I •
4 10 52 80 142
Letter from the Editors: life in a small town is a unique experience often equalled only by high school in a small town Golden hos celebrations, phrases, and stories special to the people in it From these stories, come new ones that ore written every day Many of these involve the students of Golden Senior High School as their lives are increasingly intertwined with the town This small town charm is not exclusive to natives as newcomers ore actively welcomed and and included in the new chapters of the town This interaction between citizens and students, new and old represents something so key to Golden that it unites everyone as only a few things can. It inspires warm feelings
and fond childhood memories These things may seem insignificant now but later on will become pivotal moments in our lives Similarly the hopes and dreams we hold when young can shape our lives and the lessons we learn before entering the world as adults will stay with us for many years Soak it all in now Fill your brains with everything you can for you never know when you will need ii We have years and years of past behind us but so any unwritten years of future to go
'Ii This annual summer ' ' celebration hos been a port of Golden's history since the l 940's. It is the largest festival held by the cily of Golden, and many families from neighboring communities join in the ' •• event. Several GHS learns parlicipoted in the Saturday morning parade down Washington Avenue.
1 Elena Bishop ( 12), Noelle Cohn ( 12) and Sonriso Mochoria ( 12) ofter climbing the Eiffel Tower
2 Morgan Graybeal ( 12} and Noelle Cohn ( 12) saying "cheese" with on English guard.
3 Shelbilyn Miller { 12) and Jasmine Hover ( 12) in London
4 Kot Phenno ( 12 ), Sam Weese ( 12), Lily Conrad ( 12) and Jamie Curtis ( 12) take on the Piccadilly Square in London .
5 Morgan Graybeal ( 12), Ms . Hall, G rant Copple ( 12)ond Jacob Tamburro ( 12)take a selfre after hiking the Italian countryside
6 The whole group at a reunion dinner, 1 month later
7 Kot Phenno ( 12) and Lily Conrad ( 12), all smiles at lunch
8 Gabrielle Fick ( 12) and Jasmine Haver ( 1 2) enjoying the rainstorm of Rome .
9 Riley McConnell ( 12) and Gabrielle Fick ( 12) dining at a classic French cofe
10 Riley McConnell ( 12 ) and Jasmine Haver ( 12) in London
Planes! Trains! And Automobiles!
Fourteen Juniors from AP Lit and AP Euro took a two week trip across Europe t ouring the different ci ties o f London, England , Pari s, France, Florence, Italy, Assissi , Ital y and Rome , Italy
aces ou' ·
0 ...
Man's best friend And woman's too A look at some pets And their owners (you)
Go ld e n H i gh Sc hoo l is c lose ... Gol d e n fa milies are closer ...
Golden High School students always enjoy themselves at Red Rocks Concerts Th,s summer, however, was so star studded that no one could agree which artist they loved the most.
1 Maren Donnelly ( 11), Noelle Van Lerberghe ( 11) and Sophia Wubben ( 11) ready for a night at the,r favorite place to be.
2 Riley Sanders ( 12) and Noelle Van Lerberghe ( 1 1) before a Red Rocks Concert
3 Lily Conrad ( 12) having a blast and Chromeo!
4 Madeline Walters ( 12), Maddie Evans ( 1 2), and Maddie Liedtke ( 12) looking stoked for their big concert
5 Many Golden students excitedly settle in for a country concert
Sovnnoh Arner ( l 2) and her dog, Sunshine.
Moya Sudweeks ( l 1 ) and her dog, Chujo, enjoying their lime together
Cat Tonner's ( 12) pet ferret nomed Felix who is like her brother
J Ms Hall Julianne Engquist ( 12), Kyle Taylor ( 12), Brigg Reimer ( 12), Josephine Coulter ( 12), Alex Simmonds ( 12) Mikaela Wilkins ( 12), and Ashleigh Van Deusen ( 12) prepare a celebratory dinner along the banks of the Green River
2 Aushn Van Lerberghe ( 12), Dana Speiser ( 12), Amrr Custic ( 12), Theresa Meyers ( 12), Erin Kneeskern ( 12), Brooke Dowell ( 12) and sponsor Bob Hayes get ready to hit the rapids on the first Raft Trip
3 The first Junior Raft Trip group enjoying the sun and beautiful scenery available on therr adventure
Where did you row? The best spot on the trip to go
Separated from modern comforts, Dana Speiser ( 12) remembers the first and only shower the rafters enjoyed After a short hike to a waterfall, they look turns under the water and enjoying a brief period of rest on the rocks.
The trip was a blur for Mokayla Markey ( 12) While she doesn't recall details, she hos fond memories of Desolation Canyon
The junior raft trip is one of the most exciting opportunities offered through Golden High School. From informative meetings with Ms. Hall and Mr . Morales to adventures along the Green River, students found fun and friendship over every rapid and around every rock. Despite the cold and long days and nights, the junior rafters accomplished great things and truly earned the awards given at the 2015 Homecoming assembly
Mikaela Wilkins ( 12) didn't miss the ease of life at home She found the challenging points of the trip to be the most exciting Hord work and getting stuck in the fast , rocky rapids were her favorite parts
Raft Trip
.. • -
"Young Life is the best lime I've hod in so long! I learned amazing things about myself that I neve r knew before Everyone should go because they will never have as much fun as they would at young life camp 11 Maddie Vickers ( l l)
From the beaches of Hawaii to the mountains of our home state , Golden students relish opportunities to attend summer camps of any variety Many of the 2014-15 sophomores traveled to Hawaii to continue their biology learning and have fun in the sun. Golden High School also joined as a large part of the Young Life campers . Sports and cheer spent their summers training at their own local events Similarly, the new yearbook staff learned the ropes at Jostens' Yearbook Camp hosted by Colorado School of Mines . GHS proved once and for all that summer camp is not just for kids when it comes to the powerful , if amusing , business of teamwork and learning.
