e First Step
s each student w ks through the front doors on the first day of school, they have n I1npre ss iorz of GHS. The Underclassmen are nervous aboutmeetingnew eople and facing challanges. As each year rolls by, every sru.dent can tell as ory or an I11zpr essio11 they have had. ''We don' t know it yet, but these are th be s t day of our live s,,'' said se nior Claire Bailey. These Impressions will be yo r fondest memorie s and truly last a lifetime.
Roc:kQut Seniors
''The Homeco hardcore, &aidsertl
Smiles fortbe-Ages
FtesrunenRawJI H and Kate Bonestc> s Homecl)ltl.~ .<Janee., ~n a blast I ttall
D a n ci n ' Dem o n Senior Charli Hogan ..,mile.., bright!~ a.., ..,he perforn1s for the cro\\ d I lo\ e to dance, but not as much a5 1 hk.e to '>Ing." said Charh
eniors rule the sc hool and every underclassmen can' t vvait for their turn to reign As one class enters CHS as freshmen, 1t 1s knovvn they are at the bottom of the pyramid As sophomore year approaches, freshmen are no\V fam1l1ar with Golden but sh ll know that there are two more years ttnhl they are on top . Junior year creeps up and though it is the hardest year academically, they can't vva1t for the day that they get to be on top. Finall y, se nior year; at last the top of the pyramid. By the time se nior year arrives, one has earned the respect of their fellow classma te s and the classes belovv them. Though the senior class is com monly feared, most are just trying to fulfill their personal goals here at CHS and the future.
spirit Week & Assembly
ph o to by b ke ll ey
Cooling Down
Juniors Katlin TrippAddison and Matt King chill out on a block of ice for the Mr. and Mrs. Cool competition. " I have done this tvvo years in a ro,v now," said Matt.
Pure enjoyment
Senior Kelly O'Dell sho,vs her enjoyment at the assembly through laughter." This is everything that I expected Homecoming be it's so much fun," commented freshman Cortney Smith.
New Styles
Sophomores Maggie Pattridge and Jared Stricker stop for an opportunity to show off their crazy outfits . "I love to dress up on spirit days because it gives you a change," said senior Jenna Rimbert.
R o ckin O ut
5en1ors Charil H ogan Josh Secora Teal \.1ontgomer, and R, an 5eate -. h o,\ off their craz, outfits 1hke football, YEAH " said Josh
Fl y C l o th es Senior Amanda \t enard poses fo r a quick picture to sport th e ne" look " Homecomi n g,, ee l.. rock.<, )' ahtzee "said sen ior Sarah t-.lt ller
Seniors Ryan Trout and Kelly Dalgetty ,vatch the senior a,vard s being announced . " I loved 110,v Darcy ,vent drag," s tated Kelly.
ics i
D eca d es of Tradition
Carnival and Parade
h e s oftb a ll g ame i s a n e w a pproa ch for the Hom ecoming carni va l that in v ol ves s tud e nt s and faculty. In th e p as t yea r s p ow d e r puff was th e main eve nt a t th e ca rni va l but was ca n ce ll e d thi s yea r Se ni o r Mallory Nass au sa id , " Po w d e r puff was a tradition that shouldn ' t h ave b ee n bro k e n! " Othe r s di sa gr ee and like thi s n ew a ppro ac h , a nd it le ts a ll s tud e nt s ha v e a chan ce t o p a rti cip a t e. T h e se ni o r s pl aye d a g ain s t th e fa culty a nd l os t w ith a sco r e of 3 -4 w h e n Dr Van d e r Laa n sco r e d th e w innin g hit Fres hman Ce li a P a dill a sa id, 11 It wa s fun w a t chin g th e fa culty b ea t th e se ni o r s."
Completely Creamed
Senior Eric Pohl laughs after having a pie thrown at his face. The math department had their annual pie throwing contest. Senior Mike Harris said, '-'This is a good way to let all your frustration from math out every year.,.,
Wacky Wardrobe
Senior Eric Lyman displays his school spirit at the s oftball game. Each grade had their owns p iri t class t-shirts made. Junior Je ss ica McDonough said, "Having all the chicas sport our 2006 shirts shows our pimpin' spirit."
Junior Float
Junior Chelsea Catron shows her Demon pride while being on her class float. The junior float came in second place, leaving the seniors in last place. Senior Lindsey Spencer s aid, " Even though we came in la s t place, our class is still number one."
Go D emo n s
Juniors Samantha Parker and Kaitlin Tripp-Addison are h anging out around the co u rtyard at the caml\ al Freshman Joe Baca said, " I hked the cann, al because 1t gave us ti me a\, ay from cl a 5S "
Soak It U p Freshman \'\>end1 Holland enJO) s splashing around 1n the slip 'n shde at the carniYal Sophomore Christina Bra\·o said, "It "' as cool 5ee1ng 50methmg different this year 1" photo b\ b kelle)
Enjoying the Fun Seniors Zach Smith and Gus Bridge s are relaxing at the carnival while watching the band perform. There is always a crowd listening to the band play their hits. Senior Cassie Robert so n sai d , .,, It was great hearing them and I was s o happ y that I got to introduce them! "
photo by b kelley phot o by b keUey photo by r r.imireze s e pas t two years Go ld e n h as broke n th e jinx of l os in g o n H o m eco m in g. Everyo n e th o u ght th e D em o n s h ad t hi s o n e befo r e th e ga m e eve n s t a rt e d . N umb e r o n e fa n Bra nd y Ca pp ell o s aid, " I t h o u g ht we were goi n g t o d o we ll b eca u s e of o u r first two ga m e s " Th e t ea m s te pp e d o n th e fi e ld an d r i ght away th e Ti ge r s ove rp owere d th e D e m o n s T h e D e m o n s put up a few poi n ts but n o t e n o u g h . Th e Tige r s kept r acki n g up th e points, b eati n g th e D em o n s 39 to 13 . Se ni or Ryan Sea t e s a id," We ju s t d i dn ' t co m e toge ther a s a tea m th at ni g ht." Mayb e th e D em o n s ca n co m e toge th e r n ex t ti m e fo r a w in .
CX)tball Game
Under Pressure
Senior team captain Joel Lockhart tries to rush the ball in an attempt to get the Demons some points. Asa team, the Demons rushed for 193 yards against the Tigers.
Chasing the Pack
Senior Justin Kulbacki tries to assist the rest of the tea m as th ey try to take down the Tiger's running back who breaks out for another run .
Taming the Tigers
Senior team ca ptain Colby Knepp along with fellow teammate Tim Riordan try to tame the Tigers ' fierce runnin g ba ck bring in g him to the gro und vvith a hard hitting tac kl e. Their efforts greatly paid off "'rh e n preventing th e running ba ck from ge tting a tou chdown .
Taking Down th e T i ger
Junior Linebacker Joe} Cov, en brings dov,n the Tigers tough running back 1n an attempt to try to tum the game around The Tigers running back was the Demons ' biggest threat dunng the game
photo by b J..cllc}
Pushing the Line Junior tightend Matt King and senior offen s ive linemen Ju s tin Kulbacki help block the Tigers d efe n se while running back Luke Nelson breaks l oose for a 60-ya rd touchdown run.
photo b) b kelley photo b} b 1-clle\D a n c in g Thro u g h the D ecad es
A s Homecoming week ca m e to an end, w h at a p erfect way to end it th an going to the dance. The Dance was held at CSM Field house on September 17. Many s tudents showed up in not-so-ordinary outfits, for this year's theme was " Dancing Through the Decades. " There wa s everything from rock band shirts to poodle skirts. The cost was $10 per ticket. Although there was a great theme this year many students s till went in large groups rather than with date s. " I think that when you have a date you have a great time, but when you just go with friends you can do whatever you like and not have to worry about behaving yourse lf," replied junior Ryan Vandenbrooke.
photo by b lo.elle)
Chicken Head
Senior T.J. Fry is not a s hy guy \vhen he s howed up ,,•earing a rubber chicken on his head " I \Vanted to get everyone's attention so the best \,vay to do that was to ,,·ear a bright rubber ch icken hat," replied T.J.
Quick Pick Sophomore Ashleigh Adams poses for a quick picture to show off her pretty red dre ss. "Thi s Homecoming I had a blast. I would ha ve picked a better place, but all that matters is if yo u ju st let lose and ha ve fun, 0 replied Ashleigh.
The music was a var iety of types from rap, to rock, to country. Seniors Jon Schell and Jamie Bishop s howed off their crazy dance move s to one of the # 1 dance s ongs, The Macarena. ' 'Dancing a nd just having fun with my friend s wa s fun ," said Jon.
For y ou !
Sophomores P i per Weston and Jenica Otte ro s h o\v tha t the ir friendship is strong. "T h e dance was fun" rep h ed iunio r Jessica Mc Donaugh
Up to th e V
Senio r Lenny V igi l is kno¼ n to le t lose an d ha, e fun, and he sho\ved tha t at the dance " I ha d to s h ake "" hat my mama gave me," rep li ed V1gil
Disco Days
Many students participated in thi s year's theme Senior Mike Kelly came \vith a bi g black afro . " I thought it was cool ho\iv people ,vere not scared to have a fun time e'\ en if that mean s dre ssi ng 1n we ird clothes for one ni g ht, " replied freshman Kir sten Lutz academic
photo by b 1..elleySchool's 0 ' tFor Summer '
The Summer Blues
hen you hear s ummer vacation, what do you think of? Maybe work, hanging out with friend s, maybe your mind JUSt goes blank, or could it po ssib ly be that you think of vacations on " the beach" like Emily Wareham. Ju s t getting away from everything for a while. That's what's so great about s ummer, you can do whatever you want to do. Whether it is s tudying biology in Hawaii, ski ing 1n Jul y 1n Br1t1 s h Columbi a, competing 1n kayaking tournaments, or 1ust doing so me good old fashioned 4-wheel1ng with yo ur be s t friend s it's s ummer, just go have fun! It doesn't matter w h at yo11 are doing as long as you're having fun.
Standing Tall Senior Alex Fehrmai1 stands in fron t of the South Pac ific Ocea n o n Wallis I sland in July. "It was in credible. The peop le ,~ere aweso m e and t h e foo d ,vas great," sai d A lex.
Fun in the Sand? Se n ior Zephan Hubert hurried in the sand a t Lake McConaug h ey i n J uly Zepha n sa id , " It wa s really h eavy."
H a waiian Biolo gy Seniors Kelly Dalgetty, Sarah Miller, a n d Aoi Sorensen s tudy bio logy for Mr Blincoe's h onors class at the Ha,,va ii Prepator y Academy in J une. " The coo lest thing about thi s tr ip was I got to meet a s urfer off the s how ' T h e O .C., " ' s aid Sarah.
Ro ck ' n Roll
Sen1or!>Sean Mayo, Chelsea Park, Russell Wallace, and Theron '\ielm::.s1t high upon the rocks of Bill Moore Trail The trail is man} C H S student'.., fa\Onte trail "The tnp ,vas gluteous to themax1mus," stated Theron
On Again , Off Again
Senior Mallory H a r nage} and Jun i or Lauren H arnage! ge t !>pla-,hed aton-andoff fall-. along t he Yampa Rl\·er 1n June "The ,vate r fall \Vas so much fun We had such a good time," said Lauren . ..........,.,....., -
Buildin' T h e m Mu sc l es Senior L u ke Baruch paddles hard as he brings the b oat to s hore s of Ocean City, Ne,v Jersey. "Go tta look good for the ladie s," sa id Luke.
s tud e nt life 1s
Hot Performance Cool Cast
h is yea r s' pl ay p ro mi se d to b e inte r es tin g. T h e cas t o f th e p l ay gave an aweso m e p erfo r m an ce.
C r eatin g a se tb ac k was a fir e in th e a udit orium ea rli er in th e year. The th ea tr e was close d to p e rfo rm a n ces fo r seve r a l mo nth s until r e p a irs co uld b e m ade, but thge cas t pull e d o ff th e p erform an ce w ith amaz in g ease This yea r 's cas t was fr es h and or igin a l, as we ll as th e idea fo r th e pl ay. " I Sa, ,e d A W int er Ju s t Fo r Yo u " was a funn y, d e l ig htful a n d wa rm h ea rt ed s to r y ab o ut kid s, th eir p oe m s a nd th e p rob lems t h ey face in th eir li ves. Th ey battl e d eve r y thin g fr om h ea rtb r ea k , verb a l and ph ys ica l a bu se, an d a ll of th e m overcame a d ve r s ity thr o u gh th e i r p oe m s " I Saved A Winte r Ju s t Fo r Yo u " was ve r y coo l.
Int e n s e M o m e nt s
An intense moment performed b) junior Susan L1ndse) and senior Chase Larson 1n the pla\ captures the attention of the audience
S in g in g to the Audien ce Juniors Kellie Lankutis and Smantha rarrell sing to the audience Sn1antha's character,, as girl number four, a hopeless romantic t "Ha\'ing to rehearse the play 1n man) different settings,, as the most intere"t1ng part for n1e," said
I lil the Sun
way and stu ts start to celebrate its arrival Only :ve the Spring e s ter to go. In the s pring, s tudents at surpass xpectations and leave a final I111presschoolyear. love the activitie s s pring ha s to offer: ·ps; what ore could I want," commented junior is for sure, ere will be fun in the s un.
Graduation/ celebration
e ea a time for and lasting
.1.mpress.1. a ns .
s Graduation n ea r s, it is time to decide wl1ich s tud e nt s will s p eak at preco mmen ce ment . These s peakers r e flect back on the Impressions , , f rom th e p as t four years. " I wanted to spea k at preco mm e n ce m e nt b eca u se I thought I could make a la s tin g, co mi ca l impre ssion on our class. I get s ick of the s tereo ty pi ca l g radu atio n speech ," sai d se nior Amand a Sorvig. Every year preco mmencem e nt speeche s are the s ame, so Amanda would like to change thing s up a little bit.
Ready To Go
Senior Aaron Bluse is on top of the world after receiving hi s diploma 0 l 'm glad to finally be moving o n ," Aaron sa id
Speaking at g r ad uation i s not a n easy ta s k , but it see m s exciting to se nior Angela Finke. " I wanted to s peak a· Graduation b eca u se I thou g ht it would be one la s t great ,. exper ience," said Angela. Good luck to all and have a great life!
Time Well Spent
Senior'> Sarah Martinez and Aly.,-.,a Cuchirra pondure their times here at GHS
"All the memones and experiences \Vere great and \\ ill never be forgotten," said Sarah.
Thoughtful Moment s
Senior~ Josh Brulla and Matt Agrodnia think about \., hat tomorro\-v may bnng and \.\. hat hes ahead
Had the Time of a Lif e time Senior Beau Dre,._Jer ::. tand1ng proud a s he \\ ac;; handed his d1plon1a " I can ' t behe\e 1t s O\er " said Beau.
Happ y Da ys Senoir Shane Rodnguez looks on a s the final moment, of the lac;;t four ) ear s approach
The la s t Goo db ye Pi c ture A group of en1or gut pau e for one lac;;t picture together before n1O\ 1ng on to the real \,·orld s umm e r s uppl ement 19
Jehel Glows With Demons
An Unforgetable Night With Unforgetable People
night characterized by stylish attire, excellent cuisine, and smooth dancing is made all the better by great people having a great time Preparation i s nece ssary for such a g l amorot, event. Dresses and tuxedos from all over had been purchased weeks in advance for this special night. Junio1
Hit Me
Juniors Tro) Sipes and S(ott Kunter are ha\'ing a bla.,t playing \Vh1le blackJack at After Prom ' I expect there to be a lot of people and After Prom to be full of ~urpnse., ," .,aid senior Brittan} Berg..,tedt
Kelsey Scally sai d , " I got my dress at Macy's in Arizona. Transportation in the nearest 24-door Escalade limousine is one of the many ways to get to Prom. Dinner rese r vation s were made weeks ago. " Dinner is my favorite part o Prom because it's socia lly inviting," stated Lizzi Johnson A s pecial night made all the more sweet by smooth musil and great food
Senior<. Amanda Ward, Lisa l'v1cla u gh, n , Brielle Liddick, and Kathr\ n Matheiu clearl} en JO) a fabulous time " I reall1 like th e music, people, and atmosphere tha t \\as hared \\1th ffi} friends," !>atd
sophomore Bnana Parra
Shake ' Oat Booty
Junior L1ndsa 1 Fiorino and c,en1or T} ler Johnson do the b ump 1n mid-step "Dinner \,a., m} fa\onte part becau'>e 1t 1s oc1all) inviting Rock on," noted 1unior Spencer Priest.
Juniors Brett Le\, an and Andi Larson
t al-.e a time o ut from their dat es to dance \\ ith ea(h o th er "Dancing \v1th a , anet} of people instead of 1ust) our date make., the dance more fun," added sen ior Pet er Kenned}
Ta Da Senior Jo s ie Keeney and her date ha ve a time of their live s making crazy dance move s and ending songs ,v1th a fini sh in g touch Seruor Ashley Bunn added, " Dan cing yo ur own creative way and not like everyone else makes th e t ime even more
by b kelley worth \Vhile "
And Thi s Ye a r's Ro y alty Is Senion, Re 1 na Bryan and De\ 1n T\ slan share a dance af ter being cro,\ ned Prom King and Queen. "What a thnll to be se lected as Prom King,' stated De\'in Tyslan, "I never thought that 1t \\ ould be me"
And Yo ur Future Is
Good fortunes\\ ere the order of the night as man1 friends had the e\ ening of a lifetime '' After prom ,vas m) favorite part beaucase 1t' -. not so formal and proper," said senior Chelsea Se1gner hoto b · J bimdt
S tuffin ' Th e ir Fa ces Senio rs S tephani e Sadler , Ross Beam, and his date cho,\ dO\\ n ,v1th a w 1de \ anet} of fo o d at the After Pron, "The food ,-vas a \\ some because there ,vere so man} thin gs you co uld pick from," added Jake Han sen
en..1 g_ ~
Extreme Trips of Wild Adventure '
In the Wild ,. Senior Brian Ridge stops for a quick picture after a long night in the desert These students had to com pl ete 24 hours of being alone to s hovv their surviva l ski ll s.
s a program only offered to the se nior s at GHS, Se nior Seminar s tud ents mus t fir s t qualify to join . Once they a re admitted, s tudent s com" rnit immense amounts of time to the community, the sc h oo l a nd to them selves. Being senior year, it is ven important to di scove r who yo u are and where you want tc go in lif e and that is exactly what the se students do The) not only better them se lve s through phys ical activitie s u ch as bike trips and learning s urvival s kills , but also b~ \ 1 olunteering a t lo ca l homele ss s helter s and nur s ing homes This i s a ve r y sele ct group of students that can come tog e ther and bond to help one another succeed in whate, ,e r life m ay hand them .
Pa ck in ' Up
Seniors Jake Hansen, J0s1e Keene\ , Brian Ridge, and Bntt Me) er\\ a1t patiently to leave on one of th eir man} expeditions
Students had to endure long rides in the GHS bus, so that they could tra,el to their next destination
Sacked Out
Seniors George Davies and Bntt Meyer take a short nap after a day of hard \VOrk While on the road the s tud ents spent most of their nights at\ anous schools or camping outdoors
All Smiles
Senion, Britt Meyer and Josie Keene) pose for a picture after a l ong da) at the nursing home Commun1t} service 1s a b1g part of Senior Seminar The)\ olunteered at such places as homeless shel ter s and other commun1t) centers
Go in' So uth
Seniors Aaron Bluse Sean Politte, Bill) Martin and Brian Ridge chill after a hot day 1n the sun Seruor Seminar took trips to the South\vest, \Vashington DC and Arizona
H e rdin g Cat s
Senior Seminar sponsors Bob Haye::. and Chad Reid help the students to figure out \\ hat they are ::.upposed to be ser,·1ng Both sponsors de, ote a large amount of hme to the program and its success
Boys and Girls
Lacrosse goes hardcore
I n R e a ch
Junior Luke Baruch trie~ to intercept a pass from his opponent. " I chose lacrosse because I feel it's one of the only spo rts that has physical and mental challenges in\'Ol\'ed," sa id fre s hman Todd Walh-.
On the Prawl
Junior Cabe Pollock is ready for anyone that comes his \vay. " I ahvays liked contact sports, and \,·hen I came to high school, it seemed like the sport for me," replied junior Tony Wilarski
Bo uld e r
D e f e n ce
Junior SoJna Kapusta defends the ball from the other players. " I chose lacrosse because I thought it looked fun and I figured I shou ld try it. I've loved it ever si n ce," rephed senior Andrea \t\iesthead.
Int o th e Goal
Senior Enn Clough throv,s the ball for a goal " I chose lacrosse because it \Vas so mething for me to focus on and \VOrk to 1mpro-ve at," sai d sophomo r Dee Ozba)
With great determination and a Stars hard-work Track had a successful season
Thro,\Ting the D i stan ce Senior Ben Hoogheem thro,, s 1n the discus e\ ent at the Jeffco Stat1um ''The 4 00 meter takes the most skill because vou have to sprint the ,-vhole ,, ay and you can t pace} ourself at all " said senior Stephanie Sadler
otivation, s trength, s peed, agility, and end1.1rance ; a ll things are needed to be in track . What moti v ate s the runner s? Is it the competition, or mearly the ne e d to s u cced? Sophomore Anna Lieb s aid, " I imagine peopl e cha s ing me with s ti cks in my mind, reaching the fini s h line and gaining the feeling of accomplishment," s aid s ophomore Am y Braun. You must have a willingr1ess to work and , a s s ophomore Samatha Slater said, " Having no hand-e y e coordination. " Well mabye not, but the track memb e r s do have to overcome many barriers, like hurdles, and being hungry
One Step Ahead
Sophomore Anel Demares t runs her hardest to pass her competitors 1n the 4 00 meter race Senior Steve Philips, Ju n ior Tamara S t urdavan t, sophomore Anna Lieb, and freshman Ta,\Tn} Drex ler all qualified for state this season
Sear c hing for Enduran c e Freshman Ta,-vny Drex ler res ts af ter a hard victory for Golden 1n the sta t e track meet There ,vere about fourty partlc1pants 1n track this } ear
Winn i n g Determ i nati o n Sophomore Sean Stok.es run!> off the star ting hne , tn•1ng to get a good iump on the rest of the field Sophomore tvf argaret Stashak. -.a,d, "T rv1ng to qualify for s tate mOh\ ate s me to run and tn my hardest "
Ge ttin g into Gear
Junior Tamara Sturda, ant races off the s tarhng hne at a meet "Shane cha-.ing me v:ith a big stick modi, ates me to run," stated freshman Jame s Beetham
pho to b) b, kellev Fi rst Row: Scott C. roe Kyle Froyen. Ka ti e Brau n, Taw n y Drexler, Steve Phill ips, Sean Stokes, Shane Tysla n , ~fargaret Stashak, Bl.:i kel t:c }..fid ve tt e Colb) Kn e pp, a nd Pavel Turn ucek Secon d Roiv: Jeremy Lie t z Em ily Callinicos, Troy Seate, Tobv Reed Hollie Fra,e r, Hayley H ancock. Bntto n Ru,-;ell, Tyler Penn el, Alex Prohaska, and James Beetham. Third Row : Ryan Vandenbroeke Co;ich \\ alki n5haw Coach Bu ldge r Coach Sturdavant, Enc \ Viller ~lanager Jon Schel l, Head Coach Holland, and Ty ler Pil' r,mdozz1 Fourth R ow: Ga re n ~l onroe, Saman t ha Slater Laura Oh n Tamera Stu rda,ant Coach Talbat, 'lancy Seidel Amy Braun Steph an ie Sad ler Dan Chu n g Fift h Row : Tay lo r Romanowski Anna l1eb, A01 So renson, Anet Demarest and N 1cloe PikeVarsity boys swimming and d.1.' ving team takes on new
co mp e tition, man ve r s u s man, that u ses the water as a medium. It i s all about technique. This yea r 's sw imming a nd di ving team ha s pro ve n themselves worthy of p erfecting the te chnique it takes to b e a goo d swimmer The ability the se bo ys have to mo ve thr o u g h water a ma zes ma sses of people, as they try to pro ve th at th ey a re the be s t in their league. A swimmer ha s to u se every mu scle in their bod y, making it one of the hard est spo rt s to compete in. As th e ir p ee r s cheer the swimm ers on, the y stri ve to reach their goals. As the legacy co ntinu es GHS s tudents are always there with s upport.
challenges ,,One Stro k e at a Time Senior Phil Rappmund u ses the technique he learned to S\v1m at a!>'-' tff\ meet With a Breath Senio r Michael Gulsvig doe s the free s tyle stroke at one of the sw im meet s Lik e a Fish So phomore Matt Vega sw im s the breast s trok e Vega sa1d,'' The butterfly is the harde s t s troke to do because you move your whole body"
Season Results
Green Mountain
Arvada We s t
Dakota Ridge
Colorado Invite
Je ff co Rela ys
Golden Triangular
Jeffco Invite
Wheat Ridge
Jeffco League Meet
State Championships
W 110-76
W 94-34
W 11 3-72
L 11 9-277
W 201-159
W 52-9
photo b\ b kelleyGirls S o ccer Shoots and Scores B-1.'g Time
Go For It
Junior Crysta Walker gets ready to shoot for a goal "Soccer i s th e grea t est s p o r t because no t only do you get 1n h ape, but yo u make a lot of ne\v frie n ds," sa i d Wa l ker
ar s ity girl s s oc cer had a fanta s tic se a s on, coming out with the v i ctory in almo s t every game and ending the seas on with a 14-1-1 over a ll record. With the girls doing their b es t and working hard, they had 50 goals, more th a n 35 a ssi s t s, a nd 110 s ave s. There are many grea t pla y ers thi s y e a r on var s ity. Sa rah Martinez i s jus t one of the t a l e nt e d pla y ers. Sa rah had 22 goal s andl0 a ss is ts " We a ll ha ve a lot of talent and when w e get together on the field w e r ea ll y pl ay h a rd and get the job done," replied Sarah The s e girl s are s urel y queens of the field
Pro v ing Jt
Freshman Dale Eckberg defends the ba II from her opponent Eckberg scored 14 goals and made 7 passes for a goal "This year has been such a great season for m)self, I am excited for the seasons to come I think \ve're ius t going to get better and better, " replied Eckberg
T ake the S print
Sophomore Ann1e Leak heads 1n t o make a quick goal "Soccer t<t a great \vay to get 1n shape, especiall) ,._ 1th all the running ,ve do," said Leak
In th e Air
Senior Re) na Bn an goe-, for the ball against a Bear C.reeJ.... defender "~1v team and I appreoate the fan.., support, 1ns1de and ouh1de of the 50ccer field said Bryan
Fig h t f o r It
Junior Andi Lar-.on goes for a ball before the opposing team has a chance "Af ter sconng m, ftn,t goal against Aurora Central, I realh had more trust 1n myself and helped the tean1 out more," said Lar..,on
Us Them
ars± ase a
Hits, all runs, and outs; good season in a
Round i n ' the B ases
Senior I\.\ le Dob\. ns get s read, to run to s econd base Dob) n., hit the first home run of the sea.,on " The most memorable game of the season \-. as aga1n.,t Thoma s Jefferc,on 1n the plavoffs becau-,e 1t ,., a-, the n-1ost important game and \\ e plaved so \,ell ," replied "-.}le Dobyns
ft er coming off a s tate title seaso n , the Golden
D e mon s ba se b a ll team had to s tart fre s h right off the bat The team welcomes new addition~ after los in g a ll of the s eniors from la s t seaso n . They brought in fre s hm an Luke Valerius a nd w ith th e ir so phomore ~, juniors, and s eniors, they were s ure to make a run for tht s tate playoffs agai n After ending their s ea so n at 9-10, jus t one game under 500, they made the s tate playoffs. Even thou g h th ey lo s t in the fir s t round at the pla yo ff s, they reall y progre ss ed, winning s ix of their nine las t games and three of those ga me s b y five run s or more They s howed unity on and off the fi el d and had a great seas on with wins and lo s e s
H o me Run
Senior Jerem) 1\Ja\ arrete take'> a gigantic S\\ 1ng, getting a great piece of the ball, and hopefull) hitting a home run " This year we had a prett} young team , but\\ e \.Vere good ,'' -,aid Na\ arrete
H e r e C om es the Pit c h
Junior Adam Loc.k\\ ood \\ 1nds up and 1s read) to pitch "Adan1 1s a good p layer for the tean1 ," s aid 1unior Joel Lockhart
S tr ike Sophomore \'\ es ton Lohn1an thro,\ s a '> t eaming fastball " I t hink that I pitched pre tt , good but all of our pitchers dtd," said \ \ e-,ton
G r ee n Mtn
Li n coln
Lon g mont
W es tmin s te r
La k e w o od
Kenn e d y
Je ff e r s on
It's d ee p a nd GO E
Senio r Donald Sutherland takes a huge
S\\ 1ng and hit, a dropping curve ball Donald Sutherland p la) ed for the -,tate ti t le team 1n 2003 "There 1s lots of leadersh1 p 1n Donald " said sophomore Micheal R17z:u t o
Us Them
photo by b kellc yI
Working hard and having fun on the Court
Sophomore Su..,an L1ndse, goes for the ball to get a great\\ in " Pia, hard and great, the team 1s \\ 'O nderful, "... aid L1ndse,
he girl s Tenni s team did awe s ome job this s ea s on . Th e y practiced hard and did great in all of their matche s. The girls won mo s t of their m a t ch es and went to regional s Junior Emily Kolm took fourth in her s ingle s mat ch . Coach By rne made thi s y ear's team work hard and go far. " The most importan· part of tenni s is to have fun ," s aid s enior Brittany Burg s tedt . " I love to play tenni s ; it keeps my mind free a nd help s me with my s tre ss, s o I can jus t have fun and pla y the game with no worrie s," s aid senior Diana Sendgraff . Tenni s is a hard s port, but it was no match fo the girl s of GHS.
Ge t It
Sophomore Amanda '\;olte \\ a1ts her turn to receive the ball for another tennis meet "Tennis 1s a lot of fun and 1t \\ as \ er, benefiting for me th1" vear," said Nolte
You Go Girl
Sophomore Elvse 1\!e\, man return., the ball ,, ,th a great hit. " Tennis 1s a grea t .,port to play for n,any ) ear-, to come no ff\atte r \.\ hat age> ou are," said Ne,vman
Great Serve
Freshman Maur,1 Firth se r,es a ha rdba ll to her oppone n t "Tennis 1s one of those sporh that \ ou come back to e, er} ) ear not onl) beca u se o f t he sport, bu t also because of the peop le," -,aid sophon,ore Megan Milan
Ralston Arvada Jefferson
A lm o s t Go t It
Senior Jennife r Pridmore tries her hardes t to get t he ball 'Tenn1s 1s \\'a} more fun ,, hen \ ou grunt," -,aid i u nior Enn To,, nsend
H ea d s U p Junior Jacinda C ro1san t ,,·ait-, patiently for her opponent to return the ball "\11 the girls on the team act like m} s15ter~," -,aid 1un1or Ali \\i ahon
Us Them 0 7 5 2 7 0
Englewood 2 5
Summit 1 6
D'evelyn 0 7
Alameda 3 4
Conifer 1 6
Kennedy 8th place
Regional s 5th place
: Alic ia O s ten s o n, Su s an Lind s ey , Gre y G u 5tufs on , Ke ith Wo o d, co a ch B) r ne, tvf eg an lvhl a n , a nd
ant, Emil
P r idmore,
Da v ison 1:mt l y Evere t t, and El ys e '\ e , v m a n Bottom Ro\v : Ah Wa ts on Ennn T o"' n send , Amand a No lt e and Br it t an, Bergstedt.
The night of frie ndship and romance
s ,vingin' Fre .... hman Tu'>ga Brott boogies the night aw·a, Thi'>\ ear the '-Ophmore cla"s arranged a co rsage and bou tonniere "ale for ...,tudent'> "Sadie.., 1..., nn , fa, onte dance becau-,e 1t s almost the same tune as\ alentine -, Da}, 5a1d fre~hman Amber "\elson.
I adie Hawkins is the one dance where the girl gets to ask the guy. Many girls had unique ideas on asking their boys. 0 My friend and I asked our two boy s by having them come to our house and gu outs ide, where there were two girl' s dresses waiting for them with note s that said ' put me on' We were inside waiting for them w ith a mushy love song and then we a s ked them," said junior Beth Lee. Sophomore Taylor Romanow ski baffled her date by asking him with 100 balloons, making him pop al l of them until he found a note s aying " Joey, w ill you go to Sadies with me ?" No matter how the girls ask their guys, they are most likely always going to s ay yes!
