GHS Yearbook 2013

Page 1

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This year, students from Golden High School visited Kamuela in Hawaii , Salamanca in Spain and several countries in Europe In Kamuela , Hawaii , students visited the Hawaii Prep Academy for two weeks. During those two weeks , students participated in a multi-disciplinary program that includes marine science , ecology , vocalnology and Hawaiian history and culture. Meanwhile , another group of Golden students spent five weeks in Spain , living with host families for the duration of the trip During their time there , students attended the University of Salamanca and took classes with other students from around the world These classes were mostly cultural classes and allowed students to learn about dancing , cooking and guitar On weekends , students also participated in excursions to nearby towns in the region of Toledo , Segovia and Madrid. The students who went to Europe this summer visited London , Paris , Venice and Rome. This trip lasted ten days and allowed students to visit many famous landmarks such as Big Ben , the Eiffel Tower , the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Colosseum . Although each trip had its ups and downs , the students who went on these trips will never forget the experiences they had.

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"Th,s year I went to Spam The most exciting part was getting to meet my host family and roommates'" -Mallory
Karr (11 ) "I went on the Europe trip I enioyed walking the streets o f Paris, but I didn't like the fact that I had to pay for public restrooms " -Taylor McGaughey (12)
to H awa,1 was an ext remely valuable experience We had the best time , and we will never forge t ,t
-Kirk Gilbert , Jack Breer, Colin Powers (11)

Students who spent summer days on school trips created lasting memories as they took in the many sights and scenery of their dest1nat1ons Left : "Karate Kid" scene makes for a good photo op Right : Th e Eiffel Tower looms 1n the background

Fro m famous lan dmarks rn Europe to beaches to castles, students from every summer trip fou nd ex perien ti al lessons rn history and cul ture a valuable part of their education The GHS group gathers at Castle of Fuensaldaria in Burgos , Spain .

New Partners

Many beautiful weddings took place over the months of summer Love was in the air and the bond of creating new families was so prevalent that you could feel ,ts touch grace your skin Amber Baker married Bob Hayes in June Scott Hasbrouck married Kelly Westback m another June wedding and Larissa Harder also tied the knot in a beautiful summer ceremony All in all, each wedding was as lovely as the couples themselves

Roses Everywhere!

Christine Williams became a new grandmother to Amelia Rose Diemert , born on August 12, 2012 She came into the world five weeks early and weighed in at 4 lbs 2 oz , but now , she 1s doing great! Eileen Cook also became a first- time grandmother with her son's newest add1 t 1on Her name 1s Adelynn Rose Dinzes, and she was born on July 1 , 2012 Both ros1e girls are healthy and their new grandmo t hers couldn't be happier'


"Jump ing down waterfalls and scuba diving in Hawa11 were definitely the highlights of my tnp!" Lau ren Chac ho (12)

"I enjoy Buffalo Bill Days because of all the different types of booths. I get to meet all the different type of people The parade 1s my favorite part! It's great to see the community getting together for such an awesome event!"


( 11 )

"When I go to the creek, I enjoy the rapids the most, 1t 1s a lot of funl The best part is pushing my fnends into the creek " Camd en Park er (1 O)

Vacations to Remember

Summ e r 1s br ea k for a ll stud ents. T h ey ge t t o e nJoy th e spo i ls of life wi t hout worryin g a bout sc h oo l. Stud e nts f r o m Go ld en H ig h Sc hool have a v a ri ety o f thin gs th ey ca n do durin g t h e summer month s Tr avel c an r a nge fr o m acr o ss Go ld e n to acros s o cean s. Sin ce we l iv e 1n Color ad o, th e r e a r e co p1u s activ itie s right 1n o ur ba ck y a rd s, from tubin g d o wn th e c r eek , tak i n g in the a lpin e slid es at H e ritage Squ a r e, tak in g a qui c k ride through the mounta in s or ha ng in g out 1n downtown Golden durin g Buffa lo Bill Day s. Either hom e o r away , G H S stud e nts find them se lve s out a nd a bout durin g the summer, ba sking 1n three month s of freedom b ef ore th e new school y ear be g in s.

"The Czech Republic was awesome with my family I go there once a year to v1s1t my grandparents and check out awesome castles II Chandler H auk (1 O)

"I went to Flaming Gorge in Utah wi t h my girlfriend The best part was cltff diving ,n the dark You couldn't see the water below 11 Ca r so n Lockard (11)


For the staff and students at Golden High School , giving back is very important Every year, we hold many events to support important issues and help serve people in need Through our clubs and organizations, we have many opportunities to give back to others This year , Ms. Onaga , Key Club and Mrs Norby headed to Pine Ridge in South Dakota They delivered 60 necessity boxes to teenagers Mrs Norby visits Pine Ridge four times per year with her non-profit organization , Friends of the Lakota Nation They donate items to families in need and also help repair houses FCCLA also held an event last spring to prevent students from texting and driving Each student was given a ring to wear and signed a pledge to remind them not to text and drive In September, a shred-a-than was held by GHS to help raise funds for Ryan Hayviews , a student at Evergreen High School with a serious head injury Our school is very involved outside of school. We enjoy lending a helping hand and getting involved with communities around the country At Golden High School, giving back is one of the most important things we do .

t o Ru l e T hem A ll A
r e t
" I wan t ed t o commi t t o no t extmg an d driving so t ha t w hen I ge t my lice nse , I ca n kee p m ysel f as w ell as th ose a round m e sa fe" -Gavin Baker (11)
Above FCCLA gets students and staff to commit to safe driving Belo w M rs N o rby gets t o w ork and mem bers o f th e Key Cl ub hel p o ut i n Pin e Ridge "Going to Pine Ridge was very f un 1 I fel t like I had a big i mp act on the community " -Natalie Spence (12)
gentle reminder to
hink befo
ext ing and driving

Bullying is a huge problem in high sc hools today

Teenagers are bullied be cause of their appearan c e , religion , race and economi c status T o help prevent this , Golden H ig h School started Olweus training

O lweus training is used to change the climate In hi g h sc h oo ls and to teach students and staff how not to be bystanders 1n a situation Every Thursday, stud ents and tea c hers meet f or 20 minutes In their ACE classes to discuss different topics about bullyin g in our soc i ety All of the act1v1t 1es the student s and staff participate in are designed to discourage bullying incidences Although the addition to ACE c lasses has not been without its diffi c ulties , Olweus training has been very effective at Golden Hi gh School for many students Although change does not come over night, the program brings awareness to imp ortant issues many students face today and helps us become more mindful that everyone de serves to be tr eated with dignity and respe ct


ftopl~ Huit , Just tu sorryr yr are we a sc h o ol that so meth i ng? Are you someooe wl)o Just watcl)es7

Uavs you avu SOM&Oft& bt EXtlfADEDf

Did 'f DLJ do 5:DrrJe-rhirJ~? 01 did you piew,~ 1 df1!:i

'"="'-- I., C, ./ (; v' .I\, r 'I'/• ;,' ..,/ 31% of uoderclassroeo 1J1rls at GHS reported beio~ bullied iocludi~ rumor spreadio!J aod exclus100

"These d1scuss1ons are very fun and allow us to get to know ou r teachers and iust talk 11 -Ian Cheatum , Danny Braley, Nicholas Smith (11 )

Why are some kids ,.,,,,...,,,,..Btlttl~J>? J Is i t bec au se they are different? Becau s e they are s p e c i a J? 'B~~se fhe1f p r ~some{~iJ,JI {fut others w1'sh fhe::J coufd lfe? IJV\'-' "'' it,, i:-rn .;,t: 'V-- -" WV\O !3l vi c..,l"l Really any clifferent
Mrs La rissa Cla rk creat ed t he bullying posters t hat are used around the school. using GHS stu den ts t o convey impo rt an t messages to ,ts studen ts and staff
THEY JUST WA~ Bat 85% said they ......_'"'-lt-s for tJ)e_ IIJ 1viaua ~ 01s~.-r~
I A. school ot
% of tho se who ere as ked i sa1 that when they sa bullying occur
ou ao Y , ,_,,,.,,, ou
at s l OKAY
" The bully prog r am ,s good f or M VP lea d ers It allows me t o ge t to k no w my freshman be tt er "- Co nl i n Ri tter (12) Olweus training ,s a great t hing to do because the bene f its are so valuable 11 -Donavon Zerbest , Olweus Amb assador (11)

Sam Graham (10) 1s enjoying her stay at GHS She ltkes the mountains and scenery of Colorado It 1s a lot different from Austra l ia and according to Sam , "She would like to ltve here 1f she had her fnends and family by her side "

Sun Jinke (11) has traveled from Chengdu , S1chuan to have a once in a lifetime experience here at Golden High School

" Being at Golden High School has been a wonderful experience I have lots of friends and I am grateful for this opportunity"

Nao Yoshioka (10) from Japan says she loves the schoo l and is enJoying sk11ng in the mountains " I have made many new friends and am trying to use every moment to ge t involved in sports ltke swimming "

Leaving the comfort of your home might bring about some fear, especially when you are leaving your own country to go to a sc hool you have never heard of in a completely different geographical halfway around the globe Imagine leaving your family and your friends to have one of the most interestin g experience s of your life . As a foreign exchange student , you may be going to a completely new sc hool for nine months or more, learning from teachers in a different environment , and meeting new people and friends All of these things would make most people feel pretty indimidated, but for the three foreign ex c hange students here at GHS this year , Sam Graham , Sun Jink e and N ao Yo shioka, it has been a wonderful experience that they will never forget. For each of the three young women, they have embarked on an amazing adventure that has given them far more edu c ation than they could have imagined In all aspects, they have taken the chance to get invovled and be come students at Golden High School.

Usually foreign exchange students come and go at Golden High School. This year a special teacher exchange oc c urred between Mr Francis ( originally from Salisbury , England) and Mrs Goodwin (from Wollongong , Australia) . They exchanged schools, students and even houses with our own teachers, Mr . & Mrs . Kottcamp . Although Mr . Francis misses his family and dog, as well as his house , he says he likes the school's environment and says that everyday is different. Although he is not that fond of the early start time , he will remember lots of students and states , "Their friendly and polite personalities have made this an unforgettable experience " Mrs Goodwin says she loves the environment at Golden High School and that her students are very friendly and enthusiastic Although she also misses family and their dog , she claims that there is a lot of opportunities to learn from her students and its enjoyable to be working in such a different teaching environment Meanwhile , the Kottcamps have been having their own set of experiences in the land down under . A ccording to Mr . Kottcamp , "It has been fun learning a new language and being accused of having an ac c ent The people in general are great here and the countryside is beautiful. We are really going to miss the o cean and beaches." They do enjoy the late start time (8 : 30 am) and the Australian school sc hedule, which meets for ten weeks at a time with two week breaks in between and a six week summer vacation For both sets of teachers , the experience has been meaningful and edu cational, which ha s made an impact on students and teachers both here at Golden and abroad!

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Since Colo r ado is a swing state, we h ad a very busy elect ion yea r as the presidential candidates worke d to gain our votes Barack Obama v1s1ted Golden in Li o n s Park to give a speech and later made an appeara n ce 1n Congress Park Both Republi can candi dates, Mitt Romney an d Paul Ryan , took some tim e to v1s1t D'evelyn HS , Lak ewood HS and made a Joint appea rance at Red Ro cks. The first Presidential debate of the election was also held at the University of Denver . All 1n all, both ca ndidate s worked hard to move votes 1n thei r direction , which was very exciting for the great state of Colorado!

Every four years, presidential h opefu l s start getting bu sy o n the ca mpaign trail to win enough e lectoral votes to become th e next President of the United States. Thi s year, Barack Obama , up for relect1on , ran aga i nst fo rm er Massac husetts gover ner, Mitt Romney As candidates got down to business , they spent many hours touring the country, making appearances 1n important swing states suc h as Colorado. In Augu st, Republican Vice Pres1dent1al Candidate, Paul Ryan, v1s 1t ed Lakewood H igh School where Ale x In sc o e ( 12) was lucky enough to get a picture with h1m1 It was a close race thi s year and even 1n our own sc h ool, where a mock election was held during ACE classes in September , the candidates were neck 1n neck for the wi n In the end, G H S called 1t r i g ht and Barack Obama became the 44th President of th e United States on the 6th of N ovember, 2012


"I don't think I would make a good President because ,t would be too much pressure It'll be nice to vote in 2016 because every vote makes a difference and my voice will finally matter'" Erika lisa (11)
"In order to be President, I would have to have a lot of advisors because the presidency shouldn't be left up to one man I am excited to vote in 2016 because I feel I am doing my duty as an American " Blake Martinez (12)
"I would make a good President 1f I had someone to help me Thi s election ,s pretty important to me because 1t will determine the next four years I will be honored to have the privilege to vote in 2016" Dakota Gulley (12)

Thinking maps are visual tools used for learning Thi s year, we have in corporated the use of eigh t different thinking maps int o each sub j ect area. Maps i nclude the circ l e map , the bubble map , the flow map , the brace map , the tree map, the double bubble map, the multi-flow map , and the bridge map Eac h o ne of these maps has a different purpose Th e circle map i s used to define a subj ect in context, th e bubble map is used to describe a subject with adjectives, and the tree map is used for classifyi ng or grouping Go ld en Hi g h Sc hool is now promoting th e use of thinking m aps to help st ud ents N ot only do thinking maps help us think , but th ey are also very helpfu l while looking at a sub ject in depth, writing essays, planning projects , and organizing and outli ning our thinking By using thinking maps, we're developing ski ll s that help us understand the subjects that we are engaged in For m any st ud ents, thinking maps gives them a t oo l to be successful in the class room

" Thinking maps Th ey make you think " -Zak John son (1 O)

"They really help me organize my thinking " -Evelyn Perez (9)

" Thinking maps are very helpful while writing essays '' -Desti ny Florez (9)

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Above Students and staff demonstrate their planning and analysis through the use of different thinking maps
' 1

Hangouts and date places are the spaces where we socialize Whether it's our off block , lunch time or on the weekend, everyone has a destination that they enjoy For some, it might be at Colorado Mills Mall, the Golden Heights Skate Park , or just being at home Weekends are all about activities with friends or family such as going to the movies, hanging out at a friend's house , or taking a date out to dinner In Golden , there is so much to do! In the warmer months , taking a stroll down by The Creek or · getting in some tubing is a popular pastime . During our off block, we have some free time to grab some grub from the cafeteria or pick up a cup of joe at the coffee shop across the street . Many students spend their free time in the library, not just to get caught up on work but also to have a few laughs and crack some jokes with friends For most students, we feel at ease in our hangout spot s, our spe cial niches that allow us to spend time with friends and loved ones in and out of school.

,, "!Ii - - - - - - - --~-•· - -Beach 47 83% 26 09% Restaurants •
Ab o ve Th ere are a variety of places students can go t o hang out with f riends in and around Golden St ude n ts ca n always get creative abou t spending free time including taking some tim e out fo r a game of hacky sack in t he parking lot " I wou ld t ake a da t e t o Ca n ad a They have goo d bacon " -Easton Wasinger (10) "On a da t e it's nice t o have a car, bu t it's more f un to walk around and adventure " -Randi Se1wald (1 O)

Everyone's a Winner!

Senior Homecoming Royalty winners , Jack Darragh (12) and Kendall Murphy (12) , are overJoyed as they are presented with the crowns during the Homecoming game "The reason I wanted to win Homecoming Royalty was for Kendall , 1t was really important to her We were so excited when we won and 1t was something we will remember forever'" Jack said Whtie certainly being crowned the 2012 king and queen Is something special , everyone t hat joined 1n on the Homecoming Week could enJoy the multitude of festiv1t1es This year the entire week ended with a culmination of big events all on Saturday , the 22nd of September They st arted with the parade, extended through the game and then finally , everyone could celebra t e wi t h the dance All in all , 1t was a memorable week for everyone

Kersti Taha (11) and Kaitlyn Quirk (11)
• -
Midori Valdez (1 O) Lily Conrad (1 O) and Adam Elliot (10) Jack O' H ara (10) and Sean Haley (10)
Golden Demons get creat ive and show their enthusiasm f or H omecoming Spint Week.

Gettin' in the Spirit~

There is excitement 1n the air as Home c oming approaches People are anxious for the events to start and are prepared to get c razy! Thi s year's sp1nt week is a huge hit The week 1s filled with crazy dress up days that express student and faculty imagination The week starts of with Jersey Day, followed by Senior Citizen Day , National Pnde Day , Snow & Swim Day and of course, a week wrap up with Demon Sp1nt Day Lots of students enJoy having the chance to express their creativity during Homecoming sp1nt week

On Saturday , the festivities continue and a large, beaming sun grants us perfe ct weather for the parade . The community of Golden has their cameras ready as they hear the druml1ne approach Children line the streets , wa1t1ng for the club and team parade floats to throw them candy The crowd is massive and consumes the sidewalks. They all cheer for the football team as the walk down the street , yelling, "Beat the Wheat , Beat , Beat the Wheat!

Large smiles show the joy of all the people involved , highlighting the excitement that accompanies Homecoming Week . It 1s definitely something that 1s unforg ettable

-- - - - - -- -
Drumline gets the crowd in the spirit during the Homecoming assembly. Sidney Du Varney (11) and Jake Mitchell (11) stand proud as winners of
class homecoming royalty
" I didn' t thin k our chances of winning
w ere very good, ou r co mpeti tors
w ere strong," Si dney said
Fres hman class royalty winne rs Ryan Blodgett (9) and Grace Rouzaud (9) are all smiles during Homecoming "Homecoming 1s great because I think it ge ts everyone exci ted and ready for the school year," said Ryan "I was very happy t hat I won, 1t was defini tely a good feeling," Grace stated

Playing Like a Demon!

On the morning of September 22 , 2012, Golden H igh School played the Wheat Ridge Farmers for the Homecoming football game Despite the game loss, Golden kept their spirits up and gave it their all. "We started and ended with a high level of intensity and purpose," said Lars Lind (12) after the game The crowd was on their feet the entire game, cheering on their Demons Varsity team

The fans were supportive as always and really helped contribute to an exciting day "We found out that we are able to play strong against a great team ," said Chris Tubbs (12) . Every player gave everything they had, and did not give up for a second "I feel bad for the Farmers," said Dakota Gull ey (12) .

On the very same night , Go lden Hi gh School hosted their annual H omecoming dance from 8-11 p m. in the Hayes Gym The theme for this year was : O lympics , Go For Gold . With over 700 students in attendance, the dance was deemed a huge success . It was probably the largest crowd for a dance that Golden has ever seen

" H
" Th is
h o m
enJoyed myself a lo t t his year I liked the at mosphere " Logan H inkl e (1 O)
omecoming this year w as an amazing expe ri ence It w as th e b est ye t i" Kaylene Seela (11 )
as a rea
y good
ecom in g!" Logan Hu lle t (11 )

Halftime Hurrahs

Dunng the football game's halft i me, there was a lot of excitement and events, starting with the crowning of the king and queen This year's senior nominees included Jack Darragh, Kendall Murphy, Avery Rothe , Matthew Grauer , Noemie Pritchard and Casey Polizzotto Jack and Kendall took the 2012 crowns. Then , the cheer and dance teams took the field for their performances Both teams looked great and gave 1t their all Halftime f1n1shed with the traditional hand Jive , led by both the cheer and dance teams The entire Demon stand participated 1n this special Golden H igh School trad1t1on

Jack Darragh (12} Kendall Murphy (12} Jake Mitchell (11) , Sidney Du Varney (11) Ryan Blodgett (9) , Grace Rouzaud (9) H omecom i ng royalty takes the field during halftime of the Golden vs \ Wheat Ridge game N ot pictured Daniel Geiger (10), Brynna Carmen (10)
- ••~ - ·

Richard Adams

Ethan Agranoff

Ariel Alberti

Zoe Albright

Conner Allen

Andy Amos

Rebekah Anderson

Trenton Anderson

Breaunna Applehans

Arianna Ardehali

T imothy Armenta

Gian Aurand

Jasmine Autry

Cade Baker

W illow Ball

Just in Ballard

Gavin Banks

Sonja Barber

Monica Barnes

Anna Barr

Maria Barrett

Shannon Baughman

Morgan Bed1nger

Hunter Belcher

Miranda Benfield

Kahealan, Bentos1no

Jake Bergstrom

Skye Berkowitz

Denise Blea

Ryan Blodgett

Keegan Bonn1cksen

Brandon Bowker

Brianna Brannan

Joplyn Bntta1n

Natalie Brunel

Casey Bruno

Gregory Buckendahl

Samuel Burrows

Kristofer Bye

Alexis Cadry

Ni cholas Capaul

Grant Carman


Luke Caruthers

Isabella Cauley

Rayne Cavazos

Brittany Chaet

Kasandra Chavez

Gavan Childerston

Chase Chrenko

Jake Christenson

Torrey Chrysler

Jordan c,eluch

Rhett Cito

Chase Claar

Alexa Clark

Dirae Collins

Ian Conroy

Brandy Cordova

Samuel Cory

Ian Cowie

Paul Cowie

Christopher Cox

Sydney Crabb

Megan Criss

Bambie Crook

Dom1n1que Cruz

Jaxon Cusack

Katherine Czarnecki

Ben1am1n Damhoff

Chase Daniels

Dylan Dempsey

Kaycee D1 Lorenzo

Brianna Dickens

Alec Dolan

Maren Donnelly

Noah Dowell

Landen Drake

Mackenzie Drake

Jonathan Du Varney

Jacob Duden

Devin Dugan

Knsten Dunson

Lavette Duran

Siena Dute

... \
--- -~- -·

Zackary Dym

Keith Engstrom

Jared Estrada

Sarah Fanton

Cole Ferguson

Alex F1ghtmaster

Janette Figueroa

Phoenex Fisher

Theodore Fleury

Destiny Florez

Zan1b Flynn

James Foster

James Fourie

Vincenzo Frac1ca

Kendra Franklin

Taylor Frydendall

Stefawna Garb1so

Anthony Garcia

Aylin Garcia

Ca r los Garcia

Chandler Garcia

Chyanne Garcia

Donald Gardener

Jacob Garrard

Kaylen Geh r ke

Samantha Gilmore

Reilly Godson

Adan Gonzales

Erandi Gonzalez

Jeffrey Goodwin

22 '

