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THE DEMON Student Life THE ED Summer TO HEAD Sports THE F~C1rS Academics 2GETIHEa CI u bs TO F~CE People THE Sif Babies and Buddie THE END Index 1..015. 04 0,0 I\
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fa ce 2 Face was written with the intentions of making hi s tory. Since thi s book essentially represe nt s the end of an era, a lot of strain and effort was put forth to makeFace2Face the bes t it could po ss ibly be For the outsider, thi s yearbook is just a fancy book containing unknown faces and facts. For us Demon s, it 1s a lot more It is a collection of memorie s and good time s bound into a memorandum of hi s tory. Being the o ldest sc hool in Co l orado, our tradition is richer than any ot h er. It i s apparent in every thin g we do From sports to academics, our sc h oo l s pirit and pride shine s through the gloomiest time s. A s we face a new century and a new millennium, we a lso face many changes in our live s. From the fre s hman , s first s tep s as a " terrible teen ,, to the se niors' fir s t stri des into adulthood , the se monumental footprint s of life will be imprinted in our minds forever. Thi s book wa s made to help each and every one of you be able to look back a nd remem ber your own ex peri e nces as vividly a s pos sible We h ope you enjoy the la s t Golden yearbook of the 20th cen tury.
Joe Borden & Tim Pra y
Greek Life Freshmen Bayle Butler and Jason Hermann present their spoof of the Greek tail. Antigone Mr Dick Burne was one oft he freshman· s favorite teachers because of his fun and exciting way of teaching "He's the funniest teacher I've ever had," said freshman Erik Bums .
Photo by D Byrne
Gun Slinger Senior Ky le Krueger shows offh1s bulg.ing biceps and excellent style at the carnival Many clubs took advantage of the carnival by selhng food and dnnks Nauonal H onor Society made around one hundred dollars for the four hour acuv1ty Senior Margo Ca1tgu1n said, 'The guy cheerleaders were by far the best part " P hoto by D Byrne
Born 2 Pla y Sophomore Tony Bernal Jams while enJoying the summer sunlight. Many students 1n GHS have started up their own bands "You belier keep hsten1ng to the radio because the Gmders will be on 1t very soon," said JUn1or lead singer Jordan Hauser Photo by B Kelley
Fa c e of atur e Senior Kenneth Butcher shows his 1m1tat1on of a demon1zed squirrel Golden• s courtyard was full of w1Jdltfe, from rabbits to a variety of birds. "It was awesome seeing the enorrnous snake 1n the parking lot," said Junior Tim Burch Photo by J Mathews
Opening 3
f he life of a D em on is definitely so mething spe cia l D emon s wake up hour s before the s un goes up just to make s ure they get to their c lass on time so that the tea cher d oes n ' t yell at th em for being late. After battlin g between falling as leep and paying atte nti on in class, access s tart s. There , s tudent s ei th e r run to their club meeting s, do th ei r las t minute h omework o r find time to ca tch up o n the gossip. Thirty five minute s l a ter , another class begins. During lunch, De mon s bombard the fa s t-food re s taurants or the " Demon Den ."
After th e final class of the day , the De m on life doe s not sl ow down. Some have sports pra ct ic e while o th e r s do homework or go to s porting events. B y th e e nd of the day , Dem ons ex hau stively fall into bed to s tart a no th er day.
B ecause al l of th ese activities happen throu gh out the day, the life of a D emon i s occasio nally h ard to face . But because of our pride and determination, we face adversity and a lw ays pull through Th e one fa c t remains, through all the bad time s and th e good times , Demon s a lw ays put their bes t face forward
Tim Pray and Joe Borden
Time 2 Groove Se ni or Bri an Logan and sophomore Leslie Daniels show o ff th eir schoo l spirit and shagadelic threads . Jun ior Alan Brun o said, "I like dressing like Austin Powers, but I s till don't have his moJo ." Ph oto by B . Kelley
Jus t 2 Coo l Seniors Bill Hill en. Peter Dusenbury, Morgan Anderson and Geoff Sims loaf around 1n the senior lounge Throu g hout 1he day. the lounges were full of students doing homework or talk1ng to fnends Senior Seaver Baruch said. '"The senior couch was the best part of the lounge. too bad 11 was taken 1t away " Photo by B Kelle}
Ca tc hin g Some Zs Junior Terry Shaw gets some ,;h eye during access
Many teachers believed that ace~ should have been eliminated because s1udents didn't s~ their time wisely Studen1s used access for homework. cl meetings and rece1v1ng spec ia l help from teach~ Sophomore J oe Kennedy said, " I need access to surv1v9 high school " Ph oto by B Kelley
Full OSpirit Fans from the Junior class rally behH the football team during the game agains t nvat. Whe Ridge Students dressed up 1n all maroon and white ar took part of a ta1 !gate party before the game to show the support The student body's favorite way to show off the sp1nt \Vas going to spons events "The Junior class h as ti best spirit 1n the school." said Junior Lauren Fro st. Photo t D Byrne
Face of Daze Junior J e remy B1l hs stares off into s pa c while hanging out 1n the Demon Den The sc hool cafe ten earned over ten thou sand dollars this year ,vh1ch goes l funding school ac11v111es Junior Mi cah Leadford said, · always get my breakfast dunng access so I can wake u later 1n th e morning " Ph oto by B Kelley
Student Life 5
Faced with Emotion Sophomore J essica Klein sympa th izes with Junior Kath y B ennett 1n the play Diary of Anne Frank. The play cost four dollars and las ted about2 hours
Photo by B Kelley
By Aaron Barker, Alex Stroud , and Kri s ten Vanik
During Spirit Week, most of the student body showed their school spirit flamboyantly. September 6-10 was the date of this year 's Homecoming, and one of the traditions of Golden High School is to allow people to wear clothes they are not usually allowed to wear on a regular day. This year's fashion statement consisted of Pajama Day, Crazy Hair Day, Wild Wild West Day, Decades Day, and Schoo l Colors Day. "It was really cool wearing my pajamas 's to school, " said freshman Meganne Mackey The week moved on to the Homecoming assembly. That 's where people usually flaunt and show their school spirit. Tortilla frizbees were the topic of appreciation in the upperclassmen 's mind this year. Certain people seemed to have far too much fun in their skirts as they were dancing. All in all , Homecoming was another success this year.
B est fri e nd s Seniors Sadie Sullivan and Caroline Cockle pose for a qui c k pic ture during s pirit week Every year 1n the as sembly, ea c h c las s c omp e te s in c la ss c ompetit io ns. "Thi s year 's ass embly wa s a little more hyper and active than last year's," s aid j unior M ic k Jeanne
Photo by Bill Kelley
S ingin g Se n s ati o ns Seniors Chri s Blu s e and Chri s Capello serenade Dr Algiene at this year' s Homecoming assembly The assembly is s omething that Golden holds every year before the game "I think thi s year's assembly was better than last year' s by far, " s aid junio r Brent Bellew Photo by Bill Kelley
In the Spotlight Senior~ Derek McBroom , Matt Schl1eman. and Chad Gleaton flex for the camera The football players lost their game thi s year 41-0 "Even though we lost our game. I s till had a real good lime." sa id JUn1or Meli ssa Dockstader Ph oto by Amber Koch
Just Ki ekin' it Senior Derek M c Broom kicks high as he performs the can<an 1n the assembly Th e senior football players put on a dance every ,ear " I thought that the football players' dance this year was interestmg, " said freshman Kim Cline Photo b1 Bill Kell ey
Work Hard Kid s Seniors Anna Berkman , Jamie H enderson, and Mari ssa Lowther help co n s truct their senio r class float. Every class competes 1n the class float compet1llon each year " I love our float, I can't believe we won this year," said Junior Ryan Nee Photo by Shelly Cavanaugh
Student I ,ife 7 •• ••• •• • • ..,.,.,_,...._,••- ..,_, •
JustHangingOut Fres hmanL1 s aW eishe1 t ta kes a bre ak fr o m dan c in g to h ang wlth friend s. Th e decoration s w e re take n o ff th e c las s fl oats and used at th e Gre en Center Pho to b y B 111 Ke ll ey
By Mo n ica Ferrel , Ed Wood , and Eli Marti n
Straight From the Sash
What did it feel like to be named ro y alty for your class ?
" Be in g a fre shman , 1t w a s surpn s ing ."
- Fre s hman En c Binkl ey
" Wh o a Unbe li ev able ."
- So ph o m o r e Kn s ti Bry a n
What made it fun being royalty?
"Ge tt i ng m o re atte nti o n than u su a l w as fun "
- Fres hm a n Am y N1 e l s en
" B e in g r oy alt y w as fun bec au se I go t a neat s a sh , a walk d o wn the red c arpet, and I go t t o rid e 1n a rea ll y nea t car w ith two of th e Juni o rs' be st guy s."
- Junior Kri s ta W e lc h
From the Homecoming King and Queen
" I nott ced that I wa s th e o nl y no m1nee th a t didn ' t ha ve a ros e T hat was all I c ould think ab o ut a ll the wa y do wn the c arpet , th e n wh e n they called my name , I cou ld not b e li ev e i t. That 1s wh e n I fin a ll y go t m y ros e ."
- H om eco min g Que e n R o bin J enn i ng s
" I l oved the di v e rs it y of th e coupl es thi s yea r I t i s no t all abou t p o pularity any more ."
- H o mec omin g King Ke nny Sto rm s
SmilePretty Se ni0 rL1 sana R0Jas smiles w ith her frie n ds at th is years H omecom in g D ance Th e theme for thi s year 's d ance was 2000 Demons Under the Sea P hoto by Bill Ke ll ey
Th e Las t Dan ce Seniors Con Kenn edy and Anna Ber~man have a great lime at the last Homecom1ng Dance For the second year the dance was held at the Green Center on the Colorado School of Mines campus Ph oto by B111 Kelley
Dan cing theNightAwa y Homecoming
Kin g Kenny Storms and Queen Rob in Jennings hold each oth er tight during the K1ng and Queen dance Thi s 1s the second year 1n a row the Homecom in g Kin g and Queen have been involved 1n Drama Senior Derek Smith said, "l though t this years Kin g and Queen were awesome•" Ph oto by Bill Ke ll ey
JustDo WhatlDo Jun ior Jennifer Hannon teaches her fnend how to swing dance The cost to get into the dance was $8 per person o r $ J 5 for co upl e Ph oto by Bill Kelley
- - -·--
Student Life 9
It 's a Hit Junior Micah Leadford hits the Pomona quarterback as he releases the ball Leadford led the way with six tackles during the game P hoto by Bill Kelley
Schoo l Prid e Freshman Robert Chrisman shows off his school pnde aboard the freshmen float Th e freshmen class worked a total of 15 hours on t h eir floa t this year Photo by B ill Kelley
Th e P o m o na Panth e r s may ha ve beate n u s at th e Homeco min g Game , but they did n o t bre ak o ur te am s pirit ! Th e G o ld e n D e m o ns put up a to u g h battl e for their r o aring fan s o n th e sid e l in es. G o lden tac kl e d and bl oc ked th e P a nthers fo r a s l o n g as th ey co uld . Th e ga m e wa s m o r e exc itin g th an th e sco r e repres ent s. Se ni o r J esse Pres to n 's punt r e turn fo r a to u c hd o wn w as s adl y take n b ac k du e to a p e n a lty. At th e e nd o f th e ga m e, ev e ryo ne was tir e d , co ld a nd di s app oi nte d The final sco r e w a s 41-0 , P o m o n a wo n .
B efo r e th e b ig g am e, h o w ever , s tud e nts fr o m differe nt g r a des s h o w e d o ff th e ir H o m eco m i ng fl oa ts. E ac h fl oa t wa s w orked on by th e s tud e nt s, with th e in te n s i o ns o f winnin g. E ac h fl oa t did win , in their ow n wa y. Th e judges thought all th e fl oa t s lo o ked g rea t , but th e vic to rs we r e th e j uni o rs. Th e fre s hm e n fl o at got seco nd pla ce, f o ll o w e d by th e seni o r s a nd th e s oph o m o r es.
All in a ll , thi s y ear 's H o m eco m ing w a s a hu ge s ucc e ss d es pite o ur poo r p e rfo rm a nce a t th e ga m e. Th e r e wi ll alw ays b e m o re g am es to win in th e futur e, but o ur s pirit a nd m e m o ri es wi ll l as t a lifetim e.
Hang Loose Senio rs M ic h ae l B rya nt an d C J La tham tak e i t easy o n t h e se n ior fl oat So m e o f th e senio rs celebrated t heir las t Homeco m ing game by havi n g a tailgate pa rty befo re the game P hoto b y B Kelley
By Cassie Hara, Kendra Guldan and Kara Lollar
, FloatinProgress Sen iors Kall e Agard and Stacey Ch1s m he lp ou t by han g in g decorauons on the sen ior fl oat. Thi s year th e seni or fl oa t took 3 rd pl ace Ph oto by B ill Ke ll ey
Look Out Everyone Sop homore Kelly Graves tackles another Po m ona player to the ground Graves was one of th e key players during th e Hom ecomtog game playing both , the lin ebacke r and fullback posicions Ph o to b y Bill Kelley
..,t lb:...
StudentLife 11
Movin'On Up SeniorBnanLoganands1ster
Sara ce lebrate his new Eagle Scout rank It took twenty merit badges to reach the honorable Eagle Scout level. " Be ing an Eagle Scout looks good on my college resume," satd Logan. P hoto courtesy of Brian Logan
WatchOutNichole Senoir DaruelleSan chez s trikes a pose with H ollywood heanthrob Tom Cruise while visiting Long Beach, California Many touri sts attend California for a c h ance to get a sneak peak at one of their f avon te stars. " M issio n 1mposible, I thtnk not," said Sanchez P hotocounesy of Daniell e Sanchez
2 B y L a ndra R o be r so n a nd D a ni e ll e Sanc h ez • •
Rowin ' withth e Homi es Seniors Seaver B aruc h , Jesse Crock, and Dan H aschke fi ght the white rapids of B rowns Creek during the ir summer raft ing tnp R a fting 1s a fun and popular way to explo re the outdoors of Co lorado H aschke said, " It was a good rafttng tnp because the water was at a h1gh level " P hoto courtesy of Seave r B aruch
Italian S tallion Sen1orT1m Pray poses for a p ic tu re dunng h is tnp to R ome, ltaJy M any students v 1s1 ted fo re ig n countri es du n ng the ir sum m e r vacat ions. 'The tnp was awesome, bu t 1t took forever to get the tr, "stated Pray P ho to courtesy of T im Pray
What movie best describes your summer? Why?
H a lf Ba k e d : " Th e gu y on th e co u ch "
-Kri s tin a H o pkins o n
Am e ri can Pie: " Wh a t' s m y n a m e? "
GoneFishin' S e niors Du s un R oberts and M a tt
C urti s s tand pro ud with their c at c h whil e fi s h ing a t
C lear Creek The w ilderness of C ol o rad o 1s a po pular form of r ec rea tion for th e s ummer P ho to court es y o f Du s t in Roberts
-M ich e ll e M a ntill a
Va r si ty Blues: " I kn ow h ow to h ave fun li ke th a t ."
-Ky l e A rndt
Six tee n C andl es: " One w o rd , s ta lk e r ."
-Ca nd yce M a rtin
Da ze d and Confu se d : " M y s umm e r w as a d aze, an d I was confused ."
-Lind say Co lv in
Student Life 13
A quick glance at 55 minutes of student life.
By J oe Borden and Tim Pray
Frolicking in the Snow Senior Morgan
R amsden makes a s n o w angel dunng access Many s t udents enjoyed t he snow by spe nding their weekends ski in g or snow boarding Junior Alan Brun o said , " I love th e white stuff, driving in its a paid though " Phot o by B Kell ey
Studying up Girls of the Freshman c lass s tud y fo r their finals At th e end o f the semes ter s, th e lounges are filled with students c ramming for finaJs " I h ate fina ls because they make life so hectic," said se n ior Chad Serpan Photo by B Kell ey
FJ¥ 14 fffi
Goof Ba ll s Sophomores T )'ler Pike and Tara Moya waste their access by messing around 1n the Sophomore lounge Many teachers moved to eli minate access because studen ts did not use 1t wisely Mr s Di an ne Kessle r sa id , "Access 1s a great time for s tud ents to come to teachers for he lp ." Photo by B
Enjoying the weather, catching up with the late s t gossip, doing la s t minut e homework , a tt ending club m ee ting s and ju s t plain having fun . Th ese are ju s t a few activities GHS s tudents prefer to do with their access time . Be ca u se the s tudents are not s uppo se d to leave ca mpu s during access, th e school is a lways filled with bu sy teenager s and tea cher s alike . Some s p e nd their 55 minute s resting from their hectic academic sc hedul es while others continue their stressful life-sty le. Whatever th e case may be, the school offers a variety of choice s for the s tudent s. The library was a popular l ocation for s tudent s to pla y ches s, s tudy and enjoy a quite environment. The courtyard and loun ges, on the other hand , was full of loud and exci ted s tudent s with le ss academic purposes in mind. All in a ll, access was an important part, if not a nece ss ity, of s tudent life her e in Golden.
Student Life 15
Lounging Around Seniors Andy Solomon and Asia Mau!> co n\.erse about an upcoming as!>1gnment The 55 minutes given to students during access was sufficient to gee last minute homework done Photo b) B Kelley
it Senior Jeremy Eberhart and hts friends kick around the hacky-sack outside in the courtyard \Veather permllt1ng, students spend a lot of access outside in front of the sc hool, 10 the courtyard and on the many benches located near the parking lot Photo by B Kelley
By Heather
Ce nter o f Att e ntion Senior D usti n Wendling shows off hi s style 1n the middl e o f hi s group Actors and act resses show off lh elf style and often start new trends amongst ou r student b ody Freshman J ason SmJth comments, "I love J ennifer Lopez's fa s h ion because she's got s tyle " Ph oto by J eremy M atth ews
Shining in th e Sun Jun iors Shannon Brown a nd J enna Schiffman show o ff their style dunng H omecom1ng week. Turquoise 1s lhe new favonte. flashy look So ph omore D an F ogg1n said, "I wear Jn cos because they're Jus t cool " Ph o to by Bill Kelley
C ir cular Fashion Juni o r K elly J ones, sophomo re Randi Patton and sen iors Kri stin Duclos and Kend ra Bran c h pose to s h ow off their difference 1n fas h ion GAP, J Crew, Am erican Eagle, E xpress, and Abercrombie and F itch are five s t ores that people sho p a t the m ost. Fresh m an J aypee Doerr said, " I hate khakis because I don't like the co lor."
M c D owe ll, S tephanie Wil so n, and Alli so n Bums
Photo by M onica Ferrel
Fac in g V ictory Jun1orB1ll H1llcng1ves1th1s all towm the 400 meter This yea r 's track team was very successfu l by send in g six members to State Sophomore Sarah Pi zzo took s ixth 1n both the mile and two mile race at State " Our coaches pushed us further when \ve wanted to stop," said Junior Mark Fairweather
Photo by R Finelh
Fa cin gC hanges
ge t s cong r a tul ated by Pnnc 1pal Tom D1mll
Graduat ion was held at Brookes Field and lasted for two hours There were seven st ud ent speakers this year Senior Ted Burk e sai d , "Ove r th e past four years I have been very lu cky to be involved with suc h great people."
Photo by R Finell!
Ed gin g th e Pas t Sophomore Ryan
F ie ld s teaches the class about the R oman Empire , Students mu st take economics and geography along with two years of hi story A P H is tory co unlS as both hi s tory and economics " H 1s1ory 1s v ital so we don ' t repeat ou r mistakes," said J Un1or Lee Shafer Ph o to by T P ray
-...-.-,J.:-:; ~·-
This year with all the new talent the girls did their best.
By Krystal Haughey, Thomas Williams and John Zirbes.
Ki ck it Sophomore Kelly Hayes sets up to kick the ball at practice Dunng games there are 11 girls on the field and this year they had 17 girls on the team all together This year the team suffered a lot of tnJUries Senior Candace Bruno sa1d, "Th is was a pretty good season cons1denng young with a Jot of good talent. " Photo by Ron Finelh
Season Record 2 -11
Team picture not available
Soa ring Freshman Chnst1na Carbone sen ds the ball soa ring a t practtce The most com m o n place they play 1s Lakewood Memonal Senior Sonia Carney said, "Andy 1s a great coach, he works a<; hard a<; he can with everyone." P hoto by Ron Finell,
Boot Sopho m ore Ash ley Bla in- H artung boots the ball down th e fie ld at practice Thi s year the team only had two ac tive se ntors The team a lso ga in ed a new J V coach, Mik e Bt e,dl. Junior Kel li Rehder sa id , " lt was a hard year because th ere wa c;n't much expenence on th e team." Ph oto by Ron Finell,
°' 7. • ~
Scoreboard Team Pla ye d Score Thornton 2-3 Arvada 3-0 Bear Creek 0-5 Grand Junction 1-0 Arvada West 1-4 Stanley Lake 1-3 Green M ountain 0-4 Wheat Ridge 0-4 Chatfield 0-4 Columbine 0-3 Pomona 2-4
18 Face 2 Face '• •
Boys' swimming swam their way to League and State.
By Sara Lukrafka, Stefanie Na hl ey, and Liz Lukrafka
Breath , Baby, Breath Fre s hman Mike Wendt takes a big brealh, ready to go back. under Five people qualified for State on March 18-19 10 the 50 and 100 free sty le 400 and 200 relay (A ll -conference), and the 200 1nd1v1dual medley Bnan Logan, Alan Danials. Tim Hoppin, and Roger Berly part1c1pated in lhe 400 relay and Dan Schow, Danial s, H oppin and Berly part1c1pated 1n the 200 relay , bolh took. l 2lh 1n State "For as few guys as we had , we did really well The best example. was league where they were second place until we ran out of swimmers," said Coach RC Hani sch. Photo by B111 Kelly
Season Record 1-5
I lh1nk that humor ,s th e s trength of our team · said sophomore Toby Allan Ph o to by B1II Kelly
Front row : R ichard McGuane, Dane Schow, David Perleberg, Toby Allan, M ike Wendt, Roger Bu rle ig h Ba c k row : Tim H oppin, Coac h R C H anisch.Alan Daniel s ot pi c ture d :Adam Dragul , and Bnan Logan
~/Jl111Dln . !\ • · ht 1':st'«'.;..'f!;.,--~3PPJJ1
Fly Away Sophomore Toby Allan shows off his bu tterfly as he swi m s fast to the finis h line The boys' sw1 mm,n g team 's season started J an 4 through Marc h 19 th e day for th e stale tournament. They pracuced fro m 5 to 8 p m 1n the Golden Recreauon Cen te r "
Meet Name Place Number of team s J effco I nvite I 9th 22 J effco. Relay 6lh 14 League 5lh 14 State 28lh 42
Summer Supplement ' 99 19
A s mall golf team learns lessons while baseball dominates.
By A
b bey Knox
Eye O n Th e B a ll Sophomore Jodie Gu thri e hi ts her tee shot off the third hole al Rohng Hill s Golf Course This year the regional tournament 1s being held at Lake Valley Country Club. D ue to the number of players the team consisted of both a varsity a nd J V team Coach Becky Crozier said, "Coaching 1s fun, I get to know the girls while 1mprov1ng at a sport I love to play" Ph oto by Becky Crozier
n d Ga
rre t t H a rris
C hip It In Fres hman Megan T opp -Addi so n l ines up a ch i p s h ot just off the g ree n The sta te tournament wa s held at Tiaro Rado Country Club. At one point ,n the seaso n G H S was ranked se ve n th 10 J effco. Sophomore Cann Lefevre sa id , " I have learned thi s year that golf is the mo s t fru slra llng spo rt ever invented " P hoto by Bec ky Crozier
n Tr ee Foothills Cha m pion Foo th il ls Exec u tive Lake Va ll ey Sea s on Record ·, ·. :~- : : : 7th 6 th 8 th 7th 0-4
20 Face 2 Face , 'ta ·t Y,~ ,, .....--:,-:::-nrir.r.?J~~~T. r •
Fro nt Row: Ki rsten Everett, Elizabeth Watkin s, Jodt Guthne, M egan Tripp - Addi son Bac k Row : Ka s hi Nassau, Carin Lefevre, M egan Ki ng, Bnttany M eagher, Casandra Dittbrenner, Coach Bec ky C roz ier
Baseball hits homers for a great season
By Aaron Barke r, Jam es Workman, & Chris Dybing
Fastball The number one pitcher senior Adam Ristau throw s the heat The Golden Hi gh School baseball team works the Rockies games to raise funds for equipment and trips Adam R istau was voted• player of the week" 1n the RocJ..y Mounra,n News once this season Adam Ri stau said," I love pitching. and I love the game 1n my hands. 'P h oto by R on Finel11
Front Row : C hn s Whitford , Bucky Sch m tdl, Greg Wombold1 , Adam Myer s, Ryan W hitford, J esse P reston Middle Row : Man ager Terry Shaw, Coach Dave Ri stau, Kevin William s, Mike i Emmon s, Lee N ewgent, Aaron Aguilar, M att Curtis, Coac h Bob Stokes Ba c k Row : Mike H aschke, B rett H iggi n s, Adam Ri stau, Du stin Roberts
Here Batter Jun ior J esse P reston gels ready to bat ag1anst Standley Lake The team 's hilti ng and fie ld in g h as imp roved to where 11 has h e lped them to win mo re gam es " I rea ll y thi nk hi g hly of th is year's team," sai d JUn1or Chn s Wh1tford.
Photo by Ron Finel h
Evergreen 13-2 Stanley Lake 4 -1 Thunder R idge 3-7 Bear Creek 3-2 Dakota Ridge 5-3 Arvada Wes t 7-1 Arvada 1-3 Wheat Ridge 3-6 Green M ount1an 1-2 D'Evelyn 13-5 Pomona 1-8 Con ifer 13-3 Chatfield 9-5 Arvada West 8-10 Columbine 4-1 Thornton 13-3 Wheat Ridge 13-4 Pomona 3~6
Record 9- 7 % 23 0 • .-. .. ..., .
' > •
Supplement '9 9 21 '
Key LAX members helped lead both teams to awesome records
By James Workman, Aaron Barke r, Tim Pray , Joe Bo rden , & Chris Dybing
Pass The Ball Juni or Mark Plankey prepares to throw a long pass. Chns Bl use lead the team 1n points lh1s year Thi s year's varsity coach was Mike Thum1n ·• All \Ve can do after lh1 s seaso n 1s over 1s to look forward to next year's seaso n,"J un1or Kyle Arndt. Photo by Ron F inel h
" I
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Columbine 4-2 Douglas County 19-1 Sm oky H ill 4-9 Fort Col lin s 7- 12 Liberty 0-0 Wheat R idge 4 -8 L1ttle1on 12- 10 Columbme 7-4 Boulder 12 -3 Mull en 0-0 I D. South 0 -0 Colorado Academy 1- 13 ... ,. ·• -·;-~ : .. ' ·: ~~::.;.::,.:(~:\:·
22 Face 2 Face
Holding Hi s Ground Junior Chns Bluse app li es his tou gh defense against the otTense. Bl use was rated a top pl ayer by lh e Rocky Mountain News " I really enJoy playmg lacro sse for Go lden, it's a good way to get exerc ise," s aid Blu se. Photo by Ro n Fin elh
Hot Shot Junior Pau l Adam s waits 1n anticipation for the pas s. The record fo r th e team thi s seaso n ,vas 5-4-3 Chris Bluse lead th e team in goals thi s year.
season went ok,
did not do TH AT bad
sa id
ph omore Ryan F iel ds. Ph oto by Ro n F1nelli
Tough D Junior 1cole Bndge s lnes to defend her opponent 1n a tough match walh Wheat Ridge The girls lacro sse team fini shed with a record of 63-6 They made 11 10 the first round of the s tate tournament loos ing a d1sappo1n1ing game against St. M ary's. Ju nior M argo Cahgun said. " Thi s year was great because lhe team really clicked and got to be great fnends."
Fa ce to Face Sophomore Tona Sullivan a11empts to wan a face off dunng lhe closing minute s against Wheat Rid ge Seniors Tracy Hey,-..ood, Justine Barusch, H ollie Brak.ken and Kathryn Pfau .Se nior Kathryn Pfau led the team w11h 16 goals and Tracy Heywood foil owed with 12 Juni or 1kk1 Bnd ges said, ·•we could have won a lot of lh e games that we tied but other than that It was a great season "Photo by R F1nel11
Kent Denver
Wheat Ridge
G Washington
D East
St Mary s
Season Record
Who is Open Freshman Kri stt n e Vaavoda looks for someo ne to pass to The team will be even stronger next year because they d1dn '1 lose very m an y sen iors. Junior H illary Smi th said, " I hope that we do eve n better next year." Ph oto by R Finell!
Go for the Goal Se nior Tracy Heywood allempts a sho t agai n st Wh eat Rid ge The leader 1n assis ts was senior T racy Heywood w11h IO foil owed by Hillary S mith wtth seven Shan n g th e goalie duties were M arissa Lowther and J essica Sm 11ham Soph omore Toni Sullivan s aid, " It was a grea t year and th e team became really c lose."
Photo by R F inel11
Summer Supplement '99 23
Photo by R Finelh , '. I
-19 Wheat Rid ge 8-6 Rampart 8-5 Columbine 15-7 Cherry Creek 0--0 Dakota Ridge 6-7 Boulder 6-7 Colorado Academy 0-0
0-0 4-4 0-0 0-0 16-2 8-9 3-16
Track has an awewsome season sending six to State
By Brianna Baker, Katie Carlson, and Josie Cox
Score board
M Sandoval. S Darey M Mc Kee. L. Nolung. E Fo-s , S Pi zzo. :,1
J Will•am~S Lukraf\.a, S L1ddu:I. Four1h Ro w: Coach G Nel\00, L. Ibraham. T C ppcllo , '\.•
C Huntsman. T Carroll, B Bechler R 8JrtOO, A Sm ith , C Havcngar, COJch D Hammock
fifih Row: J (>apes, N P.ipc5. C Ellison , G Slater,) Dc.mlartcau Sean Martin. M Fanc1ull1 , ·-:':•
D \Vallon, J Mckee.A. Queen Back Row · J Gregory. R Black , C Albnghl , T Cle rkm K .J
Clerk,n. J Shannon. R Manin. P Siu · i~
They' re Off So ph omore Abby Sands hand s off to se nior S h annon Sumner during one of the relay s. Su mn e r and Sand s went to State along with so ph o m ores M eg han Cooper, Sarah Pizzo , and Junior Sarah Phillip s. Bo ys' tra ck se nt se nior Au s tin S m i th Sophomore M e red ith M ckee sa id, " It was di s appointing be ca u se so me people that s hould've m ade 11 didn't. " Photo by Di c k Byrne
. t:....... _
Jump Around Sophomore N ico le Moore leaps int o the au trying to out-J ump the compet1t1on Prac ti ce ran from 2;45 p m until 3.45 p m every day a ft e r sc hool Sophomore Sarah P izzo placed s ixth at S tat e 1n th e one mile run and two mile run s M oore said, " I made m y longe s t Ju m p of the year a t Reg iona ls " Photo by Di c k Byrne Gi rl s' Scores M eet Colo r ado Roundup
Boys' Scores Pla ce M eet Place 5th Co lorado Rou ndup 10th WRHS /C HS/AH S/G HS 4th WRH S/C H S/A HS/G H S 4th jlj J effco League 7t h J effco Le ag ue 7 th Girl s 0 -3 Front Ro w: S Wa gelmg. N Mu e ll er, J Meyer, E. 0..berg S Ph1ll1p , Seco nd Ro w: Coach Holly S Sumner, L Hoogheem S Bak I.er, S Cimcy, L Word N Markovch,c l. , K V.11voda Third Row : L. LukraO.:i
24 F ace 2 Face
He ave It Senior Enc Gu1hne releases the sho1put dunng a meet. The coaches were D ave Hammoc k and Gma Nelson The top boy ru n ners were seniors Aus t in Smllh. Kevin Clerk 1n. To n y Cappello. and Junior Mar k Fa i rweathe r Senior Kevin Clcrk1n said, "I ,v,sh I would have done tnck all four years " P hoto by D ic k Byrne
Go for th e Go ld J unior
P h1lhp Siu slows down after a long race There ,, ere new start i ng and fin1sh1ng hnesat Jefferson County S1ad1um !hat the runners had to adjust to Almost all meets were held al Jefferson County Stadium Coach Dave Hammock said. "Our top runners did a great Job" Photo b} D i ck Byrne
Keep On Running Sen i o r K ev in C le rk in h a nd s o ff to sophomore M ark F anc 1u lh d u nng o ne of 1h e boys' few mee ts M any of th e track meets were c an ce ll ed d ue to t he b ad weathe r The season e nded 1n mid- M ay once Sta le was over Coac h D ave Ham mock sai d. " W e had a young, inexperienced tea m but o u r se n iors sho,ve d g rea t leadersh i p" Photo b y Di c k B yrne
Fini s h It J unior 8111 Hi llen prepares to finis h t he race Top jumper-. for the boys i ncluded Junior Geoff Sim m s Events included relays, spnn1s. long distance races, longJump, high Jump, and s h otpu t Sophomore Nicole M oore said. "\Ve d1dn 't even ge t to make up the mee ts t h a t were cancelled since the re were so many·· Photo by Dick B yrne
Summer Supplement ' 99 25
·• " -· - ·· _,, ,-
Girls' tennis players battle the net monsters.
By Krystal Haughey, Thomas Williams and John Zirbes.
Hit It Senior M organ Re n emeyer hits the ball at practice Th ere are 11 varsity p os1t1ons The team had one single and four doubles Assistant Coach Sarah Coonan sai d "Ou r pl ayers are very good at charging the net."
by Ro n Finelh
S tead y Freshman J oanna Ward pra c ll ces her hand eye coo rd1nat1on Thi s year 1nd 1v1dual s from th e team pla ce d both third and fourth 1n th e regional s. Th e team pra c ti ces five days a week fo r two hours Sop h o more Kimberl y Swisher sa id " We had a s t rong team this yea r." Ph oto by R on Fin e lli. 26 Face
2 Face
at h erine Rid ge, K e lly
Team Pla yed Score Arvada Wes t l-6 Co lumb ine 1-6 Green M ountain 7-0 Bear Creek 3-4 Arvada 6-1 Chatfield 3-4 Pomona 2-5 Wh eat Ridge 0-7
Record 2-6
Front Row: Kimberl y Swisher, Tia Fu shimi Second Row: M organ Reitmeyer, K
Aronowitz , Abb ie Phi s tere r Back Row : Coach Laura Carter, Dylan Reitme yer, Laura Bollin ger, Bnanna Baker, Mi c h e ll e K i n g, Amanda Mod iz,
ss t. Coac h
Sadie's is a time to kick back,, have fun, and do a little dancing.
by Heather McDowell, LeeAnne Kephart , Ju s tin Stiegelmeier
Havin' a Blast F res hman Terry Acree 1s having a blas t at the Sadie Ha wk.ins D a n ce Sadie Hawkin s was held at the Denver I}e.<;1gn Center Thi s year's th eme was Holl ywood N1ghh Senior Ton ya Fushimi said, " Th e best part of Sa d ie H aw kin s was domg ' th e nasty'" Ph oto by B111 Ke ll ey
Boogy Down Se ni or Lu c Simmons dances w ith hi s partner at Sad1cs. This year's Sadie Haw kin s dance was h eld on Sat urd ay, Feb 27 A disc Joc key was provided for the dance, a nd played a var iety o f mu sic " The best part was the music and th e dancing ," sa id freshman Ti a Fu s h1m1 Ph oto by Bill Kell ey
Class of 1999 Omissions
Getting Jiggy With It Juni or Chn s Bl use s truts hi s stuff on the d ance floor Thi s year's se mifonn a l dance wa s decorated w ith m ov ie pos ters and Oscar rep li cas Since Sad1es 1s not th e trad1t1onal method where t he guys ask th e g irl s, the ladie s had to p ay the S8 for th e ticke t prices Senior Letitia Ga illard sa id " The best pan abou t Sad1es wa s th e mu sic at the e nd " Photo by B111 Kelley
Lauren Rob e rt son
Summer Supplement 27
This was truly a night to remember starting at the Petroleum Club and ending at the Golden Recreational Center.
By Sara Lukrafka , Stefanie Nah ley, and Liz Lukrafka
C row n Us Senio rs J ohanna Snow and Jason Lewi s dance logelher afte r being c rowned a s King and Queen Eac h ti c ket c o st $20 eac h , becau se lhe Juniors need lo break even 10 lhe1r a cc ounl. The budget forPro m was $1 O,(X)() and th ey s pent about $10,000 '' Prom 1s s om e thing that will s parkle in my eye s fore ver," s aid Junior Lon Maloney P holo b y Bill K e lley
Ho ld On J uni o r Chn s tin e Deming hold s on to h e r prin c ess c rown c;o she c a n dan ce w i th her pnn c e , Jun1or Chri s Blu se. Some of lhe Juniors did a US W est fundra1 ser from se v e n a m to 5 p m • earning about $1 ,000 The dec orat ion s alone c o s t four to $500 " Prom was beaullful , romanll c, and n ice I had a wond e rful tim e and I will never forget 1t, 1t wa s my firsl one ," s a1d fre s hman Ehzabeth Martin e z Ph oto by B111 Kelley
Groov' n Seniors Chri s H ickman and Tiffany Frederi c k do a line dan ce to s how off th e ir moves. The prom queen 's tiara c o s t $20 while the prom king 's c rown c o s t$ 3 5 Th e fund s for P rom c ame from the J un1orClass acco un t. ' The bes t part of P rom was lhe view of the c ity ," s aid s op h o m ore Stacey Chi s m Phot o by B111 K e lley
28 Face 2 Face I
H e r e C om e th e Brid es Mr Lowell S harp mam es sen iors Leah Edenfield and M eghan Davie~ at Afterpro m There w~ no cost to get into After-prom Once you leave Afterprom, you cannot get back in Juni o r C hn st tna Wint er said. "After- pro m 1s always fun with all of the games an d food th ey have" Ph oto by Di c k B y rn e Co me On e C om e All Mr Lowell Sharp read s the winners of th e pnze at Aft er- pro m After-prom was spo n sored by com munity bu s in esses such as Pi zza Hut , Untted Artist Th ea ters, T C BY 1cc cream, Th e Crys tal Ro se, and Wood y's Pi zza Th e co mmunll y provided a fun, non alcoholic, and safe place to be "I'd rather JU St go to After-prom th en th e dance," said se ni or Ryan B ecwar Ph oto by Di c k Byrn e
Ju st C hillin ' Senior L uke Ke ll ey, h is date, a n d se nior Brendan Chisolm are all tak in g 11 easy at G H S' s After- pro m After-pro m was held at the Go lde n Recreattonal Ce n ter After- p rom went from mi dnight until 5 a.m. Senior Kevin Clerk in sa id " After- p rom was s uch a blast , I had a great 11me o n the ba ll oo n castle " Photo by Dick Byrne
C ra zy Lad y Senior Skye Svenningsen mana ges to get throu g h th e balloon cas tl e at After-prom After-prom o ffered manyact1v111es in c ludin g cas ino games, c arn i va l games, and th e favored balloon cas tl e All Juniors and sen io r s that attended w ere el1g 1bl e to win a $500 pn zc " I like all th e ca rn i val games the mos t ," s tat e d Junior N1 co lc Fro st Ph o to by D1c k
By rn e Summer
--·- · ···- ·--·-- -
I -- I
Supplement ' 99 29
Thank You Senior J cnm1ah H ooks shows the crowd his ne,vly earned diploma The c la ss s peaker was soc ial stud1es tea c he r Mike O' Don s10 Three hours of pract1c1ng ,vas spen t on graduation. Senior Jos h Knox 1>a1d, "11us may have taken four years, but 1t is worth tl " Photo by R Ftnelh
Th es e a re th e T im es Senior Shannon Sumnerdel1vers her gra duauon speech to the Class of 1999 The class flower 1s the I n s and the class so ng was '' 1999" by Pnnce There were 13 JUntor escorts that were selected by National Honor Society Jumore sco nChrt s Bl use said, ·•1 can ' t wait until 1t 1s my tum to walk." Photo by R Finell!
I ' ll Tak e that Se ni or Kevm W llltams gladly accep ts h is diploma The class colors are M idn ight Blue and Silver Graduauon was on M ay 22 , 1999 at 9 am at Brookes Field Senior Ryan Whitfo rd sa id, "I'm very glad to be out of here"
by R Fine l h
An Emotional Good-bye Senio r M att Boyd gets emo tion a l about leav in g after officially graduating fro m G H S Th ere we re 12 valed1ctonans in the C lass of l 999 T he class poem was °The r oad not ta ke n" by Robert Fros t and the class hero was John Elway Sen ior A u stin S m ith sa id , " l am very pumped lo be g raduating P hoto by R Fi n elh
Graduation and Baccalaureate allow se11iors to s a y their final goodbyes as they head out into their future s .
By Ryan Nee and Chns Medina
Sa ying Goodbye Seniors Joanna Snow and Rebek.ah Jacobs prepare to present flowers to their parents. Baccalaureate 1s where seniors and lhe1r parents get together for the la.-;1 t1me as high schoolers. At the e nd of lhe get toge th er. all of the sen iors gave flowers to th eir parents Senio r Spencer Nee said. "The whole presentation was pretty good. I think 11 was a good end to our high sch ool careers ·• Photo by Ron Finclh
Swan Song Se01or; Scou M organ and M ana So l ano ,mg at th e bacca laureate presentation Dunng the get together they showed the ever popular -.enior video for everyone', enJoyment Senior Debbie Wan gave a speech on the W1:ard of 0: and how 11 penamed to gra dualtn g from high school Senior Abbey Kn ox said , ·•1loved the se n1orv1d eo , 11 w~ th e best part of th e whole evening ' Phot o b y R o n Fin ell,
Footnot es to a Great Year
The 24th Street Singe~ s in g a lovely m elody dunng the baccalaureate get together Senior Crystal Cr.ug read a plethora of poems about not giving up Senior Ted Burl,. e wa.s the ma.stcr of ceremonies throughout the entire prc senta1 1on Ted said, " I th ought 11 went really ,moothly " Photo by R on Finclh
- -·· - -·- •---
Summer Supplement
99 31
By Ryan Neea n dC hri s M e din a
To u g h G u y Senior Evan Langs tead (Danny) persuades JUn1or Bryan Turner (Eugene) to leave the stage Grease was lhe only play lhts year with a pit orchestra. which was lead by Scott Edson The play was performed on Apnl 7-10. Senio r Chns H ickman said, " I lhought 1l was fun to smg a son g about mooning people " P holo by Ron F inelh
G r ea s e d L i g htnin g TheT-B1rds admire lheir sweet nde Junior Andy Quirk was 10 charge of all lhe sound aspecls of the play excluding the pit orcheslra T he T-Birds we re p layed by seniors Chris H ickman as Roger. Scott Morgan as Doody, Trav is Valentine as K e n 1ck1e, and JUntor J ordan Ash as Sonny Senior Scott M organ said, "I liked singing my solo al the end of every show because 1t sort of topped off the rest of our perfonnance "
P hoto by Ron F1nell1
I ' m So rr y Evan Langsted (Danny) apologizes to Mana Solano (Sandy) for all of the mistakes that he made 1n their relationship Th e main characters of the play were seniors M ana Solano playing Sandy. and Evan Langstead as Danny The P ink Ladies were played by seniors Skye Svenn ingsen as Jan, Chmeane Narens as R izzo, Junior Carolyn Cockle as M arty, and sophomore Aimee Ward as F renc h y Skye said, " I can 'l 1mag1ne doing a more memorable play for my last m usical at GH S "
P ho to by R on Finelh
The spring production of Grease was a giant success, selling out Jnultiple nights.
32 Face 2 Face
By Allison Bum s and Scott Walla ce
This year's theater performed a play after a great work of writing, The Diary of Anne Frank The book was a top se ller world wide and the play, well, it was a hit throughout all of Golden. The play wa s based on a girl who was about to tum fifteen and li v ing during W orld War II. The play was based on a real li fe s tory , and in all it wa s touching and si nce re A l ot of time went into this play. Month s of work went into rehears ing , tryouts, and s tudying parts. On average , th e drama clu b pra c ti ce d two to three hours after school every day . That' s more than man y te e ns at Golden spend at th ei r after-school Job s. Nick Fable s aid, " I s pent so mu c h time h e re in drama , but it 's coo l , ca use I love it anyway ."
