Golden ---·gh School 701 . 24th Street Golden Co 80401
DEMQNILJM Vol. 131 0 0
DEMQNILJM Vo l .131 O n Th e L ook Out Sen ior Bt'.n H oo!!hcem takes time to tak~ 1n the ,cenel) ORD SEARCH: Student Life 2 Sumer Supplement 17---...::.':•• • t -, •ti • - '6,j .... ,., r f"f ;- Sports 38 • 'iii: >J People 66 Academics 132 Babies & Buddies 161 t:- -~ --Team Photos 202 H o,, \ ou Do i n ' Clubs 207 Frc-,hman 1att Gallagher cekbrate, after \\1nn1ng his tcnn1-. ~J match Index Golden High School 701 W. 24th Street Golden Co 80401 214 IDo"'rn l oading Demo11s 0 °/o 1
Our Hero Sophomore t--telissa Kennedy ac t like a superhe ro on Superhero Oa) " I lo\ e ~ho" 1ng m) more heroic side," said lvfehssa
Sc ho o l S pirit
Freshman Jordan Hogan attempts the school hand jive "The hand Ji\·e 1s harder than 1t looks," commented Jordan
photos bv t mead
Strik e A Po se
Senior Faith Jordan and 1un1or C.all) n Kuhre ~ho,v their smiling face!> Hanging around 1-. my bes t sub1ect, " c;a1d Faith
Ye Ha
Senior~ Amanda \Vard , Brielle L1dd1Lk , and Lb a tv1c Laughlin -.upport the senior cla.., s during the H on-\ecoming carnival " Senior!> rule and that is that, " sa1d Amanda
Super Ca s terson
Junior 1anna C.a-. t erson sho".., off-.chool !>pint on Supe r hero da\ of Hon1econ11ng \\·eek. Superhero da, ,, •"" on Tuc!>da, th1" \ ear " I look good and I ha, e the po,, er._ too Onh joking, said 1\lanna
Mi s s Mat c h
Junior '\Jed Burnett g 1, e!> a loot... at hts fashionable 1de on C.raz, Dc1, of Hon1ecom1ng "eek 'Onh 1f I could dres~ Ii ke this e, er, da, " Lon1n1ented :\.ie1l
J •
lilffl,b ading Demons
il 20 %-
Ahoy rvtaties
uniors Zac Smith, Luke Baruc~ , and rett Le\\·an are on the junior flo Jt Zac aid, " \A/orking on the float \\·as a lot of ard \\' Ork, but it turned out good ."
Collective Calling I
'1 , •, • I r1 I
e nior Ross Beam plays on hjs cell phone o pass the tin1e. " I like n1y cell ph one It omes in handv vvhen I am bo r e d and , ,va nt something to do."
Along for the Ride
Seniors Rachel S p ahn and Anissa Jankov1ak are nd1ng 111 a car for the parade Anissa sai d , "Afte r ,vorking hard for the parade, it's nice to ha\ ea break and nde along 1n the car and see everyone I kno"v -'f
• P i )l p
At a Meet Freshman H 1lar, (ors1 and Melissa Sipes and Sophomore Ama nd a Arche} ta ke J break\\ h1le competehng " I lo\ e to compete," said Melissa
Living the life of a student , the e,1 eryday s tre ss of homework, sports, and school in general. Des pite these tensions, the stude11ts here at GHS have fott11d ways to relax. Homecoming week is one way to re s t the worry. Many students enjoyed and participate d in this years event. Homecoming week consi s t5 of week long activities and some special events Spirit week gives stude11ts the chance to shovv the n1or e spirited side. Spirit week ends witl1 a carnival tor students. Since students have an enormous a1nou11t of tension, the Homecoming game helps get out all those tensions., but not before tl1e Homeco1ni11g parade. Student Council plans all of Homecoming and they do a great job . Class competetions, games, ar1.d fun help make student life here at GHS s tress-fre e.
Piny hard
Juniors Dnna Garrett Ao1 Sorensen, and tvlaggie Riordan prep themselves for the Po\vder puft game. Ao1 said "It ahva) c; gels me hyped up and read} to pla) hard ."
pup and A,, av niorTomm) Huntsman shov,:s off his school sp 1nt , earing a supern-1an costume for iperhero day. Tomm) sa i d, " I t's fun dre,s1ng up like my fa,onte superhero"
Read) , Oka,· The Cheerleading s quad definately puts the '' cheer" in c heerleading The s quad s aid , " \'\ e love hearing them ~cream ,vith excitement ,vhen \\'e get them " 'ound up ."
Life as a student isn't all what it's cracked up to be.
z 0 J
By A Willi a
Get him down!
Senior Kyle Dobyns goes in for t e ta ckle and gets a little help from s ophomore Sean Stokes " Comin g out at half do,vn 14-0, I kne,v we cou fdn 't let them c; core," s aid Dobvns ,
p eruor Tyler Baruch dive s toward the /F armer to get a tackle , and hangs on until he goes do"v n Baruch reco ded nin e ta ckle s in the game.
Reaching for the game.
Senior Mark Seligman reaches a far a,; he can to catch the football. '' I kne,v \Ve needed a big play to \\' in so I trie to get it to go," said Seligman
Pl\blo ading D e m o n ~ 20 %,.__.
m s
Dod g in g!
Junior Luke Nelson dodge,; a Wheat Ridge Farmer " Running the ball at the Ho nll· coming game \Va5 a real rush ," c;aid Nelson
Nice Punt
Sen ior Bt•.iu Drexler 1-.ick.s the ball a\, a) on fourth do\\ n pla) "All I \,a.., thinking \\'as not to mess anything up and mal-.e it a good punt," sa1d Drexler
Keep running! Senior Kyle
o ,
D emon !> tri u mp h As the players celebrate their big,, 1n, the fans 101n them on the field '\Vhen t h e game,, a~ coming to an end I\\ as read) to lea\'e then the)
me \\ilh an amaz ing touc h do, n," said Bnttan} Berg~tedt H o ld i n g On Senior Karson Pike Holds on to the ball \\'hile running to\vard a goal "\\'e came out the second half read, lo,, 1n and ,,·e n,ade 1t happen,"said Pike
Dobyns runs his
hardest to elude
would-be tack-
''I knew that I could contribute if they gave me a chance," said Dobyns.
tanding Out in the Crowd . uniors Zack Sn,ith, Nick Robinso , and im Hinkle stand on the sidline \\ hile heering on the 1unior powderpuf team e juniori, ended up getting disq alifid 'Those boys really cheered us o " said unior Andrea Larson.
he Take Down.
enior Kim Oa,·is trie!> her harde st o pull ·hoes darn flags off of sophorno r Am} anek du ring the Povlderpuff ga e The eniors ended up \Yith the ,·icto · " Se1iors rule," chan ted Kin,.
Downl, a din o- Demons 20°/o
Lookin' Good
Seniors Allison Frost and Jake H nsen ride 1n their con, ertable during the Homecon1ing parade. Allison and Jake ere a few of the people nominated for Hon1ecoming king and queen. "Being nom · ated 1s so cool, " -; tated Jak e
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"' a lk1n
n \-Va sh·
zz It Up
Golden High Sc h oo l Dance t eam hold th ei
g do½
ington S tr ee t during the Hon1ecom1ng p a rade "I lo, ed \ va lk1n g ,v1th the dance team 1n the parade," i,a1d sophomore Kendra Warren
Mmmm creamy! Shophomore Ryan Vandenbroeke particapates in the cream pie throwing.
Not very often do you see girls talking and thro\ving aro11nd other girls, but the powderpuff game at this Homecoming carnival ,vas a great place to see it. While some people s ee povvderpuff as just another fun sport to play, otl1ers perfer to watch. "Powderpuff is a great opportunity for females to play football," said senior Diana Sendgraff. Po,vderpuff has al,vay s drawn a big crowd of guys. "I like to watch all the girls rip on each other," said sophomore David Gustafson. The senior of 2004 beat the freshmen and then for a second victory beat the sophomores. The sophomores came in second, the freshmen came in third, and last but not least the juniors came u1 fourth. 0 The Homecoming carnival was a really big success, and spending the time we did setting up ,vas \VOrth all the hard \.Vork ,'' said Student Council member Stephanie Liddick. Before the Homecoming Game, Golden High School l1ad its ann11al pa• rade, which took place in downto"'n Golden. Each cla ss h a d their own float in the parade, ,vhich they rode do\>vn to Brook s Field \A/here the football game took place. Also participating in the Homecoming Parade were the Jeffco High School Rodeo Team, the Drama Club, and the Golden High Dancing Den1on s, to name a few.
Junior Ali Barnes shn ers after falling in the \\,ater \\ h1le part1capating 1n the dunk tank at the Homecoming cam1, aJ. "The \Vater ,, as so cold, sa1d Ali.
Rrrrrg !
Lntors Stephanie Sadler and K} le Pattridge ride the H omecoming float Later, though th e se n1ors ,vere dtSqualified for de stroying the junior's float "The floats are ahv.1ys th e best part of the Home coming v. eek," said Sadle r
G idd y U p Co \vb oy •
The Jeffco High School Rodeo Team she"·' s off their banner in the 2003 Homecoming parade 1n do,,,nto\vn Golden. "G reat times ," said senior Wayne Mooney
Downl, adin Demons
20 %
Chicks of 2006
Lexie Rounge~ Monica Versa\-v, Sarah Gizinski, Chelsea Catron, Amy anek, Kayley Byl, and Amanda Hurley a re 1ust so me of the c.ophon,ore po\verdp ff girl s having a great time at the assembly " I loved the assembly," said Monica Versa¼
Wud up?
Senior Kyle Dobyns sho\vs off his s tate championship ring f or the cr o "' d ' Repre senti n' up here," said Kyl e
• i
Gummy Worm s
0 tu
Junior Neil Burnett s ho,v s his support for the 1un1or class by shoving gumm) "' orms 1n hie; mou th at the H omecoming a s sembly
Seniors Megan Elliot and Sarah Martinez show their pride in maroon and white.
From rock band shirts to poodle skirts, GHS students flashed back to their favorite decade on Monday. ''What a great way to start off the week," said freshman India Barr. Tuesday was full of action when students dressed up as their favorite superhero. Wednesday was a day for the students' creati,,e side to shine as they showed up in their craziest outfits. Thursday was full of excitement as pirates roamed the halls of GHS. Students and faculty alike capped off the week by showing their Demon pride by dressing in maroon and white on Friday. ''I was -surprised how many students showed spirit this year. It was great," said senior Daniel Schoger.
Groo\'}' Baby
To The Ba t Cave
• l , ,,, ».. , ,;. r--' Ki. :# • • I ,
A flashback to the 70's, Junior Lisa Carr sho,\'S off her h1pp1e sh le for Decades Da, Junior Brandt Cappello sa, es the da) a::. she ::,ho,.,,s off her superhero po,, ers for 'Groovy man, that is reall) groo,} baby," said Lisa Candice Knutson " I th1nl-. this look"' orks for me ," said Brandt
Wo u ld Yo u Li ke Fries With That ?
.::>eniors Sk} Wilk and Matt Brun e sho,v some lo\ e to th e McDonald's cre,v for Craz} Outfits Da,, \\ hich ¼'as Wendensda) of the Hom ecoming \A/eek "tvfcDonald's rocks hard co re," sa id Matt.
Z: 0 J
Keep Dan ci ng
Seniors Lisa Grantano and Sunshine Marsette dance the night a¼'ay " I thought the best part of the dance \-Vas getting dressed up and being with m 1 friends," said sophomore Lexie Runge
Around and Around
Senior Gregory Hauserman spins a girl around. "I \\ ould rather go to dances \Vith a date because I like to ha,·e someone to dance \,·1th dunng s low songs," said seruor Conny Artica.
Smile B ig
Seniors Bnelle L1dd1ck, Jennifer Gilbert, Lisa Mc Laughlin, and Amanda Ward smile for a picture at the dance " H omecoming " 'as like a blast from the past The best part ,vas being with friends," commented Jennifer
Groovin' Seniors Sarah Martinez and Benjamin Hoogheem enioy a dance tog~ther " I liked the locahon and ho\, the place "as se t up ," commented senio r Nate Coronado.
Sophomores Blakelee Midyett and Cheryl D'Epanier stop to chat during the dance.
With sweaty palms and a hot forehead, many guys find it difficult as they take a big gulp and ask a girl to the Hon1ecoming dance. Maybe this is why the idea of going to Home coming without a date has become so popular. Although it \l\'as rar e in our parent's age, you can now see many individual s at the dan ce with no date. Some people e\'en prefer to ditch the ,vhole date idea and go to Homecoming with a group of friend s. ul think it is more fun to go to dance s without a date The dances that I have had the most fun at are the one s v.1 here Thad no date to v.·orrv • about,'' comments junior Kri ss i Wood Even tl1ough many people like to go to Homecoming \lvith no date , some peopl e st ill prefer the original idea of takiI1g a date to the dan ce. "The only time I have gone to a dance ,,vithout a date I e11ded up c ryit1g the whole night, so I "vould definately prefer to go to dance5 v<it11 a date ," added se nior Josh Morris. People always see m to ha, e a great time at the Homecoming dance, whether they decided to go ,vith a date or go without one
King a nd Qu e en
Senior~ Paul Ketchum and An1anda Sor\ 1g share a dance after the\- are cro ,...ned f lomecoming king and queen. Homecoming" as held 1n the Mines field house. "Be1ng queen" as so much fun," said Amanda
Ge t in Line
Freshman Lau r en Da\ ison , sophomores Chelsea Catron and Simone Chappell join the train " I didn't ha, ea date \Vhich made 1t funner, " said Kara S,e,vert
Ge ttin g R ea d y Sen iors Reyna Br\. an and VV1ll Flaglc pose for a picture before heading off to the dance The Homecoming dance "as held on September 20th " I had a blast at the dance," said Will.
z 0 J
Stricke r takes a div as he ashes his jet-ski on lake Minatar " This icture was taken right before my horts ell off," added Jordan.
eep Smiling
Downl, ading Demons
4 20°.k
Sarah Calvert and Jenn Popp ang out in North Carolina. Sar h and enny participated in a girls socce camp , hiJe in North Carolina "Soccer 1s hke y life," said Jenny.
Rocky Road
Juniors Russell vVallace and Sea Mayo stop and pose for a picture \Vhile jeeping "The \\'orst thing that happened t o us ½•hile Jeeping \Vas dropping the clutch on a rock," stated junior Theron Nelm s.
• I ' • J
Batter up Seniors Megan Elliot, Kim Da, 1s, Rosalyn Ardoin, and Rachel Spa\vn play for th t: Lady Demons this sun1mer "It \\as fun playing softball t hi s summer a nd it m ade it e, en better to go undefea t ed," added seruor Sa rah Courtney
Ms. Poveda's Spanish class in Spain . ''We walked everywhere in Spain!'' stated senior Amanda Sorvig.
Which one would you prefer? Svveating behind a counter taking orders at a fast food restaurant or sweating out on the beach ,vith friends? Most people '1vould most likely prefer to be on the beach with their friends, but that does not necessarily mean that most people do that. While some people plan to take it easy in the summer and not lift a finger to do work, son1e people decide to sacrifice some of tl1eir sun1mer break and get a job. "Working during the summer is a great opportunity for tl1e future. You can save money for a car or for a ne,v living environment, '' stated senior Devin Tyslan. On the other hand , many people believe that summer is strict]y for one thing: fun! "I tl1ink while still in high school we should take it easy and not have to worry about work. We will have many )rears al1ead of us to work, but not many more to just take it easy and hang out ,,vith friends all summer," commented senior Ja s on Pommerening. Whetl1er people decide to get a job or not during tJ1e su1nmer, at least there is not school to ,,vorry about!
I un in the Sun
'"' li mb Ev e
nior:; ~tark Seligman, Don Sutherland, and K1 1e Dob}ns 1n Clear ½ater Beach 1n I lorida. "The Kumba rolle r coaster \vas the best thing 1n Florida," said K) le
r y M o untain 5~n1o rs Btll} Martin, Johnathan Cra\, ford, Bnan Ridge , and Jared Le1d1ck on t heir\\ a\ to climb a 1-!er. "Th is 1s ffi) third 14er I'\ e climbed and I plan to do more," said Bill)
Brr rrrr Senior Tvler Baru ch ka}aks do\,·n the Colorado Rn er through the G rand Canyon "The \vater \\ as reall\ cold," commented T, ler
Love and Death: . The Equation
· For a Perfect Comedy.
Performers sho,,v off their talents in tl1is year's fall play. This year the fall play was Arsenic and Old Lace. Tlle play was a lo,rely comedy with a few murders involved. Marnie Williams said," I only get stage fright when I know the people in the audience and I have to hear their comments afterwards." This play was a big success thanks to director Mr. Klug and sh.1dent director Kathryn Verniq. Kathryn said, "'Student directing is sure interesting ... all the questions and hard work involved ... but no more student directing for me though."
Of course this amazing performance could not go on ,vi th out the tech cre,v. Mary Maas said, "Doing tech sure is an amazing experience, just knowing no one can see or hear the actors makes one feel. God like?" Cassey Robertson said, 0 This is the first time I have worked witl1 the tech cre"'' and it was fun working with everyone. 0 Although most of the praise for a successful production went to the performers and tech crew, the play could not of been produced without the set builders. With co11fidence and hardwork, the fall play of 2003 was a big hit.
,c t p t
Mi se rable Seniors Angela Finke and Ashley Bunn are miserable with their long lost nephew's plans of moving 1n and taking control
Murder Stunned beyond belief senior Paul Ketchum lear n s about h1• r,
IS · - ---·-· - -- · ·.. ·-
Fir e! Senior Cla\ ton Weller guides senior Alex Hughes across the dark room to pursue their e\ il plans
aunt's killing spree of innocent, ictims d
. State Champs. Spi11g time is al l the fun in one season. As the Temperature rises, students find their way out side. '' Spring is my favorite time of year,'' said sop homore Rob Halley. As the t empe rature changes, so does the clothes. Many s tt1dents trade in their boots for sandle s, and pants for shorts. ''Spring time fashion is always some thing to look forwar d to," stated junior Aliso n Frost. No matter what s tud e nts wear, they always have fun in the sun.
The varsity baseball team recieve s a tr op h y for being s tate c hampi ons.
11 What a grea t feeling to be s tat e champi o n s," co mm ented se nior Coby Gratten.
Dance the Night Away.
Danci ng at prom, se nior Kim Bessely an d junior Brittany Bergs tedt . " Prom was a blas t," sa id Kim.
Ready, Aim, and Fire.
Shooting for the goal, se nior John bacon. " Lacrosse i s a greates t or even the best sport ther e i s to play at GHS,'' sai d Ba co n
Laying i n wa i t
Kristian Larsen, Quyen Le Kate Leadford, Lyndsie Lee sit quiet!) 1n their seats during the graduation ceren,on1es. Tegan Frisky \Vas heard saying," Sitting there in the hot sun v1as tourture ."
Hitti n g th e h ig h not es
Anna Mangan sings "If We Hold Together" during the ceremony. " I \,·as really nervous to sing in front of all those people," commented Anna
Word s o f Wi s dom .
Nicole Dupont\\ as one of the seniors to speak. She delivered a heart-felt speech \ much ad\'ise to her fello,v graduates.
lllffll'fflding D e mons
W e l come Ladi es and Gentlemen Senio r Class Pres ident Andy Fau lkne r introduce<; each of the speakers as t hey came u p along \vith p r esentin g the retiring faculty. " A job ,,·ell done. If I say so n1y self," said Andy.
Last but not least.
The last senior to go through commencement, Jacquele1ne Zirbe s s hakes hands with C incty DeVito one of Golden 's four Assistant Principals " Like they s a} la s t , but C(' rtainJy not lea st," said Ja cqueleme
Music from the heart.
K \ le Hau ser playc; and sings "Son,ev, he re O,er the Rainbov.•/ \-Vhat a Wondreful World " on h is guitar during the graduatio n ceremony.
Glad to be free ?
Times Are a Changin'
Graduation is seen b} most people as a time of change Leaving farruliar!>urroundings to go make a s take m the real world and chose either college or a JOb You lea, e old friends to make new ones. Rarely is a graduating class e\ er assembled as a whole again after they lea,·e and man) will never to their high school again. But 1t is n ' t Just about goodbyes, graduation is a tune to look onto the future and plan your life , or ti) ' to at least. Faculty speaker, Gene Youngman sa1d 1t best," Did you ever start in one direchon and end up somevvhere else 1 " Man\ graduates try to set a sohd plan of the next fe"' years as some th ing to be guided by, only to change 1t 1n respect to their new experiences and interests. So 1t 1s best to say that e, en. though you got lost wasn't the trip a good experience and something to learn from?
' ' .. -. =
Doug Claxton, Justin Stahn,er, andThomas \ 1an De Bogart hangout after the ceremony, glad to move around a bit. Joseph Can,bell ¼·as quoted," It 's not as fun to graduate as you expect, you leave behind a lot ot friend s ,,nd familiar place!> ."
19 z 0 •
A Ni g ht T o Remember .
Seniors Lisa Weisheit and Nicholas Fauble \Vere this years prom royalty Fauble said, " \vas a perfect end to a perfect year" (photo by B Kelley)
Boo g i e Down
Seruor Allison Griffiths and others boogie do\vn to the great music provided by DJ Beggers Tunes (photo by B Kelley)
C lap Your Hand s.
Juniors and Seniors line dance while h aving a grea t time at prom 2003 which was cordina t ed by Junior student council members (pho t o by B Kelley)
Plffl'Jlll1ding Demons
20 30o/o I/\ I I\
Dancin' Whtie dancing with friends Seruor Ken dra Nahley busts ou t the grea t moves to tun es byDJ BeggersTunes (p h oto b y B Kelley)
3nug It On
James Wagner and sophomore Uliannon tvtarhn-E, ans have fun at thi s •ear's after-prom " It ,vas great being a opho more at th i s year s prom, " sa id ·Uliannon. (pho to by L Koch)
After Prom ...... A total hit!
When asked about the best activity at afterprom,, a few students hereat G .H.S. were eager to respond. Senior Shannon Meehan said,, ,,, I liked the gambling''. A few other activities at after-prom were swimming I rock climbing, sumo wrestling game booths and just chillin ' with friends. Sophomore CallynKuhre said,'' Eating the food was the best because there was a lot of food and it wa s really good!'' Juni or Devin Tyslan said, ''The band was fruita stically terrific." Not all students would ha ve to agree though. Sophomore Flor Cady said , ''It could have been more entertaining and there could have been more activities." All in all, after prom was a mash and many s tud ent s had an awesome time.
Roll of th e Dice . Caching.
At after prom, 5eruor Geoffen Bi rn ey Juruors and Seniors gather around to play gambles at the Golde n Rec Center. craps . They -.vere given chips to cash in ''Lucki lv I d1dn t lose tha t much money," for real mone\ (pho to by L. Koch} sa id Geo fferv (photo by L Koch)
21 0 u
What it was all about
For the class of 2003 there were 26 seniors who participated in senior seminar, which is a group that experienced how to effectively communicate and to learn about themselves. Mr. Reid , a sponsor, took the sem team on four trips out of the state. Erica Thompson stated, "It would be unfair of me to say one trip is more rewarding than any of the others.''
Close To ature
Seruor Jared Temanson is gettmg a little closer to the nahve foliage 1n Ar12ona
"Being open minded is a quallty that e, eryone should have Sem helps \vith de, eloping quahhes hke these," sai d senior Tyler Enna.
Going For The Gold
Seruors JD Harman, Patrick t aloney, and Andy Huntsman show off thetr metalc; after running a 26 2 mile marathon The marathon ~tarted 1n St George, Utah and ended in Misquete Ne, ada ' It was '-O hard, but well worth it, said l\ndy Huntsman
Sleeping Time
Scniol'5 Robm Spt-,u JD Harmon , DaruellcGamett .ind others get a little nap on one of the trips NScm taught m1.• how to deal with any type of situation, \\ h1ch mcludesslecptng in\'ans," said senior Kahe Garrett
Pll'ffll'jdmg Demons
\- -~- "
I I\ I I\
.. -
Front Row· Knstm D ' Epagn1er, Anya Strauss, Ricktlee Pollock, LLZ Moore, Nath.
Christensen, Jared Temanson Seco nd Row Enca Thompson, Danielle Gamt
Abbie Petersen, Shannon McDona ld , Adam Kinghorn , Katie Garrett. Third Ro 1 Lynd s ie Lee , Quinn Home cker, Trieu guyen, Dustin Dul , Courtney Spee r, Rob 1 Speer, Patrick Maloney, Deborah Tarum Fourth Row : Coley Clarke, Van BreithaUt Tvl er Enna, Andy Hunts man s1 t in front of the school before one of their trip s.
page bye. anderson
Jump for it
$en1or Ke\·in King jumps for the ball to start Golden's game in the semi-finals of the 4A state cha n1pionships Senior Gunnar Jacobs "'as the biggest scorer ,,·ith a total of 23 points. "Ahvays rcmen1ber to stretch before a game," :,aid King (photo courtesy of oah Bryant)
The Demons dominated in 2003 at the sta te basketball tournament After finishing the regular season \Vith a record of 15-7, thev ., \-Vent into the tournament as the 4th seed in the state. Thev made it , to the semi-finals after crushing the number one seed, Le¼ris- Palmer. The game \vent into its second overtime and the Demons finished it ,\·ith eight points to spare. In the semifinals against Windsor, the Golden Demons l ost \o\'ith a score of 50-53. It ,,·as a Yery close game. They had a stellar year and ~te ll ar fans Golden is proud of it 's league champions of 2003.
State Team Roster
Nate Cooper
Sean Coughlin
Ben Lineville- En g l
Cole Hinnen
Quinn Homecker
Gunnar Jacobs
Ce dric Jimmen z
Kev in King
A la n !\1anga n
M a rk M a la nc o n
L.uke R obe rt s rO) ahr\
Andy sc hetter
M1cha e l Van D e Boga rt
Thom es Va n D e Bo ga rt
Fina l Sta t e Tourn rne nt
Record· 3 \ Vins
l lo l'illffl1!ffld1ng Demons
' Keep a\ a _.______,.,,., . _..a..c__,__-=-----·
Senior Thomas Van De Bogart keeps the ball from .1 Le,,·is-Palmer player The gan,e had to go mto t\vo O\ ertimes t o de termine C.olden the \\.'lnner "That\\ as a exhausting game sa id Van De Boga rt
Victo ry! ,
' (p h oto cou rtesv of \:oah Bryant)
-e ni o r K c \ in Kmg Jump s for joy, \Vhil e senior M
D •m o n 's v 1c t o ry ove r Le ,v 1s- P a lm e r 1n th e s t a t e quarter-fin a
l .e,v is- Palmer, in d o u b le overhm e w 1th a '-"'
'3rya nt
Melancon gets a cong r adulatorv hug from Demon Dan , after the
ls, Go l den (number eight seat) toppled number one seat
" Best hug of my life," said t elancon (photos courtesy of Noah
23 z 0 J •
30 °/o
Q\·erall, ho\\ did the team do this year 1n s tance and atb.tude 7
"We ha,·e done reall) ½'ell this year, and the tean1 1s finally commg together and v, ork1ng together It'-, been interesting ."
-junior Billy Martin
"'A'e :,tarted out really \•,;ell, then ,ve -,tumbled a bit, but \Ve are in the playoffs' We are finall) a team
-Junior Kurt Ma st
"Our young team really came together this year for a g-rea l season Our coach led us on a path to v1c ton· " •
-senior Chris Halley
Ca t ch That Ball!
A Mullen player is caught with hls pant do\vn, as sophomore Ryan Lutz lunge for the ball. Golden conquered Mullc, this year with a score of 15-8 " I pla, because 1t gives me something to live for to work for ," exclaimed iunior Mal Brune Grrrrrr!
Junior Aaron Bl use tackles the enerr, lviullen lnanaent tunes these players \VOul1 ha\e played to the death Aaron BJu,., sa1d,"We ha\ e a real brothe rh ood. It L'true team sport."
IBfflflding Demons
I - -., ..-
Date IOpponent Score 3/0 7/03 Boulder 13-6 3/1 1/ 03 Mullen 15-8 3/14/03 l Englewood 20-0 3/18/ 03 l Suffeild 3/ 20/03 Pomf ret 4/ 02/ 03 Gelo Aca 11--5 4/05/03 Wheat Ridge 11 -5 4/09/03 M onarch 15- 8 4/ 11 /03 Fort Co llins 5-16 4/ 14/03 Arapa h o e 44/ 1 6/03 Columbine 9-10 4/23/03 Kent Denver 6-14 4/2 8/ 03 Thunderridge 11-5 4/26/03 A Daw son 119 -1 4/29/03 , Overland 16 -3 I I I Final Record 11-4
I I\ I I\ , , 2W - --
Front Row Roy Banlhe, Ryan Powell , Chns Halley, Andrew Redmann , Justin Borin g, Luke Baruch Second Row: \fa Pantaleo,Matt Anderson, Coach Mike Thumim, Maneger J(jm Davis, Will Ca ntw ell, Tyler Baruch Third Row: Jo hn Tolsma , Bil Marhn, Wyhe Blumer, Gus Bridges, Ryan Lutz, Justin Stahmer Last Row Jason Stenseth, Aaron Bluse, Ryan Lewan, tv1att Brull! Chase Larson, John Bacon, Luke GilWand
I Rt!atl), \ im, Pire!
Fre"1hrn,1n \ s hlc, Jo hn s on \\'1nds up to make t he goal This yc tu Ashle} ,va -. one of the top scorers in var::.i t y lacrosse ' \"1~ hc1d ,1 rt•ally good season I he girls came t ogether as a tean1 .1nd n1,1de the year grcat ," rcplled 1unior Andrea ~\'e, tht>ad (photo by b Kelley)
Run for lt 1 Sophon1ore 1\.1allol"} Harnagle bounds up field Th i s vear Golden n,ade 1t to the finals , but lost 1n the first r ound to Sn,ok) Hill 8-16 Junior Alex verrastro sa id , 1 guess I lo, e being apart of a team The co m rade11 of i t all .'' (pho to by b Kelley)
Sna p s h o t A look b ac k on th e d e\ elopm e n t of th e team
\,'\ e did really wel I. !v f any of our seniors left, making this a building year for t he team Bu t "''e act u all\' did real!; ,,,ell and ,von • most of our games. ''
- sophomore Jessica Cras s
" \ Ve really came t ogether this) ear and ,ve ac t ually felt like a team We did much better thts vear ."-sopho m ore
SonJa Kapusta
" We did really ,veil. \Ve had a lo t of speed and n e\v a thletes came out. For all the ne,, pla, ers on the t eam, ,ve did really ,, ell "
-senior Jillian Durgan
i : rst ro , <;a rah Pinkernell, Ashley Johnson, Alex Verra s tro , Lacey Whitlach, Kel s e) Rodgers , Audrev Lyn c h , Kin, Finnie, Kathrvn Mathieu Second rov, • Maken2 1e Kreller, Soni a Kapu s ta, Tn s cha McGee Stephanie Smith, Dee 07bay , Gillian ,\ndcr-.on, Katie Macey , Erin C lough , Tina Von Roedern Thtrd ro\V Amber Corry , Haley Es trada, Er1ka Croonenburg s, AIL' i: lnleman, Cnca Barr, Sm1one Chapell , Ashley Noonan, Sun s hine Mors ette, Jill Durgin Fourth r o " Anel Blaken,an, K.:i) IL'~ B\'I. Lil) Brees e , Mallory Hamegal , Angela Lobach, Sarah Miller, Amy Nielsen, Nicole Nghiem, Je ss i ca Cra ss, Jackie \\ 1 lkt•1 F1tth ro,, Cheryl D ' Epangn1er, Abby Wagner, A n drea W es t head , Ke ndra Se>..ton, Coa c h Be c ky W o od , Co ac h l\an l.': )' Bilruch, Coach Larry Kahn, Coach Heather N1eh,e n , Carrin Adam s, Maggie Riodan, Abby Davis
Date Opponent I Sco r e 3 / 12/03 j Air Aca. 4 - 15 4/ 0 2/03 1 Wheat Ridg 7-6 4/ 04/ 0 3 Ralston Valle 12 -2 409/ 03 Columbine 6- 9 4 / 11/03 Steamb oa t 10-4 Wash ,ngto 11 12 4/16/03 Dakota R1 d9 e 13- 9 4/ 23 / 03 Green Mtn 13- 5 4/ 25 / 03 Wheat R idge 18-6 4/ 30/ 03 Ara p 5/ 02/03 I Smoky - 16 Final Reco rd 7-4 r;n,,g,dmg Demon5 I 3 0°/o 25
Track is highly physical sport, which con tain an assortment of different activities . These activities include : the high jump, shot put, discus, and numerous running a relaying even ts. Tra c k is coached by both Greg Holland and Al Talbot. Coach H olland h as been r unning track for 12 years Thi s yea rs
Coach Holland intensive traininghelped improve team scores, as well as their technique
Hand Off Sophomores Nicole Sedgeley and Shannon Meehan run a relay at a meet Sedgeley and Meehan 's relay team won theJeffco 10 League Relays . Meehan said, " Runrung is a challange, but very fun ."
Senior Melissa Ford puts all her strength into throughing a discus. " I think that track is a good sport because it helps you s tay healthy," s tated Ford (photo by B Kelley)
&afflflding Demons
Run Your Heart Out Sophomore Jenna Hodges and 1uruor Laura Ohn compete against O ' Evelyn 1n the D' Evelyn Quad Hodges said," When I am running , the only thing going through my 1s to s tay strong "(photo by B Kelley )
(photo by B Kelley)
26 30°/o ' ' ' • •
Ca t ch Me I f You Can Fres hman Matt Hatog and junior Ste\'e Phillips are p1ctur1ng th e finish lin e The} ran for the Jeffco 10 I eag u e at Jeffco S ta dium Golden came 1n 7 th at that meet " Alot o f schools are reallv good and beating them is great mohvat,on," sai d Plulhps (photo by B Kelle y)
Us ing all his energy to fini s h , junior Ste ve Plulhps Freshman Hollie Fra s er s aid , Track meet s wear me out , but they' re fun ." (pho t o by B Kelley )
Up , Up and A"-vay
Seruor Adam Hud son demon s trates the sktll ne eded t o make the high jump H i gh Jump 15 one of the many field e\•ents associa ted with track "Jumping 1s so mu ch fun, ' sai d Hud son (photo by B Kelley)
Fron t Roiv : Amy Bru a n , Anna Lee, Aoi Sorenson, Kelly Dalgetty, Taylor Romanowski, and Lau ra Olin Second Row : Britton !{u~~el, Jam es Darcy, Shannon Meehan , Coach Talb ot, Tamara Stu d avant, Melissa Crow, Brooke Agrodrua, and Jenna Hodges
1hud Row : Jessica Foyen, Mino So renson, Coach H olland, Coach Bolger, Coach S tud avant, Coach Walkinshaw, Nicole Rcs_nek, and Rhiannon Martin-Evans Forth Row : Jeremy Leitz, Nicole Sedgeley, Melissa M cEncr oe., S tepharue Sadler, Holly Frai~er, Melissa Ford , Josh Bald win, Erin Web e r, and James Wagner Fifth Row : Shane Tyslan, M arg ret S ta s hak , Katie Bruan, Overall Rank : 9th ~an Sm ith , Ryan Van d e r Brook, Nick N1ttolo, Matt Bl ain- H artung , Marcel S t adelman,Astin She lt on, and AJ S undby La s t Row : Da n e Benoy, Kyle Foyen , S teve Phillip s, Eli Martin , Sean Stokes., Kyle Sullivan, Sco tt Groe , Brenden Smi th, Austi n Shelton, and Adam Hu d so n
Date Compatition Pla ce 03-08-03 Bnghton Re lay 10th 03-29-03 Je ff co League Meet 8th 04-05-03 WindJammer Invite 17th 04-12-03 Berth oud Meet 14th 04-14-03 Ra ls ton Valley Invite 13th 04-15/ 16-03 Jettco 10 Re lays 7th 04-24-03 D' Evelyn Ouao 3rd 05-01-03 JeNco M eet 8th 05-08-03 Class 4A region 6 8th
27 t) ,, ) •
For the boys Yaristy sw im team of 2003, the accomplishments of the team \A. ere outstanding. One thing that the y s u cceede d 1n during the seaso n was making 1t to s tate Out of the 12 swi mmer s that participated thi s seaso n , four qualified for s tate The four boy s who repre se nted Golden High School were, juruors Taylor Burkn1an, Gregory Wil so n , Michael Gulsv ig, and se nior Andrew Peoples.
Stroking Away
Juruor Michael Gulsvig freestyles d\Jrin& practi ce and gives the camera a look 01 '!.vhat it 1s like to be out o f the water Sophmore DereckNelsonsaid," It's un. and it's defini t ely a workout! "
Taking A Br ea th Sophomore Matthev,, Vega 1s coming ur for breath dunng his freestyle strok1 Freestyle 1s said to be the easiest strokt: "S pli s hing and splashing 1s the way to go m S 'h 1mming," Michael Gulsvig said
I I 3/06/03 Englewood 180-W 3/06/03 Wheat Ridg e 80-L 3/15/ 03 , Columbine 100-L 3/15/03 ! Summit 1 100-w 3/29/03 I Dick Rush Invite 26-L 4/ 08 / 03 Jeffco Meet 7th I 4/12/03 l 0akota Ridge 102-W 4/18/03 Jeffco Invite I 82-L 4/26/03 1 Summit I 189-L I ! 5/02/03 I Lakewood \ 116-W 5/10/03 I ! Jeffco Leagu~ 1 Championshi s 20th Final Record N/ A ll'l'ftl'.l1d ingDemons 28 30°/o f• '1 • GOLDEN
-o )I!'.
Front Row Zach Flower, Oereck l\Jelson, Matthew Vega, Philhp Rappmund, Ken Clements, Taylor Burkman, Max Ken,vorth} Coach rvtathev. Warner, Brian Swanson, Michael Gulsvig, David Newman, Gregory Wilson, Andre'!.v Peoples.
Nun,be r o n e Junior Jordan Gaspa r d knows ho, 1t feels to be number one She placed first on the girls golf team and first team all-<:onference " I do golf because at as a lot of fun and it gets you exci ted for your louman,ent::.," said Gaspard {photo by B Kelle})
ew g ree n s fo r team s e,vcomer freshman Tiffany Collier has to admit golf has its up and do\·vns One do,vn ,vas the blizzard of \-larch, meaning that girls golf ,vas yet again postponed On the bright side, I am getmg to pla 1 a fun sport," said Collier (photo by B Kellv)
G1rls golf rules the greens for Golden High, v. htch 1s all thanks to fi, e gogettmg golfers The enhre girls golf team agrees that, "Golf is a great v. ay to get in\·ol\ ed in sports."
Whether making par or JUst dn\·1ng balls, this team ere ates a fun commohon Sophomore Jac1nda CroISsant said, "Golf Just seemed really fun and a good way to ge t to knov. other gir ls "These girls do not get that much attention, e, en v.•ith out it the} are surely golden
page by k. shultheiss
Coa ch Be cky C rozie r , Sa m a nth a Di s n ey, Tif fany Collier, Jo r dan Ga s pard and Jac inda C r o issa nt (nght ).
4 - 10 -0 3 J e ff co 4A 4 92 4-1 5-03 J e tf co Me et 50 4 4-2 1-03 Col umb i n e 257 4-24-04 4 A Jeffco 493 4-28-03 Ashley Fore 26 6 4- 30 -031 4A Fin als 455 I 5-05 - 03 4A Metro 352 Final Record 6th liJft'ffll!fflding D em ons I 30°/o 29 z tJ J •
In pr e paration for the 2003 socce r se a so n , the girls had intense co nditi o ning, w lu ch helped with impro ving on b a ll work, s h oo ting , and game s trategie s. " W e're here to get better, h ave fun , and prove o ur se lve s," sai d Sop h o mor e Brandy Cape llo . The girls socce r team went to the playoffs f or the fi r s t time in four years. " It f ee ls so good to finally ge t the respect we d eserve," sa id sop h o mor e Crys t a Walker
Take It
Seruor Anna Mangan throws the ball >nto the field for her t eammates to rec e ive
"We're all good friends, that is why we're so good We have beaut ful friendships beautiful like flowers ," said iuruor Lauren Armitage (photo by B Kelley)
Kickin' Ba ck I
Juruor Sarah Martinez takes possess1or. of the ball and heads up the field "It wa~ a grea t year and it will be sad to leave behind the people we've been so close to," said Martinez (photo b y B Kelley)
\ 3/ 8
3/3 1 2-0 4/1 8-0 4/f D' Evely n 0-0 Mon ;na 0 4" 1-3 Copiffi r 4-0 lifflllffll:iing Demons 30 30°/o 5 -~4 ·io ,. " • 13 ' ' 6 ' 1'J . °'
~at •16
Firs t row : Dani Harrung, Lauren Bolgart, Crys ta Walker, Dana Garrett, Johanna Crock, Ainsl ey Erickson, and Anna Mangan Seco nd row: Brianna Blair, Rayna Bryan, Brandi Cappello, Gwen Carey, Joanna Galioto, Elizabeth Ranfranz, and Coach Frat Rainsford T h ir d r ow: Megan Gabel, Brittney Meier, Lauren Armitage, and Sarah Martinez.
Go tor it
-'ophomore Emily Kolm hits the ball durng a match against Alameda 'The best I :,,1rt of tennis, is the friendships, ' said · <olm. (photo by 8. Kelley)
page by J. McLaughlin
Tennis is a sport that yo u must focus on If your not in 1t for good your not mat all. To help the girls stay focused is Coach Dick Byrne, who has been coaching girls tenn1 s for 15 years.This year, the girls tennis team went 4-6 with wins agams t Alameda,two hme s, and wins agamst Lakewood and Jefferson. This yea r s team was lead by se ruors Olga Mallet, Alyssa Pr1gel, Elizabeth Johnson , Emily Hopm And Katie Riordan . The seniors really pulled through for the team thi s year.
Hit That Juruor Christy tvioore sets her sel up for the shot Chnsl) ,vas one of fl\ e 1uruors on the team. "\\Then you are \vorkmg your hardest, you are at your best, said ~foore (photo by B Kelley)
Front Row : Jennifer Pridmore, Kahe Kelley, Melissa Kennedy, and Ali Watson Second Row : Katie Riordan, Megan Milan, 1 1nilv Kolm. Emily Everett, Mindy Parsons, Olga Mallet Elizabeth Johnson Third R ow · Alyssa Pn gel, S u san Lindsey, Cc,ach Dick Byrne, Coach Ken van der Laan, Emily Hopin, and Diana Sendg raff
Date O,Pponent S<!ore 3/ 12 Conl 2-5 3/ 26 Af 4-3 4/ 02 at Sulrta it 0-7 4/ 08 Rattan Va11 J 0-7 4/ 09 I Evergreen 0-7 4/ 10 @ En~1i-Nood -7 4 5 @ D' E ·l 4 / 16 Lake lllffll'1ding Demons I 30°/o 31 0
Finally the Go ld en Boys h ave a s ta t e championship titl e. Th e baseball team finished the year v-.ri th 17 wins and 2 loses It is only fitting for the seniors to have to missed their grad u ation to beat Mountain View twice in th e sa m e day . " Thi s was the best graduation present that we could have go tten," said senior Mark Melancon Congratula ti ons to you all.
Juruor Kyle Dobyns gets ready to s teal a base "Baseball requires a immense amount of hard work and ded1cahon," said Dobyns
Rea ch For It.
Senior Mark Melancon celebrates after getting the final out " 1 can't believe that I caught the ball," said Melancon.
lffllffl'lding Demons
32 30°/o
Good Job
Run Ljke the Wind
The team lifl!i senio r Luke Roberts up on their sholders Roberts pitched a to t al of 17 inrungs this season " Pitcher 1s my favorite po s1hon," said Roberts
Pitch Your Heart Out.
Senior DJ Franco pitches a great game Franco pitched a total of 18 innings this year '' Pitching is m} hfe," said Fran co (photo by L Ko ch)
Round The Bases
Junior Don Sutherland rounds the bases, heading for home '' Baseball i!- the funnest sport there is,'' said Suthl!rland.
Ready For Action.
Senior Sean Coughlin is ready to catch a pitch "I lo,·ed catching in the state championship gan1e," said Coughlin
Ba : k Row : Luke Roberts, Don Suherland, Jake Hiebert, K\ le Oobvns, Jord an Vecc.htarelh, Sean Coulgh1n, t-.f ark Melancon, 1 n<, R) an Baxter Second Row : Gino De Carlo, DJ Franco, Chad Sigg, Brad Madden, Enc 1v1ctvtaster, Jerry ~tadden, Tro) 'pahn. Fir<,t Roiv : A.nthony ~fauri, Jerem, I\Ja, arrete '\h ck Del'v1oulan, Joel Lockhart, l'vtark Seligman Cob, Gratton
45 1 Alameda 5·1 4.7 Jefferson 20·1 4 -9 Rals1on Valley 7-2 4 •11 Lakewood 16 15 4 12 Eltzabelh 16· 1 4 -14 Englewood 8-5 4 ·1 6 Evergreen 11 ·5 4-19 Conifer 15 •0 4 •21 Summit 7•0 4•23 o·evelyn 10·0 4 28 ThunderRidge 2-3 5-03 Westminster 14 •l 5·03 Lewis Pelmar 5.3 5 -09 Pine Creek 3-1 5-09 Mountain View 1-11 5-12 N1wot 7-3 5·16 T Jellerson 11·3 5•17 Mountain View 2·1 5-1 7 Mountain View 6-3 33
Jump in'
Daniel Schoger sails through the air over a 30 foot Jump Practice 1s wha t keeps you good at the sport. "I've tried riding before and 1t take s a lot of practice and concentration," said JUruor Bryan Sm.1th (photo by b. Kelley)
page by n. coronado
Don't try this at home
When a person hears the word sports or sport, they u s ually think of football or baseball. But there are other sports like riding bikes, freestyle snowboarding, and skiing.Not just th.e type of bike that you ride on your si dewalk , they are big bikes like a Suzuki RM 250. Junior Daniel Schoger said, " This vvould be my dream bike The performance is a lot better than all the other bikes ." Daniel has worked ve ry hard to get where he is today and still has not learned everything about the sport. Likewise , freestyle s nowboarding is a very tough s port '' Many people are pursuing the sport," said Spencer Mars hall, " Thi s is why it is so hard to make a name for yourself in this competitiYe sport." Both of these sports, while fun and extreme, can also be dangerous, so be careful. From hitting trees to eating dirt, this is why they call them ad venture s ports
I -·
w -----
In The Air Junior Corey Senf pops a wheelie at lus favonte track 1n Watkins A prepared course vvi.11 normally be a little wet, but not soaked, for less dust "A well prepared track 1s always more fun to nde on," said Juruor Corey (photo by b Kelley)
, Free Fallin'
' .. .. ...
