G DEN HIGH SCHOOL IIOMf or TIIL O[MONS C"olbradcn, Uld!',I ~ch11ol f ,l•bll hJ'd I 7'1 €LASS OF 1997 •
--· •·Summer
photo by Denni,- Plcus..,, court~y or TheGoldt11Tran~cript
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Cover photo, · top left , by B Kelley, middle by M Ford ,1nd bottom right by Kevin Ilall , courtc~y of ll1t(',oldenTran,;cr,pl
photo by
nex :Babie ubs
' -------· ·----------.....-.- :,~,
Demonium §o{den 1-fitJfi Schoo{ 70124thSt. §o(den, CO 80401 303-982-4200 1 r , 1 r g }' n cl • 1. ln :S A ss r::--.
photo, courtesy of www .1cnonp1c9 com
2 sa d J ffi aroon :: opening - --------·
Senior Adam Hudson plays the saxophone The Jazz Band had the honor of playing at the grand opening of the Colorado rv1ills mall in 2002.
photo by B Kelley
~-~--f hi
photo by B Keller
courtesy of www acttonp1c9.com
football athletes appl.iud their offense at the Green l\iountain game early 10 the season
Ju n i ors Alyssa C uc h iara and C hr isci na Montgomery make lastminute adcluions to the Class of 2004 s homecoming float The jun iors fin1shed first in che annual co m peunon
hat 1s m a roon?
R e di s h - bl ac k or blac kishr ed 1 Without ever knowing th e true vi s ual definition of the co l or maroon, 1t 1s easier to sa y that the color maroon define s the Golden Demons Though s pirit c lothing drastically differ in hue, Golden athlete , students and facul ty embrace maroon and white into everyday wardrobe Gold e n sporting events are characteri ze d by th e sea of maroon form ed in the stands by spirited students, faculty, parents and alumni .
Maroon made headlines in newspapers thi s ye ar with exce llence in academics, athletics and service. The football team registered the most GHS publicity with only the third appearen ce in the 4Astate finals since 1956. After lo sing the first four game s of the season, the football team scrapped their way to the 4A state finals with nine game winning streak. Despite the loss against Monarch, th e Demons ra cked up honors in all-conference , all-state and coach of th e year contests
/ e1nons in enews 3
-- -----·------ --·-Homecoming Spirit Week p. 6-7 Homecoming Assembly p. 6-7
Parade p. 8-9
Carnival p.
Fall Play p.
4 S~ :: student Ille division - ·-
8-9 Homecoming Game
10-11 Homecoming Dance
Sophomore Alex Coleman watches the homecoming assembly in her po\vderpuff uniform
photo courtesy of the Golden Tr,mscnpt
courtesy of www achonp1c9 com
The Demon band performs m formahon at halftime
ardi Gras came late to Golden this yea r in the form of GHS ' s 130th homecoming celebration. The carnival included a flame thrower and clowns, favorite parade decor included bead s and feather s and the Demons came out in dro ves to witness the Stuart Bell embrace after being first Homecoming game win in six years. The dance cro,vned
Homecoming ro} alt}
• ,,--,,,,,.
Seruors 5
at the Arvada Center on Friday night regi s tered record numbers, almost 800 students! That's more than half of the sc hool. Prom King and Queen Sh1art Bell and Jessica Billings danced the night away like true royalty. Magic was in the air for the Golden High School Homecoming 2002 .
asse ly and spirit week
h a t was yo ur favori te s p irit d ay?
" H awaiian D ay was th e b es t b eca u se I 've wai te d 4 years t o b e a se ni or and it's mu ch mo r e fun t o d r ess up n ow."
-C h a n til e M cA li s t er , 12
" H awaii an D ay b eca u se th e guys wo r e skir ts t o sc h oo l. "
-Tanish a M ann , 9
" P aja m a D ay b eca u se a ll I h ad t o d o was r o ll o ut o f b e d an d go t o sch oo l ."
-Beth any Bl a ir, 9
"All o f th e d ays b eca u se it was fun t o see h ow cr azy A m e ri can hi g h sc h oo l er s a r e an d h ow mu ch s pir i t th ey h ave fo r th e ir sch oo l and t eam. M y hi g h sch oo l in Ge rm any was b o ring comp are d t o Go l de n
-Anj a Mu e ll er , 12
Yee h aw ! Juniors Megan Elliot and Aaron Bluse clap their hands in amusement at the Homecoming Assembly Coaches congratulated their teams th.is year on JObs well done, with quite a few funny anecdotes thrown into the mix Freshman Devin Schow puts it quite precisely, "Sp1nt week was dandy"
- - ! 6
photo b) K Shultheiss
D o ubl e t h e Pl eas ur e, D o ubl e th e Fun
a u o u 11a -·
The sophomore class belts out theusupport for their school at t he assembly This year select studen ts perticipa ted in class contests, of course at GHS, everything's fau-, therefore seniors ah"7ays win and freshman always lose Seruor Brittany Marsh liked Decades Day the best and commented, "It's fun because you get a chance to go back to all the days you never got to live "
:: student life
photo by K Shulthei~
-------- I
Pe ace out! Sophomore Andi Larson 1s having a rocking good tin,e One of the days fo r sp1r1t week this year was a decades day Sophomore Whitney Allen said, "Spirit week 1s cool because it gives me an excuse to look stupid"
Brrr it' s cold in here learn all of the cheers"
Freshmen Megan V1g1l and SteYen Walker s it on blocks of ice to tes t how "cool" the y are Of course, Student Council thought of everything tlu s year and provided the contestants ,vith leftover sleeping bags
Junior Stephanie Sadler said, "it was really fun and everyone ,-vas having a blast."
photo by K. Shulthei'-!">
photo b) K Shulthe1!"-,-
A} oha! Sen101'5 t-.1~an t-.1atson and t-.1elbsa Rogers practice hula during Ha,\ iia n Da, The other days (or Spirit \\'eek were Decades Da} Golden Sp1nt Day, Pa1ama / ~1e~sy Hair Day , and ~1ard1 Gras Da) Seni or Tony ~tauri ,aid , " I Jo, e lspint ,,·eek] It gi, es me ..,elf confi d ence "
photo b, K C:hulthe1,-, Dance to the mu s i c Junior Jacob Han sen dances along with the dance team and the le\ el III football team Golden students enioyed an arra) of produchons put on b) all of the spirit squads, including the notorious hand JlVe" Sophomore Krysta Terry said, "The assembl; \vas great because \Ve got to '"' atch a ne,, batch of freshmen
• carn1 and parade
his year's theme for homecoming was Mardi Gras, thus, students decked out their floats in true New
Orleans style. Beads, confetti, steam boats added to the traditional demon garb contributed to the perfect Golden Mardi Gras parade down the Washington Street. Residents showed up in flocks to witness the 130th celebration of Golden High School in October as the floats , clubs, bands and spirit squads strutted by on their way to the game.
Prior to the game, a carnival hosted by Student Council featured live musi c by local bands , opportunities to nail the math teacher of your choice with cream pies and a profess ional juggler/ comedian. The most watched event, powder puff football conclud ed with victory for the senior girls of 2003.
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Ro ck Star Junior Clayton Willer rocks out at the homecommg carru val.
photo by N Martin
8 1 Wi'lfloon :: student lite
On Top Of The World Senior Toby Cochran and Ca1thn Cowen, senior norrunees for Homecommg royalty wave to the crowd during the parade Seniors Jessica Billmgs and Stuart Bell won the titles
photo by N Martin
Thumbs up Senior Physics II student Gabe Green glides through the parade on Mr Schalhamer's Zappy Scooter
photo b) B Kelley
photo by B Kelle r
2004 Spirit Juniors Allison Frost and Chnshna Montgomery help attach last minute decorations to the Junior class float
Go Lon g junior. 1ccole Perisho prepares to thro\\ a pass at the powde r puff game She said , " It ' s an interesting sport because it's all girls pla} 1ng '
Cruising the town Seniors Johanna Crock and stand-in Mark Palcsak nde do\.vn Washington Street. Crock and Matt Fritz \Vere nominees, hovve, er Fntz chose to nde 1n the parade"' 1th the Ph\ sics II studenh
demons win 26-13
fter the 2002 hom e co min g game there spec tator s ru s hed for th e football field as th e D e mons b ea t the Arvada Red s 26-13. In ce lebration of Golden 's fir s t h o m eco min g win in s i x yea r s fans began a tradition of rus hing th e field after every in cr ed ible win thi s season. To s how their s upport, the peopl e in th e s tand s s tood up on the ble acher s for the l as t seve n minute s of th e game, a nd by th e tim e there were only two minute s left in th e game ther e was a mad ru s h for the neare s t stairs t o th e field
The s pectators were not th e only ones doing th e ru s hing Senior Troy Spahn ran for 169 ya rd s and one tou chdown , while se nior J.C . K e lle y s topped the Red s from rus hing anywher e with 10 ta ckle s. Senior M ar k Melan co n found th e endzone for two touchdown s. Senior Kim Hill s aid , " The team did great and eve ry one did what they were s uppo se d to do . " In 1996 the football t ea m beat the Arvada Red s for the victory, just like thi s yea r Senior Ned M ey er s said , " We pla yed as a team and did a good job and the result s were good."
Stop that Red! Josh >Jelson keeps the Red's defense from rushing the quarterback Nelson made four tackles during the Homecoming game
10 S
Sen i ors J.C. Ke ll ey, Ma tt Panta l eo , and Juruo r Tyler Baruch pile on the Red with the ball Pantaleo had four tackles, JC had nine and Baruch finished up with three
:: student lite :: kellv daJoenv
Senior Robert Chrisman reache s out to stop An ada from gaining yardage
photo bv 8 Kelle\
Get the quarterba c k! Ke, 1n King tackles the quarterback ngh t as he thrO\\ the ball Ke, 1n had three sacks and four tackles
photo b\ 8 Kcllt•y
Get the Ball Junior Tyler Baruch and senior D J Franco tr) to block the quarterbacks pass Franco \•:as credited\\ 1th se, en tackles and one sack for the game
a night in New Orleans
" The homecoming dance vvas a big hit, '' said 1un1or Darryl Preston Student Council worked hard on making the homecoming dance spectacular I t took about a month to p lan for the over 800 expected at the Arvada Center on the night of the dance over 1000 students from Golden High , and and the i r da tes showed up w i th their dance shoes on and ready to go Sophomore student council member Kenzie Kreller sa1 d ," It was better then last years homecoming dance We also had a lot of people show up from our school and different ones, so we made a lot of money" Krysta Terry added," It was fun and we had a good DJ. "
H ey M aca r en a! Junior Tiffan} Davis and her date groove to the macarena " The DJ was 1ammm " Said so phomore Nicole Brov.•n photo by
Preston Smile for the camera S oph o m o re Anne Ehre n s tra ss er tak es a qui ck b re ak from dan c in g, a nd s mil es f o r the camera Ann e Ehr e n s tra ss er s ai d," It's fun to b o o gi e the n ig ht away, with p eo pl e y ou ... lik e?" I
Royalty Homecoming King and Queen Stewart Bell and
Billings slo,v dance after they were crowned Homecoming King and Queen There were five senior couples nominated for this year's King and Queen The winners were announced during halftime at the Homecoming game.
Take a s eat Sophomores Flor Cady and Tanika Tafoya rest their busy feet for a couple of minutes. Sopho m ore Angela Roldan said ," I thought it was fun , but I t hink it could have been better "
The y' ve got s tyle Homecoming attendants , eil Burnett and Stephanie Dockstader dance with the Homecoming queen and King for the 2002 royalty dance eil Burnett and Stephanie Dockstader were pronounced the sophomore attendants at the homecoming assemb l y They pause and smile, showing off
Photo By A Preston
fun in the sun 2002
he be s t memorie s co me from s ummer vaca tion A time for re s t and relaxation, a time with family and friend s. Whether you travel to another co untry , or jus t hanging out at a nearby lake , there is no time lik e s ummer . The good times and fun in the s un will not soo n be forgotten. We a sked for picture s of your s ummer outdoors, and yo u res ponded! H ere is the best of Summer 2002!
-- ·-·-
Muscle S tud s: Seniors Andy Faulkner, Justin Stahmer, and Dane Casterson all shO\V off their muscles as they pose for the camera 1n the Rocky Mountains Senior Ank DeVelder says "Right no\, , your friend s are the most important part of your hfe "
photo by 8 kelley
photo by B Kelle\ Senior Ashley William s poses \Vith cardboard Elvis
1 4 8 .f.'k'foon :: student lite '
Se niors Ryan Armitage , Natte Cooper , Luke Roberts, JC Kelley and Troy Spahn enioy a day on the water
It 7f J J
photo b) B Kelle>
Acro ss The G l obe: Seniors Shannon Meehan and Kim Bea sley tour the busy streets of Florence, Ital) Shannon told us, "This \\ as the last s ummer before \.\'e graduated, and I think everybody made the best out of 1t It \\'as great 1"
Riding the Waves Sophmore Sarah 1vhller perfects her skills on the \\ ak e board "I love hanging out at the lake \Vlth my friends. lt 1s the best part of summer!" said sophmore Ke\ 1n Shulthe1<.s
photo by B Kelll!y
Later Ga t or: Senior Robert Christman Cory Maughan struggles to stay afloat at Lake Po\vell Freshman Dane Benoy said " The best part of summer 1s that you get to act hke a kid agamt"
in the ass
p le n dor in t h e G r ass, a n epic of tru e l ove in th e 1930s implies th a t l ove h as n o b o und a r ies eve n
w h e n p a r e nt s a n d famil y a r e co n s tantly try ing t o s m ash th ei r l ove into th e g r o und . Juni o r C hris Musgr ave sai d , " Bud 's fa th e r w as very s tr ic t o n n o t all ow in g Bud t o b e a r o und D oanie . Hi s f a th e r was try ing t o m a k e him a r eal m an in th e wo rld ." As th e s t o r y unf olds, co mpl ica tions sti r u p th e dee p es t e m o ti o n s.
D o ani e fee ls the s tr o n ges t e m o ti o n s for Bud . Bu t as th e tw o b eco m e se p a r a t e d , D oanie co n s id e r s t a kin g h e r life b eca u se s h e l o n gs f o r Bud Fin a ll y, h e r pare nt s t a k e h er t o a m e n ta l ins ti t uti o n w h e r e h e r life b egins t o ch ange fo r eve r Nee dl ess t o say h e r l ove i s l os t, ye t s h e find s a n e w o n e and b egins ag ain .
Senior St u art Be l l s hu n s junior Onna Poeter 1n his role as Bud Bell's coun terpart Poeter, plays a girl named Doanie The play Splendor 1n tlte Grass played for three nights 1n the GHS auditorium and \.Vas over two hours long Juruor Ashley Bunn said, "Dus play \.Vas so much fun. The cast 1s beautiful "
16 S
p oto y B Ke e}
Se nior To n y Mulj a di a nd on -s t age g irlfri e nd junior As hl ey Bunn fight against her parental guidance The play was very delightfu l and s uspensful You co uld tell t he company was very comfortable working with each other " We ' re a family who have seen each other through life Thi s 1s like our photo album," said junior Angela Finke
:: student Ute :: nlcole perisho
photo by B Kelley
Senior ~iarco Decarlo at bar. .""'~ "> ... summer su
summer su emenr emenL Graduation p. 18-19 Prom Baseball p.20 p.21 Track p. 22-23 Boys LAX p.24 Girls LAX p.25 Girls Tennis p. 26 Student Co. p. 27 Girls Soccer p. 28 Girls Golf p. 29 Jr. Rafting p. 30 Theater p. 31 Senior Sem p. 32 11 • •
Jake Lockhart showen under the
on Junior
Raft Tnp One Junior Raft tri p 3 aboard the "Arnold".
final farewell
os t se n io r s l ea p fo r joy w h en th ey ge t o ut of hi g h sc h oo l, but so m e a r e sca r e d t o e nte r th e r ea l wo rld th a t l ies ah ea d Se ni o r Jo hn Fl y nn co mm e nt e d , " it was r ea ll y sca r y go in g int o h igh sch oo l, eve n if I was w ith m y fr ie nd s, but n ow I h ave t o face co ll ege w ith o ut WIILlltJl.:.!tlJJJi~
~ :.;;~... m y fri e nd s . ' ' K a ri e G r ove sa id, " I ' m r ea d y fo r co ll ege, r ea d y fo r a n ew ch a ll en ge." C H S a l so sa id goo db ye t o fo ur t e a ch er s a nd a sec r e t a r y l as t s prin g Goo d lu ck and thanks for yea r s o f t eac hin g t o En g lis h t eac h e r M rs. Sand y Na tio n s, f o r eign l a ngu age t eac h er Mr To m Swee t, m a th t eac h er Mr s. D ian e K ess l e r , soc i a l s tudi es t e a ch e r Mr Mik e O ' D o ri s i o and finan cial sec r e t ar y Mr s. Lind a Ba k e r
t "
:: summer supplement :: kim cline
- - - -- - ··- - ·--· -
The retiring tea cher s o f Go ld e n Hi g h , Mr S\-v e et , Mrs Na h o n s, Mr O ' Do n si o and Mrs Ke ss l e r s a y their final go o dbye s Mr O ' Do n s 10 s aid , " I wi s h my s tuden ts o nly the be s
Senior Chri s tina Carbone ge ts h e r diploma C a rbone exclaimed, " I finally did it, I can ' t believe i t 1"
Senior Brandon Beehler walks a\ ·ay \\'ith his diploma Genoa Car, er said ·· 1am not done \\'ith school, no\, I have college
Senior Matthew Sullivan gives h1.., goodbye speech Tra\ is Sn) der said, " I ha\ e \\ aited so long to graduate, and nO\\ Lt 1s here"
Seniors Andrea Hunt and Mackenzie Cottle sneak 1n one more hug while sa) 1ng goodbye E, eryone \Vas excited to graduate for different reasons Rachel Garnett said, "I can't \\ a1t, nO\V I get to ha\ e one full year of sno,v boarding "
Rebecca Treasure sings "Good Riddance" to her graduating class Dargan Schmidt said, "I ,v1ll miss high school, but I am ready to mo\ eon "
knight to remember
hat is your biggest Prom nightmare?
" Mv dress getting stuck 1n mv stockings or something like that. "
-junior Lindsy Roberson
"So meone -.tepp1ng on m) dress and it falhng off ."
-1un1or Laine\ lv1cGre,,_•
If you could have Prom anywhere, where would it be?
" A pier b) the ocean would be ,, onderful It ,,vould be romantic and a night to remember "
-senior Stephanie Prugh
" I ,vould ha, e 1t on the moon It 's never been on the moon It vould be cool on the moon "
-senior Jennifer Donnelly
What were you excited about most?
" Weanng my dress and feeling prett} "
-senior Ami Blakeman
" It 's my Sen1or Prom 1I ' m looking fonvard to the ,vhole thing'"
-seruor Celeste Gardener
- -
Prom King and Queen seniors Clay Albracht and Jane Travis pose for their picture There were four sen1or couples nominated for lung and queen "My fa, onte part about being Prom Queen ,vas '•"-'earing the cro,vn and getting free pictures," said senior Jane Tra,·is
Sophomore Lisa Grantano and iuniors Gwen Carey, Kayla Rehder, Jenna Mons, Erin Carey , and Caitlin Co,-ven stop for a picture
2 O S1fWoon :: summer supplement :: rachel----·------
Senior Jessica Billings and iunior Kyle Hauser boogie do½•n Th1s year'~ theme vas "A Krught to Remember" so the Student Council decorated Terrece Gardens at the Denver
Merchandise Mart with med1e, al style decorations "The ice sculputu r e ,..,as the best by far It gesinwas classy," said seruor Ami Blakeman
Se n io r M arco DeCarl o tries t o s t art off the season nght , 1th a s,, ing of the bat. Junior Sean Coughlin earned a spot on the 2002 AllColorado baseball team , batting an amazing 513 "Thi s year" e real!} united as a team and set the s tepping s tone s for next vear's season," said unior Tro S ahn.
field of dreams
What wa s y our fa v orite game and why?
,.,. P o m o n a b eca u se it was sn ow in g a nd we pl aye d o u r h ea rt s o ut It was u nfo rtun a t e th a t 1t was ca ll e d for li g ht, b ut we ca m e b ac k th e n ex t day and wo n in ex tr a innin gs 12-1 1. Th a t was o ur b es t ga m e b eca u se we p laye d wi th a lot of e n e r gy an d h ea r t."
-j unior Sean Co u g hl in
" Ra l s to n Va ll ey b eca u se th ey we r e r anke d 2nd in s t a te and we b ea t th e m r ea ll y b a d . Eve r y b o d y o n th e tea m pl aye d h a rd ."
- so ph o m o r e M a rk Se l ig m an
" Th e Geo r ge W as hin g t o n playoff ga m e b eca u se w e b ea t th e m 17-4 and b eca u se we pl aye d as a tea m W e hit th e b a ll we ll a nd we sh owe d a l o t of h ea rt ."
-se ni o r Ta l o n G l ea t on
BASE Us Them Eve r green 8 R Valley 9 Wheat Ridge 0 G reen Mountain 11 Lakevvood 8 Pomona 12 Bear Creek 1 An ada West 10 Monarch 3 Standle) Lake 2 Dakota Ridge 5 Columb1ne 5 Chatfield 7 Arvada 5 Wheat Ridge 2 Green Moun t ain 2 Thunde r Ridge 6 Lake"ood 1 G Was h ington 17
Heritage 4 Thompson Valley 6 Northglenn 9 Smok} Hill 14 6 5 5 12 5 11 13 11 8 5 12 15 9 1 6 3 7 3 4 3 8 7 13 3
Cheri"} Creek 0 chris felner :: 21
Fron t Row : T Spahn, M Seligman, R. Ellis, M DeCarlo, T Gleaton Sec ond R ow : Coach B Madden , Coach J Madden , G DeCarlo, K Dob y ns, Ass1:,tant Coac h, Cha d Sigg Ba c k Row · L. Roberts, M Melan con, J Hiebert, S Coughlin, S Kirk , B Debaets
nee~ or speed
rack and field includes many events that require s trategy , physical toughness , strength and endurance. Freshman Luke Nelson said, "To me I think runrung track takes a lot of momentum and concentration."
Sophomore Shane Rodriguez said his favorite part of racing was," fini s hing, and the blood rushing enjoyment of competition ph o to b) T Fo f<l and challenges that I face. "
Distiguis hing factors of this year included new a new coaching staff and smaller number of particpants. Head coach Greg Holland regi stered the team for at least two meets per week. New to the team 's coaching staff were Niki Burger, Al Talbo t, Shaine Wieber and Coach Heffner. When junior Mar c us Barber was asked what the team motto s hou ld be he replied, " The motto for this year's track team shou l d be 'Goo d , better, and the best: never rest unti l the good are bet t er and better best. "
----· -22
Jun io r M a tt Frit z throw s the shotput The thro\v1ng team \\ as coached this year by Al Talbot "It \.Vas hard to ach1e\ e enough strength to thro" the shot," sophomore Jordan Stncke r commented on the technique of thro\., 1ng The highlight of the season for the thro\.\ ers \.Vas ,vhen seruor Clay A lbrecht placed second in the W1nd1ammer meet.
photo b~ B Kelle\ Sophomore Stephanie Sadler s pring s out of the blocks during a Jeffco tri-meet Because of unpredictable spnng ,veather, some tra ck meets ,, ere cancelled or postponed Sometimes the meets are rescheduled, but mostly they are 1ust cancelled
photo b) B Kellev
:: summer supplement :: corv
• I
Se nior Curti s Hav e n g ar hold s th e s tarting blo ck for 1un1or James Wagner Though track events are often competed in ind1v1dually, team\-vork plays a large role 1n the success of the team as a \.vhole
mauohan and tom mcknioht
Junior M e li ss a Ford \-\inds up to thrO\\ the :,hot at AAC
photo h\ T Ford
photo courll'•j ,,t I , l'tollC
Fron t Ro " I Oho \I \V,>od" orth W Al kn s Mor.1k, Sc.-cond Ro,, : C oo ch Al I ,ilb<lt S B,>uld1n M R,·h,·1, J Olm I '>krdu,,nt l.. L,, 1, l r, t..tlo S Meeh.in , R L,·hm.inn C Z1mmrm1.>n T hml Row S 5.idkr , M I-or.I R ~l.irhn
E~.,no- J Cr.1\\ n, (\>.,ch N1L.1 Buri.;,·r C.,,i,h <.,r,-g Hnll.md C,-.1 ch Hdln<'r, J Nobk, L Nd,,,n R Ford Fourt h Ro " K C.ro\l• I..: Sulh, 1n M J,,;l'mH>rlh\ M B,irb,:r , S,gll'\ , Z. B;1m,·, I L,·1tr \ (. 1,h t> C1llorJ R i..: ,1mpt htth Roh : K Br.1un , M fritz J W.ign.-r S Ph1lhp, B smith B R,mdolph, I l'r) \ Slw1r C H.1, ,·ng.ir c; Rodngu,·, S11,th Row ".; '1.h ,•r; C ,\Jbr,-cht A Hudson 1) S-111m·r l. O.t.-n-.on. \ F1nL.,• B D.1Jgdl\ ._ !o-mb
Junior Shannon Meehan leap s over the 100 meter hur dl es Meehan came 1n third place and \\ as \ ery e,c1ted to ach1e\'e t he vic t or, during this r ace "I t \\'as hard t o ma1nta1n speed and endu rance agains t the othen,," said rvt eehan
star players
he girls la cro sse team had many thing s to be proud of thi s year. " This year we ha ve worked so hard to beco me what we look like today, If it wasn't for are coach helping u s everyday than we would not have that many wins or so many of us girls on the l eader boards," said Kara Siewart.
Junior Amy Nielsen ranked fourth in State for goals with 50. Sh e also had 20 assists. Seniors Jessica Behunin and Courtney Kreller followed with 22 goals As a team , Golden sco red 180 goals and only al lo wed 59 against them. Goalie Melissa Kennedy made a total of 118 saves Unfortuna t el y, their season was abruptly ended by Heritage with a 6-10 loss .
- -
Junior Jill Durgin runs downfield . " La crosse is th e funne st sport to pla y, it combines the \V11l to \Vtn and the s tr ength to keep on going," said seruor Callan Miller
2 4 S1Wlf.'~ :: summer supplement :: Jasmine akes GIRLS u Boulder 5 Dakota Ridge 20 G. Wa shin gton 9 Ral s ton Valley 18 Columbine 6 Steamboat 19 Wheat Rid ge 7 Dakota Rid ge 14 Eaglecre t 14 St. Mary 's 10 Ral s ton Valley 17 Coulmbine 10 Wheat Ridge 3 Douglas Cty 5 Heri ta ge 6 Them 4 0 10 0 7 2 5 3 2 2 0 3 6 l 10
Sophomore A l ex Verrastro tries to make a fast s t op Golden la cro sse is known for their speed and ag ility "Gir ls lacrosse is the best, I wish more people can,e to our games we need all th e suppor t that we can ge t," said senior Anne Dobyn s after a hard days pra ctice
Senior J o h n Carpe n ter rushes the Chern Creek pla} ers as the\ fight their \Va) do,vnfield Coach Mike Thum1n said, '' Lacrosse 1~ the fa-.test gro,, 1ng sport 1n Colorado and Golden High School 1~ becoming one of the premier p rograms in the s t ate '
sticks of fire
h e Go ld e n Hi g h Sch oo l b oys l ac r osse t ea m was led b y se n io r s G r eg M c Kee, Ke ll y G r aves, C h a d H ea t e r, M ik e P a lm e r, Ryan Lew a n a nd Au s tin Ad a m s. Juni o r Ro b e rt C hri s man said, " W e ca m e t oge th er as a t ea m w h e n we n ee d e d t o, a nd h a d goo d a ttitud e and lea d er s. Th e und e r c lass m en r ea ll y s t e pp e d up a nd s h o w e d u s so m e thin g. W e m a d e it to th e fir s t r o und o f th e s t a t e pla yo ff s ag ain and h o p e t o go furth e r n ex t seas on ."S enio r Jo hn Ca rp e nt e r l e d th e t ea m in sco rin g with 47 goa ls, cl ose l y fo ll owe d b y so p o m o r e T y l e r Baru ch wi th 4 0. A s a t eam , G o ld e n sc ore d 15 0 goal s and m a d e it t o th e playo ff s. Go altender se ni o r Mik e P a lmer m a d e a t ota l o f 140 saves.
GOLDEN i 1 !OLDEN - l""LDEN f,
John mclaughlin ::
-· - - - -· -1·
U s Mullen 9 Gateway 16 G Washington12 Wheat Ridge 12 Columbine 9 Colo.Acad. 8 Ov erland 8 I Englewood 19 I Kent Denver 2 C heyenne Mt . 14 Poudre 4 Smoky Hi l l 12 Bo ulder 12 LAX Th e m 12 0 13 7 8 11 5 0 16 8 13 9 10
., . . ',. r 1 · ~!' ,l"~~N
D J..
Fr ont Row : Will Cant.veil, Corey Gobbo Second R ow: Josh Secora, T} ler Baruch, Austin Adams, Whitney Blumer, Greg Mckee, Jushn Boring, Jon Theisen Th i rd Row : Head Coach tvh ke Thum1n, Dan Salano, R) an Po\.vell, Chns Halley, Andy l-funtsman, Kell} Gra\es , Andy Redmann, Assistant Coach Justin Ronayne Fourth Row : Mat t Pantaleo, Justin Stahmer, tvfatt Brune, Chad Heater, Robe r t Chrisman, John Carpenter, Mike Palmer, Ja::.on Stenseth
25 -·
serve 1t up
Tenni one of the mo t watched ports in the world. Tenni i a port that require agility, tr e ngth and intellect. Each player mu t be able to focu and give the game all they have got while making every practice enjoyable and exhilarating. Junior Katie Garrett aid, " Practice i s important becau e it keep you in hape and help you get to know your partner who play with you in double matche " Technique i the mo t important part of tenni becau e one mu t know what to do to win. Mr. B yme and Mr. Stoke coached thi year.
VARSITY u Them· 26 S
Doubles partners Junior Kaue Garrett and senior Marl>s Nassau rract1ce their technique
:: summer supplement ----------·-Stan. Lake D. Ridge Arvada A. Wet B. Creek Chatfield Columbine Lakewood G. Mountain Pomona W. Ridge 6 1 0 7 1 6 0 7 2 5 0 7 1 6 3 4 1 6 3 4 0 7
Front Row : Katie Garrell , Chn'>t1e Moore Marlys Nas-.au. Mallory Nassau. Ali \.V a1-.on eco n d Ro" : Rachel Matson, Rhonda Hoffert. Emily Kolm, Christine Mat,on, Andi Lan,on. Bnttan) Berg-.tedt. Eli1abe th John,on Back Ro,v : Diana Sendgraff, Kalle Riordan Coach Bob Stokes. Coach Dick. B> rne, Emtly Hoppin, Dylan Re11meyer
Ju s t Han g in ' A ro und Dr Algiene 1s 1ust hang1n around at, elcro night hosted b\ the student council 1n April "Velcro night,, as a mad sick time. Although the \"elcro suits,, ere kind of uncomfortable for guys, I highly recommend going ne~t ) ear ::.aid senior ~tatt Tuffin The admission for the\ elcro 1ght \\'as S3 00 and all of the proceeds \\ent to the freshman account to host bigger and better e, ents 1n the future
f you could change one thing about Student Council at GHS what would it be?
" If I cottld ch ange one t hin g 1t wo uld h a\'e to b e t o h a\-e peop l e wo rk as a whole. Ins t ead of only o n e o r two peop l e pe r class working s u pe r h a rd a nd eve r yone e lse t a k ing i t easy, h ave eve r yone work h a rd an d b e o n t as k ." -j unio r Jo h anna Crock
What has been the b es t event held b y Student Council at GHS has held and why?
" Th e b es t eve nt is th e S tud en t Co u nci l r e tr eat, I think so b eca u se 1t gave u s t ime t o bond wi th each o th e r an d h ave a r ea ll y grea t ti m e " -fr es hm an La ti s h a Barbe r
- ·-·-~·
Wha t did y ou s ay? Sophomores hang out at the sophomore lock-in hosted b\ GHS student council "The sophomore lock in ,vas great fun and ,vas a great oppontunit\ to hang out\\ 1th m; class," said sophomore Jasmine Akes At the lock-in all the sophomores pigged out on food, pla} ed basketball, and other games All of the mone; \\ ent to the sophomore a..:count to enable them to host more e, ents
Senior Haley Hansen slides 1n front of her oppone n t to steal the ball and tr} to score a goal. Senior Brittan}' Babk1e\v1ch said, "My fa, on te game was against Arvada, e\ en though 1t was our last game, I felt \Ve played together and played as a team "
hi s yea r m a n y t a l e nt e d gi rl s ca m e o ut fo r socce r , m a n y th a t h ave b ee n play in g fo r a numb e r o f yea r s. Juru o r Bria nn a Bla ir co mm e nt e d " I 've b ee n pl ay in g socce r si n ce I was a l ittl e g irl I s t a rt e d a t th e age o f fo ur b eca u se I w ante d t o pl ay a s p or t ."
