pp o rtun it ies fo r academic enrichment " Ph oto by Steve Sc hroeder
r 1 1\\\l e I I I ,., ___,., I \ V \ ! ' \ I I '0:::
Feel ,ng the Un. \I /,.J 68 - f l tj_~f-.r, p
Amateur DJ 's Seniors Zach Ballentine and Krisune Comely, Junior Terry Eilers, and seniors Matt Dnscol and Paul Tate read their scnp!S in Ms Joan Clark's Radio/IV class. Dunng the class, students learned the history and techniques of radio, TV, and film Freshman Brett Higgins said, "English classes open a lot of doors of opportunity 1n the business world "'
Doing the Paperwork Juniors Fabio la ArauJO and Jennife r Rickard work diligently on language arts homework English classes challenge students to meet standards on many levels Sophomo re Lucas Salg sa id, " Eng li sh 1s one of my most challenging classes "
by B Reynolds
Cram in' for a Te s t Jun1ors Dave Johnson, Bnan Sanders, Sarah Wolf, and Amy Tiesort study fo r an English lest 1n the library English classes equip students with many needed ski Ils Freshman Ethan Leyendecker said, " I ~pend a lo t oflime studying for my language art!> cla1>..\ ."
Photo by Steve Schroede r
Academic s- 69 I I I
Photo by Steve Schroeder
Vroom! Vroom! Senior Kevin Koel , sop homores Megan Word and Lauren Milner, seniors Andy Silvey and Craig Roik , and senior Jeannie M ille r are driving i n a car during wann-ups Warm -ups were a key activity to prepare actors Senior Katie Bosio said, "I like working and perfonning with the kids ." Photo by R on Finelli
It's Not Fair Junior Tra cy Hoback, playing Goldilocks , cries during the dress rehearsal of The Three Bears Golden 's C hildren 's Theater won an award last yea r fo r thei r perfonnances Senio r Kev in Koel commented , "It's g reat because this is the o nly class where you can act like a fool and get an ' A ' for it " Ph oto by Steve Sch
Your Chariot Awaits Senior Amanda Waltz, playing a mouse, lead s junio r Kristen Versaw, pla ying Ci nderella , a round in the makeshift pumpkin carriage i n Ci nderella Mos t s tud ents in Children's Theater first took a regular theater class. Senior Ian Bates said , "C hildren 's Theater is a g r eat release for the troop members. " Photo by S teve Schroeder
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T h e multi co l o r e d l ig ht s a r e b e amin g d o wn o n yo u , whil e yo u h e ar th e endl ess a ppla u s e co m i n g fr o m th e audi e n ce. O p e nin g yo ur eyes t o s n e ak a p ee k a t ju s t wh o i s o ut th er e a d o rin g yo u , yo u see bi g shinny eyes o n little r o und face s with pumpkin grin s s milin g b ac k at yo u. Late r o n n ex t w ee k yo u r ece iv e d o z en s o f l e tt er s fr o m th ose kid s thanking y o u fo r co ming t o th e ir sc h oo l and p e rf o rmin g. C hildre n ' s Th e ate r d oes ju s t th a t, p erfo rming fo r littl e kid s. Se ni o r Amanda Waltz s aid, " It' s gr ea t b eca u se th e little kid s w o r s hip yo u " T h e tr oo p goes ar o und t o diffe r e nt e l e m e ntary s choo l s t o p e rf o rm
T wi ce To ld Tal es s u ch a s Sn o w White, H a n s e l a nd Gr e t al, King Mi d a s, a nd th e Emp er or' s New C l o th e s . Twice To ld Tale s ar e cl a ssic fairyt al es th a t we r e s h or t en e d b y th e m emb er s, a d a pte d t o fi t th e tim e s, a nd all pres ent a m o r al at th e e nd . Se ni o r Jeannie Miller co mm ent e d , " I l ove h o w we wri t e o ur o wn s h o w s. It m a k es u s fe el m o r e pr o ud in o ur p lay s beca u se w e m a d e th e pl ay s m o r e o ri gina l an d crea tive. " C hildr en 's T h ea t er m e mb e r s fir s t h ave t o a uditi o n fo r Mr . Klu g, the s p o n s or , b e fo r e th ey ca n b e in th e cl a ss. To b e a m emb er in vo l ve s u s i n g m a n y c r ea t ive v o i ces a nd c h a r ac t er s . M . P alm e r
II I like th e
s kit s b eca u se w e t a k e th e tr a diti on al st o ri es a nd chan ge an d m o d e rn ize II th e m . -Ka y l a Hapton s t a ll
T he An s w e r I s ... Se nio r Jea nn ie Mill er pl ays te ac her 10 so ph om ore Laure n Miln e r d ur ing class Man y ac tors 1n C hil dre n 's Thea ter we re also in the sc hoo l mu sica ls and pl ays Juni o r Kat ie S mi t h co mm e nt ed , " I li ke be in g 10 C hildren 's Th ea ter because I hk e e nt e r1 a 1oin g l itt le kids." Ph oto by Ro n Finelli
My Porridge Is Ju s t Right Se nior Kevi n Koe l, pla y in g P apa
Be ar, tal ks wit h hi s fe ll ow fa mily me mbe r 1n Th e Three Bears. Th e
Tw ice T old T ales w ere rev ise d by th e ac tors t he mse lves. Juni o r B.J
Re y no ld s co mm e nted, "Eve n th oug h yo u kn ow the s to n es, H's l ike act ing th e m o ut new beca use th ey are rev ised " Ph o to by S Sc hroe der
Academics - 71
Work for Food Senior Nathan Mataya picksapersonou1ofthecrowd at the St uden t Council auction Sl\ldent Cou ncil attempted to uni le t he school this year, bnng everyone c loser toge th e r, and promote schoo l spint Stu d e nt body president Jona t han Pray said, uw e are really try ing 10 ge l in to uch wi th the studen ts th.is year."
P hoto by Steve Schroede r
Stud ent Co un cil h as se t th e in ch ar ge of or ga nizin g th e Sadie s tage fo r an ex citing n ew yea r . H a wkin s dan ce. Th e Juni or Stu.T h e es tim a t e d a tt e nd a n ce a t d ent Co uncil wa s in char ge o f putH o m eco ming w as a l o t hi g h er ting toge th er thi s ye ar' s Pr om . Stu.th an what w as ex p ec t e d , a nd th e d ent Co un cil rai se d alm os t 2, 000 building w as ove rp ack e d by a l -cann e d f oo d s in th e " bu y a Student m os t 300 s tud ent s. Stud ent Co un - Co uncil member" a ctivity. Many cil or g aniz e d a numb er o f eve nt s p eo pl e d o n ' t r e aliz e h ow man y in a dditio n to H o m eco min g, in- things Stud e nt Council d oe s for th e eludin g th e Parkin g Lo t dan ce, sc h oo l Juni or r e pre sentative, Jenwhi ch wa s tran s ferr e d to th e gym nifer Fink s aid, " I u sed t o criticize b eca u se o f w ea th er co nditi o n s. Stud ent Co uncil ev ents. I wa sn ' t So ph o m o r e C la ss pr es id e nt , awar e o f h ow much w ork w ent ReneeGerni s aid, "S tud ent Co un- int o th em until I b ecame a part of ell i s w orkin g r e ally w ell thi s ye ar planning th e m. " This year wa s b ecau se w e ar e mu ch m or e or g a - co n s id er e d a s uc cess and hop es are niz e d than w e h a v e b ee n in th e high for nex t y ear . Chris John so n past ." Th e So ph om or e Class wa s and Dale W eb s ter
Easy Ufe Se nior Alliso n Reynolds pu s hes senio r J aso n Ande rso n aft er th e S tu de nt Cou ncil aucti on S tude nt Cou ncil tn ed to co ntrib ute to th e co m mu nity by raising canned foods in the buy a St udent Counc il membe r day , So p homo re Mega n Word said, " We work rea ll y hard toge th er, and it is fu n to put toget her an eve nt t hat the who le school ca n pa rt icipa te in "
" We ' re breaking the mold, we ' re changing everything"
Jonathan Pray
Photo by B Garretts Feel Ing t'l_
First Row : N Mataya, A Reynold s, A Gupta, R Hayes Seco nd Row : K. Cooper, H Tumwall , A Fay , J Parfet, A. Kenesky , V Haneman , M Word
E. Edwards Third Row : R Chism, K Cooper, J Chapell, J Pray Fourth Row : D Duran , R Dusenbury, J Fink, L Flores R Montana , A. Vanmeter Back Row : A Daniel s, J Stnelman T Burke, J Wiener, K. Dyke Photo by Steve Schroeder
Current Events Seniors Ryan Chis holm and Dan Duran prepare the bulletin board 1n front of the school. Most of the members of S tud ent Council thought this year was a produ cuve one, and school spirit was h ig h during the month ly s pirit day and other related events, in which many part icipa ted Jun io r Jason Chappell sa id , " We got a lot done this year because we worked as a tea m " Ph oto by Steve Schroeder
Auctioneer Senio r Ryan Chish olm speaks 1n fron t of the bidders at the Student Co uncil auction The S tu den t Council focused more on sa t1sfyi ng the s tudents ' needs this year than 1n years past Juni o r Lejo Fl ores sa id , " We go t a lot mo re done this year than we expected to " Phot o by Steve Schroeder
Academics - 73 i
Rea dy To Go Se01ored1tors Carne Pearse and Sarah Mcguane look over their layouts Different aspects of Newspaper lure students to take 1t Freshman Kara Palanuk said, " I like meeting new people through 1n1erv1ewing Ph oto by Ron Finell1
Feel, ng the 74 tt-t "': i..,\ I 7_ •, r · ;1
A lm os t D o n e Senior Patri ck Swif t and sophomore T eresa Emm ons work on their joint story Others take Newspaper because they find the work of a reporter tnterest1ng Sophomore Nick Coo kson sa id , " I thought 1t \vould be fun to see how reporters \vork, and 1t 's sort of like an independent study class, you get to ,vork on your own sc hedule."
by Ron Finellt
t row : Britt Isenberger, Jamie Burke, Serena Dovey, Keala Murdock, Cy Hall , Chns John son Middl e row : Leeanne Kephart , Kara Palanuk , Kalle Ratz, Melissa Palmer, Came Pearse , Kim Westby, Teresa Emmons , Kim G1ddeon Ba c k row : Aaron Brown , Beau Edgington, Carissa Lauwers , Stephen Schroeder, Nick Lewakowsk.i, Dale Web ster
by Ron F inelh.
Catching a glimp s e o f th e career of a r e porter. Ha v in g fun a nd expre s sing idea s. Th e s tud e nt b o d y ha s many things t o s a y , a nd th e newspaper give s th e m m a n y wa ys to say it. Whether it b e in n e w s, sport s, editorials, f e atur es, o r e ntertainment, Th e Trident cove r s it all.
Senior Brittany Isenberger s aid, 111 took N e w s pap e r b eca u se it' s a class that giv es y ou a ch a n ce t o write and speak out to the s tud e nt body ." Junior Amanda Pitt s aid , " I like it because it giv es me a chan ce to get involved with GHS and writ e at the s ame time " New s pap e r i s an original class Sophomor e Tamsen
Stokes sai d , " I lik e it b eca u s e it's n o t lik e a n y o th e r cl a ss; yo ur work ge t s publis h e d w h e r e o th e r s ca n r ea d it ." In so m e ca s e s s tud e nt s ju s t t oo k i t fo r th e fr ee d o m of w ritin g wh a t they wa nt t o ins t ea d o f w h a t th e t e a c h e r a ss i gn s. Juni o r Crystal Swala sa id, " It's ni ce t o kn ow th a t th e w o rk yo u d o i s w o rth so m ethin g b eca u se o th e r s r ea d it b esid es th e t e ach er ." So m e s tud e nt s t oo k it t o ge t a br oa d e r look a t a r e p o rtin g ca r ee r . Se ni o r Carissa Lauwers sa id, " I t ook it b eca u se I tho u g ht it w o uld b e a goo d ex p e rie n ce, a nd it w o uld a lso b e c h a ll e n gi n g. " By Kim Gi dd eo n a nd Va n essa K os l o w
''I ca n s t a t e m y o pini o n b e tt e r in writin g th a n w h e n t a l ki n g. '' - Amb e r S c h aefe r
Workin g Hard Se nior Brandon Ga rr etts rewrite s hi s fi r,;t draft Students also h ke to expre~ thei r op ini ons through the ir wn t mg J unio r An d y T homas said , " There have always been times when I wan ted to voice my op1n1on and haven ' t been able to , bu t now I can " Photo by Ron F1ne ll1
Helping Out Sop homo res Cy Hall, Nic k Coo ks o n, Aa ron Brow n, and Am be r Sc haefer help wi th each o thers s tones Many ag ree th at d eadlines p ut a lo t of press ure on everyone Senio r S teve Sch roeder said , " I li ke \Vatc h mg the editor; ' s tress level nse on deadline da) " Ph oto by S teve Schroede r Academics - 75
There are thr ee important word s in yearbook . Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines! Many of you receive your yearbook at the end of the year and don ' t really think about where it co me s from. Hey, maybe there 's a yearbook god who delivers all the yearbooks to the sc ho o l at th e end of th e year. The gods and goddesses that slaved away to make this perfect book are th e m e mbers of the yearbook staff. Each year a group of hard working, dedicated people spend their cla ss time and their precious time after sc hool slaving away to make a book we ca n say comes close to perfectio n . This year we got a new
fearless leader, junior Matt Montgomery. To be the Editor-in-Chief you have to be willing to spend a lot of time creating layouts during the summer and have the patience to put up with confused staff members with their fatal errors. Matt commented, " I' ve always liked to work behind the scenes and do things that make people wonder how it happened, and I also like to squash people. " Senior Serena Dovey stated, " Yearbook may seem like a blow-off class at first , but when you find yourself at school at 10 p.m. Trying to meet a deadline, you realize you were wrong."
M. Palmer and Katy Ratz
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I.I Yearbook is a great way to find out about other classes & activities that you don ' t ,, u s ually interact.Keala Murdock.
No, This Is How You Do It Junior M all M on t gomery helps senior Se r en a Dovey with a mistake on her layout Yearbook gave sta ff mem bers a chance to talk with other students asking for quotes M ontgomery said, " W or k1ng on the yea r boo k 1s a lot of hard work and it ' s time consuming, but at the
of the year you see the worth while results."' Ph
by R Finellt
o t o
1 Feel Ing t ht? "'~t~ ).\ 4J 76 - ( - ( IL µ.,, fl
Snip! Snip! Senior April S tussy cuts and pastes her ca pti on ass ignment. Staff members soon discovered that yea rbook 1s a very demanding class w11h deadltnes and s tress Fres hman N ick Lewakow s ki said , " Y earbook drains the hfe ou t of m e
by Ron Finell
Bu sy Bee s Freshman LeeAnne Kephart and sophomore Tiffany Gtll are busily filing pictures away Being on the yearbook slaff gave some studenlS a chance to gain a understanding of computers and the feeling of responsibili ty by making deadlines Freshman Kara Palanuk commen ted , " I think the book will be fun and interesting and that tt will be a good book to pull out and look at i n 10 years "
Photo by Ron Finelh
Pi c ture Pi c ker Senior Carrie Pearse looks through a s ta c k of pictures while senior Sarah McGuane , Juniors Meli ssa Palmer and Katy Ratz look on Staff members got a chan ce to design the ir layouts by wnt1ng th e story and choosing the pictures Senior Britt any Isenberger stated, "Yearboo k gives me a chance to display my c reative s,de " Photo by R Fin ell,
F ro nt Ro w : Brillany Ise nb erge r, Jami e Burke, Serena Dovey, Keala Murd ock , Kim G,ddeon , Kara Pal anu k Seco n d R ow : LeeAnne Keph art, Cy Hall , Melissa Palmer, Carissa Lauwen- , Nick Lewa kows lo, Chris J ohn s on , Dale Webs ter T h ird Ro w : Beau Edington , Katy Rat z, Aaron Brown , Steve Schroeder, Carne Pearse, Kim Westby Photo by Ron Finell, A c
...• J
e mi cs
Wat c h and Learn Freshmen Zach Shawcroft an d Beau S immon s watch as Mrs Jud y Edwards demonstrates how to throw clay on a pottery wheel Art can relieve st ress, and make you forge t the problems that surrou nd yo u Junior Jill Wolf said, " Art exp resses your personahty and mood " Ph o to by Ron
Fin elli
What Do You See? Sen 1or Jennifer Steinert illuminates s mall obJects and magnifies them for S tudi o Phot o Pi ct ures can capture th e essence of the mo me nt and portray th e photographer 's mood s. '' When you're taking pi cture s you ca n be your own md1v1dual," said se nior Kelli Colligan Photo by Carissa Lauwers
A Leg Here, an Ann There Junior Fabiola ArauJO pre pare s a bo dy part for her pap1er mache for the s how case Art ha s been around for centunes, from the first cave man wi th a s tick, to computer grap hi cs, some artists works la t forever and are recognized throughout th e centunes. Senior Jonathan Pray said, " Perso nally I e nJoy th e Pos t- Mod erni s ts " Ph o to by Ron Finellt
"C reativity i s co nt agious . .. pass it on." These are th e wise wo rd s of th e inge ni o u s crea t or Albert Einstein. Art t each er s at GHS are doing jus t that These clas ses are t ee ming with cr eativity, and teacher s s u ch as Joe McGinnis , Judy Edwards, Mark Dunn and Gene Youngmann are giv ing the se right brain er s the guidance they need to pr o du ce wonderful ma s terpie ces. " I like t o cr ea te things on pap er that n o words can capture," says junior Tammy White. Art co n si s t s of a wide variety of medium s t o express feeling s and ideas. These are available to art s tudent s at GHS in
classes like photography, ce ramics, vario u s drawing classes as well as painting, and advanced cla sses Senio r Bard Niel s en f ee l s that " drawing is fun becau se I can chann e l my innermo s t thought s through my hand and on t o m y p a p er." The hall s of GHS a r e sp la s h ed with co lor and creativity a s works are displayed . Art prepares s tudent s for a variety of careers. Senior Michelle Tucker sa id, " I want to go into advertising d esigning b eca u se art is a way of expressing yo ur se lf." It i s clear t o see th a t there are many talented people at GHS. A. Thoma s a nd K. Murdock
Work That C la y Senior Jerry D1nzes ts creating a sec t ion for his clay box in M rs Edwards ceramics class There are man y mediums that cater to the hungry minds of the art students a t G H S "Ceram i cs 1s a good way to make pesents th at express yourself," ~•d Junior M elissa Kin g Ph oto by Ron Finell!
Hard At Work Juniors Tra ci Van Wo en se l , Crystal B eder, and Torn e B ecwa r work on th eir tw i sted color pencil mutattons, o f regular objects Art ca ptur es th e 1maginat1ons of p eop l e all over the ,vorld Senior Shannan Pyle expressed this opinion " I went to Spain last summer, and go t to see the difference in cultu r es and c reativity Art 1s not just fo un d 1n a museum, it's everywhere" Photo by Ron Finel11
Academics - 79
JJ I love the way cla y feel s, and how i t s texture i s easy t o II work with. -
Senior Brynn Hud so n
Do you enjoy mu sic? Well, the band and orchestra of GHS like to play music. Different people e njoyed being in the band or orchestra for different reasons. For so phomore Dan Gasper, 1' The band is r ea lly fun. " Senior Stine Peterson like s band because " we march through everything like s now, rain, and s leet It's not like other s ports wh ere it gets ca n ce led wh e n it' s a little wet." Some enjoyed marching in rain or s hine , but not all. Sophomor e Mark Lauwers sa id, " Band is exciting, except when we have to mar c h in the s now ." Even through the har s h weather, junior Tiffany Schmidt thinks " thi s ha s been our
be s t year since I' ve been here ." As for the more classical side, students took o rche stra This being hi s first year to play for the GHS orchestra, senior Andrew Coors said , " I wouldn1 t enjoy orchestra as muchifitweren ' tfor Mr. Edson' s jokes. " The mu sical groups were kept on their toe s throughout the year with performances and competitions. In September, the band received fir s t in the Jeffco Regional s. In April, both the band and orchestra came together to play for the GHS s pring Mu sical . Condu c tor Mr. Scot Edson know s 11 the attitude i s what make s it all better ." Carissa Lauwers
The best part about band is playing at the different games because when we ' re there, we get everybody ,, enthusiastic.
-Steve Schroeder
1995 4A Jeffco Champion Co lor Guard Front row : Min dy Johnson, Chris tme Peters, Teresa Peters Middle row : Susan Daniel, Je ssica Bakk er, Anu ska Mi sra Ba c k row : Tenaya M ah onee, Katie Clark , E r in Ove rturf, Erica Smi th ph oto courtesy of Chris tin e Peters
Fee l Ing th~ ~.Ir)\\ .r,..I 80 - t '( , ("'P,. .,(;
One Two , One Two Mr Scot Ed so n co ndu c t s th e Jazz ba nd thr ough th ei r first practice m October Mr Ed son has con du c ted th e G H S band, or chestra, and th e Jazz band for th e la~t four years Jun ior N ath an C hurc h l ated, " I like b and because Mr Edson 1s such a swell guy" Ph o t o by Ron F1nclli
March into First At the •95 Jeffco Marching Festival , the march mg band received first place for Outstanding Drum Maj or, Most Improved , Outstanding Auxiliary and first place overall in 4A A lot of the musicians felt that in the past , not many of their peers were informed of their accomplishments 1n their performances and competitions . Sophomore Shilah Gaule thinks that "fina lly , we're gelling recogruzed by our peers." Photo by Carissa Lauwers •
Pizzicato Senior Andrew Coors practices piz zica to on hi s cello. I n November, the o rc he s tra played a conce rt combined with four ot her Jeffco sc hool s. Sophomore Sarah Palmer th i nk s, "Basses are the rulers of the orchestra, the y keep everything together"
Photo by Carissa Lauwers
Jazz It Up Sophomores Nick Walters and Jeff Kemler, aod freshman Ted Burke play the ir trombones for th e Jazz band This year, the jazz band competed in the Ja zz Band All County Festival Freshman Ashley Meagher said, "We've had a lot of fun ."
by BJ Reynolds
Academics - 81
. ... .. .
24th S treet S in gers Front row : Brittany Isenberger, Kathrine Bos io , Kathryn Jo hn s ton , Kara Oc ca rol1 s, J enni fer Baurer, Stacey Aronowitz, April Schossow, Lindsey Brazil , Den ise Shaner, Bna Hamp leman, Stacey Arndt , Heather Moon Ba c k row :Mr Eric Weins tein, Ja so n Schwettman, Troy Hannemann, Mark H,ckm an , Ste ph en Sc hroede r,AdamWendhng, Christophe r H1ckman,Sco tt Mo rgan.David Feth.
by Ron Finelh
At Their Bes t Sophomore Troy Hanneman is JOtned by senior Jennif er Baurer, Junior Stacey Aronowitz(center) and the rest of the 24th Street Singers 24th Street Singers 1s the only vocal group that requires students' attendance at 6;30 a m "I don't mind so much," said senior Lindsey Braz 1, " because Singers allows me not to have a third block on both days."
by Carnsa Lauwers .
What Was That Note? Se ni or Heath er Moon and OeniseShane r s ing their best du ming an ea rl y practice. Singers has a tota l o f 23 s tudents that inc lude a representative fr om eac h class Fre s hm an Ch ri s Hic km an sai d , "C hoir 1s a good ex pe ri ence that I think everyone s hould try , eve n if yo u do not ha ve a good voice " Ph oto by Kim Westby.
Ph o
Feeling t~ f .trl ,, i~• 82-nr.A ~ -P • I
Jo inin g a G H S voca l gro up see m s t o b e a p o pul a r c h o i ce fo r a l o t o f s tud e nt s . With fi ve diffe r e nt choir divi si o n s, it s ee m s s tud e nt s find it e a s y t o j o in o n e th a t s uit s them Juni or Mary Curran s ai d , '' Everyon e in c h oir w o r ks t oge th e r a s a t e am a nd ge ts a l o n g grea t ." Alth o ugh j oinin g a c h oir gro up is full o f fun and fri e nd s, it also co n s i s t s of hard w ork and d evo ti o n
Whil e m os t s tud e nt s ar e i n th e s h o w e r , co mbin g th eir h a ir, a nd ge tting dresse d and r ea d y fo r a no th e r day at sc h oo l, th e exc lu s i ve ch o ru s divi si o n , 24th Str ee t Sin ge r s, i s h e r e in th e c h o ir r oo m expanding th eir lun gs . Alth o u g h a r -
ri v ing a t s c h o o l at 6: 30 a m. se em s a b it crazy t o m o s t s tu d e n ts, m e m b e r s of Si n ge r s h ave way s of g e t t i n g thr o u g h i t . Juni o r Mark Hickman s ai d , " T h e m a n w h o inve n te d co ffee h a s h e lp e d m e slum p a r ound a nd sin g th a t ear ly ."
T h e r e i s a n oth e r group t h at co ns i s ts of exc e p tio n a ll y expe r ie n ce d voca l s tud e nt s ca ll e d M o unt ai n M agic. Sorry all yo u eage r mal e s, thi s gro up i s j u s t fo r fe m al es. T h e gro up i s s m al l e r , w hi c h m a n y s tud e nt s e n joy . 11 l l ove b eing i n a c h oir cl a s s th a t o nl y co n s is ts o f 20 p eop l e," s aid juni o r Audrey Fors y the, " W e all ge t a l o n g a nd ge t invo lve d ." K . W es tb y a nd A. P itt
Pla y in g with Fl a ir Mr Eric Wei nste in 1s playing his class room p iano fo r a choir group to pe rform wit h I n t hree years th e GH S music program has doubled Mr We1nste1n sa id , Ou r conce rt s are pac ked , an d th e s 1ng1 ng 1s wo nderful P hoto by Kim Wes tby
AJ) Dolled Up J uni o r Cat heri ne Clark a nd fr es hman Maria So lan o (fr o nt ) s uro und ed by t he Mo unta in Magrc g ro up are s howin g t hei r s tuff dunn g a co nce rt Many s tu de nt s are pla nnin g to go fart her wi th th ei r c ho rr int eres ts Ju nio r Mik e Hall sa id , " I th ink that the GHS cho ir prog ram is a g rea t fou ndation fo r • my fut ure 1n mu s ica l t hea te r " Ph oto by Ca ri ssa Lauwers Acad e mic s - 83 I
,. V I
j L _/ I
Mountain Magic Front row : Ros helle Wa lt er, C h1nean e Naran s, Audre y Fo rs yth e, Ellen Hale, Jess ic a Hopki ns Marla 1na C le men ts, Ca the rine Cla rk, Me lissa Cli ne Middl e row : Jea nn ie Mille r, Caillean J ac kso n, T racy Myers, Mary C urran , Mo nika Sac hd eva, Maria So lan o Ba ck row : Mr Er ic Wein s te in , We nd i Eberhart , Kere n Neukrrchn e r, Kath erine Co ll iga
Photo by Ro n F inell, .
Concert Choir i s wonderful. Not only do we learn different kind s of mu sic, we also get a chance to s ing II with a large choir.
Bria Hampleman
Pau s ing Freshmen Sa r ah Rosenbaum and Cou rtn ey Parry are pausing while waiting for the guys to finish their solo Part1c1pat1ng 10 choir means many chances for a solo " I' m 1n choir," said freshman Crissy Owens, " because I wanted to try something new "
Participating in a GHS choir gro up i s n o t o nly se ri o u s, but a fun experie n ce. If you l ove t o sing, r egardless of th e quality of your voice, you ca n join Mix e d Choir. If you participa t e in Mixed Choir for a year, you hav e a chance to join a m o r e a dvan ce d choir, Conce rt C h oir. Freshman Gabrielle Arterburn said , " I like c h oir be ca u se I ge t t o l earn m o r e about singing." Other s tud e nts join fo r odd reaso n s, s u c h as se nior John Piekarski. H e said , " Guys who ca n sin g ca n driv e women wild. " " You only get out of choir what you put into it. It doe s take so me work, but it' s a lot of fun. "
said so ph o m o r e Katie Hoage. Not only do you get to learn to s ing but you can l e tter in it. Scott Morgan sai d , " I think Concert Choir is wonderful becau se I love mu sic and I l ove singing. I al so take it so I can letter in it, and have fun at th e sa m e time. "
Although many s tudents get th e idea that choir i s an easy course to attend, mo s t member s feel differ e ntly. Junior Tracy Taylor said, 11 Choir i s an individual effort to sing your b es t. " In all, s tudents try hard toplea se theircrowd s . Sophomore Jasson Schwettman said, " Each choir works hard to sound their be s t; the so und is incredible. " K.We s tby and A. Pitt
Photo by Kim Westby
Laugh and Sing Freshmen Lindsay Hoba c k and Tiffany Grantham are following their mu sic an d wailing for the perfect lime to join in Reading music 1s one of the many s kill s acqui red through c hoir "The bes t thin g about c hoi r, " said freshman J ulie Nicholas, "1s that you get to meet interesting people and learn new songs ."
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Photo by Kim Westby Feel, ng the 84-
Take a Breath Sophomore Audrey Forsythe and freshman Summer Snover are surrounded by fellow concert members Concert Choir has a total of 58 students, which includes 10 males Freshman Chns Hick.man commented " I like choir because it is cultural."
Do Re Mi Juni or Mary Curran, junior Severine Swanson, and freshman Amy Lacey are preparing for an important concert. Concert choir requires eith er a successfu l audition or one year of mixed choir before Joining "There are a lot of talented people 1n choir. It 1s great working w11h focused people , "said Junior Mary Curran Ph oto by Carissa Lauwers
Sing Along Freshmen Heather Boyd and Kasey J antz are s1n&tng their hearts out while the males are following along Mixed choir and concert choir have very few males and are looking for more next year Sophomore Joseph Renzi sa id, "Choir 1s a fun class to go to learn music and check out the good looking g ir ls of G HS "
Photo by Kim Wes tby
Photo by Canssa Lauwers.
Academic s-BS
Way to Go Freshman Co le B ielak hi ts th e ball into the outfiel d to get a s in gle. Co-ed slow-pitch softball was played both indoors and outdoors Freshman Nick EagJesonstated, " I don ' t like softball because 1t is a boring sport ." Ph o to B y Brandon Garretts
What a Hit Sop h omo re J aso n Baldwin is b umping th e ball so another person can se t it Volleyball was played in two PE c lasses, and a g rou p of boys organized tea m s to play volleyball during access with open gym " The boys need a co mpet i tiv e volleyball team," said so phom o re M an it Lohan1 Ph o to By Ron Finelh
Great Time Juni o r Jo s hua Bates 1s running th e 40 ya rd da s h Running 1s th e pnme a e ro bi c co nd1ti o n1ng meth od for m os t PE classes. Fres hm a n Lee Newgent sai d , " T e nni s Volleyball, and Bo wling i s pr e tty cool for the three spo rt s " Photo by Brand o n Ga rre tt s
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Whil e so m e s tud e nt s o nl y think o f s w e aty cl o th es, cali sth e nic s, and ma ss s h o w e r s, Phy sical Edu cati o n o ff er s quit e a vari e ty of classes in cludin g te am s ports, fitn ess and co nditioning/ aero bi cs, gy mn as ti cs, and t e nni s, v o ll ey b a ll , a nd bowling. Inte r es tin g l y, it' s n o t ju s t the gu ys wh o are int e r es t e d in fitn ess and co nditi oning; th e women D e m o n athl e tes al so pump ir o n in ord e r to b e r ea d y for their sports. PE i s a r e quirem ent of graduation and n o t everyon e is enthrall e d with th e program . Fres hman Josh Rood s tat e d , " Ther e is to o mu ch running and I d o n ' t like w ea ring tho s e gym s uits " Stud e nt s h ave
t o run th e mil e a t l ea s t o n ce o r until th ey m ee t th e tim e limit . Fo r th e m e n th e tim e l i mit is 7 minut es a nd 30 s eco nd s, a nd for th e w o m en it i s 10 minut e s . In Te nnis, Voll eyball, and Bowlin g th e thru s t of th e cl a ss is impro vin g th e skill s in th os e thr ee s p o rt s . Th ey go b owl i n g eve ry o th er w eek a t Go ld en Bo wl Ad va n ce d Fi tn es s a nd Co nditi o ning is o nl y fo r th o s e wh o w a nt to r e ally pu s h th e mse l ves . Se ni or Shayden Ward ob se rv e d , " I l ove to lift a nd p a in i s a p ar t o f it " With th e v ari ety o f cl asse s avail abl e to s tud e nt s, th e P E pr ogra m tri es t o m ee t everyo n e's n ee d s . N i ck Lew a k o w s ki
I d on ' t like runnin g b eca u s e it hurt s m y II kn ees -A d a m
Dr ag ul
You C an do it Se ni or Ta mi Rodn gu ez is lift in g 5 0 po und s o f w e ig ht s, plu s th e ba r Weig ht IJftJn g 1s a maJo r pa rt in fi t ness and co nd it io ning as 1s run nin g th e mil e ru n So ph o mo re A da m Wen d lin g sa id, " I li ke runn ing be ca use J am pa rt o f th e cross co unt ry tea m." Ph oto by B Garre tts
Pow e r Lift Sen io r Du s ty T afoy a 1s makin g a bi g move w it h the wei g ht s in th e little we igh t roo m ne x1 to the gy m A e robi c ex e rc ise is j us t as import a nt as mu sc le deve lop me nt fo r ove rall fitn ess So ph o more Ja so n Baldwin sa id , " Ru nnin g bi tes, I do n' t lik e to run " Ph o to By Brand o n Ga rre tt s
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Academics - 87 I I
Fresh Cuts FreshmanJust1nRehder makes the final cuts on his first proJect Aviation students enjoyed the aviation class this year Sophomo re Craig Baldwin, who had already flown solo , took aviation for the fun of it~and said , " I learned a lot of newtipsabout flying."
(Tek' -ni-kel) 1 . Abstract or the oretical 2. Specialized. (Art) 1. Any various disciplines, as the humanities, that do not r e ly exclusively on th e scientific m e th od 2. Cunning; co ntrivance. Those two word s very w ell describe th e ' 95-' 96 Tech Art s deparl11te nt of GHS .
The co mmon belief that the Tech Arts classes are easy to pa ss i s not n ecessarily tru e. In fact mo s t Tech Arts classes are so m e of the more difficult, n o t quite as easy as so me p eo ple tend to think
Freshman Jim Bollinger sa id that he took the class because he wanted to learn how to u se the tools to make u se ful gifts, or other items with power tools that he did not have
th e availability to use anywhere besides at sc hool. The se me s ter requirem e nt for wood s hop is that you are able to be able to build a gumball machine, and two products of your choice .
Sophomore Stewart Webb s tated why he enjoyed auto shop in the ' 95-' 96 year, " I' m learning about automobiles, and it's really fun. " In auto s hop , s tudents learned how to take care of their cars by themselves, without the help of a professional mechanic and without the loss of money They learn how to change and balance tires, maintain a car's engine, an keep their car in running condition. Aaron Brown and Cyrus Hall
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I got really high in my Aviation II class. - Craig Baldwin
Photo by Brandon Garre tts
feeling ti l\.. t?J. \ '
New Set of Legs F resh man Lu cas DougJas is careful as he tests his newly learned s kill s of th e lath e Aut o s hop allowed students to bring their ow n cars in to th e s hop to learn how make minor repairs on th ei r cars "The repairs are mostly mechan ica l repairs, like on the e ngi ne, " s tated junio r Zet h Harold. P hoto by B randon Garretts
88- frtt.'iJ-1,
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Heating Things Up Sparks Oy as senior Enck Ba nosh gives the metal cutter a workout. Of the many lessons of life learned 1n the auto shop, some of them v.ere how to maintain an engine, change a tire. and do minor repairs Junior Zeth Harold took auto shop to learn about cars and plans to take the class again next year "We learn hov. to use tools and learn the d1fferent safct\ rules. and how 10 do engine repairs ," he said Photo b, Brandon Garrt:tts
Loose Screws Freshman Austin Smith ughtens the top on to his gumball machine Some of the choice projects created 1n the wood shop were a pool cue and a wooden bowl, 10 name a few Senior Cody Collins reminisced about wh, he took wood shop "I was mterested 1n woodworking, 11 was one of my hobbies " Photo by Brandon Garretts
Accuracy Counts Senior John P1ekarsk1 puts on the finishing touches as sophomore Shane Scone works 1n the background Both metals and woods produced many fine product:, this year Sophomore Craig Baldwin, not vef) enthused with h1s me1al shop, said, "I only learned ho," to pour a mold and I made a can crusher "
Academics- 89
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Photo by Brandon Garretts
Pointing It Out Seniors Maren Olson , Jam es Mc Murtry, Jennife r Steinert, and Jeremy Nuanes compare stoc ks in Government Econ Com munity Service 1s a big part of Government Econ " l don't feel that Gov e rnment Econ 1s teaching me everything that I need to know,"' sai d senior Cody Collins. Photo by Steve Schroeder
OZ l ff
Stand and Deliver Seniors Sara h Mcguane , Je remy Ballenger, and Greg Franci s chat during AP His tory American His tory 1s a broader class ba se d on reading and keeping up with all the cu rrent eve nts happening 1n America " I enjoy AP II (, 1t 1s a lot of fun ," said senior Ryan Luca s. Pho to by Steve Schroede r
Stocking Stuffers Jn the Government Econ class seniors Ryan Chisholm, J amie Konegni , and Skye Su II well s tudy the s tock s. Jfyou want college c redit though , AP His tory can lead toward s it if you study hard Seniors Ke lly Cooper and Karen Dyke both agree that they feel like maJor hi s tory buffs
90, -
Photo by Steve Schroeder
Hi s t ory is a bi g p a rt o f o ur fun b y l e ttin g s tud en ts p arti ci p a te lives a nd with o ut it w e w o uld b e in m o r e h a nd s on ac ti viti es in a nd l os t, n eve r to kn o w wh o w e r ea lly o ut of th e cl a ss r oom So ph o m or e ar e a nd wh e r e w e h ave co m e fr o m Mae gen Connolly s a id , 11 O u r and wh er e w e mi ght b e go in g in teac h er m ake s it int er e s tin g. W e o ur futur es. Supp ose C hri s t oph er are a l way s d oin g di ffe r ent thin g s, Co l o mbu s h a d n eve r s ai l e d th e in s tea d of ju s t si ttin g th er e rea docea n blu e a nd l eft in fo rm a tio n in g. It 's n o t ju s t an o th er on e of ab o ut hi s jo urn eys; w e w o uld n o t t h o s e b orin g cl a sses th a t yo u h ave b e wh e r e w e a r e to d ay . Th er e a r e to t a k e . It 's coo l lik e th a t ." C h a lmany cl asses o ff er e d a t GH S r an g- l e n ging o r n o t, hi s tory is a b a s ic in g fr o m th e three year co urs e of co n cept th a t we n ee d t o kn ow in AP His to ry, t o Am e ri can Hi s tory, ord er t o s u ccee d i n th e t o u g h fuGove mm ent / Eco n o mi cs, A m e ri - tur es w e h ave a h ea d o f u s . H ow ca n G ove rnm ent, W orld His t ory, ca n we b e tt er our liv es n ow if w e and Geogra phy. Thi s yea r a t GH S d o n ' t kn o w th e mi s t ake s we h ave th e t each e r s in th e Social Studi e s m a d e in t h e p as t? Ni ck Cookso n D e p a1t11tentare makin g it a l o tm o r e a nd Amb er Sc h aefer -- -
T hird tim e's a ch ar m . H ow m a n y tim es do I h ave t o l earn a ll of ,, thi s ?
