ver oar
Golden Demons get wet and wild during thier annual raft-trip around Colorado!!
The Jun i ors partake in a five day tr i p where they experience new and exciti ng things They explore the beautiful secrets of Colorado and nature 's beauty
Each day they set up their camp and cook their meals Junior Amanda Berens said , " Go i ng on the raft-trip provided useful skills for future life even though the food wasn ' t the best I' ve ever had ." During the week the juniors jumped off cliffs and swam in the river. " The wildlife was was so amazing, even though I was bitten by too many mosquotos ," s aid junior Nie Sweet. After i t ' s all said and done , the juniors were thriled to be back to a safe environment
Top left : Jun i ors rafters try to warm up while cooking dinner on the Green Ri ver
Middle left: Jun i ors Amanda Sturgen , Kelsay Branch , Cal Huber, Mr Conway, Mrs Jacobson , and Paige Haberman get ready for their raft trip
Bottom Left : Cliff Cusak and juniors Jessica Myers and Samantha Hopple pose in thier raft
Below : Mr Mike Mendoza smiles at the camera for a moment
H ea d s up
Rafter!> take a sho\,·er at on-and-off talb and get a break from thL' heat
. -· --·- -·---• 01n
-.'.---.---=-" -.1.....
• -___....
.,.. ,ll
C ome and g et it Junior Samantha Hopple ,1nd l\latt Ltn\ 1llc-Engler take a n1on,cnt fn.,n, preparing dinner to po..,e for a pie turt>
Page by : Brooke Palmer
iors p .56-69
Sophomores p.70-79
Freshman p.80-87
Faculty p.92-98
- -·--.t -----.!'...-.
It is the final stre tch for the Class of 2008, co unting down th e d ays until Ma y 10th when th ey ge t to walk across the s ta ge at Brooks Field to ge t th e ir diplom as and b e se t fr ee into the world as adults. As they are preparing for co ll ege and life after high school , th ey are s till making m e mori es in this old building, being the last class to graduate from here. Maggie Gillis sa id, '' The thing I e njoy e d th e mo s t about high school was making a lot of new friends. Seniors have not h a d a parking lot to park in and did not enjoy parking on the s treet for the past two years." Another benefit of being a senior thi s year: getting out ea rly. For Aubrey Tramontina, there is another plus. ''The be st part about being a senior was we get what we want for classes, and they are n1ore enjoyable." As the la s t class to graduate from thi s building, they are enjoying their time spent here .
--I36 - - - - -
:«tUUlll Jlll Ill lllt4, 37
Kassey Abeyta
Thomas Agrodnia
Ka thrn Aiken
Vian Arkawazy
Alyssa Armentrout
Tyler Babkiewich
Joseph Baca
Kyle Bailey
Zachary Baldry
Allison Balmes
David Banza
Becki Barned
Ashlie Barry
Amanda Bartosh
Kaysey Beard
Amanda Berens
Demetra Berg
Mindy Blythe
Whitney Bolton
- -- .--~-~--~-~~- -.-
Dt tn efr a Bt rf
Katy Bones10
Taylor Bosco
Austin Brabec
Kelsey Bran
Alexandra Bre
e1l Brooks
Thomas Brovvn
Bryan Brusenback
Bayard Bryan
Jordan BLtll
Timothy Burruss
-- - -
Kyle Seery
"i\ ly most embarras1ng moment \\as'" hen I got depant s in the courtyard bv Taylor -.; Eagen.'
Brittany Johnson
" I got a fart ma chine put under mv chair bv Blincoe " - -
I I l • •<A ''"'"'", 1 lJ1I/ /1 ,] 17 /7~/1 ~
Parker Moody "\I\ h en I '" as squat tin g freshman \ ear I let one rip "
Jv!Jtfl Bran elt
Matt Linville-Engler
"D, Ian Dille npped m) c;nap shorts off and thre,, them 1n the tree I \\ a., not able to get them out.'
s ler
Maura Callahan
Anthony Carbone
Jacob Carlson
Christina Carrano
Carly Chapp l e
Ali se Cohen
Rebec ca Conklin
Luke Contrera s
Cayce Co rnett
Thomas Cowden
Catherine Cox
Matthew Crow
Kimberly Cubbon
Ryan Currie
Nicholas Dahl
Anthony DeCarlo
Daniel Dus dal
Danielle Dolan
Dylan Dille '
Taylor Eagen
- - -
40 J J at.L
,/4... . _ Jacuf
CartJtJtt fuWt
Watter GlaJJ
, Brianna Engstrom
Larry Engs trom
Coral Eri c kson
Kyle E\ an s
Alex Fabisiak
Elizabeth Farrell
Peter Farrin
Simone Ferber
Samantha Fisher
Hannah Fleming
Carlie Ford
Michael Gagnon
Cody Galioto
Ryan Gaylord
Kylie Gehrke
Benjamin Geiger
Marshall Gillespie
Maggie Gil li s
Walter G l ass
N ico l e Green
K!JIC EVflf! J
Raimee Gree n
Lin d sey G ri ffin
Elli e G u s t a f so n
E ri k G u s t afso n
Paige H a b erman
Ell en Han ggi
Ari el H ansen
Tyl er H anse n
Jar e d H a n so n
Andr e H a rt
Erik H a rt ze ll
Zoe H a t ch
N i ch o l as H aze ll
Kar a H ec kman
Ian H e r z in g
Je r em y H oldt
Ju s tin H oldt
Wend i H oll and
Rach el H o ov le r
Sa m a ntha H o pple
Ertlt Harfzett
Jennifer Hord
Cal Heuber
athaniel Hughes
Rachel Hunt
l<J.ah Hurley
Rochelle Hu tman
Katja Jacobs
Briana Janssen
icholas Jarv1s
Tristan Jeffery
Ashley Johnson
Brittany Johnson
Tory Johnson
Kayla Johnston
Robert Jones
Cody J urballa
Rosemary Kalasz
icholas Kalinoski
Andrew Kao
Brandon Kinnard
4 3
Danielle Klimek
Raymond Klu cic
Morgan Klueber
Colette Kojder
Nicholas Koprowicz
Corey Kothenbeutel
Cara Kulbacki
Lauren Lacinski
Cassie Lambre cht
Christopher Lambrecht
Leonard Larso n
Colin Leffert
Hannah Lewis
Kir s ten Lewis
Matthew Linville-Engler
Bennett Lohre
Michael Lowder
Melanie Lucero
Kirsten Lutz
Kevin Lynam
---· - - - ----~~ - - - - -
Mele KtJ/}rfJwtez
C/2rtJ La1n6recftr
Macr Lt11vt!te- Ettjfer
Lattren Laetn J/et
Btntt err LfJnre
'E, er} thing ne\A." and de cora te ¼ 1th sa me co lor s and a big sc reen h "
Brittany Marqui s Taylor Marshall
Paula Marhn
" Fridge full of food and a rooma t e \\'h o doesn't s teal m} food "
Amber Martine z Eric Martinez
James Marhne z 1co le Marhnez
"A life tim e su ppl, of puddin g 1n the kit c h en, a 60 inch hdh, and a cool part, r oomate Yeah 1"
Ian Ma thew son
Joel Matoba
Casey Mayo
Don M c Gmn1s
"A thr o,\ n o f sk ull s, torch ht, and a goth 1c st, le bed "
Lizzie Farrell
Matthew McDonald
Rob Balmes
Jay Caro
4 5
Matthew McDonald
Jordan McGregor
Luke Mcllwee
Steven McKendry
Sarah McKenzie
Shane Meehan
Lynae Meyer
Kathleen Meyers
Alyssa Milan
Ashley Miller
Jessica Montana
Quentin Montemayor
Parker Moody
Shannon Moore
Stephanie Mora l es
Derek Moran
Anthony Morgan
Jessica Myers
Jeffrey N arkewicz
Joshua Navarez
- --- - ·- - -- - - -
4 6
A1hlt!f Mt!!er
JtJJh Navarez
Samantha eal
Rhianna elson
Robin eumayer
Robert evvberg
Shane 1a
Casey immer
Lucas oble
Elizabeth O'Brien
Sean O'Reilly
Wesley Okonzak
Celia Padilla
Ashley Palmer
Sh1reena Patel
Kylee Perea
Chelsea Perez
Stephanie Peterson
Kate Potter
Alexandra Price
Logan Prueitt
Andrew Pyburn
' 17
8tJOO!J NtWbt'rf
Clte/Jea Perez SlfjJ/2a11tt PtftrJtJ11
A11 drew P!J011rn
Beau Radovi ch
Matthew Raley
Stephanie Ram s tetter
Lind sey Ra tkiewi cz
Sean Ratledge
Abigail Renaud
Jonathan Richert
Michelle Roblee
Amy Roger s
Marcu s Rogers
Derek Romero
Sarah Ruchti
Hevi Saeid
Bethany Sanders
Taylor Sands
Rachel Schluter
Heather Schmader
Julie Scohy
Melanie Secary
Kyle Seery
- --
48 _---------.,, __ ..__ _____ ~--- '
JtJn Rtcfterr
Saraft Rttc/2rt
Anthony Serah
Daruel Sheffield
Stephanie Sheldon
Cullen Siewert
ichola s Simon
Kailey Sla\ en
Cody Smail
Cortney Smith
Sole1l Sm1 th
Katherine Soine
Connor Stokes
Megan Straley
Samantha Stroh
Derek Sturda\rant
Amanda Sturgeon
Caitlin Sulik
icholas Sweet
Chad Tafoya
Alexander Taylor
Braden Tay l or
I/ -.;;..: iiiiiiiiiii.;;;
"' ::::=:111:it_;;;;-;
l(allttrtnt StJtJtt
• Derek Sfttrdavanr
" H a d to ge t s tuff o ut o f m y car."
Ca m er o n Te rmin-F i e dl er
Bri a n a Te rr azas
M a l co lm Th omas
A l exand e r Tr acy
" The ye arb o ok p e opl e m a d e me l a te"
" Yo u d o n ' t want to kno¼' "
Jo r da n Tr acy
A ub rey Tr am ontin a
Ky l e Tr o ut
C hris t e n Ty u s
" Traffic becaus e an el ephan t tr a mpled on m e."
St eve n U mbr ec ht
Mi ch ae l Va nDamm e
Ge r a ld Vann er
P a u l Verni g
Morgan Klueber and Kiah Hurley
Tristan Jeffery
Tom Brown
Cody Smail
&ntl/J UJareftatrt
Brtrtnt UltJtJtl
Ste\en Allen Anelle Gerard
Jessica Baars
Kyle Baily-Fa}
Har1ntJ1tJj NtJiletr
Derrick GonLales
Joshua Graukc
Luis Balmes-Gutierre/ Kelly Greene
J ult an Bra \ o Laci Hageman
Tyler Brock 1sar Ha \\ ram)
Anthon} Cara, clla
Joseph Hayne~
Jordan Caro-Se1" aid Ramiro HerandeL-Lopez
Andre,\ Daniele Timothy Houser
Lu is Dominguez Joseph Jennings
Len1 a Dreiling Sean Jessop
J1mena Garcia
Jacob Ver s aw
Shantel Vigil
Jacob Walli s oah Walli s
Rebecca Junker
Richie Wang s ne ss
Emily Wareham
Kaylee Wat so n Riki Welch
Jan- Bernd Kah elage
lmn: Kraw,~
A.rchana Kuman
Charlene r-.1athe\\ s
Angelo \feJta
Abbie Monroe
Joseph 1s" ongcr
f' Porter
Joh nn } Rabadan
K}lc Schltz
Scott Schuster
Logan Sulh, an
Courtney Weller
Dakota Werner
Megan Wesse l Koby Wittek
atalie Witt111an
Sarena Wold
Brittni Wood
Chloe Wood
Harmon y osker
Ste, en Suther
Alexandra Tell)
Da, in Tim
Jessie.a Trumbatu 1
1ark \r1llarreal
Justin \\alton
11 chacl \\ahon
Amanda \\ea,er
Bn anna \\old
\\ ood, T1n1o th }
\\ook} Jo~eph
\eornan. Joanna
Yoakum Ka,1
Most Likely to: Be a Professional '/ Athlete
Most Likely to: Be a Super Model
Most Likely to: Be on American Idol
Most Likely to: Be a Comedian
Most Likely to: Be a Desperate Housewife
Most Likely to: Be a Professional Dancer
Most Likely to: Win the Lotto
Most Likely to: Live in a Tree House
Most Likely to: Become President of the United States
Most Likely to: Go Out in a Blaze of \ Glory \
Most Likely to : Be a Movie Star
Most Likely to: Become a Fortune Teller
Most Likely to : Reality T.V. Star
Most Likely to : Land on the Moon
·- -· - -.--- --~\I\G
iof Class of 2008 can do anything th ,ne sen ey set th
. e,r rnind
Alex fantstal
Most Likely to: Conquer the World
Most Likely to: Have a Brand of Jean s arned After Them
Most Likely to: Become a Dot-Com Millionaire
Most Likely to: Be Asking: '' Do You Want Fries With That? ''
Most Likely to: Re-Tell a s tory of Scoring the Winning Touchdown Thousand s of Times
Most Likely to: Be on the Cover of
"Rolling Stones"
Most Likely to: Be a Designer in Vogue
Most Likely to: Send Their Kids to Golden High School
Most Likely to: Be the Next Stan Lee
Most Likely to: Be a CIA Agent
Most Likely to: Write the Next American Novel
Most Likely to: Be An Apple Genius
Most Likely to: Be a Pro Snowboarder
Most Likely to: Swim With Sharks
-- - -I - - - - - ~-. -
---- - - - - - -~= -· ' 54
• . 55
The countdown begins for the junior class anticipating the days until they are able to call themselves seniors. Finally crossing the line from underclassmen to upperclassmen, the junior class is preparing for the ACT and SAT ahead. They have a better seat in the gym at the assemblies and have formed many bonds with the seniors. Junior Scotty Duff said, ''The best part of junior year is seniority, driving, and having more friends than the years past." Caitlin Sullivan said, ''The best part of being a junior is being close to being a senior, finally."
The juniors have a long year of harder classes, prom, and saying goodbye to the seniors they have become so close to over the years. They have made some of thier best memories during this year. The juniors have spent quite a bit of time in this old building themselves and are looking forward to the new school that they will get to enjoy their senior year. They will get a new parking lot and new sports facilities to lay and enjoy for their last year of high school.
-- - --~-56
Rabab Abdulhusse1n
Amanda Albrecht
Ta 1lour Aharuello
Delane} Alhson Ames
E, an Anderson
Hannah Anderson
Shilo Archer
Jordan Arellanes
Ramon Arellano
Krista Ashcraft
Ka}lynn Asmussen
Nathen Baalman
Jerem) Barton
Glara BarzanJi
Kyle Beers
Caroline Beetham
Adam Bembenck
Mathe\-. Benzie
Enka Biesinger
Sarah Binns
Joshua Blythe
Lisa BogobO\\'ICZ
Stefano Bonagura
Nicholas Boxier
Beniamin Bo} le-Court
Joseph Bra chle
Christopher Bro\vning
Alex Buehler
-58 --- - -- --- - -
\ \ I •
Jenna Burn
Lars Burnham
Bryon Burroughs
Ah ssa Burton
1'.1mberl\' Cafarella
l<..e\ 1n <..arntCcllo
1'.athennc. Carter
Curtis <..asbum
Ariana (a~tro
Jt.>s,t <..astn)
Brc.•,l nna ca~trod,1lc
Erika C.iton
Kristina Ch,l\'C/.
Ira Cochran
Jillian Collins
Andre,, Coope r Fnc. (.o,per Chcl,ea (
Phillip <,, Tiara ( urt1-..
Taylor Custer • Ta, lor c, r
\lad1son Dale
Katherine Dalton '\ 1c.ol,1s Damiana
t\,1arissa Da\ 1s
Rebecca Da\ ,., Colton dcR01n
R,an Dore \ \'1lham Dot,
\ r.; -I - - -
59 - ·
Carh Dougla~
Emil, Dreiling
Joshua Dre1ltng
Scott Duff
James Duncan
Kathrine Duncan
Alyssa Duran
Jeffery Du, all
Ashley Dyer
Jered Eagan
Taylor Ed,vards
Ben1amin Ellio t t
Nicholas Estrada
Leeza Etzenhouser
Lisa E,anko
Anel £\ans
Alexandria E, ens t
Kelly Fair
Enc Fauble
Blake Feighner
Melissa Ferns
Hila r y Filiault Am, Fhck
Spencer Flo,ver
Dan1el Froyen
Brandon Gage
Michelle Garnett
Stephan Ga t es
Clemens Georg
Bill} Gerard
-- - - -
-- - -· -
A-.p~n C.,roff Roland Haa, l ind,e\' Hamilton • RebL'CC<l H<1 rri ._ Jt•ffrey Hartman Elizabeth Ha rt;,ell -' _.....t::IP• --.... Annastauchia Vergari " To c hill '°' ~1th m} buddi es" Stacy
" The voi ce s 1n m y head a re t elling m e to " Samantha
" Ju s t a little un s t a ble ."
To ge t foo d , cau se food 1s b o mb 1" 6 1 -
Kelh C.,ilas \\ h1tne\ Glandt Lauren C.,oh Tabatha C.,0odrich Ra, mond (~rant Anthon\ (,reen
Greenfield D,11Ja._ Greer
Becki Davis and Jered Eagen "
Sabrina Hayes
Kevin Hays
ZachaI") Herr
Cor, H1lbome
• Eddie Ho"' ard
Jordan Ho,\ es Case) Ho\, re)
Lacey Hufnagel
Sean Hughes
'v1argaret Hunt
Ta) lor Israel-Cle, eland
T) ler Jackson
Daniel Jennings
Jackee Jensen
Dillon Jess
Joshua Johnson
T) ler Johnson
Harley Kam
Megan Kilpatrick
Ja1m1e King
Jodi Kmnen
Natasha Knight
Glenn Knussmann
Amanda Koche, ar Carly Koczera
Jennifer Kolm
Jessica Kopischke
Brenton Ko\.vitz
Erin Kruchen
Hannah Lafalce
---- - --62
I ~ - .Al (a~,
Sarah l...ihnert
Su..,an Lane
Perri Lang
Jame L1ufer
Alexander ll.'cd..,
~tailor\' Lizz,.1 • Chri tin,1 Ljungvall
Ke, \ 'n Lollar
Oan1elle Lo, ch· Kell,· Lubkeman
Bree Lu,k ~lichelle t-.taguire
\ Villi.1m :-.tallec
Ca\la \lann
• T) ll•r \taplebacJ..:
Gunner ~tarino
..\lc,i, ~far,o
R\ an \ t artinek
\tegan \tarhnez
R\ ,\n \tarhnez -
Elizabeth \lathe\\ ,on
Chn!>topher \la) o
Ann \lcCall
Je sKa \kC.racken Sage \.tc(nnck
l\1eghan l\lclaughhn
Ian 1\tc alh
Ah aro ~ledina Camacho
Ian I\ lernll
Justin ~hd, et
.., j . ·• - - -
Alex tvHller
Je~1ca Miller
~1eaghan Milne
Paige i'vhtchell
Kaila .t\ Iolt
Paden tv1orehead
Hannah l\. l on a\
Astra ~1oss
Bradle) Mott
Zachan J\1ulhns
Jenrufer J\1} ers
Rhett ~ebeker
\lhson -eedham
Chase l\J1chols
Holl) 1chols
"Six th because I h ave a long lunc h and get to h a ng with Li sa So u1on "
"Seve nth be ca u se on Friday I' m done at noon ."
"S ixth because I li\ e close to home and ca n jugar Yideo • II 1uegos
"Third because 1t 1s a part, 1"
Trent Vanner
Richard VanDuyn
Jake Smouse
Kyle Tripp
Oa\ id Nitz
Tajh obles
Victoria 1 orris
Kimber O ' Brien
Eryn Oehl e rt
Catherine O ' rourke
Saige Pachello
Blake Padilla
Brooke Palmer
Orlando Paredes
Jenna Park
Brandon Pej sa
~ayeli Perez
Gregory Perrin
Rvan Petralia .,
Ian Pierc e
Kalina Pittman-t..torgan
~1organ Po s t
Brandon Potthoff
Lindsay Progar
~fatthe\\' Pule
limothv Pullano • Kristine Quilang-Ca s tro
Victoria Quintana
Chebea Ramsey
John Retrum
Robert Re, eille
Cod\ Rex
Lisa Ridge
Corinna Rieger
' L 6 *• I •,,( .J ··-
Dillon Rio
Samantha R.t\'era
Shelby Robmson
Samantha Rode
Guy Roman
Harrison Romano\vsk1
Ariel Roselle
Jessica Rosette
Brett Ross
Patnck Rosse
Mary Roth
Da \ 1d Rothrock
Cavla Ro\-ve
Lauren Sageser
Michael Salazar
AleJandro Sanchez
Victoria Saucedo
Logan Sauer
Zachal"} Sa>..ton
Chri s topher Seance
Ilona Schhttler
Ta, !or Schulte
Jessica Schumacher
T) ler Selcer
Jeremy Shearer
Max Shefte-Jacobs
Elyssa Sih a
Tasha Simmons
Chelsea Skorka
Anita Siana
- -~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!========~--66
Collin Smith
Jacob Smouse
S\nia Son
l\larie Sondergaard
Kari Son•ig
Li,a-\1arie Soujon
Kenneth Stiner
Ian 5titt
Taylor Stolte
Lilah Straus!>
Caitlin Sulli\'an
C.onnor Sun1n1enl
Kaila Sutter
Le,ley S,vim
~1egan Taylor
\litchell Thomp!>on
Robert Thomp~on
(ans a Thomson-Foo:.
Jordan lidball-Sciullo
Patrick Tinucci
(ydne, · Tolbert •
Ste, en Tolle6,on
Ta, !or Tom~
K} le Tripp
Andre,v Trujillo
Tesia Trujillo
Richard Hien Tu
~latthe,,· Turqut:?tte
\lexander l,rban
- --~67 -·
Caleb Urice
Evan Vall
Richard VanDuyn
Trenton Vanner
Jared Vaughn
Ke"m Vega
Annastauchia Vergari
Tyler Vigil
Jacob Villarreal
Matthew Vogt
Julia VonDreele
John Vu
Kaitlyn Wachs
Alma Wale
Enn Walth
Joshua Ward
Matthe\" Warren
Bnonna Wells
Craig Whorlow
Stormy Wilkinson
Jackson Williams
Holly Williamson
Jessica Willis
Andrew Wilson
Enc Winkler
Tanner Wittek
Shelby Wunderle
Britainy Wynn
Branden Yushka
Stacey Zant
'd -
" It better not suck."
" It sucks, I \!\anted to graduate from this school "
Zachan Zarlengo
Cameron Lerbest
Alyssa .Ziegler
Keha Z1g1ch
Norma Z1pprich
" It feel s as great as Tupac's hfe "
Vi c to ria Alb e rtso n P e te r F os te r
J os hu a Arago n N i c h o l as F ox
Wil liam At e n M o l l y Go bl e
P a ul B o wm a n Al yssa Go n za l es
J esse Cas tl e Kev in Hin es
Aaro n Co r c h ary Carl H o r eck y
Oli ve ia Di xo n R ac h ae l J oyce
A n ge ll eah Lu x
J os h ua Lyall
A l ex i s M arso
J azzm in M artel l
Bri a nM aso n
Ge dd y M o r a n
R ya n No l an
It's hke I' m gonna g raduate with a H1 -C 1n one hand, a beautiful babe 1n the other, s u ckin g up th e cos rru c ra ys"
H ea th er Q u in tan a
J o n ath an R ic h ard s
L an d on Servo ld
Bri tt n ey S m ith
Kelia Tay l o r
M ic h ae l Vasq u ez
D avid Ward
-· •-----
Lars Burnham
Tyler Vigil
- "!.._....___
Alex Miller
Sophomores have finally made it through their freshman year and are no longer the lowest class in the school. They are getting closer to being able to say they are upperclassmen. They get to look forward to more sporting events, Prom, and being seniors when it is their time. ''I am looking forward to sports and new people, '' said Alysia Davey. John Smialek said, ''Being
a sophomore is better than a freshman, because you do not get picked on and you fit in more. " This class has finally otten into the rountine of classes and hlgh school in general.
- - - - I -- - ~~.-...- -·.
" Loveland is my favonte place to snowboard cause it's cl ose fun , and has the bes t snow"
"Win ter Pa r k because th e r e aren ' t a lo t of peo p le t here a n d t hey have good runs ."
Keys tone There aren ' t many people there and 1t ha s a good terrain park "
Jali,a Abel
\\.'11,on Adams
Jordan Akes
Scott Albrecht
Gabrielle Anderson
l\ 1atthe\,· Anderson
Samantha Arche\'
Adam Arellanes
Tearsa Arellano
Kisha Aristide
Amanda Amer
r\mv Aten •
Katherine Baals
Jose Baeza
Alexandra Baghaie
'\iicholas Baile ·
Le, 1 Baldon
Talia Balint
Jennifer Balmes C,utierrez
Leslie Bartle}
Christopher Baumann
Geoffre\ Baxter
Zachan Bell
Eben Berg
John Smialek
Key s t one , becau se I like gir ls ,,
. ·----
Alex Koprowicz
Kevin Catalano
Taylor Spykstra
- -·71
72 Candice Berte Kon B1tterhch Larry Blakesley Brittany Bluse Taylor Bolton Hannah Boltz Shelby Boonstra Olivia Boyer Natasha Breathwa1te Hannah Bretz Allie Bridenburg Daniel Brightbill Elizabeth Broadbent Matthew Brochm Travis Broneske Kayla Brown Brittany Bruder Ali Bryson Zachary Bublitz Tayler Bull Stefany Bullard Cameron Bush Johnson Apnl Caddigan Dylan Camacho Austin Campbell Austin Carman Kate Carpenter Dereck Casas Janalynn Casburn Kevm Catalano Brandon Chapin Mark Cherry Colton Ch1rila Athan Clark Bryan Clark William Clem Rachael Cobb Sena Contreras Kevin Courtney Andrea C ra ycraft Samantha Cubbon Ryan Curley Dal ton Curry Nathan Cusack Matthew Daley Jeffery Daniele Alysia Davey Cara Davis
Jessica Dell-Martin
athanuel DeMarco
Ioreni D1a2:
Charlotte Dickens
icholette DiGiacomo
Raina Dinkel
Ciera Dolechek
Jo~hua Dowsett
Jessica Dreiling
Jasmine Duvall
Kirstin Edvvards
Lohre Elisabeth
Audre} Ellis
Derek Emsbach
Kellie Erickson
Elias Euler
Rvan Evans
Alexandra E\, crs
Elba Femandcz-Degamtc
Connor Fielding
Vanessa Fleischman
Robert Foden
Travis Fo~ett
Halev f ranco
A.dam Frank
Clinton Franz
Richard Freeman
Codv Frost
Kvle Fuller
Kelli Gallagher
Helena Gallegos
Monique Garcia
Victoria Garcia
Sean (
Bruce C..erard
James Gerard
Nicholas Gilpin
Edward C..ochenaur
Austin C..oh
Jamie Come/
Carlos C..onzalez
David Craebel
Jesse Grear
Michael Greene
Brittany C..regory
Andrea C..n1a lva-Montreal
Dushn Grove
Ka1 lee Culley
-I 74Zeke Gustafson Gabrielle Hall Jameson Hanson Sean Hartman Rachel Hebberd Jessica Hembro\v Amanda Hensley Dustin H erting Bryan Highsmith Cody H inrichs Gregory Hirsch James H oover Michael Horan Knshe Houchen Justin Hudson Kyle Hupf Torrey Israel-Cleveland Tyler Jeffrey Selena Jeserrug Jonathan Jewell Eric Jimenez Kathryn Johnson Shannen Johnson Lmnea Jones Destini Sell " D on't tak e things to ser io u s ly" ,:--1i l' Jessica Hembrow and Matt Daley
I trunk therefore I a m ' because 1t define s exis t e n ce t o a p o int. " David McManigal
There are no s tupid questions o nly
tupid an swe r s." • \ l Jamoson Hanson
Hold my po cket please' cuz my coach taught i t t o me ."
t,..tacey Jones
R\an Jones
James Jonsson
\fegan Jorda!
\1atthe\\ Jordan
Chaz Kerger
Ab1ga1l Kerns
t\.1atthe\\ Kerridge
Cohn Kiel
~1atthe,, Kilpatrick
Catherine Kmg
Jason Kinnard
S, h 1a Kistler
Jessica khmel-..
Graham Knussmann
k.else, Koentges
Ale,ander KoprO\\'icz
Dru Kothenbeutel
Amv Ladebue
Betty Lam
Tracy Lam
Luke Lamb
Ashle, Lamere
Jesse Leazenb)
Brooke Leeds
T} !er Lent-Agwlar
Tanner L1dd1ck
William L1\'ingston
Nathan Lohman
Kassandra Long
Tomm} Lopez
!vtegan Lord
Ronald Lo\e
Michael Luchetta
Alax Lu1an
Angela Lurtz
Kel se\ Lu s k
Tanner Lutz
Katie Maas
Casey Ma ck
Alyssa Maestas
Westbrook Mahunn
Adria Manno
Co nner Marshall
Dana Martin
Alexander Marhne z
Derek Martine z
Joslyn Martinez
. ..,,,,.·--
'"- --~----75
- ---Kirk Matoba Tara Mattson Tanner Mceachern Spencer McIntire Monty McIntyre David McManigal Trav1s McStraw Ann Mead Taylor Mears Soesha Melendez Gonzalez Gerald Miller Matthew Miller 76 Cody Milne Davis Mitchell William Mitchell Hunter Monroe Vincent Monti Shaun Montoya Jesse Moon Spencer Morgan Lisa Moulton Nicholas Mullen Lillie Nauslar Molly Navant-Martin Nicole Navarez Sasha Neesmith Brandon Nelson Wesley Nelson Anthony Neumayer Aaron Newell Chanda Nguyen Jesse Nielsen Amy Nilius Rebecca Nitz Angela Noonan Yon Nonega Clayton Oertli Jared O'Reilly Kailey Osbaugh Anamaria Osono lnese Ozols Zachary Packard Lea Parimuha Kyle Parker Amalin Parra Jacob Paul Kathryn Payne Joshua Payte I
Jacob Pearce
Blake Perea
Shani!>e Perkins
Lindsey Phillips
Catrina Pickett
Austin Potthoff
; icholas Pretz
Chandler Price
Kristen Priest
Scherel Proski
Allison Pruett
Peter Quaterma!>S
Javier Ramirez
Chloe Ramsa}
Catherine Rathbone
Nicole Rickard
Christopher Ricken
Emily Ridder
Tyler Ridpath
:V1ichael Riehl
Patrick Rivera
Danielle Robinson
Damien Rocklev
Ian Rodgers
Je!>se Rodgers
Amanda Roesch
Jordan Ross
Victona ROSSO\\
Zachan Roud) bush
Payton Ru',, bal
\t1e Shav Sandoval
Alexander Saxton
Jackson Schnautz
\1a11 Scott-Gilbert
Cn·stall Searc)
Emil\ Seidel
Deshni Sell
Alvssa Senz
Colter Sharpe
Richard Shaulis
Kacie Shea
Julia Shearer
Abbe', Sheesley
Logan Shepler
Ben1am1n Sherman
Samantha Sherman
Garrett Skelton
Ttmoth\ Skelton
-. - ---~
Cassondra Sletten
John Smialek
Courtne} Smith
Michael Smith
Paul Srruth
Samantha Smith
Tyler Srru t h
Cody Smouse
Carson Snart
Regina Snyder
Casandra Sosa
Ellse Sosa
AushnSpatz Mitchell Spence
Alyson Twiford Erik Tycksen
Collin Ulrich
Sophia Vang
Cabrini Vasquez
Christopher Vincent Mitchell Vogt
Aubrey Wagner
Micheal Wahlme1er
Megan Walke r
Shelbey Thomas Lucas
t t
Deveraux Spencer Taylor Spykstra Calvin Staub Brianna Stauffer Haley Sterner Jamee Stev.rart Ryan Stokes Tunothy Straley Alexis Sugrue Anthony Sulley Alex Summers
Taylor Katelyn Taylor Devyn Thielen Kevin Trurouin Alexander Thomas
Thompson Sco
Chr1Stma Townsend Jennifer Trammell Darian Turne r
\ \
Alys:,a Young
Debra Zaba
Jonathan Ziegler
\l cKenzie Zimmerman
Lub Zuniga
A:,hley \.\'alb
1chola:, \.\Talton
Sarah \.\'ehling
tl.1ichael \.\'eingard t
Cvna \.Vendelin .
l\.1ariah \Verner
Cyna Wendelin
" An} whe r eas long as I' m v.•1th mv man" -
Paul Smith
"A nypla ce I can be \\ 1th her "
Briana \\e~t
Ashle) \.\e:,tbrooke
Ja1c1e-Duri \\'hbenhunt
]t:!>sica \Vhite
'\h riah \.'vilktns
ke, 1n \\'1lle, •
1'..acv \\'illiam~
K, nan \\1itter:, Hick!.
Leah \Vitthohn
Brandon \\'olf
~ l arilvn \\'ood
Jordana \\'ouk
Tim Skelton
" Anywhere I can see the moon so I can compare your beautiful eyes to 1t. " OO @'ir l?n@ 'if wrn Ii:@
Olivia Boyer
"A co ncert 1n the park ,, ·1th pizza"
Chehea Alexander
Katerina Allbee
Shanel Arguello
Cob) Brav,ner
T), on Colledge
Mll chell Oa\1s
Breanna D11lon
Sa\ an nah Engel
Nicolette Fraley
Chnst1an Gonser
Jame son Gregson-Ohrt
Johanna Guuerrcz 01117
Oa, td Jack-.on
Armon Goldanloo Nlorg an Ken tbk)'
Natasha Lawrence
Eli!'.abeth Lohre
Kan-.~a t\. l P,1k
Hannah Naun1ann
A~hle) Ouellet
Des11nee Queen
R)an Quinonez
L) d1a Roberts
Enk Rohweder
\ntonio Tellez
--. --- h~•- -
kid s at the sc hool are the freshmen. Most fre s hmen have many fear s when they co me to high sc hool. Kristin Braunagel said , '' My bigge s t fear s of coming were the se nior s and getting lo s t. " The freshmen have many new and exciting changes from b e ing in middle school. They have off ca mpu s privlege s and new freedoms. Cole Skorka sa id, '' I enjoy meeting the upperclassm e n and meeting new girls." They have a long three years ahead of them including challenging homework, finding dates to dance s, making the team, fitting in, and meeting new friends.
- -- --80
Za kar\ ,\crec
j() hu,1 Adams
SJra ,\ikl'n
Ttm()thv Aincham , Nolan Albre c ht
Fallon , \lianiello
Br.1ndon Ander:-on
Kvle , \nderson
~1,1x,vcll , \nder on
Nathan J-\ndcr on
S.1muel , \nde~on
f--1cnrv , \ndrL•,, , - Jonc • L.luren Arellano
Je, ic ..1 , \rn1enta
~1.1tthC\\' Arrll) o-.
Je,..,i c a 1\!.-h Cr,1ft ~lclanie , \ugen..,tein
The,1 B,1a c k
Nathan Ba c k
H,1c, un Bae
Lil y B.1gh,1ei
Conor Bald~·
Brendan B,1ln1c
Jt."- s e Banks-\Vood
Dt.,-,i re1..• BJ rto.., Sean Beach
EliL...1bcth B~•nnett
Kiyo Bennett
;\l,1rg..1rct Bl,lh,1
Luc Boi s ~au
\ 1,1leriv,1 Bondarcnk o ~tatthc,, Boncsio
Jor,•,1n Booher
• ( a\ in,· Kn tin Braunagcl
C.arl Brl'Cr
\ \ hitne,• Bret;1 "
Tre\. Bro,, ning
\1e~an Bry.,n
~legan Buchler
Ke\ 1n Burns
Adam Burris
Brianne l an1cr()n
Alexandn,1 Campbell
Em1h C.anada, • t\lorgan (arn1ichacl
J,hminc (a..,burn
Shclb, C.a e, Jc~u" Castanon
Orion C.astro
Lan a Caton
Tra, C.aton
Se,1n Chapman
Eh cia C.hristensen
Ian C.lem
f.-.a\ lee C.ober
T, ler C.olle
[n1ma C.on,, ,1\
C.hns (ordo\ a
Hannah C.outts
\\ilham C.ox l\
D\ Ian C.ra,, ford
K,11tlvn C.ra\\ ford
--· -•·--·r,---
.ft CORl!J
" It 's that I still haYe th.ree years till I'm out of high school "
Jordan Cullum
l\ icole C urne
ichole Cusack
Blake C, ar
Ke, 1n Dale
E, an Dam1ana
Joanne Dang
Stephanie Dang
A.mber Da, 1s
Karter Deane
Louie DeHerrera
Alexander Delmonico
Shayna Dickey
Keaton Dille'
Wilham D1ment
Ariah Donohue
Annika Dotson
Ro; Dov.son
Ehse Dre1hng
Sa, anah Dunn
Natasha Eagleton
Ka} le1gh Elm
Man-'\a Ermila
Jo shua Et7enhouser
Tre, or E, anson
1imoth} Fabis1ak
Cod) Fales
Susan farnn
Lukas Fluitt
Ben1am1n Francisco
Keenan Franklin
Andreana Gahan
Klaus Georg
Justin Getschman
Kaitl\ n Gilbert
"Not being able to take photography as a freshman ."
"I hate not being able to drive places "
·---~- - --82
Wyndam Williams
Nicole Osbaugh
Destinee Starr
j l15SSAM9.Bl1
Stevie Parker
" Being a freshman in general."
0 ~ .,
~In Cilbr,1ith J,1mL"- Gillis
J,lnll's Gihnorc
Coleman ('";hens
IJ,1 Gold,1nloo
D ', \ngclo ( ,on,e/ l iii Gordon
Victoria Gore l).1nicl Graebel
Blake Grnv , Sh,Hvn(•e Grav ., D.,J.:otn Gn.: enc
Ed,vard GrL'gory
Ben1amin Gross
Kl•il.:ini f1,1n,m lichaL'l l-f,1n-.;cn
Jorie Ht1rri, Patrick H,,rt
1--{ ussam fi,1soon
Jan,e-- Ha, er Jt..,.,,ic.:i l fa,.., ,
l,1ri-.n Hazell Brl'nt fiern,'l1
Jordan f {erzing Jl',sica fics..,nl'T J f Iildenbr.1nd [),1n11en Hill
Samantha f HU
Luke Holl,1nd
Robert Holland
Devin fiord
C,1:.e~ 1-lo-.burgh 1in1oth, Ho\\ are • ~1.,llorie Ho, , lnylor Huk•tt
Cod,· i lull • Rich,1rd f i unt
Fr,1nces Hunter '\.1zminc Hunter Brooke l,1nn,1dtt, Niko ln,•in
Odd J,1cob L,n
S.,n,ucl Jc.1fft• '\ 1coll' J,1rrcll
/,1Lhary }l•ffrcy
K, k Jenning
J....,1tcrina }l•..,ernig
\l; nc Jiron
1\si,1h Jiron
Abb, · John:-.on • ,\lex1s John on
\utun1n Johnson
1--.l'\ 1n John!-on <..or,11 Jones
R,,chcllL• Jont•.., R, an Jone-.;
,\big,1il Jordan
s,,rah Jo\ Cl: -\nthon, "-,11n,1J..:arb
\1mec K,1r.1ff,1
Colton Kastane!.: Jenni fer J.-.autz
Enn Kelle,
. ·- ·-·- - --
- - - •·=----! _.;.ti. 83
Sebastian Kerger
Emma Kett
Jordan Ki\vacz
Joel Klein
Aaron Khngenberg
Aaron Knight
Aan n MO\\ Jee;
Ashle, Knox , Kateh n Koczera
Christopher Kreider
t'vtadeleine Krueger
Kavla Kutter
Jonathan Lack
Phihp Lahnert
Allie Lairamore
Enk La1tos
Kvla Lambert
Stephen Lan~, orth}
Ale>..ander Lanning
Sean Leffert
Amelie Lerche
Aubre, Lerche
1imoth} Lincoln
Ehzabeth Linton
Mehnda Lockerd
Jerry Lopez
Matthe\\ Lo\ ely
\hcole Loyd
Jeannette Lta1f
Nicole Luchetta
D\lan Lund
Adehne Mann
Sage i\,1ann
Katherine Manning
Lia Marino
Connor Martinek
Augustine Martinez
Lucy Ma~ter~
Joseph Matous
Sarah Matt\v1g
Max McCall
Ta}lor McGregor
Kyla lv1clhvee
Liana Mclsaac
Amv McKenzie
Bndget Mclane
Mason Mears
Chandler Mease
Jonathan Medina
Aleli Medina Camacho
Kimberly Meneses
It:abela Michalska
Mackenzie Miller
Ma tthe\, Miller
Morgan Miller
John Milligan
Rachel M1lhgan
Mik10 M1nobe
James M1orelh
Alexandra Moauro
Jeremy Montana
Lindsa} MontgomeI)
Analis1a Morales
"-.1.:, en ~Ioran
1c.h0Jc1., 1'\ 10.,t·..,
Jc.,., !\Iott
L.tura ~h l•r..., ., R) an ~I) l'r"
Jamie N,1gode
J,1cob Navarez
Chri topher Ncin1,1n
1\l) !>"a Ne,, •man
7..achariah Nicel)
Kari,a Nickell
,\k•xandt.•r • il>ezko ki Chri..,tina Nik1hn
Z.1kkary Noltl·
1\ubre\' Noonan
Kathryn 1 ' oril•g.1
Chcbca Norris
Sag1.• I (}\\'elk
Samantha N, 1.•
Ron · O ' Bncn ., .\1itchcl Oltmann..,
Chri.,tophcr On1.1hony Chcl,ca Orr
Nicole C..")...baugh Chri.,tina Ott
T\ lcr Ouellette
I)an,1 Packard
Lucine Papc1zi,1n
Ch,1d Park Ste, 1e Parkcr
1\ngt.•lica P,1trick
1\nthon\' Pattcr..,on • Jcrcn1iah Paul Tabbitha Peder en Jcffrcv Perrin
Jc..1c(1b Pcrrym,1n
Kolton Pcr chb,1chcr
l-i,1nn.1h Pierce <..a-,cy Polk
Spencer Po\\ ell
Ju ... tin Po\\ 'er..,
L.1ura P<H, cr~
½hc1nnon Pn)ski
I ukc Puk
\h ..,,, Qu1ntan,1
Dcrl'k Qutrk
Frank Rauen
Jeanette Red Dog Golden Rec, cs
1c holJ,; Reider
Johnathan Rich)
5cba-,tian R1, era
Kac \ Rob1n,;on
~tagg1c Rob1n.,on
\ Ian Robinson \ hie} Rob1-,on
'\Joelle Rl)t.hclcau
,\mbcr Rog-,tad
Robert Ro ctte
Jcffrc\ Roth
K\ le Rucker
Nathan Ruh!>hau.,cr \ len,1 Ru/1c ka
- " - ·- -·--- -
Kay la Dillon
"No, because the) are all m 1 friends"
Allie Lairamore
"No, because seniors are fun to hang out w i th."
Bridget Mclane
"Yes, because they are bigger and older; and, because I'm short."
Megan SalaLar
tv1arisol Sanchez
Andre\\ Sander
Le>..1 Satterfield
Tro) Savers
Austin Schalhamer
R) an SchultL
Joanna Schumacher
·1cholas Sch\, ab
Br} anna Scott
Shannon Seery
Mia Seru:
E\ an Sh1eler
t-vhchael Shire
Larissa Simmons
Michael Skorka
Clin t Sla, en
Aaron Smith
Brooke Smith
H illar\ Sn11 th ,
Shelby Smith
Ta) lor Snart
Kyle Sor, 1g
Aubrey So~a
Eli Sprague
Deshnee Starr
R) an Stengel
Jared Stiers
Brandon Stoeber
Ka~andra Stroh
Michelle Stroup
Ale>..1s Sulle}
Kendra Sul11, an
Nicole Sull1, an
Reid $\., ect~1nd
Lindsay Montgomery
"Yes because they are frighten• II mg.
Ru~, Alder,on Kalie Colledge
Ja~on Banon Rachel Cotton-Kent
Gan Benton Greg Ehrhan
Brenn Bi~hop B1anc.a E,tra<la
Coltc,n Bull Annelte,e Farmer
Da,id Cha,e1 Kara Ftnc.llater
Sierra Clute Robert Gallego,
Emma Z,ka
Kurt L1mmcrman l\-1ercedcs /1rbcs
John fanton Tyll'r Tasd Jack Ta) lor :-.tatthc,, Thomp,on :-. lichal•I 1ibbl.'tt, C,1n1cron Tidball-Sciullo , \ubr.1 lid,, ell
J.1kl' fomich limoth) foppl'r Cicrr,1 Tr,1n1n1cll K,1itl) n Tripp Te,._ 1 roxcll
)l"-"i c a Truj i llo Br,1ndon Tufano
Jordan 1 uton Lis.1 f\ n1a • Fd\\'.1rd Ugnrtt.'.'-Sc hirrmei tcr Ju tin Ungt:>r i \nthony \ 'alim <;tt.', i Valoi "' IL VanVuurt:>n , \u..,hn Varga,-Rod e Stephanie.• \'t.'la:,quez Clrl \'crs c huur C,,lvin Vigil R,1chcl Vincent Fn1ily \'oehnnger "-•k \ \'nnDrcck•
Jill \\'cin1an Jult,1 \ \ 'eim,1n
Zach,lr\' \\'cir
Bo \\'clch
John \\'clJ... Hendrik \\'cm,1r-. Andrl.'a \ \ 'c:-.tbrooke
S,1brina \\'t \ mouth • Brittne, \\' htte
• J,1cob \\'icdcrspahn
Carolvn \Vilkin on ., Hollv \Vilkin on
• \ \ ' vndam \ Villiam-. • Brc)ok \ \'incl and
Derek \Vinzent Brittan\ \\' isl' ,\ndrc,,· \ Volkt•n
Tyler Young \Vinona Young Evan Yu,hk,1 ,\lc:x.1ndra Z,,rlengt)
Jam1,on Kunball
Brae.lie) Konrad Ro<ln°o Lander e
1\etl La,1-.o,\ .,k, Emil) Le hathr) n Lcc.lbc11cr
Ja,on l\,f ..1rt1n
Je,.,,c,1 /\ l oon Ec.l\\ ard S..1ru..ler, Cameron \k,,., R1,tn Santana Jo.,hua e\\ ,onlL Alex,., Schm..1der
C hn,11..1n Ngu) en Katcl\n Sl11l Chn.,11an P,1pageorgc J orc.l.111 Stone Chn topher Renaud R,unona T,alo-. Chn.,tophcr RI\ era hr) , \ .111 c.,
Kcnn,1 \\agk) R),tn \\ l\, lat l-.en11c \\ .irnt'r Je,,c \\ lid
~. ~ii • -~~-- ·,. f- a~,:;l 1 • 17 ~li - ·-
·---·- - -
The faculty at Golden High School is an excellent group of adults devoted to preparing their students for graduation, college and their li ves ahead. Wether you are intere s ted in creating art, fi x ing ca r s or want to learn more about hi s tory our teachers know it all! While we love all our teacher s every s tudent has their se lect favorite. 11 My favorite teacher is Cosineau because he let s us have fun but we still l ear n ,'' said junior Elliot Green. Another junior, Susie Lane sa id, 11 My favorite teacher is Mr s. Cook casue she i s crazy and I love her! '' A favorite of three sophomore s; Mia Senz, Rachel Vincent, and Nikki Osbaugh was Mr.Burcar. '' We like him because he respects us and doe s really neat labs and demos! '' No matter who is your favorite or why, all the teachers h e re give a little so mething that makes Golden High special, and with out them, well we would be very lo s t!
• ~ono1~ t• •~ taD~V ,j I J I r,,_MP •LJ,,. t fkr.)"1~, M• c;W. :\4.l1,,"' } IJ,i. s,,1-e ,
- - ·- -92
Deatra Ake s Custod1al St.1ff
Tan y a Baalman Dktcri.1
Sand y Bree d LMC
Jane Burnett Ari
Jennife r Cook Physical Education
Carolyn And e r s on E>ccephon.11 Student ~n 1ces
Lui s Badilla World ungua~es
Kelly Breymeier Worldc; L.1nguag~
Jo n C hri s ti an s Science
Shar i Cornelison C01.m5elor
\ ) (1
John Anders on Phys1c.1l Education
Theron Beach (u~tod1al Staff
Jan Br y s on Science
Chri s Co l ucci Math
Chris Co u si n eau Langu.ige Arts
Steve Ande r s o n \~1stant Principal
Angela Be cker Voc.11 Music
Sco tt Burcar
Brian Conroy Cruise Duixtor
Elena Crim ESL
Paul Archuleta Custodial St.1ff
L Dawn Bell Para Educ.1tor
Lau ra Burczyk Ch.rue
Ja so n Conway Math
S tephanie D avis Lmguage Arts
Scott Aurand Technical Education
_.. ,.
Jeremy Blincoe ~ence
Todd Burke Instructional Cooch
Ri c h D e l, e
Staff ..!
Eileen Cook. Math
Terri Deuser
Linda Fabnz10
Ron Griffin
Bill Hill en Athlt;>tt c ( OJch Chr15 Kohn
o ur,<
Breeann Di c arl o \ ! th
Melissa Fine
Charla Gunn
I • I
So..1.11 !>ludll' (
Greg Kottcamp ~lC1.1 l Studws
K1m En c 1n1a s
Shannon Gan rin
Tam s en Hall
.mgu, ,>: \rt--
D1der1ck I, ersen Jaime Lemieux ,\thlctic Tr.1m.:r
\ ~
I I ,mbu ,..,, ,, There s a J a c
'-c1t•nc, \\'orld 1111,,t T, 1ch.:r Mandy
· ---.--
I \I C
•, nl J
\\orld l ln~u 1b,. Lori tvl a c donald 1\ l ,1 t h 93
1\h c hele E hleman J o ann Euler
\l.111 l &\\'-"'\.\\
Rob Gill Ro bert Gillom Tra c } Hamm
cott H as brou c k
I ong s 1ne
Jni-u.igl .\rt,
Lo,v ( ,lfl·lvn.1
Tr al \ Eva nk
Bill Gra, e 5
Ha, e s hth
Kathy M ac kinto s h \\'orld wngu.1ge,,
Paul Miller Sc1cnc"
Kurt OhJen Soc1.1l Stud1l.,,
Tammie Peters Languagt! •\rn.
Wendy Robert s Coun~ lor
Judy Madi s on Art
Tim Miller Art Crys tal Onago Scu:nc,
Tra cy Phari ss Math
Romary A,,1,unt l'rinc1pal
\ J
Kim Mane s Pnnc1p.1I ,
Adam Mit chell P.u.i Educator
Paricio Coun~lor C hri s " Mr P" Pl ak o ru s Education Barbara Selzer
Charlotte Maybury \\orld wngu.1g..-s
) { \ 1,.l~(;b;: /!, Eric
Kathy Montgomery Athlchc Secrctar. Deborah Pearce So.::1al Studte:.
Laura Gollhofer Helen Mclaugl1lin (on,-umer Famih Studies
Mike Murphy Pnnc1p.1l Christina Pennel !\.fath
Todd Rago Science Jay Shackett lnstructtonal (.,.,ch
"Do zer" Mend o.z.1 Soci,11 Stud1e-
P.ira Edun to
Kristin Nelson Language Art,, John Peschiet, Custod1al St.ill
Chad Reid Social S tudil'--
Leaann Shzesk1 Kim Sloan Bnan Smock • E, < pt 1 <;tuJ •nl <;,
Daren SO\\ er Jan Strand Tl.'Chn ;;. r Susan \.lurnan
Al Talbot Ph) 1c:i1 EaL...:illon
Mike Thumim E~, pt! ,r1 Stud nt ~rv1ce--
Bett\ Tibbettc; • 1r Eduwt, Janna Tnpp :-... hool ..,, rL
L\VE :• I
\\'o J Ling,
I r
Jo ½ad'-\\ orth L I, Tom \\ard
Ed Wemell
Jg,.., Scott
Westerkamp Con~um.-r
F 1m1l ..,,
11, ,
1.1 n, 1, I <;.
Linda Wil so n f
Jane ½underli ch Ii:,
Fred Gan·1n tit 1ltt,
1g .1:i ts of ry stu1 Demor, aid "I I is like ~use ever; 1nd you ~ i...:ler toge ,,er you are ,n your fa ,e field sh pages ar 05 106-107 .. p. 108 p 109 ey ....... p.110-111 :onntr)' p. 112-113 114-117 Jazz Da 11ce p. 122-123
inning 5 out of 10 games, Golden's varsity football team continue s t o improve yea r after year. With a tough sea.son la s t yea r, the team ca me out s tr ong and determined to s how what they can really do " The team was a lot b e tter than th e re co rd s howed and bonded reall y well this year," noted junior Rhett Nebeker
Before every game that Bl ake Padilla plays, he writes th e number 4 on hunself somewhe re , " I do it because it's my brother's old football nttmber."
"There is nothing like playing football on a Friday night at 7 o'clock when the sun is about to go dovvn, "co mmented senior Colin Leffert.
Matt Raley, a se n ior, said, " I like p la ying for Golden because it is a tradition, an d I like the friends I have made pl aying."
Matt also said that right before a game he always listens to Lil ' Wayne to get pumped up
2008 Golden Varsity Football Team. This includes all players who participated in varsity games throughout the 2007-2008 year.
Page By: Sabrina Hayes
Junior Blal-.e Padilla Jumps to catch the ball '' I lo\ e pla, ing football because I get to spend time \\ 1th m, buddies and meet lots of great people I am gomg to n11ss all the seniorc; though The) \\ ere a great asset to our team this , ear and replacing them "ill be hard "
1'ob, \\t1ttek atten1pts to block a pass \\ 1ttek pla\ s both football and basl-.etball for Golden and "' as a great presence on and off the field It is strong role models hke hin1 that keep the team going e\ en in the \\ orst of times
-· -·-
-------'. Mountain View 34 13 Montrose 37 35 Kennedy 47 8 Arvada 49 6 Dakota Ridge 14 21 Standley Lake 23 31 Thunder Ridge 10 40 Wheat Ridge 10 18 Green Mnt. 18 6 Ralston Valley 15 38
Like the Rockie s thi s year, the Golden varsity softball team came out with th eir be s t Although the girls had a rough start by losing their s tarting pitcher due to an injury, they perseve red in the end. They finished fifth in l eague a nd made it to districts. Also, the girls are enthusastic to say they kicked Alameda out so they had no chance of making districs. Even though Ralston Valley had a good season with only thre e runs sco red against them, the girls are proud to say two of those were their s. Mindy Blythe said, "As a captain and having such a young team , I 'm so proud of the way all the girls stepped up , and the future team is going to be amazing." Q Montemayor said, "What I' m going to miss the most is making the freshmen get the equipment."
" I ' m really proud of the accomplishments we achieved with such a young team, having four freshman , two sophomores, one junior and only four seniors. The odds were against us , but we made it. I ' m excited to watch the girls grow up and make it next year," added Coral Erickson .
Team Them Arvada 4 Lakewood 16 Jefferson 0 Evergreen 6 D ' Evelyn 5 Englewood 3 Conifer 11 R. Valley 9 Alameda 2 Elizabeth 2 Us 3 0 10 3 0 6 1 2 7 4
• 1 mo 1 me Ma .isl do1
1 he term " league champions" is getting to be a habit around here.
T he Golden High School soccer team had a total of 11 wins out ot 14 ga1nes, and the boys made it to the quarter-finals of the state toL1rna ment. Captain Cullen Siewert stated, 11 The responsibilites. of being capta in is that I have to be a leader to my teammates and a role inodel and to set an example."
The boys rocked this season away with never ending enthusiasm and a great love of the game. Captains Cullen Siewert and James ~1arlinez led this team to a great start and finish. In addition to their great team skills, Siewert this season scored 21 goals and had 11 assists. Martinez scored 8 goals and had 7 assists.These captains have done a great job this season.
The boys always has many fans to support them at every single game The fans really got the soccer team pumped and it really encourage d them when they played this season.They managed to have a great season. Coach Chad Reid really worked them hard this season to accomplish what they have done this year.
-·-- - ·-
- _jScore Box THEM US Wheat Ridge 1 2 Bear Creek 0 4 Lakewood 1 1 Englewood 0 4 Summit 0 4 Elizabeth 1 10 Overland 2 3 Conifer 2 1 Denver South 0 1 Jefferson 0 10 Alameda 0 4 D'Evelyn 2 6 Evergreen 0 2 Ralston Valley 1 6 II
a r si ty vo ll eyb a ll s t a rt e d o ut fr esh thi s yea r w ith a n e w co a ch and a y oun g t ea m Th e t ea m had o nly seve n girls, m os t o f w h o m we r e so ph o m o r es. Alth o ugh the y h a d a r o u g h seaso n thi s yea r, th e n ex t two sea son s s h o uld b e exci tin g s in ce th ey will b e ga ining a l o t of l ea d e r s hip fr o m th e cl ass o f 2010.
Tayler Bu ll and Angela Noona n are both the r e to ge t the pass Ange la Noonan only had positive things t o say about having such a young t ea m "Starting off as a young team has only brought u s to the path of success for years to come."
Nicole Rickard swings hard at a ball whi l e Casso n dra Sletten goes up to make sure t h e ball goes ove r Nicole said, " The year was a struggle but I know we all had fun."
Taylor Marshall said, "My favo r ite pa r t o f th e seaso n was the beginning, midd le, an d e n d. We were ab le to come togeth er as a team so well an d we made a lot o f p r ogress even t hough we d idn't h ave a grea t r ecord."
GOLD ENHIGH SC HOOL 110111 OI 1111 01110\\ Ceik,.adA OS. nt ~•ool , , w •"' ,~n CLASS or 1997
Front row · Coach Joe Brand, Ana Osorio, Tori Norns, and Tayler Bull
P a g e b y: Bre ann a Dillon
Back row : Kate Baals, Angela Noonan, Taylor Marshall , and Nicole Rickard
Sophomore Angela '\!oonan .,en1or Taylor \farshall , and sophomore Kate Baals "·ait for the other tean1 to -,erYe Angela and Taylor \\ 'ere the captains for the ..,eason and they did a " 'onderful job at leading the team
Junior Ton '\orns and the rest of the team eelebrate a \\'ell earned point after stn1ggling to get a side out. Torrey had a total of 36 dig::. this season
Denver West 1 Denver East 0 Pueblo West 0 Falcon 0 Elizabeth 0 Ft. Carson 0 Englewood 2 St. Mary 's 1 North 3 Summit 0 Lutheran 0 Conifer 0 Elizabeth 0 Englewood 3 Evergreen 1 Jefferson 3 Alameda 1 Ralston Valley 0 3 en 3 C') 2 0 2 "'""I CD 2 "' 2 0 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 0 3 3
The golf team has had a amazing team this year, winning the league title and sending two members to the state tournament. Kyle See!'} and Matt Linville-Engler both qualified for state. Matt Linvillie-Engler "las been playing golf for 5 years and placed 5th at state. Matt stated, "My his favorite part of golf would probably be the overall challenge." Kyle Seery also went to state He noted that his favorite part of golf is "taking long walks on the golf course with Nick Hazell and Matt Liville-Engler on a nice sunny afternoon." This year the tourments included the Sprin~ Valley, West Woods, Foothills, Indian Tree, Broadlands, and Meadows 1 where they did an astonishing job. In fact they placed third at The Meadows tournament. The boys have put together a well developed team .
--- - -Tournaments Spring Valley 4th West Woods 4th Foothills 4th Indian Tree 5th Broadlands 5th The Meadows 3rd - -
Serve Luke \lc1h, ee sen es the ball at .1 big game Luke did , ,en '"ell this yt:ar placing 4 t h in regionals. " This year I think ,, as a \'erv • prog ressi, e," he added
Scores For Tennis
Love the game Rio Knussmann puts hh. "hole heart and soul into ,v1nn1ng this ma t ch " This vear '"as real!\' fun ," said Rio Knussmann • did vel) ,veil this year, earning honorable mention all conference honors
- -
Team Ours Theis Greeley 1 6 Evergreen 1 6 A-West 1 6 Conifer 3 4 D ' Evelyn 1 6 Ralston 7 0 Englewood 6 1 Lakewood 2 5 Alameda 6 1 Thomas Jeff. 6 1
ield hockey ... intense word s co m e to mind when tho se w h o pla y hear it It runs through their veins. Like all s ports,fie ld ho ckey is an endurance building adrenaline ru s h. Every game played is just ano th er hurdle t o overco me. The se girl s are not ju s t t ea mmate s, they ' re family. Grea t thing s are expected from thi s tight knit group.
" We are the only team m Jeffco and have no feeder programs like a ll the schools we play, so we bas ically have t o sta rt over every year," noted senior Jenrue Hord
Sophomore Albe Ewers sta ted, " Other teams get mtimida tm g but you just don ' t let them get to you ." T11e Golden H igh Schoo l field hockey team 1s the only team in Jeffco so th e team s th ey play are tough
"All the rules you have to fo ll ow, it 1s really easy to do something w r ong Even the smalles t thing could get you or the team penalized ," said sophomore H aley Fran co
Top row Coach, Jessica Ni) ers, Jennie Hord, Phaedra Randolph, Jahsa Abel, Emil) Gordon, Anana Randolph, Natalie Med, ed, manager Hannah Fleming
Second ro½ Hannah Boltz, Abb) Spencer, Brook Wineland, Katie Ta) lor, Allie E,,ers, Kelsea Wallace, Gabrielle Wallace
Bottom row Hale} Franco, Kacie Shea, Alex Med, ed
Page By. Ashlie Barry
Brook. \,\ ineland pushe. through the defense of the opposing team for a goal " I love my coach and my teammates and I ' n1 driven to just go out and play hard for them and make it fun ," commented Jennie Hord ,
Sophomore Kelsea \,\:allacc, fre,hman Brook \Vine.'land , and senior Jcnrue Hord a\,·ait the ball to be paSS<?d to them "The harde:.t part about playing field hocke\ for C.olden is not ha\ ing a real field to practice on and the commute to game.. ' said Boltz
Teams Fort Collins Denver East CO Academy St Mary's Acd . Smokey HIii Cheyenne Mtn Denver East CO Academy St. Mary 's Acd Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Smokey HIii Fort Collins Kent Denver Lewis Palmer Us Them en (") 0 4 0 0 9 -c. 0 5 (1) 0 8 m 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 >< 0 8 0 8 0 1 1 2 0 6 0 2 0 3 1 1
eady/ get se t, go. Endurance, speed, long di s tance / many words that explain what these kids go through as the y run with their team. This year at the 2007-2008 s tate tournament as a team the cross co untry girls team qualified at s tate
In cross country the kids have a l ot of things to prepare for and have mental th oughts, so phomore Rac h el H ebbe rd said, " We do a team huddle, and set goa ls for ourselves. We get each other excited for the race.
Senior Robbie Jones said that to get ready for a big Sk race is to " H ave a positive attitude. Lots of stretching! Lots of encouragement."
"To ge t ready for a race you get mentally prepa r ed and run the co urse, and we do sp rint outs and pl i ometrics. I'm really scared before going mto a race /' said sop hom o r e H annal1 Bretz
Bottom ro\v tvlegan Straley, Kurt Zimmerman, K} le Hupf, Bridget tvtcLane, Astra Moss, R),an Jones, Courtney Smith, Julie Von Dreele Second rovr Jason Kinnard , Ian Rodgers, Amanda Arner, Chloe Ramsa), tvtalloI) L1zza, Whitney Bretz, Tyler Colle, Kolton Perschbacher, Jesse Rodgers Third ro,v Coach Colucci, l'vlitchell Spence, Matt Kilpatrick, Chns Baun,an, Andrea Thomas, Tim Strale), Abby Kerns, Adam Burns, Max Shefte-Jacobs, Coach Mendoza Fourth ro"'' Malcom Thomas, Walter Glass, Rachel Hebberd, Hannah Bretz, tv1egan tv1arhnez, Roland Haas Fifth rovv Jared O'Re11ly, Robin Neumayer, Ben Sherman, Nate Cusack, Zach Herr, Ryan Currie, Carl) Beetham, Robbie Jones, Tony l\eumayer
Page by : Cortney Smith
Robin '\eumayer R,1chel Hebbcrd , and ~tegan \larhnez front the Golden tr,tck team getting ready to ~tart their ra(e ,1ga1n t Chatfield (h,1rgcrs
Sophontore \latt Kilpatrick runs ,1 long tiring race for h1-,. team pu-.h1ng hin,self to the limit. Sophontore Courtne\ Smith says , " It's really fun , and good excn.i"c
woosh! Dribble , p ass, s h oot. The boy s basketball team faced lo s ing six se nior s las t year, but have made up for it thi s yea r b y playing a new s tyle of basketball . The team ha s pl ayed ve r y aggressive thi s year for th eir size.
" I've definite ly had more fun this year. We are a tighter team thisyear Wehavealotofrespect for each other," sa id 1unior Rhett ebecker. Rhett ha s p l ayed great defense this year.
Senior Matt Linville Engler gets ready t o box out the other opponen t on a free throw H e sai d ,"(coach) Anderson 1s a little swee ter t l1 is year It 1s better this year because the fans a r e my best friends."
Senior Connor S tokes said, "We a r e bringing back old school. We are scor in g lots of points." Conn or is a s ta rt er on on the team a nd has been working hard to help th em score.
Back row Koby Witteck, Ta) lor Eagen, Ale>-. tvhller, Rhett Nebecker, Cohn Leffert, Anthon} Morgan, Chris Lan1brecht, Matt L1n\ 1lle-Engler, Connor, w(att Raley, Rvan Stokes, Dylan Dille Front ro,v coaches Ste\ e Dille, Adam l'vfitchell, John Ander!>On, Bob Ha yes, Bill Brad)
Cortney Smith & Megan Jordal
Engler react to a come-fron1-bch1nd \\ 1n against E\'crgreen Senior Taylor Eagen -.aid , " Gotta keep the te,1m pun1ped up to keep "1nn1ng. Good thing Alex can n\ake hb free thr<.)"'" · ''
On a break ,1\\' tl\' ~cn1or Chn~ Lllmbrccht head~ dO\\'n the court aga1n~t \ \, 1nd!>or
Connor Chapman.
Colin Ll.•ffert , Talor Eagen, and \fatt Lin\'ille
Rocky Mtn Lincoln Windsor Kennedy Mullen Mtn Vista Green Mtn. H.Ranch D. South Pomona Elizabeth Arvada Rock Can. Summit S Lake Alameda Evergreen R V Jefferson Elizabeth56 66 en 59 52 0 49 50 0 98 35 CD 56 77 CT 64 57 0 66 57 m 54 62 75 44 C. 75 61 71 52 63 30 78 48 64 27 72 50 104 47 51 50 46 69 71 57 94 49
he girl's ba ske tball team ha s improved 1nuch over the la s t few yea r s. The y have lo s t so me players, but they ha ve al so ga ined pla ye r s. Heading into the regional playoffs, th ey were ranked third 4A s tate standing s.
Freshman Shannon Seery watches her oppo n ent intent ly on defense. Her teammate, Taylor S to lt e, added, "Over the years I have improved on defense, blocking shots, and taking it to the hoop."
" I enJOY playing basketball because it 1s a fun experience and it is grea t," sa id se nior KatJa Jacobs. "My favorite part of basketball is right at th e beg1ning when \-Ve all run out to the music ," sai d 1unior Taylor Stolte.
II 116
From Left Coach Jeff l'\eal, Kal)a Jacobs, Ta ylor Stolte, Emil1 \,Vareham , Cassie Lambrecht, Samantha Neal, Shannon See11, Ellen Hangg1, and Coach Ken Lambrecht
Page b\ Tasha Simmons, K} le Tripp, and R) an Martinek
to keep control
to prevent
other team fron1 scoring Senior Ca,;sie Lambrecht dribbles do\, n the court determined to score the team another point She b one of the top players in 4 A. this sea on
Smokey Hill 76 36 Coronado 80 63 Greeley West 58 53 Montbello 56 71 Centaurus 62 47 Palisades Calf 51 47 Rosary Calf. 33 55 Mcclintock Ariz 59 60 Chaparral Ariz 68 78 Evergreen 57 54 Bear Creek 71 48 Chatfield 65 49 Ralston Valley 53 52 Arvada 74 47 Alameda 88 21 Evergreen 66 52 Ralston Valley 61 51 Jefferson 88 34 Elizabeth 79 41 O'Evelyn 79 56 Conifer 66 51 en (") 0 (D C"' 0 0) Q.
Seniors Ellen Hangg1 and Emily \.Vareham \vork together
n th e past fi,, e years, the Golden wrestlers l1a ve produ ce d 16 sta te qualifiers which resulted in a third pla ce fin s her and fi ve tournament wins. Lo ga n Sauer, a first team all confe r e n ce wrestler, and seco nd t ea m a ll co nferen ce D avi d Rothro ck , plan to bring it in thi s 2008 seaso n .
athan Lohman holds his opponent down.
Steve Umbrecht trie s to pull hi s enemy dovvn to the mat.
Ju s tin Midyet wins yet ano th er match
We" Okarvak tri e-. his best to keep up a good fight
fan\ou~ ht.•,1dlod, Team Score at Elizabeth 21 Mountain Vista 90 Conifer 42 Arvada West 53 at Alameda 60 Boulder Valley 125 at Evergreen 138 Evergreen 45 Place 2 6 1 1 1 6 3 1 en 0 0 """' Cl) O' 0 0.) """' C.
Senior Robbie Jone-. gh e, h1, opp(lOt.•nt tht.•
et, load , rid e, hit, ca t ch . These words a re very familiar t o the G H S cll ee rl eaders. Th ei r, coach Kirstin Hunter, ha s tran s formed thi s team to participate in competitio n s, making them co-ed an d incorporating a junior vars i ty team . Th e va r s ity team took 12th place at their s tat e competition last fa ll. The y attend alm os t a ll games along w ith daily practices t o perfect routine s.
11 lt 1s hard work trying to break th e s tereotype of the typi ca l male cheerleader, but it is more that wor th the effort! I love ch eer and I like that we get to meet so many n ew people! 11
- Varsity ca pt a in Nie Swee t
" Be ing cap ta in is very hard work but 1t 1s ve r y rewardin g a t the sa me time! I love every girl and bo y on o ur co-ed team! I am so proud of our team and I know we can do great thmgs when given the opportunity!"
-Varsity ca ptain Lin dsay Lyo n s
"C heerleadmg is a big p art of m y life Somehme s it's rough , but th e n again, that' s th e title for cheerleading. I don ' t think th a t without determination , re s pon s ibility, and hard wo rk our t eam co uld not have come this far! "
-Va rsity men1ber Bri Stauffer
Top left : A s hley D yer, Lind s ay Lyons, Nicole M a r so, Zeke Gustaffso n , Nie Swee t, Andrea C r aycraft, S te pl1anie P e ter son, Alyssa Duran Second row : Chanda Nguyen, Le sley Sw im , Carly Dou gla s, Jessica Willi s, Ashlie Ba r ry, Brianna S ta uffer Botto m row : Kate D a lt on, Stephani e Velasquez , Aubrey Tramontina, Ta y lor Bolton, Alyss a Mae s tas .
Page By: A shlie Barry and Taylor Bolton
\ arsit\ head captains Ashlie Barry, Lindsay Lyons , and '\ 1c ',,, eet and 1unior co-captains Carly Douglas and Jessica \\'1llts lead the, arsit) team at a football game against Ar\'ada (Photo by Zeke Gustaffson )
Sho,\'ing the co--ed p,·ut of the squad , bo, s captain '\lie S"·eet and Zeke Gustaffson cheer on the bo, 'j soccer team nus J'j the first full season that the , arsit\ team has been co-ed in the history of Golden High Sc.hool
he Golden Hi gh School Dance Tean1 1s always a huge part o f Demons athletics, g1\1ng 110 percent effort each and e\er1 game or compeh hon Losing eight seniors to graduation 1n th e spring could have been a setback, bu t the new team came int o th e yea r without breaking stride. They earned a bid to nationals at camp, placed firs t a t regionals an d third at state. Junior J odi K1nnen said, "Replacing eight senio r s was really hard, but ou r te am has really come together and "'orked extreme I, hard to become 1ust as good 1f not bet te r th an last yea r "
"The best memory I hav e on thi s team is socce r games! They are so fun and I love bonding v,rith a ll the g irl s on th e team ," sa id P aige Mitche ll.
" M y favorite p a rt of m y four yea r s on th e dance te am was getting to know all the girls, the su pp o rt a nd having sc hool s pirit," commented Eli za beth O ' Brien
Brittan y Gregory said, " The harde s t part about being o n the dan ce team vvas preparing for s tate and le a rning nevv dances."
Junior Paige M1 tchell gi\ •es the crov-,,d a quick kiss at a Demon boy's soccer game thi s season Paige has been on the t eam since her freshman year
Spread By: Ariel Rose ll e
The 200~-2008 dance tean1 ha!> had an cxccption,11 ~eac;on \\'Ork1ng hard to \\'ekon1e their ne,, · freshmen and building a !:>trong team that gi\'e!, their be!:>t each and c, ery pcrformanCl',
Brittany Gregory, a ~ophomort.' on the team thi, year, dance!:> in the hot !>Un at,'\ !>()CCer gc1n1c No m,'\ttcr ,, hat the ,, cat her, the dance tec1m ahvavs , performed
w immin g fas t e r th a n eve r, the g irls Go ld e n Sw im Team h ave m a d e a bi g s plas h thi s seaso n . F r o m r eco rd bre aking tim es, t o di ving t o n ew d e pths, th ese gir l s h ave h a d a g r ea t seaso n . Th e g irls h ave seen g r ea t impr ove m e nt s wi th th eir tim es fr o m l as t seaso n t o this seas on .
Juruor H olly Williamson is about to take a dive off t he diving board
Four o f t h e gir ls from the Golden H igh School diving team qualified for the finals at the league meet. The girls places 7th , 9 t h, 1 0th and 11th
Fo ur of the gir ls that swim backstroke ma d e it to finals a t the league mee t. Dana Ma r tin earned 6th p l ace in t h e 100 backstroke, giving Golden a n ew r ecord time of 1:19:03.
Amand a Sturgeo n & Tr e nt Vannn e r
Back Row D Martin, J Weiman, A Senz, coach Kottcamp, coach Westerkamp, coach Koepke, coach Willian1son, K Koentges, R Neumayer. Secon Row K Gilbert, C Ott, K Sorvig, E Yoehnnger, L Papazian , M. Gillis, M Krueger, H Bretz, R Hebberd Third Row H Wilhamson, B Wineland, K. G1las, J Nagode, T Sands, S Joyce, J Versaw, K Johnson, J Rodgers J Weunan. Botton1 Row : S Weymouth, K Zigich, J vonDreele, C Koczera, M Senz, E Oehlert, K von Dreele, W Bretz, S Rivera.
Erin Oehlert said, " I loved S\v1mming this year I l1ad a lot of fun 1"
At the 4A League Championship Meet, Chr1shna Ott finished 1n 9th place m the 100 Backstroke, making a ne\,' record for Golden High School,¼ 1th a time of 1:11 58
~Team Arvada West Summit Evergreen D'Evenlyn Englewood Arvada Wheat Ridge 4A Jeffco League win/lo se 161 / 96 78/ 100 151 / 100 105/ 64 118/ 146 44/ 146 96/ 88 5th of 7 -·· - _,_. (J) (') 0 '"" (t) CT 0 0,) C.
Ba ck Row : Coach Talon Gleaton, Dillon Je ss, Derek Romero , Colton DeRoin , Kyle Parker, Kevyn Lollar, coac h Adam Mit chell
Front Row: Kyle Evans, K y le M c Ke ndr y, Hayden Ta y lor, Austin Spatz, Tim Burruss, Anthony Morgan, Zach Hurr
Emily Canaday, Emily Ridder, Lisa Moulton, Kyla Lambert, De s iree Barto s, Anali sia Morale s, Kassi Stroh, Megan Lord, Kaitlyn Tripp , coac h David Well s .
Back row : Brianna Wells, Samantha Sherman, Kaila Sutter, coach Jeff Neal, Taylor Snart, Kailey O s baugh, La cey Hufnagel.
Front row : Chandler Pri ce, Kathryn Noriega, Abbey Sheesley, Carissa Thomson- Foos.
Back Row : Eri c Jimenez, BrentHermanussen, Rory, O ' Brien, Robert Holland, Matt Bonesio , Sean Chapman, Dus ty Tuton, Connor Fielding, Spencer Powell.
Front Row : Carl Breer Coach Adam Mitchell, coach Steve Dille, coach Bill Brady, Joe Matous
JU llllfllETllllLL
Back Row : Tra\·is Fossett, Ga\1 1n Brad y, Austin Spatz, Keaton Dille, Ri c hard Tu, Tanner Wittek, Jake Villarreal, Patri ck Hart
Front Row : Bill Brady, Adam Mitchell , Ste\' e Dille.
Ba c k row. 1kki Sulli\~an, Brooke Leeds, Regina Snyder, Amanda Roesch , Destin1 Sell.
Front row : Caitlin Sulli\1 an, Alex Zarlengo, Kayla Kutter, Ja sm ine Du Vall.
LEUEL 7 LlltllOf f E
Back Row : Jalisa Abel, Katie Stehle, Morgan Kervitsky, Rachael Cobb, Alie
Ewers, Etta Fhur, Marilyn Wood
Middle Row : Kacey Shea, Shelbey
Thomas, Jessica Myers , Elyssa Sil a, Katie Wachs , Megan Walker
Front Row: Roslyn King , Rachel Joyce , Perri Lang, Sage Pachello , McKenzie Zimmerman, Amalin Parra.
JU LlltllOf ff
Back Row: Kate Payne, Cassondra
Sletten, Cameron King , Leah Wolfe .
Middle Row : Ali Everist, Alyssa Ziegler, Hannah Morvay, McKenzie Baghaie, Holly Williamson, Stephanie Ramstetter
Front Row: Katie Myers, Astra Moss.
JU Lllf RDf f E
Back RO\\ Derek Baile}, E\ an Petkash, Kvle Lantze, De rek Jukkola, Zach lv1cDonald, Jake Carlson, Ta, lor Boc;co, Josh Bl) the, Philip Cross
\,hddle Rov, Will Brunner, rvtatt Kramer, Duke Doig, Shane lv1eehan, Blake Padilla, Enk Hartzell, Tom Greene, Jon Ste\, art, R1clue Wangsness, Spencer Hogan
Third Ro\, Bilh Gerard, Robbie Jones, Ton\ McKendry, Jake Larkee, Patnck Colden, Nick Bourke, Matt Cerf, K) le Baile} Fiont Ro\, l'v11ke)- Bo\, ers. Paul Vern1g, Daniel Sheffield, Parker N1ood,, Cod} Wnght, Jimm, Aud1ss
LEUEL 1 foe eER
Back Row: Coach Melissa Fine, Savannah
Engel Caroline Myer, Megan Taylor, Saige
Middle Row : Tory Johnson , Ali Senz, Andrea Thomas, Kassi Monica., Bree
West .
Front Row: Lisa Lohre, Madeline Ohno, Erika Bie singe r, Amanda Arner, Mallory Lizza, Courtney Smith
Bac k Ro w; Mi chelle Gan1ett, Me ga n Wesse l, Kelsey Koentges, Coach Mike Walker, Emily Dreilin g, Me ga n Martine z, Ka y la John s ton
Middl e Rovv: Li sa M o ulton , Allison Needham, Allison Ba lme s, Mich e lle Ma gui re , Delaney Allison, Magg ie Hunt
Fiont Row Megan M c Laughlin, Kri s tine Quilang -Cas tro , Casey Nimmer, Ro chelle Hutm an, Ciera Dole ch ek.
Back Row : Je ss ica Keischke, Ann Mead, Kyla Lambert, Allie Lairamore , Cabrini
Vasquez, Ani Galvan .
Front Row: Alyssa Young, Al lison Needham, Britainy Wynn, Alyssa Newman, Susie Lane
Lauren Arellano, Kayleigh Elm, Amy McKenzie, Emma Kett , Megan Buehler, coach Lara Vagstal
LEUEL 1 UOLLEl/llllll
Back Row : Jessie Dell-Martin, 1cole Osbaugh, Lillie auslar, icole Currie, coach Jen Byrne.
Front Row. Jessica Dreiling , Shelbey
Thoma s, Raina Dinkel, Erin Kelley, Kristen Priest, Leslie Bartley, Shayna Dickey
JU UOLLEl/llllll
Shelby Wunderle, Aubra Tidwell, Breanna Dillon , Chelsea orris, Cassondra Sletten, Corinna Rieger, Marilyn Wood , Allie Bridenburg, Aubrey Wagner, coach Dani Byrne .
l11t•• "'f• f:lt • ~l' h I U l i q G
The~s(f s are important through tyi school yea r s. We are prov 4' .,. -9nany assortments of cla ss ...
the se classes can grab the any studen t Students cant any class that appeals to th long as it_ge ts them throu school as painlessly as pos _ Even tl t~ll we are reco take a number of English ts at k
ed to ath
Math is like time it never stops! Math ... You really do need it.
Math is one of the highlights of life that one needs to graduate, from high school. Students also need it to count, and almost everything requires it whether you might know it or not. For freshman it requires four years of it in high school , sophomores , juniors , and seniors only require two years of it in high school. Senior Jacob Carlson said , " Math is one of many opportunities to open doors to success." Also , some may think they don ' t need math for what some may want to do when they go to college and get a job. However, math is a must to succeed in life.
Top left: Freshman James Gilmore is pictured studying hard in his math class.
Left: Sophomore Kevin Wiley contemplates his answer.
Bottom left: Senior Luke MclLee presents a math problem to the class.
Bottom middle: Freshman Aaron Smith completes his work done.
(Photos by: P. Haberman)
An\y ' iliu, pictured belo\,' i-.. -..olving.1 math problem in her ,op horn ore math cla,, (Photo bv Paige Haberman)
rrcshman S,1\ annah Dunn b ,, orking hard tn 1ng to tigureout her math ,, or!-. Senior Dan1cl Sheffield ,aid · <,omehn,e~ math ma\ ">UC!-. but \\ C ha, c to accept the fact that\\ e u..,e n1,1th C\'ery da, of our II\ c~
Page by : A lyssa Armen t rout & P aige Haberman
Microscope Fun Juniors Anita Siana and Eryn Oehlert are taking a closer look at their experiment through a microscope
The hands on class that opens up many doors to a successful future.
Some people may think that science is not important, but without science the world wouldn ' t have discovered the many things that help us to enjoy each day Many cures have come from people experimenting by putting different chemicals together Medications can help a baby recover from a stomach ache or help a diabetic live another day. There are plenty of reasons why we need science in life , and GHS supports the future scientists. Although science is very important to the world , it' s also a fun class that is hands-on and interactive, and that 's a huge factor that attracts high school kids to the class Junior Allison Needham , laughing , said , " Marine biology was really fun learning about all the different animals, but the dissections were kinda gross .'' On the other hand , junior Norma Zipprlch said , " My favorite part of marine biology was our pet fish .'' Senior Jessica Montana added , " It was fun to build the robots in Process Tech .''
Left: Sophomore James Hoover adjusts the microscope so he can see his project clearly
(Photos by : R Schluter, S Vigil , and M Roblee)
Icy ho t clas s Junior Dillon Jess tries to stay as far bacl from the flames a, he can
Who wan ts a t ouch? Senior Carlie Ford 's facial expression sho,,•s ho\, she 1 · disgusted b) the project g1\'en to her m Marme Biolog,
Out of t h e pan and i n to t h e fire Senior Andre\\' Kao and his partner practice safety ,vhile still ha, 1ng fun
Page by: Rachel Schlu t er & Shantel Vigil
Star li g ht, b rig ht i ce Senior Quenhn \1ontema) or is excited but ,cared at the same time to be holding dry ice
Ba c k b o n e co nn ec t e d t o th e hip b o n e Junior Jad,1c Jenson takes a look at some bone structures dunng her anatom\ class and note- on them Jackie\,·s this one b important and 1s excited for her class
Lab res ults Senior (al Hucbcr looks , er) excited to :,<.'1.. the n! -,ult-, of hb experiment.
Ta k e 1n th e da t a 'x)phon1orc- KnstL•n Pnc-.t exam1nL'-. her ,lidt• for her -.cience cl.1-.-,
Lo o k i n g a t m y a mo e ba s Sophomore Ka\ la Bro,, n take-. a doser look b, using the microscope
Di ssec hon fun Sen ior D emi Berg 1s hesi t ant to begm her dissection
Paulo Coelho's Book The Alchemi st Has Won the Hea rts of GHS Students
Th e Sy mbo l i s m Award Goe s To Junior Samantha RI\ era sho\vs her enthusiasm for The Alchemist Samantha said, " The \\·ay the author compa r ed things made a lot of sense." She had also stated that, "English is a reall1 fun class It 1s easy to understand , and I had a good teacher " (Photo by L Prueitt)
Throughout this year, all that some juniors could talk about was the book The Alchem i st by Paulo Coelho The books ' symbolism opened the students eyes and showed them how they can see symbols in their own lives Symbols can tell them if they are on the right path and also lead them throughout their lives Students have learned that everyone has a personal legend and that if they don ' t follow their gut feeling , theirs will not come true These students are dreaming and following their own path , and soon they all will be on the way through the world pursuing the destiny that is call i ng
Top right- Lisa Ridge said that she " liked all the deep, crazy metaphors in The Alchemist and it was fun to read " (photo by L Prueitt)
Middle right- Besides reading , students also participated in the mock trial. Sophomore Crystal! Searcy participated and stated , " If you prepare and try, then this is a rewarding activity." (Photo by S Davis)
Bottom right-Jessica Rosette sits in Ms Fine 's English class as she tries to think of how to start her essay. (Photo by R. Harris)
Middle bottom-While in Ms. Longsine 's class , Tabetha Goodrich and Krysta Ashcraft discuss the symbols from a novel. (Photo by L Prueitt)
Th e M eanin gO f TI1 e Alc '1 e11 u s t Spe ncer Flower sta ted, "When you \Van t something, a ll the universe conspires to help you achieve 1t." (Pho t o by R. H a r ris)
P age b y : R. H a rri s 134
"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure"
1 u11 P,oh1
4•it(• ll this I I() Ir, •
r esen '
GHS students take 1n all there is to know in this year's Social Studies classes.
Government to Economics
At Golden High School a wide range of Social Studies clas s es are offered Almost every student takes one of the classes ; students can learn anything and everything from who our past presidents , senators and congressmen were , to the material welfare of humankind. Sophomore Megan Jordal (top left) partic i pate s in her American History class in an activity called " The Stock Market Game ." Jordal likes the activity because " It was a fun game to play, and the game was very educational and it was a very positive experience I think that the stock market game will help me in my near future with how I handle my money." Tim Pullano, a junior in AP European History, shows why he likes his class when he said , "You know that bland old saying, ' You have to know where you ' ve been so you know where you are going? ' It 's completely true ."
Junior Astra Moss (middle left) is taking in all there is to know in her World History class Junior Andrew Trujillo (bottom left) pays attention in his AP Europen History class. The AP American History group participated in this year 's annual trip to La Junta , Colorado (bottom middle} We are all privileged to learn about all the history that has happened all over the world, including our own country And we all will hopefully have that privilege for many generations to come.
(photos taken by C Rowe, T Simmons, and Z Gustafson)
The C H S s toc k m a r ke t ' Thi, stock markl•t gaml.' is helping me under;tand \\ hat life i:,. all about , and ho\\' fa!-t monev cnme5 and gOl.'!'-. \\'hen I an, older, I \, ould put my monl.') in the ,tock mc1rket bec,1u:-:.e it is a quick and e,v,y \\' ay h, makl• mone) ~11d Tyler Ridpath , a sophomore.
C la ss ,v ork fun Jun1or t\ h.•,1ghan ~ti lne said her fa\ onte p,1rt of her \,Vorld H1,ton class this \car\\ asgethng to,, akh n10, 1cs and doing group pro1cc h l\1tlne aJ..,o -ud , ' l\lrs Hunter rocks' 5he 1s her fa, ·onte teacher th1, \'l',lr C. Rowe &
~· ··---- - ---·--·-_ '
S. H ayes
Fiestas, France trips are all "-"'•lil f the world lanuages program
fi es ta Ti m e R) an tvfartinek sits 1n Spanish class dnnkmg some Coke during the fie s ta 1n tv1s Bre) rne1rer 's room \, h1le learrung some more Spanish "Fore ign language\'\ as fun this year because of the el fiestas We got to eat foreign food Me gusta n1ucho ," R} an said (Photo bv L Pruiett)
Have you been to a Foreign country?
Many of the students at Golden have not been to a foreign country, but they can get a taste of it in one of the foreign language classes One thing students can ' t get enough of is food The fiestas in Spainish class teach the students about the culture of Spain. Even though the fiestas are not the only thing that the Spanish classes do , it is what the students talk about most. No one really knows from a class what the actual country is like , so they go on a tour of the country, like some students did last summer in France . " We had a wonderful time in France. It was mostly in the south of France and ended in Paris, which is always fantastic ," Mrs. Maybury said, who went on the trip with the students and teaches both French and Spanish.
Top and bottom right- Nicholas Dahl , Tory Johnson , Rose Kalasz , Kelsey Branch , Katy Bonesio , Amy Rogers , and Kelia Zigich are shown on their way to France and in France (photos by: C. Maybury)
Middle right- Kaitlyn Wachs studies what to scarf during the fiesta while learning more about the culture (Photo by: L Pruiett).
Party Se niorita Spanish student Jessica Miller stated, "Me gusta rnucho espano1 1" Which means I like Spanish \ ery much The fiestas arc iust a bonus to Spanish and 1s a fun env1roment to learn the lanuage (Photo by· L P ruiett)
P age b y : R . H a rri s 1 36
Forensics is the place to debate Forensics, a great place to be
Forensics has many d i fferent ob s tacles. There s not just one certain catagory but many others There is speech , debate, and interpretation of literature like humor, drama , poetry. The catagor i e s in debate include cross examination , Lincoln Douglas , and public forum The catagories of speech have three styles which are contained of original oratory, national extemp , and international extemp Senior Andre Hart, who won state last year, stated , " I have done all the interp events , LO debate and origin a l oratory Some tournaments go from eight a m to ten p.m Some kids bring Monopoly or Risk so we play that during our breaks at tournements ." Forens ic s seems like a busy place to be and it' s never ending during the day. All these students are all very talented and all have the gift of gab
Top Left : Freshman Reid Sweetkind flashes a quick smile for the camera. Reid participates in poetry divsion
At left : Senior Sean O ' Reilly shows off his award. Sean Is most commonly known as PF debater.
Bottom left : Freshman Jeff Perrin , a PF debater, and jun i or Rio Knussmann , a CX debater, relax between rounds
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Middle : Sean O ' Reilly appears confident about his win in the PF debate.
Fn.:..,hn,an Ka1tlvn Gilbert confident !\' shO\\' !- off her .nvard Kai tly n participate~ m,1inly in the LD dcb,1tc divbon.
Pa ge b y: C h a nd a N g u ye n 137
Senior Andn' Hart performs the c hn1 ,1x to h1 :. drama piece.
Thro wing
Junior Kate Dalton throws one of her pots in ceramics. She said, " I like experimenting \Vith the different glazes, and 1t lets me expre::.s myself"
Expressing yourself in ways words cannot
Creative, descriptive, crazy, perfection.
What is art? Art is human involvement through manual skills and thought with a twist of personal flare. Whether it is ceram i cs , painting , drawing , jewelry, or even photography, the Golden Demons really know how to show their self expression Senior Nick Simon sa i d , " I like art because it gives me a chance to have fun and learn new things while taking a break from the rest of the world ." Many of the students i n the art programs offered at Golden feel the same way Art is just as involving as any academic class or sport in high school. It challenges your emotions and feelings in a way more than physical expression and words can explain . " Ceramics is one of the only classes where I can choose what I want to do," said senior Maggie
(Photo by Ashlie Barry)
Gillis {Photo by: Ashlie Barry)
Behind the de sign Mr Miller teachec; the class about depth of field.
(Photo B} Ashlie Barry)
Focu s Junior Shelbv Thomas as she grades one of her "''orks of art m class. She said, "Painting free:. yoti, mind." (Pho to b, Cortney Smith)
138 ,. '
Sketch "It's a great \vay to get more credits and get to have a little fun at the san,e hme," senior Mtke Gagnon said as he concentra tes on the lesson. (Pho t o by Ashlie Barry) P age By: Cortney Smith and Ashlie Barry
C razy Senior Colette 1'..01dcr molds one of her pob on the\\ heel She ,aid Art 1, a \\ hole different part of my \\'Orld." (Photo b\ Cortnev Smith)
Creative Sophomore \1ackenzie Bagha1e ~1d , " Art • this year so tar has been great! " as ,he create, her O\,·n \\ 'Ork of art. (Photo bv: K,1tt , ~1e\'ers)
Lo ve Junior Tiara C.urtt, perfect, her hnec; \\ Ith a ruler She said , " \\'l•ll , I lo\ cart 1n general ; I I<)\ c cre,lting my O\\' n art in mr O\\'n \\ ay." (Photo b) ,\shlic Barr\) -
Co n ce ntrate Junior Alyssa Duran concentrates on a dra\\ ing ~rt is a good \\"a\ to cxprc.>Ss your feelings, ' said Ah ssa (Photo b\ Kahe \1evcrs)
Involve d The s tudents of Mr Miller's se\ enth period class ,.,·ork hard to not fall behind from his lesson and make e\ erything perfect ( Photo by Cortney Smith)
Sculp t ed Junior \r\' hitnc\ C,landt carefulh -;cul pt-. her di.>',1gn C.eram1c,; 1, a great crcatn e outlet -.aid \\Th1tney (Photo b, \-.hhe Barn•)
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The Wh ee l s on the Bu s Ke\ in Cami cello helps load the buses on the final day of his Outdoor Lab experience He will real!} m1-;sall thes1xthgradershegot to know so well
Fellow high school student leaders help out the sixth graders at Outdoor Lab.
Summer Camp at School
Dedicated juniors and seniors helped the sixth graders have a great time at Outdoor Lab this year Senior Samatha Stroh stated , "Outdoor Lab was a great experience It was a great way to become friends with some amazing people ." Local elementary schools picked out the best students our school had to offer to ensure the sixth graders had an excellent time To break the ,ce , every morning started with the Doot dance Senior Trent Vanner said, "Outdoor Lab was a lot of work but very fun ; I love the doot-doot!"
I p ledge a ll eg iance (Top Left) Students and leaders gather for the flag raising ceremony. The} \-vould gather again to lo\ver the flag too Each cabin had their turn to perform the ceremony
(all photo s taken by: Logan Prueitt, tv1s Friar, and l\r1ichelle Roblee)
S up per time Juh 1 , onDreelc gathcn; her group of s1 th graders for dinnl!r Dinner \\' as a grl'• t hme for talk abou• the da, c; acth ,ties
Co lori ng time Chn, hna Ca rrano g 1 hrrs ,, 1th the s1~th gr,1d1•n, t o plan their shield
14 0
Page by · Logan Prue1tt & tvfichelle Roblee
We go Together Windy Peak high school leaders come t oge ther for a special photo for the srxth graders to cherish.
A helpin g hand (left) James .\tartinez helps the Ra, en group ,, ork as a team. "The doot-doot ,,·as a great ,,·ay to start the day. It provided an uplifting atmo:::.phere that \,·ould make anyone !>mile," :::.aid James
Cozy by the fire Eric Gustafson, \nthon) Seratt Katy Bonesio and Ariel Hansen snuggle close to get \\"arm at the staff meeting
I don ' t ,vant to leave A.ndrC\\' Cooper sa}.., his f1n.1l fare"·ell to the Outdoor Lab School. The look on his face tells it all .\tcmories are all he' ll have to take back
And the food (Right) Brooke Palmer eats breakfa-.t ,, 1th a group of sbcth grader!>.
\\'e re aJJ in this together All !v1t. E, ans high school leaders and interns meet to mal-.e sure the kids have a s tellar ,,·eek. With the cooperation of the c.htldren, everybody had a great time.
What else ca n I say Anthony Serati talk~ ,, 1th -.ome of his students on (Olonng duty
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Classes that really let you get in touch with your other side.
Jun io r Taylor Custer overpowers the c r ow d w i th her abil i ty to sing her solo w i thout a m ic rophone
Some have theiro\vn s pecial ,vay s of preparing for a concert, such as singing in the sho"'' er, chanting and haYing a " ' ater bottle nearby For others they s tick to s imple \•varm-up s, stretching, relaxing and repeatedly going o, er the music H owe, er they ready them s elves, they have load s of fun and continuous ly choo s e to s ign up for choir each year Libby Mathe¼•s on agreed choir is the best \Vith, " H's the only c lass that ' s amazing enough fo r me ." Each have their O\-Vn rea s ons for joining, \Vhether it' s becau s e the} like to put on a s hov.· for other s or to unprove their \·ocals As Ali Senz hyperly s aid, '' It' s a freak1ncoo\ class and there's ah~., a y s room to impro\'e your, oice ."
Top right : Junior Shilo Archer stated , " I love to sing and it 's fun to perform ," which shows since she 's been in choir since kindergarten.
Right : Senior Kevin Lynam is the officer of the school choir. With a laugh he said , " I love choir because of the chicks ." But quickly adds , " I love to sing too."
Bottom left : Sophomore Shanise Perkins not only sings , but smiles through the whole concert.
Below : Senior Bayard Bryan focuses while singing his solo as pictures of choir members and their familes were presented on a screen
Bottom right : Students from the women 's choir await instructions to sing their next piece during the fall concert .
14 2
Page by : Vi c toria Garcia
From drumline to busta rhyme, GHS has progressed its musal talent.
These people have rhythm.
Drumline, Jazz band , and band Those are the instrumental music courses Golden offers as a school People can learn how to play a variety of instruments such as percussion , sax, trombone, and even oboe Many kids love the fact that you can just sit back and play without too much pressure from the teacher Others just love music and enjoy doing what they love and getting a grade for It. Some like the students who participate in winter percussion and other extra orchestras and bands do not even get a grade for being there They all lay back , groove , and just have fun Who can blame them , these classes ROCK!
Top left : Freshmen Kevin Burns and Nathan Anderson jam in their small groups during a session in jazz band
Bottom left: Sophomore Chris Vincent plays his five string bass while warming up for a concert In the words of Chris Vincent himself, " Throw down the groove, doctor! "
Bottom right : Junior Connor Summeril plays his piano during a Jam session In class He has benefitted Golden music in an awesome way
(Photos by: Zeke Gustafson and Katherine Carter)
Thro\v do,vn the 1ams 'x>phomore C,1n,1cho thro\\' , dcH\'n ,1 t.1 t) IKk on tht? bJ-.l' 1n 1azz band Dylan i... onl' of the n1.1n)' talented rnusician., ,lt Coldl'n f--figh School. I Ii" f,n oritc part ,1bout jaz1 b,1nd i, to , '' L.n • do\, n ,omc funkv Jam-. on the biz~'>l' ,"
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Guitar so lo fun Junior O<?an ~l,1llel' (.ibcn c) ,,11J, " Pia\ 1ng guitar for ,1 \vholl' cl.1,..., period 1..., t•ffing s\,·cct.
Page by: Zeke Gus tafson
Eggs an yo ne ? Freshman Tom Hidenbrand h learning ho,-\ to mak.e an omelet in CFS E, eI)thing taste::, better ,vhen 1ou add hard \.vork and determination
Discovering your other half and learning how to express it
Strive for your other side
Unlike your math cla ss, cla sses such as Consumer and Family Studies, Prostart and Interior Des ign teach you how to use your creat1, 1ty in many different ,va ys. In CFS you learn hov, to make a si mple meal. Once you have pa sse d that class and \.Vant to advance to the next level , you would enroll in Pro s tart Pro s tart is a class with histol") ; you learn the qualit) of food and ho,v you can pre se nt a million dollar cuisine. Prostart is a tv.•o year class that not only teaches you about food but about the food indu s try These type of s kills learned at GHS can create m a ny doors to open up in the future
FCCLA Leader Here is a great leader fron, FCCLA ,vho ha s built a path for herse lf up the ladder At left, Stephanie Morales receives s tate officer at the ins tallation ceremony las t fall Stephanie ha s se t a \.VonderfuJ ex.ample for former classmates m FCCLA vVhen a s ked , ,v hat inspired her to conhnue with thi s program, Stephaine responsed, " The leadership y ou learn, the different p eop le you meet and traveling ." Mrs. M cLaughlin and Mr WesterKamp \Vere also a huge influence in becoming a s tate officer.
Class work on living Seniors Rarruro Hernadez and Ste,·e Allen part1c1pate m the independent hvin_g program offered .it GHS.
Page by: Shantel Vigil 144
(Photos by· L Pruitt , S. Vigil, and R Shcluter)
Easy as pie Fre,hman Abby Johnson learns ho,v to n,akc a pie in CFS
Come and ge t it Freshman Ani Gahan cooks her first steak in Consun1er and Fam1lv Studies
Look at my fa s hion Je~!'>e Bank!-, Racht•al ~lulligan, Sarah Jo, ,e Ian Connon ,ho\,· off their ama,-ing • d~1gns
A little s alt and it's perfect Junior \ll1L Bndenburg add.., thl right ingredient to her pie to make ~urt• it come!> out gre,1t.
Green i s my co lor Anit,1 Siana h J foreign L ,change ,tudent trom Italy \\'ho i, trying to find ju t the nght color for her project in Interior De ign.
Flavorful meals ~nior Heather Schmader and fre!>hman Ke1lan1 Hamm make an omlettc 1n CFS. rhe:,e girls are learning ho\,' to add fla\'or to\\ hat they eat.
Pros tart C'lass The first semester Prostart class poses for a picture for the }cdrbook The} all get their O\vn chef's cloth~ v. 1th their name on it. It ~hows th e real c hef 1n them
What I like be s t Junior "-orm,1 Zippnch a,d · In (F5 I got to make cl \\ ell balanced n1eal c, •er,· Frida,·."
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145 •
Cutting, drilling, and even making robots are some of the things everyone does in tech class.
Weld, saw, sand, and nail.
These are common words heard around the tech ed classrooms Golden high School offers a variety of these classes , such as wood tech , metal tech , and design Many people take the tech classes to " get away from the hassles of everyday classes ." Other students like Tim Skelton enjoy " The interaction between the students and teachers ." Who wouldn ' t love a class when you can challenge your teacher to a " weld off."
Page by: Zeke Gu s tafso n
Left : Sophomore Brandon Chapin planes a piece of wood during wood tech ( Photo by Zeke Gustafson)
Below: Junior Ian Pierce welds in metal tech (Photo by Mr Plakorus)
Sand Sophomort Bryan H1ghsm1th sands some ,vood in his clas!>.(Phoh b, 11chellc Roblct, ,
We l d Freshman Ke, 1n Johnson completes a ,veld n,etals class. (Photo bv l\lr Plakorus)
A ss emb l e Freshn,an John v\ells uses the dnll press 1n his class (Pho to b) ?eke Gus tafson)
Wo rki n g hard TJ ho\\' S<lrt Cody l i inrich-., .1nd Ju,tin Gc1-.chman ti} to figure.• out \\ hat to do next in tt-chnology cla~., (Photl1 by Zeke Gustaf:-,on)
S a\\ Fn.'!>hn1.1n D'.,ngl•lo (.'°:onll'Z , '", ,1 ptl'1..e ot \Vood in \\' <lod tech
C r e ate ~nior Brv.,n Bru,l•nb.1ch , cornplell•, the fln,11 ::.anding on.-, \\'()Od prlijl•c.. t (Phtlhl b) :'I. IJchelk, Robll'c)
ai l It Sophomore Peter Qu.ltt•rn1a.,, tap, the -.1de in t o plact. on hb chair (Photo b) :'1. l ichellc Robll·e)
l evel Scnillr l )t•r1..•k .\ l or,1n plains ,onlt \\ nod for 111., ,helf in "(iod h.>1..h. (Photo bv Zl' ke (,u taf,on ) •
Dri ll So ph o more Matt Be n zie u ses th e d rill p ress to p ut the fina l t ouches on his projec t. ( Ph o to b } Z e k e Gus ta fso n )
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14 7
MVP Leaders of 2007
At the end of every school year, the councelors have sophomores and juniors apply to
use the become Mentors in Violence
,,veek p ti. f th · ·
=....--=- re,1 en on or e incoming ' freshmen. The select few upper-
classmen meet on Tuesdays with their councelors and prepare for Thursday ' s discussion with the freshmen . They talk about a ra11ge of things from values in society to drugs, alcohol, and parties. " I enjoyed getting to know my kids and ha,, ing in depth conversations, " said senior Alise Cohen. These elite upperclassmen enjoy what they do. " I enjoyed spending time with the freshmen," said senior Danny Dusdal.
Top right: Senior Erik Hartzell shares the next topic to discuss 'With freshman Ke,1 in Johnson.
Right: Senior Megan Straley is talking to the girls in her class - about the topic of the week
....._"'-..i Bottom right: All of the MVP leaders of 2007 gather in the courtyard to pose for a picture.
Usi n g t h e Bo ard Senior Chloe Wood and junior Mary Roth
white board to teach their freshmen the lesson of the
C ircl e Tim e Seniors Megan Wesse l and Alex Trac} lead their small group 1n a discussion about the lesson of the \.veek
14 8
C utt i n g Out Senior Jorgan McGregor cuts out topics for the alcohol a\., areness discussion Freshman Bndget Mclane said, " I enioyed \.'> hen the leaders shared ., their stones "
The leadership of the school; they plan, and they prosper
Golden 1s backbone
Student Council is a major part of many of the fun activities that many of the students at Golden High School participate in Student Council meets every other day during sixth block, but they also have retreats during the summer so that they can start early planning events for the fall. It takes them a lot of planning and without them to plan , this school wouldn ' t have any of the exciting dances or fun events that we have now Junior Jessica Miller said that it takes a few months to plan big events because they plan a little at a time.
Left: Jessica Miller, Stephany Bullard , and Kate Baals discuss future GHS plans Stefany Bullard said that the hardest part of being in Student Council is planning events that will please the whole student body.
Left middle: Nick Dahl, Noah Wallis , and Kyle McKendry plan for future activities
Left bottom : Senior Katy Bonesio colors a poster to hang up in the school
Middle bottom : Alexis Johnson also prepares a poster to post somewhere i n the school.
(All photos taken by C. Rowe , T Simmons, and A. Bartosh)
S tud e nt Co un cil S ta ff Aly!>sa Young Kn,tic Houchcn , 1\nn ika Dotson , Alexander Thomas '\ oah \ Valli:, , Andre\, Coopcr, Nicholas Dahl , Ju::-tin '\lid\ ct Kat, Bone::-io, Nichole Cusack , Lindsey Griffin , Lauren Goh , K, le \tcKendrv, Enc Fauble, Abb,· John:,on , Alexis John:,on , Stcfanv Bullard Katherine Baals, Je::.sica t\liller, Eli Sprague Not Pictured : Alexandria Campbell , ~1ichael Hansen , t\tegan S trale) j and \fariah \\'emer
Pa y att e ntion Juniors \ndre\\ Cooper and Justin ivfid} ct concentrate on planning sc.hool c, ents during one of their meet1ng.,
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Page by: T. Si m m o n s and K Ca rt er 149
Read y S et. G o Freshman
Tv ler Oulet t e geb read) to play another game of badm1tten
Phyical Education is the place to get fit for GHS students this year
Got Sweat?
You can choose from weight lifting to playing sports to dancing the day away You , the people of Golden High School , choose these selective gym courses for your favorite Physical Education classes A number of students that are taking Physical Education say, that " Gym is my number one favorite subject I am tak i ng this year, besides lunch , of course ." Physical Education is not just a fun class to be in , but it also can be very benefici al to almost every aspect in your life Many of the students who play sports for Golden such as football , basketball , volleyball , and soccer all take physical education to keep them in shape during the i r off season Freshman Zakary Acree (left) gets ready to serve the birdie while playing badmitten (Photos by Cayla Rowe)
Watch Out Andr Daniele, a senior, gets read} to hit the: birdie to the other side of the court
Le t_Js Get Ph yi cal Juruor Storm\ v\Tilkinson gets ready t o sha ke her groo, e thing "hill· learni n g a ne\\' dance
Page by : C . Rowe 150
J t_Js a bird It's a p l ane Sophomore Carlos Gonzalez \va t ches the baske tball v, h1le ha, 1ng free time 1n g} m class.
He ) G u y Junior Jack!:>on \Villiams choo-.t.. \\'here he thro\,.., the ball in g) m cla!->~.
R ea d \ f o r It Fre-.hn1an De-.irl.'e Barto-. -.tand.., prepared to hit the birdie,, hen it is "L'n ed to her
Prat ic e Mak es P e rfe c t l\.a1th n C.ra,, ford , a freshman , looks behind her a!:> her partner n11!:>Se!:> the birdie
H e S h oo ts H e Scores C:.Cnior Tonv ., Dc( lrlo get.., rLild) to ,hoot the outside J and make ,1 three point ba~ket.
\ 'hoa Fresman Joseph 'v1atous is unsure on \\'here the ball is going to .ird \\ hile pla) ing dodgeball
I ' m gon na ge t ya C,en10r Derek \loran get ' s rt•,1d, to thnl,, a dodgeball at hi, opponent "htle \\' alching out !)0 hL• doc!> not get hit.
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Students who are willing to go out of their way to make this yearbook a success.
Working overtime
Yearbook students meet every other day during seventh block Making the yearbook is pretty easy as long as you make all of the deadlines It takes a lot of concentration and focus The people that made it happen were: Editor-in-chief Brooke Palmer and editors Amanda Bartosh, Logan Prueitt, Rachel Hunt, Celia Padilla, Lesley Swim , Michelle Roblee , and Dannie Dolan. Without them this yearbook wouldn ' t be possible. This year 's staff was very helpful as well. The class does require a lot of work , but it is all worth it in the end because students get to see the yearbook completed , and it is a good feeling to know that the yearbook staff helped in making the yearbook possible Most students even came in for access or off blocks to get the job done.
Left: Lesley Swim works on spreads for the yearbook She was in charge of the baby pictures in the book, as well as advertising.
(Photos byT
L et's con ce ntr a t e Sophomore Zeke Gustafson concentrates on getting lus ½Ork done P a g e b y : T.Simmons 152
Simmons, L Pruiett, and B . Kelley)
Get it don e Junior Katherine Ca r ter as she work., hard to make the deadline Ge t to ,-vork Senior Logan Prueitt and sophomore Christin,1 To\,rnsend make plans for nex t year's book
I 01the
e>..c1 ti
Hard Work e r Jun1or Rebecca Harns states that yearbook is
ng as she thought it would be except it 1s a lot more ¼'Ork
she expected
Hard at w o rk Rachel Hunt and Celia Padilla are reall} focused \\ orking hard to get spreads done 1n time for the deadline
Ge t f oc u se d Senior Rachel Schluter focu,es on her sp read to get it done.
Ge thn g th e re Junior Ariel Roselle \\ ork1ng on getting picture.., on the computer for her spread.
Editor in C hi e f Junior Brooke Palmer, editor in chief, sa} s that the most exciting thing about being an editor is being in charge of designing the yearbook.
'tearbook Back ro,.,·: Rachel Schluter, Victoria Garcia, r-.1cKenz1e Zimmerman, P1 H ams, Leslev S,'l.•1m Zeke Gustafson Cavla Rowe- Sabnna Ha\·cs Kath, enr.c Carter, Tasha Simmons Second Row Shantel Vigil, Alys~ A.rmentrout, Paige Haberman, Ariel Roselle, Chanda Nguven Ta, tor Bolton, Ashhe Barn~Courtnev Smith Front Ro\\·: Danielle Dolan, Wendi Holl~nd, Amanda Bartosh , Brooke Pal~er, Logan Prueitt, Celia Padilla, and Michelle Roblee
Smil e for th e camera Junior Tasha Simmons takes a picture for her spread.
-- - ·-- --·--· ~~-.
24th Street Choir
B ack R ow : A l e x B u e h le r , Cody
R ex, Camero n Ze rb e t , Co nn or
Summeri L Kevi n Ly n am , B ay
B ryan, Eva n A n der o n .
M idd l e R ow : K ay l i A mm e n ,
J e s i ca M cC r acke n , Ir a Coc hra n ,
Shi l o Arche r , S hann o n M oore,
R aimee G ree n , J e nni fer Ko lm
Fro nt R ow: J e i ca Sc hum ac h er,
R ac h e l H oov le r
Men's Choir
T o p R ow: J e ffe r y Dani e l e, S ean Gaudi o, M a tth ew M c D o n a ld , Chr1 toph er Vin c ent , J on a th a n Ri c h e rt , Cam e ron Bu h -John o n Matth ew Brune l , S c ott S c hu te r Al exa nd e r Ko pr owi cz
B o tt o m Row : J e r e m y H o ldt , Mi c h ae l Gree n e, K y n a n Witt erH i c k , Bre nd a n B a lm e , Dari a n Turn e r, Vin ce M o nti, J o ry an B oo h e r
Women's Choir
B ac k R o \11 A lex is S u g ru e, Sa m a nth a H ill
Lind y L oc k e rd M e li ssa F e m s. ikkt
Gree n Li sa Tyma R e id S \v ee tk1nd Al e n a
Ru LICk a. A bi ga il J o rd a n I n ese 0 Lo is
Third R o \\ : J a n a l}nn C a bu r n , K ay le ig h
Elm Ni co le Lu c h e tt a, Ch e l c;ea Orr L 1L
R o b1n so n S a bnn a H ayes, Sa m a nth a
F is h e r Rikt W e lc h
S eco nd R o w C y n a We nd e l 1n M ega n
J o rdal. Ni co le Lo1<l Emm a Z1k a, Tess
Tr oxe ll. E mil y Voe hnn ge r J ea ne tt e R e d
D og
Fro nt R o \v. St e ph a ni e D a n g. As hl ey
R o bi so n Ni co le J a rre ll Ta bath a G oo dri c h
Kaysey B e ard Bnttney Whit e. A s1ah Jiro n
A e n e Jiro n
f p
Conc e rt Ban d
Bac k. RO\\ Ca me ro n Bu , h-J o hn ..,o n,
Al e \ La nnin g. Ta l}o r Hul ett, Co lltn
l ll r1 c h 1a,o n MeJ r,. Al e , Th o rna,.
Al e x Bue hl e r. pe nce r PO\\ e lL T) ler
J ohn ,o n Ian Merri ll He nf) Andre \\ ,_
J o ne,. Cod} Fa le,
\ 11ddl e Ro \\ Aa n n Kn O\'- le,. Hae 'tun
Bae. Deb ra ? u ba, fa ce} J o ne,, L1n ne.1
J o ne Am} Fh c k. 1ega n Bu e h le r
\aro n Sm1th , Ke \ 1n Burn ,. Au u n c halhan1er. R) a n J o ne..,
F1o n t RO\\ 1orga n Carn11 c hae L
Kc11tl} n Gil be rt . V.. 1n o na Yo un g, Bn dge t t c Lan e, B roo k. e Pa ln1 er, Adeli ne 1a nn Li a na t c l ,aac. Je,,1c a .\ m 1e nt a.
Ka te Hunt e r
Jazz Band
Back Row: Co nn or Summ eri L rvt orga n Carmic h ae l. C hri
Vin ce nt , Eli a Eu le r, J e nn a Par k
E\ian And er so n, Dea n Ma ll ec, Scott Tild e n
Front Row: A lex Bu e hl e r, Scott Sc hu ste r, Dami e n Rock ley, Ty le r Col le, ath an A nd e r so n , Ne il Broo k s, Pay to n Ru y ba l.
Bac k row: Saige Pac he ll o , Kelia
Z ig ic h, Kar i So r vig, l e ica H ay s.
H i ll ary Sm ith , N ico le Lu c het ta , Kri s te n Pri e t . L ili G ordo n, Me la ni e Au ge n te in , La ur a
Mye rs, J o nat h a n Lack, Alexa ndr a
M oa uro.
Fro nt R ow: Eva n A nde r ~o n. April
Ca ddi ga n, S tacey Za nt , Ra c he ll e
J o ne s, Ma tt Tur qu e tt e, J in1 my Ha ve r, Kirk Ma toba.
-- -- ~ - -·----
Aly s a Qui n tan a , Ab b y J o hn s o n , S te p h ani e M o r ale s , Ani Go l vo n ,
Mr. We s terk am p , Nikki M art in ez ,
R ebec c a D avi s, Jimmy H aver , Rh ian n a N e l s o n , M s M c L a u g hlin
Interact Club
B ack row : K a te Hunte r, L a ura
M ye r s, E l yc i a C hri s te ns e n ,
Noe ll e Koc h e l eau , Kari S o rv i g,
L a ure n S age se r, M eg an Str al ey,
A udrey Elli s, Li s a Evank o , Ri o
Knu ss mann , Andr ew C o o pe r,
M a ll o ry L izza .
Fro nt r o w : R ei d Swee tki nd , Ju s tin
Mid ye t , S tefa ny Bullard , J e nny
M ye r s, J e n Ko l m , E ri c F a ubl e ,
A s tr a Mo s s
Winter Percu ss i on
B ack R ow: Sp e n cer Flo we r, Elias Eul e r, Kevi n Th irouin , Dill o n C a m ac h o, C hri s Vin ce nt , J ake Eul e r.
Front R ow : I a n Stitt , Ky nan Witte r s -Hi c k s, Vi c tor H e rn a nd e,. Bro o k e P alm e r, R a c hel Vin ce n t , Emi l y S e id e l , Sean B eac h , Camer o n Bu sh -J o hn on
Ba ck RO\\ ?ach Hurr, l\ndre\\
TruJillo, Timoth} Pull a no L ukc
Mc llv.e e. T}ler Selcer. K1 le
Mc Kendry Dakota We rner Blake
11d dle Ro\\ R} an CuIT). Beau
Rado\ 1ch. Ab1gatl Renaud. Megan
We\\el. Rochelle Hu tman. Kell)
Lubkeman . Jodt K1nnen . Man\~a
Oa\ t\, Ta} lor Tom\ , Shelby
Wunderle Bnanna \\ell\ , Lace)
Hu fnagel, El} \\a ii\ a. Mr\ Slt1c\k1.
A \tra l o~\. Megan Strale). Jenn 1
Hord Hannah Flemm1na. Brooke
Paln1er Je\si ca McCracken Eliott Green. E\an Vall.
Concert Choir:
Back Rov~ Cody Rex. Michael Greene. C'ac;(, \,fack J on Ri chert. Scott
Schuster Sean Gaudio, Max Anderson
TI1ird Ro\\ Jeff Daniele Yon onega. Elizabeth Broadbent. icole Martinez. Sole1l Smith
Second Rov. Al) son T\v 1ford. Amy
Flick A hie} Walls. Mal) Roth. Kansa
Nickt.11 Haley Franco . Maura Callahan, Je~sica Miller. Victona Rossow
Front RO\\ Tasha Simmon s, Ka)se) Beard, J oanna Schumacher, Leah Wnthohn, Jordana Wouk.
Kolb, lerbest. Kac ie Shea. J e s1ca ~tcCracken
Mount a in M agic
Back Ro\l.. Taylor C u\ter. J amie
Nagode , Katherine Car ter. Stefan)
Bu ll ard. Ka il a Molt. Caro lyn
Wilkinson A lh e e nl.
Mid dle Ro\v· Shan1se Perkin\ ,
K,r ~te n Le\v 1s, Lin dsey R alk ie\\ 1c1
Rache l H oovle r Ra1n1ee Green.
Ka rt er Deane Tara Mattson E ly\\U
S tl \ 10 , Shanno n Moore Hannah
Front Row M au ra Ca ll a ha n L1bbj
M at th e\vso n, Ja n1ie agode. L11.,a
Evanko, K at he rine oin e. Paige
Mitchell Ange la Lu rt L
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f 160
Family and friend s get to send th ei r favorite pictures or special note s to the clas of 2008. Everlasting memorie are re co unted as friends and family laugh over a funny photo , or someone read s a personal me ssage from their sweetheart. The entire community can se nd in their favorite memories and set in print their appreciation of the class of 2008. Hats off to you, class of 2008 , you will always live on in the spirit of Golden High School .
' ' -
-. - -· ~-- -· -----'
Tommy James Agrodnia
You are ready to con quer the world' You were ahvays the s we e te s t littl e b oy and now y ou are a ru ce yo un g m a n We h ave a ll lea rn e d so m u ch fr om you , ho\-v much s trength and courage love gives us Keep strong and fo ll ow your dreams'
With all of our love and support, Mom and Dad , Matt, Brooke, and Karll
Alyssa Louise Armentrout
We wis h you the v erv be s t mall of your life 's adventure s We knO\\ vou can and ,vill do ,-vhate'\.er you set your m1nd to in the future
Your family,-vants you to kno,-v ho,v proud ,ve are of you and ho\, much "' e love you
Kayli Abbot Ammen
We are s o\ ery proud of the person that you are and of e , erything you do We kno,v y ou will co ntinue to d o \-Vo nderful thmgs thro u g hout } ou r lif e Keep o n chm bing, re aching fo r th e s ta r s The} are yours fo r the tak ing
We lo, e you so very much
Your moms
Tyler Babkiewich
The real " NAPOLEAJ\: " Wha t up pohce , \,•hat up' Wo\\· you should of stuck \-Vith s,, 1mnung you ' re a na tu ral' Ah.-vays be true to } ourself and ne, er give up on) our dreams You ' '"'ill do grea t ' If you need encouragemen t , the \\ hite snake ,vill A LWAYS be there'
We loYeyou Bntt and Brandon
Tyler Babkiewich
Whatever career path you choose , \vhether 1t be m the lJ S C G , the fire department, or an} thing 1n between, you will ahvays have our deepest pnde and respec t '
Love, Mom and Dad
Kyle Thomas Bailey
You are m)' krught m s hirung armor You are adventurou s, loyal , kind , intelligent and full of mtegnty You h ave become an amazing man with a brigh t future Ahvays r emember that " one candle can ligh t a thousand ." Go hgh t you world 1
Love, Mom
Kyle Thomas Bailey
Kyle , Congratu lations' You ' ve made it so far We h ad more good times than I can even put in t o v.1 o r ds No mat t er,-vha t happened, I a lways kne w, and I s till kno \v, th a t I w ill h ave m y little broth e r m y hil a nou s httl e brother w h o always ha s an e v il sch e m e. We s till have s ome s tai r s to clim b, b u t J , -v ill a lways be h e r e if yo u need anything a t all.
Love, Lopkoff the Russian Stre a ker (aka D e rek)
Tyl er Babkiewich
Tyler, Baseball, Baseball, Baseball' We never had any doubt tha t you ,vould pro, e us,vithcount less hours of spectato rslup Thanks " 21 " 1
We love you , Mom and Dad
Kyle T h omas Bailey
Kyle , Congratulahons on the first big step You are a good person "'' 1th a b ig heart We ar e so proud of you Sta} focused and always inqu 1s ltn e We thank God for the JOY tha t you have brough t to our lives Ahvays k ee p God in your heart.
Lo,e, Dad
Kyle Thomas Bailey
K ) le , You ha, e come a long"'" a), bab}, an d you a r e not do n e ye t-lots of bfe, Joye an d happiness are \.Vai h ng f or you' Yo u have brought much joy and lau g hte r into ou r h ves and -,.,ve knov. you vnll be s u ccess ful in wh a tever the future h o lds for you We a r e so very proud of yo u
Love, Mom
·;::::". ·.•- ·~~~--.. ~~<-:
Kvle T homas Bailey
\\ ere t h~ firs t friend I e,·er had. I have mdll, grea t memories of us gro,\'ing up togdher. I cherish all of them and I ,, ill truly m,.:.., \ ou ne.'\t year. GO CO Ql, ER THE \\0RLD'!!
\\1th n,uch lo\ e, Lu 1asters
Alli son Marie Balme s
To oots Balmes #15
Lo\ e Dod
Allison Marie Balmes
You've ah,·ays been m, S\\ eet girl "ith big blue eyes. Thanks for) our help as the oldest daugher! (\ e loved \\'a tching you gro,,· up and look fon,·ard to seeing you gro,,· into adulthood.
I IO\'C \'OU
.\lorn Alli s on Balm es
Allison, Thanks for being a great big si-;ter, and for helping me this year at high school!
Lo\'e, Brendan
Alli so n Balmes
)ou e been a great big sister and I'm going to ,nbs you ,vhen you go to college. Lo,e, use}
A lli s o n Ba lm e s, K ay l a J o hn s o n
\'Ve ha,·e had some a,,·esome memories together! I couldn't ha,·e asked for anyone better to share them ,,·ith! Thanks for ah,·a) s being there for me!!!
Love Ah,·avs, , Catherine
As hlie Barry
nu,. pa•;t year has been the best time of mv hfe l'n, the luckiest guy in the ,vorld finding someone that makes me so happ\ Soon ,,·e ~in our o,vn lh·es and I can't ,va1t to spend U1e TL'5t of 1t ,,·ith vou.
Forever and E\'er iove, Chad lafoya
Ashlie Marie Barry
Ashlie, 1™.
c ahvays been proud of you. Your zest for l1f~ and your courage to not give up ha" e been an inspi r a t ion t o our family. You have ah,a}'s btic n my !>hini n g star and I kno¾ you \~1tl makr it a ll h a pp en \ 1th a ll my lo ve Mom · '
A s hli e Barry
\Ve \\'ant to let\. ou kno\,· ho\v much \,·e really do lo\'e you \.take sure to enjoy the beauty of life. You ha, e such a big kind heart. We are proud to be blessed \Vith someone like you.
\i\'e \\'ill ah\'ays be there for you.
Lo\'e, your family
A s hlie Mari e Barry
Dear Ashlie
I ha\'e \\'atched , ou mature into a beautiful young mature ,voman o, er the past couple of years. You have made me so proud seeing all of vour goals become realities I am \'ery exc i ted t o see your future accomplishments and I hope you keep reaching for those s t ars!
Co n g r a tu lations Ba b )
Lo\·e Ah,ay5 , D,1d
Amanda Bartosh
To our s,veet little a ngel. You have gotten so far m life and , ,,orked hard to get there. You have acheiYed a lot through the years to get v. here vou are today. You have made us all \ ery proud of you. God Bless
Love ) ou ah,-ays, Mom, Ben and Grandma Dee, Grandpa Bill Lea, 1tt
Kaysey Sue Beard
Congratulahons T\-veeezer 1 We are so proud of you' Be true to yourself and follo\v your dreams and you can do an} tmg
We lo, e you , er} much, Mom, Jake, Kim , Anthon), & Graae
Dearest Amanda
You have brought such JO} and happiness to us since the moment you arrl\ ed You ha, e taught us so many lessons along the ""a} and as vour childhood fades mto the distance , ,, e are so proud of the beauhful young \\' Oman you have become Congratulahons on this milestone achievement.
Love, Mom&Dad
Mindy Lee Blythe
We are so proud of you You are the be::.t daughter anyone could e\ er ask for Stay s t rong and make the vvorld yours.
We lo\ e you so much, Mom&Dad
Amanda Irene Bartosh
To my little girl. You have g r o,vn so much and I have been so proud o f yo u and the things you have learned and you h ave even taug ht me I kne,, you could do it - congra t ulations.
I lo, e you , er} much, Dad
I ha, e kno,vn} ou since 5th grade Remember \vhen I used to bea t you at tether ball , but I love you lots and I hope that \Ve ,vtll be bes t friends fore, er We ha,·e great hmes together and I' m hoping for man} more.
Love vou lots, , ikki
Mindy and Mel
M) Minders!
Lo, e you so much' What ,vould I do 1,v1thout you, especiall} these last 3 years? It's been more than amazing! So many memories, let ' s keep ' em coming' Camping, 4-,, heelmg, Mexico , James Bond all rught and SO much more The only friend I've kno"rn my , ,hole life'
Love} ou 1 tv1el
Mindy Blythe
You have been there for me N1indy and I'm ,ery proud to say you are my sister We have had some good and bad times, but I still love ) a and " ish the best for } a 1
Love, Josh
Mindy Blythe
H old on to your dreams and ne\ er s top behe\tng We are so proud of you 1
Love, Bri g, Warren and Grandma Cha rl otte
Mindy Blythe
This is the time to follov,• } our dreams I ha, e no doubt} our per sonality ,v1ll mak.e p eo ple around you better Ahvays be able to laugh and respect people that l ove yo u Thanks for all the wonderful m emories and res p ect you gave me
Love a lways, Grandma Kervis
11 I 11 II II J ' I ' I ii
Alex andra Bresler
l r Ali!
\ou arc the mo st beautiful granddaughter m the "orld to me \\'hen I don t see you it' s a day of cloudiness and\\ hen I see you 1t makes J cloudy da, seem so much sunruer 1
PaPa Loves You Ven 1\luch !
Alexandra Bresler
r LC"\, \ ,, \\'hat do I say to my Be.1uhful Baby Girl ,, ho ha, ,:rown up to be such a wonderful )Oung woman' Accept lha1 I •m so proud of )OU I am proud of th<• compa,-,1on\ ou :.ho,, to) our famil) and your fnend,, I .1m proud thc;icromph.shmcnb you ha, c made m ,,d,ool, and I lo, e 1hr p,1ss100 tlut) ou ha, e for hock!?)' It 1:, tha1 w11l take \OU through hfcw1th fl);ngcolors \ou truly are .1,tar!And I thank God for letting me be so your mom and I than)( , ou for being my d.1ughter as well a5 m) friend Good Luck and God Ble.s ,ou alway!'
Alexandra Bresler
\\o\,·, Lex, are \ ou graduating already? Doesn't seem possible What a beautiful daughter you are ~ot iust for all of vour amazing accomplishments, but because of the .:>pedal person you are. I couldn t be prouder of you, or love you more. And I am ah,·avs here for you. Good luck!
Alexandra Bresler
'tou mean so much to me We ha, e become so close the last fe"· years I don 't knov. "hat I am going to do next year ,,·hen you' replaying hockt?y so far a\\"ay. Just kno,v that I am very proud of you, and yo uare my best fnend 1n the world.
l.o\'e, 7.ach
Katy Bonesio
It has been a funk} ad,•enture gro" mg up toge ther We l ook forward to , 1siting you at college a nd ahvays looking out for our "little is ter"'
Lore, 1att and Taylor
Alexandra Bresler
Dea r Ali'
l am themostfortunategrammiein the,\ orld. Some of the best times of my life are spen t \\ '1 th vou Our hocke) tnp s are the best You are such a beautiful person inside and out. \Ve ha, e alot of laughs and fun \\'hich makes my heart gon,· stronger.You \\"ill ahvys be in m\' heart no matter \\'here or \, hat \ "O U are doing.
Love and Kisses Gramm1e
Alexandra Bre s ler
\1) S,,·eet Lex, Kisses from Hea, ·cn
In Loving t-.femory of PaPaJohnny
Alexandra Bre s ler
As a grandparent I see great things ahead for you. I am so proud of you & all the things you ha\'e already accomplbhed. You are a great kid and I sure do love \'OU '\.ana
Katy Bone s io T
\.\e laugh more stalk more ad, enture more and ha, e more fun than anyone else 1n the \,orld- vou kno,, its true I hope the ,vhat if Jokes and the 1ncred1ble sleepo, ers ne,·er end We truh ha, e become E and FJ and I am so g lad to ha, e vou as m\ best fnend 1 Lo,e, RobZ
Katy Bonesio
I am the luckiest mom 1n the ,._·orld to ha, e you for m) daughter You are so kind , conside rate, and talented-and I am incredibly proud of yo u Whatever yo u decide to d o, I know you\\ 111 be a big s uccess- and ahvays my p rec ious gir l. Love, M o m
• 6 ~ • I • 1 .. --·~
Alexandra Bresler
Dear Alex,
You are the best s is ter a girl could ask for Congra tulah ons and I'll miss you very much. Lo\e, Gabby
Neil Brooks
Do you remember that time \.vhen yo u were on the couch and you were reall y sad so Mom gave you yo ur blue and red rattle? And remember you acc1dentall y sh ook 1t and figured ou t that's how you make it rattle' And then eyery time 1t rattled you t otally couldn't stop laughing' You remember that? That \.vas av,•esome Dad and Mom (\.-vith msp1rahon from Chns Farle,)
ard Douglas Bryan
Hey, Good looking' Here 's looking at you' Lo\e, Mom and Dad
Bayard Douglas Bryan
Your family 1s so proud of Bayard Douglas BI)an. We love you so much
Jordan Bull
Your future looks bnght 1 Just kno\.v \.•:e love and support you as you start a ne\.v Journey through life Keep up the good work Love, Dad, Mom, and Ta,ler
Maura Leighann Callahan
Our love and support are \\'ith you where\ er you go' Thank you for the joy and laughter you broughtespec1all) ,v1th your " Jlove Lucy " antics' May god bless your future as much as ) ou ha\·e blessed us!
Anthon y Carbon e
You ha\ e accomplished yet another goal \.VI th many more to follow Set the bar high and tf you approach bfe bke baseball, no goal will be out of your reach lam very proud of you Remember 1st pitch to last pitch
Love you, Dad
Jacob Alan Carl s on
Being Oma's first great grandchild , she was so proud of you. If she ¾'e re able to be with u s tod ay, she \.vould tell you to conhnue your education, love and be loved! Appreciate what you have been blesse d with and ha ve a g reat life!
I love you, mom
All of our lo\ e, Mom and Dad Jacob Alan Carlson
Dear Jake,
Some of out happiest times \Vere our family \ aca hons to Mexico We hope you hold on to those memories as you move forward m your hfe You are very special to dad and I Remember t o dream, believe and achieve
We love you, Mom and Dad Jacob Carlson
Jake, You are the best brother e\'er You are the funniest and silliest kid ever I love yo u so much and I' m so proud of you.
Love, Breezy (aka Brown)
C ·c D ( s a
Ja cob Alan Carlson
Congratulations. you ha\·e made me one proud grammy 1 Go nov, and ha\·e a ,vonderful hte. Did 1 tell you to be bold to not be afraid of the uru-no,vn but to hve hfe to the fullest and mt-et each ne,v expenence ,v1th JOY and anticipation'
All my love Grammy .
Christina Ruby Carrano
You are a smart strong, beautiful young \\'Oman and '"e are so proud of vou. You \\•ill continue to do great things and impact the lives of many people throughout vour life Believe in yourself and your dreams ,,·ill come true.
\\'e love vou 1
l',,fom and ¼ke
Alise Cohen
This is the \\·ay I ,vill ahvays remember you and puppy. Hope you both ha,·e a great nme in college.
Love, Grandma
(Becca) Conklin
Becca, I'm going to miss you so much' I'm going to miss singing " He} Jude " by the Beatles with you and \.-vatchtng "She's the man " \.vhile laughing our heads off 1 We 've had so many great times together' Good luck 1n college!
Hugs and Kisses,
(Becca) Conklin
E\'er since you came into this world, our lives ~a\'e ne, er been the same We will so miss ·our ,vit, spunk, smile and beauty' We lo, e ,ou so much and so pro u d of you!
\f om , Dad , Missy, an d M a t thew
Jacob A. Carlson
Ou r dea r est Jacob, Its hard to belie,·e tha t you a r e graduating High school \.\' hen , t feels hk.e you ,vere 1ust born vesterda, \'\'e are so proud of you and \\ e kno,, this 1s 1us t the beginning of great thing s to come 1 \\'e lo,·e vou, Aunt Con and Uncle Pete.
y C happl e
There are short-cuts to happiness , and dancing 1s one of them .'' - \ ' ickie Baun, \\'e are so proud of you! You are :,o talented and ha, eso much to look fon\'ard to in college and the vears ahead \\'e ' II be there for vou. • • Lo, e} ou ah,·ays, \torn, Dad and Hillan·
Ali se C ohen
Good luck \\'ith your double major in agriculture and tap-dancing. \Ve love vou 1 ~lorn and Dad
Becca C onklin
From tumble-tots to parachuting do,\ n stairs, and from co tillion until se ni o r year, you ha\'e been such a great fnend to me. I ca n 't behe, e that\\ ·eare seniors and arestillsoclose 1 I knO\\ our friendship\\ 111 continue throughout and beyond college Thank you for ah\ ay., being there I lo, e you Lo, e, KatJa
Catherine C o x
You ha\ e been such an 1ncred1ble friend and I can't thank you enough' We have countless memories from the duck call, random Breck tnps, Get some!, boys "yo u go first ", dangero u s roads, Bk, 10:30 carwashes, life goals, and so m a n y m o r e! I love yo u s o mu ch and I kn ow our fir e nd s h ip wi ll co ntinu e to g r o l-v! l ea rn from your m i s take s Love a lway s, Ash le y
\ V
Catherine Cox
Yo u h av e g row n up on me ! This is unacce pta ble I ,-v1sh th e b es t o f lu ck in th e future , and aft er d eal ing ' "'1 th m e all these years, I know you can handle any thin g.
With love from your other big brother, Nick
PS. Oh and I still need to appro,e e, ery gu) you meet
Catherine Cox
Catherine, You have ahvays h, ed hfe to its fullest Your positive outlook, energ> and creath 1ty ,v1ll take you many places Thank you for being such a ,vonderful daughter and for ahvays making us laugh Keep on smiling'
We love you so much
Love , Mom and Dad
Anthony (Tony) Decarlo
Tony you are our "Little Buddy." We ¼ 1sh you success and happiness Remember ,-ve are alvvays there for you Keep sm1Jing 1 Love
Marco , Gmo and Damte
Catherine Cox
Cath y, Yo u are s uch an amaz ing little s is te r It has bee n grea t watchin g you gro ,v up and gro¼' up w i th yo u Yo u turn ed ou t to be an aweso me girl H ave a grea t senio r year
Love Ahvays, Griffin
Matthew Michael Crow
I can' t t ell you ho,v blessed ,ve have been to ha,e you for our son, 18 years ha,e gone b) m a blink of an eye I am so proud of the man t ha t } ou have become Dream big, you can achieve it
Love, Mom, Dad, Melissa and Tamm}
Anthony (Tony) Decarlo
We are so proud of you. Reach the stars and follo,v your dreams and remember success 1s getting ,vhat you ,van t; happiness is , vanhng what you get! We love you 1 Mom and Dad
D y lan
You have been the best brother anyone could ever ask for Thanks for being there for me
I'\ e ah-vays looked up to you and I'm going to miss you when you go t o college
Kea t on
Dylan Dille
Th ank you fo r all t he grea t memor ies You h a ve been a b n ght s p ot in our lives'and ,ve we re blesse d beyo und o ur wildes t dreams the da y y ou w e re born Yo u ha ve a w onderful life ahead of yo u- enjoy the journey!
Love, Dad and Mo m
Dylan Dil le
Dy l an, You have been such a fun kid to have around from the da) you ,vere born! Your lo, e of hfe and opttmism ¼'ill take you far We love you n1ore than you'll eve r imagine and ,ve love the person that you are becoming. The future holds man} grea t treasures for you
Dad, Mom and Keaton
Dan n y Dusda l
Danny, You', e truly bee n a JOY to have in ou r lives. Yo u o n ce we re o ur b aby, but h ave g rovv n into a w o nd e rful y oun g n1an full of fun and ac ti v ity. Keep w earing that big s mile Follo,v yo u r d reams , achieve yo u r goals and lis ten to yo u r h ea rt We lo ve you , Mom and Dad
• ' ,l .8· lli&,114 t • •• ,J.. ! • z • • •
Taylor William Eagen
Dear Ta\ tor.
Thanks for ah\ ays being there for me You re ,uch a good brother and I love you I hope you have fun at co llege I 11 miss yo u ' Love ,·a!
• Torv •
Matthew Linville-Engler
Al,,·a) s be yourself and ne, er stop using your head.
Love, l\ fom, Dad and Ben
Matthew Linville -Engler
~fatt you have done a lot of gro,, mg up 1n the last four years. I am extreme)} proud to be your brother I kno,v } ou ha, e learned a lot over the last 18 }ears, but 1ust remember v.·ho taught you to pee outside
Lots of love , Ben
Larry B. Engstrom
We are so proud of how far you ha, e come and of the wonderful young man you have become Remember to ne, er be afraid to tr} ne"-' things and enJO} "' hat life has to offer
Keep up the good ½'Ork
We lo,·e you, Dad, Mom and Jason
Peter Farrin
Peter, You ahvays greeted the world with a smiling lac e, and as you grew, a kind word or deed Those qualities will serve you well m life We are so happy you a re in our liv es
Love, All of your famtl y
Taylor William Eagen
Congratulations, Tavlor 1 We are ven proud of the person you are Pursue you r dreams, treas ure \ our go ld en" roots! Lo,e ~1om and Dad
Matthew Linville-Engler
~latt ,
To one cool dude \\'e kno,,· you have a fantastic future be(ause \ ou are such a great young man Love, ~1om , Dad and Ben
Brianna Ga y le Engs trom
I am so proud of you and all ) ou have accomplished and all you ,, ill accomplish. You are the most amazing person in my life \Ve ha, e laughed and cried together and shared our dreams. I hope all your dreams come true You are mv best friend Lo, e, \.1om
Elizabeth Farrell
Lizzie, I lo, e that you are so comfortable being •,vho vou are You are a ,, arnor' You are m, hero.
• See you in the A M I love you, Mommy
Peter Farrin
Peter, You ha, e ah, ays had a special ,, a) ,, 1th animals ,ve kne\\ you were one of those " humans" \Ve could trust, so ) ou coul d get us to do an} th1n g 1 Goo d luck
All the d ogs who loved yo u over the years, Brutus, Alex, Molly, C harlie, Chelsey, Maggie, Rosie and Blondie
Peter Farrin
Peter, you've been such a great big brother' GOOD LUCK' LOVE, SUS I E
P.S Thanks for driving me to school.
Peter Farrin
This picture reminded us of the joyful l augh you had, even as a baby Congratulations!
We love you, MOM&DAD
Samantha Fisher
My Beauhful Baby girl Always remember hov. proud of you I am and ahvays \-Vtll be Al\, ays keep your chin up and stand tall and proud of yourself and keep this smile forever
Lo"e, Mom Sammy
You haYe been my best fnend and my sister for the longest bme Through , " Teach me how ' ' , and everything else, we ' ve made 1t to today I luv you girl, and you ' ll ah-vays ha\ e to " Teach me how " '
Just remember I'm always here no matter whatt
Love always , N1cole (Nikki)
Carlie Michelle Ford
WOW 1 What a nde
We ' ve learned from each other both good and bad
I am in awe of you and all your abil1bes
Use them wisely and dream often
Stay true to those that mean the most But always to yourself
You are FANTASTIC 1 Ride on my "Bug"
Love, Mama Michael Daniel Gagnon
Words cannot express ho"v proud we are of you' You have grown up to be a wonderful young man. Don't ever change! You have everything in life ahead of yo u Keep yo ur goals in sight a nd go for it.
" Live the Dream "
We Love you Al ways, Mo m&Da d
Samantha Marie Fisher
Roses are Red, Violets are blue , the pink roses you hold, are not half as cute as you
Love you , Grampa & Grama R
Over the past fev.• years so much has happened and through it all you have been by my side
I love you sooo much and I'm only a phone call, text, IM or block away LOL! You are my "v1fe and nothing will e\ er change that "FOREVER and ALWAYS"
Love you, Coley
Carlie Michelle Ford
Oh my beaubful httle 'bug', You've made me proud from the start. Yourpersonality,smile, warmth and love have never ceased to amaze me
From a httle bundle of joy, to an amazing, young lady You go girl.
I love you, Mom
Cody Joseph Galioto
What a couple of cuties! Hope life is always trus exc1hng for you
Co dy Joseph Galioto
WO\\'! \Ve can tbehe\"e o urbab) brother is all gro,"n up. Go ou t and take on the\\ o rld 1 lo\'e, vour sis & bro
Cody Joseph Galioto
Ah, ays the funny g u, o f th e family, ready to entertain us. We v. 1sh for you great things in life. Vl/e kno\, you can do anything you put vour heart into.
lo, e, ~lorn & Dad
Kylie Marie Gehrke
Our httle k.yhe Boo',
)ou grew up so fast' \.'Ve are so proud of your hard \\'Ork an d accomplishments, especially getting your C \i A. at 171 You are off to a ,great start. \.ia) your future be as bright and beautiful as vour smile!
We love you , Mom, Dad an d Ka) Jen
Maggie Gilli s
Pnncess Bumble Fish. Little ~tennai d, beading, brats, cats, and polly pocket$. We w ouldn t change a thing.
l.{i, e, aJancing Bear: and Mommie Dearest
Maggie Gilli s
You're the b~ t sister on the planet Thanks for al ways being there for me
Lo\'eI Je1mes
Ma gg i e G illi s
Princess , You ' \'e been a star ever since day one You " 'ork hard , si ng like an angel and y ou have a heart of gold \Vt• love you!
~lorn & Dad
atherine Green
·ev you are graduating HS yo nothing but the best life has
l!Jnc l e Daniel, Jorda n , and A s h -
M agg i e G illi s
A ba, ba, , Thanks for sharing laughs and ,e c rets \.\'e \\'ill ah-,·ays be friend s.
P S. I didn ' t take) our pants
I love you , Sister Bav Bav (~1artella) ., Walt e r G la ss
Hurray and congratulations' You did a great job You ' veal\\'ays kno,'-'n \,·hat's right for you Just remember that and enjo, ,..-hat ' s ahead. Good luck and don ' t forget to call
lo,e vou,Mom and Dad
Raime e D e ni se G r ee n
Your JOY has been an 1nc;p1rat1on to our entire fam1I} We pray the light that shines from your eyes \viii never gro,._ dim, and that your sn1ile ,,·111 contin u e t o brighten the day of c, er}one you meet
We lo\ e yo u , thank5 for be in g yo u ! Dad , Erin, Joel , N1ck, Paul , and McKew1e
Ellie Gustafson
Ellie, this is ,,vhat you looked like jus t before you thre,v up on your dad We are glad that ph as e is o ve r We a re v ery proud of y ou
Lo , e
t-.1 o m and D ad
Ellie Louise Gustafson
" But officer I thought the speed hm1 t ,-vas 80 " Elhe, please slo\v do\vn and smell the roses Pollo~• your heart We kno,"' you will be the best }OU can.
LO\'e, Grandma and Grandpa
Erik Gus tafson
Dear Enk, Laugh often and much Appreciate beauty and find the best in others Leave the \.vorld a better place and you \.V1ll have succeeded m life We love you and are so proud
Mom and Dad
Nicole Katherine Green
Even though you are grad uanng from high school, you ,.vill ahvays be our bab} girl You are very spec ial and we are so proud of you You can accomplish anything you set your mmd to We love you \'ery much
Mom and Dad
Ellen Hanggi
M elon- You are a jO} and blessing 1.n our bves and we are so proud of you. As you begin this n ew a d venture m your life, we hope all your dreams will come true
Wi th a ll o ur love, Mom a nd D a d
Ellie Gustafson
Beas t! Look at u s, s ittng on the couch like gangs ters! I don' t know ~ •hat you •,vill do in college ~ithout me there So you don ' t get too lonely, I ' ll v is it o n the ,veeke nd s ! We can build fo rts a nd pla y apples!
Ellie Gus tafson
Ell1e, this 1s you on ) our first day of k.mdergarden Enjo) the rest of your life as much as you did the first da} of kindergarden We !"" you ill succeed 1n anything you do Just be happy' Lo\'e) ou 1
Mom and Dad
Nicole Katherine Green
Nicole, my first born grandchild You 'v e ahvays had a special place in my hea r t I'm very proud of your accomplishments so far and look for you to do much more 1n your We You ' re s,veet, lo,ing and ver} tall
Lo, e, Grandma Lindsey Griffen
Lmdse)- Your future isas bright as the sparkle in your eyes We love you verv much!
Mom, Dad , and Tro}
Ariel Hansen
Air Bear, What would I do without you? I ' ll never forge t all our memones from Hawau , Cleo (Girl!) terrifying me, the gnnch,our health plan lha t never happened, A, a lanche games and so many more I can always coun t on you and you ha, e no idea ho" m uch that m eans to me You are a k ind, int elli gent, and unique p erson tha t I a m so l uck y to ca ll m} bes t fri end I love yo u !
Eliza P.S.- Remember n,y '"'' eddmg!
Ariel Hansen
m so proud of you and your accomplishnt ,o far' is Jus t the beginning of another chapter in your hfe The s kv ·s the m1t , so reach for the s t a rs ' Hu gs a nd kisses. O\e )OU!
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
S\\1 ng1ng m1gh t be fun, but keep i t \\rapped up until aft er college Co ngratulations
Grandm a and Grand pa Amos Aunt Kandi 1 an d boys
Ariel Hansen
Dearest Ariel. You shined m the forest and the trees , and s hined m sc h oo l, a nd b, th e se as. Yo u are a s ta r s hining brigh t and G rand m a lo\ es , o u , da} and nigh t
C, randma
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
t ar all your dream:. come true and I hope you catch the big one
lo\ e , Grandpa Harvey and Grandma Judy
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
fa en th o ug h yo u a re g ro,, n u p no\\', you ,~ ill ah"·ays be my bah} I am g l ad \\"e made II thi :. far so good and look fo n ,•a rd t o all trus t is to com e.
Lo\e, Mom
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
Born w1th a hu nger fo r success. 17 years la t e r and not mu ch h as c h a n ged Co ngratulatio ns nd best , v1s h es on yo ur future.
Lo\e, }our fath e r, l\J1ls
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
Don t let your dream!> go up in !>moke, like you do all your money \\'care proud of you and love vou e, en more .
Love, l\. t om and Dad
fyler Bj0rn Hansen
\\-o rk as ha rd as yo u pl ay a n d yo u 'll go fa r Co ngratul a ti o ns!
r randma Linda and Grandpa Danny
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
I am glad I ha, e you for a big brother
O\.\' \\·hen a re you moving out so I can ha, e your room?
lo\'e, Andv P.S. Leave your play sta t ion.
Tyler Bj0rn Hansen
You h a, e reall} grov,.,n u p We a re ve r y proud of \' OU!
l o \ e, Grandm a Linda a nd Gran d pa Dann y
A ri el Hansen
You are a wonderful pe rson. Ahvays pos1hve, car in g, gn ing, fun, hard "" orking, loving, though t ful, respectful and a JOY Your depth of charac t er and \.vork ethic \.-\1.ll carry you fa r in life I am proud of you 1n so may \.'- ays.
Keep up the great"" ork.
Love }a, Dad Ariel Hansen
I can't believe you're already done ,v1th high school Soon } ou ,v1ll be off to college and making a life for yourself I am going to ha, e to start kicking your butt more often before you're out of the house
Love ya,
Your older brother, Jake
Jared William Hanson
Dear Jared, You finall, made 1t to four} earsof highschool
Follow your dreams and stay out of trouble
Glad you made it this far Don ' t forget , \Ve lo\. e you, httle bro
Love Always , Your big brothers, Josh and Lucas
Jared William Hanson
Jared, WOW, we are so proud of you , you bring so much joy into our hves, '" 1th all the magic you do, you are the magic to us Remember to be true to yourself and follow your dreams
We love you
A riel H anse n
Oreo , Hol y carp , all grown up Yo u a re s uch an a m azing person and \.v ill b ecom e things Ico uld never dream of' Thanks fo r le tting me beat you up \.vhen v.·e v.·ere kids, ha, you helped me become \.vho I am nov, I love you and am lucky to have you as a sister
Love, Bavlee , P.S Congrats
Ariel May Hansen
Though 1t ma} not seem so at hmes , I'v e ah, ays looked up to vou as one of m 1 vef) good fnends I can usually look to vou for ad, ice and help, and I am proud to call you
m, sister Lo,e 1 a, .tvhchael
Jared William Hanson
The Duff Do1 le M1hha
Zoe Hatch
Zoe, Ha, e a \\·hole mess of fun this year Lo,e, Zach
Zoe Hatch
Dear little sis, You' re ha rdly"l1ttle" anymore! It has been fun w atching you gro\v up into such a beautiful you n g wo m an I'm very proud o f you'
Co n g ra tu la h ons, Lo v e, Ali
Zoe Hatch
Lo,·e a t first sight. and forever Lo, e, Gran d ma and Grandad
l I
IZoe Hatch
I~ratulahons on rour graduation and n t ht"'-titate to contact me for ad\·tce on recording mdustn tf you specialize 1n rtertainment La\\ l\.f a, be I ll need a ne\\' gent b\' then !
ur fnend
,,1t!ht "\oakam
Zoe Hatch
\\c are extremely proud of you and can't at to see you \\'alk at graduation. \\'hat 1amaz1ng year it from holidays, dances, kam\ graduation and of course the fam) graduation party to mexico. You are a remarkable young lady and ,viii be \'ery Jccessf1..1 • in life!
l)uke & Lisa
Zoe Hatch
2.oe, )ou 11 ah\'ays be our precious princess. \\e lu\ e you!
Mom& Dad
l oe Hatch
L.OO agrrr, longrats, baby! I'm so proud of you for 1 h,:it you have acconphshed and most of .tl] ['m so proud of myself I someho,v got tremely lucky and found a gorgeous underclassman \\'ho I couldn't lh·e \vithout. I ve you 4ever.
\ou r Pooky
Nick Hazell
Wr are so impressed by your zest for life and ne" ' experiences and cloesness of your !riendship k, you move into the next phase : }'uur life may you cruise s moothly though ,e bumps, lut all the 1umps and land sa fely We love you, Morn & Dad
I l
Zoe Hatch
Zoe I ll ne\ er forget that match m \.lihvaukee I ,\ant my championlship belt back and I den1and a rematch after you g radu ate from college \\fork hard in physical education chump
King Kong Bundy
Ah,·ays remember the fun times Don ' t ever let people change ,vho you are because you are the cutest and most amazing thing that has hit this earth Ket.p on smiling and dancing, gorgeous I love you so much , Kam Zoe Hatch
To mv Zo-Zo,Elementary school talent sho,,·s trips around the country, home \'ideos, birthdays and dancing You are my bestfriend, my sister o matter \, hat happenesin thenext step in our lives I kno\,. \\'e \Vill ah,•ays have each other. Here ' s to us lo\'e, friends for a lifetime
Lo"e, Lin-Pin
Thank you for 18 year of great memone!> of a great guy! Ackno\,·ledge your many talents and abilities' Realize \\'hat a \\'Onderful person you are' 1 lo\'e vou, -
I remember \\'hen I 1,vas in 3rd grade and people used to talk to me as if I \Vas \ our sister I guess some things never change At least you a la\vays had a good re p Whether you know it or not , I've learned from \ o u O\ er the years l '\ eahvayslook up toyou ,a nd always will The house \v1ll be quiet without your pa rties
Yo u r sis, tvt a ri sa
s David s on Hazell
Nick Haze ll
Kara Rhea Heckman
Nothing makes me more proud than to be your father and to have you as my daughter I kno\V you will s ucceed at anything you attempt Remember that I will ahvays be here for you.
Lo, e, Dad
Rachel Hoovler
Chill bab; 1 You have earned a break. l\o more exams until college We are so proud of 1ou 1
Love, Mom and Dad
The Scoobies
The Tnple Threat 1 We made 1t 1 From our first Halloween \Vtth popping coffins to endless shopping trips to girls night \.\-'1 th illegal pizza orders, \.Ve ha\·e been th rough it all Bo th of you mean so much to me and I'm so blessed to have you as my fnends !
Rachel Hoo, ler Rachel Hunt
I hope your dream!:> take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes , to the ,vindows of your opporttun1ties, and to th e most special places our heart has ever knov,,n •Explore•Dream•Discover•
I am so proud of you'
Lo\e, Andrea Rachel Hunt
I'm so lucky to ha, e you as not on ly a big s is ter but a lso as a best fnend You ha, e always been there for me no matter \-Vhat and I' ll alway c; be here to s upport everything you do I,-v you will do great thing s v.•i th you r life. I LOVE YOU!
Love, Maggie
Rachel Hoovler
Your imagination and determination have given you a wonderous life Continue your journey and your life will be infinitely fuller than yo u ever dreamed of.
Love, Mom and Dad
Rachel Hoovler
Thanks for bringing ) our music into our \VOrld! It is a far better place because you create lo,·e and joy with eve ry note
Love, i\ttomand Dad
Jennifer Carolyn Hord
Jennie , We are so proud o f your amazing academic success and readiness to try ne\ v things. You a,ved us ,, atchmg you Iri sh s t ep-dancing 1n front of hundreds, supporting your teammates o n your soccer field and hockey fields, and going overseas in search of new· experiances You ' re a,vesome 1
Love , Mom , Dad and little Brother
Rachel Hunt
You have ahvays been the heart of ou r family
We are so proud of \vho you are and exci ted t o see \\ ho you ,vill become
Our love ahvays, Dad and Mom
Kiah Michelle Hurley
B1ah Jichelle, You a r e th e lo\ e of my life and have been ever since Kindergarten From N'Sync to Ha s te the Day, boys and school, we have been through everything together I don ' t know what I would do \Vithout you. We ' l1 be best friends forever. I love you more than you knO\V.
Love, Birsten Janne
Kiah Michelle Hurley
h brings jO) to e\'e r vo n e t hat she meet::. r,mile and her laugh ah,•ays brightens the \. Congatulations bab\ "' e lo, e, ou 1
Kiah Michelle Hurley
~rom then to no,,· ,,·e are still ha, ing fun to-ether. Even ju::.t a fe,,· seconds ago \\'e ,,·ere probably veiling at each other and fighting, I you are still my older '.->tSS\ and I lo\'e ou and hope your life is great even though l\\on't be in it \'erv much lore, rour little s1ss, • \1chole Rochelle M. Hutman
llo, e mv familv so much! ,
Katja Jacobs, tan't belie\'e you are graduating high school d going to college and I am really proud of ou. Ju st make sure that you pick a college mewhere "''arm and possiby on a beach my friends and I can revisit and relt, e edream.
katja Jacobs
Ka~ , h•p,1rtner in crime, m} best fnend We have mdny amazing a nd hilarious memories dt I \\'ill ne, er forget Where, er the future 1 kes u s I know we will ne,·er lo se each other love you gir l 1
Kiah Hurley
Kiah , 1can hardly belte\'e) ou are alread) a senior I • am so proud of you and can' t ,va1t t o see "' hat hfe brings you o matter \\'hat remember that I am ahvavs here for , ou. You have m, uncondi t ional support KL-ep smiling b,1be, I lo\'e vou!
Am,1nda Kiah Hurle y
Kiah ,
)ou ,,·cre uch a happy baby You \, ere ,1h, a) 5m1ling and laughing You h,1, e grcn\'n up ..,o fast. You are ::.uch ,1 b1.~autiful girl , ,,•ith a beautiful ..,pirit, \\' 1th the 5an1c beautiful 5m11L )ou have brl)ught ..,o much joy into our homL folio\,· your heart and keep ,miling I lo\'e You!
Katja Jacob s
Kat)a, You ha, e brought joy to my , cry ordinary da) s I ' ll mbs !>pending hour-. ,vith you laughing o\'cr absolutely nothing, b,1k1ng , hairstvk>s, the raft in Puerto Rico , and so much • more You ha\'c been thL• pl'rfect daughter and I love vou!
l O\' C .\ t om
Katja Jacob
I can t belie, e little " chacha '' i!> gro\\•ing up! You'\'e becon1e -.uch ,1 beautiful young \\'oman, and ha, e so much to look fon\'ard to You ah, a,::. kno\\ ho\\ to make me smile and if 5omeone needs ,heenng up , ) ou·re the one to talk to' J don t intend to e, er forget ,1bout you You're in my thoughb and prtl) ers!
Lo, e \'cl, • Louie
Katja Jacob s
KatJa, \-Ve "ere bound to be friends from the hn1l' our mothers "' ere 1n the hospital together I ,..-ill ah, ays miss the endless nights playing vallball 1n your basement, ha, in g ketchup fight s, and being gossip queen s 1n tv1VP (poor Mr C) Thank you for a ,vonderful se\'e nt een years!
Katja Jacobs
Katche , Gro\ving up \\ 'i th you has been the best time of m y hfe. You truly are an amazing person and I'm so luck, t o ha, e you in m, hfe I'll never forget tumble t ots, basketball, or al l our hour-long laughing sessions. I knO\\ 1ou \vill do great in college and I'll miss you I lo, e you fore, er and e, er 1
Briana Janssen
Bnana t-.1y Little Princess• I'm, eI) proud of you I Remember to be yourself, focus on} our goab and you'll be sure to ach1e, e them --Dance hke no one 1s \\ atch1ng
Lo,e, Mom
To ry Johns on
You ha\'e al" a, s filled my heart "''1th JO\ ""ith your beautiful smile and that read, laugh I \vill al\\ays be so proud of you as you embark on your nex t ad,·enture 1n life Lo, e you S\veehe
Mom A s hle y Johns on
ISo many year, so many memories, I can't e\en behe, e All I can say is thank you for ahvays being there for me, and being my partner in crime and best fnend for so long I don't kno\.v ¾here I ""·ould be without you 1 I love you -;,o much 1
Lo\e Ahvays, Jordan
A s hle y John s on
Dear Ashley,
I'll miss you. You are an ama7ing sister and I've had a lot of goo d time s with you. H ave fun 1n college, and don ' t worry I'll come ,·isit you so you don' t miss me too much. Good Luck.
Love, Nan
P.S. You were a grand soccer Nlom
Katja Jacob s
You are an Amazing , Smart, Beautiful, Hard\\Orking , Ded icat ed, Lo ving, Funny------ Did I say beautiful yo ung lady. Each day you unpress me \,·1th your inner s trength and self confidence I am truly blessed and thankful to God for entrusting you to your mom and me.
Lo,e, Dad Tory John s on H1 Sister' We',e come a long \Va) since our "cat food" eating da,s, but "ve're probabl) iust aszan, Oh\, ell, there'snobod\ I'd rather act craz} "" 1th. I lo\·e} ou!
A s hley Megan John s on Ashle), vou fill us \\'1th lo\ e and pride. )ou are a \vonderful daughter Take e, ery opportunit} that comes. You have a great future in front of) ou.
Lo, e You, Mon\and Dad Ashley Megan Johnson
Ashley, You are a great big sis ter I \vill miss you \Vhen you go to college Don't go t oo far a,,·a)
Love You, Liam Ashley Johnson
Ash- My httle soccer player' So ,vhere do I star t? Grey's all night, venting, making shir ts an d signs ,ve don' t even use, boys, s kiing \.Vith yo u mom in Breck, eahng! birthday s, H awa ii and so s o much more are a ll priceless memories. You are trul y a beautiful person both inside and out and I am so grateful to you for ahvays being there for me as such a good friend and such a good person.I love you Ash!
As hley Johnson and Lizzie Farrell
Ashlc, Johnc;on & Lizzie Farrell
Our memories together a re unforgettable. I hit, e had so much fun \,·ith you girls this year! I look ton, ard to ,.,, hat is ahead of u s'
Love, Catherine
Kayla Johnston
K.1, la, •
)ou ~lade It! \ \'e are so proud of you in all that you ha\'e accomplished Girl! Your inner beauty and strength are amazing Through all of the Ups and Do\, ns in life, you ha,·e come out ,,·ay ahead and succeeded Keep that ,,·onderful drive and sp1nt in life and you \\' ill go far.
l..o, e Ala,, a, s, ~tom and Dad
Kayla Johnston
Kayla, November 2, 1989 a day imprinted in our minds. The Lord blessed us ,, ith a beautiful granddaughter. The road ahead of you \\'ill be an exciting ad,·enture. Enjoy the highs-Learn from the lo\\·s \,Ve kno,,· , ou ,, ill succeed in al that you do
Love, ~fa,,· ~fa,,· and P a Pa
Robbie Jones
Sucess is peace of mind attained only through self satis faction in kno ving you ' , e made the effort to do the best of ,·hich you are capable "(John Wooden) Best ,, ishes to all your dreams and to your future We a r e proud and look fonvard t o \vatching you conti nue to grow
Love Mom Dad,Ryan,Reed
Rose Kalasz
Rose- \,Ve 've ,vatched as vou'\e gro\vn in ,vhat seems to be th e bhnk of an eye NO\\. you're off on a ne"" life ad, enture We're so proud of you and will always be Go now and create great memories
\Vith all our lo ve and bes t \V1shes, OD and Jim
Brittany Jean Johnson
De a r Brit, You have becom e an am zing \\'O man Yo u have taught u s so mu c h Thank you , for a hvays making us so proud \ Ve \\'ish on ly the best for you and \\' ant you to kno,,· ,, e,,•ill al\, ays be there for you Abo , thank you for giving your dad a reason to golf on ,, eekends!
All our love ah, ays , Dad , ~lorn , Jord,tn , and JL.., s ie
Ka yla John s ton
Ka, la ,
\\'e are so proud of ou for fa c ing thl.' c hallenges that life ha" thro,vn , and ,, atch1ng y ou coml' out on top \\ 1th y our beautiful smile and dctem1ination to u cc eed \ \ 'c hope that) ou have " Happ y Tr,1 ib '' .-ill the dav-. of vour life • •
\\'e love you , Grandaddic ,1nd Gr.-indmom
Kayla John s ton
To my girls, The Fantastic .J Frida vs ,, ere ah, a\: s the best. Either at Lolliecup or Starbuck-., ,, e ahvay!had fun Through tears and smiles \, e made it through high school. Thank s for ah, a y s being there for me I love you all , I \, ill mi-.~ all of vou next vear!
Lo\ e , Ka, la aka TORCH
Rosemary Kala sz
This photo \\"as taken on one of Rose ' s first archaeologica l field trips, \\'hen she still thought her parent ' s friends ,, ere fa!'>cinating. \,Ve hope Rose has a great senior year and \, i~h only good things for her in the future
Our love, Deb .\ngulski and H olly \\Tilson
Ro se Kala sz
Dearest Rose,
It is extraordinary to be a part of your life as vou ha\'e gro\vn fr om a tin\ stegosaurustopped infa nt to a beautiful, int elligent and confi dent} oung ,,·oman Congratulations on this important miles tone We kno\, there" ill be many m o re We love you.
Uncle Ray and Aunt Emily
_....... ' I
a- • • - -
Tory Eli z abe th Klo ck John s on .t>.1y d ear To ry, All the ,v on de rful memo rie s I h av e o f yo ur fir s t e ighteen yea rs v ulture loo ks , chortl ing ,v lu le p lay in g p eek-a-b oo,s troktng gra nd pa's hand, creating unique ou t fi ts, loving t o t ravel, a beau t iful, caring, lo,·1ng, humorous, loving, ,-.onderful young lad)
I lo\'e you, Mama Gail
Rose Kalasz
We are so proud of you' It seems like just ) esterda} \Ve '"'ere teaching you to ,valk and nO\'\- youcanfly Youareadelightfuldaughter (most of the time) and \\·e lo\ e) ou ,·ery much (all of the hme)
Mom&Dad Colette Koj der
I feel so fortunate to be a small part of your hfe, but I ,, ill ah, aye; be there ma long \\"ay I' m amazed at your success and most 1n1portantly desire to succeed in life Your arhstic talent and compassionate personality v.•ill ele\ ate you to great heights fore\ er If you continue to ,vork. hard you \vill attain all your dreams and nothing \Vlll make me happier You are a,\esome 1
Robert Colette Koj der
What 1s love'
Wha t 1s truth'
What 1s knowledge'
What 1s important in life'
You will disco, er as an adult Any decisions you ,vill make I will be right by your side I'm so p roud of you'
Love ah\ays, Your Dad
Cara Kulbacki
Little sister,
I cou ldn' t be more proud t o be your Big Brother. You're about to start another part of yo u r life a n d I 'll ah-vays be here for you.
Lov e yo u a lw ays, Ju s tin
Rose Kalasz
The fir s t s tra,.vberry blonde in our famil y-,ve knew thi s preciou s baby would be s peci al! Readin g s tories, Brio train s on th e Ii\ in g room fl oo r ,v ith Gr andp a, b akin g a nd Ameri can G irl do ll s \Vi th Gran d ma. No,, a \von de r ful young \voman - all you could as k for in a Granddaughte r
Lo\'e you ahvays, Grandma and Grandpa
Danielle Klimek
We are so proud of } ou & ,, hat you 'v e accomphshed 1n vour four "Golden" years. Stay on the path and ah\"ays remembe r that we are behind you 100°10 Can't \'\-a1t to see \\ hat }OU accomplish dunng the next four years of your life'
Mom, Dad, '.i1ichelle, Jessica, Jonathan, and Gabrielle
Colette Koj der Colette, 1 am so lucky, because you are \ ery special and unique I kno,.,· you ,v11l be successful in anvth1ng you choose to do, \\·ith your arhsttc talent and ,vonderful personality You a re a \\'lnner 1 You ,vill be ahvays my little girl and I ,., 111 guide you throughout vour life Good luck at vour ne\v life ad\·enture -
)our guardian angel, I love you 1 f\ 1om
Nicholas Koprow i cs
1ck, We' re \ en proud of you 1 And we can' t \vait to see "·here} our next adventures t ake you Let you r hear t, your "'tsdom and your 1ntelhgence guide yo u We lo\'e you everyday
Mom& Dad Cara Kulbacki
Ca r a, We love you so m uch and are so p roud of yo u We ofte n ask o urse h es h o,, \Ve go t so luc k ) to h a\ e s u ch a s m a rt, ad , ·entu ro u s, b ea utifu l d a u g ht er like you We ,v ill ahvays here for yo u
Lov e, Mom and Dad
Cara Kulbacki
Ah,·avs - Cu te as a butto n and a h vay5 smart as a \,·hip That s my Cara
Colin Murphy Lynn Leffert
Colin , While being kind a nd s upportn e of oth e r s, yo u thn, e d 1n e, e n as p ec t of lug h sc h oo l , fr o m g r ades to foo tba ll a nd baske tba ll It 's imposs ib le for an) one to deny) ou r de t e r mination and integrit} I knO\\' t hat you \vill do ,,·ell in college, so ha, e fun!
Murph y Ly nn Le ff e rt
Than k you for being the \\'Onderful son you are \ Ve are so proud of you for your ,,·ilhngness to " ork hard to reach you goals, you r lovalh to friends and famiJy and your ambi t ions for the future Be grateful for the blessings you , e recen ed and return them to o th ers \ Ve lo,·e you and ,,,sh you the greatest happiness
t om and Dad
Kiri s ten Lewi s
K, You are "' ha t beautifuJ 1s
Love ~ lorn & Dad
Michael Lowder
Goo d Job, Mi ke'
I mig ht even m i ss you next year.
Taylor Rae Marshall
Thanks fo r be in g a tru l y amazing daughter
Yo ur be a utifu l s mil e and silly sense o f h u mor \, ill ah, ays be" 1th u s. You hav e wo rke d so hard on A cademi cs and s ports Co n g r a tulations. Alway s beli e ve in yours elf, continue to ,A·ork hard a n d e n1oy the exciting pa t h t o yo ur futur e.
Love, and Dad
Ki rs te n Lew i s
\.\'o,,·, I can't behe\'e \\·e are finalh :,eniors! I • love you so much and I am !-O happy \\·e arc !>till best friends ! You are amazing and there is no one else I ,, ould rather have b,• my !-ide. • • You have been there through e\'erything , boys, friends, and family, and I hope it \,·ill ne\'er change!
Lo, e ahvay:., J.,,,1ah
Hannah Rh e a Le w i s
It doesn t tak.e much, but small ,teps can lead togiantstep..,do\vn the road )ou are ready for your next step. I am so , ery proud of you.
I Io, e you, l orn
Mi cha e l Lo wd e r
ICongratulations on successfully completing this pha:,,e of your hfe 1 Good luck on the next pha:,,es, especialh the part ,, here you become nch enough to take care of us
\.Vi t h Lo, e, Dad and l'vl om
Ta y lor Mars h all
Time fie\, so fast, hke yest e r da\ \ ou \Vere a n e\, stude nt a t Go ld e n Th an ks forbe1 n gsuch a g r e at sis te r o,·er th e) e ar s. I'm go ing t o miss v ou a to n I hope y ou ge t " 'h e re yo u ' r e g oin g m hfe You des e r ve e, er) bit of i t 1
Lo , e, Co nne r
Paula Leig h M a rtin
Paula, We are s o proud of y ou You ' re an amazing daughter and sis ter You ' re greatest s trength is your empathy for o t hers, neYer e\ er lo se that
lo\e, Mom , Dad and Doug
Nikki Martin e z
i\J1kk1, From bir th, you \Vere the sole rea son for m\ being For e\ er) da) since, I cared for vou and helped you to become the \voman vou are toda} life's before you, go fonvard and lea\ e ) our mark upon the \vorld Don 't let ltfe pass } ou by
Lo\e Ahvavs, .tv1om
N i col e Martin ez
Newt, like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, " H itch) our ¾ agon to a ~tar"
Lo,e, Mom&Dad
Ta y lor Rae Mars hall
You bnng such jO} to our lives. You are S\\ eet, kind, generous, funn), smart and beautiful We are so proud of you for challenging yourself to get a better educahon. That took such courage' We kno¾ you will co ntinue t o set goals and challenge yourself Congratulations.
Lo\e, Grandma and Grandpa
a n M cG regor
Kip-Hometurtle-Salom1-Man oh Man!
rrom freshmen Homecoming dresses, Chinese, dance, going off on the tangen ts laughing until we cry, " MVP " lun ches, talks where \ Ve can say anything, s ketchy moment s and sooo much more, we 've b ee n throu g h 1t all. Through good and bad, we've made it and my high school " ' ouldn't have been the same w ithou t you. You ' re an a m azi n g person and no m atter y.•h a t yo u ' ll a lways b e li ke m y s is te r I k now the hometur t les won' t peace o u t n ow!
Love you ! -Napo leon
-Bean and El, I' m so glad \Ve have gotten so close Th anks fo r a ll the good memories, th ere's so many to come. I lo\ e yo u guys!
Love, Tay
-.tv1a r sh and Melon , you gu) s are amazing. I love you and I'm excited tosee,vhat hes ahead.
I love you gu} s so much! -S t eenbean
-Bean and Tay, you tv, o mean the \.vorld to me and I an, so glad \\'e ha, e becon,e so close. We have so much ahead of us and I love you so much.
Ellen .tvteon
Nicole Martinez
I can't belie\ e,vedid 1t1 \Vhatcanl sa\ 7 Except it's been a craz1 nde \\'1th) ou for a BFF 1 Al\\ ays kno"· ho,v I'm p r oud of you and please make sure th e polar bear:. don't get me \Vith all m\ lo\ e, T,\eeze
Ca s ey Elizabeth May o $\., eetheart, We lo\ ·e ) ou so much You ha, e made us so proud Thank you for your hard ,,·ork, help and support Your abilit} to balance 1ntelhgence, compassion and common sense "' 111 take you anrv-,•here you "''ant t o go We Jo,e you'
Your Famih
Jordan McGregor
Dear Ne rd y, I lo, e you so much' I'm gonna miss you a ton' You'll do grea t in college, but our house"' on't be the ~ame " 'ithout your smiling face CSU 1s lucky t o ha, e you GO RAtv15 1 Love, Land r i
Jordan McGregor
Jordan. You are the most amaLing fnend I could ask for' Our memories a r e e ndle ss! From c utting each o th er's hair, sti tches, peeing in my bed, freuchie mu s ic, fruit loop n ecklaces, cos mo / ice crea m , s having crea m s howers, Bre ck, our birthdays and n,any more! I will treasure our friends hi p forever! You are gorgeous and you , -vill shine in life, as Lon g as you ea t yo u r vi t amin s! U nitard Lo v e r s Forever, I lov e y ou! L ov-e a lways and fo r ever, As hley (As h by)
Jor dan McGregor
l)(:Jr S\\·eet Jo, HO\\' incredibl) ble:.sed \ \ 'e a re as p arents to , ea daughter like ,·ou Congratu lations on \u ir accomplishments so far \ \:e encourage \ ou to pursue your d reams \\ 1th the same gentle ,pirit that mak es you so completeh pecial! \\ 'e lo,·e you so much' '1llmm, and Dadd)
Jordan McGregor
D .i r ~herd s
From )Our f1Tst day of kindergarten, to your la,t day of high school. you ha Ye still remained m, fo,·orite sister e, e r I can't imagine high school "·ithout you. I just kno\,· it ,, on t be as fun. I ,,·ish you the best of luck at college, even though I'U miss \ ou
Lo, e ya,
Ta) !or
S. Kyle McKendry
Let him ,,·ho means t o love life and see good davs keep control of h is tongue; let him tum a\\a} from e,·il and do good, let him seek peace and pursue i t " (I Peter 3 :10) \Ve love lifo with vou and look fonvard to manv more -good da\'s!
Lo, e, Dad, 1om & Kent
Shane Thomas Meeham
As a three year old CO\vbo},) ou had an inner confidence! Hold on to that throug h tout life Keep your loyalty to fn ends and compassion for others! Remember, , , h a t hes behind us and what lies before us a re tin, ma t ters compared to what lies ,vithin us'
Mom and Dad ey Miller
ery proud of yo u As hl ey You ha, e such a mature a nd ca nn g >o ung furture look 's so brig ht with yo ur ion fQr art Alway s follow d dream big May God bles s u, Mackenzie
Jordan McGregor
D ea r '\ierd, You are the bomb! You are the best sis t er a bo,·could e\'er have. Thank you for being such a great sister You ' re the coolie<-t! I lo, e you!
S arah M c K e n z i e
\\c- arc c.?xtremel) proud of) our accomplbhmcntsSarah Ah, avc;; belie\ l'in \ ou~elf '"hen life gcb you do,, n You are lh•ing proof in faith for God ' s \\' ill. God Bless You. Lo, e , Your parents
S t eve n K y l e M cK e nd ry
) ou , e sho\, n us you lo, ch fl' the hfc God gave you Your enthusiasm b in!-pirational and contageous U.scGod ' ,gift:, to glorify Him and serve others, " For 1n Him \\ ' C Ii, e and move and ha\'e our being " (Act-. 17:28) Let Him lead in vour choices \ Ve lo\'c \ ou . Grampc;; and Gram
S han e T hom as M ee ham
SHA.1\iF-OBehe, e 1n ) ouself as you explore d1,co, er and scale life ' , mountains (\\' ith care)' \\ork your magic and cnJO\ the joume) 'You have enriched our Ji, es big time! Thank_-, for the 18 \ears of mcmorie.s and so man\' more to come'
t\1om, Dad Shannon & Bric
J ess i ca Mari e Montana
Our dea re.,,t Jessica,,
Yo u h a, e bee n stro n g and i nd ependent from t he very firs t da ) you ,., ere born. You ha, e ma d e u s lau g h, s ,ve ar and c r y, and you h ave enn ched our IJves be yond y our unde rs tanding. We Joye and respect the oung ,voman that you are gro,ving up to be.
Love, Mom and Dad
Parker Moody
Well, yo u made it, and you did a gre a t JOb. We reall) en1oyed watching you play foo tball and lacros se. You v.·ill now move on Take ,vith } ou everything you have learned You '\-\1 111 have a great life and a great future We are \'e r y proud of you.
Mom &Scott
Shannon Moore
You\\ 1ll ahvays be the best siste r m the ,vorld I , ·ill not ha, e anyone to guide me through high schoo l Thank you for alv.·ays letting me come to you for ad, ice'
Your Little Bro, T.J
Shanny & Rae
I can't tell you hov. much you ha,·e meant to me o, er the years' You ha,·e helped me through so much' You both trul1 changed m) hfe for the be tt er everyda, 1 I kno"' that you gi rh es are destined for such big things' I ,..,,111 ne,·er forget all the pizzas a t 11 o'clock' I can't behe, e that I \'\'O n ' t be able t o go into school e, eryday and see you both' I am going to miss you gir ls so much'
Octopus Moose Goose' Congrats ladies' Lo,e, Aubrey )
Je s sica Myeres
Jes s ica , You are the s,veetest girl- ever We are so proud of you Remember to always take a deep breath, smile and follow your dreams Lo,e you, Mom&Dad
Jeff N arkewicz
To my Jeffery, Word s can't explain ho,-v much of an impact you have had on my life You are my words of wisdom and the be s t hug of the day Through all of our memories you have always been my best frie nd I l ove you
Love, Lindse y
Stephanie Morales
St ephanie, WOW, ou r baby is gra d uating. We are so proud of you being a state officer for FCCLA and having good grades We are so p r oud that you kept your head in your books and focused on the big picture, ,vhich is college Thanks for making us proud.
WE LOV E YOU , Dad & fvlom
Shannon Moore
I am so proud of vou and all you'ye accomplished You have been a true blessing mm, hfe Good luck on the ne\\' io ume, you are beginning S tay true to your dreams I thank God evef} da} for you!
Triple Threat
Auble and Ray J
You both know I could fill thi s book ,v1th not only our in side jokes, but memories. I don't kno,-v \\'hat I " ' Ould do ,-vithout you, and you both mean the ,..,•orld to me Th ank you for e, ef} thing My S iam ese hvin and partner in cnme, I lo, e you!
Jessica Myers
You are the best big sister. Thanks for letting me hang out ,, ith you and take me places I will miss your crazy dnv1ng. Ryan.
Samantha Neal
You have gro,vn into such a beautiful talented young ,voman We are proud of not only your accomplishments, but that you are also our good friend Go nov.•, and share your blessings ,v ith the res t of the wor ld Your p ote n tial 1s limitless. Spread yo ur "'' ings a nd fl y! We love y ou ! Mom& Dad
Rhianna Nels on
Co ngratu lations girls yo u did it , \\'e are so proud of ypu Keep vour e\ e on } our goal s and , ou ,,•ill achie" e them
\ \'ith all our lo Ye ~l o m, Ric Mar k A. k od1 Em m a Kiera krys ta l & Te rrance
Robin Neuma y er
Dea r RobbmCongra tulations-vou'vedone a great job You ha,e style, smarts, humor, integrity and you bring an extra spark of life to evervthing you do. You have an exc iting future ahead )ou are a joy & a blessing \\'e love vouDad &~ t om
Bobby Newberg
Your pas t ga,·e yo u ,·alues eand experiences, vo ur ta l e n ts fa r excede those of mos t; \ our • ·est and determination are ,, ell motivated Take th ese q u alities as you c ross the bridge to vour futu re You r famih is here fo r vou as , yo u ma ke your life dec1s1ons Remember ,•,:e love you for ah..-ays.
Elizabeth O 'Brien
I love you so much! High school would not ha\'e b~n the same w i thout you & I mar not ha\'e sun 1\'ed Some of the best memories of high school include you , Hawaii, the raft trip , almost drowning on both , and so man y other amazing times! I know·our friendship will last a really long time & the fun tunes won ' t end when high ~hool does H opefully both of us will leam how tosw1m better and be mo re of a mom1ng person I lo\'e you !>O much & I can't wait to~ all of the fun times "'e wiU ha\'e togethe r Plus, if by chance we kinda do IOSc touch, you are stilJ coming to my wedding Just always remember swimming hombly, freezing m the r am a t concerts, and driving around becau5e n1ether of u~ can make a decision Lo, e, Ariel
Elizabeth O 'Brien
Fhzabe th -
Hom e turtl e, Kip , , vha t e\. er I'"an t t o call you it s all th e s am e I just \va nt to say t h an k you for being m y bes t fri e nd and sis te r th ese pa s t four years 1 Your friend s hip means s o mu ch to me and I love }OU s o m u ch 1 l o ve Ah va ys, Jordan
Robin Neumay er
F.J R,O B You ha\. e come ac ro ss the catchiest theme songs to th e m os t qu es ti o nabl e h ob bi es fo und m the m os t hilari o u s co n\' e rsahons \Vit ho ut yo u I " o uld n t h a,·e m ) perfec t, heigh t-balancin g ma tch Remember a h,·ays that you lo\'e the unkno,, n and play dress-up until you are too old to get dressed \Vith endle:-s lo\'e and luck , T
Robin e uma ye r Robin , 'tou re the coolest kid I' ve C\'Cr met It 's gonna ,uck not ha\'ing you here Thank~ for helping me through life and stuff But yeah, you ' re gonna do good in life so keep be i ng a,, e!>ome !?
Love, Tonv • Lu cas Nobl e
See' Even 16 years ago you couldn ' t put the phone do\\ n ! I am so proud of e, erything about you - you have gro\\ n into an incredibly " onderful young man I can ' t \\'ait to ~ee ,, hat kinds of things vou \\'ill be manifesting in vour future ! , Lo,e , \ f om Elizabeth O ' Bri e n Ehza,
)ou have been such a\\ onde r ful friend and I co u ldn' t ask for more 1 \ Ve ha\'e had so n1an\ memories togethe r from l u ck, pennies , being emo together, Breck, dances, your...,,, eet 16 Fri d a} lunches and ma n y more 1 't ou are an amazing person and a beautiful girl and I kno,, } ou \\' Ill go far in life! I lo,·e vou ! Lo\'e Al\, ays, Ashle}
Harmon y Star
We are so p roud of our li tt le \,·oozie "ho ha, gro\\ n in t o a beautifu l smar t girl \\ 1th an ad\'e nt u re for hfe Keep lea r ning and gro \, 1ng, \ ou h a, e fill e d o ur II\ es \vi th craz iness but we "·ould n' t have 1t any o the r , vay 1 W e Lo \ e Yo u, Mom&Da d
Elizabeth O'Brien
To Eliz ab e th, F ull of curiosity a nd kind ness, You ha,e brought u s suc h joy 1 Th a nk }OU fo r bein g the beautiful daugh t er you are Bes t \vishes as you embark on you r college adventu r e Be your best and do your good \\'Ork 1n the \\'orld'
We lo,·e you, l\.lom and Dad
Sean O 'Re ill y
It has been our prn 1lege to be entrusted ,,•1th ) our care and upbringing these past 18 years
Elizabeth O'Brien
Elizabeth, You are a g reat s is ter! Thank y ou for ahvays s up po rtin g me and h a , ea g o o d fi rs t y ea r of co ll eg e I' m sur e yo u ' ll do g r ea t 1
Love, Rory
Sean O 'Reill y
Watching ) our passionate and ad\'enturous sp1nt, creah\'e mind, and lo\'1ng heart has filled us ,vith a ,vonde r ful sense of pnde
Sean O ' Reilly
May you take these exceptional qualities (as we knO\\' \ ou ,, 111) and achieve your dreams, Just as "" hen you ¾'ere a small child and you conquered your fears and exc1 t edh rode the rapids 1n these photos.
Lo,e, Mom and Dad
Celia Padilla
I love you more than hfe 1 Who else ,, ould read little kid books \Vt t h me? OH ROCKY 1 The places you will go ln our thirteen vearc;, \Ve have been through so much. You kno,v the ad, entures I 'm talking about 1 Our In es are finall, starting All the plans "'e',e made are going to happen Oh the fun we'll ha, e'
I lo,e you Blueberry Muffin, Sammy Sosa (vour little sugar cube)
Kylee Perea
K) lee 1
I lo, e you and you lo, e almonds and \Ve lo, e be1ngconservatives 1I'm so glad ¾'e're friends an d I 'll miss you so much , vhenever I see black T-shi rt s or Rammstein 1 St ay sexy 1
N a t alie
Celia Padilla
Celia, Wov,.. 1 We sure have come a long , ·ay from taking imaginary trips m our living room 1 I can't believe you're graduating high school and read\ to start the real \vorld. I can't begin to tell ) ou ho,, proud I am of the person vou are gro\v1ng up to be I am extremely luck) t o call you m\ httle sister and best friend I , 1-J\o\v vou'll do amazing at \,·hatever you decide to do Just knovv th at I'm ahvays here for) ou, ,, hether vou \Vant to talk o, er a cup of coffee of 1ust CT) afte r a good movie I LOVE YOU' Lo, e, Sara
Kylee Perea
K) lee, Congratulations, you are amazing! Keep ,vorking ha r d to,, ard \\'ha t vou , ant and be true t o \vho you are We are behind vou all the \\ ay and '"e lo, e you more than you,v
Love, Mom, Dad, Blake and Paige
Kylee Perea
Hey K yh7zle, A shou t ou t from your BFF 1 Bayonce's the name, and being amaz ing 1s our game Rem e m ber, ne, e r be "a, er age"! So basicall) if you co ul d p ro m ise m e to a h vays re m e mb er th a t y our a re a ll y pr e tt y perso n , on the outside Bay
I b I B l l \\ ij \\ 0 L Li
Kylee Perea
K, lee -
I a h , ays kne\, you " 'ould gro\, · up to be a ,, onderful person You are jus t a s k ind and beautiful a s \ ou ''-ere ,, hen y o u\\ ere httl e.
I "ill ah\'ay s lo,·e \ o u ,Bail e,
Matthew Rale y
I a m so p ro u d of yo u , th e best SO'\. my on ly child Keep up your dream~ enJO) life belie\'e a nd t rust \ o u rself, t,·ork ha r d to reach , ourgoals Reme mb e r th e ones t,•ho lo\'e you ..,. Lo,·e) o u m o re t he any t hing in the ,,·orld, ~•0~1
Beau Bryan Radovich
Beau , Son1eo n e once said Succes:. 1s getting \\"hat ) ou ,..,ant; happ ine ss 1s ,, anting \\' h a t yo u ge t. "
Th e pa th s you've ( h ose n thus fa r , ..,i ll m os t ce rt ai n!\ • lead vou to bo t h.
\\'e lo, e you BeJ u , t om , Dad , and , \leah
S te phani e Ram s te tter
Srcphanil', Thi-, picture n1a kes n,l, think of ho,\' much you ' , c accompli,hed , \nd I kno\\' th,lt you \\'ill ,1ccomplbh .,o much more Just \\'Ork hc1rd and keep) our family and friendsclo:,,c to your heart. It \\"on ' t .1l\'v,1ys be ea, y but it \\' ill ah,·a):, be ,, •orth it. I an, so proud of y ou LO\C, Luke
Stephani e Ram s tette r Ste p ha n ie, \Ve t,•atche d \\'it h excitement as you \\'a lked off t o k i nd e r ga rt en, not,· t , e \\'a t ch ,, i t h e xci te m e nt as \OU '"al k in t o ad u lt h ood \ Ve are v e ry pro u d of you Enjoy li fe t o t he fulles t. \Ve k no t,• tha t vou ,..,ill be success fu l no matter \\"hat pa th you c h oose \ -Ve lo, e you \' e ry mu c h
Lo \'e, tyf o m and Da d
Lindsey Ratkiewi cz
Lind s e) , \'Ve h a d so m uc h fu n '"a tchi n g yo u g ro,,· up, t-b a ll ba s ke tb a ll , piano and d ance. You a re \\'o nd e rfu l.
We lo\'e vo u ! -
Omom a and in m e m ory of op a p a
Lindse y Ratkiewi cz
Lin , \Ve ha\'e ahvay s b e en\\' n a s th e h\' i n s, 1ttached at the hip From the trip s tog e t her, to th e times ,•.:e \\' r ith e d on the flo o r a nd s tc1re d a t th e ceil in g in bor cdo n1 , you are th e h, te r , v ho I turn to for a n ) a n d evervthm g Be prepare d for m e to call }'OU w h e n ·e'r e forty for a goss ip lunch.
Lind sey Ratki e wi cz
Tah-Dah )ou re bu,ttng out and n,oving on \ \ ' he r e ha\'e the) ears gone? \ \'t' arl' ,o proud of you and love you ,o n,uch
Lo, e, ~ t on, and D,,d
Lind sey Ra tki e wi cz
Yo u rea grca t s,..,ter. I am p r oud of you I kno,'-' you ' ll do great.
Love, Jon (Yo u r big b r other)
Lind sey Ratk ie wi cz
Lt nd '>e\ ,1nd Zoe, I can t bc lt e t •c \\ 'e a re fi n a ll) se ru o r s 1 It -,eems lik e y es te rd a) \.\ hen \\ 'e \.\ e r e pl a , 1n g fo urs qu a re a t Ral s to n , nd1 n g up o n t h e s ki bu s, and especially catc h 1ng s q u1 r rel s ! I' m s o h a ppv \\' e arc s till good friend s. I \\ ill m i s ~} ou gi rl s s o mu c h I lo, e yo u'
LO\'C', Katja
c• .- ,,,,,, <. " ,. -
Abigail Rose Renaud
)ou were the preciou s child ,ve dreamed of N o,v y ou '\·e grown into a beautiful young wo m a n ,v e ' re prou d of Th e li g ht in vo ur eyes re fl ec ts the good n ess m your hea rt Vve kno,v you'll mamta m yo u rmtegn ty no ma tter \ \ h e re life ta kes you
We 11 lo, e} ou ah\'ays, • Dad and tv1om
Marc u s Jeffre y R ogers
tv1arcus, I can'tbehe, eyou graduated Congratulations on all vour aclue, ements 1n hfe and sports
You are so luck} toha, ea brother hkeme,\'hO taught you e, ervthing you kno,\ m life and hockev 1 Just kidding Good luck in all you do Lo\'e, ubs Good luck Honev" Lo,e, MacG},e r 1
Marc u s Jeffrey R
Thanks for the ,vonderful memories of our many shared ad, entures From your achie, ements in sports to your frequent demonstrations of hones~ and caring, you ha, e made me proud to ha, e you as m, grandson. l'vt ay you ahvays be blessed \'\'1th the man} joys and opportunities that life offers
Love you, Grandpa Rogers
Beth any Sand ers (Goo)
Dad and I look at this picture,'\ hen you started first grade, no,\ a senior, ,ve are so proud! Stay sweet and caring, as you are Most of all stay close t o God We're excited about your college days ahead. Keep on ,vorkmg toward you r goals
We love you, Dad,Mom
Jul ie Sco h y
Julie Poo- Congra ts! I'm so p roud of my little si s! Yo u are so bea u tiful a n d I haYe so much res p ec t fo r you ' Ne'\. er fo rget sayi n g " H e)'' to rand om fi sher m a n o r o u r cra zy Aun t lud1ng behind a curt ain I lo" e yo u litt le s i s ter 1 Rememb e r I' m ALWAYS here for yo u
Love your big s is, Melly
Amy Rogers
You ha\'e been s uch a joy, Amy You are a bright and beautiful young woman May you follow your dreams a nd be h a pp y \<Ve a re proud of yo u and lo, e y ou s o vef} much.
Love, tv[om and Dad
p .s Dad says, " I lo, e } ou absolutely the most"
Marcu s Rogers
To our 5th son' I t has been great fun ,vatch1ng you gro,, up From dealing ,\·1th your "Boss" and making you "meat sand,, iches" to\\ atch1ng vou pla\ hocke} Good luck , \·ith ,vhat e, er vou choose 1n hfe 1 Lo, e, your biological-step fanuh-, The Gleatons
Marc u s J. R ogers
We are proud of yo u r academic and a thletic accomplishments, but the t lung tha t makes us the most proud of \ ou 1s the ,va} } ou have gro" n mto an honest, caring, and har d "'o r k1n g young man. Wlule a\\ a} a t college, remember t ha t our love and suppor t a r e \\ 1th) ou 1
Mom and Dad
Juli e Sco h y
It 's been so much fun to be} our morn from the 8th dv,·arf t o high school se ru or an d ah\'ays You r roa d ,,·asn't easy but yo u never gave u p Your streng th amazes and inspire:, me and I behe, e 1n} ou ,vith all rn1 heart Scohy Girls fore" er ' Lo,·e, 1v1 orn
Ju l i e Scoh y
O ka), I'm mo'\. 1ng in to a bigge r hfe, it's about hme I got into a bigger car ' Lo, e, Gran d p a Jim an d Grand m a Ida !'vi a )
I' I
Ju lie Scohy
If the ::.un refu:.ed to ..,h1ne, I \\ 'O uld still be vmg you. \ \ 'he n the mountains crumble to ltt: ,ca, there \\'ill s hll be you and me ." I' m so proud of you Jul es' Congrats babe , ,,·e made ti' It , time to :.tart the rest of our liYes!
LO\ c you fore, er ar..1h
I\1elanie Secary
1 hall be telling this "·1th a sigh
-ame\,•here ages and ages hence ; Two roads d1, erged in a "·ood, and I, I took the one less tra,·eled b,·,And that h as made all the difference. - Robert rrost Lo\'e, Colton
Kyle Seery
Thanks for sha ring your life's achievements
\\Jth us. Your ::.ense of humor and vour de• termination to do your best al\\·ays amazes us and d eligh ts us. \\'e look fonvard t o your continued success Pl ease r emember \\'e'll ahvdys be there for you. \Ve love you \\'ith all our hearts. \tom and Dad.
Kailey Grace Slaven
Katie} C. r ace, M) sweet baby girl. I'm so proud or you. At the age of one you found your knee. i O\\' is the time to see \,•hat else vou can find. In vour -quest remember to stay true to yourself The world a\vaits you, n o · go ge t it.
Lo\'!.! , Mom
Melanie Secary
\ l ei. \ \'e are so ble,sed to ha, t' vou for a daughter You are beautiful in~1deandout. You have truh been a delight to) our friends and famih \fav God be glo ri fied in ) ou r ~" eet life! J John 4 :16
\Ve love ,·ou, lorn and Dad p Dance like no one ' ~ \, atching!
K y
l e Seery
K) le, \\'e are \ ' ery proud of you and all that you have accomplished Keep up the hard \, ork and you canach1eve.1nythingyou ,, ant Your smile ah,' a) lights up thl.' room and filb our heart::. Congratulations \ \'e lo, e you o much and hope all your dreams come true. :-. tom and Dad
Ky le Seery
K) le,
So many memones, so m,1n) loving times and moment, that I ,, •ill nl'\' er torget , ) ou Kyle are the center of them all Thank )'OU for always being there for me' Having that open spot next to you whene, er I gl!t scared , or sharing that :,('nSC ot humor that has alwa).; bnghll'ncd my day Thl•re arc no \\' Ords to dl>Senbt• \\ hat an amazing big brother} ou are You ha, e always bl"en m) role model and ) ou always ,viii be I lo,'-' you \\' 1th all my hcart and I know\\ l" ,viii alwa\:- be there for each othl'r! • 1Jo,e,ou 1 J Shan
D aniel G regg S h e ffi e ld
You ah,•ays bnng smiles and laughter to t?\' • eryone you meet - that is a great gift! We love you, tv1om , Dad, Abbev and Amanda -
~tephanie Sheldon
nie only s i ster that I cou ld ask for is you!
You' re the only one th atd ri, esmee, ef)"-vhere because , ·ouare the nicest sis ter that ever was Make s~ r e you ahvay s tell me v. here you dre going. Austra1ha, Oregon, Tortu ga, \\ho knows' I lo\'e you Stephy, Scott
S te phani e Sh e ldon
What's next? \'Ve are very proud of,., ho you have become and exci t ed to see \\ here you go from here. You ha, e made us laugh and snicker' at vour expressions, antics and 'S tephanese sayings Folio\\ and belie, e in ,_.,,. vour dreams as you sail on } ou 1ourne\ Lo\'e, tvlom and Dad
Cody James Smail
Cody on h is fi rs t birthd ay, liv ing large
So m e th ings n e,·er ch ange' Doug and Wanda Smail
M. Smith
What can I sa y, you a re and ah" ay s \-\ 111 be m 1 bab} g1rtt I can ' t begin to tell you ho½ proud of you I am! E,·erything you ' \e been through } ou ' , e gone through ,v1th style and grace 1
We love ,ou, , Mom and Patrick
S ol e il Hou s ton Smith
You are our sh1n1ng star- full of beaut} , talent and brains We are so proud of you- }Our hard work, tenacity and focu s paid off and have opened up ne\v doors for opporturut} for you YOU ROCK BABY 1
Lo,e, Mom and Dad
Katherin e Soin e
Oh- the places} ou ' ll go 1Congratulations- this 1s your time to make i t happen!
Love always, Your mo t he r and Jon
Cortney Madeleine Smith
I can ' t bel i ev e tha t you a re g rad u a ti ng! It s eems like yester day I \ Va s t a king yo u to you r fir s t da y of hi g h school. I' m s o proud in wha t you' v e a cco mpli s hed and I lo o k fo rw a rd to you r success in the fut ure I ,v 1ll ah" ays be there fo r you 1 lo, e yo u so m u ch
Your b ro ther and best fnend, Zac
Cortn ey Madeleine Smith
As all pa rents kno,, , raising a child 1s not eas, Raising a daughter is a chore Watching you gro\.\ from a bab1 to a beautiful young lad} has made me a p roud parent As) ou get older you \\ ill ah, a,s be m, baby. You ,, ill go far in life, ahvays gro\, ing, and learrung You gre,\ up too fas t
Lo,e vou, , Dad Katherine Soine
Congratu lations, no\v go to college and get your degree Remember, there ' s ah\•ays a French frier ,vith your name on 1t.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa
Samantha Stroh
Sammy Sosa, since \.Ve \.vere fh. e, so much has changed, our fne n d!>, h kes, dislikes, taste in clo thes, music, and boys, but one thing n eve r ch ange d , ha, ing you as my bes t f ri en d Thro u g h a ll th e a d v en tures we', e had , all the memori es 1,ve 'v e m ade, I' m gl a d I h a d yo u b y my side Together we ' ll dan ce thro u gh li fe. I l ove you
Celia Padilla
Connor Stoke s
Dear Connor,
My special mi ddle guy! I lo, e} our spi rit and ha, e so enjoyed this part of th e 1ourney- go af ter your d reams' l 'm a h vays the re fo r you.
Love ahvays, Mom
Samantha Victoria Stroh
Li t tle Magic Mo m for d ,
Yo u 've a h vays bee n so tiny a n d si ll} You're so goo d a t m a king ev eryone la u g h , es p ec i a lly yo ur se lf! Thank g o odness our fa mil y ha s yo ur sense of humor to make our da ys h appy' We are so pro u d of ,-vho you a re s cood!
Love, Nie, Rach , and Kas
l \ I I ( ) \ • \ \
Samantha Victoria Stroh
Ah\' a \ sour littl e a n gel! ) o ur s\vee t ge ntle s pir it, lo , ing h ea rt and co m passio n a re q u a li ties th at ah, a,·s are an 1nsp1ratto n and comfort to t' \ ti"\ o n e around you \ \ 'hatever life ho ld s for you don t let an) thing chan ge , , ·ho ) ou are 'You ha, e such a special place in m) heart and our fantllv. .
Samantha Victoria Stroh
A5 long as 1live I II ne, er forget , ·our famous lint!"I just\vanttosta) home and bakecooktes
\\'Ith vou " I ne\'er imagined time "ould go br so fast' This IS ho,,· I \\ ill ah\'ays picture you as m) httle sammi pie
I love you, ~lorn Amanda Lynn Sturgeon
\Ve are so proud of you. You ha, e gro,,·n into a wonderful young adult. \!\e kno,,· you ,, ill achie\'e everything you set out to do.
\Ve lo\"e you, Dad and Mom
Chad Brandon Tafoya
You ha Ye completed this part of your life,..,.; th tha t certa in style and charm that defines,, ho , you are. You approach vour life ""·ith optimism and seize t he happiness of each da} We are proud of }OU, and ,vho you ha,e become
\V1th Love, ~to m, Dad, Colin, and Ka} la
Malcolm Thomas
;\,f alcol m,
Seeing yo u gro , , to be a great young man has bee n a joy Chloe and I both kno\, that ) ou h ave a fabu lous fu ture ahea d Never look ba c k
l O\"e
Dad and Chloe
Samantha Victoria Stroh and CeJia Padilla
My bc.-iutil-ul girls' \\ord~ .in not dL-:. nix. no,. much the two of you mean to me I am~ luck, to ha, c) ou both m mv hfc Sam. thank ) ou for lx·mg ~uch ,1n ,1m:umg sister ,1nd bt.-,.1 fncnd , I don t kno" \\ hat I "ould do "1thout ,ou1 Cill) th,mk )OU tor .,h,a,•,; be-mg then' for mt• and for be-mg
lo\l')OU gu) 1 Lo,cAh,.t)' Rachell,•
Derek Charles Sturdavant
Keep pounding 1n nail-. and one day you'll build ~omething great!
Lo\'e, Dad and i\lom
ic Sweet
\\ell done for all your four high ~chool year::..
You ha,·e been a great role model and an amazing son and brother. \\'e are proud of all your accomplbhments especially being Var::.1t) cheerleading captain. \\'e look fon,·ard to the next ad\'enture and \,·ho you',·e become.
Love Ah\'ays, t-.fom, Dad, Stephen, Caitltn. and C., mr1
Brandon Tafoya
Through life's up and do" n~ ,, e ha\'e found a \\"ay to bring us here \:\'hat started out as a !>imp le friendship bloomed into a beautiful relationship I kno\\ ou II ucceed 1n \\' hatever , ou put \ our mind to Here 's to the future! I lo, e } ou fore, er-n-e,·er babe!
Ashlie Kyle Trout
With all our lo, e '"e send, ou into the Great Big World It s been uch a fun tnp \\ ith \. ou, \\'e look fon\ ard to more \-Vhere } ou can go has no bounds, as} ou continue) our 1ourne\, ,.., e are h e r e for you
We love yo u b ey ond m easu r e, Mom , Dad , and Ry an
ffi) bc,.t tnend .md m\ nne and onl) bo, lnt•nd 1 \ou an• mcn.--<hblt• pl'\•pl,• and I 1-.nm, that , ou both h.i, l' bnght futur,'S R,·mcmbcr II ) ou can drc-im 11 ) ou ran do 111 And 11 } ou ,~ er n€'\.-d me to kid: an, one's .i-, I'm th,•re' I
K. Ty us
From the m o ment I Sa"- ' yo u , y ou captured m y h ea rt. May yo u have a d ve ntures, fulfill yo ur drea m s, a n d be h ap p y. I a m very proud of you
I love you, Mom
Derek Vanner
You ha'\ e been the best brother a kid could have(mostof thehme) Hopevouhaveagreat hme at college' When 1t snO\-VS you better call me out of class so \, e can go snowmob1lmg 1n the sick meado\.,·s1
Steven Edward Umbrecht
Steven, Don ' t thro w that rock! Don ' t blow in t he as htray! Steve n, d o n ' t hit yo ur bro ther wi th th e b a t, but m os t of a ll, S teven! Do n' t ch an g e! Your s p ir i t an d d etermination will t ake you fa r and serve you \Vell You will ms p i re all people you meet
Love, Dad and Jeanne
Derek Vanner
We have always been so proud of you We hope you continue )'Our life just ho,v you are nov,- Enjoy it
We lo, e you ,·ery much, Mom and Dad
Paul Luis Vemig
Your fa\onte place to pla) , Paul. We ' re qwte sure it ' s responsible for your good health and great teeth
Lo\e , Mom and Dad
Paul Luis Vemig
You are\ eryspecial to us, Paul,} ou have gi\·en us great JOY and a fe\-v gra; ha1n, We kno\., you ""ill do \vell 1n \vhatever profession you choose Don't ever lose your cunosity and ab1ht} to laugh at yourself
We Io,e you, Mom and Dad
Jacob Versaw
Thanks for being such a g reat brother Have fun 1n college. I .,.,r11l m iss you.
I love yo u, Juliann a
Paul Luis Vemig
The last bab} gro\-vs up! Pe t er and I still remember \.vhen you used to run around and shnek No\-v I guess you slouch around and mumble-not sure that's an improvement We're always there for you, Squirt.
Lo,e, Kahe and Peter Jaco b Versaw
It's been an exc1hng ad, enture \.Va t ching you grov. up 1Wekno\, youhaveagrea t futureand look. forward to seeing i t unfold. Keep your pnonhes straigh t and you'll go far 1n hfe Love, l\t1omand Dad
Shantel Hope Vigil
Shant el, I am so proud of you r mak i ng 1t, your future looks bngh t, keep your hea d on you r shoulde rs and all else wi ll r ise above p us hing yo u to the to p . Goo d lu ck 1n yo ur future and h av e \vond e rful ad ventures ah ead of you
Love, Mi che ll e, Gary and The res t o f the Gang.
Emil y Grace Wareham
\\'e are verv pro ud o f y ou a nd all of your achie,·ements Kee p up the good \\'o rk 1 \'\ e \.\'ish you the best m y o ur futur e e nd eavors , \\'here, er life m a , take vou\Ve lo, e youGram and Cramps
Emil y Grace Wareham
It se ems like onl} } es te rd a ) "' hen v o u " e re s tarting pre-sch oo l '\i o t a d a , go n e b ) m "' h1c h \\'e \\ e r e n 't prou d o f you Kee p \\'O rking ha rd and mak ing good c h oices Ah,·ays believe in \'Ourself and remember to 'lea\'e , it all on the court' '\o one lo, es , ou more than \\'e do 1\.1om and Dad
Ka y lee Ly nn Wat s on )ou \.\' ere sp ecial the minute you \,·ere born.
It 's been a pleasure to \\'atch you develop into your O\\'ll styl e ,·ou are caring and compassionate. Someone \\'e are proud to call our daughter. Live Lo,·e Laugh, Goob \,\'orm a nd Kittv
Ri ki Lee We l c h
To our beautiful daughter \\'ho has made us so proud of the person she ha~ bL'Come You are the light of your father and m) life .1nd \\'e love vou \\'ith .111 our heart and soul. • Please remember to ah,·.1}.., reach for your dre.1m~!!
Courtne y Weller
To Courtney, Definition of a best friend: Someone \\'h o can ah,·ays make you laugh, \\'ho provid es a shoulder for you to cry on and is there for vou no matter ,,·hat. You're a beautiful pe rson ,,·ho I ,,·ill never forget.
Thank you fo r all the laughter and amazing memories
Lo,·e, Pin-Head
Megan We sse l
If only J coul d fit all our memories into one little box. Roll ing skating to the Wheat Ridge Rec. Center, Mex ico, boys, 8th grade sno,\"boarding trip , Ha\,·aii, "\,·hich bathroom is the "'omen's? " No,,· ,,·e ha, e to gro,, up, but I'll never forg et ho,,· young "' e are Good luck to ou and I lo\'e vou.
na Wold
anddaughter, mavbe I should randd aughter as she 1s a n,·in.
f h e r a r e imp o rta nt as s h e has ng s p ecia l p er son She 1s l oo k -
o her future life, pl a nrung for
Lo, e rou , • Dad , t\.1om and Bo Co urtn ey Eli
za b e th We ll e r
Congratulations Courtney!
Dream big , try to li\'e your dre,1m~ , and have fun doing 1t. Life is .1n ad, enture so treat ,t that \, av \Ve lo\'e you and are ~o proud of you '\.lorn and Dad
N a t a li e Wittman
atahe, What a champion you arc' "rou ha, e finished ,,·ell \\'ithout comprom1s1ng , our beliefs or the God you ser\'e Your feist\ ~pirit and lo, e of life have been a blessing C,o out into the \,·orld and continue to make a difference" 1th courage, lo\'e and con, 1ction
Lo, e , Mom and Dad
Brittni N i co l e Wood
tv11m1What can I say? That) ou make m, heart sing'
You do 1 When I think of you, I sm 1le 1 You are a fa, on te and mos t essential pa rt of our II\ es Be t r u e t o yo ur se lf and a h vays rem e mb er, you are m y s un s hine
Lo, e rou baby
_,__ .,.
, .!/ -,,..__ ~·
Matthew Brunel
Ma tthe\v Joseph, You have been our delight since you came mto the world, you little gold fish cracker eating co,-vbo y boot \ vea n ng Marine ! We smile as you brought Jesse James to iushce 1n your red puddle boots You are our Snoopy, our tv1asse} and most of all you are ours to cherish fore, er
We love you , Mom, Dad , Michael and Mallory
Brittni Nicole Wood
Boog, You ha, e been m, saving grace from the hme } ou \\'ere born and} ou ' ll remain until the end of time I ha,e lo,ed all of the years of iust " you and me 1" You are trul) the Joye of my hfe and you are beautiful Life ,._·ill be ,vhat YOU make of it-so ,vhatever that is , make it your dream You are m) heart
I lo, e) ou most , "fem
Brittni Nicole Wood
M} Boog,
When you come to the edge of all the light rou ha, e kno,..-n and are about to ~tep out in to the darkness FAITH 1s kno\vmg one of hvo things, 111 happen There\.\ ill be something to stand on or you,.,. 111 be taught ho\\· to fly , you are m) blessing I lo, e you to the moon and back
Brittni Nicole Wood
Bnttru Nicole Wood , We have made 1t through 10 amazing years together as best friends, and I \.VOuldn ' t gn.·e up our memories for an} thing I lo, e you so much 1
<3 Moge
Don McGinnis
Years from no, \.vhen you stumb le across this yearbook 1n the attic and blo,.,. the dust off before reminding yourself of \.vhat you looked like ""hen you \Vere young and had hai r, we hope th at you are happ y and healthy. That's all . All else is gravy.
Love, Morn& Dad
Chloe Wood
Oh where to begin Day of fun dav of dull, textmg fore\'er freezmg at the be.t concert e\'er homework in the park laughing about nothing, and H awau. I lo\·e you so much and can't even imagine what hfo would have been like without you, I never would have ea ten something so spicv my ears burned through.Hee Hee I know I can talk to you about anything and you will just listen I will always remember sitting outside for hours m the insane heat , but shll able to have fun because it was with you \Vith so much craziness going on m high ~hoot 1t was nice to know I could alwa)'S come to vou tor some samty To tell vou the truth I idolize you and your strenght and trul)' feel bl~ to have >hared "') high school e}o.penenct? with y ou By the''") m y hit: would hterall) be a me--:, , lik11 my car and m ) room, without vou I lo\ c you fo ,ho'
Chole Wood
Chloester, Throughout high school, } ou ha\·e ahvays been such a good fnend to all of us and \ve\·e had some good times together From you taxiing us around, Brecl-. trips , Fnday lunches, Ha\, aii, mint chocolate chip ice crean, , Joe' s crab shack, ha, mg good butts, and so much n,ore through the good and the bad ""e're ahvays here for you and \Ve lo, e) ou so much'
Jo, Ash, and Ehza
Taylor Sierra Sands
Tayba} , When I count m) blessings, I count you hv1ce Goconfidentl} mthed1rectionofyourdreams, h,·e the hfe you 1magme Take pride in ho" far vou ha,e come, have faith 1n ho, far you , can go '\Je, e r, ne\ er, ne\'er give up 1
1 lo\'e }OU,
Taylor Sands
Dear Taylor, There are no ,.,.•ords that express ho"· proud I am of) ou I'm happy looking back a t the countless memories, Bronco games, camping trip s and endless fun 1can't \Va1t to con tinue \\'atching you gro,v
I lo, e you, Dad
Andrew Michael Pyburn
Dre,v, We are so pro ud to ha, e you as our son. We ,,•ill miss >o u and lo, e you lots
,t?• • ,. .._ I j (,.f u "'
Andrew Micheal Pyburn Bubba , \ou ' re our hero- \,\'e \\ ill miss you ! Lo"~ Connor, Lauren Ethan Ada1 ·--- ·--· -----
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Bridenburg , Allie 72 , 129 , 145
Brightbill , Daniel 72
Broadbent , Elizabeth 72 , 157
Bro ch1n, Matthew ............ 72
Brock Tyl e r 5 1
Brone s ke , Travi s 72
Brooks , Neil 32, 39 , 155 , 166
Brown , Kayla 72 , 133
Brown , Thoma s 39
Browning , Chri s topher 58
Browning , Trey 82
Bruder, Brittany 72
Brunel , Matthew 11 , 32, 39 , 154, 194
Brusenba ch , Brya n 147
Bryan , Bayard 9 , 39 , 105 , 142 , 154
Bryan , Megan 82
A Abdulhusse1n, Rabab ... 58 Abel , Jalisa 72 , 11 o, 127 A.beyta , Kassey 38 Acree, Zakary 82 , 108 Adams, Joshua 82 Adams , Wilson 72 Agrodn1a , Thomas 38 Aiken , Kathryn 38 Aiken , Sara 82 Akes Jordan 72 Albrecht, Amanda 12, 58 Albrecht , Nolan 82 Albrecht, Scott 72 Alexander, Chelsea . . . . .. . .. . 79 Ahan1ello , Fallon 82 Ahan,ello , Taylour 58 Allen , Steven 51, 144 Allison Delaney 58 , 128 Ames , Tucker 58 Ammen , Kayll 7 38, 154 Anderson , Brandon 82 Anderson , Evan 10, 58 , 154, 155 Anderson, Gabrielle .. .. 72 Anderson , Hannah 58 , 157 Anderson , Kyle 14 , 82 Anderson, Matthew 72 Anderson , Maxwell 30 , 82 , 157 Anderson , Nathan 82 , 143, 145 , 155 Anderson , Samuel . . ... . .... 82 Andrews-Jones , Henry 82, 155 Aragon , Joshua . . .. .. .. 69 Archer, Shilo 13 , 58 , 142, 154 Archey, Samantha 72 Arellanes , Adam 26 , 72 Arellanes, Jordan 24 , 58, 105 Arellano Lauren 82, 129 Arellano, Ramon. 58 Arellano , Tearsa . .... . ........ .. 72 Aristide , Kisha 72 Ark v· 38 awazy, 1an Armenta , Jessica 82, 155 Armentrout, Alyssa 14, 20 , 38, 131 153 Arner, Amanda 72, 112 , 128 Arroyos, Matthew 82 Asmussen , Kaylynn 58 Aten , Amy 72 Aten , William. 69 1\ugenste,n, Melanie 82 , 155 Baack, Thea 82 Baalman, Nathen 58 Baals, Katherine 72 , 10 6, 107, 149 Babk1ew1ch, Tyler 28, 38, 162 Baca, Joseph 14 , 38 Back, Nathan 82 Bae , Hae Yun 82 , 155 Baghae1 , Lily 82 Bagha1e, Alexandra 72 Bailey, Kyle 38 , 128 Bailey, Nicholas . ............... 72 Baldon , Lev, 72 Baldry, Con or .......... ....... ... 82 Balint , Taha 72 Balmes, Allison 38 , 128 , 163 Balmes , Brendan 82 , 154 Balmes Gutierrez , Jennifer 72 Banks-Wood , Jesse 8 2 Banza , David _. 38 Barned , Becki 20 , 38 Barry, Ashlie 38 , 110, 120 , 121 138, 139, 153 , 163 Bartley, Leslie Barton , Jeremy ...... . 72 , 129 58 , 108 82 , 126 Bartos , Desiree Bartosh , Amanda 152 , 153 , 164 20 , 38 , 149 , BarzanJ1 , Glara 58 Baumann, Christopher 72 Baxter, Geoffrey 72 Beach, Sean 82 , 156 Beard , Kaysey 38 , 154, 157 Beers , Kyle 24 , 58 Beetham , Caroline 26 , 58 , 112 Bell , Zachary ........... 72 Bennett , Elizabeth 82 Bennett, Kiyo 82 Benton , Gary 87 Benzie, Mathew 58 , 147 Berens , Amanda 34 , 38 Berg, Demetra 30 , 38 , 133 Berg , Eben . .. 30 , 72 , 109 Berte, Candice 72 B1es1nger, Enka 30 , 58 , 128 B1tterl1ch , Kon 13 , 72 Blaha, Margaret 82 Blakesley, Larry 72 Bluse , Brittany 72 Blythe , Joshua 58, 128 Blythe , Mindy 38 , 104 , 164 Bogobow1cz, Lisa 58 Boisseau, Luc 30 , 82 Bolton , Taylor 12 , 72 , 108, 120, 153 Bolton , Whitney 11 , 38 Boltz, Hannah 72 , 11 O, 111 Bonagura , Stefano 58 Bondarenko, Valenya 82 Bones10 , Katy 39, 136, 141 , 149 , 165 Bonesio, Matthew 82, 126 Booher, Joryan 82 , 154 Boonstra, Shelby 72 Bosco, Taylor . .... ...... 39, 128 Bowers, Robert 58 Boxier, Nicholas ... .. .......... 58 Boyer, Olivia 72 , 79 Boyle-Court, BenJamin 58 Brachle , Joseph 58 Brady, Gavin 82, 127 Branch , Kelsey 34 , 39, 1 36 Braunagel , Kristin 80, 82 Breathwaite , Natasha 72 Breer, Carl 82, 126 Bresler, Alexandra 39 , 165 , 166 Bretz, Hannah 72 , 112 Bretz, Whitney 82, 112
Bryson , Ah 72 Bublitz , Zachary 72 Buehler, Alex 12 , 58 , 154, 155 Buehler, Megan 82 , 129 , 155 Bull , Jordan 3 2 , 39 166 Bull , Tayler 32 , 72 , 106 Bullard , Stefany 32 72 , 149 , 156 , 157 Burn , Jenna 59 Burnham , Lars 26 , 59 , 69 Burns , Kevin 82 143 , 145 , 155 Burns , Adam 82 , 112 Burrough s, Bryo n 59 Burruss , Timothy 39 , 126 Burton, Aly s sa 32 , 59 Bush Johnson , Camero n 72 Caddigan , Apnl 72 , 155 Cafarella , Kimberly 59 Callahan , Maura 40 , 157 Camacho , Dylan 72 Cameron , Brianne 82 Campbell , Alexandria 82 , 149 Campbell , Austin 12 , 72 Canaday, Emily 82 , 104, 126 Carbone , Anthony 28 , 40, 166 Carlson, Jacob 40, 128, 131 , 166 Carman , Austin 72 Carmichael, Morgan 82 , 155 Carn1cello , Kevin 59 , 140 Carrano, Chnst1na ... 30 , 40, 140 Carter, Katherine 12 , 32, 59 , 1 43 , 145 , 152 , 153 , 157 Casas , Dereck 72 Casey, Shelby 82 Castanon , Jesus 82 Castro, Ariana 24 , 59 Castro , Jesse ................ 59, 69 Castro, Orion 82 Castrodale, Breanna 26, 59 Catalano, Kevin 30, 72 , 109 Caton , Enka 59 Caton , Larissa 82 Caton, Travis ........................ . 82 Chapin , Brandon 72, 146 Chapman , Sean 8 2, 126 Chapple, Carl y 10 , 40 , 123 1 67 Chavez , Kn s t1na 59 Cherry, Mark ....................... 72 Chir ila , C o lto n 7 2 Chri s ten s en , Elyc1 a 82 , 1 5 6 Clark , Athan 72 Clark , Bryan 7 2 Clem , Ian 8 2 Clem , W1ll 1am ................. 72 Cobb , Rachae l 72 127 Cober, Kayl ee 8 2 C o chran , Ira 30 59 , 1 0 9 1 5 4 Cohen , Ali se 40 , 148, 167 Colle , Tyler 8 2, 11 2, 155 Co llin s, J1lhan 59 Conklin , Rebe cc a .............. 4 0 Contrera s, Luk e 40 Contrera s. Sena 72 Conway, Emm a 8 2 Co o per Andr ew 59, 10 5 14 0, 141 , 149, 15 6 Corc ha ry, Aaro n 69 Cordova , Chn s 8 2 Cornett , C ay ce 40 Co s per, En c 59 C o urtney, Kev in 7 2 Coutt s, Hannah 82 Cowden Thoma s 40 Cox , Catherine .. 40 , 167, 168 Cox IV, W1ll1am 82 Crawford , Dylan ....... 8 2 Crawford , Kaitlyn 8 2, 104 Craycraft , Andrea 72 , 120 Croghan , Chelsea 59 Cro ss, Ph1ll1p 5 9 , 128 Crow, Matthew 40 Cubbon , Kimberly 40 Cubb o n, Samantha 72 Cullum , Jordan 82 Curley, Ryan 7 2 Currie , Nicole 8 2, 1 2 9 Currie , Ryan 40 , 112 , 113 Curry, Dalton 72 Curtis , Tiara . . ....... 59 , 139 Cusack, Nathan 7 2, 11 2 Cusack , Nichole 82 , 149 Custer, Taylor 12 , 59 , 142 , 157 Cvar, Blake 82 Cyr, Taylor 5 9 Dahl , Nicholas 40 , 136, 149 Dale , Kevin 82 Dale , Madison . ..... ...... . . . 59 Daley, Matthew 72 , 7 4 Dalton , Katherine . 59 , 120 , 138 Dam1ana , Evan 8 2 Damiana , Nicolas 59 Daniele , Andrew 51 Daniele , Jeffery 13 , 16, 18 , 72 , 154 , 157 Davey, Aly s ia 70 , 72 Davis , Amber 82 Davis , Cara 30, 72
9 , 73 , 122 , 1 23
Gregory, Edward 83 Griffin , Lindsey 42 , 1 49 Grijalva-Montreal , Andrea 73
HH aas, Roland 61 , 11 2
H aberman , Paige 7 , 34, 42 , 1 3 1 , 153
Davi s, Mari s sa 30 , 59 , 157 Dav is, M it c hell 79 Dav is, Rebe cc a 59 , 156 Davis, Stephanie 134 Decarlo, Anthony 40 DeHerrera, Louie 82 De Marco, Nathanue l. 73 Deane , Kart e r 82 , 157 Dell - Martin , Jes s ica 73 , 129 D e lm o n ico , Alexander 82 D i G iacom o, N i cholette 9 , 30 , 73 D ia z , loren i 73 Dickens , Charlotte 73 Dickey, Shayna 82 , 129 Dill o n , Br e anna ...... 79 , 106, 129 D i llon , Kayla 86 Diment , Will iam 82 Dinkel , Ra i na 73 , 129 Dolan , Danielle 40 , 148 , 152 , 153 Dolechek, Ciera 73 , 128 Donohue , Ar i ah 82 Dore , Ryan 59 Dotson , Ann i ka 82 , 149 Doty, William 59 Douglas , Carly 60 , 120 , 121 Dow s ett , Jo s hua .................... 73 Dow s on , Roy 82 Dre i ling , Eli se..................... 82 Dreil i ng , Em i ly 60 , 1 28 Dreiling , Jess ica 73 , 129 Dreiling , Joshua 60 Duff, Scott 28 , 56 , 60 Duncan , James 60 Duncan , Kathrine 60 Duran , Alyssa 60 , 120, 1 39 Dusdal , Daniel 28 , 40 , 148 , 168 Duvall , Ja s mine 73 , 127 Duvall , Jeffery ........................ 60 Dyer, A s hley 60 , 120
I Eagan , Jered 60 Eagen , Taylor 39 , 40 Eagleton , Natasha 82 Edwards , Kirs tin 73 Edwards , Taylor 60 Elliott , Ben Jamin 60 Ell i s , Audrey 73 , 156 Elm , Kayleigh 82 , 129 , 154 Em s bach , Derek 73 Engstrom , Brianna 41 , 169 Eng s t rom , Larry 41 E rickson , Coral 41 , 1 04 E rickson , Kellie 73 Ermila , Marwa 82 Estrada , Nicholas 60 Etzenhouser, Joshua 82 Etzenhouser, Leeza 60 Euler, Elias 32 , 73 , 155 , 1 56 Evanko , Lisa 60 , 156 , 1 57 Evan s, Ky le 41 , 1 26 Evans , Ryan 73 Evan s on , Trevor 82 Everi s t , Alexandria 60 , 127 Ewers , Al exandra 73 , 110 , 127
Fab isi ak, Alex 41 Fabi si ak , Timothy 82 Fale s, Cody 82 , 155 Farrell , Elizabeth 41 , 1 69 Farrin , Peter 4 1 , 169 , 170 Farri n , Su s an 82 Fauble , Enc 60 , 105 , 149 , 156 Feighner, Blake 60 Ferber, S i mone ...................... 41 Ferns , Meli ss a 60 , 154 F ielding , Connor 73 , 126 F i liault , H ilary 60 F i ne , Mel is s a 30 , 128 F isher, Samantha 20 , 41 , 154, 170 Fleming , Hannah 41 , 110 Flick , Amy 1 6 , 18 , 60 , 155 , 157 Flower, Spen c er 60 , 134, 156 Fluitt , Lukas 82 Foden , Robert. 73 Ford , Carlie 41 , 132 Fo s sett , Travi s 73 , 127 Fraley, N i colette 79 Franci s co , Benjam i n 82 Franco, Haley 73 , 110 , 111 , 157 Frank , Adam 26 , 73 Franklin , Keenan 82 Franz , Cl i nton 73 , 1 02 Freeman , Richard 73 Fro s t , Cody 73 Froyen , Daniel 15 , 60 Fuller, Kyle 73
Gage , Brandon 60 Gagnon , M i chael 41 , 138 Galioto , Cody 41 Gallagher, Kelli 24 , 73 Gallegos , Helena 73 Galvan , Andreana 82 , 128 , 144 Garcia , Jimena 51 Garcia , Monique 73 Garcia , Vic t oria 16 , 1 8, 73 , 14 2 , 1 53 Garnett , M ichelle 60 , 128 Gates , Stephan ........... . .......... 60 Gaudio, Sean 73 , 154, 157 Gaylord , Ryan 41, 1 05 Gehrke , Kylie 41 Geiger, Benjamin 41 Georg , Clemens 60 Gerard , Arielle 51 Gerard , Billy 60 , 1 28 Gerard , Bruce 73 Gerard , James 73 Getschman , Justin 82 Gilas , Kelly 6 1 Gilbert, Kaitlyn82 , 137, 1 39 , 155 G i lbraith , M ax 83 G i llesp
FMarshall 28 , 41 , 108 Gillis , James 83 Gill i s , Maggie 36 , 41 , 138 , 171 Gilmore , Jame s 83 , 131 Gilpin , Nicholas 73 Given s, Coleman 83 Glandt , Whitney 12, 61 , 139 Glass , Walter 41 , 112 , 171 Gochenaur, Edward 73 Goh , Au s tin 73 Goh , Lauren 61 , 149 Goldanloo , Ila 83 Gomez , Jam ie 73 Gonzalez , Carlo s 73 Goodri ch , Tabatha . 61 , 134, 154 Gordon , L i li 83 , 155 Gore , Victoria 83 Graebel , Danie l. 30 , 83 Graebel , David 73 , 109 Grant , Raymond 61 Grauke , Joshua 51 Gray, Blake 83 Gray, Shawnee 5 , 83 Grear, Jesse 73 Green , Anthony 6 1 Green , Eliot. 30 , 6 1 , 157 Green , Nicole 4 1 , 154 Green , Ra1mee 16, 18 , 42 , 154 , 157 Greene , Dakota 83 Greene , Michael ..... 26 , 73 , 154 , 1 57 Greenfield , Tyler 61 Greer, Dallas 61 Gregory, Brittany
i e ,
Groff, Aspen 22 , 32 , 61 Gross, Benjamin 83 Grove , Dustin 73 , 108
Ka i lee 73
, Ellie 42 , 172
, Erik 25 , 42 ,
, 172
, Zeke 74 ,
35 , 143 , 145 , 146, 147 , 152 , 153
ageman , Laci 5 1 H all , Gabrielle 7 4 Hamilton , Lindsey 6 1 H amm , Keilani 83 , 145 H anggi , Ell en 8 , 42 , 172 H ansen , Ariel 32, 42 , 141 , 172 , 1 73 , 174 Han sen , M ichael. 83 , 149 H ansen , Ty l er ................. . .. ..... 42 H anson , Jameson 74 H anson , Jared 21 , 42 H arris , J orie 83 H arris, R ebecca 24 , 61, 134 , 136 , 152 , 153 Hart , Andre 42 , 137, 139 H art , Patrick 8 3 127 Hartman , Jeffrey 30 , 61 Hartman , Sean _..... 7 4 la Hartzell , Elizabeth 6 1 In Hartzell , Erik 42 , 128 , 148 Is Hasoon , Hussam 8 3 Is Hatch , Zoe 30 , 42 , 174 , 175 H aver, James 83 H ayes , Sabr i na 24 , 62 , 102, 135, 138, 153 , 154 H ays , Jessica 8 3 155 Hays , Kevin 6:' Hazell , Marisa 8J Hazell , N i cholas 42 , 108 , 175 Hebberd , Rachel. 24 , 7 4 , 11 ? 113 Heckman , Kara 42 Hembrow, Jessica ........... 24 , 74 Hensley, Amanda 74 Je Hermanussen , Brent 83 , 12 6 Je Herr, Zachary 11 , 62 , 11 2 Je H erting , Dustin _ 74 Je H erzing , Ian 42 Herzing , Jordan 8 3 Je Hessner, Jessica 8 3 Je Highsmith , Bryan 74 , 146 Hildenbrand , J 8 3 lir H ill , Damien 83 Jir H ill , Samantha 83 , 154 J1t H inrichs , Cody 7 4 , 147 Hi rsch , Gregory 74 H oldt , J eremy 42 , 15 '1 Holdt , J ustin 4 2 17 Holland , Luke 8 3 'o Holland , Robert 83 , 12 6 0 Holland , Wendi 42 , 15 ~ H oover, James 7 4 , 132 H oovler, Rachel 10, 11, 32 42 154 , 157 , 176 Hopple , Samantha 34 , 42 Hora n , Michael 7"' lo Hord , Devin 83 Jo H ord , Jennifer 43 , 11 0 , 111 , 15 7 H osburgh , Casey 8:.S H ouchen , Kristie 74, 149 H oward , Eddie 62 Jo H owes , Jordan. 62 , 10 5 Jo H owrey, Casey 62 Jo H owsare , Timothy 83 H oy, M allorie 83 NO Hud son , Justin 74 Hu eber, Cal. 20 , 133 Joi Hufn agel, Lacey 28 , 62, 126 , Joi ~~~h es, N a th aniel. 43 Hugh es , Sean. 62 Hul e tt , Tay lor 83 , 15 5 Hull , Cody 83 Hunt , M argaret. 62 , 128 Hunt , Rac hel 43 , 152 , 153 , 176 -ia Hunt , Ri c h ard 83 l& Hunter, Fran ces 83 :a Hunter, Yazmine 83 JJ Hupf, Ky le 74 , 1 12 .ai Hurl ey, Ki a h 43, 50, 177 1 Hutman , Roche ll e 43, 128 , 15 7
135 , 154
Jordan , Abigail 83, 154
Jordan , Matthew 75
Joyce, Sarah 83, 145 Kalasz , Ro se mary 43 , 136 , 179 ,
43 ,
Larson , Leonard .......... ..... 44
Laufer, Jame s 63
Leazenby, Jess e 75
Leffert , Cohn 44 102 , 103
Leffert , Sean 84
Lent-Aguilar, Tyler 75
Lerche , Amelie 1o. 84
Lerche , Aubrey 84
Lewis , Hannah 30 , 44
Lewis, Kirsten 44 , 157, 181
L1dd1 c k , Tanner 10 , 14 , 75
Lincoln T i mothy 84
Linton , Elizabeth 84
L1nv1lle-Engler Matthew 34 , 39 44 , 108,169
L1v1ngston , Wilham 26 75
L1zza , Mallory 63 11 2 , 128 , 156
L1ungvall , Christina 63
Lockerd , M e linda 84
Lo hman , Nathan 75
Lohre , Bennett 44 105
Lohre , Elisabeth 79
Lo llar, Kevyn 30 , 63 , 126
Long , Kassandra
f 3 lanri ac,to Brooke 83 lrw ir Niko 83 Isra e l-Cleveland , Taylor 62 Israel-Cleveland , Torrey 7 4
JJackson , Tyler 62 Jacobs KatJa 43 , 177 , 178 Jacobson, Odd 83 Janssen , Briana 43, 178 Jarrell, Nicole 83 , 154 Jarvis, Nicholas 43 Jeffery. Tristan 43 , 50 Jeffrey, Tyler 7 4 Jeffrey, Zachary 83 Jennings , Daniel 62 Jennings, Kyle 83 Jensen, Jackee 62 , 123 Jess. Dillon 62 , 126, 1 32 Jessop, Sean 51 Jewell, Jonathan 7 4 Jimenez , En c 7 4 , 126 Jiron Aene 83 154 Jiron, As1ah. 83 , 154 Johnson , Abby83 , 144 , 149 , 1 56 Johnson , Alex is 83 , 149 Johnson, Ashley 30, 43 , 178, 179 Johnson , Autumn 83 Johnson , Brittany 32 , 39 , 43 Johnson, Joshua 62 Johnson , Kathryn 7 4 , 163 Johnson , Kevin 83 , 146 , 148 Johnson, Shannen 30, 7 4 Johnson Tory 43 , 128 , 136, 178 Johnson , Tyler 26, 62 , 155 Johnston, Kay la 43, 128, 179 Jones, Coral 83 Jones Linnea 7 4 , 155 Jones Macey 75, 155 Jones, Rachelle 83, 155 Jones, Robert 43 , 112 , 128 , 179 Jones , Ryan 75, 83, 112, 155 Jones , Ryan 75 , 83, 112 , 155 Jonsson, James.. 75 Jordal, Megan 13, 75,
132 Karaffa, Aimee
Kautz , Jennifer ......... 83 Kelley, Enn 83 , 129 Kerger, Chaz 75 Kerger, Sebastian 84 Kerns , A b1ga1I 75 , 112 Kerndge Matthew 75 , 105 Kett , Emma 84 , 129 Kiel , Colin 75 Kilpatrick , Matthew 75 , 112 113 Kilpatrick , Megan 62 King , Catherine 75 King , Ja1m1e 62 Kinnard , Brandon 26 , 27 , 43 Kinnard , Jason 75 , 112 K1nnen , Jodi 8 62 , 122 , 157 K1wacz , Jordan 84 Klein , Joel 84 Klimek , Danielle 44 , 180 Klimek , Jessica 32, 75 Klingenberg , Aaron 84 Klueber , Morgan 44 , 50 Knight , Aaron 84 Knight Natasha ...... ......... 62 Knox , Ashley 84 Knussmann , Glenn 62 Knussmann , Graham 75 Kochevar, Amanda 62 Koczera , Carly 62 Koczera , Katelyn 84 Koentges , Kelsey 75 , 128 Ko1der, Colette 44 , 1 39 , 1 80 Kolm , Jennifer 62 , 154, 156 Kopischke , Jessica 62 Koprow1cz, Alexander 72 , 75, 1 5 4 Koprow1cz , N icholas 44 Kothenbeutel , Corey 44 Kottcamp , Greg 18 Kowitz, Brenton 62 Kreider, Christopher 84 Kru chen, Enn 26 , 62 Kruege r, Mad eleine 84 Kulba cki , Cara 44 , 180, 181 Kuman , Archana 5 1 Kutter, Kay la 84, 1 27 La Fal ce, Hann ah 30 , 62 Lac1n sk1 , Lauren 44 La c k , J ona than 84 , 155 Ladebue , Amy 75 Lahne rt , Philip 84 Lahnert , Sarah. 63 La1ramore , Allie 84, 86 , 128 La1t os, Erik 84 Lam , Betty 75 Lam , Tra cy 75 Lambert, Kyl a . 84 , 126 , 1 28 Lambrecht , Cassie 44 Lambrecht , Christopher ........ 44 Lamere , A s hley 75 Lane , Susan 63 , 128 Lang , Perri 63, 104, 127 Langworthy, Stephen 84 Lanning , Alexand e r 84 , 155
Kalinoski, Nichola s 26
43 Kamakans, Anthony 83 Kao,
... .. ........ .... . .... 83 Karn,
Colton 83
75 Lovely,
154 Lta1f, Jeannette 84 Lubkeman
157 Lu cero
Melanie 44 Luchetta , Michael 75 Luchetta , Nicole 16, 18 , 84 , 154, 155 LuJan
Alax Lund, Dylan Lurtz, Angela Lu sk , Bree Lusk, Kelsey Lutz , Kirsten Lutz , Tanner Lynam, Kevin 154 75 84 75, 157 63 7 5 44 75 16, 18 , 44 , 142 , Lyons , Lindsay 45, 1 20 , 121 Ma as , Katie 75 Mack, Casey 75, 157 M aes ta s , Aly ssa 75 , 120 Mag u ire , Mi chelle 63, 128 Mahurin , W es tbr ook 75 M allec, W il ham 63 Mann , Adeline 16, 18 , 84 , 1 55 M a nn , Sage 84 Manning , K a th eri ne 84 M ap leb ac k , Tyl er 26 , 30, 63 , 109 Marin o, Adria 75 Mann o , Lia 84 M a rqui s , Brittany 4 5 M a rs h a ll , Conner 75 Marsha ll , Taylor 45 , 106, 107, 181 Marso, Alexi s 6 3, 69 Martin , Dana 7 5 Martin , Paul a 4 5 Martin e k , Conn o r 84 Martinek , Rya n 63 , 136 Martinez , Al exand er 75 Martinez , Amber 4 5 Martinez , Augu s tin e 84 Martinez , Derek 75 M a rtinez , Enc 4 5, 1 0 5 Martinez , Jame s 45 1 05, 141 Martinez J osl yn 2 6 7 5 Martinez , Megan 6 3. 112 113, 128 Martinez , Ni c ole 21 45 , 15 6 , 157, 182 Martinez , Ryan 6 3 Masters , Lu c y 84 163 Mathews. Charlen e 5 1 Mathews on , Elizabeth 18 , 6 3 Mathewso n , Ian 4 5 Matoba , J o el 4 5 Matoba , Kirk 7 6 155 Mateus Jos eph 84 , 126 Mattso n , Tara 76 , 157 Mattw1g , Sarah 12 , 84 Maybury, Charlotte 13 6 Mayo, Casey 45 Mayo, Christ o pher 63 McCall. Max 84 McCrac ken, Jessica 13, 63 15 4 157 McCr1r1ck, Sage 6 3, 128 McDonald , Matthew 45 , 46 , 154 McEachern , Tanner 76 McGreg o r , Jordan 46 123 , 148 , 182, 183 McGregor, Taylor 84 MclLwee, Luke 30, 46 , 109 , 157 Mcllwee , Kyla 84 M c Inti re , Spencer 76 McIntyre , M onty 7 6 Mcisaac , Liana 84 , 155 M cKendry, Steven 46 M cKenzie , Amy 84 , 129 M c Kenz i e, Sarah 46 , 183 M clane , Bridget 84 , 86 , 112 , 148 , 1 55 M c Laugh lin M eghan 63, 1 28 M c M an1gal , David 74, 76 M c N ally, Ian 63 M cStraw, Travis 76 M cca ll , Ann 63 M ead , Ann 76 , 128 M ears , M ason 84 , 155 M ea rs , Taylor 76 M ease, C h andler 84 M ed ina , J onathan 84 M ed in a Camacho, Aleh 84 M edi n a Camacho, Alvaro 63 , 84 Me e h an , Shane 46 , 128 M ele nd ez Gonzalez, Soesha 76 Merrill , I an 63, 155 Me yer, Lynae 7, 46 M eye rs , Kathl een 46 , 139 Mi c hal ska, lzabela 84 M1d ye t , Justin 10 , 26, 30 , 63 , 10 9, 149 , 1 56
, Jerry 84
, Megan 75 ,
Love , Ronald
Danielle 63
Matthew 84
Michael 44, 1 05 ,
Loyd , Nicole
, Kelly 26 , 63,
Miller, Alex 64 , 69 Miller, Ashley 46 , 183 Miller, Gerald 15, 76 M i ller, Jessica 64 , 149 , 157 Miller, Matthew 76 , 84 Miller, Matthew 76 , 84 Miller, Morgan 84 Milligan , John 84 Milligan , Rachel 84 Milne , Cody 76 Milne , Meaghan 32 , 64 , 135 Minobe, M1k10 30 , 84 , 109 Miorelll , James 84 Mitchell , Paige 64 , 122, 12 3 , 157 Mitchell , William 76 Moauro, Alexandra 84 , 155 Molt , Kaila 64 , 157 Monroe , Hunter 76 Montana , Jeremy 84 Montana , Jessica 46 , 132 Montemayor, Quentin 46, 1 04 , 133 Montgomery, Lindsay 84 , 86 Monti , Vincent 76, 154 Montoya , Shaun 76 Moody, Parker 8 , 15 , 39 , 46 , 103 , 128 , 184 Moon , Jesse 76, 87 Moore , Shannon 16, 18, 32 , 46 , 154 , 157, 184 Morales , Anal1sia 84 , 126 Morales , Stephanie 46 , 144 , 156,184 Moran , Derek 46, 147 Moran , Keven 85 Morgan, Anthony 12, 46 , 126 Morgan , Spencer 76 Morvay, Hannah 64 , 127 Moss , Astra 64 , 112 , 127 , 135 , 138 , 156, 157 Mott , B radley 64 Mott , Jess 85 Mullen , Nicholas 76 Myers , Jennifer 64 , 1 56 Myers , Jessica 34 , 46 , 11 o, 127 , 156 , 184 Myers, Laura 85 , 155 , 156 Myers, Ryan 85 N Nagode , Jamie 85 , 157 Narkewicz, Jeffrey 46 , 184 Nau slar, Lillie 76 , 129 Navant-Martin , Molly 76 Navarez , Jacob 85 Navarez , Joshua 46 Navarez, Nicole 76 Neal, Samantha 8 , 47 , 184 Nebeker, Rhett 26 , 64 , 102 NeeSm ith , Sasha 16 , 18 , 76 Needham , Allison 64 , 128, 132 Neiman , Christopher 85 Nelson , Brandon 76 Nelson , Rh ianna 7 , 47 , 156, 185 Nelson , Wesley 76 Neumayer, Anthony 76 Neumayer, Robin 47 , 112 , 113, 185 Newberg, Robert 47 Newell , Aaron 76 Newman , Alyssa 85 , 1 28 Newsome , Joshua 87 Nguyen , Chanda 76 , 105 , 120 , 137 , 139 , 153 Nia , Shane 47 Nicely, Zachariah 85 Nichols , Chase 64 Nichols , H olly 64 Nickell , Karisa 85 , 157 Nieczkosk1 , Alexander 85 Nielsen , Jesse 76 Nikitin , Christina 85 Nilius , Amy 76 , 131 Nimmer, Casey 47 , 128 Niswonger, Joseph 51 Nitz, David 65 Nitz , Rebecca 76 Noble , Lucas 47 , 185 Nobles , Tajh 65 Nolte , Zakkary 85 Noonan , Angela 76 , 106 , 107 Noonan , Aubrey 85 Noriega , Kathryn 85 , 126 Noriega , Yon 76 , 157 N orris, Chelsea 85 , 129 Norri s, Victoria 65 N osker, Harm ony 13, 51 N owak, Sage 30, 85, 109 Nye , Samantha 85 0 OMahony, Christopher 85 Oehlert , Eryn 65 , 132 Oertli , Clayton 76 Okonzak , Wesley 4 7 Oltmanns , Mitchel 85 Orr, Chelsea 85 , 154 Osbaugh, Kailey 76, 126 Osbaugh, Ni cole 82 , 85 , 129 Osorio , Anamar ia 76 , 106 Ott, Christina 85 Ouellette, Tyler 85 Ozols , lnese 76 p Pachello , Saige 65, 127, 155 Packard , Dana 85 Pa ckard, Zachary 76 Padilla , Blake 65, 102, 103 , 128, 157 Padilla , Celia 8, 20, 47 , 152 , 153 , 186 , 190 , 191 Palmer, A shley 47 Palmer, Brooke 18 , 19 , 34 , 65 , 140, 141 , 152 , 153,155 , 156, 157 Papazian , Lucine 85 Paredes , Orlando 65 Par imuha, Lea 76 Park , Chad 15, 30 , 85 , 109 Park, Jenna 65 , 155 Parker, Kyle 76 , 126 Parker, Stevie 82 , 85 Parra , Amalln 10 , 76 , 127 Patel , Sh1reena 47 Patterson , Anthony 85 Paul , Jacob 76 Paul , Jeremiah 85 Payne , Kathryn 76, 1 27 Payte , Joshua 76 Pearce , Jacob 77 Pedersen , Tabbitha 85 Pe1sa , Brandon 65 Perea, Blake 77 Perea , Kylee 4 7 , 186, 187 Perez , Nayel i. 65 Perkins , Shanise 10 , 77 , 142 , 157 Perrin , Gregory 65 Perrin , Jeffrey 85 , 137, 139 Perryman , Jacob 85 Perschbacher, Kelton 85, 112 Phillips , Lindsey 77 Pickett , Catrina 77 P ierce, Hannah 85 P ierce, Ian 65, 146 Pittman-Morgan , Kalina 65 Polk, Casey 85, 104 Post , Morgan 65 Potter, Kate 30 , 4 7 Potthoff, Austin 77 , 109 Potthoff, Brandon 65 , 108 Powell , Spencer 85, 126 , 155 Powers, Justin 85 Powers , Laura 85 Pretz , N icholas 77 Price , Alexandra 47 Price , Chandler 77 , 126 Priest , Kristen 77 , 129 , 133, 155 Progar, L indsay 65 Proski , Scherel 77 Proski , Shannon 85 Prueitt, Logan 24 , 47 , 134 , 140, 141 , 152,153 Pule, Luke 85 Pule, Matthew 65 Pullano , Timothy 65 , 135, 138, 157 Pyburn, Andrew 47