Many s tudent s plan to take drama to th e next leve l and b eco m e actors and actresses Nichol Dupont s aid , "Someday I would love to become famous, but that 's just a dre a m for now ."
But the opinions of the audience i s the m ost important part , and everyone seemed to l ove it. Mi ck Jeann e' co mm ented , "Th e pla y r eally made me think . I ' m glad I went." J os h Schatz a lso added , " It wa s terrifi c, everything went real s mooth .''
it Out Senior R obin Jennings talks H out with f am1ly while Senior Andy Quirk bows down hts head thinking . The fnends had many meetings in order to talk of th e l.I' future Ph oto by B Kelley
Grief Show Sopho m ore Sarah E1 senbud cli ngs tightly to h er cha ir w hil e talking abou t th e coat she ruined Senior Robin Jenning s plays a fam ily fnend trying to console Anne Anne's older sister 1s a lso there played by so phomore J essica Kline Ph o to by B Ke ll ey
Academics 33
The Guard Dog Sen io r Adam Smith s tands above Sarah E1senbud Adam plays Mr Vandusel , a fello\v Jewish man \Vho is taken in by the same people that helped Anne ' s fam il y Ph o to by B Kelley
The daily life a demon athlet e is faced with, c an be in credibly s trenuou s. On top o f having regular sc hool dutie s and ho mew o rk , so me students ha ve sport s activities to take part in after sc hool. An athl ete's day doe s no t end after sc hool ha s officia lly e nded at two. Mo s t s tud ents have two o r three hour pra c ti ces to attend; so me o f which s tart immediately after sc hool and others that do not end until ten. Th e re are many sport s that Go lden Hi g h School ha s to offer its more than 1400 st udent s. Football , boy s socce r , boys go lf, cro ss co untry , gymnastics, boy s tennis, vo lleyball and so ftball are offered 1n the fall seaso n Thi s year the football team went to playoffs as well as the bo ys' soccer te am, fini s hing with a great record of 14- 4 - 1 Thi s wa s partly re spon s ible fo r the many GHS s tudents who made allco nferen ce and honorab l e mention . I n th e wint er se as on GHS offers Wre s tling , girls' basketball, boy s basketball, bot h girls' a nd boy s' s wimming and diving. Thi s year the s wimming and djving team was outs tanding , winni ng several trophies including third pl ace in a5A Tournament. In th e s pring s ea so n, GHS offers gi rls' golf, girls' tenni s and boy s' and girls' l acrosse and tra ck and fie ld All of the spo rt s he re at G HS get s upp o rted by Go lden Demon s, day in and day out. Th ere are very big cum outs at mo s t of the ho mega me s. At so meofthehomegame s the Tridettes come to perform . To boo s t the spirit s of our fan s and s upport our D emon athlete s, the Cheerl eade rs come to all of the home game s, al so attending seve ral of the a\vay games. When fa cing an opponent, the demon s come th rough with exce llen ce and pride
By Aaron Barker and Stefanie Nahley
Nice re tu rn Semor Tim P ray re turns a serve during practice " I love play in g tennis, it's good exercise," said senior James Workman Ph oto by B K elly
Fo re! Senior Kyle Dinkle lees off ac one of the Golden games Mark Hornecker 1s the coach of the boys golf ceam "Golf this year was a success, 11 was an exctting season," said sophomore Josh Schatz Photo by B Kelly
Here \Ve go Senior Cassandra Dittbrenner starts 10 warm up in one of their practices "Gymnastics 1s a good ,vay to get some exercise," said senior Sandy Porter Photo by B Kelly
Here Com es Th e Pitch Jun1or M egan Cooper pttches it at the game against Wheat R idge " I liked watching the softball team, they are fun to watch," said Junior Josh Weis Pho to by B Kelly
S win g Ba tt er Junior Bnana B aker prepa res 10 swing as the pitch comes in Sometimes the team was released from school early due to having games at other schools "This year \vas a good year for the softball team," said Junior Tony Carver Photo by B Kelly ' Sports
-...., --
Defence Seniors Aaron Aguilar, M att Curtis, Adam M yers and J un1or Donnie Pnd rnore auempt to sco re against Wh e at Ridge Hi gh School. Football 1s one of the large s t s upporte d sports at GHS , and 1s made up of over thirty varsity players Ph oto courtesy of B Kelly
EatmyDust SeruorChns Vortues
s lides pas t N1wot 's defence while co mpl e t1ng j u s t another touchdown
In order to keep their s pint s up the footbaH team prays pnorto each game
" Our team this year was very good, our record does n ' t show that beacu se of the very tough team s and leagues that \Ve h ave played agains t," s aid se nior Adam M yers P hoto co urtesy of B Kelly
Dakota Rid ge game wa s th e bes t ga me of th e seaso n .
" Th e Dak ota Ridge g_a m e wa s a nd alW<!YS will be th e bigges t victory tfiat l: h ave ever ex p er ie n ce d It was hu ge."
Senior Adam M ye rs
There are 19 se niors1 11 juniors , 13 s ophmores and 2 fre s hm e n o n th e varsity football team .
" Thi s te a m was th e bes t team that I h ave eve r played on, and I will ne ver for ge t th e D ako ta Rid ge game"
Senior M a tt Schlieman
I n ord e r for th e team to keep th e ir s pirits upl th ey hav e a pre- game ritual of s l a_pp i~he s ign in the oc k e r r oom that s tate s ' Fight th e Goo ight '.
36 ;z Sco re Team Pla yed Score 21- I2 Dak ota Rid ge 21-3 0-41 Rampart 14-2 1 M ontrose 14-43 Wheat Rid ge 12-28 46 -0 Lakewood 28-23 Conifer 48 -3 21-48 Woodland P ark . :•c:":~~~~~====~ ,•,, =:=,:: ron ow. , , , c m1 eg er, . rav • 0 \ D Montanez Seco nd R ow: M Gowey, T Carver, A Myers , D McBroom , J • ,,::, Dratch, D Pndmore, M Leadford Third Row : Coach Tob y Maes, M Palmer, C Cappello , A Aguilar, C. Vorhies , D Robe rts, A Cardoso, S Saindon , J Dw ight, Coach Dan Petro. Forth Row : Coach John Anderson , R Bl ack, M Curti s. M Schheman , J , Engler, C Gleaton , K Ramstetter, L Roberts , Coach t Lo d
TheSmellofVictory Senior
Jo s h Dratch s tand s proud after defeaungN1wotH1ghS c hool Atleast one person from each pos iti on made all conference at GH S " Football lh1s year went great 1 I think we acompltshed a lot of our goals by making 11 to the playoffs It was a good sea son " sai d Senior Derek Mc Broom Photocourt esyof B Kelly
GloryDays Seniors AdamMyers, Alex Co rdosa and Derek M c Broom rem1n sce \Vh1le takin g a break from their game against D a ko t a Rid ge Alth o ug h Dakota R1d ge had fifty more players then G H S we s t 111 managed to defeat them with a sco re of 2 1 to 3 Ph oto co urtesy of B Kelly
Thewilltowin Jun1 or 8u cky Schmitt dra gs a N1wot player along for the vic tory Th e Juniors mak e up over one-th ird of the varsity football team •·rm very proud o f our team thi s year," s aid se nior Dominic Martin ez Ph otocourtesyof B Kell y
Sports 37
Golden Demon ball players facing off for th e s tart of their regular season. " Thi s years team is reloading instead of h aving high expectations/' coach Peterso n sai d Even though the competition would be hard for the girls, the y felt that they co uld h andle anything that came their w ay. " We knew that thing s would be difficult," junior Michelle King sa id , " but we were prepared be ca u se we wanted so badly for it to be a good seaso n ."
Although there were new young ball players in the team , sop hmore s, juniors a nd senio r s are well experienced with team unity and pro vide d s upport to each o th er in the seaso n. " There were many experienced players on the team, so it helped out against tougher compe titors," senior ca tcher Kri s tin a Hopkin son sa id
Each and every team memb e r learned a lot from losing other th an winning " It 's good to know what your mistakes are," Kendra Kelley sai d , " be ca u se you'll learn a lot and improve from it."
Golden Demons enjoyed h av ing themse lves in th e s tate co mpetition thi s yea r 1 'Eve n though we just made it to the fir st round ," s aid Randi Patt on, "we' ll be r eady for the upcoming co mpetitio n next yea r ."
Le t' s Finish T h e m Off J unior pitcher M eghan Cooper g ives advice and assistance to her team " I felt very positive about the season starting because of how well our scnmmages went." said Cooper Photo by B Kelley
Just Tagging Along Jun ior M eredith M c k ee tagging her opponent fr om second base and remarkably got her out. ''This year I came out to ha ve fun more th an anythmg," said M c Kee Ph oto by B Kelley
Here Goes Nothing Jun ior Ke ll y Hayes sw i ngs th e bat and hits the ball to the mid-field " I th ink we have more team unity and played good together as a team," sa id Hayes Ph oto by B Kelley
38 :z
Varsity Softball Team
Michelle King , Laura Bolltnge r , Brianna Baker, Mend1th M c Kee , Meghan Cooper, Kelly H aye s, Kendra Kelly , Rand i " Pauno" Patt on, Kn s ttna H opkinson, Coach Peterson and Coach Bo llinger
Get Ready J un1orp1tcher Meghan Cooper focu sed on a target of the catchers met , throws the ball and ended the game with a win •·1111 s seaso n I have put a lot more empha s is on p1tch1ng , and worked a lot harder," said Cooper Photo by B Kelley
Girl Power D uring the warm up .junior Ke lly H ayes 1s ready a nd s hows he r s trength to the team " W e wanted the season to be great because 1l was s uch a big event for all of us," sai d H ayes Ph o to b y B Ke ll ey
Defender of the Home Bas e Senior catc her Kn sttna Hopkin son ca tc hing the ball from home wh en her o pponent s teal s fro m the third base " I like the hard work I put 1n thi s team because it 's a w ay for me to mo ve up in hfe ," s aid H opkinson Phot o by B Ke lley
Team Pl ayed Score Team Played Score -~ Denver Eas t 4-5 Arvada 0-2 Mullen 8-2 Pom o n a 3-6 Green Mountatn 4-1 Columbine 1-2 Lakewood 1-2 Chatfield 10-0 Bear Creek 0-2 Standley Lake 1-0 Wasso n 7-1 Green Mountain 3-4 GW 10-0 Pon dero sa 2-3 Rangev1ew 2 - 1 Th orton 12-3 Wheat Ridge 0-6 Wheat Ridge 6-11 Pomona 2-4 Fruita 0-0 Wheat Rtdge l-4 Longmont 1-6
Sports 39
Stolen Senior Jesse Crock talces the ball away from a Standley Lake forward J esse was one of eleven se nio rs who played o n the varsity socce r team thi s year Senior Joe Borden s aid , "Se niority was a great s trength in our team ." Ph oto by B Kelley
HeShoots,HeScores In their game against Standley Lake , Senior Andy Solomon bursts past hi s man Solomon sco red thi rteen goals. making him the team leader in goals
Photo by B Kelley
Denied Sen ior Nate Blain blocks a s hot by hi s man and takes co ntrol of the ball Golden had many clo se games thi s seaso n in c luding the game against H orizon. Senior M ark Hagelbe rg sa id , " H orizon was the bes t game of the year because it was a hard fought gam e that ended up with us winning in a shootout. " Ph oto by B K elley
Making the Move So ph omore Joe Kennedy malces a qui c k move in the game against Green M ountain Joe Kenned y was the only underclas s men to play on the varsity socce r team Photo by B Ke ll ey
FliFf 40
He'sGotaBreakawa y Sen1orGeoffS1mssprintswiththeballpasta defender for Standley Lake Andy Solomon and Geoff Sims were th e o nl y team members who were First Team All -Co nferen ce. Freshman And y Hun tsman said, " I liked going to the varsity socce r games beca use they were fun and th ey won most of their games ." Photo by B Kelley
That's Using your Head
Se ni or Bnan Logan goes up for a heade r agamst hts defender Logan w as the only team membe r to make Seco nd Team All -Conference helping them to rank secong 1n league and 10 th e top sixtee n an s tate. Ph o to by B Kelley
- kazq C - ·-·-T ea m Played Score T eam Pla yed Golden vs Thort o n 2 - 1 Golden vs. Pomona Golden vs. Denver South I - 0 Go ld en vs. Arvada Golden vs. H onzo n 2 - 1 Golden vs. Green Mtn Score 5 - I 3-0 1 - 3 , Golden vs K e nn e d y 4 - 0 Golden vs. C hatfield 3 - 2 Golden vs. Manual 7 - 1 Golden vs. Bear Creek 8 - 1 Golden vs. T.J 6 - 0 Golden vs Columbine O - 2 Golden vs Arvada W es t 1 - 2 Golden vs. Northglenn 2 - O Golden vs Wh ea t Rid ge 2 - l Go lden vs. Columbtne 2 - 3 Golden vs Stand ley Lake 2 - 2 Overall R ecord 12 - 4 - 1l • •
Bottom Row Ryan V1 e rke, J oe Kennedy , Mi c ha e l Morn so n, Geof Sims , Andy Solomon, E van Willi s Second Row, Carlos Cady- Re he is ( : Brian Logan, Nathan Blain, J esse Croc k, Pe ter Dusenbury, Mar H agelberg Top Row · Tim Burc h , Greg Wamboldt , Paul Needham ,.· ordan Hau ser , Joe B orde n, B ill Htll e n, Coach Rei d
• Sports 41
Get That Ball Senior Sara h
Kampf gets down and bumps lhe b all back over to the opposi n g team Th e overall reco rd was a disappoin tin g 415 K a mpf s a id , "W e great team unity , all lhe girl s on lhe team are like s is ters to me " Photo by B ill Kelley
NowThat'sTeamwork Juruor
Ni c ole M oore and Senio r Elaine Ekberg hll t h e ball over on lhe olher team 's c ourt to keep i t from h i ttin g the ground Senior K ayc ee H eid led the team , rece1v1ng All -Conference
P hoto by B Kelley
Slam it Down Senio r Sarah
P hillips s pikes the ball dow n o n the oppo s ue team Volleyball ca n be played 10 m any places li ke a gym , o ut door 1n gras s, and on the beach both 10 water or on th e s and Ph oto by Bill Kelley
This year's Golden Volleyball team was full of experience and enthusiasm. Unfortunately , their enthusiasm did not show through on th e co urt racking up only four wins. The biggest accomplishment was beating Green Mountain in the second to last game of the seaso n " Everyone just came together and played like stars," said senior Elaine Ekberg. The team had all seniors and one junior with lots of experience. Kaycee Heid also got recognized with a Jefferson County All-Conference honor fl/# 42
T eam Pl
Aurora Ce ntral 2-0 C hatfi e ld 0-2 W estmin is le r 2-1 Bear Creek 1-2 Dakota Ri dge 1-2 Arvada W es t 0-2 W asso n 0-2 Arvada 0-2 Mull en 0-2 Standley Lake 2-0 Wh ea t Ridge 0-2 P omo na 0-2 Al a m os a 1-2 Green Mounta in 2- 1 Evergreen 0-2 W asso n 0-2 Skyline 1-2 Columbine 1-2
ayed Score Team Pl ayed Score
Go and Get it Seniors Kay cee Heid and Enn Bernard dart to save lh e ball befo re it h its the gr o und The volley ball games are fun and exc 11tng es pecia lly wh e n the players have a large a ud ien ce to c heer them on to v ic tory Ph oto by Bill Ke ll ey
By Apnl
Team E ffort is B es t Seniors Enn Bernard, L1sana Rojas, Elaine Ekberg, Sarah Ph tl hps, Sarah Kampf, Chri sty Dem in g, Kalle Stodola, Nikt Frost, Kaycee Heid and Junior Nicole Moore pose for the camera Team leaderslup was a great strength due to the amount of sen iors on the team
Not in My Hou s e Senior Elaine Ekberg tnes hard lo keep th e ball over on the opponents si de of the net. Volleyball was a very popular sport, three full teams were filled and a ll were compet1t1ve Ph oto by Bill Ke lley
Go Demons Senior Ka ycee Heid watches as J unior Nicole Moore makes th e pla y to successfully bump the volleyba ll over th e net Th e coach 1s a big part of making th e team good Ph oto by Bill Ke ll ey
Ce lebrate Se nior Sarah Kampf ce leb rat es her success of her team as the audience cheers th em on Volleyball ca n be very st ressful if th ere 1s no coopera t ion around the team . Ph oto by Bill Ke ll ey
~ -
Wallace and Stephanie Wil son
Photo by Jeremy Matth ews
Sports 43
Con ce ntration Senior Tim
Pray puts all his attention towards putting the ball back 1n play The most improved player voted by the players was Sophomore Eric Cowen. Cowen staled, "Thi s was the best season I've had " Photo by B Kelley
"A " for E ffort Saunders s how s hi s Juni or Lee effort while serving a ball. The tn-captians of the tennis team were Seniors James W orkm an , Thatcher Glode and Tim Pray W o rkman sta ted , " I had fun playing tenni s thi s year " Photo by B Kelley
By Katie Carlson
Full Speed Ahead Senior
Thatcher GI ode hit s the ball with all hi s s trength in a match against P omona . Golden won the match six to one Glode s tated , " I had some of my bes t se rve s thi s year " P ho to by B Kelley
Eye on the Ball Ju n ior Adam Nims stretches to get a ball in a recent match Nims and h1 s partner Lee Saunders were th e only players to make ll to state Nim s s aid , "Sta te felt very inllm1dattng." Ph oto by B Kelley
Grab a Racqu et and Wa c k it Senior Jam es W orkman return s th e ball for a winner The tenni s team had a di sa ppoml!ng regional tournament placing s 1x lh out of 13 teams Juni or Lee Saunders said, "State was weak. T oo bad we had to play Cherry C reek." Photo by B Kelley
Strength and determination best describes this group of 16 tennis athletes , ages ranging from freshmen to senior.Junior Adam Nims said, "The season went very well considering we had a lot of freshmen." With Laura Carter as the coach, the team had tough practices everyday from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Coach Carter was assisted by former GHS graduate and tennis letterman Brandon Allen. The team was led by seniors Thatcher Glode, Tim Pray and James Workman. Number one singles player, senior Tim Pray was voted MVP and won the Demon Tennis A ward. This young team gained experience and potential. The players look forward to a prosperous season next fall.
Tea m P layed Score Team Pla yed Score Wheat Ridge 0-7 Arvada 6Arvada West 2-5 Chatfield · Columbine 4-3 Lakewood 5, Green Mountian 2-5 Pomona 65-2
Front Row: J osh Perry , Trevor Petrofesso, Chris Fair, Adam Simmons
: Middle Row : En c Cowen , Travi s Snyder , Tony M uljad 1, Adam Nim s, Mike Sand ova l, Andy W o laver Ba c k Row: Coach Laura Carter, Tim Pray, Thatc her GI ode, Lee Saunders, C h ris Lollar , Ja mes
·. W orkman, Broc k Allen , Coac h B randon All e n
Sports 45
So C l ose ... Freshman EncaThompson sprin ts to,vard s the finish line ma race at Greenbelt Senior Sean Martin sa id , " I loved the feehng of being with the team PractJce was fun, but when ,ve mel before practice I felt I ,vas part of somethi ng sign ifigant .''
Photo by B 111 Kelley
The Final Stretch Fre s hman Emily H oppin gasps for air as she finishes her race against Dakota Ridge Senior Jame s M cKee said, r Jove our crazy team during pracu ce. and the great se n se of humor we have together"
Almost There Senio r K yle Krueger dashes toward the finish line near the end of a S K race Krueger said, " My favorite part about cross country 1s being able to have f un and be success ful at the same ume." Photo by B111 Kelley
Photo by Bill Kelley
F~ 46
By Jimmy Adamson, R yan Zenker and Ryan Nee
Ba ck Row : Shawn Alcock, J eremy Shannon, Behren Roys ter, Andy · Z1mmennan , Sean Martin , Jon Sestrich, Piers Wendlandt , Charles Surratt,JamcsMcKee, Man ssa Meyennk ,Zac hGarrett , KyleK.rueger, Mark Fairweather J\.-liddl e Row : Becky Ketchum , Rhonda Hoffert, J ess ica Alexander, Emily Hoppin, J ennifer Meyer, Enca Thompso n , Megan Tnp-Add1 so n , Ja son Dewhurst, Seth Balcker Front Row : Shannon M eehan. Cassa Zimmennan, Alex Shier, Tim Brown
Wicked Fa s t Senior M ark
Fairw eather humes to ge t to the finish 1n the track meet at L iberty Bell Du nng practice cross country tak es runs around Golden Sophomore Juh e \V11l iams said, "Dako ta R idge was the best course because II was mu ddy and fun" Ph oto by Bill Kelley
The E nd is N e ar Fres hm an Cassa Zimmerman runs toward th e end o f th e course at Lead" tile Cross country prac tices e"ery da} afte r sc hool Ju nio r Pie rs \Vendlaot said, "M y favorite course was the last one beca use it was a nice wrap up for the e nd o f the season " Ph oto by B ill Kelley
Athl e tes a t Go ld en h ave a s tr an ge r es p ec t f o r th ose w h o ch oose t o run cr oss co untry. Th ey wo nd e r w hat so rt o f insa n e p e r so n wo uld p u t th e m se lves thr o u gh s u ch p ain a nd s uffe rin g s impl y f o r th e goo d o f th e gro up a nd t o b ea t th ei r o wn p e r so n a l r eco rd s. Runn e r s p u t th e m se l ves injury afte r injury, jus t s triv in g t o do th ei r b es t thr o u g h o ut th e seaso n . Th e c r oss co untry t ea m mu s t run thr ee mil es as h a rd as th ey can in o rd e r to m a int a in th e r e quir e m e nt s n ee d e d fo r th e tea m . Th e c r oss co untry tea m mu s t h ave grea t e ndu a r a n ce in o rd e r t o run th e di s ta n ces th ey do.
Sports 47
Senior Kyle Dinkl e stands in th e tee box ho ld ing his three wood Th e boys gol f team placed fi fth 1n the county " 1 first became int e res ted 10 the game of go lf when my fat her introduced my bro th er a nd I at a very young age, " said Dinkle Ph oto courtesy of M Hornecker
J unior J ohn Chrisman has his picture taken for quail fy1ng to get int o regionals Chrisman placed 18th at regio nals •'J know I could have done better, but over all 1t was a good team," said Chnsman. Ph oto courtesy of M Hornecker
Sophomore Tom Garrett, one of the other four qualifiers for regionals, stands with his wood The team would cont inu ally get out of school for games and tournaments " It was actually a really tough season," said Junior John Chrisman Ph oto courtesy of M Homecker
Freshman Quinn Homecker s tand s w11h his golf bag 1n front of the Rolling H ills Golf Course Homecker's total average of the year for nine holes 1s 41 4 "The challenge , golf 1s a hard game and I thought JI cou ld be fun to try 10 s ucceed at 1t Golf 1s also a game that you can play throughout your entire ltfe, from age 3 to age 80." said Freshman Thomas Van De Bogan Ph oto courtesy of M Homecker
Course Played Score Place Lake Arbor 311 Fourth Foothills 159 Fourth Meadows 333 Eighth Indi an Tree 326 Sixth \Vestwoods 334 Sixth Fox Hollow 333 Tenth Total Score 1796
First row : Tom Garrett, T homas Van DeBogan. Kyle Dinkle , Tyler Enna, Quinn Homecker eco nd row : Cole Clarke , Sean Coughlin. John Chrisman, Coach Mark Homecker , Ryan Klumb, Dane H innen
Sports 49
Hittin the Mats Senior Cassandra Dittbre nn e r pra c ttces her floor rou t i ne 1n the gy m Gymnastics 1s an indiv1duaJ sport whi c h is s tren g thened b y the su pport o f the team Freshman Heather Torbit sai d " There was a lot of diversity w1th1n the team , but we worked toge th er well." Photo by B Kelley
Row 2: Deborah Tarum, H eather Torbit Row 1 : Sarah Kalin
, Not P ic tured : Je ssic a Gore
Reach for the Goal Sophomore Laura Young pracuce s t he choreography for her floor exercise There are only s ix s pot s available on th e varsity ros ter Fres hman Sarah Kahn sa id " Gymna s ti cs was good th is year becau se prac ti ce wa s fun ." P hoto by B Kelley
Score Meet Score @ Golden 141.050 @ Lakewood 147.300 @ Arvada W est 144 .3 00 @ Arvada 152. 150 < @ Co nifer 148 4 75 @ Conifer 15 4 .5 50 , @ Golden 146 950 @ Standley Lake 151 I 80* , @ Arvada W est 144 250 @ Loveland 151060** ** R egional Meet
Row 4: H eather Axen, Kirstin Everett, Lauri Bacon, Cassandra Dittbrenner, Laura Young , Meli ss a Axen . Row 3: Je ss ica Axen, Kim Dimick, Amy Kirk
50 :z I -~---'IM,1!--~~ --· ', '
Game Time Junior Micah Leadford pins his opponent 1n a recent match held The teams besc showing was at the Conifer Tournament where they placed 4lh Senior Mate Curtis said, " Thi s was a great season to end my high school career on " Phocq by B Kelley
The Big Kahuna Sen ior Mary Thomas sw im s fast 1n one of the s wim Cearn s many dual meecs The girls swim ceam wa s extremely s uccessful chi s year placing an amazing second 1n sta te, held m Fort Collins Senior Sam Dovey sai d , " My f avonte part of this season wc\s becomJng friends with the gtrls and doing so well in sta te "
Striving to be the Best Senior Laura Word s truggle s toward the basket dunng a game against \Vheat Ridge The leader s of the team were seniors J amie Henderson, Enn Rozelle and Word H enderson said, " Even though this was a rebuilding year, I feel that we did extremely well against SA sc hool s " Photo by B Kelley
Photo by B Kelley
Sports 51
Bac k Row: Coach R C H anisch, Shannon P oli tte, Lindsay Ostenson, M eghann Kl aserner, K elly P olitte, Kristine V aivoda, Kristin D' Epagnier, Kelly H ock Mi d d le R ow: Lea h F osler, Tessa Lee, Nadia M arkovchick, Abby Y ou n g, M elissa Fine, Leslie D aniels, H eather Riedel. Fro nt Row : Sam anth a D ovey, Audrey Bennett, Emily H oppin, D eborah T aru m , Seda Ozdemir, An n a Berkman
A nti c ipati on Junior Seda Ozdemirwaits for the results of her lates t heat. Seda placed thi rd in 100 breast at the 4A J effco League Meet. " T he pracu.:;es were the worst part of being on the swim team because it was from eight to en at night, it was so hard to stay awake," said sophomore Leah F oster Photo by B Kelley
Fl y Se n ior N ad ia M arkovchickdoes the butte rfl y stroke at the state meet. M arkovc h ick won five secon d places in the 100 fly " M y favorite stroke was the butterfly, because it is jus t fun to do," said M arkovchic k P h o to by B K elley
Breatheln... J unior Seda 02:demir takes a deep breath during the 100 breast stroke race "The most fu n team to compete against was Estes P ark," said Sophomore Le slie Da n iels P hoto by B . Ke ll ey
Name ofMeel Score Name of Meet Score Colorado Invite 3rd Place Wheat Ridge 115 Pts Arvada Wesl 126 Pt s. The Coach Invite 71 Pts Green Mountain 126 Pts The Jeffco Invite 241 Pts. Alameda 150 Pts The Golden Triad 269 Pts J effco R elays 1st P lac Vs Lakewood I 16 Pts
By Drew Zar n and Ad a m Nim s
This ye ar 's girls s wim t ea m was on e o f the b es t eve r a t G H S. At th e b eg innin g o f th e s ea s on, n o on e th o ught th e girls h a d a ch ance a t State . Surpris in g everyo n e, th e gi rl s ' tea m wo n at m ee t a ft e r m ee t, qui ckly m ov in g up in th e rankin gs. Fin a lly , a t th e J effe r so n Co unty 4A Le agu e M ee t, th e G HS gi rl s t oo k fi r s t pl ace. After Lea gu e, th e girl s w e nt on to ta k e seco nd a t State, the b es t Go ld en ha s eve r d on e. Se ni or Nadi a Mar covchi ck sai d , " Th e m os t m em o r abl e part of th e sea so n was w innin g a t League an d taking seco nd a t S ta te ."
TheCheerleaders Swi mmers
L e ah F os ter , T essa L ee, J uli e W11l 1a ms, Audrey Be nn e tt , Em 1ly Hop p1 n, Kri s t ine Va1 vo d a, A bby You ng , Meg han n Kl asse rn er , and Anna Be rkm an c h ee r o n th ei r cea mmac es 1n one o f th e races . " We were so success ful beca use th e bon d be twee n us 1s so s trong and we are all very ded ic ated ," s a1dJun 1or Meghann Kl asse mer Ph o to by B Kelley
Celebration So ph omoreChnstie
V1voda loo ks at th e res ul ts o f her latest race "Th e bes t part of th e season wa s see in g all our work pay off w hen we wo n Leag ue and did so we ll at St ate," sa id So ph o more Leah Fos le r Pho to by B Kell ey
Sports 53
Fight For It J uruor Jay Stokes runs to defend his opponent while his teammate sho t s Stokes and sophomore Jeremy Moles led the team with three point sho t attempts and scored the most points for the team with 231 for Moles and 119 for Stokes.
Take It To Th e Hoop Senior Aaron Aguilar dribbles pa st his opponent fora shoe. Fres hman Gunner Jacobs had the third highest amount of points made Photo by B Kelley
Jumpin ' Sophomore Jeremy Moles leaps up to make an amazing shot. Thi s year the team leaders in almost everything were Moles and Junior J ay Stokes Moles had the highest sho t attempts and the most overall points
B Kelley
Photo by B Kelley
. '": vergreen anum , Score T eam Played 61-40 Wheat Ridge 31-53 Green Mountain 577 oColumbine 55-57 Standley Lake 43-53 Chatfield 52-40 Bear Creek 41-46 38 59 Arvada West 36-51 Arvada 41-71 Gate,vay · Score :·:i · • 37-88 ::. 37-8 47-6 57,.; w ¥ K 'W
Team P layed
1/ Front Row : Jeremy Moles, Jay Stokes, Ke lly Mcteer, Coach Bob , < Jf Stokes, Aaron Agu ilar, Andy Zimme rm an, Gator Wilson Back Row: ··
.-.q-, >;
~f: Coach Kal Kelly, Sean Hastings, T ravis Moon, Geoff Sims, Gunner · f{· Jacobs, Lee Saunders, David Lopez, Coach English
By Sara and L1z Lukrafka
Wa y U p Hi g h Senior Aaron Aguilarjumps up to avoid an opponent and block a shoot After four games Aguilar had made 13 rebounds Photo by B Kelley
Shoot Senior Gator Wilson sets up to shoot a three point s hot Wil son was one of only three seniors The team scored a total of 801 points this season Ph oto by B Kelley
Anticipating Jun1 orTra v1s Moon looks toward the basket 1n hopes to see an astonishing shot. Moon led the team after four games with 32 rebounds Phot o by B Kelley
Guard Senior Geoff Sims guards hi s Wheat Ridge opponent. Sims and sophomore Jere my Moles led the team with five steals after the first four games Photo by B Kelley
Sports 55
F ro nt R ow: Laura Word, Erm Rozelle, Jamie Henderson Middl e Row : Laura Bollinger, Coach Beauchamp, Christina Carbone Back R ow: Shelly Barlow, Michelle King, Jessica Alexander, Meredi th Mc Kee, Kirstin Canaday. Jeremy Rozelle
Pla y Hard ... Pla y T oge th e r Senior J amie Henderson keeps the paceof the game against Wheat Ridge H igh School at an mtense level Senior Laura Word said, "Don't give up even if you lose, 1f you gave it your all then you won't bed1sappointed " Rod Beaucha mp returned to Golden t h is year to coach another successful season This was his second season at Golden Pho to by B Kelley
" T akin g it to th e Hoo p Senior Erin Rozelle stays focused and determ ned l 00 percent of the tim e Rozelle was recognized in the Denve r Post as a pl.t.yer to be watched m the 1999-00 season. This season she averaged about 11 points per game Pracuce 1s key to having a successful basketball team Sophomore
'1': Chnstma Carbone said next year she 1s going to continue to, " P ract ice over th e > summer and dunng breaks." P hoto by B Kelley
·:;~.-.:-~ tt·.-:• ...~ij Team Played Score Team Played Score P o n de r osa 42-79 Gree n M oun Lain 37-56 T h ompson Va ll ey 20-37 Columbi n e 40-46 Evergreen 44-57 Stand ley Lake 49-32 Denver West 66-25 Cha tfield 33-67 K ennedy 56-47 B ear Creek 53-60 Dako t a Ridge 54-4 1 P omona 30-56 G W ashington 35-37 Arvada Wes t 50-72 W est min s le r 40-52 Arvada 42-60 w ij Ga t eway 7 1-21 Class 5A State Playoffs T h ompso n Valley 36-5 4 , • . .;,r._.-., .•.· .· .· ,,
By M e l issa Fo rd
Sta y in g To u g h Sophomore K1rs1en Canaday lakes an open shot This season Golden averaged about 28 rebounds and 50 po1n1s per game Senior Laura \Vord advised, "Don't get overfocused, 11 psychs you out " Pho10 by B Kelley
Taked o , vn Junior Laura Bollinger recovers from a col11s1on with a \Vheat Ridge Farmer This year the varsity team consisted of three seniors, four Juniors and three sophomores To stay focused dunng games Sophomore Chns11na Carbone says, " I concentrate on the pos1t1ve stuff and the things I dad well " P hoto by B Kelley \
Sports 57
Team Played Score Team P layed Score •, Green M ountain 18-6 Tournam ents S tandl ey Lake 0-7 Ranu m ,• £ ear C reek 21-4 Evergreen 9-6 Conife r 18-5 5A Southwest Regionals 12-5 16-4 15-6
;1' FrontRow:Katie Vorhtes , And y Faulkne r,En cCarr , TimBrown ,N1 c k , M ontanez, Nathon Gaud reau Ba c k Row : Scott Acker, Robbie Bl ack, ··, ¾ Matt Cu rt is, Alex Cardoso, Chris Vorh ies. Dan M orrison.Th omas Taylor
To The Mat Sop h omore Eri c Carr pu shes hi s opponent·s s houlders to the mat fo r a victory The weig ht div1s1o n s range fr om 103 pound s to heavyweight. Ph o to by B Kelley
Word s Of Wisdom Sen iorNick M ontanez sits and talks to his coach after a Jolllng matc h This year M o nt anez was the only wrestler to make it to state. Ph oto b y B Ke lley
Get Him So ph o m ore Ro b bie B lack ln es \V1th all o f h is m ig ht to tu rn hi s op ponent over a n d pu t hi s sho ul ders on lh e mat. Th is year there were t wo team ma n age rs, K aue Vorhies and A.m y H olly Th e ma n ager's JObs in clude, b ut are not hm1 ted to, c leaning up b lood a n d give water to th e p l ayers. Ph oto by B K elley
By Sara and Liz Lukrafka
Down Se nior M att Curtis fo rcefully pins his o p po nent down The head coac h for the season was Coach Sco tt Acke r w i th t he assis tance of Coac h
D a n M orrison T here were al so two volun t eers, T h omas T aylor a n d Zach a n ah W a l ker P hoto by B Ke lley
Lay Him Fla t Senior Matt Curtis tussles with his opponent to roll him over and lay him flat This year the Demon team capta i n was Curtis P hoto by B Kelley
Pin Him Down Senior Nack Montanez struggles ex tensively 10 pan his Chatfield opponent ughlly to the mat The matches are scored by g1v1ng six points for a take down and an extra sax points for pinning the opponent. The wrest lers receive one poin t for an escape, and two points for a reversal P hoto by B Kelley
-···~--· ···-
Sports 59
Ke e p it up Sophomore Jessica Behunin and Junior Katie Carlson take part 1n the assembly The Tridettes perform every year 1n the assembly with the hand JJVe. " I like watching th e Tndettes because they are talented dancers," said Junior R yan Riley photo by B Kelley
Tridette Prid e The Tridettes s tnke a pose before they finish their rouune There were 10 Tridettes in total thi s year " I like this group of girls this year, \Ve have a good chemistry," said Junior Andie Ho
Photo by B Kelley
Demon Dancin ' Junior Andie Ho leads the rest of the girls 1n one of the dances. The Tridettes perform at vanous G H S spo rt s events "Thi s year the girl's and I are hot," sa id Junior Kaue Carlson
Photo by B Kelley
Tlus year's Tridette squad showed pride and adversity through various performances. The ~rfs support their Demons at various s ports events throughout the year. They would perform at halftime during fhe games A normal day for a Tridette would include going through all tne normal GHS events like a full day of school and putting up with teachers and students. The girls have a lot to do obviously; however, their day 1s not yet done until they go to practice for an hour or two With that out of the way , you still have to go nome and do homework and then take care of your bu siness at home , then go to bed and get up and repeat what you did the day before Probably the most famous 1:he Tridettes do is the legendary h and -jive . It is a dance where the girls lead all of our school to a dance involving your hand s. The Tridettes have been performing the hand-jive for years now The Tridettes have been around for longer than most people can remember They have been a part of GHS 's history and will continue to shine forever
- -·- --·· -
S mil es Hi g h Juni or Katie Carlson sns on the floor dunng the assembly The Tndetles prac11ced every day after sc hool to 4 00 p m Ph oto b)' B Kelley
Sports 61
Fron t Row: Kaue Carlson, Andie Ho Asia Mau s. Tara Bank s. Megan Flemm1ng , Eltzabeth Martin ez, Roxanne Trenk, Je ssica Behunin Tarah Moy a Ph oto courtesy of J anssen photography
By Chris Mor ga n and Chris
R ea d y, Ok ! Jumor Talitha \Vh1tlatch lead s the squad to a cheer at the wmter sports pep rally Senior " Lon Maloney and jumor Jennifer Brune were the captains of the squad during the football season and Maloney and Whitlatch were ca ptain s during the basketball season. "Cheerleading 1s impossible without the commitment and teamwork from the squad,"Jumo rTahtha Whitlatch Photo by
Bi g S mil es Juniors Jennifer Brune and Kim s,v1sher are chtlltn' at the homecoming pep rally There are two new coaches this year, Julie Taylor, and Amy Capolungo " I really like cheering at the assemblies with big cro,vds like homecoming," Junior Jennifer Brune
B Kelley
f/lj 62 J .... I 9l- \
Photo by B Kelley
J iv in ' D e m o n s J unior Stefanie Nahley , and sophomore Sara Lurkrafka are lead in g the demon fans 1n doing the h and Jive Cheerlead1ng is a year long event fro m fall spo rt s to winter spo rt s and then s ummer camps " Wheat R idge games are the bes t to cheer at becau se they draw the bigge s t crowds," Junior Stefanie Nahley P hoto by B Kelley
H a v i ng a B las t ! Sophomores Mackenzie Cottle and Alaina Seligman are having a Joyous ume Checrlead1ng's pn ce to s tart 1s approximately $800.00 but 1t c an go up for anything extra you need to buy " The best lh1ng about chee rleadmg 1s meeting all of the new people that you meet ," JUn1or Ktm Swisher Photo by B Kelley
S h ak e, h ak e, S h ak e Sophomore M ackenz1e Conle 1s s haking It at a guys basketball game Thi s year th e s quad pra c u ced daily for an hour and a half a da}
" My favorite games to chee r a t are lhe football games," so ph omore Ma c kenzie Cottle Phot o by B Kelley
Te n yea rs o ut o f hi g h sc h ool w h a t a r e yo u go in g to r e m e mb e r m os t abou t ch ee r lea d ing?
" I ,viii remember all of the girls on the s quad and the fun we had ," junior Katy R idge
" I will remember c heering at a ll the football games. because they were so much fun, " Junior Kim Swisher
" What I will rem e mber the mo s t about c heering 1s that we ,vere a really good s quad and we w e re alway s there for each other , " so phomore M ac kenzie
" I will remember cheenng at all of the big game s," so phomore Sara L urkrafka
" I will remember the people we met and all the time I spen t wit h the g i rl s," Jun ior
Stefanie Nahley
" I will remembe r the exc1temen1 and the c ro,vds of each game," Junior Talitha \VhHlat c h
" I will remember JUSt being with a ll of my fnend s and the foo tb a ll games," JUn1or Jennifer Brune
Student Life 63
3rd Level Volleyball
Front Row: Amber Gosta, Delayna Durden Middle Row : K ate B1 scan, Shannon M c D onald, Ja cquehne Zirbcs, Anna Mangan Ba c k Row : Megan Mackey, Brand y Koehler, Mari sha Ivrahim, Chelsea Wy att, Coach Lynn Maharas
3rd Level Softball
F ront Row: Tabatha Bradeen, Kayla Rehder Middle Row : Chrisllne Crevling, Kate Leadford, Alexandra Valeriu s, Kathalina Trujillo , Jessica Griess. Caitlin Cowen Ba ck Ro,v: Coach B Well s, Jill Durgin , Courtney Speer, Abbie Peterson , Robyn Speer, Coach Well s
3rd Level Soccer
Front Row : Coac h Radu Marku Brad Stone, John Talsma, Jared T emanson, Patrick Mal oney, Drew Lewis, Andy H untsman Back Row: Wesley Brooks, Ryan Taylor, Tim Ha gelberg, Ethan Morrison, Dwight Rah orst, Farley Sthepenson, Steve Ph1lhp s, Joe
3rd level Footba11
Front Row: J Bottjer, J Em sbac h , T Sphan, J H iebert, G. Rat chffe, J Stahmer. B Munroe , B Orem 2nd Row: T Keesee, M Streelman, J Kelley.A Oldencttel Jr , D Franco, T Gonzales, J Rimbert , N Cooper, A Faulkner 3rd Row: Coach J Kelley. G DeCarlo, M Pantaleo , A Wano B Dalgetty M M elancon, M Fritz , J Hearn, J Foden, Coahc C. Kelley Back Row: J Lockhart , M Stoaks, G J acobs. K King , J Nelson, B Kemple, Coach D H ammock
,r "'.t - ..s.. ijf;_ - ---
Anxious for the game... Throughout the year, Golden Demon a.thletes work very well as a team until their regular season ends. Battling through a lon g a nd exhausting s ummer, these athletes practice and hunger for their s port.
Techniques learned... Day by day, JV and Level III athletes practi ce everyday after school to build up their strength and learn so me new skills of their own. Demon athletes learned a lot from other people on the team .
JV Soccer
Fron t Row: Ryan Armitage. Tyson
Redenberg , Aaron Rizzuto Bryce Enckson
Middl e Row: Ryan McCue, Tyl er P ake, Charles H untsman. Seth Allen. Dav i d Pearlberg Olan Osborne, Billy Schreiner
B ac k R o , v: Paul Banaga s, Ben
Cerezuelle. Brenden Beehler, Jeremy D ah m, Cassady D1nzes, Grant Wi ckman. Ed \Vood, Paul Needham
JV Vo ll eyba ll
Front Row: AuroraArlet,JenniferCurt1s
Mi ddle Row: Janell e Engle , Courtney
Kroeller, Hannah Dot, Sylvia "Stive r "
Swanson, Anne Dobyns, Kn s t1n Mc Vau gh
B ac k R ow: Da v id Caldwell, Kell y
Wat son, Kn sttn Canaday, Toni Sulhvan, Coach Trotter
J V Foo tb a ll
F ro nt Ro w: L Nolting , C Gobbo, L
Adams, C. Pyatt, Z Curran, N. Gaud reau, T. Gleaton, S T ate, C. K ing, S Darcy, M
DeCarlo 2nd Ro ,v: D St r eweler, J
Th e1son, S Kirk , B Waros h , T Carroll, B
Steusloff, N Frost , R Eilt s, J Keesee, M
P arsons 3rd Ro, Y: E Carr, J Acre, R
H ill, W D obyns, Coach J M yers, Couch J
Blin coe, Couch B English , C H ayes, T
S h aw, C H eater, B H arns Bac k Row:
M Fanciulli, W. M artin, B D ebaets, R .