"My favorite port of Gym class is when we play baske tball. I enjoy having fun wi th my class ma tes together 11 Chase Derby ( 12) ....,.,,.. Learning to play several spor ts and how to properly take care of the ir bodies ,,. throughout their lives is some thing students here at Golden take seriously
Welcome to Golden High School! We had a record number of teachers new to the school this year Each and every one of them has been carefully chosen to help compete our family here at GHS Some are brand new to the teaching world , and some are seasoned professionals They came to our school from all over, and we are glad to have them here, helping this year become one of the best yet.
~The colors ; maroon and white ' bring out my eyes "
James Grisham , Math
"The fact that we have lock outs ::::=~ because there are bears 1n the courtyard!"
Michael Nishoka, Math
"Well mannered students And everyone is so nice and helpful!"
Tracy Walkowicz, LMC
"The sensitive community " U
Stephanie Thompson ,
"I have two , the scenery and the kids . "
James Cale ESS
"The view , hands down , "
Cassidy Dinzes Math
"Golden High School has awesome readers They love to read and are the nicest kids 1n the world "
Debbie Mondragon , Library
What is yo ur fa vo rite part about Golden H igh Sc hoo l ?
Where d,d you graduate from high school?
Following a GHS tradition , the class of 2015 gathers on the football field to watch the sunnse as o class. sign1fy1ng the beg1nn1ng of their final year. Starting as a class.
Artwork by Hao Luo
Freshman Liz was a part of a Harry Potter themed Link group for freshman orientation The best advice she received from her Link Leaders was to " just be chill " and she was glad that they extinguished her worries for the coming school year She may even consider being a Link Leader in the years to come!
The Link Crew is a group of upperclassmen dedicated to help i ng the freshmen feel welcome as demons Whether showing them the best drinking fountain or helping them out with their math homework, this group always has their backs! " And will you succeed? Yes , you will indeed! 98 and 3/ 4 percent guaranteed! " (Dr. Seuss). With the help of the link crew our freshmen moved mountains!
Have you ever pretended to be something you are not?
Even a cherished, chi ldhood icon, Dr. Suess, had identity problems. The doc wasn't exactly what the world saw him as. In fact, he wasn't a doctor at all and was only trying to please his father by adding "Dr." to his pen-name. Like Dr. Suess, many students have identity problems of their own.
"Yeah I'm on ac tress. I've portrayed multiple characters in my various productions at Golden 11
Jasmine Hove r ( 12)
"At one point or another I pretended to be a baby dinosaur and tucked my arms into my shirt like a TRex 11
Morgan Graybeal ( 1 2)
"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you -er th a n you!"
Dr . Suess
"To host the 2014 CH SAA Fall Conferen c e, while incredibly stressful and exhaus tin g , al so proves to be very rewarding We Student Council kids always look forward to attending the c o nference s and f,nd them to be very life changing and to host one , is simply a dream co me true Referring to our newly written mission statement, "As Golden H i gh Sc ho o l Student C oun ci l, we strive to inspire unity, instill school pride , and ma i nta i n our o bl i gation s for the betterment of our fellow Golden Demons, for we spark the c hange " Our g o al s are to in spire unity and sc hool pride within the schoo l a s well as maintain our obligation I think my favorite part of being Student Body
Pre sident 1s being able to repre sent all the amazing people at Golden and guiding my c oun c il to greatne s Indivi dual members on average put in around ten hours of w o rk weekly I 1u st want to thank all members of Student Coun c il for all th e work they put in , and an extra thanks to my partner 1n c rime , Senior Class Presiden t, Andrew Wise 11 Sam Starkey ( 12)
w 2
Ryon Bullard , Mokoylo Markey, Joegon
Laweren ce, Megan Vernon, Ben Plott, Donovan Ri ce, N oe lle Co hn , Connor Olson, Som Starkey, Andrew Wise , Kelsey Thompson , Emma Markovi c h, Sydney Starkey, N ic k
Shelton, Ethan Co nroy, Nikki Paris, Grace Cheva lier, Isaa c Clemons, Maren Donnelly, Jon DuVarney, Kaylen Gehrke, Hannah Lo c kie , S aro Lo ckie , Al i Mc Kay , Jessica Mulkin s, Tori Oberholtzer, Zachary Persky, Taylor Tufano, Jose Valladares, Sophia Wubben
Srudenl 6ody P11:s,denl Som Starley, IJ 2)
Sr Closs Pres,denl S, Closs V:Ce Pres dent H,stonon Andrew W.se, (12} Ryon &fiord I' 2) Mo l<ayla Markey, I 12)
Jr Class President Jr Class Vice Pres,denl Soph Class P,es,denl Fre$h Class President VP of Commun,cahOns Treo sure , Jose Valladares (I I J Koy/en Gerkhe ( 11 J Emma Markov,ch {I OJ Jessica Mulkins, (9) Sydney Starkey {I OJ Donovan R,ce, I12)
' J , l , • .,. j 'F
"As Senior Class President I'm in charge of the seniors and working on projects specifically for the seniors . For example , the Senior Class Homecoming Float, Senior Gag Awards and other senior associated activities . I'd have to say my favorite part of being Senior Class President is just being able to work with everyone and really get to know my class . I've previously been an officer in StudCo , Sophomore Class VP , but I have to say nothing can beat the experience I've had working in St udco this year and being the class president of the graduating class of 2015."