Chase Gray

Coby Gray

Katie Greenhalgh

Evan Gregory

Stefan Guest

Brandon Gustason

T1ffann1 Ha1rf1eld

Clayton Halstrom

Ryan Hansen

Alec Harns

Blake Harns

Cole Harns

Logan Hassen

Brenna Hattier

Jade Hawkes

Dylan Hayden

Alexander Hazel

Casey Hecht

Magg, Mae Hendricks

Kylee Henkel

Nikolas Herber

Alycia H erther

Alea Hill

Peter Hinaman

Mariah Hodgens

Mekenz1e Holgate

Enk Hoppe

Alec Hornecker

Kyrcen Hummell

Tegan Hummell

Ethan Hunt

Johnathan Hunt

Gered H ussey

Cole Hynds

Sally Ibarra

Carl Iron Shell

Kathleen Jackson

Kathnna Jaehne

Elliot Jaramillo

Ross Jenkins

Adrienne Jensen

Dylan Johnson


Wyatt Johnson

Angelique Jolly

Alice Jones

Brooks Jordan

Daniel Joyce

Brandon Kahler

Dillon Kahler

Alexander Kampovitz

Kirsten Kanger

Tyler Keller

Kameron Kerby

Michael Kerl

Shahpool Khorsh1d

Avery Kiel

Rachel King

Emily Kirts

Jared Kirts

Christopher K1usalaas

Riley Koch

W1ll1am Kopper

Krist, Kortum

BenJam1n Kramer

Paige Kreutzer

Brooke Lago

Genna Lambert

Dominic Landucci

Snow Larkman

Monique Laurita

Conner Lewark

Ramon Limon

Hannah Lockie

Cynthia Lopez

Garvans Lorquet

Cameron Lovato

Aidan Loveall

Alfredo Loya

Autumn Lucas

Alexandrea MacDonald

BenJam1n Mace

Brianna Maes

Gage Maestas

Joseph MaJor

2 4

Eduardo Manrique

Anah1 Martinez

Bethany Martinez

Faith Martinez

Joselin Martinez

Thomas Martynuska

Sierra MatyJas1k

Tanner McAdoo

Samantha McConnell

Lane McFarl1n

Tanner McGrath

Logan McGregor

Allison McKay

Julie McKenna

Aubrey McM1llen

Brandon Medina

Shawnee Melroy

Stephen Meyer

Alexis MIian

Alyssa Minyard

Jacob Mohr

Josiah Moller

Christian Moody

Nina Moreland

Sally Morgan

Trent Morns

Nathaniel Mott

Christopher Mulligan

Jared Nagode

RIiey Nebeker

M1nam Needham

Cyrus Nelson-Garrard

Michael N1k1t1n

Morgan Oertli

Blair Ohmert

Cameron Olson

Alexandra Ortega

Sara Osteboe

Alyse Oxenford

Noel Packard

Madison Pallen

Cowen Papke

f - - - - ---"'----- -- - - --~-=--- -------==---~-.. .,, -------

Sarah Park

BenJam1n Pennell

Evelyn Perez

Bradford Pettengill

Rowan Pfannenstiel

James Piana

Hollis P1erman

Alyssa Pineau

Austin Plemons

Steven Poindexter

Zachary Preston

Lamarr Proctor

Sara Proffitt

Shanelle Prosk1

Brent Purta

Brenden Quinonez

Joseph Qu intana

Jailene Rabadan

Thomas Rasmussen

Tawny Reinhard

Meagan Reynolds

Ragan Reynolds

Samantha Reynolds

Connor Rice

Carrie Richardson

Kayla Riggs

Ka1den Rivera

Derre Roark

Courtney Romero

H unter Rose

Grace Rouzaud

Sabrina Rubio

Sabrina Sabadeanu

Avery Sanders

Sophia Sanford

Monica Scanu

Danan Schumacher

Mathara Scott

Hannah Sellers

Lance Shaundell

Nicholas Shelton

Emily Shephard


Alexandria Shepherd

Rebecca Shepherd

Samuel Shepherd

Colin Shira

Lillian Shorey

Westin Sides

Joseph Simpson

Jeshurun Small

Ashley Smith

Karl Soderstrom

Luke Spurner

Raeanne Stanbro

Carmen Sterling

Kylie Stewart

BenJam1n Stock

Coleson Stodghill

Dary1an Stone

Neal Strotman

Dakota Stumpf

Morgan Surratt

Cass 1ope1a Suzuki-


Ian Swartz

James Tapia

Andrew Thomas

Daniel Thompson

Kentaro Thompson

Corinne Thorshe1m

Lindsey Thorshe1m

Kimaria Tolliver

Ashley Toon

• - - - - - - - - - --- -

Thomas Top per

Christopher Trunko

Mclloyd Tuten

Jose Valladares-Palma

Mallea Van

Noelle Van Lerberghe

Judy Van Metre

Madison Vickers

Sydney Villa

Devin V11lanueba

Margaret Jane Virden

Shelby Waggoner

James Wald1nger

Acaz 1a Wallace

Stephanie Ward

William Weiss

Robert Wheelan

Thomas Wilkinson

John Willis

Rebecca Wilson

Jesangelyn Wisehart

Austin Wolfe

Gerald Wruble

Sophia Wubben

Jacob Youngmark

Grace z,toli

Joseph Z1tolt

Elliot Zwahlen

28 I
29 . - -·· - ---=-- • ..-:--~--- -~~
,dlP .. r • • • ' •...

Branden Adams

Sophia Aguilar

Yegor Alexeyev

Chase Althen

Alexandra Ambroz1c

Laila Amery

Jonah AndrewsHowards

Margareta Aparsheva

Ivana Archer

Savannah Arner

Geneva Ayala

John Baals

Baily Baker

Eugene Baker

Nicholas Ball-Peterson

Andrew Banta

I an Barker

Enc Barnes

Maritza BarrazaVaquera

Raeley Baxter

Konner Bemis

Chanse Bemsk1

Amanda Berry

Kevin Billings

Elena Bishop

Kara Bishop

H annah Block

Joseph Bloom

Olivia Bockmann-

RoseWyl1e Borden

Jacob Borer

Li ndsey Boudreau

Bailey Bowker

Megan Brewington

Evelyn Bnllar

Connor Brogan

Garrett Brott

Brooke Brown

Ryan Bullard

Victor Calderon

Jesse Capaul

Zachary Carder


Grace Carlson

Brynna Carman

Savannah Castell

Jordan Chaney

Rachel Chariton

Omar Chavez

Hayley Clark

Louis Clark

Samuel Cobb

Leah Coe

Cory Coffman

Noelle Cohn

Catelyn Com1tor

Matthew Conklin

Katelyn Connally

Gabriel Connell

Lily Conrad

Alexis Cook

Terran Coon

Grant Copple

Brett Corley

Mackenzie Couch

Josephine Coulter

Katalene Coulter

Alexander Cowie

Kyle Cox

Casey Crowley

Dustin Cupp

Jamie Curtis

Amir Custic

Clancy Dalton

Peter Darragh

Morgan Dasch

Logan Davis

H annah Dennis

Anna Denzel

Chad Derby

Chase Derby

AleJandra Dominguez-


Brooke Dowell

Till Drewes

Destiny Duran

' __. -_-- ~-· --

Anya Dush1nski

Adam Elliott

Spencer Elliott

Gregory Ellison

Joseph Encinas

Julianne Engquist

Madison Evans

Joel Farewell

Natasha Farmer

Gabriel le Fick

Aaron Field

Kegan Fields

Brian Figueroa

Morgan Fink

Anna Fox

Autumn Frankel

Paris Franklin

Rachel Garbars

Ryan Garbars

Crystal Garcia

Hector Gardea

Daniel Gardner

Sarah Garvin

Kaitlin Gasper

Blaine Gates

Daniel Geiger

Alex Giarratano

Anthony Gibbs

Christopher Gilas

Amelia Gilmore

Ashton Gomez

Dominic Gomez

Vincenzo Gomez

Cenovio Gonzales

Jade Goss

Taylor Gossett

Kayla Gotta

Samantha Graham

Gunner Graves

Morgan Graybeal

Kalyn Greaser

Alexandra Greenhagen


Cole Greff

Annetta Gregory

Madalynn Greyer

Sarah Groven

Justin Hadley

Sean Haley

Aspen Hammer

Garret Haostrom

Kathleen Harmon

EliJah Harold

Chandler Hauk

Jasmine Haver

Yulrxa Hernandez

Jonathan Herzing

Drake Hicks

Trevor Hicks

Rachel Hdbrecht

Logan Hinkle

Laura Hoover

Joseph Horen

Jessie Hostetler

Lily Houlton

Cody Howrey

Amy Hughes

Jasper Hughes

Tyler Hunt

Daniel Hutchens

BenJam,n Huyler

Loann Ibarra

Nicolette Iron Shell


Alina lwan

M1kayla lwan

Dvans Johnson

Isaak Johnson

Zakary Johnson

Reed Jones

Jeram,ah Kachersky

Kathleen Kasel

Grace Kashefska

Cass, Kastanek

Bryan Katzman

Jacob Katzman

Philip Katzman

Enc Kern

Sarah Kimball

Lucas Kincaid

Kelsey King

Katherine K1usalaas

Erin Kneeskern

Jarrett Kobach

Luke Kovalcik

K1ya Kraft

Katie Kre1dle

Adam Kreller

Travis Kyger

Jordan Lairamore

Sara Landucci

Michael Langman

Wyatt Larsen

Ethan Larson

Jaegan Lawrence

Anneliese Leavy

Rae Lemon

Madison Liedtke

Benjamin Lin

Gabrielle Lowne

Cyrus Lucero

Lindsey Lucero

Caro line Lukens

HaoX1n Luo

Kiley Lynch

Faith Lyons

36 \

Nh1 Ma

Sonnsa Machana

Devin Mackelprang

Amanda Mallec

Kayla Malmgren

M1nam Mann

Makayla Markey

Mansa Markovich

Erynne Martinez

Alexander Matanov,ch

Allie Matsuo

Jason Mayfield

Dan, Mays

Nicholas Mccarron

Riley McConnell

Shelby McElhenny

Spencer McGaughey

Carl Mcvey

James Medina

Joshua Melendez

Troy Melroy

Megan Meyer

Davis Miller

Shelbllyn Miller

Ryne Mills

Taylor Misik

Erynn Mitchell

Jacques Moreau

Pans Mues

Theresa Myers

Carter Nadolsky

Connor Neal

Christine Negreanu

Alena Nickerson

Odessa Noriega

Bailey O 1 Hara

Callae O 1Hara

Jack O'Hara

Christian O'Neil

Keiko Ohtake-Gordon

Madeline Olin

John Ollweiler

Connor Olsen

Emily Oltmanns

Camden Parker

Kayln Peak

Katherine Phenna

Matthew Pissare

Bennett Platt

Ammar Qasim

Antonitta Ramos

Alisa Ransom

Brigg Reimers

Ali Reynolds

Donovan Rice

Paul Richy

Marissa Rios

Samuel Roach

Tyler Roach

Devin Rothrock

Cameron Rough

Daisy Rubenste in

Andy Ruzicka

Ross Saffell

Whitley Samuels

Riley Sanders

Jasmine Schmidt

Andrew Schneider

Everett Schroeder

Mark Seaholm

Randi Se1wald

Isaac Sellinger


Hannah Shelley

Katelyn Shipman

Kyle Shottenk1rk

Alexandra Simmonds

Julia Simmons

Saylee Simonds

Matthew Singer

Brooklynn Smith

Rebecca Smith

Mary Sparks

Dana Speiser

Zachary Spellman

Masun Stander

Samantha Starkey

Brianna Stephens

Sabrina Stock

Hannah Stoner

Cymry Sweet

Cathryn Tafoya

Jacob Tamburro

Kyle Taylor

Nathan Terrell

Jolene Terry

Rebecca Thiede

Andrea Thoemke

Andrew Townsend

Curtis Trammell

Olivia Tre1tman

Brandi Trev1th1ck

Katherine Tubbs

KC Turner

Ashley Umbrecht

M1dori Valdez

Austin Van Lerberghe

Ashleigh VanDeusen

Brett Veldman

Megan Vernon

Madison Vigil

Tyler Walker

Madeline Walters

Easton Wasinger

Samantha Weese


Bnttnie We1nelauer

Kelsey Wheeler

Mikaela Wilkins

Troy Wilkinson

Kelsie Willbanks

Akeys Williams

Duncan Williams

Ennn Williams

Evelyn Williams

Sage Windell

Andrew Wise

Joseph Wisehart

Gabrielle Wolf

Jennifer Worsw1ck

Sydney Wynn

M1ngX1n Ye

Masha Y1

Cory Z1ehr

Samantha Z1ssel

40 • - ··-· ·---·- - ---· ··---- - - ·-·---- --- ·---·· -·- - - -- ·-· --· -· -· --·- - -· ·-· ·- - - - -__ - - -- '"" - -- -.,. - ·-· . -. -
- r 41
• 42

Tatem Ackman

Ennn Ainsworth

Heather Albrecht

Jenna Albrecht

Francisco Alv idrez

Skyler Anderson

Tawn1e Anderson

Violeta Aparsheva

Sloane Archambo

Jair Ayaqu1ca

Molly Baca

Donald Ba1den

Gavin Baker

Kelan Baldry

Rachel Ball

Jasmine Ballard

Anthony Banuelos

Dominic Barela

Laken Barker

Chloe Barrett

Emily Bartlett

Conor Baughman

Maxwell Becker

Alyssa Beckett

Tobias Beech

Natalie Bellavance

Ashley Bellm

Myles Ben nett

Erika Bergstrom

Shannan B1ll1ngs

Kristine B1rkelo

Oliv ia Bl iss

Haley Blodgett

Nicholas Bonham

Anthony Bradford

Nicholas Bradley

Daniel Braley

Jerrad Breen

Jack Breer

Gabrielle Bresler

Ashleigh Brown

N icholas Brunel


Ciera Bruno

Tanner Bryson

Alexander Burns

Kallie Cameron

Taylor Cameron

Tomas Carlos

Elizabeth Carter

W1ll1am Caruthers

Alicia Castrellon

Shelby Chaet

Victor Chavez

Amanda Cheatum

Ian Cheatum

Kathryn Cheatum

Cody Chen

Peter Chesbro

Cole Christenson

Charlotte Clanton

Brianna Clouse

Rebecca Cochran

Kendall Conroy

Katherine Corchary

James Cotten

Dana Crawford

Cory Crook

Tyler Crowson

Julian Cullumber

Jordan Cunningham

Cassandra Davis

Molly De Berard

Jerson De La CruzContreras

Branden Denniston

Colin DeRock

Alec D, Lorenzo

Alanna D1ckmeyer

Julianna D1G1acomo

Michael Dilworth

David D1ment

Aryan D 1zayee

Luke Dolan

Darragh Donnelly

Brianna Dowell

Sadie Maye Drake

Sidney Du Varney

Cassandra Dukem1n1er

Ahxandra Ehrenstrasser

Breanna Elliott

Courtney Emerson

Jennifer Erickson

Joshua Ewers

Lucas Filoreto

Abigail Flaming

Mariah Fluitt

Jabril Flynn

Mariah Frazier

Aaron Fun

Brandon Gardner

Lewis Gaskell

Wesley Gaskill

Brendan Gates

Chantel Gauthier

Kirk Gilbert

Jackson Goetz-Imel

Maria Gonzalez

Courtney Gore

Dylan Grange

Kaley Gross

Samantha Guetz

Roanen Hall

Zachary H aptonstall

Matthew H artman

Autumn Harvey

46 ..a ru.: s

Janine Hay

Samuel Henry

Alayna Henshaw

EliJah Herman

Bryce Hermanussen

Alexander Hesketh

Elyssa H1ghtree

Austin Hill

Kenneth Holloway

Logan Hoover

Adam Huff

Logan Hulett

Nicole Hurley

Geordan Hussey

Enka l1sa

Manna lntrava1a

Kade Ishmael

Tobie Israel-Cleveland

Courtney Jennings

Beth Johnson

Ian Johnson

Jordyn Johnson

Gage Jones

Brandon Josselyn

Samantha Joyce

Elena Judd

Trevor Kahler

Mallory Karr

Collrn Kelly

Veronica Kemme

Ca1tlynn Kern

Stuart Kern

Joseph Kerndge

Elizabeth Kindler

Jessica King

Jordan Kingsley

William Kirts

Gabrielle Klimek

Blake Klis

Madison Knapp

Bailey Konieczka

Jacob Kramer


Kevin Kuchta

Sean Kutter

Brittany Lago

Kyle Lassek

Nicholas Laurita

Tawnee Leal

Noah Lennox

L1zzelle Leopold

Timothy Liberti

Carson Lockerd

Meghan Lockwood

Joseph Lombardo

Angelica Lopez

Cody Love

Troy Lowrie

William Lowry

Alexis Lund

Rory Maccallum

Jessica Madsen

Melanie MaJors

Quinn Malone

Ashley Mann

Emily Mann

Paulene Bianca


Catherine Mateus

Aimee Mattwig

Trinity McAnally

James McCormick

Ricky McCray

Matthew McDonald

Madison McFarl1n

Dakotah McG1nlay

Landn McGregor

Kyle McIntire

Kelsey McKay

Ryan McKay

Ian McKiddy

Zoe McNa

Lev, Meade

Christopher Melies

Alisha Melliad1s

Joshua M1chas


Damara M1cklich

Lauren Miler

Madison Millar

Payton Miller

Samuel Miller

Jake Mitchell

Alan Morales Ramirez

Mathew Monck

Brook Morlang

Shelby Mosier

Emilee Moss

Zachery Mueller

Madison Murphy

Shelby Neal

Dale Nickell

Dennis N1k1t1n

Anana N1kmanesh

Enc Nil1us

Anna Nixon

Daniel Oertli

Nina Pans

Jacob Passas

Brett Patterson

Ashleigh Peterson

Raellen Pfannenstiel

Megan P1ckthall

Ale1se P1erman

Austin Pippen

Colin Powers

Alexis Press

Anne Progar

Brandon Pugh

Kaitlyn Quirk

Mohra Rafiq

Diego Ramirez

Lorena Ram,rezRentena

Scott Rathbone

Sierra Reed

Nils Richters

Patricia R1voire

Bonnie Rogers

Savanna Rogstad

4 9

Auburn Rollin

Melanie Roman

Joseph Romero

Noah Rouzaud

Lana Sae1d

I saac Sanchez

Marcos SanchezMunoz

Katlynn Sanders-Maes

Sinnity Sandoval

Lorenzo Santana

Onon Schalhamer

Fred Scheltinga

Desiree Schneider

Monah Schneider

Andrew Schumacher

Mariah Scoggin

Michael Seaholm

Kaylene Seela

Ryan Selcer

Hannah Shearer

Allison Sheehan

Justin Shephard

Jesus Sifuentes-Aldaba

Torrey S1vey

Michaela Sma l l

Nicholas Smith

M1kayla Spurner

Kyra Squier

Christian Stark

John Stauffer

Elizabeth St engel

Sally Strange

Kersti Taha

Aerin Tarvin

Sarah Tasci

Ryan Taylor

William Taylor

Elise Tessean

Courtney Thoemke

Autumn Thompson

Juan TinaJero

Elizabeth Tracey


Donavon Zerbest

Cheyanne Zorzenon

Sarah Trask

Hannah Trembath

Anthony Tyrrell -Ead

Michael Tyrrell -Ead

Robert Tyrrell-Ead

Christopher Vair

Ty Versailles

Vaughn Verschuur

Connor Vess

Morgan Vickers

Sara Vigil

Tess Virden

Edward Voit

Krista Wald1nger

Sabrina Waldman

Jordan Walkup

Blake Watkins

Breanne Wernars

Mackenzie West

Collin Westerfield

Kelly Whitaker

Ryan Williams

Natalie Williamson

Jennifer W1ll1s

Elizabeth Wilson

Hayden Wingert

Alec W1tthohn

Hunter Wyckoff

Hee Young Y1

Nao Yoshioka

- - - -~ - - -
as 1 52
• .,.. ,( rt t r,, ,. I .. , / t' , • • I 7 ' ..a,. .,,. _. - - .1 • • ,. """'- - --.--

H ow lu ck y we were to have som et hing that m ak es say in g g oodbye so h a rd W e are g rateful th at y ou w e re a part of our live s.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you! I will love and mi ss you forever Love , Nick

If ever there is a tomorrow when we are not together , there is someth ing you must always remember ; you are braver than you be l ieve, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think But the most important thing is, even if we are apart, I' ll always be with you

For those of you that didn't know her, I have a story to tell you . For those of you that did, I imagine you ' ll agree with what I have to say about my beautiful , amazing , best friend Breanna Hall. Breanna was no ordinary girl ; beyond being witty , funny , caring, smart , and sarcastic , she was the best friend I could have asked for . Breanna strived to do her best in everything she did and was very passionate about the things she liked to do, like taking nap s and playing softball. Breanna always spoke her mind and was never afraid to say what she thought or felt She didn't car e what people thought about her and whether she loved you or hated you , she made sure you knew about it. She did everythin in her own way and nobody could stop her from doing so I fe e' very blessed for how long she was in my life and will never forget the things she taught me, which was to never be afraid of what I have to say and to never stop pursuing the things that make you happy Through her death , I have also learned that no one is guaranteed tomorrow so cherish the people you have in your life and don't forget to remind them that they are important to you I will always remember Breanna as the greatest friend I cou Id have asked for and the overall, truly amazing person that she was -Em ily Broga n

This year , Golden High School lost a wonderful, beautiful student , Breanna H all. Her cousin , Ciera Bruno , first remember playing legos with Breanna at their grandmas. She says she had an outstanding sense of humor and was a good perso n who cared about others During her years at Golden, Breanna played on the Demons Softball team She loved t he game an d p layed hard. Katie M cconn el said , " She had t he d r ive to get better and NEVER gave up " She played three years of JV Softba l l for the Demons She always had a great att itude and enjoyed being in the outfield! Her personal ity was like no other , and she would help teammates come together "She was not in any specific group of friends , she was everyone ' s friend ," said Rac hel Joh a "She was always really friendly and had a great sense of humor ' Breanna got her chance to be on Varsity as a senior, which she had worked for during her high school career . "Her first varsity game was against Denver North ; watching her get on base in a varsity game was her goal When she accomplished that on tha first day , everyone was happy for her," said Rachel. Breanna's hard work, friendliness and dedication will never be forgotten by those who knew her on and off the field

111f fh

"Friends and relationships got me through high school. It 1s a crazy an d fun experience, so enjoy 1t while 1t lastsl" -Kenn y And erson

"Self confidence, having a future , looking past d1ff1cult experiences and making them positive rs what got me through high schoo l " -Ma

' j • I
Mahdi Abdulhussein Alexis Armenta
--~ ( :
Je ss i ka Baker M ichael Bare la Bo Althen Samuel Arnold Brittany Baldry '
Mitchell Barnes riah T rollan Kenneth And erson Peter Ap ars h ev Madi so n Ba g h a ie D a niel Ba ile ss Bryton Balint
; ;:::; I "1 \
Casey Balmes
0 s::'S (Pt!" - 1 -· ! - - - - -~ . - -
Alexander Barrett Qu i nton Barrientos

The Love For Basketball

Scotty is an eighteen-year-old senior He is the youngest of his family and has an older brother and sister Scotty is a very athletic individual; he participates in quite a few sports, such as basketball , track and field and the special olympics He has played these sports for all four years of high school. Out of all of tho se sports , basketball outweighs them all. Scotty loves basketball, and he practices every day after school. He i s planning on going to college after he graduates but is still undecided on his major Scotty's favorite memory of high school was last year on the basketball team when he scored a three-pointer at the end of a big game. Scotty is well-known by everybody, and everyone has nothing but great things to say about him Looking foward , Scotty has a bright future ahead of him .

Joshua Barroso Michael Bishop John Bowker
Cierra Brusenbach Brandon Begg Ashley Bellm Jennifer Berganza Bradley Blackstock Jackson Bong Matt Borzcik Kylen Bray Hale Emily Brogan Sean Browning Scotty Lubkeman ( 12)

"The greatest pleasure 1n life 1s doing what people say you can't do 11 -Pedro C as t i llo

• -
"Good friends, good i nfluences and wo r king towards success got me though h igh school It was a good p rep for co l lege and life " - Emily Izzo
Rya n Bryc h el
tM \) <:_ )'
Pe d r o Castillo A g uil a r M atth ew C onnall y Keat o n C rawf o rd
W est on Bu r ca r La ure n C h ac h o G age Co nrad Bo nni e Cri ss M ic h aela Butler Sophia Campos D avi d C h avez Ol ivas Dan i e ll e C lark
""\J \\ \-- -----~ '-
Cesa r Con tr eras-Olivas Eri k C r aig T a m a r a Crow Maxwe l l Dalton
Samantha Damm Jack Darragh Karli Denk Michael Duesterbeck Seth Duvall Nihan Efeoglu O li ver Engquist Jose Estrada
\ I
11 1 have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" -Karrar Qasim
Kaitlyn Davis Larsen Deane Logan Duhnkrack Dyl an Duncan Ande Eich Jaime Ei sen ba ch Aldo Est rada-Gala rz a Tyler Fetty
"The only disability 1n life 1s a bad attitude " -Ra
chael Joha


"Don't take your time here for granted because ,t goes by way too fast " -Lars Lind

T eachers and really good fnends got me through high school, I appreciate 1t " -Ni co l e Hon e k e r

'£) ~-
Keith Fightmaster Kyle Garvin
' \
Matthew Grauer Jarett Hack Cole Finnegan I Ryan Gasper
Alexander Green te Breanna H all
- \
Bryson Fisher
Tripp Gaylord M egan Guinn
::-, ~'£)
Paul Gagliardi I Brian Gebhard
r :t:
I Dakota Gul l ey (fa
3 C 5 1;
Brett H a mmontree Evan H angg i

There Is More To Me Than You All See

Gage Conrad's hometown is Reston, Virginia . Gage has attended Golden since he was a fre shman and is super talented . He is in drumline, which he got involved in as a freshman and he sings, which he began doing in eighth grade According to Gage , "That is my love " In addition to his musical talents , he also skateboards, bike rides , and likes to whistle Gage's inspiration is "the babes ," but his biggest motivation is friends , family and fame Gage also tells us that his style describes him and lets him be whatever he wants. He says that he would not change anything about his high school experience because even though it is fun, crazy, and tragic, it got him to where he is today After graduation, he wants to attend Saint Olaf for vocal performance and in five years, he sees himself as a well-known singer Some advice Gage would give to underclassman: "Follow your dreams and enjoy this experience "

Gag e Con ra d ( 1 2 )
Molly Hogan Nolan Holmes Brad Holub Yujie Huang Malena Huggins-Nystuen Wesley Hu ghes Michaela Hutchens Alexander Inscoe Emily Izzo Nicole Hon eker Allison Hurcomb Jack Jacobson Danyan Jaramillo Este f an ia Jara mill o Hunter Johnson
, 1
Randy Jone s Rachel Kastanek
.. B ( >_ : s :.;.
Isaiah King Jauton Kobach Jordyn Komoras "When no one had hope 1n me, I was the one who believed in m yse lf!" -David Chavez Emil y Jenkins
81 ~·;· ! ~.
T y Jones Jon Klimek
-' • - - - - - - r- - '
Kellan Ky ger Ra che l Joha T aylo r Ju arez-Green I Adelle Kl i n genberg Jamie La m er
. --~ --
"Confidence 1s a stain you can't wipe off" -Tera Wineland

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times 1f one can only remember to turn on the light."

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything " -Logan Duhnrack
Lore nz o La ndu cci Al exa nd e r Lesse n ger Scott Lubk e m an C h r i st o ph er M anni n g Co nn o r La n e La r s Lind Jo hn Ly o n s
, ' · f: 'i,..r . ;, ~.,.
A lys h a M a r q u es
-Brianna Pierwola
Ro b ert Lawl ess Kass i a Lawr e n c e Kat e ly n Lock i e Jorg e Lop ez Lu cas M aes Tyler M a hanke
:;: -.J ""
Bl a k e M a rtin ez Lev i M art i n ez

"St ay ca lm b eca u se G-to wn kn o w s h o w t o ge t d o w n "

' • ' 1
I ' \. . Jonathan Mattison Michelle McCall Sean McDonnell Aaron McEachran Haley McManus Fr ances Mejia \ Jaime Mett e Char l es Metz
"Always do one nice thing a d ay , you may not get rew arded but no good deed goe s unnoticed " -
Danny Neelands Kathryn M cConnell Taylor M cGaughey Brandon Menefee Rachel Miller Mo l lie M cCune Timothy M c l a ne
Kayla Me stas
Ca lli e Morlock
t; - - - - - - - - - --
-Calee W i
lkin son

I Will Finish Strong!

Jennifer Berganza(12)

Jennifer is the sixth out of eight kids She is originally from Los Angeles, California and has lived in eight different states. She has attended twelve different schools, which makes our school the thirteenth. Jennifer is a very athletic person and school is her number one priority Some of her sibilings look up to her, especially because of the childhood they grew up in. Over the years, she's had too overcome a lot of obstacles, like an accident that caused a near-death experience and dealing with her mother's cancer. Jennifer doesn't let them destroy her determination to stay in school, and she will be the first in her family to graduate with a high school diploma. She hopes that after she graduates she gets into DU to study law and psychology Jennifer leaves us by saying, 11 1 want to be an inspiration to people like me and let them know there's always a wonderful ending if you're determined because we are survivors!"

Brendan Morse Ju stin Myers John Nespor
Corinne Noufi Evan Mues Kaylyn Mulkins Kendall Murphy Adam N ado lsky
Daniel Neeland s Jason Nelson Jesse Ni ckell Mikaela Nixon Camil l e Noufi

"Look forward to the future , do not dwell on the past " -Brad

• ti ,
"Scares remind us of where we've been but they don't have to dictate where we're going." -Aimee Thoma s
Carson Novotny Shane Oltmanns Makenzie Parimuha Nath an Perkins Dylan Olsen Cassandra Olson Jacob Ortiz Esthar Osada Jaret Parker Evan Pennel Steven Phenna
H arrison Pierce Holub Tyler Olson John Paranto Jes se Perez
---- - ~ -
Brianna P1erwola

"Dreams are untouchable. Make them goals " -

Emily Piwowarczyk Casey Polizzotto No em i e Pritch ard Elaine Ptaskiewicz M ar i ah Rent eria Stephen Ri chy
"Running 1s the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of 1t what you put into 1t" -Matt
Borzcik Je sus Reyes Au stin Ri cka rd Andrew Pre ston Karrar Qa si m Jenn a Reynolds Conl in Ritter Madelyn Price Matthew Redmond Caitlyn Richardson Keayna Roberts Frances Mejia

"If 1t scares you, it might be a good thing to try 11 - Lacey Terry

11 Just go w,th the flow , take each day as 1t comes and have fun " -Sam Arnold

Mackenzie Roberts Stephen Ro chel eau Avery Rothe Derek Runge Dylan Sche ll sm idt Jaelyn Schimpeler Laura Shearer Erin Sides
-r I' - -=-- -
c.... Dylan Rogers Taylor Sable Monica Roth Grayson Sa nd er-Ol hoeft /2 (
Nath ani el Schroeder Kaylena Schumacher Dyl an Silva Anna Sma il a:
- -

From The Dark To The Light

Jaime Mette is originally from South Dakota. She is a quiet and studious person that mostly keeps to herself, but once you get to know her, it's easy to see she's a beautiful person as well. Jaime was on the swimming team for two years of high school. Then , she was diagnosed with chronic depre ssion and things got difficult from there Jaime faced many obstacles because some days she would be happy and other days, she would just want to fall into an abyss This would result in her being anti-social and very timid But, her mother was her biggest support and helped a lot Jaime is now involved in the Anime Club and is proud of herself. She is glad that she's good at something and has learned to control her condition She hopes that after she graduates this year that she'll get into college for film studies and will get a degree Jaime encourages underclassman to be true to themselves and do not try to be something they're not in order to make someone else happy

Jaime M ette ( 1 2 ) Nataleah Sma ll Amanda Smith C haun talyn Smith
i~p ~.= .._,_ ~· ~· ,,Ji f \ L.
Alexa Sonnenfeld Annalise So nn e nfeld Amber Spawn N ata lie Spence Kevin Stiff lear Jinke Sun Samuel Swartz
Matthew Swim Adalynn T anto n

"Every storm runs out of rain , Just like every dark night turns into day 11 -Kay l a M es t as

• • I r I •
Tanner Tatro-Vargas Aimee Thomas
• :i ,,. •·
Morgan T oms EliJa Val d ez
"Denial 1s our shackles, and our truth 1s the key " -
Brandon Beg g BenJamin Taylor Evan Thompson Mar i ah Trol l an Brean n a Van Lacey Terry tJ EhJah Thornquist Benjamin Trunko Margaret Veers Anna Theodorakos Zachary Tolbert Christopher Tubbs Zachary Vess
I : - ""'7 - • •------=-=-=-- - ~ - - - - - ---------=-----=~-~ -~ -
"Wo r k ha rd ge t goo d grades and most of a ll , have fun "- Kellen Kyger
Eri c Villanu e ba Burton Wheatlake Donald Williams Dyl a n Wolken Kayla Wagy
' • • •
Shannon Wheeler
t f • • • • • •
Tyler Williams Aubrey Wr i ght Jess Wainwright Kevin Wiebe T era Wineland Austin Younger " Eat Chi a see d s, live lo nge r " - Em Piwowarczyk Pippen Weisbeck Calee Wilkinson
.., --·
Sha n e Witters Hi cks Ryde r Zgabay

Today, Tomorrow, and The Future

Jordyn Komoras is our senior class president. She is also a member of Jefferson County's Council and was elected as county director! She is very talented and a hard worker. Jordyn first got involved in student council in elementary school but was unable to participate in middle school because they did not have a StudCo. So, when she came to Golden her freshman year, she was excited to continue getting involved with the school, and every year, she strived to achieve her goals. She was very honored when she was named class president. "It was a very rewarding feeling when I won because I was very nervous when elections came; seeing the amount of votes I had made me proud!" she said. Her biggest advocate is Ms. Eckenwiler because she supports them 110% percent no matter how crazy their ideas are, and she's always there for student council. Jordyn has a lot of stress at times but says it's her strength to step up and take initiative. She loves what she does. She leaves us by saying, "Enjoy it because at Golden we are like a family; we come in as freshman separated but come together as seniors because we all share something that you won't share with anyone else!"

