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e bell rings for lunch and students flock from their respecve classes out to the courtyard. Students of all ages congreate here to decide what they are going to do for lunch, but · nol}mymor~. Ever since construction on the school started, Golden High School students do not really have a common meeting ground. Not that all students hang out together anyway, but now they are even more separated. An off blo ck that u se d to be spent lounging on the grass behind the big oak tree is now s pent sitting in your ca r on the street. "Even though parking made it harder to see my friends at schoo l this yea r, we just have to find other place s to hang out. People use the l ower couryard, the cafeteria, and the football field a lot more ,"said senio r Christopher Cullen. Students will have to adapt to changes, but that i s what the y do best Howe,, er, the closeness and unity that all of the GHS s tudents feel can never change.
Whethe.r yo u a r e a freshmap, sop homor~, ju.p.ior or • one of the ever-ruling se nior s 1 Homeco min ;i,,yeel< and the a ssem'b l y are a part of th e most exc it4r g :fiesti- , 4,I of the schoo l year . , Witth Crazy Outfit Day1 D eca des Qay, uas Veg&s Da-y atlq, of cou,rse, Spirit Da y, it makes the normal s~hool d ic}f frqm normal, and, when assembly timeir~.ni s, round, the class competitipns anc:L 11Mr. and Mrs. __._. ool" make Hom~comi.ng week even more fun. With the 'Demons playing tne Commanders, it Ill ae the teachey skit very if} resting, along w·th ggllleS and serj r a.,yvards and th@ 1)erfoQnances from he ,.,. qheer ] 'am, D~ e Tuam ra ndM ook's Daace class.
We are se niors Senior Tawny Drexler laughs as she , va tches all the crazy skits of the assembly. " I really thou gh t thi s.ye ar 's assemb ly kicked it up a n o tch," sai d senior Vanessa Ortiz
. . II . • t • • . .. ..... • • • • • • • • e e • •
M Jan
, ckson S uthe rC 's of thi s year 1 an d Sam 1~ unpre d ic
6 •
. ' • • ' . . I • ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • G tl1J1'e •
i ots Lauren Hall and ev ling enjoy ching the assembly,
g the ir turn t
• • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •• • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . •
• • 0 7! 0 7! 2 -0-0- 7! Senio o ther o ff ba lance w hile • • • • • • • Hand jive
d oes t ~e h an d jiv e, a tra d e m ark of the a ss em bl}~ ' 2-0-0 9 fr~ hm en Pan di s e AJi g la N e'\.vman wat ch the a l9 alwnys teals th e ONE
Junior Natalie \ l\.1ttman
Card s, floats , and painted Demons of all ages filled th e s treet s for the Y~f1rly omecom.ing celebrations. With ad.renar line pumping events s uch as the prid·e ~· a'fa ,de, car smashing, launching wate~ Pe;lil0ns, and the return of Powderpuff f2Bt r al_!, fll~ carruval festj iities were a. blas 11.
:rhe lmigtte~e~as tKeme 0i Vi as D~~ sl?roug · ou e "Yild a azy spirit ~~ def· 1=ff)m.e ~g. banq · tunes tog -.-11, ~e1:ow l1urri ea up ......... d ~em: he (0e&, ctr nd inm'l~- e spirit,u ~ o · Nkr ?fl@ • tfuoqgh a1l Rud @ t ~~,:!!: toge'ther to ee ~ - Brat -.w-~ @e- a Itemon.
• " • • • • • . •• • , ' j •• • • · e e
·· ,. ::P... ""'"" Paj t B!J }elf? K;vafi
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... • • •
• • the juniors • . . • •• • . ·, • • ., . • • • • • •• • • ' .. • . . • • , . .. . . . .. . • • • • • ' • • ' . ' • • • • • ' •• • •• . '
rs Senio more ee Jensen sh ,, agement tudents ge t ready to frustration some legal vandalism
Powderpuff This Senior Piper Weston goes for the pa_ss to help ,-vm the Powderpuff game again s t
• •
• • • • • • •
Missed Me to pro tec t Mr Rago
Order Up Senior Tara Pattie ser,·es U.P the dtinks on the sen ior ffoat.
'Feelin ' Lucky Senior Da Vlid G 12er _put on his q,est poker face~ b e presses 11.is lu c~ at the -0\ble
iffil::llert takes aim as-fie pre1~ target.
t~1t0ie She ~mons through; flashy face pam
.. , ;. .. ' .. · · -.PfofJ.t /;3ff;~ ·Ha, ~te v -ki
·ij n p d oub:t t h a t th e Ij ome coxrlli\g; · l e.~
r y one awa y thi s yea r D ~~on spiJ:ft flo Jf\.e
S', h er ing on ilie foo tba ll t e an;\ t o ;\Ti ~ ....,. It, b this nigh t, Se pte mb e r <f4, th e De~on sr
e. g t fi to ' Oft any k-g anq com.~ '
~t:U.~1n s ~oof\ i::o m I?, eti · 1<epn pp ~d~dr_}t @Bro~ks Fiel e Diem r feet plant q £jfr,nJ ro s ed e :es o g igli:t
• . • • • •
• • • •• ,, • • ... • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Qui ck s
Seni o r Kame ro n Ga t es sp r ints down the field • • • • • • • '• • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • •• . • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •
'S .I:> an.-:-...YJV.
..,, - - • ma k es a quick "vas
nice to finally
on1.ecoming once s in ce I have ere a t Gold ted M o h amad.
I: I .
' '
-' ' ' • ' '
Demon pride ~;;, D around the s tan d! , the
.,...~~rk~~· , $Ul1l!©l@rru.th~ .]1)11'-@~ @f®U Uliil@ @i~rru.ceiirru.$ ~U Uilu@ IFii@Ilcdl IBI@®~@
Brtio/4fJ Patmer
• I I
qmeconung week of 200 6 e1:\tle :rrtany sin schoo l l et loo se. a! the Home ->LI --~ , ~<lllloe. ' a1ly-(tvei;'yo:o.e was there, from fres tot s.~--GHS stu dents know that this-hi Jh ., Was~~ (ast ""~ ee:o~ance f F • · was _ -qapce, gut lfie Qt · a ase. m y..fnen :anc;e<ra wl.16le lo . ~ear, -r,,,,.,.,,ateci V Orti~~ ' seni _ rs · ~'-l.~11-L' ~e
• t .· • L • •
Pajt /3/j,~
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• ..
· g dance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Taylor de cides
ce • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •
Getting Close Sophomore Carissa Thom so nFoos and senior Joseph Gomez happily get together at the beginning of
a slow dan
Ge t Funky With It 1ught a\\•ay vn th her fri •• • • • • • • • ing Along ong F ine B als s I.n~-s- a e h ng 'v\•i tb. a od it g. ,1c ance Swing Silt~'Wil:; n 1n_$S' lier p~ n iden wrule-fis
During high sc h oo l plays,, the acto~S' get all bf the fame Th ey m ay be the s tar s on 1lhe s tag e, but ' what about th-e people that mak e it a ll happ e n ~ Senio r ~i~an,y Palm e r is one of th e s tuden t directors for ' thls )'ear 's fai l pla y Barve 11 As s t a ge manage r,, I hc1ve a f-0t b6 respol) sibilities . !.hav e to write down all 'the ll',~ ~lt>~g1 make s ure everypne is saying the corre ~ ~ ]J.nes1 and pretty mt1cl1 male s ure all is going well. But t's tor.l.of fun ." ARyone ca11 plainl¥ see that this lPaY. e hru-d work, but is vezy rewarding in the end. Th tecJi. an&--poo crew don't only wgi;)< liard for th p 'A¥( they atso hav a lot of fun "I've spent tbe entire p1;0ducqon timeci.n tli,e th ter even though .... iwtyt' t ha e to, Be,au tl1eater sucks you in," sai sophomor ft.m k-, the "ma a" of tech crew. in th~ e~d, ffitryey eame ut t~~e a successful J,.......__ p. i:!he set fooked .. ~e t 1 ~e lights were awesome, . d'W~ J gpd tllri~aetors w am'9zmg. ~veryo e that wotked o tl1aft.ro uction really 9-!li a,1i awesome job.
Fam ug Ju \,·ick come togeth cast, and perfo
Che e!~!~ovler and }wood's s tra n ge erine w ere pl duction.
t jo s hman Debra Z a'ba ge ts do,vn and
a the stage. part of the tech cre,v, l e d build and t the s et , a s '\Nell a s mo, e s a round \.\'h. e curtain s vvere clos ed She many other " ' members helped keep the s hO\\I runnin£
• ..
Young love Junior Dom Reimer and senior
• tvf ehssa Sipes get together and talk about Ehvood and Har, e) at the ,doctors office Obson 1ng their characters, the) seem to haYe a little hidden liking for each other
• •
.. . • • • •' • • e • • IJ Paj e B!J
BrfJoke Pflfiner
' . . .
• .. . . . :
• I • .
Age 17 or 67? Ju nior .tvfatt Brunel R pla)'S Iudge Gilffue} in tJ,i:: plav He was able to fo ol the audrence into s ho,\ ing them th a t he can i ct olderJhan,he rea ll y1s.•• well , 50 )tears older
Time to l ook th e part res noty~--= justJtbe ~ ls putting on blush th1s tirne.. ~(tlor Erin La nvick';' enior ?a,cli E-ightn!aster, anEi junlo~ Neil Brooks get ad) t'9 put o n a great sh ow with so\'ge m i\_ke-up.
1, 2, 3, br e ak Jwuor Brunel, sophomore Ale plan their next mo\! e o
eds some help Sophomores Alex Urban and ra , ,m n e rt es as Dr. Sanderson and Nlli1le Ruth Kelly. They work hard fo Chumley had ordered.
. .
er> 1J e un
Ftee to do what I want any old time!
freed om fr om h om ework and wc1-king up in the early hour s of the morning l: o go t b school was.. fj.rially over. Golden Hi gh School s tudent s weJe out ~o; a great 2006 summ er full of fu n. I t wa s time for na a d ve nture s and fami ly vacati.ons to warm destina ·ons. Whether J ou stayed home relaxing iJ;l tl~
!;:Q.f~~ atm Colorado sun or left to an exotic paradis ~d 1fs e e free frOill a1-w hard wor~. Sun1mertitne is ~raalw ~the time for.new expetjet1ces and to meetpew~ people. Sophmore Nat s}:la Kb,ight said, 1'That was a itlghteous &tti1pnef H4 Being in Mexico for a 'Vt{ee AA paradise... re IB" noffiingbetter than thet!" With all the W,~fim and iw activities. tg~ither~ is no doubt ~""" , - :-. er:t we,e man; ffif;}ll\.orles ad-e this um er.
ater r:f~tasi eajo
'dh•i.J • • •.. -
tic Thirouin slides on hi s feet ake at 12,000 ft " It v.,as ,veird the middle of June," said Enc
Head power Jeremiah Torbit heads a soccer baU se n ding 1t flying "Ahvays use your head," Jeremiah sa id Jokingly
.r."~.., t--·? i... '
'' l ' h e p ast is o ur d efini t~ We m ay s tr t \ e, wi th goo d r easo n , t t..etca p e i t , or to esca p e w h a t i s b a d in it, but we ,v itJJ.~&ip e i t o nl y b y a ddin g some thin g ~efter t o it ." ~Wend ell Be rr y {~s th e cl ass of 2007 wa lks th e h a ll way s , of Go l de n H ig h Sch oo l , th ey w ill a lway s r em e mb e r th e cl asses w hi ch gra dua ted b e fo r e th e m , as w ill th e up comng sei n o rs o f n ex t year and th e cl asses be ]ow th e m . Each yea r n ew me m o r ies a re m a d e in th ese h a ll s a nd a cl ass of s tttd ent s is se t fr ee into th e rea l wo rld Co min g up o n th e l as t yea r s o f Go ld en Hi gh in thi s bu ildin g , we ' d lik e t o t ake yo u thr o u gh a r oa d trip o f th e p as t yea r.
{;' L Q ;:::r "=i tlJ c.: r:- r(..(· a;J • --r' • .. ~o C Lil ~• I f"""!'
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• Pajt B!J K M{Jl'IJ,eft :;, .-rn )
After 12 l o ng yea r s, th e cl as~ 2006 got to 1r.f'. walk ac r oss th e s t age a t Br ooks Fie l d on Ma y 20, 10!]6. This yea r 's se niors decided o n th e cla ss flower be~g a lil y; th e class so n g was \1 0 t ed as " Our Li ves" by¢!' e Callin g; th e cl ass speaker was Bob Ha yes; and th~ class quote was, " You h ave the br a ins in y our hJd.d. You h ave feet in yo ur s h oes, yo u ca n s te e r yo ur se lf in a n y way yo u ch ose. You ' re o n yo ur own. And E:J: yo u kn ow w hat yo u know. You are the guy who will decide w h e r e t o go," by Do cto r Se u ss. Th e gradua t ed seniors now h ave a long jo un ey s till ahead of them known as col l ege, but w ith th e s u ccess of their high schoo l caree r s b e hind th e m , th e r e i s no doubt th a~ j3 they wo n ' t go on t o do bi gger a nd b e tter things, "t m so exci t e d t o fina lly b e d o n e. I know that our class is going to do g r ea t things , and I wish them a ll the be s t of luck, " said senio r Taylor Romanowski. Congratulations class of 2006
• • n e
Ove rj oye d Senior Joey Co"ven raises his arms 1n joy whileNai · aero~ the stage at Brooks Field. " I mi ss the seniors and I m iss seeing Joe)';\ri my cla~es,"
ROAD '·· tRIP a-:
One l as t fra m e Seniors Sean Stokes a nd Jason Nye pose for a quick picture after the gr adu ation ceremony Sean is going to continue his education at the Un1\ ers1ty of Miami 1n the fall
said iun1or Chelsea Kenne,--
] O
B e s u ccess ful Senior Kent McKendry introduces class speaker Amber Sangle Kent \Vas senior class president and also one of the four valedictonans for the class of 2006
Fl auntin g it Seruor Jocelyn Zupin s truts do\vn the s ta ge proud to receive her diploma . " I' m so e"Xcited, finally I'm done," said Jocelyn
Taki n g it a l l in Senior Alexandra Runge,, alks back to her -,eat after recie, 1ng her class flo,'\er '' Im happy and -,ad all at the same hme ," said Alexandra
Smile bi g Senior Jack Jones can ' t stop s1m1ltng after rece1, 1ng his 1:-) diploma " I' m so proud of h1n1, but I'm going to m1::.s him hke craz\ next year,!'::! said httle sister Al Itson Jones f
O ut s id e th e Bo x Senio rs Brooke Sauer and Kent Mckendry help Mr u n ng h is speech b) demonstrating ho,,· to think outside the box
DtCl ap happ y Senior Julie Bauer ap plauds at the end of the open ing speech by lvlr Conro} " I', e ,vaited fore, er to g raduate and no,v I can't believe that 1t s actual!\ happening," said Juhe I
ITru e fri e nd s h i p Seniors Kirsten Sletten and Brooke Sauer hug be fore the start of grad u ation. Brooke"' a.., student body president and on4 ot t}.1e tw o class speakers at this years graduation ceremony
ra-.1 00 •
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Pr o m h as tra diti o n a lly~ e n one o f the ~O m os t mag i ca l n ig ht s o f a s tud e nt s hi g h sc h oo l ca rte~ a n d t his yea r was n o exce pti o n . Dresse d in the y' r aJ .. ve r y b es t, s tu de nt s m a d e th e ir way int o th e Ad arri.f; Ma r k H o t e l t o dan ce th e ni g ht away, a lthou g h Prtm'l wo u ld h ave n e , , e r h ap p e n e d w ith o ut a little cas h.L' fl ow. " I s p e nt over thr ee hundr ed d o ll a r s; m y dr ess a l o n e cos t two hundr ed and thi r ty!" s t a t e d juni o r 9] Cai tl in Bau m a nn Ju s t as w ith every d an ce, th e ni ght wou l d n ' t b e co m p le t e w ith o ut dinn e r. Se ni o r Mi ch e ll e Asm u ssen exp l a in e d , " M agian os is th e b es t b ecau s e i t h as a g r eat e n viro nm e nt a nd th e foo d i s g r ea t !" Prom 2006 was n o thin g s h or t o f a n a m az in g l as t d a n ce '!j
the yea r.
~'--· 'V -~r¥ -~ --.... •~'"#~ e,)' ?! 'e<ffl • '1!, ::.......-L. ~~IB~®@If ~®®®~ i "-.. V ,e.'la:-.:t1} PaJe B!J Ambes_3Jtake ....6 ...,n .- 'I I. • I Ir} '!
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Say ch eese Juniors Caitlin Baumann, Jessi K\-v;k, Mass up~ i ct~ mkulchai, Kell} Albano, and Ahcia Os teru.on smile fo r the ca mera
-e a... a :::J
Three amiga s Junior L}sa Pose and Seniors Yolanda Suma1ku, and Jessica McDonough pose for a memorable photo op
C--, '-----~-~~ -~ _.
Oh s hnap Junior Taleah Cummins p lays tug of war\\ 1th the \.vall, a nd the ,vall ,von
Can y ou hear me now? Seniors Jake Spence r and Jenna Lopez pause from the dance to make some phone calls t o each o ther, maybe'
In the moment Seruor Ro, all} Stephanie Adair and Zach Bresler en10, their slO\\ dance as king and queen
Yeah budd y Senior \.1chol \Jelso n an d Junior Jessi K,\ ak enjo) th15 danCEJ.,J \ V1th their dates
• .JI
Jump ahd Jive Se ru o r Ariel Demeres t a nd d a te Ka len H ar m on S\ vi ng to
Marti Gras baby Senio r s Ba) lee H ansen and Ma tt Garrett ta ke a m o m e nt o ut fr o m thee\ en ts t o strike a p ose
C" l'.TI
ni, l 6 Ut1P l
Shaken , not s tirred Senio rs Sean S toke s, Jaso n N ye and S k} Sclu\ a utz s h o \v h o, v to ug h they rea ll } are
...... ttJ ;ti]
1 ti;
.. ••
To s pi ce thin gs up a littl e, the~rl s g et to ch oose w h o th ey w ant t o t a k e t o th e Sadi e Ha w kitl~ d a n ce. Eve n th o u g h th e dan ce was r esch e duled o. t o Ma r ch 3 1, m any s tud e nts s t ill man age d to holcft:;r. t h emse lves b ac k until th e ni g ht o f th e d a n ce. Junittr Ta r a Ba r za nji s t a t e d , " Th e b es t p a rt i s th e g irl s lJJJin g thi e r d a t es t o chill w ith th e ir fri e nd s." Sa die s i s a grea t d a n ce t o jus t kic k b ac k and l e t l oose no m a tt r-9 :1, if yo ur w ith yo ur c ru s h o r wi th o ur pals. " I r ea ll y lik ed w h e r e Sadi es was a t ," sai d s oph o m o r e Mor g an Klu e b e r . Th e d a n ce was held a t th e Mil e Hi g h Station, w hi ch was a bit o f a d rive, but th a t didn ' t s t o p s tu.de n ts fr om go in g a 11d h av in g a goo d time Eve ryo5ER was dresse d up in th e ir fo rm a l wea r r ea d y for a nig l:l1: full of l ife.
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Do A Little Dance Senior Chelsea Catron and junior Ev}il p~ a ge t the ir night going ,v1th a httle rhythm in thetr step. "The Mile High Smtion \\'as a g re a
Girl s Night Juniors N1kole Morgan and Bridget Morano display their gorgeous smtles in the middle of the dance
place to haYe senior Sad1esf.' slated Chelsea.
• 6
My work h ere is do n e Sop h.m ore Rac h el Hunt and freshman Maggie H unt take off the heels and head for their ride after the exhausting night
Swing it Seniors Logan Custer and Katy Ke ll ) dance the rugh t away li ke n obody 1s ,,vatc hing.
Lookin ' good Junior f\ 1atthc\, C. al --~ la gher shO\\'S off h is good look.., during:> th e h ectic night
Take it easy Sophomores As hlie Barry and Eth a n Da n,i tz dan ce to a s lo"'
Picture perfect Senio r Brooke Sauer and 1un1or Joe, Gomez put the dance on p ause for a snapshot
A ll S mil es Junior Spence r Bo l tz and s ophomore Heather Schmad e r s h a re some good la ughs du ring t he n ig h t
P ose Se ru o r Kendra War ren and Ja me s Holmes attend th e ir fir s t forn, a l dan ce together " It\\ as the best of the bes t Sad1es since fre s hm an year, " s ta te d Ke ndra
Every trip th a t Senior Semina.~akes pro-
, , ide s an adrenalin pumping adve nture full of new_ experiences. Whether the y involve rock climbing4 biking, or even ca mping overnight in a hand buifi:j: s now cave, the se se nior s never do the same thingn: twice. " I developed a lot of people , leadership , fJi thinking skill s which are a ll very important in life," s tat ed Tyler Polhill. Many se nior s join Seminar for 9 J the exci t emen t and adventure involved, but Amanda Nolte had somet hing else to add to th ose reasons " I lo ve the wor ld and the world lo ves me! Be sides, w l1. o wou ldn ' t want to travel instead of going t o class ?"
This year's participants of Sem made s tron~ 8 friendship s that will la st a lifetime. The y s tuck ._ t ogether through thick and thin to help one ano th er grow throughout th ei r experiences. A ll in all , the se seniors experienced one of th e best ways to end their high sc hool ca reer s, which was, of co ur se, livin g life t o the fullest. So if any of yo u juniors are think ing about joining Se nior Seminar, yo u had better li s ten to this unanimous piece of advice : " Don ' t bring yo ur ce ll
phones! "
' ·' rt;\ ~rruii@IT ~ l]]liirru~UGl!k@~ ® llil u~~@ITil@l t~-UITiilf) ~u ID \liil]]l® JJ PaJe B!J jeut ~ak 0,";) ;.,,rn ;? '" 3, ii':"\ JJ
Hey I can see my house from here Tom Firth and~~ ' Jan get the f v1ev. from the top of a 1,500 foot high cliff on the South,vest tkp to Canyon De
Chell} I
SaiO,vhat Max Jani cek , Matt Garrett, Amanda Nolte, and Danielle Clark pr aC,Ut:e their signing skills for trading buffa lo hides in the wild .,,, ild Sou thwest. A~da Nolte sta t ed th at, " The South\vest trip was definitely the best It \Vas s_piri:liial and I learned a lot about myself and o ther cultures"
Hold on James Da rcy and Max Janicek hold on for <.i...., dear hfe while slipping through the cracks.
One pig fyf ct;i9nal family Senior sho"" the1\.11,~y1p~ei:sqnpl.tbes that ~ie ::,e'll\ Sl>Jur\ and excitinf·
4~h P l
F Go\den oemon~
Ha y rid e The $em kids learn all about agriculture with the aid of the very 1'.no"vledgeable Nanc}'
......., Her e w e g o Danielle Clark and --, Mari ssa Copan take on mother nature'(") \--valls of red rock They came, they sa"'~ the) conquered :..J
'I) Gn
Wait fo} me Max Jarucek, James Darcy, Travis Tom s, and Jack Jones try not -.. (~belund Phys ical fitness 1s one of the r e quirements of Sem
Are we there yet Sem goers try to relax on one of the many roadtrips in their favorite form of transportahon, the achvity bu s
A dollop of 6Yl :~a~et Stashak and~ ~~a; Samantha Slater show Wi(_ ~~ide with the• •• """ ai d of sa fety sossors. t' n ,{yCi
-...,. •
Every year the juniors take a trip where they ride rapids and have a great time. year there were three different trips: Dino9'1br National Monument, Westwater Canyon1~d the Green River in Utah where stude nt s spend_ time bonding They get to enjoy cl ass two fcg J class five rapids on the rivers. The ac ti vi ti esinclude not only rafting, but hiking and enjoying the outdoors as wel l .
11 The funnest part of the trip was whenthe Maytag cleaned us out, 11 sa id Kevin 8 Kissler. The Maytag is a tough rapid on th eYampa River. All-in-a ll, the junior raft trip was a blast and a fun way to ge t to know c lassmates.
·¥1Q.9'N &~ne Q' :,a ~• Paje B!f Karef/jtA~tdtttj ~l!:, rA } -Y- rw(\ . _....,......__,__1r.1ic;:..:..,....."!_::...1;..--~------
Bonding Juniors Mallory Davis and Danielle Crevhng pause for a photo before continuing on down the nver "The best part of the tnp was probably the light s how Thomas and Ross performed every night in honor ~u: past, less than proud experiences," Mallor~lll1ented
Kings of the River Juniors Nick Galluzzo and Tom Harder take the nver by storm and, of course, succeed. They happily celebra te th eir triumph
Wild Ride Junio r Ro ss Tilden is wet and loving it. Life jacl-.e ts a re a mu s t when taking on the rapids , especially "'hen going directly into the S\Alirling ,vaters
Fee din g a crow d Cooking the n1eals 1s essential to sun i\ 1ng the tnp Each da} a different raft group 1s assigned the duty of making food for everyone "Eating and the grunt box \Vere the best parts of the tnp," said Dann\ Clement
Blind amb ition Juniors Amber elson and Nick. Galluzzo \\'Ork (.j together during a team building acti, 1~ The, needed to build a perfect squa re~ out of rope, blindfolded ,
Rapid s' Ahead Juniors Brian E, anko and Matt Albrecht take a break from ~r.a"'-.11i the river to pose for quick picture "The best part was sv.,1mm1ng n.t;:J&i'g lass four rapid," Albrecht said ,.,. •
On th e riv e r Juniors take to the nver to brave the rapids and see how v,,ell the) can do It 's important to t-vork as a team ,-vhen rafting, otherv.•ise completing the Journey is nearl) unpossible
Waiting gam e Juniors ,va1t on the boat ramp 1n between the dars achv1hes They s it on the raft in order to deflate 1t aft er a fun rafting ii \lll'e)' do,vn the rh er Sitting on the raft is one of the fastes t ways to deflate 1t.
I oln °l;tl, t!?Ison .,,.
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:l~an Pn~., i;P. Ii
Th e sc h oo l 's plays a nd mu sicJ: !s la s t year w~e " amazing, as t o undin g, and jus t plain awesome n-&;) winter pla y, Our Town, and the sp ring mu sic al , O.fl,!e Upo n a Mattr ess, attracted l a rge c rowd s. " Mr Kl~ want ed to go o ut with a bang, and h e did it witq ~f ce Upon a M a ttre ss," not ed so phomore K a therine ~bfue . Th e s how did ha ve a great influ e n ce on the cas t Il\e17'\-...... bers as we ll . Dann y St e llini , junior, s tated , " The Cc\ Stl J · of Once Upon a Mattr ess was th e clo ses t cas t I 've e v-e r worke d w ith or see n in a Golden High School s how. " What he means i s th a t the friendships made dur in g th e Once Upo n a M a ttr ess reh ea r sa l s will la s t fo r evt&Eve n junior Erica M cl ssac thou g ht the sa me Sh e j a n o t e d , " This i s a r ea ll y amazing musical and a vJ--011derful gro up of ac t o r s, and I am so proud that tl1i s was m y fir s t pla y." She was exc ited to perform in her fir st play, and glad it was this one, Once Upon a Mattr ess. Apparently, th e cast lo ve d to p e rform th e play, and a ll of them see med to work t oge ther ve r y well, fo rmin g friend s hip s a nd brin g in g joy t o th e faces in the audience.
• ~i· ...:. -1... ;.--
, Pajt
What a la u g h Cal Huber, and Kyle Shultz, sophomores, intrigue the audience 1n the ~howing of Our Tov,n Like most of the actors in Our Town, their c lothes brought some laughter
6 0· I., .. -
Take a b ow l\rfany of the actors, including Jenny Mack, sei;{o~ 6,: gan Custer. r Kevin Witascek, junior Jake Euler, sophomore Kevin Lynam, a~ freshman Jen Kohlm end the sho\ving of-Qn.G4M.Jpon A Mattress \Vtth a fina~"'
Mr. Funny Jake Euler ge ts the cro\vd laughing as the Jester 1n Once Upon a Mattress Throughou t the sho\',, Jake brought comedy through his character
Th e wa lt z During th e musical, Dustin Reed , Junior, Cody Re).., freshman , and Alex Fauble, senio r dance to ,-vekome the prince ss.
Wh a t s tr a n ge cl o th es you hav e C.od, Rex, freshman, and Matt Brunell, sophon1ore, 1mpro\ e the shO\\ \\'ith their acting skills in Our TO\\ n Thei r outfits got some laugh-, from the cro\.vd
R e d as a r o se Senior Kai) Kelh ill'.,_ plays her part 1n Our To\vn perfectly •:-71 The red dre::.s ::.he'" ore really attracted the cro\\•d
On to p of the world Jenny Mack, seruo r, and Ke, 1n Lynam, sophomore, ';l~ together to ge t rid of t he princess that the prince 1s 1n love,, 1th 1n @ all" lJ'"° a t-.f attress
Wh a t a mattr ess On top of this enormous mattress 1s seni or Renee Willard In Once upon a .tvlattress, she played the restlesss queen, unable to sleep because of th e pea under the bed J I I •
A littl e birdi e to ld m e Rachel Hoo, ler, a sophomore, pla) s the n1ghtmgale to lure th e princess into a deep sleep 1n Once Upon a tv[attrl>s "'r
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Take Me Out To T
W~IT ~D.1:tWJ"Tu:> ~~@ Tu:> ~Ilil . Dnffil~ 1:tIBi Tu:>~~
Wi th 13 w ins a n d 7 l oses, th e b oys v ar s ity ba sebtll. t ea m h a d a g r ea t seaso n . Th ey m a d e i t t o th e pl ay o/fs, but unfo rtun a t ely l os t t o Cano n Ci ty b y a sco r e 0£.°l OO. " Thi s yea r h as imp rove d as o n e o f th e b es t ba
tea m s o f th e seaso n ," sa id se ni o r Mi ch ea l Ri zz u 1ol.i. s th e seaso n ca m e t o a n e nd . " Th e b es t ga me o f tn e yea r h a d t o h ave b ee n b ea t ing D ' Eve l yn ju s t b eca u~ • we we r e und e r rank e d ," sa id junio r K e nn y Sca l ly. ::, .) --:. Th e t ea m fe lt goo d a b o ut th ei r v ic t o ri es a nd und e rs t ood t h e i r l oses. Base b a ll fans tri e d t o m a k e it t o e a ch ga m e t o s upp o rt th ei r t a l e nt e d D e m o n s. " Th e r e a r e a se lec t gro up of l oya l fans th a t co m e t o s upp o rt u sbut, n o t as mu ch as we wo uld lik e," sa id se ni o r Ziti Bres l e r o f h is l as t yea r o n th e t eam.
:, S te aliflk b ases Pas51ng benveen seco nd and third,a,ior Ke\ ·in Coughlin ge ts ready to run "C at ff is the best position to play They have tota ~cw;itrol at all time s throughout each game," sai d b ghlin.
• 1--
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@~ .tr Pafje B!J Ntt/2tJI1f JtJtt Ji .•~'-.. -;.. 11·~ ii- ___.._¢>-
Pho to By: Bill Ket cv '
Yo u 're out Junior Luke Valerius rushes to third base as th~~ g team member slides in under the tag
I t's a hit Senior Micheal Rizzu t o runs to first base after a laying dO\Vn a bunt.
H ey pit ch e r Junior Zach Cleveland prepares f o r a fa s t pitch on his opponent "Pitchers for life," said senior Chase Bianchi Cleveland had a -1-2 reco rd ,vith 50 stnkeou ts last season.
- • ,.....
A lm os t t h ere Senior Louie Garran1one sprints for home base Garramone had a total of 10 rb1 and batted 388
I t's o ut of h ere With a po\verful S\v1ng, senior Ke\ 1n Coughlin hits the ball O\ er the left field fence
S lip n ' s lid e Shd1ng into third , junio r Jeff Walker tries to get there· before the third baseman Walker had a bat nn g average of :S17 last season
W'Glrr~nu, 1£iil? Il~
The G H S socce r t ea m wenf o n a g r ea t .... Lrun l as t seaso n w ith thirt ee n w ins a nd thr ei· losses. Th ey we r e third in th e co nfe r e n ce ~ h a t ota l o f 67 goa ls , 97 saves, a nd 4 1 ass i s t s _ thr o u g h o ut th e seaso n . • L 1
They end e d up go in g t o Pu eblo So uth a nd los in g b y two , but s till e nd e d up w ith a 9 J g r ea t r eco rd fo r th e wh o le seaso n .
Th e socce r t ea m put a l o t o f e ff o rt into th e ir ga m es a nd m os t lik el y excee d e d their _ ex p ec t a ti o n s o f w h e r e th ey wo uld e nd up .
A lth o u g h th ey h a d so m e se ni o r s l e a ve th e tea m , th e o th e r g irls will go o n pl aying th e ir b es t eve r y tim e th ey hi t the fi e ld.
@it Uµil@iirr Ilii
And it'sjgo n e Fres hme n Kaylynn Asmussen kicks t he 1f 11 on t o the field against D'Evelyn.
"Soccei' ,Vfl s a lot of fun, especially ,v1 t h a new coach,";.skre said She had a seaso n to t al of one assis t, gllt saves and four goals
7' I I I "-'
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1£®@~:j>Ilil Gl rrni~
Pajt B!J Brtann~ flt'jffrtJm
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• • • 32 '
Pump It Up Se nior Kathryn Malone y tri es to bldck th e ba ll fi;o °i
to n Valley girl Kathryn had o ne assis t this season
Wat c h for it Sopho m ore C hl oe \A/oo d ge ts ready for the ball to be kicked 1n bounds in a game a gains t D'Evelyn. She ,vas miured early 1n the season
. -
I I ·1
Run it down So ph omore H annah Lewi s runs the ball do,vn the field a,vay from Rabton Valley. For the season, she made a total of seven goals and had hvo assis ts
Wait For I t Senior Michelle A!>mussen gets ready to kJCk the ball back in. "I'm gonna n11ss pla\ 1ng \\ 1th my little sister on the team," she commented She made a total of 47 sa\ es and se\ en goab aga1n-,t other teams
S h oo t Junior Dale Ekberg runs the ball to\, ards the Ral-.ton Valle\ goal. , I She made six goals and 12 a~s,sb for the,_ season
Run For It Sophomore Ashley Johnson runs do,vn the field to catch up ,, 1th the ball at a D'E, el)- n game \shle'r made six goals and fh e assist-. last season
' 1!ddle Ro\\·· lvtJsh an McLaughhn. AJ\h te lfak J.(ht~ Pottet,Jbnny Popp, Jennifer Kle in, Chloe Wo6ti, Seneca KnstfOnsdotttr, 1'.ht:helle Asmussen
Fio nt Ro,v Taylor Tom s, Trina Gabel, Hea th er t\t1ood), 1\1egan Vigil, Chnshna Carrano.,, Kathr\n l'vl.\ lo ney
..... -
Ro,, Ma rissa Da, is, Hannah Laflace, Hannah Le¼•is, Dale Ekberg, Coach Bill Hil'fen, tvhchelle 'B eeh l er, Allison Jon es, A.shle • ]ohn--on, Ka, lynn Asmussen
- · L (J -:r• IJ r.-r. ill ..... --, • 33
For the 2006 season, tlle Golde n High Schoo sw im team sent a total of six members to the stateL meet. Mitch Gillespie, Danny Nelson, Max Smith,..~d Jeff Gold s tein qualified in the 200 m edley relay, ~le Goldstein, Nelson, Ryan Hawkins, and Taylor Efe.!n also went in the 200 freestyle relay In the 400 freestyle relay, it was th e team of Eagen, Goldstein, Hawki.Qsg j and Smith represented Golden . These swimmers achieved many of their goals as they worked hard t ogether during the seaso n The team earned a fif th place finish at the league meet , even with only six swimmers competing in the fin-a.ls. Between al l the practices and tournaments, they ~j a wonderful year. " We had a t oug h year but with-al-lthe hard work and effort, I would say we did grea t ," said junior Ryan Haw kins.
.,. .. r-r--.Il3®J U~~@ U@ %lfu@ ~~U@IT • Il@~i~.. ~®~@UD.Uii@ilil ,;_, Pajt Bf! l)evtJn~arrtn a:) :, .. .-c.r-. ~? ~.. .J., f"I \--• ·~ ..,t"?!
P~olo By: 8. KeUev
\, !I
Go in g for the gold Senior Josh Pinkemell co n1petes int~§~~troke " Butterfly s,v1m is probabl} the hardest, " said senior Matt Vega.
Out in front Junior Danny Nelson gets ahead of other teams 1n the butterfl) Danny finished seve nth 1n thi s race at th e league meet.
DivmgJin Senior Matt Vega di\ es into the ,vater at the.a-t of the freest, le race
Spring Junior Cory Howry gets set to spring off the board to complete a dive. "S,vim.ming is one of the funnest sports I have ever played," sai d senior Mitchell Gillespie
Backstroke l'v11tch Gillespie beats other competitors\" h1lc doing the backstroke He\" as part of the 200meter medle\ rela, team that qualified for state along\\ ith Dann, '\elson, tvlax Sn11th and Jeff Goldstein
Lookin ' good Sophomore Ian f\l atthe\,son take-. a breath of air \\'hil\.J trying to\\ 1n
• I"'!. -~ --
S w i m Freshman Matt Turquette takes a big breath \Vhile con1pehng ,n the 100-meter free-,t) le
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Back Roiv: T~'le>r Sands, Chri s tie Redmond, Max Smith, .tvfitch Gillespie , Ta) tor Eag a!.~tR) an Ha,v~s, Dann} Nelson, Jeff Got&&'• stei n (a" • ,-
~: Coac itf~ svig, Ian Matthdj., , ~a~4 S•a#i ~dl)! ughlin, Spencer Flo,..t~ Josh PinkVQ.ell, coach KoW,h1p •
AJ Dan1~le, ~1att Turquette I Ql
.- 35
§ tl @lfl&@@l ~illil@Jlib~llu@7.~~®ITJ ..