Lewan, C. Waller, D Crass, N Levitt , B D un lap
• J ,_,.. 6 4 ' t. .._._.... • Sporu 65
by Chris Morgan and Chris Dybing
JV gi rl' s basketball
First Row: Gwen Carey, Elizabeth Mart inez , Erin Carey. Middle Row : Megan Tripp-Addi son, Coach Kelly Carmichael, Melissa Ford Back R ow: Erica Thompson , J ill Durgin , Erika Fo ss. Alli son Dorngaard
Level III girl's basketball Front Row: Krislln Gowey , K atie Leadford , Sarah Kahn. Valene M ancilla Middle Row : K ate Klock, Coach Karl F ord, Caitlin Derneresl Back Row : Julie R au, Joanna Ward, Julie Williams, Aly ssa P ngel
JV boy 's basketball
Firs t Row : Zach Davi s, M a r k Me l anco n , B rock Allen , Jeremy Moles, Nathan Cooper Ba ck Ro,, : Coac h John Ander son, Donny Pridmore, Na th an Levitt , Gunnar J acobs, Sean Hastings, Luke Roberts, Coach Cal Kelley
Level Ill boy 's basketball
Front R ow : M arcus B arber, B randon Means , Dane Hinnen, Quinn Hornecker, Chris Morgan, Adam Oldenneule, Toby Cochra n, Th omas Van De Bogart Ba ck Row : Coach Scot Manning. Ben Engler, T.J French , Dan Crass. Ryan KJumb Kev in Kin g. K yle Sabo.Sean Coughhn, JC Kelley
JV \ Vres tlin g
Front R ow: Corey Gobbo, Tom O'Neill, Bryan Orem, Max Kenworthy liddl e Ro,v : Blake Dalgetty, S teve Nolan, Jake Herbert, Andy McDaniel, Dane Castcrson. Ki m Hill B ack R o,v: M anager Calle Vorhies, Coac h Scolt Acker, Pat Co nley, Geoff Slater, Ben Parke r, J os h Yu s hka, Ben Ke mpl e, Coac h Dan Morrison
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Sports 67
Face the fa c ts, the main re aso n we are in sc hool is to learn As hard as we try to do other thing s, the fa c t remain s that our major job now is to beco me educated Golden High S chool provide s an exceptional learnin g e nvironment mainly due to the exce ll ent tea c hing s taff The teac her s' main goa l i s t o tea c h a ce rtain c urri c ulum but al so to educa te students about life in general. Whether it be the c redulou s sc ien ce department or phy sical education department , GHS ha s so me of the best , creative and unique tea c her s arou nd . Several tea chers from Golden Hi gh School have been nominated for the pre s tigious Colorado Teac her of the Year award. Other GHS tea chers have al so been recog ni ze d by The Boettc her Foundation for Ex cell ence in Tea c hing Thi s foundation h as al so re cog nized GHS s tudent s for excel l ence i n academics by pro v iding s tudent sch o larship s. In fa c t, many teachers are even able to juggle co ac hing a sport as well as grad in g papers and ha ving a family . GHS offe rs a pl et hora of c la sses, maldng it easy for tho se to s tudy th e cou rses of their c hoice. GHS offers all typ es of c l asses from Children's Th ea te r to Auto Shop and anything GHS doe s not offer can mo st lik e ly be taken at Warren Tech or made into a c lub All in all , GHS s tud ents are faced with a variety of wonderfully and c rea ti vely taught c lasses .
By S tefan1e Nahley , Sara Luk.rafka, Tim Pray , J oe Borden, and Liz Lukrafka
Academic Profile
As much as students dislike tests , homework andlectures, therearesome fun and exciting moments students will never forget. Here's what some students have to say on this topic.
What is ~your favorite class and wfiy?
" English, because it is fun to write s tories and we never have any homework."
Freshman Lisa Weisheit
11 AP History because of Mrs Barrows and her sick humor." Sophomore Stevie Meier
" Physics by far Schalhamer ' s songs rock and he makes melaugheveryclass ."
Junior Erin Erma
' 'Umm, my block off!"
Senior Karla Bienulus
~ What is you most memorable experience in class?
" Not noticing that I was in the wrong classroom for about 15 minutes! "
Freshman Joe Bottjer
" Being crushed by huge seniors in contact handball. " Sophomore Greg Mckee
"Accidently flicking black paint all over mY, face in draw1n} class." Junior Sheryliri acobs
" alling asleep in Stoke's class ana wakirig up with drool everywheret' Senior Phil Siu
C omfortabl e S tudi es Junior Scott Goldstein writes has essay on The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fi tzgerald. The English program spec aaltz.ed an 1ntroduc1ng s tu dents to world-renown nove ls Man> favontes 10 this year'scurnculum were Romeo and Juliet, Tal e of Two c,ues and The Moon 1s Down
2 M u c h W or k Sophomore Tiffant Low tnes to find interesting facts an a pamphlet from the library The library had many source, besides books for students to obtain 1nformat1on such as penod1cals, internet connections and mic rofiche
I 'm the Smart es t Man Alive! Sophomore J ohn Z1rbes s mirk s confide ntly wh ile doing ha s math work Over 150 st udents part1 c1pated 1n Math League contes ts thi s year " Its amazing to see so many st udents involved an thi s great program," said Mr Bob Pu tka.
Ph oto by B Kelley
T y pin g A wa y F reshman Ni c hol Dupont processes her English paper in o ne of the computer labs P lenty of new compu ters were added to the com put er labs this year in c ludin g the new 1Macs and G3s " I hate using th e new co mput ers, but they look really coo l," said senior Celeste Conne ll y Ph oto by B Ke ll ey
Photo by J Mathews
Photo by B Ke ll ey
Academics 69
"The thing that was mo st fun I' ve done all year i n math so far thi s year is everything I've f ound math pretty interest ing thi s year."
Sophomore Jennifer Donnelly
"We got to swing a tire from a 30 f oo t tall fue tru c k that showed u s rate and s p ee d ."
Sophomore Genoa Carver
" I like IMP math because we ge t to s tudy s o many differe nt aspects of math ."
Sophomore Je ss ica Dizmang
"IMP is a good c lass bec au se it show s a lot of real worl d applications of math , in s tead o f just bookw ork ."
Sophomore Je ss ica Alexander
F,, 70
-.., ( • - I - I
A Proud Moment Senior J esse Crock stand s next to the K'Nex ferris wheel Th is wa s made to model th e ferris wheel problem in IMP 4 Sophomore M ike Wendt sai d " I d on't think IMP would be good because lots of co lleges d on't know what it is .'' Phot o by C Pennell
r I
F igure it Out Seniors Deann Wallace , Phil Siu , and Tim Slater work on a model ferri s wheel to illustrate trigon o metry in IMP 4 Thi s problem invo lves a man jumping from the wheel into a moving tub of water on the ground Freshman Jill Durg i n sai d " IMP is a great cl ass because we do a lot of hand s -on s tuff.''
Photo by C Pennell
Yo u're Almo s t Th e re! Sophomore Zac h D av i s and Junior Angela M enna wor~ on a problem m Algebra 2 Algebra 2 1s th e last required math c lass Junior Sean Ludden said "Algebra 2 1s better th an IMP be c au se tt 's easier to do bookwork than h ands-on s tuff " Photo by C Penne ll
Hard at Work Sophomore Jane Travis does class work 1n Algebra 1 Most of th e students 1n higher math c lasses are planning on usmg math somewhere 1n th e ir careers Juni or Jake VanhornBe li veau says "I'm taking calc ulus becau se it will help me ge t into a good c ollege " Ph oto by C Penn e ll
Around it Goes Senior Derek Lin sco tt tnes to s how a man 's pa th as he Jumps off of a fern s wheel. Th e fems wheel problem 1s one of the last probl ems 1n IMP meant lo t ie all four years o f the class together Fresh m a n Trevor P 1etrafeso sai d " IMP 1s fun s in ce there is hardly any bookwork ." Ph o to by C Penn e ll •
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Academics 71
By C . Morgan, J . M c Laughlin , L . Durgin , D . Zarn , and J . Matthew s
In today' s world , you have to know how to communicate. Go l den High' s English program i s here to teach you the se skill s. Though not a popular s ubject , everyone is required to taJce a variety of Eng lish c lasses to graduate. Classes range from Engli s h A & B in fre s hman year to Composition for the College Bound and Independent Reading for juniors and se nior s. In Mrs. Ja ckie Bomstein's English 11 class, s tudents wrote 4 essays
thi s year The fir s t wa s a perso nal essay telling about their life, the la st a re sea rch essay defending their choice for perso n of the century. In Mr. Dick Byrne's Fres hman Eng li sh A , student s read Sophocles ' "Antigone" and then prese nted it to the cla ss. 1111
Dram-a ti s P e rs ona e Fre s hmen Alli s on Griffith s & Kn s l1n D' Epagnier ac t out Sophocles' " Anti gone " to Mr B yrne's Freshman English A class. " Antigone " is one of the many required works 10 Engli sh A F reshman Lind sey B rewer says " Lord o f Flies" was good becau se it s howed how m an 1s evil." Ph oto b y D B yrne
A da y in th e life J uniors Jod i Guthrie nnd Cassidy Dinza s pre se nt " Our T own'' to Mr , Bom s tein's En g li s h 11 class. Engli sh 11 s tud ent, read man y dramallc work s. i nclud in g "Our Town Junior Paul Banagas says "Th e Moon 1s Down 1 a good pla y becau se i t s h ows what World War II w as like ." Ph o to by J Matth ews
T l -~--..-:
What' s My Line? Fre shmen 1im Gonzales, Enc Binkl ey, and Ra c h e l Fleming practice Sophocles' "Anugonc" 1n Freshman English A Freshmen 10 Enghsh A also studied "Lord of the Fli es" and "Juhu s Caesar" Freshman Sarah Kalin sa id "An ugon e was the best play we did lh1s year"
Photo By D Byrn
All Alone Juni or Brent Bellew 1s the Stage M anager for Wilder's "Our To\vn" 1n Mrs B oms te1n 's Enghsh 11 class Mrs Bomste1n's English 11 classe!i ended the year with Ste inbeck's "The Moon 1s Down," finishing their unit on war
Photo by J Mallh ews
Hard at Work Seniors Behren R oyste r and Austin Pike review their notes on "The P ostman" 1n Creative Wnting Th e main proJect 1n Creauve Writin g 1s writing pubh!ihable works Sen ior Brad H aag say!i ''Creative \Vrit1n g i:. a good c la ss because 1t allows us to show ourcrcallvity" Ph oto by J Matthews
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Academics 73
"My favorite part of scie nce is the overnight ca mpin g trips for Mrs. Smith's environmental science c l ass." Senior Amber Word en.
* The majority of s tudents who comp l ete the first two years of required science take phy s ic s or chemistry as electives.
*"In order for me to become a chemical engineer I took sever a l courses in sc ience . "Junior Belin Yavuz .
* Marine Biology is a new course offered at GHS that is in hi g h demand for the upper class.
*" Chemistry is my favorite science class because we get to blow things up ." Senior Jo se Schirrmeister.
* Over 85percent of the students continue to take science c l asses beyond the graduation requirements .
*" My favorite sc ience class was Earth Science because it was the easiest." Senior Candyce Martin.
Experimental Learning Seniors Kelly
Poll ile and Chns Blu se test Clear Creek's water during River Watc h Science is a great hands-on learning experience There are over fifteen different sc ien ce courses offered at Golden " I can't wait until I am a junior and can c hoo se what science classes I get to take ," said freshman Lind sey Roberson. Photo courtesy of L Roberson
What's Up Doc Senior Kri st ina Hopkinson and Mr Vanderlaan di sc uss the di solved oxygen content of Clear Creek while attending a River Watch class. River Watch 1s a great opportunity to learn about Golden's aquatic environment. "Extra cumcular academic courses look great on college applications," said Hopkinso n Photo courtesy of D . Sanchez
Real Geniuses Seniors Keath Turgeon, Jamie Ziegler, Frank Duncan, Karla Bieniulis, Breu Zahne and Carson Bartch pose with their electnc cabon fiber race car whale appearing at a trial Mr Schalhamer's class competes 1n races every year; the cars top speed has reached 50 MPH ." The expenence gained this season will lead us to a victory next season." said Zahrte Photo co urte sy of R Schalhamer
Th e Ri ve r Wild Senior Jame s McKee struggles whale trying to get a water sample for Environmental Science 2 Every year Mrs Smtth and Mr.Vanderlaan organize several tnps for th ear River Watch and Environmental Science classes. " Leaming is more effective whtle part1cipaung 1n expenments," said McKee. Photo courtesy of L Roberson
Safety First Senior Kaycee Heid takes several precaullons while conducting a science experiment Physics and Chemistry are two typical requirements for most college degrees ." In order to get into a good college I took all four years of science," said senior Victoria Rickard Photo courtesy of B Kelley
' --·· ·-·-·- ·--·
Academics 75
Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Sophmore
Matt Green's pan1cular case was about the nght whether or not to bum the flag The first amendment protects your right to bum the flag, only as long as you O\vn 1t. Ph oto by Stephanie
Clo s ing Statement Sophmore Adam
Wallerstein makes his closing statement about the nght of the first amendment, stating that you should be able to bum the flag H e believes 1n the freedom to do as you please , as long as 11 doesn' t mess with others ' rights Photo by Stephanie Wilson
Prepare Yourself Sophmores Ashley Nichols and Ben H arns \Vrtte down excHmg facts on Mr ~1eyers court cases P reperallon 1s most important 1n this class to make things go along smoothly.
Ph oto by Stephanie \Vilson
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As we look at the present we realize we ha\.1e learned a lot about history. We learn from past mistakes and use those to make wiser decisions Is this a good world to live in? We have seen many complications but then agam many accomplishments throughout history Some classes are learning of court cases. Some of the cases were about abortion, the freedom to bum the flag or not, and our rights as Americans. For example, the Wade abortion case involved a woman who believed the court was invading of her privacy. The U.S v Eichman, which was a case about having the right to bum the flag, showed that the first amendment gives us the right to freedom of speech. Every year is a time to learn of our past While students study many different court cases, history also involves Indian Pow-wows . At thi s ritual, ancient dan ces are used as a type of healing garden For example, after a prolonged dry season, rain dances are used for manipulation of the weather to give them the water and plants they need to survive. And who knows ; maybe one day students from Go l den will make history of their own.
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Ce t The Fa cts Sophmores Brand on Stesloff and Jan Dunn talk their case over before they make the clo.,ing statement Jan points out th e details to Brandon before the final production This helps ,tudents for real life cases 1f they pursue law as their c recr. Photo by Stephanie Wil son
B} Allison Bums, Stephanie Wilson Apnl \Vallace and Dela} na Durden
All Dr esse d Up Junior Amanda Bnngs dances about 1n a twenty-five pound dress She 1s performing an old Indian dance. You would hardly think the dress weighs a pound as she dances with amazing speed and grace These Indian dances are s1111 performed at pow-wows today Ph oto by Apnl Wallace
HA c ad e mi cs 77 0. "I•
Th e White Troop Back row Bryan Tomer, Brad H aag, Eh Wouk, Andy Quirk, Carson Bartsch, Chns Fauble , Dest Moore , Taylor Beckman , L isa Worobey, Jessie Crock Bottom row · Adam Srruth, Laura Bollinger, Janel Neukirchner, Jordan Ash, Kira Dun can, Toby All en, Robin Jenning s Photo by C Smith
Run , Rabbit, Run Seniors Carson Bartsc h and Brad Haag are reioacting the fairy tale The Tortoise and The Hare Children's Theater put an interesting spi n on each fairy tale to make it more interesting for the little kids
FV,78 fffl
Photo by A
By Stephanie \Vil son , Apnl Walla ce
Aren't we all looking for a fairy tale? The Children's Theater is a class that you have to audition for. The actors that do make it are then split up into troop s. There is a troop for each day; a Maroon Troop and a White Troop. These troop s spend th e fir s t half of th e semester learning their lines, and th e seco nd half going around to different elementary sc hool s to perform for the kids. The plays that they put on are remake s on popular fairy tales. So basically they take a play such as Th e Tortoise and the Hare and put a funny spin on it. That way, the kid s can see a different version of the fairy tales they have grown up with. First semester there were a total of 37 s tudent s that were in Children's Theater and in the second se mester there were a total of 40 s tudents in the class.
It's Off To School They Go Se ni ors Andy Quirk and Bry an Turner are on their way to do a s kit at a local elementry sc hoo l Bryan and Andy are one of ma ny stude nts wh o are 1n one of the Chlldrens Theater troop s Ph o to by A Smith
Academics 79
The bunny is acting up Seniors Ken ny Storms and Keith Turgeon play a bunn y comedy 10 front o f a bunch of eleme ntary kids in Child ren 's Th eate r Th e kids laugh at the tw o boys as they charge and dodge each other Children's Th eater 1s a class th at goes ou t to ac t for kids of different ages. Ph oto by Heather McDowell
Behind the do o r s of the art room s in Golden lie a variety of c r ea ti ve people. Sculpting hand s and focused mind s c reate amazing works of art . The s tudent s at Golden have many art cla sses to c h oose from that h o ld new ex perien ces and opportunities in the world of art . On the le ft, Fre shman Ben Linville-Engler draw s durin g Access. One o f the cla sses that i s offered is Paintin g. Students learn the prin ciples of de si g n and make their o wn c reation s u sin g water r:,, co lor and acrylic paint. Other cla ss es in clude Drawin g, Jew e lry , Ceramics, and Crafts. They explored three - dimensional co n s tru c ti o n of c lay, fiber basket weaving , bla c k and white m edia technique s, c reation of jewelry, and intermediate technique s of photography Th e re is a great art program at G o ld e n !
Abra Ca da bra... W ith the flick of the wrist a crea ti on of clay appea r s Fre s hman Geoffrey Birney wishes that making a masterpiece of clay was that simp le , but it lakes a lot of time and a little ingenuity Freshman S h anno n M eeh an says, "Art is not easy for some people , but for me ll is really fun and re warding! " Photo by B Kelley
D ete rminati on and Pa ti e nce Fre sh man Jackie Walker paint s with emo ti on a nd concentration. At Golden many different Art classes are offered. "J ewelry lets creative people u se their 1maginat1ons!" exclaims Diana M artin.
Photo by M Ford
Slow and Steady Sophomore Ju st in Leazer works hard dunng Acces s to make his clay turtle complete D1fferent people take Art for a vanety of reasons " I took Art class because I like to draw and use my 1mag1nallon 1" Freshman Shannon McDonald replies Photo by C Ovennyer
Practice Makes Perfect Freshman Adam Kinghorn excells 1n art Hi s colorful creations light up the hallways "A rt ts really fun," explains Freshman Rhonda Hoffert Photo by M Ford
Working Towards Success Sophomore
Alison M cNe1ll 1s a devoted and hard-working scu lpt er With time and skill a lump of c lay takes shape into a maJes11c bird " I love making clay sculptures because 1t requ ires getting your hands d1rty 1" Fresh man Kelh Sauer remarks Photo by M Ford
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Academics 81
By C Morgan, J McLaughlin, L. Durg in, D
In high sc hool the mo s t popular cla ss is gym. There are four different type s of gym cla sses that are available: weight lifting ; team s ports; tenni s, volleyball, badminton, and bowling ; and aerobics. If you've ever wanted to take a gym cla ss and it ha s been full , the reaso n i s that the freshman have probably beaten you to it. Each gym c la ss is worth half a credit, and you only need half of a credit to graduate. There are 551 fre s hmen
thi s year, and they are all trying to get into a gym class, making it diffu c ult for the re s t of the s tudent body to take gym.
Sophomore Ja so n McLaughlin says "I don ' t like not being able to take gym just becau se all of the fre s hmen filled it up already."
Zam, J. Matthew
F~ 82 p,&
Open your eyes! Fres hman Kimmi e Lee ope ns her eyes to catch a fly ball The only thing you have to pay for in gym is the uniform Sophomore Dora M c Kee says "Gy m is fun and interesting and H omecker makes everyone work h a rd ." Ph oto by J Matthew s
Swinging A way! Sophomor e Ian H ousel smashes one into ce nter field Over 500 people are enrolled in gym this se mester " Gym would be cool if it wasn't full of freshmen ," says so phomore Jen Curtis Photo by J M atthews
Play at the Plate Sophomore Jennifer Curus sco re s che game-w1nn1ng run All gym classes are only one se mes ter long Junior Selh Bakker s ay s "Gy m 1s fun because you have to work hard, but 11 1s s tuff you like to do "Photo by J Matthews
Strike Three Freshman Ni cole Wes t sw ing s al s trike three Students in 1enn1 s, volleyball, badminton and bowling go to lhe bowling a ll ey every Fnday they have class "The best part o f being a s tudent a ss , s tant for gym 1s ge ttin g to h elp out wtth all of the kid s," says se nior David Sund Photo by J Matthews
Nice Backhand! Freshman Sam Madnd takes a s wing 1n tenni s, volleyball, badminton , and bowling Fre s hman Ka11hn Cowen says "I wi s h Gym was a year long class It would be a lot more worth while then " Photo by J Matthew s
I' •---...- - - -
Academics 83
Showing Their Wild Side The drum hne sho,vs off for the camera After all of the long hours put 1n at practice , sometimes the band ju s t has to relax
The C larinet Blares Freshman Jill Durgin plays the clannet while marching The marching band continually pracuces to perfect their marching style J ill Durgin describes how " B and takes a lot of lime and effort " P hoto by B Kelley
Play it Again Senior Garret Regner p lays for the crowd dunng an assembly Band members put in many hours performing both during and after school.
Photo by B Kelley
For as long as the students at Golden High School can remember, Mr. Edson has been teaching band and has brought smiles to each student's face. Scot Edson has been working here at Golden High School for seven years. He has impacted many of his students. Senior Torn Cecil said, "Thanks for many wonderful memories and teaching me many life lessons . You have been an inspiration ." Cecil is not the only one who appreciates Mr. Edson's time and effort. Trina Garcia displays much appreciation through her words: "Mr. Edson, you have been a great teacher. I will always remember how you sing the parts We all think that you should make a tape and call it Mr Edson 's Sing Alongs." Mr. Edson is appreciated by all of his students and he always wil l be .
Gas pin g fo r A ir Senior Amber McKay barely ha s tam e to catc h her breath as she performs for 1he audience
Academics IS
K ee p t h e B eat Senior J eff Desmaneau conducts chc marching band w11h great concentration Th e GHS marching band kept the fan 's spines high 1hroughout che game . "Playing lakes a lot of hard work and concentra11on to get 11 nght." Freshman Sarah Taul by remarks Photo by B Kelley.
The Morning Blu es Juniors Amie Ward and Jenna Schiffman harmonize early 1n the morning Sophomore Samantha Keen says, " Choir 1s really fun and everyone should try it ''
Hitting The High Note Senior s Amber McKay and Sarah Shawcroft try to sing their way to success Freshman Chelsea Wyatt says why she likes choir. "It challenges me to work hard and keep at it "
Just the 1\vo of Us Sophomore J oe Duncan and fres h man Niles Burn h am look over their notes as they prepare to sing .
86 % l
T he Voi ces of Me n Fres hman J enny Pay te , se ni or Russell Mal tempo and JU n1or Dwight Rahorst
ing to a di fferent tune Th e cho ir puts 1n man y hours o f prac ti ce eac h wee k
By J e n nifer
g s worth and Amber Schu lth e iss
Th e c h o ir cl ass fill s th e h a llw ay with mu s i ca l h a rm o n y as th ey p o rtra y th e man y co l o r s o f th e ir vo i ces. Mr. R a mb e r ge r i s a lw ays h a rd a t w o rk w ith 150 s tud e nts in fi ve diffe r e nt cl asses. Th e indi vi du a l s in th e cl asses a r e a lways tryin g th ei r h a rd es t and putting all of th eir e ffo rt t owa rd s s in ging. Wo rkin g o n sca les, m a t chin g p i tch es, an d s in g in g so n gs k ee p s th e ch o ir classes busy. Th e p eo pl e in ch o ir h a d a va ri e ty o f r easo n s fo r t a kin g th a t cl ass. Fres hm an Jess i ca Billings sa id , "I lik e Wo m e n 's C h oi r b eca u se I lik e t o s ing, a nd I 'm m a king a lo t o f goo d fr ie nd s. I 'm l ook in g f o rw a rd t o th e co mp e titi o n s. "An o th e r fr es hm a n , Li sa We i s h e it, r e mark e d , " I lik e t o ex pl o r e m y int e r es t in s in ging, th a t 's w h y I cho se Av an ce d Wo m e n 's C h o ir ."
H ol lin
Academics 87 ., .. - . .............. -·-~· -·••·- •'....... ___ .. . -~
Rai s in g T h eir Vo i ces Sophomore Ch n s ttn e Perry and fre shman Tegan Br own exerci se their vocal cord s Freshman Li sa We1s he1 t remarks, "I like advanced wo men 's choir becau se I like to explore my intere st in s inging ."
By Monica Ferrel
As the students take their singing to another levet we will take time to reflect on the show choirs this year. 24th Street Singers and Mountain Magic are auditioned choirs, because of thi s they are very close as a group Junior Seth Bakker states that, "24th Street Singers is about the closest group I've ever been in. We talk and sympath ize with each other."
This is the fir s t yea r since 1996 that Mountain Magic has had any fre shme n in the class. One of the four freshmen in Mountain Magic, Anna Mangan, said, "Being one of the few freshmen in such an advanced group, Jackie, Stacie, Christina, and I have had a lo t of people wonder why we are in the group. After everyone got to know us, and we s howed them that we can keep up with the music, they have become very accepting So I guess you ca n say it is not that different being a fre s hmen in such a group as Mountain Magi c." Most everyone like s to be in one of the top show choirs and to be considered one of the best. Junior Lena Goods says that the show choirs are fun because, "Eve r yone is so energetic ." Junior Amie Ward adds, "It would be a lot different if everyone didn't love to be in there and be with each other." Thi s year all Junior s and Senoirs were r equired to autition for All-State Choir A total of 19 s tudent s auditioned to go to All-State; out of those 19, three made it : seniors Russell Maltempo, Carolyn Cockle, and junior Janet Neukrichner Also thi s year Mountain Magic attended a Women's Choir Festival at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, along with the women in 24th Street Singers.
Pra cti ce Makes Perfec t Freshmen Chnstma Johon so n , sophomore Jessica Casarez, and senior Sadie Sullivan add to the sweet sound of M ontam Magic Mountain Ma gic 1s made up of six altos, eight seco nd so pranos , and five first sopranos.
Photo by M Ferrel
Sing it Boys Sophomore Olin Osborn and sen iors Ru sse ll Maltempo and Bryan Turner sing out for the class. They make up the whole tenor sec tion of 24th Street Singers, but between the three of them they have it covered. Ph o t o by M Ferrel
88 :z I
24th Street Singers Front row Carolyn Cockle, Olm Osborn, Ru ssell M a ltempo, Jen \Vcn grovious Second row : Amie Ward , Ke ndra Bran ch. Jenna Schiffman, Bryan Turner, Dana Sheir, Knsta Welch Third row· Seth B akker. J ordan Ash, Natalie H unt Fourth row · D oug Stoker, Mr Ramberge r, Tom Cecil Not Pi ctu red· K aty Ridge. J anet Neuk1rchner Pho to by J Matthew s
Mountain Magic First row Knst1n Duclos. Monica Ferrel. Sadie Sullivan. J ack ie WalJ..er Second row Andi Cardoso. Beck} Treasure, Jessica Casarez. Anna Mangan Third rO\\ Nicole Osborn , Lena Gooch, Kristen Libra , Rand, P atton , Natahe Hunt Not pictured Hc1d1 Sterrett, Dargan Schmit, Chnsuna J ohnson, Stacie Flowers Photo by B Kelle}
The Big Apple Last }car 24th Street Singers and Mountain Magic, along wuh 10 extras. were asked co sing al Camag1c H all m Nev. YorJ.. Ctt} They went for five days/four nights and sa\\- many sights, mclud1ng the broadway producuon of M,ss Sa1go11 and the Statue of L 1beny A total of 49 students and 11 chaparones made the trip P hoto b} Group Photos. Inc
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i.~l!A ;~J;r4} A~ , ~Academics 89
by Kendra Guldan , Kara Lollar, Cassidy H ara
A love for Food! Studen ts in Food Expe ri en ce learn abou t nutrition, re cipes, and cook ing . Stude nt s learn how to make different di shes from Orange Julius and popcorn, to making roa s t beef and chil i. We asked some of th e students some questions about Food Experience. Here a r e the ir replies :
Why did you choose food experience?
"I ch ose food expe rience because I thought i t wo uld be fun and edu cational."
Josh Kimbrough
What did you expect to be making in food experience?
"I expec ted to be making fine cousine and fulfilling meals ." Mike Martin
Juicing Things Around Freshman Kristin Spear puts concentrated orange juice into the blender preparing for Orange Ju lius. Besides cooking, the s tudents learn about good nutrition
Photo by K Lollar
Stirring Things U p Sophomore Justin Morgan and freshman Scott Wallace use the blender to s ur up Orange Juliu s. One of the most difficult di s hes that the students had to prepare were the pies
Photo by K Guldan
Whip it Good Sophomo r e K e ndr a Br oo k s whips up an Orange Jul ius 1n food expenence Th e students average abou1 25 d1fferen1 di s hes per se mes ter "I think the outcome of this class will be good cook ing skill s," said Alan Bruno Ph oto by K Lollar
Don't Blow Your Top Sophomore Brooks Ri c h helps out when making popcorn Fo od experience 1s a good class because It tea c h es you basic cooking s kill s "I picked food experiences because I find JOY 1n cooking," said Yvo nne Han se n Photo by C Hara
OH it U p Junior Mike Martin and fre s hman Josh Kimbrough, and Jole ne Faro make popcorn and s moothies One of 1he mos t important thin gs abou1 food experience 1s learning h ow to follow d1re c 11on s "I expecte d I would be coo king and learnin g about nutri11on, " s aid Faro Photo by C H a ra
• ,, "' 1 .. ' \ I \ , • •
Academics 91 •• • •' • •• •· •"" -•• \••n-•.,•• ' •
By C. Morgan, J M c Lau ghlin , L .D urgi n , D. Zam , J Matth ews
Ther e have been so m e c hange s thi s year in the auto/metal s hop department. The old s hop teac her , Mr Kellenbenz , retired after las t year. To s tart the 1999 -2 000 school year Mr. Ma c laurin ha s taken over the job Sin ce thi s year is Mr Ma c laurin 's fir s t year, they co mbined advanced auto and beginning auto into one c la ss to make it easier on the new tea c her. Sehior Paul Szabo sai d , "I like
thi s class be cau se you don't really do a lot but if you pay attention you can learn a lot." Junior Chris Dybin g stated "Even though thi s i s Ma c's first year here he ha s adapted well and i s a good teacher." Althou g h thi s wa s only Mr Ma c laurin' s fir s t year he ha s already retired He retired in Dece mber and Mr. Kellenbenz ca me ba c k to fini s h off th e year.
Hot Stuff Senior Keith J enkins is finishing a project involving sparking metal. Wh e n working 1n th e metal shop spa rk s can reach up to 200 degrees " I hke the proJects that we do in this class." said senior Bo Alarid P hoto by B Ke lley
Fill her up Junior B randon Cisne ros fills up the 011 in hi s car. T here are five different test engines that the kid s work on and try to s tart J un ior Jason Eng stro m said, "I have learned a lot 1n thi s clss."
Photo by B Kelley
Tune Up Senior Kevm Matzke 1s fixmg up hts motorcycle The average car engme weighs about 250 pounds Sophomore Ryan Craig staled "Mac was nice enough to let us park our cars 1n the auto shop parking lot 1f we had class " Photo by J M atthews
Job Well Done Senior Kenny Ramstetter 1s puttmg new battery cables on If you have nothing to do you can bnng 1n your own car and work on 1t "Th is class 1s 1nterest1ng , and a challenge " said Junior T anJa Gerwmg Ph o to by J Mat l h ews
We Need Air Senior Lanssa Connor is chang mg a flat tire Th e re 1s a n old Junk car 1n lh e s h op and no one knows what 1t 1s used for "With the new sho p teac h e r we spen d a lot m o re time 1n the shop workmg on cars " sa id freshmen Jan Dunn Ph o to by J M atthews
Academics 93
Perfec ti on Senior Ken Splant tri es to get the wood perfect to work on hi s prOJect. One of the hardes t popular proJects was the makin g of a s ign
B e C ar e ful Sophomore R oss Baldwin assembl es hi s proJ ect with care Makin g a bookshelf is one of the mo st popular proJects to make Photo by B Kelley
Mea s ur e m e nt s Sop h o m o re Du s tin Pruitt makes s u re th a t the wood 1s level so he c an measure hi s proJecl. There ha ve been no se riou s injuries in wood s h op thi s year. Ph oto by M Well s
Photo by M Well s
94 :z
By Mik e We lls
Wh a t wa s th e w o r s t thin g th a t y ou ha ve ever don e in s hop ?
"The wor s t thin g th a t I 've don e in s h o p wa s wh en I put th e chu c k k ey in th e drill press and turn e d it o n ; it sca r e d th e h eck o ut o f m e." F r eshm an P a tri c k D avi s What wa s th e b es t pr o j ec t that y ou ha ve eve r d o n e?
"I m a d e a CO 2 ca r o ut o f ba ls a w oo d ." Fres hman Jaso n D e wit Easy Does It f res hman Ka t Del a nd sc rapes th e wood s o s h e be g in sandin g Stunden ts h ave to pas s n urm e ro us tes ts befo re th ey c an u se th e tools. P h o to b y B Ke ll ey
Sand Man Fres h man Patric k D avi s s a nds h is wood to m ake 1l s m oo th for fi n al as se mbl y Th e teac h e r of wood s h op 1s M r Au ra nd Pho to by B K e ll ey
S low down F res h ma n S h aw n Eri c son gets o n e o f ht s p iece s o f wood re ad y for ass e m bly S tud e n ts 1n wood s h op use oak or pine fo r th e maj ority of th eir proj ec ts. Pho to by M Well s
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Acai'- ,, •• ,. 95
By C M organ, J McLaughlin , L Durgin , D Zam , J M atthews
There are s ix bu s ine ss c lasses offered at GHS, which are all taught by ju s t two teachers: Mrs. Phylli s Price and Mr s. Lui s a M e l e nd ez. The s ix different classes are s tati s tic s, Introdu c tion to bu s ine ss, Bu s iness/ Perso nal Law, accounting , keyboarding , and creative computers. Although there are s ix
bu s ine ss classes, each of th e m i s only offered once a day "Business and Perso nal Law i s my favorite class becau se we go on interes tin g field trip s and we have a lot of guest s peakers," s aid junior Ryan Riley . Each bu s ine ss c la ss i s u s ually filled with s tudent s every seme s ter.
Working Hard Sen ior Raul T o ttempud i 1s working hard finishing up his wo rk Keyboardin g and Crea tive Compute r are Golden's only computer classes Juni or Drew Zam says "G HS need s to get better comp ut er c l asses so that we don't h ave to wait until college to learn it'' Ph oto by J M atthews
In a Daze Fres hman P a tri c k H aymes 1s aimlessly starin g at his computer Ke yboarding tries to teach s tudents h ow to type. Senior M o ni ca Ferrel says, '' Keyboarding is a good class, because it 1s fun ." P hoto by J Matth ews
f/JI"# 96 l'ffi:
Havin g som e fun Senior Sandy Porter 1s having fun 1n her compu ter c la ss Accounting tea c hes you how to do you r own bookkeeping Jun ior M e li ssa Dock s tad er says, " B us in ess class is cool because 1t s hows you how 10 run your own business " Ph oto by J M atthews
Indu c tion Se n iors H ope Mart inez and Caro lee Winte rs and Juni o r Ant.Jc Lauer induct a new member into FBLA Th e re a re 7 officers and 36 other members ofFBLA J unior An!J e Lau e r says, "FBLA 1s a ni ce cl ub because 1t teaches you a lot of realworld s tuff " Photo by J Matth e w s
Future Leaders J ackie De\vy s, Ang e laS c ully, AntJe Lau e r, Carolee Winters , Cath erine Vorhi es, Viola Nguyen and H ope M arunez are this year's FBLA officers FBLA took a tnp to Vail thi s year to learn more about bus mess Ph o to by J M atthews
Academics 97 ' -, -
Come o n! Mr. Sweet waits anxiously for an answer fr om freshman Lauren Carter If students cou ld improve the fore ign language department they would make all of the teachers teach the same curriculum. "The best part about begrn in a foreign language 1s that some people don't know what you are saying," sa id Junior Toby Allen Photo by Adam N,ms
H es itating Fre s hman Chris tin e Crevling thinks hard about the answer to a question Th e minimal year requirement for most colleges is two years of foreign language. ' The worst part about the foreign language classes 1s the monotony,'' said Junior Austin Larson P hoto by Adam Nims
Thjnk Fast Freshman Tneu Nguyen has lo answer a quesuon as fast as he can The most common reason for people to be taking a foreign language 1s to gel in to college. "The reason why I took Spanish 1s 10 be able lo speak Spanish and ll 1s a requiremenc for college," sa id J unior Ausun Larson Photo by Adam N im s
l\Udair Mr Sweec throws the bean bag (lefc side of p1c1ure) at one of the students H is bean bag game 1s u sed lo help lhe students learn the vocabulary for that unit '' Mr Sweel w~ one of my favonce teachers because we made lots of JOke~ about him and we had a Joe of fun 1n his class," said Juni or Knsla Welch Phoco by Adam Nims
Field Trip ! Last summe r 's Spa in field tnp ha s their picture taken in Segovia, Spain Top Row : K alhc nn e Bennell, Cliff Smith, Margo Calig1un, Nadia M arkovch1ck, Ja so n Long Adam Smith, Mik e Pfi stere r eco nd Row : Tony Capello, Laura
IWord, Chns Capello, J ulia Keen ey, Anna Berkman , Leah Edenfe 1ld, Sonia Carney, Brenna Raye P hoto f courte:,.y of M s P oveda
\ Academics 99
Don't Think too Hard! Sophomore Sara Lurkrafka s its 1n front of the computer typing the Babies and Buddies. Babi es and Budd ies is 32 pages and approximately 300 pi c tures J unior Drew Zam s aid , " I am surpnsed at how much work we hav e to do in this in c lass."
Yearbook on the Way Freshmen M elissa Ford , Kri stie Ovennyer, and Jake Lockheart are putting the fi01 sh1ng touches on their s preads. There are 288 pages in thi s year's yearbook. Freshman Kendra Guldan s ay s, " It is fun being in thi s c lass because we are building a part of hi s tory." Ph oto by J
Matthew s
It 's Nap Time Fres hm en Alli so n Bum s and Ed Wood are ready to take a nap Thi s year' s yearbook was h eld during Maroon block one Senior Editorm-C hi ef Tim Pray s ay s, "After all the long hard h ours of work it 1s nice to see the finished product. "
fl,l"j100 lffl
Photo by J Matthew s.
Photo by J Matthew s
Pay Close Attention Freshmen gi rl s rec ie ve very important in s tru c tion s from Mr. Kelley. There are only ten return i ng people from la s t year 's yearbook. "Yearbook 1s a fun cl ass becau se you d on 't have to do a lot of work.'' said
By C Morgan , J McLau ghlin , L Du rg m, D Zam , J Matth ews
This year in yearbook is definitely one to remember We h ad to face the challenges of a drastic change. Mr. Pinelli decided to retire after last year's yearbook. Mr. Kelley came to the rescue and took over Finelli's job. There are currently 35 studen t s enrolled in Yearbook. Junior Aaron Barker said, "It' s amazing how many freshmen sign up for this class think-
ing that it is easy and then they find out that there is a lot of work involved " Although there are a lot of return ing people there are more newcomers. Newcomers outnumber th e people who returned nearly 5 to 1 . Senior Co-Editor-in-Chief Joe Borden says, " The book is amazingly written, with a new s t aff that doesn ' t have " any experience
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Junior Luke Durgin Photo by J Matthew s
' •
Hard at Work! Freshman Meli ss a Ford 1s working hard on her s pread Thi s 1s Mr Kelley's firs t year being the yearbook s upervi so r "Yearbook 1s my favorite c las s, " said fr es hman AJJi so n Bums Phot o by J Matth ews
Academics 101
Double Checking Senior Kelly Politte has Ms Selzer check he r layout. This year, P olitte 1s Editor -tn Ch ief of the Trident newspaper When asked why she JOtned lhe staff freshman Alyssa P ngel slated , " I \vanted to have a challenge " P hoto by B Kelley
Write Awa y Sophomore Stephanie Prugh finishes up a story for her section There are several features 1n the paper including editorials , news and sports Sophomore Stephanie P rugh said. "I chose to be m ne\vspaper because I love wri ting and having people read my stories " Photo by B Kelley
One Big Shot
TheTnden t staff in alphabeucal order- A Allan, K Bailey, A B ernard, C CadyR ehe1s, E Chap i n, T Conely, N D 1tlnch, J D1zmang. J Drobn1ck. N Dupont, T F anch1, M Gates, L Gordon, M J ohnson, S K aven, J Leazer, T M arshall, K M artin, D M artinez.A M cDonald, E M ouunho, L Nicho las, J Odden, T P ellegnn1, K Politte, A P ngel, S Prugh, K Schwartz, C Welch, M Wendt, E \Volfe P hoto by B Kelley
102 ..
W o rkin g O ve r tim e Senior M issy J ohnson and J unior Cassi d y Welc h put the finis h ing couches on th e ir stones The newspape r keeps s t udents in formed of th e eve nt s occu n ng outside of school as well as a ll t h e act1vu1es going on at G H S Sop h o m ore J ustin Leazer said, "The pos111on l hold on the st aff 1s news ed11or" Photo by B Kelley
The n ews p a p e r s t a ff h as h ad t o face m a n y ch a n ges durin g th e yea r One o f th e m b e in g th e r ece nt leave o f th e previ o u s n ewsp a p e r a d v i so r, Mr Ro n Pin e lli, w h o h a d b ee n th e n ews p a p e r adv i so r fo r seve n yea r s. As o f th e fa ll o f '99, M s. La ur a Se lze r h as t a k e n hi s pl ace as th e n ews p a p e r in s tru c t o r M os t o f th e
Trid e nt s t a ff fe lt th a t th e ch a n ge was diffi c ult but did n o t a ffec t th e r o utin e pr o du c ti o n of th e p a p e r. Se ni o r co - e dit o r in ch ie f To n y Fanchi sa id , " We h ave s tru gg l e d aga ins t m a n y pro bl e m s but s t ill h ave m a n age d t o put o ut a h igh q u a l ity p a p er."
1 Ove r a ll , th e s t a ff r ecove r e d f r o m th e tr a n s iti o n a nd pr odu ced a qu a lity p a p e r fo r a ll t o
• e nJ oy.
T ypingth e Day Away Semor Tony F anchl concen t rates on his computer work Both Newspaper and Yearbook are taught m the same room Senior Tyler M arshall said, "I wanted to be 1n newspaper so I could influence what the student body reads " Photo by B Kelley
A c ademic s 103 J
by Monica Ferrel and Ed Wood
Student Council had a l ot in store for the students in the 1999-2000 school year. Everything from Homecoming to Prom, the Halloween Dance to Sadies.
So many dances ; so little money. How did they raise the money to do all that they have done?
It 's simple. Fund raisers . Not the ordinary fund raiser, such as candy bar sales. They so ld the tickets for each of the dances. Around Valentine's Day, they sold candy hearts which you could have sent to your friend or special someone.
And new this year, you could have a picture of your crush taken for a small price of only $2.
Early in the year, student council did a little survey where you cou ld find out who your perfect match was in your class ru1d in th e school.