-Rex Singleton
T e a c hin g the Te a c habl e Mr Kin sey auctions off a neet of sh ips w h ile playing a game 1n A P History Ill Geography 1s a class that 1s very hard because you are teaming about the whole world, past and present loca tions " le 1s the best class to take because Mr Mike O 'Dons10 1s such a s mart guy," said senior Dan Beck
Double Jeopardy Teresa ~mmons watches m surpnse as her class plays Jeopardy W orld H istory 1s mostly a current events class, unli ke AP " I actually enJoy Government/ Econ because we don' t just sit there and do nothing," said senior Brett Davis Photo by Steve Schroede r
Acad e mi cs -9 1
Photo by Steve Schroeder
On the Road Again Seniors
Bra ndon Garretts, RJ Mille r junio r Ted Politte and sophomo re Mike Frost leave fo r a business field t ri p In Busi ness/Perso nal Law students study how laws affect t hem . " I took this class to kn ow my rights as a m inor, " said junior Jamie Brooks . P hoto by Steve Schroeder
P e rhap s so m e o f th e m os t imp o rtant o f th e v oc ati o nal co ur ses ar e th e bus in ess cla sses. A cco rding t o Ms. Gail O 'Neil, th e Bu sine ss D e partm e nt i s appli c ati o n o rie nte d . Sh e s ay s, " I think th e f o cu s o f th e d e partme nt i s t o t eac h s tud e nts r e l e vant things that th e y will u se lat e r in life." Am o ng the m os t p o pular o f th e bu sin ess co ur ses ar e Bu sin ess/ P e r so nal Law and Keyb o arding . In Bu sine ss/ P e r so nal Law s tudent s l e arn how lo cal bu s in esses interact with and are r e gulate d by th e l o cal, s tat e, and federal g o v e rnment s Stude nt s g o on a vari e ty of fi e ld trip s and ho s t s p eake r s in their cla ss r o om . Wh e n a s ked
h o w he like d th e class, s enior Brad Gough s aid, " M s . Price make s it a l o t of fun. " Ke yboarding class es vary in lev el, ranging from basic typing t e chnique s to operating
c o mpl e x word proce ss ors Ano ther significant part of the Bu s ine ss Department i s the On the Job Training program, coordinated by Ms. Phyllis Price . If a junior or a s enior ha s a bu s iness related job and works 15-20 hour s per week, they can get credit for working. This program " gives s tudents an opportunity to experience the workplace fir s thand," s ays M s Price. Pat Swift and Tere s a Emmons.
It h e lp s you g et ahead in life knowing how to do letters and re s ume s and stuff like that."
- Juli e Heinz.
ju nior A
Feel In g t'l.i 92 - Nflt\p
Don't Think Too Hard J un ior Jos h Mo les co nce nt r at es w
ty p ing a b usi ness lette r. Bot h Ms. Ph yllis Pri ce and Ms. Ga il O ' Nei l teach keyboa rdi ng " Key boa r di ng help s me w ith ot her c lasses w he re I need to type re port s and thin gs li ke that ," said
ndrew Long Photo by S teve Schroed er
Pay Attention Ms. Phyllis Price makes a point to business students senior Vasalli Khristoforov and sophomore Mike Frost. Aside from learning about government regulations in the business world, studen ts take many field trips to, for example, traffic court "I'm taking Business/ Personal Law so I can learn about business and my personal rights, and I think it's great," said senior Matt Driscoll. Photo by Steve Schroede r
GGG, HHH, SSS ... Freshman Kevin Fanciulli types while Mrs O'Nei l grades him
At the H omecomi ng carnival this yea r, the Bu s ine ss Department so ld pizza Sop homo re Ru ss Hansen said, " Bu si ne ss/Perso nal law is a good introducti on to law sc hool " Ph oto by S teve Sc hroeder
Don't Look Away Juniors
G la smann, R onelle Black and Kelly Cheney work i n their t ypi ng books during class New to the ros ter of classes this yea r is Se ni or Stra teg ies, w hi ch combines math , business, and homeeconom1cs Senior R andy Had wiger said , "I think Senior S tratag ies will help me "
- 93
Photo by Steve Sc h roede r Academics
Cutting It Up Senior Craig Sutto n s lices and fri es ba co n for Creative Foods Students in Creative Foods hav e the chan ce lo mak e anything from breakfas t to dinner Ms. Brook Ehrman teaches Cons um er and Life S tud ies cl asses because, ... I love foo d, it 's fun , and it 1s a c han ce to be c reative." Ph oto by Steve Sc hroede r
Students at Golden take Cons umer and Life Studies for various r easo n s. Senior Molly Kinghorn e njoy s Consumer and Life Studies becau se, " You get to cook and ea t good food during sc h oo l ." Not only do you cook and sewyoulearndifferent thlngs, s uch as living on your own and how to be a good parent. The Consumer and Life Studies department offers five different classes which are Creative Foods, Food Experience, Senior Strategy, T ee n Living, and Living On your Own. This year the Food Experie nc e class made various kind s of food s s uch as , pasta, eggs
benedic t, cream puffs, and cupcakes. Students in the Senior Strategies class learned food managem e nt s kills, math s kills, and law. Senior Travis Stock said he likes the Senior Strategies class because, " It gives you stuff that you will use in the real world. " The Teen Living course allows students to understand themselves and their relation s hips with others. It emphasize s self concepts, communication techniques, and the changing values of our society. Any Consumer and Life Studies classes will prepare students for real life s ituations . Crystal Swala and Tarn se n Stokes
Off Your Work Ju
It's a great learning experience 11 for the stomach. Kelly Voag
Feeling t ~ 94 -~lt1t -"
niors Angie Norris, J eremy H o tsi npiller, andAndre Alvarado di
pl ay th e bacon they had coo ke d earlie r Se n ior S trategies students learn h ow to discu ss things like their relati o n s hip s with their parent s and friend s Junior Amber Keller likes Creative Food s because. " It m a kes learning fun " Ph o to by Steve Schroeder
To Perfec tion Senior Ke lley Wuerth and Junior Trav1sSh1elds learn h ow to whip eggs to perfec11on
The course Living On Your Own teaches s tuden ts abou t i nd epe nd e nt hv1ngskills, managing a home, and budgeting money Senior Katie Owen hkes Senior S t ra tegies because, "I a m finally learning someth ing useful " Ph oto by Steve Schroeder
Group Work Junior Rache l Cearve r cooks while Juniors Laura Raschen a nd M indi M arsh look on The s tud ents who take Creative Foods a re responsible fo r kn ow in g h ow mu ch matenals they need for their projects Sen ior B eth Elder hkes Crealtve Foods because, " It 1s a fun class " Photo b y Steve Schroede r
Don't Burn It Junior Andre Alvarado cooks eggs benedict for one of his ass ignments in Creative Food s At the beginning of the semester students are taught h ow to measure and convert 1ngred1ents Juni or Ang ie Norns sai d , " I like this class because n ow I know how to cut exo1 1c fru its" Ph oto by Steve Schroeder
Feeding Time Juni or Kelly Voag ea ts h is meal that he made in Creative Foods In the T een Living class students are taught how to make good moral decisions. J unior Jeremy Ho tsinp1ller l ikes the Creative Foods class because, "The food 1s good, an d yo u save lunch money " Ph oto by Steve Schroeder
' .. • e
Academics - 95
Oubs at GHS give s tudent s a chance to become involved in their sc ho o l and community. Being involved in a club co me s with many r es pons ibilitie s s uch as attending meeting s, participating in th e activities and fund - rai se r s, and h e lping out the community. Being involved in a club brings out th e b es t in u s becau se we are oriented toward s so me goal or we are lending a helping hand to so meone in need. GHS offers a variety of clubs to s uit any student's interes t. World Affairs, Work Experience Study, National Honor Society, Odyssey of the Mind, Key Club, Future Bu s iness Leaders of America,
Forensics, Improv, Drama Club, Bible Club, Radio Club, French Club, German Club, Spani s h Club, and Ru ss ian Club. Many of these clubs help out the Golden community, help students make new friend s, or encourage students to become more involved in their school. Whether it be performing s kits on teenage problems or s ponso ring a canned food drive to help the needy, GHS clubs provide an outlet for creative energy or the opportunity to become involved in the sc hool or community by attaining a goal that i s achieved tlrrough hard work and dedication.
Katy Ratz
ii ...
Puttin' In Some Tunes Freshmen Wes Hoffert and Mike Pfis1erer choose a song to play during Access during Radio Club Radio Club is a great cl ub to join i f you are in te rested in broadcasting to the public Sophomore Ju s tin Peacock said, "' Being i n a club broadens my mind ' s horizons .'' Phot o by Brandon Garretts
Give Me Sop h omores J essica Anderson s train s fo r her baby d oll while Li sa Colbat h plays keep away with freshman Travis Valentine during an Impro v sk it on sex ual abuse. Impro v performs skits on problem s and s ituat ions that teenagers face today So ph omore Dan Gasper said, "l mprov g i ves m e a chance to help people and I think it 's a great way to express yourse lf Photo by BJ Reynolds
Packing It Away Senio r David Bryant puts the food that th e National H onor Socie ty co ll ected for th e ho m eless people in boxes and bags AJong wi th sponsori ng thi s food drive , NHS members also w ro te le tt ers 10 e lemen tary school kids. JuniorTrac1 Van Woe n selsaid, "N HS 1s beneficial beca use it a ll ows you to go ou t in to the co mmunit y and h e lp people in need Ph o to by Ro n Finelh
Clubs - 97 I I r
At fir st, World Affairs Challenge and Work Experience Study see mhardlyrelated. Uponcloserobservation, however, it is see n that the two groups share a common goal: preparing for the future and gaining experience to make the world a better place .
World Affair s Challenge (WAC) attempts to answer major question s facing today's leaders. They debate foreign policy and international affairs such as immigration and border control. At the end of the year, the club meets with other schools in a competition at Denver University to share solutions. Junior James Lo remarked , " I think World Affairs Challenge is important beca use itpromotes world awareness."
Work Experience Study (WES) concerns itse lf with preparing students for their lives after they leave high school. Students are able earn credit by working with needy people in the community This year the group had a Santa party for children in Head start as well as a Thanksgiving dinner for the homele ss. Freshman Breanna Bacon commented, " I am involved in Work Experience Study so that I will be ready for my life when I tum 18 ."
Britt Isenberger
Brain Strain The memb ers of Wo rld Affairs C hallen ge attempt to so lve an immigration probl e m w ith advisor Bob Kinsey 's help Th e c lub met dunng lun c h on Wednesda ys in Mr Kin sey's room Juni or Brian Sanders co mm e nted , " I like to be able to di sc uss vario us so lutions to the world' s prob lem s." Ph o to by S teve Sc hroeder
Christmas Cheer Members of WES pose wit h the c hildren tn the Headstar1 program during their Santa Party . The group s pon so red a toy drive , asking GHS s tudent s to do nate toys fo r the party . Sop homore Summer Gray said, I enjoy WES cl ub because l get to meet new people , have fun and get ready for my future."
Goo d Point Juni o rs James Lo and J oe Casc io li sten to th ei r ammates ' arg um e nt s regard i ng ill ega l imm ig rall o n WA C p re pared fo r the i r co mpet i ti o n o n M a rc h 4 b y 1a k i ng trip s to the li brary lo re sea rc h the i r to p ic. Se ni o r P ooja V o n a s a id , " I gai n th e abi li ty to so l v e pro blem s i n WA C t ha t I will ha ve to solve in th e fut u re " Ph o to b y Britt Ise nbe rger
Fisca l Respons ibility M embers of WES lis ten to Da na Russell fro m th e J effco Schools Credi t U ru o n as s he d iscusses fi n ancial co n cerns fo r young ad u lts. Th e club's pu rpose is to b u il d selfco nfi den ce a nd decis io n - m alun g ski ll s that are n eeded as s tu de n ts leave hl g h sch oo l. Se n io r S h awn He rth er sa id , " Every thing M s Ha ms d oes is great a nd very help ful for the club " Ph o to by
World Affairs Challenge
Work Experience Study
B ri tt Ise n be rge r
Fro nt row : Seve nn e S wa nson, Fa bio l a Ara uJo, Pooj a Voria Back row : Bri an Sa nd ers , J oe Cascio , B illy Nee , J a m es Lo
Front row : J o l y nne Co a l man , Patri c ia Wri g ht Middle row: J o hn Bu n o n, S han e S to n e, M icha e l Brunke r, Barbara H a rri s (a d viso r), S umm e r G ra y Back row: Rand y S pri nge r, Eryn M eye r, Nathan Knepp e r, J aso n M o nso n , S h awn Herth e r Melan ie C h av e z Bre a nn a Ba co n Club s - 99 I [ -
O h , Swee t S u ccess Ren Bucholtz bnngs home the bacon at a competi ti on 11u s year OM w ill be c hallenged with a wide vanet y of problems dealing with realistic ideas. Freshman Maria So lan o said, " It 's grea t because you learn a lot about the world arou nd you."
National Honor Society
Fro nt Row : K. J ohnsto n, L Brazil , J Ho rvat, A. Reyn olds, W Heywood , C. Mye C. Stan dle y, A Olson , B Ha yes, J Katzenbe rge r, F ArauJO Secon d R o w: S. Mike, A Archer, A Schossow, D Bryant, S. Schroeder, J Pray , K Fi s her, E. C hil co at , A Krau s, K Hapt onsta ll Third R ow: S McGuan e, S Kesk.imaki , L C hri s tensen , P Voria, B Bouley, S Aronowitz, K Tarum , K. Benneu, A H ooghee m , S Arndt Fo urth Row : S Nations , K. Petersen , T Prig el, RJ Miller, I. Bat es, B Nielsen, L Flores, J Needham, K. Bo hn , J Schreine r Fifth Row: A. Gupta , M Montg omery, M Fros t, P Willi s, S S teke tee, M Araujo, B Murph y, N Pa s lay Sixt h R ow: J Burke, M Sant , B Hud so n, F J ones, N Mal km us, J P ineau , B Sa nd ers, M Osgood Seve nth R ow:N Mata y a, K. Versaw, J Baurer, D Sha ner, K Robinson, K Wendi , A. Van Meter, S. Dovey , L. De Berry, C. Pearse Eig hth R o w : M Rillo s, D Menapa ce, A Turner, Z Ambanantz , A Bu c ho lz, J Schliem an, C H o m , C. Lau we
Odyssey of the Mind
c k Row : Ryan King , Luke imm o ns, Ren Bullholtz, Micheal Schrine r, Ben Gould Kenneth Wan , J o hn Delat o rre , Rya n White Third Ro w: Pe te r Pal u nuk , Etha yendecker, Peter Rappmund , Severine Swanson, D evo n Estes , C rajg Baldwin ick Brown , J oe Cascio. Seco nd Ro w: S usa n Daniel , Mindi John s ton, J essie akke r, Heidi Cies le r, Maira So lano, Pooja Voria , W es Sramek Front Row : Debbi an , Kar a Pa ll anuk, Cy n thia Kinnan , AJyssa Kraus Phot o by Ro n Fine ll i.
Feel 1ng tl - ,l?fi \ I 100 - r1; t!'~-
IGroup Hug Kelsey Peterson, Jerry D1nzes, Erica Edwards, Anu s hka Mi s ra, J ess ica Bakker and Hedi Cieslar get close at competition The problem s with wtlich OM 1s presented challenge the mind both in creativ ity and textbook smart. Senior Devon Estes said , "OM rs a way to express your ideas and have some fun competition "
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Listen Up. Seniors Zach
~/PJVAL HONO"R~\)~ ~"\_~~~'{ OF THE
Brandon Garretts
Ody ssey of th e Mind or OM is a m eeting of mind s in which diffe r e nt group s are prese nted with differe nt problem s. Each group ha s t o co m e up with a viable so luti o n t o th e problem th ey are pre se nt e d with within a se t of limitation s and within a ce rtain tim e frame. This year the pro bl e m s in th e co mp etitio n consi s t o f th e O .M. -Vention in which co mp eti t o r s inv e nt or reinvent a pro du ct t o aid a di sa ble d perso n , and th e cl assic, C run c h , where s tud e nt s build a s tructure t o withs tand weight and side impac t s, as well as o ther s.
Looking for a group th a t d oes goo d thin gs for good p eop l e and are just a big bunch of goo d p eo pl e th e m se lv es? Then NHS i s f o r you. These s tud e nt s work hard to impr ove our community with activities s u c h as th e Olympi c Garnes durin g th e H o m eco ming c arnival to rai se fund s th eir cause. Other activities includ e a pen pal program f o r el e m e ntary s tudent s and a fo o d drive. Senior Carrie Myers sai d , " I' m plea se d with th e group; everyone see m s r e al e nthu se d ." Andy Thomas and Keala Murd ock.
Ambariantz and David Bryant listen as an NHS o ffi ce r s meeting 1s held NHS helps Go lden stude n ts as well as the co mmunit y they live in Senio r Treasurer Zac h Ambariantz said, " I like to help people ou t." Ph o to by
Service With a Smile Seniors Ian Bates and Carrie M yers discuss plans for future NHS events N HS orga nized a food dri ve to benefi t a local food bank Senio r Ka ren D y k e said, " Do ing th i ngs for the co mmun i ty he lp s add posit ive atti tudes towards the sc hoo l. "
Clubs- 101 ,
Seeing Into The FutureSenior Julie Heinz of the FBI.A works at the Golden Vision Qinic The FBLA Creed allows the rights of all people , pursues coopera ti o n, and strives for im proveme nt " It gives you a chance to see what it's like in the real world," said junio r Amber Keller
The K e y Club and the Future Bu s ine ss Leaders of Am e rica (FBLA ) were among the mo s t activ e clubs at Golden in the '9 5-' 96 year.
Many new member s joine d K ey Club this year. " We s tarted out with jus t a f e w , but now w e have 40 or 50 member s," s aid junior Huy Pham . Many of the Key Oub members were proud of their accomplishments thi s year
They s ponsored many events including the Halloween Parking lot dance and the Key Club s ki trip in the s pring. They helped to c lean up the GHS campus all year long and h e lped out at retir e ment h o me s in the ar ea.
The FBLA wa s s ucce ss ful in manycompetitions thisyear. They competed in a wide variety of s ubject s s uch as bu s ine ss mathematics, mock bu s iness s ituations, and typing. Events that they s ponso red thi s year included the canned food drive and the giving tree at Christmas.
The FBLA ha s a very s trong se t of goals. " We work to build up the bu s iness skills at sc hool, " said M s. Phyllis Price, the s ponso r of the '9 5-'96 FBLA. Aaron Brown and Cy Hall
Business Is Our Business-Jun ior Laura Raschen vi s ited the Jeffe rs on and Gilpin County District Attorney 's office The FBLA has one o f the s tro nges t codes of ethi cs of all the club s in the school. " Not on ly did we help out around the schoo l, but we helped in the community, too ," said Key Club Leader Dave Fa rl ey
Feeling t~ 102 - lef~/L,u
School on the Side-Se nior Jamie Web s ter works at PT Templett, and 1s also an a c tive member o f the FBLA Key C lub was no t o nl y act ive in the community but was also very active at school. " ft feel s real good to gel out and do work in th e co mmunit y," sai d sop ho m o re Emily Th om pso n
Duplicating Demon -Juni o r Andrew Long o f th e FBLA s pent a Jo t of time at th e Co unt y DA's office Key Oub members reached many goals, both group and personaJ in the '95- ' 96 yea r " I'm really proud of ou r accomplishmenlS and how mu c h we've grown this year," said j uni or Mik e Maharas
Ke Club
ot ow - oogheem , . Aronowitz, • Brown, M aharas, R. g ul Second Row - M Kleineider, R Brun o, S Linsenbigler, K. Fisher, J Bartsch, A Meagher, R Se akan , T VanWoensel ThJrd Row - H Pham , R S i:nith , L Sta hm e r , 15 A Norris , A Daniels, J St re i lman , K Ratz, D J o h nso n, J Lo , J Pineau Back Row - Mr Wood , Officer D Farley, M s Brohl , M Nygun, C Burg , J Haruey, M King, C Bedder, T Becwar, K Giddeon, M Osgood, N Malkmu s, B Sa nders Ph o to by Steve Schroeder
Front Row - B J o nes , R Trenk , R . C arver, L. Rasc hen , K Welt o n, A Kell e r, M Groenhof, J Scruggs, K. Ziegler Second Row - S J o hnso n, T Ci ferri , B Scruggs, R Bla c k, C Smi th , J Webs ter, M Gonza les, B Murph y Back Row - C Eddy, A Lon , J Brod e ri c k, H Pham , J M c Dan iels , K Fanciulli Ph o to b Ro n F i nell i
~~~~~=------:-----------:::-:-::--------,--.,...1 .,.
Making A Point Senior Jonathan Pray debates 1n a CU classroom as senio r Jamie Burke takes notes Forensics, usually fun, ha s proven to be dangerous to o ne 's h ealt h. " Mr. S harp has been known to break kneecaps if yo u play hooky on meets," said sophomore Cyrus Hall Photo by David Bryant
A Time to Laugh Seniors Se rena Dovey and M arjo rie Sant soc iali ze after a Forensics Zero-Period mee11ng i n Mr . S harp 's room Forensics 1s a c hance for s tuden ts to make friends As se m o r Amanda Fein said , "Fo rens ics ,s a great club to meet s tud e n ts o f a ll gra d es .'' Ph o to by S teve Sc hroed e r
Front Row : E Sm ith , M Quirk , H Freier, R S tell ers, W Heywood, C Pearse, B Ha y e s, K Ro me, M Am s parger, R B e rn al, C Leidich, C M are n, M Wo rd, L S h a rp (coach) Seco nd row : J B a kk er, S Damel , K Jo nes, D B rya nt , L Salg, J Peacock, P V o ria , S Swanson, M J o hn ston, E. Ru ssell, J Miller , J Fitzge rald , D Yang , H Pham Third row : A Coors, 1. Sc hm idt , M San t, J Burk e, S D ovey, R Cerni, L Mah aras, J Ho well , J D1nze s, E Loes ma n, N C hurc h, M Frost, J Pine a u, T Politte Fourth row : A Lips te in , T Hannemann , A We nd li ng, C Roze ll e, A Ca m ey, L Ekbe rg, J M cT ee r, S Camey, M Rei tm eyer, S S huey, M Osgood, J Pra y, E Lo sem a n, J Laman Fifth row : D Gasper, M S and oval, J Casc io , R Bu c ho lz, W Sra mek , M Lauwers, M Sc hreine r, C Ki nn a n, S Turner, M. Pfi s te re r, B Kowa ls ki , A Gray, S Gard ne r Ba c k Row : C H all, A Lan tennan, C Baldwin, C William s, M Mah a ra s, B Gou ld , D DeMallen s, B H ud so n, D W illman , R M arti n, T B u rk e , T Ho ppin, R King
104 - Nrt~-t'
Feel ,ng the
I Wonder... Seniors Jonathan Pray and Jamie Burke study during a forensics meeL Participating in meets is a learning experience for some members. "Debate is a great activity because it teaches you bow to express yourself clearly ," senior Sarah McGuane said . Photo by Steve Schroeder
Most students consider their work week to be finished on Friday, but for one group of students that is not the case. This group is the Forensics team, and they spend many a weekend competing at tournaments and meets while their others are out partying or relaxing. " Forensics requires a lot of time, but it can also be very rewarding, " senior Jonathan Pray said of the ups and down s of this activity. Some do not necessarily agree with the hours they are required to put in, as sophomore Mindy Johnson indicated: " Thanks to Mr. Sharp,
we get to see the s unrise every Saturday." Some may ask why one would be in Forensicsjn the fir s t place. Some take it for the credit, and others may t~ke it to be more desirable to colleges, but some take it for entirely different reasons. Fre shman Sonia Camey stated, " My mom argued me into it," while senior Brynn Hudson said, " It's a pretty easy A. " So regardless of motives or other factors, all agree that Forensics i s fun and a special activity to be a part of. Beau Edgington and Heather Jones.
TbJs Is How It Is Going To Be Mr Lowell Sharp talks to his zero-period st udents. Forensics, unl ike so me other co urses and activities , is not just one of those cla sses to take and then forget later o n. As senior Jamie Burke s tated , "M r. Sharp puts a l ot of time and effort in to preparing us for o ur futures " Ph o to by Steve Schroeder
That's Debatable Senior Becky Ha yes participates in a meet at CU Being i n Forensics ha s made early risers of all those who part icipa te in meets , but some do not seem to appreciate that fact. As sophomore Teresa Pet ers admitted , " I just love getting up real early in the morning " Photo by David Bryant
Clubs - 105 I r
We 've GotltNowJ u ni orsTraci VanWoensel and Anna Van Me te r practice a skit. Improv members enjoy getti ng messages across to young audiences. Senio r Pooja Voria said, "I li ke helping peopl e understand daily p rob lems." Pho to by Ro n Finelli.
I mpr ovisa ti o n a l T h ea t e r gives i t s m e mb e r s a c h ance t o go t o diffe r e nt sch oo l s and p e r fo rm s kit s. T h ey s h ow s tud e nt s h o w t o d eal with t h e every d ay pr o ble m s w h e th e r th ey are min o r o r m a jo r. T h ey also ge t th eir a udi e n ces involve d in panel discussions t o h elp fin d so m e o f the b es t so luti o n s t o p r obl e m s. T h ey p e rfo rm in fr o nt of a variety o f a udie n ces. " I es p eciall y lik e p e rfo rmin g fo r el e m e nt ary kid s b eca u se th ey are th e m os t fun ," sa id juni o r Traci Van Woensel . lmpr ov m e mb e r s al so ge t s p eec h ex p e ri e n ce. " I lik e impr ov b eca u se I w o uld like t o l earn h o w t o s p ea k t o th e public m o r e," s aid junio r Hedy Kunter .
Dra m a C lub h as l o t s o f fun ac ting with each o th e r . Th ey h elp o ut with pl ays th a t G H S puts o n b y u s h e rin g, a nd w o rkin g th e ti c k e t o ffi ce. T h ey al so d o a l o t o f , I impr ov i sa ti o nal ac ti v iti es and try I t o ge t o ut t o see pla y s a r o und th e D e nv e r ar ea. " I t oo k Dram a C lub b ec au se I e nj oy th e impro v s kit s th a t w e d o, a nd I like b ein g in a gr o up wh e r e e v e ryb o dy ha s th e sam e int e r es t s," said fr es hman Skye Svenningsen. V a n ess a K osl o w a nd Kim G idd eo n
How Sophomo re Ka re n Hellelfi nge r a nd se n io r S teve Schroede r practice th ei r improvisa t io n al skills. One m ajo r aspect o f Drama Cl ub is act in g. M e mbers get th e c h ance to express t hemselves through th e art of acti ng " I love to act a nd he lp out , i t ' s th e best. I a lso act w i th a lo t of grea t people," sa id senior Ka t ie Bosio Ph o to by Ro n Finel h
Feeling the 10 6 - p/r}itt'
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Action Freshmen Lisa Co lbath , Tra v is Valentine, and Luke Simmons, sophomo re J essica Anderson and junior Kat y Ra tz pra ctice their improv roles S tud ents in lmprov enjoy being able to improvise th ei r skits and u si n g their imagina t ions to rea c h so lutions to everyday problems Junior Kirs tin Fisher said , " I like lmprov because it ha s fun people in i t and it 's unpredictable ." P hoto by BJ Reynold s.
Practice , Practice, Practice Juni ors Shane Marquardt and And y Silvey, sophomore Lauren Milner, freshman S<:ou M o rgan , and senio r M andy Waltz read their lines. People take Drama Club because they love to entertain ." 1 ha ve a passion fo r entertaining a live audience ," said senio r Jeannie Mill er Ph oto By Ron Finelh
•· Hi ckman Not Pictured : Mr John Klug, Co-Sponsor
Drama Club
w ... • ·~ " ' ... I I,, •
Front row : Anna Kelso , Jessica Anderson, Katy Ratz, Kirstin Fi s her, Renee Cai n , P ooja Voria MlddJe row : Traci VanWoensel , Jeanni e M iller, BJ Reynolds, Travis Valent in e, Luke Si mm ons, Lisa Colba th Ba ck row : M s Diane Kessler, Marcu s Maltempo , Miguel Martinez, Dan Gaspa r, Steve Schrode r, C hri s
107 I I r
Fronl row : Karen Heffelfinger, J essica Anderson, Miguel Martin ez, Mand y Waltz Back row : Tigi s t i Isaa c, Kat ie Smith , Loraine Kielsmeier , Jeannte Miller, S han e Marquardt , kev in K~l , Katie Bosio, Tiffany Frederick No t Pi c tured : Mr J o hn KJu S nso r
Clubs -
D ea r G od So ph o m o re Ry an Whi te and se n io rs Devon Est es a nd Ry anLucas p ray toge ther in the Lang ua g e Arts o ffi ce Ea c h m e mber o f th e Bible C l ub has a secre t pal , fo r who m they lea ve secret messages to th ei r d esign a ted pa l. Se ni o r Tris ha Pri ge l sai d, " B ibl e C lub w an ts to s upport ev e ryo n e i n th e gro up but al so s tu de nts at Gol d e n " Ph o to b y Ro n F i n e ll i
Bible Club
Froot Row : Amy Ca rl so n , G inn y Schw ade r, Laura Whi te, Fab io la Arau jo, J ess ica Ho pk in s, Rya n Lu cas Ba c k R o w : Julie Mart i nez, Amand a Prige l, D e v o n Es tes , ri s ha Prigel , J o hn D e la to rre, Bryn Hud so n , Ry an White , Kris ten Versaw, L y nn De Berry Ph o to By R o n Pin ell i
Radio Club
Froot Row : P hil P iwonka , We s Ho ffe rt , Ted Burk e , Spe ncer Nee, Eva n Th o m as , Tim Ho ppin , M ic hael P fi s te re r Ba ck Row : P e te r Pala nuk , P e te r R app m u nd , Re n B uc ho lz , M ike R oy, Patri c k So lan o , J am es Ro bu c k, Andy D a rli ng to n, A la n W ebb 1 • Ph o to by C hri s C umminP s
Feel Ing t he
During Clas s ? Sophomores Rena Dusenbury, Lynn De Berry, seniors Bryn H u dson, Ryan Lu cas and Devon Estes discuss The group sponsor, M s. Sandy Nations said, " The r e is quite a large popula ti on of kids that have faith an d like the i d ea of m eeting othe rs th a t have simila r beliefs." P h oto by Ron Fin elli
Bibl e Club all o w s s tud e nt s interes ted in r e ligi o n t o j oin a gr o up o f s imilar s tud e nt s and di s cu ss th e Bibl e, r eligi o n a nd God Th e gr o up m ee ts in sid e a nd o ut sid e s chool, W e dn es da ys a nd Fridays During th e m ee tin gs, th e gro up discu sses r eligi o n and r e ads pa ss a ges fr o m th e Bible. Th e y d o things fo r th e co mmunity t o k ee p info rmed ab o ut th e world ar o und th e m . Se ni o r Karen Heffelfinger s aid, " Bibl e C lub is a goo d o pp o rtunity t o m ee t with fri e nd s a nd get to know p eo pl e with similar b eliefs." Ter es a Emm o ns
Radi o C lub i s o n th e air T hi s club w as put t oge th e r t o pl ay th e mu si c f o r s tud e nt s during access and lun ch , a nd o n occasi o n b efo r e sc h oo l So m e s tud e nt s d o n ' t a gr ee with th e mu s i c pl aye d ; fr es hm a n Ted Burke said , 11 Ge ne r a lly p eo pl e ar e please d , but so m e n ee d t o r ea li ze th a t w e are th e r e t o r e pr ese nt th e mu sical ta s t es o f all th e s tud e nt s." T h ey m ee t o n T hur s d ays t o pla n wh o will b e in th e b oo th pl a ying mus i c. "This i s grea t ex p e ri e n ce," s aid fr es hm a n Tim Hoppin . Kar a Palanuk
Having Fun
Sophomo r es Mike Roy, Pe t er Rappmund, Phil Piwonka and Peter Palanuk take reque s ts before changing the so ng Sophomore Ren Bu c h o lz said, " It 's lots of fun be cau se it's an extracurricular ac t ivi t y t h a t doe s n ' t requir e m uc h and yo u get cred i t fo r 1t." P h o t o by Brandon Garreus
What's Next F r e s hmen
M ichael Pfi s t e rer a n d We s H offertdeode w h a t their n ext selectio n w ill be Radio C lub also plays the m u s ic a t sc hool even ts. Sophom o r e Mike Roy said, " I t hought it wo u ld b e cool I' d get to play mu sic and ha n g out with my fnend s."
Ph o to by Br andon Gar r etts Clubs - 10 9
I I r
Seize the day! Taking a foreign language is like s t e pping into a whole other world - different culture, language, cu s tom s. Each foreign language teacher trie s to bring the se thing s across to the s tudent s. The foreign language clubs let s tudent s di scove r more ofthecultureoutsideoftheirregular classes. In the clubs, s tudent s are able to take field trip s to places where they will be able to u se the language more often. The s tudents may take another language for college r equir e ments, as freshman Sarah Adam said, " Most colleges
require at leas t four years of a foreign language. " Others may take it to learn about a different time and culture. Senior Pooja Voria said, "T hough Latin is an extinct language, and I won' t be able to use it in the future , I want to learn about the Roman culture, as well as for college credit. " With the foreign language program, GHS students are able to expand their horizons to the cultures of foreign languages. As sophomore Maegen Connolly said, " It looks great on a resume. " KaraPalan~ April Stussy,and Tiffany Gill
At the Tone ----•..lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ --
Junior Ted Politte in his French 501 s kit, a s ks fo r a date Th e re are variety of levels in French, Spani s h , Latin , German,and Russ ia n offered to G HS s tudent s Fre s hman Lizee Hoogheem s aid , " All around a new language is a c h a llenge ."
by Carissa Lauwers
Hello, Pizza Hut? Junio r Katy Ratz, orders a pizza in a Fren ch cla ss s kit. The Foreign Language Department at GHS is de s igned t o make learning fun and ea s y forits s tud ents " I think Spani s h rock s," proclaimed s op h omore Ann Tuffin
thr r...,~ ,• 110 -
Photo by Ca rissa Lauwers
Who's This? Mr. Yanz takes a pie in the face at the Homecoming carnival Most of the foreign language stude n ts agree that what they learn will help them in the future with jobs Junior Melissa Cline knows, ., Being bilingual open s up job opportunities."
Photo by Bill Kelley
B o mb s Aw ay Juni o r N ick Malk.mu s s up ports Germ an C lub, but fr o m his exp ress i o n is n ' t ha v rn g muc h fun Fo reign languages a re ve ry hard t o l ea rn in so m e a reas and e a sy m o th er a reas. So ph o m o r e Enn Ove rtur f sai d , " It's like tak.mg everyt hin g yo u ' ve le arn e d and puttin g i t all t oge th e r." Pho to b y St eve Schroe d e r Hi, D own There Sen i o r s H e i di Layma n , Molly Kin g h o rn a n d junio r M arjo ri e Sant loo k d own on the u Fre n ch class A fo reign lan gu age can h el p yo u comm un ica te with th e peo pl e Rig ht n o w so ph o m o re Ca rla Bosse thinks, " I t's like s tartin g in kmd e r garte n an d going to 10 th gra d e rn two years." Ph o to b y Carissa Lauwers
Foreign Language
Ba c k Ro w : J ohn Pi e karski , Kri s ty Ro bin so n, Ann a Van Me ter, Sa ra h Wol f, Meag on Zi egl er, TJ Brow n, Kara Pal a nuk , Mo rga n Rei tm eyer, Marcus Malt empo F root Ro w: Jo hn S tree t man , Severine Swa nso n Ph oto by B J Rey nold s
Clubs - 111
Like thread s that make up an immense and beautiful quilt , we , the students of GHS , are what make our school so great. Every s park from each Demon ' s so ul is that s pecial force that make s GHS what it is. If it were not for th e s tudent s who roam the halls , thi s school would be s imply another building; but it is not. GHS is a place where you can meet interesting people any tim e of the day , and always find someone to do great things with. From extracurricular activities to the classes that make up the school day , Demon s are making their environment the best place it can be. Each perso n ' s efforts are the reas ons why GHS excels in academics and athletics
From the insanely ridiculou s things that people do , to the brilliant ideas that others have , whatever goes on is connected to GHS and those who are a part of it. Dy e d hair , buff bod s a nd free s pirits all attend GHS. The energy that each perso n brings to this schoo l is reflect e d in the s pirit present in athletic activities, and in the ways that every Demon strive s to do his or her best each day they are at GHS . The heat of each perso n 's inner fire burns bright at GHS and make s the environment sizzle. Everyone, everyday is Feeling the Heat at GHS by being themselves and being a part of the sc hool. GHS is unique and will continue to be so because of the individuals within it. Sarah McGuane
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Demon Diner Sophomore Erin Ov erturf, Mike Duran , and Mike Roy sociali ze and tell Jokes in th e ca fet en a during access. Th e cafeteria w as a co mm on place to mee t Demon s and ma ke t he day pass by qu ic ke r " It is kind of ni ce and quiet when you don ' t have any classes, but mos t o f th e tim e it is really noisy," said sen io r Loraine Ktel s me1e r Ph o to by Ro n Finell i
'S ' 1
Ball oo n T o ss Freshmen Emmy Agard, Raymond Hart , a nd Shane Turner have the tim e of their freshman Demon lives dunng fre s hman orienta t ion day The first day of high school can be exciting as well as scary for many new students to GHS "' It is a good experience to meet good people and to lea rn more about high school ,., said freshman Shau n Hooks Ph oto b y Ron Finelli
used year- round by Demon s because of lls openness and mvi11 ngatmosph e re " It is a g rea t pl ace to st ud y because th ere are not a lo t of d1 s tra ct,on ~. and you can concentra te on what you are doing ," sa id Juni o r Ri ch Burkhalter
Peopl e - 1 13 I I
Go o d Tim es Senior Ca rri e Pearse , sophomore Heather Tumw a ll , and junior Lynn DeBerry com pare thread s in the courtyard The courtyard was
Senior pranks are a tradition in high sc hool. Some pranks s how s kill, craft, and creativity Others are just plain s tupid Some se niors gave us ideal s for great senior pranks . Kim We s tby
Colleen Struck: "P ut eggs in all of the tea ch e r s' chairs, so when they sit down, kerplat! all over their pants"
Brett Covler: " Pour dish washing soap all over the football field so when th e s prinkl e r s go off there will be soa p s uds everywhere."
Stacey Winston : 11 Glue all the doors to the office closed and fill Ms Judy Vance's office with popcorn ''
John Piekarski : " Break into the central computer sys tem and make the sprinkler sys tem go off at exactly 9:30 a m and give all the seniors umbrella s."
Jamie Leyshon : " Make a huge for sale s ign out of sheets and hang it out in front of the school."
