GHS Yearbook 2001

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Dance the Night Away

We' ve Got S p irit

G et I nto th e Spirit
Senior Pnya Agarwal paints the face of fellow senior Kirsten Everett, while nd1ng on the senior cla55 homecoming Ooac The Seniors won the float compenuon pnmanl} because of their 1ncred1bl} n1ass1ve conHructcd 1n the nuddlc of the1r flatbed truck
Student Life 2 Stud en t Life Division 4 H ome coming Spiri t 5 H omecoming Assembly 6 Homecoming Carnival 7 Hom ecoming Par a d e 8 H o m ecoming Game 10 H o m eco m ing Dan ce 12 Student 's Su mm ers 14 Fall Pl ay : H ea rtb ea ts 14 Masquerade Dance
Photo by Adam Nims Seniors Enn Enna, Jodie Guthne and Kacie \'v'inham look out at the crowd as the} nde the senior class float through \'v'ash1ngton Street, the heart of downtown Golden Photo by B Kelley Senior Nicole Moore gees her groove on during che Homecoming Dance, which was held at Chassen's on the Square by student council. Photo by B Kelly
Senior Dan1dlc: Howell and Junior AJaina Seligman focus their arrenuon to m1dfeild during the first quater of the homecoming football game Photo by B Kelley
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Sup e rh e ro es Tak e O ve r Tuesda, "as full of action \\hen students dressed up ,ts their favorite \Upcrhcro. Seniors Kendra Keller, Kim Swisher, l\lc::ghan C oopcr, l\fichelle King Shdly B.ulo,\ Kane Ridge , and Ashle) BlainHartung dres,ed as \ariou\ popular superheroes Photo br B Keller

o the R esc u e .l Dunng Superhero Da, senior Jan1cs ~ewcomcr shows off his muscles" while dressed as Superman. Photo by B Kdlcr

Homecoming Spirit "Week: September 25th-29th



Crazy Hair Day

Paja m a/C razy H atr D ay was a good excuse for GHS st ud ents to roll out of bed on Monday m orn in g a nd laz il y e nt e r sc h oo l.Juniors

N ur1 a Loewen a nd J essica Casa rez c uddl e up. Photo by N. Lo ewe n

Aloha Day

Despite th e c hill y weat h er on Tuesday, studen t s brought lots of su n s hin e to schoo l on Aloha D ay.

Show in g off their grass sk irts a nd leis are j uniors Jo e Kennedy and Megan T r1ppAddison. Photo by C. Moora

80's Rock Day

GHS stu d e nts fla she d ba ck t o the 80 ,s on Thursday with n eo n co lors, bi g h a ir , a nd ro ck band shirt s. Seniors Kri sta We lc h , Emily Madiso n , Laura Bollinge r , and Janet Neukirchner dresse d accordi ngl y. Photo by C. Moora

Maroon and White Day

St u d e nts and faculry a like capped off the week b y s h owing th e ir sc hoo l s pirit b y dr ess ing in Maroon and White on Fr iday. J uniors

E ri ca Wo lfe an d Tera Co nle y s howed their s pir it off with sc h ool co lors a ll over the ir bodi es.

Photo by B. Kelley

/ 't~

Chaoti c C omp e titi o n Jun1or l 1.:sltt O:tn1ds hurries to cover junior Rran l ewan in p,lper to,, ds during the class n1umn1ificacion contest Seniors won" ith time to spare, while the frtshrnan "ere left Hruggling to mummih • their volunteer with dcnt.,I floss Photo bv 8 Kelle, · , ,

Loud a nd Pr o ud

Juniors Anne Oob)·ns, Leslie Daniels , H:iley Hansen cheer on their cbssmates in the worn1 eating competition , where the underclassmen were gi, en real worms "hile upperda<.sn1en re1.:eived gummy worms Photo by 8 Keller

Co"v b o) Baby

Senior Ton) \ argas m.1ke:. a fun and crazy fashion statement with his cowboy hat :ind face paint. He \\ Js one of many people to get drcs~ed up for ,\laroon and \X' hitc D.1y

De m o n p1r1t

l reshmJn Am.1nda \'X'hite show, off her demon pride with .1 de, iii sh headband The freshmen were excited ,1bout their first homecoming .1ssen1bl) and sho\\ ed a lot of spirit.


Full o f Spirit

Sophomore C.ulr \X' .1lker is all sn1iles dunng the .1'sembly. \\;ralker had plc.:nty to sn1ile about at chc assembly. ,\s she shared the ,ophon1orc homecoming royalty crown with l\ 1ichc!J Bro\\ n. Photo b) B Kelle)

Photo by B Kelley Photo by 8.
Scudenr Life 5

Seni o rs Rul e Seniors ~1eghan Cooper Kane Ridge, and Shelh Barlow tr; to impress the Judges dunng the hon1ccom1ng parade This year

The Cla\s of 2000 won the float compcnnon for the second year 1n a ro" · Photo by B Kelle}·

n izza H e r e

.l-Jun1or Ben Pfeiffer yells around the carni,al tning co sell pizza Freshman Nichole Satte rfi eld said the best pan of the ea r n 1, al was, being \.Heh m} friends Phoco b\ B 1'.clle)

He lp , I t's S tu ck

Sophomore J.1.kc Rocke. gets some cotton candy stuck on his lip • Coe con candy ,vas the best treat.' sa id sophomore C hnsuna

Johnson rh1s yc:;ar Go ld en had a DJ at the homecoming carnival, who played popular music Photo by B Kelle}

Nice H a ir

Spirited sophomores K.a) la Rehder and Knsun C,owe) enJO} the ride on their Ooac

This year the sophomo r e:> go t third place in the float compennon Angel \'<11sc sa id the parade was, really loud and fun Pho cob) B. Kelle}

o~ s.>11~ ~N\Y

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Making Mu s i c

Senior Sara Garrett pl:tys the saxo phone while marching in the parad e The band lead s the parade down Washington Street evef) year before the homecoming game

Howdy Partn er Jun1or\V1ll Dobyns and so phom o re Da\ld Screweler get dressed up for che parade rh1\ year Golden had abour fifty e ntri es in rhc parade Ph oto by B Kelley '

Roasti n g G rizzly Sophomore Aprtl \X allacc \land\ around the camp fire on rhe \Ophon1ore flo.H. ul ,,as roa~ung l be'.lr bccau~c Golden wa~ going to do rh, same ro rhe Thunder Ridgt' Gnzzlie~," \a Jd \\ alla,c Photo by B. Kelle)

Ma1o r Yar d age

Senior Ashlc::} BLun - Harrung sprints coward the goal line during Powder Pufl' football Th is vear the seniors gor first place:: in Powder Puff foocb.111. Photo bv B Kelle, ,

Num ero U no

Sophomore Adam Oldenenel ~Its on sophomore Jake l ockhart s shoulder~ while plaV1ng ,olle~·ball at the earn I\ al J use before the carn1v:i.l ch ere 1s ahvays an assembly There ,v:i.s a great ,ka from the teachers at the assembh \aJd ~ophomore Quinn H ornecker Phoro br B Kelle}

Hey Yo u G u ys Junior \Luco De ( arlo Llugh'- with hi~ buddic::\ ,, hile enjoying the carni, al. Fr~hman \\' aync t\ ioone) \.lid at the carnh al there were, "a lot of acriviries for the:: ,tudc::nrs to do ,"

Jolly Go od Tim e l\.l r l\.l1kc O'Dons,o cniors hunself \\ h1le Judging the class flo.ic~ i r O ,vas one of the four Judges for the parade locaet d JU5t our,1dt of toss Drug Photo b) B Kelle}

,' ' -
Photo b)' B Kellev
Photo br B Kelley
St ud ent Life '

In Your Opinion-------------------------

What are so me of the mistakes yo ur team made?

,, Th ere were too man y big pla ys against u s, Just coo man y. Noc e n ough product ion on th e '' offense.

-Coach Bnan English

Do yo u think your offense or defense is better? Why?

,, I wou ld say our d efense is better

b eca u se even th o u gh we have given up a lot of points, we

h ave b ee n in cou g h s ituations, which h ave forc ed u s to hold ou r own. ,,

-Se ni o r J.R. Foo s

What are some of the mistakes yo u or your team made?

''W e threw coo many 1n tercepnons. I c kill e d our driv es. We al so had too man y p en altie s. ,,

-Se nior Jo s h En gler

Were you satisfied with the way the team played?

'' d , th I on c ink our t eam was on. There were too man y '' mental mistakes.

-S ophomore Blake Dalgeny

Hanging On Junior
Kelh Graves hangs on cighc to
ball as
Thunder Ridge player charges at
The finll score of the
homccon11ng game was
Photo b~ B Kelley
oo l Spirjt
Jusun tv1oncoya cheen for his team He 1s one of man\ fans who came co supporc GHS despite the cold rain) weather Photo by B Kelle}

Anoth er On e B i t es th e D us t

Junior Bnan Debaets cake~ down J Thunder R.tdge Gnzzlydunng )' he third quacer Although rhe GHS losr che game. rhey played rhear hearts ouc down co the lase seconds. Phoco by B Kelley

0n e fo r th e T earn

Senior Donnie Pndmore breaks past a Thunder R.tdge Grizzly The homecoming game was played at Brooks Field on the Colorado School of ~1,nes c.impus Phoco by B Kelley

Ch e e r On

J un1or cndetre Tara Banks,va1ts on the s1del1ne before performing ac halfttme The GHS Spirit Squad which includes the cheer • leaders, razz dance ream and Tndenes. attended all of the varsity foorball games. bur homrcom1ng 1~ defin1tdy their n1osc exc1t1ng event of the year Photo by B Kelle,

Maroon and Wh i t e

Seniors Chnsne Grego!) and King show their demon pnde b) pa1nung their faces and weanng school color~ Phoco b, B kclle}

Student Life 9

Roman ce

Freshman Megan Woodworch and so phomore Ryan Thomas dance the n1ghc a,vay I liked the e nergy and how everyone was happy ac the dance ," sai d Junior Mick

Let's G r oo ve

Sen,or Toby Allan feels che beac ApproXJmately 800 people showed up for the dance ready to have fun ,vith their fnends or a special someone Phoco by B Kelley

Smil e

Sophomores Jake Vigil and Tiffany Null make a funny face at che camera " I chink I was a ladies ' man because I danced w,ch haJF of ehe girls there! "

Photo by B Kelley ,Teah , bab y I. Senior Nick 01ttnch shows up co the dance 1n his best polyester suit, prepared co gee his groove on Senior Janet Neukirchner sa1d, Ure was very cool co be wearing 70s garb" Photo by B Kelley


\,n1or Homecoming Queen and King , Syl,.1a Swanson and Charles Huntsman pose for a picture. There were four senior couples nominated for che ro} alty The "inners were announced ' halftime of the homecoming game Photo b} 8 Kelle y

,Tou Go Girl

.l Senior l\iataltc Hu nt enjo}, her last GHS homecoming There were m any different cloth ing H} les at homecoming this year, from fc:nhcrs to afros .1nd striped suits. Photo by B Keller

Boogie Down

h e first " dan ce,, a t Golden was nothing lik e our modern - da y dan ce. Hom eco ming Through th e yea rs, th e celebration 's name , as well as purpo se ha s b ee n modified to fit the time period.

• 19 2 1- A benefit dan ce was h eld in Golden cal le d the Se nior Dance

• 19 26-A dance c alled the Junior Prom was introduc ed.

• 19 4 0 -A dance known as the Al l-Schoo l Par ty was held.

• 19 53- Modern homecoming begin s, including the dance , assembly, parad e, and football game . Th e annual ce le bration is for both current and former students of GHS as well as the resi dents of Go lden.

• 2000 - This year the theme was Marooned on a Demon Island and the dance was h eld at Chassen's on the Square. The dance had a good tu r nout and featured a wide se lect ion of so n gs, in cluding mu sic from th e '7 0s, as well as modern love ballads.

000 Royalty ~cn1or Budd, ( ro1s,ant strut'> around in his stylin · black afro and leather j.1ckec. Photo br B Kelley
Srud enr Life 11

AVaca ti o n to R e m emb er Aaron, Pat , and Kachenne Saunders stand next co the Del1cace Arch in Moab , Utah

The Del1cace Arch 1s over 100 feet tall Aaron said, "This was the best tnp • ever, Yeec:ha;ia! " Photo cou tc:sy of the: Saunders


t e and D es t r oy

Sophomore Blanc: Butler pulls a fronts1de I 80 over the: eight scatr 1n the courtyard at Golden H igh School Skateboarding 1s a very large trend 1n Amenca , and all throughout the world. Butler said, "My life was saved by skateboarding.•

,VJhat a Ca t c h

\'V' Seniors Ben Ryan.John Chnsman, and Rob Rizzuto show off their catch after a great day of fishing ac Lake D 1llon 10 June Lake D1llon 1s the largest reservoir in Colorado Chnsman said, "The best pare about fishing is gutung the fish "Photo by C Chrisman

Fun in the S un

Seniors Chnsune Gregory and Amanda Brings enioy a fun filled day camping at Kelly Dahl. They we re forced co find an al cern1nve way to cook due co the fire ban Gregory said, "We were try i ng co start the charcoal while 1t was ra1n1ng."

- ; - I
Photo by J Joyce
- -
Photo by S Ramstette r

What did y ou do during y our summer vacation las t y ear?

" I played locs of basketball and golf chi s summer, as ,ve il as caking a few vacations."

- Sophomore T h omas Van De Bogan

··1 cook a trip co California and one co Georgia."

- Fres h man Lisa Gra.ntano

" Like I \-Vould know, I can't remen1ber half of ic! "

-Sop h o m ore Diana Mani n

1 visited m y Grandmother and ocher relatives in Arizona and made cloches for my niece "

-Teache r C h arlotte Lindsay

" [ pl aye d soc ce r until I had s urge ry on my knee Then I sa c ac home b ecause I co uldn ' t ,valk."

-Ju ni or H ale) H ansen

" I Ae w do,vn co Florida in my Lear J e e Aft e r chat I \-Ve nt do,vn to che Everglades and wrestled alligators."

-Sophomo re And) Faulkne r

Four Wh ee lin ' fun

Seniors Ke n dra Kelley a n d Meghan Cooper enJOY a break afte r pa1nttng a building. Kendra sai d , AU sum mer we worked at Kelley Trucki n g pa1nnng. Photo b y D Kelley

Tap th e Ro c kie s

Freshmen C h rista 1are-, da n gles off a cliff at Steamboat S p rings t-.1anessa ~ 1are-£ sa1d," ln Steamboat, t here was a human maze where we got wet 1f we went the \\ rong \\ ar. "

Hidden in th e Crowd

Senior Eduardo \1outinho visirs tvfaracana stad1un1 1n Rio de Janeiro Brazil. the largest ~radi u m 1n the world Eduardo ~a1d .' 'It was Vtf) emotional to ~ee the sights and ,ounds ."

bv H l\-1ou(l n ho S tud en t l 1fe 13

I • \
Photo by M tv1 arei Photo

Good Doggy

Sop homore N 1ck Fauble and freshman Col) Bull have fun performing rhe ska, Sneaking Out The students in the play developed ideas for each slot based on what they thought was important or relavant to teenage life 1n Golden Some skies were funny while some dis cussed senous social issues. like abortton. Sophomore Jessica Billings said, I en JO) acnng and have been doing 1r for a long nme Phoco by B Kelle}

Smile Big

Sophomore Kristen O 'E pagn1er shows her smile dunng the No Cell Phones "' skn Heartbears was created by having small groups of students compile a lisc of slots char the) would like co perform, then chc: enore case got together and refined their 11st do,vn co che 2'7 that were performed " h 's always fun co be part of something great like He11rrbeats," said Senior lut Bennet Photo by B Kelley

Mon ste r s U nd e r th e B e d

Senior Natalie Hunt , 1un1or Brandon Malack, and sophomore Jessica Billings work hard co perfectly perform their skit. " Monsters Under the Bed Senior Knsca Welch ,vouldn ' t have changed anything about the p la}, "Except maybe the urle to ·we Have a Toboggan "Photo by B Kelley

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Sen ior s C.hns Faubl e and Natalie Hunt act 1n, "An Abbnev1ated Version of Romeo & Juliet. The pla) c on siste d of man y ski ts 1n a ~vo h our play The ac tors an d

n ever u se d a script Eac h n1gh1 tt was performed, you co uld watch t h <. va n at1<>n


Are yo u se rious

Senior Amie Ward and sophomore l1iney McGrew do not hold back their feeling\ when they arc on scage Sophomore Audrey Bennett said I love to act and the people arc really nice For the play the students wore shirts that they made themselves Photo by B. Kelley

Is it hot in here

Senior:. Krista Welch and J:ison Ta) lor hold up under pressure '1 he play went over really well I haven t heard one bad thing about It because 11 ruled 1 said Se ni or Knsta \Velch On average, th e people in the play pracuced 15 hour\ per week Photo by B Kelley

ach fall, man y talented a c tors and actresses of th e GHS s tud e nt bod y put on a c reative produ c tion. Thi s year th ey c rea t ed a pl ay of their own call ed " H eartb eats,» d e pi ct ing a t ee nag er's view on life.

: Why did you try out for th e fall play?

«I ' ve b ee n in the Theater progr a m for thre e years. It 's a lot of fun and a wond e rful c hall e ng e.,,

-Se nior Kit Be nn et t

«B ecau se I l ove to act and it see med like a fun thing to d ,, o .

-So phomore Katie Tapia

: What is the pl ay yo u are doing a bout?

<c ic 's a bun c h of ski t s w e wrote ourselves co mm e nting on o ur in sane l ives. »

- Sophomore Nick Faubl e

«It 's a se ri es of s kie s about life.»

-So phomore Kate Klo ck

What do yo u like most abo ut your job behind the sce n es?

" I like b e in g follow spot b eca use I am above everyo n e e lse a nd feel powerful. ,,

-Se nior H eat h e r M c Dow ell

«I l ike b ei ng the tech-guy 'c u z I ge e to fool around with the so und and tec hni cal s tuff. "

-So phomore C hri s Musgrave Stu d en t Life 15

• ,. ; • I • I \ \ • /' • , ., .. • '- ) ' • , • ' ) . I I A. - - · I' • • O
h my Gos h !
fo· J real trea t ! Ph oto b y 8 Ke ll ey

Clownin • Around

Four GHS stude n ts pose for a quick p1crure 10 che1r rodeo clown ourfirs before chey get th eir groove on back on the dance floor Ph oro by B Kelly

Bullfro g J e remiah M cCord shows off h,s awesome 80 s rock sca r sunglasses ar rhe Masquerade Dan ce Photo by B K elly

Seniors Mace Long, Alan Bruno and Luis Yanez ger into rhe l\1asqucrade Dance spine w1ch rhetr awesome trash bag pone.hos and sombreros Phoro by B Kelly

Medu sa Jun1or k1rsten Canada, srops dancing for a few seconds ro get a quick water break before gerung back out on rhe dance floor Kirsren s co.)rume was decked our 111 fake plastic ~nakes and her hair was con1pletel}' insane. Phoro by B Kell}

Los Band iros
The Tree Sen i o r~ Keith Turgeon and Bryan Turne r act out a scene from last year' s \p rin g mu 1caJ , You 're a Good Man, Char/re B rown Th e mu s i cal ,vas one of the ,.,o~t popular spnng eve nts , alo ng ,v 1th Gra du a uon and various s p orti n g events Photo b} Adam Nims Summer Supplement 18 Graduation • 19 Graduation r- 20 Prom z 21 After Prom w 22 Mr. Golden w 23 Senior Seminar _J Q_ 24 Spring Play Q_ ::> 25 Girls Golf Cl) 26 Girls Lacrosse 0: 27 Boys Lacrosse \.U ½ 28 Girls Soccer • 29 Track i 30 Baseball • I 31 Girls Tennis 32 Boys Swimming 33 Sadie Hawkins 0-u) • \.U 2 w _J a.. a.. .::> U) er LLJ ff (/J

The Gro up

Seniors Cedar Jowers, Shahara Bf} an, Emily Brooks, Emily Daniels, Ashley Marcynow. and Nicole Bridges, ger their pictures caken together for che last nme. Mr Dick Byrne was chosen as the facult} speaker 1n the graduation ceremony Photo by B Kelley

Sme ll s Pretty

Seniors T1n1 Pray and Ryan Y1erke cake a whiff of the roses given co chem during Baccalaureate Parents and Hudents alike were couched by the senior video played ar Baccalaureate Photo b) B,11 Kelley


m the Queen of the World

Senior Knsuna Hopkinson expresses her JO} afcer scroll1ng che length of the much anc1cipated graduauon ,valk. Photo by B Kellev

Happ y Days

Senior Carolyn Cockle sings "These Are Days" for her musical concnbuc1on to the ceremony Ms Debra Oberbeck of the Board of Educanon accepted the Class of 2000 soon after che present,u1on of che diplomas Photo by B Kelley

..., ___

Standin g Proud

Senior\ 1ccona Rickard ~tands 1n front of the audience g iving her senior add re~~ There were three senior addre,ses given h, .1ng, \r tctona Rickard, a nd Jessica \\·ard Photo by B Kelle, C


Se ni o r Erin Bernard sav~ her good-byes to her bovfnend Chns Cappello after the ccremon, Capp ello was the se ni o r class president , and made the clos in g speech for the ceremony Ph oco b, B kelley

s the su n cast shado"vs over che bright gree n grass of Brooks Fi eld , the spirit of Graduation co uld be felt in che air. Anxiety and excite m e nt flow ed throu gh the maroon sea of se nior s as they waited for the cere m ony to start. " T h e Star S pangl e d Bann er/' su ng b y the 24th Street 1n ge rs and Mountain Magi c, m a rk ed the beginning of Commencem e nt . A vari ety of s p eec h es were given b y m a n y sen io rs and faculty , vary in g from Doris Wang 's allus ion to gradua n o n , Jes Wa rd 's ste p s of high sc ho ol, all the way to Mr Di c k Byrne's p arody of th e Gettysburg address. Pro v iding breaks from the man y s pe eches were musical se le c tion s s ung by Carolyn Coc kl e, Ru sse ll Malcempo , and Jordan As h Dr. D ale Moore ann ou n ced the Valedictorians , and lacer did the pr esentat ion of th e C la ss of 2000. Th e n came th e moment of truth , r eceiving t h e diplomas. So m e were teary-eye d , but mo s t h ad s m iles a mi le wide on t h ei r fa ces. Foll owi n g tradition , sen iors turn ed their cass les and th rew their ca p s in th e air , marking the end of the fo ur year Journ ey they kn ew as hi g h sc hool.

Th e Final Toss

Senior Bobb} Becker chrows his cap in che :ur after the GHS of 2001 officialh graduated One of three senior addr~e~ , given b) Jes \X'a rd , was compnsed of ad\'lcc and cauuons for the graduau n g seniors

by B

\ -
Photo "-die, ( ; oodbye High School
S umm er Supplement 19
5emor Andy Solomon gives his s mile of relief upon rece1v1ng hi s much anrtc1patcd diploma During the ceremon), the band plaved th e Nat io nal Anthem accompanied b} che choir Photo b} B K elle}

King and Queen

Seniors Sadie Sullivan and Kyle Krueger proudly display their newly won Prom King and Queen cro,vns

Approx1macley 480

srudents attended prom this year "Ten years from now 1will remembc r m} dace, Mate Sch!teman, getung up on the table and dancing," said sophomore Haley Hanson Photo b} B Kelley

Dancing the Night Away

Senior Melissa Johnson shows her smile as she dances away che night 'fickets were $20 for an 1nd1v1dual uckec and $40 for a couple. "J liked prom because of the amount of ume 1c lasted and there was also good music, ' said sophomo re Melissa Oyffryn Photo by B Kelley

Prin ce and Princess

J un1ors Lee Saunders and Carne Schoch-Sm1th grac i ously accept che flowers given co them ac prom for prince and pnncess

While che Junior Student Council went into debt ,vhde organ1z1ng Prom, they made up for che losses w1 ch ucket sales. "Ten years from now, I will remember m1ss1ng the Avalanche game chac was going on downsrairs the most, said Junior Sara Dnenka Photo by B Kelle)

Would You Look at That

Seniors Bryan Turner and Kendra Branch look over a flier chat was se nt out ac pron1 J un1or class Student Council represcncanve RyanNec said, I was really surprised how much nme wenc 1n to planning Prom It was pretty nd1culous Phoco by B Kelley

Toss It

And, Hassen tosses a bean bag at the target at After Prom ,\hilc plapng rhe bc.,n b.,g toss game "I had fun gambling at After Prom because I won a huge 1cc cream lan1p \.,id Junior Chris Fair Photo b, B Keller

r"f""ak e a Swing

.1 Seniors Jon Lo,\ and Amy Clark take a swing at a chance to wan a big prize during After Prom I will remember the prizes won at after pron1 the most said 1un1or Dave Danek Phoco by B kclle>

rom thi s yea r was a magical night as u s u a l , even though ic was rainy and co ld When asked what would be re m e mb ere d most about Prom and After Prom 1n t e n years, so ph o mor e Alaina Seligm a n answered, ((Te n years from now I will reme mb e r the martini glass I go t a t Prom." Wh e n Junior Talith a Whiclacch was asked w h at she wou ld remember mo s t s h e said , "T h e atmosphere a nd the ra1n yweat h e rwas th e mo s t m e morabl e parts of Prom ." The dance was almost ca n ce ll e d because the Junior tud e nt Cou n c il planned on having prom at Be lla Ris t o rant e but 1c went o ut of bu si n ess a short while b e fore the actual even t cook pla ce. After cal lin g about 40 diffe r e nt pla ces they found Brookl y n 's at th e P e p s i Cente r

In the Air

Senior Trenton Clerk1n flies in the air on the bungee launch during After Prom After Pro1n h.1d man) fun and exc1t10g games such as the bungee launch, blackiack table and forcune cellen "I liked the black1ack table at After Prom because I had no idea what I was doing, said 1un1or Heather l\.fcDo,vell Photo by B Kelk> 1• 'limbing to the Top

~ le \teve Freshour runs as far as he can th rough the bungee launch At '\fccr Prom anyone could win such things as 5500. \t(,Rs, T\ s candy, $luffed .1nimal\ CD p laye rs among man} other awe5ome prizes After Prom lasted from m1dn1ght co S a.m and che doors were ~hut for entr.1nce 't I :JO a.m. The theme for After Prom was Under The Sea, wnh decorauons of fish and bubbles "I will always remen1bcr the bad food from Afcc::r P• "m, • said junior Seth Al l e n Photo 6) B Kelley

Summer Supplement 21

·, ·, I e -

In 10 years, ,vhat ,viii you ren1e1nber n1osc about the co1npecicion?

«rll remember hav i ng co learn the dance \Ve had co perform as well as painting myself to the beat of ' I'm S ))) too exy.

-Je sse Crock

"I' ll remember practicing and learni n g the N ,S YNC dance in one day .,,

-Andy Solomon

" How much fun it was , and how good of a dancer I )) was.

- Ky l e Krueger

" I really liked Kyle 's song and his bass playing. Now that was true talent! "

- Mr s. Jan Bryson

"T hi s year's Mr. Golden was che best and well organized. Each of the presentat1ons were excellen c. ,,

-M s Shirley Algiene


The three final1srs, Seniors Chns Bl use, K> le Krueger, and Carson Bartsch wa1c pauendy wlCh the rolling pin to see who will be crowned l\.,1r Golden. The rhree Judges for the compenuon were i\frs Ebel, Mr ranz, and Mrs Bryson Senior Kyle Kreuger said, "I chink I won because of n1y song and my nice burr."

by B Kelley


Looks Like a Lady

Senior Carson Bartsch struts his lady bug outfit dunng che fash ion show poruons of the show The compeucors were required to wnce a fashion paragraph describing what they were weanng, perforn1 a talent wncc a poem and chink of a pickup line

ILove You

Senior Jesse Crock se renades iun1or Laura Bollinger JUSt before professing his love for her

The Mr Golden compcriuon has been around for many years, and 1s one of the most popular GHS crad1uons Photo by B. Kelley

Senior Geoff Sims shows the audience iusc exactly bow you pump a Supe r Soake r Senio rs Kell, Rehder, Laura Word and Chnsry Deming arranged the show Mrs. Bryson, one of the Judges, sa id , " Overall, I rhought everybody was pretry cre.inve Photo by B. Kelley

Photo Photo by B Kelley Big Pumpin '

Standingon T op of th e Wo rld

Senior Clay Bennett stands on the edge of the Grand Canvon 10 Arizona One of the focuses ofSenior Seminar chis vear was Descn: E.colog) and Sout h west Stud i es Photo courtesy of Senior Sem in ar

T}"""eep ing W a.rm

Sen 1orsJa 1m e L1nsenb1gler , Mary Thomas, and Con "-.enned) come rogecher for a quick snaps hot. This year the st ud ents parcicipaced 10 several cross coun try slo cnps Photo co urt cs) of Sen io r Seminar

e nior Semina r 2000 ba ttl ed through m any exha u sti ng outdoor activities as thier friends hips came together throughout the year-lo n g program Established in 1972, thi s program co ntinu es to bring in man y w ill ing p a rti c ipants. A se m es t e rof Se nior Se min a r pr esents man y c h a ll e n ges to t es t the ability of the st ud ents. Thi s yea r , seve ral states were v isite d , in cludin g Arizona , New Mexico , Californ ia, a nd Utah. A few of th e trip s chat were taken in clud e a strenuo us biking trip from Moab to Grand Jun ct ion, a 67 mil e canoeing trip star tin g at th e Green Ri ver and fini shing at Mineral Bottom n ear Can yon la nds Nat ional P a rk and activiti es to further th eir s tudi es on desert eco lo gy and the So uthw est. A few of the n ecessi ti es n ee d ed for th ese trip s a r e a mountain bike, sle e pin g bag and pad , cloth es for every weather cond ition , tarp s to s lee p und er, and backpa cks. Overall , Sen io r Seminar i s a great way to m eet c hallenges , pus h yo urself to the limit and c rea t e memori es to las t a lifeti m e.

Conqu ering th e Mountain

Senior Andy Solomon reaches for chc rope to pull h1n1sdf O\.er the roe~ This yc.a r the Senior Seminar ~ponsors were ~ir Chad Reid and ~1r Bob Hayes Photo courtesy of Senior

,, \I •
Lo ok What We
1 ~ $?50. Thi s
ement 23
Seniors C lay Bennerc. Cody Durham and Andy Solo mon ex plore the m arine life of th eir trip The cost of Senior Seminar, per semester,
year there w
partt c1pants Se nior Seaver Baruch sai d , Senior Seminar was an amazing expenence Photo cou rtesy of Clay Bennen


The Doctor Is In

Junior Knsta Welch gives her best advice to Senior Andy Quirk during You 're a Good '\.fan Char/u Brown Rehearsal cook cwo months and six days Senior Russel ?\.1a.ltempo satd, I think Shroeder '"as greac on ~cage and off and the character earned me a,vay Photo by J \iacchews

Secu.rity B l anket

Sophomore Olin Osborn cuddles wich his blanket while: watching his favorite TV show in }ou're '1 Good Man Char/re Brown Senior Carol} n Cockle said, "The pan where l had co pretend to bite someone s leg really grew on me 1 Photo b} B Kelley ..

Mo ' Mo n ey

Jun1or Natalie Hunt shows off che money she earned For Conudy of E"ors rhere was no set costume except for che sets of cw1 ns 1n the show Senior Carson Bartsch said, "I will remember all rhe beaungs I dished our to Adam and Ke1ch Phoco by B Kelley

Do ubl e Take Seniors CJrson Bartsch and Jesse C rock see double 10 Comedy of£"on Borh Bansch and Crock had co use speargum to hold their fake n1uscachcs. Senior Brad Haag said. "My favorite part of the show was beaung Bryan with n1v n1ghcsr1ck Photo b) J Matthews

• • ••
.. -
TH~ DocToR ,s J:r--1 ,......,. r' I I

cco rd1ng to man y athletes interviewed at GHS, golf is mo s t frustrating a nd tedious sport to pla y. M ay b e this is sai d because go lf appears to be a pr etty elementary spo rt , but it r e quires a n e n o rmou s a m o unt of co n ce ntr a ti o n and p at i e n ce. Wh e n it co m es co putting , so metim es it see m s lik e theba ll w i ll not go 1n the hol e eve n ifi t were 3-feet wide. Experience is an important factor in che s u ccess of a hi g h sc h oo l go lf ream Th e GHS golf team is a s m al l group of girls, not b eca u se the s port is so hard to learn , but b eca u se it 1s so hard co m as t e r With the ex p e rien ce of Co a c h Becky C ro zier lea ding che way, th e future of th e GHS golf t eam looks bright.

Bo ll ow t hr o u g h

ophomore \.1egan T npp-Add1son follows through ,vich her swing The golf team compe t es 10 many different tournaments through out the season The golf ceam has cen members rhat compete 10 tournaments Junior Jeret Ammon said, ~r really enJO} pla) 1ng at Rolling Hill s because 1c t\ reaJly fanq and expensive Photo b} K Hut chison

• ---

fl utt ing o n t h e G r ee n .l-Jun1or O1.1ne Bndenberg puns on the fifrh hole at the Rolling Hill s golf course The go l f team pracuce~ everyday after sc ho ol ac the Apple,vood golf cour\1. Jun 1or rvtegan h 1ng said, The reason I JOt0ed the golf team ,vas ro learn how co pla) go lf betcer " Photo by K Hut chison

Drivj o g i t H ome

Senior Cassand ra O1nbrenner tecs off on the: ch1rd hole at Rolling Hills golf course

The golf team had reg1onals ar Fox Hollo\\ this year where D1crbrenner played fhe golf team plays most of their cournamencs at the Roll1ng Hilh go l f cou rse Junior Je ret Amn1on said, "The thing I enioyed most about golf \\as getttng to become good friends w1Ch the g irl s and 1n1prov1ng my golf game Photo br K Hutc.h1son

_,,,,,,. • I -
Po ints Pla ce Foothill s 5 01 9 Lake Arbor 4 99 10 Indian Tre e 5 14 10 Fox Hollow 5 07 9
!(t\hi N.:is~au, D iane Bnde n berg, Coach Becky Cro11cr , J odi Gurhne Megan King, Mega n l'ripp-AdcL\on, Kirsten Everett , Elizabeth Watkin s, Jeret An1mon , Cann Lefev re, Cassandra r)iubrcnner
Summe r Supplemenc 25

olden High School has one of the only lacrosse teams at a public school in Jefferson County. Individuals from all over Jeffco come ro play for GHS and bring different qualities ro the team. Under rhe coaching of Mike Thum1n, che boys lac r osse ream finished the regular season w1ch a record of 10-3 They\vere defeated 1n the playoffs by Arapahoe with a final score of 4-7. This year there ,vas an opnonal ream camp 1n Flonda for the girls and boys teams. Nancy Baruch coached the girls again chis year and che regular season ended ,vich a solid \Vtnning reco r d of8-6. In the p layoffs chey won chei r first game against Ai r Academy and lost to Denver East 2-20. The 2000 lacrosse season \Vas a positive end for many talented seniors

Face Off

Ac the beg1nn1ng of chc game Golden and Chatfield faceoff The Boys ' Varsity capca1ns were Mark Plonkey from Chatfield High, Senior Chns Bluse , and Gnffin Jory from D ' Evelyn High Junior Ausun Larson said, " To become a winner , you must have the right m1ndsec, and chink you are a winner Phoco by J Erhart

0n e S te p Ah e ad

Seth, a player from \½eat Ridge High School ,vho plays for GHS, moves past the Columbine defense "The most thnll1ng pan of the game 1s seeing how 1nd1v1dual mouvanon and effort bring success to the team, " said Coach Andy Thomas Photo by J Erharr

·• •
Golden Boys Us Them Grandvi ew 12 2 Engl e-...v ood 18 0 Smo ky H i ll 7 2 Bould e r 1 2 3 Fort C ollin s 8 7 K e nt D e n ve r 4 10 C olumbine 5 4 Wh e at Ridg e 7 12 Rang evi ew 19 4 T J / D e n ve r S outh 23 1 C olo A ca d e m y 5 8 Air F o r ce A ca d e m y 8 4 G e orge Was hin gto n 18 5 Playoffs Arapaho e 4 7 ' : u. -;p," 23 .,
F r o nt Row: Gregory McKee, Enc Adler, Bo Everccc, Kyle Arndt, Mark Plonkey, Chris Bluse Ausun Pike, Decker Jory, Scott Carpenter Back Row: Coach Andy Thomas, Brad Danek, Derek Carter, Hans Layman, Richard McGuane, Mike Bryant, Seaver Baruch, Matt Sneller, l'v1ikc Canllo, Jusun Dusdal, Lee Saunders, Ryan Fields, Brock Swanson, Behren Royscer, Coach Mikt Thum1n. Photo by B Kelley

\I '"

• o nt R ow: Andrea Hunr, Jessica Gore, Lisa Hughes, Suz.anne Ehler, V1crona 5i.adonersk.a, Chcl~e-a \\ 11liams, Jessica Behu nin Sec ond R ow: Knsun Prybdla. Krista Bies Knsttn l\1cVaugh, ~fegan Dusdal, An1anda McDowell, Courtney Kreller, Bridger Glynn. Kile Sun Third R ow: Coach Kyla Deselms, Rebecca Wood, Ton, Sullivan, Amy Nielson, Shannon C.ome-.t, Coach · tnc) Baruch Kami Bucholz, Taylore Beckma n , Heather N i elson, Caalin McCusker, Coach

Lari)' Kahn Fo urth Row: Amanda Bag..vell, Heidi Dw1gg1ns, Jennifer Brulla, Cora Sexton, Carne Briggs, Allison C.nffiths Photo by B Kelley

Sophomores Andrea Hunt and Courtney Kreller charge up the field together The girls captains chis year \\ere Seniors Becky \X'ood and Jessica Smith from D F vel> n High School Phoro by J. Erhart

Gold en Girl s Co lumbin e

Wh ea t Rid ge Co lumb in e

G e orge Wa s hin gto n

S m oky H ill

B o uld e r

Ara pah o e

D en ve r Eas t

Dakota Ri dge

S c Mary's Acade m y

Whea t Rid ge

Co lo r ado A ca d em y

Th o m as J e ffer so n

Steam b oat S pri n gs

Pl ayoffs:

Ai r Aca d e m y

D en ve r Eas t

Junior T on1 Sullivan races up che field. is one of the few >pons chat has an 1ncred1blc amount of American heritage Lacrosse started back before the European colonizat1on of America among man} 1\anve American rribes.

Keep Away

Carne Bnggs keep~ the ball away from three Columbine defenders. Golden won both of cheir gan1cs against the Columbine ream chis year Photo b) J Erhart

II ,,.-• --·-- --
it e d as On e
Up th e Fi e ld
Photo bv J Erharc
Us Th e m 9 3 11 9 1 1 9 8 12 4 15 13 8 9 13 8 10 14 7 12 5 10 13 3 19 16 3 14 6 15 6 2 20 . Summer Supplement 2~

Justki cking it

After savi n g the ball, senior goalie Knsnna Hopkinson punts the ball back to the ocher side of the field This year chc team scored a co cal of 15 goals Hopkinson said. '"Pomona was my favonrc game because ir was a cough game and good compeuon ' Photo by B Keller

Full Power

Senior Enn Rozelle returns the ball forcefully Most of goal shots this season were attempted by Ashley Blatn-Hanung, who finished the season with six goals. Rozelle said she loved playing for Golden because, ·we were al l close friends Photo by B Kelley

1th pride and determination , che girls varsity

s o cce r team s tepped up to the challenge of their first game. They plowed their way co t h eir first victory over Thornton 2-1. Unpredictable spring weather conditions did not stop the girls from working hard at practice every day after school. Junior Jessica Moya said «The best thing about being on the team is learning how to work w i th others and building relationships. » The Lady Demons worked pas t the tough times this se as on and pulled through with a win over Arvada in the las t game of the season.

Goi n g for the ball

Junior Kelly Hayes , a chree year varsicy player, cakes the ball from the opposing ccam Hayes said "The besc moment was ,-.hen Knsuna Hopkinson took out a girl from che ocher team Phoco by B Kelley

---------------------------------------------------,Thornton C hatfield Broomfield Steamboat Springs Arvada We s t Co lumbine Standley Lake Bear Creek Pomona Wheat Ridge George Wa s hington Green Mountain Arvada U s 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 3 Them 1 9 5 7 4 7 4 4 3 5 2 6 1
Front Row. Jessica Moya. Johanna Crock, Chavaugo Corona d o, L,ure n Kahn Middle Row: Knsu n a Hopkinson, Kelly Hayes, Jennifer Bru ne, Erin Carer, Ashley 81:un-Harcung, La uren Chaffee Bac k row: Coach Fran, Leslie Daniels , Diana Ortiz, Chnsuna Carbone, Coach An d \ Fue n te~. Haley Hansen, En n Rozelle, Shannon Poltne, Becky k etchum

Leaps and B o und s freshman Kate Leadford uses her speed to help her in ch, l 00 mecer hurdles. I hree freshmen girls con1peted 1n hurdles th1~ ye.u. Junior Jercm) Shannon ~ys, " Ha\lng \O many freshman will realh help the team in .l few years "

Stamin a

he Golden High School track team was hard working an d mot ivated this year. The coaches included Matt Loyd, David H ammock, Danell Dittbrenner and Holly wa n son Freshman arah Kalin comments, «The most ch a ll engi n g thi n g I learned 1s the form for throwing. ,, The ceam,s talents t h is year were distributed throughout che events. ophomo r e Tom Car r oll, ch e only pole vau l ter for Golden, p laced first in che Jeffco Quad with a vault of 11 feet. The Gir ls varsity relay team of Jun ior Meghan Cooper, se n ior Sa r ah Ph illips, sen ior Elaine Ekberg a n d 1un1or Abby ands fre q uent ly place first o r second 1n var ious relays. Meneal at t it u de is as im portant as physical ab il ity to be a compe t itive runner. Freshma n H eathe r Torbit says, "The m ost phys ically d emanding event I r un is the 4 x 300 meter relay, I get so t i red, ies a long ways!,, Each membe r of the t eam st ri ved co accomplish p ersonal bests as we ll as team goals.

C.oa.-h H S\\ m~on (otch M. Loyd Co,.,h D H.mmock, CoJch D Dmbrcnntr, E. ThomP"on, S Kthn, T. MO)• \ L,dd,ck f o unh Row A Faulkner A. \l,D•mcl, M Ch.1.ppcll D R.1.hor,.1, M \Voodwonh, T ( ,n·cr J SI.arc,,

n J Courrn , K Hill N Frost Fifth Row, C. Surr,111, T Mul1•d1 L Ranurcncr, J Lodm.1.rr B Kemple, R

n A Hudwn,J,Md.;.c.- SixthR owS !>aindon.J.D"m.1nC2u T Clcrktn.K Kang, S Mamn,R.Bbck,

\\ Manin.

Junior Jercm, Shannon \print~ down chc run,,a\. and prepare to make his final Jump Shannon srud \Y/e have a hardworking ccam chis year Photo by B 1'.dley

·, :, \ -
Photo by B Kdkr Senior Sarah Phillips and Junior Abby Sands complete a successful handoff The rd.iy team includes Sarah Ph1ll1ps and Abby Sands as well as Junior t\ ieghan C..oopcr and Senior Elaine Ekberg. Photo b) B Kelle) Girl s Boys Arvada Quad 4 of 4
D •Ir
M I •n•rull,,
Quad 4 of 4 Windjammer 9 of 2 7 Jeff co 10 10 of 10 Bear Creek 7 of 9 Jeff co Meet 3 3 of 3 Pomona Quad C
Roundup 4 of 4 26 of 2 7 9 of 9 3 of 3 4 of 4 7 of 8
front Rn", J Olin,, Aronwn J. Borricr, C Cad)•Rchci-., l.Nolung, A !>and, Seco nd Ro,,~ H. Torb11, M. Cooper S Al od, l l-lnrni;a,, \, Philhp,. :-.1.1 m,, M Ford,<;, M«han, E. Fl.berg Th ird Ro" ,\ Arlcr B Ham, M Meycrtnk r l'okc
Summer Supplement 29

Brin ging th e h ea t

Junior 1'.11ke Emmons dehvers a fascball to the opposing ccan1 s batter Emmons led the h '

' team wa 50 strike outs this year Senior Peter Dusenbury led the team wnh five home runs Jun1or Jay Stokes said, If I could change anything about my game, It would be n1y speed on the bases Photo by B Kelley

Pl ay at th e Pl ate

Senior Mart Curus tags che Bear Creek runneroucac the plate Golden beat Bear Creek 5-4 The team 's most improved player this year was senior first basen1an Adam Meyers Photo by B Kelley

layin g on e of th e mo st comp etiti ve s ports in th e Gold e n a rea, th e 2 000 GH S base ball t eam s t e pp ed up t o a n ew seas on with a tou gh sc h edul e. Man y re turn i n g var sity pl aye rs brou ght exp e ri en ce and lead e rsh i p t o t h e t eam , but w h e n seve ral s tartin g pl aye rs s uffe red in j uri es, yo un g pl aye rs were for ce d i nto th e s potli ght earl y o n in t h e se as on.

Indi vi dual tal e nt w as rec o gni ze d wh e n m an y Go ld en pl aye rs mad e all -co nfe re n ce t eam s Se nior Aa ron Ag u ila r m ad e fir st t eam , whil e se nior Jesse Pres ton and juni o r Mike Emm o n s mad e sec ond te am. Junior Jay Sto k es a nd se ni o r Pe t er Duse nbu ry als o receive d h o nora bl e m en t io n s.

A p ar t ic ul ar ly m e morabl e gam e o f th e seas on w as aga in s t Thund e r Ridge. G old e n up se t th e powe rhou se with a sc or e o f 13-6 A tou gh 8- 1 lo ss to th e Durango D em o n s i n th e playo ffs a b r uptl y end ed th e Gold en D em o n s seaso n .

Get Ready

Senior Aa ron Aguilar seeps up to the pttch at the game against Bear Creek. Aguilar was the team s leader chis year Golden ·s most heated nval 1s Arvada Wesc " I choughc we had a good se~on despHe che losses.'" said Junior Mike Emmons. Photo by B Kelley

~--------~---------------------------------· Us The m
S ta ndl ey Lake Bea r C reek Wh ea t Rid ge C olumbin e A rva da \Y/est Po m o n a Gree n Mounta in C ha tfield C olumbtne Bea r Cree k Arva d a W es t Co n i fer Thund er Rid ge Duran go 5 15 1 23 4 6 5 15 15 4 0 0 8 5 4 4 7 13 1 7 2 11 20 14 19 4 8 11 12 10 10 10 15 1 14 4 6 8
D akota Rid ge
rg ree n
h a cfi el d
ree n M o un ta in
Front Row: Jess e Pres ton , Stephen Kirk , Bucky Schm1dr, Talon G l eaton Middl e Row: Sean C oughlin , Donnie Pridmore , Peter Duse nbury, Mark Melancon Jay Stokes, Greg Wambo ldc, Adan1 M ye rs , Mike Mornson B ack Ro w: Luke Rob erts, Dusry Roberts , JW. Westhead , Andr ew Maley, 1',,fike Emmon s, Aaron Aguila r , M a n Curn s


Co min g B ack at Ya

Junior Briana Baker returns the: ball ro her opponent The girls placed 29ch out of 32 ar the scare finals Senior F rc.-denke Grillo said, ' Even though we had )USC an oka} season, '"e sull had a good nme ." Photo b} B Kelley

Heads U p

Junior Kelly Aronowitz ru shes che ball co the other side, The g irl s had a four win and five loss record chis season Junior Bn ana Ba k er said, •After e\.eryth1ng, we had a good sea.son ' Photo b) B Kelley..

h e Golden Hi g h chool gi rl s' t en n is team h ad a n amazing seaso n this yea r. Se nior Fr ederike Grillo s aid , «This year 's team pla ye d very well, and we learn ed a lot from eac h other. ,, Playing as a SA t ea m , the team s p e nt n ea rly every day after sc hool pra c ti ci n g, an d it paid off. Ac the end of th e seas on , th ey went on to take 6t h in the C lass SA r eg ion als, moving up through S eat e, Quarterfinal s, a nd Sem ifin a ls. Finall y, after an exh a us ting season, the girls ' t e nni s team cook 29th pl ace at C lass 5A C hampion ship s .

