1. Morning Glory Oasis
2. Walking Wounded -- Everything but the Girl
3. California Love-- 2 Pac (with Dr. Dre)
4. New Adventures in Hi-Fi --R.E.M.
5. You? Me? Us? Richard Thompson
6. C' Mon N' Ride It Quad City DJ's
7. Sheryl Crow -- Sheryl Crow
8. Mother, Mother Tracy Bonham
9. Store in a Cool Place -- Able Tasmans
10. Words -- The Tony Rich Project
Top Ten Best Movies
1. The People vs. Larry Flynt
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Jerry Mac Guire
4. Ransom
5. Independence Day
7. Bevis & Butt-Head Do America
8. Welcome to the Dollhouse
Top Ten Best Television Shows
1. 3rd Rock from the Sun
2. Friends
3. Seinfeld
4. Home Improvement
5. ER
6. The X-Files
7. NYPD Blues
8. Frasier
9. Married with Children
10. Simpsons
Top Ten Worst Television Shows
1. Clueless
2. Singled Out
3. Judge Judy
4. Homicide
5. Baywatch Nights
6. The Dana Carvey Show
7. Public Morals
8. Matt Waters
9. Millennium
10. The Thom Birds: The Missing Years
6. Star Wars: The re-release
9. The Crucible
10. Secrets and Lies
stood' nt lif 25 I l
Bare Esse ntial s Seniors Beth Hart and R yan Smith JOtn their friend s 1n a " pos e in the fall " OHS h as been the s tate champs 10 rafting nine years 1n a row " Even though the Amazon s were the bes t , th e Zeezo 's and DooDah 's weren ' t too bad either," said se n1orTony On hue la Ph oto cou rte s y of Stacey
S unn y S ui ts Seniors Kelsey P e tersen, Tammy White , Rena Du senbury , J a son B aerren and Terry Eilers tak e a break from rafting Th e re were three differe nt rafttng grou p s, th e Amazon s, DooDah 's, and Zeezo 's ' The r a ft mp was one of the best expenen ces of m y life' D oo Da h 's rule' " s rud senior Chri ssy Hutc hin son Photo c ou rt esy of Re n a Du senbury
G u tsy Ga ls Seniors Stacey Aronowitz, T r acy H oback, Nikki Varvens , and Mi c hell e Kle1ne1de r c hill for a bit tn their l ife pre servers Th e re are only three raft tnps a year ' ' Our raft was label ed th e lazy raft becau se w e mainly laid out in th e s un all day, but we st ill managed to be th e first raft mo st of the tim e," sa id s e nior Ka t y Rat z Ph o to co urt e s y of Stacey Aron ow i tz 2.6 ns by nitio n
Ii I ' I 'J ' •w, s It. Ill 14 k • ,-pi i I ' tla lJ "'A • F u 't:i l l :h d ;;;.J •-.d .l&q ., .. • ;i :h .l c,,i t t .... :a.u 1:r.d • .r utt in. ' IJ.rp • .,. p:in ••T b La 1 .:1 9 •J;fl ;i tl:t ..,
The rapid, the rough , and the wild. The '96 Junior Raft Trip s are beyond normal. Four day s wer e spent exploring the Yampa Green River in Colorado It is basically s urvival of the fittest. Food is divided up between groups and ha s to l ast the whole trip Senior Tom D u ster was voted rafter of the year. Intere stingly enough seniors Kris te n Versaw and Amiee Hoo g h eem hiked from the top of the canyon to the bottom where the rest of the r afters were. The Junior Raft Trips are fun and exciting times for each class to grow and unite. Teamwork, i s an essential and without it , the group co uld never accomplish the feats that lie before them
Amber Schaefer
S hap e Up o r S hip O ut Seniors Stacey Aronow1t1. and Tracy H oback buddy up 1n lhe1r raft wh ile gell in g ready to go The G HS raft trips are lhe only program like 1t for Juniors 1n Co lorado "Las t year we had one of th e best weather years that we have ever experienced, now maybe I h ave Jinxed next year, I hope not, " sa id Mr John Brodbeck. teacher and s uperv, sorof lhe lnps Ph oto courtesy of Stacey Aronowitz
Din a ' p ose n Seniors Tony Onhuela and Hut c hin son line up with rafl1n ' buds fora quick picture The main necessity for a great tnp 1s a good attitude , a bathing sui t , and a pair of water proof sandals, like Birken s tocks or Teva 's "All I can say is that Zeezo's are kmgs of lhe river 1" sai d Bob H ayes, teacher and leader Photo cou rtesy of Stacey Aronowitz
--- L _ 0
stood' n t lif 27
ac.a.dem.ic adj. 1. school or college curriculum.
2. unique and fun classes where you learn interesting things. 4. a lear11ing environment where you learn how to ki11 Barney, skin a pig, build an airplane, sing to yo11r heart's desire, play the national anthem, draw the world in the palm of your hand
School isn't all about playing sports, hanging out with your friends or participating in extracurricular activities . It is about learning. The academics at GHS are geared towards helping us learn more. When we venture out into the real world or when we head off to college, we won't be left behind in the dust. By definition academics is knowledge that people learn in a place of higher learning . But in our language it is high school where we learn geometry, physics and home economics. GHS offers a variety of classes to suit it's diverse population . One can take weight lifting, AP Calculus, or painting . With so many classes one learns something that they wi l l use throughout their life.
Katy Ratz
ons by nition
• l I j '!VI • I cu:! QI l DJ :.q I rp2 .-. Lia• 1~ •f1 d t.J .. •r • f •U lJ l 1:1 11 n.J r.lad Lziq U• ."' :St r"' If t " t ••• li:.• w • .r • ~f'f D t.,l p IP pl• I.I' r, .. , it• tA dc,,i It • p ,.. tJ t l -. 2 a ..,
Loo k a t T hi s Juniors Amber John s on and Julia Schm i dt are looking at their s tory they wrote m Yearbook Yearbook and other Enghsh cla sse s allow s tudent s to express them selves m their wntmg Senior Anna Kel so s aid , Wrumg lets me show my c razy s 1de 1"
Photo by Ron Fmel11
Where Is That Plant? Sophomores Aimee Holley, Alex Lampson, Jerem1a Stanton. J ill Erganbnght. and Mr W1l1 1ams go out into the field to collect plant specimens for a biology proJect. B 1ology 1s a class where students learn about different ecosystems and how plants and animals live in them Sophomore Skye Sven1ngsen said, "I have a lot offun in biology with my fnends 1 ' Photo by A m y Wilson
And the Answer Is. .. So ph o more Crys tal Cra, g ,s d i li gently wo d ,ing o n a wo rk s h eet 1n class Th e 95 min ut e b loc k system a ll ows \ t uden1s to learn about so m e thin g n ew in c lass and t hen t hey h ave time to work o n It J u n io r Tamse n S to kes sa id, ' Th e b l oc k sys te m , s great bu t some tt mes 11 ge ts a l111le long" P h o to by A m y Wil son
ti It ~,LN i.. d au r • F u 'ti t 11, !!I w r."Lid U4 .,. • ail J' 'i 't t t p lr If • N :tr. ny llA IA l:lq •Ff d c ti: K V'W ia, Ci. bl p 1n pl• • .I: nVf 1 ,
LI:• la d ., • p t.w t!i t
Casandra Dittbrenner s aid , " I r e ally lik e Ea rth Sc ie n ce b eca u se w e do a lot of l a b s.,,, Tim Pr ay and L e~ Anne Kephart
n s by n i t io n
• ~t cu t ll I j • .. LIii 1~ 6 F1 .1 El 1:.:
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Sc ie n ce is o ft e n con s id e r e d to be o n e o f a s tud e nt 's hard es t cla ss es . So ph o m o r e April Schilder sa id, " I don ' t lik e sc ie n ce b ec au s e it 's t o o mu ch hard w o rk ." So ph o m o r e Cliff Smith s aid , " I lik e bi o logy b ec au se yo u g e t to like di ssec t thin gs ." Fie ld trip s, s tudying , th e o utd oo r s, l a b s, ex p e rim e nt s, and t es ts a r e wh a t sc ie n ce i s about . Fres hm a n Chris Whitford s aid, " I rea ll y lik e go in g t o th e C olorado School o f Min es Ge olo gy Mu se um to look at th e r oc k s a nd min e r a l s . Fre s hman
Fly Away So ph o m o r e Re bekah J a co b \ l ook , for a te a c he r before s h e , hoo t , a paper airplan e in bi o logy So m e s tud e nt~ li k e ,c 1ence beca u<,c of w hat th ey h o pe to be wh e n t he y g r o w up So ph o m o r e Ju l ,a Tru o ng ,a ,d , " I l ik e .,c ,e nc c bec au ,e I p l an to be a d oc t o r l a t e r o n ·• Ph o to by A W il , on
Bubble Bubble Sophomores D ebbie W an and S han e Turn e r mix up a potion 1n c h em istry Man y demons on ly take two years o f science Sophomo re Erin Nicoles ~•d. "So m e of the thin gs th a t we learned 1n biology was bonng but Earth scie nce was o k ay "Photo by H e1 d1 Ste rre tt
The Great
Sophomores Caryn Sprague, D av id Kohn and Court n ey ..:.:,~~ Parry collec t plants on a field tnp 10 a forest Man y s tud e nts hke science when they too k. th e class Sen ior l...e51te Adair said. " I liked sc ience when I took 1t because of the fun experi m ents " Photo by Bob W illiams
Jotting Down Ideas Seniors M elissa Kin g and Judtlh Kun ze are ge ttin g data fr o m a co mput er for a physics class Science 1s often a very c hall eng in g co urse Freshman M ark Ha gel berg :-.aid. " I h a te th e big assignments because 11 , s 100 much work. " P h oto by He d y Kunte r
Playing With The Mind Juni or Dan1elle C happell 1s load ing h er m i nd with 1nformat 1on for physics. In sc ie nce every course 1s s tudyin g some chmg different Juni or Ian Schmidt sa,d. " I lik e physics but ha ted biology because biology 1s bormg " Ph oto by Hedy Kunt er
ak ' edem ' ik s l f
I 'm So Co nfuse d Sophomore Rebekah J acobs looks hard al her paper to see what mi s takes s he has
made Teac hers are d1 s appo1nled that studenlS don ' t u se their access lime wi s ely and come 1n for help Fre s hman Anna Long s aid , " I really don ' t like math becau se the numbers get mixed up an my head "
Photo by Ron Finell,
L is te n U p Sophomore Daniel Lee 1s hard at work and eager to learn StudenlS agree that math can be v e ry e as y , yet quite diffi c ult at tim es "You learn a lot of really c ool thing s 1n s ome of the ar1thmel1 c c las se s," s aid JUntor Summer Gray Photo by Amy Wil s on
Construction at Work Sop h omores Kry s tal H aug h ey, Travi s Valentine and Katherine 811lhom con s truc t perpendicular bi s ectors Two years of ma th are the requirement , but most s tudent s choo se to take more " Nothing 1s as tough a s trying to learn s ome th i ng you ' re JU St not into ," said junior Kelly McDaniel
by Ron Finell, What 's the Answer? Copy i ng 1s not allowed , but s ome people s uc h as sophomore Matthew Wales look co fnends like sophomore Kyle Yu s hka for help M ore and mo re technology 1s c oming out to help s tudents figure out all tho se problem s Sen ior Bnan Murphy s aid , "The fi rs t lime I walked into M s. Zac h ' s room I thought s he was going to make me drop and give her 20 "
by Amy Wil son
ons by ' n ition
•• h I u~ I l Ol • rp t.l "' ., it J •U li l Li d G u 1111A la.q •n1 • '41 ;h I ,q • t C t ••• l'E.9 1.lid • r • tf n t p 1).r ; .:So illJ t;,1 Lai l!I •ff: ..s d: ' D bl p i D pl• IX r, I l ., J.t• lA "CJ
Eve r y s tud e nt th a t r oa m s t h e h a lls a t G H S h as t o e ndu re so m e kind o f m a th co ur se. F r o m A.P. Ca l c ul us to Co r e classes , th e s p ec trum is broad T eac h e r s like M s Eileen Cook h e lp to p ass o n thi s kn ow le d ge t o th e s tud e nt s a n d m ay t eac h m any leve l s of m a th in o n e se m es t e r . New addi ti o n s t o the m a th de p a rtm e nt in clu de t oo ls lik e th e Ca l cul a t o r Based La b o r a tory, an d a m o ti o n d e tec tin g ca lc ul a t o r th a t h e lp s s tud e nts with ve loc i ty and o the r r e la t e d pro ble m s . So ph omo r e Joshua Rood sa id, " Th e compute r s r ea lly h elp m e in m a th, mine eve n h as ga m es on it ." And y Th o m as a nd Juli a Sc hmidt
Help G eo m e t ry teac h er M s El a in e F it zge r a ld h e lp s so ph o m o re Am y Lacey w i th h e r h ard to h a ndl e pro b le ms Wh et h e r yo u kn ow 11 or n o t, ma th 1s u sed 1n our every d ay h ves. S oph o mo re Kath y C a rver s aid , '' I' v e n o ti ced th a t a lgebra 1s e as ie r fo r some and geo me try 1s eas ie r fo r so me " Phot o b y R o n Fin e lli
ak' e d e m ' Ik s 33
Th e c urt a in r a i ses, but so m e thin g is d i ffere nt : The faces w a t c hing yo u a r e n o t yo ur p a r e nt s o r yo ur classm a t es . Th ose c ut e r o und faces a r e little kids T o th ese c hildre n , w a t chin g yo u p e rfo rm is a priv il ege, an d yo u co uldn ' t h ave ch ose n a b e tt e r a udi e n ce.
This is a ll p a rt o f C hil d r e n 's Th ea tr e, a pe rf o rm a n ce o ri e nte d co ur se.
Thi s yea r th e cl ass h as ch ose n Th e Frog Prince a n d Bea u ty and t he Beas t t o p e rfo rm, w h ic h we r e b o th r e wr i tt e n b y G H S s tu de nt s. Se ni o r Ellen Hale sa id th a t s h e t ook C hildr e n 's Thea tr e " fo r m o r e ex p e r ie n ce a nd t o w o rk with c hil d r e n ." A m a n da Pitt
From The H e art Se ni o r Shane Marquardt and Junior Ma ege n Conno ll y pra c ti ce to mak e perfect T o be a part of C hildren', Th e atre. you mu,t tif'.-.1 a ud1t1 on for M r K lug Senior Bri a Ha mpl ema n said , " I love about C hildre n's Th ea tre 1s the expre-.."on, o n th e kid, · fa ces afte r performan ce" P hot o by Ron Fin e ll,
ns by n itio n
I ' I ' 'N •• l L• ft • rp • II La l.a •H j tJ .. u I) I T Lt• ... IS , • F IU tU t 11, :I C w r..d Ull • a :1, f t,'I t C t u,i l"'L:td I .II • 1•1 lL ' p l.r 1 • w 1r. ray .b D bl p ID pl.ii . .,. 11 • p •t• tl t l .a t ..
Pla y in g Th e Part Senior M ark H ickman gives 11 hi s all Before 1ounng J efferson County Elementaf)
S c hool s. eac h sc hool ge ts to choose what produ ctio n 1he crew w ill perform " It 's a completely new expe ri ence be1ngw1th this class 1s like a family ," s aid Jun ior M elt.,sa Fry Ph o to by R on Finelh
Cas ti n g A S pell Juni or M elissa Fry recites h er lin es during d ress rehea~al Be for e sign in g up for C hildren s Thealre you have to hav e a lread y tak en Theatre/Sema nu cs or Forens ic s/Mass M ed ia Junior M arc us Malt empo sa id 1ha1 h e hke s C hildren s Th ea tre because 'we ge t 10 mesmenze tho se hllle kid s ' Ph oto b y R on Finelh
Holl y wood , He re W e Com e! Seniors Andrew S il vey, Catherin e C lark, and Bna H ample man and Junior M eagha n Burnell rehe arse their pan s Bei n g a pan of C hildren's Th ea tre h e lp s s tud e nts get a feeling of whal 111 s like to be 1n a pro fess ional touring group J unior Wend y Samland said Lhat s h e took Children's Th ea tre because "it's so much fun 10 make c hil dren laugh" Ph o10 by Ron Fin e ll,
An E n g age m ent Durin g th e re h earsal of " Beau t y and the Beast" se ni or Tracy Hobac k a nd Junior Jessica Ande rso n become Jealous o f 1he1r s 1s 1e r s, Junior Ginn y K usy. new ma gic nn g Th e s to n es that are performed by Children· s Theatre are u sua lly a lt e re d vers i ons o f 1rad1t1 ona l sto n es Ju nior J ess ica Anderson said, ·•1 lhtnk it' s a rea lly good learnin g ex peri ence I learn a 101 fr om performing for the kid s" Ph oto by Ron Finell,
a k ' e d e m 'I k s 35 ' I
Vocab Vix Senior,:, 81) an \Vcllcn ,;1c~ .ind Tra v1c; Sheild, ,tudy th e ir VO( ,,hul,1ry for cl,...,, A Crc,1l1vc \Vntm g eta \, ,, .il<.o offered .it G I IS for thoc.c who cspcc;.1 di) love to \Vrt te " I ltk c I nglts h hcca u,e I ca n C"<prcc;c; rny fed111 g'- l>eller tn writing " ,.11cJ Junior Macgcn Co nn o ll y Ph o to by Ron Fin e ll,
S tud y Buddi es Seniors J osh Moles and Adam Wieber
a na ly ze a book th ey are reading Students must demon strate mas tery of basic literary tenn s and grammat1ca l stru c ture to succeed 1n ninth grade Engli sh "Engli sh takes so me lhtn\ g," s aid fres hman Beck Wood Photo b Ron F1nelh
C low n Around s Sen 1orc; Stacey Arndt, Kn <: tc n Vc r,; aw Aim ee Hoog hee m, ancJ Peter Loc kl ey try lo up , 1de down Co ll ege Co mp , ., J very tough e la sc; bccau ,;e your whol e grndc 1s prc11y mu c h ba,;c d upon one essay "E ng li sh c la,c; 1s o~.1y bccau,c when we wntc. we get to pick our ow n topi cs.'' said ,cn1or Ju die Kun1 c Photo h y Hedy Kunt er
Like , Oh My Gos h Sen ior Tra cy Hoback ex pre,scs a really goo<l 1de,1 to he r clac;c;mates AP Engl1,;h 1s a very acJvan<.ed c la ,;,; mainly fort hoc;c loo~mg tostnvc ahead and pur,;u c <.ollcgc "E nglt c; h 4 1, cool because Mr Pin c IIt 1s my tcaclw r and he 1 , coo l." , a,d se nior Ro y Sanders Ph oto by He d y Kunt e r
., u •r Lr ... cl ., • F U <11 t :l t L~ Cl t.J u.d u,q 1(,0 J .I :lt t II • Jff :.a. t p ).r J • """ tr. •r tQ bl p Ul plA • I o
-• • ••••• . ... -/J .__~ - ~i;__ _ M,___10.;, I
36 ' n itio n ....._
To be or not to be, English is the key. Can you imagine being able to communicate in a decentmannerwithout English? Skill s such as public speaking, acting, debate, writing and - -~ r eading are taught. " I lik e English class because it stretches my brain and my t eac h e r is kind of cute," said senior Roger Stellars . Though some students spend th eir class time studying t eac h e r s, some a r e actua ll y paying att e ntion " I l ove Advanced Essay, Edgar Allan Poe is grea t; I mu s t give him snaps for his co urageous works and Gothic tale s," said junior Amanda ' Sexton . Amber Schaefer and Jes Ward
' What 's So Funny Seniors En c Hobson and Dal e Sacry laugh a bit while doing their work English 1s a very important part of one's hfe and th erefore 1t s hould be taken seriously I like my Engli s h class because I actually enJoy wnung essays," sai d sop homore Scott Morgan Ph oto by Ron Fin e l11
ak' edem'Iks 37
Yea rb oo k is a cl ass o f writin g, phot ogra phs, a nd s tr ess . Se ni o r Katy Ratz sa id, " I try t o fini s h th e Ba bies s prea d but so m e thin g u s uall y goes wron g and I g e t m a d ." Yea rb o ok i s n ' t all s tr ess Se ni o r Cara Snyder's fa vo rit e p a rt i s " Pin e lli Frid ays b eca u se h e pl ays Jimm y Buffe t. " Yea rb oo k h a d m a n y n e w co m e r s this yea r . Juni o r Lesley
Hueman jo in e d yea rbo o k b eca u se, " I w a nt e d t o m ee t n e w p e ople ." Afte r it ' s a ll ove r a nd th e yea rb oo k s b een h a nd e d o ut , th e yea rb oo k s t a ff l oo ks thr o u g h th e yea rb oo k with a fee lin g of acco mpli s hm e nt th a t th ey c r ea t e d a s u ccess A. Jo hn so n a nd BJ Re ynold s
Pictur e Perfect Fres hm e n C hn sun a Wint e r, Da v id Ball
Kati e S tod o la, and so ph o more Lee Ann e Ke phart a re filin g und e rc la s s me n pi c t ures Be in g Ed1t or - 1n- C h1 ef mean s a lo t o f la te ho urs Se ni or Mall M ont go mery sa id , " I do n' t ge t s tressed o ut a bout deadlin es , I ge t s tresse d o ut a bout s taff mc mbc r.i"
Ph oto by Ro n Fin e ll1
n s by ition
., ' C C l'il •• l u I, • u• I l ll .q 11 rp:S • ' ..La lJ liJ:1 .:I tJ Lu Q •r • F ate t i t Li, :I .... •wd :l l r~'II • I: r l •• lla Lad • S1 • ,t'f V 11, II bl p U i pllll I Z u • p t .l t L:I, t
Where Are You? Juniors Amber J ohnson and Julia Schmidt are l ooking th rough schedules to interview s tudent s. Man y of our newcome rs had previous experience in a yearbook class Fres hman Tim Pra y s a i d , " I did 1t at Bell and enJoyed at " Ph o to by Ron Fin e l11
By Senior Amy Wil son fil es photos of H omeco m i ng ga m e Ph o tograp h y 1s an i mportant part of the yearbook Senior Amy Wal so n sa id • I e nJ OY being a phot ograp h e r because I get to capture p eople s emotions · Ph oto by R on Fin ell ,
Front Row · M att M on tgo m ery econd R ow Amber J ohnson. Julia Schm i dt. Kat y R atz, M e li ss a Palm e r , BJ Rey n o ld s. Hedy K unter Chri s tina Wint er, T hird Row Lesley Hu e man Tiffany Gill , Tere s a Emmon s, Amber Schaefer, Amanda P itt, Ki m G1ddcon, Ka ti e Stodola, J es Ward , Co r a M aier, Da v i d Ball Ba ck Row Andrew Long , Amy W1 bon, Tim P ray, Le eA nn e Kephart, Kim W estby, F e mina M oore, He 1d1 Sterre ll , Amber Femm e r, Carl Burg. Andy Th oma, Photo by R o n Fin e ll,
Typing Techniques Senior Amber Schaefer bu s il y types away at th e B abies and Bu ddies s pre ad Yea rbook ,s an acade mi c c las s but a lso h e lp s you meet new people Senior Kim W es tby sa id , '' I t's a g ood class be c au se you get to meet th e st ud en t bo<ly "
P hot o by Ron Fi nell ,
- -
ak' e d e m ' ik V 19
Mar ch On Juniors Mark Lauwers and E nn Porte r march along with senior B rendan Th1stlehawk-Ranck and freshman Caroly n Cockl e. The band practices for an hour and a half every other day " Band has become a second family to me," said senior Becky Doherty. Photo by Ron Finelh
Heralding Senior Matt Ro gers enJoys learning a new tune in guitar class The GHS orchestra presents a d1fferent concert every spnng " Mu sic can mean so many different things to different people ," sa1d Matt Boyd
Photo by Ron Finelh
, T
ll e Me nap ace, Jen n ifer Be nn e tt, Amber Daniel , Kat e Pres tia - Schaub, Je ss ica Bakker, Lauren Fi tzpa tn c k, Erica Smit h, Kat ie C lark, Erin Ove rtu rf, Tenaya M aho n ee, Cara H assetl, E nn Ryan, Ke lly Fagerburg, Debbie Wan , Rheannon Driver, Lori M aloney, Third Row Mindy J oh n son, Mi c h elle Lee, Ja mes Burkett, Alex Cardoso, Sean Sands, Ru ss Han sen, Adena Re her, Abby Foster, H eidi Wil son, David Gasper , M ark Lauwers, Shila h Gaule , Becky Doherty , Kristen Wilh ite, Heidi Freier, Caroly n Coc kle , Can di ce Cordova, Melissa John so n , Tnna Ga rc ia, Brendan Th1 s tlehawk -R a n ck , Nicole Papes Back Row Emily Yocom, Nathan C hu rch, Zach Gamblin, Dan Gasper, Ashley Meaghe r, Katherine Adame , J eff Desmarteau, Nora Kenworthy , H eather Ore m , Erin Porter, Duke Reher, J eff Kem ler, N ic k Walters, Ted Bu rke, C hri s t ia n a 01 C ianno , Wes ley Walton , Amanda Nummelin , Kelly Ka sper
ons by nition
I ( ' 'II Jc •• l Lw I ud • t IJ -9 • l1 1~ •pt :l rJ Lr. :I • F tt• t:1 t l1 1 ".J a.d :t ,I :h r a,,;i J t C t •• L .fl rA • Jtf ll bl p an pl• a .i t :i I ,:i
Front Row · Brad Danek , Wendi Eberhart , Peter Rappmund , M all Sch li eman,To m Cecil, Sonia Ca
ldwell, Genny 01l worth , Tiffany Sch m id t
im R awson, Kev in M icke, Ju st in Peacoc k, Zach Kos tennan
M r Ed son Second Row Brennan M cCue, M ary Thomas, Dani e
Alm os t eve r yo n e lik es t o h ea r mu s i c. Th e s tud e nts o f th e GH S music d e p a rlnt ent l ove to play mus i c. Everyone, fr om the Jazz Band tr omb oni s ts to th e S trin g O r ch es tra 's vi o linis ts, h as th e ir o wn styl e. Fo r s ome, mus i c cl ass is a tim e to " ... d o so m e thing yo u enj oy with g o od fr ie nd s," s a id so ph o m o r e Lindsay Hoback . These mu s i cians a ll s h a r e one thin g in co mm on : l ong h o ur s of pra cti ce, but so ph o m o r e Aimee Waltz b eli eves, " If yo u prac ti ce h a rd , yo u ' ll h ave a goo d time." Mr. Scot Edson sa id, " Th e k ey to play in g mu s i c is a p osi tive a ttitud e." Ca r a Sn y d e r an d H e idi Ste rre tt
Could it be? Seniors Wend t Eberhart , Chris Cu mmmgs, Tiffany S c hmidt , M ark H ic k m a n , and junior David Feth s tudy their note s m M us ic Th eory class Mr. Ed son h as co ndu c ted the G H S band , orchestra, and the Jazz band for t he las t five years J unior Adrianne Wnght said, "Edson makesour classe nJ oyable "
ak ' edem'Ik s 4
Photo by Hedy Kunter
The G H S Stud e nt Co uncil is b ac k at it aga in this yea r , with n e w m e mb e r s a nd ideas. They a r e con ce rne d wi th the GH S s tud e nt b o d y as w e ll as th e Go ld e n co mmuni ty. Juni or Re pr esent ative Ren Bucholz sa id , " W e a r e orga ni ze d t o b e n e fi t the s urr o undin g co mmuni ty; I think w e a r e a s tr o n g p os itive fo r ce thi s yea r ." Th e ac tiv iti es in whi ch th e Stud e nt Co un cil will b e p a rti cip a ting in clud e dan ces, and o th e r fun ac tiv iti es, lik e th e Hom eco ming Ca rni va l . Th ey will a l s o pion ee r prog r a m s t o r ai se fund s for th e scho o l a nd fo r l oca l o r ga ni z ation s. And y Th o ma s an d Ca r a Sn y d e r
Ha Ha! Co un c il mee tin gs are not all ~c nou s , as Junior Ann e Fay , and se ni o rs LeJO Fl o res and Becca Drag ul dc mons Lra te. Th e Stude nt Coun c il will part1 c 1pate tn ac t1v1t1 es lO ben e fit the Golde n area to he lp Lh e need y Se nio r Vi ce Pre s id e nt F le tc her B ro wn said , " I like St uco beca use I ge t to p lay a rol e tn t he s tud e nt bod y " P hoto by Ro n Fin e ll,
n s by n i t io n
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/I :Ii ' j •• lv ls • .u~ s t ll •t • f u: .i t:. t L1, t c:J ~u! L~ r• " 1'l C'i t l •• u a.a r •1: t n. p l.r I •I :lt> . ., t., 1(1' •Fil 4 tli .. 11"'1 't I ".bl p ID pla I S .'i
H ea d H o n c h os Student Bod> Pre s ident leJo Flores and Pnnc,pal Tom Dimmit discuss upcoming Student Council proJec ls Themarncon cem fortheJun1orClass 1s to plan Prom Juni or Class Rep. Chnsune Maren sa id , " We like lo m a k e lh1ngs happen " Photo by Ron Finelh
S peak Up Senior Ren Bucholz directs al a Student Council meeung Freshmen lhal were elected lh1s year are more or less learning the ropes for future leadership of lhe school Freshman C lass Repre sentat ive Nad1aMarkovch1ck said 'We are really glad we get to help play a role 1n the school too " Photo by R on Finell1
Fro nt R ow: AleJandro Flores Second Row : Sadie Sull,van, Clay B e nn ett, Becca Dragul , K atie Cooper. Chns tin e M aren, Christina F ord, Anne Konegn 1, Abbey Knox T h ird Row : Brendan Chisholm. Bill H illen, Lynn Mah aras, Renee Gemi , Carley W11l1 ams, Jaso n C happe ll, Anne Fay M ic h ael Osgood. Fletcher Brown R en Bu cholz, J ohn Hors t Back R ow : P eter Du se nbury Nadia M arkovch1ck, Anna Berkman, Laura Word , Shannon Sumner. S ta cy Aronowitz , Ro ss M artin, Edward Burke , Mi chael Pfisterer, B nan DeWolf M ega n Word David Feth , Tim Hoppin
l )o W hat'? Senior, \t,1t) J\ro11nw111 .ind II, 1an Dc\Voll 11~ 11, 111 on the d1st1l',,1Clll \tu<lcnl Cn11111 il pl,111, !'.<Hill nl the h111111c,1 C\Cnt, for chc ,1. hool 1111. lud111g 1h1.· I l o1nc1.01111ng C .1rn1\ .ii Senit11 Cl.,,, Rt prt·,1.111.,11vc Be1.1..1 Dr,1g11I ,.11d l he Carn!\ ,Ii,, lh1.· 1110,1 produtll\C f,dl lund r.11,1.•r Photo h) Ron I 1111.•111
ak' edem''iks 43
- -I I i • ! I I ! • I ! • ' '• I I ' •• I
Go tta Mak e It Ju s t Right Sophomore Zach Gamblin 1s seriously concentrating on his drawing Mos l s ludenls take drawing because 11 ' s relaxing and 11 ' s a creall ve outlet lo s how their emotion s. Senior Brad Bouley c ommented , " I like the different a ss ignments that Mr Youngman gives u s becau se I can us ually find some new lalent 1 have " Photo by Ron Finelh
Hard at Work Sophomores Brian Wahgorski , John B1elak, Junior Enc Carl son and senior Dave DeMaJtanu s work hard on their ink drawing s 1n one of Mr Youngman ' s drawing classes Drawing class es are offered 1n levels from beginning to Studio Art Sophomore Adam Martin said, " I have drawn for my entire life and I wanted lo do s omelh1ng u seful w1lh 1t •• Pho lo by Amy Wilson
Don't Drip Junior James Leakey adds color to his mountain panorama painting Severa l students pa1nled or drew award wmnmg proJects thal were later sold Senior Mall Frost explained, " I don't like to se ll my ong1nal an work because I hke to look back and see what I've drawn m the past." Ph oto by Amy Wilson
I ' •I ' J •• :h' ii •.uf • t OJ Ii iH a l r LH t t f t.AI t:l t Ln ' ii cq 'l C t •• r • it t p lr' .,.. :ln Rf b :lq' •ff 4 &l ti: • V J 'ti D ti p I D pl• ..,, J ..
44 n itio n
Man y diffe r e nt kind s o f a rt pr ograms a r e o ff e r e d a t Go ld e n . Wh e the r it's s k e t chin g p ic tur es in a b ook o r c r ea tin g w ea r a ble pieces o f je w elry, it's p oss ibl e t o find a se p a r a t e a rt co ur se fo r eac h . In a dditi o n , each di v i s i o n o f a rt h as diffe r e nt leve ls o f s kill s a nd a bilities. A s p a rt o f C H S tr a diti on, seve r a l s tud e nts r ece iv e d a w a rd s a t va rio u s a rt s h ow s. Se ni o r Sarah Wolf r ece ive d h o n o r a ble m e nti o n a nd b es t o f s h o w , and se ni o r Andy Darlington, h o nor a ble m e nti o n in theC h e rry C r ee k Art s Fes tiva l Stud e nt Ar ea. D av id Ba ll and Tiffa n y G ill
I Don ' t Like That Fres h m an J esse P res ton erases a m is take on hi s drawing of ad 1s torted face Few s tuden ts re alized that lhe intri ca te art of Jewe l ry was offered a s a course at G H S Fresh m an M att h ew Jones co m mented, " I Lhought that Ceram ics would Just be making pots, bu t 11 t urn s out it' s so mu c h more ."
ak ' ed e m ' ik s 45
Photo by Ron Finelh
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 11 c hoir"? Most people think of a mass of p eo ple singing as loud as they can. At GHS we have five major choirs and seve ral smaller groups. Mixed Choir is the beginning level of choir. More advanced singers can join Advanced Women 's choir. Concert Choir is an advanced mixed choir. Even though people think choir is an easy class, hard work earns the A. Most males in choir are only in it for one reason: junior Jasson Sch we t tma n said, 11 The women in Concert Choir want me! "
Kim Westby and Amy Wilson
Let Me See Member s of the Mixed C h oir are s inging their all on one of the ir pieces of music Everyone likes c ho ir for a d1ffe rent reason Fres hman Du s un W endling s aid , " I ltke c hoir becau se of all Lhe ene rgy and s upport everyone gives everyone el se ." Ph oto by Ron Finellt ns by ition
.J'C I 't ll ,Q 'l' I t .la .l:I 1F1 1 I ti I r i; M F t.~ 1 :h .. :. 11 U.I t t .r • II f p l.r' ... n •T k°A • ' 'ti • D bl r, p Ul ],ill f. :t t 1 I
Lov e to Sing Fre s hman Bryan Hi c km an and the rest of the Concert Choir arc ,ho"' ing off their talents Sight Readin g~ well as learning to read the notes of you r part 1s part of the requirements in all choirs Sophomore Scott Morgan said, "S 1ght reading 1s not all that bad , you get to learn how to sing without the teacher 's help " Photo by Ron Finelh
S t a n ding Tall Seniors Wendy Han sen and Mary are standing with o th er c lassm ates practicing their music Concert Choir has a total of 40 students with 12 males Senior Cathenne Clark said, In choir you meet different kinds of people Phot o R v Ron F1nelh
Is That It ? Senior Ri chard Burkhalter and other male s in gcn. are singing their heart s while trying to have a good lime M1xe<l Choir and Concert Choir hav e more males this year than in th e pru.t Sophomore Deidra Smllh sta ted , " This year the bass and the tenors so und so good, we are going to k.nock the audience off their sock s "
How 's That ? Junior Andrea Saindon 1s singing with fellow advanced women gelling ready for a co ncert Advance Women 's Choir 1s a new addition to the c hoir program this year Sophomore Leah Edenfield said , "A dvanced Women' s Choir ts cool because you can get more respec t " Photo by Ron F1nell1
Photo by Ron Finelli
ak ' e de m'ik s 47
Let It Go Senior Lynn OeBerry and se nior Stacey Aronowitz are holding one a note 1n one of the 24th Street Singers so ngs I n the last four years Mr Enc Wein s tein has successfully pul the c hoir prog ram together making al a full time program We1n stem s aid , " I'm really proud of all choirs, they have never been better " Photo by Ron Finelh
inging Along
Senior Ellen Hale along with other early bird s ingers are s 1ngmg one of many so ng s they are perform1ng lh1 s year Not on \y do you learn how to s ing at a more advanced level you get lo perform for d1fferenl people and go different pla ces Sophomore Joe Kempter s aid , " It' s funny to see all the s ingers at the 7-11 before you see them at sc hool 1" Photo by Ron Finelh
24th treet inge rs : Fron t Row : M ark H ick m an , Troy H annemann , M arcu s M altempo, Joe Kempter , Chns H ickman, Shane Stone, M idd le Row : Lynn DeBerry , Ellen H ale, Stacy Arndt , M ary Curran, Catherine Clark Ba c k Row : Wendt H ansen , Bria
H ampleman Karen Nek1r c hner, M onika Sac h deva , M arhna ClemenL-; ot Pi c t ure d : David Feth , Stacey Aronow1ll , M ana
Ras co n , Scott Morgan , Ja sc;o n Schweuman, Gabnel Negri Shane
M arquardt, Adam W e ndling P hoto By Ron Fincllt
Mo untain Magi c: Fr o nt Row : Chincana Narans , Te resa Peters,
M olly Quark , Gloria Versa w , Vane ssa Joiner, Andree Fo s ter , M ic he ll e
B oyd Middl e Row : Vane ssa H ann e mann , Lind sey Winham , Sara h Schiffman. Kat e Colligan. Elaina Krau s, J e n Wengrov1 s, Tiffany Fre deri ck , Kendra Bran c h Ba ck Row : K im We s tby , He 1d1 C 1esla r ,
M elissa Cline,SkyeSvenn1ngsen, So nia Camey, M ana Solano , Amy Wal so n Ph o to By Ron Finell,
• t • J' • I ui K t ll q • p .... •La lj I i tJ I 'lJ ,U r ;l, I 1,11 t t • 111 p lT & ti bl p Ul la .. l p • j
Th e 24 Str ee t Sin ge r s / M o untain M agic, tw o ch o irs, tw o club s th a t from th e w o rd s o f th e ir own m e mb e r s, " w e r oc k ." Be in g p a rt o f th e 24 Street Sin ge r s i s not a ll th a t g l a m o rou s. Th ey m ee t a t 6:30 eve ry m o rnin g. G ru e ling, is n ' t it? Th e s in ge r s don ' t see m t o mind . Th en on th e o th e r hand so m e o f th em d o. Seni o r Mary Curren sa id, " It is t oo ea rl y." M o untain M ag i c is a m o r e r easo n a ble g r o up th a t m e t durin g whit e bloc k o n e. So phom o r e Maria Solano sa id , " M o unta in M agi c is a s up er ch o ir b ecau se it's a n a ll g irl ch oir . So rry
b oys." Kim We s tb y.
Dance To The Music Mountain Magic member.- are learning one of the dance rouunes they will perform thi s year Mountain Magic 1s a show c hoir that 1s mos tly a Jazz choir Sop homore C h ineane Narans said , " Moun tain Mag ic 1s an awesome clas~ were everyone get'.'> a long "
ak ' edem'ik V 49 •
Photo by Ron Fi nel h
Th e r e i s m o r e t o gy m th an th ose wei rd gy m s uit s. Yo u h ave t o run o uts id e in th e co ld w ea th e r a nd w o rk yo ur h a rd es t t o ge t an A . At G H S th e r e a r e five diff e r e nt gy m classes yo u can take wi th a va ri e ty in eac h o n e. Th e five d iffe r e nt cl asses a r e tea m s p o rts, fitn ess & co nditi o nin g, ae r o b a ti cs, gy mn as ti cs, t e nni s, vo ll eyb a ll , a nd b ow lin g . In all th e cl asses yo u h ave t o run a m i le, b oys in 7:30 a nd g irls in 10 :00, w hi ch t a k es a l o t o f h a rd w o rk a n d pr ac tice. Fres hm a n Bill Hillen s aid, "Fi tn ess a nd co nditi o n i n g t a k es n o thin k in g ." K . W es tb y & F. M oo r e
Like Th is Scn ,orTroy Bauer ,s -, how,n g h is fcllowcla-,.,mates
JU\l how strong he 1s F1tn es., and con d1t1onm g 1s a cl a,s were people lea rn to lt fl weight., correc tly Wh e n a'.'>ked why he 1s , n fitne '.'> , and cond111o nm gJu n1 o r Enc Horva t sa id , " I' m 1n 1t to ge t ,1re ng1h for spo n s " Ph o to by Hc1d1 S terre tt
n s b y nitio n
• [ I C j re •• l l !t •ui I t IJ q I ., T C M I t.JI .t :u CII t I 'L p lr •~(i a y b19 1Ff IS ti! If ' u, bl p I ll l .a ii .Ii [ p t• :I
Batt e r Up Sophomore Ad a m R Smith 1s sw in g in g hard to hit a home run Differe nt type, of running s tyl es are taugh t to th e gym class stude nts Freshma n Kati e Mau gha n -;a id "Gym 1s hard work but, we are ha\ 1ng fun at 1t and getting buffed " Ph o to by Ron Fin e ll,
Sliding Home Freshman
Ad am J S m ith 1s s l 1d 1ng 1n al homebase try in g to score for hi s team Gym 1s a class th at most '>ludents t a k e as a fr es h man Freshman C hr is Whitford said, · It 1, good because I can get tough so no upperclas,man co m es after me ' Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Spike It Fres hm e n Trav" J e ffrey , and Kyle Kru eger are play in g volleyball as a learn ln vo ll eyball, ten ni s and bowling th ey take a c lo se r look into th ose three spo rt s a nd yo u ca n go bowling every ot he r wee k a t Go ld e n Bowl Sen ior Troy Bauer sai d , •·1 like weight li fting because it 's a like body building' Photo by Ron Finellt
One, Two ,T hr ee, Lift Sophomore Br ook Hom cc kcr 1 , dea dhfl1n g weights In gym nas ti cs and aerob ics you ca n gel limber to do different nip s J unior J osa Roc ha s aid , " ll 's tough and a lot of hard work and a lso 11 takes s kill ' Ph oto by Ron Finell 1
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ak' edem'1k V s i I I
Right About. .. Fr~hman Ju stin Fleury measures h1 s drawing for Drafting In A v1at1on, stude nts looked at flight fundamental s, built lots of models and gliders, and worked w i th aerospace technology Fres hman Em ily Daniel s sai d , " Av1at1on 1s coo l and 1l will help me get aJob ." Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Flying Sparks Sophomo re H ar ley B artosh welds on a frame 1n Metal Shop I n Intro to Auto , s tudent s learned the baste 1nfonnat1on they need e d to own an automobile , s uch as general service for their cars Freshman M att Jon es sa id , " I like metal s hop because lhe torches are cool." Photo by Amy W ilso n
Ho ld It Fres hman Scott Ke ml er sa nd s by h and in Wood Shop
In metal s hop , s tu dents learned about severa l welding tec hn iq ues and how to work on metal millin g m ac hin es " I e nJOY me tal s h op a lot because Mr K 1s w ill i ng to s top and work w1lh everyo n e 1nd1 v1dually," sa id sen ior J ohn Eag le ton Ph oto by R o n Finelli
A lmost There Freshman J e remy Matlhews uses th e belt s ander 1n Wood S h o p In Arc hit ect ure, s tudents drew h o use p lans " I t takes hard work, determination , and a good pair of pants to be 1n m eta l shop ," s aid se ni or J oe H ippen s teel. Ph oto by R on Finelh .