Julie Hagemeister : "Flood the pit. "
Thereasa Evans : " Rent the parking lot to a car dealer with all cars in it. "
Tricia Bair: "Le t wild greased pigs run through the sc hool at access "
R.J Miller: " Make a bea c h out of the senior lounge "
D.J Hagberg : "C hange the G into a six and paint a large nine next to it to make a '96 "
Shaun Ambrose Nicho l as Ammon Ja so n Anderson Feeli n g thP 114- H/7:~ ff
Je nnifer Airhart Brandy Alejandro Zachary Ambariantz
Mic:,/,oef {3ode
Michael Anderso n Monica Araujo Andrea Ar ch er Shan n a As h
Danielle Aumille r j Michael Bade Tricia Bair I Wendi Baker
Shawn Bakke r Jer e my Ballenge r Zac h ary Ball e ntin e
Mi c helle Bandy Jason Barkow S teven Barl ow Seniors- ,11s
I I a n Ba t es Je nnife r Ba ure r D a ni e l Beck Sco tt Beckl ey Co d y Be ntl ey Rosa Be rn al Ju s tin Be rry P a tri ck Bitn e r G ary Bo atman Kathrin e Bosi o Lind se y Braz il Neil Bro wn e Feel i ng the 116 - MrtAf J.leil (3111wne
Seniors- 11 7
David Bryant Jamie Burke
Sherry Burroughs
Barbra Campbell Seth Carr , Chri s tian Carson
Elizabeth Chilcoat Ryan Chisholm Ke lli Colligan
Cody Collins Jessica Co lli n s
Kelly Cooper
I I ! I I I .r
Andrew Coo r s C hri s top h er Co rbin C harl es Co m e l y
Kristine Com e l y Matth ew Corry Carli Co u p e n s
Feel I og t"118 - N~lit 'i/
Sara Crowell Je nnifier Dag gs Sco tt Dani e ls Bre tt Davi s Kara D eca r o li s
D e nner
• UAtJ.Jth &+ ? ,c_.,,.,,ulA._c_....,..,_....,...,,_._.;_ Jessica Dicke Jerry Dinzes Danell Dittbrenner Holly Di tt o Jasmine Domgaard Serena Dovey M a tth ew Drisco ll Daw n Du r a nt Kar e n Dyke A l Ec h eve rri a Bea u Edgi n gto n Be th El de r Seniors - 11 9
i ! I I I I I
h Li s a
Gr ego r y Fran cis 120- M~iAt ~UHi
Kevin Elli s Andrea Erpe ldin g Sh awn Erwin Devon Es t es Therea s a Eva n s Kurt Falkenthal Adam Fay Amanda Fein Linda Ferr ei ra
Fi s
Fitc h
Craig Fulmer Christen Gair Craig Gamble
William Garretts Ryan Gee Tara Gerken
Keith Gibson Aaron Gil Brant Glea ton
Kimberly Gorman Bradley Go u g h
Seniors - 121
Lacie Gray
I~ =-- o BOOM I
As s tud e nts re turn fr o m lun ch th ey h ear th e dis t a nt r o ll o f thund e r fr o m th e wes t, o r wai t is th a t th e Beas ti e Boys? St e r eo is n o t t h e same a n ymo r e . Ex p e n s i ve hig htec h eq u i pm e nt is " in" a nd a lm os t eve ry o n e agrees th a t a big b ass sys t e m is THE car n ecessity th a t everyo n e s h o uld h ave . Dave Mack s i g h e d , '' I do n ' t h ave a syste m , but I s ure wish I h a d th e m o n ey t o bu y o n e ." O n e co ul d say th a t th e o n e w ith th e m os t s p eake r s is th e o n e th a t rul es T h e r e is a d o wn si d e, h oweve r , t o fee lin g yo ur h e art r a ttl e an d b e in g in style . Kurt Faulkenthal expl ained, " Bass in ca r s is a good w ay t o b eco m e deaf b efo r e yo u ' r e 20, but th a t's o ka y ." A w ay to enjoy yo ur sys t e m a nd yo ur h ea rin g is t o jus t turn th e vo lum e d o wn a co uple n o tch es A n o th er fli p s id e w o ul d b e th e im age to th e " boo m e r s." C an yo u e n joy th e b ass wi th o u t h avi n g th e face? Loo kin g like a wa nn a b e ga n gs t er o r h aving a s t e r eo b eca u se i t's t he thin g t o ow n,isa grea t w ay t o ge t disse d , eve n if yo ur sys t e m i s bi gge r th a n th ose w h o la u g h a t yo u . " Th ey n ee d bi g b ass to make up fo r th eir o th er s h o rt co min gs, " sai d S teve Barlow . M a ny agree o n th e fac t th a t sys t e m s can b eco m e a nn oying, Fl e tch e r Ca m e r o n thinks th a t " It's rud e and in co n side r a t e " Danell Dittbrenner expl o d e d , " It' s so s tupid, th ey think th a t th ey are so m ach o an d th ey act so ego ti s ti cal ." Th e r e are s tu de nt s th a t e nj oy th e low uniqu e so und th a t is pr o du ce d b y th e b ass. " I d o n ' t like it so lo ud th a t I can' t brea th e, but I like a n ice s t eady b oo m ," co mm ent ed Brandy Alejandro . Jason Barkow sai d wi th a s mil e th a t, " It' s yo u , yo ur car an d yo ur sys t e m an d n o thin g e lse." Th e o n es w h o e n joy th e b oo m are th e o n es wh o n eed i ts so und, th e fee l, a nd that esse n ce of t h e r a ttl e acco mpani e d b y it s lo w hum Th ese a r e th e p eo pl e wh o li ve fo r th e h o ur s, minut es an d seco nd s th a t th ey can escape int o th e s ky an d r o ll with th e l o w
t hun de r . Kea la Murd ock a nd A ndy T h o ma s
Jo hn G riffith s
Anjli Gupta
R o dn ey H a dw ige r
D o nald H agb e r g
Juli e H age m e is t e r
Amand a H a lb e rt
I I l !
,'4__ ~-I/ ,_ tl,
1(~ ~'AziM«t
Meliss a Halkum
Jason Hall
Benjanun Hamblin
Robin Hankin s
Kayla Hapton s tall
Rebecca Hayes
Kevin Hazard
Andrew Hebein
Karen Heffelfinger
Ju lie Heinz
David Herbert
Shawn Herther
We n dy Heywood
Justin Hi ll
Seniors- 123
124 -Neir
Hillary H o lland Chri s t o ph e r H o m Shawn H om er Jayna H orva t Bryn Hudso n Calley Hu g h es Mark Humphrey David Im e r Kristopher Im y Brittany Ise nb e rger Thoma s Ja ckso n Oaru s Jaqu ez
Se nior s - 125
Kathryn Jo hn s t o n Vin ce nt Join e r Fe li cia Jo n es
Jill Kat ze nb e r ge r R ox ann e Kay Dani e l K ee n
Cliffo rd K e ll ey R o bert K e nt o n Leah K e rr
Sanni K es kimaki Va ss ili Khri s tofo r ov Moll y Kin g h o rn
Kirstin Kiphardt
Nathan Knepper Kevin Koel
Mark Kolin James Konegni Va n essa Koslow
Arthur Krzystek
Ian Kunter
Jonathan Ladebue
Mi c h elle La fferty
Ja so n Laman
Ca ri ssa Lauw e r s
Heidi Layman
the 126 - Mrl'4f
Mi c hael Lee
Imagine you wake up and walk outside your hou se t o pi ck up th e paper. For only being six in the morning i t see m s t o be s urpri si ngly h o t. Too h ot. So h o t that th e rubber so le s on the b o tt o m of your s ho es are m e lting. You l oo k around a nd th e neighborhood is b u rning . Aaahh! It's a wild fire . But no it' s in the middle o f winter. Oh my, I think I' m in hell Suddenly, yo u bolt up in b e d The alarm c lock r ea d s 3 a.m. It mu s t have b ee n a dr e am You go back t o bed and drift ba c k to sl ee p Another dr ea m co me s to you You ' re s ittin g in cla ss with five minute s left in th e block. Turnin g your attention ba ck to the tea ch e r who see m s to be talking in a differ e nt language. Looking back at the clock you see that it says 10 minute s till class is over H o w can that b e? A minute ago it sa id five minut es until the end. Or did it? We a s ked se ni o r s what th e ir idea of he ll would be Pat Swift and Ter esa Emmon s
G ary Bo a tman : " Prom and dan ces"
W e ndy H e yw oo d : " Pretty H o t"
David Pa lm e r: " M s. P latt' s office"
Charlie Mill e r: " Just like life "
Bard N e il se n : " Like a box of c ho co lat es "
S t e v e Barl o w : " Ask me after I' m marri e d "
K e lly Coop e r: " Making up s tupid quotes"
S h ay d e n W a rd : " I don ' t know, I've never been there "
Chri s Mill e r: " Be ing stuck in a cla ss full of fre s hmen "
Jayna H o rv at : "College Comp."
S hawn Bakke r: " A b l azing inferno of Spaghetti-Os with meatball s"
Vin ce Join e r: " Having a broken leg during football seaso n " Se niors - 127
Erica Lemmons
Jami e Leys h on Emily Lowe
Ryan Lu cas
David Mack
Geo ffr ey Mallow
---~... 'c"li ,, -· - .---Sia.... . - ~-Y· .J • • .
Shalun Malon ey
Matthew Manl ey Michael Mares
Andrew Martinez
Jennife r Martinez Nathan Mataya
John Matis
Courtney Mc Na Sa r ah McGuane
Jame s McMurtry
Feeling the /4 12a - Mrt~t / ~-·• p~ I
Ri chell e McM urtry Da r in Menapace
,• , / - r _r J -
Sharon Mi cke C h arl es Mill e r C hn s t o ph e r Miller
Cody Mill e r
Je ann1e Miller Raymond Miller
Tyler Mit ch e ll H ea th e r Mo o n Daniel M o tes
Seniors - 129- .. ..• • • --~ - - - •
Jo di Mundt Keala Murd oc k Be th any Murph y
Carrie Myers Carrie Nichols Cory Nickerson
Carl Nielsen Jeremy Nuanes Mark O'Dorisio
Feellng tl 130- Nrt~fl·
What 's U p Seniors Shawn Erwin and Dave Palmer put their notebooks in their lockers outside the cafeteria before lunch. Like last year, the most popular place to hang out is the Senior Lounge and around the cafeteria Michelle Tucker commented, "I like the Senior Lounge because it's the one place I know where no underclassmen will go " Photo by Steve Schroeder
Anna Olson Maren Olson Ke ll y Osheroff
Kathryn Owen David Palm e r Nicholas Paslay
Kevin Paulse n Carrie P e arse Christine Peters Alison Peterso n
John Pi e kar s ki
s - 131 I
Mark Powell Kelly P o wer s Jonathan Pray Se ni o
Jennifer Preston Trisha Prigel Robert Purvis
Shannan Pyle
Matth e w Ramlet Allyson Reynolds
Ju s tin Ridpath Matth ew Rillo s Ja c kie Ri s ler
Henry Ri s n e r
feeling tne 132 - lt~f- P
Cliff Roberts Greg Rob ert s
Mason Robertson Matth ew Robie Tami Rodriguez
~ ___.____..__
I Kara Rome ' Diana Ro thm a n C harl es Sa ndt Lucas Sa ntilli Crys tal Sc h e n ck
_ Shirell e Sc hmidt
S e nior s - 133
April Sc h ossow Jeffr ey Sc hroe d er S tep hen Sc hr oeder
I Be le n Sco tt A lea Sco vill De ni se Sh ane r Joa nn a Skwa r a Alis h a Smith C hri s tin e Smith N i ch o l as Sm i th N ico le Smith K a th eri n e Sta ndl ey Je nnife r St ein e rt Sk y le r S tillw ell Tra v i s St oc k Eri c St o rm s Co ll ee n Stru ck Feeling t~ 134 - Nfl~-i
Sittin g o n y o ur co u c h , with yo ur fee t up , r e laxin g with a ba g o f C h ee tos, yo u turn o n the t e levi s io n I n th e middl e o f chann e l s urfing y o u lose th e r e m o te a nd ar e fo r ce d to wat c h what is o n th e channel. In th e middle o f a n int e r es ting PB S d oc um e ntary co m es a co mm ercial with l o ud ann o un ce r s and s tupid a cto r s. Th e co mm e r ci al i s so r evo ltin g tha t y o u ge t up and turn o ff th e t e le vi s io n l s th e r e a t e levis i o n co mm e r cial that r e all y g et s o n yo ur n e rv es? We a s ked se ni o r s whi c h TV a dv e rti se m e nt s a r e th e w o r s t o f th e w o r s t, th e s tupid es t o f th e s tup i d , th e la m es t o f th e la m e, and th is is what w e ca m e up with . Pat Swift, Ja so n H e nd e r so n , Kim Gidd eo n .
Chri s Hom : " Ta s te r' s C h oi ce b ec au se it 's like a s tupid soa p o p e ra ."
Bard Ni e l se n : " M e n tos: bad a c to r s, s tupid pl o t, th ey ha ve n o p o int "
S te v e Barlow: " D e alin' D o u g ."
S hawn Erwin : "E nergiz e r bunn y b eca u se it k ee p s go in g a nd go in g "
Mi chell e Tu cker: " Frank D . A zar b ec au se h e thinks ' h e's a winn e r "'
Brett Williams: " Littl e C a es ar ."
Chris Corbin : " Th ose law ye r co mm e r cial s ."
Tri cia Bair: " T o il e t Du c k - dumb litt le rubb e r du ck th a t fl o at s in th e to il e t. "
Mike Mar es: " H e m o rrh o id s is so m e thin g w e d o n ' t n ee d t o kn o w a b o u t."
Julie Ha ge m e i s t er: " Th e Hallm a rk co mm e r c ia l wh e r e th e lad y is di ggi n g thr o u g h the tra s h and r e adin g th e card s."
Apri l Stii ssy C rai g S utt o n Patri ck Sw i ft
Du s ty Taf oy a Paul Ta te Tri s h a Th o ma s
S eniors - 135
•Brandy AleJandro •Zachary Ambariantz•Shaun Ambrose •Nicholas Ammon •Jason Anderson • Michael Anderson
• Monica ArauJO ' Andrea ArcherShannaAsh•Oan1elle
Aumiller• Michael Bade •Tricia Bair \Ven di Baker•Shawn Bakke r Je.remy Ba}Jepgcr Zachary Ballentine •Mi chelle Bandy •J ason Barkow•Steven Barl ow •lan Bates•Jennifer Baurer Daniel Beck •Scott Beckley •Cody Bentley-Rosa Bemal •Just1n Berry •Gustavo Blancbi•Pa trick Bi tn er-Gary Boatman • Kathrine Bosio • Lindsey Bra z1l •Je rcm1ah Brooks •Nc1I Brownc •Oavid Bryan1 •Jam1e Burke Sherry Burroughs •Fletchcr Cameron • Barl,ra Campbell •S¢1b Ca rr-Chr istian Caf5()1rEli7..abclh Chila>at•Ryan Chisbobn•Kclli Colligan •Cody Collins •Jcss1ca Collins • Kclly Coope r-Andrew Coors •Chri stophcr Corbin •Breti Corlew •Charlcs Co !llcly-Kni;t.inc Comcly •?:vi a ttbew Co~Ji Q>upl!tl~U<I Crowcll •Jcnn ifier Daggs •Sco tt
• Bre11 Dav1s
• Kara Decarohs
• Kelley DenncrBenJamlil Denn ert •Jcss1ca D1 cke-Jercy Dinzes •OaAell D 1ttbrcnncr-H0Hy l)itto •Jasntitic Domgaard Serena Dovcy •M atthew
• Dawn Durant
• Karen Dyke
•AI Echcvema
• Beau Edgi ngton
• L1sa Fitch•GregoryFran c1s •Cralg ffulm e r-Ch.r: 1stcm O~ir-CraJgCnmbJe •William Garret ts
• Ry11n Gee •'I'am, Gerkcn
• Kc1th Gibson •Aaron
• Beth Elder•Kevin Ellis•An ~ l!~din~Shawn Erwia:-De\lon ~Tbereast Evans • Kurt Falkenthal •Adam Fay •Amanda Fem Lmda Ferrei ra•Tanya Fish
• Brant Gleaton
• Kimberly Gorman
• Bradley Gough • Lac1e ~John Grifttfns •An p i Gupt:t\Rodn C)' Hadw1ge r-Oonaid l;hgbe rg •Julie Hngerocister•Amanda Halb ert •Mehssa Halkum •Ja.son Hall •B enJamm Hambl1n • Rob1n Ha nk1n s • Kayla Hap t011~all•R cbecca Ha yes- Kevi n Hazard •Andrcw f-tebcln•l<2r cn Hemz• Dav1d Herbcrt •Shawn HertherWendy Heywood •Justtn Hill
• Hillary Holland •Ch n stopher Hom •Shawn Homcr
•Jayna Horva t•B ryn Hudson •Calley Hu g hcs •M ark Humphrey-David lm er• Knstopber lmy
• Bnllany l sc nb erger•Thomas Jackson
• Darus Jaquez• Kathryn Johnston
• Vinccnt Jo1nerFehcia Jones
•J1ll Katzcnbe rger
• Roxanne Kay •Angela Keech
• Daniel Keen Clifford Kelley
• Robert Kenton•Lcah Kerr •Sanni Kcsk1mak1 •Vassili Khristoforov •M olly Kinghom
• Kirstin Ktph ardt •Nathan Knepper-Kevin Koel •M ark Ko hn •Jamcs Konegni •Vancssa 136Fee ling
Koslow •Arthur Knystek •lan Kunte r Jo nathan Ladebuc •M1 chelle Laffe rty-J ason Lam an •Jeremy Lau e•Cans..c;a Lauwer.. •H c1d1 Layman • M1chacl Lcc • Enca Lemmons •Jam1e Lcy\hon • Em1ly Lowe • Ryan Lucas • Dav1d Mac k•Geoffrey Mallow•Shalun Maloney- Matthew Manley • Mic hael Mares • Enn Marshall •Andrcw Martinez •Jcnnifcr Martin cz • Nathan Mataya •John Mati s •Cou rtn ey Mc Na•Sara h Mcgua ne-Jmms Mc Murtry • R1 c heUe M c Murtry -Neil Meeban • Darin Me~pooc• Sharon Micke<barl es M1ll e rChn s topher Mill e r- Cody M illc rJ eann1e Mill er • Ra ymo nd Miller •Tyl e r Mitchell•J tl>Qn Monson •Heatber Moon • Dan1~l Motes •Jodi Mund t-Kc-afa MIU'dock • Betb:i.oy Mutpbr Ca rri e Mycrs •CarT1c Nichols •Cory N1ckerson •Carl Nie lsen •J e re my dori11io-Aona Olson •Maren Obon• 1' clly Os:ooroff•Kathryn Owen-b av 1d Pa lm¢f" NicboJas P.a:.lay • Kevin Paulscn •Ca rri e Pear..e •C hristine Peter., •Al 1son Pe terson •John Piekarsk i•Mark.Powe ll • Kelly Po wers •Jonathan Pra} kri nifcr Presto n• Tri s ha Prig.el •Robert Purvis- Shannan Py!c+Matthew Ramlet •Allyson Reynolds •) uslln R1dpath •Matthew Rillos •Jac k1 e Risler Henry Risner- Cli.ff'Ro berts •Greg Roberts •Mason Robe rtSOTrMatt~w Robi e •Tam.iRodriguez •Kara Rome •Dian a Ro thm an • Hodci Sa l aberr1a •Charlcs Sandt • Lucas
Sanulli •Crysta l Scb enck •S !>Jrelle Sctn:nklt •Apnl Schossow •J etney Sch roede r-St e phen Schroedcr• Belen Scou •AJea Scov11l• ~firsa Scully-Den,se S han er • Donald S kala •Joanna Skwara •Al isha SonUrCbnstino S mith ~Nicholas Sm1 th • N1cole Smith •Antoinc Stabl-Kalbcria e Standley •JcrutiferStei nert<-styler StiU well •Travis Stock •En c S torms •Colleen Struc l •Apr i I ~tiissy •Cra ig Su tt01\•Pa1Jk-kSw1ft
• Dusty T afoya
• Paul Tate•Tn sha 'l'h om as •Jaool, Thomp so n• Mary i'o •Natb an Tomm crMicbo ll e Tucke r- Aaron Tumer•Gregory Urban • Macandrc~ Versc r AleJandra V11lcgas •Poo1a Vona •Joshua Waggoner Joshua Walke r-Kris top her Wall c nt a • Roshellc Walt e r- Amanda Waltz Shaydcn Wa rd •J amc!. Watts •Jam1e Wcbster-Cnrr1e
We 1ngardt
• Laura White •C hristy Wh1tfi cld •Myron Wilkerson
• Laura Zahanas
• Bob Wtlham s •Brett W ill1ams •Oani e l Willman •Staccy Winston • Daron Wolfrum
• Holly Ze ns
• Randall Wn g ht
• Kelly Wuerth •Jc~1ca Wurt c nbergcr- Dav1d Yan g•Angclika Yamo
• Kimberly Ziegler ·• Seniors - 137
Imagine t ha t yo u a r e a contes ta nt i n a bea u ty p agea nt , le t' s say for Miss America. Duri n g th e qu es t io n ro und th e h os t asks yo u ' If yo u co ul d c h a n ge o n e th i n g abo ut yo ur se lf, w h a t wo uld i t be? ' We ll yo u co uld give a r ea ll y c h eesy a n d ge n e ri c a n swe r , o r be rea ll y creative; re m e mb er t h a t yo u r ti ara d e p e nd s o n it. Everyo n e h as some thin g t h a t th ey wo uld like t o change abo ut th e m se l ves, w h e th e r th ey wa nt to ad m i t i t or n o t. Se ni o r s m ay act like th ey kn ow i t a ll but th ey a ll h ave m a n y un ce rt a inti es abo ut th eir ap p eara n ce, p e r so n a liti es, a nd th e ir li ves. So m e se ni ors h ave co m e up w ith a clu e as to h ow th ey w o uld b e diffe r e nt, if give n a ch a n ce Matt Corry sa id, " I wo uld ch a n ge m y body style a n d b e bi gge r t h a n th a t gir lyma n Matt Rillos ." But o th e r senio r s look forwar d in to th e futu re like Brad Gough w h o said, " I wo uld c h a n ge m y gra d es to ge t i n to a b e tt e r co ll ege " Randy Hadwiger h ad an a mu s in g idea fo r h is futur e.
" I wo ul d n ' t go ba ld " Crystal S c henck h a d a s tra ig ht fo rw a rd view of h er li fe. " I wo ul d n' t ch a n ge a n y thin g; I'm p e r fec t. " If yo u we r e a ju dge, wo uld yo u th i nk th ose a n swe r s we r e s in ce r e e n oug h ? Ki m Giddeo n a n d Ve n essa Kos l ow
I ' I
Jacob Thompson Mary To Nathan Tommer
Michelle Tucker Aaron Turner Macandrew Verser
., lJjh__, •. ._t · tJ'l1~-4fc~~ -\>~~~ -,
Pooja Vona Jos hua Waggon e r Jos hua Walk er
Kri s toph e r Wall e nta Ro s h elle Walter Amanda Waltz
Sh ayde n Ward Jam es Watt s Jami e Webster Carrie Weingardt
Laura White C hri s ty Whitfi el d Myron Wilk er so n Bo b Willi ams
Seniors - 139
Stacey Winston
Randall Wright
Kelly Wuerth
David Yang
Angelika Yarno
Laura Zaharias
Holly Zens
Kimberly Ziegler
Brett Williams
Daron Wolfrum
Je ssica Wurtenberger
j bJl/Dtl/
C ru z in ' Seniors Ryan Chisholm and Allyson Reynolds take a Jong nde down Go lden's Main St ree t 1n the Home com in g parade Allyson won Homecom in g queen, and king went to Shane Ward Most seniors were very happy with th e way game turned out, howeve r some were d1sappo1nted w!lh the carnival and parade Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Groovy Seniors Jamie Konegn 1, Ry an Chis hol m, Sky St11lwell, Craig Gamble, Kns Well eo ta spo rt th ei r hot duds dunng 7O's day 10 sp ,nt week Seniors seem to part 1c1 pate more th an th e other c lasses 10 all the school activ11tes so they have an exci ting, memorable last yea r at GHS Ph oto by Brando n Garrclls
Camera Shy
G u stavo Bi anc hi
Jeremiah Brooks
Brett Corlew
Benjamin Dennert
Ang e la Keech
Jeremy Laue
Neil Meehan
Dudes Look Like a Lady Se niors Ju s tin H ill, Nate Ma laya, Steve Barl ow, md Aaron Turner s how their s tuff some thing less than a football uniform at the h, mecom1ng pep rally Some o f the s kit s and games have been with GHS for years, such as the s taff s kit, the hand jive and the class co mpet1t1 o ns It 's a lso trad iti on for the se niors to win each compe t ition even 1f th ey don ' t abi de by th e given rules Ph oto by B111 Kelly
Daniel Mote s Hodei Salaberria
Mars a Scu lly
Donald Skala
Antoin e S tahl
Gregory Urban
Alejandra Villegas
Seniors - 141
Junior year. It's n o t quite a se nior but defi- number s at the top of the door s It ' s a power trip nit elyn o ta so phomore.It's whenyoufinallyget to walk down the hall and laugh at all the t o be an uppercla ss man, and feel s uperior to all underclas s men. The down si de is, this is the first who below you , keeping in mind that ther e are year where your grades really start to matter to s till se nior s who can pick on you. There are colleges . It ' s when you find yourself up until all so me perks to b eco ming a junior . At assemblies hour s fini s hing a paper, or reading a book, and you si t on the side of the gym wher e you get to Feeling the Heat . The heat or pressure of suelook at th e Tridettes' faces ins tead of their rear ceeding in school and in everything else you do . ends . The hand jive always seems to b e better, You can' t goof off as much this year as you have with the years of experience on your sid e. You in the past. On the up side, you can walk down know your way around school , so on the fir s t the hall and pu s h your way through the crowds day of a new se me s ter, you aren' t the one walk- and mob s of people and not get beat up for it. ing through the hall looking at all the room Melis sa Palmer
l I
Feel Ing ti 'r~fYz \I I 142 - n o;;/A/ l -
Rap Session Mehssa King and J ill Reinec ker sit on a bench during access talk ing abou t the weekend Wee kends were the only time during the sc hool yea r where juniors can ca tch up on homework an d go ou t and have fun Brian Sanders comme nted, " Bein g a junio r gives me a warm and fu zzy f ee ling inside." Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Just Can't Get Enough The Junior Class does the famous Hand Jive led by the Tridettes during the Homecoming assembly The Hand Jive is done to th e music by Depeche Mode Tridette Kellee Tarum said. " Next year I 'll get to lead the Ha nd Jive 1" Photo by Ron Finell,
Book WOrm Roger Stellers, Luk e Stahmer, and Rebecca Dragual read and talk during access in Mr Kinsey' s room For Jun iors , Engli s h class~va s filled with books like The Great Gatsy, Huck F,nn , and The Scarlet Leuer Katie Smith sa id, " Now that J am a Junior I have to se11le down and be more serious than I usually am " Photo by BJ Reynold s
' ,. ' .1f'('1t ., - • - p;_._~4,Al --ii. ,pr • .J.... '4-' __., ·,., .:
., ' • {r-.:J~~ ( \ f . (, ' • )' ' . \ J • 1 • (
143 I
If yo u di ed a nd w er e r ei n ca rnat e d as an yo n e yo u want e d t o be, wh o w o uld yo u b e? W e a s ked thi s qu es ti o n t o a numbe r o f j uni o r s, a nd th ese w e r e so m e o f th e res p o n ses. Aa r o n Turn e r a nd Brando n Garr e tt s
Dr e w S mith : "Se ni or Jayna Horvat b eca u se s h e is b e autiful, and I want to b e b e autiful too ."
Eric And e r s on: " M ich ae l Ja ckso n b ec au se h e is a thrill er."
Jaso n Ch a p e ll · " Elvis, b eca u se h e is th e Kin g a nd all th e chi cks dig hi ,, m .
Lej o Flores · " I w a nt to b e Sup e rman b ec au se h e ca n fl y!"
Ka trina Be nn e tt: "A r oc k, b ec au se th ey don' t ha ve to d o anythin g."
R ach e l M o ntan a : " Hill ary C linto n , b ec au se s h e is politi ca lly p o we rful, a nd a gr e at s pe a k e r ."
Ca rey Abb ey
Le s li e Adai r
J ennifer All
Sea n Alle n Eri c And ers on Fabi o la A rauj o
C ry s ta l A rc ury
B ryan Arm s tro ng
Sta cy Arndt
Stacey Ar o nowi tz
C hri s top her Ashe r
K yle Atkinson
Mind y Aus tin
J us tin Babbi tt
ii t 1
J ason B ae rren
Tr avis B ake r
Willi am B arb ee
Jo hn B a rts c h
Jos hu a Bates
I l I •
Feeling the 144 - M~tt'
e n
Troy Bauer
Torrie B ecwar
Cry s ta l Bed e r
1an Be itze l
Kimb e rly Be llanti
Meli ss a Be1l ew
Katrina Benn e tt
Shani e! Benn ett
J eremy B enson
Kri s ta B ent o n
Casey Bern al
Sa brina B eum e r
Kevin Bilge r
Ron e ll e Blac k
Kri s te n Bo hn
C harl es Bolej ac k
Bradfo rd Bo ul ey
Morga n Boy les
David Bradd e r
N ic hol as Brakk en
Kami Br indl e
Ja so n Brode ri c k
J a mi e Broo ks
J os hua Broo ks
Ni cho ls Brown
, ,
• I I I I I I ; I
Juniors - 14 5
' I I I -,.~-....,..... --A-~--...-. ....f"Y.' .J ' ,
Willi a m Bro wn Gal e Bun yard
John Burton Ja so n Ch app ell
Le e Brunk e r Ca ro ly n Burg Ja s o n Cam e ro n Ke ll y C heney
Ross Bruno Le s li e Burg
Andrea Cart y Am a nda Chri s ten se n
Andrew Bu chh o lz Ri chard Burkh alt e r R ac he l Ca rv e r Letitia C hri s tensen
Debr a Bu c k Bri ann e Burris J ose ph Casc io Ja red Chri s tian se n
Nathan C hurc h
T an ya Ciferri Am y C la rk Cath e rin e C lark Ka thl een Cl ark
Marlaina Clemen ts
Melissa Cline
Lynda Collins
Sarah Coona n
Jeremy Cummings
Mary Curra n
Kyle Cusack
Andrew Darlington
Jenn ifer Davis
Lynn De Berry
Bryan Dewolfe
Jennifer Dinges
Matthew Dott er
outh of the Border Junior Scott L1n senb1gler exhibits hi s school sp1nt a little differently at the Homecoming pep rally on Oct. 13 More student s of ' 97 dec ided to pan1c1pate 1n the Homecoming events thi s year due to more school pnde and the fact that theyw1II be inhent1ng " the school next year Photo by B111 Kelly
Reb ecca Dragul
Rena Du se nbury
Th o ma s Du s te r
.,,,... «>
___,, -
David Dem a lteri s
- 'IP • )
Reb ecca Do herty
Dorsc h
I u
- 147 I I I I
Clownin' AroundJ un , orNik M alkmus poses as a ta rget forwaterballoonsas part of the Gennan Club booth at the Homecoming Carnival on Oct. 13 Each class orclubse t up booths around the parking lot 10 provide a service to t he student body Those services ranged fr om food to contests or even pie throwing at G HS ' s favonte teachers P hoto by S teve Schroeder
J aso n
n J o
n We nd i E
T e
\ Larry England Jr Ryan Farl
Amber Fe
e r J ennifer Fink Bu c kn er Fis he r ) Kirs tin Fi s he r Steph en Fi sk Jos hua Fitzge rald Alej a ndro Fl o res Bri c Fo rd \ \
Eag leso
hn Eag leto
be rhart Chri s to ph e r Edd y
he rida Edm o ns to n
rry E il e rs M o nic a Ein s pahr
n Ek stro m
id Elli s
. a wI I I I I • ,,,,,,. .,,
Holley Foste r Breea nn e Glasmann D o nald Grundeman Mi che l Hall W illiam Hart
Bradley Fredrickson Ja co b Goble Kadrian Guldan Bria H a mpl e man Jamie Ha rvey
Ami Freier Elena Golovina Eli Guthri e Zet h Harold C hri sty Hassey
Matthew Frost Li sa Gores J acob Hagle r Mi chae l Harrin g ton Gene Have rkamp
Juniors - 149
Kimberly Giddeon Meli ssa Groenhof J ay ne Ha le Thoma s Ha rr is Shelly Hav il and
Ste ph e n Hi c km an Jr
Bra nd y Hinkl e
Nath an Hinkl e
J oe H ip pen s te e l
T rac y Hoba ck
Steve n Ho bs o n
La y ne Ho ds on
Aim ee Hoog hee m
J o nat han Hop p in
J o nat han Ho rni c k
J e remy Ho tse npill er Chri s ti na Hut c hi so n
Je nn ifer Hut chi s o n
Al be rt Il ges
Elli o t Jam es
S hann o n J e ffr eys
Dav id J o hn so n
Ga rri c k J o hn so n
S tephani e Jo hn so n
Sa ndr a Jo hn s to n
Meli ss a J o nes
R ebecca Jo nes
S amu el Jo nes
Grego ry Karp off
Me re di th Keat in g
· - ~_i-.r.....111,. _ ....__ ... tiili.TJiiiia•"- . - .-•""? -.J.. • f
Amb er Kell e r
James Ke ll ey
Xev in Ke ll ey
Kac i Ke ll y
Anna Ke lso
Sa ra h Ke nde ll
C lay ton Ken to n
Me li ssa Ki ng
Mi c he ll e Kl ei neide r
Zachary Kos terman
Alyssa Kr aus
Sha na Kro ne Dia na Kunte r
Hedy Kun ter
Jud i t h Kunze
Andrea Labella
Hello Everybody Juniors
Angela Norns and Jason Chappell near the end of the Homecoming parade route nght before the game It 1s said that your Junior year 1s the toughest academic year 1n school Junior Meli s sa Groenhof said , I think that Angela made a good pnnces..-. , but I would have been be11er "
by Bill Kelly
Zac hary Lafa lce Eric La i rd
Kacy Lands1ttel
Juniors - 15 1
If a tre e falls in the middle of the wood s, doe s it make a so und ? My father beli eve d that laught e r wa s the b es t medicine, that' s why we all di e d of tuber culo s is Hav e you ever heard a s aying that is so meaningfut you decide t o live your life by it? Golden s tudent s have their minds w o rking at leas t seve n h o ur s a day whil e they ar e at sc hool, but so me of the exceptional s tudent s s till have enough brain power left over to daydream in cla ss and think up so me deep thought s. Crystal Swala
Terry Eilers : " If whe e ls were s quare, then what would you call th em?"
Andy Bucholz: " Doe s life really ex is t beyond your field of vi s ion? "
Katie Dorsch : "A bun ch o f blond s went to Di s neyland . They saw a s ign that sa id, ' Dis neyland le ft ', so they all went home ."
Michelle Rawlings : " If the s ho e fit s, th e n wear it. "
Mike Harrington : " What doe s a s quar e look like in the fifth dimens ion?''
Andrea Lanterm a n
Burke Larso n
Kenn eth Le e
Kenneth Lefevre
Kari Leidi ch
T erry Lilly
Scott Lin se nb ig ler
Jame s Lo
Peter Lockl ey
Manit Lohani
Andrew Long
Erik Lo se man
Jam es Lundhagen
Lind sey Lu s k
Feel Ing th.e 152 - !{rt~' t'
Erin Mackey Mi chae l Mahara s Ruchi Malhotra Nikola s Malkmu s Jo se ph Man chen
Shane Marquardt Mindi Ma rs h Troy Mars hall Danie l Martin Mig ue l Ma rtin ez Ryan Martin ez Sergio Martin ez Laurey Matt ox Sean Matzke William McGaffey Tia Mc Kam ey Pa y to n Mi c ha el Jos hua Mo les Mi c hae l Mo nckt on Ra che l Mon tana Matth ew Mo nt go mery Pete r Moo ney Fermi na Moo re Ryan Mo rga n C hri sto ph er Morr iso n Bethan y Mul vihi ll Brian Murph y Ashley Mye rs J esse Mye rs Tracy Myers Junior s - 153 i I . I I I ' I I
William N ee Ju s tin Nee dh a m Gabr ie l Neg n Ja ne t Ne lso n Rebecca N elso n S ar a N elso n Mi cha ela Newman Minh Ng uye n Chri s to ph e r N ic holas Aa ron Noffs in ge r \ $1~00 32% How much did the Tooth Fairy leave you? An ge la No rri s Matthew O ' Ril ey Eze ki e l Olguin Hea th er Or em Anth o ny Orihu e la Mi cha e l Osgoo d Jonath an Palm er Ma so n Palm e r Me li ss a P alm e r
Patte rso n
Pet e rse n Huy Pham
Pine au
a nda Pitt
e d Politt e Eric Poni csa n
Pow e ll
ew Powe ll
Prestia-Sc haub
becca Prin ce Noah Pru ett- Lon g
k Puttm ann
nd e n Pyke
Rasc he n Ma na Ra scon
ty Ratz
ic helle Rav.i Jin gs
e Re her
Re inecker Billi e Reyno ld s Juniors - 155 • I I I I •I I I • I ' I
Charlotte Parker Julie Parker Molly
Zachary Pike Jon
Jennifer Rickard
Ja c kie Risler
Kri s ty Robin so n
Jam es Robu c k
Jo se Rocha
Matth e w Rogers
Craig Roik
Thoma s Rome
S hann on Rood
Ray Ru s hton
M o nika Sachdeva
Dale Sacry
Brian Sanders
Roy Sanders
Marjorie Sant
Sara Savoie
Jur gen Schlieman
Tiffany Schmidt
D anie l Schmied
Lisa Schoenborn
Brandon Schow
Jonathan Schreiner
Joshua Scruggs
Erwin Sherman
Travis Shields
j l • \
Feel 1ng the 156- '4!tt~t'
.- "'I •
Everybody has o r h ad a favorite character or toy that inspired them in th eir e l ementary day s. A survey was taken in the Junior Cl ass to find ou t just who had the greatest impac t on our GHS juniors Here 's what we found. Andy Thomas and Kea la Murdock
Brian Murphy: " Winnie the Pooh ."
Holley Foster: "P rincess of Power."
Kellee Tarum: " Rubber Ducky."
James Robuck: " Definitely the Dukes of Ha zard race car."
Shanna Randall : " My big Mickey Mou se ."
David Weishaupl: "Transformers ."
Tom Duster: " H ot Wheel s."
Burke Larson : " Tonka dump truck ."
Scott Linsenbigler. " Leggos. "
Andrew S il vey
Sha nn o n Skelto n Carrie Smith
Drew Sm ith
.. -
E l izabeth Sm ith Kati e Smith
Ryan Smit h
J oshua Sp r ague Randell Springer
Nata li e Sta hl
Luke Stahmer
Kindra Stee l e
Du s tin Steinke
Steven Steketee
Ro ger Stellers
Jennife r Stover
Jamie Strickland
Sarah Suszczyk
Juniors - 157 I ' I I • I I
Crysta l Swala
·~~.i _iil!..n. "' ·-- --_ .-~· -· - ~ -y ·...- · . .; l I I I
Feel 1ng t h e 158 - '/,~ l/"j}~\ t' t t r-.1i., r 1 l
Severine Swanson Kell ee Tarum Tra cy Taylor
c hary T ay lor
Th er riault
Andrew Thoma s Troy Thomp s on Amelia Tiet so rt
Sabrin a Tortora Rena e Trenk
Riley Tripp
Amanda Tu cker
Orion Tul chin Jo s hu a Tyler Nathaniel Ulander
Anna VanMeter
Traci VanWoensel
Nikki Varveris
Heat her Verardi
Joel Verbeck
Christian Vermillion
Kri s ten Versaw
Erika Vierke
Marc Vigil
Kelly Voag
Je thro Wagner
Co rina Walk e r
Matthew Walton
Ray mond W atso n
Alan W e bb
David W e is haupl
Bryan W e ll e n sie k
K a re n W e lt o n
Kri s tina W e ndt
Emily W e n grov iu s
Ja y m e Whit e
Tamara Whit e
Jer e m y Whitmore
Phillip Willi s
Camera Shy
S hannon Anderson
E ri c k Bartosh
E ric B e hn e
Rob e rt Belli s
Ang e l a Dalt on
Mi c ha e l D oma nu s
Megg a n Dond e lin ge r
Geoffrey H ays
Ja c k so n Hed ige r
Mi c ha e l H ob b s
E rik Kre nge l
J acob Mc D anie l s
Crysta l M e nd ez
Mi ca h Moble y
Van essa M o nt oya
Tam es ha M o rri s
M e li ssa M yers
Nhan Nguyen
Ja so n Page
Val e Pina
Tracy Ree
Mi c ha e l Reyn o ld s
Brad R ose r
Adam W ieber
Lu cas W right
Amy Wil so n
H ea th e r Wil so n
J ill W o l f
Sara h W o lf
Katherine W o robey
J o hn Youn g
Step h anie Zachrison
Juniors - 159 I I • ' )
Sophomores . They are one step ahead of s pecial so meone to notice them or make new the fre s hmen, and two s tep s behind the upper- friend s. The older so phomores got their driver's cla ss men . Now that they know the right s and licen se thi s year, which meant more freedom wrongs of high sc hool; they can pa ss by the and rides to lunch, but more pressure from upper cla ss men without turning them se lves into friend s for rides! Some sophomores relieved a wallflower. Mo s t so phomore s soon di scov- their pent up stress by giving the poor freshmen e red that they had more re s ponsibilities, s uch as a hard time . The athletic sophomores excelled more homework or maintaining a car. They in their sports, like getting moved up to the began to feel the dread e d pre ss ure of sc hool that varsity team . Whether they earned a spot on they heard all the upp e rcla ss men talk about la s t a varsity sport or just got to sit in the Senior year. The majority of so phomores didn ' t mind Lounge without having to pu sh a penny with that they were under classmen Some even u se d their nose, most sophomores agreed that this th eir undercla ss men s tatu s as a way to get that year was pretty cool.