Th e va r s ity gir ls' l ac r osse t ea m h a d an o utsta n ding seaso n Th ey finis h e d up w ith 220 g oalsl: 1~6 assis t s, an n ea rl y 190 saves. " I l ove th e fas t pa ce o'1:. th e ga m e,"sa id senio r St e ph a ni e A d a ir. Th a t coulsY,,e been w h a t d r ove th e g irl s t o wo rk so h a rd thi s s 1~ n , but winning isn 't every thin g fo r thi s t ea m. " M yfavo rit e pa rt o f l ac r osse i s th e r ea l a ti o n s hip s th a t ){09 • 4 .1 gain ove r th e seaso n ," said se ni o r A mb e r C urr y. So
w h eth e r it b e th e qui ck p ace o f th e ga m e o r th e ev e rl as tin g fri e nd s hip s th a t h ave b ee n fo rm e d , ther e had t o b e so m e thin g s p ec i a l th a t m a d e th e t ea m s hine s o bri g htl y t h is t im e a r o un d.
Ge t•re a'cly to score Senio r AJ Johnson runs tO\Va~e goal hoping to score agamst Evergreen " I hkr.\!f.rosse because 1t is a unique sport and I like t lie,;skirts! " said senior Lauren Harnage!.
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P oto y: Bill Kelley
Maki n g a s h o t Senio r Amber Curry, ""ho made 32 goals anct.J ?j~ts las t season, gets read) to make a shot. "I hke the unity and ho\V close1-.,e are," said senior Kayley Byl
R eac h for it Sophomore Jessica Mye rs passes the ball to a teamn\ate She said that her favorite part of playing lacrosse is being on a team and leaving school early
Run f or th e g o a l Seni o r C h ery l D ' Ep agnier craddles the ball preparing fo r a shot
:lfu, o Bt; IWi!Uey
In po si tion Junior Leah Harn"' looks , el} intent as she plays the game " I like meeting people from other schools that pla\ for Golden the most ," sa1d Leah
Nice S h o t Junior Sarah Hebberd shoots one for the te am Ka, le, B\. I •:1 said," I like the uni h and hO\\ close ¾ &-a-are."
Run with it Senior Lauren Harnage! runs to,vard the goal ,,vith the ball •
From RostiT: G": LJ]
Varsity: Step1¥~ Adair, M1chellEt~J~etlJl< r,~ \lliJ, ~l;X ~y l, Alex Bres ler, Jorda~ald,vell, Arno'er Curry, Jan-ue Hamilton, r-': 1 ,ur.,n Hamag~~eah Harns, Sa rdl' MebbfrcL,<llci--in/f.~1.Amand a Hurley, AJ Johnson, Alt M isf. Knst1n S\\ e , Kaitlyn TA" rloa ters : Becca C,nkhn , Che0,1 D ' Epagruer JV: Lily Breese, Rae hel Chalat, Ali E, e r~t; Kell y Fair, dsay Griffif.Jillen Hang!f \:,col c Hosburgh, Ka~a Jacobs, Kaitlyn Marvel, Brenna Mefford, Hannah Morvay, ~eyers, A1 ) Palmer C i~ea Perez, -' lct han, Sanders, Ashleigh Sang i, Charlotle Seance, Lilah Slra~ndra Warren, · anda cli,{, eri, Camero~ng, Lindsa)
Oo nte. Bree Lusk, Je ssica Myers, S tephanie Ramstetter, Elyssa · , Katie Stehle, A~on Wagner, H oll} Willia~on Floaters: '\s tra \ loss, Leah\ Volfe, Hillaf\. Huff, Brionna Welss, Alyssa Zi "'
.,. -
Suppor t and talent of boys la crosse Q ha s been taken to a ~ew level in the past ;: year. The y have ach ie ved the goal that m~ lacro sse teams have s trived for in th e past •~ winning over half of th eir games. LacrosJ~' is growing in popularity with eac h year and ~
Golden i s one of the few sc hools in th e area ... that ha s s uch an impresive t eam. Last yea r ' s pla ye r s have shown th e dedication a nd talent that it truly takes t o make it in the world of la cro sse. They have proven that if yo u woij< ij hard and participate as a team, there is noway that you cou ld do an y thin g but succeed.
f I I ' , I ! , t l t ..• I' ~, '-.. ;..ffi®J~IT<n~ @nililU~Jllu@ IP?l~J..®ftft~ • ~, Pttjt B!J Wentlff;.fliJ!tantl ..,0,,(::J • ~~fl ·? "C' !"'!I L ...---, 'I_ I .,.r, 1tJ ..,~
P o
JReady for the pass Senior Lee Wilson prepares to pass tlleit player
to y, ellev
Outta my way Luk as C~twe ll che cks hi s opponen t uuo ubmi ssio n.
Run, Steven , run Senior Steven Roybal da s he s do\vn the field to score.
Drop it Chris Rosa skillfully attempts to retrieve the ball from a Rebel
S t anding proud Senior Ste, en Roybal looks tough as he checks a player on the opposing team
I 've got i t Junior Matt Gallagher gets read) to catch the ba,n
::1 -
"' OE S"0 NS - EMO S 7 ... 31 ,. ._ o 1' .,. ~~=-...... - ". --~ ,.,,_ II.iii. -
Br ea k Free Lucas "Jobie puts the pressure on h1s Rebe l opfonent to retr ie\ e the ball and sa, e the play
t;/': ,ii (.."• (a'l [/.~J ,:r. ry; €~b u.: ,- (.1 ~'fr,.( , • ..
From The 'lop : Andy Cross, Mike Kelly, Matt Zevenbergen, Luka s Canhvell, Chri~sa, Matt B~er, Eric Williams, Matt Kiil;° ~1:' Riordan ~"'fn Roybal, Rob Up~i4Co1c'rf,~ { Ca~eJ~ ~o~ch Mike Thumim, Wilson, J~es Rudn1ck1, Geoff Da, 1es,l : nk C~sta( Wolaver, Reed"1Mell1JR~pl-a~i~M "1 Gilbra th, Brandon Flm, David Gqs ti) fson, Matt ~gh er, Lucas Noble, Chns Plulsen, Joey Co\-ven, James S t and ley, Kyle Kun ay
r -
Trac k is n o t a ll a b o ut runnin g~ t a lso in cl~ ,5 ' d i sc u s, h ig h jump , s h o t p ut, a nd a nu m b e r o f run.ttin g r e lays Las t yea r 's tr ack team was fu l l of d es ir e to'1.: b e t h e b es t th ey co uld be. ,,.Trac k is o n e of m y mo!sf. tr eas u re d m emo ri es of my hi g h sc h oo l ca r ee r," W~ Anna Lieb . A nn a was one o f e l eve n Go ld e n s tua ~ t s to q u a l ify for s t a t e this year "I l ove go in g t o s tat e, Rj an d s h owing eve r yo n e h ow good o ur tr ack t ea m r ea ll y i s," said Taw n y Drex l er. Eve n w ith los in g so m e amazing tr ack athl etes, thi s yea r the r e i s h o p e th a t Golde n w ill con tin u e to se nd ma n y s tu de nt s t o s t ate nex t yea r. Th e r e is n o d o ubt th a t Go l de n 's tr ac k t eam h as a l ot o f h ea rt a n d passio n .
), t l ' -r -¥11!':,. /~ -~~,ii flS ,j'I IT ~«:: l?®ffil~ Il , Wl ~'JJ Ilffil ~ffil® r. C~f~J£l? @~ ~ @~~®ffil ,C Pafje B!J Kell/; IJFreft e!t ~Pi! ;,, rP "" rS' '£.!:_ ~°t:l
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Throwing far Susie Lan e t hrows the shotpu t vi ll all of her energy. The s hotput is by far one of the hardest aspects of track
Re laf lunn e r Freshman Carrissa Foo s runs hard~ relay " I Jo, e runnin g, but I hat e to run m th~:,,ld, " sa id Carrissa
Jump Th e roh Guirra jump s as high as he can hoping to ,vm the 100- mete r hurdles
Fini s hing s trong Senior Anna Lieb uses all the strengh she can manage \vorkmg hard to finish the rela, and \\' in 1t for her team . " Anna 1s such a \.\ onderful track athlete, she ' s the best on the team," said Carl} Beetham
Taking th e lead Junior Sam Wng~ starts off the rela\ strong, taking the (") lead O\ er Ralston Valley " Running makes me a man," said Sam
l".hotO'B;'f IIQl.lfelley
F -_ .: ~om ~Oster. Amy Braun, Ta\vney Drexler, Rachel Hunt, Anna Lieb, Kell y Lubke~J\, Andra 1s, Eryn Oehl ert, Briana P , 1role P1k.e <:_ypj aThomson-Foo!i- Jtl~ e5.i erilm Ja~ ~f'Pl,Pbell, Se\ erin Campb~ Joseph M s, Tyler Pennel, Kenny Re ':" l,ick Rl•trum, ~(Stok es, Enc Thidt\iY, M l:i!Jltfrd plK,,1£,\frtWri ght, Ryan Spackhnl, ~ arly Beetli.... Susie Lane1fNri Lang, Je s=>llu \lontana, ,Wnny Myers, Rachel Sch l uter, Les ley Swim, Sarah van der Valk, Jul ia \.(lnl)reel , Erin alth, Nick B~ssari, Pete{"• arn n. Andre\\ Felts, Walter Glass, Theron Guerra, Tyler Johnson, Robbie Jones, BrenJ,op.Kalo\vtt~ ri ck) VanDuYf;.Jackson Wil;IJ lia ms and Cameron Zerbest. L 1J! J
... _
Hand off Junior Severin Campbell gets a hand off in the middle of-a relay race Relay races are a big part of track and they retJ ui,re u~men se teamwork Se\ enn \Vas also sent to sate to represent Golden alohg \v ith lus brother Jared
0.._ o b a: t:':f i".t'l :f'•
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C ,._. -
There a r e a lways the goo d yea r s and the bc\_tl -years for any sports a nd es p ecia ll y high sc hool 0 , s ports . Tara Barzanj i said, "We had a great seao n - •. with so m e grea t gi rl s, eve n though so m e from la s · year were m issing." Last yea r was a tough seaso J'\.! r gir ls t ennis, l osing th ei r o n e, two , and three s ingle s fr om l ast year. Even though many o dd s were s ta c .k e 9 J against thi s gro up of extraord inar y youn g ladie s, t~ _ still see m ed t o manage to k ee p things t oge th e r unti l the e nd and had a grea t tim e doing it . Taylor Sand s said , ,,. I h ad a lot o f fun thi s yea r, and m et a lot of grea t gir l s." Tennis may see m lik e an individua l th ere are m any team aspec t s to thi s spo rt. This tan.R!t:.' t eam was a tight knit gro up of girls th a t worked welf together. Going 5 - 9 ove r a l l, it was a h a rd seaso n t o ge t thr oug h , but th ese ladi es ca me o ut w ith fl y ing co lors. In the e nd most girls agree d th a t th e seaso n was a s u ccess, in clu ding Gabe Arc h er w h o sa id, ,,. I h ave fun, when I was able to be there. "
Das h f o r th e s ave Sophomore Julie Scohy makes s ure th Is ready to blast the ball to the other side of the court Her partner Lind sey atkie"' icz makes sure that she 1s also rea~ for the next shot When a~he sai d, " I like tennis I got to \Vear my avJsoij shades every day." .._
to begin th e ma tch with an amazing se r\ e "
atti tud e this year is ""hat led the girls on th e
l I l • l!•7 «:;:;iirr ll~ ~ililililii~ ~urr~ U@.~IT®~@ c:t,. I ;;, r f) :i-' Pa;e B!J K/JttrC!f!J'JflneJ '('.(}, U7! .s: ~[)
Pho to By: Kourtney Jon~
Wa tchin g the ball Sophmore Zoe Hatch is set and ready to blast the ball.
Co n ceffi ra ti o n Junior Christina Smith shows that h.lMlwork and determination pays off 1n the end. 9 6'lworked hard with Kahe 80¥.1ers to play numb.r-hree doubles
Ph o to By: Kourtney Jones
Rea d y, aim, fire Junior Alicia O s tens on prepares
Tenni s rocks; I had a lot of fun," she said Her grea t
team to make
one of two team cap tains.
Higher serving Sophomore Lindse1 Ratkiev, 1cz pushes herself to make sure that she does her best 1n e\ erv n-,atch
Quick serve Sophomore Demi Be rg:=" sho\, s that e, er\ ser, e and e, en poinP. J count Her bnlhant sen e has led the """!II \\'ay to \ 1cto11 man} times "Tennis 1s cool, I hke tennis," she stated ,.-' --
Set up Freshman Carle} Koczera 1s ah,·avs ready for \V' hat con1es a t her next Whether It 1s an o, erhead shot or a hard dash to the ne t fo r a , olle), she \\'as al¼ a\s there and read~ Carley \-vas the team's number m·o singles pla\ er I
back ro,v: l\li c pf)s te n son, Sus an ~~sl? y, $}f!II¥t"uiego,~lil , Coach t-.1ead, Zoe #. h, Victori~kihn, Laure~eser ,-: thi rd row : De~g, Lindse) Rat!M,~ cz, t aMIMr!u1f[,O~&ll e Archer, Jennifer N ues, Clara ~ zan11, H e1di ~ tiro, Moll) Br rto k, • ,- -._. ·• ser on d rolv : Chns tm a Sm i th, Kahe Bo,vers, Ju he Scho), Va n esse Orti z, Massupa P radfiro kulcha1 k\ Oa\ is f.t": tro nt ro,v: Lisa Eva nl-.o, Ca r ley L 1 1 01
I •
.. ·"
(j'l r"""!'"
Led by coach Mark H o rn ec k~ta nd a co ntin.gen t of talented seniors, th e Golden High Schoo l ~tls' go lf t eam won a n oth er league champion s hip du:r:ffii the 2006 seaso n So ph omo r e Brittany John so n qu~ fied for the s t a t e meet in Pueb lo , and indi ca ted tn§ while i t made her n ervo u s, it was a g r ea t experience. _ " It was the m ost n erve wrackin g ex p e ri e n ce o f my g J life," she sa id . "You're there wi th a ll of th ese reall J
• grea t playe r s, and yo u ' d think th ey wo·uld be r ea ll y uptight, but th ey were n ' t . Th ey were r ea ll y coo l and a l ot o f fun t o play wi th ." Britta n y also made sec o nd team all confere n ce alo n g with senio r Holl y R a dcliffe/ whi l e senio r Nik k i Kovac q u alified for fir s t t ea m cltt 5 conference.
l t ' • ~s• I .-, ,- /ti ,;.., ¾ rrt.~ en n.
Pho to courtesy of l'vf"ffomecker
Pho to courtes, of !l.f. Home.:kere la
Concen tra te Sophomore Ta) lor l arshall tries t o get the b~l"'an:lhe hole Sophmore Courtne} Weller said, "Ohm) God, 1t ,vas so much lun "
Let's pl ay Sophomore Jordan Bull gets ready to play some golf
Photo courtesy of M HomL-cker
Pa~or N1kk1 Ko\ac and sophomore Brittany Johns.2,!lPatch the ball as 1t goes 1n the hole
f r
Ch amp s Sophmore Britt any Johnson, senio rs Holl) Radcliffe and Nik.b.1 kovac, and coach Hornecker sho\, off their league championslup troph,
.... ••
4 Dri ve for s how Senior Holly Rad--= chffe takes a big S\\ ing at the ball ("')-, ,'1) t:f]
Senior ikkt Ko\ac tries to ge t the ball ou t of the sandl'f M. Homeckcr • I'.. '-Fr o nt row_ ikki Kova c, Brittany Jolm s on, Courtney Weller, H o ll y R_~d c liffe, Ap\\nd a P ro s, •=-Back row {Y'Jian Bull, Laut~ 6a*ltlI1'.cQ a rh MarJ< H orn ec k e r, Emit Ware h a ~""'Ta y lo r M~all, A ri e\ "' I!an s on " 'i '1 1_1 LJ I r~,,.,1. , . X, . di ·- ,.~ L.. •:J ';;J"cJJ [lJ ff-°' ' ,...,. YIELD TO ATHLETES • 45
Practice makes perfe c t Sophomore Emil)' Wareham practices for a great hit.
Great BasketBal s o f (/Fire!
n~ Th>&~~@i&£&Ilil
'' We h a d n o thin g t o l ose, so we ju s t ) gave i t 011r a ll," sa id Bl a k ee Mid ye tt . Con- ,~ g r a tul a tion s t o th e g irls b as k e tb a ll t e am
fo r m a kin g it t o th e 2006 s t a t e t o urna- r~1 m e nt. Th ese g irls h ave b ee n und e fe at e d in leagu e fo r thr ee yea r s in a r ow. Th ey a ll h a d a r o u g h s t a rt and end e d up g oing t o s t a t e. " We we nt tmd e f ea t e d in l eag u e an d br o u g ht u s t o think we co uld go a ll th e way,'' Taw n y Drex l er sa id w ith a g r ea t at titud e. Yo u ca n ju s t t e ll th e g irl s we r e g r a t e ful t o b e th e r e a nd had fun o n th e co ur t. Eve n th o u g h th ey l os t a t s t a t e, indeed th ey did g i ve it th e ir a ll .
1 J • J r f 4 6 _A _ ,.;-,~i' rv '.."i'
., l!'-~
. C Paje B/j:
• · i..? ..,:"\~ ~"!! ., ,~ 'l;J
U@&fill ~&~@~,,~n ff ; ®&Il~
My ba ll Sop h omore Ka tJ a Jaco b s p auses fo r h e r next s n-1.ooth move Kaia shot se,en poin ts agains t Mullen
Wat ch th ~s ki ll Emil} Wareham , s ophomore , had thre e'"J'>oints again s t Mullen " It' :. hard , but it's un and \ VJ;U;.ti\ i t," s aid Emil)
Demon s a ll th e way Ta \.\ n y Drexler, 1unior, "on ' t let any thi n g get pas t he r
Got yo ur back Blakelee Midyett, seruor, plans \\ hat to do next.
Our court now Senior Marl) Gills tnes to wrestle the ba11 av.. ay from a Mullen player
't1 I.J 1 -i ' I • I I - -..: "!"" '"'r.l
'i..- ,-- t•• o b a: -;;r <f i . c a YIELD TO ATHLETES-er, ....,.
Ca t ch m e if yo u can Junior Dale Ekberg flies do\vn the court
goilnN ha'p e Nex t l::m iiy' Wareham , KatJa Jaco ~ a thy m Ma.R)n ey, Lauren.H!n!n agel, Amj.lJP.a Hurle}, "'atch in antic ip ation to find th e outcome of the game. "We ,vent into leigue kno"'l~ e had to go ~d efeated, at~fi,e accomplished our goals," said Lauren a nd Amanda " Th e best part of the game \\~1itting a tA:f pointer ,, h._..r.\ve needed it, aid Katia
r • f ft
c, ft e n th e n n o t, in th e case o f Go ld e n Hi g h Sc h oo l Sp o rt s, the road· ir t an y and i t m ay h ave a d ea d e nd . Even
s A ple s t· ~ t a ll o f o ur s p o rts t ea m s gq s each , e o rt a nt thing is th a t th ey s~ 'Ty. Eac h player o n th e t eam r e t ains m o ti va ti o n t o play t ~ s w ith e gea . These a a~ .. ,.,r_ -' t
m o r e
lli, V o n th e ey play.
The 2006 football team had great spirit and put forth outstandirigrefforts . It was a hard working year for the boy~d each player put all of their effott into the games and · . " It was a hard fougl1t year, a lot s\.taj • the end we won the battle,16 ~'1, ............... e ..._...,, eaningfully Th re wer'e over pla ft e , and each ._ ........,.. athlete worked oge het aca s aid, ., ,.,.,,.J,,;....,1 "The chemistry the te ~ , ther and coaches was a gr~at part tba ear. " Most games included screa · the crowd, ith the cheerlea ers lea · th .and the dan t 8m sl1owing'fl mov o was ne£ess ke El the 'fans co~~g b
1!1lu@~@ Th>@J~ If)Il&J ~Ilu@iirr ~&ffiu@ Pajt B!J Nafa1!,a Kntgftf
u ws
a pallS for a, to gainsj Dakota Ri
Milke i' thrqug!t Sef\ior Kamlttibn mhRcs his wa y ~ gt) the Whea
e Y or it Sophom o re Co lin Le ffe rt ta kes th e b all toward s th e goa l to gain .more yards.
en , J Stricke r, 0 \Vil es, !vi. H a~oon, T Nausl,ir, kt?r. T. Cowden, C. Howre)', M Ralc), C. Seker, Sdcer. K. Ewer-., K. Scally, C. \Vario"-, C. Hil bome, tin, O. Rothrock; Br.ichle, .\. Proh.1~ka , J Gomez, Coa ch K Ohlen, C oach T. Harrington, Coa 1go S \ onDreele, D 1':ebon, \\' l\fall ec
O\\ • I B.1c.i. S. Meehan, K. Vega, J Smouse, Estrada, D. She ffield , B radlll.a, Row· B Pej'1 , E. Cooper. S. McKendry, J Vu, P. l\loody, "I. Oam i ana , Z Sa1tton, J Rl hired. G. Clough, J. Johnson,, A.Taylor, O \\'e m er, J Walton
Going down Senior Jackson Su thelatu{fa"kesltown the other team \·1th , ll offili'stb:;ilgth. "Defense this y<.>ar n, ,dt< :a lot of go6d pfays with good , ffr,rt tu allov,· our offense to ha, e the ball n1ore, ' said senior Alex Prohaska.
Defense Senior Danny Nelson linebacker, tries to take do,vn another player tn the fourth quater
Take Him Down Seni o r Addi~n Hanf tackl es a Wheat Ridge player "Nothing better than th e grea~game , ,vith the greate~t boys!' said seruor Chns Se tcer.
~®iFUTu>~nn u(g~l]]l l]]ln.~~(g ~ ~u~u(g Tu> 1 u~® lf\fililll~
Pa1e B/jJtJree RtmjJt!-Wet.tl
Girl's ~}2all was ve r y close t o m akin g it to state. They missMf it by two runs. G o ld en s t a rte d the game out leading by o NOints. Go ld en and Mull en would hav&.many r Illes tbrough out th e ga m e. Th e ~- ending sc '6"r.t•ed up be.in Gold en fi ve, Mull en
seven 17hi& e was th b tgam e a ll seaso n. ''The ,Y< C " l1ighlight of the game: fur us a when we w ere a le to score first," said .-- :..o G oe cJert.
Batter Nikole h ad an a e led the tearrt in ba
Pitchi g Junior Jessica O ' Conno was the nu,nb e~ 1 pitcher in the stai:>-'nhis ear. She said, ' ' Softb a ll gives me relation Jru>s \ ili people at ~hoot tl:\a t I wouldn ' t nontj y ha\' if I d id1f t efay."
gtn n1ors 1s , dget l\tareno, and Ta\vny Drexler ·son said,"rv1y favorite parts abo u t rt are the \'ictories because ,.,·hen y e ha s fun.' '
• f f
Ph oto Courtesy of the so ftball team
Getting Silly The so ftb all team mess es around for the camera
Catching Senior
Alli son Canino, Jord an H ogan, Hannah Goedert
ck ro, : Tom Pe ter so n, Tawn y Drex ler, Jess ica O'CoMor, G \.fidd le ro , v Bridget Moreno, Am y Ro gers, N ik ole Morgan , Je
sa i d , " Th e mo s t c hallengin g
is th a t it is a m e nt a l g am e as "-vell
Bridget M or('no had an average of .170 thi s f.CastH1 ~ht·
part for me
as a phys ic al gam e."
rclln ogan g ets ready to run to the next ba se. S he s aid," [ fe e l like the team h ap be tter chen1i s try this year because n,o s t of us were seniors. \/Ve \\'ere e to \\'Ork tog e ther better and ju s t ha ve a fun year. "
baby swing Seru o r Tawn} Drexle r connects w1th th e p i tc h
Page Bf! Amanda BarftJfft
The boys soccer te d an excellent seas on, winning 13 out of 18 gam d making it to semi finals of the state tournament . op~ing it off, coach Chad Reid w.as named the 41\ coach of tl\e ~ar. Junior Jonny Rabad ::on::.,., .,~ se~son wa.s~eat overall, ending at t \ve're Rb?Jig to make another run next a ~o~ o~ £young players retuming;-the Demon " e in 2007. ' 'Even though we di 1 als this ear, we had a great seasot, tll t y a t we will got finals," aid j ro
l •
Arm ando Ib arra goes to kick the ball from a Wheat Ridge
w : Steven Knudson, C ull en Siewert, Zach Page Belknap, Reid, P hil M o rin, Ryan G ay lord, Ben Lo hre, Bay Bryan, Mile nt Ro~ Tun Wo lever, Ray Klucik, Johnny Rab a dan , Jordan A r ra
Make a goal Ju a gains t a Liberty p gam e
Run Junior JoMy Rabad an runs to thebalL
Wait for it Senior S t eve Knudson waits to see where the bal l is before he goes for it.
Tomrciy tlnia muscles for position yer during the second half of their State playoff
&. jflf@~Ilu fill@W, U@GJ]]]l jf@If Ullu@ W@Illl@Jlli>Glllll ~@GJ~@fillo
s e as ou. , .7= • •,0 1
• 1
P be
. ut this season second of a1 .:;;::.--&•~A eas girls t car;d. Des te ~- XC ·or captain Lydia Oark han gs a t the n et rea d y for th e play l aying varsi ty for three years an d h ad a t o t al of 137 sol o b loc.ks "1 go ing t o miss Voll eyball so m uch next year and I wish all o f luck, " sai d Ly di a.
Volleyball team for 2006 had a rough
eniors last year, the girls
rs ranging in ages
there were defi-
Get set Go l de ch Tay lo r Mars h all dives to th e fl o 1 1dciy a ecame hke s isters to me ," s he sa id Passing it Up Junior Taylor Mar s hall passes a ball up t o the se tter Taylor ha s been p laying volleyball for three ye ars and had a to t al of 67 pa sses thi s season. YIElD TO ATHLETES
increasegt~·~ e ,,,,__...,:__ and matches.,, A me unit~d t0 b a,.L,.A s ad
arkable year. Each cr>lishments. Coach engths was having danumber 1 which f pra an pe team, ar.
Brian Evanko anticipates his next move at the s tate competition. '1t t ave s uch a s uccess ful season for Byrne's last year a s coa ch," said io,i altbut his last year.
A handle on the game Sc111 (1r Andy Hanneman is a fec1tu rl' d :-. inglC' pl aye r v: ith t he d d , e to "-vin. Comn,enting on the seaso n , he said, " We had an a \ vesome team this year and the se ni ors vvent ou t \,-Vtth a bang!"
Serving it up Doubles player Keith Wood makes a serve for the first time at the s tate con,pehton. " Seeing all the teams at the state competition opened our eyes to hov.• much of a threat Golde n poses to other Colorado teams ." Keith and h.ts partner Kevyn Lollar recieved an honorable mention
row : Brian Evanko, Kevyn Lollar, Keith Wood 'm e
'r ont row: Tyle r Maplebakc, Daiv d Cooper, Tyler Ba
Life coach t\lthough cac a1'r. has a different idea of what thev liked best about the~ the whole team is sad to see c o.1 c h Byrne retire. "I loved havi me coach as my dad ," said Jar~•d Vaughn. For years, ~1r. By been the heart of s?ul of Golden ' s boy's tennis. All of the p lay lk away ,-vith stories, ,1dvi ce, and admiration for: everythin ., ach Byrne shared with them
At left, coach Byrne st anas "" evyn Lollar Keith W<)Od and Kl'\'YI' were the only doubles te a m fr~Iden to get an honorable n,enlion. ft.s a sophmore, Ke, yn h the ne xt two years to represent Golden ..ind accomplish the highest o nni s ho nors
P hoto
Demon golf takes another league title
Pafft B!ffake StntJUf t
once again topped the ir Lea gu e. Seniors and junio r K y le e d b y th eir y player to ings, h o wve h a d d tr y t
Go ld e n ' s boys co
• •
a L v ille-Engler tees off in a t ournam ent. Matt was first t eam All h e Jeffco 4A final , Matt fini s h ed in fifth place wi th an 18 hole final
o]f Team: Junior Nick H a.1el, Senior Trey Bullinger, Co ius, Junior Kyle Seer)
Bulhnger put lffhanci ove as he geh> n>ad) to t a hole-in-on e
State qualifier Luke Valerius tosses the ball into the a ir after sink m g a put. He \Vas the only member of the team to qualify for the State meet.
Yes Senio r t form a~ he sailed to First All Confrence. He ca t in the Jcffco 4A Final ,,..,ith a sco re of 74.3
Who said only boys could play hockey?
PajtJ B!fJttret Retn(Jef-UJetJ J
Girl 's field ho y ha s shown much improvement compared f ast years. Jamie Hamilton ma e fi,1 e goals o hile Alex Medved, ~--,.,,Y~ ~, an ic ........ ade one goal
s ad · saves during
all wit great for etter than last year. e1;e not the last t
er this year. We passe a id a,~esome!"
l 1 •
Swing Sophomore Alex t-.ledved does a great job v.•hen it comes to hitting the ball for her team
Ph - T, --··· . "'............. ---···
;w.,, M .un h r
Devon H o lco m b, Ka ti e Tay lo C ast, Jess ica Mye r s, Je nni e H o rd, a itlyn Marv : Maggie P a ttri dge, H annah Bo ltz, H aley Franc cole P1 trow: Da r cy O ' Do nnell , Jes s Thomas, A shley Lewi
Opponent t id W(: improved so n, u ch. We rea lfy bonded as a team and were ab le to overcome many obstacles."
Teamwork Sophomore Jess Thomas and senio r Jamie Hamilton work great as a team to sco re a goal on Elizabeth High School.
Focusing Senio rsparcy O' other out when the ball com~ to ie Hamilton help each
Bf!fl)tJf!f No r ea lly run fo r fun ?" cljmates endurafite aPd &pirit and terrain. Senioi k fun and most people her, wh Ielse ~ ~nt:i se som ne n u ·~,lf, Go den· most e r/ // Yes/ as a s a l o t o f e nd urces an d r o u g h h ave a t o n e r a tur 1\Un for ort but if l ou und , str~tch Senior Kpl ake sc\; had l ni o re s t before the race. "' ~.., f · g er S coµJ)tri ' s nent .
~©11r @rru~Ilnilil@ IR@illlililllilil~ § CIT@®® C@onIID.l1ITJ Pafft
L. a ter er ini s h at the eague me only runn e r to qualify for the Sta
attle Junior Robbie Jones runs the tough terrain against his
To the fini s h Rachel He bbe rc.l po,t her pc r son;il be..; t a-. , ht: hi! races to the finish at the league meet
Almo s t th ere Senior James Beetham sprints to the fini sh a t the league meet
Girl s g o Seniors rah Hebbard and Chri c_ ty Redmond ~t art the race. "Cro ss. Country 1s fun, bu t I onlr ran in one race bL•cau s e I mes sed up ill) a nkle, " said senior Hay y Bogg s
· Ro\, S.1rah H e bb e rd, C hri s ti e Redmond , M a llo r y L izi' a , Elyssa Si h ·,1, Danielle Klimek, .\stra Moss, Ryan Jones, Ia n Rogers, hloe R,1 n1"c), J u lie Sc h ov, Tim Straley, lvl add) Ohno, An1ber laq:iJ,leL, i'v1cgha n Straley cldl~ Ro\, Coach Chris Co lu c ci, Alicia O s tensen, Carl Horeck)~ P.ml'>S Beeth n1, Ke ll y Albano, R ~·an Currie, Ryan Cu rl ), Eric , 1111unn \-\a lter G lass, Robbie Jones, Jackson Will ia1ns, Kyle Tripp, lichard V,1 nDuyn, Co ach Gr~g }-lolland l·runl I O\\ Abb, Kem'::>, And r e a Thom a s, J~ie-.Roger~, Lauren Goftt Zach J-l crr, Pau l Vcrnig, /\.th a n Cla r k, Ne c1h Wa ll is, 1ax Sh e ftl 11 0 e!o, H nnn ah Bre t7, Rache l Hebberd , H annah Larn tce, Ka~ynn Asmus~en
The Rocky Road to Success
After the l eag u e ch amp w in l as t year, th e b oys basketball team g o t off t o a ro cky s t a rt. "Even tho u g h we star t ed sle> ly thi s seaso n , we a r e prime f or a leagt1e and ~tate tourn ame nt run ," co mm ent ed coach John At1d e r s oh r, Ther e i s m or e t a l e nt in thi s sc h oo l than any tfi.E:lr y ax since th e 6 yea r s I ' ve been Jle r e." They have to r el?uild the ir tea m af"'0 "" tb I s o f many of la.eir se niof r.Iayers but h a e wqrk d h and h v e s own p ... .,, . ... 'tin>n for th e game . Not -Qlm~hl e
the t Am l~yers sl1own dedicaffqn for Demons
etb l lyi t ~he fans, cheers, danc earn and the well kno n A- ea ha\' e been there th~ou@l thick and tnin. One of e highlight wins of t e ~eason V\1 as the int e nse ic ory over Ever~reen ~h School with ~he sco r e of 66 4 . The boys ~~am R' s lso managed to mak e tt to e playoffs. The sea t ·s )fear is one the senio rs ill ~lfays temen,ber Ie n g JNith all its unforge t bl moments. "I'll n Vc.1.11...Uo rg_8 when Rhetts unlierw yar go t r i ped off for. ms v~sity ' tiatlion. It was hila 1lous~" s ·d Alex Mille
Ph o
You can't stop 'em Transferring here fron1 Palmer H igh School, Chris Lamrecht, s tanding at 5'2", has brought ne,v talent to the Golden Demons Being the ne\.\ starting point guard, this junior has averaged 7 points per game and had a tot a l of 1-18 points for the season.
brother 's , fresh-
re put amn runs
Swoosh Senior Conn e r hapman lwl~ known thi s s ~ason (or s h oo ting the outsl e.
This year h e made 36 thrce- point~rs W what his fa v'3l- ite P,\ thlp-u p s ong ,vas fo season , Conn t r sai ti "'To g et th am in fh for a win , \\' e woulq blast Wal Out, b before enter ing the t ourt "
Lu eman, ea
" I think Brad is th e he is the most pa ss ion
Demon ba s ketball is al
ca p this sea ye r be \ \f
' l
..,, -
Tean, Photo: B 1c k ro\, Ros , Nick Fox, Knudson .._ o b, \ Vitte k , Co nn or C'hapman. Front Co 1d1 Adam litche ll C hris La mbn.--cht.
What a Fox Sophomore k k I o also came fron, P.ilmer h~h $c h oc ,I t o bnng nc,v tal~nt onto the , .tr~ity k<l m Sta nd ing af 6 feef S inch es, he na<; been able to score 175 points th.i-; season to,yering oYe r all the ot h e r pla, er:.. He is an i cnportan t tribu t e to the team
A Mill-House A le\. \ li ller has been a lead player on the varsity Demon team fo r two years. He a, er aged 9 poin ts per game, and reall} kne,, ho,v to ge t the ball mo, ing around the court.
# 1 Faffs AlolllJ with th e basketball tea1n , ,-. e have had ,,nothl!r team t:t ~h s thi.:. season; The A-Team. Tht~ 2007 senior bc)ys have attended -'and s upported e \ ery basketball for boys and girls and ha, e b e en kn0,,·n thrott~ut the entire 4- .\ athletic region "Part of thL• Dernon '::; success js atri ted to our great fans led by the A-Team The,) are lo y nl during Yicto and defeats," said coach Ander~on.
From left to -·.,t: Ken Ishmael , 1\ddi~on Hanf, JO(? Zab.1, Conrad Carter, Kl' Scally, t\.f uhamad Ha~0on, Evan Gosda, Jak"e \'et a\\' Luke Valeq s, Ste.fan ~1orclli, i\lntt Callagher. f\,fidllle Pcr:-on: Nat e Goerge rr nt Ro\\': Kameron Gat~, Sa.n1 \Vri9ht, JacksllO Suth c rl,1nd , Kel5e\' E rs. , ' ,
·: A r m.tn o , t Coac o ayes, ea oach John Andcrso~ Asst.
\WiinunuiiJTuf£ 11@~f£lfil@ it®lfillf Unl]]l@~ D®~U Ullu@ I'w@f£D.IluJTullJTui
W &~@ rn, IBrr@@ CC&~ Urr ®@l©Il@
Being undefeated League champions!~~ ee years in a row is definitely s0inetlting to be proud of, but for thes~ fem.ale Micheal Jordans, it doesn't ehd t'flere. The vaF i .......... girls bas e...i........all teqyi has always b en-""_ a g e efensive team,! and wh hey t p ed up they b ~came a great o£t .......-se as well~ G lden's varsity te~ s ccurrent o.:a...a._ ,of the top scoring e - ms in the st.11..'1.AA,., ith a 163 seaspn r ecf}rd. But ~u....k o t world, it's nQt o er!
driv in ti gam
Going strong senior Tawn strong to the basket in the <!; olden vs £ game.