Bl ast T h e Power

F1ont Row: Coach L. Career, Coach S Barrows , L. Boll1nger, K. Kelley, S. Barlow, L Roblr\on, f Gnllo. B Baker, A Pfisterer, Assc Coach B. Allen Middl e Ro w: K. Lollar , E lohmon R. Matson , M. King. A Mous , H Fletcher , C Demarest , E Hoppin , D Reitmeyer , · Ridge, l:. tv1ad1son B ack Ro w: P Agarwal, K Tapia, S. Dan1ebon , K Swisher, K A1 •noYti tz J Engle , T. Fushimi, K Garrett , J Ward, M Nassau
Us Wtldcac Ope n 3 Arvada West"' 3 G r een Mountain..- 7 Columbine" 0 Bear Creek · 6 S t a n dley Lake• 7 Arvada 6 Chatfie ld • I P omo n a ' 3 Wheat Ridge ' 1 Class 5A S tate, Region 1 Class 5A C hampionship • de n otes conference ma rch Them 4 4 0 7 l 0 I 6 4 6 6 ofl4 29 of 32 1./ '
Senior f.rederikc Grillo drills the ball across the court •w c couldn t have played as well a5 we dtd without the: efforts of the whole ream, ~aid Gnllo Photo by B kelle)
Summer S uppl ement 3 1


Blake Dalgetty catches his breath after a race This season he cook first 10 the 200 meter freestyle race against Standley Lake Dalgeccy said, "I like the tournaments because they put a challenge into the spore.•

Senior Jon Ekstrom swims che buccerfly Golden had t\vo divers on che team this year Senior Lucas Axrnacher and Sophomore Joseph Duncan Axmacher cook 6th 1n the Stace meet 1n Fore Collins Sophomore Mike Wendt said , "We' ve had such great new addtuons co che team and they all have amazing ralcnr I'm really proud co be a part of the team this year Phoro by B Kelley

M eet Score/ Pl ace

Jeffco T nangular 3rd

Lake\vood 11 9-44

Colorado lnvne 31st

Evergreen 70-110

Dakota Ridge 99-86

Jeffco Invite 6th

Standley Lake 99-84

Wheat Ridge 110-71

Jeffco League Meer 2nd

Vctory by Wate r Junior Josh Rocke watches as Junior Dane Schow rec1eves his medal from Coach Sean Wendt at the League meec. Scho" cook 2nd 1n che League meet for the 50 meter freestyle and the l 00 meter freestyle Freshn1an Jake Rocke said , "\Y/e did better rhan I thought we would as a team We're the besr" Photo donated by Dane Schow

Photo by B Kelley Las t Gasp Firs t Ro\v: Dan Jibson , Mate Streelman, Jake Rocke , Andy Peoples B ack R ow: Coach Eric , Josh Rocke , Jose ph Duncan , Jon Ekstrom, Sean Sanders, Dane Schow, David Perleberg, Nace Shanks, Bnan Logan, Lucas Axrnacher, Coach Sean \XTendt. Noc P ic tured : Blake Dalgetcy , Mike \XTcndt. Photo donated by Dane Schow
'. \ ·'ii • Stud e nt Life 33

Cultur e C lub

Seniors Pnya Agar.val and Justtn ~foncova ser.·e themselves various cu1s1ne from foreign countries. D1vers1ty club members attended a one da) D1vers1t) Conference held at Cheri') Creek High School

Kickin ' it Back

~{embers of the Footbag club perform their sru n t< in front of the enure stude nt body In add1uon to Foocba~ Club Golden had man, other new clubs 1nclud1ng Inter act and Web Club

1 • ...., - J

Ta kin' ( an. of Bu s in ess

J_ '-.lik Bul.u d Jeff H.1uscr and B1lh Schreiner work on updating the online ~chool c.ilenc br h fe\\ members of\\ eb Club about four months to complcteh finhh the ,ite , wirh thr ee h 111 1bers working on the" eb page as a cl~ Sophomore Dexter Foster ~aid , " I like being m something that will lase." Photo b) Eli r,., Iarttn

April 2000, the GHS \Veb page was 1n a state of disrepair and chaos, April 2001, the site \Vas 1nformat1ve, 1nteresr1ng and fu ll ofst udent , facult}, parent a nd community resources. Des1gn1ng th e GHS web page from scratc h required a multitude of skills, from artistic und e r stand in g, to programming abiltt). Since these skill s are so vast, membe rs of 'X- eb C lub co labor ated their efforts to get h er co form what is no\v the GHS Web Page Se nior Ryan Nee used his self-ca ught graphic d es ign skills in Adobe Ph otoshop to d eve lop a co n ce pt for bas1call) what the site would look like Web C lub Advisor Jeff Hau se r sai d , "Geetin g the design JUSt right ca n be difficult» Once this was finished, t h e Web Club m em b e rs conve r ted che graphic int o an HTML format, which took seve ral weeks co co mpl ete!) p erfect. I c 1s n ear ly impossible to ge e a \.veb s it e co work \1\-tth both Macintosh and Windowsbase d comp ut e rs, not to m ent ion problems that arise v.,1th different scree n sizes and resolutions. Once th is \Vas mastered, it was tim e to add co nt ent to the site -rh e stude nts d ec id ed that 1nscead of havi n g to up dace the web page all che rime, they wo uld si mpl y develop a system where facu lty could lo g in a nd update v ariou s parts of th e web s ite themselves. The c lub also decided chat they would add reso urces th at s tud e nts ne ed, like the prearranged absence form, access to the datly announcements, sc holarship information among m a n y others. Overall, this year's de ve lopm e nt of the sc hool web page was a great success. T h e Web C lub looks forward to recruiting ne"v tech-saVV} m em bers in the co ming yea rs.

Workin' Overtime

Senior R) an Nee spends ume after sc h ool creaung a system in which faculn and adm1n1s tranon can upd ate the: web Sitt. \\ ithout ha, ing to kno,v any HT~1L code: R, an s:i1d. I think rh1s will add a !or of funcuonalliry co the site Photo by D Zarn

\ -
\Vcb C lub : Clay Cushman, Mike Buland, De xter Foster, Ryan Nee. Not pic ture d : B111 Sc h reiner , \'\'1:~ C:lub Advisor Mr. J eff Hau ser. Photo by Bill Kelley

Out On Th e Town

After en1oy1ng a hear() meaJ ac the Hard Rock Cafe, students get together for a group p1crure The) chose a large, beaunful fountain called the Columbia Founra1n 1n Spain co scnke a pose Photo donated by Foreign Language Cf ub

Scanding Tall

High above Spain Jon Ekstrom and Sadie Sul11van, GHS alumni, along wit h seniors Abby Pfhterer and Cody Hayes stand on a anc1enc castle 1n Spain They pause to cake a photo to show their accomplishment Hayes said, le was a great break from school Photo courtesy of foreign Language Club


C lub

Fr o nt Ro ,v Jordan Gaspar, l\1eredith t-.1c1'.cc. Joe Kenned\ D:irb) Odell, Aimee Le1d1ch Middl e Ro ·w· lvtr~. Po,cda, John Zirbcs ( helsea \\) ate, Skvc Hopple, lv1egan Tripp- \dd1son Elizabeth \X ackins, T ess,1 Lee, Trav , sSnyderT op Ro w Jack Dono,·an, ~1ollr Cook. Lee Saundeh Clay Albracht, Dan Crass


Tnp 2000

Front Ro,v I aura Bollinger Jon Ekstrom lv leltssa Docksceader hdh H:lyes Sec ond Ro , v Sadie Sullivan, ..\bb} Pfisterer Thud Ro,v : C..andace Cordo,a Kash1, Sheena Sarde, Cod} Hayes Bac k Ro,v· Emily r-.1ad1son Chris 1ed1n.1, Ta n na 5and1fer Emilv • Daniel~ Am} \'X'e1shc1r \X'es \'X'alcon

I •
'------- - -------iiiiiiii.a J ,
Cl u bs 3"7

Good Samaritan

Junior Natalie ~1anulla helps make an old man s day a Incle more brighter In order to become a NHS member they have co be nominated by a ccacher and must have;\ C, P A of3 6 for 1un1ors, and a 3 5 for ~en1ors Senior Laura Bollinger said The most rewarding thing about N H S 1s g1nng back to soctet) Photo b) S Nauons

Help ing Hands

Jun1or Geoff Slater helps our an old woman wirh her act1V1t) One of the programs that NHS has set up this year is a Tutor Progran1, where of NHS help students who having trouble 1n certain subiects. J un1or Katrina '\le1tzel said her favonre thing about l\lHS ,s. ..we are able to reach out to the Golden commun1n and make a difference " Photo by S 1\Janons

Youth in Government

Front Ro w: Tyler Warner, Josh Parry, Austin Larson, Spencer Riggs. Back Row: Jam es Wagner, Shaun Martin Not Pi ctured: Kersri Bryan , Sarah Eisenbud, Tony Muljadi.

W.E S. Clttb

Fi rst Row: Erik Zach rison, P aul Dakan, G rant Oge, Keith Stokes. Second 1 Ro"v : Lesa Holycross, Jessica Berry. Third Ro\v: Mrs. Maureen Todd, Kcllv 1 Skala, Brittney Jowers, Josh Jo,vers, Jesse Gos ho r n

• , I I I 1 , , . • i 1 ' , I I I ' , • • • , .. • • • .. • ' • ' I ' • • • I • ' • • ' , ' ' I " I t • I I I I ' • I ' ' , • , •

Fron t R o'I\-: S. Sayed, L Kahn, S ,tcycr, T Lee , L Foster , A. Kirk , M \X1ood\\orth, L Nolting, G, Sl.ucr, R. Field, , E. Johnson K \hr<ton, ,\, Li~on, B. Goodwin, K Neitzel Second Row ,\. )\fcnna, B B.1kcr, l\1. Cooper. l\1. Kang, M \\ orthtngton. J Brune. K. Ha\'o C. \'anDuzcr, N. :\fancilla , E. Miller A. C.o~d.i., D. Odell, K. Sin,\'. Swdoherski,J. Olm Thi rd Ro" C~ Fauble,J, Hn1,er, J, Ammon A PfMerer K Aronow1n, .M. i\lcKec, C. Dupont, R. Robbins, K Libra, T. Morgan,]. )\feyer, B. Ketchum D. Reitmeyer, J. Alcundcr Fourth Row C. \ 'e~" M Leadford B. Schmidt, K. Gu,·c,, L D.1n1ch, A.Leidich, R. Baldwin B Schreiner J \\ ud A. C.1r do,o ,

Pris1n s Clitb


y cling Club

1 -
J., i\l. Brunel, L Bollinger Fifth Ro\\, K. Bennet(, D Cr:rn, J. Kennedy, B Babkiewich J Shannon C R Trenk S Oudmir, E M.1d1son , K. \\'clch, J T,1}lor J \ on Bur<ke, P. Agar .ii Sixth Row R Serp.m. P. \'o:'cndlandt, ,\. Zimmerm.m, B Fib,, i\f. Sa1.doval, T Pcrlcbcrg. T Garrett, E. \X'atkim, )1,{. Tripp-Add1,on M N=u, H Fletcher S. Lukr.ifka , R. Jl,fJison, S. Garren, J, Jl,fusgu,·c Se,cn th Row J. Ca'-lte?" J ~euk1r hncr '- Ridder From Le ft : M r. Tracey Pharis s, B r andon Archambeau, Be cky Tr eas ure, AJex Stroud , C h ristina H o lbrook , Jam es Richard so n , Chrisnna Dupont. No t Pi ctu red: Justin Moncoya , Lena Goods, N atal ie H unt , Ryan Unger , Franci sco ciuinones ec
C lub s 39 i -
F ro m Left: Ben H aschke, Damon Shuey, Zac h Garrett , C hri s Lollar , l\ Kram e r. No t Pi ctur ed : Clay AJbracht

Almo st There

Stntor \.1tredtrh .tv1c.kec and junior David Perleberg hold on to each ocher tightly while standing on a corner of a \X' together the club members attempc co flip che sheet over under cheir feet while stepping onro the ground underneath. Photo by A. Nims

AStroll In The Park

Junior Shawn Darg 1s the center of attention in "Ghandi's favorite: game," a game meant to build communicacion skills the studencs need "hen \\' with their peers. All students 1n S R O learn about communication through ttam building. Photo By A. Nims

Hold till

Junior l\leg.i.n Tripp-Addison balances on one foot as she attempts to get herself untangled and free from the ropes. This game was to challenge the mind and also to develope a further sense of ho\v to communicate with others. Photo By A. Nims

IThink I ' ve Got It

J un1ors Joe kenned) and Louis Nolting cry to free rhemselve~ frorn the bond holding them together. Kennedy feels, "the program 1s :1 great experience ." Photo by A. Nims

Clubs 41

Take yo ur T ime

Sophon1orcs Lauren C,ale and Amie Daniel work on research for a debate Incerpretatton debates lase from - co 10 minutes so research mu~t be thorough Phoco b) B Kelley

Free Advic e .roren~,cs sponsor Lowell Sharp goes over debate macenal wtch 1un1or Jack Donovan Ongtnal Oratory 1s composed of speeches written bv students Dono, an ,aid Mr Sharp and \-h. Peters make Forensics the best class ever

Hyped on P ea b erry 's Co ffee

Sophomore N ,Is Burnham looks over his marenals 1n preperaoon for a debare I nrerpretanon has man}' topics s u c h .as humor, drama, and poetry Burnham said,• Forensics take~ a team effort 'P hoco by B Kelley


Both e r \'\' Sophomore. Bra ndon ~f unroe looks over debate s umm a n es before choosing a topic Student Congress 1s com p osed of bills and resolutions thought up by students Munroe said, Fore n s ics 1s fun because yo u gee ro meet a lot of tnceresnng people " Photo b) B Kelley

On e Mor e Tim e

So ph omore Jenna King goes over her debate macenal one lase ume before the debate Lincoln-Douglas d ebate 1s a one on one com p entton and 1s based on mor-als Photo b} A Nims

Photo b, B Kelle>
,JI',,+,,. + ,; . J/

, Vforlun g Toge th er

W Se n iors Kelli Jones .1nd Paul Schwering, alo ng wich Junior Celeste Gardner practice for debate F orensics students h ave to be at sc h oo l at 6 a.m. to catch the bu~ to \.uurdav t (lrn,une n ts. So p h om ore Ton, \lu l1ad1 sai d Bus n d e~ home are the best part 1 Photo b,

ore n s ics m e an s comp e t ition. T eam s b a ttl e t ea m s f rom other sc h ool s, with h ea d - on d e b a t e 1n eleve n eve nt s: Lin co i n - Dou glas d ebat e; C ro ss - exam1n a t1on d e bat e; Int e rnatio n al and National ex re mporaf}'; I nte rpr et a tion s of Dram a, H umor, a n d P o e tf} '; Dual I nt erpr e tati o n , Du et Ac tin g; and ~t ud e nc Con g re ss Thr ee !> tude n rs from G ree n Mount a in jo i n ed GH S thi s yea r Be tw ee n t h e two sc ho o ls, 43 s tud e nts w o n 9 8 aw ard s. G old e n is c u rr e n d) 1n t h e top twe nty in th e s tat e. Th e GH S for e n si cs p rogram is on e co k ee p a n ey e on in futur e y ears.

Ro w I : tv1r Ca rl son , N D1c cn c h lvl. San d o\ al, S Riggs, l\ fa c.c a l\ 1 Ga rcia. G Carve r , R. C h a ndl e r L Sh a rp Ro\v 2: T Pet e rs, H Br o,v n , S. l\ 1art1 n , B l\1unro e, T Ze n z, S Na hl e) Ro,v 3. B Ba rn ed , T Cochran, E l\1 o rn-.on, K Ne 1rze l, T. Mul 1ad1 , K Nahl ey, E H o ppin , E Jo hn so n Ro"v 4: J Quo)eser, T \X a rn e r, C Fa nc h1 , R Bald,, in , l\ 1 Brun e l, J Dun ca n , N. Bur nh a m, J Co lbv Rov, 5: J Don ova n , tvt Ke n,vo rrh v, A S h ier, A Fin ke, L. Gale, A Daniel. E Eve re tt Rov,r 6 : K T ap ia , K Klo c.k, J \ 'an H o rn - Be ln ca u , P. Sc h,ve nn g, C Ga rdn e r , K Dun ca n , B Tr easure., J B1ll1n gs o t Pi c tured : A Bnn gs, J Eb e rh a rt , C Fa ir , B Fil as, C. H o lbr oo k , K J o n es, J Jud koff, J Ki n g, N Lamb e rt , A lvf1n e r, J tv1 o nc oya, K Pat cnd ge, J Pay ct, P Ro ge rs, J 5m 1th , D Sy kora , J To lsm a, C \X/ag n e r, B \X/ e lch, S Wil so n , C Wya tt

Gimm e A Sec

Sc n,or Paul ~ch,, cring and 1un1or Celestc Gardner practtce 1nrerprcr.u1on of dr.una before .1 speec h Cross-e)am1nation debate 1s based o n cht evidence. ,n che debate not the v.1luc of the pre~en tat1on F reshm.1n Angela F 1nke ~aid, foren,ics lets you speak what ' s on your n1ind .1nd become your own pc:rson the person you ,, .int to be Photo by B Kelley

I) /..1r n


The Gang

Some of the core Inceracc group gather outside of che car filled to the bnm "v,ch cloches There are more than 6 ,0 00 Rotaf) sponsored Interact clubs worldwide "Never before have I worked with a group of people ch at love ocher people so much ," said senior Rya n Scrpan

Stuff It

Senior Drew Zarn and fre~hman Karina N1eco scuff cloches 1n che back of che rransporc car Inceracr was founded 1n 1967 and 1s sponsored b) Rota!) I ncernarional and helps our the school, cornmun1~, and the world. Nieto said, Interact club 1s a great club chat I am glad co be a pare of Pho co by A N 1m)

Buri e d Ali ve

Seveney boxes were collected for rhe cloch1ng dnve Interact did 1n che spring. Senior Drew Zarn said, 'The cloch1ng drive was a good first proiect because we co uld do a good JOb on 1t and sci II learn something .'

Photo by A N ,ms
Photo by A Nims

Collec tion

Junior Jes.s1caAlexander and Freshman Karina '\J1eto check one of the cloching drive boxes The acti, ities of Interact Club includes clothing drives helping need) families, reading to elemental'} school children and is srill ,en active in the communiry Photo by A. '1,m~

Beast of Burden

Senior R) an Serpan carries a load of clothes from ~1rs Ph, !11~ Price\ roo,n The club has man, guest speakers including :i woman who climbed ~h Kilamanjaro Senior Priya said I nteract club is locs of fun because we have milk and cookies each meeting and do fun proJc:cts Photo by A. ims

nacki n '

en1ors Andy Zimmerman and Ryan Serpan load up a for a trip to goodw11l I ntcract Club exists 1n I 00 different countries around the world Photo b) A Nims

Ho ldin ' it i n

Junior Jessica Alexander helps hold 1n the massive -i n1ount of cloches scuffed into the back of a Jeep Senior Adam N 1ms ,-.a.:, the founder of the lnreracc Club Alexander said, I look fon, ard co what the club has ro offer tht schoo l 1n che }'ears to come Photo bv A Nims Club, 45

Double Troub le

Seniors 1'.dh Jones and Amie \\ ard laugh at che face and outcome of l\ 1acbeth

The: plar ,vas sent 1n modLrn m1lirar, nmes

Sophomore Adria Ro~~• said, I got co mecc ne\\ people ,tnd J became. close co so manv of them Photo b\ B Kelley

The Empress Macbeth

based on the play by William Shakespeare

Thi s year the Golde n High Schoo l Theatre put a little twist on the drama. In s tead of t ra di tiona ll y l1aving Macbeth and other lead role s as male s, th ey reve rsed gende r roles a n d h ad th e lead s as females

The hard wo rk a nd dedication that the cast and crew put into the play pro ve d t o be s u ccessful.

May I Tak e Your Order?

Sophomore Adria Ro\s1 gives her troops orders of anack. Sophomore Audrey Bennett said '\V/e had an amazing cast chat accomplished an ama71ng pla)- 1" Photo by B Kelley

,Vfoun d ed So lid er of War

\'V Jun1or Jon Musgrave tells Senior Laura Bollinger how lv1acbc:ch 1s hailed a hero For the boiling cauldron. dry ice was used co create rhe effect J un1or Skye Hopple ~aid, I n1 glad ro have been a part of this play because a helped me understand Shakespeare "Pho cob) B Kelle)

Hail th e King

Senior Todd Porcer greets guests to his cascle as Senior Jusun [berhan looks on. Pnmanly, the case cons1sced of more girls chan guys, w1ch 15 girls and 11 guys Senior Kar Stoker said The value of anything 1s measured bv the pain of chose who don' c have 1t " Pho co by B

"\VJho You Going To Cal l ?

W" Sophon1ore Jessica \'(lilson appc:11> ro f\lacberh as a ghosc warning her of coming dangers The blood \~Js crc:accd b\ using 1'.aro

S) rup and red food coloring. Senior Chris Fauble: ,aid the most challeng1ng pare \\ a, Lc'.\r n 1ng the: enormous n u mbe r of lines

Wee p Poor Sco tland !

Seniors K11 Bennett and Laura Bollinger discuss the fare of Scotland. OH:rall che pla, had a total audience count of 450. Boll1ngcr said. "T he fact that I got co perform along~ide so many talented people is the greatest reward. " Photo b,· B Keller

Doub l e Double Jun,or kcrsu Bl) an adds an ingredient to the \'{ ctrd ~'onders bre\\ ing potion In order to crc:atc " lightning" the case used flashes used for cameras. Bryan •, challenge in the plar \\"3 \.


Lip liner I hate che Huff."

All Po'\-ve rfu l Evi l Senior hell) Jone~ dc1n.1nd, more ouc of the \X c1rd \\ ondc r, JS she plays H ectatc In ordt r to pro'" 1dt the har\h ,c rcanH in the pl,l} , Senior 'laralte Hunt lent her ,oke )ophomort Adam 511n1non~ ,aid. It ,,as cough scaring in character \\ hen ,omeone messed up ."

C lubs 4 7

Photo bv B kelle, Photo by B Kelley Photo b} B Keller

To th e Hoop

J un1or Jerem} l\ toles dnbbles the ball up the court 1n the basketball game aga1n~c

1 hompson \ allev The varsity team ended the season in the second round of the sratc playoffs against George \X'a.sh1ngcon


Swing Batter

Junior Randi Patton sets up for the pitch The girls softball team was amazing all season ending up 1n the final four of the state playoffs

Dodging the D efe nse

Junior Mark Melancon carries the ball down field in a football game against Moncrose Golden played hard and finished the1r season w1rh a decent record co be proud of

Hold ing Strong

Junior Tim Brown cries to flip his opponent during a wrestling meet Wrestling has been a st rong program at Golden for many years,

50 Football 52 Cheerleading 54 Tndettes 56 Wrestling 58 Basketball 62 Tenni s 64 Golf 65 Jaz z Dance 66 Soccer 68 Volleyball 70 Cross Country 72 Softball 74 Gymnastics 76 Girl s Swimming 78 Junior Varsity Level III '
(iQ •1 -I • 4 ., .. ~:.. ·•·-.~ , .. •A~, ........ .., , 1 •
and chis year 1s no different.
-Swimming to Victory Senior Meghann Klaserner uses up all of her ene rgy 1n the end of a race co bear a personal record The girls S\v1mm1ng ream finished seventh 1n state compennon • cc 0 Q (/) • a:: 0 a.. (f) • Cf) 0 Q.. Cl) • <1) 0 • • • • cJ) 'cr: 0 0.(j) • a:: 0 Q (/) •

ne Las t Look

Jun1or Talon Gleaton looks down the field for an open teammate co pass to "This game was a great chance for me to play some quarcerback, sa1d Gleaton Photo by B Kelley

Plowing Through

Senior Bucky Schmidt spltts the Montrose defense. Schm1dc had 7 touchdowns and a total of 1190 yards on offense chis year " We had a grear game thar day , said Schmidt. Photo by B Kelley

ootbal l season in Go1d en is always a t ime to a nti cipate. Br isk ,vea th er and a s p ir ited band keep the fans on th e edge of their seats while th ey watc h the Demons ac ,vo rk .

The new head coach Al Talbot brought n ew plays a nd strategies co the n ew millenium of G H S football. The football t eam this yea r worked h ard at practice every day for three hours plus. Each t eam member strained t h eir mind t ryi n g co perfect offensive plays , as well as defen s ive maneuvers They d edica t ed their lives to football from the su mm er condition in g co the s tr en uous season that las ts from Augus t t o November. The players ultimately play fo r the love of the game Sophomore Nate Coo p er said , "Th e b est th i n g about football is hi ccing peop le. "

This year' s team had a b alance of upp e r and und e r c lass m en. There were many s ophomo res in s tartin g p ositio n s s u c h as quacerback a nd wi d e receiver. Some of the players chat we re n ew co th e vars ity ream felt a little nervous ac che fir st game , but steppe d up to th e co mp et iti o n and lit up the spoclighc. Seaso n ed varsity players s u ch as seniors Micah Leadford , Josh Eng1er , Donnie Pridmore, a nd JR Foos kept th e Go ld e n trad iti o n s alive.

T ight Defense

Sophomore Luke Roberts makes an ama21 n g 1ncercepuon chat led co 6 points 1n the Lakewood game Roberts scarred not only as wide receiver on offense, bur on defense as well. He was che leadtng scorer with '3 points this year Roberts also made 43 cackles , 4 1ncercepuons, and had a total of 658 yards rece1v1ng Phoro by B Kelley

l Sophomore Mark Melancon lets chc ( ball fly Melancon got l, 115 yar ds passing fo r l the season, averaging 124 yards per game ·\Y/e had a young t eam this year a nd we wi ll produce a lot more 1n the ye:i rs co come said Melancon.

• • • ' I , , l I , • 1 , ' . J - ~ ._j~
• T ' r T 1 ' , ' ' ' T ,. , ' r ' • • 1 I I 1 (
Go Long Photo by B Kelley
Your Fa ce
Junior Stephan Kirk pressures che ~lontrose quarterback Kark had three sacks this year Golden had 10 5 s.tck~ chis season Photo
by B Kelle)
B \chmtdt,
Anderson, J Keesee.
urtn ey Fo u rth R o,v: D
( • \\ ombaldt T Carver T Shaw, M Pa lm e r J Lockhart, M tvi da n con F ift h R o,v: J F oos, D Crass, B Debaets, R Bl ack, B Engler, J Ndson, L. Robert:. J Ch n s m a n , J Engler No t Pi ctured : N Coo p er B Dalgeccy K. king, C. Pyatt, B H arns, J Kelley
I irst Row : N Frost, T Gleaton, T S pahn , Coach Talboc, K Graves, C H eater Second R o·w: Coac h J. Kcllc:y, Coach D Bolger Coach B H ayes, <~oa,h A Berardinellt, Coac h B English, Coach J Anderson, J Blin coe, Coach J Anderson, Coac h C Kelle} hud R ow: tvi Lea dford, K H,11 ,
N Gaudreau, K
S Kirk, B Nelson
Pridmore, S Saindon, S Gold~tein,
Ge t ' Em In the game against l'v1oncrose, Junior Brian Debaets reaches ouc to make a cackle
B Kellev G am e Them Us Thorton O 23 Monarch 44 12 Mont rose 9 35 Wheatridge 21 0 T Ridge 31 0 lake\vood 35 25 Chaparral 21 33 Hinkley 50 0 L1 cdecon 7 44 9 10 Sports 51
Photo by

We've Got Spi r it

Sophomores Kate B,scan, Ashley l\1c0onald and l\1egan l\1acson cheer from the s1del1ne at a cold football game: Photo by B Kellev

Go D e mon s, Go

Dunng the homecoming assembl), tvlegan Matson d1splavs perfect form wnh a smile on her face Twc:lve cheerleaders performed ac the assembly Photo b) B Kc:ller

h e C h ee r s h ave b ee n ve r y d e di cate d thi s yea r . Th ey see m ed t o en j oy al l th e differ e nt s p o rtin g eve n ts n o m at t er th e wea th er. No b o d y r eal ly r eal izes th e a mou nt o f wo rk a nd d edi ca tio n it ra kes to b e a ch ee rl ea d er. Wi th unifo rm s cos tin g a b o ut one th o u sa nd do ll a rs a p iece, a nd co mp e t iti o n s t h at ar e h e ld acr oss rh e natio n , o ur ch ee rs s rill have bi g smil es acr oss th ei r face, b eca use th ey love w h a t th ey d o. Th e ch ee rs a tte nd ed m a n y eve n ts t hi s year. Th ey fin is h e d th ir d p lace i n th e C h ee rl ea ders of Ame ri ca co mp e ti t io n . T h e c h ee rs pr act ice al m os t every d ay afte r sc h oo l. Dur in g th at t im e th ey wo rk o n s tunts and chee rs fo r up co mi ng gam es an d spi ri t eve n ts.

Fight o n to V ic tory

The GHS cheerleaders cheer ar a soccer game Soccer gan1cs were one: of man} events chat the cheers went to dunng the rear The team endures all kinds of weather, from glanng sun to 1cc cold winter snows. Photo bv B Kelle} '


De mon B eat

Stn1or Jen Brune chp~ Jnd gers rhe cro,,d 10 on the action Brune ,,.is the ream c, pt:i ·n during rhe first semester Sophon1orc Jessica Odden complimented Brune b) ~aving, She "a.\ a great role model for us girls she kept us focused " Photo b) B Kelley

Cro ss Your Fingers

The Cheers perform a split build " dunng a ,arSIC) soccer team Phoro br B. Kellev # eeeee eeeeee r:11,-

Ba ck Ro"v: H aley Fletcher, hate 8 1scan, 1egan tv1atson, 1'.fackenz1e Gares Third R ow: >\shlC) ~1c0onald , Kelly Jones, Jen Brune , Talttha \X'}uclatch, K1n1 Swisher Seco nd Ro\.v: 1'.endra Nahle}, Jessica Odden Front Ro,v: Sara L ukrafka, Jo Allen, Shan n en Rodriguez, Liz Lukrafka

o Peeki n g Junior Hale} Fletcher docs the h and Jive ar rhe homecoming assembly Photo b} B Kelley
Spo rts 53

: What is y our favorit e dan ce that y ou h ave performed thi s y ear?

" Blin g- bl in g b eca use we we ren't in o ur unifo rm s a nd it w as rea ll y h ig h e n e rgy."

-Senio r R oxanne Trenk

" Blin g- blin g w as my favo r ite b eca u se o f rh e hi gh ene rgy leve l and hip - hoppi s h l ,, scy e.

- F reshman Kathryn Vern1g

: What i s one thing you will to r e member about b eing in T ridettes ?

"Th e exc i tem e nt and an xiety char yo u e ndure w h en p erformin g"

-Senior Katie Carlson

"T h e s t ro n g b o nds ,ve've m a d e ove r th e pas t seve n m o nths."

-F reshman Kat h ryn Ve rn1g

: Why are y ou on the Tridettes?

"Seat e co mp et i ti on is a lot of fun! "

- F res h man Am anda Jordan

" I lik e how it kee p s m e in sh a pe."

-Sophomor e Sara Taulby

fl ra ct ice Makes P e rfect

r sophomore Carly Walker concentrates on learning a ne,v dance The T ndecces pracuce every day from 2 30 unnl 4 00 p m Walker said che best thing about being a Tndetce 1s "being able to dance 1n front of a lot of people » Ph oto by B Kelley

Tr i d e tte P rid e Senior Roxanne T rcnk performs at che Homecoming assembly The Tndectes placed second 1n che Buffalo B111 Day Parade over th e s u mmer Senior Katte Carlson said, " I love performing, IC s th e best 1" Photo by B Kelley

It's S h


Freshman Jordan Gaspard. Senior Kara: C.1rlson and Sophomore

A1n1cc Daniel perform on rhc: field at halfnme Sophomore Carl} \X'alker ~aid. The l "riderre~ have become: more organl7.ed since G1nn1, \'( alkcr bcc.tme the coach. " This 1s tv1rs Walker~ first year as coach of the Tnderrc:s Photo br B. Kelley

Leader of th e P ack

Sen ior Andie Ho leads the I ndeuc:, during halftime: ar the C,olden vs. tv1ontrose football game l\1any new n1embers were added to the squad this year Photo by B Kelley

Shake it up

Freshn1an Ashlc) ( len1enr smiles at che crowd Clement w.u one of th e 11 ne,, girls added to the: squad last spring A1mcc Daniel said that she .ahvays looks forward to, "Tons of d ancing Photo br B Kelle}

• I •I 7
f/) 'J If
1·1 I ' ~.J
First Ro,v- tviegan Gabel, Tara Ba nks Karie Carlson, Ca rl } \X/alker Second ro,v· Katheryn V ern1g, Christina Johnson, Amanda Joran, Al Itson
el Spo rt s 55
Frost Roxanne: Trenk. T hird Ro,v : Amanda Gabel, Cassie Bailey, Ash ley Clement Fourth Ro,v Jordan Gasparel, lvl eltssa McEncroe Nor P1cturc:d · Amiee Dan


Jun1or Nachon Gaudreau tnes to get out of a headlock Sophomore Tom O'Neill said, Wrestling 1s noc for che weak To ,vresde you have to be tough \ ou have co have a lot of pnde, ,,1n or lose M Photo by B Kelley

Real Emotion

Sophomore And, Faulkner gees pressed against the mat Dunng the season, many wrestlers had to conscantlv watch their ,ve1ghr. During wrestling you re always hungrv, responded sophomore Jake H1eberc Pho cob) B Kelle)


o matter who yo u ask, everyone wil l agr ee that wrestling is o ne of the mo st physical ly c hall e nging s p o r ts The wrestlers at GHS have learned more than just skill s fron1 the n ew coac h , D ave Sauer. " Wrestling is th e b es t sport because it teaches yo u humility , sacrifice, and the basic s kills of life, while making you a b ette r person, " sai d jun io r Robbi e Black.

No t everyone can b e a wrestler, and we ' re not talking about the professio nal ones of the WWF you see on TV. High schoo l wrestling teaches yo u di sci plin e, alo n g wi th the blood, sweat, and tears that a r e a p a rt of each wrestler's life s tarting in November and all the way through February. Out of all of the boys that come out for wrestling , only a few a re l eft by February. Sophomore B lake D a l getty sa id , " Wrestling is for the tough kids, there is no t hing easy a bout it ,, Another wrestler, junior Eric Carr sai d , " Wrestli n g is n ' t for everyone You have to want to wrestle and want to win. It ' s all in how b ad yo u want it , I guess , a nd how h ar d yo u work to get b e tt e r. Eating and s t aying in shap e is the key. "

AWin i n hi s Hand s

Freshman Lucas Magnona grabs his opponent's ankle and rnes to roll ham over A reversal as worth rwo point~. Ar the bottom of che referee's pos1uon, you reverse to gain control Sophomore hcaY)'\Ve1ghc Jake Lockhart said, " I love wrestling, but it's really hard co go against the big, fat dudes." Photo by B Kelley

N ot Going Down

Ju n ior Robbie Black struggles to keep h old of his opponent at the march against Arvada West at Gol d en The coaching staff this year 1ncluded a new head coach and former GHSwresder D ave Sauer Ass1sranccoachMarcosTru11Uo\\.tS also a wresder for Go l den 04\'(/resrl1ng 1s for cough men, nor s1ss1es," said Junior Tim Brown. P hoto by B KelJey

010g up

Up in the a ir

Junior Enc Carr prepares to take his An,lda \X est opp nenl do\\ n for t\\'O points. J un1or N.uh.1n F rose says The hesi pJrt about wrestling is when you walk back to the center of the 11111 .ind the ref holds up your hand up high bec,1use vou h.1\e 1u t p1nncJ your kid Ph oto b,, B Kelley

Front Row: l\fanager Kelli Sauer Seco nd Ro"~ Eric Car r Bnan Orem , Lucas 1\ltgnona Third Ro,v:J osh 't'ushka Ben Parker, T im Brown, And) Faulkner Narhan Frost 1'.uhon Gaudreau Forth Ro,v : Coach Danny ?\.iornson Patrick Conndlc, Jake Lo c khart C.oach

Dave .tuer. Sreve Nolan Robbie Black, Coac h \,1.uco\ Trujillo Not pictured: Bbkc Dalgeccy, Jake H1 eberr

Masked Man

Sopho1norc Blake D.1lgcny t ne_., to keep his opponent down f-or most of the season DalgerC) had co wear a m.1sk due ro a broken nose Sophomort Jacob Hiebert s.11d \X rt~ rl1ng 1s fighting ,, 1th rules \ ou c.1n t bne or punch And stalling 1s for wus~es Photo by B Kelley

Noc Even Fazed ~ophomorc J.ikc Lockh.1rt bn ' t worried about his .1dv.1ncing opponent F;.ich week, the GH $ Wrt stleh h.,d 10 \\ re,rle - otr (O dcccrminc: t he ,arstry postton, " \X'rcstling ts for re.ii men There is nothing c1s\ 1bout ,,restling \ ou h.ivc co .1h, ;'I\'' be pushing your,df to get bcncr \'ou ,1lso ha,c co right ," ,.iid Junior

!'\lachon Gaudreau Phoro br B. Kelley Spun, -5..,

Us Slake 10 Arvada 24 valle, Tourney l 2 th A \Y/e,;t 8 Evergreen l 'o urney 13th Pomon a 15 Conifer T ourne, 2nd \X'hea cnd ge 20 Lake,vood 40 Them 72 66 66 60 27 Weight 103 1 12 1 19 1 25 130 135 140 145 152 160 1., 1 189 2 15 27 5 Varsity \Vr estlers Tim Bro,vn (1 1) Brian Orem ( IO ) Er ic Ca rr ( 11 ) Lucas l\1ignon a (9) Andv f aulkncr ( l O) ~face Bec ke ( I 0 ) )Ceve No lan ( 10) Jake Hiebert ( 10) Nachon Gaudreau ( 11) Ben Parker (1 1) Robbie Black ( l l) Blake: Dalgetn ( I 0 ) a than F r ose (11) Jakl. L ockharc ( 10)


Senior And) Zimmerman slips pasr his defender.

"I rh1nk we had pretty high expectauons 1n Jeffco, one thing happened. we came down to having only one shot to win a fC\\ times," said Coach Bob Scokcs.

{) : What is th e mo s t .~c ruci al part of th e gam e and why.

"Definitely che fou rt h quarter or \vhen I make the w1nn1ng shot."

-Juru or J eremy M ol es

"When \Ve come ouc afte r halftime, after che coach has talked co us for four m inutes."

-Se n ior J ay S tokes

"I'd say che beginn1ng of che game and the beginning of seco n d half."

-So ph o m o r e Gunner J ac ob s

: How do y ou fe el wheo y ou win or lo s e an important game and w y?

"Whe n you win most of che team is excited."

-J u nior J e re m y M o l es

" I f \Ve \Vtn I'm be overwhelmed. I f we lose. \vell, senior year is ove r , buc I'd sci ll feel melancholy."

Safe G uard

Dr ive co th e MiddJe


Above All

-Senio r Jay St okes Sen i or Ben Ryan plays rough defense and rnes for a steal. Photo by B Kelley
Trav is Moon dribbles the ball through the defense Twenty-one gan1es were played chis season. Photo by B. Kelley Sophomore Luke Roberts goes up for a rebound. The varsity boys won che1r Scace playoff qualifying game against Thompson Valley and went on to play che n u mber one ranked team, George \'qash1ngton Photo by B. Kelley Picture by B. Kelley

Hur ry

So p hon1o rc Gunnar Jacobs makes J crirical pass The Demons made tr co the playoffs, bur ch ev were dcfe.iced by C,eorgc W ash1ngcon H igh Sc h ool \X'ell I hacc losing there s n othing wor:.c. said sophomore Gun n ar Jacobs. Photo b> 8 Kelle>

Defe n se

Senior Andy Zim n1erman plays right defen:.e Thi~ season the Demons ,von five our of 21 games I think we plaved much better than the record s hows ." said coach Bob Seo kc:. Photo b, 8 Kellev

Littleton Evergreen
h eridan Cano n C i ty Dakota Ri ge Rifl e Montrose Gunnison
mokey Hill Bear C r eek Arva da West Arvada Pomon a Sta nl ey Lake Co lumbin e C hatfi e ld Green Men Lak ewoo d Wheat Rid ge Dakota Rid ge Thompson Vall ey Georg e Was h U s Them 52 24 48 52 67 44 7 6 7 1 85 101 53 63 7 5 40 4 5 42 52 62 50 67 27 65 55 72 65 75 67 7 1 6 1 7 6 53 7 2 50 82 6 1 65 59 61 66 92 7 6 49 49 88 S p o rt s 59
Front Row: Coach Ande rson , Coach Stokes Back Ro,v : Gunnar Jacobs, Travis Nloon , Kelly McTeer. Andy Zi m merman , Jeremy Nloles, Z.Kh Davis, Nace Cooper, B en Ryan, Ja} Stokes, Mark Melancon , Luk e Roberts, Sean H asungs

: What was the best part of being on the team chis year? "T h e b est p a rt of being on che team was building fri e n s ip s and h av ing bonding cime All the girls have so much fun to ge th er"

-Senior She lly Barlo,v

: Was this year a positive learning experience?

'' Thi s year \Vas a g reat learning expienence for both the p ers and coaches b eca use ,ve learned what we needed to do to have a s u ccess ful seaso n and now the coaches know our abilities b e ccer."

-S ophomore Erica Thompson

: How did the team play together?

" In the beginning of the season we v1ere a little ro e , uc ,ve kept improving throughout the yea r. We learned how co b e team players, p ass vve ll , and gee assists."

-Junior Julie Williams

Nothing but Net

Junior Kirson Canaday shoots over numerous defenders Basketball 1s everything, as a team we float like a butterflv and sung like .a bee. commented Junior Chnsuna Carbone Pracnces were a lengthy nvo and a half hours per day 1nclud1ng n1an} 5arurdays. Phoco b) B Kelle,

Get Open

Jun1or Chnsnna Carbone pauendy wa1t5 for an open pass "The beH part of the season was making so many good friends and gen1ng co spend three hours a day with each other Without fnendl} teammates no one would be able to survive a practice full of running, said sophomore JV player Erica Thompson Photo by B Kelle\ <:;r 41)



Tighdy guarded iun1or Jess Alexander dishes to a teanunate tn the air Tryouts were held over a four day period for nvo and a half hours a night 'T ryoucs were great. we did a lot of 1nd1v1dual dnlls to see where everybody was at A lot of us came 1n not knowing what to expect, but It all curned out okay. ~a,d Junior Kirstin Ca

Push It

naday Photo by B Kelley
Speed dnbbhng senior Michelle King pen1.:tratcs the offense. Coach Hodge~ is J wonderful coac.h. She dedicates so much ro all of the players, 10 and out ofbaskccball,and ha\ been a pos1uve change to che girls basketball program ," stated senio r MeredHh McKee Photo br B Kelley

Cras h in g th e Board s

Senior C vdnc} ~foora fight~ incenscly for rebounding po,irion. Son1c of the fundra1sers this yc..u included,\ successful shoot-a-chon Rockies g.1n1es :ind .1 booth at the Homecoming carnival, as well as a concession scand at each home game. Junior JV pl.iycr Julie \X'illiams ~c.ited, "I"he shoot-a-chon was the easiest fund raiser we have ever done. le aho a fun tin1e for us to h.1ng out and chat." Photo by B, Kelley

UP a nd Over

Ssen1or ~hdl) Barlow goes in for a la} up ~conng an t'3~)' two points, Thi, year\ \ahl() tc,1m suffered from J series of injuries. Senior She.II)' Barlow .ind A.J. Janko"iak season's were unexpectedly ended when rhe) tore their ACl.s. "Even though ~helh and A.J. couldn't have been on the court ,, ith us, it felt like they were," praised senior l-.f1chcllc King Photo by B Kelley

1 I
Us Them Moncbello 44! 55 Ove rland 28 54 lv1ontb ello 44 55 Eagl e Cres t 58 Thund er R1dge 3"" 54 Co ni fer 28 50 Evergreen 35 56 Bear C ree k 47 5'¾ Arvada W es t 5 1 "' 0 Arvada 44 41 Pomon a 28 54 Stan dl ey Lake 43 'i'l Co lumbin e 34 65 Latl e ton 59 G r c:ee n M tn 47 79 Lake wood 44 33
Wheat Rid ge D akota Rtdge Poudr e Valley 30 60 41 50 52 i3 !)port, 61
Front Row: Jessica Al exa nder , Meredith McKee Middle Row: Chnsuna Carbone, Sun shin e Morsette , A J Jankoviak, Mi ch elle King Back Row: Coach Jenny Hodges , Kirstin Canaday, Cydney Moora , She ll y Barlow, C..oac. h Kelly Carmicheal

: What do you like about tennis?

" I enjoy the co mpetition and the involvement in the sc hool's activities»

-Senio r Lee Sa und e rs

«I like that it is an individual spo rt , becau se I get to play a lot »

-F reshman Tr evo r Nelson " It 's just fun and I get a good tan!"