Katy Ratz
I I I I I I •
4· ... «rt -e AK /;.!o,
Feeling tl l \\ l 160 - N~,:-., , ' . ,.. I:_ >if, 1.,. > +!: j ;_:w:..,;.=-;;__ t,... » ~...o
Catch Her! T o rrey Shelton c hases afte r Ambe r Ca m ey, while Laura Ekberg tries to catc h up during a powder puff footb a ll ga me in the Homecom in g Ca rniv al Jessica And erso n sa id , "Th e best part abou t thi s yea r is not being a freshman " Ph oto by Steve Sc h roeder
'98 Rule s ! Sophomores gather around the huge ' 98 they are making for their float for the Homecoming parade Even though they d1dn 't \vin the class float compell t 1on this year,sp1rits11 1l ranh 1gh. Sophomore Danielle Chappell said, " Our float ,vas the best, we even dressed 1n 70's clothes to go with the theme of Homecoming "'
Bang! You're Dead! M aegen Connolly and J ennifer Parfe t take a brea k from their work on a field tnp fo r bio logy M any sophomores were faced wit h ha rder cl~es this yea r , such as b1ology, Comp 2, A lgebra 2, or geome t ry Enc F in k said, " I d1dn ' t realize how hard my classes were when J signed up for them ." P ho to by Bob Williams Sophomores
~... . .:;, --~-- ' . -
- 16 1
So ph o m o r es? Be tt e r th a n fr es hm e n ? Le t' s co mpar e . Fres hm e n co m e to u s fr o m a sc h oo l w h e r e i t w as all ri g ht to m a k e armpit n o ises in th e lun chr oo m . Yo u w o uld pro b a bly eve n ge t so m e lau g h s. So n o w th ey ar e th e n ew kid s in sc h oo l. Th ey ge t n o r es p ect, b eca u se th ey ha ve n ' t earn ed i t. A ft e r a year in hi g h sch oo l, yo u learn littl e tri cks that can save yo u fr o m pu s hin g a p e nny wi th yo ur n ose. Wha t happ e n s wh en th e n e w fr es hm e n co m e t o li ve in o ur p o nd It' s n o w tim e fo r the n e wl y cro wn e d so ph o m o r es t o p ic k up th e t as k o f hara ssin g th e m M ayb e th a t' s w h y th ey are b e tt e r Jessica Anderson co mm e nt e d , " I think i t is r eally a p o w e r tri p b eca u se so ph o m o r es kn o w th a t th ey ca n ge t a w ay with it. " Jacob Campbell add e d , " So ph o m o r es w er e p ic k e d o n l as t year , so th ey think it's t h e ir tum.'' Elissa Jones sai d , " I d o n ' t r eall y t hink upp e r cl ass m en a r e be tt e r than any b o d y e lse w e ll exce pt fo r th e fr es hm e n ." N i ck Lewakow s ki
ll y Adam s
ess ica And e rson
And e rso n Feel Ing the 162,~tfti,t' Nico l e An ge l Ali ssa Arc her J e nnife r Ar c her Ryan Artal e N ikki
r C rai g B a ldwin Ja so n Baldwin Sh aun a B arb ee Aar o n Barrett Paul Barre tt Jo s
Scott Baun Tiffany Bausc h Na o mi B ehunin Bre nda Be nn e tt
Baile y Jess ic a Bakke
- I J . I • I I I II I I
Debo rah Be nn ett Dani e ll e Bird
Ca rl a Bosse
An tho ny Broo ks Re n Bu cho lz
Hea th er Benn e tt Mi chae l Bis hop Mi c he ll e Boy d Aaro n Brow n Tho mas Bujnow s ki
Steph en Benoit Dal y n Bl ac kn ey T rav is Brd ar Adam Brow n Robe rt Bu nn
Ro be rt Bentl ey J a mes Bohk s J esse Bri tta in Jo hn Brow n James Bur kett
Sophomores - 163
Mic he ll e Bern a rd Willi a m Bo rtl es Ada m Brodie M ic h ae l Brunker Meag han Burne ll
l C had Butl e r Ja cob Ca mpb ell Er ic Ca rl so n M arga re t Ca rl so n Amb er Ca m ey Feel Ing ttz, 164 -f-.tftr~,f ..,., Kath l een Ca rso n Danielle Ch app ell Robert C hild ers ton Heid i Cies lar Crys tal Cle me nt s I ,.. Clin to n Coa kley Jo Coa lm an Mark Co lan ge lo J ennife r Co lbath Ro nald Co llin s Bo bbi Commo ns Brand o n Con dron Rose tta Con ne ll y M aegen Co nn o ll y Nicholas Cookson Andrew Coonan Katie Coo per AJexi s Crowde r-Jac kso n Charle s Cus ter Joshua Dalgetty
Ya Man Sophomor es
Alis s a Archer and Sarah Palmer s how their school spirit by dre ss ing up for Jamaica Day during Homecoming week Jamaica Day was a new day theme added to the trad1t1onal sp1nt week lineup " Sp1nt Week ,~ more fun as a s ophomore because you can act wild and crazy and upper c la ss men don ' t care ," s aid Renae
Susan Daniel
Ta ra Daviso n
So ph o m ores - 16 5
hn Delat o rre
hua Den so n
nevieve Di lworth
Andrea Dittbr enn e r
s Doffing
Dov ey
y Dutt o n
Enka Edwards
Laura Ekberg
Jennife r Elgin Teresa Emmons
Sarah Erwin Marlena Estes Ann e Fay
Seakan Photo by Rex Singleton
David Feth
Eric Fink Dani e l Fisher
' I I I t I I ' I ' I
:- - ~- iil!,;.,ra ~ .._ -.. e.1ii1 111..•- .......--., .,J,. • ., ,__,,., .. ,,,Is This Right? So phom o res Kn s t1n J o h m,o n a nd En c a Edw a rd s co n s ult Mr J o hn Klug fo r a~ 1s 1a n ce o f part o f th ei r th ea te r c uttin g A s part o f th ei r re quire m e nt , so ph o mo res ne e d to ta k e a o ra l co mmunicat io n class , so me d iscove r th a t th ey have a hidd e n ta le nt 1n ac tin g So ph o mo re Dave Fe th sa id , " I l i k e 10 ac t beca use 1t 's a crea ti ve o ut le t " Ph o to by S teve Sc h roe d e r Amb e r Fis k Lau re n Fitzpatri c k Ern es t Flan e ry Travi s Fleury Aud rey Fors yth e Liana Forte Andree Foster Rebekah Fos ter Shannon Franklin .. ) l ...Travi s Franklin Heid i Freier Mi cha el Frost Mi chae l Fros t Steven Fro s t Jesse Fuller Jessica Fuller Robe rt Fulton Mark Furlong Ca rl os Gamarra '
Sylvia Gardner
Laura Gasbarra
Daniel Gasper
v llilah Gaule
Renee Gerni
Tyrel Gibson
Anissa Gil
Tiffany Gill
Laura Gouak
Benjamin Gould
Autumn Gray
Jessica Gray Summ e r Gray
Clai re Griffin Danielle Hagb erg
James Hail e
Cyrus Hall
Jonathon Hall
Joshua Hall
Chris topher Hamb lin
, \\ 111 nm
Elsie Hankin s
Troy Hannemann
Vane ssa Hann emann
Sophomores - 167 I I I
Russell Han sen Erin Ha s ting s
Scott Himschoo t
Anthony Hult
I I...
Chris top he r Haw ort h
ew Hea te r
Heffelfin ger
am es He in z
Hende rso n
He ndrix
ey He rb e rt
rt Hind s
) . ..
Hinkl e
Ryan Hoffman
Ca rm e n Ho ls inger
nn on Hol s in ge r
rami a Hoo ks
Hopkin s
Horv at J essica Howe ll
Hud son
Hud so n
a nd a Hunt
Ja ckman
ll ea n J ackso n
d Jam es
s toph er Jeffreys
J acq u e lin e J oha nse n
Amber Johnson
Casey J o hn so n
Christop h er J ohnson
Kristin J o hn so n
Mind e ll Johnson
Nicholas J o hn son
Sa ndra J o hn son
Stephanie Johnson
April J o hn ston
Sixteen, the age everyone l ooks forward to . Why? Becau s e you can have a li cense, and if you have a car and s om e money to pay for g as, yo u can basi cally go anywhere. Here are a few comments that sophomores made when they were a s ked #What does it mean to h ave a license? // Kara Palanuk and Tiffany Gill
Meagon Ziegler: " Boys and s hopping "
Austin Turner: " FREEDOM! "
Chad Miller: " It means that you have a life ."
Erin Overturf: " It means that everyone want s to be your friend " Debbie Bennett: " To be abl e to drive anywhere I want without worrying about it. "
Cally Jackson : " GUYS! "
Marie Hankins : " To ge t away from your parents ."
Chris Hamblin: " G IRLS! " E liss
o n e s
Keml e
Sophomores - 169
a Jone s Kerry J
Meli ss a Kawalick Michael Keen J onathon Keeney Michael K e il Calvin Ke lley J
r Joel Kendell
Davi d Kin g
Do ug la s Koe hl er
Dar cy Krtini ch
Roc k y Kurtub i
Ni c ho las La hey
Ma tth ew La rso n
Ma rk Lauw ers
David Lefev re
Photo by Rex Sin g leton
Michell e Lemm e rma n
Ru sse ll Le o nard
• Bren tley Lewi s
J os hua Le vitt -
Ca me ro n Lin d be rg
S a ra Loga n
Cod y Lo ng
Ni cho l as Low Su s an Lucas
I I I 1 1 ' I I I - .r-~.-1' ~- illllPia - ~..:..... • .Ji ~..... _... ,..._ - • - - - ...._..; _,., ' A .... .,,,. J
G inn y Kusy Jp
Ce les te Leid i ch
Talk to Me Sophomores Chri s Rosell and Amber Carney s it on a rock outside the cafete ri a so th e y can fini s h their doughnu ts be for e third block s tarts Mos t sophomores s tay arou nd sc hoo l for lun ch cons id ering mo s t can ' t dnve at the beg inn i ng of the year Anu ska Misra co mm e nt ed , " I ca n ' t wa it to dnv e; th e n I ca n g o where I want , when I want.
Lynn Mahara s
Tenaya Mah o nee
Marcus Malt emp o Ch ri s tin e Ma ren
Andr ew Martin
Matt hew Maup i n
Cynt hia Mc Derma nd
Bridget McCau ley Mi c hell e McCo llum Kelly McDanie l
Re ne e Mc Reyno ld s
Jami e McTee r
Adam Med rano Dani e lle Me nap ace Adam Mill er
Casey Mill er Chad Mill e r Laure n Miln er Anu s ka Mi s ra Ri s h i Mi s ra
C hri st in a Moreno
Heat her Morrell -Shoene Lav ena Motes
- 17 1 I I
Co rey Mudd Hal ey Muny on
J aso n M ye rs
J oe l Ne lson
Li n nea Ne lso n Zach a ri ah Ne lso n
K are n Neuk1rc hn e r
Feel , ng th.e
172 -t-t/(f ~,t
J e nnife r Parfe t
Ni c ho l e N ew co m e r
Co r in ne New co mm
Te r esa N ewh a rt - Ni aves
Am y O lso n
K e lli O m a r a
T a ra O n e ill
E r in O ve rturf
Ami e P age
P e te r Pal a nuk Sa r a h P a lm e r
B e n Park e r
S hawn P a rker
Ju s tin P eacock
T e r esa P e te rs
R ac he l Pi co n R o b e rt Pin ea u Ph ilip Piw o nk a
Ro bin P o li tt e Erin P o rt e r
I l I I I
Shawn Powell
William Pronechen
Monte Przybyl ski
Molly Quirk
Peter Rappmund
Timothy Rawson
Jennifer Reed
Adena Reher
Jo se ph Renzi
Jennifer Reynold s
Christa Ridl
J o nathan Ridpath
William Ri e de l
Jody Rindt
Ke ith Rindt
Sharhonda Robin so n
John Rodman
Andrew Rogers
Nata s ha Rojas
Marc Ro od
Mi c hael Ro y
Christo ph e r Rozelle
Kyle Ru sse ll
Erin Rya n
Ri s ner
- -
Sophomores -173 i I I
Saini Sabi n
Andrea Saindon
Lu cas Sa lg
Mit c he ll Sandova l
Ke lly Savoie
Kri s tin Saxton
Amb er Schaefer
S te ph en S che id
Sa ra h Schiffman
Ian Schm idt
If yo u co uld go t o th e Emmy Awards with any one of the hundr eds of TV s t a r s, if it m ean t sittin g with th e m and celebratin g with th e m afterward, whowoulditb e? Lexie Crowder, s aid that s h e would choo se " Tim Allen, from Home Impr ovemen t b eca u se of th e fa ct that h e is so incredibly hilari o u s." Alissa Archer felt that, "G r eg Brady" from the Brandy Bunch be cau se h e is different. April Stu ssy
Anthony Brooks :" Will Smith on Fresh Prince of Belair "
Ron Collins: "Mi cha e l Ri chard s o n Seinfeld "
Michelle McCollum :" Ed O' N e il on Marri ed with Children"
Kelly Savoie :" Ro sea nn e Arn o ld on Rosea nn e"
Kyle Russel :" Martin Lawre n ce o n Martin "
Nick Lahey:" H om e r Simp so n on Simpsons"
Juli a Sc hmidt
Mir anda Schmidt
Eli zabet h Schneider
Matthew Schneider
Mi c hae l Schreiner
B ob bi Sc hult z
Ja sso n Schwettman
Tiffan y Scott
Vi vik a Scovi ll
I I I I • --
Feel1 ng the 174 l".)~J/ -~• -1 ('fi. ,,..,,{!
:I • I I I I I ' I
Renae Sea kan Ke1lilee S haw Rex Sing leton Briann e Spear Ke nn eth S ubala
Dana Self Torrey She lt on
Deanna - Mari Smit h Wes ley Sramek Paul Szabo Jr
Amanda Sexton Zachary S hirk Eri ca Smith T amse n Stokes Kev in T ay lor
Sophomores - 175
Ad am Seymour Sha nn on Shu ey Patrick Sola no Shane Stone Mariana Th eodoro Jess amyn Sh anks Steven Simmo ns Ja so n Sparks C lint on Stilssy Tra c ie Th omas
Katie Tilden
Ann Tuffin
Austin Turner
Kathy Turner
Brittany YanGundy
Gloria Versaw
Ronda Yetter
Rodney Vigil
Nicholas Walters
Stuart Webb
Christopher Werner
Kimberly Westby
Ryan White
Heidi Whitmore
l I I I I I I I _] ... -
Emily Thomp so n
Feeling the 176 - ~lt't~-t· -- -
Melissa Turner Heath e r Tumwall
ca Unger
• •
Luke Van Woen se l
Bryan Vela s quez
---n11\l\lll \
Kenneth Wan
Rebecca Webb
Dale W e bste r
Brianna Well s
Adam Wendling
Whitney Wilk
Carley William s
Drew William s
1 homas William s
Ana stas ia Wil so n
• Mi c hael Wil so n
Ju s tin Wing e r Ryan W o bbr ock Megan W o rd Donald Wozni c k
If you could be a perso n in a T Vs1tco m , who wou ld it be and why? We aske d thi s que s tion to a number of so phomores and the se were some of th e r esponses. Aaron Turner and Brandon Garretts
Andy Rogers :" Cosmo Kram e r, be ca u se h e can be dumb and ge t away with it. "
Robby Childerston : " Homer Simpson, be ca u se h e ca n eat a lot of d o nut s and drink a lot of beer."
Tiffany Bausch : " Kelly Bundy, because s h e's a b lo nd ."
Cal Kelley : 11 Al Bundy, becau se he sco red four touchdown s 1n one game. II
Jason Myers : "Gilligan, because he wa s s tranded on a deserted is land with Mary Ann."
Eric Horvat :" A ut o, the bus driver o n the Simpsons, because he got a job straight ou t of h igh sc hool. "
Anne Fay: "Peg Bundy, because s he d oes n ' t have to d o any hou se work or ge t a job ."
Bryan Velasquez : "Seinfeld, becau se he is a true JOke s ter "
Katie Cooper: " Ro se anne , because s he can do gross s tuff and get away with it."
Danielle Chappell : " Marge Simpson, becau se she never ha s a bad hair da y."
Marc Rood : " Martin, because he go t great one lin ers."
Camera Shy
Ru ssell All e n
Andre Alvarado
J e remiah Bolejack
Sea n Cherne
K eitha Finney
G e derah H ankin
Kath e rin e H oage
C h ad J ackson
Eric Kyle
J oshua Labrum
Ja so n Leys hon
Eryn Meyer
Heath er N e lse n
Li s a P~k e r
R e id R igtrup
Steven Schmidt
R aec h e ll e Sexton
Neil Strong
Zach ana h Volleberg
P at ri c ia Wri g ht
Mi chae l Zi nk
Adrianne Wri g ht
Kiandra Wund e rli c h
Breanne Ze ns
M eagon Ziegl e r
- 177 I
Ask any freshman and he will tell you that th ey re th e b es t c la ss in the school. However sop h omores and upp e r cla ss men seem to have a s li g htly differ e nt opinion, but who listen s to them . The first year of high school i s always the most co nfu sing and scary. The news media portrays the high sc hool atmosphere as a wild place with no rule s and co n se quence s. A s a r es ult, mo s t freshmen are paranoided the fir s t day they se t foot onto sc hool grounds. With a ca mpu s much bigge r than any middle school a nd the s tudent body at least twice the size, anyone co uld feel dwarfed Also the crazy block
scheduling at GHS can get anyone stressed out, especially with the new tardy policy. It applies even more pressure to the students trying to be on time. The freshman year is when you finally find a group to hang out with on a Saturday night, or just to go eat lunch with. Overall freshmen have to go the extra mile to even get noticed, but if you keep in mind that everyone was a freshman once, it doesn ' t seem as bad. Freshmen see m to be under the most pressure out of all the other classes at GHS. So it all comes down to that the Class of ' 99 is really Feeling the Heat.
Matthew Montgomery
Hurry! John Streelman and Bnanna Velas quez crea te a balloon chain for one of th e orientation act1v1ties The majority of the Freshman Class came from Be ll Middl e School, but for those who didn ' t orienta t ion was a good place to meet th eir new classma tes. Mary Bujnows ki sa id, " It was a lot of help bu t my Spanish tea c her ke pt repeating the instructions."
Photo by Ron Fine lh
' •
Ji v e The Class of '99 par11cipates in the hand Jive dunng the Homecoming pep rally on Oct 13 Even though the Freshman Class had only done the hand jive once before, most learn ed quickJy and had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen next Lynzey Pier commented, "The hand Jive 1s cool because 11 looks neat from the other side and 1s fun to do " Photo by Ron Finelh
Aug . 21 The
introduced last year, gave fre s hm e n a chance 10 explore and learn about GHS without the other classes there to interfere Orientation was kind ofbonng ye t helpful because I found all my classes," stated Skye Svenn in gse n Photo by Elaine Fitzgerald
Fres hm e n - 179
Takin ' a Break Chns Hi ckman, Adam Dragul, Brandon Blair, Graham Denton and, Spencer Barlow s top and res t from the freshman onentatton act1v11tes on
onenta11on program,
Star light s tar bright fir s t s tar I see tonight, I wish may I wish I might have the wish tonight. Remember saying that when you were a little kid. Every night before you went to bed, you would kneel down beside your b e d , clo se your eyes, and pr ess your little hands t ogether. Now if you do that , your mother mig.htwalkin and give you a s trange look Kim We s tby
Scott Morgan: " I wi s h for a new golden retrieve r puppy ju s t for me ."
Krystal Haughey: " I wi s h that I would never fi g ht with anyone and if I am we b eco me friend s again."
Tiffanie Frederickson: " I wish that I co uld turn ba ck time "
Elaina Kraus : " I wi s h that I co uld fly ."
Travis Valentine: " I wi s h for a brand new Lex u s loaded with the w o rks ."
' - - t . ...... ")' ...:£..,._ ,. •.'..:.'IL -· _ - - ·• · • ~ "'F JJI • I I I I I l • J ! I
Feeling tl i-t~ )\. I 180 - Mt!~"..
Sarah Adam Katherine Adame Jes s ica Adkin s
- -
Emmy Agard Boaz Alarid Lind sey Alpers
Matth ew Andersen Gregory Anderson J on And erso n
Andraes Andurlakis
Jo s hua Angel
Gabrielle Arterburn Scott Atkinson Breanna Bacon
Richard Baer Craig Bair
Jaclyn Balte r Stephanie Balter Spencer Barlow
. ... . . )
Harl ey Bartos h Kri s tin Bell Cole Bielak
James Bollinger Ryan Bradford
Ju s tin e Baru c h Kri sten Bemis John Bielak
Jessica Boring Hollie Brakken
- 181
~amuel Bauman Dani el Benoit Jared Blackney Andrew Bosio Joshua Bridgeman Ry an Becwa r Amanda Ben tl ey Brandon Bl a ir Braydon Bowling Kimberly Brooks Jessica Bede r Brenda Beum e r Jessica Bohte Heather Boyd Sarah Brooks
I I I I I I I. Jared Brown Timothy Brown Can da ce Bruno
Bujn ows ki
rd Burk e.. Ru sse ll Byrd Re nee Ca in Mi c hae l Ca pp e ll o Amy Ca rl so n So nia Camey Kathy Carve r Jonath an Chambe rlin Shos hana Chase C he ryl Che ney Bre ndan Chis ho lm Cort ney Ch ri s ten se n J enny C lark Kevin C lerkin
Coccia Li sa Co lb ath Kath e rin e Co lligan Bobbi Co nn e r As hl ey Co nroy Charl es Corbi n Crysta l Cra ig
Shane Craig
Me li ssa Crowe
Sarah Cubbon
Adrienne Cullum
Brandon Cummin
Jo s hua Da cek
Timothy Dady
Alan Daniels
Megha n Davies
Sean Davi s
Matth ew Deb aets
Niles Deboe r
Travis Decoteau
Graham Dent on Derek Dev~ to
De re k Distin
Nicholas Dizmang
Luke Doug las
Adam Dr agu ]
Meggie Dunivent
Roy Eagan
Nick Eagleson
Leah Edenfie ld
Jill Erganbright
Erica Eri ckson
- 18 3
April Evans
Kelly Fagerburg
Kevin Fanciulli
Carr ie Fendley
Matthew Ferguson
Nicole Ferguson
Ronald Fiedler
Bnan Folle
Christina Ford
Abigail Foster
Elizabeth Foster
Mar y Frederick
Tiffany Frederick
Rya n Frost
Raymond Furlong
Tonya Fushimi
Alyssa Ga le
Zachary Gamblin
Billy Garrard
Sabrina Gerwing
Jordyn Goldstein
Ky le Golos
Mari sa Gonzales
Patri ck Graf
Jerry Graham
Emily Granqui s t
Tiffany Grantham
Ja so n Greg o ry
Ni c ho las Grie ss
Ja so n Groe nh o f
N ee r aj Gupt a
Eri c Guthri e
Matth ew Guthri e
Je re my Ha ll
Kilipaki Harri s
Raym ond Hart
Mi c hae l Ha sc hk e
Kry s ta l Haughey
As hl ey Hawl ey
Ma tthew Ha yes
Wh a t w as yo ur w o r s t fea r a b o ut th e fir s t d ay o f h igh sch oo l?
Ted Burke- " I w as a fraid th a t upp e r classm e n w e r e go in g to put m e in a tras h ca n ."
Kelly Fagerburg- " Going int o th e wr o n g class a n d b e r ea ll y e mbarr asse d ."
Kevin Micke- " H aving m y bi g s is te r co m e a nd h ave t o s h o w m e to m y fir s t class. "
Ashley Meager- " H avi n g t o ca ll th e ja nito r to m y lock e r beca u se I co uldn ' t o p e n it. "
Zach Gamblin- " No t b e in g ab le t o find m y lock e r "
Ren ica Ha yes
Patn ck Hedi ge r
Ke ll y Hernd o n
Shar a Herzog
Tra cy Heywoo d
Chri s to ph e r Hi c key
Freshmen -
.,,. ..
185 I
To most high sch ool st ud e nts, th e d ays of kinde r garten a nd cartoo n s are a di s ta nt m e m ory However, th ese fres hm e n , wh e n asked wh a t th eir favorite nur sery rhy m es w ere, we r e m o r e th a n willing to r e live th eir childh oo d Ja mi e Bu rke
S c ott Morgan : Diddl e Di d dl e, b eca u se I l ove th e cow th a t jump e d ove r th e m oo n
Coryn Sprague : " Li ttl e Jack H om e r, b eca u se I a m e n vio u s o f Jack w h o ge t s to ea t p ie."
Matt Moore : " Thr ee Blin d Mi ce, it h as a sin ga bl e b ea t.
Sean Davi s: " Li ttl e Boy Blu e, it a l ways m a k es m e wo nd er i f p eo pl e r e all y ca n b e blu e."
C hr is top h e r H ickma n
Bre tt H igg in s
Co rey Hil boum
Feel 1ng t'l
1s6- t1'~~-r
Leea nn H oage
L indsay H o b ac k
M e l a ni e H o dso n
W es l ey H o ffe rt
J effrey H offm a n
Aim ee H o ll ey
E liza b e th H oog h ee m
S h a un H oo ks
Brand en H o pkin son
Tim o thy H op pin
J o n i Hunt Bi e rn a t
S arah Hunt B ie rn a t
D av id Hu y le r
Ti gis t i Isaac
R e b e k a h Ja co bs
H o ll y J a m es
Brie J a mi so n
Rhiann a J a nisc h
I I I I I -
Ka sey Jantz
Keith Jenkin s
Kyungun Jhung
James J ohnson
Leandra J ohnso n
Mary J o hn ston
Vanessa Join er
Th e rese Jon sson
Mi c ha el Keene
Julia Keeney
• Nathan Keeton
Luke Kelley
Michael Kelley
J osep h Kempter
Leeanne Kephart
Ryan King
BenJamin Kinghorn
Cynthia Kinnan
Stephanie Kleineider
Abbey Knox
Jamie Kochevar
David Kohn
Anne I<onegni
Benjamin Kowal sk i
Audrey Kr etze r
Freshmen - 187
Elaina Krau s
Amy Lacey
Scott Laman
Alexander Lampson
Ja so n Landers
Evan Langs ted
Erika La y ton
Dani e l Lee
Matthew Lee
Natasha Lefever
Ethan Leyendecker
A s hlie Lindberg
Andrea Lip s tein
n Long
I I I I I I I J 1 • I ! I
Feel, ng th!? 188 ,; la ,, r_..l - f "r rff-+ , p
I 1
s Lewakowski
S mil e Freshmen Emily Russell and Michael Kelley show their school sp1n t by writing on thei r faces and getting dres.sed 1n their finest maroon and white Spint Week was succ:essfol mainly because the Fre sh man Class part1c1pated. Photo b, B ill Kell y
Kirs ten Look
Robert Lynn
Mahon ey
Christopher Marston Adam Martin Ros s Martin
Julie Martine z Lu is M a rtinez T a leah M a tay a Audra M a upin M a ry M c D e rm o tt M e li ss a M c Donald Anth o n y M c Phail As hl ey M e a g h e r Casey M ech J aso n M e lni c k • Kev in Mi c k e An ge la M ii ll e r Ca rri e M ill e r C hris ti a n M ill e r D a n ie ll e M ill e r Jan a M i ll e r Roy M inks Geo ffrey M o n so n M a tth ew M oo re Scot t M o rga n Ke lli M oss Sa rah M ossbe rger Sara h Mu e ll e r M att h ew Mu rfin J osep h Na nn ie Freshmen - 189
Lee Newge nt
Hai Ng uye n
Julie Ni cho las
Er in Ni c hol s
Heat he r Nimrod
J ared North
Mykan Pa lm er
Court ney Parry
J arrod Pe rro tt
I I I :I I I I • •
Chi nea ne Naran s
nce r Nee
Al an Nichols
Brooke Ni c hol s
Adrienne Ortega
Chr is tina Owens
Kadri Ozdemir
Pal a nuk
o nat han Papes
effery Pa sc hall
is topher Pe nn ell
Robe rt Perry
Mi c hae l Pfi s te rer
ose ph Phillips
Cassa ndra Port e r Sara Pri ce
Amanda Prig e l
Ad am Qu ee n
Bre nn a Raye
Ro be rt Re ddin g
Ju s tin Re hd e r
J e nnife r Rehe r
Mo rga n Rei tm eye r
Sa rah R icht e r
A da m Ri s tau
Laur e n Ro be rt so n
J aso n Roge rs
Gil be rt o Ro me ro
Bra ndo n Roo d
J osh ua Roo d Gus Rosa
Rockin' The C l ass of '99 parties down the Mrcet'.'> of Golden on their replacement Ooat Though 11 wa'.'> cold the night befo r e most freshman noa t workers returned to fix their fl oat, which was destroyed by upperclas.<,men, to '.'>how that t hey truly had school sp 1nt and their clas., couldn ' 1 be kept down Photo by Bill Kelly
Sa rah Rose nba um
Reg in a Rose n tha l
Jess ica Rothe r
Em il y Russe ll
Adam Saba
J aso n Samansky
Freshmen - 19 1
It ma y take so m e tim e before man y admit i t, but mo s t watch Loony Toon charact ers often and hav e eve n picke d a favori te. Amanda Pitt
Ray Furlong : " Bu gs Bunny b eca u se h e's coo l lookin ."
Sarah Rosenbaum . " I like Sylvester be ca u se h e's cut e."
Tony Cappello : Gonzalas because I think h e's a s tud ."
Rebekah Jacobs : " Elmer Fudd be ca u se I love his s tutt er ."
Heather Boyd : " P e p e Le Pew beca u se he 's a lady s man ."
I I I II I I • I I I ·7
Andre w Saunders
Ezara Sauter
B ea u Savage
• \,. Cori Sayya h April Schild e r Virginia Schw ade r
Lynn e- lee Seipp
Zachary Shawcroft
Ric hard Shea
Liann e Simdrelli B e au Simmon s
Lu c us Simmons
Donald Sloan
Adam Smith Au s tin Smith
C liff Smith
D e idra Smith
Robin Smith
Tawny a Smith
Summ e r Snover Johann a Snow
Al exe i Sologoub
'.:o ryn Sp r ag ue
Jeremia Stanton
S teve n S tam er
Ju s tin St iege lm eie r
Nathan S tone
J o hn Stree tm an
Kip Strobel
Sha nn o n Sumner
Skye Sve nni ngse n
Ke ll y Tay lo r
William Ta y lor
Th eodo ro
Royal Co uple Freshmen Crysta l Craig and Brendan Chisholm enJOY the glory of being the center of a11en11on for the beginning part of the parade on Oct. 13 Fres hman K1rs1en Look commented, 1 1h1nk our royalty represented our clas" really well Photo b) B111 Kelly
J a rr et Th omas
Sara h Thomas
Ra y mond Thres h er Li nda To
Mari a Solano
Casey Szabo
Eva n Thoma s
Th ompson
Freshmen - 19 3
S hawn Traylor
Gavi n T rzepacz
Patricia Turner
S ha ne Turner
Ryan Tyler
Jessica Unger
Travis Valentine
Kr ist in Yan Leer
Mad e le in e Van Mete r
Amy Vecc hi a re lli
Bri ann e Vela sque z
Ju s tin Ve rardi
Pe te r Vernig
Anja li Yoria
Ke ll y W ag ne r
Tammy Wag o ne r
Brian W a li gorski
Sarah Walk e r
Ryan W a ll ers tei n
Aime e Waltz
Shannon Wamb o ldt
Te h-yih W an
Ro bert Wano
Al exa ndria Watterworth
J ose ph Webs te r
I I I l I \
Michelle Whitfield
Ryan Whitford
Amanda Airhart
Jacob Wellen s ie k
Jonathan Whetst ine
Sherry Whit e
) rn11, "
John Wi e ner
Kri s ten Wilhite
Crissy William s
William s M eg han William s
Denise Arm st rong Dami e n Ashby Jare tt A s plund H eat he r Bolan
e idi
so n
- --
Jame s Bu esching Brian Ca ldw e
Lianne Ci m o re
Dani e l Cogg
Stephanie William
Lind say Winham
In Memorium
D o m a nu s Mi c h ae l Duran
cas Ha as
s to ph er Hi ckey
s tin J ar a mill o
aw n J ones
ge la Judkin s
ason Lewi s Sco tt W i n sto n R ya n W ood ri ch H eathe r Wri g ht
n M
n ez
phi a Trujillo
att h ew W a les
y l e Yu s hk a
e n
Freshmen - 195
Shy: Donald
Os trowicki Lynzey P ie r J
nnife r Robbins Thoma s Ru c ke r Casey Sch n app So
Young K
Li ttl e r ed wago n s, r ecess, a n d " b oo-b oos " a r e pr o b a bly thin gs th a t re mind yo u o f yo ur childh oo d . O h , th e goo d old d ays! D ays w h e n yo u r bigges t wo r ry in life w as wh e th e r yo u wo uld ge t h ome in tim e t o wa t c h yo ur favo rit e cart oo n s h ow o r if yo u wo uld be a ble t o go o ut side a nd pl ay b efo r e it go t d a rk o ut sid e. As yo u l ook b ack, yo u r ealize h o w grea t yo ur childh oo d was-days w h e n yo u didn ' t h ave a car e in th e wo r ld. Yo u di scove r e d exc itin g, n ew thin gs a nd m a d e eve rl astin g frie nd ship s. Yo u l ea rn e d fro m yo ur m a n y mi stakes, but h ey, th a t' s wh a t be in g a ki d i s a ll a b o ut T h e n yo u s t a rt e d ele m e nt ary sc h oo l, a tim e wh e n yo u ac tu a lly like d
IIgo in g t o sc h oo l Th e r e yo u l earn e d yo ur AB C's a nd multipli ca ti o n tabl es. Th e n yo u gr adu at e d fr o m e l e m e ntary sc h oo l and m ove d o n t o junio r hi g h , a pla ce th a t w as s upp ose d t o pre pare y o u fo r hi g h sc h oo l . Yo u made m o r e fri e nd s and gra du a lly go t m o r e and m o r e h o m e w o rk. Then HI GH SC HO O L, th e pla ce wh e r e the word s s tr ess a nd h o m e w o rk ar e th e m os t u se d word s in th e di cti o nary Durin g th ese ye ars yo u l e arn ju gglin g h o m e w o rk, datin g, a nd ge ttin g read y fo r co ll ege . Wh e n yo u ar e old and gra y yo u can l oo k b ac k a t thi s b oo k and r e m e mb e r h o w silly yo u a nd yo ur friend s w e r e whil e yo u w e re fee lin g th e h ea t Katy Rat z
Look at Us ! K1 rs t1n K1phar d t, D eni se Sh aner, K ell y Denn er, and K ara Rome are hamming ii up before th ey go t o th ei r sixt h g r ade graduatio n a t M11 chell Ele menta r y S i x th g r ade gradua ti o n was the first milestone in every ~tu dent ' s academic career Apr il Stu ssy said," J was so excited when I gradua ted from s ixth g r ade." Ph o t o courtesy of Apnl Stu ssy
I I I l I I I • • •
• .c:::.,• ' l. ....:z ~ . ~ -. ffl, t"' ...'\_
Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Tub Aaron Turner, Nate M ataya, and Sieve B a r low h ang out in A a ron's hot tub pretending th ey have real beards. M a ny se n iors use ho t tubs as a way to relax after a hard day of pla y Aaron commented , " Bubbl es a re fun to play with! " P hoto coun esy of Aaron Turner
Kyffin Elementary First and Second Grade Row One : •• •
•• Justin Berry, Matt Co rry, ••• , ••• , Angil Gup ta, ••• Kati e Owen,• •• , David J ohnson, L1~ Gores R ow Two : M rs Yancey, M ike
M ares, David Yan g, Kelly Wu ert h , ••• , • • • , • •• , Bet h Eld er, • •• , •• • Mik e Bade , Ally s on Reynolds, Ni c k P aslay , ••• , Mn,. Van Grundy Row
Three : Ke vin Koel, Kara DeCarol,s R ow Four: J oshua Waggoner, Ben Ha mblin , Ja y n a H orv at , ••• , Roxanne Kay, ••• Aaron Turner, Ju ~t in H ill , Tommy J ac kso n , ••• ,S ta cey W inston,• •· • • • Ph o to courtesy o f Aaron Turner
BabiesandBuddies - 19 7
Brandy Alejandro
Brandy , W e are happy to see you are s till as c ute and as sweet as you were w hen you were little. You have turned into a beautiful woman and we are very proud of you!
Love alway s, Sis, M om, a nd Jim
Zachary Ambariantz
Co ng r atu latio ns o n yo ur g r aduation You are c losing a chapte r of yo u r life and entering int o a new o ne - d o n ' t be afraid to dress up and experience new thin gs! Y o ur fath e r would be very pro ud of you - a s a ll of u s ar e! With l ove , M om, Jam ee, and R ya n
D ea r Ni c k , K eep yo ur se n se of hum o r and p osit ive outloo k o n life and yo u will be s uccessfu l in whatever yo u d o. Love, M o m and Dad
Jason Anderson
Goo d lu ck in co ll ege. I h o p e yo u d o r ea ll y well so you won ' t ha ve to move back ho m e Ju s t kidd ing. Y o u a r e th e b es t bi g brother
Love , K e ll i
Jason Anderson
You have blessed o ur lives with you r special smile, kind s pirit , and quick wit. Our memories are priceless and you r future is limitl ess Y o u have man y s p ec ial g ift s - use them well. Listen to your heart and f o ll ow you r dreams W e co uldn ' t be prouder or love you m o re God Bl ess, M om and Ca rl
Monica Araujo
W e are delighted with your grea t performance and we are very proud o f yo u W e wi s h you our be s t and we lov e yo u very much God bless you Your Par en ts
Andrea Archer
Andi-Pandi , Tru s t in th e Lord with a ll you r h eart and lea n no t o n yo ur own und e rsta ndin g; in all yo ur ways acknow ledge h i m and he will direct you r path s," proverb s 3 :5. We are so proud o f all your accomp li s hm e nts. Our baby girl is now a beautiful young lady with a g rea t s mile! We l ove yo u, M orn and Dad
Andrea Archer
Andy , Thro ugh the years w e have s hared m a ny laugh s, tea rs, and "co ok ies". I'll mi ss you when yo u go off to co llege Thing s won ' t be the s ame without you. I love you .
Bu -
Bye. Bubba
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Tricia Bair
To our littlest bud Tricia (Mary Loo Loo) , Welcome to college life, hope you can keep it down. May you grow old but never grow up! Love, Your friends from the Class of '95, (Ramie, Emily, Nathan, Todd, Karen, Carrie, Chip, Chris, Ray , Mike , and Erik too!)
Tricia Bair
Dear Tricia, You have always worked hard, don ' t let up now. We know you will succeed at all that you will attempt in the future. Keep up the good work
We love you, Mom , Jack, and Craig
Jerem y Ballenger
You are my inspiration. You have come so far and have influenced so many people , that I can't help but admire you Thanks for taking time fo r your little sis.
Love always and forever, She ll ey
Jeremy Ballenger
D r eams do come true!
Love fo r ever, Mom and Dad
Jere m y Ball e n ger
"To be a winner All you need to give is all you have ." We love you so much! Mom , Dad , Nathan and Shelley
Zach Ball e ntin e
"Co ngratulations! " Best of everything for you always! Dad and Sheryl
S hawn Bakke r
When you were s mall we knew that God had so me very s pecial plans for you. W e are so proud of you and the way you have chosen to live your life. With the songs of truth in your heart, you will touch many.
We love you, Mom and Dad
S hawn Bakker
We always wished you would go away, but now that you are, we want you to stay . You ' re a strong person . Go out into the world and show people what you are made of. We ' ll mi ss you when you l eave, you ' re a great brother.
We love you , Jamie , Jes s ica , and Seth
Bab i es & Bu d d ies - 199
Jason Barkow
Congratulations, you are an Alaskan original! Your future is as bright as center field on a sunny afternoon
Love you J B Mom , Dad , and all your family
Steve Barlow
You ' ve brought an enormous amount of joy to your family. We c he ri s h the memories and know your future will be filled with exciting new challenges. Go for the gold!
We lov e you , Mom , Dad, Scott, Shane, Spencer, and Shelly
Rosa Bernal
Dear Rosa, We are so proud of you! No one could ask for a better daughter or sis ter . Keep being the special person you are and we know you ' 11 succeed in everything you do. We love you , Mom , Dad , Casey, and Marcu s
Gary Boatman
Our baby boy is almost a man You mean the World to us , never forget that. Go as far in life as you can. Always rem embe r we love you and we ' ll be there if you need us Love, Mom , Dad , and Mike
" Ye s ! - cute and sma rt too! " Go for it Jen! Whatever you want, we know you wi ll make it happen!
Loving you always! Gram and Grampa
Jennifer Baurer
Jen , You little party animal! Hot tubing at two! You ' ve grown out of t hi s bucket into suc h a creative, sens itive, intelligent young woman. Yo ur s piritual s trength , courageous nature, " buff ' hor se trai nin g muscle s, and your incredible singing voice, bring endless joy and ene rgy into our li ves . We love you Jen! M , D , J , B, & B
Dear Katie , No words can express our joy • m you.
Love, Mom and Dad
Lindsey Brazil
Lindsey, Remember hot tub runs , California, Prom, San Francisco, Pier 39, Boys, Blind Dates , C heer l eading, swi mming , Youth G roup, Choi r , and Tweedle Dumb a nd Tweedle Dumber? ( You ' re dumbe r !) Well , Thanks for all the great memorie s! God Bless! I love you!