Th e D e m o n s ro ll e d o ut w ith win s
aga ins t D 'Evelyn, Bea r C r ee k , M o n a r c h and L a k ewoo d Se ni o r H a l ey H a n se n le d in sco ring w ith
e i g ht goa l s. Fres hm a n goa li e Dana G a rr e tt m a d e
136 saves.
2 8 SI...... == summer supplement______ 4___VARSIT Us Them Northglenn 0 2 Conifer 0 I D ' Evelyn 1 0 Arvada West 0 3 D . Ridge 0 6 Green Mtn. 0 12 Bear Creek 1 0 Pomona 1 7 Ch atfield 0 5 Stan. Lake 2 5 Lakewood 4 2 Monarch 3 1 Wheat Ridge I 8 Co lumbin e 0 7 Arvada 1 4
Ba ck Row: Anya Strauss, Enn Carey, Liz Ranfranz, Elisa Butkus Middle Row : Anna Ma n gan, Johanna Crock, Carly Walker, Sara Sherlock, Bnanna Blair, Vanessa Mallicoat, Joanna Galio to, Tessa Lee, Coach Ra1nsford Front Row : Lauren Bogart, Makenzie Rogers, Brit tany Babkiewich, Gwen Carey, Haley Hansen, Danielle Garnett, Beck;, Ketchum, Dana Garrett
Jor d a n Gas pard take s a s win g to hit the ball off the f 11 , a) There are many different reasons\\ h} people decided to tc1kl• up the sport of golf "I got interes t ed 1n golf because of Tiger \\1oods," said sophomore Samatha D isne\ "M} f amtl}, friend:,, and bo, s got n1e interested on golf," added\ anes<.a F.1rrell.
hole in
eol f 1s a game of concen t ra ti on a nd s ki ll. I t takes a l o t o f practi ce a nd pa ti e n ce t o be s u pe r1o r in thi s s p o rt E\ en t h o u g h go l f m ay n o t b e o n e of th e m os t p o pul a r a nd comm o n s p o rt s, 1t is s ti l l fun t o p lay no m a tt e r w h o yo u are Th e go lf t ea m n ow only co n sis ts of seve n p l aye r s, fi\ e of w hi ch a r e n e½' t o th e s p o rt ,., M y favo rit e th ing a b o ut go lf i s s impl y hittin g th e b a l l s," said so ph omor e Sam anth a D is n ey. "See in g h ow fa r I ca n hit th e b a ll i s my favo ri te tlu n g ab o ut g olf," said so ph o m o r e Va n essa Farre ll. Fo r so m e p eo ple, go l f ca n e ,.1e n be more th e n Ju s t a fun s p o rt . " I l i ke hittin g th e b a ll s in go lf beca u se 1t 1s a g oo d s t r ess r e li eve r ," sa id so ph o m o r e D a ni e ll e Teter. N o m a tt e r w h o yo u a r e o r w h a t mi g ht b e yo u r fa vo rit e thing ab o ut it, a lm os t eve r yo n e o f u s can find so m e t h in g t o lik e a b o ut go lf.
Points Wes t Wood s 644 Pla c e 12 Fox Hollow 574 12 Mea d o w s 632 12 La ke Arbor 53 8 12 In ve rn ess 596 12
Ro llin g Hi lls 643 12
olivia versaw :: 29
Jordan Gaspard, Christie Overmyer, Alexis Held, Saman tha D1sne1, Danielle Teter, Coach Becky Croz ie r, A lana Gra\, Vanessa Farrell
wtilite water memo
olde n High School 1s unique 1n that each year the faculty and alumni organize raft trip s in Western Co l orado and Utah for the juni ors Last year, three trips were organized 1n the spring to raft the Yampa and Green rivers. The trips are always memorable for the 1uruors and a good chance for th em to bond before enterin g senio r yea r Unfortunately, because the popularity of the area and the unavaliabihty of permits, the second trip was cut shor t and the rafters only experienced th e Green Ri ver. Side trips include a hike to a waterfall, a s top at a hot springs and a visit to the Dinosaur Quarry Juru or Eli Martin said, "The raft trip was the most fun I've h a d on a school activity II At th e Homecoming assembly th e year after the trips, th e rafters are awarded w ith Bes t Rafter awards and the more controve r s ial CA2 award (Chronic Compla in er) The Golden raft trip has a long tradition and hopefully wi ll be con tinued for years to come.
3 O S ii~ :: summer supplement :: bV sarah miller-
Junior Raft Trip 3 warms up 1n the springs Three tnps headed for the Colorado and Green R1\ers left from Golden High School 1n April and Ma}
T rip On e gathers around the ¾aterfall for a picture
J u nior Na t e Cooper engages 1n a water fight benveen raft s as they make their \•,ay do,vn a slo,.v <;tretch o f th e Yampa Rn er
~laving a great time acting, sen ior Jes!:> 1ca Roat , pulls off a \\'Onderful performance Jessica president of the drama club, can onh expres5 I .ima
ith one
ord 'Pa-.sion, it gn es , ou e\ er, thing you need 1n life
his s pring ' s mu s ical, cho sen by Mr. Klug , was The Soi1ndofMusic. The drama club was well suited to this play because there are many roles for children.
Sophomore Onna Poeter was awarded the lead role of Maria. '' I joined Drama because I love to act, and it helps me see into other people lifes. '' explains senior Becky Treasure.
- -~_.....,_,..-~-~
-- -·--____
The Van Trapp children gat h er around Mana, played by sophomore Onna Poeter
Deyon adventure
hat wa s the mo s t exciting or fun trip to go on thi s year?
" The most excihng trip for me this year was the Lake Havasu trip because we were able to go into a sweat lodge to go on a v1s1on quest."
-senior Tarah Moya
11 1 trunk the most exciting trip we went on was the southwest trip because we got to go cliff diving and learn a lot about ative American cu ltu re."
-seruor Ste,,ie Meier
What was the mo s t important thing you learned from Senior Sem?
" The most important thing I learned was from our day at Urban Political. It taught me how not to be Judgemental toward others, and to see life from a different perspective from othe r people's pomt of view."
-senior Tom Garre tt
----···- -· --· - - . I
Seniors Aimee Leidich and Eri n Resnick sit back and enjoy the scenic , 1e\, "h1le trying to keep \\. arm
Front Row T'r lcr I'1ke Stevie t>tc,cr Brian Le,\ , T J French , MiJ..c Palmcr,' Oan Braum Tar.1 BanJ..s, Brdd D~nlap, Shawn Darcy, R.ichcl \Vybnd Back Row· DMg.in Schmidt, Shann.i \.Vagelmg L.:,,ht!' Daniels Jane Tra, ,~ A1ml>e Leidich T.ua Mo}.i Beth ~1Jrtm Erm Resnick Tom G.irrett Cl,1)- Durham Jon Thi~cn , Brian Scdgclc} , Julie W1lli.ims , K1r,-hn C.1nada\
3 2 S 1Wlfl800 :: summer supplement
Senior Bryan Levy gets up early to make breakfast for the group
marriot memor
adie HaVvkm s 1s orgainzed by the 1unior class comm1 ttee of Student Council This y·ear the class of 2004 sec ured the Southeast Den\ er Marriot m the Tech Center for the e\'ent The room was s pa c iou s and rea so nably decorated Hundred s of girls and their date s came the the annual sw itc h-around dan ce where the girl m, 1 1tes the guy of her dream s Though not as formal as so me of the other dances, so me go all out Juruor Andy T schetter sa id ," My date put s tar on my ceilmg to ask me out "Junior Aaron Riz z uto also sa id his date opted for the glo,v-1nthe-dark star m,·itahon
Junior $hannon McDonald and Shannon Meehan haYe a bl.i~t "Jd IC5,
Junior Cassidy Hara s pin s her chopsticks to the rh) thm of the music.
Juniors And, Wola\ er and Abbit? Peterson get dO\\'n on the dance floor
ight bands particiated in Battle of the Bands Spring 2002 including Rocky ' s Red Rocket, The Gromos , Left of Maple and Comer 4 . Fre shman Chase Larson said, '' Wow, the lead guitarist of Left on Maple rocked! '' Each band put in hour s of practice preparing for the event and many of the guys in the bands have been playing together for years. The event usually draws an audience of students , middle schoolers, faculty and parents .
- • I • • • • • •
3 4 5'1Mfloon :: summer supplement :: amanda
--· • ----~---,,.._ • , , , Juniorvarsitysoccer third {eve{ soccer 6oysswimmina__,.'uniorvarsity6ase6al1-third {eve{ 6ase6a{{ I 35- -•-v--~ - - - - -~•·
a& S .w!f/oon :: sports division l. I • I Senior Eno Carey goes up to ba t while plav1ng Stanley lake The vanst) softbaJI team played all the wa} into quarter finals • G H S softball kicks bucc, " said Carey pho to by L Koch Fres h man Rya n S p rakl1ng pins o n e of the R al s ton V all ey oppo n ents "W res cltng 1s th e bes t th i ng I h ave even done." sai d S p a rkli ng
Football p 38-39 Tr1dettes p . 40 Cheers p 41 Softball p 42-43 Soccer p 44-45 Volleyball p. 46-47 Gymnastics p 48 Dance Team p.49 Cross Country p 50-51
Go l f p.52 Fall Sports p 53 JV and Leve l III p 54-55 Boys Basketba ll p 56-57 Girls Basketball p 58-59 Wrestling p 60-61 Girls Swimming p . 62-63
Winter JV and L eve l
p 64 Winter Spo r ts p.65
he dail y life of a GHS athlete is in ch aos. Mo st athletes wake up a t unreaso n a bl e hours to only work out a bit before school s s tarts, but they get a littl e n ap in during th e ir off - blo ck Practices can sta r t immediately after sc hool and some don 't even end until 9:00 p.m. Mo st prac ti ces get yo u 1n shap e by running , running , and mor e running , but are al so mi xe d with
Seniors Scan Coughlin and Kev in King game preparation. (( Prac ti ce is one of the hard es t thin gs, but it get ready for a play dunng the gam e against Green l\1ounca1n The vari st) basketball team 1s ch e only ream to beat the 5A power house " It was a is all for the better,» said so phomore Dana Garrett. Most social team ,vin said King
t ime is taken away by prac ti ce a nd games. Games ran ge from
7 a.m . on Saturdays to 6p.m on S undays. «Gam es al ways conflict on my schedule," said junior Tyler Baru ch. Games test an athlete's patience and they are always toug h , althou gh chat fee l ing you get wh e n play ing is why yo u play. Failures a nd accomp l ish ment s are always closely watched and c riti cised, but yo u keep on p l aying. «GHS athleti cs ru l es,» said se nior Ryan Armitage.
- - - - - ---~,,-~-
arts 31 l I ------·--·--- - - - -- - - - ·
hat a seaso n for Golden High School's football team . After four close lo ss es in a row the Demons firu s hed the
Senior Nate Cooper run s th e ball m for a Demon touchdown Tius year, Cooper p layed everything from quarterback to runrungback and really pumped up his s tat s \¥1th 698 yards rushing, 149 yards receiving, 71 yards passing and 41 ta ckles regular season vv1th a record of 6-4.
The Demon s won a crucial regular season finale against Gateway 20-17 s e c uring a s pot in the 4A pla y off bracket. The Demons faced topsee ded Longmont m the fir s t game but Golden came out s trong to win 17-13
" We knew we couldn ' t 1ust run against them We had to open up the pass ing game/' sa id head coach Al Ta l bot, who r ece ived a coach of the yea r award.
Th e s eco nd playoff game was a remat ch against Gateway. Golden so lidified their powerhou se status in Colorado with a sc ore of 28-14 A victory against Fruita-Monument (21-7) in the semifinals propelled the Demons into the final s for their fir s t appearance s in ce 1959 "'' Our team 1s all fight , all heart ," sai d se ruor Tro y Spahn. Golden residents , s tudent s, fa c ulty and alumru gathered in the thou sa nds at Centaurus High School to witness the Demons make his tory. However , Golden fell to the undefeated Monarch team in a close battle of the defen s e . More than anything , this year's team helped put the Demons on the map in state-wide co mpetition, giving the oldest school in Colorado the long overdue respect it de serves.
courtesy of www.act1onp1c9 com
photo by B Kelley
:: spons
Front Row · N Cooper J McLaughlin J Emsbach. A Oldenettel. T Spahn, R Amutage M Soren.<;en, J \\lagner Second Row A Faulkner J Botljer J Noble&, A Ohnemus, B Drexler Coach A Talbot K Dobyru;. D Saunar K Froyen, M Fn tz, C Maughan Third Row, S McKendry. D. Jankov1ak D Bolger C Heater J Blincoe R Haves, S. Wieber J Kelley C Kelley B English, M Thumin. B Black. S Darcy A Soreltion Fourth Row : J Stncker D Fr anco, M Pantaleo. T Baruch, K Pike, S Rodriguez, B Hoogheem G \\lilson B Coggan C Morsette Fifth Row · J Lockhart R Chrisman B Dalgetty K Hill G OeCarlo, J Rocke B~ck Row · J Nelson, l\i Meyers. K King , L Roberts, J Keller, M. Melan con
Se n ior Lu ke Rob erts makes another amazing ca tch Robert s s igned a letter of intent with the CSU Rams before the 2002 season Ro berts, a four year varsity starter had 853 yards receiving and 54 total tackles.
courte-;y of www actionp1c9 cu m
Seni or Gi n o DeCarl o breaks av-.a} from the Littl eton defense In the championship game against Monarch, Gino had 75 yards re ceiving to add to a sea,;;on total of 312 DeCarlo also completed 82 yards rushing and 33 tackles courtesy of www achonpic9 com
Se ni o r J C
K e ll ey expresses his frustration after a tough loss to Wheatndge in the regular season. Kelley dominated \Vith 554 yards rushing, 126 yards receiving and 78 ta ckles
Them Gree l ey W est 14 30 Green Mt. 21 24 T . Ridge 7 24 Wheatridge 21 23 Ar\ada 26 13 Ral s ton V. 14 13 A. Hinkely 26 7 Littleton 56 10 Lakewood 49 23 Gateway 20 17 Longmont 17 13 Gateway 28 14 Fruita-M . 21 7 Mon a r ch 35 42
photo by B Kelley
39 I - -·- ~---___ ,,
on e op
hat 1s the funne st thing about being a
" The funnest thing about being on the
Tr1dettes is ,,vatching our performance video after v.1 ee k s and weeks of practice ."
Sarah T\11ller, Sophomore
" The best part about being a Tr1dette 1s perforrrung 1n front of people "
Ashley Clement, Junior
" Being a part of a team and gaining good friend s."
Jenn a Rlmbert, Sop h o n1or e
" Th e fun p art about being a Tridette 1s being in front of people a t ga m es and being part of a tea m "
Chan Hogan, Sophomo re
---·-------·-- --·- ·-40
Just Warmin Up Sophomore Sarah Miller dances at the Homecoming assembly Sarah said "This years Homecoming vvas the best b} far." Th1S was Sarah's second year with the Tridettes
:: spons I
Front Row Ashley Clement, Hillary Chapple, Jenna R1mbert, Crysta Walker, Kendra Pros Seco nd Row Charli Hogan, Kayla Jensen, A1n"lee Daniels, Beth Lo, oy-Avers, Coach G1nnv Walker Third Row Carl\ Walker, Sarah Miller, Ally Mornson
Ge ttin ' rowdy Freshman Jocelyn Zu p m cheers on her Demons a t the f1n,1I regular stason football ga m e "It\\ as so co ld, I couldn' t fee l m} fingers or my toes, but it\\ as \\ ell ,vorth 1t," said 1u n1or Lisa i\1cL.:1ughlin Golden played Ga te,vay and ended \ \' t t h a ,·icton o f 20- 17 to movt! onto the playoffs
hat are some team tra
"One tradition that \l\'e broke this year was not going to the State competition this year in December."
Stephanie \-Vilson , s enior
" No matter what the weather\\ a s hke ½' e showed up to the game s to support our boys "
Lisa Mc Lau ghlin , juni or
"Every month one of the cheerleader s would have a slumber partybeforeagameand wewould all stay up ]ate and ,vatch movies."
Ali Barnes, sophomore
" Every week on Tues day , \'\' e hold a meeting 1n Coach Conroy 's office to di sc u s s is sues that 1n\ ol\ e us and anything that rrught improve the s quad ."
\If e lanie Sco ch y, fr es hm en
photo by B Kelle)
I 41
Front Row · Sydn ey Seigne ur, Dant Sykora, Madelain e H arris, Lisa McLuaghhn, Knshe Hagberg Middle Row : Jocelyn Zup 1n, Melanie Socoy, Kelse1 Scally, Ka the rine Gill, Ali Barnes Ba ck Row : Maggie McCreary, S tep han ie W ilson, Coach Conroy, T nsh McGee, :tv1arina Casterson, Colleen Morales
a league o ourown
hat does teamwork mean to you?
" This season was teamwork We Batter up Senior G\-ven Care}' \Vaits for the _£itch Carey had 55 at bats and 12 RBIs Carey earned first team all conference. had our "golden-d" and it was our team playing together. We worked together just to be robbed of the satisfaction we earned."
" To be a team is to work together and to play to the bes t ability of all the member s."
''To be a team is to know each others weakness and over come them, have perfection in the game and strive to win!"
" To have a team work together and see their accomplisments is the greatest thing in the world ."
DanaGarrett,10th • --
photo by B Kelley
:: sports -•• • ...•
Watch out seruor Erin Carey swings the bat so fast you can' t even see it Carey received second team all-conference Seruor t eam members included Erm and Gv1en Carey, Tabatha Bradeen, Kayla Rehder, Daruelle Smith, Kate Leadford, Courtney and Robyn Speer Pitcher Bradeen struck 77 people out this season
- -
photo b) B Kelley
Stealin' the base senior Erin Carey goes t o s t eal a base bu t runs back t o the safety of second. With 53 at bats, Carey had 22 hits and 11 RBIs Carey s t ole one base this season.
And you ' re out Sophomore Dana Garrett gets up to make the play Garrett had a bathng averade of 418 with 15 RBI s
Durango 6 2 Fruha Mon 3 2 G.J Central 1 8 Conifer 9 0 Wasson 8 0 Honzon 6 4 Chaparral 4 7 Rocky Mtn 1 5 Range View 7 4 D'Evelyn 10 0 Evergreen 3 1 Englewood 7 2 Jeffers on 1 0 Ralston Val 3 14 Elizabeth 16 2 Sumnut 10 6 Lutheran 1 3 Alameda 11 0 Lakew ood 0 3 Greeley Central 13 4 Mullen 7 9 Greeley West 1 5
photo by B Kell ey
photo ti, B l-.dl,•y
Front Row: Jenrufer Pridmore, Christy Moore Seco nd Row : Ka yl a Rehder, Stacey Martmez Third Row ; Kathryn Malone y, Danielle S mith, Tom Peterson, Mark Bollinger, Dana Garrett, Kane G ranqui s t Back Row Enn Carey, Tabatha Bradeen, Gwen Carey, I-Iailey Estrada,
photo by B Kelley Katie Leadford
demon aggression
his was an exceptional year for the soccer team. After completing the regular season
with a record of ten wins , four losses, and no ties , they placed second overall in their conference. This qualifyed them for the playoffs where thery scored 3 goals against Montezuma-Cortez . However they lost their second playoff game to Liberty High School 0-6. One of the team ' s greatest assets was junior goalie Steve Phillips who made 49 saves this year. Also crucial to the team ' s success were senior captains Aaron Rizzuto and Bryce Erickson who made a ll-conference teams.
- -----------·--· - -44
Going for the Goal Sophomore Derek Swesey kicks the ball past an unsuspecting opponent Senior Aaron Rizzu to holds the team record for most assists tlus season w1th seven
Front Row : Matt H artung, Kevm Moul t on, Ian Lanier, Alex H uges, To mmy Hun tsman, Dernc Swet,ey Second Row : Bryce Enckson, Ryan Beeh l er, Nate Coronado, Rlcky Almanza, Aaron Rizzu to, Enc Lyman, Pa t rick Maloney Third Ro"v : Tyson Redenbarger, Steve Ph1lhps, Jason Pommerening, Ed Woo d , Cole H innen, Tyler Carson, Knst1an Larson, Coach Chad Reid
photo by B Kelley
Beware th e De m ons! Fres hman Na te Coronado Rockypre ps.com cre d its Co ronado ,,11th five goals and two assis ts for t he season.
VARSITY Us The m L akewood 2 1 Pomona 6 0 Wheatrid ge 3 1 Arvada 1 0 Conifer 0 2 Alameda 8 0 Jefferson 7 1 Ral s ton V. 3 0 L. Palme r 1 8 Evergreen 0 1 D ' Evlyn 5 1 Summit 3 0 Englewood 0 3 M -Co rtez 3 1 Lib erty 0 6
photo by B Kelley
photo b\' B Kell<'\'
So phomore Tomm y Hunt s man soars down the field Huntsman scored one goal in regular season pla}
to score a goal Redenbarger holds the team record for thi s season with 8 total
scored 45
photo by B Kellev
e d e nbarger
down the field
pin' up the stats
ow do you think the volleyball team did this season?
,.,I think we had a vast improvement from last year and I hope the trend continue s "
-s enior Ka tie Riordan
"Well volleyball hmm, we did better than last year! That's for sure! But still we weren't the best! But I did have fun! And I guess that 's important!"
-sophomore Mackenzie Kreller
46 S
What a Shot Senior Kahe R1ordan goes 1n low to make sure s he gets the ball Kahe made a total of twelve blocks this season Kahe Riordan sai d , " Having to hit the floor co n s tantl y hurts 1"
Serve it up Sophomore Mackenzie Kreller prepares to ser:e the ball to the other team This season seniors Shannon McDonald and Anna Mangan received all-conference a,vards.
Us Them
Jump for Joy Fre shman Blaklee M1nez spikes t he ball O\'er the net for a ,vonderful shot "We bonded more as a team and did stuff together as a team and that helped us to ,vork together on the co urt," said 1un1or Christie Charleston
What a Game Senior Kelh Sauer gets a h1gh-fi\'e for making a great point for the team "1ackenz1e Kreller replied, "All I ha\~ t o sa} to the \'Olleyball girls 1s -FJ\IE STAR WARS-FUN, But painful! I love you all! Good luck seniors m college'"
Clear Creek 2 I Lakewood 0 2 Eaglecre t 0 2 Fairview 0 2 Manual 2 1 Evergreen I 2 Almeda 2 I Jeffer on 2 0 Ral s ton Valle y 0 2 Summt 0 2 Conifer 0 2 D ' Evelyn 1 2 Elizabeth 0 2 En g lewoo d I 2
photo bv B Kelley
phot<' b\ B Kelle
Front Row : Brittany Marsh, Conrue Artica Second Row Anna Mangan, Mackenzie Kreller, Kelh Sauer Third Row : Shannon McDonald , Amy Fo s ter, Blaklee Mmez, Christle Charleston, Katie Riordan, Brandi Cappello, Back Row : Coach Jeremy Lucas
hat do you do to prepare for a meet?
"O ur team was m a de up mo s tl y of freshmen vvhich made it hard beca use we had to s how them the ropes but it was definately fun all the sa me."
"We had a lot of fun thi s year! We all got to know each other better, wluch brought the team closer We all had great nick-names too Love ya nerd!, Nerd #2 ."
" I ha ve faith in m y team and hope they all go for the gold. Abo ve all though, I jus t go out there and ha ve fun ."
Melissa Kennedy, freshmen
" We wou l d all ch an t righ t aft er the march-in, ' R-E-D , red H- O-T, Hot! We can' t help but w h a t we go t! We ' re bad, vve know it, we're here to s how it!"
Kellie Lankutis , freshmen
Queen of the uneven bar s,, seruor Deborah Tarum prepares to make her move Tarum qualifyed for sta te thi s year
photo b} 8 }wlley
Us Them Stan . Lake 6 1 D. Ridg e 0 7 Arva d a 1 6 A. We s t 0 7 B. Creek 2 5 Chatfield 0 7 Columbine 1 6 Lakewood 3 4 Gm.Mtn. 1 6 Pomona 3 4 W Ridge 0 7 (
Front Row: Amanda Archy, Sar ah Kahn, Deborah Tarum Ba c k Row: Kelhe Lankutis, Amanda Davidson , Melissa Kennedy , Jessi Vits
on fire
he Jazz Dance team participate during the halftime shows at football games and other sports g ames. Some mi g ht s a y dan cing l oo k s easy, howeve r , the s e girls prac ti ce for hours ea ch da y. M an y o f th e m ha ve b een dancing their whole lives. The Jazz Dance team is known for their daring moves , such as a collapsing human pyramid and s up e r s plits, a s w e ll as th e ir am az ing fl ex ablility
Q: What made you join the Dance Team?
" I wanted to d o so m e thin g t o bui ld my se lf-co nfid e n ce."
-freshman Jess i e St e ll ini
"Th e peop l e o n the dan ce t ea m are ruce"
-sop h o m ore Jenny G iffo rd
For the Show Junior Allison Frost and sophomore Amv Hartman ha, ea good time 1n front of the home cro,vd Mo st of the dancers on the tean, haYe been dancing for a long hme Kendra Warren savs,"I ve been doing it since I ,vas tv, o
photo by 8 Kdlcv
To p R o w · Amanda Jordan , Kendra Warren, Brandy Wegscheider, and Alyssa Cuchiara Mi ddl e R ow · Je ssie S telhn1 , Jenny Gifford, Chrishna Montgomery , Katryna Mathieu, Megan Gab ri , and Am} Hartman Fro nt Ro w · Allison Frost
run 1t u
hat types of things are going through your head while you are running?
" I think about how I ha ve to run fa s ter than m y competitors."
- s ophomore Erin W eber
" How close I am to the fini sh , and how tired I am. "
-sophomore Rand y Zimmerman
" I think of anything that will take my mind off th e ra ce."
-senio r Jon Sestrich
" How mu ch I love cro ss country. "
-junior Sophie Van De Wegh
- I I
Ahead of the pack Sopho m o re Erm Weber concentra te s hard to finish this season off strong Weber was all-conference and a sta te qualifier Freshman Anna Lieb rece1'. ed second team all-confererce Lieb sa id ,"Cross Cou ntry 1s great, except for th e running"
photo by B Kdky
Cross Girls B. Creek 12 / 15 Lyons 11 / 20 Fort Collin s 7 / 14 Lakewood 6 / 18 D. Ridge 7 / 25 C. Springs 16 / 22 League Meet 6 / 8 Regionals 6 / 13 Stat e Meet 48 / 164
Firs t Row Jon Ses tn ch, Anna Lieb, Rand i Zimmerman, Amy Braun Seco nd Row: So phie Van De Weghe, Enn Weber, Cassie Zimmerman, Kyle Sulli va n, Nathan Niles, Alex H o\'.1es Third Ro w Jake Spence r, Adam Hud son , Andy Pe op le s, Drew Lewis, Marga ret Stashak Fourth Row · Coach Chns Colucci, Taylor Burkman, Kelsey Mcfsaac, David Neivman, Brenden Smi th, Coach Greg H olland
J Boys 12 / 15 I 4 / 20 8 / 14 12 / 20 10 / 25 17 / 22 6 / 8 10 / 13 5 O S .Mi/oon :: summer supplemenl I }
photo by 8.
H i tt i n g a Winner Senior Andre\v Tschetter goes 1n for a front hand shot." 1r Byrne\\ as a great coach that kne\V ho\, t o bond \Vit h all th e plnyers," said Tre\'or elson photo b) R Kcll,y
serve it up
hat did y ou lik e b es t ab o ut th is year's te nni s t eam?
11 It w as a fun yea r b eca u se we w e r e 4A a nd it w as a goo d season.11
-Trevo r Ne lso n
11 It fe lt g ood ge ttin g t o co ach thi s yea r and see ing th a t th e t ea m w as pre p a r e d a nd r ea d y fo r a goo d seaso n '1
-Coac h By rne
Con ife
n Ra ls t
Eng l,voo
t\lrne d
Dako ta
t\e rgree n fo un ta
Col Aca de my
res t
d a
o n Vall ey
Rid ge
in Va ll ey
Score 0-7 7-0 5-2 6- 1 4 -3 0-7 6- 1 5-2 5-2 4 -3 4th
photo b\ B .._dlcy
Fr o nt Row · Tre\'or Pietrafe-.o, Teo D eV ito ,G rey Gustafson, Lance Dale Secon d Row· Andre\v Narke\v1cz, Jared Ri char d so n , Philip Rogers, Ro r} W1ll1{'ms, Phillip Park T h i rd Row Coach Di ck Byrne, Tre\'Or Nelson, Adam Simm o n s, Andy T schetter , Ke, 1n Gallagher, Brandon Babk1e\v1 ch
swinging hard
olf is a game of skill and precision . It also takes a lot of concentration. A person has to be able to tune out all of the people around him, so that in his mind there i s only him and th e hole. The b es t thin g about go lf is the hol e in one it i s always th e mo s t fun thin g to get. It a l so is th e b es t way to win a game of golf.
Senior Tyler Enna is pictured at left trying to putt the ball in. Enna was two strokes over par at the Jeffco League Meet in September.
- - - - -- ------·--,.._,_ph o to b y B Kell~ 52
For Par Dane Hi n nen tees off Dane fin1Shed 2nd team all co nf erence and 9th 1n Jeffco league Hinnen \Vas only hvo strokes over par at the
league meet.
photo by B Kelley
:: spons
Ba ck Row : Coach H ornecker, Mark Ketchum, Tyler Enna, Thomas Van De Bogar t, Michael VanDeBogart, Paul Ke t chum, Quinn Homecker, Dane H innen Front Row : Luke Baruch, Zach Bressler, Chase B1anch1, Kyle Lewis, Brad Va1voda
, VARSI Points Pl ace Foothills 306 1st Lake Arbor 3 10 1st We s t Wood 313 1st Fo x Hollow 151 1st Indian Tree 298 1st Meadows 300 1st Points Avg Quinn Homecker 407 74.0 Kyl e Lewis 421 76.5 Tyler Enna 3 45 76.7 Dane Hinnen 425 79 .1 Thoma s VDB 448 79.6 Brad Vaivoda 89 89.0 I
photo by B Kelle)
G .. 1¢ ' 9 53
third level football
third level volleyball
-------·------ --·- -• , I
Fi rs t Row: R Seate B Hoogheem J Stncker J. Hock B Coggan S. Hernck Second Row: T Hinkle. M. Sorensen Manager D. Jankoviak Coach S. Wieber Coach M. Thumium Manager C. Morsette. B Blair Third Row: L. Nelson, J. Lockhart R. ford, N Burnett, J Nobles B Drexler fourth Row: T Baruch. K. Pike K Dobyns D. Sauner, A. Dhn.?mus, M Emsbach Fifth Row: K. Froyen G Wilson A Mangan J Kulbacki A Cash S. Rodriguez, S. Sweet • •JUnl varsity
Front Row: Lindsey Spencer Mackenzie Kreller Second Row: Alex Verrastro, Alex Davis Third Row: Stephanie Pothast. KayleyByl AnJa Mueller Coach Jeremy Lucas, Maggie Riordan Morgan Dougherty Saman t ha Disney
jun l r varsity football
First Row: G. Munroe, B Russell Z McCreary T Pierandozzi D Story. D Armenta. R. Bettini Second Row: C Jimenez A Satz J Cowen K. McKendry C Secary A. Nelson D. Gustafson Th ird Row: T Dopp, Manager A Sorensen Coach S McKendry Coach C Hea t er Coach J Blincoe Coach D Boger Coach S. Darcy M. Gillespie, J. Runiki Fourth Row: R VandenBroeke, M Riuuto. R. Sack, J. Darcy A. Ranfranz. z. Groff B. Simmons. M. King Fifth Row: l. Wilson R Hayes, K. Coughlin. D. Hall. M Basemann, M. Kelly Sixth Row: L Garramone S. Walker J Holley J. Nye, M Trujillo, S. Stokes, R. Geth1ng freshman
Front row: Caleh Casino Sarah Gizinski, Taylor Romanowski Second Row: Nicole Werschky. Molly Barbeau Stacey Lewerke Shawanna Bond Cheryal D'Epagmer Ashley Twiford coach Clett.
54 of :: sports Front row: Alex Davis Brooke Sauer Heather Maloney Se cond Row: Dee Ozbay Ariel Blakeman, Jaffa me Ruble Coach Jacinda Croissant, Cheryl D"Epagmer Kirsten Sletten, coach Colette.
junior varsity soccer
Third Level Football
What was your most memorable moment of the season?
"Every time Coach Blincoe would try to np up h1s laminated play sheets."
-freshman James Darcy
Junior Varsity Soccer
What was your most memorable moment of the season?
"When Ne zar got hit in the lower stomach and the ball went 1n the goal."