Andrew Wise ( 12)
1 Student Council poseing for their last picture after their retreat .
i Sam Starkey,
Makayla Markey, and Noelle Cohn keeping it real at the bonfire
3 Student Council setting up the last decorations before Homecoming of 201 4.
The Seniors of Stu,.._.Co
1 Blair Ohmert ( 12) showing off her skills as a catcher
2 Kristen Dunson( l l) makes First Tearn All Conference for the third year
1n a row
3 The team bows their heads for the National Anthem
4 The girls pile onto the firetruck for their homecoming float
5 Ale Dominguez ( 12), Mikaela Wilkins ( 12), Makayla Markey { 12), Kiley Lynch ( 12), and Coach Herbers shanng bittersweet smiles after their senior game
6 Purple pnde for the Breanna Hall memonal game
"Softball is good for the soul I play everday to challenge myself and do something I love 11 Blair Ohmert ( 1 1)
n1 look up to all of my seniors and plan on continuing their legacy. "
Grace Chevalrer {9}
11 Play for the name on the front of the-
1ersey not the number on the
- back 11
Br eanna Hall Memori
al Game
"Not a day goes by that I don 't think about Bre . The softball program here at Golden H i gh School is a grea r demonstration of community and shows a sense of family. Bre is a part of that family and always will be Having the memorial brought us all together including ; parents, graduates, coaches, and friends Bre has brought us all together and on th is one day, at this one game, we get to see how amazing of a person she is for bri nging us all together . In my speech I said , "Bre is like a window on an airplane window- as you look out the window you realize how small things left behind really are, she taught me that all my problems are really so much smaller than they seem to be I ask that if you ever get caught up and forget that our everyday stress is what we make of it, then take that hike, look out that a i rplane window, and realize what we see i s much smaller than it seems.". Be i ng able to recognize what Bre has taught me was a gift I am so glad I was able to have m / senior year . I know that score board up in right field will forever show Bre was a true i nspiration and has c hanged this program in a way we will never take for granted "
Kiley Lynch ( 12)
- :
_..- l •-
I/ I
In'°""" M-7 of li'Kik Brunn~ H all #11 Ri ght Field -
The Golden Demons softball team fin is hed 10 -9 thi s season under varsity c oa c h Chad Herbers. Th is is the first winning season the 2015 seniors have ever had throughout their high sc hool careers This has been an extraordinary experience for them and a great accomplishment. Tearn Captions this year i n c luded Ki ley Lynch , Makayla Markey, Bla i r Ohmert and Kristen Dunson
VARSITY Haley Bass, Andi Brown, Grace Chevalier, Kris ten Dunson, Ale1andra
Dominguez, Morgan Feazell, Megan Feiner, Kiley lynch, Makayla Markey, Jessica
Mulkins, Blair Ohmert, Rachel Schmalz, Sydney Villa , Mikaela Wilkins , M1ckoyla Zamora-Dyer
JV Saman t ha Sundeen , Zoe Manley, Sabrina Jones, Morgon English, Toylor Acree , Sydney Crabb, Madison Camplbell , Riley Villa , Kiley Neal
"Softball has been a major part of my life and I'm happy to be fortunate enough to have been able to play for Golden the past four years! I have loved and will miss every single one of the lifelong friends that I have made and all the memories we have made Through thick and thin this team has always had each other's backs and we've become more than just a team here, at Golden High School, the softball team is a family ."
Makayla Markey ( 1 2)
"I went to the National Amputee Tournament in Virginia Beach and it was a great oppurtunity to see other amputee golfers I finished the tournament in the Top Twenty out of Seventy-Eight Golfers I was the youngest one there and it was truly a once in a lifetime oppurtunity! ! 11
Roach ( 12)
Ryan Bullard
Alec Harns
Blake Harns
Cole Harns
Ryder Hernandez
Jake Johnson
Dominic Landucci
N,ck McCarron
Logan McGregor
Jeremy Mosser
William O'Brien
Ben Platt
Sam Roach
Jacob Shelton
Parker Skiles
I j A
What will you remember about this year?
Golden High golfer Sam Roach plays in National Amputee Golf Championship
By Jone Klem.ala
Y01Ullub Juporter
Key Club
Throu gh fundra is ing effo rt s and reg ula r meeti ng s, Ke y C lub members le arn v al uable leadershi p sk i ll s and assist wi th c ommun i ty and sc hoo lw i d e pr o jec ts Thei r work is ev i dent in the nu mero us event s the y o rgan i z e The group helps w i th the a c ti o ns o f o ther Gol d en High Sc ho ol club s. Ab ov e a ll, the y str i ve to ma i nta i n the h igh standard s o f th is pre stigi ous o rganizat io n
1 Members 101n 1n weekly meetings with sponsor Onago
2 Officers Zach Carder ( 12), Elena Bishop ( 12 ), and Branden Adams { 12) share smiles after saving the world , no doub t
3 Key Club shows off their silly side
•1·m smoke free because I don't want to look 90 when I'm 20.