Spencer Marshall flips m the air wlule 1ump1ng over a car Many people enJO\ I adrenaline rush they get from freestyle boarding "I'd rather be doing tricks rail than JUSt gomg with the mountain, " said Spencer (photo by b Kelley)
A Nig ht Among the Stars
Sadies 1s a dance that breaks trad1hon. Tradition being guys asking girls, but Sad1es is backwards . Most girls
lo\·e the idea of asking boys and the guys do not nund Sophomore Neil Burnett said, " I like not ha, ing to pay for e,•erything." But here comes a conflict so me girls dont like to pay " I like asking guys to Sadies, but guys should still pay," said fre shman Ally Knight \i\Then the rught arrived, all was resolved Many people were on the dance floor , some Just sa t around , and others co uldn ' t pull themselves away from the refreshment table The theme this year \\' as A Nzght Anzong the Stars Some people did not like so mething about Saides " They s hould have played slower songs and gotten a different DJ," said seruor Gino Decarlo . But some people loved Sadies. " Eventhough people did not like Sadies, 1t was still a great night/' said Bnttany Granquist
The Flirt Senior Arik DeVelder chats with 1umors Jeruufer C,1lbert ,1nd Lisa ~fclaughlin Sad1es ,-vas held at the DenYer ~ler handise ~tart. " I'm glad I got to take the love of m} hfe, Josh Pelt to:,ucha beautiful place," said freshman Cheryl Ward
"' ~shio nab l e. Senior Sean Coughlin impr~•c;sl~~ his fellow classmates ,v1th his clas.-.y" apparel " The best part was the free dinner,"said seruor Kevin King
IBnding Demons I 30 °/o 35
So Pr e tty. Freshman Ce1rra Smith and 1umor Tiffany San ders dance the night away "Sadies \\.as fun , J had a blast," said Cierr a
by S. Ta/by & A. White
The junior raft trip has been around for many years and is a great tradition at Golden High School. Itis a great way to get to know some fellow classmates. N ecessary items to bring are lotion, lip balm, extra shoes, a jacket, and a towel. Junior Ashley Clement exclaimed, '' I loved going on the raft trip. It was fun and exciting. I challenged myself in new ways and I ' m a junior!"
C l os e up Juniors Stephanie Sadlers, Katie Gradquist,Katte Braun, Sunshine Morsettte pose for a pcture Junior Katie Braun stated, "I loved rafting I got to be with my friends and also complain for three days stra1ght1"
Lad y Rafters Juniors Brtiney Myers, Emily E\ erett, A Ilysa Cuchiara, Ashley Clement, Brandy Wegscheider, Sarah Martinez, And Allison Frsot take tin1e to take a picture. Juruor Megan Wood\vorth said, "The trip v. as really a\~-esome E, er:rone, supnsingly, got along really ,vell."
The students of trip one smile for the camera Le\ i Koch stated, "The best part of the tnp was \vhen Mrs Cook capts1zed the boat because it just spun and had no control."
lll'fflllding D em on s I
Allison Frost, Allyssa
Ashley Clement, and Sarah Martinez stop for a p i cture Molly Morva} exclauned, "l wanted to go on the trip because 1t was a good excuse to get out of school, but iust didnt ha, e the hme or energy t o go "
Smile Big
Strike A Pose
Megan Gabel, Brandy We1gsche1der, Emily E, erett,
Acting Out
Jn the play Bye-Bre B1rd1e, senio r s Kyle J1auser and 'ick Fauble have a great rune "This play "as my mo s t fa, onte out 01 all the plays I ha, e been in over the years.'' s,11d v le
page by n. perisho
Bye - Bye Birdie and As You Like It.
The s pring play ttu s year were As You Like lt and Bye-Bye Birdie
Bye-Bye Birdie is a s tory about love, mistru st and lots of mu s ic . It all s tarts out vvith when a ro c ks tar named Conrad Birdi e ts se nt to the Vietnam War . Unfortunelty lus manger Albert Peterso n and girl friend R ose Alverez have to pay his commission So the) write a s ong, which Conrad ha s to s mg to a random girl. The girl chosen is Kun Ma ca fr ee a swee t apple from Oluo, ¼' ho se in for a s upr1 se when Conrad ha s ki ss her before he lea, es mto the army. " I belive that thi s ¼-as a really excellent play It had a little bit of e\·ery thing from sex, rockm ' rolt lo, e, and drama ," sa id Kevin Shu lth eiss. A s You Like It is a corned} by William Shakespeare, which the cas t was, ery good 1n As You Like It is about famtl y Fuedmg, love , and of corse marnage " I lo, ed the c omedy of this play," sai d so phomore Marrue William s.
Deep in Character.
nth~ p la\- As You Like It, sen 1or Cory ..,\!-;ho rn and Junior Dan G ifford are actng ou t a ver y emotional scene " Fa rev, ell ;enoi r lo, e Farev.-ell mon sevir "elanco ly,'' quoted Dan
On The S t age
Se nior Stua rt Bell and 1uruor Bnttan y Wangsness ac t their hearts out1n th e play
As You Like It S tu art said,'' I n this pla} it was real!} fun hme, Angela was a real! } fun co-ac tr ess And the clothes were a really really fun t o •vvear "
liJll'Pliing Demons I 30°/o
• •
ughingitup 5eru·or
M rle;yliD ltall\e. ethekel "saidM across the t ennis cou rt. ll • 1
t's mine ophomore Ryan Sprakling_tuns mi-second faster than his La1tcew ood pponent.
,vay I
Crou chin g Tiger Senior Jennifer Pridmore c rou ch es into pos ition to catch any ball flying her
Nicak De~iobn plays lu s trumpet at one of the entertaming half- tune s hows. "I love
" Football
D a n c in g Q u ee n
Seruor Alyssa C u chiara dances at this year's H omecoming a sse mbly '' I love to dance, " said Alyssa
In Step
t o perform in front of the croivds," s aid DeMolin
II the Wa y
liuo r Luke Ne lson rushes his way down the field
ts a great way too have un," ~aid Nelson
The 2003 Golden football t eam stuck together to be a better t eam even th ough they had a coup l e bumps in the road.This year Golden ended up the season with a 3-5-0 record This year was a great season for the rebuilding purpose of the team, after losing a l arge numb er of seniors l ast year " I feel that throughout th e season we had a lot of obs t acles t o overco m e and by the end of the season we defined what a real team is," Sky Wilk said
Score Card
Us Th em Greeley w est
20 G Mountain 7 23 Thunderridge 12 42 .,.,.. Wheatridge 15 14 Arvada 20 0 R Valley 20 46 Hinkley 20 41 Littlenton 20 9 Lakewood 20 34 Gateway 20 23
.! • • Gotta Get It Seruor Da n Sau n ar goes after t h e q u a rte r back 1n the Rals t on Va ll ey game " Th e season s ta rt ed really slow bu t no m a tt e r wha t ,ve still s tu c k togethe r," sai d Saunar Sau n ar e n ded the season v.•1th 39 tackles and 2 sac ks
wnnffl'i11ng Demons
Tak e it Down
Senior T} ler Baruch makes the last tackle agamst Green Mountain finishing thL game "1th a total of se\ en tackles
Baruch ended the season \vith 47 tackles in only 9 games
So m e b ody S t op Me
Senior Beau Drexler breaks through a tackle in the Green Mountain game. Drexler ended up with the most rushed yards on the team \-.·ith a season total of 310 ·Weare a great team but ,-.•e don ' t ah-.a}S play to our full potential, '' Matt Brune said
Go D e ep
Senior Karson Pike looks for a long pass after the snap.''We had alot of empty spots to fill in, but,._ e still had ::-ome big players that really stepped up for the team," Pike said
Baru ch on Fir e
Se n ior Tyle r Ba r uch had an exceptional season b y m aking 53 tac kl es and 3 sacks Bar u ch also had 39 rushing yardc; and o n e t ouch do\.vn, s h o,v1ng that he can a lso p lay offe n se.
Tak e Hi m D o wn
Senior tvl ark Seligman takes dO\.\'n a plave r hke he al\.vays did throughout the season "The t eam this year had more determination A lot more people this year \.VO r ked hard sho,v1ng their ,vinn1ng sp1n t," senior Kyle Dobyns said.
41 I I , If 0 1 L I,)
Winning di s trict and going on to s tate playoffs was a great accompli shment for the Demons varsity s oftball team, and it show e d their hard work and determination to s ucceed . The Demons' team s tarted off with a bang, winning 5 of their fir s t 6 games. From then to th e end of the regular se a so n , they went on a rocky road by winning only 6 of their la s t 13 games. " W e s tart e d off s trong but then we kinda... dived down, until the di s tri ct games," sai d so phomore , Kathryn Maloney.
After a s hakey season , the team went to di s tricts with their head s still high and ready to play. " We were really great, we never gave up," s aid s ophomore, Marty Gillis. The team won all their games at di s trict including the # 1 see ded team to win 4A di strict. The team lo s t in s tate but had a great seas on . " We did a lot better than las t se a so n ," sai d so phomore
Amber Curry . Us Them Durango 3 0 Delta 2 9 Montrose 4 0 Gunnison 7 1 Scottsbluff 6 3 Windsor 14 4 Thompson 4 8 Mountian View 4 6 Alameda 10 0 Conifer 0 5 D Evelyn 8 3 Evergreen 3 4 Englewood 2 1 Jefferson 23 0 Ralston Valley 0 8 Elizabeth 3 1 Summit 8 2 Lakewood 0 5 Lutheran 0 7 &a,lnjing Demons 42 40 %
RBI Ma chine
Here seruor Jen Pridmore takes an aggresi ve s,v1ng at a smoking fastball Pridmore had 17RBI'sm63 at bats this season "I think I did really good, but 1t is really hard being a seruor and having to leave the team," said Pndmore.
(back): Amber Curry, Nicole Goergen , Ta,vny Drexlar, Kim Davis, H ailey Estrada (middle) Jenrufer Pridmore, Dana Garrett, Coach Tom Peterson , Coach Mark Bollinger, Lisa Grantano Stacey Martinez (front). Cahe Granquist, Kathryn Maloney, Marty Gillis, Elysa Goldman
3 Strikes You're Out
Junior Stacey Martinez sho\VS her amazing pitch tactic as she" inds up to throv,•. Martinez had 75 stnkeouts this s eason "Stacey got us through a lot of games," said iuruor Dana Garrett
It's a Dnve
Juruor Hailey Es tTada take s a po\verful S\\ring as she dri\-e s the ball Hailey had 18 hits season " When Hailey is focused she 1s determined to \Vin," said seruor Lisa Grantano.
Freshman Ta\vny Drexler takes a good lead off second base Ta\vny \,·as the only freshman on this year 's team "Ta\Vn} 1nproved a lot this season ,'' said senior Catie Granquist
What a play
Here sophmore Kathryn Maloney shows her quick feet making a play lo her right Maloney had a total of five s tol en bases this season "Kathryn is a really good athlete," said senior Elysa Goldman
Here Juruor Nicole Goergen make a greatstTech to make the out at first base Goergen played tn 15 of the team ' s 18 regular season games " I think I did prett} good this season and I also learned a lot, " said Goergen
1, 2,
Volleyball is a spo rt of concen tra hon and determinahon . Seven players try to conquer other team s through well formulated play and tah c5. Volleyball pla ye r s work hard during practices, which prepares th e players for the energy drauung games. But all that hard work doe s not s top the se girls " I like the wa y every girl became friend s with each other and be ca me a team ," sa id junior Maggie Riordan With each victory the team got s tronger and more determined to win It takes skill and perseve rance to become as talented as the girls became .
I ' <>
r, ..W.: • - -.--Us Them C lear Creek 0 3 Lakewood 0 3 Resu rr ec ti on 0 3 Estes Park 1 3 S t M ary's 3 1 Peak to Pe ak 3 0 Fa1rv1ew 0 3 M anual 3 1 Eaglecrest 0 3 Englewood 3 1 Evergreen 0 3 Jeffer son 3 0 Alameda 3 0 R alston Valley 0 3 Conifer 1 3 Deveyln 2 3 Eli zabeth 3 1 Summi t 1 3 Pin e Creek 0 3 Thomas 1 3
Hit it Up
Adams C1 3
Senior Connie Arti ca gets read\ set the ball " r like playing \ ·olleyball bec ause all the girl s became good friends," said Connie
Demons 0
44 40 °/o \
Top Row · Margaret Riordan, Chnshe Charles t on, Coach Lucas, Blakelee Ivhdyett, and Kn shna Wood M i ddl e Ro w : Kay le, B)l Kirsten Slutten, Morgan Dougherty , Jaffan1e Ruble and Samantha D1sne) Bo tt o m R ow : Co nnie Artica, Alex Davis. and Brandi Cappello
Let's Get S tart e d
Sophomore Jaffan1e Ruble throv,·s the ball up for the first serve of the game.
" \'olleyball gh·es n1e an easy chance to be competeth•e ," said Jaffanie
lJp in t h e A ir
Sophomore Alex Davis hit, the ball for the \\' in " I like the \,•ay \ olleyball is played ," said Alex
G i v in g it a Go
Junior Brandt Cappello try::, to save the ball " l ' m going to miss the girls the most I really made some great friends this, ear," said senior Christie Charleston
Getting Prepared Junior Morgan Doughert) stre t chs before the game "I like\ olle\ ball because of t he rush i t gt\'es me," said Morgan
C el e brati on
The \ olleyball team celebrates after a \\ 1n ' \'ollevball 1s the best sport e\ er ," said sophomore Kirsten Slutten
45 l .J
Back ro w : Kelsey Scall\ M,.r1na Casterson, and Alie Barnes Third row:
is Br andi Cappe llo, Sydney Serngneur, l ocelyn MadelaineZup¥\, H arris, and Rochell e Roldan
Second row: Me lanie scohy, As hl y Twiford, Jaffanie Ruole, Lisa Car, H osanna Sumatku.
Front row: Jenna Rimbert, Lisa Mclaughlin Dani $ykora,Co llee n M o r a l es, .Krisbe H agb e r g 11 and Maggie McC r eary
What did the Golden Cheerleaders think about the squad this year?
Junior Brandi Cappelo stated , " Better than we have been for a while ." Others have different views of how things went. "We 've been through a lot this year but it brought us closer together and made us stronger as a team ," said Junior Maggie McCreary
I I ' _ I J \ I / \
-~ ng D e mons 46 40°/o i
Sophomore Yolonda Sumaiku is raised high above the others for maximum cheerinb
Kodak M o m e nt
Freshman Lauren Dav1dson is enjoying dancing on the team. Sarah Picon said, "I think our best performance this year \Vas the Homecoming spirit assembly.''
Wh i p It! Wh i p It G ood !
Juruors Lyndz1 F1onno, Charli Hogan and sophomore Ashley Gray steal the sho,"' at the Homecoming Assembl} Kendra Pros said "It s a lot of fun being a Tndette." These girls 1,vork hard at their routines , and 1t sho,vs \vhen they __ perform .
Pr ac ti ce M akes
P e rfec t
... a nd p e rfec t th ey a r e. Th e Trid e tt es tea m thi s yea r h as d o n e a fant as ti c job s hrrm g up sc h oo l spirit. Th ey h a,,e s ho w n th a t tl1 ey ar e n ot a ll p o rn-p o rns an d s kirts, but the y ½'O rk ve ry h a rd a nd a r e ex tr e m e ly de d i ca ted to thi s s p o rt. A lo t o f swea t a nd bl oo d go es into th e ir r o u t in es.
" Duri n g o n e o f our r ou tin es, I sc r a p e d my kn ee," sa id 1un1o r C r ys ta W a lk er. Go lden Hi gh Sc h oo l is pr o u d to h a,·e such a fin e g r o up of girls, ch ee ring on Go lden Hi g h Sch oo l 's a thle t es
liJlffl'.llj in g D emon s I 40 °/o 47
Hold Up
During half time at the game against GrE>en lountam, senior Kathryn 'lv1athe1u spices 1t up for the cro\\·d " Being on the team made me put more effort into things 1nclud1ng school." said Mathe1u
R ock On Senior Jake Hansen rocks out the assembly, \Vhen the Jazz team had boys join m on their dance Tlus was the second }ear\vhen boysiomed the Jazz team for Homecoming "I liked \-Vhen I got to shake m} sass-v butt," Jake added
What has been your most memorable moment on the Jazz Dance Team?
"My most memorable moment on the team is when we were at camp and we all really stared actinng like a team for the first time "
Amy Hartman. 11
''The Homecoming assembly was really exciting so I would have to say it was my most memorable moment."
Allison Frost, 12
"When we do the 'circle of prayer, is the best part of camp " Brandi Wegsche1der, 12
liffllQl~ng Demons
- --r-----~ _,__ ' -
Ba ck Row : Jessie Stelhru, Megan Gabel, Alyssa Cucluara, Brandy Wegsche1der, A.lhson Frost, Kathryn Mathieu, Ashhegh Adan
Front R ow: Amy Hartman, Kendra Warren, Lauren Hall, Danielle Crevlmg, Trina Gabel, Ana Romano, Moll) Wright
" Oh, s ay can y ou s ee "
Freshman H ilary Corsi and sophmore Amanda Archey sing as they prepare for their meet " We had to work so hard", reported freshman Kel:sey \l\1 amer
De e p Breath
Sophomore Melissa Kennedy goes for a difficult stunt on the balance beam . Coach Vanessa Joiner said, "\'\1e have come a long ,;vay sinse the first practice of the season "
Wh a t a seaso n gymn as h cs h as h a d this yea r Th ei r tea m h as b ee n wo rkin g so h a rd to m ake thi s yea r th e b es t. Th e ir acco mpl is hm ents a r e o ut s t andin g an d th e ir wo rk e ff o rt is unb e li evea bl e. Th ese gir ls work so h a rd t o p e rfo rm an d m a k e th eir sc h oo l pr o ud . " Tlus seaso n was h a rd but th e wo rk payed o ff," sa id sophrno r e A manda A r ch ey." This seaso n w as so mu ch fun a nd th e girls we r e so aweso m e,"
M e li ssa Kenn e d y Coach D an e ll Dittbrenn e r sa id , " Th e t ea m see m s to h ave co m e t oge th e r ove r th e co ur se o f th e seaso n " Th e Go ld en Hi g h Sc h oo l gy mn as h cs te am ha s d e finit el y flipp e d o t1t thi s seaso n m their acco mpli s hm en ts
Vars i ty Gymn astics
Golde n Quad 132. 00 !
Evergreen Quad 141 65 Golden Qua d 153 12 A Nada west Quad 163 .5 0 No rt hgle nn Invite 164 7 2 Golden Quad 140 .30 Green Mtn Quad 159 37 Sum m it Invit e 167 37 Chatfield Invi te 160.37 S tandleylake Quad 175 15 JeffCo League M eet 168 15 49 ., _
ac: k Row : Kelsey Warner, Melissa S1 pes, coach Vanessa Joine r, Amber Da,·1dson, coach Danell 01 ttbrenner, Iris Dav1dson,Mehssa ,enn~d', Midd l e row · Hilary H uff, Joree Rempel-Weiss, Hilarv Co rsi, Michelle Kilmek Fron t R ow: An1anda Archey
The Yars1ty socce r team thi s yea r lS a g r e at t ea m that loved to play an d wo rk h ard. 2003 was one of the better years fo r th e Go l de n socce r t eam since coach C h ad Re id joine d the p r ogr am nine yea r s ago, no t 1ust bec au se o f the a ll the goo d players m the team_, but b eca u se o f w h a t they accomplished. Go l de n ende d th e season wi th a 12-4-0 record and a t o t a l of 62 g o a ls and 124 saves. "The sec r e t for th e good season we h a d was because o f h a r d p r actice, grea t tea m ch e mistry, t alen te d p l aye r s as we ll as excellent se ru o r Jeadership," coac h Reid sai d At fir s t , th o u g h , th e
D emo n s l1ad a t oug h s t a rt, dr o p p in g a d is h e artening game to ri va l Wh ea t Ridge 2- 1 A ft e r thi s game, everyt hing ch an g e d beca11se t h ey won run e games m a r ow. Bec au se o f a ll th e g a m es t h ey wo n m a r ow, t h e t e am was a bl e t o go t o th e pl ayoffs bu t los t th e second r o und again s t Ni wo t H ig h Scoo l 3-1.
Score Card
~ling Demons
-- - II\ ti ,~ --.,
M V IEW 1 2
NIW OT 1 3
Out o f M y Wa y
Juruor Ryan Beehler is a starter again for the second year in a row, after havm a good season last year wi t h the varsity team "Vasity is \-vhat it 1s all about," said Beehler
50 40 °/o
Th i rd row : C Hinnen, S Phillips, I Lan ier, Coach Chad Reid, M oulton, T Carson Middle row : M Garre t, N A l-Za) e r, D Sweesey, T H untsman, S King, M Hartung, S Sn,ith. First row:~ Coronado, R Beehler, R. Sprackhng, E Lyman , R. Clarkt' R Klucik.
Goin g Deep
Seruor Steve Phillips sho\vs his mo, es on the field "To see our fans evef} game ,vas one of the reasons of why we played so good this year," Phillips said
Onl y Mine
Juruor Derek S\veesy is a great tern player, as vvell as a very talented player. "The most memorable moment \Vas \vhen \Ve beat Le....,·is Palmer 3-2, and e, ery body rushed onto the field," said Sv.rees,
C oming Throu g h
Juruor Tommy Huntsman takes the ball all the \.Vay to the net to score a goal agarnst Pomona "I had a great passing t eam and that's"" hy ¼-'e were all able to score a lot," Huntsman said
Anti c ipation .
Junior Rud, Kluc1k 1s a de f ender for the team a nd did not le t any goals t o be sco r ed "De f ender 1s my fa, o r ite postton," sa i d Kl u cik
Under Control
Ju n ior Ian Lanier sho,vs that he can rea ll y make a difference on the Golden soccer t eam Lanier fi.rushed the season with 10 goals and eight assists. "Soccer 1s my anh-drug," said Lanier
.Jg l itp
Out of all the sports available at GHS , why did you choose cross co un try?
sop hm ore
Anna Lieb
"Why n ot ch oose a s p or t w h ere yo u run un t il d eat h see m s t o b e a di s t i n c t possabili ty! Ac u all y, it kind of gr o ws o n yo u ."
sop hm o r e
Margare t Stas h ac k
" I ch ose cross co untry b eca u se it d oes n o t r eq u i r e any coo r d in a ti o n w h a t soeve r !"
sop hmo r e Arial D e m e r es t
" I ch ose cr oss co untr y to b eco m e and stay h ealthy."
The cross country team this year put forth so much effort The team made Golden High School proud at all their meets Coach Chris Colucci and Coach Greg H olland are very pleased with th e outcome of this year's meeets Coach Holland stated," The season was very successful wi th Anna Lieb leading the girls with the top 5 hn1shes in most races and Tyler Pennel for the boys Bo t h qualified for the state meet getting their bes t times, and Anna placing 13th at state " Not only has th is team proved tha t cross country is an extremly difficu l t sport, bu t that it can be fun as well All members of the cross country team shou ld be ve r y happy with their perfomances this season.
liffll'lhling D e m o n s
Ch eerin g on th e T e am ! Seruor Brenden Smith and Junior Randi Zimmerman watch their team~ mates race after their finish Coach Colucci said, "They all ¼'Ork hard and deserve to \Vtn "
_ __ Ill "",~ I
52 40°/o I
Ba ck row : Coach Colucci, David Newman, Tyler Pennel, Mike Guls\ ig, Margare t Stashak, Kyle Sullivan, Brenden Snuth, Kyle Clark, and Coach H olland Front row : Sophie Van DeWeghe, Anna Lieb, Kelsey Mcisaac, Troy Seate, Ashley Lewis, Ariel Demerest, Alex Ho,ves, Derrick Ochre1ter, and Randi Zunmerman
G oin ' f o r th e Go ld ! Sophomore Ariel Demerest sho,vs what cross country is all about Seruor Sophie Van DeWeghe s tated , " I lo\"e c ro ss co untry It keeps me from getting bored "
C hillin ' O ut
Sophomore Tyler Pennel take s a r est after running a great race Pennel s tat ed, " I am always pr etty tired after th e meets"
S plis h i n ' and S pla s h i n ' So phom ores AnnaLieb, Mar gare t S ta s hak, Anel Demerest, and 1un1or Randi Zunmerman splash their \vay to the finish lme Sopho m ore Ashle} Le\-\ 1s sai d , "Cross co untry 1s Just my kind of sport."
Leap of Faith
Junior David Newman give 100 per ce n t a t a cross country mee t Newman commented , "C ro ss coun try gives me s omething to do with my s pare hme "
Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbitl
Sophomore Margaret S ta s hak s tretches before the meet. Junior Kyle S ulll\ an explained , " If you don ' t s tretc h first, you have no c hance of winning "
page by T.Schmittel
Stnke a Pose
Sophomore Zach Bresler get lus picture taken at this year's s tate conferenct- Bresler took second team All conference " It makes me feel good because I reall) feel hke I helped th e t eam," said Bresler
Smi l e for the Came ra, Seruor Brad Va1voda tak es a tune out a t the state tournament Va1voda took fifth place ' O\'erall and fi r st team All Conference " I love to golf," commented Va 1· uda
Some people don ' t know much about golf For those who play it, golf has turned out to be a pretty fun s port. Juruor Luke Baruch sai d , " I like golf because you can relax and it's a fun s port." Others look m ore closely to their scoring Fre shma n Mark Ketchum said, '' My be st score \\'as an 83 and I won $20 and it made me feel good " All mall the golf team did well tlus year.
, Score Card
Foothills 359 4
We s t woods 344 3
Spring valley 325 2
The meadows 331 4
Ind ian tree 324 2
Heritage 344 4
I - I l\ I , \.
-~ ng D emon s 54 40°/o ( • I
Ba c k rovr C Bianchi, L Valerius, M Ketchum, M Van De Bogart, B Va1voda, L Baruc h , Coach M Homecker Front ro\-v : G Bo llinger, K Lewi s, Z Bresler , A Ranfranz, B Vall
Ba ck Io Yo u ~cv'.n ~a! lag h e r re tu rn s a serve d u ring a ma t ch a t D' Eve ly n . Kevin fi n is hed th e yea r w ith fi rs t tea m all -co n fe rence honors.
Get Th e re
Freshmen Keith \,\,ood gets the ball .it ,1 match "This program i s fun," s,ud sophomore Austin Sh~lton
Wha c k It
Junior Gre} C,uc;taf,on whack-, the b.111 at a match The best part about this season \\ as scaring Kennedy at their ma t ch,' said Grev •
Th e t e nru s tea m thi s yea r h a d o ut s ta ndi ng r es ul ts Teo D ev it o an d Trevo r Ne lso n, the num ber o n e d o u bles team, qu al ifie d for th e s ta te t ou rn a m e n t and p lace d fifth O\ era 11. Mr . Di c k By rn e, Go ld en H ig h Sch ool's t e nn i s coac h , said th e m os t improve m e nt thi s seaso n \•vas, " th e overa ll qua li ty and d e pth o f th e tea m "
T h e tea m thi s year see m ed t o co m e toge th e r to compete a nd wm m a n y m a tc h es. Th ey did we ll rep r ese ntin g tl1eir s ch oo l each tim e th ey pl aye d , th ey pl aye d h a rd a nd stri ve d to b e b e tt e r By th e e nd o f th e seas on, a tot a l of nin e pl ayer~ r eceive d a ll co nfe r e n ce h o n o r s. N umb e r o n e s in g les pl aye r Kev in Ga ll ag h e r, numb e r thr ee s in g les And y H a nn e m an an d th e numb e r tw o doub les tea m o f Phihp Roge r c;; a nd Au s tin Sh e lto n le d th e li s t with fir s t te a m h onors. Fin i shin g w ith seco nd tea m h o n o r s w e r e numb e r thr ee s in g les Ma t t Ga lla g h e r, al o n g with D ev it o a nd Ne lson. N umb e r th ree d o ubl es G rey G u s t af son a nd Kei th W o od fini s hed th e season with h o n o rabl e m e nti o n h o n o r s.
Score Ca rd
Final Team Re s ult s
A rvada Win 7- 0
Al a m e d a w i n 7-0
Conife r w i n 5-2
D ' Evely n win 6 - 1
Eve rg reen l oss 3- 4
R als ton Valley loss 2 -5
O n T a rge t
En gle w ood wrn 7 - 0 "
Al ameda wrn 7-0
D ak o ta Ri d ge win 5 -2
S t and ley Lake w i n 7- 0
K en n edy Invi t e 2n d
R egio n a l s 3 rd
S ta t e 13th
• '
Todd Wall1s, h alfof t henu m be rf ourdouble~ t cam \v 1th
A l
I, I J
An dr ewNark 1e\v1cz, hf t sa s h otd uringaho m ema t c h \v1th
After s tarting the seaso n kind of rough, the Golden Demons varsity ba s ketball team mana ge d to s li ck together as a r e al team and pi cke d up the pace, fini shmg the regular seaso n with a 9-10 overall record . " We ha ve had a diffi cult non- co nference sc h ed ul e, w hich ha s prepared u s for the t1pcoming league games in which I think we will do a goo d job," said Coach John Ander s on. Alan Mangan made a good co ntribution to the team after sco ring 252 points out of the 960 points that the team made thi s seaso n . He al so was the s tronge st player und e r the backboard, recove rin g 114 rebounds . " We ar e a ve ry good d efen s ive team with the best average in the 4A conference, as we l l a s a good offense, but it still needs a little more co n s i s tency, " said Ander s on .
After sconng 23 points, and recovenng 4 rebounds in the Engle,-vood game senior Alan Mangan end up the season with more than 200 p1onts and almost one hundred rebounds . " It was a fun season, especially ,v hen league s tarted because I knev.i that the team \VOuld do \Vell," Mangan sa id
I '
., Us Them Palmer 52 57 Ponderosa 0 0 Mountain V 63 31 Littleton 43 67 Cibola , N M 60 69 Santa Rita AZ 47 80 Pi tt Meadows 53 43 Bradshaw M 58 53 G reen Mtn 27 39 Mitchell 59 60 Wheat Ridge 55 47 Summit 47 33 Alameda 40 55 Englewood 63 47 Elizabeth 60 45 Jefferson 54 47 R Valley 59 6 1 Evergreen 43 67 Jeffers on 45 46
..Score Card
Re ach in g High
Summ it 53 Englewood 46 Pueblo Cty 40 36 37 67
56 I
Back row· Coach John Anderson, Ja son Nye, Cole Hinnen , Mtke Van De Bogart, Ryan Baxter, Jason Ho ck, Be n Jenkins, coach (11 1 Kelley Front r ow Karson Pike, Sean Stokes, Brent Wegshe1der, Sean Smi th , S teve Phillips, Alan Mangan.
Keep Awa y
Juru or Mike Van De Bogart \Vent strong on the season \\ 1th more than 160 points and 30 rebounds " I'm thankful for our an,azmg fans and league\ventgreat," Van De Bogart sa id
Go Long
For being a first ttn,er on the varsity team,sophomore Jason N} e contributed a lot to his team as \\ ell as himself.
Sen ior Steve Phillips backpeddles as he prepares to pla)' defence ''The most exatlng thing abou t the season 1s that i m the seanior and i'm incharged of the court and\\ e made the playoffs so 1t\\.·ent good" Phillips said.
Threadin g th e Needle
After playing 15 games, sophomore Ja son Nye said that after having a slo\V season they s tu ck together as a lean, and made a better league at the end Nye 1s a very strong defender as \vell as a team player firu s hmg \Vtth 40 recovered reboundc:; and 15 a ssis tances
Double Team
Seruor Ryan Baxter played hie; first year for the vars ity team for GHS and \\aS always strong on defense Overcoming the young age of the team, R} an ended the se a son \\'ith a total of 60 rebounds, 19 s t eals, and 9 blocks
page by: a. williams
The GHS Girls Varsity Basketball team had an awesome season . Coach Jenny Cook led the team through all their great victories against mighty opponents. They work hard in al l the i r practi ce s, which helped them to win the district championship game. There were onl y two seniors on the t eam, captains A.J. Jartl<oviak and Sunshine Mars ette . These two have been a big part of the team and have been excellent pla y ers throughout this season. By their execllent game playing skill s, the team led themse lves to be t h e Jeffco Di s trict Champions of 2004 In turn, thi s led them to the 4A St ate Tournament, which the team fought h ard and tough but lost 45 - 47 to Harrison High School in the first round. Congratul ations to your 2003 - 2004 season.
,, 1 /\ 1t , ,
;,n-..r' ..... ., --......" -M Manual 65 31 Mountain View 58 62 Palmer 47 55 Denver East 53 56 Northndge 57 52 Bear Creek 51 53 Hinkley 64 90 Green Mountain 42 36 R anum 46 31 Arvada 39 45 Summ it 61 55 Alameda 49 26 Englewood 42 39 Elizabeth 40 24 Jefferson 45 22 Ralston Valley 36 33 Evergreen 17 39 Conifer 43 41 D Evelyn 42 33 Evergreen 34 49 T Jefferson 57 40 Harrison 45 47 Make It In Sop h on1o re Blakelee Midye tt 1um ps h ig h and s h oo t s fo r th e b as ke t t o ge t an o ther po in t for th e tea m aga in s t Je ff erso n and helped th e m in \Vi nnin g the gam e " Th1s ¥. a5 a n inc re d ib l e season. W e are i n d e bt to ar e se n1 ors,A.J an d Sun shine, vv ho c rea t e d thi s p rog ra m \.·\'e see to da y. Th e) ' ll b e m isse d " sai d Mid y ett &IJ'ffl'!lling Demons Fro n t row
58 40 %
e, AJ Jank
Vl a k , Ca rla Eckb e r g, Marn G1lh s, and
lviallory Harn ag el. Back r ow Li sa Grantano,
ag gi e Ri o rd a n , Jess ica C ra ss, Bl a kelee
ye tt , Coac h Je nn y Coo k
Sc or e
Seruor Sunshine Morsette goes to make a ba..,ket to help her team get more point, "All our hard work and dedicahon paid off and \Ve had a great season," said Marsette
Go Fo r It
Junior Carla Ekberg keeps her eyes on the ball and the Summit player to try to get the ball av~ a} " \i\ c \\/Orked hard, had fun and accomplished a lot. " '-aid Ekberg
Wat c h Out
Senior AJ Jankoviak looks for a ._afe pass to another teammate so the other team does not get to clo'>e to taking the ball. "This ts the best -.ea on in hventy - eight years I think \\ e did a great job," said JankO\. 1ak
Don ' t Let Them Score
Juruor Mallory H arnage! \\latches t h is player so she can block the ball " It ,-vas such a fun seaso n Espec1all} being undefea t ed league champs," said Harnagel.
Jump Juruor Jessica Crass jumps for the rebound "Thi s season \Vas such a grea t e>..penence It \Vas great being league champions. We ,, ill all definetl} rruss A J and Sunshine," said Crass.
Wrestling, w hat does it take to be a wrestler? Well, for one, it takes strength and endurance. There is more to it than most people believe . The eleven student s that participated in it this year have truly experienced the re alities of the sport. Talk to any of these young individuals and they will tell you that wrestling is not jttst fun and game s. You really have to have your act together to succeed and achieve your goals Even though early in the seaso n two seniors, Matt Agrodnia and Peter Kennedy, were injured and forced to throw in the towel, they stayed s trong all the way to regional s. With one female on the ro s ter, sop homore Brooke Sauer, they proved that Golden wrestling is not to be underestimated and that next year will be just as successful as this one.
Score Card
Qllffllling Demons
page by: k. copeland
Us Them Englewood 8 6 Elizabeth 6 8 Alameda 6 8 Summit ;o 2 Evergreen 6 8 Conifer 7 7 '"
Going in Cirlces Tyler P1erandozz1 arles hi s o pponent for th e \,·in.
60 40 %
Top ro\v Coaches Tom Taylor, Brad Nelson, Buddy Luff Dave Sauer, Nathan Frost, and Danny Luca s Middle Ro\v : Ryan Spracklmg, Reed Morelli , Aaron Cash, Joe Zaba, Luca s Mignonia, and Brandon Blair Bottom rov, Mmoru Sorenson, Tyler Pierandozzi Brooke Sauer, Joey CO\\!en and A J. Nelson
Who Wan ts l ee Cream?
Senior Menoru Sorensen sets his opponent up for a banana split.
S howin g Her Stuff
Sophomore Brooke Sauer pro\ es to everyone that girls are capable of compehng in th is mostly-n,en's sport
Goi n g for the Pin
Juruor Brandon Blair set" his opponent up for a half nelson
Gettng Down to Bu sin ess Sophomore R1,an Sprackhng pins one of his opponents
Trying Hard
Sophomore A J Nelson tnes lus hardest to defend rumself
page by: A. Sorensen & K. Dalgetty
Sw1m1ning 1s one o f the o nly two s ports that uses all o f yo ur mu scl es. Th e r e i s n o other spor t th a t o n e swea t s imme n se l y dur in g par ti cip a tion Sw immin g tak es l arge a m o unt s of a thl e ti c ability t o b e an active co mp e titor "Swimmin g r ea ll y go t m e into sh ap e," sa id so pho mor e H ollie Fra i se r In a ddition t o th e phys i ca l s train, th e m e n ta l s tr a in is ju s t as grea t . It tak es a l o t of w 1llpo we r to a tte nd pr ac ti ce eve ryd ay w h e n o n e kn ows th a t th e sch e dul e sw im wi ll b e ov er 3 mile s. " Kn ow in g that y ou h ave to swim so 1nu ch e ve ryda y m a k es i t t h a t mu ch hard to attend ," says Melliss a M cEn cr oe. Thou g h s wimming is not a p op ul a r s p o rt, it i s s till w ell known for b ein g a fas t-pa ce d , ente rtaining s port.
Score Card
S umm it Inv i te 4th
P omo n a Tri r L
En g lewoo d Tri 2nd
Po mon a L
Co lo r ad o Invi t e 40th
Al a me da w
Eve rgreen w
Ra ls to n/C h a tfield L
D' Evelyn L
J e ff co Invi te 10th
Wheat Ridg e Tri 2 nd
Leagu e 3rd State 20th
Fa s ter Fas t er Junior Kelley O'Dell holds the record at League for the fastest breaststroke of 1 09 42 She ,va,; one of the reason that the Golden's 200 free relay \\'as one of the top 1n the state, thank" to her 50 free split of 24.21 ,;econds. She also a state quahher this year Seruor Mary Donovan sa1d, "Kelle, 1s a true leader."
I '1I • n
62 40 %
Fl y in g Over the Water Sophomore Lexie Runge has per fected the stroke of butter fl ). She ,vas also one of the leading breas tstr okers So ph omore Jess tCd
Dem o n s Holzman stated, "Breaststroke 1.., one of the hardest and easiest stroke., to learn"
G-G-GOL, D-D-DE This 1s ho,, the "'' 1m team begins ever, meet E, er, team competing yell-. to encourage other team members to s,,·1n1 their be::.t Sophomore Lexie Runge stated, "The cheers are the beo,t part of the meets"
C h ee r O n
Dunng a relay at league, senior Enn Clough is seen cheenng on her fello,v teammate, senior tvlaggie Peoples Both quahfted for the state meet. People, ,vas voted '-\' 1mmcr of the \ ear by all the coaches 1n the league Sophomore Sarah tv1cFadden said, "I \\ l',h I could fly through the ,vater hke Maggie does ··
K ic k Th ose L egs
Sophomore Danielle Clark cuts through the \\ atcr \\ h1le ,\v1mming the backstroke Senior Erin Clough qualified for state 1n the backc,troke \\ hile competing against Danielle " \l\,e give each other the confidence to tr} our hardest in all thee, ents," stated -,en1or Kara Sie\\' art.
Striving for Excellen ce
Sophomo r e E h sa Menna 5\V1ms he r hea r t out as s h e ge ts halhva) thro u gh the 1nd1vidual medley into t he breaststroke J unior Jessica Fr o) en set a persona l best 1n t h e 50 freestyle ,v1th a lime of 00 29 53. "The 50 frees tyle i" one of the shortest races but one of the h ardest as ,,ell," said freshman I ris Dav i dson
Flyin g Throu g h The Wat e r
Senior Kandy Jentz,;,ch 1s s,v1n1ming her fa..., t cst to earn point" for her team Kandy's eve n t \Va'> the 500m freest) le, t he event ::.he s\vam at the tate meet Sop h omore Hollie r ra1!.er stated. "The 500m 1s one of the hardest event., to S\~1m at a meet.''
T e am un ity
63 1.D ) •
page by S. Becker
Shoot For Tht> Slars. Sophon,ore E1nily Calhrucos fights for position Emily stated , " Our team motto is definiteh Li\•e lo, e andlaugh!"'
Sophomore Marnsa Copan sits dejectedl) on the 1ce at prachce The team practiced at an ice nnk instead of outside on tyros parbcular day
The \tfVP of the 2003-2004 year \vas JUnior SonJa Kapusta Kapust.i said , " lt ' ::. great ho,-v all lhese different girls come together and put an aweson1e team together on the field "
Opposition Them Us Colorado Academy Kent Denver Grandview Founban Valley Smoky Hill Denver East Cherry Creek Grandvievv 9 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ll'l'fflfflffl~ ng Demo n s 64 40°/o ... ., .. , ~£,...........,...JT •
Score Card
Ba ck row : Coach James Tapley, Claire Bailev, Sarah Beatty, Ally Mast, Amy Braun, Coach Carly Martell, Erru ly Callirucos, Leah Green, Kelly Cash, Shandell Becker, Becky Taylor, and Nicole Ngruem Middle row : Marrisa Copan, Sam Slater, Oh, Watson, An1ber Sangi, Maggie Patndge, and Amanda Nolte Bottom row : Sonja Kapusta
11 ~I , t ,,~ ,;.,~ ·1 11 '••" ,, ') t
Pffllffllijng Demons
6 SQ ?Jg
Keeping the beat.
JunJllf, !\tailor~ Harnegal, Jac A_uhne R.btou , and \'\'hitenv Allen cla their , hands at thc Homecoming assen bl}. "I liked the food at the carniva l ," stated enior Loui.;; Lieb.
Hi e d wi th coura g e. ophomore Cierra Smith pe r form at this ear's Homecoming game "Af er the amc,\'ecelebrated the\\ in ," ~aid ierra
From th e H e art . Sophomore Lc<1h Green stands tal reading a scnpt for theater "I lo, e to act and make people laugh," added freshman I-Iannah Goedert
Aimin g for the Goal. Freshman Clinton Cah, il pla} s \\ ith a paper football in class. "I h ke t o h a, e b urpin contests 1n class,'' stated sophomore Lori Cochran
Rembert performs at the Homecoming assem bl) "On h one\\ ord could
out the as-.embly: \VO\-\, said sophon1ore Shona Alms
Holding together as Golden High School's students achieve their goals.
E\'en though some classes \Vere here longer than others, th ey all experienced tl1is year together. With eYeryone being different, each per s on has unique vie¼' on hovv thi s year vvcnt " I' rn excited to graduate," said senior Brandi \A/e g~che ider Certain individttal s belicYed this year po ssesse d an extra son1ething that years before had lacked. Sopho1nore Katy Kelly said," I like spirit \iveek. " A varity of s tudents sa -vv thi s year as a tim e to meet new people and cnjO)' more of life. Freshman Jordan I Io gan stated, " It ,va s fun because of the upper c la ss 1nen and th e free time. " Others sa-vv thi s year as a challenge. " Thi s year ¼'as a lot harder than pas t years, but it ,va s a pretty good year o\·erall," sa id jttnior Heather Banza. ObYiou s ly thi s year h a d its ~tories, but all of the classes had to experience it togetl1er
What ntakes Golden so special?
" The freedom is one of the be s t thing s about Golden ," sop homore Tyler Polhill.
"Mee ting a lot of ne"' · people make s Golden unique " freshn1an Grace Haughain
" I like ho¼' I get to knO\-\ ' so many different people through GHS." se nior Katryna ivlatl1ieu
Standing Pr o u d Jun11 J<'nna
tt!ll "l
:\1,1ki ng a S tand . • • •Hnior Derck
''ipi rit
Brando \ \' , W a rmin g up Senior Skv \\ilk -..,ts on a block of ice at the l--fomecoming assc•mbly " The I {omccoming game v. ~s fun bccasuL" it \.Vas ~o close," cxcl.1imed fre!'>hman Bryan \'\'caver
S\vese, stands in A-hall sho\.\ 1ng off his costume for Craz) Outfit Day
was fun because of the palm trees on the ceiling," added senior Zack
tudying Hard or Hardly Studyi g?
e nior D.-ttHCJ Gunderman ,vork hard n the Library. Dan.ica said, "It' more njoyable doing my "'·ork \\1 hen have ny friends there lo help keep m comany."
nap Shot
enior Alex Verrastro is hard at v1ork uring class. Verrastro said, "N t only oes the library help me get the · ormaion J need, but I also get a,-vay from all of , the commotion from the clas s root "
llmlfflllting Demons
.,__,. - · - - ~v,·. - - - - l ' \ i J \ ..l I'
Spirit Sing~rs.