Fea s t Your Eye s
Senior K) le Pattndge and ...,ophomore Baylee Hansen .., top for a quick picture T h e DJ for th 1-, vear'sdanceco,tS I ,300 " I lo\ ed the t heme th1..,} ear It really et the mood of the dance," '>aid 1un1or Stephanie Pothast
Point it Out
Sophomore AJ ebon breaks It do¾ no n Sad1es nigh t "Sad1es dance 1s the best dance," ..,a id 1unior Luke Nel .... on, " I don't ha, e to pa) for any thing'"
Picture Perfec t
Jun i o r.., Brennan H o rn bac h er a n d Rebekah Grc-.han 1e nJO) eac h o th er'-. co mpan\ The Sad ie Ha,v k1n ..., th eme \\·a..,"A Black and \1Vh 1te So iree" "Sa di es" a-; f un becau ... c a ll rn} f ri e nd -; \vcre he re," said c;ophon1orc Bri tt on Rus,e ll
Co m e Toge th e r Senio r Jeremy Nava rr ete and h i s date Jessica Smith s low dance during the rom a n ti c soiree Approximan t ely 500 p eop l e attended this year's Sadie Hawki n s. "The dance was fun bu t the problem was t h e size of the dance floor," said freshman Jared Stncker
It 's El ec t ric
J uniors icole Moneghan and Ben Jenk.ins hght up the dance floor \-\ h1le part1c1pating in the Electnc Slide The dance floor \Vas 21x21 feet "Sadie~ is nice because the girl i~ the one\vho pa) s," said sen ior Shane Rodrigue/
A Walk on th e Wild S id e Senior Brian Ridge struts his stuff 1n hi.., creative ensemble "Sadie, isn't as fun as Homeconnng because there's no football game or spirt ,veek.," said sophomore '\Jicole Hosburg
Ge t Low
J uniors Stephanie Dockstader and Mike H arns have fun bushn their moves "The Denver Athletic Club wa"' real!\ nice," said freshman Ta,vnv Drexler
The Big Adventure .· the Junior Raft Trip ves
h e junior raft trip i s a thrillin g a d ve nture that m a n y junior s pa s t and pre se nt h ave expe rienced . The trips in clude s ga m es, com p eti tion, and of co ur se the rapid s. " The trip was fun because we got to hang o ut wi th fri e nd s," sai d junior Aaron Cash. Juni ors o n th e trip s l earn how to be indep e ndent . " The y got to man th e ir own r aft a nd t o me that i s very ind p e nd en t," said M s.Se lzer. This ne w indep e ndence inspires juniors to ac hi eve n ew goa ls a nd leave s a g r ea t impression o n the re s t of their li ves. While on the trip s, juniors get to go on many h ikes b y th emselves a nd pla y man y ga m es. Overall the juni or raft trip i s a nd excitin g and fun time that eve r y junior looks forward t o.
Loun g in ' Out
Juniors Ashley Noonan, Brandi Cappello, Chrisbne Matson, and Cal\ 1nMorressette cool do\\ n by the \-\ ater "It ,va::, ,v a~ more fun\.\ 1th 1ust students," said junior Ashley Noonan
Down by the Bank s
Juniors Luke Nelson, Kenn\ Gro, e, Nicole l\Jgh1em, and Jacinda Cro1sant smile after en10, their day of rafting The trip was held on the Yampa river \Vh1ch turned into the Green River " It ,vas a great place but 1t ,vas really cold," sa id
1unior Lisa Carr .
Out of Bre a th Junio r Ryan Seate blO\\'S up balloon 1n one of the many games that ,vere played on the tnp They played four games on this tnp "That balloon game \\·as really fun," said junior Nicole Nghiem
Dinn er T i m e tv1s Cool-., Abb) Sands, Tara Krenek R} an Seate, and Kourtne) Hartford prepare brealkfast The rafters enjo, ed egg..,, b1scu1ts and breakfast burritos " The food ,..,as great," -.aid Ryan
Ball oo n T i m e Jun1or Aaron Cash sho,.., s his ballon handling c;l-.1lls Aaron has been ,., a1hng almoc;t since freshman year to go on thi s trip " This game ,vas a reall) crazy one," said Aaron
S aft ey Firs t
Here the raf ters get instructed 1n the art of rafting While on the tnps, the 1un1or-, received tips on ho,\ to handle falling out of the boat "The rafters got a lot of tra1n1ng 1n safet, on this trip ," said l\,ls l\,la, bun
photo by brod~ck---one
Spr.1_'ng Break and Adventure Sports Uncensored
he wor d s s peed, e ndur ance, and ext rem e are prob a bl y so me of the fir s t words that come to a pers on's mind w h en th ey think o f adventure s p or ts. There is one wo rd that m ay not come to mind when tl1inking of adventure s p or ts. Many adven tur e sports ca n be very costly, s u ch as s nowboardin g, ro ck climbing, water s ports, and racing. People w h o participate in these s ports n ee d t o buy all th e e quipm e nt a nd gear required, w hich can be very expensive. " I go s n owboardi n g oft e n so I decided to purcha se a ll of the nec cesary equipment in s tead of renting it every time. In cl udin g my b oard, boots, bindings, and a ll of th e clothin g gea r required, I have s pent close t o $4168.35," com m e nt e d juni or e il Burn ett Extreme s ports do pro vi de that adreline ru s h , bt1t it may require yo ur al lowa n ce for a few m o nth s.
Pop i n ' a Wheelie
Junior Josh O'tool shows off and pops a \Vheeheonh1sSuzuki 125 "R1ding1shke nothing else When you lea\ e everything and JUSt go nd1ng, there'.., nothing ebe hke 1t," commented Josh
R ea d y Aim Fire
Jun1or Chris Jones gets read}' to take out an opponent 1n a pa1ntball tournament "Pa1ntball 1s really expenc;1ve My gear cost about $2000, and I spend $200 a month playing,'' said Chns
Under th e S e a Sophomore Monica Versa\v brings back the memories of childhood characters wh ile\ 1s1t1ng 01c,neyland. " I had a blast during my spring break I took a road tnp and spent a day 1n Disneyland," stated Monica
Off Road and Far Away Junior Russell Wallace four ,vheels through Carnage 1n his '74 Jeep "Jeep ing is so scar}, so I ah\"aY"' v.,ear my seat belt," sa id freshmen Jordan Hogan
H ig h Above th e Res t
Junior Doug Thomas iumps his Honda at a race at his fa,. orite track, M1hkan "Racing take., a ton of time and mone} I pay for each race \" 1thout any finanoal support, " commented Doug
C h i ll 1n ' w i th Frie nd s
Seniors Amanda v\ h1te Brielle L1dd1ck, and Lisa ?vtcC,aughhn pose for a pretty picture "The best thing I did on spring break,-. as" acation to Texas \\'ith the old lad) " added junior Eric Pohl.
e e d f o r s p e ed
Senior Wa\ ne Mooney celebrates after w1nn1ng a race "This ,vas my first year racing, but I ha"e learned a lot The most exciting tlung that has happened i::. \Vhen my pov. er steering broke\" hile I ,vas in a 40 lap race," inforn,ed Wayne
Performances of the Winter and the Spring
play for all the s ea s ons, from Story Time Theatre to th e mu s ical performance of Cinderella . The actor s put on quite a s how nt m a tter how warm or c old it is The mu s i c al wa s amazin c thanks to the mu s i c al talent s in the " pitt" Senior Brittan, Wangne ss s aid , " Story Time Theatre wa s one of the mos t intere s ting pla ys I hav e b e en in. The fact that s o many idea with the problems of s o ci e ty make s one feel somewha· s ad. " Senior Mary Maa s s aid , " The performers handled the pow e r outa ge with the performance of Cinderell a quite well th ey were able to pick the s how back up wherE it l e ft off." From winter to s pring, the theatre s tudent , know how to s how off their talent s, a l ong with some h elr from the band, for a mu s ical delight for the spring.
A new keeps sport that , on grow.1.ng
Looking into th e Distance Sophomore Kellen Sykora \-va1ts patiently to see where he threw the disc "I J01ned because it's not "veil known and not many people play," t s aid sophomore Alex Ranfranz
i sc Golf at Golden Hi g h School ha s had one of the best seaso n s ye t Di sc go lf i s read y for actio n w ith a team of over 40 pl aye r s." I tri e d it and it wa ~ fun , plus it hurt s so I joined the team," said senior Jami e Bi s h o p Stron g com p etition is th e b as is of every di sc gol! tournament. Su sa n Lindsay sai d , 11 I saw it and I wanted to try it . So I joined and I am proud to be part of s uch a wonderful spo rt. " Even thou g h thi s s port is not affiliated wi th the hi g h school, disc golf i s s till a big in the Golden co mmunity Overall, disc golf h e re at GHS prove s to be a va lu ab l e asset to the s tudent bod y.
Hoping to Sc or e
Sophomore Dane Benoy participates 1n this year's disc golf Snow Bowl "I've always enjoyed disc golf so I JOtned th e team ," said iun1or Andrew Eckman
Playing with Skill Sophomore Matt DeWys use grea t technique to play 1n th e disc golf toumment. Freshman David Coope r said, "Disc golf is intense"
T, ~iead
Determined David Sop h omore David Keller gets 1n position to throw the disc " I Joined disc golf becasue it's an easy sport that I'n, good at," sa id iun1or Troy Sea te
Clo s e Up Junior Cameron Kyte goes up cloc;e and takes time to n1ake sure he get... the point "l hk.e to play d ies golf because 1t.., cool." said fre'>hman Jeff Walker
ot Gonna M iss
Freshman Clint Cah""tl makes a determined face \-\ hile thro,v1ng "I pla\ to broaden the v anet;: of the sports I pla} ," said freshman Jackson Sutherland
Fame C om es b y Hard Wor k
Sophomore And) Jacobson comes out of the trails collecting thro\\ n discs "I pla\ dies golf because I eniov the sport," said freshman Chnt Cah"" 11
Shoting at an An g le Junior Tro\ Spie" -.ho,\'" h1.;, unigue thro,\ hke a profe.;,s1onal Tro\ i-; the pre<;1dent of the disc golf club Junior Jon ',chell said, "I J01ned d1"c golf beca.,ue l kno"' the person" ho started 1t and he is my fa, onte teacher '
s umm e r s uppl em e11t .is
A Time For
team is a group of people who are fully committed to common goal. This commitment must be complete, it must never waiver, and it must e able to withstand the stress and complications of individuals working together. Without thi s anding together of the individual pieces to form a whole team, the team is destined to fail. Eac person must call upon their own experience and strenghts to help carry the team to victory. I a team situation, each member is mutually accountable to one another. This creates a group t at tends to be more collaborative, works within itself and is a testament to standing a s a unified fr nt. Teamwork is not easy, but does make it possible to overcome obstacles that, individuall y, the embers of the team could not have achieved on their own.
"Girls Gone What?"
tea m wo rk
h e be g innin g o f the 2004 se a so n le ft G o ld e n fa n s co nfid e nt a nd a n xio u s fo r m o r e. Th e , ,a r s 1ty a thl e te s pl a nn e d o n h a , ,in g a g ood seaso n a nd th a t 's exac tl y h o w it s t a rt e d w ith d e fea t s ove r Lin co ln a nd Wh e at Rid ge. Hop es we r e g re a t a nd pl aye r s we r e d e di ca t e d but th e co mp e titi o n was t o u g h Thi s seaso n co uld b e d esc rib e d as a tim e fo r building a nd impr ov in g. Th e pl aye r s b o nd e d we ll as a t e am and l ea rn e d w h a t is n ee d e d to b e a s tr o n ge r t ea m n ex t yea r . " I ' , ,e lea rn e d a l o t o f p e r seve ran ce thi s seaso n , fac in g a l osin g r eco rd . W e h a d a l o t o f a d ve r s ity but w e r e all y ca m e to ge th e r as a t ea m t o fini s h th e seaso n ," s aid se ni o r Co lb y Kn ep p
Can ' t Tou ch Thi s!
Senior Luke '\iebon dodges a Wheatndge opponent "The Wheatndge game '"as most intense, said '\.ebon Luke ended the season\\ 1th a total of 690 rushing ) ards
Ju s t For Ki ck s
Junior Jason Nye kicks off to star t t he Wheat Ridge game "The most intense game v,as the Ralston Valle\ game because ever)'one \\ as really pumped up," said Jason
Holding Stron g phow b\' b kc-lie, Junior Matt King O\ erpO\vers his Wheatridge opponenb and keeps running to, ards the end zone "In order to e>-.cel as a team, \ ou ha, e to ach1e, e unit-.,,," said King. Matt had 25 solo tackles this season
by A. BlakemanOne La s t Look
Senior Josh Secora looks for open recei, ers as the pressure builds " I don t kno\, \\ hat I'd do \\ ithout foo t ball," said Josh
Pu s h It
Junior Joe, CO\\' an pushes hin1self to gain \ ards " l pla\ football because I lo, e the emotion and 1ntens1t) I'm 1n a different n1indset on gan1eda, ," said Cotb, Knepp about his lo,·e of the game
Knock ' Em Down
Sho,,·1ng determ1nahon 1un1or R\ an Ha , es\\ orks hard-. to pull do,, n h1s opponent ' For a team to be succe~-..ful, 1t requires good leadership \ \ he t her 1t be coaches or players,' -.a,d R~ an
tough season , good chemistry
it, run , sco re , touch all four! Thi s i s the che er the girls s houted every time the y went into the dugout The 2004 Demon softba ll team ended the seaso n with an 8-5 re cord. Senior D a n a Garrett commented, " We did a really good JOb thi s yea r , we a lso had a lot of team c hemi s try ." Along with the chemis try , the girls did an avvesome JOb pla y in g together with a team of five se nior s, four juniors, one sop homore , a nd one fre shman . Des pite a few injuries, the girl s tuck it out and ended up third in Jefer son County. In co nference games, they won fi\'e and los t three , and also took third.
Inten sity
Freshman Je.,,1ca O'Connor p1tche~ a fat, t ball right b, the batter "Vve had an a\, e~ome season this 'I ear, the seniors ,, ere great t o me," she ,aid
On The Mo ve
Junior tvt art) Gillis tak.es off from t,CCond bat,C to steal third Though she,, as stopped she made 1t ba(k to second base safeh
Hit A\vay
Junior Kathr, n .t\1alone, fin,shet, her s\,ing at home plate \\tth an av,e"ome hit "The girls are great \\. e pla, ed, er, \\ ell together thb ear, Kathr, n con-\mented
Lakevvoo d
New coach is key to success
olden High School 1 s volleyball team
go t off to a great s tart1 holdin g th e ir po s tion as league champs for the m a jority of the seaso n . Thi s yea r th e re was a n ew h ea d coac h who see m s to be ju s t the thing that thi s t ea m needed. 1' We ha ve the skills and de sire to go far thi s seaso n. All the girls are re a ll y talented and we've s urpri se d a lot of team s thi s yea r1 11 sa id Ari e l Blakeman a junior on varsity. This yea r the volleyball team, placed seco nd in league, right behind Ral s ton Valle y, . The team went to di s tricts, where they placed third overall. ''Go ing to di s tricts was s o fun," said Ly dia Clark a s ophomore on varsity. There i s no doubt that the volleyball team did extremel y well thi s seaso n.
Read y To Pla y K1r-.ten Sletten hac:; pla, ed on the, olle> ball team fort\\ o) ear-.. "\, olle) ball to me 1s a ..,port\\ here, ou ha, e to\\ ant 1t to ,, 1n 1t All of your tean,mate-. hearts muc:;,t be 1n the game, all a!-- one " ..,aid K1r ten after the\\ 1n at Engle,\·ood
Ge tti n g Do w n and R ea d y Brooke Sauer gets do,\ n and ready to pass the ball at the game aga1no.;t Jefferson High School BrooJ...e s fa, onte part of volle, ball is," The feeling that I get after a great ,, 1n "
Pa ss in g It U p
E, en ,, hen Blakelee t'v11d> ett 1-. just passing the ball she has a feeling of excitement but her fa, onte feeling 1s after -.he has J...11led the ball. Blakelee had a total of 85 kills this season
hr I- 1\htch~·ll
Varsity Volleyball
S tandl ey L a k e
C l ea r C r eek
Littl e t o 11
E li zab e th
En g l ewoo d Eve r g r ee n J e ffer so n
• demons go ln for the win
hi s yea r was o n e o f th e b est yea rs for va rs i ty s occe r . In th e seaso n th e h a rd es t thin g th ey h a d t o overco m e a nd h a rd es t ga m e was Summ it . Go ld e n l os t 2-3 aga ins t Summit a nd th ey we r e s till Leagu e C h a m pio n s for Jeffe r so n Co unty. Ja m es M a rtin ez sa id " It w a s a bit intimid a tin g, but th e g am e d oes n ' t ch a n ge n o m a tt er th e o pp o n e nt o r ho w mu ch fac i a l h air h e h as." Eve n th o u g h th ey wo n a ga in s t Eve r g r ee n , it was th e ir hard est tea m . Be in g th e leagu e ch a mp s, th ey we nt t o s t a te pl ayo ff s and l os t th eir seco nd r o und aga ins t Summit 2-1 Summit was th e o nl y tea n1 t o d e fea t th e D em o n s thi s ye ar, ha v in g w on a n ea rli er co ntes t 3-2 .
l ake a Run
Senior Ian Lanier take~ the ball a\\·ay on a shck. mo\ e and takes it do\, n field to trv to .,con! ,
Goal Kick
Senior Cole Hinnen ha~ -.ho\, n to the cro\vd and his O\,·n team that he 1<, one of the best defenders no mater hO\\' hard the opponent gets
World Class Save
5en1or T, ler Carson run-. out and make" a fanta-.,tic save against Sun1mit
Varsity Soccer
Running for Yourself
ong hour s of running , gaining endurance and training your harde s t, all to only beat your s elf Thi s i s exactly what cro ss country runner s do . They do all that work ju s t to beat their time s from the previou s race. The se kid s have lots of heart running for tho s e long e xhau s ting hour s to s ati s fy them s el v e s . Kyle Sullivan, team captain s aid , " I like to run, but I reall y do it for the chicks. " Anna Lieb and Tyler Pennel were the two mo s t s ucce ss ful runner s thi s s ea s on, qualifying for the s tate meet . Anna placed 17th and Tyler came in 47th in the 4A divi s ion The whole team is proud of what they have done thi s year and during the s eason.
Stretching Out
Leading the Pa ck
Junior Anna Lieb goes out e\en race and g1\'es 1t all that ::.he can po'>stbl) g1\ e Anna, just like last } ear, 1s the leading runner on the girls\ arc,1ty: team
e ek and eek
Junior T\ ler Pennel uses another runner to help him set a pace Tyler said, " I ah, a,.., hk.e to pace ffi) ,_elf off the per<,on 1n front of me, then I \\ ait for the right time and pa'-" them " Tyler has ah, a\" been one of the Demon 's be::.t runners ever s ince he tarted
Inten se Beginn ings
This Just sho\, s ho,,· packed together all the teams are at the beginning of an intense race At the beg1nn1ng 1f \ ou don ' t get a good start, then vou ha, e to pla\ catch up all race
tumbling for excitement
hi s yea r th e girls gymnastics team came so close to not being able to be at Golden Hig chool any more . Several factors were to blame : there were no se nior s on the squad, they only have one coach, and the girls on the team are not experienced. The team consisted of 17 girls and did compete in seve ral meets. There were three girls who made it to sta te : so phomore Hillary Huff on beam, floor, and vault; junior Meli ssa Kennedy; and Kelsey Warner. " Making it thi s far was a great accomplishment for me,"said Hillary. 11 My favorite and harde s t flip of the seaso n was a layout twisting half. It really improved my sco re in a home match against CI-,atfield," sai d Kel sey. " M y favorite part about gymnastics was defying gravity," added Mellisa. The team recorded three wins in the seaso n , beating Conifer twice and Evergreen once. Even though it wasn't the greatest ses on of all, the girls were happy to be able to keep their team.
to another great year
Sky H ig h
Senior ]l•nna Rimbe r t performs high 1n the ~k.) for the GHS fans " I cheerlead becasue it is a great opportunit\ to make ne,\ friends We are all so close and really care about each other, and,, e all ha, e fun, " said 1un1or Jocel) n. Zup1n.
h a t d oes it ta k e to be com e a ch ee rl ea d e r ? Se ni o r Ch e lsea Stein e r said, " It t a k es coo rdin a ti on a nd a goo d a ttitud e." " I ch ee rl ea d b eca u se
I 've a l'v\1 ays wa nte d to d o so, but I h ave n eve r fo und tim e until n ow," sa id se ni o r Am b er D av id s on . Thi s l ovely gro 1.1p of l a di es h as b ee n fi ll ing o ur sc h oo l s p or tin g eve nt s wi th s pirit an d e n er gy. We a r e lu ck y t o h ave s u ch a ta l ent e d g r o up to ch ee r u s to v i ct o r y. This yea r h as b ee n n o exce ptio n . St a rting wi th th e ir d azz l in g p e rform a n ce a t H om eco m in g, th ey continu e t o pump u s up So, as th e Beac h Boys say, " Be tr u e t o y our sc hoo l ".
" I c h ee rl ead because it i s f u n t o b e ab l e t o stand o n th e si d e lin es o r o n th e cou rt a n d cheer t he playe r s o n a n d h ave so m u c h ~(hool s p irit a nd l ea d th e fans 1n cheers an d keep t he ir schoo l s pi r it up ," sa i d Juni o r Ki m Schenc k
" I c h ee r lead b eca u se 1t i s a goo d c h ance to represe nt th e schoo l," sai d se ni o r J acq u e li ne Rista u
" I cheer lea d beca u se I t hink i t is a good exper ience t o ¼ 1 ork wi th o th er peop le and being 1n a squa d ," said sen i o r L indsey t\1ul\ an}.
Got to Have School Spirit
hen }'Ou ask so meone what sc hool s p1r1t mean s to them, yoLt will probabl y get seve ral different re s pon ses. Some might say that the y go to football games or other s porting eve nt s, and so me might say that the y parti c ipate in sc hool s ports and activ 1t1 es. Whate ver their idea of sc hool sp irit i s, the Tridettes definit e ly have a lot of 1t. " The be s t part of Tridettes 1s dancing and s howing yo ur sc h oo l s pirit," s aid so phomore Stacey Bell. This yea r so far ha s b ee n an awesome year for the Tridettes. The team ha s several new dancers and al s o a new coach. "Th e new coac h i s a g r eat dancer and ha s taught u s a l ot about dance," sa id so phomore Amanda Pro s.
Dance All ight
Senior Charli Hogan dances during halftime at a foo ball game " It \\"a!> so much fun to dance during halftime It ga\ e me an adrenaline rush," said freshman Becca Conl,-l1n
Cl Jazz Team
I Sha k e it
1 Sophon1ore Ana Romano and freshman Jordan ~tcGreago pro\·e that these girls can \\'ork it
Teamwork • lS
Las t yea r th e d a n cin g d e m on s
the way to
pl ace d 4th a t s ta te a nd ha ve to wo rk eve n h a rd e r to ass ur e th e ir p os itio n in th e to p fi, ,e thi s yea r in D ece mb er . Bes id es a tt e ndin g t o th eir seaso n a l r es p on s ibilities, th ey w ill a tt end r egio n a l com p e ti -
"Our not ha\ ing a coach h as a pos i tive effect on the team-\\ e ge t to bond 1n a certain way " Cap t ain t\1olh Wnght
"Being able to bond with these gi r ls has been the best par t They are so acceptingand t houghtful " Freshman Jordan McGregor
''Being the on l) senior has its ad\·ant ages and it's actuall) fun being the "leader'" of the team " Cap t a in .L\my H artma n
"Whe n you realize \Ve have a total G.P A. of 3.8 and ~till are fifth at state, t h at 1s actually really a¼ esomeit jus t pro, es \\'e \.Vork very hard "Junior Kendra V\7arren
ti on s s u ch as U D A a nd N D A. T h ese g irl s wo r k extremel y we ll t oge th e r . Th e m ajo rit y o f th em h ave d an ced toge th e r fo r n ea rl y t en years. Fo r th e pas t two years t he girl s h ave n o t h a d a coac h and r eal l y d e p e nd o n th eir s p on so r s, so i t is ex tr e m el y im p o rt a nt fo r th ese gi rl s to d o we l l and wo r k t oge th er . " W e n ee d t o wor k toge th e r to ge t thin gs don e," r e p l i e d so ph o m o r e T rin a Ga b e l.
s p o rt s b3
• ' swing for the win
he bo ys 2004 golf team did a n awesome job thi s seas on . With the twel ve bo ys swi nging hard toward s the green, the team took fourth overa ll in the league Sophomore Luke
Valerius took fir s t team a ll co nference, was r a nked as the fourth player in Jefferson County, and regional qualifier " We were a y oung team thi s year, but we w ill be s tronger in years to come," s aid Luke . Along with Valer iu s, freshman Kyle Seery was a l s o a regional qu a lifier and was second te a m a l l confe r ence.
demons on the court
is year's Golden High Sc hool tennis team not only won the league championship but se nt two players to the state meet . Number two si ngle s player Matt Gallagher and number three single s Andy Hannemann both repre se nted the Demon s at the tournament in Pueblo. Number one s ingle s pla yer Kevin Gallagher said if h e were to put into one word how he felt after winning a ga m e it would be, " Proud ." Kevin 's brother, Matt, like s the idea of competing against his brother. " He is m y bigge s t co mp etitior1, but he helps me out a lot. He is good to practice with."
Varsity Tennis
Back Ro" ·Jared Stricker, Traver :--:aul,cr, :--:1ck
\\'1eder,pahn, E, an Go,da,
)l.1ohamad Ha,oon, Stefan
)l.forclh, Ro" Tilden, Kenne\'
Rl-ed Fourth Row· Han<on Taylor, Cory Howry, Tim Riordan, Jo~h Pmkcrncll, Kenney Scally, Chn, Sdccr, Ken l,hmael, .:S:1ck Radder
Third Row:Kcl-...-y E,,·c~ Anthony :S:guyen, Jame~ \\'ngncr, Coach Bulger, Coach
Bhnco, Coach Cone, Amir Abudul·'• Dav1d Cu,t.ihon.
St.-cond Row Danny :--:eI,on, Joey Gomez, Jt:remy Soliz, Conrad Carter,. ateC...Orgen, Kamcron Gate~, Tom Strackbein. Fa~t RO\, De,1 Benwnt,Tom Clark Dallas
\\'1h,,, Ao1 Soren-en
Lenny Lor<on, D.i kota
\\'erner , Matt Raley, Ben Geiger, Lui< Godoy, Koby
\\'1ttd.;, Ale~ Taylor. Third Row. Taylor Han,on , Cohn
Lcffrrt, Shane Meehan, Kayla
!\fooney, Coach McKt.>ndry, Coach Thumm, Dl-..1 Bement, !\tarcu, Roger\, Jetf R,chard,on, Taylor Bo,co
Srl-ond Row. Peter Farnn, Anthony Carbonl•, Tim Burn.t,, Tony DL>earlo, J.ikt.>
C.uhon D,mShdhcld, Bnan
:-:,•hon, Joe Baca, Derek Romaro F1r...t Row Anthony
Morgan, Kyle \1cKendry, Cod) Jurbala, Tyler Babk1ew1ch, Ju<hn \\'alton, Parker !\food)
Back Row : Carl
\-1cEncroe Gnhn Cox, Rvan Ga', lord Coach
8111 Hillen, Armando
lbbara, Phil t onn, Mike
Lowder Ste\'e H aud-,
~hddle Ro,-.: Lach
Page Brandon, C,ra',
Iamac1to, ate Hi ghe<;, Connor Stoke~. \.1l~ah
S1ha, Ste\ e \ on Dreele
Front Ro\, Tomm}
Agrodma, K)le Trout, Jonn, Rabadar Ray Keluc1te
Back Ro,, Kyh, Clark K, le
Sullivan, Dcrd,k Bailey D,w1d
Newman, Jame" Beeth.im
Tvler Pennel Third Rem: Kdh
Albano, Enc Thou1win, Rv11n
Corne, and Am,tnd.i \lo,e, Second Row : \\'alter C,lo,,, kl!l,ey Mcha.ic , \talion
Da, 1s Beth Lee Au~hn Br,1lx>c
Scan Ratledge, Anna Lll'h , Robb) Jone,, :-:,ck Kprow1C7, Troy ~., 11 , P,1ul \'eruig, Cody
G,1hto Fir:,t Row : Holly
R,1dd1fft:, Chri,t1e Redmod, Snrah Jlebbc•rb , Randi
7.1mnwrman, Aril•I Dcmere,t, A,hle, Lew 1, Co.1ch Holland, Cc,ach Colucci
Back Ro\,· Coach Frank, Am, Roger~, Christina Smith, Amber ,e1 on , Emily Rafraz, Emily Wareham, Coach Ra} First RO\\ '\!1kki. Stephanie Cohn, tv1egan Vigil, Hannah Goedert , Valene Cohn
Back Ro\". Katie Ben1510, Demi Berg, Katie French, Holly Cambia. Katie Knder Second Ro,v : Courtne,· Janee; , Coach Kendra Kelly , Enca, Mind\ Blyth Firc;t Ro" Qu1tin \1ontam1or Arial Hanson , l'vfagg1e Gillis
Back Ro\,· Kayley Byl, Cher, l D' epagn1er Coach Sih aggio, Stace} Le,, arke, Sara G171nsk1 Second Ro\, Tara Behrens, Kellv l'v11 tchell. Brianna Parra, Dee Ozbav First Ro\, Brooke Sauer. Taylor Ron,ano,vski
Back Ro" Rh1ana Nel on, Kirsten? , kayle) Ammer, Coach l\lfarsh, Ha) le, Hancock Ashle) Ch1 m, !\1ansc.a P1etrate...,50 Second Ro,, R1cJ.. \ V\ elch, Jordan Bull, Kayla Schaltz, \\'hitne\ Bolton First Ro" T1-,ha Brott
oy asketball demons get to semifinals
Playn' Hard
nd then there '"ere four
After fin1sh1ng the regular season \,'1th a 15-8 record, the bo, s ba!>ketball team entered post season pla) a.., a long shot to make 1t to the Coor-, E\ ents Center 1n Boulder "here the final four team':> "ould meet to determine the cla-,!> 4A champion The, qu1ckl) pro, ed the, belonged "'1th the best The Demons \\'On their first n, o games against Steerhng and tv1ounta1n Vie,,, then pulled off a thriller aga1n'>t Ralston Valley in the quarterfinab, ,, 1nn1ng 70-67 1n O\ ertime Thev then lost to e, entual sta te champion Thomas Jefferson 62-56 1n the semis. "The games "'ere the most fun,, hen ,,·e all pla, ed as a team and e, e11- one got a chance to score and plav," said 1un1or Jason ye The ..,eats,, ere filled "1th fans ate, er, gan1e and " the TO\\ dies \.vere a great source of 1nsp1rahon," said senior Jason Hock.
Up , Up and Away
Senior Cole Hinn en has a great slam dunk sho t at a game this -,ea<;on " For me, basketball isn ' t iust about putting the ball through the hoop , it's about some thin g mu ch deeper than that Like love or honor," said Hinnen
In The Game
Senior \,1ike \·anDebogart pub the heat on 1n an e"'\c1hng game. \ anDebogart !-a1d,"Ha\ e , ou e,•er bee n to a basl-.etball game? Oh yeah! I 1-.no\', you see us, you "" anna be I" us
Juruor Sean Smith guards his man against Westminster The best memories are sail to come in the s tat e tournement 1 This sea<;on has been great," said Brent \ Veg-,che1der
Jeffer so n Elizabeth D ' evelyn Englewood Conifer
All net and nothing but
s the 2004 seaso n s tarted , th e girls were off to a ro cky s tart. As the seas on progresse d they began to r e lax and JU St play the game They had fun playing the game and JUSt being them se lves "O ur favorite memory 1s Je sse s inging Alad1n before games, 'S pidey,' microphone bathroom man , Sterling, and of co ur se the games," sa id Blakelee, Maggie, and Carla. The girls e n1o y playing the games as much as they enjoy the company of each other. " My favorite memory is hudhng up before every game, sayi ng all our httle say ing s that we have gathered throughout the seaso n This year was the bes t, I will mi ss 1t," s aid Mallory Harnagel. The girls did an a m azing JOb thi s seas on
Fight ! Jun1or Blakel ee Midyett fights de s p e rately for con trol of the ball Blakelee was the hige st sco rer wl'i an astounding 402 points' Great Job 1
21 Sc ores A g ain
Sen ior Je ssica Crass goes for a s hot Je ss i ca tted Mallory Harnagel with 13 1 points She also had 28 a ss i s t s '' M y favori te memon es ar e our pre-game s inging sess ions, ' long walks 1n the hall ', 'Spi de y', our Tenaciou s D - fense, the sn ake 1n St e rling, and Boomer Th is ha s been the most fun I have had in all m y four years," sai d Je ss ica
S wo os h ! Se nior Mallory H arnagel s hoots for one of her famou s three-pointers. Mallory sco red 131 points and 30 assists this seaso n " My favorite memory is watch ing my s is ter Mallory play She sco re s a lot of 3 pointers," s aid Lauren H arnage!
p age b ys. m ayo
Take Tha t
Sophomore Ta\vny Drexler dribble s around an opposing tean-1 member With 134 points, Golden ha!> a bnght future 1n girl ' s basketball My favorite memories are being \\'tth the girls and being able to tell them anvth1ng and everything, said Drexler
I t's Good Senn1or Carla Ekberg sh oo t&a \vide open shot Carla scored a total of 127 point., and came 1n second to her sister 1n as,ists Sophomore Jennica Ottero said she\\ ould , ' never forget all our memories of dancing to Disney !>Oundtraacb before games It got us pumped ."