" I've failed over and over aga,n and that's why I succeed." -Tyler Olson
t- - - - - - - - - - -
-- - - - --
"Life ,s but a test of true perserverance " - Nathan Perkin s
, ::--1
Dakota Gulley Addie Tanton
Allison Hurcomb Lexie Sonnenfeld Alex Lessenger Kendall Murphy and Jack Darragh Casey Balmes Bo Althen Matt Grauer Carson Novotny
Alex Inscoe Brittany Baldry Brett Hammontree
Tera Wineland Evan Thompson
Macke nzie Roberts Gage Conrad
Lauren Chacho Au stin Rickard Nataleah Small Larsen Deane Morgan Toms
Jorge Lop e z Laura Shearer Logan Duhnkrack Katie McConnell John Paranto
75---- - -· ---
Joe mie Pritchard Brad Holub
( \l TIO \ I I 76
I I I JH N PT X Z~-~- - - ~ - -~ - - - -


Letitia Agos

John Anderson

Scott Aurand

Luis Badilla-Viveros

Angela Becker

Rory Best

Jeremy Blincoe

Megan Bollen

Jan Bryson

Scott Burcar

Jon Christians

Heather Clark

Larissa Clark

Sharon Cohen

Chns Colucci

Brian Conroy

Jason Conway

Caty Cook

Eileen Cook

Chris Cousineau

Kathy Cummings

Lesle1 Davis

Stephanie Davis

Chnst1ne Demeyer


Manly Deuser

Judy Eakins

Amy Eckenwiler

JoAnn Euler

Tracy Evanko

Linda Fabrizio

Troy Felt1s

Melissa Fine

Guy Francis

Shannon Garvin

Robin Gill

Chan, Gobbo

Laura Gollhofer

Megan Goodwin

William Graves

Debra Guerrero

Charla Gunn

Tamsen Hall

Tracy Hamm

Scott Hasbrouck

Amber Hayes

Chad Herbers

Julie Jarvis

Lon Lacy

Patti Low

Lon Macdonald

Kimberly Manes

Sarah Manley

Jeanie Maurer

Charlotte Maybury

Helen Mclaughlin

Mike Mendoza

Paul Miller

Tim Miller

Adam Mitchell

Kim Mizenko

John Morales

Joie Norby

Hilary O'kelly

Kurt Ohlen

Crystal Onago

Charles Oreskovich

79-- - - -

Katharine Parker

Robert Pearlman

John Pesch1era

Tammie Peters

Tracy Phariss

Christopher Plakorus

Enc Ponicsan

Todd Rago

Lorraine Ramirez

Enka Ranahan

Harrison Reid

Wendy Roberts

Randon Rodarte

Barbara Selzer

Jay Shackett

Gretchen Shardy

Leola Shoemaker

Kristin Smock

Daren Sower

Katherine Spaulding

Ashley Strong

Al Talbot

Ellen Thompson

Michael Thumim

Elizabeth Tibbetts

Ban Toot

Janna Tripp

Emma Veers

Molly Verleger

Mary Weller

Christine W illiams

Jared Yannacito

Bryan Yoshihara

David Zuk1n

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8 2
Photo Credit Tracy Evanko
--- -----~-. - -----.

Getting his math

At Golden High School, math is a very important subject. We offer c lasses from Algebra I and Geometry to AP Cal c ulus or AP statistics "The teachers push us to our limits , " says Al i C a st rellon (11) Many students at Golden are in classes above the average level in Colorado and are very advan c ed in math Although , for some students , math is also very challenging For this reason , we have math interventions and a math lab at Golden High School, which take s place every Tuesdays and Thursdays during A C.E During this time , teachers and fellow students are dedi c ated to helping students in math . The math lab also ha s a few math tutors from Colorado School of Mines. Although many students may feel that they will not need math down the road, it creates a base for many of America' s job s. The math teachers at Golden are dedicated to givin g student s a strong foundation in math for many of the c areer s they may be vying for in the future

l I I
"Even though math 1s frustrating 1t 1s my favorite subJect" -Lizzelle Leopold (11) "Math 1s a big stepping stone to your future Take 1t seriously" -Miss Garvin "I enJoy going to math because 1t challenges me, yet, it 1s very fun" -Mikaela Wi lkins (10) G avin Ba ker ( 11) focuses in Pre-Calculus (top-left)r while his classmate Charolette Cl a nton ( 11) pushes to get her worksheet done (bottom-right) finished , Diego Ramirez ( 11) works diligently through the textbook (bottom-left) .

Science classes promote great hands-on learning We have many different Science courses that student s are able to take at Go lden , includ i ng Earth Science, Biology, Marine Biology, Chemistry , Physics, Technical Processes , and Astronomy "There ' s noth i ng I look forward to more than a science lab," says Angelica Lopez (11) "It helps me to understand what we're doing in class when we c an apply it to our labwork " Golden ' s unique scien ce department even extends to extracurricular activities, and a club, run by Mrs . Bryson and Dr. Graves , tests the Clear Creek River on c e a month for pollution It 1s not unu sal to see the scien ce classes tackling every day problems 1n the halls at GHS The teachers give the students many different approa che s to the same material , which gives every type of learner a chan ce to understand the ways of science

(12) and Amanda

(11) work hard on a lab worksheet together (bottom-right), while EJ Voit (11) and Jair Ayaquica ( 11) test water for chemicals (top-right) . Evan Hanggi ( 12) tests out the bed of nails theory during Phy sics (bottom-left). Ouch!

Dakota Gulley Cheatum
It 1s fun learnin g abou
r ea l world thin gs, lik e g ravi ty and m o mentum "
-Rac hel Jo h a ( 1 2)
•Ra At M 4 -42 lJ w t i---M Ill &I M 'l'f .i Ct Pr 114 $m b Gf n 0( Ito (, l• 'n b If •• T) u
"We need strong science st udents 1n order t o build our society" -Mr Burcar "Science ca t ches my interes t and 1s my f avori t e sub1ectl" -Shahpool Khorshid (9)

"English is

"The Alchemist 1s my favorite book to teach because 1t 1s a great adventure story w i th deep thoughts It also appeals t o st udents of all reading levels" -Tammy Peters

English class is where students gather to discuss and sometimes relate to the characters or story line of a book. The students are also taught to distinguish the symbolism of characters or objects that have a crucial role or work out the importance of themes in literature English is very important because it stays with you forever Writing is a key component to your future ; it can open or close doors for you Every student takes English for all four years of high school. Typically, students take the basic English courses provided at Golden High School through their junior year, but some students choose to take c lasses like Creative Writing, British Literature, Philosophy and Literature, Graphic Novels, and Bible as Myth as seniors All of these classes help shape students into brilliant-minded thinkers and also helps them to develop skills that will be needed for their futures

"I enjoy the ability to

one of my favo ri te subJects , especially w,th f antast1c teachers hke Mr Francis and Mrs N orby!" -Sirinity Sandoval (11) expan d upon wri ting skills and litera ture M y favori te book 1s Frankenstein because it's a good way to decipher between good and evil. man vs nature" -Tim Marvin (12) Scott Rathbone (11) , Aryana Dizayee (11) and Brett Patterson (11) laugh along with Mr Francis's Australian humor (top-left) while Sam Miller (11) and Elena Judd (11) concentrate intently (bottom-right) and students settle down for a daily literature quiz (bottom-left)

The Social Studies hall 1s the place where students head to learn about U S and World history , polrt1cs, economics and all things associated with how our society operates With great students and an extraordinary staff, our student body has a rich knowledge of the past and ca n understand the issues that they might face 1n the future The primary method to teach social studies 1s through showrng educational media and g1v1ng fas c1nat rng lectures, followed by a group act1v1ty The teachers 1n the sacral studies department encourage us to create our own op1n1ons on events past , present , and future by g 1v1ng us enough information to base our i deas . Classes offered at Golden include : Geography and Government, US Hi story, World History, Pyschology , Economics and Politi cs

Mrs. Bolle n's class gets into work groups, so they can give and receive help where rt is needed (top and bottom rig ht) as N at a lea h Sma ll { 12) gives a social studies smile durrng her class (bottom-left).

''r love Oh ren's history class because its fun, and I enjoyed 1t He was so much fun to be in class with" -Em ilee M oss ( 1 1)

"We either learn from our mistakes or repeat them My f avonte period in history was The Enlightenment because thats when people stopped being superstitious , and began to think for themselves " -Rob Gill
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"I really love making maps in social studies class Mrs Bollen 1s teaching them next week and I am so excited "-Rachel King (9)


"We learn all kinds of things tn French 11, such as conJugattng verbs I probably won't move in t o French Ill because it 1s somewha t hard " -Lily Ma ( 1 O)

" I don't really like some things about the class, but I do learn a lot from ,t such as holding a conversation with another tnd1v1dual rn ano t her language" -Rand i Seiwald (10)

Dylan Dempsey (9) , Brooks Jordan (9) , and Courtney Emerson (11) show their love for Espanol (top -left ) while Fren ch I class is in session (bottom-left) . Luis Badilla-Viveros greets us with , "Hola!" (botto m-midd le) as Philip Katzman (10) mak es fast friends with a skeleton during Dia de los Muertos celebratio n (bottom-right)

H o la! Bonjour! Taking a foreign language can be very exci tin g here at Golden Hi g h School. Students learn a lot about ot h er cultures, their custo m s a nd of course, their language Becoming fluent in any foreign language can be very helpful for your future Th e re are many jobs that would prefer a bilingual employee rather than a employee who can only speak one language N ot only a re students gettin g prepared for the real world , but co lle ges aro und the coun try are now requiring at least a year of a foreign language Many students are taking another language and they enjoy it a lot In fact , there are people who go to Golden that are already fluent in Spa ni sh and French Knowing a second language i s a huge bonus It can definitely help out , especially for those who wish to be the most qualified for jobs in the future Adios! Au revoi r!

lt ke Spanish Il l Honors, Senor Badilla 1s a great t eacher because he 1s a strong, bright-minded tnd1v 1dual that helps me succeed "-Matt H artman (11)

FACS stands for Family and Consumer Science . The FACS department (Mrs. McLaughlin and Ms Ecke nwiler) offers a bunch of fun classes where you can learn key ski ll s that teach you how to cook, how to sew, and even how to live a healthy life! From cooking to fashion to personal relationsh i ps , the FACS classes help instruct you on how to be successful in all of these aspects of life Not only do you grasp something new every day, but you also have a lot of fun during each class Most of the classes are hands on, where students get first-hand experience cooking up a hot meal or des1gn1ng some new and trendy clothes Most students taking these classes say they enJoy 1t very much and are so glad they signed up for 1t because they are practical , instructional and offer great life lessons for the future

\1'e li ea Van (9) and Stephanie Ward (9) ~oak up a hot meal 1n Foods (top-nght), ,vhile Kaycee Di Lorenzo (9), Vicenzo crac ica (9) , and Conner Allen (9) enjoy Lhe1r freshly baked apple pie (bottom-left). During Ms . Eckenwiler's second period -: lass, understanding nutrition becomes part Jf the dally curriculum (bottom-righ t ).

"We talk about fitness and we work out every Thursday! I wanted to know more about how to stay healthy, so I signed up for Health and Wellness" -Alicia Cast rello n (11)

"In the Fashion class we do sew a lot , but we also get to watch Project Runway' Being in the class brings out my creativity" -Jordyn Johnson (11)
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"I like the cooking class because we get to eat the food that we cook , anywhere from pizza to blueberry pie" -Austin Van Lerberghe (10)


Di gital photography and Graphi c Arts are classes that students take in order to gain professional skills in the industry using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Both classes allow students to design work that is both artistic and utilitarian, combining photo and images for real-world applications Students in the digital photography class develop skills that they could one day use in the real world if they wanted to beome a profe ss ional photographer , making enhancements to their photographs or completely altering them to be co me graphic art. Mrs. La cy and Mr Miller spend their time giving detailed lessons on the software used for these industries as well as the tricks that the experts use to c reate the digital multimedia we see in art and advertisements . Overall , both classes give students hand s-o n skills that are useful for the future .

"My favori t e th i ng about d1g1tal photo is taking pictures It's also really cool because we get to use t he mac lab and hang out with friends" -Jaret Parker (12) "I sig ned up Digital Photography because I like using Photoshop and I wanted to see t he more technologica l side of art " -Dylan Olsen (12) "D1g1 t al photography where th e odds are good, but the goods are odd" -Austin Younger (12) Jaegan Lawrence ( 10) shows off his current digital photo project (top-left) as Rachel Ball (11) works on a cereal box design in Graphic Arts (bottom-left) Dylan Olsen ( 12) displays his skills at blending Photoshop skills with digital photography on his workstation (bottom-right)

Golden High School offers more eng1neer1ng classes than any other high school 1n Jefferson County; they are all ' taught by Mr Aurand Clas ses that student s can take include Aerospace Eng ineering , B1otechn1cal Eng1n ee nn g, Engineerin g Des ign, Eng1neenng Prin ciples , D1g1tal Electronics and Roboti cs Engineering , Civil Engineerin g and Arch itecture, three levels of draft i ng and Ar chitectural Drafting These classes in co rporate both m at h and sc i ence and also require creat1v1ty. Anyon e that 1s interested 1n go ing into I T should consider at least one of these clas ses for the ir desired career as well as those who are interes ted 1n one of the above eng1neenng fields All classes tea ch the fundamental s of pro cess and produ ct and mo st students get to test their developments at some point dunng the semester, such as their robots, c1rcu1ts or trebu chets

Jacob Ortiz (12) shows off his USB pro Ject for his d1g 1tal eng ineering class (top-nght) as Bri an Fi gueroa (10) contemplates h i s next engineering proJect (bottom-left) D1g1tal Eng1neenng students Tyler Keller (9) and Tanner McGrath (9) get to work on their latest eng1neenng design (bottom-right).

love D1g1tal Electronics because we mess with different circuitry and learn about different circuits that you can do a lot of stuff with My favorite proiect is the date clock which basically shows your birthday " -Mik e Tyrell ( 11)

"My favorite proiect in D1g1tal Electronics 1s making Robots My favorite thing t o do in the class 1s play with the elec tronics stuff on the computer and hang with fnendsl" -Ni ck M cca rro n ( 1 O)
"My favorite thing about Pnnc1ples of Engineering 1s that you get to do a lot of stuff and you get to build a lot of things with your hands My favorite proiect 1s building a trebuchet" -Sean Kurt er ( 1 1)

"I like this class because you can ge t away from other classesl I don't necessarily want to work with metals as a career because I am into at hletics This 1s a fun class and we learn a lot!" -Devin Rothrock (1 O)

"This class 1s really fun because you get to make stuffl Th e most fun p roJect was the whi t eboard key hanger because 1 t was fun and challenging T h is 1s my favorite class' I think 1 t would be fun t o have a career in woods" -Troy Wilkinson (10)

"I took woods class again this year because 1t was a lot of fun1 The bes t thing about this class is the feeling of accomplishmen t when you finish some t hing1 I am already in advanced and want to keep taking this class for funl" -Chris Melies (11)

Adam Keller ( 10) works with a large panel of wood for his project (top-nght) as Easton Wasinger (10) and Gunner Graves (10) go through one of many sanding stages in woodworking (bottom-left) . Connor Brogan (10) gets ready to become the man of steel, bending metal with the vice and pliers in Metals class (bottom-right) .

The Woods and Metals classes are very popular at Golden Hi gh School. In these classes , students develop metal fabrication skills and woodworking experience through basic a nd advanced courses in eac h of the two areas Students that take these classes get hands-on work experien ce and knowledge of the skills, tools and technologies available in the industry St ud ents work through a series of construction projects that might range from a simple box to an adirondack chair! The classes, taught by Mr Plakorus , really g ive students the opportunity to try their hand at industrial and woodworking design Many of the students go on t o take the advanced courses because they love the classes so much In the end , whether the proJects come out perfe ctly or still need improvement, each student gains a valuable set of skills that could be useful for either career or hobby

Mr Al Talbot and Mr John Anderson make a great pair teaching some of the best cl asses in this school: P E.1 There are many classes that students take at Golden , which include team sports, we ig ht lifting , and health and wellness' Each studen t 1s required to take obtain a P E. credit 1n order to graduate. However , many students go on to si gn up for more than one year so they continue their fitness education and get their bodies up and moving throughout the day During the team sports and weight lifting classes, many of the athletes get extra t i me to hone their sk ill s or st rength en their bodies , sav in g valuable time for workouts they might otherwise do after school Although these classes can be tough at times, they are extremely fun and many students register for one ( or even two) every year'

Sage Wheelan (9) and Brooks Jordan (9) get to l1ft 1ng (to p-nght) Kaitlyn Davis ( 12) shows good form 1n her weightlifting routine (below-left), while Victor Chavez (11), Theodore Fleury (9) , Robert Wheelan (9) , and Clancy Dalton (10) do their warm up laps before the class begins (botto m-ri gh t) !

"I took a gym class because I needed a PE credit to gradua t e My favorite unit 1s ping pong because 1t 1s pretty fun!" -Emil y Oltmanns ( 10)
"The best part about PE 1s being active This class is grea t because you actually get to move around, and ,t doesn't feel like a class at alll'' -TJ Chrysler (9)
"I love to embed the knowledge of fitness for life in a person's mind My favorite uni t t o teach is Aerobic Fitness I enJoy getting to practice my hobby of being a mean , old man every day in the weight room, class room, wrestling room and gym'" -General Talbot ( PE Enforce r)
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Our gifted thespians rock the stage and show the audience what they work so hard for! These actors and actresses take on complicated characters, showing off their talent to the world They make it look easy; however, it takes hours of rehearsal to practice and learn each line. One can easily see the dedication they put into every show

Stage fright? Please, that's nothing for these spotlightsavvy teenagers! Memorizing dozens of lines for each play is a lot to handle! As if that isn't hard enough, these talented teens' character portrayals leave the audience filled with emotion

When working long hours , the bond one makes with their acting peers 1s essential to a play's success. Theater is a prime example of the care each cast and crew member has for one another, and even with their ups and downs, they stick together lo ng after the curta i n falls

Get into character! These Golden students really Jump into action when they step onto the stage Thi s year's first play , Brighton Bea c h Memoirs by Neil Simon , Is a co min g-o f -age comedy set In Brooklyn In 1937 . Al ex Girarrantano (10) took the lead role of Eugene Morns w ith Sam Swartz (12) and Nataleah Small (12) playing the role of hi s par e nts , Jack and Kate A one-week run gave th ese actors a h ead start 1n show in g off their talent and co mmitment to Theater Arts Under Mr H asbrouck's dire ct ion and tutelage , these act ors found their own lastin g memorie s In their first production All 1n al l , ,t wa s a tremendous suc cess for cast and c rew whom all pit c hed In to recreate th e sets, costume design and lighting 1n order to depi ct the Innerwork1ngs of a Pol1sh -Jew1sh family 1n New York and the tri als and tnbulat1on s of a fifteen -yea r-o ld teenager

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"My favorite part of Bnghton Beach was having a small cast and crew It really let us connect and become close friends and form a family relationship " -Sam Swartz (12) Before Bnghton Beach. I played the main role of Daddy Warbucks 1n "Annie" when I was in 8th grade But Brighton Beach was more fun in comparison " -Alex Giarratano (1 0)
"Watching previous theater shows piqued my interest. and I got into theater I love how you can be yourself, and the cas t 1s one big family " -M ari ssa Rio s (10)

Night of January 16th was written and staged in the 1930s by the talented writer, Ayn Rand. It is a courtroom drama about a woman who is accused of murdering her lover This was the second play of the year, and it proved to be truly realistic! Action packed , suspenseful and intriguing, this riveting reenactment grabbed the audience right away! The audience even had the opportunity to be a part of the play and get in on the acting as a member of the courtroom jury They were selected by submitting their names to a fishbowl. Once the jury names were drawn , they moved on stage, giving them an up-close-and-personal theater experience The play was an easy performance choice for Mr Hasbrouck ; it was the first play he performed in as a thespian himself In a week of performances , the actors proved that any play they take on will be a success

The fate of the defendant was left in the hands of the audience members selected t, become the jury Towards the end of the play, the jury congregated and decided whether the defendant was guilty or innocent of the crimes committed . In all six showings, the jury found the defendent "Not guilty ."


"Aud1t1oning, I was very nervous Because I really wanted the part I got through ,t by practicing, the support of my friends, and determination " -Evan Mues (12)

"Staring down from the Judge's podium I could see not only the evolution of the thrilling court case but also the unraveling o f t he characters' lives " -Nataleah Small (12)

The defendant (left) , played by Charlotte Clanton (11) , gets into character as she listens to Defense Attorney Steven's closing argument Afterwards, the middle school jury was brought backstage to give their input on the evidence and verdi ct Overall , the drama proved to be an engaging and worthwhile experience for both the actors as well as the audien ce

"It was fun to do a courtroom drama I got to play Defense Attorney Stevens It was up in the top three of my favorite shows Looking forward to the next onel" -Jas mine Haver (10)

Students come alive during acting c las s and rehearsals Many long hours are put into memorizing ea ch line , understanding stage directions and focusing on being the best actor or actress for the part When audition s are held for ea c h play , students work extra hard to land a role, often running through lines before , during and after school.

"Sometimes t here 1s a lot of pressure being in the theat er class because there are deadlines • and you have to make sure everyone 1s in costume and ready "-Dana Speiser (1 O)

This is where it all begins! Before they enter the stage , each theater member has to learn all about performing In Acting Class, students learn how to present themselves on stage, where to stand and even what to do if thing s go wrong They participate in a variety of activities to make them better actors According to Mr. Hasbrouck, " In the acting class, students develop skills which they can use in any career field and in everyday living Knowing one's self is essential to portraying someone else convincingly "

"In theater class we have learned that act ors have three tools, which are voice , body, and mind " Lexi Cook (1 O)
"I enJoy working on the behind-the-scenes production work, especially with t he technology You get to learn a lot of new things and the people are great t o work with They're so accepting and nice "-Ant Tyrell-Ead (11)
Backstage build
t os (nght page) provi d ed by St age Rig ht Pro duction s

Lights , camera, ACTION! Without our behind-the-scenes students, theater productions wouldn't become a reality . They set up the lighting, speakers, sound, stage, and even conjure up the elaborate and beautiful cos tumes the actors wear on stage. N ear ly every Saturday , theater students, their parents, Mr H asbrouck and his wife, Kelly , spend hours building sets and getting each play ready for the st age These dedicated volunteers truly play a maJor part in the theater industry and help to make the breathtaking theater productions that we see at Golden High School.

I 01

Every good stage production needs advertisi ng ! For each theater production, student artwork is captured in the playbills and the programs Work from GHS students Shannon Wheeler, Jack Jacobson, Dana Speiser , Katie Czarnecki and Bailey O'Hara demonstrate that details and talent extend beyond the stage to the artists that help bring the shows to life.

IMlocedby spe ;aJ -u1az»g1 t&tQlt with Samuel F1adl Joe. SC &"" Riglrt: Prod:«•1iot>s at Goldel\ 1f.gtt Sd¥'9l JX P i!s
C, "' ::i 11,1 Ill 't> Ill iii Ill .. '0 ..... i
\ 11\1\. I 11\ 1 ......,_.l..-.LJ.t"'~ Bailey O'Hara (1 O) 1• N ..4t...11) N - ..a,a, C: .i::: 0 C: 0 0 u C: «I C: -, «I .::,e. .J:: u V\ «I -, ~o• en lii@h S h oo l ... ----~- 7~1 2 .. th St. 103

"Drawing in t erests me the most because t here Is so much to learn Mr Miller helped me with tips and other techniques used in exercises and projects that have helped me become a better drawer and overall artist. " -Luke

(1 O)

'' I love being in Ceramics because it really brings out my creative side and I can express myself through art All of the art classes I have ever taken at Golden have helped shape t he person I am today" -Kaitlyn Quirk (11)

"Being in art classes has allowed me t o express myself in many differen t and exciting ways!" -Angelica


The art department has a wide variety of classes From photography to drawing, GHS offers it all Each cla ss allows students to develop their talent, skills and interest , ranging from jewelry-making to painting to ceramics Classes accommodate a variety of different skill levels , allowing student s to reach their highest potential. Through art, one accomplishes the self satisfaction of creating something beautiful with their own hands This is a creative and productive way to channel energy and expre ss oneself Many of the students that are deeply involved in the art department go on to have su ccessful careers , some that all began with a first class taken at Golden j

Left : Melanie Majors (11) likes di fferent types of art The nng that she 1s crafting has taken three mon t hs to produce T he hardest part is soldering It "I was inspired by the season of autumn It Is hard because you have to sand it, file it, and morph 1t" Right : El lie Hightree (11) unwraps the clay block that wil l eventually be developed into her next work of art Below: Ms Hamm doles out instructions to her students who are Just beginning to break into their clay •

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hhe final product of every student's 1mag1nation 1s always something to be cherished Teachers Tracy

, Lon

and Tim Miller select some of their students' best work throughout the year to be featured 1n the first annual Yearbook


As you can see, both students and their teachers are doing a wonderful JOb 105

Kassia Lawrence (12), Digital Photography Cori nne Thor sheim (9) , Photogr aphy Elizabeth Stengel {11) , Drawing K1ylynn Mulkins (12), Photography Hamm Lacy 1 Gallery
I I 106 •
Anne Progar (11) , Jewelry Adelle Klingenberg (12), Ceramics
Kiya Kraft (10) , Jewelry Keayna Roberts (12), Ceramics Jesse Nickell (12), Drawing Mariah Trollan (12), Drawing Kass ia Lawren ce (12) Lauren Chacho (12), Digital Photography Karli Denk (12) , Acrylic Pa i nt i ng Madison Millar (11), Jewelry MingXin Ye (10) , Drawing Emily Moss (11), Ceramics
Shannon Wheeler (12) , Drawin g

Elli has been in band since fifth grade and plays t he clarinet "I love the sound of the clarine t ' I l ike all kinds of music " -Elli Jaramillo (9 )

Sarah has been playing the alto sax for six years now "I li ke band because ,t le t s me challenge myself" -Sarah Vigil (11 )

Aaron has been in band for seven years now and plays the tuba. "I like t he sound of t he tuba because i t's soothing and fun " -A aron McEachran (12 )

This year at Golden Hi gh School we are very fortunate to have three new band classes: Rock Band, Concert Band and Jazz Band The students who are taking these three classes are learning to play the electric guitar, bas s guitar, and th e xylophone Students 1n these classe s are not only learning to play new instruments , but are also learning how to play a new type of contemporary musi c. All three of these classes are taught by Ms Parker, who is new to Golden Hi gh Schoo l and Colorado this year Mrs . Parker studied at N ew York Un1vers1ty and her favorite instruments are the flute and the cello Mrs . Parker also teaches Orchestra at Golden Hi gh School. The students who are taking Rock Band , Concert Band and Jazz Band enjoy them very much . Th ey put on a fabulous winter concert and are always preparing for their next big show.