104 :z
They Want It That Way Sophomore Greg Larson and seniors Chris Blu se and Ryan Vierke show off their talent by si nging to the Ba ckstreet Boys at the H o mecoming assembly. Ph o to by B Kell ey
Demon For Sale Freshman Gwen Carey dresses up for H ire- A-Demon Day. All the Student Council members were auctioned off for cans of food that went to help the homeless Photo by M Ferrel
Members of the Co un cil
Front row : M Chappell, T Spahn, G Carey, A Strau ~s. J Gore, 0 Von Kohorn, G Green Second row : Mrs Roybo l K Bryan, E. Watkin s. S Me ier, J Ward , G Larson, 0 Osborn Third row : K Kelle}', K Welch , K Aronowitz. J Ammon, M Mckey, A P f1l> l e re r R Nee Fourth row : R Malt empo. C Cappello, L Word , K Krueger, R Vierkc,C Deming F ifth row : K 81 eniulis, A Barrett, K Rehder, P D use nbu ry ot pi ctured : J McKee , C Bluse, J Willi ams
Pledge of A Lifetime Se ni or Peter Du se nbury wears his "Se ni or Women Pled ge" on H1re-ADem on Day Phot o by M Ferrel
Gett in' Jiggy With It Freshmen Anya Strauss, Gwen Carey, Mike Chappell, Jessica Gore, and Olivia Von Kohorn s how off their demon s pirll at the Homecoming As sembly There are a to tal of 33 members on Student Council Ph o to by B Kelley
i ' I
Academics 105
0 Cl e u b
-----;... ......_ • orensics
Makea Wish TheFBLAclubblowsoutsome candles in one of their meetings The 2000 FBLA Leadership Confrence was held lhis year on Feb 9lh at the Tivoli Students from over 21 schools took place 1n lhis years competition Photo by Jeremy Matthews.
C e • 0 StudentLife 107
By Phillip Siu , M orga n Anderso n and Tim Pray
National Honor Society, s ponso red by Mrs . Sandy Nations, has been extremely active this year. This year ' s NHS officers include pres idents Joe Borden, Sadie Sullivan, Erin Bernard , and Doris Wang . To get into NHS, you must have a 3.6 Grade point average and create a portfolio of your academic and extracurricular achievements. NHS consists of only juniors and seniors. Some of the activities that NHS member s participate in include a food drive , a book drive , cleaning up our GHS campus, and visiting elderly homes . There are approximately 75 active members in NHS this year. Junior Ryan Fields said, " Being in a prestigious club like NHS really makes me feel good about my academic successes."
Smiling Hard Seniors Ani sha Malh otra, K aren R oss, James M c Kee and V 1c toria Ric kard pau se to smil e for th e camera The four chapters of NH S are Scholarshi p , Leader sh ip , C h aracter and Service
Ph o to by B Kelley
Front Row: E Rozelle, H Layman , C Whitford , S D ovey, A Barrett, J B o rden, D W ang , S Su lli van, E B ernard, L W ord, K Re hd er, E Ekberg, N M arkovch1ck, J Crock , L B olli n ger Second
Row : A Malh otra, V Ri c kard , N M oo re, T Sullivan, J Brune, R Fie ld s -Spack. M W orthington, M Coope r , E J oh ns on , C Blu se, S Ph illips, C Dupont , K Dunca n, K Benn ell Third Row : K
Ro ss, J M c Kee, M Mah ajan, A Larson , R T renk
C. Ha yes, K Rid ge, M Kin g, S Sayed , C W elc h, E M ou tinh o, A Zimmerman Fourth Row: L
Mal oney, M J oh nso n, J H au se r , B Logan, N
Bl a in-Hartung , M Fleming, A P fi s ter, M M c Kee, L K ahn , K Aronowitz, K Po l1tte , S. Ozdemir, B
Baker Fifth Row: C Capello, A Bl run- H artung , J
Amm o n, J Amm o n, C Gleaton , F Dun can, B
Haag , B Turner, R Robbin s, A Cardo so, P Agarwal
Back Row : K M ars ton, L Emmanuel , A We1 s he1 t, J Shannon
Tras h ra n Junior Laura Bolhngerholds a bag for Senior Jesse Crock as they part1c1pate 1n an NHS event, p1ckmg up trash around the campus Photo by B Kelley
C lean Up Yo ur Ac t Dr Dale Moore and Enn Bernard take a break for a photo while cleaning up the GHS campus Senior Chns Wh1tford said, "My favorite part of NH S 1s \VT1llng to the little pen pals " Photo by B Kelley
Th e Pres id en ts NHS mceis b1-weeklydunng access The presidents of NHS are seniors Joe Borden, Sadie Sullivan, Enn Bernard and Dons \Vang Senior Jesse Crock says ''NHS' simple goal 1s to help people " Photo by B Kelley
Clubs 109
By Morgan Anderson , Phillip Siu and Tim Pray
Most people work weekends on Friday, but for the Forensics team, the fun is just begining. The team spends many weekend s competing in tournaments . Sophomore Mike Sandoval said, " Forensics is an excellent way to meet new people while having fun. " For many , Forensics is much more than just early mornings and countless hours of arguing. Forensics is coached by Mrs . Tammie Peters with the help from Mr. Lowell Sharp . This is the first year that Mrs . Tammie Peters is the head coach instead of Mr . Lowell Sharp. The different Forensics events include Cross-Examination Debate, Interpretation of Humor, Interpretation of Dramatic Literature and Lincoln-Douglas debate to name a few . No matter what event or how long you have done it, Forensics definitely makes an impact Senior Frank Duncan said, " Forensics has been one of the best experiences of my high school career ."
We Salute YOU Se n ior Frank Du nca n and Fres hman Jan Dun c an s alule the ca mera a fler a flawle ss pre fo rm a n ce , In o rd e r lo le u er i n Fore n s ics o n e m usl rec 1eve 25 Nali onal Fore n sics Lea gue o r NFL po i n ts Po 1nls maybe wo n b y p lacing 1n a loum a m enc. P ho to by T Pe te rs F~ 110 fffi I Want You! Junior Ni c k De itnch expresse s hi s e m o llo n s dunng a prac ti c e for Fo re n s ics There are abo ut 7 5 members in Foren sics Junior Stefanie N a hlc y sai d , " M y favo ril e part o f Fo ren s ics is the peo pl e that w e mee t at diffe re nt sc h oo ls " Ph o to by T Pete rs
S wee t E m o ti o n Seniors Nora Kenworthy and Emily Yocom let lhe1r emotions loose 1n a Forensics meet. The Foren sics team 1s sponse red by Mrs Tammie Peters with help from Mr Lowell Sharp Photo by T Peters
I ' m no t Chea tin g Sophomore Becky Treasu re cheats off her hand dunng her prefonnance Th1s year. the OHS Forensics team part1c1pated 1n eight novice tournaments and eight advanced tournamenls. Photo by T Peters
Row 1: Mr Sharp, Emily Yocom , Nora Kenworthy, Lon Maloney, Mis sy Johnson, Mil<eSandoval, Ben Filas, Chnsttna Holbrook, Genoa Carver, Kash1 Nas sau. Don s Wang , James McKee, Mrs Peters Row 2 : Hannah Savage, Nick D1ttnch, Kam i Bu cho lz , Tony Muljad1 , Ross Baldwin, Chns Fan cht , Tyler Warner, Brandan Munroe , Crystal M art in , Lain ey McGrew, Kara Lollar. Abbie Petersen Row 3 : Kerst1 Bryan, Celeste Gardner, Becky Treasure, Frank Duncan , Jenne Judkoff, Kira Duncan , Stefanie Nahley , EmJly Hoppin, Lind say Oste nson. Row 4 : J ack Donovan , Jacob Quoyeser, Patrick Rogers, JeffSnuth. Aaron McNew,Joe KJng , Caitlin Demanest, Kat e Klock, Katie Tapia, Rob Payn e, Brittany Goodwin, Katnna Neitzel. Row S: Leah Fo ste r Leslie Daniel s, Tess Lee, Amber Go sda , Darby Odell, Jo sep h Dun can, Cameron Jan ssen, Steven Bopp, Adam Bote , Shawn Alcock, Michael Ball. Row 6 : J essica Roat, Juanua Lorenza, Garrett Regner, Chelsea Wyatt, Kate Bi sca n, Aurora Ariel, Tom Cecil, Amanda Bnng s, Doug Stoke r, Sean Mart in , Dana Sh ier Ph oto by T Pray and P Siu
--- " -
Clubs 111
Getting Organized Senior Chns B lu se explains what S R O will be doing for th e next few weeks during one of the group meeting s SRO meets every Wednesday during lun c h and gives the s tudents a c han ce to help others. Senior Kelli Rehder said, "S h e will always remember how s he gave su pp o rt and helped som eo ne who was m need of it"
P hoto by Bill Kell ey
Paying Attention Senior Kelly Polite s tares on as SRO has another meeting during lun c h SRO 1s really i nvolved w1th1n both the sc hool and co mmunity , everyone in SRO actively help s s tudent s at G H S and Bell Middle School as well Junior Abby Pfi s tere r sai d , " I joined SRO so that I could h elp so meone in our sc hool , and make there high sc hool or rruddle sc hool experience more e njoyabl e."
Photo by B ill Kelley
All Smiles Junior Shelley B arlow li s ten s intently as the group di sc usses upcoming events SRO works with s tuden ts at GHS who are 1n s pec ial education in an attempt to make a one-on-one bond betwee n a group member and a fellow s tudent J unior Jeret Ammon s aid , " I joined S R O so I could make a difference I wanted to he lp others, especially those whose prob lems affect the1rabihties 1n sc hool "
Ph o to by B ill K elley
F~ 112 lffl
By Nee-Dogg , Ryan Zenker, and Jimmy Adamson
Le t 's Try it Again. Senior Missy John son tutors a s tudent at Bell Middle School In order to JOtn SRO, s tudents mu st apply and 1nterv1ew the year before they want to be a part of the group Senio r Chns Blu se sa id, " It 1s very sallsfy1ng work1ng with the kids and knowing that you can help them We also impact a section of the school that really need s the help " Photo by Bill Kelley
Thumb s Up. Senior Nora Kenworthy and se nior Sad1eSulHvan give the go ahead on an idea proposed 10 an SRO meeting . S RO 1s dtfferent from other service clubs because people get to work w ith budd1es on a one-to-one bas is Junior Meredith Mc kee said, " My favorite part about SR O 1s the s pec1aJ relationship that we create with our buddies " Photo by 8111 Kelley --
First Row Renee Robi ns , Dorri s Wang, Sarah Co ffe y, Chns Copello, Kelh Rehde r, Naut1a Narcovacheck , Joe Borden, Mi ssy Johnson Mi ddJ e R ow -Todd Porter, Lyan S li zesky, Nora Kenwo rth y, Chris Bluse, Sadie S ulliv an, Nate Bla1n , Ryan Vurkey , Emily Yocu m To p R ow:Kend ra Kelley, Enn Enna , Shelly Barl ow, Jen Brun e, Jeret Ammon, Mend et h Mc Kee, Abby Ph is ter, Men 1ka Mah ogan, Adam Nim s Ph oto by 8111 Kelley
Clubs 113
By Apnl Wallace & Delayna Durden
Key club is a club where people go and do things as a community service They go visit places and do activities that are good and helpful. This club will help with recognition towards coll eges Colleges recognize a good sama ritan, but don ' t let that lead you to believe you don ' t need good grades also . They also visit nursing homes and detox centers. The students also go and clean up places like parks or nature centers as a part of community service
Diversity club is where the students of Golden High go to elemen tary schoo ls and talk to the younger kids about people ' s different personalties. Golden' s students teach people that everbody is different and you s hould accept them for who they are and not for what they look like People should be diverse with who they choose to hang out with This club 1s looking to better the school's environment for more people to enjoy .
There's No Difference Sophomore Skye Hopple and Senior Crystal Duarte show the kids at Shelton Elementary that there 1s no differe nee between one another and that there is nothing that you can do to have a grudge against other kids The D1vers1ty Club hopes to decrease the amount of violence 1n younger kids
114,. -•
Photo by Mrs. Cook
Tell Me More Sophomore Skye H opple and senior Crystal Duarte tell the nghts and wrongs of acuons towards others people Photo by Mrs Cook
Here is the Service Group Front row Joanna Ward Jeret Ammon , Menaka MaJan. Megan Klass her, Mr O'Dons10 2nd row· Ashley Blain , Toni Sullivan Kendra Kelley. Kelley Aronowitz , Alli son Campbell, Abby Pfister, Stevie Meyer, Connne VanDuser, Dylan Rightmyer, Tara Casino, Leah Foster, Nik.1 Frost 3rd row Lee Saunders, Allen Bruno , Ehz.abelh Watkin s 4th row · Tessa Lee. Kim Kline , Leshe Daniel s, Shannon Polttte , David Perle berg, Chad Heater, Robert Chnsman, Doug Clackston, Louis Nolttng Back row· Peter Du san burry, Ryan Klumb , John Chnsman, Jay Stokes, Rob Rizzut o The Key Club cleaned up an environment center as community service Photo by B Kelley
Here 's the Group The Deversuy group includes sen ior Ekatenna L1tv1nova Junior Pnyanka Agarwal, se nior Ani sha Malhotra , teacher Mrs Cook, se nior J es Ward Not pi ctu red 1s senior Crystal Duarte , sophomore Skye Hopple , JUn1or Todd Porter, and sopho more Rachel Garnett. Photo by B Kelley
Clubs 115
GotSpirit Senior Amber Daniel s performs her routine with the band Color Guard endured the harsh weather and performed during halftime at varsity football games 1n the fall. Senior Amber Daniel s s aid , ' The worst part wa s pract1cmg on Saturdays."
SpiritinMotion Sen,orCandaceCordova performs 1n the H omecoming Parade Technique. coordmat1on and concentration are 1mpo rt antsk111s lo have lo be a member of Color Guard Senior Candace Cordova said, "Color Guard was a lot of fun thi s year" Photo by B Kelley
T op Row : B ehn Yavuz , J essica Dizmang , Nora Kenworthy, Amber Daniels , Nicole P apas, D iane Bndenburg Bottom Row : Candace Cordova, L isana RoJas, Angela M enna , Amber Warden
Photo by J Matthew s
By Melissa Ford and Jesse Dyffryn
A Helpin g Hand Senior Jessica Ward makes sandwich es for the needy after school Every Fnda y Peace Jam volunteers their ti me at th e Samantan House This year Pe ace J am part1c1pated m the 30 hour fast against hunger Peace Jam spo n sor M s Judy B 01an sai d " We are always lookin g for new members who want to serve th eir school, co mmunity and world " P hoto by B Kelley
Makin g a Diffe re nce J un1 o rTodd Porte r works after sc hool to feed the hun gry Every Sunda)' Peace Jam vo lu nteered a t a loca l nursing home Thi s year Peace Ja m went to Regi s Un1vers1ty to s pend a weekend with a Nobel Peace Pnze winner M s. B01an said, " We try to raise concio us ness of starving c hildren of the world " Ph oto by B Ke lley
SarahCoffey, J ess ica Ward , Ni co le O s born B o ttom R o w : T od d Porte r Ph oto by B Ke ll ey
Clubs 117
TopRow: KristenL1bra MkklleRow:
The GHS chess club is a cl ub that u ses s trategy and wit to outsmart their opponents in this mind stressing game. The club was taught their che ss sk ill s and were coached by Mr Mike O'Dorisio. The sc hool s ponso r s th e club throughout th e ir year-long seaso n. The club met every week, Tuesday through Thur s day, in the LMC to touch up on their chess ski lls. The chess club members feel that being in the chess club helps th em outside of playing chess by increasing their strategic skills. The ca ptian of the che ss club is se nior Robert Schriner. Senior Chris Medina said, " Being in the chess club is a fun way for me to build up my strategic and competitive skills." The club supported new member s in the team and didn' t have a n y ce rtain requirements to be in the club. Sophomore Dwight Rahor s t said , " The ch ess club was a fun way for m e to s pend my access."
The GHS radio club i s a group of mu sica lly interes ted individuals that put together sets of music to play.Thes e s hows were presented during access and lunch to entertain the student body. Many students enjoy li s tening to music while they talk with their friend s. Mrs. Tammie Peters, the advisor of the group, decided who would participate in the s hows each day During the shows, the members chose which mu s i c to pla y. Senior Hans Layman said, " The radio club lets a person express themeselve s through the mu s i c they play in their s how s." The interest in becoming a member of the radio club ha s increa se d lots over the years. The radio club was a year round club that was always open to take on new member s into the group. It continues to en t ertain and please the listeners it gathers.
F~ 118
Front Row: Angela Collins, Danny Poeter, Chad Serpan, Clinton Klng , Mike Burnet, Geoff Birn ey, Dwight Rahorst Ba c k Row: Mr.Mike O'Dons10 (advisor), Nils Burnham , Chris Medina . Frank Duncan , Robert Schreiner
Co n ce ntrati o n Sophomo r e Steven B opp concen trates on his next move in the match. The chess club has no ce rt ain requirements to be a member 1n the club Sophomore Clint on King said, " Pl aying \Vei was good for my chess playing experience."
Photo by B Kelley
C h os in g th e Tra c k Freshman Zack Randolph c hanges the tracks dunng one of the shows The radio club selected members from the club every week 10 preform shows 10 the sen ior lounge and the cafete ri a Senior H ans Layman said, " I enJoyed playing d1fferent styles of mus ic during m y shows this year " P hoto by B Kelley
A dj usti n g th e Volum e F reshman M ike Wells adjusts the volume dunng one of has shows Their was a specific schedule for the members to follow every week F reshman J ere m y Payte sa id, " R adio club was a fun way to spend my access " P ho to by J W orkm an
F r o nt R ow : T erry Cheu ng, Alison Mclaughl m, A ngela Gonzales, C hn stan a H olbroo k H an s Layman , C hri stop he r Re1 n holz B ac k R ow: M rs Ta m mie Pe ters (adv isor), E li M artin, J eremy Payte, J oshua K imbrough, Ryan C hn stensen , R o bin J e n nin gs, K e nne th Storms P ho to by B Ke ll ey
Clubs 119
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FBLA and Teacher Intern creates a forum for students to plan for their future.
By Joe Borden and Tim Pray
Future Bus iness Leaders of America is the largest club within the United States . Golden High School has contributed greatly to its growth .
This year , 38 members took part in FBLA . They met twice a month during acce s s and talked about upcoming events and strategies for competitions .
The club competed in over 30 contests and participated in many community service activities. One of the most exciting activity was going up to Vail for a confe r ence . Members were taught many important business techniques and ethics surrounding technology and leadership . " Everyone goes into busines s, and it is a great advantage for those who join," said Ms Phyllis
Pri ce
BurningsoBright S e ni o r Pres iden ts Ho pe Man1nez and Carolee Wint e rs ligh ts c andle s to symbolize theFB LA charters There are38 membe rs thi s year with two c o-Pre s idents: sen io rs Carolee Winters and Hope Maninez Fo urteen membe rs co mpeted in Di s tricts on February 9 Photo by J Mathew s
Teacher Intern gives students the oppo rtuni ty to work with kids and s ee if teaching is really a career they want to persue There were 20 members this year who took part in assisting teachers and actually running a class full of rambunctious students. Interns met with an e lementary s chool or middle sc h ool class one day a week While th ere, they completed a daily journal and notebook filled with ideas and comments for future use They also attended PTA and faculty meetings to see the struggles that teachers have t o face Sponso r Mr Todd Fink said, " This is a great experience for those who want to b e teache r s, but aren ' t quite sure what teaching is all about. It t akes a special person to b e a teacher; this is a good opportunity to see if t eaching is really for you ."
120 :%
Back Row: Co nn o r Coughl in , Dyl a n Lu c a s, JenJohn son,Rob S tahl , Paul Ltnd Front Row: CarrieCase , Ho pe Martinez, Carolee Wint ers, Viola Ngu yen , Cati e Vorh ies, Antj e Lauer, Ms . Judy Pri ce
A He)ping Hand Senior Kell y H ogan points out a few tncks-of-lhe-trade 1n art Intern s v1s1ted a class one day a week for a full day and had t o make up the work they nussed 1n their other c lasses P hoto by J Borden
Say Hi Senior Katie Agard poses with one of her third grade stude nts Students re ceived half an academic credit for part1c1paung 1n the 1nternsh1p program Senior Brenna M aas said, " I now know that I really want to be a teacher , the luds are so great to be around " Photo courtesy of Katie Agard
Front Row : Jean O' H ayre, L anssa Connor, Becky Wood, Laura Word , K atie Agard , Lauren Chaffee, Back Row: Chnsuna Winter, L acy Fritz , Stephanie Davis , M ars h a Counc1l man, J esse P reston, Bre nn a Ma as, J ess Ward , M r Todd Fink
-·~·- ·-···
Clubs 121
By Allison Bums and Scott Wallace
Thi s yea r Rodeo Cl ub had a very good year . La st year one of their members finished second in th e nation a l finals. Sophmore Mi ssy Dyffryn wa s asked wa s asked what will yo u remember in ten years about Rodeo Club s he answered, " The fun we had and h ow we always give a helping hand ." Dyffryn also sai d that what she enjoys m os t about Rodeo Club is, " The traveling and th e cowboys, but I lo ve to ride m y hor se." The Rodeo Club had a very good year and we hope th at the y ha ve good years in the future
Horse Hugging Mi ssy Duffryn gives her horse Casper a hu g Mi ssy had JUSt go tten Casper when this picture was taken P hoto cou rtesy o f Mi ssy D yffryn
Henderson Rifle
Monte Vista
La Junta State
Smiling Faces The J effco Hi gh Sc hool Rodeo
Team 1s g r aduate J ohn Duffr yn, Junio r Matt Bun,sophmore Casey Primme r, and sophmore M issy Dyffryn The J effco Hi gh School Rodeo T eam will be going to rodeos through J une Co m e ou t and watch them Photo courtesy of J effco H igh School Rodeo Team
May 6-7
May 13-14
May 20-21
May 27-28
June 2-3 -4
June 14-17
Si t e
Pos in g Pre t ty Sophmore Missy Dyffryn sits on Lady They got Lady at a auction and they got there other horse Casper from a fnend Lady and Casper hve at a ranch 1n Golden Gate Canyon Photo courtesy of Missy Dyffryn
Ridin g Hi gh Sophmore Casey Pnmmer sits on her horse After a full day of nd 1ng thas beut1fu l horse Pnmmer comes 1n to take a smile for the camera She keeps lh as horse at her house on her ranch Photo courtesy of Casey Primmer
Roc ky Ridin g Graduate John Dyffryn talces the nde of h as ltfe on th is huge beast Dyffryn was the pres ident of Rodeo Club last semester Dyffryn 1s also sponsored by ZPS who sponsors all of h1s rides Photo courtesy of John Dyffryn
'•I I =--1
Clubs 123 ••' ·•··-___
By Cassie Schwartz , Stephanie Wilson
Bible Club, now known as Turning Point, is a group of about 20 s tud e nt s. The y me e t every Tuesday during access and W e dn es days during lunch in room D-5 They did many fun things like collecting food boxes for th e poor and a l so a 30 hour famine . They a l so did co mmunity service projects, and th ey went on weekend conventions, retreats , and mission trip s. A lot of people come here with co mmo n interests th at
Working Hard Senior B reanna Brawl ey does bind each other t ogether and this togetherne ss h e lp s make the a com munity proJect , one of the man y community proJects the club performs Readin g the Bible is not all that B ible Club does They try to make things in co mmunity bette r. the co mmunit y better Ph oto by Cassidy Wel c h
Ba ck Row :A Pngel , K Mcvaugh , C Wel ch, A M c Dowell , K We lch, J Billings. L W eisheit, A Brawl ey, B Brawley Middle Row: S Keen, R Fleming, J . Crock, A Ro ss i, K D ' Epagnier, C Zimmerman. Front Row : A Wei sheit, E Rozelle Ph oto by M s Nations
Taking A Break Juni or Kn sten M cvaug h takes a quick break while d o ing a com mumt y project for B i bl e Clu b Ph oto b y Cass id y We lch
Think Hard Fres hman J essica Billtn gs takes tim e to lh1nk about what s h e reads after readin g lh e Bible Thi s is one of many lh1ngs that B1ble Club doe s at their week) y meetings Her opi ni on cou Id be d ifferent th e n that of anolher person, and d1 vers1ty 1s o kay to ex press in this c lub Thi s gives freshmen a good opportunity at expenenc1ng new tlungs Photo by M s N atio ns Clubs
., ,.._ -· • ···-·,·• · .. .
Clubs at Golden High School lead the way by helping out the cornrn11nity and having fun. Just a few of them are Youth Corps, W.E.S Club, Recycling Club, Greek Mythology Club and German Club.
B y Frederike Grillo , Alli so n T arzian , M o rga n Anderson a nd J oe B o rd e n
Youth C orps
F r o nt R ow: Allt so n Barrett, As hl ey B lam-
Hartung J erre t Ammon , Kelly Aronowitz , f(r1 s ten
E verett Seco nd R ow: J ohanna W ard, Chris ty
D em ing Stevie M eier, Amber M c K ay. Emily
Yocum, P nya Agarwal , M s B ecky Kroshe r Bac k
R ow: Nadia Marcovc h1 c k , Laura W ord. Elaine
Ekberg , Chris Ca p ello, Andi Cardo so, P eter
Du se nbury , M eghan Km g
Rec ycling C lub
Chns Loll ar, Dam on Sh uey, Clay Albracht , Ben
H aschke, M s Jult e Kramer
126 :z II l
Greek Mythology C lub
Back row: Shaun Nlart1n . Mr Horst, Alex Stroud, Knsun Vanik Middle R ow: Amy Brawley, Mandy Garcia. Allison Tarz1an , Meganne Ma ckey. Me ganJeschke Fron tr ow: Chnst1na Dupont , Jeremy Pa}te
W.E.S. C lub
Stephany Rody , Seth Heam, Brittany Jowers. Mike Martin. Cole Gray. Dale Grant, Kr1 sandra Bain , Paul Dakin Maureen Todd
German C lub
Back Row : Bn an Zonl, Jennifer Veillrobe. Sebastian Minges Anton11a Maru s1c, Mr Ed Wemell , Silvia Doehnert , Gregor Ptok Trenton Clerk1n, Andy Bos 10, Brandon B lair. Karola Biehn Fro nt R ow: 8111 Tarantino Janet Neukirchncr, Anna Heinzmann, Ni cole Papc s
zt •
127 ., .. ········ ~, · ······ ... . _
Phy s ics Engineers Seniors Carson Bansch and J amie Ziegler use there physics knowledge while working on the car Interest in advance science is what motivates many members to J01n physics club Another project the club is working on th.is year is the Ferarri Ph oto by B Kelley
Minor Adjustments Seniors B ryan Turner, Keith Turgeon , and Andrew Quirk make adjustments to the car to make it ready to race Ph ysics club allows members to furthe r their knowledge ofscience and technology Senior Brett Zahrte said, " W orking on the car is a fun way to spend my time and a good way to expand my knowledge of physics."
Team Work Sen 1ors BrettZahrte, JamieZieg ler, and Carson B artsch work together to get the car ready This is the second year the club has been working on the car Seruor Sean Martin said, " Ph ysics club allows me to reach the level of knowledge I want to reach "
by B Kelley
Photo by B Kelley
Fl¥ 128.• .i ' i.: •
Hard at \Vork Seniors Jamie Ziegler and Keith Turgeon sit and talk a bout whats new with the cl ub Fo r o ne the proJ ec ts the physics club ts working on an electric car Mr Di c k Schalhamer has been head of the cl ub for 13 years Senior Sean Martin sai d , " Phys ics c lub 1s a great course s tud y because 1L allows you to decide what you learn as w e ll as how much you desire to learn" Ph o to by J W o rkman
Getting Sta rted Mr Schalhamerprepares to instruct the meeting Th e physics cl ub 1s also know as physics two The average phys ic s c lub member spe nd s si x to eight hours a week on th e cl ub assmgments. Senior Carson Bartsc h sa id, "Scie nce Rul es." Photo by J Workman
Front Row : Bryan Turn e r , Keith Turgeon , Brett Zahrte Middl e Row : Mr Dick Schalhame r (advi sor), Andrew Quirk , J amie Zieg ler, Carso n Barts c h Ba c k Row : Frank Dun ca n, Sean Martin
by J Workman
Clubs 129
I,,, ike gr ai ns of s a nd th a t make up a gra nd a nd el abo rate s and c as tl e , th e s tud e nts are w ha t m ak e GHS s o ver y un iq u e . With out t h e s tud e nts, our s ch oo l wo uld be a dull , o l d b uildin g w i th l i t t l e m ea nin g, bu t i t is far fr om i t. W e will re m emb er our s ch oo l i n th e f uture, n ot beca use of th e sc h ool i tself, but th e peopl e in sid e it. With all th e di ffe re nt faces, s tyle s and c liqu e s, i t i s hard to im ag in e th a t GHS c a n b e s o unite d li ke it i s. With th e r ece nt tr age d y of Co lumbin e , we as stud e nts , ca me toge th er s o th at a n affli c ti on li ke t h a t wi ll n eve r h a pp e n aga in . De mo ns ca me Face 2 Face with advers ity and pu s hed i t as id e in ord e r to m ake o ur s ch oo l a s g rea t as p oss ibl e . Stud e nt s m ak e it a pri orit y to s tr ive fo r th eir be s t a t all tim e s. E ve ry o ne, eve ryd ay, a t GHS i s co min g 2 see eac h oth e r 's uni qu e qu a liti e s th at m ak e G old en H ig h Sc h oo l wh at it is tod ay B y Tim Pray and J oe B ord e n
By B Kell ey
High Spirits Th e S tudent Council gets into th e groove at the Homecomi ng assembl y T he se ni or boys fro m Studen t Council serenaded Dr. Sh irle y Algiene to " You Are" by the Bac kstee t Boys Ph oto
A Sp li t Dec is io n So ph omo re Tara Ban ks s hows off her fl exi bili ty to th e fans Th e T ri dettes' e nergeti c s hows are always a favo rit e a mo ngs t th e fan s P ho to By B Kell ey
Say What? Junior Enn Enna scopes out the senior Powder Puff game Wnh a win over the sopho mores and a loss co the seniors, 1he Juniors had a I win and I loss record
Pajama Pal s Seniors Kendra Branch and Monica Ferrel show off their bedtime attire This year· s Sp1n1 Days ranged from PaJama day 10 Decades day and 1he famou~ Maroon and \Vhtte day Pho lo courtesy of M Ferrel
hining Faces Sophomore Eltzabe1h Martinez washes a customers car to perfect1on The Tndettes washed cars for fund-ra1s10g 10 the beg1nn1ng of the year Martinez said. ' It was a good way to cool off and gel some sun al the same time "
Smile! Sen1orTren1on Clerk1n has a blast during 1he Homecoming carnival Like always. the Senior class \Von the class compe1111ons w11h Juniors 1aki ng a close second place Ph oto By M Ferrel
Loads of Fun Se ni or Jesse Crock grins wide ac the Homecoming carnival This year, the J un ior class took firs I place 10 the float compet1t1on Ph oto B} B Kelley
Photo By J Mallhews
\ ___
Photo By B Kelley
People 131
Jo sh Houghton • Unknown.casey Zsaoo-Joo Lo\\.4John Dyffiyn-Bill BelIB-Erin Baile~John Costello-Unknown• Jeremy BiUis•Jason Fraisa-John Oitxx:>o-1..;Jns<,a ConnaeReannon Dn~Amanda McxlezeJean O'HareeKrystal Kes.<;ei.N'100le C~Meaghan S~Kevin SplanteKen SplanteKatle Maugtian-Alex Jungerfennan-Justin Dusdal• Scoo Keml~Levi Bain-<::amermJansoo-Jessica SchnathcrsteLauren Owfe-Ernily B~Jo ~SaraSchawcrott-TunS~Ha~ 1-J.asseteJustin AeuryeRaul Tcttenpudi• Luke Whitrnan• Unknown • Brianna Brawle~Kendra Branc~Moruca FeneU.Amy Wcishietel(agu Nassau-Doos \Vang-Britney Tooaa-IGffany Wuooerlic~Shirley ParerezeO,stal DuranteeRcmt Henchix• Sarah Coff~James SurrurerfelteStefanie Davis-Kaycee Heid-Ken B~Erin Berry-Tcxu Fanchl•Jeremy ~R.clrert Schrienei-.Srawn Martm-J~ca Ward-Loo Malorey-Mis.sy Johnson-Karen ~Alliha Malhcxra-Luxisay Colvin-Blake McMuflineBrian ~Aooy
Ql.tirk-Adam Smith-Rcxiger Dietrick ill • Bradley Haag-Russel Maltienqx,eAmberlee Koc Llsa Emanuel • Marsha Councfunane(iar wregnererunmy Ac:tamm-Dtane
Wallace-Sarah Kamph-Sadie Sullivan-Kelly Politte-Douglas Stokel-Karla Bienulus-Anna Be.tkrmn-Jennifer PoweU.Jacquelme ~Peter Coren-Ken ~Booby Beckel-Bryan HemandezeTyler MarshaJ.Meaghan B~Siocey Crusm-Erin Rozelle-Holly Schanhol~Katie Agard-Kelly ~Jooh Dratcb-Jooh Dwighteehoo Gleaion-Michael GoweyeMatt Schliernan-Dusti.n Rcmts-Adam Me~Matt Curtis-Derek McBroom-Jen Johnson-Me~ Ricr.-Mcxgan ~Kyle Ardnt-Roorke HamseDornmik MartinezeAlex Cardn<;oeSeth GibsoneGatocw~ VohieseCllris Capdlo-AaronA~Jes,e Preston-N'KX>le B~Hillaiy Smith-Marissa Lowtrer
30 . • 2Face I
Josh ~Paul U.00.Alex Wei.is.Kevin ~Mike Ketchum-Jore Schume~Daruelle Saocrez-Landra RobersoneVictona RichardeDommik MartmezeUnkn own • Jeff ~TrentooCJerlcineBJ:<dDarekeTorrasQcileShaharaBryaru-Ashley~EmilyDarueJseTra~ErnblootB~KeithTutp.:rt .- Jairre LindsinbiglePUnknown • Frederire Gnllo• Lisana Rojas.carolyn CockleeEmily YocurneAmber McKay • Wes Walton-Amanda NlllTUll!iJneJaime ZieglePBnan GeeeNkk RcdleTcxu CaughlineC)ay BenneteCody D..uhameMargo c.atigwneSrelly Cavanaugh-Abrey Hawe~-.Cancbce MartineNaa KenwathyeAmber DarueJeRetn:ca Rost-Kelly ~ • Frank D..mcaneAngela Dittbre~Randi RoogeiseCristal WelcheJererruah AsheDeseree M~Lacy Frit:zeCristina Wmra-Micrelle
IMantillaeKnstinaH~UnknowneCandiceCardovaeSeanSarwDav1d GaspereOmSerpaneDanaStuet •Tun.PrayeJairreHeooersoo-ThatcherGlodeeChns WlutfcxdeKyle Kreu~ffSunseBill HilJeoeBnan LoganeNateBlameTanue W~Tnna GarctaeJen&nretteAmberWoorneMorgan RamsdeneAllisoo BarretteFann CasmotNila FtosteFnn
BemaroeElame EldngeEvan WilliseRyan V.ierkeePeter Dusen~Joe 13c:x'deneAndy SolaooneM.arl< ~Jam:s MckreeJOSJe Cox• Susan W~Man ~Nadia Marcovchtckel..aura WocdeOuisty DerrungeHeather frooteSam O>veyel<atie StodoJaeSarah Philips-Kyle Dmkel • Jesse Crock-Marl< HagelbmgeDan I-Ja5chkeePhilip Siu • Jarres WaiananeN"1COlePapaseHansLayrrane(hrisBl~MikBiyanteAustinPikeeScavcrBarucheRichazdMcGwane,eBahrenRoysie:r-DavidSundeMartinFellowseMatt.MarisooeAmanda KecneCdesreConnell yeTaraSmr · eeWm11erS1icassanc1ra P>-vt-TamaraTaylaeKellyHoganeTylcrSolornoneTrevorSellarkeAs1a Mau s• TaraBrad~y HalleLuxlsay ~Serere Coore! ly
:___;;,;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;.;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .;,I ,
' ".
J ames Adamson K alie Agard Aaron Ago1lar
M orga n Anderson Stepha n Arndt J ere miah Ash
M egan Bac hman En n B alley D avid B a ll
Allison B arrell Carson B a rt sch Seaver B aruch
Bobby Becker Wilham Bellis Clay Bennett
Jenn1fer Bennett Josh Bennett Lydia Bennion
Anna Berkman Erin Bernard Eno Berry
People 135
Karla B1emuhs Andrew Bishop Nathan Bl ain- Hartung
Christopher Blu se
Joseph Borde n Tara Brady
Kendra Bran c h
Breanna Brawl ey Nicole Brid ges
Emil y Broo k s
Shahara Bry a n
M ichael B ryan t
Matthew Bunn
Ke nn e th Butc her James Caine
' I .,
Margo Caligiuri Antho ny Ca ppa Christopher Capix-llo
Ale xander Cardoso Fann Cas ino Shelly Cava naugh
Thomas Cectl Bcno11 Ce rezuelle Lauren Chaffee
S tacey Chism Ryan C hristensen Trenton Clerkin
Go D emons Se01ors Kelly Rehder and Morgan Anderson cheer at the football game against Wheat R idge The Senior Class won the lounge decoration contest at this year's homecoming Senior Geoff Si m s said," My favorite part of being a senior 1s the unbearable homework in all my s trenuous classes."
Photo by Bill Kelley
Carolyn Cockle Sarah Coffey Angela Collins
138 I ,...._( •
Lind say Colvin Crystal Connelly Serene Connelly
Larnsa Conner Candice Cordova Conor Coughlin
Marsha Councilman Josie Cox Jesse Crock
John Cubbon Matthew Curtis Stephanie Davis
People 139
Amber Dan ie l Emily Daniels SthJe Danielsen
Bradley Danek Lee Deboer Niles Deboer
Christine D eiru ng
Jeffery Des marteau J acqueline Dewy s
Roger Dieterich III
K yle Dinkel Casandra Dittbrenner
140 :z I ' ,7{L
Samantha Dovey J oshua D ratch Rheannon Driver
Co«ly Dul~ •
Crystal Duarte Kri s tan Du clos Frank Dun can Jr
Cody Durham Ju stin Du sda l Peter Du senbury
Jo sh Dwight He1d1 Dw1gg1ns Jo nath on Dyffryn
People 141
Matthew Ein spahr Elaine Ekberg Jonatho n Ek s trom
Elisabeth Emanuel Jeremy Erhart Mark Fairweather
Roxan n e Falco Lynn Fa lke nthal Antho ny Fanch1
Marlon Fellow s Lindsey Felter Monica Ferrel
142 \
Justin Fleury Ja s on Fraser Lacy Fntz
Chnsun Frost Heather Frost Rebecca Frost
Tnna Garcia David Gasper Seth Gibson
Chad Gleaton Thatcher Glodc Micheal Gowey
People 143
Frcdenke Grillo Bradley H aag Erm H agberg
Mark H agelbe rg
Courtney Hall Rourke H arns
Daniel H aschke Cara H assell Abbey H awes
Colin H aynes Selh H earn Kaycee Heid
Jamie Henderson
F~ 144
R obert H end rix W illiam Hill en
Ge ttin g th e Gr oove o n The Senior varsity football players perform their annual Tnde1te dance I n th e class compett t1 ons, the seniors as ahvays, won Senior Jordan As h said, " Being a se nior gives you a se nse of independence and respons1b1lity" Ph oto by Amber Koch
Kelly Hogan Kri st in a Hopkinson Jos hu a Ilges
People 145
Cameron Janssen Robin Jennings Jen Johnson
Melissa Johnson Cedar Jowers Ale,c Jungferman
Sara h Kamph
Kelly Kasper Aman da Keen
Scott Kemler
Cori Kennedy Nora Kenworthy
F~ 146
Krystal Kessell Mike Ketchum Amberlee Koch
Madlyn Krebs Kyle Krueger Clint Latham
Han s Layman Paul Lind Derek L1nsco1t
Jaime L1 nsenb1gle r Ekaterina L1tv1nova Bri an Logan
People 147
Marissa Low th er Brenna Maas Andrc\V Maley
Anisha Malhotra Lon Maloney Russ ell Maltcmpo
M ic helle Man tilla
Nadia Marcovch1ck Katie Maugh an
Candice Ma rt in Sean M artin He idy Martinez
Ashley Mart yno\V
Jere my Ma!thew s Kev in Ma tzke
Derek Mc Broom Richard Mc Guane Amber Mc Kay
Blake Mc Mulltn
Jame s Mcke e Megan Mc mull,n
Christopher Medina Amanda Modtz Dom1n1c Montanez
Dest ree Moore
People 149
Cristopher Morgan egg Mauhew Morri son
Study Animal s Seniors H olly Schanhals, Samantha Dovey and Kaue Agard slUdy extra hard on their history This year 's Senior Class Pre s ident was Chris Cappello Bryan Turner said, " Long hours, little pay and no recogn1t1on 1s all part of being a se nior Oh wait, that's a teacher."
by Bill Kelley
Jean Moseley Adam Myers Kash1 Nassau
Amanda Nurnmehn Eddie O ' Mara Shirley Paredes
Sarah Ph11l1ps Edwa rd Pike Kelly Politte
Jennifer Powell T imothy Pray Jesse Preston
Sandy Porter Andrew Qui rk Morgan Ramsden
Kelh Rehder
People 151
Melisse Rich Victoria Rickard
Landra Robers on Du stin Roberts L1sana Roja s
Karen Ro ss Nich olas Roth Behren Royster
Erin Rozelle Danielle Sanchez Sean Sands
Holly Schanhals Jose Sch1rrmc1s1er Matthia s Schle1man
Jessica Schnathorst Roben Schreiner Tre vor Selknk.
Chad Serpan Sarah Shawcroft D ana Shier
Geoffrey Sims
Phillip Siu Timoth y Slater
Adam Smtth
People 153
Dere k Smith Hillary Sm1th
Tara Smit h
Andrew Solomon Tyler Solomon
James Sommerfeldt Mega n Sparks Kenneth Splant
Kevin $plant Robert Stahl Nata!Je Stegall
He1d1 Sterrett Katie Stodola Douglas Stoker
Kennelh Storms Sadie Sullivan David Sund
Tamanna Taylor Mary Thomas Bnt1n1 Tortora
Ke1lh Turgeon Bryan Turner Ryan Vierke
People 155
Chnstopher Vorhies Tammy Wal c k er Deann Walla ce
We sley Walto n Don s Wan g J essica \Vard
Amy W e isheit Crystal Wel ch Alexa nder W ells
Dusun Wendling J ennifer Wengro v1ous Christopher Whitford
156 • \ I \ \ \
Susan William s Evan Willi s Andrew Wil son
Runnin g to V i c to ry Senior K ris11na H opkinson runs and scores for the varsity softball team dunng a game aga in st Bear Creek This year's Senior Class cons isted of 262 students Senior J osh Dwight said , The best part about being a senior ts having all m} credits and being able to take the classes of my choice" Ph oto by B111 Kelley
Robert W 1lson Chns t1na Wint e r Carolee Winters
---~- Re becca Wood Laura Word Amber Worden '
People 157
B oaz Alarid
Carme n Allison
L au ren Allison
So nia Ca ldwell
Min g C heun g
Nickola s Ehler
Stefan Freund
Jeffrey Hoffman
Aimee Holley
Keith Je nkins
J o nath on Low
Brad ley Messer
Jean O ' Hay re
Nicole Pa pa s
Jos hu a Pumphrey
Ray mo nd Rai c hart
Steven Ri tte nh ouse
Gilberto R omero
Mi chael Smith
Steven Sto tt
Casey Szabo
Rahul Tottempudi
Matthew Wa les
James Wo rkman
Kiffany Wunderli ch
Emily Yocom
Bren Zahrte
158 :z
Jamie Ziegler
-. ,. • , ''
T h e Class of 200 1 wi ll b e th e fi rs t c l a ss to grad u ate i n th e s tart o f th e n ew m i ll e nn i u m W i th t h e n ew m i ll e nnium he r e, th e J unio r c l a ss i s Face 2 Face wit h new chall enge s an d re s po n s ib i lities. Fo r i n s ta n ce , ta k i n g o n th e t a s k of s tudyi ng fo r the d r eaded SAT / A C T o r loo ki ng a t co ll e ge s a nd taki n g t ours of th em . A s ide fro m th o se worrie s, th eir m a in c o n c e rn i s g radual:in g in th ei r up co m i n g Se n ior year w i t h e n o u g h c r edits.