Love , April
Jennifer Baurer
Katherine Bosio
Lindsey Brazil
Seeing you grow into a mature andthoughtfu lp ersonisso sa ti sfy ing. How wonderful you are! You make us so proud. Remember - Keep pedaling, Lindsey. Keep pedaling.
Mom and Dad
David Bryant
David , You have always made us proud of you, and you always will.
We love you, Mom and Dad
Jamie Burke
It has bee n a joy to watch you grow into the confident and 1 caring you ng woman that you have become. Always be true to you r beli efs a nd values With each step you take, may you move c]ose r to accomplis hing yo ur goa ls and attaini ng your dream s. We Jove you.
Mom and Dad
Elizabeth Chilcoat
May yo ur joie de vivre never de sert you
Love , Mom and Dad
Ryan Chisholm
We love you Ryan Patri ck and know you, 11 have a " Super,, future. The sky's the Jimit! Love You! Brendan, Mom, Dail, and Shannon
Kelli Colligan
From an ea rl y age , it was clear you would reach great " heights ,, in everyt hing you und ertook We ' re so proud of all your accomplishments th ese past 17 years and know ther e wi11 be many more in the years to come Follow your hea rt and rememb e r we're your number 1 fan .
Love , Mom , Dad & Kat
Jess Collins
We wi11 alwa ys have o ur ups and downs, but we can never Jet that come between us, or anyone else You wi]l always be my Bes t Friend. Just remembe r all the great memories th at we hav e to treasure I will love you a]ways and forever. Don ' t forget about me and in return 1' 11 neve r forget you . I love ya , April
Jessica Collins
Th e big day is so very near and we are so proud of you Congratu]ations fol1ow your dreams J essica and you wi]l go far. We love you very mu ch!
Fro m, Aunt J ea nie & your Bro Ron P.S Grampa would be so proud of you too!!
Babie s & Buddie s - 201
Ke ll y Coo p e r
The good tim e s isters!
C arli C oupen s
Dear Carli, Your beautiful s mile warms my heart and lifts my spirits as much today as when you were a baby Now I see a young woman filled with love , hope, and dream s . Stay true to those dream s and to your heart and your goals will alway s be attainable. I love you!!! Mom
Ke ll y Coo p e r
You hav e always look ed great in hats!
Love, Mom and Dad
An dr e w Coo r s
Sir Walt e r Scott described yo u when he wrote :
" Abov e all , he had that sort of se lf-com mand which is essential to s uccess in every arduous undert aking , and he was co nst itutionally fre e fr o m... feverish irritability ."
God bless you a lways
Love, Mom and Dad
Kr is tin e Mari e Cornel y
Co ngratulation s! We are very proud of you Remember to keep your eyes focu se d on yo ur goals in life! In th e meantime cherish yesterday , drea m tomorrow , and liv e today!
Mom & Dad
C arli Ann C oupen s
Congratulations on your Graduation. May God bless you with all the health and happiness that life can give you To my little baby girl!
Love always, Dad
Dear Scott , You were a joy as an infant , a toddler , and a grade schooler too! We just kept waiting for those awful teenage years, but they never really came! We're so lucky to have had seventeen wonderful years with you Good luck. We love you!
Mom , Dad , Alan , and Les l ie
Brett Da v is
Brett , We are proud of you and admi re your determined spirit. Keep your i nd iv idualis m, optimism, open ness, and se nse of humor. We have s hared many happy time s with yo u a nd wi ll treas ure t hem always
We love you . Dad , Mom , Ryan, and Keefe .
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Brett Davis
Brett/ God, You're the best friend a person co uld have! I ' ll never forget: "g reen towel," "bee r, women, s ports, school ," "bath robe ," " th e coug will die," "cam ping experi e n ces," AUSTRALIANS RULECanadians drool! Next yea r: you-me-RIO-CSU-PARTY!
Love Alway s, Sharon-SM
Kara Decarolis
Congratula t ions! It 's amazing how fa st tw elve sc hool yea rs can go by , but the great memories you created for us wilJ la s t forever . May you r future be b lessed with lot s of success and a lways rem embe r the harder you work th e more of it you ' ll fmd.
Love , Mom, Dad , and Coco.
Kelley Lynn Denner
Dear Kelley , You are a wo nd erful , sweet gi rl wit h a great sense of humor You will do great things in yo ur life We are proud of you and everything yo u 've accomplished . We are a lw ays here for you.
We love you , Mom , Dad , and Kri st i
Kelley Denner
Kelley Dee, You were th e one w h o always made me la ugh , cry , a nd be s notty Our high sc hoo l day s are over And n ow it s time to move on to bigger and better t hi ngs I ' ll a lwa ys be there for yo u .
Love always, Tri s ha
Kelley's Friends
Ali, W ea h , Trish , Jess, Coop, K T.0 N ., and Anj , Thank you all for so many memorable yea rs. W e made it through everyt hing and made the best out of every s ituation I appreciate all of you and the fun times we ' ve all s hared . Thanks and I l ove you all! Love , Ke ll ey
Kelley Lynn Denner
Ke lley , Y ou have given me so much to sm il e about over the years, you are not o nly my s ister, you a re my friend. I ' m so proud of you and you r a cco mplishments! Alway s re member to think before you act and keep your se n se of humor. You are s pec ial to me and everyo ne around you!
Love always, Kris
Jessica Dicke
Je ss, Go follow your dreams. We l ove you and we are a lway s here for you
Love , M om, Dad , and Do gs
Jessica's Friends
W e ll , maybe we have c hanged a littl e si n ce s event h grade W e've had so mu c h fun! Even when we are old a nd gray I ' m gonna make you guys come back and h ave s lum ber parties with m e.
I Jove you guys , KESS
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Jerry Dinzes
To my Big Brother Jerry , You are a great brother and a great friend
Good luck, Cassidy
Jerry Garcia Joseph Dinzes
In another time 's forgotten space, Your eyes looked through your mother' s face . Wildflower s eed on the sand and s tone , May the four winds blow you s afely home You ' re a joy to my life , and I ' m very proud of you . May God bless you always .
Love, Mom
Danell Dittbrenner
D , I have known you for many years and each day we have learned so much from each other! We have had our ups and downs , but through it a ll you have a lw ays been there for me! Treasure the friends hip we s hare forever! I love you! Love Alway s, J P S Avalanche!
Jasmine Domgaard
Jazz ,
What fun it ' s been having you for my kid . Exce l at a ll yo u do - even if it ' s jus t funny face.
I'm proud of you I Love You
Love , Mom
Serena Dovey
You started your life with swimsuit and cone , and you're still lapping and li cking away today The way you swim , is you r way to a ll your goals , conquering any waves in your path. And may you remain as sweet as you ' ve always been, just lik e your ice c ream cones. Reach for the gold! All our love always! Mom and Dad
Serena Dovey
Well Bean , although we ' re often still wondering if " Life is one big joke," we finally made it! Thanks for always being there, especial ly to understand me, my thoughts, my sense of humor , and smuirfios! I ' ll a lw ays cheris h
o ur friendship Perhap s some day we'll both get the joke!
Love Always , Jami e
Dawn Durant
We all had our dreams Of how you would be Now it's here , maturity We ' re bursting with pride To see th e unique woman emerging inside You ' ve m o re than outshone
o ur hopes for you
Con tinu e to learn and use your gifts well W e ' re happy to say you ' ve turned o ut just swe ll
Karen Dyke
I a lway s knew that you were going to be bigger that m e .
W e ll Karen , we have had a blast tog e th e r, even when I used to stra ngl e you . I am so proud of all you have accomplished I lov e you with all my h ea rt
Love always, Jenn
Fee l In g tt 204 - Mt2t -f1 ,,
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Karen Dy ke
Ka ren, Neve r Jose th at w o nd e rful ca rin g qu ality th a t yo u have. The w o rld co uld use mo re Karen s! We, re pro ud of yo u and lov e yo u!
Mo m, Dad , and J enn
Beau Edgington
Co ngratulati ons o n a j o b we ll don e. Go od lu c k in alJ yo ur futur e pu rs ui ts. P opp a wo u ld be pro ud of th e ha nd so me yo ung man yo u ,ve becom e. Lov e, Mom , Dad, Ang i, Paul , Sammie, Sampso n, and Tib et
Beth Elder
Hey Buns, Congrat ulati o ns, yo u fin a ll y made it!
Lov e, Mom and Chu ck
Beth Elder
You have made us very pr o ud Ke ep you r eyes to t he fut ure and neve r loo k ba ck Yo u have ove rco me many tri a ls and now yo u ca n look forw a rd know mg t her e is no thing that ca n defeat yo u. God bless yo u a lways.
Al l o ur lov e, Dad, Cla ude tt e, Ja ne, and As h ley
Andrea E rpelding
Yo u have a lw ays bee n " Fr o nt Page " fo r me. I love yo u dea rl y, Ho ney. Go fo r it. Love, Mo en
Andrea E rpelding
Yo u ar e o ur " Wo nde r Wo man ! ,, Kee p up th e goo d wo rk a nd reach f o r t he s tars. We a re so pro ud o f yo u and love yo u ve ry mu c h ! Yo ur Fa mil y
Devon Es te s and F riend s
Ju s t loo k a t us , fo ur lax buddi es ge ttin g rea d y to ro mp o n a beaut iful s umm e r ni g h t. Th e da ys to co m e may no t a lw ays be th e sa me as coo l summ e r night s, bu t we will a lways h ave eac h o th e r and th e unit y th a t bea tin g eac h o th er up and pl ay in g La c ross e gave us Fo rge t Me No t. Sara h, Sa nn i, Britt , and Devo n
Devon Estes
Lo ok at m y l ittl e g irl ! Yo u have pr ove n so mu c h i n th ese pa s t 17 y e a rs Yo u mak e me so proud Tw o thin gs be fo re yo u leave th e nest: reme mb e r you r roo ts (or lack th e reo f) a nd keep yo ur eye o n t he road Yo ur mo th er and s is te r
Babi es & Budd ies - 2 05
Adam Fay
Never l ose you r smil e or you r abili ty to make people l augh W e know that yo u will go far in life and we are proud of yo u !
Love, M om , Dad, and Anne
Amanda Fein
Amanda R ose, I ndeed a rose in bloom . W e are so proud of you , good job! Y o u are loved a nd apprecia te d by so man y . Your s tubb ornness and indep e nd e nce has bloomed into sweet n ess and power. God Bl ess Y ou . Love, Mom
Linda Ferreyra
Never has a daughter been so lo ved!
Linda Ferreyra
W e ll Head-Fa ce, l e t m e tell you first of all that I ' m very proud of you I think you've turned int o a ni ce, fine , young woman! Te quie ro mu c h o! Your brother, Lui
Tanya Fish
Y o u have been a wonderful daughter and we are so very proud of yo u K eep up th e good work
Love you , Dad and M om
Craig Fulmer
Co ngratulation s Craig. I am proud of all th e hard w o rk you h ave done to make it happ e n . Keep s miling and se t yo ur sight s to reach the stars. It can happ e n With Love Alw ays, M om
Christen Gair
Wh e n you were young you had a lo o k of determination that sai d you w e re going so m ewh e re . Your accomplishment s s peak for them se lve s Co ngratulation s ! Apply the sa me principals to the future and you will do well and n eve r lose yo ur wonderful laugh Love , Mom , Dad , and David
Craig Gamble
You have wo rk ed so hard to get h e re and we are very, very prou d of yo u Enjoy you r life , be happy with who yo u are , and work to make a differe nce in the world.
Love , Mom , Dad , and Ryan
Feeling t~ 206 -Nrt~, .
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Tara Gerken
We are so proud of you at this special time. We love you more than anything and wi sh for you all the be s t out of life May you achieve all you work for and attain the happiness you are so deserving of Remember the good times, learn from the bad , an d loo k to the future.
Love , Mom and Dad
Kimberly Gorman
We are so proud to have s uch a beautiful and talented daughter like you. God ha s certainly blessed us You have a wonderful life ahead of you Remember to always keep that sense of humor and never give up We love you.
J. Weston Griffiths
Whatever th e s truggle, continue the climb and it may be on ly one step to the summit. We couldn,t love you more!
Love , Mom and Dad
Anjli Gupta
We know you work very hard to achieve yo ur goal s. We are very proud of all your ach iev ements. Continue to do you r very best in the future and always follow your dreams Remember you have our unconditional love and .; upport. We love yo u, Mom, Dad , and Neeraj
DJ Hagberg
We , re so glad yo u and George moved o n Change ca n so me tim es be a very good thing , but neve r giv e up your taking a lo ng , hard lo ok before you leap . We are very proud of you.
Love and Prayers Always, Mom , Dad , Dani, and Erin
Amanda Halbert
Co ngratulation s' Yo u are the best dau g hter and siste r that anyone cou ld ask fo r W e are very pr o ud of you Enjoy life We love you , Mom and J oe
Ben Hamblin
You have brought so mu ch joy to our lives! We are proud of th e perso n you hav e be co me . We love and wi ll alway s be here for you . May all of life ,s adventures lead you to your goals.
Love , Dad , Mom , and Chris
Robin Hankins
Robie -s h e l le, You have the pot ent ial to go anywhere, be anybody you want to be . Follow what you believe is right , regardle ss of what other peo pl e think Don ' t let anybody pu s h you around! And don , t p a rty to hard , we know where you s leep! We love you!
Jay , Mo rn , and Mari e
Babies & Buddies - 2 07
Kayla Haptonstall
You are a delightful young woman. Co ntinu e to follow you r dream s. W e a re so proud of you and l ove yo u very much
M om a nd Dad
Becky Hayes
W e admire you r love of life, qu ic k wit and beautiful s mile .
B e happy and mak e a difference. Love Lit and life
Always be a zeezo! P e rfe c t!
W e l ove yo u D ad, M o m , R anda, M ary, Amber, and o f co urse R yan and Al ey
Karen Heffelfinger
Karen , Your so m e wh at s illin ess a nd friendship have hit m e s traight to the h eart. Th ere's o nl y o ne g ift I ca n g iv e yo u a pra ye r of l ove forever Friends in God s hall n eve r tru ly b e apart
Thank s for being my partn e r in C hri s t. Wat c h out for bu ses
Un s qu ea kfully yours , Tri s ha Dawn
Karen Heffelfinger
Thank you for b e ing you r se lf, Kare n You have b ee n th e joy
o f o ur life Y o u w e re c all e d
K a re bea r Karen wh e n yo u were l ittle becau se you were always wa s so s weet and ca ring to others.
Love for eve r , Dad a nd Mom
Wendy Heywood
From tiny hiker to grown-up river runn e r , double-diam o nd daredev il , and all the adventur es in between We ' ve m a de so m e wonderful memories together. W e' ll miss you as you grow, learn , a nd explore th e wo rl d. Come ba c k home o ften ! With l ove, M o m , Dad , Tracy , and P e pper
Wendy Heywood
We flflally mad e it ! Thanks f o r every thing . Love, M e
Lindie Hitchcock
Your r e lati o ns hip with th e te lephone s tarted earl y , and thi s year it developed into one o f lon g-distance calling. You accepted o ur mov e to S o uth Dakota with a g r ea t attitude and an enthusiasm for c hange
You ' r e very s p ec ial to u s. W e lov e yo u, M o m , Dad , Andie , a nd Jeff
Jayna Horvat
Jayna , It 's h ard to believe you're eigh tee n and graduat in g! You ' ve giv e n us a lifetime of m e morie s! You have so many accomp li s hments to be proud of, ye t s o many m o re to loo k f o rward to. You hav e been the daughter of ou r dreams ; now go for your dream s.
Love , M om, and Dad
Feel Ing t'l.
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Jayna Horvat
To the Bes t of Friends, We have shared many great memorie s together. I ' m going to mi ss all the fun times we h ave shared You have been such great friend s to me ! I love you guys with all my heart! I ' m going to miss you!
Jayna Horvat
Love always, J Ever since we were young, you have been there for m e . W e have had a very s pecial relation s hip through high school and I hope nothing ever comes between us Love , Eric
Jayna Horvat
Even though we 've only been best friends for a little over two years I feel that I know more about you than anyone e lse I know You ' re like a sister to me, so meone who I never get s ick of and I can a lw ays count on . I wi s h you the best of lu ck. Thanks for the great memorie s. Love a lwa ys and forever, Nikki
Brynn Hudson
Ever si nce you were born , you 'v e been questioning the world Keep it up W e're proud of you
Lots of luck and l ove, Mom and Dad
Mark Humphrey
There was never a doubt in our mind that you would always succeed in whatever you se t out to do in life. The future holds yo ur dreams, nev er let th em go. W e l ove you.
M om and Dad
Brittany Isenberger
Dear Brittan y, You ' re a coo l big sis ter. Love B K
Brittany Isenberger
I saw a bird in the s ky , a joyous look was in its eye, and it s lowly soug ht a h o u se b enea th , with a Godly gift for Kathy and K e ith " V G Eiman '78
Gentle in s pirit , s trong in conviction, you are our greatest gift.
Katie Johnston
Thank s s o much for being my big s is ter and alway s loo king o ut f o r me Have a great time in college. Oh! Stay away from th ose c urlers , I think they w o rk to o w e lJ Y o ur " little" s is ter Mary
Babies & Buddies - 209
Katie Johnston
Enjoy l ife Katie!!! You are the B EST and the wo rld is about to fi nd out. Fo ll ow your dreams ... We love you and are extremely proud of you . Mom and Dad
Felicia Jones
The cutest little angel God has made May God guide you as you graduate Your name means happiness. May you be truly happy and bring happiness to others Let the joy of the Lord fill you r heart Daddy and Mommy
Jill Katzenberger
W e are truly blessed that yo u a re ou r daughter For continued success in life , remember one thing, N.F.T.F. Love, Mom and Dad
Cliff Kelley
C liff,
R emembe r to a lways follow yo ur dreams and to never give up ! W e a ll believe in yo u and your accomplishments!
R emembe r we ' re always here!
Love, Mom , J a m es , Mi chael , S h annon , and Dale
Leah Kerr
You have brought joy to so many lives, your detennination , beauty and sense of humor will take you far Where your steps fall, happiness lies We will always cherish these wonderful years we were so lucky to share with you . God bless you always . We love you Dad, Mom , and Dominic
Sanni Keskimaki
We ' re very proud of you Sanni , and not only for your achievements in academics , music, and swimming, but also for just being you : a nice, s ensible, and caring person. To remain so is just one more challenge as yo u strive toward new goals in li fe. Good luck a nd keep smiling!
Love, G randma and Grandpa
Sanni Keskimaki
You ' ve always been ou r littl e ray of s un shine , s h inin g warmer and brighter every yea r. May you sca tt e r those sunbeams far and wide as you dive off into greater adve ntures, and may you r c heerfulness, warmth and caring come back to yo u a hundredfold
Love, Mom and Dad
Molly Kinghorn
M olly , W e ha ve been friends for eve r and I ha ve treasured every moment. Th a nk you for a lway s being there and making me l a ugh . Always remember the wonderful m emories we hav e made an d know there are m o re to co me . You are the greatest! I wuv you, Kara
I ng t'l. 2 10 - t.fr}~,,
Molly Kinghorn
You have filled our lives with joy and love Your enthusiasm for life and people is a treasure you s hare with those you tou c h. Never l ose your vivacious s pirit and your will to s ucceed The world is awaiting you and we ' ll be alongs ide you as you journey forth We lov e you, Dad , Mom , Benjamin, and Adam
Jamie Konegni
Jamie , You ' re the bes t big bro ther a girl could have Thanks for all the memorie s and good times we 've had I 'll always remember the advice you've given me , and here 's so me for you : MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU
Love, Annie
Jamie Konegni
Thank s for giving u s so much happines s through the yea rs. W e' re proud of all you are, and all you will be. May yo u make all the goals you h ave in life.
Love always , Mom and Dad
Vanessa Koslow
A dau ghter is so meone you nurture and c h erish Someo ne you lau g h with , cry with , dream with S he's so meone to be s o proud of and love with all you r heart And here is a toast to the graduate, in a class by herself
Love always and forever , Your Mom and Dad
Jason Laman
Ja s,
Our path tog e the r ha s brought us f a r But the future holds ye t another path ; o n e which you must travel b y yourself. But you will nev e r be a l one Wh e r eve r you go and whateve r yo u d o, I will co ntinu e to lov e and r espec t you. Always and Forever, Steph
Carissa Lauwers
CONG RATULATIONS! Our hearts burst with prid e as you h ea d out into the world. Thanks for all the joy you ' ve given u s May you always be health y, h app y, and wise May God bl ess you!
Love, M om and Dad
P .S You 're the b est older s iste r anyone cou ld hope fo r ! Lo ve , Mark
Heidi Layman
Oh Ca nada , H ei di! " Here ' s to ne w experiences, people, and h o rizon s. Alway s ca rry your beliefs and f o ll o w yo ur dream s. M os t importantly your heart , you have a h ea rt of gold Don ' t ever c han ge! You know yo ur future will on l y b e a rewarding o ne . Lov e you! D a d , M o m , H ans, R oxi ne , Jam es, and H yima
Ryan Lucas
Even as a little guy, yo u see m e d to know exac tly w h at you wanted a nd how to get it. R e member to find th e g limm e r in each trial and ta s k that comes your way . Thi s simple plan will brighten the way o f tho se around you We love you, " S o n -S hin e." Mom and D a d
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Geoff Mallow
Thank you for making 18 years of our live s filled with laugh ter, love , and to ns o f fun . Ma y yo u a lwa ys be blessed with suc h a spa rk.l e an d a ques t f or th e be s t. M ay God bless you always . Love , M om an d D a d
Andrew Martinez
W e we re always pro ud of yo u , especiall y now as you gradua te. Con tinu e to mak e the right c h oices in your life W e love yo u , M o rn , Dad , and family
Jennifer Martinez
Dea r friend s, G ue ss wh o? It ' s m e , J e nni fer. W e ll , I wou ld lik e to say so m e thank -yo u s a nd good-byes I know w ho a ll yo u are, and I kn ow you know m e . It 's been great he re at G HS S e ni o r fri e nd s, I hope we ca n k ee p in touch! I ' ll mi ss you! C LASS OF ' 96 RULES !! !
Y o u r fr ie nd , J enn ife r
Nathan Mataya
Y o ur f a mily l oves yo u d ea rl y Na te, a nd is so proud of the s weet a nd tender yo un g m an that grew from a c ut e littl e boy W e will s ure l y mi ss you r d a il y pre se nce in o ur l ives a s yo u s tep forward int o your future n e xt yea r W e wi s h fo r your sa f e ty, h ea lth , a nd h a ppin ess
John Matis
Of co urse I l ove yo u as a mother s ho uld , but when I ste p back and l oo k at you with my mo st c ritical eye, I re alize that I a l so really like you, an d admire yo u , an d I ' m proud of you! Go f o rth and do more good things in the world!
Lov e, M o m
John Matis
H ey J o hn , You Mad e it! Wa y to go! W e love yo u . Your sis ters, Cam s ie and Mari a
John Matis
Jank o n the Y e ll owstone river
It do es n ' t g e t an y better than that.
Good lu c k a lway s, D a d
Sarah McGuane
Cong ra tulati ons, daughter. W e are so proud o f yo u , yo ur good hea rt , yo ur no bl e idea ls, yo ur accomplishment s, and th e ha ppin ess yo u have given us!
W e wi s h you s uccess a nd mu c h h a ppin ess in yo ur futur e. W e are always be h ind you in everything you do . With a ll ou r love, Mo rn , Dad , a nd Ri c h a rd
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Courtney McNa
You a re such a bright spot in our family, so kind and thoughtful. B e true to yo urs elf a nd your beliefs. " May joy a nd peace s urroun d yo u, co nt entme nt latch your door, and happiness be with you now and bless you evermo re ." We love you! Mom, Dad , Alex, and Co nn er
Sharon Micke
Yo u sta rt ed life "down under'' but ha ve always been on top with us. May you co ntinu e to sha re yo ur enthu siasm and love of life where ever in the world you might be. Love a lw ays, Mom, Dad, and Kevin
Sharon Micke
You trul y are m y best friend Yo u ' ve alwa ys been there for me. Good lu ck in everythi ng you do a nd no matt e r what life throw s at yo u, hold on to you r green towel and don ' t hang your s horts o n trees. I ' 11 always be here for yo u . I ' ll never forget you . Love, Bre tt
Cody Miller
You 've a lways been a little charm er As you tr ave l the road of life always remembe r to do your best and never forg e t tho se thr ee imp o rt an t littl e words-TURN IT
DOWN ! Co ngratul ations. We are very pro ud of you. We Jov e you, Mom , Dad , a nd Casey
Jeannie Miller
Alway s preparing for a performance. Life is a stage and we know you ' 11 be a "s tar! " Good lu ck and alw ays have fun
Love , Mom and Dad
R.J. Miller
Our admonition to you as you embark on your journey through life is that you think of things in the light of your own future . Do not be too ready to accept the views of others , but sea rch for the answers your ow n resea rch and study can provide Never fail fo r a lack of trying. With love , Your fami ly
Tyler Mitchell
Congratu lations, you made it! We are very proud of you and wi s h yo u continued success as you go on in you r life
Love, Mom , Dad , Ryan , an d Ames
Heather Moon
From my s weet baby to my sweet young lady Ma y yo u a lways know you r family 's love, the ass ura nce of yo ur faith, the love of life, the pride of s uccess, and th e joy of fulfillm ent. W e love you and are so very proud of yo u Nate , Mom, and Travi s
-... L •
-Babie s & Buddie s - 213
Carrie Myers
From the very beginning, you have been a specia l gift. The joy and happiness you ha ve given us see ms to neve r sto p You become a young woman in too s hort of time Keep yo ur high stan dard s and ideals in perspective and enjoy a life full of s un shin e.
Love alw ays, Dad , Mo m , Ja son, and Adam
Bard Nielsen
Th e light of my life/ our live s" has s hown brightly for 18 years . Now it is time for that light to s hine on your ow n We a re very proud of all of you r accom plis hm ent s and hard work Pu rs ue you r dream s, achieve you r dreams, and achieve yo ur goa ls. " Ju st Do I t. " Lov e, Mo m and D ad
Bard Nielsen
Your tenure a t GHS is now co mpl ete, o nly th e me mories re main . Thr o ugh th e yea rs yo ur wit and se nse of hum o r have ent e rt ained us . Life ha s not been dull , you hav e mad e it fun " We ase" Good lu ck with s wimming a nd a rc hit ec ture.
" Ju s t Do It! "
Love ya , Kim and Heath er
Jeremy Victor Nuanes
Pee k-a-boo!
We l ove you!
Mom a nd Dad
Anna Olson
We are so very proud of th e lovel y, res ponsib l e , and caring young woman you ' ve beco m e, with yo ur h igh values and goa ls. Thank yo u for the joy you have brought us. We l oo k forward to the un fo ld ing of yo ur future Love , M om and Dad
Maren Olson
B ea utiful , brave, s trong, and true An aweso me l as t " book end " fo r my family, an d the joy of my hea rt The world is yours.
Kelly Osheroff
Deares t Ke lly , Time with you bas gone much to quickly . We hope that yo ur future will be filled with as mu ch love and happin ess as you have given us. You ' ll be great at w hatever yo u set yo ur mind to! Remember to tak e H im with you. We love you, M o m and Dad
Katie Owen
You add a sp ec ial wannth to o ur family with your lo ve , beau ty, and unique o utl ook o n life Never lose s ight of thin gs mo s t important to yo u. Your te rrifi c se nse of hum or and s parkling s mile will carry you far . We l ove yo u, Mo m, Dad, and Mega n
Feel ' "9 t'li 214 - MY/~ b
David Palmer
Yo u ' 11 always be a supe rhero to us! We ' re so proud of you and the wonderful young man you have become. Rememb er when you sa id you co uld fly ? Well , you can Always remember that and have a wonderful life!
We love you, Mom, Dad , Nick, Joj , and Mik e
David Palmer
To my very best friend, " Hello's and good-bye's come and go, but a select few find their way to settle into your heart. " You ' re the greatest to me , Palmhead ! Congratu lation s!
All my love and best of luck , Emily (Ernaline) Thomp so n
Nicholas Paslay
Your zest for li fe ha s given us many happy times from you r unu s ual invention s to your airp lane flying! W e are ext remely proud of yo u You ' r e the BEST!
Love you always, Mom and Dad
Nicky, You ' re incredible! I ca n 't imagine how I wo uld have s urvived if yo u h adn ' t been there a ll my life to lea n on You a re trul y the be s t and you' ll a lways be my s uperman . Don ' t forget there 's always s nippy-treats in th e cupboard; you just gotta know in which to look I love you, Wendy
Kevin Paulsen
Congratulations Kevi n! You mad e it. Now what are you going to do? Build a dream , go for it , live for all you can. Life is what you make it. Hav e fun- Mom and Dad
Carrie Pearse
Carrie, I ' m so proud of you . You have developed what 's needed to move beyond c hildhood and realize yo ur goals and dreams Good lu ck on your journey through life. Yo u are very s pecia l to me I lov e you, Mom
Ju s t as your name sake s tar see ms to s h ine bright er each year, so do you . Alway s remember : Knowl e dge is the s hip to take you to your des tiny, wi s dom is the compass to guide you, and faith is the wind for your sa il s!
Love Alway s, Mom P S Way to go, Stine!
Love Teresa
Mark Powell
Our so n ha s done we ll in making dec is ion s about life. He we lcomes new cha ll enges and a lw ays makes the bes t ou t of a ny s itu ation He ha s grea t c haracter and moral s pirit , as we ll as a g rea t sense of humor So n , alw ays be l ieve and tru s t yo urse lf. We love yo u , Mom and Dad
Babies & Buddies - 2 15
Jonathan Pra y
Jonathan, You are the greatest. We are very proud of you Keep those big wheels roll in '.
Love, Mom , Dad, and Tim
Tri s ha Prige l
Trisha, W e are excited for you and proud of all you have accomplished W e are humbled to see who you have become and how you courageously live out your co nvi ctions . May Godbless you richly and know that we have always l oved you and always will.
Tri sha Prigel
Oh, the memori es. Y ou' re the part of high school I ' ll remember mo st. Y ou ' re awesome Christian friendship ha s held my hand through lots ; busses, mice, squeaks , and beyond. Our friendship is eternal, no matter where our liv es may lead us. I love you. Yo u ' re my best friend.
Karen Frog
Shannan Pyle
You s tarted so easy for us, That we worried you mad e no fuss
But your humor pers isted And then you re sis ted , Your assertiveness we ca n trust.
Love, M o m , Dad , Moni ca, and Meegan
All ys on Reynolds
You may be grown up and on your way to college, but you ' ll always be our little " Sweetie-Pie"! Your family adores you, Ally so n Love, Dad , Mom , Mic helle , Jason, Jennifer , Jordan , and Erin
Ju s tin Ridpath
It seem s like only yesterday you were just learning to walk. Now you're ready to spread your wings and start a life of your own. Follow your dreams, figure out a plan , and work hard We know you can achieve what eve r you want. We ' ll always love you. Mom and Dad
Matthew Rillos
"Fo r I know the plan s I h ave for you," declares the Lord , " plan s to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ." Embrace thi s truth in good times and bad times . We love you! Dad , Mom, Mera, a nd Ma ndy
Mason Louis Robertson
As yo u contemp late the un ive rse, remembe r that you' re in c h a rge of yo ur own des tiny Yo u can be anyt hing you want. As yo u se t out in pursuit of your goa ls, reme mber th a t we love you and wi ll always be h ere for you. W e' re very p roud of yo u so n M om, Dad, and Lau ren
Feeling t'l: 216 -Nrtt/(1 1. ,. ' '
Matthew Robie
We wish yo u mu c h lo v e, g o od health , lots o f h a ppin ess, and many friend s to enj oy it wit h Chall e nge th e world and a ccept the r es pon s ibiliti es We l ove y ou , Mom and Dad
Tami Rodriguez
Congratulations, Pippi! We are p r o ud of you You h a ve ftlled our liv es with so mu c h fu n and l aughte r Kee p smiling, s tand up fo r wh a t you b e liev e in , and rem e mber that l ife i s an adven ture Savo r every m o me n t. Lov e you ! Mom and Dad
Tami Rodriquez
After y e ars o f h a rd w o rk yo u h ave ea rn ed that c igar ! Keep up th e g o od work and you will g o f a r in life. I kn o w that you wil l a lway s be s u c cess ful. I ' m extremel y pr o ud to ca ll you my s i s ter !
Love , Karl
Kara Rome
To a s p ecia l p e rso n and wond erfu l da ug ht er. You a re un iqu e a n d we ' r e p roud of yo u ! R e m embe r to fo ll ow you r d r eams a n d " K ee p o n da nc in ' to the m u s ic !" Love a lway s, M om and Dad
Cry s tal Schenck
W e a r e so lu c k y to h ave a dau g ht e r that is a s pre tt y o n th e ins id e as yo u a re o n th e o utsi d e W e a re ve ry pro ud o f yo u K eep ex pl o rin g wh a t life h as to o ffe r. S ta y tru e to you r d r ea m s. W e Lo ve yo u , M o m , Dad , and D o nov an
Shirelle S chmidt
Alwa ys b e happ y an d d e te rmin e d to r each yo ur g oa l s Y o u are a g r e at p e rs o n H ave a v ery s u ccess ful futur e. D a d , M o m , Mara nd a, Bu c k y, and K a ra
April Schos s ow
S in ce o ur fr es hman ye ar w e have b ee n pr ac t ic all y in separable W e h ave th e kind o f fri e nd s hip that c an , and w ill la s t f o r ev er ! Thank s f o r mak ing m e laugh , c ry , a nd grow int o th e p e rs o n th a t I ' m p r o ud to be . You ' r e th e b es t Ap e, I lov e ya! Lo v e , Lind sey
April Schossow
W e' r e so ve ry pr o u d t o h ave a d a ught e r with s uc h s ty le, c onvi c ti o n , and h e art , w ith a milli o n d o ll a r s mil e. N e ver, ne v e r co mpromi se. Y o u a re a n e xampl e fo r a ll , in c luding us. Go G e t ' Em . W e Lov e You , M o rn and D a d
. .. __ ) __ /
Babi es & Buddi es - 2 17
Stephen Schroeder
Congratu lations, we ' re proud of yo u
Love, M om a nd Dad
Sky Stillwell
Sky, You've been a great big brother. Y o u always were there to li sten to m y lame stories or stick up for me. I look up to yo u for you r athletic ability Good lu ck in co ll ege Love, Ca rl y
Belen 'Bobbie' Scott
Bl essings to you, precious daughter! May your life , from here forwa rd , be everythin g that you want it to be K eep growing and lea rn as mu c h as you ca n about this big wondrous world Show 'e m what you ' re made of and ca p a bl e o f doing! Our Love always! Mom , Popp a, and Con ni e
Alea Scovill
Th an k-yo u for being a de lightful c hild , b y s haring yo ur kind d eed s, thou g ht s, l ove, joy , and tears. A s you m ove on to a differ e nt path in life , I'll ask you t o quiet your mind , li s te n to yo ur h ea rt , an d foll ow what your heart di c t a t es, with co urage and boldn ess. Love , M o m
Feeling t';e 21s -/.!rt~-r
Denise M. Shaner
D e ni se, CONG RATULATIONS !! From Hot Wheel s to horses to yo ur Senior Y ea r, yo u 've co ntinually added joy to o ur li ves. You ' re already a s uccess, so keep your dre ams " out in fr on t " and you'll accom pli s h anything. We love you, God bless you ALWAYS! Mom and D a d
Denise M. Shaner
H ey Littl e sis, I can't believe you're graduating a lr ea dy I ' m SO PROUD Thanks for being so p atient a nd loving. Y ou ar e a great siste r ! I love you, D ebb ie P .S. Looking forward to MANY MORE MEMORIES !
Alisha N. Smith
Who will I l ook up to when you're gone? Even without you by my s id e, thro ugh th e good and the bad , I ' ll alway s love you and I ' ll a lways be your ' lil ' s is, Erica
Alisha N. Smith
Tall and smart, work of art Lean and bright , about to take flight
Y o ur M o m and Dad , lov e yo u lik e mad Wh e n yo u leav e, we will g rieve But you' ll a lwa ys be true We ' ll be ro ot in g for you! Love , Mom and Dad
I , I I I I I I
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Christine Smith
The years have flown by, it seems like only yesterday you were small. You have always been a lover of nature , independent, thoughtfu l, and have aspired for higher goals. We know that the futu re holds great things for you. Love Mom a n d Dad P.S Do we get to keep "Tigger" when you go to co ll ege?
Katherine Standley
My big sister What a long , strange trip these last seve n years have been Don ' t forget our adventures when you ' re having new ones without me Love ya! Margie
Katherine Standley
W e love you. Remember to be ki n d and loving, and to have cou rage. W e wish you great s uccess in life. Keep you r Fait h and cast all your cares on God
Dad, Mom , Sarah, and Amy
Colleen Struck
"DAD!, we NEED TO TALK! 18 mo r e years a nd I ' ll be graduating. Can you believe i t? I ' ll need a ca r, n ew clothes, shoes, DRESSES etc., etc. , t " e c Love Dad
April Stu ssy
Congratulations! "Ou r Little Curly Top". You have worked very hard to get where you are now Keep up the hard work and you will make your goals. Always remember to keep your heart in the right place We love you Love M om, Dad , Clint, and Michael
C raig M. S utto n
The pa s t 18 years have flown by ( all except for 8th grade) . As you venture out on your own remember , " Life Does Not Require Us To Be The Biggest or The Best , It Asks only That We Try."
CONGRATULATIONS!We Love You and Alway s will! Love , Mom , Dad , and Tara
Trisha 's friend s
The three of us have been through a lot. I \Vill always rem e mber all the tim es we laughed and c ri ed togeth er. You guys are great. Love always, Tri s ha ' " ,l
Tri s ha Thoma s
Trisha , We have watched with pride and joy as you've turned into a beautifu l woman May all your hopes and dream s become reality Good lu c k! We love you, Mom , Dad , Tracie, and Dougie
-L:.::!~_ \~_ ,,_, Babi es & Buddi es - 219
Trisha Thomas
You were alwa ys right there looking out for me. I co uld never thank you so mu c h, an d I am so glad I got to s h are th ese m e mo ri es with you! Keep s miling!
You r Loving Sister, Tracie
Jake Thompson
Good lu ck, J ake!
With Love From Y ou r Family
Aaron Turner
Good luck Bro!
Alex a nd Au s tin
Aaron Turner
Co ng ratulati o n s B ig Guy!
Yo u ' ve a lway s m a d e u s proud with you r winning ways .
Co ntinu e to g ive it you r B es t Sho t and you' ll always be s uccessful.
Love , M o m a nd Dad
Nikki Varveris
Nik , W e became so c lose in s uc h a s h o rt p e riod o f t im e! Y o u are the one p e rs o n who knows a nd understands me the b es t! We a lway s have s uc h a great time to gethe r! D o n ' t forget yo u mean th e world to m e! I lov e you!
Y o ur l ov in g s iste r, J
Joshua Waggoner
Ju st a note fr o m D a d and M om to let you know bo w pro ud w e a re of you Graduation fr o m h igh sch oo l is a m ajo r mil estone, it i s n ot the e nd o f yo ur education but rather it is a f o undati o n Co ngratul a tion s!!! W e love yo u, Mom and Dad
Amanda Waltz
Wh o w o uld have thought our bathing beauty would g row up to b e a cowgirl! Y o u ' re the s un s hin e in ou r heart s ! You u se your talent s and intelligence to b e nefit others and we ' re so proud o f you Love , Mom , Dad , Aaron , and Aimee
Jim Watts
What a pl eas ure to ha ve you in o ur lives! From a s miling, h a pp y baby to a yo ung m an wit h lots of heart ! You ' 11 s prinkle love as you journey through life
With lo ve, Mom and Dad
I I I I . I
the 220 - l1 !~~-b 1
Carrie Weingardt
So many things to say and so many memorie s to l oo k back upon , but not enough time They s ay that your be s t times are childhood I guess they were right about s omething . I ' ll miss you . A friend s hip is never unfo rgettable , that is ours.
I love ya , April
Christy Whitfield
Chri s ty Lyn Whitfield , My pride , my joy , my daughter Christy Chri s ty , you are a very intelligent, warm , loving, caring person I ' m very proud of you. You will make y our mark in thi s world
Love Mom
Stacey Winston
We wish you a " BOO-BOO" free future It' s there fo r the taking! We love you Stace. Mom , Dad , and Scott
Kelly Wuerth
Cong r atulations Kelly , you ' ve 1 done it and we a re very proud of you You ' ve worked hard to get here and even when things were tough we hun g in there together to get he re to day We love you and will alway s be here for you
Love , Mom and Dad
Jessica Wurtenberger
Y ou have grown to b e a terrifi c young woman . W e are s o proud o f all that y o u h av e accompli s h e d W e know th a t yo u will b e s u ccess ful at what e ver yo u d o in life. Our wi s h fo r you is co mplet e happine ss.