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"I like the fact that we play some very fun songs 1n band and we go to different places for our concerts "-Benny Damhoff (9)
Tegan plays the percussion and has been rn band for about a year I love the type of music we play, the places we go and how much fun rt 1s" -Tegan Hummell (9)
Cowen has been rn band for five years and plays the tenor sax "I enJoy playing the tenor sax' It's one of my favorite instruments." -Cowen Papke (9 )

At GHS, there are five different choirs : Women's Choir, 24th Street Singers , Mountain Magic , Advanced Men's and Demon Jazz Each of these choir groups spend their class time rehearsing both classic and contemporary selections for one of the four choir productions, which are the highlights of the year The Holiday and Pops shows are the main events and favorites among the students as well as the audience There are three women's choirs, one men's choir and a combination of both men and women that comprise the 24th Street Singers This group can be heard down the halls singing Valograms or Christmas Carols for the holidays . In addition, choir members also get involved in competitions . G H S usually has some top contenders where top awards, such as being selected for the All State Chorus, is a valuable honor This year, Gage Conrad (12) and Dale Nickell (11) were selected All in all, each choir student easily displays their talent and finds a special place in their choir to sing to their heart' s content.

I I I 10

"I think Furn Furn Fantasy 1s my most favorite song to sing It's so much fun I" -Charlotte Clanton (11)

"I like the pops concert most of all because 1t 1s more upbeat and there are more modern day songs " -Megan Pi c kthall (11)

Women's Choir 24th Street

"I was inpired to JOin choir because I love to sing and performing fills my heart with Joy. " -Maxwe ll Becker (11)

"I really like singing 'Let ,t Snow" The winter song selections are always fun to sing " -Megan Brewington (1 O)

Mountain Magic

Advanced Men

Demon Jazz

Golden Hi gh School has its very own talented orchestra class. Ms Parker expresses her fondness for her class, and the progress made so far with high expectat ion s for the future As the pressure builds to prepare their pie ces, each student must devote an extreme amount of time polishing their skills to perfe ction Most of the students who Join orchestra during high school, fir st pi cke d up th e ir stri ng in struments in elementary sc h ool. Almost all of the students h ave b een playing for at least five years. They h ave continued working on their music craft because they love music so much Overall , their hard work has proven to be successf u l. The winter performance received outstanding reviews , giv in g us a hi ghlight of what we ca n expect 1n the future from the se talented and dedicated musicians

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"I've been playing music for six years Music 1s fantastlc, I love music because 1t 1s my life!" -Erynn Mitchell (10) "l'v been playing the violin for 5 years, and although 1t 1s very time consuming and there is a lot of practice involved , the music I can make outweighs the cost "- Cyrus Ne l son (9)
I 13
"l'v been 1n orchestra all of high school It 1s a great way to relax from your busy day and 1s a great way to expand ones knowledge " - Shannon Wheeler ( 12)
1 14

"I want to audition t o be on dance teams in Colorado , and I want to cont i nue tra1n 1ng in the studio as well I love dancing" -Tera Wineland (12)

"I was surprised we won t he champ1onsh1p, bu t I was really happy and excited " -Amelia Gilmore (9)

"I t was exciting w inning state because all of our hard work paid off t It was very meaningful because 1t was my last yea r and 1t was good finishing 1t wi t h a bang" -Calee Wilkinson (12)

The senior guys get a chance to perform with the dance team during the Homecoming assembly! Little did they know they'd be dancing with the soon-to-be 2012-13 Jazz State Champs!

The dance team shows off their close bond . These girls are inseparable

From Porn, to Jazz to Hip H op , the dance team demonstrates a variety of different routines throughout the year Th ey get a chance to show off their stuff during halftime of football games, basketball games as well as during assemblies They not only support the teams on the sidelines but work long hours to prepare for their own competitions.

11 6 f

The Golden High School dance team worked really hard to accomplish their goal of getting first place in the Jazz c ategory of the 2012 State Competition Th ey co mpeted against nineteen teams , scoring a total of 89 33 points out of 100 points to grab the coveted title The girls worked almost every day to get where they needed to be, giving up many hours after school and on weekends for practi ce while at the same time , supporting their athletic teams It was an exciting win for the Demon dan ce rs , who continued to compete 1n the Nation a l compet1t 1on in March Golden is proud of our Demon Dan ce rs! Good job ladies!

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La ndri McGregor ( 11 ) and Coach Brandy Wegscheider Monique Laurita (9) struts her Golden sp1nt at the Homecoming Parade Top row: Madeline Walters , Catherine Mateus , Nicole Hurl ey, Kelsey McKay Middle row : Madison Liedtke , Monique Laurita , Autumn H arvey, Lindsey Boudreau , Amelia Gilmore , Samantha McConnell Bottom row : Caitlynn Kern , Alanna Di ckmeyer, Landri M cGregor, Tera Wineland, Gabrielle Bresler . Not pictured: Calee Wilkinson In sync The Demon s Dance Te am perfo rm s their state-w1nn1ng, bird-themed routine at League competition

"I wanted to Join cheer because I was 1n compe t 1t1ve cheer before and I wanted to stay a part of a team 11 -Julia Simmons (1 O)

"I'm definitely going t o miss cheer , and I wish all of the girls the best of luck 11 -Katie

JTh e c h eers stand out on their custo m -mad e blo cks, on ly stepp in g down for a bri ef ha lftim e perform ance!

"I love stunting' I'm a base and need to make sure I'm there to give strong support by bracing my arms It's a ton of fun" -Ashley Mann (11)
Freshman c heerleaders start off the year with spirit !
Lockie (12)
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The Cheer team at Golden High School has worked very hard to get where they are now Thi s year's team has sixteen girls with four sen iors, three juniors, three sophomores, and six freshmen . In addition to being there for nearly every sports home and away games, the team prepares for their own league and state competitions and tnes to incorporate new stunts into their routines Under Coach Sia Anderson , the team took 23rd in State The cheerleaders work hard to lead the crowd in Demon spirit, giving it their all at each and every game and assembly They are a fantastic group of dedicated Demons! Great job this year' Thanks for all you do!

Cassan dra Olson (12) stunts in front of the Homecoming cro wd! H ann a h Sellers (1 O) cheers our our Varsity Football team' Seniors : Katelyn Lo ckie, Cassandra Olson, Emily Piwowarczyk Juniors : Ashley Mann, Courtney Emerson , N ata l ie Will i amson Sophomores : Whit l ey Samuels, Julia Simmons, Rebbeca Sm ith Freshman : Joplyn Bri ttain, Samantha Gilmore, H annah Lockie, Brianna Maes, Hannah Se ll ers, Sabrina Rubio
I I i i l j ! • I

The Golden High School Football team had a good year despite their 2-9 record Throughout the year, they made sure that their sk ill s were improving and they spent long hours to prepare for each and every game . No matter what , you can always count on the Demons to have a good mentality about their playing They say , "You have to play the game like someone hit your mom with a two-by-four " In other words , be aggressive and don't let anyone mess with your family! Here's hoping we stay united and will be ready for whatever comes our way next year

Senior Varsity Team Members

Top row: Pau l Gagliard, Dakota Gulley , Kellen Kyger , Chris Tubbs , Lars Lind, Quinton Barrientos , Jackson Bong, Je sse Wainwright Middle row: Tim Marvin , Jorge Lopez, Mahdi Abdulhussein, Brad Blackstock, Matthew Swim Bottom row: Carson N ovotny , Michael Barela , Paris Salis

"This season was fun, especially being a pa rt o f a t eam w ith friends you have kno w n since elementary 11 -Lar s Lind (12)

"My # 1 idol wou ld have to be M r Talbot because he wen t to college and played foot ball even being a small guy 11 -Dakota Gulley (12)

"My football philosophy 1s t o produce good athle t es. not only on the f ie ld, but in the classroom I want t hem t o be good scholar athle t es" -Mr Yoshihara

l \ .,, 1 ' ' 1
I Quinton Barrie nto s {1 2 ) getting 1eady for the snap Th e t ea m ge t s rea d y f o r th eir ga m e aga in st St a nl ey Lak e

The Junior Varsity and Freshman football teams worked extremely hard this year to prove themselves. They made sure that they dominated on and off the football field with no regrets The JV team end ed 2-7 in the ir season while the Freshman rounded out their season 4-1

2012 Varsity and JV Team

Jones, Geordan Hu ssey, Garrett Br ott, Duncan Williams, Quinn Malone , Paul Gagliardi, Cody Love, Stuart Kern, Lars Lind , Brandon Gardner, Noah Lennox. 3rd row : KC Turner, Matt Swim, Michael Barela, Carson Novotny , Brad Blackstock, Paris Salas, Mahdi Abdulhussein, Travis Kyger, Jesse Wainwright, Samuel Miller , Will Kirts, Tim Marvin 4th row : Davis Miller, Mike Joseph, Bryan Yoshihara, Joe Zaba, Joel Hager, Al Talbot, Shain Weiber, Jordan Grimes, Stacy Gorey! , Mike Kaier, Jamie Lemieux , Gunner Graves 5th row : Cenovio Gonzales, Ni ck Bonham, Jorge Lopez, Dvaris Johnson, H unter Wyckoff, Eugene Baker, Elijah Harold, Logan Hoover, Quinton Barrientos, Cory Ziehr, Brett Patterson Front : Team Managers

Top row : Bailey Bowker, Kyle McIntire, Chriss Tubbs, Cole Greff, Jake McCormick, Danny Oertli, Yegor Alexeyev , Anthony Gibbs, Kellen Kyger, Jackson Bong, Ryan Selcer, Dakota Gulley, Ian Cheatum 2nd row : Gage
"Although we lost we still won because we learned more about the great sport and we grew in ways we never knew we could" -Anth ony Gibbs ( 10)
"To motivate my team , we get pumped up by warm ups and yelling at each other" -Dun can Williams (1 0)
T $1 s· a p C u C d h C tt 9 8 ri R h p a
"Wieber Fever!" -Yegor Alexeyev ( 10)

The Denver Broncos had quite an impressive year w ith the 2nd hardest schedule in the NFL Signing franchise QB and 4X-League-MVP Peyton Manning to the roster , Broncos Country was ecstatic all year! The season started off beating Pittsburg at home 31-19! The Broncos w o uld struggle to a 2-3 start with another win against hated Oakland and losses to the Patriots , Falcons, and Texans . It wasn 't getting much better with a 24-0 Charger lead at halftime on a Monday Night in San Diego . 35 unanswered Broncos points later , they won the game and took the lead In the division! The Broncos would go on to win 5 games after the bye with wins over the Saints , Bengals , Panthers , Chargers and Chiefs! December came and The Broncos became Division Champs by defeating Tampa Bay 31-23! Then , the game in Baltimore The Broncos had never before beaten the Ravens in Baltimore Before halftime , Chris Harris intercepted Joe Fiacco and ran it back 98 yards for a TD , the longest interception return in Broncos franchise history The Broncos would go on to win that game 34-17 After wins against the Browns and the Chiefs , they were Divison Champs , had a 13-3 record , won 11 straight games , were the #1 seed in the AFC and going to the playoffs! The playoff game started off well with a Trindon Holiday punt return for a TD! In the NFL 's 1st-ever double-overtime game , the Ravens kicked a field goal to end the Broncos amazing season with a final score of 38-35 Seven Broncos had the honor of making it to the Pro Bowl and Peyton Manning , with 37 TD 's and over 4 ,000 yards passing , won Come-Back-Player of the Year! Bronco fans are once again united and continue to look forward to next season.

2012 Freshman Football Team

"This season was good because we had a new coach, and 1 t was a lot better than last year Plus, going to St ate for Doubles was an amazing experience " -Kyle Taylor (10)

"The team had some strong players this year , 1t was exciting t o go to St at e f o r Singles this year especially being on Varsity for the f irs t time" -Logan Hulett ( 11)

"The team was great this year We had a good coach who really knew how to work with the different players It was grea t to get t o St ate as welll" -Tim Mclane (12)

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Ph o t os provided by · Malou van E1jk and Ni chola s Laurit

The boys tennis team worked hard to have a fantastic season. Th ey finished 6-4 They also had a new coach this year, Coach Brad N ash It was a season full of laughs, competit ion , and most of all , fun! The team took first in league and had three state qualifiers ,n both si n gle and double matches Tim Mclane (12) , Logan Hulett (11) and Kyle Taylor (10). As a whole, the team felt that they were unified and worked well together, especially with the help of Coach Nash whom they say really knew how to coach the 1nd1v1duals as well as the team , which made for a very successful season.

Top row: Coach Thoro good, Austin Van Lerberg h e, Tanner Bryson, Enk Craig, Adam Huff , Gavin Jaker, Coach Nash Middle row: Ni cholas Laurita, Drew Preston, Jake McManus, Chris Gilas, Max Dalton, Logan Hullett , Isaac Sellinger, Tim Mclane Bottom row: Kyle T aylor, Chanse Bemsk,, Alec Hornecker, Grant Copple, Vincenzo Gomez. Not pictured : Kirk Gilbert

Head Coach Br a d N as h T im Mclane ( 12) await s hi s next match

Cross country is no easy task . It takes a considerable amount of time, effort and not to mention , stamina, to run cross country. These talented teens run for hours a day and are constantly working to improve their skills . It is an art form that one must learn through dedication and practice . Although they are divided up into Varsity , JV and boys and girls teams , they all work and practice together to make the Golden XC team the best it can be. Th ey continue to train even during the off season, working year-round towards achiev in g their individual and team goals. Thi s year they had a great year with many state qualifiers , and they continue to look forward to next season.

Tiffa ni Hairfie ld paces herself for the long race Gavi n Ba k er ( 11 ) taking the turn for the home stretch Top row : Shane Witters Hi cks, Matt Borzcik , Gavin Baker, TJ Chrysler, Coach Byrne , Callae O'Hara , Robert Tyrr ell-Ead, Dylan Rogers, Matt Hartm an Second row : Coach Colucci , Joe Horen, Connor I Lane , Theresa Myers, Katelyn Shipman , Kasey H ec ht , Jaxon Cusack, Natalie Spence, Jacques
- .,,-
Moreau , Coach Best Third Row : Aly se Oxenford, Nina Paris , Sofia Wubben , T iffanni Hairfield , Savannah Arner , Janin e Hay , Reed Jones , Siena Dute, Katie Greenhalgh Fourth Row : Avery Rothe , Alec Horn ecker, Sammy Burrows, Mady Vickers, Olivia Treitman

"I thought cross country would be fun since I ran track The people you get to hang out with are great and you can be friends with everyone '' -Callae


"It was an amazing season ; I'm sorry that this will be my last year with the team " -Matt Borzcik (12)

"Cross country 1s a great time to meet new people and have fun while being competitive The team 1s the best part of part1c1pating in the sport " Theresa Myers (1 O)

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O'Hara (1
Photos provided by Amber Baker-Haye s, Joie Norby
Katie Tubb s (1 O) fields and throws the ball for an out. \ Kristen Dunson (9) at bat against Evergreen

Th e Go ld en High School Softball team had a great season ending with a 6-13 record The new coach, Chad Herbers , pushed the team to just under a 500 season He also had the help of the new assistant coaches: Coach Hall , Coach Timmons and Coach Bowler The new coaches are a great asset to the Softball program With lots of hard work and diligence, the team still managed to end the season with a triumphant bang , even with all of the 1n1un es. All 1n all , the team had a terrific season and worked successfully as a team

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Tay lor Juarez (12) , starting pitcher in the game against Holy Family Ali Castrellon (11) r o und s th i rd a fte r Katie Corchary (11) h i t s a sin g l e Top ro w : Eryan Mitchell, Kristen Dunson, Coach H erbers, Coach Bowler , Coach T immons, Amber Spawn, Kiley Lynch Middle row : Taylor Juarez, Ali Catrellom , Kaite T ubbs, Jordan Kingsley, Katie McConnel l , Katie Corchary, Blair Ohmert Bottom row : Ale Dominquez, Rachel Joha , Addie Tanton "Run hard and turn left " -Jord an Kingsley (11) "Let the ball travel" -Addie Tanton (12) "When in do ubt, ask Coach " -Katie McConnell (12)

This years Junior Varsity softball team had their best year yet , ending with 6 losse s, 3 wins and 1 tied in the seaso n Although it wasn't their best , they definitely played their hardest and had no regrets Th e team captains this year were Katie Corchary (11) , Kiley Lynch (10) , Blair Ohmert (9) , and Kristen Dunson (9) . Overall , they worked hard and had a lot of fun

Top row: Eryan Mitchell , Blair Ohmert, Coach H erbers, Coa ch Bowler, Coac h T immons , Kiley Lyn c h, Makayla Markey Middle row : Kri sten Dun son , Emily Shepard, Sydney Crabb , Katie Corchary Bottom row: Sydney Villa, Mikaela Wilkins , Ale Dominquez "They say this game 1s 80% mental. so I threw ,t at her head " -KIiey Lyn ch ( 1 O)
"Fresh cut grass, the nng of a bat, a d,v,ng catch, sweating, bleeding, diving into home Not a bad way to spend a day "-Emily Shepard (9) "Read the balll" -Makayla Markey (10)

" Winner s neve r quit and q uitt ers n eve r win "

" It's not how b ig you are , it how b ig you play 11

"Apart we ' re good , togethe r we're golden'"


Golden's JV volleyball team g oe s i .:

~=; 10-8 thi s sea son , beatin g th eir main -1 : competitor , the Wheat Rid gei:..:-"""79"=:= farmers! The team had many win s thi s season due to their stron g teamwork . They even beat on e of th e toughe st team s out ther e, the JV V alor Chri stian girls They look forward to another great seaso n next ye a r!

- Sophia Sanford (9) -Raeley Baxter (10) -Macke nz ie West (11) Top row: Enka lisa , Chantele Yvette-Gauthier , Coa ch Todd Bergstrom , Hunt er Ro se, Rae l ey Bax t er Middle row : Kersti Taha , Jackie Roman , Sophi a Sanford , Mikayl a Spurn er , H ann ah Blo ck Bottom Row: Kaitlyn Quirk , Brooke Lago , Ma ckenzie We st

"Our season turned out pretty well At first 1 t was risky because most of the girls haven't played toge t her before, but in the end we pulled 1 t together and made it to Regionals!" -T obie I srae l-Cleve l and (11)

"It was i ntimidating at first , being younger then mos t of the people on my team, but now I feel like a role model!" -Kathleen Kasel (10)

Th e Var si t y t ea m th a nk s th ei r o nl y se nio r, Margret Veers (12) f o r her hard w o rk dunn g Se nio r nig ht.

"It has been a wonderful experience seeing all t he girls who started out at the bottom move their way to the top I love being the one to set an example for all t he girls " -Margaret Veers ( 12) -----

Je ssica Madsen (11) up to serve, gett ing rea dy t o ace t he o th er t eam!
i t , se t i t
spi ke 1t, th at' s the w ay w e lik e i t !" chants th e V arsi ty t eam Krista Waldinger (11) returns th e se rv e 1n a game again st Arvada We st.

The Varsity team had a great season , making it to Regionals and fini shing their season 11-14 The girls played with intensity and dedi cation which resulted in a hi g h number of wins thi s season. With only one senior thi s year , the team expects great thin gs for next year . They had a co mpetitive season a nd many will return to t ake on next year's c hallenge s In the meantime , they co ntinue to ce lebrate their hard work in 2012 and will always remember the fun times they had on and off the c ourt this p ast year Way to go Demon s!

' - - - -- -
A brief co ng ratu la ti ons before the girls get se t up for the ne xt set. Kathleen Kasel (10) looking focused as can be as she gets ready to pass the ball , Top Row: Kathleen Kasel , Kathryn Cheatum , Coach Barry Lago , Amanda Cheatum, Jessica Mad se n Middle Row: Tobie Israel-Cleveland , Margret Veer s, Krista Waldinger , Anna Ni xon Bottom Row : 1 Jordyn Johnson , Brittnany La go, Erika Bergstrom This season was full of laug hter and sm il es Erika Bergstrom (11) getting fier ce with Jessica Madsen (11) at the volleyball picnic Kathryn Cheatum (11) going up t o m a ke a kill ! Krista Waldinger (11) gets a little funky with a volleyball on her head and Margaret Veer (12) shows off her Senior skills against Arvada West.

The Level Ill team did amazing this season! They finished with a whopping 12-1 record! The only match they lost was to Valor Christian They never gave up hope and pulled through every 1 :-- , A 1

situation they were faced with All in ,.. · __ all, they proved that they may be well on their way to being a strong team in the coming years!

Top Row: Coach Rose, Shelbilyn Miller, Lily Ma, Mia Barret, Avery Kiel, Christine Neguaru, Coach Brooke Ceacil Bottom Row : Shelby Waggoner, Annie Fox, Sarah Kimball, Elena Bishop , Amand a Mallec Not pictured : Raenne Stanbro "We go hard on the floor!" -Amanda Mallec (10) "Teamwork makes the dream work 11 -Mi a Barret (9) "Sometimes it's not how good you are, but how bad you want 1t. 11 -Shelby Wag g oner (9)

"I have never played field hockey before in my hf e, but 1t was so much fun and all the players were so nice "-M eke nzie Holga te (9)

T h i s season the field hockey team ended wi t h a record of 5-7. A lt hough t h e team p l ays u nder Golden's name and co lo r s, the team 1s compr i sed of p l ayers f rom surrounding h igh sc h oo l s. T h e p r ess u re was high beca use there were many fres h man o n the team, and t h ey had to figure out one anot h er's st rengt h s and weaknesses H owever , when 1t was t i me to get ou t there and g i ve it their a l l, they worked together l ike a family Ove r all, it was a successful season for suc h a young team

"The team has improved tremendously Next year I know we will be even better " -Courtney

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Go re ( 1 1) Mem bers o f th e tea m i n c lud e gi r ls fro m d iffe r e nt sc hools suc h as, Ch atfi iel d , Lakewood, Mullen and Colum bin e. Re pr ese nt ati ves f r o m Go ld e n a r e Courtney Gore (11) a nd M e ke nzi e Hol gat e (9) Photos provided by April Hagestad

The Golden H igh School boys soccer team had a great year! In the regular season they produced an incredible record of 9-6-2 Th ey defeated several ,..._,., ,~ of our division rivals includ in g a 2-1

win over Wheat Ridge! Golden finished second in the Jeffco 4-A division and made it to the playoffs where they fought their way into the second round with a 2-1 win over Skyline Unfortunately, Golden l ost in the second round but they had a great run w h ile it lasted Th ey have high hopes for next year and l ook forward to the nex t season .

Burton Wheatlake (12) sets up for a free kick. Charlie Metz (12) fights fo r possession Top row: C h ar li e Metz ( 1 2) , Logan Duhnkrak ( 1 2), Ryder Z ga bay ( 12 ), Coach Jo sh N olke r , Oliver En gquist ( 12), Con or Baughman ( 11 ), Burton Wheat l ake ( 12 ) Middle row: Alex H esket h ( 11 ), Mark Sea h olm ( 10), Lu ke Dolan ( 11 ), Jack N es por ( 12 ), Jordan Cunnigh a m ( 11 ), Jack Breer (11 ), Mac Paranto ( 12) Bottom row: Donald Bai den ( 11 ), Di ego Ramirez ( 11 ), Ni ck Smith ( 11 )

"Soccer 1s a great sport 1 You get what you put in t o 1t, 1f you work hard, you will play better"

''Soccer is a fun sport to do, you improve every year My competitiveness increases, and I Just have a lot of fun with 1t " -Oliver Enqiust (12)

"My favorite things about soccer are being athletic, being with friends , and using teamwork to succeed on the field" -Logan

-Nick Smi th (11)
Duhnkra ck ( 12)

The JV Soccer team had tough season but managed to pull through with teamwork and perseverance . Th ey ended with a 5-6-2 game season but felt like they learned a lot and are more prepared for next year In the end, they felt the wins outweighed the losses in evolving as a team and 1 working together. They look forward to achieving their team goals in 2013

)9 ---f"
Top row: Jose Valladares-Palma, Trenton Anderson, Andrew Townsend , Adam Elliott , Evan Gregory, Jerson De La Cruz-Contreras, Coach Larry H ard in g Middle row: Brook s Jordan, Paul Cowie, Morgan Fin k, Jasper Hu ghes, Jack Snare, Greg Ellison, William Kopper Bottom row: Conner McNally, Lan e McFarlin, Jaime Foster "Larry was great as a coach and we evolved as a team " - Lane McFarlin (9) "We had ups and downs , but at the end, we ended up winning and had a good time " - Jose Valladares-Palma (9) Although we didn't start with much, our team improved a lot and played well together -Adam Elliott (1 O)

"You compete against friends as well as others, you have a lot of fun being able to take competition to a different level "

Being on the team this year was amazing It was a lot of fun'"

"Mountain biking offers a unique sport to be able to compete as a team and an rnd1v1dual " -Dea

Caroline Hardy, Brigg Reimers, Colin Rilter , Dylan Olsen , Coach Scott Burcar .


Connor Olsen, Ryan Hansen , Matt Conklin, Stevie Ro chelean , Spencer McGaughey , Allison Hurcomb, Laura Hoover, Corinne Noufi , Kassia Lawren ce, Breanna Van , Brenna Hattier , Jae san Lawrence

The biking team had an amazing 2nd season With 31 members , the team had its work cut out for them! In the State Championship in Fruita , GHS finished fourth overall and received the league's Division I All Star Team award. The success and popularity of the sport shows that GHS 1s well on its way to building strong co mpetitors for the future

Conklin (10)
-Brenna Hattier (9)
n Olson (12) Bac k row (right to left) : Coach Tim Hoppin , Ben Mace, Carter Nadol sky, West Rutherferd, Drew Preston, Eric Kern , Peter Chesbro, Dylan Grange, Dale Ni ckel l , Caleb Linville, Weston Burcar, Blake 0llweiler, Fro row:
2012 JV Golf Team Top row : Ryan Bullard, Alec H arris, Coach Anderson, Dominic Landucci, Cole Harris Bottom row : Logan McGregor, Curtis Trammel , Austin Wolfe, Matt Conklin
• ..

At GHS there's no better way to relax than a good game of golf. Although it takes quite a bit of skill and practice to become a strong co mpetitor , you can have always have fun even 1f you've never played before It's a way to swing a nd hit away your problems The Golden boys golf team has played for several years and agree that golf ha s a way of lettin g you have a good time ; it's also a great way to get through the summer . M a ny of the GHS player s are also involved 1n soccer, giving them double the playtime to work on their athletic skills For everyone, go lf provides a c hallen ging pastime and a way to get involved in GHS athletics .