Photo By : B Ke ll ey
No gettin' through this Demon Amber Nelson keep s her opponent blocked whil e s he tries t o get a rebound off a free thro,v
Tea m Photo : Coach n mbrecht , l an1brech t, Ambe r Ne ls on , Je11ica Ot
Fighting rough E1nil) \i\.1n•hctm i ghts to kt~p the ball 1n he1 posst: -;1on
Going for it Cassie Lambrecht shoots for the hoop.
l"he bigsqueeze P ushing p as t ne r Eve r g reen 0pp oncnt, Kalj a Jaco b s tri es to ge t th e ball.
Wareham, Samantha Neal, Dale Ekberg, Cass ie aWny Drexler, Coach Jeff Neal.
CC ilu@@ ITil@~~ @IT fS ~ @@ fp) Ullu@ fS fp)IlITUU Ilffil Ullu@ i~J]]l@
Pafft B!f Na!aJlta Kntfltf
heerlea d e r s w h o h ave fo ll owe d u s thr ew the games, cheering o n th e a thl etes o f Go ld e n Hi g h are ins ti nil. Wo rking so h a rd thr ew pr actice ancl e v ~ry s~ son, ac h ev in g m o r e ch ee r s an d pri for th e c 1. thi s year th eir we r e new g i r l s e c ud~ b oys o n th e ace "--·- ith th e g u have ,... 0 a ot e tter w in s kill com e<,r..,..,.._ r with t ing o ,.......... on said.. Th we st ..,.,..,.... y differen competing he l\ v.e to go differnt sport mes t 11d each tfA(z do a fantastic job. "I b ~l:4- "' --» mbeing but most of ttll thr V'<l,Al,J; • es up in ys Alex Leads.
Sop eets loud and proud," I 1 15 eer, it's
l 70
Twist and shout A s hle y D y er and Al yss a M a es t as ch e er during a girl 's ba ske tball g am e
h as a good assemb ly.
Ready? Senior:, Rachel HolmgrC'~ and Taleah Cununins cehec k to "et.' 1f tl,e squ!\d is read) for the nL' ·t hl:'er Keeping On Track Sophomore Asp en Groff concentrates on a cheer befo re a competih o n. e a.try and sophon,orc A>hlC)' Dyer sho"' ot( , 1 1 umps up ti on,ecoro assembly.
So yott think yott can danc e? We ll, g u ess ag a in e Jazz Dance team co11ld sweep yo u o ff of y o ur fee t with their flexible bodies and iJ1.tricate m o v e s th a t they have been perfecting for Y""'"" ....S. Spli t s, sc orpio n s, fouettes, rand jetes, and p ~6\lrettes are fo r e ign t erms to all of us norma1 dancers. Tpese girls d o n o t ju s t practice every day aftef hool o,r br gging r i g h ts, thot1gh; each year theYt c q ~ - dte at Regionals, S t a t e, and N a t onals just lik e \e'1 er sports tea ~his le v ~l of a 1npetit n ta l\e ing amoun of skill an de ~ation. ce tean ~stentlyram. top at al compe-.-o.ns ~iltime you w.a of t41eir h l ~time o ws , -~· ..•.,,,.,_ t they pu w o kin that ni ~ t as t -~~ w c:U11P,layers d in g ake lot m efto r 1. r lame aft at tl\e ho ey pok mr,1 Nlxt w l] n Hom O comes ar und, wl\'o will o tffl fov a dai1c
,. os t Ul);R CO°lJ'etj ein pu J w ve
eu 1g a time s ow. anc y other s p,ort because it takes a e to learn , and you have to look ' me! There ' s also a lot of memories it compl e tely different than any othe ," said senior Danielle Crevling
I ! ' I t l ' ]
DGl ~~ IT»Gllill ~@ 1r@Gl lfilil IB ]p) @ITucil IB J @Gllf IB ]p) @lfff@~ Unrru.~ Ullu@nrr lfilil®W@~ ~ PaJ t B!f Hanna!t Gf!ederc
' l
n action ft e girls perform their l ast footba ll game halftime s h o"" fo r the year ·o r Eli zab eth O'brien said , " rf I did purs ue a da n ce relate d career, I wo ul d rob a bl y b e inte res ted in a t eaching job."
" Rebecca kregs tein, Tay lor C u ster, Elizabe th O ' brien, Pa cigh \dam!>, Ana Romano Third Ro,v : Shann on t,toore , Hann dclll"' Ro"·· Lauren Hall Jod i Kinnen , Erika Caton , Danicllt> Cre\' nt Ro" Carh Chapple
Pose for the camera Dan t1 tt, 1m gi rts a tt e n d a n a, er ag~ of I 5 games or evenb> e,·ery "'·eek all year long Taylor Cu s t er sai d , " The hardest tlung for me are turns, like fuettes and tours, because lam naturally fle\.ible but not a natural turner. "
Work it out The dance team \\·arms up for their practice b} doing turns
Senior Ana Romano said, "I th.i~ dance is an excelle n t sou rce of exercise. I actually read some\vhere that one hour of dance is the same as one hour of aerobic ercise. Dance al::,o gi\'es me a major tional outlet and I get to ha, e · teen o the r sisters."
Reach for the s Jodi .Kil'lniffl, l a u ren HaJJ , Taylor Cu~t er, a nd Jordan tv1cGrego r o w o ff the ir fle x ible bo dies. Senior L-iur n H a ll sa id, "Some thing that I \, ould ,v nt to do th a t is d a nce re l at e d \\ l) Uld b e a Nu g gets Dancer, or to be a ipper ju s t kiclding !"
ll'ld is spinning n1 e.,--e gi rl s '!r 20 hoi1 per ,-. eek \,·ith thcu ticing, hon ing , and danc in g. Sop h Paige M1tthe ll , front , ~ai d , "Th e ien d p of the se ing 17 g irl~ l~ ,, h ,1t pire s me to dan .j.ch one ha ~ h e r o \ ,•n rso nality and st}~~~ so blessed t o b~ art of it. "
- -
This year's varsity wrestling team had an son. They finished off the season b y i.r wrestlers to s tate. Tho se four y Gomez, Joe Zaba, and Stefen e s Okonsak. Joey Gomez the tourna ca u se er, add n rkhar
very ell,"
I I i I a • n l • ID>@l]]l@fill~
~® nllil it@rr Ullu@ \W/nllil
B!f Alj;J.ra BttrffJJt and DtVfJttna Marftn
Take That Junior Tommy Agrodnia puts pressure on his opponent.
anzak p o nopponent.
Ph Trying Hard '-ophomore
Pin Him Sophoniorc Da, id Rothnx k pins his opponent do\\ n .ind goc·s on to \\'in the n,,1h:h.
Almost There Stefan Morelli pin:; one of h1s opponents
nior fl<else Ev. ers gets t1 ipped around unc>xpectedl).
PaJe Bff Mtcl,,ette RtJitee
irls do h ave more fun, as the girls swim gi another o thi s year. The girls sw im and div t ............. L_ oped a positive t ea m s pirit and seaso n . Maggie Gillis said, ay to get in s h a p e, m ee t a lot a t time." At e effer~on ions hip l ace, t that, ~ hristie eli 1 , qualified for the M'E:e ~'v · wµnming since it-is our joints S9 ,'' s - ~"""' ger
~@nucill finw@ $siiITil~ U@ ~U~U@ J]]l@@U
Born with fins Rac h el H ebbe rd and Maggie Gilli s wait to see their results Rachel s aid/' Swimming is defini t ely a great way to keep in s hape The coache s were a lot of f un, t oo ."
a goo fears."
~earn Spirit : Top Row : ean laughlin , H 1 1 _.,..,.,nah Bretz, ch o camp Coate ·nary, at amsdn, la yl or Sa nd s. Chri s tie Red m o nd: Max Smith R! 2: Claire Hudson, Cof;si, Hillary Huff• Carly Xoczer "- Leah Parimuha, :-'e ll v Gila~, Iri s Dav id s on, Ke ls ey Koentges Ro : Catherine Rathbone, Macey Jon$, Brittany BruderJulie VonDrecle, Chelsea
Ra '>l'V, ~a n a \.tartin , Sara h Lahnert, Chloe Ra 5ey, Maggie ~illis , Rachel Hebl>eril Bottom Row: :Ab1 Ke,ns , Jesse Rodgers, Julianna\ er!'> a\,·, Li s a Bo g obov.riez, Angela Lurtz,~a Zi&W!, Sama Rivera, KrisHJ Houchen and Kari Sorvig.
Let's do this With a po1,itn e attitude Coatc:h Kotk'arn p g i ve!:I Jesse Rodgers s ome .; upport
Swimming C hee rs Abi ga l Kern s is proud of what s he h a s acc ompli s h e d " I t wa s a gr e at wa y to m ee t n e w p eo pl e a n d is loads of fun ," s aid Abi gal.
to the firll s h on e ~tro kc
C laire Hudson S\\'im s
I I I ! i l ..
Names from l~Ct to right': Kalla Sutter, Melody?? , ·
r== (i 78
Second rovv: Chandler Price, Abbe~ Scheesley, Sage P6to
• rs
ay or, Coa ch H ayes , Zac h H err, Eric Jiminez, Jerry Mill er, Trav is Fosse tt
I :'!an,t?s
·•. :-~i . . ..• ,.•--.·. DEPtONS am / ' ' Sc-t"ond n>\\':
n ,
1 1 ~a ,
from left to right Dy lan Dtlle, tvfa t hew Linv ille- Engl
from left to righ
Victoria C ci
Conklin, Kelly Lubker:i\an
e Coacff cel\t Mon ick Wi
oss, Pau Smith, ex Summers, Paul Jacob, Matthew Miller, Clinton Franz k Emsbach, Coby Brawner, Nick Pretz, Armon Goldanloo, Connor Fielding, Chris !Bublitz, Luis Zw,iga, Mike Smith, Ian Tuner, Austin Spatz Second Ro"': Coach Dean ettt,dtl1tel, Jeff Daniele~Tyler Ridpath, Cody Frost, Tanner Liddick, Austin Spatz, Coach Scott u. Saxton, Kris Belser, Mike Horan, Ryan Evans, Brandon Nelson, Cody Smouse, Vin-
1 n·
• I <Pl=
Tl1e small co mmunity of G old e n H ig h Sc h oo l wo rk e d toge th er i n h a rm o n y durin g th e yea r o f 2 007. R anging f r o m freslunen t o se ni o r s, th e s tud e nts beco m e o n e c l ass thr o u g hout the sc h oo l yea r Sop h o m o r e K a th erin e Ca rt e r said , " Th e ttpperc lass m e n h ave h e lp e d m e so mu ch th ese p as t few years. Especia ll y m y MVP t e a ch e r s fr o m l as t yea r, th ey gave 1ne ad,, ise o n m y c l asses." K a th e rin e is n o t th e o nl y o n e th a t belte,,es in thi s unity. F r es hm e n h ave a lways b ee n h e l pe d o ut oy th e o ld er s tud e nt s. H oweve r, thi s was th e p e rfec t yea r t o sl1ow i t .
In each h a ll way, in eac h class r oom, in eac h c h air, th e cl ass of 2007 h as m a d e m e m o ri es a t Go l de n H igh . Gra du a t io n h as b ee n o n every m ind since th e d ay we wa lk ed thr o u g h th e doo r s and saw o ur frien d s b e fo r e u s wa lk ac r oss th e s t age a nd s t a rt a n ew l i fe b eyo n d Go ld e n As eac h d ay g r ows cl oser t o M ay 25 th (th e day th a t th e se ni o r s a r e se t fr ee int o th is wo rld ), one q u o t e co m es s h o uld h e lp lea d p eo pl e t o s tr ive for th e ir ow n s u ccess.
" T h e b es t d ay o f yo ur life is th e o n e o n w hi ch yo u d ec id e yo u r li fe is yo u r own . No a p o l ogies o r exc u ses No o n e t o l ean o n , r e ly o n , or b l ame. Th e gi ft is yo ur s - it i s a n amaz in g jo u r n ey -a nd yo u a l o n e a r e r es p o n sibl e fo r th e qu a li ty of i t This is th e d ay yo ur life r ea ll y begins. " - Bo b M oawa d
To th e c lass o f 2007, k ee p wi th yo u eve r y thing yo u ' \, e lea rn e d in a n d o ut o f sc h oo l t o p ave th e r oa d in fr o nt o f yo u o n thi s exh i l a ra tin g Roa d Trip we ca ll life .
Katherine Adair
Ashleigh Adams
Kelly Albano
Matthew Albrecht
Genoa A lexader
Alex Ammon
Gabrielle Archer
Derek Bailey
Nick Baldessari
Lauren Ba lt z
Tara Ba r zanji
Caitlin Baumann
Michelle Beehler
James Beetham
Tara Behrens
Stacey Bell
Thomas Bell
Codi Bement
Desirae Bement
Linette Bird
Malfltew Alirea
ThtJmaJt Belt
Hayley BoggsGeorge Bolinger
Spencer Boltz
Caitlin Bowers
Na than Brandow
Robe rt Braunagel
H ay l ey Brooks
Christopher Brown
Chels e y BushJohn s on
Bus hJohn s on
Chris Caceres
Allison Canin o
\ I fl 11
G t flfjt 8 tJttn1er S!Jen oer BtJtfz Catrttn BtJw-erJ
Brandi Casey
Lily Chae
Andrew Chapin
Connor Chapman
Lydia C l ark
Cory Clarke
Daniel C l emen t
Jason C ler kin
Gregory Clough
David Cooper
H ila r y Corsi
G r iffin Cox
Daniellle Crevling
Andy Cross
Chris Cullen
Taleah Cumins
Iris Davidson
Mallory Davis
Sean Dean
Max Delmonico
'Ji)~ •
,,stowing up pumpkins for Chemistry on Halloween!''
-Edwin Lynch
,,1,11 never forget playing four square in the lower Alex
court yard when we were
canJ'.t pick a most cheriahed memory in high school because high school has been the tieat experience of my lifI!''
-Emil:y Ranf ran.z
most cherished memory would be tHe--~,r""--1 friends that I made in high school~'
-Aaron Mares
rrgflCff_ lJicktnJtJ1t lfevtJr DtJteclteli
Haley Dickinson Trevor Dolechek
Jenna Doty freshman.
Tawny Drexl e r Colin Dumbleton
Dale Ekburg Jakup Euler
Brain Evanko Kelsey Ewers
"--"'-J B
0 .....,__, 0'@
-Tom Sell
WB0' ~,....
Jacob Feilding
Zach Fig h tmaster
Maura Firth
An t hony Fleury
J Amber Flower s
Daralou Franks
Katy French
Lucas Fritz I
Trina Gabel
Sam Galioto
Matthew Gallagher l
Genna Gallegos
Zaeft Rffltlma-Jfer
• • _[
Nick Ga ll uzzo
Max Gans
Kameron Gates
David Gaudreau
Ian G ilbraith
Nate Gillan
Rob ert Gillette
Re b ecca Gillis
Brittni Goebel
Hannah Go e d e rt
Nate Goergen
Eric Goldman
Jeff Goldstein
Jen Gooderham
Evan Gosda
Brady Grove
Lauren Hall
Jamie Hamilton
Hayley Hanc o ck
John Hanf
• ' .. --..:£ • ;;: bcder\wn -~-L . QU,41--" t b.U ~"'·.,,_.-
"-·-~ ?J JUlj.& 1
Reieooa Gttttf
Andy Hannemann
Tom Harder
Leah Harris
Amanda Hart
Seth Hartman
Grace Haughain
Sarah Hebberd
Hannah Hodges
Jordan Hogan
Rachel Holmgren
Claire Hudson
Hilary Huff
Trevar Hupf
Sarah Ipson
Ken Ishmael
Cttrfj HtJwr~
7tevar Hapf
Amanda LaPtntkff
Ttffan!f Lartttn
LaShawndaJohnson All ison Jones
Chelsea Keeney Kevin Kiss l er
J ennifer Klein Timo thy Kl ein
Steve Knudson Rebe cca Kregs t e in
Jessica Kwak
Samuel LaFalce Amanda LaPinsky Lenette Larson
Suzanne Larson
Tiffany Larson 'AI.J9, • Erin Larwick
Ashley Lewis
Andrew Lorenz
Brad Lubkeman
Edwin Lynch
Lucas Maas
Ryan Mackey
Aaron Mares
Jennifer Marques
Kaitlyn Marvel
Allison Mast
Cory McGee
Erica Mcl saac
Sean McLaug hlin
Vance McManigal
Keli Mitchell
Kelly Mitchell
Kayla Mooney
Stephan Morelli
Bridget Moreno
Nikole Morgan
tJ..t,/4<, • 1 CS • ._____,...,,, . t ~"'c~~ ~(E;> K/t!fla Mttt!1t tff Brt djtf Mt!rtnt!
Ju lie Mou l ton
Tr aver Nauslar
Jul ie Navarrete
Ambe r Ne l son
Danie l Ne l son
Rob in Newcome
Elyse Newman
John Ngu ye n
Kendra O ' Brien
Darcy O ' Donnell
Vanessa Ortiz
Laura Osborne
Alicia Ostens on Jenica Ottero
Tiffany Palmer
Tara Pattie
Maggie Pattridge
Coby Pearce
Natas h a P err y
Amier NetttJn ) • <Ctr~ )z~J/&. V..,a~o. P>. flntoa Dffertt Nafafna Perr11
Jereniah N ichol so n
Most Likely to be an astronaut
Most Likely to lie in a Disney Movie _
Most Likely to be a CEO of a major "'-V'--" company
Most Likely to wreck a Ferrari
Most Likely to breed chickens
Most tikely to lie a ~- mountain man
~Most tikelf to 1fna m1111than 20 piercings
Most Likely to lie a stunt double
Most LikeJJJo~ make a clotfiing line
Most &ikety to live in their car
Most Likely to o tojailf In in9
Most&i inahig chase
Moat Li inlhe 0 Mo cover
-·~,? - - -
Most likely to retire at age 25
ost Likely to have ata
Most Likely to he an undercover agent
Most Likely to he a teacher at &HI
fflost Likely to star
,,'!"" ____, ffl a movie st Likely to he a hb
• •
s Lilcely to le a ~~ ,, eiiaa st J.iklely to he a dtive~---ikely to live ywood
Most Likely to he ~ in ttie NFL
Most Likely to have a cooking show
Most Likely to marry their high achoolaweethea~t
Most Likely to climb Mt. lverat
Most Likely to -~ wear apink tie towork regularly
ll 97
Asti Peterson
Chris P eti tel ere
Heather Pierce
Marissa Pietrafesa
Kendal Pike
Nicole Pike
Jennifer Popp
Lyza Posey
flnntftr Ptt/J/J
Amand a Pros
N i co le Purd y Jan esa Putm an Chris Quinta n a
Emil y Ranfr anz
Paul Rappmund
Chri s tina Redmon d Dus tin R ee d
Ke nny Ree d Jr . Jo s hua Reinha r d Jor ee Re mp elWe iss
Nic h o l as Rid d er
Tim Riordan
Cody Roden
Analisa Rom a n o Kalie Rosenbur gh
Kelsey Sails b ery
A shl e i g h Sa ngl
AJ Santis t eva n
Sha m s Say ed
Motttt Pardff
Cttdlf Rttdtn
Kenny Scally
Chatlotte Seance
Andrew Schultz
Scott Setiz
Christopher Selcer
Melissa Sipes
Sam u el Sipkin
Christina Smith
Joey Gomez
Max Smith
Samantha Snelling
Je r emy Soliz
Conrad Carter
Stephan Sterling
Jared Stricker
Rachelle Stroh
Brittany Snow
Jackson Sutherland
Nikkala Svenby
Erin Taylor
Jfltff Gflmtz
Cf!nrad Carfer
James Taylor
Danielle Thielen
Eric Thirouin
Channing Tatum
Ross Tilden
Travis To l er
Jeremiah Torbit
Robert Tortora
Chris tine Trum an ' Anada Val enz u e la
, Lucas Valerius
Kimb e rly Van Duyn
Steve vonDreele
Rachael Wachs
Mark Wachter
Jeffrey Walker
Todd Walli s
Jason Walls
Kelsey Warn e r
Pip e r Wes t on
• .. ,.••
A,ii da va!e.1tzaela
Dallas Wiles
Heather Williams
Sally Wilson
Timothy Wolaver
Keith Wood
Molly Wright
Samuel Wright
Michelle Youngs
Kyle Youngs
Joseph Zaba
Lawrence Zant
Lindsey Cavanaugh
wc.,;,:O -
Ril e y Conway
RIiey Cot1way
What was your favorite year in high school and why?
I .,~unior year because I was afree man and off probation. Kenny bailed me out~, -iam Wright
.,.,iophomore year because I went to Austraitia~'
-Julie Moulton
Eric Mylko
Derek Nguyen
Victoria Nikitin
Susan Parkington
Jacob Payte
Alexander Prohaska
Joseph Raichart
Scott Schuster
Sarah Schwab
Jessica Smith
Andrew Spatz
Rebecca Stoup
Eric Thirouin
Daniel Thome
Austin Townsend
Andrew Trowell
Christine Truman
Michael Wagner
Brain Williams
because we're 1Jmo1t dQnet'' -Ian &iltirath 11Jtm1n year! I broke it naf mJfirs Homecoming I er-' Jayde Alderman Jessie All~ · elo .c_ ...,_,, ,H!IH. ebel ravo y Re'heis harnberlain imperman levelo.nd lled~ rady an errera e Wys uvall Hasoon ghhln Ibarra Amparan
• , •
• •
108 ...
The class of 2008 has finally crossed a threshold and have become part of the elite upperclassmen. For some juniors, the countdown to get out of high school began the day they walked through those double doors. For others, high school may very well be the best time of their lives. Although the juniors are now on their downward side through high school, they still have some major events ahead, including applying for college, ACT, SAT, and the covenant senior year.
' - -. •
.,..... 109
r 110 Kassey Ab ey t a Th o m as A g r o dni a Kathryn Aiken Kendra A lm s KayliAmme n Vian Ar k av.razy Alyssa Arm e ntrou t Tyl er Ba b kiewich Joseph Baca A li Bagh aei Sa m Bagh ae i Ky le Bail ey Ky le Ba il ey-F ay Al lison Ba lmes David Banza Becki Ba rned As hl ie Barry Amand a Bart os h Kaysey Bea rd Am and a Be rens D e m e tra Be rg Mind y Bly the Whi tn ey Bolt o n Ka t y Bonesio Taylor Bosco Aus tin Br a b ec Kelsey Branch Ju li an Bravo A l exand r a Bres ler Tyl er Brock N eil Bro oks Tho mas Brown Matthew Brw1el Brvan Brusenbach Bayard Bryan Jordan Bull Tunothy Bum1ss Jerome Calderon Anthony Carbone Jacob Carlson Jordan Caro-Seiwald Christina Ca rr ano Carly Chapple Ashley Chism Alise Cohen Rebecca Conklin Luke Contreras Thomas Cowden Catherine Cox Matthew Crow Ryan Currie Nicholas Dahl Andrew Daniele Jake Dawes Anthony DeCarlo Dylan Dille Danielle Dolan Luis Dominguez Daniel Du s dal Tay l or Eagen Br ianna Engstrom Larry Engstrom Coral Erickson •
"The class of bs has no fears! -Matt Linville Engler ··r:ailure:· -Kasi Yoakum .. Deep Water:' - Amanda Berens .. '' Old People. -Sean Ratledge ...----Kyle Evans Alex Fabis1ak Elizabeth Farrell Peter Farrin Simone Ferber Samantha Fisher Hannah Fleming Gregory Fhnk Carlie Ford :Michael Gagnon Cody Galioto Jimena Garcia Ryan Gaylord Kylie Gehrke BenJamin Geiger Arielle Gerard Marshall Gillespie Maggie Gillis Eli Gilmore Walter Glass Joshua Grauke Tasha Gray Nicole Green Raimee Green Kelly Greene Lindsey Griffin Ellie Gustafson Erik Gustafson Paige Haberman Laci Hageman Ellen Hanggi Ariel Hansen Tyler Hansen Jared Hanson Andre Hart .. . .. Flying rnonkeys! -Brittany Marquis Midgets and sharks in •• the ocean . -Abbie Monroe "1 P$in g a good friend:· -Carly Chapple 111 '
r I ~I i ,_ I I • r 112 Erik Hartze ll Zoe H a t ch Nisar Ha"\-vramy Joseph Haynes Nicholas H azell Kara H eckman Sayrni Herrera Ian H erzing Jeremy H o ld t J usti n H o l d t We n di H olland Rachel H oov le r Sama nth a H o p ple Jenn ifer H ord Cal Hu eber Na th aniel Hugh es Rachel H un t Kiah H url ey Rochelle H utrnan Be njamin Jacobs Katja Jacobs Briana Janssen Nicholas Jarvis Joseph Je nnin gs Johna th an Jensen Ashl ey Johnson Britt any Johnson Kerby Johnson Tory Johnson Tyler Johnson Kay la Johns ton Ko urtn ey Jo n es Ro b e r t Jo n es Jo hn J urb a l a P eter Ju r ic ko , ich III • .. h~ ltlC2l'IWN • flllll q Gaining respect from seniors and win teachers. lose -Ashlie Barry Being able to push people out of the -way. -Aubrey Tram.ontina Being able to go to Prom and after Prom.. -Nick Sim.on
Rosemary Kalasz
Nicholas Kalinoski
Svenja Kallies
Andrew Kao
Marina Kein
Brandon Kinnard
Jessie Kirby
Danielle Klunek
Raymond Klucik
Morgan Klueber
Kayla Knutson
Colette Kojder
Nicholas Koprowicz
Corey Kothenbeutel
Cara Kulbacki
Archana Kumari
Lauren Lacinski
Cassie Lambrecht
Christopher Lambrecht
Kendall Lane
Colin Leffert
Hannah Lewis
Kirsten Lewis
Matthe¼' Linville Engler
Matthew Little
Ian Loffler
Michael Lowder
Kirsten Lutz
Kevin Lynam
Lindsay Lyons
Ryan Macy
Brittany Marquis
Taylor Marshall
Devonna Martin
Paula Martin
Amber Martinez
Enc Martinez
James tvlartinez
Nicole Martinez
01arlene tv[athews
Ian Mathewson
Joel Matoba
Casey Mayo
tvlatthew tv1cDonald
Don McGinrus
Jordan McGregor
Luke McILlvee
Steven tv[cKendry
Sarah McKenzie
Shane Meehan
Angelo tv1ejia
Lynae tv[eyer
Katherine Millinder
John Misik
Abbie Monroe
Jessica Montana
Quentin tvfontemayor
Parker tvloody
Elizabeth Moore
Shannon !v1oore
Stephanie Morales
Derek Moran
Anthon) Morgan
113 I
• ' ~' I I ' 114 Jessica Myers Joshua Navarez Samantha Neal Brian Nelson Rhianna Ne lson Robin Neumayer Robert Newberg Jenna Nev-.•man Andre"' Nguyen Shane Nia Casey Nimmer Joseph Niswonger Lucas Noble Harmony Nosker Elizabeth O ' Brien Jessica O ' Connor Wesley Okonzak Daniel Oliver Sean O ' Reilly Brett Padilla Celia P adilla Meagan Padilla Zachary Page-Belknap Ashley Palmer Shireena Patel Kylee Perea Che lsea Perez Michael Peterson Stephanie Peterson Thanh Pham Marcus P o rter Kate Potter Logan Pru eitt Andre,v Pyburn Johnny Rabadan Beau Radovich tv1atthew Raley Stephanie Ramstetter Adrian Rangel Lindsey Ratkie\vicz Sean Ratledge Anthony Ra y Don Reimer Abigail Renaud Jonathan Richert Jos hua Roberts Michelle Roblee Amy Rogers tv1arcus Roger s Derek Romero H evi Saeid Bethany Sanders Taylor Sands Richard Sch lau ch Rachel Schluter Heather Schn1ader Brittan y Schult Kyle Sc hult z Julie Sco h y Melanie Secary Kyle Seery Anthony Serati Daniel Sh e ffield
Nicholas Simon
Kailey Slaven
Cody Smail
Cortney Smith
Soletl Srmth
Connor Stokes
Megan Straley
Samantha Stroh
Derek Sturdavant
Amanda Sturgeon
Caitlin Sulik
Logan Sullivan
Nicholas Sweet
Alexander Taylor
Braden Taylor
Cameron Termin Fiedler
Briana Terrazas
Malcolm Thomas
Davin Ttm
Alexander Tracy
Jordan Trag, Aubrey Tramontina
Ky le Trout
Christen Tyus
Kyler Usrey
Michael VanDamme
Gerald \Tanner
Paul Verrug
Jacob Versaw
Shantel Vigil
Jacob Wallis
Noah \iVallis
Justin Walton
"To me, perfect is someone you never ge t tired of being around, someone you kno"v you can a lways co unt on and makes your life complete." " I c l assify p erfect i n a g i rl as a great p e r s o nal ity, and I like eyes ? '
~@OJJ[kg] o OD 0 ~= oo[P= 1 •=- _§~ •feet hasa nallty Oka~
perfect guy to me Is someone who's always there, makes me laugh, and a guy who will look me right in the eye because It shows that he cares~ "P e r fe c t t o m e i s s om e on e who is nic e a nd m a k es m e l a ugh ?' Stephanie
Cullen Sie,..,ert
Richie Wangsness Emily Wareham
Watson Amanda Weaver Riki Welch
Weller Dakota Werner Megan Wessel KobyWittek Na t alie Wit tm an Brianna Wold Sarena Wold Brittni Wood Chloe Wood • Jessica Baa r s
y Caravella
C l ay ton
u a
Krauss Leonard Larson G)[F@~ ..... ....__Ii Ii I l I t :::::' .),:::@~=::.:;.::. 116
Sterling Lenway-Stowe Benne tt Lohre Joleen Mares Joseph Mares Nicole Moyer Katherine Soine Steven Suther Alexandra Terry Nicholas Weichel [;]] a s@nior• • a1rn: joying ......._._. Jor ¥ ear.'' i.==a'meth • r1eFl
a lot more freedom.''
Cayce Cornet
Jo sh
Feather AndreV\1
Wooley Kasi Yoakum Step hanie Ziegler
-Kendra Alms
117 I I l f
• I I
' Rabab Abdulhussein Victoria Albertson Amanda Albrecht Jeffrey Aldrich Taylour Alianiello Delaney Allison Tucker Ames Arantxa Anchondo Evan Anderson Hannah Anderson Joshua Aragon Shilo Archer Jordan Arellanes Ramon Arellano Kaylynn Asmussen William Aten Nathen Baalman Kies Baradan Matthew Barru Jeremy Barton Gl ara l3arzanji Kathryn Base mann Jessica Bebee I<yle.Beers Ca ro]ine-Beetham Erika Bjesinger rahBinns Jacquelyn 'Bla ck Joshu a Bly the Lisa Bogobowicz. Robert Bowers PaulBowman Nicholas Boxier Benjamin Boyl e Court Joseph Brachle Ertc l3reithaugt Christopher Bro\.-vning Alex Buehler f Jenna Burn Lars Burnham Bryon Burroughs / Alyssa 81Jrton J(imberly Cafare11a Victoria Calder on Kevin Camicello Katherine Car ter Curtis Casburn ~!""-.:5=-.-Ff--Ariana Ca s tro Kristine Castro Breanna Cas trodale Erika Caton Kristina Chavez Taylor Cleveland Ira Cochran Daniel Compton Andrew Cooper Eric Cosper: P.hillip, Cro ss TI~ Cl,Uii.s Tayl or Gt"l'.Bjer "TaylorC~tlv,lax Dabbs Mac[ison pale-
"I absolute ly love Takes bec ause I like r the sweet and salty taste of tham You cant .. Just have one - Brooke Palmer
- -
• "I love.Reese; because its so good when its melting in rny mouth. with the peanut butter and chocolate .. cornbo. Yum.
-Natasha Knfg'lm
Katherme Dalton
Nicolas Damiana
Marissa Davis
Rebecca Davis
Ryan Dore
Roger Dorf
William Doty
Carly Douglas
Emily Dreiling
Scott Duff
Kathrme Duncan
Alyssa Duran
Jeffery Duvall
Ashley Dyer
Jered Eagan
Benjamin Elliott
Daniel Erskine
Nichol as Estrada
Leeza Etzenhouser
Lisa Evanko
Alexand r ia Everist
Kelly Fair
Eric Fauble
l31ake Feighner
Hilary Filiault
Amy Flick
Spencer Flower
Peter Foster
Nicholas Fox
Daniel Froyen
Brandon Gage
Michelle Garnett
Stephan Gates
Clemens Georg
Billy Gerard
"J:.f e rshey; chocolate bar because its a . .. class,c
-Ky le Beers
"The flavor explosion of 1 Skittles in my mouth are kickin~ -Blakei=eighner
, love 100 Grand Bars be ca use they have caramel. crun c h. of course cho c olate You Just cant go wrongl ..
- Astra Mo ss
''During off block I hang out in the gym with Coach Talbot."
Just Hang Out
''I like to go grab a bite to eat or do my homework. Sometimes I even go home and sleep.''
Eatand Sleep
J(elly Gilas Whitney Glandt MollyGaple Laural Goh Alyssa Gonzales Raymqnd Grant Anthony Green Eliot Green Tyler Greenfield Dallas Greer Aspen Groff Theron Guerra Jessica Hall Rebecca Harris Jeffrey Hartman Elizabeth HartzeU Kevin Hays Zachary Herr Cory Hilbome KevfnHines Carl i;Ioreaky Eddie Howard JQr8an lrlowes Ca~yJ-lowtey Lacey Hufnagel ~l;iu~ Margaret Hunt AutwnnroseJackson 'Pylei: Jackson Dame lTeruiings Dillon Jess B;andiJohnson, - Joshua-Johnson Shantay Johnson 1'y1er1oh.nson
I normally do homework or go to the Chinese place during my off block."
~Scott Duff~
~Marissa Mares~
Rachael Joyce Spencer Kelii Maegan Kelly Megan Kilpatrick Jaimie King Jodi Kinnen Natasha Krught Glenn Knussmann Carly Koczera Taylor Koepke Tyler Koepke Jennifer Kolm Jessica Kopischke 'Erin Kruchen Hannah Kuretich Lind say LaBonte Hannah LaFalce Sarah Lahnert Susan Lane Perri Lang James Laufer Mallory L12za Christina Ljungvall Kevyn Lollar Maria Lopez Kelly Lubkeman Branden Luckinbill Bree Lusk Angelleah Lu lvlichelle M aguire Wtl.ham lv1allec Cayla Mann Tyler Mapleback Marissa Mares Alexis Marso Jazzminn Martell Ryan Martinek Megan Martinez Ryan Ma rtin ez Elizabeth Mathe\vson Benedict Mateus Christopher Mayo -AtmMcCall Justin lv!cOtll Jessica McCrackenI Sage McCririck --............ Meghan McLaughlin Ian Merrill Lindsey Metros Caroline Meyer Justin Midyet Alex Miller Jessica Miller 'Meaghan Milne P aige Mitchell .Kaila Molt Rand Moore Paden lvlorehead Hannah Morvay As tra Moss Bradley Mott Zachary Mullins Jennifer Myers
• Rhett Nebeker Allison Needham Chase Nichols Holly Nichols David Nitz Tajh Nobles Ryan Nolan Kimber O Brien Eryn Oehlert Hannah Olin Catherine O Rourke Saige Pachello Blake Padilla Brooke Palmer Orlando Paredes Jenna Park Brandon Pejsa Nayeli Perez Gregory Perrin Ryan Petralia Ian Pierce Kalina Pittman Brica Porte r Morgan Post Brandon Potthoff Lindsay Progar Matthe"" Pule Ttmothy P-ullano Heather Quintana Andree Quirk Chelsea Ramsey Jo sephRay John Retrum Robert Reveille C-odyRexJonathan Richards Lisa Ridge Dillon Rio Samantha Rivera Shelby Robinson Samantha Rode Guy Roman Harrison Romanowski Ariel Roselle Jessica Ros ette Patrick Rosse Mary Roth David Rothrock Cayla Rowe Cas s anadra Runge Lauren Sageser Michael Salazar Alejandro Sanchez Logan Sauer Zachary Saxton Christopher Seance Christopher-Schirrme~ter Iloqa Schlittler 1aylor Schulte Jessica -Schumacher Alexandei: Seatcy Keijy Sebesta Jy)er Selcer
"My favorite "Disney World, spot is Duh! It only has Cambodia Minnie Mouse because that's --cootaypa how I do?' tootay!''
Syn Son
-b,~c, C.ton
"Akumaul, Mexico! I love that place. You can sleep, talk with locals and scuba dive, whatever you want~
" I t,ir.Jro
Landon Servold
Jacob Sewolt
Jeremy Shearer
Max Shefte Jacobs
Elyssa Silva
Tasha Simmons
Chelsea Skorka
Co llmSmith Jacob Smouse Synia Son
Cydney Tolbert Steven Toll efson Taylor Toms
Thi Tran
Kyle Tripp
Andrew Trujillo
Tes1a Trujillo
"My favorite vacation spot would be Belize because it is so B-E-A U-tiful!"