:z i •• .le l'I • I ui • pi 'J'I •Ui l:l l'fi tJ iN 1 ,. J:A I 1:.1 r J C.ll :l :h I :h 1:111 t t ••ul • tt rL ,e •:ln ., bl ti. . bl p lfl l• I.I J I
n ition
The wide variety of cla sses in the GHS Tech Arts program are not just courses you take to pa ss time at school. It 's a huge mi sconception that Tech Art s classes are time s to me ss around to get an easy' A' . They are fun and interes ting, but a lot mor e time and effort goes into them than you may think. The two Te ch Arts teacher s are Mr. John Kellenbenz and Mr . Jeff Hauser. " I like Mr. Hauser becau se he 's crazy like that," said se nior J.D . McMurtry " I took Drafting beca u se I like to draw all the time ," sa id fr es hman Colin Haynes. Kim Giddeon and Carl Burg.
Airborne Se nior Wes ton Haverkamp butlds hi s plan e 1n Aviati o n I n Draftin g, st udent s u sed their mechani cal drawing s kill s to produce drawings for vanous techni cal reaso ns s uch as bu1ld1ng d esig n , and fab r ication " M etal s hop 1s coo l because I get to work w11h my hands," sa id sop homore Ru s ty Byrd Ph oto by R on Finclli.
ak ' edem 'iks 5 l I I
Wh e r e e l se can yo u l e arn a bout yo ur r o l e as a citize n , the C iv il W a r , th e Ro m a n Empir e , a nd the ec on o m y? Th e a n s w e r i s Soc ia l Studi es, wh e r e yo u ca n l ea rn a b o ut a ll o f these thing s and m o r e, whil e h av in g fun Soci a l Studi es cl asses in clud e Ame ri can G ove rnm e nt, Am e ri ca n a nd W o rld His t o r y, Gove rnm e nt and E co n o mi cs, P sycholo gy, Soc io l ogy, Geog r a phy, a nd AP Hi st o ry Se ni o r Andrea Lanterman sa id, " Beca u se o f AP Hi s tory1 I h a v e mu ch m o r e t o o ffe r t o t o d ay's soc i e t y." So c ial Studi es teac h e s u s a b o ut eve rything fr o m th e mind t o o ur hi s tory. By Ca rl Burg a nd Kim G idd eo n
Get It? Se ni o r J o n P in ea u re p rese nt s Grea t Britain 1n th e AP His tory 3 moc k tri a l I n th e co re c lasses s t ud e nt s learn ho w to beco me good c 11 1ze ns " I hk e wo rld hi s tory bec a u<,e M r O ' Don s10 re la tes II to mode m tim es," s aid Juni o r And rea D1 ll bre nn e r Pho to by Bo b S tokes
n s b y nitio n
I t C I' Ir •• l 111 I " ll I IJ •(1 T t M I LI r t.,I :l 1 1 t t , . ._ .s,,1 .r a it p ls •r. • r u tb if ti,
54 ...,_ t• • tnr TJT -,,:~ ,
It W as He re Sophomores Kevin Cle rkm and Jeff Pa schall work on geographi cal maps m American H istory In American Governm e nt s tu dents learn th e governme nt' s e ffec t on th e economy " I n Governmen t and Econom,cs, I'm learning a lot with m y com munity serv ice proJect," said senio r Carolyn Burg. Ph oto by Ron Finell ,
E x ac tl y Senior Bri an Sanden. argues his point with sen ior B111 Nee 1n the AP H istory 3 moc k trial Geography s cudents learn the locat 1ons and c lim a tes of counlnes • Amencan Government s a good c lass because we have a lot of work so we' re never bored,· satd fre s hman Celes ce Con nelly Ph o to b y Bob Stokes
Movin g On Sopho m ore Ni c k Eagl eso n work s on h is m a p in Am erican Hi s tory P syc holo gy stud e nts learne d about ho-w th e mind work s " As a teacher. you've go t to ha ve a sense of hum or a n d be able to mak e Jokes wi t h th e studenb," s aid M rs Wahl
Ph oto by Ro n Finell,
Looks Good Sophomores S teve Starner and Sherry White do an assig nm en t m th e ir American Hi s tory books I n Sociology s tud e nt s learn about h ow pe op le int eract 1n g roups " I hk e P syc hol ogy beca u se 1t 's a re ally ne at su bJ cct and I ltke lea m,n g about th e mind ," said se nior Laure y M a tt ox Ph oto by Ron Fin e lit
..J,,.. ,, 0 1 ,I. ..
a k ' e d e m 'I k s ss I I
Lis ten Up A bu s i ness class listens to a s peaker 1n th e c afetena Th e Creative Compu ters c lass 1s d es ig n ed lo help s tu dents learn to u se the IBM o r Ma ci ntosh well Eryn M eye r said, " I took thi s c lass to gel to know the co mputer" Photo by Ro n Fin el11
R ea din g T im e Junior Boaz
Aland reads 1n c lass Spo n sors o f FBLA are bu s in ess tea c h ers, M s Ph yllis P nce and M s Gail O ' Neil Fres hman Jamie Zeigle r s aid ," I really liked Creative Compu ters, I learned a lot " Ph oto by Amy Wil so n
Hard at Work Bu si nes s s tudents work o n papers dunng bu s ine ss class The Bu s in ess D e partment se l up a pizza boot h at the Homecoming Carnival. Freshman Abbey Hawes sa id , " Keyboarding 1s fun and 1s a good ume to talk with friend s." Photo by Amy Wil s on Answe r Man Fres hman Ru ssell Mal tempo aids another bu s in ess s tudent dunng th e ir co mputer c lass Th ere is a J ob Board po s ted up by the bu s iness clas ses for any o ne interes ted and ca n meet th e requireme n ts Fres hm a n Chris Bl u se s aid , " Keyboarding taugh t me to type fast s o that 1 ca n ge t a good JOb ." Ph o to by Amy Wil so n
I r ,.. t f r If •• b t • •uf )J ' IJ tl , r LLi F u :l :h t •• .r u, l • bl p ID J 1.1, IY r
' n ition
The bus iness cla sses offered at GHSarevery likely to bejus ta simportant as the mandatory cla sses s uch as math, sc ience, and English. The mo s t popular of the bus iness classes in clud e Bu s iness/ Personal Law Keyboarding, Creative Computers andFBLA. When asked about her favorite class, Creative Computers, Ms. Phyllis Price stated," The class i s named Creative Computers because the s tudent s design their own program s after they meet the earlier requirements; everyone should take a bu siness class."
Katie Stodola and Teresa Emmons
ak' edem'Iks 57
Keep on Pushin ' Junior Meagon Z iegler hands water to a runner dunng a com munity -serv,ce proJect This year FBLA planned to take a tnp to Vail. Last year's v,ce pre si dent Jak e M c Dan,el s sai d ," FBLA 1s a good leammg experience for everyone Photo by Andrew Long
Eve ry s tud e nt a t o n e tim e o r a no th e r , h as as k e d himse l f th e in ev itable hi g h sch oo l q u es ti o n : " Whe n a m I go in g t o u se thi s in th e r ea l w o rld ? " If yo u find yo urse lf as kin g thi s qu es ti o n m o r e o ft e n th e n n o t , t a kin g a consume r an d life s tudi es co ur se is jus t wh a t yo u n eed . This d e p a rtm e nt o ff e r s c l asses r a n gin g fr o m F oo d Ex p e ri e n ce t o Re1a ti o n s hip s So ph o m o r e A m y Vecchiarelli sa id th a t h e r favo rit e p a rt o f Foo d Ex p e ri e n ce is II ea tin g ." Th ese c la s ses foc u s o n explo rin g r ea liti es a nd r e s p o n s ibilities o f r ea l life a nd a r e a lot o f fun . A . Pitt a nd C. Wint e r
Laugh It OIT J uni or s Dan Fi s her, Do na ld Woz ni c k, a nd se ni or Na th a n Ula nd e r g igg le a t ce rt a in top ics bein g di sc usse d m
Re la 11 o ns h1 ps cl ass. In Se ni o r S tra teg ies, c la sses a re d1 v 1dcd 1010 th ree d1 ffere n1 part s bu s1ness/law math finan c in g, and co ns um er a nd fa mil y s tudi es Se ni o r Sha nn on Rood sa id , " I think ta k ing Se ni or S tra teg 1el, 1c; im po rt a nt beca ulle 1t 'c; he lpin g me ge t a J o b ."
Ph oto by A my Wil so n
by n itio n
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Li s te n U p Juni ors Canne n Hols in ge r. Sandra J o hn son and se ni or Amber Chu rches spe ak th e ir minds 1n Re latt onsh1ps Thi s co urse was designed to help s tud e nts learn how to understand relat1on sh 1ps a nd the fam il y ltfe cycle Jum or Sandra Johnson said s he enJoyed Relauonsh 1ps because. " You ge t to learn about real life stuff, and 11 changes your whole perspective on ltfe " Ph oto by Amy \Vtl so n Mmm , Mmm , Good Freshman Aaron W1l so n, J osh Pumphrey and Brian Gee sa mpl e thetrcuhnary creation In Child and Parenttng , s tudent s exam in ed their ow n ch ildhood learning growth , and develop me n ts. Jun ior S han non Holsi nge r said about Consu me r and Famil y classes, th ey ·•relate to real ltfe s1tuat1ons." Ph oto by Ron Finellt
Hear Me Out Juni or Ma c helle Be rnard gives her op101on 1n Re lat 1ons h1p s c lass Many co ns um er and life st ud y c lasses were des ig ned to help s tudents learn and a pply me thod s of managing th e home environment Ms Brook Ehrman sai d, " l thmk that c lass prepares th e s tud e nt s for th e real world" Ph oto by A1n y \V ilson
Pour It On Fres hm e n Bri a n Gee, and Josh Pumphrey prepare th eir apple pie an Food Experi e nce L1v10 g On Your Own was a c la ss c rea ted to pro vide s tud e nt s with ind epe nd e nt hvan g s kill s Fre s hm an Stephanie Fisher 1s takin g Food Expc n cnce, "beca use I c an mee t ne w people " Ph o to by Ron F ine lh
a k 'e d e m ' Ik v 59 I I
Next Step Senior Du~eReherworks on his mPower mull1med1a proJect in Engli sh 4 At the Rocky Mountain Internet Expo, students interested 1n the Internet could use the latest computer technology " I took Creative Computtng IBM because I think computers are 1nterest1ng," said senior Ronelle Black Photo by Ron Finelh
Right There Senior Matt M ontgomery helps senio r Katy Ratz with her yearbook spread The bu s iness department 1s trying to have a more advanced lab to teach a vanety ofcomputer applications
• I liked the Internet Expo because l go t to play on S1ltcon Graphics compu ters ," s aid Junior Aaron Brown
Ron Finelh
Need Help Juni ors C hri s John so n , Cy Hall and Dale W ebs t er use a compute r at the I nternet Expo I n Creat ive Computing IBM , students learn about spreads h eets "You can do almost everyth ing on computers, and th ey are where t he future's leading," s aid sophomore Ju su n S t1e gelme1er Ph o to by Ron Fin elh
Ahhh Freshmen Joe B orde n and Amber Davi s, se nior Ronelle Blac k , and Junior Jason Leys hon play a computer ga me In Bu s mess Commun1cat1ons, s tud e nt s i n t egrate word processing with Mi croso ft Office. " Mu Ill media 1s cool because we have fun work on the Internet," sa id sen ior J ohn DeLaTorre
Photo by Ron Finell, oJ. ons by 60 1 0 1 ini tion
r t I .. h Lt • I i,t I t J ti r u :l ·" "' r• it 'l C ••Ml ZI • t.t .. p l:r .. N :lo ., b ff j Ui J t , bl p I D 1 .a :s • tol l..11 l w [ • I I
Photo by
Co mput e r lite r acy 1s m and a t ory in th e 90' s. M os t of th e job s of t he futur e will in vo lve u s ing co m pu t e r s GHS o ffe r s a va ri ety of cl asses th at te a ch th e co mpute r s kill s th a t w ill be n ee d e d in futur e ca r ee r s Co mput e r classes in clud e K eyb oa rdin g , C r eativ e Co mpute r s IBM, an d Multim edi a M ac intos h . In a dditi o n , m a n y othe r cl asses tr a diti o n a ll y m a k e u se of compute r s , s u ch as P h ysics, Dra ftin g, A v i a ti o n , and Yea rb oo k . " Multim e di a M ac intosh i s r ea lly fun b eca u se you g e t to w o rk with a l o t o f h igh tec h gad ge ts," said juni o r Mike Roy By Kim
G idd eo n and Ca rl Burg.
More Work Fres hm an M ark H age lberg wo rks o n a n ass ig ne d p roJ ec t I n Cre ati ve Computing IBM Key boardin g 2 s tud e nt s work o n 1nc reas 1ng their typin g s pee d and typ i ng doc u me nt s s uc h a s bu s iness te llers " I think M ultim e di a M ac int os h is fun bec au s e we c an c rea te o ur o wn v ide os 1n th e co mp uter," sa id fre s hman Kri s un a Ho pk i n son P h o to b y R o n Fin e lh
ak'edem ' 'ik " 6t
C H S a thl e ti cs, it i s th e ultim a t e t es t of s tr e n gth a nd e ndur a n ce. If you ar e v i ctorio u s, yo u fee l like yo u co uld conque r anythin g. T o s u ccee d yo u h ave t o d evo t e many prec i o u s h o ur s t o prac ti cin g and p e rfec ting yo ur ga m e . P a in a nd s w e at b ec ome r e gular occ urr e n ces o n thi s r o ut e to p e rfec tion . It a l so r e quir es d e te rmin a ti o n . With o ut thi s yo u wo uld h ave n o d es ir e to try y our b es t or w in . Th e fin al r e quir e m e nt t o s u ccess i s t e am uni ty a nd s p o rts m a n s hip . Th e s a y in g " Th e re is n o I in t ea m " i s tru e b eca u se yo u can on l y win a ga m e o r m ee t thr o u g h team e ffort . Th e n yo u put a ll of yo ur pr ac ti ce to th e t es t. Is yo ur tim e a nd d e di ca ti o n t o th e s port go in g t o l ea d yo u t o a v ictory? Onl y y ou can t e ll. Th e C H S s p o rt s of t e nni s, so ftb a ll , c ro ss co untr y , go lf, foo tb a ll, gy mn as ti cs, v olle yb a ll, s occe r , b as k e tb a ll, wr es tlin g, swimming, tr ac k , b aseb a ll , a nd l ac r osse a ll ex p e ri e n ced vic t o ri e s thi s seaso n C lf S a thl e t es r e wrote th e d e finiti o n o f exce ll e n ce in athl e ti cs b eca u se th ey a r e Demons b y Definition . Katy Ra t z
sport n. 1. Any recreational activ• • 1ty, gam.e, com.peti• tion requiring bodily exertion. 2 . An organized activity where Dem.ons can demolish other teams. 3. Where sweat, pain'.) and adreualine are rewards of hard work. 4. Only institution where stu• dents can becom.e savages.
.. l Ls ' t l • J l2 'f1 I tJ I u 1J aJ .. , C;Q t t ,,, :ui ;r •tr p l.r ..if• • T b I bl p Hi 1la • .i: •vr l r• bi w ;;.r t p ta 1
62. n s by i t io n
Bump It! Ju nior H eath e r Tu mwa ll bu mp s th e b a ll h a rd a t one o f th e ga me s. Turnwall 's servin g avera ge was 91 perce nt for th e s eas o n Fres h m a n Kali e S todo l a s aid , " I th1 n k t hat th e fre s h m a n voll e ybal I te am d id a n exce ll en t JOb th is yea r beca u se of all th e team u n it y w e had " P hoto by R o n F ine lh
Go Long Se ni o r K ev in Bilge r bnngs hi s ann bac k to throw th e ba ll to a teammate at the Green M ountain g am e Th is year's foot ba ll team w as ex tre m ely yo un g a nd because of th 1s t hey h ad a tough seaso n Se n ior D rew S mith sa id , ' 11u s seaso n was ro u g h but 1t w as a g rea t tea m lo ha ve fo r my se n ior year" Ph oto by R o n Fin el h
Give Me the Ball J uni o r C h ri s Roze ll e fi g ht s to ge t th e b a ll fr o m hi s Arv a d a Wes t oppo ne nt R oze ll e wa, th e le a din g sco re r fo r th e seaso n with e ig ht go a ls. Se n io r T ed P o l11t e sa id , " Th is yea r w as to ug h but we ha d a lot o f fun s h o win g ou r te am sp1nt li k e wh c. n we di d c razy s tuff to o u r h a1 r 1" Ph o to by Bill Ke ll y •
Dog Pile Junior Rob Ch1lderston comes out on top of a tackle Sen tor DrewSm1lh was this year' s leading receiver, takin g 13 6 yards per catch Ch,lders ton said , "The best part offootball 1s seeing th eir face after you crush th em ." Ph oto by Ron Finelh
Team Played Score Team Plaved
Co lumbin e 18-3 4 Wheat Ridge
Centauru s 0-41 Evergreen
Arvada 13-28 Lakewood
Green Mountain 6-7 Conifer
Dak o ta Ridg e 26-12 Alameda
Makin ' the Pass Juni or Jas on M yers prepares to laun c h the f ball Senior Th omas Ou s ter wa s thi s year's hi g hes t sco rer wit h nine tou c h downs Se ni or Kev in Bil ger sa id , " The main reason l play football 1s to puni s h people " Ph oto by Ron Fin e ll,
I L Lm • t l L:S F1 ti u f u 1 :h P' )J" 11111 9 ff j d t. ' bl p I ll ) lill A .J' •ar L
ns by niti o n Score 0-52 18-7 28-0 4 3-9 14-27
Determination. Perseverance. Challenge. These are all definitions of what it takes to play football . This year's team di scove red that football is not always defined by winning or l osing, but by teamwork and s chool spirit. Senior Dre w S mith said, " This season is one of the bes t we ' ve had b ecause we ' re all so close." School spirit ran thick when the team won i ts very firs t game on Homecoming nigh t agains t Dako ta Ridge. "C oach M att Loyd i s a dedicated coach and h e comma n ds respect th ro u gh fr ie n ds h ip no t force ," said junio r Joel Nel s on . Andrew Long and J ul ia Schm idt
Run for th e Mon ey Senior Drew S m i th catc h es the ball an d make s a run for th e e nd zone Junior qua rt erback J aso n M yers made 69 co mpl e t 1ons thi s year Coac h M att Loyd sai d , ' Th e team's greatest s trength 1s t hat th ey are d e te rmin ed and t hey do not give up " Ph oto by Ron Finella
Fro nt Row: J Goble , S Fro s t, J Burkett, T Shi e lds, J Garren, R Moore eco nd Row: M Newman , M. Rood , A. Seymour, T. Du s ter, C Eddy, D. Smith , W Bortles Th i rd Row: T Eilers , R. McCallum , A. Rogers, J Moles, J Nelson , R. Ch1ldersto n. K. B ilger. N Lahey Fourth Row: A Wieber J Myers, J Eagleson , J Schlieman T Onhaela J Hotse np1ll er, M Monc kton Bac k Ro w:Coach Bob Hay es and Coac h Mau Llo yd. Ph o to by Randall Ol sso n
V s p o rt s 65 I I
The varsity so ftb a ll te a m was a r ea l hit! Softball r eq uir es a huge amount o f dedi catio n , s tr eng th and desire. The hour s put in definitely determine yo ur r a t e of s u ccess. It was a l o ng seaso n , but as it wound d ow n , the Demons were victorious.
" M ost of th e yea r was u sed to r ebuild the t ea m , and we s truggl ed during l eague, but we did be co me s tron ger Finally at Re gio nal s it all cli cked together and we be a t Gateway, the top ranked t ea m in th e s tate . It was awesome and I will n eve r forget 1 t! 11 sa id junior Ma e ge n C onnoll y . Amber Schaefer and Fe rmina Moore
I ' m Go nn a Ge t Yo u Semor HeatherW1lson impauently awa1ls lh e ball 's am val 1n order to get the runner o ut The team co ns isted o f a lo l of underc la ss men as well as a smaller g roup of elders " M y pit c hin g really improved thi s year, I feel a lot stronger," sa id Junior Katie Cooper Ph oto by Ron F1nell1
Ge t Off My B ase Juni or Bnanna \Veils snags lh e ball JU St ,n ttme to beal the runner Thi s year's team was a conu nuan ce of last years Sta te Runner- ups. " Tiu s year's softball team was a blast I I had the bel> t seaso n ever It was my teammates th e made 1t th a t way I Though I am leaving I wi sh next year's team th e be s t of lu c k. ," sa id sen ior Heat h e r Wil so n P hoto by Ron F1nelh
I :I I 1t I l ti I I li r ' bl LI r u 1 Cl .., t • .r • 11 .. p l.r • w :lr. •r kA • I bl p Ul l• a.r ' p l:A
66 ns by nition
I •.. ..-
Hey Batter , Batter Sophomore Carly Willi a m s gets ready 10 sla p bunt the ball
There are m any wa}s to 01p the other team out when ballin g, slap bunt drag bunl a n d a regular bunt "Thi s year's team has a lot o f sp in! They are always yelling and chee rin g during their games,'' sa id se mor Bnan Murphy Ph oto by Ron F ine ll,
Front Row H ea th er Wil so n , Crystal Cra ig. Abbe y Kn ox, Amber Churches B rianna W e ll s. Ba c k Row (coach) Shanno n Hi g h Kall e Cooper S hannon S umn e r Taleah M alaya. Ca rl y W1ll1 am, Nol Pi c tured - (coac h ) Jodi
Ready, Aim, Fire Senior AmberChurche, 1, about 10 throw the ball after retrieving the h11 g rounder Thi, ye.irs dcfen,e wa, very s tron g "Thi s ye ar was re .ill} 1ntcn,c hut I loved ever} minute o f 11 and can't wail unul next ~.1,on ,.u<l ,ophomorc Sh.mnon Su mn e r Ph oto hy Ron Fin ell,
Team Plaved Score Team Plaved Score 1-'-="'"-''-=:..i...==----...:::.;::.=.=-+-.;..=::;.;.:.:....:....a=.1...:::.::;__ ...;;;..;;..;;..~. Dak ota R idge Lutheran H S Arvada \V est Lakewood Pomona Columb in e Chatfield StandleyLake GreenMounta1n 6-4 5-3 6-0 5-3 2- 1 3-1 2 - 1 2-5 3-1 Whea1R1dge Ar.ada Pomona D1stnct, Daugherty Ga teway Fort Collins 5AReg,onals Fort Collins 7-2 3-2 3-2 10-0 3-2 4-1 2 8
d M aegen
ein hart a n
Sports 67 I I
It 's A ll Min e Sen io r Phillip W11l1s prepares lo pass lh e ball lo a fell ow team male Sophomore CharlteCorbm andJun1orChris Rozelle made second learn all conference Sop h omore Donald Doman us s aid. "Charlie was a great player because he always gives hi s be s t "
Ph olo by B Kelley
Fa n cy Foo tw o rk Jun1orChns Rozellednbbles the ball down th e field towards the goal C hn s was th e leading scorer w1lh e ight goals
Sophomore Charlie Corbin said , •·1 JU SL try lo do my besl for the team " Ph olo by B K elley
Front R<>w R O ' Bnen , J Schreiner, W Sramek , A Smllh , G Sims, G . Outerbrid£e
Middle Row · J Borden , M Sola, C Rozelle. P W1lli s, J Chappell , S Atkinson , J Needham Back Row · Coach Reid , E J ones. T Poltue C Corbm S Pranailis, !:> Domanu s, A Solomon , J Blackney Coac h C S c hmidt
:a ' ,, ' I 'C l I I I 1, • t •• u u.l r • lf L p l:r .. W\6 :u. • T b • iq' ff I ti: ,n,; I' bl p Ul l.a •.r u r p ta .la CI Team Plaved Score Te am Plaved Sco re Alameda 1-0 Conifer 8-1 Evergreen 0-3 C hatfield 1-6 Dakota Rid ge 1-4 P omo na 1-2 Lakewood 2-1 Co lumbine 1-9 Wh ea t Ridge 0-2 Bear C reek 2-1 Arvada We st 1-4 S tandley Lake 0-4 Arvada 1-2 Green Mountain 1-4
68 ns by nition
Take It Away Senior J ason C h appell attempls 10 take the ball from his Arvada opponent The team lost most of , ts p layers last year and had to struggle to live u p Lo t he expeclat 1ons of G H S Soph omore Sco tt Atkinson said, "None of us played together before. so 11 was harder 10 get us to p lay as a tea m " P hoto by B Ke ll ey
Fro m h ea d e r s t o dribblin g, th e bo ys' s o cce r te am ch a ll e n ge d th ei r o pp on ents every tim e Th e t ea m pla ye d w e ll agains t 4 A tea m s, but had to w o rk h a rd e r aga ins t SA te ams. Coac h Ch ad Reid and A ss i s t a nt Coac h Co l in Sc hm idt work e d hard t o teac h th e tea m a nd k ee p th e s pirit a li ve So ph o m o r e Ryan O ' Brien sa id , " Th e coac h es pus h yo u to exce l. " Th e t ea m h as p l a y e d so m e diffi c ult o pp on ent s this y ear Se ni o r P h i llip W i lli s , captain o f th e tea m , sa id, " W e' v e come a l o n g wa y s in ce th e b e ginnin g of th e seaso n ." BJ Re yn old s and A . Jo hn so n
Nee d As pirin ? Sophomore Scotl At k inson keep:. t h e ball away fro m h is opponen t by using a header Sophomore J ared Blackney, w i th four assists h ad the most for t he team So ph omore Austin Smith sa id. ' They yell at us to do good a nd m ake us ru n too much " P hoto by B Ke ll ey
p or t '' I l
In o rd e r fo r a t ea m to s u cceed, th e pl aye r s mu s t h ave grea t t eamw o rk V o ll eyb a ll is n o exce pti o n t o thi s rul e This yea r 's t ea m go t as fa r as they did due t o exce ll e nt t ea mw o rk . A cco rdin g t o juni o r Heather Tumwall , " Th e b es tp a rt o fb e in gon th e vo ll eyb a ll t ea m w as th at I m a d e a lot o f r ea ll y goo d fri e nd s a nd l e arne d h ow t o w o rk w i th th e m a s a t e am ." Th e va r s ity vo ll eyb a ll t ea m cons i s t e d m os tly of juniors. N ex t ye ar th e t e am will b e a fo r ce t o b e r ec kon e d with a s th e t e am will b e m a d e up o f ex p e ri e n ce d seni o r pla yers . H e d y Kunt e r
Serve It Up Debb ie W ilber s lam s a pow e rful serve to th e o th er tea m The vo ll e yball tea m th is year had 93 perce n t se rvin g acc u racy De bbi e s aid , " Ou r se rves rea ll y rocked thi s year " Ph o to b y R Fi n e llt
Fi rs t Row : Ly nn Mah aras , J e nni fe r El g in De bbi e W il be r , B ro ok e H o m ec k e r Second Row : Ca rl ey Wtlh a m s, S on ia Cam ey Third Row : Co ac h Rh o nd a Adam s C hanly Lon g, Coac h Sandy Au sti n Hea lh e rTum w all Coac h C aro l y n C ro uc h, Amy T1e ts ort , Co ac h Robin Nei ls Back Row: Ambe r C am ey , Lind s a y \ Vinh am
n s by nition
C I 'I I I t I l c.J h I-' i:.J r F u s •• C ,.:, I..! I "' .. .& t t ,. ,. r.J :r I ff p l:r • ln ,,. k'A l4' Ff ti: I bl p Ul la 1 :r CJ t
E ii L
He re It Com es Juni or Carl ey W1l11am s stretches to reach th e ball so she can return 1t to her opponents' side of the court Th e team lh1 s year brok e 39 records Sophomo re Lind say Winham said, " I like h ow close 1h e team 1s " Pho10 by R Finelh
Got It Juni or Amber Camey prepares to h111h e ball ba c k over th e ne t, whil e JUn1or Lynn Maharas wat c h es, ready to Jump 1n 1f he lp I ll needed Amber and JUnior Heat h e r Tumwall were th e captains this yea r Amber sa id , " I like volleyball because of th e com pet1t1ven ess"
by R Ftn e l11
In for the Kill Sop homore Sonia Carney s pik es the ball over the net in an auempt to gain a point for Golden Juni or H ea th e rTumwall broke s ix o f the 22 1nd1v1dual reco rd s h erse lf So phomore Lind sey Alpers sa id " I lik e th e fn ends that I mak e on th e team " Ph oto b y R Fin e ll,
} Team Played Score Team Played Sco re D ' Evelyn 15 -8 16- 14 S 1an dlcy Lake 11 15 15 17 Alameda 10- 15 I 0-15 Pomona 6- 15 5- 15 J efferson 15-1 15-4 Green M ountain 10-15 7-15 Alameda 15-7 8-15 15-3 Wheal Rid ge 15-6 6-15 5 15 Dakota Ridge 15 -5 15-7 Columbine 7- 15 0-15 Lin co ln 15-2 I 5-2 Chae field 3-15 5-15 S kyv1ew 8-15 6-15 D1 stn c ts (played 3 teams) Bear Creek 15-6 14-16 14- 16 Denver W est 8-15 15 -8 I 3- I 5 Arvada W es1 I 3- 15 0- 15 Arvada 6-15 3- 15 Arvada 7-15 9- 15 P onderosa 4- 15 IO I5
Ph oto
V sport 7 f I l
Chip Shot Senior Pe ter M oo ney tak es a swing at the ball while fe ll ow compet it ors watch carefu ll y Every member of thi s year' s team will be returning n ex t season except P eter, the s ole senior J unior J os h B arthles s aid , " W e can ' t wait W e a re ready to rule next season's tournaments." Ph oto by M ark H omec k e r
Co u rse Score
Eagle 31714th
Fox Hollow 32815 th
We s t Wood s 33016 th
Indian Tree 33717 th
Foothill s 32416 th
Skyline Inv . 2nd
• S i ghtin g th e S h o t Junior Luke V a nWoen se l pati e ntly watc h es the ball to see where hi s next m ove will be Luk e and hi s teamm a tes se ni or Pe ter Moon ey and JUnior J os h Barthl es ranked i n the top half of the playe rs in the Bi g 10 league . Petersatd, " We had a really unique tea m th is year " Photo b y Mark H omec k e r
I t '• ' I t I i I l I • • • 1 1 I 1, J • ;;J F • :r f n T ,ff t tt .,,! I bl p , n l• I .J' CT L , '" L• 1W p s •
ons by 72 nition
When you think of high school sports, golf may not immediately come to mind . You have got to respe ct the GHS golf tea m for how well they play the game. The team worked very hard and put forth a valiant effort this year. Coach Mark Homecker sa id, " The team was good enough to compete at the state level thi s year. We Just needed to do well at regional co mpetition." However, placing e i ghth out of 24 teams at Regionals fai l ed to qualify them. Juni or Luke Van W oensel sa id, 11 Go lf is always fun especial l y when we ge t to mi ss class." Cara Sn yder, LeeAnne Kephart a nd Tim Pray
Practice makes Perfect Juniors Ryan Wobbrock and Luke VanWoensel Lakes turns pracucang their shots The team impressed everyone by placing second at the Skyland In vitational this year Junior David Feth said , " Compellng 1s th e best part about golf " Photo by Mark H ornecker
Front Row : Luke VanWoensel , Peter Mooney , David Feth, Shawn Parker. Jos h Brook s Ba c k Row : Josh Barthels. Behren Roy s ter, David Sund , Ryan Wobbrock, Zachary Shark
sports 73 l
The GHS tennis team was a good mixture of different grade levels, unlike las t year which was dominated by undercla ss men This team definitely showed what they can do winning all but one match. Junior, Drew Coonan sa id , " We really worked well as a team ." All members qualified to move on to the state tournament . Sophomore, Brandon Allen sai d , 1'Everybody did so well at regional s it was unbelievable .'1 Junior , Mike Frost wa s the only one t o place at final s. He placed third in the #2 s ingles . Le s l ey Hueman and Tiffany Gill
I I I 11 J II :I • I I I I, :.J F I ,'II l t :f p .r • r. r bl p Ul la 1.r p ,. j .:i
74 ns by nition
Back Handed Juni or Drew Coonan returns the ball to hi s opponent. At regionals thi s year everyone qualified to go on to the state tournament Junior M ike Frost sa id ." W e all worked hard this year and 1t s howed dunng regionals ." Ph o to by Ron Finell 1
i.·-.,.,;:.if;_JP,J,i,,;. t· • rJ:
White Men Can Jump! Sophomore Alexe, Sologoub Jumps to hit the ball. returning 1t to the other side of the court. During the state tournament. Junior Mike Fro st took home third place for #2 s ingles Junior Troy Hannemann said. " I really enjoy being able to s how off my abilities during tenni s matc hes ." Photo by Ron Finelli
Watch Out! Junior Mike Fro ,t slic.e., che ball acro,s the court wi1h his backhand return. rece1v1ng a point Coach Enc J enning:> received help thi s year from E n c H orvat , dad, especially during the ,1a1c and regional tournaments Freshman Tim P ray sa i d 'We played well 1n regionals and stale, but we all got tough opponents " Photo by Ron Finelh
•l GHS .............. •• • • •
Team Played Score T eam Played Score Columbine 2-5 Pomona 5-2 Green Mtn . 4 -3 Wheat Rid ge 2-5 Bear C reek 6- 1 Arvada We s t 4-3 Standley Lake 5-2 Mullen 5-2 Arvada 6-1 Regional s I st Chatfield 6- 1 State 7 th
s p o rt 75 I I
Front row · J oe Cascio , Tim Pra y, Alexei So l ogou b , Ru sse ll Mal tempo , Bran don Allen, T roy Hann e m ann Ba c k r ow · Coac h Enc Jennings Mu c h Sandoval. Enc Horvat Andrew Coonan. Ian Sc hmidt , M ike Frost, Bill Nee , Gerard T e na Ph o to b y Ra ndall Olssen
Diving Demon Senior Jamie Harvey 1s about to hit the waterw1th on e of her dives at the Pomona mee t The d1vmg team ha s done e xtremely good Jo b thi s y e arw,tha lot of help from th e c oa ch es " The c oac hin g 1s g re at and the s wim me et s are a lot of fun ," s aid fr es hman Anna Berkm a n Photo by Ron Finelh
Determination Se nior Katy Rat zsw1ms hard in one of the free sty le events a t P omona The Lady Demon s worked as a team and h ad a solid standi ng through the year ' Thi s year h as been great because o f all of tea m camaraderie and Sarah Palm er's c hocolate chip coo ki es," sai d Ratz. Photo by Ron Fin
I I I I C • I ' J l • :1 I • ' f ' .. :A t t t • ..:I r f p J' .. b J Ff I I , bl p l O 1• l.J' L ' a
Team Played League R e lay s Chatfield Col o lnv,t Columbine Pomona Jeffco lnv1t. Score 48-41 W 174-61 W. 4th place 128 -5 8 W 97 - 89 W 4th pla ce ns by nition Team Played Green Mountain Smoky H ill In v1t Arvada Wheat Ridge Arvada Wes t League Meet State Meet Score 129-57 W 5th place 103- 80 W I 16-70 W 101 - 85 L 2nd place 7th place
el lt
The Lady Demons practi ced swimming every day after school at the Golden Rec center for an hour and a half In addition, they also h ad to do 15 minute s of dry land stretchmg. The results of their dedica tion and terrific team work s how e d thi s year . They had a great season With the h e lp of Coach Steve Bate s , the GHS girls ' swim team beca m e a great big family Coach Bates had the help of two assis tant coaches, Shannon Greivel and Luke Young . "Our team is extremely cl ose plus we have a l ot of s pirit," said junior Sarah Palmer K. We s tby , E. Hagberg, & J. Ward
First Row : E. Ryan , A Meagher, S Loga n, M Ri ch. M Th omas. A Ber km an, M Rudd y, M Fin e, N MarJ...ovch,ck. S Dovey, S Ph1ll1p s Sec ond Row : J Kin g, L Hoogheem S Palmer Third Row P Greeley, M Kea tin g. S Arndt, A H ooghee m , K Versaw, K . Ratz, T Dovey. K Fa gerb urg Ba c k R ow · Coac h Steve B ates, J H arvey , J Kun ze, R Pol11te , H Win sor , J L1n se nb1 gler, K P olttte, K J onel>, Coac h Luke Young Photo by Lee Hovey Kin g
Leader Of The Pa ck Senior Kri ste n Versaw, o n e o f th e top s wimm ers at GHS , 1s defiantl y out 10 front of the others in thi s event The Lady Demon s have had a great seaso n with th e excep ti on of their last s wim meet aga1n s l Arvada Wes t ' Th e coaching is a great, and th e s w,m meet s are fun ," sa id freshman Anna Berkman Phot o by R o n F ine ll,
" s port s 77 I 1
Runnin g fi ve t o s i x mil es a d ay m ay n o t see m lik e mu ch fun t o so m e p eo ple but to th e G H S c r oss co untry t ea m it i s. Th ey run fo r mil es o n e nd h o pin g fo r th eir fas t es t tim e eve r . Thi s yea r b o th th e girls' a nd b oys' t ea m s m a d e it to St a t e. Freshman
Tia Klug- Wessell sa id, " W e' r e d oing r ea lly goo d thi s yea r , and I h o p e w e t a k e fir s t in St a t e and b ea t C h erry C r eek !" Junior Mike Frost h as a diffe r e nt r easo n for runnin g, " The l ac k o f oxy g e n t o th e bra in mak es it m o r e fun .'' Juni o r Aaron Barrett thinks , " It 's h a rd but th e chi ck s a r e ni ce." In th e e nd all the runnin g p a id o f f. K. Ra t z a nd A . Wil s on
Around the Corner J unior Danielle Chappell eas ily pa sse s her opponent as she r ounds a comer m the Dakota Ridge l nv11a11onal Th e Dako ta Ridge I nvlle had many obs tacles like runnmg through a lake and going through mud pit s " Senior J oe Cascio sa id , " I lost my shoes running th rough the lake 1" P hoto counes y of the Versaw family
I'm Gonna Pass Him Senior M a tt Frost blows away his oppone n t from M u ll e n a t th e Northglenn Invi tational This year's cross country team did extremely we ll because of all o f its dedicated runners and all t h e new freshme n on the tea m Senior B rad B o ul ey said, "Cross cou ntry 1s a lot of fun , but t h e meets are really painful because you are runni ng three m iles as hard as yo u poss ibly can ." Pho to counesy of the Versaw fam ily
I i I I i I l • :I f ' 'J f 4 , ll :.I :.d 14\! .. :.I t t t • ,., A r f p :s • n T :.11 (( Ff tt lh:l IU I l p A 0 ., Q
78 ' n itio n
Team Played
Hon zo n lnvit Lake County LibertyBe ll Inv1t Golddtgger l nvtt. Northglenn Fr/ Soph Northglenn InvH 4a/5a Jeffco
4a/5a Regional s
Taking the Lead Senior Aimee Hoogheem pa sses another runner , helping her secure the lead Hoogheem was the best runn er for the girls' team Hoogheem said, '' I really hope I can win State thi s year 1" P hoto courtesy of the Versaw family
( Determination Sophomore J osh Brid geman runs his hardest at the Northglenn lnv1tat1onal To be on the cross country team one ha s to be a dedicated, hard worker and willtng to run through anyth ing Senior Bnan Sanders said. "You have to be in sane to run for so long and so hard , but most of the team ,s in sane anyway so 11 doesn't matter" P hoto cou rt esy of the Versaw family
s port s 79
First row K.Carve r, L. Hoogheem K Versa\Y, A Hoogheem E Ru sse ll S Fink , M Thomas. coach Gina Nel son Seco nd ro\\ C Bouck , L Ekburg. N Markovc h1 c k , L Word, T K lug, A. Berkman, E Rozelle W H offert. Ba c k row T Bauer, B Bouley, A Barret, M Frost, J Pin eau, J. Cascio, M Fros t, M Fa1rwether
No 9th
18th pla ce 7t h
ce 3rd place 15th pla
Girls 2 nd
lace Score 6th place 12t h place 6th
, ·--....w..
I l I
O u c h Se n ior Ni kk i Varve ri s fa ll s to th e floor to ge t th e ba ll " \Ve ha ve h a d a s uccess ful seaso n a n d I h ope that we can do th e sa me ne x t season ,'' sa id fre sh m an Erin Roze ll e R oze ll e w as th e to p score r on 3rd leve l sco rin g ove r 3 14 poin ts Ph o to by D Byrne
Te a m P l ay ed Score T e am Plav ed Sco re
Right Here
J uni o r Laura Ekberg ye ll s for th e ball 1n th e ir l as t reg u lar seaso n g am e ag ain s t C olumbin e Des pite of th e ir 8- 1 1 rec ord , th e D e mo ns d id better t h a n pre di c te d " l ' m very proud o f the m W e w e re s upposed to co m e in las t 1n l e a g ue, but w e' re d e fin i te l y n o t la s t " sai d Coac h S h a nn o n H ig h Ph o to b y D By rn e
Can ' t Go There So ph o mo re Tal e ah M ala y a tn es to s to p a Co lu m b i ne Re bel fro m a dv a n c in g Th e Lady D e mon s w e re v e ry agg res s ive th is pas t season a nd gave tl e v e rythin g they h ad . C o ac h S h a n non H ig h s aid th e tea m w as , " Qui c k , po si ti ve, and d e d ica te d " Ph o to b y D By m e
I E I ' I I I J • '!I • .t :J I I A F 4 1 :., i,Q I .. t ,,a t t • :.. .Cl ,r f p :r • n T q Ff ( ti: au I • bl p I ii l• l p :.. 0
W est 82 -31 S ta n dley Lake 67-48 W es tmin s ter 80-47 Chatfie ld 47 -70 J efferson 83 -3 3 Bear Creek 56-72 S k yv1ew 35-48 Pomo na 57 - 60 W es t 57 -34 Arvada W est 48 -7 1 W estm i ns ter 48 -4 1 Arvada 58 -65 Eas t 38 -78 Wh ea t R idge 39-43 Co ni fe r 60- 28 G ree n M o untai n 4 3 -53 La kewood 28 - 33 Col u m b i ne 4 6-49 D a k ota R id ge 59 -39
' n iti on
Th e Lady Demons did a great job thi s yea r and ended up with a re cord of 8-11 overall on th e r egular seaso n . " W e didn ' t ba ck down to anyone. I reall y think we ' ll win a l ot of games ne x t year." sai d Coach Shannon High . GHS will mis s only one talented se nior to graduation, se nior Nikki Varveris . " We are going to co me ba ck wi th a very s tro n g team, and I ' m l ooking forward t o it," sa id fr eshman Laura Word . Th e high es t sco rer o n the va r s ity tea m , with a t ota l of 285 points, was junior TaraO'Neill . ByCarlBurgandNathan Blain .