-freshman Sean Smith
Junior Varsity Softball
What was your most memorable moment of the season?
third level softball
''We were playing Mullen in the District tournament, the game was ours all we had to do was get three outs and we had two points lead. The best moment of the season was steppin on the field t o play th e last inn1ng, the worst was having to step off."
-fresh man Kathryn Maloney
Third Level Softball
What was your most memorable moment of the season?
"I liked playing backwards ball ." -sop hom ore Kelly Dalgetty
JV Volleyball
What's your favorite position to play?
"I am a middle hitter."
-so phmore Maggie Riord an
Third Level Volleyball
What was your most memorable moment of the season?
'' My favonte moment of the season would be the practices be cause it gives us a chance to get t o know each other and learn how to work with one another."
-freshman Cheryl D ' Epagnier
• •
First Row (L to R): Jack Jones Ryan Sprackbng, Sam King Rudy KluckH., Eric Pohl. Ryan Trout, Sean Smith Second Row : Cisco Artica oe.,on Smith James Anderegg Gregg Iannacito. Ryan Clark. Cody Dahm, Ryan Cl.lrk Nezar AI-Zayer Coach Tim Mohatt. Third Row: Lucas Mignogna Jesus Ibarra. Nick Braunagel, Zach Gorman, Tyler Carson, Marcel Stadelmann, Matt Garrett.
First Row: Ashley Noonan , Whitney Allen, Sara Morales, Bailey Hansen , Monica Versaw Stephanie Coen, Valerie Coen Second Ro w: Christen Matson Kelly Oalgetty Britany Granquist SonJa Kapusta, Megan Vigil. Meredth Zika, Coach Vigil
Take it to the HOOP!
OW!!! What a s eason!
As the cheerleaders chant, " We will blow you away!"the Golden Demons boys basketball team definately blew their fans away thi s season. The Demons took their league championship in t o the state t ournament, w h ere they beat previously unbeaten and number one r anked Lewis-Palmer in the quarterfinals 74-66 in double overtime . The next night the team barely missed a chance at a rematch with Ralston Valley in the final s as they lo s t in the final seconds to Windsor 53-50. When asked the team 's greatest improvement this season, coach John Anderson replied, " They l earned h ow to win, not just cl ose games but actually winning, and that is what got us to th e Pepsi Center "
J __
Gunnar Ja cobs demon s trate s hi s determination as he goes up for the shot.
5 6 S HPJtl,on :: spons
Seniors Sean Coughlin and Kevin King show their teamwork while blo c king a Ral s ton Valley player
Se ni or Luke Ro • rt s wait s for the ball a s he p lay s defe n s e a : in s t a Ralston Va ll ey pl a y e r
Se ru or Na te Coo p er s teals th e b a ll away from a Ra ls t o n Va ll ey pl ayer.
Bac k ro w · Quinn H o m e k er, Th o m a s Va n D e
Boga rt , A lan M a n gan , G unn ar Jacob s , h ea d coach Jo hn An d e rs on , coac h Ca l Ke ll ey, Kev in Kin g, Lu k e Rob e rt s, A ndr ew T s ch e tte r , M a rk
M e lancon , Be n En g le r Fro nt r o w : T roy Sp ahn , Na te Coo p er, Ce dri c Jim e n e z, Sea n Co u g hlin
Us Them Sm o k er H ill 61 63 Li ttl eton 38 53 Llk e m ea d 6 1 4 2 Diego Cat h olic 53 4 2 Bon.1n za 55 61 O,e r to n Ne, -1 7 40 North glen 67 4o Green f oun t.1in 6c; 63 ~lontbt?llo 65 71 A la meda 53 38 Englewood 52 4 3 Eh.zabe t h 65 51 Jeffe rso n - 71 II Rals ton Va lle) 50 48 D ' E\ clv n • 59 68 E\'erg reen 55 -1 5 Coni fer 76 4 8 Su m m it 75 30 Palme r 64 67 Elizabe t h 75 56 Je ff erson 67 55 Ra ls ton \'alley -1 5 65 Ce ntaurus 39 48 Ftn rt . C.1rson 56 49 l ewis-Pal m e r 74 66 50 53
--·--···- --~ -·-58 S .w
D it up Seruor Kate Leadford plays tough defense against Ar\'ada. Leadford ended up missing the second half of the season du e t o a knee injury
photo b} B Kellev
Young gun Freshman Blakelee Midyett passes the ball to an open teammate against th e Jefferson Saints. Blakelee \Vas one of the leading scorers on the team this year
Comeback kid Sophomore Whitney Allen, freshmen Lauren Harnage! and Alex Davis and sophomore Jacqueline Ristau hold a banner \-velcon-1ing back much missed J Janko\ iak
Going for gold Seruor G,ven Carey 1umps o, er a Jefferson defender Ln a 55-22, ictory o, er the Saints Carey ,•.as co-lea der 1n !>teals on the team \V1th 37.
Front Row : Gwen Carey, Sunshine Morsette Second R ow. manager Dan Jankov1ak, A.J Jankov1ak, Sarah Martinez, Kate Leadford, Enn Carey, Coach Danielle D1tbrenner
Third Row : Julie Rau, Blakelee Midyett, Coach Jenny Cook, Allison Domgaard, Kahe Riordan
Demons Opponent f\ftddle Park 60 18 St l\lary'c; • ]Q 28 Sk), icw· 40 38 I.1ttlcton 33 36 • orthndgc 43 53 Bc,u Creek 36 38 l\.tounta1n Vu:w 27 56 Ranum 28 61 J\n ,,d.1 33 48 Alameda• 53 23 Englewood• 50 33 Elizabeth• 42 32 Jeffer.,on • 55 22 Ralston Valley· 30 19 De\'el) n• -1-0 32 E, crgre-en• 39 56 Conifer• 34 41 Summit• 38 40 Palmer 34 56 Alamt.>da 45 26 Conifer 33 42 Summit 55 40 Eh1.abeth 45 35 Pueblo South 37 45 Conference Game,
Tough enoug ?
No one sa id wres t ling was easy No matter who you talk to on the team, they will all te ll you wrestling take s a lot of dedication Not to mention a lot of time . The seaso n s tart s in November and goes until February. Th e wrestlers practi ced everyday from 4:30 to
6:30 Coach Dave Sauer worked them hard. Jun ior Kel sey Hanso n co mmented about practice saying, " Wre s tlin g is not ju s t a s p or t where yo u s h ow up and jog a little bit. It take s endurance. You a lways ha ve to lift people up and if yo u get one thing wrong you ' re not gonna get it. "
Senior Tob y Cochran pretty much s um s up wrestling when he sai d , " It is the only higl, school sport, for six minute s, you ha ve no teamate s, no s ub sti tutions, n o wa ter br eak and no time outs It wi ll be th e longest six minute s of yo ur life ."
No tim e to lose
Don ' t give up Freshman Ryan Sprackhng gets put m a tough position as he g1\ es it his all to pin do\vn lus opponent It 's 1ust ho\v sophn1ore Aaron Cash said, "Wrestlmg 1s a sport \.\1 hich require s streng th, endurance, and mo st importantly, dedication to the s port and your team "
Senior Toby Cochran 1~ iust seconds a\vay from pmnmg hi s opponent from Alameda. Toby s tated, "The only per so n you have to blame for a loss is yourself."
photo by B Kell-.!}
60 S a dc S and
Almo s t there Freshman A J Nelson s tru ggles to get up as he \vrestles against Ralston Valley Luckily, m the last 2 minute hn1e penod, he turned 1t around and pinned his opponent According to A J., "The best part about \vresthng 1s \v1nning
ca n beat any person out on the mat "
Ge t him !
During the Ralston Valley match, 1t all can1e do\-vn to Tvler P1erondozz1 and his opponent Unfortunatel}, Golden did not \\ 1n this match but Tvler put up a good fight along \.\ 1th his teamn\ates
Us Them Jefferson 41 33 Golden Inv. 8th place Metro Lab 70 12 Engle\-\'Ood 54 30 Delta In\ 7th place Elizabeth 34 39 I uthern In, 6th plate Alameda 59 22 Summit 56 35 Elizabeth 30 40 Platte Canyon 48 15 Conifer 30 42 Ralston \,"alle} 34 37 E\·ergreen In\ 11th place Conifer In,. 5th place Conifer 33 42
Fr o nt Row· Max Kenv.•orthy, Joe) Co\-ven, f\ J I\Jelson, Reed Morelli, Matt Agrodn1a, Scott Jackson, R) an Sprack1ng Sec ond Row : Toby Cochran, Tvler Pierondozz1, Kyle Clark, Lucas Mignogna, ~aron Cash. Jake Lockhart, Kelli Sauer Top Ro w : Tom Ta),lor, Brad Nelson, Buddy Luff, Tim Bro\\!n, Da, e Sauer Dann}
Mornson, Na than Frost
hat is the toughest thing about swimming?
Some people think swimming is a very easy sport, but it really is one of the most difficult. It take s a lot of dedication and hard work to keep going even when the going get s tou g h
" Trying to k e ep up with th e seniors wa s pretty hard ."
Jenn a Lope z
" 6,000meters a day i s really hard ."
Lexie Ringe
"Beating old times. "
Danielle Clark
Dive In!
Senior Shannon Meehan ge ts ready to t ake a big dive Shannon \Vas one of the only hvo divers o n the team Shannon said that the h ardest thing about d1v1ng 1s, "You have to have really good concentration, and you ha\ e to enioy \vhat you' re doing too"
62 • •
photo b} B Kelle}
:: spons
Go in g for th e go ld! Junior Maggie P eoples takes a deep brea t h as -;he does the butterfly She also \vas one of the eight p layers on the team to make ,tale championships " l Joined sw1mnung this year because I think tt 1s a lot of fun and 1t challenges me." said Brooke Agrodnia
photo by B Kelle)
Golden S
Summit In v 1t.
En g l ewoo d
Co l o r a d o In v it
Co n ifer
Eve r g r ee n
Je ffco Re l ays 4 A
R a ls t o n Va ll ey
Je ffco ln \'i t
Int e r s ta te 8
D'Eve lyn
4 A Lg. C h a mp s
S ummit
S ta te
S h e ' s Go t Sty
Kara Sie\vert \.\'O ,vas one of the fe hard doing the free ~t) e Kara also S\\ 1mmers to go to state
Splas h Around Sophomore Kelly O'Dell \vorks hard doi n g the b reaststroke "Our team has bonded, erv \\ ell th 1.-. , yea r by doing many t eam acti, ittes together," said Cheryl D'Epagn1er
Agrodn1a, Juhe Bo\ver Seco n d Row Holhe Frasier, DanielJe Clark, Kelly Dalgett}, k.elley O'Dell, CheI) 1 D'Epagn1er, Ehsa Menna Third Row · ~1agg1~ Peoples, tv1ary Don o, an, Erin Clough, Kara S1e,vert
Ba c k Row : 1\ 1att Warner, Kelly H ock, Kate B1sk1n, Debra Terum, Kr1shn D'Epagn1er, Tim Urban
b, B Kelle\
Row: Jenna Lopez, Lexie Runge, Nicci Liddick, Brooke
r varsity girls b. ball
third level girls b. ball
r varsity boys b. ball
third level boys b. ball
junior varsity wrestling
• • • JUnl
• • JUAl
First Row: Amanda Hurley, Rachel Spann, Amber Curry, Carla Eckberg Se cond Row: Lauren Armitage, Mallory Hagel. Maggie Rhiordan. Cach Walkinshaw, D1t Burner, Katie Braun Jessica Crass.
Front Row: Mi ke Van Bogart Alan Managan Cole Hinnen, Jason Hawk Scott Kirby Jason Nigh Steve Philhps, Cednc Jimrnez
First Row: Marty Gillis, Nichole Resneck, Sarah MacFaden, Jaqulen Risten,Kathern Maloney, Amy Brown Second Row: Kathn Tripaddison, Erika Cre1anberg, Kaley Bayt. Katy Bill, Coach Mendoza. Amy Danek, Whitney Allen. Lauren Hanegal, Ale>1 Davis.
Front row: Sean Smith Micheal Trjillo Second Row: Nic k DeMolin, Ryan Wyatt Ryan Hayes Brent
Matt Hardtong Robert Morales Third Row : Austin Shelton Thom Ziegler, Dane Benoy, Ma tt King Sean Stokes. Louis Garamonie
64 :: soons Ba c k Row:Tom Taylor Brad Nelson Buddy luff Tim Brown, Dave Sour Dan morasen Nate Frost Second Ro w: Brandon Blau, Pe ter Kennedy Steven Sweet. Chad Unks. Firs t Row: Kelsey Hansen Brooke Saure Thomas Dneu, AleK Hansen Dan Bahl J I I I I
Seniors p .68-95
Juniors p. 96-107
Sophomores p. 108-121
Freshmen p. 122-135
Faculty p. 136-141
- ~--eo
Seniors Andy Faulkner and Mike Chappell on their way to Student Council
photo bv B Kelley
Senior J C. Kelley aims a shot 1n disc golf.
s each year progresses, the ten sion and stress ofeveryday classwork, proje cts, and s ports mount. Students' busy schedules demand concentration and perseverance , but how can th ey unwind from that and get away from it all? There are as many answers to that question as there are students at Golden. Sophomore Nico l e Nghiem sa id , «O n the
weekends I sometimes go skiing
mountains , the c
in scenery is great.,, Freshman Victor Tran sai d , «Afte r sc hool I like to play video games with my friends." Senior Johanna Crock like to engage in more orginized activities. She sa id , «I play soccer, and I am in some non-academic club s which help me get my mind off sc hool stuff" Senior Matt Panteleo likes to sleep, while Freshman Zach Mclntash likes to play collectible card games. No matter what the diver sion is, leisure plays an imp ortant part in keping high school students sane.
eo e 61
Angela Finke srays cool during
in the
hange sp1nt week
seniors A-D p. 69-73 E-H p. 73-76 I-L p.76-79 M-P p. 79-82 Q-T p. 82-84 U-Z p. 84-86 Senior Panoramic p. 88-89 Eighth Grade Panoramic p. 90-91 Senior football p 94-95 68 5 'Wb.ion :: senior dlvtslon
Senors Terry Cheung and Stuart Bell look on as en1or Cory Goshorn plays ht5
guitar All three seniors have been acuve paroc1pnts in
photo b) ~i ,\<.her Seniors Kell} Hock. Andy Heid, and Johanna Crock d1scu» Student Council issues
Se n ior l\1ark Melancon tests the emergency shower 1n Mrs Brvson s
"Nearly wtnn1ng the high school drags championship at Bandimere Speedv. ay "Ar1k De Velder
"Hanging out v. 1th friends."Cory Goshorn
"Making a lot of nev. friends and going to the girls basketball games"- Joy CraYens
"Fighhng Wheatr1dge in football and hanging out v.r1th ID} friends The freshman are pretty funn, this year."- Robbie Schaetzle
"Gym \.vas my most memorable trme, hanging out v. 1th friends on off-blocks, and auto shop with Mr P "Jasmine Akes
Greta Aldridge Jacob Angell
Ryan Armitage Sean Aronson
Brandon Babkie¼ ich Cassie Bailey
Heath Banza Manuel Barela
- I
Brianne Barned Kimberly Beesley
--- - I Stuart Bell Craig Bellew Audrey Bennett Jared Benson Kri s
Bies Jessica Billin gs Eric B1nkley Geoffrey Birney
16 Sali.\..GI :: seniors l
Kayla Rehder fini shes up h omewo rk.
'1 I I
Katherine B1scan Brianna Blair
Gwen Carey carries the ball toward th e goa l
Troy Spa hn darts around an Arvada defender
Russell Borneman
Joseph Bott)er
Nichol us Bo\ e
Tabatha Bradeen
Van Breithaupt
Luke Brunsilius
!\iils Burnha1n
Enk Bums
Sean Byrne
Erin Carey
Gv.'endol}n Care)
Lauren Carter
Dane Casterson
Michael Chappell
Robert Chnsn1.an
Nathan Chnsten~en
James Clarke
Douglas Claxton
K1n1berl} Cline
Toh} Cochran
••• ,. .,.,,, ••'~,,,, •''"=' ~,,\.,,, .... ,, ·••:,,,
Nathan Cooper
Sean Coughlin
Caitlin Cowen
Jo} Cra\ ens
Chr1shne Cre\ hng
Johanna Crock
Daniel Cross
Knshn D'Epagn1er
Blake Dalgetty
Aimee Daniel
Patr1ck Da, 1s
Gino De Carlo
Ar1k De Velder
Jason Dewhurst
Tara De½olfe
Dustin Dill
Mary D1lworth
Allison Domgaard
Joseph Dunlap
Jan Dunn
12 S 1lfloon
:: seniors
What are you aspiring to be after hi g h sc hool ?
" I am go in g to work 1n adve rtisement" - La in e} M cG rew
What was the mo s t fun you had durin g sc hool ?
"Ac ting 1n theater and performing o n s tage during pla ys." -Chris Mu sgra\ e
What do you have to say about se nior year?
" Do you hke Mexico? " -J ohn Mclau g hlin
What was the wors t part about high sc hool ?
" Wakin g up 1n the morning and worrying about graduation "-A nth o n\, Finn e, Senior Quotes
I hke all the re s pon s 1b1hty th at ha s been g1 \ e n to me ,, -Eh Marhn
11 Bemg a se ni or 1s fun beca u se you wi ll ge t to l ea\ e hom e and go to co llege "
-Melissa " Barna " Roger s
•• I ..
Nich o l Dupont Jilli an Durgin
Wilham Ei s le1 Jon athan Emsbach
Tyler Enna Bry ce Eri c kso n
Roberto Fal co n Nicholas Faub le
L. -....
Andrew Faulkner Brandon Fi s her
- - -14 I Rachel
J ess i c a Wil s on and Kendra Nahle
1n the ceranucs
:: seniors -• -
Ford Renee Ford
y hug
Matthew Fritz
Joanna Galioto
Shannon Meehan in her homecoming garb.
Nate Cooper spots the oncoming defense
Danielle Garnett
Kane Garrett
Oa\ id Geth1ng
Steven Gillaspie
Jessica Gore
Cor} C,oshom
C.olb\ Gratton
Gabriel C..reen
Joshua Gresham
Allison Griffiths
T1moth\ Hagelberg
Christopher Halle\
Madison Halloran
Adam Hansen
Cole Hanson
Joshua Hanson
T1ffann} Happ
Cassidj Hara
James Harmon Jr
Jesse Hart
16 - - - -Kyle Hauser Amy H awley Andrew Heid Ale:>-1s Held Jacob Hi ebert Kim Hill Dane Hinn en Kelly Hock Rhonda Hoffert Jennifer Hollingswo rth Emily Hoppin Quinn H omecker Adam Hud so n Joshua Hud so n Andy Huntsman Marisha Ibrahim G unn a r Jacobs Enc Jens en Christina Johnson Elizabeth Johnson :: seniors
" My fa\ orite act1v1hes at schoo l are co lor guard and children's theater Both are really fun and I en1oy them "
- Cassidy Hara
" I ' d ha\-e to say the after sc hool play, because of the se n seless outrages and 'ad libbing' d urmg rehearsals "
- Terry Cheung
"After being in high schoo l for four years, I realize there 1s a lot more thing s to hke, a lot more things to do , and to take care of But the lugh school day s will always be m my memorie s Ho½ we had to get up early and go to our favorite classes, or the ones that were not all that great, and that we hated At the end I ' m always going to remember how much fun I had in drawing with Mr Youngmann, ceramics with Mrs. Madi son, Spanish ½'1th Mr Yanz , and even pamhng with Mr. M cG innis that didn ' t let me take hi s classes again because I ditched a lot la s t year"- Ehtsa
Drago zova
" My favorite actrvity in high school was forensics, because I learned so mu ch , made many friends , and had a blast " -
Tony MulJad1
" My favorite achvity 1s soccer; maybe because we a re in the playoffs ." -
Kristian Larsen
Jason Joyce Sarah Kahn
Jennifer Keeley Thomas Keesee
John Kelley Max Ken½ orthy
Jennifer King Kevin King
Adam Kinghorn Rachel Kirsch
-- ·- -
Kate Klock
Ameha Kraft
laire Landry
Blake Langolf
Kate Leadford
Lyndsie Lee
18 S :: seniors • • ...
Mark Melan c on up to bat
• Kate Leadford goes back for the pass
Le1ah Levis Drew Lewis
Luke Roberts relaxes after the homecoming game
Kyle Lewis
Ricardo Licon
Ben1am1n Linville-Engler
Jacolb Lockhart
Kara Lollar
Meganne Mackey
Olga Mallett
Vanessa Mallicoat
Patrick Maloney
Nicholas Manchen
Anna Mangan
Brittan; Marsh
Diana Martin
Eh Martin
Katharine Martin
Megan Matson
Tr1st1ne Mattison
Cory Maughan
Elaine Maxsween
Chantile Mcallister
- - -- - . I Sha nn o n Mc Donald Elaina Mcgrew Thomas McKnigh t John McLaughlin Brandon Means Shannon Meehan Mark Melancon Marisa Meyer1nk Ed ward Meyers John Milligan Christopher Miln e Elizabeth M oore Jenn a Moris Ethan Morri son Anthony Mul1ad1 AnJa Mueller Branda n Munroe Chri s to pher Mu sgrave Kendra Nahl ey Jo s hua Nelson :: seniors -
11 Australia, because they have the best accents. "
- Ka tie Riordan
Hawaii, because 1t has tons of hot chicks and 1t is a ruce place ."
-Chris Monson
" California, because I have never seen the ocean."
-Patrick Davis
" Mexico, I ' d backpack to Baja. "
-Cassie Bailey
,,.Hawaii, to get a superduper tan. "
-Erin Carey
" Florida, because there ' s a lot of hot guys. "
-Ka te Leadford
. '
Ltnh Nguyen Trieu Nguyen
Amy Nielsen Joseph O ' Horo
Julie O ' Neill Thoma s O ' Neill
Adam Oldenettel Brian Orem
Christine Overmyer Mark Palcsak
Ma tthe'\,\; Pantaleo Andrew Peoples
Abigail Petersen Trevor P1etrafeso
Rachel Poitra R1ck1lee Pollock
Alvssa P r 1gel Luke Ramstetter
82 S1Nlioon :: seniors
David Gething and Lauren Carter enJOV the homecoming camn.al
Brad l ey Rando l ph Elizabeth Ranfranz
Nichol Dupont, Kate Klock and Katie Tapia survive despite a heahng crisis in B-hall.
Terry Cheung and Cory Goshorn practice in the theater
Garrett Ratcliffe
Juliann Rau
M1chala Rehder
Justin R1mbert
Katherine Riordan
;\aron Rizzuto
Luke Roberts
Jacob Rocke
Makenz1e Roger::, Patrick Rogers
Rachele Rosener
Kelli Sauer
Michelle Schafer
Eileen Schuster
Jonathan Sestr1ch
Alexander Shier
An1ber Shultheiss
Adam Simmons
Danielle Smith
Jeffer,, Smith
Kr1stm Spear
Troy Spahn
Courtney Speer
Robyn Speer
Marcel Stadelmann
Justm Stahmer
Bradford Stone
Anya Strauss
Katherine Tapia
Deborah Tarum
Julianne Taylor
Jared Temanson
Erica Thompson
John Tolsma
Andrew Tschetter
Thomas Van De Bogart
Jason Vandamme
Krishna Vits
James Wagner
Ca rl y Walker
- - - - - - I
84 S :: seniors
" Lot's of car and motocro ss posters, a laptop , and the best home theater sy tem. "
-Arik De Velder
" Big refr1dgerator ¼~1th pop , a mini bar, so und sys tem , cool posters, a nice mi c ro¼ ave, blender, a bottle opener, a lo\ e sac k , an ice machine , and a waterbed "
- Chris Monson
"V 1deo games, a big scree n TV, a refridgerator full of pop " - Andy Heid
" Long couch, black hght s, pillows, and a big sc reen t.v " - Angela Bryant
" My own house , be cause I am staying here for college " -Eli Marhn
" Laptop, fast car posters, black lights , big sc reen TV, and a huge s tereo system ." -J asm1ne Akes
" My room would be filled with pillows. "
-Claire Landry
"In my room there would be a rruni fridge , a big stereo and one bathroom for tvvo people." -Josh Nelson
" My room ould have all of the Game Cube game s and computer games avvtth a big TV and a stereo."
-Blake Dalgetty
I \ I \\I\ I { I\ ., ,'r( . ~ -
Jaclyn Walker Tyler Warner
Li sa Wei she it Nicole West
Ashley Williams Elizabeth Williams
Hollie Wilson Jessica Wilson
Stephanie Wilson Andrew Wolaver
Not Pictured:
Gerzain Bernal
Angela Bryant
Kyle Bull
Blane Butler
Jo se ph Campbell
Terry Cheung
Ja so n Cullum
Jason Dewitt
Elitsa Dragozova
Destin Duhn
Chester Finney, Jr.
Denni s Franco
Lauren Gale
Jes sica Griess
Ja so n Hutson
Stacy Jones
Barbara Katz
Quyen Le
Antonio Mauri
Jes sica McDonald
Ryan Melnick
Christopher Monson
Caleb Reed
Melis sa Rogers
Ghazal Shirazi
Sara Taulby
Daniel Tyrrell
Poru Zhao
-- - ·- ·- -
Edward Wood
Jacquele1ne Z 1rbes
Cass i e Zimme r man
:: seniors
Karla Dono\ an
John Murfin
- -- ---•----- --·-90 :: seniors I
Q, 91
92 S ---• == seniors - --
1H SCHOOL OME OF TUE DEMONS d o-. C)ld~ I chool l abh ht'ct I 71 P 1997. •93
Luke Roberts #4
Mark Melancon #7
Troy Spahn #11
Gino Decarlo #12
Ryan Armitage #19
Jake Rocke #21
Nate Cooper #24
Andy Faulkner #28
JC Kelley #31
Robert Chrisman #34
DJ Franco #35
photo-. bv Ocnm~ Pleus, courk,.,,ty 01 T/,e Gol.tm Tr,1r1scr1pl
9 4 S ....... :: senior football l•I -I I---------
photo co urtC's}" of www ,1chonp1c9 com
photo courtesy of www actionp1c9.com
Cory Maughan #44
James Wagner #49
Matt Pantaleo #56
Ned Meyers #57
Kim Hill #59
Blake Dalgetty #69
Jake Lockhart #7 4
Josh Nelson #77
Joseph Bottjer #79
Adam Oldenettel #80
Kevin King #81
"0 -::r C c " C -
photo bv Denrus Plcu~~. courtesty of T/1tGoldt11Tr1111script
A-D p. 6-7 E-H p. 6-7 I-L p. 8-9 M-P p. 8-9 Q-R p. 10-11 S-V p. 12-13 W-Z p. 14 I 96 :: 1un1or division Junior Michael Parfec acts interested 1n a discussion with some of his classmates. " Being a 1un1or, I have learned chac panng anenuon 1n class helps vou out a lot said Parfec -
1n gym class co help himself scay 1n shape "\'(! e1ghc lifting 1s a ma1or thing 1n off season for football," said Saunar
,; uniors
Junior Daniel Saunar lifts
e1ng a ju111or has helped many to r ealize important thing s during their junior year. "I have come to find out who I really am and that It doesn ,t matter what any one has to s ay about you be your own man, » said Junior Taylor Mead. Most of the juniors feel the same way. ome are even thinking about
.ind c
" I really enjoyed c.,ki n g der about graduation and college and how lt )s Just around ce ram ic,..
this year ," sa id K.1mpf the corner. Pretty soon we won,t be here. I am really goi11g to miss everyone ,» said junior Roger arcia. Some are facing the facts that they only have a short time left before they are out of high school and some will continue off to college. "
You have only one more year and so do the best you can ,,, said Mark Nelson. Above all else, you should work hard to achieve your goals in life and prepare yourself for the future.
'-- -- -
Juni or Ry.,n K.am pf ~ho" s hh artistic d • d h h · fu h Id « J k si d e in m aki ng a p ot in Ceramic~ It is gra UattOn an W at t etr ture O S. t
a gre.ic \\,l)' to lea
ma es me WOn -
rn ho,\· to make
ings wi th
own i maginacion
reati\' ity.
; ,,, uniors 91
(atthe\,' , \grodn1a
Jasmine Akes
1kk.1 Allen
lvta, ara Almeida
Sarah \nden,on
1cholas Andrze1e\,·.,,k1
Ro':,alvn Ardoin
Lauren Armitage
tvhchelle Arnold Conn, Artlcct Cohn Ba1lev , 1\Jatasha Balczarek
Joshua Bald\,·in Hannah Baltz
Bethan, Barned Zachel") Barnes
Brianna Barthels
Tiffany Bartos
T\ ler Baruch , Sv,ara Barzanji Adam Baxter
Maroon and White
Junior Ashley Bunn sho\vs her school sp1rit dunng th.is }ear's Homecoming assembl, "F un , Fun, Fun decribes it all, " said Ashley
- - - - w-. - -
98 S11ioon :: tunlors
R) an Baxter \t\i1lham Baxter Ross Beam Brittan} Bergstedt Gerza1n Berna I
Scott Beumer Chad Bianchi D} Ian B1en1ulis
- -----·-
Hand Jive? Juniors ate Coronado and Kenn, Hol ton gn ea tr) at the school hand Jl\ e "At least this) ear I got 1t do,vn," said Kenn\
Chrishan Binkley
Ro\ B1me}
Ja} mes Bishop
Aaron Bluse
Amanda Bolejack
Breanna Bradsha,\'
Zacharv Brando,\'
Catherine Braun
l\.1cholas Braunagel
K\ le Bronson
Joshua Brulla
\.1atthe,\· Brune
Reyna Bryan
Cory Bull
Brandon Bullb
Ashle} Bunn
Chns Burch
Ta) !or Burkman
Elizabeth Bums
5ean Burro\\'S
Case B, 1 •
Aly~sa Cachiara
Adrianna Campbell
i\l\ nah Carter
Thomas Chambless
E, an Chapin
Chnshne Charleston
arayan Choudhary
Aaron Cisneros
Ac;hle, Clement
Andre\\ Chne
Enn Clough
Bnan Coggan
Kell} Copeland
athan1el Coronado
Sarah Cottle
Sara Courtne\
Johnathan Cranford
Daniel Cushman
George Da, 1es
Kunberh Da, 1s
Heather Degroat
Dre" Dehmlo,\
Chen 1 D'Epagn1er
Theodore De\'ito
Samantha Disne\
K) le Dobyns
David Doffing
Amanda Donelson
99 I
Mary Dono\ an
Beau Drexler
Adene Duncan
tv1egan Elliott
aom1 Espinoza
Em1lv Everett
anessa Farrell
Brent Fassino
Joshua Felt
Harrison Filas
Angela Finke
Wtll Flagle
Sean Flynn
Alhson Frost
K}'le Fro),en
Megan Gabel
Rogelio Garcia
Jordan Gaspard
Ke\·1n Gee
Jennifer Gilbert
Juhe Gilmore
Elvsa Goldman
Mana Gonzalez
Shaun Grammer
Catherine Granquist
Lisa Grantano
Alana Gray
Jeffrey Gra}
Daruca Grundeman
Michael Gulsvig
Knshe Hagberg
Matthe\.v Ha1merl
Jacob Hansen
Kelsey Hanson
Lucas Hanson
Brendan Harrison
Michael Hart
Gregory Hauserman
James Hearn
Joshua Heintzelman
Katie Hendnx
Sebastian Herrick
Matthew Hicks
Reese Hill
Gerald Hoerungs
Kandi Hollyhead
Kenneth Ho lton II
Kendal Holzman
Ben1am1n Hoogheem
188 S1fli.\.on ::Juniors
"S tud e nt Co un c il 1s fun b eca u se we ge t to pl an e, e r y thin g "
-1un1 o r A n ge la Fin ke
" Ph o togra ph y 1s m y fa , o rite b eca u se I do n ' t h ave to write s tuff 11
-1un1 o r Ky le Bro n so n
" I r ea ll y e n1oy En g li s h , b ec au se I ca n r e lat e w ith M s B0 1an, th e te a c h e r 11
-Juni o r Mind y Parso n s
" I lik e Phys ics b eca u se Mr Sc h a lh e 1me r 1s c r azy."