"I really enjoy Mexico because Igo clubbing at the resort!'
./Jpl, StMvrs-
I ~B@~DD[P ~W® W@@G:JOO®Du §[p~ 0
Kari Sorvig Kenneth Stiner l an Stitt Anthony Stockman
Erika Stoeckert Tay lor Stolte Lilah Strauss Caitlin Sullivan Connor Summeril Kaila Su tt er
Swim Megan Taylor
ica Thomas
Thompson Robert Thompson Carissa Thomson Foos Jordan Tidball Sciullo Patrick Tinucci
r' We s, ibeca u se I ' m
m@ r e u se to how
tf.ie s~n©@ l works
am& ~ mow th e
~a111rs be tt e r .II
-M:ar¥ 1RC9th
''No I fr es hm a n yea r was mu ch easie r a n d so mu ch f un . It was fa bulicu s, thi s yea r we ac tu a ll y h ave t o bu ckl e d own a nd wo rk h a rd ."
-Jessica M i ll er
'' Yes, b eca u se I kn ow m o r e p eo ple thi s yea r a nd I h ave way m o r e fri e nd s thi s yea r. ''
-Tayl or C l eveland
Richard Hien Tu Matthe\v Tur9uette Alexander Urban Caleb Urice Evan Vall Richard VanDuyn Trenton Vanner Jared \ Taughn Kevin Vega Tyler Vigil Matthe\v Vogt Julia VonDreele John Vu Kaitlyn Wachs A lina Wale Erin Walth Joshua Ward Matthew Warren Brionna Wells Sama.Q th a Weymouth C r aig Whorlow Stormy Wil.ki:nSQn Jackson Williams }folly WUiiam son J ~ i e!a W-.illis "f _,,,. And rew Wilson .Eric i-Vinkter ; "-lf- Tanner Wittek Shell>y Wunderle BritainyWynn Branden Yushka StaceyZant C~erorr Zerbest Alyssa Ziegler Kel1a Zigich
~tbnillo Castillo
JesSEt Castle
Jam,~ Duncan
Jan.-Bernd Kalve]age
Brenton Kowitz
Al exander Leeds
.. .....-
Gunner Mario
Aibek Nurbekov
David Slaton
Cory Stumbo
Anna s ta uchla Ve r gari
David Ward,
Norma Zipprich I
128 .....,..
! I Ii • 130 - - --:,--.....,,-..,,,_..,.,,...--,----,-,.---,-- _ .--____,__ Jalisa Abel Kendyl Abernethy Wi lson Adams Jordan Akes Scott Albrecht Ian Aldridge Che lsea Alexander Gabrielle Ander son Matthevv Ande rson Saman tha Archey Adam Arella n es Shanel A rguello Kisha Aristide Amanda Arner Am) A t en Katherine Baals Jose Baeza Alexand ra Bagh a i e Levi Baldo n Leslie Ba rtl ey Christop he r Bau m ann Geoffrey Bax t e r Zac h ary Bell Kristopher Be lser Eben Berg Candice Berte Kirsten Bitn e r Larry Blakes ley Brittany Blus e Taylor Bolton Hannah Bol tz Olivia Boyer Coby Braw n e r Natasha Breath\vaite Hannah Bretz Albe Bridenb urg Daniel Bngh tbilJ Mattheiv Broch in Travis Brones ke Kayla BrO \\'n Brittan, Bru der Ali Bryson Za chary Bublit z Tayler Bull Stefany Bullard Mat t he\v Burnett Cameron Bush Johnson April Caddigan Dylan Camacho Austin Campbell Austin Carman Dereck Casas Janalynn Casburn Kevin Catalano Melinda Cetnar Brandon Chapin Colton Chirila Athan Clark Bryan Clark Torrey Cleveland Rachael Cobb Tyson Colledge Sena Contre r as • -
Johnny Deppl
He 1s a great actor, caring
fa ther. and really, really hot! "
A ng ela Le i rz
" I adm ire my friends beca use they help me through the tough times "
K ayl ey Os b a ugh
··Andy M1lona'<is because he totally rocksl "
Andrea Montreal
"AJ beca use he is really nice ."
Tony Luchetta
Ke\ m Courtnev -
Andrea Craycraft
Samantha Cubbon
Ryan Curle}
Dalton Curr}
\.athan Cusack
tvtatthev-. Daley
Jefferj Daniele
Alvs1a Da, e\
Cara Da\ 1s
Jessica Dell t\1artin
·athanuel Demarco
Ioreni Diaz
Charlotte Dickens
1\1cholette Digiacomo
Breanna Dillon
Ciera Dolechek
Joshua Do\,·sett
Jessica Dreiling
Jasmine Duvall
Kirstin Edwards
Audrey Ellis
Dere k Emsbach
Sa\ annah Engel
Kellie Erickson
Ehas Euler
Ryan E,ans
Alexandra Ewers
Connor Fielding
Vanessa Fleischman
Robert Foden
Tra, is Fossett
H ale, Franco
Ad am Frank
Clinton Franz
"Oprah be cause she 1s the cooles t "
Jo s lyn Mart inez
"Davey Haver He 1s not only ho t but he has mana ged to keep his cool under stress and pressu re ."
Chri sti na
Town se n d
" My friend Helena because she makes me laugh even when I' m sad ."
Jordana Wauk
• Cody Frost Kyle Fuller Kelli Gallagher Helena Gallegos Moruque Garcia Victoria Ga rcia Sean Gaudio Bruce Gerard James Gerard Nicholas Gilpin Ed,-vard Gochenau r Austin Goh Armon Goldanloo Jamie Gomez Ch ristian Gonser Car los Gonzalez David Gr aebe l Jesse Grea r Mic h ael G ree n e Bri ttany Gregory Jameson Gregson Ohrt Dustin G rove Zeke G ustafson Johanna G u tierrez Ortiz Gabrie ll e H a ll Jameson H anso n Sean Ha r tma n Rachel Hebbe rd Jessica Hembro w Amanda Hensley Dustin Herting Bryan H ighsmi t h Grego r } H irsc h Pand1se Holm es James Hoover_.
132 Off Campus Lunch Open Campus
block because y ou can go goof around Off Block s chool and be s tupid."
-Rachael Cobb
''Off campus lunch because you don't have to eat at the cafeteria."
-Wilson Adams
''Open campus ... because it's cool."
-Sena Contreras & Candice Berte
tv1ichael Horan
Kristie Houchen
Trey Hughes
Kyle Hupf
DaYid Jackson
Tyler Jeffrey
Arah Jensen
Jonathan Je\-\ell
Eric Jimenez
Camille Johlgren
Jared Johnson
Shannen Johnson
Thomas Johnson Jr
Ryan Jones
Vanessa Jones
James Jonsson
Megan Jordal
Matthew Jordan
Chaz Kerger
Abigail Kerns
Morgan Kerv it sky
Cohn Kiel
Matthe¾ Kilpatrick
Cathenne Kin g
Jason Kinnard
Sylvia Kistler
Jessica K.hmek
Graham Knussmann
Kristopher Koeltzo\v
Kelsey Koentges
Alexander KoprO\\'tcz
Dru Kothenbeutel
Amy Ladebue
Betty Lam
Tr acy Lam
Luke Lamb
Ashley Lamere
C lar isse La\\•rence
atasha Lavvrence
Jesse Leazenby
1yler Lent Aguilar
Tann er L1dd1ck
La Percha L1 ttleton
Wilham Livingston
Nathan Lohman
Elisabeth Lohre
Kassandra Long
Megan Lord
Michael Luchetta
Alax Lujan
Ange la Lurtz
Kel sey Lus k
Tanner Lutz
Katie Maa s
Cas ey :tv1ack
Alyssa :tvtaesta s
Westbrook Mahurin
Adria Marino
Conner Mars hall
Dana 'tv1artin
Alexander :tvlartinez
Derek Martinez
Joslyn tv1artinez
I 133
134 Kirk Matoba Tara Mattson Tanner McEachem Spencer McIntire Monty McIntyre David ?v1cManigal Travis McStrav.r Ann Mead Taylor Mears Gerald Miller Matthe,"' Miller Cody Milne William Mitchell Vincent Monh Shaun ?vlontoya Jesse Moon Spencer Morgan Lisa Moulton Nicholas Mullen Hannah Naumann Lillie Nauslar Molly Navant Martin Nicole Navarez Sasha Neesmith Brandon Nelson Wesley Nelson Anthony Neun\aye r Aaron Newell Chanda Nguyen Jesse Nielse n Amy Nilius Rebecca Nitz Angela Noonan Yon Noriega Sean O Connor Clayton Oe r tli Madeleme Ohno Jared O Re ill y Kailey Osbaugh Anamana Osorio Inese Ozo ls Zachary Packard Lea Panmuha Kyle Parker Amalin Parra Jacob Paul Kathryn Payne Joshua Payte Jacob Pearce Blake Perea Shanise Perkins Catrina Pickett Austin Potthoff Nicholas Pretz Chandler Price Kristen Priest Scherel Proski Peter Quatermass Javier Ramirez Chloe Ramsay Catherine Rathbone Nicole Rickard Emily Ridder .. -- -• I •
"The many diverse people that walk the halls?'
-Gero Ooied,ek
T) ler Ridpath
tv11chael Riehl
Patrick Rn era
Ember Robbins
Lydia Roberts
Danielle Robinson
Robert Roby
Damien Rocklev
Ian Rodgers
Jesse Rodgers
Amanda Roesch
Enk Roh\\·eder
Jordan Ross
Victoria Rosso\\'
Zachary Roud) bush
Pa yton Ruybal
~1e 'Shay Sando, a l
Alexander Sa>..ton
Jackson Schnautz
Mary Scott Gilbert
Crystall Searcy
Enuly Seidel
Destini Sell
Alyssa Senz
Colter Sharpe
Kacie Shea
Juba Shearer
Abbey Sheesley
Ben1am1n Sherman
Samantha Sherman
Curtis Sieck
Garrett Skelton
Tim othy Skelton
C assondra Sletten
John Smialek
-Sa,,.,c>ntha Sm,th
G:Jt; @® W@oo [1fl~uYA]o
D @QJJt'; [}{]B~[ro
''Disco parties and ''Friends playing card and during off Learning!' block!'
&4e l:::,un;ors-on
-Aud:in PotthoFf
"The newfound freedom and independence.! '
135 JI It
-Dakota Fanning
136 Courtney Smith Michael Smith Paul Smith Samantha Smith Tyler Smith Cody Smouse Carson Snart Regina Snyder Casandra Sosa Elise Sosa Austin Spatz Mitchell Spence Deveraux Spence r Taylor Spykstra Cah·in Staub Brianna Stauffer Savanah Stice Ryan S t okes Tunothy St raley Alexis Sugrue An t hon y Sul1 ey Alex Summers Char les Tayl or Ka tel yn Taylor Antonio Te ll ez Devyn Thielen Kevin lnirouin Alexander Thomas Andrea Thomas Shelbey Thomas Lucas Thompson Scott Ti lden Julie Trm Christina Townse nd Jennifer Trammell • E©~
'' Principal Murphy is going to take away all the electives so it 's like a military school.''
-A than Clark
''People go to the E hall bathroom and do bad things ... 11
don '
t believe all that rumor hype. I ' m too big for that ' '
\ Lance Armen ta Kathryn Johnson Macey Jones Brooke Leed s Trenton Lucas Andrea Montreal Alliso n Pruett Josep h Robinson Shawna Sedbe r ry Logan Sheple r J anie l Vigil Jessica White Jonathan Ziegler lv1cKenz1e Zimmerman Luis Zuruga Aubrey Wagner OIJI?®@ Danan Turner Alyson T¼,iford Erik Tycksen Christie-Lee Van Damme Cabrini Vasquez Christopher Vincent lvhtchell Vogt Micheal Wahlme1er Megan Walker Ashley Walls Nicholas Walton Cameron Webb Sarah Wehling Michael Wemgardt Mariah Werner Briana \Vest Ja1c1e Duri Whisenhunt Myriah Wilkms Kevin Willey Kacy Williams Stephen Wilson Kynan Witters Hicks Leah Witthohn Brandon Wolf Marilyn Wood Jordana Wouk Alyssa Young Debra Zaba 137 I II
• ,,, ,.,,j
Carolyn Anderson Intervention Services
Jeremy Blincoe Science
Laura Burczyk Clinic
Chris Cousineau Language Arts
Steve Anderson Administration
Sandra Breed LMC
Todd Burke Inst. Coach
Stephanie Davis Language Arts
Scott Aurand Tech Ed
Kelly Breymeier
Jane Burnett Art
Jason Conway Math
Terri Deuser Co1.; <.:r ling
Angela Becker Vocal Music
Jan Bryson Science
Don Dilworth Custodial
Dawn Bell Para
Scott Burcar
., '
Jon Christians Science
Shari Cornelison Counselin
Michele&hl Language
Joann Euler Math
' Rob Gill
Tamsen Hall
, c;o~, J I ~§
Kt ystal Kilbey rvt-ath
Robert Gillom Custodial
Diane Hamilton
Molly Kinghorn \,Vorld Language
Greg Kottcamp Social Studies
Bill G
Jc:nnifer Larsen Social Studies
Kim Giffen
Charla Gunn
141 ,, It
Patti Low Food Services
I .. 142
Lori Macdonald Math
Paul Miller Science
Kurt Ohlen Social Studies
Tammie Peters Lan a e Arts
Todd Rago Sc ience
Judy Madison Art
Tim Miller Art
Crystal Onago Scie n ce
Tracy Phariss Math
Chad Reid Social S tudi es
Charl o tte Maybury World Lan
Kathryn Montgon1ery Achvities / Athletics Secretar ,
Pam Parido Counseli n
Chris Plakoru s Tech Ed
Dick Roberts Cu s todial
H elen McLaughlin Consumer I Fa mil
Mike Murphy Administration
R ebecca Ponicsan Social Studies
Wendy Roberts Counseling
Kristin Nelson
John Peschiera Custodial
Linda Po, eda
Jan Romary· Adm inistration
Daren Sower Inten ·ention Services
Ed Weinell ivorld Language
Mary Weller Security
I • Scott Wes terkamp Consumer/ Family~------
Jane Wunderlich Receptionist
Tom Ward Admin istration
" 143
Tr acy Evanko LMC
- I• -
Hi&h School is important in a ldt of ways. Th is i s ,vhere s tudents end t~eit Eh,Ndhood and s t a rt re a l l i fe. S tu:l ent s also make the be f o.-. --iends h e r e M os t imp o rtantl y, hi g h s chool is a place to learn. Stud e nt s p a rtic ip a t e in co r e and elective cl asses. Thes e scho l a r s op e n the ir mind s t o ge t enough credits t o co ntinue to co ll ege. They t a k e a n y thin g from math, to mu s i c, t o a rt, and h o m e eco n o m ics. Cayl a J{ovve, a sophomore, tak es one of th e ce r a mi cs cl asses . ''I have always enjoyE3d the e lec ti v e c lasses b eca u se m os t of them are s o laid back . It gi ves me tim e t o brea th e an d r e l ax during the day. " All sorts o f cl asses can b e f o und a t Go ld e n , something to accomodate anyo n e ' s ta s t e.
14 5 h
Sciences clas ses offer a variety to GHS students
PaJe Bfl Amanda BarftJJlt-
Science is one of the most~ classes anyone can take. In Biology you get to di~s~ Ft things). · Chemistery you work with chemica~s, and i ysics you get to learn how some things work. Th re are al s o a few new..v il ses you can take like Process Te chnology, Biolo w w ..,.. Human kpatpmy and Pltysiology, and Sports i cine, Step a ·e Sheld - said, " Mrs.Giffen is th lc!IL"II t e acller r. She is so ce and caring. I am so t"';a., ~.-."'l to have Ra d her and I' so exc ited because ,r. ....,. ing t@ major in Biology." There a re many thing s ~ n learn in..scj.ence, 1:?.ut you just hav e to go and f. ething yo!u re inter~ ~ed in.
• -
me.happy. "
e Cr} bon bo,mbs. ake at;.~, o th than m 1iophomore Andrew Tra
¥ a th, wh a t 's up w ith i t ? Ev ery da y we are told ortant it is in our d a ily life, but what do we i t? Teach er s an d o ur p a r e nts tell us that math a nd yo u kn o w what, they ' re right Counti...wwents enjoy math Peter ~ess stated, 111 thrill of getting the p I m right and leamw things ." Since math v and always be , a .... ... ...r liv es, teachers stress. e importance of it rage students to try ,,,,_best. Senior Gab e ·d, " It is fun learning -·,· businesses tfse how it actually does ~ht to everyday life ." s that students and ta alike agree that portant and it truly i,J..t\,C, d throughout life
• Use your calc ulatorlil<~ its 1999Senior ,,.....~~~:.::;~- Christorphe r Caceres works on a problem tha t:· -::::- too tough t o figu re out in his hecia ,. 9 PASSING
from s riticlL tlynking Junio~ !;f tch \Vob<s hard on her math s o s he · t~ ermath cla ss rr Jeremi
free time
If there is one thing that liter ture l1as ta ght us , it' s that no matter how messy the situation, presenting it in the ri way can be refreshing and informative. What WO\l 11 r.'ft.,,,,.ur world b~without all of the great books that e us? How could we renew our perspective abou ~rticular tgpic?, Golden hfs had some of the grea looks of all fime in its cuFriculum since it was first ·shed. We are very fortunate to have terrific t¥ , each wjth their own unique approach to Eng . ging fro wterpreta~n and ~ performance to and MLA ~o~mat. On ajar factor separatin~ n's teachet'5 from oth r is their com1nitmeit1 ~ing well after the students go home, there is n that am change the dedication of our teachers. J !
A filID. @filID.®ITJ @ii Ilnii@ =Il®ililfg Il@~~®ilil~
Paf t B!J LaS/2awndaJtJltttJtJn
com exp t. e c10 enfoys helping their \-v ritin g better -~-.. e on ~a id , " R ing'can appily: fitli Re s his b ooks fo e get b_t fhe epd 1na eachers H ere, s e
in a
, ky added, ''tvlJ ,
c1es9 is .inte es ·
scene from the Odysse)
l lto m fre s hm e n Ge o graph y, to se nior Econ o m-qh ers s tr ive to a d d -a. fun flair t o th e required s of s oc i a l s tudi es . Stu de nts learn about th e ~ a r s, it s geog r a phy, A mer·c.a ' s econom¼ and g else that ha s to d o wijh history, ai1d the ..... n of society as we know ·~
Sbphomore Ian Stitt share'"S interest of U., S. u1 like to learn about thejJ.6 . ' s past. I find it PM1·1ng to lea rn about thewtrs.'/ He is not the .the ,. ho is facinated by the:.past, there are plenty udents that consider &ocial stuclies one of ite classes, and who elame them? With ,l._l._.,,,,..,n...... · triguing facts put intp a course that is not J!! ut captivating as weTI., who wouldn't want much as possible? S'o b e fore you even ..... -.-• t ditching this class, member one thing, ~"1ti do 11ot know their hist6ry are doomed to
• § U® @l@ Ilil lht U.@~ lf!lil & Th> @®U unu. ~ii ~ U@!r)Y @ff Ullu@ W @Iril@l
Pa1e B/j BrtJtJi >J/mer - •
d Tun PulJrn o e x Junta r Colorado
14 9 :I I
The Wheel Goes Round Sop hom qre Alex U r ba n learns m ore about o ld wagon " heels on a fie ld tnp \vi th h i s A P H istory clas-s.
Pt1J t B!J Nara;,fta K1t tj/2f
t language, it' s about actually med so about speaking, he culture b f ~ rench.1110 e it so France s~~esf ay and peaking d sophomo e Mathe B1 rra.
•Hnrn something that is interest-
So many languages, so little ·me Learning another language is difficult, but e sat Go d ~n take it all in stride. In class, the foreign 1 guage -tr \f hers stress many real world skills; it's not just kn wing how to speak a d knowing one. " I ' writing, and lear I v\1 ould enjoy go with otl1er peop1 Get in to a class ....,..,., . mg.
Ailll .&J1@®U Ullu@IF@11ii@~Illl IlG1Illl~®G1~@
• ••• ... ." " ta ~C(:P e ler tries no t to w ake her
(Q) ]p) nnun@nu ~U (Q) rr U@IT ~ Pajt B!J LaS/2a~. {°n1tJff1t
o ld e n 's Forensics t eam sJihe greates t wa y ly e x pres s y our sel f. Al ost 100 percent of ).lEf~<lll the team agr ee that iHlrw,,4de them more c; ond gave them an advan~~ in classes such a s ·story, and Governm t. A ty pical mornese cool competitors b s even before the 1 d y for a new day. The consists of thre e ebate, Lincoln DouglilJ,4> blic forum, and · ation. Additionall t e are o, drama, oratory, an x mporaneous event is unique an ....:v.-i. u,rmative, wi th i t s ·butions to character ,_,
i t wor girls hav m a d e m a jor p~ cing t e · \'ickll as a ery. €011)pl ex oration o n Ugan d a chO .sol · s , rywnere. Jfinior'iv gan Wessel a nd her rtner Carly Lars mar"kable awnda se h e r
Daugher like father The -unbea tab~ p ai r, ~ifrs. Pete rs and Mr S h arp, co a ched ye t ano the r .fo r ensics team to vic tory. When ask e d h ow h e fe eJs ab o a.t1vorkij1_$ \\' ith his dau g her as a deb a te coa qh , Mr Sharp imply t pli e d .tl t's
o n e of t h e g reatest p leaStii r e s I h ave
b a d in my life time, I'm ver y p ro u cl of my daughter ammie. ' ' C om -
m e nting OThthe season Mrs. Pete s aid, "Tbe seaSt>n tha d one 6 f the
m os t p ov.rerful f ote!e. of freshm an."
The team h ad an overall great year and made Golden very proud of its compehtors in the National Forensics League
Getting Creative
Many of the students attending Golden High School walk the halls with uniqu~ a tistic ,riew~ of the world around them. Brittany Marquis st~tes," Art is a great way for me to show emotion ." From Photography to Cera · and everywhere in between, students are gi,1 eQ t:~ chance to exp ess themselves creatively. -
"I like to p u.u.,~ ,because I can 1aint what~ver I want and it wi - ys be art,u aid KamroR borf. =---With the many ~eft'.:~t artistic views constantly being expressed a~ ,~·den, anyone can create a work of art with just al tt"ush strokes. Courses :S ch as Jewelry, Ceramiqs1 ~tjng, ancl Jrh tograph pve students many ch of how tn want fQ-express their emotions. ,,. , i;tg as there are. students willing to pick up a ca~ a af aintbfash, a piece of clay, or even a hammer l a-f.ls ot this..sci+QQ will always be decorated wit!i 1.an1- ~.,._.e ks ot the50-f•-.,. lil' ev . -
Pflj f B!JJtJree Rein!Jtf- UJet JJ
, .:"""" -
t pI;Pj lk t in je,velry. s in cefllmic$. lt was a f -
g a very good job.
' i s tarte c, schoo l e hard %.!._g,r W !Wced J2l-lintstate d"D Bri n g on th e bljn g Jdnio r fa r e\$ Porter " ' Qr ks on his fir s t pi ece of je"'·e, C on ce ntration Freshman Cc\ttinn •Mk:lf ~j~ Pi c kett '\l\ 'Q rks on.h¢ r s k e tch fo r 1e'\l\•e lr, Catrina s ta ted , " ! g u ess that a cl) b es i ~$ fun , but~ just s t ar te d that ".
When you think theater, you thinky;our local movie theater where you spend most of y9pr Frida x llights, right? Well, this theater is a lot diffenent v\7he it comes to popcorn _ rices. It's free. (Well there is no popcorn) but that the point. With this theater, the actors interac~ ~'1~ the aud:tene and they aren ' t e xactly paid milli f dollars ei h r. If yollPon' t like being on stage, y ~-... ,uld paint tRe et or do !thf lighting, also known . But if o absolute! need y our 15 minutes . ,,_,_, ,, e, th,en audition.for the next musical or play
/· I' ' ffiW@lrJj ®Ilu@ Ilu@@ cil® Ullu@D.lr \}@ filID. D.IlutID.U @® @fr 1tGlfilID. @ Pajt
Bf!Jenna Dtlf/f
scene ause I · e t e thea t e r re 'b ut cting sce n e, " said Vance-
I 11 d>tt $l and. ose for a ture ing rehea
s til the end of the Show
Lynam , LiHby Weaver and
D o e a ll .han g ou t b ackstage after \.vor king b.-1
Action Actresses in the makin g, th ey play thei r c hjiracters ,vell, all con-
inced they are lo oking for a -0-- foo f t a ll rabb it.
The choir classes have had flvee new teachers in the past three years, but the.j ave beeljl qoing a great job with cooperating with lli new tedc)hers. Sophomore Rebecca Harris said, "Choir roe s fuis year! Mrs. Becke1t .JIP\, !Preat musical teacher and I have grov\rn a bunch si);lra..ahe has bee re." The classes are really glad to a new tea e becaus S'. e has taught them a lo wa s to.:s · g.
1r11u~ Tu>@Gl®Unff®Il w®n~@® ®ff CG®Ilcdl@@ Ifiln$Ilu
PaJ &B!J Amanda Barft1Jn
..;s trom.sai d ,
ogu m_g i~ ~e5 oncert Jttrrl or qrr ls ~in.§~ause
eauti ' 01 r 1s a gre~t ex ence I uld try it; ere's.not.R i it,' Beard.
'' Bein
tb .sing.'
(Gil{(~ ~l!®©l@ ilill!~ ~Ilu®~ Pa1e B!J BrtJi
ilrr @u® ~ilce~Il U~Il@ililU
1 om e s tu de nts exp r e ss th emselves through Qol p l ays in the th ea t er, w hile o thers compet~ . Some s tud ents h ave b ee n expressing themo u g h t he " so und o f n;Ul -" students want t o _pl a y sic, they either join and , jaz z band, or the · ""~~~.estra. This past have worked hard an"111. ve ~layed many whi ch were a large su ess. There are about red s tudents asso ciate ~th the music pro. e or take. The y may b~~all group, but icians can give a loud sk t out .when they most important thin 61:>ut mstrumental at even when they are w~rking hard, they have fun. Whether t are fund _raising truments or playing eir music, they get d enjoy it every ste Ile way Remem- .ental mt1sic is kno ~e "sport of the g they are just as ~~•'athletic as the with the same am• i.,u;.t.,l,;,£Jf hard work.
an Alex Tho~ s, and s~:~ofe eir-conc~i;t band cl ass to-smile at 1fie camei:a.
157 ,,
1f@@~ m@U nU~ Ullu@ J ~ @U nU
Paj e BJJ RtJbtrr Brat1na1et
Learning how to cook, working on relationships, and designing a room. These are just tbl.e start of what is offered by the Consumer F amily Sci~nces department They offer such classes as interior design, independent livin~lood experiences, and foreign and gourmet foods to "14-\ iludents Tn~lasses prepare students for colle !Clo••"- d how to 41te act wit ~ther people. Foreign~ ,, ,,.. ourm,et foods classes 11'er a student's love of L.....,,.o g with a more adva11c-e &. twist Senior Linette Bi sta ed, l( I learned how to make a great room that ot, ~rw-ise I wouldn't have been able to make without U{ehelp of interiib r design. a '.:Qlat' s the truth Interior t:iestgn teache ~tu!dents ho to make a room flo Sophomore Btb oke Pa~e tated ,. '' I enjoy being able fo learn about r Jationship ."
cu tting
I - -
(Q)DnU @ft Ullu@ IF)~illl ~® Ullu@ frnrr@
Pafft B!J, Rttierlrt a1et
~tes t joy of going to high s chool is knowing a re going to a cl ass that you will enjoy. Pro uch a cl ass where s tudents learn the finer oking . Cody Roden saj~ "I decided to take "'........ ecause when I.get int":sollege I will be able s all of the ladies." M~ tudents in the past n ProStart for the foo l'ri"ri the challenge, out that Nick Swee s " tl1e food is "4i d the jackets are the Jt ·est, too. u ProStart allenging and fun. Kels:e.~ amer stated, is so much fun. I'm, a ~60 le person, and 1't love to cook? "
Noodle work Junio r an e sh s camera how to make scrumptious odl
ey \iVam ood from
PaJ e B!J A1fttetJh Sanft
Aside from our other popular electives, ech Ed is just anotheli t program. Many who take this course, are fond , .,.asuring a~11Sing geometric designs. Mr. Plak tated," Aq thf real ect~µ;.~tion comes from Tech} ,_ ..., e give y w r al life e·'X.l':n:Jriences. " Patrick .,.... . i stated, " TI , ,e WO0 i t' It's good to see that f ow students are utilizing their hands on to produce _peautiful and original pieces. is tevan sa s ~nthusiast·o, "I love working wi c. _,.hands. tt' tight, '' co &.L-1-~.ented junior Nisar H
CCGlnu WI @ Th)tfilnll©l nlk~ 1f@~ WI @ ~ ~l]lQ
ii • • Final in s p ec tion Ad a m Wilso n gl u es th e si d es to ge th e r on ms s h e l f p roject fo t ,voo d s hqp Saw through it Senio r Anth Qn y Fleu ~ di s p lays 1us talent in h o,v fa s t an d a ccu ra t e he can, sa,-1o tnqas oner. .s fun Sop.h-0:: trick Tinucci.anlu...,.....rJ, t Jlloduce von end,, ,v?th great hip.
161 ,,
MVP mentors are a select group of Juniors and Seniors who represent the leadershit, goals of olden High School. /J'I love being an MVP leader ~d elping yot1nger students understand tl1e chaos of high school," said senio e,nica Ottero. Even througl1 MVP leaders spend on~ emester wrtk..their Freshman class, tlle impress1~~~~'~1ey make i l®ting. ni that looking back y freshmgp ar I wil a ays remember my ..........."... ~ de~s," said $enior Ma rc Firth. So if you ever nee ijP jus t go look for those bright green shirts and r.·M~abe such to find the guidence you need.
U@~~Ilu Ullu@IHin~Ilu ~~Ilu@@ Il Wl ~'fl
Paj t B!J Kftf/j Mtre!tett
a noth er exciti to tea n~t thursda~. , c 11ng a ~~..-;, .., teachs h~ MVP cl ass
getting along with th-e ir pare 0 ' rea y I e e ping out th e , in and out of the classrorun," I
, .. _...
$tude nt Council is one of the mo s t tant things a t Go lde n. Without the stuuncil, we wouldn ' t h a ve the amazing clJ,l~~we ha ve tod ay. Th student Council r-.lL!llrs try their bes f to m.,.........e the dances ace to have a good e. They also i..ww ~:Q. e amazing class t-s ts that everyone d wears at the Ho 1~ming assem-
eryone who is par~£, tudent council a big pat on the b..,.~,.. pec-anse they ything that happe11s at this school a fun time doing , e en if it is stressful. So whe er you a see walking around ~:;;~1r1: them what a hey are doing at g Golden a e to learn.
.. ~fr@©l@nu.fr CC:@@nu~iill lfilil@lfilill'w@IT~ frITJ frllu@iiIT Th>@ :1tt@ lfilil~Ik@ <G®Il©l@nu frllu@ Th>@mfr ~~ Ilil@@Il @W@IT Pttfft B/j LtnIi ~~1;.~*?. ______ , I ouncil R
· , v s ht,\\' mttch1hey
it' s like
teve endry, seni{lJ' An1an
love being on Student Coun
art tudent Co uncilj s that
Listen Up
e nt
m eetin gs ev~ry m aroon day
a ccess.PASSING
163 ,, 0
J uni
r Jessica Montana listens in on the meeting
ncil has
What is the yearbook anyway? It's a book full of memories throughout the school year, and if it wasn't for the yearbook taff, there wouldn't be one. Making the yearbook seems easy, but ally isn't. Jt's full of hard work and dedic · n; having t take hrp11dreds _ of pictures an1 ':.'.:: ecting q.,.uot s when )f u have to have i IL,f.11,,A one by the-0.eadline. There are s0 some good parts about being on the yea book staff. !Ater all that hard work, the whole schoQ\ g ts to se what a great job you id. The year book stafl±'eally do deserve a r ~d of ap,Plause because it was not easy malting this yearbook with all the deadli.I1es aiaos we liad to get, and ii it ~~ -wasn't for Mr. ~ley, there wouldn't even bea class for: it.
1r llu@IT @~©l ®l{ ~ [rl{ ® Ilu@ IT @ooo Paff t B/j Lint/It Btrd
r • • • • • • • • ·-:-;:-- . . ·:::::::_~ ,1 - -l .. " , •• •• u .. .. w!.. S ll!P Sn cqf nio · fr le~ a ·l\)r~Her sprea"11 in the ea"rbook " Thking,pictures is • t«=h fun u. get to take pictures ef r a no o m • people you don'tknow,ancfth ey look at ygu refrd/ ' s he "StatedWorking Together Senion. Jes s ie Kwak an q H annah ~ oedcrt \ \ Ork together o n the bab v 'Pic tures • Taking A Break Se ru o r Ma ri ssa Pie ttafes o takes a b reak fron, \\ 'O rking hard o n th e \earboo k to listl!n to some m us ic. ody en1oys a ugh Mr. Kclll.}¥=:= t ~ooclj • sw.m ye k dass.. PASSING ZONE 165 r
Paj t 8/j Ltn t ile Btrd
How do you define gym? A subject totally devoted to sports. Gym is almost e\~eryone's fqvorite subject, besides lunch. One sport e r)rbody se~ms to enjoy is basketball. Basketball is one of the best sports out there, being abl to run through the basketball court while trying t""" -~ake baskets. Gym classes this year added bowl4,l ,. ,.., Fridays to tJ:leir criteria which _ is_ pretty cool. Th~ a so have dqys V\'hen the lay pmgpong.
Another s rt e girl's seem to like is dance class, and, yes, da cing is a sport. lt's full of hard work and you get good workout ciioing it. Daince 1 is one of the newe gyim classes tha~ allows ou to l1a,,e fun and exl? ·ence dancing. Senior Sall -Wilson.'= stated, "Dance i o~µch fw1; I ha e soo muq1 energy, even after Qall(:ing in class."
• I ·--
~Ut111©l@ nuU~ ~Ilu@~ Ilu@~ Ilu~IT@l Uilu@J ~@ITlk nm Ullu@ ~Ullull@Un~ ©l@lf)GJITU[[ru@11uU
166 ..
J Ge ttin ' jiggy wiJ it Fres h1n an Britt tan y Bl us e ,sho\vs ho\-v mtfch fun dan cEI, class rea lly is. Anoth e r fa s t o.pe Mr Talbo t gets int o th e gam e o f so ft b a ll by pit ching to the b att e r PASSING ZONE 167 "
African-American Student .AJJjance
I -
Back Row Marcus Porter, Tammie Peters, LaShawnda Johnso1 Middle Ro,v Ki s ha Anshde, Norma Zipprich, Kelly Fair Front Ro,v· Astra Moss
•Not Pi cture: LaPorcha Littleon, MeShay Sandoval, Tiara Curtis , 1,,1h Nobles,
uis C~eres, John Nyugen i hnson •-- Bar La Hufnage
NU:olc ~tarh n ez, Ste phanie Morales, Lau r a Lacinski, Kel sey Branch, St~phantt: She ldon, Rober t Braunagel, Kaysey Beard, Brian a Eng5troin
I ront Roiv: Anay Hanneman, H annah Goedart, Cameron Bu s hjohnson, Samuel$ipkillt Cat Johnson, Crystal " if" Searcy, Tiffany l'a)mcr, Robert Gillette, Becki Barned
Mid.tile Ro\\"': James E Hoover, Eric Goldman, Justin Miduot, Ananda Vi\l enroel~, Grace Haughan, LaShawnda John s on, Katherine Soine, Jason Kinnard, Johanna C uh'e rrez, Clu;istm a T ownsend
Back RcHv : D~ItoJ} Curry, CQ9 y Rex, ) n Noriega, \ '\tilliam Mitchell, An9re Hart, Ke vi n L}'nam , AlexVrb~, Pa yton Ruy bal, Nie S,"•eet, •c lie.hes: I,o,veU Sharp and Tamrm eters
io,vnsend, Erica
ca H emb ro"?,Amy ohnson, J essica Miller
· ber O ' Brien, rtme z, Brandi Casey, Sco tt H a user Linette Bir d ,
• • Sci-Fi Club
• ag1c ige 11, Le\.vis,
ssa Niirrni:!ll K ,M11M ell, y 0·~•111.1 B n, ay. o ·us 1111
Andrew Kao, Kayla Molt, Stacy Zant, Jeremy Holdt, Lea Panmuha , -, Jamie Hamilton
Men's Choir
Rront Ro\, Ca rlos Gonzalez, Nicho las Baldessa ri, Andre H a r t, Jonathan Ri ch e rt,--, Sean Gau d io ~lid d le Ro\\'' Landon Servo ld , Jeffery D aniele, - -, Yon Noriega Back RO\-\' Casey M ack , Kevin Thirouin, Elias Eu ler, Came r on Zerbest Scott Schuster
Concert 43and
Front Ro~• : Debra Zaba, Jeff Daniele, Jordan Wa uk,. Emily Seide l, ,tcph.in Gates, Am '.Flick, Di llin Grov e Ja ck RO\V : Scherel Pxoski , Tyler Johns on,, Calv in Staub, Damien l ockley. Brooke Palmer, Alex Thomas, Collin KielJ Alex Bu ehler, Ka Se y ~1a ck, Macey Jo n es •
• I -
Front Ro,v Keli Mitchell, Dustin Reed, Rachel Hoovle r, Ira (. hr,\n Talyor Sands, Bay Bryan Back Row· Tiffany Palmer, Conner Summeril, Jen K olm, Jake I:ulcr, S,_hannon l'v1oore, Zach F1ghtmaster •• ront '2nd R Cody 3rd Mc cken, M altner Jessica C Str , umach • 01r ree. Rempel-We ann_ ,-. de ·c~ r Keli l\1iche l, ,A.mber Plqv:ers, delissa Slt'il~i e.Euler, Dustin Reed ebecca Harris, Nicole , Conner Summeril ..
