golden • high • school
• opening student life
summer supplement sports people
• seniors
• • Juniors
sophomores freshmen faculty academics
babies and buddies index world beat closing
ccess! One of the many controversies at our school over the past few years. Some of the concerns the Golden High School faculty brought up include the assumption that Golden High School stu dents don ' t use their access t1me wisely for academic purposes. The student body's responses to this co ncer n are very diverse in their satirical comedic replies. Senior Chris Jenkins comments on his typical access schedule by saying, "Well, typically I sit and gaze as time passes and all my friends grow old, and all my present thoughts slip one by one into the past as every second flies past me, and I wonder. I wonder why I' m so content just sitting here watching the wheels go round & round. " Of course after this he studies hard. While a majority of the student body do use their access time wisely, there are those occasional bad apples who use that time for mischief. There is however one simple solution to the problem, and that is make access the first block 1n the morning and make it optional to come. Then those who don ' t wish to use their access time don't have to get into those bad access habits that they dO.
·Student life ed1tor Matt TuffinAll Muscles
Senior Leslie Daniels sweeps senio r Jon Theisen off his feet Daniels received a senior award during the homecom1ng assembly for haVlng the biggest muscles. Photo by B Kelley
Friends Forever
Seniors Heather Nielsen , Erin Resn,ck , Alison McNeill. Beth Martin, Aimee Leidich , and Tarah Moya hang out in t he sen,or lounge during access Fellow senior Clay Albracht replied, "After the bell I say hey! Look at me' I'm 1n access Then I wander the halls hke I do at home. Then I study hke a fiend " Photo by B. Kelley
All smiles
Freshmen Allc1a Hall and Mallory Nassau get close dunng the homecoming carn1val. " I know when class ends and access beg1ns that I will be studying and working hard for the next 40 m1nutes until my next class. that I cannot wait to be ,n," said jun1or Patrick Maloney
STUDENT LIFE your life
Stayin ' Al ive Juniors Steve Nolan and Toby Cochran are keeping 1t real in the hallway. " My favorite class competition was the pie eating contest because all of the underclassmen loooked so funny with their faces covered in whipped cream while the seniors were winning , " said senior Marlys Nassau.
Groovy Man
Junior Ned Meyers is feeling pretty good during Decades Day . " Decades Day was mighty wild, " said senior Merv Vowles
Hawaiian Day
Sophomore Karen Sarusi is all decked out in a hula skirt and a lei. "I really think school spirit went up this year, " said senior Adam Berte.
Decades Day
Seniors Leslie Daniels , Heather Nielson, and Anne Dobyns model their school spirit during Decades Day. "I thought that on Decades Day, Ryan Lewan and Ashley Bunn had the best costumes ," said senior Ryan Taylor.
Toga! Toga!
Sophomores Josie Keeney and Ashely Bunn are looking spiffy during Toga Day. "My favorite part of the assembly was when I got to go have fun elsewhere ," said junior Doug Claxton
Desperado Day
Senior Zach Davis is roping himself senior Dan Crass during spirit week's Desperado Day. "I think that it is fair that seniors always win class competitions because seniors rule," said senior Haley Fletcher.
Clowning Around Seniors Cour t ney Kreller, Tyler Pike, and Chad "the Hammer" Heater pose for a quick pie of the senior Class Clown winners " I liked all the senior awards, but I should have won hairiest legs,''said senior Will Wagner.
Man it ' s Cold Freshmen Justin Kulbacki is having fun participating 1n the Mr Cool competition "The Mr and Mrs Cool Contest was the best, it was a must have," said senior Tessa Lee.
Chow Down
Sophomore Matt Brune and freshmen Ryan Beehler are getting ready to dunk their heads into the whipped cream for one o f the class competitions. " My favorite was the Jamba Juice competition It was the bomb," said senior Matt Sullivan.
Senior Spirit Seniors Jane Travis and Julie Williams are showing t hat they enjoy this years Homecoming assembly. " This year's assembly was good , I enJoyed most of it," said senior Ryan Ellis
Powder puff football games have come a long way since this Homecoming tradition first started many years ago. Practices increased and the rules have changed. " This year was more fun because we won our game against the juniors and almost won against the seniors. We also worked really well together ," said sophomore Elysa Goldman.
But , if in just one year it changed, you can imagine how many changes the sen 1ors went through . "This year's powder puff games were not as intense as the other years because it used to be full contact," said senior Jessica Cravens.
Fo r th i s ye a r's fr es h me n, i t wa s a little overwhelming . "Powder puff was fun and it was the exciting being able to be up against seniors," said freshmen Kayla Jensen.
Brrrrrr it 's Cold Freshman Danielle Griego holds on to her class float trying not to freeze " My favorite part of Homecoming is not hav1 ng to pay for dinner ," said sophomore Jordan Showalter
G i dd y Up
Senior Cate Vorhies marches her way through town during the homecoming parade. "The world of reality has set limits , the world of imagination is boundless, " she said.
her smile while riding on the class float. " I like how the whole school gets together and has spirit, " said Renya.
sits on her
to the audience on the streets. "To live life , you must love life , and to love life, you must live life, " said Anya
Oopsy Daisy
Senior Leslie Daniels catches senior Jane Travis before she falls "I enJoy watching powder puff games because you see the classes unite," said senior Shannon Gomez. The seniors were victorious over all the classes this year
Ready, Set, Fire
Freshman Tom Heron gets ready to launch a whip cream pie into the teachers face There were 12 booths at this year's carnival. " My favonte booth was the boxing bouncy castle , because violence is fun ," said sophomore Daniel Gifford
G o Demons
Senior Ryan Lewan gets into spint by borrowing a tndette uniform "My favorite part of Homecoming is dancing like an idiotc,and no one cares," said sophomore Emily '< Everet. s:i, :::,
Hip , Hip Hooray
Seniors John Tyson , ro Alejandro Ferrer , and Greg llJ McKee cheer for their class at the powder puff games " I think the best part of Homecorning is how the whole ,.,. school seems to get into spirit and Just goes crazy s:i, the whole week , " said sopho- c. more Stefanie Sadler
Seniors Nick Lynch and Steve Kirk try to break through Chaparral's offensive line Junior Kevin King said, "We missed crucial plays that could've made the difference."
Team Spiri t
Junior Jason Smith shows his team spirit at the Homecoming game. The maroon and white Golden fans paraded down Washington Street and to Brooks Field for the game
Senior Nick Lynch goes 1n for the sack. Senior Nathon Gaudreau commented, "There were many distractions during homecoming week."
Maroon and White Music
Junior Cory Goshorn plays the trumpet in the band's halftime show. The halfime show consisted of performances by the Tndettes, the Jazz Dance team, and the band. The Homecoming royalty was also announced at halftime of the game.
Sprinting into the Open
Junior running back Troy Spahn protects the ball as he runs downfield. Spahn had 14 carries for 65 yards, followed by senior Kelly Graves who had 30 yards and senior Ben Harns who had 22 yards.
Stopping the Play
f Making the Defensive Play
Junior Blake Dalgetty tackles the ball carrier Senior Kelly Graves led the defense with eight tackles.
Esea ping the Defense
ust Out Re achof Black tries to snag the ball carrier Black had seven tackLes in the Homecoming game
Senior Robbie
eady to ThrowJunior Nate Cooper receives the pitch and drops back to throw in a tri ck play Although Golden lost its Homecoming game to the Chaparral Wolverines 0-25 they upset three others teams' Homecoming games Montrose , Hinkley and Lakewood.
olding the Lineer '< 3 (l)...... VI V, a,0 -, 0..
photo by b. kelley photo by b kelley photo by b. kelley photo by b kelleyLovi n g t h e Bea t
Sophomore Jesus Ibarra shows his daning style to the crowd . " The beet part of the dance was dancing with my girlfriend ," sophomore Jacob Vigil said The music was r ap , techno , and rock
" Wel c ome to the 2001 Golden Demo ns homecomi n g dance !" the DJ shouts as the crowd c heers. The De mo n s d anced the night away at Ch asse n' s On Th e Square About 800 st ud ents were ex pected on October 13, b u t over 850 s tud ents attended. I t was t he st ud ent cou n ci l' s first major p roject , a nd it too k a b o u t fo u r mont h s t o plan " Th e pl a nn i ng we n t really we ll ," sai d Dr . Alg ie n e .
" I thi n k t h at t h e wo rst d ecora t io n we ha d was s p ace cowb o y ," said s en io r Ma tt Tuffin Sop h o more Em i ly Eve re t a dd e d , " It was rea l ly fu n t o ha ng o ut with my f rie nd s at th e d a n ce . " Wi t ho ut a d o ubt , th e De mo ns ha d a won d e rfu l Ho meco mi n g , a n ig h t to re me mb e r
Where is That Train?
Junior Tony Muljadi gets on board the dancing train The train is one of the most popular and traditonal kinds of dancing This year ' s dance attracted about 850 students
Where did most people go to eat?
There was a varitey of places to choo s e from , but some didn ' t even bother. " I did not go out to dinner before Homecoming ; I was broke ," said sophomore Sarah Anderson.
Erica Thompson dances to the YMCA. Couples pull out all the stops to dress for the annual fall dance. While most guys don ' t bother with the e x pense of renting a tu x cedo , girls still shell out good money to buy that special dress.
Juniors Joy Cravens and Luke Brusilius are one of the many c ouple s at the Homecoming dance. Many guys took their girlfriends , while others went s i n g ly or with a group
grooves to the tech no beat. "Yes I had an enjoyable night dancing with my girlfriend, but at the same ti me, no , the music was really bad " said Vigil.
Pure Royalty Seniors Talon Gleaton and Amy Kirk are Homecoming queen and king Gleaton and Chad Heater a c tually shared the c r own for king
C'lower Queen
r Dressed like a fairy flower pnncess, Junior Kate Klock dances the night away " Dan cing to the one and only sWlng song was my favonte part of the dance "
The Beat Goes On and On
I Sophomo re Ashley Bunn dances atone to the techno bea t tha t never seems to end , One thing that they could change 1s t he music," sai d freshman Nicole Sedgley
The night was hoste d by a DJ
Manly Kilts , §:
Seniors Stuart Bell, Rachel Gesin , Alex oFerre r and junior Kyle Hauser sit and awai t t he ro night t o start. The tno showed off their Scotbsh interes t , and dressed in kilts t o be di fferent
photo by b.keUey \ p oto by B.Kelley photo by b kelley photo by B Kelleyver The Rail
Junior Blane Butler olies over a rail on the CU campus in Boulder . "Skateboarding has always made me happy," said junior Jason Cullum "The pain makes it fun ." Nathan Christensen said , " I skate because of the energy it gives me and the greatness of it. "
Catchin ' Air
Senior Steven Kirk catches some maJor air while flying over a mound of snow Seniors Cody Stiner, Cole likens , and Josh Daniels as well as junior Joe Dunlap all seem to share the opinion that the best part about snowboarding is " being in the mountians ."
Hangin ' Out
Senior Mike Sandoval hangs above rushing water in a sport called Tyroliun The rope he is climbing is fifteen feet long and is located in Clear Creek Canyon , n the second tunnel
Standing Tall
Senior Mervyn Vowles performs a front wheelie while standing on his seat "I've had broken ribs , stitches and many concussions " Mervyn , senior Ben Parker, and junior Enc Jensen all agree that, "Jeremy McGrath is definitely the best in Motorcross "
Slindin ' Down
Senior Aaron Mc New rides the rail in downtown Denver , in front of the city capital. "I love skating , I've been doing it for five years,'' said Aaron, '' I love it because of the pain, it's great I've broken my ankle in two places " Skateboarding
1s a very popular sport among
GHS students Many say they a. like it because of the many
levels of difficulty
Senior Eric
flips a 360
"It's a riot! When you're good you get showing off rights, and you get the girls. Plus the re's nothing else like the feeling of landing on virgin water, " said Eric about why he enjoys the sport.
Walkin ' on Water
Sln,or Eric Carr decides to see how it would be to walk on water in barefooting. " I saw other people doing it, and it looked fun so I figured I'd try it It 's a huge adrenaline rush and hey another way to get the girls,"said Enc about his water experience
Many students at GHS do not particip ate in the regular after sho ol sports However , we do have many great athletes here that have gone way too long with out being acknowledged. The sports that they are involved in don 't just fall under any category they' re extreme sports. From motorcross, to s kateborading , from bull ridng to wakeboarding , these students have no fear!
"You can't hold back , because you ' ll never progress ," said senior Cole Likens. "If you get hurt, you get hurt. It comes with the sport," adds Eric Jensen.
"It's a lot of fun You meet a lot of cool people, and you can win scholarships and money I've won $1,700," David said.
Junior Eric Jensen flies over the top of his younger brother while coming over a JUm p "It's a lot of fun going out and racing against other kids," said Enc, "I like the competition, Jump1ng and just going fast!''
Strike a pose
Seniors Tara Moya, Erin Resnick, and Aimee Leidich pose f or a picture before they attack the mountain. "I like the atmosphere," said Tara "I t's extreme because people do so many crazy things " When asked about her scanest moment, Erin said, " I fell off the chair lift once "
Strictly Business
Congressmen senior Ryan Lewan, Junior Terry Cheung and freshman Logan Garrett debate who will be selected for their next hearty meal. "I have met so many new people. Theater is really cool," stated freshman Marnie Williams.
Grumpy Old Man
Junior Cole Hanson explains the basic fundamentals of canniballsbc congressmen ''The cast was awesome'! Thanks guys," exclaimed senior Ryan Lewan.
Don 't Let Go
Junior Jessica Billings professes her love to senior Becky Treasure as she is dragged across the stage. "I loved the way my character had many different feelings all in one act," explained sophomore Onna Poeter.
TheRoyal Treatment King senior Ryan Lewan and queen sophomore Angela Finke sit gracefully upon their thrones. "The theater was scary, the cast was crazy and 1t was one of the I best expenences of my life," remarked senior Stevie Meier
Junior Stuart Bell ponders the s1tuat1on at hand in 'cannibalism'. People in the play were required to be at rehearsal every school day until around 5:00 in the evening. "I loved every minute of being 1n the cast," said freshman Cory Ball.
Motherly Love
Senior Stevie Meier tends to her sick child, freshman Kevin Sultlcess. "It's a great play, really funny The cas t was great, I got to know so many new people through it," commented Junior Lauren Carter.
A great tragedy struck this year. Due to the events in New York on September 11 , the fall play and its content was deemed inappropriate to prese nt. Instead of the original play , the students and Mr. John Klug decided to perform five one-act plays by Mark Twain. The cast was divided so that not all of the actors and a ctresses were in all of the single act plays , but instead each individual was part of a smaller cast in their respective one or two plays.
At first the members of the cast were distraught , but after a group meeting and talking with Principal Mike Murp hy, they were grateful that they were able to even put on a show at all.
"I think that plays are meant to make people think, but sometimes, more importantly, we have to be sensitive, " stated sophomore Angela Finke.
This day was special to many people in many different ways. People dressed up in remembrance of the of the tragedy that happened on September 11, 2001. Many showed their support in dressing in our nation 's colors on September 14. Others showed their support by donating money to the American Red Cross or giving it to student council to donate. Student council accumulated a great amount of money from the students of GHS and Bell Middle School. They also donated to the American Red Cross. This was a great way for GHS to show support and come together after the cruel attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centers
Warming Up
AShort Break
Freshman Angela Finke stops to show how much fun she's having 1n the pool. Sw,mm1ng was Just one of the activities offered at After Prom
JustOne of the Guys
Romeo and Juliet
Seniors Nick Fauble and Kit Bennett bring the romant1c clothes of the Renaissance to modern day Many people incorporated their un1que style into their Prom evening wear.
Grab the Money
Junior Rachel Garnett grabs as much money as she can to earn prizes. The prizes
E that were given away included money, gift
certificates, jewelry, and more. ''After Prom
was set up well and the activities were well planned. Plus there were a lot of games," said senior Shaun Martin
Get Your Groove On
student Hans Layman Joins Junior Zachary Garret and others on the dance floor The 2001 Prom was held at the Ascot Center in Littleton. photo by J IcingA
Memorie s- Author Unknown
'Tis here at last, this night of nights
Sweet musi c, dancing, soft dimmed lights
So laugh, and sing, all hearts be gay
Recall, remember, each past school day
Let us pause from our dancing remember the past
Our share of memones, always will last Ufe's beckoning call, tomorrow we'll meet
But tonight we'll hear only soft dan cing feet. These are our memones. Our High School years,
Our times we sha red , our joys and our fears
This night together will be our la st Farewell to you My Senior Class
Little Closer
Juniors Talon Gleaton and Amy Kirk show off their move s on the dance floor
CIh aperones Just Wanna Have Fun Counselors Becky Venetta , Debby Cooper, and Assistant Pnnc,pal Cindy DeVido enjoy themselves while keeping an eye on the students "P rom was fun when the mosh broke out," sai d senior Jeremy Payte.
by j king
Make Me Wanna Shout!
Junior Tiffany Happ raises her hands i n the air and dances to the beat "I liked Prom this year better than last year because it wasn ' t over a bar' It was fun and the music was good ," said junior Megan Ellis.
to Nose
Senior Joseph Neville glances deep into junior Megan Ellis' eyes " It wa s the best Prom yet It was a ton of fun and the music was great," said junior Nikky Mac ca
Farewell 2001 seniors. Thank you for being mentors , teachers and most of all friends. You will never be forgotten and hopefully you will never forget your experiences at Golden High School. You've gone full circle now. From ti ny inexperienced freshmen in high school to being the inexperie nced newcomer in the " real world. "
Always remember th e hi gh school years: the cheers , the football games, the teachers , the friends, t he crabap ple blossoms in the spring and the building. Thanks again Class of 2001 and continue to reach for the stars.
Turn Your Tassle
Seniors Katie Carlson and Tiffany Armenta turn their tassels as they are declared as GHS graduates. "I think I will come back and visit my teachers after I graduate because they helped me prepare myself for life, and my future. I would like to thank all my teachers' You're the best ," said senior Ryan Zenker .
has a smile from ear to ear during the most un forgettable day of her life thus far.
"I think I'll keep in touch with all my friends. My frien ds have meant everything t o me over the last year. They've pushed me to strive harder in life, and to reac h my goals that I have set for myself. I'll defini t ely keep in touch wi t h my friends; wi t hout them I couldn't have made it."
After Pre-Commencement and Graduation , 2001 seniors find themselves
Si ngi ng Goodbyes
<;emor Lena Goods sings for her classmates during the Pre-Commencement ceremony. Senior Jenna Schiffman also sang at Pre-Commencement. At graduation musical selections were sung by Katy Ridge and laura Bollinger, Janet Neukirchner, and Krista Welch
C'a rewell
r Graduation was a goodbye of different sorts for teacher Jackie Bornstein. She retired along with the class of 2001 Physics teacher Mr Schalhamer was also asked to speak at graduation
Th ank You
I Seniors Seda Ozdemir and Meghann Klaserner thank Seda's interpreter for going through high school again. Out of 70 seniors interviewed, 40 of them said they had future plans When senior Ben Quintana was asked if he'd ever return to GHS he said, "Yes I would go to a school dance with a high school friend It would be a good memory and a good time
Finally !
Senior Adam Nims celebrates as he walks across the stage. "This 1s the first t,me 1n four years that I've been stoked about leaving school at the end of the day and actually not coming back. As for living with my parents, it is over rated," said senior Patnck Conley
Thi s Is For You
take me out to the
The Wind Up
Sophomore Mark Melancon launches a pitch He finished the season wth a 2-3 p1tch1ng record The longtime GHS baseball and baskeball coach Bob Stokes had many goals for his last season. "The neatest accomplishment was that we made 1t into the top sixteen and were the last Jeffco team still alive 1n the State playoffs "
ut of the Park Senior Jay Stokes swings, hits and says goodbye to start of the 2001 Demon baseball season. The team packed up and headed to Texas for Spring Break. They played a total of five games, three of which counted on their season record Coach Bob Stokes said, "We were there for eight days. The fields were nice and the people were friendly."
Terry Acree, Talon Gleaton, Steve Kirk Second Row: Coach Scott Manning , Mike Morrison , Bucky Schmidt, Nathan Cooper, Donnie Pridmore, Coach Bob Stokes Third Row : JW Westhead , Mark Melancon, Sean Coughlin, Greg Wamboldt, Jay Stokes, Luke Ro berts
Comeon Home
Junior Talon Gleaton runs home. "Yeah , I have a good feeling about this year. I think we will make the playoffs without a problem ," said Gleaton at the start of the season. Coach Bob Stokes advised the team to , "cont inue to work hard , really work hard to function as a team. The more you stick together th e better off you are."
Watch Out
Freshman Sarah Martinez winds up for an unstoppable ki ck Jun io r Leslie Dan1els commented , "We had a lot of hedrt and skill but lacked in co nfiden ce.''
Heads Up
Senior Kelly Hayes prepares herself for a hea der As a pre-game ritual, t he starting players would circle up and lightly k1ck each othe, ' s butts
explore : the facts··
The s occer coa c hing staff wa s one of the man y sports t o rec eive ne w members thi s year. Coach Linda John ass umed the position of head coach and gained the prai se of her playe rs :
"I think s he wa s one of the be st thing s that happened to the s occer team in a while. "
-sophomore gwen carey
SkillsSo ph omore Gwen Carey chases the ball. Th e team tied only one game th1s year "Tie games are when you really have t o d1g deep ," said sophomore Van essa Mallicoat
In the Air Freshman Elisa Butkus manuevers he r body t o gain control of the ball "I th i nk our hardes t game was Columbi ne," sta t ed sophomore Vanessa Mallicoat.
"The coach helped our team so much , and if she comes back next year, I know we will improve even more."
. .
-Jun1or Jess1ca alexander
pho to by b kelley
J unior Haley Hans en is caught i n a moment of aggre ssion
pho to by b kelley
"Thi s sea son had its highs and lows, but i n the end I th i nk we came out a ll right. "
Junior leshe daniels
On the Run
Junior Courtney Kreller runs past a pack of defenders. Sophomore Lisa Weisheit said, "The best thing about lacrosse is meeting new peeople."
Go, D!
Katlin McCuster prepares to defend a (other team) player from scoring. The girl's record this yea r was 5-7 including the playoffs Sophomore Amy Nielsen said, "People don't take girl's lacrosse seriously enough.''
Junior Jessica Buhunin and sophomore Amy Nielsen make sure that the other team doesn't score. At practice, the girls have to run dnlls and play a scrimmage every weekday. Nielsen said, "Lacrosse 1s the best sport in the world."
GoFor it
J unio r Heat her Nielsen makes a break for the goal. Sophomore Lisa Weisheit said, "The most importan t s kills in lacrosse are stickwork and cra dling "
Girls Lacrosse
photo courtesy of h nielsenGHS lacrosse players showoff their • • I I
Go, Defen s e !
Senior Austin Larson defends the goal against Wheat Ridge Members of the mens lacrosse team have to practice line dnlls. defense. and shooting as well as stretching and spnnting Sophomore Jared Temanson said 'We're improV1ng and developing skills for next year "
Run Like a Devil
Freshman Aaron Bluse waits for a pass The best way to score a goal in lacrosse is by shooting it quickly on the ground Sophomore Matt Panteleo said that "passing, catching. and teamwork" are the most important skills in lacrosse
Top row : Ryan Lewan , Austin Larson , Aaron Bluse, John Carpenter, Mike Palmer, Jon Lee Sau nders Seco nd row : Coach Mike Th umin , Matt Panteleo, Austin , Greg McKee Tyler Baruch , Tom Carroll, Coach Rona in Bottom row:Josh Wei s e, Jon Shay, ~elly Graves, Dan Milano , Haley, Re dman , Justin Stahmer, Robert Chrisman. Not Pi ctured: Paul Banagas, Ryan Fields, Eric Johnson.With the help of a new coac hing staff, the GHS rack team ets
Keep it Up
Se mur Toby Allan rounds the co rner of the 200 meter hur dles Alla n's si gnature su nglasses, fluorescent shoes and wi nn i ng at titude ma de him t he most exci ti ng run ner to watch. The new coac hi ng st aff this year included head coach Greg Ho lland , sp rin ting coach Ma rsha Havenga r, jum ping coach Jen Hodgt!s, and throwing coac h Dan Siewert.
pe rspective
wt-iat were your thoughts on the season?