-So ph omo r e Andy Wolaver

Sh ow Your Game Face

Junior Mike Sandoval shows his reacuon to hirung the oncoming ball wnh all his power SophomoreAdamS1mmonssays, "Winning always feels good, especially against someone char you chink 1s better than you ' Photo by B Kelley

Ge t Into I t

Senior Lee Saunders works hard to perfect his backhand uYou yell when you ha co really make him feel like a ierk," said Sa und ers Phoco by B Kc:lley


Sentor Adam Nims htts the ball "I ltke ho,v tennis ts so mental. Though speed and strength play a huge role in cenn1s, strategy and mencal toughness will come chrough, said Sophomore Ton, Mul1ad1 Photo b) B Kelley

Let's R elax

Jun1 or Travis Snyder warms up a.s he waits to play a teammate Sophomore Andy Wolaver thinks char a good s trategy for w1nn1ng 1s having Uno enforced errors Ph oto by B Kelley

I l I

Th ink Fast

Junior E n c Cowen q u ickh decides whic h swing to use. Frc~h me n Teo De: Vito thin~ the best part about tennis is "the excitement of" inning •. my heart be:its fast Photo b y B Keller

G etting Ready

Junior Jo\h Pa r r, prepares for the next sen e. Fresh m en ·rrevor Nelson\ sr racegr for w i nning is co "be aggressive and approach the n et. " Ph oto by B. Kelley


Sophomore And} \'Qo laver stavs conce n trated. Sopho m ore Brandon Babluewich thinb t h at there are" no ke) pla} er:. there is n o 'I' in ream Photo by 8. Kelley

Back Row: Andy Wo l aver, Lee Saunders, Coach Brandon Allen , Chr is Lo1lar, Tony Muljadi 1\1iddle Row : Mi cha e l San doval , T ravis Snyder, Mike Schapiro, J os hu a Parry , Adam Si mm ons, Eric Cowe n Front Row: Teo D evi t o, T r evo r Pi ecrafeso, Brian Ridge, Trevor Nelson , Bra nd on Babkiewic h
Team Us Them Pomona 5 2 Standl ey Lak e 5 2 Wheat Ridg e O 7 Dakot a Rid ge Arvada Arvada W es c Bear Cr ee k Chatfi eld Columbin e Lakewood Gre en Men. Regional s Score Not .\u1l1ble 7 0 Score Nor ._, .,bblc S.:ore :--or A.-Jalable 0 7 1 7 4 3 Score :--.oc Auibbl, 12th Sp o re s 63

hi s year ,s boy, s golf team was probably the mo st balan ce d team chat Golden has eve r had. The 2000 team l1 ad a good seaso n , fini s hing in rhe cop four in their l eag ue GHS has many talented go lfer s ch ar are only sophmores or juniors. In futur e years GHS wi ll h ave t h e opportunity co send many golfers to the s tate tournament. D emo n golf has a promis ing future indeed .

Tournament jeffco Big 12 effco SA

effco B1g 12

Arvada In vite

Walt Cla rk lnvtte

Jeffco SA

Michael Robin I nvite

J effco Big 12 SA Regionals

5A Boys Golf Scace

R es ult 6 of 12 5 of 12

4 of 12

7 of26 17 of 21

6 of 12 22 of 32

6 of 12 10 of 16 28 of 45

Qi nn H orn ec k e r So ph o mor e

I st ceam All Conference

Average of 7 6 8 strokes per round

- Had a round of 71 ac Lake Arbor

Cons1Henc) is the key to having a good round If every shor 1s straight and you sink some putts along the way then a low score 1s eaS) to achic:ve, said Hornecker

Tom Garrett Junior

-Average of "'9 2 strokes per round

-2nd team All Conference

-Got a hole-in- one at the Jeffco 81g 12

After che hole-1n-onc I wanted to Jump 1n the lake, but it was only the second hole, sa i d Garrett

Dane Hinnen - S ophomor e Hinnen keeps 1t real

Da r re n Hall - Fres h man Hall strikes a pose on the green.

• I '
B ack R ow: Dane Hinn a n , Clay Durham , Ryan KJumb , Coley Clarke, Coach Mark H ornecker Middl l Row: Tom Garrett, Tyler Enna, Thomas Van D e Bogart, Quinn H ornecker, Darren Hall Front Ro,, · Kyle Lewis l


of th e S how

Senior T 1ffan) Armenta shakes ic up at che hon1ccoming assembly. To become J member of the Jazz Dan ce ceam you a re required co be able co perform a variety of clancie skills, like double turns, splits, axles and leaps Photo by B. Kelley

Jus t One More f rc)h n 111 Al} ,~a Cuchiar t \miles for the <::ln1cra at chc \'\' inter Sports Assembly. The ,qu.1d pr;1ct1ce, cvc.ry day for nvo hours and is coached by Joy Egan Photo b) B Kelley


Junior Tarah ~ioya

dances at the \X' inter Sports Assembly ~1oya has been on the ,quad for nvo years and has learned many different dances "The mo\'es aren't as hard as the dances chcmscves During basketball season we ha\'e to learn an entire dance in as lictlcas t\\O d.1ys, " sJid l\foya.

,., ,, ' ,, J • • t,!.>!' .. ,. • •
• azz
Photo by B Kelley
5ports 65
Front Rovv: Tiffany Armenta, Tarah Moya Middle Ro"v: Chnsnna ~loncgomerv, Beth tvfarnn Back r ow: Brand} Wegsche1der, Stefan ie Nahle}, and Alyssa Cuchia r a

co e

he 2000 soccer seaso n was a consta nt st ruggl e. Every game was a battl e. This year ' s team playe d in one of the mo st co mp et iti ve leagues in the s t ate, so every game was imp o rtant and no team co uld b e overlooked. Th e team pra ct ice d hard everyday and you co uld see impro vem e nts at every game. B y the e nd of th e seaso n , the D e mon s were finally pl aying at th e level they were ca pable of play in g at. Se nior Sec.h Allen sa id , «In th e b eg inning we str uggl e d , but in th e e nd we were able co pull it toge th e r and finish at a high e r l eve l of play. ,, Overall, the y playe d a skillful , aggressive seas on of soccer, which in ch e e nd , le d to an up se t tie against a very good Green Mountain team , which went d eep into th e playoffs.

0n th e Attack

Senior Carlos Cadv-Rehe1s prepares ro fighr for possess ion of chc 1ncom1ng punt CadyRehe1s was a cnucal men1ber of che Den1ons midfield chis year Besides senior Jordan Hauser,CadvRehe1s was the onl} pla}er on the 2000 vars1cy roscerw1ch .i grt:ac deal of vars1t) playing experience Senior Cass1d} D1nzes said. "This rear was a good year constdenng che amounc of varsltY plapng expenence we had Photo by B Kelle}

, V Jh at a Move


Junior David Perleberg dnbbles

past a Bear Creek defender with ease The 2000 boys soccer ream had a great season

The} pla}·ed together more effic1encl} JS a team as each game progressesed Phoco by B Kelley

Y7'ee p Yo ur Balance

1'.,_Sen,or Jerem) Dahm passes che ba ll co a team mare dunng the game against Standle)

Lake This season, che Demons ,vere 49th 1n po1ncs out of 62 ceams, wHh 31 points co ca !.

Photo b} B Kelley Goo d D e fe n se
r · l
Senior 1\tf1ke Morrison wa1cs for a Bear Creek player ro make a mistake Jeremy Dahm \a1d Mike has always been a reliable playe r , he juH has a knack for com i ng up w 1ch big plays ar ke} omes 1n rhe game ' Photo by B Kelley

Th ree Again s t One Senior C hark~ Hunt,rnan trie, to win the ball lWJ}' from three Be.u Creek defenders. Hunt\ffiJn and Junior 1) ler Pike were an exciting duo to ,,atch at the forw.ird position thi, season Huntsn1an ,.1id, " Hard ,,ork and .t good tl· 1m <"ffort is the kc, 10 a ~ucce~\ful ,eason ." Photo b) B 1'.elley

The Littl e M a n Ca n

Junior Joe Kenned) t.1ke\ .1 shot at goal. Thi, season Golden finished eighth ouc of l'velve teams in Jeffco Kenned y said, " Playing center midfield i\ import.tot ro both defen~ive ~top\ and offensive at Cal.ks ." Photo b, B Kelley

Wo rld C las s Save

Senior Jordan H:iu\cr makes an outstand in g ,.we against Bear Creek. Jordan has the mosc , ar,tt) playing cxpc riencc: of anyone on rhe 2000 Soccer team Being one of the. bcrcer goalkeepc:n in the st1tc Jordan had a ..,21 ,avl· percentage this year Photo b) 8 Keller

11 t
Front Row : Aaron Rizzuto, Bryce Erickson, Seth Allen , David Perleberg, Cha rl es Hunt sman , Tyler Pi ke, Ryan l'aylor. Jo e Kennedy, Carlos Cady-Re h eis Ba c k Row : Jeremy Dahm , Brandon Be e hl e r , Paul Needhan1, Tim Burch, Pcirs Wendl andt , Mike Morrison , Cass id y Dinzes , Coach C h ad Reid
T eam Us T h em Overland 0 3 Arvada W es t 0 2 Bear C reek 0 2 Pomona 2 1 Arvada 3 1 Scandley Lake 0 3 Wh eat Rid ge 4 3 C h a cfi eld 0 2 Co lumbin e 2 5 Lakewood 2 1 D akota Rid ge 0 1 G reen Mtn 2 2 S p o re s 6-.

Ge tting Focu se d

The C.oldc:n , arstt) volle)·ball tc:lm huddles together for a pep talk before a home n1atch T c.1m bonding is a must for anr succc:ssful tcan, Photo by B Kcllc:y

Live It Up

QDid yo ur team meet the expectations of the season?

" We might not have h a d the numb er of wins we wanted , but we improved t hr oug h o ut the seaso n ."

- Fr es hm a n Su ns hin e Morse tt e

QAre there any teammates y ou admire?

" I l ook up to Nicole Moor e b eca u se s h e's a grea t playe r and a grea t leader. "

- Fr es hm an Sunshine Morse tte

" I look up co Kelly Warson because sh e h e lp s n1e through any thin g both o n and off the co urt ."

-Jun ior Courtney Kre ll e r

QDid yo u get what you expected out of the season?

" I thought we go t a lot out of th e seaso n We were pushed hi ghes t pot enna l and it s h owed."

-Junior Co urtn ey Krell e r

to our

Junior Kirsten Canaday gets cxcHed afttr an awcsomt block Canaday is the middle: hitter .ind .1lso one of the best blocker~ on the team Photo br B. Keller Foc us Senior Kristen l\fc\ augh is focused and readr to pass the ball in an intense game against Beal Creek Photo b\ B Kdle}

The Will To Win

Senior Sunshine \1orsette spikes the ball over the nee 10 pre-game \\arn1-up. \X',um-up is important because it determines ho,, well you will play in che g.1me Photo by B Kelley

Ho,v Low Can You Go ?

Senior !\,tColc \foore geb lo" and reaches to kc<.p the:. ball in play S.1cnfice and

Te am Us Aurora Central 2 \X estm1nster 1 Pomona 0 Evergreen 2 Dakota Ridge 0 )tandley Lake 0 Columbine 1 \X heat Ridge 0 Chatfield 1 I ake\vood 0 Bear Creek 0 Anada West 0 \nada 0 Green t-vfounta1n 2 Th em 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
I. nten s1ty Junior ( ourtner Krcller ~pike~ chc b.1II o, er the net during a very intense \\arm up Krellcr is ,he ~encr on the , ar,ity team Photo by B. Kelley
, "-
tc n ( :1 n.1d .1, l\licolc
oon: J
n e
I n s k 1e Sports 69
hustle keep the ball in pb). Photo by B Keller
rst R o,v: Kelly \X ar son Counne) Krell er econd Ro"" Shannon i\ i c Don a ld hn sce n
f c\
ug h An n a I :tnga n , Anne D o b yns \ilver
Sunshin e \1orsecu: Third Ro,v: Co ac h Chn s n c Griff Chel sea \\ ) ate
Faro, r cagan

hi s yea r' s c ro ss co untry team got off co a slow s t are, but th eir hard work and dedication a t practice every day he lp ed them improve as a team. Cross co unt ry is b ot h a t eam and an i ndi v idual spo rt , where th e team relies on every member 's sco re to gain points at a meet. Th e c ro ss co unt ry team run s 3 1/2 to 8 mil es a d ay and so m e times do a spri nt work out. Sophomore Rhonda Hoffert sai d , " I think th e hard est meet was Lea d vi ll e, because it is at around 11 ,000 feet and yo u ca n ' t br eat h e "

Gaspi n g for Br eath

Sophomore Shannon Meehan recovers from che League Champ1onsh1p meet ac Clement Park Junior Ben Filas said' 1'vi) grandfather used co run che second fastc::st nHk ume 1n Anzona. at around the four minute mark. I c would be unbelievable 1f I could run chat fasc son1e day Photo b\ B Kelle)

Pr actice Makes Perfec t

Sophomore Jon Sesrnch spnncs up the hill as hard as he can This year Sestrich improved b) pracnc1ng over the summer

Photo by B Kelle>

Running in Style

Sophomore Emily Hoppin runs w1th shades on at the L1bercy Bell Inv1cat1on Hoppin said , My brother 1nsp1Ced me to run He ,..,as a cnachlete and I want co be one when 1 am older Photo b) B Kelley

Run with th e Pa in Sophomore L} nds1e Lee run~ up the hill JO pain co firu~h the race rreshman " IC Hendrix said, Clement Park was the hardest meet because 1t was hot, and It had a BIG ht!) · Phoco b) B Kelley

• • I
, I • , ~4a {-: You Can Mak e It ~ophomore Jl\On Dewhur\t .sprint~ up 1 he Hill Running is ,1 menul ,port, .ind ir t.1kcs .i p 1 I kind of person to cx1.d in it, Photo hy B Kelley
ti.i t ceha n , Lynd sie Lee, Karie Hendrix,
y Sprint . r Jordanna Colbv looks for the finish line :it rhe Colombi nc In,it.itionJI.
hy B. Kelley.
Top Row: Coach Holly S"vanson, Coach Gina Nelson , Ben1amen F1las, J ason Dewhurs t , Luke Ram s rerter Mi dd le Row; Andrew Peop les, Cory Goshorn , Shav,n Alcock , Andrew Zi mm er man , Timot h y Brown , Lewis Nolung , Jonathan Sestnch Bot t e m Row: Cassie Zimmerman , J e nnife Sescric h , Rh on d
Hoffe rt
Emily Hoppin
Jordanna Co lb
Go For It 1 Junior Sh1\\n Alcock rap\ hi\ resenes to ftnish the r.1cc Coach Gin.1 Nelson returned chi, yc.-ar to co:ich 1he Golden runners. Ph oto by B Kelle> Meet Us Them Hori zon 18 27 Lake County 18 20 L1berrv Bell 43 47 Conifer 11 I 4 Monarch 34 39 Dakota Ridge 26 35 Jeffc0B 1gl2 22 23 Regionals 2 1 24 Sports 71

Stretch It

Senior B nanna Baker tags the base to make the plav ~h favonce part of the season was h ol d ing Longmont to n o ru 1H in chc Jcffco Regional C,hamp1ons h1 ps, said Baker Photo b, B Ke ll e,



Senio r J\ !ichelle King celeb r ates he r great p la, as she hus cl c:s into t he dugout. fvi ) team goal was co win Scace, said se ni or Laura Bollinger Ph oto by B Ke ll e\

h e D e m o n gi rl s soft b a ll t eam to o k third in th e St a t e t o u rn a m e nt t hi s yea r. T h e g irl s playe d we ll to ge th e r th is year; eve n b efo re go in g t o th e Sta t e tourn a m e nt , t h ey knew t h a t th ey we r e goi n g to d o we ll. Se ni o r M eg h a n Coo p e r said , «go in g in t o it , we kn ew ch at we we r e go in g t o b e in th e to p fo ur . ,, Despi te th is , rh e t ea m was a littl e s h aky durin g th eir fi rst ga m e. «In t h e fir s t gam e o f t h e t o urn a m e nt aga in s t Ai r A ca d em y , t h ey we nt i nto ex tr a innin gs It was pr o b a bl y th e scari es t ga m e we pl ayed a ll s easo n /' sa id se ni o r Mi ch ell e Kin g Go ld en pl ayed s even game s thr o u g h o u t t h e t o urnam en t, h av in g t o win eac h o n e in o rd e r t o a d van ce to rh e n ex t ga m e . Thi s is the th ir d t im e Go ld e n h as t ake n third at S t a t e i n th e las e four yea rs. T h e las t ga m e was a d isa pp o intm ent for everyon e. "We we r e s o c lo se to b ea t i n g Arva da Wes t a t Stat e , it jus t didn ' t come t oget h er ," sa id Ju n ior R a ndi P a tton.

.... ,

Makin g th e Pl ay un1 o r Randt Pacc o n , ho rt sto p , makes ch e o ut Playing wJCh thi s ream of girls has bee n o ne o f th e mo st mem o rabl e: te am s I have played o n sa id Patron

--liiM -c- Photo by B Ke lley

h.111dcd 11' ,1 g,1n1c," ,.,id ,cn1<H Bri.11111 ,1 B.1kcr. Photo b) B. Kdlcr

Varsity Softball

Top Ro,v· Co.1c h t-.1ark Boll111gcr l\l1chdk 1'.1ng. Bri.inna 8.1kcr Kcndr;1 kdlq. l.aur .1 Bollinger Con\ 1nl)uzc.r C o.1ch rom Pctcf\on Bottom Ro,v· Belin\ :wuz, Kell) l layc5, cnn ( :i rcy 1'.1t·ghan ( oopc. r Randt Patton \krcdith t-.1ck<.c. , (J1ri\t)' t\loon: ( o.1ch Sh.1nnon

Barrows No t P ic 1ured : l\J,1t.1hc: l\l,1n11ll.1

Us Them Green Mountain 7 2 Wheat Ridge 8 0 Arvada We s t 1 5 Pomona 2 3 Standley Lake 2 1 Arvada 1 2 Bear Creek 1 0 Chatfield Co lumbine Lakewood Dakota Ridge 4 1 7 2 0 0 1 0 Thompson Valley 2 0 Ranum 3 1 S trik e ' em Out Senior \1cgh:1n ( ooper pitcl1c, during ,1 g.1n1t .1g.11n,t ( h.ufidd ''\X'c.· frlr th1.· f<.·ding of .11.compl1,hmcnt .1ftcr \\otking ,o h.u<l going ,o fir 111 lhl \1 He 1011rn 1m ent, .ind ,IHlc.king c\'cryon<.' who d1dn t bd1cvc in u~," ,.1i<l Coop1.•r. Phoco bv B. 1'.dlc) "T1 00 Easy .J. \l tllor htn<lr.1 Kelley ~hut~ do\\ n An,1d.1 \X c,t, .1ttcn1pt to ,lidc hontc.·. "\Ve.· h,1d to work h.trd .111 the" .1y through the Sutc.· to11rn.11ncnt 'ot one H·.un

Go For It

Senior Jessica Axen vaults 1n warmup before the meet She 1s one of the gymnasts chat does not go co Golden High School Photo bv B Kelle)

: 'Wha t do yo u think was yo urmo s t iffi cult me e t ?

" Our m ee t at Pomona b ecau se Pom o na 's r eall y d ,, go o.

-Se nior Kirs tin Eve re tt

: Did y our team reach t e am goals thi s seas on ?

,c l thin k we d i d W e work ed very w ell as a ream chis year a nd p os t e d our hi g h es t sco re s in ce I have b ee n h e re.,,

-Junior La u ra Youn g

s tyle

J un1or Amy Kirk struts her scuff in her ,varm up rouune Dance moves and choreography are .1 big pare of the floor routines performed b) g} mnaHs. Photo by B Kelle>·

G ro up Hug

Jun1ors Laura Young, Laurie Bacon and senior Melissa Axen embrace 1n a hug congratulaung each ocher juniorAmy Kirk said, Even though our team is made up of three different high schools we are all great friends and work well Wllh each other

Photo b> B Kelley

Meet U s Them C hatfi eld 138 16 2 Pomona 3 of4 Evergr een 1 52 1 55 Arvada 3 of3 J effco Quad 2 of 4 Co nifer 2 of2 Golden 2 of 4 J effc o 1 of 3 Leagu e Meet 6 of 12 Regional s 5 of 7

Bondin g

Juntor Llurie Bacon and sophomore Deborah T arum as they walC co compete "I think our ream is pretty close, we ah'-a) pull together at our n1ecrs, " said junior L1ura Young Photo by B Kelley


o c u s

Junior Laurie Bacon w.ums-up ,,ith a back \\alkover before her meet There were different levels on the. gvmnastics team. Photo b, B Kelle\' '

Have Fun

Junior l\.,m Dimick is all mile, a, ~he talks with her coach Din1ick said , " \Y/e gee a !or done h:n ing them ( che coache)] there, besides their keeping us in shape and teaching us nc\\ sk11ls ," Photo br B. Keller

Go D e mon s

Stn1or ~ld1ssa A'<en and juniors Kim 01m1ck and Amy kirk sho\\ their chool .-.pirit b, weiring Demon horns as they \\":lit for their meet to ~[.lrt. Photo br B Kelle)

Swimmin g Aga ins t th e T i d e

Fre~hman Maggie Peoples S\, 1ms the butt erfl) Peoples qualified for Scace in che 100 bunerfh Phoco by B Ke llev ,

Makin g W aves

Junior Abb, Young swims the backstroke Young q u alified for State 111 the 50 freest) le 200 1nd1\ 1dual n1ed le) and the 100 bac kstro ke As a team, Golden qualified for State 1n the 200 medic} relay as well as in the 200 an d 400 freesn le re l ays Phoco bv B Kelley

Ca t ch a Wave

Ju n 1or Abb) You n g swims the b reaststroke l'v1an) of t h e team me mb e rs swi m m ore than o n e stroke Sophomore Knsnn D Ep agn1e r ~aid, • My favorite stroke ts the butterfl) b ecause JC 1s chal leng i ng Photo b) B Kell ey

Ci r c le d e Agua

The Golden s wimmer s gach e r cogcthcr as a team in the pool to prepare for the meet co con1e Photo by B Kelle)

H e ri tage

P o m o n a Br1g hton/Skvview

C o lora d o I O\'i ce l u ll e n

Scan dl c) La ke

J effco Relays

Arva d a \X est

J e ffco l nn t e D Evdyn/\"vncatndge

D a k ota Rid ge

e Sta t e Us T hem "78 105 105 80 108 104/94 4t h "5 I I I 92 95 2n d 90 98 2 o f 2 4 136 101 /80 11 I 80 2 nd ., ch Front R ow: Elizaberh Johnson , Rachel Garnen , Brittan) Bergstedt , 1'.ar.a Siewart Seco nd Ro\\ : D1:ine Bndenburg Angela Menna tvlegh.ann Klase rn e r Knsnn ~k\ augh Kelly Hock. L10dse\ O s tc nse n , Sh a nnon Gom ez Th ir d Row · Seda Ozdemir Bnttany B,tbk1cw1c h Karen Shannon t.1 c Donald , Shw n on t.feehan , Brucany Meie r, K1m Dans , Julia Roberts Erm Cough Fo u rth R ow· Dugan S c hmidt , ?vfagg1e Peoples Deborah Tarum , Emily Hoppin Knsunc \ 11Vodl, Abbv Yo un g Lc lie D.1111els Jess 1c:i Behunm , Kr isun D Ep.1g111er , Dylan Reitmeyer

"\VTell R o unde d

W )cn1or Scdl Ozdemir swims the breaststroke. Ozdem1r qualified for State in the 50 frn-~ 1 , le, I 00 freest) le ,lnd the I 00 breaststroke and rhe l 00 b,\Ck.\froke 0Ldemir been llwitc<l to the \X'orld Deaf Gan1es 1n Rome Photo by B Kelle}

ft e r caking 2nd 1n State in 2000, the GH sw imm e rs were bump ed up to '5A., ,vh1ch prese nt ed new c hall eges for the gir l s to work through 1n 200 I. U nd e r the coac hing of Tim U rb an, th e team ca me together and e nded up pla c in g seve nth at the race m eet 1n Febr u ary.

Focus Junior BrHtanr Babk,e,\teh prep.ues to execute a pracuce dive Another dive ream n1ember, junior Lind\e\ O,rensen, was rccogni1cd in tht Den1 1er Post as a season le. ~dc.r ,1nd a st.He qualifier Photo by B Kelle)

Littl e Fis h

F r<.shman f rin Clough t.tkts .1 bn:.nh \\h1le \\\imming the bre.1ststroke Senior Se<l1 Ozdemtr and junior l\.nsn \ a1vod.1 qualified for Sntl" in the l 00 bre,tst,rrokc. Photo b\· 8 • Kelle\ ,

Co nqu er ing th e Lan es Sophomore l- m1h Hoppin flte\ b) the competition in her Hoppin hon the 200 .tnd 100 mtetr fret St) le: rela) H.,tm, and qualif1ed for St.He in the: SO freesn·lc Junior Le\lie Daniels • • Abby \ oung and senior Scd.1 Ozdcn11r also qu.1ltfied 1n tht SO free: Photo by B. Kelley

ii \ -

Junior Varsity Softball

Front Row: Jill Durg in , Kayla Rehder, Naralte Manulla, Kare Leadfo rd , Ca1d1n Co\ven Ba ck Row : Coach B Wells, R. Macson, Courtney Spee r , Robyn Speer, Amy Nielsen, Kristin Go,vey, Coach B Wells Not Pictured · Abbie P ete rsen

T hird L eve l Soft ball

Front Row Lisa M cLa u g hlin Second Ro w: J Robert s, K Davis , J. Pndm ore B ack Row · Coach P Patton , N. P ensho, M. Ro se ner , R. Spahn Not P ic tured: H Kli e n , J Mares, E Goldman , D Smtth, A Bunn, C Granquist, J Keeney

Juni or Va rsity Voll eyball

Front Ro w : Leslie McCreight, Jan ell e Engle Seco nd R ow: Anne Dobyn s, Katie Riordan, Amber Gosda, Shannon M c Donald Third Ro\v: Coach

Gwen, Meganne M ackey, Suns h1n e Morsette, Mari sha Ibrahim , Che lsea Wyatt, C. Arcick, Man age r April Wallace

Thi rd Level Volleyball

Front R ow: Saman th a Di s n ey, Tiffa n y Kerwood , Emily Everet t , Andrt;a f1 W es thead Seco nd Row: Kara S1e,vart, Alyss a Butkus, Chnst1e C harle ston, R

Kacic Garrett, Elizabeth John s on Third Row : Coach Michelle Collette, Kelli Sa u er, Alana Gray, M ega nn e Mackey , Danielle , Manager Rachel Kirsch B ( f I


Junior Varsity Soccer

Front Row : A. Huntsman, N. Co ronado, T Roybal, K Moulton, :tv1

Guls\1cs B Stone, B Smith, P. Maloney, B Van oda Back Row: E l\ i ornson D Rahorst, S. P hilips, E Wood, S. Marshall, J. Palmaran1e, D Benuleus, f. H age lberg, J. Leid ich, Coach T. Mohatt

Third Level o ccer

Front Row: Da, 1d Reid, S\vare, J erem) Leitz, N 1c.holas Braunagel, Chad B1anch1 Middl e Ro,v : Chnstopher Ta) lor, C la) ton Wellc.r, Carlo, Ah:.xander H ughes Bac k Ro w· Zachery Barnt.s, L Mt.nona, Alan ?v1iller

J unior Varsity Football

e h nt Row J Botqer B Harns S Darcy, C l\fauphan, B t\1eans. J Tolsma B ~funroe , J. J - kl Sec ond Ro,v· N Frost, T C,leaton, T Spahn. Coach A Talbot. J Em~bach A

F 1uU ne,, R)·an Ell i s J R1mbtrt Thud Ro,v · A Oldenettcl Coach J 1'.elle) Coach \.

Bcrarc.lindli, Coach B English Coach D Bolger , Coach B H 1yes, Coach J i\nc.lerson, Coach

J. Ander~on, Coach C Kelle, Coach J Blincoe [. Sm,ch C, Raccl1ffe fo u rt h R o,v· 1 -\cn:c.

• 1 Cooper, R. Armitage B Dunlap N C,audreau, J l\lc.Laughlin T Nguyen L Adams R, J Hieber Fi ft h R ow· K Hill C, De( arlo, ?\-1 Frit7 l\-1 1-ntz C Likens D,N. Jenkins, J Foden J Kellev 1\1 Pantaleo S 1'\ th R o,~ Ned t,..fyc:rs, J. Lockh:uc, B

Kemple, A. \v'ano, C 1\acc , B Dalgctn N Lrnch J Nelson K King

Third Level Foo tball

Firs t Ro,v : B Wood, M. Seltgman, J Felc,J Parchman, C Maughan, eco nd Row : M Milne, M Sorenson, B. Means, Coach C Kelle}, Coach i\ Berard1nell1, Coach] Blincoe,]. :tvlorns,J Nob les, Thir d Ro"',r:J R1mbert, R Burke, A. Ohncn1us, M Ba rela, J BottJcr, J Tolsma, J Lc.1d1ch, R Beam, J. Rocke, R. Armnage Fourth Ro,v · B Strong, D Sauner, K Fro} en, A Oldeneccel, J Stahmer, A Quintana, 1 . Nguyen, J Emsbach, G \Xt 1lson Fi ft h Row : C. B) l, J Stricker, J. Hiebert, K Dobyns, B lv1unroe, C,. Bowm,1n, B H oogheem, J. Mc.Laughlin, S Johnson Sport~ 7 9

C arry t h e C r ov,,d t\.1en1bers of the C la-.s of 2002 rrv ro ,, in a \'ollc\ ball gan1e against the ~cn1ors d unng homecoming
82 Seniors C l a s s of 200 1 101 T r i but e t o Ma r issa J o h nso n a n d Ryan Swa l a 102 P a n ora n1i c Se ni or Pl1o t o 104 Senior Co ll age 105 Juniors T h e C l ass o f 2002 117 Sophomores T l1e C lass o f 2003 131 Freshmen T h e Cla s s of 200 4 146 Faculty H and J ive The Classes of 200 I and 2002 tdke part in the hand i1ve during the Homecoming assembly Each 45 minuce assembl) takes about chree weeks to plan and prepare Photo by A Nims C h ee r 'e m On ~en,or KJrscen Everett and Amanda Bnngs applaud the ,en1or paructpants dunng cla,s compettuons at the Homecoming assem-
A ""J 1ms
Ch ar l ie '
s An gel s Sophomores C.a1d1n Cowen, G,ven Carey and Kate Leadford pose outside che gym while they watt for their baskecb,111 game to s1an Photo b) tv! ford

R ulin g C lass

The senior class shows their spine dunng the Homecoming Parade. Senior Ryan Nee ,vas sruck 1n che giant volcano on the sen1or float due to the ocher senior Srudent Council members stapling che volcano closed, trapping h1m 1ns1de

by D Zarn

• /.J.J 0 LLJ Q • LLJ ---1 Q_ 0 w Cl.. • LU _j 00 uJ 0.• • • /.J.; & Q. • /.J.; & Q. • • 0.0 w Q_ • LLJ --1 Q 0 LLJ Q •



Enjoying the View Cassidy D1n.ies Aaron Saunders and Charles H unscsman lounge dunng the homecom1ng assembly Their seats 1n che gym \.veren t qu1te up co che1r high standards, ~o they moved to the floor to wacch che hand JIVe from behind

Terry Acree Kell} Adams Cynthia Adamson Pnyanka Agarwal Toby Allan Seth Allen Jeret Ammon Aurora Arlet
Tiffany Armenta Kelly Aronov•ntz Sarah Baer Bnanna Baker
Kit Bennett Jessica
Ashley Blain-Hartung Sean Boice Laura Bollinger Cannon Bowers
Amanda Brings Kendra Br
Seth Bakker Paul Banagas Shelly Barlow Taylore Beckman Brent Belle\v
Diane Brid
Br ooks
41 ... )
fi rnanda 1J1ings Canno11 <Bowers

Shannon Brown

Jennifer Brune

Alan Bruno

Allen Buen

Q: Guys, what's the best pick up line you have used?

• • • •

" I can see m yse lf in y our p ant s,,

-Aa ron Ba rk er

"Do you sl ee p o n your s to m ac h ? C an I ?,,

'' 1' d k ,, m run

- D ave Da n e k

-Alan Bruno

" I h ave b e tt er t hings to d o than b e a law a bidin g ci ti ze n .,,

- Gr eg Kinn a n

" I f yo u we re a bo oge r , I ' d p ic k y ou fi r st! ,,

-J as on T ay lo r

Tim Burch

Danielle Bull

Carlos Cady-Reheis

Andrea Cardoso

Kahe Carlson

Anthony Can er

Carne Case

John Chnsman

Q: Girls , what 's the corniest pick up line you have heard?

• • • •

"N ice s h oes, l ets screw . ,,

-Ab b y Sand s

" Wh e n a g u y looks a t t h e t ag o n yo ur s hi rt & says, 'Oh baby, yo u mu st be m ade in h eave n .,,,

-T ayl o r e Beckman

" I li ke yo ur cl o ch es b ut th ey wo ul d l ook b et t er o n m y fl oor.,,

-J e n H a rm on

"Are ch ose m oo n p a n ts? C u z yo u r butt is o ut of chis wor ld !"

- H eathe r Mc D owell

Cisneros Dan Conroy Molly Cook Meghan Cooper
Coronado John Courtney Colleen Creed Buddy Croissant Ill
Cushman Jeremy Dahm Dave Danek
Dearman Paul Dewitt Cassidy D1nzes Nick Dittrich " Clay Ct lshrrza11 a .,,,


Jenna Schiffman and Lora Ulander smile for che camera while watching the homecoming parade When the photo was shown to Lora, sheg1ggledandsa1d, Welook cute 1


\tV Paper Bag ll-ian. a k.a

Ryan Nee sho,vs the problem w1ch drinking water from · his paper bag head As 1n past years, all student counctl members had to dress up for spirit week and, also as always, some of them forgot until the last minute

- Melissa Dockstader Sara Drienka Kua Duncan Chnstina Dupont Luke Durgin Chase Ellison Michael Emmons Jason Engstrom
Erin Enna Lindsay Eschenbaum Kirshn E\ erett Mark Fanc1ulh
Chns Fauble Chns Fair
an Fields-Spack Megan Flemtng Tamara Freier Lauren Frost Amanda Gabel Sara Garrett RyanGemi Tania Gen.-vmg Scott Goldstein Lena Goods Jesse Goshorn Christine Gregory Spencer Grenfell Randy Groe
(_ Q: • I J ess e Gos l1o r11
Cl1ri s .f'ai1 ·

Q: Teachers, what's the best excuse that yo u got from a student for being late?

"J'm so rry Slr, rm just an ass. "

-M r. Fink

My flight was late ."


-M r. Fink

r>m caught 1n a time warp, it do esn't matter what tim e I l eave, I'm al\vays lace. "

-M r Fink

" I was ha ving breakfas t with Governor Romer. "

- Mr. Youngman

Q: Who do you think looks like a ce lebrity? •

" Desire e looks like Mya ."

-Aa ron Barke r

" Ryan Le\van look s lik e Bill y Id ol."

-Abb y Sa nds

" Kelly Ha yes looks lik e guy on th e movi e Mas k ·•

-J e n Harmon.

" Terry looks lik e a Bac k s tr eet Bo y."


-John C hn s m a n

- Dav e Dan ek

- - - - Ja,,
i3illyJ-Iigl1 t
• • •
Jodi Guthrie James Hall Y\'onne Han sen Taun} a Happ Jennifer Harmon Jordan Hauser Cod\- Hayes Kell\' Have:-• Frank Heu:.chkel B1lh H ight Andrea Ho Oan,elle Hov, ell
• • • •
N ,, o one
t Kyle HU1Zmga Suzy Huizinga Natalie Hunt Charles Huntsman Lance lbrahun Sherylin Jacobs Levi Jamison Mick Jeanne Ryan Jensen Eric Johnson Kelly Jones Brittney Jowers Jenrufer Judkoff La uren Kahn Chnshna Kaven Jestin Keesee ., J enniferJudkoff /_e .,;~~--~4'·,..:sob- 1ickjeanneI, Christina eKal/en L I

_ f UL.

Fight On!

( a\.stdy D1nzes ,rruggle, co win the game of tug-of-war during the homecoming c.irn" al ( a~id) a dcd1c11cd athlete throughout his high school career, wa, influential 1n the. \Cn1or domination at tug-of-war

AReal Cowgir l ( ry,tal ~hdton nd1., a pretty horse through doowntown (,olden fhc senior homccom1ng float took ad\antage of the nearby Jeffco Fairgroundseque,cnans along with cheap child labor pro\ 1ded b} loc.,l 6th grade ~tudcnt, drc"cd 111 Tiki outfit,.

Kendra Kelly Joseph King Megan King 1vhchelle King Greg Kinnan ~1eghann Klaserner Viola Kluc1J... Heidi Ko..,tem1an
~1itchell Krau, Sundara Kuhn tv11chael Lahe} Austin Larson
--· - - • • · I
An~e Lauer Micah Leadford
LeFevre Rachel Lewis Kristen Libra Matthew Linne Josh Linville- Engle r Dylan Lippert Matthew Long Robert Lowstutter Sean Ludden Em.tly MadtSon April Maloney Keith Marston Will Martin Neal McCafferty
Wi ll 1a 1-ti11

,,Kristin 1c 1'. aug h

Jeremiah McCord

Jennifer McCullom

Amanda McDowell

H eather McDowell

Q: What would you do for $5?

• "Cartwh ee ls through the se nior lounge nak ed ."

- Aaron Barke r

• Fl as h so m eon e in the main offi ce . "

• " Bu y s om eon e e lse lun c h. ,,

• Run a round naked. "

• ' Wh a t wouldn , r I do for $ 5?"

Jitstin Mori loya

Q: What is your best memory of high school?

Mered i th McKee

Mary McSkunrrungs

Kelly McTeer

Kristin McVaugh

-J e n Harmon

- David Dan e k

-John Chris man

-Jas on Tay l o r

• • • •

" M y wh o l e junior yea r w as am az in g!,,

-Ta y lore Bec km a n

" All th e ' fi c tion al land , s t o ri es in dr awin g y ou h a d to b e h » t e r e.

-A a ron Barke r

" Four ye ars o f w o nd e rful IMP classes wink wink nudge d ,, nu g e.

-J as on Tay lor

"Th e eg g a nd s h avi ng c r eam w a r w e h a d with th e Jun,, 1ors.

- Abb y S and s

Arlene Medrano

Angela Menna

Justm Montoya

Travis Moon

i \
Cydney Moora Nicole Moore Theresa Morgan Mike Morrison Eduardo Mouhnho Jessica Moya Tristan Mraz Stefanie Nahley Ryan Nee Paul J\Jeedham Brain Nelson Janet Neukirchner Joseph Neville James Newcomer Adam Nims Adam Noguchi Mike Mo ni so 11 ficlam

0ut to Perform

Struttin ' herstufT, Tlffany Armenta performs \Vith the Jau Dance team during a varsity football game The Jazz Team is made up of Golden ' s best dancers

Go Team!

Aurora Arlet cheers on her tean1 during the annual Powder Puff Game , leading to the senior ' s victory over the rest of the school As always we are the best

f I
Codi Offerson Grant Oge Nicole Osborn Seda Ozdem1r Logan Palmer Enca Papp Josh Parry Matt Peachey
Abby Pfisterer Cassie Porter Todd Porter Donrue Pridmore Casey Pnmmer Sheila Ramstetter Katy Rid ge Ryan Riley Rob Rizzuto Renee Robbins Ja1 Rosa Daruelle Rosener Jeremy Rozelle Jac1 Ryan Samuel Saindon Tanna Sandifer
Abby Sands Vanessa Santistevan Aaron Saunders Lee Saunders Tan 11a andifer

Q: Wh a t do y ou want to do when you grow up? Students were asked in 6th grade and 12th grad e

l ' hen: " I am planning to go to co ll ege and graduate I also wane co become a comic arn s c. »

Now. " I wane to become a profes s ional graphic artist/ animator and evencually open my own s tudio .,,

-Brent Bellew

l hen: " I wane to be a Marine Biologist and travel to Africa and study tropical fish. »

Now: " I hope to become either a Marine Biologist or to become an Avian specialise. ,, - Ryan Zenker

Then: " I hope co become a lawyer in the future. »

No,v· " I wane co become a lawyer. ,, -Tim Burch

Then : " I want to be a baller i na dancer. ,,

No,v: '' I want to manage my own bu s iness. "

- Taunya Happ

• • • •
Sheena Sayed Jenn a Schiffman Brent Schmidt A d ne Schneider Carne Schoch-Smi t h Da n e Sch ov. P aul Schwering Kr1she Seipp
Ro bin Senf Rya n Serpan Jennife r Sestnch Je re m y Sha nn o n
Bethany Shaw Terry Sha\-V Crystal Shelton G1na Sherman Kelly Skala Ashley Snuth Sara South Loren Speer
Stepharue St. James Kat Stoker John Stokes Toru Sullivan
Sylvia Swanson Kim Swisher Sam Ta t e Jason Taylor
JC elly kala
I I ---->-As•< z,,, , -
C,ystal • l1elto11


;, \,.\ Da11i ellc va 11ik Jo /111 l \ eb e,~ : !9FS
Fields Sp.lck cheers for fellow Senior Seth !\lien Though he may look a little ove r -enthused for an asse1nbly, Ryan always manages t o show h,s school spine
Roxanne Trenk Oa\ 1d Turner Lora Llander Irene\ alero Jacob v anhomBehveau Danielle Vanik C,reg \I\ amboldt Am\ \Vard
Jonah Ward Kelly Watson John Weber C.ass1d) Welch
Krista Welch Piers Wendlandt John Westhead Talitha Whitlatch Grant Wichmann Katie Winham Lisa Worobey Morgan Worthington Eli Wouk Luis Yanez Behn Yavuz Joshua Yushka Erik Zachanson Drew Zam Ryan Zenker Andy Zimmerman 100 I V &. t./~ .........____.....,-- · c r ik Z ac /1a rison \

Congratulatio ns to the Class of2001 !

Congracu!ations to rhe <..""' lass of 2001 for the four amazing years at Golden High Stl100J. Your positive attitude has made a huge impact at GHS. and you r overall clas s I ~p iri t has becon an excellent exa mple for the six other graduating classes who have shared Golden I Jigh School with you over the years Thank you for being positive leaders and raising tl1e bar for G 1-1~ st udents of the future.

i \ -
- 200 I Yearbook Staff Brian Zoril
' .
t \ \l-
AAI lll'll

Austin Adams

Lauren Adams

Clayton Albracht

Lara Alcaraz

Shawn Alcock

Jessica Alexander

Angela Allan

Brandon Archambeau

Krisandra Bain

Ph1hp Baldwin

Tara Banks

Ross Barton

Zachary Bauer

Scott Beck

Brandon Beehler

Jessica Behurun

Marcus Bernal

Adam Berte

Jeremy Billis

Robert Black

Ameha Blakeman

Richard Botelho

Shanna Bouldin

Jeffrey Bradley

Daniel Braum

Amy Brawley

Timothy Brovro

Jenrufer Brull a

Michael Brunel

Michael Buland

Kyle Bull

Carla Busceme

Kirstin Canaday

Christina Carbone

Enc Carr

Jeffrey Carrell

Thomas Carroll IV

Genoa Ca r ver

Jess1ca Casarez

Tara Casino

Rachele Chandler

Patrick Conley


Mackenzie Cottle

Enc Cowen

Daniel Crass

Jessica Cravens

Joshua Daniels

Leslie Daruels

Shawn Darcy

Zachery Davis

Jodelle Dearrnin

Brian Debaets

Marc DeCarlo

Michelle Dem

: What was your most embarrassing moment?

Kimberly D1m1ck

Anne Dobyns

Casey Donelson

Jennifer Donnelly

Jack Donovan

Carn e Douglas

Joseph Duncan

Clayton Durham

Megan Dusdal

Megan Ellis

Ryan Ellis

Janelle Engle

Christopher Fanch1

Christopher Feiner

Ben1amen Filas

Joe Fitzgerald

H aley Fletcher

Juan Flores

• " In Jeru s alem , out in the public , I fell out of a hou se a nd everyone looked and laughed at me! ''

• " During wrestling prac nce las t year, form e r Senior Nick Montanez. decided rhat I hadn ' t been initiated into wres tling yet so h e tied me up 1n the softball net and hauled me up into th e air."

• "When I was rhree years old I wa s on my cousin 's shoulder and we Jumped over a picnic table and did a face plant. W e s carre d laughin g so hard I peed all over her n ec k! ,,

-Anne Dob y n s

Br in g it O n
Junior Tessa Lee shoucs co pump up che junior PowderPuff team The juniors cook second place in the compeunon at the annu.11 homecoming carni\·al Phoco b} B Kelley 107
John Flynn Leah Foste r Tho m as French Nathan Frost Celes t e Ga r dner Rachel Garne tt Thomas Ga rre tt Zachary Garre tt Na th on Gaud rea u Rachel Gesin Chan dl er Gibbons Talon Gleaton Corey Gobbo Sh anno n Go m ez Bri ttany Goodwin Amb e r Gosda Ke lly Graves Jolie G r ay Karie G r ove Ja m es H a ll H aley Hanse n Be nJ a min H ams Garre tt H a m s Benian u n H aschke Sean H as tings Rosea nn e H a t cher C urtis H aven ga r C had H ea te r Ryan Hill Ro b e rt H oag Chris tina H o lbr oo k Schu y ler H o ppl e Ma tth e w H osbur gh Andrea Hunt Mar quit a Ja ckson H ope Jauch Chns t o ph er Jenk ins N i ch o las Je nkins S tacy Jon es Hu g h Ke ndri ck Joe Ke nn ed y Re b ecca Ke tchum j ----

: What in your opinion is your best feature?

• " M y nose b ecause i t 1s Pu e rt o Ri ca n! !,,

-Va l e ri e Man ci ll a

• " M y eyes because th ey are b a by b l ue."

- R obe r t H oag

• "My fee t b eca u se th ey a r e s m al l a n d cute.»

- Erin R es ni ck

Clinton King

Joseph King

Amy Kirk

Stephen Kirk

R}'an Klumb

Jesse Koch

Elizabeth Kreider

Courtney Kreller

Michael Lahey

Clalfe Landr, Gregory Larson

Justin Leazer

Tessa Lee

Aimee Le1d1ch

Bryan Levy

Ryan Le\\an

Sierra Liddick

Chris topher Lollar

T1ffan}' LO\\'

Elizabeth Lukrafka

Sara Lukrafka

Stacey Maas

Jacob Makhol

Natalie Mantilla

Valene Mantilla

Crystal Marhn

Elizabeth Martin

Shaun Martin

Wilham Marhn

Opal Masters

Miss America Jun i or Dvlan Re1tn1cyer ,vaves to the crowd from the safety of the junior float The iun aors received second place 1n rhe float compernion Photo by B. Kelley

Rachel Matson

Patrick Matzke

Connna Maupin

S teven McCrack.en

G regory McKee

Wilham Mclaughlin

Alison McNeil!

Aaron McNe\v

Stevie Meier

Jenrufer Meyer

Erin Miller

Jeffrey Miller

Darren Moitzfield

Jeremy Moles

Christopher Morgan

Jushn Morgan

Tarah Moya

Na t alie Mueller

Andrew Mues

Jonathan Musgrave

Marlys Nassau

Katnna Nei tzel

Mitchell Nelson

Steven Ne¼- t on

Adam Nog u chi

Louis Nolti ng

Brandon Nunez

Sean O ' Ha yre

Darby Odell

Kristin Ohrnar t

: If you were reincarnated what would you want to come back as?

• " A s pider because I always kill chem I want to see what a s pider' s life is like. "

-N uria Loewen

• " A butterfly, becaus e nobody ever suspects the butterfly. "

- Michael Brunel

• " A dog , because they have a good life . They s ic around , sleep and are loved b y everyone.''

-E lizabeth Lukrafka

nn o un c 1ng A .