Stephen Ric hey ( 1 2) making the putt for his final round. Mac Para nto (12) goes for a long dnve down the fareway To p row: Blake Harris, John Paranto , Sam Rao ch, Burton Wheatlake Bottom row : Cole Finnegan, Oliver Engquist, Nolan Holmes Not pictured : Stephen Ri c hy "I have played golf for three years and I really enJOY ,t and won't ever give ,t up" -N olan H olmes (12) Photos provided by Brian Richy "This 1s my fourth year in Golf I like 1t a lot " -Burton Wheatlake (12) "I will never get tired of the sport I love 1t so much" -Cole Finnegan (12)

Th is year's swim team doubled their numbers from past years with forty gi rl s on the team! In addition, many of the girls are young, giving the team high hopes for a strong, more experienced team 1n the coming years. Th ey placed fourth in League and had several state qualifiers, in clud in g Annie Fox (1 0) , Kathryn Cheatum (11) , Bekah Anderson (9), Sabrina Sabendeanu (9), Amanda Cheatum (11) , Becky Thiede (10), an d Liz Tarvin (11) As a whole , the team shows great promise Th ey had a great season this year, and we look forward to ce lebrating their future success! Good job!

p r o w : Kathryn Cheatum, Amanda Cheatum, Jamie Curtis, Grace Kashefska, Keiko Ohtake-Gordon, Rebekah Anderson, Jade Goss, Kassia Lawrence, Samantha Weese, Sara Osteboe 2nd row : Oliva Beckmann -Rose, Hee Young · Jordyn Johnson, Tamsen Hall, Melissa Fine, Sabnna Sabadeanu, Alyse Oxenford, Madison Vigil 3rd row : Sage Windell Brynna Carman, Noelle Cohn, Sophia Wubben, Megan Guinn, Paige Kreutzer, Gabnelle Lowrie, Alex Simmonds, Aerin Tarw1n, Cymry Sweet, Laken Barker Bott om ro w : Raellen Pfanneste1I, Megan Vernon, Christine Negreanu , Anna Fo:x, Morgan Dasch, Rebecca Th1ede 1 Randi Se1wald, Olivia Tre,tman, Knstine B1rkelo, Kelly Whitaker

"I started swimming when I was really little, and I started again because I really like 1t." -Grace Kashefka (1 O)

"My f avonte part of the swim meets 1s swimming and winntngf' -Annie Fox ( 1 0)

"What got me into being a coach for swimming was that I used to be a lifeguard Swimming 1s Just a longtime activity for me "-M s. Fi ne

Coac h Fi ne gives the opening warm up set to the Varsity team. G a briell e Lowrie (1 0) comes 1n for the final touch after J 25 meter butterfly To

Olympic gold medalist, Dana Vollmers, poses with the GHS team at the Golden Rec Center during a practice Dana won the gold medal 1n the 100 meter butterfly , setting the world record 1n the 2012 Olympics as well as w1nn1ng the gold 1n the 4x100 rmedley relay, which included teammate Missy Franklin of Aurora , Colorado

An ni e Fox (1 O) takes to the blocks for practice starts Kri stine Birkelo (11) works on her butterfly stroke 1n an easy 50 meters swim

The Go ld e n High School wrestling team had a great season! The team finished with an incredible re cord of 9-3 , including wins ~=- over Valor Christian , Northglenn, and sev e ra l other rivals Golden also se n t the following athletes to the state tournament

February 22 -25th : Brad Blackstock , Ian Ch ea tum , Noah Lennox , Devin Rothrock , Paris Salas and Dakota Gulley . GHS !===::::::~ wrestling finished 9th in the tournament



and Dakota Gulley became the state champion in his weight class, the first for GHS in 22 years! Congratulations to all of the Demon wrestlers for a great season!

D ako t a Gull ey ( 1 2) win s th e St at e Ch amp io n ship titl e i n Feb ruary D evin Rothroc k ( 10) gets a leg up on hi s opponent at State Top row : Nathan Frost, Mike Joseph , Dakota Gulley ( 12), Ba i ley Bowker ( 10), Ian Ch eat um ( 11 ), Marv , Dave Sauer Middle row : Jackson Bong ( 12) , Geordan H ussey ( 1 1 ), Br ad Blackstock ( 12), Par Salas (10) , Devin Rothro c k (10), N oah Lennox (11) , Dylan Silva (12) Bottom Row: Logan H oover ( 11 ) , Mo Salas (9) , Jason Mayfield ( 10) , Chase Dan i els (9), Easton Wasinger ( 1 0)
"I love wrest ling. I have been doing 1 t my whole life Winning is the best part o f wrestling for sure 11 • Brad Blackstock (12)
"I have been wrestling since I was six My favorite thing about wrestling 1s winning"• Devin Ro t hrock ( 1 0)
"I sta rt ed wres t ling beca use my dad made m e, my f avo r i t e th ing abou t wrestling is t he pain I infli ct. 11
-Dakota Gulley ( 1 2) l\ost photos provided by Lat,fa Rothrock

Senior Ni ght is h ere so soo n! All the sen i or boys po se with their parents who are obviously swe lling w ith pride! Our proud sen iors include Nolan Holmes , Lexi Barret, Tyler Olson , Brett Hammontree, Austin Rickard, Evan Hanggi, and Scott Lubkeman.

,s a great game, ,t makes me happy It's been fun these past four years being w, th the team "
-Austin Rickard (12) "Keep on keeping on " -Brett H ammontree (12)
Team Demons Them Alameda 76 55 D'Evelyn 58 65 Conifer 72 45 Green Mountain 61 49 Arvada 77 48
Wheat Ridge 48 46 Lexi
air tim e duri Evergreen 43 52 Stanley Lal<e 58 37 Conifer 70 49 Alameda 67 45 Green Mountain 58 57 Develyn 59 79 Evergreen 53 55 Arvada 72 47 Wheat Ridge 78 46 jac} tt
"Dont be sad that ,ts over,
be happy
,t happened'" -Nolan Holmes (12)
Barr ett (12) gets

The boys Varsity team worked hard for their 11-4 record this season Practice starts early for the team , where they work on their fundamentals and shots during basketball class . and then , they roll into Coach Anderson's tough practice Th e time each player commits to their skills just shows their love of the game , which results in the amazing record they achieved this year The highlight of the season was beating archriva l Wheat Ridge two times They did a great job showing GHS what a l ove of basketball is all about.


,, :oach Anderson co n g ra tu lat es cott Lubkeman (12) p ost-free hrow. Tyler Olsen (12) makes a stylish backwa rds pass for a save _eft to Right : Rory Maccallum , Alexander Barrett, Evan Hanggi , Cole Greff , Nolan Holmes , Cole 1nnegan , Scott Lubkeman , Tyler O lson, Jesse Capaul, Brett Hammontree , Ryan Blodgett , Au stin {1ckard

The JV boys worked hard throughout the 2012-13 season. Trying out for the team is very tough and three had enough compet itive edge to swing up to Varsity, Nick Capaul (9), James McCormick (11) , and Bubba Nebeker (9) . With a 10-4 season, the team clear ly demonstrated their competitive nature T hey had a strong season with lots of promise in the years to come.


"It was fun " -J a me s McCormick

oo'--o~\ ( 0otnt~ , 31 3 ,oOLDt~ , oOLDt~ .,, f 21 J20 f. Left to Right: Nick Capaul, Mark Seah olm, Camero n Olson, Ian Jo h nson , Coac h Sund, Phil lip Katzman, Raul Sifuentes, James McCormick , Riley N ebeker
"I had a great time with the team " -Ril
ey Neb e ker
t I
was a good season, we had a lot of fun " -Ra ul Si fu e nte s ( 11)

"I've been playing sin ce th e seventh grade The coaches are tough'" - Th eresa M ye rs ( 10)

"I'm so thankful for all my teammates ; although ,t was a rough year , we are always here for each other'" - D a rr agh D o nn e ll y ( 11 )

"I've been playing since the fifth grade The game 1s so much fun " - Kai tl y n Gas p er ( 10)

Level C Girls Basketball

T he JV girls team had an exciting season, taking their talent to new heights as they finished up 8-4 Their team , most of who are sophomores, ensures that they can expect to keep meeting the i r team goals in the

coming year s T hese girls worked wel l together on the court and showed why hard work pay s off They had tons of fun and look forward to next season.

Left to Right: Ka itlyn Gasper, Julianne Enquist, T heresa Myers , Nicolette l ronshell , A shton Gomez, Brooke Dowell, Coach, Sonrisa Macharia , Brianna Dowell , Amanda Mallec , Mega n Myer , Grace Carlson , Darragh Donnelly

"I've been playing basketball for seven years I love the team All the girls are wonderful and I have so much fun w ith them every day "

M a dd ie M cFar lin (11) drives h a rd to the ba sket and beat s two defenders

"I coached for 17 years up in N ew Jersey, then retired and moved to Colorado I didn't expect to be coaching Coaching 1s like riding a bike You never forget Now, I'm nght back into 1t " -John Morales 0oi.n, .. '

Al ex Ambrozi c (10) shows off her beautiful form with a Jumpshot from the elbow

"I've been playing basketball since the 4 t h grade The hardest thing about this season was changing pos 1t1ons from post to guard The great girls on the t eam really keep me in love wi t h the sport " -Jessica King (11)

Sanders (1 O) BA9kETBAU GOLDE]
Alameda D'Evelyn Conifer GMHS Arvada Wheatridge Alameda Conifer Evergreen GMHS D'Evelyn Evergreen Arvada Wheatridge ' ·· Demons Them 63 44 47 33 70 54 58 26 34 38 43 48 65 6311 71 45 40 22 42 31 67 38 29 72 40 13 51
Riley Sanders (10) prepares for a killer boxout while her teammate takes her foul shots .
Darragh Donelly (11) takes on three opponents diving for the basketball

The girls on the Vars ity team had an uphill battle this season With three brand new coaches, these ladies learned to work with each other and their coaches. With a 12-12 season, they came out equal but between team sleepovers and lun c he s, these girls are tighter than ever Th ey are ready to take on a new season and new teams together The starting line up for the team includes four juniors, Maddie Murphy , Mariah Fluitt , Jessica King , and Haley Blodgett , and one beloved senior, Lauren Chacho Together, they will continue to develop a strong, ski lled team with tons of promise for the future Go Lady Demons!

I I '---
La uren Chacho (12) has a perfected "up-and-under" 11ove! Haley Blodgett (11) dominates the paint with height and put backs Top Row: Haley Blod gett, Darragh Donnelly, Riley Sanders, Grace Carlson, Coach Gill, Coach Mendoza, Madison Mcfarlin, Maddie Murphy, Jessica King, Lauren Chacho Bottom Row : Manah Fluitt, Alex Ambroz1 c

"When I was a freshmen I had really cool MVP Leaders , and I wanted to return the favor to upcoming freshman! I enJoy being there for t he kids and tutoring them for t he stuff I can help with and the stuff they migh t need from me " -Larsen

" I have a lot of fun being an MVP leader, and I get to know a lot of new peoplel I am a great leader because I work well with others and have lots of fun doing itl I enJoy tutoring 1f I can help them w,th t he subject" -Landri McGregor (11)

" I was an MVP leader because I wan t ed to make a difference and connect with new kids I am glad that I help make such a big difference m the school' I enJoy ,t and feel like I am helping people and that' s a grea t feeling ' " -Jamie Lamer (12)

The relat i on ship that an MVP lead er and a fre shm an m ake is a v ery important and can h elp contribute to th e success of the fr es hm en Th e MVP l ea ders help o ut th ese y o un g students , e sp eci ally when th ey fir st w alk 1n th e d o or Th e lead ers work v ery hard to keep up with their own sc ho o l work and mak e sure th ey are able to help o th ers as well.

The MVP Leaders have a very important job at GHS They are the mentors to our Freshmen . They spend the first semester with a specific group of incoming freshman and compete in fun competitions during ACE . The ACE class that wins gets a very nice looking trophy and rights to brag that they were the best group of in coming freshman However , the ACE class is more than just fun and games , the real work for MVP leaders is to mentor , tutor and show the freshman the Demon way This program is a very good pro g ram and help s Golden's future grow!

Student Resource Officer leaders have individual buddies that they work with all year. They make sure their buddies understand classes, tutor them, and deve lop a c lose relationship with one another . Being involved in SRO is a great way to make new friends , as well as forever changi ng the live s of peers around you Student Resource Officers are privileged to participate in season parties such as the Halloween party that was a great day of arts and crafts, eating and goofing around . SRO leaders help tutor during ACE, spend time Just hanging out and making memories that will last a lifetime SRO leaders are amazing and caring individuals who make the biggest impact with fellow students in the sc hool. They have the opportunity to leaders and friends to a great group of students '

Right : Brandon Begg (12) 1s an SRO Leader that has been making a difference for two years! Left : The Halloween Party was a huge success and lots of fun for everyone' There was a ton of food and lots of cool act1v1t1es

This group of SRO Leaders help their buddies all year and do a wonderful Jobi These leaders go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure their buddies have year-round help , friendship and guidance as well as keep up with their own respons1bil1ties 1n school They are dedicated to their work and en1oy spending time with friends and fellow students.

"I enJoy helping kids who need at and making a difference I learn things from my buddy and she learns thin gs from me I enJoy SRO because ,t 1s exciting being a person someone looks up to as a role model' -Amber Spawn (12)

"I enjoy getting to help people and be able to do some good w,th my buddy It 1s cool anteractmg with my buddy and being able to make sure they succeed'" -DJ Wolken (12)

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"The cool part of being an SRO Leader ,s you get to see school from a different person's perspective I really enJOY tutoring because ,ts th e best part of my day, and I get to feel smart for once!" -Alex Inscoe (12)


"The Golden Hi gh School Tee team usuall y brings home around twelve medals We compete in numerous compet 1t1ons t aking place at several colleges throughout Co lorado " -Mr. Aurand

The GHS Te e Team represents Golden High School in several engineering compet ition s across the state In the fall , students compe te in th e BEST robotics competition In the spri ng, GHS T ee team competes in Tec hnology Student Association ( TSA ) events They also compete in Co l orado Math Engineering Science Association

"My favori t e t hing about t he tee t eam 1s building things I also like the competitions" -Skyler Anderson (11)

c ompetitions and the Science Olympiad Some of the events that they participate in are roboti cs, catapu lt s, architecture, bridge engineering and video game design At the State competition in February, they received 3 bronze and 3 si lve r medals. The se talented students take their sk ill s and creativity to new levels They are able to gain valuable ski ll s that they can carry forward into their future career s, and it's a fun way to represent Golden Hi gh School.

Students start developing their design pl ans and are hard at work to bui ld magnificent engineering creation s

Above right: The creepy, animated robot the students worked on for th e State competition comes to life usin 5 fluid pres sure to activate it and lights, sounds and rotors are all triggered through programming to animate 1t Cody Rex ( Class of '09 ) serve s as a field mentor

"I the Golden H igh School Tee Team because ,t gives you the opportunity t o do th i ngs you could never do outside of schoo l " -Ben Lin (1 O)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

__ The Gay-Stra ight Alliance meets in order to di sc u ss topi cs revolvin g ., around creating equality between people of different sexualities It 1s sponsored by Mr . Ph ari ss and led by its pre sident , Ally MacDonald (9) . Students from all g rade level s are welcome to attend the meetings as well as any staff that wants to get invo lved. Togeth er, they brainstorm ways to assist people coming together as a whole to ce lebrate diversity in l ifesty le. They often parti ci pate 1n rallies for gay rights as wel l as attend co nvention s co ncerning the many importa nt issues we fa ce today GSA serves as one sma l l step in achieving eq u ality and social justice for everyone. Th ey always make it a priority to never exc l ude any one and to ensure that each individual feels comfortable and accepted no matter who they are or what t h ey b elieve in. It 1s a great organization for anyone to belong to .

Top row: Sabrina Stock , Ally MacDon ald, Ben Stock, Peter Darragh Bottom row: Sky l er Anderson , Genna Lambert , Danny Baile ss, Ra chel Ball , Willow Ball , Alisha Melliadis, Zoe Albright , Mr Phari ss " I Joined GSA because I believe that everyone deserves to have a voice Through GSA, I can help people who need to achieve that " -Danny Bailes s (12)
Left : Ally MacDonald (9) and others are working on a poster of sorts. Right : Sabrina Stock (1 O) and Ben Stock (9) are siblings that are both proud members of the Gay-Straight Alliance "I Joined GSA because there are a lot of friendly people here , and it 1s something I stand for GSA rocksl" -Sabrina Stock (1 O) "I Joined GSA because it is a really good cause It's also nice to be able to Join a group and get along with everyone because we ha v e something in common "-Jennifer Er ickso n (1 1 )

"The rafting trip was great I wanted to do something I hadn't done before and have a fun tnp outdoors with friends " -Ryder Zgbay (12)

"The rafting tnp allows studen t s t o get involved in experiential learning an d interact wi t h one ano t her in an environment t hat allows everyone to ge t to know one another in unique ways Plus, t here are a lo t of water f ights -Ms Hall

"Rafting was so much fun' M y favori te part was Jumping into the nver and go i ng on nigh t hikes Everyone had a lot of fun an d were very tired by the end " -Haley McManus (12)

The Jun ior Rafting Trip has been a Golden trad it ion for the past fifty years Fir st established by Dewain Wood and maintained by Bob H ayes (Class of '67) , GHS students an d staff have been taking t o the Co lorado, Utah a nd surround in g rivers for decades This yea r' s student trip was held the first week of June , 2012 Stude nt s had a great time tak ing to th e Yampa and gettin g 1n som e quick rapid runs , cl iff jumping , day h iking an d of course , overnight ca mpin g

Last April , staff members T a m sen Hall , Joie Norby , He at h er Clark an d Amber Baker-Hayes got a chance t o train for future rive r exc ursio ns, taking up post s alongside veterans Dewain Wood, Bob Hayes, John Morale s, Mike Mendoza , Rob Gill , Charlotte Maybury, Eileen Cook , Laura Golhoffe r a nd many other dedicated, ad venturous staff


Drumline makes a bang as they stomp their way down the halls , announcing the start of the Hom ecoming assembly Once the students arrive , the druml1ne shows off their wicked move s, and rocks the house with a percussion extravaganza Being a part of drumline takes hours of pr ac ti ce; they are always perfecting the smallest details, working to sychronize their so und and steps With a new sense of style, drumline is one of the most exciting parts of any event . Their performance s a re a popular part of any ga me, assembly or show. GHS drumline rocks!

"Good times were had, wonderful friendships were built but at the end of the day, the only thin g that really mattered was that we got to hit things with sticks " -Spencer Elliot (1 O)
"Drumline 1s amazing, we really are a big family and making music togther 1s even better"• Jenn ifer Erickson (11)
"Rhythm 1s in all of us and all of us are in rhythm One love " -Gage Conrad (12)

"I started Key Cl ub last year because i t was a great way to help out the community in a fun way that made me want to help I love how everyone 1s so friendly Anyone 1s welcome " -Krista Waldinger (11)

''Key Club 1s one of the best experiences I've had in high school It has opened up new opportunities and I encourage o t hers to JOm " -H eather Albre cht (11)

Key Club is a great way to help out the sc hool, people in need , and th e co mmunity Th ey are kn ow n for their work in the charity department From co ll ecti ng p ennie s for donations to gathering hoodie s for t eens, th e Key Club's effort s go a lon g way. Giving back i s a beautiful act of kindness the Key Club di splay s on a regu lar basis , not ju st for those who are less fortun ate but al so just helping out aro und the sc h ool. The Key Club volunteered to run the concessio n s stand at a Foren si cs tournament and had a fishing goo d time at Trick or T reat Street with the co mmunity kids!

Ad ve ntures are never en din g for Key Club Th e dozen s of charity jo bs they work with co ntinu es to grow In the end, the i r efforts to make a difference will pay off for both those whom they help as wel l as making an i mp act in th eir own lives

Left : One of the many ~t fundraise rs condu cted at thi s '.1~ school, th e Candy Cane Gram s mE are a del ici ous and sweet t reat ijl, that helps Key Club rai se money for World Vision , an ~1 organization devoted to / working with the poor and e oppre ss ed Below : Members ?al head down to Pine Ridge ,n June to help on the Lakota re servation Key Club ass embled and donated over 60 teen age necessity box es fo r the students there The importan ce of helping tho se 1n need i s alway s a top Key Club priority

Being a part of Key Club gives us the opportunity to do community service and be i nvolved in our school m a fun way -Erika l isa (11)

Rrg ht: FCCLA's float easily ,omplements the Olympic homecom ing theme this year, e d1splay1 ng the beautiful and nfamous Olympi c r ings

Below: Hannah Sh ea rer (11 ) 1n d Mo ll y Baca (11 ) are all mrles for the k id s at Tnck or Teat St reet!

FCCLA ( Family , Community, Career Lea d e r s o f Am erica) 1s a g reat , fun cl ub that run s m any volunteer act ivi ties, stages fundrai sers for peopl e in need, a nd co mp et es i n FCCLA co mpetition s. From the culin ary arts t o arts an d crafts, FCCLA i s a g rowin g grou p that proves the ir talent in more ways then one The mi ss ion of FC C LA is t o develop life skil ls through building character, creative and cri t ical thinking, inte rp ersona l co mmuni cation , practical know led ge and caree r preparation At th eir st ate co mpetition , th ey can com p et e i n a variety of areas , and they spend m a ny hours working out their co mpetition ideas In addition , they have st aged many fundraisers for several ch ari tie s a nd show no sig ns of slo wi n g down It is a fun club to be a part of , and we look forward t o seei ng all that FCCLA h as in st ore for the future The y are a c reative group whose skil ls sh in e through in a ll they do!

"FCCLA 1s a fun f amily consumer science club' We meet every wednesday dunng lunch and talk abou t the next thing we're going to do We do all sorts of work to help the community such as gathenng blankets for the homeless and bake sales for charity " - Ivana Ar cher (1 O)

"We love FCCLA because you get to help out the less fortunate "-Molly Baca (11) "I love being a part of FCCLA because I enJoy working with the different chant,es " -Emily I zzo (12)

The Forensics team has a lon g-stand in g hi story at GHS Each year they work on their craft in class and during practices to prepare for their best deliveries in public speaking, which cou ld range from debate to original oratory. Mrs Peters le ads this talented group of students through many h eated competi tion s.

Thi s year may be one of the best yet , our team taking home top honors in every competit i on they participated in Th ey co ntinue to work t owards individual and team goa ls and with some strong up and comers, there is a lot to look forward to!

"Forensics Where people talk to walls Never in my life have I seen so many people talking to themselves " -Cheyanne Zorzenon ( 11)
was the best season of Forensics everl" -Yuj1e Hu ang (12) "The best part about debate 1s that by the time you graduate, you will be an excellent conversationalist at cocktail parties'" -Lexi Sonnenfeld (12) Back row : Mrs Peters, Terran Coon, Jacob Pallas , Lorenzo Landucci , Erik Craig, Erynn Mitc hell , Sun J1nke , Yuj1e Huang, Alltx Smith, Danny Lu ksa, Leann Ibarra, Mr Sharp Midd l e row : Ashley Bellm, Cheyanne Zorzenon , Sage Windell , Cymry Sweet, Kendra Franklin Fro n t row Sophia Wubber , Hannah Trembath , Rachel H ilbrecht, Mi chael Tyrrel-Ead , Lexi Sonnenfeld, N oelle Cohn, Mallory Karr, Chandler Garcia , Dillon O'Reilly , Lisa Peters
ror< NSatu :ad
Members work hard to memorize and prepare their compet1t 1on selections

Na tional Honor Society is a great way for student s at Golden Hi gh School t o get re cog nized for their acadP m1c achievement The co mmitment and dedication that i s required to be in NHS is at an a ll time high, the expectation is that eac h stude nt must ca rry a minimum 3 7 GPA and commit to comm unity serv i ce hours before or after school. Academic de coration i s a great way to turn co llege heads and keep students involved in the sc hool Being a part of NHS is a wonderful way to meet new people, as well as get students involved in the co mmunity NH S students work hard to maintain good grades and must continual ly demonstrate strong leadership and strength of c hara cte r Th ey are wonderful role models for GHS

left: Trick or Treat street provided NHS the opportunity to share the wealth (of candy) with th e Golden community kids. Rig ht : Sarah Tasci (12) and Corinne Noui (12) help ou t wrth the weekly recycling , a task NHS picked up thi s year to h elp out the teachers, their classroo m s, the custodial sta ff and most of all, the environment! Way to go NH SI

"NHS is awesome' We love 1t alotl it's so much fun to be involved with something where we help the people of our community" -Jasmine Haver ( 10), Makayla M ar key (1 O)

"We are a collective group of intelligent md1v1duals who strive for the improvement of our community" -Nataleah Small (12)

"NHS works toward the betterment of society through committed service and effort "-Evan Mues (12)

- - -

"Spanish IV exposes you to cultures and people who t ruly love the language and everything that comes with 1t: plus the teachers are awesome!" -Evan Thompson (12)

"I've been taking spanish for four years and it's interesting I love ,t because ,ts more hands on and t hat's a great way of learning" -Sarah Tasci (11)

The Spanish club at Golden H igh School 1s one of our most active clubs T hey study th e Spanish culture, the language and also do many service learning projects. This past year , the Spanish club fundraised and took donations of school supplies for elementary students in Higura Blanca, Mexico After they finished fundraising , they were able to deliver the school supplies to the sister school in Higura Blanca , which was very rewarding Students in Spanish Club have many unforgettable experiences All 1n all, being a part of Spanish club es muy bueno 1


Ill ..
tc or th m m

The Golden High School French Club is one of the best clubs for practice as well as purpose They study the French language and culture by doing proJects and research , working with wrth a sister sc hool in Senegal, Africa The students spend time fundra1s1n g for the siste r school, committing their trme and attention to helping provide better conditions for the st udent s there More than just beautiful speakers members of the French club have great memories and alot to show for their partrcrpation Nou s aimons club franc;ais!

" French Club est t res chouette!n -Lex, Sonnenfeld (12)
• • • • • ,.' ..••• -
"Being in French Club 1s a really fun experience because i t' s a goo d oppo rt unity to hang ou t wi t h fr iends, and it's really cool to he l p out our si st er school in Senegal "-Adelle Klingenberg (12)
fNt6R aR TAJN L ~-s,--T ST ANT&B 166

"Two years of student council has been such a fun time, we do so many amazing things to he l p the school. and I am glad I have the opportunity to be a part of ,t" -Tess V ir

"As the Senior Class President I have a lot of responsib1ht1es but most ly, I try to set good examples for students , being a good leader 1s a great quality!" -Jord an Ko m o ras (12)


Middle left : Ryan Blodgett (9) Jasmine Haver (1


0 gro1~


Tubbs (12)

den ( 11 ) Mr . Gill gets taped to a pole by students for a Student Council fundraiser. 11m acceptanct 1am i ndus-io \amtespld \tm~~
Top left : Marina lntravia (11) and Mrs Eckenwiler sh ru
a re a lau g h g th e ir Student Coun cil trip O) Chris c uddling a ro und th e ca mpfi re ! Top right : Mrs Eckenwiler ge t s a ki ss on th e ch ee k fro m Landri McGregor (11)Below : So ph o m o re StudCo ge t s l r o wdy f o r Tri c k o r Treat Stre et!
* unior tuclco
"I really hope to be con t inuing studen t counci l through out high school. I enJoy ,t a lot We do a lot of fundra1sing and we set up fo r all the dances'" -Rya n Bullard ( 1 O)

Student Council is a great class for all those leaders out there! It provides more than just school education, it is a special group of dedicated leaders and enthusiastic students who work countless hours to make the events at GHS extra special. Each year a large number of people apply to be a part of student council but only the best of the best are selected In addition, each student class elects their student council officers to serve as representatives for their class. With their leadership , as well as those who make up the Senate body, their collaborative ideas and teamwork are put into action through dances, spirit weeks and so much more! They are led and supported by an amazing teacher , Ms Eckenwiler, whose energy makes each event and student-led idea a reality She is the wizard behind the curtain of student council's Land of Oz Without all of the hard work that Student Council does , Golden High School would not be the same

Maxwell Becker (11) keeps it classy during orientation

With the doomsday prediction made on the Mayan calendar, Golden High School made sure that they would not waste their last day on Earth StudCo put on "one last dance" as if the world was ending on the brisk night in December, 2012 Although we didn't experience a grand apocalypse after all , rt was a good excuse to spend time with good friends, black lights and plenty of neon. Thanks StudCo!

Neon-glow isn't Just a long-gone 80s fad Students had a blast with spray paint and glow sticks to show off In the black light , a creative way to stand out for these neon• crazy Demons Despite the doomsday pred1ct1on, this dance will live on for all the students who attended

An age old tradition, spiced up with a fun new tw ist. Ladies tap into their creative side to ask a special boy to the Sadie Hawkins dance To get everyone pumped for the amazing night, student council set up the annual spirit week . This year everyone dug into their closet for their best 11 thrift shop 11 wear, and the most spirited "country" outfits The theme applied to this year's dance was inspired from the movie, "Footloose " Student council transformed an ordinary gym ,nto a place to show that dancing will always be allowed in the gyms at GHS. With amazing decorations and fun activities to participate in, Golden High School students danced the night away with a smile on their face Everybody cut footloose!