Stop Junior Kri sti n John son guards a Columbine Rebel and s lops her from scori ng Junior Tara O'Neill scored a total of285 points thi s last seaso n on Vars1ly ' The beg1nn 1ng of lhe season was good, bul we s hould have won more games 10 league " said Ju nio r Andrea Dtllbrenner Phoco by D Byrne
Front Row: Tamsen Stokes, Nikki Varveri s, Tara O'Ne11l, Kri sll n John son Ba ck Row : Andrea Dittbrenner, Torrey Shelto n, Coac h Shan non H igh, Laura Ekberg, Taleah M ataya
s ai
s port
The boys' ba s ketball team had a terrifi c year rounding out the seaso n with a record of 7-9. Coach Bob Stokes said, "O ur bes t game wa s the televised game against Chatfield. We were doing very well and at the last minute they sco red , but the Demons played great." The boys ' bas ketball had worked hard , had strong shooters, a good defense, and started the year with high hope s. They improved their s hooting and defense over the year. Senior Erik Loseman sa id, '' Ba s ketball was a great experience, fun, and left me with a great m emory."
and H ei di Dwiggins
a1n ., 1 q ti: a< -cu ll'C I " ., bl t p ' u, plA ,. . a.n "· .L
Christina Winter
ons by ·
First Row : J ason M yers, Greg And erson, Enk Lo seman Paul Barrell, J ason Eagleson, T om Rome Back Row: M anager Nicole Newcomer , Enc H orvat. Calvin Kelly, Coach Bob Stokes, Luke Townsend, Andy Rogers, Cori nne Newcomm Not Pictured : Joel Nel so n, J osh M oles Photo B y R on Finel11
n ition
Score Fres hman Luke Town send s hoo ts the w1nn1ng points with the free throws in the game against the West1es T o wn se nd earned the respect of the upper class men on h is team. despite being a freshman Townsend said, " I felt that being the only freshman would help me m the long run " Photo b y R o n Finelh I haul
Hustl e It Junior Enc Horvat dribble s the ball and l>h des p~t th e We s tm in s te r W esly s to make a lay - up dunng a tournament Th e boys' basketball team played very aggressive this year which brought them good s portsman s hip Senior Erik Loseman s rud , " I liked this year because the team was very close" Ph oto by Ron Finelh Team Played Score Team Played Score
Adams City 74-43 Chatfield 61-74
Broomfield 25 - 68 Bear Creek 46-63
SJ...yview 48-45 Pomo na 5 4-63
Wes tmin s ter 63 - 53 Arvada We s t 59-72
Con ifer 84- 36 Arvada 66-72
Lakewo od 62- 34 Wh ea t Rid ge 48 -6 1
Dak o ta Rid ge 69 - 53 Gre e n Mountain 60-66
Sta nl ey Lak e 7 1 - 52 Co lumbin e 82-83
In th e Way Juni or Joe Nel so n pu s hes hi s way through C h a tfi e ld whil e trying to dunk lhe ball Th e boys' bas ketball tea m had a g rea t year th anks to the support from lhe c rowd s J un1or Calvin Ke lley said, 'The c rowd s were great and I hope they co m e bac k. " Ph oto by Bill K e ll y
Han g Tim e Senior J os h M oles makes a beautiful la y- up w hil e gelli ng fouled by the W es tminste rWes ty s Thi s year's team had a lot of fun and s upport with th e ir Coach Bob Stokes Se n ior J ason Eagleso n sa id , " l liked th e compel1t 1on lh1 s year"
Photo by Ron Finellt
s p o rt
Rou gh Housing J u ni o r Ni c k W a il ers tak es o ut h is aggress ion o n h is Arvada oppo n ent W ith over 35 wres tl ers t h is year, the w res tl in g tea m wa s pa c ked Coa c h C hu c k Reg ne r s aid , " A rva da W e s t w as o ur fa von te m ee t beca u se Arv ada W es t w as a ba g pow e rh o u se i n the pas t , b ut we beat t he m " Ph oto b y Ro n F i n e lh
Te a m Played
Col umb in e Arv ad a
Sco re Team Plaved
L 64 - 9 P o m o na L 64 - 13 Wh ea t Rid ge
I Got You Junior Sas ha Kats ura lock s hi s oppo n e nt in to a good hold Th e wrestling team c on c entra ted on technique as well as condit io n i ng thi s year Jun ior Rob Pineau s aid , 'Th is year in wres tli ng I le arned a lol, but I al s o h ad a lot of fun "
t•• all' wl, I
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, tl
• t"'tJ
a u •
S ta ndl ey Lake Arvada W es t
6 W 4 3 - 3 1
L 50 - 13 L 4 6 - 20 W 4 2-33
66 -
Green M o untain Mm.,o ns by ' nit io n
Photo by
The GHS wre s tling team began the '97 season with a few losses, but went on to qualify seve ral member s for s tate. Their rate of improvement s hows great promise for ne x t year. Some wrestlers attributed their s u ccess to s killed coaching while others sa id it was due to the determination and hard work of the wrestlers themselves . When asked how he would improve the team next year, Junior Chris Hamblin said, " We can improve our determination and participation ." Leading the team as team captains this year were Juniors Rob Pineau and Mike Keen . Dale Webster Anna Kelso
Get Ready Sen ior Dale Sacry squares off with hi s oppone nt during a wrestling match at GHS The wrestling team had six seniors thi s year, which helped their record tremendously Sen ior Zac h Pike s aid , " Green Mountain was toug h but the seniors were good lh1 s year " Ph oto by Ron Finell, sports 85
First Row · W.Brown, F Morgan, N Montanez. S Katsura. M Curt1s , C B1dak, J Hall K Hopkin s on , J M atthews. M anager A.Bentley Seco nd Row · M Duarce, J Baeron , K Ram s teter, J Campbell , T Cecil , J Bi elak. G Trzepacz , J Dratch , A Cordoso Third Row · J Papes , J.Jan1 s h , B Bentley, C Hamblin , J Kell ey, J Bi ggs , R Pineau, M Gowley , J Hoen e , M Keen Back Row N Coach S Aeker, J Blackney, E.Fink , D Sacry, Z H aro ld , D Blackney, M Rogers , J Rocha Jr Head Coach C Reg ne r
The women 's gymnastics team did well in th e '96 season. With new freshman team member s and a so lid team of upperclassmen they prese nted themselves, as Coach Marilyn Wilcox sa id 1 " with willingness to help each other achieve their goals as a team ." The team opted to choose different captains throughout the year1 ba se d upon their attitude towards the welfare of the team. Sophomore member Vannessa Joiner said about the team 1 s success, " We ' re doing much better than last year."
Coach Wilcox pu shes the girls hard to give their best, and a winning season is the reward.
Andy Thomas
Reaching for Gold Ju n tor Erika Edwards starts a floor routine with s p1nt al a m eet at G H S Gymnasl!cs 1s a highly individual spo rt 1n which learn members mu s t rely on each other to preform well Senio r Bnann e Buri s sai d. " The besl part is th e meets because they are lots of fun and you ge t better each ume you co mpete " Ph oto by Ron Finelh
..r LD L. -r Lr t4l,i d 0~ I.a&: u, f uu l t:I h '1:1, , u.d LIIG ar,a tJlt J .A .ti '1W ' la l g ·~ild ti. u. W.:...I 1t1, D • bl p I D pl11 • 1:r U1 1,, NF 1.1, ii, 1.--. d~
Front Row: Marsha Councilman Seco nd Row : Elaine Ekberg , Casandra Dittbrenner Jamie Lins e nbigler Third R ow : J ess ica Bonng , Van essa J oiner, Ch1neane Noran s Back Row: Mari a Ra c so n, Andrea Dittbrenner , Sarah Kendell , Erika Edwards, Kelly McDaniel Not Pictured: Bnanne Bums Photo by Randall Ol sso n
Amazing Arabesque Senior Brianne Burn s competes on 1hc balance beam 1n one of her last htgh school meets Next year s te 01 w 11l lose many of 1ls members but they plan on working hard to be as strong as ever Senior Mana Rascon said, "Our team ts rea ll y good friend s with each other. making us better every meet" Photo by Ron Finell,
Teams co mpeting
Bear Creek. Arvada. A-West
Wheat Ridge Lakewood Pomona
Bear Creek. Lakewood Standley Lake
Rebel Gator In, 11at1onals
\Vh ea t Ridge, A West, Conifer Lakewood , Conifer
A r vada, Green Mountain , Conifer
J V League Inv1tat1onaJ s
Green Mountain , A-Wesl
Varsity Champ1onsh 1p R egionals
Hangin' On Freshman El aine Ekberg perfo nn s a rou t ine on th e un eve n bars a t a m eet at G H S Th e team's hard w o rk and de1e rm1nat1on at p ractice s h owed up at the compe t11t o ns. Se ni or Sarah K e nd e ll sa id , "Gymnas ti cs is great co mpe11t1 o n t h a t takes lots of skill s that are hard o n the body and mind " Phot o b y Ron Fin el h
Score 117 137 144 132 144 141 142 145 147 151 Standing 2nd 2nd 2nd 6th 1St 1st 2nd 4th 2nd 8th 5th V sports 87
Posed to Perfec tion S e nior Kn s ty Robin son and fe llowTndettes are performin g the H and J 1ve at the Hom ec omin g as sembly Tut s has been bec ome one of the many ritual s at H o meco ming a sse mbli es. Se nior Be lh Mulvihill said , " It makes me JU St want todan ceeverywhere, e ve n in my s leep "
Photo by Ron Finelh
Down and Dirty The Tnd e tt es run one of lhe1r dan ce routln< al th e muddy Homec oming game Although what they do lool g lamourou s, the girl s definitely have to work hard Senior Chn sl H ut c hi son s aid " It 's really time c on s umin g, but I love 1t I had i mu c h fun 1"
I t 0 QJ 1,;,q k I tJlli I l'I ta • • .u u. s. l'af Lu t~ d OLI Lu· •• E lt:l 1, Ctl:l, z.d ,.. ;)'¥ r.t t .. I t p IJJ' ~· k n,1n ••r , t.t UAi l~ •H hi UJ ...... vu ltl, Ci ., bl ~p CUil pl• • I.I' Ill", L l ' IAT, t t... d ""'u, ,. p C...t• ,tJ h Ql:l • Ld
Photo by Ron Finel11
Deifl;\On s by nition
Front Row : S usan Lu cas , Chnsu ne M aren , Vanessa Ha nnem a nn Second Row : Ke llee Tarum , Cry s tal Swa la, Kri s ty Robinso n , Kat ie Dors h Ba ck Row : H o lly Fo ste r , M eagon Ziegler, Damell e M ena p ace, Christina Hut ch ison , Be th Mul vh1II P hoto B y Randal Ol so n
G- H-S The Trideues do some serious spelling at an a s sembly 1n the fall The girl s worked h ard all year to get up m front of the stude nt body and perform Junior Vane ss a H annemen said , " I hope everyone realizes the amount of lim e and effon put int o every dance we perform " Ph oto by Ron Finellt .
The CHS Tridettes are m the spirit once again thi s year. Besides learning the various dan ce routin es and showing outstanding sc hool spirit, the Tridettes also hav e to hav e a huge amount of co mmitm e nt for the s quad . This year the Trid e tt es had even mor e press ur e than u s ual . They wer e trying to make national s, and as w e all know , only th e b es t can get there Junior S u s i e Lu ca s sa id, " I t 's the greatest feeling But w e cou l dn ' t get th ere without fund rai sing. " At Home co ming they had a match makinggamethatwa sa hug e s u ccess. Kim We s tby and Heidi S terrett.
C hee rin g T h em On The Tndeue s are gett in g the crowd m the sp1 n l during one of the a ss emb li es held th1 :. year As alway s. the Tndettes had a great lime getting u:. tota ll y pepped for Homecoming Senior Holly Fo s ter s aid " It ' s like performing with a team There 's not h ing like 1t Th e thrill of performing 1n front of hundred s of peop le , it 's th e bes t " Ph oto by Ron Finclh "
spo r ts 89
l l p IJ;r 1.4 • .. ,-pSr. v a y l b ~LIil l Q •ff ad t.ti Ii • bl t p U pl•
Th e G H S C h ee r s co uld n o t b e a n y m ore upri s in g, c h ee r ful a nd s p o ntaneo u s as thi s yea r s g r o up o f e li te ch ose n t o r e prese nt and h e lp s upp o rt o ur sc h oo l. The Ch ee r s qu ad, m a d e up o f va r s i ty m e mb e r s r a n gin g fr o m so ph o m o r e t o se ni o r gi rl s Juni o r Robin Politte sa id, 11 Socce r i s m y favo rit e s p o rt t o ch ee r fo r b eca u se the c r ow d ge t s r ea ll y pump ed up whic h m akes th e playe r s m o r e pump e d up ." C h ee r s a r e coac h e d b y Ms. Joy Sumner, a ve t e r a n G H S c h ee rl ea d e r . S tr o n g d e d ica ti o n s h o w s th a t th e ch ee r s d e finit e ly give it th e ir a ll. Te r esa Emm o n s and D avi d Ba ll
Demon Prid eTh eC h eerss m1l eand wa ve fo r th e ca m e ra durin g th e par ad e Thi s Ho m eco min g, the C h ee rs so ld p o rn s for a fund - r a ise r fo r ne w unifo rm s J uni o r Ke ll y S av o ie sa1d , " J love c h ee rin g, it ' s g reat to see th e re ac ti o n o f th e c ro wd " Ph o to b y B .J Rey n o ld s
Ma c arena Th e C h eers d o lh e in fa mo u s M ac aren a du n ng an asse mbl y. The Ch eers battled ma n y p ro bl e m :. s u c h as a s m a ll sq u ad a nd h avi ng to find a ne w s pon so r mid y ear, lu ck1l y, Sh e n Ca ppell o too k ove r duti es as spo ns o r fo r lh e sq u ad J u ni o r T iffa n y Gill s aid , " C h eeri n g is a lo t of fun a nd 11 he lp s that lh e sq uad ge ts al o ng reall y we ll , w e w o rk hard and 1t s h ows" P ho to by Ron Fin e ll,
C.t • •
t.r.. n:1 h cl Ld
90 ns by n itio n
Tower to th e Top Sophomore J..im1e Kochevar clirnhs to the top of the format1on during an as.,embly Th,., summer thC; Cheers part1c1pa ted 1n a week long NCA Cheer Camp at CU-Boulder Senior Sara Savoie said "C heering takes a lot of hard work and ded1c..itton" Ph oto by Ron Fincllt
Yell It Junior Kelly Savoie leads the crowd in a cheer at the Homcco m1ng assembl)' The Cheers were 1nv1ted to march 1n lhe CS M homecoming parade Junior Chnsla R1dl sa id, " I hke to gee the crowd in volved 1n games " Photo by Ron Fmelh
1 r I '
Fron t Row : C hri sta R1dl , J amie Kochevar Seco nd Row : Laurey Mau o.x., Rob in Po litt e Third Row : Sara Savoie, Ka th e rin e Coll1gan. Ke ll y Savoie, Tiffan y Gill Ph oto by Randall Ols,en
V port s 9 f
Third L e vel Football
F ro nt R o w :Coach C h ampagne. Jesse Presto n J ohn
Dyffryn Do mini c M on tan ez. J amie Ziegle r , Danny
Baue r, Gator Wil son, Derek Lin sco tt M iddl e
R ow: S h ad Valdez. Mike Gowey Brad Dan eck, Jason Fraser, Alex Cardoso, C hn s Valdez, Adam
M yers, Se th Gibson. M att S h a nn on, coach Engh sh
Bac k Row: Paul Lind , Trenton Clerkin , Alex W ells. Chad Gleaton , C lay Ben n ett, Kenney Ram ste tt e r , J osh Dratch. J on Coven, M att Curtis. Andrew M aley
Junior Varsity Football
F ro nt Ro w : J a k e Z wam , Ja so n Gregory. J eremy
H all. Ryan F rost. Adam Ri s tau , J osh Rood , Bnan
F o ll e, D oug Mudd Middl e R o w : J ohn Bi e lak ,
J aso n Long, Cole B1 e lak J1mm y B ol ltn ger. Brand o n
Rood. Sea n D av is. Spe ncer Barlow Chris Mill e r, Lev, He nd erson, Aaron H inkl e, J e rem1a Stanton ,
M o nt e P rzyb y lski B ac k Row: Coac h And erso n ,
Eric Guthne Is aac Wan o, Drew Wllltam s, Austin
Tu mer, Paul Barrett Um1t Ozdemir J eff Pasc hall ,
Greg Ander so n , Ju s un Re hd er, Kev in M1 c ke.
Mi c ha el Cappello. coach Hamm oc k
Junior Var s ity Soccer
F ro nt R o w : Sas ha Kot s ura. Evan W1ll1 s, M att
M orr ison. C h ad Serpan, R ya n V1erke, C hri s
Cap pell o. Bnan Logan John Streelman , Ben G eene n , coac h Radu M arcu Ba c k Row : Pe te r Du se nbury
Ben Gould Andrew Dal e. M ark H agelberg, 8111
H illen , Alan Dani e ls. Nathan Blain J ake H e ndrix
Kevin C lark , Mik e Sc hre in e r , J ason P rana1t1 s. J esse
Croc k
• t ., La.g k I tn, 1 ' 1 i.11 toll.I d l:J t:., i• F tJI :1 1 G'I;. l'l p llr • .. :Sr. •T b liq 6Jf ·n1 tt ll • bl t p Ill pl"' , .a.r 'Ii.I.I L l :.i.1 Uc, t tA d \.I
92 ns by ition
Third Level Softball
Front Row : Trina Garcia, Holly Scha nh als. Jessica Spice Ba c k R ow: Sara Co ffey H e 1d1 Dwi ggins, Amanda M odtz Emtly Yocom
Junior Varsity Softb a ll
Fron t Row : Tammy \Valc.ker Mi chelle B oyd Darcy Kr11n1 c h M.iry BuJnowsk, l\1iddle Row : Coach H ayner Coralie K un, M eghan W1lha1ns , Kristina Hopkinson Amy Vecch1arel11 Ba ck Row · Angie M ontesano, Jamie Hende~on , Ke ll y Hogan M tc.hae l Kelley Adrienne Cullum
Freshman Volleyball
Front R ow: Sa rah Ph 11l1p s, Nikki Frost
J\liddle Row : Karla B1 em uh s, Erin Bernard
AmberCook , Kaycee Hei d , Deann Wallace
Back R o\\ : Coach M s Au-,ttn coach M ,
Adams. Co u rtney Ha ll Kalle Stodola coach
M -. Neth, coach M , Crouch
Third Level Volleyball
Front Row : G e ro nna Fan e ll i Le ah Ed e nfi e ld Middl e Row : Kortn ey
Vieweg , Bri e J amison, L1 sana R oJa, Ba c k Row : Coac h M s Austin, Kri s ten Bemi s, co ac h M s Adam s. Le sley Blondin , coach M s N c1t-.,, M adeleine Van M ctcr. coac h M s C ro u c h
Junior Varsity Vo ll eyball
Fro nt Row : Mari ana Th codoro, Bri c Janllson , Gc ronna Fanelli , L in chcy Alpers Middle R ow: Sa rah Kmapf, Laura Wilber B ac k R o"": Coach M , Adams, coach M , Au•iltn, J ennifer Elgin , ltn c.1',ay Winh am. Tcnaya Mah onec, co.1ch M s Nc1b, c.o.1ch M , Crouch port 93
Bottom R ow: A Queen , U Oz.demir, P Barrett, A Barrett, G Anderson, R Martin Top Row : M anager N New c omer , C Rozelle , D K oh n, Coach A
D1G1os 10, L Newgent, M Ha sc hk e , Man ager C Newcomer
Bottom Row : N Newcomer , G Wil so n , C N e wcomer Middle R ow: A M yers, B All e n, D Sund E Langsted, A Queen , P Dusenbury Top Row : A Ri stau, D H asc hke , G Sims, Coach Allen D1G1os io , U Ozdemir, J Verardi , C Corbin
Bottom Row: M Pa lm e r Middle Row : A Koegnt , A Knox , C. Cra ig Top Row : E Rozell e, B Spear, J Baru ch. E H as tin gs , J M c Teer, L Word nition
Q 1 t ., hl t p C l ll pla • &.t in &. I; :ii,. lJ.t• Ca_. 11'.N
I J A ::J V 1JLO \)
On Th e Rise Freshman Laura Word s tand s by to help h er team mate Freshman Jamie Henderson The JV boys' basketball team worked hard dunng long pra c uces to improve lheir game Sophomore Mykah Palm er said 'The coach is really s upportive of the team and s h e gives us candy to mottvate us." Photo by D
Re ac hing For th e Sky Junior Bn Spear reaches to tip the ball in to the bas~et with two Rebel s watching Th e JV gi rl s' basketball tean1 wor~ed hard this year to come together and pl ay as a team Sophomore Ju stin e Baruch said 0 Th e game against Pomon a was our best because we played as a team " Ph oto by D Bum s
so ,,,.
s p o rt s 95
B o tto m R o w: T H eywood, C Dittbrenner Middl e R o w : E. Yocom , A Mod1z , L Word H Dw1gg1ns To p R o w : E Rozelle , S Adam Coach Malaya , J Henderson. J Miller
• :r a Wtf II p l)T • &M )'ll D vay au lllil 11q Aff .,..j .: ti: v~ It D I • bl p 4111 I pl411 ,., as I u, L , L tr. Llt• 1:41.1 d 1)111 ts. [ •• p "'~· lt.1 h ,1,., l.:I ,a ra~
Disco Fever Junior Holly Foster lets her dancing sp1nt get a hold of her during Prom This year the Prom theme was Starlights and City Nights Wluch was appropriate because the dance was held at the Petroleum Club and It has a spectacular view of Denver and the mountains Photo by Ron Finelli
Deep in thought Jun io r Bill Nee ponders a striking point made by junio r Joe Casio during a meeting of World Affairs Challenge (WAC) WA C deal s with the cu rrent world events and tries to find so lut ions for them Ju nior James Lo commen ted, " I e njoy WA C because 1t gives me something to do during lunch." Ph oto by Steve Schroede r
Right Hand Yellow J unior Nathan Church, sop l omo re Erin Overrurf, guest Kayla Karins and junio r Matt Frost play an old time favorite , Twiste r, at After- Prom After -Prom was set to a fifties theme this year. Junior Mike Harrington commen ted , " I th ink it's going to be hard fo r the Student Council to top this nex t year" Photo by S teve Seh r er
Supplement '96 -97
The GHS boys' swim team had a successful season, placing second in 4A at League. This year's team had more depth, 22 boys, a record-breakingnumber. The increase of swimmers was not onlynewstudentsfromGHS, but stude nt s from other schoo l s as well, such as Jeffco Open. " We lost a lot when Tim Blum left, but as a team we made up for it, and we became even stronger," said junior Bill Nee . The team
also benefited with the addition of two freshman divers, Alan Daniels and Tim Hoppin. Daniels and Hoppin were coached by junior Jamie Harvey, as well as coach Steve Bates . With assistan t coach Shannon Mulder's swimming expertise, th e practices were more difficult, which h elp e d the boys build end uran ce and exce l a t th eir swim meets . C. Lauwers and S. Keskimaki
Reaching for Victory Senior Bard Nielsen s wim s one of hi s favorite events: the 100 backstroke Junior Steve Steketee was the only boy to qua li fy individually for s tate , while the medley relay team of senior Bard Nielsen, juniors Jon Hoppin , Steketee, and sophomore Jared IGng, also qualified for the state c hampion s hip meet. Senior Bard Nielsen s tated, " I was really excited about the sta te meet. It was a lot of fun, but I was disappointed that it was my last s tate meet. " Photo by B Kelley
11 , ~r.,Q t I rni .S I -, • u t 1 :f LI t.r •• E C..t.4 I l :f 1t 1:1 C iU &J:.d l~ .,.. ta i .i:n IJUII 1 r • Wl!f It p ll:r t.q • l N Jl>it> ...,. I U l:ig • .., .1 t1J a ti, D • bl t p Ui pla • az ui .t., i v. u,. t tA dm
Played Score Arvada West 93 90 Colorado Invite 5th in J effco Standley Lake 92 91 J effco Relays 1st in 4A I I I Jeffco Invite 10th ove rall Evergree n 72 111 Arvada 128 42 Green Mountain 101 82 League 2nd in4A Sta t e 4th in 4A ,
Pull , Breathe, Kick, Glide Sophomore Chris Johnson concentrates on his breaststroke during the 200 IM The boys practiced in the Colorado School of Mines ' pool rather than the new Golden Community Center. According to junior LeJO Flores , "The quiet CSM pool provided a place where everyone could stay concentrated and focused Photo by B Kelley
Front row: J IGng , J Streelman, S Reynolds, T Hoppin, S Nee Midd le row:M anager C . Lauwers, C. JohnsoQ , M. Sch reiner, D Johnson , R Bradford, A Daniel s, T Burke, B Schow Back row: Coach Shannon Mulder, L Fine , B Nee, M. Lauwers, M. Frost , L Flores, S. Steketee, J . Hoppin, Coach Steve Bates, Diving Coach Jamie Harvey
The girls ' soccer team had a rocky start. Only getting one win o ut of the first six games. Senior Kelli Colligan said, " It's really frustrating, we have a lot of talent but for some reason we just can't get the goals when we need them ." It might of seemed this way when the Demons started the seaso n , but b efore the season was through they had outscored their opponents 2622. They had found the magic
This year's team had seven se-
nior s returning from la s t year . This experience helped the freshmen and sophomores get familiar with play " The seniors r ea lly taught us a lot," s tated so phomore Torrey Shelton. Since mo s t of the team i s mad e up of und erclassmen, this experience will pay off in the nex t f ew years. Despite thi s rocky s tart, th e girls came back stro ng and won their last two games giving th em four regular season win s. By Stephen Schroeder and Carrie Pearse
P omona Evergreen C hatfi e ld Littleton Co lumb ine Alam eda
am Pl ayed
Score Team Played Sco re 0-1 Wh eat Ridg e 2-3 1-2 Bear Creek 2-2 0-1 Arvada West 1-3 2-3 Green Mountain 0-1 0-3 Standley Lake 6-1 3-0 Arvada 3-2 6-0 " •
Ball In Senior Wendy Heywood tosses the ball in during the Arvada game The Reds got out to a 0-2 lead but the Demons came back and won 3- 2 "Ou r strong defense made my JOb of goalie even easier,., sa id senio r Christen Gair Photo by Steve Schroeder
~t Back Seniors Tami Rodriguez and Kirstin Kiphardt battle the Reds ' forward during Golden 's fin al season match -up Thi s victory cemen ted the Demon s' 4-8- 1 record The team consis ted of so me of the best talent , but the worst luck Golden has seen 1n awhile. " We had th e mo st potential that we have had in a long time, ,., s tated senior Kirsten Kiphardt. Ph oto by Stephen Schroeder
Supplement"96 - 99
Front row :Tami Rodriguez, Penny Gree ley, Chri stian Gai r, Jill Erganbright, Jenny Fink, Ally so n Reynond s, Stacy Arndt Middle row : Taleah Maytaya, Kelli Colligan, Torry Shelton, Jayna Horvat, Annie Konegni, Candy Brun o, Mykah Palmer Back Row :Wendy Ha ywood, Meredith Keating , RoxanneKay,Sarah Wolf, Tara O'Neill, Laura Ekberg, Kirsten Kiphardt, Coach Andy Fu entes
The girls' golf team started out the year as a small, young team, consisting of two fre shmen, five so phomore s, and three juniors . Their first tournament was encouraging, when juniors Nikki Varveris and Erin Mackey placed 14th and 33rd, respectively, out of 125 competitors at the Foothills competition. Sophomore Celeste Leidich said, " I have had a lot of fun thi s season, and I am shooting a lot better." The team improved
constantly throughout the seaso n , placing better at tournament s and improving on an individual basis as well . Through their improvements, the team managed to place sixth at the league competition with much improved individual scores. With five sophomores gaining experience, it looks as if the team will continue to improve and play competitively for at lea s t a few more years.
Dale Webster Chris Johnson
't , II •• t..u I 't fl tl1. sit WIT b 1111 l :lg •ff ,11i V J &ti, D • bl p ID pla
Tournament Place Tournament Rolling Hills 9th Foothills Fox Hollow 10th Meadows < Lake Arbor 8th League
Place 7th 8th 6th
Chipping It In Junior Erin Mackey chaps a shot at Lake Arbor golf cour.;e The ladies' golf team had several new additions from freshmen this year. Freshman Skye Svenningsen said, "I am really excited to be playing this year and I hope that the team will do really well " Photo by Ron Finelh
Fro nt row: Tiffany Bausch , Celes te Leidich, Emily Th ompso n, Skye Svennmgsen Back row: Abbey Knox, Erin Mackey, Jamie S tri ckland , Nikki Varveris
Big S win g Sophomore Tiffany Bau sch is caugh t in mid -sw ing at Lake Arbor last seaso n All of the ladies on the team did subs tantially better thi s year than las t year Coac h Marilyn Wilcox said, " We may not be state co ntenders this year, but I wanted to give everybody a chance to play and have a good t ime"
Feeling ttz 1oo - Nf1~,,'
Phot o by Ro n Finelli Ph oto by Ron Finelli
Th e GHS b aseball team had a go o d season thi s y e ar and w e r e a s trong pre se n ce on the field. This ye ar' s team was fairly youn g, they were lead by fiv e returning seniors and three new coach es , Mark Hornecker, Bo b Stoke s, and Matt Loyd . They finished their season with a r ec ord of 9 win s and 9 lo ss e s. The boys ' baseball
Conflict Mediation
F ro nt Ro " : Jessica Bakker. Lluren F1tzpatnc Back Ro" : Tena ya Mah onee, Erin Overturf Enca Smith Katie Clark Photo courtesy of Randall Olsson W.E.S.
First Row : And rea L1 pste1n, Kri s ten Saxton Ad rce Fos ter Middl e Row : Mrs Pat Maup in, Ca rl y Wi ll ia ms, Cryst al Craig, He 1d1 Wil so n. Meghan W,11 ,ams, Mrs Debb ie Coope r Back Ro w : Spencer 0a rl ow, Greg A nderso n Un11t Ozdcmir , Scott Morgan Photo by Arny W il so n
Fro nt Ro w : Chns Du gg an , Trav is Breda r. Chn s Pe nn e l, Geoff Hay,. Ms Barbara Harn s Bac k Ro w : Carol Cutler. Brad Herbe rt , Randy Springer, Jeb Burt o n, Shane Stone, Summer Gray. Breann a Baco n Photo by Ron Finell,
klub s i 27
.re i , :h I u u " :r II 1tr rz. p Jr ' . .. ~c. ay b ll bl p I D l.111 & .J' , v, l
Peo•ple 1. HuJDan Beings. 2. A body of person s living in the s ame co11ntry 11uder one national governJDent. 3. The JDass o f ordinary person s ; populace. 4. The obstacles that get in your way while you • are trying to run froJD one side of the school to the other in two seconds. 5. A • JDagazine
Peop l e, By Definitio n , a r e jus t l iv in g o r ganisms w h o b rea the a nd fun c ti o n in a society . But is th e r e m o r e t o th ese b ein gs th an th a t ? I think so. T o find the answ e r to thi s q u es ti o n we h ave t o l oo k a tit fr o m eve ry a n g l e It h as t o b e d ec id e d wh a t exac tl y m akes peop l e ti ck , n o t jus t a h ea rt . At G HS, th e l ife of o n e p e r so n is u s u a lly s urr o und e d b y e n joyable ob jec t s lik e fri e nd s and fun . No t every as p ec t o f a s tud e nt 's life i s s urr o und ed b y fun . C l asses, h o m e w o rk , a nd exa m s ful fill a l a r ge p a rt o f the ir ex i s t e n ce. But n eve rth el ess, it see m s th a t m os t of a typica l teen age r 's life is a dju s t e d t o fit one s p ec i fic goa l, h av in g fun . Th a t is th e advant age of n o t b ein g a n a dult ju s t ye t . T ee nage r s can h ave fun a nd g o o f off without h av ing to a li e n a te anyb o d y doin g so. This s e e m s to b e exac tl y w h a t m a k es the m ti ck . M . Palmer Dem o n s b y
• t..
s r..s ' p ,
I '
You ' re W ea rin g My Outfit Seniors Kelsey Pe terse n, Ja mie Brook s and Lynn DeBerry are standing in the senior lou nge di sc uss in g Di sco Day during Sp1 n l Week Sp1 n l Wee k was a s ucces s fu l eve nl wi th prac ti call y th e en lire sc hoo l JOtntng 10 on the fe s tiv 1t1es Se n ior Joe Cas c io comme nt ed, " One thing I will m iss 1s lying on th e c hew -s tained carpel in lh e s e ni or lou nge ." Ph oto by B J Reynold s
Op en Up and S ay Ahh Junior Anne Fay practi ces her chosen profession on junior Megan Word before class starts Good fri ends are trusted to do JUSt abou t anyt hin g from giving ndes to sav ing a life Senior James Robu ck sa id, " I' ve made good friends at GHS and tru s t th em w ith my hfe and not pulling a s leeping bag out fro m under me " Ph oto by Ron Finellt
Us ing a Little Muscle Power The Junior Class 1s workin g together to try to beat their opponents at the tug -of war durin g th e Homecomi ng Carnival. GHS had a lot of interest in g act1v1ties that were geared to ale rt th e stude nt body about pre ss ing matte rs. Jun io r Autumn Gray com me nted , " I loved the drug assembly because 1t was entertaining an d very ins 1g htful." Ph oto by Bill Kell ey
-d I -
Leigh Abbey
Le slie Adair
Jenny Allen
Shannon Ander so n
Pablo Arango
Bryan Arm s trong Stacy Arndt .
Stacey Aronowitz
Kyle Atkin so n
I '• I LI LI I J~ • 11 J ti 4H ""LJ F tt 1 , h ..:J LAI LG r,1 u "t 'll t t Iii :&..i r • i!:f :s. p l.r • ..,. ~(J •:I' b Ill (I I~ Ui I bl p UI 1la a.r ...r [
Mindy Au stin Ju st in Babbitt Ja s on Baerren 130 ns by nitio1 \ E~
Trav is B a ke r J o hn B a rt sc h Troy B a u e r
T o rri e B ecwar I a n B e it zel Kimb e rl y B e ll a nt1
C a sey B e rnal S a brin a B e um e r K ev in Bil ge r
Ren e lle Blac k Kri s te n B o hn Bradford B o ul ey sen 'ya-s i l t
Lunch boxes. They seem to have more uses than what they , vere made for. During the earl)" days of elementary school, they protected you from the death rays coming from alien ships. In junior high ca.IT)ring them seemed to be something that only the c lass n e rd did . But now you're in high school and designs for lunc h boxes have c hanged since then. ~1elissa
Kristen Versa,v: "An e dible lunch box so ,vhen you're done, you can eat it. "
Sarah Suszczyk: "A lunch box that ,vould buy a lunch, pay for it, and bring it to me."
Joe Cascio: "A little, battery operated refrigerator because it ,vould keep my food cold."
Albert Ilges: "A big red cookie b ecause it ,vould make me hungry and remind m e of food."
Brandon Scho,v: " I ,,rould ,,rant a plain, non -descript eaS)7 to find lunch box in e ith e r blue or green."
Stacey Arono,vitz: "I ,vould ,vant a lunch box that is in the shape of a sheep ,vith fur and all."
Morgan Boyles
David Bradder
Nicholas Brakken
Kami Brindle
Ja so n Broderi c k
Jamie Brooks
• l :I "F1 tJ .. I •11 u c; t ru ll.1 t t •• ul r • tt :r. p ll' •:Sr. •r b :Sq ff j ,! Ui ' u l bl p ar. >la a:r
Jo s h Brooks Fletc her Brown Nichols Brown Ro ss Bruno Andrew Bu c hholz Debra Buck Carl Burg Carolyn Burg Brianne Burri s Andrea Carty Rachel Carver Jo se ph Cascio Ja so n Chappell Kelly Cheney sen 'ya-s • 33
l :s ft tJ r F Loi :s .1 t '-"' t t •• -.&.d .r I 1#1' [L p lr •10 •T b bl p IQ lia •.r ~""i' l T Lt£ .... ,_ CJ H I p ,c.a t1 t 1 I .:i
Letitia Christensen Nathan Church Amber Churches
Tanya Ciferri Cathenne C l ark
Kathl ee n Clark
Marlaina Clements
Meli ssa Cline
Lynda Collin s
'D ns by t34 ' ition
Sarah Coonan A s hl ey Craig
e my Cumming s
Mary Curran Stephen Curtis Carol Cutter
Andrew Darlington Jennifer Davi s Lynn DeBerry
John DeLaTorre David Demalteri s Bryan De Wolfe
Christina Di Cianno
Jennifer Dinges
Rebecca Doherty
I I sen ya-s flS
Kati e Dorsc h
Rebe cca Dragul
Rena Du se nbury
Thomas Du s ter
Ja so n Eagleson
Wendi Eberhart
Christopher Eddy
Sherida Edmonston
Terry Ei l ers
Monica Ein s pahr
Jon Ekstrom
David E l lis
Summer E s tre ll a
Ryan Farl ey
ns by nition
• C I ' I t ' •• tA I..L.1 .r • If f a. p J.r I • r, bl p Ul pla al' ~, 1E"ol u je,t,t u ., • p •t.e t .¥ t .... I c
I ,
Every time you talk to an old p e r so n , they al,vays seem to h ave something Vlis e to tell )rou. Aren't seniors capabl e of giving ,vords of wisdom to thos e young e r than you? \Vhat prerequisites do you need in order to have great ,vords of ,vis dom ? Age, experience and, of course, b e ing a senior. BJ R eyno lds
Nathan Church: "Don't eat monkey biscuits unl ess you' r e an opium co,vboy."
Alyssa Kraus: " If it looks like it's going to rain, roll up your \\r:indo,vs ."
Jennifer Rickard: "Avoid all yearbook m e mb e r s ,vhe n they have an assignment."
Mlke Ivlaharas: "Be eas ily satisfied , th e very best."
Becca Dragul: "Wear a s ,veater ,,rith a hol e in it so you ca n feel like a tough guy. "
Jon Pineau: " You Inio,v you',,e b een to a good part)" ,vhen you come home , somebody stands on your hand and you can't f eel it."
Traci VanWoensel: "Don't p ee too close to an e l ectrical f e nce."
Luke Stahmer: "Home,vork is b est don e ri g ht before the test."
Amber Femmer Jennifer Fink Bu ckn er Fisher
'ya-s i 37
Kirs tin Fisher Stephen Fisk Alejandr o Flores
• t "' •• hi 111 I u~ • t OJ 1.1 1f1 IS ti • CJ f l C t •• u UI :r & ,t:f I, t p J:r I •1Jn • T u ti [I bl p iUtl pla 1 :r •
1.r. K ad i e Guldan ~u Jayne Hal e .:.r" Bria Hampl e man • p ,...wC:ltOS I """ t t :. ., I 11 fl8 ns by ition = uj
Eric Ford H o ll ey Fos ter Ami Freier Matthew Fros t Kimberly Giddeon Breeanne G l a s mann Ja cob Goble Li s a Gore s M e li s s a Groenhof
Zeth Harold Mi chael Hamngton Jami e Harv ey
Christy Hassey Gene Haverkamp Geoffrey Hay s
Stephen Hi c kman Jr. Na than Hinkle Joe Hippensteel
I I se n ya-s i39
Tracy Hoback Steven Hob so n Layne Hod so n
If ) ' OU co uld b e a fly on the ,,rall in any place, at any time, in the past, present, or future, ,,rhen and ,vhere ,vould 1rou be? iia)rbe it could be on a ,,rall during the signing of the Declaration of Indep e ndenc e, or on a ,,,all in the dressing room of your favorite band. When Golden seniors ,,,e re asked this question, they came up ,,ith some pretty interesting ans,vers. Some ,,ranted to ,,itness an e,rentfrom the past: "I ,,rould like to be a fly at \Voodstock," ,,,as Jennijer
Andy Darlington's "blast from the past," but Shannon Skelton had a different idea: "I ,,,ould ha,'e liked to have been a fly on the ,,,an ,,,h e n I ,,,as born. " Some chose a place they'd rather be right then, instead of at school. Stephanie Zachrison said, "I ,v ould be a fl1r on the ,,Tall in Adam Yauch's (of the Beastie Boys) bedroom , right no,,,!" Other seniors chose the obvious ans,,,.er to this question. "If I ,vas a fly on the ,vall I ,vould be in the guys' locker room to see ,,,hat the)' say about all the girls," said Jamie Brooks, ,,..hile Luke Stahmer said, "I ,vould be a fly on the ,,,all in the Tridettes' locker room," and Kyle Cusack said, "I ,,,. ould be a fly on the ,vall at Hugh Hefner's Playbo")' convention." Amanda Pitt
Steve Hol so r
Aimee Hoogheem
Jon a than Hoppin
Jonathan Hornick
Jeremy Hotse npiller
Christina Hutchi so
.SC i .u~ • t dl :1
.11 re,• I C t u.r
• .r • J!! .. L p l:r 1 • ... )ir, Hf k".a La •u d t.t, " . ti D bl p IUD pla , .:r '"" l T lei& t_ d u tr • p •t• u t l :I (I
ns by d ition~ t
• (1rwJa_.