2001 season was very success ful with increased numbers of athletes and most of them increa si ng their times or throwing farther throughout the season. This team of ma
Exte nd
J uni or Geo ff Sla ter t a kes off th e runway a nd in t o th e long Ju mp pit. The 200 1 se aso n was fueled by th e at hletes as well as the coac h's exp ectati ons fo r success As the th rowing co ac h, Dan Si ewert oft en said , "Your e xpec tati ons should be
Coach Marsha Havengar Stephanie Sadler Abby Young , Jessica Oho Bnelle L1dd1ck Kara Siewert, Melissa Ford, Katie Braun
Coach Greg Holland Coach Jen Hodges fourth Row: Harrison Filas, Kim Hill, Ryan
Armitage Chris Feiner Jason Dewhurst Andy Faulkner Adam Oldenettl. Curtis Havengar Fran ! , Back Row: Clay Albracht Toby Allan, Geoff Slater Matt Fritz
Brandon Steusloff Tom Carroll, Luke Ramstetter Adam Hudson , Andy Peoples
Kevin King Not Pictured : Blake Dalgetty, JC Kelley Ben Kemple , .Max Kenworthy Sierra Liddick
Th rough th e Fini s h
Junior Jessica Olin finishes strong a step ahead of her Bear Creek challenger An uphill, four mile pledge run to the top of lookout Mountain during Spring Break helped fund the co-ed track program this year There were app roximately 50 boys and girls act1vely participating in track this year on the JV and vars1ty team s
inly fre s hmen and s op homores will be real strong in the co ming years."
-coach greg nolland
Havi ng Fun
Some of the team relaxes in the sun. Freshman Jordan Gaspard, senior Megan King, freshman Chelsea Seigneur, freshman Samantha Disney and freshman Diane Bridenberg.
St aying Warm
Senior Kirsten Everett stands near the course with her clubs. Although Go lden was ranked last in Jeffco League coach Becky Crozier has some tips for the future 'The secret to Golden s improvement in golf is if the girls will practice and play in the summer."
the facts··
Freshman Jordan Gaspard poses for the came ra "If you are a woman in the business world, knowing how to play go lf will help you a lot," said Gaspard.
Laying Around
Sen1o r Diane Bndenberg, senior Megan King, freshman Chelsea Seigneur fres hman Jordan Gaspard, and freshman Samantha Disney relax on the Rolling Hills Golf Course.
The 2001 gi rls golf season flew by quickly with the usual amount of snow and freezing weather. Although they were again at the bottom of Jeffco League, the season was a good chance to check out new courses and bond as a team. There were many new freshman team members along with a few returning upperclassmen. Fre s hman Diane Bridenberg commented that her favorite course was Inverness because it was a new course and it was close to Krispy Kreme .
GHS perfec~ their technique_while I In pea
Catching a breath
Freshman Taylor Burke man exerts himself gracefully at the Colorado Invitational. " I like being on the swim team because the coaches are really cool," said junior Joseph Duncan
before c.ompetition?
freshman ph1ll1p rappmund
Pying in the Water
Sophomore Jake Rocke gets ready to win the meet Freshmen Scott Kirby, Phillip Rappmund, Michal Gulsvig, and Greg Wilson all agreed that the breaststroke was their favonte
Sorry, no dual meet scores available
Racing Against Time
Sophomore Adam Oldenettel whips through the water as the competition gets tough
Almost There Freshman Greg Wilson shows off his freestyle form. "I love waiting for the last few seconds, and I really enJoy swimming with the rest of my team,'' said Wilson
"I wasn't worried because I knew that I would try my best, and I was confident of myself."
-freshman michc1l gulsvig
"Well, I was pretty coo l at just school meets , but I was really nervous at the big ones! "
-junior JOsepn duncan
"Occasionally I will get nervous , but then I think that my team has what it takes to make it. "- photo by b kelley
The girls tennis team strives to be
explore: the facts ···
Back hand
Senior Laura Boilhnger swings hard on her backhand. Bollinger was named the outstanding female athlete at this year's senior awards.
Kee p Smili ng
Senior Pnya Agarwal has fun at practice. "Playing tennis is fun beca use it gives me a good workout and keeps me 1n shape," said Agarwal.
This year the girls tenn is team has practiced very hard. Eight of the 20 gir ls were seniors. The number three single s were seniors Meghan Cooper and Michelle King while the number one singles spot was held by senior Kelly Aronowitz. The number two singles spot was held by junior Dylan Reitmeyer, and the number three singles spot was held by senior Brianna Baker.
Ht It 1
Pi sJM~~ rfa~flsif]ssa u volleys the ball back over t he net Nassau said,"! have been playing t ennis forever; it is fu ,. n.
This year, Regionals was held in Grand Junction. Once again , it was over the weekend of Prom. Number one doubles was played by junior Marlys Nassau and sophomore Katie Riordan. Some of the girls were worried that they wouldn't be back in time for Prom, but everything worked out in the end.
photo by j sestrichLooki ng Tou gh
Seniors Al Al Masabi , Alan Bruno Dane Schow, Charles H11n, Cassidy Dinzes , and Jeromya McCord get comfortable as th ey embark on a winter survival c hallange Thi s trip t ook place early in the second semester when not many people knew each other.
Cha rle s Huntsman learned quickly that ''tru st is hard t o at1.a n "
Fri e nd s and a Sun s et Seniors Charles Huntsman and Lisa Woroby enJoy their tnp to southern San Diego at Scripps Aquarium ' The trip was a great expenence for everyone , said Charles Huntsman
courtesy of seminar class
Hollyw ood High
Seminar students pose for a quick group picture at Hollywood High School.
"Through it all,'' senior Ryan Gerni said, ''I learned that the four most important words in life are maJestic, remarkable, chaos, and ridiculous."
Seniors Paul Needham, Aaron Saunders, Dylan Lippert, Lauren Speer, Ah Al-Masabi, Sundara, Cassidy Dinzes, Amanda McDowell, Carlos Cady-Rehies, Brian Zoril, Aurora Arlet, Levi Jamison, Charles Huntsman, Toni Sullivan, Taylore Beckman, Ryan Germ, Abby Sands, Carin Lefevre, Alan Bruno, Dane Schow, Lisa Worobey, and Mr. Roger Myers.
Se ni o rs explore their pers onalitie s in many diff erent ways whi le . . e nJ oy1 ngphoto photo by n me cafferty
Smiling in the Rain
Seniors Rachel lewis, Carin Lefevre, and Silver Swanson enjoy San Diego weather during their science trip. Seminar students are put to the test when they put their own trips together Every detail is figured out by the students themselves. Carin Lafevre said, "In Sem I learned that I'm a lot more mentally strong than I thought when it comes to conflicts with other people and myself."
Hard at Work
Senior Abby Sands shows off her good side during a lecture. Seminar students call professional speakers in to talk to them on many subjects Senior seminar presents a rigorous schedule and tough courses to complete.
Livin ' Large
Seniors Alan Bruno , Dane Schow, and Ryan Gerni give a thumbs up for the In-nout burger in Beverly Hills The 24 students in the class basically live with each other for an entire semester.
photo courtesy of eminJr claH
Road Life
Endunng the stormy weather in southern California are seniors Rachel Lewis, Silver Swanson, Taylore Beckman, and Lisa Worobey All the seminar students commented on how fun it was to travel to L.A All the students participated in the L.A. marathon, and they all finished
photo by t. beckman photo by d schow photo by a sandsn Her Way to Broadway
Senior Lena Goods expresses her s inging and acting talent 1n the lead role of the spring musical, Once Upon a M~~ - Ea ch pertormer practiced for tw o and a half months before the final production of the play This musical t ook a lot of ha rd work, and the dance numb e rs were atro ci ous said senior Natalie Hunt.
Mouth Full of Music
Sophomore Nick Fauble holds a note as he shows off his singing talent in the spring musical. Junior Jess ica Roat sa id, " Magi c t nc ks are hard to do but I still had the time of my life It took an average of one month for each performer to memorize his/ her lines
on --u na
Ladies in Waiting
Sophomore Jessica Billings, sophomore Mary Dilworth, and junior Celeste Gardner are waiting for marriage of the pnnce " I th ink plays are the most wonderful things someone can do," said sophomo re Ni ck Fauble.
0h So Emotional
Senior Amy Ward lets loose her theatrical tears during her dramatic role in the play as a prin cess. All of the performers practiced from 3 to 5:30 p.m. every day after sc hool. "Singin g, dan cing, and acting are three very hard things to do all at the same time. A musi cal 1s a fad ing art form. I'm glad I could be a part of it all," sai d so phomore Adam Simmons
High School's best performers sing, dance , and act in the sp ring musical by b kelley
Stude nts sw ay to th e rhyt hm of th e mu sic a nd spend an
Top Th at Off
Sophomore Stuart Bell shows off his latest dance moves with a touch of class If Junior Christina Carbone had her way, "I would improve the DJ and make the scenery more romantic."
what is the most creative way you can think of to dsk a guy to Sadie Hawkins?
"I would run around the s chool naked with ' Will you go to Sadie's with me ?' on my back ."
-junior christina carbone
It Goes Like Thi s•..
The El e ctric Sli de Sophomores Kayla Rehder and Danielle Smith show off their fancy moves. Junior Stephanie Prugh said the best way to ask someone to Sadie's is, "to sing to him during an assembly and ask him after I finished."
In the Mo ment
Sophomore Nichol Dupont sways to the music with her handsome prince. About 550 student attended Sadie Hawkins. Junior Liz Lukrafka said the best way to ask someone is to "put up signs all over t he school asking your crush out to Sa die's."
"I would go ov er th e i nter co m and as k my date if he would go to Sad i e's wi th me. That way everyone would kn ow! "
1u ,v, natahe mueller
Seniors Jen Ses trich and Rya n Se rp an get dance lessons from senior Cydne y Moora
Holy Toledo
Junior Darby O'Dell shows her love for Toledo, Spain The Spanish students stayed in Spain fo, two and a half weeks. "Their cars are too small, said junior Darby O Dell.
Hidden Talent
Senior Chris Fauble shows off his amazing hidden talent 1n France He 1s the human fountain of youth "France is much prettier than the United States I enJoyed to be away from my family for two weeks,'' said Fauble
Spain Trip. B'ack Row: Meredith McKee, Megan Tnpp-Addison,Jordan Gaspard Chelsea Wyatt, Skye Hopple, Alex Verrastro, Clay Albaracht, Aimee Leidich, Lee Saunders, Shannon Brown, Daniel Crass, Kersti Bryan, John Z1rbes, Jack Donavan.Front Row: Kirstin Canaday, Johnathan Poveda, Matt Tuffin, Travis Snyder, Joanna Ward, Tessa Lee, Joe Kennedy, Elizabeth Watkins, Marlys Nassau, Darby O'Dell, Molly Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet.
he sports programs at Golden High School begin training well before the start of the seaso n. Trainin g camps during the summer are followed by preseason workouts and ngorous tryouts. The re are many benefits of participating in sports. Junior Kayla Rehder sai d, "Sports helped me meet new people," while junior Caitlin Cowen said, "I play sports to stay in shape." Whatever the reaso n, all sports are a positive influence on GHS stu de nts.
There are 25 athletic programs available to st udents including three se para te competitive dance tea ms The sports with the most people who tryout are football, lacrosse, soccer, baseball, and so ftb all. Junior Gwen Carey said, "Th e best thing about playing softball this year was the unforgeta ble moments with my teammates, like our rafting trip."
Being part of a team helps studen ts a cheive goals that would be impossible to reach on their own. Thi s year football made it to the State playoffs and had a winning record. Individually , freshman Erin Weber placed 23rd in the State cross country meet. The girls swimming, girls and boys basketball and wrestling teams also had success f ul seaso ns.
Out of Breath
Count the Light s Junior wrestler Dane Casterson attempts to pin his opponent. Casterson wrestled in the 160 lbs weight class Photo by B. Kelley
C'ight for the Ball
.-Senior Enc Cowen puts all his strength into a return. Football, basketball and baseball player junior Troy Spahn says one of the main reasons he plays sports 1s "to help me stay busy " Photo by B Kelley
Senior Jeremy Moles dnves to the basket to score Moles played varsity all four of his years at Golden High School. Junior basketball player Gunnar Jacobs said, 'I play sports because it gives me permission to stay away from my parents."
Golden Demons practiced Monday through r: Friday from 2.45-6 or sometimes as late as 7 0 p m Senior
, " I play football 5.l,
Watch Out!
Senior Robbie Black is torn down by a Chapparal playe r Black had 46 total tackles for the year Senior Kelly Graves said , " Playing football is like having a second family "
Char ge!
Junior linebacker Blake Dalgetty lowers his head to hi · a Thunder Ridge player. Dalgetty had a total of 53 t ckles and five sacks this year Fellow linebacker. senior Shawn Darcy said, "The most important thing in playing linebac ker is knoW1ng your part on the field."
New Hopes
Junior linebacker Matt Fritz was forced to sit out the 2001 season due to a ligament tear in his foot. Fritz said , "It was tough , but I've spent the time preparing for next year. "
During the first couple weeks the coaches push the players to dermine who has what it takes to play.
''You have to focus at the larger goal and be completely devoted to make it through practice every day."
-junior Kevin King
Scra mble
Junior quarterback Mark Melancon runs from an opposing lineman Melancon threw 107 completions for 1,641 yards and 13 touchdowns Melancon said, "The thing we'll miss most next year are the seniors on the offensive line.'' Melancon's season high passing was 209 yards
Go fo r i t
Junior Troy Spahn tries to evade a Chapparal cornerback. Spahn ran for 763 yards over the course of the season. Junior Luke Roberts said, "The most important skill in being a wide receiver is being able to catch " Roberts was named to the second team all-state
Aaron Rizzuto
Junior Aaron Rizzuto wa s t he leading sc orer for the Demons this year. He sco red 8 goals and had 2 ass ists Aaron ha s been a start, ng varsity soccer player si nee his sophomore year.
Joe Kennedy
Senior Joe Kennedy led the team in assists this year with 3. Joe ha s been playing soccer ever since the age of 4. He also has been a starting varsity soccer player si nee his sophomore year.
Brandon Beehler
This year Brandon Beehler stepped up as a leader and a great role model when the team needed it. Brandon started JV soccer his freshman a nd sophomore years, and then started varsity
Rough Pl ay
IiIn the game against Bear Creek, senior Tyler Pike plays tough defen se Along with Beehler Pike started JV his freshman and sophomore years and then started vars i ty his final two years ."This year wa s fu n. b u t we d i dn ' t do so
He Shoot s, He Sco res Junior Aaron Rizzuto
flies by his defender
Th i s year Rizzuto was the leading scorer with eight goals , and he also had two assists hot! " stated Pike
He's Got a Breakaway
Sophomore Nate Coronado sprints with the ball pas t a defende r This year seven
members of the team were seniors Sophomore Spencer Ma rshall said , "The to ughes t
part of the year was making ,t through tryouts because of all the runmng we had to do "
ll a way from Bear Creek. Brandon was one of seven seniors who played on the va rsity soccer team this year. Sophomore Nat e Co ronado said, "Green Mountain was the toughes t opponent t his ye a r because t heir whole team was seniors , and if t hey weren' t seniors , they were a wesome und e rc lass men."
Get That Ball
boys soccer
efen se
Cent er It
a nd took the role of a leader and urged the team to keep going no matter what. "
Pregame ritual
Thi s yea r the girls softball did things a little different when it came game time. The girls would start with stretching and a short little Jog down the field to the "310" sign. Next the girls would begin to throw in pairs to warm up their arms. With the team getting ready for their game, they sta rted to do a field warm up, hitting pop flies and ground balls to each ot'1er. Another ritual the girls had was to scout the other team before they would take to the field. Then the team would have a team meeting with each other, talking about what they saw the otherteam doing. Lastly, they would get together and on three say, " Demon Tuff Who."
Ball Game
Senior Con VanDuzer strikes out a batter in the Arvada game. then gets the win 4-1. Cori said , "Arvada was my favorite game because we won the game and played as a team."
Double Hopper
Junior Gwen Carey fields a grounder and throws the ball to first. Junior Jill Durgin said :· Tryouts were three days of batting, base running and fielding."
raking a swing
Junior Kate Leadford slaps a ball pas t
·00 the second basemen for a base hit.
• • Junior Kristin Gowey said, "We really didn't
play as a team this year "
"Outside of the fact we couldn't win, we all
as if every
was a learning expenence ,,
Line drive
Senior Natalle Mantilla takes a swing at a pitch dnving 1t down the baseline. The lades softball team practiced after school every day for about two hours, one of which was batting practice.
Snap Shot
Senior Con Van Duzer smiles for the camera for a team captain photo. ,, Along with being team captain, she was also a team leader, and knew what to say to motitave us.'' said junior Kristin Gowey.
was a team
Kristin Gowey slides safely into ,!l third base without being tagged out. Junior i Erin Carey said, "We had to learn seven :, different hand signs for batting and base -S, running."
girls volleyball
Junior Anna Mangan and her teammates get advice during an important po1nt in the game 'One of the hardest games was Chatfield because it was a really intense game and we played awesome," said junior Shannon McDonald
Te a m Spi ri t
Junior Shannon McDonald high fives teammates after a point was won in t hei r game. One of the best qualities of the team this year was they all became really close "We all bonded together and whenever someone was down we brought them back up," said senior Anne Dobyns.
complete Focu s
Lining It Up
Sophomore Elisa Butkus sets up to trates on her next pass. Most of the team play some defense before the ball gets agrees that the best aspect of the team over the net "The hardest game this year was how well they got along "Our team was Arvada because their offense was gets along really well, we're really close," awesome," said senior Amber Gosda said Kreller.
Senior Courtney Kreller concen-
Senior Amber Gosda prepares as the ball comes her way "Some of the fun things we do together are our conversations on the bus, our team dinners, and a traditional sleepover at the end of the
season," said Gosda
Cheer On
Year Of Change
The team th1s year worked hard but they were never rewarded. Even though they never won a game the girls agree they had fun and it was a good year. Thi s year was sort of a transition penod due to the fact that the team had a new coach , Jeremy Lucas. Coach Lucas was the fourth coach the volleyball team has had 1n four years. " Havi ng a different coach for all four years wa s very hard Each tells you someth1ng diffe rent and you never know what 1s the nght thing to do ," sa1d sen1or Anne Dobyns. Next year the team i s looking foward to a better year.
Workin ' It
Senior Anne Dobyns hits the ball over the net to ensure her team the point. "The one t hing that we do to get ourselves pumped up for the game is that we d1ve 1nto a circle and pound the floor, then roll out of it and scream 'who's yo mama'," said junior Katie Riordan.
phot o by s.gomezWh at i s the hardes of the four events?
Beam, you get re ally nervo us -se ni or La ura Yo un g
Bars, you ne e d the co rre ct t1m1ng.
-freshman Amber
David s on
Beam , it is easier to ge t hurt
-juni or Debora h
Ta rum
Beam , I always fall off and if it lo oks like it hurt , it hurt
- fre s hman Rachel
Welc h
Beam , it requ i res a lot of balance.
-junior Sarah Kalin
Idi d it
Junior Deborah Tarun finishes her floor routine with a smile " We worked together well and came together as a team even though we didn't do so well," replied Deborah when asked about the season.
Reachi ng Out
Fres hman Amber Davidson concentrates hard while balanci ng up high. For her fir st year on the team Amber said , '' We had some ups and down s this season , but we improved as the season went on. "
Looki ng On
Senior Laura Young watches her team mates perform the i r best. After being in gymnastics for 10 years Laura' s work paid off, she received the coach s award for the 2001 season.
Stricking Po s ition
Sophomore Amanda Jordan amazes the students at the homecom1ng assembly with her stunning dan ce position Sen1or Tara h Moya said "I suggest to anyone who wants to Join to take a dance class "
Jazz It Up
The women of the Jazz Dance team combine years of dance pra ctice and athleticism into precision and excellent moves for the audience. Senior Tarah Moya sai d "At practice we do a lot of dancing to practice our technique. The se dancers s pend six to seven hours a week perfecting and organizing their moves into routine s
The team mostly performed at school sports such as varsity football and soccer. Every member must know how to dance to music and deal well with the pressure. Sophomore Le slie Brown said /i The feeling you ge t before you perform is the best feeling in the world". This truly shows all t he effort that these young ladies put into this amazing team.
A bsolutely Perfect
The seniors and Juniors at the homecoming assembly watch senior Tarah Moya as she concentrates on her dance moves across the gym floor Sophomore Leslie Brown said "Jazz Dance is a lot of hard work but it all pays off in the end. "
Dan ce Team
Senior Tarah Moya , sophomore Amanda Jordan , senior Beth Martin, sophomore Alyssa Cuchiara , freshman Jennifer Gifford , sophomore Connie Art1ga and sophomore Christi na Montgomery, all smile and pose 1n dance post1tons for the camera
Perfect Form
Timing and form have been perfected by senior Allison McNeal dunng her performance at the homecoming assembly Senior Tarah Moya said, "Jazz Dance 1s a great opportunity to meet people and get 1nvolved with school "
What is your motivation for cheerleadi ng? "Everyth1ng. I love it, it is my life."
- junior Mackenzie Gates
What is your fav orite cheer and why?
" My favorite cheer is "Demons Get Tough', because it's new and we learned it at camp. Also it's a get pumped up kind of cheer ."
-senior Liz Lukrafka
What was your favorite game to perform at and why?
"My favorite game to perform at was Homecoming. It is the best, because the crowd is always really fun."
-fresh man Marina Casterson
Top Row · Marina Casterson, ~ l agg1e Mccreary, Megar M,1tson, Coach Connie Catlin. Alyssa Crews A. r1le r McDonald, Mackenzi e Gates. Third Row· Holly Brown, Bri t tany Stl'elr Kns t e Hagberg, Ke ls ey Scally K~thnine Gil, Hailey Es t rada, Collen Morales Second Row, Ali Barnes, Liz Luk ifl a Jenn 1fe G11ber l151 Carr, Sarc1 lu kraflca First Row· Amanda White, Jessica Vichot.
Quick Po se
Senior Sara Lukrafka poses for the camera on the day of the Homecom i ng assembly. When as ked what her favorite th i ng about cheerlead1ng was , jun ior Mackenzie Gates said, " being in front of a large crowd."
Party !
The cheerleader squad chills out at their summer barbecue. Senior Liz Lukrafka says her favorite part of practice is , "Stunting, because you never know what 1s going to happen. Also because it builds trust within the squad ."
Workin ' At The Carwash
The cheerleaders wash a Dodge Viper at their Carwash Fund raiser held every year atregistration. Freshmen Manna Casterson says being a cheerleader isn't about attracting boys," ,t 1s Just a fun th1 ng to do an it keeps you 1n shape"
Gold e n Grin
Sophomore Ashley Clement is all smiles for the Homecoming assembly. uI love the feeling of adrenaline when it's shooting through your body before you perform," stated Clement.
Dazzli n g Dance
Junior Carly Walker sports her smooth style during this Tridette routine. uour favorite dance was 'Groove is in the Heart' cuz of all the kick lines," agreed senior Lindsay Ostenson and sophomore Jordan Gaspard.
Freshm an Sarah Miller
" My favorite part of being a Tridette was performing. The other girls on the team were really nice and they liked to help a lot. It was such a privilege , I had so much fun."
Junior Carly Walker
"I love the support from classmates before games. "
Freshman Kayla Jensen
I/It takes a lot of hard work and team work , but it' s WO rth it. If
Freshman Rachel Welch
"It looks easy , but it' s not! "
What it takes.
The Tridettes learn around fifteen dances a year, one about every one and a half weeks. They practice two to five hours every day and perform at many of the home sporting events.
Fr os tin ' on th e Ca k e
Sophomore Allison Frost keeps the rhythm going dunng the Homecoming assembly. "The Homecoming dance was great, we kept the audience wild and crazy," exclaimed senior Shannon Gomez
ross Count
How much further
Sophomore Bryan Smith runs strong while hoping, wishing that the finish line will come up soon After running a usual 5k race all the racers finish almost of out breath. Bryan ha s thi s perfect body type, which has helped him improve wonderfully over the season.
Star of the Races
Freshmen Enn Weber at her first year of Cross Country, is already the best girl on the team. She went to state and placed 23 out of about 130 racers. This is no surprise since she has won in the top five in all of the Varsity races.
Back row: Drew Lewis, Kyle Sullivan, Daniel Gifford, Jason Dewhurst, Luke Ramstetter, Geoff Slater, LOUIS Nolting, Tim Brown, Zach Garrett, Middle row: Erin Weber,Damel Schoger, Jon Sestnch, Emily Hoppin, Coach Colutti, Coach Hoppbn, Ben Filas, Bryan Smith Con McVaugh, Danielle Griego, Katie Hendrix. Front Row : Kelsey Mcl scac, Katlyn Ryan, Jessica Olin, Reasheal Lehmann, Lyndsie Lee, Cassie Zimmerman.