Kian Spencer (9)
"I am smoke free because I wont lo be healthy•
Theron Mc Adeo (9 )
"l 1 m smoke free because I want to hove a helthy body, and not to have bad breath"
Brennen Gross (9)
"I'm smoke free because the smell of cigarettes 1s disgusting •
Go e mme Ordun,o (9 )
Alina lwan ( 12), Branden A dams ( 12), Brigg Reimers ( 12), Callie Marshall , Clancy Dalton ( 12), Cora Bishop, Elena Bishop ( 12), Eli Koch , Emily Nguyen , Hayley Clark, Jenifer Kuch ta , Katherine Yens haw, Kat i e Kirsc hner, Lilly Plo tk in, Lily Ma ( 12), M ack enzie M cCorhle , Marilyn Collins, Marilyn Ho rt on, M ia l wo n { 12), M org a n Graybeal ( 12), O d essa Noriego ( 12), Piper Shira, Roeley Boxier I 12), Z a ch C orde r ( 12}, Sa nti a go Giraldo, St ephanie A lvarez, Leslie San tos, Dylan Johnson , Ethan Chase
The Breathe Easy (BE) Club is about helping this generation stop smoking and start living. They want to make sure no parent has to worry about their child smoking ever again. They do activities like handing out candy that says "thanks for being smoke free Golden" and they have days where they go out and clean-up cigarett butts The BE club meets once a month during lunch in the counselors office
Pre s.de nt Ele110 B,shop ( 12J V,ce Pres,dent Secre tory Other Dut,es As Requ,r~ Sponsor Crystal Onogo Branden Ado ms ( 12) Zoch Corder ( 12) Uy Mo (12)
President She/b,/yn Md/er ( 12)
Notional Honor Society Members 201 ~2015
Elena Bi shop, Ryon Bullard, Gro c e Carlson, Noelle Cohn, Cloney Dolton, Morgon Dosch, Morgon Graybeal, Modolynn Greyer, Jasmine Hover, Louro Hoover, Al i na lwon, Mikoylo lwon, Sarah Kimball , Erin Kneeskern , Caroline Lukens, Sonnso Mochono, Mokoylo Markey, Manso Markovich, Megan Meyer, Shelbily Mille r, Pons Mues, Theresa Myers, Callee O ' Horo, Katherine Phenno , Ben Plott, Donovan Rice , Riley Sonders, Som Starkey, Hannah Stoner, Kyle Taylor, Andrew Townsend , Ol1v10 Tre1tmon , Ashleigh VonDeusen , Mikaela Wilkins, Bekah Anderson , Arianna Ardeholi , Mio Barrett, Ryon Blodgett, Natalie Brunel, Megan Cnss, Morren Donnelly, Koylen Gehrke, Breanna Hattier, Alex Hazel, Dylan Johnson , Will Kopper, Monique La unto , Ben Mace, Tonner McAdoo, Logan McGregor, Allison McKay, Alexis Milon, Blair Ohmert, Hunter Rose , Sophia Sandford, Nick Shelton, Cory Thorrnshe1m , Lindsey Thornsh1em , Jose Valladares , Malieo Von , MJ Virden , Sophia Wubben
Alma lwon ( 12)
Alex Hazel ( 1 l
11 1 feel very honored and proud lo be the President of Golden's NHS chapter this year, and I'm excited lo see what kind o f progress we'll make a group these next two semes te rs Our members ore truly the driving force behind this organization, and the outstanding character they demonstrate on a doily basis makes running this program nothing short of a coke walk Our newly founded service partnership with Pleasant View Elementary School holds such a great potential to develop in to a lasting bond between GHS and the elementary school; I'm delighted that our memebers ore able to go ou t and really work w i th the local community hands on, and I know how much Pleasant View opprec1oles the extra help too! I'm extremely proud of the direction we're moving in as a whole, and I can't wait lo see what the rest of this year brings for usl"
Shelbilyn M iller President ( 12)
"I like being able to help people and provide services for those who need ,ti"
•My favorite port of NHS 1s honestly the honor We hove such Fun times It's really reword,ngl"
V,ce President Bekoh Anderson ( 1 IJ
Secretory Manso Markovich ( 12)
"Yearbook Is more than Iust a class and it's more than Iust a book Every day, we are learning life skills From building business, to maIntaIn1ng traditions, to marketing and making connections, yearbook teaches us how to not only to be better students but to be better people This Is a class, a group, that focuses on the future rather than the past or the now A yearbook Is memories When we are crea ting the book we are creating a time capsule of sorts It Is something that w,11 mean more down the road of life and will change the way we remember our years In high school Whether you love GHS or not, this Is something you will keep to remember a part of your life that you will never get back At the end of the year, our final grades will not be the thing we remember Rather, 1t will be the lessons we learn that stick with us "
Allie Matsuo ( 12) Editor In Che1f
"My fovor,te port of yearbook was getting to know people and hear therr slones •
-Maddie Olin ( 12)
"Boys ~occer was the best event lo cover because rhere was o lot of school spmt mvolved ol the 'i nes •
Kaylo Gotto (12)
"I'm glad I £molly d,d yearbook my senior year I love that I w,/1 hove helped create something I w,/1 keep forever/"
• Jasmine Hover ( 12}
This year the yearbook started fresh With a completely new staff, everything was new from the beginning to the end From covering events, to making pages, we all put a personal touch into the book When we were d1cuss1ng what makes a yearbook important we wanted you to be able to look back twenty years from now and remember your high school years and the best they had to offer Dr Seuss brings out the child ,n everyone and allows you to cherish your memories forever We hope that these pictures and stones throughout these pages will always bring you 1oyful memories of your 2014-2015 high school year
Yearbook Staff
Kayla Gotta , Anneliese Leavy, Jeff Goodwin , Jasmine Haver, Morgan Oertli, Monah Mossenberger, Katie Murray, Ashley Longwell, Maddie Olin, Al1ie Matsuo, Brittany Wills
Golden Gallop
This year's Golden Gallop look place on September 28 , 2014 Many people gather 1n downtown Golden for the annual 5k, 1Ok, and Kids Fun Race
The route look runners all round the beautiful city of Golden and even came right by Golden High Schoell The race begins beneath the City ' s famous ' Welcome ' arch , and ends in Parfet Park bes,de Clear Creek
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Blood Drive For Julia Simpkins
"Julia's my best friend , so it was special because she needed a lot of blood when she was sick "
Amel i a Gilmore ( 12)
"It was great knowing we were helping people like Julia."