A s a r elie f to m o s t Jun io rs ther e are m a n y fu n thin gs to enjoy in th eir J un i or year, in c ludi ng th e J u ni or R aft Tri p Th e ex c ite m e n t of ro ll i ng thro u g h c r a s hin g , h iss i ng r a p id s alo n g a ragi n g ri ver , or th e one n i g h t wher e th ey dre ss to i mpre ss a t th e Juni or Pro m , p r ovide s m e m o r a bl e m o m en ts i n th e ir Jun io r Y e ar
A s id e f r om th e r e s po n s ib i lit ie s a n d f un tim e s thei r J u n io r ye ar prov id e s, th ey a ls o h ave ex pe c ta t io n s to f ul fi l l. Th ey no t o nl y h ave t o ac hi eve th e ir pare n ts ' s ex pec ta ti ons of b eco min g r es pon s ibl e a d u lt s, b ut th e ir ow n F o ll o win g th e ir d r e am s and ful fi ll i ng th e m i s th e ir b igges t ex pec tat io n th ey h ave to acco mp lis h fo r th e m s elve s
Th e roa d wi ll b e l o n g a nd hard with m a n y bump s a l o n g th e w ay . Th e c h a ll e n ge is to over co m e e a c h and every one of the se w i th s tre n g th and ta k e pr id e in o ur se l ve s. T h e n e w mill e nnium will brin g u s F a ce 2 F ace with exc iti ng and c h a ll e n g in g goa ls th a t th e J uni o r c l as s wi ll conq u e r alo ng th e r oa d of li fe
By H e a th er M c D owe l l
Pr ac ti ce Ma k es P e rfec t C hri s t in a Dupon foc u ses he r a tte nt io n o n h e r vt0ltn durin g a qu1 c i p rac t ice sess io n Th is year t he J un ior S tude nt Co un c 1I plann ed this year 's P ro m Kit B e nnett s aid , " The bes t eve nt thi s year w as Diary o f Anne Frank It was rea lly e nt e rtai n i n g." Ph o to by B i ll K e lley
C run chin g N umb e rs J e re t Ammo n wor k s hard on her Ph y s ics homework Th e J unior S tud e nt c oun c il a lso g o t th e " Dem o n s" b andan as p ri nted a nd so ld th e m al H o me co ming Nata li e Hu n t s ai d t h a t the bes t e ven ! wa s, " D iary o f A n ne F ra nk because i t he lped o u r c ommu n1 ty learn more abou t t he world 's hi s to ry " P ho to by J M a!t h ew s
Jus t H a n g ing Out Eh W ou k s h ares a b 1t of h 1s free t1me and h angs o ut wit h h is f nends Th is year ' s Jun io r R oyalty was R ya n N ee , Kn sta W e lc h a nd Jordan Hau se r Kira D u nc a n s a id t he bes t even t of 1he year was , " Homecoming beca use il' s a ti me to be with your f rien ds and h ave f un " Ph o to B y Bill Kelley
L i g ht As A Fe ath er Amy Ward goofs around on her spare nme The Junior Class had a surpnse victory when they won th e Best Float at lhts years H omecoming P a r ade Juni or J ames Richardson said, ''The parade was great and the Juni ors won lhe float contest 1
Junior Profile
~ What ar e y ou lookin g f orward to in y our Senior Year?
1' Be in g treated as thou gh we are adults a nd not JU St tee na gers." Kira Dun can
"G raduation , althoug_h sa d , it is th e co min g o f our new life '--Ja m es Ri c hard so n
What was the mo s t important thin g y ou learned thi s y ear?
" Thank god AP te s ts are graded on a c urve! " Cristina Dupont
" Du c t tape ca n ' t do your hom ewo rk " Jus tin Eberhart
What advice would you give futur e Junior s ?
" You need to forgive people, and if th~y don't forgive you, th ey aren t worth yo ur time ." Nata lie Hunt
" Work hard -i t pays off" L a ura Bollinge r
• •
Ph ys i cs Phun Jeremy Dahm Enc Johnson, and Josh Parry get help with their home work by a fell ow student This years J unior class will be the fir'.'.l clas<. to graduate in the new m1llenn1um Chris Fauble said, "The best event was The Comedy of Error<; It had lots of dancing , run and humor" Photo by J M atth c \V'.',
Photo By J M atth ews
People 161
Cynthia Adamson Pnyanka Agarwal
Toby Allan Seth Allen J erelAmmon Aurora Arlet Tiffany Armenta Kelly Aronowitz Seth Atkins Levi B ain Bnanna Baker Seth Biller Aaron Balhnger Paul Banagas Aaron Barker Shelly Barlow Taylore Beckman Brent Bellew Katherine Bennett Je ssica Berry Brenda Beumer Jeremy B11l1 s Ashley Blain-Hartung Ja son Bohk s Sean Boi ce Laura Bollinger Cannon Bowers Nicole Boyden Diane Bndenburg Robert Brook s
162 , I ) .,
Shannon Brown
Jennifer Brune
Alan Bruno
Shahara Bryan
Dean Buen
Danielle Bull
Carlos Cady-Rehe1s
Andrea Cardoso
Kathryn Carlson
Anthony Carver
Tammi Chapa
John Chrisman
Heather C1eslar
Daniel Conroy
Meghan Cooper
Chnstopher Com
Chavaugn Coronado
Johnny Courtney
Milton Croissant III
Cla}ton Cushman
Jeremy Dahm
David Danek
Jodelle Dearmin
Da\ 1d Dignan
Cassidy D1nzes
Nicholas D1ttnch
Melissa Dockstader
Carne Case
Molly Cook
Colleen Creed
People 163
Sara Dnenka
Kira Duncan
Chnsc1na Dupont
Luke Durgin
ason Drobn1 c k
D ybmg
Emmon s Erm Enna
indsay Esc henbaum Kirs un Everell
Christopher Fair Chris topher Fauble
Ryan F1eld s-S pack Megan Fleming
Tamara Freier Lauren Fro s t
Amanda Gabel Sara Garrett
Fe,f/164 P1feE
Born to Ji ve Junior Aurora Ariel has a blast during the H and J ive at the H omecoming assembly The song that 1s used for the Hand Jive. " I Just Can't Get Enough". is performed by Depeche Mode Photo by B111 Kelley
Ryan Gerni TanJa Gerw1ng Jesse Goshorn Christine Gregory Spencer Grenfell Danielle Griess Randy Groe Jodi Gutherie Yvonne Hansen Taunya Happ Jennifer Hann on Jordan Hauser Clement Hayes Kelly Hayes Bran don Helm Bryon Hernandez Andrea Ho Josh Houghton Danielle Howell Joshua Hu bbard Kyle Hu1ztnga Suzy Hu1z1nga Nacalte Hunt Wilh am Hunt sman Lan ce Ibraham Levi Jamison Mi ck Jeanna Ryan Jensen Enc Johnson Kelly Jones People 165
Brittney Jowers
Jennifer Judkoff
Lauren Kahn
Jeslln Keesee
Kend r a Kelley
Megan King
Mi chelle Kin g
Gregory Kin nan
Meg hann Kl aserner
Viola Kluc1k
He1d1 Kosterman
Mitchell Kraus
Daniel Kru s
Sundara Kuhn
Austin Larson
AntJe Lauer
Micah Leadford
Cann Lefevre
Amanda Leonard Kr is ten Libra
Josh L1n ville-Engle r Dylan Lipp ert Matthe,v Long
Robe rt Lows tutcr Scan Ludd en
Emily Mad ison
Mcn aka Mah aJan
Kei th Marston
Wilham Martin
Dom1n1c Martin ez
F~ 166 pffi '... -
Jennifer McCollum
Jeremiah McCord
Brennan McCue
Amanda McDowell
Heather McDowell
Meredtth McKee
Mary McSk1mm1ngs
Kelly McTeer
Knslen McVaugh
Angela Menna
Rachel Miller
Travis Moon
Nicole Moore
Theresa Morgan
Michael Morrison
Eduardo Mout1nho
Jessica Moya
T nslan Mraz
Stefanie Nahley
Ryan Nee
Paul Needham
Bnan Nelson
J anet Neuk1rchner
Joseph Neville
Adam Nims
Adam Noguchi
Michelle O' Hayre
Codi Offen;on
Grant Oge
Nicole Osborn
People 167
Seda Ozdemir
Logan Palmer
J oshua Parry
M atthew Peac h ey
Gabriel P fisterer
Cassie Poner
T odd P orter
Lera Pos1hJ1er
Donald P ndmo re
Casey Pnmmer
Rocky P nvratsky
Kenneth R ams tetter
Sheila R ams tetter
Garret t R eg ne r
Kathenne R idge
R yan Riley
Rob R izzuto
R enee R obbins
J ohnathan Rosa
D a m elle R osener
Jeremy R ozelle
B enjamin Ryan
J acque hn e R yan
Samuel Saindon
T anna Sand1fe r
Abby Sands
Vanessa Sant isteva n
Aaron Saunders
Lee Sau n ders
D oug Savage
F~ 168
) '
Look Out! Junior Jere my Roze ll e takes aim at the dunk tank. The dunk tank had a vanety of v1ct1ms, 1ncluding Principal D amll Photo Ball Kelley
Sheena Sayed Steven Scarbrough Jennifer Schiffman Brent Schmidt Adne Schneider
Carolina Schoch-Smith Dane Schow Elazabeth Schrock Paul Schwering Angela Scull)
Knsue Seipp Robin Senf
R)'an Serpan Jennifer Sestnch
Jeremy Shannon Bethany Shaw
People 169
Terry Shaw Gina Sherman
Kelly Skala Ashley Smith Carrissa Smith Mi chelle Smith Loren Speer St J ames Stephan;~hn Stokes Desiree Stone Sylvia Swanson ly Sv. asher Kimber Sam Tate Ja son Taylor Roxanne Trenk David Turner Lora Ulander Beliveau Ja cob Vanhom~amboldt Gregory ah Ward Jon Kelly Wat son Jo shua Wei s ·dy \Vet c h Cassi Knsta W elch \ Vendlandt Piers d h W csthea Jon Jay son White I tha Wh11latch Ta' h an Grant Wic m w nham Katherine J bey Li sa Woro Worthington Morgan 170 ' l \
Audrey Barela
Brandon Cisneros
Bryson Corey
Jon Costello
Matt Demarco
Paul Dewitt
Ronald Doughty
Dyanna Durbin
Kristen Durbin
Jason Engstrom
Keith Goble
Cassandra Goetzcke
Brend t Hagemeister
William Hight
Ray Hinds
Sury Jimenez
Jerome Lee
Rachel Lewis
Ryan Lloyd
Camera Shy
Larry Lucero
Tyler Mar s hall
Michael Martin
Rory Olguin
Josef Reihart
Reyna Rico
Randi Rogers
Rebecca Romero
John Sasso
Frank Sellers
Sarah Shawcroft
Brendan Stewart
Toni Sullivan
William Tarantino
Ryan Unger
Amy Vermillion Ryan Wallerstem
Candice Williams
Eli \Vouk Luis Yanez Behn Yavuz
Joshua Yushka
People 171
Drew Zam R)an Zenker Andre,,.. Zimmerman
Older than the fre shman but younger than the junior s, the so phomore class of 2002 faces many challenges. As well as enjoying the fun and games of being a kid , they began to get a feel for what the responsibilities of an adult really are. Thi s wa s the year for thi s c la ss to show GHS what they are mad e of. Through their s tudent council, they were allowed to express the many ideas and plan s they had in s tore for the remaining student body .
Mo s t feel that the best thing about being a so phomore is lo si ng the l abel, " fre s hmen ." As it is quite pos sibly the wors t part of co ming into high sc hool . Now , however, the se s tudent s are one s tep clo ser to graduating. Maturity , and a high level of understanding wa s expected of them by teachers and upperclass men. Overall, a tough , but well handled accomplishment.
Thi s year has been a big s tep for many Although it may see m like a less important step in high sc hool , so phomore year ha s proven to be very fulfilling. A year of learning from the mistake s made as a fre shm an, and preparing to shine as a junior .
By Katie Carlson
Taking Charge Sophomore Kirsten Canada) attempts to control the game and lead the varsit! team to victory Three outstanding Sophomore gir ba s ketball players played varsity this year. Kirster Canaday , J ess1ca Alexander , and Christina Carbone
Photo by B Kelley
Studying to the Last Minute Sop homores Elizabeth Mart in and Elizabeth Martinez study for their next class dunng access The lounge offers the students an enjoyable study and soc iali zing area Sophomore M one t Rodriguez said, "I like th e lounge because 1t 1s located 1n the middl e of everything . " P hoto by B . Ke ll ey
Left,Right,Left Sophomore Elizabeth Martinez marches to he r fonnat1O0 dunng a Tride tte routine Thi s year, there was five sophomore Tndettes dominating the squad Marti nez said, " I'm glad that I Joined the squad this year It leaves opportuni ty to change my mind before I graduate "
Photo by B Kelley
Takin g a tim e out Sophomores Shannon Polll te and Ka te Vrendenburg go over a strategy for the next pla} Althoug h the Powder Puff team lost all the games, their strategies were outstand i ng Sophomore Kate Vrendenburg said, "Who cares 1f we lost. We played really well " P hoto by B Ke ll ey
IChattin g A, vay Sophomores J anelle Engle and Nathan Fros t share a d1scuss1on dunng passing penod One of the things that sopho m ores acqu ired du n ng this year was how 10 hand le tough teachers Sophomore H annah Savage said, 'The classes \Vere not very di fficu l t comprared to what 1s to come ' P hoto by B Kelley
Souhomore Profile
~ What are you looking forward to in your Junior year?
" Be in g an upp e r cl ass m a n ." Le ah Fos ter
"Sittin g on th e o th e r si d e of th e bleach e r s ." A l is on McN e il!
~ What was the most important thing you learned this year?
" Re l a ti on s hip s a t s ch oo l a r e th e wo r s t !" Tess a Lee
" Su ckin g up to t eac h e r s r ea ll y wo r ks. " Andr ea Hunt
What advice would you give future Sophomores?
" D on ' t s la ck o ff o r it will b e a s l a p in th e face. " M a rl ys N assa u
11 Alw a ys d o yo ur h o m ew o rk ." H ann ah Savage
Peop e 173
Terry Acree
Austin Adams
Lauren Adams Clayton Albracht Shawn Alcock
J essica Alexander
Amanda B agwell K elland Bailey
Krisa ndra Bain
Philip Baldwin Tara Bank s
Ross Barton
Zachary Bauer
Bnll any Beacham
Scott Bec k
Brandon Beehler
J essica B ehunin
Truman Beran
Marc u s Bernal
Adam Berte Robert Blac k
Amelta Blakeman
Steven Bopp
Jeffrey Bradley
Daniel Braum
Amy Brawley
Angela Allan Brock Allen Bnttany Babktew ich Sarah Baer
Amanda Bnngs
Ke nd ra Brooks
Timothy Brown
Jennifer Brulla
M ic hael Bru ne l
Kerslt Bryan
Michael Bu land
K)'le Bull
Ki rsten Canaday
Chnsttna Ca r bone
Enc Carr
J effrey Carrell
Thomas Carroll IV
Genoa Carver
Jessica Casarez
Tara Casino
N1cholas Ce rei.uc ll e
Patrick Conley
Tera Conley
Mac kenzie Coule
Sh ane Councilma n
Enc Cowen
Logan Craig
Ryan Craig
Dani el Crass
J essica Cravens
Alexis Crogha n
Bnan C ullum
Zachary Curran
Jenn ifer C urti s
b'" -1 .- I I
People 175
Go Gold en! Sophomore Aliana Seligman gives her loudest shout as she performes at the H omecoming assembly Alaina was a m ong the 5 sopho m o res on the cheerleading squad thi s year. This year the powde r puff team took a rough lo ss to the juniors. Seligman states, " I like being a sophomore. Nobody picks on you
J ennifer Datl y Paul Dakan J oshua D aniels Leslie D aniels Shawn D arcy Zachery D avis Marc D e Carlo Bn an Debaets Mi c h elle D ern Paul D ewit t 176
" Photo by B ill Kelley
Kimberl y Dtmtck
N1k1ca D1m1tnc
J essica Dtzmang
Anne Dobyns
W11l1 am Dobyns
Casey Donelson
Jennifer Donnely
Carly Dnenka
J oseph Duncan
Bradl ey Dunlap
Jan Dunn
De layna Durden
Clayton Durham
M egan Dusdal
Crystal Dutton
J esse Dyffryn
Mary Dykstra
Sarah E1senbud
R yan Eilts
Chase Elhson
Janell e Engle
Jason Engstrom
Chnstopher Fan c h1
Mark Fanc1ulh
C hn stopher Feiner
AleJandro Ferrer
BenJam e n Filas
Josep h Fitzgerald
Haley Flet c her
Juan Flores
People 177
Justin Foos
Enka Foss
Dexter Fosler
Leah Foster
Thomas French Gerald Freund
Nathan Frost
Brittney Fusco
Tia Fush1m1
Dennis Gabel
178 Take a Bow Sophomore Kersue Bryan 1s all smiles as she poses for the camera All throughout the year, the class of 2002 featured "Man of the Week" and "Woman of the Week" in the lounge When asked about her thoughts on the academic level sophomore Claire Landry said "The classes seem really fun this year compared to last year" Photo by 8111 Kelley
Rachel Garnett
Thomas Garrett
Celeste Gardner
Zachary Garrett Nathon Gaudreau
Rachel Ges,n Tara Gevara Chandler Gibbons Talon Gleaton Corey Gobbo
Keith Goble Shannon Gomez Bnttany Goodwin Amber Gosda Kelly Graves
Jolie Gray Winston Gray N ichole Guthrie M ax Gutierrez James H all
H aley H ansen B enJam,n H arris Garrett Hams BenJam,n H aschke J ennifer Hastings
People 179
Curtis Havengar C had H eater Chnst1na Holbrook H unter H oose Schuy ler H opple
Matlhew Hosburgh
Andrea Hun t
Marquita Jackson
Hope J auch
Frank Jefferson
Christopher Jenkins
Nicholas Jenkins
Sarah J eschke
Christina Jiron
Trevor Johnson
A Day to Remember Sophomore Greg Larson shows offh1s sc h ool spint 1n the H ire a Demon auction sponsored by s tudent council. The sophomore lounge was intensely supervised by the adm1n1strauon and fell ow teachers because of the high rate of tra sh being left behind H alf way through the semester, no food was allowed in the lounge. Sophomore Tarah Moya sa id, "Not being able to eat 1n the lounge \Vas terrible but we managed." P hoto by Bill Kelley
C h n!> ttn a K ave n
Sa m a nt ha Kee n
J oe K e nn e d y
Re becca K e tc hum
C li n to n Ki ng
J osep h Kin g
Amy Kirk
S tephe n K irk
K ac ie K itchen
J essica K lein
R yan Kl umb
J esse Koc h
J e.~se Kolbe
Cou rtn ey Kre ll er
Mi c h ael Lahey
H ea th er L amprec ht
C la ire L an d ry
Fraze r La n ie r
G regory L arso n
J us tin Leazer
Je ro m e Lee
Tess a Le e
Aim ee Le1d 1c h
N a th a n L ev itt
B rya n L evy
R y an Lew a n
R ac h e l Lewi s
C hri s to ph er L o ll a r
A s h ley L o ng
Tiffa ny Low
People 181
Elizabeth Lukrafka
Sara Lufkrafka
Stacey Maas
Kimberly Macey
Erin Madison
Jacob Makhol
William Mallicoat
April Maloney
Natalie Mantilla
Valene Mantilla
Out of Bre a th Sophomore Juhe William s 1s exhausted after co mpleting a track race A few popular courses among the Sophomore Class include, American Hi s tory and Bio lo gy A wide vanety of courses were o ffe red thi s year Sophomo re Kyle Bull said, " M y favontc class thi s year was definetJy Bi ology" Ph o to by Bill Ke ll ey
Ja n Ma p het
Crysta l M a rtin
El iza bet h M a rti n
Eli za bet h M art i nez
S h au n M art in
Crystal M artinson
Ra c h el M a tson
P alr1c k Ma tzke
Con n na M a up in S teven M cCrac k en
Ryan M cCue
Gregory M c Kee
J aso n M cLaugh li n Ali so n M cNe1ll
A aron M cNew
Ni co le M e din a Arl e ne M ed rano S tev ie M e ter
R ya n M el n ic k J e nn ifer M eye r
Enn M iller
Je ffrey Mill er C hn s ty Mit c h e ll Darre n M oi tz fi e ld Je re m y M o les
Chn s to ph e r M o rga n Ju s tin M o rga n
Tarah M oy a Nat a li e Mu e ll e r Andre w Mu es
' < >
People 183
John Murfin
Jonathan Mu sgrave
M arlys Nassau
M arissa Neal
K atrina Neitzel
M itchell Neb.on
Steven Newton
A shley Ni c hol s
Heather Niel sen
Amanda Ni sse n
Loui s Nolting
J oshua O 'Co nnor
Sean O'Hayre
Darby Odell
R ory Olguin
Je ssica Olm
Diana Ortiz
Olin Osborne
Lind s ay O s te n so n Cali Owen s
Amanda Palm e r
Mi chael Palmer
B enjamin Park er
M at th ew P arsons Rand, P atton
David Per lebe rg
Kristine Perry
Be njamin Pfeiffer
Carli P ierso n T y le r P i k e
I ) •
Danny Poeter
Jessi Poitra
Shann on Pohtte
S tephanie Pru gh
Robert Pnun
Dwight Rah orst
Steven Read
Dylan Rei tm eyer
Enn Resnic k
Brooks Ri ch
Jame, R ichardson
Aaron Rid der
Nathanael Ridder
Jessica Roat
Heather Robmson
Ashleigh Rodn guez
Mone t Rodnguez
Step he n Romero
Cathlene Ron so n
Jessica Roord a
Apnl Run dqu is t
Kyl e Sabo
Matthe\v Sa in don
Michael Sandova l
Hannah Savage
Aaron Sc hl esinger
Darga n Schm idt
Kara Schm idt
W1l1 1a m Sc hrein er
Bri a n Sedgeley
People 185
Alaina Selig m an
Frank Sellers
Todd Sheffield
Crystal S helton
Damo n Shuey
J ames Silvey
Ni c holas Skelton
Geoffrey S later
Desiree Sm ith
Tra v is Snyder
Kn s t1n Solawelz
Brandon Steusloff
Du s tin Stewart
Cody Stine r
K ylie Stitt
K eith S toeber
Ann Stoker
Cassidy Strode
Ni c holle Stroh
Charles Surrall
Ju stin Szabo
Victoria Szado kiers k1
Gabriel Tafoya
Thomas Tafo ya
Ryan T aylor
Jonathan The ise n
J ason Thoen
Bnana Th o ma s
Jos hua Thurgood
Jane Tra vis
o to No t
able .)
R ebecca Tre.isure
M egan Tnpp-Add1son
M atthew Tuffin
D ylan Turn er
Ka1 h enne Utley
Suzanne Utley
Kn stme Va1voda
Alexandra Valenu, Corinne Van Duzer
Steven Vand} kc
Anthon} Varga-.
Zackarey Verard1
Wa rd Veller
J ack Von Burske
Catherine Vorh,e-.
M ervyn Vowles
Kat e Vredenburg
Shanna \Va gelmg
Cy \V agner
Timothy \v ahlrncir
Kn sty W.ilcker
Clifford \Valier
Adam \V allcr~1cm
Drew \vall on Arnie \V .ird
J oanna Ward
Bradley \V aros h
Elizabeth \V at k1n s
J ohn Watson
M atthew Watson
People 187
Jasmine Wichmann
Juhe Williams
H ollie Wil so n
Mick Woodworth
Vi c tor Xuan
Wei Ye1n
Julia Yocom
Abigail Young
Laura Young
Enk Zachnson
J ohn Zirbes
• •
·___, a lures People 189
The Class of 2003 have stepped on the long path that will lead them through the three most important years of their lives. They will be Face 2 Face with new challenges and goals.
In their first year as freshmen , they are introduced to activities that many high school students enjoy, like Homecoming and its many activities, and theSadiesHawk.ins Dance among other things They will also realize that school and homework will get harder and more abundant as they go their high school years.
In their sophomore year they will be on the threshold of becoming an upperclassmen, and no longer being considered as a " lower-classmen."
Although the work starts getting harder they start to see that it becomes more enjoyable.
In their junior year they will have finally become " upperclassmen" and start getting respect and getting recognized. They will start to enjoy activities that they weren't able to enjoy as lower-classmen. Although they have new activities they can enjoy, the matter of college, SATs and A CTs will start playing on their minds .
In their senior year, it will seem as though they were the " frosh " only yesterday and wondered what happened to the years in between Graduation will be around the comer to greet them and they will be marching off to college.
It may seem as though the road will be long and may seem to difficult, but the Class of 2003 will be able to fulfill these accomplishments .
By Heather McDowell
Oh My! Adria Ro ssi offers her sy mpathy during Drama Club's annual Home coming skit. Thi s year's Freshmen Student council have worked on their class float for the Homecoming parade. Nick Fauble said his favorite part of the Homecoming dance was, "taking my date out to dinner" Photo By B Kelley
Oh th e tr aged yRachelFlem1ngandEncBinkley ac t out a scene from Antigone The Fres hmen Student council were also involved 1n planning the Pi c k Your Crush act1v1ty that was held around Valenune 's day Kendra Nahley said the most enjoyable part of high sc hool ,vas, " theater and friends and getting good grades" Photo By B Kelley
S pirite d D em on Chns Mu sgrave shows off what he's got 1n the Homecoming Parade Thi s year's Freshme n Student Council also planned and made class shirts for their class Audrey Bennett said the only part s he looks forward to next year is, "start1 ng to dnve" Photo By B Kelley
Mini M e Andy H untsmen does his best 1mpersonat1on of P rincipa l Tom D1m 1t Th e fres h men S tu d ent cou n ci l are requ ired to do two proJects e\ery six wee k s Ad ri a R ossi sa i d h e r favon te pa rt of Ho m econu n g was, " th e parade beca u ~ I w a s ab le to be 1n 11 1" Ph o to B y J M
Bubbl y S pirit Kn sta B 1esgets h ersel f psyc h ed u p for the H omeco m i n g Parade The Rep rese n tat i ves for the Fresh m en Class arc Gwen Carey, T roy Spah n, Anya Strauss. Mike C h appell a n d J essica Gore K im Beesley said her favori te part abou t th e H o m ecom i ng Dance was, " th e p ict u re, th e mu sic everyt h ing 1" P hoto
By B Kelley
Freshmen Profile
~ How much doe s high s chool differ from middle 'S chool?
" More mature , more freedom , better cla sses ." Je ss ica Wil s on
" There ' s tons more cla s ses to take and wax more freedom , but you a lso have more responsibility . 1 Adria Ro ss i
What did you find s urpri s ing about high s chool ?
" How nice everyone is, people reall_y grown up since midd le school. " Audrey Bennett
" How fun everything is !" Adam Simmon s
~ What were you. s tared of about going into high s chool?
" I was scared that peop l e wouldn ' t accep t me .,., Cassidy Hara
" I was so freaked out tha t I was going to get lo s t in Golden. I t' s huge! " Elizaoeth John s on
People 191
Timothy Adamson
Jacob Agee
Greta Aldndge
J amie Allen
Jacob Angell
Elena Arias
Ryan Armitage
Sean Aronson
Jason Baalman
David Baer
Cassie Batley
Chelsea Bailey
Charissa Baldwin
Mark B allinge r
Heath Banza
Marcus Barber
J oshua Barela
Brianna Barned
Mallhev, Becke
Kimberly Beesley
Stuart Bell
Craig B ellew
Cynthia Bellis
Audrey Bennett
Nicole Bennett
J ared Benson
Knsta Bies
Jessica B11lm gs
Enc B inkley
Geoffrey Birney
F~ 192 1 }
Katherine Btscan
Bryson Black
Brianna Blair
Ru sse ll Borneman
Joseph Bottjer
Nicholus Bove
Tabatha Bradeen
Lind sey Brewer
Emily Bnan
Wesley Brooks
Mi che la Brown
Tegan Brown
Luke Brun s1l1us
Angela Bryant
KamJ Bu cholz
Nils Burnham
Alli son Bums
Bayle Butler
Blane Butler
Meagan Byrne
Sean Byrne
Joseph Campbell
Joshua Canfield
Chn sto pher Carey
Enn Carey
::,wendolyn Carey
Renee Carey
roseph Casedy
Dane Casterson
J -. J
People 193 •• • ~• •• .i, - - -
Evan Chapin
Michael Chappell
Terry Cheung
Robert Chnsman
Nathan Christensen
James Clarke
Dougla s Claxton
Kimberly Chne
T oby Cochran
Lind sey Conklin
Megan Cook
Nathan Cooper
Sean Coughlin
Caitlin Cowen
J amie Cravens
J oy Cravens
Christine Crevhng
Daniel Cross
Jason Cullum
Cain Czopek
J acob Dacek
Stanley Daily
Bl ake Dalgetty
Aimee Daniel
Ryan Dart
Patnck Da vis
Gino D e Carlo
Catherine Deland
Caitlin Demarest
194 :% .-· ' ,I • • -~·~r..•-· J""'1 • - ,: ., 1111 J.I 1••.,t .--..-,-,""'i ,-,-,· • -,..,. ---- --·-· '(,
Knsttn D'Epagn1er
Ank De Yelder
Ja son Dewhurst
J ason Dewllt
Tara Dewolfe
Chnstopher Diede
Du st in Dill
Mary Dilworth
N1kica D1m1tnc
J aypec Doerr
Allison Domgaard
Jennifer Donnelly
Joseph Dunlap
Nichol Dupont
J1l11an Durgin
W1l11am Eisley
Jonath on Emsbach
Tyler Enna
Bryce Erickson
J olene Faro
Ni c hola s Faubl e
Andrew Faulkner
Brandon Fisher
Kimberly Flageoll e
Rache l Fleming
Andre\v Flick
Stacie Flowers
Joseph Foden
Daniel Fogg1n
Ju stin Forbes
People 195
Melissa Ford
Renee Ford
Dennis Franco
Daniel Fraser
Matthe,v Fntz
Lauren Gale
Joanna Galioto
Ryan Gallegos
Tatiana Garc ia
Danielle Garnett
Kacie Garrell
Mackenzie Gates
Sarah Gerard
David Gething
Cyllia Gilmore
Marco s Gomes
Angela Gonzalez
Thnothy Gonzale s
J essica Gore
Du sti n Gore s
Cory Goshorn
Kri s tin Gowey
David Grammer
Dane Gray
Gabriel Green
Matthew Green
J oshua Gresham
Allison Griffiths
Kendra Guldan
Timothy H agelberg
Adam Hansen
Cole Hanson
Joshua Hanson
Tiffanny Ha pp
Cassidy Hara
Jam es Hann on Jr
Jesse Han
Andrew Hassett
Kyle Hau ser
Amy Hawley
Patrick Haymes
Andrew Heid
Alexis Held
J oshua Herbert
J ason Hermann
Robb Hewett
Jacob Hi ebert
K,m Hill
Ryan Hi ll
Dane Hinn en
Kelly Hock
Rh onda Hoffert
Gabe Ho ldren
Jen nifer Holhngswonh
Lesa Holycross
Emily Hoppin
Qumn Hornecke r
Zachary Houg ht on
Ian Housel
Taryn Hubbard
People 197
Adam Hud son Andrew Hunt sman Mansha Ibrahim Gunner Ja cobs J on Jarboe Rodney Jeffers Enc Jensen Megan Jesc hke
John so n Crystal John so n Elizabeth Johnso n J oshua Jowers Jason J oyce Sarah Kalin So ndra Ka ven
omas Keesee Kr istopher Kei thly John Kelley BenJ am1n Ke mple
Kenw orthy
n Kerber
-Jean Kerber
oshua Kimbroug h Kevi n King
ames King-Wi shon
Kingh orn
chel Kirsc h
y Koehl er Amelia Kraft
Ku chan 198 :.z 11! I I
Brayden Kuhre
Jason Lacey
Mauhew Lampre cht
Blake Langolf
Dana Leadford
Kellh Lee
Lyndsie Lee
Drew Lewis
Kyle Lewis
Zackary Lewis
Sierra L1dd1ck
BenJam1n L1nville -Engler
Ja colb Lockhart
Kara Lollar
Ashleigh Loni s
Blake Loll
Troy Love
Daniel Lynam
Sierra Mabe
Olga Mallett
Vanes sa Mallicoat
Patrick Maloney
Nichola s Man chen
Anna Mangan
Christopher Marbut
Kellh Marcello
Brian Mart in
Diana Martin
ssell Look
Meganne Mackey
People 199
Eli Martin
James M arti n
Katharin e Martin
Kirsten Martin
Rhet Martinez
Taylor Mart yno w
Megan Matso n
Cory Mau ghan
Shannon McD onald
Cha nt1le Mcallister
Andrew Mcdan iel
Mary Mcdonald
El aina Mcgrew
J essica M cgrew
Candice Mckenz ie
Thomas Mcknigh t
Alison Mclaug hlin
J ohn McLaughli n
Mi chelle McS klmm1ng s
Brand on Means
Shan non Meehan
M ark Me lan con
Ned Myers
Emil ee Mi chaelis
Chistopher Milne
Dean Moosdorf
Adam Morganegg
Ethan Morr ison
Anthony Muljad , Brandan Munroe
fDJj/200 -I \. ..
Christopher Mu sgrave
Kendra Nahley
Jo s hua Nelson
Robert Nesbitt
Trieu guyen
Lon Ni cholas
Amy Nielsen
Stephen Nolan
Mark O ' Hayre
Joseph O ' Horo
J ulie O ' Neill
Thomas O Neill
Jessica Odden
Adam Oldenettel Jr
Angela Olson
Brian Orem
Christine Overmye r
Cah Owens
M ar k. Palcsak
Manhe\\ Pantaleo
Robert Payne
Jeremy Payte
T ate Pellegnn1
Andrc\V Peoples
Ray Perkin s
Billy Perry
Abigail Petersen
Brittany Peterson
Trevo r P1 etrafcso
Rachel P oitra
People 201
R1ck1lee Pollock
Alyssa Pnegel
Cameron Pyatt
Luke Ramstetter
Zechanah Randolph
Elizabeth Ranfranz
Garrett Ratcliffe
Johnathan Ralk1ew1cz
Juliann Rau
Caleb R eed
M 1chala Rehder
Chnstopher R e1nholz
Justin R1mbcrt
Candice Rivera
Aaron Rizzuto
Lindsy Roberson
Luke Roberts
David Rockvam
Makcnz1e Rogers
Patrick Rogers
Chyanne Rotn ero
Rachelle Rosener Adria Rossi
Daniel Sa tt erfield
Kelli Saue r
Rom Savage
Mi chelle Schafer
J onathan Sestnc h
J ason Sherman
Alexander Shier
F~ 202 P1feE
Amber Shulthe1ss Adam Simmons Danielle Smllh Jeffery Smith Shannon Smtth Jessica Soliz. Troy Spahn Kn st1n Spear Courtney Speer Robyn Speer Sonny St Jame s Ju s un Stahmer Jenn1fer Steckmyer Farley Stephenson MathewStoaks Kyle Stodola Anya Strauss Matthew Streetman David Streweler Katherine Tapia Deborah Tarum Sara Taulby Julianne Taylor Jared Teman son J uslln Terry Erica Thompson Nickole Thomp so n Steven To Heather Torbit David Traylor I V People 203
Richard Trenk
Jennifer Valentine
Thomas Van De Bogart
Kristen Yanik
Rose Villarreal
Ohvia Von Kohorn
James Wagner
Amanda Walcker
Carly Walker
Jaclyn Walker
Joshua \Valker
April \Vallace
Samuel Wallace
Adam \Vano
Tyler Warner
Margaret Webb
Lisa We1she1t
Nicole West
Christopher Whelton
Jessica W ilson
Stephanie Wilson
Elisha Winters
Rebecca Winters
Andrew Wolaver
Enca Wolfe
Edward \Vood
Chelsea Wyatt
Rachel Wyland-Sm1th
Juli e W yman
Jessie Zebroski
F~ 204 PSfeE \/ .....,.,... \
Johanna Acuna
Kyle Anderson
Brandon Babkie,vich
Jame s Baer III
Charles Barber
Manuel Barela
Patrick Benzie
Gerzain Bernal
Je ss ica Brownlee
Alli so n Campbell
Lauren Carter
Timothy Dewitt
Megan Elli s
Heath Elvenholl
Adrian Flores
Dennis Gabel
Desirae Garcia
J ulia Gonzales
Dale Grant
Jamelle Grahe
Jes sica Gness
Jennifer Hasting s
Jame s Hearn
Amy Ho sel ton
Jo s hua Hud so n
Christopher Jay
Jacqueline Jone s
Jennifer King
Je ss ica Ma cDonald
Samuel Madrid
Crys tal Marun
Chris tin a Martinez
Jason McLaughlin
Mariam Me~hdari
Angel Meno oza
Garett Metzler
Man sa Meyerink
Ed,vard Meyers
J oseph Minardi
Samantha Mora-Jimnez
John Murfin
Amanda Nisse n
Aaron Norton
Abeta O,ven s
Duk e Pad ill a
Jame s Payte
Alexander Perea
Carli Pi erso n
Gerry Pin so n
Nichola s Pros
Bnttany Rees
Danie l Romine
Mar s hall Romine
Bri an Ronson
Thoma s Roybal
Doug las Savage
Jennife r Selb e
Mi chael Wri gh t
Cassie Zebro s kt
Ma ssy Zebrosk.1
Angela Ziegler
Cassandra Zimmerman
Jacquele1ne Zarbes
People 205
Amber Zurcher
Coffee? Mr Scott Edson has an1cechatbeforeclassw1th
Mrs Phyliss Price. Mr Edson, who has been with this school since 1993, when he took over for Mr R obert Chapman , recently retired at semester Hi s predesecor, Mrs Tammy Ahmed , came in time to start off the millennium Mr Edson decided to retire to fulfill his dreams of wnt1ng band music for high schools "Mr Edson will be surely missed He has a mean jaz.z band and works well with ktd s" stated Mrs. Becky Vennetta Ph oto by B Kelley
Charlotte Lindsay
Mau Loyd
Don M acLaunn Judy Madi son Scott M a nning J oe M cGin ni s
206 •
Lui sa Melandez Paul Miller Kathryn Montgomery Roger Myers
Na c hos any body ? Mr Bob Putka dishes out nachos during the homecoming carnival From p i zza to bratwurst, pretzels to nachos, the homecoming carnival included food from all around the globe " Homecoming was a fun opportun11y for the kids to celeb rate something d1fferent " sta ted Mrs Linda Poveda Photo by Bill Kelley
1 rr..-• p, \ a
Sandy Nations Mike O'Dons10 Chns tm e Pennel Tammie Peters
Tracy Phan ss Linda Poveda Phyliss Pn ce Bob Putka
Craig Ramberger
Chad Reid
Faculty 207
Aswe look ba c k on our c hildh ood, we are faced with th e joyfu l m e mories of th e self ex pressio n and lau g hte r we o n ce felt in our early years Rememb e rin g th e w o nd e rful tim es w e had involving san d boxe s and jungle gyms, we kn ow how mu c h we have g rown , h ow far w e have come, and how far we s till hav e t o go. When th e c la ss of 2000 ca me to Golden Hi g h School, w e w ere co nfu se d fre s hm e n and now , upon graduating, we leave thi s sc hool with the knowledge and soci al ski ll s n eeded to achieve o ur hi g h es t dreams. The knowl e dge gai ned , from th e experien ce of traveling throu g h high sc h oo l will und o ubtedly change our li ves forever . We will always remember th e good time s and let the bad ones take their place in our library of helpful s ugge s tion s for future problem s. From the fir s t day freshman year to the las t day s of se nior year, we ca n see and fe e l the growth and triumph s we have acco mpli s he d , not only in high sc hool, but throughout our entire li ves A s we say good-bye to th e seniors, we would like to cel ebrate the s mall bl oc k s, the toy cars and the little baby doll s, in hope s that the se trying time s we are faced with in high school will forever be remembered and the memorie s never forgotten
By Stefanie Nahley, Liz Lukrafka , a nd Sara Lukrafka
Ralston E le m en tary 1992- 1993 M r.. W endt'stifth gradec la ss
Firs t Row : Christ) Denung, M ichael Bu s b y, M e/use Ri ch. Weslev Walt on, Sadie Su/1,van, Bna11 Logan, Mi chael Hira o ka econd Row : Betsey Thomp so n , Brad Haag Noelle R au Carol Von Mi chaelis. Hele n P h1lhps. Chns lVh,tford Third Row : Kyle Arndt Lee Perr.·. Kennv Stonns. Sarah P/11/l1ps, Megan Ba chman, Jess,ca B ak.er, lV,1/ Youn g, Dustin Wendlin g Ba c k Row : Russell J.falten1p o. Er111 Bernard. Ja ckie Robbins. Tin1 PraL David Gasper. P aul Krell, J ason Cross
Babies and Buddies 209
Aaron. we are proud of you son, we bel.ive m you and will always be there for you.so go out there and reach for the Stan; and never let go of your dreams
God bles.s you always.
Love, Mom and Dad
David. you have givlll us more JOY and bles.smgs than you will ever know I Never Jose your wonderful love of ltfe, great senseofhumor and qUJck smile We are proud of you and love you very much Mom. Dad, Rich. Glenda. Alex, Leah. Kendra. Tyson, Kayden
E."<hlb1ted a flair for adventure at an early age Always needy to hop into the coc-p1t and steer for the stars. I t dJdn ' 1 maner if the engine was running or not
Congratulations, Megan. Keep your sights lugh. All our love, Mom and Dad
Congratulaoons D:lvid 1 You have what 1t takes to accomplish any goal you seL Keep that smile on your face and that spmt in your heart. Follow your own palh always Oh -and wherever you go, take along three
VERY loud alarm clocks t 1 love you bigger than the sky
Kendra Branch
Always follow your dreams and bel.ieve m yowself for someone as special and gifted as you has the ability to create a world ofbeaunful tomorrows
My Love, G Karen 210 :z
What am I supposed to do without your smile, the twinkle m your eyes and your great personality? 11 is an'lllZlllg how many memones we have 1ogether and how many are still to come You have always been there for me through the good and the bad. I will love you verandever
' )01e de vivre"
High spmts Just from being al.ive [ F. Lit:::;Joy of living]
"Joseph, Joe, Joey" lightsupmyltfeeverydayofmylifemoreth:ln anytlung in my life [F., l.Jt=Love] Dad, Father. Fnend
From a beauuful child to a lovely young woman-all to soon. Never-ever settle for less than your best.
I love you and I am Very Proud o f you -Dad
The skies are not your lmut Go foe your dreams and goals- let the water flow'
We love you- Dad and Mom
Aaron Aguilar
Davia Ball
Davia Bachman
. Chris Btuse
Kendra Branch
Megan Bachman
Joe Borden
Emily Brookes
Nicole Bridges
Congratulations I We are so proud of you Keep clunbl.llg )our mountains until you reach your dreams. Listen to your hean and keep your Vl.StOn clear We are belund )'OU all the ,vay The best IS yet to be May God bless you and keep you safe
Love. Mom. Dad. and Gus
Sha hara-Bryan
Follow your heart. Don t fear your ~ton. I love )OU. Kerso
E)es are the wmdow of the~ Yours sparkle with energy humor and lo,e Someumes they flash \\-1th an mner fire that bnn~ light and Jo, e to all,, ho kilo\\- )OU
Lo,c, l\.fom. Dad. Kersu. Reyna. Bay and Grandma
Margo Caligiuri
J im- \ Velovedwatchmgyougrowfromtluscutelinleboy to a handsome and talented young man We hope you continue to bnngmus1c andlaughterto all, and wish you all the succes.s and happmess ltfe can bnng, We Praise God for you'
Love. Mom. Dad. and Jenelle
Dear Margo Wow• You made 1L You have brought much JOY lo us We know you wtll approoch the xperiences ahead of you with all the surpnse and xc1tement) ou have mthe past. Remember our fun tunc:51 games (stt.nky. stinky) You're the best ve. Mom and Dad
Chris.. I could not~ fora benerbrotherthen you 1can't be!Je, ·e )'OU are gomg and r U be an only child 1ll3nk.s for alwa~ being there Don ' t fall away from God He the only one that can sol,e your problem,. Lo,e ya. Brandi
Qtris- Hey Buddy-you are the brother anyone could have lbanks for always be ing there for me You have the b1gge:.t heart I've ever seen. Suy close to the Lord Love. Tony
DearChns- Youwillalwaysbeour"GoldenOuld" W are so proud of who you have become \Ve will alway love those Boo Boo eyes. Follow your heart and keep faith.