-1un1 o r S te ph a ni e Sadl er
"Al ge br a II 1s m y fa , o r1t e b eca u se the te ac h e r m a k es c lass hm e fun 11
-Juni o r Brittn ey Be r gs te dt
" I hk e m y m a th c lass m os t b ec au se o f th e p oe pl e 1n 1t. "
-1un1 o r M o ll y M o r v a y
I Alexander
·-- ---·. -~-~
H ughes Araceli Ibar ra Je~u~ Iba r ra Amena fb rahim Joseph Jack-.on Scott Jackson An1ssa Janko\ 1ak 8 1-.hop Ja\'me-. Sheree John~on T\ ler John-.on J u -.tin Jonsson ~lh sa Jordan • Amanda Jordan Jee Juliet Rvan Just R\an Kamp f Josie Keene\ Jenn ifer Kemn1e rer Pe t er Kenned} Da rl ene Ken t on Paul Ketc h um
R, an Killion
Scott K1rb, Elizabeth Klein
L, nd1e Klein
Candice Knut~on
Le, 1 Koch
Putul Kuman
R,an K\\ak
Ja} La,ramore
Tyler Land11
Abigail Lang,;ted
Jared Leidich
Jerem\ Leitz Jes~1e LeY)
L1nd,a\ Le\, 1s Fe1 L1
Brielle L1dd1ck
Derek LO\\ stuter
Mar} Maas
Jamie Mares
Manessa tvtarez
Spencer Marshall
Bnttnev rv1arston Kirsten Martin
Hangin ' around Junior Sebastian Hernck poses for a picture dunng lunch "Lunch 1s my best class,"sa1d Sebastian
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Juruors T) ler Baruch, Karson Pike, Brittany Meier, and Mark Seligman enjov themselve~ at this yean, Homecoming "The Homecon11ng Assembl) ,,·as not long enough and ,vas a lot of fun,"sa1d iun1or
Amanda White
:: iuniors
- - - -
Sarah Marinez
\I\ ilham l\1arhn Tiffany \11arttnez
Kurt tvf ast
Ka thr, n r..ta thieu
Krishna l\4c8nde
l'vfel1ssa tvtcEncroe
Lisa Nfclaughhn
Ta\ !or \-lead
Brittan\ l'v l e1er
'\11cole ~f ever
Lucas Nhgnogna
Alan \hller
t\1atthe\, \1tlne
Jonathan \lhorelh
Chnshna \.1ontgomer\ \,\oavne \.f ooney
Chnstte tvfoore
Colleen l\4ora!e., Joshua \.1orris
Allison \1 ornson
Sunshine l'v1or ette
l\1olh r-.lon a\ 1'.e, 1n tv t oulton
Anja l\1ueller
Jerem\ '\a\ arrete
Letf '\Je1tzel ~lark elson
Tre, or '\Jelson
James 1\Je, Ille
Laura Ohn
John Oxford
Joshua Padilla
Is 1-. Parad1ne
l\,hchae l Parfet
r-.1tndv Parsons
K, le Pattridge 'vf agg1e Peoples
1ccole Pensho
Ste, en Phillips
Sarah P1nkernell
Onna Poeter
Rachel Poitra
Sean Politte
Ja..,on Pommerening
Jeffre) Popp
r-. t ark Po\, ell
Darr\ l Preston
Jennifer Pridmore
Phihp Rappmund
Daniel Ra tschk.O\\' '-k\
Da, 1d Reed
' J "
Tobias Reed
Andre\.\, Regner
Gerald Richards
Francisco Rico
Brian Ridge
Spencer Riggs
Jesus Rios
Shane Rodnguez
Pe t er Rod)
Daniel Romine
Cand ice Roome
Sarah Ross
Chnstopher Rugar
Stephanie Sadler
Tiffanie Sanders
·ichole Sa tterf1eld
Daruel Schoger
Daruelle Schorth
Randall Schuckman
Joshua Seabaugh
Chelsea Seigneur
Jamie Selbe
Mark Seligman
Diana Sen dgra ff Core} Senf
K1mberle) Sha\..,,
Aushn Shekel!
Eliot Sh1eler
Jo r dan Sho\..,, al t er
Kara Siewert
Timo t hy Sipes
Brenden Smi t h
Br yan Smi t h
M1 n oru Sorensen
Rachel Spahn
Mara Stitt
Jordan Stricker
Bryce S t rong
Joseph Sulli\.an
Donald Sutherland
Brandon Su tnna
Daruelle Sykora
Ben iamin Taylo r
Chnstopher Tay lor
Danielle T e t er
Jessie Thompso n
Devin Tyslan
Luke Ul ander
Bradley Va 1voda
- - - - -
184 S ,liloon :: Juniors -
Sophie \ anDe¼eghe Jordan\ ecch1arelli
Kathryn \ ern1g
Ale\.andra \ erra!>tr() Britten \ er!>-a1Jle.., Oil\ 1a \ ersa,,
1\h chae l \ 1chot Sabrina \,\ aller Zachan \'\. amsher
Brittan\ \\ ang..,ne,.., Amanda \,\ ard Brand, \\teg..,cheider
I \\ ould go to dinner at Ch1h's and then cru ise around in ffi} orange Cabrio let "
-Junior Amena Ibrahim
I \\ ould eat at Wood} 'sa nd t11en go dancing at a club "
-Junior Vanessa Ferral
" I ,._ ould make a picnic ba sket and go to a park "'·here I could talk and get to kno\<\ the person "
-1un1or Alana Gra)
Cta, ton \\ eller K\ le\'\ e t Andrea Vvesthead
" Hang out at each otl1er's houses and ,vatch mo\ 1es and stuff"
-Junior Jasmine Akes
11 l'd take them to Lookout ~ 1ountain and to the planetarium "
Amanda \'\ h1te 8en1anun \'\, 1chmann Amber W1lham!>
-Junior Heather DeGroat
" I \>vould take them to a picn ic by a s tream during the su mmer."
-Junior Mandi Bole1ack
C,reg W1bon
t\1egan \\ ()od,, orth Jan,e.., V\lorth1ngton
1m, S 1~
:: seniors
A-D p. 109-110
E-H p. 111-112
I-L p. 113-114
M-P p. 115-116
Q-T p. 117-118
S-V p. 119-120
W-Z p. 121
Sophon1ore Zuph1n Hubert cypes his English paper The: next cwo } eah ,,111 be great ," addc:d sophomore Brad) Abbocts
love co pick on the freshman and keep the crad1t1on
Sophomore Jeff Thon1pso n pain t s his picture for drawing class B,-1ng a sophon1ore is great cause now ,ve re not the ones being picked on "said sophomore li ke \"an D e Bogart
photo by B kelle, Sophomores An1ber \X' acson And Allyson 1ill1nger work hard on their pro1ecc IO biology I
ahve, adm1cced sophomore Brett ~1hon
Brady Abbotts
Enn Alcock
Whitney Allen
Gillian Andersen
" I lo\'e being a sophomore I feel more mature than the freshmen tlus year "
- Mallory Hamagle
Amanda Armstrong
Stephanie As1mus
Brody Atkins
"So phomores Rule 1"
- Joel Lockhart
" I like being a sophomore, but I can' t \.·Va1t to be a Junior"
- Jacqueline Ristau
Shara Avers
Heather Banza
Robert Barbeau
" I perso nally thought freshman year''" as easier because of the sc hedule , but being an upperclassman 1s fun too " - Jenna Rimbert
Dustin Barbee
Alexandra Barnes
Ashley Bartos
" I hke being a sophomore because now I can dr1\ e and not have to depend on people"
- Jake U nrine
" I like that I am considered an upper classrnan "
- Shane Tyslan
Vanessa Bartosh
Luke Baru ch
Ryan Beehler
Mark Adkins
Tre, er Andersen
Elsa Anderson Ashle} Armentrout ~-
Janue Bendt
Rud, Bettini
Keenan B1nkle)
Brandon Blair
\ 1ctona Blakel)
Daniel Blanchett
Aaron Brammer
Patrick Bra\·o
Joseph Bra\, le, Elizabeth Bricker
Ph1hp Bridges
Doug Brooks
Ashleigh Bro\, n Baron1eca Bro\, n
''dcole Bro\\ n
Ashle, Bro,\ nell
Neil Burnett
Greta Bumhan1
Derek Butler
Flor Cad, Rehe1-, Charles Cannon
Sunshine Day
Sophomores Charh
Hogan, Crysta Walker, R1 an Beehler, and Lindse} Spencer -,ho,, the school sp1nt on Tropical Day "I lo\ ed to see ho"' much school sp1nt this c,chool has," said sophomore Bryan Mays
rO} ah ty
- --· -· - -
116 SI--..: : sophomores
Brandi Cappello Loana Carr
T} ler Carson
\,fanna Casterson Megan Castle
I I l
Ro ya l Smiles Sophomore Royahty Neil Burnett and Stephanie Dockstader c:m1le at the Homecon11ng Carnl\ al "It ,vas great being
," said S tephanie
Hillar} Chapple
Dan Chung
K\le Clark
R\an Coble
Ale~andra Coleman
R, an Coughanour
Michael Coutts
Jessica Cras'>
Jacinda Croissant
icole Cruz
Alexander Dahl
Lance Dale
Kelh Dalgetty
Amber Da\ 1dson
Jenna Oa, 1es
Jessica Da, 1s
Paige Deherrera
Lans..,a Oemalteris
\/icholas Oemoulin
Chzabeth De \r\,.., \\ 1lham Dick.son
\1elinda Diederich
~1orghan 0111
Brad, D1h, orth
~tephan1e Dockstader
Brandon Donner
Dustin Donner
\.1organ Dougherty
Jared Do,, ning
Laura Dugger
Enk Dutton
.\ndre,., Eckman
Annehe-.e Ehrenstr.isser
Carla Ekberg
~1ichael Emsbach
Ainsle) Enckson
Haile\ Estrada
Alexander Fehrman
L, ndz1 F1onno
Jordan fisher
C,arrett Fle-.h
Zachar, r IO\\ er
R, an Ford
Jeffre, Foster
Russell Frankland
Jessica Fro) en
Thon,as Fr)
Ke\ 1n Gallagher
Jason Garcia
Stephen Garcia
\ anessa Garcia
Dana Garrett
Sean C,e1ger
Jennifer Gifford
Katherine Gill
Hali Glaxner
Charu Gobbo
1cole Goergen
Audrey Goh
Kathryn Grahame
Rebekah Gresham
Erika Grice
Kenneth Grove
Grev Gustafson
Robert Hallev
John Halloran
Jerem)' Hamman
Mallorv Hamagel
Madelaine Harns
Michael Harris
Kourtney Hartford
Am}' Hartman
Cory Heit
Lauren Heitzman
Rachel Heller
Tra\ is Henrickson
Thomas Herron
T1moth}' Hinkle
Cole Hinnen
Jason Hock
Jenna Hodges
Charh Hogan
Michael Holycross
Bnan Horan
Brittany Horton
Zephan Hubert
Jamie Hudson
Kayla Hudson
Thomas Huntsman
Khongor Jam1yanaa
Joohee Jee
Bennett Jenkins
Sean Jenn1ngs
Kayla Jensen
Samantha Johnson
Ryan Johnston
Christopher Jones
Andrew Jonsson
112 S1""8on :: sophomores
"We ha" e more pr1" ileges "
"We know ¼ here every thing 1s and are used to how big school is ."
- Jesse Ohnhaus
" Sophomores are not as airheaded as those freshmen are "
-Amanda Menard
" We are no longer at the bottom"
-Krysta Terry
"We get more respect from the upperclassmen "
- Rachel Heller
"We meet new freshmen kids."
- Sam V11larreal
h an Jorgensen Torua Joseph Dtrua Kalkwarf
Sonia Kapusta Andre\v Keeling John Kendall
Jenna King Rudolf Kluc1k Ashle1 Knobb s
Curbs Kofoed Erruly Kolm Enn Konz
Stanislav Kopte\ Mackenzie Kreller Tara Krenek
Kimberl} Kruchen Justin Kulbacki Kamaron Kyte
Ben1am1n La Falce Anna Mane Lara Andrea Larson
Anna Marie Lara
Chase Larson
Amber Latham
B1nh Le
Amanda Leazer
Elizabeth Lee
Brett Le\van
Chloe Le\\ 1s
Joel Loc1'.hart
Kyle Longton
Candace Lopez
Dean Lopez
Brent Loren2
Jordan Lu1an
Joshua Luna
Ashle, Lutz
Enc Lyman
Fahma Mac Donald
Dylan Mahonee
Joshua Mallard
Heather Maloney
Alan Mangan
Sl{.S 114 I 1NJII
Jammin ' Sophomore Heather Maloney listens to music \\. lule stud1ng m the hall " If 1t ,,vasn't for music, I \.\TOuld go c razy,"said Alyssa Tortora
:: sophomores
Amanda Manuel Rh1annon l'vfarhn-E\ ans Stace\ Martinez Chnshne Matson Tyler Matson
H and s On Sophomores Chase Larson and Tim lvhtchell plav for the go ld at th1s } ear's Nintendo n1ght " I had a great time and had fun playing," said Elsa Anderson
Tim Mayer
Cortney l\tfa\o
Sean Mayo
Br1 an Mays
Margaret McCrear\-
Kelse\- Mcisaac
John McLaughlin
Alexander \Ile a
Amanda Menard
Jennifer Mendoza
Jordan lv1eneses
Sarah Miller
All} son l'v111linder
T1moth\ Mitchell
Jason f\.1od12 1chole Moneghan
Joel Monroe
Crvstal f\.1on~on
Amanda t'v1oon
Jonathan ~1oore
Sara f\.torales
Cah 1n l\-1orsette
Scott Mueller
L1ndse, Muh any
Andre\v "Jassau
Mallor, assau
Ralph elms
Derek elson
Luke "ielson
Michael elson
Da, 1d 1\ie\, man
J\i1cole \.gh1em
De, 1n l\iix
Kalun oble~
Ashle} Noonan
Ra,en Obe)
Kelle} O'Dell
Jesse Ohnhaus
Sa, annah Ortt7
Joshua O ' Tool
Sara Padilla
Chelsea Park
Heather Perf)
Jacob Pierce
Enc Pohl
Kad) Polltn
Gabriel Pollock
Stephanie Pothast
Ashleigh Po,vell
' - --~· _ __ _
I 115
Annamarie Preston
Spencer Pnest
Pedro Rabadan
Raquel Ramirez
Domini Randolph
Christopher Retke
Zachary Ricciardi
Jared Richardson
Jenna Rlmbert
Margaret Riordan
Jacqueline Ristau
Rochelle Robbins
Heather Roberts
Cassandra Robertson
Austin Robinson
-icholas Robinson
'\iicol Robles-K} le
Tate Rogers
Angela Roldan
Ra:,mond Rosener
Katlyn Rvan
Garrett Sage
Jessie Sangi
Susan Sayre
Kelsey Seal!:,
Alhson Seance
Cameron Schaefer
Jon Schell
Tish Schnuttel
John Schuckman
Richard Schwering
Ryan Seate
Troy Seate
Nicole Sedgele:,
Sydney Seigneur
Kayla Shea
Joshua Shields
Ke\11n Shulthe1ss
Timothy SHburn
Troy Sipes
Aaron Smith
Sue Smith
Zachary Smith
Wade Sokol
Rithi Son
Aoi Sorensen
Lindsey Spencer
N1shtha Srivastava
John Standridge
11& SfllS
:: sophomores
" I think there 1s no point, be c au se we are not leammg from reading We don ' t even get to do homework 11 - Mi c hael Em s ba c h
// It' s a waste of hme, be ca use 1f you really wanted to read , you would on yo ur own time " -
Hailey Estrada
" I think 1t rocks ! M s Br yso n makes 1t fun by reading out loud . 11
Ali Glaxner
" I really thmk it 's awesome, becau se I love to read and 1t he l p s blo c k out everyone els e " - Tara
" It 's pointle ss and a waste of my hme . I have more tmportan t classes to go to 11
" I think it 's a good idea, but we s hould be able to do homework too . 11 - Katlyn Ryan
I tvt egha n Stell Kate Stelmack Hann ah Sterling Tam ara Sturda\ ant Zacha11 Suh r Kyle Sullh an Derrick S" ese, Tanika Tafo}a Case} Teman.son ---4 Julia Terrell Krysta Terl) Douglas Thomas Jr Jeffrey Thompson Alyssa Tortora Erinn Tovvnsend Miranda Trimbach Rya n Trout Cara Tu cc i Shan e Tyslan Jacob Unrein Ja son Valenhne - •• 4
- Devin Nix
117 I
John Van De Boga rt
Robert Van D} ke
Jessica V1chot
Kelli Jo\ 1eb
Leonard vigil
Sammv villarreal
Ashlee Vorh1s
Tiffan\, Vo," !es
Cr\.sta Walker
Russell Wallace
Brandon Wamboldt
Brittany Wamsher
Jacob Ward
Da, 1d Warren
Alessandra Watson
Amber Watson
Shannon Waugh
Enn Weber
Robert Weichel Jr
Spencer Weinell
An1anda Wells
Cynthia White
Jimmy White
Jason Whih\'orth
Anthony Wilarsk1
Maren Williams
Eric Wills
Brett W1h,on
Bnan Winkler
Enk W1taschek
Knstlna Wood
Patrick Wu
Marcus Wyatt
Nicholas Ya,\'
Gregory Youngs
Glade Zam
1\11cholas Zigich
Meredith Zika
Miranda Zimmerman
Michelle Z1nko
Richard Zirbes II
John Zup1n
118 SI~ :: sophomores
I 119
120 S ,li.'oon == sophomores
' 1~• - •
Pres nien
A-D p. 123-124
E-H p. 125-126
I-L p. 127-128
M-P p. 129-130
Q-T p. 131-132
S-V p. 133-134
W-Z p. 135
Freshman Panoramic p. 123-135
fre~hman ~1egan Vigil relaxes up again\t the lockers. For mo5t che defining moment of freshman year is the fir)t dJ)' of school. " It was an adventure, It wa~ ~o fun when we goc lo\t .ind had to find our way,~ said Katherine Aki
122 S .lioon :: freshmen division
photo b} B Kellev Freshmen Dane Benoy and O.iv1d heller play .1 hard game of chess dunng access ~The fir~t day of high \thool ,vas a expennce chat I will never forget sa1<l lvl1chelle Saindo1n
Freshman Heather t-.loody hangs our wHh her friends at lunch f\.h first day was boring all we did was listen co teacher talk for an hour, said Ed Thomas.
"You ge t more freedom, and 1 ou get to lea\ e campus for lunch."
-Zach McIntosh
"Classes are a lot eas ier here"
-C r vsta l Rose
"People look out for you more here, th an the\ \vould 1n middle school "
-Jef f Lake\-
"There are more respons1b11ihes a nd freedom here "
- Loga n Custer
" I t's a lot bigger than middle school."
-Nicole Le1d1ch
" I hke free blocks, off campus lunch, and maroon and vvhite days "
-Jose Va lencia
Stepharue Adair Brooke ~grodn1a Katherine Aki
\acole .\lber 1\,, kk1 .\ lien Ricardo Almanza
Shona Alms ,ezar Al-Za\er Christopher Ame:,
James Anderegg Heather Anderson Timothv Andre\vs •
Amanda Arche, Y, ette Arellano Daniel Armenta
Franc isco Arttca Jesse Asch \,ftchelle Asher
Michelle \smussen Heather Audes1rk. Saad Baradan
Moll) Barbeau
Michael Basemann
Julienne Bauer
Sarah Beatt}
Justin Becker
Leann Becker
Shandell Becker
Austin Bell
Dane Beno-\; Chase B1anclu
Kateland Bill
Matthe\'\" Blain-Ha r tung
Bethany Blair
Amber Blake
Ariel Blakeman
Alexander Blood
Sha \,'na Bond
Barbara Bovk1n , Amy Braun
Christopher Bravo
Zachary Bresler
Spirit fingers
Fr eshmen Jessica Yoa k um and Valene Cohn give a try a t the school hand JlVe " It was so funny seeing other freshman try the hand JlVe, " sa1d Valene
124 S 1Mt.\.on ::freshmen
Deanna Brook A:.hlev Bro\, n Jennifer Bro\\ n Elizabeth Burcz} k Bradle} Burton
Cat c hing s pirit Freshman Amanda Hu rl e) p la\ s 1n the Homecoming Po\, derpuff game:. " Homecoming "as so fu n," said Amanda
Kavley 8 1 1
Elder Cady Rehe1s
Em1lv Callin1cos
Caleh Casino
Chelsea Catron
Simone Chappell
Damian Cha\lez
Ste\ en Cha, ez
Danielle Clark
Thomas Clark
.\rne C.laxton
Kenneth Clement!>
Lon Cochran
Stephanie Cohn
\'alerie Cohn
~1atthe\\ Collier
T1ffan} C.olher
-\lexander Corsi
Ke\ 1n Coughlin
Samuel Coutts
Jo~eph CO\\'en
Enka Croonenberger
\1ehssa Cro,\
Amber C.urrv
I ogan C.uster
C.od, Dahm
C,a\a1n Dah
Am\ Danek
James Darcy
·athan Darragh
Jacob Da\es
Eh1ah Da, idson
Abigail Da\ 1~
Alexandra Davis
Anel Demarest
"J1cholas Demchok
f\ttargeau, Demoulin
tv1atthe,\ De\\ hurst
Iren Diaz
Jesse Dickson
Michael Diener
Andrea Domgaard
Tra\ 1s Dopp
John Douglas
Brandon Dumbleton
Emil) Dunlap
tvHchael Dunn
Jonathon Ou\ all
Maggie Du, all
Jora Eagan
Angarag Erdenetsogt
Isaiah Erickson
Le\ 1 Espinoza
Samantha Farrell
Alexander Fauble
Mehs:.a Fleming
Hollie Fraser
John Fr)
Joseph Gallegos
Louis Garramone
Matthev. Garrett
Stephanie Gaudio
Robert Geth1ng
Daniel Gilbert
\4.1 tchell G1llesp1e
tvtartella Gillis
Sarah G1z1nsk1
Cod} Glade
Stephan1e Glapa
Garrett Gleaton
Michael Goch1s
Br}an Gomez
Zachary Gorman
Bntan, Granquist
Ashle) Gray
Leah Green
Paul Green
Elizabeth Greene
Eric Gnego
Scott Groe
Zachafj Groff
Da\ 1d Gustafson
Darryl Hall
Dev. ayne Hall
Gareth Hannam
Baylee Hansen
Tara Hansen
John Hanson
Lauren Harnage!
Zachar} Hatch
Ryan Hayes
Elex1s Hediger
Tylor Heilman
Rachel Henk
Janessa Ho
Jacob Holland
James Holley
Scott Holley
126 S11f.\-. ::freshmen
" I really like free blo cks I can get my homev. ork done, so I can do other ach\ ihes after schoo l "
-freshman Trish McGee
" Football is probabl1 m 1 fa\ or1te thing, because you get to tackle people "
- fre s hman Ste\ e Walker
" The ladies' "
-freshman Spike Trujillo
" The freedom"
-freshman Amy Danek
" Being a Tr1dette 1s a\•\!esome, we learn cool ne"" dances and get to meet ne"" people "
-freshman Beth Lo\ ey-Ayers
"The Guys 1"
-freshman Amber Sangi
I - ~
Portia Holling s \.\ orth '\11cole Ho sbu rgh Alexander Ho\ves
Ra\ mond Hu f Lucas Hughe ~ athan Hull
Amanda Hurley Gregof) lannac1to Andre\.\ Jacob son
Max Janicek Daniel Jank.a, 1ak Cory Jen sen
Cedric J1menez Kelse} Johansson Tiffanv Johnson
Jack Jones Gabriel Keil Da, 1d Keller
• I I -------•-·----- ---~-
Kathleen Kelly Michael Kelly Jessica Kemmerer
Bnttna} Kemp
Melissa Kennedy
Patrick Kenned}
Brittany Kerber
De\ on Kerger
Mark Ketchum
La\\·rence Keys
Jonathan Kim
Matthe\\ King
All} son Knight
Justin Koch
~icole Kovac
Megan Kraus
A -,hle1 Krhn1ch
Garrett Lac1nsk1
Jeffrey Lakey
Sa\. annah Lampp
Ian Lanier
Kellie Lankutis
Annie Leak
Nicole Leidich
Speakin g Up
Freshmen Colton
Secary, Andre½ Spatz, Ste\en Walker gi\e a presentahon 1n their math Class "I \Vas a little ner\ ous gi\. en that presentation," said Colton
-- -
128 S : : freshmen
Stacev le\verke , Lacev Le'.\ is , T ahnee Le\\ 1s Stephanie L1dd1ck Anna Lieb
C hit Ch a t Freshmen Kendra
I Warren and Jessica Stelhn1 chat iith friends durmg lunch. "I lo\ e tlus year, but most of all 1s lunch," s~id freshman Alex Sundby
'\ , I I l
Susan Lindsay
Mark Locke
Robert Long
Jenna Lope/ Elizabeth Lo\ oy Ayers
Jav sen Luckinbill
Katie \ f acev
Jennifer tv fack
Jason \i1akomb
Kathr, n tvf aloney
Sean t,, t alone',
Amanda Manes s Tan1.,ha \1ann
Sean r-.1artinez
La\\ rence 1a\ \1eghan 1cC.arthy
Zachary tvt c.Crearv
Jerr} .tvt c Donald
Je-.s1ca r-..1c.Donough
Carl ~tcEncroe
Sarah \ 1cfadden
Pa tric1a \1cGee
Zachen tv1c l ntosh
S Kent r-vt cKend11
Elisa l\.1enna
tv1atthe\\ \,11chaehs
Blakelee \,h d) ette
l'v1egan Milan
For rest tvti ller
Rachael 1ontgomery
H eather tvt ood, Bahman ~1oqu1m
Robert tv1ora le, Reed f orelh
Anr, \1on a)
.\manda tv1unday
Sarah l\1usser
Andre\\ arke\\ 1cz
Anthon, elson
1chol l\elson
Valene Nelson
Laura '\Je,\ come
Brandon l\Jichols
Con \achols
Saman tha 1eme1er
1\Ja than '\hies
Nicholas ~1 t tolo
Jason N)e
Shane O ' Kee fe
' ,...,.. - - -·-···--·---- - ---- ------
A.manda Ohn
Joe On1sko
Chnst1an Orquera
Der\a Ozba,
\.lan<,sa Parchman
Phillip Park
Samantha Parker
Briana Parra
Cameron Pa) ne
T, ler Pennel
Carolina Perez
Sarah Picon
Ra\ mond Pierandozz1
Tvler PoHull
Sha, Pollin
Duke Pooler
Jordan Postleth\\ alte
Kendra Pros
Samantha Prueitt
Pablo Rabadan
Joseph Ra1chart
Kathr\ n Rall.., Alexander Ranfran7
Justin Ratcliffe
Zachar\ Ra\ e\
Andre\.\ Ra\ burn
l\Jicole Resnick
Robin Richards
Laura Ridge
?\.11chael Rizzuto
Peter Rock\ am
Ph1hp Rogers
Samuel Rogers
Rochelle Roldan
Ta} lor RomanO\.\ ski
Cnstal Rose
T1moth} Ro.,so\.,
Ka tnna Ro\, le\
Ste\ en Ro"" le}
Jaffanie Ruble
James Rudn1ck1
Lexie Runge
Britton Ru.,sell
Patrick Ryan
R}an Sack
Michelle Saindon
Shannon SancheL
Katelin Sanders
An,ber Sangi
130 S w.i : : freshmen ..
" I liked r1d1ng on the freshmen float 1n the Home coming Parade "
-freshman Jenna Lopez
" I hked the d1, ers1t\ of ever} one that came to the dance"
-freshman Robbin Ri cha rd s
"The face-pa1nt1ng \\ as my fa, or1te tl1ing about the carn1, al."
-freshman Rachel Montegomer\
" I liked the carn1, al becau se you got to hang out'" 1th friend s and meet ne\v people"
-freshman Nicole White
" I en1oyed the costumes on Mardi Gras Day'"
-freshman Maris sa Parchman
-··----·----·---- ---
Brooke Sauer Robbie Schaetzle Case\ Scherff
Sk\ Schnautz De\ 1n Scho\, >vtelan1e Scoh
Colton Secar, , Corev Sheesle) Austin Shelton--'-------
Ches Shenda 1 Brandon S1m1 nons ~terle Skeens III
Samantha Sia er Kirsten Slette , Cierra Smith
Sean Smith Kelh Smith-Cash Andre\, Spat~
Jacob Spencer Sha\vn Sporn( r R', an Sprackh 1g
A sse m b l y= 9°10 Carn iva l = 16 ° 10 P a rad e= --l 0 o G am e= 9°10 Oth e r = 23°0
Ru-.sell Stahl
Ariana Stamm
Tra, 1~ Starr
'\1argaret Stashak
Colin Stell
Daniel Stelhn1
Jessica Stelhni
Sean Stokes
Daniel Stor}
Hosanna Suma1ku
Alex Sundb\
Jason S\ kora
Kellen 5\ kora
Rebecca Ta) lor
Samantha Ternes
Edv. ard Thomas
Zachar) Thompson
tv1egan Thull
Thomas Tolsma
Mark Tombaugh
Tra\ 1s Toms
tv1ichael Trujillo
Eatin ' Good
Freshmen Joe Cowen, Matt King, and Sk1 Schnautz eat Wend} 's for lunch 1n the Demon Oen "MMM good," said Matt
Freshmen Powderpuff Ftr:,t
rO\\ Ba} lee Hansen, '\ olanda Suma1~u
Am, Danek, Samnu Parker .\riel
Blakeman Chen I D'Epagn1er Second
row Amanda Hur\e\ i\i1cole Le1d1ch
Ju1ennc Bauer K.1, le\ B, I Third ro\\
Alex Oa\ is, Ian Lanier, Lac\ \\'h1tlatch, Chelsea C,1tron, Kaitlin Tripp- Addison
Brooke Agrodn1a. Amber Curn, '\J"icole
Resn,c~, Lauren Harnage! Brent Wegsche1der
132 S I..... : : freshmen
\ iet Tran
Kaitlin Tnpp - Addison
,' ,[j-
\shle\ T,, iford
Jose \ alenc1a
B)-ron Vall
R\ an \ andenbroeke
t\.1atthe,, \ ega
t-.1onica \ ersa,,· Ashle) \ 1g1l
~tegan \ 1g1l
Ju hn \ 1ncent
t\.tathe,, \ ockel
C.olhn \ onderhaar
Ste, en \'\ alker
Jordan\'\ alli5
Oongchen \'Vang
(hen I \'\ard
Kendra \\ arrcn
Ke\ 1n \,\arren
Austin \\'at..,on
Oli\ 1a \'vatson
Brent \\iegs,he1der
Brittan} \'\I e1den
\.1 co le \\ erschk\ t\.hke \.\ h1te
1c hole \-\' hite
Lace) \:\'h1 tla tc h
1'holas \Vieder pahn
Cod\ \\, 1Je.., Renee \.'\1llard
C.hristopher ¾ 1lley
L, an \.'v1lham!'Ror\ \\ ti hams
Lee\'\ 1bon
Ke, 1n \'\ 1taschek
,\\enc\'\ 1ttmer
R\ an\'\, att
-·-·--. -
Jessica 't oakum Thoma"' Ziegler Joceh n Zup1n
" I put a rubber band around the spra) er on the faucet and \\ hen m \ sister turned on the \\ ater she got \•vet "
-Br} an Gomez
" In the fourth grade I put a fake 1ce cube,\\ 1th a fake bug 1n 1t, 1n m\ teacher ' s coffee "
-Kendra Warren
" I colored the s ide of a quarter , \\ htle I bet m~ freind that he couldn ' t roll 1t do\, n his face and v. hen he did 1t he had a black hne do\, n his face "
-Patrick R, an
" One time I pretended that I cut m, finger off I rapped it v. 1th cloth and eYer} thing and mv teacher belie, ed • me "
-Am} Braun
" We\\ ere at a hotel and I was d1ahng a number and it turned out to be 911 , but n1) parents ne, er kne\\' I called them ."
-Megan V 1g 1l
" M, fr iends and I v.•ere mad at someone, so\\ e dec id ed to put tuna under her bed and ranch dressing 1n her tanning stuff E, ery bod} had a good la ugh, e, en the person v. •e pranked."
-Ashley Krhnicl1
Princip.11 ~1ike ~1urph y parricapate~ in the pie thro\\ during rhc Homecoming carnhal. " I lo\'C rhe Homecoming c.irni, .ii, " ,:iid Principal ~1urphy
\ fr Dick Bvrne and t-.frs. Lo ri r-.1acDonald ha\·c fun during che reacher s scit in the Homecoming A~en1bh " I had a blast," said \1rs \iacDonald.
136 S :: division
photo b, B Kt!lle\ r-.tr John Ander\on ~1r~ Jcnn1fc.r Cook, t-.!r t-.1ark Horneck,r and ~t r Al Talboc are all ,miles on ~In C.ook , wedding l\.lrs C.ook\ wedding ,,as on July 1 3. 2002 " Jc,, .1s beauttful. " ,aid r-.lr Anderson
What are some of your pet peeves?
' I -.