It's Yours
Jun ior Marl) Gilhs passes the ball to senior Carla Ekberg 'My favorite memory \Vas v. hen \Ve \vent to Sterling," sa id Katia Jacobs
Demons g o • in for the • win
mpressions l as t a lifetime, inc ludin g th e imp r es sion on t h e ma t fr om thr ow in g a kid d own in th e inte n se s p ort of w r es tlin g. " I am sa ti sfie d wi th the seaso n we ha d ," sa id senior Br and on Blair " We h a d o u r s h a r e of d oing b ad , but we cam e o ut f ee lin g like we acco mplis h e d a l o t. " T wo w r es tl e r s , Joey Go m ez and Ryan Sp rackling, we r e a ble t o m a k e i t t o th e s ta t e to urnam en t. " In s ta te I we nt 1-2 and it felt goo d b eca u se I w r es tl e d we ll aga ins t h ar d ki ds, " sa id Ryan . Ove r a ll, th e D em on s h a d a g r ea t seaso n a nd a r e l ooking forw ard t o n ext year.
L)ons Jefferson
tvlounta1n Vie,, Golden In, 1tahonal
Engle, ·ood Delta
Delta In\'itahonal
Golden Triangular l\-lt \ 1s t a In , itahonal
Elizabeth Cher r } Creek
L) ons lnY itational
Ralston \ alle}
Conifer Tournement
Down Time s
Core} Ho,, re\ gets fhpped around une>..pectedl) " I tned so hard and got flipped but the next round I "on," said Corey
G irl Power
Junior Brooke Sauer beats her male opponent "I felt that our season started rough but "' e , orked hard and started , ·inning Our hard"' ork realh started sho, ing and it,, as an all around a good )- ear ' ~a 1d Brooke
Making A Big Splash
h e girl swimm e r s we r e d e di ca ted t o go fa r this seaso n . Th ey we r e co mmitt e d to th eir prac h ces a nd th e p ay -off was a s tr o n g seaso n . A lth o u g h sw imming i s u s u a lly th o u g ht o f as a s p o rt th a t is jud ge d on 1ndiv 1du a l p e rform an ce, th e tea m 's s tr en g th d e p end s on e a ch sw imm e rs d oin g h er bes t a t every m ee t. So it 1s h elpful th a t all th e G old en girl s b o nd e d r e all y we ll. " Th e t ea m b ond s g r ea t W e all ge t a l o n g eve n o ut o f th e p o ol! " s aid Linds ey G riffin " Th e b es t p a rt i s a ll th e fun we ha ve b eca u s e it's ju s t o n e bi g lau g h fes t" s aid Juni o r Ch e l se a Ca tr on . " W e ha v e a dr a m a- fr ee te am thi s ye ar," co mm ented r el ay s wimm er Ch ery l D ' Ep a gni e r Thi s yea r, fi ve girls w e nt to s tate to r e pres ent Go lden : Kell ey O ' Dell, C hri s ti e Re dmond, Hollie Fra se r, Iri s Da v id s on, and N i cci Leidich O v er a ll th e t ea m h a d a g ood se a s on a nd cam e in third in mo s t of th e ir m ee ts . H owe ve r th e te a m do es n ' t g et a s mu ch r eco gnition a s th ey d ese rv e. Junior Juli Bauer s aid, " I wi sh it wa s a mor e popul a r s port. "
and third year state compehtor Kelley O'Dell passe up the competition as she swims the breaststroke "The best part of S\4. 1mming 1s kno\ving that you \4.'0rked hard to get v. here you are," said Kelley.
C oming up H eads Above the Re s t Jackie Gest takes a b r eath as she pushes herself to great lengths Sp li sh Sp las hCat ro n,
Ru nge Bac k Row
Elsa Anderson, H illary Chapple, Amy Hartman,
D ive In Senior Elsa Anderc;on perfects her form and prepares to d 1\ e for a perfect score "This season \\ as better than the last because we had such a great coach this season," says junior Sarah Murray
Kruchen, Kelley O'Dell
G a s p for A i r Junior Danielle Clark comes up for a quick breath while S\v1mm1ng freestyle
Makin g Wa v es Cheryl D'Epagruerdemonstrates her talent while performing the butterfly stroke 1n a meet ''I swim because 1t gets my mind off things and it works your body harder than any sport " said Cheryl
Girls Swimming
Summit In v ite 142
Ra ls to n Va ll ey 143
Je ff co 10 Re lays 120 200 4 Invit a ti on a l 6 La k ewoo d 98 Jeff co Inv ite 58 A rvada 124
A rv a d a Tri angu la r 125
Je ffco C hamp io n s hip s 3 15
Girls score their first goal
e girl s' field hockey team had a great s ea s on Not only did they have an awe s ome team, but they s cored their fir s t goal " I personally believe that our biggest accomplishment for field hockey wa s utiliz ing our am az ing s kill s, team work, and love for the game, to become a goal s coring team," s aid junior Kelli Cash. Although field hockey i s not a s well known or talked about a s football or baseball, the team ha s jus t a s much comrodery and team spirit. 11 Field hockey i s an ama z ing sport that' s completely different from any other s port," said Margaret Stashak.
ressions en's Students
me overwhelming in a s mall town school. many s tudents wanting to leave a lasting o make Youth Corps to be a more popular Audrey Goh. Others want to set goals for should s trive to be as perfect as I am," said ::.~_,-; ould like to leav e an impression to prove that s can be overcome. Junior Anna Lieb said, '' I me by running the fa s test two-mile ever with thi s s mall town sc hool came to it with certain eave some. '' I want to help people through tat the sa me time ," sa id junior Becky Taylor.
iors stinout
a o f 20 05 i o n it way to succe . " I hope that ti o n and op e n doo r , and I am wo rkin g to mak e du ca t io n ,'' aid e n io r Nikki Robl es. Afte r 12 y th e e ni o r s ca n ta rt w orkin g o n th e ir goal s for 11 brin g h appiness and I ' m d oing what ever I feel " aid e ni o r H ann a h Ste rlin g . Not eve ry se nior is o p e to mak e it w ith o ut th e help of pare nts and '!,'~~ g l o t of m o ney becau se I ' m wo rkin g toward s a ell y D al ge tt y. S ay ing th e ir final "go od byes," th e ;;,;;;:-,'
rld w ith an exce ll e nt edu cati o n and an unforget -
Bard y Abbotts
Erin Alcock
Eliza Alkire
Wh1 ttany Allen
G1ll1an Andersen
Tre\. er Andersen
Ashley Armentrout
Shara Ayers
Claire Batley
Heather Banza
Robert Barbeau
Alexandra Barnes
Luke Baruch
Ryan Beehler
Jamie Bendt
Brandon Blair
Stacy Blom
Philip Bridge s
Douglas Brooks
Ashley Brownell
l'\ietl Burnett
fl1Jr Cady Reheis
Charle~ Cannon
Brandi Cappello
Spencer Carl
Li sa Carr
T) ler Carson
Marina Casterson
Hilar) Chappell
Dan Chung
K\ le Clark.
R) an Coble
Je c;-, 1ca Crass
Ja cinda Croissant
Amber Da, 1dson
Christopher Da, 1~
Jes~1ca Da, 1~
Lari ssa De 1alter1"
sen iors o3
i cl1ola s De Moulin
Eli za beth DeWys
Wilham Di c k so n
S tephanie
Do cks tader
Mor g han Dough e rty
Jared Downing
Robert Duncan
Andre\'\' Eckman
Carla Ekberg
A 1nc:;ley Erickso n
Hailey Es trada
Alexander Fehrman
Jordan Fi s her
Garret Fle s h
Zachery Flower
Ryan Ford
Jess1 ca F royen
Thoma s Fry
Kevin Ga lla gher
Sean (jeiaer
o r c h es, Pre lud e , Mu t a n g a nd C R X' , th e e car h ow th a t ca r a r e o n e of th e m o t imp o rt a nt t hin g to g u y in hi gh c h oo l . Se n ior Sp e n ce r Prie ti lu c k y e n o u g h to dri ve a 5.0 M u t a n g, o n e of the f as t es t in th e c h oo l . " I d o n ' t li ke to b r ag, but Mu t a n g , p a rti c ul a rl y m ine, are th e b es t ," a id S p e n ce r . M o t b oy a r e e ith e r was h in g th ei r ca r , working o n th e m , r ac in g th e m o r, upin g th e m up Fro m V-Tec' to turb o a nd even NOS, th e e g u y are th e fas te t in th e c h oo l . "Eve n th o u g h it take a l o t of ti me a n d m o n ey, it ' wo rth i t ," a id seni o r B o bb y Duncan So m e of th e th in g th ey got rece ntl y i c arbon -fib e r h oo d , n ew rim a nd m o r e h o r e p owe r. So m e r ace a t B a ndim e r e S p eed way during th e ir pare tim e Stude nt s han g o ut t o t a lk a b o ut ca r , w h ose i b e tte r a nd w h at n ew s tuff th ey a r e avin g up to bu y. Althou gh not ju s t th e e n g ine i s m a d e to l oo k awe o m e. Stud e nt eve n bu y n ew inte r io r, m ad u b s, {,, pe ak e r s, and amp . It tak es a lot of tim e a nd ca h t o kee p yo ur car up w ith th e n ewe t ty le , but for tho se wh o do , th e ir c ar s a r e d e finit e ly a h ea d turn e r Th ey l ove th e ir car s a n d w ill pro b a bl y a l way keep their car sp ec ial
• se nior s $5
Rebekah Gres h am
Ken n e th G r oYe
Gra) Gustafson
Robert Halle}
Jeremy H amma n
Mallory H arnagel
Madelaine H a rr1 c; Michael H arr is
Kourtney Hartfo rd
Amy Hartman
Lauren H e itzman
Rachel H eller
Thomas H e rr on
Timothy H i nkl e Cole Hinn e n
Ja so n Ho ck
Jenna Hod ges
Andrew Hog an
Charli Ho ga n
What is your dream job and why?
" I would probably be a cowboy or a hair dresser because both jobs are very rewarding if you know what I mean. "
"To be a highly acclaimed chef working in different exotic areas of the world. I love to cook and I love to travel. "
" I want a job where I work i n an office downtown in a sky scraper , where I hav e to wear nic e suits and mak e lots of money. "
S amantha John s on
C hri s topher Jone s
Dth1a Kalk\\ arf
Andre\\' Keehn g
John Kendall
Rudulf Klu c 1k
Curti c;; Kofoed
Kimberly Kruchen
Callyn Kuhre
Kameron Kyte
Ben1am 1n LaFalce
Nathan La1dley
Andrea Lar s on
Chase Lar son
Elizabeth Lee
Brett Lewan
Chloe Lewi s
Joel Lockhart
Dean Lopez
Brent Lorenz
J osh u a Luna
Ashley Lutz
Eric Lyman
Jo s hua Mallard
Heather Maloney
Alan Mangan
Eliane Marque s
Rhiannon MartinEvans
Stacy Martinez
Christine Matso n
Tyler Mat son
Cor tn ey Mayo
Sean Ma\o
'Brett Lewan 'Dean Loyez 1A{an 'ManaanBryan Mays
Margret McCreary
Nicole McCutchan
Kelsey Mclsaac
Amanda Menard
Sa r ah M1 li er
Jason Mod1z
Nicho le Moneghan
Joel M onroe
Teal Montgomery
Amanda M oon
Calvin Marsette
Lindsey Mul vany
Andrew Nassau
ebster defines music as the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession 1 in combination and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity. Enthusiastic garage band members ju s t call it 11 wicked awesome. ' 1 Garage bands exist all through Golden High School / with names as diverse as Area 51 1 Short Changed 1 Comer 4, and Rau co u s Red Rocket. Much time and effort is involved in making such an orga,,/ nization. You first must form a group of music enthusiasts and think of a name. Names are usually based on what you, as a band member, want to portray to others about your self. It could also reflect the style of y our · music and / or the message you want it to carry. Writing mu s i c i s al s o a dedicated and heart-felt process . Ideas that are to be carried through your music mu s t be organized and refined. What's more 1 lyrics 1 a tempo, and dynamics must be in flu e nt order as to achieve a consistent message without gap s in rhythm. ' 1 Trying to come up with fresh material that no one has ever used before is difficult , " commented senior Drew K ee ling/ when asked what themes he tried to incorporate into his music. While certainl y a complex process filled with selecting band members and writing mu s ic , being in a ga ra ge band seems to pay big dividends. Victories in the Battle of the Bands competition a re coveted and often introduce talented musicians. It is ultimately a rewarding e x peri e n ce i n which everyone helps to produce a song worth '' rocking-out " to for a 1 killer' time .
What is your advice for next years seniors?
By , S Padilla"God gave us two ears and one mouth; and that should be the direct proportion in which you live your life. Listen more, talk less. "
Erin Alcock Alex Dahl"Don't mess up your last year, make it worth while and remember to have fun."
Kayla Shea'Ryan jessie Sang[
Ryan Sea te Tr oy Seate Jo s hu a Secora 1co le Sedgeley Na n cy Seidel Sydney Seigneur Kayla S h ea Troy Si p es Smith R1th1 Son Ao 1 Sorensen C h e lsea S teiner Meghan S te ll Kate Stelma ck H annah S terlin g Tamara S turda vant Ky le Sullivan Brenna S umner S tep hen Swee t D er ri ck SweseySteven Camy6e((
:£{sa 1lnderson -
Steven Campbell
John M1hlfeith
El s a And e r s on
Mary am M Zadeh
Mehdi Zadeh
Dylan Mahonee
~aron Cash
'Mehdi Zadeh
Not Pictured:
Joseph Alba
Eric Alba
Junior- Pharel Aristide
Dustin Barbee
Ashley Bartos
Venessa Bartosh
Jaymes Bishop
Patrick Bra vo
Cory Bull
Megan Castle
Dianne Pe arl Cayman
Heather DeGroat
Paige DeHerrera
Morgan Dill
Brady Dilworth
Jason Garcia
Shaun Grammer
Gregory Hauserman
Allysa Jordan
Timothy Kenney 11
Paul Klein
Catherine Lankenau
Anna Lara
Binh Le
Shilo L ee
Weston Lohman
Timothy Mayer
Tylor McNulty
Jonathan Moore
Ale x Nguyen
Tiago Nile s
Joshua Ni s wonger
Kalun Noble s
Ja s on Parchman
Vance Payne
Niccole Peri sho
Darryl Preston
Rochelle Robb ins
Cassandra Robert so n
Garrett Sage
Alli s on Seance
Kevin Shultheiss
Lind sey Spencer
Joel Thoma s
Jacob Ward
Erin Weber
Jimmy White
Brett Wil son
Glade Zarn
Throughout your high school e x perienc e , which class did yo u learn the most in ?
B y , Ale x Fehrm a n
Anatomy was my favorite. It provided a good precollege experience. "
Courtney Mayo
" European history with Conroy. He made the class come to life. "
David Newman
"Chemistry with Bryson ; she treated her students more like friends than students. "
Nichole Moneghan •
<J<ememberiny 'i<_yan 7o.£nslon
orcfs for 7?_yan Po£nslon
"J<_yan was a yrealft1end. J never saa b1m WI!houl a sm ile on .his face . Jfe a,11 be mr'sse d by everyone " Poe/f3oc.kbarl.
·'J<_yan was one ofm_y yoodfi'iencfs, J_pfa_yedbaseball Wilh him for a few _years andJm sorry somel.hi'n!J ft£e I.bis badlo ba_p_pen lo a _person h.ke J<_yan. '' 7?yan C>eale.
"J chdn 'I .know J?_yan for a Ion!/ lime, bu/ 1n I.he s.horl lime J chef.know flim Ile made me feela s i/!l've .known him forever. Guer_ylime Jsaw him Jle was smihn!J. " C.van 9osda.
Jbe _pro;ecl of7?_yan 's rails bas been approved. Jbe counl_y badcom_pleledI.he rails aroundJhan.ksyiviny. Jfle_y have also placeda a ?lease lJI~ive C>afef_y '' s.i_yn along w1lb ((!Jn Y7remor_y of7<_yan J.3/de ;/obnslon '' s1.9n. 7?_yan 's fam1fj 1'.s very y,r·ealjulfoI· everyones su_p_po1·/ .7?_yan wrff be remembered1n I.be bearls of!hose hues be /ouched I.he mos!
Making A Diffe
un io r , th e e ni o r of t o m o n·ow. Th e have a lot to look up to moving al o n g o n th e r oad of li fe. S o th e r e f o r they already have plans to make the wo rld a b e tt e r pl ace. " If I co uld m a the world a better place I would h e lp th e h o m e le a nd prov ide b e tt e r h eal h care," said junior Sam Rogers. M a kin g o n e te p b e f o re th e l a t in hi g h c ool the juniors make sure that everyo n e w ill b e afe a nd h a pp y. " If I co uld m e the world a better place there wo uld b e n o m o r e wa r a nd lo t m o r e wo en," said junior Austin Bell. There is al o a m o r e hum o r o u view on h ow to m e the world a better place. ''I would pro v ide m o r e c h oco l a te f o r third wo rld ca ntries,'' said junior Joey Cowen. Wh e th e r e ri o u o r n o t , th e c l a o f 2 00 6 s sure to make us proud.
School Spirit
Stl'phanil' .Ad,llr
Cole Allen
Shon,1 Alm,
:'\l'z.ir .AI-Z.1yl'r
Chn,tophcr Am,.., Jame, Anderl'gg
Ht.>alhl'r Andl'r.,,on
Amand,1 Arch,•)
Je-....c A,ch
Heatht.>r Audc,1rk Saad Bar,1d.1n
:\foll,• B.1rbe.1u
)o,-cph Barda
:\11ch.1cl B.1,em,1nn
Julienne B,lUer
Ju,ttn Becker
Leann Becker
Sh,mdell Beckl'r
Au,tm Bell
D,ml' Benoy
·1chol.v, Bc-.tor
Cha-...• Ba.1nch1
Katd.1nd B1II
~1atthc\, Blam
Bcthan} Bl.1 1r
Amber Blake
.Anl'I Blakem.in
Shawna Bond
Am, Braun
Chri,topht:r Br,n·o
Z.1ch,1rv Br,..,lcr
01.'anna Brook
Ehzalx:th BurCZ) k
Br.idle) Bur ton K.iylc) Bvl
Elder C.ady Rchcb
Emil} C..ilhntCo,
l-.1r .i C.u-<.on
C.hcl,t.>a C,,tron
511.'\'Cn Ch,l\ l'l
Jl'-,,1c,1 Cinnamon
D,mwlh: Cl.lrk
Thom,1' Clark
Am~ C. l.ixton
Kenne t h C ll'mcnt, Lon Cochr,m
Stcphame Cohn
\aler1l Cohn
Du~hn Collcdg'-'
Tiffany Col her
Man-....a Cop.in
De\(>n Corrigan
Ale't,llldl•r Cor,1
Kc\'ln Coughlin
Samul'l (011th
Jo,l'ph Cowl.'n
,\mber Curry
Sh.1c.1r,, Curt1~ Logan Custer
K,1th,•nm• D.1bbs
Cod) D.ihm
Am)' Dane!.; Jame, D.1r9•
N.11h.1n O.uragh
J.icob D:i, e, Ab1i;.11l Davi, Ale,.1ndr.1 D,n 1, J,lmt.>, Deand,1
L1...-i Ddhngt>r
And Demare'-1
:-.tatthew Dewhur-.t
Je""'-' D1d ,on \hch.it>l D1en<.'r
Andrt•a Domga,ud
Tr.n 1, Dopp
Jon.ithon Du, all
\l.1gg1t• Du, .111
Cheryl D' cp.1gnier
Jur.i Eagan
Ang.1r.1g Erdl'net,ogt
1,.11.ih Enck,on
s.,m.intha F.,rrdl
Ah:>-:indt·r Faublt>
Tom Firth
\11.'h,,.1 Fl<.'mmg
Holh<-' Fr.1-.er
Lou1, Garr,1mone
M.itthl'\\ G.1rrett
Ra,hd Garton
Stephani,• G.md10
Jaclyn Gc,t
Robert Gdhmg
D.1mel Gilbert
Mitchell Gilk"-p11.'
Martdl.1 G1lh, S.ir.:ih G1zm,l.,,1 Stl'ph,1m,· Gl.1p.1 C,un:tt Gleaton
\lichacl Coch,.,, Bntan) Gr.:inqu1,t
A,hlc, Gr,l)
Le.ih Green
P,1ul <.,r1e,·n
Rl'l.'c~ca C.,a·cnc
Scott C.ro.;
Z.Kh,111 Croll
D,w,d Cu-.tahon
Darryl Hall
Ol'\\ ,\\'0l' Hall
Soo Hamm
B.1, IL~ Han,cn
Tara H.in-,cn
L.lur,·n H,un,1gcl
Z.1ch.1ry H,1tch
Ry rn Ha),.,
xott Hctkrn.in
T) lor H,·1lman
l .1m•,~.i Ho
Jarob Holl,md
Jame:, Holle) Scott Holll')
:--J1col,• Ho,burgh
Alc:,,mdcr Ho\\ l', Ravmond Huff
Luca, Hugh,·, Am,mda Hurll')'
Grt•gol)' lnnn,1 c1 t o
J\ndn.-1, Jacob,on \I.ix J.1n1t,·J..
Diln1l'I J,mJ..O\ 1.1k
S.imud Jc:nnmg, Col) Jen,en
K.ith,·nnc Jen,._.n
J.1ck Jon,·, Alex,, Kcl11
D.111d 1'.clh.•r
K.1thle, n Kdh
M1ch.1d Keli\
Bnttn.1y Kl'mp•Ry1m
\lch,,a Kenned\
Rcbc:k,1h K,,nnon
1\1:irk Ketchum
~htthtc1, King
Ally,on Knight
Nicole 1'.ov.,c
,\,hie) Krtm1ch
C.Jrrctt LJnn,J..1
Jdfrc:y LA1k cr J.m L1mcr
Kcll1c L.rnku11, , Koh.- Ll'1d1ch
St.ltl')' l e1, c:rJ..t· Anna l.1cb
Su,,m Lmd,;.iy
Rob,•rl Long
)t•nn,1 Lopc:.i:
Eh.1,1bdh lovoy•A) c:"
),1) ,en l.uckmbill
),•nmfc:r .M,1ck
K,1thn n \1alonC:)
!:il',ln ~!alone)
T.m h,1 ,\l:mn
Sc,1n \l.irhnt•.1
J\.fc.gh.1n l\lcC.irth}
Bo\ l,HI \lcConk
Z,1ch.tr) .r.fcCrc:,,r)
Jc:,,,1,.1 l\!cDonough
C.irl McEncrOl'
Best excuse for being late to class:
By K. Dabbs"I was going to the bathroom , you can 't rush that kind of thing. "
-Daniel Gilbert
Nichole Resnick
"I thought it was the weekend. " - Britton Russell
Cameron !',I) n,· ~fono Pena
Tyll'r Pennl'I
S.u,1h Picon
}lhhu,1 Pmkl'ml'II Tyll'r Polh11l
Kendra Pre"
S.1manth,1 Pruc1t1
Holl) R,1dd1ffo Enc R,11chart
Jo,,·ph R.nchart
Alexandl'r Ranfr.1n;:
Ju,tm Ratd1ffo
7,.1char,· Ra, ey
Andrl'w Rayburn Tt.'rr,1 Rl'ed
:'\u:oll' Rc,mck
Rohm Richard, Evan Riddell
LJur.1 R1dg,·
M1Cha,•I Rizzuto
Philip Roger.
Samul'! Roger-.
Rochelll.' Rold,1n
T.1ylor Romano,,·,lo
T 1moth, Ro,-so\\
K,1tnn.1 Rowll')'
J.1m._., RudmcJ..1
All',andr .l Runge
Bntton Ru-.~11
P.1tnck Ry.in R)an Sack
!l.f tchl'lle S.undon
Katclm Sandl'r-, Amber Sangi
Brookl' S,tul'r Kimberl) !:>chcnck
Chn,tianc Schiller
Robert Schnaut;: Devin Scho,,
!\.fel.1n1e Scoh) Colton Sl'Caf)
Cor,·1 ::,he, ,lt:1
Au,t1n Shl.'lton
Ch,,, Sh,·nd,,n
K,·, in Sh1dd,
Brandon Simmon, MerlL· Sk , •(·n,
S.1m.inth.1 51Jter
J..::1r,11·n Sl,·tt,•n Cl('rrJ Smith
Ke lli Smith
5(-,,n Smith
Andrew SpJtL
J,1cob Sp,:nc..-r
R) ,ln Spr,1ckhng
oy and girl are alway competing, whether about grade , port , tyle, or even cars. But thi i here to put an end to thi battle forever. One hundred Golden High School tudent were a ked ome ba ic que tion about the oppo ite ex. '' I think it take boy like only 10 minute at max to get ready becau e they ju t throw on omething and leave, " aid junior Taylor Romona ki. Only, on average, it tum out that it take guy at max about 20 minute to get ready in the morning. Phy ical attraction i a main point of intere t between boy and girl . ''I hope mo t girl look at eye , because I have blue eye ," junior Devin Schow aid. Another key i sue between boy and girls i who know who better. '' Mo t girl know guy better than guy know u ," said junior Bay lee Han en. Well, after lot of investigating, the an wer to that mo t annoying que tion came up,''Who know s who better?'' It tum out the guy won. They an wered the mo t que tion right. So what ... at lea t girl are mart er! Right girls? No matter who i better, the e day will have an impre ion on the re t of our liv e .
ls.am Tuckcr
A-.h lc\ Twiford
Jo,e \ .1Jenci.1
Byron \'all
Ryan\ and1mbro..'kl•
\l.\tthe\, \'eg.1
\fon1ca \'cr---1,,
A,hlc) \'1g1l
\fcgan \'1g1l
Ju,hn \'mc,·nt
Timoth} \'ogcl
Ste, en \\ alkcr
J.1mic \\'alth;ill
Dongchen \\',rng
Chen I \\ .ud
Kendra \\ arren
Au,trn \\'at,on
Oh\'la \\'at~on
Brcnt \\'cg,chc1der
Bntt;in)' \\ <'•den
:--:1<:holc \\'hth.'
:--1chol;i~ \\'1e,for-.p.1hn
Fr;inJ..ee \\'ilkm,
Renee \\'111.ud
Chn,topher \\'ille,·
E, an \\'1lham, Ror) \\'1lham, Lcc \\'11,on
Kevin \\'1t,bchck
AH,ne \\'1ttm,·r
Brendon \\'nght
R)an \\\•.,tt
Jc ,ca Yoakum
Aaron Young
Thoma, Ziegler
Movin' on
M y friend k ee p m e m o ti vate d a nd h elp e maintain my focus," said sophomor e Sarah 01Ti . With e ve r yday tr e e , it is hard to fmd a focus or some e nthu ia m t o h e lp yo u thr o u g h th e da y. very so often, students find ways to h e lp th e m focu " M o unt ai n D ew a nd ca eine while listening to techno helps m e focu , " ai d ophomore Mik e Bri c k e and Nick Ridder. While that seems to work for o m e p eop le, o th e r find diffe ent things in life that motivate them.
" I l ook to c ho o l a the o n e way of m ak in my life successful," said sophomore Ja ck on Sutherland. Even thou g h m o t w uld turn to no one, some look higher up for o m e e nthu ia m. " M y pare nt ke p me motivated," said sophomore H ea th e r William .
Geffln' hmped Piper Weston and Molly Wright get pumpecJ for the class competitions. This yeartherewasacreampieeatingrontest, and of a>urse Mr. and Mr Cool
Christina Smith and Bmily Ranfranz stop to pose dunng the Homecoming <:arruval ~year'scatn1valhad Jots of games and: a ton or fOC>d
Amir Abdulhu,,em
Kathl'nnl' Ad.11r
A,hlc1gh r\dam, Kell) Albano
!\fJtth._." Albn·cht
j,,ydc Aldl'rman
Geno.1 Alc,.1ndcr ,\ll', Ammlln
J.1zlln Apphn
1.yndk Archult'ta
Dtcrd.: B.11le)'
:-.:ichola" Baldev,u1
L.nirt'n Baltz
Tar.i Barzan11 ~fa1 Bauer
Ca11lm Baumann
J.:ikl' B.-ard
,\hchell,· B1.-sehlcr
Jame, (ko,>tham
T.ira Bchrcn, Stace) Bell
Thoma~ Bl'II
Codi Bement
De,1rJl' Bement
Roland Berger
Jonathan Bertrand
Danit·! Bmklc)'
Lmctll' Bird
George Bollmgcr
S~nccr BoltL
Yoland.1 Br.>n11l.i
Caitlin 80\,cr,
N,1th.1n Br.1ndo\,
Robtrt Braun.igd
Kn~llna Br.i, o
Jl.lkh.il'I Bricker
Ti,ha Brott
Chw,topher Brown
Jc,,1ca Bro\\ n
C.a~c} Burkman
Chehcr Bu,h
C..ibnclll' Bu,h
Chri~tophl'T (,1ccre,
S.uah (.-ilvcrl
Clinton Cah\'II
'11coll Campbell
Conr,1d C.irtcr
Br.indi C.,,._.y
L1nd,.1) (avan.-iugh
L1h Cha,
Andrew Chapin
Connor (h,1pnt.ln
Lydi,l Cl.uk
Danu,•l Clement
),hon Clcrkm
7A1ch Cl<.'n•land
Emm,1 Ch,b) Colton Colll·dgl.'
Rill'\ Conw.,y David Coopl.'r
H1lJr) Cor,1
Noni Cowan Griffin Cox
Cht+•l.'a Cr.id)
D.:inll'llc• Crl.'vhng
Andre" Cro,, Chn,tophl.'r Culll.'n TJ!t.',lh (ummm,
11.t.,tthc·,\ C. unningh.:im lri, O.n 1d,on
1\follon• DJ, 1, l..lurl'n D,1\·1,on &,m Ot'iln
E, ,m Deherrera \taxwell Dt'lmon1co
\fork. Deluca, Trl.'\ or Dolce he I,..
At...>- Dominguez Jenn,, Don
T,1wnv Dn.•,ler
C.olhn Dumbldon
K,le Durhn
D.:ilc Ekbt.,rg
Jo,hua Elliott
Jakup Euler Bnan E,anl-.o
Kcl,c,· E,, l.'r-.
J,lCob F1ddmg
M.:iur.:i Firth
Anthon)' Flc'UI) Ambl.'r Flo,,l.'r,
Bntnc Fr,1nk, D.-iralou franl,...,
1'.athrvn French
Luca, Fntz
Peter Furnc,,
1'.atrm.i Gabt'l Samud G,1hoto
;1.latthe,, G.ill.igher
C,l•nn.1 G.1lkgl''\:1chola, Galluu·o
\I.ix C,,m, Kamcron C,atl.',
D.wid C..audrc•au
Jcr.1m1c C,l•rhardt
l,1n Gilbra1th
"-ath.1nacl G1ll,1n Robert C,11lcttc
Rcbccc 1 C..1lh, J<..ri..,t\ n C.ochcnou r
H,mn,1h (.(X'dPrt
l\:.ith,1n Go..•rg,·n
sop h o m o res 11,
Enc Goldman
Jdfrev Gold,tcm
}Ot')' Gomez
Ht'nbt'rto Gonzale, Jtmniler Goodt'rham
Evan Go,d.1
Blake Green
8r.1dy Gro,·e
xott Guile)
Lauren Hall
J.1m1e Hamilton
H,wlt')' Hancock
Andre\\ H.mnemann
Charle-. H.uder
lt'ah Harns
Amand.1 Hart
Heather Hartman
\luhamad Ha,oon
Grace Haui;ham
Sarah Hebbcrd
\1,1tthew Hediger
Jared Herzing
Hannah Hodge,
Jordan Hogan
Rachel Holmgren
Cory Howrev
Claiw Hudson
H1l.1r) Huff
Tre, ar Hupf
Armando lb.Hra
Sar.1h lp,on
Ken J,hmael
Ben1,1mm J.iclt,on
La hawnda John,on
Alh'>on Jone, Kri,topher Jozw1k
Chn,tma Kanai
Chd'>\?a 1-.eene,
Kry,tal K1lpatr1ck
Jcnnifor Klein
Timothy Klem
Sto.'v.:n Knud,on
Mtehael Koch
Rebecca Kn,g,tem
Je,,,1ca k\\ ak
Samuel L.1fake
Lenette Lar-.on
Suz.1nnl' Lar-.on
Erin Larw1ck
A-.hley Lew"
Kory Lewis
Eh,abl'th Lmd,ay
Andru, Lorcn.1
T1molh) Lo, .:ito
Br.:idley LubJ..cm,1n
Shawn o •:-,.:eill
v.,no.:,-..1 Ortiz
Laur,, 0...bornl.'