J e nnife r Hut c hi son Albert Il ges D av id J o hn so n Stephanie J o hn so n
M e lissa J o nes Rebe cca J o n es Sam Jone s Gre g K a rp off
Meredith Keatin g Amber Keller Jame s Kelley
Ka c i Kell y Anna Kel s o Sarah Kendell se n 'ygrs i41
Leigh Abbey • Le s lie Adair•Jenny Allen • Shannon Anderson • Pablo Arango •B ryan Armstrong • Stacy Amdt • Stacey Arono\vitz • K y le Atk1ns on •Mmdy Austin •J us tm Babb111 •J ason Baerren•Travis Bake r Enck Bartosh•John Bartsch •Troy Baue r-Tome Becwar l anBe1tzel • Kt mberly Bellan11 •Ca s ey Bemal•J ames Berry• Sabnna Beume r Kevm B ilge rR onelle Blac k • Knsten Bohn • Bradford Bouley •M organ B oyles •David Bradder• Nicholas Brakken •K am1 B nndle•J ason B rodenck •J am1e B rooks •Josh B rooks • Fletcher Brown •Nichols B rown •Ross B runo •A n drew B uchholz • Debra Buck
• Carl Burg • Carolyn Burg • Bnanne B urris • And rea Carty • Rachel Carve r-J oseph Casc1o •Jason Cha p pell • Kelly Cheney • LetJtta Christensen •Nathan Church •Ambe r Churc h es •Tanya C1fcrn • Catherine C lark • Ka thlee n Clark •M arla1na C le m e n ts •M e h ssa
Chne •Lynda Collins
• Sarah Coonan •Ashley Cra1g •Jeremy Cummings •M ary Curran • Stephen Curt ts• Carol Cutte r Andrew Darli n gto n •Jenntfer
Dav1s • Lynn DeB erry
•J ohn DeLaTorre •Dav1d Demalleris •Bryan D eWolfe • Christ1na Di Cianno •J ennife r Di n ges •Rebecca D oherty • K at te
Dorsch • Rebecca Dragul •Rena Dusenbury •Thomas Duste r-J ason Eagleson •Wendi Eberhart • Christopher Eddy •Shenda Edmons ton •T erry
E1lers •M on1ca E i nspah r- Jon Ekstrom
Fi s her- Stephen Fisk •AleJandro Flores
• David Elhs
• Eric Ford
• Su m me r Estrella •R yan F arley •Amber F emme r-Jennifer F ink • Buckne r Fi she rK1rst i n
• Holley Fos le r- Ami F re1er• M a11hew Frost • K imbe rly Giddeon
• Breeanne Glas m a nn •J acob
• L 1s a Gores •M elt ss a Groenhof•Kad1e Guldan •Jayne H ale •Bna H ampleman •Zelh H arold •M1chael H arring ton •J a m ie H arvey •C hnsty
H a ss ey
H od s on
• Gene Haverkamp •Geoffrey H ay s
• S t eve Hol s or
• A1mee
• Slephen H ickman Jr- Nat h an H inkle •Joe H ippensteel •Tracy H obac k
• Steve n H obson
• Layne
I [ • ' C 1 ... l 1 ..;i u • .. ,.. •• .;l a:t l t ;r t i:: l ••• lu, LLd • r • Jf f ;n. l p l.r ; . "r• ih nr b l:I •w -d tb ti D t.1 p C I D pl• a.r II 1 l :iT l.c• lA d"' u t42
H oogheem •Jonat h an H oppin •J onathan H orn1ck •J e r emy H otsenp11ler • Chnstina H u tchison • Jennifer H u1ch1 s on •Albert ll ges • Dav1d J ohnson •Stephanie J ohnson •M e lissa Jones •R ebecca J ones • Sa m J ones •Sean J ones •Greg Ka rp off•M eredi th Kea11ng •Amber Keller•J ames Kelley •K ac1 Kelly •Anna Kelso •Sarah K endell •M elissa Km g • Gabnella K1sova•M ichelle K leineide r Nat h an Kneppe r Zachary K osterman •Alyss a Kraus • Shana Krone • Hedy Kunter J udith Kunze •Andrea Lanterman • Bu rke Larson •K enne th Lee•M ichelle o
n i t
n s by
Lee •Kar1 Le1d1ch •Scotl Lansenb1glerPeler Lockley •Man1t Lohan1 • Andrew Long
• Enk Lo seman
• Chn:. Lundhag e n • Lmd sey Lu sk • Enn
Mackey • Michael Mahara s • Ruch1 Malhotra • N1kolas Malkmu s • Shane Marquard1 • Dan1el Man,n • Laurey Mattox • Sean Malzke •Ja cob
McDaniel s •W 1l11am McGaffey •Payton Michael •Jo sh ua Mole s • M1chael Mon c kton •Mallh ew Montgomery • Peter Mooney •F e rminaMoorc • Ryan
Morgan •ChnstopherMomson •BethanyMulv1h11l
• BnanMurphy •A s hleyMyers •Jesse Myers •Melt ssa Myers•Tra cy Myers • W11l1amN ee •Ju st1n
• Gabriel Negn •Janel Nel son • M1chaela Newman • M1nh Nguyen •Christopher N1cholas • Matthew O'Rtley •Ezek1el Olquan • H eat h er
Orem •AnthonyOnhuela • M1chaelOsgood •MasonPalmerM e l1 ssa PalmerCharlott e ParkerJuheParkerMollyPatterson• KelseyPe 1ersen •Enk
Peterson •Huy Pham •Zachary Pike •Jon Pmcau
Ratz •M1chelle Rawltngs
• Hosea Rocha
Sanders • Roy Sanders
• Amanda P11t •Ted Politte •Jultc Powell
• Kathryn Prest1a-Sc haub
• Duke Reher-Jill RemeckerB11l1e Jean Reynold s •Jenn1fer R1 c kard
• Laura Rasc hen •Mari a R ~con •Katy
•Maso n Robertson
• Kn s ty Rob m son
• Matthew Rogers •Cra1g Ro1k •Thoma s Rome •Jo s h Romero •Shannon Rood •Mon1ka Sachdeva •Dale Sacry
• Mar1one Sant
Schreaner•Jo s hua Scruggs
Sm1th •Drew Sm1lh
• Sara Savo1e
• Rebecca Scruggs
• Amber Schaefer•Jurgen Schl1eman •T1ffany Schmidt
• Erwan Sherman
•Trav1 s Sh1elds
• Kat1e Sm11h •Ryan Smtth •Jo s hua Sprague •Natal 1e Stahl
• Sarah Suszczyk
• Crystal Swala
Thomas •Amelta Tietsort •Sabnna Tortora
• Sevenne Swanson
• Renae Tre nk
VanWoen se l•N1kk1 Varven s •H eather Verard1
• Coll1n Shtpman
•Jam es
• Bnan
• Brandon Schow • Jona1han
• Andrew S1lvey
• Shannon Skellon
• Carne
• Luke Stahmer-Steven Steketee•Ro ger Stellers•J e nn1fe r S1overJam1e
• Kellee Tarum
• Ryan Thernauh
• Amanda Tu c kerOnon Tulchm
•Joel Verbec k
Wallon •Alan Webb •Bryan Wellen s 1ek• Karen Wcllon
Willl s •Amy Wtl so n
• Chns11an Vermtlhon
• Em1lyWengrov1us•Jayme Wh1tc
• Heather Wil so n •Jill Wolf• Sarah Wolf•Jenny Wood
• Brendan Th1stlehawk-Ranck• Andrew
•Jo s hua Tyler Nathaniel Ulander Anna VanMe1el""Trac1
• Kn s te n Ver saw
•Tamara Wh1tc
•Marc V1 g1 l•Conna Walk e r-Ma11hew
•JcremyWh11more •Adam W1 ebe r-Philhp
• Kathenne Worobey •S1ephan1e Zachnson
' I
I f sen ygrs -t43
Aly ssa Krau s
Hedy Kunter
Judith Kunze
Andrea Lanterman
Burke Lar so n
Kenneth Lee
.t •• .1 Lt • I u• • t ll • "P :I '111 •la l:1 •Fi l c.l "' &J r. , Lr, hi " n;.J u • f u tl t l.i'f n.J 11.Ld Li.q &l4 ]I r Cl!I ;r t C t ... l '"' l.:&..d U')' l"A LIii l SIJ AFf -d tt a< 0 bl p u, pl.a ar lJ"? l .., lt• CL,_ d~ lJ I( • p •t• tio t 1 .. , d C r..r &;d
Meli ssa King
Ki sova
Mi c helle Kleineider
Na than Knepper
Zachary Ko s terman
Shana Krone
Mi c h e l le Lee Kari Leidi c h S co tt Lin senb1gler
Peter Lo c kl ey Manit Lohan1 Andre w Lon g
Erik Lo se man C hri s Lundhagen Lind sey Lusk
Erin Ma ckey Michael Maharas Ru c hi Malhotra sen 'ya-s t45
Wi!It(}Jrl Mc-Gaffey
' V •• lw h t ll iq I cp.f ,u la 11 •F1 11 ti • Lt d •E • f ti l l ;i d in:.J .~ l •r• ." a:., 11:111 t .c t .... lu 1.lld • r •• i,t f l p IU:r !1 • .. ir, uy bl I.a l •ff ,d " tb K V ti, n bl p Ql[i pla a.r It 1 T J.c.a u, dw n:.7 :.r • p ~t• ti 't 1~ .:I
S h a
Da n ie l Mart in L au
tt ox Sea n Ma tz k e J acob M cD a n ie ls
J os hu a M
P e
t46 n itio n I • j .1
N1k ol as M a lk mus
ne Ma rq u ardt
rey M a
Willi a m M c G a ffey
ay to n Mi c h ae l
o le s Mi c hae l M o nc kto n
ew Mo ntgo me ry
te r Moo ney
Fermina Moore Ryan Morgan Christopher Moni so n Bethany Mulvihill Bnan Murphy Ash ley Myer s Je sse Myers Meli ssa Myer s Tracy Myer s William Nee Ju sti n Needham Gabriel Negri sen 'ya-s f 47
Janet Nel so n
Michaela Newman
Minh Nguyen
Christop h er Nichola s
Matthew O ' Riley
Ezekiel Olquin
Heather Orem
Anthony Orihuela
Mi c hael Osgood
Ma so n Palmer
Meli ssa Palmer
Charlotte Parker l
•• 1 12 I :l.l t ll r. OJ 14 D "'' • r u -c;:l t li, d '-l t.i..! l~ .. , • .. C~t .l CAI t t ., .. lu 1:c.d • ;c • a ut1 t p llr i:i ii,1b .. ., k:.a lJli 1 :I •Jf tl: ..: VLI to o. bl p an pla 1.r hct'f L 'IAf h• 1,.., dw ..,, • p tA t .lo t 1., d I
---'-----nsby nition 148
___/,j . . \lc....b A. l Cl '-'" ..J l._.:#-7........._
J ul1e Parker Molly Patterso n Kel sey Peterse n
Erik Peterso n Huy Pham Zachary Pike
Jon Pineau Amanda Pitt Ted Politte
Julie Powe ll Simon Pranaiti s Kat hryn PrestiaSchaub se n
L a ur a R asch e n M ari a R asco n K a ty R atz Mi c h ell e Ra w lin gs Duk e R eh e r Jill R e in ec ker Billie J ean Reynold s J ennifer Ri c kard M aso n R o b ert son Kri s ty R o bin so n Jame s Robuck Ho s ea Rocha ---,Daro ns by t50 nition 0,Jz
Matth ew Ro ge r s Craig R o rk Th o m as R ome
Jo sh R o m e r o Shannon Rood M o nika Sachdeva
Dal e Sacry Brian Sanders Roy Sanders
I I se n
t 5 t
Marjorie Sant Sara Savoie Amber Schaefer
Jurgen Schlieman
Tiffany Schmidt
Brandon Schow
Jonathan Schreiner
Jo s hua Scruggs
Rebecca Scrugg s
Erwin Sherman
Travi s Shield s
Collin Shipman
Andrew Silvey
Shannon Skelton
Carrie Smith
Drew Smith
Katie Smith
ns by nition ( -
In the Year We Were Born .....
Here are some interesting facts about the year the graduating Class of 1997 made their debut. Katy Ratz
The 1bree Top-Rated T.V. Series:
1. "Laverine and Shirley" 3.(tie) "Mork and Mindy"
2. "1bree's Company" 3.(tie) "Happy Days"
•The#lsmashhitwas "MySharona"perfo11nedbytheTheKnack
•You could buy a brand ne,v Ford Mustang 4 for $4,187.
•Gas was around 89 cents a gallon.
•The highest paid athlete in 1979was basketball's Mos es l\Ialone, ,vho earned $1 million .
•The Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl for the third timein a r ow. Also, the Pittsburgh Pirates ,von the World Series.
• Velour sweat suits made their debut.
1. Kramer vs. Kramer
2 . Star Trek - The Motion Picture
3. The Jerk
R ya n Smith
Jo s hu a Sprague Natalie Stahl
'y~s i 53
Luke Stahmer Steven Steketee Ro ge r Stellers
J e nni fe r Stove r J a mi e S tri ck l a n d Sarah S uszczy k
C r ys ta l Swa l a Severin e Swa nso n K e ll ee T a rum
R ya n T he rri a ult Bre nd a n Th is tl ehaw k-Ranck Andr e w Th o m as
A m e li a Ti e tso rt Sab rin a T o rt o r a R e n ae Tre nk
6-Jh..LTc QO
Am a nd a Tu c k e r Ori o n T ul c hin J os hu a T y l e r
N a th a ni e l U l a nd er Ann a V a nM e te r Trac i V a nW oe n se l
Nikki V arve ri s H ea th e r Vera rdi J oe l V e rb ec k
Chri s tian V e rmilli o n Kri s te n V e r saw Marc Vi g il
sen 'ya-s • 55
To b e o r n o t t o b e a juni o r, th a t i s th e q u estio n To a ll th ose w h o kn ow, a junio r i s so m eo n e a lm os t a t th e t o p o f th e h ea p in th e p y r a mi d o f the s tud e n t c lass sys t e m By defini tion , a juni o r i s co n s id e r e d an upp e rcl ass m a n . This i s a ri g ht o f p assage th a t every s tud e nt l ooks fo rw a rd t o. Yo ur juni o r yea r i s a yea r w h e n w a lking thr o u g h the h a lls i s n o l o11ge r a dr ea d e d t as k , a nd m a kin g o th e r s b el o w yo u in th e h ea p a n s w e r t o yo ur every b eck a nd ca ll . By d ef in iti on, junio r yea r i s co n s id e r e d t o b e th e t o u g h es t yea r in anyo n e's hi g h sc h oo l ca r ee r . Thi s i s wh e n co ll eges s t a rt t o lo o k a t wh e the r or n o t yo u can m eas ur e up t o th e ir s t a nd a rd s. In case thi s press ur e i s bui l din g up , t a k e a w a l k thr o u g h the h a ll , and l oo k at a l l th e und e rcla ss m e n th a t m ove o ut o f yo ur wa y. Th a t wi ll brin g a s mi l e t o y our fa ce. M P a lm e r
Jun•ior s 1. Yo11nger,
esp. when used to distinguish the son from. the fath er of the sam.e name. 2. Pertaining to the third year of a U .S. high school. 3. A person lower in rank or length of service.
4. Som.eone who commands m.ore respect than a sophom.ore, and earned the right to m.ake fun of others below him ..
ns by i 58 \ , n ition
ittl e No ise Makers The J unior Cla ss rocks out and shows everybody what t h eir made of al t h e H omecom1ng P ep R ally The Junior Class orga n ized a lot of c lass events lh1 s year s uch as t h e T w 1s ter T oumarnent M eaghan B urnell co mm e nted , " Being a Junior 1s great because you get to s it on t he ot h er s ide of th e bleac he rs." P hoto by Ron Finell!
Ticker Tape Parade This year's Junior royalty, Nick. Cook.son and Maegan Connolly nde down the parade route dunng the Homecoming Parad e The Home coming P ep Assembly was different than last year 's because class c-o n1peltt1on s were held Sylvia Gardner said, " Junior year as fun and at the same ume a lot of work. " Photo by BJ Reynold s
So You See ... Juni ors Chns J ohnson and Ren Bu cholz prac ti ce the debating techn iqu es du rin g lheir free tim e a t a foren s ics meet I n tenn s of dance s, the Ju nior Class was responsible for mak.1ng all the preparauons for the P rom Robin P ollcte replied , " B ei n g a junior means that you're not a freshman , so you don 't get p1ckt>d on, but you don ' t have th e college s tres s ltkc sen iors Photo by Amber Schaefer
Kelly Adams
Ru ssell Allen
Jes sica And erso n
Kelli Anderson
Going out on a date is part of Golden's social life. They're usually fun but every once in a while many ofus have gone out on a date we wouldn't call anything more than cheap. Here's what juniors had to say about this issue. Amber Johnson
Stephanie Shaw: "He took me to a $1.50 movie and McDonald's. You couldn't squeeze a penny out this guy's butt."
Miranda Schmidt: "Sadies, I paid for the tickets and he paid for McDonalds."
Aranda Cooper: "He took me to Denny's and we had to skip out on the bill because he couldn't pay for it."
Shannon Holsinger: "I had to fill up his gas tank to even go out. He took me to a Rockies game where I bought everyhing and afterwards I took him to Dairy Queen. He c;:illed but I never called him
Nicole Angel
Ali ssa Archer
Ryan Artale
Je ss ica Bakker
Craig Baldwin
Jason Baldwin
Shauna Barbee
Aaron Barrett
Paul Barrett
Jo shua Barthels
Scott Baun
Tiffany Bausc h
ns by nition
Nao mi Behunin
Debo r ah Ben ne u
Hea th e r Be nne tt
Ste ph en Be noi t
R o bert Bentl ey
Mi che ll e Bernard
Dani e ll e B1rd
Mi c hae l Bi s ho p
Da lyn Bl ackney
J ames Bo hks
Wilh am Ba rtl es
Carla Bosse
Mi che ll e Boy d
T rav is Brdar
J esse Brittain
Adam Brodi e
Anthon y Broo ks
Aar o n Bro wn
Adam Bro wn
J o hn Bro wn
Mi c ha e l Brunker
Re n Bu cho lz
Th o ma s BuJno ws ki
Rob ert Bunn
-) L fl 14:I • •
• I I Joo n ya-s t 6 t
J ame s Burke tt
M ea g h an Burne ll
J aco b Cam pbe ll
E n c Carls on
M argare t Car ls o n
Amber Carney
Dan ie ll e C h appe ll
R obe rt C h1ld er s to n
H e id i C 1e s l ar
Cry s tal C le m e nts
C lint o n Coakl ey
J o Co al man
Ca sey Co llin s
Ro na ld Co llin s
B o bb i Co m mon s
Bra n do n Co n dron
R o s e tt a Con ne ll y
M aege n Co nn o ll y
Ni c h o la s Cook so n
An d r e w Coo n an
Kati e Coo p er
J effr ey Co rma c k
A l ex i s C r o wd e r-
J ac k s o n
C h arl e s C us te r
ns by
t 62 nit io n
• ,. t'..... ___.,.., I- - ·
Joshua Dalgetty
Susan Daniel
Tara Davi s on
Ja ck Deboer
John Delatorre
Joshua Den so n
Genevieve Dilworth
Andrea Dittbrenner
Dougla s Doffing
Tiffany Dovey
Michael Duran Keen
Anthony Edward s
Enka Edward s
Laura Ekberg
J enn ifer Elgin
Tere s a Emmon s
Sarah Erwin
Marlena E s tes
Anne Fay
David Feth
Eric Fink
Keitha Finney
Dani e l Fi s her
Amber Fisk
• I I J OO il ya--s
f 63
Laure n F1tz patn c k
Tra v is Fl eury
Liana Fo rte
Andree Fos te r
Rebe kah Fos ter
Shannon Franklin
Travi s Franklin
He1d1 Fre ier
Mi c ha e l Fros t
Mi c ha e l Fros t
Steven Fros t
Meli ss a Fry
Jess e Full e r
Jess ica Fuller
Rob e rt Fulton
Kelly Gable s
Carlos Gamarra
Sylvia Gardner
Laura Gasbarra
Daniel Ga sper
Shilah Gaule
Benedikt Geenen
Renee Gerni
Tyrel Gib s on
' nition
It's funny ho,v people al,vays ,vish that they ,ve re something that th ey just simply aren't. We all do it, sitting in class daydreaming , ho,v cool it ,,rould b e, to take th e role of the terrorist-killing, smooth talking, babe magnetizing, savior of the day. The Junior Class ,vas asked if they could assume the lives of anybody or anything th ey ,vanted, ,vho or ,vhat ,vould they be. Matt Larson said, "I'd be th e oilboy for the Swedish Bikini Team. I thinl<: you lmo"v ,vhy." Some of the juniors have desires of being rich, famous, and powerful. Tiffany Bausch said, "I'd be Sharon Stone, because she is powerful, d e manding, and she gets ,vhat she ,vants." Some people don't want to b e people or characters at all, like Mark Lau, vers who said, "I'd be a beer, because then everybody would want me. "Even though we ,,ill al,vays be ,vho w e are, it is al,vays fun fun to dream.
Andy Thomas
• ' • ,. " , . • • •t;.1 :' . • ' ., :\' -~·. • • • :~ ' • ·t~ ,,,: • ·> :, ., •~ ·...... ,.. · -~ • ' ,,. • • ,.1 .. lltil' , • ~;' ' • ...,, , \ •' ~ · d - I> -.~ ...,. • .. ' • , t • -~\ " ' - -A · • &;4"' ' , .· ..,., Ani ss a Gil Tiffany Gill Laura Gouak BenJarrun Gould Autumn Gray Summer Gray C laire Griffin Danielle H agberg Cyru s H all Jo s hua Hall Chri s topher H amblin Tracy Hamm Kath erine Hamp s on El s ie H anJa n s Troy Hann ema nn Vane ss a H an ne mann •• • I f JOOil Ydf'S • 65 ' .• • , -.,: , , • I
Ru ss ell Hansen
Eno Has u ng s
Kar la Heffelfinge r
J a mes Hei nz
Levi Henders on
J aco b Hen d rix
Brad ley He rbe rt
Robert Hind s
Aaro n Hi nkl e
J acq ue s Ho
Rya n Hoffm an
Carme n Hols in ge r
S han no n Hols i"nge r
Je ram1a Hoo ks
J oshu a Ho tsenp1 1l er
Jes si ca Howe ll
Nicole Hud s o n
Paul Hud s o n
Les ley Hu e man
Jay Jac km an
Dav id Jam es
Elli o t Ja me s
Chn s to ph er Je ffr ey s
J acqu e lin e Jo hanse n
o ns by ni tio n
• • • • • . ... , ' I
Amber John so n
Casey John son Chn s toph er R John so n Chn s loph e r W John son
Kri s un John son
Mindell John son
Ni c hola s John son Sandra John son
Stephanie John son
Eh ss a Jone s Kerry Jone s Jonathon Keen ey
Michael Kell
Calvin Kelley
Jeffrey Kemler
Joel Kendell
David King
Darcy Krt1nich
Ro c ky Kurtub1
Ginny Ku sy
Jo s hua Labrum
Nichola s Lahey
Robin Lang
Matthew Larson
, r .... J
• I I JOO O Ydf f 67
Mark Lauwers
James Leakey
David Lefevre
Celes te Leidich
Have you ever wondered ,vhat it ,vould be like to make your own class? One where you would not fall asleep... or maybe you would. Itcould beanythingyou want. Juniorscameupwithsome unique ne,v classes. Katie Stodola
Maegen Connolly: " A self-defense class."
Heather Turn,vall: "Napping class."
Karen Mills: "A river rafting class! Never went and want to go."
Cal Kelley: " Girls 101."
Linnea Nelson: "A sign language class."
Jennifer Elgin: "Reality bites 101."
Trlfany Bausch: "Flirting 101."
Mikey Coakley: "A sleeping class."
Ginny Kusy: "A shopping class."
Chaze Pahach: "How to become a professional bartender."
Michelle Lemmerman
Ru ss ell Leonard
Jo shua Levitt
Ja s on Ley shon
Cameron Lindberg
Sara Logan
Chanty Long
Cody Long
Nicholas Low
Su s an Lucas
Ali s ha Lujan
Kera Lynch
ns by nition
) \ n
L y nn Mah aras
T e naya Mah o n ee Marc u s Malt e mp o Kimb e rl y Marc um
C hn s ttn e Mare n J e ff Marqu ez
J e nnife r Martin ez Matlh e w Maupin
Ryan McCallum Bnd ge t M cCa ul ey Mi c he ll e McCo llum Ke ll y M c Dani e l
Ren ee M c Reyn o ld s Jamie M c T ee r Ad am M e dran o Dani e ll e M e n a pa ce
Ery n M eye r Kati M eye rs Ad a m Mill e r Casey M 1Il e r
C had Mill e r Karen Mill s Kathryn Mill s Laure n Miln e r
Anu s ka Mi sr a
Ri s h1 Mi sr a
T aba thaM oe nch
Ri c hard Moo re
C hn s t1 na More no
He ath er Mo rrellShoe ne
Lave na Motes
Co rey Mu dd
J aso n Myer s
Joe l Nels o n
Linn ea Ne lso n
Zac h ari ah Ne ls o n
Kare n Ne ukirc hn er Ni chole Newco me r
Co rinn e Ne wco mm
Ke lli Omara
Tara On ei ll
Grant Oute rbnd ge
Erin Overturf
Chas ity Pah ach
P e ter Palanuk
Sarah Palm er
Jenni fe r Parfe t
Ju s tin Pea coc k
o ns by nition
Teresa Peters
Rachel Pi con
Robert Pineau
Philip P1 wonka
Robin Politte
Erin Porter
Shawn Powell
Stacey Proctor
Molly Quirk
Peter Rappmund
Timothy Raw so n
Jennifer Reed
Adena Reher
Jennifer Reynold s
Christa Rtdl
Jonathan Ridpath
Wilham Riedel
Jody R1ndt
Keith Rindt
Ellen Ri s ner
Sharhonda Robinson
Andrew Rogers
Marc Rood
Michael Roy
• ) ( c.·•
<. J
• I I J OO il
t 7 t
Chnstopher Rozelle
Enn Ryan
Andrea Saindon
Lu cas Salg
Wendy Samland
Mtt c hell Sandoval
Ra c hel Savage
Ke lly Savoie
Kn sti n Saxton
Stephen Scheid
Sarah Schiffman
Ian Schmidt
Juha Schmidt
Miranda Schrrudt
Matthew Schneider
Mi c hael Schreiner
Bobbi Schultz
Jas so n Schwettman
Vivika Scovill
Renae Seakan
Dana Self
1 Amanda Sexton
Adam Seymour
Jes sa myn Shanks
• I G t ' J I • • I I I I ' I • ' I I
ns by i 72 ' , nition I
Everyone ,,,.ho can call themselves human do many embarrassing things throughout their lives. This can b eco m e a proble m \.vh e n other people see you then they give you a ni c knam e r e lated to your action . Tiffany Bausch commented, "One time I f e ll in a hol e ,vhil e skiing and I couldn't get out, so my friend s called m e ' Bi.ff'." If you play a sport, your fello,,r teammates might give you a nicknam e. "The football players call me 'Chili' becaus e of my last nam e," s aid Robby Childerston. l\tiaegen Connolly said, "I couldn't pronounce my first name when I ,vas little, so I said ' Bugga ' and it stuck." Teachers often give their students niclmam es. " Doc (Vand e rlaan) calls me 'Magpie' because I never shut up in class," said Ren Bucholz. "I used t.o be called all kinds of things like 'Afro-puff' and 'Velcro head' because I used to have a lot of frizzy hair ," s aid Sha,vn Po,vell. As you can see, you can get nicknames for quite a variety of reasons, whether you like it or not.
Kim Giddeon
Bernice Shaw
Kelhlee Shaw
Torrey Shelton
Zachary Shirk
Shan no n S hu ey
Rex S in g le to n
Deanna-Mari Sm ith
E li zabeth Sm ith
En ca Smi th Step h anie Smith
Laura S nyde r
Patri c k So lan o
Ja so n S parks
Bnann e S pear
Rand e ll S pnn ge r
W es l ey S ram ek
.. • •
• I f JOO O ygrs i 73
T arnse n S t ok e s
S han e Sto n e
D avi d S ubal a
L a ure l Swan s on
P au l Sza b o Jr
Kev in T ay lo r
M ari an a Theo dore
Tra c ie Th o ma s
E nul y Th o mp so n
Ann Tuffin
Au s t in Turn e r
K a th y Turn e r
M e h ssa Turn e r
Hea th e r Tumwall
Moni ca U n ge r
Brit tan y V a n g un dy
Luke Vanw oe n sel
Bryan V e l as qu ez
Gloria V e r sa w
R o nd a V e tter
R o dn ey Vi g il
Ni c h o las Walt e rs
S tuart W e bb
D a le W e bs te r
C• :ii I I t J I k • ' 1 I I ' l I • i I I t 1 I
ns by it i on J 1
No t Pi c tured: Rh ianno n Echevema
Ca ndi ce Baker Larry England Jr
Jo s hu a Bates Ju s tin Evans
Elizabeth Beard Peter Fox
Me lissa Bellew Jessica Gray
Mi ch ael Bl o ndin Eh Guthrie
Andrew Moore
Jonathan Palmer
Be n1 am 1n Parker
S hawn Par ke r
Eric Poni csa n
William Pronec hen
Anthony Brooks Kalhenn e Hoage Mo nt e Przybyl ski
Lee Brunke r C had J ackson
Ri chard Burkh a lt er Nichola s Jun gferman
Jo hn Burt o n Enc Kyle
Eli zabe th Sc hn eider
Duane Sc hor
Tiffany Scott
Ja so n Ca meron Ken neth Lefevre S tep hani e S haw
Elizabeth Bre ntl ey Lewi s S teve n Simmons Matth ew Wood
Cas tl eberry Brya n Lo reno
Me lani e C havez M indi Marsh
Kenneth Subala Lu c as Wn g ht
Elizabeth Sut herl and Pauic1a Wnght
Aranda Cooper Andrew Mart in Raymo nd Wat so n Mi chael Z ink
Kyle Cusack Tia Mc Kamey
Cassandra Wesse l
Mi c hae l Dom anu s Kath en ne Meed Wh1tney Wil k
Th e Yea rb ook s tajf resrets th e large numb er of st ude nts n o t pictured The photo s tudio, Lzfe Tou c h, had a problem lVi th on e of th e ir ca m eras during registration. Altho u gh th ey ca m e ba c k nvice for retakes and all st ude nts missing were contacted through th ei r access t eachers, we still h ad a co ns iderable nurnber of s tuden ts without photos
Bnanna Well s
Adam Wendling
Kimberly We s tby
Ryan White
He 1d1 Whitmore
Debra Wilb er
Carley Wil liam s Drew William s
Thomas Williams
Ryan Wobbro ck
Megan Wo rd Donald Wozni ck
Adnanne Wn g ht Ktandr a Wund e rli c h
Breann e Zens ZhaoJ1e Zh ang
Meagon Ziegler
I (
• I I J oon ygrs • 7S I I •
Computer Whiz J uniors Chn s Johnson , Dale Webs ter and Cy H all gath e r around the c oordinator for the In ternet Expos 1t1on o n Oct 28 W e bs ter explained , " We d is played the G H S s ite , whi c h we •re really proud of, and look e d for potential web page contra c lS " Photo b y Ron Fin e lh
Lob Return Juni o r Mike Fro st return a volley to his opponent dunng pra c ti c e Th e Junior C lass fell the press u re of trying to figure out w h at they want to do with there ltfe Paul H ud s on said , " I want to become a c ontra c ted ninja , s o I c an kill people for a hv1ng , or I want to work with a c omputer "
Attack from theSideJ un1or
C hri s Rozell e s ltde s m around hi s opponents s ide to s teal the ball on Sept 2 3 Rozelle comment e d , ·•1 think we had a great year, we had our problem s bu t w h at team does n ' t " Ph o to by Ron Finelh
I ' C i • I • l 1 I I ' , ;J d .. l II t t • • Cl r t r Ii .. c t ;J ' p r, • r r
Photo by BJ Reyn o ld s
f76 ns by nition . ' ,. . • t • 9 6
r - ad
Take Two Coo ki es and Call Me in th e Morning Juni o rs Ann e Fay talces Megan Word 's te mperature dunng S pirit Week Juniors get many more opportuniti es to g et out and have fun with their fnends Ltu s year, s u c h as lh e Juni o r raft lnp and goin g to Prom Ph o to by R o n Finelh
We Are the Demon s Eve r Glorious Juniors Rob Ch1lderson Joel Nelson , Aly ss a Archer, Emily Thomp s on , Tiffany Bau sc h , and Karla H effelfinger s how their c las s and sc hool s p1nt at the Homecoming a sse mbly Next year the Juniors will wm all of the c la ss compet1t1on s at the assembly , a senio r trad111on Photo by Ron Finellr
Clean It U p Junior Tabitha Moen c h pretend s to be the county s an1tat 1on commi ss ioner for a proJect 1n one of her c las ses To m ake classes more 1nteres ung , tea c hers h ave Jun iors do more and more hand s on proJects M oench Jokingly said , " I love tras h 1" Photo by Ron Finell 1
Coun+y I~ • SOlllf- ~ h • I f J oon ydfs t 77 I I ' I I
The mighty sophomore year/ s uch a big ste p away from the freshman year. No longer do you have to fear walking down the halls, waiting for an upperclassman to drop a penny on the ground and expect you to pus h it. During the seco nd year in high sc hool 1 the rule s of pep assemblies are learne d and yo ur class no longer looks like the s low Freshman Class who don ' t know how to cheer. The sophomore year is an important year due to the fa c t that mo s t GHS s tudents decide what area of studies they want to enter. Sophomores see m to think that their new s tatus brings on a harder year academically. This year teachers exp ec t more maturity, and a greater comprehen s ion of knowledge , which is a strain for mo s t s tudent s at the beginning of the year. However, after a se me s ter passes the routine of hard work and determination beco me s the norm for mo s t sophomores, Demons by Defi n i ti o n . Matthew Montgomery
Soph•o•ntores n. pl.
1. A second year student at an American high school or college. 2. A student that survived a year of freshman han1Ss• ntent.
3. Any GHS student heard saying, "Inotafresbman."
4. Theremainingfewof students who still use
} the room numbers to I find their class.
t78 ns by nition
S urf th e Net Sophomore M att Murfin uses a P ower M acin tos h to create a web page Man y s tud e nt s took an interes t 1n the intern e t and so me eve n mana ged to m a ke a bu si ness out o f their tal e nts. Travi s Val e nune s tated " I don ' t know a whole lot about th e n e t, but when I learn how to u se 1t, I'll be able to take over the world "
s _____ !
Photo by
Pa rt y Wa go n The Sophomore C lass· H omecoming Ooat rolls down main street before the beginning of th e game The sophomore floa1 was ranl..ed second in lhe Ooat compeu11on. only losing 10 th e Junior noat Sophomore S k ye Svenningsen comme nted " I wasn ' t ac 1ually on t he noat , but I wi sh I was now because ndin g o n it looked like so much fun ." Photo by Ron Finelh • r:
G reat Outdoors Sophomores Dani e ll e Mi ll e r , Matt Wal es, and J ason Land ers examine a n o rth s lope env i ronm e nt for th e bi o logy fi eld tnp 1n Se pt ember Be ing that n' s a requirement to take biology , mos t sophomores d ec id e 10 gel th e c re dit o ut o f th e way as soo n as th ey can A s hl ey M eg h e r explained , " I thought that bi o logy was easy but I d1dn '1 lik e the di ssect in g of th e animal s" Ph o to b y Bob W11l1 a m s
' ' \'
I {• •
Je ss ica Abe
Sarah Adam
Katherine Adame
Emmy Agard
Boaz Aland
Brandon Allen
Lindsey Alpers
Matthew Andersen
Gregory Anderso n
Jo s hua Angel
Gabrielle Arterburn
Jarett Asplund
Scott Atk1n son
Breanna Bacon
Richard Bae r
Craig Bair
Douglas Baldwin
Spencer Barlow
Walter Bartos h
Ju s t1ne Baruc h
Samue l Bauman
Penny Baumgartner
Ryan Becwa r
Kri stin Bell
t80 ns by nition
' I __ J I
Kri ste n Bemi s
Danie] Benoit
Amanda Bentley
Brenda Beumer
Cole Bielak
John Bielak
Kathenne Btllhorn
Jared BJackney
Brandon Blair
Leslte Blondin
Heather Bo]an
James Bollinger
Je ss ica Bonng
Andrew Bos io Braydon Bowling
Heather Boyd
Matthew Boyd
Hollie Brakken
Jaime Brdar
Jo s hua Bridgeman
John Brooks
Kimberly Brooks
Sarah Brook s
Jared Brown
sof' gffi()f 1 s f 8 f-
" I Love you, you love m e. We're a happy family." Sitting around the house anybody ,vho has a little brother or sister has heard these ,vords mimicked by them from their favorite t.v. sho,v, Barney. Trying to tune out these younger siblings you drift off into a ,vorld ofthought "\Vhere the only thing on your mind is all ofth e cool songs s11ng to you ,vhen you were a little tike. Fennina Moore
Nathan Keeton: "My mom sang m e Rock A Bye Baby"
Deidra Smith: "My mother sang me Silent Night."
Angela Miiller: "My mom sang and taught me the words to Ten Little Indians"
Zach Gumblin: "My mother sang to me Amazing Grace"
Patrick Graf: "My mama "\vould sing to me Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Timothy Brown
Candace Bruno
Mary Bujnow s ki
Edward Burke
Chad Butler
Ru sse ll Byrd
Renee Cain
Brian Caldwell
Karen Canales
Michael Cappell o
Amy Car lson
Sonia Carney
Kathy Carver
Jonathan Chamberlin
Shos han a C has e
Cheryl Cheney
,_Q ~) l~ • • •
ition \ j l I -··
Bre nda n Chi s holm Co rtn ey Chn s tens en Jen ny Clark
Kev in C ler k1 n
Betha ny Co cc ia Ka th enn e Col li gan Bobbi Co nn er A shl ey Co nroy
C har les Co rb in Cry s ta l C raig
S han e Cra ig
Me li ss a Crowe
Sarah C u bbon Adn e nn e Cu llum
J os hu a Dace k
Tim othy Dady
Andre w Dale Alan Dan ie ls
Meg han Dav ie s Sean Dav is
Ma tth e w De bae ts Nil es De boe r
Ge ro nn a Div1n s k1 Ni c holas Di z ma ng
' l , I
sof' anor' s i 83
Joshua Dokter
Donald Domanus
Luke Douglas
Adam Dragul
Chnstopher Duggan
Roy Eagan
Nick Eagleson
Leah Edenfield
Shandy Ehresman
Adam Erbaugh
J i ll Erganbright
Erica Erickson
Apnl Evans
Kell y Fagerburg
Kevin Fanc1ulli
Carrie Fendley
Nicole Ferguson
Brian Folle
C hri s tina Ford
Abigail Foster
Tiffany Frederick
Ryan Frost
Raymond Furlong
Tonya Fushimi
I I -) r.OtDEt ons
. .
Aly ss a Gal e Ryan Gambl e Za c hary Gamblin
Billy Garrard
Sabnna G e rw1n g
Eri c Gle ss er
Jordyn G o ld s te in Ky le G o l os
Mari s a Gonzales
Patn c k Graf
Emily Granqui s t
Tiffany Gran th am
Ja s on Gregory
Ni c holas Griess
N eeraj Gupta
Matthew Guthne
Jeremy Hall
Lind s ay Hardin
Toni Harn s
Michael Ha s chke
Matthew Haye s
Patri c k Hediger
Kelly Herndon
Shara Herzog sof'
' • l J
Tra cy Heywoo d
C hri s to pher Hi c key
Chn s lopher Hi c kman
Brett Hi gg in s
Leeann Hoage
Lind say Hobac k
Melani e Hodso n
Wesley Hoffert
Jeffrey H offman
Aimee Holl ey
Elizabeth Hoog heem
Branden Hopki nso n
Tim o th y Hoppi n
Broo ke Hom ecker
Kry s tal Houg hey
Da vid Hu yler
Ti g is tt I saac
Re bekah Ja cob s
Brie J am1 so n
Ke ith J e nkin s
Ky un g un Jhun g
J ames Jo hn so n
Leandra John so n
Mary J o hn s to n
ns by nition
1 •
Doyousay, "Ho,vno,vbro,vnco,v? , " "you'remonuna," or maybe even ",vhatever! "? These are phrases that epitomize the lingo, tongue, and jive of the times. So, ,vhat are the favorite sayings around GHS? Some sophomores had a mouth full to say. Cara Snyder
Jeff Paschall: "View things from every angle."
Tom Cappello : "Never lie, cheat, or steal, and al,vays strike a fair deal."
Carly Williams: ''Killer-diller!''
Brendon Chisholm: ''Insane!''
Justin Rehder: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
Cori Sayyah: "Bu-bye, honey."
Annie Konegitl: "AK squared rules."
Jason Samansky. "Nice."
- -=
) L-_..,o @.> ~ -
V anessa J 01 ner Evan J o nes He ath e r J o ne s Juha Kee ney Nath an Kee to n Luk e Ke ll ey Mi chae l Ke ll ey J oseph Kemp te r Kri s toph e r Ke nt Lee ann e Kep hart Ryan Kin g Be nJamtn Kin g ho rn
sof' anor' s • 87
C ynthia Kinn an Stephani e Kl e1ne 1d e r
Abb ey Kn ox Jami e Koc hev ar
David Kolin
Anne Konegni
Sasha Kots ura
Benjamin Kowal ski
Elaina Krau s
Corahe Kunz
Amy Lacey
Scott Laman
Alexander Lamp so n
Jaso n Landers
Evan Lang s ted
Roger Law so n
Erika Layton
Daniel Lee
Matthew Lee
Natas ha Lefever
Ja so n Lewi s
Ethan Leyendec ker
A shlie Lindberg
Jonah Linenberger
Andrea Lip s tein
Jaso n Long
Kirs ten Look
Jo seph Lopez
ns by t 88 • nition
r (, , t ~' • • i. fl., • ,.,. -~
Thomas Luedtke
Robert Lynn
Chnstopher Marsto n
Adam Martin Ro ss Martin
Linda Martinez
Taleah Mataya
Audra Maupin
Anthony McPhail
Ashley Meagher
Casey Mech
Jason Melnick
Kevin M1 c ke
Angela Miller
Came Miller
Christian Miller
Jana Miller
Angela Monte s ano
Matthew Moore
Scott Morgan
Kelli Mo ss
Sarah Mo ss berger
Jo seph Nannie
• ..,.._,,,
Chineane Naran s
Spencer Nee
Angelo Nel so n
Lee Newgent
Have you ever emptied your pockets and found some really interesting items that you're sure ,veren't there before? Where do these things come from? Sophomores ,vere asked about the ,veirdest things that they have ever pulled out of their pocket. Hedy Kunter
Hollie Brakken: "A little naked green troll."
Carly Williams: "A skateboard."
Anthony McPhails: "A bra."
Brendan Chishohn: "My dog's food."
Mary Johnston: "Fried chicken."
Stephanie Seipp: "I had to pull everything out of my pockets for a cop. I pulled out a condom and everyone started laughing."
Krist.en Bemis: "A mill.ion dollars."
Brandon Rood: "An inflatable doll."
Nick Eagleson: "A melted Hershey's Bar."
Ha1 Nguyen
Juh e Ni cholas
Alan Ni chol s
Broo ke Ni c hol s
Enn Ni c hol s
Ryan Obrien
Adrienne Ortega
Grant Outerbndge
Ch n s tina Owens
Kadn Ozdemir
Kara Palanuk
Mykan Palm er
f61: © @t'J {§
ns by f 90 • nition
J o n a than Pap es
Co urtn ey P arry
J e ffery Pa sc h a ll
C hri s to ph e r P e nn e ll
J arro d P e rro tt
Th o m as P ersic h e tti
Mi c ha e l Pfi ste re r J os h Pi e rce
Cass an d ra P o rt e r S ara Pnce
Amand a Pn ge l Adam Qu een
Dani e l R asco n Bre nn a Ra ye
Ju s ttn R e hd e r
J e nn ife r R e h e r
M or g an R e itm eyer
Adam Ri s ta u Laure n R o b e rt so n Gilb e rt o R o m e ro
Brand o n R oo d
J os hua R oo d
Gu s R osa
Reg in a R ose nthal
) • ...._,r ) ----._ \ ',.. .. ,.
sof' ~or ' t 9 f
Emily Ru ss ell
Adam Saba
Ali sha Sa c k
Jas on Samans ky
John Sass o
Andrew Saunders
Ezara Sauter
Beau Savage
Con Sayyah
Apnl Schilder
Virginia Schwader
Lynne-lee Seipp
Stefanie Seipp
Thomas Sellers
Zachary Shawcroft
Richard Shea
Beau Simmons
Jeremie Simmon s
Lucu s Simmons
Donald Sloan
Adam Smith
Au s ttn Smith
Cliff Smith
Deidra Smith
J )' nition
Robin Smith
Tawnya Smith
J ohanna Snow
M ana Solano
Alexei So logoub
Abbie So rensen
J essica Sp ice
Coryn Sprague
J e remia Stanton
K aycee Starkey
Steven S tarn er
Ju sun Stiege lm e1er
Nathan S to n e
J o hn Streelman
Kip S tro bel
Shannon Sumner
Skye Sve nnin gsen
Casey Szabo
William Taylor
Li via Th eodor o
Evan Thoma s
Jarre t Thomas
Sarah Thoma s
Stephanie Thomp so n
of' ~or's i 93-
Ray mon d Thre she r
Lin da To
S haw n T ray lor
Gav in T rze pac z
P a tn c1a Turne r
Shan e Turn e r
R yan T y ler
J ess ica U nge r
T rav is Vale nun e
Kri s ti n Van Lee r
Made lei ne Van Mete r
A my Vecc hiare ll i
Bn a nne Vela squ ez
Ju s ll n Ve rard1
Pe ter Vern 1g
Ko rtn ey V1e weg
Ke ll y Wag ner
T amm y W ago ne r
Ma tth ew Wa le s
Bn an Wali go rs ki
Sa rah W alk er
Aim ee Waltz
Sh ann o n Wamb oldt
T e h-y 1h Wan
n s by nit io n
. . -
"There's a story of a lovely lady "Didn't you just ,,rant to scream ,vhenever you truned on the T.V. and that's all you heard? Did the songs from your fa,rorite television sho,,rs make you "\Vant to c hange th e iT channel? Some sophomores had to mention their, uh, favorit es. Julia @ )J
Joshua Knox: "Tinytoons and Power Rangers. They both have old and , .. ~1
childish songs,"
Shoshana Chase: "Banana's in Pajama's People say I look like a
Andrea Lipstein: "Full House They hug and kiss and it's just too happy."
Heidi Wilson: "Married with Children They sound happy, but it's nothing like the sho,v."
Chris Kent: "Facts of Life. It's too old."
C.:~ © [ J
, =u • t=
t · L'"J?