Sh1rle} Algiene Aaron Allison John Anderson
Jerem} Blin coe Charlotte Blvthe Jud\ Bo1an
Dick Byrne Scott Capron Chris Colucci
Debby Cooper Shari Cornelison Becky Crozier
Sco tt Aurand Mar~ Battaglia Da\, n Bell
Jan Br\ son Scott Burcar Jane Burnett
Brian Conro) Eileen Cook Jenn1 Cook
Stephanie Da\ 1s Cindy De Vito Todd Fink
"I hate finger boards, they annoy me tremendously. Also, I hate when people always blame other people for something that they did. Nebraska football fans annoy me too .ff - Cris Colucci
Cathy Frailey Susan Gobbo Elise Goshorn
Charla Gunn
Holly Hathaway Jeff Hause~
Bob Hayes
Greg Holland Mark Hornecker
John Horst
Barbara Hovves Diderick Iversen
I .J)
Georganne Kahler B111 Kelley John Klug
Cheryl Kochis Monty Kozlovvitz Julie Kramer
138 S
''I don't like how people wearing backpacks in the halls tend to tum around and hit you with them." -Dick Byrne
:: facultv
'___ ......,..-
Candice Lemon Mandy Long s 1ne Path Lov,
Joe McG1nru s Mike Mendoz a P a ul Miller
Mike Murphy Roger M ye r s Le Ann Ostler
Tracy Phariss Chr i s P lakoru s Lind a Po veda
Lori M ac D o n ald Jud } Madi so n
Tim Mill e r Rick Mondt
Pam Par1 c 10 Ch r1 s hne Pennel
Phylli s Pr i ce Bob Putka
Charlotte l\ 1avburv , , Kathrvn \-1ontgomer\
Tammie Peters
C h ad Re1d
''Cheaters are the second lowest form of life, the lowest form of academic life . Also, people who spell Conroy wrong and people who talk through movies or eat popcorn at a deafening volume" -Brian Comoy
--- ·--I
Sue Rlordan
Wendy Roberts Ruth-Ann Rodgers Jan R omary Ja ckie Rowe Richard Schalhame r
Tamara Seay Barbara Selzer Laura Selzer Bonrue Lou Shaw Le Shoemaker Susanne Sigward
Lea Ann S1izeski Elaine Sm1 th Daren Sower
Tom Sweet Al Talbot Maureen To dd
140 5 :: racuttv
''People who talk on their cell phones. People who spend more time talking on the phone than the person that is in the same room as them."
-Tom Sweet
Ken Van Der Laan J o Wadsv.rorth
Jerry Yanz Gene Youngmann
Shannon Walkinshaw
Lara W 1l11ams
Suzie Weber
Ed We1nell Jane Wunderlich
Kathy Davis
''One of my pet peeves is when people pop their gum in my class."
-Julie Kramer
; aca enii cs
Science / Math p . 144-145
English / Socia l Stud ies p . 146-147
Foreign Language / A rt p . 148-149
Theater / Ban d p. 150-151
Choir p. 152-153
Gym / Forensi cs p . 154-155
Technical Ar t s p . 156-157
Forensics / MVP p . 158- 159
Stud en t Council p . 160
142 S :: academics division bv eli martin and robbV
Junior Alex Verrastro acts out 1n English class photo b) L. Koch
photo b) L. Koch
Sophomore Jason Valentine \velds a box in metal shop " I hke shop because I can use m} hands," said Jason
ca d e mi cs gives kno w le d ge of life out of sc h oo l. Basics of a n y class are learn e d durin g yo ur freshman yea r and co ntinu e with different leve ls of com pl exity to your senotr year.
<'All my c lasses a r e hard n o\.v, but wi ll get h arder lat e r," sai d fre s hman Amy Morvay. Anot h er s tudent , so phomore Stacy Blom , said , « I love biology. " Junior Sebasrchien H e rri ck added, « My favorite c l ass is Forensics. "
Junior ~hno Sorensen demonstrates his Ph\sic" pro1ect Co re c lasses a re co urses that are m a ndito ry to graduate and " Ph\ sics 15 so cool," said ~1ino.
e l ec tive c lasses are of yo ur c hoi ce. tudents h ave to get 22 credits to graduate, as well to find time to ge t in a co upl e c lasses the y lik e. "S in ce I alre a d y rook th e c l asses I like, I have to t ake
c lasses I ne e d now," sa id junior Scott J ackso n.
/ aca ernics 143
En Garde Senior Er ik Bu r n'- 1gn1 t es bubble::. of natural ga::. in to,, pt liar of flame 1n Che m 1st r ) 2 The Chc m i t r y 2 clas, tested and se t up demonstrations of chem ical reac tions and p r o p er t ies, the n p erfo rn, ed t h en, tor Chem,stT} 1 students. Bu r ns c;.11d "Chen, 2 b a grea t c lnss, I'm glad I h ad th e oppor tunit) to be in 1t '
Fre s hman J Me g an Milan ins erts a s ample into a ma ss s pectrometer
pho to b) 0 I\ crson at the Colorado School of Mine s ch e mi stry l a b. Milan s aid , "g oin g with Honor s E arth S cience h e lped me s ee the field of chemistry hands-on, and has helped to influen ce my career de cision. "
h at was yo u r most m emorable experience in science at Golden?
"Discec tin g a pig v. as fu n I ' ll ne\ er tl11nk of bacon th e same \\·ay."
"I liked our fie l d trip to the nuclear reactor at the federal center 111 Honors Earth Science "
" In fi r s t se m es te r earth science\'\ e b lev.1 u p h ydroge n b a ll oon s and r ockets."
"When vVe light th111gs on fire or blow things up, 'demos' "
Think Fast
Juniors Chns Taylor and Amanda Sorvig get ready to buzz tn d u ring the first semester final re, ie\, for f--Ionon, Phy s ics t\1r Schalhamer built a trio of buzzers that use a la s er to determine \\ h1ch team bu z zed 1n fir~t
ho\\.' mu ch a tea c her can affect a student. l fa te;icher make s a class fun and enjoyable, the " thing~ learned ,,·ill mo s t hkelv s tay \\.' ith the ~tudents longer lf the class 1s 1u~t about the fact s and the teacher doesn t make the class 1ust a little bit interesting , thing s n,ost likelr w ill not make s ense " Thank~ to \tfr Phari ss and Mrs Pennel, I enJO} going to math , and m} unders tanding ha s gro\, n a lot " sa id s ophomore Ashlev Knobb s
hat was the best part of math this year?
"The best part was being able to construct shapes and sho"' my creati\·1ty through doing 50 "
" Th e best part was my a½ esome teacher and th e fa c t that I passed e\ ery test 11
" The best part of math this year \i\1as the great teachers and the hot chicks. "
Ben Jenkins, 1O
" The best part of math tlus year was the understanding teac her s and th e awesome friends that were 1n my class 11
' • - "-ff
Co unt On It Junior-. Kristina ~cBride Danielle Teter, , tvlcg.1n \ askc and sophomore Raquel Ramirez are hard at ' ,,ork in !\fr. l\'erson's Algebra class
R ig ht On Tas k Sophomore Rhiannon \if artinE\ ans ,-vorkc; hard in l\,1s Pennel 's math class
B aki n g in C l ass Sophomores Pedro Rabadon and 81nh Le demonstrate to the class ho¼ to make cookies for your grandmother. "We bake once e\ el) hvo ,veeks," said sophomore B1nh Le
"En g li s h i s a trul y exci ting ex p e ri e n ce," said fr es hm a n Mi ch ae l Base mann .
y ou co uld m a k e an ass ignme nt for English what would it be?
I' d mak e th e m tak e a n a p 11
" I ' d make them interview so meone w h o they rea ll y like. "
J:..nylaHudson, 10
Juniors Paul Ketchum and Drew D ettm lo \ -v pe rfo rm a musical base d o n Jo hn S t e inb ec k 's GrapesofWrath for extra credit in M s B01an's honors class
I ' d m a k e them lea rn t o s al s a d a n c e."
" I wo ul d make them b u ild a couch with li te r a r y quo tes. "
Dee p in thou g ht Fresh1nan
A1nanda H urley a n d Bay lee
H a n sen ,vork ha r d to finish thei r ""ork in English class '' I li b..e ge ttin g ffi ) ,vork my ,vork done
Just so I ca n ge t 1t o, er w1th,"said so phomore Lindsey Mul vany -
e nior Ton ' Bern a l ~pl'ak, to hi.., Econon\ics class In ELonon11c'> \ ou learn about tinanCl's and h o\\· to be careful ,, 1th n1one} \-\ hen asked ,vh,1 t ht.> likes n105t abou t t his clas::. R rna I ud ' I hkc that 1t teache-. you h o,v the :-. tock ma r ket " ,rk"' Jnd that it has h('lped nll' n1unc1ge my mo n ey ." l 1 ,n:\\
h a t i s th e b e st p a rt a b o ut socia l s tud ies?
" Th e b e s t pa rt a b o ut socia l s tudie s is th at it is easy to b e soc ia ) a nd it's coo l to rea d a b o ut it. It is fun to s tu dy a ll th e d iffe r e nt p eo pl e in the wo rl d " TravisStarr9,history
" To m e, t h e bes t pa r t is t h a t I ge t to lea rn a b o ut a ll t h e diffe r e nt c ult u r es., but I do n ' t hk e a ll t h e s hd e s h ows ."
" Th e b es t p a rt i s th a t it is goo d to kn O \i\' h ow th e \i\1 o r)d wo rks and I lik e lea rnin g w h e r e a l] m y m o n ey goe s a nd h o \v it af fec ts u s ."
s tud1 e::. h a rd f o r an Econ o mi cs t es t In Eco n o m ics s tud e nt s ha\' e a lot of g u es t s peaker s and a lot of qui z zes Ibrahim s aid , " I like t hat it give s \ ou experien c e 1n the ,, orld of bus 1ne::.s and that taking thi s cla ss help s you dec ide futur e plan s."
" Th e b es t p a r t a b o ut soc ia l s tudies 1s all t h e ac h v 1t1 es yo u ge t to d o Eco n o mi cs 1s d e finit e l y m y fa\ o rit e soc1a ) s tudi es c la ss"
Senior Marisha Ibrahim
~--- ~~
,.,P s ycho I-
• ogy IS S O muchfun because we have a lot of interesting disscusions about controversial subjects that make people really think."
Foreign Rea din g Senior Ta te Pellegnn1 studys for a big french test Langua ge tests are usually based on listening, reading, and comprehensio n " I can d o really \Veil 1n th e reading and comp r ehension, but not the hsterung," said soph omore Audrey Goh
Students cho ose from Spanish, French, and Ger-
man a t G H S. Levels r ange from o to s ix. " I lo ve le a rnin g about diffe ent cul tur es," said sophomo r e Meghan Stell.
hy do you take language ?
" Be ca u se the words make me laugh ."
" Help s me l earn about different co untrie s and their cultures."
BrookeSauer, 9
" It help s me pr e p are for a future biligual job ."
" I like th e idea of going to a r1ew country and being ab l e to s peak their language 11
Eating foreign Junior Darryl Preston make a foreign dessert in one of the food days. Food days come abo ut once a year and only serve the food of the culture " I love when we made crepes in Mrs Maybury 's class,'' said freshman Samantha Slater
photo bv R. \'anO,,
spiring artis t Sl'n1or Ktff\ Bl·e-.Jey paints a picture for .,tud10 pa1nt1ng Bce.,ley '>aid, 'I gh c thanks to ?\.,1r McGinnis
nJ ~1, ) oungman for pushing me to take m} art talent to 1notht>r le, <'l Ah,o for g1, ing n,c ,, grt!at learning experin
.l.( Wh a t I
· lik e ab o ut ----
a rt is that
I c an e xpre ss
m ys elf through a drawing or a painting ins tead of writin g or s in g in g . I love being able to create an ything without having any limitations to what I' m doing," said senior Toby Cochran.
h at d o you like most abo u t art class?
" I 1ike th a t J get a c h ance to e>-.press n1yself through clay an d tha t you ge t to see every b od) get so d irty."
" I hke how the art tea c hers are very open minded and that they love mo s t of the kid 's work especially Mr s Burnett in photogrphy."
Behind the mas k Seruor Robyn Speer paints a picture of a masJ... on masquerade day This painting was made out of tissue p aper and liqui d starch
In painting s tudent s u se many differ ent techni ques and styles Sp eer sai d , "E, eryone shou ld t ake an art class because 1t 1s an a ma z ing wa} t o exp ress yourself."
" I l ove thi s cl ass b ecause it's fun th a t you ge t to ma k e th in gs a nd a r e always l ea r nin g n ew tec hniqu es."
" I hke tha t we have the mo s t incredible artists 1n thi s sc h ool and I have enJoyed and loved working w i th all of them through out hi g h school! "
pholo by L. McGrew
/ 5 thebox
Thea t er has been a wonderful art form for years and it is just ge t hng it
full well deserved attention! Go l den has a great theater cla s s and it is proven that theater will be around for years.
h at ' s yo u r favori te par t of theater?
111 li ke impr ov b eca u se I can b e my goo fy self a nd ge t a good g r ade."
" My favorite part is that I get to express myself m ways I \-vould not be able to outside of class "
MackenzieKreller, 1O
" I li ke th ea t er b eca u se I ge t t o inte r ac t w ith p eop le."
" I love thea ter so much because Mr Klug gets yo u in to th e spirit o f i t."
Projection works Sophmore
goes o, er her scrip t befo re she heads to the s tage for her grade
Improv Action Sophmore
Cassie Roberts on sho,vs the class that s h e can really act, as she strikes a pose In theater class s tud e nts are taug ht th e imp o rtan ce of 1mpro, e, it i s a form o f ac tin g without mem o ri za tion
photo b \' K Shulthci..,s
Enn Alcock
Co p 0
CSU Marching Fest led to Re-
I gional Marching Fest. The band also marched in the Golden Homecoming, Golden Christmas, and the Buffalo Bill Day Parade and even Di s neyland during Sprin g Break .
People and friends
" People and friends are ,vhat make band fun . We go on trips together which is awsome. On our trip to Fort Co llins we had tons of fun as well as all th e other trips " SeanGre,ger
" Band can be the be s t and v. orst experience you can eYer endure during high school. We find the fun even though it 1s gruebng frustrating work. It's a big family Knst,naMcBnde
" I like rehearsing concert band. It 's great at being in front of a group that e nj oys playing n1usic. Marching band is great as we ll. It's fun being above the marching band on the scaffolding and seeing the forms go with the music."
Co ncerts Fre..,hman Sean \tarttnez and -.oplll mores .'.\1ck Z1g1ch and .\aron Smith do thl•lr part during the hohda\ concert
Marching Band Freshmen
o e s places! Jeffco , Pomo~ a n d
Bethanv Blair and Carl tvtcEncroe keep the beat as the'v march dunng the Homecoming parade
Christmas Caroling Juni ors Abigail Langs t ed, Onna Poe ter and Senio r Kyle H ause r p la) t h e bells \Vhi le s1 ng1n g a song in the Holiday Co n ce r t on December 12t h Se ni o r Mar, Dihvo r th says , " l really enioy go ing arou n d to many places and singing for people "
" This is my fourth • year 1n choir and by far it has been the best. It • 1s more rewarding than anything else I have ever done. We get to do lots of different things and do many activities outside of class. It has inspired me to go to college for music and has helped me in many areas of my life."
hy did you decide to join choir?
0 1 joined choir to get tip s on my s inging career, to meet new people and I really enjoy singing.,,
" I joined choir because I have been singmg since I could t a lk and it' s my ultimate dream. "
" The reason I joined choir was to get the ladie s and meet new people. ''
"C h oir is an amazing ex p erience. working w ith suc h a t alented group of peop le is a trul y fortunate exper i ence "
Deck The Halls
give instructions
holiday concert at Go lden High
said , " When I first go t into cho ir l thought it "''ould be boring singing all th e time but it turned out not t o be a s b ad as I thou g ht. "
:: academics
• •
Seruor D J Franco \Vatches for Mrs. Ostler to
during the
School. Franco
Three Tenors
Seniors Enc 81nklev, 1ck Fauble and 1b Burnham sing their hearts out 1n front of a packed house at the Golden High School hohda} concert December 12th Freshman Ke,·in W1tashcek ... a\ s, "Choir 1s a real fun class and its a great\\ ay to get an A"
Joyful Harmony Junior Anja tv1ueller sings loud at the Holada, Choir Concert on December 12th Junior Onna Poeter says I 101ned choir because I love the :::.ound of a chord built b) many \'Oices."
ph o to b\ B k.cllc )
Singing for the Stars The Golden High School
\\.Omens choir sing:::. loud and beautiful at the Hohda) Concert Senior A.nna Mangan sa\ '>, " } ' ye been in choir for four years and 1t ,._ more fulfilling e, er) , ear I \vouldn ' t \\ ant to miss out on all the great e,penences and people "
1~------- --· -----.·- -
photo b, B Kl'llt:)
During Gym this year the more you sweat the m o r e credit you
get. Sophomore Alyssa Tortora said, 11 Gym helps keep you in shape. '' Dodgeball, basketball, badmitton, and other activities in gym are always fun .
h a t is the l eas t fun thin g t o d o in gym?
"My leas t favo rite thin g to do in
gym i s t o r un .''
La ur en Ca rls, 12
" Kick ball is my leas t favorite thing to do in gym ."
Brit tany Bergs tedt, 11
" Ba dmitto n i s th e wo r s t thin g t o d o in Gym. "
Ro b e rt W e ich e l, 10
Wa t c h ou t \'\ hen junior Sunshine Morsette thrO\\ s the dodgeball. Freshman Ee Danielle Clark say~, "I hkc the rush and the fact that I can chuck things at people." Dodgeball 1s Golden s gym classes favorite sport to p lay.
Pre paring to shoot Junior
Darnel Ra tschkawsky stands on th e
3-point h ne l ooki n g to score
Sophomo re Phare l A ri s tide says, " Basketba ll ts wher e yo u can r e leas e you r emo ti o n s b o th goo d and b a d "
" D r es s ing o u t is po intle ss because we could participate in the cloth es we wea r to s chool. "
Je s sie Stellini , 9
Finding a way through Jeremy Na\ arette t rie s to get through Brandon Wamboldt to mak.e a lay up Senior Claire La nd ry says, " I like the ru nning mv ol , e d in b as ke tb a ll " Th e r e \V ere 500 p eo pl e e nroll e d i n gv m this se m es ter
photo by L. Kock
== academics
photo by S. Ty~lan
"Meeting deadlines an d h aving the editors proofing o n time is ha r d. "
" Finding relavent iss ue s to write about 1s hard ."
" H aving t o h ave your stories in by th e d ue date ."
" The stupid computers are difficult."
'Edi tor-in-c h ief senio r '\J1chol Dupont sho,,·s off her ,vondcrful typing ..,kills as she prepare:,, the ne,, ~paper I b\ I-: Shulth<'1,, Senior Christine Crevling ha s trouble trying to figure out ho\, the ne\\ spa per \-. tll come together ,, hen it's done Christine is \\ orking hard at her computer, trying to make the nev.·spaper a success 0thetypewriter
he thr ee e ditor s, Nichol Dupont, C hri s/ tine Crevling and Kate Klock
a t i s d iffic ult a b o ut News p aper?
stop their hardwork and s mile for the camera. New spaper is a clas s that develop s writing skills and it is a great learning ex perience. h
uln wood shop the students are making a chess boards. " Wood shop is very fun and a hands on experience.''
-senior Andy Huntsman
fl Auto s hop has changed my life, now I feel more safe in m y car if I break down."
"Metal shop teaches students to work with metal. Our final pro1ect is a l1and made can crus h er, and Mr Plakorus is an exce llent teacher as we ll. "
"'Mr. P is very awesome and a hand s on teacher, that really helps yo u ."
"B r eaks are great. Because they can save yo ur life, yo u need to check yo u breaks every so oft en."
h at was the best thing you learned in tech arts class?
Metal shop student Mike Baseman is ,-vorking on lus foundry plate. "In metal shop you get to "veld At first I thought it v.·as \: ery hard but af ter a couple of prachce~ I got the hang of it," said Baseman Always ren,en1ber to \Vear the right protective gear
• photo b\ , Peri,ho Sitting in the shop car Senior Lauren Gale said, "Auto shop 1'> one of the best classes to take at Golden You learn so much to help you " At Golden\\ e onl} ha, ea begging auto shop cause thev can't afford more materia ls for classes
Senior Alex Shier cuts a big s teel rod for a bumper on his truck Shier said, "Metal shop is one of the be::.t clas'>es 1n ID) senior} ear, I \\ ish I "ould ha\ e taken 1t sooner "
b\ \,j Pcn,ho Sophomore Kyle Sulli\ an said, "Oil 1s \er} good for your car )'OU need to check 1t regular!}, no\, I kno\-. ho\, to do that ' Auto shop cla::.s ,, 1Jl ah,·a}., help } ou 1n hfe if you reall} do pa\ attention
On my honor Semor T}ler \Varner swears mat nationals along With other Lincoln Dougl.1,;, competitor<,, JI left Tvlcr ha, earned his Quadruple rub\ from the atJonal Forl!ns1c- League and is plact.>d int lht.> top one-half pl·rccnt m the nation m Lincoln Douglas debating T) lcr ~•d, "Forcns1l~ ha-. taken mc "er} far l ' Vl' gotten sc:holar<,hip, to good collcgl-s beeau~ of ffi} mvohemcnt and the award<. I' ve" on for the te.1m photo
"I love meeting new friends at a ll the t o urnaments '¼'e compete in. "
" The atmosphere is very comfortable and appealing; there are so many opportunities to explore in forensics ."
" I l ove the diver si t y of events Even th ougl1manypeople think it's jus t deba te/ there is a '¼1 ho le lot more to it."
" The be s t part of co mpeting is not competing bu t what you do between round s ."
Laugh out loud Sophn-lore
Richard Schweiring doe s lus humorou s cutting " Exploding Thing s " for practice 111 front of his c las s mates By s ome , 1nterpretahon of humor i s con s idered the harde s t e, ent becau s e of the effort and exaggerahon m, olved , plu s a very funny cutting 1s e ss ential.
Coach Tamnue Peters sa id , " Humor h, probably the one of the mo s t d1hcult e, ents. It 's difficult to find funn ) cuttin gs a nd a pp e al t o th e a ud ie n ce"
-- · -
Foren• S 1 C S take s a lot of procrastination and determination," s aid Junior Angela Finke
:: academics
b) T Pete[<,
I ---
Talk to me Junior \Villiam t-.1artin and freshman De\\ a\ ne H I gt·t o kno\, each other on the first da\ of high school !\1any leade rs got to kno,, their freshmen and man\ became fnendc; " rv h 1\. 1\ Pleader helped me t h r ough a problem this , car ,' ~aid freshman Pa tnc1a \,fcgee rh oh.l b} R \'.inD\ J..l,
r:altft I I M V P I stands for Mentors in Vio. lence Protecti o n, which is a anti-bullying program. Junior and senior MVP leaders puts freshman through senarios and games to help them in what to do and not to do in high school, as well as life. '' MVP rocks my world, 11 said freshman Kendra Pro s. n your opinion, is MVP making a difference?
"Yes, MVP ha s definetly changed the outlooks of some students.''
" Ye s, becaus e th ere 1s a pos 1h, e influence on u s from th o s e who have been here longer."
" The program is more effective thi s year, as oppossed to las t year."
Teaching leaders Senior Andre\\' Wola, er learns ,vhat to teach lus freshmen kids Every leader meets on Tuesdays and g i ves th e m essage o n Thurs da ys dunng M VP Readin g " I lik e t eac hing fr es hm e n a bout hi g h sc hoo l," Sa} s Se ru o r An ya S tru ass
" No , it ju s t doesn ' t " DevinKerger,9
I '
• 159
Sophmore Jessica Vichot
- - ·--• I
on her
photo by B Kelley
Sanders watch es as her r ecipe w1fold s in front of h e r eyes . " I enjo y the cook in g p a rt of thi s cla ss but n o t s o mu ch the wo r k s he e ts. :: academics
Jessica said , "The
Consumer Family Studies is cooking. How hard can it Freshmen Katelin
really be?"
a rd o n m a k i n g sure th ey mi x e\ e r y th1n g perfec tl y. I
as h e
for his partners to fini s h with their kitchen s pa ce.
Sophmores Steaphanie Dockstader and Ali Glaxner wor k h
Senior Justin Stamer looks over
photo by B. Kelle}
greta morningstar aldridge
I thank you God for the most amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees a nd the bl ue true dream of sky; and for everything which 1s natural which is infinite which is yes. Our love will be with you always- Mom, Dad and Ian
ryan armitage
Always a comedian some things will never change We wish you as much laughter, happiness and joy in your life as you've brought to ours. Congratulations, Ryan Keep smiling!
We love you, Mom and Dad
ryan armitage
Ryan, my love. The one and only in so ma ny ways. The past two years have been more than I could have asked for . Thanks for a once 1n a lifetime kind of love and the wonderful memories, Cali., camping, movies, and the fun games
Always Believe 143 -Jenna Marie
ryan armitage
Congratu lations Ryan. The best is yet to co me !
We love you, Nan a and Pop pa
ryan armitage
Rhi no- the family resemblance is remar ka ble! Althoug h we feel we have noth in g in com mon at times, we do share t he same DNA I 'll always be here for you and I love you so very much . Here's to the years to co me! We are all very proud of yo u Ry. Remember to follow your heart a nd the rest will fol low . Forever, Lil'Orie L.
- greta morningstar aldridge
Dear Ta-Ta- Whatever star you h1tch a ride on, we'll be right there wait1ng for you. Bring us back a few moonbeams 1n a jar 1f you can. Most of all, enjoy the nde and hold on tight! Know yourself, love yourself, and be yourself.
Love, Mom and Dad
• • Jenna mons
JenaRie, know1ng you has been a complete pleasure. Thanks for helping me out 1n one of the hardest times of llfe. I w1ll always be here for you, and never will I forget the person you are. Remember all the n1ghts, B.L., A.West, long talks, D-Dubs, and the night from th1s p1cture!!! I love you llke a s1ster.
Always, Laurna
ryan armitage
As all of your tomorrows open themselves to you, never forget how very proud we are of you and how much we love you, Ry yesterday, today, and always ...
Love, Mom, Dad, and Lauren
May every dream 1n your heart come true for you. Congratulations Ryan. We love you, Gram and
r---- sean steve aronson -
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the sta rs." We've shared our thoughts, hopes, and dreams with you. As we watch you mature and explore life on your own terms, we learn from you. You've always had a genuine heart follow it.
Mom and Dad
- -
brandon babki e wi c h
r don't know what I would do without your friendship and love. You are one of my " bestest" fnends! Thanx for always being there for me. Reach for the stars and all your dreams will come true! Love ya lots, Swan (Bntt)
P.S Can I please have a "pitz ch1ckz fritz"?
P.P.S "I am an eagle"!
brandon babkiewi c h -
You never cease to amaze us with your accomplishments and endeavors. Continue to pose questions and explore the world around you. We love you lots and look forward to being a part of your bright future.
Love , Mom and Dad brianne barned
I hope you are always as happy as the day this picture was taken. No one should be prouder of you than you!
Love always , Momma
audrey bennett
Audrey , I've treasured the time you have spent with me. I wish you all the best as you venture out on your own.
Love, Mom
Jessica ,
jessica billings
The shine in your heart inspires us all, and will inspire the world. We are so proud of you, all of your accomplishments, but mostly your love for others. After all, your favorite line from your favorite show "to love another person is to see the face of God." What an inspiration you are to us all. Congratulations Jess! Love , Mom , Dad , Jacquie , Jamie and Bradley
I know you are going to college next year and I am going to be sad to see my " big brother'' leave, but I won't miss the bruises!
Good luck
Love, Tyler brianne barned
As Grandparents , we are very proud of our first grandchild. We have seen her grow to be a loving and caring young lady. In her chosen profession as a teacher she will make a great contribution to her students.
stuart lee bell
You taught us a lot during the last 18 years. We will always be proud of you and your accomplishments. Most of all, we are really looking forward to the II residuls II a
Good luck and love always, Your parents- Dawn and Ron kim beesley
Dearest Kim, 7
You are the sunshine of our lives! We are so proud to be the parents of such a fine young woman and artist. Follow your dreams and your heart Do your be::,t every day and God will bless you always I ' All our love, now and forever, Mother and Dad jessica billings
Jessica Leigh,
Always our little actress. Remember that the light that shines within you is so much more radiant t han the light that shines on you Your light has always shined so bright and beautifully. We love you so much.
Love, Mom and Dad
- - - • I
:: summer supplement • ./ __ _ -~ - · b ran don
•• f'/ • T'2
eric binkley
From the miracle of your birth to this your graduation day you have our pride, JOY and love. God bless you 1n every way.
van traynor breithaupt
Noble is what your name means. Just as this was true for Joshua, it' s true for you today. "And the lord is the one who goes ahead of you; he will be with you. He Wlll not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed"
Deuteronomy 31:8
eric burns
We are so proud of the great young man you have become! Always stay happy and stay focused! We will miss you, but we will always be here for you- always keep your sense of humor!
We love you always,
Love Mom, Dad, KeVln and grandma
sean michael byrne
To my future Marine, I love you then, I love you now, I love you always. Take care of my baby, Love, Mom
gwen carey
Alth ough we argue and fight all the time, I have always loved you more than life itself I am thankful for th e relat ions hip tha t you and I have been able to s ha re. May you always be happy and full of life as you follow your heart to your dreams and remember I am here for you.
Lo ve always and forever, Erin
brianna blair
B Chelle , We ' re proud of you and your accomphshments Always keep your sights on your goals Trust yourself. Value your th1nking. When you ' re 1n need of love , reach out. There are people that love you When things seem gray , look for color When you need help , ask love , Mom and Dad luke brunsilius
Dear Luke ,
We can't tell you enough how proud we are of you. You ' re a JOY to have at home with all the things you do for us. We ' re so proud of your scuba d1ving and knowledge of the ocean. You ' re kind heart will take you everywhere.
Love, Mom and Dad
sean michael byrne
It's hard to belleve we took th1s p1cture less than a year ago. I'm very proud of the person you grew up to be.
Semper fi! Dad
gwendolyn carey
Dear Gwen,
You have been an important part of my life for the past 9 months and I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't. I hope you stay in my life forever.
Love, Enc
r---- robert chrisman
Dear Robert,
You are the bonus baby; You're the best! We know you'll succeed in anything you pursue. Trust your instincts, go with your heart, look for the best in people. We will always be there for you.
Love, Mom and Dad
I ;{' =-a., I ------------------------' 163
robert chrisman
Robert, Little Sweat Heart, Ro-ert remember always to keep your head up and W.P. forever!
Love , John
- nathan martin christensen
Your name means "Gift from God", and how true this is. My wish to you 1s to have as much joy and happiness in your life as you have brought to mine. I am proud of you. Good luck.
Love you, Mom
j. nicholas clark
You are a good big brother. We have had fun playing baseball in the backyard and basketball in the dnveway. I missed you when you went to K1ndergarten and I will miss you when you leave for college. You have come a long way, but still have a long way to go.
Good Luck!
Love, Ryan
j. nicholas clark
Since your first smile, first step, and first word you have been a joy. The time of your childhood has gone quickly. As you embark down that road of life , remember your familiar roots. You have the resources to meet all challenges. Best wishes on your . Journey.
Love, Mom and Dad
caitlin cowen
Hey Sis,
Hope you never change! You have been an awesome sister. Some of our best times have been just the three of us. Mud fights, make believe, and camp fighting are some of the memories you should take to your new life. Just yell if you ever need us.
Love ya, Eric and Joe daniel cross
You are a treasure! Your joyful, loving spirit, is just one of many things we admire about you. It has been wonderful and magical watching you grow to be such a fine young man. We couldn't be more proud. May God hold you close. Love always, Mom and Dad
j. nicholas clark
You are a great brother. You have always supported me in whatever I do. I am proud of you. I Wlll miss you next year.
Love, Bayley
P.S. Can I have your big room when you leave?
caitlin cowen
We tried to think of a gift to help you in your new life after high school, but realized you posses all you need: strength, courage, passion, laughter, and love. As your hopes and dreams take you new places , meeting new people, and on great adventures remember that our love is here for you. We wish you joy as great as the joy you have g1ven us as a daughter. No joy has been greater. We love you,Dad and Morn
johanna crock 7
Mayyourbrighteye scontinuetolook to the future and enjoy the present.
Love always, Mom and Dad
----kristin d' epagnier---
Hey , your outgoing spiri t s have always encouraged me to want to be just like you or just steal your clothes! Thank you for everything including always covering my back and being there just to listen and give advice I love you with all my heart, follow your dreams.
Love, Cherbear
- - - - - - - - • I
'" 164-S 1Wlt.\..n :: summer supplement
- -
kristin d'epagnier
We are so very proud of you. Thank you for the joy that you have brought into our lives. Follow your dreams and be true to yourself. We wish you happiness and sucess in life 's adventures. Always remember how much we do love you.
Mom and Dad
gino decarlo
You have always been there for me , you have been my partner and best friend. We have not only shared our life together, but we have shared many memories. I wish you luck in the future in whatever you do! Thank you for being such a great bro! Love , Marco blake dalgetty
You aren ' t the most serious guy around, but you are the most entertaining and you always took care of me.
Love, Kelly
allie jo
gino decarlo
When we brought you home from the hospital, Marco was so excited, he thought you would be ready to catch the football while you slep t in the bassinet. We will never forget him saying, "catch babbino." From that day on, you never stopped trying to catch a ball. Now its your chance to catch your dream s! Ne ver stop behevi ng ! WE LOVE YOU! Mom and Dad
blake dalgetty
Sunny Boy,
You made it through Josh, Kip , and your loving little sister Kelly. I don 1t know how many years of baseball, 8 years of football, and numerous other sports, we are now to this po1nt 1n your llfe where you will be leaving the basement to go on to greater things.