Senior f\,fark Seligman get~ in\· l\'ed at the H omecoming assembly M a rk said, " Homecoming ,veek \Vas a great time and 1t lead us to\ 1ctory"
Ring Around the Ro sy.
Senio r Jennifer Gilbert spends her time interacting ,vith some c hildren Jennife r said
.P 0 r re
"Playing ,v1th the kids helped me t o understand the children's behavior a little bil better"
Seniors mixed emotions about their graduation.
For some, when yot1 start scl1ool, you are alread)· counting the years until you will be graduati.t1g. 011ce you become a senior, yott are counting the months, the weeks, and the days. Senior Mino Sorenson said, "It's about time I get outta here." Even senior Abby· Langsted had a similar point of veiw vvl1en she said, "Now, I am pretty excited about getting out, but afterwards I'll probably be sad." For others, high school is full of memories made by their friends , their teachers, and even other students in the school. Se11ior Devin Tyslan said, "After tl1e experience has come to an end, all you can look at is your frie11ds, the teachers, and what else but the 111emories? You will say wovv·, what a blast, and eventually you hope the best for everyone." Whether you are like senior Spencer Riggs who said, "Thank God no\1\1 that I am lea,1 ing and moving on" or senior Brittany Bergstedt who added , "It's hard because you lea,,e your frie11ds and go to a new world called college," every sertior gets a little saddened w he11 the end of the year comes.
- -1 I • = r 1 - -
' 'n1o
Deep in T h o u g h t.
;\lehssa l\.1cEncroe 1s h stenmg in on a d1scuss1on ,vith a group of students McEncroe said, "The school has a ,vid e \ anety \\ hich enab les different groups to interact "
ttin g in the S pirit.
rs Sunshine Mor se tte and Anissa Janko\. ia k hang out after th e H omecoming assem bly getting ready to beat their powder puff con1pet1tors "No
t o nly \ Vere ,ve
on the court, ,ve combi ned to dominate
compe t1 t1ons during th e year
Soaki n g U p the S un Senior De\ 1n Tvslan 1s making the best of his time outside De\ in said, "There's nothing hke a day\.\ hen) ou get to stt outside \\ 1th your friends I feel great."
I /l a J \.
tv1atthe,., Agrodn1a Sarah Anderson
Nicholas AndrzeJe\vsk1
Rosalyn Ardoin
Lauren Anni tage
Conny Artica Brody Atkins
Nathasha Balczarek
Joshua Bald\-v1n
• I j '
Hannah Baltz
Bethany Barned
Zacl.,ery Barnes
Brianna Barthels Tiffany Bartos Tyler Baruch
N1cholaus Baumgart Adam Baxter
Rvan Baxter Ross Beam Brittan} Bergstedt
I mperso n a ti on
Sen ior l\ftl-.e Parfet stands next to his c re ation 1n art class and tries to match i ts look
C au g ht i n th e Ac t
Seniors Onna Potter and Clay \.\'eller particip a te 1n the !>Chool pl a} and \\'O\•;ed the cro, ,vd Thi ~ year's fall play \\'3S Arsenic t111d Old Ltlct'
Scott Beumer
Jaymes Bishop
Chad Bianchi
Dy Ian 81en1ulis
-:::.__a~--~ '
Amanda BoleJack Breanna Bradsha\.v
Christian Bmkle}
Zacharv Brando"
Rov Birne)
71 * ' 1 •6 -
Catherine Braun
hat would you do if you were princip a l for a day?
" I 'lvo uld hn ve to say thnt I wo uld ge t so ni e bett er f ood for th e cnfete. ,, rr n. Ja son Pon1n1 erenuzg
" I would nzake it a friend day and bring 'l vho eve r l 'lvnnted to ." Na onll Esp111o sn
" J 1.vo uld change the schedule to the one Golde11 used to have ." Roge r Garcia
I • I \ 'l j I l -•-----.A ,____
1cholas Braunagel
Cory Bull
Case B) 1
Joshua Br ulla
Brandon Bu lhs
Adrianna Campbell
Ma tt he,v Brune Mallory Brunel Reyn a Br ya n
Ashley Bunn Taylo r Bu rkma n Se an Bu rr o,vs
Myriah Ca rter Thomas Chamb less Christine Ch arles to n
"I u;ould let everyone do lvhatever they lunnted to do. 11
" I wou Id 'lvalk around the ca1npus wzth 110 pants 011. 11
" I iuo uld have to take nivay MVP read n11d ,nnke zt n recess period. " Anznnda Sonng
"I 1vould give everlJbody A 'c; so that I could be pr111czpnl to,norrou; " Toby
Narayan Choudhary Aaron C i sne ro s Ashle} Clemen t Andre""' Cline
Nathaniel Coronado Sa rah Cottle Sa ra Courtney Johnathan C ranfo rd
Daniel Cu shman George Oa\'1es
Amanda Da" 1s Kimberl} Davis
Kristina McBride Jared Leidich
Enn C lough
Alyssa C u chiara
Heathe r DeGroat
IU i i/ I '" '
Story b1/ · /e !:> ua Ibarra
- I I jj • l
Theodore DeV1to Samantha Disney
K) le Dobyns
David Doffing
Dustin Dolechek
Amanda Donelson
Marv Donovan
Beau Drexler
I • II
Adene Duncan
Da\'id Durgin
Megan Elliott Naon1i Espinoza
Emil) E\ erett Vanessa Farrell
Brent Fas5mo Harrison Fila s
Angela Fu1ke
Will Flagle
Allison Frost
Taking a break .
Senior Enn Clough si t s and talk.-; ,vith her f nend::. after fin1sh1ng her \\·ork
Ready for action
Sen ior Scot t K1rb} ,vaits anxiously in the hall during Homecoming \\"eek.
Kyle Froyen
Elysa Goldman
Megan Gabel t • ,if,__.l
Shaun Grammer
Jord a n Gaspard Cathenne Granquist
Kevi n Gee
Lisa Grantano
Jennifer Gilbert
• ' • _,,,.._ - - - • -
Alana Gray 75
W hat would your dream car be, and how would you attain it?
11 Mydr en111 car1vo uld ben McClnren Fl and I zvou ld ha ve to steal it fro111 t!ze dealership 11 Marn Stitt
" I 1vould like to ha ve Porsche Boxer. I want to win thepo1ver ball so I coztld buy it ."
'' I 1vo uld liken 1964 Ford Mustang. l 1vould buy it fro,n 1ny dad ivith 1ny college Jund. 11
,, • _ I II I • l
Jeffre} Gray
Jacob H ansen
Katie Hendrix
Danica Gunderman
Lucas Hanson
Sebastian H er rick
Michael Gulsvig Knshe H agberg Matte\v H a imerl
Michael Hart Gregory Hauserman Joshua H ein tzel man
Matthe\v Hicks Reese H ill
N zcole MetJer
Gerald H oerungs
. - - ---·-- - - - ·-I
Alana Gray
"' th111k I ivould like an origional 427 Cobra. I zvould find a crazy Jar111er u·/10 has the car in hrs barn and buy it cheap."
"A Dodge 2500 with a szx inch lift because it 1s btg and I like to feel big. II
Anrber Willia111s
" A GT Judge, because it ts a ,nuscle car and I like it."
Myrath Carter
"A 1960 Falco11 , zvlzich I 1vould get fronz a junk yard and fi1. 1t up Mart/ Maa s •
- -•
1'.enneth Holton II Benjamin Hoogheem Brittan} Horton
Alexander Hughes
Jesus Tbarra
Scott Jackson
Anissa JankO\ ika Candice-Ann Jermyn
Justin Jons son Allysa Jordan
Amanda Jordan Josie Kenney
Peter Rody
Araceli Ibarra
Tvler Johnson
Peter Kennedy
. _.,.. ,,-- - :-· - -_-__::::·
Can} ing a Rythm
'-entor Ios;h 1'Jrns plays has guitar in the courtyard , entertaining his friends and fellov, cl,1:-sm.:i t e-.
Drum it Up
Senior Tiffan, t-.lartinez plays her instrument for thL 1udience, get tin g man) cheer
' ' "
Paul Ketchum
Putal Kumari
Scott Kirby Elizabeth Klein
Cand i ce Knutson Le,·i Ko ch
Ryan Kv,ak
Jay Lairamore
- - -•-- - -- --·- -- - - -•----•
Abigal Langsted Jared Leidich
lerem, Leitz
Lindsay Le,vis
Adam Lock" ood
Derek Lov,·stuter
l\1ary tvtaas
Sarah Martinez Tiffany tv1artinez
Kurt tvlast
Lisa l\1c Laughin Ton) vlcCormack
t •
tvlelissa tvtcEncroe
Louis Leib
Jamie ~tares
Kathrvn v1athieu • Ta) lor l\lcad
Brielle Liddick
\Villiam r-..1artin
Kristina Mc Bride
79 I I ' ' •i;,I ' I,; , -y-- - :-- i• •:fl'6'- -
Brittan\ l\.te1er
h a t was yo u r m os t e mb a r assin g m ome nt in h igh sch ool?
" Fr es/nnan y ear we zvere ru11n111g fo r vo lleiJ bnll and I tripp ed on 1ny shoela ce and f ell flat 0 11 nry fn ce in front of eve ryo n e."
Cl'ir is t ie Charl es toJZ
" I th ought I was the co oles t fr es /11na11 g o1n g out to lun ch ,vith a bun ch of se nior guys till I slipp ed 011 a patclz of ice and th ey had t o help 1ne stand up ."
Alex Ver ra st ro
" Fr es lzrnau year I 1vas zv alking to lun ch and so,n e kid pull ed do zvn niy pant s. I rvas super enzbnrrnssed 0 Teo Dev zto
• • I -_ II ll It.
Lucas Mignogna
Wayne Mooney
Sunslune "Vforsette
Alan Miller
Christie Moore
Moll) .tvt or, ay
Matthew Milne Timoth) l'vh tchell
Colleen M orales Joshua Nl o r ns
Ke, 1n Moul ton Jeremv Navarre t e
Chrishna Mon t gome r y
Allison tvlo rri son
Le i f Ne it zel
"IA/hen I u1as voted 1nost i111111ature fnr c;enzor a1vards."
"Whe11 1 kept 1valkZ11g 111to the u1rong classes on pink days."
"Freshnza11 yen1 I ivns playlJtg n volleyball ga111e and I zvasn 't paying nffelltion, and the ball ]Hf 111e 111 the face."
Dnn1e/le Teter
"Sophonzore year I 1unlked aroulld all day ivith nzy [011g blonde hair Ju11zg111g over 111y lej"t eye only. People kept call111g ,ne D1a11e " Dev111 Tyc;/n11
I- -
~fark \Jelson Tre, or Nelson
Jerem, "Jobie!> A.dam Ohnen,u s
Laura Olin
Joshua Padilla
Michael Parfet \hnd\ Parsons
K~ le Pattridge
.\1agg,e Peoples
Sliane Rodriguez
1ccole Pensho
Andrea Westhead
Steven Phillips
Karson Pike
t ,••
Creati n g a M as t e rpi ec e Senior Arace1 Ibarra \vorks on her proiect for art class The c;culptures, called "c;crea mers," are made of papier-mache
G ot a Gri p o n Thin gs Senior Jordan Vecch1arelh repels do\vn the climbing ,vall at the Homecoming earn!\ al This ,vas the first year a climbing vaJl hac; been included at the carnival
.. t' I
Onna Poeter
Jennifer Pridmore
Sean Pohttle Ja so n Pommeren1ng
Jeffrey Popp
Mark Povvell
Pablo Rabadan Phillip Rappmund
Daniel Ratschkowsky
David Reed
1\ndre,v Regner Gerald Richards
Brian Ridge
Spencer Riggs
• -
Austin Robinso n
Shane Rodnguez
Peter Rody
Nicholas Rother
Stephaine Sadler
Tiffan1e Sanders
Tish Schmittel
Daniel Schoger Joshua Seabaugh
Chelsea Seigneur Jamie Selbe
Nlark Seligman
Diana Sendgraff
• ' ' -r- - - - ---~-·--::--··~---_-_:--:·.·
Eliot Sh1eler 83
'I t: ••
Amanda Sor, 1g
Donald Sutherland
Timothy Sipes
Mara Stitt
Danielle S) kora
Brenden Smith
Minoru Sorensen
Jordan Stricker Bryce Strong Joseph Su llivan
Christopher Taylor
To The
Danielle Teter Devin Tyslan
Senior Class Of 2004
- - .J> •_ -
Luke Ulander Bradle} Va1voda
Sophie VanDeWeghe Paul Valley Jordan Vecch1arelli
Kathryn Vemig
Alexandra Verrastro
Britten Versailles Ohv1a Versa\.v
Michael V1chot
Sabnna Walter
Brittany Wangsness
Amanda Ward Brandy Weg:.che1der
Clayton Weller
Not Pictured
Swara Barzanji
Aaron Bluse
Angela Bryant
Lindsay Cohen
Kelly Copeland
William Cornett
Sean Flynn
Rogelio Garcia
Daniel Gifford
Sergio Godoy
Sheree Johnson
Ryan Kampf
Tyler Landry
Anna Lara
Spencer Marshall
Britney Marston
Nicholas Maxwell
Kevin McEnroe
Nicole Meyer
Christopher Milne
Jonathan Morilli
Michael Nelson
John Oxford
Michelle Pharadine
Tobias Reed
Francisco Rico
Candice Roome
Sarah Ross
Nichole Satterfield
Daniel Saunar
Corey Senf
Austin Shekel!
Jeffery Smith
Brandon Sutherina
Stephanie Suttmiller
Benjamin Taylor
Skyler Wilk
Erik Witaschek
Kyle \Ve st
,, ,. 11 , : •• ~ . ('. I I
H o lhe Wils on
Daryl Pre s ton
86 - - -- --- --
Brendan Harrison
Andrea We s thead
Amanda White
Amber William s
Megan Wood\vorth Jame s Worthmgton
Michelle Zinko
Gregory Wilson
Adrian Mead
Rachel Spahn
Class of 2004 87 . ' ' -y- ----= - •~ - -
•t r 88 _Ju\,Mj :?/.le-AX\~~ lodte:-,f-J-r\T pu~VJ' - C41,lh;......... QII · ,,,{" -,«\oUA"r I • .. . QV\JI 8';.:;,,
• -• ~o., - y rY)lf)Vllo • J-\.nt;~ 1 eo, ~¼89
f • lj ' 92
By:M.Asher, A.Williams
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'') I 95
Being a junior, they know that looking down the road, they only have one more year left of school. So, many people try and make the best of their last two years. Many are working hard because they have come to the realization that college is coming up pretty soon. Heather Banza said, "Studying all the time helps me to pass class easier and have a better chance of getting into a good college." School isn't just studying, but also having fun with your friends, making memories that in the future you can look back on. Going through school, they come to realize how important their friends really are. Heather Maloney said, ''This year is bearable because of my friends and without them school would be more complicated." Some, though, do not just need their friends or their textbooks, but they need God. Domini Randolph said, "God, without him I wouldn't have the strength to make it through one day. He's the only one that is fully there for me." Whether juniors have their friends to lean on, their te xtbooks to study from, or God to count on, they all can endure their last two years of high school.
r I f : • ( Page b) C J\.1ayo -~---------------~
Juniors are in the home stretch and are antici:pating their se• ruor year.
Keepin '
To Be A Ki d A$ain Jun1or Mackenzie Krellerenioys helping children at Precious Ones day care. Mackenzie said, "Hel pin g them 1s something that I enioy and it's a good break from the hech everyday life a t school for me "
fun1ors 'v11ke Harn~ , Robert I-Ia Ile), nnd Stepharue Dockstader enJO} their off blocl..s hanging out together Mike said," All \Vork no pla) makes Mike a dull bo} Not only do off blocks help me to get m) \.\ ork done, but I also ha, e some time to spend \Vith my friends "
96-- - -
Yo H o Yo H o Junior Rebekah Gresham 1s shOY.'tng her school spirit as she 1s hanging out \Vtth her friends Rebekah said, "You gotta go all out or don't dress up at all "
Brady Abbotts
Enn Alcock
Chnstopher Allan
Whitne} Allen
Gillian .\nder:.en
Elsa Ande~on
Junior Pharel Anstidc
Ashley Armentrout
Shara A\ers
Claire Balle>
Heather Banza
Robe r t Barbeau
DU5tln Barbee
Alexandra Barnes
Ashle\ Bartos
Vanessa Bartosh
Luke Baruch
Ryan Beehler
Jamie Bendt
Brandon Bla1r
V1ctona Blake))
S t aC) Blom
Wylie Bl u mer
Lea Braskamp
Patnck Br avo
Ph i lip Bridges
Douglas Brooks
1'\i icole Bro,\ n
Ashley Bro,vnell
Neil Burnett
Flor Cady Rehe1s
Charles Cannon
Brand i Cappello
Spe n cer Car l
Loana Carr
Tyler Ca r c;on
~1arina Casterson
Megan Castle
H illary Chapp le
Dan Chung
Kyle Clar k
Ryan Coble
Jena Colby
M ichael Cou t ts
Ai m ee Cox
Jessica Crass
Jacinda Croissant
Alexan d er Dahl
Lance Dale
Kelly Dalgett}
Amber Dav 1dc;on
Chris t opher Davis
Jessica Davie;
Paige Deherrera
Larissa DeMalteris
N i cholas D eMouhn
") r;
.... : I~ •11,1 ;,; • iuf r') 11 • I .,,,,,97
' , f • ( \~ I 98 Elizabeth De Wvs \Vilham Dickson Bradv Dthvorth Stephanie
l\lorgan DoughertJ Jared
Anneliese Ehrenstrasser Carla
Amsley Enckson Hailey Estrada Alexander
Garrett Flesh 7:tchary
Ryan Ford Russell Frankland Jessica
s Michael
GregoT) Hau se
Thomas H erron Shyr
Cole Hinnen Jason
Do\" n1ng
Garcia Dana Garrett
H amagel Madelaine Harn
Heller TraV1s Henrickson
Hewitt Timothy Hinkle
Hock Jenna Hodges Charli Hogan Sarah Holmgren Michael Holycross
11 1 would be a osterich, because they can stick their head in the sand and still live."
- Makenzie Kreller
11 A butterfly, because they are so beautiful and flutterfull!''
-Casey Temanson
'' A lady bug, because they are good luck, small, and cute!''
-Callyn Kuhre
'' A tiger because they are majestic animals."
-Kady Pollin
Zephan Hubert
Kayla Hudson
Thomas Huntsman
lvhst} Jackson
Khongor Jamiyanaa
Benne t t Jenkins
Kayla Jensen
Kandyce Jentzsch
Samantha Johnson
Ryan Johnston
Christopher Jones
Andre,v Jonsson
Dthia Kalk,-varf
Sonia Kapusta
Andre,, Keeling
John Kendall
Timothy Kenney Il
Ryan Killion
Patrick King
If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
Tim e for Gym Junior Made laine Harns tosses a balJ 1n he r gym class
Ta s ty Junior Kell} Viets ,vorks 1n Cold Stone to raise money for her choir class
Brian H oran
''N o, because I tend to mess up more and more as I get older.''
-Audrey Goh
''Yes, in ways I have, especially when it comes down to how I handle things: but I still know how to have fun!''
-Tara Krenek
''No, because all the hormones that I used to have are still there!'/
-Troy Seate
''No, I'm just as immature as always!'/
-Troy Sipes
Do you think that you have matured since Freshman year?
- - l I I I.• • \ . Rudolf KJucik Colb) Knepp Ashlev Knobbs Curtis Kofoed Emil) Kolm ?-. T,1ckenz1e Krell er Tara Krenek Kimberh Kruchen Callyn Kuhre Justin Kulbacki Kamaron Kyte Ben1am1n La Falce Chasity Lamb Catherine Lankenau Andrea Larson Chase Larson Jason Laughrey Binh Le Amanda Leazer Ehzabeth Lee Shilo Lee De cades Day Juruor Robbie VanDyke comes to school dressed up and ready to go for decades day --I Tricky Junior Tim Mayer rides his bike back,vards.
100-- - -\
Brett Le\\' an
Chloe Lcv, is
Ray Leyba
Joel Lockhart \\' eston Lohman
Kjle Longton
Dean Lopez
Brent Lorenz
Jordan Lujan
Joshua Luna
Ashley Lutz
Eric Lyman
D, Jan Mahonee
Joshua Mallard
Heather ?vlaloncr
Alan tvtangan
Rhiannon ?\lartin-Evanc; Stace> lv1artinez
Jennifer ?\1atar
Chrishnc l\-1atson
r, ler ~latson •
Timoth} tvlayer
Cortne\ l'vtayo
Sean l\fayo
BI) an tvia}S
t-.1argaret \1cCreary
1cole fy1cCutc.han
}err} t-.1cDonald
Keise, l\Iclsaac
Alexander lvlcNa
-\manda lvtenard
Jordan Meneses
Jonathon \.hhlfe1th
Sarah Miller
T1moth) Mitchell
Jason l\lodiz
ichole ~1oneghan
Joel Monroe
Amanda tvloon
Jonathan l\Ioore
Sara tvtorales
Cal\ 1n t\lorsette
Scott Mueller
L1ndse) Muh an, Andre,, Nassau
tvlallof) Nassau
Ralph Nelms
Derek Nelson
Luke Neh,on
Da\ 1d Ne,, man
Nicole Nghiem
Jo.,hua Nu,,vonger
Devin Nix
Ashle} , oonan
Jesse Ohnhaus
Sa, annah Ortiz
- - ~-=.~-----.c._
~.loo l'I I Iii '" • .,... ~) ",,;, ,1 101 -Y --_ ,_, -.....,
I I 102 Kelley O' dell Joshua O'tool Sara Padilla Chelsea Park \, ance Payne l leather Perry Eric Pohl Kady Polhn Gabnel Pollock Stepharue Pothast Ashleigh Po\.vell AnnMane Preston Spencer Pnest Pedro Rabadan Raquel Rarrurez Dom1ru Randolph Heather Reece Christopher Retke Zachary Ricc1ard1 Jared Richardson Jenna Runbert Margaret Riordan Jacqueline Ristau Rochelle Robbins Heather Roberts Cassandra Robertson Aushn Robinson Nicholas Robinson Nicol Robles-Kyle Tate Rogers Angela Roldan Raymond Rosener Elene Roth Jessie Sangi Susan Sayre Kelsey Scally Allison Seance Jon Schell Richard Schwenng Ryan Seate Troy Seate Joshua Secora Nancy Seidel Sydney Seigneur Kayla Shea Kahley Shepard Timothy Silburn Troy Sipes Jenna Smith Zachary Smith Rithi Son Ao1 Sorensen Lindsey Spencer Meghan Stell Kate Stelmack Hannah Sterling
''I would build a big gym and a theater in my house.'' -Luke Nelson
''I would get lots of tattoos.''
-Jen Matar
''I would go buy a bunch of cloths, eds, and a black jeep. Then I would travel the world and snowboard at all the ski resorts .''
-Claire Bailey
''I would buy a big house.''
-Tim Hinkle at would you do if you had a million dollars?
l Tamara Sturdavant K} le Sul11. an Stephen s.\·eet Dernck S,vesey Tanika Tafoya Casey Temanson Juha Terrell Krysta Terry Douglas Thomas Jr Anthony Thompson Jeffre} Thompson Alyssa Tortora Ennn TO\\ nsend R, an Trout C.ara Tucci Shane Tyslan Jacob Unrein Robert Van Dyke Jessica V1chot Kelh Jo Viet~ Leonard V1g1l W hi s tle W hi le Yo u Work What a Nice Dav Junior Mane Gobbo \vashes a \val! in A Juniors Kad} Polhn, Jamie Bendt and ' hall Alvssa Tortora enJO} !:titting outside on this nice <la)
r) ,, 103
104 l I I I. If you could have any car, what would itbe? " Something th a t run s." -Co lb y Kne pp " A r e d Mu s tan g." -John Milfeith " Ferrari enzo or a Subaru IDURX SI. " -St e phani e Do ckstader 11 A r ea ll y bi g tru ck with le a the r interior and a bum pin' sys t e m. " -C harl1 Hogan Ooh -aah Jun1ors Jason Ha\vk, Kevin Gallagher, and Ritru Son ,vatch the H omecorung assembly Ashlee Vorhis Crysta Walker Russell Wallace Brandon Wamboldt Jacob Ward David Warren Alec;sandra Watson Amber Watson Shannon Waugh Amanda Wells Anthony W1larski Maren Williams Brett Wilson Bnan Wml<ler Ashley Wood Krishna Wood Nicholas Yaw Gregory Youngs Glade Zarn Nicholas Zigich Miranda Zimmerman Fl ex 'e m J uruor Lisa Carr shO¼'S her spin t by dressmg up for Super Hero Day. t,:,
J I I 't. I '" J'~t '4 Uf '') 'I.) 105 , - - - - - - l....l.l
Richard Zube s TT John Zuptn
Sophomores no longer have to worry about entering l1igh scl1ool, but they have to worry about their future. "I'm working to go to college to become a teacher," said sophomore Amy Braun. Others are working tolvards different fields of occupation. "I ,vant to go to college and become a tratuna suregon," stated sophomore Stephanie Glapa The sophomores are making this year count, which helps for better future. The class of 2006 works hard and pushes themselves to their learning limitations. Being the largest class at GHS, the sophomores have the greatest variety of opinions. Ashley Krtinich said, "I am vvorking towards going to a culinary arts school." In making their dreams come true the sophomore class are forming the future of tomorrow.
The dreams of our sophomore class promises the future of tomorrow.
Wit h a Big Smi l e Sophomore 1\Jikk.i Ko\aC brings her smile to the halls of CHS. " What a pretl) sm1le,"sa1d sophomore Jeff Trayor
Ac ti n g T oge th er
Sophomores Katy Kelly, Stepharue Gadio, and Jenny Mac are doing thetr cutting in theather "Acting is a great way to express yo urself," said Jenny
Bu s t a Move
Sophomore Nicole White prachces dancing in modern dance 11us 1s the fi.rst year for the modem dance class " Dancing helps my balance," said 1cole
Stephanie Adair
Brooke Agrodnia
Bassam Al-Ba\\·ab
Nicole Albers
Ricardo Alman za
Shona Alms
1 czar Al-Za) er
Christopher Ames
Lac.e Ammons
Jame s Anderegg
Heather Anderson
Joshua Anderson
Timothy Andrev~·s
) \ ette Arellano
Francisco Artica
Je sse As c.h
?vtichelle Ashe r
N1ichelle Asmu ssen
Heather l\ude si rk
Gee Hyun Bang
Saad Baradan
l\1olly Barbeau
Erlinda Barela
Jo~eph Barela
\hchael Ba se mann
Julienne Bauer
Sarah Beatty
Jushn Becker
Leann Becker
Shandell Becker
Au s tin Bell
Codi Bement
Dane Beno\
N1chola-. Be-.tor
Chase Bianchi
Kateland 8111
lvlatthe\v Blain- Hartung
Bethan, Blair
Amber Blake
Ariel Blakeman
Alex Blood
Sha,vna Bond
Am) Braun
Zo1chan Bresler
Deanna Brook
Jenn1fer BrO\\ n
Elizabeth BurCZ) k
Bradle, Burton
Rashell Busch
Kayle, Brl
Caleh Cas1no
Chelsea Catron
Simone Chappell
Ste, en Chavez
Krvst) na Cisneros
Danielle Clark
107 ,... "i I hd ~I ,... I))
Thomas Clark
Arne Claxton
Kenneth Clements
Lon Cochran
Stephanie Cohn
Valene Cohn
Tiffan\ C.olher
\fanssa Copan
Devon Corngan-Sm 1th
A lexander Co rsi
Kevin Coughli n
Samuel Coutts
Joseph Co\\ en
l'vlebssa CrO\\
l'vhchael C r o,v
Amber Curr}
Logan Custer
Cod) Dahm
Ga, am Daly
_.\my Danek
James Darcy
Nathan Darragh
Jacob Da, es
Elijah Davidson
Ab1ga1l Davis
Alexandra Davis
Max Delmonico
Anel Demarest
Margeaux Demouhn
Matthew De,vhurst
Mathe,v De Wys
Jesse Dickson
tv1ichael Diener
Andrea Domgaard
Travis Dopp
Jonathon Duvall
Cheryl D'Epagnier
Jora Eagan
Angarag Erdenetsogt
I sa i ah Erickson
Levi Espinoza
Samantha Farrell
Alexander Fauble
Mehssa Fleming
Hollie Fraser
John Fry
Louis Garramone
l'v1atthelv Garrett
Rachel Garton
Stepharue Gaudio
Robert Geth1ng
Darnel Gilbert
Mitchell G11lesp1e
Martella Gillis
Sarah G121nskl
Codv Glade -
--• II Iii • l ..
If you could date any celebrity, who would
be and why?
Angelina Jolie because she's really hot and has a good personality. '' Forrest Miller
Colin Farrell because I like his accent .. '' Nikki Covac
Hartnett because he is really hot. '' Amanda Hurley
Diaz because she seems really nice.''
Garrett Sc ub a S t eve ? Sophomore Malt Hartung an1d Sean Smith sho,\ o t f their 1ndl\ iduaht\ during Craz} Outfit Da} "I lo'ved dressing up and con11ng to school," said Matt. Who t o Call Tod ay Sophomore Chelsea Cat ron checks her cell phone \\'hile \\ alking to class "I take \ and' to a ne,v le\ el, stated Chelsea Stephanie Glapa Garrett Gleaton .tvhchael Godus Patnck Good Zachary Gorman Britany Granquist Ashle) Gra} Leah Green Paul Green Rebecca Greene Enc Griego Scott Groe Zachary Groff David Gustafson Darn l H all De,.va} ne Hall Baylee H ansen Tara Hansen Lauren H arnage! Ryan H ayes T) lor Heilman 109 I"
Clenn Hernandez
Janessa H o
Jacob Holland
James Ho11e)
'-cott Holley
Portia Holhngs\-vorth
Jessie.a Holzman
N1col1. Hosburgh
All=.xander Ho\ves
Raymond Huff
Lucas Hughes
Amanda Hurley
Gregory Iann acito
Tianna Jackson
Andrew Jacobson
Max Janicek
Dan1el Jankoviak
Samuel Jennings
Cory Jensen
Kathenne Jensen
Kelsey Johansson
Get T h ere
Sophomore Kayley Byl goes for the ball
dunng \Varm ups for a volleyball gan1e
,., \ .
is a great spor t, but it takes a lot of time and commitment," said Kayley.
S to p H er Sophomo r e Kathenne Maloney tries to stop her opponent during the Homecoming powderpuff game. "Po\vderpuff, more hke powder ruff,'' sa id Katherine.
''I would like to be able to fly because then I could go anywhere fast.''
1 10
Stephanie Cohn
''To heal the sick and save lives.''
Melissa Flemming
'' I would want to read people's minds,because then I will know what they want and what they are thinking.''
at Super Power
you like to have
Scott Holley
Tiffanv Johnson
• Jack Jone-.
Alexys Kelii
David Keller
Kathleen Kelly
tvtichael Kelly
Jessica Kemmerer
Brittna) Kemp
~telissa Kennedy
Rebekah Kennon
Devon Kerger
~lark Ketchum
~latthe\,· King
Justin Koch
icole Kovac ~legan Krau,; Ashlev Krtinich , Garrett Lacinski
Jeffrey Lakey
Ian Lanier
Kellie lankuh
Annie leak
Nicole Le1d1ch
Stacev le\\ erke
• Stephanie Liddick
Anna Lieb
Susan Lindsay
Robert Long
Jenna Lopez
Elizabeth LO\'OV Aver J
Sarah Lucas
Jaysen Luckinbill
Jennifer :V1ack
Kathryn ivtalone\' .
Sean tvlaloney
Tanhha ~1ann
Sean tv1arttnez
tv1eghan tv1cC.arthy
Zachan tv1cC.rearv ,
Jessica \1cDonough
Carl ~1(Encroe
Sarah tvlcFadden
Patnc1a McGee
Zacher} "vfclntosh
Samuel \.1cKendrv .,
Alexander tvlcPhcrson
Michelle tv[elanon
Eh..,a ~lenna ~1atthe,, ~hchaelJ..,
Blakelee ~1idyett
Megan !'vhlan
Samantha l'vhle s
Forrest l\hller
Heather tvlood\'
Robert "v1orales
Reed !'vtorelli
111 , _. - - ·• - - - -----n
Am, ~1orvay
A,nanda lvtunda}
Ga nn t\.1unroe
Sa rah l'v1urrav
AndrC'l\ Narke\.\ 1cz
Anthon) Nelson
Nichol l\Jel..,on
laura !\lewcon1e
81 andon Nichols
Cor} N icho l s
Sa1nantha N1eme 1er
Nathanie l Niles
N 11.ho las Nittolo
Amanda Nolte
Ja s on Nye
A1nanda Olin
Miracle Olulu
Def}a Ozba}
Elmira Pakkhah
Phillip P ark
<;amnntha Parker
Briana Par ra
Cameron Payne
Tyle r Pennel
Carolina P e r ez
Chelsea Phelps
Sarah Pi con
Raymond P1erandozzi
Tyler Polhill
Sha y Polhn
Duke P oole r
Jordan Postleth\-va1te
Ryan Prochaska
Kendra Pros
Samantha Prue1tt
Enc Ra1chart
Kathryn Ralls
Alexander Ranfranz
Jushn Ratcliffe
Zachary Ravey
Andrew Rayburn
N i co le Resruck
Amanda Rlce
Robin Richards
Evan Riddell
Laura Ridge
Michael Rizzuto
Peter Rockvam
Ph1hp Rogers
Sa muel Rogers
Rochelle Roldan
Ta y lor Romano\-vski
Crystal Rose
Timothy RoSSO\V
Katrina Rol-vley
S te ven Ro\-vley
- - - .I I .l , '-
---- ·--I
''Homecoming 2003 was so much fun. I had a great time with my boyfriend.''
Tianna Jackson
''Sophomore homecoming was the best; my date looked so pretty.''
Rya11 Vandenbrooke
''Last year's Sadie Hawkins because it was at the best location and the most decorated.''
Jessica Mcdonough at has been your favorite school dance so far and why?
J think I can Sophomore Amanda Archey prepares to perform at her gymnashcs meet ' That da\. ,,.-as a grea t da..,, for me, " said Amanda { 1 Cl -, I [t t G ive Me That Jaffanie Ruble James Rudnicki Alexandra Runge Britton Russell Patnck Ryan R)an Sack Katehn Sanders Amber Sangi Brooke Sauer Casey Scherff R Schnautz Oe\m Scho,v Melanie Scohy Colton Secary Corey Sheesley Austin Shelton Ches Sheridan Brandon Stmmons Yierle Skeens III Samantha Slater Kirsten Sletten Sophomores T} ler Perendozz1 and Sky Schautz fight over Tyler 's racket on CraZ) Ou tfit Da} " I\\ on, and I am the master " c;a1d Tyler L.,.. J ------ '------~-,._-...-, 1 L--'-[----'' -,.-c= 'cJ : I ,, Tl
'I .. ·111 ,,. 113
a snow day?
'' Drink hot cocoa and go sledding becau s e hot cocoa warms you up af ter a lon g da y of sledding.''
Stacey Lewerke
''Wake up real late and go snowboarding. ''
Taylor Romanowski
'' Make a big snowman with a carrot for a nose and a hat on it s head.''
Dani e l Gilbert
Cierra Smith
Sean Smith
Kelli Smith-Cash
Andrew Spatz
Michael Spejser
Jacob Spencer
Ryan Sprackhng
Russell Stahl
Travis Starr
Margaret Stashak
Cohn S t ell
Darnel Stellin1
Jess1ca Stellini
Stephan Sterling
Sean Stokes
H osanna Suma1ku
Alex Sundby
Jason Sykora
Kellen Sykora
Rebecca Taylor
Sherry Taylor
at would be the first thing you would do on
H it It
c;ophomore Andre\,v Narcau\vitz hits the ball during a tennis match. ''Tennis 1s my favorite sport," said Andrew,
r t ' ' 1 I
I' v e G o t It Sophomore Blakelee Midyette tnes to b reak through the seruors to get the ball. "Powderpuff 1S a great way to get out my fear and have safe fun," said Blakelee.
Brendan Wnght
Ryan Wyatt
Jessica Yoakum
Thomas Ziegler
Jocelyn Zup1n
5amantha Ternc">
Ed,vard Thomas
Zachary Thompson
Jennifer Tolman
Thomas T olsma
Tra,.1s Toms
Kaitlin Tnpp - Addison
Briana Trujillo
:t-.ilchael Trujillo
Ashle) T·wiford
Jose \'alenaa
Byron\ all
R} an \ andenbroeke
Matthe,v Vega
Monica Versa,v
Ashle} Vigil
r,..,fegan Vigil
Sam Villarreal
Jushn Vincent
Collin VonderHaar
Steven W a Iker
Jordan \l\alhs
Dongchen ~Vang
Cheryl Ward
Kendra Warren
KeYin vv arren
Austin Watson
Olivia Watson
Brent Wegsche1der
Brittan} Weiden
tvhchael White
Nichole \!\'lute
Lace} Whitlatch
Nicholas W1eder!:,pahn
Cody \I\ 1les
Renee Willard
Chnstopher Willey
E, an W1lhams
Rory Wilham"
Lee Wilson
Kevin Witaschek
A\ene Wittmer
'' Flowers and candy and him asking over the intercom.''
Stephanie Liddick
'' A fancy dinner with a card and rose.''
Mandy Rice
11 He takes me out one night and on the roof of his car in glow in the dark stars he would write will you go out with me''
Chelsea Catron
• I ( 116
at would be the most romantic way to be asked out?
S o a ked Sophomore As hley Twiford gets dunked I at the Homecoming Cami val in the dunking booth "Ge t soaked really cooled me dov1n on that h o t day," sa id Ashley. Ju s t Ki e.kin' It Sophomore Ryan Sprackling
po s ition "Socce r i s the bes t s
\Vhole world. GHS soccer
Ryan •
hus tles for
rules," said
11 7
The freshman class has been working hard their first year of high school. Most of the freshmen came to Golden not knowing where to go or what to do. Freshman Becky Gillis said, "I want to do good in athletics, so I can get a scholarship.11 They are putting the pieces of the puzzle together to build the foundation of their high school career. School is not the only thing the freshman have to overcome. They also have to deal with their peers, upperclassmen , and everyday life of being a freshman. Others are focusing on life. Paul Rappmund commented, "I want to succeed, learn, achieve goals, and become a good person." All-in-all, most freshmen want to achieve the same goals. " I want to graduate and possibly go to college," said Rachel Wachs. Hopefully their goals will be achieved at Golden High School and they will have a great time too
• •
Starting out , the class of 2007 strives to make it in high school.
In Co n ce ntrati o n
l iste n ing I n Freshman Sam Lafalce tips his hat up to sav hello to his friends "Freshman yea want to get straight A's," said freshman Corey Mcgee
Freshman Coltn Dumbleton ,vorks hard on hie. pro1ect for dra,ving. '' Drav11ng 1s a great and fun clas:. ,"s aid Cohn
Gettin g i n Soc i a l Tim e
Freshman Kimberly VanDuyn talks with friends while \',aitin~ fol the bell to nng "Friends our the best part of CHS,' sa id K1n1berl)'
Amir Abdulhussein
Katherine Adc:1ir
Ac.hle1gh Adan,:.
Sean Adkisson
Kellv Albano
!\1atthc\\' Albrecht
Genoa 1\lexander
Alex Ammon
Heather Anderson
Fernando Baca
Derek Baile\
Lauren Baltz
Tara Barzanji
Mai Bauer
Caitlin Baumann
Jake Beard
TvlicheUe Beehler
Jan1es Beetham
Miranda Bell
Stacey Bell
Thomas Bell
Desirae Bement
Vencent Bethn1
Daniel Binkley
Linette Bird
Mana Bloom
George Bollinger
Spencer Boltz
Bnttanv Borys
Caitlin Bov,en.
Nathan Brando,,•
Brittany Brashers
Robert Braunagel
Krishna Bra vo
Michael Bri cker
Jessica Bnx1us
Tisha Brott
Casey Burkn1an
Chelc;ey Bush-Juhn::;on
Gabrielle Bu sh-Johnson
Christopher Cacerec;
Sarah Calvert
Clinton Cahvil
Conrad Carter
Brandi Casey
Lil) Chae
Andre\v Chapin
Connor Chapman
Andrew C1mperman
Lydia Clark
Daniel Clement
Jason Clerk1n
Dushn Cober
Sara Coggin
Rile) Con,vay
I .iz;:,,.
119 hI I~ "' ':J .J ' -J/--- -··· - - - ··--- - 4 ll._-
,. .. 120 -· David Cooper Hilary Corsi Gnffi n Cox Danielle Crevh ng Andrew Cross Christopher Cullen Tdleah Cumnuns Ins Davidson tvf allory Davis Lauren Davison Sean Dean Evan De Herrera Mark Delucas Brand on Dinuck James Dobyns Trevor Dolechek Alex Dominguez Daniel Doperalski Tawny Drexler Colhn Dumbleton Dale Ekberg Joshua Elliott Jakup Euler Bnan Evanko Kel sey Ewers Jacob Fielding Maura Firth Anthony Fleury Amber Flo,vers Britne Franks Daralou Franks Kathryn French Luca s Fritz Peter Furness Katrina Gabel Samuel Galioto Matthew Gallagher Genna Gallegos Nicholas Galluzzo Max Gans Kameron Gates David Gaudreau Karen Gifford Ian Gilbraith Nathanael Gillan Robert Gillette Rebecca Gillis Hannah Goedert Nathan Goergen Eric Goldman Jeffrey Goldstein Jennife r Gooderham Evan Gosda Amber Grauke Blake Green Brady Grove -
If you me and I was you and you were in yearbook, what question would you ask me?
''What's your name?'' -Nikki Senf
''What is the worst thing you could do as a freshman?'' -Stacy Bell
''Do I need Visine?'' -Sara Coggen
''How much cheese can you eat in a day?'' -Grace Haughain
'' How much wood could a woo dchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck woood? '' - Stephan Sterling
''How many freshmen are in the school?'' -Skyler Vickery
Go for th e g old
T ake it easy Freshman Piper
t ch the
"TOUC HDOWN ," sa id Piper Frec;hn1an Thomas Bell leans bac.k in his cha ir and takes1teasy 1n one of his classes "I am such a Jacker, said Thomas ,.,.,cJ Manuel Gu rrola-Alonso Lauren H all Jamie H amilton Hayley Hancock Andre,-v H annernann C harl ec; Harder Leah H arns
H ebberd
H e r zi n g
H1gg1n<, Hannah H odges
H ogan
H olmgren
ir e Hud c;on
ary Huff
r Hupf
Ibarra • -~ ,, ., In' , .., :J""' I 121
Weston runs to ca
football during the
''There are lots of weird people here, but once you get to know th e m, they are really cool'' -Amber Grauke
''There are very different kinds of people here, but the cool thing is that everyone gets treated equal. ''Clint Walwil
''I hope I don't get stuck in a locker.. '' -Jeff Walker
''They left me alone, which was great.. '' -James Beetham
''I was glad to be out of middle school; to meet new people.''
-Matt Albrecht
When you came to GHS, what were your thoughts of all the different people?
Ken l c;hmael Ben1am1n Jackson Enkhza, a Jam1yanaa LaShav,n da Johnc;on Allison Jon es Kn5topher Joz-.vik Chelsea Keeney Kry-,tal Kilp a tn ck Jenrufer Klem Timothy Klein S te ven Knudson tvhcha el Koch Jessica K,.vak Samuel Lafalce Lene tte La
so n Suza nne La r son Enn Lanv1 ck Je ss ica Le g er Ashley s Kory Le-..v1s Elizabeth Lindsay
Swi n g
P u t Yo u r H a n d s Up Freshman Keith Wood practices hi s tenruc; S \vtng. "Tenn is is one of the be s t s ports I hav e ever played ," sa id Keith.
Freshman Ta,vny Drexle r participates m the hand jive during the Homecoming assembly " It1 s harder than it looks,"said Drexler
122 -
Kendra Long\\·orth
Andre\v Lorenz
Bradley Lubkeman
Jessica l.uckinbrll
Ed,vtn Lynch
Lucas Maas
Ryan Mackey
Natasha tv1artincz
Allic:;on l'vta..,t
Col) ~1cGee
Erica ?\1cl,aac
Sean tv1c.Laughlin
Vance Mcr,,,1anigal
Connor McT\Ja
Megan l'vfedina
Salomon Mendoza
Eron Mestas
Manssa l'v11ears
Keh Mitchell
Kelly l'vtitchell
Lind say l'v1ollo)
tv1atthe,v Monson
Kayla tvtooney
\.Iadehne Moore
Stefan Morelli
Nikole Morgan
Philippe Monn
Juhe Moulton
Brian ?viyers
Enc Mylko
Traver Nauslar
Julie Navarrete
Amber Nelson
Darnel Nelson
Jake Neubacher
Robin Ne,vcome
El}se Newman
Victona N1klhn
Sarah Norns
Derek Ochre1ter
Vanessa Ortiz
Laura Osborne
Ahaa Ostenson
Je ssica Os,vood
Jeru ca Ottero
Kendra O'bnen
Bnttany O'dell
John Pak
Tiffany Palmer
Tara Pattie
Jacob Path son
Maggie Patlndge
Jacob Payte
Coby Pearce
Je ssica Pentacoff
Natasha Perry
I" I -~ '"·· lit! •• • 'J •.I•• 123
''The Ambassador of Cuba because it's random and there are fine cigars.''
-Scott Seitz
11 A journalist that travels the world writing about things that matter.''
-Becky Gillis
11 An aviator so I can blow things up.''
-Luke Maas
''Night dance club owner and a background dancer for a music video.'' -Stacy Bell
''Crime scene investigator because you do not have to wear a uniform and you get a gun and a badge .''