Juniors Ke ll y Graves and J ane Lee Travis glance ac each ocher as they are announced 1un1or ro)'alty at the assc:mbl) Graves, along wah other varSH) football players arc unable co attend the ceremony dunng half-ume of chc gan1e and muse have: a srand-1n , Photo by B Kelley

l 1

Jessica Ohn

Lindsay Ostenson

Michael Palmer

Ben1am1n Parker

Matthew Parsons

Randi Patton

Liu Pengfei

Da\ 1d Perleberg

Ben1amin Pfeiffer

Tyler Pike

Danny Poeter

Stephanie Prugh

0\\ 1ght Rahorst

Sheila Ramstetter

Dylan Reitmeyer

Enn Resnick

Brooks Rich

Aaron Ridder

Nathaniel Ridder

Jessica Roat

Heather Robinson

Ashleigh Rodriguez

Monet Rodnguez

Jessica Roorda

April Rundquist

Ma tthev.. Saindon

Michael Sando\ al

Douglas Savage

Hannah Sa\'age

Ste\ en Scarbrough

Dargan Schmidt

Joshua Schnudt

Kara Schmidt

Wilham Schreiner

Alaina Seligman

Todd Sheffield

Crystal Shelton

Damon Shuey

Geoffrey Slater

Michael Smith

Tra\ is Snyder

Knshn Solawetz

,---I )

: What famous person do you think resembles y ou most?

• "Cliffo rd the big red dog because m y friends joke about chat all the tim e."

-Clifford Waller

• "C hri stina Aguilera because everyone ce ll s m e I do!"

-B rittany Peterson

• "] ulia Roberts, only somet im es, because so m e fnends say I d " o.

-El izabeth Lukrafka


Junior Shannon Gomez cheers dunng the Powder Puff game Phoco by B Kelley

Brandon Steusloff

Cod} Stiner

K} he Shtt

Keith Stoeber

N1cholle Stroh

Matthe,v Sulln an


Charle::. Surratt

Victoria Szadok1ersk1

Ryan Taylor

Jonathan Theisen

B.-1ana Thomas

Joshua Thurgood

Anna Tranluep

Jane Travis

Rebecca Trea::.ure

Megan Tripp-Addison

Matthe"A-' Tuffin

Dylan Turner

Knshne Va1,oda

Alexandra Valerius

Corinne VanDuzer

Anthony Vargas

Clara Versaw

Jack VonBurske

Catherine Vorhies

Mervyn Vo\.vles

Shanna Wagehng

Christina Wagner

Cy Wagner

Matthe"A- Wagner

Knsty Walcker

Clifford Waller

Dre\\ Walton

Joanna Ward

Bradley Warosh

Elizabeth Watkins

Matthe¼' Watson

: 1cole Waugh

Samuel Wellens1ek

Michael Wendt

Jasmine Wichmann

Julie Williams

Kathenne Winham

Enca Wolfe

Mick ¼ood\\'Orth

Rachel Wyland-Smith

Abigail Young

Laura Young

Erik Zachnson John Zubes


Greta Aldridge Kyle Anderson Jacob Angell Ryan Armitage Sean Aronson Sarah Baer Cassie Bailey Chelsea Bailey Charissa Bald\.vtn Heath Banza Marcus Barber Manuel Barela Brianne Barned Matthe'n-· Becke Kimberly Beesley Craig Belle\v Audre} Bennett Jared Benson Krista Bies Jessica Billings Eric Binkley Geoffrey Birney Katherine Biscan Bnanna Blair Russell Borneman Joseph Bot~er Nichol us Bo\ e Jared Bradeen Tabatha Bradeen Jessica Brian Michela Brown Tegan Brown Jessica Bro\vnlee Luke Brunsihus Angela Bryant Tera Bryant Nils Burnham Allison Bums Erik Bums Blane Butler Joseph Campbell Erin Carey ' •

G"~endolyn Carey

Lauren Carter

Joseph Cased),

Dane Casterson

Michael Chappell

Terry Cheung

Christine Che\ hng

Robert Chrisman

~athan Christensen

James Clarke

Kunberl 1 Chne

Toby Cochran

Tera Conle)

Nathan Cooper

Sean Coughlin

Shane Councilman

Ca 1thn Co\ven

Johanna Crock

Daniel Cross

Jason Cullum

Knst1n D'Epagn1er

Blake Dalgetty

Aimee Daniel

Pa t rick Da, ts

Gino DeCarlo

Ca1thn Demarest

Ank DeVelder

Jason De\vhurst

Jason De\, 1tt

Tara De\volfe

.::: •a,_.1.,,-lf....llll

QWhat was th e bes t dat e th at yo u have eve r bee n o n ?

• "We went on a hoc ai r balloon, ha<l dinner, and sat out o n the beach aJl n1ghc."

- T erry C h eung

• " Go in g co Sun set Beac h , then dan ci n g."

- Ka ci e T ap1a

• "We went up co Red Rocks a nd \Vat ch ed th e su nset." Kelly H ock

• " W e we nt out co l un ch , to a mo vie, an d rhe guy \vas so nervous h e thre\v h1s keys up and th ey h1t m e 1n th e h ea d , a nd h e le ft hi s keys a t th e resrauran c."

- Kenzie Gates

Football Fan s

So p homore Quinn H ornccker watches the Powder Puff game with a fnend The compc:uuon in Powder Puff (oorball is rcall) 1nten~e ar G H S Just recend} the rules have been mo di fied co prevent 1n1uf} Photo by B Kelle) 119

Dushn Dill

Mary D1hvorth

Wilham Dobyns

Allison Domgaard

Destin Duhn

Joe Dunlap

Jan Dunn

Latrice Duplanher

Nichol Dupont

Jillian Durgin

Juhe Dykstra

Wilham E1sley

Jonathan Emsbach

T}ler Enna

Nathan Enright

Bryce Erickson

Jolene Faro

Nicholas Fauble

Andre\v Faulkner

Alejandro Ferrer

Brandon Fisher

Kimberly Flageolle

Rachel Fleming

Andre½- Fhck

Joseph Foden

Daniel Fogg1n

Melissa Ford

Renee Ford

Geoffrey Foster

Tegan Friskey

Matthew Fntz

Capna Fulks

Lauren Gale

Joanna Galioto

Desirae Garcia

Mandolynn Garcia

Daruelle Garnett

Katie Garrett

Mackenzie Gates

David Geth1ng

Timothy Gonzales

Lori Gordon

120 \

Co11- Go~horn

Knshn GO\\'e}

Da, 1d Grammer

Gabriel Green

Jo..,hua Gresham

Allison Gnff1ths

Timoth} Hagelberg

Adam Hansen

Cole Hanson

Joshua Hanson

Tiffann\ Happ

Cass1d, Hara , James Harmon Jr

Jesse Hart

Andre\\ Hassett

Jennifer Hasting.., K): le Hauser

Am} Ha,, le}

Zuzana Havda

Alexis Held

Robb He\\ ett

Jacob Hiebert

Kim Hill

Dane Hinnen

Kellv Hock

Rhonda Hoffert

Gabe Holdren

Jennifer Hollings\, orth

Lesa Holycros.., Emil) Hoppin

QWhat wa s th e wors t d a t e y ou ha ve eve r b ee n on ?

• "We ,ven t to a movie and he ended up lea,1ng ,v1th my best fncnd "

- Kate Klock

• " H e dumped me th i rty rn1nu tes before ,._e ,venc. "

- Meganne Macke,

• "Sicn n g and ,vatch1ng TV al l n1ghc."

- Courtney Spear

• "Try i ng to meet my dace ac che movies, buc he ,vent to the '\vrong" movie.'' - As h lev McDonald

• "When I took a girl ro a McDonalds. '' Marcus Ba r ber

' '
Sophomore J D H.irmon glance~ Jt che can1era during che carnival. Photo b} S Jones

Quinn Hornecker

Adam Hudson

Andre\, Hunt~man

Mansha Ibrahim

Christopher Jacobs

Enc Jensen

Chnshna Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson

Kaleb Jones

Joshua Jo"'e rs

Jason Joyce

Sarah Kalin

Thomas Keesee

John Kelley

Ben1am1n Kemple

Max Kenworth)'

Joshua Kimbrough

Jennifer King

Ke, 1n Kmg

Adam Kinghorn

Rachel Kirsch

Ka thenne Klasinski

Kate Klock

Brand}' Koehler

Nichole Lambert

Blake Langolf

Dana Leadford

Keith Lee

Lyndsie Lee

Dre"" Lewis

Kyle Le\.\·1s

Zackary Le\vts

Beniam1n Linville-Engler

Jacolb Lockhart

Kara Lollar

Russell Look

Nicholas Lynch

Meganne Mackey

Olga Mallett

Vanessa Mallicoat

Patrick Maloney

Nicholas Manchen


Anna Mangan

Diana Martin

Eh Martin

Katharine Martin

Kirsten Marhn

Megan Matson


Wh at is th e bes t and th e wor s t TV s hows?

• "Th e best is anyt hin g but Barney an d Telletubb1es."

- Jenn H as nn gs

• "Th e best, WW-F S,nack Down, and che wo rst 1s Dazvson s Creek."

- Jo s h Han sen

• "T he best 1s Friends, \-VOrst JS th e Tom Green Show."

- Briann a Blair

• '' Bes t is Friends, and t h e worst, Buffy."

- Diana M art1 n

• "T h e best is Ren and St impy, ch e worse JS Star Trek.''

- Lainey McGrew

-""r eam Wo rk J. Sophomore varstt) football p layers Mark l"v1elancon and Josh Nelson work together 1n a close volleyball match at rhe homecom in g carnival Photo by B Kelley

Cory Maughan

Elaine Maxsvveen

Leshe McCre,ght

Mary McDonald

Shannon McDonald

Thomas McKnight

John Mclaughlin

Brandon Means

Shannon Meehan

Mark Melancon

Marisa Meyennk

Ed\.\ ard Me} ers

Christopher Milne

Christopher Monson

E\a Morquez

Ethan Morrison

Anthon} Mul1ad1

Brandan Munroe

John Murfin

Christopher Musgrave

Knsh Nade r mann

Kendra Nahle1

Joshua Nelson

Trieu Nguyen


Amy Nielsen

Heather Ntelsen

Amanda Nissen

Stephen Nolan

Joseph O ' Horo

Julie O ' Neill

Thomas O ' Neill

Jessica Odden

Brian Orem

Diana Ortiz

Christine Overmyer CahOwens

Mark Palcsak

Matthe\v Pantaleo

Aubree Peckham

Andrew Peoples

Alexander Perea

Abigail Petersen

Bnttany Peterson

Trevor Pietrafeso

Ricktlee Pollock

Alyssa Pngel

Robert Pruitt

Cameron Pyatt

Dan Rahe

Luke Ramstetter

Elizabeth Ranfranz

Garrett Ratcliffe

Juliann Rau

Caleb Reed

M1chala Rehder

Steven Reid

Christopher Reinholz

Jeena Reynouard

Justin Runbert

Aaron Rizzuto

Lindsy Roberson

Luke Roberts

Jacob Rocke

David Rockvam

Makenz1e Rogers

Patrick Rogers

124 \ \ ...... _ f J

Chyanne Romero

Rachele Rosener

Adna Ross1

Kelli Sauer

Michelle Schafer

Jonathan Sestr1ch

Alexander Sluer

Ghazal Sruraz1

Amber Shultheiss

Adam Simmons

Danielle Slnlth

Slulo Smith

Jessica Soliz

Troy Spahn

Knsbn Spear

Courtney Speer

Robyn Speer

Justin Stahmer

Jennifer Steck.myer

Dustin Ste¾art

Mathe\\' Stoaks

Anya Strauss

Alexander Stroud

Christopher Stroud

Gabriel Tafoya

Kathenne Tapia

Deborah Tarum

Sara Taulby

Julianne Taylor

Jared Temanson

{") : Wh a t are so m e of th e b es t an d wors t thin gs '<...ab o ut th e asse mbli es?

• • •

"The best, school spine, and che worst, people not s1tnng \v1th their class."

"The ,vorsc is are ho,v long they are and they don 't let you kno\.v ahead of time. "

"The best, the movies, plays, and such, and the worst, assemblies chat cake up all of access, when I have home,vork co do. "


l Cross

''They are fun, but they take up my nme."

"They are bonng sometimes, but some of them are cool. It depends on h ,, t e top ic.

I r~..,,..., ) •• r' JI' ••
ShotgunSophomore Powder Puff quarterback Kayla Rehder drops back to throw the football Thi~ was Rehder's second year as quaterback. Pho co bv B. Kelle> 125
Marcus Thackston Enca Thompson Nick.ole Thompson John Tolsma Heather Torbit David Traylor IV Andre\v Tschetter Jason VanDamme Thomas VanDeBogart Kristen Van1k James Wagner Timothy Wahlme1er Amanda Walcker Carly Walker Jaclyn Walker Josh Walker Apnl Wallace Adam W allerstein Stacy Walsh Adam Wano Tyler Warner Lisa W e1shei t Beniam1n Welch Nicole West Christopher Whelton Elizabeth Williams Holhe Wilson Stephanie Wilson Elisha Winters Andrew Wolaver 126J Ed\.\ ard Wood Chelsea Wyatt Cassandra Zimmerman Jacquele1ne Z1rbes
ft -I Peo pl e 129
- • • \ \ 13 0
I: - \ THE • "~· .... . . . .: V • .., ~. •• "W"'-A -· I • •OF ]]

Dan1el Adams

Matthe,\' Agrodn1a

Mayara Almeida

Ashely Anchondo

Sarah Anderson

Nathan Anderson-DaYis

Nick Andrze1ev\'Sk1

Jamee Anghm

Lauren Armitage

Conny Artica

Brody Atkins

Amanda A\- endano

Dan Balano

Natasha Balczarek.

Joshua Bald\vin

Mark Ballinger

Hannah Baltz

Bethany Barned

Zachery Barnes

Brianna Barthels

Tiffany Bartos

S,.vara Barzanp

Nicole Baumer

Adam Baxter

Ryan Ba>..ter

Wilham Baxter

Ross Beam

Britany Beebe

Stuart Bell

Nicole Bennett

Elizabe t h Bentley

Jonathan Bernal

Scott Beumer

Chad Bianchi

Dylan Bieniulis

Christian Binkley

Roy Birney

Jaymes Bishop

Dyana Bliven

Aaron Bluse

Amanda BoleJack

Breanna Bradsha.v


And th e winners are Freshmen Revna Bl) an and A.lron Blu~c ~tand call as they .ue announced J!> tht: homccom,ng royal()· for their c.l.i'>S Freshn1.1n Bnnan\ \~ angsness' fa, once quote 1s, '\\"hen , ou were born you cried and the world \mtlc::d Live each da} in a such a wa} that when vou die the world cne!> .ind vou snule The frc:,hm.1n c.l.1ss ch,~ year 1s che biggest cl,l~ ouc of the four,sc::, at C.HS Photo b} B 1'.clle\

Catherine Braun

Nicholas Braunagel

Kyle Bronson

Deidra Bro\, n

Holl} Bro,, n

Leslie Bro\,·n

Joshua Brulla

Ma tthe\\' Brune

Mallor, Brunel

Re}na Bnan

Cory Bull

'-\shley Bunn

Christopher Burch

Ross Burke

Ta\ lor Burkman

Elizabeth Bums

Ehsa Butkus

Case Byl Jenn) Cameron

Christopher Care}

M 1 nah Carter

E, an Chapin

Christine Charleston

Aaron Cisneros

Amanda Clanton

Ashle, Clement

Andre,, Chne

Enn Clough

Cas~1e Coble

Jordanna Colby

) \

Mand} Collier

Kell} Copeland

athaniel Coronado

Sarah Cottle

Sara Courtney

James Crane

Johnathan Cranford

Jamie Cra, ens


Jo} Cra, ens

ssa Cuchiara

Jasmine Cummmgs

Daniel Cushman

George Da, ies

Kimberly Da, 1s

Heather Degroat

Dre,v Dehmlo½

Catherine Deland

Scott Delucas

Katie Dern

Theodore De, ito

Samantha D1sne}

K}le Dobyns

Da, e Doffing

Amanda Donelson

Maf} Donovan

Beau Drexler

Adene Duncan

Apnl Dutton

Sarah Enngh

Lindsay Erisman

Brandi Escalante

Emily E, erett

Vanessa Farrell

Harrison Filas

Angela Finke

Carlo Fiore

Jane Flagle

Will Flagle

Sean Flynn

Henr} Foster

Dennis Franco

Amber FranL:

( ,.,.\ '-- \ ? - J) \ .. \

Ge t \-V e t Freshman Jord.10 C.aspard wa~hcs cal"> wtth the T ndcttcs to earn monc, fhts vear the ·1 ndertc.: \ fundr:11~ing con,1~tcd of \elling lol11pops and washing car, ,H rcg1~tr.tnon Frcshn1an Alex r-.1:ud s fir~t 1mpre~s1on of C,HS wa~ '\~o, , H s big~ Phoco b}· B Kelle,

Allison Frost

Christopher Frost

K) le Fro, en

Jillian Fr} hng

Megan Gabel

Rogelio Garcia

Scott Gamer

Jordan Gaspard

KeYin Gee

Jennifer Gilbert

Julie Gilmore

Alex Goble

El) sa Goldman

Alexandra Gonzale-.

James Graham

Cathenne Granquist

Lisa C,rantano

Alana Gra}

Jessica Gnes-.

Joallen Grosh

Danica Grundeman

Michael Gulc:., 1g

Randt Gunderson

Glenn Guthrie

Kristie Hagberg

Matthe\\ Ha1merl

Darrin Hall

Jacob Han!>en

Lucas Hanson

Glona Harris

.- \\
Brendan Harrison
Hauserman Patrick Haymes
Hein tzelman Scott Hei t Katie Hendrix Rex He"vett Reese Hill
Horton , Alexander Hughes
Hurse} Araceli Ibarra Jesus Ibarra
Ibrahin1 Amanda Jackson Christina Jackson
Janko\ 1ak Joshua Jennings Tyler Johnson Justin Jonsson An,anda Jordan R}an Kampf
n e Ken t on Coleen Ke rber
Ker\\'OOd Paul Ketchum Ryan K1lhon F
es hman Sp irit
eshman Bnrtany Bergstedt
wnh her fnend 1n t he i r Hawauan ature. Freshman
C hapin
was one
h ere
and part1c1pate
likes GHS
"le\ great having new respons1b1lit1e5. Hawauan Day
of rhe themes d
nng Spine Weck w
students could dress up
1n che fun.
Photo b)
C. Moora

Scott Kirby

Nicole K1rrane

Elizabeth Klein

Candice Knutson

Le\ 1 Koch

Katie KrecklO\\

Jason Lacey

Ja\, Lairamore

Tyler Landry

Abigail Langsted

Jared Le1d1ch

Jeremy Leitz

Jessie Le\'y

James Le\v1s

Lindsay Le\, 1s

Brielle L1dd1ck

Knsstma L,ndse\, Anthon) Lo\, e

Derek LO\\ stuter

Daniel L\,nam

1cole Macia~

Alexander Maier

Jamie \1ares

Mariessa Marez

Spencer Marshall

Michael tv1arhn

William Marhn

Sarah l'vlartmez

Tiffan}- Martinez

Joseph Mason

Tyler Mason

Kurt Mast

Ka thry n Ma th1eu

Amanda ~1ay

Chant1le McAllister

Krishna McBride

Melissa McEncroe

Sarah McGill

Lisa McLaughlin

Bn ttany Meier

Garre t t Metzler

Lucas M ignogna

'I 4

Wat c h y our s t e p rre,hmen I 1sa

Grancano runs .is fast as >he can during the Powder Puff footbal l game during rhe Homccom1ng carni,al W1ll l get lost'K asked Fr~hman Candice Roome about her nc,.,, school Photo b} B hellc,·

Alan Miller

Allyson M1lhnder

Matthe,\· Milne

Audrey Miner

Johnathan Miorellt

Chnshna Montgomery

Wayne Mooney

Christie Moore

Daniel Moore

Dean Moosdorf

Co1leen Morales

Joshua Morns

Sunslune Morsette

Moll} Morvay

Ke\ 1n Moulton

Micheal adermann

Jeremy Na, arrete

Leif Ne itze l

Mark Nelson

Michael Nelson

Tre, or Nelson

James Neville

Jessica Nev,, land

Karina Nieto

Jeremy Nobles

Nathan O 'Co nnell

An th ony O Farre ll

Scott Oge

Adam Ohnemus

Adam Oldenettel

Laura Ohn

John Oxford

De\ on Padilla

Joshua Padilla

Jason Parchman

Michael Parfet

Mind} Parsons

Chelsea Patterson

K} le Pattridge

Tate Pellegnn1

lv1agg1e Peoples

Ste\ en Ph1lhps

Jake Pierce

Karson Pike

Onna Poeter

Rachel Poitra

Sean Pohtte

Jason Pommerening

Jeffre-.. Popp

Mark Po,\ ell

Jennifer Pndmore

Aaron Quintana

Luke Ra1nbol t

Bradley Randolph

Zechanah Randolph

Ph1hp Rappmund

Daniel RatschkO\\'Sk\

Da, 1d Reed

Tobias Reed

Andre\, Regner

Gerald Richards

Francisco Rico

Brian Ridge

Spencer Riggs

Ka he Riordan

Julia Roberts

Pe t er Rod}

Candice Roome

Chnstopher Rugar

CoT} R}an

Stephanie Sadler

Tiffany Sanders

- ) I

Nichole Satterfield

Daniel Saunar

Nikka Sauter

Daniel Schoger

Randall Schuckman

Michael Schwader

Joshua Seabaugh

Chelsea Seigneur

Janue Selbe

Mark Seligman

Diana Sendgraff

Corey Senf

Kunberley Shaw

N1cholas Shirk

Kara S1e\vert

Timothy Sipes

Brenden Smith

Bryan Smith

Jeffery Smith

Minoru Sorensen

Amanda Sorvig

Rachel Spahn

L1ndm Spragg

Mara Stitt

Sonny St James

Kristal Stoeber

Jordan Stricker

Bryce Strong

Joseph Sullivan

Brandon Sutrina

Danielle Sykora

Beniamin Taylor

Christopher Taylor

Danielle Te ter

Taryn Thornton

Artem Titov

Daniel Tyrrell

Devin Tyslan

Luke Ulander

Bradley Va1voda

Knstel Vaske

Megan Vaske

oM flit -1-, 1.~ 140 ) \ t rt:

Lig ht - f oo t e d Freshn1en Chnsuna tv1oncgomel) dances with che Jazz team .u a home foocball game Thi~ year che 1a1z team cons1sced of 3 freshmen i\1oncgomen Brand}' \\ cg~t.he1der and .\lvs\J Cuchiara Freshman Candice h.nutson likes her ne,\ school because I have a lot more freedon1 Phoco by B Kelle}

Jordan Vecchiarelli

Kathryn Vem1g

Alexandra Verrastro

Ohv1a Versa\v

Michael Vichot

Jacob V1g1l


Rose V11larreal

Crystal Vockel

Sabrina Walter

Brittany Wangsness

Amanda Ward

Brandy Wegscheider

Clayton Weller

Michael Wells

Andrea Westhead

Amanda White

Jason Wh1h·vorth

Ben1amm Wichmann

Skyler WIik

Amber Wilhams

GregoI) Wilson

Jessica Wilson

Enk W1taschek

Derek Wolfe

Brandon Wood

Megan Wood\vorth

Brie Wooley

James Worthington

Jessie Zebroskl

Michelle Zonl

! -:, \
I • . "',: .:. , __ ..,-,t
Scudenc l 1fe 14 5


Tammy Ahmed Music Kim Bailey Spec ial Education J eremy Blin coe Science Jan Bryson Science S hi r l ey Algiene Administra ti o n Lind a Bak er A dmini stra t io n C h ar lotte Blythe Administration Sco tt Burca r Science Robert Anand Maintainen ce Sha nno n Barrows Socia l S tudi es Judy Boian E n glish J ane Burnell Art John An d erson Athletics Mary Battaglia Sec u ri t y Jackie Bornstein English D ic k By rn e E n glis h Scott A u rand Te c hn ica l Education S u san Benet Special Education J oan Broste Special Ed u cation
Jill Co lby Ad minis t ra t ion Student Life 14 7
Chris Colucci Math Sandy C u c hi ara Special Education Ca thy Frailey S pe cial Education Greg Holland Socia l Studies Bill K elley English Eileen Cook Math S t ephanie Davis English Jeff Hau ser Technology Mark H ornecker Athletics Diane Kess l er Math
Debby Coope r Co un se l i n g Nick DeSimonc Admini stration Bob Hayes Math J ohn H orst Socia l S tudie s John Klu g English Shari Cornelison Co unse lin g
Brooke Ebe l Honi e Economics Stan Hergenret e r English Barbara Ho,vcs Ad n1ini stratlon Chery l Ko c hi s Adnlin lstration Becky Crozi r LMC Todd Fink Social Studies Jenny H odges Athl etics
Juli e Kramer Scie n ce I
Diderick Iverson Science

0ut of the Oven

Ceram,cs teacher Jud) t\.fodl\on take\ a pot fron, the

Charlotte Lindsay Foreign Language Luisa lv1elendez Business Roger Myers Social Studies Lori MacDonald Math Mike Mendoza Social Studies Sandy Natio n s Englrsh Judy l'vladison Art Paul Miller Scie n ce l'vlike O'Dorisio Socia l Stu di es Scot Manning Math Ka th ryn Montgon1ery LMC C hri s tine Pennel Math
Moo rifle Social Studies teacher l\1ike O'Dorisio cheers on hi, co,,orkers during the honH'con,1ng a,,.,en,bly Photo b\ 8 Kelle\ Jo e McGinnis Art Mike Murphy Adrnin is t ratio n
Jamie P etty Socia l Studies kiln for one of her <er,unics studenls
tStudent Life 149
Photo by 8 Kelle)
Tracy P hariss Math
Al T al
At hl etics
B o b Putka Math S h aron R oyba l Socia l S t u d ies S u sanne Sigward Cafeteria
Chris P l akorus Technical Education Ma r tina Ram irez Maintalnence Richard Scha Jha m er Science Lee An n S lizeski Social Wo rk e r Ken van der Laa n Scie n ce
Bec ky Venet ta
u nse li ng PhylHs Price Bu si n ess Wen
B o n nie S h a,v Cafeteria Bob
G inny W a lke r C lini c Ta m mie Pe t er\ English Ruth R o d
E n g li sh K elli S h aw Cafeteria T om Sweet F o r eign Lan uage Ed W eine ll Fo r eig n Lang uage
L inda P ove d a Foreign Language
h ad Rei d Social Studies La u ra Selzer Eng li sh
aine S m ith Science
dy Roberts Co un seling
Stokes Socia l S tud ies
Linda Wrenshall Deaf Interprete r Jerry Yanz Foreign Language
Student Life 151
Gene Youngntann Art

Gl obal Thinking

Sophomore l'vlackenz1e Rogers points co somcching she 1s presenting about Scotland dunng the first level of AP Histol") Each student 1n the class ,vas required to make a presentation on a European coun-

Ch ec king it Twi ce

Seniors Prl\a and Laura Bollinger check lerters ,vntten h) the '\. HS pen pals wirh ~ixth grade sn1dencs This progran1 gives the younger students :1n old~, fnend and role n1odel

- -


Not JU St on a canvas

Junior Rachel Ges1n and sophomores 1ck Fauble and Erica Thompson prove: chat painungdoesn'c JUst use the canva~. "The best pro1ecr to me \\ 1s the bowling pin a challenge s:ud sophomore \larisa \levennk. They painted che CHY of Golden s plo,\ as a project for clas.s.

e rfection

Freshman Christie Charleston ma sher sciphng pro1c:cc perfect Senior Sheila Ramstetter thought the ,-.e1rde~t ch1ng chat e\'tr happ e n ed in arc class \\":lS \\'hen I goc shot in che butt with a toothpick During class students do their proicccs while sull having fun. Photo b) J Odden

QWhat is your favorite part of art?

'Ce ramics is so soothing J could be 1n rhe \.vorst mood and su dd en ly, I feel atpeace."

- Senior Je rec Ammon

" I get to express myse lf w1chouc saying anything."

-Sen ior S uzy Hu1z1nga

" The different ty p es of proieccs becau se you get a chance to \.York \.Vtth all different kinds of medium s."

-S ophomore Marisa Mcyenn.k

" Really, folks , I lik e che face chat I actually hav e a class that I en Joy going to every da} "

-Se ni or Knsca Welch

" I gee co exp ress my fe e lings on a piece of paper using different kinds of " arr

-S ophomore Courtney Speer


~OPRO\fOE{~ _ ~,B. j

Genin ' Dirty

Senior Jerec Ammon gets n1essy while working on che poccery wheel. Ammon said, "I have to wear clothes over my clothes so I don't get dirty I normally end up \\ith clay all over my face and clothe~." The ceramics class wasn't afraid co get mcs.s, \\hen n1aking their projects. Photo b)· J Odden

Hard at \.vork

Junior Jessika Bro\\nke finishes up a project for painting class Senior Krista \Velch said that the weirdest thing that ever happened during drawing class \\as when Someone disco, ercd that peanuts and chcrr.• coke together c.1stc like ,l P B&J s.1ndw1ch." In drawing the) explored different techniques including scipling and distortion. Photo br B. Kelley

Concenc r acion is th e k ey

J un1or Stacev faas wor~ on her Senior Sheila Ramsrctccr said painting i~ ''.1 wonderful oudct In painting class, students are .illowed to listen co n1usic. etc., in order co concentrate Photo hr

Qr aw1n ' Demon

Senior Ad.1m Noguchi dr.1\\ s a black an 1te masterpiece Senior Aaron Ridder s.ud that his favorite arc proiect ,,as the still hfo drawing " I 1ncorpor'.ltcd mY comic book skill, and some of my wild imag1n.1t1on into it." 1·0 the n1ajoricy of students in art c.!Jss .ut i, .1 relaxing thing to do. Phoro bv J Odden Academics 153

C.• • _,.,, -
Photo b, B Kelley

: How do you think Physical Education wi ll b enefi t yo u in th e future ?

«It keep s y ou in shap e and get all y our en e r gy ou t 1n th e middl e of the day. It al so t e a c h esyou s ports man ship and t eam w o rk. ,,

-Senior Tony Vargas

«It will t e ac h y ou to b e ab le to work wich och e r p e opl e and to fo ll ow rul es.»

-So phomore Jes sie Zebrow ski

: How will ta.Icing Home Economics benefit yo u in the future ?

«It t ea c h es y ou how to c ook so y ou won ' t have to always ea t take OU(. ))

- Jun ior Ke ndra Brooks

«Th e re ar e lots of h ot girl s in thi s c lass, a nd gir ls like it when yo u c ook for chem Plus, m y mom likes for me to cook so m e tim es "

-Junio r John Flynn

Test Try

Sophomore Marcus Barber decorates the cookies chat he baked 1n Food Experie n ce Marcus a n d his group baked them as a part of the gingerbread house p roJect He satd, It was actually pretry fun baking the cookies "' P hoto by L. Alcaraz

Sprinkl e Sprinkle

Sophomore Chnsnna Crevli n g 1s bus} putnng spn nkles on her carefully decorated chnscmas cookie Crevhng said, Ir was kinda h ard co put the frosnng on with out getnng a licde messy "' Photo by L. Alcaraz

Blu e Freshman Candice Knutson d ips her butte r knife into homema de ici ng for th e cookie she can twaH to eat Classmate Aa ron Q uintana says, H ome Econonu cs 1s a good cla~ to take because then your g1rlfnend won't think yo u are a lose r when you cant cook Ph oto bv L Alcaraz ,

I -- - -•

Santa is coming co GHS

Sophomore Jessie Zebrowski gets into shape for the holiday season The gym coaches this year were Talbot Anderson, Hodges and Hornecker Photo by B Kelley

Rea d y, Aim , Fire

Sophomore Thomas ti.1c Knight works hard on his team handball technique Gym is open to all students at GHS This year an new girl's ad\anced weight hfnng gym class was offered Photo by L Alcarez

Happy Girl

In coach Jenny Hodges aerobics class freshman Danielle Sykora displays her amazing Jump rope skills S) kora says. I really enJoy this class and the things we do 10 it ' Photo by B Kelley

Run for it

In the last few seconds of a floor hockey game, senior M 1ke Lahey 1s determined to score one lasl goal for h is team Lahe) s.iid, • I JUst ti"\ my hardest and I know tt will pay off Photo b) B Kelley Sports 155

) j r .. i • I

he band and orchest ra have worked hard this year. On vveekends, the band ,vas either pracnc1ng on the makeshift field 1n the parking lot, or they were performing at vanous compentl ons. The marching band was also invited co perform at Coo rs' Veteran Day celebrauon. Togecher, the band a nd the orchestra performed a wonderful \vincer co n ce rt calle d The Holrday Exn·avanganza The Orchescra has played at the Golden Library and Barnes and Noble. " My favorite thing about band 1s all of the friendships you gain," freshmen Amanda Donelson said.

e h ind th e Music: To dd P o rt e r Senior Todd Porter 1n s1scs he's "just a normal, all around high school student, who likes co get involved with scuff.'' In his four years at CHS he has ma1nta1ned a 3.2 g rade point average, and participated in r-1anv extracu rri cular activ1cies. Despite hi s "reg ular guy" mentalicy, chis '11gh school student ha s so m e preccy ext raordinary talents. He has lea ncd fourteen different instruments, including bass clarinet, cello, t rombone, and french horn. Porter has played 1n all-councy orchestra, allstate band and orchestra and is also one of the drum majors in rl:.: GHS marching band. He plans on pursuing a career in mu s;c as we l l. He ,vould lik e co gee his degree 1n music educanon and do some graduate: work 1n co ndu cnng. Porter 1s just one of the many students involved 1n the GHS band and orchestra ,vho have developed an incredible ear for music as well as a love for the arc. Photo by B.

Pl ayi n g as O n e Freshman Thornas Chambless, senior James Richardson 1un1or Jen Donnell) and S(ntor f odd Porter rehearse a piece called Parhebeli (1111011 Canon was a favonce of che class and was perfornied ac che \Y/ 1nccr Concert. Orchestra 1s a lot of work, but 1t can be very rewarding. ~a1d RJChardson Photo by C, lv1oora

"'\Vfar m i n g U p

W' Freshn1anJohn Oxford pracnccs a piece before his performance There wa~ a cotal of seven crumpet players 10 che band th15 year I thought our first concert was good and everybody had a lot of fun said Oxford Photo b)'

Ho l din g th e Tun e r Hi gh

Senior Jen Sescnch helps a tuba plaver tune before the winter concert While: tht band 1s tuning. they tune e1Cher flat or sharp because che place where chcv .ire going co be playing m1ghc be colder or warmer. chus affccung the 1ntonac1on of the band "Ic 1s ven important chat everyone 1s 1n cune. otherwise the whole ensemble \Ounds bad. Sescnch said Photo by B Kcllev

B Kc::lley Kelley

3 8 13% 4 7 151 6 5

Each student 1n orchescraand band has played their 1nsrrumenr for :u a year This graph shows ho\v many years of ded,cauon the GHS b,\nd men1bers have spent focusing on n1usic.

Deep Breath

Running out of aJC, senior Sech Biller focuses on playing his very best during che w1nrer holiday concert The holiday conccn W,l!> held on December 2nd and 3rd of2OOO T realh enJO} the people in band. there 1s a closcne!>s rhar the band shares, freshmen Amanda Donebon said Photo by B Kelley

Kee pin g Po s i ti on

\X'orking hard on holding a good posinon fre~hman 1·homas Chambless plavs a quick song for rhe class Postuon 1s very important for an orchcsrra player, 1f your posicion is off your tone 1s off "I think everybod, enJoyed orchestra chis semester, ChambleS5 said Photo b} C fv1oora

F iddlin g Around

Practtc1ng hard. senior James Richardson and 1un1or Jen Donnell} gee read} to pla} 1n front of rhe class for their final Every !>tudenc had to pla} a solo or duet as their final in orchestra and band. "J have a lot of fun in orchestra, Donnelly said Photo bv C ~1oora

Beauti ful Musi c ·

Freshman Jen Pridn1ore concentrates while playing her flute dunng band class Each person tn band this year had to memorize all of che maior scales Senior Ryan Serpan said. f\1s Ahn1ed pushes everyone co work harder than chey chink they can Sht doe!,O t wane cht band co be mediocre Photo b} J Sescnch Academ ics 157

l ! i I I

Stage Fright

Tallcing Trees

Tun e Up

Freshmen Josie Keeny and Ashlc} Bunn prepare to go on scage at the hohda} concert Phoco by B Kellev Senior Toby Allan pc.rforms wnh the Children I heater .u an elementary school 1n the Golden are.1. Photo b) H tv1c0owcll Junior Brandon Archambeau sophomore I'on1 tv1cKntght, freshman l eo DeVito and 1un1or Jeren1y Paytc pracncc during c.lass for their ~ien s Chou perforn1ancc Photo by B Kelley Practice Makes P e rfec t Freshman reo DeV1co practices before a performance Photo by B Kelley
n e
Senior Jusnn 1'.-1ontoya waits panently for his entrance 1n the men s choir Photo b} B Kelley

: Why did you take c hoir ?

" I cook it because my girlfriend pressured me to

- Freshman Jacob Vigil.

«Does anything b ene fit yo u more t h an c hoir doe s?,,

-S ophomore Eric Binkl ey

« Because I l ike to exp lore my s inging capabilities. »

-So phomor e Tate P e ll egrini

" If yo u work hard, then you ca n letter."

In cheater and c hoir stude nts practice for long hours, overcome stage fright and improve publi c appearance ski ll s. Theater had two spec tacular show chis year: Heartbeats a nd The Empress Macbeth. C hoir h ad a wonderfu l winter c oncert called the Holida y Extravaganza . Juni or J ere m y P ayee said , «For che concert I practiced 40 to 50 hours , se riously!»

SideBy Side

Never Never Land


I - \
Senior LJura Boll1nger and Sean Boice perform wich Children s Theater Photo b\ B Kelle} Natalie Hunt performs for el emencary school kids Children s Theater performs their own versions of popular fairy tales
Academics 159
Photo b> B Kelley

Singing Sensation

Sop h omo r e Lisa W e1shen j un1or Dargan Sc h midt and senior Lena Goods sing a few n otes during the Moun t ain l-.1agic class period Mountain Magic is known for co m peting in the All Stace and All County choir compeunons Junior Randi Patton ~ay~ The qualu:y of our shows are 1mprov1ng a lot. "


Loud , Si n g Proud

Senior Karhenne Ridge shares he r \Wect s1ng1ng voice with the audience at the Choir Hohday Co n cert Photo by B Kelle}

All Smiles

Junior Bec ky I re as ur e takes a qui ck br eak front s1ng1ng Bec ky ha s enJo yed her ye ar in lv1 o untain M ag ic S h e says o n e of her mo s t memora bl e moment s was wh en s he went to AllCo un ty C hoir w1th h e r b es t fnend Photo by B Kelley

2 4th St. S inge rs First Ro,v · Amie W ;ud , Jenna Schiffman krle Hauser Chris raublc. K:Hh('rinl R1dg~·, and Natalie Hunt Middle Ro,v : Janet NeukHchner , April Rundquist Jonach.ln l\lusgr.\\'c, Kns1a Welch and Ke rsu Bryan Last Ro,v : Seth Baker and Todd Porter Photo by B Keilty

Photo h)' Kauc. Carlson
. ---------· ·

S"ect I otes

ountain Magic and 24t h Street Si n ge rs are ad vanced c hoirs for the schoo f s more d ed icated s tudents. The au dition pr ocess co n s ists of man y act1vit1es 1nclud1ng si n gi n g a so n g acappe ll a (i n the past ic h as been " The Sta r Spa n g led Bann er"), and s1ng1ng major , minor , chromatic, melod ic and h armonic scales. Tho se s kills are acquire d t hr o u g h caking a choi r c lass . Al so , t h ere 1s s ig ht reading and aural recall , where th e instructor plays a tu n e on the ptano and yo u listen and chen si ng the same tune by memory . Juntor Ce les te Gardner has been through thi s aud iti on process man y tim es and s ays, '< The bes t th 1ng co do is relax. I 've learned chat you do b e tte r w h e n y ou are r e laxe d .,,

loy Joy J oy Junior Celc~ce Gardner shares her , enc b} s1ng1ng a solo at rhe Christmas concert. \X' hen asked what she liked best about the choir, junior Becky Treasure replied, "All the beautiful , talented girls I get to sing with! "

KeepPracti cj ng

Jun1on Beck, J reasurc:: , Randi Patton and sophomore: Anna t-,,1angcn prnccice during class rhe group visited the C.SL Women ' s Choir Fcscival. Junior Celeste C..1rdc:nc::r said , " I like the \\.l}' we all blended together as a choir and as friends right from the beginning ."

Photo by K Carlson


Rin gi n g Sophomore ;\nna t-.1angan sings at the ( hriscm ;1s c.onctrt Junior Aimee Leidich :.ays most of che mistakes n1.1dc 1n class c.onstst of " ch e u sua l note me:.s-up:. and si n gi n g out of tune." \Y/h c: n a sked about funny or e mbara ss ing moments junior Randi Panon comment s Dr Bomar i s our accompani st Every t1mc:you sing a wrong note } ou'II know 1t b ) che ex pre ssion on her face:!'

Junior Dargan chm1dt, senior Lena Goods, j un ior Becky Treasure:, an d junior R.1ndi Pauon \\Ork on .a song for an upcoming concert, The: girls of l\.1ouncain Magic attended the CSU \X omen C hoir Fe~u,•al th1 year.Junior Randi Patton says, "\Y/e are rrying co gee the number of r up so Y.e impro, e. Photo br K. Ca r lson untain Magi c
Fron t R ow: Dargan Schmidt, Lena Goods Aimee Le1d1ch, Tegan Brown , Lisa Brown '3,id Ro\,· l 1\J \\ dshheu 1\11 chok Lambert Rand, Patton , Beck, Treasure: and Celeste Gardner ~o t Pictu red .\nna ~tangan Photo b} B Kellev Photo by B Kc:llc:y
Academics 161
Photo by B • Kellev

n today 's wor ld , co mput e rs are more importa nt tha n eve r Many jo b s now require em plo yees to h ave so m e comp ut er background. Society incorporates co mputer classes in tod ay's sc h oo ls, so st ud e nts will b egi n to learn th e n ecessary skills th ey will n eed in the future. If you are not interested in co mput ers, there are other c lasses you ca n take. Golden Hi g h Sc hool pro vi d es man y differe nt classes suc h as wood s hop , metal sho p , and a uto m ec h anics.

If yo u c hoo se to take one of these classes a ste p further a nd make it you r ca r eer, th e n you already have some exp erie n ce from high sc hool. " It was fun a nd it was worth takin g for a se m es t er," sai d so phom ore C al e b R ee d.

: Why did yo u ch oose M e tal Shop ?

" Because I like u s ing so m e thing s tronger than wood, and I am thinkin g about welding for a futur e."

-Freshme n Eric Wits hack

" I thought it would b e fun and I learned to cut metal. "

-Freshmen Luke Ulan der

Let the Sparks

Dirty Hands

Fly Freshman Mike Gulsv1g lets the sparks y he cuts a piece of metal Gulsvig said, I took metal shop because I wanted co learn how co weld I liked shop 1n eighth grade and wanted co continue to take tt n Phoco b) B Kelley Junior David Thompson cleans the 011 fron1 his hands a~er changing the ure on his truck Photo by B Kelley Gr ai n s of San d Sophomore Jake Rocke makes sure all the sides on ht~ polydecahedron arc sanded perfectly Photo by B Kelley
£.. ., I• ( (


\I\' Freshmen l\{1ke Parfet Jnd Luke Ulander use the. lathe to finish up the last stages of their meral project Ulander said I took it because I thought H would be fun and I learned to cut metal Photo b, B Keller

t3 '1 '; c~ :, B 1 ,. " II II •• ,. J • ,. " " ,. " II _, ..u• ~. ..... ..II
e _l
.rr oo Hot To Handl
Sophomore Caleb Reed makes a chisel
metal shop Photo by B Keller
Ah ead
raftin g for Plans
Sophomore T,, ler Warner does some rahing with AutoC.AD. Tyler said , " I can have money for college. ,fl take a class like this ."
Photo br B Kelley
Up A Future Junior Austin Adams drafts a house to turn in for a grade Adams said. " J like co draft and I plan to draft 1n the future ."
Photo by B Kelle)
T orkingTogeth e r
Student Life 163

Head Honchos

Seniors Student Bod) President Kell'\,· Aronownz and Student Body Vice President JererAmmon develop ne\v ideas for cool events One of the brand new events this year was Singled Out, a danng game based on the old lv1TV show b} the same name Photo b) A N 1ms

Qn e Sid ed Match

Senior Ryan l\fee prepares the macenals f t mummificauon class con1peunon at the Homecoming Assembly Student~ 1n rh1s compent1on had co wrap a fellow classn1ace 1n the given matenals: a robe for seniors. toilet paper for Juniors, masking cape for sophomore~ and dental floss for freshmen Photo by A. Nims

Lighting it Up

Juniors Joe: Kennedy and Elizabeth Watkins hang holtday lights through dov,ntown Golden. Student Council works on a whole bunch of our of school acnv1nes 1nclud1ng wor king ac soup knchens, with less privileged chi ldr en and doing proiects for chc C1cy of Golden

Fr o nt R ow: Jessica Gore, Allison Prose, Knst1n Gowey, Stevie lvfeyer, Gwen Carey, Carne Sc h och-Sm1th. Abb) Pfisterer, J eret An1mon, Dylan Re1tn1eyer Middl e Row: Johanna Crock. Kelly AronowHz, Mick \'(/oodworrh, Ryan Fields, Sarah Marnncz, Ashley Clemc:nc, Mary Dono\an, Merednh lvfcKcc, Josh Parry Lee Saunders, Ausc,n Larson, lvtr Dick Byrne, Cod)· Hayes, Ryan Nee T op Ro w:J oanna Ward.Jon Theisen, Liuren Arn11tage. Elizabeth \Xlackins, J oe Kennedy, Jared Leidich, lvlik c Chappe ll Pho co b) A N 1rns


Planning Ahead

Senior Let Saunders figures out a date for one of the man} events planned b} seniors during second semester During the second half of the year alone, the seniors planned the basketball m.irathon, ulumate fnsbec tournament, cosmic bowling night, pre-commencen1ent and graduauon Photo b) R Nee

Goofing Off

Junior Joanna Ward and Sophomore

Mike Chappell Joke around while putung up decorative lights chrough downtown Golden The lights stayed up through the holtdav season before studen ccouncil came: back for round two and took the lights down

et' s Go Bowling

Seniors Kell>·Aronowin,Jerct Ammon a 1ered1th .lv1cKee cake a break from cheu night of cosmic bowling at Fat City The bowling par[) ,vas planned b) Student Council and was a huge h1t with che scudencs who spent the n1ghc bowling away

Ready co Rumbl e

Juniors Scev1e Meier, Mick \X'oodworth and Joanna Ward pac1endy wan che1r curns co get aucuoned off ,n the annual Hire-A-Demon Aucuon The canned food ra1sed at the auction went to the Chnsnan Acuon Guild to feed locaJ homeless residents

., ) l ' .. I.J I
/ I :/
• • • • •
Aca d em ics 165

At th e D es k of Kno"vl e dge

Mr Christopher Collucc1 sits at his de~k grading his student s homework papers Homework 1s given a week 1n advance 10 tvfr Colucci' s class ?\.1arh 1s like life you can enjoy IC 1f you ti), said Collucc1 Photo b y H McDowell

Perp l exed

Sophomore Jessica Soliz concentrates hard on one of the problem on her test ?\.1ath 1s cool. I en JO) teaching 1t to the future generauon , • said Mr Score Manning Photo by H lvicOo,vell

rYl y. :

b C /. Jit l .~)(- 3 / I~\-= z {'IS\~j¥

No se to th e G rindston e Sophomore Jes\1c;a W1hon does her homework dunng the work un1c 1n class J un1or Branden Stc:uslofFsaid Mach helps you lacer 10 life • Photo b) H McDowell

Mathematical Gen iu s

Junior Aimee Lc1d1ch, wntes a mach problem onto the board to help her classmates understand the prob l em better I learned that math 1s realh h.trd ' said freshman Nichole Satterfield Photo by H tvh:Dowell

M ousing Around

Junior Rose \ 1llarreal researches about companies for her busine\S class , "I took business bec.1use I wanted to be bcrtcr educated in the workplace s,ud fr,shman Katie Burton Photo b, H \1c Dowell

Future Skills

Sophomore Dexter Foster looks onto ;\h , Louisa ~1clcnde7 s computer screen co get a better understanding of his assignment

Young people will need computer skills in the future more than ever no matter \\ hat career the} decide to go into replied t, Louisa t,..telendcz Photo b) H \.1cDowell.


to the Drawing Board

Sophomore t-.-iand1 Boleiack finishes her homework to turn It 1n on time " I chink this is a good class to get teens started in what the) ,, ant to do in the future. said freshman Rose \ 11larreal. Photo b} H \.fcDowell Cl

M esmerized

Sophomore t-. 1.ut Pahons p.n s clo~c at• tl·nrion .1s t, r-.ielcndcz \ho,,.~ him th1.: tools of rhc compun:r I took bu~1nes\ becau~e I'm going to L.t,\ School :1nd I figured it would hdp n1e \J1d junior Josh Schmidt Photo b, H t-.-kDowell

IDon ' t Get It

Hdp1ng sophomore: K.1t1c Burton ,, 1th her homc,,ork ~h. L u1sa l\.[eltndc:1 \hows her to ho\\ fix her 1ni~rake~ Busrnc:.s 1s J good das~ to gee }·oung people 1nccrc~ced and unohed 1n bu\1ne,~ said frc~hman r-.tand1 Bolq tck Photo b) H i\1c0owell

----::::;c::~=§ -- -
_ ..-..
Academ ics 16..,


Now That 's Funny

Senior Kate Neitz.el laughs as she fills our a worksheet ,vh1lc en1oy1ng her surroundings at Ocean Journe} Students 1n 81olog) do an expenmenc w1th peen dishes co find our the locauon 1n the school chat grows the most bacteria The} studied che gro,vth paccerns of bacteria and how the growth pf such batena depends heavily on the environment 1n which 1c grows. Photo By B Kelle}


ir e!