Abov e: Br ad Holub (12) tests his skills on the bull nde, a perfect compliment to the Footloose theme and for many real bull nders at GHS A photo booth was also a fun feature at the dance and students posed for pictures in front of an elaborate backdrop At the end of the night , they not only took home
a photo
also an

Ou t side th e wa l ls of Golden H ig h Sc h oo l t h ere i s a w ho l e wor ld fu ll of poss i b i l ities Th e stu de nts and staff get i nvo lve d in a var i et y o f h o b bies, sports -..-r. an d acti vities i n add it io n to the m any we off er at G H S. Th ere are lots of creati ve ways t o pass th e ti m e i n an d a r ound Gol d en Demons a r e m ost defi nitely tale nted, involve d a nd mos t of al l, l i ke t o h ave fu n!

172 ,.
Sem students get 1n too deep on an attempt at downhill Scotty Lubkeman (12) works after school helping out at Golden Rec Brott (1 O) on the ski slope Je ss ica King (11) shows off her adventurous personality Zachary Spellman (1 O) prepares for his next snowboard run ProStart Catering is sure to be around to help out w it h GHS events! Andy Ruscika (1 O) gets ice time with his club hockey team Mr Christian plays wing for his club hockey team Callee Wilkinson's (12) love of horses gets her involved 1n Westina1res

JCar enthusiasts, like Danny Neelands (12) , are pretty common at GHS . Many students work on their own cars and motorcycles , some even working as part-time mechanics

Yul Moldauer (10) , 1 of 9 members of the Junior National gymnastics team, takes to the parallel bars. Art ists in Action 1s a Career and Technical Student Organization Danny Bailess (12) aka "Cube Master" can finish a rub1x in no time flat Kallie Cameron (11) shows off her skills 1n archery Mrs Norby designs , builds and remodels during her summers off Alex Cowie (1 0) , Gabe Connell (1 0) work on t heir skate tricks R1d1ng rails and taking to halfp1pes 1s a popular pastime for GH S students Interact Club works on community serv ice proJects Chanse Bemski's (1 0) view from the top as he is about to take the zipl1ne 1n Costa Rica

, Bnttnie Weinlauer , Kersti T aha , Kaitlyn Quirk, Lu ke Kovalcik Not pictured : Jenny Berganza , Sin n,ty Sa ndoval

"Yearbook 1s a lot of work, but t's all worth 1t at the end of the day" -Sinn1ty Sandoval (11)

"Yearbook is a really fun classt" -Lev, Martinez (12)

"Don't cry because it's over Smile because ,t happened -Dr Seuss" -Autumn Frankel (1 O)

"Yearbook opens your rnrnd to technology It 's intense an d hard work 1s involved But at the end of the day, we form a family" Jenny Berganza (12)

"Aft er doing yearbook f or two y ea rs I can say with confidence tha t I believe tha t 1 t 1s an u nf orgettable experience You and your f riends grow t ogether m the process of crea t ing some th ing f or m any t o see ind ' > treasure for many yea r s to come" -Brandon Begg 12)

"Yearbook 1s lrke a flower ; ,t blossoms " Jordan Kingsley (11)

"I loved yearbook! I learned so many nea t things'' -An ge li ca Lopez (11)

A wo rd fr o m o ur spon so r : Putting together the yearbook 1s a ma ss ive Job The students take the t i me to fi g ure out who , what , when and where for every moment that 1s captured Many kudos go out to Kalli e Ca m e r o n ( 11) for her outstanding layout design and commitment to a 10b that 1s oftentimes , quite th a nkle ss Spe cial thanks to Zoe M cN a ( 11 ) for fillin g 1n when 1t w as necessary Thank you to the GHS staff for your patien ce and support Most of all , thank s t o th e yearbook staff , who were dedicated to creating something to be proud of My JOb was easier be caus e Th they made 1t so To them I Ju st need to say · Th a nk y o u St ay Golden -Mr s. J Norby [___________________ _

1 G DEN HIGH SCHOO IIOMf Of TH[ OEMOl'S C"nlor rla~ O[d,, t $r h o /'. F.,lablish.-d 1£173
Bac k row : Chad Derby , Levi Martinez, Brandon Begg , Matt Borzcik , Alex In scoe, Je ssica King , Elli e H ig htree, Kallie Cameron , Mrs. N orby , Megan Pickthall , Brianna Prerwola , Autumn Frankel Front row : Angelica Lopez, Jordan King sley Sloane Ar c hambo

'Being t he editor t his year made me realize how i mportant i t 1s to work t ogether to ge t the Job done " Kallie Cameron (11) Managing Editor

"Wri ting Is my curse as well as my gift , some t hing I con t ributed until the very end This book 1s much more then a cat alog of bhssful memories , it 1s a t i me capsule , preserving everyone's serenity" -L uke Kovalcik (1 O)

"Yearbook can be great. 1f you part1c1patel" -Kenzie West (11)

'Yearbook 1s so amazing. you create bonds wi t h everyone 1n,J1ere, you know everyone and will forever " -Megan Pickthall (11)

"Yearbook has helped me remember the value of teamwork. N o person can do 1t by themselves We need each otherl" -Jessica King (11)

"Yearbook was really fun I enJoyed being able to hangout with my friends I enioyed going out and taking pictures , and I learned how much work 1t takes to create the yearbook If I had to do 1t over again I wouldn't change anything 1t was so much fun "-Chad Derby (1 O)

"Yearbook 1s such a fun class Mrs N orby 1s the bombl" -Kersti Taha (11)

"Yearbook 1s like a lollipop, it's good until its gone " -Brittnie Weinelauer (10)

"I have learned so much and have had tons of fun in yearbook" -Kaitlyn Quirk (11)

The Golden High School yearbook staff works very hard all year to pull off an amazing publi cation They have dedicated hours, in and out of school , to get the right interview s, storie s and amazing photographs It takes teamwork and patience to get the work done right , but in the end , it's worth it to know that all the effort pays off and a year's worth of memories demon strate a job well done! 175


Mu:,~ A.'A~O\A.j 1:,a.f-ea.

It has been an absolute JOY watching you grow into the athletic, handsome young man you are No matter what you do or where you go from here , we will always be by your side Follow your dreams and work hard for them

-Love always, Mom , Dominic, and Tiny Casey1 Awe, we are so adorable' You have been my best friend since before I can remember I am so lucky to have someone like you You're more than my best friend, you're my soul sister and you always will be You are beautiful and I love you' I can't wait to see where our live s take us!

-Love , Hay '})al-\\.\j


"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world!" "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you " Hold Jesus w ith you

-Love always, Mom Lexi, As you navigate the waters ahead, don't ever forget how much we love you We love your smile and sense of humor, your strengh of character and the JOY you bnng to every one around youl Thank you for the many gifts you have brought to our family'

-Love, Mom and Dad

Mu:,~ A.v..~O\A.:J 1,ar-ea. Michael ,

When you were born I was so happy to see your little face and to know you were my first grandchild. The years have gone quickly and you have grown into an amzing young man I am so very proud you are my grandson

- Love you always, Grandma Tina Case,

In spite of ignoring you for most of your first 15 years, I am so lucky to have you as a sister as well as one of my best friends Thanks for always laughing so much Can't wait to see all the amazing adventures waiting for you!

Love, Allison



T here ARE p lenty of fish in the sea!!

-Mom and Omar

Lexi, Climb high and d r eam big! We love you!

-Chloe and Mia •

l..,e,(~ fl~


We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished Continue to work hard and reach for your dreams, as we know those will be your reality one day We love you more than words can ever say Stay true to yourself and your faith WE LOVE YOLJII!

-Dad, Mom, Jax , Cam, & Shy

C;:i~ 'B~

To My Darlin' Casey Ann a, I hav e loved watching you grow up from our spi r ited , cu t e g irl with dimple s into a beautiful young woman I lo ve you and look forward to your next chap t er!

-Love you cakes, Mom and Dad


al.\'Aj 'B~

Danny Boy ,

A s a kid, you got on my nerves a l ot, but I still love you , be ca use you are my little brother P.S. I still remember that LM S ,ce 1nc1dent LOLI Find the magic in this d ay Do ord in ary things ,n ex traordinary ways Wi sh on your stars!

-Love , Omar Lexi , It was such a happy d ay when you ca me into our l i ve s, and you are a swee t and amazing gra nd son! Always know how mu c h we love you.

-Love , Grandma a nd Grandpa

Breanna , you have been such a Joy-we have been so blessed as parents to have you as our sweet , beautiful daughter We are so proud of you and all of your hard work these last four years and exc ited about your next big adventure - college' We love you, Mom and Dad

C;:i~ 'B~


You are my favorite littl e sis ter Rememb er when we graduated from preschool ? I have loved watch in g you play soccer Good lu ck after g raduation!

-Love , Brendan !

"Q ,II

Wow! You're all grown up We a r e so proud of the you n g man you h ave b ecome a n d are so excited for yo ur f uture !

- Love you forever , Mom and D ad

You are st ill making us laugh Congratu lat ions, we are very proud of you We wish you happiness , love and success We are excited to see where th e futur e brings you Wherever that 1s , we'll always be there to cheer you on l We love you, Dad , M om and H eather




The greatest gift in honor is havi n g you for a daughter

Love you! Dad

It i s hard to believe t h at you went from this sma l l person to a young man. Continue to follow your dreams .

Love, Mom and Dad

k~f=4 ~

Keith , I am so proud of the Godly man you have become, and I can't wa ,t to see what God holds for your future Calling you my brother and friend is one of my greatest joys Always walk 1n His wisdom and strength I love you


1 Corinthians 16 : 13-14


Seniors 20 1 3


You are amazing!

I a m pr oud of you an d yo u r accomplishments

T he wor l d is now yours to explore

Love, fo r ever an d always, Mom

b ~'A


Throughout your journey, you have overcome many obstacles to become an AMAZING young man I greatly admire your strong character of integrity and empathy for others' (As well as your gift for fixing my computer!") I am truly proud to call you "my" son!

Love eternal , Mom <3



We love you so much!

We're so blessed to have you as a brother and as a best friend We will always cherish the time we get to spend with you You will always be our buddy You are becoming an awesome man of God

-Sir Fightmaster & Alex Fightmaster

1 Corinthians 16 13

{~l.¼Uj b t"'O~

Gage, I love you so much!

Congrats! I hope that you beautiful voice takes you all of the p l aces you want to go' I' ll miss you so much when you go off to whatever fancy music school you go to Thanks for everything you've done for me

Love you , Lil ) 180

We love you very muc h !

G r eat j ob !

T im, Lori and Co nn o r

Madison, a sunshine with two legs! You promised me that you would stay five forever ... you have broken that promise to become the beautiful woman you are . Stay strong , and reach for the stars!

Love you , Mom

Taylor- You have become such an amazing and talented person I'm so proud of you and your accompli shments I know so much more lie s ahead

Remember you are stronger than you know , incredibly loved and you will always be my monkey

Love , Mom



We are amazed at what you have done You've set records since your first day! It's awesome to watch God mold you into the man He wants you to be Seek Hrm always!

Love from your biggest fan club , Mommy & Daddy

Duet . 31 : 6 ~('~\.\a.

Most of us don 't need anything more than a true friend you can be sil ly wit h

-Love Emily

Jae,~\\ ~ O\\'aLittle Jack ,

We are so proud of you You make us laugh and bring us Joy You have come so far and we are excited to see what your future holds We love you lots!

Love, Mom and Dad



I'm so proud of you Keep up the hard work and you will go so far Always remember I love you sooo much.


We are so proud of the young man you have become We are very exerted to see what God has in store for you



Dad, Mom, Lisa, and Jeremy ~ ('~\.\a.

If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart I will stay there forever -Demi


Work it g irl! So glad we go t here in time to t each you the essentials, t an nin g , fashion, and fun Nev er forget the he ad tilt!

Lov e your gu t s!

Jen & Lu c

b O\\\M,€. Cr-<~

Bonnie , you have grow n in to suc h a beautiful, co nfid e nt young woman and we are so proud of you Your future i s bright, we know you'll do well 1n whatever you do We love you!

M om + Dad

Lo~ ~ \,\l«-ac,~

Congratulations, Lo ga n! Keep a smil e on your fa ce, an d your heart o p e n ; w e love you! We're rea lly proud of you

Love, J+ L

~o\~ Q.~Ho~

Molly , you were born ready to move , leavin g spark le s a nd rainbows in your wake! Remember the lamp for your path , the li g ht for your feet so you ca n st ep out in ce rtainty . H e brings you out to brin g you in We love you dearly!

Mom and D ad and f a mily

You'll always be my little girl!

I love you, Dad

b O'A\M,€. Cr-<~

Bonnie ,

Now that you are going to college , who am I going to be twin s with ? I love you sooo mu c h and I am going to mi ss you when you leave! Thanks for all of the laughs and support you have g iv en me! I love you, good luck , Megan Ccle

The last 18 years we have been blessed watching you become the person you are today Thanks for the laughter , joy & love you have shared with us Our world is a better pla ce because of you! Rea c h for the stars!

-We love you!

-Mom , Dad & Alix

Dear Katie,

We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments so far We can 't wait to watch you continue to succeed and reach for your dreams . With all of our love , Mom and Riley bear

I I ' '
182 • -

A.vJe.. 1::re\a.. ~«:..

May the wind always be at yo ur back , and the sun sh in e on your f ace

I love you, Miss 8.

-Gra ndm a Cheryle

A.\,o'A HucGOlM1

To my wonderful daughter All ison, You have a bright a nd exciting future ahead

We are proud of you Love, Mom + Dad


What a thrill the last 18 years have b ee n ! You are a swee t , a nd cari n g gentleman an d I am very proud to call you my son!! You h ave turned into a fine young m a n and I know you will go far in life.

Love you bun c h es!!

-Mom Dear Katie, Mo st of all, I am proud of how you hav e manage d to be true to yourself during a time of your life when loyalty and in sec urity are often te sted I know you will always c heri sh your fnends and there is not h ing more important in life than that Dad

We can't wait to see what comes next! Know that we couldn't love you more , and that we will alw ay s keep you in Banda 1d s!

Love , Mom & Enc

Thanks Wes for being you

It's been an incredible adventure watching you grow up We are so proud of who you are , and look forward to al l the adven tur es that life has ahead ! Congrats

Love you, Mom , Dad , Kyle, and Avery

Live your dreams Morgan!

We l ove you, Mom , Dad, T aylor , and Travi s

Dear Aaron : you have a lw ays h ad the b est smi le so e nthu sias ti c! Thi s world 1s so lu cky to be blessed with your presence Keep pushing th ose p ebbles

Lov e, Mom

18 3


Emily , You are a wonderful daughter

No one is more caring than you We know you will be successful 1n whatever you attempt.

Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for al l your future endeavors

Love you so much Mom and Dad

A~ C 'teJJiA~

Congratul at io ns Au stin ! Al ways r eac h f o r th e st a rs! I l ove yo u ! -M o m

~('~C,~~ ~\,\j

Dearest Princess , it's been a quick 18 years of f1ght1ng, head cracking, screaming, reconciling , and repeating I can't believe you're finally venturing into the world Just remember enJoy where you are in l i fe, because 1t moves so much faster than you cou ld ever 1mag1ne1

Love, your wise & brilliant sister

Ste ph e n , Y o u h ave b ee n su c h a j oy

t o have as our so n W e a r e privi lege d t o b e yo ur

p a r ents a nd we a r e so p ro ud of you. A s yo u co ntin ue yo ur j o urn ey, we wi l l a lways b e w ith you in your hea rt , an d you i n ours.

Love, Mo m an d Da d



W e're so proud of th e

b ea utiful p e r so n y o u' ve

b ec om e Kaity-Bu g! 'Oh ,

th e pl aces you w i ll go ! '

Alw ays a nd f o r ev e rLove, M o m + D addy

A~ C 'teJJiA~

Con g r atul ati o n s Au stin !

W e lo v e y o u!

Gra ndm a and Gra ndad

~j\.\ ~('~~-e

M addy Kat eYou a re a r a re tr eas u r e a nd your m o mm a love s y o u -Mom



Dy lan, we have watched you grow into a wonderf ul young man Now it 1s time for you to mark your path and set out on new adventures, 1t see ms like Just yesterday that you we re five Treasure this t i me in your lif e, you have so many choices

We are inc r edibly proud of you and our love fol lows you Love Mom and Brent


~.;\.\ ~ ~

You're the be st si st er ever! T h anks for always being there.

I love you, Logan

P S Any c h ance I can h ave your room now?

A~ C '/eJ..M~

Congratulations Austin! We love you!

-Grand ma a nd Grandad

AvJr-eJJ rr~'A

Drew , We a re so proud of you and love who you are Mom , D ad , Cameron and Ja de

~.;\.\ ~~


Fr iends and fashion1stas since 1 st grade I Congratu l ations Ka1tyln and Shannon

Love you , Mom + Dad, M / M Davis

~~\,\ r~c-e

H a rri son, we are so proud of all that you have accomplished in your life H ow wonderful that you have so much ahead of you!

We know that you will c h oose your path carefully Vaya con dio s Love, Mom and Dad

AvJr-eJJ rr~'A

You are the best brother In the world! We love youCameron and Jade

3)j~ Qo

Dylan , You're go in g to co lle ge.

I'm goi n g to mi ss you very mu c h I hope you hav e fun but remember to co m e back to see me While you are gone I' ll be sure to take ca r e of the stuff in your room

I love you, Scotty


Shane, "Today you are you, that i s truer that tru e, there is no one al iv e th at is youer th an you " -Doc t or Seuss We are h avi n g so mu ch fun watching you grow into you . You are cou rageo u s, funny , styl i sh and kind We are proud o f you!

Lov e, Mom and Dad

18 5

"The big question is whether you're going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure "

We are so proud of you, and can't wait to see what life has waiting for you' Thank you for bnng1ng us laughter every day' Love, Mom , Dad , Patrick , Annie


Congratulations to my sweet baby boy! I love you with all of my heart W i shing you love and success as you embark on a new journey May all of your dreams co me true!

Love, Mama

We knew this day would come , we just didn't know 1t would come so quickly It's been a blast to watch you grow up We couldn't have asked for a better daughter Best wishes for a bnght future and remember to always reach for the stars'

Love , Mom and Dad


Jack , It was not long ago you were the baby of the family Now , you are graduating from high school and entering college in the fa l l.

I am proud of what a great young man you have become Much love , Grandpa Nespor


Congratu lations little one! Enjoy college and always remember how much I love you!

Love , Kenny

~\.\ 'NoVOAAj

Carson, congratulations man! I'm proud of you!

H ave a great time in college. Keep your head down and stay focused on what you want to do and who you want to be I'm here when you need me

Love, Griffen


I know you wish you could still h old me like this :) I am so proud of who you a re becoming!

Th anks for being my best friend and sister ! ! !


Jack, You are # 1 1n our hearts, whether 1n the goal or behind the plate for the Demons As this picture shows, we knew you would also love playing hockey The college you choose will be very fortunate to have you With much love and pride, Grandma and Grandpa Kimball

-Joseph Campbell
\ \ I I

C~\\ ~V~j

My little buddy, ever since you were born I knew you would grow up to be a wonderful young man who has brought a smi l e to my face and heart and I am so proud of you. I love you son ! Now ge t a job!

-Tommy Novotny


falAJo\\ ~-82

Thanks for giving us the joy of bein g grandpare nts for the first time. You are such a constant joy and we love you very much!

Never give up on your dreams. Congratulations!

We are very proud of you.

-Gra mmie and Gramp1e


You wil l a lways be my l beautifu I babygi rl !

Love you!!! Mom



We are incredibly proud of you and the wonderful young man you•ve become We are exc ited for you as you enter college and look forward to watching you learn, mature and grow into a terrific man

We love you dearly and are certain you will succeed!

Mom and Dad

~\,\ ~Vcl\Aj

Congratulations young man I I am so proud of you!

Love, Sar bear xoxo

lt1s an honor to call you son and big brother' Your family adores and loves you tremendously You should be so proud of yourself! You did ,ti Congratulations' Your future 1s ,n front of you , tackle ,t and enJoy You got th1s1 Mom , Dad, Eric , Chy , Bre , Daydan, and Elan Ille<.~~

Congratulations! All the hard work paid off! Keep being yourself and you will reach your dreams

We love you, Mom a nd Steve

We are so blessed to have you 1n our lives We are proud of you for your accomplishments , but mostly for the person you have become As you go forward ,n life , remember to -Smile!

-Believe 1n yourself

-Follow your dreams

We love you, Mom and Dad


Thanks for being such a great big brother! Congratulations and good luck!

Love , Spencer

Michael, I just want you to know how very proud of you I am You are a wonderful kid and I know you have a very bnght future ahead of you Remember to always work hard and follow your dreams I love you more than you will ever know!


Abraham Lincoln on ce wrote about the importan ce of having "a gentle but firm, and certain hand "The ch1ne se wnter and phy s1can , Han Suy1n , put 1t this way · "There 1s nothing stronger 1n the world than gentlenes s "

This remind s me of you and your father Love , Mom

J\Jalj¼'A ~~'A

We are so proud to be your parents! All of your hard work has paid off!!! Always know we are here to support you

Love, Mom and Dad xoxo

Congratulations! we are so proud of you and how hard you have worked. We can ' t wait to see what happens next . Have fun!

Love, Mom and Dad

You have been the perfect big sister, and role model. Thank you for being 1n our lives and shanng your spirit. We will miss your guidance , hugs , humor and being with you every day -Jake and Shea

We are so proud of you! You are an amazing young man and so talented Thank you fo r entertaining us t h rough high sc h ool. You are going to soar through college and beyond!

Love Mom, Karter, and Clark

Good l uck sis. Ride the horse of life and neve r let go Keep on keep i n on. I love you! Love, T

~\or ~~.c;A.J,,./~

Your b,g brown eyes, dazzling smile and wonderful sense of humor along with your 1ntell1gence and many talents will take you far rn life You have really grown into an outstanding young woman Keep rt up 1 Love you forever, Mom and Dad


You are far more than we could have ever hoped for as a daughter , si ster and fnend

Take God's grace and blessings with you and let your light sh i ne brightly on the wonderful , exerting road ahead Love you to the moon and back a m1ll 1on times Mom and Dad

Loo k at you now, m y

h ow yo u h ave c ha nge d Love, M o m a nd D ad


W e have wa t ch ed yo u

g r o w , f ro m yo ur fir st

d ay i n ki nd er ga rt e n t o a

b ea utiful , sm a rt a nd

a mb it io u s se n io r i n h ig h

sc h oo l. Th e fu t ure 1s

no w in th e p a l m o f yo ur

h a nd s Co ng r atul ati o n s!

Love, M o m a nd D ad

You have enriched our lives so much with your pos1t1ve outlook and lovin g attitude

You are a beautiful , bnght and amazing young woman with great potential for a fulfilling life We are very proud of you and love you so mu ch Mom and Dad

H ay,


I can't be l ieve that we are graduat1ngI F1ght1ng by the swings seems like 1ust yesterday! We have gone through so much together and I cannot wait to see what adventures we are going to come across In this new chapter of our l,vesl Love you sIsterI -Casey

You wil l a l ways be my wi ng woman and t ogether we'l l conquer the world I - Love, Brook

H ey sis, Fr om bu ild i ng g in gerbread

h o uses at t he cabin to buil di ng a b ri ght future, yo u r sisters w il l always be by yo u r srde!

Good l u ck, Er ikka a n d M onika

~ ~ a\a- '

A'A~ ~OV\~~

May you grow up to righteous

May you grow up to be t rue

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surround i ng you

May you always be courageous

Stand up right and be strong

May you stay forever young

Love you forever , -Momma

~GOU-j wbl<~

Little brother, co n g ratul ations on graduating I'm so proud of you! I ca n't cal l you tiny any more You have b eco m e a young man and I look up to you I am lu cky to have the best brother in the world!

Lov e, Bi g brother

Brian , We are so proud of you and the man you have become! You are a great kid and 1t was fun growing up with you Follow your dreams and remember to laugh often and love much We love you very much and w ,sh you the best life has to offer

Love , Mom and Dad

'B r~ ~'

Bretty, You're su c h a great bi g brother! I love you so mu c h a nd I can 't bear the thou g ht that yo u'r e al r ea dy go ing off to college Don't forget to "rooster" at parties!

Lov e, Holly

Keep on keepin on! You're a super star!

Love ya , Anni


Dear Scotty , Everyone knows that you were born to be a demon We know that you were also born an angel What a wonderful gift you have been to this family We are proud of you for graduating , and know that you will continue to live your GLORY DAYS in the future The only thing bigger than your heart ,s your muscles' We love you , Mom and Dad

Our baby!! Wow you did it! Way to goWe are so proud of you! Th e future is yours!

Fly high A l !!

Run hard Turn left!!

Love , Mom & Dad


Brett , Congratulations on your accomplishments so far! We are very proud of everything you are a wonderful so n , a loving brother, a great friend and a n honorable and i ntelligent young m a n . You will a lw ays have our love and support!

Love, Mom & Dad


Clancy, It has been so much fun watching you grow up I'm proud of you for showing everyone the fantastic person I always knew you were I know this 1s Just the beg1nn1ng and you are going to do amazing thing s with your life little brother

Love, Kelly-Lite

A.'A~ l.,ex~ ~O'A~.eJ.

Bon Voyage, mes enfants!

Je te'aine touJours!

xoxoxo -Momma

Jorclj'A k~

The first step to greatness 1s bel1ev1ng 1n yourself We are extremely proud of you and all of your accomplishments' I love you and will miss you so much -Sam

I love you very much and am very proud of you for serving our country -Blake

We love you , Mom , Dad Blake , and Samantha

Alex , I can't believe you are old enough to graduate h igh school. Congratulat ions, it's over!! You are a great l ittl e brother and uncle Remember to concentrate and you will do amazing things Good luck on your next adventure and keep creating the thunder!

Matt, Janine , Madison , H ailey, and Wesley

To Ryan, We are so proud of you and whom you have become Life 1s a wonderful, exciting Journey, so go on and experience ,ts fullness May God bless you 1n college w,th happiness, peace, health , and good friend s to share it all with John 5 15

Love , Mom and Dad

We are so proud of youi It has been fun watching you grow up Your love of country , especially the military, 1s awesome We hope that you keep flying high through your life The best 1s yet to come and we can 't wait to see where this world will take you

Love , Kevin, Stephanie , Katie , Allison Courteney , Megan & Gianna ~~Qoc,~

Stevie, Yo u have finished strong and your best days are yet to come . We love you

"bigger than anything . "

Mom and Dad

"Je noud so uh a ,t e de bonnes voyages" -Lexi

~~\e. ~c.Ca\\

Michelle, We are so proud of the yo un g woman you h ave grown to be M ay your w i sh es and dreams come true.

Love, Gra ndm a and Grandpa Th o mp so n , yo ur au nts, uncles , an d co u sin s

'B r~.J

From the moment you were born, I knew you were a special soul. The beautiful energy of your compassionate heart inspires everyone around you, making us all better people for knowing you I am so honored to share this wonderful life as your mommy and best friend Love you baby

We are very proud o f you! You will be #1 to u s always. Foll ow your dreams .

We love you, Dad and Ni cole

My daughter , you were my first child and had to bare through me learning to be a father Every mistake I made, you punished me by f,11,ng my home with laughter and song Every stupid action of mine, you chastised me with unconditional love Thank you for changing my life.


From wearing ones1es to laughing so hard the moose comes out , this past year plus has contained the most enJoyable memories I could have ever expenencedl I'm extremely proud of you for not giving up , and making ,t to the end Congratulations' You truly are an amazing person , and have changed my life m such a positive way You're my hero , and I love you , to pluto and back!

<3 Kenzie

Follow your heart and your dream s will come true

-Our co n g r atulation s a nd love, Grandma and Grandpa Ro ss

Elija , Thank you so mu c h for inspring me every day I'm so bles se d to have you as a role model. I love you so very much and good luck out there!