Sammy McConnell { 1 1)
"I think i t's great that people take ti me out of their day to help others ."
Lauren Mackell ( 1O)
"It's always great to help others who are 1n need and spread the love!"
Makayla Laurita ( 10)
"We ' re so lucky to take part in such an amazing event."
Lilly Wofsey (9)
"The blood drive meant so much to me because I needed a blood t ransfusion to safe my life Th,s pos t summer I was ,n the hospi tal for o long ttme with Gull,anBorre syndrome I was paralyzed which was ternfy1ng, but 1 t was everyone's support t hat helped me ge t where I om todoyl It meant so much to me that so many showed up to dona te Being able to be there and thank everyone persona ll y was so special to me Thank you so much t o everyone who donated I"
- Julia S1mp k 1n s ( 12)
" It wa s g re at to se e ev e ry o ne co me to g e ther a s o team f o r suc h o grea c au se"
Made li ne Walters ( 12)
"It's always feels so great to help people "
Aleoh Dempsey (9)
"The bl oo d drive wa s so meaningfu l to all o f
Li n d sey Bou dreau ( 12 )
" I' m so gl ad w e we r e ab l e to save pe op le like Juli a 's live s."
M o n i q ue Laurito ( 11 )
"The bl oo d dnve wa s o great ca use to he l p ou t w i th 11
La u ren Rile y ( 1O)
" The bl oo d dri ve made my heart feel warm 11
Vi c to ria Mil c zek(9)
"To kn o w what we did helped so many pe o ple 1s great! "
V ic toria Parker (9)
I ....._ -
1 Quarter back, Trent Morris, looks down field for an open receiver
2 Running back, Davans Johnson, runs down field against Stanley lake
3 George Alexeyev catching a pass against Stanley lake
4 The Golden High School defense gets ready to go before the snap
5 Toven Brewer listens to the coach give post game talk
6 Jaxson Meyer looks to throw the ball against Denver South
7 Trent morns hands the ball off to running back Cole Greff
8 The Golden JV defences gets ready to go
9 Player, Ryan Castrellon
The Game of Football ...
Why do you play?
"My friend George got me into football."
Jesse Copoul ( 12)
"Coach Blincoe got me interested in football my freshman year
Trent Morris ( 11)
• 1 wanted lo join football in sixth grade from my friends.•
T.J Wroinright ( 1O)
• My Dad inspired me to ploy football.•
Joe Madsen (9)
This season the football team of Golden High really upped their game from last year . They practiced five times a week to hone their skills and build their team spirit This impressive amount of effort caused the varsity team to move up in the rankings substantially A few tough losses and rough days here and there did little to lower the morale of the players and their hard working coaches There is much hope for the Freshman team We know they will work hard to grow to fill the shoes, or rather , cleats of the young men now on the Varsity team Both coaches and students have high expectations following Varsity's impressive record at the end of the season of 3-7 Golden football has lifted the hearts and spirits of the town and school this season as they have poured themselves into the practice for perfection on the field
. })i\E .'
"My favorite po rt of coaching is seeing stu d ents outside of school." Coach Blincoe
" I enjoy leaching f ootball because I like help ing boys grow into men ."
oa ch Neely
Wh y do you coach?
- 1 Trent Morris hands the ball to the running EE back Chase Daniels
- 2 Running back Davarrs runs the ball down the field agains t green mountain
3 Jaxson Meyer runs the ball behind Davis Mille r
4 The GHS Varsity defence 1s lined up to take on the Stanley Lake offence
The Varsity team wa tches on the sidelines as their quar terback, Trent Morris, throws a pass
Homecoming Royalty
H o me c omin Para
"I en oyed winning Royalty because I got to wo'k on the f,eld ond see the crowd• Joe Madsen (9) 'h wos a close race w,th Hannah lock,e ( l 1) and Garret w,· s I1 lj bu t I'm happy we won ' Alli McKay ( 11 ) w~-\ 13h-t nnat . hMdt\sWQt-
Homecoming Parade
Golden High School
the students
excited buzz
school year An1tc1pation of the game and
fuel Golden with
energy to
_I~ i ....~,_1 Rollin ' into the parade is none other than the GHS mountain bike club 2 Senior $em never foils to show up In style 3 The GHS softball girls wove 10 1he1r fans below 4 Drumline marches to the beat of their own drum down South Golden Rood I•
rs a long
tradition at
It brings
together and fully captures the
of the new
enough positive
last all weekend
11 Actually , I was surprised that we won. I would tell the juniors next year to practice more because we only had one practice this time "
Hannah Lockie ( l l)
"I think we had more success last year because people were more excited for it. 11
Julianne Engquist ( l 2)
Powder Puff Football pits the senior girls against the junior girl s in an amusing match of athletic skill. With reversal of classic gender r oles at football game , buckets o f war paint, and healthy team spirit, Go ld en students take to th e field and the stands until th e game is won This year, the ju n iors snagged a shocking victory The game was followed by a ce lebratory and all inclusive bonfire. The girls ha ve nothing but praise for th e experience and hope to con tinue th e games for many ye ar s to come.