Senior Jason Bohks pops a hydrogenfilled balloon with a candle taped co che end of a suck co demon~tace h) drogen s reacuon co flame The best part of Science has been learning about things chat }'Ou can t see \\Jth che human eve said sophomore Meganne Mackey Photo B} B Kelle,


W Senior Lee Saunders 1s dumbfounded by the balloon explosion demonscrauon which JUSt took place in Ms Bryon's Acceleraced Chemistry class Ms Bryon always works hard co get students excaed about Chem1srry by creaong exciting demonstrations, in ,vh1ch students parucipate Photo By B Kelley

nimal Kingdom

Senior Tim Burch stares in awe through the glass at all the unique sea life ac Ocean Journe, Ocher than fish scudencs1n several GHS science clas)es aho scud} m1ncrab chat are found in son1e rocks Photo by B 1'.elley

Her e F ish y Fi sh y

Senior Erin Enna and 1un1or Courcne} Kreller cry co feed the animals during che field rnp co Ocean Journey Whilear Ocean Journey students learned about exotic fish from all over the world, as well as those found 1n the Rocky Mountain region.

Photo B} B Kelley

en your teacher whi p s ou t a banjo and s car es s in gi n g the songs problem, instead of the traditional, textbook story problem. To futher he wrote about physics, you kno\v there is something a little bit exp l ain physics concepts, Mr. Schalhamer does interactive demon s cratton s. different about the class you sig n ed up for. Mr. Richard In the " Pr ojectile Barney '' demonstration , one of the most popular of the Schalhame r, h onors Physics t eacher, is constantly thinking of new ways to get year, an action figure of infamous purple dinosaur is dropped into the path stu d en cs excited about the practical applications ofphysics. Mr. Schalhamer of a speeding ball-bearing to demons crate projectile motion. Caps from a toy works very hard to develop e..'<:ciring ways to present difficult physics co ncepts cap gun are attached to Barney co make things more intere sting. Creanng in an easy co understand manner. According to Schalham er, If someone 1nceresting in-depth projects ts another knack of Schalhamer's. The Juniors co mes up to me and asks,> what does this have to d o with a nyth in g in th e real in hon o rs physics this year got the oppertun1cy co build mechanical robot s ,vorld~,'then I a m failing as a teacher." In stead of giv in g run -of-mi ll whic h were unleashed on ocher robots in the cla ss, like the popular TV quizzes lik e in some c lasses, he writes h is o,vn " Indy Quizzes " involving all show, BactleBots. Overall, Mr. Schalhamer makes the cla ssroom an inte rsores of crazy sce nario s ,vhich tie a physics problem into their storylin es. The esting and exc1nng environment for producnve learning creative stories allow srudencs co gee immersed in the mner,vorkings of a story

Preparation First

Mrs Jan Bryson prepares a hydrogen filled balloon for an in-class demonscrauon The science department strays awa} from any d angerous experi m ents for student, but some demonstrations can ger exc1t1ng like Photo By B

Up To Space

Junior Josh Daniel inspects the rocket that he bui lt amd makes sure that 1t will take off when 1c ts finally readv to be launched The h ighest rocket launched \vent as high as approximately one thousand feet Photo By B Kelle}

Academics 169

olden ha s a large number and variety of English classes. Many Engli sh classes s imply teach che mechanics of our lan guage. Ho\-vever , some classes attempt to find creative ways co enlighten st udents and acnvate their minds. Publi c Communication/ Mass Media is a popular course where students give speeches and make comme rcial s about fake products and services. These fake serv ices include " Rent a Sen ior Citizen," a service to hire sen ior citizens to clean your house for you. AP English is an advanced English class for seniors which gives many s tudents an idea about what college level english c ourses are like , as well as a background 1n class i c American literature. The variety of eng li sh classes offered at Golden provide an opportunity for everyone to enjoy the class. Children's Theatre lees students express themselves through acting, while Independent Reading and Writing provides ochers with an opprrunity co write \Vhac they feel.

isrory c lasses at Golden cove r a wide range of study. AP World History 1s one of the mo st interesting and difficult clas,es a· Golden. Shannon Barrows and Bob Stokes create an int-!rest ing learning environment by s howing sl ides and videos, perfor'lling demonstrat1ons, and assigning interesting projects Mrs. Barrows said " AP Hi story challenges students to use analytical and critical thiriking to gain a better understanding of the world chey live in today." Fo example, in December che sophomores dressed up and gave presentations as hi storical figures to learn more about the impact chese people had on history. Whether they were dressed as Aristotle, Cleopatra, or Robin Hood , all the costumes were original and ente rtaining; many students even had co dress up as the opposite sex. In American History , student11 interact vvich each other to discuss our nation,s past In American Government , chey become involved with the government and learn to become active citizens. Hi story c lasses give every GHS student .i background about how far society has co me in the past and where wear· going in the future .


<ien1or Brandon C i sneros ltsH:ns to l'vfr Byrne s instnKtJOO\ 11\ l:.nglish 12. rn English 12 ~tudents read boo~, analy-1:e them and then rewnc, them C1:.neros said, "Its challenging and it's different from other classes · Photo by B Keller

Hamming it up

Sophomore Robb H ewett and freshman

Spencer Riggs pcrforrn 1n tvlr Hcrgcnreder·s producuon of To K,/1 ,1 /l.1oclu11gb1rd H ewitt ,aid I had a lot of fun plapng Sheriff I ace

C ampu~ ~ccursty guard Ron Griffin made a guest appcarence as che accu,ed r om Robinson Photo

b} B Kelley


Sophoniorc l\.1akcnz1e Rogers reads to the class 1n Engli\h I 0, or \'Qorld Liter uurc. where studen t s learn ,lbout the h1 scorv of111erarurc Rogl:rs said I w.1~ reading an Irish children s book co the class.' Photo by 8 Kelle>


Sta y C alm

Sophomore John 1'olsn1a prep,ucs for his speech 1n AP\\ orld H 1storv. ·\II students in the first vcJr of AP were rt·qu1red to drc5s up ,h .1 h1stonc.1l figure 1n ~f.,) .,s well Tolsma ,.ud, I \\J, surpn,cd th.u I ".1,n t ncn ous Photo bv B l\.dlcv

Re v le U p

Junior \1.1tt P.1nt.1leo flexc, hi, n1usclc, in AP. ·ro complete the AP progr.1m, ,tudcnrs n1ust ukc AP d,1,,es in tenth through t\\clfch gr.,dt) in .1ddirion to p,1,sing the AP tesr. P.1ntcko ,.1id, "l'n, huge!" Photo br 8. Kelley

May I h ave Yo ur Att e n uo n ? rrc,hnH.ll \I.I) ,Uc; \ltnud l ind Amcn.1 I br 1h1n1 h~t1.·n to spt".1kcr Done; lk Ad.1m, exp I.tin th1.·work, of~ l u.h.1cl.tngclo ()ne thing Aln1cid.1 k·arnc.·d" ·" th u \ lt d1.1d.1ngdo \\ ,l\n '1 .1 ,en good p.1intcr .H the. beginning of hi, c trc.·cr \lnH.1d.1 s.1id, " l le. trncd I loc ,1bo11t \ l1ch 1d.1ngdo 'Photo bv 1- \l.1rtin

It 's G o o d t o b e th e Kin g

\ophon1on:s Quinn Horncckcr, Andrew F 1ul kncr, .tnd l,unncr l,1cobs pcrh)rm thc.:ir sc.n1c.·\Ccr-cnd projc.·et ftH thc;1r fir,t )1.H of \P H 1,1on·. J.11. ob, pc. rformc.·d .1 \ tturd.n 1t,ht Ll\c; ,kit for h" projcd on l\.1ng l ut. l 1ulkncr ,.1id, ''It"•'' ok, but Ill) prc,c;1u,1tion "·" bc.•t• tcr. I 90-90!" Photo bv B. Kdlc, \ c.,lde nu v, 1 7 1

l \ -


h e yearbook staff truly starte d from s quare one chi s year. We had ne,v e dicors- inch1ef, se niors Adam Nims and R yan Nee, who s truggled trying to tea ch their inexperienced s taff ho\v to cr eate a good year book There ,vas a n ew system for submitting year book pages, sen ding ch em 1n on di sk instead of printed out, which led to a lot of problems at first, because no one r ea ll y knew what rhey were doing. Senior Ryan Nee said , " I had absolutely no idea chat b e ing Editor-in-Chief \vould be so difficult. Produ cing chi s book is like a full time job, yet I'm not getting paid for some reason. Sometimes I am in the yea rbook room at 10 :3 0 p m ., finishing up my work, wondering why I ever decid ed to do this co m yse lfl " Nee, Nims and their sec tion editors, Drew Zarn, M elissa Ford and Heather M cDowell managed co make it through the yea r w1ch a finished book , Start1ngfrom Square One. Senior Adam Nims sa id , "Ye arbook is a mu c h different class than any other. Ir 's che only class where our hom ewor k gets publi shed for the rest of che school to read."

Throughout all of th e chaos of making a 240 page book, the yearbook st aff managed to keep their s anity , except on deadline da ys. Senior Drew Zarn sa id , " Deadlines are pretty hard. Imagine having co do all of yo ur classmates hom ewo rk for them and chen having it printed 1000 times." Overall , th e staff made it through che yea r with a book we are proud of.


W Sensors R} an Nee and Adam Nims are playing with their ne\\ G4 computers dunng yearbook. This year the pubhcattons computer lab got new compute rs to speed up the production of che newspaper and the yearbook. Th e new G4s have an awson1e blue monitor that rules, sa id senior Dre,\ Zarn Photo b} B Kelley 0 EX1T

"'\VJhat 's h a pp enin g?

W Daydreaming rn wonderland senior staff member Ryan Zenker thinks about ideas for hs1 spread Yearbook chose the theme,Starring Frorn Sqwtre One because ,ve have a new principal, a sle,v of new students. and che new m11lenn1um scarred w1Ch the year C\VO thousand and o,u MYearbook was laid back unul I really had co starrworking on m}· spread," said sensor Taunya Happ Phoco by B Kelley

"'\Vfatch thi s !


Senior Paul Bafiagas ~hows senior Ryan Zenker and Sophomore Eli ~1arun where a picture would besc fie 1nco a spread. Three different semesters of yea rb ook staff work on the yearbook evel') year, because each yearbook 1s started 1n the spnng of che year before "Yea rbook ma) not seem char d,fficulr unnl you find yourself at school ar 8;00 10 the morning on a Saturday," said senior Ryan Nee Phoco by B. KellC)


n g on Task

Jun1or Jusun Leazer completes a scory for newspaper \X'h1le newspaper co mpl eces only a few papers per year, )'earbook completes around 100 spreads a yea r co make up a 220- co 240 page book "My favorite part about yearbook 1s that we gee co travel around school and calk to different people. " said sopho m ore Eh Marcin Pho co b y B Keller

Awaiting Appro val

~en1or Clay Cushman waits while che first draft of his scon for che Trident gees checked .i.nd edited bv iun1or t-.1,kc \'( endt. Newspaper is noc ah\ays a fun class. le is a lot of hard work. \1osc people do noc reali,e ho,\ much work goes into one paper. It is an awesome learning experience .i.nd eH:rych1ng chat I have learned in the class has been \ cry useful in my life," said senior Cass1d, \'( elch. Photo by 8 l\.elle)


ng th e D ea dlin e Sophomores t-..fakenz1e Gares and Nichol Dupont cype a,va) JS they en to gee their ~cones finished b) chc deadlin<. Oe,elop1ng che laroucs of the nt"\vspaper from scratch 10 Adobe P.igemaker 1~ qunc d,fficulc, and cakes a loc of knowledge .1bour design New~paptr 1s .1 fun class if you like wnnng. said Junior Jusnn Leazer Photo b) B Ke.llC}

De rnonium 20 01

Fron t Ro,v Adam '\l1rns Secon d Ro ,v· Hearher t-..1cDowdl, Ore,\ 7~1rn R) an ~ce T lurd Ro ,v: R\ an Zenker, El, t-.1arnn C,hnsuc Overmyer, April \X .11lact Fourth Ro\.v · Joe Dunlap, Jessica Ce~arez. Jessica Odden, Shannon l\1c0onald. Shannon l\1eehan Taun, a Happ B ack Ro\.v · Llra Alc.1raz. Cydney l\1oora, \fcl1ssa Ford., Paul Banagas No c P1 c cure d Luke Durgin Stacy Jones, Jenna Krng Photo b, B Kelle)

Academics 1''3

e 0Four years ago, the Class of 2001 graduated fron1 eighth grade. With trepidation and excitement, we moved on to high school. As we finish up chis year's book, we see the seniors grow from children into the adults they are today. The Golden High School yearbook staffwould like co wish this year's seniors good luck in whatever they choose to do, and we would like to thank everyone for giving us an excellent year. Congr:1culario1t~!


Terry A cr ee

Terry you have come a lon g ,vay to get to ,vhere you a re today You are the jo) of our li ves You have become a strong, bright young man. We' re very proud of your success, most of all, ,ve're glad chat vou are our son Though che bad nmes and good nmes, ,ve ,vould not have changed or given up anything. We love you ahvays Mom & D ad

P S We ,v1ll al,vays be your itl fans


Dear Jeret , First, you a re not adopted Second, you ,vere not born 10 Nebraska There you are, a lovely, bright, arnculate young ,voman Your mother and I are extremely proud of ,vhar you have accomplished and ,vhat you ,viii accomplish!

Love you. Mom a nd Dad

P S You are n ot "stupider than Jup1ter"' 1 Au r o r a Arlee Aurora, Well kiddo, ,ve have been through SO much together. You have been a HUGE part of me for the last fe,v years H ere are some nd-b1ts of memories thac make you special forever Forensics, "the pass,vord , Mexico, clubs , mountain adventures, endless Journaling, dances, mangos on che beach, and most of all. my undying affecnon I hope you stay 10 my life for a LONG nme! -Dusnn

T iffa n y Arm enta

What fun, \.Vatch1ng you go through all the stages of your life; from chinking cookies ,vere the only food on earth, stayi n g up lace was the way of life, the d ay you' d be taller rhan me. No\.v g raduatin g. You'll ahvays be our s p ecial Tiffers.

Love, Your Anina, Uncle Seu, Aniela & Skylar

Brianna Baker

You have been che light 1n our li ves since the day you ,vere born. We are proud of th e wonderful yo ung lady you have become. We love you every day of the ,v eek but C\vice as much on fridays because ,ve ,vane the ,veekends offi

Love, Mom& Dad

Toby Allen

Toby , If you remember nothing else in your life remember that no matter what you do you are being an example co someone Congraculac1ons , we love you.

Mom and Dad.

J eret Ammon

Grape Ape,

Four years already, and 1c has been so much fun Thanks for ahvays being there for me, and for being che best friend I could have Ahvays remember " S I T ," t1gob1cnes , " H ellooo!' ' Chinese lunch, shooch1e boochies and " Wa tt , you ' re a " You are a,vesome. Love , Abbyoyono

Aurora Arlee

I've long been familiar ,v1ch the 5 w's Now graduation bnngs che quest nearer. I kno\.v ,vho I am as ,veil as ,vhac and ,vh} I \.Vane co do There 1s 2/5 left co go (where and ,vhen) co complete 1n order co gee on wnh my life

Love, Dad

Kelly Aronowitz _J

" Ser yourse lf free co simply be yourself, and you w ill score higher than you ' ve ever dreamed."

(Edmund O ' Nei ll )

Love, Mom and Dad

Set h Bakker

Seth, you have gro\.vn, changed and yet remain the same You are so loving and caring coward everyone around you. We pray that you never lose chat precious gift. God has blessed you and you have blessed us We celeb rate your life and love you deeply.

Love, Mon1 & Dad

Babies and Buddies

' \ .,
l ..,5

Taylore B ec km a n

What am I supposed co do without you guys next year? We've been through so much. Whatever it ,vas, laughter or tears, \Ve made ic together. Thank you for everything.

I love you guys.

T aylor e B eckman

Tay Tay- To someone I can always be myself around. Thank you for the encouragement, confidence and colorful friendship. I love you.

Love, Toni

Bes t Buds

Two g1rls set sail on a log and out into open sea, ltttle did I know this voyage \.Vould spawn a friendship so precious to me. You 've helped me 1n every part of my life, I couldn't be "vho I am \.v1th ouc you. May \.ve outlast the end of the "vorld and remain forever young.

Ta lore B ec kman

Dear T aylore Le igh,

I am so proud of the yo un g lady you have become. May yo u pu rsue you r goals and dreams and always stay che sweet beautiful person you are.

I Love you!

Mom J ess i ca Be rry

You have come a long ,vay! We are so proud of you. Remember all the good ci mes Keep holding your head h igh and you ,vill be su re co achieve all your goals. We love you.

Love, Mom , Dad & Erin.

L a ura Bollinge r


What can I say? Walmarc will never be the same an d neither ,vill l. You a re my hero, my idol, my poem writer, my friend, and my family. Always remember "the plan," even if tt cha n ges t h rough time a nd don ' t forger char hoer is spelled ,vic h C'\VO t ' s. Love, J o

R o b e rt Brooks ._____ _____, I love you baby bear I look fonvard to our future together .

Robert Brooks

Rob, My life ,vas with out meaning unti l I met you. You filled the hole 1n my heart with your love. I love you.

Jenn ifer.

Rob, I am so proud of you. Seems like this p icture ,vas taken a s hort time ago, not 13 years. I know that you're a young man no,v, soon co be a manne, but you'll always be my Scooter.

Love, Morn Shannon Brown

"We've been blessed wit h a t iny token of love." From che d ay you were bor n , you've held our hea r ts in your hands. You've gro,vn from "a gtczy baby" into a bea u tiful yo u ng woman. We are very prou d of you ! Wish ing you every happi ness.

Love ahvays, Mom, Da d & Jare d


I 17 6
Robert Brooks

Jeret Amman's fri e nds

So r ry chat chis 1s an all girl picture I JUSt wanted co say thanks for mai<Jng me laugh guys! Without you, all of high schoo l would have been terrible. Special thanks co Rilo and che " Foo seball gang," I love you guys. Also thanks to my girls Blamm nights rule 1 Have fun, J- Rae

Kell y's Friends

Thanks for the years of memories! Never fo rget girl nights, Student Council, time songs, cai n Sunday, "fi rs ts", "dirty" sc rabble , 610 dome, blamm, deep thoughts, and excess ive laughing. I cherish all of our friendships so much. M y greatest times 1n high school have been with you guys, so thanks! Love, Kelly

Carlos Cady-Reheis

Carlos, I know chat I can get mad but you are che best brother anyone has because you have b ee n there for me all the nme. I hope you do something chat you really hke. I "viii miss you when you go co college.

Love, Flor

Carrie Case

Well you are the best cousin and best friend I cou ld ever have. Someday you will have che world. I love you bunches

Love Ray xoxo

Molly Cook

The future 1s bright , so believe in yourself. Your aunts, and uncles are very proud of you! R emember to ,vork hard and try co stay out of the doghouse!! We love you, Te r ry, Michelle, Mike , along v,ith Paul , Emily, Ryan , Ro se, Sa nd y, and St ep h anie.

Jen's friends

Over the years \ve 've all gro,vn even closer. We ' ve been there for each oche r through the every laugh and tear. We leave having a bundle of memories chat are unforgecable Than ks for everyth1ng you've done , I ,vill always cherish our friendship.

Love al,vays, Jen

Carlos Cady-Reheis

The first hole 1n one at age rwo while v1s 1t1ng g randpar ents 1n Georgia! Carlos, follo"v you r dream

Grandma and Grandpa

Carrie Case

We have al vays been close and noth ing w11l change chat. I love you


Love Ray

Patri ck Conley

To the love of my l1feCongratulanons, you've made tc I'm so proud of you My love and support through out everyth in g you do We ve been through a lot together Thanks for being there \Vlth me through Jt all. And I hope we ' re together forever I'll ahvays love you

All my love, Your Baby Girl

Molly Cook

To ou r fi rst grandchild, We are very proud of you Molly Keep up the good work and knov, you will su cceed. Be happy and e njo y life May God be \Vtth you always We lov e you very much.

Grandpa and Grandma Rome

Babies and Buddies 177

Meghan Coo p e r

Megs , For the past 15 years yo u have been a huge part of my ltfe From J.L, PP, CMT, Lucky, T ombstone, F1bark, Pa1nt1ng, to basketball, vo ll eyball, and softbal l, \V1th everych1 ng 1n bet\veen So many of my good memories involve you' And I kno\v there are more to come

Love , Kendra



evie Co r onado

We v1i s h our one and only granddaughte r, whom \Ve love dearl y, h a pptn ess, wealth , lu c k and "visdom 1n h e r future Alv1ays remember, life do es nor p ermit 1cs path co be r et ra ced and the dir ecuo n changed Today can chang e tomorrow, but not yesterday.

Lo ve, Loui e and Margi e Aragon

C h evie Co ronado

.________________ __,

May God lead you in your journey to finding our who yo u are. For th e Lord do esn' t make it easy, and wh e n chat um e c om es just call and I'll be chere, anyplace, anynme!

Big Brothe r

C h ev ie Coronado

Every father wishes for a mira cle. Well, for me s he is a rrura cle of life because of why s he was born


Chevie Coronado

Chavaugn, Walk proud Walk call. Do that in life which brings you joy. Never see k the app lause of oche rs. The flame , buried within you, keep it alive - never let it be extinguished & tf you ever e ncou nter d efea t - you mu s t n eve r be defea ted.

I Love You Your Sis

Chevie Coronado

H ey Chev ron , You 've been there for me all the rime I'm goi n g co miss you when you go co college. H ope you su cceed and have fun P .S. Don ' t be an Ambulan ce Chaser.

Love Nace Chevie


Although life has man y obstacles and path s, yo u have accomplished a maJor goal. As yo u make plan s for che future , yo u will begin another chapter of c hoi ces and dec ision s chat you s hould make with yo ur h ea d and heart Remember, your a ttitude almost ahvays determines you r altitude tn life

Love M o m

Buddy C roi ssant

Our Buddy ha s al\vays been s uch a joy, so many fun m emori es, h e re ts JUSt one.

You ' re st ill our prid e and joy!

Love you, M om, Dad , and family

Budd C roissan t

To m y #1 Grand so n , You ha ve always made m e proud co be yo ur g ran dm other. Don ' t s cop now, you've only j ust begun Aim high , stan d fast in your belief and goa ls and d o n ' t forget the lttrle thi ngs 1n life along che '\vay

Love ya ahvays, Grandmaw Seay

C lay C u shm an

I can h a rdl y ex p ress how happy I am co know you. Thank yo u so much for being you, and of co urse thank yo u for al\vays being th ere for m e and showing m e so mu ch love and kindness. I'm glad we s tu ck cogecher chr oug h ch e goo d , bad, and t h e incredib ly bad times

Love, Your Girlie!

17 8
m B. a 01 fa n:


la o n C ushm an

"What moon songs do you sing vour baby? What sunshine do you bring? Who belongs, who decides \vho's crazy~ Who nghcs wrongs \Vhere ochers cling?" Smashing Pumpkins

Love, Mom, Dad, and Danny

J e rem y Dahm

Jeremy, Ir's been fun \Vatching you gro,v up the lase 18 years. We hope all rhe cho ices you make in rhe future are as good as the ones you made in the past Follow your heart and listen co che Lord, and you will go far.

Love you, Mom and Dad

Christina Dupont

Chnsnna, The thought of you has and ahvays will \varrn m} heart Whether 1t was forcing you to play Barb1es with me back then, or begging you for a ride now, I have enJoyed every moment of our childhood together You are snll my favonce sister and I look fonvard co our adult memones together.

Love you more than life, Nichol

Christina Dupont

Thank you Chnsnna for shari ng many special memories. You have s hown me a beautiful grace chat I will chensh forever. And no matter where your travels will take you, I \Vlll always be wich you.

Eternal Love, Mom

n Mike Emmons

I'm so proud of you! You have give n me years of fun and e ntertainment. Keep up che hard \Vork and never give up reaching for you r goals. You're a very special person wich so mu c h co give and offer. I love you and thank you for the best yea rs of my life.

Love , viom

J e r em y Dahm

Jeremy , You are alv.rays someone I liked co look up to, and hang around. When there \Vas a problem at school you \Vere always the first one co know. You are a role model for me , and I hope you kno\v I will al\vays love you Love you , Your Bro Cody

Cassi d y D inzes

Cassidy , Remember \vhen \Ve firs t mer 1n Ms Goodw1ns class 1n l ~, grade? We have been friends ever since The years have been fun

Charles Huntsman

C hri s tina Dup ont

I have always loved your playful spine and you al\vays give 100 % Rest assured char you are forever close co my heart and \viii never be far a\vay No matter \vhere your trail leads you. $\.veer dreams.

Love, Dad Luke Durgin

We love you Luke!

Mom, Dad, Erik Erin Enna

T on1 and Kelly:

Th ank you C\VO so much for the 13 years of laughter and fun I will forever cherish our fnendsh1p and never forget the memories. Congrarulauons! I \V tsh you cwo the best of luck in your future years. May \Ve be friends forever.

Love, EEE


I 0
Babies and Buddies 17 9

Enn, One 1s hke the ocher except chat the second ts better. Congracu lano n s co my s ister for making it all che way!

H ope che future treats you well.

Love , Your brother , Tyler

E rin E nn a

Tha nk yo u for all the great memories and everlasting fnendshtp I lo ve you with all my heart Thank you for al\vays being there for m e



M a ndi Gab el

Mandi, From pi gtails to homecoming dresses, we have co m e a long \vay. Please take yo ur ca r co co ll ege so I can h ave a different one!

Love, Megan

Rya n C e rni

Ryan, My hccle diddy for you I h ave loved watching yo u grow up You are truly a s p ecial yo un g man You are m y greatest JOY and so ur ce of e ndl ess prid e. Al\vays share yo ur humor a nd thoughts. EnJoy life, li sten co you r h ea rt and go achieve you r dr eams. Love yo u alv,ays.


Ry an C erni

Watching yo u grow from a bab y co a fine young man has b ee n an e nt e rtaining and proud time for u s. A fond m e mory of yo u \Vas, whil e shopping yo u would look up and s a y, "S poil m e ,, grama. Lo ve, Grama a nd Chuck

Erin E nn a

Erin ,

There 1s so mu c h thac life has co offer. May your c hoi ces be made \vich wisdom and yo ur journey be a wonderful ex peri ence. We are so thankful to have s hared the first 18 v.rond e rful years with you!

Lov e, Mom and Dad

C hri s Fa ubl e

From th e mom e nt we laid eyes on yo u , you have filled our lives with prid e and joy. A s you continue on in life, we are co nfident that you will be s u ccessfu l, and we wish yo u every h a ppin ess in yo ur pursuits

We love y ou , Mom and Dad

Sar a G a rre tt

Aner che past t e n yea rs of being the best of fnends, I c ould only imagine what che next decade has in score. You are an awesome godmother, friend, and sis ter. I could never repay yo u fo r chat! Barbies Forever!

Siempre Viva! Love in Christ, Heath e r , Nicole and Paige

Ry an C erni

Your a cc ompli s hme n ts thus far are only a glimpse of greatness yet co come. Please know chat few things in life make me as proud and ho p eful as you do Always remember where yo u com-: from , but know where you are going. All my love and support,

Ren ee

Je ss e Go shorn

Congratulatio n s J esse! We are very p roud of you. Keep smili n g and k eep your dreams alive. Reach for t h e s t a rs, never give up!

Love ,

Mom a n d Dad


' • r , ' 180 E r i n E nn a
• •
'----------------------------- -

esse Goshorn



Rand y Groe

Fo llo\v your dreams, and listen to your heart - you have a good one 1 Love, Mom, Dad and Scott

·- Yvonne Han se n

Congratulations graduate! Where did the time go? We remember \vhen you were our little "Dooc" girl and no,v you are all grovvn-up. We are so proud of you and wish you success and mu c h happiness in your future!

All our love, Mom, Dad , Tara, and Russ

Jordan H auser

Dear Jordan, Follow your heart, listen co your mind, and you will always do wel l. Love, Your Mom, Cheryl and brother Ky le

Natalie Hunt

You a re a star, we're your biggest fans. Remember "the quest" and dream "the impossible dream " Love forever, Dad and Mom

Charles Hunts m an

You have alv,ays been there for u s and we know you always will. You are our leade r Love, Andy and Tommy

.___J en nife r Harmon J

I love you baby bear I look forward to our future together.


Frank H euschkel

Lerne dein neues Gasrland kennen und l ieben , finde neue Freunde und bere1 re ande r en F reunde. Love, Mom and Dad as well as Linda and Dale

Natalie Hunt

Natalie " You are my sunshine , my only sunshine." Remember co ahvays be yourself and always scay the loving and canng 1nd1v1dual you have ahvays been You make our hearts proud Love always, Mom and Dad

Sherylin Jaco bs

Sheryhn, yo u are che best ever and I love you so mu ch. I hope whatever you d eci d e co do s uits you. Love ya, Li sa

Babies and Buddies 181

Levi a nd Co di

Codi and Levi, You are the best!

Love, Nancy, Jannet and Curr

Kelly J on es

You are the light, che love, the laughter. You have a bright future , full of love and laughter. EnJoy.

Seay \Vho you are Love, Dad, Mom, Kerry, Kourtney

Meghann Kl ase rn er

Meghs , Now that high school days are coming roan end, and although we are going co be separated you ,v11l ahvays be 1n my heart and mind. Always remember all of our greatest memories! R.C.'s house, "Deers," lace nights. You're rhe greatest friend anyone could ask for. I love you!!


V io la Klu cik


You ' re che best fnend thac I could ever have l know char you will have a great year I have one great hope, char \Ve \Vlll be friends forever This picture should ahvays remind you of all che fun chat we had and make you chink of all che fun we \Vill have 1n our future

Love, Becky Mit ch Kra us


We're always very proud of you 1

You've become a really great personkeep being you. Love you always!

Mom and Dad

Eri c J o hn so n

Look ar how amazing my little men have become. Good luck in all you do. Eric I am so lucky co have you as my little brother and friend. I have watched you grow into the mosc amazing young man. Your future, I know, will be just as amazing.

Love always, Your sister Kristy


ch ell e Kin g

What a ray of Sunshine!

I love you, Grandma Fields


iol a Klu cik


I c seems like only yesterday chat you were JUSt starring co walk. As you gee ready to go out on your O\vn, remember we love you and will always be here to help you in ,vhacever your future holds.

Love, Mom and Dad

Mit ch Kr aus



I can already say rhac you have brought me many wonderful memories, but we still have many more co come. I reall} admire your ability to achieve ,vhac ev~1 you put your mind co. You're che greatest. I'll ahvays love you.


Congrarulanons l1ccle s1scer for graduating \vich the class of 200 l ! I am so very proud of you, and I can't \Van co see what exc1t1ng things you are go1ng to do with your life. From the rime you \Vere a little girl co che young woman you are today, you have always brough t a smile co my face!

Sundara, you are the besc 1 With love and support, Steven L----------------------------~

r )
Love, Kacie ._____________________________
Sunda ra Kuhn

Sean Ludd en I

You were comfortable climbing almost as soon as you starred ,valk1ng. I guess could have guessed you ,,,ould become an accomplished rock climber. Keep reaching for whac makes your life enjoyable. I am very proud of you! On belay!

Love, Mom

·---i.___Am__an da M_c_D ow_e_ll ___,

I'm proud of you sis, you've come a long way. Good lu ck 10 college. I ,vill miss you

Love, Sunky feet

\ our Ii cde s1scer Jenny

Kell y M cTee r

Kelly, you've filled our lives w1ch laughrer. Set your goals h igh. Your co nfid ence will carry you far. May God bless you on your Journey.

Dick, Mom and Jamie

Arlene M edrano

Arlene, You are my life. You are my song. When I am w1rh you, nothing could ever go wrong. OH so beautiful, and OH so strong. Keep doing -..vhat you' re doing , a nd together our life wtll be long. I love you. Congratulanons on graduatton. Love al,vays, Kenny I

7 Arlene Medrano

Arlene, you have always been a dream co me true. And everyday you bnng suc h JOY co my l ife. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Keep up the good work and -nay all you r dreams come true. P.S. \ ou ,vill ahvays be my baby. Congraculattons.

love you always, Mom

Amand a McDowell


I love you dearly. May your sm1 le, your JOY, your energy carry you chrough life's highways Miss America, you're che best' And never forger - I'll love you forever, I'll like you for al-..vays, as long as I'm hv1ng my baby you'll be Love, Mom Mary McSkimmings


We are so proud of you! With all of your hardwork - you have done a! You are a wonderful. loving daughrer ,vho deserves co gee the best out of life.

Love, Mom, Dad, Michelle Kelly McTeer


Hey Boy' \Y/ell, my partner 1n cnme, you made 1t! Good luck in all you do 1 Don't forger you sister ,vhen you're a b1ll1ona1re! Then you cou ld get your own coys and ,ve ,vouldn 'c have co share anymore'

I lo ve you brother, Jamie Arlene Medrano

Arlene, I remember ,vhen you ,vere JUSt my baby, and your nvo btg brothers ,vould ,vatch out for you I can snll see che closeness In the three of you and ho,v much you have matured Into a wonderful young ,voman I can ' t believe how much you have grown I am so proud of you and I kno\v you ,viii accomplish 1n life ,vhac you sec out to be Cong ratulanons 1 Love you forever' Love , Mom

Arl en e Medrano

Arlene, ,vc both are so very proud of you. We are so lucky co have such a wonderfu l daughter Keep smiling, -..vork hard at you r dreams, and al\vays believe 1n you rself. Good Luck! May God always bless you. Congrarulauons. Love Mom & Russ

Babies and Buddies 183

Arlen e M edran o

Arlene, ,ve just wanted to say chat we be l teve we are the luckiest brothers 1n the world to have you as ou r sister, and \Ve hope that all your hopes and d reams come true. We love you and ,ve are really proud of you. Congratulations!

Love your brothers, Adam & James

Arl e ne and Kri sti e

Arlene & Knsne, \Ve are very proud of the both of you. We' re glad of the fnendship you both have developed You both are the S\veetesr girls and the best of friends We hope all your dreams come crue and you ahvays remain true co yourselves and fnends We love you both Congratulations

Love ahvays, The Yenter 's & Medrano 's

T ravi s Moo n

We 've always stuck toget h er; no matte r what.. through thick and chin, no,v 1t seems you're g ro,ving, an d this chapter 1n your life must e n d Always kno,v, howeve r , that no matter what you do, you'll have a sister here co he lp and guide you through.

Best Wishes, I Love you, S1s

N ico le Moore

Bursnng with ene r gy and en rhus1asm, you sprang i nto this \vorld taking on cha ll enges like s leeping unnl noon, and ma1nta1n1ng you r scyle We are equally proud of your othe r talents and accomplishments You are a beautifu l young \VOman \vich a wonderfu l I1fe ahead of you.

Love, Mom, Judd, Chnsne, Shayna, & Ki r a

Mi ke Mo rri so n

Mike, we 've been through a lo t 1n the end It may not have worked out Ac times it might have looked as though I hared you, but 1n realtcy I could not stop chinking about you. Also, thanks for stand ing by me and bel1ev1ng 1n me. I'll never forget the \vay you have impacted my life, 1c 1s 1n a way you will never realize Love Ahvays and Forever,

Lindsay Ostenson

Arlen e Me dran o

Arlenee, you are m y b est fn e nd Yo u are so hones t a nd cari n g. T ha n ks fo r being t h ere t h r ough the goo d a nd b a d times. All the t h i n gs I want t o say to you, I can't write in this s mall area. I ho p e al l you r d reams co m e t r u e. Love yo u always, Kristie

Ju stin Mo n toya

T h at's my Baby!!

N ico le Moo re

Nico le, You' re the bes t fr ie nd an d sis te r anyone cou ld have. I lo ok up co you more th a n anyone e lse. I' ll m iss o ur l ittle "cha ts'' , vh e n yo u go off to college - I'll also miss w eari n g you r c loth es! B e yo urse lf a nd d on' t let an yone change yo u Love, C hr is n e

Th eresa Mo rga n

Th eresa, Suc h a tiny girl so soo n g r o,v n - up . We're p ro ud of yo u M om & D a d

Stefani e N ahl ey

Bes t ,v is h es t o yo u i n th e futur e. K ee p a p osi t ive a cntud e a nd y ou w i ll s u ccee d K ee p i n to u c h . I t h as b ee n exci t i n g ,va cc h in g yo u g row up th r o u gh th e ye ars, from a t in y bald bab y t o th e love ly, bl o nd e, blu e-eye d la d y yo u 've b eco m e.

Lo ve, D e n ise, Am a nd a and Alyssa


( • 184

Stefan ie Nah ley

Ic's n:all} re,vard1ng to see our granddaughter gro,v from a small baby, dependant upon her parents for her very existence, co a beaunful, selfsuffic1ent, young adult graduanng from high-school beginning a self-supporting life of her own. We are very proud of you!

Grandma and Grandpa Nahley

Stefanie Nah ley

I admire the ,vay you bounce through adversity, maturing ,vich every cough lesson learned The pocennal is al\vays 1ns1de you. Your accomplishments are yours and yours alone. I have no doubt chat you ,v11l reach all your goals.

Rya n Nee

Vesuvius, Remember, chat one rime , \vhen you were like uh, born ? That was a,vesome

Bill and Spee

Paul Nee dham

Paul, The cowboy, gunslinger, actor and fun loving kids You al\vays ,vere a fun loving personality , al\vays having che funny quip , che funny look. Keep chis fun loving personality \Vtth you as you leave high school and venture into the much too senous world. " Laugh and che \vorld \Vtll laugh \vich you, Cry and you will cry alone "

Love , Dad

S tefani e Nah ley

Stephanie, pictures sho\v so n1e of your different interests and remind me of che c hallenges you've faced From athlete ro acrress, from scho lar ro explorer, }OU illuminate \\1th d1gn1cy and grace \vuhouc snf11ng vour adventurous sp 1nt and .sense of humor Through life experiences vou ve gained confidence, determ1nanon and \\ 1sdom

Stefan ie Nahley

You are an 1ncel11genr, creanve, young ,voman who has already lived life to the fullest I can hardly ,..,au for che next exc1t1ng chapte r t o unfold. No matt er ,vhac, I will ahvays be here for you. Make your own lu ck hone}!

Lo\ e, Momm}

Ryan Nee

Ryan , We are very proud of your creat1\ icy and com put er sk ill s. Sec your goals high, be posrnve, ,vork hard and you will be successful 1n \\. hatev er you do Have fun and enJoy life

Love, Mom and Dad

Pa ul Nee dh am

Paul, \ ou've always been 1n such a hurl) co grow up and here vou a r e all g r O\\O up \v1ch places to go and people co meet! Where did the time go? Remember all rhe fun trip s \ve\e taken and the good life you've had \'\fork hard , go for \\' hat yo u believe 1s nght and you ,v1ll be re,\arded 1 I \\tsh the bes t for you 1 I ,viii mi ss you a loc1


N elson


We a re so proud of you and your many accomp li shments! l c's hard co believe vou' re a lready a senio r! You have rema i ned strong through some adverse nmes. In sho,v1ng chat kind of characre r, you will flourish 1n life! We love vou Bnan j Mom and Dad

Love, Mom Janet Ne u kirchn er Her e's to NKOTB, rebell1on , road tnps , V1s1on, sponcanc uy , raunung God, ska, rain-dances, and uncontrollable laughter I love )OU man! \our fnendsh1p mean s n1ore than you knov,r May you live an a,vesome life, filled w1rh p1erc1ngs and contentment

Go cry yo urself co sleep on your HUGE PILLA

Parry on, Krista

Babi es and Buddies 185

Janet Neukirchner

Janet , W e' ll mi ss you! You and your mu s ic add s o mu c h ro our family W e are s o grateful for y ou and y our humor You connnue co impress u s wtrh your talents, your hean and y our hones ty Follo,v y our heart , but always remember ,vhere \Ve live

Love ,

Mom and Dad

Nicole O sborn

Your curtain call s began early 1n life , as did your decerminanon , s unshine personality and love of music FoJlo,v your dreams! " Live well , laugh of ten , and love much ."

I love you and I am very proud of you

Mom Se d a Ozd emir

Aboooo , 1n JU St 4 y ears we' ve made th e best memories: planning for che dan ces ( 8 month s a.head of time), Deer and salad s {a.hhh ), s urpnse s cop s at R C .'s house Chinese restaurants , and dinner w1ch a movie. Remember cho se memone s and that I am ahvays there for you! Bes t fnends forever , Well , " DITT0 1" MEGHS


PS Being " bo y crazy" is n ' t so bad! Ha.ha

Jos h Parry

Josh , Congraculanons! You are a grea c brother , and I will mi ss you next year. You have a wonderful spine; don ' t lose you r ability t o argue everyth ing!! Goo d lu ck in everything you do , and don ' c lose sight of your dreams I love you, Co urtn ey

Ab by P fiste rer


We are so very, very proud of yo u Always keep yo ur abunda n ce of joy an d laughter. R eme mb er you r family loves you and su pp orts yo u in all of your endeavors

Love , Mom, Dad and Mike

Jan et Ne ukirchn er

Janet, Cong ratul ations! You ' ve done so well ac everyt h i n g ch ac you ' ve cried and I've ahvays looked up co you and b een proud to h ave you as a sister. Always remember chat I'll be here for you \vhenever you need me and chat I love you.

Love, Karen

Se d a Ozd ernir

Aboooo! I a m so proud of everych i ng you have accomplishe d I know you will succeed in everyth ing you set your m i nd co. We have had so many g r eat nmes t ogether an d I miss yo u a loc. H ave fun in co ll ege a nd keep in touch.

Love Urnn J os h Parry

You ' ve always expressed stro n g opinions. The passion of yo ur ideas and ideals, che s p a rkl e of you r hum o r , you r kin d good n ature an d l ove, hav e brought us great happ iness. May these gifts help yo u throughout life and bring you t h e same success, joy a nd pleasure that yo u have shared with us.

Love, Morn a nd Dad

Abb y Pfist erer 7Abbyoyono!

Au JUS! 9 years and counting \Y/e mu sr be gecung old (I 7-81) I just ,vane co say thanks for all the a\vesome m en1ones. You \Vere always there for n1e. Remember, the three Musketeers, student council , hovercrafcs , blamm nights, Ralston memories, 401 club, Grape Ape, our " d , roun s ,

l- F o re ve r, J RT ___________

Kath erin e Rid ge

We are so proud of yo u and your acco mpli shm ents. We love you so very mu c h As yo u go ouc on yo ur O\vn, w e know you r intelligence and talents will allow yo u to realize yo u r dream s.

Love always and for eve r , Mom and Dad

I lJ 186
___.l l

K ath er i n e Rid ge

T h a n ks for b e in g a g r ea t s iste r I a p p r eciate a ll yo u 've do ne fo r m e and I love y ou a lo t H ave fun 1n co ll ege. Love, Bri a n

Rya n Ril ey

Your Dad proudly watc hes from above , \vtth you always , and th r ough our lives together I've hoped the cho ices I made for you then ,vould carry you ch rough the c hoi ces you 'II m ake ,v,chout me No,v the point Ive not longed for , where the pride 1n my soul and a n ac h i n g heart I 11 \Vatch you go on \.Vtthouc me You ' ll do well I ,v1U n11 ss you I love yo u so Mom

J e re m y R ozell e Yo ur in te r es t in t h e a ucom o u ve fie ld h as b ee n ob v io u s fr o m a very y oun g age . K ee p w o rki n g h a rd a t lea rnin g yo ur tr ad e a nd wh e r eve r you go always s mil e b eca u se w e love t o see yo ur dimpl es. Always i nc lud e go d in yo ur dr eam s-w h e r eve r th ey m ay cake


Lo ve M o rn a nd Dad

J erem y R ozell e

JR , Jus t yesterday you \vere nd1ng your 4x4 and d1gg1ng 1n yo u r sand box , and n o\v you ' r e graduating' We are proud of the man you have become and the bro t her char you a r e Whatever life bnngs ahvays remember googlte goggles , the Motorcycle kid, and \Ve love you!