W e l ov e yo u , Mom and Dad
Angelika Yarno
When thing s go wrong , a s th ey so m e tim es will , when the roa d y o u ' re trudging see m s all uphill , when the fund s are low a nd bill s are high , and y o u want to s mil e but y o u ha ve to s igh , wh e n c are is press ing yo u d o wn a bit, re s t if you mu s t, but don ' t yo u quit!
Lov e, M o m and Da ve
David Yang
David , We ho pe th a t you will alwa ys be ri c h in s entiments and fe e lings. Good lu c k to yo u in y o ur purs uit of s u ccess in the future
Lov e, M o m and Dad
Laura Zaharias
Y o u a re s o-0 -0- 0 s pecial! We wi s h you love , happine ss, and s u ccess no w and a lway s.
D a d , Mom , C hri s, and Andrew
Babie s & Buddie s - 221
Kim Ziegler
We lov e you and are very proud of you We wish you success, love, and happine ss always
Love, Mom , Dad , and Jamie
Bunkbed Buddies
April Stussy and Ca rr ie Weingardt take a break from their busy schedu le up a t Mt Evans Outdoor Lab. Outdoor Lab was o ne of th e man y highlights o f elemen tary school. Senio r April Stussy sai d , "Outdoor Lab was a lot of fun, but the early morni ng nag ceremony was th e worst part
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, •••
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••• , ••• , ••• , • • • , •• •
: •••
One: M rs J uran,
, Chnstine
Pe ters ,
, Patri c k Bitner,
rs Belue Row Two :
Kim Ziegler, Ma tt Robie, J ennife r Preston,•••,
, Crystal Sche nc k,
, H olly Ditto,
Row Three: J ason Hall,
Daniel Bec k, Carrie Myers,••• , Keith Gibson , M ,,tl Manl ey , Kelly Cooper Row Fo ur: Juh e Hageme1 ste r, Carissa Lauwers,
Sarah McGua ne,
Row Five
, Craig Sutto
, David Bryant, Greg Roberts, Cliff Roberts ,
, Charles Sandt,•
, Lindsey
Earl J ohnson Third Grade. Photo courtesy of David Bryant.
Feeling ti 222 -Hrt~-t 1 I
\ • )
Yee-haw! It 's kindergarten Rodeo Day a t Ral s ton R o w One: ••• , Jill Ka tzenberger, Karen Dy ke , ••• R ow Two : ••• , Katie J o hn s ton, ••• , Shawn Bakk er, • •• Row Three: J amie Konegi, •• *, ••
, ••• , J o n Pray, •
, Jason And erso n Ph o to Courtesy of J o n Pra y
i, • • •
• •• , • • 4, • • •
•• • , • • •
Babies & Buddies - 223
I Row One :
, Shawn B a kk er, Britt any I senbe rger, April Schossow, Katie J ohnston , Jill Katzenberge r Row Two: Karen Dyke , ••• , J a mie Ko
rs Severso n Row Three:
, Ian Ba tes,
Row Four:
*•• ,Ca rne Pearse,
J on Pray, B ryn H udson Rals ton Third Graders Ph o to Courtesy of J on Pra y
The Summer Supplement to the 1995 Yearbook , Golden Touch
Th e 1994- '9 5 sc h oo l yea r cam e t o an end and w e wi s h e d o ur graduatin g se ni o r s goo d bye. Th eir fri e nd s hip s a r e put on h o ld fo r th e tim e b ein g as th ey go o ff to co ll ege o r m ove o ut o f to wn , r e unitin g at th e r e uni on . Thr o u g h th e yea r, w e, as a sc h oo l, h ave ex p eri en ce d man y wond e rful and sa d tim es: winnin g a nd l osi n g gam es, Childre n 's Th e atr e winnin g di s tri c ts, fr eezi n g o ur tu s h es off in th e co ld a s w e w a it fo r th e s ignal a ft e r a fir e drill, th e traditional s havin g cr eam fi g ht o n th e se ni o r s' l as t d ay, a nd fi nally, graduati o n . W e fee l th a t all o f th ese w o nd e rful m e m o ri es s h o uld be bro u g ht o ut in th e y earb o ok, so th a t th ey n o t o nl y live o n in o ur mind s, but in th e pic tur es a nd w o rd s as w e ll Th e Sprin g o f '95 br o ught athl e ti c v ic to ri es, dr a m a ti c triumph s, Pr o m a nd p omp and circum s tan ce. Thr o u g h o ut th e e ntir e yea r w e a ll h ave b as k e d in th e g o lden g l o w o f learnin g, co mp e titi o n, a nd r e lati o n ship s while w e hav e d ealt with th e press ur e and HEAT !
We Be ChilJin ' Sophomo res Tom Rome, Andy Buchholz , Fle tcher Brow n, and Seve rine Swanson chill dunng a biology trip to the wonde rful fie ld next to the school Thal field has been use d for ma ny years and for many reasons biology tnps, ditching , dnving late at n ight on all the bushes, and storing UFO 's. Fle tcher commented, " I ' ll m,ss all those great limes this summer" ,
No B o undari es Junior Jen Baurer and sen1o rT.J Feth spea k th rough the wall while their mothers, sen ior Sarah Boyd and Junio r Jeannie Mi ller s tand by to watch In the production the mothers tn ck th eir c hildren int o fal li ng in Jove by bu1ld1nga wall Jean ni e Mill er said, "Everyo ne fit their pans really we ll " Ph oto by Ro n Finel11
Cr e ative C rim e Senio rTodd Die rk ing as He nry and senior L iam Burn ell as Mortim er play hum o ro us villans ,n th e musical Mos t of th e parts in The Fantasc,cks were large By c han gi ng a famous quote se ni or Dan Mat lock sai d " Th ere are no small actors, just sm all parts." Ph o to by Ron Finelh
TheFanta s tzcks is n ' t ju s t a c leve r htle, it describe s the quality o f thi s production . The tal e nt and humor o f thi s m u s 1cal outshined all the other e le ments of the play " I love d the mu sical b eca u se the s tory had so much humor," sai d senior T .J. Fe th . Senior Dan Matl oc k a s El Gallo, junior Je nn y B a ur e r as Lui sa, and seni o r T .J. Fe th as Matt, played th e lead s. The
Fanta s tick s i s a mu s i ca l about two love birds, Matt and Lui sa who are the children of two feuding familie s. The mothers se t up the feud so that their children will fall in love. Matt and Luisa fall in love and then the two mothers hire the abductor, El Gallo, to kidnap Lui s a and Matt fight s him and saves Lui s a. Everything goes a s planned, and the familie s s top feuding. How eve r , then Lui s a
and Matt s t art dr 1ftin ~ apart, Matt leave s and Lui sa has an affair \.Vhil he i s gone he disc cvers what the real world is like and decides he like s it bett er with Lui sa They ge t back t og e t her and liv i? happily ever after The ca~t le members had to p u t in 3 4 hours of rehearsing ev• eryda y . " All of the pracbc l? time wa s rea lly worth it ;:1 the end," said senior Sarah Bo y d R D
• a .--: -----------~----------
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The Plot Thicken s Senior Dan Matlock s ings about love ,n Se pt em ber Beca use o f th e s mall cas t s ize memb ers beca me good friends J unior J en Baurer s aid , '' I'm a lw ays going to reme mb er the m is takes that we made " Photo by Ron Fan elli
Th e d a n ce wh e r e th e girls as k th e guys cam e a ga in o n ce thi s year.
As th e girl s wo rri e d ab o ut wh o to a sk, i t w as th e guys ' tum t o j u s t s i t aro und a ndl a u gh a t th e m
So ph o m o r e Bri a H a mpl e man excl aim e d , " It w a s th e ni g ht I f e ll in l ove. "
Mo s t o f th e p eo pl e a t Sadi e H a wkin s s ee m e d to be h a vin g a great tim e
This year's Sadi e H awkins was h e ld o n Fe b 4, a t th e
Ra m a d a Inn o n Co lfax
a nd Indi ana. Abo ut 550
p eo pl e ca m e t o Sa d ie
H a wk i n s, w h i c h w a s
m o r e th a n l as t y e a r . " It
w as fun un til I d a n ce d
int o s o m e g um ," s ai d
f r es hm a n J e nn ife r
R eyno ld s. M o s t of th e
p eo pl e le ft earl y an d by th e e nd of th e ni g ht th e c r ow d h a d d w i n d l e d do wn t o ve r y f e w
So ph o m o r e Jaso n C h appe ll fr o m th e s o ph om o r e
S tud e nt Co u n c i l s aid , " Sadie Haw ki n s wa s h a r d wo r k b ut i t p ayed off i n th eend, be ca u se i t see med rn o s tp eop le h a dfun ." Pi cture s we r e available b u t s e n io r Todd Nord s trom e xp l a in e d " T h e pi c tur e s e tup wa s rea ll y s tup id , wi th a ll th e co w boy s tu ff."
Fr es hma n Anne Fay s a id, " T h e o ldie s w e r e th e b e s t p a rt t o d a n ce to " Erika
E d wa r d s a n d Da n ie l l e C h a pp e ll
S ay Ch eese So p homore s Holl y Fo s ter an d Eri c An derso n s mile as they s low dan ce at S ad ie s Mos t peo p le sa id Sa d1 es wa s a g reat s ucc.ess J unio r Anna Ol so n sa id , I t \Vas mos t fun wh e n eve ry o ne loos en ed up " Pho to b y Miche ll e Tu c ker
So Happ y Toget h er J un iors Jere m y Balle nge r, Dave Pal m er, Jay na Ho rv at , Bard Ni else n, sop homore N1kk 1Varve n s , an dJuni o r Wend y Heywoo d goo f o ff at Sa d ies Sa d ies was put on by th eso ph o moreS tu de ni Cou ncil So ph omore Kim Bell anti sa id , " h w o uld have bee n coo l If o ur se nio r dates woul dn ' t have d11 ched us "' Ph o to by Mi c he ll e Tu cke r
Taki ng a break J un io r Cou rtn ey Mc Na, se ni ors S hane W ie ber and J ohn Mo nc kto n and ju nior Laura Zah an as, sm il e as th ey res t fr om danc in g Th e ni ght inc lud ed ma ny da nces in cluding th e popul a r El ec tn c Sltde Jun io r Cam e Myers sa id , Th e li ne dan c in g was sw ee t " Ph oto b y M ic hell e Tu cke r
I C ... : s C I C : -; ........----, -=---'-----'
Get Down and Funky Seniors Adam
Ph1lhps, Katherine Saunders, Jennifer Goodland and Junior Jeannie Miller part1c1pate 1n a Conga line , The uckets for Prom were $30 per couple Senior Tasha Markovch1ck said, "We boogied 'till sunnse" Photo by Ron F1nelh
Being C rowned Seniors Grant Varvens and Yolanda Chaparro got the honor of being crowned king and queen as they dance their spotltght dance Senior Yolanda Chaparro said, "It felt nice to be queen and l had a blast."
Oh Yeah Everyone at Prom looks on as junior Jeremy Orand dances on hi s own Mo st seeme d to think Britt any Hill was a good place to have Prom Senior Todd Nordstrom said, " Briuan y Hill was a great place because of the vie\V of Denver" Photo by B.J Reynolds
Aces High Seniors Grant Varvens and Kim Brennec ke and Juniors Crystal Schenc k and Brandon Garret ts play BlackJack at After Prom More people seemed to come to After Prom than came to Prom Senio r Nate T aylor complained, " I gave all my money away 1n 45 minutes" Ph oto by M Tu cke r
Photo by BJ Reynolds
Prom, th e long awaited ni g ht everyo ne dreams of ha s finally co me Prom is a very s pecial event that no one will ever forg e t. With much time and effort Prom wa s finally put together by the Parents Association Golden and the junior Student Council. " Prom was so c ool because t he juniors planned it so well," s aid junior Lea h K e rr . Studen t Council chose the theme of Prom '9 5
t which was Mardi Gras. It wa s held at Brittany Hill in Thornton on April 29th Mo s t pe o ple who went to Prom see med to have a great tim e including junior J ess i ca Co llins who co mment e d , " I had the be s t night of my whole life ." There were a few s pecial co mplaints and
d e light s from th ose who attended O th ers agreed with senio r Sh ane Wieber when he s tat e d , " W e co uldn ' t find the food." There were m os h pits at After Prom which so m e people got a kick ou t of. Junior Amanda Fei n sa id , "A ft e r Pr o m had a l o t to do fo r all pe o pl e." The th e me of After Pr om, was A Golden Voyage, and wa s held a t th e n ew Golden Co mmunity Ce nt e r Many priz es were give n o ut including CD players, tw o $500 d o llar cas h prizes, and many o ther s maller prize s s u ch as curlin g iron s. Juni o r Co urtn ey McNa said, 11 After Prom was mor e fun than Pr o m .'' The wh o l e Prom night wa s a great s uc cess, living up t o the c hildh oo d dreams. D . C happ e ll and E. Edwards
T as tes Good Seniors Rich Kenner,John Monckton and Greg Schu ltz eat some food at After Prom
Th ere were many fu n th ings to do at After Prom which incl ud ed gambling, caricatures, lots of music and tons offood Juni or Emtly Lowe said, "The re was good grub at After Prom " Photo by Michelle Tu c ker
A Go ld e n Marri age Lowell Sharp weds senior Mi ke Montgomery and his date Virginie Rudloff at Aft er Prom The s h ipboa rd wedding ce remonies \Vere when you got to dress up and have a pretend wedding Juni or Bard Nielsen said , " Prom was great, I can ' t wait '1111 next yea r " Ph oto by Michelle Tucker
GOLDEN 229 Glow
Honorable Di sc harge Principal Judy Vance congratulates Patock Boyd after he receives his diploma The Class of 1995 consisted of 249 graduating seniors Courtney Sasa commented , Thi s 1s a moment I will remember for the rest of my hfe ."
Photo by Matt Montgomery
Grand Finale The Class of ' 95 throw s their caps into the air with elation following the graduation ceremony The Senior Class flower was the yellow rose Myles Harvey commented , " I am so excited about the fu tu re " Photo by Mall Montgomery
Musical Memory Dan Matlock, T J Feth and Boyd Ne lson si ng their version of " Good-night Swee th eart. " Pat Boyd remarked, " Th e ceremo ny was grea t, G HS was wonderful. Now lookout \vorld, here I come " Photo by R F inelh
Glory Days Laura Duke and Natasha Markovchick ta lk after Ba ccalaureate During t he ceremony Travis Olsen and Dan Matloc k received sc holars hip s for co ll ege Stephanie Ri cka rd rem ar ked, " lt' s a sad feeling to know th at I will probably neve r see most of th e friends I have made in high sc hool ever again ." Ph oto
by R Finell1
The Cla ss of 1995 s aid their final goodbye s to GHS on Saturday, May 27 Th e graduation ceremony took place in the gym of GHS at 9 a m A cco rdin g to Ellen Lip s tein, " It wa s an experience that I will n eve r forget, a nd I wa s very exci ted that my ' favorite teach e r, Mr. Dick Schalhamer wa s th e faculty s peaker."
The ce r emo n y began with a musical se l ectio n performed by the 24th Street Singers, followed by heart felt farewell s by s tud en t co mmen ce ment s peakers Stephanie Rickard, Amy Marsh, and Ellen Lipstein . Todd Dierking s tated, " When I walked up to th e s tage to r eceive my diploma , it wa s the be s t
m o ment o f my entire life, and I ca n ' t imagine an event that co uld ever s urpa ss it. " A mu sical se lectio n, " Letting Go," perform e d by Jennifer Goodland , br o u g ht man y tear s. The celebration was pre ce ded by the Ba ccala urea te ceremony th e evening before whi ch took place in th e GHS gy mna s ium Sp eake r s at that ce r e m o ny included Erin Furtak , Brett Myers , Tim Blum, Melinda Emanuel , and Holly Byerly . Mu sical se lecti o n s in clud e d a prelud e, so lo, and sex tet. Tw o bi cyc le s wer e awarded to Melissa Ill and Elizabeth Bitner, pi c k e d by rand o m drawin g. Jamie Burke and Matt Montg o m e ry
Speaking Out B accala ur eate spea k er Melinda Emanuel remin isces about th e great times she sha red with her fellow class mat es . The Baccalaureate ceremony was hel d lhe night be fore g raduation at G HS and replaced Pr ecom men ce m ent. Kh o m Kaowt humr ong remark ed, "The v ideo brought back a lot of forgotten memones from th e past. " Ph oto by R Finell!
Indiana Schalhamer Th e Class of '95 gathers for perhaps the last time as th ey li s ten to Mr Dick Sc halh amer who was chosen by the se niors as co mm ence ment spea ke r Kathenne Saunders remarked, " The ceremony was a wond erful ending to a wonderful high schoo l experience ., Ph o to by 8.J Rey nolds
Smile for the C amera While relaxing in the desert, the whole Senior Sem Cla n gets togethe r for a picture. Senior Sem went to the cave dwellings at M esa Verde , Colorado for one of their trip s. Mau Thompson said, " ll 's fun having t hese outings because I keep in grea t shape "
IHavetoRideThat Where? Laura Kohn and Laura Duke prepare to ride mules down into the Grand Canyo n M any people walked bow legged afte r the tnp down La ura Duke commen ted, " The view from above the canyon was my favonte part of the tnp "
It 's yo ur se ni o r year , seco nd se m es t er, and all yo u can think about i s graduation For a handful of seniors who decid e d that si tting in a cla ss r oo m all se m es t e r li s t ening t o a t eac her talk abou t math e quati o n s wa s n o t th e way to go, th e answer t o their probl e m is Senio r Se minar Senior Semis ba sica lly s till sc h oo l only the world is their cla ss ro o m Taylor Estes sai d , " I thought that
s pending the night in an ice cave wa s an adventu r e and a learning experience."
Unfortunate l y when theseniors went to Mexico for th e ir scienc e credit, 23 s tud e nt s go t ca ught drinking at a di sco, after si gning a co ntract saying that they w o uldn ' t drink. Dr. Ken Vanderlaan commented, " I am very dis appointed in tho se who cho se to diso bey and act irre s pon s ible I had more faith in them ." The
next journey wa s to Arizona, where they s tudied de se rt eco l ogy and survival in dry climates. Senior Sem teaches teamwork, h ow to work under pre ss ure and ge t a positive result. Emily Bachman s aid, " I can' t wait until ,ve go t o Arizona, because I love th e desert and want a good tan ." Overall, Senior Seminar is a real good learning expe rien ce. M elis s a Palmer
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GOLDEN 232 - rnnf~tf
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The Real Nordic Track Steve Shenfi s h a nd M i ke Ha yden take ti m e o ut from walking i n s now s hoes to pose for the ca m e ra. C ross Co untry s k iing 1s a great way to get i n s h a p e. M i ke sai d , It was a lot of fu n, but hard work s hoveli ng the s n ow ."
Catch Me If You Can Freshman Laura Ekberg dribbles down the field with a Bear Creek defender close behind In the off season many team members play club soccer for Arvada or Columbine Freshman Torrey Shelton commented, "When I got hurt I feh as if I had let my teammates down It was really hard on me emottonally to watch the game from the sidehoes." Ph oto by Ron Finelli
The s mell of the grass . The mental preparation The ru s h of adrenaline Soccer, th e kicking spo rt . It take s foot-eye coo rdination and the p owe r t o believe in yo ur se lf and your teammat es. Junior Roxanne Kay co mm e nted, " We had a lot of team togeth e rne ss and I think that r eally helped ." Senior Heather Sawyer and fre s hman Tara O' Neill co mbin ed for a total of 15 goals to l ea d the team in sco ring This year's team ca ptains were juniors Kirstin Kiphardt and Christen Gair. Gair replied, "I loved being a team ca ptain be ca u se I loved th e leader shi p and the way th e other players looked up to me ." Freshman Laura Ekberg s tated, " I enjoyed being o n th e varsity team because i t gave me a ch ance to co mpet e against some of th e better players in the s tate ." Kri s tin Johnson
O'Neill said," 1 feel I improved my
,., Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Footloose Jun ior Kelli Colligan makes a quick move to dribble past a Green t. 1ountain opponent. Green Mountain usually dominated the soccer field, bu t this year Go lden dominated th em Fres hman Tara
overa ll defense and my leadership qu alities
Team Us Them Team U s Them Lakewood 5 0 Arvada 2 0 Gr. Mountain 3 2 Wheat Ridge 2 4 Arvada We s t 0 2 Cha tfi e ld 1 2 Colum b ine 1 5 Alameda 9 0 Sta ndl ey Lake 3 1 Pomona 0 1 Bear Creek 1 5 Evergreen 1 3
Fro nt Row: Tam i Rodriguez, Penny Greely ; Kelli Colligan Middle Row : Ki rsttn Kiph ardt, Heathe r Sawyer, Allyson Reynolds, Laura Ekberg, Torrey Shelton, Wendy Heywood, Anna Olson, Stacy Arndt Ba ck Row : Head Coach Chnstine Luft , Chnste n Gair, J ayna Horvat, Rox anne Ka y, Sarah Wolf, Tara O ' Neill, Cour1 ney Sasa, Jennife r Fink , Assistant Coach Andy Fuentes
Photo by Zemi
Fly in g Hi gh Sophomore Mik e Monckton re leases all of his energy into th e long Jump The g irl s' relay teams compe ted very well throughou t the whole season The girls' 3200 relay team received first place in league Junior Keala Mu rdock s tated, " It was a lot of fun I was son of surpnsed of how far we went this year"' Ph oto by R Finelh
Fro nt R o w : Chnsune Smith, Sh1 lah Gaule, Sabri na Beumer, Ki rs ten Fisher, Mi chelle Kunze , J udith Kunze, Tamsen Stokes, And rea Dittbrenner, Anne Fay , Jennife r Reynolds, Aimee Hoogheem Seco nd R o w : Sharon M1cke, Ken Trost , Katie Cooper, Shannan Pyle, Kel\1 Anderson, Katy Ratz, Kristin Johnson, Danell Di ttbrenner, Laura White , Kristen Versaw T h ird R ow:En ka Edwards, KJm G1ddeon, Matt Fros t, Bn an Sanders, Jeremy Hotsenp11le r, Drew Smi th , Mar c Rood, Mark Humphrey, Jon Pineau, Harold Neyra , Sarah Hebeler, Keala Murdoc k Fo urtb R o w: David Bradder, D J Hagberg , Jethro Wagner, Mik e Monk ton, Chuck Cornelly, Eric Tina , Ch ris Horn, Austin Turner, Tom Dus ter B a c k R o w : Matt R1llos , Ju s un Hill, Ric h Ke nner, Steve Barlow, Aaron T urner, Jason Anderson, Mac Verser, John Matis Ph oto by Zem1 -
Keep Pushin ' It J unio r Sarah Hebeler an d sophomore Aimee Hoogheem ju mp o ff the s tarting line at the beginning of the 1600 meter run He bele r, Hoogheem, and senio r Ken Tr os t all qualified for State 1n th e 3200 meter run Fresh man Kri stin John son sta ted " I feel th a t I ha ve achived a lot. I was disappointed when I did'n t q uali fy for State, but I figured I ' m only a freshman and I s till ha ve three more years ." Ph oto by R Finelh
I' m G onna' Win Junior Jason Anderson 1s running his hea rt ou t in a relay race. Th e team to beat this year was S tand ley Lake because of th e quality athl etes . According to senio r Rich Kenner," The boys' team did not do very well. I did good in th e eve nts that I pa rt icipa ted in My favonte event was the high Jump I always seemed to ta ke first" Ph oto by R. Finell1
I I I! I 1
h I T T-J
" Runner 's take your mark s Get se t. ... Go!" Th e ex plo sio n of the gun is s tartling. You l eap out of th e bl ocks, r e memb e ring that your first movement s hould be forward not up As you ¥e s printing to wards the finis h line, you feel light o n your fee t.
T r ack take s a lot of mental pr e parati o n , a s w e ll as e ndurance.
Danell Junior Dittbrenner, along with fre s hm en Anne Fay, Katie Cooper, Andrea Dittbrenner, Marc Rood, so phomores Drew Smith , David Bradder, Aimee Hoogheem, Matt Frost, Kristen Versaw, juniors Chris Hom, Jason Anderson , Sarah Hebeler, Laura White, Matt Rillos, and se nior Keri Trost all qualified fo r Sta te The girl s' 3200 meter relay
Iteam co n s i s tin g o f Versaw, H oogh eem, White and Tros t b ea t th e sch oo l r ecord by 22 seco nds, a hu ge accomplishment fo r th e girls Trost r epli ed, " It wa s so mu ch fun thi s yea r It took a lot of work, but I am very proud of my se lf an d th e r e l ay t eam for accomplishing s u c h a r ecord . I' m also happ y b eca u se I finished m y senior year knowing that I gave it my all. " The b oys' team also had a s uc cess ful se a so n The boys w e nt o n t o co mp e te in League a nd took first, with an o uts tanding ?erformance . They mana ge d to beat Lakewood and Alameda, tw o other 4A sch oo ls. Junior D .J. Hagberg comm e nt ed, " Being a m e mb e r of the tra ck team takes a lot of ambition and dedication ." T O'Ne ill
Hurdle Higher Freshman Kat ie Coope r concentra tes on her form as she fire s past her compe1111on The tra c k team consisted of girls and boys all tryin g the i r hard es t all season long. Freshman Katie Cooper s tated ," Track was a fun experience , considering 11 was my first yea r doing it." Photo by R F inelli GOLDEN GlOW -235
I l
s' Scores Meet Pl ace Stan dley Lake/ Cha tfi eld/ P omona 3/ 4 Pomona/ AJameda/ Lakewood 3/ 4 Colorado Round-Up 519 Win d Jamm e r 10/ 18 Bear Creek Invitational 6/8 Lea gue 2/3 Sta te 18/32 I• II • Meet Boys' Scores Place Stand ley Lake/ Cha tfi eld/ Pomona 4/ 4 Pomona/ Alameda/ Lakewood 4/ 4 Co lorado Round -U p Boys' League Relays W ind Jamm er Bear Creek ln v1tat 1onal League State 5/9 12/13 6/ 18 8/9 1/3 20/32
Co n ce ntra t e o n Yo ur Sh ot Freshman Celeste Leidich concentrate on her form while teeing off at the Ashley Forey Invitational The golf tt.1m consis ted of many young players including th ree freshmen and six sophomo es Sophomore Jamie Strickland s tated, "The hardest thing about go l f 1s that I h ve to s tay focused and concentrate." Ph oto by Ron F inelli
Hav e you eve r wat c h e d golf on TV? You may have th o ught that golf wa s o ne of the mo s t b oring s port s that you have eve r watch e d , but according to the GHS team the s port o f golf ca n be mad e mu c h mor e interes ting Unfortunately, thi s year many go lf match es w e re ca nce lled or po s tp o ned be ca u se all o f the s n o w early in the seaso n Alth o ugh there wa s bad weather ea rl y in the seaso n , it did n o t s top th e golf t e am fr o m competing in the maj o rity o f their mat c h es. The go lf t ea m finished s tr o ng de s pit e the rough beginning. According t o Coach M a rilyn Wil cox, " The be s t players on th e golf t ea m thj s year i s so phomore Nikl<l Va rv eris and senio r M eg an Goo d win .'' All in all th e golf team all had a l o t of fun and enjoyed their golf seaso n Tamsen St o ke s
Goin ' for Par Soph omore Nikk i Varveri s attemptS to si nk her putt dunng th e As hl ey Forey I nvitati ona l With all of the s pnng activities going on it was hard to get al I t he golf members parti ci pati ng all the time Fres hman Tiffany Bausch i,tated " I would have been able to pra ct ice more if I didn ' t have so many activ1tse1> going on " Ph o to by Ron Fin elli
' '
Fro nt Row :Sarah Suszczy k, Erin Mackey, Nikki Varveris, Megan Goodwi n, Tiffany Bausch, Coach Marilyn W1 cox Back Row: Sevenne Swanson, Jami e Strickland, Emily Thompson , Jennifer Bl um Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Tournament Pl ace Foothills 10th place As hley Forey Rolling Hills 10th pl ace Eagle Trace 10th place Fox Hollow 7t h place Indian Tr ee 10th place • 236 TOUCHOF - ~tlO~l
Fa1 bc fo Je
Fanta s tic F ini sh Freshman Dan Gasper taJces a minute to ca tch his breath before getting out of the pool to find ou t hi s time on the 50-freestyle Juni o r Canssa Lauwers helped manage and o rganize th e team this season. "Canssa was a great help because she helped ume sw im s, record times, and basically JUSt keep the team on tra ck," commented Coach Steve Bates. Phot o by Ron Finel h
The boys ' swim t eam seaso n was quite successfu l with a seco nd pla ce fini s h in 4A at the league meet. " The t ea m s tayed p syc hed t hro u ghou t the seaso n , and our s pirit and talent really helped u s to have a great year," stated senior Tim Bl um . According to Coac h S te v e Bat es , th e level of work that the team put out, good practice attendance, and high l evels of co n ce ntration on com petitions r eally attributed to the team 's victonous performan ces. The only factor that hinder e d the team 's achievements wa s it s small size, as the team had only 15 s wimme r s and no divers Junior B a rd N i e l se n , so phomore s S te v e S te k e tee and John H o pp i n , along with Blum repre se nted t he Demons at the state meet this year. Along with h aving a s tate team , the team also h o ped t o pla ce in the top SIX overall at League, a goal in which they found success S. Dovey and T. Dovey
F ro nt r ow: Chris Johnson, Mark Lauwers , Brandon Schow. Jon Hoppin. LeJo Flore s B ac k row: Michael Schriner, Mike Frost , Tim Blum , David Johnson, Myle s Harvey,S teveSteketee, Bard Nielsen , Dan Gasper Not pictured · David Bryant, Aaron Brown Photo by Ron Finelh
U p for A ir Senior Tim Blum s wim s breast s troke in th e 200 medley relay at the meet agains t Columbine Tim contributed to much of the team's success thi s season placing seco nd 1n two individual events at League and qualifying for State Tim said, "The league meet wa s our highe s t finish ever The only reason Evergreen beat us was becau se they had more s wimmers."
Team Us Them Team Us Them Standley Lake 99 81 Jeffco Invite 9th Lakew / Alam 127 42 Arvada 110 32 Colu m bine 72 104 League 2nd Colorado Invi te 7th Sta te 8th Jeffco Relays 8th •
Photo by Dick Byrne
Se rvin g Go ld Ju nior Jill Katzenberger 1s in the process of servmg a well placed serve lo he r opponent. Jill helped the tenni s team take seventh in Sate by taking third in State ind ividually Fresh man doubles player Amber CaMey commented on the task of serving; " I don ' t th ink that serv ing is the probl em Its jus t getting it in that litt le box and then being ready for th e return ." Ph oto by Dan Mat loc k
Tenni s is the thinking woman' s sport Tennis players and coaches agree that the thinking player win s the match . As junior M o ni c a Arauj o sai d , 11 1 like tenni s is be cause it is a mind game ." This year's tenni s team thought a lot and wa s very s ucce ss ful this seaso n . Singles player junior Jill Ka tze nb e rge r sai d , " I love it when the other players on the team are there to back you up . 1
The tenni s team also had fun . Senior K e lly S chna se sai d , " I like tenni s be c au se it's fun , you get a good tan, and yo u don' t have to run yo ur butt off like the socce r team ."
The womens' t e nni s team ha s alway s been very good at GHS . The team thi s year s t oo d out as one of the be s t in GHS his tory. By Rebe
cca Dragul
Returning Hard Senior captain Kei ra Bres nahan return s a se rv e at the Sta te tournament in wh ich s he pla ced fifth . The tenni s team was the regional cha mp io n th is year in th e Je fferso n Cou nty district Coach Diann e Price r sai d, " I was ex tremely proud of th e team 's success thi s yea r I think eve ryone re ac hed th ei r full pot e nt ial ,. Ph oto by Dan Matl ock
I I I I t
Fro nt R o w · Coach Di ane Pri cer, Amber Carne y, Mo nica Arau jo, Fabio la ArauJo , Kami Brindl e, Jill KalZenberger Lilian Bresnaha n B ack R o w : Tiffany Dovey , Erika Vier ke, Keira Bres nahan , Carly Siegesmund , Kelli Schnase, Serena Dovey
T eam Us Them Team Us Them Al ameda 7 0 Arvada We s t 1 6 Bear Creek 6 1 Gr . Mt. Tmy. 2n d Chatfield 5 2 Standley Lake 6 1 Lakewood 7 0 vv'hea t Ridge 3 4 Co lu mbine 3 4 Regionals 1s t Arvada 7 0 State 7t h Pomona 5 2 TOUCH OF 238 -
C ra c k ! Junior Gary Boatman hfts the ball skyward. Boatman handled the varsity catching duties for the second year in add1t1on to being a team leader ,n the batting average column Junior Jason Barkow said, "' When ou r hilling gets consis tent , GHS baseball will be a force to be reckoned wit h m the Jeffco league " Photo by BJ Rey nol ds
tBoys ' b ase b all h a d a r o u gh season It w as a year of lea rn in g fo r b o th th e p layers and th e coac h es. T h e t ea m was m u ch yo un ger th a n l as t yea r, w ith o nl y a h an dful o f se ni o r s. It w as Coac h Do n S t e n ge l 's seco nd yea r h ea d i n g th e va r s it y t ea m Thr o u g h o ut th e yea r pl aye r s l oo k e d to him fo r a d v ice a nd wo rd s o f e n co u rage m en t Ju nio r Jaso n H all sai d , 11 O ur coac h ing was ex tr e m el y kn owl e d geab le, a nd we wo r ked b e tt e r as a t e am thi s ye ar ." Th e hi g hli g ht o f th e seaso n was th e 9-7 dis tri ct pl ayo ff w i n aga in s t Lakewoo d Th e boys a r e loo kin g fo rward to a m or e s u ccess ful seaso n n ex t yea r wi t h a m o r e ex p e ri e n ce d a nd m a ture t ea m Assis ta n t coac h Rand y Ke lso s umm e d up th e t eam 's h o p es f o r th e fut ure by sa yin & " W e can ' t ge t d own o n o ur se lves . W e ' r e c lose . We j u s t h ave to k ee p w o rkin g. " J o n a th a n Pray
, \lmo s t Ju nio r s hortsto p S teve Sc hroede r d ives afte r a lin e d rive 1n th e ga me agai ns t S kyv1ew Alth oug h Go ld en los t the ga me 2-3, the Demons ' work in the fiel d was a st rong poin t After th e ga me, Sch roede r sa id, "Ou r defensive play ,vas muc h more consis te nt th an our hill ing this year, but tha t will all cha nge wi t h expe ri ence "
Photo by Mr Ro n Finelh
Fro nt Row -Abe Fisher, J ohn La debue , Jason Hall, Ben Hamblin, Nat e Hinkle , Pau l Tate , Steve Sch roeder , Gary Boatman Bac k Row - Coach Ke lso, Nate Caner, Kevin B ilger, Toby Michael, J urgen Schlteman, J ason Eagl eso n, Grant Varvcns , Coach Stengel , Coach Bl esh
I ---·_ .::--: ~ _...,..,.....,_______
T eam Us Them Team Us Th em Skyview 2 3 Chatfield 1 11 Th orn t on 4 9 Pomona 3 5 Adam s City 6 7 Arvada We s t 0 9 M ullen 4 11 Bear Creek 0 11 '-V h ea t Ridge 7 17 Arvada 4 14 Evergree n 1 8 Col u mb in e 4 5 G ree n Mounta in 3 7 Lakewood Playoff 9 7 Sta ndl ey La k e 2 12 Dis t rict v Alameda 8 13 Lakewood 2 5
Photo by Amber Camey
I 've Go t It Ju n io r J ohn Mau s finally figures out the answer to a question while sophomore Anna VanMeter s t udies her Ge rman Academics a t Golden have always been important to s tuden ts. Jun io r Hi llary Ho lland said, " I love being c hallenge d by my classes " Ph oto by BJ Reynolds
What a Line F reshman gi rl s and fellow teachers stand 1n line waiting for th e activi ty to sta rt l n ' 95 the freshman gir ls received a grant to boost th e ir se lf es teem and also to beco m e aware that a woman's place ts not 1s the h ome any more Throu g h ou t the year the girls h ave particapated 1n several act1v1LJes, in cludi ng , lhe ropes course, and the field tnp to the 9 News bu ilding
Senio r portaits re printed cou rt esy of Josten's
Noelle B ehrens
H o lli B ye rly J e nnifer Good l and
We've Got Spirit
Leah Kerr and h e r fell ow cla ss mates c h eer a t a ' 95 football game , as they watch G HS beat the the Columbine Rebel s. Win o r lose, sporting eve n ts \Vere a great source of entertainment for GHS s tudent s throughout the sc hool year.
I j
Mi c hel
240 -
e Thompso n
Photo by
I I '
Teach e r s: th e d e d ica t e d wo r ker s wh o m a k e it th eir job t o e du ca t e th e l ea d e r s of t o m o rr ow . T h ese m e n an d w o m e n arrive a t sc h oo l ear ly in th e m o rnin g, a nd d o n ' t l eave until afte r th e s tud e nt s l eave. T h ey are a lw ays th e r e t o a n s w e r s tud e nt s' qu es ti o n s and give m ake up t es t s. Be in g a t eac h e r a l so co m es with d e m a nd s. Staying u pla t e until all h o urs o f th e ni g ht gra ding t es t s a nd h o m e w o r k th a t a cl ass is goi n g t o d e m a nd th e n ex t d ay, th e n m a n aging t o pl a n th e l esso n s th a t n ee d t o b e t a u g ht; th ese are th e m o m e nt s wh e n t eac h e r s s t art Feeling the Heat . But th e facu l ty d oes n ' t e nd with ju s t t eac h e r s.
T h e r e are a dmini s tr a t o r s wh o run th e main o ffi ce and co un se lo r s wh o w o r k b e hind th e sce n es t o m ake s ur e th a t th e s tud e nt s' b es t int e r es t s ar e b e in g m e t in th e b es t p ossibl e mann e r . Al o n g with t e a ch er s and a dministr a t o r s co m es th e dili ge nt cu s t o dial s t a ff , ai d es, and se cr e tari es th a t an s w e r s tud e nt qu es ti o n s and pl a n s tud e nt activiti es. Th e c afe t e ri a w o rke r s are th e s uppli er s o f foo d fo r b e fo r e sc h oo l, durin g access, lun ch , a nd all th e o th e r tim es f oo d i s purc h ase d. T h e t e a c h e r s, a dmini s trat o r s, co un se l o r s, and eve ryb o d y e l se ar e all w o rkin g t o m a k e a b e tt e r sc h oo l M e lissa Palm e r
Thi s Is How You Do It Mr Mark Dunn explains to sophomore Jackie Johansen how a camera wo rks in the p hotogra p hy room Ph oto was a popular class for s t udents where they go t a cha nce to wande r arou nd taking picture s and then deve loping them in the schoo l ' s d ar kroom Many teachers are involved with activites outside of the classroo m, like the Jun io r Raft Tnp and Senior Seminar Pho to by Carissa La uwers
Feeling the 242 -~lrtP4,f
Judy Vance - Principal
Dave Anderson - Asst Principal
Ethel Platt - Asst Principal
Joey Wilson - Asst Principal
Ron Bollig - Counselor
Debby Cooper - Counselor
Nancy Hardesty -Counselo r
Patricia Maupin - Counselor
Julia Andre ws-Jones - Sp Ed
Sandra Austin - P E
Chris Baker - Social Studies
Linda Baker - Financial
Mary Battaglia - Security
Margie Beal - Speech/Lang
Leslie Bettinger - Social Studies
Charlotte Blythe - Secretary
Judy Bo ian - English
Jackie Bornstein - Eng lish
Dick Bradsby - Math
John Brodbeck - PC Fac ul ty - 243
Lynne Brohl - Science
Brenda Brukett - Math
Dick Byrne - English
Lory Cease - Social Worker
Joan Clark - English
Eileen Cook - Math
Ceclia Davis- Library Media Tech
Mercedes Dumphy - For Lang
Mark Dunn - Art
Scot Edson - Inst Music
Judy Edwards - Science
Brooke Erhman - Life Studies
Ron Finelli - English/Publications
Todd Fink - Social Stud ies
Elai ne Fitzgerald - Math
Mo lly Gaudette - Special Ed
Charla Gunn - Registrar
Bruce Hahn - Tech Arts/S S
Barbara Harris - SLIC
Bob Hayes - Math
--.. , ..