Aheta 0,11.:n,t,n
Jl.',"c-a °'" ood
)t'n1c.1 Ottero
Bntto1n, 0 dl.'11 ,
T1tt any Palm,·r
T,1ro1 Path,•
J.1cob P,Jtt1"-0n
:\faggi<· Pattndg,'
J.1cob P,w h!
Cob)' Pearce
Efren Pen,, ~ata,ha PeIT)
A,ti Pl.'11.'r--on
2.lchary Petl.'r--on
Chn,topher Pet1to1:rc
Holhe P,ckenng
He,1th,•r Pierce
:\lan,-..1 P1dr,1fo,o
Kl'ndal Pil..e
Nicole P1!..I.'
Jennifer Popp
Lyz.i Po,c}
All.'xander Proha,ka
Amanda Pro,
F.mil) R.1nfr,1nz
P.iul Rappmund
Chn,,tm,1 Rl.'dmond
Du,tan R1:cd
Kenneth Recd JR
Jo,hu.i Reinhard
Jorec Rcmpl'l
N1chc1la, Ridder
Timothy R,ord,m
"-.ithlccn Robm~un
Cod)" Rodl.'n
Anah,., Romano
Shiloh Ro,,
Aryan Sal'td
A,hle1gh S;ingl
Anthony Sant1,tl.', an Sh.im, Sayed
Kenneth Sc,1lly
C.harlott1: Sc,mc,
Grant Schogcr
Andr,·,,· Schu l lL
Scott Schu~tcr
Scott Seitz
Chn,tophcr Sclccr
Nicolo.: Senf
Mattho.:w Sh.ifor
Mh.id 511, a :-V11.'li,,a Sipe, S.imucl S1pkm
omeone' got a ca e of the Mon-day . Nobody like Monday because it means the beginning of another long week. Sophomore Dustin Reed aid, ''I hate Monday morning b ecau e I can't leep in again until Saturday.'' Well, yeah, that ' true, but if you don't like Monday then What' your favorite day of the w ee k ?
Sohomore Ellye Newman aid, ' ' Definitely Friday. ' ' So I gue that the only thing that would make tho e dreadful Monday morning a littl e better would be if we could just leep in a little bit longer, but ince that' not going to happen, we ju t need to think po itive and drag our elve to school. Be ide , we could look forward the fact that Monday mean only 5 more day until Friday. Senior Gab e Pollock aid, ''The fir t thing I do after chool every day is go to the gym.'' Well, the fir s t thin g a Jot of kids do i go home and leep. Friday nights mean fun time with friend s or family . S e nior
1 Tick Robin on aid, ''My friend and I end up going to the movie ." There are a lot of plac es you can hang out on Friday night . There i the mall, the movie , or even go out to dinner. '' I like to have my friend spend the night after we go to the mall,'' said ophomore Lydia Clark. Wherever you have you pend your Monday or Friday , ummer i ju t around the comer.
Rob(>rl Tortora
Au,hn TO\\ n,cnd
Chr1'tmc Truman
Ananda \ olenzuda
Luca, \',lit-nu, 1'..1mt-erly \'ondu\ n \ an~,,,, \\,nturt."t
Skyler\ 1d.CI)"
Stephen \ ' ondrt>t>k Rachael \\ i.lch, !'.11ch.id \\ agnl'r
Jdfn y \\alkl•r
John.ithon \\ .ilkup Todd \\ Jllh
Kd...,..} \\".1mcr Jo,cph \\' arrcn
John.1than \\'.uny Piper \\"e,ton Andrew \\'h1tchead
Dall.1, \\ ih.>,
Bnan \\ 1lh,1m,
HeJther \\ 1lh.1m, S.,lly \\'11,on
Brandon \\' ohl
T1moth\ \\'ola, er Keith \\' ood
!1.1oll) \\'right Samuel \\'right
lndi.1 \\\ att
\.hchell, Yo~ng Kvlc 'loung, Jo-.cph Z.1b.1 \ alcm: Ztnko
He1d1 Baumer Kaysey Be,ud Heather Becker
Amanda Beren!' Demetra Berg
Dao Blanchard A~hley Bloom
Mindy Blythc
J..:atelyn Bolding Whitney Bolton
Laurcn Boltz
Ka ty Bone<-10 Taylor Bo5co
Au~tin Brabec
Julian Bravo
Ah.'xandra Bre,,Jer
Z,,chary Brodcnus
Br.-indon Brown
J\fatthew Brunel
Bry.ln Bru,;enbach
Bay.-ird Bryan
Jordan Bull
Timothy Burru,s
Anthony Caravella
Anthony (arbone
Jacob C.-irl~on
Jordan Caro
Chn,tina Carrano
Andrew ChambJe,,s Carly Chapple
Ashley Chi'-m
S.ir.1 Coble
Sh.iwn Coble
Ali~• Cohen
Vel.11r Colhn"
Rd,,:cc.1 Conklin
Luke Contrera, Tony Cordov.1
C.iyce Cornett
Catherinl• Co:1.
!\f.itthew Crow
K1m~rly Cubbon
Rr,1n Curne
'ichola, D.1hl
Andrei, D.,nidl·
Ccn'>C D.ivcy
Anthony D~-carlo
7..ach Degro.it
Dylan D1lk'
Jacob Dillon
L1-,a Doklwn
Danielle Dolan
Luis Dominguez
Agne,- Dondehnger
Kcv1n Douglas
Lcn1.1 Dre1hng
)chhua Dro,t
Daniel Du-,dal
Taylor Eagen
Sean Edward.,
Bnanna Eng,trom
l..a") Eng,trom
Coral Encl.,.,on
K.1m,yn EncJ..,on
Alex F.ib1,1.1k
Chn,-topher Farky
Peter F.irnn
)o'-hua Feather
Zen.1 F1onno
Samantha Fi,her
Hannah Fleming
Gregory Fhnk
C.1rlie Ford
M1ch,1el Gagnon
Codr Galioto
Jenn.1 Garrett
Stephan G.urett
Ry.1n G,1ylord
Kylie Gt?hrke
Benjamin Geiger
Am~r Ge,.,mg
~tar--hall G1llt?,,p1c
M.1ggn• Gilli, Quinton C1lroy \\'aller Gt,,..._, Lui, Godoj
Jod t-.tatobJ
c.,~y \t.lyo
M.itthew McDon.ild
Jordan McGregor
lukt.> \kllwee
Sk\'t.'n !\lcl<endry Shani.' \feeh,1n
Angelo \feJi.:i
A-.hlcv t-.fern,k
Ly nae M<:) t.'r
K.1thko:n :'\fryer, K.ithcnnl' l\.f1lhndl.'r
Z.ied.i M1zt.>ll ),lime Mont.iho
Je ,1ca Montana
\.fontemavor ,
P.irker Moody
Ehz at>eth Moore
Shannon \loore
~tt.>phante Morale-.
Dt.'rek l\.1oran
Anthony .\forgan
Andra ~forn-.
Jo,-eph Morn-..
Kelly Morn-.
0.ll ton Moyer
~,cole Moyer
Je ,,ca M) t'rc.
Kt.>lhe M)lko
)t.>ffrey :,..;ar k tew10
Jo,hu.i \l\.'il(C-.l
Bn.in N'i.+,on
Rhiann.i N'el,on
Robin Neumap,r
Robert Newbt.>rg
Andre" Nguyt.>n Sh,me '\:1.i
C,,.,._,y Nimmer
]O~t'ph Niswonger
Luc.i, Noblt.'
Harmony No,ker
Elizabeth O'Brien
Je,-.ica O Connor Juha Odom
O.:in1t.'l Ohv"'
St.'.in O'Reilly
Brett J'ad11la <..cha Padilla
,1c.igan P.1d11la
0.1,·1d Palcsak
A.,hJer Palmer
Marcu, Parchm.ir.
Che l,t.'d Perez
Mich,1el Pc l t.'r<-on
~kphan1c Pt!ler<.on
M.ucu~ Port<' r
K.,tc Pott,•r
Shd,.-n,1 Pro,k1
Kern Provine
Logan l'rucatl
Andre\, Pyburn
Johnnv Rah.,dan
Be.iu R:1dov1,h
M.1ttht:\\ Rahi)
, \ hca.:a Ramo, St,•phamc Ram,t,·tt<'r
Katrin., Randolph JJrcd Ratda lt
Lmd,,•y R,1tkit!\, 10 Scan Rath.•di;c
Ab1ga1l R,•n,1ud ]dire) Ra,hard,on
Rcb..·cc.1 Rohbm, Jo,hua R<lbcrt, l\f1chdl,• Robl,'e
Am) Roger, M,ucu, Rogc r,
Derck Rom,,ro
He, 1 S,it:id
~!organ 5am, Beth.in) S.1ndcr, f,,) lor S.1nd, R1Chi1rd S.:hli1uch Rachel S.:hlukr
Hc.1th1:r S<hm.1dcr
Ka) I.I S.:hultz
K, lcS.:hultz
Juhe S.:oh)
K} I,• S.:-cn
Antht>n) ~-rah T) Sh,ilfer
unchtime for so me is the be s t part of the sc hool day Most meet up wi th friend s, go out to lun ch , or s ta y at sc hool. Fre s hm an Nick Ridder sa id , " I do not have enough tim e at lun ch b eca u se I wa l k to p l aces whenever I go out to ea t ." That brings up the n ext que stio n : do cars make people co m e back to school on time or not? Fre s hman Erik Sorvig sa id, " It d epe nd s o n th e driver " Fres hman Peter Farrin said he wa l ks to places when h e goes out to lu nch because h e isn' t o ld enough to drive yet. So doe s h e ever co me ba ck t o sc ho o l early? He replied by db,.....: com m enting, " Yeah, if I go to Domino's." H e a l so sa id that h e h as come back l ate one time whe11 h e went to Taco Bell becau se h e h a d to wa l k there . Fre shman Naya Drei ling was as k e d if s h e could change two thing s about lun ch time and s h e sai d , " I would mak e lunch lon ge r and th en mak e it a little more longer." fr eshmen
YII hJtM, ,1ass ef-
Daniel Sh.:-tfidd
Stcph.1nie Sheldon
Cullen 5te\, crt
• '1chola, Simon
Kaile)' Sia, en Cod) Smail
Cortne} Smith
(l'C1ly Sohz
Ju~tm Sop<'r EnkSon1g
Connor Stokl.">
Ml-gan Straley
S.im,1ntha Stroh
D.-r.-k Sturdavant
Ca1tlm Suhk Stt>, ,:n Suth,·r ~1chol,,... S" cet Alexand,·r Tavlor
C,,m\'ron Tcrmm-ficdl,'r Al\'xand r:i 1 err\'
!\1.llcolm Thoma,
Da, m Tim
,\arcin Tobma
,\lc,.,md\'r Tracy
Jord.in TraC)
Aubr.•y Tr.:imontma
K)IC Trout
J.1col, Tuttle
Chn-,11:n T) u, M1ch.i,:I \'andnmmv Gerald \'.:inner Sh.iwna \'.mom
Paul \'cm1g
Shelbi Vickery
J.icob \Valli,
~o.ih \\'all,, Ju,un \\'alton
Emil) \\',u,·ham
Ka, h.>l' \\'.:it,on N1chola, \\'c1chd R1k1 \\.dch Courtn,•y \\ cllcr
D,1kota \\ t>rn,•r
A,hll'y \ \ 'h1tc
Mark \\h1t,•h,·.1d Erik \\'1ffm
L.:1ur,•n \\'11,on Kob,• W1tll'k
~.1t.1hc \\'1t1m.in
®ffi) fooUJ au
So,•ng \\\,o Brittni \\'ood
Chhw \\'ood
K,hl) o,1kum
St,·ph.ina,• Zt,•glcr
Livin' it up--------'
Teac h e r ar e upp o e d t o imp a c t th e l ive of th e ir tu de nt · howev e r , students leave impre i o n o n th e ir teac h e r a w e ll " St ud e nt h ave imp ac te d y life in seve ral way The mi c hi evo u on e h ave dri ve n m e t o e ek co un e li g on a wee kl y ba i Th e kind a nd foc u e d tud e nt g iv e m e h o p e f o r th e hu an race, and a re a on t o l oo k f orw ard t o th e f uture. Stud e nt a r e a l o gr eat a t utting my life int o p e r s p ec ti ve , and lig htin g up m y day, " a id M r. K o tt ca mp . St dents ch a nge th e li ve o f t eac h e r a nd g ive th e m th e opp o rtuni ty to b e l e a ers as we ll a te a c h er . " M y tud e n t teac h m e a b o u t m y e lf. Wh a t I kn ow, r think I kn ow, th e ir qu e ti o n f o r ce m e t o ee k m o r e info rm a ti o n . I learn a t ey learn.
To a d eg r ee, we ar e l ea rn i n g t og e th e r ," a id Mr Ohl e n
\ t o\: in t o th e G ro v in Danci n g\\ 1th h is fanc} he, Doc Van der Laan tnes h is best t o entertain the class Stuck 1n T ime lr \\ es t e r camp dresses hke a h1pp1e 1n th,s) car's H omecoming assembl)
cs the Impression
very student walks into hi or h e r fir s t cl ass on th e fir s t da y of school trying to make an impre sion. " Wh e n I1 m tryin g to make an impression to teachers, I usually to s u ck up a nd look m y b es t,'' said senior John Mihlfeith. No matter ho yo u ar e tr y in g to mak e a n impressiorz on, eithe.ryour teach.et; old friends or y our cru s h , y our fir s t i1 n pression not only lasts the entire year but for a life tim e.
Senf ~rtd W thei.thardw change anyt awdb
by a -.oro:n~ :i r
It all adds up in the end
When most people hear the word math, they think of boring equations with tons of number s and maybe some letters here and there. GHS offers a lot of different math programs, all depending upon what you lik e. There is IMP (Interactive Math Program) which is more word problems. There is also Calculus , Geometry and also your regular old Algebra. '' Geometry i s part of our life skill s ," expressed sophmore Chris tine Truman. Only two years of math are required, but most students take it throughout high school .
Teaching ' in New Ways
R ea din g U p
Freshman Shane Meeham begin-, to read a passage from h1, literature book "I lo\ e Engh,h class because of all the fun proiects \', e do," said Shane
Writin g S to ries
Junior Ke\ 1n Coughhn \\ orks hard 1n English class to complete a story "Wnt1ng stones lets me shO\\' ffi) creati\ e side," said Ke,·1n photo b) b kdl~y
Fi ni s h e d Ta s k
Kasi Yoakum, a freshman, completes a paper 1n English "I hke English becau,e it'> easter than math," said Kasi
Workin g H a rd
Jordan Hogan works hard on an Enghsh paper 1n Miss C ross's sixth block class "English 1s fun because we get to \•vntc persuasive papers that sho\v our point of v1ev1," sa id Jordan.
Gr-1mmar T es t
rr,·-.h n1en A s hle y John s on ,,·ork s o n gca n,mar in M rs. Lo n gs1ne's seve nth p eriod En g li s h cla ss " Thi s yea r ,n En g li s h I h, ve learned s o man y m o r e th in gs ab o ut ;; ramn, ar and pr o p er s p eech, " aid Ashle y.
S ho wi n g Off Max Sn-nth displays h1-. To Kill a tvl ock1ngb1rd proiec t ,n t-.. 1rs Boian ' -. -;e, enth period Englt-.h cla.,s " To K,11 a tv1oc\.. 1ngb 1rd ' '-·a.., m) fa\'onte book -.o far th1..., } ear," said l'v1ax
T e am Effo rt
Katie Bo\\. ers and Jordan Hogan ''" ark hard on a pro1ect 1n Engh s h " Although 1t' .., tough ,, ork , group pro1ect s are my fa,orite, ' said Katie
S tud y i ng H a rd
Chnsttna Kanq1 \\Orks on a study guide for Mr Klug ' -; ... op homore Englt.-;h clas.-; "English 1-. the one cla-.-. that I look for, , ard to all da\ ," ..,aid Ch ri s hna ph o to b\ ._, l\ht chd l
r t h e En g l i s h d e p a rtm e nt thi s yea r, n ot only
a r e th e r e n ew En g li s h teach e r s , but t h ere i s
a lso a n ew curri c ulum to go w ith it. Go ld en Hi g h Sc h ool o ff e r s AP a nd h o n o r s co ur s e s in a ll g r a d e l eve l s, w ith ove r 125 s tud e nt s c11rr e ntl y e n ro ll ed in th em . M o ll y Wri g ht sa id," I l ove t aking h o n o r s co u r s e s b eca u s e I l ove a ll of th e ch a ll e n ge s th at co m e wi th i t. " With thi s n ew curr ic ulum, s o m a n y m ore thin g s are no w a pp ea l in g to th e s tud e n t s Ly di a C l a rk 's favorite p a rt o f En g l is h i s," R ea din g th e n ew b ooks a n d h av in g cl a ss d i sc u ss i o n s " Thi s year's n ew cur ri culu m i s promis in g t o keep t h e s tud e nts in vo lve d is th e cl a ss r oom a nd th e i r inte r es ts p eaked .
B ast rom
Where students learn more about the world
Group Pro jec t
Freshmen Tommy Agrodn1a and Enc Hartzell look. at a map for a pro1ect 1n Geograph} class Enc said " It' .., cool learning about different place.., 1n the \-vorld "
Ge t ting Ready
Sophomore Chelsea Keene} prepares to give a pre.,entation for Mrs Pearce s AP American H1.,tory class Sophomore Chnc:; Bro\.\. n said, "It's 1nteresting, but difficult to learn " photo by r r.imir~;
Busy writin g
Sen ior Beth De Wys writes a paper for Mr Myers' Amcncan History class She said, "I love l earn in g and wnt1ng about history, there's so much information"
S tudying hard
Jun1ors Sarah G1zinsk1 and Melanie Scohy go over notes to prepare for th eir test Melanie said, "It's cool \-vhen you can \--VOrk 1n groups to 'itud y for history because you learn every thing quicker."
Coa.temp l ating
un1or James Dare) .,tud1es notes 1n ptt>paraqhon for an a">sembh Sophomore Suzanne La r..,on ,a i d, "In Student Counot ever\ one 1s so nice to each other, and we hav~ so m u ch fun together "
Leading the Way
Working Hard Chelsea Keene, \VOrks hard on fin1sh1ng plan, for a fundra1s1ng event "Vve work reall 1 hard 1n Student Council 1n and out of school , '' -.aid Cheh,ea (Photo b) K Mitchell)
Fund rai s in g Emil) Wareham , a fre-.hman repres entative , wortks hard po.,ting sign s for a fundra1scr "Student Coun c il 1s my fa" onte class," said Emily (Photo b\ K Mitchell)
lanning a ll of the school function s i s n ' t all that tl-le members of s tudent co un cil do Thought that in i s se lf i s ve r y taxin g and a huge undertaking. Th ey also rai se mone y for ch a ritie s and hold different fundra s ing even ts for s po11 so red organization s. " Planning the dan ces is not all that we do ," sa id Tara Pattie the so phomore pre s ident . There are many different committees in s tudent council that a ll h ave different projects going on s imultaneou s ly.
" My favorite commi ttee is comm unity se rvi ce be ca u se I lo ve the feeling that I get from helping other p eop le, a nd you meet a lot of g reat people too," sai d Brooke Sauer a junior who is s tudent body sec ret a r y and treas ur e. Tl1.i s year s tudent counci l memb erc:; acc uratel y repre se nt the s tudent body. academics 1-11
creative C asses
Art comes in many different types
Int e n se
Senior Andrea Lar~on car\ e:c. her sculpture· \.Yhen ,, e got our glazed things back 1t ,, as like Chri-.tma~ she said
P ic tur e Thi s Senior L1._a Carr zooms 1n on a picture " I hke taking pictures becau:c.e 1t s fun and good for the '-oul," added Ah Watson
Hard at Work
Freshman Andre\v Daniele draws his rough draft of cups "Sketchbook ass ignments gn e me a chance to dra\, "' ho I am," said H eather Degroat
Pictur e P erfe c t Sophomore Da\ 1d Gaudreau dra\\'', buddings " Be t ter dra\, 1ng because so I can learn about --hading and dra,, 1ng be t ter "
Art at Wo rk
F reshman Ellie Gustafson \Vorks on her final dra\\ 1ng 'What I hope to learn this year is dra,, ing better faces,"said Blake Green
b) b kctlcy ..._ Who i s That Ma s ked Man ?
Sophomore R1th1 Son dra,-.,s his final so he can turn It 1n on time "tv1v fa, orite , project 1s -;treched faces,' said Sk, !er Vicker\
Tapp in g into C rea tivi ty
Senior Ashleigh Po,, ell taps a,\ a, to make a\\ esome designs on her art\\ ork. "!\,f } most challang1ng piece I had done \\ as t he arch1tec tor pro1ect because I couldn't find an, to make into a piece of 1ev,elr} "
by b
' /
Art is s omething great to everyone. It comes in many different ways, like Photograph y, Drawing, Ceramics, Painting, and Jewelry. To some people art is not a thing , it is a form of life or creation. Students at Golden express themselves through art every day and they don ' t know it. Senior Chloe Lewis sa id , '' It allows you to be creative and exercise the colorful parts of your brain. " Or some s tudent s plan on being a pro. '' I plan on becoming a photo journali s t after high sc hool. I fee l that this profession could take me far in life and I love doing it,'' said Shara Ayers. Other
Finis h
~n1 o r s A s hl ey L ut 7, C h loe Le\ v1s, Lisa
Carr a nd La r issa Demal t ens look throu g h a sc ra p boo k " I lik e ta k ing picture., b ecause \ \'h at ) ou ca tch 1n t he <,nap 1 fa p ictu re is a once 1n a li fe t ime thi n g," sai d As h le \
students just love art. '' I lo ve art, a nd I thought that it would be a diffrent type of ar t I would like," said junior Abigail Davi s who i s taking jewelry.
Photolong with many thin gs that have changed at Golden High School, the co nsu mer and family s tudie s teachers a r e among them. ew to the s taff thi s yea r is Helen McLaughlin, who tea che s foods and relation ships Mrs. McLauglin took the pl ace of Georganne Kahler. Most s tudents remember Mrs. Kahler as the teacher who brought fun and laughter to her cla ss room . ew to the s taff la s t year i s Scott Westerkamp . Mr. Westerkamp 1s brand new to te ac hing . He te ac he s pro s tart and interior de s ign . Mr . Westerkamp i s also known for making hi s class interesting and exciting Student Kelly Mitchell said, " Mr . Westerkamp's class was a lways en tert a mu 1ng academics 1-1s
coo prostart students build skills
enior Lis a Carr loves digging into Pro s tart ' s food. '' I took Prostart be cau s e I wanted to learn how to cook awe s ome food ," s aid senior Ashley Lutz. Pro s tart is a cla s s for students who want to do culinary arts or are just really interested in food and how to create food in amazing s tyles. Some students take it because they think its a great way to learn how to cook so when they get out into the big world they know how to cook for themselves or for others. Prostart is a great class for everyone to take because of all the amazing things you will learn. Prostart this year was fun for so many students, even peop l e who didn ' t have the class
Lea ders of Tomorrow Students work to improve public speaking ability
oren s ics i s a fa s t growing cla ss th a t s tud e nt s are beginning to appreciate mor e and m o r e. This cla ss is getting more popular du e to man y rea s ons. One of tho s e rea s on s could b e that s tud e nt s ar e barely s tarting to reali z e that signing up for Fore n s ics is the be s t way to overcome a public s pe a king fear th a t many people have. Senior Kelli Viets s aid, 0 W e do for fun what mo s t people fear more than death . Or, ma y be it i s becau s e thi s year two different t y p es wer e a dd e d t o the list of Foren s ics cla ss e s to give the s tude11t s mor e of a variety s o they can pick wl1atever they a re inte r es t e d in When a s ked wh y he liked the cla ss, Junior Loga 11 Cu s ter s aid, " We ' re loud, we ' re obnoxiou s, a nd p e opl e love u s." Whatever the rea s on, Fore11 s ics i s defin a t e ly becoming more popular. a cad e mi cs 1-17
Experiments, labs ,
an so much more
Ea rth Scie n ce R ocks
Frec;hmen Derek ~foran and Danielle Klimek learn 1ntere.,t1 ng fach about rock" " I lo, e learning about ho," the Earth l"forn1ed ,' aid Derek
Go in g Fa r Juniors l\teh., a Flen11ng and Leah C,reen a\, a,t the rec;ulh of their Ph, -,1c'> expenment ~tehssa aid " J hke doing the<.e ach\ 1hes 1n Ph) ,cs " ph o to b ) p.idill.i
Ge tt i n g th e job done
Junior Christina Schiller and '-enior K1n1 Kruchen \ vork hard while tr} 1ng to f1n1..,h their rocket 1n Ph} !:>ICs clas.., "This \\ a.., def1n1tely m) favorite part of Ph, -.1c-. class," said Christina
Usi n g Te chnology
Doc," -.a id N 1ck
Vvork time
Seniors Dana Garrett and Ashle, Noonan work together on an Anatom) pro1ect Ashley s aid , "Science 1s not a bad thing \\ hen so much good can con1e out of 1t. "
Ready for Take-Off Junior.:; Dee 07ba) and Brooke Sauer prepare to launch their rocket Dee -,a,d, "E, er} one lool-.s for\, ard to ,, atching the rocketc; being launched "
Studying Hard Freshman R) an (urne get-. ready for an Earth Soence test H e said "1 learned a lot about the Ear th that I never kne,,· before"
Se ni ors Emil} Kolo, and Cathenne Lankenau ,, ork on a Chem lab Em1h ..,a,d, 'Chem1stn l', the onh sub1ect" here \ ou can blo\\ up an egg and call 1t educational'" photo b\' p.1d11l.1
o matter w hi ch scie nce class yo u are taking at CHS, a ll of them are packed wi th fun experiments and lab that make it interesting to learn about a11y par t of science
Whether it is building a nd launching yo ur own rocket in Physics or dissecting a pig in Biology, yo u are sure to ha ve a favori t e class that you wil l never forget. Senior Kim Kruchen said, " I' ll take a chem demo over so me pin g-pong pandemonium any day. " Many people agree th a t Chemi stry is a must-take cla ss and i s the most interes tin g o ut of any scie nce offered here. Senior Maggie Ri ordan said, "Tl1 e be s t experiment was when we made the tie-dye s hirt s." So hopefully everyone will find a sci ence cl ass th at they w ill sure ly remember!
Feel T h e Bum
Freshman Zoe Hatch prepare., to shO\\ \\ hat she s made of as -:,he performs a squat Specialized \\ or~out techniques are performed b\ students each \\.'eight room\ 1s1t
Prachce M akes Pe rfect
Fre,;hman Paul\ emigpracticesh1s shooting techniques 1n the small gym The pla\ 1ng of basketball 1s a fundemental part of the course expectations photo b\ ,\ fohrm,\n
Thi s I s Ho w I t's Don e
Senior Derek Nelson demonstarates ho\-v to correc tl y perform a 115 pound bench press
Ga me Face 51.:;uor /ac Sm i th b r aces h i msel f for an undoubted ly hca, \ load abou t to be underta ke n by hi s chest 1n a bench-press.
H o w H ig h Can Yo u Go? 51:x-foot-7 senior Ben Jenk.ins goes up for a rouhne dunk during g, m clas'> G, m 1s an excellent time to train for Golden's \ anous sports becau-,e there arc man} aerobic card10, ascular actl\ 1te'>.
You ' re G o i n g T o Ge t It !
Junior Daniel Gilbert, hea, 11\. gra.,ping a dodge ball prepare.., to nail' an opponent \\lhile dodge ball b popular basketball, badminton,, olh ball, and the occasional game of softball are also a, ailable for students to pla).
S ha p in g Up
Freshn1anJames Martinez \\hips himself into shape for soccer b} uhhz1ng the militar, pres.., tn the \\ eight room
tudi es s h ow th a t t ee n s w ith m o r e a c t iv e
li ves ge n e r a ll y li ve h a ppie r a nd m o r e fulfillin g li ves A l Ta lb o t , J ohn And e r so n , a nd Je nn y Cook lea d th e way t o h ea lthi e r li ves thr o u g h gy m . The en erge t ic cl ass inc ludes s u ch ac ti v ies a s d o d ge b a ll, h a ndb a ll, b as k e tb a ll, a nd softb a ll . ' ' Gy m i s aweso m e b eca u se it g ive s m e exe r ci se, ' ' comm ent e d se ni o r Jo hn Z upin . M o s t cla s se s a ls o in clude ri go r o u s sessi o n s in th e we i g ht r oo m w h e r e s tud e nts a r e ex p ec t e d t o co mpl ete speci a li ze d wo rk o ut r o utin es. '' It [gym] m ay be p a inful, but it ' s s till coo l,'' sa id fr es hm a n Ju li e Sco h y. Runnin g a m il e i s a ls o p a rt of th e curri culum Phr ases s u ch as '' m akes m e hi g h on life '' a nd '' b es t cl ass ever '' are commonl y a ss ocia t e d w ith gy m clas s. aca d e mi cs
Hands On skills for your dreams
o u know t h e cl asses yo u h a t e d th ro u g h o ut scl1oo l, th e o n es yo u th o u g ht we r e a waste of ti me a nd e n e r gy to eve n s h ow u p? We ll, fo r th ose o f yo u th a t a r e h a n ds-o n , mech a n ica ll ymin ded p eo pl e, th e r e a r e s h o p cl asses. Wh e th e r yo u lik e woo d a n d m aki n g fu rnitur e, th e p owe r an d sa ti s facti o n of fi xi n g yo ur ow 11 ca r o r tru ck, o r i f yo u e nj oy th e fl a m es, spa rks, a nd so und s of th e me t a l s h o p , th e r e is so m ethin g fo r yo u If yo u pl a n o n d o ing a n y thin g w ith cu s t o m fab ri ca t io n o r ca r s, th ese cl asses w ill h e lp yo u ge t yo ur foo t i11 tl1 e d oo r So if yo u dr ea m o f r es torin g a ch e r ry '57 C h evy w ith 600 h o r se po we r and flam es on th e h o od, o r a n F-35 0 ridin g on 44' s wi th th e w hine o f th e turb o a nd ho w l o f th a t P o w e r s tr o k e ro llin' d ow n th e r oa d li ke thund e r, th ese cl asses a r e fo r yo u
Travel through cultures
The ability to learn and speak other languages
very year in Mr s. Poved a' s AP Spanish cla ss, the s tudents are requir e d to put 011 a cooki11g sho,,v. Each s tudent ha s to demon s tr a te how to make a selec ted di s h and bring a sa mple in for tl1 e re s t of th e class to try it . Junior Jacob Holland said ,
" Thi s i s the be s t part of being in Spanish! " Students get a lot of tim e to prepare their pre se ntation, and on their presentation day , they have to bri11g prop s to n1ake it more reali s ti c. Sophomore Ananda Valenzuela sa id , " My favorite part i s t as tin g all of the different type s of food ; it's d e li cious!" In tl1e end, al l of the s h1d e11 t s h ave a great time , vatc hin g the oth er s tudent s prese nt and ta s ting their food sa mple s! Thi s i s s omething th a t evervone ca n look forward to goi n g into AP Spani s h.
Singers start off on pitch and end on a good note
Ca r o li ng Ca ro ling
Sen1orc; Cn sta \'\ alker Aaron C.a h, and Charh Hogan are in perfect harn1on} and shO\\ off their hohda\ c;p1n t 'v\ e , ork. so hard all year and \\'e lo\·e performing to shO\\ off our hard, ork , "c;a1d Cn·sta
C h o i r Boys
Senior John ~f1lfe1th sings a heart-,varm1ng solo that hac; the girls on the edge of their eat.., "I lo,e to get ,olos, it makec; choir a\\esome," said John
Si n g in g Se n sa tion s
Sophomore Dustin Reed and enior Stacy Blom have the audience 1n a\ve as they ca rol thr ough the night " I hke choir because Mrs Ostler 1s th e greatest," .,a,d freshman Cayce Cornett
Si n gi n ' S w ee tl y Juniors Katrina Ro,ve l y and Ashley Twiford do a beautiful JOb -,1nging in Mountain Ma gic Choir Se nior Eric Pohl said c hoir is "fun but need s more girls!"