-Sarah Norris
11A doctor because of the love for life science.'' -Kendra O'Brien
If you could be anything in the world what would you be?
I 4 " '4 I., ., (t '" ' .- - I /l i i 124 Ash Peterson Vanessa Pete r son Zachar\ Peterson Heather Pierce t-.lari--sa Pietrafeso Kendal Pike Nicole Pike Jennifer Popp Lyza Po sey Sy dne Po\-vell C.amero n Po\vers Alexander Proha s ka Amanda Pro s Chnstopher Quintana Emily Ranfranz Paul Rappmund Du s hn Reed Kenneth Reed Jr Jo s hua Reinhard Joree Rempel-Weiss Nicholas Ridder
Th e G am e Mu s t G o O n Han g Out Fre s hman Julie Moulton blocks the opposing team during the po\-vderpuff game. "No goal for you," s aid Julie
Frec;hman Jeff Walker smiles big fo r th e camera m one o f lus classes. "Bing, yo u hear that? That 1s the shine of th ese tee th, sa id Jeff
- - ·-
Timothy Riordan
v\'illian, Robbins
Lachelle Rober'-on
Cody Roden
Analisa Romano
Shiloh Ross
Bryant Ruble
Aryan Saeid
Ashleigh Sangi
Anthony Santistevan
Shams Sayed
Kenneth Sea II r
Charlotte Seance
Grant Schoger
Andrew Schultz
Scott Schuster
Scott Seitz
Christopher Selcer
'icole Senf
rvratthe\V Shafer
!vlisael Silva Sipes
rvrax Smith
Samantha Snelling
Jeremy Soliz
Rithana Son
Nicholas 5parks
Bnan Spykstra
Jared Stricker
Rachelle Stroh
Daniel Strube
Aubre Summers
Jackson Sutherland
Erin Taylor
Enc Thirouin
Daniel Thorne
Ross Tilden
Robert Tortora
Austin Tov.·nsend
Amoe, Ty-.on
Ananda Valenzuela
Lucas Valerius
Kimberl} Vanduyn
Keer'-tin Vavrina
Skyler V1ckery
Trent Vincelette
t ephen Vondreele
Rachael Wachs
!vhchael Wagner
Jeffrey Walker
Jonathan Walkup
Todd Walhs
Kelse} v\ arner
Joseph Warren
Bryan Weaver
Piper \Veston
..... .,) 1 .J 125
What advice would you give to upcoming 9th graders?
''Go to class, don't be late, and do all your work.''
-Nate Georgen
''Don't mess with the seniors!''
-Jenica Ottero
''Keep y our head in school and don't do drug s.''
-Danny Nelson
11An apple a day keeps the doctor away.'' -Evan Gosda
''Play football.'' -Eric Mylko
''Don't be scared, high school is not as hard as it seems."
-Julie Moulton
''Don't be afraid of your teachers. They are all nice. ''
-Danny Clement
''Do your hardest in everything you do , don't slack off and enjoy the time you have in high school.'1 -Kenny Reed
. .. . ( ,. .
The Hand Jive
Freshmen Piper Wes t on, Molly Wngh t, and Sarah H ebberd en1oy their firs t
asse m bly
126 Dallas Wiles Brian W1l h ams Heather W1lhams Sally Wilson Timothy Wolaver Ke i th Wood Molly Wngh t Samuel Wnght Ind i a Wyatt -Barr Michelle Young Kyle Youngs JosephZ a ba C h an t el Zimblis Va lerie Zinko
Freshmen Lauren Davison and Amanda Pros sho,v th eir school sp1nt and dress up for h ero day
11 ,127
Normal Everyday Superheros
Is there really an advantage to teaching? "The advantage of teachi:1g is seeing a light bulb go off on a student who just discovered something new and for the summer breaks, • said Ms L. Selzer. Every teacher has something 1):iat they really enjoy about teaching, even if ifs not just about the students. "The ultimate advantage of teaching is you get to touch the future,"stated Mr. Weinell, "and the high pay," he added sarcastically. The Golden High School faculty has to deal with class after class each day and what to show from it? "Everyday is different, it is never boring. Being a teacher, I keep up with the times; mentally you don't get old. It i s funny watching the students grow up. It feels like you have made a difference in the world," said Mr. Hayes. Sculpting the future of tomorrow, the staff of Golden High School makes their way toward another successful year.
\ - - - --,...., _ _ - I l I i ' \ -~
ocia tin g with th e En e m y
l im b ing To New Heights Pnn c1pal Mike Murphy takes a sh ot a t r ock climbing during the
m ecomm
ca rnival "Teaching lets you do so mething for other people,"s tated Mr Van Derl.t
Pr e p ari n g f o r
128 Mr.
sh ows hi s scho o l s pirit on one o f the Homecomir s pin t days thi s yea r " Teaclung gives yo u the opportunity of wo rki.n with high school s tud ents that seem to h ave e ndless energy," c0m
Ms Mazlow ski plays a Farm e r 1n th e H omecoming assembly. '' Tea cher s have the reward of kno,ving that you are contnbuttng to the future of tom o rr o,v," said Ms. Pea rce.
Wes terkamp
mented Ms. Millmore
Shirle, Alg1ene A~sistant Pnnapal
Jeremy Bhncoe Science
Scott Burcar Science
Jenny Cook Physical Education
Patrioa Garcia Lunch Lady
Aaron Allison Nlustcal Arts
Charlotte Blyhte Secreta11
Jane Burnett Art
Shan Cornelison Counseling
Charla Gunn Reg1star
Ste,·e Anderson Assistant Pnc1pal
Jud} Bo1an English
Dick Byrne English
Stephanie Davis English
Jeffrey Hau ser Technology
Scott Aurand Technical Arts
Gulliver Branson English
Scott Capron Instruchonal Coach
Linda Fabnz10 Social Studies Bob Hayes Math
Tayna Baal man Lunch Ladv ,
Sand} Breed LibraI)
Bnan Conroy Social Studies
Todd Fink Sooal Stud1e.,
Gregor} Holland Social Studies
Oa,\'n Bell Intervention Ser, ice:,
Jan Bf) son Science
Eileen Cook t-.tath
Cath} Fraile) lntervenhon Services
D1denck lver:-on Science
Gcorganne Kahler CFS
Juhe Kramer Soence
Charlotte Maybury World Language
Kathryn Montgomery Library
Chnstina Pennel
B111 Kelle} Enghsh
Mand} Longs1ne Enghsh
Da,-.,n McCall tv1ath
Mike tvlurphy Principal
Tammie Peters English
Jessica Klement Math
Patti Lo,v Lunch Lady
Joe McG1nn1s Art
Roger Myers Social Stuciles
Tracy Phariss Math
John I-Jug Enghc;h
Lon Macdonald tv1ath
Mike Mendoza Social Studies
Leann Ostler Musical Arts
Chris Plakorus Technical Arb,
Chen•l Koclus Secretaf}
Jud, Madison Art
Paul Miller Saence
Pam Panc10 Counseling
Linda Poveda World Language
Mont} Kozlovvitz Intervention Services
Cathy tvlasto,·vskl Social Studies
Tim Miller Art
Debbie Pearce Social Studies
Robert Putka tv1ath
Hamson Reid Sooal Studies
Jackie Ro,ve Intervention Services
Elaine Sm1th Science
Ken Van der Laan Science
Jane Wunderltch Secretary
Linda Rengel lnten •e nbon Services
Barbara Selzer Intervention Services
Daren So,-ver lntervenbon Services
Jo Wadsworth Library
Jerf} Yanz World Language
Wend} Roberts Counseling
Laura Selzer English
Tom Sv.eet World Language
Shannon Walkinsha,-v Math
Ruth Rodgers Enghsh
Bonnie Lou Sha,-.· School Store
Al Talbot Physical Education
Ed We1nell World Language
Jan Romary Assistant Principal
Le Shoemaker Intervention Sen·ices
Mike Thum1n Intervention Serv1ces
Scott Westerkamp CFS
Shannon Rood Secretary
Lea Ann Shzeski Social Worker
Maureen Todd lnten enhon Services
Nang Willi s Enghsh 131
GettingTheir Work Done
0pho1norcs Britton Russell and Nick Nittolo sit in the LMC concentrating hard. " I take academics so I can go to a good college," stated freshman Jenny
When Acting Comes Together
Seniors Clayton Weller and Onn.a Poeter act ou t a scene in t his year ' s fall play . " The play was really grea t thi s year," id sophomore Kendra Pros
Downloading Demons
··•-·- - - -,+ l.11 I I'- -· .:-. \
Caught by Surprise Freshman Hila ry Corsi works on er design. "An opportun ity from taki g academic classes is an expansion of innermost l edge," exclai n1ed jun ' or Eric Pohl.
I32 ff I
• Ready to Laun ch Fr eshman Gnffin Cox prepares lus rocket t o test i t s flying ab1 ll hes
Hit the books!
Let's get serious. When going into high school, it's not just about meeting new people and playing sports; Golden's academic classes have many opportunities to offer. ''I think the best opportunities there are are in the foreign language programs and the skills that you acquire by taking them," stated junior Jared Downing. Freshman Andrew Lorenz said , academic classes looks good for scholarships.'' There is also another way to look at the results of taking academic classes. help you .become smarter," said junior Jordan Lujan. The opportunities at GHS are abundant, and will help all students in colle g e and life beyond.
Makin g Music
n Guard
Caug ht in th e Ac t <:.enior Alex H ughes shows off hi s ac ting s kill s in Arsenic a nd the Old Lad ies. "Academics _give you an opporturuty to learn a v arity of s ubje c ts," says sop homore ~,fiche! Basen,an
Junior Emily Kolm displays her talent in ceramics cr~ating a violin '' Opportunitic Junior Cara Tucc1scaresa,vay the competition ,va, mg around hers,vord m the band for taking different academic classes can get you into a good college," s,1id roo1n. sophomore Colin Stell.
Chemica l Reactio n
Seruors Matt M1lne and Ross Beam are trying to figure out ho\V vanous formulas make chemistry work "Trying to figure out ,vhy things happen makes science even r,vre mtereshng," agreed both Matt and Ross
Pull !
Juniors Chase Larson and MikeVan De Bogart are see1ng ho,v much force it takes t o each pull ,vhere the object isn't moving at all 1n Physics. "Phys1cs has been really interesting, especially \vhen we do things like this," Mike said
Skeleton D ancing
Dr Van Der Laan, rucknamed Doc, smtles for the camera ,v1th lus skeleton by his side Doc teaches Manne Biology, Biology, and Anatomy " Doc is a great teacher," said Junior Brennan Hornbacher
- -- -- - ·· .,. l · - - II l ,~( • I \ " , .
- Demons 134 60 °/o ' ,. p- - J \' ' C>.., '.• ..... • # , •• •
Ro cket Scientist SeruorBntten Versailles has built a rocket that he will launch with the rest of his class 1n Physics.
Senior. Kole Satterfield and juniors Tamara SturdaYant, Sa\ annah Ortiz, and Sterling Tuttle c;ho½' the tJn~ for ~fartne Biology class 'MB has been the best science class yet,"said Sterling
Hands-On Experience
The r e ar e many lab s to d o h e r e a t G H S, a s w e ll a s th e r e a r e m any thin gs t o say ab o ut the m . ''They a re m y f av orite part of sc ie n ce. They ar e fun and th ey h e lp yo u l earn the s ubj ec t eve n b e tt e r," said juni o r Ka d y Pellin . Which is the s am e for man y p eo ple. Man y l a b s h e lp s tud e nt s l e arn eas ie r . ''L ab s are a hand- o n ex p e ri e n ce," ad ded junior Mor g han Dill . Many s tud ent s find th e l a b s t o b e th e m ost exciting part o f cl ass. As se ni o r Ky l e Pattrid ge sa id , " The w orld w ithout sci e n ce and la b s i s like a ro se with o ut w a t e r." Sci e n ce h ere a t G HS gives s tud e nt s hand s-o n • ex perience.
Sop h omore Melissa Copan 1s getting ready t o swat the board for vocabulary in Bl incoe's Biology class "There are many ways to learn certain things m saence which makes it even more ap p ealing," said senior Peter Kennedy
Intera c t
Seruor Nate Comado 15 doing a lab m Chemistry class "Labs are my favorite part of science because you interact with what you are learning," said Nate
Writing Up a S torm
Seniors Kyle Dobyns and Lisa McLaughlin are doing a hands-on wntmg lab "Writing IS the \VOrst part of labs but if it weren't for the writng part then you couldn't write down data wluch is one of the most important parts," said Kyle
Ea sy or Hard ?
Jun1ors Ryan Beehler and Brett Lewan are domg a force lab m Physics " Some labs are easy and some aren ' t so easy It Just depends on what you're learnmg and what kind of lab it is, " said Brett
Reel 'E m In
.... I .~ ' ,.., hi ... :J.J 135
Freshmdn Grace I Ia u g h ain looks O\ er her work in hopes o f find ing no errors. "A ltough math can be hard, I know i t will help me out 1n the long run ," c;a1d Grace
I could invent anything wHh my math skills, 1t would be a candy cane holder "
Padilla does last minute touches on hi s poster before he has to present JuruorKacyTemansonsaid, "o ne plu~ one equals fun! "
liBfflfflDlffl D emon s
136 60 %
\ . ..... ' -4W f ,. .. ( • •
ec king Work
., , , Stu dy Budd ies
Freshman Kelsey Warner and sophomore Sherry Taylor study together on their math. Kelse} commented, "If
T ime For A Prese nt ation
Tak e a Bre ak
Freshman Jen Gooder h am rests after an exhausting math test ''I would love a 5elf-solv1ng math book," said junior Alex Fehrman
Junio r Russell Frankland s tops and tlunks about a math problem on hi s way to class Rus~ell lat e d Math is a great
The Pe .sect Math
Math i s esse nti a l cl ass th at yo u n e ed t o tak e t o ge t thr o u g h li fe. The m o r e y ou t ake, th e m o r e yo u can do with yo ur life. Go lde n Hi g h Scho o l ha s m a n y m a th cla sses to choo se fr o m ,, h e lpin g s tud e nt s in a n y l eve l . '' M a th h e l ps m e with m y every d ay li v in g skill s,,',, s aid junior Chri s Jo n es. Gold e n Hi g h Scho o l h as th e p erfe ct cla ss f o r a n y s tud e nt wh o i s willin g to giv e it th eir all.
Daze d And Co nfu se d
Fre shman Jami e Hamilt o n l ooks ov er a math probl e m th a t i s g ivin g h e r a littl e tro ubl e." M a th can be hard but if yo u j u s t r e ad ove r 1t again, yo u can fi gur e i t o ut," sa id Jamie.
Time For A Break
Se ni or A m an d a D avis fin ishes he r m a th an d p l ays a ga m e " It always pays o f f to ge t yo ur work d o n e," sa i d A mand a
Getting Work Done Reviewing Work
J u ru o r Li ndsey M u lva n y is working h ard t o get her homewo r k d one befo r e class " I t's great h aving class time to firush ma th homework," sa i d ju ni or Tate Rodgers
Sophomore Ke ll y Lankuti s che ck.c; h er work to make s ure s he gets an A +. " ReV1evv1ng your work always pay s off," sa id fre s hman
Elizabeth Lind say
Time 1 o P o nder
~ubJCt to
I. I
I137 ... . .. ,
Juruor Heather Reece is disturbed "''rule taking h , final "When I prepare for presentations, I tr} to b confident on ,vhat I' m presenting I ' ll oft en create poster to display the most important information and an} needed visuals I try to be prepared t 1 ans,ver any questions that may come up," said 1unior Cassy Robertson
Among Frien d s
Soph o mo re s Je ss ica Yoakum, Valene C ohn , and Stephani e Cohn stop while on a field tnp " Pres entations scare me I never really feel ready for them, so I 1us t usual!} \.-ving 1t," sa1d s eruo 1 KeY1n Molton
Sawi n g So m e Lo gs
Sophomore Carl McEncroe falls asleep after a long day full of walking around. " When I do presentations, I go through all of my notes and try to pick out all of the important points and facts / ' said 1uruor Zephan Hubert
D on' t Ruffle M y Fea the rs N ow
Sophomore Stephanie Glapa stands next to a Koshare Dancer Dancing 1s a ma1or part in any American Indian ' s tribal tradibons " Presentations scare me I never really feel ready for them, so I JUSt usually ,ving 1t,"said s en1or Kevin Molton
'I ,,. • ~ · . ,, • ('! 'l ' , I. .. ... , . ,. : ( •••
- D emons 13s 60 °/0
Too man y dire cti o n s Brad Via, oda has a fev. laughs ,vhue playing a game 1n class " 1 W<e to shov,, posters for my presentations, " commented freshman Carolina Perez
H ey
I l I
m1or Aaron Cisneros pla~ s ,vtth a balloon animal " When I have to give a presentation, I usually read roug h my notes, ery briefly, then I put 1t off unhl the last minute," said junior Jo sh Luna
How Do You Prepare for a Presentation?
" I wait till the last minute to do everythmg. But we don ' t really have all that many presentations."
sophomore Lori Cochran.
" We do so many presentations m Mr Meyers' class. Usually the internet 1s worth it 's vveight m gold."
sophomore Megan Milan
" I usually have to do presentations about once a week. Normally I do not bke to work on them for a long period of hme, so I JUSt study the matenal " Junior Heather Maloney.
" Wing 1t! I usually get everything together the night before then I forget 1t at home'"
seruor Sarah Ross
Leave Me Alone, I' m Bu sy
Junior Kourtney H artford 1s hard at ,,•ork on her final "When I prepare for a presenta1on, I wnte down unportant facts and topics on 3x5 note cards. That way if I get stuck, I can glance at the cards and get back on track," said juruor Devin Nix
Farme rs?
Sophomore Megan Vigil chews on some hay during a quick rest after a long walk in the sun "I don' t really prepare for present.anons I JUSt pick out the major information I need and explain ,-vhat it's about," said Junior Lyndzi F1onno
Juruor Jessica Davis ponders at the question at hand "When giving a presentation, I'll usually make a poster if possible because the teachers usually look favorably upon them, " said junior Amanda Moon
The S un , Th e S un
Sophomore Margaret Stashak glances away from the sun just for a moment
" I don't really prepare for presentations I JUSt usually learn the material when I'm looking up ans,-vers Then I get the ,.vhole presentation over with as fast as I can,'' s aid junior Je ssie
Scopin The View
Seruorc; Daruel Saunar and Michael Vichot are at it again in Mr Kelley's Pacesetter clas5. The Pacesetter course has been offered at GHS for three years.
Listen Up
Sophomore Ryan Hayes listens intently during a discussion in hi s Engli sh class.
Go od Tim es, G o o d T i m es!
While m Pacesetter, a college prep class, Senior Jordan Vecarelli and Lauren Armitage take a moment to smile for the camera
-Demo n s
60 %
Proper Learning
Golden high school English teachers educate students to communicate well in society. Some English classes can be very interesting and exciting. Students have fun doing group projects together. Junior Jessi Davis said, ''By working in groups you get the opinion of everyone so your ideas are much better and your work will tum out outstanding." Reading novels and writing essays, students learn how to analyze different cultures and ideas. 11 English is one of my favorite subjects because I like to read and write about certain things, I have learned how to write in different ways and make it sound good, 11 said Sophomore Jora Eagan.
14 1
GHS has a variety of gym classes, which incluli f weight training, team spor ts for beginners and intermediates, advanced weight training, conditioning for males and females, individual and team s ports, aerobics, and the new modem dance class. Students l earn compe tent skills in a variet; of activities and demonstrate competency in physi· cal fitness in class and for life .
Frie nds for Life
Sophomore Blakelee l\lhdyette and seniors Sunshine Morsette and A.J Jankov1ak stop for a picture wlule ha\·mg a good time in gym "Working out 1s a way of life," said sophomore Britany Granquist -1 • Pu s h it
Freshman Jackson Sutherland and spotter Enc Milke prove they can hang with the big boys. "Thumin's c lass is the shizzle, it's way coo l," said sophomore Daniel Gilbert.
Hey Gu y
-Demons 142 60°/0
Senior Darnel Saunar winds up to wm a game of dodgeball "Gym is like an art, it's been the only class I've actually enjoyed," sai d Daruel.
Throw it
Senior Mike Vichot looks for his next target. "Gym makes me feel like I've actually done something for the day," said sophomore Stacey Lewerke.
homorcs !Vfart\ <...1Ihs, Tamara Sturda\'ant, Kendra Pros, Ta} lor Romano,vsk,, Katnna Ro,vley, and ca ?\1cDonough are JUSt a fe,\. of the girls 1n the ne,v modern dance class " I enJOY modern dance ,use ,1 preparing me for cheerleading next year" replied Jessica
Shake it up!
What's your favorite part of modem Dance?
11 Thi s class lets u s shake our bootie s ."
-Kendra Pro s, 10
''The routine s are great!''
-Amanda Menard, 11
''The girls are fun and the teacher is great (Brandy!)"
-Stephanie Potha st , 11
'' There 's no se nsual moves? ''
-Sarah Anderson, 12
'' All I got to s ay i s modem dance i s tight. "
-Ali Watso n , 11
11 I love to work with my girls and help them with their dance skills."
-Brandy Wegs cheider, 12
Junior Raquel Ramirez waits for the next step 1n dance c l ass "Get ready to shake your tail feathers," said Amanda Archey
Senior Steve Phillips lifts \veights during weight training. "To me, coach Cook is the best tea cher because she makes u s hft really hard so we can stay 1n s hap e for basketball," sai d sophomore Lauren Hamagal.
Juruor Jared Jackson makes s ure hi s position is correct so he can make his s hot. "So far gym is my favorite class, because we get to play a lot of fun activities," sa i d freshman Sarah We1kes.
Senior Ryan Baxter shows off his ba ske tball skills. " I like to watch Co lby 1ump around and play ." said sophomore Ryan VandenBroeke.
Rogue Blunde rs
Sophomores Jessica Stellini and Daniel Stellini practice their dialouge to prepare for their big humorous interpretation match " It is so mething different t o do and no\-V n,y brother 1s 1n it so \·Ve ha, ea lot of fun ," said Jessica ___________
ffi} weekends go along slov,e r and the reY.rards you get
you feel hke you did 5ometlung right ," commented Sebashan Hem ck.
Debating to the Top
If you need an English credit and are tired of writing essays and busy work, then forensics is the class for you. When asked what their favorite part of forensics is junior Rich Schwering replied/ '' It is a great opportunity to meet people from other schools and you get to act without being in Theatre. " Senior Jason Sullivan said / '' You can win almost every argument with your parents. '
' I ' .' ' ~r .. ' • t .., . . \ • I
____, D i ff ere nt S i des
ese nt thei r side on
Junior Russel Franklin and Freshman Lasandra Jo hnson pr
the many topics debated dunng the yea r " I'm intere s t ed in For
because 1t
Sulh\',ln, Leah Gro:<·n Anel Dem.:il!!-t ,\nna l n~b, Jamie 815,hop Nichole Satterfield, Andre.i Domgoard,An.:inda Valenzuela, and Rich Schwering. rronl Row· 1 ou1s Lieb , D.:in Giffo rd, Cl.:iyton \Veller Chns Taylor, Angel., Finke, P.iul Ketchum, Am,md,, Son ig, l.ogan Custer, Gann Munroe Daniel St11lh01, Katlyn Ryan, Nate Darnbh. Kelh Viets, l.ash.:iwnda Johnson, .1nd Mrs Pl!tcr5,
r;anmmm,o emo n s 144 600/o t y e t( T g g b b tr
Ba c l.. Row Mr Sharp, MJChc.ll Diener, Spt!r\Cer R1gg5, Phil Rappmund, Chn5 Binkley, Zach B am!., Ken Clement,,, N1chok Moneghan , Kourtnc} H.:irtford, D.:inicl Tronnc, Jdf Lakey, Ru~!>ell Frankland, Amber Graul..e, and Kat John~on Second Row· Sebastian H<•rr1C\...D.n·id, Robert S1m.:itte, J:ir..,d R1ch,udson, )c>sie Stelhni, Ja~n
Page By k. copeland
or Tom Smith 1s sharing an enjoyable book during MVP read mg tune, while the ,men are learning about violence and d ru g p revento1n " I t's a great break between nd and fourth blocks to JUS t sit down and read," said Tom
Page By Jamie L. Bendt
lo ve to Re ad
Senior Katie Hendnx reads a great book during MVP Read time. " I loYe to read so it's nice that they give us this extra nme to," said Katie , 'because it seems like I never have time to anymore "
Reading Is Power!
Power? People might ask , power for what? Actually reading is a big time power for your brain It's a proven fact the the more you read , the more wrinkles you get in your brain The more wrinkles you have , the more knowledge is stored into your brain Our lives are full of things to do but once in a while , sit down and READ A BOOK! That ' s why MVP is a great time to just let your imagination go and pump up your brain at the same time MVP also
Igets you prepared for college because this is just the beginning when it comes to reading So why not grab a book now and read on It's also a great reason to say the more the wrinkles , the merrier
Sen1or Kristina McB ri de 1s having a laugh-out-loud ttme reading a magazine "When 1t comes to MVP, I'll take out anything that I can and enioy 1t as much as possible," Knshna sa id
Follow th e L e ad er
Juniors Zac Smith and Ao1 Sorensen lead a discussion about not u~ing drugs , dunng MVP " I love being a role model for the freshmen ," commented Ao1 lllllfflJ!ll'ffD em
,r abl e Ex perience
=-_145 I ~"' \ . ,~ .,", •• IJJ "
n s
Senior Peter Rody tries to finish his au then he pa1n t1n of a grand landscape before class rune runs o u t. 1s relaxing for me. It JUSt takes my mi n d off of e, el'\• thing, of all the str essful things around me," said Pe tl"r
H ave De tail s Ma n Senior Lindsay Le,\ 1s tnes to put as much detail into her sculpture as she can. "My art is a ,vay for me to just relax and think about nothing It makes me happy, ' said Lindsay
leans towards the shade to prevent a glair on her pa1nt1ng and in her eyes."When I do my a r t, I feel concentrated and I feel like I can do something good," said Juhe.
U p Cl o se And Pe r s onal
Seruor Kyle We,;t gets up close and personal \-vith his dravving "When I do my art ,vork, I feel relaxed and calm. I t makes me very happy," sa id sophomore Nikki Albers
find 1t very calming and l can escape into my o\vn world ,vhich I create,"
>,._.,_ - - l , • a l \ ( .. ...
ott a
S had e Freshman Juhe Navarette
Elvi s Junior Mamie Williams puts the final to u ches on her masterpiece "When doing arhvork, I
said senior Jake Hansen
A Ra ce Again s t Time
semc Kns tvlcBnde puts a piece of paper under her hand so she doec:;n't run all of her shading ov~r the Ir ,..,.ng. I love dra,v1ng people ,vhom everyone can relate to or recognize. I think about ho,,· people ,,ill rl!act to my art," said JUruor Mamie Vv'illiams.
What are you fee ling when you do your artwork?
" It 's all about expressing one's !>elf and getbng all your true feelings out. I really like t,) focus. I'm on death and happiness cause those are the most felt emohons that I am faced with along with many other teens" se nior Kris McBnde.
"When I do my artwork, I feel like there's no problems in hfe and I can have no wornes. It's also a lot of fun " sophomore Dave KelJer.
"Art 1s an amazing release for an} and everything in life It's a really freeing thing ." sen ior Chelsea Seigneur.
"My art sho,vs ho"" I feel or ½·hat I'm thinking of at the time I feel hke I can do anything with my art.''
1un1or Tyler Matson.
Hurry ! Hurry!
Soph omore David Keller rushes to firush his sketchbook before 1t has to be turned 1n. "When I find mvself 1n • an art class, l don't thtnk about anything. I JUSt let the plow go," said senior Amanda White .
Ugh, Stupid Rings
Sen ior Amanda Sorvig concentrates hard on not rubbing her shad in g.
"When I do arh-vork, I think about my emotions, past days, situations and events I put them all int o my pieces and craz, stuff comes out!," said Amanda.
Eagle Me Thi s, Eagle Me That Almost Done
Senior Toby Reed has a blast ,v1th his bald eagle proiect "When doing arhvork, I vent n1y bottled rage and angst to\vard soc1el) 1n general,"sa1d Toby
Senior Mind} Parsons does the final touches on her arhvork ~he ,., orked very hard on "When l am drav. mg and doing arhvork, I feel ver} relaxed andcalm Afterada}'S\vorthofwork it 's n1ce to dra,v and un,vind," said 1unior Kayla Shea
• Grea· , Me ss
I147 ••• •• J .J -
Technical education, what comes to mind? Welding, engineering, auto mechanics and more . For those who love to work with their hands , these are the classes to take In Tech Ed, the possibilities are almost endless Junior Bobbie Barbow said, 11The cla ss i s not bad; pretty easy but at the same time kind of challenging ." Junior Alex Dohl s aid, " I liked the class it was laid ba ck but at the same time you had expectation s to complete ."
'\ ,r ... . ,1· . I. ( ,,,; • , I; I , ,,.l ( - ' .. ,. ... '-,
Drip by Dnp
Freshman Andre\, Cross "orks tJrlessl} 1n the foundry The fo u ndry 1s used for pouring metal s. ''T he foundt'} 1s the best place to \VOrk," said Andre\\.
Its Pouring C at s and Dog s
AC or D C
Sophomore Shana Alms 1s prepanng to Arc weld. "It i s so scary th e fi r~l lirr you arc weld," commented Shana
s 148 60 % I
Mr Plakorus helps seruor N icholas Sparks properly melt a n d pour h qutd metal. "I love the look of molten metal, " said Nicholas
"When you play as much as I
becomes second nature,"
Page By Amber Williams
What instrument do you play and why do you like to play it?
" Playing the flute takes a lot of talent , time , and effort. "
Tiffanie Sanders , 12
" Playing my drum set is the best part of my life and I would not give it up for anything ."
Joel Monroe , 10
" I like to play the percussion because I like the rhythm of it."
Andr ew Chapin , 9
Prac tice Makes Perfe c t Fresh1nan kimberly VanDuyn sho,,•s ho,v hard practice pays off " Playing in front of cH•rybody at the Homecoming game \Vas very excihng," said Kunberly.
IIJingle bell s Boom
Junior Sean Geiger pl ays the bells for a holida y song. "Pla y ing is fun no matter what instrument you are playing," sai d Sea n .
Sophomore Bethany Blair shows off her talent playing the drums.
do it
sai d Bethany
Crash Juruor
1n the
David Ne,\ man and freshman Chris Quintana pay close attention in cln~
that they do
important note
song . "It takes
special kind ot
to be
band,"sa1d David
- Demon s I 60 % .9
Sophomore Julie Bauer and Mr Yanz stand in the cla ss after Juhe w0n the lotto 1n Sparush Last } ear Mr Yanz \\ on teacher of the year " r have a lot of fun rn Spanish, said Juhe
Deep Thought
Freshman Megan Medina thinks about the difficult question that is before her " I only take foreign language for the credits, " :,aid Megan
Dishing it up
Juruor Nicole N1ghem dishes up her favorite foods " Foreign language 1s a great \Vay to learn about different cultures," said Nicole
( • •••
- Demon s 150 60o/o
Te s t Time
- -I
Freshman Da, 1d Cooper sits worktng on lus Spanish test "I really like to learn about different languages," sa id David
f hman Connor Chap~an thinks and reflects on all that he has learned in Spanish class
I tnJO\ the to learn the differences bet\veen the English and the Spanish languages," said Connor
Wha t Language do you take and w h y did you choose to take thi s language?
" I Take German because a lot of my family speaks it''
Danny Binkley Freshman
'' I take French because I love th l anguage and I wan t to live m Fr ance so m eday.''
Min dy Pa r sons
Seni o r
'' I t ake Spanish b ecause 1t is the seco n d most pop ul ar language spoken in America."
Tim Riordan Freshman
Ma s ter of Span is h
Senior Josh Padilla tries to master the complicated Spanish language Josh is almost fluent in Spanish. "Foreign language is full o f exc itement," said Josh
C on ce ntra ti o n
Senior Alex Verrastro concentrates on the exciting world of the Spanish language Alex has taken a foreign language for four years.
" I really enjoyed taking a foreign language ," said Alex Vratro
Ch i llin ' In C l ass
Sophomore Jame s Rudnick! s it s 1n h1s Spanish class looking "ery happy " I really hkeSpan1 sh ," sa id James
iHola !
Sophomore Stacey Lewerk e sit::, and take s 1n all that Mr 't anz 1s teaching Stacey started Spanish as a freshman "S ta cey 1 s a" e r ) focu s ed learner ," said Mr Yanz •
What' r ick
151 I•• •• • .J -
Dead Bolted Eyes
Juruor Dev;n Nix and Dan Chung have some dead bolted eyes on the audience while smging "When I am up on stage in a concert, I feel very nervous Espeaally since I kno\v there are hundreds of eyes on me," said freshman Manssa Miears
Expressio n s, Expressions
Charh Hogan, Devin N i x, Onna Poeter, Kevin W1taschek have a few expressions on their faces wlule singing "When I'm up on stage singing, I \\fonder if ,-ve are any good or not , " said freshman Chantel Z1mb1s
Thoughts And Feelings
Daniel Stelhn1 hops 1n joy while practicing for the next concert "The first thought that goes through my mind 1s hov,r much I enioy music and the feelings that are present 1n the music," said sophomore Kathenne Jeru.en
Car olling Teo DeVito and Chelsea Park have fun 1n their dress-up clothes
In With Th e Goo d Air, Out With Th e Beautiful Voice s! Stacey Blom, Chelsea Park and Kelsey Scally sing their hearts out at the holiday concert in December "I think about how· fun music 1s and how much I really enJ0} stnging," said iuruor Aaron Smith
I' ' (~ ' I \. 'r ,, I • I 1:... ( .: \ I • •• " ..
Jl1 D a: a
Darucl Stallini and Katheryn Verrug smile and sing happily during the holiday concert ,, AIJ I k.nO\\. is that when I m on that stage smgmg, I nonce that the lights up there get really hot " d h De\•on Kerger , sai sop omore
When you're up on stage singing, what are some thoughts that run through your mind?
"I'm of happiness and the music all around helps me feel more calm ¼l1en I'm in school. " senior Teo De Vito
"M usic and theatre 1s my hfe When I 'm singing, that's when I feel most alive " senior Kathryn Vemig
''Nothing brings you as much emothion as when I sing. I can feel hke a different person and experience feeling I'\ e never felt before" sen ior Onna Poeter
"When I ' m up on stage, I feel very nervous and I feel like I'm going to faint "sop homor Ariana Stamm.
I love Your Costume
Ann ' n arm
Sophomore Janessa Ho practices for an upcoming concert. Choir members put 1n many hours of practice for each of the four concerts they will perform dunng the year
In Sync
Ashlee T\v1ford and Katrina Ro\',rley sing their hearts out 1n some very sty lin ' dresss at one of the many choir concerts they're 1n ." I usuaJly don't think about anything else or problems that have been bothering me I'm just happy," sa1d Tiffan, Bartos.
Abigail Langsted, Onna Poeter and Kevin Witaschek look hke they're having fun m their costumes " I wonder about ho,v many people are actually looking at me and \Vhat they trunk of me and my s ingmg, " sai d 1uruor Enc Pohl.
Smiling While Singing
Tina Jackson brushes up on a number in v.romen's choir ''When I'm up there o n stage s inging, I get nervous The hghts are so bright, that vou can't really see the audience So it's easier for me t o concentrate on my ~1ngtng, · said senior Daniel Sa uner
In Tune
•• • ••153 t ' -1/-··- - ' - -- -- - - - -~
Time To Focus Freshmen Ashley Lewi s triec; to fo cus on getting h e r room pro1e ct done. " I've learned a lot m Interior Design," said Ashley
Foc u s ed
Juru o r Jesse Ohnhaus is totally fou sed and not di st ra ct ed by friends " I meet lots of new fnneds in class", sa1 d freshmen Dezie Bemen t
a Break
Juni or Jessica V1cho t rests aft er giving a presentahon in class. " I love having Expenance \.vith food ," said senio r Lauren Armitage
e m on s 154 60 %
W o r ki n g W it h Yo u r H a nd s. Se ru or Jay Lairamor e finishes hi s proJect for hi s class. So phomore Jo sh Pinkemell said, " I love CFS clac:s."
Time To Cook
Seruor Corey Senf makes s ure he mixes everything just right . Corey made lots of food during his time 1n lus Consumer / Family Studies cl ass. "Cooking is so fun because you get to eat it once your done " said Corey
More Than Foo
Many of the past years, GHS l1a s been focusing on the food cla sses for the Family/ Consumer Studi es program. But GHS has many other Family / Consumer Studies classes to choose from, such as Interior Design, Relations hips , and Indep endent Living. These classes ha,,e many exciting activities from going to the Parade of Homes to man y amusing guest speakers. These classes are taught by Mr. Westerkamp, who is new this year, and Mrs. Kahler. ''I like teaching CFS class because the student who take them actually like to know about them," said Mr. Westerkarnp.
Making Cards
Jun1or Shann on Macca make s cards to the elderly for the Holidays . " Relabonslups was a fun experience and I enJoyed making ca rd s for others on the holiday s," said Shannon
- - ·- --·•- - =='--- - -.1111...
Ti1king \lotes 5ent r ;\Ian l--:1111:r listen s and take s note s to one of the very interesting pre~enter<. 1n 1~ Relahonships d , Alan sa id , The pre se nter s are one of the best parts about Relabonships "
Paintin g Lik e A Pro Cl eanup Sophomore Amber Blake u ses one of the ways s he \.Vas taught to paint for her pro1ect. " It' s fun but a lot of work," said Amber
I•• ') I) 155
Fre s hman Sarah Norris clean s up the kit chen . "Cookin g ,va s fun and having to clean \'\ as \'\ orth the free food ," sa id Sarah.
Dig In
is a tv,·o-year
I .. " ... "
Lickin' C,ood
Stephanie Dockstader doesn't mind licking b1tsand piecesofhercreati, 1ty off of her fingers
Toothpi ck Me
R, an Kv. ak and Mark Powell design a plate presentation. ProStart
course that offers scholarship money for culinary school.
Great De s igns Junior Rob Van Dyke sholvs off his creahve ability ProStart is th~ learrung and using of culinary skills " I like throwing flour ever}"\ herl and on other people because it's hilarious," said Junior Rebekah I
Seruors Brittany Bergstedt and David Doffing have some laughs while tinkering with their soon- tobe masterpieces Toothpics are a maJor part in making some designs with the sauce
- Demons
enloD ~Ian 1\1aas and Amanda Son ig frolic offstage \.Vhile pondering the ans¼·er to em}stery \.far) said, "Children's theater 1s amazing The look on the kid ' s faces 1s a ,e 01 a kind experience \.vhich I \.v1ll ne, er forget.''
Page by: Gerald Richards
Ca - c h ing
Seniors Alex Hughes and Andre\v Cline register with junior ~1isty Jackson for the contest. Brittan\ \Vangsness said ' ' I lo, e after the sho\.vs \Vhen \Ve go to say goodbye to the kids and they come up to vou and tell you hO\.\' much they loved the sho,v I lea\'e kno\, ing I have touched at least one kids life "
Senior Paul Ke t chum jumps into ac ti on as a narrative beanstalk. Paul said, "My favorite part of Childre n 's Theatre 1s when the kids look a t you as though you' re a bunch of dancing pmk elephants in wombat costumes \.Vhile playing I Will Surv ive It 1S neat"
Mwah-ha - ha
Seruor Tlffi Mitchell is pleased'" ith his sabatag1ng efforts. Mallory Brunel said, "The best part of children's theatre 1s interachng "'1th the kids and \vhat the kids gam from the performance "
Children's Theatre has been a success for the past 26 years thanks to director John Klug and his performing students. Children 's theatre allows people to inspire the youth with morals and imagination. Senior Angela Finke said , "Performing for kids is the most rewarding experience. They remind you how the arts can touch even the youngest mind ." This program has helped people like senior Amanda Sorvig express herself in a relaxed environment Amanda said , " I love that no matter what you say, the kids love the show and it makes me feel talented. "
- Demo11s I 60°/o 1s7 •• " ) I,, -
Sophomore Kent McKendry concentrates in te ntly on the iss u es at hand
e and
sacrifice their ti m e f or the good of the school
has a little fun plav1n g wilt a fluffy scarf All student council members work very hard at th 5 responsibilities
Left, I eft, Lefl, Righ t, Left! Senior 1\llison rrost organizes the troops at one of the Student Coucil meetings. Nol only does ~he handle the troops, but she takes ca re of the recording as well .t\llison gi\'es an excellent contribution to the planning process
- De mon s iss 600/o
Fu t ure U.S. P resi d e n t Senior class representihve Sean Politte quenches his thirst for knowledge at a Stundent Council meehng Sean pays full attention to the presented ½Ork
Hi s Think ing Ca p is On
his fellow councilmen
and community.
Fluff and Stuff
Chase Larsen
Page Bys~ Becker
Gelling So m e lau g h s
SPn1or P,_ter Rodey laughs at a comical article he read~ for the ne\\ spaper Peter enJO\ ed hi-. time"1 orking on the ne\,·spaper "I to ok thi s class because I really enjo) ,vri ttin g a nd '-~dly, I so mehme s spend my Friday nights her e, said sophmore Kat) Kelly
e 1ne
Page By Brandon Sutrina
Foc using H ard
Senio r Nick Andrzeje\\ ~k1 ca n ' t keep his e, es o ff the comp uter. Nick gave ,,II his effort makin g the ne,,·saper as good as he cou ld It takes more
The Fini s h ed Pro du c t Junior Ashley L u tz and seruor
Taylor Mead look at what all their har d work pro d uced Ash ley was amazed a t everythi n g that got done. " With so much going on in the world, it's hard to pick what to 1rvrite on, " said Ashley
Takin g C are Of Bus ine ss
Senior Corey Bull gives h i s best Corey worked hard on making the next com i c for the schoo l new s paper " The ne\.v s paper 1s making progress really well and the next iss ue 1s going to be great," s aid seruor Heath er Degroat.
Makin g Som e Noi s e J uruor Au s tin Robin s on take s her work seriously Austin trie s hard to get her op1n1on out there . " Everyone ha s their own opinion and you don ' t have to accept 1t, iust take 1t for "vha t 1t 1s," sa id Austin.
Ge ttin g Fru s tra t e d Jun i or Dann} Blanchett is up se t he doe s n ' t get to mak e more a rticle s Danny \..vould Io, e to Yo1ce hi s opinion n1ore " I t's a s ham e we only got to make h\ o ne\.vspapers thi s se m este r," said Dann,.
\\'Ork than mo:-.t people think,'' sa id iuruor Kavla Jen se n
li'fflllllffl' o e m ons I 60 % • J II I
Access Denied
" My favorite part of yearbook is ha ving the power to record history," sa id so phomore Michelle Asher as she reflected on the hard work the yearbook staff has done. The yea rbook s taff tries to create the best " memory '' possible for the past year. The yearbook staff works hard all year snapping pictures and asking for quotes . " You can have fun while meeting new people, as you are creating a memory book," sop homore A s hley Vigil exp l ained. Being in the yearbook class helps students to become involved with bringing the year together as one . Thanks for all their hard work.
Love Is In The Air
Sophomore Jessica Yoakum and JUIUOr Shane Tyslan expenence a love connection \\ hilc ,vork1ng as the editors of People and Academics. " Being editor 1s so much harder then JUSt v>1ork1ng on sp read s " explained Shane
Deep in thought.
Senoir Amanda White, Clubs and Sports Edi t or, takes a break from herstressh yearbook responsib1li hes. "Yea rbook 1s a ton of har d work and sweat, but in th end 1s defirutely ,vorth 1t," said Amanda
lill"ffl'!l!ffDemon s 160 600/0 or1 -..
Senior Olivia Versaw works hard to finish her s p read before the deadline "Yearbook 1s harder than I had anhc1pated, but it beats ,vriting essays," commented Olivia
'Matt rodniajr.
You have no idea hov. much I look. up to ) ou. I cou ldn 't ha\e a ked for a better brother. It' s craz) you ·re alread, going to co lle ge! And e\ en though I ·m looking forv.ard toles brui es. I'll m1-,s )OU!
Lo\ e, Your si-.ter Brook.e
P .S. I told } ou ) ou had a mullet 1
'Me3an & 'Rosa(yn
Here 's to the best )ears of h\es. You tv. o \\ 111 al ,vays be\ e0 spec ial to me. ever forget al1 the great times. Park er Parti es, mall trip~. enior nights. J -unlt and so manv more.
All m) heart, Laurenza
Lauren 'Armita3e
Dear Lauren. You will alv.-ays be so vef) spec ial to us. Remember. the best is YET to come
We love you.
ana & Papa
'Matthew '.Jl&rodnia
We want to congra tulat e you and all of your accomplishments. You have a vef) bright future! Matt , you hold a spec ial place 1n all of our heart s. Kno\v that ,ve love you and God bless! Love.
Mom Dad , Brooke Tommy , & Karh
Our p~c1ous .inole Just can't 0 et a,va)' - e from tho,e den1on'-I. eh ? Concratulalions. Laurie
Gram & Grampa
Lauren 'Armita3e
Dadd)·.., iJ tt le girl. Mom· s be'-lt friend Who could ask. for more 1 we·,e sa\ed e\'el) precious butterfl) kiss , e\ief} hug. the feel of, our hand 1n ours. and all the tear smi les and laughter 1n our hearts and v. 1ll trea..,ure those moments fore\ er Remember Lo, e ) ou fore\ er Lo, e you tor al,\a) s
Your 1ntredibly proud purents
Lauren ~rmita3e
Our Princess ... a beautiful daughter and a wonderful gift to th1 .., \\Orld. We are \O much r1cher for) our laughter, love and JOY
Lauren ~rmita3e
E, en thou gh I 've al,va) s been the bettter kid. and even though r 11 ah,\ ays beat you at ever)t hin g. l still lo ve )OU You ha,e become a beautiful woman and I am -.o proud of )OU! Good lu ck 1n the future Rhin o
0 "\
161 ••
atasha 'Ba(czarek
Hello\\ orJd here I am! You ha\ e taken the \I.Orld by s torm from th e moment ,ou were born Yo u a re so spec ial to us. \Ye have enJoyed watc h ing you gro\\ f ro m a cute baby to a beau l1fu l young \von1a n W e love you so m uc h !