Letting Steam Off
Senior Geoff Slater, tired after a great race The race took all his energy, and he sure tned hi s hardest Geoff ha s been running for Cross Country all four of hi s years at Golden
Dirty Running
Junior Cassie Zimmerman is tired and dirty after a hard race She is captain of the Varsity team
Junior Emily Hoppin catches up on her breath after a hard ngorous run
Going Strong
Pushing the Mind
Cross Country is a sport that requires a strong mind with tons of motivation. "The mental challenge , and trying to pu s h yourself is the be st reason for being in Cros s Country," agreed junior Jon Sestrich and freshmen Kelsey Mci sca c.
Dart and Dash
Freshmen Erin Weber and junior Jon Sestri ch, the star runners of Golden Cross Country team , ha ve both placed fantasti cally in all of their meets. Weber has placed first , second and third in a few of the matches
Fun Challenge
Not everything on the team is difficult. Freshmen Danie lle Griego explained , "It' s been a fami ly thing and be sides , I like to run. "
Ta ke off
Freshmen Reasheal Lehmann makes a fabulous head start Reasheal is on her first year and 1s on the Varsity team. ucross country 1s fun because everyone on the team has similar interests," said Lehmann
Ready to Fall Over
Freshmen Kelsey Mcl scac thankful that t he race 1s finally over while she goes to res t up Kelsey sta rted Cross Country th1s year not really knowing anything abou t 1t but she says • I came into this not being able to really run at all and now running a Sk, is a piece of cake ," said Mclscac
Swingin ' Sophomore
Sophomore Paul Ketchum takes the opening shot at one of the Rolling Hills tournaments. "I like to play golf because I have a good time, there's no work ethic, and I get to hang with buddies," stated Ketchum.
Q: What do you do to prepare for a golf tournament?
A; " Practice hitting balls, putting, get good sleep, and eat three bowls of Lucky Charms. "
-junior Dane Hinnen
Q: Why do you play golf?
A: " Because putting balls in holes is what I do best."
-senior Clay Durham
Q: Who is your golf hero?
A: "Hap py Gilmore!"
-junior Thomas Va n De Bogart
A: "Sco tt Verplank. "
-junior Dane Hinnen
In the Bo x Junior Quinn Hornecker takes a practice swing in the box of hole 1 Kyle Lewis said, "Practice was fun because you could hang with friends "
Upto Par
Junior Sean Coughlin practices h1s swing before a round Senior Tom Garrett proclaimed, ''concentration is the key to success when you play the game of golf"
silence Please
Junior Dane Casterson requests sil ence while taking a practice shot.
ice Return:
Jur ,or Anthony MulJadi returns a serve from an opposing player This year the team had to adapt to a new coach in Mr. Bob Stokes. "The best match was Columbine It was a 4 hour match and it ended in a win," • sa1d senior Eric Cowen
What are you going to remember most about the tennis team?
• 1 n g 1 n as comhead . coach my senior year. At first the whole team was a but the bit skeptical, throughout season Stokes proved himself to be a great coach " -senior Eric Cowen
What was the hardest thing for the team to over come?
"Starting the season with a new head coach, we weren't too sure how he would do. That was a hard thing to overcome."
-senior Chris Lollar
C o l l ow through : r senior Enc Cowen follows through on his excellent forehand. This year freshmen Kevin Gallagher was the team's number one singles player "Being the number one singles player as a freshmen is a very good accomplishment • freshmen Kevin Gallagher
Fsero c ious Backhand: 53 points ophomore Tr evo r Nelson sends one back across the net. The team finished 6-6 in league thi s year, and scored 53 points 1n Regi onals.
third level volleyball
junior varsity soccer
junior varsity softb u-....--..
Junior Varsity Football
Wh a t do you e nj oy mos t a bout pl ayi ng f ootb a ll ?
"Opportunity to take out my aggression."
-sophomore Aaron Bluse
Third Level Football
What made you want to pl ay footb a ll?
"It's fun, and you get you get to meet new people."
-sophomore Tyler Baruch
Junior Varsity Soccer
Wh at mad e you want t o pla y soccer?
"I enJoy being a part of a team."
-sophomore Nick Braunagel
third level softball
Junior Varsity Softball
What do you think of s orftball?
"We didn't w,n a lot of games, but the coach made 1t really fun."
-sophomore Catie Granquist
Third Level Softball
What made you want to play softball?
"I've been playing for a long time and I love the sport!"
-freshman Stacey Martinez
JV Volleyball
What' s your favorite pa rt about playing?
"Gets me in shape, keeps my energy h1gh."
-freshman Krissy Wood
Third Level Volleyball
How do you prepare yours elf for a game?
"I prepare myself by setting goals, and striving for perfection."
-freshman Maggie Riordan
JV Boys Tennis
Why do you like to play?
"Because I get to compete against other schools."
-sophomore Trevor Nelson
JV Cross Country
What do you think of cros s country?
"I t t akes a lot of work."
-sophomore Katie Hendnx
Fade away!
Which team do you find the most competive?
Junior Gunnar Jacobs thinks Rocky Mountain is the most competove because they have strong players.
Problems the team faced this year?
Senior Jeremy Moles says, " It's hard to keep the team motivated when the other team makes a strong comeback."
What is enjoyable about playing?
Junior Luke Roberts: " Dunkin ' with two hands, hittin' a homerun with a basketball. Sending someone into the crowd. It's like bringing coolade to a par-tay. This is the ticket pay for it "
Focuse d
photo by b. kelley photo by b.kelley Slam Dunk!What were some odd experiences throughout the season?
"I depanced Alli son Domg aard during practice in front of a teacher," sa id senior Kirstin Canaday.
"A funny experience was when coach Hodge s made ar11mal noises at us during practice," exclaimed sen ior Christina Carbone.
Ally Domgaard said, "The oddest experience during the season was when Kirstin Canaday mooned Rhett Jordan and Tyler Pike."
I"Positi on u or Katie Riordan struggles for position aga1nst an Overland player Sen1or Chnsbna Christ1na said , ''The toughest situation I have ever been 1n during a game is when coach Hodges said, 'You'd better play well or you won't like Saturday.' "
Demon wrestling
Wre stling takes enduran ce , strength , and most of all stamina. It is a sport of timing and skill, wh ic h take s lots of hard practice. Senior Nathan Gaudreau said , "You need all the hard work and practices because wrestling is a very demanding sport. All the hard work pays off in the end. You get out what you put in." Each individual wrestler must fit into a low weight class to maximize their performance , giving them the advantage. Senior Eric Carr added , " Even though it' s better to wrestle at a lower weight class , it is a little tougher because of the muscle factor, opponent is faster , and the competition is way up there. "
Pinning Games
Senior Tim Brown fights to turn his opponent for the pin Sophomore Mino Sorensen commented, Determination 1s important because close to the end of the six VI minutes on the mat you feel as if you are
falling apart and you know you have to go on
and win "
Pght To Th e Finish
Senior Nathan Fro st struggles to gain the upper hand again st Lakewood Sophomore Lu cas Mignogna said ," If you wi n or lose and you know you gave 1t your all "
Turn ' em Over
Sophomore Mino Sorensen fights to turn his opponent over to get the win Wrestling consists of three time periods
Struggling For The Win
Oerfect Pin
~ghting For The Win
r Sophomore Lucas Mignogna fights for the pin to give Golden the lead in the match Wrestling cons1sts of strength , endurance and lots of patience
Great Year!
The women ' s swimming team had a great year. There were 27 ladies that were on the team , making the girls a ver y competitive team. Starting off the season with three wins , the ladies showed that they were going to be one of the best in the state. With takingfirstin theJeffco Inv. and then first in the Jeffco Relay , the ladies looked like they were going to place very high at state. Then later this year the ladies placed 10th in the state finals.
Eight Golden girls went to the state finals , including seniors Leslie Daniels , Lindsey Ostenson , Kristy Vaivoda , and Abby Young, juniors Emily Hoppin , and Deborah Tarum , sophomore Maggie Peoples , and freshman Kelly O ' Dell. This is what enabled Golden to take 10th in the state finals.
The ladies did great this year and we hope that they well do great in the years to come.
Fas ter and Faster
Junior Deborah Tarum swims a fast and funous freestyle stroke
Among freestyle , there are three other stokes, butterfly, back-stroke, and breast stroke
Gasping For Air
Junior Kelly Hock takes a gasp of au while swimming in the 100 yard free style event. Kristy Vaivoda said " My favorite mee t was the Jeffco Inv. because took first.
Ring Of Fire
The girl's swimming team ga t hers before their swim meet against one of their arch rivals Many of the girls do this before their meet. I t's been a traditio n over t he past three years
third level boys
third level girls basketball --
It's 2:00 on Friday afternoon.
You have a free weekend to yourself. Where do you go? To practice, to work, maybe just to go hang out? Denver West seems to be a popular place to go, but there are many alternatives for Golden students.
For many of the students who have cars, many of them are able to drive to parties , movies, or over to a friends 's house. For example, sophomore Ross Beam said, "I normally go out to do whatever is going on that weekend."
Sophomore Shane Rodriguez added that he enjoyed the weekend because he could stay up late and stay out all night.
Junior John Welch coaches wrestling for small children at high schools around the state, and sophomore Tyler Baruch referees at lacrosse games and runs a childrens clinic at an athletic club.
GHS students disperse to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, as well as Various athletic practices. There are even certian classes that are only available outside of school, such as the newly created Cisco networking academy, forensics, and SRO.
reat accomplish men ts happen all throughout a students high - school carrer. Some are more important than others, but only the great one stand out. " My accomplishment lasts throughout high school; it is my ability to keep a 3.8 GPA , play varsity sports , lift weights every day and be a nice person all at the same time ," exclaimed senior Brian DeBates.
But more than just academic accomplishments happened throughout a students high school carrer, some were just excited that they had made it. "My greatest accomplishmentis finishing high school," said senior Tiffany Low.
Another aspect of accomplishments is in a mental sense. "Trying to be the best person possible. Also, keeping my grades up along with my ACT scores," said senior Robbie Black.
Not only are students thinking about finishing high school, they are thinking about their future. " My future goal is to becomea teacher (and to live in a cardboard box!) said senior Skye Hopple.
Another thing is everyone is starting to decide what they want to do with their life. "I hope that someday I will either be a successful bussiness woman or a designer," said senior Megan Dusdal. My future goal is becoming a child psychlogist," said senior Tiffany Low.
G o Team
Seniors Clay Albrach and Darby Odell cheer on the football team during the homecoming game. Photo by B Kelley Crowned RoyaltySenior Matt Parsons said, ''One of my favorite memories was in food experience when we made pancakes and the turned out to look and felt like rubber." Another senior, Ashleigh Rod ri g u e z, said, " My f u n n i est memory was my sophomore year, when my sister, Monet , slipped and fell on a patch of ice and fell on her face. Then she tried to get up and fell again, it was really funny."
Humanity- I love you because you are constanty putting the secret of life in your pocket and forgetting its there. "
YocomIt was the worst of times , it was the best of times- Happines s comes from choosing which to remember. "
-Rachel Nelm s
"T he way to love anything is to realize that one day it might be taken from you ."
-Audrey Schauer
"There' s nothing worse than the self inficted wounds ofO ignorance. "
Madi son"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Roseann e Hatcher-
Most likely to become president: Chad Heater
t-tost likely to become the richest person in the world: Megan Tripp - Addi so n
Most likely to become Super Bowl champion: Kelly Grave s
Most likely to succeed: Ben Filas
Most likely to become an astronaut or famous physicist: Joseph Dun can
Most likely to become a movie star: Jessica Roat
Most likely to become an Olympic athlete: Laura Young
Most likely to marry a millionaire: Tara Banks
Most likely to have a national monument nam e d aft er them: Joanna Ward
Most likely to become a model: Tarah Moya
"The question in life is not whether you'll get knocked down; you will. The question is whether you'll get back up and fight for your rights. "
-Alejandro Ferrer
0 Hearts can never become practical until they be co me unbreakable. "
-J ena Estep
" May I die before I give you power over me. ''
-Ami Blakeman
"I dare you to look i nto the eyes of those you hate and not see the beauty of life in them ."
-Jessica Brownlee" Live everyday like its your last, day you' ll be rig ht."
be cause one
What future careers are the seniors interested in?
-financial analysis
-health sciences
Louis :J{p[ting • cars
This years top ten cars in the GHS parking lot are:
Ford: 22°/o
Honda: 18°/o
Chevy: 11 °/o
Jeep: 105
Toyota: 10°/o
Dodge: 6°/o
Subaru: 4°/o
Volkswagen: 4°/o
Other- 10.6°/o
I am always amazed at the reaction I receive when I come to school with my son. I don 't know if it's me everyone is staring at or my son, but either way it makes me feel great. The student body at GHS is more supportive than I could ' ve hoped for. Of course not everyone supports my choices, but the majority of my peers do. And whether or not they know it, their support is greatly appreciated. So I'd like to take this chance to thank my peers , along with some of my teachers. Mr. Kelley, Mr. Fink , Blincoe, and Herg , thank you for always being so supportive and understanding. Barb , thank you for everything you've done. None of you will ever be forgotten.
Sarah Bae rNot Pictured
Kyle Anderson
Scott Beck
Genoa Carver
Tara Casino
Brandon Collings
Joseph Dewitt
Drake Doepke
Elitsa Dragozova
Luke Durgin
Jesse Dyffryn
Alejandro Ferrer
Capna Fulks
Nathon Gaudreau
Darren Haag
BenJamin Haschke
Matthew Honne
Justin Leazer
Pengfe1 Liu
W1ll1am Mclaughlin
Linh Nguyen
Sean O'Hayre
Abra Onken
Luis Sanchez
Justin Savanah
Sara Smith
Brandon Steusloff
Keith Stoeber
Drew Walton
Nicole Waugh
Grant Wichmann
Mick Woodworth
om rockets to cars, to credits to college, the junior experience is all about new things and planning forthe future. Whether on their annual raft trip or in their demanding classes, every day seems to test their survival skills.
Many juniors spent time beginning to plan and set goals for the future. Juniors are now required to take the ACT test and they have to option to take the SAT. Juniors bulk up their college resumes by participating in the many activities Golden has to offer, whether it's in sports, clubs, or theater. Hours were spent helping freshmen in the MVP program to make their first year of high school positive. Also, some juniors choose to help kids with their learning disabilities by becoming an SRO buddy. Junior Student Council members plan Prom as well.
With only one year left of high school, the juniors take advantage of off blocks and being a role model to the under classmen. All of these aspects make the junior experience and fun one, but also one that is not to be taken lightly because everything you do has importance. ,
Homecoming Attitude
In Wild Knsbn Spear Sean Aronson, and an unidentified Lakewood High School student study a map of the Pike National Forest The students study a vanety of plants and wildlife Cun and Games (""" Gwen Carey reacts to encouragement during a softball game. ~ky High uke Roberts goes up for a basket in the first game of the season against Littleton.role models
If you could model yourself after anyone , who would it be and why?
"Jeremy McGrath be cause he is the best super cross rider in the world "
- Eric Jensen
" Fire Department of New York because they went in to the line of fire. They are all my heros. "
- Brandon Babki ewich
"Mike Palmer. Why not?"
-Ki m Hill
" My friend Christina because she is always "O perky and happy and outgoing, no matter m what the situation is she has no enemies and : · takes you for who yo u are."
-Jamie Cravens
Mary Dilworth
Allic;on Domgaard
Destin Duhn
Joseph Dunlap
Latrice Duplantier
Nichol Dupont
Jillian Durgin
Jonathan Emsbach
Tyler Enna
Bryce Erickson
Jolene Faro
Nicholas Fauble
Andrew Faulkner
Adam Fields
Brandon Fisher
Rachel Fleming
Andrew Flick
Joseph Foden
Melissa Ford
Renee Ford
Amy Foster
Daniel Fraser
Tegan Friskey
Matthew Fritz
Lauren Gale
Joanna Galioto
Danielle Garnett
Katie Garrett
Mackenzie Gates
David Geth1ng
Jessica Gore
Cory Goshorn
Kristin Gowey
Gabriel Green
Joshua Gresham
Allison Gnffiths
Timothy Hagelberg
Christopher Halley
Madison Halloran
Adam Hansen
Cole Hanson
Joshua Hanson
Tiffanny Happ
Cassidy Hara
James Harmon Jr
Andrew Hassett
Kyle Hauser
Amy Hawley
Andrew Heid
Alexis Held
Jason Hermann
Jacob Hiebert
Kim Hill
Dane Hinnen
Kelly Hock
Rhonda Hoffert
Jennifer Hollingsworth
Lesa Holycross
Emily Hoppin
Quinn Hornecker
Adam Hudson
Joshua Hudson
Andrew Huntsman
Marisha Ibrahim
Gunnar Jacobs
Eric Jensen
What was the worst/ best experience you ' ve had in high school? Why?
"The worst experience in high school is when I got a concussion during football practice. The trainer Bill told me I couldn't play any more. "
-Cory Maughan"My best moment was home co ming fre s hman year. If
-Cassi dy Hara
What has been the best/ worst in class movie you have seen? -o
"The best film I have seen would be Gladiator because it has a fantastic plot. "
- Nils Burnham,
Chantile Mcallister
Mary Mcdonald
Shannon Mcdonald
Elaina Mcgrew
Thomas McKn ight
Brandon Means
Shannon Meehan
Mark Melancon
Marisa Meyerink
Edward Meyers
Christopher Milne
Christopher Monson
Elizabeth Moore
Jenna Moris
Ethan Morrison
Anthony Muljad i
Brandan Munroe
John Murfin
Christopher Musgrave
Kendra Nahley
Joshua Nelson
Tneu Nguyen
Amy Nielsen
Stephen Nolan
If you could choose to play any sport, what would it be a nd what team would you play for?
"I would like to play football for the Den ver Bron cos, becau se th e people on that team seem to have great pers onalitie s and attitud es "
- Kendra Na hley
" A Rugby player for the Lond on Badg e rs, becau se it is fun to do. ''
- Ky l e Hauser
"I would like to play for the Denver Bronco s."
- Nate Co o p er
Joseph O'Horo
Adam Oldenettel Jr
Julie O'Neill
Thomas O'Neill
Andrew Onken
Brian Orem
Christine Overmyer
Matthew Pantaleo
Andrew Peoples
Ab1ga1l Petersen
Trevor P1etrafe50
Rickilee Pollock
Alyssa Pngel
Nick Pros
Luke Ramstetter
Elizabeth Ranfranz
Garrett Ratcliffe
Juliann Rau
Caleb Reed
Michala Rehder
Steven Reid
Christopher Re1nholz
Justin R1mbert
Katherine Riordan
Aaron Rizzuto
Llndsy Roberson
Luke Roberts
Jacob Rocke
Makenzie Rogers
Patnck Rogers
Rachele Rosener
Adna Rossi
Matthew Saindon
Kelli Sauer
Jonathan Sestrich
Alexander Shier
Ghazal Shirazi
Amber Shulthe1ss
Adam S1mmons
Danielle Smith
Joshua Smith
Michael Smith 1040x
Poru Zhao
Cassandra Zimmerman
Jacqueleine Zirbes
Troy Spahn
Knstin Spear
Courtney Speer
Robyn Speer
Justin Stahmer
Jennifer Steckmyer
Cody Stiner
Bradford Stone
Anya Strauss
David Streweler
Katherine Tapia
Deborah Tarum
Sara Taulby
Julianne Taylor
Jared Temanson
Erica Thompson
Nickole Thompson
John Tolsma
David Traylor IV
Rick Trenk
Andrew Tschetter
Alexandra Valerius
Jason VanDamme
Thomas Van De Bogart
Emily Vega
James Wagner
Carly Walker
Jaclyn Walker
April Wallace
Tyler Warner
Lisa Weisheit
Nicole West
Jasmine Wichmann
Stephanie Wilson
Andrew Wolaver
Edward Wood
his ye ar the cla ss of 2004 had a chan ce s how off their t alen t. Girls basketball coac h Je n ny Hodge s beamed ab ou t th e t wo s ophom ore s on the varsity team , "We ha ve two se ns ati onal gi rls, AJ and Suns hi ne on th e ba s ketball team th is year. The y will bring good th in gs to Golden in the future. " AJ Jank oviak averaged 13.5 poi nts per ga me by January.
Soph omore Kyle Dobyn s s aid with optimi s m for his cla ss of at hlete s, " We just keep getting better. " Coach Anderson stated , "Sophomore s excelled in soccer thi s year. There are a lot of hard working athletes in this year's so phom ore class Hopefully they will make great contributions to the varsi ty level next year. "
While in their s econd year of dan cing for GHS' s Jazz Dance team , Alyss a Cu chiara , Brandy Weg sc hi eder and Christina Montgomery emerged as leaders on the s quad. Although s ophomores are only in their second year of high sc hool, they are already proving to be among the best Golden has to offer
Hangi ng Out
Agrodnia Jasm i ne Akes Mayara Almeida
Sarah Anderson
Nick AndrzeJewski
Brandon Ar chambeau
Rosalyn Ardo i n
Lauren Armitage
Conny Artica
Joshua Baldwin
Hannah Baltz
Bethany Barned
Zachery Barnes
Brianna Barthels
Tiffany Bartos
Tyler Baruch
Swara BarzanJi
Adam Baxter Ryan Baxter
Gerzain Bernal
Scott Beumer
Chad Bianchi
Dylan B1eniulis
Christ,an Binkley
Roy Birney
Aaron Bluse
Amanda BoleJack
Breanna Bradshaw
Zachary Brandow
Catherine Braun
Nicholas Braunagel
Holly Brown
Leslie Brown
Joshua Brulla
Matthew Brune
Mallory Brunel
Reyna Bryan
Brandon Bullis
Ashley Bunn
Taylor Burkman
Elizabeth Burns
Ehsa Butkus
Case Byl
Nicholas Caldwell
Jenny Cameron
Adrianna Campbell
Mynah Carter
Thomas Chambless
Evan Chapin
Chnstine Charleston
Narayan Choudhary
Josh Cleaver
Ashley Clement
Enn Clough
Brian Coggan
Kelly Copeland
Will iam Cornett
Nathan iel Coronado
Sara Courtney
Johnathan Cranford
Jamie Cravens
Joy Cravens
Alyssa Cuchiara
Ben Curtis
Daniel Cushman
George Davies
tfle facts
In Latin, the word sophomore means sophi sticated moron or wise fool. The transition from a Golden debut as freshmen to sophomores is a good one for most people. Sophomore Matt Brune said, "I am really glad that we are not the lowest on the high school food chain anymore. " Each sophomore is also pleased that his upper classmates have less jokes about him / her and their friends. Sophomore Aaron Bluse said, "We are at the perfect age , not too old or too young , which is great because we are not being picked on constantly." The job of the tenth graders is to s et good example s for next years sophomores , which is why these wise fools must begin to mature and set high goals for the next cla ss
Kelsey Hanson
Lucas Hanson
Brendan Harrison
Gregory Hauserman
Joshua Heintzelman
Katie Hendrix
Sebastian Herrick
Matthew Hicks
Reese Hill
Gerald Hoenings
Kenny Holton
Benjamin Hoogheem
Alexander Hughes
Araceli Ibarra
Jesus Ibarra
Amena Ibrahim
Scott Jackson
AJ Jankoviak
Sheree' Johnson
Tyler Johnson
Justin Jonsson
Amanda Jordan
Faith Jordan
Cornelia Kappel
that's life
What is your most embarrassing moment so far in high school?
"When J.R. Foos hit me in the back of the head with a snowball when I was walking down the hall!"
-Brad Vaivoda
"When I got in a fight and my shirt got pulled off."
-Sara Courtney
If you could change one thing in high ~ school what would it be? "2" For it to be clean."
-Shane Rodriguez
"To get rid of the smoker pit."
-Mark Seligman
Kimberley Shaw
Jordan Showalter
Kara Siewert
Timothy Sipes
Brenden Smith
Bryan Smith
Jeffery Smith
Minoru Sorensen
Amanda Sorvig
Rachel Spahn
Mara Stitt
Kristal Stoeber
Jordan Stricker
Bryce Strong
Alexander Stroud
Joseph Sullivan
Donald Sutherland
Benjamin Taylor
Christopher Taylor
Aleksandr Terrell
Danielle Teter
Daniel Tyrrell
Devin Tyslan
Luke Ulander
true knowledge
What advice would you give to this year's freshmen?