L¾~- CA
• )
Mi c
Whitfield Ryan Whitford J
I: sof' gmor' s f 9 S
Rob ert Wan o Alex a ndna W a ct erwo rth
J ose ph W ebs ter Ja co b W e ll e ns 1e k
ohn Wien e r Sara Wi ese
Wilb e r
s ten Wilhit e
ey Wilk
William s
William s
W1lham s
g han
Stephanie Wtlham s
He1d1 Wil son
Lindsay W1nham
Scott Win s ton
Ryan Woodri c h
Jon Yo ung
Nick Youngerman
Kyle Yu s hka
J ~\\~,
Jaco b Zwain
'AEAL ME~' rui,;;r~TMU(
N ot Pi c tured
Damien A s hby
Darren Bingham
Ro sean Brown
Serena Brown
James Bueschtng
Daniel Coggin
Amanda Evans
Bian ca Giura
Chnt Hamersley
Dustin Han so n
J os hua Knox
Alexander Kotsura
Billy Mahoney
Carmen Martinez
Mary McDennott
Danielle Miller
Matthew Murfin
Bryan Ostrowicki
Jo se ph Phillip s
Nina Pippa
Jennifer Robbin s
Stephen Romero
Casey Schnapp
David Smart
Jason Staab
Merlin Tibbitts
Julia Truong
Tammy Wagoner
Jos hua Wilson
The Yearbook staff recrets the large number ofstudents not pic tured The photo studio, Life Touch, had a problem with one of their ca meras during registration. Although they ca me ba ck twice for retakes and all students miss ing were contacted through their ac cess tea c hers, }Ve still had a considerable number of students without photos.
ns by nition
The Answer Is In Here
Somewhere Sop h omore Marybeth
M cDennott searc hes for lhe correct answer to her homework Th e classes sop homores took lh1 s year were considerab ly harder lh an their freshman year Sophomore Scott M organ said, ' 11us year 1s a lot more fun because I am fnend s with uppercl assme n." Ph oto by Amy Wil so n
Sophomores laug hand cheera tlh e H omecom1ng asse mbl y Th is year the so ph omores were not the v ict uns of th e c lass compe t itions Sophomore Mike Pfi s terer co mmented , " I think it' s great not being lhe butt of ev.,eryo ne's Jo kes thi s year." Ph o to b y R on F in e ll,
Stand Back ... It Might Exp lod e! Sop homore Debbie W an mix es some s ubs tance s in a C hem istry lab Several so phomores too k Che mi stry thi s year, which is norma ll y a Junior a nd se nior c l ass W a n said, "C hem is try 1s fun , I get to d o coo l thin gs wit h c hem ic al s!" Ph oto by H edy Kunte r
'99, '90... '90... '99!
sof' ~or's 197
The fre s hman year ..... Thi s i s the year a lot of people dread . They have heard rumors of being tap e d to the pole in the Senior Lounge or pushing a penny with their no se. But there is also a feeling of excitement beca u se they are starting high school, so me of th e b es t yea r s of your life . The fir s t day of sc hool for fre s hmen wa s fre shman orientation, a day where upperclas s men do not co me to school unless to help out. On this day , fre s hmen find their cla sses, get to know who th eir teacher s are, and what to expect of high sc hool without all of the upperclassmen nagging them. Fres hman year is a time to find yourself, make n e w friend s, and di scove rwhatyou are interes ted in Every fre s hman ha s the sa me nightmare about high sc hool , the sa m e nightmare we all had at one time . Tho se feeling make u s all D e m o n s b y Defi n itio n . Katy
Fresh•roan n. 1. a 6.rstyearstudent a t a high school 2. a novice who is attem.ptingto learn the rules of high school 3. little people of the school whom. t he d • • • ·11 a m1n1~tration w1 not let the seniors pick on 4. the people who try unsuccessfully to turn them.selves into a wallflower
i98 ns by ition
A n d Yo u Fo ld It L ik e T his De s , M oore wraps her clay around a ball of new s paper 10 c rea te a pol. M any fre s hm en like to take art classes th e ir first year becau,e th ey are c h alle ng in g yet fun Je n Wcngrov1ou s s aid , " Golden g iv es fr esh m en many opportun111cs to exce l. I a m one o f th e two fre s hm en that made 1t into M ou nt a in Ma g ic" Photo by Ron F inell,
Do I Cut It Here?
J eremy Mathews asks Scou Kemler where he should cut his balsa wood forh1s airplane m aviation Av1a11on 1s a great class for students who l1k.e planes or who want lo become a pilot Adam Smllh said, "Go ld en is great because I gel do so many great things I ike bemg m the school play 1·• Photo by Ron Finell 1
I:, DF.·
Plan et Demon 2000 Sadie Sullivan. Nadia Markovch,ck, Laura Word, and Anna Berkman display their
!><: hoot and class spirit while goofing around with props from their c la ss float Homecoming 1, a fun lime for Freshmen because it 1s the fir-.1 time they experience the excitement and c ha os of getting ready for th e cam1val , parad e, game. and dance Nadia Markovc h, c k. sa id ,· Homecoming was so much fun because you ge t out of
half day of school lo hang out with your fnends •
,.._. ()
Everyone likes lollipops but are getting sick of the same old kind time after time. Some people think it is time to come up with a new flavor. When the Freshman Class were asked what kind of lollipop pop flavor would you invent and here are the responses.
Jordan Ash Kiwi Banana Grape "
Dustin Wendling "Peaches N' Cream"
Jen Wengrovis "Peanut Butter and Pickle"
Anna Be,-kman "Pina Colada with lime and vanilla"
Ryan Vierke "Caesar Salad "
Chris Cappello "Sea Water"
Bryan Hickman "Pizza"
Andrea May .. Mountain De\v"
Kathi Parland .. Rainbow flavor which would contain different flavors" •
I l •
B e njamin Adam s
Kati e Agard
Edwin Agee
Aaron Aguilar
Mand y Alejandro Blair Aleniu s Man e ly Aponte
Stephen Arndt
J e re miah A sh
Mi s ti B abcock
M egan Bac hm a n Levi Bain
David Ball
Alli so n Barre tt
Carso n Bartsc h
Baru c h
ons by 200 \ n it ion
\ ~11\lfttW
Dante] Bauer
WiJham Be]hs
CJay Bennett
Jennifer Bennett
Jo s hua Bennett
Kry s tal Berg
Anna Berkman
Erin Bernard
Karla B1en1uh s
Andrew Bi s hop
Nathan Blrun- Hartung
Chnstopher Blu se
Jo seph Borden
Kendra Branc h
Ni co le Bridges
Emily Brookes
Wade Brown
Michae] Bryant
Matthew Bunn
Sonia Caldwell
Margo Cal1g1uri
Anthony Cappa
Christopher Cappe ll o A]exander Cardoso
V ,,.( rI1J Doc .. ' \ r
f r es h ' men 20 •
Ela1 ne Ekberg
J onathan Ek s trom
Travi s Elmblad
Eli sabet h Emanuel
J e remy Erhart
Mark Fa1rweather
Roxanne Falco
L y nn Falkenthal
Marl o n Fe llow s
Lind sey Fe lt er
Wilh am Fergu s o n
Mo ni ca Ferrel
Andy Fiedler
Stephani e Fink
S te phani e Fi s her
J us t1n Fleury
Ja so n Fraser
Chnst1n Fros t
Heather Fros t
Mark Furtak
Tnna Garcia
Da vid Gasper
Bnan Gee
Seth Gib so n
:, t I • I 'r I l • , J t t • • d :r f p :r • • r • 'l: " 'p n lli l" t p •
ns by nition \l'JU\t, \/II/Ill 5/i J: /1 1 I\ II UJI
• I·Chad Gle.iton Thatcher Glodc N 1colc Goble Mi c hae l Gowey Andrea Gray Bradl ey Haa g Enn Ha gberg Marl-. Ha ge lb e rg Court ney Hall N1cJ.. Hall C lan ,a Harn s Rour ke Ham, Danie l Ha sc hk e Ca ra Ha s,e tt Dats y Hatcher Abbey Hc1wc s Co ltn Ha y n e-, Ka ycee He id Crys tal Hctl Jami e He nd erso n Rob e rt He ndrix Sa rah He rbert Bryon Hernande, Jam es Hi c kman f re h ' men 205
Kendra Hill e
Wilham Hill e n
Ray Hind s
Je nnifer Ho ff
Kelly Hogan
Kn s una Hopkin s on
Mark Howard
Jo shua Ilge s
Megan Jeffre ys
Travi s Jeffrey s
Jo shua John son
Meli ss a John s on
Matthew Jone s Jr
Dax Jordan
Cedar Jower s
Alexander Jungferman
Sarah Kampf
Kelly Ka s per
Amanda Keen
S cott Kem ler
C o n Kennedy
Crystal Ke ss ell
Mike Ketchum
Jo seph King
I ' • I I t I
206 nition ' \) I -
Tia Klu g-Wessell Amberlee Koch Anelle Kun z Chnsty Lan g
Jo h s a Law Han s Layman Gayeon Lee Paul Lind
Derek L1n sco u J aime L1n se nb1gler Bn an Lo gan Shi rl e ne Lo ve
Jonathan Low Man ss a Lowther Brenna M aas Andrew Maley
f re h' men 207
Ani s ha Malhotra Lon M a loney Ru sse ll M altem po Mi che l le Mantilla Nadia Mark. ovc hi c k. Tyler Mars hall Candyce Martin Ky le M artin
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make a rule that everyone in the whole country had to obey? Even though rules are meant to be broken, freshmen came up with some pretty good rules to live by. Christina Winter
Seth Gibson: "Everybody has the freedom of choice."
Nicole Bridges : "Everyone has equal rights."
Jennifer Tedlie : "Freedom of religion is for everyone."
Dan Bauer : "No racism allowed."
Roxanne Falco: 'Thou shall not wear a shirt."
Sarah Coffey : No prejudiced people."
Nikki Papes : .. Everyone would have equal rights and freedom of choice."
Trina Garcia: "Everyone has to shave their heads .,
Mike Strocky : "Everyone would respect one another."
I ' l C I I I d t J 1 I t Mi
hael Martin Sean Martin Domini c Martine z H o pe Martine z Erik
Jeremy Matthew s Kevin Matzk e Katnna Mau g han Derek
om Brennan M
Cue Jarod McGill Jame s McKee Chn s topher Medina Mirinda Miller Amanda Modiz Domini c Montanez ns by 208 1 nition
Ma son
M c Bro
Desi ree Moore Faw na Mo rgan Ma tth ew Mo m s on Jea n Mos eley
Andre w Mos he r Adam Myers Kas h1 Nassa u Dani e ll e Nico sia
Aman da Numm eltn Jea n O ' Hay re Robe rt O ' R1ley Ed ward Omara III
Nico le Papes J o hn Pay ne Andre w Perry S te ph an ie Phtlbro o k
S arah Phillips Ke ll y Po litt e J e nnifer Po we ll T i mo th y Pra y J es se Pres to n J os hua Pumphrey Andre w Quirk Ke nn e th Ram s te cter
) "'
es h'men 209
Kell i Re hd e r
Ra ymo nd Re he r
Shann on Re mme rs
Carl a Rib e iro Si lva
M e li sse Ri ch
Vi c tona Ri ckard
P aul Roede r
Randi Rogers
L1 sa na RoJas
Behre n R oyste r
Enn Rozelle
Dani ell e Sanchez
Sean Sands
Lee Sc hafe r
Ho ll y Schanh als
J ose Sc h1rrm e1ster
Matthia s Schheman
J essica Schnathors t
Rob ert Sc hrei ner
Aaron Se it s1n ge r
Chad Se rpan
Sarah Shawcroft
Dana Shier
Tim o thy S l ate r
n s by nition
Adam J Smith
Hillary Smith
Wyatt Sm it h
Sondra Solawetz
Andrew Solomon
Megan Spar ks
Kenneth Sp l a nt
Kevin Splant
Casey S tarky
Natalie Stegall
Jeremy Steink e He1d1 Sterrett
S han non S tewa rt
Kati e S todo la Doug l as Stoker
Bret Storms
Kenneth Storms
C harity S trewe le r
Michael S tr oc ky Sad ie Su lli van
David S und J os hu a Su nd er
J enn ife r Tedhe
Mary Th o m as
f r
es h ' m en 2 f f
Claudia Torre s
Britni Tortora
Lu c a s Town send
Lee Trujillo
Ke ith Turgeon
Bryan Turner
Amanda Urban
Shad Valdez
Steven Vandyke
Paula Vi c kers
Ryan Vierke
Richard Voit -Chrorny
Chri s topher Vorhie s
Deann Walla c e
We s ley Walton
Du Wang
Je ss ica Ward
John Wats on
Amy Wei s heit
Cry s tal Welch
Alexander Well s
Li s a Welton
Du s tt n Wendling
Jenni e Wengroviu s
I ' • j C I ' I I I J • ( I I
ns by nition
Not Pictured
Jam es Ad amso n
Ca ss andra Ake rs
Cass ie An g hm
Lui s Arana
Deni se Ann s tro ng
Seth Atkin s
C hn s ttna Ba g we ll
Mi chael Baldwin
S helley Ball e nge r
Aaron Ba llin g er
Ge ra ld Be ll
Erin Berry
Heather Bide lman
Cry s ta l Black
Amy Brun e r
Shahara Bryan
Karrie Butcher
Kenn e th But c her
Courtn ey Butle r
Je ffr ey C allahan
R yan Chn s te nse n
Ma n Co mpt o n
C ry s ta l Co nn ell y
Marc us Co nn er
B1n1 cio Corre al e
Amb e r Dav is
C and ace Davis
C hri s tin e Dorn
Du s tin Ea g le ton
Thom as Fa nia
Jess ica Forsyth e
Ju s tin Grah a m
Co nr ad Gnm s
Ro ss Hall
Jo hn J ac kso n
Da ni e ll e J ani sc h
Jos hu a Jani s h
Robin Je nnin gs
Li sa Jo nes
ra Ke nw o rthy
Jessica Kilb ourn e
Dan ie l La nfo rd
C lint Latham
Ann a Lo ng
Ni co le Lo pez
Ro bbi e Ludwi g
Dav id Murph y
Oa t Ng he
Lee Perry
En c Ph1Jltp s
M ic he ll e Ph illip s
Jan ae Reza
Ruth Ro dn g uez
Ni c ho las Ro th
Geo ff rey S im s
Phillip S iu
J os hu a S nyder
Anth o ny S tamm
Dav id S to rey
Se th S wa nso n
Kathl ee na Tow nl ey
Jess ica Turn ey
T amm y Wal cke r
Wilham W atkin s
S hawn W1lh a ms
Andre w Wil so n
Ru s ti e Wil so n
Co hn Wo lf
Marc us Wn g ht
Wilham Yo un g
J ayson Whi te Chri stop he r Wh itfo rd Lu cas Wh itman
Patn c 1a W1lh ams
Th e Yearb oo k s taff r ei r e t s th e Large num be r ofs tude nts n o t pi c tured. Th e ph oto s tu dio, L ife T o u c h , h ad a pro ble m with o n e 0Jth e 1r c arn e ra s dur in g reg is tra ll o n Alth o u g h th eyca rn e ba ck twice fo r r e takes and all s tudent s mi ss in g w e r e conta c t e d thro ug h th e ir access te a c h e r s . w e s t ill h a d a co n s idera ble numb e r of s tudents i,,vith o ut ph o t os
Evan Will is Aaro n Wil so n
Chri s tin a W i nt er R ebecca Woo d
Laura Wo rd
A mb e r Wo rde n K1ffany Wun de rh ch Emil y Yoco m
Wilh a m Yo un g Andrew Yo us1 f Bre tt Zah rt e J am ie Zieg le r
Eli zabe th Z ippn c h
: 4
fresh' men
With ten minute s left in third blo ck all that the average s tudent can think about is what he will be doing after school and who h e will b e going with Mo s t others who are in th e room see m to be following the sa me plan, excluding the ones who are s leeping and one other important person . This one other per so n is required to attend thi s class, and dit c hing is not an option. That poor so le is the ever faithful tea cher By d efini t io n an teacher i s the se lfless person who brave s whatever aliment they have in the mo ming to get up and educate the youth of America . Not only will they wake up early in the morning to get school at leas t 30 minute s before the class begins, but they also are up late trying to grade to the papers that they know all their clas ses will be whining for the ne x t day . The se soldiers deserve a round of applause
Meli ssa Palmer
n s by 2a4
1. All teachers of a school or one of i ts deparf:111ents.
2. One who teaches esp. as a profession.
3. The people who stand in the front of the room, simply to hear themselves talk. 4 .
People who teach us that there is nothing • more important than the first cup of coffee in the morn• • tng.
:I ' I • • J Ii i I; 1 1 J I I ' J ] 4 J I d • • t t I
, , n ition
So I Use T h is Compass ... Sop h o more Amy Lacey receives help from math teacher Elaine Fitzgerald with a geo me try problem All throu gh the year. teachers co uld be found before and after sc hool in their classrooms to h e lp s tud e nts w11h problems Senior H olley Fos ter com mented, " A good teacher makes everyt hin g 1n class a whole lot better " Ph oto by R on Fin elli
Rap Time John Horst, the Latin teacher, Dave Anderson. A~1stant Pnn c 1pal. a nd his wife stand around at the Homecoming Dance Some teachers vo lunt ee red to chaperone dances and other school events Sophomore Dave Smart said. " I think. that M r H ergenreter 1s the best, he 1s really funny" Ph oto by Di c k B yrne
And the Animal's Hea d Looks ... Bi o l ogy teac her Bob W1ll1 ams h e lp s o n e of hi s st ud en ts, JUn1or D erri c k M c R ey nold s v is uali ze th e make u p o f a ce ll T eac h e r w ere respo ns ibl e for tea c hing the s t udents div erse c urri cu l um, suc h as h o w to apply for a loan Se nior M o nika Sachdeva sa id , " I th1 nk Mr W e in s te i n and M s. Schultz are two of th e best teac h ers I' ve ever h ad he re a t G H S"
by Amy Wti son
- -
Th o ma s D1mit - Pnn c 1pal
Dav e And e rs on - Ass t. Pnn c ipal
Jill Colby - Ass t. Princ ipal
Ethel Platt - Ass t. Principal
Ron Bollig - Coun selor
Debby Cooper - Coun selor
Pat Maupin - Coun s elor
Ralph Palmer - Coun se lor
Sandra As tin - P E
Linda Baker - Financial
Mary Battaglia - Security
Margie Be al - Speech/Lang
Le slie Betunger - So c Stud
Charlotte BlytheSecretary
Judy Boian - Engli sh
Jackie Born s tein - Engli sh
Di ck Brads by - Math
John Brodbeck - Spec . Ed
Brenda Burkett - Math
Jan Bry son - Science
' • '-r , • I • J I I ' J f J d • • t t t I 5 r r • I I
ons by inition I ,I ' • •
Di ck B y rn e - English
Joan C lark - English
Eileen Cook - Math
Cecelia Davi s - Lib M edia Tech
Scot Edson - In st. Mu s i c
Judy Edwards - Science/Art
Brooke Erhman - Life Stud
R o n Finelh - Eng./ Pub
T o dd Fink - Soc i a l Studies
Elai ne Fitzgerald - Math
Jill Fre1mann -No te Taker
Molly Gaudette - Spec Ed
J eannie G 1elhs - For Lang
Charla Gunn - Regi s trar
Bruce Hahn - Soc St ud
Barbara Ham s - SL IC
J eff H auser - Tec h Art s
Bob H ayes - M a th
Stan Hergenre ter - Engli sh
Sha nn on Hi gh - Soc S tud
•, 1 t .. " u I • ca - • I r\ .......
M ark Hom ec ker - P E
J ohn Hors t - For Lan g
B arbara Howe sAtte ndan c e
Bec ky H uff - Edu c. Ass t.
J ill Hull - Engli s h
D ick Ive rsen - Sc ience
J oan J oue tt - E ng lis h
J o hn Ke ll en be nz - T ec h
Art s
B ill Ke ll ey - E ng li sh
D ian e Kess ler - M ath
R Kes tenb a um - Psyc hol ogi s t
Le slie Kilb o rn - Sc ie nce
J o hn Kl ug - E ng li s h/ Drama
Chery l Ko chi s - Athl eti cs/
Ac t iv it ie s
J uh e Kram er - Sc i e nce
Ur s ul a Krzys te k - Clini c
Char lotte Lind say - For Lan g
M a tt Loy d - P .E
J oe McG inni s - Art
Mau reen McGo wan -S pec Ed
II C • 1l I l • :s I ' I • I J f ' , .I d .. .. l " l t I • :f r f • r F i l r r
2f8 on s by in i t i on \ ) I ~-1' .. ,t • { ,. .. ' ' ,l ~ · ' .. , ) \6 't \ ~ o I I 0 /
Linda Marceca - Challenge
Josef Martonov1ch - Spec Ed
Noel Martonov1ch - Spec) Ed
Linda Mill er - Spec Ed
Kathryn MontgomeryLibrary Aide
Jo e Murd ock - Technology
Roge r Myer s - Soc S tu d
Sandy Nations - Engli s h
Mik e O'Dons10 - Soc S tud
Gail O ' Neil - Bu s in ess
J 1m Pan ze r - Challen ge
Linda Poveda - For Lang
Ph y lli s Pn ce - Bu s in ess
Bob Putka - M ath
Caro l Quirk - Aide
Chu ck R eg ne r - Math
Chad Re id - Soc Stud
Di ck Sc halham er - Phy s ics
Ed Scholes - Science
Jan e Schultz - Art
I ' 1/ r i --..
Lo\ve ll Sh arp - Eng li s h
Cat he n ne Shearn - Soc Stu di es
Le Shoe mak e r - C hall e nge
Lea Ann S h zes k1 - Soc ia l Wo rk er
El a in e Smith - Sc ie nce
Bo b Sto ke s - Soc S tud
T o m Swee t - Fo r Lang
Ke n va nde rLa a n - Sc ie nce
Li sa Wa hl - Soc Stud
Ed We in e ll - Fo r Lan g
E n c We 1n s te 1n - Vocal
Mu si c
Manl y n Wil cox - P E.
Bob William s - Sc ie nce
Jan e Wund erli c h - Aid e
Je rry Yan z - Fo r Lan g
Ge ne Yo un g m an - Art
Laura Z ach - Math
r l .. 1t • l I • • ' F1 tJ .. I r I J ;.J • J iod .. 't .. l t • ,. ,d .r f p r • ,i r. J: 1 p D a :r • •
22.0 ons by in i t i on ..._..------r
Cafeteria Staff: M eagean Smith, Patti Low Bonni e Lou Shaw. Paul M ontpla1s1r Ph oto by BJ Reynold s
Custodial Staff: Front Row : Paul Archuleta , J e r emia h Sadle r , Ozzie Hu ghs Ba c k Row : Don Dilworth , Larry W ells, Ronni e G1lhom Not Pi c tured Di c k Roberts a nd J ames Clenden nm g Photo by BJ Reyno lds
I -
Remember when blocks, dolls , legos, and trucks were your most important possessions in life . Your only goal in life was to play, exp lore new pla ces, eat, and sleep . Childhood- a time when you could not wai t to grow up but now that you are grown up you want to go back It was a time when you did not have to worry about homework, col lege applications, or spending time with your s ignificant other, after all they had cootie s! You made long-la s ting friendships wi t h other s illy people . Together you would play hid e and see k , bui l d forts, have snowball fight s, eat i ce cream and other strange co n co tions you put together . This pe r son was so meone you could share your dreams and plans for the future with . As you got older you had more decisions to make and re ce ived more re s pon s ibil itie s. As you l ook ba ck and remember al l the strange and si lly things you did when you were a little tyke, you realize how much fun it was to be a kid . After all you are on ly young once! Katy Ra t z
ba•bies and bud•dies n. 1. drooling and silly miniature people who need older people to take care of them 2. tiny Demons who consult with other scheme. . D 1ngony emonsto create havoc 3. innocent children who never seem to be around when mom finds the broken cookie jar
r • ' •• L L11 J I Pl • tJ .. I I 1, I • F ., :.J :.d l 'Ii t t ii .. d r t p X .. • n r lj "' I p [) • .r T •
222 ns by nition
a s tud e nt 's academic caree r Kirs lm F ishe r sa id , " I'll alway s remen1bcr my s ixth gra de yea r be ca use I wa s lhc tall es t in my class " Ph olo co urt esy of Ki rs tin Fi sher
k A t Us ! Margie Sanl , Kirs un Fi she r, Mary Curran , and fri ends pose for a p1 clure after th e tr s1xlh g rad e graduation. S txlh grade grad uati on 1s a maJor mileslo
It 's Brownie Time , Got Milk ? N1kk1 Yarvens, B ecca Dragul, • , Mi c h elle Kl e1ne1der, Anna Van M eter. Stacy Arndt. and Bn a Ham p l e n1 a n s tand in I me at th eir a w a rd s ce remony Brown 1e lroops dtd thing, like arts and c raft s, go mg to camp, s1ngmg songs. and se llin g th e famous G irl Scout Cook. 1es Tra ci YanWoensel sai d " Brow ni es w as g rea t because I got to m eet a l o t of people, pla) cool games and eat th e bes t coo ki es 10 the world 1" Ph o to cou rt esy of Katy R atz
Don ' t Break It! Nathan Churc h , Katy R atz,***. and Bna H a mpl e man play th e balloon toss at th e Ral ,; to n
t hird grade field day Field day 1s a highlight o f th e year for kid s be cause th ey ge t to co mpet e ma mm,ature O ly mpi cs Nathan Church s aid , " Fi e ld day was always fun because I was always th e be s t I Ph o to cou rte,y o f Kat y R a tz
•• '
onpqrs tu vwxyzabcdefg h1Jldm onpqrs tuvwxyzabcdefgh1jklmon pq rs tuvwxyzabcdefghij klmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk
W e a r e so proud of our swee t daughter Time t o explore new territories , blaze new trails, open new doors. and see new horizons'
W e've given you life, school has provided you with knowledge Th e future 1s yours 1 With love from somewhe re near Golden, Colorado M om and Dad
The past four years h ave gone by so fast , and we know that our memories will always last Through sw immin g. soccer , school, and fun, our trust h as al ways remained strong Through umes of trtal. lribulauon, fear , and pain, only one thing re m ains Our friendship
What JOY you bring toourltves 1 We th ank God for the precious gift of you and know He will watch over you and guide you as you embark on the g rea t adventure of adul thood
Love, Mom and Dad
Good luck Stacy You're lucky you get to leave home 1 I' II miss ya Kyle
I t h as been a real joy watching you grow and learn Your positive attitude and cal m nature will certainly help you achieve your goals. We are so proud of you. D on't forget to keep sm ilin g!
Love, Mom and Dad
Stacey, Y ou' re the best s ister a girl could have Thank s for all the memories and good time s. R emembe r, THINK SHEEP!
M ay your accomplishments be as great as your smi le ! Always know how important you are to u s and how much w e love you.
M om and Scotl
Having you for a daughter has been exciting, wonderful , and informative. The universe has the resources f or all your crea 11v1ty , so keep your 1maginat1on working hard to keep ltfe interesting and fun
Extra proud Love. Dad
• C • II s sc .., IC •• l "E 1.t II I ut t IU q I pl n II l~ Ji tJ , t4 t.t D'I tJ C F CA 1 :h '-' i:.d r • t t t • t.d ;r f p s .. D r ::. q rf tl: h: I p D •• s l • p .. 4 ,
go. n oo' :r .:: ;,,;-3 0 :, "O .0 cilC: < >< '< g0. n oo' :r .:: ;,,;-3 0 :, :8 cilC: < )( '< g0. n oo' :r.... . ;,,;-3 0 :, :g ... "'C: < >< '< N J» g0. n oo' :r .: ;,,;-3 0 :, "O .0 ;;\C: < )( '< N J» g0. 0 oo' :r .:: ,,,_.3 0 :, :g cilC: < )( '< N J» g0. 0 oo' :r .:: -r.3 0 :, "O .0 ... ,J)C: < >< '< N J» g0. 0 oo' :r -=;,,;-3 0 :, "O .0 ... "'C: < )( '< N J» g0. 0 oo' Leigh
Stacy, Penny, & Meredith
Stacy Arndt
ns by nition
Stacy Arndt
Stacey Aronowitz
Stacey Aronowitz
Kyle Atkinson
Mindy Austin
Th1nk1n g of the years ahead.
Congratulations I You 've rea c hed a milestone. Let 1t be the begmotng of a hfe11me of Jeanung, good times, and hard work We are very proud of you and know that you will go far
We love you, Mom and Pat
You grew up 100 fast before our eyes. Bes 1 wishes for th e future
Congratulations' Go for 11' W11h love,
Mom, Dad , and your bro1her, Danny
To our daughter whose talent s and achievement s have made us very proud I Keep s miling and enJoy your Journey through hfe 1
Love Dad , Mom, and Ryan
Kim . Always remember 1here 1s an angel watching over you in good times and Lroubled tim es H e r wmgs are wrapped around you. whispering you are very much l oved' S id e by side or miles apart, you a re always 1n my heart' I love you'
Love, Mom
Min , We are so proud of you and all you have accomp lt s h ed for yourself You are an 1nsp1ra t1 on 10 us and to everyone around you Continue to ltve life with love and happ1nes-. and always s tay true to yourse lf We l ove you• D ad and Shelly PS Dolphins rule 1
Well .wefinally m ade1t ld on't thtnk I could ask for two belier best fnends 1 W e've stood by each other n o matter what, that shows tru e fri ends hip l kn ow we'll stay close despttc th e mil es between us Thank s for everything'
I love you bunches, BreeAnne
D ea r Casey,
You have made hfe c hall c ngtng and 1nteresttng We wouldn't hav e missed betng part of 1t for the world We arc !.O proud of you and kno\v you' II meet all th eexc 11mg new c hall e nges that come your way
We love you, M om, Dad , R oi,a, and Marc u s
r, monpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghtJklmonpqrs tuvwxyz.abcdefgh1Jklmnopqrstuvwxyz f ,,.
Justin W. Babbitt
Jason Baerren
Troy Bauer
Torrie Becwar
Kimberly Bellanti
Kim Bellanti
Missy Bellew & Katie Clark
Casey Bernal
2 §'. e ;:;'> ;§ t ::, &: 32 -= ;§ ] [ 2 &: C 32 :a .2!l u I ::, l 8: C j = t ::, &:
<I) l a &: C i = t f 8: j .._ t l &: C 32 '] B a 1 b1 s 6nd Bud' es 225
gbcdefgh1Jklmonpqrsluvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrsluvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrsluvwxyzabcde fghijklmonpqrstuvwx yzabcde fgh1JkJmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmonpq1
Chmb lh e ladd er even higher m your academics and 1n s ports May all your drea m s co me true Yo u ' ve m ade u s very pro ud Be sa fe Love , Mom , Dad , and En c
l\tlorgan J. Boyles
Th ere are no word s to really e xpress how I feel. You are my bes t f nend and I love you• Good lu ck m the future and wh a teve r happen s, know you ' ll always h ave a place 1n my h eart Love always, H eather
Y ou have been so much fun! Co ngratulati ons' We are so proud of yo u Thanks
We love you, Dad , M om, Ramie , and R obbie
P .S W e hope someone videotapes your gradua ti on because 1t' s going to be awfully hard to see through tears
Kri s ten , Congratulations on you r graduation Don ' t forget that no matte r how tall you ge l, I am the bi g s 1s ler
Love , H eathe r EnJOY hfe a s you move on to independence , but don ' t ever forge t your family L ove, Dad and M om
Congratulations Brad ! M ay your life always be filled with adv enture and discovery
Love , M om, Dad , and Karen
Y ou are our favorite, only so n
We all wish you mu c h s uccess in hfeandwehopeyoucontmue to become all that you were intended to be God bless you Mo
Love , M om, K alhle.en and Dad, and Shannon
D avid,
W e have s hared so many experiences and dream s lo gelher Allhough we have gone our separa te ways , I hope with all my heart that every one of your dreams comes true 1 truly believe in you You will forever hold a place in my heart My love always, J en
Congratulauons on all of your outsland1ng ach1evemeols , academically and at h letically You have been an 10sp1ralion
Your slrenglh and fortitude have pulled you through many challenges You a m aze me I am s ure you will goon to accomplish anything you set your heart and mind l O.
Mu c h love, M om and Parker
I r •• 1 b t •ui en: l IJ ::i I pf •• •ua 1 Jf I t.l .. a J r r, M r F c.• .. h t l r :f p :r • n y gFf I t l p n l a :r 1 p .. .,
C. 0 cr.i' :r ..:: .,,,_.3 0 ::, ]C: < )< '< i C. 0 cr.i' ::r ..:: :,,;-3 0 ::, :B ilC: )( '< N I>) 8" C. 0 cr.i' :r ..:: 3 0 ::, :8C: < )< '< C. 0 cr.i' :r ..:: .,,,_.3 0 ::, ] ilC: )< '< i C. 0 :r ..: "1'f'3 0 ::, :B ilC: < )< '< N H" C. 0 :r -="1':"3 0 ::, ] ilC: < )< '< N I>) 8" C. 0 cr.i' :r ---·· 3 0 ::, ] ilC: )< '< N I>) 8" 0. 0 cr.i'
Kevin Bilger
Kevin Bilger
Ronelle Black
ns by nition
Kristen Bohn
Bradford Bouley
David Bradder,
David Bradder
' lmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Follow your dreams as you travel the path of life We are proud of all your hard work Stay true to yourself and enJoy life 's adventures
We love you Nick, Mom Dad , Enka , Hol11e and Jake the dog
Chensh the past hve every day to the ful!e st. and foil ow your dreams into the future You can go anywhere and become anyone you want 10 be Be happy and GO FOR IT• We will love you always Dad Mom , Wendy and Devin
Yo Peanut. Continue on this path and you'll have a great ltfe Your enthusiasm, quick wit , and smile are you r accomplishments that will help you to achieve anything you des ire You're our Sunshine Daydream , so PARTY ON, DUDE " The sun w i ll sh ine on your back -doo r, someday"
M uch love , THE FAM 1
.,. l
K im , You are the best Alway s remembe r "O1nker", Rainbow, and you and Mi chael in the camper 1 No matter whal, I will always be here for you, no matter how many miles betwee n us! Forget me not.
Love always.
Ni c k
We are proud of you and everything you have accomplished We wish you every s ucce ss as you move on to the next stage of your hfe God bless you
Dad Kathy , W11l1am , Katman and Haley
"The more things change, the more th ey s tay the same " You ' re taller now You sm il e
ba se ball cards You ' re st i II >wonderful and unique, loved and respected , forever Dad , Mom Jared , Rh ett, Lane, and Aly ssa
P S Smile more
Andy , You have brought us so much J0yandhapp1n ess. Weare proud of the person you have become. We know you will s ucceed 1n whatever you c hoose to do 10 ltfe We wish you much lov e, good health , lots of happiness. deep powder, and su ns hin e on the s lope s You are the be s t 1 Love , M om and Dad
Deb , You 've been the light of our lives' We hope you achieve your goals and asp1ra11ons and have a l,fe filled with happiness Be yourself-keep your behefs and conv1ct1ons You have a lot to give , Keep on sm1l1ng We love you, M om and Dad
r 1 t i i \. ;
Nick Brakken
Kami-Jo Brindle
Jason Broderick
Kim llrooks
Nicholas Brown Ross Bruno
Andy Buchholz
Debbie Buck
>< s :, §: 3:2 ;Bl -c i :, §: :i2 l 2 ! c!l~~c
1 t::;
a C &: ] t i :i2 i I I :i2 ·= t l j i I :, 'e: 8: :i2 :, ;§, ] Ba 'b1 s ~nd Biid' es 227
abcdefgh1JklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghiJklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefg h 1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1jk l mo npq rsluvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrs tuvwxyzabcdefgh1jk1monpqr
Carl , W ell we ' ve made 1t 1We ' ve known eac h other forever You ' ve been there for all my tears I love you with all my heart
You are very s pecial to u s. You h ave bec ome a fine young m an \Ve are very proud of you Keep yo u r goals h igh and wo rk h ard Follow your heart and your dream s We love you , M om and Dad
Carolyn W e ' ve finally graduated Thanks for being there through ou r 18 years You · re a great s is ter and I h ope you do very well after we graduate Love , Carl
Jason Chappell 's Friends
Y o u have worked very hard in school. W e are proud of you Yo u ha ve be come a lovely yo ung lady wh o is kind and th o u g htful. W e loveyo ur s miltng face and energeti c s p i nt.
We love you , M om a n d D ad
H ave fun , be nice , and enJoy life
W e love you , M om , Chri s, Kel s ie , Logan , and Kendall
I knew from the day you were born you would accomp li s h anything you set ou t to do Cont in ue to set you r goa ls high and attai n them a nd a lways rememberthal l'm soveryproud that you ' re m y dau ghter I love you Bo M om
W e arc very proud o f you, keep your h ead o n su-a1g ht and you r m ind focu sed and we know you will reach your goal s Y ou are about to end o ne era of your life, and begin a new one, we know you w ill s ucceed
All of our love, M om, Dad , and T ony
Class presi dent , and all Ameri ca n swi mmer :
" When our se nior year , s sai d and d o ne , W e ca n say we've had so me fun, A bra , a sk i rt , pai r of sock s, ' 97 is the class that rocks'"
SC I I 111! "t al Q ti I ' " al r n l,.t t f f.AI .. CIQ t 't •• 1:.IA :r I t1 p l.r • bl p I D 1• 1.r p t .,
g 0. 0 00' ::r .:: "3 0 ::, ]C < )< '< g 0. ('D 00' ::r .:: "3 0 ::, ]C < '< "' C> g 0. ('D 00' ::r .:: "3 0 ::, ]C: < )< '< g 0. ('D 00' ::r'-,...3 0 ::, ]C < )< '< 0. ('D 00' ::r .:: , 3 0 ::, ]C < )< '< g 0. ('D 00' ::r .:: "3 0 ::, ] .., V,C < )< '< g 0. ('D (IQ' ::r '--· • "3 0 ::, ]C < )< '< 0. ('D 00'
Carl Burg
Carl Burg
Carolyn Burg
228 ns by nition
Carolyn Burg
Brianne Burris
Andrea Marie Carty I
Rachel Carver
We love you I You have given us so much JOY and happiness Be as successful m your life, as you have been 1n the 18 years we have s hared w1lh you Go far an life and be happy' Always, always keep your sense of humor'
Love, Mom , Dad , Danielle, and Mike
J ason,
Your the best brother and fnend anyone could ever have You always manage to make me s mile , and you have always been there for me I wi s h you the best of luck in college and everything after I am going to mi ss you a ton
Love always, Danielle
You 're bright , beautiful and you ha ve the whole world to conquer, and I know you will You have made parent mg lhe most reward mg expenence of my ltfe I am proud to h ave you as a daughter I Jove you, M om
I don ' t know h ow I could h ave done all that I have without you, but now I'll have to t ry I'll really miss you. H ave lots offun
Love , Dan
You have grown into a wonderful young man. and now you are about to enter a whol e new world Your presence In our It ves Is a pnvilege for us, we are proud or you God be wllh you always
We love you very mu ch, Mom and Dad
Keep up all your hard work and making your goals
Always It s ten 10 your h eart and 11 will carry you 10 the ngh1 d1rec11on We are so proud of our " Baby " God bless you always Love, Mom and Dad
ToanA+daughter Remember "Who you are ." Don'1 beat life w11.h " indifferen ce" " Why Go" the way of others when you can "Release" your " Smile" 1010 " Imm onal,ty" Look for the Solat and Kontfn Keep on Jamming' Life's a beach -)
From a cutie 10 ponytails, we have watched you grow into a bcau11ful, 1ntelhgen1, young woman You will a lw ays be the s hinin g s tar in our lives
Always do what you feel 1n your heart 1s right, and chensh every day of your life With Pnde and Love , M om and Dad
Jason Chappell
Jason Chappell
Letitia Christensen
Nathan Church..
Nathan Church
Amber Churches
Catherine Clark
Katie Clark
s ::, i e ::;;: = t >< ::, -a 8: C: ::2 i = u ] [ 2 8: '.;;;! .s:: .2!> u I '.:') ;Bi u I .a 8: C: J t a f 32 ..,,, .a i 8: C: '.;;;! J J ::, 8: § ] Ba 1b1 s ~nd Blld'e s 229
Katie Clark & Molly
Y ou s t a rted ou t together 1n preschoo l N ow you aregraduat1ngh1gh school together W e are s o proud of you
Lov e ,
B o th of your M om s
Mary Curran
M o, W eare so proud o f our " hnl e lamb" M ay yo u continue t o g i ve love , h app in ess, and so ng t o all you meet.
Congratulations• 1
W e l ove you!
Dad , M om, C hn s un e, and Ken
Carol L. Cutter
I'm so proud you ha ve put you r effort s toward s f urth e nng your schooling May you co nunue to have th e greater power in your life
Love 1n m emory of your mother, Dad , Matt , and Mark
Bryan DeWolfe
B ryan, Congratulations!' W e are so proud of you Y o u have fill ed o ur live s with so mu c h happin ess. Re ach for th e s t ars and never le t go of you r dreams R e me mbe r you can do anything as lon g as you se t your m ind to 1t God Bl ess you always W e l ove you M om, D a d , Tara , and H e 1d1
Ti La Mia bella figlta Cristin. A s I watched yo u grow from ar infant t o a yo ung adult, I have admired th e many po si tive qualitie s you po ssess.
R emember the p as t 1s the past , wh a t ever yo u stnve for, you will achieve I will always be with you.
Sempitemo Amore Madre
Wonn , You 've grown up so quickly s in ce those c hubby/ bald days. You 've become s u c h a beautiful person , both inside and out. We hope t o see thi s huge s mile on your face forever
Lov e, M om and Dad
W e are pro ud to be your fam1 Iy Your accomplishmen ts have made u s proud We look forward t o see ing the fu ture unfold as you go for your dream s R emember t o always be true to yourself.
Love , M om, Dad , Chris, and Liz
Wh at a gift you are to u s and t o tho s e who know you! You are a treaSured daughter and sister and w e have enJoyed looking at life through you r Bab y Blu es. Congratulation s. We love you and are very proud of th e person t hat you have become
Love , M om and D ad
I t I • s c! ., l J.; I 1.1~ l ll .g ii 'P~ 'Ir• Lia• 1 f1 :I I tJ .. .aJ l T ~. lM I ILi F u ,l. 1, ,I .:.J 'I.JI r• t t loll ... :c..1 r • et t. :t~ • ..,. Jn • T b a sg ff I tli ..i 1 . , bl p a ri 1. .a .r 1 , r• L11 IJ [ p • l abcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefg h1Jklmo npqrstuvwx yzabcdefgh1J klm onpqrst uvwx yzabc d e f gh 1Jklmo npq rst uvwxy zabcdefgh1j klm o npqrstu v wxyzabcdefghij lmonpq go. 0 oii' ;;;r
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,.. C < >< '< N I>) 8" 0. 0 oii' ;;;r ..: : 3 0 ::, Js ;;;1 ,.. C < )C '< N, 230 nition
Christina Marie Nichell DiCianno
-' J
Jennifer Dinges
Becky Doherty
Katie Dorsch
Tom Duster
W e leave you our footsteps not to be foll o w ed, nor to be filled , but to be beside you as you begin yo ur Journ ey Co ngratul atio ns• 1 W e love you 1
You r two bigges t idol s, M ich ele a n d M eaga n
Katie Dorsch's Friends
It see m s ltk e only yesterday we found each o th e r , and 1t see m s like the day we want to be together a ll the time 1s coming to qui c kl y' I want you to remember all of the good lim es we 've had and all the bad that bro ugh t us c loser toge th er Love ya alway s, KS TD
Katie Dorsch 's Friends
Guy s,
Y ou• re the g reatest I Y ou h ave always been th ere for me and I will always be there for you You have been the four greates t people I have eve r m e t I Keep in to uch 1 Love yo u g uys, K8TD
Terry Eilers
T o my be s t f nend , ' The tim es we spe nt togethe r are a lways good tunes Lh at leave m e looking forward to Lh e next lime You 're an msp1rat1on to me and I'm glad and gra te ful Lhat you ' ve come into m y lt fe ." I love you Tommy' With Lov e and Lu c k , T eresa
Monica Einspahr
W e are so proud of you You have s u c h determ1nat1on , :52
enthu s ias m , and a great se nse o f humor These gi f ts will ta ke you far 1n hfe Ma y all your h opes and dream s co m e true Love, M o rn J onelle, and Grandma Ha uge n
Summer Estrella
R e na mean s l a u ghter From c hildre n 's laughter , s tones, play , dance , sc h ool. fri ends, and th e Lord 's care, yo u h ave be c ome educated , cann g, fun lovi n g, and prepared for you r future
W e love you , M om, Dad , a nd Peter
M onica, Y o u were always my littl e pumpk in I You are s uch a s w ee t and s pec ia l person I Honey stay Lh at way I ' rn so very proud ofyou
Love, M orn
W e \v 1s h you love, h appiness a nd fulfillm e nt of all your dream s. you ca n h ave II all ' Love , M om, Dad , and Ali ssa
Katie Dorsch
Rena Dusenbury
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LeJO , You have always been "sonsh1ne" and pleasure
Dear Ryan ,
Thank you for a real good time It h as been a little slice of heaven having the privilege of watching you grow up I wish you th e best of everything 1n your future
Love , Morn
Wearesoprou dofyou , J enny You hav e been a JOY to us all these years. We know you will be successfu l in your life It has been a pleas ure to be your parents
We Jove you, Dad , Mom , and Mi che ll e
We have had some great um es toget h er Good lu c k 1n college We will miss you You have been a great b i g siste r
Love , En c and Stephanie
Eighteen years ago you were our wonderful C hr istmas pre sen t and continued to be a tremendou s gi ft to us Go forth on your Journey, knowing you have our love and sup port
Love, M om and Dad
Love, M om and Dad
Now you are ready to tackle the opposition in life We love you 1 Shawn and M om
You have worked very hard You have achieved your goa ls, and now you are moving towards n ew dreams W e are very proud of you Always fly safe. M om and Jam
Alway s keep your goals in sight, And know an your heart that they are right.