L ove.
Mo m & D ad
'Bethany 'Barned
Be th any,
W ow! Th e year s have fl o\l.n by. It see m s h.k. e J USt yes lerd ay th a t I b roug ht yo u h o me fo m1 th e h os p Ha l ! I k n o\v th e bes t year s o f you r li fe are a h ead of yo u I wis h yo u a ll of t he s u ccess and h app 1n e s you deserve.
I love you, Mom
'Brianna 'Bartfie(s
W e a re very p ro ud o f h ow h a rd yo u \\/ Or k and never g 1ve u p Co ntinu e wo rkin g hard a nd you w ill a l\vays prove th a t yo u are ca p a bl e of ac hi ev in g yo u r drea m We l ove you an d are a lways th e re for yo u .
L ove.
D ad, M o m . J os h , An ge l a & Ri ley
'Ryan 'Baxter
Hey R yan.
W e h ave had so n1 e rea ll y grea t tim es toge th e r , pl ease d o n c le t th e m eve r e nd So wh e n yo u leave, a l\vays re me mb e r n1 e.
L ove.
Geof f rev ! ,
annafi 'Ba(tz
No t o nl y are we pro ud of yo u fo r v,1 ho are, b ut fo r all yo u w ill beco m e! D ·ean1 big Dr ea m o ft e n
L ove.
Mo m Dad & Si s
Zachery 'R 'Barnes
Z ac h we are ve ry pro ud of y o u and every thin g you h ave acc ompli shed Alw ays be tru e to yo urse lf and e njo) all of life · s ad ve ntures.
W e l ove yo u , Mo m , D ad & Ali
Ni c k ,
We a re so proud of y ou ! e ver lo se yo u1 s park Y o u ' re onl y at th e be g inni n g o kee p yo ur GOA L in min d !
L ove.
Mo m. Tim . T.J . and Ky l ie
'Ryan 'Baxter
I t' s h ard t o im ag in e th a t you h ave alrea d y compl e te d th is p h a e of your life Yo u have p rov id ed us \V 1th o man) grea t me mori es. Be g ood to yourse lf and yo u ' ll go f a r. W e wi ll a lwa ys be he re for y ou
L ove.
Mo m and Dad
,- - -
Dearest Brittan).
Your cons tant sm il e and <;unn) d1c,pos1t1on have \\ am1ed our hearts these e\ en teen ) ear,. O\\ It·-. time to \tep out into the \\Orld and \\arm \On1e heart\ there We love you the moc,t!
Mom. Dad. and Brent
'Katie 'Braun
You ,,er~ a , er, special little girl and )ou·\e become .in excepttonal adult
We ·re so prouc.J ol L\ i.;ryth1ng )OU dn and the perc,on } ou , e he c on1c Conti n uc ) our JOurne) ,vilh the ... ame honest) and ded1cauon you , e ah, a, s ,ho,, n and thL \\ orld 1s ) our.., 1 Go \\ 1th God. Katie Lo\e , l oma and Dad
'Katie 'Braun
You·\ e a J,i. ays been there for me to lean on, and I 'm going to mis )OU. You are the best s ister 1n the \\Orld. Kalle' Ha\e fun al college.
P.S. I don·r e\en \\ant )Ou r room!!
It 1s al\\ays good to l ook at the ,vor ld from evef) ang le You ·ve made ) our whole family proud' We kno\\.- you' ll have a bright future.
Love. &P
'Matt 'Brune
M att.
What am I going t o do w i thout you! I'm go in g to miss our4 a.m. phone ca ll s. that drive me abso l utely crazy or all my craLy phrases 1h at no one else ,vill understand
I am so lu cky to ha ve found suc h an amazing guy that I ,v1ll never forget. I wi~h yo u the best of lu c k. on whatever you c hoose to do, and al ways that
J \\ 111 be h ere to su pport you. Love.
J essica ( your wamba t )
Congratulauon, 1 We are \Cf) proud of your ac.h1evementc, and kno,, ) ou \\ 111 be c,uccec,sful. You are a fine young n1an We Io,e vou to the c,un. moon and ... tar,' •
Congratulallon.., Matthe,, '
The world 1s en ri ched b) ) our outgoing. tnendl). con1pass1onate heart Your -..en,e of humor touches al I those around } ou Your leadersh ip ~kills and hard,, ork ,, 111 lead ) ou to a bright and pro..,perou, tutu re We are ,ery proud of you. We lo,e you!
Mom and Dad
'Matthew 'Brune 'Matthew
I'm a, proud of }OU no,, a~ I \\a~ back th en. 'r' ou li ght up the lt\ e..., of tho,e around ) ou \vlth your sense of hun1or. charm, and amazing per1:.,onaht}. You ·n continue to acco1npl1sh anyth in g you set your n11nd t o Reach for the s t ars but h ave fun along th e \vay!
163 • ) J
'Matt 'Brune
You ' ve ure done a great Job gro\.\ tng into yo ur s h oe~- JUSl kee p tt up' We're pr oud of } ou !
L ove.
Papa + M1
'Reyna 'Bryan
Congratu lat1ons Rey na! M a} aJI } our dre a n1 s be fulfilled' We s upp or t you 1n you r ma gical quest ot a g rea t e du ca t1on and career.
L ove from Dad. Shahara. Kers ti and Ba y
Ye s Mallory , 1t is a marble rye i:-rom S c hnnzer 's! We know yo ur co mpa s ionale heart \Vtll lead you while yo u fo Jo\v your dreams Keep a firm g np on , our goa ls, you r eyes on the prize a nd don t go t o th e door 1n a red robe
All of our love.
Mom Dad Mi chael and M atthew
I love you. you've a]ways b een there for n1 e . Love. J
As hle y, where do I begin? You are the lightofn1y life 1 I ' m so proud of you All I wish for yo u 1s a life that fulfills you e n1otionally and int e llectuall y. You are a s pe c ial gift not on ly to me but to the world B e al I you ca n be Love , Mon,
A s h I aJ\vays mi ss the tun e we had to play w h en you were younger Lo ve.
A sh, Your smil e a lways brings JOY to my heart .
L ove, D ad
Y o u are my sis ter, my be t f r ie nd and yo u have had the grea tes t 1n1pact on my life You are suc h an amazi n g pers on a nd you have taught me s o n1u c h abo ut mys elf You 've tau g ht me that life is beautifu l and to lov e every minute of it.
I lo ve yo u g rab fac e!
I I ---
Son-J inee. th e da) G o d blessed us ,, 1th ) ou mad e u.;; so proud! Ma) a ll your dreams come true, kno,\ in g vou · ll do ..., greal thin gs \\-ith your future' \Ve are always th e re for 1 ou and love yo u ,er) mu c h
Jorn and Dad
Christie Charfeston
You may not behe\ e It by looJ..1n g at he r no,:i. but as Lh e 1r pi c ture and her SJ\ter Cathenne atte s t . Chnst1e ha\ aJwa) s been very fashion consc1o u We \\1sh }OU all the best at college.
Love . the Jam
Christina 'Mont8omery
It 's um e What ttme you ask It 's eight o ' ke). It 's lime to take th e \\ orld by s torm I JU St hope ll s read) You ·re amazing.
- Levey Mi c hael
To the gas-lady and ltght - lad} of m) life
I ' m \er) exc ited to see \Vhere you go next. Wat c h out for tea part1e-. 1
Manh ew and Becca
We are so very p roud of you' You ha\-e so many great attr i bute s: you're beautifuL 1ntelhgent and funny Keep your en t husia s m , folloVv your dream s and always remember to be true to yourself.
Muffet , you can overcome any obstacle
1f you be li eve 1n yourself as much as we believe 1n you Love.
Mom and Tuff Tuff
You ha, e been a great brother to rnc and an e, en greater role rnod LI I \\on· t e, er forget e, er) thing you t,1ught me Good lucJ.. 1n ltfe and e, er) thing eh,e r II n11..,, )'OU
Lo\e, ) our s1..,ter KJ) ley .
Christie Charfeston
I ne, er ,, ou ld ha, e gue\sed I ' d be ) our fnend , l et alone ) our BEST triend I But thank god beacause I cou ld not hve Vv / 0 you b) m) side for e\ e1; th1 ng I You are an AM AZI I G per-.;on 1n e, er) \\' :.l)' o 1nat1er ,, here ltfe leads us. ) ou can st1 II count on me for an) thcng Thank you for the most an1al1ng fr1endsh1p!!!
Lo, e al\vU) s. Bethan} (the coole-. t l).
Christina 'Mont&om ery
You are th e n1o L ama1:1ng child You ha,e overcon1e obst1cle" that n1o s t adu lt s co uldn 't ha ndl e and still re 1na1ned funn, • \.\ eet, and th e -.crongest bab) T 1n th e \\.Orld O\\ you are read} to shov: 1hat \\ orld this unusual strength and all I can '>a) 1s- ST A D BACK WORLD 11
Love you, Mamma a nd Dad.
1lndrew Cline
For all that opens before ) ou, ,ve offer s imple word-; for a comp heat e d Joume1 seek \Vtsdom. \.\ ork. hard pause, appreciate. enJ0). empathize. explore. persevere. phdosoph1ze. lau g h and Io, e Thank. you for making us laugh. making u:-. think , and all \Ve 've enJoyed together
Lo\ e al\va 1 s, Mon1 and Dad
- --------:------------,
. ' . . . ., . ,., • • , ,,
165 ••• • J .l
Sarah Cott{e
Good luck Sarah I knov.. that you\\ 11l be great 1n college
Lo ve , Gnf
Sara Courtney
Sara N1coleCongratulat1ons, you made 1t through H 1gh School! We are s o proud of you! We know that \vhatever the future hold<; for you, you'll suceed becau5e you are strong , confident , and you beheve 1n yourself Good L uc k!
Dad , Mom , and Johnny-Rao
'A(yssa Cuchiara
Aly ss a : You ' ve gone from exploring the neighborhood to t he pursiut of your drean1 as you head off to college We are so very proud of you . Apply your talent s to your pur s uit of happine<;s and your dreams will come true Remember to ··play. have fun, and be careful!,.
We love you, Mom and Dad
Sarah Cott{e
Good Luck. Sweetheart! I wi ll miss you, but I an1 so excited for the new adventu re you are abou t to begin. Fo ll ow }'Our heart. and know how much I love and support you. my beau t ifu l g irl.
1 1,
L ove, Mommy
'A(yssa Cuchiara
Where ha s the time gone? Yo u h ave grown up from a prec ious little girl to a beaut1fu I, brig h t, ta lented, lov ing, and admired young lady W e are so pro ud of you and your accom plis h me n ts. Y ou are our prec1ou angel. Dance On!
We love you , Mom and Dad
It ,eem s like yesterday we were putting your baby teeth out for the tooth fa iry I t feels as though you gre\v overnight in to a beautiful young lady I' m so very proud of a l I that you do. and never forget that I love you with all my heart!
To my li tt le girl t ha t has g rown up to be uch a grea t and posi ti ve pe rso n Congratu lations on gra d uat in g and I WL5h nothing but great th ings in the f u tu re.
Love You T oo!
D ad"'
'Kyfe 'Do6yns
We are so glad we h ave go tt e n to ln o\v you You're a n ou ts tan d tng yo un g man ' We love yo ur out go ing pe rso n a li ty an d posnive att itude a n d know you wi ll do \Vell 1n yo ur f ut u re e nd eavo rs.
L ove, Ton,. T a1n1. Cat ie, a nd Br i t
- -
,------------ -
'------------------------------' -
L,._ ---------------------------~-
L._ ___. ----------------------------~
'Dave 'Do ........ina
Da\ y,
From th e fir s t day t o gra du at io n da) you ·ve don e really good.
Pur s ue ) our dreams and mak e them happ e n !
W e· re ver) proud o f you
L o \ e, Dad Georgia, Du a n e, Dougie
'Beau 'Drexrer
I ca n ' t th a nk. )OU e n o u g h for e\.ef)th1ng yo u 've g iv e n m e the pa st tv. o years. I won't forget the me mon es we've s haredand I look forward to the memo n es to co me 1·m reall) lu c k y to ha ve '>0 meo n e lik e) ou 10 m) life. I lo ve you mor e' Chumpy
P .S. f \\ 1n !
'B eau 'Drexrer
l am very proud of \ ou You have alv. ays been a great k id 1 hank ) ou for th at 0\\ con11nue on to be a grea t man. l lo\ e yo u "e r} much. Mom
Good JOb Mega n
H ave a good gra duatton
Lov e your brother, Chaz
From ca re bea rs. barb 1es. d o ll s and toy s, to phones, n1u s 1c. c ars and boy s. I ha ve watched you grow into the mo s t re ma r kabl e yo ung \voman l have ever known It 1s an h ono r and pri v il ege to h av e you a s my daughter I am so proud of yo u Su ccess a\\aits yo u
Love Mom
My bes t friend.
I love ) ou times a m tlh on S in ce 7th grade \\>e '\e been best friends and I don ·1 think I'd \Vant 11 any o th e r v.,a) Y ou're a beaut 1ful. co mp ass1onate. lo\ 1n g \\ oman. folio\\ ) our dreams for the) \\ tll t ake you an 1 v. here
All ID) heart.
It 1s \.\.t th g rea t adm1rat1on th a t \\e \.\.file thi s le tt er. You h a\ e blossomed int o a ve r y lo\e l) )Oung \\Oman We are so pro ud of yo ur accomp li s h1n ents Your goa ls a nd amb1t1on~ a re ve r ) ad n11rable and you s h o uld let n o o ne delour }OU rrom you r c ho se n pat h Lo ve.
Oma and Opa
You are a ve ry 1nt e llt ge nt girl Just s ta, t he \\ay you a re a nd you ~ill reac h yo ur goa ls We are proud of yo ur accomp l is hn1 e nt s and yo u r be i ng a respon-..1ble girl. W e v.1sh yo u Lh e be'>t 1n life
Lo ve, Gramm a and Grandpa
167 .. • , ,I
To my lJttl e J en t fer and m y bec;.,t fnend! Y ou are an an1aztng young v.,oma n and I am so proud of } ou! Reme1nbe 1 t o al\vays am1 le 1 love always M om
P{ysa ~rett §o(dman
WI th pride and love we c;hare in I/Our achievement of another mile stone 'Vfa, we share many more with our " l tttle baby G " - Mom a nd Dad
El ysa.
You h ave al\vays been m y bes t friend. I k.n ow I ca n alwa ys trust you and will forever c h eris h memones from ourchtldhood I lo, e yo u so mu c h and am po sittve you \\, ti! go far
Eri c
Catie / ~ranquist
You are our miracl e and \Ve are so thanl ful to h ave you! Your beauty. w i sdo m. tren g th and generosi ty make us proud. We wish you much joy and happ1ne s in yo ur hfe .
Love Mom and Dad
Catie / _ranquist
W e h a d so me grea t tim es Rem e mb e r spe ndin g days building Barbie hou se~. pla yi ng th e Goon1es. or Scooby Doo and pla y in g 1n Grandma 's c,ca ry b ase ment. You are th e s is ter with amazing \trength a nd ind epe nd e nce so we kno\.v yo u will do great 1n co lle ge. We lov e you a nd ,v1ll alwas be he re for you.
Your s is t e r s.
Emily an d Brlt
Catie / ~ranquist Lisa
___ rantano
To Li sa.
The Sttnk rooney then , the c la s c lown now In be tween , a lway!:) my little girl.
I 've alway s been so proud of you and al\vays will. You have s uch an extraordin ary pa ss ion for !ife. fun , and your friend s.
I'll lo ve yo u forever , Dad
We hav e ahvays been an1azed by your s punk and determinat ion. You have g rownup to be a del 1ghtfu l young woman, \vho we are ext reme l y proud of. W e are convinced that you \.Vlll do well and go far in life
We love you.
Nannie and Pops
:Jenni er Qinn (ji(6ert
Jennife r
:Jenni er Qinn (ji(6ert
'-----------------------------·..------------------------------, -
You \:vill always be our "li ttl e Princess." W e wi s h only the best th at life as to offer you, al\vays re mem ber we are so proud of yo u and the yo ung woman you have become We l ove you, Dad and Mom V -
Me3an Lindsey :E[fiot
From th e little g irl playing s kip - it on th e front v. alk to the 1mpress1ve ) oung v. oman} ou h a, e beco n1 e Thank ) o u for b ei ng th e best daughter that an} father co uld hop e for Tho se around ) ou admire and respec t yo u for the example that yo u '>et. Greatness av. a lt s you.
Lo ve. Dad
'A,((ison 'Frost
We kne,v you were extrao rd1n af) th e minute we l a td eyes on) ou Do n ceve r se ttle for ordinaf) ! Use) o u many gifts to make a great llfe. Allison.
All our Io, e. Mom and Dad
K y le.
We are proud of your grov. th! lov e, Mom and D ad
J ordan.
We love yo u and we are proud of everything you a cco mplt s h . We hop e yo u co ntinu e to enJOY yo ur Journey and the man y adventures and e>.penences that awatt you as you trave l dov. n th e road of ltfe
lov e, Mom and Dad
I Io, e ) ou gi rl , ">0 much ! \Vhat 41111 I going to dl) v. 1th } ou ,111 lec1, ing me? I treasure the thing, v. c ha, e done together and the Jd, enturcs "e huvc been on I lo, e ) ou g u y-,
M y fair squa re lo, e, Chns t1n a K}le.
Give u, a RA S I Io, e Jessi ca and Dani el.
Congratulationc; Me g' Be su re and dream big because )O U are a s ucceede r We Io,e you. tvtom. Dad. Mandt and Tri na /
rie ~ray
You have alwa)s been d ete m11n ed to work thin gs o ut 1n ) o ur own "a) I believe thi s d e te rminati on,,. tll he lp you to be s ucce-,.sful 1n all aspects of l ife. You v. 111 al,vays hold a soft s pot 1n my h eart.
Lo, e. Dad
•• II ,. I l .I
1liana / rie
I'm proud of all you have done I'm 1n a\1,.e ot all ) ou can do. Remen1ber God and I \Vlll ahva) s be ,v1th you.
Mi c hae l ,
We are proud of the detem11ned, ndependent you ng man you a re and all of your accomplishmen ts. Continue to l jugh and enjoy life' s adventures. pursue goals and dream s and they w ill be yc ur !-., Love you always!
Love Mom Dad, and Carter
'Kristie L.
Congratulauons Twinkle Toe s.
Lo ve.
'Kristie L. 'Kristie
Ta1saya, Taylor. Alan
Kristle Hagberg.
A\ you head off to co lle ge watch out for the "pota to poli ce" at the student union! Good luck yo u will do wel I.
Love, Thea & Gus Tyler Landry.
Your nickname gro\v1ng up was the Ro ck." I t fi t s you we) I . Keep up the hard work. It will pay-off every time . Lo ve.
Your #1 Uncle J ean Claude
'Kristie L.
I' m so proud of you! Reach for the s tar s, stay focused & admirable. You can achieve anything you set your mind to Enjoy each day. dream big, remember to h ave fun. Make good dec1s1ons/th1nk first. l ' n1 here for you always through thick / thin. You're my hero .
Lov e.
From Godzilla ·s mommy to a fabric fairy and s melling like a dragon. you ·re n ow a graduating Demon and we cou ldn 't be more proud of you.
Jacque s, & Rena
'Kristie L.
Congratulat1ons Lo a multi-talented girl Stay the course and you will ce rt ai nl y be succec;sful. You have mad e us a ll proud and we know there will be cau e fo1 many pndeful times 1n the future.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa Ha gbe rg
'Kristie L.
You're beautiful even wh en you' re a monster! You al,vays make me smile. I'm so th ankful t o have you, I cou ldn ' t ask for a more perfect dau gh ter We have so much f un Kn s ti e, eve n th e hard time \eem easy ,vith you. Thanks for being great. keep it up!
Love , Mum & Dad
• ' I I I L ___________________________ .._
'Kristie L.
Kn s t1 e, In lit e as you m ee t ne v. peo pl e and mak e ne v. fnend s.) o u \V III c r ea le ne w n1 e m on es. Do no t a ll o v. th ose ne\v n1emon es to o ve r s hadov., th e o ld Th e old re fl ec ti o n s are 1n1po rtant not o nl y to ) o u- loo k at pi c tures and ne\ e r forget.
Love, Aunt Mi c he ll e & C o u si n Mo ll )
'Kristie L.
To a very s pec ia l g rand -d a ug ht e r Th e g rea tes t g ift t s hav in g yo u a s a gra nddau g hte r We h ave had a lo t o f v. o nd erf ul um es to ge th e r I alv.a ys kn e v. yo u \.v oul d be so m eo ne s pec ial , kee p up th e good wo rk I a m proud of yo u yo ur g ra nd fath er wo uld ag ree I \\. 1s h he we re he r e to see) o u
L ove. Yo ur g r a ndm a a\ ant
ttfiew j. ...... aimer[
Matth ew. You ' ll al ways be m y bu g. I a m so pro ud of yo u'
Love, A 's
.Jacob 'D.
Ja c ob
'Kristie L.
Kn s l ie Rcali1e your po te nti a l don' t d isappoint n1e 1' 111 pro ud o f \\ h at ) o u ' ve done ; nea rl y grov. n up Nov.' t hat you· n: 0\Cr hig h ,t. hoo l th e days \Vi .II see n 1 sho rt er. Th e ni g h t!', th a t mu ch l o nger. ) ' ou 11 al\\cl) be m) ltttl e "> ts ter, yo u 11 alv. a) she m y li ttl e , n o\\tla ke f lo\e )OU!
Your b ro th er K rt\ ll a n
ttfiew j . ...... aim er[
Ma tt
It see m s J Us t ye-, tu r<l ay th a t )OU \\ ere pl a} 1n g wi th yo u r toy trac to r -, a nd here yo u a re roda) d n \ 1ng th e rea l ones V.. e are so ve r ) pro ud o t ,ou ' O n v.a r <l to bi gger an d be tt e r t hin g,!
L ove. M om & Dad
jaco6 'D. ']{ans en
J a k e.
See m s hk e yes te rd ay \ve \.ve r e a ll p hi} 1n g toge th e r . b ut ) ea I Yo u ma d e 11 a nd are mov in g o n R eme m be r v. ha r goc.., aro und co mes a ro und! Goo d lu t.k
Hugs. Ba } lee. An e l & Mi c hae l
C o ngr atu la ti o ns on g r o win g up to be s uc h a we ll - ba lan ce d 1nd1 v 1dual. Go o d l uck Jumping int o th e nex t s tage of your l ife ' H ugs & ki sses
L ove, Mom & Dad
.Jacob 'D . ans en
J akey. Thank s for play in g drc..,s- up \V 1th 1n e and be in g m~ pla y mat e ! 1 11 m iss you W a} to go!
Love A]\.Va}s, S ay lee
--· ------------------'
•• I ti 11 I J 171
Lucas anson
We are so\ ery proud of you and a ll that you have done Also, for being our so n ) ' ou have a \\'Ond erful s p1nt. What e\e r ,ou decide to do in ltfe. \\.e s upp ort you We love you. Thank s for being suc h a good son and brother Lo\e, Mom, Dad. Jo sh, and Jar ed
...... arrison 'Fi(as
You 're a man \Vho can wear ma ny hat ~1n the f uture Pi ck your fa vo rit e and then go for th e gusto. W e love you and are very proud of you.
Mom and D ad
----arrison 'Fi(as
Ma y th e sna ke of happiness brin g you s uccess and all the fun you can han<l le in college ' Congratula ti ons man, Ycu\ e done it. despi te your poker and camping she nanig ans You h ad better v1s 1t ll'e all th e time next yea r !
Your lov ing Bro ,
Be n
I ne\er th ough t I 'd e nd up with suc h a g reat fn end Itke yo u in my life. You are s o s pecial to m e. Be n " Reac h f or th e moon, and you' l1 l and among th e stars.''
Follow your dreams bab e! I LOVE YOU Bes t friend s forever.
'Anissa 'M jankoviak
Good luck" B1 g" sis. Than x for alv. ays being th er e a nd I hop e yo u ha ve a g rea t tim e 1n v.1 ha teve r yo u do after high sc ho ol..
L ove.
D an Janko v1a k
P .S Nice hai r
You have co uche d so many live s in vef) \vonderfuJ ways dunn g you r sc hool years. W e are so proud of yo u and all yo u 've accomplished and hope you \vill ahva).., be happy, he althy , and productive
L ove.
Mom and D ad
" Th e re 1 a v1tality, a life fo rce, an I e nergy, that is tr ans l ated through you I into ac tion , and bec au se th ere i only one l of yo u in all ume , thi s express ion 1s uniqu e." ( M Graham ) Ale x, as yo u -;oar through life know that our hearts are always with yo u ! W e love yo u Mom. Dad, Luk e, ate , and J as pe r
'Anissa 'M jankoviak
Y o u w111 al ways be o ur little girl. You arc a tru e s urvi v or and 1ns pirat1on. W e wish yo u lhe bes t l ife can bring We love you' Mom and D ad
\ 172
I am '>0 proud of you: 1 ou have made It so far You ha\e changed my ltfe 1n "-'O many \vay.... Ever} moment \Ve have spent together. I ha\.e cherished You have al'>- ay been there for me. and }OU are my best tnend You are such a dream con1e true. and I lo\ e ,ou '>- Ith all m) heart I 1--.nO\V } ou \v ill do weJI 1n the future. and good lucl--. 1n everything ) ou do I lo\ e ,,ou so much . Lo\,e Al\i\ay'>.
L ndz1
Josie 'Kenney
·· Little Muff' It's so hard to behe'-e thal )OU ha\e graduated from high school already Precious. sens1t1ve. smart. k.1nd. lo\ 1ng. funn}. and beautiful all rolled up into one petite package I am so proud to be your mom!
Love. tommy
Levi 'Koch
We knew one day you would fill that hat' You have grown up to be a \ ery special person. We are so proud of you.
Dad & Mom
Jared Leidich
Since you were very young, you have been build ing toward a great fu tu re. We a re con t inually amazed \\ 1th you r crea t 1" tt y and accomph\hmen ts. Keep up th e good work and always remember to laugh at li fe
We love you very much.
Mom a nd Dad
You have brain, 1n }<Htr head
You ha\ e tect 1n \ our shoe s. You can teer yourself in any direction you c.hoo,e
) our on 1 our O\\ n
A.nd you know \\ hat you kno\, You are the guy \\.ho II decide \\.here to go
Mom .ind Dad
Candice 1wse 'Knutso n
Life goe, b1 1n the bltnk ot an e1 e It ,eem'> like 1e terda1 ) ou v.ere three and n1ak1ng me laugh \.v 1th} our 1n1ag1nat1\ e \lone, ow you amaze n1e \vtth your talent The v. orld t\ your creat1, e talent. The v. orld 1s your O) ster shuck H and find }Our pearl.
We Jove you Mom , Dad. Kayla. and Ke\ 1n PS Falean \\,as alv, 3}'> m, favorite!
To our, \Veet girl. \Ve· re ,o proud of, ou and all your amazing accomplishments Abby You h.1ve gl\ en us much JO) and ..,o n1an} smile throughout your gro~ 1ng trom our Un) ·· gumm) bear'· to the lovely girl 1 ou are We k.nO\\. ) ou \\. ill be successfu l 1n your next lite adventures Dance with abandon 1n ever) thing } ou do
Love, Mom and Dad
Jared Leidich
W 1th three older '> Isler.., 1l looks hke } ou learned at an early age when to keep vou mouth shut! We are so proud of your talents and accompli5hment'>. We lo\ e you Bud'
XOXO, Kan. Celeste. and Aimee
173 I' I .I
Y o u are one of a kind, yo u ulv.ays wi ll be A l wa) s \ tri ve to '>tay that \\a) You a re a kind , thoug htful. intelligent, beautiful person and we are very proud of you! H opin g lt fe will hold wonderful s upri se'> for you alway keep smiling
L ove and wis h es,
Mom and D ad
Syencer 'Marsha((
Surf' s up and \Ve \V ill "sea" you lat e r- n · been a whale of a good time- g uess \Ve will flounder around \vhen yo u lea ve. Wa tch out for s h a rk s, keep stro kin g, and r1deoutthehurncanes. WELOVEYOU -
M o m , D ad a nd Megan
'Bi((y 'Martin
Bill y.
Lo okin g back over the pa st e ig ht een years. we h ave many Lr easu red me mori es Th a nk s for all th e joy! We \Vtsh you co ntinu ed happin ess a nd s ucess 1n th e n ext pha se of yo ur life. Our love will be with yo u L ove.
Mom and D ad
'Ti .........any 'Martinez
You've co me a long way kiddo-with yo ur d e termination and hard work you will ~u cceed 1n th e future. I want yo u to know you are LOVED . Lot s of Lo veMom . Sean and R yan
Y o ur family sa l utes your d e di ca tion and determination to realize your pott::ntial and reach yo ur goals. As you go for.\ard we hop e yo u will learn much. 1tugh often. e njo y you r many talents , apprJach life' c; in ev itable c halleng es wi th hi:!a rt , a nd m ake thi s world a bit bri ghter
W e love yo u dear l y
K ee ping memo r ie s of b i rt hday s pas t Al\vays c lo se
To our h eart
Happy thought s of you gr owing up and Re ac hing for the s tars
You light up our hfe , Kat Now yo ur journey begin s
W1th our love
Dad and Li sa
Yo ur bes t s hot. have f u n ' tII you drop!
L ove, M om
'Kathryn 'Mathieu
Thi s 1s Lhe daw n ing of the age of Aq uara1,
- .1-
,~:-~::i }~..,~ .... .,::.:,I
Sara / rtinez
L_..--------------------=------ -
You 're a Bubb a Bubba-a-hc 1ous '
Love. Mom
'Kathryn 'Mathieu
K al hry n, H av in g you has been th e most wonderful thin g 1n my life. You t aug ht me the true meaning of " l ove." I \\ 111 al-wayc; a dmire yo u r un\\.'a \er1ng in teg rit y, your passions. and your g r ace tul s t) le. B e true to yourself and you· ll enJO) evel) part of reach in g your goa l s
I l ove you' Peace. OOXX
Y ou are th e -,u n sh1n e of my life yea
I L ove Yo u Mom
'Mefissa 'Mc!Encroe
W e love o ur wonderfu l daughter/siste r ,vho bnn gs so mu c h s un s hin e into ou r li ves.
With lot s of love, Mom Dad . a nd Carl
L1~a "foxtail fvl cl aughlin,
L\ er s ince you ,vere a little girl you have ah\ a) s been a driver and a n1ovcr ) our love for lite,.., u1sp1nng and) our re..,pect for what is right 1s tr ue. ) ou are the bt: st and \\ltll excel! at a ll that you do.
Lo\ e Al\\ a) s.
Deborah and Da<l
'Brittany 'Meier
Hey Bntcany!
You made tt 1 All becau-.c you 'do-do crap··And e\>en th ough you ·re not going to Stansberr).) ou \\ tll love college and all ll has to offer I'm ..,o proud ro call you m) O\\. n si~ ter Reac h tor the stars ( and }Our home planet)
Your big Sunk)
'Brittany 'Meier
You 've alv.ays s h o\\n us )Our best side \.vith hum or and lo\e . We lo\.e }OU 1
XO. Mom and Dad
Lucas 'M0noana
D ear Lu cas.
M a} 1 ou ah-..ays strive f or great .1ch1t'vemen1 . even through ),OU n1ay occas 1on.1lly reach too tar and f::ul. In your lra\e ls, temper courage with con1pass1on. co n fid ence \\ 11h hum1l1ty Value honor "treng th kno" ledge \\ 1,dom and achte\ ement over 1nere things Per-.everan ce and pa11ence \\ 111 keep }Our path true. l n dark.ness remen1ber that the ,., orld ts ahvays turning IO\\ arc! the n1orn1ng
Love , Dad
Luc as 'Mfanoana ~--
Congratulat1on!'I Lucas!
Fro,n your\ery fiP,tday. you ·ve brought more JO} lo ou r 11\ es than mere "ords can express we re so proud ot }Ou and all that you·" e accomplished A':> } ou embark. upon the next 5tage of your life. we WI'-th you a hfe filled \\ 1th fri e nd s love. adventure. and mo l of all, happ1nes,
'Timothy Patrick
Wow. l canno t believe tt 1s time tor your next ad\ enrure al ready I s hould ha\ e n thi'-t \\ ould come sooner rath er than later since ) ou have al\vays been \v1ser than the nun1b e r o f times you have traveled around the s un M y ,v1sh for yo u 1s to ro nt1nu e to be successtut on your lit e Journe y. face} our c hall enges ,v11h grace. and embrace your v 1ctones \\ 1th hum1hty And al\vays rememb er who yo u really are. a kind and ge ntle -.pint ble ssed \VJ th the streng th of a warn or and the wisdom of a sage. I lo ve }O u Mom
Co{(een 'Mora(es
It see m5 like yesterday those htt le hand s were te s ting out th e lipstick and no\v you're a pro Daddy 's little girl and n1ommy's ltttle helper 1s all grown up We will chensh those men1ories as \Ve Jook forward LO your future We are bles~ed to have you for our daughter . We love you, Dad and Mom
'A{Ge 'Morrison
T o our Little Performer: We have watched with love and pride as you have cheered. danced, tumbled and twirled Cont inue 10 Pursue your dreams! You are terrific we are proud of you and we love you very much!
Mama Daddy, Enn. Michael. Chas Josh. Ca leb. Granny. Papa and Grandma
Mau we are very proud of you. Wt thank God for you and the love you havt ofhtm. God will always be there for you He ha s great plans for your future. Let him lead. We will always l ove you and pray for you.
'Anae(a 'Finke
··To have a child is to accep t that your heart will fo rever walk about outs i de of your body " Sweet Angela- you Carr} our hearts with you. Your beau t ifu l p int ha s much to give the world.
Love, Mom and dad
Co{(een 'Mora(es
Colleen (Lo L o·s)
We are so proud of you. Th ank yo u f o1 being such a wonderfu l daug h ter and the very best btg ister I t's hard to believL our beautiful baby g irl 1s al l grown up. Keep smilhng and be li eve the pos 1btl1 tie s are end less.
We love you,
Sunshine 'Marsette
1·ve al ways bee n proud to have yo u a" my sister. I be h eve yo u wi ll do great th ings l \V1sh you o n ly the best life has 10 offer
thew 'Mi{ne
D ad, Mom , Robert, and A n al1s i a i.__ J
L ove, Calv1n
Sunshine 'Marsette
You hav e alv.ay ... been a ra) ot ,un'-ih1ne 1n m) life I am ~o proud of the \\ondertul person }ou·,e become Fallo\, }Our dreams and ,ta) ,trong EnJO) lite·, 1ourne)
llo,e)ou. Mom
'Mo[(y 'M 'Brittany W
loll y 111d Britt·in)
\\. e are -..o proud l)I ) ou ! The l or,a),
'Mo[{y 'Morvay
Time goe, b) so tasl- enJOY e\ er) momenl. We are so proud of} ou. Lo\e. Mom . Dad . An1} , Hannah and Mau
'Mou(t on
\\ e p1L kcd )OU up ea,) ,,.hen )OU , ,c1e ,rill ,,n.tll.
\\then \\ c let you do,, n) ou bc!!an kkl-111g n hjf I.
You've picl-ctl our brain-. for ulu dc11 ,a11on-.
You , L pi cked) our guitar inro d1s1011ed, 1 bra11011,
\v e ,e p1c.J...ed up 1hc tah si11cc )IIU ll•ft th e ,., ornh.
So before }OU depan. could )OU pi c k up) nur room ·>
Vv e are ,o proud of you! Lo, e \1on1 .ind D:1d
Jeremy 'Navarrete
We are very proud of) ou Set your goals for the future and don ·1 let anyone bnng ) ou down With faith and tru,t 1n the Lord . you can accomplish an) thing We \\-t~h only the best for you 1n ltte.
All our Jove Bob. Mom , and Juh e
You n1adc It I We Jre ,o prouJ of th e per,on you , e become Continue to 111.ikl.:' good c.ho1ces. but abo,e all- he happ}'
We lo\e) ou ,o much, and ,,e \\ i-..h) 011
aJI the be,t 1n hfe God bh..,,) ou!
All our lo\ e,
t-. 1om Dad Mama
... am Ofinemus
You are a bnghl ,tar in our live-, We believe you can accon1pl 1sh anything you wan t to You have many c hoi ces and dec1s1ons to make Don t be loo se riou '>, reach for the sta r,. and find happin ess.
We are very proud of yo u
Lo ve.
Mom and Dad
Laura oUn
I \till can't belie, e ) ou ·re graduJting!
You'\e gro,,n up but you're \ttll n1y little \ Isler M} big siste r ad\ ice knO\\ your1.;elf and no n1atrer v.,hat ) ou n1ay think, you ARE unique And,, h1le ,ou re out there bloo1n1ng. re111embcr I 11 be th ere ,, hen you need me
Love, Jo
'Mindy Parsons
It ·.., hard to belie\-e our lit tle girl 1s a ll '-' grO\\O up You have b rough t such happ1nev') lo our h \ es You are an 1n,p1rat1on.
a bJe..,c;1ng from Go d We are so p roud of you I Keep \ our heart \>vlth t he lord and f ullo,s,. your drean1s Th e sk.) ·'> the hm 1l.
L o, e.
Mom and D ad
'Ma88ie Lynn Pea_pfes
M aggie.
I k. nev, you ,vo uld mi ss me ! Lo,e.
'l'. o ur BI G BROTHE R
A nd y
K}leWe are ver} pro ud of you!You an a good perso n ,v1th so n1uch to offe r the wo rl d
W e l ove )OU alv.a)5 1
M om and Dad
xy(e Pattridt}e
Dear Kyle
W e are so pr oud of} ou. Good l uc k a t college. God b le-;s ) ou.
Grand ma a nd G ra nd pa (O ma and Op a)
xy(e Pattridt}e
Y ou have always bee n a good b r o th er,ve ll a lm o..,t a lways I k. no v1 I h ave a l,vays been a goo d .., 1.., ter- W e ll a lm os t a lv.ays. Good luc k. nex t year an d a lwa} s
I ,v ill m i..,.., yo u
L ove
Maoo 1e ee
We ll M ag pi e. 1t 1s hard t o be li ve }OU ,, ill be l eavi n g th e n es t. Your bri g h t s mil e and spar khn g eyes h a \ e a l,v ays light e n ed o ur h ves. W e are proud to ha, e you as ou r da ug hte r a nd th a nk. s fo r to ler a tin g u s
L ove.
M om and D a d
Steven 'Micfiae( Pfii((-[ps
Wh e n yo u ,ver e s ix we had no id e a th a1 we , , o uld wa t c h ove r 400 socce r game, in 13 ye ar s. We l ove d every minut e of 11 and h op e th a t y ou v.i 111 c ontinu e t o e nJO) th e s p o rt 1n w hi c h yo u e xce l. Keep) ou1 drea m s alt, e !
L ove.
M o m and dad
Onna Lee Poter
Onn a.
Yo u al w a ys lo ve d to dres up to pl a) a part , a nd 11 ha s be e n p ro ve n yo u d o J m arve l ou s JOb .
L ove,
Gr andm a
..____ _ ____________ J.
,----- -, ·
---------------------------, •
Sean %J6ert Politte
You un ha, e that cute -,mile An<l to go ,, 1th 1t there 1\ a good. \\ arm heart and fascinating and 1ntelhgent mind. l ..,e the-,e \\ell and the poss1b1ltt1e, tor ,ou, hfe are unltm1ted We are proud parent" of a 1nuch lo\ ed on!
1om and Dad
'D avid 'Re ed
Da, td - 0.
Gro,, ing up a") our little si 1er ha, been hard at times, but I kno,v in your heart you still love n1e As you go on to bigger and better adventure, , ) ou · II al\l, ay find fun in it. Thanks for) our roon1!
Terra Tot
Sean %J6ert Politte
) ou beha, ed ..,o \\ ell back then and ,,•ere so much fun. Vv hat happened) Do you need a hug., You are a great brother and ha, ea bright tuture I Remember Sir V-. 10..,ton Church1Jr..., ,,ords l f:ou·re going through hell. keep going."
\\,-e lo,e )OU~ Robin.Kelly. and Shannon
'David 'Re ed
Oa,e S1nce)our,ef) hr..,tbirthda).)'Ou ' ve had a handle on things! ' 'Though I', c gro,vn old, the hell still rings for me as it does for all \\'ho trul) believe:· lay you belie, e For the rest of your life.. ... \\ e love ) ou !
i\1om.Dad. and Tot
Jeff You're an av.esome brother you ha,e 01,en me so much to look tor\\ ard 0 to! I'll miss you o much,., hen you go to colleoe o one\\ ill mak.e me laugh like e )OU do You ha\e so muchgo1ng for you ) ou w 111 do a\\ e~ome 1n college I Lo, e
Jenny( ~lt c-.s)
je ........rey 'Ro6ert Poyy
We ,s.·ill alv.·ays treasure a heart full of memone') of · our httle boy ·· But , ith e, ery day that passes.our appre1at1on deepen and our adm1rat1on gro,i. <-.. for the remarkable man you are. and the ,on "e Io, e so much Lo,e, tvl om and Dad
You ha,e filled our home ,,ith lo,e and laughter You brighten a roon1 and our heart'- \\ hen ) ou enter You are alv,•ays read) to help others l\la) the Journey in life bnng) ou all the happ1ne..,.., that you brought to ours We Jo, e) ou. lon1,Kat) ,Laura. and L1..,a
'Brian 'Ricfa e
Thank. } ou fore, er) th1 ng ) ou do for n1e . Thank you for al,, a) s mak.1ng me laugh You are such a good role model tor n1e Good luck. 1n college. I lo, e ) ou Lo\e, Laura
-- - -,
II I •
Bn. 1 don "t k.nov. \\ hat 1 could sa 1 lo thank you for the best years ot 1ny life You are th e grea te:-. t thing that ha s ever happened to rne and r 11 al,vayc; Jo, e and reme 1nber yo u You are my 1nsp1ratton foreveryda} Congratu l at1ons,good luck'
I love you H one) Bear''
-=- Shane,
You've aJv.a 1 s been a gr eat s on' You have many thing go in g fo r you I 1ope a nd pray you '11 u se yo ur s trength talents, w H and c harm to c rea te a wondc.. rful life for) ourself, one wi th tru e purp o~e I lo, e you honey and I a m so proud of~ ou
D on't let the n1undane tasks of everyday Ji, ing stifle the crea tive ene rgy and the joy of life that you have blessed u s v. 1th O\ er the past 18 yea rs. EnJ O} th e rest o f hfe ·-., ad, en1ures.
We love you.
Mom and Dad
Stpfianie Sadfer
Steph- Th ese pa s t couple of }ears have been great and hopefully we ca n have a fe\\ more great years. Good luc k. and have fun 1n and after college
Love Beau
W e are so proud or you for reaching thi s mile~tone Foll ov,, your dreams and you r h eart. You ,vill al,vays be 1n o urs.
We L ove You.
Mom and Dac..I
Roz- I can't believe we finally made 11 don't kno,v ,vhere I 'd be ,vithout 1 ou You are trul y a n amazing perso n an<l fnend. Thank yo u for eve ry thing) ou Vt done for me. ever forget all th e great 1 t1n1 es we·" e had . G iri s night ·'boon1 boom boom'', Glenwood. softball, roon1 mates a nd man y more to co me. I love you and best of lu c k Meoz C,
Stpfianie Sadfer
You a re everything a mom and dad could hop e for Take care. be safe and ,11111 hi g h ! Th e ,vo rld is open ro you.
We love you.
Mom a nd Dad
lL ·s h ard to b e lieve that you· re gradu,1t1ng It ' been a fun 17 year ! Re n1e 1nb~r a ll th e good time s. sy nc and 01own.
L ove always your baby I ter Syd.
1ark. You ·u al\\ a}s be our budd}-gU) 1 We are al\\a)s so proud of}ou and love you madl)
Dad and rvrom
:Brenden Smith
It \ esterda} that happen')" \.\as the extenl of )OU, ocabulary O\\ v e 're sa} ing "v. hat happened?" It \vent so fast'
We ha\ e lo, ed \\ atch1ng ) ou reach for challenges and em brace opportunit}
We love )OU and v.,e are so proud of you!
• 4 Dad. Mom, Sean and Colhn
ra Stitt
Little Sis, you made it! It 1s hard to believe that you have grown up so tast and are now ready tor college You are an amazing sister and I knov. you \\Ill) be able to accomplish \.\- onderful things' I l ove )OU and am \.ery proud of }OU!
Kylie Smile)
Jordan Stricker
This dev d1 sh picture shows your enthus iasm for life, Jt was meant for you to be a G H S Demon' Your accompltsh1nents and hfe t o date have g1\ en us a lot to be proud of and muc.h JOY You v.. il l have ou r support and love always.
Mom and Dad
l\tlark , 'r ou are one of n1y hcst friends! I am proud of you and knov.. ) ou ·11 be great at \\ hat ever you do \\t ,Her'?!
I Jove vou.Alaina
Dear land1
You ha\. e developed into the kind of per..,on \\ 'e had alv. ays hoped you\\ ould )' ou are strong. beautiful and intelligent. E\ en more important. you are giving and con 1derate of others Keep these 1tleals in ) our heart and mind a\ ) ou continue ) our lite· s Journey Lo\e, Mom and Dad ra Stitt
Mara _ You v.. ere born \\' ith a smile on) ourface! We are very proud of ) ou \Vhal e\ er tomorrO\\ bnngs v.e \\ill ah,a)s love and support 1 ou. Remember. that pnceless mtle \\ ill see you through life'.., ups and dov..ns Folio\\ your heart!