"Think with your mind and not your pistol. "
-Jared Leidich
" Don 't come into upperclassmen lounges. "
- Elisa Butku s
"Don ' t show up at upper cla ssmen parties!! "
- Lauren Armitage
"Don't act like you are all that. "
-Kevin Moulton
Don 't talk back to uppercla ssmen. "
Brady Abbotts
Sarah Abeyta
Andrew Adams
Daniel Adams
Erin Alcock
Whitney Allen
Gillian Andersen
Trever Andersen
Elsa Anderson
Ashley Armentrout
Amanda Armstrong
Stephanie As1mus
Brody Atkins
Shara Ayers
Heather Banza
Robert Barbeau
Dustin Barbee
Latisha Barber
Alexandra Barnes
Ashley Bartos
Vanessa Bartosh
Nicole Baumer
W1lham Baxter
Ross Beam
What do you think about all of the upperclassmen?
"I like most of the upperclassmen because they are really nice and they make me feel welcome."
- Mallory Harnagel
"Most of the upper classmen willingly hang o ut with me, although I am the t arget of most jokes, (It's all in good fun tho ugh)."
- Logan Garrett
"They are big overgrown Nintendo nerds that have way too much time on their hands. "
-Ryan Beehler -o (1)
"I actually love the upperc lassmen! They have .gcars and they drive me places."
-Alicia Hall
"The upperclassme n are very cool and more nice when you get t o high school, especially Tuffin."
-Casey Temenson
William Cosman
Jessica Crass
Alyssa Crews
Nicole Cnstello
Jacinda Croissant
Robyn Crotty
Alexander Dahl
Stanley Daily
Kelly Dalgetty
Lance Daly
Amber Dav,dson
Jessica Dav,s
Heather DeGroat
Paige Deherrera
Cathenne Deland
Larissa De Maltens
Nicholas DeMoulln
Katie Dern
Elisabeth De Wys
Wilham Dickson
Morghan Dill
Brady Dilworth
Stephanie Dockstader
Jorge Dominguez
What's your favorite thing about your freshman year so far?
"It's much easier than eighth grade; all you have to do is your work. "
-Joel Lockhart
"I like the way we have time to talk to friends instead of being seperated like in elementary and middle school."
-Kayla Shea
"I t's new. "
- Derrick Swesey
"I've met more people. "
- Gillian Anderson
"The freedom. "
- Kelsey Scally
What is your favorite class?
Alexis Guinn
Randi Gunderson
Grey Gustafson
Alicia Hall
Robert Halley
Mallory Harnagel
Madelaine Harris
Michael Harris
Kourtney Hartford
Amy Hartman
Lauren Heitzman
Rachel Heller
Travis Henrickson
Thomas Herron
Timothy Hinkle
Cole Hinnen
Amber Hobbs
Jason Hock
Jenna Hodges
Charli Hogan
Michael Holycross
Bnan Horan
Brittany Horton
Zephan Hubert • earn1ng
"Spanish, I like learning a new language."
- St eph anie Dockstad er
" Foren sics , it's cool."
- Ale x Fehrman
" Math , it's easy. "
- Gillian Anderson
"American Government, it's an interesting class and you learn a lot in there. Plus my friends are in there."
- Dthi a Kalkw arf -o
" Food Experiences, it is a fun cla ss and I like .g - having a cla ss to finish lunch in." ro
- Beth Lee
"Painti ng , it's fun."
Weston Lohman
Candace Lopez
Dean Lopez
Brent Lorenz
Nicole Luckinbill
Jordan Lujan
Joshua Luna
Ashley Lutz
Eric Lyman
Dylan Mahonee
Joshua Mallard
Heather Maloney
Alan Mangan
Amanda Manuel
Jon Marra
Lauren Martin
Rhiannon Martin-Evans
Brittany Martinez Stacey Martinez
Joseph Mason
Christine Matson
Tyler Matson
Amanda May
Lawrence May anges
What is the best difference between middle and high school?
"The FREED000MMMM is !"
C-Kayla Jen s en
"The off-c ampu s lun ch. "
- Reasheal Lehmann "The blo ck sc hedule."
-Cha s e Lars on II ACCESS!! "
-Danielle Griego are s o man y different choi ces to make that will actually affe ct your life and future. "
-Marina Casters on "T he dress code. "
Ruth Pennington
Niccole Perisho
Heather Perry
Jacob Pierce
Enc Pohl
Kady Pellin
Gabriel Pollock
Stephanie Pothast
Ashleigh Powell
Ann Preston
Darryl Preston
Spencer Priest
Pedro Rabadan
Raquel Ramirez
Michael Ramstetter
Domini Randolph
Zachary Ricciardi
Travis Riley
Jenna R1mbert
Margaret Riordan
Jacqueline Ristau
Rochelle Robbins
Heather Roberts
Cassandra Robertson
Is high school different than middle school and elemen -tary school?
"Yes, the schedule , food, and teachers."
- Ke ll y Dal getty
"Yeah , you get more freedom. "
- Ni co l e Nghiem
"You get more privileges. "
- Re be kah Gr es ham
"Yes, more freedom and time to work in classrooms, and the school has more money for activities and classrooms. "
- Mic hael Em sbac h "O
"Yes , beca use there is more freedom of choice~ and more trust from teachers. You get more ro • • free time and a ctivities and classes are I more interesting.'
- Cara Tu cci
What should the new fashion be?
"Weari ng scarves."
-Katherine Gill
Kate Stelmack
Wenzel Stoebe
Tamara Sturdavant
Zachary Suhr
Kyle Sullivan
Brandon Sutrina
Robert Swearinger
Derrick Swesey
Danielle Sykora
Casey Temanson
Julia Terrell
Krysta Terry Douglas Thomas Jr
Jeffrey Thompson
Taryn Thornton
Artem Titov
Alyssa Tortora
Erinn Townsend Erinn Townsend
Miranda Trimbach
Ryan Trout
Joseph Trujillo
Cara Tucci
Jesse Tutolo
"Wear your shorts on top of your pants."
-Jessica Froyen
"Glowing Clothes. "
-T.J. Fry
"Wear a ski rt on top of you pants. "
-Stacy Martines
"Glow in the dark socks"
- Emily Kolm
"Everyone should wear their pant po ckets -o (I) pulled out, and they should also wear ca pe s, .g but not together, that would just be m weird it' ll be tubula r!"
-Nicole Sedgeley
What's your favorite clothing store or brand?
"BC cuz it's cool."
-Ky le Sullivan
"Wet Seal because I like their clothes."
- Alys sa Cruse
"Abercrombie because I love the clothes and the guys models are as hot as hell! "
-Kelsey Scally
"JNCO's, anywhere that carry them are my favorite."
-John Slandridge
" Roxy - because I like the clothes."
-Fra nkie Carr
"American Eagle; they have awesome clot hes!"
- Beth Lee
Meredith Zika Miranda Zimmerman Richard Zirbes II John Zupineachers see students progress and fail, but no matter how difficult the task , they are willing to assist the students. They a re the trainers of the future, and every student that sits ata desk could have a major impact on the world. Teachers go through trials and tribulations to teach students to be the best they can; they push students to reach for higher goals instead of taking the easy way out This year is marked by the departure of five staff members. GHS wishes Mr. Sweet, Mrs. Kessler, Mr. O'Dorisio, Mrs. Nations, and Mrs. Baker the best of luck .
FACULTY advice
n oon ' t take life too seriously. " Stan Hergenreter
" Enjoy life to the fullest extent, but don ' t forget what i s really important (ie If you are going to college , don ' t forget to go to class). " Niki Burger
Connie Koprowicz Intervention Services Ch ar lotte Maybury Foreign Language M1ke Murphy Administration Ch ris Plak oru s Tec hn ical Education Julle Kramer Scien ce Joe McGinnis Art Sandy Nations English Kevin Pleshko En glishStop ping Fo r a Po s e
The members of the poetry club stop for a group pictre. Poetry club 1s an incredibly close and supportive group
He's a Poet
Alex Daily shares a piece of his poetry in front of the poetry club.
When I was supposed to be in your class I wasn 't happy. I hated doing gym.
The only thing that I liked was playing Basketball. But you were a great teacher. Everytime I saw you , you were smiling
and I never saw a frown upon your face.
u But now you're in the hands of GOD.
b You are in the safest place he has to offer
(1J Your smile, Fairbanks, and the way you taught us, was great. The memories will stay with me in my heart.
· · It almost brought tears to my eyes when Herg told me that you, Fairbanks, passed away.
V) ~ I t shouldn't have been you. But now you're gone, you are watching over your family.
t You're the gardian angel. I'll bet that you won't let anything happen to the treasure that you are seeking.
u ro We will miss you!!! Everytime I have gym class, I see you smiling down at me! !! !!
: Love always,
@xplore Sara Morales
' Jiggy
Senior Courtney Kreller and ju nior Matt Pantaleo lea rn to square dance in their e nghs h class Each yea r Mrs. Nations has someone come in and teach various types of dancing to the students Senior Megan Dusdal states,"When Mrs. Nations did the square dancing for her English class, I had so much fun ' "'
Work Time
Senior Opal Masters gets her artwork done for english class. "I usually complete my essays one or two days before so I have time to make corrections and ask my teachers for help," says senior Amber Gosda.
It's 1 a.m. and you have to finish your essay by TOMORROW!!! Students who procrastinate know that feeling, having to write an essay in a couple of hours , or having to try to read a whole book by next block. "I usually comp lete my papers the night before they are due. However, on my 15 page paper, it took me six weeks to complete," says senior Megan Dusdal.
Senior Amy Brawley states, "Someti me s I finish the paper either the day it is due or the day before, but I usually do get them in on time. "
Each student develop s their study hab its i n high school which will either benefit them in the future or kick them in the butt. Sophomore Alex :9°' Verrastro says, "I usually brain stor m throughout the week, and then on 5 the weekend I type my paper. " g
Hurry Up!
Sophomore Narayan Choudhary is typing as fast as he can to meet the time limit on his typing test. "I think that a keyboarding class should be a class where you have to take at least one semester," said teacher Phyllis Price
Sen1or Sara Lukrafka is getting ready to go up and talk at one of the many state Wlde competitions for FBLA . uMy favorite part of FBLA is the activities and the competitions , hke d1stricts and state ," said senior Opal Masters. FBLA helps students who plan to pursue a career in business.
c There are four different business classes at Golden ranging from Q) computers to law , all of which are taught by Mrs. Price. These classes are
taught to teach business skills for life in the "real world." Aclub that helps to do the same thing is Future Bu siness Leaders of America. FBLA is a club • that goes to business competitions with other schools within the district Th ey also are involved with many community service events. FBLA's
mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working
relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. "FBLA gets those interested in a business career started on their education. It prepares students for the workforce such as dealing with problems, proper attire, etc.," said senior Opal Ma sters .
Going Internation al
Many hundreds of students enroll in a foreign language every year. French , Spanish , German , and Latin are offered at Golden High School. There is a level for everyone. From beginner level one to AP whi ch 1s level six. Taking a foreign language 1s a good element for the future. Howe ver, any second language takes work , and a lot of studying. Mr. Sweet's involves the whole class in learning verb s by playing a bean bag game. In Poveda' s class they play " Chicas aqui y ch,co s alli. " Sophomo re Seba stian Herri ck said, "Speaking is more diffi cult because of all th e different pronunciations. " On the other hand , fre s hman Za ch Flower s aid , i/ Writing is harder because of all the punctuation you need to know. " What do you think?
Going German
Senior Robbie Black pays a lot of attention to the German video Some students get the opportunity to go to a foreign country Junior Matt Fritz sa1d, "I went to Germany over the summe r It was different but, many th1ngs were better, like public t ransportation."
Talkin ' German!
Senior Kylie Stitt and fnend have a senous discussion dunng German "I chose Span1sh because it's the second most common language," said se nior Joe Kennedy. 0-
What is your favorite class?
thing about your current science
Earth Scie nce: " My favorite part of earth science is experimenting with chemical equations and finding out what happens."
-freshman Rh1annon Martin-Evans
Biology : "I like the labs where we get to disect, observe, and interact with animals."
-sophomore Holly Brown I
Physics: " My favorite part about taking physics was participating in the robot lab."
-Junior Matt Pantaleo
Chemistry: " My favorite part of chemistry is having lines on my face from goggles after doing a lab!!"
-senior Tarah Moya
Hard at Work
Senior Tarah Moya is hard at work trying to finish a lab in chem;stry class. Starting with freshman year and sophomore year you have to take Earth Science and Biology, but after two years your options begin to open up. Junior Anya Strauss said, "S.A.P 'S (Students Against Physics) suck!"
Hand s on Lear ning
Sophomore Holly Brown makes a DNA strand for Biology class. Mr Bllncoe, Ms Smith and Dr. van der Laan teach Biology at Golden High School "Science is peachy because we color all the time' " says freshman Earth Science student Ali Glaxner
Re lax ing
Freshman Bill Dickson takes a well needed break in Earth Science At Golden there are 22 diferent science courses offered in vanous levels "It is wonderful to teach biology at Golden High School because of all the great kids I get to deal with year in and year out'" explains Jeremy Blincoe
Hooked on Physics
Juniors Patrick Rogers and Christine Crevling study the comp uter 1n physics class trying to figure out velocity in the vectors lab. Mr Schalhamer has one Na bonal Tea cher of the Year award for teaching physics
Great Presentation
Sophomore Amanda Sorvtg explains her reasoning to her math class. There 1s a new face in the math department this year, his name is Mr l 1 ron."My favonte proJect has to be when we measured the lamp post to find all the angles," senior Travis Snyder
Perfect pa tt erns
Junior Nicole West shows off her tesolation to Mrs. Cook during her IMP class The IMP math program originated in California "I like teaching math because the kids are eager to learn and they work hard ," said Mrs Cook
Worki ng har d
Sophomore Karson Pike is working hard to get his math homework finished. There are 12 math classes and nine math teachers at GHSon 1
What was the hardest concept in math for you to learn?
"I would have to say logarithms were the hardes t for me to learn."
-senior Karie Grove
"All of the algebraic formulas, because th ere are so many."
-senior Tom Tafoya
How will you use this math 10 years from now in your everyda y li fe ?
"Ten years from now I will use math for filing tax returns."
-senior Kelly Graves
"I will have to use it to add up all th e mone y I make 10 years from now."
-junior DJ Franco
Behind the Bla ck Curtains
Je ssie Levy develo ps her photos in the dark room nl de cided to take photography to express myself and to discover the surrounding world around me ," sa1d Levy
uilding the Painting
Fre shmen Cindy White and Tamara Sturda vant are piecing together then paintings- a proJe ct unique to the arts and crafts cla ss
Mus ic to Material
Senior Ra chel Gesin gives insight to the pro cess of creation. "I listen to music whene ver I draw or paint because I feel that the mus ic I li sten to inspires me to do my best ," said Gesin
Sketchinq Chris
"Someti mes its nice to forget tha t you have any importance, value, or impact on anything that 1s relative to your life When this happens I find the rive rs of creativity flowing through me like we all flow in and out of this simple life ,'' said senior Chris Jenkins
"I take what I see in my dreams and make it into something real."
-Jimi Hendrix
Art is the only way I can express myself w1thout hdving to deal with people," said senior Alejandro Ferrer of his reason for taking a drawing class.
f he art of Confusion
Pow! meatu _ treats cog, says senior Rachel Nelms of her art experiences at Golden High School.
What defining characteristics do artists possess that dist1ngu1 sh them from the rest of world? To find out , several artists at Golden were interviewed to see what they believed their inspirations were. When asked CT where her inspiration came from, senior Ami Blakeman sa,d, "I look at my ::'.: ([) world and try to recreate what I see through my photography. I' m often able to capture my perspective exactly. I think there is a lot in our visual Q CT world that people overlook." Ami's artistic talents have already taken her a far. She had her first local art opening this past April. -
Senior Audrey Schauer's response to the same question was s1m1lar. "I'm inspired and influenced by different things. A lot of it comes from 0. music ... I feel like I'm looking at my surroundings in a new light . I ju st c - hope that lasts ." The wide spectrum of inspirations that guide artists in oi their material interpretation of the world vary; however, they share the g common bond of creativity.
LoV1ng the Past
Freshman Morghan Dill spends lunch frantically trying to finish American Goverment homework. " The class is cool I guess but the homework is not ," said Dill.
in Thought
Sophomore Mike Pa rfe t pon de rs the reallity of whether history 1s relevan t to present life "I have to wonde r if this will ever make sense 1n llfe " said Parfet.
If you could be or meet anyone from history who would it be and why?
Nap ole on. Be cau se he was so s hort and still took over Europe. "
-senior Just1n Leazer
"I wa nt to be the crazy gu y i n San Francisco during the Gold Rush era t hat th ought he was the e mper or of the United State s "
-senior Matt Tuffin
uTh e pe rs o n I would like to meet in is Voltaire. " Even though I dissaprove of wh at you say, I' ll def e nd to deat h your right to say it. " Voltaire
-senior Alex Ferrer
"I' d probably want to meet Je sus Chri st to see if he was really a hum an being or the mys tical character he ha s be come. "
- Mr Greg Holland
Consumer & Fam ilv Studies
Consumer and Family Studie s explores the fun ction s a nd charactens t1 cs of families and utilizes ways to deal with family prob le ms CFS a lso t eac hes responsibile positive parenting. It teache s suc cess ful employ ment skills and methods of managing the home life
Food Experience is a hands-on course where studen ts learn th e ba sics of cooking and baking. Skills include a cc urate mea surement, re ading a rec i pe, food preparation technique s, and lots more
I ndependent living is made to provide students pra ct ical 1ndep e nd en t living skills Students gain skill 1n managing resource s and finan ces, an d preparing for when they move out on their own.
Relationships is an interactive class des1gned to help students of both sexes to understand each other.
Turning Up Th e Hea t
' In The Dough
Tom Tafoya gets 1n the action while class mates stand back and hope for the best. The class 1s fun and enJoyable. "Nothing beats free food," said Tom.
Amber Shulthe1ss, Jennifer Hollingsworth, Amanda Manuel, and Sean Byrne practice team work in Food Expenence as they participate in one of the many class labs done every weekWhatLovely Shoes You Have
ADream That You Wish
Fun and entertainment. We all love it. Children ' s Theater has that, and
much more. Over 30 people per class go to elementary schools around cu Denver, even out of the Jeffco area to entertain, teach, and give children
a good time. Children's Theater consists of two classes, one on the second
block of each day. They leave at Access, and head to an elementary school to perform a play to the kids. This year, they are performing several fairy tale s in one. Afterword , they will usually play improv games for a short
while, then head back to the school. These plays and acts can be
: entertaining, even for adults. Senior Alex Ferrer says that ''Children's t3 Theater is great because it allows me to work with children."
Mus;c to the Ears :
Sophomore Kathryn Vernig , freshmen Erin Weber, Rhiannon Mart i n-Evans, and Ashley Armentrat, practice their hip new music
the Bass
Freshman Kelsey Mcl saac is keeping t he beat for her classsmates on their music.
" Ba nd is a really fun and you have the chance to meet really cool people that you can share t he same intrests ," sa id sophomore Alex Verra st ro
feel the rhvthm
Are there a lot of songs to learn?
"For marching season we must memonze 3-4 songs , but during concert sea s on we
get to read the music."
-s ophomore Conn y Artica
How long are the competitions?
CT • 0J -, 3 V, ,-,: -,
Warm the Soul
Sophomores Connie Kappel and Onna Poeter, and junior Jessica Billings show that they deserve to be 1n Mountain Magic choir. I n the cool month of February, they will focus on popular music. " I love working with such a talented group of women. We've really bonded as friends and as a vocal group," said sophomore Abby Langsted
Let's Hear It
The 24th Street Singers show off their talent at a Christmas concert. In the warm months of spring they will focus on some of the traditional music. "It's very rewarding to be in a group that makes beautiful music with nothing more than what we were born with," said junior Eric Binkley.
The Mountain Magic and the 24th Street Singers are the top two choirs at Golden High School. The Mountain Magic consists of Advanced Women's Choir and is a cla ss that meets on white one. The 24th Street Singers is
an Advanced Mixed Choir that meets after school every day. They have
performed at Heritage Square , Cherry Creek Mall, some elementary
sc hools, and for some community organizations. Junior Kyle Hauser, a
24th Street Singer, said ,"It is a good opportunity to get ready for life and
it is a fun and exciting group to be with." He also likes when, "The 24th Street Singers go to s pecial places to sing for people." The clubs have a variety of styles of ecle ctic singing in their repertoire. In the fall they did spirtual and folk mu sic and a holiday concert with the Alleluia concert choir.
alanced Harmony
This year was a great year for the Golden High School choir. The arnval of a new teacher, Ms. Marbella , proved to be a s uccess. Senior Shawn Ma rtin said, "There is plenty of improvement amongst all choir." Thi s year the Golden High choral arrangements included Men 's Choir, Women 's Choir, Concert Choir, Mountain Magic, and the 24th Street Singers. " Be1ng part of t he 24th Street Singers was a pnvledge I enJoyed a lot," said sen 1or Matt Sullivan . The higher level choirs participated 1n vanous events this year including i nvitational concerts and pnvate engagements Seven of t he choir students were accepted into the 2002 All State Choir including: Bec ky Treasure, Apnl Rundquist, Isabel Kappel, Anna Mangan , Shawn Martin, Jon Musgrave and Kyle Hauser. All 1n all, everybody had a great year that ended on a high note.
Perfe ct Pit ch
Singing a high not e
Senior Dargan Schmidt shows off her wonderful voice dunng rehearsal. During class students practice their music and study music theory,
What do you li ke to do in gym?
"The only thing I like to do is going bowling. "
-sophomore Kenny Holton
"I like to play and have fun with my classmates!"
- Jun1or Just1n Stahmer
What is your opinion of the uniforms you have to wear?
"I think they're really uncomfortable. I also think we shouldn't have to pay for them, because we don't have any use for them in the next years (If we don't have gym)."
r lifting
and game s
u Sophomore Kenny Holton tries to get
back in the game after being struck out by
one of his oponnents, 1n team hand ball
E "You play hard and be fast, that's one of 6n my secrets to win any game," Holton admitted
What is the most important part of forensics?
"The most important part of forensics is keeping your cool. Only then can you worry about how bad you are."
-sophomore Angela Finke
"Th e most important part of forensic s is learning how to do public s peaking."
-senior Shawn Martin
What award is the most important to you? How did you win this
"Th e most important award I've wo n would have to be the 4th place at 1
swee psta kes, because it is all county."
-s ophomore Ang ela Finke
photo by n. satterfield pho to by n, satterfield Three Way Debate Sophomores Spencer Riggs , Chns Rugar, and Ph1ll Rappmind argue over who 1s going to do their debate Ad van ced students meet every monday rlunng access.Industrial Arts
Industrial arts classes were very exciting experiences for many st udents at Golden this year. When taking a test, a student could be getting dirty. Industrial Arts wasn't just one class as it was in middle school. There were many classes offered at Golden; Auto Mechanics, Metal Shop, Woods and Drafting.
The main written te sts in the se clas ses were the safety te sts. Safety was the number one thing to remember when taking these classes. There are many benefits to taking an industrial arts class.
In Auto Mechanic s, students learned the basic things to keep their cars in great s hape , from how to change a flat tire, to changing oil, or even ju st basic auto repairs. Some stude nts even had a chanc e to work on their • own engines.
Changing Oil
Senior Tim Wahlmeier puts oil back into his car after changing 1t. Tim stated, "Auto Shop was the best class that I took over my four years at Golden ·
Working Hard
Junior Tneu Nguyen sits at his computer, working hard, while he makes blue prin t s for a drafting proJect Drafting class is abou t blue prin t s, making technical drawings, and designing things.
Clean Up
Team Work
Seniors Austin Adams and Zach Houghton work together designing their crane project for drafting class Senior Talon Gleaton said "I really enJoyed being creative 1n drafting, and getting the opportunities to design things "
C xceeding in the cla ss room
l:.s en ior Bnttany Babkiewich works on an i n class assignment for english "It gets you involved in the community," said senior Marlys Nassau There are currently 50 seniors and 36 juniors in NH S.