I -----· -·--
Homecoming is a week long affair of excitement, nerves , and joy While it is punctuated by the dance, the football game is one of the highest points for every student As the game co mmenced , the crowd held the i r breath to see how the score would pan out Students on both sides of the stands waited anxiously as the rivalry between schools pushed the tension higher and higher Dan c e Tearn , Cheer, Drumline, and the 24th Street Singers kept spirits high through the game's i ntense emotional moments Golden seniors remembered Mr. Conroy's intense hopes to win after his motivational speech to them relating his personal offense after the opposing team c hose to play Golden with intentions for an easy win . Despite fears of a devastating loss, the football team this year reset the clock as they changed the record and brought home a great victory This is a Homecoming game that will not soon be forgotten
1 Opponents beware I Our Demon Dance Tearn con be more fierce than the team
2 Sau Weil ( l O) shows why he deserves lo be on the field in o moment when oll eyes are on him
3 A.s a player catches o pass, he gets tackled by number seventeen from Arvada. Another Golden teammates heads to the rescue.
4 The crowd roars os players dive for each other ond the game begins
5 Porn porns poised, Cheer 1s always ready to spring mlo action
6 ~he home team files onlo the field The pressure mounts and the anxiety for a new moment in Golden history is nearly overwhelming
EET Golden ju st ca n ' t get e nough Homeco mi ng! •
If you run out of time, don't It's the age old idea; worryl All you need is some a line of friends to cardboard, markers, a friend, help you out. Or is it? and a few red roses to create Isaac Sellinger ( l 2) a couple signs that show upped his game with your sense of humor and Drumline's help to creativity. Coll Trent Morris impress his date. 11 l ) and Brooks Jordon I 11 ) for assistance!
Ladies, raise your hand 1f you don't hove a dote! This unconventional Homecoming proposal ended in Mouda Abu Sukheila ( l 2) and Brian Whitfield I 12) getting their ideal dotes.
A first dance for freshmen and a familiar tradition to seniors, Homecoming 1s the culm1nat1on of a week of fest1v1t1es The romance of dates and the excitement from hours spent on the dance floor with friends fills the school with a rush that only certain events can inspire The Hollywood theme of this year gave Student Council an opportunity to produce a red carpet worthy night to remember After checking their coats and shoes at the door, students flooded the dance floor and were caught up 1n the magic of twinkling lights and stars There were laughs, new moves, and fabulous fashion trends galore Though the decorations came down and the nice clothes were replaced by 1eans by Monday, the spirit of Homecoming lasted for weeks afterward
1 The Level 4 Volleyball team demonstrate their sportsmanship skills after a fantastic game
2 Volleyball keeps Autumn Abbott ( 1O) on her toes
3 JV 's Anne Carlson ( 1O) saves the day I (And , of course the ball as it Ries nearly out of bounds)
4 Need a float fast? Call the JV and Varsity girls to lend their clever cutouts and magnificent maroon car
5 Hands In, Lodies!
6 JV huddles up to plan their next move
7 When things are up 1n the air Volleyball doesn't hesitate to 1ump 1n
8 Autumn Abbott's ( 10) golden grin as she looks up from the game
9 Nobody beats Abigail Marsh ' s (9) focus on the game
10 Cassie Sehn (9) and Larnssa Mendez (9) share the best part of a team sport· the family atmosphere
Whydo • you play? •
With their season fully packed , the Volleyball teams faced no shortage of time or challenges They practiced five times per week and , although they don't all always have A's (besides Abigail Marsh (9) ), everyone kept their grades up to the high standards required to play each week Like any team sport, the girls became close friends and pushed each other to be the best they can . Anna Taylor (9) made the Varsity team as a freshman and truly earned her place among the older girls. From Varsity to Level 4 , these Demon ladies proved once and for all that practice makes perfect.
1 Sammie Lolk ( 1O) shows off her sp1k1ng muscles
2 Strategy and teamwork is the key to this , Huddle Up!
3 Kaylee Coffman (9) can ' t wait to step into the Golden Volleyball legacy
4 America Paisley (9) keeps her eye on the ball and the opposing team
5 Celebration like this after a succe ssful game can ' t be captured on camera
6 These ladies are patient, even 1n a fast paced sport like Volleyball
• 1 like volleyball because I like being on a team •
Abigail Marsh (9)
"I like volleyball because I like meeting new people and I've been doing it for a while"
Megan H,gg,ns (9)
• My friends on the team are great, they're ore always there for me •
Elena Bishop (12 )
• My professional role model v-1ould be Misty May-Treanor, an Olympic gold medalist• Cora B,shop ( 10)
i -
Math, for most high school students, is their most challenging course. Golden offers math classes from levels of Algebra 1 to Calculus 2, and everything in between. Fortunately for the students of Golden High School, the math department is filled with some of the best teachers in the building. From A.C.E. Interventions to Math Tutors to after school help, the math teachers are available to the students throughout the day and after school. Many of the math teachers have been voted "Smartest Teacher", "Funniest Teacher" and "Favorite Teacher". The Golden High School Math Department is one of the assets that makes Golden so great.