Remember as yo u s tart each day, And travel down life 's path away,
How very proud we are of you, I n all t he thin gs you say and do
We love you forever, M om, Dad. and Tamara
•• l 111 •• ud Chi t OJ AJ • T Le-, M :t :.rc.J r • F itA :it :h I cu l..d LMl ["4 .. .. , '" 1 : t ,. ... .;u3 .r a fl IJ. 1! • N :lb •T b •,g ll tl: ' •• hi p Ill 1l• a:i l T Cll ka u r p C4 s :i.,
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Ryan Farley
Fink Jennifer Fink
232 o ns by nition
Kirstin Fisher
Lejo Flores
• r l
Eric Ford
Holley Foster
Ami Freier
klmonpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jk lm onpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefghiJklmonpqrs1uvwxyz.abcdefgh1jklmonpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefgh1Jldmnopqrstuvwxyz
As you sit lhere, anxious ly awa1t1ng lhe rest of your life. your future is m lhe making And now t hat 18 years have gone by , our princess l ooks out upon lhe world.
W e l ove you, D ad and Mom
Breezy, You did 11 1 We love you so much Your 1ntel11gence, laughter and canng nature will take you far
Tru st in God and yourself
Love you always, M om, Dad , Elv i ra. and Lu cy
Great Job with school 1 H ere's hoping you'll lake on your future with the vigor. s trength and determination of a ti ger Be s t of l uck.
M om and Dad
Lov m g you 1s t he most preciou s g 1fl you 've a l lowed me todo, t h ank yo u You can always trust your soul, ,t' s s trong and determined
Listen silently, it w ill never let yo u down L ike your fa m lly and true fn ends, sma ll. bu t true to life it se lf N ever doubt w hat you can accomp lt sh
Wi t h you forever , M om
L1vcabalan ccdhfe- leam some and lhtnk some and draw and pamt and sing and dance and 't p l ay and work everyday some. ]
Love, [
Mommo and Mi c hael
You are witty. 1ntelhgent, beau11ful and talented There 1s e no doubt in my mind that you will succeed 10 whatever you choose Love ,
D ad I n trouble and st1ll sm1lin '. Love M om, Dad , and Myl es
Bna , M y wish for you ru; you move forward 10 the next exc,tmg chapter 1n your life 1s that you continue to be the expressive , loving , and caring person that you are today M ay your ltfe be b lessed w11h JOY and love L ove, M om
Tra cy, [ Yourfnend s h1p1 ssuc hag1fllo g me, beau11ful girl I truly thtnk. that we have the sa me m ind - I know you under.-.tand We have 'n h ad so muc h fun so many tears ] and unforgettab l e memories [ Alway s remember the thing s that made our fnendsh1p the ::, "el best I' II never forget t [ I love you c J en
b1 s 6nd Bud 'es 2]]
Kimberly Giddeon
BreeAnne Glasmann
Lisa M. Gores
Kadie Guldan
Ellen Hale
Jamie Harvey
Bria Hampleman
a §:
Tracy Hoback
[ C :i2 ::;u ] [ a [ C :i2 ::;..c: ,!:!' ] [ ::, '2? [ C 32 i .._ ' ::, "el [ C :i2 -.. t a :i2 i 't ] a ::, c
:i2 :2-. ,!:!' u "O .8
T racy , You have amazed us with yo ur hard work and many successes. Keep up the good work while yo u foil ow your dreams Our wish 1s for your happiness Congra1ulat1ons - you made 1l and we ' re proud , and we love you 1 (Once a pnncess , always a princess) M om and Dad
Thank you for all the guidance , support , encouragement , love, and memones you have given me I've alway s looked up to you and admired all your detemunatton to accomp li s h anything you set ouc to do Thanks for be i ng a great sister and wonderful fnend Thanks fo r a l way:. being t h ere for me I'll a l ways be there for you
Love always , L,zee
From before your fin.I race , you · ve always been a winner to us W he n we t h ink about all you've done, and all you've g rown up to be, we feel so proud You ' re a wonderful daughter and we love you very much XOXO
M om and Dad
It 1s a bi rd, a plane? No, it's super J onat h an, able 10 swim 50 o r l 00 m eters ,n supe r time, able to put others al ease with h is pu1te po ise, and now ready to ta k e off on a super fu t ure 1 W e k n ow you· II do great. Love, M om and Dad
Jerem y.
Th is is o nly the begi nn i n g o f the w o n de r ful pla n t hat God o rdai ned Each day you w i 11 fa ce a new set of oppo rt u ni ties, b r ill i a n tly d i sgu i sed as 1mpossiblesiluations F ace these w ith co n fidence, kn owi n g t h at w e l ove you and that God w ill guide you all th e days of your life
M om and Dad
Yo u r lovely sm ile, pe rsis te nt ly posi lt ve atti t ude about li fe has gotten you through so me ro ugh ti m es Y o u h ave co m e a lo n g w ay and we are a l1very proud of you Keep up the good w o rk ! Fro m yo ur lov i ng fa m ily
You have been th e best li ttle " b ro " You• vea l ways been able to make me la ugh and sm ile Cong ratu lat ions o n m aking 1t thro u g h G HS. Al w ays dream b ig "b ro" and reme m be r th e q uo te If i t IS l O be, i t IS u p to me " Good lu c k a l ways. L ove, A n gie
" Reac h for t he stars" as you s te p fof\va rd into t he futu re Hold o n to yo u r val ues as yo u m ak e your m ar k W e love yo u a n d arc p roud of you Lo ve, M o m a n d Dad
I C '' .I tu:! (ii It ll 'II ,-p;I '" I •113 l~ •H d1 tJ ... 0'..l ( • f t.AI ,..: t li• d u ~lwd LL.A (4 . , r I C t •• Lu "'1 • z a Jt1 :-. p l.r I • :Ir. rar b :.q •ff d tt IN! IIW ,. bl p Ul la • :t ., ,. 1A l c.v r fl j ~bcdefgh1JkJmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1;klmonpqr stuvwxyz.abcdefghiJklmonpqrsluvwxyz.abcdefgh1jklmonpqrsluvwxyz.abcdefgh ijkJmonpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefgh1j k monpqr Jeremy Hotsen iller 0 Q. 0 oo' :,..:: ,-:-3 0 ::, ]C: < )( '< N 8" Q. 0 oo' ::r .:: .,_.3 0 :::, :8 ;;!C: < )< '< N I» ga. 0 oo' :,.:: 3 0 :::, :8 .., "'C: < )( '< N I» gQ. 0 oo' ::r ..:: .,_. 3 0 ::, "Q .0 <AC: < )( '< N I» g0. 0 oo' ::r .:: -,:-3 0 ::, ] ., V>C: < >< '< N I» gQ. 0 oo' ::r ..:: ,-:-3 0 ::, ] ., "'C < )< '< N I» gQ. 0 oo' ::r .:: 3 0 ::, "Q .0 .., V>C < )( '< N I» Q. 0 tic'
Tracy Hoback
Aimee Hoogheem Aimee Hoogheem
234 I o n s by n i t io n
Jonathan Hoppin
Christina Hutchison
David Johnson
David Johnson
Stephanie, You have always had 'spu nk ' s in ce you were little "'r ou have been a delight to have as a daughter We love you very much. Keep your great personality andcanng nature.
M om, Gary a nd Juli e
Bec ky, You 're all grown up now and you have turned into s uch a beautiful, intell, ge nt , and cann g woman We are so proud o f you and love you so very much. Always remember we are here for you.
Lov e,
M om. Lee. and M au
P.S You 'll always be my baby girl
It 's been a long time since you were the little g irl 1n thi s picture, but ll see ms lik e only yesterday to u s Congratulations on your graduat ion an d ma y you move on to mu c h s uccess and happin ess 1n college
M o m , Dad , and, Davi d
Y ou s ttll have th e s ame big blue eyes and 1mp1 s h grin One o f your favorite things todo was play dress up 10 my old c loth es and yo u ' ve g uessed 1t, "c lo the s" are s till one of your pn o ntt es, buyin g th e m I A s hop lilt you drop kind of g irl 1
J ames
Remember to always follo\\ your dreams and never give up I W e be li eve in you and your accomplishments Remember we're always here' Love,
M om Cliff M ichael, and
Ji mmy.
When you graduate will you stop bouncing the ball 1n my kit e.hen I Your smile melts my heart Your qrengths and determ1nat1on run deep you will o;ucceed and be happy in yourhfe You ' ve been aJoy to th e fami ly We love you
Love , Aunt Denise
Sance you "ere a baby you have had you r eyes wide open
10 th e world, ready to learn and
move forn ard Stay as you ;§ always have been. creatl\-e ] com passionate. andabeau11ful
pel"\On You are loved 1 Mom. D ad. a nd Ka m
Hey Pi glet 1
W e made tt ch rough four hard years, bul with a lot of fun t1m el-t (gar.igc) 11 You II go a long way, c h1cl.. cn poo Thank s for shan ng 1
BJ -T1 ggcr, Sorry no pictures, but I wanted to thank you for th e laughs and good memories you've given us I love you boc h, Hedy (Pooh)
XJ kl mon pq rslu vwx yzabcde fgh •J kJ mon pq rs lu vwx yzabcdefg h ij kl monpq rst u vw x yzabcdefgh IJ kl mon pq rst u vwx yzabcdefg h •J kImon pq rst u vwxyzabcde fgh IJ kIm nopq rs tu vw x yz :.-><
Stephanie Johnson
Rebecca A. Jones
Meredith Keating
Amber Keller
James Kelley
j James Kelley
Kaci Kelly
Anna Kelso
$ ::> z g: e :;2 ::, .c: ,=!) u "C ..8 ;3 >, >< ::>
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1b 1s
d Blld
1 es 235
Michelle l{leineider
Michelle Kleineider
Dear Sarah , You have always been a JOY to u s all and we are s o proud of you 1 Keep your detenn1ned s p1nt and you will do great thing s 10 your hfe Love , Mom , Dad , Leslie , and Joey
Michelle Kleineider
M ch ss a We wi s h you the bes t 10 your future Be good to yourself and follow your dream s Alway s remember how mu c h we love you and how very proud we are of you
Love, M om , Dad and Megan
Hedy Kunter
M eli s sa , We made 1t 1And all too soon , nght'> You'll alway s be my bes test fnend ever We ' ve made 1t through a lotespec1ally THEM 1 (You know who) Keep 10 touch with me , I'll be needing that hundred dollars sooner than you th1nk 1 Always.
J 111
Hedy Kunter
To live 1s to learn , to learn 1s to kn ow, to know is to grow, to grow 1s to give, to give 1s to live May your ltfe always hold special memones of G H S friends, a n d may you always know a full ltfeof living Love xoxoxo.
Dad, M om, Ju stin, and Stephanie
Thanks for always being here for me You ' re the best s ister anyone could have I' 11 miss you 1 Love alway s 1 Stephanie
Michelle , Well , what can I say'> It 's been fun and exciting I You ' re one of the best friends I could ever ask for , I hope it never changes Never forget our adventures Blurry v1s1ons ofVa1l , shopping T R A C ., being 10 love really sucks' Plus the many more to come
Love , Ashley
You always have been ready to set out and see th e world. Fill that bag with your dreams and enJOY whatever th e world offers Take "the road less traveled" and keep your spi rit of adven ture We love you and are proud of you
M om, Dad , Emily, Ian, Jam es, and Diana
Hedy my love,
1 know thi s picture is aw ful but that's O K because we usually look that way I ' m glad we made 1t thro ug h th ese four years with only minonnjuries. Rea c h for the stars but don't s top there I l ove you with all my heart.
Th a nx for being Annalee
' J .I C • cu~ I •t ll k 'i ,-pJ W5 I • c.!J:a 1 :I .,, ,d ti .. r II 1 Ii: t ••• 1 Lui r •IJt f ll t p l.r ; . u: p • j ¾bcdefghtJkJmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jldmonpqrs
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Sarah Kendell
Melissa King
Melissa King
236 ens by nition
Ou r " Happy L 1u le Soul," We are so very proud of you You can be wha1ever you wish- the world 1s a1 your fee t Go for 11 Peanu t ' Love always, Mo m and Dad
Wh ile 1he world might not always be fair, remember th a t rm here for you always Remember all of the fun we had together Le t the world bewa re when you get a ho ld of 11 Love you. Mi chelle
May all your d reams co me t rue and may you r g ui dance from within lead the way We a ll love and adm ire you
Love, Mom , Dad, Greg, and Suzanne Th a nks for bei ng my best fri end for l6years' Love,
"T he ot he r cowboy' Ma tt
Ke n, H ave f u n, be safe and lear n some th ing ne w every day of yo ur l ife.
Lo ve al ways, Mom a nd D ad
Always keep that great laugh laughing and that lively per-.onaltty now1ng Every new day JUSt gets beuer 1
All our love Mom and Dad
Lindsey Lou ,
a J love you L inz • Jen
As your parents, we are very proud of you and continue to have hig h hopes for you Keep having and pursuing high hopes for youn.elf We know you are a very capable person w ith that dyna m ic persona lity of yours Continue having fa 11 h espec1ally 1n God. your family and yourself a lways.
Love you.
Dad, Mom, and Bree
We have e nJoyed seeing yo u g r ow fr o m t h e " Mi ghty M1d ge1" to w ha t you a re tod ay May you a lways ma intain you r ind ependence a nd pe rseverencc and a u am your goa ls 10 the pu r sui t of your dreams a nd happiness
C: 32 I ::, I 3( :§ V I a ! C: 3( :§ ] f j V ! C: ;g i = V ] B a 1 b1 s ~nd Blld 1es 237
-·klmo npq rs tu vwxyzabcde fgh tJ l-. lmonpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefghvkl mon pq n. tuvwxyzabcdefg h 1Jk lmonpqrs tu vwxyzabcdefgh1Jkl monpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx.yl >,
Judie Kunze
Judie Kunze
Burke Larson
Ken Lee
Kari Leidich
Lindsey Lusk
Lindsey Lusk
$ l
Erin Mackey
:.::2 t
a 8: C :2 ...,.. V ] 13 f a
Look where we staned and st1I I ended up the be~t of fnend., You have taught me more than you w i ll ever know about standing up for what I bcheve , n You are the strongest person I know and you lru ly are my hero I
Love, Mom , Dad, Ryan, Sean, and Ril ey
monpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh, Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabc<lefgh•Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefghuklmonpqrstuvwxyzabc<lefgh•J klmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh,jkl monpqn Josh
Bo gh 1. 1hough1ful, funny-you're a wonderful so n We 've always been so proud of you We wish you as many happy 11mes ahead and more as you have given us 1
Love, M om and Dad
We are so very proud of our first born son You have given us so much JOY and wonderful memones. Continue 1n \ife with your great se nse of humor, your compassion towards others and your great smile. We know you 'II enJoy hfe. We love you forever , Mom and Dad
Mike , l can't believe that my big brother 1s going off to college 1 You have always been by my side, especially when I needed you 1 have always looked up to you and always will Come v1s1t often I love and admire you lots
Love, Lynn
Matthew , Meet you on the back porch graduatjon night 1
Love , Michael
Nik , We are so proud of you and all o f your accompl 1shments I You are s o special and always remember you can do anything you se t your mmd to 1 Good luck'
Love, Mom and Dad
Dear Nik,
You made 11 1 You 're Independe nt Nik 1 Now that 1s some weird , wild s tuff 1 We love you and w ish you all the best in the world ! Keep up that great se nse of humor, cause no one makes us laugh like you do 1
Your s is ters , P at and Jine
Dear Matthew,
You have always asked a million questions, wondered about th e st r angest th ings and taken everything apart. Keep askrng your ques ti ons and wondering but now we look forward to you putlln g things together We love you so much'
M om, Dad , Michael , and Chnstma
Even at thi s age we knew you were destined for a caree r in high fa shion. We love you no matt er how you dress M om and Dad
,. t•i 1.l "I'll ·1 tu~ -~IJ Ml k I ,p:f VI • •t.J.a 1~ ~f1 I p.U IJ ~, • tA 't:1 t 1:1, .d ~t .:r C,til t :Ii: t ••• l Lui ,1' & ut.t t p ll.r Q • .. in l::lq' •Jf ;d u in; vw ti 11. bl p ID pl• &.t D .ltil dt"lf i:..z Ii[ • p Ii t j t L s
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Mike Maharas
Michael Maharas
238 D~ o ns by nition
Nik Malkmus
Matt Montgomery
Matt Montgomery Fermina Moore
Seeing you 1n those boots seems hk e yes te rday You hav e filled o ur hves with so much JOY and love Weare prou d of all your hard work and acco mpli s hments You have a heart of go ld I R y-Guy never c han ge' Reach for th e s ky and rem e mber we love you very mu c h. Mom , Dad , Scott, and T as ha
Think mg fondly o f th e lim es we s hared when yo u were young and future yet to co me You are always 1n my tho ughts and prayers If you make wi se c ho ices 1n hfe, success and happ in ess will ultimat e ly foll ow Mu c h lo ve, Dad
You ha ve grown to be a beautiful , talented and, c ann g young lady I am so proud o f you Keep your faith , follow your dream s a nd yo u will go far You have a lw ays had a spec ial pla ce in my heart. God bl ess.
I love you , Grandma
A s h,
We've been there done th at toge the r and had a wo nd erful time doing tl. We've gro wn so close and wtll s tay forever Thank you for a hfet1me of awe so me me mories.
(Remernberalway s T R A C. Vail , pro m and s hoppin g .)
Love forever , Mi c helle
Having you ru; a daughter has always been challenging, never r eg r e llabl e, a n d always interes t mg. You are capable of anything you se t your sights upon Th anks for being you We love you,
Mom, Dad, and J eremy
Watching you grow has been one of the mos t fulfill 1n g expenences 1n our li ves You have grown up to be a beau t , fut capab le, compassionate, and i nt ellige nt yo ung woman \V e wish you the best hfe can offer We love you, Mom, Dad , and J e remy
Th a nk. s for the memones 1 You 've learned and perfected th e important s k.1ll s of hfe , peopl es k11l s, respect forothers, fis hin g, hunting, and dreaming Neve r s top d rea min g, because your dreams will come true , Lo ve, Dad
Dear 8111 , Se t your goals high , be posH1ve, hav e fun and e nJoy life and you will be success ful m wha tever yo u do We're very proud of you'
Lov e. Mom and Dad
klmonpqrstuvwx.yzabcdefgh ij klmonpqrstuvwx. yza bcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcd efg hiJklmonpq rs tuvwx.y zabcdefg h1Jklm onpqrs tu vwx.yzabcdefgh1Jklmnopqrstuvwx.yz f
Ryan Morgan
Bethany l\tlulvihill
Bethany Mulvihill
• ,
Ashley Meyers
Ashley Meyers
Melissa Meyers
Jesse Myers
. .,:/ ::, ' §:
I . Bill Nee
e ::;;: ;Bl ' ::,
c 8: C ::;;: ] [ > a ' 8: 32 ·= l ::, c 8: C 32 .g .8 f ! 32 j a 2 8: C 32 = .g .8 [ ::,g: C 0 E 32 t ::, c g: 32 =;§> V ]
abcdefgh1jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcd e fgh1Jklmonpq rs tu vwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1jkl monpq rstuvwxyzabcde fgh1jk lmonpq1
Bill Nee
We ' re g lad you finally go t that s mirk off your fa ce and mad e i t throu g h hi gh sc hool Good lu c k next year
Your bros , Spencer a nd Ryan
Justin Needham
Dear Ju s un
You ha ve soared like an eagle to the to p of many mo untain s 1n you r lt fe We h o pe yo u will co ntinue your pursuit ofexcellence m co llege and the w o rld beyond Above all, be happy and know that we will always s upport you All ou r lov e, M o m a nd Dad
Minh Nguyen Tony Orihuela
I am re all y proud of you 1wi s h you h appiness in alt that you do Good lu c k
Love your s is, K,m Nguyen
W e hav e been thro ugh ,o mu c h to ge th e r l rom railing to <lan c ing w e've hccn throu g h Jl all You arc my tx:,1 f n en <l I love you, no mail e r what th e luturc hnn g, I ..,ovc, C.:hn,,y
He has alway s been the s hiner ofhves Weareproudofyou
Mi c hael , We wi s h you happiness, success, and smoo th sailing. H ave fun! Love always, M om and Dad
M ason, Y ou h ave always been there for m e, and I kn ow you always will You are n ot on ly my brothe r but m y best friend too I love you, Mykah
Dear M elissa, Althoug h you have been a challenge to me and your fathe r , we are very proud of you and wou l dn ' t t rade you 10 for the world
Love , M o m Dad , and Mi c h e l le
• • t•I 11 l.. I w~ II It l k rrpi •• I • i:.1.11 lS 6f1 ,d tJ I ll J.r ' • F t~ -i:l l l:i d 1:.1 ~ti.d 61"<1 . " a Oil z 1:/1 V t t .... 11:r4 11 .r •a ut:f aL t p Dl.r " .. n IHJ' b Lia 11 "ff id ' ct "'...:: u D bl p ltl pl• ii.I' nu, l 11,J lr• t.. d u *' • p . ti t 1~ a
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240 ~ ons by n ition
Tony Orihuela
Michael Osgood
Mason Palmer
Melissa Palmer
nonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstu vwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpq rs tuvwxyzabcdefgh 1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmnopqrstuvwxyz ;,-..
Amanda Pitt
Y o u were a JOY to ra i se throughout th ese l ast 18 years Your Jove for everyth in g a nd everyone h as been a great attnbute Alway s remember you can do anything you want , you have th e st ren g th R e m e mber we are there with you alway s. W e love you You are our prid e an d J OY M om and D ad
Looks like yo u ' re Just about ready to take off. we ' re sure yo u ' ll have smooth sai lin g. Y o u • re s till a c utr e and we ' re so very proud o f you EnJoy everything and remember we l ove you
M om, Dad , Aaron , an d Abbie
W e'resopro udofyou Yourspecral sm il e and your se n se of humor are n eve r endang You h ave been a JOY s in ce the day you were born W e kn ow that whatever you want 10 do you'll ' 'just d o 1t" and we'll be behtnd you all th e way Love, M om, Tom , and Zeb
Ted PolitteTed Politte l Katie Prestia-Schaub
Zac h ary D ea r , Y ou have the whol e pa c ka ge for a g reat h fe, you· re very spec ial 10 u, Love ,
D e ni se. Mi ca h , and K ati:
W e are so proud of the woman
you are. and t he woman you ]? will become .!:!'
Love ,
M om and Dad
W e k.n ew from your earlies t years that you were a spec i al person You ve never given us a reason t o not believe 11 \V e can ' t wa1tfortheyear, t o come'
Lov e.
M om and Dad
I ' m glad yo u ' r e fin.illy g radu a tin g ( h opefully ) Good lu c k with -.occer Someday you'll score a goa l ( ma ybe) Good luck al co ll ege Stop makang fun of c h cerle ad e~ Alway s remember cheerlea d ers are better than soccer players. and chee rl ead 1ng 1s a s po rt God bless Lo ve, Robin
D c.i re,t K .111c
A , you take the necessary ,tc p , onto you r life path , carry o ur l ove w11h yo u knowin g that 11 ,, your, to u,e .ind rel y on .i, you ,c ulpt th e ,olo:s of you r ltl e You arc a beautiful daughter .ind friend
W e lov e you deeply
M o m and P .ipa
Molly Patterson
Kelsey Petersen
Zach Pike
Zach Pike
>( ::, z §: C: E
] >( ?:: ;,,. ::, &: 32 =.c: .!:£1 0 '"C .8 a ::, i C: 32 ::, .c: ,2!> 0 I ::, '&: C: 32 ::;> .c: .!:!' 0 ] t ::, 'e: &: 32 ·=0 I 2 8: C: 0 E 32 ·=.c: .!:!' 0 '"C .8 a ::, E &: C: 0 E 32 =0 ] [ ::, P5 &: C: 32 = 0 ]
atie Prestia-Schaub
Kalle darhn' Remember alway s reach with your hand s, and touch with your heart We love you honey
Papa and Mom
atie Prestia-Schaub
Zult , Ma y the beauty you love be what you do Continue to be a lover of all hfe , s weetheart and the be s t of all hfe will be yours
Love you alway s. Papa Z and Mom
Laura Raschen
You have a bright future , but 1l comes unass embled You ' ll need to build 1t one day at a time by making good cho ice s and s ound dec 1s 1on s Remember, eac h day 1s the fir s t day of the rest of your life
We love you Mom and Dad
Maria Lilia Rascon
Being the last of the R ascon clan, we want to let you know that you are our " Gordttz " You have brought much JOY, happiness, blessings and Jove into our liv es Look towards the future with fat th and be true to your sta ndard s Remember we love you Congratulauons! 1
God Bless M om and Dad
K ate the Great, You had a winning smile thel' and a winning sm il e now You have done so much and so well You have earned you name over and over \Ve are very PROUD of you Keep sm1hng and GO FOR IT ! We love you' M om and Dad
Katy, You have been there for me all my life You are the BEST sister a brother could have The loft just won't be the same without you I Jove you and will mi ss you so much! x,o ,x,o,x.o M ichael
Kat y and Traci, You are my best friends and I l ove you guys! We have had a blast together all through high school Good luck 1n college!
Love Always, Kirstin
Never lose your se n se of humor or ability to make people laugh Always be yourself, enJOY hfe , foil ow your dream s, and be h appy with wh o you are Weare very proud and love you very much, " B eeber " Reach for the stars.
Love, Dad , Mom , Christina, and Alexandra
Ii .s Ii ••• •l• l'h • I w~ 411 It DJ UI k flll •• a Ir Li.a l~ •H ,.1 tJ (7c.J r • F u 'tU 't 11, .cl AU u..q lfl[4 • :It ,I t t .... l1:>1 L&d • r • utt t p ];r Q ii, ,. p:lr. ••T ab 12 •r+ >d tti H! V ta, Q t,I p UI pla 11 :r Sl T 1, .. 1..-. dlN u :.r • p • l l l:l cl abcdefgh1Jldmonpqr;tuvwxyz.abcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1JkJmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh 1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1J lmonpc g 0. 0 oo' :::r .:: 3 0 ::, "O .c .., "'C: < )( "< N C, g 0. 0 oo' :::r .:: -:,,;"3 0 ::, ] ;;iC: < )( "< N C, g 0. 0 oo' :r .:: ';IC" 3 0 ::, -0 .c ;;iC: < )( "< N C, g 0. 0 oo' :::r ..... . -:,,;"3 0 ::, "O .c ..,C: < )( "< N C, g 0. 0 OQ' ::r ;,--3 0 ::, :8C: < X "< N C, g0. 0 oo' :::r .:: -:,,;"3 0 ::, :8 .., enC: < X "< N C, g 0. 0 OQ' ::r..... . ;,--3 0 ::, "O .c ;;iC: < X "< g 0. 0 oo'
-.. ns by nition
Katy Ratz
Katy Ratz · -- -J
Katy Ratz & Traci Van Woensel
Michelle Rawlings
Th ese past fo ur years have been fi ll ed with ups a nd downs. We have had many greal limes Th an k. yo u fo r be in g there for me May yo ur ful ure be fi lled wuh happ in ess an d everythi ng yo u want out of lt fe O ne day you wi ll owe me one hun dred dollars 1 Love, Meli ssa
Billie Jean Re nolds
Here's lo all the years of hard work May all of your goah a n d d r eams come cr ue Remembe r always be your.elf I love you
Your Dad
T o my d arl ing s1s le r J tll , I love yo u mo r e t o d ay t ha n yesle r day, bul not as muc h as comorrow Th a nks for always be ing my b esc frie nd a nd c l oses t co nfi da nt e I a m so pro ud of you r c hoices in lt fe Bravo' Bravo 1 M uch Lo ve, Ke ll y
Jill , Mi ss Born lo Dnve, Always re me mbe r lo aim high a nd follo w yo ur d rea ms We are very pro ud o f you
Lo ve, Mom a nd Dad
Hey Bubb a, Alw ays re me mber you were born w1thh onorandd1 g01t y KEEP yo ur e yes o pen a nd e mbrace li fe I will ca lc h you 1f yo u fall Wh e n the goin g gets tough , g ive lh e loug h th e RA S PBERRY • We love yo u Ma mm a, Garth Bozo, a nd Candy
Jenn ie- Penny
Never lose you r independence , 1nd 1v1dua ll \m sense of h umor and free spi ri t. F ly away and take on the world a nd remember we are always here for you Love
Since the d ay you we re bo rn you have known exacc ly wha t you want a nd have wor ked 1nc red 1bly hard to ge t ll I am so very pro ud o f you I EnJoy all the futu re has an s core for yo u May you never have 10 vacu um again I l l ove yo u very muc h 1 Mo m
Kn s ty, I ' m g la d yo u 've learn ed to be a crazy c h ic k. , is n ' t at fun ? Stay away from p sycho S aabs a nd G r ee n Mo unt a in b oys We Alpine Ac t to n ga ngs te r quee ns h ave t o s ti c k t oge th er
Re membe r S ubi and Speedy. Mi dge ts, D nve-bys, Clueless, TP , part ies, cu rfe ws, a nd bad dye JO bs Love you Bee- Duleep
Ann a
ql'I lmonpq rs lu vwx yza bcd efgh 1J l...l monpqrs tu vwxyzabcdefg h1jk. lmo npq rs tuvwxyzabcdcfg h1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh 1J k.lm onpqrs tuvwxyzabcdefgh 1Jk.l mnopqrs tuvwxy_z ;.,,. Jill
Reinecker ,_
c 11cc• cr~t I\CC 11~-,
Jill Reinecker
Jill Reinecker
Billie Jean Re nolds
Jennifer Rose Rickard
Kristy Robinson
Kristy Robinson
! ::, z g: e 32 : ::::;'t ;§ Q) l >( ::, z g: C 32 &, ] >. > 2 C g: C 32 :::;> ;§ ] [ M
um , Tone a nd Dave -Dave z
8: C 32 = &, 0 I ! C 32 = &, ] [ > 2 t; 8: C 32 0 I ::, i C 32 t ::, i '] Ba 1 b1 s gnd Biid 'es 2.43
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Tom Rome
Thank. s for being the bes l hu le brother I could ever h ave asked for I wi s h you the be s t of luck in all of your future endeavors
Your Sis , Andrea
Rood ..
I am so proud of you 1 You h ave so many specia l gifts, use them well. Remember, be true to your beliefs and don ' l forget who you are
P S Grandma would be proud'
Tom Rome
Th ere 1s a right lime for everything ." Thi s , s ou r ume for JOY and dancing M auhew we are very proud
Love ,
M om , Dad , S l eve , Meli ss a , Su s annah , and Ted
Margie Sant
T , You finally made Jt I Th ank yo u for all our laughs. fight s and good times. Good luck and remember that yo u are not only my brother but my bes t friend
Love Always , K
Margie Sant
Tommy, W e admire yo ur wonderful personality and athletic abili t ies.
EnJOY life's adventures and always follow your dreams'
W e love you, Mom and D ad
P S Wh ere's the basketball?
Our ugger you' ll always be We ' re proud of you and who you ' ve become We love you man - Yes , you can have lhe Bronco II
Love ,
Dad and M om
H1 D ad'
L ove , Shannon
Our hllleMarg1e We're always think ing of you Afler all is said and done, there 1s really o nly ONE - You \Ve are proud, happy , and look forward for more
Dad , M om, and K- K-K-Katie
From here on out, 1t' s us against the world Remember s ummer field , sp1 tl1n g crackers, the fire s tati on, New Year's, Golden/ Mullen , stal ling boys, my goth1c s tyl e, and that we ' ll always be s upenor l feel pnv1leged to have your fn endship I hope 1t will a l ways endure
Lo ve you lake death 1
• '• C J:I C ,. r•• alll v1:ir r:.ut• I I 't OJ r:.q k: 1i ,p:i • aoli t 1. •F1 d~ Gel r • F t4 t~ l 1i, ,d u •Ld l ., .. .. t.Ji 11 :i l t •• l 'Ui u.d r • ut:r (B, ' p l:r • pin ••r b la 1 :1 .:~ d: a<! V ti r, bl p OU'i pla as ..Lr• L• dw :6[ • p • l t 1 Cl C
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James Robuck
Matthew Rogers
ons by nition
Dale Sacry
You h ave g i ven us a special love your beauty. and unique ou tlook on life Neve r lose sig ht of your goals tha t are so important to you.
W e are extreme l y proud of you
Th e world 1s yours
"Love You ," M om and Dad
W ell it's been fun 111 I cou ldn ' t h ave asked for bener memories
Your the be s t b ig sister a gal could h ave• I wish you love and luck m t he future S T A Y OU T OF TR OUB L E 111
Love, Kelly
Dear A m ber Lea , In our eyes. you have already ac h ieved great n ess Our hearts are fi lled w i t h p ride, JOY, love, a nd excite m ent. Exci teme n t fo r t he possib1 lit 1es t he future holds for yo u M ay you always be as h a p py as you• ve m ade us Congra t u l allons W e love yo u ' Grandma J anet and Aunt She n
W e are so p roud of you I Yo u have ful fi ll ed any dream t ha t a pare nt w ou ld have of thei r c hild Th e w hole w orl d ,s ou t th ere wa u1n g fo r you A m ber, a l ways be true to yoursel f R eme m be r we are always here for yo u
W e love you a l ways an d foreve r , D ad, M om, Cody , B ear , an d J aza
40 years after your parent s graduated from high schoo l now their baby doe s too It seems lake JUst yesterday you were drooling 1n the c urtains and ·em with thoi.e big brown eyes and bnlltant smile Keep up the good work. charming the world with you kindn ess and mu sic Your Family
How far you vc co me m s uch a s hort ume 1 As you venture out to follow your dream s and di scov er the world· s gifts, remember · be kind , learn all you can, and h o ld our love m your heart
Love Alway s, M om, Dad , Dane , Devin , and Sage
M ayt h erock.syoueachchensh bnng you power and g lory O K , love you. bye - bye
Nancy and Mark
K eep t h e wonder and exc it emen t alive and "pursue" your dream s. We' ll a l ways be h ere for you
W e love yo u ,
M o m and B ruce
q Jmonpqrs t uvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefg h 1Jk.lmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh 1Jklmonpqn.tuvwxyzabcdefgh1J ldmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jk.lmnopqrstuvwxyI
Sara Savoie
Sara Savoie
Amber Schaefer
Amber Schaefer
Tiffany Schmidt 1,-"
Brandon Schow
Beckie & Josh Scro s
• -
Beckie Scruggs
>( ::, I e 32 ·= l a [ 32 ;§ t 2 C: [ C I I r:: j t ::, i 32 l a j t i j I I ;g_ j Ba 1b1s ~nd Bud' e s 245
abcdefgh1Jklm o npq rs1uvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklm onpqr..tuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jk.lmonpqrs1uvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrs1 uvwxyzabcd efg h1Jklmonpqrs1uvwxyzabcdefgh1Jk lmonp<
You know what to do and how to do
11 Now go out and enJoy the nde We ' ll always be here for you We love you , M om and Bruce
Shannon Skelton
To my brown eyed gi rl , You did it I B ecause o f you,. hard work and determination you made it happen. From bike rac,ng to softball, to photography, you do 11 all so well. Congratula11o n s! W e're so proud of you Aim high, the future 1s yours! And keep sm1hng 1
M om, Derek. and Bre
Shannon Skelton
Travi s,
It ' s been a long climb But you are on top now 1 Look at the v1ew 1The world 1s yours' We ' re very proud of you. son Love , M om. Dad , and Amanda
Carrie Smith
Andy , Congra1ula11ons 1 We are proud of youraccompltshments and excited about your m any interes ts K eep an eye on your dreams while yo u balance all that hes ahead We love you.
M om Dad. and J ay
Drew Smith
We ' ve really done 11 1 W e've rin,,hcd high ,chool • ..ind we're yet to he convicted of allcmptc d murder Only lo rollow ,n lrad111on of cllchc , " I ' ll never forget our t11r11.: together " T..ik e care o f your,cl I , and of me "ice you in my " nc,t " ,n London (Your lat lillle , ) W11h love K ate , a I- a D eath Girl
H ealth and happiness to Sha nn on Skel ton and all of h er c l assmates of '97. I hope everyday you have a reason to wake up and s mil e. R e member th at I will always be h ere for you
Love, D ad
W e wish you all th e s u ccess w1lh yo ur career goal s You have very gentle and can ng ways that will always mak e you memorable 1n the h earts of th ose you tou c h
D ad. Mom and Chnst1ne
Drew , Eve n two years later I ca n s 11ll say. " W e've Only Jus t B eg un I have e nJoyed s haring your accomplishments in hi g h sc hool. You have so mu c h 10 be proud of F ollow your dream s, I know you ca n reach them I will be here for you every s te p of th e way I love you t he mos t 1
Love Always, Ja yna
•i:.ui • 1 't , r.c:i Ii: 1i JPS i aak t 1. • ln d a..i • F ~t.Jt t :l l 1 ;l .d (fi:..f • t.a lr:.q """. .z l .!I: t .,. ,1 .Lui r • u i t ' • w p:ln ...,. .... Lia LS Aff tl. ;.tc,,l Vc:J t • l .. • p t r
go. Cl en' :::r .:: '?s'3 0 ::, "'O ,D ,... C < :$: >< '< 0. Cl oo' ::r .:: '?s'3 0 ::, ]C < :$: >< '< N "' go. n oo' ::r .:: '?s' 3 0 ::, "'O ,D ... v ,C < :$: >< '< go. n oo' :::r ..:: '?s'3 0 ::, "'O ,D 'r) i: < :$: >< ..... N "' go. n oo' :::r .:: 7'"' 3 0 ::, ] ;;iC < :$: >< '< N I:,) lZ 0. n cr.i' :::r C 7'"'3 0 ::, "'O ,D -,C <". >< '< N lZ 0. n cr.i' ::r .:: , 7'"' 3 0 ::, "'O ,D "JC < .-< '< N I:,) lZ 0. n cr.i'
Josh Scruggs
Travis Shields
Andy Silvey
--.J' olons by 246 nition •
Shannon Skelton
Drew Smith
W e are so very proud of you, no t o nl y foryouraccompl1shments, but because of w h o you are, a wonderful young man I Stay true to your dreams and soar hke an eagle You are my sunshine and we love you very m uch
Love Always, M om a n d Curtis
Dream your dreams, enJO)' your achte\.ements as well as your plans Be yourself ,tnve 10 be happy 1 \Ve are very proud of you and love you very much Go for H
om, Dad, Coryn. and Ashley
Drew Smith's Friends
You guys are the best fnends a guy could ask for We have bee n throug h a lo t these last few years I don 'l kn ow w h at I would h ave d one w i t h ou t you. W e are all big b ro th ers who look up to each and everyone. You r Fnend F o r Life, Drew
You have brought us so much JOY and have taught u,; the meaning of lo\.e un,;urpasscd Seventeen glorious uproanous years ha\.e flown by and we are so excited because we know the best is yet to come• Always remember I Cor 13 Love, Mom and Dad
Luke Stahmer
B ecause of yo u I have seen the m oon a nd sta rs and everything im ag i nable Yo u h ave helped m e beco m e t h e wonderful person t hat I a m. Always remember that we ar c as n uts as ducks'
B ean- Head
Co n g ra tulations, you m ade 11 1 W e w ish fo r you t h al yo u r hopes are fu lfi lled and you r d reams come t rue
W e love you, M om, Dad, W yatt, and Cassie
To the awe,omest, coolest brotherin theworld Don'ttake "Star Wars" college• Wt lh you lO
Love, J ustin
Congratulation, Steve \Ve a rc very proud of 1 ou Keep up the good work Remember. YANA
Love M orn and Dad
q kl mon pqrst uvwxyzabcdefg h ijklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefg h 1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmonpqrstuvwxyz.abcdefgh1Jkl monpqrsluvwxyzabcdefgh1Jklmnopqrstuvwxy_z>,
Katie Smith
I , Ryan Smith
... ..,, -
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Congratulation, 1 You ' ve done 1l 1 Now on lo the c hallenges 1hat lie ahead L c l your good ,ense of what ' , n g hl and your ,ndependenl s ptrtl guide your future We are proud of the young woman you are bec oming And, remember, we will alway s be here for you
Love ,
M om and Dad
Andrew Thomas Amelia Tietsort
Jamie , You have given us s o many wonderful memones ll ' , hard lo believe h ow fa., l the year.; have gone Keep that beau11ful smile
We love you , Mom and Dad
Sabrina Tortora
Crys t al , You ' ll always be my baby' Follow your dreams and dance to your star' 1 I l ove you.
M om
Renae Trenk
Your s m ile h as always been ltke a ray of sum,hine As you beg i n you r aduh li fe keep sm1l1ng Your smi l e will ltghl up t he rest of your li fe W ith Love, M om , Deborah , and Dad
To our favorite Andrew, We Jove you very much' It', been fun to watch you grow and mature and we look forward to what lies ahead
Love, Mom and Dad
You grew up too fast• H ow we enJoyed your special smile, grea t sp1nt and qu,ck wit R emembe r, your future ,s ltm1tless Li s t en to your heart , follow your dreams , and) ou can be anything you want'
We love you ,
M om , Dad, and Brooke
W e arc p r oud of all your accompltshmen t s and your wonderful art1st1cab1ltttes. T ime ha.s gone 100 fast. M ay l i fe be kind 10 you and we hope you reach all your dreams.
