GHS Yearbook 2010

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Pl· Golde,a ffl fi Sc:fiool 1011~ street Golde,a, 80~01 30398 0 . www.9olde,afil9fisc:fiool.c:o• 11,eiub• Pl· tJel 1easa Pf·

I.Seniors Michael C, eene. Kate Baals.Colin Kiel and Ky nan Witters II icksst udy ha rd in Mr. Reid"s His tory class 1n hopes of bee om 1ngawesomcacadern ic~

2. Thechecrleadingsquadshowsoff the ii ability to mu !ti-task by stunting whilechantingachcer to pu rnp up t hes ta nds at a Va rsil y foot ha II ga ,ne.

3. Sen iorCol Ii n UIr1cha nd Junior Megan Bryan putt he fa ntilst ic finishing touches on t hci relay masterpieces 1n Ms. I la rn m·sAdva need Cera rnicsclas~

'1.Sen iorSemi na r st udcntsworked to et her to re- a int our "'G· and make it "'Golden·

Being a Demon means many different things.

Every student at Golden High School is special and contributes something unique to our mountain community. We are not just another group to pass through these doors - there is a lot more to us. We all have depth and dimesion. Some of us are athletes. Some are artists. Some are academics. Some are activists. And some of us are all four_ Together we are Golden Demons.

Not only does the student body utilize its versatility to make our school a better place through Student Council MVP,andSRO - butwealsomakeour community a better place, with Yearbook, the Sociology classes, Sports community f undraisers, and NHS (to name just a few).

Looking back on the year, savor all of the memories, and what it felt like to be a Demon. Revel in your triumphs and your failures. But most importantly, always remember how proud we are of what we have accomplished_

• • • 7 3 0 0 0 -
went to Par e. in
1lt 1nanageofilliteracy
t hr stor iesof Ihe
i 11 1t sport a ls. >a Int 111g-... and stcli ned gla "" ,_:_...w,r~~
Pa ri~ i'>or1eoft hr most beaut if11 I ca1hed1 alsin the\vorldBu
the cat hrd ra
ideto Nime._Cat
Angela Noona11(12)sho-wsoffher acrobatic ski l lsas shed ives head first into her r ienceat the ruinsof Peru.

eniorsAngela Noonan.Cody Hinri chs.Aubrey ~'agncr,a nd Anthony Neu m,1yer pose for a p1c1 u re with one oft he1 r ne\v Per uv 1a n a n1 i os.

Ttw Mou 1111 Rouge In Pans Isa ramouscabaret where many I) Jl"Sof cner1c1 lnmcnt tak,· place. but lt"srnost famous for ltsdanccsOneofthe most popular is the -Canca ,i-

but very prcll) 1ownfullofhlc;1orlrbulldlng Here. It's easy 10 fl nd f rlendl) folks tosha re I hr stones of old France.

A spcr.1.1 lg roup ol sl udt'nt sgt•ts picked eve, y yea, to goon at, ip son1ev.•hen• out sidt' oft he country. Ju5t th 1s last su rrune,. our pre rs visited Par isa nd Peru. Go1 ng ex 1, cn1ely long pl,ir1e, icle pr ohably isn't one of peoplt>"s favorllt'I h u1gs 10 do. but in I h 1s case ii \\.'.tS \\'Or th ii.

H,1 n n.i h Pi PI Cl' ( 11 )t•x plains I hat hc1 first rc.1ct ion gt't l i 11g ol ft he plane 111 Pa r1s v.1as that. NI t v.•as vc, y rr ,1 zy a 11d people wc1 c t•vcryv.1 herd I w,1s so happy to bt> t lH•rc f 1n,1 lly - it \Vast he longes I plt1 r1t• 1idt.f Students spent fou rdays 1n P,1 risa 11d ten clays i 11 cit he1 Ni< eo1 A1x en Provence. l'hr>y <'HJO)' eel eating I he fort'1g11 cu isi 11t• such as Ratatou I lie. duck. and a I.OT of <Tl'pP~ Tht• girls' favor 11c activity v. as. of cou r sc.1 he shopp1 ng. They ad rn ii ted I hal though it v,.,as very hot and hu rn itl t hry st i 11 rna nagt•d lo pa, tit ipa1e ina va ric1yof act iv11 ics. li kegoi11g to I hehcachaud hiking.

Other s1 udentsv.•c11t ona t 1 ip 10 J>c1 u. I'hcy visited the A n1.i zon Rai II forest as wt1ll as the cit icsof Luna and Cusco.A11h1 ey v\lague , ( 12) 1eca I led ·~rhe biggest shock \Vas I hccu It u ra Id i fferrnct:. l'he pov1•r1 y v.1 as ext, erne."Oneof the 1nosl cxcll ing t hi ugsabout go1 ng toad iffcrcnt ( ou rlt ry is 11 yi ug out the food.'l'he) chose to cat a ton of chicken and rICc. In Peru t hC' act ivil lcsa re end less-goinghik 1ng through the ju uglt~ feed Ing n1on k ies. and piranha fishing. l'hecxt I ernesa nd da ngersof c;ich d1<I n't stop ou 1 Dernousfr om exper1cnci ng I he \\1oude1 soft hr\\ orld a I ou nd us.

In Peru Angelc1 Noonan (12)'ilt"iclt I he top of a l11ll looking do\\ 11011,1c1t'J fullofpeople.rnJo, 1nghr1 cxprr1e11ct'> fromhothnca, .ind far

111P.111s.ou1 peers got 1ov1sit the ArcdeTriomphe. This strUCllffC\\'aScomplcted In 1833 by Jt'an I•ran~ls Tl~ll!SC Chalgnn Napoleon commissioned 1hca1ch in honor of the glory of hlsl mperlal a rmlrs

Thlsancil'm buildi 11g 1s found In I osA rdennes.Fr ,1ncc.a s,na 11 1N hllc

1 had a great lime hanging out w ll h my f rif'l1ds in Hawaii. It was area 11) f u Ir i 11 i ng ex perwnce,and I wou Id encou ragrot her st udPrlls 10 goon t hi' trip if they get I heoppor tu nity.Rachel

~I was really excited togo to Hawa Ii th lssu m mer. I had a lot off u nand 1eallyenjoyed snorkeling with my friends. It was a great opport u nil y that I w1l l always rememberf - Ha Icy Love (11)

SunBathing:A Hawaiian Green Sea Tu rt le(Honu) baskson 1heshoreat PuuhonuaoHonaunau Na11onal Park. \1nlt'nt(II) Rainbow Falls: Students were awarded theopportun ity to II isit the fa mous80-foot water fa 11 at the Wailu ku River,at Rainbow FallsState Park in Hila. Juniors Carl Breer.Erin Kelley.Jamie Nagode.and Emma Kett pause fora pie tu rear WalploOverlook In front of the Waipio \'alley. located on the Hama kua coast of the Kohala \'olcano.

Th is wast hr 25th year that Golden I-I igh School Biology st udcnts had the oppor tun 11 y to ta kea I rip to l1awa ii to learn. study.and have fu n.Scventcen jun iorsa nd seniors fron1 Golden went a long with students frorn Chat field.Colu rnbi nc. Mu I!en and Pomona totaling t thirty-eight st udcnt sin a 11. In order to go. students needed a 9rn6or higher in Biology a 11 year.a teacher recommendation.and a passion for Biology and th<' ocPa n. The group stayed for fou rtcen fu n-fi Iled days.which sePmr.d 10 pass byway tooquickly.

While there.students stayed at Hawaii Prepatory Academy. They visited sevcra I sites.including Puu honua or IIonua nau Nat ion al Park.Volcano Nat iona I Park. Ma nu kona lfa rbor. Lapa ka n i State Historical Park. Rainbow Fa Ils. vVa ipio Overlook. Koh a la Overlook. l l apu na Beach State Pa rk.c1 nd Lau pa hoe hoe. They got to h 1kr explore. and sno, k le. "My favorite pa rt of the trip was sno t kcl i nr and just being in I Iavva i if' cxcla i rncd Junior Kait lyn Gilbert The trip was a great success.and event hough it only lasted 14 days.the n1ernories v,., i II certainly last forever.

Le f t ThornasA Japgcr Museum at I lawa ii Vnlca no National P<1 r k.

a cor,1 I reef,\ h I le ,;uor kc ling. Bawa II 1sfarnousfor llscoral nef\ whlcl1.u1comp,ir Ison tot he rc,;t oft he\\orld's.arevt r yyou ng. down 20feetand pulled h1sc;norkrlout topokearound inthccoral Ttienrxt 1hl11gy.,, k11t\\,a11oc1opusla1chedon10 h lsil 11na11d \\ 111.!11 l11•brought l1 upa net 11 got 111 rw· 11 larcll"d 011 c1 nd 1 rled tobitcmdAfter I fj na II) pu II, d ii offl had IHI ll pinch nia rksa II o•,cr·

Say Cheese The whole group stops to take a plrtureat Kohala Overlook. which provides a great v1ewof Pololu Valley and 11sbcau1 Iful black.c;a nd heach~~ Hawaiian Sun s et \gorgeoussunset aftcralvi, 5 u f 1n lay at Hapuna Hapuna Beach State Park. Laupahoehoe: 1 hescan• t lw rerna i nsof what used to bca l.11 at n& doc!\. before a tsu nam1 dcst roycd I hecrll i, c :own of Lau pa hoc hoc.
when I hec;norkeltng I nc;t rucrordove St udentsdlscovcrcd

Mrs. Garvin had a baby named Et ha n Ry an Garvin.on July 12th. 2009 tfr \-\'as 7 pounds.. 13 ou nres. a 11d is I loot 9 and a ha If inc he~ Oh yeah.and he's a l\oadorabll'!

husband Mark wcremilrned on t he41 hof Ju P1 ney Rivt'r Ranch outside ol \ 'ail They t'OJOyl'd a \\t'ekend-longcelebra11011 w 1l h familyand friends.

rat u lar ions

rs.Garvin hadhersecondchildover thesu~1me aughter as we! LThe entire fami ly wast h fl Iled

s. Ba kera lso wenton 1heraf1 triµ "lhadagreat t imeon I he water 11 was relaxing Spending somedown-t imewith myroworkerswasf u rf

One oft heh ighlightsof Mr Muphy'ssu mmrr vac .it1011 was I ead inga nd rnjoyi ng the beaut if u Iv It'\\' from h Is der k along r he horizon of Mou 111 Eva 11s. Golden ha\ the bl'\I of both worlds, with the beaut i fu I mountain v it•ws., but ...,...._._..i;,Jose pox Im ii y rodow ntow rt

LazyRtver Mr Morales was Just one of I he staff members who went on I he facu It y raft trip this year. Everryearst aff members gel 1ogethe1 ovrr I he summer toraftcamµandjust havefun!

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·Ahoy!We've rea c bed la ndr: "Tlw beaches In the Brit !sh lsleswcrcamilz1nef Mr Burcarrecalledofh1samaz111gsummer I rip.

"Argh.M ateyf tr Bu rear took rothehigh,;easfv, , ,urnmervaca1101L I\VO \\eeks salllngwa<,deflr111rlythehlghllght ofm~ su mmerf cxcla I med Mr Bu rear


Sr 11dl'lll s ,If e11·1 t lw 01ily 011t•s \Vho look fo1 \va 1d to a long il\Va ltcd su rn 111er vacat 1ori teacher sa, ea l\vays:n1 x 1011s to gl'I I ht'J r cl11 II on too. Wh ilt' r hey do.of course. "ork and plan fort he next school year .o u rteachersa lso IIke to k 1ck h.1ck.1 cl.1 x.a rid n1a ke the n10~.t of ou I a II 100-c;hon vac at 10n 'll>achc>rsenjoycd man) d 1ffcrcnt su rnrneract 1vit le> Our English teacher. Mr Co11si 111'c111. ,.,,1•111 ro g1 ad school.ii SL Joh us In Santa .Fea nd earned his Masters Degree> \i\'t11le111 S,1111 c1 h~ h<• l'Vl'll rook 111 ,trl ope1 .~ Sonu~or her I u II p,u rs o! l11s 'iU m rncr ,vere raft 111ga nd St>t>1 ng 1ra nslor 1111•1 s Z" hP r ,tlt>c; 11. ·c1 I 1v1· 0111 of rert· Science teacher Mr Bu I car had an advent u roussu rn1n er In r hl• Br111sh Virgin I,;la nd'I. At t hr Islands he,vent sa ti Ing Y.'11 h his fa mil) flea lsov.ent snorkel , ng, f1 sh Ing, and enjoyed Color r1do'swonderfu I attract ions tod Gyr111ea1 lit't M, A11clP1 son had d fa 111ast ic su 111111cr going to Sea It h.•y,•it h h Is fa 1111 ly. He Y. ,•nt gol f111g \VII h h 1sso11s.,111d b,11 lwd 111.i Hor .11 sr ylt> Spl'e<lo on l he French R1v1era

Our Asslst<1111 Pr1nc;1ple lvl r Conroy had c1 ve1) tact tea I su miner \i\ h1 le v. e \verl' playing video ga 111esa 11d ta nn Ing, hed Ihgent ly reported tot he 29 Pa ln1c; Ca llforn ia Ma nneCo, ps hctst!At the Air Force hase he taught Tactical Combat Casu a It 1 Ca I e.ah TCCC At t ht• AIr Bas,• II<' 1,111ght abou1< hrrn ica I,var la re.Mr Conroy studied up fo1 h1ssu rn 111er gig w11 h ,1 Joh, 1•l,11ed Ii I111 ca I!Pd '"GI Jue: R1s1• ol Cobra· Fort he record he rates 1l ·an 8out of 10:V..'h I le b<1ck t,crc In Color ,1clo. hccnJoyed c;on1eo! ou I c;1a1e·seduca11011al slle'i. liket he Museu 1n of Natu 1e & Science. The Art Museurn.a11d the Moll) Bro\vn Housc. tve1 the family man.Mr Co111 oyadn1itted that·, tw 111gb I1ghr of r11ys11 rn 111er \\ asc,u11pi ng \Vil h 1ny ,vi fea nd kids.and go1 ng to Elitc:hc>s to ride the l,1zy r1vrrf

Mr \\'csterkan1p helped gu 1de the bo,11s nd organlzcthetnpt h1syca r. But our favorite pan about t 111· n1 flt rip.Golla be Wcs trrka mp·s hat!

Joined her k Ids and fol low Jeffco •n1ploy,·es for l rips a rou 11d Colorado th Is \Um nwr.1nclud111g ro I ndcp<'II · 1encc Pass. Hcntage Squa re. 1 nd other fun outdoor ampandhl \ tfrhadabahya\ wel! Heltdd hlsb.111) on ugu\l 6. 2009. HI\ 11 \\ sons l!r ••) dr11 M lch,11'1 Yl'c,ir.r 1ula110 .i

Ms. Manley B) Jonathan Klimek
Jun iorsSha n non Seery. Taylor McGregor and Katherine Man n 1ng head tot he creek on a hot <;U n1 n1er day. This ~u111m,·r,St:nio1 K.-Jli~r.i 1c1<,u11\H·111 tu Nt>w York.,rnd Wa\h Ington DC ·1 v.,,nr shoppi ngrl lot 111 N,.w York. wh lrl1 w.,~ .1 lrJt off11 lldftd in DC w,• w,·rt·sight-s,·1·1ng I h,· 1•111 i r,• 11 me." slw Sd id J • • • • • y ott here. Id ran 1or Brian Colorado river: a lion ol w Sen 1or5 LI l llf N;;u ,IJ r. K~l II G.:s Ilagher.A ngdJ NoonJ na nd Aubrey WJg~r 100~.1 ro.1d rrlp upto L.11 hrop Lake I hlssummtr 10 Join Senior DJllon Ha~ loc~ .md faml ly lri<'rnl\ lnclud111gal11ht> local f Iremfnof D~n-.n 1fsa new I raduwn for 11,a nd \\, an'r~all) 5larl Ing 10l0\"e ll 51JtedSenlors l Ill 1t' N.iu,la rand KelllG.,llagher • 1nnn lntfn, tllllUf • I I

la n Rodgers(J2)statcs. ·the best pa rt oft he raft trip was being d doo-daandbeingout lnnaturewithfriends.· Scott Albrecht thlnksthccraziest partoftheraft trip was when Mr ~Maybury had to get out oft he river after takinga dip.

There a re so many options for sum mer activities. it's no wonder why it can bed 1fficu It to know where to begin or what todo. Nhen asked many Demons had some great suggestions:

1. Ma kea difference. Whet her the job is big or small thesu mmer isa great opportunity to ta kesome timeout to ma kea difference in you rcommu nity.

2. Ex pl ore a career Sum mer is an idea I ti me to beg 1n exploring possible careers for later in Ii fe. Utilize your ti me off to help out figure out your future goals.and put a Iit t le cash in your pocket tool

3. Achieve a goa I. Get ti ngaway from the hect 1cschedu let hath igh school often bringscanafford more rime todo the things you a lwayswanted do. but never had the ti rne.

4. Just do what you wa ntl In add it ion to extra-curricular programs. jobs. sum mer school or whatever else might be part of your sumrner. there shou Id a lsoa Iways bet 1me for family. friends..and yourself. No matter how you spend you rsu m not forget todo the things that make you feel happy and energized whet her that mea nsspend i ngextra ti me with your siblings.swimming int he ocean.going on the school's raft trip. climbing around 1n caves. making t 1me to see friends.going out for ice cream. just s1tt1 nga round reflecting on the past yea rs.. ora nyt h 1ng else that gives you peace of mind Just ma kesu re to relax.and havefu n!

B1 Katerina Jesernig Senior Rya nStokes thinks that staying hydr atcd hlk 1ng to 7-Elevrnand enJoy 1ng t hesta rs was what he liked themostabouttheraft trip.

Got Pie? Aromper it ion bet wren the classes makes for very messy laCl s. This bubblP g 1irn pif'-<'at Ing rontest \\ash i la riou s tosa, the leasdAs usu a Lt ht>SC'niorsca me out on top wh<'n Ciera Dolechek (I 2) blrw her bubble the faste st.

nd glasses.

"My favor ile l hi ng about be1nga Senior is hav Ingras1er rt asses. teac hrrs t1 rr n 1t:er.a nd of cou rsr. we get ~eniorit';overeverything relishes SeniorNicholette DiCiacornn Brlovr.Si>n 1ors Abbe) Sheesl1•y. Ni Aubrey Wagner. Nichole! te DiG1aromo. Kelsey Koentges.. A ma ndii Roese hand A lrx Giehkr.


Revenge of the Nerd st Junior s Sam N,.i> Ta,lor McGregor Elise Drei11 ng. Shannen See 1y ;ind Ta) lor Sna rt represent 1ng t lit' nerd\\ 11 hi n l hem wearing high wa 1stc•d pants. su spenclrr,a
i L" ne s~Ne 1\-0Ul -
Mr. (,i 11 d l\\d) s n·presenls his uniquest ylc. from htscolor fu lc:onvrrsl'S 10 his tri lhy Jut ,el•11 Int his pirt u rr H isgue~son t hcoutconll'of I he Powder Pu ff gam~ are gol ng to wl n and b,·at somr srnm1 JU nior ta 13eatthe WheaC- On Nerd Day.SeniorsAustinCarman Alex Mart Inez.and Ian Huff dress upas nerdy farm ersand ready fort heir soccer gameagainst \\ heat Ridge.
SenlorDlme~Ll llie Nauslar.Shannen Johnson.Sam Sher marl Kelsey Koentge~ Angela Noonan. KelliG.!ll;1gher Nie ho let ll' D1G1aca mo. Aubrey Wagner.Ju Ila Shea rr r. Bril ta ny Gregory. Abbey Sheesley and Ka IIcy Osbough }

"Togada) wasmyfavoltesplrt day because II was funny 1os.eewhatcveryo11t>drcssed up ln.- said Sa r.1 h Courtney and Madi Evcrlst(IO)

Asa lways. Homecorn i ng was an ext rernely spirited week fi Iled with many festivities.including Neon Day Urkel -Napoleon Dyna rn ite Day. Vv1 hrn I Grov. Up Day. Dernon Pride Day. and Toga Day. Almost everyone agreed that th 1syea r's pep ra Ily was one to remember with a bubblegum pie-eating contest the teachers· da nr.e to pay tribute to Michael Jackson and the rnost ridiculous pa rt oft he whole thing The boys· da nee. Event hough the da nee was cut short. v-.,e had a lot off un learning it and TP-i ng the Juniors n1ade it a 11 worth it." recalled Sen 1or Clinton Franz

'There·sa big world out there. Bigger than Homecorn i ng. bigger than h 1gh school and it won't matter if you were the prorn queen or the quarterback oft he footba 11 team or the biggest nerd ind out who you area nd try not to bea fraid of it"(Un known)

JabbaWockeeZ: The drum Ii ne broke it down for everyone toseear the assembly. performing in 'Nays we've never seen before. They increased I heir members from 8 to 22 from last year.

Btlow' Sarah Court11<), Ml~sy Conklin. Marcelle Spr,i kllng K1llyn RondMadl E\rrb~andTa1 umGomtz Trying1ofigh1 the cold I he crowd huddles togct ht>r to cheer on tht> foo1ball tea rrt -1 swear. by I he end of I he n1glt1. my toes wrreabout tofal Ioftr laughedSophornor eTylcr
Cleveland ) ear it was t he Senior g irls" ho ,,on the powderpuff game The) beat out lhe Junior girls 10 wan the title. \\1th the hel p of Coach Gi ll
Sc.ience teacher Mr. Rago busts out hi sold sr.iencegeek gear to reP: resent the nerds of I he science depa r I rnen
Sp e ak of the DevttSe111orCast•y Mack show:, his Demon sp1 r ii b) sport Ing fu 11 Demon all ire. As.1 h, ays. the 11<1 lls Wt•Jt•filled wir h maroon ;ind while. cl'!Pbralt t lll'i r l.1,1 H,1m com ang .i s~•·mblyat Guld1·11 High$( hool lts.1 bllll'I ~\\1·c111101111•111 torl'wryom• ~o r 1•,11ly 10 lr,1v1~ hut ,1 Iso llv 1ng l II th,, monwlll, for 11 1111' l,1)t 0111' \\ ,·11 h,1Vl w ii h ,d Ioft Ill' proplewho1,, e hav, grown to lov1~

-There ison /;: one v. 1 a5 rocheer hard!

Author Unknown And that's hov-. our cheerlc>aders roll!

win n 1ng rny last Homecoming Ga rne. and rea Ily important to n1e too: srn i led Senior Ada rn Frank.

It was very cold but the aud 1ence was st i 11 excited Snow and bitter temperatu rescou Id n't stop them f romcheer1ng their hearts out fort he team

·11 was a lot off u n fort he whole team \o\'edid wel Iand n1ade no mistakes. And wedest royed the Lancersf exclaimed Senior Ryan Stokes with a smile

Most oft he visitors showed their school spinld ressing in school colors black and maroon. to support the team

WaltlngForthe Start

The tt:a m waited anxiously before l he startofthegame.

wascool to play in the snow. but our hands froze up.-

After 4 Days of a great Hornecomi ng Week. f u 11 with school spirit and fun everyone waited fort he Homecoming Ga me against Lincoln TheGamewason October the 8th at 7:00in the School of Mines footba 11 field It was a very cold night with snov.• but it cou Id n·t stop the Demons. But before t hegamesta rted the Homecon1 ing Parade went through downtoVv n Golden

1fyoure nor in the \.i'atch r J1e parade.. Thats /1 fe.-

Mike Ditka

From the very begi nningof thegame..Goldendominated. At half ti me.. the score was an overwhelming 35-0.

"Homecoming rnea nsfootbaf Lfloats,and f u 1L" - Author Unknown

The Dance Team and the Drum lineenterta ined theaud ience with a great performa nte. In the second half the Demons cont 1nued what they started. And t heydefi n itely fin 1shed il too. The fi na Iscore was 41-0. and the entirety oft he Demons population celebrated!

~Homecon1ing means parades. footbal land reuniting \Vil hold friends." - J.

The Drun1l ined id a na\\'esome perforrna nee during ha It i me and entertained th e cro\vd to get her with the Da nee Team

Senior Dylan Camachorecallsaboul playing int he Drumlineduringthegame. it We Love Golden! in Drum Iinefor3 years and 1t has been a lot of fun.. but il was cold that nightf admitted Senior Emily Seidel TheGoldenHighSchool DanceTeamentertained the crowd during the halft1meshow.


MacRevizie 13aqnaie, Snelbe~ Tnomas, avid Meqavi wal~er (viot snowvi) promote peace awareviess , nope, avid broadevi views abo1At wnat s ~oiviq ovi toda~ b~ marcnlvig lvi dif ferevit cities w1tn navidmade siqvis, Sometniviq as small as maRiviq someovie smile or eel lvisplred goes aloviq wa~I : )


·Arter I graduate.I want togost raight into tradesr.hoolin Wyoming.and !\viii take any mechanic jobt hat comesn1y way: 1hought Sen tor Pau I Sm it It

The Golden Yearbook Sta ff asked a few Seniors to tel I us v:hat they have planned to do after they leave Golden. 'A'i 11 they go to col lege7 Are I hey going toa Univeristy or staying in tov.n?'A'he rea re they going to work to put thernselves through col legca nd I he rest oft heir lives? A1 et hey going to live v-. ii h pa rents.friends.. or by t hernselves?Or a re they just going 10 bedoi ng nothing but sin 1 ngat home?_ Golden has a Iways had successf u Istudents. and with ded1cat ion and the right at t 11 ude, we v:il I keep up the good work!

go to school in Brooklyn or go to DU. I want 1obrcomeacrcativrwr itl'r and publish hooks. I wil I beworkingat a bikeshopv,:it h my Uncle togrt by."

Senior Shawn Montoya happily told us.

1 "I \Vant to go to college forarchit urea nd be able todesigna nd bu i Id my own house in the mou nlai ns. I want 10go toCU Denver or RPd Rocks. I will probably be living with my pa rents or some f riendsand I will beworkingat Noodles&Company." - Tanner McEachern(l2)

·1 want to go 10 t tw Un ivcrsil yofWyorn ing fora technical theatPrdegn·e.and I will most•li kl'ly be Iivi ng int tw dorms \Vh i le rm I here: Senior Sasha Ncesmil hdPda red

-1 want to go

e,11 t It· UniVl·rsit y ,i ml -;1 udy public

i rs. jou r na Ii sm.a nd pol 111ra IsciP11c1-.·Seu ior Kalt· Baa lsst,11l'clSou nds Ii k1· 'itw's fo1 ng to be pn·r t y bus)i

·1 \VOU Id Ii kc to be a rna r inc biologist sorneday. so fd Ii ke 10 st 11dy I hat In school rm oing tot ry 10 go to CU.and I wi 11 bc\vor king pa rtI irne to help pay for iC - Tara Mattson (12)

'I W.tlll 10 tll'

a mid wt fr•a nd a forl'1g11 la nguJgc·

Ira n~laror. I wou Id Ii kl' to move 10 J,1pa nor Korl·a ~ornnfay." Raina DinkPl(l2)

·1 want to bea veter i na ria n and go tocol lege in Sterling. Colorado. I want to go on a road Ir 1p so met i rne dcst i na1ioJL unknown· - Kayla Brown(12)

-1 wanll~o .,..
., If.1
I r"',.
Left 1 wi//,i/waysremernbP.r Mr.Cousineau bee au st Jw isagreat teacllt'r and I like hhorigi11.1/ st yleof teat/1 i npf etc la i n1ed Sen ior}oslv n Martinez Middle -~ rs. Go/lhofi.,r iseasy-going,and I can ta/ k to her about anyt hing.·confided Kisha ,, istid, Right ·Ms. Burnett ir1sp1rt>d nwtobean.Jrt i:!>L I\\ i 11 a In ay.s n·11w1nber lwr: proposed Kellie Frick~nn

" What I lik e ab o ut th e c h an ges to th e sc h oo l is that th e sc h oo l is a l o t m o r e li ve d -i n thi s

ye ar .'' - K a itl y nn Pri ve tt , Juni o r

" My le a s t fa vorite c h a nge from la s t ye a r to thi s year is th a t th e r e is no

A ccess " - Melani e J a rv is, Sophomo re

.-.f .or
• ., • •

Fee Ii ng the lovc:Golden st udrnts unite with t he1 r fa rn ii iesat schooll Ont he left.Aubrey and Ame) If' Li>rcheshow their sistrrly affec t 101l Nathan and Nichole Cusack con fiderll 11 pose fort heca rnera int he lower right circle. Int he bottom left corner Alex and Andrea Thomas. who would also qua Ii t y for happiest sm ilel And lastly on the top righL is the M ii ler twins.. I guess they haven·, grown up rnuch! v\e asked them: What was your favor itepa rt about being in school with your sibili ng7

---.. .._ I

These seniors all ha, e -.omething in common , n,h1ch 1s being -.ucce""ful 1n life and go ing far K ate Baals "ant1., to become a nen 's anchor, \1,,h1le Brittan) Gregory n ants to becon1e a dancer for the L aker<, And as for R)1 an Stoke1., , he ,vants to become a football player

Senior Jake Pea rce·s most em ba rra ssi ng moment was Sophomoreyear1n Mr K<'lley'sclassl farted and l put my head up then said whoops! Then I went back to sleep."

Senior Chanda Nguyen says her most embarrassing moment is everyday in her second period English class.

Stefany Bu\ la rd Teacn at GHS Ali Bryson Be Tea rsa Arel la no Dav id Gracbcl. and Lindsey Phillips aV1 Ol~mpic Me Je sse Rodgers (Swimming) Elias Euler Jerr y Miller Nichi DiGiaco mo Be a Pro Atnlete Rya n Stokes (Foot ba 11) Abbey Sheesley (Soft ba 11) tneN Cody Hinrich s
Date a Pro Atfilete Ama nd a Roesc h America's Hext Top M In ese Ozo l s Ca r so n Sn a rt Dilli on Ha llo cK Ta nn er Liddick ite a Great America~ Ho AmyLadebue a Famo1As BIAI R1 Co nn er Ma r sh a ll
Be a Soccer Mom Aly Se n z e Ne xt Teevi Heartt ro
Hay ley Franco
Br it ta ny Gregory. Cassie Sosa Julia Shearer. and Becca Nitz
Tony Neu mayer Wilson Ada ms
TePnsa re ronsta 111 ly cha ng1 ng I hPir 1111 nd\ v\'r-'r t> i ntoo111· r hi ng onr m I nutr,a nd I tw 1wx1 u·s ye<.ll'rcfay\ m·\\'\. Sonw I hi ngs Wl'.rl' u1to i nclll(Jp• Tex Ii ng. lpods. Ft1rt•,. snacking.~ ll'rpi ng. st yh~ and of I ou rs1~yo11 otla haV(' · l'llds.

There a re many different styles you may see throughout the halls of Golden. Some oft hem include the fashionable Ugg boot Nike Dun ks. Vans. and Polo shoes. Some other out fit trends include flannel tees (right Freshman John Klimek)and Rasta-wea r(l eft Senior ackenzie Baghaie}

-Before I play gu ilar. I makP peaci>wir h \'ishn11 and pra'., 101 hesacn·d rur1te· -MaxGilhrair h(l l) ·1 lovt• 10 play I l11•dr un1~· - Eltac; Eu Ir, (12) -Nhenever I prPtt'nd topt.1, 1111• cl ru TTI\. I a lwa, <;[ h, 0\\ I he SI irk:dlPC;JlJ',t' rl1ar'swha1 ,1 rolkerdoo<f - jd~Oll B.i 1"1011 (11)

r, d

I Sa \Aa a

Grade- Junior Country. Germany

Pros Meeting new people & learning the language.

• Cons Missing my fami ly and friends

"Eswarnichtwirklichhart !ch Jernteeslursechs]ahre.aberes hier~uspr:chenis~ hartManchmal weiB ichnicht was.ichsagen sol Jund an elnlge~ Tagen1stesbarte_r. we1l

IJchaufDeutschdenkeundishartlstEnglischzusprechenEngl1schzusprechen. - .r:


Grade- Sen 1or Country. \'iet na rn

Pros Socia Ii Le Vv it b new horn 1es

Cons I f you can't drive around. you can't do much and ifs really bor I ngat bo rne sometimes..

"Toi da di cac tro chO'i bong da Homecoming , ma lam mong ngheo cua toi dong l~nh v1 thoi tiet dE?P · trU'ong h9c o day t~i My la nang suat hO'n va coi mo"


Grade- Sen ior Country. Chi le Pros You don't l1aveto wea ra uni form and a lot of food a 11the ti me.

Cons The weather here is veryd ifferent th an in Chi le.

1-Iay un mont6n de persona sq ue habla n espaiiol en Colorado. Joque hacediffcllparam!para practica Ingles,por ejemplo voya Taco Bell quepuedo pedirenespaiiol"'

Grade Jun ior Country. Germany

Pros The people are so friendly.and HOMECOMING WEEK!

Cons The weatherchangesso quickly chat you can't really be prepared i\m bin noch bei dem Lernen der Sprach e unde s isthartsiezu verstehen. wenndieAmerikanersoschnell spre ch en SasBeste.J n Colorado z usein 1st da ss i ch in einerso tollen Gastfamllie Jebe"'


Country. Germany

Pros Experiences, new cu !tu re.a nd improvingmy English

Cons 10 mon t h saway f r om fami ly 13evor Jch hierher kam. dachteich,, dasHiirteste,inAmerika Wiirdedle Sprachesein. aberich denke, esist dieMentalitfitdesamerikanischen Volkes. dasistziemlichschwerzu verstehen.,.

icnael BIAtler

Grade-Ju nior Country Swe den P ros Get a yea r of f f rom Swe de n ConsM issmy fam ily and fr ie nd s "'Vadjaggillarmestmedmittland arattdetar liittatt ta sigruntpI grundavtagochbussarsedan 1 Sverlge, viharlntebllar. Detvarlntesvartformigattliira slgengelska eftersom Jag har lfist det tidigtlfor staklass.

Przem~slaw (5am) Laviqa

Grade-F res hm en Country.Pola nd Pros I l i ke th e peo pl e h ere &a 11 th e scene 1y is g r eat

Cons T her eiso nl yo ne w ay tog et to Europe.

"LUBJI)wszystkonatematmojego kraju boJa sil) urodzilem tami]estem wykorzystanJadowszystkJego,aleja naprawd.D podobnie Jak wgorach Coler radobowiemwPolscesDdaleka~

Tr a n l a ted By:

D omini ka K a min k a

~= BlV : ~h -
G GOLDEN HIGH SCHOOL • l I t•d Oldf' I P. Lll•r ~.JI n CI.A\S OF 1'197

y l a n Lund ( 11 ) r ock the Shaun Wh ite n o\vboa r der look. D yla n comme nt s, " Pro and co n s? It ' annoying be ca u se everyo n e oi nt s it o ut eve r y day , but it odd l y flatt e ring eca u se it 's SHAUN WHITE! !"

So ph o m o re An ge la Sherpa s h o\v a s trikin g r ese mbl e n ce to Bre nd a So n g. " I f s really int ere tin g to h ave littl e kid s co m e up to m e and ask for an au togra ph .''

l y sa Quint a n a ( 11 ) look s a l o t lik e a c tor E v a M e nd e " W e ll , I lik e th e mov ie ' Hit c h ed', so \v h atever. H a h a!'' Th i s gi rl has th e H o ll y\vood-look m inu s t he mole o n h er c h eek.

8 inches..

"My favorilethingabout being tall is that it helµs with basketbal I." admitted Ian Sm 1th ( IO~ Gfeet 5 inches..

favoritethingabout bt>ingshort ,., t hal when I go toCou nt ry Buffet. rn1 sl i 11 cha rgcd kids' pricer Matt hevv Shobt•( IO}st a nd-,at a 11 even 5 feel.

sizedf' Alexandria Waller said with excitement. ThisSophornorestands at 4 feet
-~1• ;/ ~ I I ,,., I I] I
- -
( IO~ "Ii kes being ta 11 so (hc)ca n reach thecook1f' ja1f His height isGfeet 4 inches..


Battle oft be Classes The Fresh m:i n ACEclassr~ wait patiently to take t hrot her classes on in impossible and r.ra zy tasks.Anyone up for playing wit heggs?

Whai's1he411 on ACE.?

AC.E isa new class at Golden 10 hrlp lowPr I ht• nu rnber of Fs int he school and lo reduce Ihea n1ou nl of drop-outs. During th is Ii rnr.studen1 sa re n·q11 ired to read for 20 n1i nutesa nd then do homPwork for I he rerna irung time.St udPnts have

t headva ntagcof using th iscldss 10 go;i nd s<'e I he1 r teachersaboul an absence or any issues I hey a re having.AC.Eis foe used on help1 ng st 11den1 shave n1ore Ii rne to finish their work when they a rt> Juggh ng ot hr.r act ivit 1es.

During th is class.. Fresh men students benefit from I he MV.P a nd SRO progra rns to keep them a head oft he ga rr1Pa nd lo pre pa re fort heir future yea rs al Golde rt M.V.P leaders teach 9th graders I he i rnpor I a nee of doing what is right and encou ragl' the students to participate inf II n act ivit 1cs where I hey get to Inter ar.t wil ht l1C'i r fel lov-. c.lassn1ates. M V.P leadersa rea selened group of Jun iorsa nd Seniors who have a desire to help and support the rresh rna n class. Aside f rorn bt>i ng a helping hand the M V.P leadersget t he9t h gradPrs involved in super fun and st! ly act iv it H's. Thr. Fresh rnen have to learn to work \Vil h Pach 01 her todoa nyt hi ng f rorn making a reacher laugh to defeating the opposing class in a -BP at Jes Rock Bandcornprl ii ion! Senior Ada n1 rra n k an nou need. -M.V.P isi! rea Ily cool way to help kids out and feel Ii ke you a reg1v i ng sorrwt hi ng back lo I he school" In add it 10n tot twi r enrou ragerncnL M V.P leadersart ascontPnl -spt•ria lists.tutoring about n1u It iple subjects.

SRO lr.adersa reassigned onr.1iuddy-for l hr. whole ye;i r. bur du r Ing AC..E ti rne they get the opt ion of l1elpi nga new st ud<'nt every week.Their main goa I 1s to help students who need add it ionc1 I suppori,a It houglt a nol hPr big role is 10 be I here as a f nend. A11 ie Br 1denbu rg.a Sen iorar Golden H1ghSchoolexpla ins. -we help st udenls whoa rest r uggl i ng in class and doou r best tot utora nd give t hern advH t•about any issues they a re having."

ByTylr.rClevelt1 nd

hewashPsdowna scrump-

HelplngHand l hl'ISt' .i Norr is( 11)\\orks\.,, 11 II ;i g,oupof I ,uJ,·111 on I he1 r Sdrnci •homework. 'S.R.O is,1 grt.'JI way fur rn,· to lwlpout pr1•rs<111d h,tVC rll II do, ng ,tr

~elly Ache: ~reshman Bryson Fisherlook\1heleas1graref11las hr sruffa his facr w ll ha blueberry piP. 1-11s stornar h wa sn·t al a II sat isi f ll'<l by I hr.tum· lw rh•a n•d out t lie p,i n!

BrainOverload StudPnl\ brec1 k out t lw books as I hc1 usP I heir ti TIH' i nAC..r todo I heir hotnev,:or k. AC.E. is ,I gr rat 11 rne to get I hat stack of honJP\-vork donl~ I hat v,:ay it\; not 100111 i ng overt he v-.·cPkPnd Ha rd \Vork a hvays pays off.and good alt ions rnean good resu Its! Fresh n1a n AII n 1cSon nen field givPs sorneadvicc lot he 111con11 ng fresh il'~ -You shou Id rea I ly try to u SC' t hr ti rnc to n1a ke lll'\V f ricndsa nd gel a 11 your v,or k don cf

1 man Addle
re~ i I manclassundertoo
,ousdonut The F_res I son of food product nvo\vcd con sum Ing some 1
Tanton c.hugsa water ass I< man,· ac11vit ies which
I 2 3 7 l
,' IJ • L
I 2r / '""" .. .. ' I \ •• .. \. II .. I \ JJ' 'r----1 6

Math seemed tobeall theragethisyear Kidswerebuzzingwith excitement to crack into their new math books. Katherine Manni ng(l l)sa id she s1 mply loves a 11 the graphs that she gets todo in her Algebra Two class. No t only 1sa 11 the talk about JU st math. but a !sot he amazing technology we get to use 1 n our classes.Student Conor Mari nek (l l)excla i med that he. wsi mply can't wait fort he next ti n1e (he) gets to use the new ly-acq u 1red SMARTBoards to present (his) math work!"

If a 11 that doesn't set you off about Math.then JU St Iis ten to what's going on in ind 1v 1dua ls' classes.and what they have to say about t he1 r teachers. In Algebra One. where st udentsa re encouraged to contI nue the 1r developrnent oft he1 r nu rnber sense. Br it ta ny Ba Id ry (9) con1 rnented that UMs.. Garv In is just the best because her math ski 11 is simply superior to a 11 the other teac hers.-She rern i nded us that she also enJoys going because math is so fun. In a not her class that goes by the name ofStatist ics.students get a more 1n-<lept h look at what statistics real ly mean when they see them whet her it be int he newspaper 1nter net etc. Anot her outs ta nd 1ng disciple. Con nor Fielding (12tcon f1 rmed jokingly that WM r. Hayes is the best because he not only knows math extremely well bu t he was alsoarou nd when they invented thisformofn1athf

Theent husiasm present in each classroom was frankly astonishing. Who knew math wou Id be such ah it amongst the student body in only their second year at the new school7Kids were probably raging about this because oft he terr, fie progra rnsoffered at Golden. Ii ke: LM P. One. Two. Three. and Fou r:Algebra Pri ncipa ls:A lgebra One Two.and Two Honors:A lgebra Two Process Science: Geon1et ry Pri ncipa Isa nd Geome t ry Honors: Pre-Ca Icu lus. Pre-Ca lcu !us Honors. Ca lcu !us AP:a nd reg u la rand AP Stall st ics.

Matb-Sa avy A rnanda Roesch(12)t hrowsdownon I he computer dun ngS1a1 ist ics. Shr ad mils that·, his y ra r ha-; got to be(her) fu Jlllt'St because Mr Hayesdot•sn t lect II nf

Left Junior g I rls Katherine Manning.Aubrey Noonan.and AlexTheodorakos(l0) prove that Mg i r\ power- st 111 rocks with thei r fancy pink ca lcu la tors.

Middle: wlf you were a 45.<fegree angle. I'd comp Ii rnent you and ca 11 you acute. \t\'e'd be right roget herf -Ms.. Cook Right WCrunchy- rnath work isex plat ned to ~t udents Iis ten i ng to Ms. Euler. The kids we r e ea ,er to say that she is a Mlegit" teacher.

Nick Ci lp1 n Brit1any Baldry Breanna HallDanny Ba ile!.saand Zach \'l'ssa rea II Freshrw,•n enjoying t helf first yea I of Math in high school just Ir y i ng to get the hang oft h 1 ngs.

Oneda) R1ca rdo the Raptor was late for Mr BlincoesSc1ence class... v\'el Lyau see what happenned to R1co_ The least wcca n do 1s learn f rorn his m ista kcs...

Golden High School prov ides a plethora of Science classes. such as Earth Sc1encr, Biology. Marine Riolog).A natorny. Physics.and Chemistry

In Earth Science~ Fresh n1a n st udcnt s lea I n about the different env i ran n1ents In our world. a long v.: it ht he different layers that rna kc upou r al n1ospherc.

In Biology. Sophon1ores lc•a r n about the eel ls in plants and an i n1a ls and the different processes t hr 1 goth rough to create what vve see around us! They a !so get the bless1 ng of being able to dis sect different an i rna Is tofu rt her-explore t hP fu net ions oft he eel Isa nd organelles.

Yet a not her i ntercst i ng course.our A natorny class provides students with a cha nee to ex pl ore the hu rna n body and hov: it f u net ions.

In Marine Biology.Mr. Rago told us wh<1t he personally looks forward to a bout his class I his year, MI a lvvays look for\va rd tot he aqua riu rnsa nd seeing t hest udentsd iscover the science heh ind them:· Chloe R<l rnsey(l l)ad rn it tecl wrny fr1vorite pa rt ofSeience is appreciating Mr.Mi Iler·s -green" sh i I t_ Plu~ 1he science p<1 rt of it."

And Ian Rodgers (12) in for rned us. ··1 use science in n1y Ii fe every day outside oft he class roon1. by i rnpn·ssi ng the ladies \Vir h rny sciPncc ski Ils... And when Id rive I use physics to not roll over i ntoa n embank mentanddir_"

1ha11he) lt'nd 1orf'g11\arly R class have aquariums ddl \\ atcr 10 Studen\slnMr agos r sh.kedingthem.a ng

The'! rerespons1blcfor l he1rown \ hen1.a ndcli'a nlng' hcttl ., chem1call) balancrng 1helr1an,.s.

B10logy class \Vas fi I lt>d \VII h act 1or~ I II t lw far left plioto. Christopher Lestc1 (10) holds h1stcs1 tubesand preparcshin1selffo1 lab Int hr. rn idd ll• photo. LPona rd Holla 11d ( 10) n1 i.xesa n 11 n nperwd bc:111c1 na to put into his tt>sl tube to test ca rbohyd r att>s. In I he far 1 ight photo.Shelb) NelH'kera11d K,Hhcrine Hcsket h(l0)shovv us their fi:r.l i ngsabout tlwc•x< itinglabthey just finished!

Anyb ody canmakehi s tory,onlyagreat {per s on]can write it"

-Osc ar Wild e

Aside f ro1n your standard English classes th is yea 1 .Golden High School has added new alternative I nclud i ngA na ly t ica I Read 1ng.Sha kcspea re, Conte rnp ora ry Literature/Graph 1c Novel Cr cat 1ve Wr 11 i ng.a nd Ora I Com 111u n icat ion. These havP been idd Pd to Golden 111gh Sc hool'st1 Iready wide variety of Eng l 1sh r.lasses. but an· reserved for Jun 1orsc1 nd Sen 1ors. English 1sn·1 typically st udcnts' favor 1tc cl ass. hut Mr. Ha sh 'm 1·s.. Mr. Hasb, ouck's. c1 nd Mrs. Lew1s'Cr ca t 1ve Writ 1nga n•n't your t yp1ca I EHgl1sh classPs- then• a , em 1n irna I hook assign n1ents.t1 nd when you \Vr ite. it's in you r own u r11questyle. I MAGI NATION 1sa req11 i rcn1cnt fort his coursed

In many Enghshclasses. likc Fr eshmana nd Sophomo r eyc•ar. Greek Mythology is reacl TheSen1ors· fi na I book to read is Snow Flower and The Secret Fan by Lisa See.

Arnong the pol led Sopho rn orccli1ss1·s. it sec• rn s the Iavor itr. book they rcad w«1s The Cate her int he Rye by JD.Sa Ii nger. As fort heju n 1ors. The A lchern 1st hy P·1u lo Coe! ho isat the top oft he Iist fort he1, favor 1te book. -r he Akhern1s t 1sdef1111tley the book that my Junior shavet•njoyed t hP rn ost th 1s 1ea I To rny d 1srnay. m,1 n1 ad n111 tPd that 11 w,1s th e ft r st book th at th ey co rnpl etcly f1n 1shed du r 1ng h 1gb sc hool!"' JOkl'd Mr. Hashen11

•Being abl e tocom mu nlcat ee ffec tivelythrough r ea ding, writ Inga nd sp eakl ng l s t h es lnglem os t Important thl ng y ou le arn!'

-Sco tt Ha sbrouck

Hy Lisa Gayc!a

Mr Has Item I expla 1ns10 h 1s:Scr11ors In Creative Writ 1ng I he sr rucru reof child rens'books. Mr Hasherr111clls Yearbook

·1cachlngCreat1ve V,n11ng1sa 101 of fun for me becau~e I h; stud,.n1scome11p\\ 1thvervfunandrn1Prr:11nl n "

Sr11101 ,;ChrlsBaurnann and Ky le Hupf present I heir Engh

Id 111 t ht n k

"F.ngll his nrof

themo~t lmporl rnltour~\ln I hecurrlcu lurnbtcaus.tll \\litre er) I hinge me 1ogctlicr I llrra1ure lsaboutwhat1tlstobeahu111J11belnglnth worldEachsl r)

r~la1rsd1rrc1ly 10 u1' Chrl\Cousln au

Lef t Ju ri 101 Zach fl.1ctly 1sg1•tt 1nga hulestdeways whi lc\vorku1gora t hecornpuH•r

M idd le:

Jur11or AnnaGaatz.aGf't rnanexr.hange student. tel ls YPii r hook. ·Engl 1sh cl.tss 1s d1 ff 1cu It for me to u11dersta nd but ifs rnore fun than rnyc lass1nGern1any.·

Rig h t

Ju II iors \VOrk ing lu rd on t lwi r logica I a rgu rnent paper to p1 c•cc,ent t hl1 1r opt n 1011s tot h1• class.

sh project In tv1rs. i;1 ne'sSth Block. V1'rd
1l1at SMA HI Bna rds would nwan rnort' Po,,.,l'rl'o1 nt~

"I learned how to do Photos hop and rna ke things look cooler." sa1 s Jesse Moon (12i

One oft he v.•o nderf u Ia rt elect ivcs we offer at Golden is Graph 1c Design. taught by M 1. MI lier. St udt•nt:d nth 1sclasscnJoy it not only because oft he fun and i ntercst i ng content and concepts. but a !so because of Mr Mil ler·s effective yet fun teaching style. Senior Jessica KI i rnek explains. ~he·s la id-back and fun to bea round. He rna kes the class excit i nef

In Graph ir. Art-; st 11dPnts get a cha nee to expr ees t he1 r creative and a It ist IC sides by having an opportunity to design a rt and prints in Photos hop In Photoshop. students learn how to n1a ke cool pictures look rnore specia 101 rea 11st 1c by rna n 1pu lat i ng a rt soft \\'a re. In Graph 1c udents take photos anded it t hern in Photos hop on the cornputer.Sen ior student Haley Franco explains.. "I Ii ke th is class! \.\'e can branch out v.· it hour ov.1 n persona Iit ies. Event hough there isa speci ficassign rnent. \\'e can rna ke it our ov-.•n." l'v1ost students' favorite pr 0Ject was er eating their ov-.•n rnaga zi ne covert h rough the diverse pictures and expressions oft he cover page. UMy favorite project \\'as the rnaga zi nee over I n1ade because its rny ov-.·n creat iv11 ya nd it leads to something l hat looks so rea I and profession a L" Sen io1 Kisha Ar 1st idedecla red

Other than the n1aga zi necover. st uctents a lsocornpletea n a r ray of projects.including a self portrait and persona I logo The magazine cover v-.·asdevised for any subjectsurh <1sspo1 n1entor food. Se! f-por trait is a 11 a bout you. such as 1 our hobbies. acaden1 ics. and socia I II fe.

·onmentswe·regivenou r

-We get to mal<e theass10 preciat ively stated. own Senior Haley Francoap

Left Th is isa n exa mpleof t hest udents' invent 1ve and bold proclivit iesdernonst rated v,, it h Photoshop.

Middle: v\esley Nelson (12)ex pla 1ns. 'Th 1s class a llov.·s rne to expre-;s n1y ere at ive side th rough n1a n ipu lati ng photos 1n Photoshop."

Right A Dernon des1g ner forrned th is rerna rkable p1ctu reon Photo,hop.

St•n 1or K1sh,i An '>I tdt:!:'ih 1sda:;sa llo\\ s nu, to t·x prt"iS my i nug I nat 10n ,1 nd rnycmot ions th rough cnt I proJ<'C tsa nd a ssig 11 men lit
"I like that you can express yourself th rough t hedes,gns 1 ou create."
- Jessica Klimek(l2)

Socia 1Studiesclasses at Golden Hig School g ive us school sp irit and knowledge which set GHSapa rt from other schools. One difference is the way in which the teachers break down units throughout the yea rand really make them interesting.

Most students wou Id agree that at Golden Social Studies really can be fun! The teachers do a great job of grabbing students· at tent ion. Mr. Mendoza wil I goof off and play hisguitarforstudents. while Mr.Gill will tell stories.and Mr. Ohlen w i 11 recite funny jokes.

Fresh men learn about American Government for one semester and Geography fort he other.while Sophomores a r e busy learning about American History.Juniors a re focusing on World History and Sen iorsare working on Economics.

Th is year, thedepa rtment had many returning teachers. but a !so welcomed a couple of new members tot he Socia I Studies team The Inst ructiona I Coach from last yea r.Mr Shackett was one oft hem and former m iddleschool teacher. Ms. Maurer. a not her. Golden is happy to have them and they fit right in with the rest of th e fun and engaging Socia IStudies crew.

Mr Mendoza plays hisgu ita r for h1sclass while these Fresh n1en present their topic. Mr. Shacke ttd1 scussest he change Mr. Gi 11 presents a lecture to his 2nd block on the topic oft heir DBQ's. in Europe's size due to trench warfare. Left M1 s. fabr iz 10 tear ht>s he, classahoutthcByzar111nc· l:'..mpin Middle: Jun 1ors KylcAndersort Del n1el Graebel Bia keCva r a nd Carl Breer area I!--.mi \esdur i ug 'v\'orld H lSI0f1 Right Ms. Maurer prrsentso uc 1a \ in format ion to her class while they listen very intPnt ly

M'.\.Cook. wachesherSTUCO kids how to work 1oget her and r~nfuHl'S l lw st udcnt hody president Stephl'll) Bu Ila rd·~ rule: ·oon l Sf rt'\\ l h 1s 11µ

STUCOis th e way t ogd Colden High School's St ude11t Council is rapidly expanding. They \\'Ork d JI 1gPnt ly on rna ny things for t hest udcnt body asa whole. Senior Class PrcsidPnt. A lex Thon1as( 12).doest•vcry thing frorn orga 111 zing dances. ro being r he• hPad chair rna n fort he HornPcorn i ng Pa, ade~ even lwlpi ng run Tr ick-0r Tr eat St reet fo1 the kids. Trick-or Treat St rcer 1\a safe Pnv i rou 1nen1 wht•re kids can get candy around I heh igh school and go I h I ough a kid f rirnd ly haunted housr~St uclcnt Cou nci I activists pu t it <1 l I together. T he1 ea re l h rec Seniors. Alex i nr. luded. in ST UCO Vo.' ho have bPen in a II fou rycars. He and Ms.Cook \\101 k sidr. by side, n1a k i ngsurecvery t hi ng 1s v..·cl l--0rga n i zed and put together In t I rne fort he student body. A lex says. ~My favori1e pa r1 of ST UCO is W,Hc hi ng everything corne 1oget her.a ft era 11 I he ha rd v..•ork I and n1y fel lo\\! rner11ber s put in." Everybody's favorite pa r1 seerns to br.: When you're c1 Junior rncrnbe r. you get I he cha nee 10 plan prorrL Every) ear they do an ,1v..esorne Job rna king sure• the Seniors have a spectacular night and a rncrnora ble t hen1c. And r c•a Thon1as. the Senior Class Treasurer. tel ls us. Ma side frorn n1y twin. l he St udcnt Cou nci I n1emher sge t a long great <1 nd generally work as one big fa 111 i ly."

to his ideas. He often \l)' gett 1ng In Junior EocLa11oslll isrea h hewantsdo10.andshows1t exarl\yw at shares with the group_ 'ta l\< ing wll h his hands.

Studen t class P1 csiden l Stefany Bu I la rd (12) playful ly yells at her group. wdon't screw th is up!" as her n1ost frequent saying. Everyone works together as a whole, constantly asking quest ions to I heir presidents a ncl M.s. Cook.the Student Cou nci Isponsor/teache r

wil h i\lust rating stories b) Mrs. Cook.eagerly engaged ;ind h;i rd ;it Pa rt of I tw ~t udt>nl s· JOii is to \\Ork .1s,11e.1m,Hid11str.u to11 t1ch 01 h1·r·s ull•asr1 nd go<1 le;. As) 011 c,111 ser. STU CO Isa J L\Vork bra i nstor rn i 11ga nd organizing Pvents fort he st 11dPnt body forth is year d 1vcrse g roUfla')Opposed to I ht> typ1c,i I h1gli school cl 1cu1"i.

Consumer and Family Stud iesgivesst udentsa cha nee to express t hei rcreat ive side with cooking.and also a chance to take a brca k free from ou rcorecontent classes. In CFS you learn how to cook a s1 mple mea 1and once you pass Food Experiences. you adv a nee tot he next level which 1sCreat 1ve foods.then Foreign Gou rmeta nd then Pro Sta rt (wh 1ch looks very good on your t ranscr1pt~. Though each class hasd i fferent challenges. t hey·re easy enough for anyone toach ieve them In Food Experiences. you learn the basics you need to know forcook1ng,and the class also teaches you k 01 fe sk 1lls! Eacl1 class is designed to benefit your needs in the k itchena nd isa safe env 1ronment in which st udentsca n get their grub on D'A ngeloGomez says. ~I 11 ke foods. It gives mea cha nee to develop more skills int he k itchcn so I can be a cl1ef.'' Mr. Westerka mp enJoys teach 1ng CFS because oft he instantgratitudcand t hcpract1cal1t_y ofthecourse.

In ForeginGou r rrwt,st uden1s dPcor ated ca kcsas;1 class assign nwnt.'fheca kc int he pic1ure101licfa1 r1ght.agroupof boys created. expressing t liei r love for N1 ke. The pil tu I c 1 u the rn irld le isa Hello KII tyca kc.a rtrl I lie picl u re co your far left 1-;a foot b,i II field crea ted hy blue group.

AJ Romero (10)\\ hip.-. off Ihr cxc1•<, s ca kt• I I cim
eaL It\ ha rel 10 tel 1111 FC9
the hnv. cla~,;rnatessta nd b) and a\, a It l III Ir l u r II loccmtnhute.. Or D'A ngel0Gon1ez(l l)chops onions.asAnthony Sulley(l2) stands by. Clu 1s I ester(IO) focuscsver) ha rdao;hecarefully squeeze.-. mustard Into the teaspoon. Lea nu ng how tocomblne exact I) mcasu red Ingredients 1s Just one pa rt oft h isclass.

Golden boys ca n·t resist the glory of being on t hr. cou rl Sophomore AriasGolclan loo shoot st he ba 11 as h1·wa its nervous I to see i fit drops int he hoop_

So l ong to co u ch p ot atoe s: Wan t to know what your Golden at h letesa re do1 ng off of t hecou r t?Weight Training. Rec Sports. Team Sports. Body Shap1 ng.a nd Da nee Aerobics area 11 pa rt of the gym classes we enjoy here at GoldertStudentsget t he1 r work-out at school whet her its bench 1ng 100 pounds or sh Im my Ing to Beyonce and getting a grade for 1t. Ama1,i ng! In each gym -related class. students a re rf'qu ired to do certain exercises or activities for a pa rt icu la r t1 me.Sophomore Trevor Bruton says. UI took gym so I cou Id improve my ski IIsa nd stay 1n shape for baseba 11 season_"

In Team and Rec Sports. s t udents· ma In focus is to practice and Ir.a rn the f u nda men ta lsof sports. The teacher usually assigns an activity for a few weeks. playing anything from volley ba 11or soccer to pick le ba 11 or kick ba IL Believe 1t or notou r most accomplished at h letesget a lot oft heir pr act ice in du ri ngschooll We1ghtTrainingand Body Shap i ng partic1pantsget toned during these hard-working classes. These muscle men and women do a variety of weight exercises their rout 1ne consists of bench 1ng. bar squats. hang cleans. dumb be! Icurls. and an assortment of ab workouts. Students a re a !so rewarded with at it le of be 1ng Lieutenant Genera LSergea ntorCapta1n which a reassigned to the students who can ltft the most Captain is the best while Lieutenant is the lowest rank.

class bust oull hepaddle~and play Mr A11dersons t h1rd bl~c:\e-ba lUTheseboy sget area 1worksome i ntcnse games of pie kt he ba \ I overt he net. out sprinungacross t hecou rt tosmac

RunHannahRun: Sophomore Hannah Fishburn speed racesaround thegyn1nasium!

__-.;:.,,.~ ump. Set Sp i ke!

Our golden vol leyba 11 gi rlsa ren·t t heon lyones who ca nspi ke it dov,,•rt Sophomore Mitch Powers goes fora n ace as he serves I he ba II to his cla '>sn1ates.

Pump It Up: 1 2.3. 4. 5. Talk about breaki nga sweat Golden students pump some iron in Mr Ta !bots 'Ae1ght Training class. Sen tor Armon Goldan loo says he joined the class because, WI i ft i ng n1a kes you feel be1 ter about yourself" AIt hough these boys n1ay not a lv.•ays see resu Its at the end oft he day. by t heirplayi ng sea sort their agi Iity and strength is n1uch greater

. ~/ -

At CHS.there a re many Art classes in wh ,ch students can show t hei rcreat 1v 1t ya nd their true ta lent These classes a Ilow students to take a break rron1 their core classes.and to enjoy what the) like and do best Students at Golden HighSchool have many options on what Art classes they wou Id Ii ke to take., such as Drawing. Painting. Cera m irs. Jev.el ry. Graphic Design. Dig1ta l \'1deo. and Photography. Each class ex presses the type of art Ind ividua Istudents enJo 1 Senior Parker Sowash said. Stud 10 is one oft he greatest classes in Golden High School. I highly recommend taking th isclass 1f you Ii ke Art".

Many oft he students 1n the Art progra msat Golden High School show their feelings and what they believe 1nth rough t he1 r a rt Whet her they a re sculpting their representat 10n of d rea rns.1 i ke Senior Cena Cont reras. or they're drawing one oft he1 r favorite Reggae Freshman Andrew Bur nett Ar t 1s JUSt as i nvolvi nga nd cha Ileng1 ng asa ny other core class.

Photography 1sa n artistic way to record the present and to look at and to remember what you havecaptu red In Photography.studentsget to take pictures of what they want and create other images with it Also.they get to make their pictures really stand out by adding them together to make it look l i keone p1ct u re. Junior Alex Del mon1co said ~Photography 1~a v.ay of Iife.,and I have been doing Photography for five yea rs now.Over a Il I think Golden High School students have found their tr uea rt ist ic talents th rough Art classes in Golden High.~

pyramid while having a ta! k with Sen iorCena Contreras.

Right Cierra Trammell (11) and Coral Jones(11)work on cropping r heir pictures tot he right size.

Middle: Theot her side of Cena Contreras· (12) Md reams" sculpture.

Le f t Andrew Burnett (9)workson his sketch for Drawing class.

Sen 1or Col Ii n U Irich scu lp tsa Laura Powers() l)sa) "Photograph) is really awesome but isahorhallengi ng.espenal ly Advann·d Photograph)~ \/l'c t h111k that if you're into Photograph) or any a rt. I hrn this is for your In Drawi udentsconcent rate on their a rt work and 1mprov i ng their piece.-.. while v\' i l lia rn Liv I ngston (12) and Stevie Pa rk1•r(l l) pose fort heca mer a

InCeramlcsclass.s1udents work reall) hard on improving t he1 r-;cu lpt u res Thlsclass 1sdefIn 1tely for-;tudent<, \VII ha pencha11t fordeta al and Imagery

roundwh1lethey critique ~ud~nts lnCeram1csc\asss~ ad ntsrece\ve feedback and getto Ana\lslaMoralrs(ll)wotk. tu e rlllqueeach others piece!>

Ccn<1 Cont n• r as ( 12)ra r efu Ily sculpts a rcpr e sr•ruat ion of what d rea n1s rnca n lo her.

'a II I} nGI lbcrt (11) t>Xp1 rs~es I hat. -Photography l'">an a rt 1,;11c-,va) 10 record I he presenL,ind to look dt and r1'rnernbrr I he pc1s1 • Ka ill) nembod1cs I he Photogra iht'r s mc11ta lit y qu Ile. wcW

Left PI rker Sowash (l2)a nd K.t u lyn vu her I sho\\ off I hc1 r pltotog r aphy pff I u r t , \Vh1lcsn11l 111glo1 t hecc11ne1 a M ldd le: Nar ha u Melendez's( IO)d ra\\ r

Right Fresluna n And r r\\ Bu r11r1 r's d r ,l\\ 1ng

- ----


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Engineering teacher Mr.Aurand is the leader and creator of a 11 the projects st udentsdo in his Engineering classes. In engineering. students learnt he basic.sof engineering int roa nd design There a re other engineeri ngclasses Mr Aurand teaches as well such as Engineering Pr1 nc1ples. Digital Electronics. Aero space Engineering.Civil Engineering. and Arch1tecture. Look forvvard to Biotechn ica I Engi neeringa nd Computer Integrated Manu factu ring Engineering. neweclasses that \Vi II be offered next year The projects offered in Engineering Design Int roductionare hovercrafts.cube puzzles.crashconta i nerslau nched from a catapu 1~ Nasa moon su rvivaland more.Engineering Principles includes projects such as programmable robots. ba Iii st icdev ices. reverse engineering projects. bridge building projects.and many more.

v\'hi le doing these projects the students have to sketch out a design on graph paper and estimate the measurements in u nils from mi IIi meters co yards. After sketching them out on paper.the student sketches the project on I he computer on a program ca Iled Inventor. On Inventor. you have to sketch a 11 the shapes and measurements and tit let he shape'sd i mens ions from frant viev.:.side viev..• top view and the isomet ricview. which isa 11 the shapes put together. After sketching the project on Inventor you start bu i Id 1ng the project out of your mater1a Is. It sounds Ii ke a lot of v..·ork but its a lot of fun and not a waste of your ti me. Engineering courses prepare bright young students for careers in impacting future fields. so sign up for engineering today to be one of our great leaders tomorro\.\1

fter the first few days of cri>at i ng crash cont a i nersdu ring first block. I he Engi neeringclasslau nches t he1 rcrash containers. The first conra t ners launched destroyed their eggs. but luck i I} had some su rv1vors.

Freshman Alex Klein ha ns·s egg survived the lau nchof 5 yards on the footba 11 field Sophomore Ty lerTra mmell's launch destroyed h 1segg.and theegg·s nextsu rvival might be very u n II kely1 "Just k idd1 ng." the egg wi II survivewtt h Tyler's improvements to his crash container des1g n

Junior Kyla Lambert says. "Engineering has opened many opportunit1esfor me in exploringnewcareeropporiun 111es.· ·o accomp\isheshiscube Fresh1nanSean Br?w~1 g 1 ventor a 3D designwith pu1.zleafterdesign1ng it on n all six sides. Mr Aurand the Engineering teacher putsacatapu It together getting ready to launch t heegg-protectingcrash containers.

~clo~j ~ ""1- dl'~ akou~ a~i f<-G~r-e::. !\A 'B \ac...l< W...<le. ~clo, Joe::.'-"1- Jo~ vJo('< Cor PJ , a\\ il Joe::. car~r-e .uM.a~ PJ p; (o \\ c{' C.utM.. C <l k) \,e ~ope!, al,\ t='-"~ -<-& u se! k) proc.e--..~ c{' ff~~'a- al,\ o\.\k) a Sxl or al,\ &x\O ~s, al,\ -ex~i cla.s.s., o\J. C~\M?J v.Ja;J ~j Cof ~ose uA.o ac-e c~ .u\ue'" a}e ~clo~j a4€b a \cl c{' COlMfl'~ s,l<.uls. p~c-e Cor c,~, a\\ vJO('<. CaY\ \,e Jo~ \,j ~~of o\,\ a c...otM.pU~ . !\A~ akove -dM.a~ ~-ear-ea vac~j c{' \,\ac...l< p\..clos,, s\..o~i ~j vJa.jb c{' cr~i ff~-e.c~ -dM.a~

In the back I here·sseniorTravis McStraw.Sen ior Ciera Dolechek.a nd Junior Melinda Lockerd Juniors K) leSorv1ga nd Pat rick Ha rt a re v,:ork ing toget heron their Spanish assign rnent

Mrs. \'erleger loves v. ork ing hands-on with her French\vays ma ki ngsu re that they understand both the la ng uage and their assignments. Merci Beaucoup. Mademoiselle \'erleger!

--• fiandJor ynKornoras Fn:shmenConnneNo~ ·gnrnentand \earnh together on their Frenc ~ss1

Sophomore Hannah Fritz says her favorite French \vordis ·chevre..~\vhichrneansgoar Sitting next 10 Hannah isKatherineS\veene,ilO}

tELEBtl tltft lS MISPAnAS

Breanna \'an (9) says that she

chose Spanish over French because she took both. and likes Spanish more.

"The Diary of Anne Frank"was the fi rstshowwedid th is year. It opened with a bang. Everyone who ca me to see our show in formed us how wel I t he actors all pot rayed these real peoples· stories. Th 1sshow isa great reminder of how t ragicand violent our species can be. I nt he middle of a 11 of this war and gen 1ocide,Anne Frank wrote. "I nspiteof everything I st i11 believe people are really good at heart"which is the true moral of our play Anne was a remarkable young gi rL Sheu nderstood concepts t hat were beyond her time.and age. She loved when there was no hope. Shealsocould wr1teat about a Senior level now-a-days. Junior Jamie Nagode did an outstandi ngjobshowi ng the emotional ro l ler coaster this young teenage girl experienced Every member oft he cast grew with t hisexperience. There were ti mes where 1t all seemed too real and we needed to take a break. and therewasnotadryeye in the crowd when Junior Max Anderson gave his clos1ngmonologueabout what happened to a l l the family members and how not one of the "annex family" su rvivedexcept Otto Frank. The director.Scott Hasbrouck. highly stressed profesiona !ism and politeness in high-stress environments. Each memberd1d ton sand tons of research abou t the Holocaust and their charac ter's Ii fe. I think the shocking t hing everyone found was that the Fra nk'sand Van Dann·s were always right behind their saviors. Thecampwould be liberated thedayafter t hey moved toa new camp. The Frank daughters were thrown into a mass grave the day the camp was liberated Thiswasoneof the most mature and professional casts.and their ha rd work was demonstrated through t hear t portrayed on stage.

Nazl and one a Jewish girl in hiding.Define "Irony_"



bow. The audience didn't know whet her it wou Id be appropriate to clap fort he nazisor not after Max Anderson's tear-jerking

closing monologue.

Alum Amy Flick was t he Assistant Di rector forourshow She helped and added a lot of insight as she'd prep us for our first preforma nee.She blocked part of the show. and under Mr. Hasbrouck's wing. learned a lo t about di rectl ng.and loved comingbacktoassistus. LefttoRight Angela Lu r t z(l21AlumAmy Flick. Sasha NeeSmith(121Jamie Nagode(ll1 Taylor Hu let t (111Sasha NeeSrnith.and Angela Lurtz.

Senior Sas ha NeeSm it hand Jun 1or Reid Sweet kind are best friends.even though one 1s play 1nga Sen 1ors Debra Zaba and James Hoover port ray the Van Dann fami lyquitewel Lin the middle of one of their"grown-up qua rrelS: asAnnewou ldsay Jun1orsHendrik vv1 r narsand Ja . N m1e _agode potr ay n ne. who Jus t wa n ted to eena ers.

lett'sr.ha · cterasks tornarr 1 en1or Alex Thornass

·ha r acter's augh1cr 1n t heopeningscene.. startingoff th1scornedy \\Ith a taste fforbidden

MM idsu rn mer Night"s Drca nt is n1ost everyone's favorite Slla kcspea re play. It has a lttt le bit of eve1 y th i ng -co 111ed icc1ctors.a love story that gets a I it t let urned a rou nci fa i I ies.. and rnore. Set dr.sig ner Kc! ly \,\'est back did a beaut i fu I design I l1at included two huge t I eesa rch i ng up the proscen 1u n1 f lowerstover i ng the stage.and even Indoor/outdoor grass car pcti ng. The rea I challenge \Vas rnernorizi nga nd cornplc>tely 11 ndersta nd i ng the Shakespearean text in only five weeks! They n1et and excel led at the challenge. you cou Id rea Ily tell that t hest udent actors k no\\' what they a re ta Ik i ngabout Stage R1ghr Product ions has done it again -a not her per feet show! With every show they a reslov-.,Jy I a isi ng the bar for fut u rest udenl theater kids 1ocon1e. Jared O'Reilly (12)encou rages. MJusl audit ion It doesn't matter if you get in or if you get a lead it just rnat ters that you t rieci that you have the experience of audit ion i ng. You wi 11 a lwaysget sornct hi ng out of just trying don't need to bet he best or even a 'theater k ici' try it -yo u may surprise you rsel fr

It has been a wonderf u I journey.and it has ta ken a lot of work to make this play go one. Crew Manager Sasha NeeSn1 it h ( 12) rec a 11 s." I have put n1.), blood sweat.and sou Ii nto this product ioa and eve1 y product ioaa nd I wouldn't have it any other v-.•ay"The product ion of~A M idsu rn rner Night's Dream" was a great show. People laughed <1 nd loved every rn i nuteof it We loved it so much 1Ne took the pla1 within a play tot he Thcsp1a n Conference and received son1e really good feedback and an award for per for rr1 i ng th is Sl1akespeareansceneasaone~ct

t hedea1 h of Pyra n1usa nd Th isbe int he play 1 it hint he play

The MaJor1ty oft he cost u rnes v-.·err student made Fa1r1esandstatueshad a great ti n1e putting on n1a kcup. The main rha rachtcrs· rnasks v-. er ea II done profesiona Ily. and the rn i nor fa i riesa l I made l hci row n character n1asks. Lef t t o rig h t Add 1e Man ( 11} Taylor Hu let t ( 11} Max Anderson (11} Beky Wink ler(9} and Ja rn ie Nagode(I Ii

Frcshn1an Jack Jacobson and Senior Jared O'Reilly re-enact Sasha NeeSn1 it h Ju nlor Kanrr Deane as Puck g1vcshcr closing monologue. "Giv1' me your hands 1 fwe be friendf>.,tnd Rabin sha 11 restm t• amend.-..-

A lot of people gel sov.1 rapped up in I he rnagicof I ive I heater they forget a 11 the prep work I hat is put into it. The sets. cost u rues. props and I ights have been st udent-hui It and even some st udcnt-<lcsigncd Mr. Hashr ouck leaches and is I here 10a nswer a nyquesl ionsv~1c rn ight have. hut lets us figu I e it out on ou 1 o..,vn Ms. Kc! ly v\'estback.ou rset designer. does a fantastic Johdesigni ngsets..shegives us her plans then we goat them Th is year V.'l' ht1vcdone three very different shows. I hat a 11 ca 11 for very di ffi.1 1cnt sets.. v\'e started out ..,vit ha n attic actually ra iscd off the stagc. the highest point bei nga ten foot plat form Then \VC needed a forest with two t rces framing the prosi rn ia n that \Vere ho Ilow and people could cl i rnb into. Next. rnovi ngon to bu i ldinga boat.

The set is nol a 11 that 1sva r 1ed and bu i It. The cost u rne team al n1ost puts i II the n1ost hou rsdu ring a show.starting pretty rnuch f rorn scratch each show. Fron1194O's Jev.·ish people and Nazis to Fai riesand GrcPk Togas. to 193O'sSa i lor suits and cruise sh ipclot hi ng. The I ights wcr es1 udcnt-designcd th is year. Tech Theater is rnoreaspects t hll n building, it isalsosou nd I 1ghts.. props.cost un1i ng.stage ma naging,a nd last but not least publicity tea rns. that work ha rd to rna kc it a product ion not 10 forgct. The president of I he theater depa I t ment is Alex Thon1as( 12i vice pr csicle11t Sasha NceSrn ii h ( l 2t treasurer Reid Sweet kind (1 l}a nd ser.rct,1 ry Leah Wi1 t hoh n (12} The four t hcsp1a n officerswereelPcted by 1hP I hc>atcr sl udcntsa nd plan events. such ,is t hes pi an conference. go1 ng 1osceot her h 1gl1 scl1ool sl1ows. working on the shows. and organizing our finalcvent.thcDinncrCabaret.

r1 ol I

Two days out of n10s1 every wrck t hissu rnrner t hest udents 1nvolvcd int he theater progra n1 bu I lt a sto1 age loft to rna kc up for the lack of storage p1 ov 1ded int he t hcatc1. kccp1 ng tools. supplies. platforrns. plat sand randorn set pieces that can be reused neatly organized and ready for set-bu i Id i ngday. Sen io1 Alex Tho1nas and Sophomo1 e Scot I Sheldon work on p1 ops. ext ren1el , i mpor la 11t aspect of terlt



Sophomore Emma Kop1sclik1~ v. ho ls pa lwpuhltcll y wain fo1 -AM ldsu1nn1cr N1glll's Dr1'dll\.-showsoff Ihe lovely art work on our posters. Ora\vn by Hae Yu II Bae() I} By Sr1sha Nee Sm it h During-Anne Fra11 k- 1lw< ;isl nwmbt•rs had a lock t n 10 gi>t I In· fccl of being 1rapped 1osavc I heir llve!i. To Include 1he tech lcs. the~ snuck In and scared the a nncx residemsfor sc,uy the Holocausl Seniors E1n i ly Seidel and Sasha NeeSrnit h ""'ork on I ightsa nd sound int he bool h for MM idsu rn-

Music is the heart of Golden.and the n1u It iple ba ndsshow l hat through the expressions t heysharea nd the i ntensitywit h \Vhich they play their music. SamSwa rtz(9i in Jazz Ba nclsayst hat hisfavo1 ite type of music to play wou Id be jazz. because he. '"can really exprcss(hun};elf th rough it." Hea lso loves to learn newt hingsand hopes to bccornea better musician throughout it a I LA long \Vith Sa rn Kristina Glapa (IO)says that her favorite pa rt of hand is to be able to hang out with a II the people and really be able to express hersel f:she enjoys playing the piano.and a !so hopes to become a better musician And last but ccrta inly not leasL]u n ior Ma xGi !bra it h dccla reel wlfsa really fun group of people when all of our personal it iescomb1 ne, it becomes a cha llcnge but in the end it was all worth 1L" He hopes to become a better mus1cia n and continue to play and entertain throughout college. This may only beagl i mpseof the bands. but in only a srnal lg! impsc you can see how passionateou rstudentsa re about their music.

Thoma s (12)

Chris Va nccnt ( 12 left)concent rates very hard du r ingh 1s solo at the the winier jazzbandco11cerLalong\v1th Elias Euler ( 12)on drums.
Concert Bind Top Row:~ m Arnold. Howud Moore Man l>a"Y UJmltnkocUcy,ChrlsCutanon Alex Thomas. AdJ m 21ul Brya nCtbha rd Secou nd Row: Aaron McE.-ith ra I\ F.11 V. ulf[CJ O'N(l ILChr is
h ea rt s
ce rt
Gilb, a it h (I I: lef t)a nd Sam Sv,a r I z(9. right) ready t hc1nselvesa1 the jazz band concer1. wa ii ing for I heir solo to showoff I hci r mad skills.
Student s play their
out in Con-
Band Left Debra Zaba (12)andSam Arnold (9). Middle.: Erin Banta (10). Right Alex
Da fey.Coll In Ulrich. ~ra D"-vrn-Bch rends. KIr~ II Id\ Erin B.1nta.Mrgan Buehltr Tb I rd Row: A.vuy Roth n11101 try Mclane Jesse fllCk.tll lue Yun lbcBurkeZluLAdrlenncPrudtl Front Row Brldi;rl Mc Lant.Alt~ Leurnger l>tbra Zab., I la na Mcls.:uc.

Hereat Golden High School we have a great amount of sk ii Iand ta lent and most oft hat sk ii Ior ta lent is 1n the music progra n1s. One oft he music a Iclasses that is offered wou Id be one of rna ny choirs. There a re five d1 fferent choirs. starting at the lowest wornen·schoi r. working it's way up th rough concert choir.mountain magic.and demon jazz tot he a mazing 24th street singers/ca rolerc;. MMy favorite pa rt about choir is sometimes the songs.and Mrs. Becker's warm-upsare socrazya nd fun!" exclaims Sophomore Ki rs ten Carper. Abe Orem (10) says. MI origi na IIy joined because 1t sounded fun but I d 1scovered a ta lenl that I never knew I had and nov. I really enjoy itf Sean Gaud io( 12)sa1 s. MMy favorite pa rt about be1 ng in 24th street iscaroli ng in December and doing vale-gramsarou nd Valentines Da 1 My favorite concert wou Id have to be the pops concert because it's JU St a Iit t le bit of everything." reca Iled Sasha NeeSm it h (12iconcert choir. K1ra Davis(l0) says. MI love the challenge of learn i ngsongs in such a sort a rnou nt oft i me: and to be able to hear a 11 oft hechoi rs fit together with each piece of mus1ca nd how you can heart he harmony with it al I."

Coll( trt Cbol r Top Row JarnesHOOVl'r,jeff,ry Danltl,:,MJt1l~, HakcOanitl t,,,,,tands.St1hDuVJ1l Nathan 0. Marca I, Htnm n M • ,1lbr.,11i.secon d fto w. L11 r Bl dl~r Rtx.Danl-.1 Ball=G.igtConrJd. T.,)lor MrCaughey.ScouStielJonSunG.tudlaM.,111.-w H 1~, TbtrdRow ril ole Julhn nnl~ A Doc fl) b(hrlmnscnShJwnttGray,Ablgall Ker ns.Kr)~IJ Dt11ma1LShtlby Ntbr.~er,ShanlaHarris.Martna 0, tb) Bottom Row Br ,talFetgt

J:1l1lyr D1fls.Jes~lca TrujlllaK.irl Fr,;tmanSHha f.teSmll It Elisa FrrnaPdez Dtgrnre. Br 111any Dt-p1 rrh,Sa ra I, Mutl,·r Mr I<•-< I ·r

24t hSrr eetS!ngers. TopRow: Chris. \ 1ncent Yon Noriega Taylor Hulett Maxwell Anderson. Hendrik 1 ,e1, Mack. MiddleRow: Ka rter Deane.Leah Wit1hohnScanGaud10. Nicolt> I uchettaAlena
- •
BottomRow: AliSenz.Jam1e Nagode. Nicole Loyd Adeline Man n NotPl ctur ed: Fl ias Euler. Mount ain Magi c. pR ow:Llul BcntttRebtka ½1nkler,Camille NouflMora in CJ£ 1111lhar 1~ NKkell Secon dRow: FuthJllnmant:elsey Flynn Megan Burhler,Abigail Jorddn Thlrd Row: Br)~lal Felgl Rtbecca Mam I J,1 llz. Me11nleAugem1eln Kira Hicks. Jessica TruJilla Four t h Row Brianna LavarraKtra Davis. Tess r '-t'llarxlBrllrneyWhlre The 24th Street Carolers were out on cold winter nights caroling in downtown Golden Left to right below: Nicole Luchet ta( 11} Chris Vi ncenl (121 Elias Eu ler(l21 Taylor Hulett (1 lla nd Leah v\litt hohn (12}

love th is class because everyone ,vorks together. vle·rc

basically a family."ekeGusta fson(l2)

Pro-Sta rt isa n adva need cu Ii nary r:lass ,vhcre students learn about both hos pita 1it ya nd cooki n

• • •• • •
• • • • • • •

The Demons wear Prada! Mrs. Mc Laugh Ii n's Fash ion and Clothing class 1s f u l I of new designers. They're busy finding out what clot hesactua l ly look good on t hemsevles involving color and size.the clements of design and how to construct different pieces of clothing. During the year they wi 11 be on the sewing machines making pajama bottoms for themselves. This involves precise measuring and cutt ingof fabric.a long with the sewing machine ski Ils needed tocompletethe assignment Cutt1ngoutpictures from magazines. watching the show on TLC 'What Not To Wear." etc.

At the beginning of the year they got hrough maga zi nesa nd cut out out fits that they th ink wi II look good on themselves.including shoes and any accessories. Aflcr doing this they describe the out fit on a worksheet that they get Many oft he students find th 1s class interesting because of Mrs.Mclaughlin They say she's a f u 11 corned ia n: Energetic., rea 1Iy nice, and mov t ivated to teach about the a rt of fashion!

ng and that rnakes r hcclasscasy and fun

Right Fresh n1a n Jade Dondel i ngcr and Sophomore KI Ii Crawford cut out t hc1 r paper rna n nequ Ins.

' ., ., ••• . , •• I I .. •• . , I ., •• II .. .. II •• • : 1:E~~~:: .. -1rn 1 -
Junior Abb) Johnson picksoutv,.,hat kind of fabric to use on her new proJect. Freshmen Noem ie Pritchard and Jessica Rondeau Seniors CatherineRathhbone and ChandaNguyencutoutpaper rnannequins Left Junior Abby Johnson sa)'Sshc likes ta I ki ngabout styles v-. 1th other people and loook i ng through rnaga/ 1ne s.Midd l e: Fresh rna n Noem ic Pritchard says she Ii kessewi

Orchestra is just one class at Golden High Schoo l in wh 1ch studen ts can show th eir mus1ca I ta lent

'This year.Orches tra has gotten to bet he best its ever been." said Senio r April Cadd 1gan "I t makes me happy tohavesuchagreat group with the best musicians."

"Playing 1n Orchestra is awesome." agrees ju n1or Jimmy Haver. 'We finally have a nice.even sp lit and that makes us happy"

Junior Jon at ha n Lack also ag r ees with his two classma te s:1)rchestra 1ssort of a constant in my l ife.fvealways had it and 1t'sa !ways been fun Theclassmay be small but we make up for it with a fiery musical passion"

-Persona lilJi 1st h egl1l ter that sends your 1ittleglea m across the footl1ghtsa nd theorchest ra pit into that big black space where the audience JS.

-Mae ¾est

1c isextraordinary-theorchestra tells you so much about thestageand whac'sgoingon"

In Orchestra violi ni sts practice vorac1ously and ut il1ze their innate timing 10 know when l heir lead in begins.


Jun 1or Jonat han Lack plays with focusduringOrchestra class.

Middl e:

Jun io r ]a mes Haver enjoys playing his ce ll oin Orchestra R ig ht

SophomoreCarterGu lsv1g pra ctices hard to rn a ke sure he's playing we! Ii n concer ts.

op Row. Tyler Rork Jc}. irter Gul\v lg.Jonathan Lack.James Haver Ht llarySmilh.Chrlsrlna NtklttnS econdRow Kristen Pr test. Bia kt artina.Anna llst•Sonnenfol,i LreAnn Marrin Mallorie Hoy.Third Row El1.ia \'aldez Melanie Augenstein sslca Hays.Alysha Gre,H,Sha nnon Wheeler, Emily Jen~ In,; BottomRow. SophieCampos.AprllCaddigan Mon lc,1 Roth.and M1chaeJaHutcbens. Dr.G r aves conducts theOrches t ra.

uniorCarolyn Wilkinson and Senior Austin Campbell

Left 'Well Austin and I have been together s ince September 26th 2007. He passed me a note in Math class- it said "Will you go to Homecoming with me?' Ireplied with "Yes <3".I think he was nervous, because as s oon as the bell rang he left class, fastHedidn'tsaya word tome.Rahall was a Fre s hman and he was a Sophomore then We had a bla st at the da nee. and now IamaJuniorand he's a Senior.and wearestillsuper happy togetherr : )

- Junior Carolyn Wilkinson

Left One memory I have of Kacy and I is the fir s t time we h eld hands. We were at a friend's hou se on New Yea r's play ing Hid ea nd-See k, and we were in the closet tog ether. We sa t in silence, so I reached over and grabbed hi s hand. He held it s milin gat me. That was when I wa s hookedf

-Senior Allie Ewer s

ef t 'The time I knew that had fallen in love with Rebecca was when we went to a concert together Shortly a her. I asked her to be my WBabyG1rl"thiswasJanuary 19th.2009.Afteron !ya coupleweeksof dating I knew she and I wou Id be together forever We have been tog et her for over a year now.and I thank God everyday for blessingmeVv ithan angel like ebecca"

- JuniorWyndam Williams

Ri ght 1t all goes back tothirdgrade when we first met I never Ii ked him at the ti me because he was wt he best" at soccer Then in m 1dd le school he shot spit-balls at me on the bus on my 13th Bi rt hday. Finally 1n HighSchool we had gym class together and got to now each other Then he asked me out December 29. 2007 at the ovie theater."

Seniors Nich1 DiGiacomo and Jerry Miller

"Both Jerry and I originally thought each oth er were too good After I told Parker I liked Jerry.of course he told Jerry. Then Parker told met hat Jerry Ii ked me. Id 1dn't be! ieve him so we th ree-waycalled Lal it wasn't fair for Jerry, but I heard what I needed to hear.So then Jerry and I started ta! k i ngA LOT more. Finally.on Valentine's Day. we had our first k 1ss. Best Valentine's Day any girl could have. That first kiss was better than any gift!!!"

\\,f.. l ti.

Forensics provides an opporl unity for st udenls to pa rt icipale in i ntel !eel ua Icompel il ions 1n both ind iv1dua Iand group events. Members of l he Golden H1gh School Debate and Forenscis team engage 1n compel it ion \Vil h students from other schools at region a lstate.a nd nat 1ona l tou rna men ts. Fort hose students with aspirations of compel i ng on a nat iona I level Forensics provides excel lent tournaments.. travel and opportunities to sharpen ski l lsa nd meet great people.

Be1 ng in Forensics and debate teaches students public speaking, the i mporta nee of team\Vork. r esponsibil it y. research ski lls..act i ng skills. and leadersh 1p. \Nit hour a doubt Forensics 1s one of the most empoweri ngact ivit ies chat student scan pa rt ic1pale in at CHS

Senior Spencer McIntire and Jun 1or Sean Chaprna n sh.irpcn1he1r fightlngsk1Jls \vhilcawa 11l ng their next round.

Senior James Hooversho\vsoffthe blf ng he ,-.·asawa rded at a tau namenl - the coveted gavel and t oph)

Forensics I lt'snol a wasreof your Saturdays. rm go1 ng 10 name my ch 1ld Mrs. Peters because 11·s that fu n.r - Lorenzo La nduccl (9)


,st ltcs1 nglegreall'st act1v11ya1 th,sschool It's fun en) 1gh1enn ing.a nd educa tionar - Hussa rn Has soon (11) -Surpris! ngly.s1 utlenr s areafrald 10,;peak In publtc.Not on lydoes Forensics Ira In you 1ospea k wcl I and con1 forrably in publ 1c. but 1oeven enJoy i I. Also. be! ng able 10 Iaugh in the fares of I hose \vho fa I I ep,cally isfu n rocf -Coller Rcx(IO)

Junior Elizabeth Whittake r :.hows off I he glarnoroussidcof Forens1rs/Deba te:

B 11 .r F L 11os.Spcncer McIntire.Mall Daley

Mldd le Row Elizabeth V.'hitta kcr.Coller Rex.Alexander Kleinhans.Lorenzo Landuccl

Kat her inc • t>eney.Chris Daley.Dylan Marsden. Rain Moncrief.Ashton Furey.Ka1te


Bott om Row BurkcZlzzl Dylan Monal1an. Erik Craig, Dylan Maher.Sandra King. 1 i, Lcx1SonnenfeldAnnaKlng.StcphannlcS1auffcr

Not P ic tured James Hoover. Mac Para nto.Jcff Pcrrlnju l1an.1 At tebe r rv. Be n Fu 111 r

-- -
Senior Dalton Curry goes over a debate game-plan ,vithh1spartner Top Row Mrs. Peters.Jonathan Lack.Scan Chapman Hussam Ha soon. Dallon Cur r y.Sa m enior Kaitlyn Tripp gets ready by putting on her racing out fit before Former Sen tor K)leTnppcompeted for Golden and\,ontheStale Championship lndragraclng last) ea r1 Se111or Pai, ick Rivera# 521. ra ces in I he 250CC Ra ci ngar t heDcnver A1 naCro sso n January 30,2010. He placed third.Great job!

Cull naryCreat ion~ Afew topchefsaredernonst r at i ng tot hestudcn~shv.v to makesomeoutstandingfooda th eir

'1/,1e are theFamily.Career.andCommu nity Leadersof America

\t\'e face l he futu rev.•il h \Varm courage and high hope.

For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values.

For \Ve a rel he bu i ldersof homes. homes for Ainerica"sfutu re.

Homes,., here living v.•ill bet he expression of everything that is good and fair. Homeswheretruthand loveandsecu i r t yand fall h v. i II be realities. not d rean1s. \t\'e a re the Family. Career. and Com n1u n It y leaders of America

V,'e facet he futu re\vllh wn rm courage and high hope.·

This is t heFCCLAcreed students must recite before every rneet i ng to ensure t hei rent husiasi ma nd help them to remember the foundation. leadership.andcareerpreparation the) are involved in.

f a ,s ~owr avor, FCCLA?

James Haver{11}1sthe president of FCCLA He sa:, sheenJoyscommunityserv1ccbecause he h kes help1 ng people.

SeniorZekeGustafsonand Junior Abby Johnson are enjoyingthemselvesat the rncet ing.

Below.left to r ight Am, N1lius(12lDylanCrawford(lll

Catherine Rat hbone(12land Lisa Hostctler(ll)all sit at the con rerencea round the, r home-made center piece and en o:, some,vaffles.

Ha e Yun Bae(ll} Catrlna

Pt c keu(l 2la ndAngela Lurtz(l 2} Theseladiesall agree thatFCCLAs1mplysho,vs them d I fferent ways to tack le real-\vorld events and situ-

Vierner(12)and Cabrini

\asqucz(l2} These two say they look fO\vard 10 just hanging out wlthallofthe otherstudentc;andeachother.and Juc;t llke the aunosphere and v.. hat FCC LA endorc;es and stands for

L1zzi Ben nett (1 l) enjoys the experiences she part icipatesin ,vhileat one of the large FCC LA

rF Il>an1dur1ngoncof1hcirlunch mec1Thry met dun ng bol h Aand BJu nchcs lo work on I 111d di,;cussdeta 11s fort hei rcompe111 ions.

TheGHS'feclean11sagroupof students that are dedicated to rnak ing the world a better place 1h rough cng1 nct•r 1ng. The tea n1 con1petes 1n va, i ousenglncering co1npe1 it ionsa 11 a, ound Colorado. Sorneof t heron1pet1tions i ncludeTSA Technol ogySt udent Associ<1110,i:CM ESAColor ado Math Engi nceringScience Associat ion:and Science

Oly rnp1ad. Int he 2009 TSA con1pet it 10n the TEC 1e,1 n1 took 11 n1en1bcrsa nd b, ought back 11 ,neda ls! They a lsoco,npeted in theG1 eat Fru itca kcTossi n M,11n1ouSp11ngsand took 1st place1n I he Heavy Weight Divisio,~Theyusedan 18-foot-rall t1ebuche1 tolauncha4lb fru11cake l00yds

Sophmore Er11n1a Kopischke told Yearbook. -Nocorn,neriL My boat failed Its all part oft he engineering process... Things fail then \\e rna ket hern beuerf

1e ckleyappllesla)erso l 101heclub'scardboard fortheCMESA

Thi lstheFloatingArmTrebuchetor FAT for short lri niy3fttall ThcFATmaybesrnallbu1,-.11honl} l'lb f 11un1cr,,cigh1 l1can lhro\va tcnnisball 75yd~

TECtram 1sa fun ex1 ra cu rrlcu la r I hat col legcs love toseeonc1ppl 1ca lion<,. Engineer\ fl nd WdY\ lo ma kr the world a bl't ter place forevcryonc."advls dClub

Sponsor Scott Aurand SophomoreColter Rex S.J) st hat ·coffl'eandenergy d rl n ksc1 rea n es sent jaJ for pr euyrnuch al lrxt ra-curnc u la r ,1ct lvll ie,; II ke TECled11t \\ hcnyou'rehavlng1hat much fun.) ou \Vant to be awake!"

Ju nlora ncl Cl11hPresulc111 KylaLarn-he, t excl,ti ms. "Engl ncerl ng ls one of my lc1vo1 ltecl,1sses.and being 111 TECclub as well just madcst•nsc. Everyone \vou Id enJO) TEC1ean1.andanyonecanhcnef11 from I he Acadcm le fng Inccr Ing let trr that you can car nf

\'~ynda m V-l11llams(ll)a11empts 1ogctadate with Becca Nllz(12) "Ith thlsnumber"Areyoua parking tlcket7 Becca replle.s"VI hat7 \t\'yndam responds. "Because you've got flnewrlllenallover youf

Stop a nd Lea r n! A pick-up line 1s used 10 nlakea girl or f:,u). J qui ctndspec1al sopcoplecangetadateor make the g uyor g Irl interested in h Irn or her. Reject ion is a harsh reply toa pick-up line that signifies they a re not 1ntoyottand that you should move on But don·1 take 11 the ,vrong ,vay. because if you area true user of pick -up lines. you II keep trying 11 ntilsomeone falls fort he cheesy phrase. Keep in mind that the pick-up line user may be completely ser 1ousor just try Ing to get a laugh. so n·Ject 1onsshou Id bethought-out before usage.

Tl ps v-. hen using a pick-up line,rema1ncalm and don t stutter or trip_ Use a srnoot h tone. keep a good d 1st a nceaway(not so fart hat they th Ink that they stink. but not you invade their bubblela nddon't use any 1napproprlateor immature l Ines that v.•111 lead 1oslapp1 ug.screa m Ing. looks of d 1sgustoroffensive languagt

Recove r y N hen ex per 1enc 1ng reJee t 10n do not 1ake11t "'rt tenareplentyoffishintheseaButdon·t forget that movies and junk food area great back-update

WAR NI NG: Maycauseloolloess.hurt~ruk.teus.oraslaptotbebce ruult logfrom REJECTION I

Fre,;hmanSaml Damm gets crcativrwHIL "Are your legs tired? BecausPyou ve been running through my m1 ndal Ida

was a lilt le bit of a downer because I had togo the hospila I and t hPy had 10 rakr.a scan of my heart and found you in there. They \aid you must be removed and )said no.lcanl llvcwithour ou • - Sen1orSpcncer McIntire

to spend a few more seconds wit hyou." "Corey Ga rd ner. Junior 'You can fa II off a bu i Id i ng. you can fall out of at rce. but baby.the best way to fa II is in love with mef'

- Dalton Jones. Freshman

Good or Bad?You be t he judge.

1. "I would say God bess you. but 1t looks like healreadydidf

2. "DANG pirlilWasyourdad a boxer?Because you area knock outr

3. "I not iced you noticing me. and I thought that I would notify you that I not ice d ou too."

4.1<iss me if I am wrong. but don't I know your

5. "Do you have the tirneT(they give you t he t ime)"No. the time towritcdow n my numberf

6. "I bet you t,,ventydollars I can kiss you without using my lipsf (they acce pt our wager) You give them a k issa nd say Oops. I lose."

CAUTION!These lines come with rejec t ions.

1 You. Your place or mine Them go toyoursand Igo to mi ne!

2. You. rd like to call you. whats you r number7 Them It's in t he phonebook. You. But I don"t know your name' Th em Yeah.thats i n the phonebook tod

3. You A here have you been a 11 my li fe? Th em H1d i ng.

4. You Haven't I seen you somewhere before7 Th em Yeah. I hat's why I don t go there anymo r e!

Wflose livie is livie is avi~wa~ .....
"Jfyou were a wedgie. fd definitely pick yow
- Robert Holland
I 'A'ere a stop1ight I wou Id turn red every ti me you drove by. just
\ •
Theyaskhow } our \H•ckend wa sand you reply "Ok. but II
lonef Ob Deole dJ Leonard Holland(IO)asksOllvla \'am'uurcn(I0}" Doyoubelleve In love at first sight.or should l\\alk byagaln70livla replies. -Yea IL but this tlmcdontstoji

Nor h1ngsaysschool spi rJt at Golden 11 igh School bet lt'r I han Dru n1 Line. Dru n1 Linc is noncornpet ii ivc.A 11 of I hesr udents just love to perform and put in lots oft in1eand hard work 'iothat they are able to perform at schoolassernbliesand sporting events.

D, urn Lineg, ewconsidcrably t t11s year. c1 nd had 24 st udcntscomp,1 red to last yea r's 6. In add it ion to ne\v rnembers. th is year they a !so received lots of newequ ip1ne11L including new bassdru rns. snaredru ms.quad dru rns.and GHS'sfi rst-cver cymbal line. To pay fora 11 of l he newcqu iprnent. 1hey put on a sho\vcal led Golden·s H lgl1Octa neStage Ta keover.(GJI.O.S.ti 11 was based on the hit sho\v "STOM rra nd included lorsof percussion and dru ,nmingon things likecha1 rs.trashcans. broo1ns.e1c. At football gan1esorassernbl 1es.D1 um Line 1sa lwaysa cro\vd favorite. They\\ crconcof the only groups at the Homccon1i ng asscrnbly to receive a stand I ngov.u 1orulue 101 heir fun Innovative.and ext rcn1elyen1e1 tain i ng performance.

I ~RT OF... ?

-My favorile partofDrun1Line

\Vas def 1n uely the stage sho\\'.-

-Col In K icl (12) favorite part of Dru rn Line 1s just bei ngable to rna ke 1nusic. and have a good Ii n1e whilcdoingit." Rachel \/i nccnt ( 11)

-My favorite pa rt of Drum L1 ne wasdru mrn ing 1n su mine, pa radcs like the Buffa lo Bi 11 Days Pa radc (in Goldenr - JamesGdmorc(ll}

n rs Tony Neumayer.Cameron Bush Johnson El la Euler.Junior Tyler Col le.and Senmr Oyla n Ca macho , 1mm dequlsltelyattheHomecomingfootballgame. uslcanddrumm1 ay o. ope ecp,;get 11 ng better: DrumLJne: Geoff Baxter.Stefany Bu Ila rd.Cameron Bush Johnson Dylan Camacho. lcnnlforCJark. TylerColle.GageConrad Elias Euler. Karl Freema nJamesGilrnore. tdnerGulsvlg. Emily Jackson.Colin KlelChr1s·ropher-Lang¼·or1hy. Will Livlugston. Tony Neu rnayer. Nick Secosky, Emily Seidel Trey Tafoya Caleb Thoemke. Ch , ls Vincent. Rachel Vincent.Brook Wineland.and Ell v\'u )ff Seniors Stefany Bu Ila rd Cameron Bush Johnson.and Elias Eu !er pcrforn1 at one of olden·sassernbl ies.
; "" f '-. / '
- I - I - l I I (f (iJ (!Ji

Th is season was a very. very close one. Wed id our best with an ending record of7 wins and 3 losses. Ourfootbal l team played their ha rdestand they made the best of it There were four teams at the end of the season in thesamedivisionand with the same record 7-3.and so C.HSAA(Colorado High School ActivitiesAssociation) committee had to choose which tea mswouldand would not go to the playoffs.and theyd1d this according to point spread. When CHSAA wasdecidingifGolden would go to the playoffs we missed the cut by only 8/lOof a point ONLY 8/lOOF APOINTI Oh well wealwayshave next year. right?

A lot oft he players on the footba 11 tea rn th is season a re Seniors and wil 1be leaving usat the end oft he year. Theses ta rs include RyanStokes.Austi n Spatz. Tyler Jeffrey.Jerry Miller. Matt Miller.Clinton Fra oz.Nick Pretz. Mike Horan Travis Fossett Zach Bublitz. Tanner Liddick. Adam Frank.Patrick Rivera Matt Anderson Kacy Williams. and Derek Emsbach Good bye you guys. and good luck toallofyou!

Var s ity Coa ches: John Rober ts (Head Coach). Greg Singer. Josh Ran son Gary Lash. Matt Powel LDa I las Pf I ug. Darin Dona ho. and Brad Nelson Managers: Mariah Werner.Kristen Priest Var s ity Team: Wyndarn Willia ms.Robert Holland Mike Horan Jordan JohnsonAustin Spatz.Ryan Stokes. Brendan Bal mes,CoryGardner. TravisFossettZach Bublitz. Tanner Liddick.Jeremy Kehoe.Cory HalLAdam Frank.Gavin Brady.Aaron Knight Nick Pretz. Austin Hager. Justin Getschman Pat rick Rivera Dusty Tuton Matt Mi Iler. Matt Anderson Coleman Givens.Jerry Miller. Clinton Franz. Kacy Wi 11 iams.Sea n Beach. Derek Emsbach. Kellen Kyger, Derek Price,MikeTibbetts.Ryan WarehamKyleSorvig.Dakota Gulley.Jesse Wood Tyler Jeffreys. Trevor Evanson

II has taught me tO\\ ork hPrpeopleasa ream and help r and1hatlsone1h1ng1ha1J I rfi rget·-Adamfrank(12)

¥Every day isa new day.either gel l in· bet teror gett in·v,orse." - Matt Anderson

"Football l,;a nu I a r ,,arfare. Thereareno ,.,, 1nne~onl) sura R)anStokesll2)

-or· comessuces~ e It a1 \\ en p aye htsforrhe flrs1 time.·
n doest hat one go fa r1 me nas eng,nen(ltdroytomn \\ rea\\) \\f - 'fre or Eva \ \\\totearn eand"
Lookathimgd Junior Robert Hol landout-ru ns threeoppos1ngplayersand st 111 manages to get a touchdo,vn forGoldert (12)
Denver South \\'heat Ridge lier Hage Montrose Kennedy Lincoln Denver North Dakota Ridge GreenMtn. Denver \i\'est Demons vs.Other 47 33 7 42 16 41 7 33 62 17 42 0 57 8 52 48 45 0 64 6

Outdoor Lab-what is there tosayother than a week of hard \vorkand no school? Tak 1ngcareof 6t h-gradersfora week is hard vvork. butt he pay--0ff isa mazing. Sleep being limited the end of l he \Veek seems to come too quickly. Between the Doot Doot songs and Astronomy at night there isrea lly nooff-t i me. But don·t let that discou rageyou from going fora first time ora fifth. The food is school food yet oddly av,esome.just ask lolan Albrecht (11)- he ate roughly Scorndogsour first night!

The classes taught ranged f ram Geology to Ecology. Solar System Walk and Wildlife. The kids· favorite.and what seemed Ii ke the leadersfavoriteas well was Archery/First Aid Yep.outdoors+no parents-+<:lass \Vil harro\vs/potent ia l lydeadly weaponS=AWESOME Leaders get to pick an elective class to teachaswel lamong thcsewere Bottle RocketsandSurvival toCamera Hike.

NMy favorite pa rt of Outdoor Lab_ Thafs ha rd to say after going so many ti mes. but I \\'ould have to say teaching Mountain Ecology- long hikes.steep hills.and lots of v1ild life.and you can't forget the occasiona Idead deer.- -Austin Campbel I(12)

"'Outdoor Lab isa schvveceeet experience Take a \veek off and spend It int he mountains.teaching cool stuff. Its so relaxing."

Thi rou in (12)

Oh Dear! nav.rwmeexperlence.a nd don't ea1 any I hi ngoff r 1r Hor g (12) • •ner\ence. orea\e r A or\.abwasao W\\\.;.1nson -OutuO k r Caro\:, n Geo\og)' Rot l\\) 1 had a great lime.I" lsh I cou lcfvedonr ii more'" Nolan Albrecht(ll)

This year Golden High School Softball worked hard asa team and for their hard work they were able to go into the playoffsandeven the state tournament They picked each other up and learned throughout the year how to make a winning team They played ha rd and 1t payed off. They Forked it oud

TheJuniorVarsityTeamcoached by Bell MiddeSchool Gym teacher Mr.Ourganian. Seniors and teamcaptai nsAbbey Sheesley and JenniferTrammell

r Tec1mCaptain

I her.Casey Polk

W~at was ~01,1r q1,1ote for tfi,s seasoVJ?

i'ou shouldvcseen I heo1 her

player_· Abb) Shersly.Ser11or.3rd basr/ce.:im captain.She had three homerunst h1ssedson.

1\Voof thern In thesamegame

"Tram me! ISa ndwichF -Senior Jen Tr ern rnc] Iand her sister.Jun iorCC Tra rn rnel L

'1\cregolngall I he way next yearf t l1lynCraY. fordJun01r. pitcher.hit an u fth parkhon1crunr1ndalsohadabatUngaveragc of Q494!

·\i\eai e s1n1pl) an1az1ng_" Kira Dickey Fresh rna n 2nd ba~e.

rorl It: Coa hj nnifi r Rrozov1c h not onl) helpcd1hl 1e,11nthrough dl,;trl 1,;a11dl11to 1.i1e.bu1 hr I t I ,;Math

r t tatewasthC'bC'st Sc111org1f1that I could

1 Lt r, tr J 1111lfcrTrammrllSenlor

I IJf Jndt arncap11an.hc1danou1ofthe-

e fall It and \\Chad Jun r lstbase.

Freshman Tera 'A'ineland gets st reched out by Jaime before dance

the school's train st Ii ng practice.

Sophomore Alanna Mottesheard 'They took my booboo away_· : (

·Athletic training lets you be,vit ht heat hletes. Later in life I planongetting my Doctorate in Osteopathy: -Senior Emily Ridder


Jason Dayton ls getting his degee In Al h let le Trainlng.andasa part of htsdegreeprogramhe ,vorked ,vii h Jaime for hlscllnica Iclass.

·At hlet ictra in Ing lsan Imporcant p,1rt of sporis. Wit hou1 It people would get hurt moreof1enand,vou ldn·1 healrlglu Helping people lssome1 hing that I love 1oda.and at hlet let ralnlngglvr met he op port unity to help people on adallybasi~- - Kyla Lamber! (lllst udent A1hletlc Trainer

student Freshman Karl i Denk gets tested fora concussion after a basketba 11 game.
Wn~ do ~OIA Wav,t to ~e av, Atnletic tra,v,erl
Slock Show 2010 >rot f LS1onal Bull Rid e S1vck Show 2010 Buck,n' Broncs Junior l"lorgoret Blaho tells Yearbook o ltttle about the. Wester noires lxper 1encc "I probobl4 spend ,nor e t 11ne on all the d1ogro1ns I hon I do 1ny ho1newo1 k Bu I ii 's I 11nc. well spen tt" Sophon1o re Ashlee Davi s barrel races for High School Rodeo T ea rn A19 ht out ta the the chute. perfect p1ct ure' l"loybe so,nedoy 1his will be one of Golden's Cowboys Hold On Tight' Senior Nick Wott on rides trick for Aed Teo,n in W es I ernoires

This wast hesixl h yea rof the Golden High School \'a rsity Field Hockey Progra ma nd the second yea rof l heJ \T Program. Golden hast he only field hockey tea n1 in Jefferson girls from a 11 overt hecou nty come to Golden to play. 1 his year's team consisted of students from Golden Ralston \ 1a l ley. La kcwood Monarch. and Jefferson Academy. They all ca me tog et her for a great season of field hockey and finished 9th in the league!

Gabrielle Wal lace(l 1 - Jefferson Academy) made second team All-Con fer nee. Jalisa Abel (12i }{an na h Boltz( 12iA l lie Ewers(12i Kacie Shea (12ia nd Kail lyn Tripp(ll)a 11 received honorable rnent ions. Every year the tea rn has imp roved and l his year \Vas no except ion. Event hough they a re losing thirteen Seniors th is year.they a re expected to have a not her great season next year.

UAlt hough we didn't conquer the scoreboards. wedefin itely accornpl ished bci nga tea nt 1couldn't think of any other girls I would want to play field hockey with." said Sophomore Dylan Maher.

F root R,1r,qt.

andl uldn1

'Th S)e r \ pJc1)ed I0011mesbet1cr1han\\e('\ r

h \\e\\ n•1n1he1 plOins1.ite.andb tngaS nior

h, S\\ ) hapP) lof nlshh1ghschool\,1tha1011of

\\ Ins!" Hale, Frar co(12)


'V\ hadagrtatgroupofgtrls

and,., bee-am hkea farntl) 0111he1urf F1 Id Hocke) 1sso1n1enseand,~eprovcdtha1man} llm s

- 11)

fa orne pc1 rt of fteld hoc kc) ,, as the I arru

Olt taC nro) (IO)

r e. ,', chall ng dsomeofthe

1 , r) gam kn , tng\\e had done n rratfmproudofalllheseglrisand II mrof1hemm) bt'stfrlend~-Kauh nTrioo(ll)

Maggie Roblnson(ll)

·My favontepartsof fleldhocke) ,,ereth fnendsand the fun!"

Kaue Ta) lor(l2)

'Th 1s year wasou r best) ear by

out lh£'re.· nd ,vedid beuerthanv.eeverhave stats

1r nte'very thinef Al he E\',ers(12)

favo1 Ile pan offI Id Io kc \\as I g,u ,;be u~c ti unth nth G

favor11e partsof Field Hoel e) ,,.ere I he prac11cesand theg1r1s.· Kac1eShea(l2)dnd Hannah Boltz(l2) -----

fc1\ orlte things about Freid Hoel C) ,,ere I he k.t ,nand.ill of the laugh<f'

Jahsa Abel(l2)

o enp ayerssho,v11e11 spm 1s nd congratu la1eChe} enne Mountain

It's M ore Than a Game., I t's a Llfes ty l e: Our vol leybal I program has achieved the best record we have had in the last decade! The hard work.desire.and sk ii 1t heseGolden athletes put into the game has really payed off. The tea ms started off undefeated and warned the future tea ms that losing wasn't an option.

During thesummer.girlsfrom all levels of the volleyball program participated in an Englewood recreat 10n league. where the teams played against other groups two times a week. Aside from being on thecou rt they conditioned once a week.doinganything from playing freeze-tag. runningaround Old Golden.and some hard core muscle and strength building.

Balls to the Walls: The Varsity Volleyball team took part in manyvollyebal l camps throughout the sum mer Some camps were teamandskill building. whileothereswereintensescrimmages. The varsity team worked very hard this season doing their best in a long time. They earned many wins byputting upa tough fight for every teamand they were rewarded with a ticket to districts. The varsity players were a major impact on the lower levels.and were looked up toas role-models. Captains Angela Noonan Ana Osorio. and Erin Kelley lead their team tosevera l victories and kept their team i n-1 i ne. Junior Erin Ke! leyexpressed. 'TI! never forget the memories that we've created with this team· From a 11 the Seniors to future volleyba 11 players - 'We w i11 be watching your Jun1orvarsity had a strong team th1syearand was lead bya newcoaclt These girls had a great potent1a I to beat any team along the way. and even though they had some struggles to piece together as a team they learned the i mporta nee of teamwork. Capt a i nsChelsea Norris (11) and Tyler Cleveland (10) kept their team positive and focused Theyannounced. "JV has gained a lot from this season not just as a team but individually.and they learned many aspects to being a betterteamand better players.·

Sis t erhood of the Volleyba~l ~layers: ben10 ptl I was so lucky to playwithsuchagreat group season "Thisseasonwasdef1n1telythe estoneyeof girls and I am so proud of what we accomplished th is year

tainAnaOsorio.tellsofhertimeplayi ngthls


c e ora r kofthe\\f thatballlso, \'a rsity \'ol leyba11 Brt c kWalD SophomoreAm) •oesforan insaneblock.dnd puts g1ngtha E1.ergreen toshan1e. Shepolntsout 1t feelssoamaz:lng to get a block.) ou get a maJor ad rena Ii ne rush and once GetnPumpe<I TheJ\ preparesforrhelr !'atne\\ Ith three-man passing. Sha, na Dickey ren arks. -V.arm-upsarefastloudand product11.e.most thellme.And besides being on t hecourtJ\' usually oetsln the mood b) pla., Ing sill.) games.· rrlcgerssorne-alrass g warn arellkellghtenlng.youl'le\Tr lhe joblsdone. the\\•hole tram Is pumpecl.T" Us T m Gr l\1ountaln 3 I El zab th .3 1 D'E I> n 3 0 f'vergr n 3 2 'Ah di R1dg 1 3 C ntaurus 3 0 Ar ad J 0 Alan da 3 1 ~umm I 3 0 Engl v.ood 3 0 Conifer 0 3 Sk-. Ii I \\ 3 0 B arCre k 2 3 Thomasjeffi rson J 0 Jun1or\'arsll) \'olle) ball Us Th IT\ Gr nMountdln 2 0 Elizab th 2 1 Devel', n 2 0 E\ergreen l. 0 ' he tRldge 2 0 C ntaurus I 2 Ar ad 2 1 Alameda 0 Summll 2 1 Engle\\OOd 1 2 Conifer 0 Sk', e\, 0 2 BearCreek 0 Thomasjeffi rs n 0 2
Sop110JJ10rc Lauren Mllltrmtmlon,;. "Our rram l arnedthatcommun1ca1 ) rte-ammaresan.•ver} Imp rtantrolesrocarr~ \~ llh)Oll \arsit', CaptalnAng la Noonand scrlb 1t ,,ould havetobelf',ou S.Sta r someone. ) ou b tter be read) fora harder burn bJ k!O ucli'

For most girls.playing in a Fall sport ta kesa lot of physical preparation From the star L of pr act ices in August. u nt i I the end oft he season in the 1ate October. \i\'ork i ng together. you can gain t heabi l ity to adapt toopposi ng tea msa nd developing strategies.

The Level I II Girls \yol leyba l l team started fresh with a ne\.\1 year. Withonlytengirlstheycame outofthesport with a good season All oft he girls on the team enjoy working with one a not her and lovemaking new friends. The hardest part of vol leyba 11 for Sophornore Anna Kut he is. "doing the floor n1oves and diving on the ground just for practice..." shesa id with a smile. The best advice she can give is 10 have a posit iveat tit ude ona nd off thecou rt

Level I\' vol leyba 11 isa completely new tea n1.a l l eleven girls a re Fresh men Th is rna kes it easier for a 11 the girls to play together. They are just learning the sport together and a re get ti r.g used to I-I igh School as \.\'el I. Freshman Anna Ii sc Son nenfcld explains that one oft he ha rdcst parts of volleyball is the season ending.

.. m has at mecung right before t ln;~d ,ue.SophomorrShclb'r ells hers howthegame"sgolngtohappen.


Sophomor Ann say,;1hatherfa part ofvollf!) ball I\ "h "\\C ,, rkasaream b cause)OO Cc'lnt,,ln lf)oudon1v.ork rogeth r·

Annall\t' Sonnenfelcfs favorite part about vollt-) ball h mtttlnglotsofn w people. and I hat Its an P.XC11lngsport10 plaJ

rP D.infelle Aten Is rea II) fngon 1hegamea1 hand f; r n}thfng1ha1comes 1 I Miller wall ma} eltsmovc. Freshman Zach Jordan (10) David Graebel (12)

on Barto


Ander~on I bought fully plans his 1eam·s\', lnnlngs1ra1 egy_Or1sjus1 s11ung.. \\'e ca n·c rea II} tell \VJ11c}~

Coach Anderson and John Richy(ll) Andrew Sander(ll) if ley(lO) hy ( 11) Steph en Ri chy(9)

Pd) ton Ru) bal (12lChris Lang\vor t hy(l l}Aust in othoff(12i Phil Lah nert (l l}and our new s tudent from Spain Fo ster Glore.

12)wait patiently fort heir mat c h to begi r~ Foster

with his


Glo re(l2)follows thebaJl P) esas it approches hnn from above. Eben Berg (12)ge lsin there toinsurehiswinn i ng sta nee.

Strech In' It Out Goldengl rlsget their muse les loose before the t>1g race.Sophomore EricaSterll explal ns. '¥;arming up iscrucia Iso\\Cdonot hurt ourselves whilt· t ry,ng 10 beatourpersonal record"

upa1rai1 1n unrr rar I en e.L\ nd MC'ak1ntc1nd th g ady fortl 1rr re,;1 of I h WHAT IS YOIAR FAVORITE PART OF..,? -_v..'a<:. me,;;\ingaround \VH h the other run nersa ndof course. Colurcif Kylr Ander ,;;on Oun lor) lovrC'rossCoun Ir) rdrtJrllh&UUI 1r v.ho I I ar I r nd lthlnkth r f 1 pa rl l'i Ju I k I k n I \ I h DI} hom IL 1' R.i h I Har1111a110u11lo1)
1p1t-1syur 1hellnu1udrn1 ,._,,~- urur ilCC mpltshiuchan 111kt ll•IM- •HOhtghly~u.illfltd 1 1the1vtthlshonor 13monds I hmuchllmcbull hr mah11Urown Jt nlorCh •lsraNorrisspen<1s much ft11•rt Irue out 1n t hecoldservlngas k IIr true tor and com pet it lvely O\\ boa rd-racl ng. l(l l)tsa rr.•mberor the Rocky Mountain Division urrer tlycompellngat the Junior NJllonal\competl r Ir Thcteen~comp tlngtherewlllbe1hecoreolthe Q mi, leamGoodluckDann\1 .,1 \ \.-• I • :>enlor Lil lie Nausla r loves to rldl' 1h1• r.i i Abovr. l.lllll' performs a nawesomcgrlnda1 the De1e1111011 RailJarn forsomeone,vhomust bevrr) cold. she rca llydoes look coo!' Graebel a\va its his startings1gnal at one of his many co1nJH'l it ive events. St nlorSprnc<'r Morgangrtnch ra ti up In 1hemu11ntal11\.. -/1 hatsa rdtldolngth r arr,\\ c1v?

ou Mu s tPaytheTolt Ju niorTrevor Evanson and Senior Ryan Stokes ut ii ized fan a l 1_ te_ m\.\ork to sett he scree rt box the1 r opponenL turn the ball over.and emba rass thcot her team on t hei rway toa win!

TheAir Up There: Junior Trevor Evanson showcaseshisamazi ng vertica l leap du ring the game played at the Pepsi Center. WatchouL Evart with ski ll Ii ke that ina place like th might get drafted!

0 111¢ ~' -·D.EM \, • )).
• •

Varsit~ Bo~s Bas~etball

Senior Ryan Stokes follo\VS I hrough on) et a not her beautifullyarched 3-pointer. NiceshotRyan!

Our \arslt~ ho:, 'i rocked t} er t ro'<. 1 ntage tralnlnggear laking us back totheda} swhen. \\ell V, hen Coach Anders n .,.. a'iln htghschoo

Dllledoesn) JUSI drive. he rod Toa mwork If ke rearons s ruclaJ rorhesuccessfuJseason baske1baJ1 had thls)car Sophomore Jordan Johnson cannot bestoppedl Even thedoubleteam ca n·t hold him downl Junior Keaton Di Ile son agon I zes rnon1enbleca 11 by the ref_ blows by a St and Icy Lake defender and drives the ba 11 straight tot he basket ice hustle! Coach Anderson encourages his pla:, ersandca !Is 1hedrlllsthatarcsureto\'.1nth game Htsteam ll'iten'iintentl:, becau'ietheykno\, th) net'dtotowln

reshman Scotty Lubkeman (left). though not on the u n ior \'a rs1ty tea rnsymbol1zeswhat Golden Den1ons asketbal 11s al 1about Teamwork.determination and drive to overcome all obstacles. Scotty played fort he reshman level team thisseason but we look forwa1 d to ne day seeing Scotty ma kc the game-winning basket n the \'a rslt y team! Great job. Scotty. and GO DEMONS!



1v1) fa orlteparl ofth s ason v d\ deflnlt I \\-h n \t' killedWheatR1dg Beat tl Wh at: Je,;u~ Castanon(ll)

"'My favor lie pa rt about Basketba 11 "dS play Ing fort he tea rn that fveal...,3>rslo d the Golden Denions :I} IC'r0lson(9)

asthrall d a nlh 1 t 1 ng • R., Ht n hdm(IOJ

Dribbling their wa\j to the top were the ladie s ! Hearing shoes squeak across the g~m floor , the anticipation of ever~ pass and shot gets ~our adrenaline going. With a rather oustanding season behind them , a lot of devotion , practice , and communication was developed.

Tedious practices and teamwork has left a lasting impression on our opponents and , of course , our school!

We've had such a great group of girls this season. With girls moving up next ~ear and a few of our Seniors leaving , we know that our lad~ basketball pla~ers will continue to improve , succeed , and make us proud!

Th e La d ~ D e mo n s ta k e it t o the h o le, ta k ing o n a n o n e i n th eir wa !
e Gir 's cou n't ave co is ut t eir



~HO\VC!oseall thegirlswere. V-..'e a re best f riendson and off I he court.and that's what niade the season so greatf



·se, ng able to play v. it ha II t hegi rlsa nd having us be rnore successful I ha n last yeart Theprogran1hasa bright future. Good luck Girbf

IB&lllti!;W @~IIDM@rn

ihecoachand hisendless quoies: 'Remernber. ou·reSuper man even without I hecapef


wheat Ridge


Denver North Conifer Eve~?een E:l1za eth D'E:ve~n

- -
Thomas Jeff Summit Arvada
Alame a Arvada Centaurus Us 1'5 75 6? bl )b +:? -,b I 29 +o 5'> 47 50 5-r I 55 18 20 28 )0 4-8 '51 25 '59 '58 4-) 51 21 41 bO PLAYOFFS' I! I!! 11 !11 !I!!!! 1111 N1wot 52 Mesa Ridge ?6
7- __..
Us Them Centaurus 22 31 Conifer 31 41 t Evergreen 34 39 = -= Elizabeth 39 47 :, A _,... Centaurus 28 44 Summit 42 9 Wheat Ridge 18 49 ',I

The coaches that train the Den1on wrest lersa re Dave Sauer.Nath Frost and Marv Slusher. Wresr Ii ngdependson l he wrestlers· \veight class. There a re two types of com pet tltons in wrest I ing:Tourna men ts and Dua Is. Tau rna n1en1sa re 'Nhen mu It iple tea n1s f ron1 different schools \Vrest le each 01 her-this tsa team com pet it ton.A Duel is when only two teams come to one gyrn to compete in wrestling.

To stay in shape and stay int heir v-.1etght class \Vrest lers have to stay on a ha rd-cored iet. like a no-car bdiet. \\lit h l hese no-ca rbd ietswrest lers have to keep their weight class by v-.·ea rt ng layers and sweating while sleepi ngor run n t ng. Int he cat i ng factor. wrest lerson ly eat f ru ilsa nd veg tables - nofatteni ng foods. The wrestlers try tosrayaway f ram fast foodanda lot of meat content because meat has a a high calorie fat content. 'The training is grueli nga nd long, hut it pays off int he end It isa challenge.. but not a challenge you ca n·1 beat."

Practices a re five days a week f rorr1 four to six.Practiced rills include su ictdes.ju rnpi ngjacks. tumbles.a rm st retches.and leg st retches before wrest Ii ng. In pract ICe.. wrestlers learn take-down rnoves Ii kc leg attacks. upper body rows.a rm bar sand pt n rnoves. The ru lesof wrest Ii nga re no bit t ng, punch t ng.or kick 1ng.

\ 1ctory by Conner Marshal1(12)\vlth a double-<:h1cken \Vlngpuun three seconds.It \\as

a glorious vlctory4


Tournament Placings

Gold er1 In v it e- 7t }1

R1d ge In v it e-7 th v\'

ea r R 1dge In v it e- 7t l1

Bou Id er a ll ey I 11 v il e- l 2t 11

Eve r g r ee n In v it e- 17th

JFK In v it e- lOt h

T Je ffer so n In vite- 17th

Jeffco Leag ue Tau r r1 ey- 6 t 11

Reg iona l Tour na mer1t- 9t }1

n er victor) \'. t reme1nber\. 11 wasanamaz1ng
nd pl n Dakota
----............_ 1ng tOWIJl\Vllhap1ru 11 ea1ournam n
reat victor
r hall(12)scores
.,.,ithanarmbar din tEvergreenHtghSchooL DakotaGulle) {9)w1nsforthe Dr.1nons \Vil ha bear hug that led to at hree--
sa) s Sa)s. ·ft,o,asexhilerat
rs1ngaboutstra1eg} andptndown
an ar "S e ore I s rt slllon Hts C rt f ,vrest h n ano h ,. er 1sexc1ted for.inoth rtournament .,., 1nCoachSauer'ia\ she enjO} scoa h1ngh1sY. re ti r,;forc-omp tit ns. Sopho1norr.M.itt Mor, a} drives for a s1 ngl J g ta ke-<io,-. n 1hat led toa victory
' heat

It was,1 fun and u n fo1 gel table season fort he sw i n1 tea rn. Fron1 goofing off to buckHngdow1t t hegi rls \\'orked togetherasa teanLS0111e oft he rnemories that \Vi 11 sta) \Vit ht hern forever a re: MMy tea n1 rnates!They n1ade everyt hi ngso n1uch fu nf -Ca it1in OFa llon (10)

- 'The bus ride horne f1 on1 Su1nrnitf - \!\' hit ney Bretz(! I) - Dancing on the bus on the way hon1e f rorn Evergreen!"Cather inP Rathbone(l2)

- ·cetti ng rnooncd on the bus ride borne frorn Ever grecnfErin Wenger ( 10)

- • V\1cnd) ·scupon sen1 busf'lv1ad ison Firth (10)

GOl"l>~N ....... DIEiiONS


Here. the g1rlsarcdo1 ng the1rchanL \', luch th have decided wa,;a def11111e highlight oft heir rnerls1



Liza Bollinger 1.: 14.8 l00Fly

Whitney Bretz 6:06:S00Free

Victoria Eagen 6 :23. 11:S00 Free

Madi so nEveri s t 00:x2&94:50Free

Madi so nFirth 2: 41.58:200IM

KaitlynGilbert 00:5958:l00Free

MeganGulnn xl : 6.45; l00Free

HannahHebberd 00:26.55;50Free

Sarah Joy ce 1: 16.91: l00Fly

Kelsey Koentges 00: 28: 50 Fly

JordynKomoras 00 : 3224:S0Free

Dana Martin 1: 16.43:l00Brea s t

Jaime Mette 1: 11.62100 Free

Caitlin O'Fallon 1 : 1Q23; l00Free

ChristinaOtt 1: II.SQ l00Ba c k

Catherine Rathbone 1 : 15.44; l00Ba ck

Je sse Rodger s 2 : 439~200IM

Emily Rutherford 3299: SO Ba ck

AliSenz 1: 1252 l00Ba c k

Mia Senz 5·47 500Free


Julianna Versaw 6.15.66: S00Free

Erin Wenger 1:2 954.l00Brea s t

,,1mm1ng.Jus1~ lng.,,har Wllll,S\\ lnL )
f pa11,-.a-.rrobc1 ) 111gn1\ f tdle,cpr Ji I d II Ill) ,. II t ,. K nna \1 k r I

The Dernon Da nee Team is one of the manydifficu It il nd ded ication-rcqu ir i ngsports hereat Golden High School Event hough th is tea rn consists of only twelvedancers. theywork ve, y ha rd to bring t hesp1111 up forGHS during t heassernbl iesa nd sporting events. Thescg1 rls pr act ice very ha rd. working 15 hou rsdu ring l he week. Just Ii kecheerlead i ng, th isspor t goes on a 11 year.from Footba 11 season to Basket ha 11 seaso rtScn iorT.1ylo1 Bolton described t heda nee team perfectly\.vhenshesaid WDance isasport where v. ework together asa whole toacltievcgreat ness. 'A'e rnove togct her and laugh and smile togct her. Creal t irnesfol low \.Vit h reward son the side. If you ask rne. t hat'sn real tearnr

The t herne fort he 2010dance tea n1 was "Circus." sot hey wore red Ii ng-lca<le1 jackets and black hats. Th is year they got 1st place in Regionals.and 1st place for USA Region a Is. Way to go girls- great job!

Demon Dancers · Quotes

exciting moments for me were making Captain and placing 1st at State!"

" The most challeng1ng part about Dance 1s getting prepared for State and practicing as hard as possible everyday until 1t looks good " - Sen i or

- Sen or Becca Nitz

Du ri 11g t ht> 200!) 2O1Oschool year. t hechee, Icade, shad a 101 of llC\V ,Hld 11 ions 101 hes1111,Hl s1 nee I he, C\vason lya fe,v returning cheerleaders. This) earl heyd 1d not go 10 R1'gionals. l>11t t heydicigo to League and got 61 h placeoveralllThese lad ,es work vrry

1.1 rd 10 get t he1 rchC'ersa nd stunts right so I hat evcrybod) can get pu n1prcl up for I he por 1sg,1 rues.Jun 10r Hayley Love says.. ·1 Jotned cheersbecduse ll c1 lwc1ys looked re;i lly fun. There a r eso ,nany t }11ngs that go challenges rne. Also. 1t'sex t rernely rnre t h,11 our 1ea ,n gels bored. The rnost cha! leng,ng part about cheerlec1d, ng ,vou hi probably bPkeepi111 II( I'' ,i'l ·•"'lfk I I r";~ntn•, .,- -rn"i·

Spec la 1than k s to Dana Kiel for helpingout with not only this cheerpagebutalsolastyearstoa;andtothecoachMrsBrownforprovid ngpictureslnames.

ootballgameoftheseas ngmany
·cneerleadiVlg taRes a lot of time, dedicatioVl & devotioVl, It is a toVl off lAVl & teacnes Rids a lot abo1At tnemselves & gives sRills for life, Tnis ~ear's girls are tne best of tne bestl"
s tuntsandcheeri
"' J m nL m Stl'XClllng mm ntfi rm 1h1s }e<1r,-.a-.g nlng 1s1 placea1thPEll1 hsConr pe111ionc1ndE? !ting l'it pl 1n4-Aat L ague.· s phomore Holl\ Rollin th ot h r I m<.rm:>t"• I ad r,;com \\ nd up c rnpellng. ee1ng,,h th br t 1unt'iand n 11th I u p a



Never have I met anyone more strong, fun emotional d ra mat ic. weird. and wonderful Youareanamazi ng sister and a fa ntast it friend. I am proud oft he woman you a re becomingand look forward to l he yea rs of laughs we have a head. I love you babel Ja

Jay. Keepsmil i nganda !ways remember you a re loved!



My little sister isa II grown up(al most) rm so proud of how wonderfu Iyou turned out I cou Id n't have asked foranything better A) you·re adorable. B) you"re so beautiful C)you·rea cut ie fu IIof cha rITL Then there was I he a lternat ive version! I love you with a 11 of my heart! XOXO

Your BigSisla Brooke Karli


Sweet. beautiful Karl i Agreat soccer player and the Iight of our life. Thoughtful k1 nd. and generous. She gives you a smile you w i 11 never forget Good luck in your future.Sweetie_ Love and kisses.

From your Indiana Grandparents.


Pre pa re yourself for that exciting future you a re looking fori Something wonderful will happen! Hugs &Smiles. Love.

Your Family


You area beautiful girl.1nsideandout

You've worked ha rd. and we know you have an exciting future a head! Go forward now.and enjoy the adventures waiting for you.

v.:e Love youl MomandDad



Thank you for always being there for me. Weve had fun ti mes. haven't we? nl never forget my big sis- - but I still want your room! LOU Love Ya Savannah


You are probably thefun• n 1est person weve ever met Si nee 1st grade you ·ve been ma k 1ng us laugh You hold .,-u s together like glue on paper and without you we wou Id n't bet he same. Your dumb laugh will never leave our memories.


Leslie.our favorite oldest grandchild V\'e,vish v-;e lived closer to Colorado than V\'isconsi n V\'e love your smile and laughter when '}:e play cards or games. and \V hen you a re playing'" it h -t he cousins.-You \Viii beasuccessin any field you choose.

Best of luck. Honey.

Love. Nana & Papa Leslie


Congratu lation~v\'ea re so proud of yoll Th is is just the beginningofall theamazing things you a re going to accon1pl ish

We love you so much

Love. Mom and Dad XOXO (Remember. v\'eare the hero of our O\vnstory.- -Mary McCarthy)


A11 ie.

Out of all threeof us you a re the wildest one!

V..'e wi 11 never forget a 11 the things that you have done to get us int rouble.. lol V..'e love you to deat rt V..'e k no\v that no matter \Vhatyou·realways there for us.


Just look at you no'A'. beaut ifu I insideandoutlHold tight to your family.your faith in God and your excitement for Ii fe. Than ks for giving usdaysfil led \\'it h laughter and joy beyond words. V..'earea l\vays proud of you! 'A'e love you Big AU Mom Dad & Tanner


Dear Les. I can't be! ieve you·re leavingmealready. You taught me so muclt You're the best big sister int he world! nI miss ever) thingabout you.After college let's be \'a Iand Holl) Right now.showtheworld how great you a re. I love you. Be Safe.

Love. Meggie Micnell

A11 ie- V\' here have the ye a rs gone?

You've brought us such joy.

Your passion your patience. your energy. your sense of humor!

Yourfutureisbright sky'sthelimit! Keep that strong ,v111 and persevere. Remember \Ve love you and be) ieve in youal\vays.

Mom Dad. Con nor, Grand ma Diane.Jon.Andy.Amy and Braden

You area mazing! It's been a lot off u n 'A'atchi ngyou grO'A' i ntoa \\'onderf u 1young lady You 'A'ill have a bright future. \.\'e love and support you ah\'ays. Love.

Dad. Mom and Jordan


Hey Zachary James Bub! itz. I ca n·t believe you·re leaving me here. frngonna miss you brdV\'e have hadsomefun tin1esa nd nI miss going to school \Vith you. Event hough you havealmost killed me many ti mes(dr ivi ng off cliffs}

I LOVE YOU BABE!! Love Karissa



Zachy, event hough you have a mustache. we appreciate your friendship. We will miss you and we hope you don't get beat up in college because weal l know you can't play football very we] LWe love you.

Love.Karissa &Jamee

PS. You·rewhipped

StefaVI~ B1,1llard

To Our Lovely Daughter.

Your fa m 1ly is so proud of you and your achievements. You never cease to amaze us with your ambit ion and ded icat 10n Your future isso bright and we know you w i 11 accomplish whatever you set our mind to. All our love.

Dad Mom & Ryan

You've got the mu sic in you

Don't give up You've got the music in you Don't let go

Weonlyget what we give.

Dylan wearesoproudofyou

Weareconstantlyamazedwithyour talents.

And perseverance tokeepgetti ng better

Love. Dad MornJaimeand Jude A1,1sti Tlg

You have brought so much Joy and happiness to our l!ves. You areourGift from God never ceas1 ng toamazeuswithyourgoalsand accomplishments. Yourattltudewill help you fulfill all of your dreams. making I he most ofl Ife and hav t ng the con fldence a nd wisdom tochooseyourown path We wish for you a lifetime of happiness. Wewlllalways be there for you and remember how very much we Jove you 1!I I

-Mom and Dad


Weareso proud of youl Ti me has gone by so very fast you have a!ways been our specia I 1it t le man~ since the first time\ve held you in ourarms.Stayclose tc God and you wil I go far. We love you sc very much!JI XXOO

Love you.

Gramm ie and Gra mpie


Si nee you were have always made good decisions.As you begin this new journey.I have faith that your decisions will remain positive-and hope that all your dreams comet rue. You area wonderful young man and have a great foundation to build upon. I love you very much and wi 11 a!ways be here for you -Aunt Sissy I


Look how cute you a re! You were a little boywhohasgrown into a happy, smart young man Cong rat u lat ions Brandon you made it th rough high school and you a re on your way to fol lovvi ng your dreams. Love.

Mom Evan and Cobb

You may have outgrown my lap. but you wi 11 never outgrow my heard fmso proud of you.Go out into the world and make your dreams a reality!

Ich liebedich, Mom


Hey Brdl

love you so much.

You area really great brother fmglad I had a great rolemodel like yott Wearestill the best looking people ever and you will a!ways bet hat narc1ss1st ic brother I have a !ways 1ived with. I will always be your little sissy LoveNicho

se Del

Sweet Pea.

How d 1d you grow upso fast~ You're sti II as sweet as that littleg1rl wearing hermama·sclothes. fm very proud of my I it t le ART ISTE and the young woman you a re becoming. You will soar. Thank you for the past 17 years. XOXOXO. Mama

icfiolette D1G1aco

Those littledark eyes have been a shining hght since you were born! We love you so much and we·re expecting that smile to light up your world every day.

AII our love.

You are the BEST big sister! I look up to you in everythi ng1 I hope! turn out just like you! You areamazingand al ways know how to make me smile! You a re the best and I love yottNichtl



IC 1, when I first held youinmyarmsand looked into those big brown eyes. my heart was filled with love that's beyond words! The world is you rs. sweet g i rll May a 11 your dreams come true! lam so very proud of you!

Love a Iways.

Nicholet te.

I am so proud to have you as my g ra nd-<laughten A!ways know your Grandpa loves you! You a re at reasu re!

Love. Grandpa


and Nonee icfiole

You were always one of a kind!Lov1ng caring thoughtfuland wvery stylishlAsa young lady.stay just as you are!Best of everything in your future!

I love you. Grammy

I can't be! ieve how fast 18 yea rs flew byi I wi 11 alwaysrememberyouasa baby with your big. red I ips paci fierl Hilarious! I am so proud of you and know you Vv ill go far in life because of your kind heart and sweet spi ritl


Mama acom

Lady Rain.

I love you so much. I am blessed to bea part of your lifeand togrowuptogetherwi li you. I can't v-.•a it to see where ou l 1ives bring us JU St as long as we, a re to get her th rough ital LDon· ever stop bei ngyou!


Joel irstiVl

Sunshine. Your kindness \Viii I ight up the I ives oft hose around you. Your sm ileand your laughterwi 11 bring joy to l he world Maybutterfliesand sunshine a!ways be \Vil h you. and ma_)'al l of you rdrea ms come true.

Love you.

MomandDad Kellie


Ke! I ie. youmakeusso proud! You·ve comes uch a long v-.1ay from your start in Minnesota and al I the time you've kept a smile on your face. We hope you keep it there forever and you1 l neve1 stop laughing.


Mom Dad

Kellie Eric~SOVl

Kel I te: L1fewassosimple when we were kids. The littleg1rl Igrewupwith 1s now her own woman who can hand let he world Keep laughing at Ii fe and its troubles and you1 I do great!

Love ya


Elias E1,1ler

Elias. have had your O\V n \vay of doing th 1 ngs Your fashion sense. debati ngsk ills.and passion for percussion have fi lied ou rdays \Vith many emot 10ns. Most importantly. you have made us proud Go and discover \Vt at \Ve yet don! know and keep making he \Vorld a better place! Love.

Mamma and Daddy r

Three b1ts of advice asyougo off tot he real worlct I.Don't takeanythingfor granted

2. Live 1i ke you deserve your goals.

3. Watch the left Have fun! I knowyoull go far.

Jake s

Allie-Look upthedefinition of daddys little girl int he d 1ct iona ry and there you a re! We adore you and w i11 always support you and your journey th rough 1i fe. Remember you a re our 1it t le AG. a !ways!


Dad and Bridge s

You were named Alexandra for a reason- you come from a long line of amazing A lex a nder women and you a re no less amaz1ng.Thankyousomuch for blessing my life everyday with your friendship. I love you.


Travis Fossett


You have had many challengi ngyears. but you have cIi mbed the ladder step b) step. Y..'e a re so very proud of you. Don't stop now. You can do any th i ngyou put your mind to.

Dream BigJWishingyoual I good things to corne.

Love, Mom &Dad Trav


"'\Natch Out \i\'orld. Here

I Am"You have given us 18 yea rs of so many wonder f u I memories.. Thankyoullt'sbeena great journey. May the rest of your journey beas greati Y.:e Love You So Much.


Hale~-AVJVle fravico


The time went bysofasl I am so proud of you. You·re my daughter and my best-friend I love you.

Love Mom Ad


You a re a wonder f u Ison and we a re so proud of youl

You r willingness to work hard atwhatevercomesyourway has proven you wi 11 succeed at \.vhatever you dee 1de to do.

Much Love, Mom&Dad


You have great fashion sense..


Momand Dad xoxo


Hey Ke! I bel Icongrats on graduating

Good luck with lax and college..



Kelli 1s I he most fun s1s1tra br 01 hereon Id a'ik for She iso11e of my favor ilc> pcoplt> to be around She i 'ia lso Olll' ot the most gerlll i 111.; honest .1 nd car Ing people I know Ke! Ii ,vi 11 a l\vays broneof myclos1·s1 fr1•i nd sand Kevin ,lltd I are I ru ly lucky to havl· her a sour sis1cr. H:wt•a gr eat scnio1 y1•a r Ke] li.1 nd good luck \V1t h your rol lege sha nan iga n !i. Lovt:, Matt


Dear est Ke] Ii, You a rca force of nature!

V\'c are so proud of you and the beaut ifu Iyoung \Voma n you have be conic i nstdea nd ouL Stay st ronga nd confident and do not let anyone or any t ht ngdetcr you frorn your dreams.


Mo111 and DadXOXO

when yo u we r e a ht t le g1 rl you were so s weet. day-<l reaming a ndo ften li ving off i n you rown lilt le world Ifsobv 1ous as you·vegrown in to a beautifu l fun ny, smart and respo nsible young woman that you we r e jus t th in k 1ngdeep th ough t s and mak i ng t hedreamsyou'dsomeday fo ll o\v. You were grea t fu n to raise and we a r e so proud of yo\l Love.

Mom&Dad eleV1a

I a m so blesse d to have yo u in my Ii fe! You a r e f u nn y.c our age ou s.s m a rt a nd beau t ifuL Con g r a t s on y our g r adu a tion Swee ti e.y ou de se r ve all th e h app1ness and s uccess in th e world!

Lo ve.

Aunti e Gay le


Helena. Icant bellev~ my lit t les1sh r Is reallygrJdua1lngYou\regrownup somuchtheselasl fe\\ )earsand ldtdnt realizeH until I mowd b.irk home.I don) think Icou Id h:JVeasked for~ better s1s1n:you'vc taught me big\\Ord1..ccon 1erm.-..g lven me adv ice. m<1de me laugh ill lcrled r~d my cat and helped m~ sneak In later than curlew (don'I tPII Mom and DJdl). I knoY. you11dogre41 afler high schoo l )ou·revery drtven 1osuceed l lovey011 Love. Your big sis G1•1111J PS There'snosuchthinga~lree ,l.imbaJui<~ David

Dav id

We ha ve alway s loved y ou and a re so ve r y proud of you. Stay s trong. s tay happy and always r emember to dream big. Your future iss o bright -enjoy the Journey Love.




What a long strange trip it's been.Have a great ti mein college. I hope that whenever you are skiingyou willalwaysf ind the deep powder.


You a re such and in spiration! Ifs been wonderful wat chi ng you grow into a beautiful you ngadult You've kept us entert a ined with your per sonality and corn pet it iv edan cing. You have the des 1r e. ambit ion enthusiasm and con fide nee to s ucceed in whatever you wa nt in I1fe. We love you so much.

Mom and Dad


B!You are sue ha gorgeous soul lighting everyone's life you enter! We're c;o proud and so bles sed with the best sister imaginable! Look forward to watching your future unfold and know you w1l I continue todo so many great things!We love you so much.B!

- JasonandChrist1ne


Have your tastes changed?

Love. Grandma &Grandpa Stranduold

I have such manly muscles!

Congrats Zeke!



I should bea farmer. We a re proud of you!





You re a 11 old and big now You used to be sma I!er than me. Ha ha you·re the best brother I cou Id ask for Good Luck! - Ellie

o" Jam

Yo Ho.yo ho.

it's a pi rate's Ii fe for Jamdlam thankful that my April Fool's boy has such a great senseofhumorand can laugh at himself -we've definitely had a lot of laughs. I love you and am very proud of you. Love Mom --,_

Austin Spatz.. Matt Anderson.Jameson Hanson. Clinton Franz.Ryan Stokes and Adam Frank:iheSexySix."

Loya I high school buddies.: Ii fe-long friends!Thanksforall thefondand fun memories.Good Luck!


Miss Lisa Baxter and Mrs.Kathy Frank

Rachel You spread sunshine wherever you go! Don·t lose t hal effervescence! My l hough ts & prayersarewithyouasyou take up the challenge to facet he world Good luck Hone:>1 -Grand ma Gene loves yo~

HeyRach -

Theres never a du II moment w 1th you area n awesome sister! Morn was righlyou r sisters wi II bet he best friend5 you w i 11 ever have!




Raclt Mayyoualwayshavea joyful heart &sense of humor!

Love. Morn & Dad

PS Stay out of Sara h's roorn!



Guided by the lessons you have learned andshari ng the g1 fts that you w i11 besuccessfu I in ~hatever path you choose. Be happy,peacefu Landfilled with love. We a re proud of our k incl gent le. lovi ngsou l. Love.

MomDadJimGrizzly & Cubby I


Enjoy the l1fe that lays ahead of you. Weare blessed with having you in our I ivesand look forward to v.hat the future will bring. May _yourdeterm i nation take you far and may your humor help you enjoy the trip.

Love, Mom and Dad

One and one equals two!

Hila rya ndAdam loveyoul You a re sure to suceed at whatever you do. Congratu lauons.! Wea reso proud of you!

- HilaryandAdam laVI

Congratulations Ian! V\'e rerr1ember many enjoy able vis its. 1 nc Judi ng your tour~ofFoot hillsand meeting your friends. Best wishes for the future! We love you!

Grand ma and Grand pa Huff

Dearest Ian Beattentivetoall the opportunities that will be presented to you. And to make the most oft hem a !ways stay -:lose toGod

Much Love, Granda ma Katie

TJ.Ireally dont even know what to say. except that I love you. Thepastyearanda half have been so great! You're my best friend and I know youlldoamazing things no mat terwhat path of life you take. 'A'e"ve hadamazi ngadventures together (DR9 and l ca n·t wait to have more! LO\' EYOUl acom

Nichi.all t heseyearsandall these memories.! Life has been quite theadventu r ean d fm glad il was you I was able lo share it with. Here"s to the future and many more memories we a re sure lo have. Forever and ever Rainbow Hom ie!


Shannen.I am so proud of you and everyt hingyou have accomplished. We have had amazing I in1es from food fights in Hawaii to breck trips. I know you \Vill dowel I incollege-havesornuchfun I love you


PS. Youdidagreatjobas soccer mom ha ha

V..'e have been th rough a lot together. and always worked th rough it You·re not just my best friend but you're my sister. Thank you for always being 1here for me and having my back.

Forever and Ever!

Loveyoul Nichi


Wow. 1i rnP. f Iies. Seems you \Vere a I it I legi rl just yesterday. V\'earesovery proud of you and a 11 your accon1pl ish menr s. You wl 11 1ouch rnanylivesin thefuturewith your kind heart and I hose people \Vi 11 be lucky 10 kno\'1you. You a re the I igh1 of our I 1ves. a l\vays.



You area wonderful daughter. You fill our hearts with pride and jo) Don·t accept anythingbutyourbest Youhavea great future ahead of you.

Love You.

Mom and Dad

Dear AbL Oh I he placesyoull go. any di rec I 1011 you choosc Your head fu 11 of bra 111s and ft,et In you rshoes. fhr. mou nlainsyou1lcl in1b though your snea kcrs mdy leak: Today is your rd rea nis you wi 11 'SC('k.. ( ongratulat 10ns!You'rcofl .i 11dawc1y_ Love.


You·rea great big sister. nl miss you when you·re in college. n l come to watch your soccer games. Have fun I love you.


PS.One day TI! be bigger thanyousowatch

R~ es ......--,_.;.....,. _____ __.

Wisdom: ls todo now

what youll besa1 isfied with later on V\'ebelieveinyou Ryan

With hard work.good t hingswill happen Alwayschal lenge yourself and Reach for your Dreams. v\'earea II proud of you!


Mom. Dad. Robbie & Reed

V\'01lld I l1ctoyou gu r rls? Thesr. p,1 st couple hdve been thee best yea rsof my Ii fl' and I loveall3ofyou S()much. V\'e'rc like family and our I ns1de Jokes have become a second language. Parading. Trcccl1mbl11g. Spr Ink IPrs. Pl ng pong. Tenn 1s... AlwaysundFortWl'I Adventure£ Dyl P.S. Wind ict,,t 1011!

··Baby you da best_

You re truly an arnazi ng person Gr ahan~Thank you for be1 ng so wonderful to n1e' I hope to c;ee you again int he future. Have fun"" ir h Ii fesweetsl I love you.

Auturnn Dav.'n

ii I ---~·----

We're so proud of youl


Mom&Papa Jess

Weare very proud of you and the ladder you a re cl 1mbing. Keep sm i l i ngand continue to bea first res ponder in Ii fe.


Love, Mom.Russ and Jordan

Congratu at 10ns. Tanner! \.\ea re so proud of your ace om pl ishmentsasa talented young man and we see great things in your fut u rel We hope) ou lead by exa rnple th rough Ii fe_ Know that our thoughts and love a re a Iways v. it h you a long the way!

Love. Your Whole Family OVI~ LIA Tony.

We have so enjoyed watch i ngyou grow into Lheamaz1 ngyou ngman you are now.Semper FL and we love you!

Dad Mom and Nicole

sure were cute Kel s!

But you sti 11 are! You area very bright and beautiful girl and as your aunt and your fr'.end Ireallyadmirethat Youwillgo far in Ii feand I wt! 1a !ways oe there for you! I love you!




My.howyouve grown into a beautiful extremely intelligent and talented g1 rll We a re so proud of you! Continue to set your goals high and we know that God wil I watch over you as you accomplish a 11 you set out todo.

Love, Mom Dad Cassie & Kylee

You have grown into such a smart and beautiful young lady. We a re so proud of you and love you so much! May God bless you and your future.

Love Always. Grandpa Lee and Grandma Mo

Whosaid Katie can't angle park?

Love you Darling. Aunt Coreen and Uncle Bi 11



You a re the peanut butter to my jelly. I admire you everyday.


Love you a !ways. Stacey Kati


You a !ways make us smile with joy and pride.Continue on your path toward your dreams.

We love you. MomandDad

V1V1er J


You have a )ways made us proud Yourcharmingpersonality.senseofhumor.amaz1ng smi leandgenuine heart-felt feehngs forothersa requalit ies that make you a great person No matter what you door where you go from here we w i11 a hvays beonyourside. Yourfutureisso bright and \Ve ca n"t \Va it to see you conquer the world.

Love Mom and Dad erJos

L111leBuddy. I can) belleveyou·re graduating It feels like Just yesterday when Idressed you upasaglrl and got groundtd for wrest llngyou down to put llpstlck on yo11 I've hadsuchagood rime growing up with you and seeing you grow You have aIways made our ch IId hoods soentena In Ing, Whatever profession youchoosetodoln life.I know you will make It enterta In Ing Even though we make each other so mad that we lock eJchot her out oft he housesomet will alwaysbet he best brother Icou Id ask for. Cong rat u latlonsa nd Coodluck! llo\·eyou. Taylor)

ars~a Conner.

The twinkle in your eye.the smile on your face, you routgo1ng persona lity,have a Iways brought joy 10 our 1ives. 'A'e a reso proud of you and know you wi II always besuccessfu Ibecause you are smart and resourceful but most of a Ilk ind and compassionate. 'A'e love you!

'A'eareso proud of you and your many accomplishments. Youroptimismdeterminat ion kindness. leadersh ipa nd sense of humor a re blessings that v.• i11 serve you we) Ii n v.•hateveryou choose to ta keon Continue to I is ten to your heart and live your passions!

'A'e love you.


Jerr~ Miller


Dear Jerry,

'A'e a re so proud of you! You·ve become an out standing young gentleman v.·ho we k nO\\'Wi 11 besuccessfu Ii n anyt hi ngyou choose todo. 'A'e love you andcan·t express how lucky v,:e feel to have been blessed \\'it h sons Ii ke you and Matt Love.

Mom&Dad er

Thank you for FINALLY talking to me. You mean so much tome fmsohappybeing with you. It'sanamazingfeel i ng tosayfmyourgirlfriend Thank you for everything you've done for me.

12.3.4 Always



Dear Matt.

We could nt be prouder! You're a remarkable young man who isl hought ful intelligentanda wonderfu I person V·,'e know you11 succeed in reach Ing you rd reams and look forward to follov,1ingyou through hfe'sadventures. 11\'e love you and wi 11 always be your biggest fans.


Mom&Dad a Mari


Vi h ite soccer and red basketballs

You've shot and kicked off a II our wa I ls.

We've watched you racrobatic fa! ls. and you ra rt ishu ng in all our ha) ls.

We're proud of you. which says it alll Uustone more rhyme.don't forget to call~

Love. lots of iL

Mom&Dad TOVI~


Funny-youdid grow up to leap tall buildings. or at least cl 1mb them! You really area Msuper" guy-kindfu n & hard working. You've done great with your Ii fe & t here·s fa ntast 1c stuff a head Wea reso proud of you!


Mom &Dad TOVI

Tony. I can't imagine growing upwithoutyou and without all the concerts. trips and drives to school toget her every day I can honestly say that the highest compliment I ever give anyone is "You remind meof my brother"

Congrats on graduating Love.



Dear Becca

You have always messed around with me throughtheyearsandlknow you w Ill do great in college. [ hope you neverstopdancingw1en you're done with highschoo

Always fol low your dream~ Love, David

Dear Becca

We are so proud of you. V-.'e have enjoyed seeing you gro,vand turn into a beaut ifu I young worn an You have fi Iled our lives with love and laughter. \/1.'e have loved watching you da nee You will be successful in whatever you do. We love you so much.

Love. Mom and Dad

PS You will always be Dad's little girl


Cong rats you made itl We a re so proud of you.

We love you lots.

Dad Mom and Eric


After 18 longyearsAmy, we want tocongratulateyou for getting out of High School and on to bigger and better things in your life.Good luck and good health wherever the roads will lead you. Love you.



M} sister and my best friend rm so glad we a re so closeandwecan tell each other any1h1ngand ,vest ill understand each other. Thanks fora lwaysbeing there for me. we have had so many memories toge1 her. I don·1 know what rm gonna do ,vithout yoll it's going to beso,veird withou1 you home. I have one more year and rm right behind you!

Love ya lot~ LoveAub~

Kaile~ Osba1,1gn

To my Tay whoalwayshas a wonderful heartanextraordinary mind and runs like the w1 nd. I love. love. love you!



Tomy favorite sister and my partne r in crime. Than ks for leading me down a crazy road sometimes in high heels!

Love, Niki

You have grown upso much in the last t wo yea rs and I have been so blessed to see it Thank you for a !ways being there for me and the memories we have shared to get her I love you and I am so proud of you.

I or10

My little sailor.

Jr isa rnazi ng how fast you have grown up.and we are incredibly proud to see how mature you have become. V\'e a l\vays knew that you wou Id excel in your studies. sports.and you rmora Is. Keep chasing t hosed re a ms, Dad Mom Jorgy and your baby Est rel la • or10


a !ways keep that bright smile and that optimist icsp1riLAlways remember that we\v1ll be here to support you. Keep fight 1ng to reach t hosegoa Isa nd don't let people put pea nuts in your nose_ With a 11 our love.. DadMomJorgyand Estrella


Lindsey. Congratulations! May graduation bea steppingstone toa happy and productive future! Dream big. I ive big.and know that you wil I a Iways haveou r love and support Love.

Mom. Nick and Casey


How boring wou Id the last 17 yea rs have been without our Austin moments?Sometimes funny.sometimes frustrating. but th rough ii a 11 we have loved watching you grow into an intelligentrespon sible young man. We can't wait for moreexcit ing Austin moments to come.

Love from Mom Dad


Chloe, May the horizon always be behind you. Congratulations!

Love, Dad Tyler.

Weare so lucky to have such a great son! Fol low yourdreamsand work hard fort hem You can make them happen!

Love. Mom&Dad


You a re an i ncredi ble persor1 We aspire to be like you when we grow up.Fullofloveand life. Wewill always be there for you. What an honor to be your pa rents.

Love, Mom&Dad


Are you the coolest kid or is it just bright int here?

Love, Justin &Jon Jess

Dear Jesse, We can't even start to talk about your beauty. because we wou Id get too graphic and they would not let us print ilSo instead we1l say. we just had good times.

Love, ChloeandAbi


Doublet he laughs. double the love.double the trouble and double the good times. We look for many. many more good times to come.

Love, MomandDad gers

Hey Jess. Remember the good old days when the most stressful part oflifewas learning how to use the potty? I sure do miss them Oh wel Lnow we·re off to bigger and better things. Thanks for ma k 1ng the last 17 yea rs specia~ Love.


Wow! High school is over and we a re off on another journey!Even though we may notgetalongall the time you're a great bro and rm going to miss you! I love you.

Love, Jesse


Eve r si nce yo u cou Id spea k you seemed to be a Vv ise so ul Keep yo u r sen seof curio sit y and it will take yo u fun pla ces. Keep that spark le i n y our ey e and that smile on y our fa ce. Th e world 1s you r s. believe i n y our se lf

V\'e lov e you.

Mom&Dad Jac~s


Always good times.... Jackson Alex (LHS), Wilson Albert (AWHS)

Friends Always. Ali

Dear AIL

Love what you do. do what you love. and success will be you rs. Congratulations on all of your ha rd work!

We love you.

DadMomandMia Ali 5

Dear Ali.

Stay true to your beliefs.

Live Iife to its fullest andmayallgood things come your way Love, Mom and Dad


V\'e may a rg uc cons tan t ly. bu1 you will a hvays be n1y big siste r I love you so much an d I hope you have fu n in col lege.Remember. J'rn a Iways here fo r you. No matter what xoxo


M ia (you ronea nd only sister)

Kacie Snea

Youd id itl WO\\' Kacyou havegrO\\ 'n i ntoa beautiful woman V\'e a re so proud of a 11 your ace om• plishments. Continue to gro\v & shine.A lv.•ays remember to bet rue to \ V ho you a re. Al\, ·ays & Forever our Sh! n• ingStar YouGoGirl!

I LOVE YOU KACIE om.Dad & Little

V.'eareso pr ou d of you fo r everyt h i ngyo u h ave done a nd con t i nu e to dd You a r ea s tar. a lways r eme mbe r tha t a n d s hin e wh er eve r yo u a r e Si de ki ck s for upco m inga dve nt u r es...

Love you a lw a)~ Sis ters Sh ea

Dear Abs.

Work ha rd! Dream Big! Your future is brightl

There is nothingyou can 't accompli s h We love you bunche s.

Mom Dad & Corey



Live your dreams Garrett and keep on smilin& We know you wiTl do greatl

MomWelove_you Dad&. Krista 01Artvie

Please remember. true courageisnottheabsence offearbut thewillingnessto proceed in spite of 1t Weare very proud of you. congratulations on all your achievements.

Vii'e love you. Mom and Dad

Way 1ogo big sister. you did it Wewishyouall the best in youryearsa head of you_ Thank you for a 11 you do for us. you're a great role model Cong rat u lallonson al 1you raccomplishments. keep on cl i n1bi ng.

AIIour love.

Aaron.Nicholasand Heidi

Life L

Special than ks to everyone who 1 nspi red me to a Iways do my best and to never give up. To family.friends. st udentsa nd teachers who taught rne Ii fe lessons that I wou Id have never learned You guys a reamazi ng. than ks for the laughs and unforgettable moments.


Courtney E Smith

Watchingyougrow up has beensuchanamazi ng experience. You rdetermination will make you a success 1n Vv hatever you do. I w i 11 a Iways be~ our number one supporter. rm so ofyou!Stay focused.follow you dreamsandyoucanaccomplis 1 anything.

I love you!


Every father wants a son like them You area hard-worki ng and compel it ive young man You enjoy being a gear head with me. Every mot her hopes fort heir son to be successfu LRemember.stay focused on your goals and you will succeed far in l 1fe!

Love Mom and Dad

Here you a re sitting ina tree:fearless.sillyand having thetimeof your life!We wish you al i fet i me of success. adventureand fun.

'\/li'e a re so proud of you!

Love, Mom Dad Willand Becky I I 1ro1A1 areAMAZING!We aresovery proud of you and know how much your dreams mean to you. So. fol low your dreams. enjoy them share them and above al Lcherish every moment

Love you so very much!

Mom and Eric


Andreaand AlexVv'e a re so proud of you and knowthatgreat thingsarein the future for you. Twins Ru lel Love, MomandDad

You've come a long way.Baby_and this is just the beginning. You have given me such happiness. I am so proud of you.


I Love You.


Zorn boo. I cou Id not have asked fora better older sister You are pretty much my best friend and I can't beleive this time isa I ready here. It seems Ii ke just yesterday we were cutting each other's hair in thegarage.Anyway.I know you w i II go far with whateveryou ddYou areamazing!


CC AK A Scoops JeVI J

Sha mm rock Green Old lady face.

\/\'ow here we a re senior year and we·restlll byeachother'ssideg I love you 10 Iii I le pieces.don't forget! There are some things that I would like you to remember Ii ke... ·rm a big purple di nosou r: BOOM 1ooksbetterwllhout make-up.· maklngginger bread houses.AND that you will a Iways be my Bestest Wes1es1 Frlend.!MEXICALI HEREWECOMEl

I LOVE YOU! Jes Jes PS. Id Id n·1 even start II!

Wow. time has passed so fast Thisisyourtimeto shine now Iwillalwaysbe there. Whether1t'ss1ttingin ja i I to get her or eating toothpaste : )

Cong rats Litt le Sissy!

Dance like no one's watch i ng. Love Ii ke you've never been hurt Sing Ii keno one's listening. & Live like heaven ison Earth Cong rat u lat ions. We love you.

Mom Dad & Manda Che! le ez

To our little girl you did 1t We're so proud of you. Now you can accom plish anyth1 ngyou want Never give up.and never sett le for less.

Love You AIways, Dad and Mom rsa

Congrats on graduating you are agreatlittlesister. You know I love to tease you and make you yel Iat me-what else a re brothers for?

I love you.


You will always be our "baby girl" You are k1ndand thoughtful never change that We love you and a re very proud of you. Weare looking forward to your next phase1nlife. You have grownintoa beautifulyoung woman Never forget you are ourMAngel7

-Mom&Dad AIAbr

Dream big!

I love you very much

Dad&Lynn T-M

It has been an absolute joy watching you grow into a beautifulyounglady.Continue tostayfocused andon the path to success. 111 always be here for you!


Love, Alyssa

Dear Aubrey.

You are such a wonderful daughter I am so blessed to have you. Keep reaching for the stars. Yoursmilewarmsmyheart and your humor keeps me laughing. You area dolL

I Love You!


Love knows no bounds.


I love your style!Continue to stay true to yourself Love Always, "Mommy"

Gett i ng the Pooh stuffieforyou is something 111 never forget


Thanksforgivingmean awesomenameand foralways taking care of me!



Raisingyou has been the greatest experience of my Ii fe..You have made me so proud with a 11 you have accomplished we·ve had a lot to dea I with. and th rough it a 11 you've become the greatest daughter Icou Id ever have hoped for.

I love you.

Dad I r1aV1a


brighter because of you. Briana Iamso proud of you and a 11 you have accomplished Awonder[u I futurewaitsforyou. I love you. and a }ways wi 11 (event hough you consistently beat me at Scrabble) I cherish the memories of our times together. GG anWi


Weare so proud of ALL youraccomplishments. The best is yet tocome..Keepsmiling We love you!

Mom Terry.andAlec


Toou r little angel

We a re so proud of you. May you continue to spread yourwingsand soa rl \/\'e love you.

-Mom and Dad

Toourlittle sister_

Congratulationson being thefourthand final CHS graduate. Thanksforadding some excitement to Dad and Mom's Ii fe! We love you!


These 17 yea rs have been area I blessing. We a re very proud of you and your accomplish men ts. we know that you will succeed ineverythingyou set your mind to. A Iways remember \vhen you faced i fficu It trials 1n Ii fe you have a family that loves you. Love.

MomandTim I e1V1er


We a re so proud of you and the skier you have become. It is fun to watch you race for the Jeffco Ski Team Enjoy your l ife--long passion

- Your Family

Karli MeiV1erz

Congratulations to ou r Sen ion We a re so proud of you and your accomplishments. You arebeginninga new chapter of your life. may al Iyour dreamscometrue. Dream big. love deeply, I1ve fully, laugh and a Iways bet rue to yourself. We love you.



Abi K

Whether we're struggling to not show our teeth or watching an endlesss lewof d isney movies, Chloe is still the one who "does a little more." Love.

Jesse and Chloe Cnlo

DearChloe. Youarethechicken to ourpaninL We love you!


Jesse and Abi


You're such a fru ityoucanalways make us smile in any situation. The great times together w 1l l never be fargot ten and we can't wait toseewhatourfuture holds. 'A'e love you to death!

-Allie andAmy BraVI


Wesurearegoing tomissall the fun times we had together_ I hope you have a great time in col Iege! We LOVE you Bra ndon!XOXOX With Love.




privilege to be your parents. Weare in awe of your zest and spi r it for life. Wewillalwaysbetherc for you. We a re so proud of ye u You are awesome. Love.



MareyMoo, I amso proud of you and so happy that we have stayed best f riend~cousins through all these year~ rm gonna misshang1ngoutwith you every single day and hav1 ng our crazy adventures.Strawberry and Shor tea ke foreverl Love you.



Our little smiling an ge l

We lo ve y ou ver y much1

- Mom and Dad

OaV1a MartiVI


You a re wonderfull We love your sense of humor and your sm 1le. Success wi 11 continue in your area fabu lousdaughtera nd siste r PS. Thanks for all the laundry! Love.

Mom and Dad Paula & Doug

Jef fer~ DaVJiele

The best time of my life is doing theater, acting music, etc_ I always have fun building sets and performing on them Theater is by far the best thing I have ever done.

A Vearbook ~eans ~any different things to people. For so~e, it's looking at your friend 's silly Josten 's photo, re~e~bering when so~e .. one scored the winning touchdown, or ~arvel .. ing at the a~azing artists that ~HS produces. For all, ifs about re~e~bering all of their friends and class~ates, and the ~e~ories they shared. fhanks for another great year, ~HS!

fop Row: Austit1 Cat1tpbell, Shat1ia Harris, Sriat1t1e Ca1tt ... erot1, Kyla Lat1tbert, Kayla Kot1ikow, Lisa 9-ayda.

Middle Row: Parker Sowash , Suzat1t1e Hepola, Kelli 9-allagher, Kellie Ericksot1, Joslyt1 Martit1ez, Sasha NeeSt1tith, Kayla Srowt1, Mr. Hashet1ti.

Jottottt Row: r yler Clevelat1d, Jot1athat1 Klit1tek, Erica Sterlit1g, Sridget McLat1e.

Mr. a
\ .
Editors: Kellie Ericksot1 (12), Kyla LatMbert (11) , Suzat1t1e Hepola (12), Jridget McLat1e (11 ). Not Pictured : Rait1a Pit1kel (12)

Staff Quotes

Ot1e day your life will flash before your eyes Make sure It was worth watchlt1g - Set1lor Parker Sowash

Jolt1ed Yearbook because whet1 peoples high school .,....-~ "" -, t11et11orles beglt1 to fade.

I wat1t thet11 to be able to pick up their yearbook at1d rush back to sottte of the greatest t11et110rles of their lives - Jut1lor Kyla Lat11bert

I will always ret11et11ber Mr Hashet11I at1d the editors at1d writers frot11 Yearbook I will also ret11et11ber all the frlet1ds I have t11ade lt1 this class It was a great experiet1ce!

-f resht11at1 Jot1 Klit11ek

IIIIIIU pla111,J11g this u Ideas fhal\lcs for !
What I like about bel11g 111 Yearbook Is that I att1 always busy world11g 011 sott1ethl11g rather tha11 slttl11g at a desk bel11g lectured to for hours 011 e11d " -Sophott1ore Sha11la
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. -
The United States draws closer to providing health care for all with the passage of reform bills 1n both the House and the Senate
:) President Obama orders an increase in troops in Atghanistan with a goal of starting to withdraw forces from the country m July 2011.
mac w-,.__.,_.., 0
Hai ti 's earthquakewi th a magnitude of 7.0 - is declared by the United Nations as the worst disaster it has ever confronted Aid pours in from the United States and around the world
Price per gallon of gas in 2000 : $1.26 2009 : $2 .73 Movie ti c ket price in 2000· S5.39 2009 : $7 .35
A University of Utah study finds that texting while driving can be up to six times more dangerous than talking on a phone while driving.



The H1N1 virus appears to affect teens more than typical flu viruses Hand sanitizer Is a commonplace sight in classrooms and other public spaces.

In efforts to make General Motors more economically viable, the company discontinues the Saturn brand and announces plans to phase out its Pontiac division

- f""'\. 11... WELCOME TO FORT HOOD e of Ame~•s ored ...
America honors the lives of 13 innocent
of a tragic
at Fort Hood, Texas, in November Une mployment ra te 1n 2000 : 4 % 2009 : 10% U S population in 2000 : 281 million 2009 : 305 million
shooting spree
,. Belgian Pnme Minister '-" Herman Van Rompuy is elected the first president the European Council (EU ) under the Treaty of Lisbon
Facebook users 2000
2009 · 350 million
I I I McNew ,;~ fftA'>lo S t.t>S ,>i!O u.,~:,s~ ~-.i O The number of first-time visitors to food shelves surges as families cope with the economic recession Food banks report that demand :) The Armed Forces Network broadcasts five NBA games to U S troops on Christmas Day The NBA gives the AFN broadcast rights for free 0 Consumers have more alternative fuel options as the number of b1odiesel stations continues to grow across th e United States l Bl DIESEL PUMP THE FUEL THAT PUMPS UP OUR COUNTRY. BIODIESELI 0 2 9 ~-· is up 30 percent on average - 0 Dunng October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, pink products are everywhere· from printers to power tools, snowboards to golf balls , blow dryers to water bottles gre en in wor,-.,

0 Students protest the University of Caltfomia's 32 percent tuition increase Average tuition is up 4 4 percent for private four-year colleges and up 6 5 percent for public four-year colleges


Teens are setting an example for their parents, with 56 percent of teens volunteenng to support a charitable cau se


Tum off the lights when no one' s 1n the room

Carry a reusable tote bag when you go shopping Bike or walk instead of dnving

Get a reusable metal water bottle

Unplug and shut down electronic devices when not 1n use

Buy music onhne instead of purchasing CDs

Use rec hargeable batteries instead of disposables

Rep lace standard light bulbs wi th compact fluorescent bulbs

In win ter, turn down the heat and wear more layers

1 In su mm er, set your air condi tioner thermosta t to 72° or higher

' I \--
-I I 0
At the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, the top-ranked Alabama Crimson Tide defeats the second-ranked Texas Longhorns to finish the Bowl Championship Series
Sidney Crosby becomes the youngest captain to hoist the Stanley Cup as he leads the Pittsburgh Penguins to their third championship and first since 1992

Brett Favre retires from retirement All\ to lead the Minnesota Vikings At 40, Favre continues to rewrite the record books, including the mostconsecutive regular-season games

,. At the 12th IAAF World '-' Championships in Berlin, Jamaican sprinter and three-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt beats his own 100-meter and 200-meter world records


2008 Wimbledon final : Rafael Nadal vs Roger Federer

Super Bowl XLIII : Steelers 27 , Cardinals 23

World Series 2001 , Game 7 : Diamondbacks 3 , Yankees 2

2007 Fiesta Bowl : Boise State 43, Oklahoma 42

2006 Rose Bowl : Texas 41 , USC 38

2008 Olympics : 100-meter men's butterfly, Michael Phelps

2009 Big East tournament : Syracuse 127, UConn 117 (6 01)

Super Bowl XLII : Giants 17 , Patnots 14

2002 NBA West finals , Game 7 : Lakers 112, Kings 106 (01)

2005 UEFA Champion s League final : Liverpool beats AC Milan

After the release of their fifth studio album, the Black Eyed Peas launch The E N D Wor1d Tour, with stops in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand

:) Paramore takes home the title of Favorite Rock Band at the MTV's People's Choice Awards Lead singer Hayley Williams kept in touch by Tweeting with fans throughout the awards program


Taylor Swift has an amazing year with fo ur CMA Awards and the Grammy for Best Album of the Year


Mary Mary's album Praiseworthy reaches No 1 on Billboard's Christian & Gospel Album Charts. No 2 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Chart and No 7 on the Billboard Top 200


Glee geeks go wild! Volume 1 of the Glee soundtrack features 17 songs from the hit Fox show about a struggling high school glee club



Fearless, Taylor Swift

I Dreamed a Dream, Susan Boyle Number Ones, Michael Jackson The Fame, Lady GaGa My Christmas, Andrea Bocelh

eBeyonce broke the record for a fem ale artist at the Grammys with six awards, including Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance

Hannah Montana The Movi e Soundtrack, Hannah Montana

The E N 0 ., Black Eyed Peas

Relapse , Em1nem

The Bluepnnt 3, Jay-Z

1 Only By the Night, Kings of Leon

Michael Jackson , the legendary King of Pop, dies unexpectedly at the age of 50 , Just weeks before his This Is ltworfd tour is to begin. Krill MazwW're,mage Alicia Keys guest stars on JayZ's album The Bfuepnnt 3. Their Joint effort. "Empire State of Mind," is one of the most successful songs of the year

:) A new generation discovers the Fab Four The Beatles: Roel< Band is a smash hit among teens, parents and even grandparents!

0 New Fox hit TV showGlee takes home the Golden Globe for Best Musical or Comedy Television Series over such veteran shows as The Office, 30 Rock and Entourage

, , I • 1 Wii Fit 2.
Kart Wii 5.
360) G.
ne 2 r
Wii Play
. Mario
Resident Evil 5 (Xbox
Kill zo
Brien receives $45 million to surrender
pos1t1on as host
The Tonight Show
NBC decides to return Jay Leno
previous time slot. 7 Call of Du ty : World at War a Resi dent Evil 5 (PS3) 9 Halo Wars 1 o Street Fighter IV Soun:e. r I I '
eAfter just seven months,
to his
Sandra Bullock wins the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Motion Picture-Drama for her performance in The Blind Side, based on the true story of Baltimore Ravens football player Michael Oher

(: In just 41 days, James Cameron's Avata r overtakes T;tanic to become the highest-grossing movie ever worldwide at $1 859 billion

Are you "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward"? "Twihards" around the world swoon over the supernatural love triangle in The Twilight Saga New Moon

_~~----1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas 1. Avatar 2 . CastAway 2 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 3 . Mission: Impossible II 3 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 4 . Gladiator 4 . The Twilight Saga : New Moon 5 What Women Want 5 Up 6 . The Perfect Storm 6 The Hangover 7 Meet the Parents 7 Star Trek 8. X-Men a The Blind Side 9. Scary Movie 9. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 10 What Ues Beneath 10. Monsters Vs Aliens Boxolficeroo;o com
I • ••• Supe r Soft Flee 0 Snugg,e the blanket with sleeves , is a runaway hit. The company introduces versions for kids and pets and features des1gner styles in a fashion show r efr esh Si,o...t...,,.G,.c,o



Skinny Jeans

Big '80s shoulders

Over-the-knee boots

Graphic tees


Animal prints Rachel Roy bags

Ripped jeans

'90s grunge

1 Flared jeans

Graphic tees. worn alone or paired with zip-front hooches. are a comfortable way to make a style .; statement, promote your favorite band and express your individuality
~U'lcte :, Now you can carry a whole library in a device the size of a hardcover Consumers crave readers like Amazon's Kindle and the Sony Reader 0 In January 201 o, teen employment rates hit a record low of 26 2 percent due to a lack of entry-level • jobs available at the • • . .. minimum wage ': 11 W'NW. f aceboo\~..(\) 0 .:z: Q. a: w (/)0 0 Pass the potatoes. please Busy families are cutting back on expensive take-out meals and making time to sit down together for healthier, home-cooked family dinners ThJS 16-page Wol1d Bea.I S8CtJ0fl --,,_ IS pnnted on SFI cer11t1ed stock. C2010 Jostens Inc Pnnted 10 USA 09-0666 ( 1134) jostens ® You ~

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