Love, Mom. Dad and Jan
Jordan Stricker
Jordan c1.l\\ a) s had a \Illile to share \Vith .,omeone e lse M) grandson 1s #1 to me I wish for h1n1 a wondertul Journey in hfe
Love. Gram,
- ~- - ---J
' ' -
• I
:Jordan Stricker
The boots slill don't fit, no" the) .1rc too s 1nall. but )OU still ha\e '>Orne big boot~ to fi 11 Lo\ e ,a. Grand,na Pat
:Jordan Stricker
To the unplanned baby from the planned baby, th anks for being n1, big brother I hope that \:t.e can get along as adults. as \\ e did when \Ve \vere kids.
Love. Jared
jorla11Stricker 'Braniy We3scheiler
I Even though you aren ·r k.1s s 1ng cousins. 1t looked that \vay I We hope }OU v. ill continue the family f nendsh1p throughout your h\es, v.h1ch started with your grandmothers 10 high school We knov., at llme s It is like }OU have two el\ of parents, but a lv. a)S ren1ember \\e are proud of you both and love you Brad Kalht. Jeff}. and Su11
:Jo seyfi 'Burton Su[(ivan
We love )OU for ever, thing you are and e\ eryt h1ng ) ou v. ill becon1e May your me1nories of these times be as wonderful as oun, are of )OU.
Love, J\,lom , Dad. and K yle
Louis Lie6
Loui s.
Like your fip,t time on sk1,. you have alv. ays shown amazing determ1nat1on and perserverance. W e are so proud of) ou 1 ! 1
Love, Mom. Dad, and Anna
'Don Sutfier[and
We're so impressed at hov. )OU constant!) challenge yourself With sport, and academics. you take the toughe,1 hurdles you can find and real!) apph yourself. Thi~ 1s a greal approach to life We ' re cheering for you a ) ou launci' your next adventure.
WiLh our love, Dad , Mom and J ackson.
'Bran on Lee Sutrina
Your talents make )OU unique and insightful, bev. are Lhe) do not create a s keptic of ) ou I L1.,cen to God·., voice gu1d1ng )- ou 1n your life·s JOurne) ">!
L ove, Mom and D ad.
'Danie[[e 'Rae Sykora
Our liule princess 1s all grov\ n up an<.l read) for life We will al\\ ays be here fo r you no malter \Vhal
Dann, Morn , and J a,on.
J love becau\e your are nice to n1e and I alv. a) s \Vtsh) ou \\ ere \VJth me Ivana L eigh.
'·~·•H ~·--·....... ~~.J
'Danie((e Teter
Dani e ll e. 1·ou are our \ e r) '>pec1a l o ne and onlyJ Lo ve. 1om and Dad
'Danie((e Teter
You are an ama1 1ng) oung \\' Oman I ·\ e enJO)e<l \\ atch1ng you gro\\ ' in to a ,trong ,, on1an \\ ho \tick.;; to her belief \ ~lay God alv,a)" ble-., )Ou!
Lo, e.
Lin da
Luke V{ancler
Congratulation"' W e are ,e r) proud of ) ou Your s mile ha al\\ a)" mad e e, ef)o ne smtle. You are a one-of-a-kind \\. e ,, 1sh you 5Ucces'> and mu c h happ1n e\\ 1n ) our futur e " Keep the shin e) s id e up Lo\ e, Mom and Dad
'Katfiryn:Jee Sun Vern1f]
Katie , Pe ter M ca ll e d }OU a Great Bab) ," and Grandp a ca ll ed ) ou hi ··ori e ntal pnncess " E, e n though )OU ca ll Paul ··squirt ," he \\ill al,va), be taller than you True to your middl e name.) ou are wise and good nature d We lo\ e )OU. fom. Dad. Pe te r, and Paul.
'Kat ryn:Jee Sun Vern{g
El sa· Com e along wa) '>Ince h\ 1n g around th e bl oc k e h'"' We ll 11 's been tun from piano lesson, to dolls dnd def1nately tim es to ren1 e mber. Sta) happ y alwa) ,.
Lo\e , Kalle
'Bradfey Vaivoda
It ..., so hard to de,cnbe ho\, \\ e feel right no,, Vve are \O proud of ) ou honey! Remember to follo,\ ) our dream and a l\\ a)" be the best ) ou can be We love ) ou ,, 1th all of our heart, and" 111 ahva) s be there fo r ) ou.
lo\ e.
Mom and Dad
'Katfiryn:Jee Sun V ern{g
Thank ) ou for being rn y daugh ter for eighteen ) ear, You , c taught me ,o n1u ch and bro ught ,uch JO) to 01) life I lo, e) o u and look i or,\ ard to the) ear, to come Mom
Jordan Veccfiiare({i
Jord an.
Cong r atula uon s on ) our gradua tion Kee p \\ o rk1n g hard so that ) o u enJO) succes'>. A-... you \valk th e path o f life. Kee p God 1n ) our heart and a smile on ) our face
Lo ve.
Mon1. Da<l. a nd 1\m )
j J
- 1 '-------------------------- ----'I
•• -
'A.manda,'Katryna,'A.nd j enn
Wovv! Gu,s\vemade1t! l cou ldn tha\e gotten this far \A.I th ou t you' W e h ad our differences. but w h at'\ imp or tant. 1s v. e \tuck together Y o u gu)\ ha\e a l ways been th ere no n1atter v. hat and I \\. an t to ':.ii) th anks' Good luck 1n the f uture, and ,hoot for th e ~t ars!
'Brandy We3scfieider
B randy "O H'' Brandy·
As ,ve look ove r th e last l 8 years and ho\\ much we have in ves te d 111 you a nd yo ur lifest)le-1 ca n finally ~ay NO-I am not really Walt Di sn ey nor d o I h a, e his MO NEY$$
Ju ~t k1dd1ng-1 ou have been wo rth eve r } penny 1!!
We l ove you.
'Brandy We3cfieider
Th at look. chat '> mil e. that ev il smi rk W a tching you g r o,v up h as trul y been andw 11l con t1nu etobea JO) cou, Alllhe good times and bad. a ll th e lau g h s and tears. a ll hfe ·\ up , an d do w n s-\ve will a l \vays be here for yo u and k.nov. you ' JI a l,vay, be th e r e for us Keep growi n g. learning, a nd lo\ 1ng You ha ve a great furure to look forward to.
L ove,
'Brandy 'lvlarie We3cfieider
W e are ,o ver) proud of) ou and a ll you ha, e done t o make our \vorld complete. Remember-" What li es behind us and \vha t h es before us are tiny matt e r ~ compared to wha t h es wit hin us.. Set hi g h goa l s for yo urself ' We love you.
Grandma Marge & Grandpa Chuck
# 2 "Gra ndn1a Anni e" and s till talking
You are o ur s pec ial pnn cess no m 1tter how old. ho\\/ tall. or hO\\ far a\\/ ay Such specia l time a nd me morie s- hop e to l on tinue those fun t1n1 es tog e ther Grandama Annie & Popp)
'Brandy We3cfieider
You n1 ay not be th e favorite child 1n the family. but yo u are th e favori te s ister! Thank s for h e lpin g gro\A. up and for all the ad,1ce Let· learn from the bad times ( l kno\li they are hard to forget ) and remember the good time s Have a great time in co llege and don ' t forgtl ho\\ much$$$ yo u O\Ve me I B) th e v. U) \V h en can you have your room empued?
C(ayton We(fer
You are one o f a kind, and we love ) ou for ll Kno,v yo ur se lf. do your be st .ind come v1s1 t u when you can. Th ank!-. fo1 ennch1ng o ur hve s.
Good lu c k
D ad, t\1om and Courtne)
'Andrea Lane Westfiead
F rom th e time you v.- e re born. you ha, r bee n ab le to c apuvare an audience ,, 1th your prese nce, s mil e. and laughter \Ve are proud o f you and all yo ur acco1n ph s hm e nt s. The future 1s your drea,n ll , be li eve 1l. and do 1t We lo, e you and ,v11l s upp ort you e, c ry s tep of the ,, ay! Lo, e, M om. D ad. & JW
'Me3an 'Rose Woodworth
We admire your passion Al\\.3) s ·'Go for th e Gold" 1n every thin g you do You hght up our 11\e s and \ve are looking foru ard to th e re st of your life. as you can be an) thing ) ou v. ant to be. Love you forever.
Mom & Pop
ames 'Bryce Worthineton
Bry ce.
Al\\ a) s k.e ep ) our determ1nat1on and enthus1asn1 for the arts FollO\\ ) our heart and dreams for the future Al\\ ay s remember you can do anything yo u se t ) our mind on.
Love ) ou alv, a) s.
'Derek Lavvstuter
It 1s a pri vilege to be ) our Parents God ha-, a]\\ ays made hfe eas). but you are strong and secu re 1n v., ho you are.
111 love ) ou fore\ler.
I ' II hh.e you al\.va ys.
As long as I'm h\ tng m) bab y you·n be "
Mom & Dad
an a e
I\\ 111 miss yo u and yourclothes next year as \\ell as )'Our blond moments, curling your ca r~ up and rando1n angry tim e~. Lo\ e, Tnn a
Megan you· re a dork. M1nnO\\ s don·r drO\\O 1
Your South Dakot a cousins
Jessie Levy
See1ngJess1e begin her hfe. I am sure her inner s tren gt hs \\'Ill guide her to achieve lo\e and happ1n es~. th e fine m easures of \\ orld s uccess.
Lo ve Dexte r L u\)
185 • • • I -
B aby-Sniffle
I am ver) lucl--.y to ha ve s uch a special and beautiful pe rson 1n my life Th ese last t,vo years h ave been the be, t thing to have e,er happened to me We have had o ur good times and bad t imes. but n o matter what we have always been th ere for eac h o th e r I wi ll always be here for you baby, wherever hfe tal< es yo u I lo ve you.
L ove always and forever.
G-AKA- Stallion
Hey sis ta souls s1sta, where· d } a get that roll s 1sta? So many grea t memones toge th er. 50 ,vo rd ~ ca n ' t express 1 I always have a blast wth yo u Your energy and love for hfe w ill tah. e you far Always know that yo u h ave a best fnend. I love you.
Y o u a re th e bes t fn e nd anyone cou ld ask for .You·veal ways bee n there for m e and thank ) o u for that.N eve r forget a ll th e fun tim es, es pe c iall y thi s picture.Steamboat. basketball, ~occer. so ftball. ·'A- We s t ", Fou r- Whe e lin g in th e benz, h ea rt to heart s, and man} more to come. l know yo u wi ll go far 1n life, and wherever 1t take s you I an1 JUSt a phon e ca ll away!
L ove yo u , M e an
Lauren 'Armitaae
L auma.
I lov e you! Y ou a re a g re at friend. I don't know w h a t I ' d do \Vlt h out yo u I kn ow y ou ·11 uceed 1n h fe 1 ··1 know th is g irl but yo u wouldn , know her"
I lo ve yo u , Ro sa l yn
R oz1- My g irl with heart s ato p her , ,,._
G l ono u s. bea s i s ter I 1do1.. you. S trength and courage are ) our • c l a im them. H a pp1 1es ~. forgiveness.thankfulness. and w1 clo111 are learned. Go get-em! Your fam ly is you r biggest fan. You c an "bo rr o,\ tll) favorlle nail po li sh any time!! I love ou! Cha-Cha
R osalyn.
M y favonte you n ges t d aug hte r· Thi s i s JU St the beautiful beginn in g. You ha,, the promise of it a ll ,v1th 1n yo ur " 111 l\nd you ,vill achieve more th a t yo u can 1mag ine at thi s spec ia l time I know th,~ because I save d the be s t for la s t! Lo ve f orever.
M om
Lauren 'Armitaae
P I.M P L auren, I ,v11l reme mb er you
Will you ren1embe r m e D on "l let you r life pa ss you b)
W ee p not for th e memorie s... I ain o pr oud of yo u MY babyg1rl I Roll \\'1111 Lhe punch es and always kno\\ l anl on s tep in front of you to c at c h yo ur falJ Th 1 wor ld better watch o ut for th1 shootn ,~ s tar Congratulation s You ·II be a1na 1n g.
L ove always.
"B 1o A " a.k.a Andrea
You 've a l way tn e d to be a cool ,1, me ! ice try, cool hade s I love ) ou ~o mu c h a nd I an1 so proud to be the s1s ter of s u c h a beautiful , 1ntelltgent v.1 o n1an . You' 11 a l way be m, best f nend Alwa ys rememb e r who yo u are an<l drea m big I know yo u ·nbe succe~sf ul ,r you follo\v your wonderful heart .
'------------- - -
ethany 'Barn ed
Barned, WOW. being fnend.., has been great I 'm so happy I found the other pero.,on 1n th1s \vorld that· s as insane as me. You are such a v,onderful person and de sen e e,ef)th ing great that comes )Orv.a)v.nh you by m) o.,1de I feel I belong here. Thank )OU for sucking\\ 1th me through tho e tnck} time You v. ill go far 1n e, er) thing you do Lo,e.
yfer 'Baruch
Little T.
Congratulations budd) You have really worked hard to make It th,.., far. I can't \VaJt to ee ever) thing you accomplish from here on out.You' re heading 1nto a whole nev. v. orld v. 1th tons of fun and surpnses av. a1t1ng }OU
Big Beau
yfer 'Baruch
To a very special brother The best of luck, we knov. you can do an) thing to set your mind to We Jo,e you.
J us t ine.Seaver. L uke
'B etha ny 'Barned
You are a great 1ster I· m so happy to see ) ou graduate from high sc hool. I hope ) ou can tollov. ) our dreams and achieve )Our goals. I aJ..,o hope you can n1ake 11 through all the rough t1n1es to come,, 1th c.olleQe and 1n ltfe Lo,e. Becki
Sixth 1l.venue
SA ·s
Congratulations to the boy, from the hood We've enJO) ed watching) ou grov. and v. 1-;h you all the bec;t! We ,, 111 n11ss }'OU 1 Love.
Ted and_ ancy
Tyfer and 'Matt
T) ler and Matthe,, ,
You guy, ha, e made hfe , Cf) 1nterest1ng We \J. 1sh) ou the best 1n college and 1n li fe·.., many new ad, entures It has been a JOY v. arching you both over the )ears Lo,e.
M 1ke and Becky
yfer 'Baruch
You are on the right path to accomplish all the goal c;, you take on In It fe, Keep it up and ha,e a fun t i me 1n college. Love, L uke
yfer 'Baruch
) ' ou ha, e given us so much to be proud of! Thank } ou for all the v. onderful memorie s Follo\l, your drean1s, be confident and strong The world 1s) our s for the taking You ha\ e so much to otter Never lose your smile or sen e of humor. We \\-di miss you!
_/_ -
... --
yfer 'Baruch
It has been a pleasure being your fnend and father for 18 years Whether cliff JUmp1ng. thro wing a hall. kayaking the Grand Canyon or just hanging out. Your playground gets bigger fon1 here. Seek tts unknown comers \.\ tthouL hes1rat1on Have fun 1n ll and make a difference I 'm proud of you!
L ove.
Ted Ward
'Ryan 'Baxter
Even when I thought the \vorld was going to end , and I had no one. you were always there fo r me! You ha ve always been a great fnend and I hope v. e s ta y friends' Good lu ck 1n life and I lov e you forever'
Lo ve Al\vays.
Li sa
'Ashfey 'Bunn
Ashley Bu gg:
If I had a million dollars.
I \VOuld buy yo u a monkey.
H aven't you al ways \Vanted a monkey?
Lo ve.
Jo sie
Christie Cfiarfeston
Chnsne -
1 am so happ1 that we became fnench m 4th grade (even though) ou were pu1t1ng " deer" 1n your hair) and have been friend s ever ,;1nce I will ah\a)'s remen1berourcrazy ttmes together ltke the NSYNC concert(\\ hen they wa\ed at us 111 ) and our crushes 1n 8th grade We ha\e come a long ,,ay from then. bu t we are -,1111 the ,ame people ar heart You arc m) hest fnend , and J hope ,..,e '-lay that wa) Keep beingcra1y.and I'll keep betng weird wllh m) Big Pooh'
Tyfer 'Baruch
T y,
I don 'L tell you often but I am impressed \.\ 1th you. You are an ind!\ dual, and at your age. that's difficult.
Once you se t your mind on a goa It 1 already accomphsed be ca use you ton 1 allow thing s to deter you from your ,aLh
Keep on being you and you·11 go I a1 11 life and find happin ess.
Lo ve.
Ju stine
'Katie 'Braun
Cloudy Day- I ' m sorry we didn ' t ha,e a c han ce to be friends earlier. but I think we· ve made up for 1t ! Eddi e (a.k.a. Kai 11,;
K 3· Don ' t worry. our time will come anyways. we \Vere Just taking care of ou health. Thanks for being the "good g11 I' with me ( a t lea t \vhere ll l asted!) Than k you so much for everything.
L ove.
elly (Su n shine )
'Ashfey 'Bunn
To my g1rls-
Mandy thank yo u for being my ro ck fo r so many years. Ash. thank s for all tin• in s priation To you bo th. I ov.1 e m, n) miles and memone s, for life could 1H r have been as bn g ht without you. l'' r forget our days on tage I lo ve you !
'Ashfey cfement
CAL IFORNIA BABY! ( I have to burp ") What fun rime s! We have ,u1.,h grea t me morie s, like the many Ne,\ 't ear ,, we \pent al your ho u se, the "road tnp and kareok e si nging , Ehche (w hen we me t " th e boys''), the do\vn to\vn night and so many more! Our friend sh1p ha , las ted through our the good times .ind throughout the bad. and I' m s o grateful' I lo ve you Ashley!
Lo ve Always.
- -
L-------------------------- -•., ...
'Ash(ey crement
We '"e had our dtfficullle\, but )OU ha\ e al\l.ays been my best friend. and )OU always \\ tll be! You ne,er fatl to put a smile on m) face, even on the \\Orst of da) s We ·\e been through It all. good times and bad. and I k.nO\\t our fr1endsh1p \\ 111 lase fore\ er'
Lo\e you. Brand)
Sarah Cottre
M) Precious Girl ,
I\\ ti) al v a) s lo\e) ou and support} ou 1n \\hate\er path )OU choose. Reach for the stars'
Lo\e. Mom
Sarah Cottre
To M} Gang-.ter "Snoop··
Sometimes the ume JU St shps a\, a} and your left \.\ uh yesterda). left \\ ith the memone'.'>
I'll alv,a) s th1nl. of ) ou and smile and be happ) for the 11me I had} ou near me Though
,1,e go our separate '"a)s, I \\on't torge1 rhe memories \ve made You are amazing!)
blessed and I Jm so proud of\\ hat you ha, e become The \vorld 1s 1n your hand">, and I kno\.\. 1ha1 ) ou \\ 111 appreciate every step of the wa, Congra1ula11ons and go on and ,h1ne that beaut1tul s mile to e\.eryone 1n your path
I love you tlh all my heart
Love for ·da gang,ter - ·•A · a.k. .a. Andrea
'A{yssa Cuchiara
I don't even knov. \vhat to say! The good tr mes. the bad. every k 1s~. every boy, every breakup. e\ er fight. every tear, the parties. the vacations, the games. the dance\. and I couldn ·t have asked for a better fnend to go through It all \Vllh! You' ll al\\ays be my best friend
With all my heart, Brandy
'Ash(ey crement
Fair Square-
You g1rh, ha\ e aJv,a) s been there' \\te 've grO\\ n so much since 7th grade ne\ er forget dance boys. parties , ·appleju1 ce • sneaking out. trip s, summer,. kareoke. and secrets I \\JII miss )OU guys so much , but best friends v.e·ll al\va\, be'
1 I.L F. B-Spears. and Teen) Bopper I lo\ e ) ou all.
Lo\e . .\ shlbugg
Sarah Cottre
You ha\ e been one of my best fnends -..1nce 5th grade 1"11 ne, er forget 1,969 pennies , or an) of our feasts• Iv. 1sh) ou all the be t 1n collage I\\ if you Lr} ) ou can do an) thing .
I lo\e,ou.
Brittany Quinn Meier
Sarah Cottfe
To n1) little S1s, I'm so proud that )OU ha,e made 1l th1 far. JUSt remember thc1t 1t' onl) the beg1nn1ng You and I ha\ e become such good fnend5. over the past couple of )ear and \Vlll continue to gro\\ <..loser ever g1\e up. alv.ays reach for )Our dreams Ahvay, knov. that I am al,\ays here for) ou. no matter ,vhat J lo, e ) ou Love.
'Danie( Cushman
Dann) , You came into lives one cold. Januaf) morning 1n a unique v. ay We lo, e ) ou and thank you for being the special person )OU are.
We all ..,h1ne on, ltke the moon. ltke the ,tars and the sun ·· John Lennon
Love, Mom. Dad, and Cla)
'The 'Dance 'Team
I am so glad l joined dance team. I have had much fun \Vtth you g irls over the past two years I have improved so much becasue you g1rls inspire me to ~tnve to be the best I can be I '-' 111 m1!)s } ou a lI so much Live Your D rean1s.
Samantha 'Disney
Sleeping Beauty.
We l l. life a s a child 1s a fairy tale O\V you are becoming an adult and able to mak.e decision:-_.. You can make your dreams con1e true \Vith your hard wo rk and knowledge. We are alv.ays here lo help you. Your our lttle pnncess!
L ove.
Mon1 and Dad
Samantha 'Disney
You are s o beautiful and special. and you
are still n1y brat.
Love, Aunt Debbie
'Drew 'Defim(ow
Congratulations! We a re so proud of you. you are such a unique 1ndi 1dual and have so many gifts. 1nclud 1n g a g reat sense of humor. Always be true lo vourself and what you believe 1s right -11ake the n1ost of your fu t ure!
Mom and Dad
Samantha 'Disney
What a brigh t light and joy yo u ha\t brought into o ur hves. We l ove yo u ver, very much and \vish you the bes t 1n hfe
L ove.
G randma Disney
Grandpa Disney
Kyle D - Markie C- a nd Dr. Do n I love you guys!
Cisco M ama
'Dustin 'Do(ecfiek
Dusun. We wish you the very bes t and much ha p piness wherever the road leads you 1n
Love and Smile
Mom, Dad, T revor. and Ciera
'Dustin 'Do(ecfiek
We love yo u very mu ch.
Mom a n d Dad I
1 -4.. JO \'V I le. 11 171/ k,331 San1J Ct?u~
'----------------------------,,...------------=------=----------- -
L----------------------------:- -
~manda 'Donerson
For seven years, It v,ent by pre1ty fa!'!t. I hope fore\ er goes a bit slov. er If you ever need me and I'm not around, JU-...t remen1ber ho,v a few bananas and a little Bl ink go a long \Vay, and thaL the cat dance will \vork for any 'iOng
I love you to pieces.
Meaan :£(Hott
We are so proud of the mature anc..l responsible young \voman tha t you ha\e become . And thank you for being 1;,uch a grea t niece
We love you here in Flonda
Uncle Jim. Aunnt Tammy and cou-,1n
Meaan :£(Hott
"You are a ) oung \VO man of v. 1sdom. courage. strength. compassion and creat1v1ty. Go forth then. v. 1th the fire of confidence 1n your heart, kindle 1t w i th care and never let its brilliant flame go out!" You are a gift 1n my !Jfe
I love you very much,
Auntie Susan
'Beau 'Drexrer
Throughout our lives , we have been through good times and bad. No matter \vhat. we alv.ays stuck together Thank } ou for being m} fnend and most of all my big brother.
I love you.
'Meaan Linsey :E(Hott
Hoping that your life 1s always happy and that all your dreams come true God bles-... } ou 1n e\ eryth1ng you do. Love ya lots, Auntie Ria. Uncle Erik . Andrev.·, M11chell. Rosahe and Ed\\ard
'Me3e P(fiott
I don't knov. where l 'd be \Vtthout you. You have always been here for n1e and 1·m reall) lucl--y to have }OU We have had so me good memones. like girls nights the nanny. and I' m s ure there·.., many more ro come.You mean the v. odd to me
Love al\Va}
Ro sa lyn
'Katie 'Braun's 'Friends
Sunshine, Caue , Andrea, H ow can four inte lli gent girls do such stupid t h ings? B ut hey, it was fu n! (And 1t •~ not ove r yet!)
Kat ie
Steyfianie, Catie, 'Andrea
It was wet. 1t \Vas cold, 11 was a raft trip' We ·ve had a lot of good times together Thanks for being there for me throughout high ~chool (and some of you longer!)
Lo\e , Kat1e
191 -
I hope you get everything } ou want 1n life. and even after a ll those \lup1d dogs. 1 \.v1ll help you anyway I can. To me this is the httle girl you will always be Even though you ·re the biggest brat J I soil lo, e you.
'Meaan Xate §a6e(
Dearest Megan,
I cannot even begin to tell you ho\.\i much you have meant to me over the years. You are my best friend and l love you very much. Good luck 1n the future and I will al\11ay be there for you.
Love ya. Bear
Catie ~· & 'Katie 'B.
Well g irl s, thi s is it. Thank you for all ol th e \Vonderful m emories and man) laugh th at will be hard to forget. Good luck. in \Vhatever path it 1s you choose. Remember shoot for the n1oon. even if yot.. mi s<;. you'll land among th e stars!
Sunshi n e
'Meaan §abe( Mego.
Best fnends does not eve n descnbe our friendship! We are al\vays the ones \\ho are having way to much fun ! From bo~ , to dances to getttng lo st in th e fog 1t hc.1, all been a blast. High sc hool v,ouJdn have been the same withou t you. '\ ou brighten up my world!
'A(fison Prost
Meg, Congratulatio n ~! Growing up \.\i ith you has been a\.vesome I know you w ill go far and be happy in life. Good luck babe! You are not only my sister but also one of n1y very be5t friends. I love you!
Love 1 our 81 g Sister. MardJ
'A[lison Prost
Allison. We \vere just so \ve1 rd I love You
L ove.
J o~1e
Through a ll th e dram a and s tupid stuff yo u have al\vays been the one abo\t 11 al l. You are a g reat f ri e nd and I dor I kno,v ,vhat I would do \Vtthout our~t11p111 random outbursts of laughter! Neve, forget ebras ka , ca1np, parties. and aft rnp memo n es! I lo ve yo u babe'
'A[lison Prost
Allison Fro st, tvl uham1son, Th anks for li s te ning to~, ery wo rd thal eve r came ou t of m) mouth it meant a lot. I hope that 1 have been a, goo d a friend as you have been to 1n r Good luck in wherever life takes you
L ove, Bnan Ridge ( the nece~sary esk1mo)
,...__________________________ _
'Brittany 'Rae ']-[anon 'Ben
Success is an a ttitude an d yo u have an attitude You did it I Believe 1n yourself and follow yo ur dream s. Alway s rem em b er how n1uch \Ve l ove yo u
Mom & Dad
'Ben 'Ben
Oh BenJamin- How I will mi ss you 1
M o m
Jacob 'Dean '1-{ansen
Hav in g yo u a s an o ld er broth er mea ns more to me than yo u ·ll ever know! I co uldn ' t wish fo r a better bi g brother to l oo k up to. Thanks for be in g s uch a good in sp1rat1on a nd friend!
Your Adonng Si s ter, Ba y lee
Jacob 'Dean '1-{ansen
We ' re very proud of th e young man you ·ve become Kee p dreamin g and may all your drea m s co m e tru e '
Lo ve, Mom & Dad
Ah it' s goo d to see th at all th e h ard \VOrk ha s pc111d off \V e ll dr e~sed. ch1\ alrous and not bad at th e fox tro t e ith e r We are so exc ned to '>ee where life tak es yo u nex t H opefu ll y c lo \e r to one of us o;.;o \Ve can keep an eye ou t for that neck. of yo urs. We lo ve yo u B en
Aim a nd L iz
Du ,
W ords ca nn ot express how proud we are of you and how mu c h we l ove } ou You a re an amaz in g yo ung man . the BEST EVER Wendy eve n says so
Mom & Dad
Jacob 'Dean '1-{ansen
Deares t Ja cob,
T o my fir s t gra nd child You were th e n a nd s till are now very s pec i al 1n my heart . I am so very pround of you 1
Love you mu ch, Grandma Ruthi e
'Danika §rundermann
When 1s lhat baby due"
rt ' s a girl' She \Vas ten days late \V a1ttng to be a T au n a n , rd say
No, wan
Did you say she·s going to graduate l \Vh ere has the ume gone, how can tlu~ be"'
My baby·s a beauuful \\'Oman
T he fact of the matter 1s that she'<; taught n1e So much more th an I cou Id have poss1bl> gi ven 1 I th ank you Danika for all that we've shared Ev eryday I LOVE YOU more
Reme mber your s tre ngh t , tntelhgence, and beau Ly are seco nd only to an open heart 1
Love and Li ght.
Mom ( Barbar a)
193 I
:Jeremy Levite
Hell hath no fury like a Je remy scorned'
We ,vi s h your future teachers well!
Yo u 've already explored 17 countries on 4 co ntinen ts, rafted dovvn wild river s, fa ce d g n zzly bears, and sa iled 3 seas and 2 oceans, Yet there is so much more to co me Look to the fu t ure Never forget where yo u· ve be e n Love Mom and Dad
Scott 'Kir6y
The se pa s t years have been wounderful. We have grown so much s i nce 7th grade w h en you used t o call me A sh tray! I apprec ia te everything you have done for me. We ha ve expenenced so mu c h toget her-good and bad I ,v1 s h you l uck I love you Ange l -Ashwee ,voo
j osie 'Keeney
We 've had good time s and bad t imes, but thr oug h It all yo u ' ve kept me l aug hing I will never fo r get late rughts w1lh b r o\.vn 1e m1>.. , co ld p l ay The coco n ut s ong , or se tt i ng A s hl ey's ch i mney on fire Thanks for bei ng a good fnend a n d keeping me s mili n g!
'Ky fe 'Do6yns
Kyle Dobyn s, you've made so man) peo p le pro ud . You are so grow n up and _,.. it makes me sad s o meti mes to kn ow 1nyba b y wi ll be off to co ll ege an d tarttng hi s own hfe soon I beli eve in yo u and , know you wi ll accomp li s h yo ur dream s ' We all l ove you , M o m, K e n t , J ames , W ill iam
Pau( 'Ketchum
P au l, yo u always make u s srrule ,val. your l aughter and sen se of humor . We are very pro ud of every thin g you h a, t accomp li s h ed . A l ways fa ll ow your dr eam s.
L ove, Mom ,D ad ,B ecky and M ark
'Katie 'B,Catie §, ~nirea, Sunshine
Gi rl s
W e fi na ll y ma de it! I wo uldn 't ha, ·~ made i t wit h out you g u ys 1 reall y _ appricia te eac h of yo ur frien d ship s even if I do n ' t s h ow i t a ll the t im e I "' 111 tr es ure o ur memories fo reve r I love you g u ys!
Ste ph an ie P S k3. uprise yo u an d truth or dare
jos ie 'K eeney ani ~sfi(ey 'Bunn
You guys are t he be s t! We 'v e bee n thr oug h 1t al l. a n d si nce 6th grade we ' ve s tu c k together Our memone s are countle ss, and we have hundreds more to co me You guys are my life and I don ' t know ,vha t I wo u ld d o without you
Ju s tin
I n eve r kn ew h ow am az in g o rdin ar) thin gs cou ld be until I di d th e m w it h you Yo u m ake m y every d ay f ull. Th e fut ure is scary bu t I do n 't pl a n o n le ttin g you ge t fa r T oge th e r we wi ll co n q ue r aU
Y ou are my most favo rite! Ol ive J UIC~. El e ph an t s hoes
Megan ....
I I •• JI 194
,--------------------------- -
- --,
( ,__ ________________________ ____
'---------------------------.---------------------------- :-
Christina 'Montaomery
My baby Chrisuna 1 I c an 't believe \\e made 1t here ' It see ms like yes terday we v. ere fre s hmen hangin g o ut 1n yo ur yard! The expene nces a nd m e mone s \Ve 've s hared have been great. from " uhaul ! - Kleenek ?", to th e trips to Pu eb l o. the ·· big fight " at A s hl ey· s. the man y dan ce team memone s and th e un cou ntab l e 1n s 1de Jokes between " the girls" Th e time ·s h a\ e been unforgettabl e 1 I love you. C !
L ove al\vays. Aly ssa
'Britt 'Meier
B nn.
We 've had so man y great times. It ·s hard to imagine that there·s not going to be anymore dan ces to prepare for. High sc h ool i s ending but we'll always ha ve th e m e mone s and plent} of t1me to make more Remembe r \va1t1ng by the phone. aqua, c heaters Chns ue
'Kathryn 'Mathieu
Bunn y Gi rl
'Bi[{y 'Martin
T o my littl e bro th er
You trul y h ave tt al1 ! You are intelligent, good l ooki ng, funny cann g an d yo u bright e n any roo m w ith that smile and awe s ome per so nality 1 feel so lu cky to ha ve yo u for a br other . I can ' t wait to see wh at th e futu re hold s for yo u Look ou t world , her e comes Bill y!
Love yo u, Tra cy
'Britt 'M eier
-B ntt Q-crazyface yo u · ve al\vay, been th ere for me. and I love ya fo r 1t When bad s tuff happe ns. 1t' s yo ur face I wan t ro see. Thanks tor the memone~. goo d and bad I and for s ti cking a round through th e year\ A few tip \ ever mix c 1cu mferen ce \\/c1rcumc1ze, run 1n spn nkl e rs. and s targaze ' Li ve life to the fulle t an d part) up 1n co lJ ege'
Love Al v.rays. Kn z te Renee/\\ ater/hzzte
'Amanda, Lisa, Jenni er
Girl s.
I \Vant to thank yo u all for th e fnendsh1 ps you ha\ e a ll g i ve n m e I 've ]earn ed so mu c h from yo u Li sa, th ank you for yo ur hon est}, Amanda. yo ur courage, and Jennifer, besides the love of m y hfe. for your s trength yo u g irl s are the be t Th a nk you for every thin g.
Lo ve yo u al\\ays.
Kath ry n
'Bi[(y 'Martin
Bill y. rm so luck y to have suc h a great h tt l e br o th er I can· t belie ve th e d ay 1s here \Vhen you graduate from high sc hool It see ms likeJu st yes terday \\ he n I was s1tung on mom 's lap th e day you we r e born o r pu shin g yo u off the bed to Ju mp aro und I co uldn 't ask for a bette r brother. I l ove yo u so mu ch Love.
Be th
~. ,am Lockwood
"What 1s done 1n lo ve is d o ne we ll "
Vi ncent Vang og h
Co ng ratulatio ns, Adam ! We l ove yo u
'A(lie 'Morrison
Sister you are th e be st!!!
You have put up \V 1th a lot from us s in ce we moved to Co l orado. but you ha ve always bee n there for u~. We love you very, very mu c h and we will rn1 ss yo u w hen you go to co llege !
Love ya, J osh & Caleb
'A(lison 'Morrison
Allie , Thank you for being such a great captain , we all love you!
Th e Tr1dettes
'A(lie 'Morrison
Dear Allte , Thanks for being s uch a great little s1~ter! I \V1 s h you all the love and happine ss that a big s is ter can Ha ve fun and e njoy hfe .
Love , Enn
Christie 'Moore
C-M0 1 You have alway s been a be s t fnend to me rm glad that my mom has patd you well e nou gh for you to stay frie nd s with me thi s long Never forget we · re each other· s only fnend s. I wi s h you the very be s t 1n the future I love you!
Love Bntt
Wayne 'Mooney
One year o ld and now you' re all grow n up
Love , M om
'A(lie 'Morrison
From a precious baby girl to a beautiful young \voman, we have watched you grow We are very proud of you and ,vhat you ha ve accomplished Ma y you always hold the Lord c lo se to your ht.ai1 and your dream s co me tru e.
With all our l ove, Mam a & D addy
Christie L. 'Moore
You ' ve grown up to be a beautiful youn•• woman Many new , exciting experience ~ are in your future Enjoy them! We love you and will always be here for you .
Love , Mom , Judd , Nicole, Shayna, Kira, & Buffy
I don ' t think ,,.,e have pent a s1nglt mome n t with eac h ot her where wt weren't laughing and s mili ng! You ·re an amazing be s t fnend, a nd I'll chen~h all our fun times foreve r ! I love you \'t'r)' mu ch , and I know co llege ,y1ll bring many more amazing memorie s'
Love you al ways, Brandy
mandaj. Sf ~((ison 'F.
Alhson and Amanda, You are the best! The t,vo of you made dan ce team o fun for me, and it's becau e of you t,vo I made lt throu g h all of 1t. We· ve made lt throu g h the good time s and the bad So h ere is to the re s t.
L ove, Katryna
'Austin 'Ro6inson
Austin , You grown up so fas t and made me so proud
Love , Your Dad
Si ence ta e me ome
Thank s for all the good lime s- bloody g u1 tar s tnngs. smoki ng amp, and c r acked snare head s Th e r e·s no place I rather be than rocking o ut in so m eone's ba eme nt with yo u guy s. I hope th ey never find out that lightnin g ha s vitamins In It , becau se do yo u hide from i t or not ?
Brian Rid ge
Onna Lee Poeter
"Not ti ll we are lost, in ot h er word s, not till we ha ve l o st the wor ld do we begin to find ou r se l ves, and reali ze th e 1nfin1te ex te nt of our r e lati o n s."
H e nry D avid Thoreau
'Austin 'Ro inson
You are a mo s t remarkabl e person and I am so pro ud of th e 1ncred1b le. } ou n g ,voman yo u are Continue t o make good c hoi ces 1n you r life, but darn It be m ore ~e lec ti ve 1n \vhere you get your gum from I I l ove yo u so mu c h
Lov e, Mom
Over the pa s t fe,v yea r\ , yo u ha\re beco me my fnend We h ave so mu c h tun to ge ther and I can talk. t o you about an y thin g I , alu e all th e g r ea t advice you ·ve g 1, en m e I will ne, e r forget ou t great tim es Show~ at yo ur hou se. part1e \ at m} hou se ( ,;o m e on sc h ool n1ght\ ), midn1ght phone ca ll s. road tnp s. hot e l parties. a nd conce rt s
L ove.
Alli so n Fr os t
Onna Lee Poeter
Open th e door and co m e o n 1n. rm so g l ad to see you m y fn e nd You ' re like a r a1 nb o,v co ming around th e bend Wh e n I see you happ y, H se t s m y h ea rt fre e. R emember to , 1s it yo ur old fn e nd
rk 'Andrew eCson
You two have grown up to be two g r eat you ng m e n , who are a maJor pain 1n my bum
I lov e yo u!
Love Y ou r Mom and Aunt B e,
'Kara Siewert
Brother from another mother . HA HA Rem ember that now ? Wow , we ha ve bee n fnends for s uc h a long tune' Don ' t ever forget c an c ut he wave d at me. bathrooms, puttin g d ee r 1n my hair. Ho ly water. H yphen and tho se darn c hurch mu s ica ls. You ha ve b ee n n g ht nex t to me through my \vhole o bsess tone; and I know we' ll stay fnend s forever Lo ve.
Your s 1sta from another mi sta - Cnspy
May ya have all the happine ss and luck th a t life can g ive. May you go far 1n yo ur dream s and th ank yo u for your laugh s . You ·re th e greatest!
Lo ve, Mom and Dad
It 's a j e lly! It ha s been a plea sure \vatch1ng you gro\v into the fi ne young man and great athl ete that you are, had to be my influence. I'm proud to not only have you as my littl e brother but as one of my be s t fr i e nd s as w e ll. Who 's th e Ma s ter Shonuff'
Lo ve, Jake
Happine ss 1s not the ab s ence of pro blen1s but the ability to deal \v1th them . G J tar in ,vhatever you choo se to do and ~ep your s m il e and personality you ha, · aiway s.
Lo ve
Kelli1ee Jerry and Bl ai ne
Ladie s, Remember th a t co ncert? lJu s t wanted to say thank yo u for everything Without th e tw o of yo u , high school would have been so different. You girls are the tw o ni ces t g irl s I've ever known I will alway s remember wa tc hJn g sc ary movies , and nacho s. I lo ve you two !
To my back up husband! I love you hi,c a brother and ,vill miss you when )'OU leave 1 Co-Coa-Nut!
Lo ve.
'Amanda Ward
"You are my hero , my su ns hln e aud rny sa ilboat. Y o u ' ve gotte n me throu gh th e • rough waters.' ' You 've s tuck b~ nll' through it all. and kep t me in my placr Someday we' re go ing to be famou, to gether U n til the n, know that you are Ul ) hero!
The o nly one who matter s, Kathryn
Stpfianie Sad(er
I may not s ho\v or say 1t , bu t you are a very s pec ial s is ter I want you to have th e happie s t life EVER
L ove.
-)-,. 198
Ofivia Versaw
Olivia , W ell, I hope yo u h ad a fun se ni or year
Never forget all th e fun um es \Ve ·ve s h ared toge th er' Don't forget "A sc rub a day keep s th e m op a\vay" and " There 's goin' low , and then Olivia 1" I don t know how I would've made 1t th1 s far without yo u. We ll , I l ove yo u and I ' ll mi ss yo u w hen you leave me for co lle ge
Love, Mon i ca
p s. ··umm ... no " (adJUS ti ng fa ce)
Jordan Veccfiiare((i
• \
Jo rdan , my be s t fnend , We h ave so many years of rnemon es. where d o I eve n beg1n ? From th e lo ckin to Chri s tina 's hou se; from our Pu eb l o tnp to th e count l ess dinners atChlh ·s. we h ave had s uch g r eat tim es togeth er! You hav e alway been there to co mfort me or ch eer me up when ever I needed 1t. Thank s yo u for the years of fn e nd s you've give n me I love you, J!
Love always,
Ally ssa
Jordan Stricker
J o rdan , Th e pa s t 17 years ha ve been 1nter esu ng, but rm g lad we· re goo d fn ends now and can go to ea ch o th er for anyt hin g I Growing up toget her ha s bee n l ots of fun (eve n though yo u ' re a coc ky Jerk) , and I'm s ure we ' II always be fnend s (d o we have a c h oice?) Ha ve fun 1n co llege'
Lo ve , Brand y
Jordan V eccfiiare((i
You· re the bi g brother I never had Thanh for e\ery thin g. The l aughs th e tears, the \Cars, and th e memone s Leotard s and tu - tu s pi zza money and c ho res. vacati ons. no 5hoes kickball , crabapple5. flashli g ht tag at l O p m You' re amaz in g Good lu ck '>-1th th e future, a nd live ltfe to its fullest I'm go nn a m1/'.~ ·ya. and I lo"e •yal Love a lways.
Kenzie R e nee
Cfiristoyfier 'Tayfor
W e co uldn ·cbe pro ud er of you wel I. we co uld es pecia ll y 1f you· d comb your hair again s igh neverthele 5~. \ve \\ 1sh you th e best.
Mom , Dad . Ryan. Enn . M egan , K yl e. T an ner. Alora , Takanuva and all the B1on1 c le. back home
'Racfi e[ Syafi n
R ac he l, Your perso na lity. yo ur mile and yo ur se lf-co nfiden ce are some of th e c hara ctens u cs that mak e yo u th e beautiful perso n yo u are The li lar ~ are th e hn11t 5. We l ove you all th e way lo Mi ckey M o use a nd Donald Du c k
Love, Mom a nd Dad
'Kara Siewert
R ac hel , m y littl e s is ter
You are so s pe c i a l and co mpl e te me as a perso n and a big broth er. Never 5e ttl e for s econd bes t. Follow your heart and foll ow yo ur dream s. R e m em ber o ur l ong talks and I wi ll a lwa ys be th ere for yo u Love.
Your big bro , Tr oy
Dear Kara, I t' s amazing lo see how yo u 've bl osso me d from a cowg irl 1n pink cow boy boot s to a young wo man w ith a great future a head of he r We· re so proud of yo u
Love , M om, Dad and Cullen
19 9
C hristie Lea 'M.oore
Beautiful, smart, and funny are the fi r s t words that come to mind \vhen I th ink of you (obviously after your taste 1n clothing) You are an amazing you ng \\ oman and I kno\\ you will exce l at w hat ever you d ec id e to d o the stars a re the hm1t.
Love. Nicole
'Michae[ Vic hot
Mik e,
W ow, hi gh sc ho ol is over already' You are such an amazi ng person and an amazing brother You always see m t o make me laugh even \Vhen I'm trying to hate yo u ! I truly know thal you are go in g t o go so far 1n hfe! Keep ·em s miling I l ove you!
J ess
'Brandy 'Marie We3sfi eider
Brand y.
What can I say. you have al ways been the big s i ster 1 never h ad. Through tlu ck and thin you ha ve alwa ys been ri g ht there across th e s treet when I nee d ed yo u I l ove you so much!
Love always, Moll y Moo Mo o Berth a Butt
'Brandy We3sfieider
Br andy ·
I cou ld ha ve used my 50 words to l ist all o f our me mo ri es from WW IIl to the ones we are taking to th e grave, when I really just wanted to l e t m y (dirt y) bes t friends know I love you with all my hea rt
Lo ve always, Emil y
P .S . Damn we're hot !
'Michae[ Vic hot
You ha ve been a joy t o my ltfe . I an1 thankful that you are my so n and am proud of th e man you ha ve become \1 av God bless you on your journey.
L ove, Mo m
~manda Ward
Fi ve yea r s later and we are still be"t friends' What c an I say; H os hala. stop drop and roll dow n a h ill and bears chas ed us! W e h ave so many great time s anJ fights too' But we are as cl ose as e,erl Stella, don't le t anyone tell yo u you ' rt! not specia l or yo u c an ' t achieve an}thing. because I kno\v yo u can! I lo, L you 1
L ove, Li sa (a ka Amos!)