Hallalua!!! Love , Mom and Dad
mary dilworth
Dear Mary ,
Watching me help you learn and grow has been a great Joy. Thank you for your love and example of integnty.
Love , Mom and Dad
nicole dupont
Allie Jo ,
You still are a cutie. I am so proud of you. I have been truly blessed. Raising you has been "cruise control."
Love, Mom nicole dupont
Now more then ever you should be proud of yourself. You are more adult, mature, and courageous than anyone I know or will ever know. I believe that you will be great no matter what your future holds. Because you are a spitfire who knows what she wants and is not afraid to speak her mind. Congratulations on your first step into an extraordinary life. I love you, Christina
I remember this day like it was yesterday I would literally have to sit on you to put on your shoes but you would let me do your hair with a hot curlng iron for as long as I wished. I am thankful for every day that I have been your morn, and thankful for every moment you have been my daughter. Love always, Morn
joe dunlap
Pursue your dreams and give all you have to them. We will always be here for you and believe in you Joe. May all your life's dreams come true.
Love, Mom and Dad
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Bryce , H1. You are the coolest b1g brother ever Thank you for everyth1ng. Good luck and have fun i n everyth i ng you do.
Love always , Ai ns
andrew faulkner
We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep that great smile and cheerful dispos1tion and you will be able to do anything you choose.
Love, Mom , and Dad
brandon fisherBrandon
You have always been the light in our lives. Your spirit, love and strong sense of success will always shine. We have always been and will always be so very proud of you. With you forever , our uncond1tional love
Mom,Dad and Jordan
melissa ford
What a joy you are to us! You've grown into a confident, capable and intelligent young woman. Many adventures await you. Mark Twa1n said it best, "Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
We love you always, Mom and Dad
joanna galioto
Joanna, We are so proud of the sensitive, caring, beautiful young woman you have become. Rember to trust in · yourself because your "inner'' voice is very wise!
Love, Mom and Dad
Bryce ,
We ' re proud of you and so lucky to have you in our lives. Best wishes, good luck , enjoy.
Love , Mom and Dad
brandon fisher
8- We have been through so much together, and I am so deeply attached to you . For all the time we have spent together I feel like I have known you forever. I know we have our ups and our downs but our love for each other is so strong we always seem to get through it all. I am so proud to be Wlth you and I know you ' ll succeed in your life. -your baby gnl
melissa ford
It's go1ng to be a lot different not having you around. I know you ' re going to do great in the "real world," but don ' t forget about our childhood days of fun , fighting and the occasional lie to make me look stupid. If you stir it long enough it will turn green! Good luck in college, I'm going to miss you. Ryan
joanna galioto
Joanna , You are a great sister- we always had a lot of fun on vacation. Have a fun time in college- be good!
Love ya, Sam and Cody
joanna galioto
What an angel! How the years have gone so quickly! We love you and wish you all the best in life.
Love, Dad and Mom
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bryce erickson
DOD :: babies and buddies
lee , christina , danielle , allison
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you all. We've been through it all and I couldn't have asked for more beautiful, smart and loyal friends. I'll never forget any of you. Parties, parking lots, guys, triple kiss, walking, Glenwood, Captin M, camping, roadtnps, hotels.
• • 1ess1ca go re
These fun and innocent moments have turned more senous, but they are not totally gone. It 1s a little harder to make her laugh, but well worth the effort.
jessica gore
Wild, adventurous and beautiful. you are all of these things and more. You have touched my life and my heart in ways that words could never descnbe. Take our love and go out and claim your happiness.
jessica griess
IFinally, no more getting my head ripped off for making you get up at 6:30 because "Your alarm didn't go off' jus t joking! I am so proud of you! I love you.
You r big sis Dani
r---~Llison and krista
I can't believe we've done it. 5years ago I never thought we would have become this close. From brothers to late night run-outs, I will never forget out times together. Love, Allison
These past years have been memorable. I love you like a sis and I will never forget all the fun times we've had. Always be a rebel! Love, Krista
katie garrett
Katie-bugs , you are like the sister I never had. I will always chensh the amazing and sometimes crazy memories we ' ve shared. You've always been there for me when I needed someone to lean on and I'll always appreciate that. You are truly a good person Good Luck!
Love , Ricki lee
• • 1ess1ca gore
Movin' and Grovin '
Always dancing to the secret self rhythm
jessica gore
The beautiful baby that turned into the beautiful woman. We are so lucky to have pictures to recall so many great memories , memones that are Just the beginning .
allison griffiths
At the age of two , you began to say, "I'll do 1t all by myself." That strong willed independent little girl has grown up to become a person with potential to excel in whatever she decides to do. We love you and we're extremely proud of you. Mom , Dad , Suzi, Eddy chris halley
" Me-mo" you have always beena charmer. We have enJoyed watching you wear many hats and your love for sports. We are looking forward to seeing where your drive and determination leads you in life Keep up your great sense of humor, your quiet wisdom and your sincerity.
Love Mom, Dad, Nick & Robb
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christopher halley
There was always something missing 1n my life , but I never knew what i t was I remember that beautiful Octobe r day, the day my life became complete I've loved every minute spe nt with you , from sitting on the couch cuddling , movie nights and wrestling , to 4 00 am visits , spending endless nights together most important cc time The memories are amazing and un forgettable Your talents are limitless and your goals will always be reached by your hard work. Good luck in the future , I know you ' ll succeed I'll love you always and forever - Carly
joshua hanson
We are so prou d to have you as our son. No matter what you do 1n life we will su pport your de c1s1o n. Alway s remember you have a special pla ce in our hearts. Tha nks for being a good son and brother. Love you, Dad , Mom , Lu cas, and Jared. alexis
Alexis has been more than parents could hope for. She is sweet and res pe ctab le She has done well 1n school and extra-curncular. (Cle aning her room 1s not one, however.) She has been an excellent driver. Her fam1ly, including the cat, love her dearly.
Lo ve, Daddy kim hill
Alway s ready for the game and the "cen te r'' of attention!
rhonda hoffert
Rhonda , you grew up way to fast! We love you mo re than words can say. Stay the happy , unique, wonderful girl you 've always been. We hope you'll never have more than 32 "owies" at one time.
Mom , Dad, and Wes
cole hanson
Look at thi s child. What love , peace , truth and all that is good . My love for you flows from my heart, out into the universe , through space and time returning with the same 1ntens1ty in less than a moment's time. Infinity defined. Glad to know you. Thanks! XXOO
Mom james dean harmon
I 've always been extremely proud of you! I'm sure Dad is looking down on you, bur sti ng with pride You are a s pecial, multi-talented , unique individual, never change! Always follow your heart and you will accomplish all your dreams . I love you!
Mom andy heid
Andy , You'll always be "to p banana" to me . Be happy . I love you.
Mom kim hill --, Kimmer , What would I do without you? We have laughed together and cried together. You have showed me that I am and always will be a child at heart. Whatever happens never forget our time we've spent together. I will love you always.
Shannibear emily
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Emily, You are a very special person t o us. We are proud of your integrity, diligence , com passion and faith. We are confident that you will me et yo ur go a ls , overcome adversity, make others feel hap py a nd co nt inue to develo p deep inner faith. Love, Mom an d Da d I I L-------------------------J
emily hoppin
Congratulat1ons on your graduation! Thank you for all the good times we have shared and we look forward to the ones to come. Remember we will always have each other to lean on.
Love , Jon and Tim
andrew huntsman
High school went way too fast. You have aquired a gift for questloning your world. We hope you will never lose that gift and always remain true to yourself. We love you , Mom and Dad
• • enc Jensen
Enc , We would not be more proud of the man you have become. You bring us joy everyday. Follow your dreams with hard work. We know you will succeed. You have a bright future.
Love , Mom and Dad
adam hudson
Adam ,
Smart, witty , strong , and talentedkeep your zest for life! We are s o proud of what you have accompllshed and what we know you will achieve in your future. Thanks for be1ng s uc h a great son and brother Love
Mom , Dad , and Cla1re
• • enc Jensen
Enc , Alway s and forever "s uper cool. "
Love , Mom and Dad
elizabeth johnson
Congratulatlon s ! We know your next few year s will be wonderful and reward1ng. We Wlsh the very best for you 1n all you do. You Wlll always be loved and supported.
Love , Mom and " Fanny"
christina johnson ____,t.=,~1._~-A!~
2.1L \:...-:-:C..Z. a s ~ We've known each other since first grade and I know we ' ll always be friends. I love your humor and contagious laugh. I'll never forget our memories. Don't forget made-up words , constant laughter, my house after school, clubbing, B.B.H., I'll visit you 1n California. I'll always love you sweetheart!
Love , Rickilee
• Jason Joyce
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JASON, The Poet, Song Writer, Singer, Guitarist, Skateboarder, Filmmaker and Great Debater We know your future will be a bright one. Our llves would be boring without you. Love Mom & Rod, Dad & Shelly, Todd
rickilee , katie , danielle - -
Wow! I can ' t believe it's all over! We have been through so much. You guys mean the world to me and I don ' t know where I' d be without you three. I love you guys forever!
Love always and forever , Tinker-butt
sarah kalin
Sarah , You're still adorable after all these years! We love you and wish for you success, great adventures and much happiness.
Love alwyas, Mom , Dad, and your dog, Daisy
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sarah kalin
Congratulations on your graduat1ng! We hope you will always be surrounded by good friends, (llke Minnie) and have a life filled w1th fun and laughter.
Love, Molly and Bruce
j.c. kelley
J .c.,
My greatest memories are those spent with my nephews and nieces, particularly at the zoo. Thanks for all you've done for my two s1nce we moved home. You've grown into a fine young man. I wish you life's best.
Love, Aunt Kathie j.c. kelley
J .c.,
Good luck in WHA TEVER it is that you will choose to do in your future. Although I don't know who you will pick on now!
Love your big-headed cousin, Sunshine
j.c. kelley
J .c., I've been your target for paintballs, your talking and wrestling dummy, your water boy, and the one you could talk into anything. And through it all, I've always been proud to call you my COUSl n.
Love, Calvin max kenworthy
To Max, a mountaineer, a comedian, a kind-hearted wild thing. When we were young your laugh was contagious. And now I find that your spirit is too: I look up to you more than you will ever know . I love you and wish you the world.
Yours, Nora
thomas keesee
Thomas, 7
Congratulations, you did it! We're very proud of you and want the very best for you. Always remember you can achieve anything and everything you want out of llfe, live it to the fullest. Keep a good heart and an open mind. We love you 100%.
Mom and Dad j.c. kelley
J .c.,
Hard to believe that you are already graduating from High School. I don't think this uniform would fit you any more. You are the best! You did a great job keeping up with us all of those years!
Congratulations, Cal j.c. kelley
J .c.,
You've given us laughter and joy and made life interesting to say the least. You are kind and caring and we are so proud of you! Work hard and have integrity in all you do! You'll always be our baby!
Love, Mom and Dad , , ___ j.c. kelley . , '
J .c.,
You have grown a little since then, but don't forget who is still bigger. Nice job !
Love, Luke max kenworthy
At the end of the day, it's character that counts, and you've got a boat load. Never lose that wonderful laugh, or the outlook that sets it off. Anyone can be a son; I t takes someone rea lly special to be a friend as well. Love, Mom and Dad
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kim and cassidy
"Best Buds" '99 and forever!
ka t e klock
These e1ghteen years have gone by too quickly! We're so proud of the beautlful, caring woman you've become. We're so thankful for the joy you've brought 1nto our lives through your compass1on for others and your gentle spirit with an1mals. We love you sweetie.
Mom, Nan, and Tory
kate Leadford
" Bug" -
"My" is no Hershel Walker!- but, I couldn't be prouder of you. Your determ1nation and effort will take you anywhere you want to go 1n llfe. I love you!
Love, Micah
kyle robert lewis
We are so very proud of all your accompllshments. Keep setting goals and never stop trying to reach them. We will always be here for you.
Love always,
All the Guderski's, Martynuska's, and Lewis's ben linville-engler ---· , Those famous Ben esca pes started early- "I've got the Jeep, we can't get stuck!" We know you'll keep that same determination and adventerous sp1rit as you take on the world. We love you and are very proud and impressed with everything you accompllsh. Looking forward to your futu re.
Love, Mom and Dad
kim cline
Kim has broughtjoy, exc1tement, light, and love into our llves. We love you and know you will succeed.
Love, Grandmom and Grandad
kate Leadford
I thought it was real "unfair" that we brought home that 4 lb., bald, baby g1rl home from the hospital. I wanted the fat, baby boy making all the noise! Glad mom won that battle! (P.S.- Dad says "stay away from them boys!")
Love, Micah
kate Leadford
Bug, Boog, Cactus Kate, Stretch, Spunk and a big heart were evident the first days of your life. We're so proud of your determination and independence. Ma1nta1n your path of turn1ng challenges into accomplishments. We're so blessed! You are beautiful inside and out- you're a bright light.
Love, Mom and Dad
kyle lewis
We have always been so proud of you. Keep striving for excellence.
Love, Uncle Jim and Aunt Kim
jake Lockhart
Jake, Thanks for being a great big brother and being the best friend I' ll ever have.
Love, Joel
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jake Lockhart
Jake, this picture says it all-you haven't changed a bit. You have always made us happy and proud.
Love always, Mom and Dad
jake Lockhart
Army says:
Born and raised with attitude.
Stasia, Jim, Tonin
kara Lollar
Can you believe 1t' s finally your sen1or year? We remember when you were in kindergarten and asked, " How long does school last?" We thought you meant kindergarten but you sa1d, " No , until I don't have to go anymore!" We ' re excited for you and what your future holds. Enjoy the wonderful journey ahead. We'll always be rooting for you.
Love , Mom and Dad
olga mallett
Olga - We 're gonna miss you so much! You're such a great, talented , funny, beautiful girl and we love you lots! We 've had so many fun times together! (at dance, D-land , Vegas , Nebra ska lake trip, DEA memories, nights @ Emily's). But anyways, good luck and we'll always love ya!
Love "The Girls" Brandy, Leigh , Em , Nikk i, Megs & Michelle
v. mallett
Remember the heels you broke & we had to go replace? And the blind man you cured? Only in Beverly Hills! Good memories, but then with you that's all there is good memories. All my love & best wishes in the future -
Your Father k-dogs
I will never forget the time in France when we spent 5 hours talking about boys, I love you so much my sweet Kelly and I'm so thankful for our friendship, it will never end ! Never forget to wear your retainer, mama pants, J-the mistake, N-the sought after perfect boyfriend-Ha, Pariswatchdog(JK) Coyote Ugly. Love you always, O-T own
kara Lollar & kristin spear ---.
K. and K., my partners in crime. You two have made such a difference in my life, you're such amazing friends! B & N has been a fun time. It's never "work" when one of you is around. Anyways I love you two!
olga mallett
Dear Olya, With immense pride I have watched you growing up and achieving all the goals you have set for yourself. Reach for the stars!
Love, Mom
bf baby bri
I can not imagine my life without you for being there every step of the journey. It has been one truly amazing friendship and this is just the beginning. Never forget Tina Turner-Man Honors Biology, Raft trip apple raid, New Years , left-handed, this smells weird, Hoot-Hoot and so many more in years to come. Love Always, O-Town
the sweeties
Tara, Do you remember our theme song? And my first day of 1st grade when you came up and pinched my cheeks and then we became friends? Thank you so much for your beautiful friendship, I will treasure it forever. Never forget sneaking out and getting caught, trampolines and spice girls, and so many more, Lo ve "O"
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olga mallett
Dear Olya, Beregee platie snovy a chest smolody. -Babushka
patrick thomas maloney
Patrick we wish you the very best in college and your future . You have so much to offer! May the " Luck of the Irish " be with you - always, as it was here at St. Patrick's well in Ireland
Jeanine and Tom Maloney
anna mangan
Anna , You've made both of us better people than we were before. You will succeed at whatever you choose. Hope you are always this happy!
Love , Mom & Dad
brittany marsh
Britt, we are so proud of you. You've been driving us crazy since you were a baby! And it's been worth it every minute! What Fun! Put God in your driver's seat and you will do great Love ya.
Dad, Mom, Chris, & Holly eli martin
Eli, My castle is but a pile of sand without you!
Love Always , Susan
olga v. m a llett
Gosh, what I put up with when I tell my mom's sister that they're funny looking. I love you Cacc1, even when you say you'll never have kids because of me.
With love, Your brother Lolinka patrick maloney
I will never forget how great of a brother you were. I remember go1ng to your soccer games & seeing you up at 3:00 a.m. studying for a b1g exam. I've only had one year of high schoolwith you, I've had you as a brother my whole life. You've left me with a m1ll1on memones to keep you in my heart. Kathryn
anna mangan
Anna - Thanks for being n1ce to me
Good luck at college. Can I have your room?
eli jonathan martin
You've always been our Bright Sh1ning Star. Our love will be with you wherever you are. Your future awaits you, go far and aim h1gh. The possib1llties are endless. Rea ch for the sky Live long and prosper. Love, Mom , Dad, and Adnan
katie martin
Kate, you are the most op1n1onated person I 've ever known. I know you'll succeed in everthing you do. Even now I'm proud of you, and I'm sure there is more to come. One thing I'll always remember is your laugh. I hope everyone will get to know the wonderful person I know. Love always, Kirsten
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katie martin
Katie, How many people take their best friend on a cruise? Well nine years sure earns it! We've been through 1 everything there 1s to go through in a friendship. Remember, "A friend will
Ihelp you move a house; a best friend will help you move a body." I love you buddy! N1kki Cole
tristine mattison
Tristine, I am so thankful that I was able to have such a great best friend. When we go off on our sepreate ways I will miss you so much. I will never forget the wonderful years we had together I love you lots and w,ll m1ss so much when you go. Good luck the next few years , and have a great time. Never forget me , and always remember the times we had together. Love , Erin
cory maughan
Cornball, I don't know where to start. You have been such a huge part of my life. I will always love you more than words can say! You are an extraordinary person and don ' t ever let anyone tell you differently! Love always and forever, Your Bunny
shannon mcdonald
Shannon, We always knew you were special. Continue to pursue your dreams and always know that we love you very much.
Dad, Mom, and Matt
tristine mattison
Our little girl is now a senior. But for now and always you ' ll always be our "teener." Fly high sweetie, your horizon is limitless!
Love , Mom , Dad , and Johney
megan matson - 1-
My beautiful little girl! Always hold close to your heart, all the wishes and dreams that we have for you and your future. We are so proud of you and we love you very much.
Love , Mom , Dale , Tyler, Troy, and Steph
cory maughan
Cory , Congratulations, bud! You've come a long way in what seems to us, a short time. We are so extremely proud of you. Words don't describe how happy we are and happy for you. We love you very much.
Mom and Dad - shannon mcdonald - -
Shannon, May our years ahead bring lots of love and friendship.
Love, Kim
thomas mcknight
Tom, To the young man who is determined to go far. You have the innate wisdom and inner strength to conquer your barriers!
Love, Mom and Pop
marisa meyerink
Marisa, Today can change tomorrow, but not yesterday. Follow the dream that will make you happy in your life and remember, we are always there for you! Keep smiling, work hard on your dreams and always believe in yourself.
Love, Mom and Terry
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:: babies and buddies j t -
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john mclaughlin
You have come a long way guy, we are so proud of you. You are a very loving grandson always stay that way . Love, Grandpa and Grandma
john mclaughlin
We knew you could make it. We are very proud of you Mohnny Elway!
We love you!!
Aunt Kak, Uncle Mark, Kassy, and Dallas
shannon meehan
Shannon, thanks for such wonderful memories The butterfly kisses, sand in the toes , pinky promises , warm and tender hugs , for remembering my stories and for enJoying the birthday part1es I way over planned. Thank you for cloud watching and lady bug lovin, for all the beautiful artwork , all the wildflower bouquets you continue to bring me! Love always, Your lucky Mom
elizabeth moore
Hey Monahena,
With thise big dark eyes, wataya gonna be? Wataya gonna do? Hey little girl, with those flashy hot wheels, you drive too fast, you leave a swirl. Hey big girl, with you spirit and your mind , you're known to be kind and I'm so glad your mine. Love, Mom and Dad
john mclaughlin
To my son, You've come a long way and your life is just about to start. We have a lot more years for bond1ng. I will always love you and be proud of you no matter where you go in life.
Love ya, Mom
shannon meehan
Shannon , Your m1ddle name , Mee - Hye , (Korean) means " beautiful benefit" and you 've been much more than that Your unique disposition reminds your family to smell the roses and have compass1on for others Trust in yourself. It will lead you where you want to go. Follow you intu1tion and pass1on s, because that 1s your strength Enjoy you journey. Love , Mom and Dad
mark melancon Mark.
The coast 1s clear, sa1l forward , you have done a greatjob! The world goes from sea, your high tolerance for hard work and pa1n has open the gates. Go be free. We love you!
Mom and Dad
• Jenna mons
Dear Jenna Marie ,
Our precious baby girl has grown to be a very spec1al person . We are very proud of you and Grandma Mons is too! We love you very much and when you get the chance to dance 1n lifeDance. Hugs, kisses , tears, and smiles , Love Mom and Dad
jenna moris
1Nell .J-Lo, the last few yea rs have been quite a ride. We have shared some of the best memories while creating a bond that'll last a lifetime . "I'm so glad you decided on Coloiado !" You have found a way to complete my life and for that, I love you Love, Ryan " Ry"
anthony muljadi
Anthony, Congratulations! Keep up the hard work and making your goals. May God always be with you and bless you with a good life.
Love, Papa, Mama, and Patrick
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kendra nahley
With your pers1stance , I have no doubt , that you will accomplish all of your goals. No difficulty is insurmountable and it 1s all nght to ask for help and guidance along the way Just remember that I will always be here for you . Make your own luck!
Love , Ma
s hua nelson
My dear Joshua , Watch1ng you grow into such a wonderful young man has been the most reward1ng expenence I 've had! I am very proud of you and feel blessed for having such a ternfic son. I love you dearly , Mom
--- christie overmye -----
Chnstie, you have always had your own style and that is what makes you so special. We are proud to say you are our daughter. You're sweet, caring and bnght. Keep on smillng through all your adventures in life. You sparkle!
Love, k1sses, Mom and Dad
trevor pietrafeso --.
"Sunshine" means light, warmth , fun, and love. A light in our lives, the warmth of your love, the fun watching you become a man, alove for you, you will never understand. We are proud of you; you will always be our sunshine. God Bless You.
Love Dad, Mom and Marissa
rickilee pollock
Rickilee, We are so very proud of you. Our beautiful little g1rl has grown into a beautiful young woman. When we look at you, we are reminded of how wonderful life can be. Continue to work hard, and all your hopes and dreams will come true. We love you, Mom and Dad
kendra nahley
Kendra , from little k1ds , to growing teenagers , to young women. We have been sisters, and more importantly fnends. You have a powerthatis mag1caland unexplainable To truly know you is to love you 1n every aspect of the concept "We shall," because anything you attempt is a task we face together Love alwaysand forever,
Stephan1e Tara Nahley
tom and julie o
' neill
We are proud of BOTH of you. Never give up , and keep your spints high. We love BOTH of you very much.
Love, Mom and Dad
trevor pietrafeso
Trevor, you were a miracle to me. The one who was everything I had ever dreamed of. The one I thought existed only 1n my imagination. You're everyth1ng I think 1 and do and feel. With you by my side I believe that anything is possible. I love you!
Sonja rickilee pollock ----,
Lee, You are the greatest s1ster anybody could have. Everyone that meets you falls 1n love with your personality, ani with you. You are my best fnend, my role model, and my beautiful s1ster. I w1h
I always love you.
Love your brother, Gabe j rickilee
Ricki (my little m1ss pretty) Congratulations! You are a very st rong lady and there is nothing you can't do 1n life, as long as you put your heart 1nto 1t. My love for you is uncond1t1onal and will never sto p. I hope we'll always be fnends forever. I love you, Adam
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jessica wilson
Jessica, Do not be afra1d to try the impossible and expect to succeed. With love, Grandma Storer
jessica wilson
Jessica , I wish Grandma could see you today. She would be so proud of you. Remember to "Follow the footprints of the Lord they will lead you through troubled times and brighten your life. " Love , Mom
melissa ford
Melissa, You have made high school someth1ng I will never forget. You are and will always be there for me . Your constant reassurance and confidence has helped me do things I thought I never could. I love you Melissa and I always will. Th1s is for our memories that no one can take from us. Love, Blake
kristian Larsen
Keep dreaming of your next adventure. You have a great attitude and we all know you will go far in life. Love, Mom, Dad, Morten, Cheryl, M1ke, Kari, Celeste, Aimee and Jared
abbie peterson
Abbie- you're still such a little doll! We love you and are so proud of the young woman that you are becoming. We know you'll find happiness in everything you do
Love, Your fam
jessica wilson
Jessica , Our precious gift of yesterday has blossomed into the beautiful, 1ntell1gent, loVlng woman of today. Thank you for blessing our lives. Love , Mom , Moe , Lyndsay and Sjofn
blake dalgetty
Blake , These have been the best four years of my life. Every dance , every kiss , every laugh and every last tear. We have grown up so much together I know you will be su ccessful 1n life and love. I am very proud of who you have become and I am so thankful for all the memones we have made so far. I'll love you always. Love , Melissa
dustin allen dill
It 1s 1n awe that I look at you and seek the appropnate word s to say my son Dustin Allen , I am so proud of you and I love you with all my heart. Go forth young man and see the world and declare your dreams. Share your love and light all along the path Your gentle kind manner, the ability to have compass1on for all of mank1nd , your appet1te for learn1ng and reading. The honest and unconditional way 1n which you loved all your fam1ly and fnends. Your beautiful s mile and a hug from you 1s like being lifted 1nto the arms of the one and only and lettlng us know everything 1s go1ng to be alnght. I love you -Mom
Lyndsie lee
You are the best daughter ever. I am very proud of you!
Love, Mom
anya strauss
We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. You have worked hard and grown up to be an amazing young woman with a great sense of humor. Keep laughing honey !
We love you, Mom and Dad
,; - - - -
ashley williams
Thank you for everything. You helped me through my high school years. I will always remember you. I love you and I miss you.
-Ashley Lil
ashley williams
You have had a rough high school career, but you made it through everything I am very proud of you and wish you luck in future endeavors. I will always be here if you need anything.
Love, Chris
ashley williams
You make me very proud everyday. I love you more than anything in the world and you will always be my punkin and my angel.
Love, Dad
Lisa weisheit
You have been the greatest friend since we moved next door. Thank yo u for always being there for me. And guess what?! It's already your turn to graduate! We wish you the best of luck!
Love always, Sherylin(2 timer) & 3 1/2 Miles
- - - - - - • I
194 s-,,W... ::babies and buddies r
____ _..
Abbo\1S , Brady 108
J}da1r, Stephanie 123
Adams, Andrew 53
Adams, Austin 25
Addison, Ka1t11n 132
Agarwal, Pnyanka 21
Agrodn1a, Brooke 123, 32
Agrodnia, Matthew 98
.Akes, Jasmine 27, 98, 1
Aki , Katherine 122 , 123
AlrZayer Nezar 55 , 123
Albers, Nicole 123
Alcock , Erin 150
Aldridge , Greta 69 , 161
Allen , Nikki 98 , 123
Allen, Whitney 6 , 55
Allison , Aaron 151
Almanza , Ricardo 123
Almanza , Ricky 44
Almeida, Mayara 98
Alms , Shona 123
Ames , Christopher 123
Anderegg , James 55 , 123
Anderson , Elsa 35 , 114
Anderson , Heather 123
Anderson , Kyle 89
Anderson , Sarah 98
Andrews , Timothy 123
Andrze1ewsk1, Nicholas 98
Angela Bryant 71
Archey, Amanda 123
Ardoin , Rosalyn 98
Arellano , Yvette 123
Anst1de , Pharel 154
Armenta, D 54
Armenta , Daniel 123
Armenta, Tiffany20
Armentrout , Ashley 118
Armitage , Lauren 98
Armitage , Ryan 14 , 35 , 37, 38, 69 , 94 ,
161, 182
Arnold , Michelle 98
Arnoled , Michelle 149
Aronson , Sean 69
Art1ca , Conny 98 , 148
Artica , Francisco 55 , 123
Asch Jesse 123
Asher, Michelle 123, 145
Asmussen , Michelle 123
Audes1rk, Heather 123
Ayers , Elizabe t h 129
Babkiew1ch , Brandon 51 ,53 , 162, 69
Babk1ew1ch , Brittany 28
Bailey_,, Cassie 69, 149
Bailey , Colin 98
Salano, Dan 25
B alczarek, Natasha 98
Baldwin, Joshua98
Baltz, Hannah 98
Banks , Tara 32
Banza , Heath 69
Baradan, Saad 123
Barbeau, Molly 124
Batber. Latisha 27
Barela , Manuel 69
Barned, Bethany 98
Barned , Bnanne 69 , 162, 182
Barnes , Ah 41
Barnes , Zachery98
Barthels, Brianna 98
Bartos , Tiffany 98
Bartosh , Vanessa 158
Baruch , Luke 52 35, 54
Baruch , Tyler 10, 11 , 25 ,35 , 37 ,54, 98 , 102
BarzanJ1 , Swara 98
Basemann , Michael 54 , 124, 146
Bauer, Julienne 124, 132
Baxter, Adam 98
Baxter, Ryan 98
Baxter, William 98
Beam , Ross 35 , 98
Beatty , Sarah 124
Beck, Scott 89
Becker, Justin 124
Becker, Leann 124
Becker , Shandell 124
Beehler, Ryan 35 , 44 , 11 O
Beesley, Kim15 , 69 , 149, 162, 182
Behunin , Jessica 24
Bell , Austin 124
Bell , Queen 5
Bell , Stuart 13 ,16, 68, 70 , 162
Bellew , Craig 70
Bennett, Audrey 70 , 162
Benoy, Dane 15, 122,124
Benson , Jared 70
Bergstedt , Bnttany 26 , 98 , 101 , 154
Bernal , Gerzain 70, 98, 147
Bettini , R 54
Beumer, Scott 98
B1anch1 , Chad 35 , 98
B1anch1 , Chase 52, 124
B1en1ulrs, Dylan 98
Bies , Krista 70
Bill , Kateland124
B1llrngs , Jessica 5 , 13, 70 , 162
Binkley , Chnstian 99
Binkley , Eric 70, 153, 163
Birney, Roy 99
Bishop , Jaymes 99
Blain-Hartung , Matthew 124
Blair, B 54
Blair, Bethany 6 , 124
Blair, Brianna 28, 71 , 163
Blake, Amber 124
Blakeman , Ariel 54 , 124, 132
Blom , Stacy 143
Blood, Alexander 124
Blumer, Whitney 25
Bluse , Aaron 6 , 35 , 99
Bogart, Lauren 28
BoleJack, Amanda 99 , 105
Bollinger, Mark 43
Bond , Shawna 124
Boring , Justin 25
Borneman , Russell 71
Bornstein, Jackie 21
BottJer, Joseph 35 , 38 , 71, 95
Bove , N1cholus 71, 147
Boykin , Barbara 124
Bradshaw , Breanna99
Brandeen, Tabatha 43
Brandow, Zachary 99
Braum , Dan 32
Braun , Amy 50 , 124
Braun , Catherine 99
Braunagel , Nicholas 35 ,55 ,99
Bravo, Christopher 124
Breithaupt , Van 71 , 163
Bresler, Zachary 52 , 124
Bronson , Kyle 99 , 101
Brook , Deanna 124
Brown , Ashley 124
Brown , Jennifer 124
Brown, Nicole 12
Brulla , Joshua 99
Brune , Matt 25
Brune , Matthew 99
Brunsilius, Luke 163
Bryan , Reyna 99
Bull , Cory99
Bull , Kyle 71
Bullis , Brandon 99
Bunn , Ashley 16, 98, 99
Burch , Chris 99
Burczyk, Elizabeth 124
Burkeman , T 35
Burkman , Taylor 50, 99
Burnett , N 54
Burnett , Nell 13, 35, 11 O, 148
Burnham , Nils 71 , 153
Burns, Elizabeth 99
Burns , Erik 71 , 144, 163
Burrows, Sean 99
Burton , Bradley 124
Butkus , Elrsa28
Butler, Blane 71
Byl, Case 35 , 99
Byl , Kayley 54 , 125, 132
Byrne , Sean 71
Byrne , Sean 163
Cacp1ara, Alyssa 99
Cady, Flor 13
Oallin1cos, Emily125
Campbell, Adrianna99
Campbell, Joseph 71
Canaday, Kirstin32
Cantwell, Will 25
Cappello, Brandi 47
Carey, Erin 28 , 36 , 42 , 71
Car ey , Gwen 28 , 43, 71 , 18
C lo, Gino 72
Carls , Sauren 154
Carlson , Katie 20
Carpenter, John 25
Carson , Tyler 35 , 44, 55
Carter, Lauren 71
Carter, Myriah 99
Carver, Genoa 89
Cash , Aaron 54
Casino , Caleh 125
' - -~-· - ·-- '
196 s- ,Wli-aon = index and clubs
(· C C C C C C C ( ( ( C (
asrno , Tara 89
Casterson Dane 14 71
Ca~e~on Marina 41
Catron , Chelsea 125 132
ttambless Thomas 99
hapln Evan 99
Chappell, Michael 66, 71
happell , Simone 125
Chapple , Hillary 40, 111
harleston , Chris t ine 47 , 99
havez, Damian 125
havez, Steven 125
r. heung, Terry 68, 71 , 77
houdhary , Narayan 99
Chnsman, Robert 11 , 25 71 94,
163 164
Chnstensen Nathan 72 164
hung , Dan 111
-sneros , Aaron 99
C ark, Danielle 125, 154
lark , J 164
Clark, Kyle 35, 111
lark Ryan 55
Clark, Thomas 125
Clarke, James 72
Claxton , Arne 125
Claxton , Douglas 72
Clement Ashley 40, 99
Clements Kenneth 125
Cline , Andrew 99
Gltne , Kim 72 171
Clough , Erin 99
Coble , Ryan 111
Cochran , Lori 125
Cochran , Toby 8 , 72 149, 183
Coen , Stephanie 55
Coen , Valerie 55
Coggan Bnan 54 99
Cohn, Stephanie 125
Cohn, Valene 125
Coleman, Alexandra 111
Collier, Matthew 125
Collier, Tiffany 125
Collings, Brandon 89
Colucci, Chris 50
Conley, Patrick 21
Cooper, Nathan 14 38, 72, 94, 183
Copeland Kelly 99
Coronado, Na t e 44 , 98, 99
Corret, Dustin 35
Cars,, Alexander 125
Cottle, Sarah99
Coughanour Ryan 111
Coughlin Kevin 54, 125
Coughlin, Sean 37, 72
Courtney. Sara 99
Coutts, M ichael 111
Coutts , Samuel 125
Cowen , Cai t lin 8, 72, 164
Cowen Enc 53
Cowen.Joe 54,125 132
Cranford Johnathan 99
Crass, Jessica 111 148
Cravens , Joy72
C revling, Christine 72 , 155
Crock Johanna 9, 27 28, 67 68 72.