Chns and Enn

Abb y Sa nd s Fo r th e d a u g hte r with a s mil e chat o ut s hin es th e s un! W e a re s o pr o ud o f you Yo u h ave broug h t so mu c h love and JOY t o u s. F o ll ow y our d r ea m s wh e r eve r th ey m ay tak e y ou and n eve r s t o p s milin g ! W e love y ou , M o m and D ad



ee n a Sayed

Sh ee na , I can ' t b e li eve h o w fas t th e yea rs hav e gon e b y W e ,ve nt th r oug h so mu c h toge th e r. Wh e n eve r I ch i nk o f y ou , I'll a lways r e m e mb e r cho se fun ri m es we had to geth e r Go o d lu c k in coll e ge. I love y ou Sa rah

Sheena Saye d

I chink yo u ar e th e bes t s 1st e r in th e world I am goin g to mi ss y ou wh e n y ou go co coll e g e. I hop e y ou have a g ood nm e wh e n y ou a re th e r e.

Your broth e r , S h a m s


n Sa und e rs

D ea r Aaro n , We a re a ll very p ro u d of yo u Yo u h ave n eve r b ee n a fr a id t o cry a n y thin g n ew T h at wi ll b e a n asset for yo u th roug h a dulth oo d We al l Jove yo u very m uc h Mom , D a d , K ach e nn e, a n d And rew Sa und e rs

S h ee na Saye d

Co n g r a tul a u o n s S h ee n a , Yo u ar e m y prid e and j o y. Yo u w ere as s p ecial t h e n as yo u a re n ow. Kee p up th e h ar d wo rk.

Lo ve, Grand m a

J enn a Sc hiffman


For on ce YO U go c ca u g ht 1n th e act, in s t ead of blamin g m e fo r 1t, JRK!* Kidd o- I a m so pro ud of yo u ! You a r e s u c h a fun s is te r to han g out \.Vlth

Wh e n y ou ge e ch a t r eco rd d eal , I' m th e mana ge r , K ?

Lo ve, Sa rah

Ba b ies and Bu ddies 18 7

"There's somethin' wrong with this biscuit!" Actually , you \vere feeding the dog , who 's not shown 1n this photo. You 've always been nurturing, kind, caring and loving. We ' re so proud of you! Thank you for being our Jenna Keep on s 1ng1ng and follow your dreams!

Love you, Mom and Dad

Dane Schow

How can I thank you for all che ,vonderful times we have shar ed?

You truly are my best friend and I kno\v chat we have more great times to come. I am very proud of you and I love you very much.

Love , Erin

Kri stie Seipp

Kristie , You are my best friend and always will be Congraculanons! We have had che best four years. I hope we stay the best of fnends and never forget about each ocher after graduation! I hope you succeed 1n life.

Love always , Arlene

J en Sestrich

It' s been a great past few years. San Diego , Tarzan , Paula, Charlotte, I ce cream man , Sunburns, Elly, Surf shop Guys, Po,.v ers hopp1ng , Po\vderpuff

C h eerleadi ng , Elitches, Bus rid es, Spots, B camp, Mr Gravy, Arizona guys, co untl ess crushes. We have lived through so much. We ' ll miss you Love always Shannon, Ra chel,Haley.

T erry Shaw


We ' ve always known chat yo u have a big kind heart. Life will gee fair ro s omeone like yo u. Always be kind and co n side rate co everyone. You're the grearest

Love , Mom, Dad , and Kimmie

Adrie Sch n ei d er

You are truly a special gift from god You have brought us so much love and happiness the last 17 years. Always remember \vhere you come from and where you uJtimately,vant to go. You have been blessed ,..,ith so many special gifts Dream big, find a lot of love and remember how much we love you!

Mom and Joey Dane Schow

H ey! You ' re not nak ed! You are li g ht , JOY a nd l ove . F ollow all yo ur dreams wi th an ope n heart. Okay . Love yo u .

B ye

Your Loving Family

Senio r Soft ball Girls

We all have played together for 11 yea rs and look how far we have come and ho\.v close we all are. Never fo rger the cleats, 4.30 bucang dotcie land, baY'vacch run Mr. Bolanges and Bigglesworrh , Old Chicago the wrong ,vay and al\.vays remember cell him you want it I love you all Good luck Love #19 Mugs

Terry Shaw


We have ahvays been close co each ocher and as we gee older we will only gee closer. Remember don ' t let peoplL gee you down , you' r e a great lude brother.

Love always, Kelbell Loren Speer

I f you think you had cute butt chen, you shou ld see ic now!

Love, Mom

J en n a Sc hiffman

Stephanie St. Jame s

You made it. We are so proud of you Pnncess. You've come a long ,vay. Always believe 1n yourself Seay focused on your goals, and remember to take the time to enJoy life. We love you.

Dad and Morn.

Silver Swanson

Baby Sis

You've been ahvays ahead for something:

Born before due dare, ,valkin g, talking, Biking, swimming

Go ahead. Bonne ch ance!

Love you so mu ch

Sis, Sevenne

Sam Tate

Sam, May you achieve the things 1n life chat mean che mo st to you , and may success and happiness be you rs 1n all you do We are so p roud of you and all chat yo u r ep resen t Connnue co keep the Lord fir st 1n you r life. We love you. Morn and Dad



Jason , Congratulanons Grandson!

Now your ready co take off!

Love , Grandma Peterson.

Jay S tok es

We hope you don 't always fear cho se bike ndes of the distance Please don ' t a lways take the path of least restsranee Promi se you \.V1ll give che clouds a prayerful glance. And chat you'll call home whenever you have the chance.

Love, Dad and Mom S il ve r Swan so n

Silve r, Good luck for everything you \.v1ll go for All our love.

Rosie and Huncy , aka Mom and Dad

Jaso n Taylor

Jason , We al,vays thought you ,vere so cutenow YOU chink you are so cuce1 We are so proud of you. Congratulanons! No,v go for Jt1 We ' re always behind you! Love Mom, Mary , and Juli anne.

Ja co b Vanhorn-Beliveau H

We love you and are so proud of you and all you r accomp li shmen t s. You are our pnde and JOY and your se nse of humor is the BEST! Never lo se 1c, for laughter 1s the key Lo ve Mom, Dad, Phoebe, Cyrus, Qu-ey, Money and Tw eet1es.

Greg Wamboldt

G reg, You 've grown into a fine young man We are so proud of yo u Keep that cha rmin g smile and It ,vi ll help you succeed in li fe. We kno,v you will be succes sfu l 1n whatever you choose co do wich vou r l ife. We love you so mu ch.


Greg Wamboldt

Babies and Buddies 189

Love, Morn and Dad L _____________________,
Greg, Congratu lanons! We ,v1ll n ever forger all of the fun times ,ve have all sha red together through the years. and you better not e ith er. You are a hvays there co make us laugh and smile You are th~ best big and lttd e brother anybody could ask for Reach for the scars and remember co a lw ays follo,v your dreams, your dreams \.Vtll rake you far' We love you 11 Shannon and Brandon

Jo n ah Ward

You have traveled a hard path and have come so fa r Keep growing and becoming " all you can be.'' We love you! Mom and Sceve

Ke lly Watson

Dearest Kelly , Thank you for your ,vonderful friendship. I love you wich all my heart and I am lucky to have someone like you 1n my life. I love you.

Love , Toni

Kri sta We lch

To our " favorite daughter " (hee-hee)

We are so glad that you have been a part of our lives for so many years. Thanks to your family for shanng you with us Ou r family wou ldn ' t be comp lete without you. We love you Bob , Judi , and Karen Neukirchne r Kri

sta We lch

Kr ista! Wow. Lo oking back, I realize we ' ve had some rockin nmes-4 vision , palm read in gs, vanous guy stalking, mini roa d trips, " yeah, he hares you ", drummers , billions of concerts and che list goes on Anyways, I know we ' ll be fnends forever Love ya and don ' t sco p rocki n ! Love , Janet

Kr ista We lch


From chis bundle of JOY, you have g rown co be a very beautiful , intelligent, kind, loving, and cari n g young l ady with the voice of a n angel. We are proud co be you r grand p arents and l ove yo u from che bottom of our hearts. K ee p J es u s first always. Grandpa and Gra ndm a.

Jonah Wa rd

Onah- You are che most caring big brocher a sister could have. I will always be here for you. I love you so much! Wanna

Cassi dy Welch

When che de,v glistens 1n che morning sun, when the bird s s ing their song for fun,,v hen a breeze blows s oft against you beau ciful face , when your smile brightens up che pla~t, ,vhen the night comes coo soon , ,vhen you ,vane to be you , ts when you ' II kno,v h o,v much we love you! You ' re a,vesome Congratulanons and God bless you ahvays , Love Ed and Mom

Kri sta We lch

Kri sta, We were proud to have yo u be a part of our wedding. You have bee n a berrer reac h e r than a stu d ent to all of us. Your a beautiful person and , vere proud of who yo u h ave grown co be. Always hold yo ur head high Uncle T e rry, Aune R obi n , riki and Bo.

Kr is ta We lch

Krista, You are a beautiful you n g wom a n We are all very proud of yo u. Always keep yo ur s m i le as 1c li ghts up chose around you. Love, U n c le Tony, Aunt S u e Tina and J en nifer

J W Wes th ead

J W , ,ve are- so very proud of you an d all your accom pli shments This is JUSt one chapte r o f many chat you have co mpl ete d successfull y 1n yo ur life. You h ave you r whole life ahead of you and we wane yo u to kno,v chat whatever you decide co do , yo u will a l,vays have our love and support Live 1c, lo ve ic, and be h a ppy. Love Mom and Dad

• .. ,r • • • • ~<, I ' • ,, ~ ' r f:. '/' • 190
,__ __,J_

J WWesth ead

JW, Ho\.v you've gro\.vn! You are a delight. Good luck and enJoy life. Love Mom, Dad, and Andy.

Katie Win h am

My s,veec little one has grown into a beautiful young ,voman. I am very proud of your sc rengch and render sp ine. You ca n truly achieve \.vhacever you decide you want. I love you dearly Mom.

Lisa Wo r o b ey

Lisa Lou, \Ve are all so very proud of the beaunfuJ, honest, and true person you are; your self-respect and d1gn1ry are understood through your every ,vord. I adm ire this Lou, \OU have a capaciry chat so fe,v people ever recognize. This amplifies che degree to which you ,v11l forever shine I absolutely adore, respect and love you May rhe ,vorld embrace your existence. Forever, Katte-wee

L ui s Ya n ez

Lui s- since you \Vere born you have been our blessing and happin ess congratulations and make 1c far. Love, Mom , Dad, and Julian.

Se th Bakke r

Seth, God blesse d us all ,v1th you in our life. He blessed you ,vich \.vonderful gifts you freely share. Don 't change. Seay true to che lord. He will never betray you. We are so proud of you and pnvledged co call you " Broth er."

Love , Eric , Jaime, Shawn, Amanda , and Jessica

Tal i t h a Wh i tlatc h

Wishing you a happy and fulfilhng life Never stop dreaming and never stop being rhe wonderful person you are. Ahvays remember l love you and ho\.V much JOY you give me.

Love, Mom

L i sa Worobey

Lisa- we are so proud of you, and are amazed ar your abi lity and great sp1nr ro understand the hearts and minds of chose around you Baby girl, always be true to yourself, and never stop dreaming We Love You! Mom , Dad, Kate , and F1l

Morgan Wort hi ngton

Morgan , Keep your decermtnanon Al\.vay.s look at the pos1t1ve and follo\.v you r heart Remember you can do anything you set your mind on Love you al\.vays, Mom

E r ik Zac h rison

See Erik I kne\.v \.ve ' d always make it through together and ,ve did Thanks for ahvays sncktng up for me. Love You Forever, Nacal1e Leanne.

J e re m y B ill is

J er Bear, Seay the good, happy, and kind person you have become. Follo,v the dream chat ,vdl mak e yo u happy ,n yo ur life and rem ember \.ve are ahvays th ere for you. We lo ve you!

Mom and Dad

J -
Babies and Buddies 19 I

To Ash-Ash, You ' ve al\vays beens there co support us , co argue with us, and co chase us through che house! Having you for our siscer 1s a unique experience We love you.

Mace and Nace

As hl ey Blain- Hartung

To cousin Ashley, Even as a squirt you added a uniq u e memory co each of ou r vacations. S eay true co yourself!

Jason and Kelli

'---- _T_h_e_Ic al_y_C r_ew____Jr

To our S\Veec Ashley , You ' ve always been determined and ready co fight for your beliefs Keep striving tO\vard your goals . We feel blessed co have you as our daughter Love

From a silly , \vild, little girl you have blossomed into a beaunful young lady. With effort and hard \vork ,ve kno,v you will reach whatever goals you desire God bless you ahvays

Wich love from your aunts and uncles , Kerry, Craig, Brad, Lisa and Denise Casey Primm er

You have grown from a shortcempered , loving child co a selfassured, caring, beautiful young woman. I'm proud of you and what you ' ve done. Remember you are smart enough co lasso your dreams.

May God sho,ver you \Vith blessings.

Love, Mom and Aaron

Congratulations guys! It's been a long time coming.

Eileen Cook

Never forget L uigi, gross \vace r , small cars, long bus rides, our favorite pasta, crazy bathrooms, "ghecco Rome." Krista: H ooray for cement beds, gelan.o again. Gerni: bouncy balls, long chatS, sub\vays, BABOL. Fields: pla n e rides and pigeons. Needog: talking pizza, closets, baby Keith: "Your" leat h er jacket, Sistine Chapel footage. L.-


Keep a song and a smile in you r heart to serenade you as you co n duct your \Vay through life. With much pride and all our love, we applaud you!

Mom and Erin

Cass idy Wel ch

Lil' Sis.

You're t h e greatest pe rson and don't ever forget you deserve the worl d Always keep Jesus first and you' ll so.1 thru the sky. P salm 27.

Love Al\vays and F oreve r , Your B I G S IS

192 As hl ey Bl ain- H artun g
As hl ey Blai n- H a rt un g
and Dad St efani e N ahl ey
------------------; J o h nson E le m e n tary S tud en ts
__ J
To d d Po rte r

Priyanka Agarwal I n --, I

Yes, ume flies. We can't believe that seventeen plus years have passed, and our little daughter is high school senior Keep r eac hing your goals, and \Ve kno,v you will make 1t there. Remember to always keep your heart 1n the nght place

tvfay God bless you, ~1om and Dad

Tiffany Armenta

A special baby to love, hug, spoil, and enJoy, lu cky us From a s h y coddler to an a\vesome, co nfid e nt dancer You ' ll al\\'3.ys b e Gramma 's Sweetie and Grandpa's fishing buddy. We ' re proud of yo u 1n every way and love yo u lots. Relax, keep yo ur faith God Bless You Congratulattons!

Gramma & Gram p a

Kelly Aronowicz

You are th e best friend a girl could ask for 1 Never forget Miguel, BS B , Gm , MAJK/BLAMM nigh ts, last days of schoo l, and crazy co un c il fun Thanks for being so m eo ne I co uld ahvays cruse and s har e m y dreams with. Keep shoon n g for th e sta rs, I know you ,vill make it

Love Ya, Meredith

Kelly Aronowitz

We have trul y en joyed observing yo u grow from an industrious , creat ive, enthusiastic , and s punky lttde girl to a young woman with th e same traits

We are so proud of yo u and know that yo u \Vill b e success ful 1n ,vhat ever yo u decide to purs u e. You are yo ur " own boss."

Love, Mom and Dad

Pa ul ,

We are so proud of th e yo ung man yo u have g rown tnto You have turn ed out to b e everything we co uld have hop ed for Se t your goals high b ecause yo u can 1chieve anything yo u se t yo ur mind co Love, ~1om , Dad , and M eghan

Aurora Arlett

Who am I? You are today a nd tomor row, the ans,ver, the truth , you are r.he c hampion , the ,varnor, r.he educated. You are co mpass 1onate , und e rs tanding, loving You a re th e Judge, hero , fi ghte r , th e s u ccess, poltuc1an, ,v1 nn e r and lose r You are po\v er and weakn ess. You are d es nny You are ,vai un g to h a pp e n

Love, Mom and Dad

Tiffany Armenta

To my bab y girl \vho is n o\v m y grown up " Fat Gi rl ". I'm so proud of all you h ave accomp li shed 1n your life, es p ec ially you r dan c in g. I f yo u go through li fe ,vith ease, the \Vay yo u dan ce on s tag e, you will have the world 1n you r hand s lik e you do no\v Love yo u Ba b y Mom Kell y Aronowitz _ n

You are a \v o nd erfu l s is ter a nd I am so proud of you. Jus t r emembe r , ,vhereve r yo u a re, I am JU St a phone cal l a,vay! Love , Stacey

Paul Bafiagas

P au l , We are so prou d of yo u and we,v ch ar yo u will s t ay fo c u se d and work hard to acco mpli sh your goals.

Lo ve, Grandma and Grandpa

Shelly Barlow

Shell y, Our s hinin g s car! The END of A Golden ERA Thanks for th e m e m o ri es and JOY you ha ve brought to o ur home. En joy all your n ew adventures We are proud of you. Love , Mom , Dad , Scot t , S han e, Steve, an d S pen ce r

, i' - r
• ,.n
1 Babies a nd Buddi es 193

Tay lore Beckman


We love you TayLore I will miss you a lot when you are in college You are very beautiful and nice and I'll ahvays remember how you used to play \Vith me all the time Thank you for being the best sister in the world

Your Twapped Aminal, Caity

T aylore Beckman


Always quick with a face and remark Bright and confident. interesting and fun What a ride it 's been - it 's been an honor to be a part of it all and I can't wait to see what you do next More love you than can imagine

Lisa Bre n t B ell ew

To my brother , You 're an amazing person I am so proud of you I You have awesome talent a great heart, and you never cease to make rne laugh Don't ever l ose sight of your goals and keep strong in your beliefs You are a guaranteed success!

Love , Your big sister

La ura Bo llin ge r

Laura ,

With immense pride \ve ' ve \Vatched you tackle every challenge \Vith passion , tenacity. and your O\Vn unique style No\v , \ve realize with a sense of loss but anticipation that never again yet always you will be our little Scooter Focus on the positive and savor each experience as you become a happy successful young \Voman Love, Mama and Daddy

Am a nda Brings

Amanda Pig-tails for Pony- tails, roller skates fo r

\Vhite \Valls, and going steady every other day to just going steady wis h es at night for a puppy , to wishes at night for peace on earth & baby steps to life steps- I hope they will all serve you well- fly my little one.

We love you

Mom & Dad


Reach for the stars sweetie-and you shall have them!!

Love , Daddy

B ren t B ell ew


We are so proud of your accomplis hments, talent, and amb i tion You have matured into a wonderful young man and brought suchjoy to our lives. Always listen to your heart and may all your dreams come true Mom, Dad, and Craig Kit B en n e tt


Write home from Mars Mom XOXO

Go spread your wonderfulness thro u ghout the universe but remember to come hon1e tr the sister who loves you! Love. Drey - You can give no greater gift to the world than the gift of your character and integrity

Love , Dad Jen , Mike , and Porter

La ura B o llin ger

L B. From p layi n g !egos and b uil ding forts in o u r backyar d , t o watc h ing you pl ay sports and having "s i b ling bonding". it h as bee n a p l eas u re t o li v• w i th yo u the l ast 17 years. B est o f lu ck in your f u ture asp i rati ons, and h ave f un at co ll ege next year!

L ove,

J i m m y

K e ndra Bro o ks


You ar e so special to u s. We are so pro u d t h a t yo u h ave m a de t h is j o ur ney t h roug h h i g h sc h oo l. We h ope th at yo ur journey t hroug h l ife w ill be p rospe r o us an d a ll yo u r d r ea m s an d goals will co m e tr u e We love yo u very muc h Mom, D ad, and Kim

T aylo r e B ec km an


You're as sweet now as yo u \Vere then a precious joy in our lives You r rewards in 1hi s life are in proporti on to the lo ve and effort yo u put in Like yo ur picture-stop and s mell the flo\vers on yo ur way Love to o ur favorite grand daughter



On ly a co uple of years have gone by , and ye t th e r e are countless m e m o ries Ahvays together, no matter what. But we've sti ll gotta make it thro ugh co lleg e Whether it's s kiing , camping, rafting, or just gett ing busted for a c h ea p C hines e lantern , I'll always be there, DDs forever!



You've ahvays been ready to "c rui se for ladies"! I'm pr o ud of yo u Alan Good lu c k - Froggy.

Love Dad


Baby- Andi. You are m y heart and my so ul. With a s mil e like yours it will take you anywhere yo u want to go So keep on smiling We lov e yo u

Alex and Mom


J en, You 've always been o u r little angel We are so proud of you and who you have become With h ard work and dedication. \ve kn ow you can do what eve r yo ur heart desires. We love you, you are the best

Mom and Dad


Even though we can ' t share a sled anymore, I'll always save you from th ose f ence posts Thanks for being the best bro and friend I' ve ever had Good luck and I'll see yo u at schoo l ll I love you , Ca ndy

Carl os, You have gro\vn - from th e serious little adventurer who threw in his lot ,.vith two gringo parents in Peru - to a co nfid ent you n g m an, light on his f eet on t h e socce r fi eld H ave a great lifel Mom and Dad

Ju st like the puppy you've had to grow up Just kn ow ,ve are as proud as ,ve c an be because , ve cou ld n ever have \Vished for someo n e as s p ecia l as you!

L ove, Mom


ti e Car lson

Katie - Every goal yo u h ave ever had , yo u've achieved I'm so proud of yo u You have every opportunity ahead of 1ou Take them all, my dancing butterfly I love you so muc h , mom

To n y Carver


Always keep c limbin g to reach yo ur goa ls We know that yo u w ill co ntinue t o ,vork hard t o achieve yo ur dr ea m s Be true t o yo urs e lf and keep yo ur heart and h ead wh ere it s h o u l d b e W e are proud of yo u

We love you, Dad, Mom , and Rachel

Babies and Buddies 19 5

I'm especially lu c ky to have s uch a special person in my life You've given me four years of laughs , encouragement , memories to last a lifetime , and a heart full of love I will always be there wherever life takes u s You'll always have a spec ia l place in my heart

Love , Jen

You are such a bright star in our lives , and we know that success and joy are yours to have We are so proud of all that you h ave accomplished. Work hard and the world is yours. Love , Mom , Dad , and Robert

Brandon , I love yo u ! Joe and Megan , I love you guys too We finally made it!! This is what 's left from the old c rew And now Megan , you are in cha r ge of the new one And baby , the past year with you has been amazing!

Love all of you always , April

Molly , I'm so proud of you r many accomp lishm ents! It proves you can attain any goal you set your mind to - so set your goals high . Keep on smiling that beautiful. co nta gious s mile of yours and be happy I love you, sweetie.

"Destiny is not a matter of chance it is a matter of c h oice "

"The difference between ordinary and extraord in ary is that little extra "

Molly , you are an inc r edible you n g woman, keep giving that little extra. Strive for excellence and follow your heart to your dreams Be happy- Love , Aunt Deborah

Carr ie Casey

You are everyth ing we could have hoped for in a daughter We are so proud of yo u Never give up on yo ur dreams

Love mom and dad

Circ le of Fri ends

Circ le of Friends,

It never breaks and never ends. May we always have our circle of friends Remember hitchhiking and homecomin g, dancing to New Kids on the Block. Amanda 's driving. Aurora 's blonde moments , movie nights, Lora's laughing, and our friendship. D avis Co na ry

Dan , you are s u ch ajoy to us and it has been a delightful journey watching you grow into a strong man of great heart and character. God bless you in all you pursue Lov e, Mom and Dad

Molly Coo k

"You will become as small as your controlling desire: as great as your dominant aspiration " - J ames Allen Don ' t ever lose your desire for life , your sense of humor or you r caring attitude I am very proud of you and yo ur accomplishments

Love, Aunt Ja ckie

Mo lly Cook

Moll y, I'm so happy t h at you made it I w ish you all the best in college I know t ha t you ca n do it.

Love , Megan



Meghan Cooper

Nutmeg! Vans. Guinea Pigs. friends all bring tears to your eyes You ·re a wonderful young lady with lots and lots of experiences ahead of you Trust God. believe in your family We love you Mom and Dad and Nate. ]ill, Kelly & Katie

Jeremy Dahn

Jeremy & Keith & Ryan (Friends Forever)

Dave Danek

Dave & Brother Brad did everything together Not always a smooth ride. but always t h ere for each other. Dave is a perfectionist and unbelievably talented His mind & spirit are immeasurable Brad and yo un ger sister Amy w ill always remain with him wherever life takes him, along with his mom & dad God bless youl


D earmin

Life is made of memories like running on the beach. tuna sandwiches with sand in them camping in the forest Your smile makes any room light up , your caring nature is magnetic As you strike out on your own, hold on to the adventurous wonder you h ave of all new things you encounter We love you and are proud of the young lady you have become - strong, Independent and loving

Cassidy Dinzes

IThe boyhood days are almost past From here on, yo u will onl y learn more about yourself and th e crazy world beyond

You· re gonna love it. Peace

Your brother, J erry.

M egha n Cooper

Hey #19 - We taught you all you know about sports AND gave you our number! You're the best of us all Love. ]ill, Kelly and Katie

Dave & Frank best friends since birth , a friendship as strong as the mountain they are standing on Dave l oves nature & sports, animals, basketball , & hiking

He 1s hard working & caring May God bless him as he has blessed us

Love mom & dad

Davey can meet his heart , just as he is meeting the choco late so ldier in his h ands Even when angry with him, he manages to make us laugh He knows his priorities, nibbling on his chocolate while taking care of other important t hin gs at hand Bless you for the gifts

• • you ve given us

Love , Mom and Dad


Cassidy, C hild of count less trees. child of boundless seas! From my laughng little boy into such a fine yo un g man Soccer games. rafting , driving across the U S and Mexico Keep your sense of humor. Work hard for what you want in life

The world is waiting for you!

Love. Mom


Nick yo u 've always amazed me I'm so proud of all you have accomplished One adventure is ending, one soon to begin

Oh the places you will go! Godspeed and good lu ck in all you do My son, My friend Love, Mom

,.. -, / '
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Babies and Buddies 197

Melissa, we a re so prod of you and all the effort yo u put into your educauon You are a g reat p erson and a wonderful examp le co Annie and Stephanie. We all love you very much Mom & Dad

Lins, We met JUSt a year and a half ago and I feel like I' ve known you my whole life Follow your dreams and don ' t l e t anyone tell yo u different. I'm so pr oud of you, I love you.

Love , Smelisse

It' s been a JOY co watch you gro,v from a sweet, c url y haire d girl co a beauttful you ng woman Never lose you r wonderful se n se of humor, abundant cunosity and delight 1n the world around you EnJOY yo ur life as you striv e for you r dr eams We'll always love you.

Love, Morn and Dad

C hri s Fair

You have always been a dreamer. and I hope you never sto p. Reach for the stars and there isn't anything in chi s world that you can not accomplish. We love you and look forward co stan ding by yo ur si de as life brings you new c halleng es. May God bless you and guide you

Love, Mom and Kelly

We are so amazed at our baby daughter. The deter mination you have in accomplishing you r goals, and a heart as big as a rainbow. You always s tand true for \.vhat you believe in, and is always ,vill1ng co give a helping hand. Remember co always b e lieve i n yourse lf, as we do, ic will take you far in life

We love you, Mom and Dad

Best Friends- Jodi Guthrie

Well Girls, you are my best friends, I can never forget all the good ties we've share d. Powd erpu ff, prom , homecoming week, lace nights , long talks , but most of all I co uld never forget rainy days with J.F.K.

Love Always, Jodi


Kristin Everett

I'm so proud of you and all of you r accomplishments. Never give up and keep your sp irits high. Good luck i n co ll ege. I'll miss you.

Love al\.vays, Emily

Fab Four

I love you girls! Rem e mb e r all our fun tunes together.

Love, Emily Cooki ng, Clue!, " unmentionables ", boys , movies, SB nigh ts I love you girls 1 Love Jan ee

Guess what I'm \vearing! Hopefully so meday 1c \vill rain men Love , Krista Hoodlums, RNs, Oreos, AP, boys, Denny's, camping, movies, Europe, cars. Love, Lo lit a

R yan Fields-Speack

Ryan , you were born with an old soul. You 've done more than many . No\v: s ki hard , p arty hard, break all the rule s, because you've got the balance.

Love, TnT

Amanda Gabel r L---------1

Mandi: As you have finished one stage of your life a nd begun che n exc stage, you have g r own into a beautiful yo ung woman. Keep up the good work and stay happy R emember co behave at co ll ege and s tay away from curbs.

Love, Mom, Dad, Megan, and Trina


Me l issa Dockstader

Sara Garre t t

SpooSpoo McGoobie We love you so n1uch and we hope you \Vi ll never forget how much you mean to us

Your life is just beginning Take your memories with you - oh, and all your clothes, shoes , musical instruments, books and Barbies No. you cannot have the VW

Love, Mom and Dad

C hri stine G r egory '-

You are our princess, our beach loving ~urfer girl We are so proud of the creativity , insights, and loyalty you have developed You have great goals and aspirations , which we ' ll always support and encourage We know you 11 achieve your success and happiness in life

All our love, Mom and Dad

Spencer Gre n fe ll

We are so proud of you AJ\vays be true to yourself and your life will have great rewards. Love. Mom, Richard , Emmy , Eric, Britton, Lindsey. Becky and Edison

n J odi G uthri e L ____

Listen to everyone ,

But make yo u rself proud

Love Dad

Sara You have been su c h a great sist e r for us You are a role model to us You are reall y funny sometimes and sometimes y ou really annoy us but y ou \Vill always be our sister Love , Dana and Matt ps I get your room when you leave

I am very proud that you hav e done s o \vell this far in life Keep up the pace for c ollege Have a great time in Greeley Love , Jason

Thank you for always taking me to the pet store and for being a fun big sister Love , Brittan y Spe n ce r G r en

fe ll

Dear Spen c er , The first time I sa\v you in the hospital . y ou \vere making talking noises Your grandpa and I thought that so funn y From the ve ry first time you have had to make decisions. \Ve ha ve told y ou to M do y our O\Vn thinking " y ou don ' t have to go along \Vith the cro\vd if y ou are in doubt

God Bless y ou Spencer Grandma Ila

You are a wonderful daughter and a truly great friend Your beautifu l smile and great attitude lights up our life

We know all your hopes and dreams \vill come true Ours have because we have you

We love you , Mom, Greg. and Eric

r l l J o di e G u t hr ie

We've shared the best times. Christmas parties, d i tch days. a ll of our camping trips, t h e gir ls h i kes, and d irt bike experiences We will be the posse forever!

Lindsay E sc h e nb a um

We co ul d write a book, but in this case one picture is worth a 1,000 words! You·ve fi ll ed our lives top to bottom, side to side and what an adventure it's beenl You are such a very special person

We love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow Always , Mom and Dad

--- • --:.
Babies and Buddies 199

Co dy H ayes

Co d y, You have be en s uc h a great 1nsp1 ran o n to m y life that 1t's amazing I'll always adrnt re you r c harm Thanks for taking a ch a n ce on me. You'll always have a place 1n m y heart , and I'll n ever s top l ov in g yo u

Love, Roxann e

Ke lly H ayes _____, Kelly, Your sm il e li ghts up our world , Yo ur beauty, 1ns1de and o ut , awes us , Your \v it kee p s us humbl e, And yo ur athleticism a m azes us. Your dr ea m s a nd a biliti es will cake yo u wherever yo u wa ne co go. Our wi sh for yo u is happin ess and con t e ntm e nt with yo urse lf

Love, M om and Dad

D ani ell e H owl

Dani e lle

We will mi ss you ! Hop e eve rythin g 1s p erfec t for yo u, don ' t forget u s! l e w as fun making mernon es. W e w ill be fri e nd s forev e r! W e love yo u s tinky!

Love, Tiffany & Alaina

Jen nifer M ari e Harm o n

Jennifer, I look at chese pictures and 1r see ms JUSt a shore c1me ago you were my lntl e g1rl, now yo u graduating high sc ho o l. I know yo u w ill find your pla ce 1n chis \vorld and w1U succee d 1n life , beca use chac fs chc kind of perso n you are. I am proud of you!!

Love, Mom Mi ck J eann e

Exc ite d ? lm patien t ? Cur ious ? Anxious?

May yo u look back and s mi le when yo u ch ink of you r pa s t , a n d may you r future be an inc re dible ad ventu r e.

Love, Dad

Kelly H ayes

Kelly Hayes, w e always knew you would be hell on w h ee ls!

Lov e, Mom , Dad , Brot he rs pl

Sh erilyn J aco bs

From b r un e tte co blonde . From sweet co sassy. From bright to " I don ' t know ". What co uld po ssi bly be next '' le w ill be fun watching! We are proud of you.

Love Dad , Julie, P e te , and Morn C harl es Huntsman


I c' s been 11 years of p ure fu n A fnend s hip cha t could never die. T\vo mind s so alike , it's sca ry It 's gonna be hard not h aving you a rou nd , b u t I'm s ure I'll survive. BS B forever


.,___, Levi (Notfo r ge t BandW) J an iso n t"- -

1 W e know your abi lity to make people laugh , amazing imag1nation and invincibk nature wi ll ahvays lead you through all you do Love, Mom and Dad 2. Levi , Keep JUmpin ' inco every r ive r you reach you're your hfe will be as ex.hileraci ng as the \Vat<.r Climb high and swim deep Explo re the vase cerratn of you r world and the un1mag1nable heights of you r life I'm rig h t behi nd you Br ic

R yan J en se n

Rya n ,

Yo u h ave alw ays m ade us pr o ud to be yo u r par ents. Yo u have grown int o an exceptio nal yo un g man Fo ll ow yo ur d ream s! We wi ll alw ays be th e re fo r you Love Mo m and Dad

,__ _ jL

Eri c J o hnso n


We loved every single day You are strength. courae and perseverence. mixed perfect ly w i th integrity and kindness. truly an indescribable b lessing from god We're confident with overwhelming JOY and pride yo u 've given us since birt h will on ly be exceeded by your future

Love. Mom & Dad

K e ndr a K e ll ey

Kendra Jeane

15 years of memories, penny & dime, Tombstone buckets. Gator missions, Lucky dance CU 3x3. JL. 2/5, con + pockets, pink stars, #31 & #44 spots The lake, Butang. 12-3-360. BSB Reba CHT. Joyce 's, D E W SC & #19 and #22 ahvays! I have been blessed ,v1th our friendship & love you very much

Love. Meg

K e ndra K e ll ey

Kendra ,

Eve n t h o u g h it doesn't always s h ow.

I always love youl

Love, Luke

K e ndra K e ll ey

Kend r a.

We kn ow that you are b londe to the r oots! Good l u c k in everything you do. Yo u ca n always make me smile!

I love yo u Cal

J est in K essee

Jesse. A note for the future Don't lose sight of your goals Strive hard and stay focused You will achieve your dreams

With love and support your family

Dad Angel and Thomas

Mi c h e ll e Kin g

T h e past e ig ht ee n years have go n e by too f ast. I h ave enjoyed you so mu ch a n d yo u 've g r ow n in to a bea u tiful youn g wo m a n Yo u r th o u ghtfuln ess, s mil e, ene r gy a n d fri e n dsh ip h ave t o u c h ed many li ves I a m so pro u d o f yo u a n d w ish yo u th e bes t in life

I love you, M om

K e nd ra K e ll ey


We are tru ly blessed to hav e you for our daughter! Your smile and laughter bring so mu c h happiness to those around you You are beautiful inside out You've helped com plete our lives more than yo u kno,vl Keep laughing and find the good 1n everything around youl


Mom and Dad

K e ndr a K e ll ey

Kendra. Have fun at college Don·t forget to bring Mr Bigglesworth h ome to visit Good l uck I love youl


M egan Kin g

Megan, we are so very proud of you Your h opes and dreams will a l ways be t h ere Follow them Do n 't let anyone ta k e them away from yo u We wish you the best in yo u r future Al ways remembe r h ow much we love you Love.

Dad , Mom. and Melissa

M eg an Klase rn e r

We ca n 't wait t o see where your life goes from h e r e Congrat ul at ions and re m ember we' r e so p r o u d of you

Love, Mom a n d Dad

Babies and Buddies 20 I

H eidi Kosterman

He1d1, ,ve ' re so proud of the young ,voman you've become We Jove your s hining s mile , energy, and enthusiasm

You have a great decerm1nat1on co s uccee d and a ,v11l1ngness co take risks Follo,v yo ur dream s and NeVER give up! \Y/e believe 1n you and ,v1sh you a bright and happy future!

Love, Mom and Scott


Micah Leadford

A.K.A. -Bud - Buck - Todd & Pu ssg ut - and now Barb,v1re

Don ' t cake yo ur shire off 1n public! le has been s o much fun ,varch1ng you grow up - you mean the «world " to us - Take good care of yourself - your future 1s s o bnghr - remember Todd " hot " mean s


Love Mom and Dad

Micah Leadford

Well Jr - We have been through so much together Nothing I ca n say will even come clo se co ho,v I feel about you. You have been by my s ide through everything. I love yo u more chan anyth in g. I kno,v you ,v1Jl do good 1n life , yo ur endless effort will cake yo u anywhere yo u ,vane co go

You are my hero

Love , Kate

D y lan Lippert

Dylan , May you stay, forever yo ung

You are my inspiration, my hero , and m y loving so n.

Love, Mom, Randy & Wille

Sundara Kuhn


You are a very s trong , determined and creative young woman. These attributes wi1l help you accomplish ,vhatever goals you set for yourse lf Your future is wide open, and we are very proud of you!


Mom and Steve

Micah Leadford

Micah ,

Words can 't express how proud we are of you- the kind of man you have becomehow proud we are of your accomplishments and the effort you have put into everything you do- you r achievements are many and ,vith no doubt your future holds endless poss1bdicies- we are so blessed to have you for our so n Love , Mom and Dad

J osh Linville-E ngler

From your beginnings as a tiny Texan, through the fields of Kansas farms , to high school in the Rocky Mountains! We're all very proud of you! You hav e exciting places to go, such wonderful people to meet & great things to do! Go Jo sh go!

Love, Mom , Dad , Ben , & Mate

R ob Lowstuter

It is a privilege to be you r parents

The str ength you have developed a n d your solid faith in God wi1l carry you through \vhateve r life has in store. While wishing you the best in the coming years, please kno,v that you are incredib ly loved forever.

Love , Mom and Dad

Emi ly Madison


You've grov1n up to be canng, passionate, a nd conscie ntious . We are so proud of your d1re c t1on and de s ir e to h elp others Continue to follow your dreams!

We love yo u , Dad and Judy

Emily Madison I J

Wow, Em, it see ms like o nl y yesterday thac \Ve ,vere this young. I can't believe your seni or yea r is endin g no,v I don t kno\v \Vhat I'd have done without your love and suppo rt over che years. I'm sorry I can't be at graduanon but yo u kno,v I'll be think of you. I love you, Emi!

Love, Enn

..__________________ !-

Emily Madiso n


We are so very proud of yo u! Keep your goals and your dreams 1n m i nd, a nd follow your h eart May life a lways be an adventure You will do great things We love you!

Mom, J 1m and Enn


April Maloney


We are so proud of you. You have grown into a wonderful yo ung l ady May al l your dreams co n1e tru e. Love, Mom , Dad, H eath er and yes , Sean too.

Will Martin

WilJ, From Europe co Sance Fe, Lulu and ou r s tolen life vests, we h ave made many memori es. I never imagin e d what good friends we would b eco m e or al l th e fun we would h ave toge th e r I am so t h ankful for your friends hip

Elizabet h

H eath er McDowell

Happiness 1s- a n d always will be - ou r smili n g gi rl , 1n a s trawberry bikini

Well. mayb e not th e s trawberry bikini! We love you.

Mom and Dad

April Malon ey

Apnl Malon y,

We wish you all th e best 1n you r very bright future

Love, Uncle Jim , Annie & Lon P S. You'll always b e Lil Ape co u s

NOTE : Accent e 1n ape

Keith Mars ton

You ' ve n ever been bonng R emember three broken arms 1n one year. You ' ve had an unusual sense of fashion even as a t oddl er. Keep quesnon1ng EVERTH I NG a nd always keep your sense of humor We ' re proud of yo u Be h appy!

Love, Mom and C hn s

Amanda McDowell

Co ngratulanon s! You did great in H .S. I am very proud of yo u a nd what you accomplished. Keep-up the effo rt 1n co ll ege. Love, Dad. Mandy , I wish you the best of everyt hin g th at life wi lJ bring yo u an th e futu r e. Be h appy and keep chat b ea utiful s mil e.

Love, Nancy

Meredith M c Ke e

Meredith, thanks for b e1ng our daughter! You 've touched our li ves 1n so many ways Your co urag e, your strength, and yo ur com pass i on s hines everyday You h ave what it cakes for your dream s ro co m e tru e. You have you

Love, Mom and Dad


Meredith McKe e

Mered1th , Minnie , Pumpkin; Go get e m! We 've c h e ri s hed so many mome nts with you! T h anks for making a di ffe r ence i n ou r world; love, laug h ter, b eaunfu l, goo d , honest, scnsinve, and sma rt We love yo u for the perso n you h ave become!

LovMom and Dad

Meredith McKee

M e re , co ngratulation s t o every thin g chat you have accomplis h ed. You are so meone I can always look up co. Thank you for everyt hin g chat you hav e caught me I know yo u will be s u ccess ful at what eve r you do H ave fun and e n Joy life

Love , Your Baby Brother Greg

Bab i es and Buddi es 203

j M ered i th M cKee

I'm so lucky I h ave a f n end like you to have shared 5 years of laughter, smiles, tears, and fun \Vtth My high schoo l memories wou ld be nothing without you by my side. No matter w h ere our path s lead us, remember that you can al\vays count on me

Love , Ke ll y I

-- Travis Moon

T rav- Your strength of character a n d gentle heart have always made you special a n d t he JOY of our lives May yo u always k n ow the assurance of God's l ove, a love of li fe, che p r ide of success, and t h e JOY of fulfilJment. Love always,

Mom & Nate

Travi s Moon

I' ve watch ed you grow into a handsome, thoughtful young man from such a c u te little guy Your p ositive ou tl ook w1l1 bring you good th ings 1n l1fe.

I love yo u , Grandma F lore n ce

Stefa n ie Naley

Stef, it h as been a JOY b u i ld i n g m e m o ries wit h yo u t hro u gh t he year s. You a re a lw ays so exc n ab l e, a d ve n t u ro u s, a nd n ever a dull m o m e n t. Seay ch a t way. Keep in to u gh w i t h d ea r o ld G r anny eve n tho u g h we're m iles a p art. Do n ' t forge t to call. Love yo u Grand m a M arrin

Loga n Palm


Bei n g "o rd i n ary" h as n eve r b ee n a st re n gt h of yo urs. D o n 't c h a n ge.

Love, M om, D a d , Mason, M ykah a nd All y n

.._____Kelly_M c~ ee r __ J

I h ad no doubt abou t yo u Yo u have so much confi d ence and d ir ectio n , you will be successfu l with whateve r yo u choose. I am very pro u d o f you.

I Jove yo u , Dad

Tr avis Moo n l

I t d oesn' t gee a n y better th an thi s. F ro m time ro ci me, l ife may gee tough, b u c n eve r forge t to keep laugh ing. I a m p ro u d co have yo u as my son.

Love always, Dad


efanie N al ey

Th ro u gh th e yea rs we've watc h e d yo u grow and s h a re d i n m any h appy t i m es T h roug h o u t l i fe, we ho p e you r eme mb er those times a nd al low u s to s h a re m any more. Also, know ch at w h e reve r yo u go or w hateve r yo u d o, you are in o ur h ea r ts.

All our love, " M a r k-a- D a wn "

I Adam N ims

Co n g rat ul at i o n s. I a m so pr o ud of yo u T hi s h as go n e by w ay t oo fast, buc th e r e is s t i ll fun t o co m e. T h an k yo u so muc h fo r makin g me l a u g h , b ei n g m y s upp o rt , an d my b est f r ie nd I love yo u so m u c h

Love, Jess.


......_____Ad am N ims _ _J

Yo ur fu ture is l imi tl ess and o ur [ m e m o ri es pr ice less. You h ave so m a n} s p ec ial g ifts, use th e m w e ll. N eve r l ose yo ur love o f c hall e n ges, yo ur ind e p e nde n ce a nd yo ur s tr o n g l oy alty Invest 1n yo urse l f th e thin gs th a t no o n e can cake aw ay.

We l ove yo u , M o m a nd D a d

2 04
C( b \ I -
L-------------------- J-

Se d a Ozd em ir

Our precious Seda, \X, e ca n not describe how much JOY and happiness you brought co ou r lives. You have made us proud 1n every aspect of your life. There 1s nothing you cannot accomp li sh 1n this world. You are such a bcaunful person, in s id e and out. We love you so much.

Mom and Dad.

l __ M __ a r t Peach y

i\fate, It ,vasn' c that long ago char you sac in vou r sandbox and played. Now graduat ion 1s here and another door opens for you. le will cake you wherever our heart desires You have been a blessing co boch of us since the very first thoughts of you You are our "gift from che Lord" Keep your eyes and heart on Jesus and you won' t go wrong. Thank you for ju st being you

Love, Mom and Dad

Rach el


I love co look back ac these pi c tures and see the rambuncnous l1Cde rascal you've always been; you r sp ine is free and on a m1ss1on chat 1s unstoppable. You have g iven me challenges, buc most of all, you have gi ven me greac JOY

To see ,vhac an absolutely wonderful young woman yo u have grown co be IS a gin

Th ank you my friend Lo ve Mom

K aty Rid ge

Racy, For the past yea r, you have nor only ' become my g irlfri end bur my best friend as well You mean more co me chan ,vords can describe. You are the reason I look fonvard co tomorrow. I know you ,vill go far 1n life, hopefully not far from me. I truly love you with all my h eart

Love al,vays, Brandon

l 7 D a ni ell e Rose ner

Danielle Ro se ner , It see m s like

Yesterday you were a sweet litcle bund le of Joy Now you are so gro"vn up and ind e pendent. Good lu ck co you, and never giveup I am so proud ')f you. Love al,vays, Dad , Brook e, Rachele , and Ray

Jai Rosa

Way to go Jai! EnJoy chis precious g1fc of life Go for Peace. Go for kindness. Be coo l1

We love you, Pa, Mom and Gus



I m greatful to h:ive you as a friend We ve had more fun together than ~ome people have in a ltfcume Everything we ve learned and shared together 1s IHde compared to all we have yer co experience Never forget I'll be there for you as I know you ' II be there for me I Love you Proud of who you ve become Jason

Thank you for always being there for me and always helping me with my problem~.

Love James

Ro b Ri zz u to

We are so very proud of have you as our son. Ra1s1ng you h as brought us much JOY and love co ou r lives. We "\v1sh for you th e best 1n life! Love Mom and Dad

Co d i Offe rso n

Yea Codi! Congrat ul attons co you! le has been fun co ,vatch you gro"v co become the love ly young ,voman you are. You are my sunsh in e. Remember to s tare each day with a sm il e. Love life, and al,vays be yo ur selA You deserve the best my special friend.

Love ya lots,

Mom T o ni Sulli van

You are talented, balanced, c reattve and indep e nd e nt. Your pursuit for exce ll e n ce and desire for true happiness has serve d you well and ,viii continue to do so as you e mbr aced you r Journey through life. You ,vill forever be our "s hinin g star" We love yo u! Mom and Dad

Babies and Buddies 205

Lee Sa und er s

I chink that I s hall n ever see another guy like our guy, Lee. A boy whose hungry mouth is pr esse d ; on lob ster, steak, and turkey dressed. H e's tall 1n man y ways Not goon1e and likes to n se mid-after noonie! S pani s h ? T e nni s? Lacrosse? The B er nes! Lee's favorite term s are Cash and Car r ie! Wishing you a lifeti me of happiness! The "Fam "

Kr ist i e

Se ip p

Congratulations from your oldest fan c l ub. Seay true co yourself.