'Brandy We3sfieider
Brandy. my "bc~test" fnend, l would be lost w1thou1 )011 1 To fit all the wonderful memoncs we have an th&\ \l.ould be impossible' Our trips to Sol Vista (th" tunnel), Nebraska (our homemade dre~'). und Pueblo tkaraoke 1) have been some of the best timt:5 of m} lafcl Not to menuon 4 year\ of Dance memone~ f hc ,\. \Vest boys, the downtown experiences (that bu, ro111c gets old'). and the rest of our unforgettable mem,. ne!>. Thanks for always being lhere for me I kno\\ th 111 no matter bow far college tal<ei. us apart, our fncnd,h1r w11J never change' I love you my little Brandolvno l Lov e always.
1tndrea Westhead
AndyYour ' re a grea t baby sis ter! Good lu1.:J.. 1n college! I know you'll do awesome L ove, J W
,------------------ - ----------- --
'--- -,v-
I •
t:Brittn e 'M-arston
'B ri tt ne 'M-a r st on
t:1 d' One, t\\ o, three- cheese
josh 'Bru((a
You d td good bub! We are so \ery proud of you. Al \vays dream big'
L ove ya, Mom and Tony
"Childre n are gifts from Heaven" rm so very proud of you and thankful for the gift of ha, 1ng you as my son.
I l ove you.
Ashley has always loved book.sand s t on es S he w rote a nd told many sto ri es. Poems are also a favortte
Wilh am B Bunn , J r.
You',e grov.n \O beautifu l You're a blessing to us.
Becky, Blak.e , J ohny. Mike , and Kaitlyn
josh 'Bru((a
Congraculanons Jo hy 1
We ' re so proud of what you've accomplished. (You're so smart, ,ve knO\\.. you could do 1l)
Welo\e}ou 1
Jen & Jalisa
'Karson Pike
Mom and I only hope you have enJO}ed your youth with us as much as \Ve enJoy ha v1 ng you as a so n We \Vtll al ,vays be 1n a\ve of your athletic accomplishments as a Demon and w1l1 sure l y miss watching you play ball for the maroon & \vh1te' Now the future 1s yours, mak.e th e best of It.
Lo\e, Mom & Dad
tt ~rune
I am so lucky to have meet suc h an amaL1 ng guy that ha s given me so many wonderful memorie s th at I can never forge t. Our co n versations at four 1n the morning, Wal M art, fa ll ing asleep \\ 1th yo u and so mu c h 1nore I don· t know \V hat rd do wi th ou t all your support and encouragemen t and aJ,vays knov-11ng hO\\' to n1ake me laugh I ,v 1sh you the be s t of lu ck and know th at I w ill a lways be there for yo u I love you!
Love Jessie (yo ur \vambat)
... ,_____________________________,
_,__ _________________,
201 -
HTTP:/ .DIVISION.GHS OCCER._--~--';:, #...:::,.
LG.IRLSSO. - ,;,t.. ·" :.J ,I :. ;:>·. --i - .$'.-ll ( - ,i . -- .,,." -~·
Back Row: Andy Larson, Kayla Jensen,} Johansson, l.J.c;a Carr, Katherine tvfaloney Annie Leak. Carla Ekberg, Kirsten Sletten, and Hilary Chapple Fron t Row: Stephanie Pothast , Jess i Davis, Stephanie Liddick, Michelle Asmussen, Elsa Anderson, Jacquelme Ristau, Kimberly Kruchen, and coach Selzer
o n s I I I
Back Row: Kate Bill, Lauren Hamagel, Bnana Parra, Megan Vigil, and Bethany Blair S econd Row. Nicole Le1d1ch, Brooke Sauer, Kaitlin TnppAddison, Carolina Perez, Meghan lvlcCarthy, and Samantha Parker Fro nt R ow. Chelsea Carto n, Tori Blakely, Heather Moody, Amanda Olin, Daruelle Clark, and coach Medoza
I--~--~.-QI _ #.., ·~ ; ~= v -:s -~. 5 7~~fl(P~9 .' .7 _•-·---- ~-- i ~ ......._..;::-~ __ r . 1 ? ..... -,.__........,., -. FR. : t , ' C> "" .. :;,•
OOTBA ~_. i. 3(, ;a '1" / ;;, ~- sz . l 7 .J '-~.1 ' 1.9ri\-,1F;L 84.._ 6: ~
Back Row· Jason Nye, Justin 1-.ulbacki, \latt King, Colby Knepp, Nick \l/1ederspahn Mike 1-.dl)· Aaron l.lsh. Stephen Swee t and Mike Truj1llo Forth Row· AJ Sunby John S) kora , Nick Nittolo, Joel Lockhart, Mi.kc Sp.!~t \'ance PJvne Sto kes , and Chfu Allen. Tlurd Rov.- Lee Wile.on.. R\J.n Van der B~ke, Jame$ Rudn.ickt DereJ.. Ncl-;()n, Tyler Pierran.sozzi. Darryl H.iU , Britton Russell Sk) Schnutz and R\.in Ford Second Row, JOC} Cow~ Lowe GJ.rramone Glenn Hem.1ndez. Ryan Haye, Co.-ich ~k1<1!ndl) , Coach Thumll\, Sack, 1im Hinlle, O.w1d Gust.ifl>OI\ and Colton Sec.ii) Front Row- Robert \lorales, Al 1\elson Co C) Jensen. Ryan ~Jte, Thomas Oark, Munroe, Jlld Kent \kKendrv ,
( ' ' ::,
Back Row: Jared Stncker, fark Delucas, Joe l.aba. Enc Mylko, Cameron Gates, Stephan Morelli, Trower Nausler and Big Kenny Forth Row: Jackson Sutherland, Chns Selcer Ken Ishmael Tim Klem, Tim Riordan, Robbie Tortora, and Jack Neubacher Third Ro w: Kelsey Ewers, Josh Pll\kem ell, Johnathan Walkup Kenny Scally Andy Hlggms, Nate Gillian, Ale>. Prohaska , and Danny Nelson. Second Row: Ao1 Soreru.on Coach Blincoe, Salamon l\1endoza , Coach Wagner, and Coach Bolger First Row: Conrad Carter, Nathan Goergen James Payte, DaJJas Wiles, Collin Du.mbelton, and Jeremy Soliz
Ba ck Row : Steve McKendry, Bob Ha yes, Shane Wiebe r, Ron McFarlan , nan nglish, an ave ingart ro nt ow: o erson, Don Tn ckel, Peter Rockvam , AJ Talbot, Bnan Pike, and Mike Thumm
KEIBAL -11 GOLDE ,. , t •
.J~ '
Back Row: coach Walkinsha\\l, Amv Danek, Piper Weston, Amber Nelson, Tawny Drexler, and Lisa Grantono Front Row: Amber Curry, Jacqueline Ristau, Carla Ekberg, and Katherine Malooney, and Antanda Hurley. r
\llli1a•.aMillillill 1 liilli • 11i11 1 iillll:!!.l: _ iiii.:O:.:ns:.=.--l
Back Row : Coach Rix, Rachelle Stroh, Michelle Young, Sarah Calvert, Jenica O'toro, Katle Bill, Alysi.a Ostmson, and coach Mendoza. Front Ro,..,: Katlyn Tnpp-Addison , Mallory Davis, Emily Ranfranz, Sarah Hebert, Leah Hams, Alex D~l\'ldson, and Lauren Hama geL
Ba ck Row: Colby Knepp, Sean Stokes, coach Kelley, Austln Shelton, and Ben Jen.lo.ns. Fro nt Row: Brent Wegsche1der, Ryan
Hayes, Pharrel Aristide, and Sean Smith.
- -~ - ---· _,,.
205 . . . . -V --. - -- -· ~-. .
Ba ck Row: Kenny Reed , Steven Knudson , Enc Mylko, Cameron Gates, and Ross Tilden Front Row :Tim Riordan, Brad Lubkeman, Jeff Walker Nate Goergen, Charles Harder
- ons 206 80 %
Drama Club
Back Row: D th ia
Ka l kwa r f, E mil y Ko lm, Je nn a H odges, T h o m as Be ll, Logan Custer, Sean Ad ki sso n , M a r geaux De m o uli n, an d Mar en Wi llia m s.
Second Row: Erinn
T ow n se n d, A m a n da
Sorvig, C l ayton Weller, A n d r ew Clin e,
Key Club
Back Row: N i co l e
Ng hi e m , A m be r Fl owe r s, Ke l sey Sca ll y, M aggie McC r eary, Sa rah A nd e r so n , Hann ah Ba lt z, L a ur en Ba ltz, Ma r issa Copan,
Student Council
Back Row: Su za nn e
La r so n , Sea n P o litt e, Be n H oog h e m , Br a nd y W egsc hi e d e r,J a rn es
Dar cy, C h e l sea Kee n ey, Alli so n Fr ost, M a rin a Cas te r so n , and M a tt Brune .
Second Row: Ta r a
P atti e, L a ur a Os b o rn e, Ch ase L a r so n , D a nn y C l e m e nt, Bay lee
H a n se n ,
Drama Club
Brittany Wangsness, Daniel Stelhn1, Emily
Everett, Brenden Smith, and Mary Maas
Fr o nt Ro w : Alex
Fauble, Abby Lngsted, Chris Taylor, Paul Ketchum, Kathryn
Vernig, Angela Finke, Alex Hughe s, and Onna Poeter
Key Club
Megan Kraus, Leah Green, and Raquel
Ramire z. Ba c k Ro w : Arny Hartman, Kirn
Kruchen, Olivia Watson, and Sara Padil l a
Student Coucil
Mackenzie Kreller, Scott Kirby, Kayla
Jensen, Arny Hartmar1, Greg Wi lso n, Mary Donovan, and Kent McKendry.
Forth Row: Bretl
Lewan, Annie Leak, Stepl1anie Liddick, Brooke Sa u er, A s hley
Clement, Jenny Gifford, Robert Van Dyke, and Ty l er Baruch
I • • •
·--- ---- -,.... .
207 -
Back Row: Mino Soren s on , Ka tie Ro1rdan, Kayla Jen s en , En c Pohl, Ryan Ford , Ryan Beehler, Kev1n Gallagher, Brandon Blair, J T Kendall , Andi Lar s on, Mike Van De Bogart, Chac;e Lars on , Nick DeMouhn , Cole Hinnen, Jordan Veccheriarelli, and Mike Third Ro\v · Donald Sutherland, Brett Lewan, Onna Poeter, Jared Leidich, Kurt Ma s t, Mike Gul s vig, Tim Mitchell , Eric Lyman , Kahe Grandqui s t, Kahe Braun, Andrea Wes thead, and Li s a Grantano
Back Row : Mr
Ph a ri ss, Joe Raichart, Cory Bull, and Ru sse l Frankland
Third Row : Mandy
Well s, Jessie Brixius, Sarah, Keer s tin
Vavrina, Brandon
Dimi ck , Andrew Chapim, and Brandon Sutrin a.
Second Row : Greg Wilson, B1llv Martin , Greg Youngs, Cr,·sta Walker, H ailey Estroda, Je..;s1ca Froyen, Lauren A rm i ta ge, C.,a rah Martinez, Colee n Morah s, Danielle Sykora, Zac S mith and Karson Pike. Fron t Row : Jacinda C ross1.1nt Sydney Se igneur, Knssy \Vood Dana Garret, Aoi Soren son, Cassy Robertson, Mark Seligman, Be n H oogheem, T, !er Baruch, Jenna Rimbert, Jess1ca Crass, Samantha Di s n ey Mallory Harnagel, a nd Malor, Burnell.
Second Row: Shannon Waugh, Brandy Casey, Ke l sey Warner, Gen on Alexander, Kristina McBride, Kat John son, and Amber G r auke
Front Row : All y Knight , and Li z Green
Back Row : Jacinda Croissant, Shane
Ty s lan, Matt DeWys, Kara S i ewart, Jess i ca
Hart, Will Fragle, Lea
Bra s kamp, and Katie Hendrix.
Front Row: Nicole Nghiem, Audrey Goh, Be th DeWys, Charlotte Seance, Alli so n Seance
- ons 208 80 % .,,.
Ba c k Row : Bekah
Gresham, Je ss ic a
Fro ye n , Paul Kethcum, Ange l a Finke, Amanda White , Tim Mitchel, and Will Frage l.
Second Row : Mike Harri s, Amanda Sorvig, Chris T aylo r ,
Ba ck Row: Shandell Becker, and Robert Van D y ke
Forth Row : Je ss i Da v i s, Mr . We s terkamp, Neo Burnett, Claire Baile y, and Nick Yaw
Third Row: Mandy Rice , and Araceli Ibarra
Disc Golf
Back Row: Andy Jacubson, Dave Benoy, Wylie Bl ummer, Troy
Sipe s, Matt Dew hu r s t, Mr . Koz, A nd rew
Eckman, Kameron
Kyte, J ohn Wa l k u p, an d Steve Knud s on .
Maggie Peoples, Daniel Stellin1, and Andy Lar so n .
Front Row: Ashley
Bunn, Jos 1e Kenney , Sunshine Morsette, Katie Braun, Nicole Goergen, and Ben Hoogheem
Second R ow: Jo sh Baldwin, Mrs. Kahler, and Co lee n Morale s.
Fron t Row: H annah
Goedert, Whitn ey Allen, Bay l ee H ansen, J essica V i chot, Brooke Agrodnia, and Tay l or Romanowski
Di sc G ol f
Fro nt R ow: Matt D eWys, D ave Kelley, Ril ey Co n way, Austin Town se nd , Kellen Sykora, Step h en Vondree l e, a nd Brady G r ove
I a C
,+ -
R o d e o Club
Back R ow: Ki mb er l y Sh aw, Way n e Moo n ey, Amber Wil lia m s, Ann a Mari e La r a, Ty l e r La n dry , a nd Kay l a Moo n ey
S ummer Field Biolo gy
Jaz z Band
Bac k R o w : Joe l Munr oe, T .J . Fry, Ty l e r
P e nn e l, To m Firth, Gava in D a l y, Jo hn
Oxfo rd, L a ure n
He it z m a n , Mr . A lli so n ,
D av id R ee d , a nd
Ke l s ey M ci s aac
Second Row :
M a r gea u x D e M o ulin ,
80 %
on s
Rodeo Club
Front Row: Strom , M o one y , Mark Ne l s o n a nd Trav i s Dopp .
Summer Field Biology
Jazz Band
Jo sh Ba ld win, Elys e New m an, and Andrew Regn e r .
Front Row: S p encer W e i n ell, A u s tin Be ll, Samu e l Galo t o, An d rewCh a p in, and Steph a nie Glapa.
2 10
Or c h es tra
Ba ck Row : Dthia Kalkwarf, Ely se Newman, Meghan Medina, Manuel Gurrola,
Mountain Ma g ic
Ba ck Row : Heather
Audersirk, Meli ssa Fleming, Naomi Espinoza, and Buffy Robbins
Second Row: Jennifer Mack, Stephanie Gaudio, Kelli Lankutis, Amanda Donelson, and Ju lie Bauer.
Concert Choir
Back Ro w : Jessi Davi s, Hollie Fraiser, Kelli Lankuhs, H eather
Auders 1rk, Pavel Tur c1nek, Dev1n Nix, Kevm Whita c hek, Jaffanie Ruble, Kel sey
Johan sson, Kahe Bill, Sha\.vna
Alms, and Onna Poeter
Thi rd R ow: Abby Lang s ted , Leah Green , Jenn} Mack, Teo
DeV1to, Logan Cus t er, John M1lfe1th, Enc P ohl, C h a rh Hogan, Conny Artica,
Beth De Wys, Mr . Alli so n, Tom Firth, Kel sey Mcl saac, and Su sa n Lind sey
Mo unt ai n Magic
Fro nt R ow: Jennifer Gifford, Amanda Bolejack, A s hl ey Twiford,Cass andra R obertson, Crysta W a Ik e r , and Domini Randolph
Co n cer t C h oir
Naomi Espinoza, and Tiffany Bartos
Second Row : Krysta
Terl) ,Sa rah H olmgren, Daniel Stelhn1 , Kathryn\ em1g, and Ab Gla).ner
Front Row : Kel se} Sca li) , C h ealsea Park , Rachel H eller, Katnna Ro,vel }, Cr}sta Walker, Kelli Viet~, Cher} I Ward a nd Heather Anderson
1 I • • - -.--.,__ __ , _
.. -,
211 ' ' V ., I . . ' - - -· -n
Womens Choir
Back Row: Bntany Bergstead, Tt s h Schmtttel, Jessica Holzmen, Kahley Shepard, Porchea Hollingworth , Megan Kloch , Milhsa Sipes, Mai Bower, Tony-Jo McOrm1c, Juha Terrel , Amber Nelson,Chelsea Pelp s, Katie Rall s, Linsey Le'¾1 1s, Holl y Worth1ngton, Kelly Cash and Tianna Jackson
Second Row: Rabecca Kenon , Roxanne
W1l s on ,N 1cie Flowers,
Mens Choir
Back Row: Devin Nix, Pavel Turcinek, Logan
Custer, Logan Custer, Kevin Whi taschek, J ohn Milfeith, and Eric P o hl.
Third Row : Darnel
Sauner, Aaron Cash, Du s tin Reed, Peter Fur n ess, Andrew Whitehead, Brian Myer s.
24th Street Singers
Back Row: Abby
L a n gs t ed, Logan
C u ste r , Devin Nix, Kevin Whitaschek, O nn a Po e t e r , a nd C hari
H ogan
Womens Choir
Deanna Br ooks, Ma ggie Pattridge, Tiffanie Palmer, Ashley Bartoes,Case, Burkman,Kelli Mittche 1
Lyza Posey,Valari Zinc> Michelle Zinco, Marris 1 Myers, First Row:Amanda White, Amanda Hart,Yo landa Bollingier, Sarah Norris, Sherry Tayler , Amanda Arch ey, Br1 anna Br adshaw,Brittany 'O dell,Kah la Mooney , Pa1ge Deherrera,C hantelle Zimblis, Ashley Vorhees, Bnanna Parra,Joree Rempel-Wei ss And Kat May
Mens Choir
Second Row: Kohn Pak, Jeff Trayer, Teo De Vito, Jakup Eul er, and Devan Kerg er
Front Row: Isa iah Erickson, Joshua R e inhard, Mira cle Olulu, and Daniel S t e lliru .
24th Street Singers
Front Row: Kel sey Scally, Chealsea Park, Teo De Vito, Daniel Stellini, Miracle Olulu , Kathryn Vemig.
- ons 212 80 % . ----
r, ' ., ,,' 213
Abbolts Brad y
Abdulhusse1n, An\ ir
Adair, Katherine
Adair S tephanj e
Adams. Ashleigh
Adams, Ashliegh
Adams, Ca rrin
Addison, Kaitlin Tripp
Adlosson Sean
Agrodn1a, Brooke Agrodnia, ~fatthew
Akes, Jasmine A. AI-Bawab Ba ssam Al-Za)'er
Barn s, Ali Barr Erica Barr India Barthels, Bnanna
Barto s, A shley Barto s Tiffany
Gill ian
Anderson Heather
Anderson, Joshua
Anderson, Matt
Anderson, Sa rah
Ander.on, Shara
Anderson, Ste ve
Andre,vs, Timothy
Andrzejewski, Nicholas
Andrzeiewsk.t, Nick
Archey, Amanda
Ardom, Rosal}rn Arellano, Yvette Aristide, Junior Pharel
Asch, Jesse Asher, ~Uchelle
Asmussen, Mi c helle
Atkins, Brod y
Audesirk, Heather
Aurand, Sco tt
Ayers, Elizabeth Lovoy
Ayers Shara
B Katie
8 ., Kahe
Baal m an, Ta yna
Baca, Femando
Ba con, Jo hn
Baile y, Claire
Batley, Derek
Balczarek, Natasha
Balczarek, Nathasha
Bald essa n , Nicholas
Bald,vin, Jo s h
Baldwin, Joshua Baltz, Hannah Baltz, Lauren
Bang , Gee H y un
Banza , Heather Baradan , Sa ad
Barbeau, Moll y
Barbeau, Robert
Barbee Du sh n
Barb o u, Bobbie
Barela, Erhnda
Barela, Toseph
Banllie, Roy
Barned , Bethan)
Bame!'>, Alexandra
Barne ::., Ah e
Barnes, Zachery Barne
Ju stin
S handell
r, Nicholas 8ethn1 , Vencent
Beumer, Scott
B1an c h1, C
B1an c h1, Chad Bian c hi , C h ase
B1en1uh s, D y lan
Bill, Kateland
B1nkle v, Chnsltan
Binkley, Daniel Bmklev , Dannv
Bird Linette
B1rn ev. Geoifery
Birney , Roy
Bis hop , Ja y mes
S l am-Hartung, Matt
Blain - Hartung, ~tatthew
Blair, Bethany
Blatt, Brand o n
Blair, Bnanna
Blake, An,ber
Blakel}', Victona
Blakeman, Ariel Blanc hett, Danny
Blincoe, Jerem y
Blom , Stacv Blood , Alex Bloom , Mana
Blumer, Wylie
Bluse, Aaron Blu s12zle, Aaron1zzle
Blyhte, Charlotte Bo 1an, Judy
Bolejack, An1anda
Bolgart, Lauren
Bollinger, C.
Bollinger, George
Bolt z, Spencer
Bond , Shawna
Bonng, Ju s tin
Bory s, Brittany
Boivcrs, Caitlin
Brdd s haw , Breanna
Branagel. Nicholas
Brandow, Nathan Brandow , Zachary Brandow, Zack
, Gulliver
Braun , Kane Braunagel, Nicholas Braunagel. Robert Bravo, Kris tina Bra vo, Patnck Bree se, Lily Breithaupt Van Bre s ler, Z. Bre s ler, Zach Bre sle r, Zachary Bricker, tvllchael Bnde, Kristina Mc Bndge s, Gus Bndges, Philip Brittany, 1'.1oll y !'vl Brixiu s, Jessica Brook , Deanna Brook s, Douglas Brott , Tis ha Bro\\' n , Jennifer Brown, Nicole Bro.,.vnell, A s hley Bruan. Amy Bruan. Katte Brulla , Joshua Brune , Matt Brune, Matthew Brunel, Mallory Bryan , Ray na Bryan , Reyna Bryant, Angela Bry so n , Jan
Bunn, Ashley Suc ca r, Scott Burczvk., Elizabeth Burkman Casey Burkman , Taylor Burnett, Jane
Burnett, Nell Burton, Bradley Bu sch , Rashell Bu s h-Johnson , Chelsev Bu s h -John so
Cacere s, Chrisfopher Ca dy, Flor Calv ert, Sarah Cah-viJ, C hnton Campbell, Adrianna Cannon, Charles Cantwell, Wtll Cappello, Brandi Cappello, Brandy Car, Lis a Carey, Gwen Carl. Spencer Carlo, Gino De Carr, Li s a Carr, Loana Carson, T Carson, Tyler Carter, Conrad Carter, Mvrat.h Carter, l'vl ynah Casey,
Allan ,
Allen, Ch n s Allen, Wh1teny AIJen, \\ httney AllLson, Aaron Almanza, Ricardo Alms, S han a Alms, S h ona 97 119 11 9 107 11 9 122 48 25 119 27,107 70 94 107 50 107 11 9 107 119 97 119 129 97 203 66 97 129 107 148 67,107 107 119 107 107 97 97 25 107, 119 107 24 70 143 129 107 159 4, 49 115 70 14, 70, 180, 186 107 97 97 An,es,
AI-Zaver Nezar, Kelly
James Ander;en, Gillian Anderson, Elsa Anderson
Armitage, Lauren Artica, Conny 30, 70, 154, 161,186 12 70
Artica Francisco
s, Zachery R 107 107 107, 160 107 70 107 129 97 194 192 129 119 17, 2 4 97 119 27 162 70 119 70 70, 162 119 107 67, 97 107 107 97 97 148 107 107 24 111 70, 162, 186, 187 97 46 70 162
21 4
Downloading Demotll
90 %
Baruch, L 9 25 11 70. 162 97 70 97 54 4, 24, 54, 97 6, 15, 24, 41 , 70, 187, 188 86 Baru ch, Luke Baruch, Tyler Barza n ji, Sw-ar-aa Bar zan1 1 , Tara Basemann,
Bauer Julienne Bauer, tv1a1 Bauer, ulte Baumann Ca1t hn Baun,gart, N1cholau::. Baxter
Ba x
Bell ,
Bell , tvhranda Beu St acev Bell, ~tacy Bell , S tuart Bell, Thomas Bement, Codi Bement, D es irae Bement, Dez1e Bendt , Jamie Benoy. Dane 11 9 107 150 107 119 150 119 70, 162 70 33, 70, 162, 188 4, 70 119 107 107 107 107 119 1, 50, 97 11 9, 122 107 129 119 I 19 121, 124 37 11 9, 121 107 119 154 97 27,107 156 Berg s ted , Bnttany Bergs tedt, Brittan y Besseh Kim 17, 69, 70, 163 17
ter, Ryan
a m , Ross
Mi c helle
Braun, Am y Braun , Catherine 107 119 71 54 71 107 71 107 71 119 151 119 21 7 1 71 27 107, 149 97 30 107, 155 97 25,107 159 129 97 107 119 24 ,97 24 ,86 24 129 129 71 JO 54 119 119 107 24 119 119 71 163 119 71 67 129 119 97 )07 7 1 107
Corey 36, 163, 188 72 119 119 97 25 22 54 54 107 119 79 2-1 97 177 119 107 97 119 107 97 97 27 27 72 11, 24, -ll, 164 72, 163 72, 164 30 13, 72, 164 86 129 159
16, 164, 188, 194, 201
129 107 119 28 129 3, 10, 35, 97 107 107 By] , Case 72, 165 By!, Kayley 10, 25, 107 By rne, Dick 129
Bull ,
n , Gabrielle
Aaron 119 21 14, 119 66, 119 72 97 24 30,46,97 11 46 30 97 33 11 97 50 97 119, 203 77 72 119 203 107 3, 46, 97 97 119 119 Casino,
Clark, Daruelle Clark, Kyle 10, 13, 107, 109, 117 119 Clark, Lydia Clari..., Thomas Clarke, Coley Clarke R 72 25 119, 149 119, 151 13, 107 97 80, 165, 188 72 107 73 22 97 119 73, 139 107 107 52,97 119 108, 203 22 50 Claxton, Ame 108 19 Claxton, Doug Clement, Ashley Clement, Daniel Clement, Dannv Clements, Ken Clements~ Kenneth, Ja so n 36 73, 165, 188, 189 119 Ome, Andre,v Clough Erm Cober Dustm Coble, Ry an Cochran, Lon Coggen, Sara Cogg1n, Sara Cohen Lmdsay Cohn , Stephanie Cohn, Valene Colby Jena Coleman. Alex Collier, Tiffany Conroy. Brian Conway, ruJey Cook, Eileen Cook, Jenny Cooper, DaVid Cooper. Nate Copan, Manssa Copeland, Kelly Comel1son, Shari Cornett, \-Vilham Coronado, N Coronado, Nate Coronado, Natharuel Corrigan-Snuth, Devon Corry, Amber Corsi, Alexander Corsi, Hilary Cottle, Sarah Coughlin, Kevin Coughlin.Sean Coulghin, Sean Courtney, Sara Coutts, Michael Coutts, Samuel Covac Nikki Cowen , Joev Cowen, Joseph Cox , Aimee Cox, Griffin Cranford , Johnathan Cras s, Jess ica Crawford, Johnathan Crevling, Danielle Crock , Johanna Croiss ant, Jacinda Croonenburgs, Erika Cross, Andrew Crow , lvl elissa 126 28 108 119 73, 165 25, 73, 75 119 97 66, 108, 139 121 119 86 108, 138 108, 138 97 25 29, 108 129 119 129 129 120, 150 23 108 86 129 86 50 12 73 25 108 4, 49 , 120, 132 73, 166 189 108 23, 35 33 73,166 97 108 109 203 108 97 120, 132 73 25, 97 15 48, 120 30 29, 97 25 120, 148 27, 108 108 36 108 Cro,v, Michael Cuduara , Allysa Cuchiara, Cullen, Chnstopher Cummins, Taleah Curry, An1ber Cushman, Darnel Custer, Logan 39,48, 73,166,189 120 D RP, agnier, Cheryl D ' S p agnier, K istm D' 6 p angruer', eryl D Epaxu e r,. Cheryl Dahl , Alexander Dahm, Cod) Dale, Lance Dalgetty, Kelly DaJy, Gava1n Danek, Amy Darcy , James Darragh , Nathan Daves, Jacob DaVtdson , Amber DaVidson, Ehjah Davidson, Ins DaV1dson, Lauren Davies, George Davis, Abby Davis, Abigail Davis, Alexand r a Davis, Amanda Da\1S , Chnstopher Davis, J~1ca Davis, Kim DaVis, Kimberly Da, 1s, lvi aJlory Davis, lvfaneger Kim 120 42, 108 73,189 108 108 22 25 13 97 108 97 27,97 108 8, 10, 108 27 108 108 108 49, 97 108 49,120 47 73 25 108 108 73 97 97 8, 14, 42 73, 166 120 2-l I I
Brand, Cash,
Caleh Casterson, lv1arina Castle, Megan Catron, Chelsea Chae, Lily Chambless,
Chapell, Simone Chapin, Andrew 01apman , Connor Chappell, Simone Chapple, Hillary Charleston, Chnstie Charleston, Christine Chavez, Steven Choudhary, Narayan Chric;tensen, Nathan Chung, Dan C1mperma11 , Andrew Cisneros , Aaron Cisneros, Krystyna
Fassino Brent
Fauble AJe)(ander
Fauble, Nicholas
Fauble, Nick
Faulkner And, Fehrman, Alexander
Felt, Josh
Fielding, Jacob
Filas. Harrison
Fink, Todd
Finke Angela
Finnie Kim
F1onno, Lvndz1
Firth, lvlaura
Fisher Jordan
Flagle Will
Fleming. tvlela<;sa
Flesh Garrett
Fleurv Anthon,
Flower, Zach
Flower Zachan
Flowers , Arnber
Fhnn Sean
Ford, :t-.-le!J~.,a
Ford, R\an
Foven, Jessica
Foyen K\ le '
Gilh5, ~1artella G1l11(, ?vtarty G1H1s, Rebeccd
~ar ah Glade Cod) Glapa. Stephanie C.laxner Hah Gleaton Garrett Gobbo, Chani Goch,-., ~hchael Godov Sergio Goedert Hannah Goergen, "-lathan Goergen. l\111.:ole Goh Audre\ C,oldman Eh sd Goldn,an Elysa Br~tt C,oldman. Enc Goldstein, Jeffre, Good Patrick Gooderham. Jenn1ter
Hartung. tvfatt
Ha.tog t..tatt
H.1ugha1n , Grace Hauser Jetfre\. Hauser Kyle
Hau~erman , Gregory
Hayes , Bob
Haye s, .tvlr
Haye s R,an
Hebberd Sarah
Hc1lm.1n f\ lor
HetnLZelman , Joshu,1
He1tzmc1n Lauren
Heller, Rachel
Helweg, Robert
Hendn~ Katie
Hennck_son Travis
Hen1andez Glenn
Hl'rrera E\ an De
Hernck Seba~han
Herron Thc,ma, Herzing, Jared
Hewatt, ~hyr
H 1cks l'vlatthe\, Hiebert Jake
H1gg1n'> , Andre,
H1gg1n s, i\nd, Hill , Reese
Hanklt:' T1n1
Hinkle Tamoth,,.
Hinnen Cole
Hinnon (.
Ho Jane-. sa
Hock Ja son
Hodge:. Hannah
Hodge~, Jenna
Hoen1ngs C.erald
Hogan Charli
Jetfre, Green, Blake
C,re-,ham Rebekah Gnego, En, C,nffiths, Allison C.roe Scott Croff Zacharv Gro\e Bradv C.,ro, e. Kenneth Grundermann. Danika Guts, 1g, \hchael Gulsvig tl,hke
Gunderman Danica Gunn Charla
Gurrola-Alonso, l'vlanuel
C.u!">ta.t!">on Da, id
C.ustatson Grey
Hogan Jordan
Holland Gregory
Holland Jacob
Holle\ Jame-.
Hollev , Scott
Holhngswor th , Porha
Holn1gren , Rachel
H0lmgren Sarah
Holvcro ss, t..hchael
Holzman Je-...,1,a
Hoogheen1 , Ben
Hoogheem Ben1an1in
Hop1n Emily
Horan Bnan
Homecker Quinn
Horton , Brittanv
Horton Bnttan, Rc1e
Hosburgh Nicole
Howe:, Alex
Howe-,, Alexander
Hubert , 7ephan
Hudson Adam
Garcia. Roger
Garnett. Daruelle
Garran1one, Louis
Garramone, ou1e
Garret J\.f
Garrett, Dana
Garrett. Kahe
C.arrett J\.1att
Garrett, tv1atthew
Garton, Rachel
Gaspard Jordan
Gaspard, Jordan Leigh Gates, Cameron
C,ates, Kameron
C.aud10, Stephanie
Gaudreau, David
Gee, Kevin
Geiger Sean
Georgen, Nate
Gethang. Robert
G1fford, Dan
Gifford, Daruel
Gifford, Jenmfer
GiHord , Karen
Gilbert, Oan1el
Gilbert, Jenrufer
Gilbert, Jennifer Ann
Gilbraith, Ian
Gillan, Nathanael
G11le.,p1e. l'vhtchell
G1llette Robert
Hagberg. Kns lie Hagberg. KriStie L Ha1merl , l'v1atte,, Haunecl, l'vtatlh w J HaH, Oarrvl H.:ill , Dewayne Hall Lauren Halley, Chns Halley Rob Halle) Robert Han11lton Jam1e Hamman , Jerem; Hancock, Havlev Hannemann, Andrew Han'>en, Bavlce
Hansen Jacob
Hansen Jacob D Hansen Jacob
Hudson Claire
Hud on Kayb
Huff Hilary
Huft Ravmond
Hughes, Alex
Hughe s, Alexander
Hughes , Lucas
Hunt , Chelsea
Hunt!'>n1c1n, And)
Huntsman T
Huntsman Thomas
Huntsman Tomm\,
Hupf, Trevar
Hurlev, Amanda
lannacito, Cregan
Ibarra, Araceli
Ibarra , Armando
[).i, 1s, Stephanie D~• 1son Lauren De \I Van Bogart t.hchael \ an Bogart :1, Sophie Van Wegh1e 1 Thomas Van Bogart l)eJn Sean Oi-cc1rlo, Gino Deuroat Heather Deherrera. Paige Dehmlo,v, Drew Delmoruco. Max Delucas, tv1ark [)e~1a1tens. Lanssa Demarest, Anel Dcmerest. Ariel ~t.lohn :--J1ck De~roulan, Nick Dcmouhn. Margeaux De~louhn, Nicholas der, Ken Van Laan der R\ an Van Broeke der Rvan \ an Brook De\'elder Ank Devito, Teo De\ 1to, Theodore Dewhurst, tvlatthew D1c~on, Jesse Dickson William Diener :t-.-lichael '.)ill Duson Dilworth, Brady Dimick. Brandon Disney, Samantha Dobbyns, Kyle 129 13 120, 126 54 23 52 53 19 23 120 35 73, 159 974 108 120 203 97 108 52, 53 39 33 108 9"' 131 203 35 80 74 108 108 98 108 22 98 120 29,74, 190 15 120 Dobvns, James Dobyns, Kyle 6. 10, 32, 33, 41. 74. 166, 190, 194 Dockstader, Stephanie Doffing, Dave 98, 156 167 74, 156 74, 190 120 108 120 74 74 120 108 98 98 42 Doffing, DaVld Dolechek. Dusnn Dolechek, Trevor Domgaard, Andrea Dominguez, Alex Donelson, Amanda Donovan, Mary Doperalski, Daniel Dopp. Travis Oougherty Morgan Downing, Jared Drcxlar, Ta,'1ny Drexler, Beau Drexler Tawny Dugger, Laura Dumbelton, Collin Dumbleton, Colbn Duncan Adene Duncan, Robert Dupont, Nicole 7 41, 74, 167 120, 122 98 Durgin David Durg i n, Jill Duvall, Jonathon Dyke Rob Van Dyke, Robert Van Eagan Jora Eclqniln,..Andrew Ehrcll\S tra$er, Anneliese tkb e Ca d a Ek!5erg; O a t~ Elhot ~1egan Elltot, ~fegan Lindsey Elliott, Joshua Elliott, Megan 1:ngler, Ben LanevuleEnna, Tyler ·denetsogt, Angarag 1 rac~on, Amsley Erickson, Isaiah tspmosa, Naomi t.\ptnoza, Levi Espinoza, Naomi ~trada, Hcllley ~trada, H ale, h. 1er Jakup fvanko, Bnan tv1:rett Emily Ewe~,Kebev hson .a:u.",!·~, J.- 1nda Be t11arrun La la II. Samantha f Vanessa 203 120 74 98 18 74 25 108 156 103 108 98 98 120 14 169 120 74, 167 23 22 108 30,98 108 72 108 74 42, 98 25 120 120 31, 36, 74 120,203 197 129 100 108 74 98
FraJlev Cathv Fraiser, Hoth Franco DJ Russell Frankltn Russel Franks. Bntne Franks, Daralou Fraser, Hollie French, Kathrvn Fnsk}, Tegan Fntz, Lucas Frost, Alison 74 108 20 :l7 18 98 ~5 120 74,172 129 lo, ~4 li6 25 47, 98. 139 120 98 13 4 108 98 120 28 98 120 86 26,27 98 203 129 27 33 98 144 120 120 108 120 18 120 8, 17 Frost Aluson Froyen, Jessica Froyen, Kvle 36,48, 74,169,192 98 Frv John Fry Thomas Fume:,s, Peter G. C::c1tie G, Cahe 75, 169 108 98 120 19-1 192 120 30,36,48, ?5, 169 185 192, Gabel, Katrin a Gabel, Megan Gabel Tnna Galtoto, Joanna Galioto, Samuel Gallagher, Kevin Gallagher, tvfatt Gallagher, tvlatthe,v Gallegos, Genna Galluzzo, Nicholas Galvan Vincent
C,ans, tvfax Garoa, Jason Garoa,
C.illis, Beck} 48 30 120 98 I 120 120 120 98 120 98 86 72 22 108 203 50 5 30,42,98 22 109 108 108 75 29 75 201 120 108 120 98. 149 126 108 37 86 98 120 108, 114. 142 12, 35, 69 75 168 120 120 108 120 203 24 124 169
C.orman Zachan (,m;da, E,·an 108 42 120 10 108 108 109, 138 98 109 98 109 86 66 120 120,203 42 98 98 -12 75 lt>S 120 120 109 120 109 120, 126 37 36 98 75 109 35 Goshorn. Cor, Gradquist K.-ihe Grahame K.-ithn·n Grammer, Shaun Granquist, Britany Granquist Bnttan~ C.ranqu1st Cathenne Granquist lat.Je Grantano. Li,a Gratten Coby Gratton Coby 7.5 42 168 12 42 , 75 168
A1an.i ~lane
Alana Gra\
Greene Rebecc.a
Leah Green Paul
Hansen. Jake Hansen, Tara Han-,on Jake Hanson Luca-. Harder. Charles Harding, Dam Harmon, JD Harnage! Lauren Harni'lgel, l'vlallory Hamegal, Mallory Harns, Leah Harns tv1adelame Harn-., Micha.el Harnson, Hart. Amanda Hart. Michael Hartford, Kourtne) Hartman Amy Hartung, l'vt 17 33 120 169 170 75 "'6 192 47, 109 76 120 66 109 109 109 98, l 'ib 109 20 ?.7 109 109 120 98 193 28 76, 170 --, ,_ b9 76 129 121 9 109 203 55 98 46, 7b 170 171 76 171 109 203 109 48, 121 24 li 98 121 98 121 121 109 76 171 193 l4b 109 8, 48 76,172 121 30 22 10·9 98 25, 66 121 46,98 98 86 121 76 98,139 48, 98 50
Ibarra , Je-.u., 11 Kenneth Holton II R1ch,1rd Zirbes II T1moth, kennt>\ III :t-.-lerle Skeens Isaac Kelsey t-v1c 1-.hmael, Kt?n Iverson. b1denck J Amanda Jack~on , Ben1am1n Britan) Granquist Jackso11, hst) Jackson, pcott Jackson. lrianna Jacobs, Gunnar JacoQson Andre,\ 109 27 b7 121 129 19.312, 76. 98, 172 129 128 109, 203 121, 126 109 76 98 98 121 76 gs 110 203 120 76,144 qg 121 <)8 76 33 121 10"., 76 8,203 98 23 98 50 I l(I 98 121 26, 27. 96 76 -l 7, 98 2, 67, 121 129 I I II 110 110 110 121 98 98 110 1, 172, 193 I ., -,-, , I 31 99 22,23 n 193 11 0 52 110 99 27 121 99 49 121 110 16, 113 ,. 172 l 10 12 I ., ')50 q9 5 51 121 10, 109. 110 110 ..,7 8? , ,121 77 105 99 113 52 122,203 129 197 111 142 Qy 77 110 23 110 215
Jam1vanaa Enk.hza) a
Jam1vanaa, Khongor
Jan1cek. ~lax
Jankoviak A J
Janko\'1ak Ani-,c;a
Jankoviak Anissa NI.
Janko\ 1ak. Daniel
Jankovtka, An1c;sa
JankoYivk, A J
Jee Joohee
Jenkins, Bennett
Jennings, Samuel
Jensen Con
Jensen, Kathenne
Jensen, Ka\ la
Jentzsch Kandyce
Jermyn, Cand1ce-Ann
J1n1menez C.ednc
Johansson Kehev
Johnson A:.hley
Johnstln Elaabeth
Johnson, Lasandra
Johnson laShawnda
Johnson Samantha
Johnson She ree
Johnson, Tiffany
Johnson Tyler
Johnston, Ryan
Jones, Alhson
Jones, Chnstopher
Jones, Jack
Jonsson, Andrew
Jo~on, Justin
Jordan, Allysa
Jordan Amanda
Jordan Faith
Joz,v1k, Knstopher
Jr Douglas Thoma:.
Jr Kenneth Reed
Jr, ~latt Agrodrua
Kahler , Cebrganne
Kalk\Varf, Dth1a
Kamp f1 Rya n
Kapusta, So nja
Keeling, Andre,v
Keeney, Chelsea
Keeney, JO'>Je
Kel11 Alexys
Keller, Dave
Keller, Da, 1d
Kelley, 61 II
Kelle) Katie
Kelly, Kathleen
Kell), Katy
Kelly, Michael
Kellv, ~11ke
Kemmerer, Jessica
Kemp, Brtttnay
Kendall, John
Kennedv Melis!>a
Kennedv. Peter
Kenne), Josie
Kennon Rebekah
Kenworthy, Mc:1x
Kerger, De, on
1'.etchum, l\rlark
Ketchun,, Paul
Killion, Ryan
Kilmek. Michelle
Kilpatrick, Krystal
King, Kevin
King, Matt
King, ~1atthe\\
King, Patrick
King, S
Kinghorn Adam
ktrby, Scott
Klein, Ehzabelh
knudi,on, Steven
Lorenz Andrew Lorenz , Brent Lo,v, Patti
Lowe Path low st ute, Derek Low!>tuter, Derek
Lubkeham, Brad Lubkeman, Bradlev
Lucas, Sarah
Luck.mb1ll, Jaysen
Luck.mb1ll, Jessica
Lu1an, Jordan Luna, Josh
Luna, Joshua Lutz Ashley
Lutz Rvan
Lyman. E Lyman, Enc
L}nch. Audrev Lynch, Ed\vin
M, Sun shine tvt Ketchum
Maas, L uc;a s
Maa~. Luke
Maa,, rvtary Macca Shannon Macdonald Lon
1\-lace, Katie
tvlack. Jennifer
Macker Rvan
tvtadden, Brad
McIntosh. Zachery
l\.1clsaac, Enca
tvtclsaac, Kelsey
McKendry, Kent
tv1cKendry Samuel
l'.klaughlin, Lisa
McLaughlin, Sean
tv1ctvtanigal, Vance
M~iaster, Enc
McNa, Alexander
~tcNa, Connor
McPherson, Alexander
me, Silence take home
tvtead, Adnan
tv(ead, Tavlor
Anna Larsen, Kristian Larson, Andrea Larson. And\ Lar..on, Chase Lar;on, Lenette Larson, Suzanne Lanverke, Stacey lanvtck, Enn Laughin Li
Lisa ~le
Jason Le Bum Le , Quven Leadford, 1'ate Leak, Anrue Leazer An,anda
Lee Anna lee. Elizabeth Lee l'tnd,;1e
Lee, Shilo Leger, Je!>s1ca Legger Jessica Leib, Louis
lt>1d1ch. Jared
Leidich, Nicole Leidick, Jared Leitz Jeremv
Le, 1te, Jerem, Lev\ Jessie
Lev,, rJess1e
Lewan, Brett
Lewerke. Stace, lew1, Ashly
Ashley Le,v1s, Chloe Lewis, K Lt'\\',.,, Kory Lewis, lind ,;av Lewis, lnd._ a,
Susan Lind sey, Lobach, Angela Lockhart, Joel Lockwood Adam Lohman, Weston Long, Robert Longsine Mand\ Longton, K1, le Longworth Kendra Lopez, Dean
1\-tadden, Jerr) Madison udv tvtahonee, Dylan fvfalancon, t--.1ark ~tallard, Joshua tvlallet, Olga
1\/lalonev Heather
l\,Ialoney Kathrvn
t-.,faloney, Patn ck
Malone\ Sean
ans, Rluannon
Na ta sha
Mauri, Anthony
N1cholai; Mayburv Charlotte tvlayer Timothv tv1avo, Cortney Mayo, Sean May<;, Bryan
l\tazlowskt, Ms McBride, Kns
?vkBnde Knshna
l\1cC.arth), l\.teghan McCormack, Tony
?l.lcC.rear) Margaret l'v1cC.rean, Zacharv Mccreavy tvtagg1e Mc(utchan Nicole ?\.1cDonald, Jerrv ~kDonald , Shanno n tv1cDonough, Je ssica McEncroe Carl M cE n croe, ~1eh'-sa tvkEnroe, Ke,·1n Mcfadden, Sarah tvtcGee, Corv :NkG1?e, Patricia McGee, Trischa
Medina, tvtegan tv(edyette, Blakelee ?\1eehan, Shannon l'vte1er, Britt Meier, Brittany Meier, Bnttney Melancon. Mark tvtelanon. ~hchelle lv1enard, Amanda tvtendoza, Salamon Mendoza, Salomon t--1eneses, Jordan tvtenna. Eh!-a Mestas, Eron tv1eyer, Nicole l\.1ichaeus, tvtatthew tvlidvett, Blakelee f\.bdyette, Blakelee tvhears, Marissa Mignogna, Luca:, Mihlfe1lh, Jonathon tvhlan, Megan Miles, Samantha tvW.ko, Eric tvtiller, Alan Miller, Forrest ~hller, Paul r,.,hUer, Sarah Miller, Tim l'vhllmore., l'vts. l'v[1lne, Chnstopher l'vhlne. tvtathe,\ Milne, Matthe,v Mitchell, Keli 1\-htchell, Kelly lvhtchell, T1n,o t hy Mod1z, Jason tvtolloy, Lmdsay tv1oneghan, Nichole l'vtonroe, Joel Mon son, l\[atthe\'1 Montgomery, Chnslina Montgomery, .Kathryn tvtoody, Heather Moon Amanda Moonev Kayla Mooney, \Vayne tv1oore, Chnshe Moore, Chnstie Lea Moore, 1onathan Moore, Liz Moore Madeline 1'1orale!>, Colleen Morales, Robert l'Vlorales, Sara ~lorelh, Reed lvforelb, Stefan Morelli , Stephan Morgan, Nikole l\-1orilh, Jon a than l'v1onn, Ph1hppe Morresstte, Sunshine
I'~ t· r:, r• ···~ .;: • (~) .,..