24th St. Singers
e just sometimes. T all my questions over the yea lY-O uldn ' t ha,, e been the sam .
:ttul -"brave oe oupifes.11@ Year
u s. To th lt 45, as I ~ y Mitch
swear up witl1 arbook y• ysm hanks. ot tloin M - ';ro erli, o e1ng
• tj s ti c w ay or e b een ne a rly : 200 7 To n;ty sa, olleyball, and r an y better g irls ff l . " WHAT ARE •
Thi s year was fanta s tic Mr. Kell e _ thanks for being our , ~t yearbook teacher e v en thou g h I trun k you a s k m e mo re
@s tion s then I ask y ou but thats wh a t makes m e Editor- in-C h ief ris a m y love r, "(.\rithout all o f y our a rtisti c i mp ut the b ook nto b e w h e re it is tod ay Tog e t h er e can ac hi eve great gs a nd w i ll in Sem a nd s tuff. K-wak th anks fo r a lw ays pu t tin_g m y place and he lp in g out. You a l ways mad e it ver}· it1 t e e.st~ ,"1- n,d fttn Mitch e l good JOb world n g h ard o n the ye a r b oo k -and =--irf th e c hildren in line. The Se ni o r section w ould b e h orrible Jre not fo r yo u and M a ri ss a Ove rall I co uldnt ha ve db i1 e o<w1k without the editors help a nd e b oo k turn e d o ut grea t I t& tthank every editor fo r putti okup w i th me"and m y gr~p hi c e s. ,ha d t o n s o f f un in yearb ook t · yea r, it w as b etter t h a n f ear s in ce , ve we r e m u c h m o r e etien eed and a h ea d - Danny C l eme nt
ig K! You ' ve had to put up ,.vith ih · ce I v.•as a litt)eim1nah:1 ce 1d nov.1 you have to put p , , ith ~ a h u ge imm ature ~nior. Um ot h D a n ny and I left you for th s~r sem is ter bu t at leas t }'QU r e .usm the southwest trip so you ca n tak qur ange r o ut on u s th~n. Don't r teachers bu t you' ve always b m 'avorit e b ecause you've aJ,\·ay:s end. So thank you for being the f a n t and al ways believing in From Connor Mitch e U' s house d i rs to o, akin g- a s n o\v cave ink we can say we' ve bee n thro it$ll and n o n e of it would' h a, e e with out yo u You' re one of th m aftcs t, , ve ird est, and funnie t met in my li fe and I ,vouldt\'/.fra d l! our tin1e t oge ther for atiyworld Thank yo u fo r bein g su.....,...., R,rr i fj c fr ie nd t b n1e. Jessi· One that sticks o u t in my mind is r t1di c ul ou s but I' l ~gofor 1t-.• one 1y c raving chocolate and you ,ltaU an 1fl5a ine a mou ntof catid,,and o f it ~vi th n1e, so U,ank yo u f o r oargiy and thank y o u fo r bei n g ear t.
you are a trip 1 d on't eve n kno to b eg in ,\·ith yo u ht1 t r ao n!!"tmi~t o f anyone yo u m a de mela u Jn()s t, even th ough m os t o f t he '&lltt ss tho u g ht tha t w e were going to rip each o th e r s h eads off becatzsc e yell ed a t each other, you alv.•a)~ kn e½' a n d I h o p e sti ll kn o w _._ "vi th a U of m 1 hearr antl c dn"t-ha ~~.il t hro
cla ~s: So all y J.wrd-on m a · :l!'l"'.:~ od g With y 1e o .made-t e di th qY yoti r a nk you .,y~~11c:
1 o ut y ;Ii-.::::......:..;.: ,~ ear h as.
1 S QOK Cre imes h r bee n bqt we al «Y.i.> u g h. Ann ing Kelle y, wou Id~ l1a ve been h a lf a s fu\1. wi ~uys ! Darni.y~ bh Dann), wlia can[ say? I t,l:lank that greaj; h61 C!4q,enter e v ery day fot'3/i'pur c---•tivity. Our;eQia.r ~arbo dl<' l-\'!Ould jus t be a bunch of plain p4 c tures if \t weren't fo you! You c ompl e tely and utterly IOGk"D ti %()5(1 s,aight to the moqn an ' ba _ ! aris sa~ ou r- th~ lioftest k rock know! I'm no ~~ding \vhen t say that yo u a11 li.-.._,. .._ 'W wrgom _ y \v a lkn1-g tht-ottg h~ Yott( p e r so nali ty shines ro_pgh no tna tfe r h ow m any layers yott wear, )To u a re g o i n ' far in lifer Ke ll J'oc S"eao o ~emes t er was a b last! Im so g lad tha t I got to know you! We s lac ked . . . a lot, but e,1 e r y thlng-go don~ ev en t u -a lly P arty-ha r ty an ' l e t th e gqo d time s r oll! Big I<~ The only >ay I can think of describing you is as s om e sor t of c r azy le w l10 le ts m e, bl:! me. Bugging you has been one ot tl\s.fiig hl tgh ts of my s enior yeari You crack me lil<e a whip Big K, ~nd nb Jn'a tt er how m u cth tro ub le T ge t m to h1 life, I a{,vay kno}'VI can call you to bail me-out! Thank y ou guys for some of the bes t times in m y li fe! I will n ever forgel: a ny of you! XOXO *~* K-wa k *~*
173 ll' ,. ,,
Kelly Albano
These pa s t eighteen years h ave gone by too qui ckl y We are so proud of yo u! We knov.1 yo u will thrive in v.1 h a tever yo u choose to do with yo ur life
Love, Mom and Dad
Jade Alderman
Our littl e " Beaker" is graduating! It seem s it was jus t yesterda y yo u took your first steps. Remember to ke ep your 1igh t shining. We are so ve r y proud of you! We are excited to see v.1 hat yo u \Vill do in your future God Bless you, h oney!
Wuvs, Dad, Mom , and An1ber
My Baby
Thi s ha s been a n amazing t\vo and a half years toge ther. I don't even want to imagine v.1 hat would have happened if we hadn't had drafting together sophomore year. You comp lete me and I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. I lo ve yo u more than hfe u s
Derek Bailey
• Derek, you were a c lassy yo ung guy early on and yo u s till are. Follow your dreams, work hard and reme mb er who y ou are in side. Treat people with r espec t and ac t wi th int eg rity God bl ess you.
Love, Dad
Matt Albrecht
The fricken la ser! H igh school was awsome and we gave 1t a run for its money doing stupid s h.tff. High school wou ld haYe been much safe r wi thout u s, whi ch is what made it fun.
H ave fun a t co ll ege!
Danny C lement
Alex Ammon
This picture pretty much reflect · your personality then & no\v. You have a unique personalit) and th e ability to accomplish anything you se t yo ur sights on. Congra tulations on r eachin g thi s milestone in yo ur young life.
Love you always, Mom&D ad
Derek Bailey
Where ha s the time gone? it feels like 1t ,vas only yes terday vvhen ,, c were dressed up pla y ing guns and robbers But even though all of th e gun fights and all of the real fights ,,ve stuck by each other's side. o" go on and ge t out of here because the hou se 1s mine ove, your baby b r othe r, Ky le
Derek Bailey
Fro m climbing baby picni c tables to climbing " Ba iley Rock," yo u ha ve a lv.1 ays had , v hat it takes to rea ch the topadventurous , inqui s itive, l oving, kind and happ y. Go out and conquer yo ur wo rld. I am very pr ou d of you.
Love a lw ays, Mom
t 174
• - I - -
Lauren Baltz
Not only are we proud of who you are but for all yo u will be come! We beli e,•e in yo u Lauren. Dream big. Dream often
Dan & ancy
Caitlin Baumann
Our litt le pumpkin has gro,'\rn int o a beauhful young lady We are proud of wha t you ha ve acheived and excited abo ut wha t li es ahea d for yo u Reme mb er t o always stay focused on yo ur goals and keep that happy sm il e o n yo ur fa ce. Lo ve you, Mom, D ad & Brian
Caity B 22
My lil ' Cai ty B 22, We have been through so much to gether, helping eacho ther out along the way. You co uid write an encyclopedia of a ll th e stupid thin gs we ha ve done! Th ese past years have been INTENSE (like camping), and I can' t hardl y wa it for the cr azy antics of college!
Lots O' Love, K"vakhead
Michelle Beehler
The last and only, but an important part of thi s family. We kno w the future holds great things for you! Keep smiling, dancin g and even s inging and just be h ap p y in life .
Love , Mom, Dad, Brandon, and Ryan
Stacey Bell
S tacey, You ""ere my first friend a nd m y best friend. You \.Vere there for me through everythin g, and I have so much to thank you f o r You have had a such huge impact on my life I ' m really so rry for e\ erythmg that has happened these past couple of years. I wish you only the best in everything. Th ank you for all the memories.
Michelle Beehler
"Shell -be ll es," We sure have come a long way since this pi cture. I guess taking a bath t oge ther is now out of the question! Congratulations!!
Love, Tyler
James Beetham
James , Thank yo u for provi ding us with a ne,, er e nding so urce of e nt er tainm ent and laughter. We are so proud of yo u .
Mom and Dad
Stacey Bell
" Dr iving Mom and Dad Crazy" might be the title of the book a bout yo ur life so far. "Making a Difference" ,,vill n o doubt b e the title of the book a bout your life 50 yea r s from now The canvas of yo ur li fe \.Vtll be co lorful, vibran t and full of :a texture and nuance . We could not be prouder. Thank You
Love, Mom and Dad
Thomas Michael Bell
You have remin ded us so many times that each day is a new oppo rtunity to learn and grow; entertain and be en tertained, follo\'.' and lead , love and be lov ed. Your charm, talent, and intelligence along with knov,1ng how to dance \'.'111 take yo u to amazing a nd wonderful places during your hfe Thank you for teaching us so much Lo, e, Mom & Dad
Linette Nicole Bird
Be who you are and say what you feel, becau se those vvho mind don' t matter and those vvho matter don't mind
Love, Dad
Stacey Marie Bell
Eyes of blue, hair so blond, lovely and handsome, the two of you are destined for success and happiness. Be kind. A]wa\ s help each other. Be true to you1 heart and passions. Congratulations!
Love, Mom&Dad
Linette Nicole Bird
Wishing this beautiful baby, who has grown into a beautiful young lady, both inside and out, the best of happiness and the future. We are very proud of you.
Love and miss you, Grandma and Pop's
Linette Nicole Bird
Congratulations Linette! Our baby girl ha s grown up to be a s ucce ss ful yo ung lady You have comp leted one maJor goal in your life and have made u s very proud Keep up th e good work and you will complete all of your goals.
Love , Mom and David
Christopher Caceres
Querido H110
Con todo mi corazon te deceo lo mejor del mundo y qu1ero decirte que e s toy muy org ullosa de ti por lo s logro s que has tenido y se que van a ser muchos mas. Que todo s to s s uenos se hagan rea lidad sabes que sie mpre cue nta s con mama para todo. que dios te vendiga te qu1ere mom
Robert Braunagel
From your first day of schoo l to now, yo u have accomplished a great deal. You can do whatever your heart desires! We love you, Mom and Dad
Andrew Chapin
Congrat ul ations Andrew. You are a good son, a good broth er, and an all around good person You have your vvhole life ahead of yo u and our h ope for you is that you are h appy, hea l thy and that yo u always fo l1 0¥.1 your dreams.
Love, Morn, Evan, and Br andon
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Connor Chapman
You have always known what you wanted and gone after it. We know you will contin u e to succeed at whatever you put you r m ind to. We 're so proud of yo u a nd we ' ll always be cheering yo u on. Let it rain !
Lo ve, M o m , Dad & Sean
Danny Clement
This pic ture says i t a ll. Kee p making life an adve n ture a l vvays be p r epare d a nd you'll go far. I l ove yo u
Hayley Hancock
The feelings that I experience around yo u are unlike~ I have eve r felt before Fr om fishing, to Vail, to all the late nigh ts s pent in my basement, I loved every magical moment of it. When I think of all the great times that I had in h igh sc hool, your beautiful face comes t o mind nearly every time Never change because you are the mo s t amazing person I have ever met. I am lucky to be able to s ay tha t you a re mine N"o matter what happ ens, I will love you ah-vays and forever
From the " P P " in your heart, Ja so n Clerkin
David Cooper
H ave a good time in college. I w ill m iss you alot. Can I h ave yo ur r oo m ?
Love, An d r ew
Danny Clement
Danny, yo u were such a happ y baby, your s mile sti ll is as precious as when you \Vere littl e.
Love Mom and Dad
Jason Andrew Clerkin
What a cu tie! You h ave given u s so mu ch joy and h app in ess from the da y yo u were born . We are so proud of the yo un g man yo u have b ecome. Good luck and we are confid e nt yo u will excel 1n all of yo ur future endeavo r s!
Love , M o m , Dad , Kevin , and Trenton
Jason Clerkin
Ever since Sa d1es , juni or year, e\ ery moment ha s been unfo rge ttable There have been the count less late nights m you r ba se men t, the trip to Vail teaching me hov.• to fish, and all th e times we have s pent togeth e r You ha , e become mJ best friend , and the mo s t "''o nderful boyfriend a girl cou ld ask for! There hasn ' t been a mom ent in our relations hip that I have felt hke anything le ss than a prince ss. I don' t know v.1 nere I would be without you' You mean th e ¼1 o rld to me 1 I love you' Love always and forever, Hay ley Han cock
David Cooper
We a r e so pr o u d o f a ll you h ave acco mp lis h ed so fa r a nd l oo k forward to the future as yo u make a ll o f yo u r dreams co m e tru e You h ave been a wo n derful ch ild an d yo un g man to raise and w e lo ve yo u m o r e th a n yo u c ould eve r im ag ine.
Lo v e , Mom and D a d
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
Hilary Morgan Corsi
Hilary, You ah,vays exceeded our e>-.'Pectations, from the day you v.'ere born with more hair than anyone expected and throughout the next 18 yea r s, doing so much \-Ve could hardly keep up! We are certain you \V1ll con tinue your fer, ent pace and excel in anything you choose to do . M&D
Griffin Cox
Griffin, You Ha,,e Been An Amazing Brother. I Couldn't Have Asked For A Better One! You Have Shown Me Wl1at I Have To Look Forward To , And Our Memori es Together Are Unforgettable!
Love Always, Catherine
Christopher Cullen
I hope someday you \VIII be as good looking, sn1art and funn) as I am At least you're off to a good start. I'm JUSt kidding, I'm proud of you son I know that v. •hate, er you choose to do 1n life, you'll do well and act with honor.
Love, Dad
Iris Noelani Davidson
To my beautiful lit tle sister· I can' t believe you are graduating already! We ha\ e been through so much and share so many special memories that 1t's hard to belie\e hO\\ quickly time has fl o\vn I am so proud of the person you have become, and 1 knO\\ you can achieve anything you put your mind to You are my best friend, and I can ' t \Va1t for the rest of our lives together 1 I love you more than"' ords can say, and congratu lations' Lo, e, your big sister, Amber
Griffin Cox
It's amazing that we have been a part of each others lh es the pa s t 4 years. And even before that back 1r middle schoo l days You mean so much to me. You have neYer let me down, and I lo, e you so much! Ana no matter ,vhat, you will al~vays have a place in my heart. I love you!!!
Ahvays and Forever, Jenny
Griffin Cox
Life with you has been quite the adventure! Your crea ti vity and passion for life ,,vill take you many places Thank you for being such a wonderful son. We love you.
Mom and Dad
Iris Noelani Davidson
To our little Wahine: Ma y your determination and passion propel you on a successful path. We are so proud of all your accon1plishments and for the beautiful young v.1 o man you have become. Follow your dream s and reach for the stars!
All our love, Mom&Oad
Mallory Dawn Davis
MalWo,,,,1, you're finally a senior, and haven't we been through a lot together! As Doctor Suess says, 11 You'll move mountains." The fact is, yo u are going to make a BIG difference in this world. Mal, you mean the world to me and vou aremy bes t frie nd
Love you, Your little sis
Mallory Davis
M a l, You h av e h a d s u c h pass i o n , s u ch d e te rmi n a t ion, s u ch b o undl ess e n e r gy fo r every t hi n g in life. N ever l oose yo ur k indne ss and sensi ti v i ty t owards others . Yo u are r e m arkable. We l ove y o u m o r e th a n wo rd s co ul d ever e x press!
M o m & D ad
Max Delmonico
On ce up on a tim e th e r e vvas a b oy an d a gi rl , th ey we nt t o Pro m toge th er a nd fell in l ove. Th e End eve r in my wil dl es t d r ea m co uld I imagin e th at o u r fi rs t da te co uld ha v e turn e d in t o l ove. Ou r s tor y i s a fair y t a l e, an d yo u , m y Prince Charmin g.
Alex Dominguez
We are s o proud of you!
Ju s t keep y our h e ad up and you c an a chi ev e any thing . We love y ou, Mom, S te,1 en, E ric, Lil S tev en and Ethan
Max Delmonico
You are m} shoulder to en on, and my hand to hold, Just one fleeting look into those beauhful blue e\ es and my heart bea ts faster and faste r Ah,vays knolv that I am here 1f you ever n eed to be reminded of how great you are
LoYe you, Ohv1a
Maxwell Garrett Delmonico
Wear vvith pri d e the result of yo ur ha rd ivork! Pablo Picasso said, "My mo t her said to me, 1f you becon1e a so l dier you'll be a general; 1f you become a monk you'll end up as the pope, and instead I become a painter a n d vvound up as Picasso." Sh ine Supers tar Maxvvell!
Tawny Drexler
Sin ce y ou were a baby, y our bright blue e y e s have bro u g ht a s mile to m y fa ce and l ove t o m y heart. I know in wh a tever yo u do , you w ill s u ccee d , yo u alwa ys h ave. S tay s ill y. K ee p laughing I lo ve yo u m o r e tl1a n life Mom
Tawny Drexler
I t n eve r m a tter e d if vve we r e a t th e tra c k on o ur b ikes or si ttin g in s too ls in our liv in g roo m , we a lw ays h a d th e bes t races. It 's b e en a bl as t wa t c hin g yo u grow up Good lu c k a nd I love you,
Bea u
Collin Dumbleton
I 'v e h a d s o mu ch fun ½ 7 i th yo u the pa s t four yea r s. I don ' t kn o , v who I wo uld h ave been without yo u . Whate v er v\1 ay l ife tak es u s, I' ll a l ways be t h e r e fo r y ou Yo u ' r e m y be s t fr iend !!
L ove a lway s, Lyza
, 7
MEMORY lANE · : 1 'l II '
Collin Dumbleton
It ha s been a treat getting to know you! I an, very proud o f the'\,\ a} that you have handled yo ur life I am appreciahve of the fr 1end s h1p th a t you s hare with n1y daug ht er I kn o ½ that part of the r e a so n s h e h as d o ne s o \-vell is due to yo ur kindn ess a nd support.
Love , Tracy
Jakup Michael Euler
What a rockin ' time we have had with you for the pa s t 18 years! Rock the world for years t o come!!! Our love and support goes with you w herever you go! mumm a, daddy, and Elia s
Dale Ekberg
A s ong in your heart and a smiJe on your lip s - that's our Dale!
A s you graduate from high school and embark on your life journey, we ' re behind you 100°10 whatever path you choo se. We ' re proud of you! We lo,re y ou!
Mom , Dad, Carla, Elaine, and Laura
Brian William Evanko
Dea r Brian, We couldn ' t be more proud of you , s on You ' re s u ch a neat kid, and we ' re s o glad that y ou landed v.rith u s! Words cannot express ho"v much ,ve have enjoyed shanng life 's path •-vith you. Keep on enjo)ing the journey!
, Love , Mom and Dad
Brian William Evanko
Bria n , I can ' t belie ve yo u ' r e g r a duatin g a lread y I h a t e that yo u ha v e to lea v e I' m go ing to m1 ss yo u s o mu c h Thank s for a lw ays being a g r e at rol e model , pers on , and mo s t o f a ll, the be s t brother a n y on e could ev er wi s h fo r. Lo ve, y our littl e s i s, Li s a
Kelsey Ryan Ewers
Thank s for making the la s t 18 year s a total blas t. You've made our job a s parents fun, exciting and ea s y We are here if you ever need anything a t a ll. And remember - Don ' t be naughty !
Dad, Bridge tt e and Allie
The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow You just gotta keep on livin ', man
From : Texan, Coconu ts , and I Vacuum
Kelsey Ewers
Kelsey, You have al,-vays bee n the s martest a nd funniest guy I knovv You ca n a l ways n1 ake me laugh more than anyone. Choose to do in life what you are passionate about and yo u ,vilJ make yourself and others happ y
T lo\ e you a lways, Mom
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Kelsey Ewers
Ke lsey, Well , the year 1s ove r n ow, a nd y ou ' r e o ff to co ll ege. I h ope yo u ha, e fun , a nd d o vve ll in your ne'<t s tage of l i fe. Yo u h a , e taugh t me we ll , and I ' ll mi ss yo u Rememb e r, 1-laYe fu n, and good lu ck!
Lov e, Yo ur s is, A ll i e E vve r s
Zachary Fightmasler
Bubba, Yo u have ahvays b een s u ch a JO} and a b lessing fro m Go d We a r e so proud of your talen ts a nd th e God l) ma n that yo u haYe be com e You r b r othe r s loo k up to y ou a nd ) ou , , ·111 ah, -ays be a h e ro m th ei r e1 es Ah-vays re m e mber Du e t. 31 ·6 & P rov 1 6·9 Our Love Always !
M o m , Dad, & the Bo yz
Maura Firth
It s e e m s like o nl ) yes terday, w h e n y o u were "'' earing and s haring your m as h e d p o ta toe s vvith m e. Yo u ' ve be c ome a s tro n g lo ving pe r so n , wanting to mak e a differen ce in the , vold I"' 1s h yo u pea ce and happine ss. I kno"'· y ou w ill be s u cc e ss ful. Re ac h for th e s tars, Maura.
Love alvvays, Mom
Maura Firth
Ma u ra ,
You o n ce o, e r ca m e yo ur fea r s to enj oy new world s Kee p up th e ad v enture. You w ill a h,vays b e m y prin cess.
Love, Dad
Zachary Fightmasle r
I a n1 so proud of the Go d l) m a n th a t yo u h a , e become I a m not o nl y bl essed to h a , e you as a b ro th e r, but as o n e o f m y best frien d s. Thank yo u for all of the love a n d l a u g h s vve ha, e s h ared th r o u g h o ut th e yea r s' I l ove yo u ! S1s
Zachary Fightmaster
Dearest Zach, You are s u ch a sweet Chnshan boyand ha , ·e ah" avs ln ed b\ "WWJD"You're 1ntellengent, talented, and ,v1th God at)- our side 1 ou ,, 111 do great things and ha, ea great future!
We lo, e) ou so, er1 much and ,,·ill al\'\ ays keep} ou in our prayers God's Blessings' Gramm} and Papa Jim
Maura Lamb Firth
We have b e en Ju ck y to be so c l o s e in a ge You ha, e a l¼ ays been th e r e for me , and y ou knovv I ' m h ere for you (e ve n if it g ets a little muddy) I s ure hope you make lo ts o f m o n ey s omeday, s o I ca n li v e in ) our ba s e m ent. Yo ur s i ll y willy vvink y tink y Bro th e r
Maura Firth
Dear big s is, Oh m } go d , yo u are th e cooles t \ Ve h a, e b een through so muc h t oge t her an d to realiz e vou'll be lea, ing n, e I don t kno,v "' h a t I \ Vi ll do. Thro u gh us hahng each o ther and learning to love each o ther, I ha, e to sav I ,, 111 nu ss) o u a ton Espec 1al1 y the d rrty httl e looks you ,,·ould give m e ?v1) Maura , l ,, 111 1n1ss , ou s o m u ch I h o p e you ha, e fun 1n college' Lots of lo, c , tvladdie
MEMORY lANE • • 'I ll
Maura Firth
It all started s1ng1ng together m science class Thank you so mu ch for being my best friend and alwa ys being there for me and someone I could trust I don't think I could have fun si ttin g in a gutter or ridin g a la,\'fiffiower ¥,ith anyone else Go out in to the ,-vorld and make me proud. I "'- ill ahvays be here for you Tor- tut-si e?
I lo\ e you honey, Lmdsay
The Fab 5
" I've got so me friends , so me that I h ard l y know, but we've had some time s I wouldn't trade for tlle world! "
Peace, Love, Party Central
Amber Flowers
Congratulations! You have reached yot.. r first m aior milestone m li fe and ~ve are very proud of yo u. If you keep up the hard "''ork and do the very best you car , you will tum our dreams into reality. Don ' t forget t o enJO} life along the vvay though
We love you, Mom, Kurt and the \-Vho le family
Daralou Irene Franks ·
Way to go! We ' re very proud of you Keep reaching for the stars and keep your heart in the right place. You ' ll go far in life
We l ove you, Dad and Mom
The Fab 5
We did 1t girls!! I can't imagine high sc hool withou t the four of you! You have each grown into very couragous, beautiful girls and I feel very privileged to cal l you my be s t fri ends! Thanks for a ll the a m azing time s, I will n ever forget you a nd I hop e the be s t of luck in yo ur future s!
Love you, Trina
The Fab 5
Trm,,, Lauren, Becky and M1cheJle (AKA my b1.>st friends), I can't behc,·c we've been fnends for so long and ye t we haven't e,·en begun to live our h, cs You girls can' t even imagme how much you mean to me and without you I wouldn' t be the sa me pen.on that I am toda) The experiences that we'\'e gone th rough are ,,lways pricele:.s ,1nd unforgettable, and I h o m.>stly don't know wh.it I am going to do when l c,m't see your beautiful faces every day. Although wc will go our -.cp.ir.ite ways, nolhmg ca n bre.i.k us up bec,,u sc of the bond t h,,t we share. I love you girb so mu ch' Love 3h,ays, Molly
Katrina Gabel
You have finally grown up We have ah-vays been yo ur " good " influence If you ever need s omeone to lis ten to or any advice, we ,-vill ah,vays be around and full o f endless advice. Remember, Megs re ally does hate it , ,v hen you wear her clothes.
Love, Mandi and Megs
Katrina Gabel
Our baby is grown up. We are going to miss you next year. Behave at co llege and remember to talk slower.
Lo,1 e, Mom and Dad
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Sam Galioto
We want a ll o f th e be s t that life ha s t o offer fo r yo u We kno w you will do grea t thin gs !
Lo v e , Mom and Dad
Genna lee Gallego s
C e le bra te yo ur a ch ieve m e nt' G e nn a, yo u a re s u ch a joy to u s a nd a l ways w ill b e. Yo u w i ll a lvva ys h av e our l ove an d su pp o rt.
G r a ndma a nd Aunti e Gay le
Sam Galioto
Have fun in college .
Your fa v orite s is ter and brother, Joanna & Cody
Genna lee Gallegos
When you we r e born, \,ve had no idea wha t kmd of a person you'd become. We h oped you'd be smart, amb1hous and beautiful. You're all we imagined and more. We are so proud of you. We knov,r your future 1s b r ight and you'll be successful in a ll ) ou do!
Co n gratulahons, Lo, e, Mom and Dad
Matthew Gallagher
Dear Matty, We will always have Disneyland and Goofy Love, Kevin and Kelli
Matthew Gallagher
Dear Matt, What a svveetheart yo u a re
Your intelligence, s ense of humor and beautiful s mile h a·ve alway s been a s ourc e of in s pir ation to everyone a round yo u
Follow your dream s.
Love you, Mom and Dad
Genna lee Gallagos
You ' re not only my sister but my friend. You gi,re me ad v ice only a sister can give . Eventhough you make me pa y for fr e e Jamba Jui ce I s till lo,,e yo u
Love, He lena
Nicholas Galluzzo
- -
We are very proud of all you have accomplished We kn o w you are destined for greatness
Wi s e men still seek him
We all lo v e you !
Dad, Mom, Nathan, Austin, & Es tefany
MEMORY lANE • • ,, h
Dance Girls
D.i.n ce Team C,irls( all 17 of vou)
V.e arc more than JUSt a team vou girls are my "L>eond family and a l though it I!> apparent to about everyone that 1-..n ow-. U!> only we can trul) experience this once in a lifetinw bond We are all '-O different yet we share the same pas!>10n dan ce \Vho knew that we would .ill become such good friends JU!>t because we love to d ance' Next year is definite!} going to be tough witho ut e ach other but I will never forget the torturous, hot !>ummer practices, being the obn,~xious team ,11 c,,mp, 50Ccer and footb.ill games,homecommg, kudo~ and itches team ~IL-epove~ .,nd sea, enger hunts (Go \1aroon), stuffing our faC\.'S at e\'el') team function. Carly s D\ o ·~. st,lle li-"-l's dance das:., ba!,ketball sea~n. "-lation,,ls an d so much more You girl1- are the sisters I never had and I love you with all my heart Lo\'e alway~ , ?-.folly
Our Dance Team Girls
O v er the p as t fe\.v years, v. e feel b lessed t o ha\ e gott e n to kn o\.v yo u gi rls, not onl y as team memb e rs bu t a lso as s is t ers and ev en b es t fri e nds So me of th e grea t es t times \.Ve can re m e mb er h a, e b ee n \.v ith yo u and we a re fo reve r g r a t eful for the overall im p ac t yo u h ave h ad on our Ii, es We kno\v you'll do a m azing things in the future!
We l ove you' Eliz abeth & Jordan
My Girls
To my girls
I can' t believe that v-:e are seniors and v. •e are go1ng to be graduating It seems hke 1ust yesterday we '"ere 1n 6 th grade becorrung friends We all have come so far and accomplished so much together I "111 never forget the times "' e hung out and the crazy things "" e did I lo, e you girls , vith all my heart I don ' t kno\.v ,vhat I ,vould do ,v1thou t you 1 Love ah•vay'-, Lauren
Nick Galluzo
N ic k, Sin ce 3 rd gra d e yo u h av e a lwa y s been a close frie nd I t was apparent a t the ra ft trip la s t y ear and outdoor lab this yea r.I didn ' t realize it until th e n th a t y ou ' re m y life lon g fri e nd eve ryone lo n gs to have. So, until th e e nd of time, I ' ll love yo u Th ank y ou for everything Foreve r Friends, Amb e r
Senior Dance Te am Girls
La die s! ju s t want y ou all to know wha t a ple asure it has been to work with and get close to all of you the s e pas t four y ears (or your vv hole li v e s). You girls are amazing & I l ove you all s o much. Re ach for the s t ars gir ls !
Brand y
My Girls
I lo v e y ou girlie s s o much! The s e pa s t y ear s have flown by but the time was vvell worth i t becaus e you guys were by my s ide Yo u all know the true me and yet you still love me! I love you girls so much!
Love, Michelle
My Dance Girls
I can ' t b elieve this is m y las t year bein g o n thi s tea m Yo u g irl s are like m y s econd famil y and I don' t kn ow \-\' h a t I w ill do w i th o ut y ou n ex t yea r It' s sa d to tlunk I , vo n ' t b e h e r e ne x t year, b ut I knO\-\' that y ou girl s a r e go in g t o continue o n and be gre at. I love yo u g irls so mu ch
Lov e, Lauren
Kameron Gates
With re d h a ir, d imp l es,and our on ly gr and son, you ' ve always bee n so s pe cial !Now yo1.1've grown into a wo n deful perso nand a fine athle te! Follow your dreams dear and stay true to your b e liefs and life goals.
God Bless You .
Love, Grandma a nd Grandpa
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Kameron M. Gates
From yo ur #1 fan- now and always.
" ana Banana "
Kameron Gates
Even v:hen you \Vere small yo u \Vere focu sed on your dreams
You have ahvays kno¼ n "''hat you wanted and have worked very hard for 1t. Keep your heart and mind m the nght pla ce and you \vill ach1e, e all yo ur dreams
Always Keep God Close All My Love, Nana
Kameron M. Gates
We are so proud of you and your aclue\'emen t s. We knovv with your compehtive s pirit and fairness , these qualities "'' 111 lead you t o h appiness and success in whatever yo u do . You are an ou ts tanding grandso n We hope yo u a lways kno\-v that \ve love yo u d ear ly Pap o and Grandma Pam
Kameron Gates
My little Kam-the-Man , " Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting So get on your way." Always live by the se simp le, ye t meaningful vvords from th e wo nd e rful Dr Seuss. Aim high and live by you r tat. I love yo u , Mom
Hannah Goedert
To m y de ares t little c u z· You taug ht m e th at being quiet doesn ' t always m ean you don't have some thing to Sa). Tenderness d oes n ' t al\vays come \•vi th snules. But mo st of all you taught me how to observe. Everythng you n eed 1s already inside, "''aiting to be achva ted by the cha ll enges of life.
Lo ve, Celina
Kameron Gates
Kammy, I am so proud of you little-big brother. I can't v.-ait to see v.1 here yo u take your life! The possib iliti es are endless for you! I love yo u so much.
Love, Sissy
Kameron Gates
Kameron, Kam,B uba ,C ran s t on, KG32
You ha ve gi,1 en me th e mo s t priceless g ift a dad could ever receive, memories. I ' ll m1 ss thi s c hapter very much , but am looking fo ward to th e next.
I lo,1 e yo u , Dad (#1 Fan)
Hannah Goedert
Dear Pumpkin,
To think ba ck h ovv s mall y ou were ,vhen you were born and to see ho,v far yo u have come vvith all your acco mpli shments. You m ake us proud and insp ire us Yo ur future 1s limit less. Please do ,vhat you love. You kno, v we will alvvays lo, ·e you thi s much Mom and Dad
Nathan James Goergen
Nate, We r en1ember when you we re a little guy with BIG dream s. You have amazed us with \vhat you achieved in high school both academically and in sports. Continue to se t high goals and dream big , you can accomplish anytlung! We are very proud of you and v.1 ill al\-vays be here for you.
Lo, e, Mom and Dad
Eric Goldman
Eric - I have wa tched you grow into a dedicated and caring young m an. I am exc ited to see w h at you will do in the years to come. A new ad,1 enture begins next year - be good to yourself. I will always be here for you.
Love, yo ur b i g s iste r, Elysa.
Jeff Goldstein
We are so proud of you and the accompli s hments you have made. You are an incredible young man Al ways be true to yourself and do your best. You can do anything you want. We wish for all your dreams to come true . We love you.
Mom, Dad, Jordyn, and Scott
Evan Gosda
Nathan James Goergen
Nate, Congrats buddy! I am so proud of you, and I ' m even more proud to call you my brothe r. You are s uch an incredible person. I knot-\' your continuous drive to be the best wtll lead you to success no matter v.1 hat you do, or where you go. I love you Nate, and I'll always be here for you I Good luck!
Love, Nico le
Eric Goldman
Eric - With pride, joy and love we congratulate you on all your achievemen ts so far and those yet to come. Make good choices and enjoy th e journey
Mom and D ad.
Jennifer Lynn Gooderham
Dear Jenn, Always happy and con tent vvith the ,vorld Congratulatio n s and make the best of what you got and you will succeed and be happy forever. You are ,vonderful, beautiful and gifted t•v ith creahvity.
Love Morn , Quincy, Dad, Jodi, I Angel, Jordyn, Moe, Shane and everyone you can think of.
Evan Gosda
Try to be as prepared as you were this day and you will s u cceed in life! I am very proud o f you for so many reasons . Don ' t ever disappoint yo ur se lf Follow your hea rt , li s ten to yo ur brain, and keep your sense of humor Remember, I' m her e if yo u need me . Love, Mom.
Evan, I've \ivatched yo u g r ow from a shy boy to a co nfident young man I know you'll succee d in ,,vhate ver path you choose for yourself . You are outgoing, funn y, and smart (just not as s mart as me). I love you. P.S. Please give my socks back Love , Ambe r
Lauren Hall
H o p e yo u girls always w ill be b e s t frien d s !
Lauren Hall
A l ways keep t h at bea uhful s n1il e! It wi ll take you fa r ! We l ove yo u ve r y mu c h
Da d , M o m a nd Cory
Hayley Hancock
To o ur 'Go ld e n G i r l ' . . . our treasur e. Yes, y o u d i d ge t your way m o r e often than not, but in r e turn, yo u 've giv en u s 18 yea r s of h a pp y memo ri e s. Th a nk yo u
L ove, M o m and Dad
Charles 11 Thomas'' Harder
Thoma s - you a re an d h ave alw ays been m y s uns hin e I adore y o u Ma y G od al w a ys b less yo ur life with jo y and l ov e
-Mo m
Thom as - I am p roud o f yo u and happ y yo ur ex p e rien ce at Go lden Hi g h ha s be e n fun and s u ccess fu l. Lov e yo u more th an an y thin g.