Nation a l Hon or So ciety are stud e nts that give ba ck to the community. "It' s good , cle an fun ," a cc ording to senior Haley Fletcher. Some of the events NHS participate s in are: Race for the Cure , AIDS Walk , vi siting nursing home s, an d much mo re . nr lik e getting peers in volved with the co mmunity," s aid senior David Perleberg. In thi s a cademic club the requirements are not easy to get in. Juni ors mu st ha ve a 3.6 GPA and seniors mu st have a 3.5 GPA including a letter of recommendation , 25 hours of community s ervice , someone to contest to your leaders hip and character and members mu st attend all meetings . "I like being able to contribute to the community ," s aid copresident senior Megan Tripp - Addi son. Overall the students in NHS are very well rounded citizen s
Patience is a Virtue
Senior Kylie Stitt awaits her turn i n class " It feels good t o give back to the community," said senior Kylie Stitt. NHS .O participates in vanous activities that benefit
the Golden Area.
AIDS walk
Some members of NH S participated in the AI DS walk They raised over 770 dollars for the AIDS foundation " I like doing athletics for money, " said senior copresiden t Louis Nolting
Let' s go Loggin '
Junior Gunnar Jacobs and Senior Anne Dobyns work together to take the log to the finish line "I think that MVP is a great program , Hopefully it continues to improve ," said senior Anne Dobyns.
Go ! Go! Go!
Sen1or Kirsten Canaday runs with a log at Buckley Au Force Base, as her partner leads Senior Justin Morgan says nThis year MVP was amazingly cool! SHAZAM' "
Reachin ' for the Sky
'I hope as MVP continues to improves and help many. I am glad I was part of starting the tradition ," said senior Abby Young as she reaches for the sky on the rope at the end of the obstacle course at Buckley Air Force Base.
Here' s What Ya Gotta Do
Senior Dan Crass talks Wlth a leader at Buckley, as senior Abby Young, and senior Kristy Va1voda look on."I hope that MVP becomes a large part of GHS, and continues to improve the environment of the ~chool an d the kids in it,'' said senior Dan Crass
ISAfter the 1nit1al assembly, 1t was offic1al. MVP had Joined our school. MVP stands for Mentors 1n Violence Prevent,on. The Job of the mentors' began this summer with team building actiV1t1es such as a retreat at Buckley Air Force Base for Boot Camp. Each freshman session is guided by playbooks that encourage cntical thinking to solve real-hfe problems Mentors met Wlth their assigned freshmen over the summer to do fun actlVlties on their own and helped out Wlth freshman onentation on the flrst day of school.
The maJonty of the freshmen said they enJoyed this extra attentlon before starting high school, here at Golden. Freshman Sarah Miller said,"With MVP I felt more comfortable coming into Golden." The mentors meet with their freshman every Tuesday. " I n that time," senior Greg McKee said, "we walk through real llfe scenanos with our freshman " Mentors , what is one word you would use to de scri be MVP and why?
"Helpful - for the freshman "
-senior Cori VanDuzer
"Rewarding - for the mentors. Knowing we give out important and helpful information to the freshman.''
-senior Julie WilUams
" Beneficial - because it has shown results."
-senior Erin Miller
Senior Nath on Gaudreau talks to junior Kevin King while junior Melissa Ford works on her yearbook spread "Most spreads are easy to complete , but you can also get a really complicated spread Some spreads are easy to write stones for said Junior Ap nl Wallace
Working With the Stress
Senior Shannon Gomez looks for the best picture she can find to include in the upcoming yearbook Yearbook is a class t hat is not to be taken lightly , there 1s a lot of typing , th1nk1ng and most of all mastenng the unreliable computers >"'O§ Year book , the entertaining class in which you take picture s and obtain quotes fro m people. Senior Chris Morgan sai d, "I think yearbook is a great class and I think that everyone sho uld take it once in their high school careers." In Yearbook class, it takes great effort to complete the required £ work in time. Students often make the deadline , but it is more often
• • noticed that the effort isn't enough. All the time spen t on these spreads g is worthless if you aren't prepared. Completing a spread is impossible .D unless you have the quotes and facts. Senior Brian Armstrong said, "I find QJ >- it tough but it i s all worth it when you see the results at the end of the · · year." The yearbook ca n be viewed as a work of art when you are creating V'I -~ a page. It is fun to co me up with the ca tchy lead-in s, you can be as creative E as you want and say almost anything. Yearbook is an excellent experience and all stud ents e njoy ha ving a part in the co mpletion of the book All photos '° by Peter
Kennedy• • 1ss ~xpl ore
Student Council involves planning and some very tedious work to be able to involve activities that all students can relate to and enjoy. The GHS Student Council plans all the dances and activities that make the school year more entertaining as well as making petitions to improve the learning environment for the students. One of their many successes this year was the homecoming dance. " Homecoming thi s year was better than last year, becau se there were more people dancing rather than just standing around acting all nervous ," said junior Liz William s. There was a bigger outcome
this year that there has been in the past few years. The Student Body
president was senior Elizabeth Watkin s while the se nio r cla ss president i was Chad Heater.
very year there are seniors -to be remembered. Friends ,___.and family use the baby picture s to give advice for life to graduating seniors. Friends tell of memories of their high school careers and family members tell of embarrassing and memorable moments. Life at Golden High School is an experience that is never forgotten, four years of good and bad times. Just remember the high school that helped you make decisions about your future. Through college, remember the words of friends, family and all of the teachers who strived to help you learn the most possible. Thi s goes out to all the senio rs who will be leaving us this year as the class of 2002. Good luck in college and the following years to come.
Our great love for you and our bellef that you will choose your paths 1n life with honor and integnty Just as you always have Be confident and continue to find the good in every one around you. Your soul is so precious and rare with1n you is the promise of the future and we belive in you.
Love Mom and Dad
brittany babkiewich
Brittany your sm1le will llght up our llves forever! We love you Wlth our whole hearts.
Mom and Dad
jessica alexander
Congratulations Jessi! I ' m so very proud of you, and I know you will continue to make me proud in the years to come. I'm very lucky to have you as my sister! I love you
Love , Jen amanda bagwell
We are so proud and we know you ' ll do great things with your life. Be true to yourself and never give up on your dreams. We love you.
Love , Mom and Dad
krisandra bain
Mommy's llttle angel!
I- brandon beehler
, Brando, You're a great kid, with a great future ahead of you. We love you and are very proud of you.
Mom, Dad, Ryan and M1chelle
.----amelia blakeman---
We're so wonderful We wish happiness life's
proud of the person you are. you success and 1n all of adventures.
Mom and Dad
zachary bauer
Zack , by age 3 you were on the computer and drums , and you haven't been off since. You have been such a Joy Funny , canng and helpful. We're proud of all your accomplishments , but prouder that you travel to your own drumbeat. Wishing you every success and happ i ness
Love , Mom and John.
robbie black
Robbie, Keep sm1ling! You have made us very proud Spread your w1ngs and fly The sky ' s the lim1t
Love, Mom and Dad
amy brawley
Amer-lee, We were so cute! Now look at us. What happened? Grow1ng up with you has been great , even a little scary Kind of reminds me of a Jerry Spnnger show do1ng the smack down on WWF. But we had some good times , even with the bad. I love you.
~----.:w: imothy mitchel brow n--
Thank you for all the joy and laughter! we know you w1ll do great at whatever you dec1de to persue Keep your head up Love Mom , Dad and Nate
c h risti n a c arbone
Chnsbna , we w,sh you all the best for the future You are so special and we love you.
• enc carr
We truly were blessed to have a wonderful son like you ! Our farn1ly Just wouldn't be the same without you. Always keep your GREAT sense of humor (it makes you YOU!) May gorl bless you always , and fill your llfe with as much JOY as you've g1ven us! Congratulations
We love you, Morn and Dad
• e n c carr
' Rica,
Thanks for the great year and all the great memones we' ll have forever Your endless love for life will take you anywhere you want to go You have the world by 1ts Jockstrap, just follow your dreams and never settle for anything less. Thanks for taking a chance on me Remember the 2 emeralds are me and you , and the gold moon means that no matter where we are , or who we' re with, we'll always be looking a the same moon Remember, you are the right kind of wrong Your little freckle
mackenzie cottle
My precious angel, Ma c kenzie keep your smile, self co nfidence , and se n se of humor with you always and you will go far. I have treasured every moment I have s hared with you-my beautiful daughter and friend. Follow your dreams and be happy. I love you with all my heart Mom
michael brunel
You think you're better than me?
Mi chael, you have always been our little Medelbaum. You have always made us proud and we know that you will follow your dreams and you heart. Time to get o n the pain tra i n son.
We love you
Mom Dad , Mallory and Matthew • enc carr
Eric ,
As your siste r there is so much I want to say to you, but there isn ' t enough room to say it all. So , to make a long story sho rt, you are the BEST bro t her that anyone could ask for! Thank you for everything. Good luck and I love you!
• enc carr
We've had so many wonderful years watching you grow and become the wonderful young man that you are! You have never ceased to amaze us with all that you can do We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You have what it takes to succeed in life. We love you, Eric.
Love, Dad, Morn and Lisa I
mackenzie cottle 1 I
Kenzie, I love you to death , and w1sh , you the best of luck in whatever you do. You will go far if you believe in yourself, ana if you don't I t'v I and always have. Don ' t know what I will do without you I there everyday. Have f u n.
Love you, Sar ah
mackenzie cottle
Ken , I' m proud of my little sister. I'm gla d we have gotten to be so close. I love yo u and wish the best for you on your nex t journey.
Love, Grif
• enc cowen
Belly, Belly, Belly Eric,
You will always be my favorite dance partner. I love you very much, and I want you to know I'm always go1ng to be here for you. Follow your dreams and remember that 1nner child W1th1n you Love always and forever, Caity Leslie daniels
Thanks for the best fnendship and numerous rnernones! "The Crew," Abby's house/party, The Mtn, sw1rnrning-Klepto Quad, summer field, hornecorn1ng float sophrnore year, 5/7 , California!!! , Leather Jacket Mafia, MVCC, MVCC staff parties, Skinny D! !, Fort Not So Fun, no friends! I love you. Shannon.
zach davis
We are so very proud of you. Continue to work hard. Be honest and respectful. Have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. We love you.
Morn and Dad
brian debaets
We are proud of your accomplishments, focus and d1scipline. Your diverse talents can help you ach1eve b alance in life. Strength of heart gives you compassion and empathy. Let your mind give you the strength to take you where your heart leads.
joseph duncan
You are, and always have been, the brigh t est, kindest, most gentle soul we have ever known. You also fix a mean cu p of tea. We are very proud to be your parents.
!..ove, Morn and Dad
• enc cow e n
Thank you for all the time s your s mile and laughter have filled our lives. You have given us the deepe st JOY we have ever known For all you are and all you will become , we give you love
Dad , Morn , Ca1tli n and Joey
Leslie danielsDearest Leslie , You shine in everyth1ng you do Your confidence 1s arnaz1ng You have mu ch to give , and much to experien ce. May your life be the adventure you seek
All our love , Morn and Dad
zachery davis
It' s exciti ng to s ee you go off to college. I have learned a lot from you I w1ll rn1 ss you. Love , Alex
The se pa st few years your life ha s been changed You were told that you may never walk aga1n. W1th ea ch day be1ng a new challenge , never g1V1ng up , faith and determination , your future hold s whatever your dreams may be Ju st never stop believing!
Mom and Dad
megan dusdal
You 've been a great daughter. We've had lots of fun watching you grow. Congratulations on all you 've ac complished and best wishes • on what we know will be a bnght future Set your sights h1gh and enJoy llfe. Love , Mom and Dad
megan dusdal
To the best big s1ster! I always have fun doing th1ngs w1th you. I llked paddle boating 1n Canada and Este s Park I llke playing games and cards w1th you. Thanks for taking me on my first roller coaster ride at Cedar Point
Love , Danny ben filas
Ben , Beware the m1schevious munch kin who lurks 1n the shadows. Don 't ever loose your m1schief, your zest for life , and your balanced lifestyle. Life' s not that serious. You know what to do know; so JUSt go do it. We are very proud of you.
Love , Mom , Dad , and Harry
haley fletcher
Haley , Perhaps it wa s our way to keep you " little " by putting your ha1r i n curls. But you rebelled and made us " stop it! " When you are in c ollege and can ' t afford a ha1rdo , we w1ll be wait1ng here w1th our sc1ssors and curlers to " help you out. "
Love , " The Grandma 's"
celeste ann gardne·s::.---
Celeste ,
How quickly fly the days! I' m proud of your accompllshments and know you have so much more you want to do.
Persist in your goals and know you are always loved.
rachel geisen
Rachel Rose, How you 've grown. You are our joy and our hearts. We could not be prouder of the young woman you've become. Dare to go after your dreams, use all of your talents to create the life you want.
Love, Mom and Dad
Janelle ,
The flowers were always bnghter with your smile - that melted our hearts. Our love and dreams are with you.
Love, Mom and Dad
haley fletcher
Even at such a young age you always looked to the future whether it was outside a window or ins1de yourself to become a better person. Your future is now. Your future is tomorrow. You are your future and we are so proud of you.
Love , Mom and Dad
nathan frost
Nathan , Wow, what can I say? We have been best fnends for 3 years. I'm gonna miss our late night movies with Chef Boyardee and Cooler Ranch Doritos. Don't forget I' ll always be here for you, and wish the best for you. Good luck.
Love , Janelle zachary garret
To Zach (aka lemonJello )-
You are an extraordinary gift. Always precious, always rambuncbous, always push1ng the lim1ts. Follow the prettv birdies!
Love , Mom and Dad rachel gesin
This p1cture fills my heart with much joy and laughter. You and Shevawn are of a kindrid spirit , a bond you'll always sha re. Rachel, what beauty and talent you possess, you make us all so proud. Stay safe my love and always be true to yourself.
Love, Auntie E1 leen I
talon gleaton
Talon, I'm so grateful to have you in my life You ve taught me so much about myself and I don't know where I'd be without you. You're the sweetest guy and you've g1ven me so much love. I'll always be there for you and always love you.
Amy shannon gomez
We are so proud of our little princess. You have brought us so much joy throughout the last 18 years. We hope you accompbsh all of your goals.
All our love, Mom, Dad and Bryan
Lori gordon
Reach for the stars! We love you. Mom and Dad
kelly graves
Kelly from the moment you were born you have been the greatest joy in our lives. As you have clearly demonstrated, your talents are limitless and your ability to reach your goals are evident through your hard work. You have a unique combination of strength, kindness, and love. Always remember, if you will it, 1t 1s not a dream. We love you so much
Mom and Dad
jolie gray
S1ssy, ; hope you have fun I w1ll always remember our talks about boys and Just llfe I w1ll m1ss you tons. You are the best sister I could ask forever. Remember I will loi,1e you always and for..) Ver.
Love you tons you s1ssy, Al an a
corey gobbo
Corey, you've always been tough! As you face new challenges and opportunities, remember the strength you have within. We love you and wish you happiness in all that you do.
Love Mom, Dad and Marie
shannon gome z
Dear Shannon, as soon as you leave, the wall is coming down. Have fun in college.
Love, Bryan
amber gosda
Your first step as a toddler, you held tight to my fingertip. Now you are ta~ing that first step as an adult, and my fingertip is here when you need it. Follow your heart, listen to your bra1n, keep a sense of humor. Be proud of yourself always
Love, Mom kelly graves
Kelly, I don't even know where to start. Well, I'll start by saying thanks. Thanks for changing my life and making me look at things in a way I never knew existed. From late Friday night football games to me falling asleep in your arms, they were amazing and unforgetable. Good luck in the future, I know you'll succeed. I'll love you always. Carly jolie gray
ENJOY ILY. LIFE, GOD, AND FAMWe'll always support you as you follow your dreams and be here when you need us The boys w1ll always need the1r "nice sister'"
Love always, Mom, Dad , Blake and Carter.
karie grove
We love you Kane and we are s o proud of you! May your future be fun and su cces sful , and all your dream s come true
All our love , Dad , Mom , and Cody
curtis havengar
You were an adorable li ttle boy , and have grown to be a hand s ome young man. We are proud of you and wis h you great su c cess and much happines s . God be with you.
Love always , Mom , Dad , Chn stopher, and Casey
chad michael heater
We are very proud of all you have become. Good luck in all your future endeavors. Remember, we' re always here for you
Love and Luck, Karen & Matt
skye" hopple
Anyone know th1s kid with the fury hat? She's a member of a long time Golden family; her mother and uncle graduated from Golden High . Quiet and introspective, she' s a straight "A " student, creative artist, active 1n helping needy children in the community. Loves drama , and movies. Her nickname describes her goals.
harry d. jackson
Son , always remember who you are Stand proud of your beliefs and the Lord will bless your life in ways that you can never imagine. May your future hold all that you hope and dream. Remember your smile lights up a room, wear it often.
Love You , Mom and Dad
..,aley ann hansen----.
Always believe in you, Haley, listen to your heart. Trust your instincts. Know you CAN. See your own strengths. Dream it... Dare it. Do what you are afra1d of. Keep your faith , follow your visions Remember ANYTHING is possible if only you believe.
Love Dad & Mom
zuzana hayda
You ' re never too old to act like a kid. I'm very thankful that you are still here , even though you dnve me crazy sometimes like a little sister My/ our life would be empty without you. You have the special ingredient that keeps us on our toes. Live your life to the fullest, but also be wise in the de cisions you make. You are all grown up now , I'm very proud of you.
Congratulations , Miro
---chad micheal heater--
We are so proud of you. You have matured into a very loving and caring young man. We will be there for you in the future and we know you will be there for us.
We love you , Mom and Dad
marquita v. L. jackson 7 r
Congratulations my darling I Qui ta I ' m so proud of you and love you very much. You ' ve reached a milestone in your young life Continue to follow your dreams and enjoy life's adventures that await you. Sta~ sweet & wonderful as you are. May God bless you and watch over you always. We love you always & forever.
Mom , Crystal, $heal, & Tasha.
hope jauch
We are so proud of how you turned out as a person. We have always been proud of you and we always will! Good luck in life ! God bless you all the rest of your l 1 f e .
Mom, Uncle John, and Aunt Sue l
nick jenkins
I hope you can be this happ y always. Best wi s hes and all my love.
amy kirk
The past 18 years have been great I a m glad you were there to share it with me. I love you very mu ch!
Your bro t he r, Ste phen
stephen kirk
Stephen , We are so bless ed t o ha ve yo u for our s on . Your s mile and bi g heart bring so mu ch j oy to others . Stay true to your beli efs and fo llow you r dream s. May you a lwa ys kn o w th e ass urance of God 's lov e and o u r l ove for y o u. Ke e p it ng h t ! Love , Mom and Dad
stephen eric kirk
amy Louise kirk
IHow very proud we a re of both of you , not onl y o f your academ i c ac hi e ve ment s but your moral s tand a rd s and your cont i nu al pu rs uit as Chri s tian s under c onst r uction. We c ontinue t o be among your be s t adm ire r s • Grandma and Grandad
ryan klumb
IRyan , You are the be st brother I have ever had. (Of course you're the only brother I' ve ever had). Even though you can be 1 pretty annoying at time s I have alw ays looked up t o you. Good luck 1n college. I'm going to really mi ss you
Love , Scott
joe ke nnedy
There are no words to expla1n our relationsh 1p except "comoshuma le ? ahh s1kumanilu ." Joe -you 've made me laugh , you ' ve given me confidence , you ' ve made me laugh , you ' ve changed my life. Thanks
amy kirk
Amy ,
Tess Thanks for being our daughter! You have blessed our lives 1n so many ways. Your confidence and compassion s hi ne everyday. Keep your goal s and dreams in mind and follow your heart. Trust God and always keep a sense of balance 1n your llfe . We love you .
Mom and Dad
steve kirk
Hey llttle Bro , I can ' t think of anyone else I ' d rather have s pent the s e past 18 year s w1th You ' ve been there for me no matter what and have protected me like a big brother You are my be s t friend and always will be. I love you s o much!
Amy ryan klumbRyan ,
Words cannot express how proud we are of you - not only of your accomplishments but also the man you have become. Reach for your dreams. Follow your heart. Have fun. EnJoy! And most of all, alway s remember how very muc h we love you . Love , Mom and Dad
jesse koch
Ou r little all st ar. You are a won derful perso n a nd we are so very proud and love yo u very much !
Da d, Mom , Amber, J usti n and Levi
, tess lee
Tess , you are strong , stubborn , wi se, funny , loyal and k1nd. You have brought us JOY , made us laugh , and made u s tremendou s ly proud We c an hardly wany to s ee what you do next , and we are greatful to be a lo ng for the r 1 d e
Love Mom and Dad .
• a1mee Leidich
Like fou r pea s 1n a pod , we wi ll always roll through bfe together
Love , Sisters and Bro
ryan Lewan
May your pass1onate heart , boundless m1nd , and strong back con t1 n ue to s erve your rena1ssance s p1rit and bnng all that llfe ha s to offer.Carpe D1em.
Love , Mom and Dad
seirra Liddick
S1erra, What a great s1steryou ' ve been We will always remember Wada. Love , Bnelle and Stephan1e
christopher Lollar
Chris, you 've been a great older brother. Thanks for being there for me. Have fun in college, don't party too much. Love Kara and Kevin.
P.5. Try not to wreck any more cars!
t J A1mee , , You were always a real mover who really dug llfe. We love y OU Mom and Dad
ryan Lewan
The Gromos I just wanted you to know whoa-o twisted mind games to show you whoa-o Ryan Lewan , 2001
ryan Lewan
Ryan , Thanks for always being there for me. Blue llghtning is in good hands and had some rock1n mullets!!
Your Bro , Brett
sierra Liddick
Sierra ,
It seems llke yesterday you where our little "Missy". How time flies, so enjoJ each moment, but plan well for the future it comes amazingly fast! We love you so much, Mom and Dad
tiffani Lowe
Hey Rambo! We've been through a lot 1n the past, from hating each other to sharing boys to spy on, haunted houses and horrible dye jobs! I am so glad we made it through all the friends leaving and I know we will be BFF! I love ya! Alaina
sara and elizabeth lukrafka
Sara and Liz. You are the llghts of my llfe. I am extremely proud of your undying spint and loving att1tudes which have gu1ded you in your many accomplishments! You couldn't have turned out better!
All my love, Mom stacey maas
You re everything we hoped for in a daughter, everything we respect in a person, and everyth1ng we look for in a friend. We are so proud of who you are and can't wait to see who you'll become. We love you, Mom and Dad
erin cook madison
From day one you have been explonng and enJoying all the World has to offer. The journey continues. Follow your heart to your dreams. We are very proud of you , Erin.
We love you, Mom, J1m, and Emily
erin madison
my dearest little sister. Wow! How things have changed. I'm so 1n awe of your courage and sense of adventure, you are truly amazing. I know you w1ll go far 1n life. Always remember our wonderful childhood years. Follow your dreams. I love you, Em 1 ly erin madison
Erin Mad1son,
We are so proud of you. It's been a true joy watch1ng you grow up into such a wonderful, 1ndependent person. Stay courageous and true to your interests and passions - the world is all yours. Love you forever, Dad and Judy
natalie Laraine mantilla
In your intense love for sW1mm1ng and softball, we have seen you learn about comm1tment, respect, and loyalty. May you take these great lessons w1th you as you go 1nto a new phase of your life.
God Bless You. Love , J1m, Mom , Valene , M1chelle, James and Kalem
valerie Laraine mantilla
We are very proud of the person you have become; you are ded1cated and work hard 1n all that you comm1t to. May God bless you.
We love you , J1m , Mom , Natalie, Michelle , James and Kalem
elizabeth katherine martin
Beth ,
We look at you today and see that our little 6aby has grown 1nto a beautiful talented young lady. Listen to your heart and we know that you w1ll succeed 1n whatever you do. Our love will be with you forever.
Love , Mom and Dad
rachel matsonTo the kind , gentle young lady who has always been eager to learn, and self - motivated enough to accomplish her goals. Follow your bliss , and the future will open up to you.
Love, Mom and Dad rachel matson
We met by the fence, danced through the fields, played in the grass, and somehow grew up. Now that you have grown you can make your dreams come true.
Fnends forever, Carla
rachel matson
I'll never forget the special times we had together while growing up. From the time I wa s born to when you helped me find my wa y the fir st day of high s choo l, you were always there for me. We' ll always be more than sisters and more than j ust be st fnend s.
Love , Chri st,ne greg mckee
Greg , Congratulation s! We' re proud of you.
Stay happy Mom
alison kathleen mcneil
Where are you going my ltttle one , little one?
Little dresses and petti coats , where have you gone?
Turn around and you ' re tiny , turn around and you ' re grown.
Turn around and you ' re a young woman going out on your own.