M om and Dad
I've dreaded th is l i me and loo ked fonvard to 1l Y ou've g row n so quickly Y o u ' re a w o nd erfu l young wo m a n M ay yo u ac h ieve all ofyourdrea ms and may yo ur h eart and life be fill ed wi t h love It 's ti me for me lo le t yo u go, I m iss you already God Bl ess you Sweclhea rt '
Love, M om
• f 1 .re V t•• a h Vl'I •w! • It J k • -,pJ in a I L l.1 •pt li:-, .... d t;,J .[' • f LA t 1 t L'i, .lit (f C.., •i:.d L ·'"· a t .:r :;v l t .... l ~ • ,I •• J.ltf :J~ .q •p~r. IH )' b La 1.1 •ff HI t~ i:.e..: vu ti ti bl p .:un pl• a.r U) l ,., Lt• t.,t, da,c ..., :A( • p t4't t t l ~• .d ,Q
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Kellee Tarum 248n s by n itio n
Brooke Stover Jamie Strickland Crystal Swala
Van Woensel
W e are so very proud of you and all that you've accom pli shed You ·ve always se t your sa ils sta yed on course. de1erm1ned a nd s tron g an your v1s1on Keep your mind ope n and your h ea rt on fire. remembe r you are loved
Mom and Dad
What a crazy four years. o h h o w c ra zy w e've been Rem e mb er dnv e-by •s. midgets. ga ngs ter G's, Bnll o pad g irl Boulder. a nd all the days spe nt slav ing away al Alpine A c ti o n Thank s for s a v in g me from my evil twin' Here's to part1 e5, past and futur e Lo ve Bee- dul -ee p Kn s ty
Nikki Varveris
Whereve r life may take you. you will always be close to my h ea rt
Lov e.
Nikki Varveris
W e have h ad s o many good lim es. He re's to re m embering them and c reating more You are a s uperstar and you know 1t!
Love Always, M alle
T rdc1.
The years h ave gone too fas t You ha ve g 1\. e n us so much Joy and happiness W e are very proud Follow your h ea rt and your dreams will come tru e W e Love You, M om. Dad H eidi, Luke. and Sadie
W e ha ve built a friendship that will last a lifetime I I cannot count th e limes you ha ve put a sm il e on my face or that you have been th ere for m e' I wish yo u th e in the future, yo u deserve eve r yth in g I will always be here foryou 1 'Tha t 's wh at fnends are fo r"'
Love Always your Sis J
To my Bi g Sis ter.
W e have g rown close and s hare d man y mem ories to gethe r From sixt h grade dan ces to twelfth g rad e lau g ht e r 's. You h ave always been there for me Someone once said that a f riendsh1p 1s unforge uabl e. which 1s what we ha ve
Love Always, Drew
F or all you are and all you will be W e look. forward to your growth We love you and are very pro ud of you
Love, M om. Dad , M eg an , Grant. and J 111
Ba 1
b1 s 6nd BUd 'es 249
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Orion Tolchin
Anna Van Meter
Anna Van Meter
Anna Van Meter
Nikki Varveris
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H ead , Thank you for being such a great dau ghter and best fnend 1 W e wish you th e best ofluck 10 the futur e , we are so proud of you I No maner whal happenl> after graduation, we love )OU and we are always here for you 1 xoxoxo Love , M om and Dad
H eathe r , We ' ve been through everything together, good and bad , and 1 know we have a f nendsh1p that w11l l ast a hfeume no maner where the paths we follow ,n hfe w11l lead us 1 know we'll meet again 10 the end Yas1s' Kau e
We ' re so proud of you - you made tl , this far - now enJOY your college years - we know you ' II make team mg fun - be happ y
W e Love You , Mom a nd Dad
Chn,uan Vcrmill1on , Tcxa, , Lou, , ,ana , Colorado -
You ' ve come J. lon g w..1.y Chn<.11 1
Th" ''JU\l the hcg1nning 1 I am very pro ud of you My lov e .ind ,uppo rt will alway, he with you wherever your trav el\ tak e you and whatever en d cavof'> you pur ,ue Love , M om
Your flair for m1sch1ef and your Joyful sp1nl have always blessed our family We are so prou d of you and we love you May God bless and lead you all your ltfe Love, Mom and D ad
"Always easy to please you
Brought much JOY t o us all With your calm and gentle nature
Thal began with the first breath you drew I'v e watched you grow And with each stage Your sens1t1v1 t y and quiel strength
I've come to know you"
Excerpt from poem Mar c " Fi rstborn" by Jud, Romero
M arc, You alone have co ntrol of your destiny The suppo rt and love you will get from your family is offered un co nd1llonally \Vhat ever you aspire to do we kn ow you will do 1t. No one is more deserving of success than you because of your hard work and determ1nauon Con Amor, Tu Fam1lta
The years have gone by too quickly' You are now a young man with pnde charJcter, and compai,i,1on Continue to achieve the goals you get. We will always remember lhe happine ss and love you brought to u , We are proud of you and w,,h you the best M om and Dad
I ft I J Lq ,k • yp:I •• • • r:.. lli r • • f tA lt li 1t 1::h IA OC-1 • lwd LroQ • r• t.A l :r • W f f II. p tlr • I n '" bl t p O U l pla • a l' ::"'1 No t. ho& tu dL:..t u r • • p t. tJ it 1 ,
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Heather Verardi
250 oions by nition
Joel Thomas Verbeck
Kristen Versaw
Marc A. Vigil
Marc Vigil
Alan Webb
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Ready to Perform Kar en Neuk1rchner, K,m G1ddeon Rena Dusenbury, Tom Duster , Catherine Clark.and M argie Sant pose before they go and perform their play Photo courtesy of Kyff1n Elementary
We are so proud of you I It ha-. been a gi ft watching you grow and mature into the magnificent young man you have become Reach your dreams and beyond 1
Love, Mom. Dad, Jake, and Sam
We have been ble,,cd with two Joys and you arc mo,t dclin11ely one You have brought ,o mw h JOY and pride into our live, Keer shoo un g for the ,tar,. follow your heart. and remember who you arc
We love you.
Dad, Mom and Evan
Dear Sarah You have brought such happines s and cxc 11ement Z2
mtoourllve._ Yourh1ghsc.hool years have been one, of ] trcmendou-. growth 1n all ,ort-.
ofway, Yourqu1etencrgyand creauve talent have given us many deltghtful surpn,c,; But most of ,ill you have kept us laughing with your outstanding l>Cn,eofhurnor \Ve will alway, Jove you dearly Love. Mom and Dad Kate,
You have been a very special~ ch ild full of love and Pa ~1on Your energy ,., endlc,s, your;§, op1n1on\ 1s s tr ong andyour~ laughter 1s exuberant We love~ you -.o much and are very proud f of th e young woman you have;,,, become Don ' t worry ,o much z and tru s t God and your.,elf and~ don ' t forget to ,mile alway,' Love .:.c =Mom Dad Ph1l11p and L.-,a
Kat e \V orohc} I owe you a &: c:: m1llton than}..., for n1e into the pcr,on I am today .:.c ==- You ' re an 1ncrcd1ble and .,:; .2!' unique per.on and I am grateful to have n1et up w 1th you way bacJ... when Ouryear, 1ogcthcr are unforgcuable' 11 Through all the tear, and lau ghter. heartache., and a c h1cverncn1, 1t', wondcrful to have you here for me 11 Love U
Bryan Wellensiek
Phillip Willis
-R..-=- -: -···· -• • ..,, V ;S .. ::, {; g: e Z2 : ::"' .,:; _g >< -f ..
s ton Third Grade Fir,t R ow: Trac., z VanWocnsel • · • We..,ton H..1verJ.....imp Orion 8: C: Tulchin Ted Poliue M1chclle Kleme,dcr · · • , Judy Kun ze Stacy Arndt econ d R o w: Mr, Gabel , ""* ••* • •· • · • •• • *" · · • · .,,. T hird R ow: Burke :.2' , Ci! Lar..on • • Bna Hamplem..1n · •. · · • · ,., • Katy v Rat,, · • Photo courtesy of Katy Ra11 ] Sarah Wolf f! -.. .. a
Kate Worebey
g: C:
Kate Worobey
"' >< 3 (; g: C: ::::2 =..c: ,., "O " >< ::, z g: c::
..8 >>< ::,
,., ] ;3 ;>._ >< ::, z 8: c:: Ba 1 b1 s ~nd aud'e v 2Si
Live, Laugh, Love, Learn and alway s keep family in your heart a s you travel through life.
We love you .. ..
Your Mom and Aunt
I love you guys! Always and forever!
Kami - Jo
• t • It tl LQ t • l'P~ '" a I! C. 1 :s •• aa:.t r..w; iU<I tJI c:n IU' t t ••• ,_ wt ;r a :.ut.t ' tl.rp V ll 'U I II • ,. bl LO an pl11 II• a:r ::'i v..r .., d ...s •• p ta \, •
. •
There 1s a certain reason that we encounter certain people It may be only to teach us something about ourselves or 1t may be because we need to change something about ourselves At any rate , 1t 1s important to step back every once 1n a while and consider all the people 1n your life . Some people may bnng happiness and others may i create tension Decide for your7t self who 1s important, but always remember their influence on you
GHS '97
J j
Clockwise from top left: Toby Michael, Brian Wellensiek, Mason Palmer, J iirgen Schlieman David Ellis. Jason Eagleson, Kevin Bilger
• C ! I ud It IJ • .. I • 1D 1 •H d u .. l7U r . t.~ i:1 l 1 :1, d u •11.d u.q .., .. ill a:1t I'-" l C l ••• lu Llid • .r a ~,t 'I, ' p J.r II ti Q. bl p I Q pl• l .t D T .., le.a aa... IS '-1 u • p ,.. t t l,.'1' I c • • .. ... ... "' ,. J • .. ' ,. > • , j} • • _....., .. .. Congratulations GHS Baseball Seniors Good Luck on Your Field of Dreams O H S B as e ball B oo ste rs C lub & Coac h e s
GREAT All Summer [ ., ong Specials ' :~~7 RA DAI JJ., R. 01 .,ss o PHOT(){ ; R \PH\1 17 () 1 w \SH i i\(1 I ()N A\1 h • G<>Ll)L~. c o --·•
I r•• 11 vb I tJJ~ • le M 0 oi:..i t" • f t:l 'l l.i• 'LI •a:.d ..L&.q '""' A <11 1 :lM • t t ••• ,~ 1.ul • :r • ldf &. t p IJl' .. Pa pir, .,, b 1mi l:lg AJ:f tti :.&..: It 'tr D bl p ID pl• 1.;r ,IJ l T h11 L• d i:., :,6f • p .et. 't t 1:,;., 11 I I! For Our Best Friends , Look to the future but never forget the past See you at the crossroads and no matter what , JUST BE! Love , Ke llee and Crystal a a D I 11
In•dex n. 1. An alphabetlcal listing o f name s
Iwith reference to page 1n11m hers. 2. A long list ofnarneswhich are only reallyusefulrightwhen Ithe hook is acquired or 30 years later. 3. Text at I the end ofthe hook that takes up valuable signature space. 4. The l argest fear of any staff mem her on the publicatlons staff.
The index is the so mewhat uns ung hero of the yearbook. Student Life and Sports are usually the mo s t interes ting while the People section gives us a chance to see all of our friends . The Inde x i s the glue with which every section of the book is held together . Want to know where FBLA was cove red , check the inde x. Want to find the sco re to the Homecoming game, check the index . Without the index people would not be ab le to look up their friend s, s ignificant others, or _ enemy's picture (so they can draw horn s
and other nasty things on them!) The index i s the map to th e yearbook, without it people would be searching forever to see how many pages they are on in the yearbook. In the index we can see that we are al l part of the same book; and no matter how many times anyone is quoted or pictured , everyone does their part to be a D e mon s b y D e fini -
ti o n . Matthew Montgomery
] l -,• l> ace S etter Sop h o more L1 zee Hoo g h ee m
tng to increase her po s iti o n Des pite lhe hu ge h ills on th
th e ro ,; Co untry m a naged 10 perform exce ll ently Enn Rozelle
tually a challe nging s port , m ost
arou nd 1n
I'd ~c to see everyone who
fun of c ross cou nty to
ow easy ll 1s." Ph oto co urtesy of the Ve rs aw family
plods along in th e Leadv ill e lnv1tall onal
e Leadville course,
said, "C ro ss Cou nt ry as
people think
just running
all and see
I I IAbbey, Leigh . 130, 224
Abe , Jess ica, 180
Adair, Leslie , 31, 130
Adam , Sarah, 95 , 180
Adame , Kathenne 40 , 180
Adams , BenJamin 200
Adam s, Kelly 160
Adam s, Rhonda , 70
Adam son , Jam es,
Agard , Emmy , 13 , 180
Agard , Kalle , 200
Agee , Edwin 200
Aguilar, Aaron , 200
Akers , Cassandra ,
Aland , Boaz, 56, 180
Alejandro , Mandy , 200
Alemu s, Blair, 200
Allen , Brandon, 74 , 75 , 94 , 180
Allen , Jenmfer, 130
Allen Ru ssell , I60
Alpers Lindsey 71 , 93 180
Andersen , Matthew , 180
Anderson , Dave , 215 , 2 I6
Anderson , Greiory , 82 , 92 , 94 , 127 , 180
Anderson , Jess ica , 17 35, l 05 , 160
Anderson , Kelli , I 05 , 160
Anderson Shannon, 130
Angel , Joshua, 180
Angel , N1 cole , 160
Anglim , Cassie
Aponte , Manely, 200
Arana, Lui s, Arango , Pablo , 130
ArauJo Fabiola, I02
Araujo, Mom ca, I02
Archer , Ali ss a, 160, 177
Armstrong , Bryan , 130
Armstrong , Deni se,
Arndt, Stephen , 116 , 200
Aronowitz , Sta cey , 26 , 27, 43 , 48 , 119 . l 30, 132, 224
Artale , Ryan , 15, 160
Arterburn , Gabnelle , 180
Ash , Jeremiah , 117, 200
Ash, Jordan , 200
Ashby , Damien ,
As plund , Jarert , 180
Asll n, Sandra, 216
Atkin s, Seth,
Atkin son , Kyl e, 130, 224
Atkin son , Scon , 68 , 69 , 180
Au stin , Mindy , 130, 224
Au s tin , Sandy, 70
Baldwin , Craig , 160
Baldwin , Douglas , 123, 180
Baldwin , Jason , 160
Baldwin, Mi chael.
Ball , David 38 39, 200
Ballenger, Shelley ,
Balhnger, Aaron ,
Barbee, Shauna, 160
Barel a, Edward , 13
Barkow, Jason , IO I , 111
Barlow, Spencer , 92 , 127 , 180
Barrett , Aaro n, 78 , 79, 94 , 160
Barrett, Alli son , 114, 200
Barrett, Paul , 82 , 92, 94 , 160
Barthels, Jos hua , 72 , 73, 160
Bartos h, Eri ck, Bartosh, Walter, 52, I80
Bartsch, Carson , 200
Bartsch , John , 103, 131
Baruch, Jus une , 94 , 95 , 180
Baru ch, Nan cy, 103
Baruch , Seaver, 116 , 200
Bates, Jos hua ,
Battaglia, Mary , 216
Bauer, Daniel , 201, 208
Bauer, Danny 92
Bauer, Troy, 50, 51 , 79 , 13 1, 225
Bauman , Samuel , 180
Baumgartner, Penny 180
Baun, Scott , 160
Baurer, Jenmfer, I06 , I07
Bau sc h, Tiffany , 15 , 100, 160 165, 168 , 173 , 177
Beal , Margie , 216
Beard, Elizabeth ,
Becwar, Ryan 180
Becwar, Tome, 116, 119, 131 , 225
Behunin, Naomi , 161
Beitzel , Ian , 131
Bell , Gerald , Bell , Knstin , 180
Bellanu , Kimberly 22, 131 , 225
Bellew, Meli ss a, 22 , 225
Bellis, W1l11am , 13, 20 I
Bemi s, Kn sten , 93, 114, 127 , 181 , 190
Bennett , Clay , 43 , 92 , 201
Bennett, Deborah , 22 , 161
Bennett, Heather, 161
Bennett, Jennifer, 40, 201
Bennett , Jo shua , 201
Benoit, Damel , 181
Benoit , Stephen , 161
Bentley, Amanda, 85 , 181
Bentley, Robert , 161
Berg, Kry s tal , 20 I
Berkman , Anna , 12 , 43 , 77 , 79 , 199, 200, 201
Bernal , Casey , 131 , 225
Bernard , Enn , 93 , 201
Bernard , Michelle , 59, 16 1
Berry, Enn , Berry James , Bettinger, Leslie , 216
Beumer, Brenda, 181
Beumer, Sabnna. 13 1
Btdelman, Heather, Bielak, Cole , 92 , 18 1
Bielak , John , 44 , 85 , 92, 181
B1eniults, Karla, 93 , 201
Blondtn II , Mi chael , 103
Bl use , Chn s topher, 56, 116, 20 I
Blythe, Charl one , 216
Boatman, Gary , 101
Bohks, Jam es, 161
Bohn , Kn s ten , 119 , 131 , 226
Botan , Judy , 216
Bo1an, Judy , 126
Bolan , Heather, 181
Bole) ac k, Charles ,
Bolhg, Ron 216
Bolhnger, James, 92 105, 181
Borden, Joseph , 60, 68 , 116, 122, 20 I
Bonn g. Jess ica , 86 , 181
Borns tein , Ja ckie , 2 16
Bortl es, Wilham , 65 , 161
Bosio, Andrew , 181
Bo sio, Kaue . 106, 111
Bosse, Carla, 161
Bou ck, Chn s tian , 79
Bouley, Bradford , 44 , 78 , 79 , 104 , 105 131 226
Bowling, Braydon . I 8 t ' '
Boyd, Heather, 181
Boyd, Manhew , 40 , 114 , 123, 181
Boyd, Mtchelle, 48 93 , I 61
Boyl es, Morgan , 132, 226
Bradder, David , 132, 226
Bradford, R, 98
Brads by , Dick , 216
Brak.ken , Holhe, I 03, 181 , I90
Brak.ken , Ni cholas , 132, 227
Bran ch, Kendra. 48 , 120, 201
Brdar, Jaime , 181
Brdar, Travi s, 127, 161
Breznehen, Lilian , 102
Bndgeman, Joshua. 79 , 105, 181
Bndges, Nicole , 201 , 208
Bnndle, Kam, , 102, 132 , 227
Bnnain , Jesse , 161
Brodbeck, John,27 , 216
Brodenck, Jason , 132, 227
Brodie, Adam 161
Brookes , Emily , 201
Brooks Anthony, 161
Brooks, Jamie , 15 , I 16, 117 , 128, 132, 140
Brooks, John , 181
Brooks Joshua , 73 , 133
Brooks , Kimberly , 181 , 227
Brooks, Sarah , 181
Brown , Aaron , 60, 113, 119, 120, 161
Brown , Adam , 161
Brown, Fletcher, 6 , 42, 43 , 133
Brown , Jared , 181
Brown , John , 161
Brown, Mickey, 103
Brown, Nichols , 133 227
Brown, Rosean , Brown , Serena, Brown , Timothy, 182
Brown, Wade, 85 , 201
Brown, William , 116
Bruner, Amy,
Brunker, Lee, Brunker, Michael , 161
Bruno, Candace, 99, 182
Bruno, Ross, I 03 , 133 , 161 , 227
Bryan , Shahara.
Babbitt, Juslln , 130, 225
Babcock , Mtsll , 200
Bachman , Megan , 200
Bacon , Breanna, 127, 180
Baer, Richard , 180
Baerren , Jason , 26 , 130, 225
Ba~well , Chn s tma.
Bailey, Ryan , Bam , Levi , 200
Bair, Cra1i , 180
Bair, Tnc1a , I09
Baker, Candice , Baker, Linda , 216
Baker, Trav is, 131
Bakker, Jessica, 40 , 122, 123 , 127, 160
o n s b y ' nition
Biggs, Jeremy , 85
Bilger, Kevin, 9 , 63 , 64, 65 , 101 , 131,226
B1llhorn , Kathenne , 32, 18 1
Bingham, Darren ,
Bird , Danielle, 161
Bishop, Andrew , 201
B1shop, Mi chael , 161
Black, Cry s tal , Black, Ronelle , 60 , 131 , 226
Blackney, Dalyn , 85, 161
Blackney, Jared. 85 , 68 , 181
Blain- Hartung , Nathan , 92, 20 I
Blair, Brandon, I03 , 181
Blair, Colleen, Blondin, Leshe , 93 , 181
Bryant, David. 112
Bryant , Michael , 20 I
Bryson, Jan , 2 16
Buchholz, Andrew, 6 , 119, 133 , 227
Bucholz, Ren , 42 , 43, 114, 123, 120, 126, 127 159
161 , 173 ' '
Buck , Debra , 133 , 227
Buesching, James, BuJnow ski , Mary. 93 , I05, 182
Bujnowski, Thomas , 8, 105 , 161
Bulloc k, Alan ,
Bundy, Al, 268
Bunn, Matthew, 20 I
Bunn , Robert, 161
Burg, Carl, 133, 39
.I C ... l ~ L I :.u~ • l 8J V1i II l l ;i'I cl CJ •UI u.q .,.. • aS t 1 ,II II t Ii: t ••• l LM1 'r • u tf !no t p IJ:r 11 • S r. DJ kA Lia l :S Aff ,d tt Ii< • ti D b l p I D p l • a ;r " Iii}' Lt• GL. cl "' .. , p ,. "' " t l cl
99 118 119
130 223 224
, Sta cy, 36 ,
251 ' ' '
Bu rg, Caro lyn, 133. 55
Burke.Edward. 12,40,43.98, 112, 114, 127, 182
Burke, Jamie, I 10
Burk ett, Brenda, 216
Burk el!, James. 12. 40, 65. 162
Burkh alter, Ri chard , 47,
Burn ell Meaghan, 35, 158. 162
Bums, Bnanne, 86, 87, 133
Burton, John , 127
Bu tcher, Kam e.
Butcher, Kenn eth, Bu tler, Chad. 182
Bull er. Courtn ey, Byrd, Ru sse ll , 53, 182
Byrne, Dick , 217 Kevin, 55, 183 . Trenton. 92 . 202
Cltn e, Melissa. 48 , 106, 134
Coakley, Clinton, 162, 168
Coalman, Jo. 162
Coccia, Bethany, 18 3
Coc kl e, Carolyn, 40 , 114 , 202
Coggin, Dani el, Colby, J11l , 216
Co lli gan. Kathenne. 6. 11 , 48 , 123. 183
Colhgan, Kelli , 99
Col lin s, Casey, I62
Colhns, Lynda, 134
Colhns, Ronald , I62
Colvin, Lindsay, 202
Commons, Bobbi, 162
Compton, Man, Condron, Brand on, 162
Connelly. Ce les te, 55, 202
Connelly, Crys tal, Connelly, Rosena, 116 162
Daniel, Susan, 123. 163
Danieb,A lan,92.98, 114,115, 183
Daniels, Emi ly, 52, 203
Darland , Kathann e, 203
Darlin gton, Andrew, 45. 120. 135, 140
Da vies, Meghan, 183
Davis. Amber, 60
Davis, Candace,
Davis, Cecelia, 217
Dav,,, Jenni fe r, 135
Davis, Sean, 92. 183
Davison. Tara, 163
DebaeL°', Matth ew, 2, 183
De Berry,Ly nn , 48. 119,128,135
Deboer. Ja e!-, 162
Deboer, Lee, 203
Deboer. Niles, 183
Delatorre, John, 60. I35, I63
Demaltens, David 44 , I27, 135
Deming, Chnstme, 203
Denner, Kell y. I I0
Denson.Joshua, 163
Depue, Heathe r, 203
Cai n Renee, 124, 125, 182
Cal dwell , Bnan 182
Caldwell , Soma, 40 , 20 I
Caltgiun, Margo, 20 1
Call ahan , Jeffrey
Cameron, Jaso n, Campbe ll , Jacob , 85, 162
Canales, Karen , 182
Capello She n . 2
Cap pa, Anthony , 201
Cappell o, Chns topher, 92. 116, 200, 20 1
Cappell o, Mi chael, 12, 92, 182
Cap pell o, Tom , 104, 187
Cardoso, Alexander, 201
Carlson. Amy, 8, I05, 121, 182
Carlson. Enc , 44, 162
Carlson, Margaret. 162
Camey , Ambe r, 70, 71, 102, 119, 127, 162
Camey , So ma. 48 , 70, 71. 127, 182
Camilo, Jam es, 202
Carty, Andrea, 133
Carver , Kathy, 33, 79, 182
Carve r, Rache l, 133
Casc io , Joseph , 75, 78, 79, 105 , 114. 128, 132 , 133
Casino, Farin , 202
Castleberry , Eli zabeth, Cavanaug h, Mic hell e, 202
Cecil , Thom as, 40 , 123 , 202
Chaffee, Lauren , 202
Chamberlin , Jonathan , 182
Chappell , Dan,ell e, 3 l , 78, I05, 116, I 19, 162
Chappell , Jason, 15, 43, 68 , 69 , 119, 133 ,228
Chase , Shoshana, 182, 195
Chavez, Melanie ,
Cheney, Cheryl , 182
Cheney, Kell y, 133
Chi lcoat, Eli zabeth, 111
Childe rs ton, Robert , 64 , 65 , 162, 173 , 177
Chi sholm , Brend an, 43 I05, 183 , 187, 190
Chism, Stacey, Choruzy, Mike y, 202
Chnstensen , Co nn ey, 183
Chnstensen , Leut, a, 119 , 134 ,228
Chn sten se n, Ryan, Church, Nathan , 12 , 40 , 97 , 114, 115 . 134, 137, 223, 228
Churches , Ambe r, 58, 67. 134 228
Cieslar, Heidt , 48, 123, 119, 162
Cifem, Tan ya. 134
Cisneros , Nt cole , 202
Clark , Cathenne, 16, 18 , 19 35, 47 , 48, 125, 134. 228, 251
Clark , Jenny , 183
Clark , Joan , 217
Clark , Kathl ee n, 40, 127 , 134 , 225. 228, 230
Clark, Kevin , 92
Clements , Crystal 162
Clements, Marl aina , 48 , 134
Cleme nts, Shane, 202
Cle ments, Shawn,
Connelly, Serene, 114 . 202
Conner, Bobb,. 183
Conner, Lanssa, 202
Conner, Marcus, Conno lly . Maegen, 34, 36, 66, 67, 159, 162, 168. 173
Conroy, As hl ey, 183
Conway, Sean, 202
Coo k, Amber, 93
Cook. Eileen , 33, 122, 123
Coo k, Eileen , 217
Cookson, Ni chol~. 159 162
Coonan, Andrew, 74, 75, 103, 116, 162
Coonan, Sarah, 4, I02, 134
Cooper, Aranda, 160
Cooper, Debbie, 127
Cooper, Kaue 43, 66, 67, l 05, 112, 162
Cooper, Kelley , 105
Cooper, Debby , 216
Corbin, Charles, 68, 94, I05, 183
Cordoso, Alex , 85, 40
Cordova, Cand ice, 40, 183
Cordova, SonJa, 202
Connac k, Jeffrey, 162
Come ly, Chuck, 104 , 105
Come ly, Krystal, Correa le, Bin1 c10.
Co ughlin , Conor, 202
Co un cilman , Marsha, 86, 202
Coven, Jon , 92
Cox, Joseph , 202
Cra1g, Ashley, 134
Craig, Crysta l, 29, 67, 94, 104 , 105, 127, 183
Craig. S han e, 183
Croc k, Jesse, 92, 202
Crouch, Carolyn, 70
Crowde r-Ja ckson, Al ex is, 162
Crowe, Meli ssa. 183
Cubbon John, 202
Cubbo n, Sarah, 183
Cullum, Adnenne , 93, 183
Cu mmin gs, Chn s, 41 , 134
Curran , Mary, 47, 48, 49 , 135, 222. 230
Curtis, Matthew, 85, 92, 202
Curt is, Stephen, 135
Cusac k, Kyle, 140
Custer, Charles. 162
Cu tter, Caro l, 127, 135, 230
De,marteau, Jeffrey, 40. 203
Dewolfe, Bryan, 43. 116, I35. 230
Dewys. Jacqueline, 203
Dt C1anno , Chn s11na 22, 40, 135, 230
D1 etench III. Roger. 203
D1G1 0s 10, Al an, 94
Dilworth, Genevieve, 40 163
Dtmtt. Tom. 8, I I, 43, 216
Dinges. Jennifer, 135, 156, 230
Dinkel, Kyl e, 203
Disbrow. Jess ica,
D111b renner. Andrea, 54, 81. 86. 163, 105
Dittbrenn e r. Casandra. 86, 95, 203
Dittbrenner , Danell. I04. I05
D1 vinsk1 , Geronna, 18 3
Dix on Cand ice,
D1imang , Nicho las, 183
Doffin g. Dougl as, 163
Doherty,Rebecca,40, 119,135,230
Dokter. Josh ua 184
Domanus, Donald, 68. 184
Domanus, Mi chael
Domgaard, Damel , 203
Donnell y, Matt, I03
Dom. Chnstine,
Dorsc h, Mary. 136, 230, 23 1
Dou glas, Luke, 184
Dovey, Samanth a, 77, 203
Dovey, Se rena , I02, 11 I
Dovey, T iffany, 77, I I8, 119, 163
Dra gul , Adam 114 , 184
Dragul, Bec ca, 42 , 43, 116, I36, 137, 223
Dratch, Joshua , 85, 92, 203
Dn ver, Rh eannon, 40 , 203
Dufty , Dani elle, 203
Duggan , Chns top her, 127, 184
Dun can Jr, Frank, 203
Duran , Mi chae l,
Duran Keen, Mi chae l, 163
Durham , Cody, 203
Dusdal , J us tin , 203
Du se nbury , Peter, 43, 92, 94, 203
Du se nbury , Rena, 26. 1I9, 11 3, l 36. 23 1, 25 1
Du ster, Th omas, 10, 11 , 27, 64. 65, I05, 136, 23 1. 251
Dw1ggms, He1d1 , 93, 95, 203
Dyffryn , Johnathan , 92, 203
Da ce k, Jos hu a, 183
Dady, Timothy, 11 7, 18 3
Dale, Andrew , 92 , 183
Dalge 11y, Jos hua , 163
Dane k, Bradl ey, 203
Danie l, Amber, 40 , 114 , 203
Eaga n, Roy, 184
Eagl eson, Jaso n, 65, 82, 83, IO I, 136
Eagleson, Ni ck, 55, 184 , 190
Eagleton Du son , Eagle ton, John , 52
Ebe rh art, \V end,, 16, 40 , 41 , 47, 48, 125, 136
Echevema, Rhi an non,
I n ' d eks ' 259
Eddy , Chn stopher , 65 , 11 7, 136
Edenfield , Leah , 47, 93, 184
Edmonston , Shenda, 136
Edson Sco1 , 41
Edso n, Sco1, 217
Edson Scot , 40
Edward s, Anth ony , 16, 163
Edward s, Enka , 86, 163
Edwards , Judy , 21 7
Ehresman , Shandy, 184
Eilers , Terry , 9, 26 , 136, 23 I
Ein s pahr Manh ew, 203
Ein s pahr, Moni ca, 23, 136 , 23 1
Ekberg , Ela me , 86, 87. 204
Ekberg , Laura , 79 , 80, 81, 99 , 119, 163
Ekstrom , Jon 136
Ekstrom , Jonathan , 204
Elder, Beth , l 10
Elgin , Jenn1fer, 70, 93, I63, I 68
Elli s, David , IO I , 136
Elmblad , Travis , 204
Emanuel , Eli sabeth , 204
Emmon s, Teresa , 15 , 39, 163
England Jr, Larry ,
Erbaugh , Adam . 184
Erganbn ght , Jill , 29 , 99 , 184
Erhart , Jeremy , 204
Erhman , Brooke, 2 17
Enckson , Enca, 184
Erpelding , Andrea , I09
Erwin , Sarah, 163
Estes, Marlena , 163
Estrella , Summer, 136 , 231
Evan s, Amanda, Evan s, Apnl , l 84
Evan s, Ju st1n ,
Everhart, Stephanie,
Flores , Alejandro , 2, 15, 42 , 43 , 98 , 119 I37, I 56, 232
Folle , Brian , 92 , 184
Fon seca, Sophia, Ford , Chn sllna , 43, 184
Fo re!, En c, 138, 232
Ford Stefan1e , Forsythe , Jess ica, Forte, Liana , 164
Foster, Ab1ga1l , 40 , 184
Foster , Andree , 48 , 127 , 164
Foster, Holley, 11. 89, 97 , 112, 116, 138, 214 , 232
Foster, Rebekah , 164
Fox, Peter, Franklin , Shannon , 164
Franklin , Travi s, I64
Fraser, Jason , 6, 204
Fredenck, Tiffany , 48 I84
Fredn ckson, Bradley,
Freier , Am, , 138 232
Freier , He1d1 , 40 , 164
Fre1mann , Jill , 217
Frog , Kermit , 268
Fro st. Heather, 204
Frost, Matthew, 23 , 44 , 78 , 79 , 97 , 98 , 105 , 114, 119 ,
123, 138
Frost. Mi chael D., 78, 79 , 105, 120, 126 , 164
Fro st, Mi chael H., 74 , 75 , 101 , 164, 176
Fro st, Ryan , 92 , I84
Frost, Steven, 65 , l 05 , 164
Fry , Meli ss a, l 6, 35 , 125 , 164
Fuentes , Andy , 99
Fuller , Jesse , 164
Fuller , Jessica , I64
Fulton , Robert, 164
Furlong , Raymond , 184
Furtak, Mark , 204
Fu sh1m1 , Tonya , 184
Graf, Patrick , 185
Graham , Ju stin , Granquist, Emily , 185
Grantham , Tiffany, 185
Gray, Andrea, 205
Gray , Autumn , 32, 129, 165
Gray , Jessica, Gray, Summer, 127, 165
Greeley, Penny , 99 , 224
Greeley, Penny, 77
Gregory, Jason , 92 , I85
Gness , Nicholas , 185
Gnffin , Claire, 165
Gnms , Conrad , Groenhof, Jason ,
Groenhof, Melissa , 138
Guldan , Kadrtan , 138, 233
Gunn , Charla, 217
Gupta, Neeraj, 185
Guthrie , Eli , Guthrie, Enc , Guthrie , Matthew, 185
Haag , Bradley, 205
Hagberg. Danielle, 165
Hagberg , DJ , 1I0
Hagberg , Enn , 205
Hagelberg , Mark , 31. 61 , 92,205
Hahn , Bruce, 217
Hale , Jayne, 34, 48 , 106, 125, 138, 233
Hall , Courmey , 93 205
Hall , Cyrus, 60, 165, I76
Hall , Jason , 101
Hall, Jeremy , 85 , 103 , 92 , 185
Hall , Joshua, 165
Hall , Ross ,
Hamblin , Chnstopher, 85 , 165
Hamersley, Clmt ,
Fa~erburg , Kelly, 40, 184
Fairweather, Mark , 79 , 204
Falco , Roxanne, 204 , 208
Falkenthal , Lynn , 204
Fan c1ulli , Kevin , 117, 184
Fanelli , Geronna , 93
Fanta, Thomas , Farley , Ryan , 136, 232
Fay, Anne , 42 , 43 , 116 , 119,129 , 163, 177 ,
Fellows, Marlon , 204
Feller, Lindsey, 204
Femmer, Amber , 39 , 137
Fendley , Carne, 184
Fergu son, Nicole , 184
Fergu son , William , 204
Ferrel , Moni ca, 204
Feth , David , 41, 43 , 48 , 73, 119, 163
Fiedler, Andy, 204
Fine , Meli ss a, 77
Fine, Landon , 98
Finellt , Ron , 217
Fink , En c, 85 , 163
Fink , Jennifer, 99 , 137, 232
Fink , Stephanie, 79 , 204
Fink , Todd , 116
Fink , Todd, 217
Finney , Keitha , 163
Fi s her, Bu ckner, 137
Fi sher, Daniel , 58, 163
Fi s her, K1rstm , 16, 116, 11 9, 125 , 137,222, 232
Fi s her, Stephanie, 204 , 59
Fisk , Amber , I 63
Fi sk, Stephen , 137
Fitzgerald , Elaine , 33 , 214
Fi tzgerald , Elaine , 217
Fitzgerald , Jo shua , 114
F1tzpatn ck, Lauren , 40 , 127 , 164
Fleury , Ju stin , 53 , 204
Fleury, Travi s, 164
Gables , Kelly, 164
Gair , Chnsten, 99
Gale Alyssa , 114, 185
Gamarra, Carlos , 164
Gamble , Ryan , 185
Gambian , Zachary, 40 , 44, I85
Garcia , Tnna, 40, 93, 204 , 208
Gardner, Sx.lv1a. 115 , 159, 164
Garrard, B1lly, 185
Garrett, J., 65
Gasbarra. Laura , 164
Gasper, Daniel , 40, 114, 119, I64
Gasper, Dav1d, 204
Gaudette , Molly, 217
Gau le, S h1lah , 40, 105 , 119, 164
Gee , Bnan, 59, 204
Geenen , Benedi kt , 92 , 164
Gem, , Renee, 43, 114 , 119, 126, 164
Gerwmg , Sabnna, 185
Gibson, Seth, 92 , 204, 208
Gibson, Tyre) , 117, 164
G1ddeon , Kimberly , 39, 119, 138, 233, 251
G1ell1s , Jeannie , 2 17
Gil , Anissa , 165
Gill , Tiffany , 2, 39, I65
G1ura , Bianca,
Glasmann , Breeanne, 138, 233
Gleaton, Chad, 92, 205
Glesser, Eric, 185
Glocle , That che r, 205
Goble, Jacob, 65, 123, 138
Goble , Nicole, 205
Go ld stein, Jordyn, 185
Golos , Kyle , 185
Gonzales , Man sa, 185
Gores, Li sa, 138, 233
Gouak, Laura, 165
Gould , BenJam rn , 92 , I l 4, 123, 119, 126, 165
Gowey , Mi chae l, 205
Hamm , Matthew ,
Hamm , Tracy , 13, 165
Hammock , D, I05
Hampl eman , Bna, 17, 35 , 48 , I 12 , 125, 138,223 , 233, 251
Hampson , Katherine , 165
Hankins , Elsie , 13, 165
Hannemann , Troy, 48 , 74 , 75 , 119, I65
Hannemann, Vanessa, 14 , 48 , 89, 119, 126, 165
Han sen , Russell , 40 , 166
Hanson , Dustin , Hardin , Lindsay , 185
Harold , l.eth, 85, 139
Harrin gton, Mi chael , 97 , 112, 139
Harri s, Barbara ,
Harri s, Barbara, 2 17
Harri s, Clarisa, 205
Harri s, Rourke. 205
Harri s, Tom, 185
Hart , Beth , 26
Harvey, Jamie , 76 , 77, 98 , 116, 139, 233
Haschke, Daniel , 94 , 205
Haschke , Mi chael, 94, 185
Hassett , Cara, 40. 205
Hassey, Christy, 139
Hastings , Erin, 94, 166
Hatcher, Daisy, 205
Haughey, Krystal , Hauser, Jeff, 217
Haverk amp, Gene, 53, 139, 251
Hawes, Abbey, 56, 11 7, 205
Hayes, Bob, 27, 65
Hay es, Bob, 2 17
Hayes, Mat thew, 185
Hayes, Tracy, Hay nes , Colin , 53, 205
Hays , Geoffrey, 127 , 139
Hed iger, Patric k, 185
Heffelfi nger, Karl a, 15, 166
.. I ud t ll it l: Q t t ••• 11:a..1 .r • uf1' Clio I p IU.r . ,I pfc. n:r l U.g •H ,d d; :....: t• n bl I" GIil ph, a:r ,ll t 't 1 d ,a • ' I
by nition
,. 1t~\·
t ijk , nrr(>,
Heid , Kaycee, 93, 205
Heil , Crystal , 114 , 205
Heinz, James , 166
Hende rson, Jamie, 93 , 95 , 205
Hende rson, J ason,
Hende rson, Levi , 92, 166
Hendrix, Jacob, 92, 166
Hendnx , Robert, 205
Herbert, Bradley, 127, 166
Herbert, Sarah, 205
Hergenret er, Stan , 217
Hernande z, Bryon, 205
Hernd on, Kell y, 185
Herzog, Shara, 185
Hesselgesser, Gregory, Heywood , Tracy, 95, I03, 186
Heywood , Wendy ,99
Hi ckey, Chnstopher, 186
Hickman. Bryan , 200
Hickman , Chnstopher, 4, 48 , I07 , 125, 186
Hi ckman , James, 47 , 205
H1ckmanJr, Stephen, 18,34 , 41 ,48. 107 , 125 , 139
H1en z, Julie, 111
Hi gg ins, Brett. 186
H1gh ,Shann on,67,80,8 I
High,S hann on,217
Hille , Kendra, 206
Hill en, Wilham, 43 , 50, 92, 206
Hin ds, Ray , 206
Hinds , Robert, 166
Hinkle , Aaron, 92 , 166
Hinkle , Nathan, 139
Hippenstee l, Joe , 52, 139
Ho, Jacques , 120, 166
Hoage, Kathenne, Hoage.Leean n, 186
Hoba ck, Lindsay, 41 , 186
Hoback Tracy, 16, 26 , 27,35 ,3 6, 116 139, 233, 234
Hobso n, Steven, 37, 139
Hodso n, Layne, 139
Hod so n, Melarue , 186
Hoff, Jenrufer, 117,206
Hoffert , Wesley , 79, 186
Hoffman , Jeffrey , 186
Hoffman , Ryan , 166
Hogan , Kelly, 9, 93 , 205
Holley , Aimee , 29, 186
Hol singer, Carmen , 58, 160, 166
Hol smger, 166
Hol so r, Steve, 140
Hoogheem , Aimee , 27 36, 77, 79, I04 , I05 , l I 8, 119
140, 234 '
Hoogheem , Elizabeth, 77 , 79, I05 , 186, 256
Hooks , Jeram1a, 166 Hopkins, Jess ica, I06 , IITT
Hopkinson , Branden , 186
Hopkin so n, Kn stina , 85 , 61 , 93 , 206
Hoppin , Jonathan, 98, 140, 234
Hoppin, Tim othy 43 , 98 , 114, J 15, 186
Hornecker, Brooke, 51 , 70, 186
Hornecker, Mark , 73, IOI , 218
Horni ck, Jo nathan , 140
Horst, John , 43, 2 15
Horst , John , 218
Horvat, En c, 50, 75 , 82 , 83, IOI
Horvat, Jayna , 99 , 108
Hotsen piller, Jeremy, 65 , 140, 234
Hotsen piller, Jos hua , 166
Howard , Mark , 206
Howell , Jessica, 166
Howes , Barbara, 2 I8
Hudson , Nico le, 166
Hudso n, Paul , 126, 166 , 176
Hueman , Lesley , 38, 39, 114, 116, 166
Huff, Becky, 218
Hutchi so n, Chnstma , 26, 27, 88, 140, 234
Hutchi so n, Jenn1fer, 141
Huyler, David , 186
Iago, Hamlet, 268
ll ges, Albert , 132, 141
ll ges, Jos hu a, 206
Isaac, Tig1 st1, 186
Ise nberger, Bnttan y, 103 Iversen , Di ck, 218 Jac kman Jay, 166 Jackson. Chad, Jackson, J ohn, Jacobs, Rebekah,30,32. 186
Jam es, David , 166
Jam es, Elhot , 166
Jami so n, Bne, 93 , 11 6, 186
Jani sch, Danielle, Jani sh, Joshua 85
Jeffreys, Chn stopher, 166
Jeffreys, Megan, 206
Je ffreys, Tra vis, 51, 206
Jenkin s, Keith , 186
Jennin gs, Robin, 114
Jhun g. Kyungun , 126,186
Johan se n, Jacqueline , 166
Joh nso n, Amber , 28, 39, I67
Johnso n, Casey, 167
John so n, Chri stopher, 60 , I67
Johnso n, Chnstoph er W, 3, 98 , 114, 119, 159 167 176, ' '
Johnso n, Da vid , 98,141,234 Johnson. Jam es. 186
Johnson, Jennifer, Johnson. Jos hu a. 206
Johnson, Kn st m, 81 , 105 , 119, 167
John so n. Leandra, 186
Johnso n, Meh ssa, 40 , 114, 206
Johnso n, Mind ell , 3, 40 , 114, 122, 123, I67
John so n, Nicholas, 116, 117 167
John so n.S andra , 14 ,58, 167 Johnso n, Stephanie, 167
John so n, Steph ani e, 141 , 235
John ston, Mary, I03, 186, 190 Johnston Sandra.