Gold e n Be ll s Junior Logan Cu.,ter and senior Chel..,ea Park pla, beau ttful belle,\\ h1le singing at the holida, concert " What can I c;a) choir 1s the best," ..,aid senior Kebe)Scall)
photo b) b ~ell<!)'
Holida y C h e er Freshman Shannon Moore and Rachel Hoo, ler ..,hare their lo" el, \'01ce.., '" 1th a huge cro,vd "Choir 1<, a great experience I ha, e gotten to kno,v lot._ of fun people," said Rachel
S anta Bab y Senior L1ndse, Mui, an, and junior Jennifer Mac dance around their santa, ..,en1or Enc Pohl "Choir 1s an unforgettable experience," said '>Cn1or Jesc:,1ca V 1chot. pholo b)' b kelley
hat is y our fa vorit e part about choir ?
" Performing for people on s tag e i s the b es t part," s aid
junior Logan Cu s t e r
" Choir is like s ittin g at the bea ch , s ippin g the s am e milk s hake and picking flow e r s for m y grandmoth e r," sa id
s ophomore Dus tin Reed .
i s great and mak es unforg e ttabl e m e mori es,"
s aid s enior Devin Ni x .
Dreamy Eyed
h t n iors H ea t her Anderson and Daniel Ste ll i n1 pose for a p icture a n d smile a t the a u d ie n ce "C h oir is so m uc h fun a nd yo u 1neet so m an} people and crea t e memo r ies , ou' II ne\'e r f orge t," said Fres h man Sha n non Moore
11 We work s o hard a nd th e n ge t to p e rform fo r all o ur family and lo v ed on es," comm e nted s enior Lin dsey
Mulvan y
' Band students moving
G ettin g Re ad y
Seruor Heather Perr') and 1unior Bethanv Blair get all their equipment read\ before commencing 1n a marching band actl\Ir\
K ee p i n g th e Bea t
Lauren Wilson \vorks hard at pla\ 1ng the flute 1n the Christmas -.ho,\ Lauren i-. an ach, e member 1n the Jazz band
Read y to Play
Jessica Froyen, a !:>en1or, tune" her instrument before performing \I\ ith her band class
his year Golden High School ha s an outstanding band. Full of hardworkin g and indu s triou s s tudents. Along with Golden High School 's regular Band class there is also a Jazz band and Marching band that compete in several competitions. '' I love competing and getting to show m y sc hool spir it,'' sa id Elyse Newman, a sop l1omore It is very apparent to see how the Golden High School band s work very hard throughout the yea r. academics 1s,
B ast rom t
Ge t B e nt Students from t'l.h, Pearce ., class get an up-close look at Bent's Fort outside of La Junta dunng a field trip 1n October
G e tti n g rea d y Sophomore Chelsea Keene\ prepares to g1\e a presentation for tv1rs Pearce'..., AP American H1ston class Sophomore Chns Bro\, n sa id, " I t's 1nte reshng, but difficult to learn ." photo b; r r.1m1r.-z
Bu s y Writin g Sen ior Beth De wy..., "vntec; a paper for Mr Myer's Amencan History clac;s She said, "I love learning and ,, nttng about history, there's '>0 muc h 1nfo r n, ation ''
S tud y in g H ard Juniors Sarah Ciz1nsl-.1 and Melanie Scoh) go 0\er note-, to prepare fo r their test. Melanie said, " I t's coo l "' hen vou can ,,ork 1n gro u p.., to s t ud} for h 1sto r ) becauc;e} ou learn e\ er) th i ng quicker"
Where students learn more about the world
look it up
Jun ior Alex Fauble finds information for his research paper h e ha~ to "'nle Senior Ashleigh Po,,cll said, "Last year 1n n'\} i\ 1nerican H istof) class I really enjo\ ed the tin1es ,\·e deba ted important e, enb"
Working together Senior-. Sydne\ Seigneur, Madelaine Harri s, and Mike Harn-. are ,,ork1ng on an assignment for P!c-} chology tv1adela1ne said, "Psvcholog) 1s one of m) fa, onte classes!"
Helping out
Senior Hannah Sterling \\ rite., notes on the board for her Economics clas-. She said, "I hate ffi) hand\\ nhng, but I don't mind helping the class take good note"> b) ''" nting them on the board "
La Junta
Golden ">tudents ,, alt to enter Ben s Fort Enca Mcl-.aacsa1d, " I,\ as so excited ,vhen I got there "
f ' overnight field trip is one of the mo s t memo- • rable tim es for s ocial s tudie s s tudent s. Once a year, she J take s all of h er AP Amer i can Hi s tory s tudent s to La Junta Sophomore LaShawnda John s on sa id, " Ev e n though it wa s for an educational purpo se, I had so m1.1ch fun! " The cost of the field trip i s rea so nable, especially when it's for a good cause. Senior Marnie William s sa id, " The pre se ntation s given were actually inter es tin g and s omething I' ll never forget. " Tl1i s experience i s a once and a lifetime opportunity to learn deeply about the history of L a Junta and why it's so s i gnificant.
News paper of 2004-2005 has had a good year because of all good things that have happened in Golden High. '' This year we turned out s ix great iss ues1 thanks to our staff writer s and editor s,'' said Mr. Hauser. They have done a lot of interesting activities and events on the new s paper. One of the best pages was when Yellow Card gave Go l den a performance. They have done a wonderful job with giving u s enough information on everything cool and intere s ting that has happened in Golden. We hope that Mr. Hauser ' s class keeps up their good work.
1M a~net1c Memories
Creating memories that will last a life time
earbook seems like it is all about typing up a few stories, finding pictures , and making up a one work caption. Yearbook is a lot more then that. It i s h ard work, dedication and, most of all, deadline s. Dean Lopez stated, '' My favorite part of the yearbook is the senior section becau se I am a senior and I think it will be fun to look back on my picture years from now. '' This year's yearbook class had many new students who had to learn desktop publishing and computer skills in a short amount of time. But with help from the more experienced kids , they got a feel for what was going on. Yearbook is a tough class; you have to tak e pictures, write stories, work with YearTeach, but, most importantly, know how to HAVE FUN!
---Babies and Bu
At times it seems that all high school and buddies pages thi s year. Many t · sometimes our lives change for the bett constant we as people will always ha go, always remember the friends that
'Eliza 'A(kire
Eliza d 1'>played an early pa,s1on for art b) working v.. 1th Picasso des1gn1ng H allov..een cookie platter,. She later\vent on to design pants tor the C1nc1nat1 Bengals football team We 're proud of )OU 1
Mom and Dad
'Bo66y 'Bar6eau
Bobe,) ou knov.. that )OU mean the world to me. I ·m not going to go into detail and make ) ou Cl). You are the person I can go to for an) th in g You ·ve been there for me 1000c since I \\<as born I love )OU ah,.a), 1 M) e)e'> are burning!
'Ali 'Barnes
Final!)! Ever, one said 18 year-. would drag on. well. .thank God 1t didn't Ju 'it remember. don't ever become a part of the 98 % factor or you can· t con1e home 1 Congratuat1ons on a JOb \Veil done!
"M1m•,;·. "D1ct,;·, and ··zorch Boy"
'Ryan 'Beehfer
L1v1ng with MCS couldn ·t have been that bad with c., 1bhn gs ltke us Enjoy college
Michelle and Brandon
Ohm) smiling angel. Just to be \.\Hr )Ou ltfts my sp1nt. I'm so proud of yot.. for ) ou ·ve truly paved your own unique and 1 independent path. My \Vic.,h for you beyond all success you may desire. is that your life \viii bnng )OU as much happiness as you have brought to mine. I lo\t I you Bear Mom
'Bo66y 'Bar6eau
Bobb), ) ou are a JO) and \vonder to u~ evel) da). Your humor. intelligence and heart ha\ e a measure beyond ) our) ears From your first questions about the rules in Kindergarten. "Is any of this negotiable'>" to. "When 1n doubt. pov.-er out ·· You make hfe fun.
Lo\e, Mom and Dad
'Ryan 'Beehfer
R;an James Beehler! o. you' re not 1n troub le. We JUst love th e sound of) our nan1e. We are looki ng forward to tht next s t age of) our hfe. Keep that gn 11 sense of hun1orand keep eati ng pop 1cles 1 Lo\e.
Mom. Dad. Brandon and Mi c h elle
'Brandon 'B(air
Buddy. v..e are ve ry proud of you and your accomplishments. Always keep you r sense of humor. eve n when th e re 1, noth ing to sm ile about. You can ac hi eve .., whatever ) ou \Vant 1n hfe be ll e\ e 111 ) our-;elf. It' '> possible.
We lo\e you, Mom and D ad
B randiY ou have filled our life\\ tth so much JOY and lo\ e. You are a fabulous ) oung \\Oman. Fo li o\\ yo ur dreams a nd folio\\ God W e k.no\v } ou will change }OUr \i.orld \\ 1th }Our gifts Be happ}- We lo\e you so much -Mom a nd Dad
Hey Goat- I an1 "iO proud of the young woman that you ha\e become - but you w ill al\\a)s be my baby beluga You have so n1uch potential ro <lo "iO man} great thin gs Keep seek in g God's face and your path will ne\ er fail
Your Big Bro, Tony
Syencer Car(
H e) B randCongratualtto n s1 You ha\e become an a m azing person and I know th at yo u \\. 111 succeed a t \\. hatever } ou put ) o ur mind t o I am proud of }OU and th e pnont1es that }OU ha\e kept 1n your life I \\< Ill al\\. a} s be here for you a n d I lo\ e } ou -Ch n s
Lisa Carr
Baby, we've m ade 1t a long way. It seems lik e yeste rda y we we re walking th rough th e hall s together. Th e bond we s h are 1s \ tronger that words cou ld ever exp lain. Y ou 're so <.; mart , talented, swee t, and beaut1 fu l ! I cou ldn 't be n1ore pro ud of you. F ollow your dreams. I 'll always be nght th e re b) yo u
Lisa Carr
T o our Bab y Girl I I t's so h ard to belt eve that yo u 're a ll gro\\ n up' W e are so proud of th e wo nd erful yo un g l ady you ha ve b eco m e. You kno'N what yo u want o ut of life a nd with yo ur d e term 1nar1on, a nyt hin g 1s po ss ib le' Always s ta y tru e to yourse l f Ma y G o d bless yo u always. Don t e\er s top believing. W e love yo u
Dad and Mon1
It's hard to believe you've grown up so qu1ck.ly trom a precious httle boy to such a handsome )Oung man We \\ Ill continu e to sup p ort you thr oughout} our lif e and hope and pray o nl y the very best tor } OU.
With love, Mom and Dad
Lisa Carr
Lee la,
Where do I begin? I 'll start by letting you know how very proud o f you I a m You might be the stro n ges t person I know, cons1der1ng al] yo ur dedication and hard wo rk I'm lucky being stuck \V 1th "iuch a beautiful sl"i ter. Because. Li sa. you are beautiful I Your h ard \\Ork. \viii t ake you anyw h ere you want to go. I n ever say it but I love you so much and \Vtll alv.-ays be there fo r you I love you
Lisa Carr
M y dearest swee t daughter, \vhere ha'> the ume go n e? It 's been suc h a JO} \\.atc h1ng you grow up I' ve e nJoyed every si ng le minute o t 1t. You are a lot o f fun'
I know you 'IJ s ucceed 1n \V h atever you <lo Always keep your g rea t sp1n t a nd lovely s mil e. Y ou· Jl al\vays be n1y " littl e <lran1a queen " I love you!
Your Mo m and your fnen<l
bab ies & buddi es 165
'Tyfer Carson
We are ,;;o proud of th e man you have become You have a wonderful life ahead of you. se i ze ll and enJoy all hfe has to offer We l ove you.
Love, Mom and Dad
rina Casterson
Prin cess, Beanie Mulli e, you are a bright hght in our h ves. Fi s h Lip s Rule!
Mom & Papi
'Am6er 'Davidson
H1ll ar,.
"On Lhe day that) ou v. ere born the angels got 1ogether. and dec1ded to create a dream come true So the} spnnk.led moon dust 1n your h:ur. and starlight 1n )Our e}es of blue."
Folio\, your dream~ .Follov. ) our heart. We \\ 111 alv. ays \\ 111 alv. a) s lo\ e and support }OU
M om, Dad. and Ca rl }
icho(as 'De 'Moulin
You've alv.ays been hap p} You've alv. ays been loyal You've a l\\ ays been pr o tective For that. \Ve love ) ou, are proud of you. and you kno\v you ha ve a ll the tools to be success ful 1n l ife. (Because even then n 's al\vays been about th e ha ir.)
Lov e you.
-1--always, M&D
'lv1.or3an Vaferie 'Douaherty
Dear M orga n, You were suc h a gift to our liv es. It ha s been fun watching you grow up and do ing yo ur best \vhen c ha ll enges ca me yo ur \Vay. We will be ther e to s upport you on your nex t Journey. You·u need some band-aids for the bump s along th e way. Your doll, Premie . ha s the rest of them
Love, Dan and Kath y
W 1th lots of encouragement yo u made 11 to the \\aterfall 1nsp1te of the " mu sh) gush 1 mud ." Coutinue to se t goals for } ourself and tnve } our best to attain them. We are so proud of you.
Mom and Dad
icho(as 'De 'Moulin
You 're the mo t rock1n · brother an) ont'. cou ld ever hope for. The prob l em:) ou ·re o unique that I 'm the only one luck' e nough to get to experience ye Jr brother hip . Thank you for giving me 1year of a great s1blingrealt1onsh1p . G o<'· lu ck not missing me
Lo ve, Maro ea ux e
1tndrew rrfiomas ~cfman
M) only Andy , He re you are ready to s t art a great adven ture. Please remember to, t hink w ith your head and your heart , to find the good 1n every s ituation and never forget to call you mom S he ,i. orne
\ \ J I ,
Love Alway , Mom
As yo u leave high chool to co ntinu e your Journey. we kno,v that s uccess ,v11l always be ,v1th you, whatever path you c hoo se!
With all of our lov e. Mom , Dad Dal e. El ai ne.and Laura
'.A.insfey Jane 'Erickso n
Another graduation. and you ·re ready to move o n I Your energy. enthusiasm and wit w 111 do ,veil for yo u 1n ,vhatever you ch oose to do You have made us proud a nd brought mu ch happiness to our lives. We wish you good lu ck a nd good health 1n all your end eavors and adventures!
'Rhiannon 'Martin 'Evans
We are extremely grateful (a nd dumbfound ed!) th at ,ve co uld be a pan of so meone o ext r ao rdinary . Thanks for bnng1ng so mu c h joy!
Mom , Dad and Ian
'Afexander '''Afex'' 'Fehrman
Alex Fehrman developed hi s ·automoti ve affinity' whit e ,vork1 ng his \\ ay through Mont e sor1 sc hool at oe l' s Garage
Jordan 'Fisher
Word s ca nnot describe what an amazmg perso n yo u are. You touch everyo ne and everything 1n ways you will ne ve r know . Your Heart. Lo ve, and Life will alway ke e p you on top of th e world. We are so very proud of you.
We lov e yo u Mom. Dad and Brandon
§arret 'Ffesh
We ha ve encouraged you to embrace yo ur difference w ith pride. Ma :> all th ose yo u encounte r 1n hfe app reciate }O ur delightful se nse of hum or, compass ion, s1 nce nt y and generos it y
Love, Mom & Dad
'Ryan 'Fa~
You 've al ways been r i ght on my he e lsc hallen g ing me to pu s h further Who know s what th ese nex t years have in s tore but try not to throw roc l-. s or play hide - n- see k while blindfolded W e learned that the hard way. J ,vant to s tay a part of yo ur h fe ; our kid s are de s tined to ride bikes tog e th e r I lov e you.
Meli ssa
Reme mb er "clean in g" th e dirt off th e carpe t? Snak.es and mi ce? You are a true problem so lver - hon est. resourceful. s mart and foc use d We love yo u and know you will achieve great things. As Bru ce Lee aid: "Th ere are no limns ..
Mo m & Dad
babie s & buddies 167
'Russe( 'Frank (and
A., Lhe longJoumey t o the end of hi gh school comes to a c lose, n 's fun to look a t th e beg1nn1ng
jess-ica 'Froyen
.,, I (. You hav e made us so proud!!!
Lov e You , Dad & Mom
jessica 'Froyen
J essica,
You are a great s 1s terP
Love, Kyle & Danie l
j. 'Fry
TJ ,
As you begin the next advent ure of your hfe, may you remember the first J8 years of adven ture and the love that helped t o fo s ter the enthusiasm, co nfid ence and humor that will make th is next one even more exciting and rewarding.
Love, Mom and Dad
'Dana _arrett
To My "little" Bro th er, For al I the year,, we've s hared, for your hum or, yo ur wit and with yo ur many tal e nts, and for seei n g a ll the doors that are open to yo u and th e exc ite m ent of watching you c ho ose which ones to s te p throu g h For all these. (not th e leas t of which 1s th e fa c t that yo u ' re one swee t dud e), I am grateful that yo u are m y brother!
W1th lo ve always. Your "big" sis te r , K e ll y
'Dana "-Alarrett
Pun ce tawneyp1llno se. You will always succeed be ca use your don ' t let anything get in your way. That attnbule wi ll help you ove rco me anything. Your family will always be here fo r you and we love you Think of what you do and how It affe c ts everyo ne else Thank s for the me morie s!
Love , Mom and Dad
Dana , Keep thi s c loseness near yo u. I t will help you through the hard time s.
Love, Mom and Dad
'Dana _arrett
Dana , I can't b elieve you 're graduating from hi g h sc h ool. Your wonderfu l sp irit and tou gh attitude wi ll take yo u far 1n li fe. Good lu ck!
L ove, Sarah P S Fort Collins is ca ll ing your name
Nico le, W e ar e so proud of yo u and a ll your acco mpli s hm e nts. W e l ove yo u ve r y m u c h , a nd w ill a lways be h e r e for yo u
Love , D ad, M o m a n d Na te
W e are s o exc ite d t o see w h a t th e f u t u re b nn gs to yo u With a ll th e lego b u ildi n g, m a tc h b ox c ars, m o de ls, to R C c ars and n ow , th e r eal th in g. Y o u r futu r e h o lds m any c h a ll e n ges and reward s. AJway s s t ay as t ho u g ht f ul an d ki nd t o p eo pl e. Y o u h ave a g r eat g ift th a t wi ll carry you f ar
Love , M o m , D a d , N ic k & Chris
§rey §usta son
Wh e n yo u re m ake th is wo rld 's form
A m a tte r you ' 11 d o w ith pn de , d o n ' t fo r ge t 1n th e e n d less race Th a t we a r e a l way s by yo u r s ide
Love , M o m and D ad
R ob bi e, W e are very p ro ud of yo u W e h ave e njoyed b e in g s o c l ose to yo u an d yo ur br o th e r s N ic k & C hn s. W e w 11J c h e ri s h a ll th e m e m o n es o f o ur da il y vi s i ts, Grand L ake and ou r v a ca t io n s t oge th er. EnJ OY hfe and your fam i ly
WOW ! Wh ere's 1t go n e? Wh a t a pri v ilege bein g part o f yo ur life Th a t e m e rgen cy d e li very i n 1986 ; you r fir s t l 4 e r ; hik es 1n G r a nd C an yo n , b ik i ng M oa b , b oa tin g Lake P owe ll ; yo u r fi rs t car ( and t ic k e t ); n o w gra du a ti o n Ju st th e b eg innin g Mal W e be li eve yo u h ave th e too l s to ac h e1ve yo u dreams. Th anks fo r bei n g yo u!
Lo ve , M o m and D a d
'.A.my '1-[artman
Am y , W e can' t be li eve h ow fas t th e y ars have fl ow n b y ! With yo u d e te rm in a ti o n , e nthu s ias m a n d th e thirs t f o r kn o wl e d ge, y ou are s ure to mak e a d i ffe r e n ce in th is wo rld W e are s o pro ud of a ll y our acco mp l is hm e n ts i n hi g h sc h oo l. R e m e mbe r t o a lwa ys loo k to th e futur e with a p os titi ve a ttitud e N ever f o r ge t wh e r e yo u 've bee n
Love, M o m , D a d & J effe rey
K o urt-
L ove yo u F o rever, N an a and Bubb a ......
y o u are a wo nd erful p e r so n w i th integrity, co urage and co mp assion Cong ratul a ti o n s! Lea d wi th yo ur h ead but fo ll o w yo u he art W e love yo u very mu c h !
M o m , Sco tt , K y le , and K evin
R ac h e l w as o ur firs t g rand c hil d so s h e is very s peci al to u s. W e w is h s h e h ved c lo se so w e co uld see h e r m ore ofte n K ee p s milin g, Ra c h , a nd m ake yo ur dre am s co m e tru e.
'1 I
'Rache[ ----e[(er jenna Sarah
Rac h el, W ow, whal a bl essing you are' The awakening o f your pa ss ion h as filled me with mu c h pnde a nd JOY! Always r emember "o ne ca ndl e can h gh t a th o us and. " Go hght your wo rld
Love, Mo m
Yo u ha ve bee n born into these mount ain s and plains. Th ey ar e yo ur c radl e and now s te ppin g s to ne Y o u hav e a bnght future Re lax Be happ y Kno w our lo ve 1s yours. Wh e n a goa l is nght for yo u. neve r accept " no " for an an s wer; th e r e 1s always a way. Work yo ur m ag i c.
W e are so proud o f yo u ! You ha ve faced adverslly and c hallenges mo s t peopl e will never know You ha ve blosso me d into a very s p ec ial yo un g woman You are kind , co mpa s 1onate, ge ne rou s. wise and lo v ing We w i s h you God' s ble ssin gs of he alth , happin ess, and lov e alway s.
Lov e, Mom and Dad
zeyfien u6ert
Y ea - you did it ! I'm so proud of you! Thank you for be in g my be s t friend a n d fo r alway s alway s making me la ugh!
Ooo hhh oops!
'Rache[ Sarah
Ra ch:
We have had so mu c h fun over the yt ars
So many memones Kill e r bo xes. flip flops, 007. " toun s t" trip s. p ede s tn 1n s.
C hinese re s turants, and don ' t forget about mud M y lanta always c ure s heart burn I am so g lad that you are m y bes t friend W e h ave the best ttm es togethrer . You ' re th e bes t.
Lo ve Always, Kay
Throu g h thick and thin I ' ll alv,ays lo ve yo u You ·re the best friend and s is te r anyone co uld have Don ' t ever c han ge. I ' ll always be there for ya. Congrat s, yo u d1d it!
Lov e, Ray
'Brian oran
Congratu lationsBnan! Weneverdo ubted 1 y ou for a moment.
Mom and Dad
zeyfian 1-fubert
Neve r lose your un ique pe r pecttve on l ife Fo ll ow yo ur heart, stand up for \ Vh at you believe in, be proud of w h o you are a nd mo s t of all - be h a ppy!!!
So M uc h Love, Mom
zeyhan ubert
Ze phan
Ma y ) OU alv.a) S find humor 1n h fe·s man y c hall e nge , no matte r hO \V ex tre me. You ar e ve ry spec ial yo un g man and \,\, 111 a lways be. ·'th e li g ht of our li ves."
Lo ve you . Gram a & Gr amp a
zeyhan ubert
Wh a t an 1n cred 1b le sp 1nt 1 o u h ave Zep h Th a t '> pint has bee n . a nd v. 111 be. o ne of yo ur g rea te\ t as\et~. a lo ng \V llh yo ur ta le nt '> a nd \\ 11l1n g ness to wo rk hard to ac h1 e \ e )OU r goa ls An d neve r lose you r \e nse of fun - 1t enn c hes th e h \ es of a ll wh o love yo u
Yo ur lov in g Au nt Lo n e
'Tommy '1-(untsman
Tomm y. You we re al\vays ah ea d o f yo ur tim e. Good lu c k 1n co ll ege, \Ve kn o v. yo u \\Ill do g rea t m v. hat eve r yo u c hoo se to tud y!
Lo ve. Ma ma & Pap a
'Bennett Jenkins
Yes. Be n. o nce ) o u were .., m a ll } o ur lovi ng fa m1 l) 1s so pr oud o f th e exce ll e nt m an } o u h ave beco n1 e R a1s1ng} o u 1s th e be\ t ttm e I h ave e, er had!
I ' ll love )O U fo rever. Mom
'Kay(a Jensen
Kay la Dog. Main M an , It 1s h ard to be li eve that 1n o nl y fi ve ye ar s we have g rown s o c lo se and c re at e d s o m any me m o ri es . I am so th a nk ful fo r eve rythin g yo u ha ve g ive n me and trul y admire th e \vond e rful per s on you h ave bec om e
I lo ve y ou Morg an
'lJtfiia 'Ka[kwar
You ha ve al\vays bee n and v. ill alwa) s be th e bes t daught e r we c ould ha ve hop ed for.
Lo ve. Mom and Dad
'lJtfiia 'Ka[kwar
Wh a t · up , tood)?
j. T. 'Kenda[[
Dear J T
As \ve bo th g r ov. o ld e r i t 1s na tu ra l to g r o v. c l oser Ho\\ eve r to deser\>e repec t h as to be ear ne d
I am, e ry, ve r} pr o ud of w ho} ou are and v. ho yo u are beco m ing
I l ove yo u '
Op a bab i e s & buddi es
john .T. 'Kenda((
J .T., You· ve made us proud time and ttm e again The wor ld recognizes no t o nl y your academic ac hi evements, bu t your a ll -around good narurednes\ and abillt) to bring hun1or to man) \ 1tuat1 o n s You are l oved by man ) a nd especiall) b) us
L o\e, Dad. Mom, Rob. Moll). Benn) and Zoe
H a\ e you see ne m y brodder? Where deede h e go to co ll ege? Ea s t c< a st \\.estcoas t you don ' t know you S.l) ? Den \l,here d eede h e go?
We \V tll meese }O U 1
Robbie, M oll y, Be nn y & Zoe
You h ave al\\ays made me proud e\e n though yo u wear dumm ) h a ts
I love you.
D ad
Cj. 'Ko oed 'Kim 'Kruchen
" What do yo u mea n I c an ' t wear th ese to sc hool ?" You ha ve matured into an exce ptional yo un g woman. Intell ec tual. Respo n s ibl e, Dep e ndabl e, Compassionat e Y o u h ave e arn e d th e ri g ht to c ho se any pair of s hoe s and \V ea r th e m \Vi th co nfid e nce and pnde
Your Loving P arents
You h ave gro\vn into a beautiful and amazing person I hav e al\\.as been proud of ) our hard \\ ork and determination. I ' ha, e no doubt } ou \vill fulfill } our dreams. Ashle), yo u hav e filled m) life m) heart, wtth lo ve. pnde and laughter Thank. you for b e in g m) daught e r.
Lots of L ove Ahvays & Foreve r M om
ckenzie 'Kre(fer
Ke nzi e. I cannot believe) ou are heading o ff to co ll ege. You have taught me o mu c h over the years, thank fo r that. WL have had so man, fun and great memories. I \vill mi ss you so much I lo\ e \ ou to death. ever forget that.
Lov e Ahvay s, Al ex
'Kim 'Kruchen
rn save yo u , 1f you'll save me ."
Depende nce : Independence Agreement s: Di s agreement s
Understandings: Mi sunders t andi ngs S1m 1l arit1es: D1 ss 1milar1ties
Love , Honor and Tru t: Alway s Er
justin 'Ku ac / t
tWhere did the tim e go?! From the da y you were born. through c hildhood , and no\v as a young man , you'" e been a wonde rful on You hav e a GREAT future ahead of you! We are vef) proud of you, and remember) ou ' II alway be our "S up er Ju s tin .··
Mom & Dad
'Beth Lee
Bet h1 e Boo
Your sunny di position. canng demeanor. wit and intelli ge nce have been in sp 1nn g to us. Try to maintain that "grace" yo u ·re o famou s for. We love yo u and are very proud of you. Thank s for being ) ou !
Mom & Dad
'Brett Lewan
Bread. We have a]\'1.a1 s been the be!3t dre!3sed gu,s 1n tO\\ n.
You r Bro
'Andie Larson
Al\vays be your best 1n everyth in g you do. You are a wonderful girl, bnght. can ng. beautiful and sens1uve Remember only ,ou can make you happy. We love you so much
Mom & Dad
'Brett Lewan
Brett, Ma 1nta1n your ope nn e~s to all thing~. thoughts. and people around ,ou. and take,, hat you have learned from them to make your own truth Use your many talents to conunuously build upon your h app in ess. Let the band pl ay on.
Mom & Dad
'Brett Lewan
Bread, You graduated high school clnd nO\\. you· re going to college Everyone· s mak. 1ng a big deal out of It. ot n1e Rock on
R) an- don't need a posse (th e ,val! never forgets)
'Brett Lewan
When eve r I see a fat old lad y s lip and fall on a \vet s id ewa lk. my first insunct 1s to laugh But then I think. what 1f I was an ant. and she fell on me . Then 1t ,vouldn 't seem quite so funn)
We to, e you even thou gh you tri ed to \tab someo ne.
l amart1 -::,te ·
'Brett Lewan
Bre tt.
It' s been a,vec;ome playing sho\\ s all over Colorado\\ ith) ou. From puke filled bars to God filled churches There·..., no \\a} \\e cou ld do H \\ 1thout ) ou
Lo ve, Sn1ile fron1 ID) Camera babies & buddie s
Joe[ Lockhart
J oe l.
Yo u ' re no t JU St a pit che r , you ca n a lso h 1t, see' I be he \ e 1n yo u ,a nd }o u ' rec ut e too 11 !
With a ll m y love.
Mo m
Joe[ Lockhart
J oe l
I'll ex pec t } ou to take care o f me \v he n I'm o ld
L ove. D ad
Joe[ Lockhart
J oe l, W e ' ve neve r had to te ll yo u to li ve li fe to ,t ' s full es t Kee p 1t up
L o \ e al \vays.
tv l o n1 an d D ad
Joe[ Lockhart
Thank s fo r be i ng my pun ching bag J ll th ese yea r s Re me mb er , when yo u ne t d m e I ·11 a lwa } s be th e re for you
L o\e, Yo ur bi g b roth e r J ak. e
Joe[ Lockhart
J oe l. Yo u' re so funn} .
L ove, Stas ia
'Dean 'Anthony Loyez
De an
Yo u \Ve re born \\ it h a s mil e on yo ur face' \ Ve admire your pass ion and en th us ia,m fo r hte Your hun1o r , though tfu lne ss. and spirit o f lov e are a deligh t to a ll. W e a re mo s t proud of your lov e for the L ord and ho\\ 1t shi nes thr ou g h 1n your mus ic Co ngr atulan o ns !
L ove, Mom , Dad J enna and J ohn
[an 'lvlahonee
Dea r Dy lan ,
Thank. you for be in g s uc h a Jo y ful c hild to ra ise I'm proud o f th e t hou g htful, res po ns ibl e yo un g m an you 've beco me.
F o llow your an1bill o ns Yo u have the br a in s. co u rage. and co mmon se nse ll tak es to go f ar . Your fam il y loves yo u
a nd 1s w ith yo u 100%!
Lo ve, Mo n1
He at he r , You are our s h 1n1ng s tar We are \ er) proud of you and \v 1sh your eve ry d ream com es true
L o\ e, Mon1 and Da d
'Amanda 'Menard 'Jl(an
We haven ' t told you often e nough how proud we are of who you've become. All our l ove. and continue to work. hard for what you want to ac hi eve.
Mom and Dad
You've a lwa ys amazed us - I 8 years ha ve go ne too fa s t. Thanks for making our family co mpl e te.
Lo ve yo u forever.
Mom and Dad
You ·ve alw ays done o \veil \VHh everything )OU do I ' m exc ite d for all that' s ahead of you. I knov you ' re going to have a g reat time nex t year Congratulation and good luck I'll always be c hee ring for you
Lo\ e, Anna
yrer 'lvlatson
T 1 ler.
We are so proud of yo u . o doubt yo u will bevel) s uccessful and happ y 1n yo ur hfe . which I S evef) thin g a moth er co uld \V1sh for her so n! We love ) OU w ith all our h ea rt s.
Mom Dale. Me ga n and Tro)
Christine tson
Congratulat i ons Goober! From our man) adventures (car tnp s. co n1paring mu sc les and brui se\, hallwa} \vars. and "a ll m) be ar te ddi es'') Lo he lping eac h other through the tough tim es. I could never ask for a better s iste r or fri e nd I am so proud of) ou. Al-v.-a)..., s ta) tru e LO yo urse lf and ) ou \\. 111 go far in hfe.