Croissant, Jacinda 35 54 111
Croonenberger, Erika 125
Cross, Daniel 72 , 164
Crow Melissa 125
Cruz Nicole 111
Cuchiara. Alyssa 49
Cullum, Jason 72
Curry Am ber 125 132
Cushman Oan,el 99
Cus ter, Logan 123, 125
O'Epagnier Cheryl 55, 99 , 132
O'Epagn1er. Kristin 72, 164, 165
Dahl , Alexander 111
Dahm, Cody 55, 125
Dale Lance 51 111
Dalgetty, Blake 72 , 95 165 193
Dalgetty Kelly 55 111
Daly, Gava1n 125
Danek, Amy 125, 127 132
Dani el Aimee 40, 72 18
Dani els , Leslie 32
Darcy , Jam es 54 , 55 , 125
Darcy Shawn 32
Dar ragh, Na than 125
Daves, Jacob 12 5
Davidson , Amber 111
Davidson, Elijah 125
Davies, George 99
Davies, Jenna 111
Chemistrv 2
Davis, AbIga1I 125
Davis Alex 54, 132
Davis, Alexandra 125
Davis. Jessica 111
Davis Kimberly 99
Davis, Mark 20
Davis. Patrick 72
Davis, Tiffany 12
Decarlo Gino 39 49 , 94 , 165
Decarlo Marco 17
Degroat, Heather 99 , 105
Deherrera, Paige 111
Dehmlow, Drew 99
Demalteris , Larissa 111
Demarest Anel 125
Demchok, Nicholas 125
Demoulin Margeaux 125
Demouhn Nicholas 111
Dettmlow Drew 146
De Velder Arik 14, 72
OeVito Teo 51, 53, 99
Dewhurst, Jason 72
Dewhurst, Matthew 125
Dewitt Jason 73
Dewitt Joseph 89
Dewolfe , Tara 73 , 183
Diaz lren 125
Dickson Jesse 125
Dickson Wilham111
Diederich , Melinda 111
Diener Michael 125
O1II Dustin 73 99
O1II, Morghan 111
Dilworth , Brady 111
Dilworth Mary 73 152, 165
Disney Samantha 29, 54, 99
Dobyns, Anne 24 35, 54
Dobyns , Kyle 35 38 54 99
Dockstader Stephanie 13, 11 o, 111
Doepke, Drake 89
DoffIng, David 99
Domgaard Allison 73
Domgaard Andrea 125
Donald. Shannon 174
Donelson Amanda 99
Donner Brandon 11 1
Donner Dustin 111
Donovan , Mary 100
Dopp T 54
Dopp , Travis 125
Dougherty Morgan 35 , 54 , 111
Douglas John 125
Downing Jared 111
Dragozova Elitsa 73 , 77 , 89
Drexler , B 35 54
Drexler Beau 38, 100
Dugger. Laura 111
Duhn Destin 73
Dumbleton Brandon 125
Duncan Adene 100
Dunlap , Brad 32
Dunlap Emily 125
Dunlap Joseph 73 , 165
Dunn Jan 73
Dunn, Michael 125
Dupont Nicole 73 , 155, 165, 184
Durgin, Jillian 24 , 74
Durgin , Luke 89
Durham, Clay 32
Dutton, Erik 111
Duvall Jonathon 125
Duvall , Maggie 125
Dyff ryn, Jesse 89
Eagan Jara 126
Eckman, Andrew 111, 144 ,,1
Ehrenstrasser Anne 12, 1 >1 , 118
Eisley. Wi lham 74
Ekberg, Carla 111
l= lhot Megan 6, 100
Emsbach, Jon 35, 38 7
Emsbach. Michael 35, 54 111, 117
Enna, Tyler 52 74 184
E;rdenetsogt A ngarag 126
Erickson, Ain sley 111
Erlckson Bryce 44 74 166
Erickson Isaiah 126
Esp.in o~ Lev, 126
Espinoza, Naomi 100
Es trada Hailey 43 , 111
Everett, Emily 100, 144
Falce, BenJam,n 113
Falcon, Roberto 74
Farrell, Samantha 126
~rrell, Vanessa29, 100
Fa ssino, Brent 100
Fau ble Ale xander 126
Kev Club
- - ··----·----....-.------ -~
J,cque Zirbcs, Eli Martin, Van Breithaupt, Erik Burns, Gabe Green , Mrs. Bryson
Front Row: Lara Olin , Hannah Baltz Megan Mackey. Elizabeth Johnson , Garin Monroe Secon d Row: Mallory Brunel , Amber Blake Arie Oemerest Samantha Ferrell Thrld Row: Leah Green , Shandell Becker Juh, Gilmore
Fauble , Nicholas 74, 153, 184
Faulkner, Andy 14, 38 66 , 94 , 74 ,
Fehrman , Alexander 111
Felt, Joshua 100
Ferral Vanessa 105
Ferrer, Alejandro 89
Filas , Harrison 100
F1mley, Anthony 73
Finke , Angela 16, 67 , 100, 101 , 158
Fiorino , Lyndz1 111
Fisher, Brandon 166
Fisher, Jordan 111
Flagle , Will 100
Fleming Melissa 126
Fleming , Rachel 75
Flesh Garrett 111
Flick , Andrew 75
Flower Zachary 111
Flynn , Sean 100
Foden , Joseph 35, 75
Ford , Melissa 75 , 166 193
Ford , Renee 54 , 75
Ford , Ryan 35 , 111
Forian , K 35
Foster Amy 47 75
Foster , Jettrey 35 , 111
Franco , D J 11 , 75 , 94 , 152
Frankland , Russell 111
Fraser, Daniel 75
Fraser , Hollie 126
French T J 32
Friskey , Tegan 75
Fritz , Matt 38 , 75
Frost , Alhson49 100
Frost , Lauren 20
Froyen , Jessica 111
Froyen, Kyle 54 , 100
Fry, John 126
Fry , Thomas 111
Fulks , Capria 89
Gabel , Megan 100
Gabri , Megan 49
Gale Lauren 75
Galioto , Joanna 28 , 75 , 166
Gallagher, Keve1n 53
Gallagher, Kevin 51 , 111
Gallegos , Joseph 126
Garcia , Jason 111
Garcia, Rogelio 100
Garcia , Stephen 112
Garcia , Vanessa 112
Garnett , Danielle 28 , 75
Garramone , Louis 54 , 126
Garrett, Dana 28, 37 , 42 , 43 , 112
Garrett, Katie 26, 75 , 167, 184
Garrett , Matt 55 , 126
Garrett, Tom 32
Gaspard, Jordan 29 , 100
Gaudio, Stephanie 126
Gaud reau , Nathon 89
Gee, Kevin 100
Geiger , Sean 112
Geth1ng, Davi d 75
Geth1 ng , Robert 54 , 126
Gholizadeh, Shabnam
Gffiord, Jennifer 49 , 112
Gilbert , Daniel 126
Gilbert, Jennifer 100
Gill , Katherine 41 , 112
G1llasp1e , Steven 75
Gillespie , Mitchell 54 , 126
G1lhs , Martella 126
Gilmore , Julie 100
Gizinski , Sarah 126
Glade , Cody 126
Glapa , Stephanie 126
Glaxner , Hall 112, 117
Gleaton , Garrett 126
Gobbo , Chani 112
Gobbo , Corey 25
Goch1s, Michael 126
Godoy , Sergio 35
Goergen , Nicole 112
Goh , Audrey 112, 148
Goldman , Elysa 100
Gomez, Bryan 126, 135
Gonzalez. Maria 100
Gore, Jessica 75 , 167
Gorman , Zachary 55, 126
Goshorn , Cory 68 , 75
Grahame , Kathryn 35 , 112
Grammer , Shaun 100
Granquist. Britany 55 , 126
Granquist, Catherine 100
Granquist , Katie 43
Grantano, Lisa 100
Gratton , Colby 75
Graves , Kelly 25
Gray, Alana 29 , 35 , 100, 105
Gray , Ashley 126
Gray , Jeffrey 100
Green , Gabriel 75 , 184
Green, Leah 126
Green , Paul 126
Greene , Elizabeth 126
Greene , Liz 146
Gre1ger, Sean 151
Gresham, Joshua 76, 184
Gresham , Rebekah 112
Grice , Erika 112
Griego , Eric 126,144
Griess , Jessica 76 , 167
Grittiths , Allison 76 , 167
Groe , Scott 126
GroH, Zachary 54, 126
Grove , Kenneth 112
Grundeman , Danica 100
Gulsvig , Michael100
Gustafson , David 54 , 126
Gustafson , Grey51 , 112
Haag , Darren 89
Hagberg , Kristie 41 , 100
Hagelberg , Timothy76 185
Ha1merl , Matthew 100
Hall , D 54
Hall , Darryl 126
Harmon, James 168
Harnage! , Lauren 126, 132
Harnage!, Mallory 109, 112
Harris , Madelaine 41 , 112
Harns , Michael 112
- - - -
Harns, Mike 118 Harrison , Brendan 100 Hart, Jesse 76 Hart, Michael 100 Hartford , Kourtney 112 , 158 Hartman , Amy 49, 112 Hartung , Matt 44 Haschke , Benjamin 89 Hatch , Zachary 126 Hauser, Kyle 76, 152 Hauserman , Gregory 1 OC Hawley , Amy76 , 185 Hayes, Ryan 54 , 126 Hearn , James 100 Heater, Chad 25 Hediger, Elexis 126 Heid Andrew 68 ,76 , 168 Heilman , Tylor 126 Heintzelman , Joshua 100 Heit , Cory 112 Heitzman , Lauren 112 Held , Alexis 29 , 76 , 168 Heller Rachel 35 , 112 113 Hendrix , Katie 100 Henk Rachel 126 Henrickson , Travis 112 Herrick , Sebastian 154, 100, 102, 143 , 158 Herron , Thomas 112 Hall , Dewayne 126, 159 Halley , Chris 25 , 76,167 , 168 Halley Robert 112 Halloran, John 112 Halloran , Madison 76 Hamman , Jeremy 112 Hannam, Gareth 126 Hansen , Adam 76 Hansen\ Saylee 55 , 126, 132/1'46' Hicks , Matthew 100 Hiebert, Jacob 35, 76 185 Hill , Kim 76 , 95 , 168 Hill , Reese 100 Hansen, Haley 28 H ansen. Jacob 7 , 100 H ansen, Tara 126 Hanson , Cole 76 , 168 ~ anson ,John 126 ~anson,Joshua76, 168 Hanson, Kelsey 100 Hanson, Lucas 100 Happ , T jffanny 76 I Har~ Cassidy 33 , 76, 77 Hinkle , Timothy 54 , 112 Hinnen Cole 35, 44 , 112 Hinnen , Dane 52 , 76 Ho , Janessa 126 Hock Jason 35,54 , 112, 118 Hock, Kelly 68, 77, 185 Hodges.Jenna 112 Hoenings , Gerald 100 Hoffert , Rhonda 26, 77, 168 Hogan , Charh 40, 110, 112, 118, 152 Rodeo Club JEFFCO HIGH SCH0 RO TEAW
Front Row : Mariah Carter Katie Braun Danika Grundemann , Angela Finke , Amanda Sorvig , Judy Madison Erin Weber Wayne Mooney Mark Nelson , Kim Shaw Ashligh Keeley Amber Williams
198 SI~ :: Index and clubs
Second Row: Julie Gilmore Megan Woodworth Ali Morrison Megan Gable Hillary Chappele Susan Lindsey Greg Youngs Amy Braun Thrid Row : Kri stian Larsen Maggie Riordan. Colleen Jorgesen Kelsey Scally
Holland Greg 50
Holland Jacob 126
Holle" James 54, 126
Holle) Scott 126
Holhng~worth, Jennifer 77
Hollingsworth, Portia 127
Hollyhead, Kandi 100
Holton Kenny 98
1-folycross Michael 112
Holzman Kendal 100
Hoogheem, B
oogheem Benjamin 35, 54,100
Hop~ in, Emily 26 77 168, 169
Hoian , Brian 112
Honne Matthew89
hornecker qu1nn 52, 77, 185, 186
Horton Brittany 112
Hosburgh, Nicole 127
Howes Alex 50
Howes Alexander 127
Hubert Zephan 112
Hubert Zuph1n 108
~udson Adam 4, 50, 77, 169
Hudson Jamie 112
Hudson Joshua 77
Hudson Kayla 112, 146
Huff Raymond 127
Huges Alex 4 4
Hughes. Alex 35
Hughes Alexander 101
Hughes Lucas 127
Hull Nathan 127
Huntsman, Andrew 25, 77,169, 186
Hugtsman, Thomas 35, 44 ,
Hinley Amanda 127, 132, 14 6
utson Jason 77
nnacito Gregg 55
annaci to, Gregory 127
barra Ara peli 101
Ibarra Jesus 101
\µrahrm Amena 101, 105
I rah1m Marisha 77, 147, 186
II Kennet h 100
II Steve n 82
Ill Merle 131
Jackson Joseph 101
Jackson Scott 1O1 14 3
JacobAngell 69
Jacobs, Christopher 78. 186
Jacob son , A nd rew 127
J a m1yana a, Khongor
J an1ce k , Max 127 J
vanko v ,ak , A nissa 101
Jankovia k , Daniel 54 , 1~7
Jaymes. Bishop 10 1
Jee,Joohee 1 12
Jenkins, B en 145
J en kin s, Bennett 112
J enning s , Sean 112
Jensen, Cory 127
Jensen, Enc 78, 169, 186
Jensen Kayla 40, 1 12
Jimenez. C 54
Jimenez , Cedric 127
Jo, Allie 165
Johansson, Kelsey 127
Keil, Gabriel 127
Keller, David 127
Kelley, David 122
Kelley, JC 10,14 , 39, 79, 94, 66,
Kelly, Kathleen 127
Kelly , Michael 54 127
Kemmerer, Jennifer101
Kemmerer, Jessica 127
Kemp Bnttnay 128
Kemple , B 35
Kendall , John 113
Kennedy , Melissa 24 , 128
Kennedy, Patrick 128
Kennedy, Peter 101
Kenton, Darlene 101
Kenworthy, Max 79, 170
Kerber, Brittany 128
Kovac, Nicole 128
Kraft , Amelia 79
Kraus , Megan 128
Kreller, Courtney 24
Kreller, Kenzie 12
Kreller, Mackenzie 46 , 4 7 54 113, 150
Krenek, Tara 113, 117
Krtin1ch , Ashley 128, 135
Kruchen , Kim 54 Kruchen Kimberly 113
Kuhre , Brayden 79
Kulback, , Justin 35 , 54 , 113, 118
Kuman Putul 102
Johnson, Chns t 1na 78 169 , 186
Johnson, Elizabeth 26 78 , 169
Johnson, Samantha 35, 112
Johnson, Sheree' 101
Johnson, Tiffany127
Johnson, Tyler 101
Johnston, Ryan 112
Jones, Christopher 112
Jones.Jack 55,127
Jones , Stacy 78
Jonsson, Andrew 112
Jonsson. Justin 101
Jordan Alyssa 101
Jordan, Amanda49, 101
Jorgensen, Ivan 113 Joseph , Tonia 113
Joyce,Jason78, 169
Jr, Douglas 1 17
Jr, James 76
Juli et , J ee 101
J us t, Ryan 101
K a lin , Sa rah 78, 169, 170
K a l kw a rf , Dth ia 1 13
K ampf , Rya n97, 101
Kapu st a, So nia 55, 113
Ka tz , Ba rbara 78
K e eley, J enn i fe r 78
K e eling , And rew 113
K eeney, Josie 101
Ke e se e, Thomas 78,170
Kerger Devin 159
Kerger, Devon 128
Ketchum, Becky28
Ketchum, Mark 52 , 128
Ketchum , Paul 52, 101
Keys, Lawrence 128
K1lllon, Ryan 102
Kim, Jonathan 128
King , Jenna 113
King , Jennifer 79
King , Kevin 11 37 , 79 , 95 187
King , Matthew 54 128 , 132
King , Sam 55
Kinghorn, Adam 79 , 187
Kirby, Scott 102
K1rach, Rachel 79 155
Klein, Elizabeth 102
Klein , Lynd,e 102
Klock, Kate 79 , 155, 171
Kluckik Rudy 55, 113
Knight, Allyson 128
Knight, Thomas 174
Knobbs, Ashley 113, 145
Knutson, Candice 102, 149
Koch, Justin 128
Koch, Lev, 102
Kofoed , Curtis 113
Kolm, Emily 26 , 113
Konz, Enn 113
Koptev, Stanislav 113
Lakey, Jeffrey 128
Lampp, Savannah 128
Lan d ry, Cl aire 79 , 154
Landry, Ty ler102
Langol f, Blake 79
Langsted , Ab1ga1I 102, 162
Lan ier, Ian 44 , 128, 132
Lankutis, Kellie 128
Lara , Anna 113
La~ A nne Marie 113
Larsen, Kristian 44 79 193
Larsen, V1nst1an 77
Larson, And, 6 26, 150
Larson, Andrea 113
Larson , Chase 34 , 114
Le , B1nh 146
Le , Quyen 53, 79
Leadford , Kate 43 79, 171, 187
Leak , Annie 128
Leazer, Justin 89
Lee , Lyndsie 193
Lee, Tessa 28
Leidich, Aimee 32
Le1d1ch , Jared 102
Le1d1ch, Nicole 128 132
Leitz , Jeremy 102
Levis, Le,ah 79 , 188
Levy, Brian 32
Levy, Jessie 102
Prvsms Student Council
Kwak Ryan 102 Kyte , Kamaron 113 Lac1nsk1 Garrett 128 La1ramore Jay 102 Lakey.Jeff 123
· r -------------------'i
f ront Row: Cory Bull. Kate Klock Laurean Gail. Sarah Ross Se cond Row : Nick Andrzejews ln, Joe Raichart , Lindsey
n Shannon Macca. Mr. Pharriss
199I "- ----- --- ·
front Row: Chase Larson Mackenzie Kreller Josie Keeney. Ashley Bunn Ashley Clement. Allison Frost Angela Finke Kayla Jensen. Mary Donovan Se cond Row: Robin Richards Matt Brune Marina Casterson Brett Lewan , Melissa Ford Jessica Gore, Johanna Crock Elizabeth Johnson Thrld Row: Katie Riordan, Anya Strauss Kelly Hock , Annie leak fourth Row: Will Fragle, Andy Heid Kaitlin Tripp-Addison Tim Mitchell, Amanda Munday Kent McKendry
Lewerke, Stacey 128
Lewis Drew 50 , 79
Lewis , Kyle 52 , 79
Lewis , Kyle 171
Lewis , Lacey 128
Lewis , Lindsay 102
Lewis , Tahnee 128
Li , Fe1102
Liddick, Brielle 102
L1dd1ck, Stephanie 128
Lieb Anna 50 , 128
Lindsay Susan 129
Ling , Ben 53
L1nv1lle , Ben 171
L1nv1lle-Engler, BenJam1n 79
Liu , Pengfe1 89
Lleid1ch , Nicole 123
Lockart.Jake 171
Locke , Mark 129
Lockhart, J 54
Lockhart Jake 17, 79 95 , 172
Lockhart , Joel 35 , 109
Lollar, Chris 53
Lollar, Kara 79 , 172 , 187
Long , Robert129
Lopez Candance 35
Lopez , Dean 53
Lopez Jenna 129 131
Lovey-Ayers, Beth 127
Lovoy-Ayers , Beth 40
Lowstuter, Derek 102
Lucas, Jeremy 47
Lucik, Rudy 35
Luckinbill, Jaysen 129
Luke, Bruns1hus 71
Luna.Josh 35
Lyman, Enc 35, 44
ty1 aas, Mary 102
Macey, Katie 129
.,Mack, Jennifer 129
Mackey, Meganne 80
Malcomb, ,Jason 129
t,.,1allett , Olga 80, 172, 173, 87
Mallicoat , Vanessa 28, 80
Maloney, Heather 54 , 114
Maloney , Kathryn 42 , 43 , 129
Maloney, Patrick 44 , 80, 173
Maloney, Sean 129
Manchen , Nicholas
Maness , Amanda
Mangan, Alan
Mcgee , Patricia 129 159
McGee , Trish 41 127
Mcgrew , Elaina 73 80
Mclntash, Zach 67
McIntosh, Zach 123
McIntosh Zachery 129
Mcisaac, Kelsey 50
McKee , Greg 25
McKendry K 54
McKendry S 129
McKnight , Thomas 80
Marston , Brittney
Mclaughlin , John 14 , 38 73 175, 188
Mclaughlin , Lisa 41, 103
Mclaughlin William 89
Mead Taylor 97 103
Means , Brandon 81
Meehan , Shannon 15,33,81 , 142, 146 175, 188
Martin-Evans, Rhiannon 145
Martinez, Sean 129
Martinez, Stacey 42, 43
Martinez, Tiffany 102
Mast , Kurt 103
Mathieu , Kathryn 49, 103
Matson , Christine 26, 55
Matson , Megan 7 , 80 , 174
Matson Rachel 26
Mattison , Trist1ne 80 , 174 178, 181
Maughan , Cory 15 , 38, 80 , 95 , 174 , 188
Maun Antonio 7 , 80
Maxsween, Elaine 80
May , Lawrence 129
Mays , Bryan 110, 145
McAlister Chantile 6
Mcallister, Chant1le 80
McBride Knst1na 103, 145,
Turning Point
Jordan 155
Elisa 129
Nicole 103
Marisa 81 174 MeyeIB , Ned10 , 81,95
, Matthew 129
, Blakelee 129
, Lucas 55 , 103
Megan 129, 144
, Nick 147 Miller, Alan 35 , 103
Miller, Callan24
Miller, Forrest 129
Miller, Sarah 15, 40
Milligan , John 81
M1lhnger Allyson 108
Milne , Christopher 81
Milne, Matthew 103
Minez , Blaklee 47
M1orelh, Jonathan 103
Mitchell, Tim 114
Modiz , Jason 53
Mohatt , Tim 35
Monson Christopher 81
Montegomery , Rachel 129 131
Mulvany Lindsey 146 h
Munday , Amanda 129
Munroe , Brandan 35 , 82
Munroe , G 54
Murfin , John 82
Musgrave Christopher 16, 73, 82
Musser, Sarah 129
Myer. Bnttney 102
Nahley, K en dra 82, 176, 100
Narkew1cz Andrew 51 , 129
Nassau, Mallory 26
Navarette, Jeremy 103, 54
Neitzel, Leif 103
Nelson, A. 54
Nelson, Anthony 129 e
Nelson, Josh 82 , 95, 176
Nelson, Luke 35, 54
Nelson, Mark 103
Nelson, Nichol 129
Nelson , Trevor 51 , 53, 103
Nelson, Valerie 129
Neville , James 103
Newcome, Laura 129
Newman David SO
Nguyen, Linh 82, 89
Nguyen , Tneu 83
-·-- - ·-. -
47 80 153 173
Mangan, Anna
6 129
Mann, Tanisha
Mares , Jamie
Marez , Manessa
Marinez , Sarah
Marsden , Sarah
6,47 , 80
MaIBh Bnttany
Marshall , Spencer
80 17 4
Martin Beth 32 Martin , Diana 80 ,
Martin , Eli 73 ,
Martin , Katharine
Martin, Kirsten 102
Martin, Lauren 35
Martin Wilham 102 , 159
Maggie 41
Zachary 54 , 129 McDonald
129 McDonald , Jessica 80 McDonald , Shannon 33 , 47 80 McDonough, Jessica 129 McEncroe, Carl 129 McEncroe , Melissa 103 McFadden , Sarah 129
McCreary ,
, Jerry
I • )
288 S1taflaon :: index and clubs
Front Row: Nathan Davragh , Matt Melamy John Oxford, Krysta Terny Second Row : Reni Willard, Kent McKendry, Andy Spatz Colin Stell Thrid Row : Andy Hyde Scott Aurand, Meghan Stell. Stephanie Gowdio Glori McDonald
Meier ,
Montgomery , Chns t1na 49, 103 Moody, Heather 122 , 129 Mooney , Wayne 103 Moore , Christie 26 , 43, 103 Moore , Elizabeth 81 , 175 Moqu1m , Bahman 129 Morales, Colleen 41 , 103 Morales, Robert 129 Morales , Sara 55 Morelli, Reed 129 Mons Jenna 35,82 , 161 175 Morns , Joshua 103 Morrison, Allison 40, 103 Morrison, Ethan 35 , 82 Morsette , Calvin 54 Morsette , Sunshine 103, 154 Morvay , Amy129 , 143 Morvay Molly 101 103 Moulton , Kevin 44 , 103 Moya , Tara 32 Mueller AnJa 6 , 54, 103, 153, 188 ' Melancon, Mark
81 94 175 Melnick, Ryan
Muljadi Anthony 16 53, 77, 82, 75 e Menard
Brittany 103
Stevie 32
10 68
, Amanda
Meneses ,
Front Row : Anna Manger Ali Glaxner, Daniel Stellini Lauren Carter Kelli Viets Tom McKnight. Domini Randolph Heather Anderson Second Row : Jessica Davis. Tiffany Bartos , Eric Pohl. Nick Fauble, James Wagner Charil Hogan, Stacy Blom Th rid Row: Heather Audisurk, Stephanie Gaudio. Mary Dilworth Devin Nix. Kevin Witaschek Onna Potter Rochelle Robbins Abby Langsted
Nchols Brandon 129
chols Cory 129
Nielsen Amy 24 83 189
N1eme1er Samantha 129
11les, Nathan 50. 129
Nims, Adam 2 1
Nttolo, Nicholas 129
t<i rx Devin 117
N t>les Jeremy 35,38 54
oonan Ashley 55
ye Jason 54. 129
OHayre Sean 89
horc Joseph 83, 189
~eefe Shane 129
Neill, Julie 83 14 7 176
Neil' Thomas 83 , 176
hnemus, Adam 35 38, 54
rle~ ettel Adam 38, 83 95 189
p Ama nda 130
'p' Lau ra 103
tpn sko, Joe 130
()nken, Abra 89
Onnhaus Jesse 113
Orem, Brian 83
Orquera Christian 130
Overmyer Christine 29, 83 176, 190
Oxford John 103
Ozbay Dee 54
Ozbay Derya 130
Padilla Joshua 103
Palcsak Mark 83
Palmer, Mike25, 32
Pamoraning Jason 35
Pa_ptaleo Matt 1 O, 25, 67, 83'. 95
Ppradine Isis 103
l}archman Marissa 130 131
~arfet Michael 96 103
rark, Phillip 51, 130
rarker Samantha 130
rarker Samm1 132
P.arra Briana 130
~~sons Mindy 101 , 103
P ridge Kyle 103
Pa Ison Mark 9
Payne Cameron 130
Pellegrini, T at e 148
Pennel Tyler 130
Peoples Andy 50 83
Peoples , Maggie 103
Perez Carolina 130
Perisho , N1ccole9 , 103, 149
Petersen Ab1ga1I 33 83 193
Peterson, Tom 43
Phillips, Steve 44
Phillips, Steven 103
Picon Sarah 130
Pierandozzi , Raymond 130
Pierandozz1 T 54
P1etrafeso , Trevor 51 53, 83 176
Pike, Karson 35, 54. 102
Pike Tyler 32
P1nkernell, Sarah 103
Poeter, Onna 16, 103, 152 153
Pohl , Eric35 55
Poitra. Rachel 83 103
Polhill. Tyler 130
Politte Sean 103
Polhn Shay 130
Pollock , Rickilee83 176, 190
Pommeren1ng Jason 44 103
Pooler Duke 130
Popp Jetfrey 103
Postlethwaite Jordan 130
Pothast. Stephanie 54
Powell, Mark 103
Powell Ryan25
Preston Annamarie 116
Preston Darryl 12, 103 148
Pridmore Jen 42, 43 , 103
Priest Spencer 116
Prigel. Alyssa 83, 177 190
Pros Kendra40, 130, 159
Prue1tt Samantha 130
Quintana, Ben 21
Rabadan , Pabl o 130
R abadan , Pedro 116 146
R a1chart , Joseph 130 152
Ralls. Kathryn 130
Ramirez , Raquel 116 145
Ramstetter, Luke 83, 177
Randolph, Bradle y 83
Randolph, Dom1n1 116
R antranz, Alexan der 54 130
Ranfra nz , Elizabeth 28. 83
Rappmund, Philip 103
Ratchtfe , Garrett83, 177
Ratcliffe , Justin 130
Men's Choir
Ratschkawsky Daniel 103, 154
Rau, Juliann 84
Ravey Zachary 130
Rayburn, Andrew 130
Redenbarger Ty son 44 45
Redmann Andy 25
Reed Caleb 84
Reed David 35, 103
Reed Tobias 104
Regner Andrew 104
Rehder, M1chala43, 84, 190
Rehe1s , Elder 125
Reitmeyer, Dylan 26
Resnick Erin 32
Resnick, Nicole 130 132
Retke Christopher 116
R1cc1ard1 Zachary 116
Richards, Gerald 104
Richards Robin 130 131
Richardson Jared 51, 116
Rico Francisco 104
Ridge Brian 53 104
Ridge Laura 130
Riggs Spencer 104. 158
Rimbert Jenna 40 , 109 116
R1mbert Justin 84, 177 190
Riordan Katie 26 46 47 84 190,
Riordan Maggie 35 54, 55 116
Rios Jesus 104
Ristau , Jacqueline 109 116
Rizzuto Aaron 33. 44, 84, 177
Rizzuto Mi chael 54 130
Roat Jessica 31
Robbins, Rochelle 116
Roberts, Heather 116
Roberts. Luke 14 38 84 94. 178
Robertson Cassandra 116
Robertson Cassie 150
Robinson Austin 116
Robinson Nicholas 35, 116
Robles -Kyle, Nicol 116
Rocke Jacob 35 84 94
Rockvam. Peter 130
Rodnguez , Shane 35 54 104
Rody Peter 104
Rogers Makenz1e 28 84, 178
Rogers Melissa 7, 73, 84
Rogers. Patrick 84
Rogers, Patrick 178
Rogers Philip 51 130
Rogers. Samuel 130
Rogers Tate 35, 116
Roldan Angela 13 116
Roldan Rochelle 130
Romanowski Taylor 130
Romine Daniel 104
Roome Candice 104
Rose Crystal 123, 130
Rosener Rachele 84
Rosener, Raymond 35 116
Ross Sarah 104
Rossow Timothy 130
Rowley Katrina 130
Rowley Steven 130
Auble Jaffan1e 54, 130
Rudnicki James130
Augar Christopher 104
Runge. Lexie 130
Run 1k1 J 54
Russell B 54
Russell Britton 130
Ryan Katlyn 116,117
Ryan, Patrick 130, 135
Sack Ryan 54, 130
Sadler Stephanie 7, 101 , 104
Sage Garrett 116
Saindon, Michelle 122 130
Sanchez, Luis 89
Sanchez, Shannon 130 / Sanders, Katelin130
Sanders T1tfan1e 104
Sandoval. Mike 53
Sanford, Luke 53
Sangi, Amber 127
Sangi, Jessie 116
Satterfield Nichole 104
Satz, A 54
Sauer Brooke 54 131 148
Sauer Kelli 46 , 47, 84, 178 191
Saunar Daniel 35 38 96
Savanah, Justin 89
Sayre, Susan 116
Scally, Kelsey 41 116
Seance. Allison 116
Schaefer, Cameron 116
Women's Choir
-- ~
· ----------------------------------------------------I
Front Row: Tom McKnight Second Row: Eric Pohl Daniel Stelinni, Nick Fauble Thrld Row : Devin Nix, James Wagner , 1 nn Whittuhack
.-- ------------.