Mom and Dad

J ennife

r Ses tri ch

Your smile and thoughtfulne ss have added so man y special moments to our lives Be happy and true to your beliefs and know that ,ve are always proud of you. Lee yo ur dreams run wild. Remember Gigi, " It all s tarted with a mou se!"

Love , Dad , Mom and J onachan

J e rem y Sh ann o n

I c' s been s uch a joy watching you grow from a little boy into a young man. How did you do it s o fast? I just can't tell you how proud I am of you. You have a great future ahead H ave fun , enjoy life , and keep following your dreams!

AJl my love , Mom

T o ni S ulliv an

You are like a sister to us We wish you positive and rewarding challenges and look fof\vard co our continued journey with you in our lives We love you so much Brandi and Meryl

Bren t Sc hmidt

We are wi shing you the greatest future in whatever you do Good luck, Bucky!

Dad , Mom , Miranda and Kara

Ryan Se rpan

Ryan , you are s uch a wonderful so n We have been so blessed to have you. Your intelligence and outgoing personality will be an asset for yo u r future We love you.

Mom and Dad

J ere m y Shann o n Jeremy , You have grown up so quickly and I am so very proud of you. The next part of your life is just around the corner and I know you will handle tt with dignity, humor, integrity a n d a positive attitude. May success follow your every effort.

Dick Shannon

T o ni Sulliva n

To the leader of our pack. We all wish you a fantastic journey as your life unfold s. We love you Danielle, Brandi , Meryl and Loga n


Toni Sullivan

I am your best fr iend I comfort you when you are sad or lonely, keep you ,va r m when you are cold and ahvays share your d reams and keep your secrets.

Love, Blanky

ti \\ C n !( ft l ( R1 lli N th SU 1\16 II h el b r. 0 AI '--------------------------- -

T o ni S ulli va n

A match made in heavenl Congratu lations on your graduation I kno\v you ,vill become the best in whatever you choose to do in life You have become my best friend and changed my life I love you and ,vish you only the very best for your future

Love, Brian

Pi e r s W e ndl a nd t

Congratulations. Piers. We are pro u d of you. Keep setting goals and reaching for them in college and aftenvards Work hard and make time to enjoy life

Mom, Dad, Alison. Tucker and Bob

K e lly Wats on

Remember the Sand Dunes. the trampoline, movies in the basement, jet skis at I Navaho Reservoir, skiing at Keystone. the Olympics i n Atlanta. camping. the summer that ,ve picked up skittle, Australia. Good luck in college I'll miss my favorite (and on ly) sister Your favorite (and only) brother Nick

Kri s t

a W el c h

Kris, Looking at this picture of your first day of school, I am overwhe l med w ith gratitude that you have come into adu lthood so eloquently Sti ll today I see the same beauty. i nnocence, promise and love rad ia t i n g from you. I am so proud of you Stay

go lden babe Love

Always, Aunt Laur ie

Drew Zarn

Drew- I t seems li ke on ly yesterday t h at you came in t o ou r li ves. Now you• r e ready to make your own way in life You've made both our lives r ic h er , and we are so proud of you

Best of l u ck al ways, Mom and Dad

L o r a U l a nd er

To our little Lora Lea. We are so proud of you I You have grown into a beautiful young lady with so many special talents May all of your hopes and dreams be fullfilled! Our love forever, Mom and Dad

You were born with a gift for nurturing everyone around you- family, friends, and especially children You bring sunshine into other peoples lives. Kelly Love your gift Nurture your gift Live your gift Our love always Dad. Mom, Nick, and Skittle. the wounder dog.

l c h

I'm very proud of your accomplishments over the past 12 years You·ve made me and your family very happy We all Uohn , Tori , and myself) love you very much Keep up the good \VOrk and thank you for being the daughter you are Love

Belin, Such a beautiful smilel Your smile will always be the sparkle in my life Face yo u r future with enthusiasm and when difficult times arise, smile and the load will lighten Enjoy life, always remember to be true to yourself. I'm so very proud of the perso n you have become. God bless you Love always,

Drew always loved his Jonny J ump Up In fact for his 17th birthday he asked for a Jonny Jump Up that wo ul d fit him now!

Mom and Dad

,' ,I I
. L----------------------------..1
- -----
-·- -Babies and Buddies 207

Drew Zarn

Drew- You've grown co be a pretcy neat young man. Your intelligence and computer lneracy never cease co astound me. May your life be nch and full; We love you very much.

Mom and Dad

Brian Zoril

Time passes so fast, make sure you enJOY each moment.

Love, Mom

Paul Banagas


You are s u ch a s p ecial young man.

FolJow your dreams.

All che best, Grandma and Grandpa

Carolina Lee Schoch-Smith

You were the Boogerr, our l1rd e Strawberry-Carne Now you're a beauuful, wise, good - hearted young ,voman, our Senior star \Y/e ,viii always be your b1ggesr fans and scrongesc supporters May blessings be yours every day, and may you recognize them. May your best dreams come true.

With great love and pnde, Mon1 and Dad

Vanessa Santistevan

We are so proud of you ! May every goal you set be reached, and every decision yo u make be good. We wish you all the love and happiness that you can imagine. Good luck, and know chat we are a lways h ere for you, and God is always with you. We love yo u so much!

Love, Morn and Dad

Andy Zimmerman

Juse yesterday you began, so eager to learn and do. We applaud your s teps leading co today and your dedication co doing your best. Awesome memories: FOOTHILLS, CHIPS, GHS, music, SPINKLER, AAC, basketball, soccer, cross country, SOTH, mission cnps, NOW please make yo ur bed! We lcve you, Mom and Dad

Levi Jami son


Keep jumpin' into every river you reach. Your life will be as exhilara nng as the water. Clim b high and swim deep. Explore the vase terrain of your world and the unimaginable heights of your life. Walk without fear coward the music you hear. I'm right behind you. Brie

Sheena Sayed

Our dearest Sheena, Congratulations! "We" finally made it. You have made us so proud. We will miss you beyond words ,vhen you go off to college, but I'm sure dad's home cooki ng will bring you home quite often!

Love always, Mom and Dad


Congratulations, we are proud of you. I hope all your wishes come true. Always be true to yourself. I hope when I gro,v up we can be friends and siste rs. You deserve the best! We love you.

Love, your favorite sister, Rosalie and brother Vincent

Tristan Mraz

You gee what you wan c through your cha rm and personalicy Believe in yourself and never give up your hopes and dreams. Don 't be sca r ed co express your anger, l ove and fear. Mom and Dad and Friends

... :&a c-, ... V V V SCI-TECH> >> / SPORTS>>> \ \ Carolso Osorio/AP/Wide World Photos NATIONAL>>> NATIO l5 0 &. .. _i!; '5 ., '5 ..a: LIFESTYLE>>> LIFESTYLE >>> ... :z -e ... ::a


The Mille nnium Bridg e, a footbridge across the Ri ver Thame s connecting London 's St. Paul Cathedral with the Tate Moder n Art Gallery, opens in June. It is the fi rst bridge to be built over th e Th ames in 100 years.


President Clinton makes a lastditch effort to broker a Middle East peace deal before his term end s in January 2001 by drafting a plan for leaders of both Israe l and Pa lesti ne to review. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestin ian Vasser Arafat agree to review Cli nton 's propo sal , but no deal is signed before month 's end


l Des pite fears of an authoritarian sty le, Putin's public approval ratTngs remain high


performers float abo ve the audience on 15-foot


A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet crashe s during takeoff in Ta iwan , killing 81 of the 179 people on board In a blinding rainstorm the pilot uses the wrong runway and coll ides with construction equipment.

@ Canada mourns the death of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau , who served the country for nearly 16 years. Trudeau , who was 80, is remembered for his flamboyant style and his commitment to keeping Canada a single nation

@ Gas pri ces soar across Eu rope Heavy taxat io n policies i n France and En glan d cause massive prot ests and transportation bloc kade s Both go vernments eventuall y prom ise re lief.
C: 0 i
@ Former KGB agent Vladimir Putin i i s sworn into office as Russia's new president in May 2000 , succeeding long-time leader Boris Yeltsin
-8 }
Australian street artists called " Strange Fru it" perform ! gravity-defying &. feats around :g f Cl
the world The
fibergla ss poles

@ Two hun dred Nort h an d South Koreans separated from family me mb ers since the 1950 -1 953 Ko rean war reu nite in August. The four-day visits are a goodwill gesture by both countries' leaders, wh o met for th e first time in June.

In August, the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk sinks to the bottom of t he Barents Sea

after an unexplained explosion All 118 crew mem bers are killed Q


AIDS reaches epidemic proportion s in southern Afric a Leade rs and citizens throughout the world conduct a mas sive educational campaign on World AIDS Day December 1 to teach people about the dis ease that is killing 6, 000 sub-Saharan Africans each day.

Uganda is struck by an occurrence of the deadly Ebola viru s that is linked to more than 100 deaths

The outbreak is traced to a Gulu woman who died in September and whose body infected other people during the ritual clean sing of the dead .

@ In July, an Air France Conco rde supersonic jet catc hes fire and crashes outside Paris, killi ng 113 people The crash is blamed on me tal debr is which punctu red the tires and damaged the f uel ta nks

The worst wave of Mi dd le Easte rn violence in years erupts between Is raelis and Palesti nians, leaving more than 350 dead A visit by Israe li op position leader Ariel Sha ron t o a Jerusalem holy site on September 28 is claimed to have sparked the fighting



Convicted of monopoly practices in the so ftware indus try, Microsoft Co rporation is ordered by a federal dis trict judge in June to break into two sep arate companies Co mpany ch airman Bill Gates fil es tor an appeal.

The U S Se nate passes the Permanent No rmal Trade Relations bill in Septemb er to open up trad e between the Upited States and Ch ina The bill is expected to increas e U S exports by $13 billion ann ually

Awave of Internet startup compan i es, once the darlings ot the onl i ne economy, f il e for bankruptcy after fall i ng short of sto ckholders ' earn i ngs expe ctat i on s The NASDAQ stock exchange , where most dot -corns are tr aded , loses 39 % of its value for the year

Million s of Cal ifornians go for hours without power in January 2001 as utility comp anie s cut off electrical supply due to low reserves The crisis , bl amed on aging generating plants , deregula ti on , soaring wholesale prices and debt-ridden util ities , spurs other states to begin devising preventi on plans.

@ Firestone initiates the larg8$l.tire re call in history after dozeos of ro llover accidents appear to be ca used by faulty treads At least 148 deaths in the United States are linked to the defective tires , although other pro blems with sport utilits,vehtcles also are un der investigation

@ The Oklahoma City National Memorial is unveiled in April 2000 The memorial is built to honor the 168 people who died in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building

2000-2001 NATIONAL ...... 11111
Missout,an. MlchaPI Gallacher/AP, -
@ In the worst forest fire season in 50 ye ars , more than 20,000 firefighters battle blaz es in the western United States More than 80 major wildfires burn acro ss 13 states, forc i ng hundreds of people to leav e their homes
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tJ In the closest presidential election in more than 100 years. Republican George W. Bush of Texa s beats

Demo crat Al Gore from Tenn essee

The race isn 't decided until 36 days after the popular election, when Florida 's hotly contested ,1II\\I\ 25 electoral votes are awarded to Bush

On December 4, 2000 , the U S presidency remains in limbo as both Florida and New Mexico officials recount ballots to determine who will win their state ' s electoral votes New Mexico goes to Gore Ultimately, Bush wins Florida which gives him a narrow victory

FlASH >>>

On election night , several TV networks prematurely declare Al Gore the winner in Florida, only later to reverse themselves , twice The fiasco confirms many Americans ' distrust of polling and early "calling" of elections.

In one of his first duties as Presidentelect, George W. Bush nominates Colin Powell to be Secretary of State The four-star Army General becomes the first African-American in history to serve in this role

The Federal Trade Commission cha rge s the film recording and vi deo- game industries with marketing violent and adult-rated materials to teens The entertainment giants are requested to stop the practice or face legal intervention

C: a a: ., E F i
D =Recount
r.J In October, the USS Cole is bombed while refu eli ng in Yemen. A number of terrori st groups are sus pected of the blast that kills 17 sailors and injures 39.


C3 Personal Di gital Ass is tants (PDAs) capable of calendar sc heduling , note taking , e-mailing, phoning and Web browsing go mainstream i n 2000 Competition among manufacturers heats up with Microsoft , BlackBerry, Palm and other brands vying for shares of the teen and business marke ts

Wa lkie -talkies make a co meback as an eco nom ical alternativ e to cell phone s The new gene ration ta lkies come in wil d style s and have a range of two or more miles

Paleont ologi sts identify a new species of dinosaur from fossils found i n northern Italy The 26-foot-lo ng , meat-eating Saltri osa ur is one of the world 's oldest din osa urs , dating back 200 million years.

Scientis ts ar e forced to rethink the traditi onal de fi nitions of a star and planet when 18 mass ive planet-like bodie s th at don ' t revolve around a sun ar e dis covered in the Sigma Orion is clu ster

@ New photos of

expl ain why

300,000 miles high

@ Final touches are made to the International Space Station for its first residen ts American astronaut Bill Shepherd and two Russian cosmonauts live on the space station for four months starting in November

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rJ In Aug ust, a mile -wide patc h of open water 1s spotted at the North Pol e, dra matizin g concerns about gl obal wa rming
fiery streams of gas that ca n reach may the sun 's atm osphere is ho tter than rts surface

Wireless devices that se nd real-time personal messages between users become the latest comm unication craze The "i nstant messages " can be typed, written or spoken, depending on the brand, and devices cost less than $100

New Internet domain names are created to lessen the load on the old com standard The new names, slated for use in mid -2001, include info for general use , . biz for businesses , .name for individuals and pro for profe ssi onal s.

Scientists complete a rough " map " of the genetic code that makes 0 a person human The map will aid in the detection and prevention of cancer and other illnesses

., ---
Stephe n J. Bottano/APIW1d e World Photos In 2000 , both Honda and Toyota launch gas -electric f LASH hybnd cars Operated by a battery-powered electric motor >>> and a gas-run engine, the hybrids get up to 70 miles per -----------------gallon on the highway and release minimal emissions
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Apple Computer unv eils its new G4 Cube computer in Jul y The 8-inch cry stalline cube 1s commended for its small size , high speed, lo w noise level , touch-sensitive power activation and padless optical mouse
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rJ Amtrak introduces the nation's first high-speed train in November The " Acela Expre ss " travels up to 1SO mi les per hour and runs between Wash ington, D C., New York and Boston, with other routes planned for coming years

A ne w Web site , Customatix com , lets us ers desig n the i r own sneakers Starti ng from scratc h or selectin g a prefab mod el , users can pick everything from the co lo rs and styli ng to th e fab nc and pe rsona li zed logo at a cost of $80 to $95 a pair

Ne w prepai d credit cards and on lin e credit li nes are the latest hig h-t ech means for paren t s to co ntrol their te ens ' spending De pe nding on the account, parents de ter mine the spending lim it or the online store s where th e money can be spent an d rec eive mon thly sta tements of purchases made


@ MH-18, billed as the first national ,...,;;..=-=----n li fe style magazine for guys 13 to 18, hits newsstands in August. The Men 's Health offshoot covers sports fit ness , school , relation ships and issues teena ge boys fa ce gr owing up

The popularity of Apple Computer 's translucent ber ry -colored iMac sparks a wave of similarly colored ce ll phones, CD players , ' cameras, irons and other household appl iances

For the first time , females outnumber males in Internet use in the United States , representing 50 . 4% of the online population in 2000 . Teenage girls are the fastest growing user segment.

Designer faceplate s become a popular way to personal ize cell phones The de corative atta chments come in a variety of designs and colors to match the user 's mood or outfit.

@ Wordstretch bracelets become a trendy accessory in Hollywood and around the nation The multi-colored elastic bands come inscribed with "Call me," " Money is overrated," "Snap out of it" and other simple messages designed to spark conversation

ce:111> p ~· 27 Otoq, Q:mcns ,,••, ' °"" o a s a oo s ...... -~...

Message T-shirts become fashion statements

among teen girls . "Foxy Lady," " Princess " and " Monkey

Around " are just a few of the tongue-in - cheek logos

that appear on the popular shirts

By the end of 2000 , an estimated 75 % of U S un ive rs itie s offer courses online and more than 5 8 million students have logged on

With the 2000 unemployment rate at a low of 4%, college stud ents working as summer intern s command wage s up to $20 an hour, al ong with compen sation pa ckage s, from high-tech and Internet compan ies

r.J Chrys ler rolls out its 1930s retro car, the PT Cruiser, in spring 2000

The fi ve-door "personal transportation " wagon is a hot se ller, beating the popu lar Volkswagen New Beetle by two to one in the first month It also wins Motor Trend magazine's 2001 Car of the Yea r

Tee ns involved in anti-smoking organizations such as The Truth and Tar ge t Market strike back at Big Tobacco for marketing to youth , by launching their own in-your-face advertising campaigns targeti ng ci gar ette makers The print and broadcast ads are sponsored by fund s won from tobacco suit settlements

David Youno- Wollf/PhotoEdrt
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r.J High-tech , fold-up metal ve rsions of the ol d scooter are one of the year 's hottes t modes of transportation but also a leading cause of injury.
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:g A new co mputer video game called ''The Sims ," which simulates the life of a sub urban family, develop s a fanat ical ; fo llo wing with teens Players create the f characters an d guide them through < a _, · ! build ing a hou se, furnishing it, find ing ! a career and running a famil y in th ei r pu rsuit of hap pi ness


The first big hit in 2001 is Save the Last Dance, which opens in January The teen roman ce, starring Jul ia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thom as, earns clo se to $50 mill i on in its first two weeks

(1 Game rs camp outside electronics stores to se cure the long-awaited ! Sony PlayStation 2, which goes on sale in October t: 8 in limi ted quantities. The new version allows users to li sten to CDs and watch DVD movies in addition to playing games

Pay It Forward, a movie based on the id ea of performing random acts of kindness , opens i n October starring Hale y Joel Osment , Kevin

cey and Helen Hunt.

t'.J Th e Millennium Force , th e world 's tallest and fastest roller coaster, opens in May 2000 at the Cedar Po int amu seme nt park i n Sandus ky, Ohio The ride has a 300-foo t dro p an d trav els up to 92 mile s per hour Mam/Elect ronic Arts Spa
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t'.J Jim Ca rrey sti rs up trouble in the town of Whoville in an adaptation of th e Dr Seuss classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch, which opens in November, is the highest gro ssing film of 2000 t'.J Tom Cruise reprises his role as Ethan Hunt in the action sequel Mission: Impossible 2 The May release is summer's biggest box-office draw and 2000 's second-highest grossing film. earning more than $215 million

@ NBC's White House drama "The West Wing," starring Martin Sheen, Allison Janney and Richard Schiff, sets a record for receiving the most Emmys in a single season with nine wins, including Outstanding Drama Series

Popular television series prompt the introduction of board game versions. "Survivo r" and " Who Wants To Be a Millionaire " lead the list of new releases


In November, illusionist David Blaine is encased in ice for 62 hours in New York 's Times Square , assisted only with air and water tubes and a catheter. Blaine , who was seeking notoriety over national TV, survives the stunt but requires hospitalization

Russell Crowe becomes a household name with the release of Gladiator. The epic film wins a Golden Globe Award for Best Drama as well as an acting nod for Crowe .

@ The year's hottest TV show is CBS's "Survivor, " in which 16 contestants compete for a million dollars by surviving on a tropical island fo r 39 days More than 51 million viewers tune in for the final episode Based on its success, CBS laun ches a second "Survivor'' series in January 2001 set in the Australian Outback

Charlie's Angels, based on the popular '70s TV senes, is one of the to p 20 box-office draws in 2000 The movie, starring director Drew Barrymore , Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu , earns $40 million its opening week in November and grosses more than $123 million during its run

~64 000 ~--'., ...--> -

j A new board gam e called "Hipi Hop Hall of Fame" capitalizes on i th e popu lari ty of the music genr e. i Players mak e their way around an album-like board by answering qu estions about Hip -Hop perfor mers, song s, culture and his tory

ln res ponse to the growing inter est in Latin music, CBS airs the "1st An nual Latin Grammy Award s" In Septembe r The show Is the first prim 1 t ime network Spanish langua ge telecast on American TV an d draws 7 5 111 ilhon viewe rs

-:::,_.~ Hip-H op remains one of the year's dominant sounds, with acts such as OMX, Jay-Z and Ludacris all making Billboard's Top 40 with new songs and selling more than a million copies of their latest CDs.


Madonna sco re s a record -setting 12th No 1 si ngle with the release of "Music ." In Decembe r, she weds director Guy Ritchie i n a Sc ott ish ca stle

New brands and styles of portable MP3 players inundate the market in 2000

The new-generation devi ces store and play digi tal music from the Internet and feature more playing time than the ir predecesso rs

Irish artist Samantha Mumba makes the music charts in 2001 with her hit so ng "Gotta Tell You ." The 17-year-o ld joi ns fellow countrymen U2 and The Corrs on the American airw aves

5 i Q. g ____, 5

@ Creed, with lead singer Scott Stapp, prove s to be one of 2000's hottest rock band s, with their singles "Higher" and "With Arms Wide Open" hitting the top 5 on Billboard 's Hot 100 singles list. The group wins American Music Association's Favorite Alternative Artist and Favorite Pop/ Rock Album

2000-2001 MUSIC I/· --->,
0cJ >>>
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Napster loses several cou rt battles with the record ing indus try ove r copyright infringement. The popular online music sharing service, with over 60 million users, faces shut-down unless it can crea te a new business formula that satisfies the major re co rding labels.

The Beatle s begin 2001 atop the Billboard album chart with the album 1 The CD sell s more than 5 million cop ies over the holiday season .

Sisqo , a member of the R&B band Dru Hill , goes solo in 2000 . The singer tops the singles chart with "In complete " and "Thong Song " and takes home awards from Billboard and the American Music Asso ciation

r.J Baha Men's hit song "Who Let the Dogs Out " reaches an t hem stat us at spo rt s sta diums across the country. The song also wins a Grammy nom ination for Best Dance Recording

Rock musi c dominates the music charts and award shows in 2000 Groups inclu ding matchbox twenty, Vertical Horizon and 3 Doors Down top bo th the ro ck and pop singles charts with the ir respective singles "Bent," " Everyt hing You Want ," and " Krypton ite."


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Ben Vanhoutef\lAPIWide World Photos
>>> jl •

American Marion Jones, 24 , become s the first wdman to win five track and field medals in a sing le Olympic Games at the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney Jones wins the 100an d 200-meter sprints and the 4x400 r~ ay, and fin ishe s thi rd in both the 4x100 relay and long Ju mp


Yankees def eat the New York Mets four games to one in th e first "Subway Series " si nce 1956. It is the Yankees' third st raight World Series win and thei r 26th overall.

i Tiger Woods, 24, wins three of golfs i fo ur major tournaments to become the 3 yo o~ g player to win a career grand sla oods also b~ the earnings reco for a single year wiffi winnings of more than $9 million

Venus Williams dominat es women 's tennis The 20 -year-old has a 35-match winning streak, which includ es the titles at Wimbledon and the U S Open as well as an Olympic gold medal.


W th a win agai nst the Universi ty of ayton in Se ptember, Yale

be omes the first college te am to wi n 800 foot ball g~me s '

I n January 2001 , after a th ree-ye ar hiatus, legendary Mario Le mieux re turns to pla y for the Pi tts burgh Penguins , the hockey team tte now part-owns, Lemieux becomes the first owner/player i n the history of the NHL.

' Cyclist Lance Armstrong wins his second consecutive Tour de France in July Armstrong, a cancer survivor, also writes his autobiography /rs Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Ufe.

Ne w York
,r. -~ __ ...__ ~.,,'•

tJ In June , the New Jersey Devils win their second Stanley Cup in six seasons by defeating defending champion Dallas Stars four games to two in the finals Scott Stevens wins the Conn


The racing world is stunned when NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt Sr. , a seven-time Winston Cup champion , is killed on the last lap of the Daytona 500 in February 2001

NASCAR does not retire numbers, but car owner Richard Childress said he wilt never again race Earnhardt' s black No. 3 car

Xtreme Football debuts in February 2001. The game combines conventional football rules with some of the mayhem of professional wrestling Eight teams play in the league's first season.

\!.1 The Los Angeles Lakers win the NBA championship , the franchise 's first in 12 years The Lakers beat the Indiana Pacers in game six of • ! the finals Center Shaquille O'Neal is named MVP &. Smythe Trophy for postseason MVP. The Bal timore Ravens beat the New York Giants 34-7 in Super Bowl XXXV for their first NFL title Ray Lewis of Baltimore ' s highly touted defense - ,s named MVP of the game @ Cathy Freeman carries the Olympic torch at the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney Freeman goes on to win the 400· meter dash, becoming the first Aboriginal Australian to earn an individual Olympic gold medal.


pay Griffith up to $40 an hour to play for them

After a record 3,545 wins and $81 million in earnings during her 19-year career, jockey Julie Krone becomes the first woman inducted into the National Racing Hall of Fame

What do you think?

@ controversial Indiana University

coach Bob Knight is fired in September after allege dly violating a University-imposed code of conduct. Ounng his 29 years at Indiana , Knight was often criticized for tem per outbursts His dismissal provokes student pro test demonstrations