Lo, e al\\. a) s. Rachel
El1 a ne,
You ha ve been a Jo y to have 1n our fa mil y thi s year! We love you
Abracos e beiJos.
Ju dy. Carl. Carla, Dale. Elaine. Laura
Christine tson
Ima g in e! Your faithful co mpani o n . Dadd y T eddy. was once big eno ug h to hold you! O\\ ) ou have g row n up to beco m e a mature. canng. se n sit i ve} oung lad) v..ho va lu es her fn e nd sh 1ps. You were alwa 1 s able to kee p us laugh in g and \m 1hng. and thi s \vonderful sense of humor v.. ii I carry } ou through ,v hatever future ) ou choose
M om and Dad
rgaret 'McCreary
M aggie M ae.
You h ave alv..a) s had a g reat 1maginatlon Ju s t 1m ag 1ne \vhe re yo u W Iii be 1n the , ears to co me Keep on mihng ' \\eet pea. ) ou ha\ e mu ch to be happ) about. Th e angels are \\. 1th us
Laura McCrea r1
babie s & buddie s 1,s
The litt le girl w ith th e r e ady s mile ha s grown into a love ly youn g woman Your s p1nt and c u r tos1ty will take you on 1nteres t1ng Jo u rney s. W e all love you and are very lucky that you ' re part of our hv es.
Lov e. Mom Eri ca, and Liana
P S Your s is te r s want you to know you've bee n a g reat s is te r . . w e ll , almost a lways!
Sarah~ 'Mi(Cer
You were born to th e wate r -sw im fr ee Stay tru e to your go al s- t hey will gu id e you Know tha t you hav e a c hoi ce 1n how you r e pond to anything You will feel the way you c hoo se to feel. Mak e yo ur own path follow not.
Lov e, Dad
My litt le " Peanut " ha s turn e d into a hand so m e young man I a m very proud of your co mpas s ion for peop le and acce p t ance of th e ir d1v e r s 1t y. You hav e hi g h values, alw ays kee p th e m and m e as ure yo ur s uccess by th e m. Follow yo ur hea rt and your d r e am s will co m e tru e.
Lov e Alw ays, Mom
Sarah 'Mi (Cer
When I wa s taking thi s pic ture I thoi.ght to my se lf. wha t will you be like w'1.en yo u ' re all g rown up? WOW! Your jad and I are s o proud of you! Set your goals hi g h , and never lose s ight of them Strive, ac hiev e, s u ccee d, and exceed at all that yo u do R e member , yo u r dad and I v.111 always be there for yo u , no matter what'
Lov e alway s, Mom
:Jason 'Modiz
You ha ve given me so many happy memorie s ! W e had great expenences on our " Road Tnp s" and Afnca Safari We e njoy e d many laughs together with o u r weird se n se of humor. I wish you a li fetim e filled with the happines s and l ove you de serve.
Love Always. " Momm y- Mon s ter"
:Jason 'Modiz
H ey Ja ! I ca n ' t be l ieve how m uch yo u 've grown from m y bratty b r other into a young man I love you and \vill no mat ter what. I'm very p r o u d of you.
Lov e, Amanda
Sara 'Morafes
Congratulations to our ··sw ee t' · Ni c hol e. W e are so proud of the \VOnderfu l p e rso n you hav e becom e. Your bright s mil e and s pa r klin g eyes have alway s lig h tened our liv es. We lov e you more th an \VOrd s can s ay and rememb e r we will a l\vay s b e he re for yo u
W e Lov e you, Mom and Dad
Congratulations, you made 1t th roug h h ig h sc hoo l ! We are so proud o f you! We know w h atever the future holds for you, you'll s uc cee d because you're a lot li ~e your Dad , s tong and confident.
Lov e. Dad and Mon1
Calvin 'Marsette
Ca l vin , The ye ars ha ve trul 1 fl ov,, n by. It see ms Iik e JUSt yes te rda y \V he n yo u fir s t e nte re d kind e rga rt e n and now yo u are g radu a tin g. I am o pro ud o f y ou I \\ is h yo u a ll th e bes t life h as to of fe r M ake goo d ch oices. a nd f oll o\l.- th e ri g ht roa d
I love yo u so n M o rn
Calvin 'Marsette
Calvi n ,
It 's hard to behve ,ou're a lread 1 g radua tin g So me tim es I \l.-1 s h I co uld \l.- ra p yo u back up into ,our crad le boa rd Good lu ck \\ he rever ,o ur future ma1 lead yo u I f you eve r need a ny th i ng, 1ou knov,, I ' ll a lways be here
Love, yo ur sis ter. Sun s hi ne
We· re \ ery pr o ud of yo u an d of a ll } ou have acco mpli she d You have sho\l.- n th a t yo u are ge ner o u s. kin d, s tro ng. a nd ind e pe nd e nt . a nd we kn o\l.- th a t ) o u ca n do an y thin g th a t you se t yo ur mind to C o ng ra rul a n o ns o n ) o ur g ra du a u o n !
C aro ly n and Pa ul
Scott 'Mue((er
A s yo u m ove o n to bi gge r be tt er and exc inn g eve nt s. dre am o n Be pr oud of v,,h a t yo u h ave o, erco m e and accompli s he d A l\vays enJOY life a nd have f un 1 1 Yo ur hum or is an ab so lut e bl essin g. Re me n1ber \\e a re he re fo r yo u we a re pr o ud of yo u and we love yo u
Yo ur F am 111
Lindsey 'Mufvany
Poo k 1e I ' m so g lad to have yo u a '> a fri e nd yo u have he lp e d m e thro ug h a lo t.
I JU St \l.-ant to "> a) thank s.
From Che lse a Ste in e r
B aby teps. baby s tep Amanda, } ou have b los orned f rom my bea u tifu l bab, girl in to my in te llige nt ge nerous, lo\ing. bea tu 1ful yo un g \vo ma n, \v ho rn I w ill al\l.-ays love, al v,,ays t rea ure. and al\\ ays be so very pr oud to call m ) daughter-- ··her O\V n \l,, o rn an Love , Dad
John 'MihGeith
Dear J ohn.
I h a\ e \\ atched ) ou come from a \ er, b n g h t , Jo\ ing li ttl e bo, \vho on l) \\ anted e\ er) o n e 1n h1, fami ly to lo\ e each other. to a smart\ er, h and,ome) oung ma n I am\ er, p roud of) ou r accompl 1,hmen t to g raduate It 1s onl) one o f man, goal, in) our hfe tha t I k.nO\\ ) OU \\ I 11 !:>UCceed 1n
All My Love , Mom
And}! 1
Yo u ha, e al\\ a} s bee n a sta nd - up k. 1nda gu ) !
Lo, e a l\vays.
D ad
b a bies & buddi es 1,7
Theron elms
De a r M a ll ory.
E, e n th o ug h yo u h a ve bee n 1n so me s tressful s1tu a t1 o n . } o u a re s till a littl e v. ee th eart M ay yo ur futur e be fill e d v. 1th h a pp 1n es a nd goo d fortun e
Dr L u n e N assa u
Theron e(ms
Th a nk. you fo r be in g pl a) ful. Y o u h a \. e c h arm ed th e g irl s fo r ye ar ,v 1th yo u r sv. ee t mil e.
R a lph a nd Be ts) Ne lm s
'Derek erson
De re k, Yo u h ave bee n soann g hi g h yo ur,, hol e ltfe Do n ' t s to p I See h o , v fa r you c an go.
Y o u ma k e me so pro ud w h e n I see the " m a n" be fo re me.
L ove, Mo m
'Derek erson
" Bro. le t th e goo d tim es ro le."
C o n gratul a ti o ns!
L ove, D a nn y
We a re so pr oud o f th e fine pers on t ou ha, e beco m e Your happ y spirit ha s been a J oy to us
R al ph a nd Bets y e l ms
Luke erson
Tim e fh es \\, he n yo u ' re h a, 1ng fun -if s bee n a b lur ' On l} yo u \\ 111 et your limits.
L ove.
Lu ke.
It · h ard to be h e, e you ' re alre ady g r aduatin g fro m hi g h sc h oo l' You h a\'e a lo t to b e proud of o ma tt e r ' " ha t a hva ys d o yo ur b es t and fo li o ,, } ou he art
'Derek erson
D e re k, Wa n ' t lt JU St ye te rd a)- you ,vere 5 ? I ha, e had a tren1end ous amou n t of adventure with y ou Thank for the memones
Lo,e Alway s, M o m
'Derek erson
D ere k , You on the guitar and me on th e d rum s
" Remember a ll our g reat t ime ?"
Danu te
I r
'Derek efson
Derek , We'll ah.vay be together 1n our heart s.
Lo\e Danny and Deanna -Congrats-2005 1
'Derek efson
Derek. We have al\\ays been a TEAM Good lu ck 1n co ll ege Oh. b) the \\ ay. mom ays the dirt b1k. e s tays here !
Dann y
'Derek efson
M y eldest son, Derek
You were al\.\-ay happ y. opt1m1 tic. c uriou s, and yes. full of energy Th ose \,\I ho know yo u no\\ \\ ould agree yo u ' re s till all thi s and m ore Congrarulanons on all you ha, e accomplished and good lu ck 1n making your way tov.,ard realizing yo ur dreams. I lo\ e yo u and am proud of yo u.
Love, Dad
'David ewman
Da v id .
I ho pe \Ve ca n a lwa ys have as mu c h childi sh fun as \Ve did in those da ys
Alwa ys, El yse
icofe fiiem
Youarem, clo e tcous1n.myrolemodel. my s upp ort and most of a ll m, best fn e nd . I am so proud of ) o u and I am amazed e\e ryday b) your imm ense tale nt s and big heart I am sure that) ou \.\ 111 ac h1 e\ e many g rea t things and I "" ill al\.\ a,s lo\e yo u and look up to 1 ou
'Devin / ix
Alv a) s remember )OUr li fe 1 \\hat you make lt Keep smili ng, work h ard at your dream and d on· t forget to e nJO)' your Journey We are pro ud of you and \\lill a h\a y · be th ere for yo u Mu ch lo\e fr o m your biggest fa n s 1
M o m a nd Andrew
1cole icole , Kate, Amy Stine Kim and Enn. I lo\e you guys so mu c h . I would never ha ve go tten through high c hool without you gi rls. I' 11ne\ er forget all the good time s. especially 1:, 1ng 1ng loudly and off-tune to co untry 1n my ca r' You guy are the be t r m so proud of v.,hat yo u have all be co me!
Love Alway s, Ke l
Ke ll ey,
A beautiful girl, dressed 1n a bathin g su it , headed for the po ol and al\.\ ays \V I th her"best" bea r Opi e ome thin g ne \ er c hang e' We lo\e yo u and look forv.ard to) our successes 1n co ll ege. 1n the po ol. and 1n hfe'
Mom and Dad babies & buddies 1,9
I am so proud of th e woman you have become and feel truly ble sse d to have you as a sis ter and fnend I know that you have an amazing future ahead of you and that you will be a huge ble s ing to everyone you meet. Congratulations 1
Love Ahx.ay s, Enn
Good lu c k. " big" s is I can't believe you're graduating! Growing up as yo ur little s is ter has been hard at time s, but \Ve go t through it I' 11 alway remembe r all th e memone s we had wtth Sarah. at the creek , church, and more Neve r g ive up al\vays reac h for your dreams 1
Your httle sis ter, Nata sha
abe Po[[ock
Gabe ,
I'm so glad I got to grow up \Vtth an amazing brother ltke you. You a re suc h a c aring and beautiful perso n I'm so lucky to have yo u 1n my life You can do anything 1n life you wis h , reach for th e s tar s.
All my lo\e , your s 1ste r Lee
eather ico(e Perr11
Hea th er,
Wow time flies 1! I love you so much a,d w ish on ly the best for you 1n the years to co me. You have what it talce s to ach1e ·e your goals. Your beautiful and sma.t . Keep s miling it's beauuful.
Love, you r mom
§abe Po[(ock
Every day yo u malce us so happy and proud What a hand so me , kind- hearted young man you've grown up to be. Al\vay s be happy, laugh a lot and keep working hard to accomplish all you'\e been dreaming of. We love you Gabe
Mom and Dad
Steyfianie Potfiast
You came into this \\Orld t\VO months pren1ature ltterally fighting for your life
You co ntinue to hve \Vllh passion For all th e gifts god ga\ e you, l am thankful Great grades.Compassion Res11ience. I ntegrit1
Self-?v1otn at1on. Beauty
Con tinu e to be yourself and \\ erk toward, ach 1e\ 1ng your drean1s You are m) tre a sure' 1
Lo\e , wton1
I knew you \VOuld go far' Even when you were young, you had the srn i le of a g raduate Keep on sm 1lin g.
Mom and Dad
You ha\e put you r be t foot fof\vard and kept it up. O\V you· r ready for a ne\\ direction 1n hfe Congratu lations for graduating and best wishes for your future success.
Na na and Papa
We are so proud of the woman you have become Thank you for truly Jo1n1ng us 1n the family. You have made 1t a joyful experience.
Love, Mom and Dad
jenna 'Rimbert
Jenna , We are c; o proud of you It ha s been a Joy watching you grow into s uch a beatiful young lady A ll the things we've s hared oftball , telephone , Bible study.cheer routine s all bring s miles to our heart s. We love you
God ble ss
Cheryl and 8111
jenna 'Rim6ert
Hey Boo- I have dreamed my who le life of h aving a daughter Thank you for being all that we dr eamed of and so much more! You are an incredible person 1ns1de and out and we know that you will go far in everyth in g th at yo u do We are so proud of yo u !!
All our love, M om a nd Dad
jacqueGne 'Ristau
De ar Ja cqu e lin e, With the gui dan ce from your big brothers, you actually mad e it. These four years hav e gone by so quickly and the next four will go by even faster. EnJoy th e ex perience and alwaysrememberthat we will al ways be here for yo u Congratu la tions JQ and have the time of you r life at co ll ege
L ove, Matt and Adam
eatfier 'Roberts
Hea ther , from kind e rgar den to 12th grade Wh e re ha s th e tim e gone? I know yo u will go far in life You are a very special per so n
Lov e yo u always and for ever, Mom
JacaueGne 'Ristau
Dear J acquehne,
We are s o proud of the beauuful young woman you became From the moment we held you in our arm s we knew what g r eat JOY you would bnng to our lives. You have s o much to look forward to, enJOY every moment, and always remember how much you are loved
Love, Mom and Dad
ikki" 'Robfes
We are s o proud of you and excitedly look forward to your future
M om and Papa
It makes me happ y to know that you ' 11 al way s be ab l~ to handle what hfe give s yo u I am ~roud to ca ll you my s on and my fr iend.
Love, Dad
• Funny clever, se n 1tt\.e- ,ou're a s trong independent guy. ,v1th defined op1n1ons and po . 1t1ons on ltfe The "eas," \.\ay isn't you. but you land on }Our feet trong and 1t' s guaranteed you· 11 be that succe sfu l businessman you want to be! r ve ahx. a, s been so , ery proud of and l o\. e yo u Tate
We \.\I sh you the best of luck 1n e,eryth1ng }OU do We lo,e ,ou \ery much !
Lo\.e , Grandpa and Grandma
Rich , you \Vere always happy and eager to greet the wo rld Sttll are - Good Job!
Love, Mom and Dad
Le bien cherche le bien.
Ton f rere
Bria n
So many good memories growing up ( that' s a hug, not a ..strangle'' 1) and no,x. becoming good fnends! I'm so pr oud of you, Tate. and love you , ery much Kenzie
I hope you s ho,v me more great things 1n your fu ture I ·m proud of you. Congratulauons 1
Love, Dad
Josh - You co ntinu e to make u proud , eachandeveryday. We,vishyouthebe t 1n life - Be Hap py!
L oYe, M om, Gary, and Kara
These past 15 years of being your friend ha ve been the greatest gift o n earth You·ve been t here for me thro u g h eve r ythi ng. eve n ,vith an ocean be t ween u I' d neve r v1i sh for a better friend. Be t of luck in the year ahead. I lo ve ya Kel and al ,va ys ,vill. MUAH !
Nico le
Dear 1cole:
You are the be t daughter we could have hoped for. You are o good natu red and such a pleasure to be \\ith. We love your ea y laugh and }Our ze s t for hfe HaY1ng you for a daughter ha s ennched our hfe so much
Lo, e. Mom and Dad
You ha, e a great se n e of se lf You go girl- we'll a lwa} s lo\e you
Lo,e. Dad a nd Mom
ps . You are an ong1 nal and al,vay ,v1ll be
Yo u h ave al,vays been a beautiful baby. ow look at you, a beau t iful i ntelligent, talen ted lady. Never ch ange Al,vays be t rue to\\. ho yo u are We are very proud of you . Good lu ck with your futu r e. Remem ber ,ve are alway s there fo r you.
We love you!'
M om and Dad
Zachary 'Michae[ Smith
Zac- You are m y best friend and b rothe r an d I can ahvays count on you fo r a nythin g . I \vii i mi ss yo u o mu c h bu t I kn O\V you \vill succeed 1n everythi ng you try I love you so mu ch Do gr ea t 1n th e futu re
Love Al ways.
Cort ney
ic o le.
W e ·\e been be s t fnend for 15 yearc; 1 From e lementary sc hool. all the \\ a} through high sc hool. I am c;o blessed to ha, e )OU 1n my hfe I ' m o proud of e\ef)th1ng )OU'\e done I Lo, e }OU 1
Heat for 59 econd . not 6 3, ha s to be e tie not Hershe}s, the n turn on ··wizard of Oz." We ' 11 ne, er forget our morning ritual- '"e lo\ e } ou S, d and are so proud of }OU
Morn and Dad
Kayla .
Remember thi s da} •J I can· t beheve it ha s been 4 years I You are. and al\\- a} s be. ID) be t friend Al,va) rea c h for the star s. and you can do an) thing yo u\\. ant I I lo\ e you
Rachel Bear
My h ttle boy.
You ·ve gro\v n in to such a great man I c an ·t tell you hO\\. , ery proud I am of you! I knov,: grea t th ing will happen in yo ur h fe 1
Love you so much, Mom a nd Patr ick
b a bi es & buddi es 1s3
Z achary 'Mi chae( Sm ith
Za c har y. I have watc hed yo u grow up into the fine yo ung man you h ave beco me by craw ling as a c hild , a nd learn in g to sta nd Every da y of yo ur hfe is a page of you r hi s to ry F o ll ow you r dream s. go far 1n life I am very proud of you
Love, Dad
Che(sea Steiner
T o our little " button" You always lo ve d to model Yo u are two years o ld 1n thi s photo and al ready practicing the "walk "! Now, here yo u are a beautiful yo un g wo man at a mtlestone in yo ur life We love you so mu c h Chelspa 1
L ove, M o m, D ad and Thoma s
'Rithi Son
You're a good kid You we re a jo y wh ·n you came into thi s wo rld ; yo u will be a greate r JOY when yo u leave.
Ri c hard Son , Sokcheng Mam
'Tamara Sturdavant
From peek-a-boo to graduation , we're really proud of yo u! Mom , Dad , and Dere k
'Kyfe Su(fivan Casey
Kyle, Congratulations! We are so proud of yo u Now it' s o n to new adve ntures in co ll ege. Golden High won't be th e sa me w ith out yo u and ne ith er will we.
Love, Mom and Dad
Casey, I ' m s o thankful to have yo u as a brother. You made the tough tim es tole rabl e and th e goo d time s great. See you at dinner.
Love , Jared
D-m an ,
Re me mb er the time when you were little and we threw you off the Royal Gorg t and the train ran over you we ' re really I so rry ' bout that. Wow , that was fa s t. You are the love of our li ves and how lu ck} I we are ! Dream big! I
Lov e, Mom and Dad
Casey 'Temanson
Dear Casey, Your beautiful s mil e, curiosi ty for ll fe, and advent urous s pirit hav e brought us s o mu ch happines s. You have grown in s o many way s the s e pas t few years , and we are s o proud of who you have be- 1 1 co me Keep s miling , learning and que s- ' I t1on1ng as yo u begi n a new adven ture tht ~ fall.
Lo ve A lways, Mom and Dad
Bes t of Luck
Love , Your Family
'Anthony 'Thomyson
Anth ony,
I ' m so prou d of the person yo u hav e be co m e. Y ou ' re s mart tal e nted , can n g. good looking , and m os t of all MODEST
H ave a happ y hfe and re m ember m y so n g for yo u · '' B e a s imple kmd of man B e so m e thing yo u lo ve and und erstand ."
I Lo ve You , Mom
We love that you've always been able to se t a s ide cntic is m and do wha tever you want no matter what others think Remember , never be sc ared to follow your dream s, and aim for the heaven s becau se if you fall s hort , you ' 11 s till hn a s tar .
L ove, Sabrina , Britni , and Robby
'Ryan rout
R yan,
No words can begin to de sc nbe how s pecial you are to u s. B e s trong , confident , and mo s t of all, happy , and all your dream s in life will follow. We will alway s be there for yo u Our love for you i s unconditional.
All of our l ove, Mom and Dad
Cara 'Tucci
Here 1s your favorite photo c url s and all. We would have picked a photo with your bright s mile becau se you n early always had a s mile! You were always a challe nge , and that happy s mile s aved you mo re often than you know!
Lo ve! Dad & Mom
'A{yssa ortora
Al yssa, W e are so very proud of yo u You will a lways b e our l1ttle Louie Ma y you h ave wonderful expenences in yo ur long road ahead We w ill alway s be nght b y yo ur s ide
Lov e, Mom , and Dad
'Ryan rout
Ryan , We have had our up s and down s, but I will always treas ure our memorie s. I ' m so happy that yo u are m y brother I have had a lot of fun growing up with you. Ha ve fun wha tever you do I will mi ss you so mu c h.
L ove, K yle (Little Trout )
You have come s o far, yet life 1s only beg inning You ' re a very s mart p e rson and I know you will find s u ccess and happine ss in the future Shane, you ' re my bes t friend and I will alway s love you and be there for you. The moment s we 've s pent together will never be forgotten , but in s tead cherished, and hopefully there wi ll be many more Shane you ' re an angel.
Love alway s & forever , Je ss i babies & buddie s 1ss
Sy encer Weine[[
I ! • I • '
Spencer, Your compa s 1on for other \\.Ill tal--.e you far 1n th1 wor ld I I \\ ill al\vay support you and lo\e you 1n \Vhate\ er path you choo e. Keep tho se blue eyes t\v1nkhng 1
Love , Mom
any Wi[arski
T o n, We are and ahvays have been proud of y(lu We behe\·e that you \.\-111 accomp li sh ycur golas and make your dreams a reaht}. As 1n the past. \\e look foward to the future \\'atc11ng 1ou conti nue to grow. It 1s ahvays exc1t1ng to '" atch you demonstrate your athletic abihues and ,our musical asp1rat1ons. When 1nsp1red. ,our unique sens1tn it) and talents cont inue to shine through Lo\e ah"a,s.
Dad and Mom
We '\ e \Vatched thi s goof) k.1d gro\v into a really goof)- man We're proud of you. \Ve lo\ e you JU t the \\. a) you are, and \.\ e kno\v that you are destined for great thing s ahead I Skoocha La Mooch 1
Love, Mom and Keith
Mi cheal. We are o proud of the young man you·\ e become. You· 11 ah,vay be that happy , s,veet little bo)-.
Love, Mom and Dad
Crysta Wa[ker
To o ur American Id ol! We are so proud of you! You ar e one of the bnghtest tars in the sky You \Vtll al \v ays sh in e bnght 1n the lives of everyo ne yo u touch
Love, M o m and Dad
You still ha\ e a basketball in your hand But you·re taller than all of us no\v Mom Dad. Th oma
Crysta Wa[ker
WO\V ! 18 and graduation. We· ve had lot of fun to gether We're so proud of yo u and kno\v you hav e a bright future. \\, e I ,vish you luck 1n everything . Reach for th e moon and if you m1 • you' 11 land I among th e stars. We lo, e you. !
Kara a nd Carly
'Kristina Woods
Kri i.
W o rd canno t expres how much ,ve love you. We are so proud of you. Thank yo u so mu ch for being YOU!!! FollO\\' yo ur dream and enjoy the Journey.
Lo ve ah.vay
Dad and Mom
'Randi Zimmerman
Continue to face the \Vorld \vith strength and determination and you'll go far' We Love you!
Mom Dad. Cassie. and Kurt
_reg Youngs
You ha\ e always c;h1ne d abo\e the rest! Your determination 1s 1ncred1ble. your se nse of humor a Joy. and your oft heart a gift We 're s ure 1 ou \Vlll exceed a ll of ) our goals, and v.e hope) ou can h\e all of your dream
We ' ll love you fore\,er Mom and Dad
'Kristina Woods
Hey Bro, I always \Vanted to be JU St like you. You ha\ e been a great mentor. a great brother. and my be s t friend for my entire hfe . Good luck \\ 1th e\ eryth1ng you do
Ky le
'Kristina Wood
Goo e.
You are the best big s ister 1n the world I love you.
Love Moose
ick Yaw
Nick, Fi ndi ng a picture was a bit to ug h when there were so ma ny different expe r ssions: it's so hard to beheve you are a en 1or 1
Thank you for being an amazing son (kind, loving. funny, and i ndepende n t)
We are very proud of you. and kno\v that you \vill be successful 1n yo ur futu re.
Love, Mom and Tim
Kri ss1, You· re the little 1ster and the big sis ter and the middle child too. Sound to us )O have ome is ue s We all lo\ e you and \vish you nothing but the be t that hfe has to offer Rea c h for the tar
Love alv,,ays, Ed. Keith and Marilyn
'Kristina Wood
Kn ss 1. I alway kne\\ you \VOuld be a ·· uper woman"! You ho ld a very. ,ef). \ ery special place 1n my heart I love you so n1uch
Love al\vays,
'Krissi Wood
OMG. I love you o much. you are the be s t friend a girl could ask for. We· re going to be be s t friend until we· re as old a our mom s! I'm glad \Ve cou ld share our chi ldhood together, and I look fo\vard to all the year ahead'
Lo\e always. Chonkey babies & buddies
Ladies, I ca n' c beheve how lucky I am to have y'all as fnends. We 've h ad so me amazing tim es togethe r and I'll a lways look ba ck o n th em and s mile. You girl s rock , I love you all so much , and Kate inc l uded I I wis h t he very bes t fo r all of you
Nicole SedgeleyVanessa,~([,
My Three bes tes t fnend s 1n the en tire wo rld Can you beheve how far we've come? As you kn ow, life is n ' t fair, but 1t did g rant us a rruracle of ha vin g eac h o th er in both goo d and bad tim es ALWAY S remember I LOVE YO U
icore "'-""oeryen
Wh o knew that go in g to Sad1es as friend s wou ld turn int o what we ha ve now ? I never th o ught I would fall in love 1n high sc hoo l until I met you Th ere are to o man y memorie s to li s t. Pillow fi g ht s, no n-g r een eyes,s potltghts, th e car wa s h, and so man y mor e. I love yo u, boo , and I ca n ' t wait to see what the future hold s for us.
Andy Na ss an
Sonja 'Kayusta
Eat dessert fir s t ! Alwa ys li ve life to its f ull est. Thi s is it !
Lo ve, Mom
Vanessa ...... eather
There are not eno ug h word s to say how much yo u guys m ean to me I love : 1 ou both . If it wasn' t for you guy s, I would have no one to talk to You guys me.an more to me than hfe itse lf L ove, Marcus
~shfey ~rmentrout
P as h, Congratulations!! We (yo ur whole family) are s o proud of you! You have been s uch a ma gn ifi cent JOY to our lives s ince the moment you were born You are an incredible person with so mu ch p oten tial . We know yo u can become all th at yo u want and more Our greatest bl essi ngs and love go wi th you al ways 1
Heather, Thi s 1s the las t year Sean will be following yo u around
L ori& paul
Sonja 'Kayusta
Oh , th e places you ' ll go! Continue t o s wim the oceans, meet the peop le, climb the m oun tai ns and reach for the s ky It' s all yours
Big hu g, Dad t
!Erin 'Rose 'A(cock
Enn , From the moment you could talk you never s topped You know what you believe and s peak out about 1t. Th at's part of what make s you s o wonderful. Ma y God always be with you and s peak throu g h you. Thank s for th e s pecia l daughter you are!
Love, Mom and Dad
!Erin 'A(cock
Erin , You ' re my s iste r, I ' m yo ur broth e r, you' re s tu ck with me. I may not say 1t much, but I lo ve yo u , and I know you've bee n a po s1tive influence 1n m y hfe. You 're head e d for big thing s, keep your head up , and kn ow that I ·m ri g ht behind yo u
Lov e, Shawn
Wh1zzle Bizzle, Remember when you fell down th e b leachers? I do' We've had so man, great times together' " W ou ld )'OU hke a hot pocket? H ow bout an Eggo?" Vegas. Cali. basketball. fruu and yogurt parfaits, and so on 1 Ceh ne Dion will never be the same without you 1 You have made high school so fun. and I am thank ful we became such good fnends Good luck in th e future and try no to run into any sc reen doors'
Love Love Love. Supa
Whitne y,
We wan t yo u to know that we are very proud of \V ho you ha ve become We hope yo u are ab le to realize a ll of yo ur dreams You will find th at hfe ha s mu c h to offe r so g rab a ll yo u can. You are s m art and beauttful(hke yo ur dad) Reme mb er that ge ttin g older brings v.1sdom and with that , the p oss 1b1ltt1es are endl ess. We lo ve you
Mom , Dad.& Buster
Whnn ey.
W ow. hard to believe that m} lntle gi rl 1s grow n up and gra duatin g from hi g h sc h ool. then o ff t o co ll ege Seems like 1t \vasJust th e other day that I h ad a bundle 1n my arms, 1n total amazement that I s hould b e so lu cky Whit } ou are so tal e nted and have so many gi ft s and mu c h t o look f orward t o I enJoy the se m !l es tones 1n you r life and thi s 1s a b1gg1e. You mak e me 1n cre d1bl y proud 1 Lo ve, Mam a
Dearest Shay ,
I wish every family had a "S hara .'' You ' re so spe cia l and ,ve lo ve yo u very mu c h Th e mile s apart are much but are heart s were al ways c lose. Co lor ado loved you a nd so doe s " Barna ." ow s tep out in I tfe and lov e it Ma ke us proud!
Love, Aunt M argare t
We chensh the pnde and happiness you have brought to our hves, we pra)' that all your dreams \\ill come true CONGRATULATIO NS'
Love Papa.Aya.Am)',Trab,Megan,&Ana Belle
'Meredith Zika
Dear Mered ith
Hold on to your dream s - yo u ca n be v. hat eve r yo u \Vant to be.
S tay swee t, s tay s tron g
All m y Lo ve, M on,
babie s & buddies 1s9
~Csa 'Anderson
Deare t Pump.
Where might you be tn 17 more years')
H ere· \Vhat we thought "An author. runn in g a book score a nd being a free speech activ1 t 1n DC." -
D ad
"Clerkin g for the Chief Juc;tice of the Supreme Court " - Mom
"Mea t packer 1n Wec;t V1rg1nia ·· - Will ''Whate\ er - you· lJ be great!" - All
. Congratu lati o ns Golden LaCro sse Se--,,,r.J!l!!!j n1ors. Gus Bn dges/Luke B aruch 'T ou ha\e come a long way from 4th Gr..1de Westside L aCrosse. Applause. applat.se. applause and thank yo u Ted and Nwc} Baru c h for bringing thi s awesome opportunity to Golden High School!
J oan and Ly nd en Bridges
We love you' You are talented and creati\e 1 Follo\v your dream May God ble s your hfe' Jou rn ey
L o\e Mom and Dad
Little Gusy- P oo, Good thin g your older s1 ter-; set uch great examples for you in ho~ to ge t into trouble! (There· al\vays Jack!) Our little brother 1s such a great kid I Find the nght thing, and you will succeed
L ove Ya, Nik, J ack. & Mells
eatfier 'Banza
Heat h er.
Wh at year did you say you're go in g co graduate? Three more I tell yo u three more' Ju t Joking. 2005 mu1.,t be the year Congra tul a tion s 1
L ove.
Y our B rother. Heath
Congratulauons GUS 1
May all your dreams come true!
Love M om and Dad L..---------------------
eatfier 'Banza
H ea th er.
HO\\ the year have go ne by in ce you \Vere tht mall. You have grow n in to a beautiful you ng \VOman. W e are \'e t ) proud of yo u and all that you have accomplished. We love yo u ve f} mu c h
L ove,
D ad and Mom
'Ali 'Barnes
Y eah ' W e rule! '05 bab} ! Woo oooooo'
Luke 'Baruch
Congrarulauons Bro' Y ou n ever cea e to ama7e me You are good ate\ eryth1ng you try and can co nqu e r anything you put ) our mind to Take on the wor ld v. 1thout he s itati o n Th e re are m a ny n,ers and mo unt ai ns le ft for u t o con quer
L et's get to 1t!