Love you. ~1om and Dad
Farm, through this sho11 penod of time together you have brought much lo\'e and joy to our lives. Now a:, you close a chapter of your ltfe and stnrt a new one. may the grace of the Lord Jesus Cllrut. and the love of God be with you always Babies and Buddies
James Caine
Chris Cappello
Chris Cappello
Chris Cappello
Farin Casino
Tom Cecil
Strong Kind Handsome. Generous.Sweet COllSlderate
Loving Ammng Humorous Talanted Remarl-:able
These are a few words that describe my fnend Once an awkward freshmen that I drove to \Vinterfest, now a fine grown man You made 1l. Congratulauons. Love EnJOy our future and snule. You d<:serve 11.
Always and Forever Rach
Stacey Chism
' 'Stacey", well Stace, the I~ four years have been the greatest Wehave sharedsomanymemonesandcreat a bond that wtlJ last a llfeume " I'm so glad I came bac that rughL" and nomanerwhat happens I will always here and always love you Man
Trenton Clerkin
You ' vemadeusveryproudandhappy Weknow you'll be successful in all of your endeavors. Keep that special smile'
Love Mom, Dad, Kevin and Jason
Carolyn Cockle
Long hair, pinwheels, Ed.sen Ambler, "Godspell", "Jacob", softball, soccer. Grays, Torreys, Mam lil " Grease", Astor House OearCreek,servingat Muru ·s
These are the um~ of the c luld grown to woman Looi.. out world, Carolyn ' s comm'
We Jove you , Mom and Dad
Sarah Coffey
.Don ' t forget, Kid 1
Linasay Colvin
We are so blessed to have you lil our lives. Together we have learned a lot about love and courage YOU are truly an U1Spuation to us all We wish for you everytlung. and then some Love, Mom, Dad and Erika
Jesse Crock
Conor Coughlin
Dear Conor, You're the fl.CSI of three rrurcales in our lives ·• May the road rise to meet you May the wmd be always at your back" Whatever dreams you follow, !..now that we ' ll love and support you always May all those dreams come true
All our love, Mom, Dad, Serul. and Kevm
Jesse-You have always been there for me durmg happy times and sad times. I know you're going to do great in whatever you do You are the best brother in the worldI love you so much' Love, Shmo-Head
Jesse Crock
Jesse, Go after life with the same gusto you showed on yourfirstbirthdaycake Remember- Llfe ,sasport,so quick to love and make haste to be kind Lo,e, Mom, Doo. and Grandpa J un
Braa Danek
You've always had great love for the outdoors.. fishmg. clunbmg, choppmg \1.-ood, and biking We've enJoyed watching you excel Ill your many :.l)Olt:s. Hockey Football, Slciing. Baseb:ill, and Lacrosse.. and lislerung to you play your drums with all of your heast and soul. Congratulauons to )OU Brad. and Th.1nk You' Love, Mom and Dad
11. Braa Danek
How incredible our hves have been with you I To~ how )·ou set your mind on goals. and v.-orl to reach them Always there when otliers need you. Our pnde lil you is neverendtng, a:. 1s our Jove May God nchly ble.<-.<i your Yeat!. to foUow Love, t--1om and Dad
Jeff DesMarteau~Braa Dan ek, ana Trenton Clerkin
Three great guys. have played m band togethen,ince the beg1M1ng. climbed many rnountaJJ1', alv. ar, -.et their goals high. and reached for the <J..y h has been -.o fun watching them grow together \V1th strength from good fnencb,youcando anytlung' Jlblgofor1t 1 \V1thLove rom Six Ve and Blessed ParenL~ 1
Billy Goat- You have that spectal somethmg that mak people laugh and feel good about themselves. Never I your love oflife, free spmt and your sense of humor You are surrounded by family, fnends and Angels. I'm v proud of you
Love, Mom. Scott. Java. 8-b:ill and Buddy
Baby Mae."' hat you have shown and done for me \lllCC eighth grade has changed my life forevcr From our u,ps to Beavercreek. Steamboot & Vail to the late rughts, long doves,~ shows, and most unportant. CC ume The memorie:. will last forever and so will we Dream LARGE!
Rheannon Driver
The urne is finally here, you made 11 1 Work hard and don't let anytlung ~mthewayofyour dreams. We are very proud of you
Love, Mom and Dad
Blabberwmky, Dad 's boy wide world, Shoo~h,. amoeny.yutti too much. For all of the beautiful moments you bnng mtoourlives-yesterday,loday. and tomorrow We love you, Mom and Dad
Dear Samantha. ufe IS full of magic and we v..1~ you the most magical momen~ possible You have brought suchjoytoourhves.andwe love you very. very much 111 Morn and Dad
Juc;110, we're so proud of you and all your occornpllshmcnts. The school year.. went so fast and that's how the rest of the years will be \Ve know you'll be a great person m our society Set your goals and make them happen ve. Mom and 03d
Babies and Buddies
Christine Deming
< ,I•
Christy Deming
Frank Duncan
Samantha Dovey
Justin Ousaal
~1EMORIES S1ealmg bases and RB l's Overtime and soccershoo«>uts. FnendssuymgovemightandbluebeCT} pancakes for breakfast The eventful DC 5ubv,ay nde
RYLA Camp and college scouung Fall Pheasant hunt!> Achapterends,anolherbegms Study, work.hard,enJOY ife Serve, lead. trust God
usa- leep reachrng for the stars- there are no luruts to accompllshing your dreams. Make sure the fun neve stop.s Thanks for being such a great !,.id' Love. Mom and Dad
We are so proud ofyou,Jer CongratuJauons 1 Follow your dreams, and no maner what path you take stay healthy and happy We love you and we will always be here for you
Lo,e. Mom and Dad
er Congra1ulauons 1 Who would have thought you ,,ould have made 11 this farw1th such ~uccess. For all the umes you defied the odds. all the miles you have run, all of your accomplishmenL<;, we are proud of you. You have proven nothing is Ullpo!>Slble Good Lucl
Love, Alison.Tun and Ryan
No maner how big you get you'll alwa)S be the wee one of the fanuly May succcs.sanend )'OUrefTort.S. Always remember, all that you do, do with your might thrngs done by half are never done nghL Good Luck, Mom, Dad and L..e:,ley
The day you were born, we kne,. you were very special andtalemed Dunngyourl2yearsmschool.you proved usnght Goforyourdreams. \VearewithyoualJtheway Mom and Dad
We are proud that you are a seruor Remember the valu~moralswehavetaughtyou You will bethe~l al whal you p1d-. for your future occupauon \Ve love you \Ve will always be there lo IJ'ilen, 10 hug you, and luss you Your Parents 214 :z
Heather, you're a wonderful person ms1de and out I Jo,e you dearly \Ve've always been so close I know you'll go far in life Always }.now rm here for you Good Jud. and I love you always. Lauren
Dave, having had Dan as a brother for 18 years, you should be ready for anythrng the world can toss your direcuon We are proud of you -Dan, Mom, and Dad
Peter DusenbutY
Mark Fairweath
Marlon Fellows
• Elisabeth Emanuel
Mark Fairweather
Heather Frost
Jeremy Erhart
Lynn Falkenthal
Davia Gasper
No man erhow tall you become, you 'II always be oor easy gomg, mellow baby' Congratulauons 1 Love. Mom, Dad, Beth, Oms and Copper
You are everything we could have hoped for in a son. Alwars be true lo yowself and ne,er g,,e up on yoor dreams.
Love. Dad and l-1om
1'-1Jkey you and I h.lve always been close (even 1f we light a lo(} I love you with all my heart and you will alwa~bem)'b1gbrother Thopeyou succeedmltfeand may all your dreams come true Have fun m college ! Lo,e AJ1,1,-ay~ Kn~,
Kaycee Heia
Where have all the) ears gone'> Too fast and lOO soon for us. You're a be.iuuful, mtelltgent, funny. v.1ny young woman, with a strong commionent to the tlungs )OU belie ve m. don't settle foranyttung less. \Ve're so proud of you and will be there for you always.
We Love You , Dad and Mom
Kaycee I've always looked up to you You ve been looking out for me all my hfe You always told me 1fl lookedsrup1d and helped me out so I d1dn ' tget made fun of It's going to ··sucl. when you go lo college I'm gomg to truss you y
Kaycee• Keep those big brown e) es shuung You ha, e been faced 1,1,,ith many obstacles m your 18 year.; You f..now what's important. Love simply, lo, e deep!:, and laugh often I love you' Mom
1lleBroncos had theM&M connection-Morton to Moses. \Vhile we at the YMCA Rec League had the M&1'-1+M connecuon(s). Billy Hillen + Peter Dusenbury + Joey Borden. Who would have thought our l Oyear old socce stars would still be together> Love.Mom
Even at the ripe 'ol age o f two, you hkcd sho\\. mg off your pees' \Ve know how hard you ve worl.ed for this and we are very, very proud of you I TIWlk you for the mcred1ble ;oumey and lcrung us be part of your life
Love. Mom and Dad
Robm. to witness the emergence of an md1, 1dual with purpose, direc::uon, and ai.en~ of mean.mg m her lJ fe 1s, hke that person herself :i thing of beauty to behold 1lWlk you for g1vmg us tlus expenence \Ve loved you then, we love you now and so 1t shall ever be Believe m you as we do
Congratul:iuons, Mom and Dad
Babies and Buddies
Thatcher Gloae
Courtney Hall
William Hillen
Michael Gowey
Kaycee Heia
William Hillen
Michael Gowey
.' '
Robin Jennings
Kelly Kasper
Kelly you are awesome We predict you will go far and wish you the best ofluck m whatever you do Remember to enJOY life's sunple pleasures
We Jove you. Mom , Paul and Kimberly
You've always made your own way, but everybody n.ccds gwdeposts. As you set out down the road. here are ours· when you tlunk you' re nght, stand up ; nothing 1s absolute , Side with the underdog : We all lJ\ e downstream , Follow your~ Catch and release
Love, Mom and D:ld
IAmber Koch
Our ltnle tomboy, Amber you are very special \Ve could not have hand picked a bener daughter. We are , cry proud of you' Love, Dad, Mom. Jesse, LeVJ, and Justin
Kyle Krueger
The person you have become makes us proud, :,,o proud to know you. Never lower your standards for yourself Youn'llt. energy, dnve. and detemunatJon will enh:lnN'l your 11 fe forever
Love, Mom and Dad
P S Please vJSII us AS MUCH ns possible
Marissa Lowther
You are the ltghtof ourhves.. Theyoungadultyouhave become has made m, the proudest parents Ul the world. Conunue to be who you are mtelLgent, kind hearted. generous, and loving The world isnt your feel May life be one big adventure
Love, Mom and Dad
I know that we havegoneourseperateways, but you wi.11 always be hke a sister to me. I'll always remember the days of playing Jude 'n · seek till dark, and dotng cheers with Stacee I wish you the best of luck
Love. April
Russell Ma/tempo
We remember the singing Alley Cats. family tenrus in the l'll.ln, shooting baskets and tossing a football, Thank.sgiVJng at Snow Mountnlll Ranch, and the 12 mile march across Haleakala. -fay you always want to smg.
Love Always, Dad, Mom. and Marcus
Lon , we always knew that you would grow to become a very special young lady As usual, we were nght I We will support your every endeavor. and hope that your dreams come true. You wtll always be our Jinle "cluckenhead."
Love, Mom and D:ld
Michelle Mantilla
Congratulauons' You wi.ll now enter a very e,i:citing phase in your hfe and we are very proud. As you set goals for your future. always remember to enJOY e.ich day ; be true to yourself and remember we'll always be here for you. God Bless You
Love, Jim and Mom
216 f'm
Lori Maloney
Raising you has been a bl:lSl We know that )OU will continue to enrich the lives of those you touch with your energy. compassion. honesty and delighlful sense of humor
\Ve love you. ~1om and 03d
B:i.by-Dolly l am so proud of you You 3fC my slurung star. d.1mbmg to the top of everythmg you uy My he:ut bursts w1th pode when sa)'Ulg ''In.1l's my <bughter ' Ashley I w:is auly blessed the day you were born and that happmess holds no bounds
I am so very proud to have a son like you You are so helpful to everyone that you meet, from old and young. Keep up the ed~onal goals, )"OU will go far with all your dreams.
Love forever. Mom
Our C\Jle little "Pumpkm" has turned mto a be.iuuful fady You rove a snule that lights up a room. Your oul.S1:lndmg character and comJXlSS!on m:u.e you truly lovable 1bank you for all the memones and sweet Jove \Ve will alwnys love you and be here for you Love. Mom and Dad
Ashley.youhaveshownmeloveandfeelingsthatlneve knew eiustcd For th.ls expeneoce, I am fore, er grateful I would li.l..e to the rest of my hfe 31 your side, lauglung w1lh ) "OU CT)'IJlg with you and Jovmg you I Love You , Du...ty
Yotfve come along way b3by 1 Congmtul31,ons on all )'Outaccomplishmentsalongtheway Weareveryprood of the wonderful wom31l you have become \Ve I.now you will succeed m wh31.ever you decide to do Follow your dreams. You rove only Just begun life's journey ve, 03d and Mom
\Ve hope you ochJeve 311 your gools m hfe and that your dreams come true Have fun at college and come home often Th:i.nks for bemg good Love. Mom and D:id
" Am:md:l-P:uid:l" You are always a wonderful s1Sler You look out for me We have fun together I hope )OU have 3 grc.ll ume m the future Love Alw:iys. Your lmle "Bro"Jason
Though we've had our tunes, the good overpower the ood. You rove been the gre31~t SJsterever Never let go ofyour dreams becluse you are a real ,vmner and I konw each and everyone of them will come true Love Alwnys. • Marlys• Til3nks for the truu '1Crv1ce 1
Babies and Buddies 217
Nadia Markovchick
James McKee
Amanda Modiz
Ashley Marynow
Amanda Modiz
Kashi Nassau
Ashley Martynow
Amanda Modiz
Kashi Nassau
Fifteen years ago you began your JOW1leY from preschool to tugh school graduaoon. Now you will move on to the next phase of your life where luruUess possibilioes await you Set your goals high. stnve to attain them and have fun along the way Love, Lady and Dad
"\Vhen you go out into the world. watch for traffic, hold bands and stick together" - From "All I Really Need To Know I Learned II\ Kindergarten." \Vith all our love and thanks for the happmess you ' ve brought us. Mom and Dad
Tun. you made it, Congratulaoons. We are very proud of you Keep smiling. Don't worry, be happy Love, Mom, Dad and Jonathan
A son ts the happy memones of the past, the Joyful moments of the present, the hope and pronu.se of the future With love , faith and desue, continue to " slune on "
Love always, Mom and Dad
This is early evidence of an earing disorder wluch prevented you from bemg S1X feet tall Love, FOG
To our family actor-you are a great kid We are very proud of you. We love your sense of humor and your kindness' Break a leg!
Love. Mom and Dad
Congratulauons! Wearesoproudofourmilleruum2 graduate You ' ve always worked hard to be the personyoucanbe Yoursptritisalighttousall God conl:lnue at your side as you conunue to attain your goals
\Vith our love and blessmgs, Mom Dad , Marty. and Mark 218
It was so hard to believe when you were so small and needy that you would grow up to be so strong, beautiful and self sufficient I love you. Mom
Have I told you I love you today? I was honored as your daddy to watch you grow up mto such a wonderfu l woman. Now I considct myself blessed to call you my fnend.
Sarah Phillips
Jesse Preston
Morgan Ramsaen
Austin Pike
Jesse Preston
Melisse Rich
Timothy Pray
Anarew Quirk
Melisse Rich
Dusty you• re a great lJd with a big heart. \\: e are lhe luckiest p.m:nts ever God gave you Jots of t!Jenl!;. I hope you use them gll 10 life \Ve all love you Lo, e ~1om and Dad
U<;anJt.a. You :unved 10 lhe autum of our IJ\~ and made It Spnng agam Keep lhe love of God 10 your heart Remember always lhe morals }OU learned 31 home You have a wonderful personality and }OUf common sense Be com~OIUIC and loving and your future will be great.
Love, Mama Ouuu
Your succcs..-.es makes U5 proud 1a} you continue to e:(pand your honzons wlule you endeavor to be your best. CongratulatJons on readung aoother nule ,tone• Lo,e }OU. ~1om and Dad
o y
Dear son- I·m so proud of you and so Cll:Clted about }our bnght future 11 As a cluld you were a selfless giver- selftaught I You vegotmyv01eforpresidentorwhatever 1s your dream· Always seek lhe U\lth and be a light m lhe worid 1
Love, Mom and Dad
Alway~apreciouschild.nowabc.iuuful} oungwoman Staydetcnrundandonlyhear" ycslcan 1" I havealways been and alway. will be, , cry proud of you May God bl~ }OU and keep you Love Mom
\Ve are so proud of you and the \\Onderful }oung adult you have become God ccttamly bles.,,ed w. \\hen he gave } 'OU to w. Lo,e t.1om and Dad
Kevin ana Kenneth Sp/ant
You"vealwaysbecnaspec1al !Jght 10 my Life. I know you shme in everytlung you do Aim for the sun.'
I Love } ou t.1om
I am very proud of you tf you follow your hcan and do lhe nght thmg, good UUO!r-i will happen.
I Love you, Dad
Congrotulabons, you made 1t1 \Ve are proud of all that you have become from uny prenues to fine young men. \Ve will always be here for you Good luck and follow your dreruns Health and Happ~ Always • Love, Mom and Dad
Take 1l from us. \Omcllmes you JU.\t can't take life too i.enou.,ly 1 Congrotulat.Jon~ on all your aduevemcnts 1 How life wall be such a blast·EnJO} t Love, Mom and Dad
Babies and Buddies
• Dustin Roberts
Behrin Royster
Geoffrey Sims
Lisana Rojas
Nicholas Roth
Heiai Sterrett
No maner the challenges you' ve always looked for the positive. Keep looking towards the sun and you won' t have to see the shadows. Remember someday they'U say, " I knew Heich when. .' ' Love Beary Much Your Fnend Always. Mom
Heiai Sterrett
Heidi , you may get into oghl squeezes, but we' ll always be there to support you! You ' ve shown your courage through the years and we know you can do anytlung you set your mind to We love you and believe Ill you. your Orm and Opi
Heiai Sterrett
We've proudly watched you become a bcauuful, tntcUigent woman Whether you choose 10 be a teacher, a p.sycluamst, or pediatnc1an. continue to challenge yourself and when 1t gets tough remember to take a breath. pucker up and smell the flo~ (Don't) Go break a leg! Best Wishes'
Saaie Sullivan
Actress, Patne1a Neal , srud you were the most beautiful baby she had ever seen. 11us beauty is not only skm deep, but comes from the depths of your soul We ' ve shared laughter, tears and a tn.1e fnendstup As you soar to higher places. remember our hearts arc with you We love you. Mom. Dad. Monnor. and Matthew
Keith Turgeon
\Vith your pos1uve altitude and great<lisposloon IJ.fewill conunuc to be a beauoful JOUnlCY for you. Love. Dad
Ryan Vierke
CongJatulations, Ryan! You are a grealjoy to us and we·re very proud of what you've accomplished. Listen to your hean and foUow your dreams as your future unfolds.
We love you. Mom and Drew
Ryan Vierke
Ryan, I alwayslcnewyou wereaclown 1 We' ve shared IOIS ofspecial times together I will always che.nsh your friendship
Love you. Erika
Alexanaer Wells
We areso fortunate 10 have you in our family Kindness, compnss1on, a strong character, mtelligence. a sense of humor, independence of~ tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches is what you arc all about! You arc a tcrriticpe,ron..
Dad. Mom. Jacloe, Brianna, W1MJc and TOOlSlc
Atexanaer Wells
Approach each day with positive thoughts. uve life to its fullest. Educate yourself through the teachings of others and explore new opperturuues at every chance.
I love you little one. Bnanna
220 :z
Born to Rock'
Oms, always stnve to be the best you can be. Follow your heart. be positive, keep smiling, aim high and your JOUI11CY through life will be a JOY We love you and are very proud of the young man you have become Love. Mom and Dad
How qwckJy tune flies from this sweet little child to the sweet young woman you have become How proud I run of you and how bles.scd I have been to have you as my daughter Thanks for all the good tunes and the b:id. Good luck -Love Mom
We hope that your future will be filled with as much love and hawmess as you have given us We are proud of all you are and all you will be Follow your heart and always remember chat we love you Mom and Dad
Is my little Ya- Ya really graduanng? With all of your talents and good hean. you have so much to give the world. I'm sure the future holds many more "Word girls" adventures.. for I have found a lifetime fnend in you, my little sJSter
Love you, Meg
You have always been a free sp111t. enJOying your mdcpendcncc when you could - which was most ofthe ume ll has been a joy to watch you go through each suge of life sectng you grow in matunty and beauty Hopmg your heart will always be filled with love and happmcss FLY A WAY BUTfERFLY 1
Love. Mom and Tom
Congratulations to the Golaen High School class of 2000. We are glaa to ena this century with you! The GHS Yearbook Staff
Emily Dearest- You were always on !he move and always m !he sunlight Still arc and always will be Mizpah and Jove. Mom and Dad
Even ata young age 1t seems you wanted to reach for the stars. Good luck m pursuing your passion-Astronomy
Love Mom and Dad
Chris Whitfora
Laura Wora
Emily Yocom
Carolee Winters
Laura Wora
Jamie Ziegler
Rebecca wooa
Kif(any Wunaerlich
Babies and Buddies 221
Have you seen these people? Amazons and Cookie rule 1 Raoswmkk fore,er Fu-eman Qiuck, four wheel ' n WJth the beast. H C ·99·.Goal a la MeXJco. Cone hunung I love you and will tall.. to you everyday for the rest of my life
Good character IS not given to us. \Ve have lo bwld 11 piece by piece-by thought. choice , courage, and deternunation \Ve are so proud of your fine character
You ' ,e done a great Job'
We Jove you. Mom. Dad. Summer and Adam
Smalls, my "dog" since the fust day' I can ' t beltve we al.m.osl conquered our whole class. Oh well. we came close' The silly l1JneS gettJng greered and hanging out wtthallofourLAX Buds ' Keep usingyourPlayaPower and I'll see you on the come around Peace OlJf
Your Brotha, Bluse
Kyle-To ournver raL \Ve are so very proud ofthe young man you have become Your strength of character and strong values will cany you farm tife Good luck~ you trove! mlo adulthood \Ve love you tons 1
God Bless You. Mom and Dad
Kyle- I love you Bud 1 You bong so much JOY mlo my h.fe I praise God for the gift he has given me 111 YOU I'm proud of you.
• ill
Rourke Hams. Daivd Ball and "Pete" (Pele ' s the good lookmgone ) Welchester-6thgrooe \Vetoldyouwe'd get you back someday' Love, your parents
\Vas it that long ago? It seems like only yesterdly?
Foreverforyou,lllnethal passed tooqwcklyforme I am so proud of alJ that you have become. May yourJOUffiCY m life. bong you all the happiness that you have brought 10 mine
I love you, Dad
ordan.we'resoproudofyou. Youmadeit• \Veknew you would You'vealwayshadasoog myourhealtand have kept our house alive with music Keep Jehovah and love and music and laughter m your life
\Ve love you I Dad. Mom and Shanna -~-
Allison Barrett
May you always be happy and full of life as you follow your heal1 to your dreams. I've watched you grow into amostbeautifulpersonwhoknowswhosheisandwhere she's gomg. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter who has always been my best friend
Love you, Mom
Stephen Arnat
.\ ii - l
Davia Ball ana Rourke Harris
222 :z
Morgan Anderson
Stephen Arndt
Allison Barrett
' \
Alhson, l twasalwaysfunbeanngupooyou Have fun m school but don't party too much. I know you will aclueve >·ourdreams. By thewaywhate\ er happened to that bow?
Love your brothers, Aaron and Paul
Seaver Baruch
Seaver, I'm going to rruss you Thank you for all the h:lppmess you've brought us. \Ve'vc always been proud of you. Never lose your patient and canng way, your sense of humor that keeps us laughing or y adventurous spml I know you will S\ICCCCd in whatevc you do Follow your heart.
love · Mom
\Ve vc done alot together and I will nuss you You are a m:in of characlcr, and mtegnty kmd and considerate I could llOl be prouder of you I Suy ad\enrurous but comebyoftcn. \Vehavemuchtodo Bcs1des,somconc s got to carry my gear on lhe nver' LoveD:ld
Seaver Baruch
I can't put how much I love you into a couple o sentences. You have been such a huge pan of my hfc and I am thankful for the relallonship lhat you and I have been able to share. You were always there for me and I miss you too much I am very proud of the per.on that you have become You know who you arc and what you want The thing I love most about you 1s lhat you are a leader not a follower I love you.
Love. Helga
Even then you were contemplating your world Absorbmg and then responding Although you are much taller now tlus Spml resides m you sti.lJ Alwa~ remember \\ho you are · son. brother, friend-0eeply loved by God. >·our mom. Katya. and Jerry
Jennifer Bennett
To Brat Weare very proud of you. May all your hopes and dreams come true We love you Congratu.laoons• Love ya' Mom and Kevm-
I couldn't always be besides you, but I' m always wtth you. Congratulations and I love you Daddy
Although we argue and light alJ the time, I will always love you. You've grown mtoagreat man. but you you ' U always be my little brother, keep your head high and reach for the stan.. You can acheive anytlung,
Love Debi
Kyle Amat
Smalls, My " dog" :.mce the fin.t day' I can't belive we almost conquered our whole class. Oh well we came close' 1ne silly nmes gcrung Greered and hanging out \Vlth al.I of our LAX Buds' Keep using your Playa Powerand l' Usceyouonthecomearound PeaceOlJf
Your Broth:l. Bluse·
Babies and Buddies 223
Jennifer Bennett
Clay Bennett
A smile to ltght up the darkest comer A lovely generous nature A senseu-.e rutistic spuit .,
Who knew I'd be depending on you now Just like I clJd then Thrulk you for all the wonderful memories and for bemg who you are Never forget laughter through teaIS, sleeping bags, hills, and trash cans, ropes out wuxlows, runJa nights and so many more' Viva Pinks' Love, Nadia
Anna Berkman
Anna. we wish you sucx:ess in your future _ You are a wonderful daughter and sJSter Connnue to live life and to use your creati, e talents. Thank you for bemg you Love , Mom Dad. Scott. and Julie
Chris Btuse
What can Isayabout suchalong- lasungfnendslupthat has ment the world to me \Ve ' ve done some pretty funny stuff that I will never forget Your dreams are gomg to take you so far Save me a seat at the Academy Awards 1
Love Sarah
Congratulations' We are so proud of you. You have worked very hard for tlus moment You can do anything you want We Jove you' Mom and Dad
Dear Oms, you are the# I Grandson, # I Graduate. and # l m canng and remembenng (the way Grandma likes to be) I treasure the tunes we ' ve had together Grampa Curly and l are so very proud of you I Do your best in whatever you choose and always remember that I (we) VE you Oms.
GrammaJo ce
Chris Bluse
Chnssy Ry, you are so accomplished in every aspect of your life Academically, atheletically, and socially you always set an example of what the maJonty of us s1ruggle to asptre to Y~ are a role model for all that know you and an admirable human be1ng 1
Congratulauons Christopher' I can ' t wait 10 say. " l Jove, Aunt Karon
Dear Oms, after 18 years. the Journey conunues Go forwaro with your dreams and aspiranons as your guide May you conunue to touch the llves of otheIS as you have touched ours As you reach for the Stan,, take with you that you will AL\VA YS be one of mus God bles. and good luck 1
All our love Mom and Dad
Dear Omstopher, congratulanons on your !ugh school graduauon and on your many acluevments Bemg our ARST grandchtld. you ' ve always been special and you conunue to make so proud More then any of our commendable attributes. you are truly a good and decent oung man and we love you dearly for that.
Lyaia Bennian
Erin Bernara
Chris Btuse
224 :z •·
Anna Berkman
Erin Berry
. ,,,. e- Q >
Chris Btuse
DearChris, ok am so lucky to have a brother like you You are specia.l because you are ,ery smart. you are nice to people (even ME). and you are the best Lacrosse pla)'er mthe world I Iwill nuss )'OU when you go away to college
I love you because you are my "BIGGEST' brother Love Always. Bnnany BOO
Dear Oms. l am so proud of ,ou and all truU you have done m your W"e May you connnue on truU same paih forever Congratulations on your gradua11on and good luckatcollege Maylneverbe1ooOLDtobeyourskung and golf partner'
My love always, Aunt Joarue
O\Jls, somellJllCS I don ' t act like at. bu1 I am very proud of everytlung you' \'e accomp!Jshed You have alw-ay!> been there for me You ha,e taught and :Jtown me so much -THANK YOU' I know you·11besu~ful mltfe no manerwhat you do l wish you the best in college and in ltfe.
Love, brother forever
Words cannoti:xpress the joy you have brought into our lives. Follow yourdreamsand staytruetoyourself God has a wonderful plan for you
You are loved. Mom.John, Brook, Grandpa and Grandma
P.• Chn.ssy and Frankie
I'm so proud of my best "bud" Keep working hard. as you alwaY!> have. Life rewards those who pol the mos1 into it Your best rewrutls are yet to come' Always belleve in yourself and go for your dreams 1 Cun
ToBreannaourfll'Sl.someumesthesweeleSl,someumes the wor.,t. Always a blessing, an occas1onal pest. purung our panence 10 the ulumate test \Ve've loved you foreverand you ' ll always be the daughter we hoped for. the lady we see Stay strong in your faith ve Mom and Dad
Nicole Briages
Oh Nicole I You are a meny and beautiful old soul You are full of surpnses and always keep us guessing. and smiling, and applaudmg, and cheering you on.
Congratulations' We love you Mom, Dad, and Gus
ere was always sometlung nussmg in my W"e but l never knew what 11 was 1ne day I me( you. my life lbecaine complete I loved every rrunute I've been with ou You are perfect for me ngratulaoonsand good luck. Gage
Mik, you have a good hean. You will go far and we wil always be here for you Congrotula11ons and good luc Love you much, Mom and Dad Babies and Buddies
' -____ - --·· ·---•
Chris Bluse
Joseph Boraen
Nicole Briages
Chris Bluse
Joseph Boraen
Chris Btuse
Breanna Brawley
Mich eal Bryant
Lee- You are strong willed and furn yet gentle and kmd. You encourage others to find lhetr positive side. Keep your eyes and heart focused on the eternal light and your walk will always be true We are proud of your accomplishments
Love. Mom and Dad
Lee, remember when you were the little brother'> You will always be the younger brother Congraru.lations 1 Love. Jack and Niles
I remember one rught up in Boulder, a man very near to our hearts told us our fnendsh.tp IS extremely special He couldn ' t have been more nghL I've spent some of the best tunes of my life with you We've come a long way and l chensh all our memones. Best Fnend Forever, Sarah
Jeff, We' reJoyfullyremembenngtbelinleboyyou were and proudly recogruzing the wonderful young man you 've become. You ' re the best ! Congratulaoons and good luck as you go forth.
With all our love Mom. Dad. NilckJ and Bryan
Cody- lhere has never been a dull moment with you 1 Please stay the same Code that we' ve always loved Be true to yourself and you will go far Keep smiling you do 1l well
We love ya, Mom. Dad. and Oay
Fuzzy Dumdale. Hey big dog ! Man the yeais have cruised by and we' ve had many good times- Clilllin• on the porch. going to Katie' s, ' gars, luding from Nikki's COUSlllS, GlRl..S , " Hooptee Volvo", mowing yards.and LAX Ul my driveway It ' s OOl over yet- the HOT gm · n' t moved J.Jl next door1 Peace out. Bl use
Matt, always remember to keep reaching for your goals and never g:1ve up. I'm so proud of you !
We love your sense of humor, your crcanvity Your commitment to fnencls, your readiness to try new things. Develop your talents, give your best and let your light slune' We love you Elatne 1 Mom. Dad. Carla. Dale, and Laura
We are bursting with pride You have become an independent and responsible young adult before eyes Thank you for all you have g:1ven to us You are more spectal then you'll ever know \Ve love you, Mom and Dad
Lee DeBoer
Jeff DesMarteau
I '
Mathew Einspahr
226 :%
Lee DeBoer
Cotty Durham
Elaine Ekberg
Christy Deming
Justin Dusaal
Jonathan Ekstrom
Lindsey, you came into my world and bnghtened up my life. I'm I)()( sure where I would be ifit \.vasn ' t for)OU, but I know I could never be as happy as lam when I'm wtth you. You are the love of my life
Moruca. may all your dreams come true- the way mor...i came true the day you were born You've been a joy a blessing ever smcc. and I' m so proud of the beaullful canng, intelligent young woman you've become Li\ well laugh often Love much
I love you, Mom
Lrndsey, l know that mom would give you two thum~ up tf she was here to share this wtth you Re.ich for the stars Trust in God and y~lf
Love and Pnde, Dad. and the loving memory of your mother
Lindsey Loo, Ican l beueve you are graduaung already
It seems like yesterday you came home from thehospttal I am so proud of you Tunes have been rough but you made 1Lllu.s 1s your ume to slunc Lmds,make me proud SIS Love ya. Whit
Lacy, you are our sweet little gm We are so blessed and honored to have you as our daughter Your beauuful smile, great sense of humor, and compassion for those around you May love. JOY and laughter hght your JXlth \ Ve Jove you, Mom and Dad
Ja~ we are so proud ofyou and youraccomphshments You are our ray of sunslune You have given us happmess, JOY and laughter Keep focusmg on y goals.
Love you always, Mom and Dad
Jason, congratulalJons. you did 11 1 \Ve are so proud of you. Continue to reach for the stars.
\Ve IO\C you. Mary and ~1Jchelle
'The beguungs of a snule that will light up your ltfe " I Jove you Heather Mom. xo
Li.kc one, Ii.kc the other, like sister, like brother Congrarualnons to my s1Ster, I'm proud of you Love. Mike
Lindsey Felter
Lacy Fritz
Lindsey Felter
Jason Fraser
Heather Frost
Lindsey Felter
, , .... , 1 ..... .,.
Jason Fraser
Niki Frost
• Babies
and Buddies
Niki Frost
2 ' 3". 2 ' 9" 3 ' 4". 'There 1s no lurut for you, or for our love for you
CongratualUOllS Nikki Mom and Dad
We are all very proud of you 1 God has given you wonderful personality and so many talents. Y oursua::cssl has Just begun I Congratulations and God bles.ss you 1 Love, Ed. Lisa, Crystal, and Cas.5idy
oday. we celebrate you and all the happiness you bring toourhves.
Love, the Gibson and Gallagher Family
To all my Girls
Look how far we have traveled together' Through good and bad umes we will always muhtply life by the power of four (S)
The Girls
Overlhe past fouryears we' ve grown closer and stronger We' ve shared some happy and sad moments which are chenshcd and unforgettable. Amanda-our guardian angel. He1di<t.1quette lessons Chnstina-Don ' t get too sea-si ck. May mailboxmg hve on forever 1
I love you guys AL\VA YS AND FOREVER!
Chad , thanks for everyllung you ' ve done for me
Be expecting calls when I need help in math l expect a college girlfnend 1-TalonChad , thanks for always being there and cheering me up when I was sad I'll miss you when you ' re at college Garrett, We love )OU big brother'
Chad. we have always been very proud of you 1 You have grown into a wonderful young man Always remember who you are and hold your beliefs close and you will go far
We love you Mom and Dad 228 :%
Here's to Chad. our favoote gmd1 You ' ve accomplished so much since you were a lad' \Vhcn you leave for college. we' ll be sad. But there are many adventures yet to be had!
Love Grandma Helen, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Ruth. Uncle Lowell , Josh. Kate , Meghan and Baby Boan
Chad your not only a wonderful coach, your a great fnend, great brother. and great b1ological step son. The Rogers
Chad Gleaton
Chad Gleaton
Chad Gleaton
Chad Gleaton
You have made my seruor year great' You taught me much more than Just Olenusny and C.alculus.. I hope you have a great ome at college. And wtth al l my heart I wish you the best ofluck. I love you 1
Love. J arrue
"The baby"-Thc old soul-We arc so proud of >oo Now the "Real \Voc!d" 1s yours to cooqucr-and you w1ll 1 Always stay on your toes.. like you have from the beguuung
Love and prayer.. always. Mom. Dad. and Daru
You ·ve grown mto a beauttful young woman wuh lugh for the future (only by rules.. of course} and thmlong of you movmg on makes me lKld bec.1•1se I m going to rruss yoo tembly Te:11', ofJOY and~ will linger foe you are my first daughter and my fnend forever
Love ou Mom
Well, weU ,weUJ ook where we arc• Seems like yesterday you were sp11.1ng thtn~ in my h:lu' and teasmg me about mydtyhands. Wc've becn through1tall Rourke I thank you for everytlung fro m smiles.. to self esteem Fro m stink JUtce to suppoo and laughter to 1ove 1 You ' ll be orever m my heart.
Nathan Hartung
I:s been fun growing up wtth you as our"linle'· cousm. You've always cheered us oo, and now we're checn ng for you Don tfocgetuswhcnyoumnke1tb1g1 Havefun m college and stay close Love. Jason and KeU1
Even as a baby you displayed a uruquc sense of style and uxllv1dual1ty We love you Just the way you arc Mom and Dad
Thanks for always be mg there foc us to "lean on", or sit on•
Ashely and Man
As you sat! the sea of ltfe remember to take your tooth brush Brochers, foreve r and fnends foreterruty
Th is picture looks 1ike I am lectunng you-and I probably was' Now I wan1 you to go 1010 the wood-earn a mtlhon dollan;-comeback- putmeonyourlap-thenlectureme!
Hagb erg
ey Hall
and Buddies
,, Daniel Haschke
Danny- I sure hope you're a ltnle happier with me now that you ' ve gratuated 1 Go conquer the \\'Orld 1 Pop-Pop
Daniel Haschke
It 's hard to believe that you ' re all grown up You may be a lot taller now but you still look at life as a b1g~eregg huntsee111g only the "goodies" to be had Iam very proud of the fine young man you've become.
Love , Dad
Abbey Hawes
Fust view of"the look" at age eight It still send:i chills down our spUle Love Tun and Daruel
Abbey Hawes
Your fnendslup means so much tome, and Idon't tlunk I ever could have gotten through the last four y~ without you. All ofour laughs, wluch 1s lots.. always stay m my mernones. Frec-99 was fun whtle it lasted, but neveragaU1 1
I love you always. Rlssa
Abbey Hawes
Abbey (Tubby), I have watched you grow from my tubby hnle sister rnto my beauuful s1s1er l will be there for you no matter what you do in hfe Abbey, ) Jove you, don't ever forget tJw. Congratualuons, J'm very proud of you
Love , Amanda 230 :%
Kaycee Heia
Nutrasweet aka K-<log, hello beauuful' You have been the greatest fnend ever We have been through a lot o shat in the past year. but our fnendslup has swv1ved through 11 1 Your always there when I need you Your the coolest lod and the l.Weetest gui I will always hold you lugh on a pedestal
As you open the gifts that life has to offer, may everyday m like chnstmas 1 Dan. you are a truly wonderful perron with a great big heart. I Jove you very much and know you are destined for great thrngs.
Love, Mom
You are my teddy bear m life You give me JOY and srrules. lam always very proud of you and have no doubt that you will succeed in whatever you choose. With all my heart. Mom
Keep weanng those shades because your future 's so bnght your gomg to need them 1 \Ve are so proud of you and know you can accomplish anything
Love, Mom and Dad
• •
Daniel Haschke
We have shared so many great lll11CS 1ogether I hope tha1 )'OU can reach all of your dreams and continue wooong hard. Thanks for always bemg !here. I love you' Lo,-e. Thatcher
It may soundweud but I really rrusshavmgyou aroond "'hen I'm at school. Good luck m the fu{UfC' LeVJ
Tomynngel, I nmproudofyouasmydaughierandyour many accomplMmenlS. You arc ..,cry unport.1n1 10 Charu. l ord.In. and Beau and they Jo, e you very much Always know Iha! I run here for )OU and love you Lo,e. Dad
I have watched you grow from a sweet little baby Ullo a gorgeous young lady I love you more lhan the world can tell.
Grandma Jeffs
Thank you for the happiest years of my h.fe I have COJO)ed our tune more then you will ever know l am proud of your dreams and desire to fulfill them I thmk the world o f you and wish the to my beauufuJ daugh1er I love you more then anytlung. Love.Me
To our spoclal sweetheart Kelly Lynn You will alwa~ be famous m our family \Ve will never forge1 the S\\-CCl, laughing, canng d.'lfting hnle gut we Jo,ed having with us. Alway~ remember our wonderful summer.. o \Wunmmg. crafu. sc1-fi. boaung and fun \Ve lova-lo\a, Kel-\Vel
Aunt. Diane and Uncle John. John. Ju!>lln. Janell
Well hon. we did ii I Our seruor year together will always be remem bered I I love you very much and I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world Follow )our dreams and always remember I am here for you Love you bunches ' T T
Sa\Or every momen t Hear the music. laugh more. com pliment lllSlead of cn1Jc11.C, climb mounmms. read more books. always love im!Cad of hale Have no regrets o f ye5terday or fear of tomorrow Be )'our best for you 1 Ginger and Ray
Pee Wee' In your smile hes magic. in your heart hes love as you go on m hfe bolh will shme Your love 1l, with forever We love you Missy
From. Mom, Dad, and Tony Babies and Buddies 231
Jamie Henaerson
Kelly Hogan
Kelly Hogan
Jamie Henderson
Kelty Hogan
Cameron Janssen
Kelly Hogan
Kelly Hogan
Melissa Johnson
Congratulauon s to my " warrior/ pnncess " (Xena) daughter Remember that with your wamor strength LO rrund and body and your poise and confidence of a pnncess you can anam whatever goals you set yourself Keep your great sense of humor and your faith
With lots of ride and love Mom
Con , you have been a tremendous JOY in our lives. Hold on1owhoyouare.Rememberthechallcngesinyourp.1Sl, bnng your strength for your future Keep your adventerous spuit. crcatememones and always have fun I've loved all the time spent with you.
Love, Mom and Dad
You have blessed my life with laughter. canng heart and determinanon to keep going Witlun you is the promise of the future and I believe in you Follow your star, never compro11U5e for Olhers and know that dreams do come true I am ve.cy proud of you
I love you. Mom
Here 1S ourhttleangel with horns We all love you Har,<:i and we know you will follow your dreams.xxxxxooooo
Love, Mom and Dad
Your sense ofhumor, your compassion. and your love of ad venture keeps you mvoloved 111 life and brings JOY to those around you. Whether n 's trying on a lampshade, cllmbmga mounuun, competing m swunmmg orsocx:cr, you g1ve 11 your all We love you very much'
Mom and Dad
Your cunOS1ty and strong self-esteem allows you to explore and quesnon with confidence From explonng the UlSide of a dryer to exploring the world of medicine, you will make a diffrence in your world. We are very proud of you
Love, Mom and Dad
Y1ctona- Freshmen year, Junior year, the couch RelalJonshlps, Prom. Rock Island. and Mines p:uUes.. beauuful gu-ls and I love you - you are my star- Manssa. Manssa - \Vhat would my hle be Wee without you ? You have opened new doors in my llfe St. Patn c ks Day, coach. English , and love!
Sta beauuful ,Victoria
We can never forget SFB, seruor parties, freshman year, sprinkles.. lax , and all of our other awesome wnes together Thank you so much for always bemg there~ me, and I know no mancr what p.,ths we choose m hle we'll always remain fnends Love always. Hillary
I'm outta here watch out world, here I come• Brenna Mans.