Addison Hanf
Cong r atulations A dd ison! We a r e so p ro ud o f you! You are a s p ec i a l yo un g man w1 th a s t rong cha r ac ter an d contagious sense of h umor You h ave s h own strong courage and de t e r minahon Your future is up to yo u stay t r ue to who yo u are.
We love you, M om, D ad and A m be r
Charles 11 Thomas'' Harder
Thoma s, I t h a s be e n a gre a t joy in o ur liv e s watchin g you be come tl1 e m an yo u a r e We lo ve y ou dearly -Gran dp a Gre e r
Sarah Hillary Hebberd
G r eetings fr o m Fl o r i d a, Sarah ! You h a v e been a joy i n m y life!
I jus t w i s h y o ur G randp a h a d a ch ance to know an d l ove y ou Good lu ck a n d h appin ess in a ll of your futur e e nd eavo r s!
L ov e & a h u g , G r and m a Gen e
To m , We h a v e s o lo v ed being a p a rt o f yo ur li fe , y ou are o u r joy!
Sarah Hebberd
Sar ah, co n gra tul at i on s o n yo ur high s choo l grad u ation!! Thank s fo r s ha rin g so m u ch wi th u s alon g th e way! I t h as b ee n s u ch a j oy !
We Love Yo u , P a Pa Don and Ruth
MEMORY lANE : • • tJI 11 ' t ' t
Sarah Hebbert
Dear Sarah, We can't believe that high school h as already come and gone for you! There will always be a place in our hearts for yo u! Ha ve fun at college!
Love you forever, Ra chel & Hannah
Hannah Hodges
Hey Hannah,
F o ll ow you r dreams Jeff and Allyson I Jordan
Tlus year has passed so fast and you have still been there for me; varsity softball will not be th e same next year w ith o ut you . I will always be your little one and nothing can change th a t!
Love, P erri Jaye, aka little one!
Rachel Lynn Holmgrem
Wow, I can' t believe how fa st thi s day ha s come. My goofy b aby sis ter ha s grown up I' m so proud of you! I can' t wait to see the amazin g things you ' ll do with yo ur life Never lose faith in yourself. You are capable of anything I love yo u , Sa r ah
Sarah He bb ert
We wish you a lifetime of happiness Sarah!
Love ,
Hannah Grace Hodges
H ey Hannah ,
Throughout your life yo u 've made m e the proude s t older s is ter in the "vorld! You ha ve a radient s mile and co mpa ssio nate p ersonality. I' ll loYe you fo rever, I ' ll like you for a lways, as long as I'm living my s ister you'll be I love yo u H annie. I knovv yo u ' ll succeed!
Love, Jenna
Rachel Lynn Holmgrem
We are so Yery proud of you! You have blossomed into a special young \voman. You're intelligent, beautiful, kind, co mp assiona te, and loving. You've become a leader and role model to others. You a re ready to explore the ,vo rld \Vith confidence, and succeed at all you do.
Love, Mom and D ad
Claire Linet Hudson
We co uld n o t be any more pro ud of yo u . You are intellegent and be a utiful and your perso nality shines. You can do anything you se t your mind and l1e a rt on. Well, maybe not balle rina or ice s kater, but anything else! We love you very much -Mom, Dad, an d Adam
Hilary Huff
Hilary, You have al\vays been Grandpa's little princess
We lo\'e you, Grandpa and Grandma
Hilary Huff
H ilary, Little did I know that as you grew up, Grandma would be serv ing yo u sandw iche s on "choco late bread "!
We love yo u , Grandma and Grandpa
Hilary Huff
H i lary, It's a h ap p y time as yo u s tep out o n yo ur own. Your family, even yo ur brothers, will always be there, as w ill our Lord. S tay c lo se t o Him , as H e an d Hi s d ea r m othe r, Mary, loves yo u so mu ch. Be happy, d ear one.
We love yo u , Grandma and Granddaddy
Lashawnda Johnson
La'Shawnda Welcome S,veetheart, To \i\'omanhood, Man} A Tear You Will Cry, Before Your Life I-. Through. There Will Be 8111s You Can 't Pa), Many A \i\lolf At Your Door, That \A/on't Go A,, a} Some Friends, '\ou \Viii Find Out, Are Really A Foe, Guest In Your Home, That \Viii
1\lot Go Life Is Not .\h, ays Good Sometimes
It's Vel'} Bad, But Don't Let Circumstances
Tu m Your Mind Mad Stand Strong Against Life's
Hilary Huff
Congratu lations on the four wonderful yea r s! We a re proud of everything you h ave accomplished, from gra de s to sports to life! The foundahon you have built vv1ll last a lifetime
We wish you happiness and a meaningfu l life.
Love, Mom and Dad
Mom a nd Dad
Hilary Huff
H ey H1l ary,
Way to go! Leave u s your car when you go to college!
-Ian and Adam
Sarah Elise Ipson
Tl1is is m y bab y ! You hav e grown so mu ch and are fin a ll y graduating! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Allison Jones
I a m so proud of yo u! Congratulation s, the ,,vor ld is ,-vaiting for yo u Love , M om
Mjghty \Vind , Search Inside Yourself, To Find Your Best Friend Ah, ay Let •\ Smile Shine, Upon Your Preth Face And Kno,, That You Are Often -Yo ur Nfother 's Sa\ 1ng Grace-
Allison Jones
Allison, It ha s b ee n a t hr ill watching you make great friend s, exce l with your t eammates, and live every da y to its full est. You rock! Keep up the good work!
Chelsea Keeney
My Che ls, You are the swee te st person I know, I love being with you and havin ' our good times. You ' re always there to help me up. I jus t love you, and I'm so lucky to have you' I love you!
Love, Suz
Kevin Kissler
K-Dizzle, H1gh School has been a blast with all of our trips and adventures and CU will be the same way. You're my favorite neighbor and the only one who doesn't call the cops on me (cuz you're with me). Thanks for being a great friend.
Danny Clement
Becca Kregstein
Bec ca Boo, We are incredibly proud o f yo u! We wi ll l ove you fo rev er!
Mom, Dad, Dan, Mi sc h a, Nathan, & Sno gs
Allison Jones
Ali J,
My little skippy! We have become so close! You're s u c h a ni ce person Al, and I'm so glad to b e your friend. You're an amazing person! I l ove yo u Al!
Love, Suz
Mr. Kelley
Dear Mr. Kelley, You talk like Will Farrel l. We reall y dig your fisherman b e lt. Sorry we vvere always late t o yo ur class, and for leaving to ge t burritos th at one time. Thank yo u for always being so patient ""ith us. Never chan ge you peaceful ""ays. Stay chill K-D awg!
-P eace, LoveBrittini & Christina
Steven John Knudson
You are our shinin g light! ot a da y goes by that we a r e not proud of yo u Keep ,,vorking hard and the world \lvill open its arms to you. Success and happiness i s yours for th e taking.
Love, Mom an d Dad
Samuel LaFalce
Ever s ince I wa s a bab y, I 'v e wan ted to be jus t like you. Your passion in life is unbe lie vabl e. Your ten acity and cou rage never cease to a m aze me Whenever I needed a h a nd, y ou \Vere th ere to grab it. So here's to your future. You ' r e gonn a be big Sammy!
Love y ou , H annah
190 •
Samuel R.S. LaFalce
What you dream, you ca n do You trul y are a unique individual! Use your gifts for good; don't return to your planet until you d o! We are very proud of yo u
Lo ve for Infinity, M om, D ad, Zach, Ben, Hannah, Jenny and t he Guard Poodles
Suzanne Larson
Suzannie, Thank you for being my p r ecious daughter! As a little girl you used to say, "Watch out, I can c limb trees!" Your streng th, capability, and infinite love w ill le t you be as unlimited as a wo m an as the little girl v.rho wou l d "climb trees! "
Love, Mom
Suzanne Larson
Su z,
I l ove yo u , s t ay c t1t e !
Love, Burke ..
Suzanne Larson
S u za nne: So vib r an t, sharp, warm and tru e; my won de r ful daughter, I l ove yo u !
Kee p dancing! D a d
Suzanne Larson
Sue, I never would ha, e thought that after meeting that da} 1n pre-schoo l, ,ve ,vould be \\ here \\ e are now You are hke a sister to me You have ALWAYS been there for me 1n every \\ a} po ssible, and you mean the \\ orld to me 1 All the memories \\ill conhnue to add up, and I look fon\'ard to 1t1 I lo, e }OU so much' Al"' ays and Fore, er, JP
Suzanne Larson
Congratulations Suz! Contmtte to chase your dreams and enJoy the adventure along the way. I am honored to have you as my Ii ttle sister
Love , Matt
Suzanne Larson
Thank you f or a ll your love a nd joy, tvvo s tren gths th at w ill ca r ry yo u l ik e a butt e rfl y anywhere you r drea m s go.
Love, Greg
Suzanne Larson & Chelsea Keeney
To a l l m y Skip pi es:
U s three h ave made som e of th e bes t m emories toge the r. I h ave had so mu ch fun wi t h bo th of yo u , I coul d n't imagine high schoo l w itho u t you!
Lo v e , A llis on
MEMORY lANE : ·· 191 JI IJ I 11 I t I t
Andrew Alan Lorenz
Life is me ssy. Ju s t keep it up. We are proud of you
Love, Mom&Dad
Andrew Lorenz
Life is a Beac h Li, •e it to the fullest.
M om, D ad, A unt Wendy, & Brent
Brad Lubkeman
Cong ratulations, you did 1t! Your s trong will and independant nature s h ow me that y ou 'll be success ful in you r future Don 't forget to make mi sta ke s & learn from them. I know your life will in clude mu ch lau g ht er, thanks for a ll yo u 've brought to min e. I love yo u my Bubbie Mo m
Bradley Steven Lubkeman
We are so proud of you. You have always been a grea t son and big brother Good luck in co llege We know you'll succeed at whatever you do We will a lways be your biggest fans!
Love, Dad and Scott
Luke Maas
We a dmire your quick wit. You 've always been th e good g u y, s ta ndin g up for your right s and otl1ers. You h ave a unique gift o f see ing humor ru1d se r iousness in the wo rld around you. You' , , e grown into a fine young m a n We love you!
Dad and Mom
lubkeman Basement Dwellers
You pe o ple trashed our house You ate our food and drank all the cokes I swore I' d never buy again. You taught Scotty bad words and had generally disgu s ting b e havior You w ill be mis se d a nd ALWAYS welcomed back. We love you guys!
Leann, Steve, Kelly, & Scotty
Brad Lubkeman
He y big bro, You a r e truly one of the funniest pe ople I have ever known Over the years, you ha ve brough t out th e best and the vvorst in me . I lo ve yo u so much and I v.1 ill mi ss ha, •in g you aro und all th e time Good luck in college!
Lo ve, Kelly
Erica Mclssac
You a re a joy to us We love you r sen se of fun , c reativity, and compa ss ion, and your s is ters thank you for taking on the challenging nuddle-sister job During the y ears to come, remember to kick back and relax once in a while.
Lo ve, Mo m , Dad , Kelsey, and Liana
192 - ---
Erica Mcisaac
Erica, Our relationship these last months has been filled with all sorts of trials, and I have to say, I may have had a doubt or two, no more , I promise , but we came through all that, and here we are, ,;till together. We'\'e been through so much together Maybe this list will bnng some fond (or not so fo nd) memories back to you Eis. das ~1unster: war, Caitlin, scabies, Snow Angel, Chronicle. of Namia, Aerosmith, M)'AYL, BOF, Zucker Lippen, Red Rocks, Grapefruit and Honeydew, Pablo and the duo, teruus, Medora You w 111 always be my Punk Rock Pnncess I love you , Baby Vielen Kussen, your Garage Band King, Orin
Sean Michael Mclaghlin
Sean, You have been a great b r other to me Bes t of luck in the fu ture
Love., Milnmie
Sean Michael Mclaugh lin
Look out world here you co me We ca n ' t believe you g rew up so fast. We know you will do we ll in life Thank s for the m e m ories. God bless you.
Love , Mom, Dad, & Meghan
Vance Edward McManigal
You always aim h igh and hit what you are s h ooting for. We know your goals will a lways be amazing. We love yo u and a lwa ys be h ere for you. You make us so proud.
Love, Mom and Dad
Keli Rhea Mitchell
Congr a tul a tions! You 've come a l o n g way and we're p r oud of yo u We kn ow yo u ' r e go ing to go far. K eep o n s in gi n g a nd fo ll ow in g yo ur drea m s
We love you, Da d , Zim., an d W ill
Kelly Ann Mitchell
I am lu cky t o h ave a wonderful go d d aught er I am p r o u d to be in yo u r life as yo u b egin another chapte r o f your life.
Congra tul a tio n s, Unc le Bill
Kelly Mitchell
Dear Ke lly, We are so pro u d fo you! You are always in our hearts.
Kelly Mitchell
Six of us have made t he trip up t he A is le o n graduation day You are th e " fir s t" o f th e gi rl s to take the trip . We are so proud of your achievements.
Love, Grammy a nd all o f your co u sins
Kelly Ann Mitchell
He y Cowgirl in the Sand, I s thi s place at your comma nd ?
Can I stay here a while?
Can I see your sweet smile?
Old enough to change your name , When so many love you 1s 1t the same?
It 's the "voman 1n you that makes you \Vant to play these games.
Kelly Ann Mitchell
' I
Kelly, as you enter the world ; in the coming years, remember, I am your big brother. This means : 1) I love you. 2) I believe in you. 3) I get to scare your boyfriend s. If you ever need anything, you'll know where to find me
Kelly Ann Mitchell
Kel Remember you'll always have angels (a. k .a. Goo) watching your ba ck
Love , Mom
Kelly Ann Mitchell
Hey Missy
Someday I 'll let you in on my wilder days before you came into my life!
Love , Gigi Ocampo
Kelly Ann Mitchell
Hey Not An Outdoors Girl
This is one of the few times I actually got you to play in the snow. Seeing as llow you didn ' t have a choice.
Love, Mom
Kelly Ann Mitchell
Congratulations to our niece v.rho ha s now become a little adult. We are very proud of you and your accomplishment. Keep 1 up with the good work throughout your college ca reer. f We love you , I John , Maureen , J P. and Matt I
Kelly Ann Mitchell
You are a great teammate with family and friends Happy graduation!
Love , Aunt Ch ri stmas
Kelly Ann Mitchell
No,,v the world 's stage will know your fearle ss energy and exci tement. Great work, graduate!
Love, Cris
I •
194 •
Kelly Ann Mitchell
Ah, ho½' you h ave al½1 ays seen beyond the ordinary things. Commencement mea n s ex traordinary times ahead! Good lu ck w ith a ll of your adven tures a n d d rea m s!
Lo v e e n ormously, Cris
Kelly Ann Mitchell
You are a n amazi n g sp irit! Everyday you show us h ow to laugh , lead an d LOVE with zest a n d style, confi d ence and creativity. Cong r a tu la ti o n s, grad u a t e! Yo ur h a nd work and success m ake life "Go ld e n !"
We love yo u , Cris and Rand y
Lindsay Molloy
Lind say, You are m y "s unshine." Yo u ha, ,e b ee n a d e li g ht and a bl essing in m y li f e. Yo u are b eg innin g a n ew jou rneyi e n joy ev er y minute an d s tay true t o yo u rse lf I a m fo rtun ate to h ave yo u as m y d augh te r
Love, M o m
Bridget Moreno
BabydoU '' Li,e life to the fullest, lo\'e with .ill your heart and accomplish all your goob and ou will l>t.> .1 el') happ) ~fulfilled per.;on with \'en few n.-grct,., " N& careful and s.1fo ,,nd m,,y the lord k~p hi~ b'Uard,an angel on your 5houldcr fore,er ." T,1ke these $.lymir-w1th vou in vour heart as you grow up and mO\ eonso you will remember them even · time you \\'alk out the door I am \Cl')" proud of you
1 lo,e you. :l.1om
Kelly Ann Mitchel l
To my God-daughter and inspir ati on, Brava! What a source of JOY to ligh t the wo rl d you are.
I am so proud of you' Love , Aun t Cris
Kelly Ann Mitchell
1s a place, hke Kellv, Wisconsin or Kell), De,·on, En gland
1s a shade of green .can be spelled " Kelh " or Kellie ." is Irish 1n ong1n
.1s m, ruece ' s name " hich mean'> " ,\ arrior " As m) model , Kelh ah, a, s respects the nghts of others 1n achons and thoughts
In lo, ing adm1rahon, Barb
Lindsay Molloy
Yo u ca n te ll b y thi s pic tu r e how b ea utifu l yo u a r e. Yo u h ave be e n m y bes t fr ie nd throttgh every thin g an d )70U mean t h e wor ld to m e. I trul y h onor our fri end s h i p and I love you to dea th !
Reac h for th e s ta r s, M a ura
Bridget Moreno
D earest li ttle siste r, Bridge t, God b lessed me w ith a beautiful sis ter ms1de a n d out. I
"V\1 il l foreve r c h erish our frien d s h ip Always remember that ,vhe r e, er you go, ,vhatever you do, I \vi ll be right there re ad y to help you, laugh
"'' 1th y ou , or even cry ,vith you
G o o d l u c k in all you do t
Love a hva ys, R e n ee
MEMORY lANE 195 1 JI 1 t
Amber Nelson
My very truthful friend! I love that about you! You ' re an amazing person BUB! and friend. Our time s together are always fun! " Highway to H ell" I love you with all my heart and always will.
Love, Suz
Danny Nelson
You h ave followed me where ever I went and wha t eve r I did. You have been adventurous and brave. Now it 's your turn to take the rein s and l ead yourself in lifes journey. Remember we are a lways there for yo u .
Love, Mom
Danny Nelson
As a middle child , you're just the best . You have been the best little bro to Derek and be s t big bro to Deanna We l oYe you so much.
Derek & Deanna
Danny Nelson
Bro, I lo ve to see you a t Western S tate then \iVe can be a team again Congrats on yo ur gra duation from G. H. S. Now life r eally begins!
Love, Derek
Danny Nelson
Dann y,
You know I miss my little boy, but I love the man yo u have become I wish for you a life o f h appiness, success, an d love.
Way to grow
Love, Mom
Danny Nelson
You have made u s so proud your whole life Congr ats on one of your first major acco mplishments We know there will be many more Enjoy yourself w ith life's adventures.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa
Danny Nelson
Daniel- Be free and follow your h eart.
Love ya always!
Danute- Soar high as yo ur spir it w ill take you!
p. s. But don ' t jump o ff an e i ghty foot cliff into the v.rate r
Love , Mom & Derek
r t
I • '
C l I
Bridget Moreno
Dear Bndgie, You started out as a spunky, talkative, ·vvild h aired little girl and have turned into a beautiful young ,voman. I ,,,ish you the best m life and "''ill hold your hand \v1th each ste p yo u take Remember " Think " all the tune!
1 love you!
Love , Your Dad
Julie Ann Moulton
You s m eared the lipsick on your face, you little angel, yo u Put o n shin guards and scoccer shorts, or danc e d in that tu -tu. Lived half a year, away from here, in the land of kangaroos. Yo u ' ll do j u st fine , no m atter wha t, life find s to tluovv at you.
Way to go Julie!
Love, Mom and Dad
Traver Nauslar
Traver, You ha ve brought so much joy to our family Thank you for being the v.ro nderful son y ou are. God-Ble ss yo ur exciting journey ahead We love you, Dad, Mom, Lillie
Amber Nelson
Hey Sis, Congratulations on graduating It 's b een OK being your " little " brother Thanks for getting me ready for high school. It was coo l watching you play basketball and cheering your raindrop s. Thanks for breaking in Mom an d Dad Can't wait to see what you d o next.
L ove, Your Bro
Bridget Moreno
Auntie Br1dgie ( an1), You ' re the bestest Aunhe and ina we could ever as for We l ove you lots!
Love , Isa iah, Daniel, Arielle & Leilani
Traver Nauslar
Traver, I love being yo ur s ister, I co uldn 't have vvished for a better friend and brother. Hav e a great time m co llege I love you so much.
Julie Navarrete
Julie , We are so proud of you! You have gro,vn from a pretty little girl into a be a utiful young woman. Set yo ur goal s in life and do your best to s u cceed. May all your hop es and d reams for the future come tru e. Lo ve, Mom , Bo b and Jeremy
Amber Nelson
Dear Amber,
It seems hke yes terday was your first day of Shelton and you' re now a young 'V.1 onman ready t o take on the ,vorld. We admire your ability to laugh and h s ten . you b ring out th e best in people your future 1s brigh t. We are proud of you and your accomplishments Love, Mom and Dad
Danny Nelson
Your whole famil y is so excited that yo u are graduating. You are a g re a t son and the best brother anyo ne coul d ha ve. Congrats!!'
Mom, Dad 1 and Dad 2, Derek, and Deanna
Danny Nelson
My youngest son, Danny It was sure fun watching you grow up You were-ah,ays ready for a challenge, u sua ll y while "·earing a big smile. Your boundless energy can be seen m this photo, as I believe you were about to ta c J..le either me or your brother Congratulahons on all of your accompli shments, both mental a nd physical, and the best of lucJ.. in making your ,,ay toward realizing you r drean,s I love you and am proud of you.
Love, Dad
Elyse Newman
From chris tening to gradua ti on, where you did the time go?
Elyse, from th e day you were born, you have b ee n a so urce of joy for u s. You have becon1.e such a beautiful person, both in si de and out. Dream big, reach for the stars, and enjoy life 's Journey.
Love ya, Mom and D a d
Kendra O'Brien
Kcndr,1 II.I) Love
High school would have ~n so boring without you
From hanng ad1acent lockers in nuddle school to r1 plethora of sleepover.., we have been the craziest i;mart blondes I know Memories, m emones, have a few so you won't forget. moth hunting, Javelin throwing, mountain golfing, drinkmg too mu ch pop and spraying it out our noses, clusters, teacher ·st,ilJung· grade competitions, health nuttiness Your e~n escence has kept me cheerful and I am so grateful to you for our ye.m; of friendship Here's to many more!
You· re the best.
Toru.of hugs, Erica
Danny Ne l son
Dann y,
As the second membe r of my " d o uble tr ouble'-' crew, it's your turn to s tart life as an adult. Rememb e r to be true to yo ur h ea rt and spirit. Also, ne ve r lose yo ur s mile.
Always, Mom
Danny Nelson
He y Cuz,
It f eels like jus t yes t e rd ay we we r e s itting in the back of Yankee' s va n confessing our l ove fo r eac h other Since then, there is no one else I vvould run down the s treet, in the freezing rain, for a calculator for; multiple time s.
Love Your Neig hbor, Ambute
Kendra Clare O'Brien
Dear Pock.ins,
We are so proud of the ,vonderful person you've become From your firs t s tep , and with your nex t s te p , you have ah,vays tried to do the right thing EnJoy and celebra te your future We ' ll al,~•ays be here for you unle ss \,ve 'r e off s h o ppin g Love Ya Forever, Mom, Dad and Kimbe r
Laura Osborne
We are so proud of you and we lo ve yo u d ea rl y. You are the light of our lives.
I ( t t
., _ ......,
Love, Mom and Dad C C
Laura Osborne
Laura Loo (Regian), Angry Ex-wile, you are m} oldest friend Twehe years and still going strong Always remember our model pu::;, bike rides, strover and blue on orgaruc Friday, C2. dancing to Kelly Clari.son, and 1ust kno\\ that no matter what happen;; I'm always there for you Don't forget we are still going to dn, e to the !\,fall of Amenca in m} light blue bug
Lov e Always and Fore,·er, Kel Bel(Gretchen) )ailbait.
P S. You are not intimidating.
Jenica Otero
Dear Jeni ca, You better s tar t planrung your college vaca tion s beca u se we mi ss you already. Besides, where else are you go ing to eat Pecan En cr u s ted Grouper? You know your whole family
1s so very proud of you and we love you so much
Your Aunt E and B, Linele Ri chard , Renee, and Your BABA
Tara Pattie
To Our Swee t D a rlin g Tara, We wish yo u every joy in life
You h ave brough t so much t o o urs. Yo u ' r e the bes t !
Love, Mom and Da d
Maggie Nell Pattridge
Maggie, I am very proud of you graduating I don ' t know how happy (and bored) Mom and Dad will be without us c l uttering up the h ouse I love yo u , and will mi ss you whe n yo u go to college. Goo d luck with everything.
Love , Ky le
Jenica Ot e ro
Dear Jenica,
It has been so \.\'Onderful to \\ atch vou gro\\', and you ha, e taught us so much Your inner strength, your creati, 1ty, your steadfast sincent} \\'ith your friends and of course let's not forget your "o utrageou s" MOMENTS The) ,·e earned you through. So .keep on keepmg on, it's 1ust the begmrung We are so proud of you' Our lo, e and s up port are ah ·ays here for you Lo\ e, Mom and Larn
Jenica Otero
Jeruca (New Gui) , CO BACK TO THE GREEN' GRASS from !ilttmg on fitness balls .ind playing the ban10, to now being next door ne1ghbo~ Ah, ays remember the red wall OC nights, C2, volleyball , your crazy dnnng, April (oo ere,, your being tainted and me oeing purt.>, \.Vhat,.., er Donn., ", Hercules , .ind Taco Bell You .ire going to go '-0 farm hfe, and 11 you dori'I I m .1Jw.1y!> nei.t door Lo, e Kel Bel
P.S You ran ha, e my leg,- .1nd I love dead anam.1ls
Maggie Nell Pattridg e
We a r e so very pro u d of you. Yo u a r e bea u tiful inside and out! A lways be joyful!
Love, Mom and Dad
Natasha Perry
Can you believe how far \-ve 've come? Whe n you thmk about everything we 've been through together, th ere 's no ques tion on why we're so s trong No matter \A.1 hat comes your \A.1 ay, don't forget to k ee p s miling. God didn ' t give us these beautiful smil es to \-vaste I LOVE YOU!
Yo ur Bi g Sister, H ea th e r
Natasha Perry
Nata s ha , Co n gra tul a ti ons, I a m very p ro ud of yo u and all th a t y ou 'v e achieved Yo u ha ve prov en that y ou are a very s trong and h a rdwo rking pers on You ' r e b ea utiful and kind-he a r t ed so k ee p up th e g oo d wo r k and you will go fa r in life.
Love always, Mo m
Marissa Pietrafeso
Emface , Sung l asse s, lipglo ss, chaps ti ck , BOYS, a d ven ture s, camera, picture s, th ats a hu ge-, I ' m the Rad H ot P ink Din o, yo u ' re m y Tea l Sweet P ino , SOS pleas e h elp m e , D ad h ow can you n o t lik e these pants? Bo ooow bang, gui t a r h ero, po p s i c les, g um, cand y, ey e h ea rt y ou Love, A s hpoo
Kendal Pike
We \.Vant you to know how proud we are of the individual you've become You have a special sensibility far beyond your years that should always serve you well It 's been a grea t pleasure seeing the world through your eyes so far and we expect tha t we will get t o see a lo t more of it as you explore your interests No matter whe re life ta kes you remember Mom, Dad and Kar so n will always be yo u r home
Nicole Pike
Marissa Pietrafeso
No matter how wild your ha ir s ty les w e re ove r the yea r s, we l ove y ou and are very, very pr o ud of y ou . Love, Mo m and Dad
Marissa Pietrafeso
Mari s sa,
I c an ' t be li eve h ow qui ckl y th ese fo ur years we n t by I' m s o glad t h at I have h a d y ou as a fri end thr o u g h a ll of them. Yo u have a l ways b e en th e r e for m e, and I am v ery gra te ful Thanks for eve rythin g, yo u ' r e m y b es t fr ie nd Love, Du s tin
Nicole Pike
To m y wonderful s is ter, I am b l ess ed to h ave you not 1 onl y a s my s is ter b ut as m y friend . I am s o proud of th e p e r s on y ou are and t h e pers on f you wo r k e d toward s becoming . M ay y our dreams be co m e r eality and y our life be magica l. I lo v e y o u alway s, Diane
Nicole Pike
Go A un tie
Ni c ole, Yo u a r e t h e epitome o f ever ythin g a pare nt wo uld w an t th e ir daug h te r to beco m ei a b ea utifu l, in t e lli g en t, ca r ing and comp ass ionat e yo un g woman. We are so pr o ud of yo u We love y ou M o m an d D a d t
We lo ve yo u , Lis a and Brand o n
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Nicole Pike
Dear Nicole, Kno w that you are lo ve d
Jenn if er Popp
To our beautiful girl, Right from the s tart, yo u 've been the kind of daughter th a t every parent dreams of ha v ing, and it's been s uch a joy watc hing y ou grow and change to be co me the wonderful woman yo u are. Live, love, laugh!! We love you.
Mom and Dad
Lyza Posey
I am so proud of the way you have excelled m high s chool.
You have always been m y s hining star I know you will have an amazing future. I will always be there for you!
I love yo u Lyz, Morn
Amanda Pros
Amanda, Always mak e time for fun in th e s un when s h e tr ave ls. Sometime s so much fun that th e s un isn ' t quite read y for her! Lu ckily, I so m e h ow managed t o keep up.
Love , M elissa
Jennifer Pop p
You're m y best friend and basica ll y m y sis te r. We have be en through so much and hav e co me out. You're always th e re to su pport me and be there I know yo u ' re going to do great after thi s. You ' re always in m y heart, I love you Jen.
Love,S uz
Jennifer Popp
Mi ss, I couldn't ask for a better s is ter We have a lo t of amazing memories growmg up together that we will never forget. I know you will s ucceed m whatever you do, and remember I will always be there for you. You are going to h ave the time of your hfe m college'! Gook luck with everything from here on.
Love, Your big fat brother
Lyza Posey
Being with you ha s been great, you're an amazing girl. We ha ve grown up so much, it's craz y. Seniors, we finall y made it. I love you so mu ch. P.S. You see the look on m y fa ce? That' s love
Love , Collin
Amanda Pros
Amanda, The Great Wall in China wa s only one of your exotic experiences. Don ' t ever s top exploring th e wo rld
Love, Kendra
l ' I I ) I
, Amanda Pros
You are such a good girl! We know that whatever you do , it will be great. We love y ou very much Love always, M o m and Cap
Dustin Reed
D ee, The things we have been through over the past 15 years. What can I say about them? Thanks for stan ding up for me and treating me exac tl y how a big brother would treat his s is ter y ou ' re the best neighb or / brother e v er Love , Pe rri Jaye
Dustin Reed
You Ro c k!
Lo v e, Mom and D a d
Christina Re dm ond
Chn sti e , Yo ur firs t s wim ! Look at all your a cc omplishm e nts. Playing Bet in the elementary play " Oliver Twist,' s wimming s ta tes, z ones , to the " Best Rafter." You have a magneti c pers onali ty, you ' re a strong leader, and a dedicated friend. We look fo rward to your future!
Love, Mom, Dad, Lauren and Ma tthe w
Dustin Reed
You Rock!
Love , Mom and Dad
Dustin Reed
You Rock!
Love, Mom and Dad
Dustin Reed
l f l could g o back in time a nd redo the fir s t day we met, I wo uld h it yo u in the fa ce for ALWAYS being r ight. You ' re my o th er half, m e in boy fo rm Thank you for bein g there having our " gu itar le sson s," higher g rounds , 7 million free Fro s ties. I know yo u will b e s uccessful w ith music and you need to kno w I will ALWAYS b e there for y ou
I love you, EM
Cody Roden
You have accomplished so many goals you h ave s e t fo r yourself. We are so proud of you ! Thanks for all your home coo ked meals we look forward to seeing your name il1 li g hts! Stay fo c u se d and enjoy eac h moment of life. Have fun.
We lo ve you, Mom, C hel sey, Courtney
~,.--- 4 I I C C C C t 0
Cody Roden
You have accomplished so many goals you have set for yourself. We are so proud of you! Thanks for all your home cooked meal s we look forward to seeing your n ame in lights! Stay foc u sed and enjoy each moment o f life. H ave ftm
We love you, Mom , Chelsey, Courtney
Ana Romano
Ana, You have brought so m u ch love and laughter to o ur family. Always remember, vve hope you dance!
Love Alvvays, The Wood Famil )r
Ashleigh Sangi
To all three of our girls!
Con gra tul a ti ons t o a Jl of yo u fo r gra du a ting fro m Go l den H ig h Sc h oo l, cl ass o f 2005, 2006, 2007. Wh a t a whirl wind !
Da d and Mom
Ashleigh Sangi
As hleigh, Good luc k in everything you do . We are very proud of you!
G r a n d p a Richard and Grandma
Ka th y
Ana Romano
You have grovvn into an amazing young woman. Daddy and I count you as one of our best blessings and gifts from God Be a light to those around you \•vho find themselves lost in darkness. We are so proud of you. Lo ,ve forever, Mom and Dad
Ashleigh Sangi
You have alv.'ays been determined m vvhatever yo u have accomplished. We knov.' you'll be a great doctor! Conquer the univer se kid!
Lo ve, Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Carl
Ashleigh Sangi
As h ,
O nl y yesterday you were ou r "li t tle pig." You've grown into a kind , beautiful, young lady! You've ah,vays dared to be different! You'ye made me very proud! You ', e ah,vays been larger than life Never be afr aid t o try ne\-v things I kno,v you'll m ake a great impression on the wo r ld!
Ashleigh Sangi
As hl eigh, We are so proud of you! Yo u actually got your laz) bu tt out of bed and gra d ua ted high school. You've always been a charasmatic and outgoing person , and \Ve h o p e you stay that way and do somethin g grea t w ith yo ur l ife. We'll al'\t\1 ays b e here fo r yo u ! Love a h vays your number on e fa n s, Amber aild Ty lor
Ashleigh Sangi
As h y P oo, We h ad the c raziest summer, full of good shows, good friend s and i ust good times I can't believe we are out o f this place! I t' s so exciting I' m s o proud of us, that we s tu ck it out and a re s till here Maybe I should s top eating pudding' Dang th a t 's a hu ge HaHa 1 You always crack me up! I lo ve y ou Ashface Hearts and Hugs, Emface
Kenny Scally
I a m so very pro u d of you! Re m e m ebe r to work hard , make yo ur goals a r eality an d keep yo ur h eart in t h e righ t place Enj oy life's adven ture! My hea rt is your heart and m ay God bless yo u !
I love you s o ver y mu ch , M o m
Charlotte Seance
Who would think, you calling me a n idi o t would tum into what we ha ve n ow. I love yo u m ore than wor d s ca n say You ' r e an angel. Your be a utiful h eart will take yo u far Lo ve Currd y Roses are red , Vi o le ts a re blu e, you are coo l, yo u make me drool.
Christopher Selcer
Chrisser, You have taught your mo m and I (especially m e) as much a s we co uld ever have hoped to teach yo u You h ave s erved as an o u ts tanding mod e l for Ty With you r wo r k ethic, lead ers hip , and disc ipline, th e po ss ibilities are endless for yo u. Our deepest love, Mom and Dad.
• AJ Santistevan
" Don ' t s t op me now ; I am on my way to the future ." AJ your dad, mom, and eight b r others and s is ter s are ve ry very proud of you!! " YOU DID IT." We love you very much an d will alway s be here fo r you.
Love, yo ur family
Charlotte Ann Seance
The Charlotte, O u r mermaid Part magician, all h eart ... May your gene r ous s pirit inspire others as it has us! May yo ur won der and g la dn ess carry yo u lik e a breeze thro u gh the yea r s ahead
All our love, Mom, D ad , Allison, and Chris.
Andrew Schultz
Andy, We love you, and are very proud of you. You bring so much laughte r to all of our lives with your jokes and great s ense of h u mor Strive hard for what you want in life, but remember to alway s l,a ve fun
Love, Mom, Britt, Hope , Tanner, and Dus tin
Christopher Selcer
Chris, You ' re a great broth e r and a grea t fri e nd. Thank yo u so muc h for being there fo r m e .
Love, Ty le r
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Samuel Sipkin
Sa mu el, You h ave b ecome a wo nd e rful young m an w h o is heading in t o an exciting and adven turo u s life Wi th God and our love alw a ys a t you r side.
Lo v e , Mom, Dad, and Rachel.
Christina Smith
Chrishna , you are my sunshine! You bnng laughter and excitement every where you go! Don ' t ever change' Be proud of yourself' Your har d work will pay off 1 You amaze me!
Love always, Mom
I'm so very proud of your a ccomplishments and know ther e "''ilJ be tons more in the future!
Love you, Dad
Max Smith
M ax, You ' re s omething s p ec ial. Your endl ess kindn ess and p a tience amaz e s me A t th e e nd o f th e da y, you m a k e m e the h a ppie s t p e r son. Yo u 've m a d e m e a bette r p e r son. Yo u ge t m e t o ta ll y. It's y ou a nd m e, MAX I l ove yo u ,
Samantha Ann Snelling
Bra ve Bear, As you go forwa r d in life, r eme mb e r th ese things, contin u e t o be kind and l oving Use your God given gi ft s wise ly D r eam b ig, wo rk h ard an d t h e o p portuniti es w ill be you r s. E n Joy the jo urney. G od b less yo u "Big Bear. "
Christina Smith
O ur b eautiful, bois terous, brill an t BEANS! Go confiden tl y in th e d irection of your d r eams. Live th e life yo u 've im agined and don' t fo r ge t a b o ut us when yo u are rich and famo u s! A ll yo ur a unts an d uncles l ove you!