Love, Dori

We grew up together and you taught me to open up to all that life has to offer with excitement and passion N ow I know that's what you are going to do I can't wait to see where li f e takes you' Congratulations- Alex We love you Anna - M om and Dad


Proverbs 3 : 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings ; in all your ways acknowledge Him , and H e will make your paths straight "

-Love , Mom and Dad


Congratulations . Don't forget our days as PIRATE / ARTISTS

Love , Luk e

Calee , you have been such a g reat si ster and I love how close we are I'm go in g to miss you when you go to college! H ave a great time b ig sister!

Love , Troy

~-<f ~ l<

No matter what you achieve, as long as you want 1t and 1t makes you happy , you are a success Continue to laugh and smile

Love always , Mom

f="Ya\.\ 1\.0LMf!;.O\.\

Where did time go?

Congratulations and good luck next year.

Love , Mom and Dad

Ca lee, you are such a blessing Your accomplishments have been huger Follow your dream s, be happy , and enJoy life

-We love you, Mom and Dad

Zach , You are a great brother

Thank s for always being there for me




We are so very proud of the wonderful young man you have become Work hard and be true to yourself and you can accomplish anything .

We love you, Mom and Dad


~2 ssem ,

121 , 122 , 178

Barker, Ian 32 , 89

Barker, Laken 44 , 142

Barne s, Enc 32

Barnes , Mitchell 55 , 159

Barne s, Moni ca 20

Barr, Anna 20

Barraza -Vaquera Maritza 32

Barrett, Alexander 55 , 146 , 147 , 148 , 178 , 179

Barrett, Chloe 44 , 163

Barrett, Man a 20 , 134

Barrientos Quinton 6 7 55 121 , 122 179

Barroso , Joshua 56

Bartlett, Emily 44

Bau g hman , Conor 43 , 44 , 136,


Baughman, Shannon 20

Baxter, Raeley 32 , 131

Be c ker Angela 77 78 81

Be cker , Maxwell 15 , 44, 111 ,


Be ckett , Alys sa 44

Bedinger, Morgan 20

Bee ch , Tobias 44

Begg, Brandon 56, 69 , 174 , 175

Belcher, Hunter 20

Bellavance, Natalie 44

Bellm , Ashley 44 , 56

Bemis , Konner 2 , 3 , 32

Bemski , Chanse 32

Benfield , Miranda 20

Bennett , Myles 44

Bentosino, Kahealani 20

Berg anza, Jennifer 14 , 52 , 56 ,

64 , 72 , 174

Bergstrom , Erika 44 , 132 , 133

Bergstrom Jake 20, 88 , 148

Berkowitz, Skye 20

Berry Amanda 30 31 32 149

Best, Rory 78 , 126 , 127

Billings , Kevin 2 , 3 , 32

Billing s, Shannan 44

B1rkelo , Kristine 17, 44 , 142

Bishop , Elena 17 , 32 , 134

Bi shop, Kara 32

Bi shop , Michael 56

Blackstock Bradley 56 121 144

Blea, Denise 20

Blin coe , Jeremy 78 , 123

Bliss, Olivia 43 , 44, 111

Blo ck , Hannah 2 , 3, 30, 32 , 131

Blodgett, Haley 44 , 150, 151 ,

168 , 169

Blodgett, Ryan 15 , 17 18 , 20,

Brillar, Evelyn 2 , 3 , 32

Bnttain , Joplyn 20, 118 , 119

Brogan , Connor 32 , 92

Brogan , Emily 54 , 56 , 180 , 181

Brott, Garrett 2 , 3 , 32 , 172 , 173

Brown , Ashleigh 44

Brown , Brooke 32

Browning , Sean 56

Brunel , Natalie 20, 111

Brunel , Ni cholas 44

Bruno, Casey 18 , 19 , 20

Bruno Ciera 45

Brusenbach , Cierra 56

Bry chel , Ryan 57 , 180

Bryson , Jan 8 , 78

Bryson , Tanner4 , 5 , 45 , 167

Buckendahl , Gregory 20

Bullard , Ryan 2 , 3 32 140, 148 , 168

Bur car Scott 78 , 85

Burcar Weston 57

Burns , Alexander 45

Burrows , Samuel 20 ,


98 , 99 , 101 , 110 , 111

Clark, Alexa 21

Clark, Danielle 57

Clark, Hayley 33

Clark, Heather 78

Clark, Lari ssa 6 , 78

Clark, Louis 33

Cleveland , Tobie 133

Clouse , Brianna 45

Cobb , Samuel 33

Cochran , Rebe cca 45

Coe, Leah 33

Coffman , Cory 33 , 111

Cohen , Sharon 78

Cohn , Noelle 33 , 142 , 143 ,

168 , 169

Collin s, Dirae 21

Colu cc i , Chris 78 , 81 , 126, 127

Com1tor, Catelyn 33

Conklin Matthew 33 41 86

139 , 140 , 168

Connally, Katelyn 30 , 33

Connally, Matthew 57

Connell , Gabriel 33 , 173

Conrad , Gage 52 , 53 , 57 , 60, 75 , 111 , 159 , 180

Conrad , LIiy 14 , 33 , 98 , 111

Conroy, Bnan 76, 78

Conroy, Ian 21

Conroy, Kendall 45 , 164

Contrera s-Olivas , Cesar 57

Conway Jason 78 81

Cook , Alexis 33 , 98 , 100 , 111

Cook , Caty 78

Cook, Eileen 6 , 78 , 81

Coon , Terran 33 , 162

Copple , Grant 33

Corchary, Katherine 45 , 129 , 130

Cordova , Brandy 21

Corley, Brett 33

Cory, Samuel 21

Cotten , James 45

Couch , Mackenzie 33

Coulter, Josephine 33

Coulter, Katalene 33

Cousineau , Chris 77 , 78

Cowie , Alexander 33

Cowie Ian 18 19 21

Cowie, Paul 19 , 21 , 138

Cox, Christopher 21


Baker Baily 32 Baker, Cade 20

Baker, Eugene 32

Baker Gavin 7 , 8 , 44 , 84 , 126 , 127 , 145 , 165

Baker Jessika 55

Baldry, Brittany 55 , 74 , 192

Baldry, Kelan 44

Balint, Bryton 55

Ball , Ra chel 44 , 90, 157 , 170

Ball , Willow 20, 157

Ball -Peterson , Nicholas 32

Ballard , Jasmine 16 , 44

Ballard , Justin 20

Balme s, Casey 55 , 74 , 178

Banks, Gavin 20

Bant a, Andrew 32 , 111

Banuelo s, Anthony 44

Barber, SonJa 20

Barela , Dominic 44

Barela, Mi chael 6 7 16 17, 55

147 , 168 , 169

Bloom , Joseph 32

Bo ckmann-Rose , Olivia 32 , 111 ,


Bollen , Megan 78

Bong, Jackson 56 , 121 , 122 ,


Bonham , Nicholas 44 , 122

Bonn1cksen , Keegan 20 , 111

Borden , Wylie 32

Borer, Jacob 32

Borzc1k, Matthew 7 , 14 , 56 , 66 ,

126 127 174 175

Boudreau , Lindsey 32 , 116 , 117

Bowker , Bailey 32 , 122 , 144 ,


Bowker, Brandon 20, 111 , 112 ,


Bowker, John 56

Bradford , Anthony 9 , 44

Bradley Nicholas 44

Braley, Daniel 9 , 43 , 44

Brannan , Brianna 20 111

Bray Hale , Kylen 56

Breen , Jerrad 44

Breer, Jack 4 , 5 , 44, 136

Bre sl er, Gabrielle 44, 116 , 117

Br ewington , Megan 32 , 111

Cauley, Isabella 21 Cavazos, Rayne 21 , 22 , 23 , 123 Cerrillos, Cassandra 111

, Lauren 6 , 7 , 57 , 75 , 107 , 150, 151 , 163 Chaet, Brittany 21 Chaet. Shelby 45 Chaney, Jordan 33 Chariton , Rachel 33 Chavez Olivas, David 57 , 61 Chavez , Kasandra 21

Chavez , Omar 33 Chavez , Victor 45 , 93

Cheatum , Amanda 45 , 51 , 85 , 132 , 133 , 142

Cheatum , Ian 9 , 45 , 51 , 122 , 144

Cheatum, Kathryn 42 , 43 , 45 , 51 , 132 , 133 , 142

Chen , Cody 45

Chesbro , Peter 42 , 43 , 45 , 110 , 111

Childerston , Gavan 21

Chrenko , Chase 21 , 111

Christenson, Cole 8 , 45

Christenson , Jake 21

Christians, Jon 78

Chrysler, Torrey 21 , 29 , 93 , 126

Chrystler TJ 29

C1eluch , Jordan 21

Cito , Rhett 21

Claar, Chase 21

Clanton, Charlotte 15 45 , 84 ,

Cox , Kyle 33

Crabb , Sydney 21 , 130

Craig, Erik 57

Crawford, Dana 45

Crawford , Keaton 57

Criss , Bonnie 57 , 182

Cnss , Megan 21

Crook, Bambie 21

Crook, Cory 45

Crow , Tamara 57 , 72

Crowley, Casey 33

Crowson , Tyler 45

Cruz, Dominique 21

Cullumber, Julian 45 , 164

Cummings , Kathy 76 , 78

Cunningham, Jordan 45 , 136, 137

Cupp Dustin 33

Curtis, Jamie 33 , 87 , 142

Cusack, Jaxon 21 , 111 , 126

Cust,c, Amir 33

Czarnecki , Katherine 21


Dalton , Clancy 33 , 93

Dalton Maxwell 57 125

Damhoff BenJamin 21 , 29 , 109 , 111

Damm , Samantha 58

Daniels , Chase 21. 123 144

Darragh, Jackson 14 , 17 , 53 , 58,

, Peter 14 , 33 , 157

Mahd, 53 , 55 , 72 , 111 121 Ackman
Tatem 44 , 171 Adam s, Branden 32
166 Adams
Richard 11
Letiti a 78 A g ranoff
Ethan 20 Aguilar , Sophia 32 Ain sworth
Erinn 44 Albert,
Anel 20 Albr ec ht, Heather 44 , 160 Albre cht. Jenna 44 Albright , Zoe 20 , 157 Alexeyev Yegor 32 , 122 Allen , Conner 20, 89 Althen , Bo 55 , 74 Althen , Chase 32 Alvidrez , Fran cis co 44 Ambroz1 c, Alexandra 32 150 151 Amery Lada 32 Amo s, Andy 20 Anderson , John 76 , 78 , 140 , 141 , 147 , 148 And e rson , Kenneth 52 , 53 , 55 Anderson , Rebekah 20 , 142 Anderson Skyler 44 156 157 Anderson , Tawnie 44 Anderson , Trenton 20 , 138 Andrews-Howards Jonah 32 Aparsheva , Marg areta 32 Aparsheva , Peter 14 , 55 Aparsheva, Violeta 42 , 43 , 44 Applehans , Breaunna 20 Archambo , Sloane 42 , 43 , 44 , 174 , 175 Archer, Ivana 30, 31 32 , 41 , 161 Ardehali , Arianna 20 Armenta , Alexis 55 , 111 , 179 Armenta Timothy 20 Arner , Savannah 32 , 110 , 111 , 126 Arnold , Samuel 55 , 67 Aurand , Gian 20 Aurand
Agos ,
, Scott 78 , 81 Autry, Jasmine 20, 111 Ayala, Geneva 31 ,
Ayaqu1ca , Ja1r 42 , 44 , 85 (B)
Tanya 77 Baals, John 2 , 3 , 32 Ba ca Molly 15 44 161 Badilla-Viveros , Luis 5 , 78, 88 Bagha1e , Madison 52 , 55 Ba1den , Donald 44 , 136 Ba,les s, Daniel 55 , 157 , 178 , 179
126 Butler, Mi chaela 57 Bye , Kristofer 20 Byrne, Jen 126, 127
Alexi s 20, 111 Calderon , Victor 2 , 3 , 32 Cameron Kallie 45 171 173 174 , 175 Cameron , Taylor 45 Campos , Sophia 57 Capaul , Jesse 32 , 147 , 148 Capaul , Ni chola s 20, 148 Carder, Za chary 32 Carlos, Tomas 42 , 45 Carlson , Grace 33 , 149 , 150 , 151 Carman , Brynna 33 , 142 Carman , Grant 20 Carter , Elizabeth 15 , 45 , 110, 111 Caruthers ,
Luke 21 Caruthers , William 45 Castell , Savannah 33 , 111 Castillo Aguilar Pedro 57 Castrellon , Alic,a 30, 31 , 45 , 54 , 89 , 129
Dasch , Morgan 14, 33 142 Davis , Cassandra 45 gi Davis Kaitlyn 58 93 176 17 7, 41 184 185 Davis , Lesle, 78 Davis , Logan 33 Davis , Stephanie 76 78 De Berard
45 De
on 45
Deane , Larsen 58, 75 , 99 11 0, 111
2 1, 88 Denk, Karli58, 107 Dennis, Hannah 33 Denniston , Branden 45 Denzel , Anna 33 Derby, Chad 30 , 33 , 17 4 1 15 Derby, Chase 33 DeRock , Cohn 45 Deuser Manly 79 Dewoody, Tanner41 Di Lorenzo Alec 45 D, Lorenzo , Kaycee 18 , 19, 21 89 tt1 • I"t Dickens, Brianna 21 gt Dickmeyer, Alanna 17 , 45, 116 i:rt 111 Ir, D1G1acomo , Julianna 45 Dilworth , Michael 9 , 45 D1rnent , David 42, 45 D1zayee , Aryan 45, 86 Dolan , Alec 21 Dolan , Luke 42 , 45 , 136 137 Dominguez-Amezcua, Ale1andra 33 , 129 , 130 Donnelly, Darragh 45, 89 149 150 , 151 Donnelly, Maren 19 21 149 , 150 Dowell , Brianna 45 , 149, 150, 160, 163 Dowell , Brooke 33 , 149 , 150 Dowell , Noah 21 Drake, Landen 21 Drake, Mackenzie 21 Drake, Sadie Maye 46, 111 Drewes , Till 33 Du Varney, Jonathan 18, 21 Du Varney Sidney 15, 17 42 46, 168 , 169 Duden , Jacob 21 Duesterbeck , Michael 58 176 , 188 Dugan, Devin 21 Duhnkrack , Logan 52 58 6? 75, 136, 137 , 182 Dukem1nier, Cassandra 46 171 Duncan Dylan 58 Dunson , Kristen 21, 54 128, 129 , 130 Duran , Destiny 33 Duran , Lavette 21 Dushinsk1 , Anya 30, 34 161 Dute , Siena 21 , 126 Duvall , Seth 58 , 111 , 181 Dym , Zackary 22, 156 (E) Eakins, Judy 79 Eckenwiler, Amy 8, 79 161 , 168 Efeoglu , N1han 58 Ehrenstrasser, Alixandra 46 Eich , Ande 58, 177 , 182 183 Eisenbach, Jaime 58 Elliott, Adam 14 34 138 Elliott, Breanna 46 Elliott, Spencer 14 34, 111 , 15~ Ellison, Gregory 34, 138 Emerson , Courtney 42 46, 88 118 , 119,147 Enemas, Joseph 2, 3, 34, 41 ' '1 ft lo "a J
, Molly
La Cruz-Contreras, Jer
, 138
Demeyer, Chnst1ne 78
Dylan 18, 19,

Sanrhes-Munoz Marcos 50

Sander-Olhoeft, Grayson 67

Sanders, Avery 26

Sanders Riley 14 38, 150, 151

Sanders-Maes. Katlynn 50 87

Sandoval S1rinity 43, 50, 86, .74

Sanford, Sophia 26, 131

Santana, Lorenzo 50

Scanu, Monica 26, 111

Schalhamer, Onan 50, 98

Schellsm1dt, Dylan 67

Scheltinga, Fred 11, 50

Sch1mpeler, Jaelyn 67

Schmidt, Jasmine 38

Schneider, Andrew 38

Schneider Desiree 7, 15, 50, 111 163

Schneider, Monah 50

Schroeder, Everett 2, 3, 38

Schroeder, Nathaniel 67

Schumacher, Andrew 50

Schumacher. Danan 26

Schumacher, Kaylena 67

Scoggin, Manah 50, 161

Scott, Mathara 26

Seaholm Mark 2, 3 38, 136 , 137 148

Seaholm, Michael 43 50 , 169

Seela Kaylene 16, 42, 50

Seiwald, Randi 13, 38, 88, 142

Selcer Ryan 50 , 122

Sellers, Hannah 26 , 118,119

Sellinger, Isaac 38

Selzer, Barbara 80 81

Shackett, Jay 80

Sharty Gretchen 14, 76, 80. 81

Shaundell, Lance 26

Shearer. Hannah 15, 50, 87, 104 154, 161

Shearer, Laura 67, 75

Sheehan, Allison 50

Shelley, Hannah 39

Shelton, Nicholas 26

Shephard. Emily 26, 130

Shephard. Justin 42, 43, 50

Shepherd, Alexandria 27

Shepherd Rebecca 27

Shepherd, Samuel 27

Shipman, Katelyn 39, 126, 127

Shira, Cohn 27

Shoemaker, Leola 80

Shorey LIiiian 27

Shottenk1rk, Kyle 39

Sides, Erin 67

Sides, Westin 27

Sifuentes-Aldaba, Jesus 50, 148

Silva, Dylan 67, 144

S;mmonds, Alexandra 2. 3, 39, 142,143

Simmons, Julia 39, 118, 119

Simonds, Baylee 39

Simpson, Joseph 27

Singer Matthew 39

S1vey, Torrey 50

Smail, Anna 67

Small, Jeshurun 27, 98

Small, Michaela 50

Small, N ataleah 68, 75, 87, 99, 111 163

Smith, Amanda 68

Smith, Ashley 27, 111

Smith, Brooklynn 39

Smith Chauntalyn 68

Smith, Nicholas 9 16, 50, 136, 137

Smith, Rebecca 39, 41, 118, 119

Smock, Kristin 80

Soderstrom, Karl 27

Sonnen feld, Alexa 52, 68, 74, 162, 165, 176, 190, 191

Sonnenfeld, Annalise 68, 165, 176 190, 191

Sower, Daren 80

Sparks , Mary 39 , 111

Spaulding, Katherine 80

Spawn , Amber 54, 68 , 128 , 129, 155, 163

Speiser Dana 39 100

Spellman , Zachary 39, 172

Spence, Natalie 8 , 68 , 126 , 163

Spurner, Luke 27

Spurrier, M1kayla 50, 131

Squier Kyra 50

Stanbro, Raeanne 27 134

Stander, Masun 39

Stark, Christian 50 92

Starkey Samantha 14 , 39, 168


Stauffer, John 50

Stengel , Elizabeth 50 , 105 , 171

Stephens, 8nanna 39

Sterling, Carmen 27, 111

Stewart, Kylie 27

Stifflear Kevin 68, 176, 183

Stock, BenJamin 27 , 99 , 157

Stock , Sabrina 39, 157

Stodghill Coleson 27

Stone , Dary,an 27

Stoner, Hannah 2 3 , 39

Strange, Sally 50

Strong , Ashley 80

Strotman , Neal 27

Stumpf, Dakota 27

Sun Jmke 10 , 68

Surratt, Morgan 27

Suzuki-Ward, Cassiopeia 27

Swartz , Ian 13, 27

Swartz, Samuel68,97 , 154

Sweet. Cymry 39 , 142

Swim, Matthew 6 , 7 , 68 , 121


Tafoya , Cathryn 39

Taha, Kerst, 14 50, 131, 132 , 174, 175

Talbot, Al 80 , 93

Tamburro , Jacob 39

Tanton, Adalynn 52, 68 , 74, 128, 129.177, 188

Tapia , James 27

Tarvin , Aerin 50 , 142

Tasc1, Sarah 4, 50, 164

Tatro-Vargas, Tanner 69 192

Taylor, Ben1amm 6, 7, 53, 69

Taylor, Kyle 39, 163

Taylor, Ryan 50

Taylor, William 42 , 50

Terrell, Nathan 9, 39

Terry, Jolene 30, 31 39, 41, 88, 111

Terry, Lacey 67, 69

Tessean, Elise 9, 42, 50, 166, 167

Theodorakos, Anna 69, 192

Thiede , Rebecca 39, 142

Thoemke, Andrea 39

Thoemke, Courtney 50

Thomas, Aimee 65 , 69, 154, 168

Thomas, Andrew 27

Thompson, Autumn 50

Thompson, Daniel 27

Thompson, Ellen 80

Thompson. Evan 69, 74, 164, 193

Thompson, Kentaro 27

Thornquist. EhJah 69

Thorshe1m, Corinne 27, 105

Thorshe1m, Lindsey 27, 111

Thum1m, Michael 80

Tibbetts, Elizabeth 80

Tinaiero, Juan 50

Tolbert, Zachary 69

Tolliver, K1mana 27

Toms, Morgan 69, 75, 183

Toon, Ashley 27

Toot, Ban 76 80

Topper , Thomas 28 , 123

Townsend, Andrew 39 , 138

Tracey , Elizabeth 50 , 111

Trammell, Curtis 2, 3 , 39, 140

Trask , Sarah 51

Tre1tman , Ol1v1a 39 , 126, 142

Trembath, Hannah 51

Trev1th1ck , Brand, 39 , 41

Tripp , Janna 80

Trollan , Mariah 55 69 , 98 106

Trunko , Beniamin 69

Trunko , Christopher 28

Tubbs , Christopher 8, 52 , 53 , 69,121 , 122 , 168 , 169

Tubbs , Katherine 30, 39 , 129, 171

Turner KC 39

Tuten , Mclloyd 28

Tyrrell-Ead, Anthony 46 , 51 113

Tyrrell-Ead , Michael 46 , 51 91

Tyrrell-Ead Robert 7 46 51 , 126



We,sbeck Pippen 70 , 192 , 193

Weiss , William 28

Weller Mary 80

Wernars , Breanne 51 , 111

West , Mackenzie 51 , 131 , 132 , 175 , 192

Westerfield Collin 51

Wheatlake , Burton 70 , 116,

136 , 141 , 158 , 188

Wheelan , Robert 28 , 93

Wheeler , Kelsey 40

Wheeler Shannon 70 , 72 , 107 , 113, 185

Whitaker Kelly 51, 142

Wiebe Kevin 70

Wilkins , Mikaela 40 , 84 130

Wilkinson Calee 63 , 70 72 , 116172 , 193

Wilkinson , Thomas 28

Wilkinson Troy 31 , 40 92

Willbanks, Kelsie 40 171

Williams , Akeys 40

Williams , Christine 77 , 80

W1ll1ams , Donald 70 , 179

Williams , Duncan 40, 122

Williams , Erinn 2 3 , 40

WIiiiams Evelyn 40

Wtllrams , Ryan 51

W1ll1ams , Tyler 70

W1ll1amson , Natalie 51 , 87 118 , 119

Willis, Garrett 29

W1ll1s , Jennifer 51

Willis John 28

WIison , Elizabeth 51

Wilson Rebecca 28

Windell , Sage 40 , 142

Wineland , Tera 6, 61 70 74, 116 , 117 , 189

Wingert , Hayden 51

Wise , Andrew 40

Wisehart Jesangelyn 28

Wisehart , Joseph 40

Witters Hicks, Shane 70 , 126 , 127

w,tthohn , Alec 51, 99 , 110

Wolf, Gabrielle 2 , 3 40

Wolfe , Austin 28 , 140

Wolken , Dylan 70 , 155 , 166

Woodart , Rhonda 77

Worsw1ck , Jennifer 40 , 41

Wright. Aubrey 70

Wruble , Gerald 28

Wubben , Sophia 28 , 126 , 142

Wyckoff, Hunter 51 , 122

Wynn , Sydney 40 , 110


,Jared 80

Ye , MingXin 40

Y, , Hee Young 51 142


Waggoner Shelby 28 134

Wagy, Kayla 70, 111

Wainwright, Jesse 6, 7 , 70 , 72 , 121,122 , 163,171

Waldinger , James 28

Wa ldmger, Krista 51, 132, 133, 154 , 160, 163

Waldman, Sabrina 51, 111

Wa l ker, Ty ler 39

Walkup , Jordan 51

Wallace, Acaz1a 28 , 111

Walters, Madeline 39, 116 , 117

Ward, Stephanie 28, 89

Warners, Breanne 42

Wasinger, Easten 2, 3 , 13, 39, 92,144

Watkins, Blake 51, 86

Weese, Samantha 39, 142

Weinelauer, Bnttnie 40, 174, 175

Y1 , Masha 2, 3 , 9 , 40 , 41 , 111

Yoshihara , Bryan 80

Yoshioka Nao 10 51

Younger , Austin 70 , 90, 177 , 184 , 185

Youngmark, Jacob 28


Zerbest , Donavon 9 , 51

Zgabay , Ryder 70, 136 158

z,ehr , Cory 40

Z1ssel, Samantha 40

Z1to l 1, Grace 28

Z1to l 1, Joseph 28

Zorzenon , Cheyanne 51 , 162

Zukin , David 80

Zwahlen Elliot 28

Ashley 39 , 111
nstopher 51 Valdez EhJa 69 , 111 , 192 Valdez , M1don 14 , 39 Valladares-Palma , Jose 28 138 Van Lerberghe , Austin 39 89 Van Lerberghe , Noelle 19 28 Van Metre, Judy 28 Van , Breanna 69, 179 Van , Mallea 28 , 89 VanDeusen Ashleigh 2 , 3 , 39 Veers , Emma 80 Veers , Margaret 69 , 110 , 111 , 132, 133 Veldman , Brett 39 Verleger , Molly 80 165 Vernon , Megan 39, 142 Versailles, Ty 13 , 42 , 43 51 Verschuur Vaughn 43, 51 Vess , Connor 51 , 193 Vess , Zachary 69 , 193 Vickers, Madison 28, 126 Vickers, Morgan 51 87 161 Vigil , Madison 39 , 142 Vigil , Sara 51, 108 164 Villa, Sydney 28 , 111 , 130 Villanueba , Devin 28 V1llanueba Enc 70 Virden , Margaret Jane 18 , 19, 28 , 149 , 150 V i rden , Tess 51 , 168 Voit. Edward 51, 85,
1 1 I ------,._-------------------------- ----------- --_.......,_ -------------------- -----------------------. -----..._ ------------- -.........._.-._~ ---------------___ ---..-..___ __ --------------------. ---------------

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Shortly before the second anniversary of the 2010 oil spill 1n the Gulf of Mexico, BP reaches a settlement with thousands of businesses and 1ndiv1duals hurt by the spill

Terrified Theatergoers

In Aurora, CO, actor Christian Bale and his wife Sandra Blaz1c v1s1t the memorial that was created for the v1ct1ms of the mass shooting that occurred during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises

Felix Baumgartner Takes a Leap

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks a world record by jumping from a space capsule almost 24 miles above ground

A " -
Hurricane Sandy hits New York, flooding transit tunnels and prompting President Obama to sign an emergency declaration for the entire state. The Jersey Shore copes with widespread flooding, power outages and property damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy. Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl shot by the Taliban because she campaigned for the education of girls, is named Teenager of the Year by The Muslim Times.

Mortgage Sweet Mortgage

RATES Mortgage and Home Equity

Homebuyers benefit from favorable tending rates as the stow economy keeps home mortgage interest rates as tow as 2.94 percent

Chicago Teachers Strike

After the Chicago Teachers Union fails to rxach an agreement with the city, more than 26,000 teachers and staff walk off the job


Congress Teeters on Fiscal Cliff

To postpone $109 b1lhon 1n federal budget cuts. Congress passes a compromise bill that raises taxes on the nation's wealthiest.