We love you , Mom and Mandy
...___ stevie marie meier
Here you are (seventeen years after your fir st birthday) graduating from high school. You have a great deal more to celebrate now! You have proved to the world that you can have your cake , and eat it too! Congratulations, Stevie.
Love , Mom and Dad
jennifer emily meyer
Jenn, you are a beautiful, intelligent and gifted young woman. You are the joy and light of our lives. You are a star shining bright. You are a blessing and source of pride for both of us. We love and cherish you eternally.
Mom and Dad
greg mckee
I am so proud of you for the person that you have become and all of the accomplishments you have achieved. You are the best brother a girl could ask for and you always know how to make me laugh. I admire your determination and humor. I love you
greg mckee
Greg ,
Thanks for introducing us to a whole new world. From the days of Mumra, She-Ra, the Ninja Turtles, Mario, Long Distance and Circus Milk to hot car upgrades , you have supplied us with volumes of joy. We cherish your inquisitive , original, humorous personality. Go get ' em. Mom and Dad
stevie meier
Dear Stevie , I'm really going to miss you, especially jamming to Aqua in the car to school. I love you so much! Good luck in college! Love you lots, Britt
• • •
,---- stevie mane me1er - -7
Always the serious one! Here you are with Britt. You were, no doubt, contemplating your future-bright as it is Or maybe, just maybe you were absorbed bv " My Little Pony" on video. The world may never know but we know we're proud <'f I you. 1
Love , Mom and Dad
jeremy moles
Mole$, J- Money, Jerolme and J-Mo. From Ghostbusters to Russel and Ottis, building forts and sharing girl friends. You have been our coo l and best friend from the beginning. It always did suck that you were older. Have fun and hopefully we'll see you in college. Never forget WM-L, Steven Rudy, and #7. Oust, Stud, Cup, and L-B
jeremy moles
I love you more each day that passes. You are the reason I look forward to tomorrow. We 've had many good ti me s ( S ki n n e r's h o us e , I l i ke the girls , 2 a.m.Jogs, macaroni lunches,Steve's), and I know there will be many more to come. I love you always and forever , Kenzie
christopher morgan
When you were born I held you in my arms and you wrapped my heart around your little flnger and it's still there. Always remember three things: I'm very proud of you, you have what it takes to succeed in life, and I love you so very much. Grandma
justin morgan
My son, everyday has been an honor and privilege watch1ng you grow. I do so admire you. Hatukamaka, Ma
andrew mues
Dear Andrew, I bllnked you went from playing with trucks to dnv,ng them! The years we spent together are filled with treasured memories. My ultimate wish 1s for you to expenence a lifet1me of happ1ness and good healt h. You are a gift! God Bless. Love, your Mom marlys nassau
Marlys(aka) "marmer" and "merlyn", congratulations for reaching an important milestone in your llfe. Now it is t1me for the fun to begin. You are a great sister and I am proud of you.
Love, Kashi
P. S. Now you are free for
" La Cercana H1nchada!"
j ere my m ol es
J D1ddy , Every accolade you re ceived is a d1 rect reflec tion of your dedication to be the best. College now awaits you, take that same dedication w1th you and I promise no one 1n this world can stop you. Ma¥ God bless you. My best riend and brother. Congratulat1ons, L's Josh
c hri s toph er mo rgan
As I look back over the years I see all the ways you have been a constant source of pnde and joy for me. As you enter the next phase of your bfe remember; do your best, be true to yourself and you can't go wrong. Love, Mom
natalie k. mueller
You're a beautiful ch1ld Always a challenge, always a Joy forever You're a shining star, a creative artist an intelllgent strong-willed individual and the best' EnJoy life, accept its challenges. Be the master of your goals Be true to yourself Follow your heart We 're proud of you Love, Us marlys nassau
For as long as I can remember you've always been there for me. You've not only been a role model and a b1g sister to me but a fnend as well. Best of luck to you 1n the years to come. I love you.
SlS, Your little Mallory marlys nassau
Marlys, Congratulations on your graduat1on. Youu are a wonderful daughter. We know that you Wl ll ache1ve your goals and dreams throughout you life.
Love, Mom & Dad •
darby meghan odell
What can we say that won ' t sound mushy and trite You were our baby and we loved you with all of our might Now you are somewhat stubborn , independent , beautiful , and bright You have the talents to make the world a better place Congratulations on Graduation' Love , Mom , Papa , and Brett ben parker
The Three Stooges
Well, it's been one heck of a ride so far. Guys , it's been great. We'll never forget these times we' ve had. Always stay friends, and in touch. The best times are still to come. And Tip, "Chake it teasy."
B.P. david william
Dav1d Perle berg, How have you grown up so fast? We have liad so much fun enjoying your activities with you. Follow your dreams and stay true to the LORD and yourself! Love yourself! We love you!
Mom and Dad
benjamin pfeiffer ---
Even as a child Ben, you couldn't wait to "hip hop" up to the top, Now you can go for it! Congratulations!! We love you so-
Mom and Papa Pe t e
danny poeter
Dear Dan ny, I enjoyed our long walks when you were young. We stoppe d to hear the birds sing, look at the flowers growing by the way side and listening for sounds from the animals.
-Gra ndma Poeter
jessica olin
J O ' Congratulations! You've corne a long way from "I Spy" books in a tree cave. It will be quiet without you dancing around the house. Don't forget your little sister! I'll miss you!
Love, Laur a
benjamin cody parker
Thanks for 18 years of Joy and laughter. You've become everything we wished for you when you were born: smart, kind , happy, and handsome! And this is just the beg1nning we can't wa1t to see where the next 18 years take you!
Love , Mom and Dad
benjamin pfeiffer
I'm very proud of you and have seen you grow so much and mature over the years. Continue stnving to be the best in everything you do. Good luck in your future endeavors.
danny poeter
Hey DannyMay you always keep your "that's life" attitude. It will help you stay the happy guy you are. We admire the way you cope w1th what life deals you.
Love, Mom & Dad
danny poeter
Dear Spud, I have had some great times wit h yo u. You have been such a su pporti ng brother ! I want you to remembe r tha t I'm alw ays here for you . I love you.
Love, Onna
stephanie prugh
Well you've made 1t through and now college 1s Just around the corner. Even though I can't be there to watch our every step, I know you Wlll ach1eve all your dreams. Reach for the stars , you deserve them. The stage awa1ts you.
Love, Ben stephanie Lynn prug h
Always my little helper, you would never let me m1ss a day of watenng those roses. Well I have no doubt 1n my m1nd that you can go anywhere , do anything. No matter how b1g you get, you ' re still my little girl. Go get ' em!
Love, Grandpa jacob makhoL quoyeser
I am very proud of you. Never lose the great quallfications that you have , your thoughtfulness, kindness and good judgement. Now that you are about to start a new path in life , remember to keep a positive attitude. I love you and will always be there for you.
Mother r- dyLan reitmeyer
I Dylan, you glimpse and understand life from a remarkable place. We are so very proud of what you have accomplished. Thanks for the laughter and understanding. You are a spec1al person and all that remains to be said is , "Dance Dylan dance."
Love, Dad, Mom, Morgan , Janie and Poof michael sandoval
We are so proud and full of love for you. You have accompllshed much and can ach1eve anyth1ng. Keep your heart in the right place. Fill your life Wlth love, and always remember, success is NOT happiness, your happ1ness is success.
God Bless You, We Lo ve You Mom, Dad, M1tch
stephanie .prugh
From the day you were born you have been a con s tantJoy I am s o proud of what a thoughtful person you have be come. Soon you Wlll be embarking on a whole d1fferent llfe. I know you will accompllsh your goals and fulfill your dreams
Love , Mom and Dad
stephanie Lynn prugh
Here you are , a beautiful baby already with a m1nd of your own , telllng us you wanted to grow up to be a ballenna 14 years later you were Clara 1n the Nutcra cker Your greatest dream s can be achieved with hard work , perseveren ce • and love
Love , • Grandma dwight
My BabeWhat a sexy guy! And I have the honor of know1ng h1m , loV1ng h1m , and I get the privilege of marrying h1m Thank you s o mu ch, sweetheart, for everyth1ng You have been there through the good and the bad. Thank you for lett1ng me love you!
Honey- bunny
michaeLsandovaL ---:
College next year what!-how d1d th a t happen ? I c an ' t bel1eve 1t I thought 1t wa s weird when you took over Golden and s tarted playing tenn1 s, driving , debating , and wor rying about late - n1ght B01an e ss ays- - but I gue s s it 's true : We are getting old. Congratulations , have fun , keep 1n tou c h M 1 t c h
kara jean schmidt
Good luck in whatever you choose to do 1n life. Work for the goals you set and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Love , Mom and Dad
alaina seligman
Alaina , Thank ' s for all the great memories and the everlasting friendship. Just remember follow , your dream and don ' t let anyone tell you different We have made it through a lot together and we have a lot more yet to come. I love you with all my heart. We w1ll be best friends forever.
Love , Tiffan i
alain a michelle
Alaina , seligman
We are always so very proud of you! Don 't ever change, you are one of a kind! Stay happy, we love you madly, Dad and Mom
travis snyder
We are so proud of you Travi s. Surely your dad is looking down on you-bursting with pride. Stay on track , follow your dreams and enjoy the adventure!
Love , Mom and Bruce
kylie marin stitt
Kylie , You have always been there for me whenever I have needed you. You have always been a great sister and you will always shine in whatever you do! Congratulations! I love you !
Mara xoxo
matthew kim sullivan
You have the innate wisdom and inte lligence to conquer any endeavors you pursue. Stand up tall and be proud of whom you are as you develop in t o a young man. Live life to it's fullest . We love yo u! !
Mom, Dad, Sadie, and Mor Mor
a laina seligman
Alaina , We've had our problems but I ,vill always love you, and I wish you luck in the future.
Love always, Mark
alaina seligman
We've been through a lot together and we' ll continue to go forward in our lives together for a long time to come. I love spending time with you and I only wish it could be every minute of every day. I will love you ALWAYS and FOREVER--J'N kylie marin stitt
Bouncing baby, tenacious toddler, or young woman impatient to explore the world on her ow n , know that we have always been proud of you , oh the places you 'll go!
Love , Mom and Dad nicholle michaela --, st ro h
Nichol le , I always knew you were a gift, but I ne ver imagined that you would become not only my baby , but my I strength, my right hand, my con I s tant companion, and my hero. But above all you are my best friend WF' are so lucky to have the relationship we do!
Love , Mom
More than a sister, yo u are my sa rcastic comedia n, my perso nal co nfid a nt, my pottery ge ni us, my pa rtner in cri me an d my best friend. Even on opp osi t e sid es of the con t ine nt, I hope we always stay close as we are i n t his pict ure I lo ve yo u!
- Isa
thomas tafoya
I think I can , I th i nk I can , I think I can. We love you s o mu ch!!
Mom and Dad
jonathan theisen
J on, we are really proud of t he great yo ung man you have grown 1nto. Wat ch i ng you accompllsh new things and loving llfe makes us real proud!
Love, Mom and Dad
jane lee travis
Always remember: "There's noth i ng out there. " Your future is a bla nk can vas Let no one other than yours elf cri ti qu e what you paint up o n it. Yo u are th e open expre ssi on of yourse lf an d th at is the perfect man ife s tati on of wh o I wanted as my daughter.
I love you , Daddy
megan tripp-addison
Megan even though you ' re not the "Golden Hair Child," we' re still very prou d of you. Have fun at college Ju st do n' t plan on coming home t oo oft en t o do your laundry and get free meals. Th is is n' t a Holiday Inn!
ILove , Dad , Mom , and the Darwin Dog!
matthew tuffin
IMatt, we are all so pro ud of the litt le boy who ha s grown to be the you ng man that you are today. We Wl s h you every happine ss becau s e you de s erve it. We love you s on and bab y broth er Mom , Dan , and Ann
jack m. von burske
Jack von Burs ke , age 6, Summit, Mt. Katahdin , Maine Go forward with Courage. Go forward with Determ i nat ion. Go forward with Visi on. Go forward i n Peace.
Love , Mom and Dad
jane lee travis
Baby g1rl, our llttle Miss Pet1te . We've a lways known of yo u r f1 e r c e dete r m1 n at 1on and 1nner st r ength, now t he who l e wor l d will k now 1t. You a r e a lways in my. hear t , you are my sunsh 1 n e.
Love, Mama
megan tripp-addison
Megs, thank you for be1ng such a great friend. Always remember all of the good t1mes we have had together and that I will be there for you whenever , ____ you need me. I hope all of your dreams come true, and knowing you, t hey will.
I love you, E r i k a
kristine vaivoda
Stine, it's hard to describe how we feel at this time Looking at this picture we never realized what a fabulo us swimmer you'd tu r n out to be. Hunny, remember to seek new heights, follow your dreams, and to be passionate in your decisions. We'll ALWAYS be there for you with love
Love, Mom and Dad
mervyn vowles
You will always have a wonderful smile and great hair in my eyes! The time I spent with you was full of humor and constant laughter. and for that I am forever grateful to you I will always remember things that we shared like Atayo, the little Aspen, the beaver and the 4 f t white bear The only thing tha t I really regre t is not get t ing t o know the true MDV Hopefully, our paths will cross again one day'
mervyn vowles
Your many admirable talents never cease to amaze me. There's no doubt in my mind that you will be successful in everything that you do whether it be motocross, art , or living life. For whatever it's worth , you always impress me.
SU Z le
elizabeth watkins
Dear #1 Grand-daughter:
That smile and concern for others will take you far. You are adored by all of you Texas relatives. It was great to show you that beach for the first t1me. We're so proud of you.
Love , Mamaw Bettie and Papaw Ben
, _
elizabeth watkins
The worlds a very different place today than when I first thought about what I m1ght write and very different than when we spent the holidays in New York C1ty. So, my wish for you is a future filled with happiness, safety and security, but most of all love.
Uncle David ju lie nicole williams
laura kay young
You've brought tremendous joy into our lives, Laura.
Watching you become a beautifu l , con fi dent young woman has been a rewardlng and awesome process. Continue to be open to new experiences, (willing to risk disa p P. ointment, fa i [u re) you'll be rewarded' oy discovering wonderful insights into your- s e l f( o th e rs, Go d, a n d yo u r war d. Live fully!
drew robert walton
s C V l
elizabeth watki ns
Awonderful world of possibilities awaits S you. Find adventure in all you do. We've enjoyed sharing this part of the Journey with you and know great things are ahead. rr
We love you, 1 Mom and Dad 1f
elizabeth watkins , darby odell, kersti bryan 7
The best of friends! Many adventures to remember- McCurdy School, Montana O.M. and dancing at the Air Force Acad-
'emy! Espana and the foo- foo Debs are 1
- 1 more happy memories. We are proud of you and know your fnendship will last I forever.
Tom & Cheryl and John & Carolyn I
julia yokom -,
Dearest Julia,
From quiet hearths and small beginnings, out to undiscover ends. There ", nothing worth the wear of winning. Ex cept laughter and the love of friend!). You have and always have our love.
Mom and Dad laura kay young
"Life is a grindstone, and whether 1t gnnds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of."(Josh Billings) You've proven you're made of precious stuff! Strong char- n acter, pos1t1ve attitude, per- c sistent spirit, genuine concern and thoughtfulness... We're so proud of you. Stay true to yourself and God! Love- Mor ond Dad
clay albracht
No acc1dents or tickets or rebellions! You' re an amaz1ng kid , Clay. Thank you for making our job so easy Diligence and kindness will continue to serve you well as you follow your goals and dreams. Our love and trust will always be here for you.
Love, Mom and Dad.
shawn alcock
Shawn, this last year we have both grown and I enjoyed hanging around with you. You always protected me , and that's what got me through my freshman year. I'll miss you, but I know you're on to bigger and better things! Thanks for being there always. Love Always, Your little sister.
Brittsue, how could we have gotten t hrough 6 years without band-aids, 8 years wi t hout tubing and 4 years withou t big bu t ts and boobs , without each other? I am so lucky to have you in my li fe, my memories , and my future. Good luck, big fart fignewton, tess may
tara banks
From " Foo Foo bunny" and Aladdin, to ba sket an d baseball, you ' ve ma de me proud, as I've watch you grow into the strong woman you've become.
Love, Mama
ross barton
T've wa t ched you grow f rom a da rllng little bro t herto a handsome young man wit h grease on his shirts. Paint the truck re d!
Love a lways, Em i ly and Ray j Am ber, Sa1ge, Lycos
Shawn, you have always been a challenge and a spec1al bless1ng to us. May you always meet llfe's challenges and be a ble ss1ng to tho se you share 1t w1th. Remember , Gods love and ours will always be yours Tha nks for being our wonderful son!
Love , Mom and Dad angela k. allan
Angela , 1t has been a long hard road You have had a detour or two, but you still arrived on time. We are extremely proud of you. Keep your sig hts on your future and your head held high Oh yes, "s tand up straight." We love you.
Dad and Mom
tara banks
You 've danced your dance Tara that only you can do In , around and through my heart, and new into the world. Keep the Lord by your side as you dance on.
Love , Mama
ross barton
From your first day of school, to graduation , and now beyond. Best of everything always. Pa1nt the truck copper!
Love, Mom and Ron
ross barton
To my favorite Grandson, You are a special young man and I wish you happiness in your future adventure. Paint the truck purple!
Love Grandma
jessica behunin
Jessica , You are the most amazing person and I'm proud to say you' re my best friend. From living together and weddings to s neak-outs , JD , and Paradise Island. I admire your ability to achieve anything you want! I'll will always be there for you and I love you very much!
Love , Haley robert black
Robbie ,
You have grown up to be such a babe We are proud of everyth1ng you 've accomplished. You will go far in life. Good luck in your future endeavors and know that we are always here for you.
Love , Ram1e and Renelle
jennifer brulla
Jen , You mean a lot to me and I love you. You' re the be st sister on Earth .
Love , Jali sa
jennifer brulla
Jen , The two past years have been the most fun of my life. From shopping carts , to Target stores , to "enjoying a team sport", to playing dress-up in the hunting section , it ha s been exciting You are the best friend I've ever had. Thank you!
Love , always and forever , Vicky kyle bull
Kyle, Open a new window, Open a new door, Travel a new highway you haven't Trave~d before.
Love , Mom and Dad
marcus a. bernal
I t's been a wonderful 18 years You are the best "surpnse " anyone ever received! You have our love and support, and encouragement for wherever your heart takes you. We love you, Mom and Dad jennifer brulla
Jen Jen , We are so very proud of you! Always follow your heart and believe in yourself and great things will follow. We love ya baby!
Mom and Tony
jennifer brulla
Jen ,
Everyone knows that whatever you do re you' ll be successful, so just have fun and d be yourself.
Love, Josh
kyle bull
Kyle, Open a new window , Open a new door, Travel a new highway you haven't Travel' d before.
Love, Mom and Dad
rachel j chandler
Did I tell you ? To laugh, to dance, to sing. There is a lot in life that is hard, but take it as it comes and find the good And make time t o dance. Did I tell you ... ? How proud I am of you? How inc redible you are? How funny you are?
Love, Mom
mackenzie cottle
We love you and are so very proud of you. Have fun in this great adventure Just beginning for you.
All our love , Grandma and Suzie
daniel crass
Daniel, you have always been the best role model for me I have always looked up to you. You have taught me so many different things. I will never forget them. I hope you have a wonderful experience in the next few years. Good Luck'
love always , Jessica joshua daniels
Keep smiling cowboy, take life by the reigns and live it well. Follow your dreams, achieve your goals and listen to your heart. We are proud of y OU.
Love always , Mom and Dad
Leslie danieLs
ILeslie, I used to worry about having to protect you from the world. Now I don't have to worry anymore. You are strong enough to do anything, and I will always be proud of y OU.
Love, Sco tt shawn darcy
Shawn, you are not on ly my boyfriend but my best friend too. Thank you so muc h for being there for me. You have ta ught me so much. We have so many memones, such as; Lego, little bear, LKt Mtn, Red Rocks, conerts, Montana, Steamboat, and many more.
loe always and forever, Julie
danieL brent crass
You left us for the Ea st Coa st and now you live out West; just remember your family in Mi ss oun still love s you the best!
Best wishes the Feitz Family
daniel brent crass
Daniel, we can ' t begin to tell you how very proud we are of you. You 've always been a sweet and very s pecial person Have a great time these next four years at college - learn lots but have fun to o! We know you ' ll be succ ess ful 1n whatever you do . love, Mom and Dad
Leslie daniels
I can ' t belleve we' re all grown up. You were the cute st baby sister, and now you 've grown into a beauti ful young woman. You ' re go1ng to have a bla st over these next few years, in Europe , col lege, and wherever else life bnng s you I love yu so much , and you know I'll alway s be there for you 1f you need me. Love , Alan
Leslie daniels
Les lle , always remember: our con stant labels , when " p' s" are gone , ditching pra ctice , s tealing s1gns at 2am , the heartbreaks and heartache s, all the "love", late night talks swim ming (girls 1t smells) , Cali boys and 2-pack, co olean and dan cing , love song s, and most importa nt my never-ending friends hip!! I love ya , Abby
zach davis and courtney -kreller
Zach and Courtney, thanks for the wonderful years growing up' Kick-ball in the culdesac, sleeping out on the deck at Court and Kenz' s house! The big hill and crabapple s! Good luck in college!
Love , Kenzie , Jordan , Alex, Amy, Greg , and Kyle
anne marie dobyns
AnneKee Marie: My Pepper Partner for life. For the past seven years we've shared so much. Qu1ck walk, starbursts, Van1lla Ice , dirty looks, car alarms plus crashes and burns. Thanks for every car push, bruise, hours of laughter and marks you have made on my heart!
Love , Dallas/ Shines/ Court Marie
anne marie dobyns
To our daughter: your strong will, will get you far. But not too far from home. You make us proud everyday. You will always be Daddy's little turd.
Love Mom , Dad, Amy
anne dobyns
Anne Mane
You know I love you with all my heart and always will! I will do everyth1ng and anything you ever need!! Always remember: 88th, crotch rockets, Pee-wee, all our boys , our "big mouths ", Blink 182, and many more memories! I am only a phone call away no matter what comes your way!! I love ya, Abby
janelle engle
Janelle-I'm so lucky to have a fnend like you. From our pigtails to prom dresses, through the laughter, smiles, and tears all these years. I'll be here for you as I know you'll be there for me. Congratulations! I am proud of all your success.
Your cousin, Ashley
rachel elizabeth garnettI am so proud of you and your accomplishment, and I'm so glad to be your mom. I know you will achieve whatever you desire in life.
I love you, Mom
anne dobyns
Anne I love my sister very much. We sometimes fight but I still love her.
anne marie dobyns
Good Luck Anne!!!
You have brought us so much joy al l your life. You give so much to all of your friends and family. As you go on through life I hope you continue doing this. LOOK OUT WORLD HERE SHE COMES!!!!
Love, Grandma Jo
clay durham __,
Clay - our little "No. 22" grew up so quick. We are all very proud of the you ng man you've become. Be true to yourself, stay focused and the rest will be easy. We love you!
Dad, Mom, Cody
haley marie fletcher
Haley, oh my what would I have done
without your friendship? The minions W at may have gotten me! No, Mike, I'm no t talking to you. By the way you make good smoothies, by smoothies I actual1} mean I love you Fletche r!
Love Katie Fletcher rachel gesinMy Rachel Rose, you've taught me love and patience You are a con ti nui ng inspiration an d blessing in my life. I will always be here for yo u I will a lw ays be prou d of you.
Love, Mom
you the
talon gleaton
Terrific Athlet1c
Lovable Outgoing
Nephew, grandson, cous1n
We love you and are very proud of you! Love, Grandma Helen, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Ruth, Uncle Lowell, Josh, Kate, Meghan, and Bnan.
talon gleaton
To our favonte super hero, You have been so fun to watch grow up. You have grown to a fine, loving and special young man. Always remember who you are. NOT ONLY IS HE CUTE, HE CAN HIT!
Love Mom and Dad
talon gleaton
Talon, Congratulations! I always had fun watching you play baseball and hopefully will get to watch you play on T. V. Have fun at college. Love, Chad You've been a good friend to me. Thanks for be1ng there for me and teach1ng me to snowboard.
talon gleaton
You have turned in to a great young man! We love you. Your biolog1cal step fam1ly
talon gleaton
1996 Stingrays
Remember, you are always Champions - not only in sports but 1n life!