Sara Kampf
Hans Layman
Marissa Lowther ana Victoria Rickara
232 :.z
Cori Kenneay
• \•
Brian Logan
Marissa Lowther
Krystal Kessell
Brian Logan
Brenna Maas
Anisha Malhotra
You have CJlceUed Ill everytlung you have undertaken from early on. y OU have brooghtCJltremeJOY tous forthe last 18 years. Watdung you grow has been a gift to us. Though you are entenng the next phase of your life (adulthood), you will always remain our sweet, Ul.OOCClll laddo.
Love Always and forever, Mom. Dad and RI
Anisha Malhorta
Lopt. Care-In. t.tasslis, and l.neroa, Just ''remember'' that we don' t move for nobody
P.S Where t.1y guts at?
FWS Forever'
Anishia Malhotra
From Alabama 10 Australia, yellow roses 10 pwple liltcs.. Just "remember'' that we can always dress oursclvcs ' Prom. hippos, Oprah singers, waitcn, ban)OS. bmcli, ' 'lnchan Dancmg• ·, Michael Jackson. James Taylor 1 Just ,emernber. Just to sec Mom smile I'd do anytlung. Karen and Arusha S MFE •
P.S When 10 doubt wear red 11
Forever we ha,~ been the best of fnends.. I will always look up 10 you tn a way that I can' l to anyone else As we walk mto the future, I will always be by your side.
Love you, Anna
Anishia Malhotra
Arusha "Sha'1 can't even begJO to tell you how thaJl\kf'lll I:im forall the ''interesting" times that have made us fncnds We have so many memones.. finding the for cancer on our ramfoo:stexpeditJOn,cwfew. sug.uht billy Blanks 111 my eye. Orange Julius. Lcmot~l(b.j Smarocs.. MOlownphiUy, \\-'ater fights. soccer M1wtr:1,-:. 1 MASH, summer of '96. monoply. Top Gun. Laxrru Thanks for cverytlung and good luck 1 your the best' M ahBi "
Thank. you for betng my best fnend. my support and my safe place fonhe last seven )'e:i.K You are hke a sisterto me. No matter where tlus crazy llfe talces us, we will be forever fnends..
I love you with all my hearts, - EM -
Ashely Martynow
Hey Ash.so you ftnally made1t Nextyearyouwoo ' tbe here. I'll rruss you so much Whatever you do now, do it for fun {the bonng pan is over).
Love always your brothe.r, Taylor
Katie Maughan
Words can no( come close to CJlpresslllg how much \Ve love you and how proud we are of you Congratulati
Love you forever, Mom and Dad
Katie Maughan
Its been a long and sometunes hard road to tlus poml bot you ftnally made 1t We knew you could and we w1Sh you the best of everything always.
Love. Mom 03d
Babies and Buddies
. -
Katie, have fun m college, you u be very su~ful
Love your brother, Cory
Thanks foc bemg the kind of son every parent~ foc'
We thank the Lord for lus Jove and wisdom in giving you to us. Our wishes are for your happiness - forever
We love you. Dad. Mom, Stefan, Leah, and Kelsey
Dearest Desi although we hope we ga\e you the right "'lessons in life" you'll never know how much you ' ve taught us as well II is rare today 10 find someone as ruce asyou Weloveyouverymuchandaresoproudofyou 1 Mom, Dad, Poops. and MaJ
Ace (aka " the loner-the rebel'") Our little brother is all grown up 1 We three have had great umes and lots o laugh!, ,we are proud of you and WlSh you the best I Look out America. theA-lraln ,s comm ' through 1Toot 1Toot1
We love you, Came and Jason
You are the last one but the most enJoyable Don ' t lose your great s mtle and your upbeat attitude.Good luck in your hfe and we will always be watclung you Love, Dad and Mom
Philhp.s I have known you since fust grade and until llus verychyyou are still my best fnend.. No mart.er how much we fightorraceforthcfru1t loop.syou will still be my best friend We have been through so much no mattenfit was good or rod. you were suU there for me as I will always be there for you, Demino ( 1ss)
'Kelly Politte
Congratulauons Sally for all of your ac:iderruc and athleu c achievements
Your brother, Steve
P S Whenolhersgave upoo the Broocos. we nevcrd1d
It started with a s ingle pink ribbon and three }'t!ru'S later 11 's rumed into an amawig fnendslup We ' ve had f. years of late nights. early mornings, secreL", and endless laughter Never forget foggywindows.swunm1ngpools. narrungos. Latvia. and Spam Knobs Beamer, Grace Forever, Nadia. Anna. and Laura
Ugly, Ialways did love playing with you. andbeaungyou 11p over the years You ' ve been a gJCat s ister' lnanks foreverytlungyou ' vedooe focme 1 Good luck with the years 10 come I know you will go far in whatever you do'
The best. most beauuful sister Shannon
Katie Maughan
Aaam Myers
Sarah Phillips
Dominic Montanez
Aaam Myers
Forever Pinks
Desi Moore
Sarah Phillips
Thatb1g 'IJghtuptheworlcf'snuJehasbeen on your face for 18 years now It and your WISdom. humor.affection. and VIVactOUS pezsonnlity will be rrusscd more than you could know But these and your strong beliefs will take you far and serve you weU.
Love, Mom and Dad
Jennifer Powell
Seeiru, like only ye:uerd:ly was your fi.rst day of school
Now your graduating !ugh school Remember to foUow your dreams and keep a smtle on your face \Ve love you and will always be there for you.
Love. Mom, Dad, and ~fark
Andrew Quirk
Little/81g Brother Congratulauons graduate' J ha\e lo\edgrowingupw1lhyou.gerungto~wyouandlove you more everyday You are wonderful I love you bunches I PhilipplllJ'lS I J God bless, Molly
Dear Kelli "Smelly" Thanks forall the fun tunes we have shared GoodLuckincoUege. ltwon'tbethesamcwhen you're gone. We will nu~ !hose late rught talks. Don't settle for an ytlung less lhan the ·'best"
Love, Justin and Kayla
\Veil girls whot can I say except that you cwo ROCK 1 We hove been througheverytlung together We've had our share of good umes and boo tunes \Vherever out hves take us you two are, and always will rem:un m my hle and my heart.
Love, HoUy
Tmy Torie. through all our ups and downs we remcmbe bestyoumakmguslaugh Flylughtofollowyourdreams and remember we will always be here for, proud of you and loving you. "Don't say no unuJ I lirush tallJng"
Love, Mom. Jenrue and David
Landra Roberson
Congratulauons, you made 11. We are proud of you and love you very much Mom and Dad
Kelli Rehder
Kelli. From the llme you were born you hove been tlu.~ l.lldependent tnd1v1dual that needs to do everything~ NOWtstheumefocyoutogoyourway \Ve are very proud of you Good Luck w1lh your future we know you ' ll go far
Love. Mom and Dad
Karen Ross
Youronemomentof-.hyne&,•m a ltfeurne 1Good luck!'
Love, Mom and Dad
Babies and Buddies 235
Kelly Politte
Kelli Rehder
/ ('
Rehder and Katie Agard
.... -·-.. - ·- ·-·-· Fill
Evenlhoughyoulovesponsandarefiercelycompelltlveyou never let us forget you also like to look and feel like a pnncess I ContJnue to pursue balancem all areas of your life Don' t leave god out and you ' 11 be sure to reach y dreams
Love, Mom and Dad
Sean we can't belJeve this is your senior year• How the urne bas gone by Thank you for being such a wonderful and loving son. theJOY and happllles.5 you have brought us will always be with us We are so very proud of you
Be happy m whatever you do
Love, Mom, Dad. and Abby
You have become a \\-'OITWl that any brother would be proud of Always remember that we love you and that we will always be there for you, because you •ualways be our lJnle slSler We love ya OmsandJ.R.
To our gJllllgy-We can't believe how fast the time~ passed So short the years yet so long the list ofhappiness you've given us. Live life as not a problem to be solved but as a mi.stery to be lived. Congratulations! With all our love, Mom and Mark
I can ' t tell you how much your fneodslup has meant to me these past 6 years Never lose sight of your dreams and never forget me or the ti.mes we shared together
Know that I will always be there for you and you will always have a place Ill my heart.
Love. LO
236 :%
You are such a great and honest pei:son You have always supported me fully-you don 'tknow how much! appreciate lhaL. 4 wheelm with the beast rocked, H C. '99, long talks. 01.uckrocked, don' t forget to tuck mI Were growing old together
I love you, Kelli
You have grown to be a responsible and loVU\g person Your family is so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Keep up the good work and remember we will always be there for you
Love, Mom and Dad
Your detemunation 10 sit 111 the bucket was your start to conquering the world Your detemunation will allow you to reoch any goal you seL You will always be our lJltledolly girl We are proud of you and love you very much.
Mom Dad Eric, Narmy. Grandpa and Grandma
Big bud 10 tncycles. skateboards, dirt bikes. vw's,and the ll\Jata anthills, turtles, chester buMy, kittens, mudbugs, alligators, bulldogs, turlceycalhng, card collecung, flying, surfing. canoeing. rock climblllg. bike nding(into lakes), weight lifting, u-easure hunts, rught urne storys,slcepovers, endless phone calls Congrarualuon.s' \Ve love you Mom and Dad
Jessica Schnathorst
Erin Rozelle
Holly Schanhals
Jessica Schnathorst
Danielle Sanchez
Jose Schirrmeister
Trevor Selkirk
The greatest ttung Ill the world is llOl so much where we stand. as Ill what direction "''C are moving Follow your heart Adam I love you. Mom
Wools can no< ex.press how proud of }'OU I am. You have brought mesomuchJOy, I am truly blessed to have been your mother Now you are on your way to acluve all your goals and dreams }'OU have set for the fuwre I I.now you will be s11cressfl •1 in anytlung you do Always remember I wtll be here for you
You ' ve always been a ray of sunshine m our lives. You have always made us laugh You are bnght and full of hfe and you have a fanta....u c personality \Ve know you will succeed an life because of your 1nteU1gence and wondctfuJ spmL
We love you Mom and Dad
Thank you for being a great sister I Jove you and I will always be here for you.
Love, Colby
r I Megan Sparks
When you smile, everyone can see your heart We are so proud of the stand you have taken and your values
Remember your values and beliefs are who you are, OOl what others say or think. With god m your heart you wtll keep smiling.
We love you, Dad and Mom
"You have brains in your head you have feet my shoes: you can steer yourself any direction you choose You ' re on your own. And you know what you know And YOU are the guy who II decide where to go ." Love, Mom, Dad, Ben, and Dr Seus.s
Speed and Flash
See you at the root 1 "ybgb" forever
Were so proud of you We want to give you r00(S and wings. Be happy using your wmgs and remember )'OUr l'OOlS.
Love you, Mom and Dad
To my big IJnJe Mster Katie - Thanks'
Love.. Kyle
Babies and Buddies 237
Adam Smith
Hillary Smith
Derek Smith
Andrew Solomon
Hillary Smith
Tyler Solomon
Katie Stolda
Katie Stoctola
Katie., you ' re the most loving, wonderful daughter We are so proud of you
Our love always, Dad and Mom
Kenny Storms
Don't ever forget the mayonaiseor the endless conversauon Robm Kermy
I know you ' ll go farm life and takeo,'erthe world, I Just hope I'm around tosee1LI IO\eyouverymuch You will always be my KeMy More than anyone can possibly unagine
Kenny Storms
Youarethebest Kenny-wearesoveryproudof you 1!We wish you a life filled with fun. great people and terrific adventures. Always remember to laugh as much as yoo can and love with all your heart. Thanks for all the great memones Love, Mom and Joo
Tammi Taylor
To my Tarruru T, \Ve have been through good and bad but always stayed by each other Thank you for all you havedoneforme Ourfnendsrupmeansmoretomethan you will e,er know You are one true fnend I hope I will always have u, my life
Love your, Kel-lyn
Tammi Taylor
To my Tammie Turtle.. I'm so very proud of how y have man.ired in to a wonderful woman. Your strength love, detemunanon, lhe kindness Ill your heart you sho~ to farruly and othecs caay these straigh t through all y hfe and you will succeed m nches, way beyond your dreams You are so loved Mommy and Papa Jc
Mary Thomas
Mayo-Your kindness and compassion have alwa amazed me.You' rean incredible person. I' mso proud o you, my !Jttle bug. Your loyalty and unconditional fnendship mean everytlung to me. Thank you- believe yourself-stay true to yourself-never accept anything I than the best. I love you with all my herut Sao
Britni Tortora
Britni Tortora
Mary Thomas
What a Joy and blessmg tt has been with you and watch you as you have grown mto such a be:lull.ful young lady both tnside and ouL You ' re on the nght path We can hard ly wait to c;ee what comes next 1
We love you , Mom and Dad
You did 11 1 \Ve knew you could do iL You reached an unportant goal in ltfe and we are so proud of you May all of your new goals and dreruns come true. You've turned mto quite a young lady Always keep a smile Love , Morn. Dad, and Robby
Being your sister 1s as crazy as be mg in the eye of a humcane La Nma. l t' s your wild Style and personality
I' m glad you dragged us with you though Love. Alyssa and Sabnna Ki ff-to good luck cllica1 Hopefully we'll have more umes ahead
Love, Cmonkee
\ ii
238 :z
l" We' re not now that strength wluch mold days moved earth and heaven. that wluch we are, we are,-One equal temper of heroic hearts. made weak by UJne and fate. but strong m will to stnve. to seek, to find, and not to yield" remember faith manages..
Me!J.ssa and Cameron
Wlute. yellow, orange blue mastenng the art k I 2. 3, 12 learrung knowledge Keep up the good work 1
·"J'um around and you ' re uny tum around and you're grown " \Vere very proud of you Poolo e. Love. l'v1om and Dad
f once told you that the angels brought you to me. I meant it with all my heart. You were a nuracle and therefore I know the world is waiting for you With your beauty confidence and angels. the world IS yours'
Love Mom
My happy child I never Weed birthdays hocause 1t mean you were one year closer to being all grown up Here st IS You have been a wonderful daughter, more than I eve expected. I will uuly rruss you. I love you beyood W<>fW
As we watch you grow and mature into the young man you 've become wecouldn' t beprouder 1llenextSlep1s a big one Reach for the stars Om s. they are yours for the taking Remember, we are always here for you.
Love always and foerever
-Mom and Dad
Wesley, the rughl you were born~ one of the happ, daysofourhves. Youhavemadeusveryproud mevery way a son can. In our hearu. you wil l always be "f oreve young" Now, with your whole hfe ahead of you. the future IS what you make of ,t Never ever surrender y dreams
Mom and Dad
You ',e been there every day of the 16 years we ' ve known each other You ' ve protected me the best you could Soon you' ll beotTtocoUegeand rube left behtnd. All I can say is thanks for always being there and reach for the stars bro 1I
Love y:i. Catie
IIt has been the gJft of our lives to see you grow up. and we are so proud of you Keep reaclung for your dreams. we know you will achieve them And always remembe to cu,y our wishc;s and love with you no maner what
Love, Mom and Dad
Babies and Buddies 239
Bryan Turner
Heidi Villanueba
Christopher Vorhies
B,yan Turner
Heidi Villanueba
Wesley Walton
Bryan Turner
j Chris Vorhies
Doris Wang
\Ve have been playmgdressupsincewewere little, now 1s the lune to get dressed up for IJ.fe God wiH always be with you, keep htm first and your prayers will be answered My prayers are with you tn all that you do.
Love alway:;. Cassidy
<•••,/ !.:~::__,....____Jr:JJ,, -. .
You area true gift from God. It' s been a glorious plea.wre watching you grow and become such a lovely young lady \Ve are very proud of you. Stay focused. foUow your heart and your dreams. \Ve will always be here for you. Congmtulanons 1
Love you so very much , F.d and Mom
Jennie Wengrovius
Dearest Jenrue, from the slopes of the 2.omba Plateau to the s lopes of Lookout Mount.am, it's been an exciting oumcy \Veloveyouandareproudofyou , Jen! Goel bles.s you.
Love, Mom and D:ld
Laura Word ( -ya)
Attack the challenges that the world throws at you the way you are anacking tlus ball and you will succeed every time Keep your values and that great sense of humor We love you. Mom, Dad. and Phillip
It seems like only yesterday that you were starung Kindergarten and now you are graduaung from High School. You have grown into a beautiful young woman that we are very proud of We wish you happmess and love no maner where your life leads you.
Love always, Mom and Dad
Laura- Has 1treallyonlybeen four years! I feel like I' ve known you forever Thank you for being you and teaching me all that you have Never forget seagull ca11s, cookies in rru.kee. invisible men, Sh3quefa. Shanana. Sp:un. Qohkaay? Viva Pinks!
Love, Nadta(-ya)
•Ya.our fnndsh1p has grown so much m the past fi year.. Our endJess love , suppon. and faith Ill each OChe w1U Inst forever Never forget Spam, Pueblo Lnk Tahoe, and the good old Golden Days. Good luck 10 you do Stay 10 touch and best fneod.5 forever
Love always, Ya-
Kif(any Wunderlich
Well , would you just look al that adorable little face' Now you are such a beautiful young lady Congmis to you Kiff' I know that you will make the best choices fo you. Always know I'm here' I' m very proud of you
Love always, Ki
Brett Zahrte
We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. You are a wonderful, enthUSlastic, loving, and respoosible young man. Keep reaching fo< those smrs-chomper1
Love Mom. Dad. and Jeremy
Crystal Welch
Evan Willis
. .
'.ti fj
Laura word
240 :%
Crystal Welch
Christina Winter
- /
//" !,( ,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • : High School Senior : • • i Portrait Packages i . -------------------. • • . ,--------- ~---------. • • : Outdoor : : Cap & : i Gown Locations i • • • • : Portrait Special * Red Rocks * Clear Creek : • * History Park (Horses Allowed) • . ~---------~ . . ~-------~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : '', ,~', : : C ,.,Oi\ : . ., . . .----------~ . • • • • • • • adventureportraits.com • • • • • • 1203 Wa s hington Ave. • : Golden, CO 80401 : • • • • : (303)273-0477 : • • • • . '"----------~ . • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The Faculty at Golden has faced a lot this year. Students do not understand how hard the teachers work to make the school a great environment to learn in From helping freshmen get aquainted to high school life to helping seniors copewithsenioritus, the faculty has s pent hour s of their freetime for the sake of their s tudents. The faculty could be found hours after school helping their students understand the curriculum or attending laborious faculty meetings. Many teachers have been aknowledged for their hard work. Mrs. Judy Madison was nominated for Teacher of the Year A ward. Senior Sarah Coffey said, " Mrs. Madison has really helped me expand and understand my talents in art." One obsticle the faculty had to overcome was galilll1g a new fill-in principal Dr Dale Moore replacing Mr. Thomas Dimit. Moore has more than filled Dimit's shoes. " Dr . Moore is awsome! He's so kind and quite It 's too bad he is just filling in," said senior Kelly Rehder. By Tim Pray and Joe Borden
La Cucaracha! Mr Chris Colucc i and M rs Eileen Cook talce a moment away from their s hared nachos to pose for a photo during the homecoming carn ival. Photo by B Kelley
Faculty Profile
Tea ch e r s at G old e n Hi g h Sc h oo l face m a n y exc u ses fro m s tudent s wh y th ey don ' t ha ve/didn ' t f in is h th ei r h o m e w or k H e r e ar e a f e w of th e m os t m e m e rabl e thi s ye a r. S tud e nts, s t ay awa y from th ese!
" I flushed it down the toilet! " Mr. Tracy Phariss
" My computer actually blew up , so I couldn ' t fini s h it! " Mrs Eilene Cook
" A skunk got into my hou se and everything s tink s, so I felt that I shouldn't bring it with me so you wouldn ' t have to s mell it! " Mrs Diane Ke ss ler
" I got abducted by an alien! " Mr Bill Kelley
" I was cooking and doing my homework at the sa me time and it fe ll into the garbage di s posal. " Mr. Todd Fink
Oop s! W e had a li s t of oth e r g r e at exc u ses with u s, but o ur do g at e it or s omethin g! S orry for th e in con ve ni e n ce.
I Love Ma th! M s C hri s Penell explains a difficult mathmat1cal expression to her Algebra class Pene ll was one of man}' ne\v teachers this year P hoto by T P ray
T h e O ne Thing ... You re end in g up seeing Mr Bob S to kes 1at..1ng a break from his busy schedu le to munch on his breakfast burn to Ph oto by J Borden
I Love Cliff No tes ! M s Laura Seltze r d oes th e unthinkabl e and tal-:es a p ee k into th e C it ff Notes Thi s was Seltzer' s fi rs t year as tpe adv iso r o f n e\vspaper Seltzer said, "C reating the newspaper was incredably fun to do " Ph o to by J B orden
People 245 - i't I
Shi r ley Alg1e n e John A n derson Scott Aurand Kim Bailey Linda B aker Shannon B arrows M ary B attaglia Susan Bene t J e re my Blincoe Charlotte B lythe J udy B o,an J ackie B orns tei n J oan Bro s te J an B ryson Scott B urcar Jane Burnett Dick B yrne J oan Clark J ill Colby Chris Co l ucci 246 :% '•
-QOIJ>E~ " ....... _ • t. • Eileen Cook Shari Cornelison Becky Crozier S tephanie Dav is Brooke Ebel Scot Edson Todd Fink Ca thy Frailey Moll y Gaudette Charla Gunn Dav id Hamm ock Mark Homecker John H orst Barbara Howes D1derick I versen Bill Kelley Diane Kessler John Klug Cheryl Kochi s Juh e Kramer Faculty 247
Matt Bunn
You are a person Dad and I are proud of Keep a pos1uve attitude and a smile \Ve ~w you II go far
We love you. Dad and Mom
Sonia Caldwell
I JUSI want to thank you for the past fourteen years. I will never forget all the great tunes we ' ve had together I don•t know where we• d be with out each other I am so proud of you and know you ' ll accomplish everything you have planned. Fnends to the stars
Love, Hillary
Lauren Chaffee
We ' re so happy with how you ' ve grown up Always keep your Jove ofm~1 c, friends. andarumals. Remember to thmk on where you ' ve been and where you'regomg
And alway, ra!,.e ume to s mell the roses
Much Jove Mom Dad , Man. Licks and wags from , Kailey and Chloe
Stacey Chism
\Vishing you a life filled with Jove and happiness \Ve will alway:. be here for you Keep using that dlfOple to your advantage
Love , Mom , Greg and A,hley
These 18 years have passed much too quickly All of my best WJshes to you as you begin tlus new phase of y life I'll always be there for you- I love you , Lo. CONGRATULATJONS 1 ~1om, Good lucl... LaurenLove Eryn , Congratulations Love Megan
Lindsay. Cong:ratulauons. thank you for alway:. being there for me when I needed 11. You are my lover, my friend , my world you mean everything to me I wi.sh you the best of luck m what ever direcuon may take you Remember all I want 1s fo r you to be happy Love always and forever, Jared
Olartie, so many y~ and so many memories. Thank you for evel)'one of them. I will forget the good times, dnveway talks, and England. You are the best fnend I have ever had and I thank God for you everyday I Love You So Much. MAUI
Lo. you have always been like a sister to me and you will always hold a special place in my heart. You are a devoted and strong willed gui. I have faith that life's hardslups will be no match for your detemunanon I'll always be here for you.
Love Always. Jess,
Rissa. the laughs we shared are priceless, our talks we had are somethmg I'll never forget. And all the bad umes. we can Just laugh (\l.':ll•mart} You're my best fnend forever' Good luck next year
Tom Cecil
F~ 248
Farin casino
- I
Larissa Conner
How could we have known that one baby girl could bnng so much love. laughter. chaos. wony. excitement. andJust plain fun-not to mention hospital bills-to our lives m her first 18 ,ears., We• re so proud and hope you achieve) our dreams..
Love, ~tom. Dad, Mamis and ~1egan
Barn lxun. ''lbat's my boy" \Ve'vc watched you grow and grow until we now have to look up to you You have a way on 1ouclung everyone's lives "-1th love and laughter, so keep bnngmgJoy into our 11, es, "-Clove ya. 1om and Andi
Alex Cordoso
-Us gm.-.. Look we use 10 be twins. Oop we still are Love ya. Andi
Amber Daniel
Amber Daniel
Boo, I'm at a lossaswhattosay Iknow l ean say thanks, thanks for always makmg me strule even when 1t hurt. Thankyouforyour fncndslupandyourlovc. Tharu..you for making High School that much more special for me I loved you yesterday. r loved you today. and l'U love you tOmolTOW
Alwa Stace
Amber Ever since "-C were little, you were the one that I looked upto You wcretheO!lC "'ho pretty much forced me to talk when I wasababy l' mgoingtonus:.)ooalo< 1
I love you' Love, 'rrhe Taller One" Aunce
As )"OU go out into the world. w-e wnnt you to know how ,cry proud we arc of )OU- our beautlful and lo,mg daughter Your wisdom. sense of humor, and faith m God W,'ilJ help )'OU keep life m perspecu,c We love you• ~1omand Dad
I am so proud of us 1 \Ve made it' I chensh our friendshtp. I cooldn't have made 1t through the past 7 years without you. Thanks for all the laughs. the tears, the secrets, the adventures and the trouble. I love you. I ll always be here.
SiUe Danielsen
Emily, you arc a wonderful daughter and a special person, Continue 10 learn and grow \ Ve are proud of the person you have become Remember lhe world b yours. Follow your dreams Love. Mom and Dad
You have eMched our lives for a year' We've cnJO) your quiet sense of humor Thank you for J01rung w, SilJe, With love, Dr!, Judy, Elame. D.rla, Dale, and Laura
- - -· ·· - ·-·_., ___ -
Larissa conner
Matt Curtis
£ml/y Daniels
Alex Cordoso
Emily Daniels
-,,. -· ,,,- "'"' -- - ,1"
'. ,, .1'
Babies and Buddies 249 I • •I •, ••• · • • · • • • •••"'•••4~,.-.._..,,. • • .._'- •• - "'- • -
Oh bab y ! Mrs Shannon Barrows watches the homecoming assembly from the stands with her baby boy Nate This makes M rs Barrows fourth year teaching AP Hi story Dr Dale M oore commented, " I am impressed wi th the way this school s ticks to business The faculty, s tuden ts, and their parents have been wonderful to me and I like 1t here The teachers truly do keep this place moving " Photo by
B Kelley
Stephanie Rody
Sharon Roy baJ
Dick Schalhamer Kelli Shaw Le Shoemaker Susanne Signard
Lea Ann Slizeski Dee Dee Smith Elaine Smith B ob Stokes
% j
Lions , Tigers , and Bears Oh M y ! Mr Chris Colucci acts as a umid lion during this year's faculty skit. Colucci is one of the 25 new teachers Mr Mike O' Dons10 s tated , " L1fe 1s too short to worry about ho\v your makeup looks, so go out and lipstick your friends." Photo by B Kelley
Tom Sweet
Maureen Todd
Ken Vanderlaan Becky Venetta
Ed We1nell Sue W11l1s Linda Wrenshall Jerry Yanz
Gene Youngman
Azin Abdul-Razak
Scott Acker 58
Terry Acree 174
Johan na Acuna 205
Derek Adam
Austin Adams 174
Lauren Adams 174
Paul Adams 22
Cynthia Adams on 162
Jam es Adamson 134
Timothy Adamson 192
Katie Agard 121,134, 150, 220, 235
P nyanka Agarwal 108, 126, 162
Edwin Agee
Jacob Agee 192
Aaron Aguilar 21 , 36, 54, 55,134, 208
Boaz Alarid 92, 158
Zachary Alarid
Ca lyton Albracht 126, 174
Shawn Alcock 47, 174
Greta Aldridge 192
Jessica Alexa nder 47, 172,174
Angela Allan I 02, 174
Toby Allan 19, 78,162
Brock Allen 4 3, 67 , 174
J arnie Allen 192
Seth Allen 162
Carmen Allison 158
Lauren Allison 158
Gilberto Almanza
Jerel Ammon 108,112,113,126,160, 162
Kyle Anderson 205
Morgan Anderson 5, 134,138,220
J acob Angell 192
Cassie Anghm
Elena Arias 192
Aurora Arlet 162, 164
Stephen Arndt 22,134, 206, 220
Tiffany Armenta 162
Ryan Armitage 192
Justin Armstrong
Kelly Aronowitz 108, 126,162
Sean Aron son 192
Jerenuah Ash 78, 88,134,145,220
Seth Atk ins 162
Heather Axen 50
Jess ica Axen 50
Melissa Axen 50 o jB
Jason Baalman 192
Brandon Babkiewich 205
Bri ttany Babk1ew1ch 174
Stephanie Baca
David Bachman 208
Megan Bachman 134, 208
Diana Back
Lauri Bacon 50
David Baer 192
Jame s Baer III 205
Sarah Baer 174
Joel Baggett
Amanda Bagwell 174
Cassie Bailey 192
Chelesa Bailey 192
Erin Bailey 134
Kelland Bailey 102, 174
Kn sandra Bain 127, 174
Levi Bain 162
Bnanna Baker 108 , 34, 39, 162
Seth Bakker 47 , 83, 88. 162
Charissa Baldwin 192
P hilip Baldwin 174
Ro ss Baldwin 94
David B all 134, 208, 220
Aaron Ballinger 162
Mark Ballinger 192
Paul Banagas 72, 162
T ara Banks 61,130, 174
Heath Banza 192
Charles Barber 205
Marcu s Barber 192
Audrey Barela 171
Jo shua Barela 192
Manuel Barela 205
Aaron Barker 101 , 162
Shelly Barlow 112,113,162
Bnann Barned 192
Allison Barrett 108, 126, 134,220,22 1
Ross Barton 174
Carson Bartsch 75, 78, 128,134
Seaver Baruch 5, I 34, 221
Sarah Bashaw
Li sa Ballan
Zachary Bauer 174
Wi!Uam Baxter
Brittney Beachman 174
Brando n Beard
Scott Beck 174
Mauhew Becke 192
Bobby Becker 36, 135
Taylore Beckman 78,162
Brandon Beehler 174
Kimberly Beesley 192
Jessica Behunin 60, 61, 174
Alyssa Beic hley
Stuart Bell 192
Bren t Bellew 73,162
Craig Bellew 192
Cynth ia Bellis 192
Jeremy Bellis
William Bellis 135
Audrey Bennett 192
Clay Bennett 135,221
J ennifer Bennett 135,221
Joshu a Bennett 135,22 1
Kathenne Bennett 108, 160, 162
Ni cole Bennett 192
Lydia Bennion 135
Jared Benson 192
Breanna Benton
Patrick Benzie 205
Truman Beran 174
Anna Berkman 135, 222
Gerzain B ernal 205
Marcus Bernal 3, 174
Erin Bernard 42, 43 , 102, 108, 135, 206, 222
Erin Berry 135, 222
Jessica Berry 162
Adam Berte 174
Andrea Bestor
Brenda Beu mer 162
Karola Biehn 127
Kar la B ien,ulis 75 , 135
Kr ista Bies 192
Ashley Bil1 nsk1
Jessica Billings 87, 192
Jeremy B1l hs 5, 162
Enc Binkley 73, 192
Geoffrey Birney 80, 192
Katherine Biscan 193
Andre\v Bishop 135
B ryson Black 193
Nicole Bl ack
Robe rt Black 36, 58, 59, 174
Amel ia Blakema n 174
Ashley Blain- Hartung 18, 108, 126,162
Nathan Blain- Hartung 40, 41 , 108, 113,135, 229
Bnanna Bl air 193
Bra nd on Blai r 127
C hris topher Bluse 22, 74, 108 , 1 12, 113,133 , 136, 208, 222, 223
Jason Bohks 162
Sean Boice 162
Laura Bollinger 78, l 08, 161 , 162
Cyrus Bonnet
Steven Bopp 174
Josep h Borden 40, 41 , 101 , 108, 11 3,136, 208,223
Ru ssell Borneman 193
Andy Bo sio 127
Joseph Boujer 193
Nicholus Bove 193
Cannon Bowers 162
Nicole Boyden 162
Ju sti n Boykin
Jared Bradeen
Tabatha Bradeen 193
Jeffrey Bradley 174
Tara Brady 136
Kendra Branch 88,131, 136, 208
Daniel Braum 174
Am}' Bra\vley 127, 174
Breanna Brawley 136, 223
Lindsey Brewer 72. 193
Emily Bnan 193
Diane Bndenburg 116, 162
Nicole Bndge s 23 ,136,209.223
Amanda Bring s 77, 175
Emily Brooks 136 , 208
Kendra Brooks 91, 175
Robert Brooks 162
Wes ley Brooks 193
Mi c hela Brown 193
Shannon Brown 163
Tegan Brown 87, 193
Timothy Brown 47 , 58,175
Jessi ca Brownlee 205
Jennifer Brulla 175
Jenn1fer Brune 62, 63, 108, 113 , 163
Michael Brunel 175
Candace Bruno 18
Alan Bruno 4 , 91,163
Luke Bruns1hus 193
Kersti Bryan 175 , 178
Shahara Bryan 136, 163, 209
Angela Bryant 193
Michael Bryant 136, 223
Kami Bucholz 193
Dean Buen 163
Michael Buland 175
Danielle Bull 163
Kyle Bull 175, 182
Matthew Bunn 136, 122, 224
Timothy Burch 3, 41 ,
Ted Burke 17
R oger Burleigh 19
Nils Burnham 86, 193
Alli so n B ums 100, 101, 193
Enk Bum s 2, 193
Kenneth Butcher 3, 136.
Bayle Butler 2, 193
Blane Butler 193
Meagan Bynre 193
Sean Bynre 193
Carlos Cady- Rehe1s 41, 102 , 163
J ames Caine 136, 209
David Caldwell
Sonia Caldwell 158 , 224
Margo Cal1g1un 3, 23, 137, 209
Allison Campbell 205
J oseph Campbell 193
K irstin Canaday 172,175
J oshua Canfield 35, 193
Anthony Cappa 137, Chnstophe r Cappello 36, 108 , 113 , 126, 137 ,209
Christina Carbone 18, 172,175
Alexander Cardoso 36, 37, 58, 137, 225
Andrea Cardoso 89, 108, 126,163
C hri stopher Carey 193
Enn Carey 193
Gwendolyn Carey 193
Renee Carey 193
Kathryn Carlson 60, 61, 163
Sonia Carney 18
Enc Carr 58, 179
Jeffrey Carrell 175
Encka Carrender
Thomas Carroll IV 175
Lauren Carter 205
Anthony Carver 35, 36, 163
Genoa Carver 179
Jessica Casarez 89. 175
Came Case 120 163
Joseph Casedy 193
Fann Casino 137, 209. 224
Tara Casino 175
Dane Casterson 193
Matthew Cavanaugh
Mi chelle Cavanaugh 137, Thomas Cecil 85, 88,137,210,224
Ben oit Cerezuelle 137,
Nicolas Cerezuelle 175
Lauren Chaffee 121 ,137,224
Rachele Chandler
Tammi Chapa 163
Evan Chapin 102, 194
Mi chae l Chaparro
Mi chael Chappell 194
Ming Cheung 158.
Terry Cheung 194
Stacey Chism 137, 210, 224
John Chrisman 163
Robert Chnsman 194
Nathan Christensen 194
Ronald Christensen
Ryan Christensen 137, H eather Cieslar 163
Brandon Cisneros 92, 171
Nicole Cisneros
Jam es Clarke 194
Dougla s Claxton 194
Shane Clements
Kevin Clerktn 25
Trenton Clerk1n 127,131. 137,210,211
Kimberly Cltne 194
Toby Cochran 194
Carolyn Cockle 88,138, 210
Sarah Coffey 113 ,117, 138 , 210
Peter Cohen 36.
Susan Coker
Angela Collins 138
Lind say Colvin 138,210,224
Lind sey Conk.Im 194
Patrick Conley 175
Tera Conley I 02, 175
Crystal Connelly 138 ,
Serene Connelly 138,
Lanssa Conner 93, 121 , 139,22 4,225
Daniel Conroy 163
Megan Cook 194
Molly Cook 163
MeghanCooper35 ,38,39, 108 ,163
Nathan Cooper 67, 194
Cand ice Cordova I 16, 139, Bryson Corey 171
Christopher Com 163
T eresa Com
Chavaugn Coronado 163
J onathan Costello 171
Crystal Cotant
Mackenzie Cottle 63, 175
ConorCoughhn 120,139,210
Sean Coughlin 194
Marsha Councilman 121,139
Shane Counci lm an 175
Johnny Courtney 163
Catthn Cowen 83, 194
Enc Cowen 43, 44 , 175
J osephine Cox 139,
Logan Craig 175
Ryan Craig 93, 175
Daniel Crass 175
Jamie Cravens 194
J essica Cravens 175
Joy Cravens 194
Colleen Creed 163
Chnst1ne Crevhng 194
Stacie Crevltng
J esseCrock40,41, 78. 108. 131.139,210
J ohanna Crock 194
Alexis Croghan 175
Milton Croissant 111 163
Daniel Cross 194
Melissa Crowe
John Cubbon 139.