Stan Hergenreter - English
Marcella Heibert - Life Stud ies
Mark Homecker - P E.
John Horst - Foreign Language
Barbara Howes - Attendance
Jill Hull - English
Diderick Iversen - Science
Joan Jouett - English
John Kellenbenz - Technrcal Arts
8111 Kelly - English
Diane Kessler - Math
A. Kestenbaum - Psychologist
Bob Kinsey - Social Stud ies
John Klug - English
Cheryl Koch is - Athletic/Activities
Julie Kramer - Science
Ursula Krzystek - Clinic Aide
Charlotte Lindsay - For Lang
Matt Loyd - P E
Linda Marceca - Challenge Faculty -
,. .
I /
I I ,
Joe McG innis • Art
Josef Martonovich - Special Ed
Noel Martonovich - Special Ed
Linda Miller - Special Ed
Joe Murd ock - SIEBD
Roger Myers - Social Studies
Sandy Nations - English
Mike O' Oorisio - Social Studies
Gail O'Neil - Business
Jim Panzer • Challenge
Lin da Poveda • For Lang
Phyllis Price • Bu siness
Carol Quirk - Aide
Charles Regner - Math Harrison Reid - Social Stud ies
lSteve Rusch - Tech Arts
Dick Schalhamer - Phys ics
Le Shoemaker • Challenge
Ed Scholes - Science
Lowe ll Sharp - English
! I l I I I I
Joyce Sims - Interpreter
Elaine Smith - Science
Bob Stokes - Social Studies
Tom Sweet - For Lang
Ken vanderlaan - Science
Mike Wade - Math
Lisa Wahl - Social Studies
Ed Weinell - For. Lang
Eri c We instein - Vocal Music
Mari lyn Wilcox· P E
Bob Williams - Science
Peter Wolf - Challenge
Jane Wunderl ich - Secretary
Jerry Yanz - For Lang
Gene Youngman -Art
Camera Shy:
Wendy Canson
Carolyn DeCanois
Ron Gntr Griffin
Linda Hansink
Laura Zach - Math
John Zeigler - Science
-, _J_
r l
Fac ul ty - 247 I I i I
Ca feteria Staff: Meagea n Smit h, Patti Low , Bonnie Lou Shaw , Paul Montpla1sH Photo by Brandon Garretts
C u s todial Staff: Front Row : Paul Archuleta , Jeremiah Sadler, Ozzie Hughs Ba c k Row : Don Dilworth , Larry Wells , Ronnie Gilliom Not Pictured : Dick Roberts and James Clendenning Ph oto by S teve Schroede r
Welcome to the Internet Mr Di c k Byrne h e lp s junior Toby Mi c haels search for information for his logicaJ argument paper on the internet. The internet is used to look up anything from the local weather to wo rld wide curren t events Junior Mike Maharas co mmented , " h 's kind of confusing looking for info rmation when you don ' t know what key words to use " Ph o to by S teve Schroeder
, I I I II I
Feeling t~ 248 _t-f(i,Ag'
Jason Barkow
·I Coach Blesh ( 1966 ) Congratulations GHS Baseball Seniors Coac h Ste n ge l Good Luck on Your Own Field of Dreams GHS Baseball Boosters Club & Coaches S t e ve Sc hr oeder
Ben Hamblin
Paul Tate
Feel, ng the J\. t ~ ,, ,, 249 - nr:-:~i ti I I
Jason Hall Gary
! I I I I I I I • F riendf.) Forever dida: :, C CE Is the cost of your teenager's insurance driving you up the wall? Farme r 's new YES pr og r a m i s ava il a bl e fo r n ew l owe r ra t es. Ca ll fo r th e fac ts Ca rolyn & Bill We bb Agency 11650 W 8th Ave Golden, CO 80401 (303 ) 237-7507 111 7 W as hin g t o n S tr ee t , Go ld e n 279 -6671 llifT\_CIASSI
! I I I I • I I I E X p R WISHING YOU THE BEST OF EVERTHING CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS OF 1996.... EA~EE~S QO~~AL 11 II A FU LL SE RVl CE BA RB E R SH OP & SA.L ON 797-6066 51 92 SO. LOWELL BLVD. Ll I I LETON YOUR -,_.. what ' s in SELF ... Call us about our High School ''BRING A FRIEND SPECIALS'' .. & FREE GIFT FOR THE 2· OF YOU! CONGRATS TO T~t CLASS s 1t ·~ 'fe-M ~__ OF 1996 SENIOR PORTRAITS PH GRAP HY BY: 620-7077 le X P R E S S 1 0 U R S E L F !!
C lass i c Co n ce ntration Seniors Trisha Pri gel and Felicia J ones work dilige nU y o n an upcoming ass ignment during hi s tory. Senio r J ill Katzenberger remarked, " The finaJ semes te r of m y senior year was a lo t of fun, but i t seemed to become incred ib l y diffi c ult to make m yself work, maybe that's what's ca lled senioritis." Pho to by Ron F inelli
S pl as h A tta c k Special ed ucat io n teacher Josef Marton1v1ch helps out a group of freshmen wit h a water balloo n relay during freshman orientation day Freshman Ashley Meagher said , "The bes t thing about freshman onentation day was that it gave us all a c h ance to see o ur friends again before the masses o f uppe rclass men returned to the h alls of GHS."
by Ron Fine ll i
Fla s h Back Sophomo re M att Larson s ho w s o ff his 1970's attire durin g H o mecoming Spiri t Week Juni o r Mike H arring to n co mm ented , "Spirit week was a Jo t o f fun, and it really helped the s tud ents to d eve l op g rea t co ntinuit y before the game and dance " Ph o to by Brand o n Garrets
R ecess Freshmen S hos han a C h ase, Che ry l C h eney, Kasey Jantz a nd S teven S tum er take a break from orien ta h on activ1 11 es to taJk to friends and pose fo r the ca m era Freshman Skye Svennin gsen rem arked, "Freshman orientation was a lot of f un, and i t h e lped to get me used to G H S before all of the upperc la ssme n ca m e to school." Ph oto by E la in e Fitzgerald
S tud y Hard Soph omo res Matth ew Pl ese a nd Rob P ineau co n fer on h omework during access Doing homework during access was one o f th e least popu la r activities for so m e s tud ents Se ni or Sara h M cGuane said , Access is for newspaper, what else!" Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Ind ex - 253 I I
It's th e s umm er and n o w th a t th e dr ea d of th e pa s t sc h oo l year i s b e hind yo u , i t' s tim e t o l ook a t th e yearb ook. Now yo u can l oo k a t all the peo ple yo u kn e w a nd thlnk ab o ut a ll th e goo d time s yo u h a d durin g acce ss a nd lun ch I t' s a tim e t o l oo k thr o u g h th e b oo k a t all th e e ve nt s th a t occ u r r e d d urin g th e yea r lik e Ho m eco min g . T hirty year s d o wn th e r oa d a nd o n e o f th e m o r e m e m o r a ble ex p e ri e n ces, th e hi g h s ch oo l r e uni o n , i s co min g up . With all of th e re s po n s ib ili ties of a dulth oo d thi s i s a ch a n ce to re live th o s e carefr ee t ee n age tim es, m ee t up w ith o ld fri e nd s, a nd s ee o ld fl a m es T hinkin g
of everyb o d y th a t yo u w e nt t o sch oo l with, a h aze fill s yo ur mind whe n yo u try t o picture w h a t th ey l oo k like. Ins t ea d o f takin g h o ur s flippin g thr o u g h p age aft e r pa ge l oo kin g fo r p eo pl e a nd m e m ori es, o n e qui ck l oo k in th e ind ex i s all yo u n ee d A s th e m e m o ries of the h o m e w o rk, r e quir e d r e adin g, and 15 p age r e s ea r c h p a p e r s fill yo ur h e ad , yo u s t a rt r e m e mb e rin g the tim es thr o u g h high sc h oo l wh en yo u w e r e s t a yin g up lat e t o s tudy for a t e s t o r fini s hin g a pr oject th a t i s du e th e n ex t da y a nd h o w yo u w e r e Feeling the Heat a nd pr e ss ur e of d ea dlin es. M eliss a Palm e r
La s tMinute Hom e work Sop ho mores De bbi e Be nne tt and Michelle Boy d wo rk o n homewo rk fo r th eir nex t cl ass d uri ng access while hold ing a co nversa t io n with so ph omo re Re ne McRey nold s. Access w as the perfec t tim e to fi rm up p lan s fo r th e weeke nd, ge t so mething to eat, a nd catc h up o n ho mewo rk du e the nex t block Usi ng t he ind ex is t he pe rfect wa y to fi nd p ic tu res to hel p you re membe r o ld fn e nds. Ph oto by Ro n F inell i
I I I I I I I l
Feeli n g the 254 - f4f(-4t'
Pa ss th e Glu e Fres hmen Kell y Hernd o n a nd Casey Mech s it working in cla ss o n a co llage Art cla sses li ke Ceram ics and Dra win g were a g reat way of in tera ctin g with s tud e nts that were in oth er grade le vels Th e ind ex is a g rea t way o f looki ng up peo pl e 1n cla sses that yo u s hared , not o nl y aca de m ic b ut t he el ecti v e classes Ph oto by Ro n F inell i
Taking A Bre ak Se ni or s T n s ha Prigel a nd Felicia J ones tal k dunng cl ass w ith th e help o f Feli c ia's i nterp reter Joyce Si ms It ' s n ice to look up th e old frie nd s yo u had durin g h ig h sc hoo l and reme mbe r w hat good t imes yo u 've had w ith th e m. Lookin g at th e o ld pic tures in th e yearboo k help yo u to re member th e ass ig nm e nts and the projects yo u s hared w ith you r f ne nds th at ye ar Ph o to by Ro n F ine ll,
Ind ex - 255 •
Aumiller, Danielle, 114
Austin, Mindy, 144
Au s tin, Sandy, 36, 37
Behrens, Noelle, 240
Behunin, Naomi, 162
Beitzel, Ian, 145
Bell, Kristin, 181
Abbey, C arey, 144
Adam, Sarah, 60, 110, 180
Adame, Katherine, 180
Adam s, Kelly, 162
Adam s, Rhonda, 36
Adkins, Je s sica, 180
Agard, Emmy, 113, 180
Airhart, Jennifer, 114
Alarid, Boaz, 180
Alejandro, Brandy, 114, 122, 198
Allen, Jennifer, 144
Allen, Russell, 177
Allen, Sean, 144
Alpers, Lindsey, 36, 59, 180
Alvarado, Andre, 94, 951 177
Ambariantz , Zachary, 100, 101, 114, 198
Ambro s e, Shaun, 101, 114
Ammon, Nicholas, 65, 114, 198
Andersen, Matthew, 180
Babbitt, Justin, 144
Bachman, Emily, 232
Bacon, Breanna, 98, 991 180
Bade, Michael, 115, 197
Baer, Richard, 180
Baerren, Jason, 144
Bailey, Nikki, 162
Bair, Craig, 180
Bair, Tricia, 11, 114, 115, 135, 199
Baker, Travis, 144
Baker, Wendi, 115
31 , Bakker, Je s sica, 80, 100, 101 , 104
Bakker, Shawn, 115, 127, 199
Baldwin, C raig, 89, 100, 104, 162
Baldwin, Jason, 86, 87, 162
Ballenger, Jeremy, 8, 29, 34, 35, 90 115, 199,227 I
Anderson, Eric, 8, 35, 144, 157, 227
Anders on, Gregory, 491 58, 60, 180
Anderson, Jas on, 30, 31, 48, 49, 72, 114, 198, 223, 234, 235
Ander s on, Jes s ica, 17, 18, 64, 97 107 160, 162 I I
Anderson, Jon, 180
Anderson, Kelli, 58, 162
Anderson, Michael, 34, 35, 114
Anderson, Shannon, 159
Andurlakis, Andrae s, 180
Angel, Jo s hua, 180
Angel, Nicole, 162
Araaj~F~~~21 , 6~7~9~100 108, 144, 238 I
Araujo, Monica, 100, 115, 198, 238
Archer, Ali s sa, 59, 64, 162, 165, 174
Archer, Andrea, 56, 57, 100, 115, 198, Archer, Jennifer, 162
Arcury, Cry s tal, 144
Arm s trong, Bryan, 144
Armstrong, Denise, 195
Arndt, Stacy, 43, 82, 100, 144, 233
Aronowitz, Stacey, 82, 100, 103, 1 44
Artale, Ryan, 15, 162
Arterburn, Gabriell e, 84, 180
A s h, Shanna, 115
A s hby, Damien, 15, 195
Asher, Chris topher, 144
Asplund, Jarett , 195
Atkin s on, Kyle, 144
Atkin s on, Scott, 59, 180
Ballentine, Zachary, 69, 115, 199
Balter, Jaclyn, 180
Balter, Stephanie, 180 Bandy, Michelle, 115
Barbee, Shauna, 162
Barbee, William, 144
Barkow, Jason, 13, 14, 115 122 200 239, 249 I I I
Barlow, Spencer, 9, 11, 58, 179, 180
Barlow, Steven, 48 , 49, 64, 115, 122, 127, 135, 141, 197, 200, 234
Barrett, Aaron, 14, 44, 60, 162
Barrett, Paul, 58, 60, 162
Barthels, Joshua , 38, 39, 162
Bartosh, Erick, 35, 89, 159
Bartosh, Walter, 181
Bartsch, John, 103, 144
Baruch, Justine, 60, 181
Bates, Ian, 70, 100, 101, 116, 223
Bates, Joshua, 86, 144
Bauer, Troy, 44, 145
Bauman, Samuel, 181
Baun, Scott,
Baurer, Jennifer, 82, 100, 116, 200, 226
Bausch, Tiffany, 8, 177, 236
Beck, Daniel, 27, 40, 41 , 91, 116, 222
Beckley, Scott, 116
Becwar, Ryan, 59, 181
Becwar, Torrie, 52, 79, 103,143, 145
Beder, Crystal, 79, 143, 145
Beder, Jessica , 181
Behne, Eric, 159
Bellanti, Kimberly, 145, 227
Bellew, Melissa,13, 145
Bellis, Robert, 159
Bemis, Kristen, 181
Bennett, Brenda, 162
Bennett, Deborah, 163, 169, 254
Bennett, Heather, 163
Bennett, Katrin~l00,144, 145, 157
Bennett, Shaniel, 145
Benoit, Daniel, 58, 181
Benoit, Stephen, 163
Benson, Jeremy, 51 , 145
Bentley, Amanda, 181
Bentley, Cody, 116
Bentley, Robert, 50, 51, 163
Benton, Krista, 56, 59, 145
Bernal, Casey, 145
Bernal, Rosa, 116, 200, 104
Bemard, Michelle , 163
Berry, Justin, 116, 197
Beumer, Brenda, 181, 234
Beumer, Sabrina, 145, 234
Bianchi, Gustavo, 141
Bielak, Cole, 50, 58, 86, 181
Bielak, John, 58, 181
Bilger, Kevin, 31 , 145, 239
Bird, Danielle, 163
Bishop, Michael, 163
Bitner, Patri~ 116, 222
Black, Ronelle, 93, 103, 145
Blackney, Dalyn, 35, 50, 163
Blackney, Jared, 59, 181
Blair, Brandon, 179, 181
Blum, Tim, 237
Boatman, Gary, 31, 116, 127, 200,249 239 I
Bohks, James, 163
Bohn, Kristen, 56, 57, 100, 145
Bohte, Jessica, 181
Bolan, Heather, 195
Bolejack, Charles, 145
Bolejack, Jeremiah, 177
Bollinger, James, 181
Boring, Jessica, 181
Bortles, William, 58, 163
Bosio, Andrew, 181
Bosio, Kathrine, 16, 19, 70, 82 106 I I 107, 116, 200
Bosse, Carla, 111, 163
Bouley, Bradford, 44, 100, 145
Bowling, Braydon, 181
Boyd, Heather, 85, 181
-- - -~ ,
Boyd, Michelle, 163, 254
Boyd, Sarah, 226
Boyd, Patrick, 230
Boyles, M o rgan, 145
Bradder, David, 145, 234,235
Bradford, Ryan, 181
Brakke n , Hollie, 181
Brakke n , Nicholas, 15, 145
Brazil, Lindsey, 82, 100, 11 6,200,201 , 222,
Brdar, Travis, 163
Brennecke, Kim, 228
Bres nahan, Lilian , 238
Bre s nahan, Keira, 238
Bridgeman, Jo s hua, 181
Brindle, Kami, 145, 238
Brittain, J esse, 163
Brode rick, Jason, 103, 145
Brodie, Adam, 163
Brooks, Anthony, 163, 1 74
Brooks, Jamie , 44, 92, 145
Brooks, Jer e miah, 141
Brooks, Joshua, 145
Brooks, Kimberly, 181
Brooks, S arah, 181
Brown, Aaron, 7 4, 75, 77, 163, 237
Brown, Adam, 163
Brown, Jared, 182
Brown, John, 163
Brown, Nichols, 100, 145
Brown, Timothy, 111 , 182
Brown, William, 21 , 103, 146, 225
Browne,Neil, 116
Brunker, Lee, 146
Brunker, Micha e l, 99, 163
Bruno, Candace, 182
Bruno, Ro ss, 103, 146
Bryant, David, 97, 100, 101, 104, 11 7, 201, 222, 237
Buchholz, Andrew, 100, 146, 225
Bucholz, Ren, 59, 100, 104, 108, 109, 163
Buck, Debra, 54, 55, 146
Bue s ching, Jame s, 195
Bujnows ki, Mary, 58, 178, 182
Bujnows ki, Thoma s, 163
Bunn, Robert, 163
Bunyard, Gale, 10, 146
Burg, C arolyn, 103, 146
Burg, Le s lie, 146
Burke, Edward, 104, 185, 182
Burke, Jamie, 74, 77, 100, 104, 105, 11 7, 201
Burkett, Jam es, 163
Burkhalter, Richard, 113, 146
Bumell, Meaghan, 14, 163
Burris, Brianne, 52, 146
Burroughs, S herry, 117
Burton, John, 99, 146
Butler, C had, 164
Byerly, Holli, 240
Byrd, Russell, 182
C lark, Amy, 146
C lark, Ca th e rine , 19, 58, 80, 146
C lark, J e nny, 182
C lark, Joan, 69
Clark, Kathleen, 146
C l ements, Crys t al, 164
C lements, Marlaina, 83, 147
C l erkin, Kevin, 182
C lin e,Melissa,83,110,147
Co akley, C linton, 164
C ain , Re n ee, 107, 1 82
C aldw e ll, Brian, 58, 195
C am e ron, Fletcher,
C am e r o n , Ja so n , 146
C ampb e ll, Barbra, 1 1 7
C ampb e ll, Jacob, 162, 164
Ca pp e llo, Micha e l, 58, 182
C arlson, Am y, 108, 182
C arls o n , Eric, 164
Carlso n , Mar garet, 164
C am ey, Amber, 36,37,104, 1 60, 164, 170, 238
C am ey, So ni a, 36, 59, 104, 105, 182
C arr, Se th, 11 7
C arso n , Christian, 117
C arso n , Kathleen, 164
C art e r , Nathan, 239
C arty, Andrea, 146
Carve r, Kathy, 182
C arv e r , Rach e l, 95, 103, 1 46
Cascio, J ose ph, 20, 40, 41 , 67, 99,100, 104, 146
C hamb e rlin, Jonathan, 182
C haparro, Yolanda, 228
C happ e ll, Danielle, 8, 13, 44, 45, 161, 164, 177
C happ e ll, Jason, 59, 73, 144, 146, 157, 227
C ha se, Sho s hana, 182, 253
C havez, M e lani e, 99
C h e ney, C h eryl, 182, 253
C heney, K e lly, 93, 146
C herne, Se an, 177
C hilcoat, Elizabeth, 27, 100, 117, 201
C hilders ton, Robert, 58,164, 177
C hisholm, Brendan, 44, 182, 193
C hisholm, Ryan, 8, 35, 65, 73, 90, 11 7, 141, 201
C hris tense n , Amanda, 146
C hri s ten se n , Co rtney, 182
C hri s ten se n , Letitia, 100, 146
C hri s tianse n , Jared, 146
C hurch, Nathan, 80, 104, 146
C ie s lar, Heidi, 59, 100, 164
C iferri, Tanya, 103, 146
C imorelli, Lianne, 19 5
Coal.man, Jo, 99, 164
Coccia, Bethany, 182
Coggin, Danie l, 195
Co lan ge lo, Mark, 164
Co lb a th, J e nnifer, 59, 97, 164
Co lbath, Lisa, 10 7, 182
Co lligan, Katherine, 59, 83, 182
Co lli gan, Kelli, 78, 11 7, 20 1, 233
Co llins, Co dy, 89, 90, 117, 229
Co llin s, Je ss i ca, 11 7, 201
Co llins, Lynda, 147
Co llins, Ronald, 164, 17 4
Co mmons, Bo bbi, 164
Co ndr o n , Brandon, 164
Co nl e r , Bre tt, 114
Co nn elly,Rose tt a, 1 5,42,43,59,1 64
Co nn e r, Bobbi, 182
Co nn o lly, Maeg e n , 32, 91, 110, 161, 164
Co nr oy, A s hley, 182
Coo kson, Nicho l as, 74 , 75, 164
Coo n a n, Andrew, 40, 41 , 164
Coo nan,S arah, 14,147
Coo per, Katie, 32, 33, 73, 164,177,234, 235
Coo p e r , Kelly, 29, 32, 33, 46, 47, 73, 90, 11 7, 127,202,222
Co ors, Andrew, 80, 8 1, 104, 11 8, 202
Co rbin, C harl es, 60, 182
Co rbin, C hris t op h e r , 8, 35, 118, 135
Co rl ew, Brett, 141
Co m e l y, C harl es, 44, 45, 50, 63, 118, 234
Co m e l y, Kri s tin e, 1 7, 27, 69, 118,202
C orry, Matth ew, 118, 138, 197
Co up e n s, Car li, 118,202
Craig, C ry s tal, 58, 60, 182, 193
C rai g, Shan e, 183
C rowd e r -jackso n , Alexi s, 164, 1 7 4
C row e, M e li ssa, 183
C row e ll, Sar a, 63, 68, 118
C ubb o n , Sarah , 183
C ullum, Adri e nn e, 183
C ummin, Bra nd o n, 183
C ummin gs, Jeremy, 147
C urran, Mary, 83, 85, 147
Index - 257
I I r
Cusack, Kyle, 67, 147
Custer, Charles, 164
104, 119, 204, 238
Dovey,Tiffany, 42,43 , 63, 65, 165, 238
Dragul, Adam, 179, 183, 201
Dragul, Rebecca, 20, 103, 143, 147
Driscoll, Matthew , 31, 93, 69, 119
Duke, Laura, 230, 232
DuniventMeggie, 183
Falkenthal, Kurt, 34, 35, 120, 122
Fandulli, Kevin, 93, 103, 184
Farley, Ryan, 148
Dace~ Joshua, 183
Dady, Timothy, 183
Daggs, J e nnifier, 118
Dalgetty, Joshua, 58, 164
Dalton, Angela, 3, 159
Daniel, Su s an, 80, 100, 104, 165
Daniels, Alan, 59, 73, 103, 183
Daniels, Scott, 8, 35, 118, 202
Darlington, Andrew, 108, 147
Davies, Meghan, 43, 183
Davis, Brett, 91, 118, 202, 203
Davis, Jennifer, 147
Davis, Sean, 183, 186
Davison, Tara, 56, 165, 167
De Berry, Lynn, 28, 36, 37, 100, 108, 109, 147
Debaets, Matthew, 183
Deboer, Nile s, 183
Decarolis, Kara, 82, 118, 197, 203
Decoteau, Travis, 183
Delatorre, John, 100, 108, 165
Demalteris, David, 104, 147
Denner, Kelley, 54, 55, 65 , 118, 203
Dennert, Benjamin, 141
Denson, Jo s hua, 165
Denton, Graham, 179, 183
Devito, Derek, 183
Dewolfe, Bryan, 147
Dicke, Je ss ica, 54, 55, 119, 203
Dilworth, Genevieve, 165
Dinges, Jennifer, 147
Dinze s, Jerry, 79, 100, 104, 119, 204
Dis tin, Derek, 58, 183
Dittbrenner, Andrea, 47, 52, 53, 165, 234
Dittbrenner, Danell, 46, 47, 52, 53, 119, 122, 204, 234, 235
Ditto, Holly,
Dizmang, Nichola s, 183
Doffing, Dougla s, 58, 165
Doherty, Rebecca, 20, 147
Domanu s, Donald, 195
Domanu s, Michael, 159
Domgaard, Jasmine, 119, 204
Dondelinger, Meggan, 159
Dors ch, Mary , 54,55, 147
Dotter, Matthew, 147
Dougla s, Luke, 183
Dovey, Serena, 42, 43 , 74, 76, 77, 100,
Dunn, Mark, 79, 242
Duran, Michael, 50, 73, 112
Durant, Dawn, 119, 204
Dusenbury, Rena, 73, 109, 147
Du s ter, Thoma s, 30, 147, 157, 234
Dutton, Danny, 165
Dyke, Karen, 17, 19, 63, 73, 90, 100, 101, 119, 204, 205, 223
Fay, Adam, 120, 206
Fay, Anne, 8, 52, 53, 73, 165, 177, 227, 234, 235
Fein, Amanda, 27, 104, 120, 206, 229
Femmer, Amber, 148
Fendley, Carrie, 184
Ferguson, Matthew, 184
Ferguson, Nicole, 184
Ferreira, Linda, 120, 206
Feth, David, 17, 18, 19, 38, 39, 82, 165, 166
Feth, T.J., 226, 230
Fiedler, Ronald, 184
Fink, Eric, 161 , 165
Eagan, Roy, 183
Eagle s on, Ja s on, 48, 61, 148, 239
Eagle s on, Nick, 86, 183
Eagleton, John, 148
Eberhart, Wendi, 83,148
Echeverria, Al, 119
Eddy, Christopher, 103, 148
Edenfield, Leah, 59, 183
Edgington, Beau, 74, 77, 119, 205
Edmon s ton, Sherida, 148
Edward s, Erika, 52, 73, 100, 165, 166, 234
Edward s, Judy, 78, 79
Eilers, Terry, 31 , 58, 69, 148
Einspahr, Monica , 148
Ekberg, Laura, 8, 47, 104,160, 165,233
Ekstrom, Jon, 148
Elder, Beth, 54, 55, 95, 119, 197, 205
Elgin, Jennifer, 59, 165
Ellis, David, 148
Ellis, Kevin, 14, 27, 120
Emanuel, Melinda, 231
Emmon s, Tere s a, 58, 165
England Jr, Larry, 148
Erganbright, Jill, 183
Erickson, Erica, 183
Erpelding, Andrea, 27, 28, 36, 37, 120, 205
Erwin , Sarah, 165
Erwin, Shawn, 30,31 , 120, 135
Estes, Devon, 100, 108, 109, 120, 205
Es te s, Marlena, 165
Es te s, Taylor, 232
Evans, April, 184
Evan s, Therea s a , 114, 120
Fagerburg,Kelly, 43, 184, 185
Fink, Jennifer, 72, 73, 148, 233
Finney, Keitha, 177
Fish, Tanya , 120, 206
Fisher, Buckner, 148
Fis her, Daniel, 31, 50, 58, 165
Fisher, Kirstin, 21 , 17, 43 , 100, 103, 107, 148, 234
Fisher, Abe, 239
Fis k, Amber, 16, 166
Fisk, Stephen, 148
Fitch, Lisa, 120
Fitzgerald, Joshua, 148
Fitzpatrick, Lauren, 166
Flanery, Ernest, 166
Fleury, Travis, 166
Flores., Alejandro, 73, 100, 144, 148, 237
Folle, Brian., 59, 184
Ford, Christina, 184
Ford., Eric, 148
Forsythe, Audrey, 83, 85, 166
Forte, Liana, 166
Foster, Abigail, 184
Foster, Andree, 166
Foster, E1izabeth, 184
Foster, Holley, 43 , 56, 149, 157, 227
Foster, Rebekah, 166
Francis, Gregory, 90, 120
Franklin,Shannon, 166
Franklin, Travis, 166
Frederick, Mary,184
Frederick, Tiffany, 107, 180, 184
Fredrickson, Bradley, 50, 51 , 149
Freier, Ami, 149
Freier, Heidi, 104, 166
Feel I n g t he 2ss - Nrt~,f
Frost, Matthew, 44, 45, 100, 149, 234, 235
Frost, Michael, 166
Frost, Michael, 29, 40, 41 , 44, 92, 93, 104, 166, 237
Frost, Ryan, 184
Frost, Steven, 58, 166
Fuller, Jesse, 166
Fuller, Jessica, 166
Fulmer, Craig, 31, 121, 206
Fulton, Robert, 166
Furlong, Mar~ 166
Furlong, Raymond, 184
Fushimi, Tonya, 184
Gough, Bradley, 92, 121, 138
Gould, Benjamin, 59, 100, 104, 167
Graf, Patrick, 184
Graham, Jerry, 184
Granqui s t, Emily, 58, 185
Grantham, Tiffany, 84, 185
Gray, Autumn, 104, 167
Gray, Je s sica, 167
Gray, Lade, 121
Gray, Sum.mer, 98, 99, 167
Greely, Penny, 233
Gregory, Jason, 58, 185
Griess, Nicholas, 185
Griffin, Claire, 167
Griffiths, John, 122, 207
Groenhof, Jason, 185
Groenhof, Melissa, 103, 149
Grundeman, Donald, 149
Guldan, Kadrian, 149
Hans en, Russell, 50, 93, 167
Hapton s tall, Kayla, 10, 56, 57, 71, 100, 122, 208
Harold, Zeth, 50, 89, 149
Harrington, Michael, 149, 253
Harri s, Barbara, 99
Harris, Kilipaki, 185
Harris, Thoma s, 149
Hart, Raymond, 113, 185
Hart , William, 149
Harvey, Jamie, 43, 52, 103, 143, 149
Harvey, Myle s,2 30, 237
Haschke, Michael, 60, 185
Ha ss ey, C hris ty, 149
Ha s tings, Erin, 60, 167
Haughey, Krys tal, 56, 59, 180, 185
Haverkamp, Gene, 149
Haviland, Shelly, 149
Hawley, A s hley, 185
Gair, Christen, 32, 33, 65, 121, 206, 233
Gale, Alyssa, 184
Gamarra, Carlos, 166
Gamble, Craig, 34, 35, 121, 141, 206
Gamblin, 2.achary, 184, 185
Garcia, Sergio,
Gardner, Sylvia, 104, 167
Garrard, Billy, 184
Garretts, William, 34, 35, 75, 92, 121
Gasbarra, Laura, 167
Gasper, Daniel, 68, 97, 80, 104, 107, 167, 237
Gaule, Shilah, 13, 81, 167, 234
Gee, Ryan, 121
Gerken, Tara, 121, 207
Gerni, Renee, 8, 72, 104, 167
Gerwing, Sabrina, 184
Gibson, Keith, 121 , 222
Gibson, Tyrel, 167
Giddeon, Kimberly, 74, 77, 103, 149, 234
Gil, Aaron, 121
Gil, Anissa, 167
Gill, Tiffany, 77, 167
Glasmann, Breeanne, 93, 149
Gleaton, Brant, 121
Goble, Jacob , 20, 11, 31, 58, 149
Goldstein, Jordyn , 184
Golos, Kyle, 184
Golovina, Elena, 149
Gonzales, Marisa, 103, 184
Goodland, Jennifer, 228, 231
Goodland, Jennifer, 240
Goodwin, Megan, 236
Gores, Lisa, 149, 197
Gorman, Kimberly, 54, 55, 121, 207
Gouak, Laura, 1167
Gupta, Anjli, 54, 55, 73, 100, 122, 197, 207
Gupta, Neeraj, 185
Guthrie, Eli, 58, 149 Guthrie, Eric, 185 Guthrie, Matthew, 185
Haworth, C hris topher, 168
Hayden, Mike, 232
Haye s, Matthew, 185
Hayes, Rebecca, 54, 55, 6 7, 100, 104, 105, 123, 208
Haye s, Renica, 58, 7 3, 185
Hay s, Geoffrey, 159
Hazard , Kevin , 14, 123
Heater, Matthew, 168
Hebein, Andrew, 123
Hebeler, Sarah, 234
Haas, Lucas, 195
Hadwiger, Rodney, 31 , 93, 122, 138
Hagberg, Danielle, 13, 167 Hagberg, Donald, 31, 114, 122, 207, 234, 235
Hagemeis ter, Julie, 114, 122, 135, 222
Hagler, Jacob, 149 Haile, James, 167
Halbert, Amanda, 122, 207
Hale, Jayne, 17, 18, 19, 83, 149 Halkum, Melissa, 122
Hall, Cyrus, 74, 75, 77, 104, 167 Hall, Jason, 31 , 50, 123, 222, 239, 249
Hall, Jeremy, 50, 58, 185
Hall, Jonathon, 44, 60, 167 Hall, Jo s hua, 167
Hall, Michel, 83, 149
Hamblin, Benjamin, 123, 197, 207, 239, 249
Hamblin, Christopher, 14, 50, 167, 169
Hampleman, Bria, 17, 82, 84, 149, 227
Hankin, Gederah, 177
Hankin s, Elsie, 167, 169
Hankins, Robin, 123, 207
Hannemann, Troy, 40 , 41 , 82, 104, 167 Hannemann , Vane ss a , 54, 55, 73, 167
Hediger, Jackson, 159
Hediger, Patri~ 185
Heffelfinger, Karen, 15, 1 7, 19, 106, 107, 109, 123, 208
Heffelfinger, Karla, 168
Heinz, Jame s, 168
Heinz, Julie, 27, 92, 103, 1 2 3
Henders on, Levi, 168
Hendrix, Ja cob, 168
Herbert, Bradley, 168
Herbert, David, 50, 123
Herndon, Kelly, 16, 185, 255
Herther, Shawn, 99, 123
Herzog, Shara, 185
Heywood, Tracy, 60, 185
Heywood, Wendy, 46, 47, 100, 123, 127, 208, 104, 22 7, 233
Hickey, Chris topher, 185
Hickman, Chris topher, 82, 85, 107, 179, 186
Hickman Jr, Stephen, 82, 83, 150
Higgins, Brett, 69, 186
Hilboum, Corey, 186
Hill, Ju s tin, 30,31 , 123, 141,197, 234
Him s choot, Scott, 168
Hinds, Robert , 168
Index - 259 I I I
Hinkle , Aaron, 58, 168
Hinkle,B randy, 150
Hinkle,Na than, 150,239
Hipp ens t ee l, J oe, 150
Hitchco ck , Lindie , 208
Hoage, Katherine, 84, 177
Hoage, Leeann, 186
Hoback, Lindsay, 84, 186
Hoback, Tracy, 43, 70, 150
Hobb s, Micha e l, 150, 159
Hob s on, S t eve n , 150
Hod so n , Layne, 150
Hod so n , M e lanie, 186
Hoffe rt, We s ley, 96, 104, 108, 186
H o ffman , J e ffrey , 186
Hoffman, Ryan, 168
Holland, Hillary, 124, 240
Holley, Aimee, 186
Hols inger, C armen, 168
H o l s inger, Shannon, 168
Hoogheem, Aimee, 43, 44, 45 , 100, 150 I 234, 235
Hoogheem, Elizabeth, 43, 44, 45, 65, 103, 110, 186
Hooks, Jeramia, 168
Hooks, Shaun, 113, 186
Hopkin s, Jess i ca, 83, 108, 168
Hopkin so n , Branden, 186
Hoppin, Jonathan, 150, 237
Hoppin, Timothy, 39, 60, 104, 108, 109, 186
Hom, C hris toph e r, 31, 100, 124, 135, 234,235
Home ck e r , Mark, 38, 39
Homer, S hawn, 124
Hornick, Jonathan, 150
Horvat, Eric, 40, 41 , 48, 61 , 64, 168, 177
Horvat, Jayna, 46, 4 7, 65, 100, 124, 127, 144, 197, 208, 209,227, 233
Hot se npiller, Jerem y, 31, 50, 58, 94, 95, 150,234
How e ll, J ess ica, 104, 168
Hud so n, Bryn, 79, 100, 104, 105, 108, 109, 124, 209, 223
Hud so n , Nicole, 168
Hud so n, Paul, 168
Hughe s, Call ey, 124
Hult , Anthony, 168
Humphr ey, Mark, 124, 209, 234
Hunt, Amanda, 168
Hunt Biernat, Joni, 186
Hunt Biernat, Sarah, 12, 186
Hutchi so n , C hri s tina, 150
Hut c hi so n , Jennifer, 150
Huyl e r , David, 186
Ilge s, Albert, 50, 150 lmer, David, 124
lmy, Kris topher, 14, 124
Isaa c, Tigis ti, 10 7, 186
I se nb e rger, Brittany, 74, 75, 77, 82, 124, 209I 223
Iverso n , Diderick, 65
Jones, Elissa, 162, 169
Jones, Felicia, 9, 100, 125,210, 253,255
Jon es, Kerry, 43, 58, 104, 169
Jone s, Melissa, 150
Jone s, Rebecca, 103, 150
Jones, Samuel, 150
Jons so n , There se, 187
J ouett, Joan, 69
Judkins, Angela, 195
Jackman, Jay, 168
Jackson , C aill e an, 83, 168, 169
Jackson, C had, 177
Jackson, Thoma s, 124, 197 Jacobs, Rebekah, 186
Jame s, David, 168
James, Elliot, 150
Jame s, H o lly, 186
Jamiso n , Brie, 59, 186 Janisch, Rhianna, 186
Jant z, Kasey, 59, 85, 187, 253 Jaquez, Darus, 124
Jaramillo , Ju s tin, 195
Je ffr eys, C hris topher, 168
Jeffrey s, Shannon, 150
Jenkin s, Keith, 187
Jhung, Kyungun , 187
Johanse n, Ja cquelin e, 10, 169, 242
John so n, Amber, 68, 169
John so n , Casey, 169
Johnson, C hris topher, 74, 77, 169, 237, 267
John so n , David, 69, 103, 150, 197, 237
Johnson, Garrick, 150
John so n, Jame s, 187
John so n, Kris tin,9,6 0,166, 169,234
John so n, Leandra, 187
John so n, Mind e ll, 80, 100, 104, 105, 169
Jo hn so n , Nicholas, 40, 169
Johnson,Sandra, 169
John so n , Stephanie, 169
John so n , Stephanie, 103, 150
John s ton, April, 169
Johnston, Kathryn, 82, 100, 125, 209, 210,223,
John s ton, Mary , 187
John s ton, Sandra, 150
Joiner, Vanessa, 52, 187
Joiner, Vincent, 125, 127
Jone s, Dawn, 195
Kaowthumrong, Khom, 231
Karpoff, Gregory, 150
Katzenberger, Jill, 100, 125, 210, 223, 238, 253
Kawalick, Meli ssa, 169
Kay, Roxanne, 125, 197, 233
Keating, Meredith, 43, 150
Keech, Angela, 141
Keen, Daniel, 125
Keen, Michael, 44, 169
Keeney, Jonathon, 50, 169
Keeney, Julia, 58, 187
Keeton, Nathan, 187
Keil, Michael, 15, 169
Keller, Amber, 94, 103, 151
Kelley, C alvin, 60, 169, 177
Kelley, C lifford, 50, 125, 210
Kelley, James, 50, 151
Kelley, Kevin, 151
Kelley, Luke, 58, 187
Kelley, Michael, 58, 188, 187
Kelly , Kaci, 151
Kel so, Anna, 15, 43, 107, 151
Kemle~Jeffrey, 11, 81,169
Kempter, Joseph, 187
Kendell, Joel, 169
Kenne~Rich, 229,23 4
Kenton, Clayton, 151
Kenton, Robert, 125
Kephart, Leeanne, 74, 77, 187, 210
Kerr, Leah , 125,210,229,240
Ke s kimaki, Sanni, 12, 42, 43, 66, 100, 125
Ke ss ler, Diane, 107
Khri s toforov, Vassili, 50, 93, 125
Kielsmeier, Loraine , 107, 112
King, David, 59, 170
King, Jared ,
King, Meli ss a, 79, 103, 142, 151
King, Ryan, 11 , 66, 100, 104, 187
Kinghorn, Benjamin, 187
I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I
Feel Ing ti_l 260 - N~~,P 1
Kinghorn, Molly, 94, 111, 125, 210, 211
Kinnan, Cynthia, 100, 104, 187
Kinsey, Bob, 98
KiphardtKirstin, 126, 196, 233
Kleineider,Michelle, 103, 151
I<leineider, Stephanie, 187
Knepper, Nathan, 99, 126
Knox, Abbey, 58, 60, 187
Kochevar, Jamie,56, 59,187
Koehler, Douglas, 170
Koel, Kevin, 16, 18, 19, 70, 71, 107, 126, 197
Kolin, David, 58, 60, 64, 187
Kolin, Mark, 126
Kolin, Laura, 232
Konegni, Anne, 60, 73, 187
Konegni, James, 8, 35, 90, 126, 141, 211, 223
Koslow, Vanessa, 126, 211
Kosterman, Zachary, 151
Kowalski, Benjamin, 104, 187
Kraus, Alyssa, 100, 151
Kraus, Elaina, 180, 188
Krengel, Erik, 159
Kretzer, Audrey, 187
Krone, Shana, 151
Krtinich, Darcy, 170
Krzystek, Arthur, 126
Kunter, Diana, 151
Kunter, Hedy, 106, 151
Kunter, Ian, 126
Kunze, Judith, 43., 59., 151
Kunze, Michelle, 234
Kurtubi, Rocky, 59, 170
Kusy, Ginny, 170
Kyle, Eric., 177
Lanterman, Andrea, 104, 152
Larson, Burke, 152, 157
Larson, Matthew, 59, 170, 253
Laue, Jeremy, 141
Maharas, Michael, 103, 104, 152
Mahonee, Tenaya, 80, 159, 171
Mahoney, Billy, 188
Malhotra, Ruehl, 152
Labella, Andrea., 151
Labrum, Joshua, 177
Lacey, Amy, 85, 188
Ladebue, Jonathan., 126, 239
Lafalce, Zachary, 151
Lafferty, Michelle,65, 127
Lahey, Nicholas, 58, 170, 174
Laird, Eric, 13, 151
Laman, Jason,67, 104, 126,211
Laman, Scott, 188
Lampson, Alexander, 188
Landers, Jason, 188
Landsittel, Kacy, 151
Langsted, Evan, 188
Lauwers, Cariss a , 42, 43, 60, 74, 75, 77,
Malkmu s, Nikola s, 3, 35, 100, 103, 100, 104, 126, 211 , 237
Lauwers, Mark, 80, 170, 222, 237
Layman, Heidi, 111 , 126, 211
Layton, Erika, 188
Lee, Daniel, 188
Lee, Kenneth, 152
Lee, Matthew, 9, 188
Lee, Michael, 8, 35, 127
Lefever, Natas ha, 188
111, 152
Mallow, Geoffrey, 31, 64, 127, 212
Maloney, Shalun, 128
Maltempo, Marcus, 14, 107, 111 , 171
Manchen, Joseph, 152
Manley, Matthew, 128, 222
Maren, Chris tin e, 54, 55, 104, 171
Mare s, Michael, 128, 135, 197
Markovchick, Tas ha, 228, 230
Marquardt, Shan e, 107, 153 Lefevre, Kenneth, 152
Lefevre, David, 170
Mars h , Mindi, 95, 153
Marshall, Erin, Leidich, Kari, 152
Leidich, Celeste, 36, 59, 104, 170, 236
Lem.merman, Michelle, 170
Lemmons, Erica, 127
Leonard., Ru s sell, 170
Levitt, Jo s hua, 61, 170
Mars hall, Troy, 15 3
Mars ton, C hri s topher, 188
Martin, Adam, 188
Martin , Andrew, 1771
Martin, Daniel, 153
Martin., Ro ss, 60, 104., 188 Lewis, Brentley, 170
Lewakowski, Nicholas, 74, 76, 77., 188
Martinez., Andr e w , 128, 212 Lewis, Jason, 195
Martinez, Carm e n, 195 Leyendecker, Ethan, 69, 100, 188
Martinez., Jennifer, 128, 212 Leyshon, Jamie, 114, 127
Martinez, Julie, 108, 189 Ley s hon, Jason, 177
Martinez, Lui s, 189 Lilly, Terry, 152
Martinez, Miguel, 107, 153
Martinez, Ryan, 153 Lindberg, Cameron, 170
Lindberg, As hlie, 188
Martinez, Sergio, 153 Linsenbigler, Scott, 103, 152., 157
Mataya, Nathan., 31 , 48., 49, 62., 64, 72., Lipstein, Andrea., 104, 188 100, 128., 141, 197, 212, 64
Mataya, Taleah, 46, 58., 60, 189 Lockley., Peter, 152
Lo, Jame s., 21 , 98, 99, 103, 152, 266
Matis., John, 31, 65, 128., 212, 234, 240 Logan, Sara, 42, 43, 170
Matlock, Dan, 226, 230
Mattox, Laurey, 153 Long, Andrew, 92, 103, 152
Lohani, Manit, 86, 152
Matzke, Se an, 153 Long, Cody, 170
Maupin, Audra, 189 Long, Jason., 188
Maupin, Matth e w , 15., 171 Look., Kirsten, 188, 193
Mc Dermand, C ynthia., 171 Loseman., Erik, 61 ., 67, 104, 152
Mc Na, Courtney, 56, 57, 128., 213, Low, Nichola s, 170 227, 229
McCauley, Bridget, 8, 171 Lucas, Ryan, 90, 108, 109, 127, 211
Lowe, Emily, 127, 229
Mc Collum, Michelle, 171, 174 Luca s, Su s an, 54, 55, 1709
McDaniel, Kelly, 52, 53, 171
McDaniels, Jacob, 103, 159., Lusk, Lind s ey, 152
Lundhagen, James,
Lynn, Robert, 58, 188
McDermott, Mary, 189
McDonald, Meli ss a , 189
McGaffey, William , 153
McGinni s, Jo e, 79
McGuane, Sarah, 74, 77, 90, 100, 105, 212, 222., 253
Mack, David, 31, 127, 122, 266 Mackey., Erin., 152, 236 Mahara s, Lynn, 36, 104, 171
McKamey, Tia, 153
McMurtry., Jame s, 90, 128
McMurtry, Richelle, 128
Index - 261 I I
McPhail, Anthony, 189
McR e ynolds , Ren ee,171, 254
McT ee r , Jamie, 8, 59, 60, 104, 171
M eagh e r, Ashley, 42, 43, 81, 103, 185, 189, 253
Mech,Casey , 17, 189, 255
Medrano, Adam, 171
M ee han, Neil, 141
Melnick, Ja so n, 60, 189
M e napa ce, Danielle, 54, 55, 171
Menapace, Darin, 35, 48, 49, 66, 100, 128
Mendez, Crys tal, 159
M eye ~Eryn, 99, 177
Michael, Payton, 31, 58, 153, 239
Micke, K e vin, 185, 189
Micke, S haron, 13, 43 , 56, 57, 100, 129, 213 , 234
Miller, Adam, 171
Miller, Angela, 189
Mill e r , C arrie, 189
Miller, Casey, 171
Miller, C had, 169, 171
Miller, C harles, 127, 129
Miller, C hristian, 58, 189
Mill e r , C hristopher, 127, 129
Miller, Co dy, 129, 213
Mille~ Danielle, 189
Miller, Jana, 60, 189
Miller, J e annie, 16, 1 7, 18, 19, 70, 71, 83,
107, 129, 213, 226, 228
Miller , Raymond, 92, 100, 114, 129, 213
Mills, Karen,
Mills, Kathryn,
Milner, Lauren, 17, 70, 71, 10 7, 171
Minks, Roy, 189
Mi s ra, Anu s ka, 80, 100, 170, 171
Mi s ra, Rishi, 171
Mitchell, Tyler, 129, 213
Mobley, Micah, 159
Mole s, Jo s hua, 20, 39, 48, 61, 65, 92, 153
Monckton, Michael, 31, 153
Monckton, John, 227,229,234
Monkton, Mike, 234
Mon so n , Geoffrey,189
Monson, Ja so n , 99
Montana, Rachel, 144, 153
Montgomery, Matthew , 21, 76, 100, 153
Montgomery, Michael, 229
Montoya, Vane ssa, 159
Moon, Heather, 32, 56, 57, 82, 129,213
Mooney, Pet e r , 38, 39, 153
Moore , Fermina, 153
Feel Ing t'4..