Luke 'Baruch
The la~t }ear<, of the Baruches but b) far the least!
Your thir,t for ad, enture and ) our fearle,s approach to hfe has been a roller coaster of excttement for all of us 1 \\.ere proud of you 1n all that }OU ha,e accomplished You have ne,er been afraid lo tf} the unkno,\ n Keep } our ,en,e of ad,enture and cunos1t} , 11 ,,ill take }OU 10 fun places' Keep that sparkle in 1 our eye and that ,mile on )OUr face' The world 1, )Ours -behe,e 1n >oun,elf I love you and ,, ill m1,s 1 ou, e11 much 1
Lo,e Mom
Luke 'Baruch
Luk e,
The bes t of lu c k. to yo u in the future' I kn o \\ you will su cceed 1n whatever yo u put yo u mind to Keep c hallen gi n g yourse lf '
Lo ve, T y le r Ang.
My llttle An&JaJa 's firc;t hair cut Fifteen years ago I ,,a-. saying, " Oh no'" a nd you ,vhere -.a1 1n g, "What'> abou t ,vhat'>" bec au se I cut you r bangs a little s hon 0\\ we exc hange m ake-up tips and I make \Ure ,,e h ave the la s test eyeshado,v\ An&JaJa 1s a ll grov., n up now Thank c; for all our precious memories ,,.e ha ve had and ,,. 111 conti nu e to share I to,e }OU ver1 much, ah\a}\ and forever
Your ,,1Id Aunt Jodi
Luke 'Baruch
W e love the ,\a)' you have filled yo ur year \\ 1th o man.} di ffe r e nt acti, 1t1es s port mu 1cal instrument and a m,nad of challe ngi ng 1ntere ts Wh o e l se v~-ould go o ut for t,vo sports 1n hi g h schoo l that the y ne"er pl ayed before PL US kayak. th e Grand Canyo n at age 15 ? What's n ex t ? i? I can't ,valt to see' I lo" e .} ou
L o" e.
D ad
Luke 'Baruch
To a pe c1a l littl e brother. Th e best of luck Keep th at ad, en turou sou l Ther e 1 so much mo re for) ou to disco, e r Keep paddling 1
L o\e, Ju s un e. Sea,er. and T yle r
Chefsea Park
W o ,v 1! 1 Th ank you for s u c h a grea t year. You h a\ e c h ange d my life fore, e r a nd I \\ 111 ne, er fo1ge t you
Lo, e yo u a lway
J ames
I' rn espec 1all1 lu cky lo hav e suc h a spec ial person 1n m, hfe You '\e g1\en me a tim e o f lau g h s. enco ura g men t. memon es to las t a lifetime, and a h eart full of love I vv ill a l\.va y.;; be there whe r e e, er hfe tak es us . Y ou ' II a l,\ ays ha\ e a spec ial place 1n my h e art
Lo, e.
D J b ab i es & budd i es 191
My best friends, You two have been my fnend s for so long. I love you both We have so may memorie s that I will never forget. You guys give me the strength to be the best We will always be friends no matter \vhat. Love you guys.
Love , CI) ta
Jessica Crass
Je ss(S hm1 ). The pa st , well let' s see, 15 year have been so much fun' You are what a true friend 1s. We ha'-'e been through everything 1n our hves. together. whether 1t ' s serious or JUSt another crazy night. (Magnum , 1c1s cream1s, 1ntendo, Ron YEAH 1 , LOOKOUTmounta1n , JUSt s treak , Grandma's hou se) I could go on forever. I'm so lucky to have a freind like you You will al\vay be like a s ister. I love you my precious Lo ve. Mallory
Jessica Crass
Je ss ica I am the luckie s t girl 1n the \vorld to have two of the greatest s is ter s ever You and Mallory are quite the pair' You can always make me laugh I \\ 111 never forget going to your hou se and making brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Your hou e and family 1s like my seco nd famtl y and I hope that never changes. I f) ou and Mal don't end up going to the sa me college then I'm gonna come up and VlSlt.
Love Alway, Lauren
Jessica Crass
Je ss, You will always be my little sis ter. I love how \Ve can always make each other laugh , I am very proud to call you one of my be s t fne nd s. I w ish you success and happiness 1n whatever you do Never forget all the good time s we've had
Love , Daniel
I Jessica Crass
Jessica. Jessica. Jessica . We 're so, ery proud of the S\veet and beaunful young woman that you have become. { ou bnng such joy and laughter to all our hve s. We know you '11 be successful in college and whateve r else you choose to do. Have fun but behave
Love , Dad & Mom
Jessica Crass
As you travel dov.n hfe ·s h1ghv.ay from young now , to old. please remember what we've taught you: there will alwa) s be too many blank1es to fold!
Be s t Wi s he s, The Feltz Family
Croissant & :Eri1111 'Jownse11d
I had a root'n, toot'n ume with you 1n high chool. M a) ou r crazy co\vg1rl days ne\ er end.
Love, Cinda
'Amber 'Davidson
Chong, You are like my big s1 ter. You can never forget our tnp to Pu eblo. baridade,, lav. n mower at Wendy's, riding lesso ns. spiders. crazy Me>..icana 's, makeover,, Sadies, accents. Glenda Reece and all the s leepover\. I love yo u and) ou ' II always be my best friend.
Love al\vays and Forever, Cheech
Jacinda Croissant
" Bac 1nda". Stay cool and hang ruff, nothing \\.ill get . 10 your \Va)
L ove, Your Big Broth e r
Jacinda Croissant
Cute , sa sy and alwa) s th e JO} of our lt ves.
L o\e, Mom & Dad
'Amber 'Davidson
Our fir s t glimpse of our beaut i ful granddaughter , Amb e r , was at the age of th ree \vee k s enrou te from Guam to Colorado
O\V you are about to e nt e r a mo s t import a nt penod of yo ur life You have g iven us so much JO) and happine ss We are so proud
Love , Grandma and Grandpa
'Amber 'Davidson
ot only have you been my b ig s i s ter, but a lso my best friend . W e ·ve shared s o much t ogether - thi s picture says 1t a ll ! I !-..no\\ you ' ll do g reat no matter\.\ hat you decide to do 1n hfe , and never forget how much I love you
L ove, Y our little s is, Iri s
Zach 'F(our
Zach 1e, O ve r the p as t 3 years \ve ·\e become s u c h c lo se friend, and \Ve·\ e had so me great tim es' ( Movi e ni g ht \. Wat e rWorld , Steamboat. etc.) You 've been there for me throu g h thi c k and thin and) ou ' re th e c lo ses t gu 1 fri e nd I ha\ e Thank \ for th e great me mori es. and here· s to man} more to co n1 e 1
Lov e, Yo ur Budd) Amber
Lindsey 'Mu£vany
good f ri en d 1s as rare as a left- hand e d pe rso n 1n a world fill e d \vllh n g ht - h a nd e d people ··-Unknov.n
W e ll, Chic!-.., I co n 1der myse lf prett) lu c k y CUL )OU are m) be s t f n e nd A D } ou ar e left- h a nd ed I I lo\ e yo u Lind s 1 Al\\ a) & forever
Your "bes test'' fn e nd , Amb o
Stphanie 'Dockstader
Steph, You \\ e nt fron1 be in g m} c ut e littl e s hado\v to a beautiful. s mart , in dependent young \\!Oman Stay tru e t o ,o urc;e lf enJoy e ac h da) of ) our life and k.no\v I lo ve) ou and that I ' m proud
Your s1 ter and Be'-> t Fne nd , Me li ssa
'Ke((i Viets
I l o\ e S pagh e tt1 1
Lov e, Dad
C.1rla , I can ' t bl'iic, c th,1t th,.,,., goodb) c lt !>ccn1s 1ust like yesterda) ,, hen,, c were wrapping each other up in hn foil and running b) that ,peedometer The:--e past three) ears ha, l'lust been a blur that turned into one fun time and a grt>at friendship I don ' t kno\\' what 1am going to do next year with out ffi) bc-..t friend , but I'll lr) to m,1nagc l kno\\ ' th.1t \\ hercvcr you end up .ind ,, hatevcr )Ou ' rc doing , you ' re going to be gn~at at it because) ou ,1re one ol the people who was made to stand out in life . Thank, for grc,H high ,chool men1ories th,1t ,, ill last me .1 lifetime!
Lo, c, Kathryn
Zach 'F(awer
111111-\ ~"'i Zach, Your a great brother! We hope yo u haYe fun at co lle ge, but we are really go in g to miss you
Lo, e, Spe n ce r and Tre, or
Lyndzi Piorino
Lyndz11ssucha wonderful perso1.1n so many different ways , we're amazed by the things that she 1as accomplished. Good luck 1n the ye'lrs to come!
Love, Mom , Dad , and Zena
Zach 'F(awer
Zach, Congratulations on your gradua ti on' Set your goals and live your d r ea m s, but mo s t of all Be Happy!!! We are so proud of the man you are becoming and alvvays \I\ ill be! -
Love, Mom and Dad
:Jessica 'Froyen
WOW! W e made 1t! Always remember Hawan, Flordia, 4th of July , late night c h a ts, si tting on the roof, guy ta lk s, trip s to Greeley, 16th Street \llall , trip s to Englevvood , and "Yea h Ok! " I lo, e you and I look forward to UNC to ge ther!
Olive Jui ce, Boo Boo
'Bi(( 'Die kson ~i
Chris, Sean, and Bill hanging out with Ja so n the Easter Bunny!!!
'Bi(( 'Dickson
You \Vere a motor head ,vay bac1' when!
'Bi(( 'Dickson
Bill, You've always been a super h e r o to us H ang on to your easy goi n g, good nature I'm so proud of you a n d I love you more than words can sa}. Fly o f f into yo u r h.1ture, Go d wi ll always be vvith you .
Love, Mom
We know when you were born you \-VOuld gro¼' up to be President. Ke,·1n, you have blessed our hYes every day ¼' ith your lo, e, sense of humor, and passion for life Follow your dreams and remember to call home'
Love, Mom and Dad xo
1Jana ~arrett
Goodness gracious, we have been friends for a long time! We have had some unbelie, able times, and e, en more to come! I lo,·e you so much, and you have been a big part of my life. Good luck 1n your future!
Lvndzi Fiorino ,;
We have s u ch fond memories of you as a todd ler, you were always so kind and lo ving. We a re so proud of your many accomplishments and the lovely young lady you've become.
We Lo ve You, Granny and Cramps Johnston
'Rebekah _resham
To our fa, orite daughter, Our quiet, shy gi rl has grown into a beautiful, vivacious, not afraid to t ry anything woman Thanks for bringmg so much su n shine, laughter, and love into o ur h ves. Keep your focus on the l ord and you vv11l go far
With all our love, Mom and D ad
Ke, 1n, We ¼1 111 mis s ) ou ¼' hen you go to college next year We love you Ked1n!
Lo,e, Kelli and Matt
icore __ oeraen
I r q,
Your beautiful sm il e has brought JOY to all from the time you were an infant. Whatalovelyyounglady you have become. Our bes t vv1 s hes for a ¼·onderful adult life filled v;1th l1app1nes s!
Lo, e you , Granny and C r amps Goergen I ""
icore _oeraen
From the toddler ¼' ho ne·ver stopped t alking , to th e beautiful young woman you ' ve become, } ou ha, e al¼ ay s been a JOY 1n my life Congratulations on such a bright future'
Much Lo, e, Aunt Cathy
Steph and Ali , E, ery day you put the smile on m) face and find something funny about anything I don ' t knovv hovv I could get through the best high school years \l\' 1thoutsuch a good team You mean more than the world to me 1
Love ya fore, er, Bekah babies & buddie s 19s
It's 1mposs1ble to \ay all the things I \.\ant to '>a) to } ou. For the past 15 years } ou have alwa1 s been by my side, from being panked by a poon. to having a bowl of ice cream. or a qua ht} tv. o hour laugh
You h a\e al\vays been m 1 sister and '>OU Ima te. and I can' L thank } ou enough 1 The poss1bil1oes for th e future are endles.., and I can't wait'
Lo\ e al\\ a ys and fore\ er.
'Kourtney a
Where has the ttme gone. r\ e \\atched you grow up to be so beautiful and sma rt You have al \Vays been a wonderfu I per-,on. and suc h a JO} t o hang out \.vlth J '111 so proud of 1 ou and wish 1 ou a ll the be<;t in hfe
Always. Meg1:,
Kay la.
I 'm so proud of you. You have b1gdrean1s 1n doing the things th at ) ou \\ ant to achieve I hope all your dreams come tru e because you have all the determ1nat1on to make your life be very successfu l Be happy and enJOY life becau-,e th e wor ld 1s yours to do wha tever you \Vant to do
Love you always.
'Tommy ']-[untsman
Tommy. Congratulat1ons, we kno\v you ' 11 ha ve a ve ry successful futur e If s an1az1ng what you ·ve accomplished \vhile tr y in g to hve up to ou r hi g h ex pecta ti o ns
Andy and Charles
Mal To lhe greatest n1ost beauttful. fun lo\ 1ng s1stt r in the entire \\Orld To the person that I can con 1de C\el) c;ecret 1n I'll m,,., our talk.s \\here \\e coJ ld talk about anything and eve!) thing that\\ as go ng on \Vtlltng to give our <;a\ 1ngs accounts up for each other and drive to \Vyom1ng our 'bathroom'' breaks and our 30-second tiffs that Jessica wo1..ld have to break up' You really are anything and ev el) thing that I ever\\ ant to be I I look up to you .,o much I kno\\ that you 11 do aweson1e 1n college don ·1 forget to have me up' Lo,e alwa,s Lauren
I can' t belie\ e sc hool i5 over. but thi s 1s just the beginning. I ha ve had th e time of my life \VHh 1 ou over these past three yea rs 1 I lo\ e 1 ou oo mu c h ! We are and w ill al\v a} be sis ter We have had s on1e hilariou s momen ts I love you and thank you for eve r y thin g!
L} ndz1 Fi ori no
'Kaya son
Kay la ,
The last fe\\ years hav e brought us clo er than \.\ e h ave ever been. I don ' t kno,, \vhat I v.,ould've done \v1thout you. Madi son and I will al\.vays be greatful for all that yo u 've done to mak e our live s a httl, j easie r .
Love a)\vays.
icole and Madi on
!EUzabeth :Johnson
To our precio us L1zzi, You ·ve been such a blessi ng , our one s pe cia l. one-of-a-kind daughter You <:.how such maturity in life situatio n you amaze us. We kno\, you v. 1ll succeed 1n all God ha s for you 1n yo ur future
Love , Mom and Dad
'Kay ajensen
You are m) s un -;h1ne." Y our ..,mile 1s con t ag 1ou .., and 1 ou light up a room. Alwa 1 .., beheve 1n) ourself and love hfe
I'm so proud to be your mom. I love you.
'Dthia 'Ka(kwar f
K eep making that beautifu l music
Lo,e. Mom and Dad
'Dthia 'Ka(kwar
Some Lhings ne\ e r change
M om and Dad
imothy :E. 'Kenney , '1'1
): ou are and al,\a,, ,i..111 be the #1 son and brother We all lo,e )OU \er, much, and are , er, proud of ) ou I You are a \\ onderful per..,on Thank. ) ou'
We lo,e ,ou. Mom, Margaret, and Pop
D ea r Rud ).
You have n1ad e us proud of ,ou ever si nce da) one W e 're even more proud of you now ,v 1th a ll of your accon1p h '>hments. K eep up the good ,vork
Lo ve, Mom and D ad
ey 'Kno 5
Bob I Knobbs.
\Vh ere to start'> We've ,ure had our up-, and do\\ ns. but loot-. at U'- no,,, '> lron ger and n1ore
1n Jo, e than ever We ha, e ,o man) men10nes, too n1an, to say. ,on1e I can't I hate ho,, ) ou u\e }Our man1pulatl\ e per onaht} to ah, a}s get ,, hat ) ou "ant. You have n1an) talents suga bntche-, that ,v1ll tal--.e you vef) far 1n life. Ju st kno\\.. \\ hatever you choose to do and ,, h erever } ou choose to go, I 'll ah, a) s be ,v11h you. and I'll ,11 ll be head o,er heeb'
Lo, c.
J oshu,, a
He, Rud).
We've gone through a lot together. like pla, 1ng ba..,eball and soccer 1n the front ) ard and going on adventures Let·.., conlrnue hanging out together
L o,e, Your b rother R a,mond
Ma) your lo, e of learning and of hfe be unending What a blessing ) ou are lo us 1 Lo\e, lorn and Dad
You ha, e been the greate,t si s ter an, one could e, er ha, e I Thank.s fore, er) thing r 111 reall) going to mis,) ou' ) ou rocl--. the" orld 1 Lu, ) a ah, a) s. Jen
babies & buddies
'Mackenzie 'Kre(fer
KenL1e, Follov. , our dreams. trtl',t you heart and ,our future \\ 111 alv. a, s be bnght.
We love ,ou Mon1,Dad,Courtne, and Adam
Justin 'Ku(backi
To m, good look1n · Grandson , All the best of luck 1n the \\ orld to} ou
Lo\e al\\U)S, Grandma
Ca yn 'Ku re
Congratulauons to our little bab) ~irl \Vho has grO\\n into a beaunful you'lg v. oman We know that your loving he tl1 and compassion tO\\. ards others w 111 bn 1g ,ou success and happiness through your life
Deon Kuhre
Justin 'Ku ac / i
Th anks for being \uch a grea t big brother Wow, college! Time has gone b) so fast .I \\Ill miss you Ha,e fun. )OU ,i,, 111 do great 1
Lo\e, Cara
'Beth Lee
I an1 so proud ot \\ho) ou are and I cannot \\alt for \\.hat you may become I v.tll always be there for) ou as a fnend and a" a sister Ju .,, one thing, never forget that piece of cereal!
Love. Tess
Jenna an 'Kesey
You guy, are the ab..,olute be 1 friend-, r, e e, er had I don ·r know ,, here rd be \\ 1thout all your love, lt,ten1ng. "upport. laughter, and craziness' You truly are the I nends ··,, ho -.11ck clo-.er than a brother We -.ur\ 1,ed middle ,chool. high -.chool. and l ' m ,ure we'll sur'.1ve a lot more! Never forget Conro) ·.., ~hoe -.pecc.h. Pavel'-, hair. Brenden·., "tan" lec1. theater day-... lunch club. and all the good memone" that are too man 1 to lt-.t You gu}" rock the ca.,bah 1
Love , Emily
Rah- Remembe r --cos mo ", deep rock. safev.a, g u, , gu) sto n es. "fl icking· H.1 v. an and s tal e outs. 1 Io, e and I 1 couldn ·t have made 1t ,vithout) ou I,, 11' m1..,s) ou! Good lu ck. and a1n1 high . ,·
The Oriental l ) Oriental- M) little pineapple pnn· I ces\! e,erstopsm1hng!" Il o\e" ·Jatc j night sta ke out.,. oatn1eal 1n the n1orn1ng and Oreo\ at night 1" I' ll n1iss ) ou ,o much next) ear!
Rah- Rah
'Brent Lorenz
ovv \\ e can't ge t you to turn 1t dov, n' Lov e, Mom and Dady) hyg
Lin sey 'Mu vany
We have reall) e11Joyed \\atch1ng you grow into such a talented) oung \\Oman You are an amazing horse,voman. c;weet ... s1c;ter. and special aunt to) our nieces and O nephev. We love) ou. "pook1e!
Your brother Dana and -,1ster Stephanie
Lin sey 'Mu vany
Chicken. Wov, ! \Vhere do I start 7 I' 11 ~tart by '>a) ing thank-, for being m, best friend and all the chenshed memone that \\e ha,e had together We·, e been through -.o n1uch toget her. Maui. Gnz1l, Rose. '>la) 1ng up lll 4 am talk.1ng parties.·· Dr Pepper '''>, can1p1ng. " the bo, s ··. and all the goof) things \\.'e do I'll alv.a)s be here for 1 ou \\hen }OU need me I lo\ e) ou Arnbo I and \Vere going to ha\ e a blast 1n college Here 's to u~ chick.' Your '')Ide kick forever. your chicken (L1nds)
Ps Don· forget the Blue Bomber, Mar, and ._ the Rock. 1
Lin sey 'Mu vany
Chung- You·re an amazing fnend. We have so man) awesome memories. I \Vtll alv. ays remember sad1es, bik 1n1">, Ch1lb.. nese fire-drills. "booty calls", spiders. inhale rs. running into \\ all c,,, J acques, \i,,ater fights, park.1ng lots and all the parties. You·n always be my best fnend
I love )OU
Al,\ays and Forever, Cheech
'David ewman
Da\ 1d.
From rock.in· to drumm1n • to v.,heehn ·• ) ou a re t he best! Continue to be ) our ov., n person. With your pe rsonali ty. se nse of h umor. a nd d etem11na t1on, you'll go p laces E nJoy the nde!
Lo\e, Mom and Dad
I hk.ed c;en1or picture, taken\\ 1th) ou ! Ot cour..,e I'm the be-,t look.1ng of) our hor-;es bur v.e can·r forget m 1 brothers. Budd) and Kenya. the) lo\e ) ou too We are SOIT) for n1ak1ng) ou chase us around the pasture on cold v. inter mornings. but It· s JU ,<,l cause v,e lo,e )Ou 1
Lo, e ) our horses. Rox). Buddy and Ken) a
Cheech, I can ' r even begin to th ink. hov. long ,ve '\ e knov.n each other. We have gro\vn up 1.io much 1n these past 6 years ever forget our a\l, esome nmes together. nd1ng our horse~ 1n zero degree \\eather. "the pretzle." \\ ashing the horses 1n) our dn,e\\a}, and c;o much more' l lo\e )cl Cheech I Cov. e1rl, tore\ er 1 ...
Lo\ e A l \\ a) s, Pook.1e
Ps "Wh, .,..
Andy, Ifs hard to 1mag1ne that \\e d1dn 't talk less than a ) ear ago, nov. \\ e ·re never apart You a re an amazing person and I' m -,o luck. to have) ou 1n m, hfe. Thank. ) ou for all the \\ onderfu I memorte'i · Gnlled cheese, tomato ,oup. and ketchup, Ot11.i, n1ov1es. games and so much more I love) ou forever Andy.
I' m so , er, proud of \\ hat ) ou have accomplished. I love} ou so much Sarah \\Ould be \ er) proud of her ) ounger brother The future 1, very bnght.
Love. Mom
Well. \\e made 1t 1 ow it 's off to the big world of co lleg e' W e ha ve been tnend s for a lon g as I ca n remember and for that I'm blessed. When I think of m y chi ldhood me morie s there 1s not one that I th tnk of that doesn't ha\ e you 1n It, and all my dreams for the future hav e you 1n th em too I'm so grateful to have s uc h a g r ea t fnend hke you
We have known each other for a le ng time. and I know that we have had 1 )Ur bad time s. But I think that we reall) h, vc \Ometh1ng 1n common and that·s \\ hy \ 'C have put every thing behind us. Plus ve have so many great memones of gro,v1ng up together that I wouldn ·t trade tor the '>. orld. I kno"' that we \Vtll be fnencJ, forever and I ' m really excited for college Thank s forbe1ng s uch a great fnend!
Li sa
:ECsa 'Anderson
Dear Carla, Dud e I I don't ~now what I would have don e '>. 1thout you for the se pa s t few years. We hav e had so many good time s and I am s ure th ere are many more to come EC forever'
Love, Enn
Wow' Ho\\l man) years has 1t been) I can't countex.actl). From creek sloshing to burying potions and much more . I\\ 111 never forget! Here 1s to ou r past and future!
Lo\e , Enn
Tim ....... ink(e 1
Dear Mi s ty, Congratulations!! Cheer-, to a JOb well done 1·n1 always ve ry proud of you and look forward ro seeing you s ucceed 10 the futur e years to co me
I lov e you, Mom
De termination a n d your great sm !l e \\ 111 I get you \Vhere you \Vant to go
We love you. M om and D ad
Seems like only yesterday you were our "s pecial little princess ." No\v you are all grown up You h ave become a beaut i ful, c aring person with such a big heart, al\vays putting others before yourself. We are very proud of you! You will alwayc; be our "s pecial little princess: · We love you lot s!
L ove, Stu, Mom. and Skylar
I can till re n1ember whe n we were n1a tch 1ng ba ll eri nas for H all o\vee n I felt proud that you wan ted co do th in gs JU St li ke n1c. a nd I al ways sa\\' my s is te r ra ther than my cousin. rm very pr oud o f yo u and I \vi ll always be h e re fo r yo u a nd ) our baby
L ove, Ti f fany
icofe's 'Friends
It' amazing hov. close I 've gotten to all of you \V1Ch1n the l ast few) ears. I ca n ' t 1mag1ne \v hat high sc hool would hav e been lLke \.Vi th o ut yo u g uy s, and I ' m reall) g oin g to mi s see ing eve r) one all th e tim e. You 're all so gre atl y tal e nt e d 1n your own \vay (we ll. mo!)t of you) Good lu ck 1n eve ry thin g yo u do! I lo, e you gu1 s 1
Lo\.e , icol e
~rinn T ownsencl
It ee m s 11ke yesterda) \\ hen yo u \vere the c ute toddler in th1 ~ pi c ture. Look at ) ou no\, ! You have becon1e a be autiful yo un g v.oman We are so proud of yo u We v.ill al\.vays be there for) ou.
Mom and Dad
ick 'Robinson
I can 1 believe this ,tarted \\ 11h nacho cheese, a soccer game and steamboat I o n1atter \\ hat good or bad. we have ahvay, been there for each o th er We ah,a>, mah.e the bc-.1 of things. fr on1 lazer tag 10 our 12 30 dat e,, H al. open boo!-., letung n1e be your B00 1 dangerou~ dn\ ing. a ll or ) ou r " lacro~,e 1nJune,: • m) crazy fros.t1ng 1 Thanh. }OU 1 Th an h. }OU for teaching me ,o much about m> se l f Thanh. ) ou for not on l) being lhc be,t bo) friend but for being n1) be-.t friend I 1-.nO\\ ) ou ' 11 do \\Onderful thing, 1n the,e ne,t years.,_1us1 remember me \\ hen you're BIG 1 Ps. You made n1e \\ e1rd Lo\ e Ah, ay,,
Lauren'Ant3e[a 'Ro[clan
Our special s poil ed littl e one - affe c ti onate, ni ce, g 1v1 ng, emo ti onal, Linda , a ttitud e. We lo ved v. a tch1n g you grow, makin g and ea un g cov. cook ies. dancing v. ith your hon ey, and ca n1p1ng v. 1ith us. We are s o proud o f you. rm 's turn to graduate ". Congatulat1ons! God bles\. We 'II be the re for yo u both .
Lo, e You, Grandma and Grandpa
'Kim 'Krucfien
Kim , You are Just an an1a11ng perso n, and I \vant to th ank) ou for alv. a} s he1ng there for m e Thank ~for all the good tun es to o our ta lk s, ou td oor lab a nd of co urse hitting th e ''ba ll s of buckets" I knO\\ yo u ' ll go far and no matter v.here life tal es )OU. kn ov. that I \\Ill ah\a)s be there for) ou
Lo, e, 1cole
Jacque[ine 'Ristau
JQ ,
I JUst died 1n your amv., tonig ht ! e\.er forget, Ca h , c heer lea din g. 1 lo\. e u ", laundry room ge ttin g lo s t ( ne\. er our fault). hea rt to hea rt s, the Junior gi rl s" rhrO\.\. 1n g bobb) pin s,·· ve ntin g", and so n1u ch more' We did 1tJa cq l ' m sull mad that you are lea \ ing me, but \\ e \\ 111 al\\ays be friend.., I v.1..,h }OU th e best JR 's fore, e r M) best friend, I lo, e you
J e nR e ......
eather 'Roberts
Hea th er, You v.e re n1) fir s t g randc hild and I v. anted a girl so bad Wh en I found our, I JUm ped up and d o v. n fo r JO) You ha ve bee n th e apple of m) e) e s in ce th e da) )OU v.ere born I wi ll a[\\ays love )OU, Hea th e r nn1 c Wann1e
'Anae[a 'Ro[clan
An g. So n1an y ) ears. 1,0 n1an) tea r.., , but. v. e s till s tood -., 1de b) s id e. l'n1 so thankful for all th e n1 e n1on es \\ e ha\ e at sc hool and outs1de of sc hool ()OU kn ow)' But , no\, )ou're all g ro\.vn up and I ' m -.,o pro ud of ) ou! I wi ll al \vays lo, e 1 ou' (Grandn1a , n1 e and m y hon e) s danc ing)
One love , Ro c he ll e babie s & buddie s
S tnn gbean.
I am so luck, to have) ou form) big bro!
I lo\e ,ou so much 1 xoxo.
PS. Thank) ou tor all the ndes th1<.. year!
~i Sorensen
We are done and mo v 1ng lo co ll ege (ho~ efull, to ge th e r as alv. ays). Always remember H a\va 11 (H a\1, 11 ), Florida , R a1 dom tnp s to Kan sas. tnps to 16th <;l re~t mall. H or se. Da nce~. and the 4th of Jul You ar e an a maz in g g irl that I hop e v. ill al\va) s be 1n m 1 ltfe
Olive Jui ce. J essie
Joshua Lee Secora
J osh).
To ··our" merry little M s S un shine. We \\1sh you all the happiness 1 our futur e v.1 11 hold!
Love }OU al\.,,a}S, Mom. D ad. and Ke nn y
J es.
Fo ll o\.\. your dreams \vhe rever the) take )OU. I h ope to \ee }O ur name on a book someday (as th e author).
I'm proud of yo u 1
L ove, Grandpa Car l
J ess, You h ave al\vays been rn ) sh1n1n g s tar!
Don 't ever le t a n y thin g hold yo u b ac k !
You h ave become a wonderful pen~on I am so proud o f yo u ! Conquer th e universe! I lo ve yo u.
S\,eet hea rt I love :,ou more than all th e frog1es 1n the Jungle' I' m gonna m1 -.s you! Th ere "" 111 be no o ne to laugh \.\ 1th and no one to vent to. I lov e }OU more:: th an } ou ·11 ever knO\\ ! I don 1 k.nO\\ v.hat I'm gonna do \vithout you!
L ove al\.\ a} s a nd fore\ e r. Ke ndr a
J essie.
E ve r s in ce we \\ere little kid s. )Ou-,c been th e re for 1ne I am so proud of) ou and th e p erso n you ·ve be co me Con gra tulatton s on n1ak.1ng 1t through h igh sc h oo l I lo ve ) ou !
He) Domini (a. k. .a. " S k. ittz "), So man) years \.ve have been frie nds 1'01 r eall) glad you are a pa r t of n1) hfe Congrats on g raduat ing . H ave a good time 1n co llege. R OC K O !
Jenna 'Rim ert
Congrarulauon, S\veetheart 1
H O\\ qu1ckl, tim e flies. Seem, hke the da) before ) e,terda1 I held you ,n m) arm~ and maf\eled a t the \vtl d " hairdo you \\ere blessed \\ Hh Toda,. , o u are a bnghL. beautiful ) o un g lad) that fill\ m) heart \\ 1th JO}
J am ,o proud to call } ou m 1 granddaughter
II k.n ow ) ou \\ 1II al\\> a)" be tru e to , our-,elf and go far 1n \\h1che,er direct ion life leads ,ou Lo\e life to the fuUe,t \\\ee th eart, and it'll lo\e 1 ou back
L o\e.
Grandma J e nni e
Cfie(sea Park
Mo ve on Stop WOIT) 1ng where yo u 're go in g Mo ve on Look at v.hat )ou·,e done
Th en a t what yo u \vant ot where) o u are ot a t ,vhat yo u 11 be
Ju s t keep mo v in g on
We lo ve you. Chel..,ea.
Lo ve.
Mom Dad. and J e nn a
JacqueUne 'Ristau
My D ear JC.
W ell. I ha\ e to sa,. th ese pa<;t) earts \Vtth yo u have been th e bestofm 1 hfe 1 I co uld n e,.e rfit into 50 \\.Ords hO\\ much you mean to me'
Ah,.ays ren1ember Fox1e \\0x 1e~. Mt Sc u s1.
G-u n1t , m ea n eyes, Ju an Duh. e and Princes<; Pink erton. Ca li forn1a. H erk1e her~1e, Stag ,cag. ,;mall nostn ls, and ) ou r l aug h th at \\ as so 1nfect1ous! o matter hO\\ far life tak es us from each oth er. d o nt ~top be!Je,. 1n ·. and ¼ h e ne\er, ou \vake up , reach foryoursm1le) fa ce c up !
Syencer Priest
I · m very proud of the yo un g man ) ou ·ve be co me Kee p rea c hin g for the tar s.