Bnan Cullum 175
Jason Cullum 194
Zachary Curran 175
Jennifer Curtis 82 , 83, 175
Matthew Curt is 21, 36, 58. 59.139, 225
Clayton Cush man 163
J effrey Cypryla
Cam Czopek 194
Kn sten D'Epagn1er 72, 195
Ja cob Dacek 194
Jeremy Dahm 161. 163
Jennifer Daily 176
Stanley Daily 194
Paul Dakan 127, 176
Blake Dalgetty 194
Bradley Danek 140, 21 l
David Danek 163
Aimee Dani el I 94
Amber D aniel 116, 139, 225
Alan Daniel s 19
Emily Daniel s 139, 225
Jo shua Daniels 176
Leslie Daniels 176
SilJe Daniel sen 139, 225
Shawn Darcy 176
Ryan Dart 194
Alexander Davidson
Amber Davi s
Patri ck Da vis 95. 194
Stephan ie Davi s 121,139, Zachery Da vis 67,176
Gino De Carlo 194
Marc De Carlo 176
Ank De Yelder 195
J odelle Dearm1n 163
Bnan Debaet s 176
Lee Deboer 140, 226
N 1les Deboer 140, Catherine Deland 95, 194
Nichola s Delaura
Matthew Demarco 17 I
Caitlin Demarest 194
• Chnst1ne Deming 43 ,126,1 40 ,206.21 I, 226
Mi chelle Dem 176
Jeffrey D esmarteau 85,140,211,226
Ja son Dewhurst 4 7, 195
Ja son D ewi tt 95. 176, 195
P aul D ewi tt 17 l
Timo th y Dewitt 205
Tara D e wolfe 195
Ja cque line D e\vys 97,140, Chris toph e r Di ede 195
Roger D1etench m 140,
David Dignan 163
Du s t i n Dill 195
Mary Dilw orth 195
Kimberl y Duni c k 50, 177
Nik.t ea D1mitn c 177, 195
Kyle D i nkel 35, 140, Cassidy Din zes 72,163
Shaleah Di s n ey
Casandra Dittbrenner 20, 35, 50,140, Ni c h olas D1ttn ch 102. 163
J essica D1zmang 102. 116, 177
Ann e Dobyn s 177
Wilham D obyns 177
M elissa D oc ks tader 97, 163
J aypee D oerr 195
Stlv1a Doehnert 127
Hannah Doi
Alli son Dom gaard 195
Casey D o nel so n 177
Jennife r Donnelly 177. 195
Ja c k Don ova n
R onald D oug hty 171
Samantha D ovey 1.08, 140, 150, 211
Adam Dragul 19
Jo shua Drat c h 36. 37, 140,
Carly Drienka 177
Sara Dn enka 164
Rheannon Driver 140,2 11
Jaso n Drobn1 c k 102 164
Crystal Duarte 141 ,
Lea Du c kett
Kris tin Du clos 89,141,
Danielle Dufty
Frank Dun c an Jr 75. 108,141,211
Joesph Dun ca n 86. 177
Kira Dun ca n 78, I 08. 160, 161 164
Bradley Dunlap 177
Joseph Dunlap 195
Laure n Dunl ap
Jan Dunn 77, 93. 177
Christina Dupont I 08, 127, 160, 161 , 164
Ni chol Dupont 102 195
Michael Duran
Dyanna Durbin 171. 177
Kri ste n Durb in l 71
Delayna Durd e n
Jillian Durgin 84 , 195
Luke Du rgin 101. 164
Clayton Durh am 177
Cody Durham 14 l , 226
Ju stin Du sdal 141 , 211 , 226
M egan Du s dal 177
Pete r Du sen bury 5, 41 , 126 , 141 , 2 12
Crysta l Dutton 177
H eidi D\viggin s 141 ,
J oshua Dwight 36. 141 ,
Chnstian Dyb1ng 92. 164
Je sse Dyffryn 177
Johnathan D yffryn 122, 123, 141 ,
M e li ssa Dyffryn 122, 123 ,
Julianne Dykstra
Mary Dykstra 177 o _e o
Du s tin Eaglet o n
Ju sti n Eberhart 161
Roger Edward s
Nickolas Ehler 158
M a tthew Ein s pahr 141 , 226
Sarah Ei se nbud 177
Wilham Ei sley 195
Elaine Ekberg 42 , 43 , 108, 126 , 141. 226
J onathan Eks trom 141 , 226
Da vid Elli s
M egan Eilt s 205
R ya n Elli s 177
Chase Ellison 177
Tra vis Elmblad
Matthe,v Elmont
Heath El ven holl 205
Eli sabeth Emanuel 108, 142 ,2 12
Mi chael Emmons 21,164
Jonathan Em sbach 195
Jan elle Engle 172, 177
Ja so n Engler 36
Jason Engs trom 92, 171,177
Eri n Enn a 11 3,13 1, 164
T yle r Enna 195
J e remy Erhart 142,212
B ryce Eric k son 195
Shawn Eri cson 95
Lind say Eschenbaum I 64
Andres Esparza
Kirsti n E verett 20, 50, l 26,164 o0o
M ic hael Facc1olo
Christopher Fair 43 , 164
Mark Fairweather 17, 4 7, 142 ,2 12
R oxanne Falco 142,
Ly nn F alkenthal 142, 212
Anthony F ancht 102.103, 142
Christopher F anch1 177
Mark Fanciulli 177
Sunnie Fanelli
J o len e Faro 91, 195
Christopher Fauble 78, 161, 164
Ni c hola s F auble 195
Andrew Faulkner 58 , 195
Chnstophe r Feiner 177
Marl on Fellow s 142, 212
Lind sey Felter 142, 227
Will iam F e rguson
M onica Fe rrel 89, 96,142 , 227
AleJandro Ferrer 177
Adam Field s Ryan Fi elds-Spack 17, I 08, 164
Benjamen Fila s 177
Stephanie F i nk
Brandon Fi s her 195
Jo se ph Fit zgerald 177
Jo se ph Fla geolle
Kimberly Flageolle 195
M egan Fl eming 61. 108 , 164
R achel Fl eming 73, 195
Haley Fletc her 177
Ju stin Fl eury 142,
Andrew Flt c k 195
Adrian Flores 205
Juan Flores 177
Stacie Flowers 89 , 195
J ohn Flynn
Jo se ph Faden 195
Daniel Foggin 195
Ju s tin Foo s 178
Ju sll n F orbes 195
M elissa F ord 100, 101, 196
Renee Ford 196
Enka Fo ss 178
Dexter Fo s ter 178
Leah Fo ster 173,178
Denni s Fran co 196
J efferson Frank
Daniel Frase r 196
J ason Fra se r 142, 227
Tamara Freier 164
Thoma s F rench 178
Gerald Freund 178
Stefan Freund 158
La cy Fritz 121,1 42 ,227
Matthe\V Fri tz 196
Chnst10 Fr ost 43 , 143, 227, 228
H eather Fros t 143,212, 227
Lauren Frost 5, 164
Nathan Fros t 173 , 178
Rebecca Frost 143,
Capria Fulks
Cody Fultz 228
Mark Furtuak
B nttney F usco 178
T ia Fu s h1m1 178
o ~ o
Amanda Gabel 164
Denni s Gabel 178 , 205
Ra shaad Gaillard
Lauren Gale 196
J oanna Galioto 196
R yan Gallego s 196
Desirae Garcia 205
Mandy Garc ia 127
Tatiana Garcia 196
Tnna Garcia 85 , 143,
Ali so n Gardner
Ce les te Gardner 179
D anielle Garnett 196
R achel Garnett 179
K atie Garrett 196
Sara Garrett 164
Thomas Garrett 179
Zachary Garrett 47, 179
David Gasper 143 , 212
M ackenzie Gates 102, 196
Nathoo Gaudreau 179
Bri an Gee
Sarah Gerard 196
R yan Genna1n
R yan Gem1 165
Tanja Gef\ving 93 , 165
R achel Gesin 179
J ona th an Gest
D av id Gething 196
Tara Gevara l 79
Chandler Gibbons 179
Seth Gibson 143, 228
Cy llia Gilmore 196
Chad Gl eaton 36. 108, 14 3, 228
T alon Gleaton 183
Thatcher Glode 43, 44, 143, 213, 229
Jessica Goad
Corey Gobbo 179
Kenh Goble 171 , 179
Jamie Goerner
Cassandra Goetzcke 171
Jonathan Goetzcke
Marcos Gomes 196
Shannon Gomez 179
Angela Gonzales 196
Juha Gonzales 205
Timothy Gonzales 73 , 196
Jodi Gooderham
Lena Goods 88, 89
Brittany Good,v1n 179
L Gordon 102
J essica Gore 50, 196
Dustin Gores 196
Amber Gosda 179
Cory Goshorn 196
J esse Goshorn 165
Knst1n Gowey 196
Michael Gowey 36, 143, 213
Robin Grabher
J essica Grall
David Grammer 196
Dale Grant 127, 205
J amelle Grant 205
Kelly Graves 36, 179
Cole Gray 127
Dane Gray 196
Johe Gray 179
Winton Gray 179
Gabnel Green 196
Matthew Green 76 , 196
Chnst1ne G regory 165
Spencer Grenfell 165
J os hu a G resham 196
Danielle Griess 165
J essica Gness 205
Allison Gnffiths 72, 196
Fredrike Grillo 143,
R andy Groe 165
Kendra Guldan I 00, 196
M ichael Gurule
Enc Guthne 25
Jodi Guthune 20,165
Nichole Guthne 179
M ax Guitterrez 179 o[l]o
Bradley H aag 72, 78, 108, 143,
Enn H agberg 143 , 229
Mark H age l be rg 40, 41,144 ,
Timothy H agelberg 196
Brandt H age m e1ster 171
Courtney H all 144,213,229
James Ha ll 179
Zachary H alligan
J ames H alstead
Adam H ansen 197
H aley Hansen 179
Y vonne Han sen 91. 165
Cole Han son 197
J oshua H a n son 197
Taun ya H app 165
Tiffanny H app 197
Cass idy Hara 197
James Harm on Jr 197
J enn1fer H armon 165
BenJaman H ams 76, 179
Garrett H ams 179
Rourke H ams 144 , 220, 229
Jesse H art 197
BenJam1n H aschke 126, 179
Daniel H aschke 144, 229, 230
Michael H aschke 21
Andrew Hasett 197
Cara H assett 144 ,
Jenn1fe r Hastings 179 205
Sean H asttngs 54 , 67
Roseanne H atcher
Jordan Hauser 3 , 41. 108 , 160 165
K yle H au ser 197
Curtt s Havengar 179
Abbe)' H awes 144, 230
Amy H awley 197
Zuzana H ayda
Clement Hayes 108 , I 65
Kelly H ayes 18, 38, 39, 165
Patnck Haymes 96 , 197
Cohn Haynes 144 ,
Tracy Heywood 23
James Hearn 205
Seth Heam 127 , 144 ,
Chad Heater I 79
Andrew H ead 197
Alexi s H eid 197
Kaycee Heid 42 , 43, 75,144 , 213 , 230
Anna Haenzmann
Brandon Helm I 65
J amie Henders on 144 , 230 , 231
Robert H endrix 144 ,
Joshua Herbert 197
J as on Hermann 2 , 197
Bryon Hernandez 165
Erin H erzog
Robb Hewett 197
J acob Hiebert 197
Brett H iggins 21
Wilham P Hi ght 171
K1mHill 197
Ryan Hill 197
Wilham Hillen 5 , 17, 25 , 41. 144. 213
Jes se H ands
Ray H inds 171
Dane H 1nen 197
Andrea H o 60, 61, l65
Kelly Hock 197
Rhonda H offert 47 , 81 , 197
J effrey Hoffman 158
Kelly H ogan 121,145.231
Chnst1na Holbrook 179
Gabe H oldren 197
Aimee H olley 158
Jennifer H ollingsworth 197
Geoshua H olsinge r
Lesa H olyc ross 197
Hun1er Hoose 179
Kn s t ma H opkinson 74, 38. 39, 145, 157
Schuyler H opple 179
Emily H oppin 46 , 47, 197
Tim H oppin 19
Quinn H omecker 197
M a ll hew H osburgh 180
Amy H oselton 205
Joshua H oughton I 65
Zac h ary H oughton 197
Jan Housel 82. 197
Danielle Howell 165
J oshua H ubbard 165
Taryn Hubbard 197
Adam Hudson 198
Jos hua Hudson
Melis s a H ueman
Kyle H uizinga 165
Suzy Hu1z1nga 165
Andrea Hunt 173 , 180
Natalte Hunt 88 , 89 , 160 161, 165
Andrew H untsman 4 I 198
Wtlham H untsman 165 o Uo
Lance Ibrahim 165
Mari sha I brahim 198
Jo s hua Ilges 145 Seth Ingenthrone o J' o
Marquita Jack son 180
Chns toph Ja c ob s
Gunner Jacobs 54 , 67 , 198
Melody Jac obs
Lev, Jarrus on 165
Cameron Jan ss en 145, 231
Jess ica Jarboe
Jon Jarboe 198
H ope Jauch 180
Chn s topher Jay 205
Mick Jeanne 165
Rodney Jeffers 198
Frank J efferson 180
Travi s Jeffreys
Chri s topher Jenkin s 180
Ke11h Jenkins 92 , J58
Nicholas J enkins 180
Robin J enning s 78,145,213
Eric Jensen 198
Ryan J en s en 165
Megan Jes chke 127 , 198
Sarah Jeschke 180
Sury J 1menez 171
Chri s tina J1ron 180
Ashey John s on
Chnsttna J ohnson 89 , 198
Crystal Johnson 198
Elizabeth J ohnson 198
Enc Johnson 108 , 161. 165
J ennifer J ohnson 120,145
Melas s a Johnson 102, 103 , 108 , 113, 146 , 231
Trevor Johnson 180
Jacqueline Jone s 205
Kaleb Jones
Kelly A J ones
Kelly O Jones 165
Dax J ordan
Rhett Jordan
Bnuney J owers 127 , 166
Cedar J owers 146 ,
J osua J owers 198
J ason J oyce 198
J enn~er Judkoff 166
A lexander J ungferman 146 o~o
Lauren K ahn 108 , 166
Sarah Kahn 73, 198
Kim K ane
Sarah Kampf 42 , 43 , 146, 232
Kelly Kasper 146, 214
Chnstma K aven 181
Sondra Kaven I 02, 198
Amanda Keen 146, Samantha Keen 86, 181
J esttn Keesee l 66
Tho m as Keesee 198
K ris topher K eithly 198
J ohn Kelley 198
K endra Kelley 38, 39,113,166
Scott Ke mler 146,
B enJamm Kemple 198
Cori Kennedy 146, 232
J oe Kennedy 5, 40, 41, 181
Max Kenworthy 198
Nora Kenworthy 113, 116, 146, 214
Leeanne K ephart 17
Coleen Kerber 198
M arti-J ean Kerber 198
Crystal K essell 146, 232
M ike Ketchum 146, Rebecca Ke tchum 47, 181
Joshua Kimbrough 90, 91, 198
Clinton K ing 185
Jennifer F King 205
Jennifer K K mg
Joseph K ing J 81
K evin K ing 198
M egan King 20, 38, 39, 126, 166
M ichelle K mg 108, 166
J ames Ki ng-Wishon 198
Adam K mghom 81, 198
Gregory K innan 166
Amy Kirk 50. 181
Forrest K i r k
S tephen K irk 181
R achel Kirsch 198
Kacie K uchen 181
M eghann Klasemer 166
J essica Kl ein 5, 181
Kat e Kl ock
Viola Kl ucik 166
R yan Kl umb 181
A m berl ee K och 146, 214
J esse Koch 181
B randy Koeh ler 198
J esse Kolbe 181
H eidi K os te rm an 166
Amel ia Kraft 198
M itc h ell Kraus 166
M adelyn Krebs 147, Court n ey Kreller l 81
M a tt hew Kremer
Joh n athan Kreu tzer
K yle Kru eger 3, 4 6, 47, 147. 214
D a ni e l Kru s 166
Zachary K uc h arz 198
Sundara K uh n 166
B rayden Ku h re 199
J ason Lacey 199
Mi c h ael Lahey 181
J ay Lai r amo re
H ea t her L a m precht 181
M atthew Lam p rec h t 199
Claire Lan dry 181
B lake Langolf 199
Fraze r Lan ier 18 1
fl£# 256
Austin Larson 108, 166
Gregory Larson 180, 181
Chnt Latham 147,
Antje Lauer 97, 120,166
H ans Layman 108, 147,232
Dana Leadford 199
Micah Leadford 5, 36, 166
Justin Leazer 81, 102, 103, 181
B etty Lee
J erome Lee 171,181
Keith Lee 199
Kimmie Lee 82
L yndsie Lee 199
Ryan Lee
Tessa Lee 173, 181
Cann Lefevre 20,166
Aimee Leidich 181
Cristina Lenta
Amanda Leonard 166
Nalhan Levitt 181
Bryan Levy 18 1
R yan Lewan 181
Drew Lewis 199
Joy Lewis
Kyle Lewis 199
Rachel Lewis 171, 181
Zackary Lewis 199
Kristen Ltbra 89, 117. 166
Sierra Liddick 199
Paul L ind 120,147.
Derek Linscott 147,
Jamie L 1nsenl;1gler 14 7, Benjamin Linville-Engler 199
Jos h Linville- E ngler 79, 166
Dylan L ippert 166
Ekaterina L1tvinova 147, Cody L ivingston
R yan Ll oyd 171
Jake Lockhart 100, 199
Brian Logan 4, 19, 40, 108, 147, 206, 232
Chnstop her Lollar 126, 181
K ara Lollar 199
Ashley Long 181
M att hew L ong 166
Ashleigh Lon1s 199
R ussell Look 199
B lake Lott 199
Troy Love 199
Jo n athan Low 158
Tiffany Low 181
R obert Lows tute r 166
M arissa Lowther 147, 214, 232
Dylan Lucas 120
Chasity Luce ro
Larry Lucero 171
Sean Ludden 166
Elizabeth L ukrafka 63, 182
Sara L ukrafka 63, 100, 182
D aniel Lyna m 199
Nicho las L y n ch
Th om as L ynch o M o
B re nn a M aas 12 1,147,232
S tacey M aas 182
Sierra M abe 199
J ess ica M ac D onal d 205
Ki mberl y M acey 182
M aganne M ac key 12 7, 199
E m ily M adison 166, 182
Enn M adison
Samuel M adrid 83, 205
M enaka M ahaJa n 108, 113,166
Jacob M ak.ho} 182
Andrew Maley 147,
Anisha M alhotra 108, 148, 233
Olga Mallett 199
Vanessa M allicoat 199
Wilham M allicoat 182
April M aloney 182
Lori M aloney 62, 108, 148, 214
Patrick Maloney 199
Russell M altempo 87. 88, 14 8, 206, 2 14
Nicholas Manchen 199
Anna M angan 88, 89, 199
M ichelle M antilla 148,214
Natalie Mantilla 182
Valerie Mantilla 182
l an M aphet 183
Jessica M aple
Christopher M arbut 199
Keith M arcello 199
Nadia M arkovch1ck 108,113,126,148,215,233
T yle r M arshall I 02, 103,171
Keith Marston 108, 166
B na n Martin 199
Candyce Martin 74,148, Crystal M artin 183, 205
Diana M artin 80, 199
Eli M artin 200
Elizabeth M artin 172, 183
J ames M artin 200
Katharine M artin 102,200
Kirsten M artin 102, 200
Michael Martin 90, 91,127.171
Sean M artin 46, 47, 128,148, Shauana M artm
Shaun Martin 127, 183
W ilham Martm 166
Christina M artinez 205
Dominic M artinez 102, 166
Ehzabelh M artinez 61,131, 172, 183
F rances M artinez
H e idy M artinez 148,
Hope M artinez 97, 120
Jerry M artinez
Rh et Marunez 200
R on M artinez
Crystal M arti n son 183
Ashley M artynow 14 8, 215, 233
T aylor M a rtynow 200
Antonija M arusic 127
E n k M aso n
T yle r M ason
M egan M atson 200
R ac h el M atson 183
J e remy M atthews 148, Kevm M atzk e 93, 148,
P atr ick M a tzk e 183
Cory M aughan 200
K a trina M aughan 148, 233, 234
Co rinn a M a u p in 183
A s ia Maus 6 1
Derek M c B roo m 36, 37, 14 9,
M ic h ael M c B room
J e nni fe r M cColl u m 167
M a n d i M cConnell
J e remiah M cCord 167
S teven M cC ra c ke n 183
R yan M cCue 167, 183
A M c D o nal d 102
Shan no n Mc D onal d 81,200
A manda M c D owell 167
Hea th er M c D owe ll 167
Chan ule M cAllis te r 200
A nd rew Mc D aniel 200
M ary M c D onald 200
E lai na M cGrew 200
J ess ica M cGrew 200
R ichard McGuane 19, 149 ,
Amber M c K ay 85, 86 , 126. 149,
D ora M c K ee 82
G regory Mc K ee 183
J ames Mc Kee 4 6, 4 7, 75 , 108, 149, 215
M eredt lh M c K ee 2 4 , 38, 39 , 108, 11 3 , 167 ,
Can d ice M c K e n zie 200
E van M c Kni g ht
Th omas M c Kni g ht 200
Al ison M c La ughltn 200
J ason McLaughlin 183, 205
J ohn M c La ug hlin 200
Ali son M c N ei ll 81 , 173 , 183
Aaro n M cNew
Bl a ke M c M ul hn 149.
M egan M c M ul1 1n 14 9 ,
M ary M cSkimmi ngs 167,
M ichelle M cSkimm m gs 200
Ke ll y M cT eer 5 4, 167
Kristi n McVaugh 167
Brittany M eag he r 20
Brandon M eans 200
C hns tophe r M ed in a 14 9 ,
N ico le M e din a 183
Arlen e M e d rano 183
S h annon Meehan 4 7, 80 , 200
M ariam M eg hd an 205
S tevie M e ie r 126, 183
Mark M el an con 67, 200
Erk M el an der
Ry an M e ln ic k 183
An gel M e ndoza 205
Ang el a M en na 1 l 6, 167
B radley Messe r 158
G arre l l M etzler 205
Mar isa M eyennk 4 7, 205
Jenni fe r Meye r 47 , 183
Edw ard Meye rs 205
N e d M eye rs 200
E m il ee M ichae li s 2 00
En n M ill e r 183
J a m es M ill e r
J e ffrey Mill e r 183
Rac he l Mill e r 167
S tevie M ills
Chris top her Mi l ne 200
J ose ph Min ardi 205
Se basti a n Min ges 127
Annel yse M iore lh
C hn s ly M 1lc he ll 183
Amanda Mod 1z 149, 21 5
Darren M o1tz fi e ld l 83
Jere my M o les 54 , 55, 67, 183
Larry Mo nso n
D o m i n ic M o ntan ez 36, 37, 58, 59, 149, 23 4
J e rome M o ntoya
Ju stin M o nt oy a
T rav is M oo n 5 4 , 55,167
D esiree M oore 78 , 149, 23 4
N icole M oo re 24 , 25 , 42, 43, 108 , 167
Dean Moosdorf 200
Samantha M ora-J imenez 205
C hn s topher M organ 183
Th eresa M organ 167
J ustin Morgan 90, 183
Adam M o rganegg 200
C hns topher M organegg 149,
D an M orrison 58
Elhan Momson 200
M atthew Morri s on 149,
M ichael M omson 41 , 167
Jean M oseley 150 ,
Eduardo Mouttnho l 02 , 108, 167
Jess ica Moya 167
T arah M oya 61. 180, 183
Tri stan Mraz 167
Natahe M ue ll er 183
Andrew M ues 183
Anthony M ulJad1 43 , 200
Ka thryn Muller
B randon Munroe 200
J ohn Murfin 184, 205
Chri s topher M us grave 201
J onathan M usgrave 184
Adam Myers 21 , 36 , 37, 150, 234
Kendra Nahley 20 1
Stefanie Nahley 63 , 167
M an e Nakagawa
W il h am Nannie
K ash, Nassau 20,150.215
M arlys Nassau 173, 184
M arissa N eal 184
Ryan Nee 160, 167
P aul Needha m 41 , 167
Katnn a Neitzel 184
R ac hel Ne lms
B nan Nelson 167
J oshua Nelson 201
Mtt c hell Ne lson 184
R obe rt N esbitt 201
J ane t N euki rch ne r 78. 88 , 127 , 167
J ose ph N evi lle 167
J ames N ewcome r
Lee N e w gent 21
Steven New ton 184
Tneu Nguye n 201
Viola Nguyen 97 , 120
A sh ley N ic hols 76, 18 4
Lori N icholas 102,20 1
A my N ie lse n 20 l
H ea the r N ielsen 184
Adam N ims 43, 113,167
Aman da N issen 184 ,205
Kat ri na N itze l
A da m N og uchi 167
S te ph en N o la n 20 1
Lo uis N olti ng 184
Kerry N o rm a n
J ohn N o rth ern
A aro n N o rt o n 205
Am a nd a Nu rnmelin 150,
B ra nd o n N u nez
o ~ o
J oshua O'Connor 18 4
Erin O' D ell
Anthony O ' Farrell
J ean O' H ayre 121.158
M ark O' H ayre 201
Michelle O ' H ay re 167
Sean O ' H ay re 184
J o s eph O ' H oro 201
J u li e O ' Neill 20 1
Thomas O ' Ne11l 201
Robert O ' Rtley
Jess ic a Odden I 02 , 20 I
Darby Odell 184
Cod, Offerson 167
Adam Oldene11et J r 20 1
Grant Oge 167
Rory Olguin 171 , 184
Jessica Olm 184
J o s eph Olin
Andy Oliva s
Angela Ol s on 201
Edward Omara 111 150,
Bnan Orem 20 l
Sta c ey Onn
Diana Orttz 184
Nicole Osborne 89 117 167
Ol m Osborne 88 , 184
Lind s ay Os ten s on 184
Chri s tine Overmyer l 00 , 20 l
Al1c1a Owen s 205
Cali Owens 184,201
Seda Ozdemir 108 168
D uke Padilla 205
M ark Palcsak 201
A m anda Pal m er 184
Logan Palme r 168
M ic hael Pa lme r 36, 184
Mau hew Pantaleo 201
Nicole Papes 116 127 158
S h irley P aredes 150,
BenJam i n P arke r 18 4
J o s hua P arry 43 , 161. 168
Donald Parsons
M atthew Parson s 184
R andt Patton 89 , 39,184
Robert Payne 201
J ames Pay te 205
J e remy P ay te 87 , 127, 201
M atthew Peachey 168
Shahna Peed
Tate Pellegrin, 102, 201
J im my Pen r od
Andrew Peoples 20 1
A lexander Perea 205
David Perleberg 19, 184
Ray Perkins 20 l
Kn stine Perry 87. 184
W illiam Perry 20 l
Abigail Pete rson 201
Bri tt any Pe terso n 201
Benjamm Pfeiffe r 184
Gab ri e l P fis te rer J 08, 1 12, 11 3, 168
Sarah P hil hps 4 2, 4 3 , 108. 151,206,216,234
Rebecca Pie rce
C arli P ie rson 18 4 , 205
Trevor P 1e tra feso 4 3, 201
Ed w a rd P ike 73, 15 1,216
Tyle r Pike 184
Gerry Pin son 205
Sarah Pizzo 171
Danny Poeter 185
J esse Poitra 185,201
Ra chel Poi tr a
Kelly Potiue 74, I 02, l 08, 112,151, 234, 235
Shannon Politt e 173,185
R1ckilee Pollock 202
Cassandra P orter 35, 97, 151,
Cassie Porter 168
Todd Porter 113,117, 168
Lera Pos1hj1e r 168
J ennifer Powell 151, 235
Timothy Pray 34, 43, 44, 100, IOI , 151,206,216
Jesse Preston 21, 36,121,151,216
Mi c ha el Pn ce
Donald Pndm ore 36, 67, 168
J ohn-Enk Pnegel
Alyssa Pngel 102, 202
Casey Primmer 122,123,168
Rocky Pr ivratsky 168
Nicholas Pros 205
Stephanie Prugh 102, 185
Dustin Pru itt 94
Robert Pru1ll 185
Gregor Ptok 127
J oshua Pumphrey 158
Cameron P yau 202
Andrew Quirk 78, 79,128,151,216,235
Dwight Rahorst 87, 185
Raymond Ra1chart 158
Nicholas Ralls
M organ Ramsden 151,216
Kenn eth Ramsteuer 36, 93, 168
Luke Ramstetter 202
Sheila Ram stetter 168
Zechariah R andolph 202
Elizabeth Ranfranz 202
Garrell Ratchffe 202
Jonathan Ratk1ew1 cz 202
Nicholas Ratterman
Juliann Rau 202
Sean Raza!
Caleb Reed 202
Brittany Rees 205
Garrell Regner 84,168
Kelli Rehder 18, 108, 112,113, 138, 151, 235, 244
M1 chala Rehd e r 202
Steven Reid 185
Cody Reinhart
Josef R einhart 171
Christopher Reinholz 202
Dylan Reitmeyer 185
Shannon Remmers
Sarah Rene
Erin Resnic k 185
Brooks Ri ch 91, 185
Mel isse Rich 151, 206, 216
Jame s Richardson 161, 185
Victoria Rickard 75, 108,151,232,235
Reyna Ri co 17 l
Aaron Ridder 185
Nathaniel Ridder 185
Katherine Ridge 63, 88, 10~ 168
Ryan Ril ey 60, 96,168
Ju s tin R1mbert 202 F,,.,.
Adam Ri stau 21
Steven R i uenh ouse 158
Candice Rivera 202
Aaron Rizzuto 202
Rob Rizzut o 168
Jessica Roal 185
Renee Robbins 108, 113.168
Landra Roberson 152, 235
Lind sy Roberson 74, 202
Du st in Robert s 21, 36, 152, 217
Luke Roberts 36, 202
Heather Rob10son 185
David Rockvam 202
Ashleigh Rodri guez 185
Monet Rodrigu ez 172,185
Stephany Rody 127
Makenz1e Ro gers 202
Patri ck Rogers 202
Randi Rogers 17 l
Morgan Rogl1ano
L1sana RoJas 43, 116, 152, 217
Chyanne Rom ero 202
Gilberto R omero 158
Rebecca Romero 171
Stephen Romero 185
Daniel Ronune 205
Marshall Romine 205
Brian Ron son 205
Cathlene R onson 185
J essica Roorda 185
J ohnathan Ro sa 168
Danielle R ose
D anielle R osener 168, Rachele Rosene r 202
BenJamin Ross
Karen Ro ss 108, 152, 235
Adria Rossi 202
Daniel Rossow
Nicholas Roth 152, 217
Thomas Ro ybal 205
Behren Royster 47, 73,152,217
Erin Rozelle l 08, 152, 236
Jeremy Rozelle 168. 169
Apnl Rundquist 185
Wesley Rupp
Benjamin Ryan 168
Jacqueline Ryan 168
o 'S o .....,
K yle Sabo 185
Mauhew Sa10don 185
Samuel Saindon 36, 168
Agleen Sanchez
Danielle Sanchez 152, 236
Tanna Sandifer 168
M ichael Sandoval 43 , 185
Steven Sandoval
Abby Sands 24, 168
Sean Sands l 52, 236 •
Vanessa 8ant1 stevan 168
John Sasso 171 •
Christopher Satterfield
Daniel Sauerfield 202
Ke lli Sauer 81, 202
Aaron Saunders 168
Lee Saunders 43, 44 , 54, 168
Dougla s Savngo 168, 205
Hannah Savage 173 , 185
Rom Savage 202
Sheena Sayed 108, 169
Steven Scarbrough 169
Amber Schafer
Lee Schafer
Mi c helle Schafer 202
Holly Schanhals 150, 152. 217, 236
Enc Schapiro
Jennifer Schiffman 86, 88,169
Jo se Sch1rrmeister 74, 152, 236
Rebecca Schuster
Aaron Schlesinger 185
Matthias Schlieman 36, 152, BrentS chmidt21,36,37, 169
Dargan Schmidt 89, 185
Kara Schmidt 185
J essica Schnathorst 153. 236
Adrie Schneider 169
Carolma Schoch-Smith 169
Dane Schow 19,169
Rohen Schreiner 153, \Vilh am Schremer 185
Ellzabeth Schrock 169
K Schwanz I02
Megan Schwartz
Paul Schwering 169
Angela Scully 97,169
Bnan Sedgeley 185
Krisue Seipp 169
Aaron Seitsinger
Jenn1fer Selbe 205
Alaina Seligman 63, 176, 186
Trevor Selkirk 153 , 236
Frank Sellers 171, 186
Robin Senf 169
Li sa Senter
Steven Senter
Chad Serpan 153, 217
Ryan Serpan 169
Jenn1fer Sestnch 169
Jonathan Sestrich 47 , 202
Lee Shafer 17
Jeremy Shannon 47, 108, 169
Bethany Sha\v 169
Scoll Shaw
Terry Shaw 5. 21,169
Sarah Shawcroft 86. 153 171
Todd Sheffield 186
Crystal Shelton 186
Mi chael Sheppard
G10a Sherman 169
Jason Sherman 202
Alexander Shier 47. 202
Dana Shier 88,153, Michael Shinkle
Laurel Shorter
Damon Shuey 126, 186
Amber Shulthe1ss 203
James Silvey 186
Geoffrey Sims 25, 41, 54, 55,138. 153,217
Adam Simmons 43 , 203
Phtlhp Siu 25,153,
Kelly Skala 170
Nicholas Skelton 186
Geoffrey Slater 186
Timothy Slater 153, Daniel Slaughter
Tara Smiddy
Adam Smith 78,153,237
Ashley Smith 170
Camssa SmJth 170
Danielle Smith 203
Deidra Smith
Derek Sm1th 153 , 237
Desiree SmJth 186
Eric SmJth
Hillary Smith 23.153, 237
Jason Smith
Jeffery Smith 203
Kan Smith
Michael L Sm1lh
Michael R . Smith
Michelle Smith 170
Shannon SmJth 203
Tara SmJth 154, Holly Snyder
Travis Snyder 43 , 186
Knst1n Solawetz 186
Jessica Soliz 203
Andrew Solomon 40, 41 , 154 , 237
Tyler Solomon 154, 237
James Sommerfeldt 154, Troy Spahn 203
Megan Sparks 154, 237
Knstin Spear 90, 203
Courtney Speer 203
Loren Speer 170
Robyn Speer 203
Kenneth Splant 94,154, 2 I 7
Kevin Splant 154, 217
Cody Spurlock
Sonny St. James 203
Stephanie St. James 170
Mane Stagnitto
Robert Stahl 120, I 54,
Justin Stahmer 203
Jeremy Stands
Jenn,fer Steckmyer 203
Natalie Stegall 154, Farley Stephenson 203
James Sterling
Heid, Sterrett 89,154,217,218
Brandon Steusloff 77, 186
Brandan Stewart 171
Dustin Stewart 186
Patrick Stiles
Cody Stiner 186
Kylte Stitt 186
Matthew Stoakes 203
Katie Stodola 43,154,237 , 238
Kyle Stodola 203
Keith Stoeber 186
Ann Stoker 186
Douglas Stoker 88, l 54, John Stokes 54,170
Bradford Stone
Desiree Stone 170
Marcie Stone
Kenneth Storms 79, 155,206,238
Stephan Stott 158
Nathan Strait
Anya Strauss 203
Matthew Streetman 203
David St.reweler 203
Michael Strocky
Cassidy Strode I 86
N1cholle Stroh 186
Alexander Stroud 127
Christopher Stroud
Jeremy Slruthers
Ton, Sullivan 108. 171
Sadie Sullivan 89, 108, 113155, 206,218
Shannon Sumner 24
David Sund 83, 155,
Charles Surratt 47, 186
Sylvia Swanson 170
Kimberly Swisher 62 63, 170
Casey Szabo 158
Ju st in Szabo 186
Victoria Szadok1erskl 186
Gabriel E Tafoya 186
Gabriel Eugene Tafoya
Thomas Tafoya 186
Amie Taft
Katherine Tapia 203
Eric Tarantino
William Tarantino 127,171
Deborah Tarum 50, 203
Allison Tarz1an 126
Sam Tate 170
Sara Taulby 85, 203
Jason Taylor 170
Julianne Ta ylor 203
Ryan Taylor 186
Tamarina Taylor 155, 238
Tom Taylor 58
Jared Temanson 203
Ju stin Terry 203
Marcu s Thackston
Jonathan Theisen 186
Jason Thoen 186
Bnana Thomas 186
Mary Thomas 155,238
Daniel Thompson
David Thompson
Enca Thompson 46, 203
N 1ckole Thompson 203
Jo shua Thurgood 186
Merlin Tibbitts
Alexandre Titov
V1tahna Titova
Steven To 203
Maureen Todd I 27
Heather Torbit 50, 203
Br1tn1 Tortora 155, 238
Kamal Tottempud1
Rahul Tottempud1 96, 158
Jane Travi s 186
David Traylor IV 203
Rebecca Trea su re 89, I 87
Richard Trenk 204
Roxanne Trenk 61, l 08, 170
Megan Tnpp-Add1 son 20 , 47 , 187
Bambi TruJ1llo
Christopher TruJ11lo
Kathalina TruJ11lo
Matthew Tuffin 187
KeJth Turgeon 75, 79,128,155,218
Bryan Turner 78, 79, 88, 128,108,155,239
David Turner 170
Dylan Turner 187
Lora Ulander 170
Ryan Unger 171
Katherine Utley 187
Suzanne Utley 187
Kn sune Va1voda 23, 187
Jennifer Yalent1ne 204
Alexandra Valenus 187
J ason Yan Damme
Thomas Van De Bogart 204
Corinne Van Duzer 187
Steve Yan Dyke 187
J acob Vanhorn-Beliveau 170
Dani elle Van1k.
Kri sten Yanik 127, 204
Justin Vanonnan
Anothy Vargas 187
Hannah Varan1
Kri s tel Vaske
J enmfer Ye11lrobe 127
Zackarey Verard1 187
Amy Verm1ll1on 171
Ward Veller 187
Ry an Vierke 41,113,155,218
Heidi V1llanueba 239
Ro se Villarreal 204
Franc1so Villegas
Crystal Vincent
Stephanie Vincent
Richard Vo1t-Chromy
Jack Von Bu rske 187
Ohv1a Von Koh om 204
Cathenne Vorhies 58, 97. 120, 187
Christopher Vorhies 36, 58,155 239
Mervyn Vowles 187
Kate Vredenburg 173. 187 o Qo
Shanna \Vagehng 187
Cy Wagner 187
James Wagner 204
Troy Wag oner
Timothy Wahlme1er 187
Amanda Walcker 204
Tammy \Valcker 155 , Mallhew Wales 158
Kri sty Walker 187
Carly Walker 204
Ja clyn Walker 80, 89, 204
Jo shua Walker 204
Apnl Wallace 204
Deann Walla ce 155, Samuel Wallace 204
Scott Walla ce 90
C!Jfford Waller 187
Adam Wallerste m 76, 187
Ryan Wallerste,n 171
Drew \Vallon 187
Wes ley Walton 156, 206, 239
Gregory Wamboldt 21, 41, 170
Doris Wang I 08, 113,156, 239
Adam Wano 204
Amie Ward 86, 88, 187
Jessica Ward 117,121,156,
Joanna Ward 126, 187
Jonah \Vard 170
Amber Warden 116, Tyler Warner 204
Bradley Warosh 187
Elizabeth Watkins 20, I 87
John Watson 187
·- - - -_ ----·· - - -· ___-
Kelly Watso n 170
Matthew Watso n 187
Ni co le Waugh
Margaret W ebb 204
Jo s hua \Vet s 35, 170
Amy W eisheit l 08, 156,
Li sa W e1she1t 87, 204
Cass idy Welch J02, I 03, 170
Crystal W elch 156, 240
Kri s ta We lc h 88, 108, 160, 170
Samu el Wellen s1ek
Alexander W e ll s 156 , 218
Mi c hael Well s
Piers Wendlandt 170
Du s tm W e ndling 156, Mi c hael Wendt 19,102
Jenni e Wengrovious 88, 156, 240
Ni cole W es t 83, 204
John W est head 170
Sara Whaley
Deborah Whan g Christopher Whelt on 204
C hri sto pher Whitford 21,108,156,206,219
R yan Whitfo rd 21
Amand a Whne
Jay son White 170
Tahtha Whitl atc h 62, 63, 170
Lu cas Whitman
J o hnathan Whitney
M itchell Wh itney
Grant Wi c hmann 170
J asmine Wic hmann 188
Candice William s 171
El izabet h Wilham s
Julie Will iam s 182, 188
K evin Willia ms 21
Samantha Willi ams
Susan W 1ll1ams 156,
E van Wilh s 41 ,156,240
Andrew Wil son 54 , 55,156, Hollie Wil so n 188
J essic a Wil so n 04
R obert Wil son 157 ,
Stephanie Wil so n 204
Katherin e W i nham 170
Ariana Winkler
Chris tina Winter 121,157, 2 40
Carolee Winters 97, 120,219
Eh s ha Winters 204
Rebecca Wint ers 204
Andew Wolaver 43, 204
Enca Wolfe 102, 2 04
Edward Wood 100,204
Rebecca Wood 12 1, 157 ,2 19
M ick Woodwonh 188
Laura Word 108,121 , 126, 157 ,2 19,240
Amber Worden 74 , 157,
James Workman 34, 43 , 44 , 158
Li s a W orobey 78, 170
Morgan Worthington I 08 , 170
Eli Wouk 78 , 160, 171
Marcu s Wright
Mi c ha e l Wright 205
Ktffany Wunderli c h 158, 219, 240
Chelsea Wyatt 86, 204
Marv in W yatt
R achel Wyland -Smi th 204
J ulie Wym a n 204
V ictor Xuan 188
Lu is Y a nez 171
Bel1nYavuz74 , 116,171
Wei Ye1n 188
Jaso n Yent er
Emil y Yocom 113 , 126,158,219
Julia Y ocom 188
Daniell e Y ork
Abigail Y oung 188
Laura Y ou ng 50, 188
Jo sh ua Yu s hka 171
Erik Zachr1son 188
Drew Zam 96, 100, l 7 l
B retl Zahrte 75, 128 , 158 ,240
Cassie Zebrosk1 205
J essie Zebroski 204
Mi ssy Zebroski 205
Ryan Zenker 171
An ge la Ziegler 205
J am1e Zi egle r 36, 75, 128 , 158 , 219
Andrew Zimmerman 47 , 54,108, 171
Cassan dra Zimmerman 47 ,205
Elizabeth Z1ppnch
J acqueleine Z1rbes 205
J ohn Zirbes 188
Bnan Z oril 127
Amber Zurcher 205
' 261
Face to Face was publi shed by Jo sten's School Produ c tion Group of Topeka , Kan sas . Our co mpany repre sentative was Gary Cordray The book is a size seven (eight by eleven inche s) and contain s 263 pages. The paper is eighty pound B ordeaux and 1300 books were produced . The cost of the book was $35 00 or $32.50 with an activity ti cke t.
The theme idea was originally co nceive d of by Mr Ron Pinelli , Mr. Bill Kelley , Joe Borden and Tim Pray . The cover des ign was conceived of by Jo ste n's arti s t, Roxanne Ebbert , and wa s created by Bill Kelley , Ryan Nee , Joe Borden and Tim Pray us ing Adobe Photo shop 4 .0 on a Power Ma cin to sh 6400/200
All co py and graphics were de sktop were des ktop pub lished on Macinto sh co mputers usi ng Adobe Pagemaker 5 0 Output wa s on aXanteAccelawriter 8100 tabloid 1200dpi black and white printer and a Hewlett Packard Des ktop 855 Cse color printer.
All body co py is in 12 point Palatino and captions were in 8 point Time s. All s tude nts name s and grade leve l were taken from a co mputeri zed official di s tri ct enrollment li st. We apo logize for any inadvertent errors
Face2 Face
Advi sor: .... Mr. Bill Kelley
Co-Ed1tors-1n-Chlef: , .......... Joe Borden
Assis tant Editors
James Adam son
M organ Anderson
Aaron Barker*
Alh so n Bum s *
Dela y na Durden
Luke Durgin
Ch ris D yb1ng
J esse Dyffryn
M onica Ferrell
Mel issa Ford*
R enee Ford
Fredncke Grillo
Kendra Guldan
Cassie Hara
Jenn ife r H olli ng sworth
M elissa J o rg e n sen
Zach Lewis
Ja colb Lockhart
Kara Lollar
Eli Martin
J eremy M atthews *
Tim Pray
Katie Carlson
Elizabeth Lukrafka
Sara Lukrafka
Heather M c Dowell
Stefanie Nahley
Ryan Nee
Corinna Maup in
J ason M cLaugh lin*
Chns M organ *
Tri s tan Mraz
Adam Nims
Christ ie Overmyer
Landra R oberson
Dani e lle Sanchez
Cassandra Schwartz
Amber Shulthe1ss
Phill i p Siu
Alex Stroud
All ison Tarz1an
Kn scen Yanik
April Wallace*
Sam Wallace
Mike Well s
S tephanie Wil son *
Ed Wood
James Workman
Drew Zam*
Ryan Zenker
• -D e notes full -yea r s taffe r
F#J¥ 262
No one said this was going to be easy My predecessor, Ron Pinelli, gave me fair warning last May "You've done a middle school book before, but you've never done a high school book. There's a lot more work involved with a high school book ." He also said something about being organized, but somehow I misplaced all of the notes I took from him in the mass of papers on my desk
Well, I was given fair warning . It turned out Mr. Finelli was right. There is a tremendous amount of work involved with a high school yearbook, and coordinating all of these projects takes foresight, hard work, attention to detail, and, yes, organization Fortunately for the students and staff at Golden High School, a number of talented people had signed on for this year's class. First and foremost among them are the two editors-1n-ch1ef, Joe Borden and Tim Pray. Not only have they saved me from going completely insane, but they have put 1n more than their fair share of time to produce a lugh quality book . Numerous returning veterans have also been extremely helpful and hard-working, and I have been very lucky to have some of talented newcomers join the class.
While many people may think it is crazy for anyone to want to sponsor the yearbook, it does have Its rewards. It 1s exciting to watch a group of students who want to produce a large and complex final project. Sometimes they struggle with the technology, sometimes they procrastinate, but somehow the jOb always seems to get finished.
This has been a very hectic year, but at the same time rewarding. I look forward to working with the students ?f OHS on the yearbook for years to come. Now, 1f I could jUSt those notes
Bill Kelley
First of all, I would like to thank my girls , Liz and Sara Lukrafka; without them I would have done much more work and less play. This class would have been totally unbearable without them Although we have our occasional spats, that happen almost everyday , we have learned to work together to produce quality matenal including Babies and Buddies. Over the course of the two years I have learned to respect them not only as editors, but also as friends
Next on the list of "thanks" are Adam Nims, Ryan Nee, Katie Carlson and Heather McDowell. Thank you for your dedicauon and hard work on the yearbook, no one appreciates it more than me Katie- Yo, Mama I would like to thank you all for the laughs and mental help. Heather, I took your advice and look what you got me into
My last thank you's go to the two Echtors-in-Chief, Joe Borden and Tim Pray. Over the years they have shown what they are made of: some humor, a httle bit of sweetness, a lot of talents, tons of character, but mostly ego! Thank you to the second semester seniors : Morgan Anderson, Phillip Siu and James Workman. This year, the yearbook staff has to say good-bye and thank you to all of the seniors Good luck in the coming years
Thank you all, Stefanie
After three years 1n yearbook, they finally let me write ,n this space Wow. First of all, I would like to thank Canada (excluding Quebec). Next, I would like to thank Tim and Joe for gu1d1ng the book this year Thank you guys for taking full responsibility for any mishaps that may happen as a result of this getting published. Thanks to Mr. Kelley for coming 1n and taking over the yearbook this year; hopefully next yearw1II run smoother. Thanks to all of the people who helped specifically with yearbook: Chns and Dale, Nims, Finell!, The Triplets (who have now been declared "untnpllf1ed"), Drew, Heather, Katie, Jimmy, Dragonsba1ne, Zenker, Workman, Barker and Med1ner. Oh yeah, I want to thank my yearbook drawer because I used it as a locker for about three months. Next, I would like to thank some other people/ things who are important to me: my family, my CD burner, the council girls (Jeret, Kelly, Abby, Krista, Meredith and Kendra), all of the other council kids, the white spot 1n my hair, the oven 1n the yearbook room, my action figure collection, Austin, Gern,, Bruno, Matt, Dan, Parry, 'Duarda, The Onion, UCB, The Simpsons, and the monkey who ate my glasses 1n Mexico Oh, and I would also like to unthank Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple Corpocat1on, for making my life worse than it had been before your 1nvent1on.
This year went by so fa s t, there wasn ' t much time for complaining Although , there were many time s I felt hke pulling my hair out. But, jUSt like the year before , and the year before that , I ' ve managed to get through 1 t Thank s to the support ofmy fellow yearbook1e s. Joe Bo,rden and Tim Pray have especially made my publishing expenence worth my time I would hke to thank the re s t of the staff who have stuck It and given the Demonium all their time and effort . Thanks to Mr Kelley for his hard work and determination 1n making this year productive and memorable Thank s to everyone for making these past three years wonderful. Well, another year has flown by and it's been yet another expenence I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish to thank Joe and Tim You guys have been somewhat of an influence, although I hate to admit it. Thanks al so for putting up with me for 3 years . Thanks to all who have put up with my griping about yearbook, you know who you are. It's hard to believe that I've been a yearbook s lave for three years and still enjoy it. Thanks again to Tim and Joe for some very weird times! Love to all on the yearbook staff.
Katie Carlson and Heather McD
- Ryan N ee
Class of 2000, If any of you are reading thi s, we are very s urpri se d But for the few of you who actually are, we would like to say a few words of wisdom . The la s t fo ur years were full of hangin ' out , having ton s of
brink of in sanity ; they get more work done anyway. Mr Ki c k-me-in - the Nee , you hat e who? Alway s remember glasses that don ' t s tay on , theFour-wheel drive road and the incredible Cockle . fun and even getting int o a little bit of trouble To the se nior girls, thank s for bnghtening our
Pea ce out to all the others : Stef with an F, the twin s and Barker We day with yo ur great per so nalitie s and loo ks. To the brotha 's, try not to party too mu c h in co ll ege... ha , that was funny . To all the little people in yearbook, good lu ck . Without us, next year is going to be a blast. Thanks to Kelley for making us lau gh every tim e you t alk, pea ce. Remember to always s ave the babies and buddies money for scre\v-up s.
1,,,6"8' t,iv8 fine/Ii''
HAHA Oh yeah, thank s for almost going in sane too We re s pec t tho se wh o are on the
would like to know what you actually did all year be side s cutting up spreads and loo lang up porn on the inte rn et. Heather, learn how to wax and be qui ck about it. Katie , you got a C! Keep up the good v,rork . You know where to find us. Better luck next year Good-bye Golden Hi gh School, it wa s fun but it 's time to move on. The great tim es will always be re me mbered Until n ext tim e, Tim Pray and Joe B o rden
T h e C r ew The yearboo k editors take a few minutes ou t of their hectic sc hedule m order to get a picture of their lovely faces. Se ni o r Joe Bord en sa id , '' If any of you are upset with the quahty of thi s yearbook, see Stef, Ryan or Mr Ke lley, cause I'm ou tta' here P eace!" Ph oto by B K elley
F~ 264
The yearbook staff would like to say: