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Opening 2008 -09
Demons' Life Students
Freshmen Faculty
Theater and Music
Clubs and Activities
Sports Babies and Buddies
• • '
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---· f II \ ~, rl ~ . i-Y ,~ ( t Op ening Day 7
Through the years, former students had as much fun as we do now. Below, from left to right, Nils Hendrickson p11JJing an ollie in 1991, Todd Dughman showing off to the ladies in 1980, Sean Leahy showing Howard Ashford who's boss in 1988, Brett Pruitt chillin' pool side in 1984, and a cartoon from 1988 that we all wish could come true by Bruce MacBride.
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The Spanish students of 2007 and 2008 were presented with an opportunity of a lifetime They traveled to Costa Rica for a Spanish immersion and community service trip . The trip consisted of ten days traveling from San Jose to La Lucha . It began with a little jet lag and then pumped full force when the group went white water rafting Then , they headed towards the center of Costa Rica , La Lu cha , for the community service and home stay portion of the trip. F ive days were spent painting and working on a reforestation project During the home stay, most kids realized that the animals in the backyard were there in the morning and on your plate at night. ''The most extraordinary experience is living without so much and still having everything you want right in front of you ," says Erin Walth .
When you are thrown into a setting with a different language, you tend to pick it up pretty quickly. Melissa Ferris remarked , " I was amazed how much Spanish I could actually comprehend and speak ." While they worked hard during their trip , the group was able to play and boarded the bus for La Playa Hermosa They went s norkel ing and had time to enjoy the beautiful country they were in
pensar. _.;;;::~=~;;;_____j inspirar. ._----=B=B=---_.. HACER .____;;B=..;;;B=---
Creepy Crawl e r s Ian Sti tt 1s caug ht ho l di ng a g1gant1c millipede. H e said, "T he bugs were cool , b ut t hey were huge."
_J 10 Demon Life
.Paint The Day Away. The group spent part of t heir five days in La Lucha , pa1nt1ng the fences and the main wall Kari Sorvig says , " It feels good to know that I prevented school children J from getting hepatitis "
I I f I I l '
• The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Kindergarten children in La Lucha sing "The ltsy B1tsy Spider" 1n Spanish to the Golden High School students Scott Tilden comments, "It was really cool to see the kids learning just like we did ."
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Into the Mist. On the 7th day, the group headed out to go ziplining It was a cloudy, rainy day, but the weather didn' t bring down the mood of the group Jenny Meyers says , " ll was cold and rainy, but our excitement kept us warm " Not far from the launch sites 1s the st,11-act,ve Volcano Arenal
Mas Gallo Pinto por favor. A main staple in Costa Rica 1s Gallo Pinto It's a dish of black beans and white nee served at every single meal and something the group learned to like Jen Kolm says , "The food was amazing! It was fun to try food from another culture "
The wheels on the bus. The group spen t many hours on a small , cramped , stuffy bus Spending all that time 1n close-quarters really brought the group together and they learned more about each other "Riding on such a small bus was def1nitely a new experience," says L au r e n Sagese r
School really is cool. The kids 1n Costa Rica were so excited to have so many visitors J ordan T id b a ll -Sciu ll o had already been to Costa Rica twice before , but he said , " It never ceases to amaze me how much I get ou t of teaching and playing with the children They are always so fnendly and open with you "
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Dem on Life 11
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Hawaiian Vegetation . A larger-than-life tree left the students in awe The students seemed so small next to this g1gant1c tree Not only did 1t provide shade, 1t also provided fun Alex Martinex says "This tree had so many vines to swing on "
All blown up . Jesse Rodgers remarks, " Puffers have two buck teeth and are a pain to catch "
Moorish Id ol. The group spent a lot of time exploring the shallows and the depths of the Hawa11an ocean A beautiful fish named the Moorish Idol was spotted on the tnp
12 Demon Lite
Pololu Valley. A ma1est1c valley along the Hama Kua coastline th at has a black sand beach
The academically exceptional GHS biology students of 2007-08 were invited on a trip to Hawaii. " It was a trip of a lifetime' " said the entire group. The prerequ isites to be invited on the trip consis ted of a year of biology with a grade of 90 % or higher, interest in the ocean and a teacher recommendation. It was the 24th year that Golden students have participated in the research and exploration trip Other Jeffco schools traveled with the group as well , totaling about fifty students. After a morning lecture , the students worked in sma ll groups dur ing field study. Instead of a desk and chair, the biology classroom now consisted of the shallow coral ecosystems and the shoreline of Hawaii. Students spent time working on their field books and labs while studying in Hawai i.
Their objectives co nsisted of understanding and respecting the Hawa iian culture, developing snorkeling techniques , visi t ing volcanoes, identifying endangered species , and developing an appreciation for the uniqueness of the Hawaiian ecosystems The cost of the trip included travel , room and board, and tuition It 's a very studious trip , but the students still had time to play and enjoy the beauty of Hawaii.
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• Hawaii Preparatory Academy Dorms . While in Hawaii , the s tudents stay at the Hawaii Preparatory Academy Each student shared a room with another student.
• Slow but sure Over the course o f the trip, the group saw more than a few Green Sea Turtles
Demon Life 13
Coraline Algae A sample of material from the ocean floor [ that will one day be the base of a coral ecosystem
play. tan.
After spending 175 days inside the walls of Golden High School, the students of GHS are ready to hit the hot spots of summer when the last school bell rings . Susie Lane says , ''The best part of summer is that I don ' t have to wake up at six in the morning ." So what are GHS students up to on the warm summer days? " Most of the time I go down to the creek because I know I will see someone that I know to hang out with ," comments Aaron Knight . A recent student survey concluded that six out of ten kids hang out at the creek, which is located right in front of the Golden Recreational Center On the other hand , the pictures at the top show Golden students racing at Bandimere during their down time. Trent Vanner comments, " I got fifth place!"
While the kids hang out in Golden , GHS staff takes advantage of their time off and head out on vacation. Wedding Bells were ringing this summer for Mrs. Fine and Mrs. Kinghorn. Mrs. Garvin enjoys spending time with her daughter Other staff members get active and fish, bike, hike and kayak their time away Whether its heading to the creek , staying active, getting married, or just relaxing, everyone knows how to enjoy their time off.
Gaining culture Holly William s on spent three weeks vacationing 1n Cambodia This picture was taken at the Angkor Wat Temple located Just outside of Siem Reap 1n the center of the country During the 12th century, 1t was the largest city on the planet
Splash. What a better way to enioy a hot summer day? 24th Street Choir singers Shilo Ar cher, Jessica McCracken , Cody Rex , Catherine Carter , Amy Fli ck , Jen Kolm , Shawn Gaud i a, and Yawn Noriega spend a day at the pool together 14 Demon Llfe
OD GO [ C-
Chillin. Seniors Erin Kruchen , Jackee Jensen , Glara Barzanji , Aspen Groff , and Lindsay Progar enJoy a nice relaxing day at the creek together Enn remembers the day and says , 'These are the times and friends that I'll never forget" The creek 1s t he biggest hang out spot for the students of Golden.
Lets go fishing! After seven days of camping , Mrs Pari c io head s out in her boat for a day of fishing She spent the relaxing day at Taylor Park Reservoir with her husband John V i dal She Jokingly comments "My husband had to take a picture of me because he lost a bet I caught a bigger fish than him I was wrestling a 24 " 3 1/ 2 lb Mackinaw trout He was delicious! "
Wedcling Bells. On July 26 , 2008 Meli ss a Fine wed her husband , Dave Durbi n The wedding took place at the beautiful Meadows of Evergreen and the reception followed at Mount Vernon Country Club When asked what her favorite part about the wedding was she said , "Obviously marrying Dave , but also, having all of our family and friends present was wonderful "
Tying the Knot. After five years of dating , Andy Ver leger proposed to Molly Kinghorn In the romantic country of France The wedding took place on July 14, 2008, at the Red Lion Restaurant in Boulder Ms Kinghorn says her favorite part was , " Dancing a lot to my brothers band, Head for the Hills "
Tour de Colorado. Mr Burcar pulls a Lance Armstrong while completing the 120-mile Triple-by-Pass over Squaw Pass , Loveland Pass , and Vail Pass with his good friends Biking Is one of Mr Burcar's passions , and he Is the sponsor of the newly formed Mountain Biking Club. "B1k1ng Is a great way to stay in shape and to explore our beautiful state "
-- -
Dem on Life 15 I
Pumped Up Juniors Catherine Rathbone, Kate Baal s , and Bria na We st proudly cheer on their fellow Demons Everyone was especially excited to win the most important game of the season The Kennedy Commanders got "demonized "
Surfm' the Cr owd Junior Matthew K i lpatri c k surfs the sea of Demons at the Homecoming Game against Kennedy High School " Yeah , yeah we got spintr
16 Home coming Week
The Ne xt Am e r ican I do l s? Seniors Shilo Archer and Jes sica Schuma cher sing and plays gui tar to an original compos1t1on called " Moving On"
G HS dance t ea m th
o ut a "G" a t th e begi nning of th ei r da nce rou tine a t
e H o meco
Pe p
Pure Pandemonium . Hom eco ming week proved to be a sp1n ted week of dre ss- up fun Neon Day kicked off the week followed by Toga Day, Supe rhero Day, Sp1nt Day, and Decades Day On Ne o n Day, everyone dressed up 1n the ir finest neon colors , and at lunch , s tudent s had a chance to dunk their favorite , or least favorite teacher, in the dunk tank " I liked the dunk t ank; I th i nk it's good for staff t o get invo lved around Homecoming It builds good rapport w ith kids because it shows that we can do fun thing s Just like anyone else ca n ," says Prrn ci pal Mr Murphy On Toga Day, st ud ents and tea c hers sported their favorite s heets and enJoyed co tt on can dy at lunch On Superhero Day, students s howed the ir school sp1nt and creat1v1ty by wear ing their favorite superhero logos or making their own cost umes , like Sophomore Bridget M c l a ne who chose t o make her own costume and called herself " Little Miss Trouble ," At lunch, there was a superhero fashion show with pri ze s for the best outfit. T he most popular day o f the week was Spirit D ay where everyone dressed up in their Demon gear t o help support the G H S football team in their upco ming game against Kennedy A pep rally capped off the end of spirit week Senior Glara B arza nji says, " It was by far the best assembly since I have been at Golden. The competi t ions th is year were exciting, especially beca use I got to part icipate ." On Decades Day, Senio rs dressed up in '8 0 s clothes, Juniors in '?Os, Sophomo r es in ' 60s , and F reshmen in '50s
- - perfarm. ~_____;;;;;;;~~::;__--1 create.
Hometown Heroes. The Pl ea s an tvi ew Fire f i ghters help kick off the famous H omecom ing Parade
H uddle U p. Vars ity gets ready for the H omecoming Game at the Pep A sse mbly
Homecoming Week 17 I l
Perfect Pianist Senior Co nor Summer a l plays " Have a [ Little Faith in Me" at the talent show
After a long Homecoming week full of fun , the best parts were yet to come . The traditional GHS Homecoming parade through downtown Golden led everyone straight to the Homecoming game. Everyone could agree that this was a game to remember, whether it was their first or their last . ''This homecom ing game was bittersweet because it was my last one , but I think that it was the best game of my four years on the team ," said Senior Aspe n G ro ff. This year, as Golden rivaled Kennedy, the Demon football team took a victory home as they outplayed the Commanders
The Saturday after the big game was the activity everyone was waiting for : the Homecom i ng dance This years dance was much different from in the past because the dance was hosted in the new school gym In order to preserve the new floor , everyone decided to call it a "sock hop" and danced the night away-shoeless. With the new school , a successful football win and lots of school spirit , this was definitely a Homecoming to remember.
• Demon Pride! Cheering the Demons to victory, students don their spirit colors to show their support of G HS
• win. dance. 1
Cheers and their wanna-be's . During the game , the cheerleaders got the opportunity to work wi th some the spirit D squad of the f uture They all performed a routine toge t her during the halftime show D 18 Homecoming Game
Getting it done T he Demons take on Kennedy in their Sep tember 25, 2008 Homecoming Game They had a dec1s1ve victory over the Commanders with a 41 -13 win
Homecoming royalty. The senior royalty was able to get 1n a dance during Homecoming The Homecoming King and Queen , Andrew Cooper and A s tra Moss were picked by the GHS senior population during the homecoming week
small group of seniors decide to include all their friends in round of dancing They gather into a circle and spread the love between fnends
Working it out Seniors Kyle Beers and Ilona Sch littler try and bring back some old school moves
Cafe coloring. Students who took a break from th e dancing found rest and relaxation at the art tables 1n the cafeteria
Homecoming Dance 19 I
Theatrical duo Senior Nik Moore and Junior Amy Ladebue spend Hall oween day as the famous couple of Jack and Sally from the thrilling movie "Th e Nightmare Before Christmas ."
She's such a con artist Sophomore Annika Dotson poses with her trusty paintbrush and palette Ann1ka 's cos tume idea 1s quite orig ina l. "I Just really love the arts , and my costume Ju st fits with how much of the world can be a con," she says
Changing teachers B o th s tudent s and teachers enjoy the ir chance to be someone else for the day
meets darkness Sophomore Andrea Ray and Junior Sasha Neesmith clas h costumes between ghoulish and girly
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20 Demon Life • •
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Ha lloween at Golden High School certainly wasn't anything less than awesome, with costumes ranging from blow up air suits to Harry Potter. In memory of Heath Ledger, Cole Sharpe dressed up as the Joker. " I th ink some of the costumes are just so in tere s ting . I love just laughing at some of the things people think up," says Sophomore Noelle Rocheleau . Despite the changes in the year, some things remain the same : Halloween cooks up creative costuming for students and tea c he rs alike
H anging out 1s a common activity when students are not in class The ca feteria , library, and courtyard are just a few of the places students tend to be. T he cafeteria is the only place ,n the schoo l where studen ts are a l lowed to have cell phones; therefore, it make s it a good gathering place for students on the ir off blocks. The library is a wonderful place for studying or even if stude nts just need a little quiet tim e . Wherever st ud ents pass the time, they defin itely like to kick back and relax. "Duri ng my off blocks , I get a lot of work done 1n the library It 's a quiet place to work and allows me to take less homework home at the end of th e day," comments Se n ior Brooke Palmer .
• Lounging in the Cafe : Students are able to relax in the cafeteria and a re able to find a place to work Students can do what they want , whether i t's eating or Just hanging out with their friends This is the only place in the school that cell phones have been allowed
study. J chill.
Kickin ' i t : Comfy chair s and couche s give students a chance to lounge in the library
C 21
Computer w ork : In the library, s tudent s are a bl e t o
"che c k out'' computers to get the i r own work d one
Portraits from days gone by have represented students throughout the decades at GHS ! From left to right: Sophomore student Ben Barela in 1947 shows off the common crew cut, Senior Jerry Frangas is serious about the 80s in 1985, Virginia Hayes gives a senior smile in 1933, Freshman Melissa Lockhart shows off an early-90s bang-lift in 1993 and Scott Isom represents the groovy side of the Senior Class in 1978.
• ) I
Rabab Abdulhussein
Amanda Albre cht
Jeffrey Aldrich
Taylour Alianiello
Tucker Ames
Evan Anderson
Hannah Anderson
Shilo Archer
Jordan Arellanes
Kaylynn Asmussen
Nathen Baalman
Jeremy Barton
GIara Barzanji
Kyle Beers
Caroline Beetham
Mathew Benzie
.,,...- - -~ -
Marft ew Benzte
Erika Biesinger
Joshua Blythe
Lisa Bogobowicz
Robert Bowers
Nicholas Boxler
Benjamin Boyle -Court
Joseph Brachle
Christopher Browning
Alex Buehler
Jenna Burn
Lars Burnham
Bryon Burroughs
Alyssa Burton
Jordan Carlin
Kevin Carnicello
Katherine Carter
Dalton Casady
Yudith Castillo-Aguilar
Ariana Castro
26 Seniors • ' • • I I f ' I
Jesse Castro
Erika Caton
Kristina Chavez
Ira Cochran
Andrew Cooper
Eric Cosper
Chelsea Croghan
Pbillip Cross
lalf ttJr Ctt Jttr
Taylor Custer Taylor Cyr Paden Dailey
' Se ni ors 27
Madison Dale
Kathe r ine Dalton
Marissa Davis
Rebecca Davis
Ryan Dore
William Doty
Carly Douglas
Emily Dreiling
Kathrine Duncan
Joseph Dunham
Alyssa Duran
Jeffery Duvall
"It's been really tough this year in yearbook To the staff-thanks for helping me get all this work done! Mrs Norby-glad you made 1t through! Best of luck to everyone next year! " - Brooke Palmer
1liked yearbook because even though there were a lot of deadlines and revisions to be done, 1t was really relaxed •
-Lindsey Hamilton
"Yearbook was not always easy but nothing ever ,s Thanks to the yearbook staff for putting up with me and especially to the senior girls for always making me smile ·
1 loved being in yearbook because I got to spend every morning with my two best friends , Rabab and Jackee I would like to thank Mrs Norby for dealtng with the three of us·
• __J "'1
Wtttta1n lJtJ!!f
-Ariel Ro se lle
lara Barzan ji
Ashley Dyer
Taylor Edwards
Benjamin Elliott
Nicholas Estrada
Leeza Etzenhouser
Lisa Evanko
Alexandria Everist
Eric Fauble
Melissa Ferris
Samantha Fesemyer
Hilary Filiault
Amy Flick
Spencer Flower
Daniel Froyen
Brandon Gage
Michelle Garnett
Clemens Georg
Billy Gerard
Kelly Gilas
.. s : : -Wi~ I • l •
Whitney Glandt
Lauren Goh
Raymond Grant
Eliot Green
Dallas Greer
Aspen Groff
Roland Haas
Lindsey Hamilton
Jeffrey Hartman
Elizabeth Hartzell
Kevin Hays
Zachary Herr
Jordan Howes
Casey Howrey
Lacey Hufnagel
Sean Hughe s
Margaret Hunt
Taylor Israel-Cleveland
Jackee Jensen
Dillon Jess
30 Seniors
Lattrt n GfJft
, 0
Joshua Johnson
Tyler Johnson
Rachael Joyce
Megan Kilpatrick
Jaimie King
Jodi Kinnen
Natasha Knight
Glenn Knussmann
Amanda Kochevar
Carly Koczera
Jennifer Kolm
Brenton Kowitz
Erin Kruchen
Hannah LaFaJce
Sarah Lahnert
Susan Lane
Perri Lang
J arnes Laufer
Mallory Lizza
Christina Ljungvall
/ l
flmtl Lattfer MatttJr/j Ltzza
Se niors 31 It 4
Kevyn Lollar
Danielle Lovely
Kelly Lubkeman
Bree Lusk
Michelle Maguire
William Mallec
Tyler Mapleback
Nicole Marso
Mariah Martin
Ryan Martinek
Megan Martinez
Ryan Martinez
Elizabeth Mathewson
Ann McCall
Jessica McCracken
Sage McCririck
Meghan McLaughlin
Ian Merrill
Justin Midyet
Alex Miller
-- - - -----------~-----I
Yearbook was a great class I learned a lot of new things-the main one was how to work with a Mac It was one of my favorite classes Mrs Norby 1s a great teacher She made everything fun·
-Rabab Abdulhus seln
Jessica Miller
Meaghan Milne
Paige Mitchell
Kaila Molt
"Yearbook was not what I expected, 1t was hard and stressful but 1t was fun I'm glad I had a chance to voice my opinion in my senior yearbook "
"Yearbook this year has been really interesting The hardest part was making sure you made the deadlines It was cool to be able to have a say in what goes in the yearbook ·
Nichola Moore
Hannah Morvay
Astra Moss
Bradley Mott
·1 love yearbook dude! And I love Glara and Rabab • -Ja cke e Jensen
Alyssa Mueller
Alexandria Murphy
Jennifer Myers
Rhett Nebeker
I • • •
• • • '
- Kristina Chavez
·1·· • • I
Bradltjj Mrtfr
- Tasha Si mmon s
Katrina Needham
Chase Nichols
Holly Nichols
David Nitz
Victoria Norris
Kimber O'Brien
Catherine O'Rourke
Allison Need.ham
34 Seniors
Eryn Oehlert
Blake Padilla
Brooke Palmer
Orlando Paredes
K/lfrtna Needfta1n
rr r rror r rr rrr
Jenna Park
Gregory Perrin
Ian Pierce
Morgan Post
Brandon Potthoff
Lindsay Progar
Matthew Pule
Timothy Pullano
Kristine Quilang-Castro
Victoria Quintana
Crystal Ramsey
Robert Reveille
Cody Rex
Megan Richey
Lisa Ridge
Dillon Rio
Samantha Rivera
Samantha Rode
Guy Roman
-----~----------,- .'--- _J:..__..,(__ J - - ,;,, -
35 l
Harrison Romanowski
Ariel Roselle
Jessica Rosette
Brett Ross
Patrick Rosse
Mary Roth
David Rothrock
Cayla Rowe
Lauren Sageser
Michael Salazar
Logan Sauer
Christopher Seance
Ilona Schlittler
Jessica Schumacher
Tyler Selcer
Max Shefte -Jacobs
Elyssa Silva
Tasha Simmons
Chelsea Skorka
Collin Smith
• ,.. 1 • t,-s st
pier Selcer
Jacob Smouse
Kari Sorvig
Kenneth Stiner
Ian Stitt
Taylor Stolte
Lilah Strauss
Cait)in Sullivan
Connor Summeril
Kaila Sutter
Lesley Swim
Megan Taylor
Mitchell Thompson
Robert Thompson
Carissa Thomson-Foos
Jordan Tidball-Sciullo
Patrick Tinucci
Cydney Tolbert
Taylor Toms
Kyle Tripp
Kfnnef/2 Sftner
Ltta/2 SlrattiJ Catfftn Sittt t van
RtJftrf T/4tJmjJJ tJ1t
Tafj f ttr Ttt1nJt
37 I
Andrew Trujillo
Richard Hien Tu
Matthew Turquette
Patrick Umbrecht
Alexander Urban
Caleb Urice
Evan Vall
Richard VanDuyn
Trenton Vanner
Jared Vaughn
Kevin Vega
Jacob Villarreal
Matthew Vogt
Julia VonDreele
John Vu
Kaitlyn Wachs
Alina Wale
Erin Walth
Joshua Ward
Brionna Wells
38 Senior s
Amber Westbrook
Stormy Wilkinson
Holly Williamson
Jessica Willis
Eric Winkler
Tanner Wit t ek
Shelby Wunderle
Britainy Wynn
Stacey Zant
Cameron Zerbest
Alyssa Ziegler
S/2tfb!J Ulttn derte
K eila Zigich No rma Zip prich
Cosgrove Pemba Sherpa
Seniors 39
• • • • • • > ••• • • 131: 1>111:Sll)l:~rr:
[Andrew CooperJ
\nrB\\ J\\Vll:ltl(!J\S Nl~\1 '1'()P \Vl()l)l:l.:
[Aspen Groff]
1:1\lJSI: J\ 111:\f ()l.lJ'l'l()N: h
[Lars Burnham]
131: 1\
cLauren Goh & Ray GrantJ
[Tim Pullano]
cMax Shefte-Jacob sJ
[Kevin Hayes]
[Jackee Jensen]
[ Chris Browning] [Eric Fauble]
[Spencer Flower] [Josh Johnson]
[Alex Miller]
Sl:~~I) 'l'lf 1:111 l(ll)S ·r() (ilfS:
[Kelly Lubkmen]
[Dean Mallec]
1.1\fl; I~\ A\fJU~ 00\1\fN BY THE Hl\fl:H:
[Kevyn Lollar]
[Katherine Carter]
[Cody Rex]
[John Vu]
[Marissa Davi s]
[Kevin Vega]
[Ira Chochran]
\NIN 'flf I: l)J\\'f()NJ\ 51111:
[Kyle Tripp]
1 •
Jalisa Abel
Wilson Arlams
Karli Agrodnia
Scott Albrecht
Chelsea Alexander
Gabrielle Anderson
Matthew Anderson
Adam Arellanes
Kisha Aristide
Amanda Arner
Arny Aten
Katherine Baals
Alexandra Bagbaie
Levi Baldon
Jennifer Balmes Gutierrez
Leslie Bartley
Christopher Baumann
Geoffrey Baxter
Zachary Bell
Eben Berg
Kori Bitterlich
Larry Blakesley
Brittany Bluse
Erik Bobbett
T8o7lor Bolton
Hannah Boltz
Olivia Boyer
Natasha Breathwaite
Hannah Bretz
Allie Bridenburg
Elizabeth Broadbent
Matthew Brochin
Travis Broneske
Brittany Bruder
'l , 1 : I t 1! ( '
.. Ali Bryson Zachary Bublitz Taorler Bull Stefany Bullard Cameron Bush Johnson April Caddigan Dylan Camacho Austin Campbell Austin Carrna.n Peter Carr Dereck Casas Kevin Catalano Brandon Chapin Mark Cherry Colton Chirila Athan Clark Bryan Clark Sk:yla Concho Sena Contreras Jodie Coronado Kevin Courtney Andrea Craycraft, Samantha Cubbon Ryan Curley Dalton Curry Nathan Cusack Rebecca D'Ath-Weston Matthew Daley Jeffery Daniele Jessica Dell-Martin Nathanuel DeMarco Ioreni Diaz Nicholette DiGiacorno Breanna Dillon Raina Dinkel Ciera Dolechek Raini Downing Joshua Dowsett Jasmine Duvall Kirstin Edwards Audrey Ellis Derek Emsbach 46 Junior s - - --.,..,-._ - -gs-,.---. --_.
Kellie Erickson
Elias Euler
Ryan Evans
Alexandra Ewers
Elisa Fernandez-Degante
Connor Fieldlng
Robert Foden
Travis Fossett
Haley Franco
Adam Frank
Clinton Franz
Richard Freeman
Cody Frost
Kyle Fuller
Caleb Fyffe
Kelli Gallagher
Helena Gallegos
Victoria Garcia
Sean Gaudio
Bruce Gerard
James Gerard
Nicholas Gilpin
Edward Gochenaur
Austin Goh
Alexis Gonzales
Carlos Gonzalez
David Graebel
Jesse Grear
Michael Greene
Brittany Gregory Juniors
' --- - - - - ---=-=----=----~ ------=---~
47 ' I ~ j lj ~ll l(' ·~
\ I •t I t I I t I ·~ Il Andrea Grjjalva-Montreal Dustin Grove Martell Guenther Zeke Gustafson Dillon Hallock Jameson Hanson Sean Hartman Rachel Hebberd Jessica Hembrow Amanda Hensley Suzanne Hepola Dustin Herting Cody Hinrichs Gregory Hirsch James Hoover Michael Horan Kristie Houchen Ian Huff Trey Hughes Kyle Hupf Torrey Israel-Cleveland Tyler Jeffrey Kathryn Johnson Shannen Johnson I ,inn ea Jones Ryan Jones James Jonsson Megan Jorda! Matthew Jordan Matthew Kallhoff 48 Juniors This year I'm really excited for the yearbook The theme and the people I've been working wi th have made making this really fun
Townsend - - - - -"Yearbook has a lot of dea• lines, but other than that, ,rs fun • -Amanda Hensley
experience through yearbook has been a blast I always had some thing to do even 1f I finished my pages. This year's yearbook team 1s rea lly awesome · -Rayna Dinkel
was fun using the new iMacs
Gerard l
Chaz Kerger
Abigail Kerns
Matthew Kerridge
Colin Kiel
Matthew Kilpatrick
Catherine King
Jason KlDOJ:1.I'd
Jessica IG.imek
Graham Knussmann
Kelsey Koentges
Alexander Koprowicz
Betty Lam
Tracy Lam
Jesse Leazenby
Tanner Liddick
Nate Little
William Livingston
Nathan Lohman
Kassandra Long
Megan Lord
Alax LUjan
Ga.riann Luna
Angela Lurtz
Kelsey Lusk
Tanner Lutz
Katie Maas
Casey Mack
Alyssa Maestas
Collin Magill
Connor Magill
Westbrook Mahurin
Adria Marino
Conner Marshall
Dana Martin
Alexander Martinez
Derek Martinez
Joslyn Martinez
Tara Mattson
Tanner McEache r n
Spencer McIntire
Juni ors 49 ttJ t I ~: I~ 0 1 JI! l~ I~
\ I I .., t il. David Mc:Ma.nigal Travis McStraw Ann Mead Teylor Mears Soesha Melendez Gerald Miller Matthew Miller William Mitchell Hunter Monroe Shaun Montoya Jesse Moon Spencer Morgan Lisa Moulton Nicholas Mullen Kiri Myers Hannah Naumann Lillie Nauslar Molly Navant-Martin Nicole Navarez Sasha NeeSmith Brandon Nelson Wesley Nelson Anthony Neumayer Chanda Nguyen Jesse Nielsen Arn:yNllius Rebecca Nitz Angela Noonan Yon Noriega Jared O'Reilly Clayton Oertli Kailey Osbaugh Ana.maria Osorio Inese Ozols Tails Ozols Lea Parimuha SO Juniors Kyle Parker Anthony Parr Amalin Parra Jacob Paul Kathryn Payne Joshua Payte ---,-
Jacob Pearce
Blake Perea
Sha.nise Perkins
Lindsey Phillips
Catrina Pickett
Austm Potthoff
Nicholas Pretz
Chandler Price
Kristen Priest
Scherel Proski
Destinee Queen
Javier Ramirez
Catherine Rathbone
Nicole Rickard
Emily Ridder
Tyler Ridpath
Michael Riehl
Patrick Rivera
Damien Reckley
Ian Rodgers
Jesse Rodgers
Amanda Roesch
Jordan Ross
Victoria Rossow
Zachary Roudybush
Payton Ruybal
Philipp Schmidt
Jackson Schnautz
Mary Scott-Gilbert
' -- -
"I love being in the yearboo k cl ass this yea r becaus e I love ta king pictures.· -Kellie Erickson
--- -- ----·- --~-------------~----------....
·1 was on Yearbook at my other school bu t the technology here 1s much be tt er It's a lo t different • -S tephen Michel
"This is my firs time working in the yearbook class, and I've really learned a lo t about design and meeting deadlines·
• • •• • I
-Su zanne Hepola
Juniors 51
l ' I t I tr I I t l l Crysta.ll Searcy Emily Seidel Destini Sell Alyssa Senz Colter Sharpe Kacie Shea Julia Shearer Abbey Sheesley Logan Shepler BeDja.roin Sherman Samantha Sherman Garrett Skelton Cassondra Sletten Courtney Smith Michael Smith Paul Smith Samantha Smith Tyler Smith Carson Snart Regina Snyder Casandra Sosa Elise Sosa Parker Sowash Austin Spatz Megan Spellman Mitchell Spence Deveraux Spencer Taylor Spykstra Calvin Staub Brianna Stauffer Ryan Stifflear Ryan Stokes Timothy Straley Anthony Sulley Alex Summers Charles TBo'lOr Katelyn Taylor DevynThielen Kevin Tbirouin Alexander Thomas Andrea Thomas 52 Jnnlors - - - -----------
David Thome
Luca.s Thompson
Scott Tilden
Julie Tim
Christina Townsend
Jennifer Tr>ammell
Megan Tr1chie
Taylor Troutman
Darian Turner
Alyson Twiford
Erik Tycksen
Collin Ulrich
Cabrini Va.squez
Christopher Vincent
Mitchell Vogt
Aubrey Wagner
Micheal WabJmP.ier
Megan Walker
Ashley Walls
Michael Wei.ngardt
Cyna Wendelin
Mariah Werner
Briana West
Ashley Westbrook
Myriah Wilkins
Kevin Willey
Kacy Williams
Kynan Witters Hicks _,
Leah Witthohn
Caroline Wong
Marilyn Wood
James Woods
Jordana Wou.k
Alyssa Young
Nichelle Maxey
Chad Moody
Brandon Wolf
·- -
Jonathan Ziegler Mckenzie Zimmerman
Candice Berte
Alexander Carey William Clem
Joshua Futrell Jonathan Jewell Axel Marquez
Juniors 53
..... ---·-
95() I < '1964
r -
'1958 '1971)
Like the school, the Demons throughout the years have changed. While all reflect the same Golden High School mascot, over the years, student artists have changed the shape and form of its demon to represent Golden's icon in many different ways .
Over time, Golden's Demon took on a life of its own, becoming recognized not just as a mascot, but one with a name: Demon Dan It was his face that perched above the old school's bleachers and the mascot that most of the students and faculty recognize.
As our school takes on a new look, so might its Demon. Perhaps another artist will come along that will generate a new face to represent our school mascot. Until then, we can appreciate the efforts of those students who proudly produced Demons throughout the decades.
'198(1 '1985 '1988 '1984 l)l:~~11)~\, 1)1\~\\ I~\\ IIIS ~~ll)S'I' 111:1:1:~\rr t=IJll~~I, Ill: ~~ll)S'I' IIESl:~~1111.1:S '1'111: '197111)1:~~IIJ~\, 1,1= (jliS 1)1:~~l()NS ()I
: I> J\S'I'
•• • I t' ~I - I • ••• tI il. a ...
Za.k.a.ry Acree
Joshua Adams
Nolan Albrecht
Fallon Alia.niello
Brandon Anderson
Kyle Anderson
Maxwell Anderson
Nathan Anderson
Samuel Anderson
Henry Andrews -Jones
Lauren Arellano
Jessica Armenta
Matthew Arroyos
Juliana Atteberry
Melanie Augenstein
Thea Baack
Hae Yun Bae
Conor Baldry
Brendan Balmes
Jesse Banks-Wood
Jason Barton
Desiree Bartos
Sean Beach
Elizabeth Bennett
Kiyo Bennett
Gary Benton
Margaret Blaha
Celia Bloom
Luc BoiSseau
Valeriya Bondarenko
Matthew Bonesio
Joe Booher
Gavin Brady
Kristin Braunagel
Carl Breer
\ '>.~
' !• ' • I
l ' -~ 1: t I H tt ,ll. I Whitney Bretz Karissa Brown Trey Browning Alex Bruce Megan Bryan Megan Buehler Kevin Burns AdamBurriS Brianne Cameron Alexandria Campbell Morgan Carmichael Ethan Casady Shelby Casey Jesus Castanon Larissa Caton Travis Caton Sean Chapman Elycia Christensen Kaylee Cober Tyler Colle Emma Conway Chris Cordova Hannah Coutts William Cox IV Dylan Crawford Kaitlyn Crawford Jordan Cullum Nicole Currie Nichole Cusack Blake Cvar Kevin Dale Evan Damiana Autumn Dawn Karter Deane Louie DeHerrera Alexander Delmonico Stephen Dempsey Collin Dennstedt Marina Derby Shayna Dickey Keaton Dille William Di.rnent 58 Sophomore s - - 'T'
A.rlah Donohue
Elise Dreiling
Natasha Eagleton
Kayleigh. Elm
Marwa Ermila
Joshua Etzenhouser
Trevor Evanson
Timothy Fabisiak
Cody Fales
Susan Farrin
Lukas FlUitt
Benjamin FranciSco
Keenan Frankhn
Robert Gallegos
Andreana Galvan
Justin Getschman
Kaitlyn Gilbert
Max Gilbraith
James Gillis
James Gilmore
Coleman Givens
Ila Goldanloo
D'Angelo Gomez
Lili Gordon
Victoria Gore
Daniel Graebel
Blake Grey-
Shawnee Gray
Dakota Greene
-..- _,,,,,. '"""' -~ - -------~~-------~---------~-------
59 ' q • I '
Edward Gregory
Benjamin Gross
Joseph Hall
Keila.ni Hamm
Kylie Handboy
Michael Hansen
Jorie Harris
Patrick Hart
Rachel Hartman
Hussam Hasoon
James Haver
Jessica Hays
Marisa Hazell
Akram Hejazi
Maareya Hejazi
Brent Hermanussen
Jordan Herzjng
Jessica Hessner
J T Hildenbrand
Samantha Hill
Brendan Hilliker
Noah Hitch
Luke Holland
Robert Holland
Daniel Hollingsworth
Devin Hord
Casey Hosburgh
Timothy Howsare
Mallorie Hoy
Taylor Hulett
"Nothing to me, beats the rush of working under pressure to meet a dead li ne. I loved the flexibilty I got With my pages. It made it easy for me to wnte my own words •
-Holly Wllklnson
"Yearbook has been a great expenence. Mrs Norby taught us lots of cool computer design techniques Our yearbook wasn ' t made by a class, 1t was made by a business with a hardworking staff·
-Kyla Lambert
"Yearbook--there's only one word to explain 11 freedom I ge t to le t my personality go free and take some really cool pictures I don't know what I'd do without ,t •
-Bridget McClane
"Ge tting to know the yearbook staff makes this yearbook amazing and really fun to work on.
-Jessica Trujillo
~' -~ ~H t( il.
60 Sophomores , - - - -
.- ....: 1 fl C • •
Cody Hull
Richard Hunt
Frances Hunter
Yazmine Hunter
Brooke Iannacito
Niko Irwin
Odd Jacobson
Nicole Jarrell
Zachary Jeffrey
Aerie Jiron
Asiah Jiron
Abby Johnson
AleXis Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Robert Johnson
Coral Jones
Rachelle Jones
Ryan Jones
Abigail Jordan
Sarah Joyce
Anthony Kamakaris
Aimee Karaffa
Colton Kastanek
Jennifer Kautz
Erin Kelley
Sebastian Kerger
Emma Kett
Jordan Kiwacz
Joel Klein
Aaron Klingenberg
Aaron Knight
Ashley Knox
Katelyn Koczera
Christopher Kreider
Kayla Kutter
Jonathan Lack
Philip La.hnert
Allie Lairamore
Kyla Lambert
Stephen Langworthy
Alexander La.nning
----------~~~---------~- -- --~...,_-------------~----------~-~
Sophomores 61 ' 1' ,~ •• I~ J I\
'\' ~t; w t( i Sean Leffert Amelie Lerche Aubrey Lerche Elizabeth Linton Melinda Lockerd Hayley Love Matthew Lovely Nicole Loyd Jeannette Lta.i.f Nicole Luchetta Dylan Lund Danielle Majors Adeline Mann Katherine Ma.nning Lia Marino Connor Martinek Adam Massalha Lucy Masters Joshua Matheison Joseph Mateus SarabMattwi.g Ridge Mayberry Max McCall Taylor McGregor Kyla Mcllwee Liana Mclsaac Amy McKenzie Bridget McLane Mason Mears Chandler Mease Jonathan Medina Matthew Miller John Milligan Rachel Milligan Mikio Minobe James Miorelli Karissa Misik Alexandra Moauro Jeremy Montana Lindsay Montgomery Anallsia Morales Jess Mott 62 Soph omore s - -
Laura Myers
Ryan Myers
Jamie Nagode
Jacob Navarez
Christopher Neiman
Alyssa Newman
Zachariah Nicely
Karisa Nickell
Alexander N1eczkoski
Christina Nikitin
Shelby Noeth
Zakkary Nolte
Aubrey Noonan
Kathryn Noriega
Chelsea Norris
Sage Nowak
Samantha Nye
Rory O'Brien
Mitchel Oltmanns
Christopher OMahony
Christina Ott
Tyler Ouellette
Dana Packard
Chad Park
SteVie Parker
Jeremiah Paul
Jeffrey Perrin
Jacob Perryman
Kolton Perschbacher
Hannah Pierce
I - - -~-----------------~-------- - -
63 :, ,,~ , ,. ·,. d '\ f~
Casey Polk Spencer Powell Justin Powers Laura Powers Kaitlynn Privett Shannon Proski LukePulc Alysa Quintana Derek Quirk Andrea Ray Golden Reeves Nicholas Reider Johnathan Richy Christopher Rivera Sebastian Rivera Maggie Robin.Son Ashley Robison Noelle Rocheleau Amber Rogstad Abigail Rolph Robert Rosette Jeffrey Roth Kyle Rucker Nathan RutiShauser Alena Ruzicka Megan Salazar Andrew Sander Rian Santana Lexi Satterfield Troy Seyers 64 Sophomore s , •
Austin Schalhamer
Ryan Schultz
Joanna Schumacher
Nicholas Schwab
Shannon Seery
Mia Senz
Evan Shieler
Michael Sh.ire
Clint Slaven
Aaron Smith
Brooke Sllllth
Hillary Smith
Shelby Smith
Taylor Snart
Kyle Sorvig
Aubrey Sosa
Eli Sprague
Destinee Starr
Ryan Stengel
Brandon Stoeber
Kasandra Stroh
Alexis Sulley
Kendra Sullivan
Reid Sweetk:ind
John Tanton
Matthew Thompson
Michael Tibbetts
Cameron Tidball-Sciullo
Aubra Tidwell
Timothy Topper
Cierra Trammell
Kaitlyn Tripp
Tess Troxell
Jessica Trujillo
Brandon Tufano
Jordan Tuton
Lisa Tyma
Justin Unger
Stevi Valois
r ) 4 _--< ) i
Soph omo res 6 5 :, I~ t 11 ~' 1H ,~ IN ,; '\ l~
Kyle VanVuuren
Stepharue Velasquez
Carl Verschuur Calvin Vigil
Brandon Viken
Rachel Vincent Emily Voebringer
Kiley VonDreele Jill Weiman
Julia Weiman
Bobbie Wemholdt John Wells
Hendrik Wernars
Andrea Westbrook
Sabrina Weymouth Brittney White Jacob Wiederspahn Carolyn Wilkinson Holly Wilkinson
Wyndam Willia.ms
Brook Wineland Derek WinZent Brittany WiSe Paige Wolff
Andrew Wolken Tyler Young
Winona Young
Evan Yushka
Alexandra Zarlengo
Zachary Zeph.irin EmmaZika
Kurt Zimmerman
Mercedes Zirbes Adam Zizzi SOPlfOIVIOIU:S\\IOT
Kies Baradan
Orion Castro
David Chavez Ian Clem
Kyle Jennings
Katerina Jesernig
Myiosha Maxey
Abel Orega-Torres
Savanah Sladek-Barr
Trevor Wallace
Christopher Wilson-Padilla Kolb! Ze r best
t(: I"
01 C{ IG Br ro
EDITOH·l~I-ClflEF Although Brooke Pal.mer takes a rest now and again, her work on the yearbook has been constant She is responsible for designing all of the templates and overall "look" of this year's book A big "thanks" goes to Brooke for her outstanding work!
EDITOHS OF 01.D The newspaper staff of 1929 sits down to a hard day ' s work. What goes into producing a publication today is very different from the print and press of long ago Technology has given us much better ways to produce work fast and in color!
1>1r1·r1 N,; rr
J\1.1. ·1·,,,;1:·1·111:11
When one picks up the yearbook at the end of the year, what do they look for? For some it is their school portrait. For others , its just a walk down memory lane as they search to find friends they hang out with or activities they were a part of. Whatever the student body does with their book, the outcome and ideas were brought together through the yearbook class and staff.
t=An LEFT Senior Jackee Jenson concentrates on the early stages of the yearbook design
l.1:Ff CENTl:H Seruor Rabab Abcl11Jbussein works diligently to get her dead.line finished
The yearbook staff works hard to produce a book that chronicles nearly a year of Demon Life. The work is hard and deadlines are c onstant. However, it can also be rewarding and fun The yearbook staff attends as many functions as they can to take pictures throughout the year. Senior Tasha Simmon' s comments, "I am always busy getting something done in here . But at the same time , I enjoy what I do I hope that everyone likes what we have to offer this year! "
J\OOVE Senior Glara Barzanji takes a minute from yearbook to check that she is still looking good.
I.F.Ff CENTEH Junior Christina Townsend works on the division pages of the yearbook
With the new technology that Golden has to offer, producing a high-quality yearbook is a top priority for everyone . "They work pretty hard; I think they should be really proud of what they've produced this year," says firstyear teacher and Yearbook advisor, Mrs. Norby
-----------------~ - ---- --- --~---------~----
RIGHT (!F.NTl:H Sophomore Bridget McLane gets last-minute camera instructions from Mrs. Norby.
• • •
Hepola is all smiles for the camera during class.
• • I ...
r, I
Crysten Ackley-Felthager
Shauna Agard
Yesenia Aguilar
HyeoDJeong Ahn
Andrew Aldrich
Shayla Allison
Jesse Anderson
Madeline Anderson
Brad Arellanes
Ryan Asch
Danielle Aten
Rey Aviles
Adriana AyaqUica
Charles Baker
Erikka Baker
Victor Baker
Erin Banta
Itzel Barraza
Hannah Bartels
Megan Bartley
Kyler Bejarano
Beltjaroin Bellavance
Caitlin Benioff
Kelly RiDDS
Caiden Blakely
Danielle Bodnar
Matthew Bogobowicz
Samuel Boisseau
Liza BoJliuger
Eric Bonham
Jason Bonham
Jennifer Boucher
Micheala Bowker
Sarah Boyer
Dylan Brannigan
Connor Bridenburg
•I ,, ,.
Dakota Brockopp Brittany Brothers Zack Brown Sarah Brown.mg Tylor Bruder Trever Bruton Brett Bryant Kory Bublitz Crispin Budd Kendra Burbach Connor Burgess Nikolas Burns Alexander Busch Francesca Bush-Johnson Nicholas Caddigan Breanne Carlson Ma1Uson Carman Christine Carnicello Joseph Caronna-Hubley Tyler Cartier Christopher Castanon Michael Chacho Christine Chen Justine Chrysler Brandon Clark Jennifer Clark Melissa Conklin Haley Connell Josey Coronado Taylor Cotten Sarah Courtney Robin Cross Cristal Curtis Christopher Daley Jake Daniels Mina Darnell-Strong Ashlee Davis Kira Jane Davis Andrew Debord Kyle Dennis Brittany Depetris Krysta Dettmann 70 Freshmen ....-.-- - -
Charissa Deutsch
Kira Dickey
Ann Diener
Arian.a Dittmer
Amy Dobyns
Kathryn Donley
Shawna Doty
Bozhidar D~ozov
Daniel Du Varney
Austin Dunham
Victoria Eagen
Hannah Eggers
Brooke Elliott
Nikki Elliott
Eric Elm
Alex Evans
Ashley Evans
Travis Evanson
Madison Everist
Laina Farnworth
Anda Fauble
Brystal Feigt
Madison Firth
Hannah Fishburn
Trevor Flower
Bridget Flowers
Ibr>a,bim Flynn
Kelsey Flynn
Jacob Foster
Laurelle Foster
-___,,, -
Freshmen 71 J
Kari Freeman Hannah Fritz
Beajamin Fuller
Ashton Furey Juan Garcia
Kristina Glapa
Arias Goldanloo
Corey Gardner Sean Gates Chase Gaylord Zack Geiger
Christopher George Stephanie Gerganoff
72 Fresh.men -- -- -- -- - ---
AleXis Gotta Charles Goua.k Destiny Gragg Baron Graves Matthew Greff Carter Gulsvig Austin Hager Brandon Haifley Brooke Hall Cory Hall Tyler Hall Traver Hamilton I
Hanophy Shania Harris
Harvey Hannah Hebberd
Jacob Henry
Katherine Hesketh
Kyra Hewes
Jessica Highsmith
Lucas Hightree
Jordann Hilliker
Jack Hinman
Kate Hinman
Ruth Hinman
Anna Hoang
Beau Hogan
James Hogan
Clinton Hogue
Leonard Holland
Garrett Romack
Jasmine Hopkins
Lindsey Horan
Melanie Houlton
Kendyll Hulyk
Alejandro Ibarra
Trista Intravaia
Christopher Iron.shield
Tyler Israel-Cleveland
Emily Jackson
Nikki JaT'aroillo
Melanie Jarvis
Jordan Johnson
Paxton Jones
Tyler Jonsson
Kristopher Jordan
Zachariah Jordan
Mario Jose
Nicole Julian
Nickolas Kamakaris
Alex Karo
Taorlor Keen
Jeremy Kehoe
Carson Kelly
Sarah Kelly
Ross Keys
- - - - ----.........4"""~ ----~------------------ - --~- - - --------------------~---------
73 If ,, ti ti J
Dana Kiel
Alec Kirts
Alexander Kiusalaas
Kevin Knutson
Nicholas Koentges
Tyler Konieczka
Emma Kopischke
Katrina Koprowicz
Kasey Kothenbeutel
Cheyenne Krut
Martin Kuchta
Peter Lang
Austin Larson
Delaney LangbJin
Brianna Lavarta
Jordan Lea.zenby
Nathan Leclerc
Lorraine Leopold
Christopher Lester
Deanna Linsenbigler
Tyler Livingston
Caitlin Lizza
Rebecca I.Ju.ngvall
Tyler Lockie
Mysti Lopez
David Lucero
Noah Lu.stgarten
Jordan Mallec
Tyler Malmgren
Monique Malter-is
h~ • ~:1· ~·~h • »: I('. 111
74 Fr es hm e n -\.
- -Rebeca Mantilla Ortiz Christina Mapleback Cecelia Marquez Dylan Marsden Douglas Martin Levi Martinez Nicholas Mattson Robert McDonnell Ethan McEachern Ryan McKenna Austin McStra.w Katie Mead Cooper Mease Nathan Melendez Conner Metcaffe Jeyce Meyer Dakota Millard Robert Minatra Berrie Misik Lozan Mohammed Dylan Monahan Kyle Montabon Bryan Mooberry Christopher Moody Tyler Moore Howard Moore III Rowdy Morgan Matthew Morvay Alanna Mottesheard Sarah Mullen Rob Murphy Ryan Murphy Chelsea Murrzy Shelby Nebeker Hannah Nia Danica Nielsen Daniel Nikitin Savion Nobles Jordan Norris Caitlin O' Fallon Charles O'Neill Patrick O'Neill Freshmen 7S ,. I I ,I ,,
Sara O'Neill
James Oleskevich
Abraham Orem
Mitchell Parker
Joseph Patterson
Maria Pauda
Samual Pennington
Luis Perez
Kortney Perschbacher
Brittney PickthaJ.l
Nicholas Pissare
Jason Platt
Alyssa Powers
Daniel Powers
Mitchell Powers
Jordan Pretz
Derek Price
Michael Price
Adrienne Prueitt
LlndsBo7 Pszanka
Drew Pyyk.konen
Shah.ad Qasi.m
Dylan Quirk
Brittany Rafferty
Eric Ramirez
Kallyn Rand
Parker Raney Sky Reed
Wade Reed
Melissa Rei.mer
Colter Rex
Zachary Rhoades
Cody Rigler
Eric Rivera-Parker
Tyler Rock.ley
Holly Rollin
Nichole Roman
Alexander Romero
Boston Romero
Leanna Rossow
76 Fre shman • I~ •J' . ', • > •• ' . • • • r
Kyle Rowe
Em.Uy Rutherford
Conner Ruybal
Kylie Santos
Gina Saunders
Jordan Saunders
Angelica Scanu
Allen Scavetta
Eltjah Scheltinga
Dustin Schexnayder
Nickolas Secosky
Kori Shea
Keila Sheetz
A.rlo Shefte-Jacobs
Scott Sheldon
Amanda Shephard
Angela Sherpa
Matthew Shobe
Wesley Sibel
Brianna Sleep
Chelsea Smith
Ian Smith
Kenneth Smith
Francesca Snelling
Marcelle Sprackling
Ian Sprinsky
Shawn-Tyler Staley
Rebekah Staub
Stephanie Stauffer
Jamee Stearns
Shayla Steffens
Joshua Strong
Trevor Sulik
Kristofe r Summers
Julia Sunny
Katherine Sweeney
Trey Tafoya
Arny Taylor
Kayla Taylor-Burroughs
Alexandra Theodorakos
Caleb Thoemke
Fre shman 77 ,, ,, j I ,, 11 ,I 'I
Allison Thomas Charles Thomas Cassandra Thompson Bishop Tice Andrew Tolfree Brandon Tong James Trammell Jacob Truax Alexis Tuton Cameron Ulrich Sam Urban Cassidy Vanoni Olivia VanVuuren William Vaughn Loren Vickers Christopher VonBurske Sarah Wachs Kirstin Wagy Alexandria Waller Drew Walters Emily Walth Ryan Wareham RyanWarosh Nicholas Warren Samuel Weese Erin Wenger George West-Martinez Cody Westerfield Connor White Nicole Williams Sierra Williams Ashley Wilson Branden Witte Katie Wood Anthony Zaba Joseph Zinanti -l:HESlt lVll :N ~IOT PIC'ftJHl:D Samuel Carey Cierra Dalebroux Monique De Malteris Makeyla Dennis Tyler Juarez Jacob Kalinoski Matthew Kopper Derrick Lawson Norma Reyes Paul Ugarte-Schirrmeister Calen Valdivia
Evan Anderson, Shilo Archer, Jordan Arellanes, Glara Barzanji, Carly Beetham, Ali Bryson, Alex Buehler, Stefany Bullard, Austin Campbell, Andrew Cooper, Nate Cusack, Breanna Dillon, Ciera Dolechek, Rae Edwards, Elias Euler, Lisa Evanko, Alexandra Ewers, Eric Fauble, Adam Frank, Raymond Grant, Rachel Hebberd, Zachary Herr, Dillon Jess, Shannen Johnson, Abby Kerns, Kelsey Koentges, Jennifer Kolm , Brenton Kowitz, Mallory Lizza, Kelly Lubkeman, Bree Lusk, Tyler Mapleback, Dana Martin, Megan Martinez, Justin Midyet, Gerald Miller, Jessica Miller, Matt Miller, Astra Moss, Jennifer Myers, Anthony Neumayer, Kimber O'Brien, Anamaria Osorio, Brooke Palmer, Jenna Park. Lindsay Progar, Chloe Ramsay, Lisa Ridge, Ian Rodgers , Mary Roth, Logan Sauer, Max Shefte-Jacobs, Benjamin Sherman, Courtney Smith, Ryan Stokes, Taylor Stolte , Lesley Swim, Hayden Taylor, Alex thomas , Cydney Tolbert, Andrew Trujillo, Julia VonDreele, Mariah Werner, Holly Williamson, and Leah Witthohn.
HELPI NGOUT MVP leaders were ready and waiting the first day of the school year. They gave assistance to staff and students alike and kept the students moving throughout the day.
The MVP leaders are a select group of Juniors and Seniors that work with the Freshmen during the first semester to help them adjust to high school, learn to make good choices and facilitate various discussions and activities . "I love feeling like I ' m actually helping people do better in the choices they make and actions they do ," says Junior Austin Campbell .
The group has been actively involved in working with the Freshman during their MVP classes They plan their activities during their MVP class on Tuesdays and then put their plans into action the following Thursdays Mostly, their work involves valuable lessons that can assist the Freshman in becoming successful students at Golden High School as well as in the outside world .
ABOVE Senior Andrew Cooper welcomes the students to the new Golden High school at the opening assembly. l.1:Ff MVP leaders make sure their voices are loud and clear in Freshman MVP classes.
It is an honor to be selected to be an MVP leader, and the sixty-eight Juniors and Seniors who are a part of the organization understand the importance of their roles as mentors . "It's a good way to stay active and involved with the new students , especially since I'm a Senior," comments Brooke Palmer .
------~---------- - -----
LOTS 01: LEADl:IIS The 68 leaders of MVP are as follows :
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Over many years at Golden High School, teachers have brought both education and fashion to their classrooms. Below from left to right: Earle A. Johnson, the Music teacher in 1917. In 1922, Miss Erlbacher depicts the serious side of History. Norman Bevie, the Band Director in 1952, dons a hat bearing his title. Lucy McCarthy taught German and Russian in 1973 and finally, Mr. Bob Hayes keeps it real in 1986.
80 •
•- ..a_~.,_-- -
Steve Anderson Asst Principal
Jeremy Blincoe Science
Laura Burczyk Clinic
Jennifer Cook Phys Ed
Kimberly Encinias Cafeteria
Scott Aurand Engineering & Tech
Sandy Breed Library
Jon Christians Science
Shari Cornelison Counselor
JoAnn Euler Mathematics
Tanya BaaJman Cafeteria
Kelly Breymeier Roberts World Languages
Chris Colucci Mathematics
Chris Cousineau English
Tracy Evanko Library
LUiS Badilla Viveros World Languages
Jan Bryson Science
Brian Conroy Asst Principal
Elena Crim ESL
Linda Fabrizio Social Studies
Amber Baker Receptionist
Jodi Bunn Social Studies
Slr Jason Conwey, Eeq Mathematics
Stephanie Davis English
Melissa Fine- Durbin English
Angela Becker Vocal Music
ScottBurcar Science
Eileen Cook Mathematics
JudyEakinS Financial Secretary
Shannon Garvin Ma.thematics
Rob "Skip " Gill Social Studies
Tracy Ha.mm Art
David Koepke Engl i sh
-- ;,-_ _
J udy Madison Art
Laura Gollho fer English
Scott Hasbrouck English
Greg Kottca.mp Social Studies
- -... .. ,_.,.. - --------
Kimber ly Manes Principal Secretary
William Graves Instrumental Music
Kristin Hunter Social Studies
Michele Lewis English
Charlotte Meybury World Languages
Charla Gunn Registrar
Diderick Iversen Science
Patti Low Cafeteria
Helen McLaughlin FAACS
Kathy Hall
Theresa Jacobsen Science
Lori MacDonald Mathematics
Mike "Dozer" Mendoza Social Studies
TaJDSP.Il Hall English
Julie J a.rvis Para-Educator
Katherine Mackintosh World Languages
Paul Miller Science
' I I ' ' I ' \ '
HEADY )\ND\~(J\ITI NGThe front offi c e staff strikes a group pose for the first day of school, ready to take on the challe nges that th e new year will bring.
Tim Miller Art
Joie Norby English
Tracy PhariSs Mathematics
Wendy Roberts Counselor
LeaAnn Slizeski Social Worker
Kathryn Montgomery Athletic Secretary
Kurt Ohlen Social Studies
Chri5topher Plakorus Engineering & Tech
JanRomary Asst Principal
- -- - - -
Kimberlee Sloan Science
John Morales
Crystal Ona.go Science
Eric Ponicsan Mathematics
Jane Schultz Burnett
Bryan Smock ESS
Susan Murnan Social Studies
Pamela Paric10 Counselor
Rebecca Ponicsan Social Studies
Barbara Selzer ESS
Daren Sower ESS
Michael Murphy Principal
Christina Pennel Mathematics
Todd Rago Science
Jason Shackett Instructional Coach
Jan Strand Technology
KriStin Nelson F.ng)ish
Tammie Peters English
Chad.Reid Social Studies
Leola Shoemaker Para-Educator
Mary Swartwood Para-Educator
If 1:111:S ,1()11~\U\,\'! Wbile some faculty members get down to business, Mr. Cousineau throws out a nice impression of Jack Nicholson from the movie, "The Shining."
-- --~------ - - -- - ·
Alfred Talbot Phys. Ed.
Thomas Ward Asst. Principal
Michael Tnuroim ESS
Brandy Wegscheider
~IOT PIC11Jllf:D
An derson
erry DiTullio Ron "Griff' Griff in
Bob Hayes Denise Mehnert Adam Mitchell ErinNavant
Elizabeth Tibbetts Para- Educator
Edward Weinell World Languages
Janna Tripp School Store
Mary Weller Security
Molly Verleger World Languages
Scott Westerkamp FAACS
Patricia Wadsworth Library
I I ' I I I ' '
Christine Williams Attendance Secretary
Students and faculty members found creative ways to pass the time in school. Below from left to right: Rebekah Jacobs exploring flight in science in 1997. Ann Brown smiles for the camera in 1984. In 1977, a future crocodile hunter demonstrates how frogs are harmless, and a young man shows his true intrest in class . Last but not least, Virginia Hayes, Mr. Bob Hayes ' s mother, worked at Golden from 1970 to 1996.
I- - - - -• •f I I f ' I t
Math is everywhere. Fear the equations.
Math 1s th e same 1n every language and almost everything can be reduced down to a smaller number No doubt , math 1s undeniable " I' m pretty sure that math 1s Just going to haunt me for the rest of my life I don ' t like it , but I just have to deal ," says Senior Stormy Wilkinson . From Pre-Algebra to P re-Cale , GHS students all work to so lve for different variables Thi s year also brought on some new technology : the SmartBoards It has enhanced many teachers ' lesson plans and allowed studen t s to really get involved in the c lass There are some drawbacks, however. " I love how some tea chers don ' t understand how to calibrate the board when some of the student s do It's pretty funny but f rustrat1ng at the same time ," says Sophomore Laura Powers Although math is a required course , for different reasons students have their favorites when it comes to teachers and math concentrations.
" I like Mr Haye s , he 's just hardcore ," says Sophomore Rob Johnson . " I like Geometry All those Algebra things Ju s t confuse me," says Elycia Christensen H owever, some s tudents find math to be too hard . " I just don ' t like it. I don ' t understand 1t for a second I' m Just glad that I' m a history guy," says Erik Laitos . Whether
Iher class how the probass on the ard M rs among st the chers th at has nee with all of features of the
r Amali n ks deeply on culate he r writes down tions n for a math th still req uires ork for Sen ior Hano
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Above Graphing and groupwork are a regular part of math class
A student connects the dots 1n math class Use of the SmartBoards for math classes has been a real benefit for teachers and students
88 A cademi cs
Right: Sophomore C asey Polk demonstrates her knowledge of math and the Smart Board
most imp that co me Labs hands-on of find ing new o ut. Co of a lab consi write-u p, a tha t you th happen and sion of wh throu ghout process, any obse were gather:
Confusing as science may be , we all need it.
From Chemistry to Anatomy, Earth Science to Biology, and Physics to Technology, we have a very diverse selection of science courses offered here at GHS
A lot of the students tend to think that science ,s Just labs and d1ssect1ng lots of things, but science is much more than that! Science has to do with exploring the outside world, f1nd1ng out new things that have never even been thought of before, and being able to discover something new Science class includes lots of labs , dissections , learning about different animals , and much more Technology class includes the study of physics , engineering and math to design working prototypes Students learn how to make operable robots and catapults to help
f U, them understand problem solving 1n engineering and physics. In both ,I
courses, students have to learn how to work out different types of math and science equations As intense and confusing as science may be , students still enJoy these classes.
;.......,_ Science and Technology are important parts of our day to day lives and by taking these classes, we can be better equipped to understand how the world functions and what we can
do to help preserve it. ~ o 0 0 c--~ CJ 0 l l l l OD O L CJ 0 l w l
• • • I
S o pho Pule and class mat how much made byye labs to be ve ing becaus to do so ma Middle gets his on an tec hn
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Above Sophomore Kevin John s on points out the usefulness of beakers
Left Breaking 1t down like a mad sc1ent1st, Junior S am S he rman bronzed pennies 1n her chemistry class She says, "The most confusing thing about science 1s all of the long names for everything, including having to remember the formulas!"
Academics 89 I I
Above "The hardest thing about science would be trying to get to class on time especially on the days we have labs," says Junior Ta nn er Lutz
Testing for the future.
nior e O 'rour ke smile in 1writing UMy rt of crea tive the pe ople in , and you ca n ut anyth ing to," Kath erin e
There are many E nglish classes offered at Golden H igh School. While most are required , some are used as elective credit. Students are required to have a t least four years of English to graduate and will study Greek M ythology, A merican, B ritish and Contemporary L i t erature throughout their four years of English classes at G H S E lective English classes curren t ly offered at Golden are B ible M ythology and Creative Writing , bo t h of which are reserved for Juniors and Seniors In add1t1on to the study of li terature, writing skills are constantly practiced 1n c lass. This 1s probably t he least favorite past-time of most students unless, like Katherine O ' Rourke , you ' re taking Mr. Hasbrouck 's Creative Wnt1ng course But while English may not be a favorite class for many students , 1t 1s a subJect t hat will help us communicate better 1n the future This year, Golden became part of Jefferson County's 12A testing. T he test is currently being taken by Freshman and Sophomores Its purpose 1s to track ongoing progress 1n E nglish with the hope to improve reading and writing skills for our s t udents Although testing taking 1s not fun for students , the 12A test may prove valuable to the students and teachers 1n the years to come
Peters . her stud en ts English homore lte sits dering a cros sword Hasbrou ck enjoys his room at th e of the ye ar
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Above Sophomore Du s ty Tut o n ,s ready to do groupwork
Kl ei
90 Aca demi cs
J oe l
n gets intense about English Right Seniors Cam e ron Zerbe s t , and Stac ie Zant focus on their assignment during class
Students get to work with new iMacs.
T his year has been really exc,t,ng for the d1g1tal media classes because they have been working in one of the new computer labs with brand new ,Macs It 1s a coo l experience to be able to use the new computers The new Macs are a lot faster and easier to use and the lab 1s fully equipped for Miss Hamm , Mr. Miller and Mrs Norby to t rain students on various software programs and equipment used for video ed1t1ng , photography and publishing. The students and teachers use the computers to really get creative. Whether they are enhancing their own pho t ographs , making movies or publishing a yearbook , d1g1tal media students work hard to produce quality work T he speed of t he new computers really helps Before , the computers were slow and unable to handle the processing speed of some of the software that 1s used for these classes. It would take so long for the computers to start up , there wasn ' t much time left to f1n 1sh assignments H owever, having new computers and a new lab is also a great respons1bl1ty Students are expected to take care of the room and all of the new equipment so
1t can las t for many more years at Golden High School
am az1 d1 g1ta l a Soph om Bae She her sp a re t in he r sk How eve r, s cre ate ask th an tw using a d1 whic h us ed in She al o wn li ttle \ sets u llghtin pr Middle: pasting regular deslg Righ skills a tes \l, • • •
Above Demon logos come alive 1n graphic arts Could this student design the next Demon Dan?
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Left Junior Kell ie Eri c kson focuses on making her Photoshop magazine cover look as realistic as possible
Acad emics 91 1
Above Students design on and off the computers in Mr M ill e r's class
Students put the "Social" in Social Studies
Social Studies is one of the more enJoyable core classes provided here at Golden High School. Social Studies includes the following classes · Government , Geography, American History, World History, and Economics Whether it's doing a worksheet , proJect , or presentation , much of the class Is interactive While Mr. Kottcamp is a great teacher, Senior Trent Vanner said, " It's really hard paying attention In Economics at seven In the morning." One of the newer teachers In this department , Mrs Pon icsan , commented that she's glad she's no longer a substitute and has a class to herself Freshman Ryan Shultz added , "She 's a good teacher and gets us very involved : ' The sophomores are very involved in their study of the Immigrant Era In American History, and most of the students replied that their favorite assignment dunng class was the diary Journals that they wrote , which described the perspect ive of an immigrant back in the 1930's The Juniors are learning European history ; Spencer Morgan says , " Now that I' m learning about Italy, I think that it would be romantic to go there ." Whatever concentration students are studying In Social Stud ies, the class often offers entertainment as well as education
nlors Ni ck Clinton rkon a ty together scrib es the e were playg a m e with it ti ed in Wi th ut G reece e fun class , Ing w eek 1cult for stuattention au se I was play in th e Ing g ame ,~ er Litteck • .J i
Fabr izio r stu den ts nee o f d ing on , Mr Mendents sing t Vanner a Wells ntly toge t h er
Other than the trad1t1onal paper and pencil method, Mr M e nd o z a plays the guitar to teach his students about trad1t1on The song " De Colores ," which has been passed down 1n the Mendoza family for generations , was played 1n his Geography cla s s Freshman Hann a h Hebb e rd said , "The class 1s alot of fun and 1t ha s alot of interaction "
Right C i era Dol c he c listens attentively while Mrs. Fabrizio teaches them about World History
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Above Keaton D i lle and Joryan Booher get help from Mrs. Murnan to finish their American History worksheet
92 Academi cs
Below : Se Umb rech Tay lor hard tra writing in Sp hardest Spanish 1 ,t. I have t so tha t I can wo rds and ve rb s co Bol ton , w her t hird yea ,sh ~ , plan know ledge in the future , whe n it opportun
Exploring New Horizons through Languages
Languag es g a lore' G o ld e n H ig h Sc h oo l o ff e rs a c h o ice t o tak e e ith e r S p a nis h o r French in four d i ff e re nt lev e ls Stud e nts ca n co m e t o G ol d e n as a fre s hm a n kn o wing little to n o seco nd la ngua ge and g r a du a t e b ei ng flu e nt 1n th ei r la ngu a g e o f c h o ice L ea rnin g a fo r e ign la n g u a g e ,s a goo d s kill t o have for th e futur e. H o w eve r, it d oes t a ke a lo t o f h a rd w o rk , prac ti ce a nd s tud y ing No t o nl y 1s lea rnin g a la n g uage g o o d fo r s tud e nts ' ca r ee r pl a n s , it a ll o w s th e m t o expl o r e n e w c ultures . " I love to tr avel t o M ex ico a nd s p ea k w i th th e loca ls ," s a id Ben Folden . Kn o w ing a b o ut th ose c u l tu res is beco mi ng m o re imp o rt a nt as n ew t ec h o lo gy has m a d e o ur w orl d mu ch s m a ll e r Th e revo lu tion in e- m a il , t ext m essag es a nd soc ia l n e two r k in g w e b si t es , s u c h as like M ys p ace a nd Faceb oo k , a ll o w s tud e nts fro m a r o und th e w o rld t o co mmuni ca t e with o n e o th er a t th e pu s h o f a se nd butto n Add1t1 o nall y, w i th th e g ro wt h
Io f int e rn a t io n al bu s in ess a nd tr a d e, kn o win g a s e co nd la n g u age 1s b eco ming p a rt o f m a ny pro fess io n al JObS. G o ld e n H igh Sc h oo l s tud e nts wh o c h oose t o ta ke a w o rld la ngu a ge c lass w ill s ure ly h ave a pass p or t to th e futur e.
Le ft: Davi WO Paris spe
ges says able to in Span,
Right: "Qui, OU
L e ft Tyl e r Jeffer y gives a t humbs up to learning new Spanish words
Above Sophomore W y nd a m W i lli a m s says his favorite word 1s comida , which means " food ," because he likes to eat a lot!
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A bove Mrs Ve rl e g e r gives her 4th block class feedback abou t the French dialogues they presented to the class
J Academi cs 93 1 f
Got the Goo di e s ?
Love to cook and experiment with different foods? Well Golden 's got the cooking classes for you! Thanks to the new school , the cooking classes are more interactive , entertaining, and tasty! From cooking techniques , to plating design, cutlery, and taste , kids a re always learning something new and interesting When walking down the hall, you can a l ways smell something new cooking every day "I love eating even though I don 't do 1t that much. When I am hungry, 1t always kills me to walk past the cook ing c lasses because it's so enticing ," says Senior Jackee Jensen . Throughout t he cooking courses, t he k ids will learn about several techniques on how to cook different foods
Junior Ashley Westbroo says, " I really like trying new things Mr Westercamp makes the class fun II Even if the food isn ' t necessarily liked by all the students , they always have fun throughout the process o f preparing it. Eithe r way, t he wonderful smells coming from the cooking classes are a pos itive ind1cat1on t hat the students are up to something good
rcamp takes go o ver th e the s tu dents' g proj ect.
Austin and Peter ark , "This Uy fun W e , and Mr pis a co ol
thp ick te s t the to ch eck if your dy to eat.
ng cream
hman Leonard d Soph om ore meron enJoy g cla ss cam a·
l c __ 7 D . 7 El D I.. • " - - - T
Above Freshman Ale xis Tut on Is taking a moment while eating the food that she made
Senior Bra n do n Gage washes dishes after his group gets done making pizza dough He says. "Washing dishes is my Job I really en1oy thi s class , but I am the only senior.''
9 4 Aca d emi cs
Right. Students happily gather around the good stuff pIzza 1
class 1nfo rmatla relat e to My my stude about health Ship and h t1vely com says Mrs. Mc co mments, ships is favo rite eta McLaughlin re ally funny a to wa tch with differe rel
Life lessons become elective courses.
Family and Consumer Studies classes provide students with hands-on experiences in cooking (see left page) , relat1onsh1ps, interior design and finance Relationships 1s a great class where students can relate to current issues 1n their day t o day lives and can openly express their feelings In this class , students walk away learning the importance of relat1onsh1ps and how to love one another. T his class teaches students how to have a healthy relat1onsh1p , and 1t is a favo ri t e of students such as Lindsay Prograr Interior Design class 1s a skills-based course where students can let their creat1v1ty flow Students 1n
The d iagram depicts the le nce , wher: learn about co ntrol in rel Castro rem we lea the cyc le it taught preve nt getting into re
this class work on several projects throughout the year Recently, students designed their own rooms, 1nclud1ng the furniture and color-scheme and made presentations for their peers. Whether the students are cooking , des1gn1ng or convers ing about relationships , the Family and Consumer Studies classes offer something for everyone. Most importantly, they teach students important llfe-long skills that they will be able to use 1n their future careers or life 1n general. I I
1n Relationships This is a class where students
' '
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real-life issues Ki s h a Arai s
, " I
H o wre y
Eri c C o sper
Left Hands are always A cademics 95
have open
tide says
really enjoy learning in this class , we experience a lot of new ideas and Mrs McLaughlin 1s a fun teacher'"
pay close attention while Mrs. M c Laughlin gives directions on what they will be working on
Art: To show the world what you can do best!
G H S has really talented students who spend day afte r day usi n g their creat ive minds t o to make true works of art. There are many art c lasses at Golden , such as Drawing , Pa1nt1ng , Ceramics , Jewel ry , and Pho tography T hese c lasses allow studen t s ' minds to go free and make somethi ng that exempli f ies their true personalities From doodling on paper during class or drawi ng instead o f doing the dishes , many G H S students have found t h eir t rue artistic talents So p homore Aaron Klingenberg (below left) 1s one example A aron 's da d 1s a G raphic Designer, who seems to have inspired his son to follow ,n his footsteps A a r o n says , " I took a rt because I enJoy 1t, and know tha t I' m good at 1t " H e also said that his favori t e part 1s when h e gets to draw 1n black and wh ite Th e variety of art c l asses that one can t ake at Golden allows all budding art ists t o explore and develop t h eir craft Whethe r crafting jewelry, throwing pottery or ref1n1ng drawing and pa 1nt1ng techniques , for G H S students, art 1s not Just an elective class , it's a way of li fe
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Above Junior Contrey Smith , 1n her drawing class , makes her piece really s tand out
96 Aca d emics
Garret rn his cerammol ds a pot nnang wheel what he the class , "I like that I e things and •i J ss Hamm , teache r soccer r Jeremy s Ceramics umbs up, ng on his masterpiece
Soph o more John Medina works on his ceramic sculpture
Righ t A wonderful drawing by Junior, Kati e Maa s She's very talented and knows how to show off her passion and a love of art
Singing stars and guitar heroes do what they love.
Music Equals Life It's a simple statement that speaks for almost all. We live in a time where music conquers all , where a song can make or break a friendship , life is written in lyric, and everyone has their own soundtrack We live in a time where your favorite music says more about who you are than you can. From Soulja Boy to mosh pits , music holds h igh importance amongst Golden High students. " Music can get you through anything. It is a way of life , and it takes a lot of talent to be a musician," says Sophomore Asiah Jiron . It 's not hard for Golden students to make themselves heard Whether it 's writing music in AP Music Theory class or practicing in t he many Band, Orchestra and Choir classes, GHS talent speaks
for itself "Out of all the programs at our school, I think our music program is the most successful." says Senior Cameron Zerbest. Mu sic students have many opportunities to perform in several concerts throughout the year In addition , rock band competitions , like the one during Home coming week, offer students other venues to show off their stuff Either way, all musicians practice 1ns1de and outside of Golden 's walls to make their performances perfect.
says, "Well I don ' t really want to say anything bad about RV's music department, but I Just feel more at home at Golden like it's a better fit with all my friends here "
Ellas Ba Livi for Whil e t ms tru me di ffer, the t can agre thei r f impo they lo music : w Demarco to be in musicia enc e beh Right: Llzzl Lisa
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Senior Alex Buehler says. "When I'm done with my career as a student, I want to teach other people music, hke Dr Graves"
Adam Zizzi , a Sophomore who transferred from Ralston Valley,
Left· Tyler Colle , Brooke Palmer, Geoff Baxter rock out for the Homecoming assembly as part of Golden's drumhne
Academics 97 t I I I
The creative side of construction.
We believe 1n creating a safe environment and teaching studen t s what is important. T he me t al and woods 1ndustnal field 1s booming this d ay and age We w ill use metals and woods th r oughout ou r lifetime, and therefore , Mr. Plakorus th inks i t is importan t to teach studen t s how t o fabricate metal and cons t ruct wood The purpose of the metal an d woods class 1s to construct a variety useful obJec ts such as cab inets and toolboxes while utilizing student creativity. T he indust rial a r ts fie ld 1s very impor tant in our daily living A n average pe rson goes t hrough o r uses over twen ty t ons of metal in their lifetime without ever not1c1ng 1t. We use meta ls more tha n we think , and 1t plays an impor tant role 1n our lives M r Plakorus keeps his stu d en t s busy and constructive by le tt ing them create and build what reflects their thoughts and their s ty l es M any peop l e t hink of me tals an d woods class as a way to ge t away f rom the stress a n d hassle of normal everyday classes and not have homework or tests to wo r ry about. T he hands on work 1n class can be rewa rdi ng and valuable as s t uden t s build lifelong skills tha t m ight he lp them 1n their future careers
dents more ggles " de sign c t in Mr s's woods s cl asses in m etals is e t hing to do w orking with Is re wardlaims Josh re e gets w earing attire: lasses e r Juarez les for his omore Ed rks closely metal.
Crutches don' t hold N i ck Matt son back as he watches closely when he cuts a piece of wood using the Band Saw Nick says, " I like experimenting with differen t power tools because each one i s a different thrill "
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MUSl BE WORll Ill lHIS AREA --=::::1
Above Sophomore Brooke Smith plans her next move
98 Aca demics
Right: During spirit week , Senior Guy Roman works on staying focused as King Kong on super hero day whi le working on a tote tray
"Let ' s Get Physical ... Physical."
Physical education is very important at Golden High School We not only have the standard gym class, we also have weight lifting and dance classes for those students who would rather not run laps " Dance class is great," says Senior Alyssa Duran , " I always sign up for dance because I love to dance, and I can be myself;' We1ght-lift1ng class creates a strong foundation for self discipl ine and self-esteem
In addition, most of the students 1n the weight-lifting class are on a team sport at Golden H igh School so they are able to build up core strength that 1s beneficial to their sport participation The most popular class we have for Physical Education
1s Recreational Sports In Rec Sports, students play table tennis , regular tennis, hand ball , soccer and basketball. While physical education is a required class for students, i t also teaches students to work out, stay active and be healthy It also helps them decide 1f they should try out for a team or sport they like during the year At Golden High School, we believe 1n staying healthy and keeping active Since Colorado is always ranked as one of the most physically fit states, GHS students can be a part of the action 1n their P E class.
Below Tra v i s Cat to lifts w strong r flt grunl on 1n 1nq class so c an see h and tan I a Martin Senior RI focus ed M r. And Ri ght: J Ma estas Ii to Mrs. --------·-- ----
Above Students wait for the swish as a two-pointer makes its way to the basket
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Left Senior Jeremy Gomez concentrates on serving the ball to his opponent during an intense game of table tennis
Academics 99
Sophomore D ' Ang e lo G o m e z 1s too distracted to 11ft the weights "It's hard to beat one of your own lifting records when there are other people breaking your focus"
Throughout the years, music and theater continue to be an important part of Golden High School tradition. In fact, GHS has offered music and dramatic arts classes and clubs to its students for nearly a century. Whether their passion was theater, band or choir, GHS students found artistic ways to be seen and heard. Below, from left to right: A talented duo of actors participate in a 1971 play of "Don Quixote," the marching band looks ready to take the field in 1940, and the Concert Choir performs in 1960.
lh, \ ~t :· ,,1 1111 100
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Much hard work and determination went into the fall musical, making it the best show put on by Stage Right Productions. For two months, the entire cast rehearsed after school almost every day, striving to make vocals perfect and getting the choreography just right. To get the students to be where they needed to be for the different musical numbers, n-: ~ , Ma.Rn k. , and Mr.~ had to collaborate in order to incorporate all of the different parts that a show of this caliber called for. However, as usual the show had just as much drama off stage as on. With a large cast and crew, tensions ran ·high at the beginning of rehearsals so they all had to learn how to work together in order to put on a good show. Throughout the practice and performance of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," the cast and crew learned many life lessons and skills, which sets up the crew and actors for a better transition from high school theatre to college or professional theatre. This year's musical was performed four times and left the Golden community amazed. After the final curtain dropped, cast and crew created many wonderful memories that will be cherished for years
103 I f ' I
Before and after the curtain drops, who knows what's going on backstage? Well , it' s what the behind-the -scenes-people call : Making the whole show possible! It's not just smiles, costumes, and acting that goes into a theater production, it's the hard work of the set design and tech crew that help to create the "vision" of the performance. The "techies" handle all electronic equipment, which includes the lights, music, and scene changes. In addition, set designs are crafted by hand and the theater students, their friends and their parents all pitch in to construct the look and feel of the production. While we are wowed by the final outcome, it's the long hours of labor that occurs backstage that makes the production a success. This also includes the acting classes that take place during school hours. Students work on their acting craft in a multitude of exercises that help put their best performance on stage. After all is said and done, what goes on backstage is equal]y as important as what we see when the curtain is finally raised .
l• •t •c:; I\~
104 Theater
are idly bent on him that enters next."
. • • -... i:.-- $. ·~ I
-William Shakespeare __ .-;:,ir-r,---------i
106 Band
Lots of activities can be found in the band room. It is not a place of silence but ra1.:: =- r ft Cl c,f complex sounds. When you walk into this room, you can find percus5~0nists practicing the marimba or a trombone player practicing for the Allstate Honor Band auditions. On some mornings, the room is full of musi c-loving st11dents , rirr. o learn the theory of music. They are taught how to write musi c as well n s s'Gudy why music is the way it is throughout different musical times in history. Any person in music theory class would say that it has widely broadened their view of music and listening, as well as playing their instruments The band classes offer a wide variety of styles and sounds, from concert band to drumline.
-•.-_____ __ _ J' \.:_ I =--~- ~-'==--
Band 107 I '
Golden High School's choirs have been noticed by many. Under the direction of Mrs. Angela Becker, students have been taught about the power of music and their voices. Some are even considering singing in other venues. Junior Karter Dean says," I used to think about singing outside of high school but it wasn't a big thing to me. Now, singing outside of school is everything to me." Under Mrs. Becker's instruction, the choirs at Golden have improved greatly. "When I was a freshman, I had prior knowledge of music and thought that the music program wasn't going to be the best I could have gone with, but it was a lot better then I expected and that made me really happy," comments Senior Alex Buehler . The community of Golden has very high hopes for GHS's choirs and anticipates many wonderful concerts in the future. Many students in choir see Mrs. Becker's creativity as being very unique and quite interesting and will continue to be a part of her very succesful program
108 Choir
- ----...:.... f • I I ' j
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110 Orchestra
Golden High School students have many opportunities to show off their musical talents, through many levels and styles of band, choir and orchestra classes. At Golden, a group of highly skilled students show off their spectacular string skills in Orchestra class. They get the opportunity to play a variety of different musical selections and styles and perform various concerts throughout the year. One of the great things about being a part of the orchestra is the friendships that form. If they're not making pyramid or checking out music together, you can be sure that they're all committed to practicing and performing together to make beautiful music. From Handel to Halo, the feeling of enjoyment amongst the orchestra student is, no matter what conductor or composer, a universal one.
Orchestra 111
In the past the clubs have been a large part of the school. Students could get involved in a variety of school sponsored activities. Left to right: The members of the 1978 Key Club gets dressed up as a group of Raggedy Anns, the "G" Club in 1940 sports matching sweaters and a serious side, the baton-twirling drill team in 1960 poses for their team picture, National Honor Society makes an academic appearance inl940, and the 1978 Rodeo club crowns some queens for the a big rodeo event!
112 •
Judging by the name of the club, you might be to quick to conclude that NHS is filled with book worms, but the impact of these kids is known throughout Golden, not just for because of their intelligence, but because of the wonderful things they do. As the biggest club in GHS, the students hold meetings on Thursdays during access to talk about community service projects that they can participate in. "The meetings are informative because I like all the o pportunities to volunteer," said Maggie Hunt . Some local activities that they do are decorating the lights around Golden during the holidays, trick-or-treat street, and escorting the seniors during graduation. "Putting up lights in Golden is fun and it looks really nice when it's finished It definitely feels like the holidays are here," commented senior Kelly Lubkeman .
Right : The members of NHS pose for a picture after their meeting NHS is the biggest club at GHS
Le ft : Former N HS students meet up for the induction ceremony that 's held for new members
, •
- - - -' ' •• • •
The Forensics team. proves y e ar after year that they know exactly what they're doing. When they stand at the podium, these students feel a rush of excitement rather than feeling, like most students, that they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown. The team. always brings back a smile and a top win from nearly all of their competitions. This year ' s group of "Master Speakers" have been sweeping through the competition and showing the state who's boss. Mrs. Peters says, "This is an incredible group
· of kids. They love talking and they love arguing- theywould drive most teachers nuts!" The school forensics members are also the voices of the daily announcements, The Demon's Daily Bulletin.
Bight: The winning Duo Interpretations team of Spen cer McIntire and Cody Rex
Left : The members of the 2008 Forensics team are ready to take on their competition, usually returning with multiple wins.
I • • • • ,~o-'1,,1 ,~ re ~
·.. _ e
Family, Community, Career, Leaders, of America
FCCLA is a leadership-based club that has many interesting opportunities and events that they participate in. It may be small and not well-known, but it is a lot of fun and extremely exciting. FCCLA members get involved in service projects and become leaders oftheir communities. They might be able to participate in designing houseplans for Habitat for Humanity or get involved in teaching children about proper nutrition or safety. They study and promote healthy relationships and lifestyles and their leadership projects focus on youth concerns and potential careers. Students who participate in many of the conferences, stay at hotels with students from all over the US and go to workshops, meetings, and dances. If you want to meet new people and have some fun while practicing your leadership skills, this would be the club to join.
?""8-2009 Ivf Pmbers: Front row left to right : Dylan Crawford, Julia Weiman, Garret Hornack, Mariah Werner, Mrs. McLauglin. Back row left to right: Kendyll Hulyk, Jill Weiman, Dana Martin, Jimmy Javer, Madison Firth , Alexis Johnson, Alysa Quintana
h,\9t 11 ~• ~·-·!• 11 t~, 1: ~hU. 11 ,,, p I 1,/I I ti loi\f'J 11 I ' '
Our school's TEO or Technology Engineering Club, reaches forward every year as they go to TSA (Technology Student Association) to compete in various events. While at TSAhours playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero while gearing up for the competition At the 2008 TSA competition, the team did really well and the results are as follows:
Goldmedal~ .......:-1J r ~. forrubberband powered car. Gold medal: . ,._. .. Ft[ u: for Flight Endurance Silver med a 1 .L'\...eX .t' L • .l ...i:-_, .2 1, • _ and .., r _ : r ., :--.l,-- for Tech Bowl fmals and GoldforTechBowlPreliminaries. Bronze medal~ ............ 1 ill 1. for hydrodynamics. Bronze medal~ The Systems Process (robotics) team of .: =-· .l • r and - :J
·, • • • There were 500 to 600 participating students at the competition. Left: Spring 2008 and 2009 teams.
-------~-~-------- - -
- ' , the club president , and Mr Auruand, club sposor
The TEC team works with several different organizations such as Science Olympiad, the An.glneering students at CU Boulder
GHS Drum.line Helps Lift Spirits of All Students
This year the school found spirit lifters not only in the cheerleaders, but in the GHS Demondrurnline. Over the past few years, this group has been getting together two days a week to practice. They had lots of fun this year going to the football games and interactingwith the crowd. The small group was even asked to play at other sporting events. Drurnline's big debut was at the homecoming assembly, though they appeared at several football games before that. The group even stayed at a lock-down, practicing until dawn getting ready for the big assembly. This group of kids have so much fun with their music. As they play for fun, everyone can hope to see them play for the school in the future
Left Senior Brooke PaJrner and Sophomo r e Geoff Baxter helped to bring in the boys basketball team at the first game
Right. Members of the drumline are caught while plzying t he the homecoming assembly
• • • - ------• • • •
The main purpose of the Spanish Club is to develop a better understanding and interest of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture Some activities the Spanish Club takes part in are: dinner at Hispanic restaurants to practice their language skills, cultural events such as Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), service projects and spanish tutoring. The Spanish Club is one of the largest clubs at Golden The students participate for many different reasons, but mostly for the social aspect of it. They enjoy conversing and socializing in Spanish and take the time to hone their language skills. El club es diversion y excitaci6n !
Throughout the decades, sports has been a big part of Golden High School . It's just another way students have gotten involved in their school and shown their talent and school spirit. From left to right: a major tackle takes place on the football field inl940, Golden gymnast, Tanya Dittbrenner, is head over heels on the balance beam in 1993 , the 1922 boys basketball team poses for a group photo, the cheerleading squad from 1960 stands high at a school assembly and a Demon wrestler takes on a tough opponent in 1971.
120 -. ._ ---.,..•
- -....---.. •
•Defense . Demons defense stops Denver West's offense after the kick off Junior Adam Frank said " I thought we did a great Job against Denver West, and it was cool because we won and it was our last game "
Tackle down . In one of the games some of the Demon players fight and are taken down by the other team It 1s a good thing the players always have backup
122 Sp ort s - - -
Blockage. Senior BIiiy Gerard blo cks quarterback and senior Ryan Stokes as he throws a pass
• Varsity & JV TP-am Photo Front row left to right" Kristen Priest , Andy Wolken , Brendan Balmes Mike Horan Aaron Knight, Mike Tibbetts , Jeremiah Paul , Jordan Johnson , Mariah Werner Seco nd row left to right Dallas Pflug , JR Foos , John Vu , Zach Notle, Jameson Hanson , Jake Smouse , ~ae;h Bublitz Austin Spatz , Tanner Liddick, Jacob Paul , Josh Ranson , Lars Johnson Th ird row left to right Mike Kaier, Jake Daniels , Patrick R1v1era, Gavin Brady, Brandon Tafano, Derek Emsbach, Sean Beach, Kyle Sorvig, Robert Holland, Cory Gardner, Justin Getschman, Matt Powell Fourth Row left to right Gary Lash , Greg Singer Patrick Umbrecht , Josh Johnson , Tyler Selcer, Wyndam Williams , Blake dd1lla , Nick Estrada Jesse Wood , Coleman G1v1ns , Matt Anderson , Tim Topper, John Roberts Fifth row left to right Andrew Trujillo Adam Arellanes , Rhett Nebeker, Matt Miller, Dan Froyen , Kacy Williams, Adam Frank, Billy Gerard , Dusty Tuton Top row left to right Gerald Miller, Jake Wiederspahn, Trevor Evanson , Clinton Franz, Josh Blythe , Casey Howrey, Kevin Vega, Travis Fossett , Scott Tilden , Ryan Stokes Not Pictured: Nick Pretz , Brandon Stoeber, Ashley Westbrook, Dylan Sanders , and Jamie Lem iuex
Golden vs Denver South
Golden vs Wheat R i dge
Golden vs H eritage
Golden vs Montrose
Golden vs Kennedy
Golden vs L i ncoln
vs Denver N o rth
R idge
Golden vs. Green
in Golden vs Denve r West • Us Them 24 2 1 27 54 0 38 9 42 41 13 56 19 50 6 3 59 28 21 70 0 Varsity Football 123
• Team Us Them GHS vs Denver South 28 0 GHS VS Wheat Ridge 31 14 GHS vs Heritage 7 14 £) GHS vs Vista Ridge 7 21 GHS vs Kennedy 72 0 GHS vs Lincoln 63 0 GHS vs Denver North w Forfeit GHS vs Dakota Ridge 21 35 GHS vs Green Mtn 42 0 GHS vs Evergreen 35 7 •'IC Pal 124 Sports
Freshmen/ Level 3 Football Team
Team GHS U s Them 6 14 6 28 26 28 29 12 6 40 12 34 6 8 21 32 7 14 14 35 Football 128
1.1:\fl:I. 111 1=1111·1·11;\1.1. • ,,. ;> ·4 • -
vs Denver South
vs Wheat R i dge
Front Row left to right : Ashton Furey, Sav,on Nobles, Kns Jordan , Kris Summers, Conner Metcaffe , Frankie, Al Talbot , Enc Bonham , Ben Fuller Coach Jeremy Blincoe , Jordan Leazenby, Chuck Baker, Coach Anthony Zaba Second Row left to right : Jeremy Kehoe, CJ Harvey, Connor Burgess , Jake Daniels , Matt Greff, Kory Bublitz , Conner Metcaffe , Kory Hall , Nick Mattson, Lucas Hightree Third Row left to right Joe Patterson Eric Parker Cameron Ulnch , Brad Arellanes, Austin Hager, Zach Brown , AJ Romero, Ryan Murphy, Dakota Brockopp Back Row left to right : Rowdy Morgan, Brandon Clark , Derek Price, Allen Scavetta, Bryan Prosser, Ian Smith, Wade Reed , Ryan Wareham , Jordan Pretz , Aden Jones vs Her itage GHS vs Platte Canyon GHS vs Kennedy GHS vs Lincoln G H S vs Denver North G HS vs Dakota Ridge GHS vs Green Mtn GHS vs Denver West =-
, Fast pitch. Sophomore Ka i tl yn Crawford shows off her superior p1tch1ng skills at a game
Batter Up. A Varsity player tries her best to hit 1t out of the park while defending the Demons against their opponents
~'~M ' . ~t,.i,,.1 lh•~ I •.,. , •"J I ,.,. I,,~ 12 6 Sp orts
.,,. , . • --..-
, •
Team Golden
Conifer Golden
Lakewood Boulder
Centaurus Golden
Elizabeth Golden
Englewo od Golden
Evelyn Golden
Wheatridge Golden
Arvada U s 14 1 11 12 14 0 2 1 9 14 6 10 15 11 9 6 1 11 1 4 Them 2 13 4 9 8 4 1 5 0 8 0 3 1 4 7 11 4 1 2 6 Var sity Softball 127
Seniors. The seniors of the varsity softball team are posing at Lyons Park by Clear Cu el\ Lett to right Megan Mclaughlin , Allison Needham , and Perri Lang pose tog ether for the last time as seniors on the softball team
Softball Team Photo Front row left to right : Ani Galvan, Jennifer Trammell , Megan Mclaughlin, Allison Needham , Peri Lang, Abbey Sheesley Back row left to right : Coach Jen Brozovich , Kyla Lambert, Alyssa Newman , Casey Polk, Kaitlyn Crawford , Allie Lairamore , Kylee ~antos, Cierra Trammell
vs Horizon
vs Rangeview
vs Mountain Range Golden vs Eaglecrest
vs Boulder
vs Adams City
vs Skyview
vs Evergreen
vs Lutheran
vs Alameda
vs Jefferson
While they didn't have the season they anticipated. the Junior Varsity softball team quickly discovered the importance of teamwork and good sportsmansh ip The scoreboards might not have been lit up with glory, but s c oreboards can ' t measure heart, effort , skill or talent. Had those been measured instead of w i ns and losses , the Junior Vars ity Softball team would be seen as one of the best.
128 JV Softball - - -
J11nior Varsity Softball Front row left to right Amanda Shephard , Delaney Laughlin , Julia Sunny, Taylor, ChelsP Murray, Kelly Binns, Lexie Sulley Back Row left to right: A nn Mead Katie Mead , Frankie Snelling , Kira Dickey, Trista lntravaia, Alann, Mottestheard
-----·-- ~ I l I I 129
Staying Focused. Golden players line up for the start of the game
Caught in the Action. Golden Girls Varsity heads back towards center field after a goal attempt.
130 Varsity Field Ho ckey
1t Getting Ready. Hannah Schafer (RV HS) , Gabrielle Wallace (RVHS), Kaitlyn Trip p , Hann ah Bo ltz J alisa Abe l, and Assistant Coach Allison Faulrouer get ready to lake the fiel d
Vars i ty Fi eld Hockey Front row l eft to right : Haley Franco, Kacie Shea , Joslyn Martinez
Second row left to right: Victo ria Gore, Hannah Schaefer (RV HS), Gabnelle Wallace (RV HS) , Hannah Boltz Devyn Th ielen , Leanne Garber (RV HS), A llie Ewers , Alex Medved (M ullen) , Shainese Perkins
Team Colorado Academy Eaglecrest East High School Smoky Hill East High School Cherry Creek Eaglecrest Colorado Academy Fountain Valley Fort Collins High School Cherry Creek Smoky Hill Palmer Ridge Poudre Fort Collins Us Them 0 5 8 0 0 3 0 6 1 5 0 5 5 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 1 4 0 4 1 5 1 5 0 3 Varsity Field Hockey 131
Third row left to right : Ca rlie Johnson (RV HS) , Nikki Navarez , Kelsea Wallace (RV HS), Caroline Wong, Kristina Luc as( RVHS) , O livia Fundingsland (RVHS) Back row left to right: Kat ie Taylor (M anager) , A nawa Randolph (RVHS) , Sara Mu lle n , J alisa Ab el , Kai t lyn Tripp, Phaedra Randolph (RV HS) , Andrea Dameron (Green Moun tain), Maggie Rob inson , Christine Van Pelt (RVHS) , A ssistant Coach , Allison Faulconer, Head Coach Devon Holcomb
• it. Junior Kate Baals shows off her w1nn1ng form as she goes up for a spike against Conifer
a.Attack it. Junior Ana Osorio goes high for the demons to return a d1ttcult serve
132 Varsity Volleyball
----~-------~----- -~- ~ ~ -
--,. ...._..
Block it. Junior Nicole Rickard goes for a big hit spiking it to two Evergreen playe rs.
Team GHS vs Arvada GHS vs Green Mountain GHS vs Evergreen GHS vs Conifer GHS vs Summit GHS vs Wheat Ridge GHS vs Elizabeth GHS vs Centaurus GHS vs Skyview GHS
Englewood GHS
Alameda GHS
D ' Evelyn GHS
Denver We st GHS vs Denver East GHS vs St.Mary's GHS vs Ralston Valley GHS vs Jefferson GHS vs Ft. Carson GHS vs Longmont GHS vs Montrose Us Them 3 2 3 2 3 0 0 3 3 0 2 3 3 2 2 0 3 1 3 2 3 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 1 3 2 3 2 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 Varsiiy Vollyball 133
Varsity Vollyball Front row left to right: A na Osorio, Tori Norris Second row left to right : Aubrey Wagner, Torrey Cl evelan d , Coach Joe B rand • Taylor B ull, and Aubra Tidwell. Back row left to right: Kate Baals , Angela N oonman , an d Cassonra Sletten
Currie , Chelsea Norris , Nicole
Osbaugh , Marilyn Wood Middle Row: Lillie Nauslar, Shayna
Dickey, Breanna Dillon, Jess i e
Dell-Martin Front Row : Erin
Kelley, Allie Bridenburg
Team Us • Arvada West w Green Mountain L Evergreen 0 Conifer 0 Summit w Wheat R idge L Elizabet h w Centaurus L Skyv1ew L Eng l ewood w Alameda w D ' Evelyn L D enver West w Longmont L 134 Jr Var s ity Voll eyball --~-- -- -Them L w 0 0 L w L w w L L w L w ( tj I f 1-i J I I I .I \ 4.
JR Varsity Volleyball TP.am
Back Row left to right: N icole
,;; ,I f~ n 1 l a s Level m Volleyball TP-arn Back Row left to r i ght : Ky ra , She lby Neb e ker, A my M c Kenzie , Am y Tay lor Mi ddle Row : Hannah F i shburn , E mma Ke tt , Coac h J e n Byrne Alex Ev an s , K a tie Ko prow ic z Front Row : N ico l e Loyd Emil y Rutherfo rd Team T homas Jefferson Green Mounta in Skyv iew B ear Creek El izabeth D ' Evelyn Evergreen Wheat Ri dge A rvada A lameda Summit En glewood Conifer Centa u rus U s Them 25 13 16 25 25 9 12 2 5 13 25 19 25 12 25 13 25 25 22 25 16 5 25 ' 20 25 14 25 25 13 Level m Volleyball 135
Hitting. Senior Jeremy Barton watching his ball soar Jeremy has been on the golf team all four seasons
- -
Freshman Zachariah Jordan , calculating how he's going to sink a difficult putt
Varsity Boys Ool!
"Solid effort from the Senior class, although we were disappointed that we didn ' t qualify more golfers for State I'm very happy about next year w ith the team being run by Johnathan Richy " - Coach Anderson
-~~~--------~--------- - - ------~ ~-~--------..
.. l? •• •• - l? e'l :7 f -= } ...- { I ) ( I l? I •• ' . <?J . ' -·•• i \ \ % " i ,, <i,~ ' -I ... - :.--'b -
Ready. Sophomore Johnathan Richy eyeing the next hole Choosing the right club can make all
Front row left to right : B randon H aifley, Z achariah Jordan , Jason Platt , Jeffery Perrin Middle row left to rlght : And re w Sander, Dustin Grove , Johnathan Richy, Jason Barton, Daniel Graebel Top row :Coach Anderson, Zac A cree , Michael Chacho, Brandon Potthoff, Jeremy Barton , David Graebel
II I Varsity Golf GHS Broadlands 6th I I Broken Tee 6th Indian Tree 8th Indian Peaks 5th West Woods 2nd The Meadows 6th Over All 6th • Varsity Boys Goll 137
Group eff ort . Senior Ira Cochran and Juniors Eben Berg and Chris Langworthy watch their teammates ' matches " I love watching Tennis,'' said Cochran
Team Huddle . The boys gather together before they break into their singles or doubles on the Golden home courts
138 Varsity Boys Tennis
Crunch Time. The boys get prepped for another victory They line up to meet their opponents and get pumped up
Team Alameda Bear Creek Colorado Academy Centaurus Conifer D ' Evelyn Evergreen Englewood George Washington Wheatridge Arvada t I U s Them 7 0 5 2 1 6 6 1 3 4 1 6 2 5 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 0 • Varsity Boys Tennis 139
• Varsity Boys T~nnis First row left to right : Tim Fab1s1ak, Chad Park , CJ O'Neill , Calvin Staub, Eliot Green , Connor Ruybal, Logan Sauer, J oe Hall , Chris Langworthy Second Row l eft to right : Sage Nowak, Marte ll Guenther, Ph il Lahnert, Eben Berg , Jacob Vaughn , Coach Westerkamp, Mick M1nobe, Pa.tton Ruybal, Ira Cochran , Jared Vaughn , Au sti n Potthoff.
• Taking off: Seniors A st r a Moss and Max Sheftte-Jacobs pose for a quick pic t ure after they cross the finish hne
Getting together: The cross country team poses get candid before one of their meets They' re all set up for the big race and show their Demon pnde
140 Cross Country
Bel ow: Junior R ac h e l H e bb e rd trying her hardest during a cross country meet , she 1s one ot the top runners on the team
At Regional competition, the gir ls placed 2nd and the boys placed 6th.
Brooke Wineland and Whitney Bretz were just some of the gi rls who placed higher than 25th at State competition and Ian Rogers also qualified
Overa ll , the had a great season wi t h lots of hope for t he years to come.
: Caitlyn L1zza, Mike
Trevor Bruton , Astra Moss Second Ro w left to r i ght : Cour t ney Smith , Kurt Zimmerman , Whitney Bretz , Max ShefteJacobs, Jesse Rogers, Justine Chrysler, Aaron Smi t h, Oestinee Starr, Micheal Hansen , Ryan Jones, Ali C,enz Third Ro w le ft t o right : Julia Von Dreele , Emily Orellng , Jason Kinnard , Nick Mullen , Tyler Colle , Brooke Wineland, Sierra Oolecheck, Colton Puschbacker, Ian Rogers, Hannah H ebbard Fou rth R ow left t o right : Mr M endoza, Alex Karo, Zach Herr, Andrea Thomas, Rachel Hartman , Kameron Tiball-Shoulo, Jake He nry Hannah Bn tz, Rachel Hebbard, Matt Kilpatrick , Coach Colluc1 Fifth Row le ft t o rig ht : Tony Neumyer, r'ynan Witters-Hie, Mitch Spence, Timmy Strayley, Victoria Eagen, Megan Martinez , Nate Cusack, Adam Burns, Roland Haas
1..1~ - • •. • -
-1 Cro ss Country Team Front Row
eft to
Cross Country 141
Right: Team goalie, Jordan Arellanes , gets ready for the game His position takes a ton of concentration and a good eye for detail
\ I I l ' 142 Boy s Varsity Soccer --
Below: Varsity team huddles around to give some motivation to each other before the game
R11 n
Lakewood High S c hoo l
Arvada H i gh Sch o ol
Mitchell H i gh School
Eagle Valley H i gh School
Denver South
Englewood High S c hool
Elizabeth H i gh S c hool
Centaurus H i gh S c h o ol
Con ifer High S c ho o l
Wheat R i dge High S c hoo l
Summ it Sr H i gh Sch o o l
Alameda Sr H i gh S c ho o l
D ' Ev elyn Sr H i gh S c ho ol
Pra irie View H i gh S c ho ol
Evergreen H i gh S c h o ol
z: .L
ning to Vi c t ory: Jack Retrum and Drew Reveille are smiling for the accomplishment of working hard and winning the game.
Varsity Soccer Front row left to r ight : Eric Fable, Kevin Johnson, Jesse Castro, Carl Breer, Travis McStraw, Matt Kerridge, Justin Unger, Ian Huff, Drew Revielle. Back Row : Coach Huntsman, Head Coach Radu Macu, Matt Carmen, Collin Smith, Jordan Howes, Jordan Arellanes, Ale x Martinez, Andrew Cooper, Taylor Mears, Jack R etrum, Dean Mallec.
Us Th em W in L os e Win Lose Wi n Lose Lo se Win Lose W in Win Los e Win Lose T i e T ie Lo se W in Lose Wi n L os e Win W in Lose Lose Wi n W in L ose Win Lose Boys Var si ty Soccer 143
Luis Perez
Trey B ro wn i ng , Travis Caton , Charley Thomas , Jacob Perryman Odd Jacobson , Nick Koentges Back Row : Lucas Flui tt, Aust,r
M c Straw, Tyler Tas ci, Ryan Myers , Max McCall , Nolan A lbrecht, Sky Reed, Connor Baldry, Evan Dam i ana , R yan Stengel, Sarr Anders on , Coach Pedro R abadan
, Tea m L akewoo d H S M itchell H S Eagle Valley H S Den v er South H S Englewood H S Arva da H S Centa urus H S C on ife r H S Whe a t R i dge H S Summit Sr H S Alameda Sr H S D' Ev elyn H S Prai ri e V i ew H S Ev ergreen H S 144 Jr Var-sity Boys So c ce r Us T i e Win W in Win W in W in Lo se W in T i e W i n Win Tie W in Lose Them Tie Los e L o s e Lo se Lo s e Los e W in L ose T i e Lose Lo s e T ie Lo s e W in
Soccer Front row left to right :
Extracurricular Sports 145
Getting Ready for the big game . Senior Rhett Nebeker and Junior Ryan Stokes are pumped up for the big game against Ralston Valley
Shooting for Three. Junior Ryan Stokes practices shooting from the three-point line before the game , hoping to land some later for the Demons
I •I
146 Varsity Boys Bask e tball
Playing it old school. This year the uniforms for the team are as as functional as they are fashionab le
Team Golden vs Ralston Valley Golden vs Montrose Golden vs Peyton Golden vs D'Evelyn Golden
Palmer Golden
Green Mtn Golden
Mullen Golden
Summit Golden
Standley Lake Golden
Arvada Golden
Centaurus Golden
Wheat Ridge Golden
Englewood Golden
Conifer Golden
Evergreen Golden
Elizabeth Golden
Evelyn Golden
Alameda Golden
Arvada Golden
Centaurus Golden vs Summit Golden vs Wheat Ridge Golden vs Moffat County Us Them 68 72 64 81 85 83 49 68 75 63 41 89 73 85 59 56 91 39 65 56 77 63 81 72 61 54 80 59 73 61 73 63 71 58 59 64 86 67 66 54 87 57 62 51 67 63 Unavailable Varsity Boys Basketball 147 I •
•~v~ 9,_ iwful'Top Row Left to right : Keaton Dille , Robert Holland , Rhett Nebeker, Ryan Stokes, Assistant Coach-Connor Chapman , Bob Haye s, Head Coach-John Anderson , Adam Mitchel, Trevor Evanson , Alex Miller, Patrick Hart , Tannner Wittek J:ront Row l e ft to Righ t: Austin Spatz , Richard Tu , and Jordan Johnson
Demons Basketball!
vs Lewis
• 148 J .V.
Boys Bask etball
• JWtfor Vtn11y 9><M'IJ Left to right : Matt Bones10, Nick Castanon, Connor Field ing , Rory O'Brien , Travis Fossett , Coach Adam Mitchell, Coach Steve D ille, Alex Martinez , Brad Chacho , Nick Gilpin , Carl Breer. Not pictured : Robert Holland
•~J...tmR11 Mfuf Top row left to right : Ryan Murphy, Austin Hager, Jake Kalinoski , Ryan Wareham , Coach
Level In Boys Basketball 149
ISteve Dille, Coach Adam Mitchell , Aaron Klingenberg , Leonard Holland , Luke Pule , Corey Gardner Bottom row left to right : Joe Mateus , Jorge West-Martinze, Mitchell Powers .
· bat Net!
K«pl>ig ,r- fo.gt,11,e,-. The team takes a moment to huddle up and get prepared for their upcoming game Teamwork and friendship can make the year a huge success , no matter how many wins or losses in the season
Kaila Sutter , Sam Sherman , Kyl ie Santos and Lacey Hufnagel show their opponents that Golden Girl's Basketball means business
I I , _L·•-~K--~- _. -----~-
180 Girls Varsity Basketball
Tol,, ng Ocdrol Lacey Hufnagel prepares for t he return (left) while Golden shoots for two at the free throw line (nght) and the girls bring 1t 1n for a quick pep talk at the half (below)
• v~ Bb NflJ Left to R ight : Kat Noriega , Kylie Santo s, Sam Sherman , Ka ila
• Team Golden vs Summit Golden vs Arvada Golden vs Centaurus Golden vs Wheat Ridge Golden vs Conifer Golden vs Evergreen Golden vs Elizabeth Golden vs D ' Evelyn Golden vs Alameda Golden vs Arvada Golden vs Centaurus Golden vs D ' Evelyn Golden vs Summit Golden vs Wheat Ridge Us Them 33 39 49 43 39 68 28 63 38 57 35 54 39 57 40 65 49 35 55 61 31 76 55 66 45 32 38 73 Girls Varsity Basketball 161
Sutter, Coach Scott Deem, Coach Lauren O ' Connell , Coach Davi d Wells , Coa c h Amy Garland , Shannon Seery, Kailey Osbaugh , Lacey Hufnagel , Abbey Shee s ley
---',____~ •---~S, ------' ~:::::t'= \::.!: · =:::::::i 162 J V Girls Basketball
Go-u- Jwr1or Va,dJI RnLdi,;,I Left to right: Annie Fauble , Lisa Moulton, Jordan Mallec Kaitlyn Tnpp, Coach Lauren O ' Connell , Coach David Wells , Coach Amy Garland, Shelby Nebeker, Kassandra Stroh, Chandler Price , Missy Conklin
1.1:\(1:1. 111 (jl 11I.S l3i\Sl(l:·1·I1;\I.I.
irmm: Level Ill Girls Basketball 163
Gtfr La.'mPu '».tful'Back row left to r i ght : Chelsea Murray, Nicole Roman , Alex Karo, Akello Alay, Coach Amy Garland , Coach David Wells , Chelsea Norris , Amanda Shephard , Marcelle Sprackling , Ann Marie Diener Front row left to right : Hannah Nia, Maddy Carman , Kim Morris
Wrestling until
Rollin' on the floor . Seniors Andrew Trujillo, Justin Midyet , Logan Sauer, and Junior Adam Arellanes warm up by rolling on the floor stretching out their muscles to practice Warming up is the number one priority so the athletes don ' t get hurt
the end. Junior Brandon Gage hoists a Wheat Ridge farmer in the air during the dual that led to a great pin and an awesome win for Brandon You definitely "Beat the Wheat! "
164 Varsity Wrestling
• Get psyched, Demon wrestlers get ready for their upcoming matc hes Although eac h mat eti 1s a solo effort , team members certainly gain mot1vat1on from their teammate s on an d off the mat
·,~ ·· ' } l
Lohman , Junior Adam
Coach Frost
Sophomore Brandon
Dakota J Greene Team Elizabeth Dual Golden Invitat io nal Conifer Dual Wheat Ridge Invitational Mountain Ridge Monarch Dual Alameda Dual Boulder Valley Invi tational Wheat Ridge Dual Evergreen Invi tat io nal Jefferson Dual Evergreen Dual Valley Invitational Englewood Dual Thoma s Jefferson Invitat io nal Arvada Dual Us 34 6th 52 2nd 5th 43 61 6th 56 4th 69 63 6th 49 9th 48 Them 44 25 35 15 17 9 15 25 27 Varsity Wrestling 156 I
• Varsity Wrestling: Front row left to right: Junior Matt Kallhoff, Junior Connor Marshall , Junior Ryan Jones Freshman Garrett Hornack, and Freshman Ashton Furry Middle Row from left to right : Coach Sauer Senior Logan Sauer, Sophomore Jeff Roth, Junior Brandon Nelson , Senior Justin M1dyet , Senior Brandon Gage , Ju nior Athan Clark, and Coach Marv Back Row from left to right : Sophomore Kyle
Senior David Rothrock, Coach
, Freshman Matt Morvay, Senior Andrew TruJillo, Junior Nathan
Stoeber, and Sophomore
Taking it to the pool. Senior Eryn Oehlert dives 1n with the hope of beating her opponent.
Captain 0 ' Captain. Juniors Jesse Rodgers , Kelsey Koentges , Senior Samantha Rivera and Sophomore Brooke Wineland stop for a quick picture before they have to get back to swimming
166 Gir ls Swimm i ng and Diving
Spinning Splash! Golden 's divers demonstrate their perfect diving form Sophomore Brooke W i neland qualified for State and the diving team had a great season all around
lillll.S S\f\fl~'11~'111NCI & 1)1\fl~~c;
Swim and Dive: Front row left to right Abby Jordan , Ali Senz , Kenna Vickers , Kelly Gilas Kaitlyn Gilbert, Eryn Oehlert , Brit Brothers , Mia Senz, Kiley VonDreele , Caitlyn O 'fallon , Sarah Joyce , Keeh Zigich Middle row left to right: Liza Bollinger, Gina Saunders, Jesse Rodgers , Julianna Versaw, Coach Greg Kottcamp, Coach Melissa Fine, Coach Rick Williams , Katie Johnson , Samantha Rivera , Maddie Eve rest, Em ily Rutherford Back Row left to right : Kelsey Koentges , Taylor Egen , Catherine rathbone Christina Ott, Brook Wineland , Whitney Bretz , Hannah Hebberd , Ariana Castro , Madison Firth , Dana Martin
Team Evergreen 4A JEFFCO R elay Meet Summit Lakewood Englewood Standley Lake Centaurus 4AJEFFCO League Meet Us Them 97 86 2nd Place 101 81 82 103 152 52 152 115 108 89 2nd Place Girls Swimming and Diving 157
• Team Bonding . The dance team sits down and enioys each other's company before they head on stage to perform dunng halftime "Right before we hit the stage , we perform our routine in our heads so we get 1t perfect " comments Cassie Sosa
• Number 1. The girls show off their nbbons and trophies for scoring #1 at Regionals The dance team scored the highest than they had ever scored at the compet1t1on We definitely have so much to be proud of, and 1t was a conf 1dence booster "' says Taylor Custer
168 Dan ce Team
up the crowd. The dance team pumps up the crowd at the Homecoming a.:,sembly to get the students rowdied up for the huge game "Homecoming 1s my favorite day to perform because the entire school has energy," says Paige Mi tc hell
• Good Luck Demons. While waiting to find out what they placed at Regionals , the dance team puts 1n their feet to symbolize good luck 1n hopes of winning first , they ended up scoring 4th The theme this year for dance is "Crazy" and the girls wore heavy make-up, teased hair, straight Jacket , and knee-high Converse Dan ce Team 189
• Varsity Dance . Front row left to r i ght : Brooke lannacito Becca Nitz Nikki Elliot Marisa Hartel! Midd le row left t o r ight : E rica Caton, Kori Shea, Larissa Caton Sarah Browning Paige Mitchell B ac k row le ft to r i ght : Amalie Lerche Taylor Custer Jodi Kinnen Jackee Jensen Cassie Sosa Aubrey Lerche
Competitive Spirit! The cheer squad worked really hard on their routine for State Competition , and in the end , all their hard work paid off' They placed 9th in the Co-Ed Competition
Stand up high. Our Demon cheerleaders give great support on holding up the flyers during the regional competition
160 Varsity Cheer
-R~,(II \l[d R \ I ' )'$IC; ~·SQIOOI.,,___.,.....
1 Live to cheer! Golden cheer squad performs an astonishing pyramid with the help of their Coach, Mrs Hunter, at the Homecoming assembly.
1 Varsity Cheerleaders: Front row : Charissa Deutsch , Cassie Tompson , Holly Rollin , S1ephanie Velasquez, Taylor Bolton , Amanda Hens ley Middle row : Brianna Stauffer, Melanie Jarvis, Lesley Swim , Kayla Kutter, Carly Douglas , Tara Mattson , Caitlin Sullivan , Chanda Nguyen , lor i Rossow, Back row : Amanda Roesch , Ashley Dyer, Andrea Craycraft, Dana K ie l , Colin Kiel , Hayley Love, Destini Sell , Shayla Alli son , Jessica Wi llis
1 The new start: All of the Demon Cheerleaders worked really hard while learn.1ng new cheers at cheer camp It wasn't easy work, but after cheer camp \'las over, they were ready to boost the spirit of Golden High School.
I Vu sity Football 161
The Babies and Buddies section was first seen in the Golden High School Yearbook in 1983. Back then there were only about ten entries total as opposed to today when we have over a hundred. From past to present, we all love looking at our fellow graduates as "youngins." Here's a flashback to previous alumni and their snapshots of the cute, the awkward, and the silly. Left to Right: Lisa Kay in 1983, David Meyer in 1985 and Jody Hauser in 1986 .
-Sabios and -Suddios
When \\e \\ ere kids \\e dtdn 't ah\ays get along, but no\\ that \.\e're grov,nng up things ha\e gotten better' I lo\e you and I hope that \\, hen you go off to college you are at your happiest! I lo\ e you Alexander'
Lo\e. Madi Evan
You are a \\Onderful son and make be ing a parent an extremely easy Job We are very proud of you. All the best. you'll be great at \\hate\er you decide to do.
Love, Mom and Dad
"Sunshine" T his \\as not only your nickname, but this 1s \.\ hat you are 1n ou r life. You are such an 1nsp1rat1on Thank ) ou for ah\ ays doing your best. Be blessed and 1no\ e fon\'ard \\ 1th your love and support
Mom and Dad
Kaylynn Asmussen
Kay, our little girl. \\ e are so proud of you I It has been re,.,. ard1ng ,vatch1ng you beco1ne a ,vonderful young lad1 A lot 1s behind you, ,v,th a lot ahead of you, charge fonvard ,, tth as much energy that you ah\ ays ha\ e. Have fun, laugh often, ,ve \\. ill be here through 1t all
We love you 11 Lo,c, Mom and Dad
Taylor Nat alia Ali aniell o
You came into th is world fully loade d : The soul of an artist full of S\veet compass 1c n and \v 1cked creativity. Your profound humor, humil i ty an<l relentless pursuit of authenticity 1n you r self and others 1nsp1res the better angels 1n all of us. We love you madl y. Mom, Dad, and Fallon
Evan Anderson
T hanks for a l\vays kee ping hold of me. Yo u ·re a great brother!
Kaylynn Asmussen
JoJo, I really \\ 1sh I could have spent senior year ,, 1th you. Everything happens for a reaso n 1nclud1 ng ho\\ stro ng\.\ e are I ca nnot\\ ai t for t he rest of ou r Journey beca use no ma tter ,vhat I PR O MI S E ,ve 'll n1ake 1t th r ough anyt h ing. I' m o h so proud of you.
Kaylynn Asmussen
Sta rfi sh, I cou ld no t have as ked fo r a bet ter you nger sis ter. You a re n1y best fn end an d a l,vays \ \ 111 be no matte r ho\.\ fa r \Ve are fron1 o ne a no th er. Kn o, v you ,v 11l a h.\ays have a specia l place in my heart. Go set the ,vorld on fi re ! I love yo u Ka)!
Nathan Baalman
ate. Congratulations! You have gro\, n up into suc h a s,, eel and ,vonderful young man and I am so very proud of e'veryth 1ng you ha, e become. Follo,v yo ur dr~am s, s ta y s trong and remember I \'viii al,vays be here for yo u I Love you more than life i tself
Jeremy Barton
We are so proud ofyou 1 A l,vays remember that ,, e lo\ e, lo\ e, lo\ e yo u!! !
Dad Mom and J ason
Carly Beetham
Up to th is point in yo ur hfe
I 've ah, ays bee n there holding th e umbre lla to keep you out of the rain. So here 's so me advice ,vhen the dook1 e hit s th e fan, du ck! I lov e yo u and I'm proud of you moo se Your brother Jamey
Na than Baalman
Congratulatio ns budd}. I am so proud of you I It see n1s lik e last ,veek \,\ e ,, e re s neak in g around go in g to football games. nd1ng our bik es around Golden and try in g to get home before Mom d id Folio," you r dreams and yo u can do anything you \\a nt to. J lov e yo u'
Lo"e. Ja y
Carly Beetham
You ha,e ah,ays taken on the \vorld and its c hall enges and ,, e a re proud of your accompli sh me nt s
Lo\.e ya, Mom and Dad
Erika Biesinger
Erika ( 8 00 80 0) you are such a ,vonderful perso n. and you mean everyt hing to me I'm so glad yo u are apart of my li fe.
Remembe r that I'll a l,vays be there for you no matter \vhat. ever lose fait h for God is \\ 1th yo u MMMWWAA!
Lo, e a l\\ ays Jared (your J a r-Ja r)
Kyle Beers
Sno oty. Have I e\er told yo u you ,,ere th e cu tes t baby" And ho\\ I ha ve been pn v tl eged enough to see you gro,, up 1n to a beautiful yo un g lady I still remember,, hen ,, e starte d the C5 o r built the best rocket out of a ll th e ph ys ics classes! Here's to us 1 -Yo ur o th e r half. Il ona
Erika Biesinger
Congra tulati o ns. you made tt ! We are very proud of yo u and Io, e you very much
Mo m and Dad
t J I
Josh Blythe
Josh Bud , you are such a ··spec ial" person v. ho ca n go out 1n th is \\ orl d and follow his dream I am so proud and happy for\\ ho you are You a re "truly" blesse d and I an, also for having you ,n my life'
Love fore, er, Grandma Ken 1s
l lo,e you so n1uch and I' m proud of e, eryth1ng }OU ha\ e accomplished. not onl} are you my brother but my best fnend We ha\' e been through so much to ge ther r II ne, er forget e\ eryth1ng you have done for me You ha\'e suc h a big heart and ha,e a bnght future ahead of you. I ,, 111 ahvays be here for yo u no matter ho,, far apart \\e are I lo,e }OU 1
Lisa Bogobowicz
Happy da ys!
C hildh ood has passed an d you are moving on, but love and famlly ahvays remains We lo\ e you al\\'ays.
M om and Dad
We are so prou d of you ! Ma you always be a fe,1, step s ahead in th e game of life
G ma, Brigette and Warren
We love you so much and you make us so proud The ,vorld is such a better place ,vith you 1n 1t. Thanks for being such a great son.
L O\ e ahvays, Mo m and Dad
Nick Boxler
From ABC 's to WRX 's From Ma c & Cheese to Ma ci nto s h Fro m Po,, er Ran ge rs to Guitar Hero es. From Deer Creek to Clear Creek Fro1n a co ld winter 's morn ' in ·9 1 to a '" arm Ma y day in ' 09 . You r life ha s chang ed 1n so man y ,vays, and ou r love for yo u never ,vill.
Mom and Dad
Lisa Bogo bowicz
Thanl--. yo u for being such a good fnend rll al,vays remember all the good time s we had gro,, 1ng up
Ale , you al,vays knev. just \\ hen I needed yo u . r 11 miss you \\ hen you go off to college . I ca n ' t ,va it to see ,vhat you become I love you so much
Love, Your little sister Megan '' Egan"
Alex Buehler
" I kno\\ the plans I have for you " (Jeremia h 29: 11) and "e can't \l,,a 1t to see'" hat they are! You ha\e a \\Onderful Journey ahead of you We love you and are proud of you!
Mom and Dad
Kevin Carni cello
It seems like Just yesterday\\ e ,vere begging Mom to buy us pokeman cards and beanie bab1es 1 You're truly the best brother I could ask for. You ah\ays knO\\ ho,, to mak.e me laugh. e, en 1f you're laughing at me 1 I'm going to miss our Slurpee runs and shoe shopping more than you can 1mag1ne I Good luck 1n college!
Lo, e. Chnsune
Kristine QuilangCastro
Congratulat ions on reaching this miles tone i n your life We \V1sh yo u success 1n fu ture endeavors. As you trans1t1o n in to adulthood. rest assure tha t your pare nts and s is ter \Vtll love an d s upport you.
Love. Mom. Dad a nd Kathryn
Kristine QuilangCastro
Congra tu la tions! We are very pro ud o f you for g radu ating fro m high sc hool. We kno\V yo u \Vt ll ac h ieve great th i ngs. You a re smart a nd ki nd. Goi ng to college \V ill be a big ste p , bu t you ,, 111 be r ea dy. We lo, e you!
Lo, e, Collee n and Kim
Kevin Carnicello
You ha\ e brought great JO) into our II\ es and ha, e been e, Cl")1hmg ,, e could e,er "ant ma on You ha,e an mcred1ble "a} of understanding ,, hat 1s important 1n lili!. espcc1all) in the "3) ) ou lrea1 other; You ha, e ah, ay~ been ) our O\\ n person and ha, e tncd to do the right thing. l\o matter\\ here )OU go m life. ,,e I.no\\ that )OU \\111 e'\Ccl \II our lo,e. torn and Dad
Katherine Carter
We are so proud of 1 ou. You ah\ays accomplish '"hat you set your mind to As you pass this milestone knov. that \\ e a re ah, ays here for you as you beg in your life as a young lady
Love, Mother and Father
Kristine QuilangCastro
Congrats' We\ e kept 1n touch for 6 years nO\\ 1 You·, e come a long \\ ay from Cah to Colorado I ,, ant you to kr1o,, that I truly appreciate that \\e·,e kep t 1n touch and influenced each other 111 countless \\'a}s. I' Il never fo rget you and our fn endsh1p 1n L A. -Chr1st1an
Kristine QuilangCastro
My BFF. t he day you and I met,, i ll ah\ays be cherished. We·\ e gro\vn togethe r done a lot together, and no matter \\ ah t, been t he re for each other Nothing" tl l tear us apart See you in L.A. soon.
Lo, e ya lots, Vanessa
I J'
Kristine QuilangCastro
Knst1ne you are the best sister a brother can ask for You are al\vays in a great mood and bring a smile to everyone ·s face . I'n1 happy you've made 1t this far and hope you succee d 1n the future.
Love your brother, Luis Zuniga
Kristina Chavez
You \Vere such a pretty baby and you ha\e grO\\Il up to be a beautiful young \\Oman We are so proud of you. Remember. you can be anything you \\ ant to be We Just \\. ant you to be happy
We love you. Mom and Dad
Taylor Cleveland
Even though \\e are all grov.n up. you \v1ll ah\ays be my baby sister and I \\ 1ll ahvays look out for you
Love. your Big Bro
Erika Caton
We are very proud of the person you have become. Ycu have he l ped us realize\\ hat s truly important 1n l ife. You r ··1·11 do it myse lf' attitude \vill help you fulfill all of your dreams We \v1sh you a lifetime of happiness. We are blessed to ha\e you. Love you. Mom and Dad
Taylor Cleveland
We,, ill a}\\ays be proud of you. our bro\vn eyed girl. Your creath tty and artistry are so special. Dream grea t d reams and make them come t rue
We love you very, , ery much. Mom and Pa pa
Taylor Cleveland
Man.\\ e ,vere so cute back then. \Vhat the heck happened" Even though \Ve squabbled sometimes. ,veil, actually, most of the t1mt:. ,ve still loo!-. up to you as our big sis Watt no, \Ve look do" n to you shorty. We all love you , ery much and are gonna n11ss our s1ng1ng sessions 1n the car.
Lo\ e Tor. Ty and Tob
Ira Cochran
We are so proud of you a nd \Vho you are. It has been a JOY to have you around, \\atching you grow i nto a fi ne young man God bless you no\\ and 1n the future. We trust you and the path you wi ll take.
Much love. Mom. Dad and Becca
Andrew Cooper
We love yo u so mu ch Andre\, 1 Th a nk you fo r your goo d na tu re. beaut ifu l s mil e and \\ o nd erful se nse of hum or We ar e exc it ed to "a tch and see " here l ife ta kes you.
Love al\, ays, Mo m Dad an d Da, 1d
Eric Cosper
You are the love of my life I knO\\ Grandma\\ ou ld be so proud of you. Good luck to you 1n all your adventures 1n life I \VJll ah" ays be there for you and re1nember that I love you \vith all my heart 1
Taylor Custer
Taylor, you amaze me e'v eryday When I developed this picture. I remember thinking ''there goes my baby" and nO\\ 1t 1s really time for you to go out and amaze the \\Orld! My pride for you is O\en\ helming. Go Baby and be amazing! I' ll be here for you and lo\ e you forever!
Taylor Cyr
Since the day you \Vere born you have brought us JOY We are proud beyond \\ ords of the person you ha\ e become We love you, Mom and Dad
Madison Dale
Madison. I belie, e that true success 1sn ' t measured 1n monetary value Success 1s finding happiness. making the most of relat1onsh1ps and being your best self I ha,e e, ery confidence that ,, hatever path you choose to take, 11 ,viii be the right one for you I \\tll ah\a}S be proud of}OU
l lo\e }OU.
Taylor Custer
To Schmook.
I lo\e you you ha\e ah\ays been there for me and ha\ e held me up through out my life I Just \\ant you to kno," that I \\ ill be there to do the same for you
Taylor Custer
My Princess you ha\ e danced your ,vay into our heart5 fore, er You are a true friend to your peers. a leader to n1an y and a beautiful and caring heart for those 1n need Ma 1 the next steps 1n your Journey continue to inspire us all Lo\e you.
Paden Dailey
Papa d1dn 't call tt "The Hulk" then. but you ha, e n1ade 1t ) ours e, er st nee you \\ ere t\\ o and k.1ssed the bumper' He may not be here today, but he. ltke all of us. are extreme!) proud ofyou 1 Congratulat1ons, Pode'! Lo, e you \ery much, Your family
Madison Dale
You 're the best sister anyone could ask for You ha, e ah\ ay s accepted and lo\ ed me no matter,, hat. You ha, e been there for n1e I ,, ii I ah\ a1s respect you You are the nice s t person I k.no,\ I \\ 1II m 1ss } ou so n1uch I love you more than anyone Love. Ke, 1n
eJ a • t leq •,a .._ -
Madison Dale
You are the daughter I \\ 1she d for. and again you have made me so proud .
Love Dad
Marissa Davis
We think yo u a re amazing! Your passion for \1,,hate,er yo u choose to take on ha s allO\\ ed you to O\ e rcome so me tough tin1e s. A hvays remember to ha\ e a kind heart and a gen tl e so ul and that family \\ 1ll always be there for yo u.
Mom and Dad
Marissa Davis
Thanks for believi ng 1n me \\ hen fe,v did You are go ing to looooove co ll ege almost as much as yo u love Hi gh Sc hool Mu s ical 143
PS This co unt s for Pattie too :)
Emily Dr eiling
Hey Bab}' So it's cra7} to think you're actually graduating. It seem, like Just yesterday we ,, ere takin g pictures m our n,at c hm g Christmas s,, caters I miss those days o f M om p1ck1ng out ou r clot hes and pull mg out the ca mera to film us Getung ready m the tn orn1ngs ,, on ' t be the same,, 1thout you I mean, I ma, actually be on um e for once' Just kidding' You kno,\ I'rn go ing to n11ss you a ton I hope you ha, e fun a t college. "hercver yo u go ' Love you a Lon ,,oman 1 I'll miss you' LO\e, You r baby-sis Eltse
Maris sa Davis
Moe- It seems like Just yesterda you \\ ere \\ eanng those goof) S\veatsu 1ts and se tting up a\Vk\\ a ·d mo,. ie dates for us You '"e been my sister I never had. my bestfnend m, go-to person and m) s houlder to lean on fo r ten years Thank yo u for those }ears l'm go ing to miss }OU. Don't forget about us. ok'>
I love you. Han
Marissa Davis
l'vf ts, man oh man you have real ly grO\\'n up fast S1s 1 I \Vant you to kno,., that ,, hen I th ink about you, I think of the mo st gorgeous gi rl I' ve e,er met and by far my favonte person in the universe! Good lu ck ,v 1th college'!
Emily Dreiling
We are so lucky to ha, e a daughter as kind and loving as you. We are , ery proud of you r accomplishments and are so e>..cited for,, hat your future holds. We kno w you ,vill ha, c con tinued success and hope you find your \l, ay to a happ) and fullfill1n g life.
Lo ve you, Mo m and Dad
Katherine Duncan
Kate (Poo), You have ah\ays had a knack with yo ur horses and co,., s. Good luck ,vith everything) ou do You have come a long ,va)
Lo ve ya lots, Morn and Dad
Katherine Duncan
Katie. You ha\ e ah, ays been my joy. Looking fon, ard to you tak ing over the Ranch .
Lo\e, Dad
Ashley Dyer
You have gro\\'n more today, child of mine Surely you ·11 remember ho\" I rocked you in the night. Can't you stay here this\\ ay. child of mine? Just a litt le \\ htle can I "atch you smile before my little one 1s all gro\\ n a\\ ay.
AlaryaLisa Marie Evanko
To our Little Lisa Bug. Weren't\\ e JUSt ,, alking \\ 1th you to kindergarten? H ov. quickly you have become a young \\Oman ready to begin a ne\v life chapter It has been a great JOY "atch1ng you grO\\, learn, and ll\ e L o,e, Mom and Dad
·'You can't go to college no\, I'll miss you!"
Lo, e, Allison
Alyssa Rae Duran
I am \ ery proud of you, and I love you 1 You ha\ e accomplished a lot and there is onl} one place more to go higher Set your goals high and } ou shall fly You are and \\ di a l\, ays be my baby II I lo\ e you!
Love you lots, Mom and Joelle
Lisa Marie Evanko
Ha\ 1ng }OU around ah, a)s makes "I life fun and 1nteresung. Your graduation has come \\ a) too fast. but rm looking fon\ ard to sce1 ng you on this side of high school Thank )OU for so man) good limes. and thank ) ou for being the amazing sister ) ou are Lo\e, Bnan
Eric Fauble
We ha, e al\\ ays been proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You ha\ ea bnght future\\ 1th endless poss1btl1t1es. We have all the confidence 1n the \\ orld that } ou \\ Ill succeed 1n \\ hate, er you set out to do Continue to n1ak.e good choices. .., L ove. Mom and Dad
Melissa Ferris
Ma} graduation be a stepping stone to a happ), and product!\ e future Good luck 1n all you do
Love. Grandn1a and Pop
Melissa Ferris
Congratulations Meli ssa' Thi s ts the fir s t 1n the line of maJor accomplishments 1n yo ur life and probably the bigge s t step going fonvard We all \\ 1sh you nothing but the best 1n the ye ars to come.
With Love, Uncle Franci s. Aunt Leslie, Paul , and Courtney
Spencer Flower
Spencer. We are so proud of you You ha\ e ah\·ays marched to the beat of yo ur O\\n drum Continue to do so. tt ha s \\Orked so "' ell for y ou " Your future 1s so bnght you gotta" ear s hade s !"
LO\e You. Mom and Dad
Daniel Froyen
Daniel- Make e\ery day yours!! You are T HE MA !!
Lo\e, Mom and Dad
Melissa Ferris
Melissa. you hel pe d me through some to ugh times \Vhen I liked lemons and all they had \vas limes You believed in me fo r all these years. No\v, 1t 1s time to say "C heers!" I knO\V I don' t say t much, but I lo, e you. Melissa. a ,vho le bunch!
Spencer Flower
To ou r pain 1n the @,,#0,o brot her, ,ve \.Vould n't want you any other \vay! Congratu lations on your grad uat ion and good luck 1n college.
Lo\ e, Zach and T re\
Whitney Glandt
Whit ney, I am so proud of your courage and perse, erance ,, hen facing ad vers1 ty: se lf rel iancc and acceptance of respon s 1bil1ly and or your 1mpress 1ve acco1npl1shments and formidable goals. You ah, ays make good choices Your kindness 1s heartv,.arm1ngAND the bes t 1s yet to come!!
Lo,e You , Mom
Dan. Da n, you're the man! I f you ca n ·t d o 1t nobody can ! 1
Love You. Ky le a nd Jessie
Whitney Glandt
W hitn ey. You \Vil! ,veave a n in te res ting tapes try fo r all to admire. Vivid ly inc lu de my lo\'e and pn de 1n you as yo u choo e the threads
Love, Mo m
Aspen Groff
You're my little pill. that sparl-.. of energy in my life We've gro,\ n so close, you kno,\ me 1ns1de and out. oth1ng ,, 111 replace the memones ,, e share You 're an amazing per5on inside and out, and you ·re going to accomplish e,taord1nal) things
Lo\e you Ah\ays and Fore,er.
Holly Roland Haas
Do or do not, there 1s no ··try " -Yoda Proud of you. \\ e are.
Lo, e, Mom and Dad
Aspen Groff
You ha\e ah\ays been such a gentle heart. \\ ith so much talent and independence! You 're such a beautiful soul 1 Be happy and l1,e all )Our dreams I We are so , ery proud 1
All our LO\ e, Mom and Dad
Lindsey Hamilton
You \\ ere a beautiful happy baby \\ ho became a lo, el) young \\ oman ! Keep \\ ork1ng hard and belie, 1ng in yourself
Congratulations and ma} all 1 our dreams come true for )OU 1
Lo, e you. Mom and Mike
Lindsey Hamilton
Lindsey Loo.
Of tv,, o sisters. one 1s ah\ ays the \\ atcher. one the dancer
Continue to al\\ ays dance to\\ ards your dreams and ne\ er let anything block your\\ ay! There 1s no better friend than a sister, and there 1s no better sister than you 1 Love Alv ays. Stacey
Elizabeth Hartzell
Dear Elizabeth.
Here you are \\1th your bother Erik. You h\0 have ahvays been great buddies. We knov,, that the t\\O of you \\ill continue to support each other o, er life's bumps and hurdles
Congratulat ions- XXX-OOO
Elizabeth Hartzell
Dear Elizabeth.
You \\ ere ah\ ays such a happy baby, e>-.cept \\ hen )- our brother took ) our toys We hope ) ou call) this JOY ,, 1th you through all your end ea,ors.
Love. Mom and Dad
Jordan Howes
You're a cutie. little dudie. dear Jord1e. dear Jord1e. You 're a cut1e, our S\\ eet dud1e. Our S\\eet Jordan Boy' You're a "KEEPER!"
Lo, e }OU son. Mom and Dad
Jordan Howe s
Some of you r best fnends are your oldest friends.
Casey Howrey
Casey, Alv. ays remember the good times, forget th e bad. and kno\\ ho\.\ much you are loved
Maggie Hunt
Ma ggieYou're my best friend. We have had so much fun together over the years. You are suc h a funny. sma rt , beautiful person Congratulations on succeed ing and fin1sh1ng high schoo l!
Lo,e, Ra che l
Maggie Hunt
Maggie the years ,, ent by too fast. I hope you s tay sma rt 1n college
Love Avarie ]
Jordan Howes
No one can predict "vhat the future holds but stay fast to \.\ hat holds true: integrity, responsibility honor, cons1derat1on, kindness. manners , compromise. friendship and family
Our lo" e to you fore, er and a day- Mom and Dad
Casey Howrey
Baby Huey!
Casey Wayne HO\\Tey. our little Katey' We lo\e you more than you can poss ibly kno\v and are so proud of you. You can achieve anything you \\ ant, Just set you r mind to 1t and do it \\1;. \\ ill ah, a)s be here for you Lo\e Mom. Dad. Cory and Cod)
Maggie Hunt
Maggie! You ha, e brought so much love and joy to our fan11ly. Thank you fo r ha, 1ng such strong n1orals and ah, ays making us proud of you. Congratulations on the outstanding job you ha, e done in school We lo\.e you 1
-Mom and Dad
Jackee Jensen
I am so proud of you! Ahvays seek out the path less tra, ele<l It is t he key to greater tlungs and ah,,ays more interesting!
Love. Dad •
-· ..,,,,,._ ',.,..v~,,~ ~,.
J ackee Jens en
At 18 years old, you are our beautiful. bright. star granddaughter. We cannot v,a1t to see \\ hat you do \\ ith your future. \\'e're pos1t1\e \\e'II be proud!
Grandpa Bob and Grandma Joan
Jackee Jensen
I ,vent through 100 or more pictures This \\ as taken 1n Minnesota during the happy days \\ hen you h\·ed nearby. The pictures brought back many memories I am so proud of you and knov. you,, 111 be happy and successful!
Lo\e, Grandma Fran
J ackee Jensen
The dances\\ ere definitely my fa\ onte. See! I al,vays kne" you could letter 1n prom
I love you.
J ackee Jens en
The \\Orld a\\aits You \\tll take it by stonn \\ 1th your beautiful smile and \\ 1tt} charm
Congrats' Uncle Jeff, Aunt Patty and Cousin Lisa
Jackee Jensen
The day you \\ ere born 1 couldn't belie\ e hO\\ lucky J \\as to ha\e a baby girl' It has been\\ onderful to \\atch you gro\\ and become a canng and lo, 1ng 1 oung lady I am , ery proud of you!
Lo\e Mom
Jackee Jensen
He) Jackee. it's Gunner I JUSt ,, anted to sa) that I lo, e you. and 1 had a lot of fun \\ 1th } ou o, er the years
I lo\e} ou, Gunner (Your Brother)
Joshua Johnson
J osh. from the day ,,e held you 1n our arms. \Ve kne,, you \\ ere going to be our special son. We \\ ill al,, ays be proud of you. Keep your amaL1ng smile, your compassion for those around you and ah\ ays let the Lord lead you. We lo\'e you, Dad and Mom
Joshua Johnson
Josh. you ha\ e been a special bles!:>1ng to our family We hope you \\ ill continue to folio,, }Our dreams Congratulations' We are proud of }OU
Granny. Big 1ama, Papa and Aunt Char Char
l •
Josh Johnson
Folk s 1n Colorado call you "J.J ,. but we call you our brother, " Jo sh1e!'' We ha\e cheered you through ba seball, basketball. football, and socce r O\\ \\. e \.\ 111 be there to cheer as you graduate.
Lo\ e you bunches, Enn, Chas. Allie, and Caleb
Megan Kilpatrick
I'm so proud ofyou' I knO\\ you\\ 111 go far 1n life and I'll al\\ays be here for you I'll ne, er forget our funny and crazy memorie s, "A nd this. \\. hat 1s this') A bov. hng ball?" You're the best ltnle s ister
I love you " Big Sis"
Jodi Kinnen
It 1s hard to believe yo u girls are all gro,\. n up and graduatin g It see ms like yesterday you tv. o \\. ere go ing to your Freshman dance. Good luck and con1e see me and Gunnar
I love you. Terry
Megan Kilpatrick
Congratulations. Pumpkin! Happy cooking-you can go anY\vhere and do anything' We lo\ e you to Pluto and back.
Mom, Dad and Marthe\.\
Jodi Kinnen
Jo Jo 1 We 're almost done and I couldn ·t ha Ye done 1t ,, 1thout you. You 've been the best fnend I could ever ask. for and 1f I took anything from high school to heart. ll ·s our friendship. You've ah,ays been there, including that time yo u bailed me out of Jail. ru ne, er forget that. I can't ,, ait to break more rules\\ 1th yo u!
Natasha Nicole Knight
This \vas your first day of your independence. Every day you just kept getting stronger! You are s,veet. smart. funny. and loving! I lo, e you bunc hes'
Lo\e, Mom
Rio Knussmann
Dear Rio Baby Cutie.
Thank you for taking us on the ad\enture of your life You have taught us much about kindness. curios1 ty, and pass ion . We'll mis s your guitar p laying next year. Be \Veil. and al\vays remember the most important thing Mon1 and Dad
Carly Koczera
Thanks for bei ng the bes t crazy big sister. You ahvays made everything ,vi ld er an d that made it better I knO\\ t hat ,vhen you leave it is n 't going to be as fun. I ·11 m iss you lo ts. Go party 1t out in college hke I know you , vi ll !
Love, Katie
Carly Koczera
We are proud of your academic and athleti c accompli s hment s, but the thin g that make s us mo s t proud 1s the \\ ay you ha, e gro" n into an hone s t, canng , and ha rd,, ork1ng yo un g ,, oman. We ' II ahvays be th ere fo r you and kno,, yo u ,, 111 make the 1nos t of yo ur future Love, Mom and Dad
Hannah LaFalce
My lo, e ly roommat e- You are a \Vonderfu l person, and you s parkle in so man y \\ ays. I admire you so mu c h fo r the \\ ay yo u embrace yo ur se lf and ne, er s tra y from yo ur tru e character With thi s, yo u ,, ill go s o far Thank yo u for everything you', e s har ed ,, 1th me Lo, e, Holly
Perri Lang
Through all of the years that you have been there for me, I have been there for you too , and I al,, ays "ill be I lo, e you more than you kno,v I ' ll m iss you .
Sarah Jean Lanhert
arah Belle , you are 1rrepre ss-
1b le. fearle ss, comfortable" 1th
,, ho you are , tolerant , compass ionate, and a good friend In many ,, ay s you have become a role model to me I mis s yo u a lready, but can't ,, a1t to see the pat h your life,, ill take I lo,e you 1 Mom
Jennifer Leigh Kolm
Dear Jen,
Such ta le nt and determtnation 1n o ne 1ncre d1 ble person! We 're so pr oud of 1 o u a nd all yo ur accomp hs hm ents 1 Lo, e Mo m and Dad
Je n you are s till th e cutes t- and best-sister e, er. Th an k you for all ou r ad , e ntu res. He re's to \\ hat ·s to co 1ne Lo, e ), ou 1 -Yo ur S is. Emily
Hannah LaFalc e
Fort,, eh e years )OU ha, e been 1ny bes t fnend, and I chensh e,ery momen t of th ose years For th e first tim e, ,, e ,, 111 go our se parate ,, a} s not kno\, 1n g ,, hat hes ahead, but } ou ,, 1ll s tay my best frie nd fore, er a nd ah, a) s. no matter the c ircum s tances . Lo\e, Mo e
Perri Jaye Lang
As you say good-bye to high sc hool and mo, e to,, ard you r futur e, kn o,, that ,, e \\'alk. ,, 1th you e, ef) ste p of th e ,, a1 We Jo, e yo u, Monke) as much as the,, hole ,, ide ,, orld
Ah, a}s, Da d and Momm a
Sarah Jean Lanhert
ee. arah '? You c,h1b1ted ) ou r dram a talent " hen you ,, ere n, o. sho,, 1ng yo ur bell) hulton off1 I like th e,, a) ) ou think. for yo urself and ho,, ) ou are ) ou and don't tf) to impress e, Cf)one You ·re , Cf) special. I'm proud o f you. and lo, e ) ou , ~f) much Grand pa ,, ould be bea1n1ng ,f he coul d see ) ou no,, Co ngratu lati ons' -Gran1n1)
I •
Sarah Jean Lanhert
Sarah- You'\e done good' From a darltng h ttle girl to a young lad1 \\ho's exceeded expectatio ns I'll ah, ays fo ndl 1 remember your s umn1er 1n Grand Lake. tra1n1ng and performing\\ 1th the repertof) theater yout h group M 1 \ Cf) best\\ 1shes and God's blessings as }OU further }Our education 1n nursing
Lo\ e, Gra nd ma
Kevyn Lollar
Ke, ah, a>-. the hc-,t budd) a parent \\ould \\JOI \\le enJO)ed ,,atching >ou gro,, (and gro,, 1) and de, elop mto -,uch a kmd and thoughtful )Oung man \\'hat \\ ondcrful memonc-, ,, e ha, c- "nal-.ed bab) run' sno,, boarding our boat days. and great tnp:,,Lakc Po,, ell, San Diego. and Boston. \\e are c,trcmd) proud or )our ac1,;on1ph-.hments Hen:\ to )Our ne\\ ad, cntun:s ma) the) bnng you ha pp incs-, and success Lo, c, \fom and Dad
Danielle Lovely
Cong ratula ti o ns! We 're so pr o ud of)'ou 1 Yo u '\e ahvays had a zest fo r h fe, from ,, he n you \\ere li tt le and exploring fo r bugs to "grov. 1ng" M&M's 1n fl o, verpots. As you Jou rney into college may you a lways fo li o\, yo ur hea rt a nd d rea ms
A ll Ou r LO\ e, Dad and Mom
Kelly Lubkeman
HI.!) Kcl, \ ou ar1: probab l) our fa, ontc sister Granted ,, c beat you up alot and rnade fun or} ou, but \\ hi.:n ,t comes do,, n to 1t you are our best fnend. \\ c ,, ill miss Tah1g Tabogin, ligh t ing until son1ebody dies (or stubs a toe). lakrng ,ou to the p1:tt111g /OO, and hanging out in )Our room for about 5 hours a night \ \ c arc -.o proud of you. You arc a smart, funn). bcaut1ful and kind young ,, oman and a gri.:at sister Lcl\ e \ our Brother-,, B and C lanl:)'
Sarah Jean Lanhert
Sa rah, you have a maze d ant d e lig h te d m e fo r 18 ye ars ar d l'n1 s ure yo u ,von ' t s top no, I love you \\tth all my heart - Da d
Kevyn Lollar
Ke, - Our bab y bro th e r We ' re so prou d of yo u ! Enj oy yo ur co ll ege yea rs- \\ e kn O\\ 1 ou II do \ve il.
Lo ve ya!
Kar a and Chris
Kelly Rose Lubkeman
Hey Baby Gi rl.
C ont inu e to kee p th ose eyes vv 1de o pen and th at hea rt full I Every tim e yo u hear a "S Q UEE K" kn o\v that we lo, e y ou H ave yours elf a fa bul ou:-.. fu tu re.
L ov e , Mom and Da d
Bree Lusk
To ou r baby s is te r Bree. We ha\ e lo\ ed , vat ch1ng you g rO\\ up and a re p ro ud of) ou and your acc omp li s hment Keep up the go o d \\ ork Re memb er we lo\ e you an d \\ il l be here fo r you ah\'a} s. Your fa, o ri te s is ters , S he ll e) Co n and L ind s ey
Bree Lusk
Bree , your family 1s s o proud of our bnght, beautiful girl Tim e \vent by so fast. but you ,v11l a hva ys be o ur s pe cial baby girl and baby sister. Sta) close to God and you\\. ill go far. We love you very much!
Dad , Mom , Shelley. Con, and L indsey Bree
To my first and longest best friend Loo k hov. far \\ e' ve com e! From our first day of kindergarten (pla yi ng "fa m ily" \\.ith JB and Ma yo), to \\.alking across the s ta ge after 15 years of friendship. We no\\ begin in o ur O\\ n dir ec ti ons, but you \\ 111 ah,ays rem ain close to my he a rt Love, Holl y
Tyler Mapleback
Ty !er.
1 can JUSt remember collecting Poken1on cards and "atchmg Dragon ballZ \Ve ha, e good and bad times but no matter" hat you ,, ere always protecting me. e, en tf I d1dn 't realize 1t. You can accomplish "hate, er you set your mind to I am going to miss you and your friends yelling CHRIST I A do,, n the halls Congrats and good fuel-!
Lo, e you lots.
Bree Lusk
Auntie Bree.
I kno\\. \ \ e '\ e had our good a nd bad times. but I'm g lad \\e are st ill here for each other since \\e're related and ha\e to be Lefs Jus t be fnends \\ 1th eac h other Love, your little niece Kelsey
Dean Mallec
We are so proud of you, and lo, e yo u \ ery much Keep your family a nd faith # I 1n yo ur life and you\\ tll go far We \\ 111 ahvays be here for you. and "ill support you 1n \\.hate,er you do Love, Mom. Dad . J ordan. Amanda. a nd Anna
Tyler Mapleback
We are so proud of th e amazing person you ha\ e become The lase se, en teen years ha\i e flo,\ n by You ha,e the abtltty to acco mpl ish anything you set yo ur sights on.
Congratulations'! (Oh yeah, no\v you ca n get a job'! Ha Ha )
Lo, e. Mom and Dad
Megan Martinez
Congratulations Meg! We ha, e had the hon o r and pn, tleg e of ,vatch1ng yo u gro,, into the mo s t remarkable young ,voman. Fall o," you r heart and ahvays kno\v ho,, much \\. e lo\ie and s upport yo u, our beautiful girl Dream big!
Lo, e. Mom , Ryan , Sarah. and Alex
Megan Martinez and Lisa Ridge
Ho,, man1 years has It been > We'\ e made 1t through th1cJ.. andthin \\'e dressed up 1n costutnes. n1ade mo, 1es. beat up Liza Jane, and tied lart1neL up \\le ah\a}s managed to ha\'e fun You're both so amazing. I lo, e you girls so much Wouldn't trade our fnendshtp tor an)'1lung.
fv1egan Tay !or
Jessica McCracken
Seems like only yesterday I ,vatched you being born. You have come so far and I'm so proud of you. You·,e been through0 a lot and came out on top. Keep up the great \\ ork. I kno\, you ' II go far and reach all your goals I'll al\\ays be there for you.
Love, Grandma
Ann McCall
We're so proud of you. God bless
Lo\e . Grandma and Grandpa
Ann McCall
Your intelligence. courage. grace and beauty make us so proud Keep up the hard wor< Kno\J.. that we 're behind you all the \Vay.
The Thompsons
Sage McCririck
Our super Sage 1s graduaung 1 Seems h~e JUSt yeste rd ay you ,vere playing 1n that bucket on the houseboat! We're so proud of all your hard \\ ork \\ 1th school. piano and soccer Your future shines bnght. We \\ 111 ah, ays be there for you, Beluga'
Love, Mom. Dad, 1ck and Cole
Alex Miller
Hey Bud There's no \vay to su m up everything in a fe\v ,vords. Our friendship 1s so mething I hold close, and \\e·\e had some times I wouldn't trade for the \\ orld Wherever \Ve end up 1n life I'll ah\ays be there for ya. I-fere ·s to all the memorie s we've s hared and will continue to have -Kevin
Ann McCall
Our charming and engaging daughter has ahvays brought us great Joy. As she focuses on the road ahead "e kno,, that she has a bright and lo\ 1ng future ahead of her
With love, Dad and Stephanie
Meghan McLaughlin
Since ,ve ,, ere t\vo years o ld, you have al\\ ays been the re for me Thanks for being my bodyguard! :) I'm going to miss you after this year!
Lo\e, Jaimie
Meaghan Milne
Meaghan, you have been a beautiful sister to ha, e. We love you very muc h and \v ish you the best for your hfe. We ,vill ahvays remember t he fu n times ,ve teased you and ca ll ed you "Spud."
Lo, e you, Chris, Matt and Cody
Meaghan Milne
Meaghan , you ha,e been a delight to see g rov, into th e beautifu l \\ oman you are I knov. you are go in g to s uccee d 1n \\ hate, er yo u choo se to do. Keep God as you r fo c us and alv, ays look to your Hea\ enly Father for love. gu idan ce. and ansv. ers.
Lo\ e, yo ur Mom
Nik Moore
\\'e ah,a)s kne\\ that this da) would come. but "ho \\ ould ha\ e thought It \\ ould ha, e madt! rt here so fast You ha,t! been brought up to ah,a)s belte,e 1n yourself, and 1f)OU ,,ant something bad enough. the ~k) 1s the ltnut. \\i e kno,, )OU" ti! do well m life. no maner ,, hat )OU decide t o do \Vords can't e, en begin to e,press ho,, proud of) ou ,, e are Go get 'em Tiger \\e lo,e you so n1uch!
Dad , l"vl on1. Dan,elle and tvlelan1e
P.S I lo, e you Bab) You Koo,, \\ 'ho.
Hannah Morvay
Han-Han, Life is a lot easier ,, 1th your eyes open!
Congratulations, yo u ha\ e so much to look fon, ard to!
Lo\e, Moll y and Amy
PS Don ' t lo se yo ur dino sa ur!
Jenny Myers
To Jenn y " ho ha s brought more JOY into our h\ e s than you ,vill e, er kno,v
Lo\ e.
Grandma and Grandpa
Malia Mit chell
'N e are \ CI) proud of you- for a ll that you ha, e become. 1nclud1ng these past four, ears. and all that you are becoming \\ hat an1az1ng th in gs you ha\.e accomplished' Keep up the good ,, ork I And ah\ays ren1ember }Our dreams becau!:>e \\ hen >ou trul, behe, e 1n yourself. nothing 1s 1mposs1ble 11 Lo"ve. Mom and Dad
Hannah Morvay
We are so pr ou d ofyou 1 Dream big. be happy, ha, e fun!
Time goes by so quickly- enJO)e, ery minute
Lo, e. Mom and Dad
Hannah Morvay
We ha, e ah, ays had fun!! Stay coo l 1 I'll miss yo u nex t yea r
Jenny Myers
··our Pn nce ss",, e are so proud ofyou 1 !
Love. 1om and Da d
Rhett Nebeker
Rhett. as your younger sister, I look up to you 100° ·0 I love you so much and l \\, 111 m1ss you a lot. Th ank you for everything you ha\e done for 1ne
Love your sister, Shelby
Rhett Nebeker
Hey Bud , I can't believe these years hav e gone by so fast. Continue to attack life like ye u have baskets and ball carriers and you\,\, Ill be successful. "Hit or be hit."
Lov e, Dad
Rhett Nebeker
C ongratu lat1 ons, Rhett! You'\ e al\:\ ays been our little athlete and th e perfect ··Gold en Child'' We love you and a re so proud of you 1
Love. Your Family, Mom and Dad, She lb y, Bubba and Roosk1e
Allison Needham
Alltson, you made 1t. 18 and graduating hi g h schoo l. about to make the world your own,
I Just \Vant to say ho\v proud I am, and ahvays ,v111 be, and ,,._ herever you r lJ fe takes yo u, I \\ ill a hva ys be there to cheer you on.
Lo, e, Paul Chase
You and I ha\ e been causing trouble sin ce \\ e \\ ere three and st ll l ha\ en 't sto pped
Thanks for the fifteen years of fun, Chase.
Allison Needham
Allison. you sta rted school with a sm ile and you're finishing \vith a smi le Keep smiling and having fun. I am so proud of you and ho\v far you've come s ince that fir st day Li fe 1s goi ng to be very good to yo u I love you so , ery much
Allison Needham
Dear Alh,
My httlc angel. you have been lhe JO} of my hfe and a precious gift. l "ill miss going to all you r soccer and softball games, taking pictures of you for Homecoming, Sadie's and Prom One chapter of your hfe 1s closing and another" ill open soon. Your future 1s l1m1lless Your beautiful smile and canng ,,ays ,, 111 be missed by ever}onc Folio,, your dreams,,, ork. hard and have fun!
I Lo, e You Forever, Mom Holly Nichols
Be yourself!
Love, Mom and Dad
David Nitz
Da\ 1d, \\ e can't believe you 're already graduating from high school We knO\\ it \\ as a long road and \\e are , cry proud of you. Ah, ays keep yo ur g reat attitude and se n se of hun1or We lo,e you \ery mu ch 1 Love.
Mom and Dad
P.S. Mom says you\\ ill ah\ays be her Buddy
Victoria Norri s
Congra tulati ons on all your accomplishments! You ha\ e made us \ ery proud and \\ e are truly blessed to ha,e you 1n our h, es We \\ 1sh you continued success 1n all your future e ndea, ors 1
Mom. Dad Chet. Jo sh and Maddie
Catherine O'Rourke
Dear Cath.
Dear Cath,
You are the sweetest thing I kno\v
Love you, Mama
Cath, your s mile 1s contagious; your laugh. like the fir st dom ino falling. can set a room to giggling. Congratulations!
I am so proud of and so happy for you.
Love , Your Papa
Eryn Ohlert
You have grown 1n what seems like only a blink of the eye into a young \Voman that 1s getting more independent and able to make all your o,vn hfe decisions. We are very proud of \\hat you have become, never change.
Lo, e, Mom and Dad
I kno,, '" e \\ ere ah, a1 s the clashing s1bl1ngs gro\\ 1ng up but all 1n all. I to, e ya And I hope you have as much fun 1n college as I am Th anks for being suc h a trooper,,. hen I picked on ya. I '" ouldn 't rather 1t be anyone else.
Lo\e ,
Da\ 1s
Eryn Ohlert
I think. I am ha, 1ng a bad hair day! Ho,, do I look? E, en at a you ng age 1 ou cared ho,, you looked -especially your hair! We hope your "bad hair" days are fev, and far bet\\ een. Keep up the pnde 1 ou take 1n yourself
All of your family
Eryn Ohlert
You n1ay be little, but 1 ou ha, ea BIG heart! You are a beautiful person and" e are , ery proud of you. Belle, e in yourself and follo\\ your dreams. Be the best you can be. We lo, e you , ery much and ah, ays \\ ill.
Mom and Dad
Catherine O'Rourke
Catherine O'Rourke
• •
Morgan Post
You ha\ e been the sun shine of our h\ es s ince the da1 you \\ere born You are s mart kind funny and a JO}' to be around . We are extremely proud of you Lo" e you fore, er and al\.\ ay s. Mom and Dad
Lindsay Progar
E\ en though ''- e fight a bunch I ,, lll ah\ ay s look up to you 1
Lo"e ya , Annie
PS Good luck S1s 1
Drew Reville
We are very proud of y ou, Dre\\ , for '" ho you are, ,., here you ha\ e been , and "' here you are headed. Ren1ember to a)v,, ays keep you head and heart 1n the nght place Golden \\Ill ahi,,a1 s be your hon1e
Lo,e, Mom , Dad , and Tyler
Lisa Ridge
Look at those big beautiful eyes' You'" ere a beautiful baby and you ha, e become a beautiful. talented, 1ntelhgent, and canng young ,voman I' m so proud of my little sister Congratulations! You 're peanut rad 1 Your family lo, es you more than anything Love alv, ays- Katy
Brandon Pothoff
You knew early on that your fashion sense \.\ as best suited to the golf course! From a scared little boy 1n day care you have developed into a young man \\ 1th great confidence. commitment and capability We are 1ncred1bly proud of you and love you ,ery much Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Ltn 1 V.e are very proud of you Sta} focused and ah, a) s do your best. We knO\\ you \\ 111 do great 1n college!
Love, Mom and Dad
Lisa Ridge
You are a remarkable young ,voman You are beautiful. intelligent and kind. and you bring JOY and lo, e to tho e around you We ,v1sh you happiness and success 1n your life You ha,e a beautiful. ,vam1ing smile Remember to share 1t often Lo'\ e ahvays. Mom and Mike Lisa Ridge
Being the you ngest I tough. and r , e ah., ays admired you fo r fighting back \\ hen I picked on you I can't,, a1t to see \\ here that sp1r1t tak.e }ou 1n the futu re LO\e, Your Brother
Lisa Ridge
I had fun gro\v1ng up \\ 1th you. I'll miss you \vhen you're 1n college. I lo\ e you
Harris on Roman owski
Harrison , We look fonvard to all the happiness and success hfe holds for you Your future can take you an)'\\ here you \\ an t Dream big Ll\ e big We lo\e you and be lieve 10 you.
Mom and Dad
Patrick Rosse
Patnck, I am proud of the man you have become With your potential I knov, you can accom pli sh anything . As you close this chapter a nd begin a ne,v one, kno\v that I ,v11l be here to encourage yo u an d support you 1n all that you do Settle for more.
-Ed Patrick Rosse
Palnck ,
Life 1s the ultimate rac e--so metlmes you're the bug, somellmes your the \\ 1nd sh1el d Continue to run ltfe 's course" 1th le\ el- headedness and tntegnt), and you 're su re to end up on the podium Vve ,, 111 ah, ays be here to cheer you on.
Your b1ggests fans, Mom and Dad
Lisa Ridge
Dear Li sa,
Congratulations I I am amazed at the s trong young \.voman you have become. I \\I 1sh you e\ ery happines s and succe ss \\here ve r life takes you Thank you for being my be st friend I lo\e you Lisa Pizza!
Laura Harriso n Rorna.nowski
Harrison, Congratu lations, you've made 1t 1 You are a great brother and fnend o matter \\. here you end up 1n hfe, I know you will succeed I am so proud of you! "Live \Veil, laugh often, and love much"
I love you Little Brother' -Taylor
Patrick Rosse
Congratulations, Patnck' We are so proud of you! You are a g ift to aJI I The future truly belongs to you and all your hope s and dream s \\ 111 come true. We can't \Vatt to see ,vhat ,vonderful things you do next!
All our love, Amy and Amber
Cayla Rowe
S issy, you have grO\\O into a \VOnderful young lady We are so proud of you. Trust 1n the Lord \.\ 1th all your heart, and do not lean on your O\.\ n understanding In all you r \\ ays ackno¥. !edge him , and he "ill make your paths s traight. V e lo\e you, tvlon1, Dad , and Kyle
Laur en Sagaest er
Lauren , I am so proud of your detenn1nauon and sen s1t1v1ty You have turned into a beautiful. 1ntell1gent and vey special young lady Keep to your values as you take your next s tep in life and conttnue your personal growth To me , you will alway s be my ltttle " Peanut. "
Dad. Rhonda , Aly ss a and Aubrey
(Dude )
ls 1t really you r turn to go to college... already ? Even th ough yo ur room 1s always a mess. it' s awe some being a part of you r daily hfe We're so proud of you for a ll th at you've do ne a nd the compassio nate young man you ' ve become. Stay true to you r heart & call home once you get to Italy
Love ahvays , Mom and Dad Little Dude
I a lways think of you as my baby bro th e r w ho I wo uld fo rce to be the judge of my Barbi e fash ion s how s Now I a m cons tantl y amazed by th e young man yo u have beco me You ha ve a lo t of insight and d e te rminati on You w ill go far
Love yo u , Ke lh
Ilona Schlitter
My littl e angel. It seems JU St like yes te rda y we ,vere work in g so hard me mo n z in g a poem for your preschool Chn s tmas party a nd loo k at th e beautifu l, s ma rt , a nd 1nte lh gen t you ng lady yo u have beco me! I co uldn 't be more proud of yo u , S,veet1e
Love, Mom
Michae l Salazar
Who \.vould of thought th is lttt e guy \\:Ould turn out to be the mature and responsible man yoJ are today We a re proud of you and your accomp li shments and look fonvard to your future successes We Love you!
Mom. Dad, Rachel. Megan, Maddison, Matte,\ , and Breanna
Little Dude
I've al\\.ays loved cau sing m1sch1ef ,vit h you & ah\:ays looking out for my ltttle brother To see you c hange fro m a snot-nosed little t\.verp into such an intellige nt young man has been remar kab le I knO\\ you'll ache ieve any dream you se t I lo,e yo u Lo\ e ahvays,
Ilona Schlitter
Sweetie ! I ca n see no,v why you would ,vant to be a CEO of a large co rp oration. You a lwa ys liked to be sitt ing 1n th at co mfo rtable lea ther c hair I'm sure you ca n achieve anythin g you put you r mind to
Love you very mu c h , Dad
Max Shefte-Jacobs
Max , You always get back up when you fa l l. And yo u keep on pu s hing harder. You are a uniqu e individual so don ' t c ha nge who y ou are. Have g reat adventures in life, \Vhereve r 1t m ay take you.
Mom , Dad , Ar io
Tasha Simmons
Tas h a, Tim e passes so qui ckly' It's ha rd to believe yo u are a lready g raduating from h1g hschool We a re so very proud of you a nd excited fo r you as you begin a ne\\ ph ase of you r life. Fo li o\\ yo ur d reams, hol d fast to your fai th a nd neve r stop lea rn ing.
Love Mom & Dad
Kari Sorvig
We are ve ry p ro u d of yo u and yo ur ma n y aco mpl ishme n ts. Never sto p b e in g curious.
L ove, M o m a nd Dad .
Ian Stitt
I wa tc h ed yo u g row u p fro m the littl e b eas t you \Vere into th e p erso n yo u a re to day and I coul dn' t be any more prou d I kn ow you are go in g to do grea t t hi ngs in l ife an d I ca n't wai t to wa tc h I love you and goo d 1uck!
Ma ra
Colin Smith
D ea r Co lli n, We 're exc ited to wa t c h as you o p en yourse l f t o the ne\v c h a ll e n ges a nd di rection a head. You h ave the g ift of ap p roac hin g new s itu a t io n s w it h a .,. uni qu e v iew. We love yo u r qu ick v,, it a nd hu mo r Good Lu ck! We're p roud of yo u ! L ove, M om an d D ad
Ian Stitt
I knew you would clea n up someday! You've come a long way fro m n p p1 ng up stuffeda nimals t o see wh at's inside a nd dreaming of being a qu qe qu ma n Keep be in g 1nqu1stit1ve and d ream quqe! I love you so mu c h a nd yo u a re t he best brot he r I've eve r had. Ky lt e.
Ian Stitt
We \Vere b lesse d the day yo u a m ved , spec ia l de li very, postage du e. We have been blessed every da y s in ce, because of yo u, Ou r Son. What ever pat h yo u c hoose or w ha teve r lt fe takes you, we wi ll be there to s uppo rt yo u
With a ll of our love, Mom a nd Pahp a h
Taylor Stolte
Ta y, I d o n ' t kn o\v wha t my life \VO uld be w ith out yo u ! I love a ll our vi deos and crazy adven tu res and wo ul d n 't g ive 1t up for th e \vo rld ! I ca n ' t wa it to v 1s 1t eac h ot he r in co ll ege, I'll m iss yo u so muc h! Womb to to mb !
Lo ve you Cuz! Bay ley
Taylor Stolte
Tay, You a re the mos t imp o rt a nt part o f M o m 's a nd my hfe
We a re so lu c k y to h ave suc h a h ea lth y, con fi de n t, at h le t ic. lov ing d a u g h te r Th is 17-year J o urn ey 1s th e fo und a t ion of yo ur bri g ht fu ture! " 1 love yo u b igges t ," eac h a nd every day.
D a dd io
Tayl or May Stolte
"Pnncess Slugger"
My beautiful , smart. athletic girl Dad and I ha\ e loved every minute v. atch1ng }OU gro," and part1c1pate 1n so many sports. You ha\ e gro\\ n into such a talented. smart young ,voman. We\\ ill fore\er remain your biggest fans 1n sports and 1n life!
Lo\e, Mom
Connor Sumeril
Whether you are dressed up as Com on the Cob for Hallo\\ een or performing 1n a theatre production on c;tage. \\ e are behind you e\ ery s tep of the \\ ay 1Ahvays follo\l. your dream s-you are a sh1n1ng 5tar
Lo\ e, Dad , Mom , and Caleb
Kaila Sutter
Congratulations Kaila' I kne\\ you \\Ould scoot your \\ay through school. l 'n1 so proud of you and I love you so much!
Taylor May Stolte
It has meant the \\. orld to m~ to have you as my daughter ha\e loved our special mom and daughter times- art proJects. shopping, eating, golfing, tnps to Flonda and California. You make me so proud.
Love }OU.
Kaila Sutter
Kaila. you made 1t! We are so proud of you. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. We lo\e you so much
Megan Taylor
Megs , What can l say about our friendship? You are the one who has been here for me through it all I love you so much! We have been best fri ends since the fourth grade and bullied all the kids Remember. Mook1e lo ves me more!
Love, Your Beslle
Megan Taylor
Extreme hairstyles\\ ere not encouraged Neither\\ ere e:\treme personaht1es Of course you had to have both. Who could ha, e guessed our po1nt)ha1red little Pocahontas \\ ould turn 1nto such a stunner'> The thunder thighs e\ en slt n1med do\\ n Be ah, ays our Bra, e Little Toaster
Love a nd Bunny Hugs. Mom and Dad
Cydney Tolbert
Cyd, lt see ms like yes ter day\\ hen thi s picture \\ as taken and no\, you are a beautifu l young lad} Remember to laugh often, lo\'e \Vith all your heart, set your s tandard s high. follo" } our dreams and live It fe to the fu llest. We are, ery pr oud of you
Lov e. Mom and Dad
Cydney Tolbert
Cyd. Thanks for being my big sis I \\ ill miss you \\ hen you go to school.
Your bro, Zach
Taylor Toms
Tots, Our sisterhood has been a fasc1nat1ngJourney' You ha\e held me by your side and I v. 1ll look up to you ah1vays. I \\ ill keep \\ hat \Ve have close to my heart
Lo\ e you fore\ er, Morgsta
Upcoming Dance Team 2009 -2010
O\\ you are ready to take on the \\Orld I f you re spond to the \\ orld \\ 1th respect, pos1ti\ e energy and your smile, the true beauty of hfe \\ ill ahvays be re\ealed You\\ 111 pass on life's beauty v.tth your photography and personaltty Bueno Suerte. Tra\
Dre\\ : Eighteen years ago you brought us light and }OU still continue to glo\\. You are a bright. happy light 1n our hfe Blessings and \\ e lo\ e you 1
Mom and Dad (Odila & Andy)
Alexander Urban
I have ahvays liked this picture of you. my httle "Alex Keaton "You r\ alues. honesty and 1ntegnty have made us proud O\\ you v. ant to be a la\\·yer and maybe e\ en a poltt1cian \\ hat happened?? C ongratulat1ons !
Lo\ e, Dad and Mom
Alexander Urban
"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value··. -Albert E1nste1n
We love you n1ore than \\ ords can say
May God Bless You Ah,vays. Mom. Dad, Jason. Ryan and Sam
Evan Vall
To E\an, Weil prepared. ready to go, ant1c1pat1ng great things ahead I am so proud of you'
L O\ e Al\\ ays, Dad
Evan Vall
Evan , Oh my gosh, thi s ha s gone by so very fast I You are my rock and [ lo ve you so ve ry much . Congrats on thi s ,vonderful event and now 1t 1s your time to so ar
You are the best , Lo ve Morn OXOX
Trent Vanner
He y Trent , I ,v1s h you kne\\ how proud v.-e are of you! You have suc h a big heart that make s us so proud' You are a ,vonderful s on and a great perso n. You have brought us so mu ch JOY
We l ove you, Mom and Dad
Julia VonDreele
Juhe , There have been co untle ss times we', e let you kno,v hov, impresse d ,ve are by )-OUr s trength , courage, and co mpa ss ion' To say 1t again 1s redundant , so remember to alv.ays aim high and focu s on your dream s' We love you, you are our hero!
Love, Mom , Stephen. Kiley and Dad
Erin Walth
Enn , Your dnve to learn and succeed ,vas evident your first day of school when you said, "You can go home no,\ Mom ." Follo,v you r passion for life & Jesus and you ,vill go far.
We love you Old Bitty Fuss Bucket!!
Morn, Dad , and Emily
Trent Vanner
Congrats Bro! It feels prett_ good to be done, doesn't 1t! 1 o,v we have more time to 60 riding and tear 1t up ! I'm prciud of you and no,v you have so'lle more responsibilities nov. that you are free'
Love you man , Derek
Jared Vaughn
Congratulations Jared! We are so proud of,.,. ho you are and the decisions that you ha, e made Life ahead is full of opportunittes Set you r sights high and abo, e all. ha, e fun'
Love Ah,ays, Your Famil y
Rio Wale
You ,vere our beautiful bab)', no,, you're a beauit1ful young ,voman We are ,ery, very proud of you.
Love, Mom and Dadd y Josh Ward
My Favorite SonI am so very proud of you. You have alv, ays been such a great child and no,v you ha, e gro\\ n up to be a ,vonderfuL canng, funny, s,veet and intelligent young man. You ha, e made me proud , and you shou ld be proud of you rse lf. Congratulations!!
Love, Mom
Josh Ward
My Pal Forever'!
Set your dream s and goals high , folio\\ your heart and \\ hat you kno,v 1s nght , and yo u can achieve anything. You have so much to add to this v.orld We ' re very proud of the young man you are.
Love, Grandma and John
Brianna Wells
Bn , You ha ve amazed me si nce the day yo u \Vere born and co ntinu e to do so to this da y' You ha ve alv.ays had a strong se nse of sel f and have never let anyone o r anything lead yo u astray from that. I am so proud o f you.
Lo ve. Mom Holly Williamson
I ne ver 1mag1ned ho,\ great being a mom cou ld be- until you! When you began g1, 1ng me efficiency " tip s'· at age 3, I kne,v that you v. ould someday mak e a real differen ce 1n thi s world- and that you \vere bossy! I am so proud of you.
Love you forever, Mom Holly Williamson Holly. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you for all the hard ,vork you ha\ e done so far. You are a g reat role model and you al\\ ays ,viii be I v. ill mi ss you so much ,,hen yo u go to college.
Lo, e, ati
Brianna Wells
Br ianna,
Always reme mb er that , "Twe nty yea rs from now you ,v1ll be more disappointed by the things you d1dn ' t do than by the ones you did do Exp lor e. Dream Di scove r."
-Mark Twain
But don ' t forget where hom e 1s. I am go in g to mi ss yo u' ! With all my heart_ Mom
Holly Williamson
I lo\ e you more than you kno\v \V1th out you I \vouldn 't be \vho I am today I'm so blessed to ha ve yo u as my best fn end. You are 1ncred1ble inside and out and I kno,\ you ,vere chosen 1n ltfe for g rea t things Here's to all our spo ntaneous, unforgetta bl e moments We d1dn ' t think nght from ,, rong, took chances. and expenenced hfe.
Lo\e yo ur best fnend ahvays, Aspen Lee
Holly Williamson
Holl y.
Wh e n yo u ,vere a ltttle girl. I didn 't th1n1'. you cou ld get mu c h cuter. Well, you d 1d 1 Goo d JOb gro\\- in g up into suc h a fine you ng \\Oman I am very, very proud of you Ohdon't forget the di\ ing and dirt biking
Holly Williamson
I am so lucky to be a part of your lite and to see you gro,\ into a" oman It' s be e n fun. s,, ee theart ! I hope you realize ho\\ mu ch you ha, e go in g for you and ah, a) s behe, e in :,ourself Stay "bra\e." s ta y "crazy," but mostly, s ta:, ''young."
Holly Williamson
Hol , Our friend s hip remind s me that there is so much good in the \\. o rld and s o many rea so ns to keep making 1t better I am so happy that a little bit of yo u ha s rubbed off on me Roommate s forever I love you girl.
Hannah Jessica Willis
Dear Je ssica, We a re so proud of y ou and all you ha ve accompli s hed We pray that God will co ntinu e to guide and bless you Keep s miling !
With much love , Moma and Dad
Stacey Zant
Stace, From all my yea rs \Vlth youyou a re s pe cial ! I love yo u!! Thank s for pla yi ng vvith me . I ' 11 mi ss yo u \vhen yo u leave
Lo ve, Ro
Holly Williamson
Holl y,
I can't believe we're graduating! When yo u go a,,ay for co ll ege. don't ever forge about the day s \\ e played dress-u p and r an back and forth to each o th er's hou s es 1n our panties \vhen we were 5! I love yo u lik e a sis ter! Good lu ck Mi ss Holly!
Love, Bree
Stacey Zant
Stacey (Littl e Bit) ,
Wov.--Our baby is graduating! \Ve are very proud of you and \Ve are \ ery pleased \\ ith the beautiful young \\'Oman yo u have become We v. is h you ,, ings to fly k:no\v1ng home "ill alvvays be here for you.
Lo,e. Mom and Dad (Bi g Bit)
Cameron Zerbest
Hey \vhat's up guys? I am here , \Ve can no\v go on \Vith v, hateYer we are doing Wa y to go, Cameron! Ahva ys stay out front and make a s tatement.
Love Always, Dad
Cameron Zerbest
Hairc ut ? What do you mean haircut ? Congratulations to you, and good lu ck on all your future end eavo rs.
Love Always , Dad
Cameron Zerbest
Being a big brother means more than age It gives d ir ection and pers pe ct ive to your brothers and s is ters Thank you for being there for us.
Congratulatio ns fron1 Kolbi and Dona, on
Amanda Albrecht
Amanda, I'm going to mi ss you sooo n1uch! ! You are my best fnend. Good luck 1n college, and don't forget. I call dibs on your room'! Your favonte Sis.
Love Heather
Amanda Albrecht
You'\ e come along \vay baby! We couldn't be prouder I told you \vhen you were three days old, you could do anything you set your mind to. That seemed like yesterday! O\\ you're ready to take the \vorld by the tail. We kno\v you'll do great.
Lo ve, Mom and Dad .
Glara Barzanji
Gila, Us three mu sketeers ha\e had so much fun. From Saturday movie nights, dr1v1ng, shop ping, playing tenni s, and fighting O\er clothes, ,ve Io, e each other to death. Sorry \\e fought,, 1th you so much. you JUSt happened to be the middle chtld.
Lo,e you, Tara and Soma
Glara Barzanji
My Gila 8 1 I can't behe,e ho,, close we'\ e grO\\ n o, er the past years
You 're my other person and probabl, the only person "ho lo\ es ho\\ loud and cra0 I am I can tell you an) thing and I ha, e, 1nlcudmg our secret lo, es. SI and S2 1 I \\ 111 never lea,e you and eYen "hen you 're gone I'll nc\'er forget "hat you '\'e done for me I lo, e you 11 r II never forget all the good times 1nclud1ng th e bridge, C\\ You' re m) best fnend and I lo, e you for that Jacke e J
Amanda Albrecht
You are an 1ncred1ble )Oung
\\Oman You'\e a lv.a ys amaLed us Your strength of character. intelligence. curostty. \\ 1t. sense of humor a nd lo\ e of ltfe are unsurpassed. The list ofJO}S you'\ e been to us are endless and yet are only the beg1nn1ng
Lo\e, Mom and Dad
Rabab Abdulhussein
M, other ha IP! Our fnendsh1p hasn't changed a b1L over these last10 years 1 Don ' t e\ er forget. Freak I & 2. r., ins. sleepo\ ers. the park. 3 hour phone con\ os e, ery night. tee skating. MVP. the "sneak," phone calls \\e made, but ,ou al\,ays ble\\ our cover Thanks for the boring nights that turned into great memones I I lo\e ,ou more than \,ords can descnbe 1
Lo\e, Your Sister, Glara!
Glara Barzanji
Gro\\ mg up,, 1th you "as the best thing \Ve went through so much like the freaks. Joi \\le had our ups and do" n. but ,, e are still best friends, more like sisters I kno,, that ,, e ,, ill still remain best fncnd s ,,hen ,,ego back home You ' re an an1a1mg and smart girl I lo\ e you sooooooo much Our phone talks for 5 hours \\ ere the best ume, There ·s so much to ,a) to )OU but I lo\e )Ou1111
Your Best. Rabab
Alyssa Burton
Burton. We ha\e lo\.ed ha, 1ng you around and being a part of our family. You are ah, ays good for a lau gh and keep us sn11l1ng Good luck 1n "hate, er you choose to do
Love Mon1 (#2) and S ir Ja1n1son PS Lea, e the boys 1n the family alone
Jamie King
Jamie, L1,e each day as you ,vould climb a mountain Chmb s lo,vly, steadily, enJoy1ng each pass ing moment : and the \ 1e,\ from the s ummit ,v1ll be a ce lebration of the Journe y. We are happy and proud to be your parents'
Love, Mom and Dad
Jack ee Jensen
\Vh o "ould of e\er thought that our Jove for the human bod} could make us so close'> Anaton1}'' \Vo\\ \\ e had so many laughs SI & S2, Starbucks. canng lunch e, eryda}, stu d y mg together (or at least lf) mg lo), Tres Am1gas, my tennis match, screanu ng at the bonfire, and our boy talks You 're my best fnend a nd s ister• Always rt!member, Khosh Tim
Gara k a 1
Michelle Maguir e
Our little Michelle, You 've made us so proud every day Keep up the good work-you' 11 reach your dreams Looking forward to shanng that day ,vith you!
Love Mom and Dad
Lacey Huffnagel
What a JOY it has been watcri1ng you grow, learn and suceed! May God co nt in ue o bless your life as t he nex t le6 of you r Jou rn ey begins This is your time to sh in e . Yo u 've always ma de us pro ud
We love you, Mom and Dad Hannah
Reac h for your sta r on ba lanced feet. F ind the best in you You w il l make a diffe rence a nd a better world. Keep your humor! You a re grace, our finest gift, our g rea test love . We are so pro ud of yo u. Congratulations! Mom, Dad, Ben, Sa m, Zack and the cre\v.
Meghan McLaughlin
Mim i,
We have ha d a lo t of fun gro,v1ng up toget her I' ve learn ed a lot from you and I hop e you cont inu e to gro,v and have a great se ni o r yea r, I love you
Meghan McLaughlin
Megha n, We can't be li eve this chapter of your life is done You have amazing energy. We love you deep ly. God bless you!
Love , Mom and Dad
You r Bro , Sean Melissa Ferris
Co ngra tu lat io ns Me l issa! We are so pro ud of you. oxoxox
Au nt Chr issy. Unc le Todd & Trevo r
David Nitz
You've been such an a\veson1e big brother through everything! We've had fights and arguments no\V and then but thats what s ibl ings are for We are so close in age that being in school without yo u ,vill be so different. Good lu ck in college, I w111 miss you lots!
Love, Becca Blake
We are so proud of you. You have learned many things this year, take those life lessons and ach ieve your dreams. You have a tremendous future ahead of you. take it all 1n! Love L1fe!
We love you, Mom, Dad, and Brandon
Lisa Ridge
We can hardly believe our "little" Lisa is graduating. This picture seems like yesterday. ow you are a beautiful, talented young \VOman We are proud of you. and ,v1ll love you forever.
Dad and Lisa
Kimber O ' Bri en
Dear Kimber, Yeah I You made 1t through with style, \\ e 're so proud of you and all your cho ices We kno\v you can continue to face life 's challenges \\ 1th d1gn1ty and grace. Don 't forget to come home so \\e can ha\le Kimber time!
Lo\e, Mom, Dad, and Kendra
Blake Padilla
Through the good time s and the bad you have al\\iays been nght there \\ ith me You are a Beast. Also. you have so much to be proud of. Take your looks, the ones you got from me. set your spirit free and enJoy ,vhat you have Spread your \V1ngs and fly Lo\e, Brett
Ariel Roselle
Dear Anel. AKA MO You '\e gro,vn from our Little Buckaroo to a \\Onderful. canng and beautiful young lady! Set your goals, ,.,,ork hard, be the best you can be! Remen1ber you can accomplish anything' Be true to yourself!
We ,.,,ill ahvays lo\e you!
Mama and Papa
Lilah Strauss
Lilah, You have always made us laugh! Your great sense of humor and kindness tO\\ ards ot he rs will take you far 1n life
Mom, Dad and A nya
Richard Tu
R1chardCongratulat1ons on a Job \Vell done' We are so proud of you. and love you , ery much You have the kno\vledge to guide you through your journeys in life Much success, and \\e'll al\vays be \\ 1th you.
Love, Your Family
Richard Tu
You 're a great brother' I ,.., 111 ahvays look up to you Good luck. and ha\-e fun 1n collegebut I'll mt ss yo u
Lo\e , Henry
Julia Von Dreele
You have been my hero , mentor and best fnend for as long as I c~ n remember. I ha ve no idea who I am going to talk to ,vhen I need advice or JUSt need to vent\\ hen you 're 1n college. I kno,, that you 11 do great and I have all of my faith 1n you that you can get through anything you put your mind to. Than.ks you for being the best s is ter I can ever ask for Lo,e forever. Kiley (Lil' Sis)
Julie Von Dreele
Congratulations on your great accomphshmen1 1 You ha,e g1,en us so much to celebrate' So much JO} 1 Continue to folio\, your dreams. hsten to } our inn er voice and foremost. be you rself. There 1s nothing tn this \\Orld that you ca nn ot master You can go,, here, er }OU ,, ant to go We love you \ery much Dad Mom, Stephen, and Kile y
Erika Caton
Ricky, Through all the goose chases, girl drama and boyfi-1ends, ,vc vvtll alv.ays be fnend s I will never forget the day vve met 1n French class You ' re s o great and s mart. I love ya!
Michelle Garnett
I have so n1uch fun every t i me ,ve hang out. It's either the fun adventures up to Telluride or the 20-minute-long laugh attacks. You ' re so g r eat, stay ama7 ing and beautifu l as you are now
Love ya!
Brianna Wells
Love you lots and am , ery proud of you. Where did the time go?!
Ali Everist
Me and you gre,v up together We have been close s in ce the day \\ e met! I J... no\\ v, e vv 1ll be fnends 't1l vve d ie. Love ya g1rl!
Perri Lang
Perrn, 1nkle, Wo,v, I can't believe h O\\ much \\ e have been thr ough toget her I know that how fa r apart ,ve are ,vhen ,ve go to college, ,ve ,v1ll ahvays be c lose . Thank you so much for being t he re for me. You kno,, I \\ ' tll ahvays give you my op 1n1o n
Your Best1e -Cat
r C:
Katie Wachs
Kati e, We have bee n friend s for so long and \\. e ha, e had so many g r eat times together I knO\\ \\e ,, ill s tay friend s fore\er yo u are the ni ces t g i rl I have ever met 1
Lo ve ya 1 - Ca t
Maggie Hunt
i\1agg1c m) ,, 1sh for )Ou Comfort on d1flicult days Smiles" hen sadness intrudes Rambo" s to follo" the clouds Laughter to kiss your hps. Sunset... to" arm >our heart Hugs" hen spirits sag Beaut) for your eyes to see Fnendsh1ps to bnghten your being Faith so that you can behe,c Confidence for ,, he you doubt Courage to kno,, yoursel r Patience to acccp1 the truth and Lo, e to complete your ltfe tvlagg1e ) our future 1s m great handy our O\\ n I am so ,el) proud of you 1 Lo,e. -\ndrea
Christopher John Browning
We ha\ e bee n so blessed ,,.,1th yo u as our so n and v. e are so proud of yo u Word s ca n 't ex press ho,\ mu c h ,ve ,, i ll mi ss you.
Lo, e, Mom & Da d
A special thank you ...
T he Yearbook s tatT 1s very grateful for the su pport of lo ca l pho to g raphy s tudio , Randall 01s on Photograph y They ge nerou s !} do nated their tim e to take la s t-m inut e, Senior ph o to s as a co urte sy for the Yea rbook publi ca ti on We appreciate their assistance and look fom ard to ,, ork1ng \\ 1th t hem 1n the future Thank yo u 1
Randall 01 on Photography 1701 Wa s hing ton Ave. Go l den , Colorado 8040 I Tel (303) 279-2774
Amanda Albrecht Manders.
So. this photo definitely says 1t all Th is seems so long ago. but you ' re std I n1y best fnend al\, ays I Someday v. e 'II look at this 10 Antarctica v.. 1th the penguins I Speelongee 1
Lo, e ah, ays, Ja1m1e
Benjamin Boyl e-Co ur t
\s a bab) )OUr most la\Orlh. thing \\3', your hat and) ou ,, ouldn ·1 lea, e homc
,, 1thout 11 'Your fa, onte thing, ha, c changed smcc th1;n. but you ha, t:n ' t.
You ,, ere born ,, 1th ,, tsdom beyond your )eal'> ~, 1dent tn 1he t:onfldenl.c
,, 1th" h1ch you greeted the,, orld You
\\ ere abo born ,, 1th charisma demonstn1ti:d in a un1qui: ab1ht) to n1ake people led accepted and respected You ha, e 1nade a ditTercnt:c 1n many h, cs. espet:1all\ mine, and ha, e madi.: u., all laugh and feel happ) I am , Cl"\ proud of,, ho )OU arc as a person
Chris Browning
You 're the best brother I could have had Lo,e. Sa rah
can affect change. Just ask the SRO mentors who assist students who need additional support with orientation at Golden , tutoring and schoolwork organization , and even problem solving. SRO mentors are trained by Mrs Slizeski , the school Social Worker Mentors are specially selected 11th and 12th grade students and are paired with a buddy. They often sit together during lunch or school assemblies as well as during other school activities Primarily, the SRO mentors serve as positive role-models and take the time to assist others. They strive to make a difference in others' lives . " It's really fun t o be involved with SRO because you get a chance to mee t and be with people you might not otherwise hang ou t with You also create a bond with your buddy It fee ls good t o make a difference ," comments Jun io r
Chanda Ngyuen
Right: SRO mentors and buddies get together to ce l ebrate the holidays during their annual Christmas party W h ether d oing homework , ea t ing lunch o r just hanging out, t he camaraderie between buddies and mentors continues to be a posi t ive experie n ce for th ese Go ld en stude nts .
SRO Club Members: Ba ck ro w l eft t o r i ght : Matt Miller, Jeremy M iller, Derek Emsbach, Enka Caton Jodi Kinnen, Samantha Sherman , Katie Baals , Tim Pullano, Mrs Slizeski. Middle row left to right : Mitchell Spence, Adam Arellanes , Andrea Thomas , Hannah Bretz , Briana West, Chanda Nguyen , Allie Bridenburg, Torrey Cleveland Front Row l eft t o r ig ht : Mariah Werner Leah W1tthohn , Emily Seidel , Michael Greene. Jessica McCracken Not Pictured : Jesse Castro, Ray Grant, Kelsey Koentges , Travis McStraw, Blake Padilla , Kristine Quilang-Castro, Jesse Rodgers Tyler Selcer, Ryan Stokes , Chris Vincent, Aubrey Wagner
In the End . Putting together this year 's book took creativity, commitment and lots of cameras . While we knew we couldn ' t include every shot , we definitely hoped to find a place for everyone and everything . Chronicling this year was especially meaningful with the opening of our new school. As this year comes to a close , many new memories will be made on Golden 's campus ; the yearbook staff will continue to capture as many as they can Some expressive student candids are captured on the left .
On the cover . Students anticipate the changing times From left to right: Glara Barzanji , Jackee Jensen , Eliot Green , Amy Ladebue
Photoshop Skills. Kellie Erickson worked with photoshop to apply a special effect to the cover photo and also developed the front and back endsheets. Christina Townsend was responsible for all of the division pages , il lustrating her skill in remaking various Beatles albums in the spirit of Demon Life.
Thank you. To all of the yearbook staff that contributed the i r time and attention in making this book successful.
inger Enka
s, Kelly
ch , Kon
, Margaret
ss eau Lu c
sseau , Samuel
Bollinger, Liza
Bolton , Taylor
Boltz , Hannah
Bondarenko, Valenya
Bone s1 0 Matthew
Bonham Enc
Bonham Jason
Booher Joryan
Bouc her, Jennifer
Bowers , Robert
Bowker Micheala
Boxier, Nicholas
Boyer, Oltv1a
Boyer, Sarah
Boyle-Court, BenJam1n
Brachle , Joseph
Brady, Gavin
Brannigan, Dylan
Braunagel , Kristin
Breathwa1te, Natasha
Breer, Carl
Bretz , Hannah
Bretz , Whitney
Bndenburg , Allie
Bridenburg , Connor
Broc h1n , Matthew Brockopp, Dakota
Broneske, Travis Brothers
, Karter Debord , Andrew
, Jessica
Alexander Dempsey, Stephen
Kyle Dennis, Makayla Dennstedt, Collin Depetns, Brittany
Derby, Marina Dettmann , Krysta Deutsch, Chanssa
DiGiacomo, N1cholette
Diaz, loreni
Dickey, Kira
Dickey, Shayna
Diener, Ann
Dillon , Breanna
Diment, Wilham
Dinkel , Rama
Dittmer Ariana
Dobyns, Amy
Dolechek, Ciera
Donley, Kathryn
Dore , Ryan
Dotson, Annika
Doty, Shawna
Doty, Willtam
Douglas , Carly
Downing , Raini
Dowsett Joshua
Dragozov, Bozhidar
Dreiling , Elise
Dretllng , Emily
Du Varney, Daniel
Duncan , Kathrine
Duran, Alyssa
Abdulhu ss ein , Rabab Abel , Jali sa A ckley-Felthage r. Crys ten A c ree , Zak a ry Adam s. Joshua Adam s Wilson Agard Shauna Ag rodnia, Karil Aguila r, Yesenia Ahn , Hye o ni eong A i ken , Sara Albre c ht, Amanda Albre c ht , Nolan Albre c ht, S cott Aldri c h , Andrew A ldnc h , JeHrey A haniell o, Fallon A ll aniello Taylour Alli son , Shayla Ame s. Tu c ker Anders on , Brandon Anderson , Evan Anderson , Gabrielle Anders on Hannah Anders on , Je ss e Anderson , Kyle 25 , 33 , 67 , 193 45, 130, 131 69 57 , 137 5 7 45 69 45 69 69 57 25 79 , 193 , 197 57 , 144 45 79 69 25 57 25 69 , 161 25 57 25 , 79 , 110 , 164 45 25 69 57 69 , 123 45 123 57 57 5 7, 96 , 144 Anders on Madeline Anderson Matthew Anders on Maxwell Anders on , Nathan Anders on , Samuel Andrews -Jones, Henry 57 14 , 16 , 25 , 79 45 , 123 , 154 , 155 , 198 69 , 125 Archer Shilo Arellanes , Adam Arellane s, Brad A re llane s, Jordan Arellano, Lauren Arellan o, Tearsa Ar is tide Ki s ha Arner Amanda Arroyos Matthew A sch , Ryan A s muss en , Kaylynn Aten , Amy Aten , Danielle Augenstein , Melanie Avile s, Rey Ayaquica , Adriana
25, 79 , 143, 164 57 45 45 45 57 69 25 164 45 69 57 69 69 Baack , Thea 5 7 Baalman , Nathen 25 , 165 Baal s, Katherine 16 , 45 , 132 , 133 , 198 Bae, Hae Yun 57, 91 Bagha1e , Alexandra 45 Baker, Charles 69 , 125 Baker, Erikka 69 Baker, Victor 69 Baldon , Levi 45 Baldry, Conor 57, 144 Balme s, Brendan 57 , 123 , 124 Balmes Gutterrez, Jennifer 45 Banks-Wood , Jesse 57 Banta, Erin 69 Baradan Kies 66 Barraza ltzel 69 Bartels Hannah 69 Bartley Leslie 45 Bartley Megan 69 Barton , Jason 57 , 137 Barton , Jeremy 25 96 , 136 , 137 , 165 Bartos. Desiree 57 Barzanji , Glara 14 , 17, 25 , 67, 79 , 193 , 199 Baumann , Christopher 45 Baxter GeoHrey 45 , 47 , 97, 118 Beach Sean 57 , 123 Beers Kyle 19 , 25 , 165 Beetham Caroline 25, 79 , 165 Bell Zachary 45 Bellavance, BenJamin 69 BenioH, Caitlin 69 Bennett , Elizabeth 57, 104 Bennett , Ktyo 57 Benton , Gary 57 Benzie
Berg Eben Berte
Kariss a Brown
Kayla Brown , Zack Browning , Chnstopher Browning, Sarah Browning, Trey Bruce, Alexander Bruder, Brittany Bruder, Tylor Bruton, Trever Bryan , Megan Bryant, Brett 25 45 , 138 , 139 53 26 165 69 , 128 45 57 69 45 57 26 123 166 45 69 26 , 166 69 57 69 , 115 69 , 157 21 45 , 93 , 161 45 , 130 , 131 57 57 , 148 69 125 69 57 , 92 69 26 69 26 , 166 45 69 , 115 26 , 197 26 57 . 123 . 124 69 57 45 57 143 , 148 45 , 198 58 , 141 , 157 45 , 134 198 69 45 70 , 125 45 70 , 157 58 45 70 , 125 26 , 197 70 , 159 58 , 144 58 45 70 70 58 70 Bryson , Ah Bublitz, Kory Bublitz , Zachary Budd, Crispin Buehler, Alex Buehler, Megan Bull , Tayler Bullard , Stefany Burgess , Connor Burn, Jenna Burnham , Lars Burns, Kevin Burns , Nikolas Burns, Adam 46, 79 70 , 125 46 , 123 70 26 , 79 , 97,108 , 166 , 167 58 46 , 133 46 , 79 , 139 70 , 125 26 26 , 40 58 70 58 , 141 Burroughs , Bryon Burton , Alyssa Busc h , Alexander Bush-Johnson, Cameron C Caddigan , Apnl Caddigan , Nicholas Camacho, Dylan Cameron Brianne Campbell, Alexandria Campbell , Austin Carey, Alexander Carey, Samuel Carlson , Breanne Carman , Austin 26 26,193 70 46 , 118 46 110 70 46 , 47 58 , 94 58 46, 79 53 78 70 46 Carman , Madison Carmichael Morgan Carrncello Chnst1ne Carnicello Kevin Carr Peter Carter, Katherine Casady, Dalton Casady, Ethan Casas , Dereck 70 , 153 58 70 26 167 46 26 , 41 , 167 26 58 46 58 70 58 Casey, Shelby Castanon , Chri stopher Castanon , Jesus Castro Ariana 26 , 157 27 , 143 , 198 66 46 27 , 159 , 168 , 196 , 198 Castro Jesse Castro Orion Catalano, Kevin Caton , Erika Caton Larissa Caton , Travis Chacho, Michael Chapin , Brandon Chapman , Sean Chavez David Chavez Kristina Chen , Christine Cherry, Mark Chinla , Colton Christensen, Elycia Chrysler, Justine Clark, Athan Clark, Brandon Clark , Bryan Clark, Jennifer Clem , Ian Clem , Wilham 21 , 58 , 159 58 , 99 , 144 70 , 137 46 58, 115 66 27 33 , 168 70 46 46 58 , 88 70, 141 46 , 155 70 , 125 46 70 66 53 58 27 , 47 , 138 139,168 58 , 97 , 118 , 141 70 , 152 70 46 58 Caber, Kaylee Cochran Ira Colle , Tyler Conklin , Meltssa Connell , Haley Contreras, Sena Conway, Emma Cooper, Andrew 168 19 , 27 , 40 , 79 , 114 , 143 , Cordova, Chris Coronado, Jodie Coronado, Josey Cosgrove, Christine Cosper, Enc Cotten , Taylor Courtney, Kevin Courtney, Sarah Coutts Hannah Cox IV, William Crawford , Dylan Crawford , Kaitlyn Craycraft , Andrea Croghan , Chelsea Cross, Phillip Cross, Robin Cubbon , Samantha Cullum , Jordan Curley, Ryan Currie, Nicole Curry,
Curtis, Cnstal Cusack,
Cusack, Nichole Custer, Taylor Cvar, Blake Cyr, Taylor Dailey, Paden
Brown ,
Dale , Madison Dalebroux, Cierra Daley, Christopher Daley, Matthew Dalton , Katherine Damiana, Evan Daniele, Jeffery Daniels, Jake Darnell-Strong Mina Davis, Ashlee Davis, Kira Jane Davis, Marissa Davis, Rebecca Dawn, Autumn 58 46 70 27 27, 95, 169 70 46 70 58 58 58, 116 58, 126 46, 161 27 27 70 46 58 46 58, 134 3 , 46, 115 70 46 , 79,141 58 27 , 158, 159 , 169 58 27, 169 27 , 169 28 , 169 , 170 78 70 46 , 115 28 58 , 144 46 70 , 123 , 125 70 70 70,93 28 , 41 , 170 28 58
, Jasmine Duvall , Jeffery Dyer Ashley Eagan , Jered Eagen Victoria Eagleton Natasha Edwards Kirstin Edwards Taylor Eggers Hannah Elliott BenJamin Elliott Brooke Elliott , Nikki E Ellis, Audrey Emsbach , Derek Erickson , Kellie Ermita Marwa Estrada Nicholas Etzenhouser Leeza Euler Elias Evanko, Lisa Evans Alex 78 58 46 58 , 108 70 43 , 134 58 58 70 78 58 70 58 70 71 , 161 46 46 11 , 1::a 21 , 58 , 134 71 , 15 3 46 79 , 134 58 46 71 7 1 46 , 79 71 59 28 20 , 59 71 28 28 161 46 4 6 71 59 28 , 170 71 28 , 170 17 1 28. 99 4t> 28 29 161, 17 1 2,; 71 , 141 59 46, 10·1 29 7 1 4b 46 , 123 191l 47 , 51,91 199 59 29 123 29 47 , 79 , 97 118 29 79 71 , 135 71 71 59 , 123,147 Evans , Ashley Evanson , Travis Evanson , Trevor Evenst, Alexandna Everist Madison Ewers Alexandra 29 196 71 157 47 , 79,115, 130 131
DFab1s1ak, Alex 117 Fab1s1ak, Timothy 59, 139 Fales , Cody 59 Farnworth, Laina 71 Farrin , Susan 59 Fauble Anda 71 , 152 Fauble , Enc 21, 29 40 79 114 , 171 Fe1gt Brystal 71 Fernandez-Degante, Elisa 47 Ferns , Melissa 10, 29 171, 172 194 Fesemyer. Samantha 29 Fielding , Connor 47, 148 Filiault, Hilary 29
Haas, Roland
Hager, Austin
Haifley, Brandon
Hall , Brooke
Hall , Cory
Hall , Joseph
Hall, Tyler
Hallock, Dillon
Hamilton , Lindsey
Hamilton , Traver
Hamm , Kellan,
Handboy, Kylie
Hanophy, L,ann
Hansen , Michael
Hanson, Jameson
Harns, Jorie
Harns, Shania
Hart Patrick
Hartman Jeffrey
Hartman Rachel
GHartzell Elizabeth
Harvey, Canyon
Hasoon , Hussam
Haver, James
Hays , Jessica
Hays, Kevin
Hazell , Marisa
Hebberd, Hannah
Hebberd , Rachel
HeJaz1 , Akram
Hembrow, Jessica
Henry, Jacob
Hensley, Amanda
Hepola, Suzanne
Hermanussen , Brent
Herr, Zachary
Herting , Dustin
Herzing , Jordan
Hesketh , Katherine
Hessner, Jessica
Hewes , Kyra
Hightree, Lucas
Hill , Samantha
Hinman Jack
Hinman , Kate
Hinman , Ruth
Hinrichs, Cody
Hirsch, Gregory
Hitch, Noah
Hoang Anna
Hogan Beau
Hogan , James
Hogue , Clinton
Holland , Leonard
Holland Luke
Holland , Robert
Hollingsworth , Daniel
Hornack , Garrett
Hoover, James
Hopkins, Jasmine
Horan, Lindsey
Horan , Michael
Hord , Devin
Hosburgh, Casey
Houchen , Kristie
Houlton , Melanie
Howard , Silas
Howes Jordan
Howrey, Casey
Howsare Timothy
Hoy, Mallone
Huff, Ian
Hufnagel , Lacey
Hughes Sean
Hulett, Taylor
Hull , Cody
Firth , Madison Fishburn Hannah Flick, Amy Flowe, Spencer Flower Trevor Fl owers Bndget Fluitt , Lukas Flynn Ibrahim Flynn Kelsey Foden Robert Fossett Travis Foste, Jacob Foster Laurelle Francisco, Benjamin Franco, Haley Frank Adam Franz Clinton Freeman Kari Fntz Hannah Froyen Daniel Fuller, BenJamm Fuller Kyle Furey Ashton 71 , 157 71 , 135 14, 29 29 , 40, 172 71 71 59 , 144 71 71 47 47 , 123, 148 71 71 59 47, 129,131 47, 79 , 122, 123 47, 92 , 123 72 72 29 , 123, 172 72 , 125 47 72 , 115,125
Gage, Brandon Gallagher, Kelli Gallegos , Helena Gallegos, Robert Galvan Andreana Garcia, Juan Garcia Victoria Gardner Corey Garnett Michelle Gates, Sean Gaudio Sean Gaylord, Chase Geiger Zachary Georg , Clemens George , Christopher Gerard Billy Gerdrd Bruce Gerard James Gerganoff, Stephanie Getschman Justin Gilas, Kelly Gilbert, Kaitlyn Gilbra1th Max Gilhs. James Gilmore James Gilpin Nicholas Givens Coleman Glandt Whitney Glapa Kristina Goh, Austin Goh Lauren Goldanloo, Arias Goldanloo Ila Gomez, D'Angelo Gomez Tatum Gonzales , Alexis Gonzalez, Carlos Gordon Lili Gore, Victoria Gotta Alexis Gouak, Charles Graebel Daniel Graebel , David Gragg Destiny Grant Raymond Graves. Baron Gray. Blake Gray Shawnee Grear Jesse Green Eliot Greene, Dakota Greene Michael Greer Dallas Grett Matthew 'lregory, Brittany ,rogory, Edward Groff Aspen Gross, BenJam,n Grove, Dustin Guenther, Martell Gulsvig Carter Gustafson, Zeke 29 , 94 , 154 , 155 47 47 59 59 , 127 72 20 , 47 72 , 123 , 149 29 , 196 72 47 72 72 29 72 29 , 123 47 , 48 47 72 59 , 123 29 , 157 59,157 59 59 59 47 , 92 , 148 59,123 30,172 72 47 30,40 72 59 59 , 99 , 124 72 47 47 59 59,131 72 72 59 , 137 47,137 72 30 , 40 , 79 , 114, 198 72 59 59 47 30 , 138 , 139 , 199 59 , 155 47 , 198 30 72 , 125 47 60 , 98 14 , 18, 30,40 , 173 60 48 , 137 48 , 139 72 48
Richard Hunter, Frances Hupf, Kyle lannacito, Brooke I 30, 141,173 72 , 125,149 72 , 137 72 72, 125 60, 139 72 48 28 , 30, 173 72 60 60 72 60 , 141 48, 123 60 72 60 , 147 30, 115 60, 141 30 , 173 72 , 125 60 60, 116 60 30 60 72, 92, 157 48, 79, 141 60 48 73 48 , 160, 161 48 , 51 , 67 60 30 , 79 , 141 48 60 73 60 73 73 , 125 60 73 73 73 48 48 60 73 73 73 73 73 , 94 , 149 60, 149 60 , 123, 147 , 148 60 73,155 48 , 115 73 73 48 , 123 60 60 48 73 104 30 , 143 , 173 , 174 30, 41 , 95 , 123, 174 60 60 48 , 143 30, 150 , 151 30 60 61 73, 116 30 , 114,174 , 197 61 61 48 61 159 Ibarra , AleJandro Ilsa, Anna lntrava,a Trista lronsh,eld Christopher Israel-Cleveland Taylor Israel-Cleveland , Torrey Israel-Cleveland , Tyler 73 73 73 128 73 30 48 133,198 73
Hunt ,
Hunt ,
JJackson Emily 73 Jacobson Odd 61 , 144 Jaramillo N1kk1 73 Jarrell , Nicole 61 Jarvis, Melanie 7, 73, 161 Jeffrey, Tyler 48 Jeffrey, Zachary 61 Jennings, Kyle 66 Jensen , Jackee 14 , 30 , 33 40, 94 158 , 159 , 174 , 175, 194 , 199 Jess, Dillon Jiron, Aerie Jiron , As,ah Johnson , Abby Johnson, Alexis Johnson , Jordan Johnson Joshua Johnson , Kathryn Johnson , Kevin Johnson, Robert Johnson Shannen Johnson Tyler Jones Aden Jones, Coral Jones , Linnea Jones, Paxton Jones Rachelle Jones, Ryan Jonsson , Tyler Jorda! , Megan Jordan , Ab1ga,1 Jordan , Kristopher Jordan , Matthew Jordan, Zachariah Jose Mano Joyce , Rachael Joyce , Sarah Juarez, Tyler Julian , Nicole 30 79 61 61 , 97 61 , 79 61 , 116 73 , 123 , 147, 148 , 176 31 , 123, 175 , 176 48 , 157 61 , 89, 143 61 , 88 48 , 79 31,117 , 123 73 , 125 61 48 73 61 48 , 61 , 141 , 155 73 48 61 , 157 73 , 125 48 73, 125 , 136,137 73 31 61 , 157 78, 98 73
HKaltnosk, , Jacob Kallhoff, Matthew Kamakans , Anthony Kamakans Nickolas Karaffa, Aimee Karo Alex Kastanek Colton Kautz Jennifer Keen Taylor Kehoe, Jeremy Kelley, Erin Kelly, Carson Kelly, Sarah Kerger, Chaz Kerger, Sebastian Kerns , Ab1ga1I Kerndge , Matthew Kett , Emma Kiel , Cohn Kiel , Dana 78, 149 48, 155 61 73 61 73,153 61 61 73 73 , 125 61, 134 73 73 49 61 49 , 79 49,143 61 , 135 49 , 161 74 , 161 Kilpatrick , Matthew Kilpatrick , Megan King , Catherine King , Ja1m1e Kinnard , Jason K1nnen Jodi Kirts Alec 16 , 49, 141 31 , 176 49 31 , 194 49 , 141 31 , 158 , 159 , 176 , 198 74 Kiusalaas Alexander K,wacz Jordan Klein , Joel Klimek , Jessica Klingenberg , Aaron Knight , Aaron Knight , Natasha Knox, Ashley 74 61 61 , 90 49 61 , 96 , 149 14 , 61, 123 31 61 Knussmann , Glenn Knussmann , Graham Knutson , Kevin Kochevar Amanda Koczera, Carly Koczera, Katelyn 3 1 49 74 3 1 Koentges , Kel s ey 49, 79, 93 31 , 176 , 177 61 156 157 , 198 74 , 144 Koentges , Nicholas Kolm , Jennifer Konieczka , Tyler Kopischke , Emma Kopper, Matthew Koprow,cz , Katrina Kothenbeutel , Ka sey Kowitz , Brenton Kreider, Chri stopher Kruchen , Erin Krut Cheyenne Kuchta , Martin Kutter, Kayla 11 , 14, 20 , 31 79 74 7 4 7 8 74 , 135 74 3 1, 79 61 14 3 1 74 74 61, 161
LKLaFalce, Hannah Lack, Jonathan Ladebue. Amy Lahnert Philip Lahnert , Sarah Lairamore , Allie La,tos, Enk Lam Betty Lam Tracy Lambert Kyla Lane.Susan Lang, Perri 31 177 , 194 61 20, 49 , 199 61 13 9 31 61 , 127 61 88 , 11 5 49 49 60 61 , 117, 12 7 14 ,3 1 3 1 , 126 127 177 , 196 74 , 94 Lang , Peter Langworthy, Stephen Lanning , Alexander Larson , Austin Laufer, James Laughlin , Delaney Lavarta, Brianna Leazenby, Jess e Leazenby, Jordan Leclerc, Nathan Leffert, Sean Leopold , Lorraine Lerche, Amelie Lerche Aubrey Lester Christopher Liddick Tanner Linsenb,gler Deanna Linton Elizabeth Livingston, Tyler Livingston , William Llzza Caitlin Lizza , Mallory LJungvall , Chnst,na LJungvall, Rebecca Lockerd , Melinda Lockie , Tyler Lohman , Nathan Lollar, Kevyn Long , Kassandra Lopez, Myst, Lord , Megan Love , Hayley Lovely, Danielle Lovely, Matthew Loyd Nicole Lta,f Jeannette Lubkeman Kelly Lucero, David Luchetta , Nicole LuJan , Alax Lund , Dylan Lurtz, Angela Lusk, Bree Lusk Kelsey Lustgarten , Noah Lutz , Tanner 61 118 , 138 , 13 9 61 74 31 74 128 74 49 74 , 125 74 62 74 62 , 159 62, 159 74 49 123 74 6 2 74 47 , 49 7 4, 141 31 , 79 31 74 62 74 49 , 155 32,41 , 138 , 139 , 178 49 74 49 62 , 161 3 2, 178 62 62, 135 62 3 2 79 , 114 178 74 6 2 49 62 49 32 , 79 , 178 , 179 49 74 49 89
MMaas Katie Mack , Casey 49 , 96 49
, Lozan
, Dylan
, Kyle
, Shaun
Bryan Moody, Christopher Moon , Jesse Moore, Nicholas Moore, Tyler Moore Ill, Howard Morales, Anal1s1a Morgan , Rowdy Lee Morgan Spencer Morri s, Kim Morvay, Hannah Morvay, Matthew M
Astra Mott , Bradley
Mottesheard, Alanna
Moulton , Lisa
Mueller, Alyssa
Mullen , Nicholas
Mullen , Sarah
Murphy, Alexandria
Murphy, Robert
Murphy, Ryan
Murray, Chelsea
Myers, Jennifer
Myers, Laura
Myers, Ryan
O ' Neill , Patrick
O ' Neill , Sara
O ' Reilly, Jared
O ' Rourke, Catherine
Oehlert , Eryn
Oertli , Clayton
Oleskev1ch , James
Nagode , Jamie
Nauslar, Lillie
Navant- Martin , Molly
Navarez , Jacob
Navarez , Nicole
Nebeker, Rhett
Nebeker, Shelby
NeeSmith Sasha
Needham, Allison
Needham , Katrina
Neiman , Christopher
Nelson, Brandon
Nelson, Wesley
Neumayer, Anthony
Newman , Alyssa
Nguyen, Chanda
Nia, Hannah
Nicely, Zachariah
Nichols , Chase
Nichols, Holly
Nickell , Karisa
N1eczkosk1 Alexander
Nielsen Danica
Nielsen Jesse
N1kitin , Christina
N1kit1n, Daniel
N1hus , Amy
Nitz , David
Nitz, Rebecca
Nobles, Sav1on
Noeth , Shelby
Nolle Zakkary
Noonan Angela
Noonan Aubrey
Noriega Kathryn
Noriega, Yon
Norris, Chelsea
Norris, Jordan
Norris, Victoria
Nowak , Sage
Nye, Samantha
O'Brien, Kimber
O'Brien , Rory
O'Fallon, Caitlin O ' Mahony, Christopher
' Neill , Charles
Magill , Connor 49 Maguire, Michelle 32 , 194 Mahurin , Westbrook 49 Maiors, Danielle 62 Mallec, Jordan 74 , 152 Mallec, W1ll1am 32 Mann , Adeline 62 , 108 Manning , Katherine 62 Mantilla Ortiz, Rebeca 75 Mapleback, Christina 75 Mapleback Tyler 32, 79, 179 Marino Adria 49 Manno Lia 62 Marquez Axel 53 Marquez , Cecelia 75 Marsden, Dylan 75 Marshall , Conner 49, 155 Marso, Alexis 32 Martin , Dana 49 , 79 , 116 , 156 , 157 Martin , Douglas 75 Martin , Mariah 32 Martinek, Connor 62 Martinek , Ryan 32 Martinez Alexander 49 , 143 , 148 Martinez, Derek 20, 49 Martinez, Joslyn 49 , 131 Martinez , Levi 75 Martinez , Megan 32, 79, 141, 179 Martinez , Ryan 32 Masters, Lucy 62 Matheison , Joshua 62 Mathewson , Elizabeth 32 Matoba , Kirk 49 Matous, Joseph 62, 149 Matthewson , Ian 117 Mattson , Nicholas 75, 98 , 125 Mattson , Tara 49 , 161 Mattw1g , Sarah 62 Maxey, My1osha 66 Maxey, Nichelle 53 Mayberry, Ridge 62 McCall , Ann 32 , 180 McCall, Max 62 , 115, 144 McCracken , Jessica 14 , 32, 180, 198 McCririck, Sage 32, 180 McDonnell , Robert 75 McEachern , Ethan 75 McEachern , Tanner 49 McGregor, Taylor 62 Mcllwee, Kyla 62 McIntire, Spencer 49 , 115 Mcisaac, Liana 62 McKenna , Ryan 75 McKenzie , Amy 62, 135 Mclane,Bndget 3, 17, 60 , 62 , 67 , 122 Mclaughlin , Meghan 32 126, 127, 180 , 194 McMan1gal , David McStraw, Austin McStraw, Travis Mead Ann Mead Katie Mears, Mason Mears, Taylor Mease , Chandler Mease , Cooper Medina , Jonathan Melendez , Nathan Merrill , Ian Metcaffe, Conner Meyer, Jayce Michel Stephen M1dyet Justin Millard Dakota Miller, Alex Miller, Gerald Miller, Jessica Miller, Matthew John Miller, Matthew Julian Milligan , John Milligan , Rachel Milne, Meaghan Minatra Robert Minobe, Mikio M1orelh James Misik, Berne M1s1k, Karissa Mitchell , Paige Mitchell , William Moauro, Alexandra 50 75 , 94 144 50, 143,198 50 , 128 75 , 128 62 50 , 143 62 75 62,96 75 32 75 , 125 75 51 32, 79 , 115 , 154 , 155 75 32 , 41, 147, 180 so , 79 , 123 33, 79 50 , 62, 79 , 123 , 198 50, 62, 79,123 , 198 62 62 33 , 180 , 181 75 62,139 62 75 62 33, 159 so 62 Mohammed
75 33 75 so 75 62 21 , 62 50 75 75 50 20,33 , 181 75 75 62 75 , 125 50 , 92 153 33, 181 75, 155 19,33 , 79,140,141 33 75 , 128 50 , 152 33 50 75 , 131 33 75 75 , 125 , 149 75 , 128, 153 21 , 33 , 79,181 63, 110, 111 63,144
N63 50 , 134 50 63 50, 131 33, 123,146, 147 , 182 75, 135, 152 20 , 50 34 , 126, 127,182 34
63 50, 155 50 50 , 79 63 , 127 50 , 161 , 198 75,115,153 63 34 , 182 34 , 182 63 63 75 50 59 , 63 75 50 34 , 183, 195 50 75,125 63 63 50 , 133 63 63 , 151 50 63,134 , 153 75 34 , 133 , 183 139 63 34 , 79,117 63 , 148 75,157 63 75,139
Mitchel Orem , Abraham Osbaugh, Kailey Osbaugh , Nicole Osorio, Anamaria Ott , Christina Ouellette , Tyler Ozols, lnese Ozols, Tails p 75 76 50 34 , 183 34 , 156,157 50 76 63 76 SO , 151 134 so , 79 , 132 , 133 63, 157 63 50 50 Padilla, Blake 34 , 123, 195 , 198 Palmer, Brooke 21 , 28, 34 , 67 , 79 , 97, 118 Paredes , Orlando 34 Panmuha, Lea SO Park , Chad 63, 139 Park, Jenna 35 , 79 Parker, Enc 125 Parker, Kyle 50 Parker, Mitchell 76 Parker, Stevie 63 Parra , C1zdy 76 Patterson Joseph 76 , 125 Pauda, Mana 76 Paul , Jacob 50, 123 Paul , Jeremiah 63, 123 Payne , Kathryn 50 Payte , Joshua 50 Pearce, Jacob 51 Pennington Samual 76 Perea, Blake 51 Perez. Luis 76 , 144 Perkins, Shan1se 51 , 131 Perrin, Gregory 35 Perrin , Jeffrey 63 , 115 , 137 Perryman, Jacob 63 , 144 Perschbacher, Kolton 63 Perschbacher, Kortney 76 Phillips , Lindsey 51 Pickett , Catrina 51 Pickthall , Brittney 76 Pierce Hannah 63 Pierce , Ian 35 P1ssare, Nicholas 76 Platt, Jason 76, 137. 141 Polk, Casey 64 , 88, 127 Post, Morgan 35, 184 Post, Norah 76 Potthoff, Austin 51 , 139 Potthoff, Brandon 35, 137 Powell , Spencer 64 Powers, Alyssa 76 Powers, Daniel 76 Powers, Justin 64 Powers, Laura 64, 88 Powers, Mitchell 76, 149 Pretz, Jordan 76, 125 Pretz, Nicholas 51, 123 Price, Chandler 51, 152 Price , Derek 76, 125 Price. Michael 76, 141 Priest , Kristen 51, 123 Privett , Kaitlynn 64 Progar, Lindsay 14 , 35, 79, 95, 184 Proski , Shannon 64 Prosser, Bryan 125 Prue1tt, Adrienne 76 Pszanka, Lindsay 76 Pule, Luke 6. 64, 89, 149 Pule, Matthew 21, 35 Pullano, Timothy 35 , 117, 198 Pyykkonen , Drew 76, 117 Qas1m, Shahad Queen , Destinee Quilang-Castro, Kristine Quintana, Alysa 76 51 35 , 167 , 168, 198 64 , 116 Quintana , Victoria Quirk, Derek Quirk, Dylan 35 64 76 R Radovich , Beau Rafferty, Brittany Ramirez, Eric Ramirez, Javier Ramsay, Chloe Ramsey, Crystal Rand, Kallyn Raney, Parker Rathbone, Catherine Ray, Andrea Reed, Sky Reed , Wade Reeves, Golden Reider, Nicholas Reimer, Melissa Retrum , John Reveille, Robert Rex, Cody Rex, Colter Reyes, Norma Rhoades, Zachary Richy, Johnathan Rickard , Nicole 117 76 76 51 51, 79 35 76 76 16 51,157 20 ,64 76,144 76,125 64 64 76 35 35 14 , 35 41 , 115 76 , 115 78 76 64 136 137 51 51 Ridder, Emily Ridge, Lisa Ridpath , Tyler Rigler, Cody Rio, Dillon 35, 79 , 179 , 184 185 195 51 76 35 Rivera , Christopher R ivera, Patrick Rivera , Samantha Rivera, Sebastian Rivera-Parker, Eric Robinson, Maggie Robison , Ashley Rocheleau , Noelle Reckley, Damien Rockley, Tyler Rode , Samantha Rodgers, Ian Rodgers, Jesse Roesch, Amanda Rogstad, Amber Rollin , Holly Rolph , Abigail Roman , Guy 64 51 35 156,157 64 76 64 , 131 64 21 , 64 51 76 35 51 79 12, 51, 156 , 157 198 51 161 64 76 161 64 Roman , Nichole Romanowski , Harrison Romero, Alexander Romero, Boston Roselle , Ariel 35, :)8 76, 15, 36 1e c: 76 1~ !> ]F 28,36 195 3b 64,98 36 51 36,185 76, 115 51 Rosette, Jessica Rosette, Robert Ross, Brett Ross, Jordan Rosse , Patrick Rossow, Leanna Rossow, Victoria Roth , Jeffrey Roth , Mary Rothrock, David Roudybush , Zachary Rowe , Kyle Rucker, Kyle Rutherford , Emily Rut1shauser, Nathan Ruybal , Conner Ruybal , Payton Ruzicka , Alena 64 , 155 36, 79,103,108 36,154 155 51 n 64 155 n. 135, 1s1 64 n. 139 51,139 64
sSageser, Lauren Salazar, Megan Salazar, Michael Sahndeho, Jacqueline Sander, Andrew Santana, Rian Santos, Kylie Satterfield, Lexi Sauer, Logan 11 36 64 36,186 T' 64 137 64 n, 121 1i.1 64 36, 79,139,154 155
··-Saunders, G,na 77 , 157 Steffens Shayla 77 Umbrecht , Patrick 38 , 93 , 123 w,11,ams , Wyndam 66 , 93, 123 • Saunders, Jordan 77 Stengel Ryan 65 , 144 Unger, Justin 65, 143 Willramson , Holly 14 , 39, 79, 114, 191 , 192 I) 7 Sayers, Troy 64 Strfflear Ryan 14 , 52 Urban , Alexander 38,189 Willis , Jessica 39 , 161 , 192 Seance, Christopher 36 Stiner, Kenneth 37 Urban , Sam 78 Wilson, Ashley 78 Scanu , Angelica 77 Stitt Ian 10 , 37, 187 Unce, Caleb 38 Wineland , Brook 66 , 141 , 156, 15 7 sea, etta Allen 77,125 Stoeber Brandon 65, 123 , 155 Winkler, Eric 39 Schalhamer, Austin 65 Stokes, Ryan 52 , 79 , 123 , 146 , 147, 198 Winzent, Derek 66 Scheltinga , Elijah 77 Stolte , Taylor 37, 79 , 187
Vw,se, Brittany 66 Schexnayder, Dustin 77 Straley, Timothy 52 Witte, Brandon 78 Schhttler Ilona 19 , 36 Strauss, LIiah 37, 195 Wittek , Tanner 39 , 147 Schmidt, Philipp 51 Stroh , Kasandra 65 , 152 Vald1v1a , Calen 78 Witters Hicks Kynan 53 Schnautz, Jackson 51 Strong , Joshua 77 Wrtthohn, Leah 53, 79, 198 Valrm , Anthony 65 Schultz, Ryan 65 Sulrk, Trevor 77 Wolken Andrew 66, 123 Vall , Evan 38 , 189, 190 Schumacher, Jessica 16 , 36 Sulley, Alexis 65 , 128 Wong Caroline 53 13 1 Valois , Stevi 65 Schumacher, Joanna 65 Sulley, Anthony 52 Wood Katie 78 , 115 VanDuyn , Richard 38 ' Schwab, Nicholas 65 Sullivan, Kendra 65 Wood Marilyn 53, 134 VanVuuren , Kyle 66 Scott-Gilbert, Mary 51 Summeril , Connor 37, 103 Woods , James 53 VanVuuren. Olivia 78 Searcy, Crystal! 52 Summers, Alex 52 Wouk, Jordana 53 Vanner Trenton 14 , 38,92, 190 Secosky Nickolas 77, 117 Summers Kristofer 77 , 125 Wunderle , Shelby 39 Vanoni Cassidy 78 Seery, Shannon 65 , 151 Sunny Julia 77,128 Wynn, Brita1ny 39 Vasquez Cabnnr 53 Seidel, Emily 52,198 Sutter Karla 37 , 151 , 188 Vaughn Jacob 139 Selcer Tyler 36 , 123, 198 Sweeney, Katherine 77 Vaughn Jared 38 , 138 , 139, 190 y Sell , 0estmi 52 , 161 Sweetkind Reid 65 Vaughn William 78 I Senz Alyssa 12, 52, 141 , 157 Sw,m , Lesley 37 , 79 , 161 Vega Kevrn 38,41 , 123 I Senz, Mia 65,157 Sharpe Colter 20 , 52 Velasquez, Stephanie 66 , 161 Young , Tyler 66
TVersaw, Julianna 157 Shea, Kacie 52 , 129 , 130, 131 Young , Winona 66 Verschuur, Carl 66 Shea Kon 77, 159 Yu s hka , Branden 3 9 Vickers, Kenna 157 Shearer, Julia 52 Yushka, Evan 66 Vickers , Loren 78 Sheesley, Abbey 52 , 127,151 Tafoya , Trey 77 Vigil , Calvtn 66 Sheetz, Keila 77 Tanton, John 65 z Viken , Brandon 66 Shefte-Jacobs, Ario 77 Tasc1, Tyler 65 , 144 Villarreal , Jacob 38 Shefte-Jacobs Max 36 , 40, 79,140 , 141, Taylor, Amy 77, 135 Vincent, Christopher 47,53 , 108 , 118, 198 186 Taylor, Charles 52 Vincent, Rachel 20 , 66 Sheldon Scott 77, 108 Taylor, Katelyn 52,131 Zaba , Anthony 78 , 125 Voehringer Emily 66 Shephard Amanda 77 , 128, 153 Taylor, Megan 37 , 179 , 188 Zaba, Debra 53 Shepler, Logan 52 Taylor-Burroughs, Kayla 77 Vogt, Matthew 38 Zant, Stacey 39 , 90 192 Sherman, Benjamin 52, 79 Theodorakos, Alexandra 77 Vogt, Mitchell 53 Zarlengo, Alexandra 66 Sherman , Samantha 52 , 89 , 151 , 198 Thielen , Devyn 52 , 131 VonBurske, Chnstopher 78 Zephrnn , Zachary 66 Sherpa, Angela 77 Thirouin , Kevin 52 VonDreele, Julia 38 , 79 , 190, 196 Zerbest, Cameron 39 , 90 , 97 , 192 VonDreele, Kiley 66 , 157 Sherpa, Pemba 36 Thoemke, Caleb 77 Zerbest , Kolb, 66 Sh1eler Evan 65 Thomas Alexander 20,52 , 104 Vu John 38 , 41 , 123 Ziegler, Alyssa 39 Shire Michael 65 Thomas Allison 78 Ziegler, Jonathan 53 Shobe, Matthew 77 Thomas Andrea 52 , 141,198 w Zigich , Keira 39, 157 Sibel , Wesley 77, 115 Thomas Charles 78, 144 Z1ka, Emma 66 Silva, Elyssa 36 Thomas Shelbey 53 Zimmerman , Kurt 66, 141 Simmons, Tasha 33 , 36 , 187 Thome David 53 Zimmerman , M c Kenzie 53 Skelton, Garrett 52 , 96 Thompson, Cassandra 78 , 161 Wachs , Kaitlyn 38, 197 Zinant, , Joseph 78 Skorka Chelsea 36 Thompson , Lucas 53 Wachs , Sarah 78 Zrpprich , Norma 39 Skorka Michael 65 Thompson , Mitchell 37 Wagner, Aubrey 53 , 133, 198 Zrrbes Mercedes 66 Sladek-Barr Savanah 66 Thomson-Foos Carissa 37 Wagner, Aaron 108 Z1zz1 , Adam 66 , 97 Wagy, Kirstin 78 Sleep Brianna 77 Tibbetts , Michael 65 , 123 Wale, Alina 38 Sletten Cassonra 133 Tice , Bishop 78 Walker, Megan 53 Smith Aaron 65,141 Tidball-Sciullo, Cameron 65 Wallace, Trevor 66 Smith Chelsea 77 Tidball-Sciullo, Jordan 11 , 37 Waller, Alexandria 78 Smith Collin 36,143, 187 Tidwell , Aubra 65, 133 Walters , Drew 78 Smith Courtney 52 , 79 , 96, 104 , 141 Tilden , Scott 10, 53, 123 Walth, Emily 78 Smith, Hillary 65 Tim , Julie 53 Walth, Erin 10 , 38, 190 Smith Ian 77,125 Tinucci , Patrick 37 Ward Joshua 38 , 190,191 Smith , Kenneth 77 Tolbert , Cydney 37, 79 , 188 , 189 Wareham, Ryan 78 , 125, 149 ->mith Michael 52 Tolfree , Andrew 78 Warosh Ryan 78 Smith Paul 52 Toms , Taylor 37,189 Warren , Nicholas 78 Smith, Samantha 52 Tong , Brandon 78 Weese, Samuel 78 Smith, Shelby 65 Topper, Timothy 65 , 123 Weiman , Jill 66 , 116 Smith Tyler 52 Townsend , Christina 48 , 53, 67 , 199 Weiman, Juha 66, 116 Smouse Jacob 37, 123 Trammell , Cierra 65,127 Weingard! , Michael 53 Snart , Carson 52 Trammell , James 78 Wernholdt , Bobbie 66 Snart, Taylor Trammell, Jennifer 53 , 127 65 Wells, Brionna 38, 92 , 191 , 196 Snelling, Francesca 77 , 128 Trichie, Megan 53 Wells, John 66 Son Synia Tnpp, Kalllyn 14 , 21 , 65 , 130, 131 , 152 37 Wendelin , Cyna 53 orv,g, Kari 10, 37, 187 Tripp, Kyle 14 , 37 , 41 Wenger , Erm 78 Sorv,g, Kyle 65 123 Troxell, Tess 65 Wernars , Hendrik 66 S'>Sa, Aubrey 65 Truax , Jacob 78 Werner, Manah 53, 79, 123 , 198 Sosa, Casandra 52,158 , 159 TrUJIIIO, Andrew 38 , 79,123 , 154,155 , 189 West, Briana 16 , 20 , 53, 198 Sosa Elise 52 TruJ1ll0, Jessica 60,65 West-Martinez , George 78 Sowash Parker 52 Tu, Richard Hien 38 , 99 , 147, 195 , 196 Westbrook, Amber 39 Spatz, Austin Tufano, Brandon 65 52 , 123 , 147 Westbrook , Andrea 66 .:~ellman , Megan Turquette, Matthew 38 52 Westbrook, Ashley 53 , 123 Spence, Mitchell 52, 198 Tuton , Alexis 78 , 94 Westerfield , Cody 78 Spencer, Deveraux Tuton , Jordan 65 52 Weymouth , Sabrina 66 Sprackltng , Marcelle Twiford, Alyson 53 77, 153 White , Brittney 66, 90 Sprague, Eh 65 Tycksen , Erik 53 White, Connor 78 11nnsky, Ian 77 Tyma, Lisa 65 , 97 Wrederspahn , Jacob 66 , 123 Spykstra, Taylor 52 Wilkinson , Carolyn 66 Staley, Shawn-Tyler 77 u Wilkinson, Holly 60, 66 Starr Destrnee 65 Wilkinson , Stormy 39 , 88 Staub, Calvin 52 , 139 Willey, Kevin 53 Staub, Rebekah 77 Williams, Kacy 53 , 123 Stauffer, Brianna 52 , 161 Ugarte-Sch1rrme1ster, Paul 78 Wilhams, Nicole 78 Stautter Stephanie Ulrich , Cameron 78,125 77 , 115 Williams , Sierra 78 Stearns, Jamee 77, 115 Ulrich , Collin 53
-~ ••• .... ., ••• ....
• • •
Arizona Senator John McCain wins the Republican nomination for president and names Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate Palin is the Republican Party's first female nominee for vice president.
sen tobe°"'VP Watchttief'rs+ rafvtveat on a-ac~
0Democratic Senator Joe Biden of Delaware becomes the 47th vice president of the United States A member of the Senate since 1973, Biden brings long-time Washington experience to the Obama administration.
Obama's grassroots organization and !nnov~tive Web campaign is ~red1!ed with inspiring young and !1rst-t1me voters to participate heavily in the election I EARLY 1
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The values, fashion and personal vitality of the Obama famil y resonate with Americans ubhc interest in the first family nvals that of the interest in the Kennedy family in the 19606
conoIC Exclusively YM s* risis 0 With buying power decli marketplace comp ning 10 l t\e consumer • an1es natin11wid&.a to lay off workers Th - --,~ 1 ,~~ ~r& forced rate hits 7.2 perce~t ·,neDnatJonal vnemploymentecember and is · ::dily.The hardest hit states are Michl\S1ng gd,e island, California and SbJCU.. ,gan..1. uu 1 Carolina W Smith/Getty 1 •
Public bicycle sharing systems, already popular in Europe, roll into American cities like Washington, O C., to help fight traffic congestion and reduce pollution
Tight money and high gas prices push auto manufacturers to investigate super fuel-efficient and electric cars The Chevrolet Volt is an early contender and the tiny "Smart" car is already on American roads
En~ronmemaHy cons¢lbus
consumers use item ~ such as reusable cloth shQppJng bags and Klean KarJ.i~b water 'bottles lhaT don't le~ ~armful chemicals like BPA
launches the
In September, Google and General Electric partner to develop clean technologies. Modernizing the national electric grid to enable wider deployment of wind, solar and geothermal energy will be an early priority.
The green cleaning
movement gains momentum nationally as environmentally sate non-toxic cleaning products are used in many homes, as well as state and city institutions
President-elect Obama asks all Americans to volunteer their time on the 2009 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, January 19, and to continue throughout the year. More than 12,000 seNice projects take place across the country.
"Make It Righr project to build
green-sensitive new homes in the New Orleans Lower 9th Ward, which was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Pitt contributes $5 million to the project.
Courtoay of Apple , Inc
' I I • , 1 • : ' • I • •
The Beijing 2008 Summer O\ympi~s showcase some of the m~st ~mazing performances in Olympic history.
The Philadelphia Phlllies win their second World Series with a five game victory over the Tampa Bay Rays The fifth game takes three days to complete after a rain delay
MVP Santonio Holmes makes a tip-toe catch in the comer of the end zone with 35 seconds remaining to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers past the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 in Super Bowl XLIII.
Jimmie Johnson captures
0 The Chinese gymnasts take th e team title, but Americans Shawn Johnson (floor exercise} and Nastia liukin (all-around) take individual gold medals for the U S
Heis the NASCAR Sprint Cup championship for the third straight year in his famous #48 Lowe's Chevrolet Impala SS
I ;anaire
.. Wii FitWil J - Wii Fit
0 Britney Spears rebounds from years of personal challenges with her fifth No 1 album , Circus She becomes the only act in Nielsen SoundScan history to have four albums that debut with 500,000 or more copies sold
Rapper Lil' Wayne takes home four Grammies, including Rap Album of the Year for Tha Carter Ill and Best Rap Song
0 Due to low ratings , MTV's flagship show Total Reguest Li ve shuts downin November after a 10-year run
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R&B singer/songwriter Ne-Yo brings out his third album, Year of the Gentleman, which debuts on the BIiiboard 200 at No 2 The album gamers six Grammy nominations.
The video for Will 1.am's song "Yes We Can" gamers more than 1 3 million hits on YouTube and becomes an anthem for young voters dunng the presidential campaign
0 Fox's American Idol adds a fourth judge to the popular show Grammy-nominated songwnter Kara DioGuardi joins regular panelists Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell.
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0 Rocker David Cook, with 58 percent of the fan votes, beats balladeer David Archuleta in the 2008 finals of Fox's American Idol ' • I • I I I l r • • < I•
0 • TextJng becomes the new writing. Teens everywhere learn to double-thumb miniature keyboards and invent a new language of abbreviations and signs AP
Patterson Top style trends this year include baggy pants , oversized sunglasses, designer purses, black nail polish and plaids ~~)-1,J\ The nation converts to all-digital TV in 2009 The Department of Commerce offers government coupons to make the conversion more affordable. • ® 1ostens C 2009 Jostens, Inc 08-0743 ( 1825)
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Aug. 11
Aug. 12
Sept. 3
Sept. 19
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Sept. 25
Sept. 25
Sept. 27
Oct. 31
Nov. 3
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 27
Dec. 10
Dec. 11
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 19
Dec 19
Fall Sports Begin
School Year Starts
Back to School Night
End of First Six Weeks
GHS Bui.lding Dedication
2nd Annual Talent Show
Homecoming Parade
Homecoming Game
Homecoming Dance
Last Varsity Football Game
NHS Induction
Golden Area Honor Choir
Winter Sports Begin
Musical Opening Night
Thanksgiving Holiday Concert Holiday Concert
Final Exams
Final Exams
End of First Semester
Winter Break Starts
Jan. 17
Jan. 19
Feb. 7
Feb. 16
Feb. 16
Mar. 12
Mar. 30
Apr. 6
Apr. 18
Apr. 22
Start of Second Semester
Jeffco 10 Select Honor Band
Sadie Hawkins Dance
President's Day
Spring Sports Begin
Spring Play Opening Night
Spring Break Begins
Break Ends, Back to School
Junior-Senior Prom
Junior ACT Testing
Pops Concert
Senior Finals
Pops Concert
Senior's Last Day of School
Senior Awards
Graduation at NAAC
Underclassmen Awards
Underclassmen Finals
Last Day of School