Love, Wen d y, D erek, Jon, Jo h anna, Vi c toria, an d Larry
Max Warren Smith
We a r e so proud of who you are and fo r the young man you will be Insig h tful, brig h t, funny, caring, and creative. We have such wonderful memories We are so glad you are our boy!
Love you forever, Dad, Mom, and Jake.
Samantha Snelling
S amanth a, You ha ve a l wa ys b e en yo u r own per s o n You are comp ass i o n a te, int e lligent, b ea utiful , and yo ur e nthu s ia s m fo r life is s h own in the w a y yo u live ea ch d ay. We couldn ' t b e pro u de r Lov e a lwa ys, Mom and D a d
Samantha Snelling
Cracker Jack,
Wha t an amzing jouney '\.ve've been on t ogether! I am so proud of everything you've acco m plished and can't wait to see ,vha t o ther great things you will succeeed at. Never forget our w r estlmg matches, movie nights, haun ted h ouses, and Chrisbn as s h ows. Always remember tha t I Love You \.vi th all my hea r t' l ov e a lways, Moos e
Sammy Snelling
Sammy, You have been a g r ea t s i s ter Through thi ck and thin and whene ver I n eed so mething , yo u were the r e
Love, Frankie
Jared Stricker
Jared , Congratulations on yo ur achie,, emen t ! Life h as its ch allenges and I wi ll always be by yo ur si de . Good luck in the future
Love, Jordan
Jared Stricker & Sam Wright
Well boys, the last generation of the " Rabbit Run C r ew" is finally graduating . We just want to wish you the best of luck with everything next year and we love you bo t h ve r y mu ch!
Love always, Brandi, Brent, Kathi, & Brad
Rachelle Stroh
We wonde r if anyone e lse knows how fun yo u are ! Be yo urse lf, remembe r your true nature , laugh, play s h ow th e wor ld our Ra che lle! You h el p make our fami l y s trong and ha ve brought s o muc h h appin ess to u s a ll. We love yo u .
Your s i s ter s Nie, Sam, & Ka s
Jeremy Soliz
You will always be my favorite so n ! Ye s, I will always make yo 1 pancakes ! You ca n do all things through Christ o ur Lord!
A ll our love, Mom & famil y
Jared Stricker
Jared , The la st 12 years h ave been a s trug gle for all 3 of u s and we are happy we made it through together. ow you won' t have to hear the dreaded daily question, " Do you h ave homework?"
We love you and a r e proud of yo u!
Love , Mom and Dad
Rachelle Stroh
o ma tt er wha t our next bi g a dv enture is , no matter how high o r how far vve go, thi s is how I w ill always see you in my h eart. My little Rac h elle. You will always be m y bes t hiking buddy! You ' r e truly a wonderfu l friend and incredible daughter.
Love, Mom
Rachelle Stroh
You have b ee n an inspiration to all who kn ow you! Your inner b ea uty and s trength amaze me ! Rachelle, yo ur co ur age and determination are a true gift from God . Watching how yo u e n d ured pain an d h ard times will foreve r make you m y h e ro You make m e so proud . Mom
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Jackson Sutherland
You are s u ch a blessing to us. We 've learned so much from YOU these past 18 years. Your lo,re of le a rning and thirs t for knowledge wi ll bring you many a d v·entures. Be yourself always and h ave fun along the "''ay!
All our lo, re, Mom and D ad
Erin Taylor
Erin you are so so okay., word s fail. What we are tr ying t o say is yo u are a beautiful, intelligent., and charmin g young lad y. Remember: don "t u se your powers for evil. Be kind to others. Clea n out you r car e, ery now and th en.
Erin Taylor
I can't believe we made it! So many unforgettable memories and I have you to thank that for. I ' m glad we a re still friend s af ter I broke your nose and yo u broke my elbow. Good luck in the future , and I will nev e r forget you!
Love ya alivays, Trina
Eric Michael Thirouin
What a fun journey this one h as been! Enjo y the next exciting adventure! We are so very very proud of you Eric.
All our love, Mom and Hobble
We lo,,e you, Mom and D ad
Travis Toler
Co n g ratulations! You did it! We're so proud of the yo ung man yo u "ve b ecome You're a bless ing in our lives . Le t all th a t you do be d one in lo ve. Always pursue yo ur dreams a nd p ass ions in life.
Love, Mom and Dad
Robby Tortora
Roberto , yo u did it lil bro!
We 1 re proud that you 1 ve been so pe r s istent even when it got tough. Yo u ' r e ve r y talented and vve know you will go far in this world. So fa r you 1 ve s urvived three s is ters a nd that' s an acco mpli shment!
Lo,,e, Alyssa, Britni, and Sabrina
Jeremiah Stephan Torbit
Jeremiah , you ha ve h ad more than your s h a re of s ignificant life changes an d setbac k s. Someday, yo u will unders tand that you are be tter and s tro nger for the unfairness a nd arrogance yo u h ave encounte red. I look forward to seein g you grow into th e man you will become I am pround of you
Robby Tortora
Robb y, I ' m so proud of th e man yo u 1 v e b ecome. I e nj oyed wa t ch ing yo u gro"'' and it is a bless ing ha vin g you in my life. I ho pe you continue to play the mu s ic you enjoy since it' s such a big part of you.
Love , Mom , Gabrie l and Alivia
Josh Reinhard
Jo s h , We ar e pro ud of you A l ways b e li eve, a l ways dream , never give up Love, Mom and A u s tin
Josh Reinhard
Way to go Boege r Bu tt. H ow a r e the guitar lessons going?
We love you , G r anddad and Gran d ma
Trevor Dolechek
There certainly ha s never been a dull moment when you ' re around and ,-ve want to thank you for keeping us s miling! Please don ' t ever lo se you inc redibl e s en se of determination and focu s. You have always been sensiti ve, ca rin g, and compass ionate o f others and have grown in to a fine young man with a very b righ t future We love you and are proud o f o ur Trev- man!
Mom and Da d
Teenage Mutant Ninia Turtles
or are Leonard o, Donatello, Raphael , and M iche langelo reall y GH S juniors and s eniors
Cod y Galiot o, Kyle Baile y, Derek Bailey and Sam G alioto ? Boys, y ou will a lw a y s be our s uper h e roe s - - go out and do good!
Lo v e from y our familie s
Luke Valerius
Lu k e, Duke, Pumpkin \Nords c.1nnot describe how much you mean to m e ,1nd the impact you have made on my life \.\'e've always bl!l!n qu1le .1 pair since we were .1bout thn.-e yeMs o l d andl hope 1t w ill be l ike tha t until we a r e old and wnnkly. You have been th e best frien d tha t anyone could ever as k for, and I don ' t d eserve your kindness 1will ne\'er forge t the su pp<>rt a n d ~emones that you have gi,en m t.! h k e mg m S.1m s bed Allison·s and Shela's, going ou t rn elemt.?nl.11') school, your bull cu t, coming to my reci tals and competi tions, the presents we gave each o th e r, the many dan ~-s we've gone to toget her, t h e name c,111ing,_the w eek ly Sunday night phone call s, th e hood, wax1 ng your uni-brow. our moms, yo ur amazing d.1nong skil ls, rose colors. baseba ll g a mes, e tc }1151 reme mber th .1t l love you and am alway:. th inking o f y ou , even i f we are fa r apart Love alway:., Molly ( Molsky)
Trevor Dolechek
Tre v, Don' t eve r le t anyo ne take away your ama z ing and easy going personality
You a re the b es t bro ther a little sister could as k for Good luck with what your future will bring There is n ' t a s tar in the s ky that you can' t reach! Make your dreams reality and t hanks for everything
Lots of love from your little sis!
Ananda Valenzuela
To my favorite mango girl \Vho could forget how we met' A hyperactn e, cha ti) blonde bouncing on the bus seat needing somebody to talk to. Enter you quiet, geruus "hY Romeo and Juliet brought us together and guac.1mole, uncomfortagle furniture, cooking, Lucky Ch.1rms, comics, }.1ang.1 and klutzy moments have kept us together You .1re amazmg and be.1utiful at1d beyond unique, and you have always guided me in my runes of "crisis Thank you for being a ··spiffy b..!st fnend \Vhen you become a billionaire CEO, I can say 'Yep I was her fabulous b..!st friend .ind everyone 1\/ill em; me fo r knowing YOU Bento'
All mv love and fnendsh1p.
Luke Valerius
Luke , Keep s miling and wa tch a ll your dream s co m e true
I love yo u , Mom
Luke Valerius
Luke , Couldn't be any prouder o f you. You are a n amazing person w ith a very, very bright future ahead Lo,, e you very much, Dad
Luke Valerius
Since the day yo u were born you have brought great joy to everyone around you. We all anxiously await tlus next chap te r of yo ur life Go find your passion an d continue to make a positive differenc e rn this \VOrld.
Love , Mom and Dad
Stephen VonDreele
S teve, Your intelligence, humor, perse rvance and Moxie will pa ve th e way to y our success. We'll miss yo ur affinity for loud mu sic, on-line gambling, and the la t es t App le products as yo u venture into th e next life phase Love yo u , and i-v e' re s ublimely proud of you!
Love, M om, D ad, J ulie, and Kile y
Mike Wagner
Congratu lati ons! We are so proud o f you a nd we're lu cky to h ave yo u as our son Wishing yo u all the h appiness and s uccess you d eserve.
We love yo u , Mahzand P ahz
Luke Valerius
Luke ,
What are you doing? Where are yo u go in g? Who 's going to be there ? Who 's driving? Why are you goin g? And w h en are yo u going to be back?
I think it's supposed to rain
Love, Debbie D ormer
Luke Valerius
If there is one person that ivill follow his dreams and amount to hi s g r eatest abilitie s, 1t 1s you. I am so proud of you and am an>..1ous to witness the achievements yo u ' ll fulfill 1n life 's Journey Congrats and good luck to an admirable brother, friend , uncle
With lo, e, Alex, Dylan and Zach
Mike Wagner
What a s pecial gift you are to u s. You a re a great ro le model. Always swee t, r espectful, a joy to have around. I hop e life 's jo urney take s you on your cho se n path Be sa fe , be happy, be love d and be yo u ! You are th e bes t!
Love, Nana, Gra nd pa, Grandpa Blu
Todd Wallis
Yo u are a n avve so me indi vi dual, a nd I kno w you'll excel at w h atever you choo se to give your atten ti on. Stay kind, s t ay thou ghtful, stay ce nt e r ed . ..and rememb e r, you are loved.
lANE ••
Todd Wallis
Well, h ere we are, in tl1e nude I magine h ow cool life would be if jumping on ilie b ed was s till that fun. I' m gonn a give you some advice that probabl y went in a nd out; it's all too easy to s kim the surface. I l ove you and wish you the best of luck!
Jason Walls
We have l oved watching you grow, learn, and experience life We are so proud of ilie man you have become! Keep on being yourself and it wiJl take you far
Love , Mom, Dad, an d Ashley
Kelsey Warner
Kel s-
You have been a great big sis ter ove r the years, we vv 1ll miss you \vhen you leave for college! H ave fun , make new frie nd s and good luck!
Love ya!
M ackenzie and Sydney
Piper Weston
Do ogs terWord s cannot explain l1ow mu ch I've learne d from you and l1ow much yo u have impacted m e. You ha ve been the be s t fri end and bes t s is ter anyone co uld ask for. Keep b anking 3' s and con tinue being the amazing in spira tion you are.
I lo ve you, Shrub
Todd Wallis
" Too bad I didn ' t know about MVP before I bought these s ix shooters."
Jordan and Mom
Kelsey Warner
You \.vere definitely born \.Vith the gift of gab! Ttme goes by too fa st, i t's hard to believe you are graduahng and beginning a ne,v s tage in your li fe Remember to follov-1 your dreams and believe in yo u rself and you will be success ful in all that you do We are so proud of yo u and all yo ur accomplishments. We love you and \.Vill ahvays be there for you!
Love, Mom and Dad
Piper Weston
Pipie !
You ' re m y be s t friend and I love ya! I know you have gone through a lot, and it's been hard, but think how many great times we l1ave had I love yo u wiili all my heart a nd I know that y ou ca n make it to the s tars ! I love you!
Piper Weston
Piper! Yo u are always t h e one to make me laugh and put a s mile on m)' face You chasing me a r o und Mt. Vernon wh e n we we r e 3 br ough t u s to tod ay ! Wow, h ow tim e flies ! You m ea n so m u ch to m e , and I lo ve you!!
Always an d Fo r eve r, JP
2 10 - - - -
Piper Weston
Pip es , Growing up ,vith yo u has m ade my chil dhood. Ever sin ce th ird grade ""e ha, e been bes t friend s, a nd I hope 1t will stay that way FOREVER! You mean so mu ch to m e I couldn ' t live without ya! Love YA!
Keith Michael Wood
We are so proud of you! We love you very much. Th a nk you for always being so amiable. Good luck a t Re gis!
Love A l,,vays, Mom and D a d
Keith Michael Wood
Thank s for being s u ch a cool big brother I t' s h ard to say g oodbye because I will always mi ss you, b u t I wi ll be ca ll i ng to get help on espanol. H ave fun at college!
Mare Sam Wright
Bubb a, In elementary s chool your teachers thought you \ Vere s o s hy and qu i et. If they could s ee you nO\V You a re a fun lo\ 1ng, crazy guy \Vith a g reat sen s e of humor
We are , er) proud of you and lo, e you ve0 much Drive s afel) and scan your inte r sechon s. You are our favorite (DON ' T TELL YOUR S ISTE R). Lo ve, Mom and Dad
Heather Ann William s
All yo ur hard work ha s finall y paid off You are Donny ' s idol
We are very proud of you Hope all yo ur d reams come true . We vvish yo u a "'orld of h appine ss.
Thank you for being our daughter and making our JOb eas1
We lo, e you , Dad , Mom , and Donny
Keith Michael Wood
k e 1th!
Hola, com o esta" I h o p e vou had ,,n an,a21ng fo ur y ears i n high :.chool but I hope tha t you are e x tre n,eh e'<.c1 t ed for college You are the m ost 1n telhgent person I h.-i, e ever me t and l kntn, ) ou \\'tll do gn?at 1 I ,lm so proud of\ ou and all t h a t ) ou h,n e ,1c,on1pli!-hl'd!
You amaze me more ever') da\ 1 Good luck in e, e rything you do! I love you so much!
Your favonte :.is ter, Kris~i
Keith Michael Wood
Keith, Yo hermano! The sky is th e limit. Thank s for being s u ch a su per brother! We lo ve yo u mu ch o brohau s!
A ll ou r love, Ed, Krissi, a nd Marilyn
Sam Wright
M y Dearest Bubba I love yo u s hlup , and I ' m going to miss all our ,ve1rd fami ly Jokes that n o one gets o r laughs at except us You are th e only person \\'ho unders tands me full ) , probabl y becau s e of our hv1n connection. Thanks for ne, e r tellin g my sec ret s to mom or dad a n d brightening my da} vvith your odd se nse of humor You ,viU ahvays be m y favo rite brother! Love, Siss).
Molly Wright
Ma, Staying c lose all four years of high school means a lot. I hav e so much fun with you and make th e be s t memo ri es .
Love ya! Allison
Molly Wright
Lil ' Sis, I can't desc ribe the impact you have had on my life for as long a s I can remember I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplis hed ! You can do anything you put your mind to, but ahvays remember you can come to yo ur big s is for any advice!
Love You Ahvays, Brand y
Molly Wright
M} dearest s is ter shmeckle, Although we've had our conflicts, we always seem to \Vork them ou t with , our stupid Jokes that no one understands I' \ e enJoyed watching you laugh a t your O\vn Jokes I vvill miss all of the good times \ve' ve shared together You ' re the best sister ever 1
Love, Bubba
Michelle Young
We are so proud of the beautiful, spirited young woman you ha ve become Follow your dream s and be happy!
We love yo u , Mom , Dad & Matt
Molly Wright
I' m so glad that we have been friend s for so lo ng now. You are s uch an amazing person and you will always mean the world to me. I'm exci ted for what the future holds for us Don ' t ever change, and I hope all of your dreams come true!
Love, Luke Molly Wright
Sissy Girl, What can we say? You know how much vve love you and how very proud of you vve are . A lwa ys keep that zest for life You know you are ou r favorite (DON 'T TELL YOUR BROTHER). Remember to drive safely and scan your intersections!
Love, Mom&Dad
Molly and Sam
We could tell we had a pair of talented twins early on So different , ye t so twisted Screamin ' Sam and Squawly Molly sure got big! I t just took a while
Love, Dad&Mom
Kyle Youngs
Yo u made it! We are all so pro ud of you , and exc ited t o see "'' here the future brings you. Wherever that is, we'll a l ways be there to cheer you on.
Love a lway s, Uncle Bennie, Helen and Tim
i • 212
.... •• • • •
Kyle Youngs
Ky l e, You have b rought s o much laught er m t o our lives with your great sense of h um o r, 1t is truly a gift We ad mire yo u r d ed i ca ti on in \ \ ' hat you b elieve m , a n d your determmahon t o do w h a t 1s n ght. Keep making the righ t choices, you ' r e almo s t there
We ' ll L ove You Fo r ever, Mom and D ad
Lawrence Rollin Zant
Yo u 've been s u ch a b le ssin g to m e t hrough o ut m y life ' Ti s bee n a \i\reso m e pl ay ing wi th y ou and wa t chin g yo u grow. You ' ll always b e a n imp o rt ant par t of m y life dud e S tay s tro ng an d li ve \i\1 e ll !
Love, Si s
Lawrence Rollin Zant
We ll, R o llin, yo u 've don e it t o me; yo u wen t an d g r ew up It's bee n a m az in g wa tching you g rovv in t o a fine young man J us t r eme m be r though, y ou ' ll a lways b e m y baby boy !
L ove, Mom
Jessi Kwak
Jess i, I d on ' t kno\v what I \VOuld have done , vithou t you the se p as t 4 years
You have bee n m y bes t friend and grea test s upport system You hav e a h"' ay s been there fo r me and be cau s e of you
1 truly know w h at a friend is I \vill ahvays re m e m ber the good rune s \ve have had Maroo n, French bread, the box, d o n o t pl ow, and s o on You are the grea tes t fnen d, and I look fonvard to h aving a bl as t m college \ vith you ' Love, Caitlin
Kyle Youngs
Ky le ,
17 yea r s ago I n eve r "'o ul d have th o u gh t we woul d be as c l ose of fri e nd s as \Ve a r e t oday Good lu ck w ith every thin g you d o Yo ur a mb i ti on and heart wi ll take you fa r b eyond your peers I love yo u so mu ch Bu dd y!
G r eg
Lawrence Rollin Zant
Ro D u de , Wow, a ll g r o\vn up We 'v e had fu n and we ' ve h ad g r ovving pains, b ut we ' , e made 1t through. T h anks for letting m e have fun with you a t ho c k ey, go l f, a n d s kiing. Yo u ' re a great s on!
L ove, Da d -Bud
Tara Behrens
Do u g, ( To ts)
To th e b igges t N eb raska fan ev er Fro m CSU, to S Club 7, t o vo ll eyball, Lagun a Be a ch, e ating, s le e pove r s , S ummit, ca r was h es, prank calls , no t kno \v m g h ow t o u se th e defros t, an d t o yo u being th e n icest person ever Thanks fo r ah-vays han ging out vv ith me, an d don ' t ever f orge t th at m ys p ace 1s evil
Love, To mm y (the bigges t B in Volley ball)
Ashleigh Leanne Sangi
Congratulatio n s! You mad e i t through high sc h o ol. I kn ow y ou will b e s u ccess fu l at whateve r y ou d o!
Love, D ad
in'!-=---------------- - ----~---~ - ·~ --- --....-·-• • Jeremiah Nicholson Greg Clough To t h e ladie s who he l ped me make it to grad u a tio n ! Gr eg, We love yo u ve r y mu ch a nd a r t a l ways p r o ud Co n gra tulation s Thanks Love, M o m , D a d , a nd Erin Home Inspections. Done Right. ',f 1224 Washin.\1t0n Avenue Golden. CO 80401 (303) 279-3373 Fax (303) 278-9556 www.fo sco.con1 Bri n Br un g I off ce :1303t 216-0016 Fa<~,303 a 47ll--Ot'e7 b .1n.l1c, n&ye- h:>J~IMSl~ ( TOTAL TIRE CARE PACKAGE! '"'',Y.ho u· i\S' r com There's more than on• reason choose GOLDEN AUTO CLI ecaple ICI There's more than one rea so n so many peop le choose GOLDEN AUTO CLIN IC t o fix the ir cars, and to take care of their mai ntenance too! Our mission is to let you see it with your OWN EYES, and our mission to EDUCATE our customers is second to none! We stand BEHIND our work! Why go to a dealer? We care more and can usually get the job done for less! For ove r 28 YEARS GOLDEN AUTO CLINI C ha s provided the famil ies in our own neighborhood with HONEST, DEPENDABLE, QUALITY information, repair, and service! We live here, and it SHOWS! 303-279-5622 In Golden at 2321 East St Mon -Thurs 8am-Spm • Fri 8am-4pm • BRAKES • SHOCKS •EXHAUST •TUNE-UPS •ALIGNMENT • DIAGNOSTICS AS: ccn ,un;a "ALL Repairs GUARANTEED 12 Months or 12,000 mllesl" CCopynght 2006 AvtomatedMarkeUngGroup COM • 1-866-520-3030, GOLDENAUT..,MoneyMallef I I I I
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'I 1r.:: n1.t11) )~11 11go ,nd , , .,s 11otnbJr C'hd.
I ,,.'s f:11 hrr l'·'$1;:S l'd ~,, ••}' ,, hl'n h e ,v st11l 111 college: and rt ,,• .u 111 :i. CJ 1her \\ h o iuipr-C'3scd
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C'\ Cf) l;t..":'Cl o l the lao\, ling i 11d t1Sl1). Cf)~l.tl
Crl'CII \\Ill rn 11.,el' the h.u/lo11nge \\Ith fncndl) 1111d r r rpta orul SCI\,,..._. o lltnn g 111en11u111 ,, di dr111l:s, \~Ct'kly n1l«'rt.unnu:11t, b1ll1.11d $:, knr.tol:e, ,, eekh l e.x:u- 11 old•ern • ro1ut1:u11rn1s ,tnd .t n CAl r;i Lugr- ' I V rct'n.
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Eg Drop ou r 1 so
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~g Roll (2 , 50 (\'<"g ,,
Th is week's Featured Restaurant : C H I N E S E RESTAURANT Golden Bowl Completely Remodeled & Refurbished! Ctoldc11 Bo ,, I no,¥' has .1 t ot.ti!) 11e\, too l:, 111 ,id r :t llll 011 1• .-lhr 00\~)111~ rc111r1 h ..t.~ lx:cn 10 1 ,11} rcfi1rltishccl \"nth up<bll"d pn1 sc 11c1 s .iud ,1111 onu 11 r. $C.Oring S)~l r:1 11. II ~lfll'S :u"' !ID\\ lur11i shccl,, i 1h O\r.rh t .,d I V K 1~11i,;. \\'c \\l'Jll he lt'.11unn g $a er.ti 011go11 1g pro,11 01 1011:, I Cl 1"1111, t o , $cr11or C'i tt:1cn s, ~tudl'JII$, :spo.·1:&ll) ch.1lle11g l'd ~roups, hitthd.,) p 1rt ics, c hurc- h voupi,; .u,d II 11'0,-;c ,vh o jU$t lo, e 10 lra,d.
chi 1. krn re- r >r\'c~ct.,hle Fn~ It c 1 SO Vcgr t:., blc: Lo l ctr. 1 so Cembo ISi$ $4 95 Bt:c:f Broooo l 1 so Be<"i Garlic~-' 1 r 1 SO Shri rnp Vegeta bl<' 1so l i.'t«i \ ·~c:c:t,\ I<' 1 50 I l.1 pry f'.trru't , so Potn to Por 1 50 our n .h 1so Drinks T-ri ~-~ki Chkkc-n 1so r- lffi(' (" hkk(" 1 SO \. h i:kc-n Broc"7(•1 1 so Jf't: P ,o Chick - 1 1 so l h '·cn,• \ ' -iirtt Ir t SO , Chkkcn 1 so '- h, ~ cn G ari c 1 so P1 Bro-..,oLi Be,-1 r 1mc Chicken "i t tt 1 so f.ried or te ,n Rl(c, Roll ( 1) C 1n •••• ••• ••••••.. • ,, •• SO ;~ B ot1lr. . .••. Sl.35 l ccd '1 l o t Tc-~1,·· \V, tcr ! LOO t..l H ,ppy f-ami \ ,, ct '-l r Chick('n 1 SO l, ,,rgc Drink , , 1 -o with Fried o, fl': ,ru Ri~c, Es:g Roll ( 1, Pn C'.h('J' , t itl~ 525 24th St. • Golden • 303-279-7846 l
Abd ulhussein, Rab ab 120
Abel, Jalisa 130
Abeyta., Kassey 110
Adams, Ashleigh 73
Adams, Wi l so n 130, 132
Agrodnia, Thomas 110
Aiken, Kathryn 110
Akes, Jordan 130
Albano, Ke l ly 20, 64, 65, 174
Albertson, Victoria 120
Albrecht, Amanda 120
A lbrecht., Matthew 27, 174
Albrecht, Sco tt 130
Alderman, Jayde 174
Aldrich, Jeffrey 120
Alexander, Chelsea 130
Alianiello, Taylour 120
Allison, Delaney 120
Alms, Kendra 110, 116
Ames, Tucker
Ammen., Kayli 110
120 14, 15.,
Ammon, Alex 174
Anchondo, Arantxa 120
Anderson, Evan 120
Anderson., Gabrielle 130
Anderson, Hannah 73, 120
Anderson, Matthew 130
Aragon, Jo s hua 120
Archer, Gabrielle 42, 43, 147
Archer, Shilo 12, 120
Archey, Samantha 130
Arellanes, Adam 130
Arellanes, Jordan 55., 120
Arellano, Ramon 120
Argue ll o., Shanel 130
Aristide, Kisha 130
Arkawazy, Vian 110
Armenta, Lance 137
Armentrout, A lyssa 110
Arner, Amanda 130
Asmussen, Kaylynn32 , 33, 65., 120
Aten, Amy 130
A ten, William
Baalman, Na then
Baal s., Katherine
Baars, Jessica 116
Babkiewich, Tyler 110
Baeza, Jose 130
Baghaei, Ali 110
Baghaei, Sam 110
Baghaie , Alexandra 130
Bailey, Derek 174, 208
Bailey, Kyle 110, 208
Bailey-Fay., Kyl e 110
Baldessari, icholas41
Baldon, Levi 130
Balme s., Allison 110
Baltz , Lauren 175
Banz a, David 110
Barned, Be cki 110
Barry, Ashlie 23, 71, 110, 112
Bartley, Le s lie 130
Barton, Jeremy 120
Bartos h , Amanda 50, 54, 110,146,156, 164, 167
Barzanji, Glara 43, 120
Barzanji, Tara 22, 42, 43
Ba semann , Kathryn 120
Baumann, Caitlin 20, 175
Baumann, Christopher 130
Baxter, Geoffrey 130
Beard ., Kaysey 110, 156
Beehler, Michelle 33, 175
Beers, Kyle 120 , 121
Beetham, Caroline 120
Beetham, Jame s 40, 41 ., 65, 175
Behrens, Tara213
Bell, Stacey 175
Bell, Zachary 130
Bement, Codi
Beren s, Amanda
Berg, Demetra
Berg, Eben 130
Berte, Candice 132
Bolton, Whitney
Boltz., Hannah
Boltz, Spencer
Bonesio, Katy
Bosco, Taylor 110
Bower s., Robert
Bowman, Paul
Boxler, Nicholas
Boyer, Olivia 130
Bra chle , Joseph
Branch, Kelse y 159
110 63,130 23 110 120 120 120 51,120 110,
Braunagel, Robert 146, 147, 158, 159, 164, 165, 167., 176
Bravo , Julian 110
Brawner, Coby 130
Breathwaite , atasha 130
Bres l er, A l exandra
Bretz, Hannah
Bridenburg, Allie
Brightbill, Daniel
Brochin, Matthew
Brock, Tyler 110
37, 110 65,130 130 130 130
Brone s ke , Tra,,is 130
Brooks., Hayley 10, 16
Brooks, eil 15, 110
Brown, Christopher 120
Brown, Kayla 130
Brown, Thomas 110
Browning, Christopher 120
Bruder, Brittany
Br1.mel, Matthew 110
120 120 13, 130
13 36, 110 110 130,
Biesinger, Erika 120
Binns , Sarah 120
Bird, Linette 146, 147, 158, 164, 165 , 166.,167, 176
Bitner, Kirsten 130
Blakesley, Larry 130
Bluse , Britt a11y 130, 167
Blythe, Joshua 120
Blythe, Mindy 110
Boggs , H ay l ey 65
Bogobowicz, Lisa 120
130 15 , 29,
Brusenbach, Bryan 1101 154
Bryan, Ba yard 110
Bryso n , A l i 130
54, 55,
Bublitz., Zachary 130
Buehler, Alex 120, 157
Bull, Jordan 44, 45, 11 0
Bull, Tayler 130
Bullard, St efany 130
Burn, Jenna 120
Burnett, Matthew 130
Burnh am, Lars 120
Burroughs, Br yo n 120
Burruss, Timothy 5 1, 110
Burton, Alyssa 120
Bush Johnson, Cameron 130
Caceres, C hri sto ph e r
Carrano, Christina
Baca., Joseph 11., 50, 51, 110
Bolton, Taylor 130
147, 1 76
Caddigan, April 130
Cafarella, Kimberly 120
Calderon, Jerome 51 110, 167
Victoria 12( t Camacho, Dylan 13( Campbell, Austin 11( Canino, Allison 52, 13 Caravella, Anthony 116 Carbone, Anthony 31 1JO Carlson, Jacob 110 Carman, Austin 130 Carnicello, Kevin 120 Caro-Seiwald, Jordan 110
Casas, Dereck 33,110 51 83,120 130 Casburn, Curtis 120 Casburn, Janalynn 130 Castle, Jesse 127 Castro, Ariana 120 Castrodal e, Breanna 120 Catalano, Kevin 130 Caton, Erika 73, 120, 125 Cavanaugh, Lindsay 158 Chapin, Andrew Chapin, Brandon C h apman, Connor Chapp l e, Carly 110 , 111 176 130 31 177 73, C h avez, Kristina 120 Chir il a, Col ton 130 Chism , As hl ey 110 C l ark, Athan 65, 130, 116 C l ark, Bryan 130 Clark, Lydia 56 C l e m ent, Danie l 27, 165 , 174, 177, 190 C l e r kin, Jason 177 Clough , Gregory 51 Cobb, Rac l1 ael 130 Cochran, Ir a 12 0 Co h en, A lise 110 Co ll edge, Tyson 130 Compton, Daniel 120 Conklin, Reb ecca 110 Co ntre ra s, Luke 110 Co ntrer as, Sena 130 , 132 Coope1~ Andrew 120 Cooper, Da vid 9, 58, 59, 1 77 Cornett, Cayce 116
r osper, Eric 120
r ourtney, Kevin
Lo wden, Thomas ( ox , Catherine
Cox, Griffin 178
131 51 , 110 110, •
Craycra ft , Andrea 131
Cre\1 ling, Danielle 6, 26 , 72, 73
Cross, Phillip 120
Crovv, Matthew 110
Cubbo n ,Saman tha 131
Cullen, Christopher 5, 178
Cummins, Taleah 20, 71
Curley, Ryan 131
Curr ie, Ryan 65, 110, 115
Cttrry, Dalton 131
Curtis, Tiara 120,125
Cusack, Nathan 131
Cus ter, Taylor 73, 120, 125, 146
Cyr, Taylor 120
Dabbs, Max 120
Dahl, Nicholas
Dale, Madison
Daley, Matthew
Dalton, Katherine
Dami,ana, Nicolas
Daniele, Andrew
Daniele, Jeffery
Davey, Alysia
Davis, Cara 131
Davis, Mallory 26, 179
Davis, Marissa 33, 121
Davis, Rebecca 121
Decarlo, Anthony 51, 110
DeMarco, Na thanuel 131
Delmonico, Maxwell
DiGiacomo, Nicholette
Diaz, Ioreni 131
Dickens, Charlotte 131
Dil lon, Breanna 131
[>olan, Danielle 110
Dolechek, Ciera 131, 135
;)olechek, Trevor 208
Dominguez, Alex 179
Do1ninguez, Luis 110
Dore, Ryan 121
Dorf, Roger 121
Doty, Jenna 6, 154
l)oty, William 121
Douglas, Carly 70,
121, 158
Dowsett, Joshua 131
Dreiling, Emily 121
Dreiling, Je ssica 131
Drexler, Tawny 61 40, 41, 46, 52, 53 , 179
Duff, Scott 51, 121 , 122
Dumbleton, Collin 179, 180
Duncan, Jame s 127
Duncan, Kathrine 121
Duran, Alyssa 121
Dusdal, Daniel 110
Dttvall, J asmin e 131
Du va ll, Jeffery 121
Dyer, Ashley 70, 71 , 121, 150
Eagan, Jered 121
Eagen, Taylor 34, 110
Edwards, Kirstin 131
Ekberg, Dale 33, 47, 180
Elliott, Benjamin 121
Ellis, Audrey 131
Emsbach, Derek 131
Engel, Savannah 131
Engstrom, Brianna 9, 32, 110, 115, 156
Engstrom, Larry
Fisher, Samantha 111
Fleischman, Vanessa 131
Fleming, Hannah 111
Flick, Amy 14, 121
Flink, Gregory 111
Flower, Spencer 35, 121
Flowers, Amber 182
Foden, Robert 131
Ford, Carlie 111
Fossett, Travis
Fox, Nicholas
Franco, Haley 131
Frank, Adam 131
Franz, Clinton
Frost, Cody 132
Froyen, Daniel
Fuller, Kyle 132
Furness, Peter
Gabel, Katrina
Gage, Brandon Gagnon, Mi
Etzenhouser, Leeza 121
Euler, Elias 131, 157
Euler, Jakup 28
Evanko, Brian 27, 58, 59
Evanko, Lisa 43, 121
Evans, Kyle 111
Evans, Ryan 131
Everist, Alexandria 121
Ewers, Alexandra 131
Ewers, Kelsey 51 , 180, 181
Fabisiak, Alex 111
Fair, Kelly 37, 121
Farrell, Elizabeth 111
Farrin, Peter 41 , 111
Fauble, Eric 121
Feighner, Blake 121
Ferber, Simone 111
Fielding, Connor 131
Fightmaster, Zachary 14, 15, 155, 181
Filiault, Hilary 121
Firth, Maura 181 , 182
Gallagher, Matthew 23, 39, 58, 59, 166, 183
Gallegos, Helena 132
Galluzzo, Nicholas 26, 27, 183, 184
Garcia, Jirnena
Garcia, Monique
Garcia, Victoria
Garnett, Michelle
Gates , Kameron 51 , 184, 185
Gates, Stephan
Gaudio, Sean 132
Gaylord, Ryan
Gehrke, Kylie
Geiger, Benjamin
Georg, Clemens
Gerard, Billy 121
Gilas, Kelly 122
Gillespie, Marshall 60, 111
Gillis, Maggie 111
Gilpin, Nicholas 132
Glandt, Whitne y 122
Glass, Walter 41 , 65, 111
Goble, Molly
110 120 131 70, 121 51,121 6, 110 131 131
Erickson, Coral Erickson, Kellie Estrada, Nicholas 121 110 110 131 50, 51,
Galioto I Cody 208 Galioto, Samuel 208 131 121 62, 63, 131 147 182 121 111 111 , 183,
Gallagher, Kelli 132
Jame s 111 132 132 121 10, 50, 121 55, 111 111 51 , 111 121 132 132
Gerard, Bruce Gerard,
122 Gochenaur, Edward 132 Goeder t, Hannah 52, 53, 72, 73, 165, 185 Goergen, Nathan 3 1, 51 Goh, Austin 13 2 Goh, Lauren 65, 122 Goldanloo, Armon 13 2 Goldman, Eric 58, 165,186 Goldstein, Jeffrey 34, 35, 186 Gomez, Jamie Gomez, Joseph 51 13 2 12, 23, Gonser, Christian 132 Gonzales , Aly ssa 122 Gonzalez, Carlos 132 Gosda , Evan 22, 31, 51, 166, 186 Graebel, David 13 2 Grant, Raymond 122, 157 Grauke, Joshua Gra y, Tasha 111 Grear, Jesse 132 Green, Anthony Green, Eliot 122 Green, Ni cole Green, Rairnee Greene, Kelly Greene, Michael Greenfield, Tyler 111 122 111 111 111 132 122 Greer, Dallas 122 Gregory, Brittany 132 Griffin, Lind sey 37, 111 Groff, Aspen 71, 122 Grove, Brady146 Grove , Dustin Guerra, Theron Gustafson, Ellie Gustafson, Erik Gustafson, Zeke 135 132 41 , 122 111 39, 111 132, Gutierrez Ortiz, Johanna 132 Haberman, P aige 111 Hageman, Laci 111 Hall, Gabrielle 132 Hall, Jessica 122 Hall, Lauren 6, 73, 187 Hamilton, Jamie 37, 62, 63 Han cock, Ha y l ey 177, 187 Han ggi, Ellen 37, 111 Hann emann, Andrew 58
Han se n , Ariel 111
Hanse n , Tyl er 111
Hanso n , Jame so n 132
Hanso n , Jared 111
H arris, Leah 37
Harris, Rebe cca 122, 156
Hart, Andre 111
Hartman, Jeffrey 122
Hartman, Sean 132
Hart ze ll, Elizabeth 122
Hart ze ll, Erik 112
Ha soo n , Mohamad 10, 51
Hat ch , Zoe 42, 43, 112, 147
Hawramy, Nisa r
Hayne s, J osep h
Hay s, Ke v in 122
Hazell, Nicho l as
H ebberd, Rachel