Front Row : Amanda Archey Melissa Kennedy. Amanda Ward. Lacey Whilatch , Cheri Ward, Samantha Ternes. Erin Konz Second Row: Kimberly Shaw Brianna Barthles Ashley Twiford Jenny Mack. Brianna Parra, Tiffany Collier, Audrey Goh, Ashley Bartos Savannah Lampp Thrid Row: Hanna Sterling Amanda Mannes. Meggan kravs, Raven ObeyPortia Hollingsworth, Lindsey Lewis, Hollie Wilson Tahnee Lewis Fourth Row: Shona Alms, Melissa Fleming Hollie Fraiser, Kellie Lankutis, Kate Bill Kelsey Johannson, Emily Dunlap
Srivastava, N1shtha 116
Stadelmann , Marcel 55 , 85
Stahl , Russell 132
Stahmer, Justin 14, 25, 85 , 159, 179
Stamm , Ariana 132
Standridge , John 116 Starr, Travis 132, 147
Stashak, Margaret 50 , 132
Stell , Cohn 132 , 146
Stell, Meghan 117, 148
Stelltni , Daniel 132
Stellini , Jessica 49 , 128, 132 , 154
Stelmack, Kate 117
Stenseth , Jason 25
Sterling , Hannah 117
Stitt , Mara 104
Stoeber Keith 89
Stokes , Sean 54 , 132
Stone , Bradford 85
Story , Daniel 54 , 132
Strauss, Anya 28 , 85 , 159, 179, 180, 193
Stricker, Jordan 35, 54 , 104
Strong , Bryce 35 , 104
Sturdavant. Tamara 117
Suhr Zachary 117
Sullivan , Joseph 104
Sullivan, Kyle 50 117
Suma,ku Hosanna 132
Sundby , Alex 128 132
Sutherland , Don 35
Sutherland , Donald 104
Sutnna Brandon 104
Sweet , S 54
Swesey, Derrick 35, 44 , 117
Sykora , Dan, 41
Sykora , Danielle 104, 159
Sykora Jason 132
Sykora , Kellen 132
Tafoya , Tanika 13, 117
Tapia, Katherine 86, 180
Taru m , Deborah 86
Taulby, Sara 86 , 155 {
T aylor, Becky 159
Taylor, B enJam,n 104
Taylor, Ch ristopher 104, 44
Taylor, Julianne 86, 192
Taylor, Rebecca 132
Temanson, Casey 117
Temanson, Jared 86 , 180
Ternes, Samantha 132
Terrell , Julia 117
Terry, Krysta7, 12, 113,117
Teter, Danielle 29 , 104, 145
Theisen , Jon 25 , 32
Thomas , Edward 122, 132
Thompson , Enca 86 , 180
Thompson , Jeffrey 108, 117
Thompson , Jessie 104
Thompson Zachary 132
Thull , Megan 132
Tolsma John 86 , 180
Tolsma, Thomas 132
Tombaugh , Mark 132
Toms , Travis 132
Tortora , Alyssa 114 , 117,150,15 4
Townsend, Ehnn 117
Tran , Victor 67
Tran Viet132
Travis , Jane 32
Treasure , Becky31
Trimbach, Miranda 117
Trout, Ryan 35, 55, 117
Trujillo , Briana 132
Trui1llo , Michael 54, 132
TruJlllo , Spike 127
Tschetter, Andrew 33,51 , 86 , 192
Tucci , Cara 117
Tucke , Katharine 132
Tuffin , Matt 27
Tw1ford, Ashley 133
Tyrrell. Daniel 86
Tyslan, Devin 104
Tyslan, Shane 109,
-- -
, Robbie 131 Schafer , Michelle 84 , 178 Schell , Jon 116 Scherff , Casey 131 Schmidt , Dargan 32 Schm1ttel , Tish 116 Schnautz , Sky 131 , 132 Schoger, Daniel 104 Schorth , Danielle 104 Schow Devin 6 131 Schuckman John 116 Schuckman , Randall 104 Schuster, Eileen 84 Schwe,ring Richard 116, 158 Scohy , Melanie 41 , 131 Seabaugh.Joshua 104 Seate , Ryan 35 54 , 116 Seate , Troy 116 Secary , Colton 54 128, 131 Secora, Josh25 Sedgeley , Brian 32 Sedgeley, Nicole 116 Seigneur, Chelsea 104 Seigneur, Sydney 41 116 Selbe , Jam,e 104 Seligman , Mark 35 , 102, 104 Sendgraff, Diana 26 , 104 Senf, Corey 104 Sestnch , Jon 50, 84 , 179, 178 Shaw, K,m 9 , 104 Shea , Kayla 116 Sheesley, Corey131 Shekell , Austin 104 Shelton , Austin 131 Sheridan , Ches 131 Sherlock, Sara 28 Shields , Joshua 116 Shieler, Eliot 104 Shier, Alexander 84 Shiraz,. Ghazal 84 Showalter, Jordan 104 Shultheiss. Amber 84 Shulthe1ss , Kevin 15, 116 s,ewart, Kara 24 , 104 S1lburn , Timothy 35 , 116 Simmons , Adam 51 , 84, 179 Simmons Brandon 54 , 131 Sipes , Timothy 104 Sipes , Troy 116 Slater, Samantha 131 , 148 Sletten, Kirsten 54 , 131 Smith , Aaron 116 Smith , Brenden 35 50 , 104 Smith , Bryan 104 Smith Cierra 131 Smith , Danielle 43 , 85 , 179 191 Smith Devon 55 Smith , Jeffery 85 Smith , Sara 89 Smith , Sean 55 , 131 Smith , Sue 116 Smith , Zachary 35 , 116 Smith-Cash , Kelli 131 Sokol , Wade 116 Son, Rith1116 Sorensen Ao, 54 , 116 Sorensen , Mino 35 , 38 , 54 , 104 ,143 Sorvig , Amanda 144 Spahn , Rachel
, Troy 10, 38 , 85 94 , 191
Spatz, Andrew 128 , 131 Spear, Kristin 85 , 172, 173 Speer, Courtney85
Speer, Robyn 85, 149 Spencer Jacob 131 Spencer Jake 50
Lindsey 54,110 116
Spomer, Shawn 131 Sprackhng Ryan 55 , 131 Sprakling Ryan 36
117 ,,,--...... Ulan d e r, Luke 104 Unrein, Jacob 109,117 Vaivoda, B ra dl ey 52. 104 Valencia, Jose 123 133 Valentine , Jason 117, 142 Vall, Byron 133 Van Da mme. Jason 87. 180 , 19 2 Van D eBogart, J ohn 52, 10 8 VanDe B oga rt , T homas 52, 86 Vanden b roeke , Ryan 54,133 Van DeWeghe, Sophie 50. 105 Vaske , Megan 145 Vecch,arelh , Jordan 105 Vega , Matthew 133 Vern1g. Kathryn 105 Verrastro, Alexandra 24 35, 54 105 Versailles , Britten 105 Versaw, Monica 55, 133 Versaw, Ohv,a 105 Vichot , Michael 35 ,105 v,g,I , Ashley 133 V1g1I , Megan 7 , 55, 122, 133, 135 Villarreal Sam 113, 152 Vincent, Justin 133 Vits , Kristina 87. 181 Vockel , Mathew 133 Vonderhaar, Collin 133 Wageling , Shanna 32 I --------------------------------------------------------IJ/!• 24th St. Singers Min. Magic
262 S .-.... :: index and clubs
Fro nt Row: Nick Fauble Devin Nix Dan1el Stelim Seco nd Row: Charli Hogan Mary Dilworth Dnna Poeter Abby Fr ont Row: Maggie Mc Creary Chelsea Park Cassie Robertson Kim Beesley. Kelsey Scally Second Row: Lauren Carter, Langsted Anna Mangen AnJa Mueller Meganne Mackey Rachel Fleming
Wagner James 35 38, 87, 95
Walker Carly 28, 40, 87, 180 192
Walke r Crysta 4 0, 110
Iker, Jaclyn 87
alker, Steven 7, 54, 127,128, 133
aller Sabrina 105
allis, Jordan 133
amboldt, Brandon
~mbol t , Brandon 35
fl 1msher, Zachary 105
ng Dongchen 133
~~ngsness, Brittany 105
Wafd, Amanda 105
\Vard Cheryl 133
Warner Tyler 87 158
Warren, David 35
Wtll1ams, Ashley14. 87 , 194
WIiiiams, Elizabeth 87
Williams, Evan 133
Williams , Julie 32
Williams, Rory 51 , 133
Wilson , Brett 108
Wilson, Greg 54, 105
Wilson, Hollie 87
Wilson Jessica 87 192, 193
Wilson , Lee 54 , 133
Wilson , Stephanie 41 87
Winkler Brian 35
Witaschek Kevin 133, 153
Wittmer, Averie 133
Wolaver, Andrew 33 , 53 , 87 , 159
Wood, Edward 44 ,87, 181
Warren Kendra 49, 128, 133 , 135
Warren, Kevin 133
Watson Ali 26
Watson Amber 108
Watson, Austin 133
Watson Matt 89
Watson, Olivia 133
Weber Erin 50
Weghe, De 50
•Negsche1der Brandy 49, 105
1Negscheider, Brent 132, 133
Weichel, Robert 154
\\'e1den, Brittany 133
Weisheit, Lisa 87
Weller Clayton 35 , 105
Werschky, Nicole 133
West, Kyle 105
West. Nicole 87, 181 192
IWesthead Andrea 105
5 White Amanda 102, 105
White Mike 133
White Nichole 133
White Nicole 131
Whitlatch Lacey1 33
Whitlatch, Lacy 132
Wichmann, Ben1am1n 105
Wiederspahn, Nicholas 133
Wiles, Cody 133
Wiliams Elizabeth 192
Willard Renee 133
Willey Christopher 133
Williams, Amber 105
Wood , Knssi 35
Woodworth Megan105
Worthington , James 105
Wyatt, Ryan 133
Wyland , Rachel 32
Wys Elizabeth 111
Yoakum, Jessica 133
Youngs, Greg 35
Zenker, Ryan 20
Zhao , Poru 87
Ziegler, Th omas 133
Z1ka, Meridith 55
Zimmerman, Cassie 50, 87, 181
Zimmerman , Randy 50
Zirbes , Jacqueleine 87
Zup,n , Jocelyn 41 133
Jazz Band
l I
- ··-·----.........,_.-- ~
front Row: Erin Weber Andrew Aick, Andrea Domgaard, JuhetJohee, Tiffany Sanders Cassey Robertson Cassidy hara , ~ri~ Hawley Brent Lorenz Conny Artica, Mehss.a McEncroe Second Row: Sean Geiger Carl McEncroe Bryan Mays , Bethany Blair Tiffany Martinez Aaron Cash , Cisco Artica Sean Martinez, James Anderegg Lauren Heitzman Gavian Daly , Nick Demoutin. Thrid Row : Ryan Coble, Margeaux Demouhn , Knstina McBride , Drew Regner Jessica Froyen , Kelli ush , Nick Demoulin Adam Hudson Brady Abbots
Front Row: Kelsey Mcisaac , Brady Abbots , T J , Fry , Adam Hudson , Oth ia Ka lkwarf Second Row: Mo rga n Dem oulin, Stephanie Glapa , Gavain Daly, Cory Goshorn , Tyler Pe nn el ,
- - • • I I Orchestra
204 S1Wlf.\.n :: index and clubsPercussion Ensemble
Front Row · Oth,a Kalkwarf, Julia Compton, Elisa Compton, Thomas Chambles, Drew Regner , Kelsey mcisaac Susan Lindsay
Front Row: Tiffany martinez Bethany Blau Second Row : David Newman. Sean Geiger T J. Fry Bryan Mays, Carl McEncroe.
Marching Band
' - -.- __.....,_..., ..
1127 I 205 ' • -- ---- ----
- -----· - -·. - ·-
Front Row R1 h Schwering, Pau etchurr Daniel Gifford,Clayton Weller , Elsa Ander~on Angela Finke, Tyler Warner , h Barn, l'ourtney Hartford Second Row· Emily Hoppin, Jenna King, Amanda Son. g hns Taylor, Kelli Cash, Conny Art1ca , Danielle Sykora Nichole Moneghan , Chris Binkley, Spencer Rigg• Back Row: Ms Tammie Peters , KJ Nahley, Troy Seate, Candance Copez, Jessie Stelhm, Kelh Viets, Jason Sullivan Ru sel f anhland, Phil Rappmund
Wes Club
206 5 dW.on :: inde>C and clubs
Front Ro w: Flor " Mana• Cady Rehe1s, Amanda White Breanna Barthels. Seco nd Ro w: Adam Baxter, Nicole Meyer, Tyler L1ndry Wayne Mooney Luke Bruns1hu No t Picture d Jeff Gray, Tyler Johnson, Ben Wi chmann.
Phvsics II
I a (
Andy Peoples , Chns Milne, Matt frill, Gabe Green
Fro nt Row : Melissa Ford , Kelly Hock , MakenZJe Rogers , Jessica Bihings , Adam Hudson Seco nd Row R~an Taylor Chris Milne Josh Gresham. Max Kenworthy Jon Sestrich, Tony MulJadi. Angela Finke A hie) Bunn Jo 1e Ket-ncy Ma991e Peoples Ba ck Row: Matt frill , Andy Peoples , Kate Klock, Stuart Bell
Shades of Maroon v,as published b} Jostens School Productions Group of Topeka, Kansas Our company representatives"' ere G"'n Cordray and Lori W1shert. The book 1s a size nine (nine by n, el, e inches) and contains 232 pages. One thousand and eight) b 1oks "'·ere pubhshed and ,vere sold for $45.00
The theme ¼'as or1ginall} conceived by Melissa Ford. The cover ,vas designed by Melissa Ford m Adobe Photoshop 5 0 using a ~1acmtosh G4.
All cop) and graphics were desktop published using Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 on , ar1ous Macintosh computers. Output was completel) digital and"' as sent to Jo s tens on Iomega 100 MB Zip disks
All Body copy is 10-12 point Palatino and captions are 8 point Palahno All student names and grade le, els "''ere taken from the official d1str1ct enrollment hst. Sports facts and stats were taken from Rock) Preps.com, the RockyMountainNeios, the Golden Transcript and the DenverPost. We apologize for any inad\ ertent errors
Edi tor-in-Chief.
Assistant Editors
.Mr B111 Kelley
Me l1ssa Ford
Eli Martin
Courtney Mayo
Robbie VanDyke
Jasm1ne Akes
lallorv Brunel
f\.fonica Versa\.,.
Tara Hansen
Sarah Gizinski
Thomas f\.1cKn1ght •
Diana Sendgraff
Hosanna Sumaiku
Ariel Blakeman
Anissa Janko, 1ak
Tra, 1s Hcndnckson
Amanda White
Ba\ lee Hansen
Le, 1 koch
Kell} Dalgett)
Jenna Da, ies
'\1ccole Perisho,.
Sara Taulh, •
Ank De Yelder,.
Shane T\ slan
Michelle A-,her
~1anessa \,1arez
Staff Members
~athaniel Coronado
John l\1claughlin •
Elsa Anderson •
Annmarie Preston •
Amber Blake
Kelhe Lankutis
Ke, 1n Schultheic;s •
Tara Krenek •
Dane Benov
National Honor Socien,
Alexandra Barnes
1lk1 Allen
Candice Knutsen
Elaina t-.1cC.,re,,·
Stacy Jone~
tvtegan t-vtatson
Sarah \.,hller
Diana 5endgraff
~1elan1e Scohv
l'vtagg1e Riordan
Jessica Yoakum
denotes full year staff member
NHS Officers
. . ..........................................
. ............................................
201_______ - -·---- --
Matt Fritz, Doug Claxton , Melissa Ford , Andy Peoples
This year has been an interesting one I ha\'e learned so man y things and then forgotten them all. This is my fir,t year being a editor, e\'en if I was a Editor-in-Chief in training Fi~t I would like to unthank whose e\'er idea it \\"as to separate PCs from ~lacs It ,vas a hard transition for me That is why I kept running to Eli !\lartin for the help Thanks bud Also , thanks to ?\tr Kellu) for putting up with the all the questions I had and then ha, 1ng to ans\\ er them Another thanks to ~1elissa Ford for doing all the hard ,-. ork she did , e\'en though you were not in class And Jasmine Akes \\'hat can I say about Jasmine ? \Veil I could thank her for that l\1cDonald ' s run , but) ou aJ..o did a ~reat job on babie, and buddies I would also like to thank Courtney ~1ayo You and I became good friends and the- next 2 )ears will be great Finally a thanks to mv st.lebook for all the glonous knowledge I ne, er J..:ne\\ L1kt I ,aid the next 2} ears will be •real Robb Van D ke Assistant Editor
It ' s hard to belie, e that it has already been four years I consider myself to be a strange per,on , and that', probably why I' m not anxious for it to end l\fy life has changed a great deal sin ce I first took yearbook a-. a tre,hman Certain people ha\'e been instrun,ental in bringing about thest? changes You kno,, ,, ho) ou are Howe\'er, the onl)' thing that hasn ' t changed in my hfe is yearbook I'm grateful to the previous editors , Tim & Joe, Nee and Nims , for setting the standard for us Thanks especially to R)' an Nee, for introducing me to some of m) fa, onte bands, such as Pink Floyd l\1elissa , thanks for keeping" 1th me, e\'en though they ha, en ' t let you take the class tor three semesters The last three yearbooks would not ha, e happened without you Once again none of our editors from last) ear returned (save l\1eli!-,sa and I) , but we rece1\'ed a ne,.,,• group whose enthusiasm has made up for their lack of expenence Thank you Courtne) and Robby, the neophyte editors for next year, and Jasnune, the only member of the staff with pnor experience I'll ah, ays remember d-hole- & ,, ater, Jimmy Buffett Fridays (unfortunately) , chair fights, drawer \\' ars, late night and weekend yearbook fests, and all the people who have made high school great. It ' s been fun - Eli
Martin Assistant Editor
First of all, I' d lo\'e to thank m) fello\, editors for the support that we all give each other on a daily basis I' d abo like to thank l\,fr Kelley for being a gre.1t leader and showing us the wa) to make this year ' s book the best ever Eli ~lartin "as our main editor to help us and I truly appreciate all the help that you have gn en me Tara Krenek, 1 cannot Scl) enough good things about her She ah..-a} s tried her hardest to n,ake her spreads better thane\ eryone else's If 1t ,.,, asn ' t for her contribution a great deal of hard work and dedication, the) ,-.·ould be so far behind Rob Van Dyke and Courtney ,\fayo also had hard work and a lot of dedication the} sta} ed every day to edit the spreads and re\'iewing the book Thanks again to all of the kids who did the spreads and conducted 1nten 1ews 'You all were definiteh a major help in the puthng together of this year ' s book -J as min e Ake s Ad\'ertis1ng Editor
First off, I would espec1allr like to thank Eh I\.tartin and Jasmine Akes for the help m n,ak1ng th1, year s ye.1rbook and for the patience that the) had for Robb, \ an D) ke and I. This ,,•as my first time taking ,earbook and right off I becan\e ed1tor-1n-chief in training '\iot onl) did Eli and J.1sm1ne ha, e to work on the yearbook , but the) had to te.:ich Robby and I ,o next) ear when they are gone, Robby and I will be able to car on the 10b of being ed1tors-in-chitd \Vhen I ,, as going through all of the tra1n1ng, I honestly thought l ",l rn ,, a) o, er by head and I had doubts about next year, ,, hen \\ e would be all b) ou~eh l'!> ,,•1th no one ehP ,, Ith the exception of l\,1r Kelley Because of their help, I actually think that next) ear" on't be as comphc,1tC'd ,, 1 thought it would be Although this year there were many stresses and long hours of working on tht• }e,ubook I really had an enjo) able time I do have to admit though that being an editor can be very hectic, espeoall) around the deadlines But I can ' t forget about l\lr Kelley and hi~ Jimm) Buffet Fndavs Fnda), ,, ouldn t he the same without Jimm) Buffet. This) ear ha~ definitely been an expenence and ~o will the next couple, l',HS to come Congratulations to the ~niors of 2003 1 -Cou r tn ey May o Assistant Editor
This year ha~ been a great one for Golden High School h1storv There has been a lot ot memorable mon,ents , whether 1n sports or acadenucs :\II of whiLh a re good, e,ubook material Hopefully you will find the staff has done it all justice This book" a,, er) fun to design because I tned a lot of ne\,· things this \ ear EYen though a theme "as not ,ettled on until late October, I think the book turned out well A.lthough I was not 1n the las., Jgilm this) ear because of schedule conflicts, I ga\'e up most of my oft blocks 1n de'-lgnmg nd editing It i~ unfortunate that I \\'as not 1n the class to help train next, ear-.. editor.., betlt r Good luck to Robb) and Courtne}, I hope you kno\\" what, ou are getting yoursdt into It can be \'ery re\vard1ng and I hope you find some element of c.reating the book th;it }ou ~,ilh like, as I did It is a huge time commitment and 1t can be ven stressful but also rcwardm~ r-. t ) ad, ice 1s to not try and doe, el'\ thing) our5elf Good luck to next year's ed1to~ !Jon I dri, e t-.1r Kelley into earh retiren,ent or an " career adjustment Thanks to tr Kelle) {or iJl 1 your support ilnd hard \\ ork Thanks to Eli for shck1ng through to the end Th.:inks to 11n and ee and Dre"· for all) ou taught me O\'er t he, ears. !\l ostlv '\iee and Drew It', bcl•n fu but it ,s time to mo,e on
M e l is s a Ford Edi tor-1n-ch1ef
208 S I~ :: index and clubs --
200 3 E ditors Melissa Ford, Eh tv1artin, Courtne1 1\,1ayo, Ja~m1ne l\kes and Robby Van Dyke
t I I
.o Matthew Stiverillloombe(g News/Ul)d
U2's humanitarian lead singer Bono visits Afnca and tours Midwestern America to raise awareness and support for Af ncan AIDS epidemic relief
Nuclear crisis anses when North Korean leader Kim Jong II breaks a 1994 pledge with the United States not to build nuclear weapons
China's one-child-per -family policy creates an imbalanced boy-to-girl ratio tha t will result in tens of millions of men finding themselves single in the year 2020
U.N. inspectors return to Iraq to investigate Saddam Hussein's alleged production of weapons of mass destruction.
A Halloween earthquake in San G1u1hano di Puglia, Italy, topples an elemen tary school, k1llrng dozens of children
Ahmad Al-Rubayt,i/Getl'/ Images
The Miss World beauty pageant leaves Nigeria after Islamic fundamentalist protest groups kill more than 100 people
In Venezuela. an opposition strike demanding President Hugo Chavez's resignation paralyzes the country 's oil exports and turns to bloodshed as Chavez supporters retaliate
The oil tanker Prestige spills more than 5 million gallons of oil off the northwestern coast of Spain before splitting in two and sinking
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter receives the Nobel Peace Prize for his decades of work for peace , democracy and human rights worldwide.
Over 100 people. mostly foreign tourists , are killed rn an October terrorist bombing of two nightclubs in Bali , Indonesia
Emergency workers in the United States and overseas receive smallpox vaccinations as a preventative measure against bioterrorism
For weeks m October, alleged snipers John Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo terrorize Washington , D C , Maryland and Virginia , randomly killing 1Opeople and m1unng three others
V The space shuttle Columbia breaks apart on reentry into the Earth 's atmosphere killing all seven astronauts aboard Peter
On July 28 , nine Pennsylvania coal miners are rescued after being trapped for three days in a mineshaft flooded with over 70 million gallons of water
Midterm electrons make history as Republicans , the party controlling the White House , gain congressional seats rather than losing them
Several large corporations inflate profits while top executives make off with millions in accounting scandals that send shock waves through global markets
Cosgrove/APM'1de World Pho tos
Gene J Puskar/Getty Images
Getty lmages/Artvtlle
Reuters New Media locJCorbis
V President Bush signs the Homeland Security Act, ottic1ally creating a Department of Homeland Security dedicated to preventing terrorist attacks
Kevin L.amarquP./Reutersit.mdov/AfP Phota,,Juan Barret0/Cort>1s
I\_ Throughout 2002, Americans search for ways to recover and rebuild from September 11 On the one-year anniversary, survivors , families and friends gather at all three sites to commemorate the lives lost
Patients in Florida are the first to receive the VeriChip, a computer chip bearing personal medical data that is in1ected into the forearm.
Microsoft's Tablet PC enables users to write directly on the screen rather than typing on a keyboard.
The JournaloftheAmericanMedical Assocratron reports that children who grow up with pets have a reduced risk of developing common allergies
Just before burning up in Jupiter's atmosphere, the Galileo spacecraft captures the closest shots ever taken of Jupiter's moon lo
Maria de Jesus and Maria Teresa OuiejAlvarez, 1-year-old Guatemalan twins born joined at the head, are successfully separated after over 22 hours of surgery.
• • .. , ,. • • • .. • ,, • • .. • i
V General Motors introduces the Hy-wirea car powered by hydrogen and oxygen that emits heat and water rather than harmful exhaust.
The nation's largest outbreak of the West Nile Virus hits in summer 2002. The disease is spread by migrating birds and transmitted by mosquitoes
The gun turret of the historic Civil War ironclad USS Monitor is raised from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean
< President Bush orders construction of a system that would defend the United States from ballistic missile attacks by 2004
<The newly discovered hunger hormone ghrelin is found to play a role in obesity by regulating what you eat and how much weight you gain
> The U S Education Department reports that average geography scores of the nation 's fourth and eighth graders while low, have improved from 1994
> Ellula introduces HotAir Speakers , a set of battery-powered inflatable speakers that are small enough to fit in your pocket when deflated
I\. McDonald's unveils new lower-fat f rench fnes due to the new Healthy Eating Pyramid and in response to many former patrons suing for making them overweight
-OS r
V 1970s peasant shirts are alive and well on runways and m school halls
V Everyone from hot young movie stars to aging rock stars sports the newest fashion trend , turquoise Jewelry
V The cola war puts new flavors to the test, including Dr Pepper Red Fusion , Pepsi Blue and Vanilla Coke
V Knspy Kreme lovers start a new tradition by celebrating their vows with doughnut wedding cake s
• • ••
{ European fashion hits the sidewalks and clubs of the United States with retro-style bowling shoes
V Busy singles try out speed dating wh ich gives couples several minutes to talk one-on-one before moving to a new partner at the next table
Theoaore Wood/Camera Press/Retna
Courtesy l<nsll'/ Kteme
Ma rk Gormus/Riehmond Times-D1spatcll/APiWlde World Photos
At the 2002 Academy Awards , Halle Berry and Denzel Washington win Best Actress and Best Actor Oscars Berry is the first female African-American to win the award.
Spider-Man, starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, spins a $114 million opening weekend box-office record
With over 6 million viewers, "The Osbournes" is the biggest hit in MTV's 21-year history
Avid gamers tune in to G4, the first cable TV channel dedicated solely to video games.
Viewers return week after week for a bit of innocent American nostalgia on NBC's hit drama "American Dreams."
•• •• •• •• •• •• ® G4 TV
Cynical Simon Cowell and company stir up big ratings for Fox's "American Idol" and big record sales for winner Kelly Clarkson, a waitress from Texas
After a two-year hiatus , Leonardo DiCaprio returns to the big screen with two holiday blockbusters GangsofNewYork and CatchMeIfYouCan.
Chicago, a film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical. wins three Golden Globes , including Best Picture: Musical or Comedy, and receives 13 Oscar nominations
HBO Films' comedy RealWomenHave Curves promotes positive self-image with the dazzling debut of Latin-American actress America Ferrera
CBS scores a ratings doubleheader with a pair of forensic investigation dramas, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and "CSI Miami."
Newcomer Norah Jones takes home five Grammys , including Album of the Year. for ComeAwayWithMe
Multi-talented Eminem raps up five Grammy nominations for The EminemShow and big box-office success in 8 Mile.
Rocker Avril Lavigne and other "a nti-Britneys ," such as Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch, represent the new face of women in music
Weezer teams up with the Muppets in the video for " Keep Fishm' ," the second single from their hit album Maladroit.
Pop takes a new direction when farmer boy band favorites Nick Carter and Justin nmberlake break out with solo albums and tours
Armed with a steady beat and punk-rock-blues riffs, The White Stripes' stripped-down rock shines on the highly acclaimed WhiteBloodCells
Alan Jackson 's triple-platinum album Drive wins five Country Music Association Awards and is named the USAToday No 1 country album of 2002
Nirvana, the famed grunge band's long-awaited greatest hits album, features "You Know You ' re Right, " the last recording Kurt Cobain made before his 1994 suicide.
•-.---·-~------ ------------. ~ --
Former Beatles rock legend Paul McCartney brings in $2 million a night , for a total of $103 million , on the year's top-grossing tour
The Strokes, Spin magazine's 2002 Band of the Year, lead a resurgence of rock 'n' rollers , including The Hives and The Vines.
Dallas Cowboy running back Emmitt Smith bre aks Walter Payton's 16,727-yard mark to become the NFL's all-trme leading rusher
The Detroit Red Wings capture the 2002 NHL Stanley Cup over the Cinderella Carolina Hurricanes It's a record ninth cup for retiring coach Scotty Bowman.
} Serena and Venus Williams continue to dominate women 's tennis , becoming the first sisters to be ranked No 1 and No 2 rn the world
The college football season is marred by violent confrontations rnvolvrng fans , students and even coaches
MVP Troy Glaus leads the scrappy Anaheim Angels to the 2002 World Series wrn over Barry Bonds and the San Francisco Grants , four games to three
Stir Ledoer,Corbls•SYVma
I\ Martha Burk of the National Council of Women 's Organizations battles with Augusta National chairman William Johnson over the ,ssue of female membership at the famous Georgia golf club
I\ An 18th place finish in the NASCAR season fin ale at Homestead-Miami Speedway
1s enough to earn Tony Stewart his first Winston Cup Serres championship
I\ Despite an rnJured toe, Shaquille O'Neal powers the unstoppable Los Angeles Lakers to a third straight NBA championship title in May 2002
Scott OsbomeiAP,Wlde World Pholos
,.. ---~1
Terry Renna/AP/Wide World Photos
Chns faytol</The
V LPGA pro Annika Sorenstam , after a record-setting 13-win 2002 sea son worldwide , accepts an inv1tat1on to play the Colonial tournament on the men 's 2003 PGA Tour
The Ohio State Buckeyes beat the heavily favored Miami Hurricanes in double overtime to win the BCS National Championship
The 31-24 victory 1s the school's first national football title since 1968
The new sport of SlamBall takes basketball to the extreme on a specially designed court with four trampolines in front of each hoop
( Skateboarding reaches new popularity heights thanks to the high visibility of the X Games and the "Tony Hawk 's Pro Skater" video game series
( Surfing welcomes a tidal wave of women to the sport after receiving a Hollywood endorsement in the popular summer flick BlueCrush
The sports world loses two legendsbaseball's "Splendid Splinter" Ted Williams and Johnny Unitas one of football's greatest quarterbacks
ZacaraIs Moussaou1 , widely believed to be the 20th hijacker, goes on trial for his involvement in the September 11 terrorist attacks
In show business since they were 9 months old, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen , 16, have amassed a $76 million fortune through their Dualstar Entertainment Group
Veteran actor Richard Harns , known for his role as Hogwarts wise headmaster Albus Dumbledore, dies of Hodgkin 's disease at age 72
Mentally challenged Ohio high school senior Jake Porter-who suited up for every practice and game for four years but never playedscores his first touchdown
California's Linda and Loretta Sanchez make history as the first sisters ever elected to Congress
Mississippi Senator Trent Lott is widely criticized for apparent racist remarks he made at Senator Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday pattv In December. Lott resigns as majority leader
Martha Stewart faces charges of illegal stock trading after former lmclone president Sam Waksal allegedly tips her off regarding the company 's demise
AJ>Nflde World Photos --
Courtesy Rim Johns0f\~rald•D1spatch
Reuters New Medta tnc.lCorbll
Rick Bloom'SalllJCortlis
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