Quatermass, Peter 77 , 147 Quilang-Castro, Kristine 65 , 128 Quinonez, Ryan 79 Quintana , Alysa 85 , 156 Quintana, Victoria 65 Quirk , Derek 85
Rabadan , Johnny 51 , 105 l Rad ovich, Beau 48 , 15 7 al Raley, Matthew 9, 15 , 48, I 02 , St 187 H Ramirez , Javier 77 Ramsay, Chloe 77 112 Ramstetter, Stephanie 48 , · 27 , 187 Rathbone , Catherine 77 Ratk1ew icz, Lindsey 7, 8, l8 , 157, 187 Ratledge, Sean 48 f Rauen , Frank 8 5 Red Dog, Jeanette 85 154 ~Reeves, Golden _ 85 , Reider, Nicholas 85 , Renaud, Ab1ga1I 48 , 15 7 , Retrum , John 65 Reveille , Robert 65 ,c Rex , Cody 65 , 154 , 157 Richert , Jonathan 48 , 154 , 157 Richy, Johnathan 85 , 108 Rickard , Nicole 77 , 106 107 Ridder, Em ily 32 , 77 126 R idge, Lisa 65 134 R idpath, Tyler 77, 135, 138 R ieger, Corinna 65 , 129 [ R iehl, Michael 77 5 R io, Dillon 66 Rivera, Christopher 87 Rivera , Patrick 77 Rivera, Samantha 24 , 66, 134 Rivera , Sebastian 85 c Rob inson, Danielle. 77 Rob inson, Kacy 85 Robinson , Maggie 85 Robinson , Mary 85 5 Rob ison, Ashley 85 154 c Roblee , M ichelle c 24, 48 , 132 ,133 , 140 , 141 , 146 , C 147, 152, 153 Rocheleau , Noelle 8F e Reckley, Damien 77 , 15 5 Rode , Samantha 61, 60 Rodgers , Ian 77 , 112 Rodgers , Jesse 77 , 112, 113 Roesch , Amanda 77 127 Rogers , Amy 48 , 136, 188 Rogers, Marcus 48 , 188 e Rogstad , Amber 85 Roman , Guy 66 Romanowski, Harrison 8, 66 Romero , Derek 48 126 Rosel le, Ar ie l 66, 122 , 153 Rosette , Jessica 66 , 134 Rosette , Robert 85 Ross, Brett 66 Ross , Jordan 77 Rosse , Patrick 66 Rossow, Victoria 77, 157 h Roth , Jeffrey 85 Roth , Mary 32, 66, 148, 157 Rothrock , David 66 Roudybush , Zachary 77 :. Rowe , Cayla 24 , 66 , 135 138 149 , 153 Rucht i, Sarah 48 e Rucker , Kyle 85 \
Rutishauser, Nathan 85 Ruybal, Payton 77 , 155 Ruzicka, Alena 85 , 154
s• Saeid , Hev1 48 Sageser, Lauren 66 , 156 Salazar Megan 86 Salazar, M 1chael 66 Sanchez, Marisol 86 Sander, Andrew 86 , 108 Sanders, Bethany 48 , 188 Sandoval, Me'Shay 77 Sands , Taylor 48 , 194 Santana Rran. 87 Satterfield , Lex, 86 Saucedo , Victoria 66 Sauer, Logan 30 , 66 , 109 Saxton , Alexander 77 r Sayers , Troy.. 86 Seance, Christopher 66 Schalhamer, Austin 86, 155 Schllttler, Ilona . . . . 66 • Schluter, Rachel 48 , 104 , 132 , 153 Schmader, Heather 48, 145 [ Schnautz, Jackson 77 ; Schulte, Taylor. 66 Schultz , Kyle. 12 Schultz , Ryan 86 1 Schumacher, Jessica. 66, 154 Schumacher, Joanna 86, 157 Schuster, Scott 51 , 154 , 155 , 157 Schwab, Nicholas 86 Scohy, Julie 48 , 188 , 189 Scott Bryanna 86 Scott-Gilbert , Mary 77 Searcy, Crysta II 77 , 134 Secary, Melanie 8, 48, 189 Seery, Kyle. 28, 39 , 48, 108, 189 Seery, Shannon 86 Seidel , Emily 77 , 156 Selcer, Tyler 66 , 157 Sell, Dest1n1. 7 4 , 77, 127 Senz , Alyssa 77 , 128 , 142 , 157 Senz, M 1a 86 Serat1 , Anthony 25, 49, 141 Sharpe, Colter 77 Shaulis, Richard 77 Shea, Kacie 77, 11 o, 127, 157 5hearer, Jeremy 66 Shearer, Julia 77 Sheesley, Abbey 10, 77 , 104, 126 Sheffield, Daniel 49, 128, 131 Shefte-Jacobs, Max 66 , 112 Sheldon, Stephanie 49 , 189 3hepler, Logan 77 Sherman, BenJamin77, 112 , 113 Sherman, Samantha 24, 77 , 126 Shiel er, Evan 86 Shire, Michael. 86 Siewert, Cullen 49, 105 Silva, Elyssa 66 , 127, 157 Simmons , Larissa 86 , 152 Simmons, Tasha 66 , 135. 138 , 149 , 152, 153, 157 Simon , Nicholas 49 , 138 Skelton , Garrett 77 Skelton, Timothy 77 , 79 , 146 Skorka , Chelsea 66 Skorka , Michael 86 Siana, Anita 66 , 132, 145 Slaven , Clint 86 Slaven , Kailey 49 Sletten , Cassondra 78 , 106 107 , 127 129 Smail , Cody 49 , 50 Smith , Aaron 86 , 131 , 155 Smith , Brooke 86 Smith , Collin 67 , 105 Smith , Cortney 21 49 , 112 138, 139, 153 Smith , Hillary 86 155 Smith Michael 78 , 190 Smith , Paul 78 79 Smith , Samantha 78 Smith , Shelby 86 Smith , Solell 24 , 49 157 Smith , Tyler 78 Smouse , Cody 78 Smouse, Jacob 64 , 67 Snart, Carson 78 Snart , Taylor 86 , 126 Snyder, Regina 78 , 127 So1ne , Katherine 49 , 157 , 190 Son, Syn1a 67 Sorvig , Kan 67 , 155 , 156 Sorvig , Kyle 86 Sosa, Aubrey 86 Sosa , Casandra 78 Sosa , Elise 78 Spatz , Austin 78 126 , 127 Spence , Mitchell 78 , 112 Sprague, Ell 86 , 149 Spykstra , Taylor 72 , 78 Starr, Destrnee 82, 86 Staub, Calvin 30 , 78 , 109 Stauffer, Brianna 78, 120 Stengel, Ryan 86 Stiers, Jared 86 Stiner, Kenneth 67 Stitt , Ian 67 , 156 Stoeber, Brandon 86 Stokes , Connor 49 , 1OS, 190 Stokes, Ryan 9 , 26, 78 , 103 Stolte , Taylor 32 , 67 Straley, Megan 49 , 112 , 148 , 149, 156 , 157 Straley, Timothy 78 , 112 Strauss, Lilah . . .. ..... . 24, 67 Stroh , Kasandra 86, 126 Stroh , Samantha 49, 140, 190 Sturgeon, Amanda 49 Sugrue, Alexis 78 , 154 Sulrk, Caitlin 49 Sulley, Alexis 86 Sulley, Anthony 78 Sullivan , Caitlin 56 , 67 , 127 Sullivan, Kendra 86 Sullivan , Logan 51 Sullivan, Nicole 86 , 127 Summeril, Connor 16 , 67, 143 , 145, 154, 155 Summers , Alex 78 51 30 , 67 , 126 7 34 49 , 120, Suther, Steven Sutter, Kaila Sweet Ni c holas 121 . 191 Sweetk1nd , Reid 86 , 137 139 , 154, 156 Swim , Lesley 67 , 120 152 , 153
Tafoya , Chad 49 , 163 Tant o n , John 87 Tasc1 , Tyler 87 Taylor Alexander 25 49 Taylor, Braden 49 Taylor, Charles 78 Taylor, Katelyn 78 , 110, 111 Taylor, Megan 67, 128 Term1n-F1edler, Cameron 50 Terrazas , Briana 50 Thielen , Devyn 78 Th1rou1n , Kevin 78 , 156 Thomas , Alexander 78 , 149 , 155 Thomas , Andrea 78 , 112 , 128 Thomas , Malcolm 50 , 112 , 191 Thomas , Shelbey 78 , 127. 129 138 Thompson , Lu c a s 78 , 108 Thompson , Matthew 87 Thompson , Mitchell 67 Thompson Robert 67 Thomson-Foos, Carissa 67 Thum1m , Michael 25 Tibbetts Michael 87 T1dball-Sc1ullo, Cameron 87 Tidball-Sciullo , Jordan 30, 67 Tidwell , Aubra 87 , 129 Tilden, Scott 78, 155 Tim , Davin 51 Tim, Julie 78 T1nucc1 , Patrick 9 , 67, 1 OS Tolbert , Cydney 67 Tollefson , Steven 67 Tomich , Jake 87 Toms , Taylor 30 , 67, 157 Topper, Timothy 87 Townsend , Christina 78 , 152 Tracy, Alexander 50, 148 Tracy, Jordan 50 Trammell, Cierra 87 , 104 Trammell , Jennifer 78, 104 Tramont1na , Aubrey 36 , 50, 120, 121 Tripp, Kaitlyn 9, 87, 126 Tripp , Kyle 64 , 67 Trout , Kyle 50 , 105 , 191 Troxell , Tess 87 , 154 Trujillo, Andrew 67 , 135 , 138, 157 Trujillo, Jessica 87 TrUJIIIO, Tesia 67 Tu , Richard Hren 67 , 127 Tufano, Brandon 87 Turner, Darian 78, 154 Turquette , Matthew 67 155 Tuton , J o rdan 87 Twiford, Aly son 32 , 78 , 157 Ty c k s en , Enk 78 Tyma , Li s a 87 , 154 Tyu s, Christen 50 u Ugarte-Sch1rrme1 s ter, Edward 87 Uln c h , Collin 78 155 Umbrecht , Patrick 67 Umbrecht , Steven 15, 50 Unger, Justin 87 Urban , Alexander 16 18 , 67 U rice Caleb 68
VTVahm Anthony 87 Vall , Evan 68 , 157 Valois , Stev1 87 VanDamme Mi c hae l 50 VanDuyn , Richard 64 , 68 VanVuuren Kyle 87 Vang , Sophia 78 Vanner, Gerald 50 Vanner, Trenton 68 , 140 Vargas-Rode , Austin 87 Vasquez , Cabrini 78 128 Vaughn , Jared 30 , 68 , 109 Velasquez , Stephanie 87 , 120 Vergari , Annastauchra 61 , 68 Vern1g , Paul SO , 128 Versaw , Jacob 5 1 , 192 Verschuur. Carl 87 V1g1I, Calvin 87 V1g1l, Shantel 51 , 132 133, 144, 145, 153 V1g1I , Tyler e Villarreal , Jacob Villarreal , Mark Vincent , Christopher 145,154 , 155 , 156 68 , 69 68 , 127 51 78 , 143 , Vincent, Rachel 87, 156 Voehringer, Emily 87 , 154 Vogt , Matthew 68 Vogt , M 1tchell 78 Vu, John 68 Wachs , Kaitlyn 68, 127 , 136 Wagner, Aubrey 8 , 78 , 129 Wahlmeier, Micheal 78 Wale, Alina . . . . . . ... . . .. ... . . 68 Walker, Megan 78 , 127 Wallis , Jacob 51 Wallis, Noah 11 , 51 , 149 Walls , Ashley 79 , 157 Walth , Enn 68
Wang s ness , Richie 51 , 128 Ward , Joshua 68 Wareham , Emily 32 , 51 Warren , Matthew 68 Watson , Kaylee 51 Watson , Michael 51 Wehl i ng , Sarah 79 Weiman , J i ll 87 Weiman , Julia 87 We i ngardt , Michael 79 Weir, Zachary 87 Welch , Bo 87 Welch , R1k1 51 , 154 Weller, Courtney 32 , 51 , 193 Wells , Br ion na 8 , 24 , 68 , 126, 157 Well s, John 87 , 146 Wendel i n , Cyna 79 , 154 Wernars , Hendrik 87 Werner, Dakota 7 , 14, 51 , 157 Werner, Mar i ah 79 , 149 We sse l , Megan30 , 51 , 128 , 148, 157 , 193 West , Bnana 79 , 1 28 Westbrook, Andrea 87 Westbrook, Ashley 79 Westerkamp , Scott 26 Weymouth , Sabrina 87 White , Bri ttney 87 , 154 Wiederspahn , Jacob 87 Wilkins , Myriah 79 Wilk i nson , Carolyn 12 , 87 , 157 Wilkinson , Holly 87 Wilkinson , Stormy 68 Willey, Kevin 79 Williams, Kacy 79 Williams , Wyndam 82 , 87 Williamson , Ho lly 68 , 127 Willis , Jessica 68, 1 20 , 121 Wilson , Andrew 68 Wineland , Brook 87 , 110, 111 Winkler, Eric 68 Winzent , Derek 87 Wise, Brittany 87 Wittek , Koby 8 , 15 , 51 , 103 Wittek , Tanner 68, 127 Witters H icks , Kynan 79 Witthohn , Leah 79, 157 Wittman , Natalie 51 , 193 Wold , Sarena 51 , 193 Wolf , Brandon 79 Wolken , Andrew 87 Wood , Brittni 51 Wood , Chloe 30 , 51 , 148 , 194 Wood , Marilyn 79 , 127, 129 Wouk, J ordana 79 , 157 Wunderle, Shelby 68 , 129 , 157 Wynn , Britainy 68 , 128 y Yeoman, Joanna 51 Yoakum , Kasi. 51 Young , Alyssa 79 , 128 , 149 Young , Tyler 87 Young , Winona 87 , 155 Yushka , Branden 68 Yushka , Evan 87
Zaba , Debra 79 Zant , Stacey 61 , 68 , 155 Zarlengo, Alexandra 87 , 127 Zarlengo, Zachary 69 Zerbest, Cameron 8 , 69 , 154 Zerbest , Kol bi 157 Z iegler, Alyssa 69 , 1 27 Ziegler, Jonathan 79 Zigich , Kelia 69, 1 36 , 155 Zika , Emma 87 , 154 Zimmerman , Kurt. 87 , 112 Zimmerman , McKenzie 16 , 18 , 79 , 127, 153 Z1ppnch , Norma 69 , 132 , 145 Z1rbes , Mercedes 87 Zuniga , Luis 79 deRoin , Colton 59 , 126 vonDreele , Julia 68 , 140 vonDreele , Kiley 87
The yearbook editors and their thoug ts What a yea r
Wh a t a t e d io u s y e a r We fin a ll y m a d e it thr o u g h To e v e ryo n e, I w a s ex tre m e ly un o r ga n ized a ll the way thr o u g h yea rb o ok . As e d i t o r- in- chi e f, I wo uldn ' t h ave b ee n abl e t o m ake i t thr o u g h th e ye ar w ith o ut all yo u o th e r s . We we nt thr o u g h so m e to u g h tim es, but fin ally s tru gg le d thr o u g h until w e fin is h e d th e b oo k Th a nk s eve r yo n e! I go t so mu ch h elp fr o m eve r yo n e w h o ca m e t o class To th e e dit o rs , w h o sh a r e d th e w h o le wo rk l o ad Th a nks! M y o th e r h a lf, Ama nd a, yo u h elp e d m e ge t thr o u g h so mu ch ! I di d n o t kn ow w h a t I was d o in g, a nd I a m so g l a d th a t I h a d yo u b y m y sid e Yo K-D awg! I a m g oing t o mi ss yo u so mu ch ! Yo u sh owe d m e so mu ch , a nd I think yo u sh o uld co m e visi t m e on ce in a whi le n ex t ye ar, t o m a k e s ure I ' m do in g every thin g ri g ht! I h ave put 40+ h o ur s ge ttin g thi s d o n e o uts id e o f cl ass tim e, wo rkin g hard h o ur s a ft e r schoo l e nd ed on wo rk d a t es ! I h o p e everyo ne enj oys! It h as b ee n a good year. Th a nk yo u!
~ Brook e and Mr. Kelle y~ Thank y ou gu ys s o much!!
Broo k e m y o th e r hal f yo u a r e a ma z in g a nd I th a nk yo u fo r wo rkin g w ith m e a nd d ea ling wi th m e fo r tw o yea r s. If I didn ' t h ave yo u I d o n ' t kn ow w h a t I w o uld h ave d o n e w ith o ut yo u .
Mr. K, I a m go in g t o mi ss yo u so mu ch Th a nk yo u fo r eve r y thin g . Yo u a r e m y favo rit e teach e r eve r. You h ave ta u g ht m e so mu ch thro u g h o u t th e thr ee ye ar s I h ave kn ow n yo u
To t h e o th e r e d it o r s, t h ank yo u g u ys f or y our h e lp, too. Yo u gu ys did a lo t t o mak e th e yea rb oo k th e way it is. I t is pre tty am az in g h o w th e yea rb o ok ca n g o from bad to g o o d w i th t h e m a n y p eo pl e that h ave h e lped make it. I a m ve ry t h a nkful fo r eve r y on e t h a t did so m e thin g for t he yea rb oo k .
~Thank y o u ~
Yea rbo ok h as b ee n so mu ch fun!! Eve r yo n e h a n g in g ou t f b e tw ee n wo rkin g o ur bu tt s off 0 t o ge t th e yea rb oo k d e li vered o n tim e . I' m g onn a mi ss a ll of th e fri end s I m e t in h e r e!!
To a l l m y fellow e d itorsWi th o ut y o u al l I would h ave fai l ed m i s erab ly ! We al l made it thro1-1g h s ome to u g h t1m ef;, and hard cur ve s t h a t were thrO\i\ n
f 0 l 0 )l n at u s th i s year! Brooke , th a n k s so mu ch for dea ling w i th m e Yo u a lways h e l ped me fin d what I n eeded o n th e compu t e r s in ce I 1 was c o m puter ch a ll enged a t s ome c time s. Yo1.1 a r e great ! Amanda , y ou a l way s go t m e thro u gh thi s a cla s s wi th yo u r cut e s mi le We ' were a t eam o n dea lin g with the c l a s s . We n di , I d o n o t know wh e re e t o s t ar t w ith yo u but t h a nk s for Ile m a k ing yea rb ook more fun for n1 e! Our h a rd wo r k p ai d off and ""e m ade i t o v e r so m e b ump s Logan, u yo u t oo k so m a n y pic tu re s for me a nd i t h e lp e d m e grea t ly! The o nl y b oy s ave d us girls s o m a n\ ta tim e s. Yo u a r e greatly ap p re ciat e d l' T ha n k s fo r e,, e r yo n e be in g there f: It m a d e th e yearb ook w h a t it wa s f' t I l ove yo u a ll a nd w ill mi ss y ou t'C nex t yea r !
lJ tJtan
Tlus year, I had the awesome oppo rtunity to become an editor tor the yearbook. It \i\1 as a ton of ,, ork, and at time s very s tre ss ful , but it was also a really good experience. I got the chance to work with some really cool people I would like to thank the other editors for all of their help and patience. Brooke vou' re amazing. You did a fabulous Job being " head hon cho. " Rachy ca ke s, my partner in c rime , you made this worth it! And la s t but not least, Mr. Kelle y. Thank yo u for e,·erything you've taught me! By the way, you're a knu c kle head! Thanks to everyone who helped , th.ts yearbook will be fantastic! Ro c k on. -
This year's yearbook was amazing. I look at taking pi c ture s as th e only \.Vay I can freeze time, and what a grea t year it ha s been A pi c ture i s \\'Orth 2008 words doe s n ' t even begin to de sc ribe how mu ch effort and tea m work we have done this year. It \Vas great to make a differen ce as a11 e ditor. I know the yearbook won't be th e s ame without Kelley; it will be sad to see him go, but I know next yea r will be just as great with Brooke as chief editor. My little brother, Log an , I can't believe I 've known yo u since 5th grade and now we are graduating. You ' re a great friend and stav sweet! To all the editors: thank s for a great year! To my se nior s, class tif 2008, take life a s it comes in the end it's all worth it . " Regret nothing, bc>c.a u se at one point in time it was exac tly what you wanted."
Yearbook this year has been an experience for sure Dus was my first year to help ½ 1 1th the yearbook and being an ed it or wasn ' t easy. If 1t wasn ' t for the other editors I wo uld ha\'e been lost' I cou ldn ' t ha\' e asked for better Editors m Chief so thank you Brooke and Amanda for all of} our help a nd patience Thank you Logan for puthng up with all of my requests and al\i\:ays ha\ mg th e pictures r eady for me when needed Michelle, thanks for all of you r help on my pages. Finally thank you Ce li a for m aking Yearbook be so great and for al l of your helpful ideas. I think yo u are most l1kel} to accomplish g r eatness (and tak e O\' er the world) Mr Kelley was a grea t teacher and next yea r 's book wi ll d efinite ly miss him ! I h ad so much fun this year and I vv1sh I took thi s cla ss sta rhn g as a freshm e n . I had so mu ch fun h e lpin g with thi s bo ok and I will definitely miss this cla ss! Httn!
Yearbook . What can I say? It was a blast to work with s uch interesting people and get to de s ign s u ch an awesome yearbook. My fellow editor s have really s tepped it up thi s year. We worked hard and s ta yed focu se d all year long Mr. Kelle y is leaving the staff, so we wi s h next year's teacher the be s t of lu ck . I also hope Brooke ca n continue the good name of the bod as we move into a new schoo l To everyone that help e d us thi s year THANKS!
Pra t!! 207
-· --- -----,- - - """''""' I T '
c:, Yuri Kochetlcov epa Cort>is
• 1nes REUTERS/ Enk de castrOllandov \ As the war in Iraq passes the four-year mark tours of duty are lengthened and recruitment standards are relaxed 'Y To ease the mortgage cns1s , the US Senate passes legislation allowing homeowners with delinquent sub -pnme mortgages to refinance into federally insured loans hns Ran~loomberg NewsA.and ov Several c1t1es in the southeastern U S T Six men are trapped when a Utah coal mine collapses on August 6 Ten days later the mine collapses again , killing three rescue workers After four weeks the search ends are mere months away from running out of water as drought cond1t1ons persist in the region • A During televised debates, Democratic and Republican presidential candidates answer tough questions submitted by voters via YouTube \ \ \ ' The U S Postal Service issues a forever stamp featuring an image of the Liberty Bell. It will always be valid for first class postage on envelopes weighing one ounce or less A The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to fonner Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, represented by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, for their efforts to call attention to global wanning
'Y Schools across the nation are thoroughly disinfected-and some are even shut downto quell outbreaks of staph infections. including antibioticresistant strains.
, 2008, killing nearly 60 people
In Littleton, Colorado, construction is completed on the $1 5 million Columbine Memonal to the 13 victims of the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School
lose their confidence in China's manufacturers when ch1ldrer\'s toys tainted with lead tngger widespread recalls
The Nintendo -Wi1-nomenonft sweeps the nation as the game console outplays the competition with sales of more than 13 m1lhon unrts
A Wnters hit the picket lines and telev1s1on production Is halted for months when the Wnters Guild of Amenca goes on stnke to protest compensation policies for new media such as iTunes downloads
A On August 1, a six-lane l-35W bndge stretching across the M1 ss1ss1pp1 River in Minneapolis collapses into the river during the height of the afternoon rush hour
A In late October, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declares a state of emergency due to wildfires that bum more than half a million acres in southern California
'Y Dozens of tornadoes tear across Tennessee. Arkansas , Mississippi, Kentucky and Alabama on February 5
0 Ted ulffod Soqu
Photo0ra USA.
People around the wor1d cast more than 100 m1ll1on onhne votes to determine the New Seven Wonders of the Wor1d The winning wonders are announced at a gala in Lisbon
T More than 150 of the world 's leading music acts perform in concerts staged around the worfd for Live Earth , a star-s tudded event to draw attention to the global climate cns1s
A The melting of the Arcti c Sea ice spurs an international network of climate scientists to conclude that global warming 1s indi sputable , and that human act ivity ha s been cau sing temperatures to ri se si nce 1950
A Tropical cyclone Sidr is the deadliest storm to hit Bangladesh in a decade
It destroys thousands of homes, ruins crops and forces more than a million villagers to evacuate
The One Laptop Per Child Founda tion launches a 1tm1ted-t1me "Give One, Ge t One• program to spur donations of XO $100 laptops to children 1n developing nations
T Labour Party leader Gordon Brown succeed s Tony Blai r a s the new Prime Mini ster of the Uni ted Kingdom of Great Britai n
0 Jose Fuste Raga/Cort>iS
T In December, Pakistani opposi tion leader Benazir Bhutto is assassi nated following a political rally in Rawalpindi, Paki stan
The digital smiley face celebrates rts 25th birthday Its inventor, Carnegie Mellon professor Scott E Fahlman first used the icon on an electron ic bulletin board In 1982
Using mice biologists develop a method to reprogram ordinary skin cells into all-purpose stem cells This discovery is likely to have a positive impact on treatments for a number of diseases
Crops are threatened when honeybee colonies in the U S and Europe suffer from Colony Collapse Disorder losing up to 70 percent of their bees due to unknown causes
In a medical expenment salmonella germs take a nde on the space shuttle When they return to Earth the germs are tar more lethal than their earthbound counterparts
An excavation site in Argentina yields the fossrhzed remains of a previously unknown species of dinosaur the Futalognkosaurus duke, measunng more than 105 feet.
-., U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson is the first female commander at the International Space Station
Geny lff11Q85
A Black bears make headlines in Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico as park rangers and wilderness homeowners report raids on backpacks, tents, trash cans and even kitchens.
Social networking websites continue to surge in populanty MySpace and Facebook remain dominant as the sites of choice for young people and Insp1re a host of innovative Imrtators
'Y Concerns about overweight dogs and cats hit the headlines Veterinarians prescribe a regimen of fewer treats , more walks around the neighborhood and no people food
The healthy growth trend for vItamIn waters and other nutnent-boosted consumables continues with the introduction of spec1altzed formulas for immunity, focus and more
T User-generated content grows more popular as network television shows, mainstream musical acts and wannabe media stars Join amateur home moviemakers on YouTube One of the most-watched videos of 2007 features a feline pianist.
A Higher prices for coffee beans do not lessen the nation's craving for coffeehouses Independents and chains alike continue to be popular with younger consumers
'Y Concerns over the environment and increasing energy costs create a growing consumer demand for energy-saving, long-lasting compact fluorescent light bulbs
'Y The Apple iPhone, with its revolutionary touch screen, packs mobile phone, camera, 1Pod, Web browser, email and IM capabilities into a sleek, portable package
T Cute and comfy baby doll Jumper tops and dresses with button straps start as a summer trend and morph into fall fashion layered over dose-fitting sweaters and matching bghts
The A-line silhouette comes to outerwear as swingy trapeze coats become one of the year's most surprising fashion must-haves
Fashion takes a look back to the 1980s with the return of leg warmers, worn as an accessory with short skirts or skinny Jeans and fashionable -:;;,....,._.,,~.,J ballet flats or moccasins
Quilted Vera Bradley handbags and totes sweep college campuses sororibes and high school hallways from coast to coast
R EUTERS,£nc Thayer 'Landolf
The ubiquitous. slouchy suede Ugg boot 1s reinvented wrth co-zy knitted uppers that keep toes toasty and add a soft tweedy textured look to fall and winter ensembles
Guys sport patterned hoodies that are worn alone or layered under jackets and blazers for an edgy, urban look.
Under Armor athlellc apparel 1s a popular fashion choice for athletes both on and off the field
• Stephon Marbury inspires a host of celebrities, including Sarah Jessica Parker and Venus Williams , to battle the high-priced fashion industry by creating their own affordable apparel.
The craze for oversized leather bags-in metallic shades of copper , silver and gold-inspires a trend for matching footwear in daytime and nighttime looks
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'Y The musi c video game Rock Band Is released for Xbox 360 and PlayStat1on 3 Players perform together m virtual bands, using peripherals to hit notes as they scroll onscreen
Even after lonelyg1r115 Is revealed as a fictitious character , her popular storyline continues for a full season as an Internet dramedy senes on YouTube and MySpace
T Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book In the enormously popular senes, is released Its first U S print run Is a record-breaking 12 million copies r"IIL...
'Y The music video game Guitar Hero Ill Legends of Rock Is released wrth a soundtrack of 71 playable songs Slash and other real-life guItansts appear as in-game characters
A Large-scale multiplayer online gaming gives nse to virtual worlds where players interact via avatars and the computer-generated environment is s1m1lar to the real world
Beading makes a comeback as a way to relax and creatively spend time with friends
Adam Be rry/Bloom be rg N ews/landov
T After a two-year format war, Toshiba pulls its HD DVD product out of contention , leaving Sony Siu-ray as the sole next-generation successor to DVD
T The second season of NBC's Heroes continues the adventures of ordinary people with extraordinary powers and reveals more about the shadowy dealings of "The Company"