Hebberd, Sarah
He c kman, Kara
Hembrow, J essica
H ensley, Amanda
Herr, Zach a r y
122, 157
Herrera, Saymi
H erting, Du s tin
H erzing, I an 112
Hilborne, Co r y 51, 122
Hin es, Kevin 122
Hir sc h , Gregory
H o d ges, Hannah
H ogan, Jordan
Ho ldt, J eremy H old t , Ju stin
Hufn age l, La cey 122
Hu ghes, Na thani el 55, 112, 147
Jurbal a, J o hn 11 2
Kala sz, Ro se mary 11 3
Kalino ski, Nicholas 113
Kalvelag e, Jan-Bernd
Kao, Andrew 11 3
Keeney, Che l sea 190, 191
Kelii, Spencer 123
Kell y, Maegan 123
Kerger, Chaz 133
Kerns, Abigail 65, 133
Kervi t sky, Morgan 133
Kie l, Colin 133
Kilpatri ck, Matthew 133
Kilpatrick, Megan 123
King, Catherine 133
Kinnard , Brandon 11 3
Kinnard , Ja so n 133
Kinnen, Jodi 13, 73, 123
Kissler, Kevin 26, 190
Kistler, Syl via 133
Klein , Jennifer 33, 63
Klimek , Danielle 65, 113
Klimek , Jessi ca 133
LaBonte, Lindsay
LaFal ce, Hannah
L aFa l ce, Samuel 191
Lacinski, Lauren
Ladebue, Amy
Lahnert, Sarah
Lam, Betty 133
Lam, Tracy 133
Lamb, Luke 133
37,123 65, 12 3 7, 190, 113 133 15 , 2~
Lamb r echt, Cassie 11 3
L amb r echt, Christopher
Lamere, Ashley 133
L ane, Susan 40, 41 , 123
Lang, Perr i 41 , 123, 148
Larson, Len e tte 7
Larson, L eonard 7, 51, 116
Larson, Suzanne 191
Larson, Tiffan y 51
L arwick, Erin 14 , 1S, 153
Laufer, Jame s 123
Lawrence, Clar isse 131
Jen se n , Johnathan 112
Je ss, Dillon 122
Jewell , J ona th an
Jim enez, Eric 133 Johnson, As hl ey J ohnson, Brandi
133 33,112 70,122
J ohnson, Brittany 44, 45 , 112
J ohnson, Ja r ed 13 3
J o hn so n , J os hu a 122
Johnson, Kathryn 137
John son, Kerby 112
J ohnson, L aS ha wnda
58, 148, 153, 1 89
John so n ,S hann en 133
Jo hn son, Tory 112
Jo hn son, Tyler 41 , 11 2, 122, 157
J o hn so n Jr, Thomas 133
J o hn s t on, Kay l a 112
Klucik, Raymond 55, 11 3
Klueber, Morgan 22, 11 3
Knight, Natasha 16 , 50, 70,121,123,147, 150, 164
Knudson , Steve n 55
Knussmann, G lenn 123
Knu ss m ann, Gra ham
Knutso n , K ay la 11 3
K oczera, Car l y 123
K oe nt ges, Kelsey 1 33
Koepke , Taylor 123
Koepke , Tyler 123
Kojder, Colette 113
Kolm, Jennife r 12, 123
Kopischke , J ess i ca 123
Koprowicz , A l exande r 133
Koprowicz , Nicholas 113
Lawrence, ata s ha 133
Leazenby, Jesse 133
Leeds, A lexander 127
Leeds , Bro oke 137
L effer t , Colin 50, 51, 11 3
L ewis, Ashley 61
L ewis, Hannah 32, 13, 113
L ew is, Kirsten 11
Liddick, Tanner 11
Linvi ll e-Engler, Matth e\•V 60
Littl e, Matthew 113
Littleton, L a Porcha 131
Livings t on, Willi am 133
Lizza, Ma ll ory 65 123
Ljungvall, Christina 123
Lohman, Na than 113
Lohre, Benne tt 55. 11 6
Lohre, E l isabeth 133
Ho ov l er, R ach e l
H opp l e, Sa m an th a
Hor a n , Mi cha e l
H o rd, J e nnife r
H orecky, Car 1
Hou c h e n , Kri s ti e Howard, Eddie How
J o n es, A lli so n 19, 33, 189 , 190
Jon es, Ma cey 137
Jon es, Rob e rt41 , 64,65 , 112
J o n es, Ryan 65, 133
Jones, Vanessa 133
Jonsson, J a m es 133
Jo rdal , Me ga n 133
J ordan, Matthe w 133
J oyce, Ra ch ae l 123
Junker, R eb ecca 11 6
Koth e nb e ut e l , Corey 11 3
Kothenbeutel, Dru 133
Kowit z, Brenton 12 7
Kr a u ss, Imr e 11 6
Kregstein, R eb ecca 8, 73
Kru ch e n , Erin 123
Kulb ac ki, Cara 11 3
Kumari , A r ch a n a 11 3
Kwak, Je ssica 81 20, 21, 24, 1 65, 213
Lollar, Kevyn58 , 59, 121
Long , Ka ss andr a 133
Lord, Megan 133
Lorenz, Andrew 192
Lowder, Mi ch ae l 55, 113
Lubkeman, Bradley 192
Lubkeman, Kelly 41 123
Lu cas, Trenton 137
Luchetta, Michael 133
Luckinbill, Branden 121
Lujan, Ala x 13 3
H ol l and, Wendi
P aridise
R ac h e l H oover, Jame s
owrey, Casey H owrey, Cory 112 112 112 64, 65, 37, 65, 112 132 13 2 65, 112 132 10, 11 , 132 188 37, 53, 112 38, 112 7,132 71 132, 112 133 63, 112 65, 122 133 122 122 122 5 1
es, Jordan H
Hueber, Cal 112 Huff, Hil a r y 37, 1 89
112 Hupf, Ky l e 133 Hurle y, Kiah 112 Hutm an, Ro chelle 112 Is hmael, Ken 5 1 Ja ck so n , Au tumnR ose 122 Ja ckso n , D avi d 133 Jackson, Tyler 122 J acobs, Benjamin 112 J acobs, Katja 37, 46, 47 , 112 J anssen, Briana 112 J arvis, Nicholas 112 J effrey, Tyler 133 J ennings, Daniel Jenning s, Joseph Jensen, Arah 133 122 112 Jense n , Jackee 8,73
s, Sean 122 Hunt, Margaret 22, 122 Hunt, Rachel 22, 41,
Lurtz, Ange l a 133
t Lusk, Bree 37, 123
l Lu~k , Ke lsey 133
Lutz , Kirs t e n 113
Lutz, Tann e r 133 Lu , Ange ll e ah
Kev in
113, 153, 155
L~ ons, Lind say \1aas , Ka ti e 133 ~aas , Lu cas 192 tvlack, Casey 133 vfacy, Ry an 11
M a tt so n , Ta r a 134
M ayo, Casey 113
M ayo, C hr is t o phe r 123
M cCa ll, Ju s tin 123
M cC r ac k e n , Jessica 123
M cC r irick, Sage 123
M c D o n a l d , M a tth ew
M cEach e m , 1anner 13 4
M cGrego r, Jo rd an 73 1 113
M cIL wee , Luk e 59, 113
M cIn ti r e, Sp e n ce r 134
M cIn ty r e , M o n ty 134
Mc l saac, E ri ca 28, 193
M c K e nd ry, St eve n 51 , 113, 165
McKenzie, Sa rah 113
M c La u g hlin, M eg h an 33, 123
M c L a u g hlin, Sea n
M cM aniga l, D av id
M cMani ga l , Van ce
15 4, 193
Mc M aniga l, Van ce
M cS tr aw, Tr av i s
M cca ll, Ann 123
M ea d , Ann 134
M ea r s, Tay l o r
M ee han, Shan e
M ej i a, An ge l o
M e rr i ll, I a n 123
M eye r, Caro lin e
M eye r, Lynael l 3
M eye r s, Ka thl ee n
Mid ye t, Ju s tin
Mill e r, A lex 123
M o nti , Vin ce nt
M on t oya, Sh a un
M oo d y, P a rk er
M oo n , Jesse 13 4
M oore, Eli za b e th
M oo r e, R a nd 123
M oore , Sh a nn o n
M o r a l es, S t e ph anie
M o r an, D e r ek
M o r e h ead, P ade n
M o r elli, S t e fan
M oreno, Bridget 195, 197
Morgan, Anth o n y
M organ, iko l e 53
Morgan, Spencer 134
Mo r vay, H ann ah 37, 123
Moss , Astra 37, 65, 121 1 123
M o tt, Bradley
Moult o n , Bra dl ey
M oul t on , Li sa Mull e n , i ch o l as M u llins, Zac h a r y
M ye r s , Je nnife r
Jess i ca
63 , 11 4
um ann, H a nnah 134
Na u s la r, Lillie 13 4 a u s l a r, Tr ave r 51 , 197
avar ez, Jos h ua 114
ava r ez, N i co l e 13 4
Navar r e te , Juli e 197
ea l , Sa m an th a 11 4
Neb e k e r, Rh e tt 121 , 124
Nich ols, C h ase
Nic h ols, H o l ly ielsen, Jesse
Niki tin, Vi
\lartinez, A mb e r
Mill er, Ge r a ld
M ill e r, Jess i ca
12 6
Mill e r, M a tth ew
Miln e, Co d y 13 4
M i ln e, M eag h a n
Mit ch e ll, K elly
193, 194, 195
Mit ch e ll, P aige
12 1, 123
N eeS mith, Sas h a
ee dh a m , A ll iso n Ne l so n , A mb e r 196, 197
Ne l so n , Bra nd o n el so n , D a ni e l 5 1, 196, 198
ay t o n 134
O hn o, Made le in e 134
Okonza k , Wes l ey 114
O l in , H annah 124
Oliver, D a ni el 114
O rtiz , Vanessa 6, 12, 43
Os b a u g h , Ka il ey 134
Os b o rn e , La ur a 199
Oso ri o , Anama ri a Os t enson, A l ic i a 43
O tt e r o, J e ni ca l 99
Ozo ls , In ese 12, 134
13 1, 198, 13 4 20, 42,
P ach ell o, Saige 124
P ac k a rd , Zac h ary 134
P a dill a , Bl a k e 6, 124
P a d ill a , Bre tt 5 1, 114
\tiartin ez, Ryan 123
"1a r,,e l, Kaitl yn 37, 63
Mclst, Allis on 371 621 63
\1a th ews, Charl e n e 11 3
\1ath ews on, Eliza b e th 123
\ria th ewso n , I an 11 3
\[a toba, Joe l 11 3
vfato ba, Kirk 13 4
Mit ch e ll, Willi a m
M o ll oy, Lindsay
M o lt, Ka ila 123
M o nroe, A
4 6, 134 3 4, 35,
Ne lso n , Rhi anna 114
e l son, Wes l ey 51 , 13 4
Ne um aye r, An th o n y 13 4
Ne um aye r, Ro bin 114 ewb e r g, R o b e rt 114
Newe ll, Aa r o n 134
New m a n , E lyse 198
New m an, Je nn a 11 4 gu ye n , An drew 11 4
Ngu ye n , C hand a 134
i a , Sh a n e 114
P adi ll a , Ce lia 114
P a d i ll a, M eaga n 5 1, 11 4
P age- Belkn a p , Zac h ary 114
P a lm er, As hl ey 3 7, 114
P a lm e r, Brooke 12, 14, 121 , 124, 147, 157, 158, 165
P a lm e r, Ti ff a n y 14, 155 , 156
P a r e d es, Orl an d o 124
P a r i muh a , Lea 134
Par k , Je nn a 124
P a r ke r, Ky l e 134
P ar r a , Ama lin 13 4
P a t e l, Shi ree n a 11 4
Pa tti e , Ta r a 9, 199
P a ttrid ge, Maggie 63, 199
123 15, 2 8, 11 3
70, 133
\1ar s
57, 113 5 1, 123 123 12 2, 133 13 111 , 133 44, 45, Ma rso,
123 1vlar te
123 Martin,
3 4, 11 3 v1artin,
11 3
aes t as, A l yssa
Magu ire, Mi ch e ll e 123 \tlah urin, Wes tbr oo k
Mall ec, Willi a m Mann, Cayl a 123 \fap le b ac k , Ty l e r Ma res, M a ri ssa
\1arino, A dr ia ~arq u es, Je nni fe r
qu is, Brittany
Marsha ll, C onne r
h a ll, Tayl
Al exis
ll, Jazz minn
D a n a 133
, D evo nn a
P a ul a
\1a rtin ek, Ry an 123 \1artin ez, A l exand er
11 5
\1ar tm
133 65, 133 11 3 54, 11 3 13 1,
11 3, ,1
\1artinez, D e r e k \1ar tin ez, Eri c
r tin ez, Ja m es
ez, Jo s l y n
\far tin ez, M eg an 123 \
ez, i co l e
e 11 3 35, 193 134 16, 16, 154 13 4 13 4 5 1, 113 113 123 37 123, 134 123 , 13 4 123 40, 56, 73, 13 4 195
o nt ana,
i ca 41 , 11 3, 165
o nte m ayo r, Qu e ntin 11 3
134 13 4 51 , 113 113 73 , 113 113 113 123 51 53, 113 22, 52,
123 197 134 134 123 12, 123 36, 37, a
124 27,
y 146 124, 124 13 4 43 9, 114 114 134 57, 134 114, O
198 Oehler
C l
c toria il i us , Amy 13 4 N immer, Casey iswon ger, Joseph N it z , David 124 i t z , R ebecca No bl e, Lucas 39, 114 a bl es, Taj h 124
l an, Ryan 124
n an , An ge l a
ri ega , Yo n 134
r, H a rm o n
' Br ien, K e n dra
t , Eryn41 , 124
Paul, Jacob 134
Payne, Kathryn
Pattridge, Maggie 63 134
Payte, Josht1a134
Pearce, Jacob 134
PeJsa, Brandon
Perea, Blake 134
Perea, Kylee 114
Perez, Chelsea
Perez, ayeli 124
Perkins, Shanise
Perrin, Gregory
Perry, atasha
37, 114 114
Rangel , Adrian Rathbone , Catherine 134
Ra tkiewi cz, Lind sey 42, 43, 51,124 114
Ratledge , Sean 114 111,
Ros s, Jordan 135
Ro sse, Patrick 124
Ros sow, Victoria 135
Roth, Mary 124,126,150
Rothro ck, David 51, 124
Roudybu sh, Zachary
Rowe , Cayla 124, 145
37,114 13 4 124 199,
Peterson, Michael 114
Peterson, Stephanie 114
Petralia, Ryan 124
Pickett, Catrina 134
Pierce, Heather 146
Pierce, I an 124
Pietrafesa, Marissa 165, 200
Pike, Kendal 200
Pike, Nicole 41, 62, 63, 200,201
Popp, Jennifer
Porter, Marcus 116
Po sey, Lyza 70, 201
Post, Morgan 124
Potter, Kate 33, 114
33,201 114,
Ra y, Josepll 124
Redmond , Christina35, 64, 65,202
Reed , Du s tin 28,202
Reed Jr, Kenneth 51
Reimer, Don 14, 114
Reinhard , Jo s hua 208
Rempel-Wei ss, Jore e52, 62, 153
Renaud , Abigail 114
Retrum , John 124
Reveille , Robert 124
Rex , Cody 28, 29 , 124
Ri chard s, Jonathan 124
Ri chert , Jonathan 9, 51, 114, 156
Rickard , icole
Ridder, Emily Ridge , Lisa
Ridpath, Tyler
Riehl, Mi chael
Runge , Cassandra 124
Ruybal , Payton 135
Saeid, Hevi 114
Sageser, Lauren 13, 43., 45,124
Salazar, Michael 124
Sanchez, Alejandro 124
Sanders, Bethany 37, 114
Sands, Taylor35, 42, 114, 156
Sangi, Ashleigh
Sauer, Logan 124
Saxton, Alexander
Saxton, Zachary
Scally, Kenneth 3 1,50,5 1,20 4
37, 135 51,124 11, 30,
Seance, Charlotte 37, 204
Seance, Christopher 124
Schlauch,Richard 114
Schli ttler, Ilona 124, 150
Schluter, Rachel 41, 114
Potthoff, At1stin 13 4, 135
Potthoff, Brandon 124
Pret z, Nicholas 134
Price , Chandler 134
Priest, Kristen 13 4
Progar, Lind say 124
Prohas ka , Alexander 51
Pros, Amanda 165,201,202
Pro s ki, Scherel
Prueitt, Logan Pruett, Allison
Rivera, Samantha
, Joseph
Roblee , Miche l le 46 , 114
Roby, Robert 135
Rack l ey, Damien 135
Rode , Samantha 124
Roden, Cody 159,202,203
Rodger s, Ian 135
Rodger s, Je sse
Roesch, Amanda
Rogers, Amy 53, 114
Schmader, Heather 23, 114
Schnautz, Jackson 135
Schulte, Taylor 124
Schultz, Andrew 204
Schumacher, Jessica 124
Schuster, Scott 154, 155
Scohy, Julie 42, 114
Searcy, Crystal! 135
Secary, Melanie 114
Sedberry, Shawna 137
Seery, Kyle 60, 61, 114
Seidel, Emily 135
Radovich, Beau 114
Raley, Matthew 51, 114
Ramsay, Chloe 134
Ram sey, Chelsea 124
Ram s tetter, Stephanie
135 135
Rogers, Marcus 51, 114
Rol1.weder, Erik 135
Ron1.an, Guy 124
Romano , Ana l isa 73., 203
Romanow s ki, Harrison 124, 150
Romero, Derek
Roselle , Ariel 124
114 124
Selcer, Christopher 51, 204
Selcer, Tyler 51, 124
Sell, Destini 135
Senz, Alyssa 135
Serati, Anthony 114
Servold, Landon 125
Sewo l t, Jacob 125
Sl1.arpe, Colter 135
Shearer, Julia
114 45
134 28, 114 137 124 124 114 134 54, 55,
Pul e, Matthew
Peter Rabadan , Johnny
134 13 4
Rio , Dillon 124, 157
Timothy 39, 51 Rivera , Patri ck
Robbin s, Ember
Roberts , Jo s hua 114 Robert s, Lydia
Robin so n
Danielle 135 Robin so n
Rosette, Jessica ·-
Sheesley, Abbey 135 Sl1effield, Daniel Sl 114 Sheldon, Stephanie 9, 115, 146 Shepler, Logan 137 Sherman, Benjamin 135 Sherman, Samantha 1'3 s Siewert, Cullen S4 cc 5, 115 Silva, Elyssa 65, 12 5 Simmons, Tasha 125 Simon, icholas 115 Sipes, Melissa 14, 155,156 Sipkin, Samuel Skelton, Garrett Skelton, Timothy Skorka, Chelsea Slaton, David Slaven, Kaile y Sletten, Cassondra Smialek, John Smith, Chrisbna 205 Smith, Collin 125 16, 20s 135 135 125 1,... / llS 135 135 42 , 43, Smith, Cortney 11 s Smith, Courtne, 136 Smith, Ma 34, 35,205 Smith, Michael 136 Smith, Paul 136 Smith, Samantha 135, 136 Smith, Soleil 115, 1S6 Smith, Tyler 136 Smouse, Cody Smouse, Jacob 125 136 51, uO , Snart, Carson 136 Snelling, Samantha 72, 71, 205,206 Snyder, Regina 136 Soine, Katherine 28 116 Soine,Katl1erine 14 , 116 So l iz, Jeremy 51,206 Son, Synia 125 Sorvig, Kari 13, 125 Sosa, Casandra 136 Sosa, Elise 136 Spatz, A us tin 136 Spence, Mitchell 136 Spykstra, Taylor 136 Staub , Cal,, in136 Stauffer, Brianna 116 St ice, Savanah 136 1? ,._') Stiner, Kenneth St itt, I an 125 Stockman, An th on)· I 2'l
Sl1ea, Kacie 63, 135 Shearer, Jeremy 125
"toeckert, Erika 125
J ~tu ke~ , Connor 115
~tokes, Ryan 10, 50, 136
Stolte, Taylor 63, 125
1t 1 lev, Megan 65, 115
Sh,1ley, Timothy 65, 136
:. "ltrauss, Lilah125
~tr 1c ker, Jared
Stroh, Rachelle
Strol1, Samantha
Stumbo, Cory
Sturda , 1 ant, Derek
Sturgeo n, Amanda
, ~ugrue, Alexis
~uli k, Cai tlin 115
uJJey, Anthony 136
Sulh, an, Caitlin 125
Su lli, an, Logan 115
Sum meril, Connor 125
Su mmers, Alex 136
Suther, Steven 116
Su therland, J ackson 6, 51, 10~ - I
Su tter, Kaila 125
S\\ee t, icholas 115, 159
S¾·un, Lesley 41, 125
Taylor, Alexander 12, 115
fa, lor, Braden 115
Tay lor, Charles 136
Ta\ lor, Erin 12, 207
Taylor, Katelyn 63, 136
Tay lor, Megan 125
Tellez, Antonio 136
Te rrazas, Briana 115
Terry, Alexa ndr a 116
Th ielen, Danielle 13
lhielen, Devyn 136
Thirouin, Eric 16, 41
Thiroum, Kevin 136
TI1omas, Alexander 136, 157
Thomas, Andrea 65, 136
Tho mas, Malcolm 115
Tho1nas, Shelbe y 136
Tho mpson, Lu cas 136
hompson, Mitchell 125
Thomson-Foos, Carissa 12, --11
11;den, Ro ss 26, 51
rilden, Scott 136
f1n1, Davin 115
Tim, Julie 136
1in ucci, Patrick 55, 125
H>l bert, Cydney 125
ro ler, Travis 166, 207
Tollefson, Steven 125 , 148
Toms , Taylor 33, 125
Torbit, Jeremiah 16, 51, 147
Tortora, Robert 207
Townsend, Christina 131 , 136
Tracy, Alexander 115
Tracy, Jordan 115
Trammell, Jennifer 136
Tramontina, Aubrey112, 115
Tripp , Kyle 65, 125
Trout, Kyle 54, 55, 115
Trujillo, Andrew 51, 125
Trujillo, Tesia 125
Tu, Richard Hien 126
Turner, Darian 137
Turquette, Matthew 35, 126
Twiford, Alyson 137
Tycksen, Erik 137
Tyus, Christen 115
Urban, Alexander 15, 126,153
U rice, Ca l eb 126
Valenzuela, Anand a 208
Valerius, Lucas 30, 3 1, 60, 61, 208, 209
Va ll, Evan 126
VanDamme, Michael 115
VanDuyn, Richard 41, 65, 126
Vanner, Gerald 115
Vanner, Trenton 126
Vasquez, Cabrini 137
Vaughn, Jared 59, 126
Vergari, Annastauchia 127
Vernig, Paul 64,65, 115
Versaw, Jacob 115
Vigil, Janie! 137
Vigil , Shan t e l 115 , 159
Vigil, Tyler 126
Vincent, Christopher 137
Vogt, Matthew 126
Vogt, Mitchell 137
Vu, Jo hn 51, 12 6
Wacl1s, Kaitlyn 126
Wagner, Aubrey 137
Wagner, Michael 209
Wahlmeier, Micheal 137, 167
Wale, Alina 126
Walker, Jeffrey
Walker, Megan
Wallis, Jacob 115
31,166 137
Wallis, oah 65, 115, 165
Wallis, Todd 7, 59,209, 210
Walls, Ashley137
Wall s, Jason 210
Walth, Erin 41, 126
Walton, Ju stin 51, 115
Walton, icholas 137
Wangsness, Richie 116
Ward, David 51, 127
Ward, Joshua 126
Wareham, Emily 45, 46, 47,116
Warner, Kel sey 210 159, Warren, Matthew 126
Watson, Kaylee 116
Wea ver, Amanda 116
Webb , Cameron 137
Wehling, Sarah 137
Weingardt, Michael 137
Welch, Riki 116
Weller, Courtney 44, 45, 116
Wells, Brianna Werner, Dakota Werner, Mariah
White, Je ss ica
Whorlow, Craig
s, Dallas 51
M yriah Wilkinson, Stormy
51,206 206 115 127 115 115 136
Wessel, Meg an 153 West, Briana 137 Weston, Piper 211 126 51, 116 137 116, Weymouth,
Samantha 126
so n 126 137 126 137 126 211 41 , 65, Willia1ns, Kacy 137 William so n , Holly 37, 126 Willis , Jessica 71, 126 Wilson, Andrew 126 Wilson, Sally 13 , 166 Winkler, Eric 126 Wittek, Koby 116 Wittek, Tanner 126 Witters Hi cks, Kynan 137 Witthohn, Leah 137 Wittman, Natalie 7, 116 Wolaver, Timothy 39 Wold, Brianna 116 Wold, Sarena 116 Wolf, Brandon 137 Wood, Brittni 116 Wood, Chloe 32, 33, 116 Wood, Keith 58, 59 Wood, Keith 58, 59, 211 Wood, Marilyn 137 Wooley, Joseph 116 Wouk, Jordana 137 Wright, Molly 72, 73, 212 Wright, Samuel 41 , 206, 211, 212 Wunderle, Shelby 126 Wynn, Britainy 126 Yoakum, Ka si 22, 111, 116 Young, Alyssa 137 Young, Michelle 212 Youngs, Kyle 212,213 Yushka,Branden 126 Zaba, Debra 14, 137 Zant, Stacey 126 Zerbest, Cameron Ziegler, Alyssa 41, 126 37,126 137 116 Ziegler, Jonathan Ziegler, Stephanie Zigich, Kelia 13, 126 Zimmerman, McKenzie 137 Zipprich, orma 127 Zuniga, Luis 137 vonDreele, Julia 126, 158 vonDreele, Stephen 209
ll ey, Kevin 137
Jordan Hogan
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Nancy Pelosi is named the speaker of the House for the 110th Congress, becoming the highest-ranking female in the history of the federal government.
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On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, CIVIC leaders and mourners gather to commemorate the occasion with solemn ceremonies and moments of silence.
British authorities foil a terrorist plot to blow up planes headed to the U.S from the UK., resulting ,n airline restrictions on liquids. aerosols and gels.
• • •
• In his 2007 State of the Union address, President George W Bush reiterates his commitment to the war in Iraq and proposes sending additional troops overseas
• The Internet search giant Google pays $1 65 billion for the wildly popular YouTube video-sharing service
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On October 17, the US population passes the 300 million mark according to the Census Bureau 's official Population Clock
In an effort to curb illegal immigration , the Senate passes legislation authorizing the construction of 700 miles of double-layered fencing on the U S -Mexico border
Bobby Shriver and U2's Bono launch the stylish (PRODUCT) RED initiative to raise money for The Global Fund to Rght AIDS , Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa
Spinach tainted with E coli bacteria kills one consumer and sickens almost 100 more in 19 states, leading to calls for improved food safety practices
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Gerald R Ford , 38th president of the United States , dies at age 93 Ford was appointed vice president by Richard Nixon in 1973 and succeeded to the presidency after Nixon's resignation
THEThe Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel appointed by Congress, releases a sharply critical report that calls for a new approach rn Iraq
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More than 95,000 fires during the 2006 wildfire season claim more than 9 5 million acres in the United States
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• MySpace com galvanizes celebrrt,es and organizes more than 20 Rock for Darfur concerts to raise funds for what the UN calls "the world's greatest humanitarian cns1s."
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Controversial conservative Felipe Calderon begins his six-year term as president of Mexico after wmrnng by a narrow margin of only 0 56 percent.
Oprah Wintrey opens her $40 million Leadership Academy for Girls m the deprived small town of Henley-on-Klip, south of Johannesburg , South Africa
Saddam Hussein 1s sentenced to death and executed by the Iraq Special Tribunal for the 1982 murder of 148 Shiite inhabitants of Du1ail.
Former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, dies m London after being poisoned by radioactive polonium-210.
Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Islamic m1lit1a, attacks Israeli military positions and border villages, beginning :a a conflict that claims flE more than 1,400 lives, ?:.., mostly civilians U N. J peacekeepers are called in to broker a cease-fire x.
In October 2006, North Korean leader Kim Jong II orders the country's first nuclear weapon test.
Dunng the Six-Party Talks in February 2007, North Korea agrees to a nuclear disarmament.
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Wireless campuses , and entire cities, are popping up across the country Villanova University in Philadelphia, Pa., tops PC Magazines list of the Top 20 Wired Colleges
The FDA licenses the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer and other diseases in girls and women caused by HPV, the human papilloma virus
The World Wide Web reaches a milestone when an Internet research survey reports that there are more than 100 million websites online
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A team of French doctors surgically removes a benign tumor on a patient in a specially adapted aircraft that mimics zero gravity conditions
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• A hand held , portable electronic zit zappe r called Zeno gets FDA approval. In a chrncal trial , 90 pe rcent of treated blemishes disappear or fade in 24 hours
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.,.. After years of heated debate, astronomers decide to change the definition of a planet; Pluto no longer qualities Instead , it's reclassified as a dwarf planet.
• School systems in several states install fingerprint-reading technology that gives students a cash-free way to pay for lunch
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Colorful comfortable crocs-made from a buoyant, lightweight, odor-resistant material that molds to the wearer's footare the shoe of the year.
Couture designers like
and luxury brands
the Swiss crystal maker, transform boring cell phones mto the year's must-have bling
Mid-calf and ankle-length leggings, last seen in the trendy 1980s, return to the spotlight Fashion-conscious girls wear them under minis dresses and tunics
Pointy toes and high heels are out. The feminine, flirty ballerina flat goes with everything from short skirts to long leggings and super-skinny Jeans
Rapper fashion comes to the suburbs as snap-on grills add a flash of diamonds and gold or platinum to your pearly whites
Tiny plaid mini skirts look private-school cool. Meanwhile, Marc Jacobs is sending plaid tops down the runway and fashion icons sport Burberry plaids
Nearly 31 percent of teens, or 7 6 million , are consuming energy I drinks that contain up to four times the amount of caffeine than is in a can of Coke
The year's to-die-for, must-have-at-anyprice jeans are dark, slim , distressed denims from Diesel. the Italian labe l that inspires a cult-like devotion among its customers
Dolce & Gabbana
like Swarovski,
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Teens are raiding their parents' closets, as well as retailers like Urban Outfitters and American Eagle , for vintage rock and pop culture T's
Red is the color of the heart; 50 percent of Gap's PRODUCT (RED) profits go to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa
I easons ot • Atter severa s d n boot-cuts an .f!i \ow-slu g ners on ms desIg bell-bO 0 ' i the Atlantic both sides o er-skinny declare tnat sup tyle ieans are back ,n s •
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Chuck Taylor All Stars. the basketball sneakers first manufactured by Converse in 1917, are more popular than ever among male and female fashion mavens.
yourself a letter about your life today that you can read in 1Oyears to see what has changed '
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The Go Green Initiative reaches out to school campuses in all 50 states as well as in Europe and Afnca, to fo ster student commitment to envi ronmental responsibility
The rise in obesity among young people is linked to an increase in adolescent cases of type 2 "adult onset'' diabetes and associated health problems
• You Tube the Web video powerhouse tnat made "macaca' a household word, is the media story of the year and a wildly popular form of home entertainment.
Disney checks out business in the supermarket. licensing its brand name to a variety of health-conscious baked goods, produce, beverages, snacks and more
A marked increase in hearing loss among young people is attributed to the use of ear buds in popular MP3 players like the iPod
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Broadcast Y Home
Sony releases ,ts seventh generation PlayStation , known as "PS3 " The basic console has a 20 GB hard drive, tne premium version comes with 60 GB. Nintendo releases Wii, its newest video game console, which features a wireless remote that can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions
Madden NFL 07 and a barrage of end-of-the-year action games capture the attention of gamers, capitalizing on a maior emphasis on online gaming
The unfortunate adventures of the Baudelaire orphans come to an end wrth the publication of The End by Lemony Snrcket.
,,. The classic board game , Monopoly, gets a 21st century makeover The " Here & Now" ed1t1on features updated tokens, current market prices and 22 new properties
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A family of squabbling misfits drives a wheezing VW van to a beauty pageant meltdown in the hit movie comedy, Little Miss Sunshine
Will Smijh stars with 0 his son Jaden in The
Pursuit of Happyness,
based on a true story
about a struggling
single dad
There's a new Bond I in town and the cnt,cs 8 swoon along with the I ..., fans Blonde, brooding :a t: Darnel Craig debuts 8 as James Bond m 5 Casino Roya/e £
Many movie lovers opt for DVD convenience , instead of lines at the local theaters for hits llke Mission /mposs,ble Ill, Superman Returns, and The Devil Wears Prada
SNL alumnus Will Ferrell stars as a goofy, "win-atall-costs" NASCAR racing star in Talladega Nights: the Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow returns to the helm of the Flying Dutchman in the swashbuckling, supernatural sequel, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
Newcomer and former American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson wins the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical for her performance in Dreamgirls.
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Pro1ect Runway, a reality show competition for would-be fashion
designers , 1s a ratings winner for Bravo and a guilty pleasure • j for millions of viewers
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Golden Globe Winners
Best Motion Picture, Drama · Babel
Best Actress, Drama Helen Mirren , The Queen
Best Actor, Drama: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland
Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy: Oreamgirls
Best Director, Motion Picture Martin Scorsese , The Departed
Panic' At the D band from Las'Vsco , an alternative rock s egas ach1e uccess , despite a he~ted ves mainstream
words-w~th the· , public war of ,r ex-bass.player
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• Christina Aguilera releases Back to Basics a critically acclaimed album of blues , soul and jan music from the 1920s '30s and '40s
In the victory lane of Homestead-Miami Speedway, NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson celebrates his 2006 Nextel Cup title and a $6 2 million paycheck.
MVP Peyton Manning leads the Indianapolis Colts through a steady rain and past the Chicago Bears for a 29-17 victory in Super Bowl XLI
Nearly 1,100 competitors compete in the WSSA World Sport Stacking Championships in Denver. Forty-two new world records are set at the 2006 event.
The Miami Heat defeat the Dallas Mavericks in six games to win the 2006 NBA Finals Dwyane Wade, the Miami Heat guard, is named MVP
0When Andre Agassi retires from professional tennis at age 37. he receives a heartfelt, eight-minute standing ovation from the
crowd at the 2006 US Open
Kimmie Meissner, 17, wins the U S Figure Skating
Championship in January 2007 She is the first female since 1991 to win a world championship before earning the title in her own country
'===-=-===== Roger Federer retains his No 1 ranking for the t hird year in a row. Tennis star Maria Sharapova is the world 's highest-paid female athlete Both take home a U S Open Championship trophy in 2006.
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Shaun White makes his second unsuccessful attempt at the 1080 at the 2006 Summer X Games He is the only skateboarder to attempt the move in competition
The National League champion St. Louis Cardinals win the 2006 World Series by defeating the American League champion Detroit Tigers in five games
The Florida Gators become the first school in history to win both the NCAA basketball and football titles in the same year after defeating heavily favored Ohio State 41-14 in the 2006 BCS National Championship
In 2006, the Carolina Hurricanes defeat the Edmonton Oilers four games to three to win their first Stanley Cup in the first post-lockout championship.
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• In the 2006 World Cup Finals, the most widely viewed sporting event in the world , Italy beats France for the title
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• International soccer superstar David Beckham signs a $250 million contract to leave Real Madrid to play Major League Soccer in the U S for the Los Angeles Galaxy
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Tiger Woods and Mexican sensation Lorena Ochoa are named the male and female AP Athletes of the Year
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Katie Courie is the anchor of the CBS Evening News becoming the nation's first
female solo anchor of a major television network's weekday evening newscast.
-1---..-- Due to the popularity of user-generated websites hke MySpace and YouTube, TIME magazine 's annual person of the year 1s "You " 1 r
Jessica Simpson's divorce from Nick Lachey 1s finalized Romantic rumors link her to skateboarder Barn Margera , NFL quarterbact Tony Romo. singer John Mayer and comeafan Dane Cook
© 2007 Jostens, Inc 06-0537 (1972)
Shortly after the birth of their second son makes headlines around the world Britney Spears and Kevin Federline announce the end of their marriage
Dynamic music legend James Brown, aka the Godfather of Soul, dies at the age of 73 He is remembered as one of the major musical influences of the past 50 years
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. also known as "Bradgelina," make headlines when Angelina gives birth to daughter Shiloh in the African nation of Namibia
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Fans mourn Steve Irwin [ the Crocodile Hunter, who 1s killed by a stingray while snorkeling at Australia's Great Barner Reef
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