Morsi Becomes Egypt's President

Egypt holds a democratic presidential election, and conservative Muslim candidate Mohamed Mors1 ,s declared the winner

Benghazi Attack Kills Ambassador

Armed attackers kill Ambassador J Christopher Stevens and six other Americans at the U S consulate ,n Benghazi, Libya

Dragon Capsule Concludes Mission

With the safe return of the SpaceX Dragon capsule, NASA successfully completes its first commercial supply mission to the International Space Station

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Three weeks after the Sandy Hook tragedy, classes are relocated to the former Chalk Hill Middle School in nearby Monroe, CT. MOur collective strength and resilience will serve as an example to the rest of the world,· tweeted the principal from Newtown High School. The troubled Hostess Brands, Inc. shuts down operations. signaling a probable end for the once-popular Twinkies snack cake. The United Nations launches a $1.5 billion aid effort to bring food, clothing, shelter and medical supplies to Syrians fleeing more than two years of war.

Vice Presidential Candidates Debate

Vice President Joe B1den and Republican vice pres1dent1al candidate Paul Ryan debate a wide range of issues in Danville, KY

First Family Appears at DNC

President Barack Obama accepts his party's nomination and addresses the Democratic National Convention m Charlotte, NC.

Election Map Shows Key State Wins

With a total of 332 electoral votes, Barack Obama easily exceeds the 270 electoral votes he needs to win the 2012 pres1dent1al election

Obama and Romney Debate

President Obama faces his challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, 1n a debate about domestic policy at the Un1ve rs1ty of Denver 1n Denver, CO

• Clint Eastwood Acts at RNC

Ons t age at the Republican Na t ional Convention in Tampa, FL. Clint Eas t wood pretends that the empty chair beside him ,s President Obama.

In Washington, D.C., President O for his second term at a public ce the nation's 57th presidential Ina

Obama 332 Ro~ 206 Voters in the 2012 election faced long lines at the polls across the country, especially in key battleground states such as Virginia, Ohio Despite high unemployment and a slow economic recovery, President Barack Obama wins a second term in the White House. and Florida.

U.S. Women Win Soccer Gold

Thanks to two goals by midfielder Carll Lloyd and a cnt1cal save by goalie Hope Solo. the u S womens soccer team defeats Japan for the gold

Missy Franklin Swims to Victory

After winning four gold medals and one bronze at the Summer Games, swimmer Missy Franklin still plans to swim for her high school in Aurora. CO.

Usain Bolt Sets Record

Jamaican Usa1n Bolt wins the 100 metac, event in 9 63 seconds, setting a new Olympic record and cementing his reputation as the fastest man on Earth

U.S. Defends Men's Basketball Title

The U S men 's basketball team, led by NBA star LeBron James, defends their Olympic gold title by defeating Spain 107~100

Allyson Felix Runs for Gold

Sprinter Allyson Felix wins the Womens 200 meter final. It Is one of three gold medals she takes home from the Summer Games

Michael Phelps Pools His Winnings

Michael Phelps swims to his 18th gold medal and his 22nd medal in total making him the most decorated Olympic athlete In history


Oscar Pistorius Wins on Artificial Legs

South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius is the first double-leg amputee to compete in the Olympics He took home two gold medals and a silver

For the first time in 12 years, people with intellectual challenges are invited to compete at the Paralympic Games for physical and intellectual disabilities

• ,,
The U S. beach volleyball team of Misty MayTreanor and Kern Wash Jennings win their third consecutive gold medal The " Fab Five ~ (also known as the " Fier ce Fi ve") of the U S women 's gymnasti c s team w i n th e go ld for the women 's team c ompetition

Freshman Wins Heisman

On the 40 -year anniversary of freshman eligibility, the He1sman Trophy goes to the first freshman In its history, Texas A&M quarterba c k Johnny Manz1el.

NHL Lockout Shortens Season

After a 113-day lockout. the National Hockey League reaches an agreement with the players ' association , resulting in a compressed season

Timothy Bradley Unseats Pacquiao

A hotl y debated , spl1t -dec1s1on victory for U S welterweight

Timothy Bradley ends the 15 - fight winning streak of F1l1pino boxer Mann y Pacqu1ao

Australian Surfs to Victory

Joel " Parko " Parkinson wins his first Association of Surfing Professionals world champ1onshIp title and the Pipeline Masters on the same day

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Williams Is Named ITF World Champion

For the third time, Serena W1ll1ams earns the World Champion women 's pnze from the International Tennis Federation

C. Til'o,vGotty /msg" for NASCAR

Golfer Rory Mcilroy Wins World Title

Northern Ireland 's Rory Mcilroy is the world 's No 1 golfer after winning the Deutsche Bank Champ1onshIp and the BMW Champ1onsh1p

In tosAngel NewJe

Baltimore Ravens Win Super Bowl XLVII

In a dramatic game interrupted by a power outage at the Superdome in New Orleans. the Ravens defeat the San Francisco 49ers 34 -31

Indiana Fever Jinx the Lynx

The Indiana Fever defeat the defending champion Minnesota Lynx 87 78 In game four of the 2012 WNBA Finals

LeBron Scores Another Award

$ports Illustrated names basketball superstai;.J.eBron James of the Miami Heat their Sportsman of the Year for 2012

Garrett Reynolds Rolls to Rule

In San Francisco, cyclist Garrett Reynolds takes home two Dew Cup champIonsh1ps for the BMX Street Cycle finals and the BMX Streetstyle competition

Stacy Lewis Is Queen of the Greens

U S professional golfer Stacy Lewis wins four LPGA titles , the most on the year 's tour, and Is named the LPGA Player of the Year

g~J,tr major flnaJs, Scotland's Andy wins tfi.e U.S. Op~n Men's Singles tonshlp by defeatlng defending champion okoVlo.

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Win Awards

At the 46th annual CMA awards , m arried c ouple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert take home th e year 's highest honors in c ountry m usic

AMA Calls Carly

Carly Rae , whose song " Call Me Ma y be " 1s a surprise hit. 1s named Ne w Artist of the Year by the Ameri c an Music Awards

Ocean Considers Fiction

Breakout music star Frank Ocean tells an interviewer that he might write a novel because he enJoys the s tor y telling aspect of music

fun. Releases Second Single

After the success of last year 's " We Are Young, " fun has high hopes for ,ts latest single, some Nights "

Shakira Wins AMA Award

Colombia 's global pop star Shakira wins her fourth AMA statuette. bringing home the award for Favorite Latin Artist.

PSY Is Most Watched

With more than 854 million hits, the viral video of " Gangnam Style " by Korean pop star PSY becomes the most-watched YouTube video of all time

The Lumineers. a folk-rock band from Denver, receive Grammy nominations for Best New Artist and Best Americana Album.

After appearing at the Summer Olympics, the popular English-Irish boy band One Direction releases its second album, Take Me Home.

Singer-songwriter Luke Bryan's singles, like ·Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye,~ are climbing the pop and country charts.

It's Nicki Versus Mariah in "Idol" Feud

Dueling American Idol judges N1ck1 M1naJ and Manah Carey swap insults and threats on camera and via Twitter

TobyMac Inspires AMA

The American Music Awards choose TobyMac E,IS the year's Favorite Contemporary/lnsp1rat1onal Artist

Pink Enjoys a Career First

After 12 years in the music business, Pink finally achieves a No 1 album with the success of her newest release, The Truth About Love

Rapper Supports Veterans

Flo R1da contributes his talents to the "Got Your Six " campaign, which helps combat veterans return to CIVIiian life

Taylor Swift Achieves a Record

With the release of Red her fourth studio album, Taylor Swift 1s the first female artist to release two albums w ith sales of $1 million.

CMA Celebrates Hayes

At age 21, Lou1s1ana native and mult1 -1nstrumentahst country star Hunter Hayes 1s named Best New Artist at the CMA Awards

Justin Bieber duets with Nicki Minaj, brings his mom up on stage and gets a kiss from Jenny McCarthy at the American Music Awards. The South Carolina Christian music band NEEDTOBREATHE wins the Dove Award for Gr.>up of the Year. Los Angeles -based solo artist Cassadee Pope garners the most viewer votes and becomes the first female winner of The Voice.

iPad Mini "' Debuts

Shortly before the holiday shopping season begins, Apple launches the iPad mInI, a small tablet computer.

Readers Hail Return of Teen Demigods

Novelist Rick Riordan publishes The Mark of Athena, the third book in his popular series, The Heroes of Olympus

• Teen with Cancer Narrates Novel

The Fault in Our Stars Is a fiction bestseller about a romance between teens who meet in a cancer support group.

• Electronic Gamers Cheer Fl FA Soccer 13

The latest version of the popular game allows players to analyze plays and create new offensive opportunities

• Nintendo Opens Virtual Theme Park

Gamers and their M11 characters explore Nintendoland, a virtual theme park featuring attractions based on Nintendo game worlds

• Boom Cube Turns Up the Volume

The powerful, miniature Boom Cube"' speaker hangs from a keychain and sets your MP3 tunes free from your earbuds

• Jump Up and Just Dance 4

Just Dance 4 is the latest version of the chart-topping dance game, featuring new songs, new workouts and s,x rounds of dance-off battles

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ICJ-.. RlORDA Nintendo releases its new Wii U game console, which features high-definition graphics, an embedded touchscreen and up to 32 GB of Fla sh storage. Apple's 13 -i nch MacBook Pro with Retina display features a stunning, high -resolution screen and an equally stunning $1,700 price tag. The fuzzy Furby toy returns. with sophisticated technology that allows this chatty, lovable toy to learn to tell jokes and play games.

Teens Discover Their True Identities

Switched at Birth 1s a popular television drama on ABC Family about two girls one rich and one poor, who learn they were switched as infants

Viewers Flock to Ragsto-Riches Reality Show

Duck Dynasty on A&E introduces the ecce(l!nc Robertson clan, which made ,ts millions by making and selling duck calls

Beastly Drama Is People's Choice

Beauty & The Beast. a drama about a hom1c1de detective with a puzzling and tragic past. wins the People's Choice award for Best New TV Drama.

Learning Step by Step

A former ballerina turned Las Vegas showgirl must start a new life as a small town dance teacher in Bunheads on ABC Family

New Girl Comes Back for More

Jess (Zooey Deschanel). Nick, Schmidt. Winston and Cece return for a second season of Nev, Girl on FOX

Honey Boo Boo Makes the Most Fascinating List

Seven-year-old reality star Alana Thompson, better known as "Honey Boo Boo, makes Barbara Walters 11st of the years most fascinating people

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Finding Bigfoot 1s a reality program that follows investigators as they search the wilderness for evidence that Bigfoot is real. Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock solves cases in New York, with help from Lucy Liu's Dr. Joan Watson in Elementary, a new CBS drama. The eagerly awaited third season of Downton Abbey on PBS features a guest appearance by Shirley MacLaine as a wealthy Arnerican mother-in-law


The People Choose Jennifer

Jennifer Lawrence, star of The Hunger Games series and Silver Li nings Playbook , wins the Favonte Movie Actress award in the People ' s Choice Awards

James Stars in Here Comes the Boom

.J t Kevin James stars as a bu r ned-out biology teache r turned mixed mar t ial arts __,~ hero 1n the feature film Here Comes the Boom


Robert Downey Jr returns as Tony Stark to face new enemies and overcome

A Wizard Finds His Way

In Oz· The Great and Powerful, James Franco stars as a sma l l-time magician who is transported to the Land of Oz

Caveman Family Discovers the World

Ryan Reyno l ds and Emma Stone lend the rr voices to The Croods. a 30 compu t er-animated comedy adventure about the world's first family

How Superman Began

Henry Cavill stars as Cla r k Kent. a Journalist who is baffled by his superhuman powers He fin ds hrs life's purpose when evil invaders attack the world m Man of Steel.

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• Downey Dons
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frdnco DutwmE'l Col 1mb Pic'ure courtc<.y E t£"tt Co/tee! oo
Skyfall, sta rrin g Daniel Craig as Agent 007, mak es $87 8 mill ion in its firs t weekend , the most su
sful op e ni ng of a n y Bo nd
film Fans of fantasy flicks head to the theaters for Rise of the Guardians, a 30 animated film from OreamWorks Animation based on the popular book series Bette Midler and Billy Crystal star as trad.ltf,p grandparents who are baffled by thelr Vcintl in Parental Guidance.

Wallflower Blooms on Big Screen

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, adapted from the book of the same title, tells the sto•y of a shy high school freshman and hrs quirky friends

Breaking Dawn Breaks Box Office Records

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn - Part 2, t,ve finale to the vampire romance series, is No 1 at the box office for three weeks ,n a row


Downey Is a Fan Favorite

Voters for the People's Choice Awards choose Iron Man star Robert Downey, Jr as the year's Favorite Mov,e Actor

College Singers Perfect Their Pitch

In Pitch Perfect, Anna Kendrick stars as a college student who inspires a mismatched a cappella singing group to achieve hilarity and harmony

A President Earns His Place in History

Lincoln, a historical drama based on an award -winning biography, depicts the last four months of the legendary president's hfe

Soundtrack Album Tops Charts

The movie soundtrack for Les Miserables, featuring performances by Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried, reaches the No 1 spot on the Billboard 200 chart

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In the animated feature film Wreck-It Ralph, an arcade game character wants to be a hero Instead of a bad guy, but his well-Intentioned plans go haywire. Nineteen -year-old Suraj Sharma stars in the movie adaptation of Life of Pi, about a teenagdr and a Bengal tiger who survive a shipwreck The Hobbit: An Unexpect e d Journey is the fir s t of three films adapted from J R R. Tolkien' s n ove l about a reluctant adventurer in Middle Earth.


Minis Are Major

ltttle dresses and short skirts go over Jeans and leggings by day

At night , they go solo for dances and dates

LED Headlights Turn Heads

Drivers who love making their cars stand out on the street add LED headlight strips to create colorful , futuristic effects


• "YOLO" Is Favorite Catchphrase

Rapper Drake and actor Zac Ephron popularize YOLO an acronym standing for wyou only live once .~ Time magazine names 1t one of the year's top buzzwords

• Cowboy Boots Are Cool Again

Western style makes a comeback on runways and campuses Classic cowboy boots are paired with short skirts or cropped pants

Trends Point to Nail Art

Adhesive nail -art kits make outrageous manicures easy and affordable Options include animal patterns , stripes, polka dots, images and more.

Color Sneaks onto Sneakers

Basic footwear takes a back seat as brightly colored and patterned high-tops and athletic shoes emerge as must-have accessories for school and weekend style.

ss lyrics, I memes, rr witty Jokes.

Baseball Caps Are Tops with Girls

The flat-brim baseball cap trend 1s popularized by celebrities hke R1hanna The casual style 1s perfect for h1drng from the paparazzi

Hoodies Are Hot

For every guy, theres a hoodie· athletic hoodies for jocks. rock band hood1es for fans and humorous hood1es for class clowns

It's a Plaid, Plaid World

Fash1on1stas go mad for plaid The trend starts on designer runways and quickly makes its way to fashion outlets 1n malls and online

Duct Tape Inspires Creative Types

Crafty tweens and teens use tough, colorful duct tape to make purses. wallets, decorations. Jewelry, fashion accessories and even formal wear •

mele.!iS cl~sslcs but the rms fealure bold colors, modem s,atterns.

Backpacks Are Global Chic

Boring backpacks take a back seat to colorful patterns inspired by trad1t1onal graphic motifs from around the world

Adults Find Expression Annoying

Teens use "Just say1n·· to minimize an expression of crit1c1sm or sarcasm The phrase ranks highly on a Manst Poll surveying the most 1rntatrng words and phrases t OS

The trend for •g11tter shoes," featuring sequins and sparkles, includes glue-It-yourself sneakers, sky-high designer platforms and everything in between.


Is Tops with

MoviePass0 Sends Fans Back to Theaters

Apple iPhone 5 Sees Record-breaking Sales


Fa c ebook snaps up lnstagram and its 80 million users. The so c ial media site cli c ks with teens ranking as the top photography destination among ages 12 to 17
Nike Motivates
has laun c hed a new tool called Nike+ Fuelband • This technology tool lets users know how a c tive they are and reminds them to achieve their fitness goals 1 lnstagram • Pop
Freestyle Coke machine lets customers mix their own flavor c omb1nat1ons from more than 100 choices GIVE THE GIFT OF UNLIMITED MOVI ES ..... 3 MONTHS 1MONTH 1YEAR SELECT SELECT SELECT
Is Personal with New
Machine The
gives film lovers the chance to save money by seeing up to one movie per day in theaters for one low monthly fee ____ .....,. • a -C, I I ii .,.... .. :: , =--:;:;.I• . -. ----c---·a:Ml - --..~iiiiillla • Pinterest Attracts Interest
1s a social media phenomenon Users pin ~ ,mages and share virtual bulletin boards about fashion , food, travel and sports
Apple 1Phone 5 sells more than five million units in its first three days, setting a new record for opening weekend sales The Latin - inspired dance -fitness classes
hot music, cool
Teachers use QR Codes. which can be scanned by smartphones, to deliver class information and assignments to students
Bieber and Oprah help to make Kony 2012, a documentary about child soldiers. attract more than 100 million views in its first six days onllne • • Jostens
known as Zumba deliver
fitness and tons of fun

From snow caving in Colorado , biking in Utah , study in g politics in Washington D C to learning culture 1n t h e Southwest , the twenty-s ix seniors that comprised th i s _ year' s Senior Sem had an amazing year filled with adventure Th eir education extended far beyond the c lassroom , giv in g eac h student valuable expe ri ential lessons and memories to last a lifetime

"Senior seminar 1s f an t astic because 1t forces you out of your comfort zone Its rewarding to meet new people " -Shane Oltmanns (12)

"Sem 1s rad' I've go tten t o see places and do things I never imagined I would It was the best se t of adventures I' ve ever had, and I love all of these hooligans'" -Camille N oufi (12)

"Sem 1s amazin g because 1t offers us an essen t ially indescr ibable experience t hat shapes ou r lives f or adven t urous futu res " -Dylan Olson ( 12)

Top Row : Eva n H a ngg1 , Burt o n Wheatl a k e, Jo hn Pa ranto , Jo hn Bo wker , Ja ck Darr ag h , Dylan Olsen , Ryan Gasper Top-Middle Row : W es ton Bu rca r , Ca mill e N o ufi , Ann a The o dorakos, Morg an Tom s, Mega n Guinn , Ande Eich , Shane O ltm a nn s, D re w Pres t o n Bottom-Middl e Row : Britt a ny Ba ldry, Est ef a n1 a Ja ramillo , Haley M cManus , Bo Althen Bottom Row : Br ea nn a V a n , Kass ia Lawren ce , Cesa r Co ntre ra s- Oliv as, Corinne Noufi , Laura Shearer, Allison Hurcomb , Bonnie Criss
- -

Every year upperclassmen get ready for one of the most memorable high school experiences : Prom GHS hosted this year's prom at The Denver Mile High Station ; the theme was Urban Chic After-prom was held at the Rec Center in Golden. Both were a huge success and all who attended had a wonderfu l time. Right : Shannon Wheeler (12) and Blak e Martinez (12) were crowned the 2013 prom Queen and King .

3 I I t

This year's spring musical , "A Funn y Thing H appened on The Way to Th e Forum , 11 is a comedy about a young slave , Pseudolus , who tries to win his freedom by helping his master woo the girl next door. It takes place 1n ancient Rome and is a satirical piece that comments on social class Th e cast had a great time with the play ; it was very enterta in ing , and they had their second largest aud i ence ever for their last showing . Despite the snowy weather, everyone showed up to support the 2012- 1 3 GH S Th espians. It was a great show for both aud ien ce and cast with lots of laughs for all.

The yearly musical 1s always a favorite theater event for audiences The Golden Thespians work diligently to perfect their voices and dance moves to demonstrate their multitude of skills on the stage Larsen Dean ( 12 ) played the role of Prologus as well as Senex while Elizabeth Carter (11) took on the role of his wife , Domina Gage Conrad (12) played the part of Pseudolos and D es iree Schneider (11) became the coveted, v1rg1n courtesan , Phtlia. All 1n all , the crew and cast had a Joyous time with this latest Stage Right Product i on, a fitting end to a successful theater season.

''I have been playing lacrosse for about ten years now The best part of being on the lacrosse team 1s hanging out with the guys and going to team dinners" -Jake Mitchel (11)

"I Joined the team because I love the game of lacrosse, and it's like one big fam1lly You get to know all of the players and instantly you have thirty friends " -H arrison Pierce ( 1 2)

"I Joined the team because I love lacrosse My favon t e thing about being on the team ,s Coach Ohlen "-Tanner McAdoo (9)

The Golden Demons worked hard this year to create a strong lacrosse team that would lead them to victory With the knowledge of Coach Ohlen , the team had a great season ; he really did a g r eat JOb d1rect1ng them and keeping their team sp irit s up Even though weat her often kept them off the practice and playing fields , they maintained their team goal of working ' towards being unified throughout the season Everyone had a great time being on the team, and al th ough they ended 4-11, it was a great lacrosse seaso n overa l l.

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The 2012-13 Varsity Lacrosse players stand by to take the field .

"I've been playing lacrosse for about 5 years now, and 1t's very fun I The team 1s very close , and we've been good friends for a long t ime now ; it' s great'" -G r ace kashe f sk a (1 O)

T h i s year's Golden lac r osse team is a spectacular gro up of young p layers T he i r season has i mproved from t h e past , a nd all the girls h ave wo r ke d rard at achiev i ng th eir goals . To be o n t c p of t heir ga m e , th ey need to practice a ot and be in shape physica l ly and menta l ly A lthough th i s season p rov ed mo re d iff icult fo r pract i ces and games w it h c hanges in the weather , t he team managed to press on , even t hro ugh adverse con d it i ons . With a 2-1 1 record t he team hopes t o continue wo r k i ng on t heir game a nd w it h tea m work and de t erminati on , t h ey have stro ng expectati ons for the fut ure

"Frankie says , 'ReLAX just do 1t. '" -Lexi So nnenf eld (12)

" Lacrosse 1s so much fun We all w or k really hard , and we have g rea t communica t ion We are a true team and we have a great coach" -Broo ke Brown (10)

) I J

JV Te a m Top Row : M agg , H e ndri cks, K at ie K1u sa laas, Al ay n a H e n sh aw Middl e Row : Br ooke Br o wn , Adri e nn e Je n sen, Jenn i f er W orsw1ck, Ju l ia Sim mons , H an n ah Se ll e r s, Vio le t a A pars h ev a Bottom Row : H an n a h Locke , Br a nd i Tr evit hi c k, M a ri t za Ba r raza, Ali sa Ran so m V a r s ity Te a m Top Row : Coach , Olivi a H ayden , Kyl i Fea ther , Ja mi e C urti s, Abi ga il M cl ennan , Coa ch Middle Row : Kend a ll Co nro y , Kayl ee n M1nn1 g, Lex i So nn e nfeld , C l a n cy D a lto n Bottom Row : Gra ce Kas hefska , Morg an D asch , Sag e Windell , Sa r ah Tr as k

It' s a new year for tennis! The new and returning players help mak e the g irl s t en ni s team stron g ! All of th e girls are very talented a nd provide exci t emen t and hard work to help t h e team become ch a mp ions. Th e season i s filled with m any wins as well as tou g h co mp etition Th ey finished 5-5 this seaso n! Go Demon s!

j ) I I
"Love means nothing in tennis " - Call ie Morlock ( 1 2)
favorite game 1s touch the fence , it gives me a rush'" -Dana Crawford (1 1 ) "I love playing tennis and being able to hang out with my friends'" -Masha Yi (10) Girls Va rsity Te nni s: Alina lwan ( 10) Chloe Barret ( 11 ) Callie Morlo c k ( 12 ) Dana C rawford ( 11 ) Hayley Clark ( 10) Heath e r Albrecht (11) Jordyn John son ( 11) Kersti T a ha ( 11 ) Lauren C h ac ho ( 12 ) Mallory Karr ( 11 ) M as ha Y1 ( 10) M1ka l a lwa n ( 10) N ina Paris (11) Noelle Cohn (10 ) Ra c hel Kin g ( 9) Be cca Co c hra n ( 11 ) Re be cca Smith ( 10) Sa lly Stran ge ( 11 ) Sa m a ntha Joyce (11) T aylor Gossetrden ( 10) Te ss Virden ( 11 )

Thi s season has been intense for the girls soccer team, espec i ally for th e seniors because they want to make their final year their best. It' s stressfu l at times and practice is hectic, but in the end, it's a good time! Th e gi rl s are shootin g for the gold but that ' s not th e only focus that they have; they also are improving and learning to work as one, which includes .~ learing eac h other' s strengths and weaknesses T hey ende d the season, 5-9-1 Th e soccer team definitely has a bright future ah ead of them and they shoul d b e very proud of the hard work th ey put into this year Great job Lady Demons!

V arsi ty T ea m : Ashton Gomez (10) Julianne Enqu1st (10) Riley Sanders (10) Jordyn Komoras (12) H annah Stoner (10) Julianna DiGacomo ( 11) Samantha Starkey ( 10) Marrisa Marcovich ( 10) Mariah Fluitt ( 11) Siierra Reed ( 11) Emily Oltmanns (10) Katie Kriedle (10) Hannah Shearer (11) Casey Balmes (12) Annie Progar (11) Savannah Rogstad (11) Jordan Larimore (10) Katie Tubbs (10) Sarah Tasci (11) and Grace Carlson (10) 2012-13 JV
2012-13 Level Ill

"I have been playing soccer all my life but this is the first year I have ever been on a team' I lrke ,t so much and think our team w,11 do great this season I can't wait."


"I enioy playing soccer a lot , my goal for this season 1s to make 1t to the playoffs Our team has been doing pretty well th,s season so I am confident that we will get farl" -Sierra Reed { 11 )

''I have been playing soccer since I was four I really love the sport and this year I hope for the new players to garn experience " -Riley

s (10)

• Ii
" N ever le t the fea r o f stn kmg out get m your way "-Johnny Mattison (12) "I see great th i ngs m baseball It's our gam~ the American game " -Jack N espor (12)
. ... _..,., :..... .,,;:- .~:;;:" ..-:;.:
"Our grea t est glory 1s not in never fai l ing bu t in nsing up every time we fail " -Eli Thornqu ist (12) •

Golden H igh School baseball reached P'II new he i ghts this year Their coach, Bill Brady, has been at Golden for many years . Many of the seniors have received offers to play at various colleges around the country In addition to their regular season games, the team traveled to Arizona over spring break to compete against

teams from other states Despite the losses, the boys had unforgettable experiences T his year the boys wore ......, camouflage jerseys to support and

honor the Wounded Warriors Foundation This foundation helps

veterans who have served

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To p Row : Joh.(}ny Mattison, Eli Thornquist , Paul Richy , Wyle Borden, Jesse Cupal, Jarett Hack , Stephen Richy Midd le Row : Kevin Billings, Trent Morris, Coach, Coach Brady, Coach Mitchell , Jack Nespor, Dylan Schellsm1dt Bott om Ro w: Bryan Katzman, Will Lowry , Logan Hinkle, Wyatt Larsen, Quinn Malone
Photos provided by Brian Ri chey

There is some serious talent on our Golden High School track team Carson Lockard (11) holds the current triple jump school record and Ashley Bellm (12) holds the pole vaulting school record Jessica King (11) is ranked first in league for triple and long jump, and Alex Inscoe (12) is ranked second in state for the 400 meter sprint This team is loaded with tons of talent With such knowledgable coaches and a young team, there will be many successful years to come

2012- 2013 Girls Track Team
I I I I I • I
2012- 2013 Boys Track Team

"My favorite part about track Is 1ust going, without a stop I go until I can go no more, then look back and think.'Wow , I Just out did myself'"

"My favorite event Is tnple Jump because it's awesomel" -Carson Lockard {11)

"In track. you have to challenge yourself love It because 1t Is very self-motivating You either succeed or fail by yourself You have to work , 11ft, and train on your own to be great" -Jessica King (11)

-Dylan Silva {12)
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