Coach Gleaton
Lori ann gordon
Lon Ann, you are a very special girl. You're 1 in a m1llion We have been through so much together. Your special 1n so many ways. Don't ever let anyone talk crazy to you. Go for your dreams Don't ever say you can't do 1t because you can do anyth1ng. I love you so much!
nichole renee guthrie
Love, your younger taller brother, Garrett 1
We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments large and small, and wewishyoujoyand happiness throughout your life. We also wish you most of all, love.
Love from Mom and Dad 9/20/01
haley hansen
Words can't even explain how much you mean to me. You have always been there through thick and thin and I truly love you for that. I am very lucky to have such a great friend like you and I will never forget you. You will always be my best friend.
Love always, Jessica Behunin
haley ann
Paradise Island , gett1ng "snorkled " , "I do this all the t1me", S. talk1ng everybody on our days, clubs, "mall shopping", #3, mean1ngful talks , our little nghts, living Wlth you, our mixed dnnks for people, New York boys, Church , painting ourselves black, dressing up like idiots, and many more to come. I will always love you, sis! Jessica (S . Face)
haley hansen
Hayes, Our fnendshi p has grown so much over the last five years. You mean a lot to me, and I know you will go far in life. (Just stop w1th the knees!) You and I share tons of memories- Glenwood, physical therapy, study sessions at Grandmas, being each others bees. Thanks for everything. Remember, "EEEEEEE! ! !" Love, Jane Lee
haley ann hanson
Haley Ann , You Wlll forever hold a special place 1n my heart! Always remember: B-Ball games, Failures, Wanna -be Cheerleaders, Shopping carts, Wanna Sass? , D T.T. M.A.B D, P-Warehouse, T1m McGraw #5, Burning DQ, J. Boys, Sadies, Da Crew, plus so much more Congratulat1ons!
Love always , Courtney Mane Crackers Forever ben harris
Ben ,
As you learn and grow so do we. Good luck in all your endeavors and always reach for your goals and we know that you will go far and do well. Catch a shooting star and ride itto your dreams.
Love you always Mom & Dad.
zuzana haydaYou are smart, keep challenging yourself, and remember you can be the best if you apply yourself. We all believe in you.
Love you, Miro
skye hopple
Dear courageous child of God, You have displayed so much courage and remained ever conscientious and wonderful! We 're very proud of you as we know your mom and dad would have been. You bring a s pecial joy into our lives. Thanks for being part of our family May God Bless You.
Love, John & Teala andrea hunt
Andrea, Congratulations to you our, first grandchild! You have enriched our lives and brought us such happiness and joy You are a beautiful young woman and we are so proud of you. Always believe in yourself and know we are here for you.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa Lewis
ben harris
Out of all of our memories together, the last four years are the best because you finally get to graduate. You have succeeded at being a big brother. Your still my Hipppy Big Brother, Leah
ben harris
Wow! After all of the struggle you hav@ finally made it. I know that you can stic~ together through anyth1ng that gets thrown at you. You have the strength and persistence to do anything your heart desires Look at all of the things that you have made it through all ready. I know you'll go far CO NGRATS !
( D , Love always ,
zuzana hayda
I am so proud of you. It seems like this picture was taken yesterday. May you pursue your goals and dreams and always stay the sweet beautiful person that you are.
I Love You Mom
.... l
skye hopple
I t has been a great five years. Going to Las Vegas, BV, and Minnesota. Talk1ng late about boys and crying over boys. I Even though we pulled apart, I still fee I we are best of_ friends. Don't ever lose I your pants aga1n.
Love Always , Cori andrea hunt
Andrea , Thinking back, things like "LAB A DAB A DAB A," Paps, Wa cco's, L.A., Flea Fly Flee, Holidate! ,Cele brate! come to mind Never lose your ability to put things into your perspective! Good luck, take care.
andrea hunt
This 1s one of my favorite pictures. You always loved to be dressed up for a photograph My memmory of your profic1~ncy with the telephone always amused me You loved the communication from the instrument at an early age At 4 years you memorized our telephone numbers. At 6 years you were very professional in answering and realaying messages for the Hunt household You were so proud of your own telephone line in your teens and now in the year 2001 the Cell Phone remains your constant conpamon What an asset you could be for the Telephone Communication Company Best wishes for a succesful future
Your GrMa Kay
andrea hunt
I' m so proud of you and the person you are. Congratulations I know the future holds many great things for you. I love you.
andrea hunt
Thanks for always being there for me through all of our good times. Cogra t ulations.
Love , Rachel
andrea hunt
IBig A- Wow. lam so blessed t o have a friend like you. Thanks for always being there for me
You've given me memories to last a li fetime. Thanks for always watching ou t for me, and thanks for playing "mom" in all those hard times. I'll always be here for you and you'll always hold such a special place 1n my heart. Never forget all tho se nights at D-Dubs and all the fun times we share. Good luck in life and may you succeed.
With lov e, Laurenzo
chris jenkins
Dear Chris, Co ngr adulat ions on all that you have done t hese last four years. I am so proud of you. You will make a great rock star some day.
Love, Jessy
andrea hunt
You are a great s iste r, congratu lations and come home often!
Love , Avene
andrea hunt
Sorry, I wrote you the letter from R1pken! I love you and hope you have a good bme in college.
Love, Magg ie
andrea hunt
My first born , s uch a beaut1ful baby, now such a beautiful young woman You are bright, strong, thoughtful and have a great sense of humor. The world 1s yours. Good luck and congra tu lations. I love you.
chris jenkins
Chns, Mom and I are so proud of your success and accomplishments. Your personality and talent will take you as far in life as you are willing to go. Be kind , be caring and loving in all that yo u do and the world be yours. May God watch over you.
Love , Mom and Dad
joe kennedy
Way to go Joe!
You have worked so hard , andaccompli s hed so much. You have such potential,a nd so mu ch to offer. Stay strong, compassionate, and patriotic. Surround yourself with love and laughter. Continue to fill yourself with knowledge it's who you are.
With love and admiration Mom & Dad
joe kennedy
At least you were not cry1ng while I cut your hair. Congratulations on getting through four years of studying too much!! College is awesome so have a great time.
Love , Cori
amy kirk
I've had the time of my life these past two years because of everything you've done for me. I've learned a lot from just sitting and listening to your every word My day is brightened, my problems are lifted, and my prayers are answered whenever you are around.
Love you always , Talon
courtney kreller
To my sh1ne!' Thank you for all the fun memones. Never forget I will always kick your butt, van1lla ice, volleyball every year since 4th grade, laugh1ng so hard we cry, qu1ck run, lunch song, chesse, running into each other. I Wlll always love you! 1
Anne courtney kreller
Thanks for the chats, laughs, tears, smiles, hugs, secrets, fights, everything! I don't know what I'd do without you' Your're the one who understands me, and always stands by me! You're my sister and I love you very much, have fun, and live life to its fullest!
Love ya, Meeks
becky ketch um
We are so proud of you! You have gone from a cute 3 year old to a beautiful, caring young lady. Remember to always follow your dreams. We will always be there t o support you and cheer you on.
Love, Mom, Dad, Paul, and Mark courtney kreller
Our memones are extensive· DTTMABD, letters, firsts, New Year's, bowling alleys, cats, J&NC, grades, Outkast. N*Sync backstage passes, crew, sprinklers, eggs, bball signs,WR balloons.and many more! You are a "true" friend and I will always cherish our friendship! I love you!
Love, Haley -----courtney kreller
We can' t imagine our lives without you You've given us so much to look forward to You are such an inspiration to us. You ve been there for every laugh and every tear and we will always cherish your friendship. Always believe in yourself because you have such a promising life ahead of you Thanks for looking out for us May God bless you. Wishing you happiness.
Lauren & Elisa courtney kreller
I n ou r hearts you'll always be our littte gi rl and big sister ! We love you lots!
Love, Mom, Dad, Macke nzie, and Ada m
claire Landry
You are my suns h1ne my only sunsh1ne, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.
I love you, Mom
tessa lee
Tessa, MU, Grandma's cinnamon rolls, Animal Plane t , Water World, ACL, 17th Birthday parties, "It's 1n my eye", the boat. "I'm a Lion!", Prom. Melon Head, Ping Pong, Soccer. pray to the monkeys Kelley's hot tub, Freshour. We have had, and will have, many great memones. thanks. You r best fnend, Joe
aimee Leidich
My truest, best friend ever since you hated me' I can't even start to tell you how much I love you and our endless night talks analyzing the world. No, they will never stop. Thank you for being my guiding light and helping me through thick and thin. Our friendship will last a lifetime.
Love, Jane Lee
P.S.-S.P B. talks forever'!
tanya lobatcheva
To Tanya, We loved having you with us this year. Good luck in all that you do in the future!
Love, Judy, Pat, Daniel, Erika, Emily & Erin
ann low
We're so proud of you. You have done so well with your life. Our little girl has grown up. And now it's time for you to graduate. Best wishes in the future. Love mom and Rick
tiffani ann low
1To my dearest little girl. The day you came into this world was the most precious moment of my life. You have grown up to be a young lady. And I know you'll be one to take it day by day.
Love you always, Mom
sara lukrafkaHey pumpkin, I know things have been rough but we have pulled through. I am so proud of you achievements. I wish you all the luck in the world as you continue with your life. I will always love you. lizard
aimee, erin , and tarah
G-ma Lolly's dress, 13 year olds coed cam pout, out houses at skatepark , hiding from Aimee's mom-halloween, Aimee's mom, Yvonne-barncades, mud wrestling, Frisco party (bottomless boys), lee lifesavers delight, car songs (faith), D at my wedding, 3 houses, fish food crackers , ET53, Mam+Bntney+oh my god'= Live for the moment.
christopher LollarChris,
It seems like it was just yesterday we hugged you and waved good-bye as you started kindergarten. We're so proud of you and your accompllshments. The se next years will bring new challenges! Enjoy life. Strive to reach your goals. We love you, Mom & Dad tiffani low
II didn't touch the flowers guys. So don't look at me that way. Sis you're the last one to graduate and we all made 1t. But you've been a sister everyone would want.
We love you.
Love, N1ck and John
Liz lukrafkaWell it's been a long 17 years. but I had fun. You are the most energet1c and loving person and I know you will go far in life. You are my inspiration and I will always love you. Thanks for all of your help.
Love , Sara (fish) eri n
madisonThere are not many people that can say they are life long friemds, but we can. We have sooo many memones that I couldn't begin to name them all!! I can say that I will always love you like another sister and never would change that!! I will always love you with all my heart!
Love, Abby
sara and Liz lukrafka
I have enj oyed every adventure that we have had together! I wi s h you both all the j oy and happ i ne ss i n the wo rld! Keep up the sp, nt as I know it will guide you t o you r mu ch dese rved fut ure and s uccess . Con gratu la t i ons o n a Jo b we ll don e !
Love, Mo m
natalie mantilla
I am so pro ud of yo u a nd what you ' ve be co me . I love yo u to piece s and truely con sid er yo u as my bes t frie nd I will a lwa ys be there when yo u need me Set your standard s high and reach fo r the st a rs !
Love alwa ys, Be li n #26 opal masters
Stronger, smarter, more t alented, and brave than any women I've ever met. No matter what the mountain, you ' ve got the hi king shoes to climb it. No mat t er what t he problem, you ' ve got the know -how to exceed t he obs t acles and win You will face tnals and at times they will pile on top of you , but keep your eye on the "light" time. Remember that God loves you, and nothing can hold you bac k You can do all things t hrough Chns t who strengthens you Always behind you, Jade
jennifer meyer
My Rub i a, Never in my lifetime have I s hared more laughter and tears with one person. I dont know what I'll do without you now. I know you'll be a suces s and you ' ll alway s have my support. You' ll always be my be st friend , my Rubia Alway s , Becky tarah moya
Tarah, You're our little prince ss. We think that you are a wonderful, beautiful, and a very talented person. Good luck in all your endeavors in the future. We know you'll do great!
Love , Mom and Dad
sara and Liz lukrafka
I have enjoyed every adventure that we have had together! I wish you both all the joy and happiness in the world! Keep up the spirit as I know it will guide you to your much deserved future success. Congratulations on a job well done!
Love , Mom
elizabeth martin
You are an amazing person. You lighten the hearts of those around you , even 1f you are the most stubborn person I've ever met. I couldn' t ask for a better role model to look up to. You've always looked out for me , and I love you for that.
Love always , Your little brother, Billy opal masters God blessed me with an angel in Opal. Her innate goodness, kindness of heart, and inner beauty that out shines her
physical beauty. She is a bright lamp in the wilderness to all who know her . I will always love and admire you, Opal!
Love , Mom
jeremy moles
You have always been a goal setter. Keep reaching for the stars. We wish you much happiness and success in the coming I years. Your a great kid and we love you very much.
Love, Mom and Dad I
natalie muller
at 12:00am, 4 hr phone conversations, Ol our boys, and every other seco nd of our lo\ life ! Thank you for everything: Don 't forget I will always come and visi t
Love, Sara
heather nielsen
To my big sister:
All n1y life I have looked up to you. You are the most beautiful person inside and out. I am always here for you.
Love your best friend and little sisAmy
ben pfeiffer
Ben Chuck,
How fun is it to have you as part of our family. No matter what, stay sweet and funny. Be true to yourself! We're proud to know you. May God bless you.
John & Teala
tyler aaron pike
"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might Be act1ve, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective." -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
With love from Mom & Dad
jessica roat
IHey 'Kid,
You have come a long way from the screaming, tattling, cassette stealing little sister you were. I am proud of who you are and lucky to have you as my friend. I love you.
Your Seester, Jill jessica roat
I Jessica, I
You were born a star! We're so proud of you.
love, Mom & Dad
heath er an n ni e lse n
To our sweet HeddieAlways remember how much we love you. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments
Love, Mom & Larry
ben pfeiffer
Ben! -
I'm glad that you waited for me It ha s been the best 8 months so far . Hopefully it will be longer. Don ' t forget all of the great times together I love you , and I hope we have another great year together.
Love , TROUBLE tyler pike
Tyler, we have had so many memone s from the first day of kindergarten to the present I want to thank you for always being there for me , SAS, Columbine game, ping pong , soccer with Chad , peeing on your frozen pool, Fauco , prom , LFI , Lyne , Lake Powell.
Your best fnend , Joe -
jessica claire roat
I'm so proud of you I know no matter what you do in life you'll succeed. You have such a passion for everything you do. I love you Jess and I ' ll always be here for you. My love , you come to me like wine
Love you , Coner heatherrobinson
Heather, We're done! Hooray! although I only knew yo real well these past 2 yearsI've loved every minute of it. Even with those rough times , which you helped me through. Don't forget our Angel stlye and keep in touch! I know you'll go far in life!
Always , Becky
monet & ashleigh rodriguez
Outside of my unen ding love and sup port, I ho pe I've ins pired and mo deled wha t I consi der essential cha rac t eristics: INT EGRI TY in all you do and are; PASSI ON about everything you believe 1n and do , and SELFCO NFI DE NCEin who you are I look forward to sharing the rest of my hfe with two outs t anding young ladies You are my lifeprecious and priceless
brian s. sedgeley
We are so proud of you & exci t ed a bou t t he fanta st 1c li fe a dve nt ure t ha t yo u have beg un ! Here is an obs ervatio n of li fe to hel p yo u with your j ourn ey
If you see k ha pp i ness dire ctly, it Wl ll be el usive. If ins t ea d, yo u seek to beco me a perso n of cha racte r, happ i ness will fin d yo u 1n all of your end eavo rs
"---- damon david shuey
Class mat es call you the " huma n en cycloped 1a " Long tim e socc er coac h Chri s Mo les calle d you " Da me s". You r parents called you " Putt, Putt" as a crawler. Your bro th er st ill uses " Loui s th e lip ." All represent a lo veab le, crea tive yo ung ma n wh o wi ll succ eed!
Love , Mo m, Dad, Sha nn o n, and Sara
nicholle michaela stroh
Alwa ys re member us, and how mu ch fun we had We are so proud of you and a lways wi ll be. Thank yo u fo r be i ng s uch a wo nderful sis ter, friend and fo r always bei ng ther e for us We lo ve you , have fun.
Love , Ra chelle , Samantha , and Ka sandra.
april rundquist
You have grown into a beautiful and talented young woman Don ' t tell anyone , but you have always been our favo ri te ch i ld. Keep a song in your heart as you go thr o ugh life , and may your future be filled with " dreams come true," and " happily ever after. "
Love , Dad and Mom sara
jean sherlock-
Where have the years gone? Thank you Jos for filling those years with joy and pride What a ble ssing you ' ve been and fo U continue t o be i n our lives We wish you yot mu ch love , s ucce ss and happiness. Re- life member. you will always be our little Oa, punki n' head ki d!
Love , Dad and Mom nicholle stroh
Ni e You' re the coole st!
- "The unit"victoria szadokierski
Vicky, I know we have been through so much. We have made many memories· S B.F. Girls , yelling for Scott, sledd,ns , E.T.I.L.A Y.I.G.B ., Nintendo 64 with our feet , Top Ramen and Coke , sleepovers staying up late , Vicky' s Hut, and lots I more. I love you like a sister j Soulmates forever , J
Love Julie #2
alaina seligman
Vic ky, you are the be st friend I have ever had. I don't think I could have made it through the last two years without you I have never had more fun with anyone Your friend s hip mean s the world to me You ' ll never know how you ' ve influenced me You ' re amazing! Love , Jen
Alaina , I sure am happy that I didn ' t dro p yo u because I enjoy having you as my sister. Keep up the good work and always remember that Easy Mac is pretty cool stuff. Love , Jake
- vicky szadokierski
thomas tafoya
We knew about you early on! love you, bro'.
Dan and Chris
becky treasure
Grab the world by the horns Sweetheart.
joshua scott thurgood
Don't let nothing keep you from following your dreams, we are proud of you. May God bless you all through your life.
Dad, Mom, Zak , Taylor
jane lee travis
"She thinks my tractor's sexy." You truly are an amazing person, you have so many exceptional qualities and a lot going for you. I want to thank you for everything you've done for me and everything you are to me, Jane I know you will dance.
I love you, Dustin
jane lee travis
You are such an awesome friend! Even though we've had our arguments (haha), I KNOW I can always depend on you for anything . I value your op1nion very much! Never change and you'll go far in whatever you chose!
Love ya, Haley jane
becky treasure
Always a Prin cess Now and Forever Dad
megan tripp-addison
I will always remember to never eat the butter, and that water puddles aren't frozen at 70 degrees. I'm going to miss having you around, because who will I fight with and who's clothes am I going to "bo rrow"? Thanks for the room and Good Luck!
Luv, Kait kristy
lee travis
Janey, From intense to overly-dramatic, we analyzed life. After six years, we have yet to find meaning. Finally, we made it past the exposition. With your advice, I arrive with a childish smile and no regret- Thank you!
Catch your star, and fly love, Aims
P.S. A-Bomb = bad
Wow, we finally made it- we' re seniors! We have been friends for 13 years and we are finally starting our lives , we have been through so much over the years. Your a great girl and I hope all your dreams come true. Have a blast in college!
Love , Janelle kristine
Stine, I have looked up to you since the beginning. You have always been there for me when I needed someone. Have fun in college!!
Love your brother, Brad
alexandra m a rie valeriu s--
Watching you grow up and being part of your life everyday has been the greatest pleasure of my life. I am so very proud of you. Wish you the best in all you do.
cori vanduzer
After tying to get you for a year, I finally got the chance. Thanks for all of the things you have done. It's been the best of time s with you and I just wanted you to know. Throughout our fights we still made i t I hope we make it longer than we have now.
Love, Ben clara joy versaw
Well another year is gone and we' ll soon be in college but the memories will last forever. When the tears sometimes overcome us and the laughter consumed us we made it through. And even though miles will part us. I'll always be there for you.
Love, Stephanie
catherine marie vorhies
on May 10 , 1982 our world changed forever becuase you were born How qui ckly time ha s passed and now you're a young woman about to embark on a new journey. Take those challen ge s, make those decis1ons, and no matter where you go, we 'll always be here for you.
Love Alway s Dad and Mom
shanna wageling
Through the years we have watched you grow from our little Angel into an i ntelligent, proud, self-assured, beautiful you women with so many hope s and dreams yet to co me true. We want you to know that we are very proud of you. You will always be Our Little Angel.
Love , Mom and Dad
alex valerius
Life is a big adventure. Wherever your journey takes you, may you always know that you are loved.
Love, Mom
cori vandu zer
One thing you have never been is a cheese ball. You are beautiful, wonderful , talented , intelligent, honest and so very loved We are proud of you as a person and proud of your many accomplishments. May God bless you always
Love , kisses and hugs , Mom and Dad
catie vorhies
Catie , What can I say? You' re all grown up and ready to take the next step . You're a very special person Don 't let anybody tell you different. Follow your dreams and you ' ll never go wrong. I wish the best for you always!
Your Big Brother Chris
shanna wageling
You've always been my little clown making me laugh though the " hard times." You're the best friend anyone could ever have. Keep you head high and your dreams true.
Love Always , Kaymi tara and shanna
Thanks for pushing me when I wanted to give up. I look for.vard to the many years ahead as best friends
Your Shadow, Tara
Tara , You've always been there no matter what Re· member always , the semi ghost servents and our talks with the key lime pies Love Ya!
Your Shadow, Shanna
joanna ward
Joanna my beautiful daughter: keep reaching for your dreams! You will excel at whatever path you choose
Love you sooooo much, Mom and Steve
elizabeth watkins
Lizard breath and Choancites(Joanna)
Thank you all for making my high school experience so wonderful! I love you guys forever and your (real) faces will always be treasured in my mind! Reach for the stars and "finger dance " forever!
Love Scuba and Lizardb reath
julie williams
My beautiful angel, Over the years we managed to have fallen in love more then ever imagined. Feelings no one can explain , continuing to grow as we do. I considered myself incredibly lucky to have something so special with someone so special. I will always be there for whatever life throws you.
Love Always and Forever, Shawn Darcy
erica d'ann wolfe
To ou r bug-a-boo , Thank you for being you and for finally getting here. You will always get what you want as long as you stay focused. Just remember we will always be there for you.
Love Mom , Dad and Derek
r----- mick woodworth
In the time we've been together, I have I become closer to you than I ever thought I would. I think of you as my best friend, my support and my confi dant. I am proud to know you for the person you have become and I feel privileged that I have been a part of your life. No matter where hfe takes us, I'll always think of you as my first love and so me one who taught me about myself I love you. Ma ndi
j oa n na ward's friends --..--, ;:;;;=iiiiiiiiiii~~
Four years gone and a lifetime ahead of us. I learned all I need to know from our fnend sh1ps, spec1al thanks to Liz for g1ving me so much encouragement and 1nsp1rat1on, Stevie for your humor and smiles, and Dylan for your support and our laughter. Thanks for making me who I am.
Love Joanna matt watson
How did 17 years go so qu1ckly? You started out as a sweet, loveable infant. Though the years you've grown and matured but rema1ned sweet and loveable. You've already achieved the most important th1ng- you're a great young man- were very proud of you! Good Luck.
Love Mom, Dad, and Kaylee julie
It's been an exciting adventure: from birthday parties to flashlight tag to chocolate ice cream in the sink. I w,ll never forget all the trouble we managed to get ourselves into. Love Always.
Girl #3
Vicky erica wolfe
Enca Bug you are so precious to us We are very proud of you and your accomplishments Stay focused and grounded 1n hfe. We wish you the very best. Remember when life gets tough God will always be with you. If all else fails stick your head in a puddle and enjoy life. We will love you always.
Grandma, Aunt Gemma, Breeana and Devin rachel wyland-smithRachel, You light up my life!
Love , Mom
abby young
To our "baby"
You met family challenges with courage and love. You faced school, friends, and sports with sound values, determination and ded1cat1on. You have brought us 1mmeasureablejoy. Never qu1t trying to make a d1fference!
Love You, Your except1onally proud parents
abby young
To my one and only Rock Star You have become one amazing young woman. I am so pround of everything that you are. Remeber to be what you want but be you. Make sure you always dance, and bellve in the beauty of life.
I Love you, Suoer Star laura young Laura, We became so close under such strange circumstances, but I don't regret it. You were there for me during rough times and some great! Never forget our angels and we'd better keep in touch. Be st of luck in all you do-I know you'll be a success!
Always Becky
gabe holdren
A wise son makes a glad father. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. May your wisdom increase and our gladness grow. May you keep your heart tender, your mind visionary, your actions enthusiastic and focused on your goals.
God bless you, Dad and Mom
brad dunlapabby young
To the " Princess,"
We tortured you and teased you, but you brought us all together for that and more, we love you!