Every A.C.E. Period a group of ~......,. mathematically .,, &;, talented GHS Students preside in the , cafeteria and m @il serve as tutors in math of all levels to their peers.
l Mr Ni sh i oko' s 7th b loc k H o nor' s Geom e try c la ss.
2 W y l i e Bor den ( 12) and Ben Plott ( 12) w o rk i ng hard , or hardl y w o rk i ng ?
3 Mr Po nicson 's 7th bl o ck H o n o r' s Pre C al c ulu s c la ss.
4 Ale x Hazel ( 11) and Ale x Kompov itz ( 11) pau si ng from their tutor i ng to p os e for a p ic ture .
5 Olivi a Tre itmon ( 12) and Isaa c Sellinge r ( l 2) help i ng ea c h other i n Calculus
What math class did you struggle the most in throughout High School or College?
"Differentia l "D ifferen tial Equations" Equuations"
Chns Aksamit Colucci "Algebra l
"Cale 2"
Chad Grisham Herbers
Nishioka "Linear
Shannon Garvin "
11 Eric Ponicsa
.-............. "Abs tract "Geometry" Algeb r a" Cassidy
Dinzes Cook "Abs tr act "Line ar Algeb ra
Algeb ra 11
Michae l MacDona l d
Algeb r a"
H yperbolic Geometry
M of :;I 0 p Cc 0
Suddenly This Summer Theatre
Making GHS history, the thespians of GHS put in many hours over the summer of 20 l 4 following early auditions at the end of the previous school year to create the first ever varsity theatre production The one act ploy Tennessee Williams' Suddenly Lost Summer become one of the best attended shows in the post four years Due to their hard work and dedication, the show was adjudicated for the opportunity to be one of two high school performances presented at the Colorado State Thespian Conference m December in front of over 5.000 people! This 1s a first hme for GHS in many yeorsl
All in the Family
In the foll of 20 l 4 Mr Scott Hasbrouck, the theatre director for the post seven years, mode the difficult decision to toke on offer from George Washington High School in Denver to teach theatre fvll time Toking up the post only three weeks before students arrived for the 14-15 school year Mr Hasbrouck' s talented wife Kelly Hasbrouck, who hod previously been Golden's Set Designer and Technicol Director, look the reigns
And the Plot Thickens
Catharine Holly o poor relation of a prominent New Orleans family seems to be insane after her cousin Seboshan dies under mysterious circumstances on a tnp to Europe Sebastian's mother Violet Venable trying to cloud the truth about her son's homosexuality ond death threatens to lobotomize Catharine for her incoherent utterances relating lo Sebashon's dem ise Under the inAuence of o truth serum , Catharine tells the gruesome story of Sebastian ' s death by cannibalism at the hands of locals whose sexuol favors he sought, using Catharine as a device to attract the young men (as he hod earlier used his mother)
The Show Must Go Onl ..... But
not without you ... CREW!
"This was my ninth show and I om even more in love with theatre than when I started • AHie Matsuo ( 12) ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER
" It seems like o big responsibility, which it sort of is Since the actors would be naked without me " LIiy Conrad ( 12) COSTUMING MANAGER
Mori ssa
( 12) V i olet V e nable
! Ka
{l O) Sis t er Felicity M onica Sea n u ( 1 1 ) M s Foxhill Grady H icks ( 1 1 ) Fema l e U nders t udy I
y l
"Almond Joy"
Nadia Floro (9)
Demon Dash
Thanks to the runners that ran from Fossil Tra c e to Splash , money was ra i sed to support GHS sports Runners High , a new running store in Golden , allowed everyone to run a great race and have fun doing it
"Sour Patch Kids"
Harrison Chomberlo1n ( 10)
"Reese's Peanut Butter Cups"
Ethan Hunt ( 1 1)
"Jolly Ranchers"
Hannah Shelley ( 12)
• C • C
A wmo wrest er, a tourist and a zebra wok into Golden and 1oin the Girls Swim Team?
2 GHS Cheer poses as the TMNT with o spunky slylc sense and bcks and flips galore
3 In a flurry of feathers and a sw,sh of silk this group wormed the hearts of many young children with their sm es and creolJvity
4 Leave 11 to StudCo to light up the faces of tnck-or1 eaters with 1ock-o-lonterns
5 11 you feel like you stumbled info a Stien! f11m, you may hove found the French Club booth
6 S\Jper 10b Cheerl
7 Tnd:. or Trear Street brings out the theor~e bd ,n o' of us
8 This charming aowd go e oll rreots and no rncks (th,s hme)
9 "l"hesp1ans get crafty wirh hole punches and nbbon to enchanl fu>ure GHS groduoles
41 Trick or Treat Street
Golden High School has been hosting trick or treat street for decades Trick or Treat street is both a charitable and entertaining tradition for the entire Golden community . Our participating school clubs volunteer to put this event together. From passing out candy to creating fun activities for the visiting kids and families , Trick or Treat Street is always a good time •
I • - -· •· _ .,..·, - ~: :~-
.·--· -.:. 0 -
Cross Country
This year, Golden's Cross Country team had an awesome season With great success at all of their meets, this year's team made it a year to remember Every meet this year had Golden runners placed at the top of the board The team trained very hard everyday after school running all over Golden Meets th is year in c luded events such as the Arapahoe Warrior Invitational , the W i nd1ammer Invitational , Colorado State Cross Country Championships and many others No matter what place they took, the Cross Country kept their heads up high and looked ahead to the first place title
Sport Selfies
Savannah Arner ( 11) Brion Whitfield ( 12)
TJ Chrysler ( 11 ) Siena Dute ( 1 1) Sophia Wubben { 11 )
From duck faces to cross eyed to pondering to smirking, these athletes find time to be silly in between races.