Th ey are wJth1n your grasp
Lo ve }OU, Mom
Jenna 'Rim6ert
Hey Bra,
Although )O U ha\en ' t alv.,·a) listened to my ad\ ice, 1t will al\Va).., be there \vhen you need It Through thi ck and thin. )OU have grov.n up to be a good sister I v.111 alv.ays ren1ember all of the st upid stuff \ve used to do v.hen v.e \Vere lntle. Those v. ere th e da) '>. huh ') I , 1sh you the be!')t o f luck for the f utur e and I kno,v th at ) ou v.111 achieve ,vha te\e r )OU \,\,ant 1n life Love you lot'>!
Ju snn
Jenna 'Rim6ert
Jen ~re
Who kne\\ \Ve \.\Ould become s uch good fnend..,/ th a n ks for ah\,a) s being th ere for me in good lln1es and bad' \V e had -;o man, good time.., Cah. dance,;. Defense/ MVP. \\a,hers and dr) er\, and \0 n1uch more I \\ 1ll ne\ e r fo rget our late night-. \\atch1ng A F V 1 Ha\e fun 1n co llege and t f} not to ge t into too much trouble' Good luck 1n the future and ah\a1 s remember " l LOVE IT '"' Lo\e the one and on l ).
Syencer Priest
Thi s 1s your time Aim high
We Jo,e you.
Pr1 esl Family
Love, Dad & Mom
& buddie
You are an a\\-eso n1 e, fun n ). beaut iful_ a n d h a r d V\- o rk 1n g you n g woma n V\- ho h a, al rea d ) acco m p li s h ed n1o re th a n a n ) one th o u g ht poss ible W e are ver1 proud of ) ou e\ ery day!
M om a n d Dad
L inds ey 'Mulvany
From the 4th grade geel.., to ,en1or hott1e~ 1 I ren1ember \\hen }Oll mO\ed here ,tnd \\C bec.ame bc~t tnend, nght a\\ a} 1 EYel"} da} ,, a, ,ome hilanou,ad\entun: Fron1 ho~e'> cool club-. JTT
,1ng1ng m thl. ,trcct and _1u,t being "cr.iz ) blonde
e1rJ... And \\ho could fori2et F\JL> 1·11 nc,er forget all the ,cupid hampster, 1 \Ve had ,o man) funn) men1one:-.. I can t even h-.1 them all 't ou \\ ere al~ a), there to r me Lind, and I \\ Ill ne\ er let our lnendsh1p die' I Lo,e 't ou So ~1uch 1 ) ou re ~1> \V1zn 1
Love Chehea al.a Cht.!'chc
'Ro66y and Stacy
R obby said th a t th ose \Ve re hi s s p oo n s!
H appy Gradua ti o n 1
L ove.
G r a nd ma a n d G ra ndp a
Cara / ucci
O ur f as hi o n qu ee n ! Y o u 've a lw a )s had your o~ n u niqu e s t y le a nd fas hi o n se r 'le W e ha \ e 17 yea r s wo rth o f p hoto s of poses a nd cos tum es t o d e li g ht us. Y o u , e a l\vays bee n a h ea d o f th e tre nd s - - k e .! p th a t u p 1n th e f uture.
L ove.
D a d and M o m
'Ro66y and Stacy
Y o u t\VO g r e\v u p m ore like t\v1n s a nd co u s in s. Y o u h ave co m e a l o n g\\. a) a nd ) o ur success h as trul y am aze d u s. E\ en 1f you t\VO d o n ' t e nd up s h ar in g th ose s p oo n s. yo u t\VO h a , e eac h o th e r
L ove.
G ra n d m a an d G ra ndpa
.Jessica 'Mae Vichot
J essy,
I a m so pr o ud of th e bea utiful g irl yo u h ave bec om e. I l ove yo u wJth all m y
h ea rt a n d a lw a ys re m e mb e r th e goo d tim es we h a d toge th er. Al ,vays fo llo w yo ur h ea rt a nd b e li eve 1n yo ur ,e lf. I kn ow goo d thin gs w ill co n1 e yo ur way!
L ove, M o m
R o b ) o u \Ve re al\v a ys a great dresse r ,v tth goo d tas te. You are s o alert an J on to p o f ) o ur ga m e. Your moth er and I both kno w y ou ha ve a ve ry s ucce..,, tul f uture a h ea d of yo u W e lo v e y ou and G o d B le ! Y o u co uld n ot ha, e t \\ o m o r e pro ud pare n t s than \V e are Go ge t ·em R o b .
Lo ve,
D a d a nd Mom
'Robert Van .Jessica
e Vichot
Wo w! I c an ' t b e l ieve you g r a d ua ted ' It see m s hk e yes terda y \\ e bo th we re 1n d ayc a re. B o, tim e fl ies. W e ll. I kno\, y ou will ge t e ve ry t hi n g 1n yo u r lt fc th at y ou w a nt. I c ou l dn ' t as k fo r a be tt er si s te r.
I L o ve Y o u
Mik e y
Lenny, I guess everyone hould cherish \Vhat ume the} have together because you could ,vake up one day and the} could be ..., gone. Even though \Ve ·ve had our disagreements I will miss even our l!ttle arguments. Thanks for being a great older brother. Don't let the little things in life get you down .
Love, Megan
'Brandon Wambo(dt
Brandon, Your smile and sense of humor are a very special part of you. Your loving and caring nature are things desperately needed in our world today You have the ab1hty to brighten a person· s day and loving cheer to any s1tuat1on. We love you so much.
Mom and D ad
Crysta Wa[ker
High school ma)' be coming to an end, but our memories will neve r' We co uld laugh for hour s th1nk1ng about the past. We have been such good friends and I ...., look up co you in so many ways and you are such a wonderful person I love you!
Good luck 1n your future!
Jake Ward
Jake ,
You'"'e al\\ays been the " ladies· man"' Your smile and confidence v\tll get you far! We lo, e you 1
Lo,e. Mom and Steve
Wow. this year has been so much fun! I don't know what I \vould have done wuhout you! I ·11 never forget you! Hope you have a great time at U C. You guys look G R EAT! I love you Woody
From the beginning we ·ve been buds 1 You've always been great at wha tever you pul you r heart into . We are so proud of you and love you so much
Love, Helen and T im
rcus Wyatt Sarah
Can't belJeve) ou 're so far along. Seems like yesterday ,ve ,vere going to take the picture and now }OU 're graduating. We are so proud of you. You mean more to us than anyth1ng We love }OU!
Love, Mark and anc,
There could never be another to make me feel the ,va) you do. Oh, we JUst get closer I fall in love all over e, er) time I look at you. I don't know ,, here I 'd be wnhout) ou here v\ ith me Life with )OU makes perfect ~ense. You're n1 1 best fr1end 1
Love. Dernck
From playing dre,'> -up tn Kren1n 1ltng. to running through the '>p r1 nkle r in Carbondale. to \\atch1ng Super Tr ooper, countle,s times 1n Golden. for th e past eig ht een year'> the memone.., are e ndl e..,s
You comp lete the tno Al\\ a,.., k.no\\ you can count o n u.., and ne\ier torge t the t1n1e, v. e ·\ e '>ha red together Lo\e, Carrie Jo an d Katte
'Mamie rJ{iordan
You ha\ e so much e ne rg, o much talen t and are so crea tt \e You \\ Ill go far \\ tth aJI that goi ng fo r ) ou You are a craLy g irl and al\va)', m ake u.., laug h We \Vill mis, }OU \el) 1nu ch \\hen ,o u go a\\ay to school Good Luck 1
L o\e, Becky. And,. and Tim
Paiae 'IJe'lferrera
She 1, 1n\·ent1\e. ong 1nal. and tak.e w hat she \Vant s fr om hfe. 1nclud1ng rn a ny of her n1 o th er·.., clothe\. When , he comes into a room. , he expec ts someth in g to happen, and 1f It doesn ' t ,he take.., \tep'> to '>ee th at it does.
L ove you. M on1
'Ke(fe_y , cfiristine, 'Ka t e, '.Amy, 'Nicofe, a11a <Nicofe
My Girls I canno t exp res.., hov.. irreplaceable a ll o f yo u a re You he lped lead me down th e right s tree t, i .e., th e hi ll by Stine·.., hou se and 1n sp 1re d me 1n eve r, aspect of 1ny li fe Our fnendsh1p will ne\e r s tra y. allhough 1t n1ay pull to th e left. You a ll radiate in e\e rthing yo u d o. Check a nd make , ure} ou never chan ge I lo ve yo u a ll
Fo rever. Kim
'Mamie rJ{iordan
Ma gsy.
Your m1sch1e\ o us natu re has always kept u \ o n our toes from the day} ou too k.} >Ur fir,t s tep. Th at mind of yours 1s constantly working o n so me thing ne\\ \Ve are goi ng to mi ss all the noi se \\ hl~ n you're a\\<ay a t sc hool. but of cou rse \\e'll ha\ e yo ur ani mal s! We ·re so proud o f you I We love yo u
Mom and D ad
Sotya 'Kcpusta
rm so happy our path s c ro sse d 1n Au., trali a. Wh e neve r I see a Koala or a beautiful sun ri se. I \\ill think of you I l o\e yo u and a m \el) proud of ,ou I k.n o\\ you ca n a nd \Vtll acc omplish e\eryt hin g ,ou se t out to do.
L o\e. 1ck
'Krysta erry
Good lu ck Kry s ta! W e are proud and lo\ e ) o u \ e ry n1u c h I Here's to a ble -.;se<l and happ) futur e!
Lo ve, Mom Dad, J o.., h Cod,. and fan1i l)
ico(e fiiem
H mn1m ,ou are such an amazing fnend otju t be ca use \Ve tru ly understand one another or because I feel lik.e I can tell ,ou any thing , but becau se we help each other reach our absolute pote n tial " Fn e nd ship is the light that puts one on he r ba ck and carries you thro ugh the darkn ess." My heart and soul forever are c ha nged b1 your p rese nce.
'Drew 'KeeGne
We are so proud of ) ou. We cannot believe you are graduat1ng from high '>Chool. You have been such a fun kid to raise. You ha, e kept us laughing \\. 1th ) our quick ,, lt and we al\\ ays have fun \-\ 1th )OU around. Good luck. 1n your future. We believe \\hen 1 ou dec ide to do something. 1 ou \\Ill ah,a}s accompll' h your goa ls. We lo,e }OU. Mom. Dad, Madison. and All}
§(ade Zarn
G l ade.
We hope you alwa}s keep music 1n your heart. You ha, e a great atlltude to\-vards hfe. and \\.e can't ,van to see \\. here H takes you. Have a great t ime 1n Fort Le\\1">
Mom and Dad
Jason ']-(ock
J ason.
So many choices 1n your life I Ha, e fun wnh yours It seems like onl 1 1esrerday
Mom and Dad
§(ade Zarn U
Don't lee 1 our talents go to \\. aste, \\ hat }OU can do ,v1th music blo\\. s me awa) Make the mos t ot college and you'll learn more from your friends than an),, here el o;;e Focus on the ones that v. ii I al\\.a}s mean '>Ometh1ng to )OU. Despite } ourself.) ou ha, e turned into a great kid and I love 1 a
l1npressions was published n s Sc h oo l Pr od u cti o n Adviso 1 · Bill Kelley
Group of Topeka, Kansas.. mp a n y r e prese nt a ti ves were Gary Cordray and er t Th e b oo k s i ze is Edit o ?' i1i Cliief Rob Van Dy ke nine (nine by twelve · ,.. ,. nt a in s 248 p ages. O n e thousand and eighty b u b lis h e d a n d we r e so ld Shane Tys l a n originally £or $45. •··•·.'~--~,.. ""~- P e opl e Edit o 1:............ ....... .. .. .... ....Jessi Yoakum
The theme was o
The cover :i Dyke.
Macintosh dl
WliS senf to OS
All bod 10~ taken M
e d b y Ro b Va n D y k e. Co rdr ay a nd R o b Van s h e d u sin g A d o b e s h o p 5.0 o n va r io u s
s co mpl e t e ly di g ita l a nd ega Z ip di s k s.
nd cap t io n co p y is in 8 -
e a nd g r a d es we r e llm e nt li s t. Sp o rt s fac ts re p s.co m , th e Rocky st. W e a p o logize fo r a n y
Spo 1,.ts & C lii bs Edit o 1.... .............
Dylan Mahon ce
A cademic,g Edit o 1" ........... ..........
Katie Dabb s
Jeff Thomps o n B a b ies & B ii d dies Edit o ?"S....... Matt Shafer
Aoi Soren se n Pli ot o Edi to 1 s ........... Za c Smith
Staff Members
Le ann Bec k e r * Sa rah Murra y
Ari e l Bl a k e m a n * Laura O s borne*
D a ni e l C le m e nt Sa r a Padilla *
C a yce Co rn e tt Cllel s e a P a rk*
Rob e rt Duncan * Briana Parra *
Al ex Fe hrman
Laur e n Hall
S teph a nie Pothas t
Raquel Ramire z
Sa mantha John s on * Tar a Reed *
Chri s Jone s
Misea l Silva *
D e an Lope z Je ssica Vichot*
Sean Ma y o * A s hle y Vigil
John Mihlfeith*
Ke ll y Mit chell *
Sally Wil s on
* indi cate s full year
\ \ ' \\ ant to beg in th1 \ le tt e r by say ing th a nk yo u to a ll of th e \ ta ff a nd a , t.r} \ e ry '> pec 1al th ank -. to Ro bb ie (he kn O\VS \Vh at I mea n). As o ur seco nd } ear e d1t1n g. th e c hal le nge-. became m o re diffic ult. but w1th a li ttl e hard \\ Ork \Ve ha\ e surp as-;e d th e m a nd no w 1t 1s tim e to n10\e o n We \.V tll ne\ e r forge t th e fu n t1n1e.., wa tc hin g Je ff and Dy lan wa lkin g ar o und w ith t he ir pa nt -, do\\-n a nd \ee 1ng Ro bbi e cha,; in g afte r th e m 1n a pink robe. Th at ,nay ha, e ne, er happ ened , but \\ e can \ay it did J us t to re mind us of th e \\ Jld an d c razy tim es , ve had An o th er spec i a l th an ks has to go to Sean \l a} o an d Che l-.ea Pa r k for a ll th ei r hard wor k, co n-. 1\ t1n g of d oi ng o ur \\ nr k We rea ll y d o app rec i ate e\eryo ne here and \.Ve hope the good v.,o rk \\ i ll con tinu e thro ug hout th e years Ho pefull y th e fu ture e dit ors \\ ill no t rn ake th e m1 \ ta ke of no t sav ing o n a co mpu ter and nea rl y lo-.1 ng th e who le "'e n1or sectio n Th a t \.Vas fun , le t u te ll yo u a bout lt 1 We've ha d goo d a nd bad t1n1 es bu t its a ll wo rth re1n e mb en ng As mo,; c o f yo u know Sh ane T) , Ian 1s g rad ua tin g. so pl ease re me mb e r him fo r he 1 yo ur fne nd a nd ,, 1she.., } ou a ll th e bes t o n nex t years boo k Th a nk s to th e new fn end s and faces. ll has bee n a n u nforge tt a bl e year and o ne th a t w ill be re me mbe re d fo r a lif eti me
Peop le Ed ito r<.
Jes-. 1 Yoakum a nd S ha ne T y.., la n r1r ,t I ,x,, o uld hk e to than k my co-e d itors and fn e nd J eff Th om p son fo r all the he lp on th e ad , ert1 -. 1ng a nd fun me mon es 1n th e c l ass. I \\ ill n11 ss Je ff and h1-, hard ,vork "W he n he goe~ off to co ll ege nex t yea r Nex t Ro bb y Va n D} ke "T o p Dog" a nd th e ed 1to r -1n -c h1 ef. he co mpl ai ns a lo t b ut he h a,; to. to kee p u, \ tr h, 1ng fo r s uccess. S ha ne and Jess ie are g rea t a l-.o and th ey \\ Ork hard e r th an a nyone I have eve r see n, but s tlil Sha ne makes me la ug h on a dall y ba.., 1s Dy l an 1s so funn y I for ge t th at he d oes a ny wo rk (d oes he do a ny v.o rk )) A ll of th e p eo pl e 1n th1 \ c lass are grea t a nd 1t won t be th e same w ith ou t th e se nior e dit ors: Ro bb y, Sh ane, Je ff a nd Dy la n Thi s yea r rea ll y roc ked a nd I h ad th e tim e o f my lite Oh yeah, and Mr. Ke ll ey. yo u are th e bes t yea rb oo k teac her a nd yo u h ave tau g ht me so mu c h. Th a nk s 1
Bab ies a nd Budd ies Ed n o r M att S hafer
F1 r'> l o ff 1 ,vo uld hk e to cong ra tu la te eve ryo ne o n co mpl e ti ng th is year's boo k It has muc h mo re e ffo rt in \-o l ve d th an mo\ t wo uld think Thi .., boo k \vo ul d no t ha\e bee n co mpl e te w ith o ut th e he lp a nd ass 1-. ta nce of Ro b He co mp la in s mor e th a n a nyo ne I kn o w, but he was th e one wh o mad e it happ e n S hane, des pit e b eing bu sy m o\ t of th e nm e, a dd e d a we ll nee d ed co n1i c re li e f. A nd ,v ha t poss ibl y m ad e thi s c l ass n1 y favor ll e, was wo rki ng ,., 1th Dy la n, he s howe d me ho\v to c limb up po ll \ Th a nk yo u everyo ne.
Ba bi es and Bud d ie<; Edit or Je ff Th o n1p ..,o n
Wow I v., o uld ha , e neve r th o ug ht I w ould be writin g a le tt er in th e G o ld e n yearboo k but I g ue\s th ings rea ll y d o ch a nge I ,vo uld of co ur se hk e to th ank Rob bi e for makin g every thin g ac tu a ll y wo rk , and a ll th e o th e r edit o rs fo r th e i r he lp I'd hk e to th a nk J o hn M1hlfe 1th fo r s upp ortin g every c ho ice a nd d ec 1-, 1o n I ma ke, and no t c han g in g hi s pe rs pec u ve o n m e I love yo u I \\:o uld hk e to thank my famil y fo r for g1v1ng me a nd he lpin g me thr o ug h th e u ps an d d o\.v ns o t my hfe. I wo uld al -.o lik e to <.ay hey to An e l I The o nl y coo l Juni o r g irl a t thi s -.c hoo l. a nd S hann o n I w 1-. h I co uld be wntln g thi s \\'i th )O U 1 But s in ce th a t didn ' t wo rk o ut , bec au se o f tec hn ica l d1ffic ult1 e!-., I'll put ) o u 1n he re fo r th e hec k o f It Th a nk s eve ryo ne 1
Aca de m ic E<.ht o r Ka ti e Dabbs
Jt' c,, we ird for me to think th a t i t's been fou r yea r\ and I' m abou t co have to g r ow up , bu t I'n1 no t rea d y to yet You co uld not ask for a be tt er g rou p of fri e nd s in a c lass. Robby was by far th e \ex 1es t ed ll or tha t yearbook has e\er -.ee n I d o n ' t th1n k anyo ne e lse cou l d have pu t up Vv lth as many prac ti ca l Jo kes a-. he d i d. Je ff 1t v.,a.., by far funni es t mo me n t ru nning thr o ug h th e -.c h oo l v.,1th o ur pan t-; d o \ vn a ro un d our ankles and Robby chas in g afte r us 1n a pin k robe I hope I taug ht you a good th ing on th e pole Jes.., 1e, I \vo nd er who \ V t11 g1\e you s uch a h ard time w i tho ut Robby. Sea n . S ha ne, Je ff. and n1 e aroun d a ll th e tim e Ma tt , be c o f luc k. to yo u 1n Rob by·.., s hoes and I hope fo r yo ur sake th at yo u d o n't ha\ e a cla,;s h ke t h1 s o ne Zac a nd Ao 1, whe re \Ve re you las t '>emes te r ') Ka tie, your pages a [Vvays o ut -di d m ine '-10 th a nk s for a ll yo ur ha rd wo rk Sean, yo u ' re o ne-of-a-ki nd , tha nk .., fo r tak1 ng n1 y c hai r everyday a nd tha nk s for everyt hin g. buddy C he l-.ea. g ro w lo nge r leg\ cause we're no t \Va lti ng fo r e,e r A, for Mr Ke ll ey, th a nks for be in g a n a"Wesome teac her and not k 1ck1ng me out o f yo ur c }a..,s a fe\.v ti mes a nd by the way, " You're k1l hn ' me Ke ll ey ' "
Sports and C lub s Echtor
D yl an M aho nee
A<; thi -; year began, tl see me d th at 1t wa.., al rea d y ove r My \l.i ho le hi g h sc hoo l caree r 1s d o ne an d a ll I have le ft are th ese me m ori es. Th is year 's boo k , as every year'c;; did , see me d to s ta rt off grea t, b ut we soo n e nco untered min or -.e tb ac k ~. As a tea m , ,ve -.ome ho\v go t thr oug h the m a nd fini she d thi s boo k S ha ne and Jes-. 1, yo u t\V0 we re th e b1gge, c hel p that I eve r co ul d of as ked fo r Bot h of yo u ha,e -. tood by n1 e and so met im es d n ve me c ra/y ( mos tl y S ha ne). but th an k yo u fo r e\ery thin g Fo r a ll th e con11cal r e hef. I th ank Dy la n and Je f f You g uys di d an exce ll en t JOb and agai n I th an k yo u But I d o no t th a nk yo u fo r those "U ntitl e d Fo ld ers" litt e ri ng my de\ kt o p An other th ank s goes ou t to Kati e . Yo u d o a g rea t JOb on \v ha te\.er yo u put yo ur m i nd to A <., pec 1a l thank s goes o ut co Ao 1 a nd Zac, yo ur p ic tures ltn e the pages of th 1-. book and for th a t you s ho uld be very pr o ud I wo uld a lso hk e to tha nk th e s ta f f With o ut th ei r he lp thi s year boo k v., o uld s till o nl y be a drea m C he l c;;ea and Sean , yo u t,x,, o were a mai in g by he lpin g a ll o f th e edit o r s and as a tea m wewou ld lik e to tha nk yo u for all the help I wo ul d lik e to w is h goo d lu ck to Ma tt , th e nex t years \.VI II be \ery try ing
Re me n1ber that th ere are 1ndi v1du al -. out th ere cha t we a lways be \\ Il h ng to he lp A nd fin a ll y. T H ANK YO U to Mr Ke ll ey' Th ese l a.., t th ree yea r s yo u h ave bee n th e re whe n I have had qu es ti o ns a nd J U-. t li s tene d to me ta lk about hfe. Th ere 1s no t eno ug h roo m 1n thi s boo k to th a nk ,ou Th a nk }OU fo r le ttin g me have th is wo nde rful o pp o rtunit y to be a part o f Yearbook Co ng ra tu la u o ns to th e C l ass of 2005 1
Edit o r 1n Chi e f Ro b Van D yke
M a tt S h a fe r , D y l a n M a h o n ee, J ess i Yoa kum , Rob Va n:> Ribbon-shaped magnetic stlckars urging people to -Support Our Troops appear on countless Amertcancars
0 The United Nations reports the AIDS epidemic is growing in Africa and worsening dramatically across eastern Europe and Asia.
:> After more than a year of ceasefire, civil war re-ignites in the Ivory Coast as a result of President Gbagbo's ordering air strikes on rebel positions
a leader who sought a bomeland for his people, but many Israelis see Arafat as a ruthless terrorist.
:> In October, more than 1O million Afghan men and women vote m the country s first presidential electiona milestone m the country's transformation after 25 years of war and Taliban control.
0 The Ukrainian Supreme Court invalidates that country's disputed presidential election because of vote tampering. In the revote, pro-West opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko claims victory.
:> In September, Chechen rebels kill more than 430 people in a series of terrorist attacks in Russia, including the bloody attack on an elementary schoolhouse.
:> After 22 months, the conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan continues to grow, leaving more than 2.3 million Africans in need of humanitarian aid.
<: Due to manufacturing errors , the United States faces a flu vaccine shortage The U S Department of Health reserves vaccinations for those most at risk - people over 65 and infants six to 23 months of age
:> In
Americans who served during World War II in the military and on the home front.
<: A prolonged deplo yment of over 200 ,000 U S troops to Iraq leaves many families struggling at home
August , the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center opens m Cmcmnat1 , Ohio 0 Countries and individuals around the world join together to pledge over S4 billion in relief for those devastated by the December tsunami disaster • - 0 Christopher Reeve dies at age 52 Reeve 1s remembered for his movie role as Superman and as an advocate for spinal cord research after being paralyzed in an accident in 1995. C According to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. over 20 million people are wearing the yellow "Livestrong " wristbands that help fund and promote the organization's cancer research. In September, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announces a $168 million donation to fund malaria research. 0 The National World War 11 Memorial is unveiled in Washington , D C in honor of the millions of0 SpaceShipOne , the world 's first privately developed spacecraft , is named "2004 Invention of the Year " by Time magazine
:> Apple 's iPod is the year's hottest tech gadget. fashion accessory and advertising personality, all in one creditcard-size package
<: Portable photo printers that do not requ ire
a computer are a hot item for dig ital camera owners
:> Hong Kong-based toymaker Wow Wee Ltd sells 1 5 million Robosap,ens since the toy's introduction m April Among other " talents ," the $100 robot can belch and pass gas on command
0 The Food and Drug Admin,strat,on links the use of antidepressants such as Zoloft Prudi and Prozac to suicidal behavior in teens
0 After four years on the market and billions of dollars in revenue , pharmaceutical company Merck recalls the arthri tis drug V1oxx due to increased nsk for cardiovascular disease
:> General Motors releases the industry's first full-size gas-electric hybnd pickup truck, the Chevrolet Silverado
:) Toshiba 's HD DVD and Sony's Blu-ray battle for supremacy over the next generation of DVD technology Major movie studios are evenly divided in their backing of the two technologies
<: Designer dog breeds like the "Goldendoodle ," an allergy-friendly cross between a golden retriever and a poodle , are in high demand
:, African lions Join the endangered species 11st because they are being killed to protect domestic livestock and their habitats are being destroyed
0 Although Saturn's rings look solid from Earth , images taken by the international Cassin, spacecraft show they are more like rivers of dust and ice , with particles ranging m size from specks to mountains
0 Swarms of locusts destroy millions of acres of crops in West Africa
<: In September, astronomers announce the discovery in the Milky Way galaxy of a new and possibly abundant class of planets
<: On a remote island in Indonesia, scIentIsts find 18 ,000-year-old skeletons of a hobbit-like human species that grew no larger than today's average three-year-old child
0 In October Mount St Helens vents ash and steam for the first time since its maior eruption in 1980
<: Threatened by the spread of hormone-disrupting chemicals and global warming , polar bears are added to the endangered species list.
(: Knitted ponchos are fall's hottest new fashion trend, gracing the shoulders of your classmates and your favorite celebrities
:> Pocket bikes top holiday wish hsts despite safety warningsthat they are not toys -•
0 Airbrush tans, capable of lasting five to 14 days, provide a fashionable and safer alternative to harmful ultra-violet rays
World PhOIOs
0 Italian link charm bracelets become the biggest jewelry trend of the year.
:, The "grunge" style of the early '90s resurfaces with camouflage patterns and T-shirts with long-sleeve shirts underneath .
C I O Whether genuine or ordered new s f ram a custom T-shirt store on the t ,::
Web, vintage '80s iron-on T-shirts are a hot fashion commodity.
i:) = C=a=tc;;;;;;h;;;;;;ph;;;:ra=s=es=u=se=d=to=-e-=n=co=u=ra=ge= people to get out and vote become a fashionable cause , appearing on everything from T-shirts to ties
:, Thanks to the popular movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, the high-flying, body-bashing sport makes its way back into gymnasiums across the country.
Soft·drink makers join the diet bandwagon with low·carb sodas like Coca·Cola C2 and Pepsi Edge Sales of the new products however quickly go flat.
:, With more than 7 million participants, pa1ntball Is the third most popular extreme sport. behind in-line skating and skateboarding
O Muscle cars like the revamped Ford Mustang GT regain their presence on American roads
O Fast·food restaurants offer kids ' meals with healthy alternatives to fries and soda, including apples and milk
0 Bucking the health trend , Hardee's serves up a Monster Thickburger with 1,420 calories and 107 grams of fat.
C: With DVDs delivered right to your door and no late fees , Netflix and Blockbuster Online become popular choices for movie rentals
C Events like the All Girl Skate J m, founded 1n 1997, bnng skateboarding to peak popularity among young girls
0 The lncredibles. Pixar and Disney's movie about a superhero family trying to live a normal life in the suburbs, is a box-office smash.<: Ty Pennington and company improve lives while making homes better on the successful ABC home improvement show "Extreme Makeover Home Edition ."
:, Fox's "Arrested Development" wins the Emmy for Best Comedy Series after an inaugural year that is critically acclaimed but poorly rated
O Stephen , "Lo ." Kristen and friends bring their real Orange County adventures to MTV m the hit reality show "Laguna Beach ."
• Rodrigo Varela.,W11ellllllQr. com
"You·re fired 1" becomes a ouse old phrase as Donald Trump plows through executive wannabes on his hit NBC show "The Apprentice "
<: ABC gets big ratings f ram its new hit drama ''Lost, " the intriguing story of 48 plane crash survivors stranded on an island.
<: To kick off her 19th season of CBS's "The Oprah Winfrey Show, " Oprah and Pontiac join forces to give each of the 276 audience members a brand new Pontiac G6
0 Pausing and recording live televIs1on with DVR is rapidly replacing VCRs in households across America
<: Before his unbelievable 74-game winning streak comes to an end, NBC's "Jeopardy" contestant Ken Jennings wins $2 ,520,700 -a TV game show record He delivers over 2,700 correct responses
0 Nelly continues to wrap up big sales and hit songs with the simultaneous release of his two albums, Sweat and Suit
:, Ashlee Simpson , Jessica's younger sister, makes headlines with her triple-platinum debut album Autobiography and a lip-synching gaffe on NBC's "Saturday Night Live."
<: With bands like Interpol, The Killers and Snow Patrol , alternative rock returns to the mainstream music scene in a big way
:, u2·s new album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb hits No 1 in Billboard magazine , and the band is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March 2005
:, Legendary '80s alternative rock band The Pixies, known for inspiring "grunge" music, reunites after 13 years for a sold-out U S. and European tour.
:, In December, Usher dominates the Billboard Music Awards , taking home 11 awards, mcludmg Album of the Year for Confessions
, O Rapper Kanye West collects a whopping 10 Grammy nominations including Album of the Year, for his debut The College DropoutVideo game giant Electronic Arts buys exclusive rights to the teams , players and stadiums of the NFL for
:, After three years Microsoft ,-.l1..,_ I ______________=....., and Bungie Studios release r, its popular Madden video game franchise
the most eagerly anticipated I' video game sequel, Halo 2 Over 5 million copies of the game sell in the first month
0 The newest trend in video games 1s to go " old school ," with plug-and-play systems featuring '80s games from the likes of Atari and Namco
O 2004 is the year of celebrities having babies , as Courtney Cox-Arquette, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson , Julia Roberts, Liv Tyler and others all become first-time mothers
C: Thousands of young people become avid poker players, a trend sparked by TV shows featuring tournaments for celebrities and professional poker players.
C: The challenging "Metro1d Prime 2 Echoes '' takes home the prize as IGN corn's Gamecube Game of the Year
0 The hottest "hard-to-get" toy for the holidays is the Nintendo OS handheld gaming system
C: Even though 1t won 't reach bookstores until July 16 , 2005, preorders in December help J K Rowhng 's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Pnnce top several best-seller lists
Following his win September the Deutsche Bank Championship, Vijay Singh unseats Tiger Woods as the world's No 1 golfer :> Heisman Trophy winner Matt Lemart leads the USC Tro1ans to a second consecutive NCAA National Championship by routing the Oklahoma Sooners in the FedEx Orange Bowl , 55-19 O With a series sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals , the Boston Red Sox lift the Curse of the Bambino " to win their first World Senes trtle since 1918 :> In one of the worst brawls in U S sports history, five Indiana Pacers players clash with Detroit Pistons fans on court and in the stands The Pacers Ron Artest 1s suspended for the year for his involvement. :> Mi chael Phelps swims his way to eight individual Olympic medals, six gold and two bronze O Together for the last time the "Fab Five " of U S women 's soccer - Julie Foudy, Joy Fawcett, Mia Hamm. Kristine LIiiy and Brandi Chastain - bring home an Olympic gold medal. C: The Detroit Pistons led by Ben Wallace and finals MVP Chauncey Billups, win the 2004 NBA title C: The Tampa Bay Lightning claim the 2004 NHL Stanley Cup by winning the seventh game of the Stanley Cup Rnals , 2-1. over the Calgary Flames