- NtJAp'
Mo o re, Matthew, 9, 186, 189
Moreno , C hris tina, 59, 171
Morgan, Ryan, 153
Morgan, Sco tt, 82,, 84,, 107, 180, 186, 189
Morrell- S h oe n e, H e ather, 17 1
Morris, Tamesha, 159
Morriso n , C hri s toph e r , 153
M oss,, K e lli, 189
Mo ssberge~ Sarah, 189
Mote s, Daniel, 129, 141
Mote s, Lavena, 171
Mudd, Co rey, 171
Muelle~Sarah, 189
Mulvihill, Be thany, 153
Mundt, J o di, 129
Munyon, Haley, 171
Murdock, Keala, 44, 74, 76, 77, 129, 234
Murfin , Matthew, 189
Murphy, Be thany, 100, 129
Murphy, Brian, 13, 103, 153, 157
Myer s, A s hley, 153
Myers, C arrie, 46, 47, 100, 101, 130, 214, 222, 227
Myers, Ja so n , 14, 31, 48, 58, 61 , 172, 177
Myer s, Je sse, 153
Myer s, Meli ssa,, 15, 159
Myer s, Tracy, 83,, 153
Newhart-Niave s, Teresa, 172
Newman, Michaela, 31 , 58, 154
Neyra, Harold, 234
Nguyen, Hai, 190
Nguyen, Minh, 103, 154
Nguyen, Nhan,27, 159
Nichola s, C hris topher, 154
Nicholas, Julie, 84, 190
Nichols, Alan, 58, 190
Nichols, Brooke, 190
Nichols, C arrie, 130
Nichols, Erin, 190
Nickerson, Co ry, 130
Nielsen, Bard, 12, 79, 67, 100, 127, 130, 135, 214, 227, 229, 237
Nimrod, Heather, 190
Noedstrom, Todd, 227, 228
Noffs inger, Aaron, 3, 154
Norris , Angela, 94, 95, 103, 154
North, Jared, 190
Nuane s, Jeremy, 90, 130, 214
O'Dorisio, Mar~ 130
O ' Mara, Kelli, 14
O ' riley, Matthew, 154
Olguin, Ezekiel, Olsen, Travis, 230
Olson, Amy, 172
Olson, Anna, 100, 131, 214, 227, 233
Olson, Maren, 90, 131, 214
Omara, Kelli, 32, 172
Oneill, Tara, 47, 172, 233
Nannie,, Jo se ph, 189
Narans , C hineane, 13, 83, 190
Nations, Sandy, 100, Nee, Spencer, 108, 190
Nee , William,, 21 , 40, 41 , 99, 154
Needham, Justin, 59, 100, 154
Negri, Gabriel, 154
Nelsen, Heather, 177
Nelson, Gina, 44, 45
Nelson, Janet, 154
Nelson, Joel, 31, 58, 61, 172
Nelson, Linnea, 68, 172
Nelson, Rebecca, 154
Nelson, Sara, 154
Nelson, Zachariah, 58, 172
Nelson, Boyd, 230
Neukirchner, Karen, 83, 172
Newcomer, Nichole, 172
Newcomm, Corinne, 172
Newgent, Lee, 60, 86, 190
Orem, Heather, 154
Orihuela, Anthony, 38, 39, 154
Ortega, Adrienne, 190
Osgood, Michael, 67, 100, 103, 104, 154
Osheroff, Kelly, 131, 214
Ostrowicki, Bryan, 195
Overturf, Erin, 80, 111, 112, 169, 172
Owen, Kathryn, 54, 55, 95, 131, 197, 214
Owens, Christina,, 84, 190
Ozde.mir, Kadri, 58, 60, 190
Page, Amie, 172
Page, Jason, 159
Palanuk, Kara, 74, 77, 100, 111, 190
Palanuk, Peter, 58, 100, 108, 109, 172
.-,___.,, ,..,;,._ - - - liiia , - - - • ....,,. .,,.I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I
Palmer, David, 30, 31, 127, 130, 131, 215, 227
Palmer, Jonathan, 154
Palmer, Mason, 154
Palmer, Melissa, 74, 77, 154
Palmer, Mykan, 58, 60, 190
Palmer, Sarah, 42, 43, 81, 165, 172
Papes, Jonathan, 58, 190
Parlet, Jennifer, 73, 161, 172
Parker, Ben, 172
Parker, Charlotte, 32, 155
Parker, Julie, 155
Parker, Lisa, 177
Parke~Shawn, 172
Parry, Courtney, 84, 190
Paschall, Jeffery, 58, 190
Paslay, Nicholas, 100, 131 , 197, 215
Patterson, Molly, 155
Paulsen, Kevin, 130, 215
Peacock, Justin, 96, 104, 172
Pearse, Carrie, 28,36,37, 74, 77, 100, 131,215, 223, 113, 104
Pennell, Christopher, 190
Perrott, Jarrod, 190
Perry, Robert, 190
Peters, Christine, 80, 131, 215, 222
Peters, Teresa, 80, 105, 172
Petersen, Kelsey, 9, 100, 155
Peterson, Alison, 9, 131
Pfisterer, Michael, 96, 104, 108, 109, 190
Pham, Huy, 104, 103, 155
Phillips,Joseph, 58, 190
Phillips, Adam, 228
Picon, Rachel, 43, 172
Piekarski, John, 50, 84, 89, 111, 114, 130
Pier, Lynzey, 179, 195
Pike,Zachary, 50,51, 155
Pina, Vale, 159
Pineau, Jon, 3, 44, 100, 103, 104, 155, 234
Pineau, Robert, 9, 44, 50, 172, 253
Pitt, Amanda, 75, 155
Piwonk.a, Philip, 108, 109, 172
Plese, Matthew, 253
Politte, Robin, 2, 43, 56, 57, 172
Politte, Ted, 14, 59, 92, 104, 110, 155
Ponicsan, Eric, 155
Porter, Cassandra, 52, 190
Porter, Erin, 172
Powell, Julie, 155
Powell, Mark, 131, 215
Powell, Matthew, 155
Powell, Shawn, 173
Powers, Kelly, 131
Pranaitis, Simon, 35
Pray, Jonathan, 12, 66, 78, 100, 104, 105, 131
Pres tia-Schaub, Kathryn, 155
Pres ton, Jennifer, 132, 222
Price, Sara, 190
Prigel, Amanda, 108, 191
Prigel, Tris ha, 100, 108, 132, 216, 253, 255
Prince, Rebecca, 155
Pronechen, William, 173
Pruett-Long, Noah, 155
Przybylski, Monte, 173
Purvis, Robert, 132
Puttmann, Derek, 155
Pyke,Brenden, 155
Pyle, Shannan, 79, 132, 216, 234
Ridpath, Jonathan, 173
Ridpath, Justin, 132, 216
Riedel, William, 173
Rigtrup , Reid, 1 7 7
Rillo s, Matthew, 10 , 11 , 31 , 48,
49, 100, 132, 138, 216, 234, 2 35
Rindt, Jody, 173
Rindt, Keith, }73
Ris ler, Jackie, 156
Risler, Jackie, 132
Risner, Ellen, 173
Ris ne~Henry, 14, 132
Ristau , Adam, 60, 191
Robbin s, Jennife r , 195
Roberts, Cliff, 132, 222
Roberts, Greg, 132, 222
Robertson, Lauren, 191
Roberts on, Mas on, 133, 216
Robie, Matthew, 13 3, 21 7, 222
Robinson, Kris ty, 54, 55, 100, 111, 156
Queen, Adam, 60, 191
Quirk, Molly, 104, 173
Robins on, Sharh o nda, 173
Robuck, Jame s, 108, 156, 15 7
Rocha, Jo se, 156
Rodman, John, 173
Rodriguez, Tami, 87, 133, 217, 233
Roger s, Andrew, 31, 58, 61, 173, 17 7
Rogers, Jas on, 191
Ramlet, Matthew, 132
Randall, Shanna, 155, 157
Rappmund, Peter, 40, 100, 108, 109, 172
Raschen, Laura, 44, 95, 102, 103, 155
Rascon, Maria, 52, 53, 60, 155
Ratz, Katy, 20, 42, 43, 74, 77, 103, 107, 110, 155, 234
Rawlings, Michelle, 155
Raw s on, Timothy, 173
Raye, Brenna, 191
Redding, Robert, 191
Ree, Tracy, 159
Reed, Jennifer, 36, 173
Rehder, Justin, 191
Reher, Adena, 173
Reher, Duke, 13, 155
Reher, Jennifer, 191
Reinecker, Jill, 142, 155
Reitmeyer, Morgan, 104, 111, 191
Renzi, Joseph, 85, 173
Reynolds, Allison, 10, 12, 47, 72, 73, 100,132, 141,197, 216, 233
Reynolds, Billie, 71 , 107, 155
Reynolds, Jennifer, 9, 52, 173, 227, 234
Reynolds, Michael, 159
Richard, Stephanier 230
Richter, Sarah, 191
Rickard, Jennifer, 69, 156
Ridl, Christa, 59, 173
Roger s, Matthew, 50, 156
Roik, C raig, 17, 70, 156
Roja s, Nata s ha, 173
Rome, Kara, 47, 133, 196, 217, 104
Rome, Thoma s, 48, 61 , 156, 225
Romero , Gilberto , 191
Rood, Brandon, 58, 191
Rood, Jo s hua, 58, 64, 87, 191
Rood, Marc, 30, 31, 58, 61, 64, 173, 177, 234
Rood, Shannon, 32, 156
Ro s a , Gus, 191
Rosenbaum , Sarah, 84, 191
Ro s enthal, Regina, 191
Ro s er, Brad, 159
Rother, Jessica, 191
Rothman , Diana, 133
Roy, Michael, 108, 109, 112, 173
Rozelle, Christopher, 59, 60, 173
Rucker, Thomas, 195
Rushton, Ray, 156
Russell, Emily, 44, 186, 191
Russell Ii, Kyle, 44, 173, 174
Ryan, Erin, 173
Saba, Adam, 191
Index - 263 I I f
Sabin, Saini, 1 74
Sachd eva,Monika,83,156
Sacry, Dale, 156
S aindon , Andrea, 174
Salab e rria, Hodei, 141
Salg, Lucas, 69, 104, 174
Samansky, Ja so n , 191
S anders, Brian, 44, 50, 69, 98, 99, 100, 103, 142, 156,23 4,266
Sand e r s, Roy,
Sand oval, Mitchell, 40, 104, 174
Sandt, C harles, 10, 27, 31, 133, 222
San t, Marjori e, 10, 100, 104, 111 , 156
San tilli, Luca s, 133
Sasa, Co urtn ey, 230,233
Sa und e r s, Andrew, 192
Sa und e r s, Katherine, 228, 231
S auter, Eza ra, 192
Savage, Beau, 192
Savoie, Kelly, 56, 174
Savoie, Sara, 56, 57, 156
Sawyer, Heather, 233
Saxto n , Kristin, 174
Sayyah, Cori, 192
Sch aefer, Amber, 32, 50, 75, 174
Sc heid, S t e ph e n, 174
Sc h e nck, Crys tal, 133,138, 217, 222
Schiffman , Sarah, 174
Schild e r , April, 192
Schli e man, Jurge n,2 1, 100, 156,239
Schmidt, Ian, 12, 40, 41 , 104, 174
Schmidt , Julia, 10, 68, 17 4
Schmi dt, Miranda , 174
Schmidt, S hire ll e, 52, 53, 133, 217
Schmidt, S t eve n , 177
Sc hmidt, Tiffany, 4 3, 60, 80, 156
Schmi e d , Daniel, 156
Sc hnapp, Casey, 192
Sc hna se, Kelly, 238
Sc hn ei d er, Eliza b eth, 174
Sc hn ei der, Matth e w , 40, 174
Sch oe nborn, Li s a , 156
Sc h ossow, April, 56, 82, 100, 133,217, 223
Sch ow, Brandon, 68, 156, 237
Sc hreine r, Jon a th a n , 35, 59, 100, 156
Sc hr e in e r , Mi c ha e l, 100, 104, 174
Sc hrin e r , Mike, 237
Sc hr oe d e r , Jeffrey, 133
Sc hro e d e r , S t e ph e n , 10, 44, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 100, 106, 1071 33, 218, 239, 249
Sc hultz, Bobbi, 1 7 4
Sc hwader, Virginia, 108, 192
Sc hw e ttman, Ja sson, 58, 82, 84, 174
Sco tt, Belen, 134, 218
Sco tt, Tiffany, 17 4 Feel Ing th.e
Scovill, Alea, 134,218
Scovill, Vivika, 174
Scru ggs, J os hu a, 103, 156
Scruggs, Rebecca, 103
S cully, Mars a, 141
Seakan, Renae, 103, 165, 175
Se ipp, Lynne-l ee, 192
Se lf, Dana, 175
Sex ton, Amanda, 1 75
Sext o n , Kristin, Sexto n , Ra eche ll e, 177
Seymo ur, Adam, 58
Shan e r , Denise, 82, 100, 134, 196, 218
S hanks, Je ss amyn, 175
Shaw, Kellilee, 175
S hawcroft, Zachary, 78, 192
Sh ea, Richard, 192
S h e lto n , Torrey, 8, 60, 61, 160, 175, 233
Sh e nfis h , S t eve, 232
Sh e rman,E rwin, 130,156
Shi eld s, Travis, 31, 58, 95, 156
S hir~ Zachary, 39, 175
Shu ey,S hann o n , 104, 175
S hultz, G r eg, 229
Siegesmund, C arly, 238
S ilvey, Andrew, 16, 70, 107, 157
Simdr e lli, Lianne, 192
S imm o n ~ Bea u ,78, 192
Simmon s, Lucus, 100, 107, 192
Simmons, S t eve n , 59, 60, 175
Sim s, J oyce, 255
Singl e ton, R ex, 91 , 175
Skala, Donald, 141
Skelton, S hannon, 15 7
Skwara, J oanna, 134
Sl o an, Donald, 192
Sloth, Lothar, 268
Smith, Adam, 192
S mith, Alis ha, 27, 134, 218
S mith, Au s tin, 39, 89, 192
Smith, C arrie, 103, 157
Smith, C hris tine, 134, 219, 234
Smith, C liff, 192
S mith , Deanna-Mari, 1 75
Smith, Deidra, 192
Smith , Drew, 15, 31, 64, 144, 157, 234, 235
Smith, Elizabeth, 15 7
S mith, Eri ca, 80, 104, 175
Smith, Katie, 17, 71 ,107, 143, 157
Smith, Nicholas, 134
Smith, Nicole, 135
Smith, Robin, 192
Smith , Ryan, 10 3, 157
Smith, Tawnya, 192
Snove r, Summer, 192
Snow, Johanna, 192
So lan o, Maria, 14, 83, 100, 193
So lano, Patrick, 108, 175
So logoub, Alexei, 193
Sparks, Jason, 14, 175
Spear, Brianne, 60, 175
Spragu e, Ca ryn, 186, 193
Sprague, Jos hua, 157
Springer, Randell, 99, 157
Srame~ Wesley, 59, 100, 104, 175
Stahl, Antoine, 48, 49
Stahl, Natalie, 14, 157
Stahmer, Luke, 103, 143, 157
Standley, I<atherin e, 12, 66, 100, 134, 219,
Stanton, Jeremia, 58, 193
Stamer, Steven, 193
Steele, Kindra , 50, 51 , 157
Steinert, Jennifer, 78, 90, 134
Steinke, Dustin, 157
Steket ee, Steven, 100, 157, 237
Stellers, Roger, 11 , 67, 104, 143, 157
Sti eg elmeier, Ju stin, 193
Stillwell, Skyler, 8, 29, 34 ,3 5, 64, 90, 134, 141,218
Stock, Travis, 94, 134
Stoke s, Tamsen, 29, 44, 60, 75, 175, 234
Stone, Nathan, 193
Ston e, Shane, 89, 99, 175
Storms, Eri c, 9, 29, 44, 66, 134
Stover, Jennifer, 157
Strickland, Jamie,157, 236
Strielman, John, 44, 73, 103, 111, 178, 193
Strob el, Kip, 193
Strong, Neil, 177
Struck, Co lleen, 114
Stii ssy, April, 76, 135, 196, 219, 222
Stiissy, Clinton, 175
Subala, Kenneth, 175
Sumner, Shannon, 9, 58, 60, 193
Suszczy~ Sarah, 157, 236
Sutton, Craig, 10,11, 31, 94, 135, 219, 222
Svenningsen, Skye, 106,176, 193, 253
Swala, Crystal, 54, 55, 75, 157
Swanson, Severine, 85, 99, 100, 111, 104, 158, 225, 236
Swift, Patrick, 17, 74, 135
Szabo, Casey, 193
Szabo Jr, Paul, 175
Tafoya, Dusty, 8, 87, 135
Tarum, Kellee, 20, 54, 55,100, 143, 157, 158
Tate, Paul, 69, 135, 239, 249
Taylor, Kelly, 193
• --r - - - - - · -,. .-.· sa _ -· -~6 ! I I I I I I
264 - Nrt~,t'
Taylor, Kevin, 175
Taylor, Tracy, 84, 158
Taylor, William, 193
Taylor, 2.achary, 8, 158
Taylor, Nate, 228
Theodoro, Livia, 193
Theodoro, Mariana, 175
Therriault, Ryan, 158
Thomas, Andrew, 75, 158
Thomas, Evan, 108, 193
Th oma s, Jarr et, 193
Thomas, Sarah, 193
Thoma s, Tracie, 175
Thomas, Trisha, 135, 219, 220
Thompson, Emily, 58, 176
Th ompson, Jacob, 66, 138, 197, 220
Thomp so n, Stephanie, 193
Thompson, Troy, 158
Thompson, Matt, 232
Thompson, Michele, 240
Thresher, Raymond, 193
Tietsort, Amelia, 69, 158
Tilden, Katie, 176
Tina, Eric, 234
To, Linda, 193
To, Mary, 138
Tobbs, Mila, Tommer, Nathan, 138
Tortora, Sabrina, 158
Traylor, Shawn, 194
Tre~Renae, 103, 158
Tripp, Riley, 158
Trost, Keri, 234, 235
Trujillo, Sophia, 195
Trzepacz, Gavin, 58, 194
Tucker, Amanda, 158
Tucker, Michelle, 79, 27, 130, 135, 138
Tuffin, Ann, 110, 176
Tulchin, Orion, 158
Turner, Aaron, 30, 31, 48, 49, 100,138, 141,
197, 220, 234
Turner, Au stin, 58, 169, 176, 234
Turner, Kathy, 176
Turner,Melissa, 176
Turner, Patricia, 194
Turner, Shane, 104, 113, 194
Turnwall, Heather, 36,37, 73, 113, 176
Tyler, Jo shua, 158
Tyler, Ryan, 194
Unger, Moni ca, 176
Urban, Gregory, 141
Walter, Roshelle, 83, 139
Walter s, Nicho las, 11, 50, 80, 176
Walton, Matthew, 159
Waltz, Aimee, 139, 194
Waltz, Amanda, 70, 71, 107,139,220
Wamboldt, Shann on, 194
Valentine, Tra vis, 97, 107, 180, 194
Van Leer, Kristin, 194
Van Meter, Madelein e, 59, 100, 196
VanGundy, Brittany, 176
VanMeter, Anna, 73, 100, 106, 111, 158 MO
VanWoensel, Luke, 39, 176
VanWoensel, Traci, 18, 19, 79, 97, 103 106 107, 158
Varveris, Nikki, 12, 47, 220, 158, 227
Varveris, Grant, 228, 236, 239
Vecchiarelli, Amy, 58, 194
Velasquez, Brianne, 58, 178, 194
Velasquez, Bryan, 58, 176, 177
Vensor, Tony, 158
Verardi, Heather, 158
Verardi, Justin, 194
Verbe~ Joel, 14, 158
Vermillion, Christian, 158
Vemig, Peter, 194
Versaw, Gloria, 176
Versaw, Kristen, 42, 43, 44, 70,100, 108, 158, 234, 235
Verser,Macandrew, 138,234
Vetter, Ronda, 176
Vierke, Erika, 158, 238
Vigil, Marc, 158
Vigil, Rodney, 176
Villegas, Alejandra, 141
Voag, Kelly, 94, 95, 159
Volleberg, 2.achariah, 177
Voria, Anjali, 194
Voria, Pooja, 99,100, 106, 107, 110, 139, 104
Wan, Kenneth, 100, 176
Wan, Teh-yih, 100, 194
Wano, Robert,58, 194
Ward, Sha yd en, 10, 12, 30, 31, 64, 87, 127, 138, 141
Watson, Raymond, 159
Watterworth, Alexandria, 194
Watts, James, 139,220
Webb, Alan, 108, 159
Webb, Rebecca, 176
Webb, Stuart, 176
Webster, Dale, 74, 77,176,267
Web ster, Jamie, 139, 103
Web s ter, Joseph, 194
Weingardt, Carrie, 139,221,222
Wein stein, Eri c, 82, 83
Weishaupl, David, 8, 15 7, 159
Wellensiek, Bryan, 159
Wellensiek, Jacob, 195
Wells, Brianna, 32, 176
Welton, Karen, 103, 159
Wendling, Adam, 44, 82, 87, 104, 176
Wendt, Kristina, 100, 159
Wengroviu s, Emily, 159
Werner, Chri s to ph er, 176
Westby, Kimberly, 74, 77, 176
Wh etstin e, Jonathan, 195
White, Jaym e, 159
White, Laura, 108,138,234,235
White, Ryan, 100,108, 176
Whit e, Sherry, 195
White, Ta mara, 79, 159
Whitfield, Christy, 139, 221
Whitfi eld, Michelle, 195
Whitford, Ryan, 195
Whitm or e, Heidi, 176
Whitm ore, Jeremy, 159
Wieber, Adam , 159
Wieber, Shan e, 22 7, 229
Vlander, Nathaniel, 158
Unger, Je ss ica, 194
Wageling, Kaym.i, Waggoner, Joshua, 139, 197, 220
Wagner, Jethr o, 159,234
Wagner,K elly, 194
Wagon er, Tammy, 194
Wale s, Matth ew, 195
Waligorski, Brian, 194
Walker, Co rina, 159
Walker, Jos hua, 139
Walker,Sarah, 194
Wallenta, Kri stopher, 8, 35, 139, 141
Wallerstein, Ryan, 194
Wiener, John,, 195
Wil cox, Marilyn,5 2,53,236
Wilhite, Kristen, 195
Wilk, Whitne y, 17, 177
Wilkerson, Myr on, 139
Williams, Bob, 139
Williams, Brett, 135, 140
Williams, Car ley, 8, 36, 104, 177
Williams, Cri ssy, 195
William s, Drew, 177
William s, Kevin , 195
Williams, Meghan, 58, 195
Index - 265 I I
William s, Step hani e, 195
William s, Thomas, 177
Willis, Phillip, 20, 21, 35, 59, 100, 159
Willman, Daniet 104, 140
Wilso n, Amy, 10, 159
Wils on, Anas tasia, 177
Wilson, Hea ther,58, 159
Wils on, Heidi, 195
Wilson, Michaet 177
Winger, Ju stin, 177
Winham, Lindsay, 59, 195
Win ston, Sco tt, 195
Win ston, Stac ey, 114, 140, 197, 221
Wobbrock, Ryan, 177
Wolt Jill, 78, 159
Wolf, Sarah, 69, 111, 159, 233
Wolfrum, Daron, 140
Woo drich, Ryan, 195
Word, Megan, 14, 17, 70,72, 73, 104, 177
Worobey, Katherine, 68, 159
Woznick, Donal d, 177
Wright, Adrianne, 177
Wright , Hea ther, 59, 195
Wright, Lucas, 159
Wright, Patricia, 99, 177
Wright, Randall, 140
Wuerth, Kelly, 95, 140, 197, 221
Wunderlich, Kiandra, 177
Wurtenberger, Je ss ica, 32, 33, 140, 221
It's Right There Jun iors Bri an Sanders and James Lo discuss deep wo rl d issues during l u nch for Worl d Affairs Cha llen ge. WA C identifies major w o rld iss u es then tries to find a reasonable so lution fo r them Brian explained , " I thi nk it's fun to so lve th e pro blem s of the wor ld with my friends ." Ph oto by S teve Schroeder
Yang, David, 140, 197, 221
Yamo, Angelika, 140, 221
Youn g, Jo hn, 159
Young, Luke, 44
Yo un g, Travis, 195
Youngmann, Ge ne, 79
Yu shk.a, Kyle, 195
Zachrison, Stephani e, 159
Zaharias, Laura, 140, 221 , 227
Zamora, Damie n, 19 5
Zen ~ Breanne, 177
Zen s, Holly, 140
Ziegler, Kimberly, 140, 222, 103
Ziegler, Meago n, 54, 55, 111, 169, 177
Zink, Michael, 177
Tbe're offStudent Co un ci l "slaves" pu sh pennies i n front o f senior Davi d Ma c k and other s tu de n ts The S tud ent Council "s lave" d ay is one o f the most producti ve activities Studen t Co uncil o r ganizes Se n io r Ca rrie Pears e com m ented ," It was a perfect chance to d ress up th e S t uden t Counci l pres ident as a gi rl." Ph o to by Bran don Garre tts
My so ph o mor e year I joined yearbook, not knowing what I wa s getting into. Wh e n I completed my fir s t spread, the summer or " h ell" s pread, I r ea li ze d that I had become addicted. Now , many s preads later, I look ba c k and rem e mber all of th e s trange, funny, and interesting people I hav e m e t in yearbook. I would like t o s ay thank you to a couple of pe o pl e M e li ss a , P-0-M-O-N-A!!!! Thanks for all of the fun we had creating numerou s s pread s t oge ther, especially the soccer s pread last year! Also thanks for pa s ting up ALL of the Babies for me . Without that extra h e lp w e would have been in the yearbook room until midnight Matt, thanks for being so patient with me when I forgot how do th e s imple s t things on the computer . Also, thanks for letting me do Babi es and Buddie s, I think! Next time I take a picture of a fire I will b e s ur e t o rem e mber to u se REAL wood in s tead of FAKE wood! Traci, thanks for getting quote s for me on NUMEROUS occasions and li s t e ning t o me talk about yearbook all the time Kirstin, thanks for accompanying me down to the yearbook room so I wouldn' t have to w o rk alon e. Renae, thanks for coming with me to get quote s, especially wh e n we talked to the "s cary" quote giver Skye, I' m glad you took yearbook. Maybe you will become as hooked to this insanity as I did. Ja so n , thanks for your interes ting pers pective on writing stories; I ' ll ke e p it in mind if I do the baseball spread. To all of the yearbook s taff'7"",-thanks fo r all of your help , especially thinking of headline s . To all my friend s, thanks for being the wonderful, hilarious people that you are. To all the graduating se niors, congratulations and good luck. I hope you e njoy FEELING THE HEAT as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Katy Ratz
Feeling tl 'r.., tn \\ I 266 - nrrA •
Feeling the Heat
Editor-in Chief: ...... Matt Montgomery
Advisor : .... ........ ......... ... .. ...... Ron Finelli
Assistant Editors : ..... ... .. ........ Katy Ratz Melissa Palmer
Graphics Editors : ... ... ... . Chris Johnson
Dale Webster
Publications Staff
Aaron Brown* RJ Miller
Jamie Burke* Keala Murdock*
Nick Cookson Um.it Ozdemir
Serena Dovey* Kara Palanuk*
Beau Edgington* Carrie Pearse*
Teresa Emmons* Amanda Pitt*
Brandon Garretts* BJ Reynold s*
Kimberly Giddeon* Luca s Salg
Tiffany Gill* Amber Schaefer*
Cyru s Hall* Stephen Schroeder*
Jason Henderson Alexei Sologoub
Brittany Isenberger* Tamse n Stokes
Heather Jones April Stussy
Leeanne Kephart Crystal Swala
Sonni Ke s kimaki Patrick Swift
Vaness Ko s low* Andrew Thoma s*
Carissa Lauwers* Aaron Turner
Nich Lewakowski*
Kimberly We s tby*
Sarah McGuane* Michelle Whitfield
Feeling the Heat wa s publish e d by Jo s ten 's School Pro duct s Group of Topeka, Kan sas. Our company r e prese ntativ e wa s Gary Cordray. The b ook i s a size 7 (ei g ht b y eleven inch es) and contains 269 pages. The paper i s eighty pound Bo rd ea u x. Twelve hundr e d books w e r e pr o duc e d The cos t of th e book wa s $30 for s tud e nt s wh o b o u g ht an activity ticke t, or $35 with o ut th e activity ticket
The th e m e id ea wa s originally co nceived by Brit I se nberg e r The full lith egraphic cover concept is by Ron Finelli and wa s produce d u s ing Adob e Ph o to s hop by Chris John so n and Dale W e b s t e r , who also created all other graphics in th e bo ok.
All copy and graphics w e r e d es kt o p publis hed on Macinto s h computers u s in g Adob e Pagemake r 5 1 Output wa s t o a Xant e Accelawriter 8100 tabloid 1200dpi black and white printer.
All body copy i s in 12 point Palatine and captions are in 8 point Time s All s tudent name s w e r e taken from th e computerized official school enrollment lis t W e apologiz e for any inadvertent e rrors.
* Denotes full year s taff member
• - !I![ __ ••••• l I J • 1 ,,,.. '.' How's
o n a new graphlc fo r the
AJI of th e
h ics
in the Demoruum were creat e d u si ng Ad obe Ph otos h o p aod Adobe Illustra1or on Ma cm1osh
That Look? So ho mores Chris J o h nson and Dale Webs te r confe r
co mpulers Edi1o r-in-C hlef M att M on1gomery said , " We co uld n' I d o it wit h o ut ou r graphics guys , Chris and Dale!" Ph o to by Ron Fine lh
Closing - 267 I I Ii
Feeling the Heat. After a year of excitement and disa ppointment, I' m s ure that each s tudent ha s hi s/ her own meaning of Feeling the Heat. I assumed that yearbook would be a classic example of the theme, becau se it always had been. Fortunately, this wa s not the case; while making the book, it only got slightly warm. For so me unknown rea so n the yearbook process got easier thi s year. No more s tre ss ful deadline s, or so lid 14 hour s of pure yearbook enjoyment. This year when th e idea of leaving sc hool at 4:30 on a deadline day becam e a reality, I figured I had done so mething radically right.
ti.ons). BJ you are the best photographer I have (with the pos sible exception of Mr. Pinelli). To the re s t of the '' staffers," you technically produced this book, and I thank you all (except for the people who made my job harder).
Nathan, Andy, Matt, and Mike (T-boys), I hope you enjoy my labor. This is the result of me di s appearing during access. However, the purple octopus on the cover didn' t come quite the way I expected. To all the affiliates, Mindy, Jobe, Ru ss, Fro (Erica), and the rest, you made
Mr. Pinelli, you help me so much I can't eve n say . All I can say is that I' m really pl ease d with thi s year's book We did a great job Katy, At the beginning of thi s year you were exci ted to work, full of e nergy, and ideas. At the end of the year you s till had the sa me attitude. You made thi s book so much easier and fun. Your
let it happen again. I love you (but you already knew that). To anyone else I missed, it wasn ' t on purpose (unless I don't like you). I' m sure you were a big help to me in your own way. Although yearbook was a breeze, this year, along with the entire student body, I sometimes was Feeling the Heat
Feel Ing ttz.
268 - ~{(l~.fr
Matthe\v Montg o mery
life and s chool hilarious. Never forget to be abstract. I' d like to thank my parents, my siblings (including Virginie) for their constant interest and support. Finally and perhaps mo s t importantly, my girlfriend, Traci, I thank you for listening to me brag about me being such a 11 stud" every time a deadline rolled by You always seemed to be interested, even if you weren' t. I can never tell. You being always right helped most of the ti.me, and I won' t advice wa s almo s t alway s appreciated . Thank you. Melissa, you alway s had something to add or change which wa s helpful. Your contribution to the book wa s amazing. Thank you. To Jamie and Serena, I figured out that you both could have made a great Editor-in-Chief if you were willing to devote your time . Also, a s far as I know, the s taffer s don ' t de s pise the person in the po s ition, but so metimes ju s t the person. Dale and Chris, I think we sco red with the graphics; th ey look great, except for the mi ss pellings (Feeling the Hate and other varia-
l I I I I I I I I
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Helping Hand Junior Mall Montgomery gives a litt le friendly advice to junior Katy Ratz on layout design for yearbook . Matt had lots of help thi s year from his trusty editor staff who watched ove r some major parts of th e book. Katy commented , "Matt was a good leader, it seemed that he really knew what he was doing "