Ted (and Tye), Lucas, Jake (and Jolyn and Malcolm) , Sarah (and James and Zak), and Becca (and Steve)
abby young
Abbs- I'm so lucky to have you as my friend. Always remember: "OH MAN " crouch rocket boys, "cruzin," we be clubbing, lunch song," I can't take you anywhere!!" ,"17 ," Blink 182, mall walk, talking shizhat, wanting to fight, long talks, boys. No matter what I'm always here for you.
Anne laura young
Laura , I
You've always set high goals in everything you do. I hope you never stop. I wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals and dreams, whatever they may be!
Love, Will
krisandra bain
kenzie cottle
Kenzie Miss, "A cheeky wee devil"-always bright eyed, usually cheerful, sometimes naughty, occasionally quite a tease, forever a delight. You've made me proud-watching you grow up. Happy that we can "talk." Looking forward to your futu re.
Love, Your Daddy
NHS Part 1
NHS Part 2
NHS Officers
Front Row: Daniel Crass, Bnttany Babkiewich, Stevie Meier, Anya Strauss, Kelly ;,raves Olga Mallet, Kelly Hock, Tony Muljadi, Johanna Crock, Elizabeth Johnson ~eco nd Row : Da vid Perleberg , Leah Foster, Amy Kirk, Elizabeth Watkins, Joe Kennedy, Haley Fletcher, Katie Riordan, Gwen Carey, Melissa Ford, Doug Claxton, Natalie Mantilla Th ird Row: Alyssa Priegal, Becky Ketchum, Ryan Thoma s, Cori Van Duzer, Erin Miller, Amber Gosda, Rachel Matson , Kylie Stttt Back Row: Louis Noltting, Aimee Leidich. Dylan Reitmeyer, Sara Lukrafka, Nathaniel Ridder,William Mclaughlin, Andy Peoples, Matt Fritz, Jess1ca Olin
Gordon , Lori 76 , 165, 181
Gore , Jessi ca ................ 100
Gosda , Amber. 44 , 45 , 76,165
Go s horn , Cory 8, 100
Gowey , Kri stin 100
Graham , James 110
Grahame , Kathryn .......... 122
Grammer, Shaun ............ 110
Granquist, Catherine ...... 110
Grantano , Lisa 110
Graves , Kelly 8, 9 , 38 , 39 , 76 , 165
Gray , Alana 110
Gray , Jolie 76 , 165
Green , Gabriel 100
Green , Riley 110
Greigo, Danielle ............. 51
Gre s ham , Joshua ........... 100
Gresham , Rebekah ......... 122
Griego , Danielle 6 , 50 , 122
Griess , Jessica 110
Griffiths , Allison 100
Grove , Karie 77, 166
Grundeman , Danica 110
Guinn , Alexis ................ 123
Guldan, Kendra ........ ... .. 110
Gulsvig, Michael ...... 41, 110 Gunderson, Randi .......... 123
Ibarra , Jesus ......... 10, 111 Ibrahim , Amen a 111
Ibrahim , Mari s ha 44, 101
Jackson, Marquita 78, 166
Liddick, Brielle .............. 112
Liddick, Seirra ...... 4, 80, 168
Likens, Cole 12, 13, 38, 80
Ling, Ben 53
Linville-Engler, Benjamin 102
LiVigni , Garrett 124
Lobatcheva, Tanya 80, 185
Lockhart, Jake 38, 102
Lockhart, Joel ............... 124
Lohman, Jered .............. 102
Lohman, Weston ............ 125
Lollar, Chris 53, 80,168, 185
Lollar, Kara 102
Lomax, Ashley ............... 102
Lopez, Candace 125
Lopez, Dean ............ 53, 125
Lorenz , Brent ................ 125
Low, Tiffani ..... 80, 168, 185
Lowstuter, Derek ........... 112
Luckinbill, Nicole 125
Lujan, Jordan 125
Lukrafka , Liz 80, 169, 185, 186
Lukrafka, Sara. 80, 169, 185, 186
Luna, Joshua 125
Lutz, Ashley 125
Lyman, Eric .................. 125
Lynch, Nick .......... 8, 38, 80
Students Reaching Out
Perleberg, David 41, 66, 84, Prugh, Stephanie 84, 173
172 Pyatt, Cameron 84, 38 feir
Perry, Heather 127
Peters, Alexis 114
Petersen , Abigail 104
Peterson , Brittney 69, 84
Pfeiffer, Ben 84, 172, 187
Phillips , Steve ......... 41, 114
Pierce, Jacob ................ 127
Pietrafesa, Trevor .... 53, 104
Pike, Karson 38, 114
Pike , Tyler 5, 40 , 41 , 84, 187
Pinkernell, Sarah 114
Poeter, Danny ......... 84, 172
Poeter, Onna ...... 14, 15, 114
Pohl, Eric ..................... 127
Poitra, Rachel ............... 114
Politte, Sean 114
Pellin, Kady 127
Pollock, Gabriel 127
Pollock, Ricki lee 104
Pommerening, Jason 114
Popp, Jeffrey 114
Poth ast, Stephanie 127
Powell, Ashleigh 127 Powell, Mark ................. 114 Preston, Ann ................. 127
Youth Corps
David Evans, Abe Eng , Jennifer Sestrich, Kim Wilson-Paugh Row 2: Stephame Wilson, Nicole Moneghan, Cassidy Hara,_Jessica Wilson, Bnttany Bergst~dt , !l
Danny Poeter, Tiffany Martinez, Lauren Gale, Danny Yost, David Newman , Sean Geiger, Brian Horan, Bryan Mays, Jam1e Bishop, Alex Stroud, Cara Tucci, Chant1le McAllister, Catie V?rhies , §. Kim Beesley Row 3: Larissa DeMaltens , Amy Hawley, Tiffanie Sanders, Goeun Chung, Erin Clough, Sarah Pinkernell, Katie Tapia, Cassie Robertson, Sarah Ross, Ashley Arment~out '. Rhi a nnon
Martin-Evans, Spenser Weinell, Kathryn Vermg, Lauren Heitzman, Jay Lai ramore, Nick Mod iz, JT Kendall, Aaron Cash, John Oxford, Cory Goshorn Row 4: Adam Hud son , Ch~s M1lne, Brady ••
Abbotts. Wade Sokol, Josh Gre sham, Nick DeMouhn , Kurt Ma st , Jessica Froyen, Josh Baldwi n, Drew Regner, Danny Blanchett, Margeaux DeMouhn, Ryan Coble, Knstina McBnde, Zach Suhr 201 Max Kenworthy , Ryan Johnston, Conn1e Arti e, Brent Lorenz
Thurgood, Josh 87, 189
Talsma, John 105
Tortora, Alyssa 129 Townsend, Erinn 129
Travis, Jane 5, 7, 67, 87,175, 189
Traylor IV, David ........... 105
Treasure, Becky ... 14, 87,189
Trenk, Rick 105
Trimbach, Miranda 129
Tripp Addison, Megan 175,88, 189
Trout, Ryan ................. . . 129
Trujillo, Joseph ..... .. ...... 129
Tschetter, Andrew .. ........ 105
Tucci, Cara ................... 129
Tuffin, Matt 10, 88, 175
Tutolo, Jesse 129
Jazz Dance
Mountain Magic
Mixed Choir
24th Street Singers
@xplore was published by Jostens School Productions Group of Topeka, Kansas. Our company representatives were Gary Cordray and Lori Wishert. The book is a size nine , (nine by twelve inches) and contains 232 pages. The paper is eighty pound Bordeaux and 1100 books were produced. The cost of the book was $40.00
The theme was originally conceived by the 2001 staff. The cover was sketched by a Jostens Artist with the help of Melissa Ford , Ryan Nee and Bill Kelley.
All copy and graphics were desktop published using Adobe Pagemaker 6 . 5 on various Macintosh computers. Output was completely digital and was sent to Jostens on Iomega 100 MB Zip disks.
All body is 10-12 point ITC Officia Sans Book with captions in 8 point ITC Official Sans Book . All student names and grade levels were taken from the officia l district enrollment List. We apologize for any inadvertant er rors .
Student Life Editor
Sports Editor
People Editors
Academics Editor
Advertising Editors
Index Editors
Photo Editor
Jasmine Akes
Brian Armstrong*
Colin Bailey
Jessica Brownlee
Kim Cline
Shane Councilman
Je ss ica Cravens
Barry Donaldson
Casey Donelson*
Jan Dunn
Chris Feiner*
Melissa Ford*
Nathon Gaudreau
Rachel Gesin
Shannon Gomez
Zuzana Hayda
Barry Jackso n
Peter Kennedy*
Kevin Ki ng
Lindsay Leinen
To m Lynch
Eli Martin*
Cory Maug han
Christine Matson
Bill Kelley
Melissa Ford
Matt Tuffin
Kevin King
Eli Martin
Alex Verrastro
Andrea Westhead
Steve McCracken
April Wallace
Linday Ostenson
Brad Warosh
Casey Donelson
Steve McCracken*
Tom McKnight
John McLaughlin
Aaron McNew
Amanda Menard
Chris Morgan
Justin Morgan
Lindsay Ostenson
Ben Pfeiffer*
Dan Rahe
Candice Roome*
Nic hole Satterfield
Nicole Sedgeley
Matt Sulliva n
Briana Thomas
Matt Tuffin*
Alexandra Verrastro*
April Wallace*
Brad Waros h
An drea Wes t hea d
J ulia Yocum
*indicates fu ll yea r staff member
n contrast to the letters written by editors in the past, this is not a farewell, because I am not leaving. This is also not a desperate attempt to prove that people in Yearbook really do have friends, (contrary to Mr. Byrne 's twisted image of the stereotypical "Yearbookie"). Being in charge of producing a quality yearbook is no easy feat. How often I found the minutes slip as I was distracted by people's questions , that by the end of class I had made virtually no progress. Fortunately , the final product does not only reflect our work done in class, because there would be many upset people. I am not going to say this year's book is flawless , because I would get bombarded by people trying to prove otherwise. However, I am very pleased with the way it turned out and of all of the work staff members put into their spreads. Even the Babies and Buddies section (a section that has given us heart attacks in the past) went smoothly, thanks to April and Steve. There were some stressful moments this year, like when we received proofs to be checked and returned within three days the day we were let out for winter break. I even began to think by second semester that the administration didn't know there was a yearbook class, because they made 1t so impossible for students in honors classes to also take yearbook due to schedule conflicts. But we pulled through it all this year, (with much more ease than the last). Thanks to Gary and Lori from Jostens, for all their help and advice. Gary, don't worry you only have one year left with me, but getting to know you ha s been really special to me. Thanks , Mr. Kelley , for always being there with me and for being your jolly self. Thanks to Drew for coming back from CU to help us meet our December deadline and thanks to Nee for teaching me just about everything I know. Finally, thanks to the editors and staff of 2001-2002.
Melissa Ford Editor-in-Chiefhen Melissa and I realize d that almost all the staff was lea ving after last year, we were warned about being understaffed for this years book. Personally I was surprised at the number of new staff members, and the level of interest that they took. This yearbook turned out great, considering only three people were returning men1b ers. Thi s is in large part due to all the staff members. Thanks to our new editors, Matt Tuffin, Kevin, Andrea , Casey, Steve, and espec1ally Alex for co-editing the people and senior sections w1th me Thanks to Peter and Candice for all the comic relief. And most of all, thank you to Meli ssa, April, and Mr. Kelley for hanging in there for another great yearbook.
Eli Martin People Section Editorhen I look back over this yearbook , all I will think about is Kelley's TUNES! After a stressful day of yearbook, there was nothing better than his tunes ... Well, I can't lie very well, all I have to say is Kelley is a really cool guy and I had fun in yearbook Well, there I go again.
But honestly, I would like to thank Melissa and Eli for all of your help in yearbook. Becau se of you two, Kelley didn't make us do all of the hard work. I would also like to thank the editors, Steve and April (when she was here) , Tuffin (Not many people dye their hair in class), Kevin , Andrea, Alex ( Hall monitor) , Lindsay (Schedule book editor), and mo st of all, Chang, for all the confusion. I would also like to thank Matt Sullivan for all the pictures he got for us second semester, even though he wasn't in yearbook. I would also like to thank Ben Pfeiffer for helping w1th pictures and for the stressful time when we needed club photos
Most of all, I would really like to thank Mr. Kelley for h1s help. He always made us laugh (either with him or at him) even in the harde st times. Good luck next year Mr. Kelley. You will need it, especially if you're going to get more Macs.
Casey Donelson Photo Editoro begin with, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard in creating this year's book. I want to say thank you to Mr. Kelly for keeping me organized and telling me exactly what I needed to get done You taught me so much this year. When I first came to this class I really did not have a clue what to do, but you taught me a lot about what yearbook is all about. With a little Jimmy Buffet Friday! However, I don't miss the stressful deadline days. Also, thanks to Meli ssa for preparing all the templates, and leaving the easy stuff to us. And to Eli who showed me all I needed to know about the people section. I learned a whole bunch from you. To Westhead for keeping me grounded when I would get overly stressed out. Thanks to Tuffin I guess? Don't know what exactly you did , but hey way to go! To Steve and April who got it all together. To Casey you're a cool kid, and a good editor. Good job this year. So to everyone, it's been a fun year, and we did good!
Alex Verrastro People Section Editorhank you , to all the editors who worked so hard be side myself. Spent ti me after school making cookies while we were hard at labor. Thank s to all the slap students who didn 't turn their stuff in on time , which made me , stay after school and grade there spreads. Thanks to Mr. Kelley for the Frank Sinatra detentions and the opportunity to help through the stressful process of proofing everyone' s spread. Thanks to all the students for the hassling and the friendly banter. Thanks to Eli for all the helpful computer game advi ce even though mo st of the time I didn 't even know what you were talking about. Thanks to Melissa for all the work you piled up on the plethora of work I already had. Thank you to Peter for sending all the slander your way. Th anks Matt Sullivan for taking all the pictures at the games with me. Thanks to Casey for the funny times and the work you never did. Thanks to Steve and April for downgrading my babies and buddies just because it was mine. Thanks to Alex for walking in the hallways during class so we could do your work. Thanks to Lindsay Ostenson for being the class scapegoat when you would run off with the schedule book.
Matt Tuffin Student Life Editorell after a year of torture from Mr. Kelley and Melissa this year book is finally done. From the 7 million babies and buddies ads, to the numerous class periods April and I walked up and down downtown Golden trying to find at least a couple advertisements from the businesses. Yearbook is definitely an experience that I never thought that I would go through something this hectic. Ju st to think I used to be the excited student waiting for that yearbook to come out, now I was one of the people who helped make it. A s pecial thank s goes out to April, for all of those extra hours we spent here typing and proofreadi1g all of those babies and buddies ads. Also , thank s to the first semeste~ clas s for helping type all of the babies and buddie s ads so April and I didn 't have to. Thanks Peter, for all of the bumps and bruises that I never received and Sullivan for giving them to him. Of course all of tre other editors such as Kevin, Eli, Andrea , Casey, Tuffy Tuffin , Alex , and Lindsey (only for making Mr. Kelley mad when you ran of with the schedule book) thanks for making one heck of a book. Mr. Kelley you big dork, what can I say, Yearbook has been very memorable with you beating me up and making fun of me and me firing right back at you. Kelley just remember one thing , Mac s are the be st computer in the world (yo u never said I had to tell the truth in this letter). CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2002. WE ARE FINALLY OUTTA' HERE.
Steve McCracken
Advertising Ed itor
f- Americans face armed guards and tighter check-in procedures as airport security restrictions are heightened following the terrorist attacks on September 11
debate about male-only succession to Japan 's throne
Americans face another form of terror when anthrax-laced letters are sent to members of Congress and the media Five people are killed in the attacks, and clean-up of government buildings costs millions of dollars
l'ec!IOth Aharonolll/AFP
1' Violent lsraeli-Palestm1an confrontations escalate as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat struggle to find an answer to their countries ongoing hatred for one another
1' Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic faces the International Tribunal in The Hague for U N war cnmes. including the murder and persecution of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo
..1, Airlines Flight 587 crashes into a Queens neighborhood in New York City on November 12, killing all 255 people on board Structural failure of the planes tail assembly app,aren'iiy causes the tragedy
1' Twenty-eight youths are arrested for starting bush fires that destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and farmland and kill thousand of koalas and kangaroos in southeast Australia
..1, Convicted Oklahoma City bomber nmothy McVeigh is executed by lethal inJection for destroying the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in April 1995.J. kilhng_168 Qeople
1' After Houston energy giant Enron collapses, thousands lose their lire savings, accounting firm Arthur Andersen encounters accusations of unethical practices and the General Accounting Office sues the ExeLutive Branch for confidential transcripts m its investigation or the scandal.
• U S and allied forces mount QperatiOn Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan driving the repressrva Taliban regime from powet
"' President Bush establishes a new cabinet position
Dll1Ct0r of Homeland Security to coordinate the fight against domestic terronsm Former Pennsylvan a governor Tom Ridge beeomes the f1iSt incumbent
..1, As Operation Enduring Freedom begins , the U S military airdrop s food rations to the starving people of Afghanistan
1' Winter weather butts are left ' out in the heat as Ameru;ans expene11ce rer;:nor~dhwma"rfn temperatures across the country in December and January.
Scientists report that vast fields of carbon dioxide lee are eroding .., < from the poles of Mars. Over time, M this could possibly prompt the f return of water to the Red Planet.
; -E-- Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Minnesota, unveil a new technology that uses facial heat patterns to detect lying. Blood flows to the face when a person lies, causing dramatic changes in heat patterns.1' On November 7 the supersonic Concorde airplane flies for the first tlme since the July 2000 crash that killed 113 people. Fhght F002 travels from Paris to New York m Just under four hours
"' Dr
Somerville donates his own DNA to researchers wh~eeuee-lh&-fff5t.oloned h4ftian embryo.
1' Scientists in Argentina discover several 80-milhon-year-old unhatched dinosaur eggs with petrified dinosaur embryos inside.
"' Apple releases the sleek new iPod, allowing users to store" 1,000 dtgitat-songffles for on-the-go enjoyment
1' The MR2 camera pul allows doctors to examine the 1ns1de of the human Intestine without surgery Patients swallow the "pill " which transmits digital images to a data recorder:
-lt The Ab10Cor. the world's first fully implantable artificial heart, 1s given to 59-year-old Robert Tools Sadly, Tools passes away in December from unrelated causes.
1' Anew class of giant squid is discovered . The new squid can grow to lengths of 25 feet, and has fins and 10 spidery arms with elbows. JudsonThe American economy enters a recession in March 2001, and the situation worsens significantly after September 11. Unemployment rises to its highest rate in six years
Winnie the Pooh, fondly known f by countless children and I adults as "the tubby little i cubby all stuffed with fluff," celebrates his 75th birthday
RESIOENi\~L BROKER~G\ -1,, Popular shoemaker Vans releases a shoe of a different color-white shoes that turn yellow. pink or blue m the sunlight. 65
1' Bobbleheads make a comeback. representing not only sports figures but also pop music superstars such as 'NSYNC.
Topps releases an " Enduring Freedom " card set featuring portraits and b1os of many leaders involved , including President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
-J, At 10:45 a.m September 11 , Fox News Cnannel introduces the headline ticker Other networks fallo w, creating a non-stop flood of headlines Each ucra wl " rotates nearly 80 headlines m a 7- to 15-mmute loop play Qperation
f- Shrek and Donkey, voiced by Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy, hit the theaters to teach a valuable lesson about true love in Shrek
MTV, the first television network devoted exclusively to popular music. celebrates its 20th anniversary
Ii! CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman" helps people cope with their emotions in the weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
1' 1970s Swedish band Abba enjoys revival in the Broadway sfnash hit Mamma Mia! The musical features three intertwined love stories and over 20 of Abba's greatest hits
f- The Emmy Awards for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy go to CBS's "Everybody Loves Raymond" stars Patricia Heaton and Doris Roberts
1' The WB scores a flyaway hit with "Smallville," the story of Superman's liigh school years The show stars newcomer Tom Welling as the young Superman
Actor Josh Hartnett solidifies his role as a leading man in Hollywood with a pair of blockbuster war movies : Pearl Harbor and Black Hawk Down
+- Popular rapper
nominated for the 2002 NAACP Image Awards Outstanding Hip-Hop/Rap Artist for the song ·uvln' It Up "
Singer/actress Aaliyah 1s killed 1n a private plane crash in the Bahamas. Ounng her eight year career, Aaliyah released three hit CDs and appeared in several feature films
'1.- Musicians Join together for several concerts, including The Concert for New York City, to pay tribute to the victims and raise money for recovery efforts after the September 11 terrorist attacks
1' To benefit AIDS research a d September 11 relief effort U2's no recruitS'lntJStctans to record Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On." Participating artists include Nelly ! Furtado, Fred Durst, Gwen Stefani, j Moby and many more
Modem rock group Incubus storms onto the music scene with the release of the widely acclaimed album Morning View
1' The music from the hit movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes country music's top-seller for 2001 and receives a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year 1' Neil Young's song "Let's celebrates the spirit of t ~ssengers whcrovenook hijackers on Right 93 in Pennsylvania on September 11 +- Colombian music sensation Shakira brings her high-energy Latin pop to the U S with her first English-language album, Laundry Service. Ja Rule 1s1'
MTV Video
wins two American Music Awards for Favorite New Artist in both the Pop/Rock and the SouVR&B categories for her debut release Songs in A Minor
..a, Country singer Tim McGraw wins five Billboard Music Awards , including Country Album of the Year for Greatest Hits f
Australian female string quartet Bond reaches the top of the U S classical album charts- despite being blacklisted from the U K chart for sounding too similar to pop music
1' Legendary Beatles guitarist George Harrison the so-called "Quiet Beatie ," dies after a three-year battle with cancer Reutel!IEl!lan Miller/las Veoas Sun/Getty ll!liges 1' Irish rock group U2's Elevation Tour is the top-grossing tour of the year, earning U2 the title of Band of the Year from both Spin and Rolling Stone magazines Fatboy Slim wins six Music Awards for his video for the song 'Weapon of Choice," featuring a dancing Christopher Walken ..a, Rock bands like PO D. use their faith to help bring the Christian rock/pop music message into the mainstream music scene. Alicia Keys 1' Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes Borland leaves the band to pursue his own musical career AFP PhO o/Henny Ray Abra,nslCorb.sI .. Sports
1' After her tearn loses o all se n la rks0\18 the Char otte t win the 2001 WNBA Champlonslllp,
f- The 14-point underdog New England Patnots shock NFL viewers by kicking a dramatic last-second field goal to upset the St. LOUIS Rams 20 -17 in Super Bowl XXXVI Michael Jordan,38 ,returns to the NBA with the Washington Wizards Jordan fills arenas nationwide and propels the previously doormat Wizards to instant respectability with an over-500 record
1' The Arizona Diamondbacks stun the New York Yankees to win the World Series with atwo-run rally In the bottom of the ninth inning of Game7.
+- San Francisco's Bar:ry Bonds makes baseball history with 73 home runs and an astounding slugging percentage Of .863-both all-time records
David 1.alubowul/APMlde
h1uhsehool ueeh:Ashley Martin :female to score llege foot~I lnts for
-t The Colorado Avalanche skate to victory in the 2001 NHL Finals against the New Jersey Devils, marking the first Stanley Cup win for 20-year veteran Ray Bourque
rGwynn. MalkMcGWire and Cal Rlpken Jr.
f the 2001 season.
1- The NFL season begins on a tragic note when Minnesota Vikings tackle Korey Stringer collapses at practice and dies a day later from heatstroke complications
America welcomes athletes from all over the world to Salt Lake City, Utah , to compete in the 2002 Winter Olympics
-t In the first Saturday night women's U.S O_pen final, tennis ace Venus Williams defeats her younger sister Serena 6-2, 6-4.
Wol1d Pnotos LAKE 2002 Actress/singer Jennifer Lopez marries dancer/ choreographer Cris Judd in September.I love you May vou accomplish e\ erything you \Vant out of life
Love you ah"a}s, Mom
eri n res ni c k
We have \vatched God transform you from a child to a beauuful \voman You have blessed us and all \vho knO\\ you. Conunue learning and please continue to offer to all the \vorld the kindness and kno\vledge you have given us
We love you, Mom, Dad, and N 1cole
erin and britty
From running a\vay co \valking home never forget late school nights, early hikes, golfing, busting E&A camp ing sn eaking, Jake 's, £-days, pretty woman, shows, pouons, Jack, Fazolies, bowling, close calls and much more \Vith many more to come. Expect the unexpected. Always and forever, B&E