Klein, Jennifer Klein, T1n1 Klein, Timothv Klement, Je:.i.1ca Kluc1k Rudolf Klucik Rudv Klucik., R. Klug, John Knepp, Colbv Knepp, olby Knight, All\ Knobb-,, A,htev • 122 99 110 4 6g 172 11 0 77 142 99 99 110 1 Hl, 203 110 99 159 99 77 23 110 25 31 144 121 99 86 111 77, 173 1 99 99 122 99 11 J 99 77 1g4-~ I I 77 3 122 103 124 161 1 '.\O 99 86 25, 99 99 122 194 111 147 111 147 130 31 111 67, 159 111 203 111 111 99 2, '\1 49 111 77 173, 199 Tl, 173, 199 111 28 111 5 4 111 13, 16, 78, 194 99 49 122 23, 35 203 111 99 50 22 75, 78, 194, 20 l 78 122 203 122 130 100 51 50 130 100 203 35 100 Downloading Demon 216 90 %
Knutson Candice Ro..,e 122 78 111 173, 199 Koch Ju:.tin Koch Levi Koch 1\-tichael Kochis Chervl 36, 78,173,199 Kofoed. Curtis Kolm, Emily Kovac Nicole Kozlow1tz, l\rtonty Kran1er Juhe Kraus, rvtegan K.reller
Kreller tvtakenzte Krenek, Tara Krt1nich,
Kulbacki Justin Kuman Putal h \\ ak., Jessie.a Kwak, Ryan K) te, Kamaron Lacinski Garrett lafalce Samuel La1ramo1e, Ja, Lake),, J~ tfre), Lamb Cha sity landrv, 1vler 122 130 100 31 , 100, 133 111 130 130 111 100 25 100 111 100 3,21 100 100 203 78 122 78 156 100 111 122 78, 154 111 100 86 Langsted, Abb) Lang:,ted, Abigail Ah,sa Langsted, Ab1gaJ 69 78 50 111 173. 199 lan1er, I Lanier, Ian lankenau, Cathenne lankuhs,
sa l\,fc laughHn,
Jenna 100 111 86 18 100 8 24 100 122 122 151 122 79 3 12, 38 100 100 18 18 111 100 27 100 18, 22 100 122 121 79 73, 78, 173, 199 Ill 15 2 79 194 7g 185 4 24, 101 111 114, 1 51 154 52 53,122 101 54 122 79, 146 94 101 3, 12, 79 9 111,117 52, 111 66, 182 122 111 31 25 33 101 203 79, 195 101 111 130 101 123 101 111
Kathr) n tvtangan Alan tvlangan, Anna tvlann, Tanisha tvtares, Jarrue 123 101 130 94 185 79 122 123 111 111 123 101, 133 139 101 LOl, 159 24 50 101 25 123 194 54 123 124 77, 79 155 130 25 111 123 33 33 130 101 23 101 31 101 139 42, 111 22 111 42 23, I 01 18 30 111 79 34, 86, 174 86 201 tviarshall Spencer Marston, Bntne\ Mar,;ton, Brittnev l\lartm B,lh Martin,
15 2-l. 17-t 195 27 Martin,
Mnslowsk,, Cathy Mass, tvtary t\.last, Al11,on tv1ast Kurt 79 21, 27, 101 123 174 12, 30, 16, 79 I 1 1 42,101 78, 79, 174 130 174 123 24, 79 101
25 ,,48,79, 174,175,195 67
S tace\
?YtcC.mnis Joe 101 101 , 147 33 86 130 101 94,101 14, 101 101 128 147 7 3 145 111 79 101 111 46 101 101 22 111 111 27, 69 79. 175 86 111 123 111 25 130
tvlorrison, Alhe Morrison, Allison Morsette , Calvin Morsette, Sunshme Morseltte, Sunshine Monay, Amy M(lrvay , Molly Mo!>ette, Sunshine Moulton , Juhe Moulton, K Moulton, Kevin Mueller Scott t-lulvany , L1ndsey lvlundav Amanda l'v1unroe, Garin ~f urphy, 1ike Murray, Sarah l'vlyers, Bnan 111 123 101 203 111 35, 46, 175 195 123 123 33 101 123 197 86 79,159 123, 150 142 21,26,27 195 79,175 30 32,33 111 101, 143 203 123 101 111 123 76. 86 111 13, 111 114 123 80, 175 176 101 31, 111 , 139 111, 121 142 80,155 109, 111 130 25, 101 130 128 86 176 80 123 123 80, 101 101 123 101 101, 149 123 80, 165, 195 JO 130 111 101, 139 123 9,80, 196 80,196 200 101 22 123 46, 80, 170 111. 203 101 111 123 203 123 86 123 69 13, 78 80 176, 196 80 101 12, 25, 80 14 2 177 36 112 80,177 176 123,124 126 50 80,177 101 101 112 112, 203 128,130 112 123 l~ 111 ill l\ )\ ii' ~it elr elr els th ls tt It It r e tc II n l II
Morns, Josh Mvrr1s, Joshua
~hers. Brt1n e}'
Iver~ Roger
Mvlko, Eri c
\J te.y. 1'.en d ra
N cau\, ndrew ,1 ke,vicz, Apdre\\
''-"~u An drew
Nos,c;au, Mallorv
auslar Traver
Nausler Trower
Navarette, Julie
Na, arrete Jere m y
N,narrete, JuUe
Ne itz el Leif
~elms Ralph
Nelms Theron
Nelson AJ
Nelson Amber
Nelson Anthony
Nelson Daniel
Nelson Dann y Nelson Dere ck
Nelson, Derek
Nelson, Luke
NeJ c;on, t-.fark
Nelson, Michael
, elson, Nichol
Nelson Trevor
Neubacher Jack
Neubacher Jake
Neville, Jam es
Ne,vcome Laura
Newcome, Robm
Newman. David
Newman, Elyse
Ngluem, Nicole
Nguyen, Trieu
Nichols, Brandon
Nichols, Corv
Nielsen Amy
N1eme1er Samantha
N1ghem, Nicole
Nik.ibn V1ctona
Niles. Natharuel
Niswonger, Jo sh ua
Nittol Nick
N1ttolo Nicholas
N1ttol o, Nick
'J1x, Devtn
Nobles, Jeremy -
Nolte Amanda
Noonan, Ashley
Norn Sa rah
Noms, Sarah
Nye Jason
0 lirl en, Kend r,a
o·~ell , Bnttany
O' dell, Kelle y
O'tool, Josh uri
O'Bnen, Kendra
Ochre1ter, Derek
Odirider, Demck
Ohnemus, Adam
Ohnha u s, Jes se
Ohnhaus, Jessi
Olin , Amanda
Olm, Laura
Olulu, rvtuade
Ortiz, Savannah
Ortiz, Vanessa Osborne, Laura
0,-tenson Ali oa
Ostler Leann
O!>wood, Jessi c a ')ttero, Jeruca
Oxford, John
Ozbay, Dee
Ozbay. Derya
Padi lla, Jo s ~ Padi lla , Joshua
Parker, Samantha Parra Bnana
P arsons, ?vhndv
Patrick. Timothy
Pattie Tara
Pattison, Jacob
Pattridge Kyle
Pattndge M aggie
Payne, Cameron
Pavne, Vance
Pa \ te Ja cob
Pavte James
Pearce Coby
Pearce , Debbie
Pennel, Chnc;tma
Pennel Tyler
Pentacoff Jessica
Peoples Maggie
Peoples ., Andrew
Perez Carolina
Perisho, N 1ccole
Perry Heath er Perry Mi sty
Perry Natasha
Peters, Tammie
Petersen, Abbie
Pe terson, AstJ
Peterson, vane~a
Peterson. Zachary
Pharadine 1',1achelle
Phanss, Tracy
Phelp s, Chebea
Plull1ps, S
Phillips, S t eve
Ph1lhpc; Steven
Pi con, Sarah
Pierandozz1. Raymond
Pierce, Heather
P1erransozz1 , T yler
P1etrafe so, Man
Pake, Ka rson
P ike, KendaJ
PJJ<e, N1cole
Pinkemell , Josh
Pinkemell. Sarah
Plako rus, Chns
Poeter , Onna
Poeter, Onna Lee
Pohl. Enc
P0Jh1ll, Tyler
Pohtte Sean
Polittle, Sean
Polhn, Kady
Poll1n, Shay
Pollock, Gabnel
Pollock, &ckj]ee
Pom mere n,n g, J aso n
Pooler, Duke
Popp, Jeff
Popp, J e ffr ey
Popp, Jenrufer
Popp Jennv
Po pp ., Jenny
pops, Co r ey 5enf
P osey, Lyza
P o~ tJ eth,vai te, Jordan
Poter, 0Ma Lee
Pothast, Stephanie
Potter, Onna
Poveda, Linda
Powell, Ashleigh
Pow ell, Mark
P owell, Ryan
Po,vell, Sydne
Powers, Ca meron
Preston. AnnMarie
P r eston, Daryl
Pndm ore, Jennifer
Pne st. Spence r
PngeL Alvssa
Prochaska, Ryan
Prohaska, Alex
Proha s ka , Alexander
Ranfranz, A Ranfranz, Alexander Raniranz Elizabeth Ranfranz Emily Rappmund, Paul Rappmund, Phillip Ratcliffe J ushn Ra,·e} Zachary Rayburn, Andrew Redmann Andrew Reece. H eathe r Reed , Da\'1d Reed Duc;ltn Reed Kenny Reed Tobe} Reed, Tobias Reed Toby Regner Andrew Rehe1s, Flor Cady Reid Hamson Reinhard , Joshua Rembert, Jenna Rempel-\Ve1s~ Joree Rengel , Linda Resnek , Nicole Resruck Nicole Retke Chnstopher Ricaardt Zachar) &ce, Amwda Rice lvt andv Richards GeraJd &chards Rob in Richardson, Jared Raco, Frano'>co &ddell Evan Ridder N ich olas Ridge, Bratn &d ge, Bnan &dge, Laura Riggs, Spencer R1mbert J enna Riodan Maggie Riordan, Kati e Riordan. Maggie &ordan , Nfar garet Riordan Tim &ordan, TUT1 othy &orden Tim &stau. Jacqueline R1stou , Jacquline Rizzuto, lvf1 chael Robbins, Rochelle Robbms, Wilham Roberson Lachelle Roberts, Heather Roberts, Luke Roberts, Wendy Robertson, Cassan dra Robertson, Cassey Robertson, Cassy Robinson, Austin Robinson , Nichol a s Robinson. Nick Robles-Kyle Nicol Rockvam, Peter Roden.Cody Rodey Pe ter Rodgers, Kelse} Rod ge r s, Ruth Rodnguez, Shane Rod}, Peter Roedern, Tina Von Rogers, Phd1p Rogers, Samuel Rogers, Tate
,' 1djU~, osh Pa<W la,.Sara Pdk, John P;t~khah , Elnura Palmer, Tiffany I Jntaleo, Matt Parfet Nhchael PJrfet, tvhke l'anc10, Pam PJrk Che lsea Pdrk Ph1lhp 36 130 123,126,203 20 114 38, 11 2 101 101 123 203 146 33, 80, 177 123 80 10 1 14 203 123 112 123 126, 203 28 101 203 6, 39. 101 81 197 86 112 81. 177 203 123 8 1 112 123 28, 52, 53, 101 149 123 25. 101 22 112 112 25 112 150 123 112 101 132 112 27 203 101, 139 81 112 25, 101 155 123, 124 112, 203 123 123 102 102 124 123 52 81, 177 IOI 154 112 26, 27, 81. 177 112 101 123 123 123 130 123 123, 126 86 25 112 15 1 81 15 1 102 123 112 123 24 81 71, 156 130 102 ))2
Kendra Prueitt, Sa mantha Putka, Robert Q µmtana
Rabadan ,fe
Raachart; .Eric Ralls, Kathryn Ralts c hkow sky Daniel Ranurez , Raquel Randolph , D o ouru 112 112 31 81 147 151, 178 l "6 123 123 81,178 123 11 2 102 203 123 203 123 130 130 52 53 112 123 81. 178 28 112 81 102 81 123 130 22 124 124 124 86 130 112 50 27 51 8 1 178 4 7, 112 112 124 203 12 4 -. 41. 81 124 124 203 25 130 82,132 197 T02 132 67. 11 2 179 82 102 112 102 22 72,82 112 179 82 124 14 132 34 124 112 178 102, 143 71 130 102 82, 156 24 124 124 102 86 31, 38, 42, 82 102 3 1 112 203 124 124, I 16 47 I 12, 132 112 130 ] 24 82 102. - 112 11 2 102 102 82
Pros, Amanda Pros,
, C lu;1s top),er
Pabl o
Roldan, Angela Roldan, Rochelle Romano, Ana Romano, Analisa Romanowski, Taylor Ron1ary, Jan Rood Shann on Roome, Candice Rose, Crystal Roc;ener, Raymond Ross. Sara h Ro~ Shilo h Rosso\v. Timothy Roth, Elene Rother, N i cholas Rounge, Lexie Ro,ve, Jackie Ro,vley Katrina Rowley, Steven Ruble , Bryant Ruble, Jaffan1 e Rudn1ck1 ame!> 54 112 30 124 124 28,82 112 112 112 2 -l 102, 138 82, 179 124 126 147 86 71 83 97 131 124 67 49 124 131 112 102 102 112 117 83 112 102 86 112 124 179 15.83, 180 197 11 2 69 83 46, 102 25 31 5 102 201 125 151 102 t,6 112 102 125 125 102 23 32 33 131 102 16 138 83, 102, 159, 197 102 8 102 112 125 159 25 131 8 1, 83, 180 77 83, 146, 180 25 11 2 112 102 102 46 112 48 125 27, 112, 114 131 131 86 112 102 86, 1"39 125 112 102 83 10 131 112 112 125 46, 113 15 1 Rudnicki, James Runge, Alexandra Runge. Lexie Ru-.~l. Bntton Ru.,sell. Bntton Ryan, Patrick Sack. Rva n Sadler Steph:nne Sadler, Stephanie Sadlers, St ephan ie Sae1d, Aryan Sanders Katelin Sanderc;, Tiffanie Sanders, Tiffany Sangi, Amber Sangi Ashleigh Sangl Jessie Santic;te\ an, Anthony Satterfield Nichole Sauer Brooke C.aunar Dan Saunar Daniel Sa~ ed, Shams Sayre, Susan Scalh Kebe\ Scallv Kenneth Scali\ 1'.ennv Seance, Alh-,on ::»cance Charlotte 113,151,203 113 12 27 I 13. 132, 203 113 113, 203 83 9, 27, 180, 198 36 125 113 83 149 35 111 125 I 02, 139, 156 125 86 113 40 86. 142 125 102 46,102 125 203 102 125 Schell Jon 102 Scherff Casev 11 3 Schgoger Daniel 11 Schm1ttel. Tish 83 Schnautz R 113 Schnutz, Skv 203 Schoger Daruel M , 83 Sch oger, C.rant 122, 125 Schow. De, 1n 11 3 Schultz, A.ndre,v 125 Schu~ter Scott 125 Schwenng, Richard 102 <.cohv J'v1elan1e 46, J 13 Sedbaugh Jo.;hua 83 Seate Ryan 102, 203 Seate T r o, 52,102 Secary C.olton 113, 20:l Secora Jo~hua 102 Sedgele} N1cole 26, 17 Seidel NanC\ 102 Seigneur Chebea 83, 147, 180 Seigneur Sydnev 102 Semgneur, Sydney 46 Sei tz, Scot t 124 125 Selbe. Jamie 83 Selcer, Chns 203 Selcer Chnstopher 125 Seligma n r-.tark o, 15, 33 41 6CJ 83 181 , 198 Selzer , Barbara 131 Selzer Laura 131 Selzer ~ts L 128 Sendgraff, Diana 9, 31, 83 Senf, Core} 86, 155 Senf, Nicole 125 Senf N1kk1 121 Sexton, Kendra Shafer tvfa tthe,\ Sha w, Bonnie Lou Sha\\ Kimberley Shea Ka\la Sheesley, Core, Shekell, Auc;t1 n Shelton, Astin Shelton, Aushn Shepard, Kahle) Sheri dan , Ches Sh1eler, Ehot Shoemaker, Le S h owalter Jordan Shulthe1ss, Kevin S ie wert, Kara Sigg, Cha d <iilbum, Timothy Silva, rvt, sael Si mm ons, Brandon Sipes, J'\,Jelbsa Sipes, Tin,oth} Sipes Troy Slater. Samantha Sle tt en, Kirsten Slizeski, Lea Ann Smith, Br enden S mith Br}an Smith Ce,rr;,, Sm it h, C.1e rra Smith Elaine 25 125 131 83, 198 102, 147 113 86 27 27 55, 113 102 113 83 131 83 37 13 84 198 33 102 1.,_::, 113 4 125 84 102 113 11 3 131 27 i;2 84 181 34 84 35 66, 114 131 217 -
Sweesy, Derek
Swee t, Stephen
Sw·eet, Tom
S,vesey, Derek
Swesey, Derrick
Sykora, Dant Sykora, Daruelle Sykora, Danielle Rae Sykora, Jason
Sykora, John Svkora, Kellen
Tafo ya, Tanika
Talbot, Al
Tarum, D eborah
Tavlorr1 Ben1arrun
Taylor, Chri s topher
Taylor, Enn
Taylor, Rebecca
Taylor, Sherry
Temanson , Case)
Teman so n , Jared
Ternes, Saman tha
Terrell, Juha
Terry, Krys ta
Tete , Daruelle
Teter, Danielle
Thirouin, Enc
Thomas, Edward
Thompson, Anthon y
Thompson , Erica
Thompson, Jeffrey
Thomp son, Zachary
Thorne, Darnel
Thumin , M.tke
Tilden, Ross
Todd, rMaureen
Tolman , Jenrufer
Tol sma , John
Tolsma, Thomas
Toms, Travis
Tortora , Alyss a
Tortora , Robbie
Tortora, Robert
To,ivnsend, A us tin
To,vnsend, Ennn
Trout, Ryan Tru1illo, Briana
W, Andrea Wachs, Rac1'ael Wads,vo r th , Jo Wagner, A bby
Wagner, James Wagner, Michael Walker, Crysta Walker, Jackie Walker, Jeff Walker, Jeffrey Walker, Steven Walkin s haw, Shannon Walkup, Johnathan Walkup, Jonathan
Wallace, Russell
Walhs, Jordan Walli s, Todd
Walter, Sabrina
Wamboldt. Brandon
Wang, Dongchen
Warner, Kebey
Warren, David
Warren, Joseph
Warren, Kendra
Warren, Kevin
Watson, Alessandra
Watson , Ali
Watson, Amber
Wat so n, Aus tin
Watson , Ohv1a
Waugh,S hannon
Weaver, Brian
Weaver, Bryan
Weber, Enn
Wegsche1der, Brandi
Wegsche1der, Brandy
\Negscheider, Brent
Wegshe1der, Brand y
Weiden , Brittany
Wemell , Ed
We1she1t, Lisa
198, 200
U l lnder, L ke Unrein ,
Weller, Clay
Weller, Clayton
Wells, Amanda
Wes t, Kyle
Westerkamp N[r
Westhead , Andrea
Westhead, Andrea Lane
Westhead , Andy
We s ton, Piper
Wlute, Amanda White, Michael White, Nichole
Whitlach , La cey
Whitlatch, Lacey
Wiederspahn , Nichola s
Wiederspahn, Nick
Wilarslo , Anthony
Wiles, Cody
Wiles, Dallas
Wihkes, Sky
Wilk, Richard
Wilk, Sky
Willard, Renee
Willey , Christopher
William s, A
Williams, Amber
W11liams, Bri an
Williams, Evan
Wilharns, Heather
, Jessica
Vickery, Skyler
Viets, Kelli Jo Vigil, Ashley
Vigil, Leonard
Vigil, Megan Villarreal, Sam
Vincelette, Trent Vincent, Ju stin
Smith, Jeffery Smith, Jenna Smith, Max South, S Smith, Sean Sn,1th, Stephanie Snuth, Tom Sm1th, Zac Smith, Zachary Snuth, Zack Smith-Cash, Kelli Snelling, Samantha Soliz, Jeremy Son, Rtthana Son, Rithi 86 102 125 50 27, ]09, 114 25 145 4, 145 102 8 114 125 125,203 125 102 So rense n , Aoi 5, I 02 Sorensen, Mmoru 84 Sorenson, Ao1 27 145, 203 Sorenso n , Mino 27, 69 Son1g, Amanda 13, 15, 73, 84, 147 181 Sow er Daren 131 Spahn, Rachel 4 , 86 Spahn, Troy 23,33 Sparks, Nicholas 125, l-IB Spatz, Andre,v 114 Spa,vn, Rachel 14 Spear, Rob1n 22 Speer, Courtney 22 Spee r, Roby n 22 Speiser. Michael 114 Speiser, Mike 203 Spencer. Jacob 114 Spencer. Lmds~v 102 Spies, Melissa 49 Sprackhng, R 50 Sprad<lmg, R y an 114, 11 7 Sprakling, Ryan 38 Spykstra, Brian 125 Stadelman, Marcel 27 Stahl, Russell 114 Stahmer, Ju sti n 19, 24 Starr, Tra v is 114 Stashak, Margaret 52, 53, 114, 139 Stashak, Margret 27 Stell, Cohn 114 Stell, Meghan 102 Stell , Cohn 133 Stellin1, Daruel 114, 144 SteUm1, Jessic a 1 Ii!, 144 Stelhni, Jessie 48 Stelmack, Kate 102 Stenseth, Jason 24 Sterlmg, Hannah 102 Sterling, Stephan 114, 121 Stitt, Mara 76, 84 , 181 Stokes, Sean 27, 114 , 203 Strauss, Anya 22 Stncker, Jared 125, 203 Stncker, Jordan 14, 84 , 181 , 182 S troh , Rachelle 125 St ron g, Bryce 84 Strube, Darnel 125 Stu d avant, Tamara 27 Sturdavant, Tamara 103 Suherland, Don 33 Sulh" an, Jo s eph 84 Sullivan, Jos eph Burton 182 Sullivan, Kyle 27, 52, 53, 103 Sumatku, Ho s anna 46 , 114 Sumtku, Yolonda 46 Summers, Aubre 125 Sun, Kathryn Jee Verrug Sunby.AJ Sundby, AJ Sundby, Alex
Don Sutherland,
Donald Sutherland, Jackson Sutrina, Brandon
Suttmiller, Stephanie Swanson, Bnan Sweesey,
203 27 114 86 15, 182 84 125, 203 182 86 28 50 51 103,203 131 67 103 46 84 182 114 183 Downloading Demo!II 218 90 %
TruJillo, Mike Tschetter, And y Tuco, Cara
T,vilord , Ashlev Twiford , As
s lan
Devin Tys lan, Shane Tyson, Amo s
i voda,
Va ivodaJ 8 rad Vaivoda, Bradley Valenaa, Jose Valenzuela, Ananda Valenus, L Valerius, Luca s VaU , B Vall, Byron 203 114 103 131 22 86 84 125 114 114 103 22 115 103 103 183 81 , 84 125 115 103 22 103 115 125 131 125 131 115 24 115 115 103 203 125 125 103 103 115 115 203 23 103, 133 115, 117 46 15, 21, 69, 81, 84 27 103, 160 122, 125 54 85 1Q3 54 54 85, 183 115 125 54 125 115 85 9, 115 85 125 125 149 Valley, Paul Vandenbroeke, Ryan VanDeWeghe, Sophie Vanduyn, Kimberly VanD u y nBoom, K1n1berly Vavnna, Keersti.n Veccruarelh , Jordan Vecch1arelh, rJordan Vega, Matthew 33, 82, 85 183 28,115 Vem1g, Kathryn Venuq
, Kathryn
s tro, Alexandra
, Ohv1a
VonderHaar, Collin Vondreele, ~tephcn Vorh1 s, As hlee Vratro, Alex 85 16 25, 69, 80 85 85 10, 115 160 85 138 103, 154 85, 200 142 121 , 125 103 115, 160 103 115, 139 115 125 115 183 11 5 125 104 151
194 125 131 25 21, 27 125 30,47. 104 25 122, 124 125 115 131 203 125 14, 104 115 125 85 104 115 37, 85
Wangs ne ss, Brittany Ward , Amanda Ward , Cheryl Ward, Jacob 12, 85,
Ware! , Amand
W1nkler, Brian W1taschek Enk W1taschek, Kevin \-V,ttmer, Averie Wolaver, Timothy Wood , Ashley Wood Keith Wood , Kieth Wood , Knssi 35,115 104 195 49, 125 104 125 8, 48, 115 11 5 104 31, 143 104 115 11 5 104 121 67. 125 27 48, 67 36, 48, 85, 143, 182, 115 200, 184, 185 115 13 1 20 71 16, 85, 132, 184 104 86, 146 128 25, 81. 86 184 200 121 , 125, 126 86, 94, 147, 160 115 115 25 115 203 104 115 126, 203 11 67, 86 40 115 115 6 77, 86, 94 126 115 126 104 16, 146 115 131 104 28, 86 86 115, 203 126 104 86 115 115 126 104 122 126 55 13 115 Wood, Kristina Wood,vorth, tvtegan Woodworth , Megan Rose Worthmgton, Jame:, 104 86 86 185 Worthington , James Bryce Wnght, Brendan Wright, Molly Wnght , Samuel Wunderlich, Jane Wyatt, Ryan Wyatt-Barr, India Wys, Elizabeth De Wys, Mathew De Ya~ Ji;rry 115 48, 126 126 131 115 126 98 108 13 104 185 Ya"~; Ni cholas Yoa~ , Jessica Yol;!_ri_g, tvfichelle Young s, Gregpry Youngs. Kyle 1 15, 138~ 16 1 126 Zaba Joe Zaba, Joseph Zam, Glade Ziegler Thomas Z1g1ch, Nicholas Zimblis, Chantel Zimmerman, Miranda Zimmerman , Randi Zinko, ?vtichelle Zmko, Valene Zubes, Jacqueleine Zupm, Jocelyn Zupin , John 104 126 203 126 104 115 10.J 126 104 52,53 86 126 19 46, 115 105
Williams , Maren Willtams , Mamie W11l1ams , Rory Willis, Nancy
, Brett Wilson, Gregory Wilson , H ollie
I - • - - - --..,~ ---..-- - Mll(-.,fi • : /1 photograph y :C::~IOf'Z.~ '04,r 1 >c ,e~'T &,t: 1 A+J'1 f>.€: I I litzT-\tA+J I t\1~! , I J -, 720-488-9614 Englewood, CO -
Downloading Demons was published by Jostens School Productions Group of Topeka, Kansas. Our company representatives were Gary Cordray and Lori Wishert. The book is size nine ( nine by twelve inches) and contains 240 pages . One thousand and eighty books were published and were sold for $45.00.
The theme was originally conceived by Cortney Mayo and Robert Van Dyke The Cover was designed by Roxalana Ebberts.
All copy and graphics were desktop published using Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 on various Macintosh computers. Output was completely digital and was sent to Jostens on Fujifilm 100 MB Zip disks.
All body copy is in 10 - 12 point Palatino and caption copy is 8 point Palatino. All student names and grade levels were taken from the offical district enrollment list. Sports facts and stats were taken from Rocky, the Rocky Moitritain Neiv s , the Denver Post , and the Golden Transcript We apologize for any inadvertent errors.
Staff Members
Shandell Becker
Jamie Bendt*
Kelly Copeland*
Sarah Gizinski
Jesus Ibarra*
Brielle Liddick*
Taylor Mead
James Neville*
Gerald Richards*
Tish Schmittel*
Matt Shafer*
Brandon Sutrina*
Jennifer Tolman
Amber Williams*
Katie Dabbs*
Jeff Thompson*
Kelly Dalgetty
Alex Fehrman
Charli Hogan
Chris Jones
Dylan Mahonee
Spencer Priest
Emily Raniranz
Diana Sendgraff
Zac Smith
Olivia Versaw*
Aoi Sore n son
Ashley Vigil*
* indicates full year
A d v i so r ...................... Bill K e lley Edit ors-in- chi ef ......... C o rtney Mayo Rob Van Dykr P eople E dit o r s ........... Shane Tys l an Jessi Yoakum Sp or t s Editor............. Am a nd a White Pho t o E di t o r .............. L evi Koch A d s E dit o r................ P e ter Kenn edy Ind ex .......................... Michelle Asher
Demoll 220 90°/o
\VOW 1 What a vear, I could not hav e asked for a better group of people to spend m, senior year with Yearbook \Vas c1 blast and lot o f \VOrk, but fun all the same I gre\,' vel) close to all mv fello, editors, Robby (F1Sh1y) I had so much fun ,v1th you and don't worry the fish \\'Ont bite, Cortney (Dork) my ad, isor, ,vho kno,vs where I'd be ,vith out s u ch a ,vonderful fnend b) m\ side. even though I d1dn t ahvays follo,v your advice, Shelly (spaz) I had a great hme makmg fun of Robby s fish phobia and "vatch1ng you attack Peter \.v1th my glitter, only you would do something that spaztastic1 Peter although you en1ov making fun of mv height (4'9") I love you all the same, Levi, ,vhat do I say about you, vou en1oy watdung me ¼ORK, get your mind out of the gutter' A \rVWWWWW Jessi and 'ihane you hvo are so cute together it 0'1akes me Jealous and more than anything 1\'e U always remember one of the hardest workers tlus yearbook has seen yet l~mme, ,ve all nuss vou baby girl' I'd also like to thank Mr Kelley, you are an awesome tea cher and have taught me so much Thanks for always having faith m me I love you all so much r don't want to graduate and s tay with all of you forever, but the tune has come to say goodbye There s a place for each and every Cine of you 1n my heart.
Amanda (S h o rty ) Wh i t e S p orts a nd C lu bs Ed i t o r
P.S. If you ever want to see me bust a move, JUSt call!
Ilus bemg our first year editing, we have some hov, sun 1ved We could not have made it through the year ,vtthout help from Ed1tor-m-cluef Robbie and ' our teacher Mr Kelley Tots year came ,v1th unexpected challe nges that"" e had not expenenced Jn past years, but ,.vith the challenges came a great yearbook expenence O\er aU We learned life long skills and truely en1oy and recommend taking yearbook In add1tlon, ,ve ,vould like to give thanks to the enhre yearbook staff for making thi s year unforgettable Being people editors ,ve believe that ""·e have rece1,·ed more organ1zahonal skills from all the chaos in :onstructmg this years book By taking yearbook 1t has made our expenence more memorable, making high schoo l some of the best years A special thanks has to go to the clubs and sports editor Amanda, for nagging t o her for names ~4 7 This year 1s one year that ha s and always will be carved into our 111emories till we can't remember anyth1ng anymore
J essi Yoakum and S han e T ys l a n P e opl e a.nd A cad e m ics Edit o r
Yet another year has gone by, very fast aught I add I thmk that Robby Van Dyke and I d1d a pretty good JOb as ed1tor-m-ch.tefs th1s year We had our rough times, but,ve made 1t through I tlunk a lot of 1t as the fact that we ne eded to \.vork together That helped us get through those tough hme s I believe that this year was so much i.>as1er because we were well prepared Not only did ,v e get a head start on \'ear s yearbook, but we have editors for almost everything Thank you Shane Tyslan and Jessi Yoakum for ed1tmg the people's section, Amanda White for t d1ting the sports sec hon I am going to mi ss you Amanda Also, thank you Le\ 1 l,och for editing all of those photos.You do not know ho,v much that helped to have you take all of those pictures Levi Thank you Peter Kennedy for doing lhe ;Jds. running around as much as you did to get those ads and Michelle Asher for jo1ng the index, ,vhtch 1s not an easy job And a special thank you to all of the other ·,tudents in yearbook that helped put the yearbook together Thank you Mr Kelley 1 or c1ctua1Jy making the yearbook happen To think that Robby and I deal with a 1 01 of stress, you deal with a lot more I hope that next year we will be Just as prepared and have an even better tune, seeing how 1t '"'II be our se nior year'
vlv special thanks to all the other editors of the yearbook class you all made it a fun year and a g re at one at that To all the editors r 1us t '"ant to sav to vou, you all are great insp1rahor\!, to me and vou·ve been that" ay from the start Through all the hard ttmes }OU all \Vere there and for that I thank you because I 1ust ¾'Ouldn t be the same \V1th out all the help you \ e g1, en n,e Alo;o, to all the other members of lhe earbook staff thank vou for vour hard ,vork because\\ 1th out the ,vork vou, e done I " ' ould not be able to do my ,.,.ork The memories of this year are great and I \\ould not trade them for anything I JW>t hope next vear ,., all be Just as grea t, e, en though it \\ 111 be hard ,vith out all mv senior friends A special thanks to all I Love vou all and good luck,, 1th evel} thing
Michelle J Asher Index Editor
First of all, I'd hke to thank all the editof',, espec1alh Cortne\ i'vlayo and Robb\ \ an Dyke for all the support and ..,u,cess I ,vould also like to thank rv1r Kelle} for lead1ng us to another great yearbook The staff desenes the most credit for \Vnting spreads and meeting \V1th students for quotes A special thanks goes to \fatt Shafer and Jeff Thompson (Big Red) for all the (Omic relief This} ear\\ as a great vear for me as mv high school career ends and a ne,v phase of 01\ life begins Yearbook has taught me (ountless thing~ that I \.Vtll carry into college and for the rest of m) ltfe I ,vould once again thank the yearbook staff for making a great vearbook and a great year Cortne} Robby and staff I \vouJd like to" 15h you good luck for next) ear'
Pe t er Kennedy
Adve rtis in g Ed i t or
This vear has been a year to remember I started out th1nk1ng this year ,vas going to be eas~, but it ,vas far from 1t First, I" ould like to thank the staff for all their hard" ork and dedication to this book This year's ed1hng team ,vas great Amanda, thanks for the inspuahon, hard work, and laughter vou brought each and e\ eryda\ Peter, vou did an amazing JOb \.\.'ith the ads and babies & buddies Le, 1, this yearbook ,vould be not hang ,v1thout vour pictures Congratulahons to vou three and ne,t vear ,viii not be the same ,v1thout you Shane and Jess1e, there 1s not enough th anks for the enormous amounts ot wo1k Shane, I ,vant to thank) ou for being there for Cortney and me from the beg1nn1ng ?v11chelle, you and I have gotten real!} close and thank you for being vou and, our suppor t Finally, thanks to Cortne) 1 ) ou and I ha, e fought, bickered, laughed. and argued over the smallest details, but that 1s what made this Job so fun E, ervday that "'e laughed , got upset, got along, ore, en did not talk , are n1emones that I ,vould not trade for th e \.VOrld See vou all next issue
R ob Van Dyke Co Edito r -i n -C h ief
Co rtn ey Ma y o C o Edit o r-in -C hi e f
221J/ '--
Bac k Ro , v : Peter Kennedy and Le\ 1 Koch. Seco n d R ow: Michelle Asher, An1anda White , and Je ssi Yoakum F r o nt R o w Rob Van Dyke, Cortney Ma 1 o. and Shane Tvslan
Seniors by Randall Ollson Photography 303-279-277 4 1701 Washington Ave. Golden , CO 80401 7 Blocks from GHS
Manage 17535 South Golden Road Golden. CO 8040 I www. teq u i,as~r"lex,,1; 2 - J For all kids of Golden High School the special is One beef or chicke n burrito for $2.00 and ADD a soda for $ 1.00 2501 FORD STREET GOLDFN, COLORADO 303-279-5610 Fax .303 -279- 5614 Michael Gieseman Owner223
ttfiew Matt
Our hope s and dreams have forever been about you We have alway s be e n s o very proud of you! We wi s h you success and happine ss as it 1s now tim e for you to follow your dream s. Thank s for s uch wonderful memori es and for making our life complete
We love you alway s, Mom and Dad
'Brandon 'Bu(lis
You ' re the be s t brother anyone c an e ver as k for ! You can do anything you put your mind to You ' re the be s t s on a mother could ever as k for God ha s bl ess ed me with a s on as true a s you . As you grow , I kno\v thi s s hyne ss w11l pa s Boy , I am in trouble becaus e when they get to know you Brandon that smile of your s is the tru e you!
We love you ! Mom and brothe r Michae l
'Brandon 'Bu(lis
I wish you all the joy and happiene ss 1n your years to come May God keep hi s Angel s around you and to protect ) ou in your years to come , may all your dream s come true
Love , Mom and Michael
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the influenza vrrus Larrv Oownina.'lleuters ll ewMedia lncJCortlts
rush to receive vaccmatrons as the country 1s hit hard by a new strand of
1' Presiden t Bush signs a controversial bill calling ror a $400 billion Medicare overhaul.
Scott Peterson stands trial on murder charges m the slaying of his pregnant wife Lac, and their unborn son
Around the world , "flash mobs" - large groups of people recruited by anonymous organizers • via the Internetgather, perform a wild act and quickly disperse
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A European heat wave in August claims more than 19,000 lives, making 1t one of the world's deadliest hot-weather disasters.
The World Health Organization reports that severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) infected more than 8,000 people in over 25 countries, killing 700
An Economic Community of West African States peacekeeping coalition ends 14 years of fighting between Liberian rebels and government forces, sending tyrant Charles Taylor into exile
In a dramatic six-day ordeal , rescue workers save 44 of 46 Russian miners trapped in a water-filled coal mine
Tens of thousands of Palestinians are cut off from family and livelihoods when Israel builds a concrete barrier beyond the cease-fire line in an effort to curtail Palestinian terrorist activities
During the summer of 2003, low-nsk pnson inmates help battle Southern California's wildfires for only S1 an hour
At a St LOUIS dog shelter, Carn, a one-year-old mutt. survives tranquilization and a trip to the gas chamber and is then adopted by the animal shelter owner
1' Iranian lawyer
wrns the 2003 Nobel Peace Pnze for human rights activism as she fights to improve the status of refugees , women and children rn Iran
f-- Golfer Tom Watson donates his $1 m1ll1on Charles Schwab Cup winnings to fund research tor Lou Gehrig's disease which has stricken his caddie Bruce Edwards
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_ __.. f-- Comedian Robrn Williams travels to Baghdad to lighten the spirits of U S troops as he kicks off a holiday tour of US bases in the Middle East
f-- While aboard the International Space Station Russian cosmonaut Yun Malenchenko marries his American grrlfnend by video link in the first space wedding
Shinn Ebadi
Fast-food patrons can now get their food even quicker, thanks to McDonald's introduction of self-service ordering kiosks
FluM1st, America 's first intranasal influenza vaccine, provides needle-wary patients with an alternative for the 2003 flu season
The Food and Drug Administration bans dietary supplements containing ephedra due to health concerns and warns consumers not to take products contain ing the stimulant
f- British Airways and Air France ground the supersonic Concordes after 27 years of service Despite their speed the aircraft were uneconomical to operate.
f- In response to e-mail spam the Can-Spam Act requires e-mail marketers to clearly label messages as ads and include an Internet-based opt-out feature
f- In October. China becomes the third country to travel in space when the world's first successful taikonaut. Yang Liwei , returns to Earth after 21 hours in orbit
In June. pet prairie dogs in Wisconsin Illinois and Indiana infect people with monkeypox after being infected by a giant Gambian rat while m transit Federal workers in Washington kill a herd of 449 calves that include the offspring of a Holstein infected with mad cow disease
North American trees are threatened by Asian longhorned beetles, which allegedly arrived in Chinese wooden packing material.
In August. Mars' orbit brings it closer to Earth than it has been in 60 000 years
1' American sc1ent1sts discover the detenorat1on of the atmosphere's ozone layer 1s slowing The 1996 worldwide ban on CFC gases 1s credited for the improvement
Keiko star of the Free Willy movies dies of pneumonia at the age of 27
Girl s get mto breakdancing at events like the Oween B Breakgirl competition in San Diego , the country's biggest female breakin ' competition
.Jt With the resurgence of '80 s-style rock music, '80s clothing styles make a comeback of their own
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1' The year's hottest foot fashion is the Australian-made Ugg boot. which stays cool in heat and warm in cold
f- Celebrities like FOX 's "That '?Os Show" star Ashton Kutcher make the ''trucker hat" a fashion must-have
f- The country goes low-carb diet crazy, with dieters demanding food products and menu items with fewer carbohydrates
f- Popularized by music stars like Busta Rhymes and J Lo, track suits are seen everywhere
Avon the world 's largest direct seller of beauty products introduces marka new cosmetic hne intended for teens to sell
1' In an effort to thwart counterfeiters the U S Treasury releases a colorful new $20 bill , with a background blend of blue, peach and green
A new study reveals the Top 10 most dangerous US occupations LumberJack tops the list.
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Pixar's Rnd,ng Nemo swims to the top as the highest-grossing animated movie and top-selling DVD of all time in the United States
Frodo and company complete their epic journey in The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King , winner of the Golden Globe for Best Picture, Orama
The pulse-pounding CBS hit "The Amazing Race " wins the inaugural Emmy Award for Best Reality Program
America bids farewell to the cast of Friends" after the NBC sitcom 's 10th and final season
-i, In February 2004 , CBS airs "Survivor: All-Stars," starring past "Survivor" winners and contestants
Jessica Simpson star of MTV's ''Newlyweds " with husband Nick Lachey ,makes entertainment headlines for mistaking Chicken of the Sea tuna for chicken
1' Famous for "Three 's Company" and star of ABC 's "Eigh t Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter," actor John Ritter dies suddenly from heart failure in September
"Alias " star Jennifer Garner earns high viewer ratings for ABC TV and lights up the brg screen in 13 Going on 30
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In December, l Rolling Stones· j legendary lead singer Mick Jagger, 60, is knighted by Prince Charles Role-playing games like "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic " find mainstream success on consoles
1' On CBS's "Late Show" host David Letterman 56, announces the November birth of his first child , a baby boy
f- After the success of his best·selhng fantasy novel Eragon. lnheotance author Christopher Paohm 19 begins wntmg the much-anticipated sequel
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f- Pop diva-turned-author Madonna releases two children's books: The English Roses and Mr. Peabody's Apples Her third book, Yakov and the Seven Thieves, arrives in late winter
Hugh Jackman of X2 X-Men United showcases his singing ability on Broadway in The Boy from Oz
In June, Michelle Wie, 13, becomes the youn,gest wf(l(llt of a US Golf Association adult event when she wins the US Women's Amateur Public Links
Death-defying tncks and thrills bnng the extreme sports craze to new heights at the January 2004 EXPN Winter XGames VIII in Aspen, Colorado.
Champion surfer Bethany Hamilton, 13 loses her arm 1n a shark attack. Just 10 weeks later Hamilton places fifth In her age group at a National Scholastic Surfing Assoc1at1on meet 1n January 2004
f- Matt Kenseth claims the NASCAR Winston Cup Series champ,onshrp after leading the standings through a record 33 races.
1' Freddy Adu , 14 becomes the youngest American pro team athlete rn over 100 years when he signs wrth D C United of MaJor League Soccer
league MVP Tim Duncan and David Robinson - rn hrs final game-lead the San Antonio Spurs to the 2003 NBA title wrth a 4-2 series win over the New Jersey Nets
In his first of a number of trials in several states, a Virginia jury sentences D C area sniper Lee Boyd Malva , 18, to life without parole
After winning 64 career titles, including 14 grand slam events, and a record six years ranked No 1, tennis great Pete Sampras retires at the U S Open in August. Teen star Hilary Duff tops off her successful movie debut, The Lizzie McGu,re Movie, with a hit pop album , Metamorphosis, and a nationwide tour
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Printed in USA Jostens , Inc 03 -0463 ( 1774)W>DAll 111,'Ml, Al nn,n ""-a • V
In OctoLar Mother aresa of Calcu ta ts beatrf1ed by Pope Jot n Paul II tn Vat,car City. This marks the final step before sarnthooc mthe Roman Cathoh o Chun:h.
1' The Pentagon releases decks of 55 cards to U S soldiers that feature the most-wanted Iraqi leaders Dictator Saddam Hussein is the Ace of Spades
f ( f.( (~ ,, ,, ... Golden ----- .gh School 701 . 24th Street Golden Co 80401
li I I I I f DEMQNILJM Vol 13 1 0 0 ~---- - ---- --··-