Please give us your feedback on World Beat@ www


I -
@ Comedian Dennis Mill er debuts as co -announcer on AB C's "Monday Night Footb all" Miller's offbeat humor gets a mi xed reaction from fans , and t he series earns some of the lowest ratings m its 31- year hist ory ! Paula Prince of Port Richey, &. Florida, wins the sixth annual Ugly Couch Contest , sponsored by a slipcover manufacturer, wi th her vintage '70s entry Prince and two other contest finalists appear on ABC's ''Live! With Regis " m Oc tober
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@ Fred Rogers, host of the children 's PBS show "Mister Rogers ' Neighborhood," announces he will tie his tennis shoes for the last time , when his final new episode airs m August 2001 Rogers will continue to work on Web sites, books and special museum projects. In hono r of the late cartoonist Charles M Schulz,101 fiberglas s Snoopy statues -each m a theme wardrobe - are displayed in Schul z's hometown of St. Paul Several are auctioned off m Octob er to raise money for aspiring cartoorns~ts__.._..._..~ IVideo gamer Josh Griffith, 17, starts a business filling in for other gamers involved in an online roleplaying game called " Asheron ' s Call. " Players are required to put in hours of game time to keep their online characters powerful. Busy executives basketball
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STARTING FROM 'I Aca dem ics-...................... 146 Terry Acree 79, 83, 175 Ausnn Adams 10 6, 163 Dani el Adams 132 Kelly Adams 83 Lauren Adams 79, 106 Cyn thia Adamson 83 Eric Adler 26 Pn ya nka Agarwal............ 2, 31, 39, 45, 83, 193 Matche,v Agrodn1a 132 Aaron Aguilar 30 Clayto n Albracht 29, 37, 39, 106 Lara Alcaraz. 106 , 173 Sha,vn Alcock 29, 7 1, 106 Greta Aldridge 118 J essica Alexander 39, 45, 60, 61, 106 An ge la Allan 106 Tob y Allan 10 , 83, 158, 175 Jo AlJen ............................... . . . . . .... . . .... 53 Seth Allen. 2 1, 66, 67, 83, 99 Mayara Alm ei d a 13 2, 17 1 JeretAmmon20, 25, 39, 83,153,164,165,175 Ashely Anchondo I 32 John Anderson 79 Kelly Anderson S1 Kyle And e rso n 118 Sarah Anderson 132 Nathan And e rso n- Davi s 132 Nick Andrz eJe,vski 132 Ja cob Angell 118 Janice An gl1m 132 Brandon Archambeau 39, 106 , 158 Aurora Arlee ...................... 29, 83, 95, 175, 193 Tiffany Armenta 65, 83, 95, 175, 193 Laur en Arm1 rag e 13 2, 164 Ryan Armitag e ....................................... 79, 118 Kyle Arndt ...... 26 Kelly Arono\vitz. 20, 3 1, 39, 83, 164 , 16 5, 175, 192 , 193 Sea n Aron so n 29, 118 Conny Art1ca ................... . ..... . ............ .. .. 78, 132 Jordan Ash 19 Brod y Ackins 132 Amanda Ave ndano 132 Jess i ca .Axen 7 4 M elissa .Axen 7 4, 75 Lu cas Axrnacher 32 STARTING FROM I ! dUl UdU<l¾, dS••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 172, 173, 193 ,208 Ba b ies an d Bu ddi es 17 4 Brandon Babki ew1c h 63 Brittan y Babkie,vich. 39, 76, 77 Laurie Bacon 74, 75 Sa rah Bae r 83, 118 Amanda Bag'-ve ll 27 Cass ie Badey. 55, 118 Che lsea Bailey 118 Krisandra Bain 106 Bnanna Baker 31, 39, 72, 73, 83, 175 Se th Bakke r 157, 160, 175, 191 Dan Salan o ·-························· 132 Natasha Balczar ek 132 C h a ri ssa Bald,v1n 118 Joshu a Bald\vin 132 Philip Bald,v1n. 106 Ro ss Baldv,,1n .................................. 29, 39, 43 Mark Ballinger I 32 H a nnah Bal tz 132 Tara Banks ...................................... 9, 55, 10 6 Heath Banza 118 Ma rc us Barb e r 118 , 154 Manu el Barela ....................................... 79, 118 Aaron Barker 85, 89, 93 Sh ell y Barlow 4, 6, 3 1, 60, 61, 193 Beth a n y Barn ed .................................... 43, 132 Brianne Bar n ed 118 Zach ery Barnes 79, 13 2 Shannon Barrows ............................. 3 1, 73, 17 0 Brian na Ba rth els 132 Ro ss Barron I 06 Tiffany Barro s........................................ 132 Carson Bartsc h 22, 24 Seave r Baru c h 23, 26 S\vara Barzanj 1 13 2 Zac hary Bauer 106 Nicole Baumer 132 Adam Baxter 13 2 Ryan Baxte r 132 William Baxter 132 Ro ss Beam . 79, 132 Scott Be c k I 06 Matth ew Be cke 1 I 8 Bobb y Be c ker 19 Taylore Beckman 27, 85, 93, 17 6 , 194 Bri can y Beebe 132 Brandon Beehler 67, 106 Kimberly Beesley ... ... .................. . ...... ... ........ 118 Je ss ica Behunin 27, 7 6 , I 06 Stuart Bell. 132 Bre nt Bellew .. ... ....................... . .... ..... ..... 97, 194 Craig Bellew 118 CJay Bennet 23 Audrey Bennecc ........... . ..... ..... .... .... . 15 , 46, 118 Kie Bennett 14 , 15 , 39, 47, 194 Nicole Bennett 132 Jared Benson .................................................. 118 El izabeth Bentley 132 Alex Be rardinelli 7 9 Brittany Bergste dt 7 ), l 36 e II Jonathan Bernal 132 C l M arcus Bernal 106 U · Erin Bernard 1<) ' J ess1ca Berry 36 , 176 t Adam Berte 10 6 Scott Beumer ................... ..... .... ... .. .... .. .. . . ... .. . 13 2 Chad Bianchi ...... .......... .... .. ..... .. .... .. ........ 7 9 13 2 D y la n B1en1ulis 7 9 ~,, Krista Bies 21 11 8 J ess 1caBillings 14 ,43 118 J e remy B1!11 s 106 91 Chnstian B1nkley l 1 En c Binkley .... .. ...... ... .......... .. .............. 118, 159 G eoffrey Birne y 118 Ro y Bi rney ........ . ....... ... .... .. ..... . ......... .. . 13 2 Katherine Biscan 52, 53 11 8 132 Jaymes Bi shop Robert Black 29, 51, 56, 5'7 ) 06 II Ashley Blain- H artung 4, 7, 28 192 a· Brianna Blair 11 8 u Amelia Blakeman . 1(I<, D yana Bliven 13 .l 11 Chris Bl use 22, 2 .> • Jason Bohks IUR Sean Boi ce 15<) Amanda Bolejack ............ .... .... .... ..... . ............... 132 Mandi BoleJack I 6-i Dave Bolger .,.<) Laura Bollinger 4, 22, 31, 37, 38, 39, 46, 4' 72 73, 159 , 176, 194 Ru sse ll Borneman 11 b Richard Bo eel ho .......... . ...... ... .... .. ... .. ... .... inc, Joseph Botqe r 29, 79, l l h Shanna Bould i n 10 6 N 1cholus Bove ..................... ... .. . .......... .. .. ..... i 16 Casey Bowman ,9 Jared Bradeen 11 8 Tabatha Bradeen ............ . ..... .. .... .. ....... . ....... i lo Jeffrey Bradley ! vu Breanna Brads haw l J Kendra Branch ................. .. . .. .. .... ........... .. ............ 2ll Daniel Braum IOC, n Cachenne Braun 133 ' N 1cholas Braunagel ... . ...... .. .. .. . . ...... ..... ... 7 9 133 Amy Brawley I06 Jessica Brian. 11 S Diane Bndenburg 25, "'61 84 Nicho le Bridges Ui '< Carrie Briggs 2 Amanda Brings 12 , 43, 80, 84 194 ( KyleBro nson 133 1 Emily Brooks ...... .... .... ..... ................. ....... .. .. 18 Kendra Brooks 84, 15'1 194 Robe rt Brooks 84 176 t Deidra Brown ................................................. 133 r H olly Brown 43, 13 3 1
' .. /. Leslie Brov:n 133 Joseph Casedy 119 Lisa Bro,vn 161 ~fichela Brov, n 5, 118 hannon Bro\vn .................................. 84, I 76 I cgan Bro\,n 118, 161 T1mochy Brown 48, 56, 57, 71, 106 Jes 1ca Brov, nice 118, 153 l nn1fer Brulla 27, 106 Joshuc1 Brulla 133 Jennifer Brune 28, 39, 53, 84, 192, 195 l\1:uthe\\' Brune 133 lvlallory Brunel ...................... . . . .. . 133 ~11chael Brunel... 39, 43, I 06, 110 \Jan Bruno 16, 84, 85, 195 l I uke Brunsilius 118 Kersu Bn·an 38, 47, 160 • I I Shahara Bryan 18 Angela Bryant .................................................................. 118 .f\,fichacl Bryant 23, 26 Tera Bnranc 118 Kami Bucholz 27 Allen Buen 84 lvfichael Buland 35, 106 i: Cory· Bull 14, 133 Danielle Bull 84 K)·le Bull I06 1 Ashley Bunn .................................. 78, 133, I 58 Christopher Burch.... 133 Tim Burch 67, 84, 97, 168 Ross Burke ....................................... ,. 79, I 33 1 Ta} lor Burkman 133 U Nils Burnham 42, 43, 118 AJlison Burns 118 Elizabeth Burns 133 f Erik Burns 118 : Jack Burske 39 Kant. Burton I 67 Carla Busceme I 06 Elisa Butkus .......................................... 78, 133 Blanc: Buder 12, 118 Case B} 1 79, 133 STARTING fROIA 'I c111u:-, \....auy Reheis 29, 66, 67, 84,177, 195 Jtnnv Cameron 133 Joseph Campbell 118 Kusnn Canaday.................. I 6, 60, 6 I , 69, 106 I Ch n s C app,Jlo 19 Chnsuna Carbone ............... .... 28, 60, 61, 106 Andrea Cardoso 3 9, 84, 19 5 · Christopher Carey 133 Erin Carey ... . .......................... 28, 73, 118 C~,vendolyn Carey 80, I I 9, 164 M1ke Carillo 26 Tara Casino 106 Dane Casterson 119 La.uren Chaffee 28 Thomas Chambless 156, 15 7 Rachele Chandler 43, 106 Evan Chapin 133, 136 M1chaelChappell .............. 29, 119 ,164,165 Chnscine Charleston 78, 133 , 153 Terry Cheung 1 19 Chnsnne Chevltng ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 119 John Chrisman 12, 51, 84, 89, 93, 196 Robert Chnsman 79, 119 Nathan Christensen . ................................. 119 Aaron Cisneros 133 Brandon Cisneros 85, 86, 170 , 196 Amanda Clanton .. ............................................................. 133 Amy Clark.... 2 I James Clarke. 64, I 19 Ashley Clement 5 5, 13 3, I 64 Tren con 2 I , 29 Andrew Cl ine 133 Kimberly Cline 119 Enn Clough 76, 77, 133 Club s ........................................................................................ 34 Cassie Coble 133 Toby Cochran 43, 119 Carolyn Cockle 18, I 9, 24 Jordanna Colby 43, 71,133 Michelle Collette 78 Mandy Collier 134 Patrick Conley............................. 57, I 06, I 77 Tera Conley 4, 1 I 9 Daniel Conroy.................. 85, 86, 196 Molly Cook 37, 85, 86,177,196 Meghan Cooper 4, 6, 13 , 29, 39, 72, 73, 85, 86, 178, 197 Nathan Cooper ................. 50, 51, 59, 79, 119 Kelly Copeland... 134 Candace Cordova 37 Chavaugn Coronado ............... 28, 85, 86, I 78 Nathaniel Coronado 79, 134 Mackenzie Coe de 107 Sarah Coccle . .. ..... .. .. ..... .... .. .. .. . .. ..... .. . . . . 134 Sean Coughlin 30, 119 Shane Councilman 119 John Courtney ............................. 29, 51, 85, 86 Sara Courtney 134 Caiclin Cowen 78, 80, 119 Eric Cowen 63, 107 James Crane 134 Johnathan Cranford 134 Dan iel C rass ............................... 37, 39, 5 I, 107 Jam1e Cravens.... 134 Jess1ca Cravens 107 STARTING FROM i I -1'.nsnn u cpagnier 14, 76, 119 Jeremy Dahm 66, 67, 85, 86, 179, 19' Paul Dakan 38 Blake Dalgeccy 8, 32, 51, 56, 57, 79, 119 Brad Danek ... .. ... . . ... .. .. . . . . . .. . ... 26 David Danek 21, 85, 86, 89, 93, 197 Aimee Daniel. 42, 55, 119 Am.her Daniel 43 Emily Daniels 18 , 37 Joshua Daniels. 107, 169 Leslie Daniel s ............. 5, 28, 39, 76, 77, I 07 Shawn Darcy 41, 79, I 07 George Davies 134 Kimberly Da\ 1s .............................. 76, 78, 134 Mark Davis 85, 86 Patnck Davis 119 Zachery Davis . . ....... ... .. .. .. .... .. .... ..... .. 5 9, 107 Gino De Carlo 79, 119 Marco De Carlo 7, 107 Arik De Yelder . .............. . . .. . . . . 119 Theodore De Vito 63, 134, 158 , I 59 Jodelle Dearm1n 86, I 07, I 97 Bnan Debaecs ................................ 9, 51, 107 Heather Degroat 134 Drew Dehmlo"" 134 Cacherine Deland . .................................... .. 134 Scott Delucas 134 Ca1clin Demarest 31, 119 Christy Deming 22 Katie Dern 134 Michelle Dern 107 Jeff Desmarteau 29 Jason De\vhursc 71, I I 9 Jason Dewire 119 Paul Dewier ....... ............................................................ .............. 86 Tara Dewolfe 119 Kimberly D1m1ck 75, 107 Ca.ss1dy D1nzes .... 66, 67, 83, 86, 91, 179, 197 Samantha Disney. 78, 134 Cassandra Dittbrenner 25 Nick D1ctnch ............................ 10, 43, 86, 19 7 Anne Dobyns 5, 69, 78, 107 Kyle Dobyns 79,134 Will Dobyns ....... .... ................................. ... . . . .. . .. .. 7 Melissa Dockstader 37, 87, 198 Dave Doffing... 134 Amanda Donelson ..................... 134, 156, 157 Casey Done lson 107 Jennifer Donnelly 107, 156, 157 Jack Donovan ............................ 37, 42, 43, 10 7 Mary Donovan 134, 164 Kauc Carlson 54, 55, 84, 195 Co ll een C r eed , 85, 86 Beau Drex ler........................................... I 34 Scott Carpenter 26 Joy C ravens 134 Christina Crevling 154 Carrie Douglas _ 10 7 Enc C arr 56, 57, 106 . Jeffrey Carrell ............................................... 106 1 ho mas Carroll IV 106 Dcrc:k C.arcer 26 La u ren Career 3 1, 119 Myriah Carter 133 A 1 chony Carver 29, 51, 84, 195, I 96 Ge noa Carver .... ..... ............................. 43, I 06 fess1.:a Casarez 4, 39, 106, 173 ( ar 1<. Case 84, 177, 196 Jesse Crock ............... ...................... ..... . 22, 24 Johan na Crock 28, 119, 164 Milton Croissant III 11, 85, 86, 178 Dan 1e l Cross 1 19 Alyssa Cuchiara 6 5, 134, 141 Jason Cullum 119, 192 Jasmi n e Cummings . .............. . .......... ....... .... 134 Macr Curc1s 30 C lay Cushman 35, 85, 86, 173, 178 Daniel Cushman ......................................... 134 Sara Drienka 20, 87 Adene Duncan 134 Joseph Duncan ......................... 32, 39, 43, 107 Kira Duncan 43, 87 Brad Dunlap 7 9 Joe Dunlap . .. ............... ...................... ................ .. .. .. .. 173 C h ristina Dupont 39, 87, 17 9 Nichol Dupont 173 J111 Durgin 78 Luke Durg in 87, 173 , 179
Clayton Durham 64, 107 Henry Foster 134 Allison Gnffiths 27 Justin Dusdal 26 Megan Dusdal . .. . ................................ 27, 10 7 Peter Dusenbury 30 April Dutton 134 Heidi D\v1gg1ns 27 Meltssa Dyffryn 20 START NG FROM I J usnn Eberhart 43, 46 Joy Egan 65 Suzanne Ehler 27 Sarah Eisen bud 3 8 Elaine Ekberg 29 Jon Ekstrom 32, 36, 37 Megan Ellis. 107 Ryan Eilts 79, 10 7 Chase Ellison 87 Michael Emmons 30, 87, 179 Jonathan Emsbach 79 Janelle Engle 31, 78, 107 Brian English ··••o••····································· 8, 79 Jason Engstrom 87 Enn Enna 2, 87, 168, 179, 180, 192 Tyler Enna 64 Sarah Enright 134 Bryce Erickson ... . ............................................. .... 67 L1 nd say Ens man 134 Brandi Escalante 134 Lind say Eschenbaum 87, 198 , 199 Bo Everett....... 26 Emily Everett... 43, 78, 134 Kirsnn Everett .............. 2, 25, 74, 80, 87, 198 STARTING FROM I Fa cul t:y' ••••••••••• •• .•. •. •. 146 Chris Fair 21, 43, 88, 198 Christopher Fanchi. 43, 107 Tony Fanch1 192 Mark Fanc1ulli 29, 87 Jolene Faro 69 Anthony Farrell ........................................... 138 Vanessa Farrell 134 Chns Fauble 15 , 39, 47, 88, 160 , 180 Nick Fauble 14 , 15 , 153 Andrew Faulkner......... 13 , 29, 56, 57, 79, 17 1 Ch n sto pher Feiner . .. ... ... . .................... 107 Ryan F1elds-Spack 26, 39, 88, 99, 164 , 192 , 198 BenJamen Filas . . 39, 43, 70, 7 I, 107 Harrison Filas 134 Angela Finke 43, 134 Carlo Fiore 134 Joe Fitzgerald ................................................ 107 Jane Flagle 134 Will Flagle 134 Megan Flem1ng ....................................................... 88 Haley Fletcher 31, 39, 53, 107 Juan Flores 107 John Flynn I 08, 154 Sean Flynn ............................................................. 134 Joe Faden 79 J usttn Foos 8, 50, 51, 155 Melissa Ford 29, 172, 173 Dexter Foster 35, 167 Leah Foster . . ....................................... 39, 108 Dennis Franco 79, 134 Amber Franz 134 Tamara Freier.. . .................................. 88, 198 Thomas Fren c h 108 Freshmen 131 Tegan Fr1skey ..... .... .. ... .......... .... .. .... .. ... .. ..... .. .. . .. 69 Matt Fritz 29, 79 Allison Frost 5 5, 13 5, 164 ChnstopherFrost 135 Lauren Fro st 88 Nathan Fro st 29, 51, 57, 79, 108 Kyle Froyen 79, 135 Jillian Fryling 135 Andy Fuentes 28 T ta Fush 1m1 31 STARTING FROM 'I Amanda Gabel ........................ 55, 88,180,198 Megan Gabel 55, 135 Lauren Gale 42, 43 Mandolynn Garcia 43 Rogelio Garcia 135 Celeste Gardner 43, 108 , 161 Scott Gar ner 135 Rachel Garnett 76, 108 Kacie Garrett .................................................. 31, 78 Sara Garrett 7, 39, 88, 180, 199 Thomas Garrett 39, 64, 108 Zachary Garrett ..................................... 3 9, 108 Jordan Gaspard 37, 55, 135 Mackenzie Gates 53, 119 , 173 Nathon Gaudreau ................ 51, 56, 57, 79, 108 Kevin Gee 135 Ryan Gerni 88, 180 , 192 T anJa Gerw1ng ........................................................ 8 8 Rachel Gesin 108 , 153 Chandler Gibbons....................................... 108 Jennifer Gilbert 135 Julie Gtlmore 135 Talon Gleaton 30, 50, 51, 79, 108 Bridget Glynn 27 Corey Gobbo.... 108 Alex Go .ble , 135 Elysa Goldman 78, 13 5 Scott Goldstein 51, 88 Shannon Gomez 27, 76, 108,112 Alexandra Gonzales 13 5 Lena Goods 88, 160, 161 Bnttany Goodwin 39, 108 Jessica Gore 27, 164 Amber Gosda 39, 78, 108 Co.ry Goshorn 71 Jesse Goshorn 38, 88, 180, 181 Kristin Gowey 6, 78, I 64 James Graham 135 Catherine Granquist 78, 135 Lisa Grantano ....... . ........................ 13, 135, 138 Kelly G raves .... ........ .. .. ......... 8, 39, 51, 108, 110 Alana Gray 78, 135 Jolie Gray 108 Chnst1ne Gregory ......................... 9, 12, 88, 199 Sp encer Grenfell 88, 199 J essica Griess 135 Christie Griff 69 Randy Groe 88, 181 Joallen Grosh 135 Karie Grove 108 Su Danica Grundeman .. ....... ....... ...... ..... .... . .. 13 5 }.J. Michael Gulsvig 79, 135, 162 1 Randi Gunderson 135 I, Glenn Guthne ........................................... . 135 Ai Jodi Guthne 2, 25, 89, 192,198,199 fl STARTING FROM 1 r Brad Haag 24 Kr1st1e Hagberg 135 Tim Hagel berg 79 Matthew Haimerl 135 Darnn Hall 64, 13 5 James H all 89, 108 M Haley Hansen 5, 13, 20, 28, ltl Jacob Hansen 135 Yvonne Hansen ...................................... 89, 181 Lucas Hanson 13 Taunya Happ 89, 97, 172, I.., , AI Jennifer Harmon ................ 85, 89, 93,181,200 CTI Benjamin Harns 29, 51, 79, I 08 t,f Garrett Harris 108 G1 Gloria H arris 13.c; h Brendan H arriso n 136 Benjamin Haschke 39, l 08 1c Andy Hasse ct 2 J Sean H asr1ngs 59 I08 Roseanne Hatcher l 08 Jordan Hauser 39, 66, 67, 89, 181 Kyle Hauser...... I 6f· }. Gregory Hauserman l3l 1 Curtis Haven gar 29, 108 0i Cody H ayes 36, 37, 39, 51, 89, 164, 20( Kelly H ayes 28, 37, 39, 73, 89, 20' Pacnck Haymes 13< :b Chad H eater 51, 10- Eli Joshua H ein czelman l ~< ~Ti Scott Heir ............................................................................. I 3t \f. Katie H endrix 70, 71, I 3l 1,fi Frank Heuschkel 89, 18 l Robb Hewett 136, 1-0 Jacob H iebert 56, 57, 79 Billy Hight .......................................................... ..... ... 89 Kim Hill .............................................................. 29, c; 1, 1 us Reese Hill 1 ~r.. Ryan Hill I OR t Dane Htnnan 64 Andrea Ho ..................................................................... 55 8() Robert Hoag ......................................... 108, 109 Kelly Hock 76, 119 1 Rhonda Hoffert 7 0, ., I Chrisnna Holbrook 39, 43, 108 Kandi Holl yh ead 136 Lesa H olycross ............................... ••••••••· ··· ... 3S t Benjamin Hoogheem 79, 136 !l Kr1snna Hopkinso n 18, 28 Emily Hoppin 31, 43, 70, 71, 76, -7 Schuyler Hopp le 37, 46, 108 If Quinn Hornecker 7, 64, 119, 171 Bntcany Horton 13 6 1 Matthew H osbu rgh ................................. . 10 8 1 Danielle How ell 2, 89 200 Adam Hudson 29
Alexander H ughe;;s 79, 136 Ben Kemple 29, 79 • I isct Hughes 27 Kyle Huizinga 90 Suzy liuizinga 90, 153 \ndrea J-1unr 27, I 08 Nualie Hunt 11, 14, 15, 24, 47, 90, 159, 160, I 8 I Andy Huntsman................... 79 hades Huntsman 11, 67, 83, 90,181,200 Tr<!}' riurse} ········································--·-·-··· 136 'ART'N!i FROM i I • • /"\raceIi Ibarra 136 Jesus Ibarra 136 Amena Ibrahim 136, 171 Lince Ibrahim 90 lv1arisha Ibrahim 78 Amanda Jackson 136 Christina Jackson 136 tvfarquita Jackson 108 Gunner Jacobs 58, 59, 171 i Shen lin Jacobs 90, 181, 200 1 Sonn'r 5c James 140 ~tephan1e St James 98, 189 Levi Jamison 90, 200, 208 A.J. Janko,1ak 61, 136 Hope Jauch 108 1 tvf iclr Jeanne 90, 200 Chnsropher Jenkins I 08 NKhola.s Jenkins 79, I 08 Joshua Jennings 136 Ryan Jensen 90, 200 Dan Jibson 32 Christina Johnson 6, 5 S Elizabeth Johnson 31, 43, 76, 78 Eric Johnson 39, 90, 182, 201 1Warissa Johnson 101 Nfelissa Johnson 20 Sk), Johnson .................................................. 79 Tyler Johnson 136 Kelly Jones 43, 46, 47, 53, 90, 182 Stacy Jones 108, 173 Justin Jonsson 136 Amanda Jordan 54, 55, 136 Decker JOf}' •••... .•••••••••....•..•••.•••..••.•...... .••.•.•. 26 Griffin Jon' 26 s· J nttney ov,ers 38, 90 Cedar Jowers 18 Josh Jowers 38 Jenniftr J udkoff 43, 90 Juniors 10 5 SlAlnltt FROM i f • • Lauren Kahn. 28, 39, 90 Sarah Kalin 29 Ryan Kampf 136 l..,~nsrina Kaven 90 )o!>ic Keeney 78, 136, 158 Jesun Keese<..... 51, 90, 201 Kend ra Kelley.. 4, 13 , 20, 31, 73, 91, 192, 201 Hu gh Kendrick I 08 Con Kennedy 23 Joseph Kenned} 4, 37, 39, 41, 67, 108, 164 Darlene Kenton 136 Max. Ken,vonhy 4 3 Coleen Kerber 136 Tiffany Ken-vood 78, 136 P aul Ketchum.. 136 Rebecca Ketchum.. 28, 39, 108 Ryan .Ktll1on 136 Clinton King 109 Jenna King 42, 43, I "73 Joseph King 91,109 Kevin King. 29, SI, 79 Megan King...... 9,25,31,39,91,201 Michelle King , 4, 60, 61, 72, 73, 91, 182 , 20 l Greg Kinnan 85, 91 Scott Kirby 137 Amy Kirk 39, 74, 75, 109 Stephan Kirk 30, 51, 109 Nicole Kirrane 137 Rachel Kirsch 78 Meghann Klaserner 49, 76, 91, 182 , 201 Elizabeth Klein 13 7 He1d1 Klien. 78 Kace Klock Viola Kluc1k ...................................... . Ryan Klumb ······························ Candice Kn u cson 15 , 43 91, 182 64, 109 137, 154 ] esse Koch 109 Lev1Koch 137 H e1d1 Kosterman 9 I, 202 Julie Kramer.. 39 M1tche1l Kraus 91, 182 Kacie Krecl<.lo,v 13 7 Elizabeth Kreider 109 Courtney Krell er.............. 27, 68, 69, 109, 168 Kyle Krueger 20, 22 Sundara Kuhn 91, 182, 202 STARTING FROM i I • • Jason Lacey. 137 Michael Lahey 91, I 09 Mike Lahey. 15 S Jay La1ramore 137 Nichole Lambert 43, 161 Claire Landry I 09 Tyler Landry 137 Abigail Langsted 137 Austin Larson 26, 38, 39, 91, 164 Gregory Larson. 109 AntJe Lauer 92 Hans Layman 26 Kate Leadford 29, 78, 80 Micah Leadford 39, 50, 51, 92, 202 Justin Leazer 109, 172, 173 Lyndsie Lee............ 70, 71 Tessa Lee 37, 39, 107, 109 Cann Lefevre 25, 92 Aimee Le1d1ch 37, 39, 109, 161, 166 Jared Le1cLch 79, 137, 164 Jeremy Leitz 79, 137 Bryan Levy 109 J essie Levy 137 Ryan Lewan S, l 0 9 James Le\vts 13 7 Kyle Lewis 64 L1ndsa)' Le,v1s 137 Rachel Lew ts . . ... .. ..... .......... .. . ..... .............. .. ... .. 9 2 Kristen Libra 39, 92 B nelle L1dd1ck 13 7 Sierra L1dd1ck 29, 109 Cole Likens 79 Knssuna Lindsey I 37 Marchew Linne ................................................ 92 Ja1me L1nsenb1gler 23 Ben L1nv1Ile-Engler 51 Josh Linv1l1e -E ngler 8, 50, 51, 92, 202 Dylan Lippert 92, 202 Pengfe1 Liu 111 Jake Lockhart 7, 29, 51, 56, 5', 79 Nur1a Loe\ven 4, 110 Brian Logan ..................................... . . .. 32 Chnscopher Lollar 39 63, I 09 Kara Lollar 31 Matthew Long 16, 92 Jon Lo\v _____ 21 T 1ffany Lo,v. I 09 Anchony Lowe 13 7 Derek Lo\vstucer - 13 7 Robert Lowscuter 92 202 Sean Ludden 92, 183 , 192 Ehzabech Lukrafka 53, I 09, 110, 112 Sara Lukrafka 39, 53, 109 Dan1eJ Lynam 13 7 N 1ck Lynch 79 STARTING FROM i I • • Stacey Maas 109 , 153 Nicole Macias. 43, 13' Meganne Mackey '"78, 168 Emily Madison 4, 31, 37, 39, 92, 202, 203 Alex Maid 135 Alexander Maier 13,_, Jacob Makhol I 09 Brandon Malack 14 Andre,v Maley 30 April Malone} 92, 203 Pacnck Maloney '"79 Russel Maltempo. 19. 24 Anna Mangan 69, I 61 Narahe tv1anul1a 38, 39, 73, 7 8, 109 Valene Manulla 109 Jamie Mares 78, 13 7 Ch r1sra Marez 13 Mar1essa Marez. 13 , 13 7 Spencer Marshall 79. 137 Ke1ch Marston 39, 92, 192, 203 Bech Marcin 6 5 Crystal M arc1 n 10 9 Diana Marcin 13 Eli Martin 172, I 7 3 Ehzabech Marnn 109 Michael Marnn 13 7 Shaun tv!artin 29, 38, 43, 109 Wilham Marnn 29, 92, 109 , 13··7, 20 3 Sarah Marnnez 13 7, 164 T 1ffany Marn nez 13 "7 Ashley Marcyno,v 18 JosephMason 13Tyler Mason 137
Kure Masc .................................... .... ................ 137 Opal Masters .............................................. 10 9 Kath ry n Mathieu 137 M ega n M atso n 52, 53 Ra ch e l Matson 3 1, 39, 78, 110 Pacrr c k Matzke 110 Cory Maughan 79 Co rinna Maupin . ..................................... 110 Amanda May 137 C hancile McAlli st e r 137 Kri snna M c Bnde ........................................ 137 Neal M cCaffe rry 92 J erem1ah McCord 16, 93 Steven M cC racke n 11 0 Les li e M cCre1ghc 78 J en nifer M cCullom 93 Ca1clin M cCu sker 27 And y M cDaniel 29 Ashley M c Donald ., 52, 53 S hannon M c Donald 69, 76, 78, 173 Amanda M c Dowell 27, 93, 18 3, 203 H eather M c Dowe ll 15, 2 1, 85, 93,172,173, 203 Meli ssa M cE n cro e 55, 13 7 Sarah M cGi ll 13 7 Lainey M cGr ew 15 Ri c hard M cG uan e 26 Gregory M cKee 26, 110 James M c Kee ..... 29 M eredith M c Kee 20, 37, 39, 41, 60, 61, 73, 93, 164 , 165, 2 03 , 204 Tom M c Kriighc 1 58 John M cLa ughlin 79 Li sa M c Laughlin 7 8 , 137 William M cLaughlin 110 Alison M cNe 1ll 110 Aaron M cN ew 1 10 Mary M cS kimmings 93, 183 Kelly M cTe e r 59, 93,183,204 Kri s tin M cVa ugh 27, 68, 69, 7 6 , 93 Brandon Mean s 79 Chris Medina 37 Arlene Medrano 93, 183 , 184 Shannon M ee han 29, 7 0 , 7 1, 76, 173 Brittany Mei e r 76, 13 7 Stevie Meier 5, 39, I 10 , 165 Mark Melan co n 30, 48, 50, 5 1, 59 Angela Menna 39, 76, 93 Garrett Metzler 137 J enn 1fer Meyer 3 9, 10 7, 1 10 Stevie Meye r . I 64 Marrsa Meyerink 29, 153 Adam Meyers 30 Lu cas Mignogna 56, 57, 13 7 Alan Miller 79, 138 Erin Miller 39, 110 Jeffrey Miller 110 Allyson Millinder 138 Matthew Milne .. .... ................ ...... ........... 79, 138 Audrey Miner 43, 138 Johnathan Miorelli 138 Darren Moiczfield ....................... .... .............. 110 Jeremy Moles 48 , 58, 59, 110 ChrisnnaMontgomery 65 , 138,141 Justin Montoya 8, 43 , 93, 158, 184 Travi s Moon 58, 59, 93 , 184 , 204 Wayne Mooney 7, 138 Cydney Moora .... ........ .. ....... ..... ..... .. 61, 94, 173 C h ri stte Moor e 73, 138 Daniel Moore ................................................... 138 Nicole Moore ............................. 2, 69, 94, 184 Dean Moo sdorf 138 Co lleen Moral es 138 C hri s topher Morgan 110 Justin Morgan 110 Th eresa Morgan 39, 94, 184 Jo shua Morns 79, 138 Dani el Morn so n 57 Ethan Morri son 43, 79 Mike Morri so n 30, 66, 6 7, 94, 184 Sunshine Morse cte 61, 68, 69, 78, 138 Molly Morvay 138 Ke vin Moulton 79, 138 Eduardo Mouunho 13 , 94 Je ss ica Mo ya "'.. 28, 94 Tarah Mo ya 29, 65, 110 Tri stan Mraz 94, 208 Natalie Mueller 110 Andre\v M ues 11 0 Tony Muljadi 29, 38, 43, 62, 63 Brandon Munroe 42, 43, 79 Chris Mu sg rave 15 Jonathan Mu sgrave 39, 46, 110 , 160 Adam Myers , 30 Ned M ye rs 79 STARTI NG FROM 'I • Micheal Nad ermann 138 Kendra Nahley ..................................... 43, 53 Stefanie Nahley. 43, 65, 94, 184 , 185 , 192 ,204 Ka sh1 Nassau 25, 37 Marl ys Nass au ................................. 31, 39, 110 Jeremy Navarrete 138 Ryan Nee 20, 35, 81, 87, 94 , 164 , 172, 173, 185 , 192 Paul Needham 67, 94, 185 Katrina Neitzel 38, 39, 43, 110 , 168 Leif Neitzel .............. .... ........................ .. ..... . 138 Bnan Nelson 50, 5 I , 94, 18 5 Gina Nelson 71 Josh Nelson 51, 79 Mark Nelson ............................................ ....... ... 138 Michael Nelson 138 Mitchell Nel so n 110 Trevor Nelson 62 , 63 , 138 Jan ee Neukirchner. 4, 10 , 39 , 94, 160 , 185 , 186 J ames Neville 138 Jo seph Neville 94 James Newcomer 4, 94 Jessica Newland 13 8 Steven N ewcon 110 Trieu Nguyen ..... . ..... ....... ................ ... ....... ........ ......... 79 Amy Nielson 27 , 78 H eather Nielson 27 Karina Nieto 44 , 45, 138 Adam Nims 45, 62 , 94 , 172, 173, 192, 204 Jeremy Nobles .... .... ....................... ..... .... 79, 138 Adam Noguchi 94, 110, 153 Steve Nolan 57 Loui s Nolnng ........ ..... .......... 29, 39, 41, 71, 110 Tiffany Null l 0 Brandon Nunez 110 STARTI NG FROM 'I • Nathan O ' Connell 138 tl Sean O ' Hayre 110 · Tom O ' Neill 56 c Jessica Odden 53, 173 DarbyOdell 37,39, 11 0 Codi Offerson 95, 205 Grant Oge ...... . ....... ... ... ..... ... .... ... ... .... ... .. .... 3 8, 95 c Scott Oge 138 Kristin O hmarc 11 C Adam O hnem us 79 138 t, Adam O ld enettel 7, 79, 138 J essicaOlin 29,39, 111 Laura Olin ... ..... . ..... .. ................... .. .......................... ...... 139 O p en in g I Brian Orem 57 D 0 ) tan a rt1z f. Nicole Osborn 95, 186 Olin Osborn 24 L1 ndsay Ostenson ............................. 7 6, 77, I 11 Christie Overmyer 17} John Oxford 139 , l 5C Seda Ozdemir . ............. 39 , 76, 77, 95 , 186, 205 STARTI N G FRO ~ I • Devon Padilla 13 9 , Joshua Padilla 139 Jason Palmaranie 79 Logan Palmer 95, 204 a Michael Palm er 51, 11 I ia Mace Pantaleo 79, 171 Erica Papp 95 Jason Parchman 79, 139 Michael Parfet 13 9, 163 Benjami n Parker 57, 11 ; Joshua Parry 38, 63, 95, 164 , 186 Matthew Parsons 111 , 167 Mindy Parsons .. ...... ............... .. .... ... ..... .. .... .. ..... .... 139 Chelsea Patterson 13<, Randi Patton 48, 72, 73, 111, 1 60, 161 Kyle Patcridge 43, 1 tJ 1 Jeremy Payee 43, 158 , 159 Matt Peachey .... ................... .... ... ... ........ . 95, 20 5 1c Tate Pellegrini 139 , l Peo pl e sr. Andrew Peoples . ..... .. ..... ... .. ........... .... ...... 32, 71 Maggie Peopl es 76, 139 · David Perleberg 32, 39, 41, 66, 67, 111 t Abbie Petersen 7 8 Brittany Peterson 112 Tom Peterson ............... .......... ............. ................. 73 t Benjamin Pfeiffer 6, 111 ,r Abby Pfisterer 20, 31, 36, 37, 39, 95,164,186 1 Sarah Phillips 29 7 9 Steven Phillips 139 Jake Pierce 139 Trevor Piecrafeso 63 , Austin Pike 26 Karson Pike 1Jt) Tyler Pike 29, 67 I 11 Mark Plonkey ........... . ........................ .. ........... 26 Danny Poeter 111 Onna Poere r 139 '
Rachel Poitra... 139 Scan Poltrre 139 Shan non Politte 28 Jason Pommeren1ng 139 Jefl-rey Popp 13 9 Cassie Porter. 9 5 rodd Porter 46, 95, 156 , 160 , 192 1 l\lark Po\\ell 139 1 1m PraJ' •. •. . . • •. 18 Je\se Preston 30 Donnie Pridmore 9, 30, 50, 5 1, 95 Je nnifer Pridmore .......................... 78, 139 , 15 7 Casey Pnmmer 96, 192 1 Step hanie Prugh 111 I l\.nsti n Prybella ............ ... ......................... ..... . 27 I ( ,amero n Pyatt 51. 79 STAI V •"ROM Ii I
Q: Aaron Quintana ............................. 79, 139 , 154 And, Qu irk 24 STAR'11NG FROM 'I • • Dwight Rahorst ................................ 29, 79, 11 I Luke Rainbolt 139 Luke. Ramstetrer 29, 7 I Sheila Ramstetter ................ ... ......... 96, 111 , 153 Bradley Randolph 139 , Zcchanah Randolph 13 9 Philip Rappmund ......................................... 139 Garrett Ratcliffe 79 Daniel Racschkowsky 139 Ca.Jeb Reed ... .. ...... .... .... ..... ........................... 163 David Reed 139 Tobias Reed 139 Andre\v Regner 13 9 Kayla Rehder 6, 78 Kelli Rehder 22 Da,.. 1d Reid 79 Dylan Reitmeyer 31, 39, 76, I 09 , 111 , 164 Erin Resnick 109 , 1 11 Broolc.s Rich 1 I I Gtrald Richards 139 James Richardson 39, 156 , 15 7 Vicrona Rickard 19 Francisco Rico 13 9 Aaron Ridder 111 , 153 Nathaniel Ridder 39, 111 Brian Ridge 63, 139 Katherine Ridge 4 , 6, 3 I , 96 , 160 , 186 , 187, 205 Spencer Riggs 38, 43, 139, 170 Ryan Riley 96, 18 7 Jusun Rtmberr 7 9 Kane Riordan 78, 139 Ashle igh Rodri gue z 1 11 Monet Rodngu ez 1 1 I Shannen Rodngu ez .................................... 53 P e ter Rod y 139 M aken z1e Rog e rs ······························ Ca ndi ce Room e Jess ica Roorda Jai Ro sa . . . . . . . ................................... . 170 1 38. I 39 11 1 96,205 Danielle Ro se ner 96, 205 Ra c he le Ro se n er 78 Adria Ro ssi . ... .. .......................................... 46 Be hre n Roys ter 26 Erin Rozell e.......................................... 28 Jere my Ro ze ll e .. . ................................ 96, 187 Chnsropher Ru gar 139 April Rundq u1 sc 11 1, 160 Ben1am1n Rya n ............................. 12, 5 0 , 58, 59 Cory Ryan 13 9 Jac1 Ryan 96 STARTING FROM I • Ste ph a nie Sadler 139 Matth ew Sai ndon 1 11 Samuel Sa indon ................................ 29, 5 1, 96 Sean Sanders.. 32 Tiffany San d e rs 139 Tanna Sandifer.................. . ............... 37, 96 Mi cha el Sandoval 39, 43, 62, 63, 111 Abby Sands. 29, 85, 89, 93. 96, 18 7 Vanessa Sannstevan ... ....................... 96, 208 N 1chole Satte rfield 6, 140 , 166 Ke lli Sauer 57, 78 Dan1el Saunar... . . . . . . ..... .. ... .... .... ... . . . . . . 79, 140 Aaron Saunders 12, 83, 96, 187 Le e Saunders 20, 26, 37, 62, 63, 96, 164, 165, 168 ,206 Nikka Saurer 140 Dougla s Savage 111 Hannah Savage................. .. . .............. . .. 111 Sheena Sayed 37, 39, 97, 18 7, 208 S ceven Scarbrough 1 11 Mike Schapiro 63 Jenna Schiffman 87, 97, 160 , 18 7, 188 Ma cc Schlieman 20 Brent Schmidt ............... 30, 39, 50, 51, 97, 206 Dargan Schmidt 76, 111 , 160 , 161 Josh Schmidt 167 Joshua Schm id t 111 Kara Schmidt........................................ 111 Adrie Schneider 97, 188 Carolina Schoch-Sm1rh ............ 2 0 , 97, 164 , 208 Dan 1el Schoger 14 0 Dane Sc how 32, 97, 188 William Schreiner ............................ 35. 39, 111 Seniors 82 Rya n Serpan 3, 39, 44, 45, 97, 15 7 • 206 J en nifer Sesc n ch 71, 97, 156, 188, 206 J onachan Sesr n c h 70, 71 Cora Sex ton 27 Nate Shanks 32 Jeremy Sh an n on 29, 39, 97, 192, 206 Bet han y Sha,v 98 Kimberley Shaw I 40 TerrySha,v .............................. 51,98, 188 Todd Sh effie ld 111 Crystal S he lton 91, 98, 111 G J na S herman ................ ........... ... ..... ....... 98 N 1cholas Shirk 140 Damon Shuey 39, 111 Kara Siewe rt . . ............................ 76, 78, 140 Adam S immon s 47, 62, 63 Geoff S1ms 22 T1morhy S ip es .. ..................................... . 140 Kell} Skala. 38, 98 Geoffrey Slater 38, 39, 111 J eff Sla t er... . ........................ ................... ... . 29 Ashley S mith 98 Bre nd en Sm ith 140 Bryan Smith . . .................................. 79, 140 Dan1elle S mith ...,8 Jeffery S mith I 40 J essica S m1th . . ............................................ 27 Michael S m1ch 111 Sara Smith 98 M a ce S n e ll e r .......................... . . . . .. .. 26 Travi s S nyd er 37, 62, 63. 111 Kri s t1 n Solawetz 11 1 J essica So li z .. ....... ............... ................ ... . 166 Andy Solomon 19, 22 So ph omores 11 7 Minoru Sore nse n .... ....................... ...... 79, 140 Amanda Sorvig 140 Ra che l Spahn 78, I 40 Thomas S pahn ........... .......................... . 5 1, 79 Courtney Spee r 78, 153 Lore n Speer 98, 18 8 Ro byn Speer 78 Spons 48 L1ndin Spragg 140 Ju st in St ahm er . . .................................. . . . 79 Brandon Sreusloff 11 2. 166 Co dy Seiner 11 2 Kylie S eier 27, 39, 112 Mara Stitt 140 Ke tch Stoeber. 112 Kristal St o eb er ......................................... .. 140 Kat Stoker 46, 98 John S tokes 30, 58, 59, 98, 189 Keith Stokes 38 Ben Stone 79 Rob Rizzuto 12 , 96 , 205 Randall Schuckman 140 Paul Schwenng ......................................... 43, 97 Aaron Rizzuto 67 Mi c hael Schwade r 140 David Stre,veler. 7 Matt Streelman. ·······················~·-··················· 32 Jessica Roat 111 Renee Robbins ........... . ...... ..... ....... ... ........ 39 , 96 Lindsey Roberson 31 Duscy Roberts 30 1 r R b u 1a o errs .................................... 76, 7 8 , 139 L,•ke Roberts 30 , 50, 5 1, 58, 59 Heather Robin son 111 jake Rocke 6, 32 , 79 j 1sh Rocke 32 Joshua Seabaugh 140 Che lsea Seigneur 140 Kristle Seipp ................................... 97, 188 , 206 Jamie Selbe 140 Alaina Se li gman 2, 21 , 111 Mark Se ligman ............... ... ..................... 79, 140 Diana Sendgraff 140 Corey Senf.... I 40 Rob1n Senf 97 Jordan Seneker 79, 140 Nicholle Stroh 11 2 Bryce S crong 79, 140 Alex Stroud 39 S tud e nt Life 2 Jo se ph S ull1van I 40 Matche,v Sullivan 11 2 Sadie Sullivan ..................... .... ... . ........ 20, 37 Toni Sullivan 27, 98, 205, 206, 207 S umm e r S uppl em e nt 17
Charles Surratt 29, 11 2 Brandon Surri na 140 Ryan S11111.fa • • • . . • •• •• . • • • • • . •• • • . • • • • •• •• . • . • • •• • 10 I Brock Swanso n 26 Holly S"vanson 29, 7 1 Silver Sv,anso n 11 , 69, 98, 189 Kim S"v1sh er 4, 31, 53, 98 Danielle Sykora..... 43, 140 , 155 V1crona Szadok1erski 27, 39, 112 STARTING FROM i I Kan eTa p1a 15 ,3 1,43, 119 D eborah Tarum 75, 76 Sam Tate 98, 18 9 Sa ra T aulb} 54 Be n1am 1n Taylor.. 140 C h n sropher Taylo r 79, 140 J ason Tay lo r 15, 39, 85, 93, 98, 189, 192 Rya n Tay lor 67, 11 2 Dani elle T ecer 140 Marcus Th acksto n 126 Jon Th eise n 164 J ona rh an Theisen ......................................... 1 1 2 Andy Thoma s 26 Bri ana Thomas 112 Mary Tho mas 23 Ryan Tho mas I 0 Da vid Th orn pso n 162 Eri ca Thomp so n 29, 60 , 126 , 153 N 1c kole Thomp so n 126 Taryn Thor n ton ........................................ 140 Mike Thum1n 26 Jo shua T hurgood. 112 Arcern Ti cov . .... . .. ... .. ..... ........ . .. . .. . .. .... . 140 John Tol sma 43, 7 9 , 126, 17 1 H eather Torb1t 29, 126 Anna T ranh1e p 112 JaneTrav1 s 110 , 11 2 David Traylor IV ............................... ..... ... 126 Reb ecca Treas ure 39, 43, 112 , 160, 161 RoxanneTrenk 39, 54, 55, 99 Megan Tripp-Addi so n .. 4, 25, 37, 39, 4 1, 112 Mar cos T ruJill o 56, 57 Andrew Tschetter 126 M att h e"v Tuffin ..... . ........ ... .......................... 11 2 Keic h Turgeon 17 Bryan Turn er 17, 20 David Turn er 99 D ylan Turner 112 Dani e l Tyrrell ....................... ..... ... . ...... ......... 140 D ev in Tys lan 140 STARTI NG FROM ii Lora Ulander 87 , 99 , 207 Luke Ulande r 140 , 162, 16 3 STARTING FRO M i I Bra dl ey Vaivoda 79, 140 K.ri snne Vaivoda 7 6, 77, 11 2 Alexandra Valerius ,. 11 2 Ir en e Valero 99 Jason Van Damme 126 Thoma s Van De Bogart. 13 , 64, 1 26 Co rinn e Van Du zer . . .................... 39, 73, 112 J acob Van horn - Beli veau .................. 43, 99, 18 9 D a ni elle Yanik 99 Kri st e n Yan ik 126 An ch on} Vargas . 5 , I 12 , 15 4 K.r1 scel Vaske 140 Megan Va ske 140 Ca ndi ce Vecch iarell 1 14 I Jordan Vecc h1 a re ll1 l 41 Kathryn Ver ni g 54, 5 5, 141 Alexand ra Verras tro I 41 Clara Versa"v 39, 11 2 Ol1v1a Versa,v 141 M tchael Vic hoc 141 Rya n V 1erke 18 Jacob V 1gi I 10 , 14 1, 159 Ro se Vi ll ar real 141 , 167 Crystal Vockel 14 1 Jack Vo n Burs ke 112 Cac h en n e Vo rh ies l 0 7, 11 2 Mervyn Vowles 112 STARTING FROM i I Shanna Wageling 112 Ch n srina Wagner ........................ . ....... .... ... 112 Cy Wagner 43, 112 Jam es Wagner 38, 126 Matthew Wagner ......................................... 112 Ti moth y Wahlme1er 126 Amanda Walcker 126 Kristy Walcker ··-······················ .... . ...... ... ... 11 3 Ca rl y Walker 5, 54, 55, 126 Ja c ly n Walker 126 J os h Walker 1 26 April Wallace 7, 78, 1 26, 173 C liffo rd Waller 112 , 11 3 Sa bnn a Waller 141 Adam Wallerstein 126 Scacy Walsh 126 Dr e\vWa lcon 3, 29, 46,113 Wes Walton 37 Greg Wamboldt 30, 5 1 , 99 , 189 Dorj s Wang 19 Brittan y Wangsness 141 Adam Wano 7 9, 126 Amanda Ward 141 Amie Ward 15, 46, 99, 160 J ess ica Ward 19, 3 9 J oanna Ward 3 1, 11 3, 164 , 16 5 Jonah Ward 99, 190 Tyler Warner 38, 43, 126 , 163 Bradl ey Warosh 113 Elizab eth Watkins 25, 37, 39, 113 , 164 Kell y Warson 69, 99, 190 , 207 Macth e,v W atso n 113 Nicole Waugh ............ ...... ............................ 113 John Weber ..................... ... ....... .... ............... .... ..... 99 Brand y W egsc h ei der 65, 141 Am y We1she . ic ......................................................... 37 Lisa Weisheit 126 , 160 , 16 1 BenJam1n Welch 43 , 126 Cassidy Welch ..... ............ ....... 99, 173, 190 , 192 Kn sca Welch 4, 14 , 15, 20, 24, 39, 100 , 153 , 160 , 190 , 19 2, 2 0 7 Samuel We ll e n siek 113 Clayton Weller 79, 14 I Mi cha el Wells ....................... .. ... ... .. ... ... ........ 141 Pi ers Wendlandt 39 , 67, 100 , 20 Michael Wendt 32, 113, 173 Nicole West ................................................. . 126 Andrea Westhead 7 8 , 141 John Westhead 30, 100 , 190 , 191 Ch n stophe r Whelton .. ........ ..... .. ... ............. 126 Amanda Wh1re 5 141 Talitha Whiclarch 2 1, 53, 100 , 191 Ja so n Whitworth 141 Ben1a m1n Wichmann 14 l Grant Wichmann 100 Jasmine Wichmann 113 Sky lerWilk 141 Amber Williams 141 Che lsea Williams 27 Eliza b eth Williams 126 Julie William s . 60, 61, 113 Gregory Wilson .. .... ... .. . . ... .... .... .. .. .... ...... 79, l •1 l P Holli e Wilson 12.G Jessica Wilson 47, 141 , 166 51 S t ep hani e Wilson .................................. 43, 126 51 Katherine Winham 2, 100 , 113, 1 ) i Elisha Win rers 126 p Angel Wise ... . ........................................ ...... .... ... 6 Erik Witaschek 141, 162 1 Andrew Wolaver 62 , 63, 126 • D e rek Wolfe ......................................... . ... . .. 141 Enca Wolfe 4, 11 3 d Brandon Wood 141 Ed,vard Wood 7 9 , 126 Re becca Wood ..... 2 7 Megan Wood"vorth 10 , 14 1 \\ Mi ck Wood,vorth 10 , 29, 39, 113 , 164 , 165 Brie Wooley 14 · Laura Word 2'l p World Beat 20'> Li sa Worobey 100, 1 1 a Jam es Worthington 14 l Morgan Worthington 39, 100 , 19 l Eli Wouk. 10 0 Chelsea W ya tt .......... ..... .. .... 37, 43, 69, 7 8 , 12(> Ra c h el W y lan d -S mith 11 ~STARTING FROM i I Lui s Yan ez ............. . ..... .... .............. 16, I 00, ' Belin Yavu z 73, 100 2l' Abigail Young 7 6 , 7"' l L Laura Young .......... .................. ......... 74, 75, 1l J Joshua Yu shka 57 , I 01 STARTING FRO M i I Enk Zachnson 38, 100, 113 , 191 Drew Zarn 44 , 100 , 172 , 173 , 207 208 J esste Zebrowski 141, 154 , 155 Ryan Zenker 97, 100 , 172, 17 ~ Andre"v Zimmerman 39, 58, 7 1, I00. 208 Andy Zimmerman 45, 59 Cassandra Zimmerman 71, l 26 J acqueleine Z1rbes 126 John Zirbes 37 , 11 3 Bnan Zari! 101, 208 Michelle Zonl 141 o, I ta aJ


Starting from Square One was published by Jostens School . Productions Group of Topeka, Kansas. Our company r epret sentat1ves were Gary Cordray and Lori Wishert. The book is a size nine (nine by twelve inches) and co ntain s 240 pages. The paper 1s eighty pound Bordeaux and 1100 books were produced. The cost of the book was $40.00.

The theme was originally c r eated by Ryan Nee. The cove r design was sketc hed by Paul Banagas, and designed in Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and 5.5 by Ryan Nee, using a Macintosh G3, as ,,·ell as a Dell Dimension XPS D266.

All copy and graphics were d eskto p published using Adobe Pagemaker6.5 andAdobe Photoshop 5.0 on vario us Macintosh computers. Output was completely digital , and was sen t to Jostens on Iom ega 100 MB Zip disks.

All body copy is 10 point AGaramond, with capt ion s in 8 point AGaramond. All s tudent names and g rad e levels were taken from the official di stric t en rollm ent list. We apologize for any inadve rtent errors.

Sta1·ting From Square One

Advisor Mr. Bill K e ll ey

Editors-in - Chief Ryan N ee

A dam N im s

Assistant Editors M e li ssa Fo rd Drew Zar n

Yearbook Staff

Paul Banagas*

Katie Car lson

Jessica Casarez

Joe Dunlap

Taunya Happ

Stacy Jones

Cambra Kenton

Jen n ifer Ki ng*

E li Martin*

Kirsten Mar tin

Shannon McDonald

Heath er McDowell*

Shannon Meehan

Cydney Moora

Jessica Odden

Christie Overmyer

Chelsea Patterso n

Katie Riordan

Nico le Satterfield

Jen Sestrich

Ryan Thomas

Alex Valeri us

April Wallace*

Ryan Ze11ker

* De n otes full year staff member

• • •

hhh... yearbook. Four years ago, I stumbled into the yearbook class as a skinny little freshman. Now, I leave this class as a skinny ttde senior. I worked hard and moved up through the ranks coward the "glorious" editor-in-chief pos1non and finally made it. I had absolutely no idea \.vhat I \.Vas getting into. Being the head honcho of this book has been the most difficult experience of my life. When staff members didn't care, I had to. When problems arose (which they dtd every few mtnutes), I had co fix them It was insane co say the least.

There are a bunch of yearbook people who helped me through the process chat I think deserve some recogn1t1on for chetr\vork. First of all, Dale Webster and Chris Johnson: you guys taught me ho\.v to develop good \.veb sir es and started off an inte rest 1n graphic design \vhich changed my future choice of career and changed my hobbies and interest very much for the better. Mr Finelli: \.vhtle we never got along extremely well, you gave me a huge apprecianon for good layout, design, \.Vnt1ng and photography. Tim and Joe: I gave you guys a pretty hard nme\vhileyou \Vere here abou t being bad editors, but I didn't realize all the stuff chat you guys did co gee the book published chat I didn' c even see Stef, Heacher, Kane C., Zenker, Jimmy, Medina, Jay, Kacie R., Jen, Abbey, Barker, Eh and all of che ochers: thanks for all of the c razy deadline days and all of the help over the years. Eli: thanks for the constant supply of "\Vater and che "cl-holes."

2001 Yearbook Editors

There are many things chat one can learn from being in a leadership pos1cion. For three years I dreamed of being the ed1tor-1nchief for the Golden High School yearbook I thought char it would be all "fun and games" and chat I wouldn' c have to do anything bucedic. No no. I ,vas gravely mistaken. le rakes hours upon hours of hard, ced1ous \.Vork. I don't mean to sav that I ,

didn't enjoy tt, I will neverregretdoingthe yearbook. I will look back on these years with a big smile on my face for the rest of my life. That smile will be built from the memorres and lessons learned from these four years.

My knowledge 1s as follows. The first


lesson: after 13 straight hours of working on cheyearbook, sustainingyourse lf on nothing bur cl-holes and water, you go nuts. Lesson two: under the same conditions the people around you will start co go nuts as well. Lesson three: crazy/angry/ hungry people a re not productive.

A goo d staff is the most invaluable object co an editor. They a re the heart of the yearbook: if they bear, the yearbook will live; 1f they don't have a pulse, the yearbook dies. I would like co thank all of th e people chat worked s1de-bysid e with me during the four years of being on the yea rbook staff: Dale and Chris for showing me what an editor-in-chief is sup po se d to do ; Mr. F1n elli for showing me discipline; Mr. Bill Kelley for caking the yearbook under his wing after che retirement of Mr. Finelli; Drew Zarn, Melissa Ford and Heather McDowell for being the eve r-helpful editors; S cef with an f, Chris Medina Aaron Barke r, Ryan Zenker, Kacie Carlson a nd Abby Pfisterer for all of che help. Plus, Eli Marcin for che water and cl - hol es. Nee, I ,vould like to

Now I want to thank my "co-workers" from chis yea r as well: Drew, Melissa, Nims and Kelley. Without you guys, chis book would have been 240 blank pages, so hopefully the people who complain about che book year after year give you four some credit for giving chem something to gripe about Without the five of us (espec iall y Drew and Melissa) working extreme ly hard on chis book, it would have been pretty horrible. Thank you guys. I hop e co f never eat pizza at school when it is eight at night with you ever again. ij I also have a bunch of people co thank "in the normal world." My parent> have been a huge inspiranon for che crazy amount of work ethic needed co complete chis book. My brochers are pretty cool t oo; if anybody at s hool thinks I am funny, it's all just stolen matenal from chose two chat I take red1t Dr for. Suckers. All of my non-yearbook fnends have been awesome toe ana have dealt with all of my griping about the yearbook staff and have s )rt~d IIt through all of my "yearbook crazy calk" about ladders, sig natures, gu cers re folios, multiples, spot color, CMYK and all of that st uff. I don't really -ieea y, co hsc all of my friends, but I \.vill anf\vay: Krista, Austin, Gerni, Keith, l\.latt J erec, Kelly, Abby, Meredith, Parry, 'Duarda, J anec, Jared, Carri e, Lee, Arnie, r.n Emily, Sean I, Sean II, Fields, Cody, Jason T., Andy, che Autumn's Favor kids, Eric, Bruno, Adam K. and a bunch of ocher people I can't rememb er. Gary and Lori from Jostens are my heroes. I'd also like co thank my three r yearbook dra,vers: Dra\ver Wars, The Drawer Strikes Back a nd Return of the Drawer-di. Yeah, ne yeah... I nam ed m : yearbook dra,vers a· (c ter Star Wars mov u ies I'm the editor- f in-chief of the yearbook, an acnve mcmber ofWeb Club, ant an all around dorky guy. What else did you expect?

In co n cl usion , (am I \vriting an essay')) it's been a pretty radical year. Yes, radical I don't r ea ll y kno\\· what co say here, so I am JUSt going to stop \VC1t1ng.


thank you most of all. We worked on che yearbooks toge ch er all four years and some how have remained best friends amazing. Your artistic and design talent will continue to amaze me. I would also like to thank my parents for understanding all cho se nights when m y place at che dinner table was empt}•

ll Thank you everyo n e.

"The cru e gentlema n is che man ,vhose con duce pro ceeds from good \Vlll and an acute sense of propnety. Whose self-contro l is equal co all emergenc.1c;s. fr Who does not make the poor man co n sc iou s of his poverty, che obscure man I of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity. Who is himself arc humbled if necessity compels him co humbl e another. Who does not \.Veal_rh, lit c ring e before power, or boast of hi s own po sess ion s or ache1vements. \'vho speaks \virh frankness, but always with si n cerity and s1mpathy. Whose det>d follo,vs his word. Who thinks of the rights and feelings of ochers rather rha~i his O\.Vn. Who appears well in any co mpany A man \.virh whom honor 1s sac red and virtue safe." John

Going C razy W Se n iors Ryan Nee, Adam Nims, Drew Zarn and sophomore Meli ssa Ford take a break from their hard work on a deadline day Acrually, this ts J USt a really poorly made: photo ma n ipulation by Ryan and Dre-.v after finding a goofy picture of Adam on one of the computers and go in g a liccle bit overboard wu h tt Ryan Nee, Editor-in-Chief Adam Nims Edicor-1n-Ch1ef

ts kind of funny how when you are a yearbook advisor, ocher teachers on -l che staff ,vane co know: How are you doing? Are you holding up well?

Having any problems? How's the book corning along? You ' re not tired of t1i doing the yearbook yet, are you? Why, I gee more attention chan a Br1tney Spears poster ac an all-male high school. The cruch is, they just hope I don 't go insane and quit because chey don't wane co have co do che Job (isn't thac nght Byrno?)

This ts my second year as advisor of the Demoniurn, and once again, I never t1 v.oul d have gotten chrough che year with my sanicy had ic not been for the dedicanon of some top-notch staff members. I really need co thank Ryan , Dre\\, Melissa, Heacher and Adam for all of che long hours they put in. They 1 truly care about the book and how ic looks and reads , and chey did a tremendous amount of work in designing , editing, and revising the pages co produce che book you see here I ,vould also like co thank Jen Sestrich and Ryan Serpan, who came in on their own time first semester co help proofread pagts, cype baby messages, and do j use about anything chat was asked of chem. Jen then decided co J0tn the staff second semester, and I can only say I wish she chose yearbook as an elecnve every year.

I hope you like the pages you see throughout the book chis year. Are there some mistakes? Sure, it 's a scudent publication and there are always going co be errors, no matter how carefully we proofread Is chere room for improvemenc? No doubt. But I chink you will see some inceresnng design ideas chis •~ vear, and 1fyou like what you see, be sure to say chank you co Ryan , Drew, and !\ieltssa. They cook it upon chemselves co dress up che pages by adding little touches char most people don ' t notice consciously, bur really add to the overall 1 appearance.

Oh, and one ocher ching Whacever Ryan Nee cells you about my Jack 1 Nicholson impersonation, it 's not true I swear it. It 's not even a very good c one, but when ic 's midnight on a Friday and you have been working on the i book for 10 hours straight, almost anything seems funny

his year has definitely been strange. As my second year 1n yearbook I was suddenly thrown into the in sane world of editors. Thanks co Nims, Nee and Drew for making my life more stress ful than the average teenager 's. Ir's been a blast.

No one will ever forget all the days we s pent 1n this dismal cave we call a computer lab. For hours on days off, weekends and after school we were chrown together despite early morning c rankiness, social and school related stress. Every nme I walk out of the room pare of my memory is erased and I can't remember where I put anych1ng like disks and s preads. I will always remember distorted pictures , scyrofoam cowers, sea men, my favorite hccle concortionisc, people w1ch loud and annoying s1ng1ng voices, observing allday forensics tournaments, Am I Hoc or Noc? and Le Peep's. Thanks co Ryan and Jen for doing work, even though you weren ' t enrolled tn the class and always being 1n a good mood I'd also like co thank Blake because wuhouc him I would've gone insane a long nme ago As long as I'm thanking my fnends, I'd like co thank Kirn , Kevin , Andy , J 111 , Amy , Enca, Sarah, and all the ocher ,vonderful people in my life

And to che seniors I will soon be w1chouc. don 'c worry guys, you'll be gecnng a lot of calls from me next year Thanks Drew for always being there for me (we ll I guess you have no choice when you live next door), and all the memories I have of creehouses , cat fights , trampolines, potato guns, water balloons , rocks , snakes, unfinished s now fores, and " midnight " cops and robbers. Ic 's been fun, buc for some reason I don ,c chink che neighbors will miss us when we are alJ gone. Tomorrow tomorrow's che day for those s now fores.

Thanks co Gary and Kelley for s howing us how things are su ppo sed to be done Wichouc them, the yearbook would've had a loc more blank pages scattered randomly throughout the book. I hope everyone en Joys some aspect of chis year's book.

o, we're done. That was fun. Kelley , chis year ruled. • Thanks for all the pizza, pop , and fun times until 10 :3 0 at night. And the G4s. We wouldn ' t have a book without chem even if we are a few grand in debt. A special chanks goes co Pizza Hue for their Big New Yorker. Nee and Nims, ya done good with the whole Ed1cors-1n-Chief ching. No organization made the year fun. Nims, we did llmosc an en tire hour ofwork during a whole year ofsrudencasststanc between breaking CD players and random ski trips. Nee, what is there co say? Chair bowling rules. Random sayings are great. lfer. .I know you had fun in here , ~ven 1f ,ve didn't work at all. Maybe because of chat. Don ' t forget: CDs are round and nighttime is dark How 's I-70 creann ya? Kane R., you really did do ,vork, even if I gave you crap. Good luck next year. You ' re beaunful. Remember: Ear baby, not socks. Kane C., I'm glad you came back. This semester was a lot better with you back in here. Issa, you're insane. You ' re also preccy much the only reason chis year's book got done Good luck next rear chat should be interesting. Think you'll be able co handle it without backrubs:> Try not co kill certain yoga-boys.

Now I wane to chank everyone else. Krista, Serpan, and Seth, thanks for c.om1ng 1n and helping us ouc with all the crap we were coo burnt out co do Lora, thanks for talking co me all chose nrnes I walked out of class and came to visit you. You still owe me a pig. Jenna and Krista , thanks for talking co me lace at night online and listening co my complaints. I know you got sick of me, bur you listened anyways.

For che good members in our staff, thank you. Having some people who 1 ared about the book really helped co make ic a good one. D-holes and water, d holes and water.

Lase but not lease, I have co thank Texas for a few things. Without you, \Ve wouldn't have as many horrible drivers, stupid people, or bad skiers, and we v.ouldn't have to suffer through Dubya. Thank you so much

or four years, I have been a yearbook slave, and ic has been a wild ride. I never thought I would end up being one of chose editors of the snnktn' yearbook, but here I am! And now, it's time co retire my Job as People Ed1eor co some ocher unwillingv1 c cim Bue anyway

I want co thank Mr. Kelley for giving me chis opporcunicy co actually be in charge of someching in che yearbook, and thanks for having confidence 1n me Many thanks to Nee, Drew and Nims; ic's been such a blast to work w1ch you guys. There has never been a dull day when you guys are around. Thanks co Kacie C. for keeping che class in line, you cell chem Kare! Ocher thanks go our co Jennifer , Paul , April and Kane R. Thanks for putting up with me! Big thanks go out co my fnends who have put up with my gr1p1ng about yearbook for four years: Kie, Fauble, Jusnn , Eli, Jon, James , Theresa and Kira, thanks for letting me complain co you! If I forgot anyone, I still love you, I just have a very bad memory

To my fellow seniors: \ve finally made it guys! God bless co all.


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