Joiner , Vanessa, 48 , 86, l 05 , 197
Jones, Eli ss a, 167
Jones,Evan , 68 , 187 Jones, Feli ca, 110 Jones, Heather, 187
Jones, Kerry, 77, 167 Jones, Li sa, Jones, Me li ssa, 141 Jones, Rebecca, 141 , 235 Jones, Samuel 141 Jones, Sean, Jones Jr , Matthew , 45, 52, 206 Jordan , Dax , 206
Jouett, Joan, 2 18 Jowers , Cedar, 206 Jun gfe nnan , Alexander 206 Jun gfennan , Ni cho las, Kampf, Sarah, 206 Kann s, Kayla , 97
Karpoff, Gregory , 141
Kas per, Kelly , 40 , 206
Kas tennan , Zach , 40 Katsu ra, Sasha, 84 , 85 ,
Katze nberger, Ji ll, 102
Kay, Roxanne, 99
Keaun g, Meredi th , 77, 99, 141 , 224, 235
Keen, Amand a, 206
Kee n, Mi cheal , 85, 126
Keeney, Jon ath on, 167
Keeney, Juh a, 11 6, 187
Keeton, Nathan , 187
Keil , Michael, I67
Kell enbenz, John , 218
Kell er, Amber, 14 1, 235
Kelley, 8111 , 2 18
Kelley. Ca lvin, 82, 83, 167, I68
Kelley, James, I0, 85, 141 , 235
Kelley. Luke , 187
Kelley , Mi chae l, 93, I05, I87
Kell y, Ka ci, 141 , 156, 235
Kel so, Anna , 7, 28. 141 , 235
Keml er, Jeffrey , 40, 167
Ke mler , Scott, 52, 199, 206
Kempt er, Joseph , 48 , 187
Kendell , Joel , 167
Kend ell . Sarah, 86, 87, 14 1, 236
Kennedy , Con, 206
Kent , Kn stop her, 187. 195
Kenton , Clayton, Kenw orthy , Nora, 40, 114
Kephart ,Leean ne,38,39, 187
Kessel er, Diane , 2 I8
Kessell , Crystal, 117,206
Kess ler, Diane , 125
Kes tenbaurn , R • 2 18
Ketchum Mik e, 206
Ki lborn, Leslie, 2 18
Kilbourne, Jessica,
Kin g, David , 167
King, Jared , 98
Kin g, Jose ph , 206
King , Julia, 77
King, Meli ssa, 31. 116, 144,236
King Ryan, 114 , 187
Kin gho rn BenJ amin, 187
Kin nan, Cynthia , 114, 123, 127, 187
K1phardt , Ki rs tin 99
K1 sova, Gabne lla , 144
Kl em, Ann a, 77
Kleine1der , Mi chelle , 4, 26, 144 ,223.25 1
Kl ein e1der, Stephan ie. 187, 236
Klu g, John,218
Klu g- Wesse ll . Tia , 78, 79. 114,207
Km apf, Sarah, 93
Kn eppe r, Nathan , 144
Kn oll , Ch ns, I03
Knox , Abbey , 43, 67,9 4, 100,187
Kn ox, Joshua, 195
Koc h, Amberlee , 207
Koc hevar, Jamie, 187
Koc hi s, Chery l, 218
Koe I, Ke vin, 106
Kohn , David, 3 1, 94, 188
Konegn1,A nn e,43,94,99, 117 , 187, 188
Kostennan , Za chary, 144
Kotsura , Alexander
Kotsura, Sas ha, 92, 188
Kowal ski , BenJarnm , 114, 127, 188
Kramer, Julie, 2 18
Krau s, Aly ssa, 119 , 137, 144
Krau s, Elaina , 48 , 188
Krone .S hana , 144
Krt1m ch, Darcy, 93, 167
Kru eger, Kyle, 51
Krzy stek , Ursula , 2 18
Kunt er, Hed y, 39, 144 , 236
Kun z, Anelle, 207
Kun z, Coralie, 93, 188
Kun ze, Judith , 22, 3 1 36, 77, 144, 237, 251
Kurtub1 , Rock y, 167
Ku sy , Ginny , 35, 167, 168
Kyle, En c,
In ' d e k s ' 26 t
Lundhagen, Chn s, 145
Lu sk Lindsey. 116, 145, 237
Lyn ch Kera , 168
Lynn Ro bert, 189
Mc Kamey , Tia , McKee Jam es, 114, 208
McMurtry , Jam es. 53
McPhail Anthony, 189 , 190
McPhate Jr Robert ,
McReyn olds, Dem ck, 215
Labella , Andrea, Labrum , Jo shua 167
Lacey , Amy, 33, 188 ,2 14
Lahey , Ni cholas , 10, 65 , 167
Laird , En c, Laman , Scott, I 03, 188
Lampson , Al exa nder, 29, 188
Landers , Jaso n, 179, 188
Land s1uel , Ka cy, Lanford , Dani el, Lang . Chn sty . 207
Lang , Robin , 167
Lan gs ted , Evan , 94 , 188
Lanterman , Andrea 54 114, 144
Larson Burk e, 144 237,25 1
Larson Matthew , 116 , 119, 165, 167
ILatham , Chnt , Lauwers , Mark 40 , 98 , I65, J 68
Lauw ers . Can ssa, 98
Law , Johsa, 207
Lawson It , Roger, I88
Layman , Han s, 207
Layt on, Enka 188
Leake y. James, 44 , 168
Lee , Daniel , 32, 188
Lee , Gayeo n, 207
Lee, Kenn eth , 144 237
Lee , Matthew , I88
Lee , Mi chelle , 40 , 145
Lefever, ha, I88
Lefevre.. David , 168
Lefevre , Kenneth ,
Le1d1 ch, Cel es te , I 00 , 114 , 168
Le1d1 ch, Kan , 145 237
Lemmerman , M1chelle , 168
Leonard , Ru ssell , 168
Levitt , Joshua 14, 168
Lewakowsk1 Ni chol as, Lewi s. Brentley, Lewi s, Jaso n. 188
Leyendecker, Ethan , 188
Ley shon , Jason , 60, 168
Lmd , Paul, 92, 207
Lindberg Ashlie , 188
Lindberg , Cameron , 168
Lind sa y, Charlotte, 2 18
Linenberger, Jonah , 188
Lin scott , Derek , 92 , 207
Lm senb1gler, Jaime , 86, 77, 207
Lm senb1gler , Scott, 6, I 0 3, l I 6, 145
L1p stem , Andrea , 13, 16, 114 , 124 127, 188, 195
Lo , James , 97
Lockley , Peter , 36, 120, 145
Logan Bnan , 12, 92 , 116, 207
Logan Sara, 77 , 168
Lohan, Man 11 , I 03 , 145
Long , Andrew , 39, I 16, 11 7, 145
Long , Anna , 32, 114
Long , Chanty , 70 , 168
Long Cody , 168
Long , Jason , 92 , 188
Look , Kirsten , 188
Lopez Joseph , 188
Lopez , Nicole
Loretto , Bryan ,
Loseman Enk , 82, 83. 103 , 14 5
Love , Shirlene, 207
Low , Jonathan , I 3, 207
Low , N1cholas . 112 , 168
Lowther, Manssa, 114, 207
Loyd , Man 65 , 101
Loyd , Matt , 218
Luca s, Ryan , 110
Lu cas , Su san , 9, 89 , 168
Ludwig , Robbie ,
Luedtke , Thomas , 122 , 123 , l 89
LuJan , Alt sha, I68
Ma Tn , 189
Maas. Brenn a, 207
Ma ckey, Enn , 100, 145,237
Maharas , Lynn , 43,70.7 1, 114
23 8
Mah onee Tenaya, 40 , 93. 127, 169
Mahoney , B1ll y, Maier, Cora. 39
Maley , Andrew, 92 , 207
Malh otra. An1sha , 207
Malh otra , Ru ch, 145
Malkmu s. Nikolas, 5, 12 3, 116, 146, 238
Malon ey, Lon , 13, 40. 207
Maltempo Marcu s, 48 , 106, 169 125
Malte mpo , Russell , 56 75, 207
Mantilla , Mi chell e, 114
Marceca Lmda , 2 19
Marchand , Alex1 ss,
Marcum Kimberly 169
Maren , Chn stme 43. 119 169
Marko vch1 ck, Nadia , 43, 77. 79, 199 , 207
Marquardt Shane , 16 , 17, 18 , 19. 34 , 48 , 124, 125, 146
Marquez , Jeff, 169
Marsh , Mindi , Marshall , Tyler, 207
Marston , Chn stopher, 189
Martm , Adam , 44 , 189
Martm , Andrew ,
Martm , Candyce , I 17, 207
Martin , Daniel , 146
Martin , Kyle, l l 7, 207
Manm , Mi chael , 208
Marun , Ross, 43. 94 , 189
Marttn , Sean, 208
Martine z. Cannen , Martinez., Domm1c , 208
Martinez, Hope , 117 . 208
Martine z, Jennifer, 169
Martinez, Ltnda , 189
Martme z, Sergio,
Mart onov1 ch, Josef, 219
Martonov1 ch, Noel , 219
Martyn ow Ashley ,
Mason , Enk , 208
Mataya, Nathan , 111
Mataya , Taleah , 67, 80, 81 , 99 , 112, 189
Matthews, Jeremy , 85, 52, 199. 208
Mattox , Laurey , 13, 55 , 146
Matzke, Kevm , 208
Matzke, Sean , 146
Mau ghan , Enn ,
Maughan , Katnna , 51, 208
Maupin , Audra , 189
Maupin , Matthew , 169
Maupin Pat , Maupin , Pat , 216
May , Andrea , 200
Mc Guane Sarah, 103, 110
McBroom , Derek , 208
McCallum, R , 65
McCallum , Ryan , 169
McCauley Brid get , 9, 14 , 169
McCollum, Michelle, 169
McCue , Brennan, 40, 123, 208
McDan iel , Kelly , 3, 32, 86, I 69
McDan1el s, Ja cob , 8, 57 , 11 6, 14 6
McDermott , Mary , 197
McGaffey , William , 146
McG ill , Jarod 208
McGinm s, Joe , 218
McGowan , Mau reen, 218
McReyn olds , Renee , 169
McTeer Jamie, 94 , 169
Meagher , Ashley , 40 , 77. I 16, 179, 189
Mech , Casey 189
Med ma , Chn stopher, I 17. 208
Medrano Adam , 169
Meed , Kathenne , Melm ck, Jason , 189
Menapa ce, Daniel le , 4_0 , 169
Meyer, Eryn , 56, 169
Meyers , Kau , 169
Mi chael , Payton, 146
Mt cke , Kevin , 40 , 92 , 189
M1 cke , Sharon, I08
Mnller, Angela 189
Miller, Adam , 169
Miller , Came , 189
M1ller Casey 14 , 169
Miller, Chad , 169
Miller , Chri stian , 92 , 189
Miller, Danielle, 179
Miller , Jana, 95 , 189
M1ller, Jeannie 107
Miller, Lmda , 219
Miller , M1nnda, 208
Mill s, Karen , 168, 169
Mill s, Kathryn , 169
Milner, Lauren , 16, I8, 19, 169
Mi sra Anu ska, 122, 123 , 170
Mi sra, R1sh1 , 170
Mod1z, Amanda , 93 , 95 , 208
Moench , Tabatha, 170, 177
Moles , Joshua, 11 , 36, 65 83, 112, 146, 238
Mon ckton , Michael , 9, 10, 65 . 146
Monson , Geoffrey
Montanez, Dom1mc , 92. 208
Montesano , Angela,
Montgomery , Kathryn , 219
Montgomery , Matthew , 38, 39, 60 108 , 123 , 116, 119, 146, 238
Mooney , Peter, 72 , 73 , 146
Moore , Andrew , Moore , Desiree , 198, 209
Moore , Fermma 39 , 120 , 147 , 238
Moore , Matthew , 189
Moore.Richard , 11,65, 170
Moreno . Chnstina , 170
Morgan , Fawna, 85 , 209
Morgan , Ryan , 147 , 239
Morgan , Scott , 9, 17, 19, 37 , 47 , 48 , 106, 114 , 127 , 189, 197
Morrell-Shoene, Heather, 3, 170
Momson , Chnstopher, 147
Mom son , Matth ew , 92 209
Moseley , Jean , 209
Mosher, Andrew , 209
Moss , Kelh , 189
Mossberge r, Sarah , 189
Motes, Lavena , 170
Mouse , Mickey , 268
Mudd Corey, 170
Mudd , Doug , 92
Mulv1h ill , Beth any , 88, 116, 126, 147, 239
Murd ock, Joe , 219
Murd ock , Kaela, I04 , 105
Murfin , Matthew , 178
Murph y, Brian , 23 , 32, 67, 147
Murph y, David ,
Myers , Adam , 92 , 94. 209
Myers , Ashley , 4, 12, 147, 239
Myers , Jaso n, 82, 64, 65, 10 I, 119 , 170
Myers Jesse, 3, 147, 239
Myers , Meli ssa. 147, 239
Myers , Roger, 219
Myers, Tra cy, 147
"' r•• 11 uil a tui I GJ 11'1 k: • ,pJ J I - t.l .lJ ilff1 ..t tJ ..-r • '.11:.4 t:i l 11• 4 i:.i r.lid J.llQ ll>C"<I • • u a~t .z 11)111 l 2' l ••• 111:AI 1.Ld r 1 :lg AFf id tJi vi:.:, 11 0 bl p I D pl• .a .r :.., • p tA t i t 1 ., .d
262 ns by
, 119 ,
119, 126, 137. 145
, Mi chael , 103. 114 116
Nannie , Josep h, 189
Narans , Chi neane, 48, 49 , 190
Nassau , Kash1, 116, 117. 209
Nation s, Sandy, 219
Nation s, Sandy, 118, I 19
Nee , Bill, 55, 75, 97, 98. 147,239,240
Nee, Spencer, 98, 114, I 17 , 120, 190
Needham , Ju stJn , 68, 119, 147 240
Negn , Gabrie l, 48 , 147 '
Neils , Robin , 70
Nelson, Angelo , 190
Nelson, Gina, I05
Nel so n, Janet, 148
Nel son, Joe l, 15. 65. 83, I I 8. 119, 170, 177
Nelson , Linnea, 126, 168, 170
Nelso n, Rebecca, Nelson , Zachariah , 170
Neuk1rchner, Karen, 48 , 170, 25 1
Newcomer, Ni chole, 82, 94, 170
Newcomm, Corinne, 13 , 82, 94, 170
Newgent, Lee , 94, 190
Newman, Mi chaela, 65, 101 , 148
Nghe, Oat , Nguyen , Hai, 190
Nguyen , Minh , I 16, 148, 240
Nicholas , Chnstopher 148
Nicholas , Ju he, 190 '
Nichols , Alan , 190
Nichols , Brooke, 190
Nichols , Erin , 121 190
Nicoles, Enn , 31 ' Nicosia , Dan1elle, 209
Nielson , Bard, 98
Norans , Chi nean e, 86
Nummelin , Amanda, 40, 209
Palmer, Sarah, 77, 118, 119, 170
Palunuk , Kara, 105
Panik , Brad, 40
Panzer, Ji m. 219
Papes , Jonathan. 85, 105, 123, 191 Papes. Nicole, 40 123, 208, 209
Parfet, Jennifer, 116, 119, 170
Parker, BenJam1n, Parker, Charlotte, 148
Parker, Juhe , 149
Parker. Shawn, Parland , Kathi , 200
Parry ,Courtney,31, 191
Paschall , Jeffery ,55. 92,187, 191
Pastor, Ni ck, 114
Pauerson. Molly, I49 , 241
Pay ne , John .209
Peacock, Jusnn.40, 119. 170
Pennell, Chnstopher, 127, 19 1
Perkins, Bru ce, Perrott, Jarrod, 191 Perry, Andrew, 209
Perry, Lee, Persichetti, Thomas , 19 1
Peters, Teresa, 48 , 171
Peterson, Erik , 149
Peterson, Kelsey, 26, 116, 11 8 119 128 149 156 241 ' ' '
Pfi stere r, Michael, 43, 114, 127, 19 l. 197
Pham , Huy, 114, 149
Philbrook, Stephanie, 117, 209
Ph1lhps, Adwma, Phllhp s, Enc , Ph11l1ps, Joseph , Ph11l1ps, Michelle, Phillips, Sarah, 77, 93. 209
Picon, Rachel, 171
P1ekarsk1 Jon, 103
Pierce , Josh, I91
Pike, Zac hary, 85, 116, 11 9, 149,24 1
Pineau , Jon ,54,79, 105 , 119, 137, 14 9
Pineau, Robert, 84 , 85, 126. 167, 171
Pippa. Nma.
Pitt, Amanda, 39. 149, 241
Piwonk a, Philip , I20, 17 1
Platt, Ethel , 216
Politte, Kell y, 77, 209
Pohtte , Robm,2, 11 ,77, 105 , 114 , 159, 171
Ramstener. Kenneth , 92. 209
Randall , Shanna, Rappmund. Peter, 40, 120, 17 I
Raschen, Laura, 116, 1I7. 126, 150, 242
Rascon, Daniel. 191
Rascon,Mana,48,86,87, 150,242
Ratz, Katy. 16, 17. 26, 38. 39, 60, 77, 116. 11 8. 119 124, 125. 150,223,242,251 '
Rawlin gs. Mi chelle, 150, 242
Rawson. Timothy. 40, 119. 171
Raye. Brenn a, 191
Reed , Jenmfer, 171
Regner, Chuck, 219
Rehder, Justin, 187. 191
Rehder, Kelli, 2 10
Reher, Adena, 13, 40, 171
Reher, Duke , 13, 40, 60. 150
Reher, Jennifer, 191
Reher, Raymon d, 210
Reid. Chad. 68
Reid , Chad, 2 19
Remec ker, Jill , 150, 243
Remhart Joch, 67
Reitmeyer, Morgan, 16, l 02, I9 1
Remmers, Shannon, 210
Reyn olds. Allyson, 99
Reynolds, Billie, 39, 150, 243
Reynolds. Jennifer, 105, 171
Reyn old s, Scott 98
Reza, Janae, Ribeiro Sil va, Carla, 21 O
Ri c h, Meli sse, 77, 210
R1 c kard , Jennifer, 103,137,150,243
Ri ckard , V1c tona, 210
R1dl , Chnsta, 2, 171
Ridpath , Jonathan , 22, l 26, 17 l
Riedel , Wilham , 171
R11los, Matt, 101, 104
Rindt. Jody, 171
Rindt, Keith, 17 1
Risner, Ellen , 17 1
Rista u, Adam , 14 , 92, 94, 191
O' Dorisio, Mi chae l, I IO 116 219
O' Hay re, Jean , 209 · '
O' Neil , Gail, 56, 219
O' Re,l y, Jam es, I 14
O' Riley , Matthe w, 14 8
O' Rile y, Robe rt, 209
Obne n, Ryan,68,69, 190
Olguin, Ezekiel , 148
Omara , Kelh , 170
Omara Ill , Edward , 209
Oneill , Tara. 81 , 99 , 170
Orem , Heather, 40 , 148
Orihuela, Anth ony, 26, 27, 65,148,240
Ortega , Adnenne , 114 , 190
Osgood, Mi chael, 43, 127, 148 , 240
Os trowi cki, Bryan ,
Outerbndge , Grant, 68, 170
Overturf, Enn , 40 , 97, 114, 115, 123 127 170
Owens , Christina, 190 ' '
Ozdemir, Kadri , 92, 127 190
Ozdemir, Um1t, 94 '
Poh tt e, Ted , 63, 68 , 119, 149 241 251
Pomcsan, Eri c, ' • Port er, Cassandra, 191
Porter, Enn , 40 , 123, 171
Poveda, Linda , 2 19
Powell, Jennifer , 114, 209
Powell, Ju lie, 149
Powell, Mat th ew, Powell, Shawn, 114, 171 , 173
Pranrull s, Jason, 92
Pran a1t1s, Sim on, 68, 149
Pray, Jon, I 10
Pray, Timothy , 39, 75, 209
Preisser, Diane, 102
Presua -Schaub Kathryn , 40, 11 2, 149, 241, 242
Presto n, Jesse, 45 , 92, 209
Pn ce, Ph ylli s, 56, 57, 2 19
Pn ce, Sara, 19 I
Prigel , Amanda , 120, 121, 191
Proc tor,Stace¥,, 171
Pronechen, Wi lham, Przybylski , Monte, 92
Pumphrey, Jos hu a, 59, 209
Put.k a, Bob, 219 (
Paha ch, Chasity , 168 , 170
Palanuk , Kara. 114 , 122, 123 , 126, 190
Pal anuk , Peter, 114, 11 8, 120, 126, 170
Palm er, Jon athan ,
Palmer, Mason, 10 I , 148 , 240
Palmer, Meli ss a, 39, 148 , 240
Palmer, Mykan , 94 , 95 , 99 , 190
Palmer, Ral ph , 216
Qu ee n, Adam , 94 , 191
Quirk , Andrew , 114 , 123,209
Quirk , Carol, 219
Quirk, Molly, 48, 114, 171
Robbins , Jennifer.
Robertson Lauren , 191
Robertson , Mason, 150
Robie , Matthew l 09
Robm so n, Kn sty , 88, 116, 119, 150,243
Robin so n, Sharhonda, 114 , 126, 167, 17 1
Robu ck James, 129,150,244
Rocha , Jose,23,5 1,85, 150
Rodngue z, Ruth , Rodnguez, Tami , 99
Roeder, Paul, 210
Rogers , Andrew , 65, 82, 105, 117, 171
Rogers , Matth ew, 40, 85. 109, 15 1. 244
Rogers , Rand1 , 21 O
Roi k, Craig, 151
RoJas. L1sana, 93, I 14,210
Rome , Thomas, 82, 151 , 244
Romero , Gilberto, 191
Romero, Josh, 151
Romero, Stephen
Rood, Brandon, 92, 190, 191
Rood,Jos hua ,33,92, 191
Rood. Marc,65, 105,117,119,171
Rood ,S hannon ,58, 15 1,244
Rosa. Gus, 191
Rose nth al, Regma, 19 1
Ro th , Nichol as, Roy, M1 chael,6l, 171
Royster, Behren, 73, 210
Rozelle, Chnstopher, 63, 68, 94 114 1 I8 11 9 172 176 ' ' ' ' '
Rozelle, Enn , 79, 80, 94, 95,210,256
Rudd y, Maggie, 77
Ru sse ll , Emily, 79, 104 , I05, 192
Ryan, Enn , 40 , 77, 172
- ·---
I n ' d e k s ' 263
Saba, Adam , 192
Sachdeva, Mon,ka.48. 151,215
Sack, Ali sha, 192
Sacry. Dale , 37, 85, 151, 244
Saindon, Andrea. 47 , 172
Salg, Lu cas, 120 I 26, 172
Samansky, Jason. 187 , 192
Samland, \Vendy. 125 172
Sanchez, Danielle 125 . 2 10
Sanders. Bnan. 55, 79, 105 . 11 3, 119 15 1
Sanders, Chnsta, 110
Sanders,Roy,23.36, 15 1
Sandoval, Mttchell, 75, 114 , 119, 172
Sant, Mar:i one, 114 , 11 9, 127 , 151 , 222, 244, 251
Sasso, John, 192
Satterfield, Patn ck,
Saunders, Andrew , 19 2
Sauter, Ezara , 192
Savage, Beau, 192
Savage, Rachel , 172
Savoie, Kelly , 2, 3, 11 , 172
Savoie, Sara. 2, 11 , 151 , 245
Saxton, Kn s11n , 127 172
Sayyah.Con. 187 , 192
Schaefer, Amber, 6. 39, 114 , 122, 123 151 ,245
Schafer, Lee , 2 10
Schalhamer, Richard , 219, 257
Schanhals, Holly, 93,210
Scheid , Stephen, 172
Schiffman , Sarah, 48 , 172
Scru lder , Apnl , 30, 192
Sch1mne1 ster, Jose, 210
Schheman, Jurgen , 65 IO 1, 122 , 123, I52
Schlieman, Matthias , 40 , 122, 210
Schmid t, Cohn, 68
Schmidt, Ian , 31, 75, 172
Schmidt, Jutta , 28 39, 17 2
Schmidt, Mirand a, 160, 172
Schmidt , Sh1relle. l 09
Schmidt, Tiffany , 40, 41 , I52, 245
Schnapp. Casey,
Sc hnath orst, Jess ica, 210
Schneider, Elizabeth, Schneider, Matthew, 172
Scholes, Ed 219
Schor, Duane, Schor, Meli ssa, Schos sow , Ben1am 1n ,
Schow, Brandon , 98, 132, 152, 245
Schreiner, Jonathan , 68 , 152
Schreiner, Mi chael , 92 , 98, 114 123 , 11 9, 172
Schreiner, Robert , 210
Schroeder, Steve, 10 I
Schultz, Bobbt. 172
Schultz, Jane , 219
Schwader, V1rgin 1a , 121 , 192
Schwettman , Jasson, 46 , 48 , 103, 172
Scott, Tiffany , Scovill, V1vika , 172
Scruggs. Joshua , 152 ,245 ,246
Scruggs, Rebecca , 152, 245
Seakan , Renae, 116, 172
Seipp, Lynne-lee , 192
Seipp, Stefan1e , 190, 192
Setls in ger, Aaron. 210
Self, Dana , 172
Sellers, Th omas, 192
Senter, Timothy ,
Se rpan , Chad , 92 , 2 10
Sexton, Amanda , 37 . 172
Seymour, Adam , 65 , I05 , 172
Shanks, Jes samyn , 17 2
Shannon, Mau , 92
Sharp, Lowell , I 14 , 115 , 220
Shaw , Bem, ce, 173
Shaw, Kelhlee , 173
Shaw. Stephanie, 160
Shawcroft, Sarah, 210
Shawcroft, Zachary, 192
Shea. Ri chard , 192
Shearn, Cathenne, 220
Shelton. Torrey. 99. 81, 119, 173
Sherman, Erwin 152
Shields, Travis, 3, 36, 65. 152, 246
Shipman, Collm, 152
Shirk, Zachary. 73, JOI, 116 11 7, 119, 17 3
Shoemaker, Le 220
Shnner, Mi cheal , 122
Shuey.Shannon, 114, 17 3
Silvey, Andrew, 16 18, 19 , 35. 107, 124 , 15 2.246
Simmons, Beau, 192
Simmons, Jeremie , 192
Simmons, Lu cus, 17, I 25, 192
Simmons, Steven 104, I05
Simmons, Todd , 103
Simpson, Homer, 268
Sims, Geoffrey, 68 , 94
Singleton, Rex 17 3
SIU. Phtlhp , Skelton, Shannon, 140, 152, 246
Slater, Timothy 210
Shzesk.t, Lea Ann , 220
Sloan, Donald , 192
Sloth, Lothar , 268
Smart, David , 215
Smith, Adam . 51, 125 , 192 , 199
Smith, Adam , 51,211
Sm1th,Aust1n,68,69, 104 , 105 , 192
Smith, Came, 152, 246
Smith, Chnsttna, 105
Smith, Cliff, 30, 192
Smith. Deanna - Man l 02. 17 3
Smith, Deidra, 47 192
Sm,th.Drew,63,64,65, 104 105 108 , 152,246 ,247
Smith. Elaine , 220
Smith, Ehzabeth , 173
Smith, Enca, 40 , 123, 121, 122, 127 173
Smith, Hillary , 211
Smith, Katie , 152 , 247
Smith, Robin , 193
Smith, Ryan 26, l 16, 153. 247
Smith, Stephanie, 173
Smith, Tawnya , 13, 193
Smith, Wyatt, 211
Snidow, Jeramy 106 , 107
Snow.Johanna, 193
Snyder, Cara, 38
Snyder, Joshua.
Snyde r, Laura, 17 3
Sola, Max , 68
Solano, Man a, 48 , 49 , 193
Solano, Patn ck, 173
Solawetz, Sondra, 21 1
Sologoub, Alexei , 74, 75, 193
Solomon, Andrew , 68 , 21 I
Sorensen, Abbie , I93
Sparks. Jason , 173
Spar ks, Me gan, 2 11
Spear, Bnanne, 94 , 95 , 173
Spice, Jessica, 93 , 193
Splant, Kenn eth , 211
Splant, Kevin , 2 11
Sprag ue , Coryn, 14, 31, 193
Sprague, Joshua , 153 , 247
Spnnger, Randell, 127, 173
Srame k, Wesley , 68 , 119, 173
Staab, Jason, Stahl, Natalie , 4, I03 , 153
Stahmer, Luke , 6, 15. 116 , 137, 140, 15 3. 247
Stamm, Anthony, Stanton, Jerem1a , 29, 92, 193
Starkey Kaycee , 193
Starky, Casey, 2 I l
Stamer, Steven , 55, 193
Stegall, Natahe , 211
Steinke, Jeremy. 211
Steketee, Steven, 15, 98 , 11 9.153. 247
Stellars, Roger, 37. 153
Stellers, Roier , 5, 12
Sterrett, Heidi, 39, 125, 21 1
Stewart, Shannon, 211
Stiegelme1er, Ju stin , 60 , 193
Stodola. Katie , 38, 39, 62 , 93 21 l
Stoker, Douglas , 211
Stokes, Bob, 82, 83 , 101 , 220
Stokes, Tamsen , 29, 81 , 119, 174
Stone, Nathan , 193
Stone,Shane,48, 114, 127 , 174
Storey, David ,
Storms, Bret, 211
Storms. Kenneth, 114 124. 125 211
Stover, Brooke , I09
Stover. Jennifer , 154 , 248
Streelman. John , 92, 98, 114, l 16, 193
Streweler, Chanty, 211
Stockland, Jamie , 100 116, 154, 156. 248
Strobel, Kip 193
Strocky. Michael, 208 , 211
Stu , Di sco, 268
Subala, David , 174
Suba}a, Kenneth , 103
Sullivan, Sadie, 43 , 114 , 199, 2 11
Sumner, Shannon, 43 , 67 , 193
Sund, David , 73. 94 , 21 1
Sunder, Josh, 2 11
Suszczyk, Sarah, 132, 154
Sutherland, Elizabeth ,
Svenningsen, Skye. 29. 48 , l 00 , 179, 193
Swala, Crystal 12, 154 , 248
Swanson, Laurel , 174
Swanson, Seth, Swanson,Sevenne, 103 , 114, 122 123 , 154
Sweet, Tom, 220
Szabo. Casey 193
Szabo Jr . Paul . 174
Tall Bull , Amber, Tarum, Kellee , 10, 119 , 154,156, 248
Taylor. Kelley l 02
Taylor, Kevin , 174
Taylor, Tracy , 107
Taylor, Wilham 193
Tedhe , Jennifer, 208, 211
Tena. Gerard , 75
Theodoro L1v1a, 193
Theodoro , Manana , 93, 174
Themault , Ryan , 154
Th1stlehawk-Ranck, Brendan, 40, 154
Thomas , Andrew, 39, 103, 116 ,154.2 48
Th omas, Evan, 193
Thomas , Jarret , 193
Thomas , Mary , 40 , 41, 77 , 79,21 1
Th omas, Sarah , 193
Thomas , Tracie , 174
Thompson , Em11y.5 , 100.174, 177
Thompson, Stephanie, 121, 193
Thresner, Raymond. 114 , 115. 120, 194
Tibbitts , Merlin , Tietsort, Amelia , 70, 126 , 154, 248
Titania , Ophelia, 268
To, Linda, 194
Torres , Claudia. 212
Tortora, Bntni , 212
Tortora , Sabnna, 154, 248
Townley, Kathleena, Townsend , Lucas, 82. 212
Traylor, Shawn, 194
Trenk, Renae , 154 , 248
TruJ1llo , Lee, 212
Truong, Juha , 30
Trzepacz, Gavin, 194
Tucker, Amanda, 155
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ns by nition
Tuffin , Ann 174
Tulchm, Onon , 155,249,251
Turgeon, Keith , 123. 212
Turner, Aaron , I05
Turne r, Au stin , 8, 9, 92, I05, 174
Turner, Bryan, 114, 125 212
Turner, Kathy, 174
Turner, Meli ssa. 17. 18.19.119. 124, 125, 174
Turner, Patncta, 194
Turner, Shane, 3 1, 114, 194
Tumey, Jessica,
Tum wall , Heather, 62, 70, I I6, 168. 174
Tyler, Joshua, 155
Tyler, Ryan , 194
Walters , Ni cholas , 40 , 84, 174
Walt on, Matth ew, 156
Walton, Wesley, 40, 126, 2 12
Waltz. Aimee , 41 , 194
\V ambo ldt, Shannon, 194
Wan , Kenneth, 118
Wan , Teh -yi h, 31. 40 , 114, 194, 197
Wan g. Du , 212
Wano , Robert, 92, 195
Ward , Jessica,39, 114,123,212
Watkin s, Wilham, Watson, John, 2 12 Watson , Raymond , Watterwonh , Alexandn a. 195
Webb, Alan , 120, 156. 250
Webb, Rebecca, Webb , Stuart, 174
Webster,Dale,60, 11 3, 119, 174,176, Webster, Jose ph, 195
Weme ll , Edward , 122, 123, 126. 220 Wein stein , Enc , 48 , 220
Ulander, Nathaniel , 58, 155
Unger, Jessica, 194
Unger, Monica, 174
Urban, Amanda, 2 12
We1she1t , Amy. 2 I2
Welc h, Crystal, 2 12
Well ens1e k, Bryan , 36, I56, 251
Wellens1ek, Jacob , 195
Well s, Alexander, 92,2 12
Well s, Bn anna, 66, 67, 175
Welt on, Karen, 156
Welton, Li sa, 212
Wend ling, Adam , 48 , 107, 175
Wendling, Dustin , 46 , 114,200,212
Wengrovius. Emily, 114 , 127, 156
Valdez, Shad, 92,212
Valentme , Travi s, 16, 32, 124 125, 178, 194,257
Van Leer, Kri stin, 194
Vande rlaan , Ken , 220
VanDyke, Steven. 2 12
VanGundy , Bnttany, 174
Vanmeter, Anna, 123, l 19,223,249
Vanmeter, Anna, 119, 155
Vanmeter Madeleine , 93, 123, 194
VanWoen se l, Luk e, 72, 73, 174
VanWoen se l, Traci, 16, 108, 112, I 16, 119,124, 125, 155,223,257,242,249,25 1
Varven s. Nikki , 26, 80, 81, 100, 155,223,249
Vecch1arel11 , Amy , 58, 93, 103, 194
Velasq uez, Bn anne, 7, 105. 194
Velasquez, Bryan, 174
Verard1, Heather, 155, 250
Verard1, Jusun, 94, 194
Verbeck , Joel, 155, 250
Verm il lion, Christian, I55, 250
Vern 1g, Peter, 114 , 194
Versaw, Gloria, 48, 105, 119, 174
Versaw, Kri sten, 27, 36, 77, 79, I04 , l 05, 118, 119 ,
132, 155 ,250
Vener, Ronda, 174
Vickers , Paul a, 2 12
V1erke, Ryan, 92, I 16,200 ,2 12
Vieweg, Kortney , 12, 93, 194
V1g 1l , Marc, 155, 250
Vi~il , Rodney, 174
Vo1t -Chromy , Richard , 2 12
Vorhies, Chri stopher, 212
Vona. PooJa. l 10
Wengrov1us. Jennie, 48 , 198,200,212
Wessel, Cassandra, Wes tb y, Kimberly, 39, 48 , 175
WhJt e, J ayme, 157
Whue , Jayson,213
While , Ryan, 23, 121, 175
Wlute ,S herry,55, 120, 195
WhHe , Tamara , 26, 157
Whitfi eld, Mi chelle, 195
Whitford , Chn stopher, 30, 51. 213
Whitford , Ryan , 195
Whitm an, Lu cas, 2 13
Whnmore, He,d, , 175 Whitm ore, Jeremy , 157
Wi eber, Adam , 10, 36, 65. 157
Wien er, John, 195
Wiese , Sara, 195 Wilber, Debra , 70, 175
Wilber, Laura, 93, I95
Wtlcox , Mari lyn, 100, 220
Wtlhne, Kn sten , 40 , 195
Wilk, Whitney, Wilkerso n, Myron, Williams, Bob, 29
Willi ams, Bob, 215
Willi ams, Bob, 220
W1lh ams, Carley, 43, 70, 7 1, 114, 126, 175
Williams, Carly, 67 , 127, I87, 190, l 95
W1lhams, Cnssy, 195
William s, Drew, 92 , 175
Willtams, Kevin, 195
W11l1ams, Meghan, 93, 127, 195
Willtams, Patric ia, 2 I3
Williams, Shaw n
Williams, Stephani e, 196
Wilhams, Thomas , 175
Willi s, Eva n, 92,213
With s, Phillip , 68 , 69, 157,251
Wil so n, Aaron , 59, 213
Wint er. Chnsttna, 38, 39, 213
Winters , Caro lee
Wobbrock Ryan 73. I J6, 175
Wolf, Coltn, Wolf, J11l , 157
Wolf, Sarah, 45, 99, 157. 251
Wood, Duane, l 16
Wood , Jeny, 157
Wood , Matthew
Wood , Rebecca, 36, 2 I 3
Woodn ch, Ryan , 196
Word,Laura, 43, 79,81,94,95, 199,213
Word , Megan,43, 114 , 11 9,129,175,177
Worden , Amber, 125,213
\V orobey, Kathenne, 157, 25 1
Wozni ck, Donald , 58, 175
Wright , Adnanne , 41 , 175
Wright. Heather, 103
Wnght, Lucas, Wnght, Marcus, Wri ght, Patn c1a, Wnghrmeyer, Morgan, 124, 125
Wu nderlich, Jane , 220
Wunderlt ch, K1andra , 175
Wunderlt ch, K1ffany, 213
Yanz., Jerryy, 220
Yocom, Em il y, 22, 40 , 93, 95,213
You ng , John , Young , Luke , I05
Young, Wilham , 213
Youngerman , Ni ck, 196
Youngman , Gene, 220
Yousif, Andrew, 2 13
Yushk a, Kyle, 32, 196
Za ch, Laura, 220
Zac hn so n, Stephan ie, 140
Zahrte , Bren, 2 13
Zens. Breanne, 175
Zhang, Zhao)le , 175
Zieg ler, Jami e, 56, 92, 2 13
Zieg le r, Mea gon, 57, 175
Zi nk Mi chael, Zippnch, Eltz.abeth, 213
Zwain, Ja cob, 92, 196
Wagner, Kell y, 103, 194
Wagone r, Tammy , 194
Wahl, Li sa, 220
Wahl , Li sa. 55
Walcke r, Tammy, 93
Wal es, Matthew, 32, 179, 194
Wah gorsk1, Bn an, 44 , 114 , 194
Wal ker, Co nna 15, 156
Walker, Sarah, l 05, 194
Wallace, Dea nn , 93 ,2 12
Walt er, She ll y, 106, 107
Wil so n, Amy, 39, 48 , 157
Wil so n, Andrew , 92
Wtl son, Gator, 94
Wil son, Hea th er, 66 , 67 , 157
Wil so n, He1d 1 , 40, 127 , 195 , 196
Wil so n, Jos hua,
Wil so n, Ru stte , Winham , Ltndsay , 48, 70, 7 1, 93, 19 6
W1nkJ er, Anana, Win sor, Heather, 77 Win ston , Sco n, 196
I n 'deks ' 265
Staff-Eye-Vie\V Thi s arti s t conception of Edllor - 1n -C h1 ef. s en ior Matt M ontgomery . s how s what th e Yearbook s taff sees when M ontgomery approaches a deadlin e M ontgomery c omm e nted , " I s ad that I'm finally done with all Yearbook1ng, but I'm happy that [ don ' t have to deal with anymore d isgruntle s taffers " Artwork by Chri s J o hn so n and Di sc o Stu
When I s tart e d Yearbook or Publi cation s, as it is now ca lled be ca use we had to write for the!@#$* newspaper, I had no idea tow hat I was getbng myself into. As I moved up through the ranks of Yearbookland , I learned that stress come s from swi tching from computer to computer searching for the right version of PageMaker and deleting about 20 baby captions and then having to retype them all. Being the editor of the Babies and Buddies section was not all that bad. I got to be the first per so n to see all of tho se adorable and very funny baby pictures of everyone! After being in Yearbook for three years I got to know how strange and funny people got to be at a deadline. Melissa : P-O-M-0N-A! Thanks for all of the memorable moments we had fighting over sp read s. Remember: my way is ALWAYS the right way! Thanks for the love advice and information on Nik!
BJ : We will always be triumphant over the Matt groupies becausewecanbeatthem up with cardboard tubes! Always remember green means go, yellow m eans go fa s ter, and red means go like a bat out of hell! Thanks for the great times in Yearbook and English! Matt: Matt, I NEED your help NOW! May you always remember your happy staff people and completed h ead lines!!! Thanks for sticking me with the fall JV sports sp r ead, I will be indebted to you forever. Thanks for being a great friend and the ca ptain of the pirates! P S We will always be victorious over the Mattgroupies! Traci and Kirs tin: What can I say to my best friends except that I ' m the prettiest and you two tie for second place! Thanks for li s tening to M s . I Think I Know It All and putting up with it . You guys are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!! Nik: JUST KJDDING! I had to put this in here because I always say it to you. I am granting you one wish, but it better be good because I ' m not recalling it to give you a bigger and better one. Your notes that you left on my dis k were alway s inspiring ... for conversations with Melissa about you. You are a great guy even if you always want attention 24/7 You are the best People on the s taff: Thanks for your hard work and many, many questions. Hope you enjoyed creating this book as much as I did
Katy Ratz
Three years ago I decided to join Yearbook because it sou nd e d fun and excit ing. What I didn't know was that around deadlines, Matt and Mr. Finelli are unable to be fun a nd excit ing. Overall, yearbook ha s brought a l ot of interesting people into my life. Without these people my life would be empty . Melissa, without you I wouldn't have anyo ne to tell me what it is like to have the computer screen reaching out towards me. Thanks for a ll the advice and laugh s you have given me in the past three years. Katy Raty, you have been a really good friend. You are always ready to laugh and always read y to li s ten. Keep running those red lights to get to the gay nudie bars and you will be very successful in life!! Nikolas Peter, without yo u in Yearbook I would h ave gotten my work done on time, barely laughed , and killed at least one person. You are one of a kind Nik, and your butt is too much for me to handle. Matthew, when our CCB papers were due you kept me from having a complete nervous breakdown. I a lwa ys felt lik e I needed to thank you in a big way, but now I realize giving you LOTS of moonshine and hillbilly jokes is good enough. Thanks for the late night cartoons and putting up with me, Becca, TP, and s hoe polish. That is all I have to say about you as a person, but I could go on forever about your butt. Matt Frost, I hope you never pity me. Remember, before you go to the grocery store yo u have to FIX to go!! To the all the Matt groupies, when you need moon s hine I will be at the end of a co untry , dirt road in a s hed somewhere in North Carolina. Becca, thanks for the corruption. My Senoi riti s would have set in much later if it hadn't been for you. Hedy and Anna, you guys were my first friends in Co lorado and I wouldn't have made it this far without you two. For al l the people I left out, deal with it. The only thing I have left to say is
It Cll r.q Ir 1i ,ii.S ... I - tl 1 :f •Fi 41 ti • Lr, M d OU r • E u t1 t ..l :h 4 .,-i:., ili:.d l~ •i-• .Ii a:..t .z t,V Ill t • t .,. ,1~ .1..1.d , r • u~f t p llr lSg •H 1-d 4 t.b it,;; V'CJ U D bl p &D pla • .r :n L ., it• tA dc.v u :ct t • p ta t t l:i 4 I
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