Running the Extra Mile
Cross Country 1s a very outgoing program here at Golden High School The cross country team 1s very close and shore a strong team bond wrth one other They are always there for each other Even when someone gets hurt and can't part1c1opte in a race , they are there at the meet supporting their team members More than sixty students here at Golden High School port1c1pate 1n cross country each year Congrats for doing so well this year, we are all looking forward to another fantastic runl
Cross Country
1 A group huddle before a meet
2 In the zone
3 Best Buds Brian Whitfield ( 12) and Alec Hornecker ( 12)
4 A message of encouragement for the runners along the road
5 Cross Country Team 2014-20151
What is the best part about running cross country?
"My favorite part of the actual run is being with my team "
Savannah Arner ( 12)
"Running makes me feel good because t here is no t hing ahead besides t he finsh "
Jon DuVarney ( 11)
"I enjoy running because it helps me decompress after a long day "
Sienna Dute ( l 1)
"Cross Country has such a cool a t mosphere that comes with the sport "
Brian Wh1tield ( 12)
Jacob M onn ( 1OI Sommy Wubben (9) Sammy Wubben 19) Katelyn Shipman I 121 Jeshurur, .,,,,01, 1 11 I
"I've been port of TEC Tearn for all four years of my high school career I've loved every minute of 1t, the team Is a group of fantastic people who Iust wont to build and explore the possibil,t,es of the world around them Being president hos been o huge responsibility but I'm glad I stepped up to the challenge. I hove complete faith that the younger generation I'm passing the team on to will rock 11 out and make all of us proud •
Randi Seiwold I 12) President
"TEC Tearn Is a team of ind1v1duols who ore focused on challenging themselves. With multiple annual Colorado STEM events, TEC Tearn competes to bu11d and design new ideas and projects. These compehhons hove a d.verse field· from civil engineering, to forensics onolys1s, to coding and lo rrebuchet building. TEC Tearn at Golden High School broadens the abilities a student con mleroct with the STEM careers and poss1bil111es. Personally, I enjoy TEC Tearn because 11 allows me to connect with like-minded people who I wouldn't hove known 1uts1de of my classes TEC Tearn also shapes me to become a problemolver, a constant questioner of how lo change and improve the sys tems all around us.•
Odessa Noriega I 12) Vice President
Other Officers
Cory Coffman ( 12)
Tyler Walker ( 12)
Som Cobb ( 12)
BEST Robotics
BEST IBoosllng
Engineering Science and Technology) Is dedicated to bettering the minds of young people TEC Tearn designed and constructed a robot in six weeks with skills that will lost forever
Not disappointed by their hard work, the students cite the weekend of the competition as o highlight of this year so far
TEC Team Engineering
Engineering Club or TEC Tearn offers students an opportunity to explore and expand math and science knowledge in an entertaining and unique environment. Members participate in weekly lunch meetings with Mr Aurand During this time , they work together to produce inventions and machines that represent their talents They then enter many of these in various competitions This can lead to awards, recognition , and resume building for the students and the school. While most involved have a previous interest in a career or hobby in this field , some join early on and grow to find their place here Abundant pizza and hard work push these budding engineers to do their best and follow their mechanical instincts The students in Engineering club are learning valuable lessons that will follow them out of high school and into whatever path they choose to take. Their ingenuity will open doors for them anywhere and give hope for a bright future
1 They may be few, but they are mighty! TEC Tearn enjoys a moment's pause to pion their next big move
2 Cory Coffman 112) tokes BEST Robotics as on opportunity to pass on his engineering skills to new member, Joyce Chu 19)
3 Dalton Kimboll 19) ,Som Cobb I 12)., and Ben Lin ( 12) rise to the challenge with PVC pipe, wood , and twine
4 Thanks to mentor Cody Rex, Joyce Chu (9) will never need help with wiring again
5 Never insult TEC Team's creativity. You may face the wroth of their robot.
Race for the Cure
Nancy Brinker established Susan G. Komen in memory of her sister who died of breast cancer. Today, Komen is the global leader of the breast cancer movement investing hundreds of millions of dollars each year for research, education , screening and treatment and encouraging governments everywhere to make cancer a top priority.
The Race for the Cure ensures that the Komen Mission is carried out; to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people , ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cures.
Who did you walk for? Your mom, grandma , aunt, a friend? The GHS Senior Sem group ioined the race with some members walking , iogging and running in the fight against breast cancer.
Snares, Cymbals, Basses and Quads are among the instruments these talented freshmen, sophomores, 1un1ors and seniors play During the foll, Drumline goes to various sporting events performing different songs and leading chants In October, Drumline has their annual Stage Show where they use instruments and noisemakers other than drums to create music Brooms, drum tops, tennis balls, and chairs make more fun noises than one would assume Also dunng their season, Drumline walks 1n the Homecoming Parade, performs at the Homecoming Assembly and at the Homecoming Bonfire.
Musi cians
Ben Platt, Lily Conrad, Emily Oltmanns, Kyle Taylor Spencer Elliott, Tegon Hummell, Kyrcen Hummell, Louro Hoover, Isaac Sellinger Joey Ma1or Ian Swartz, Stefan Guest, Justin Fink, Andy Banta, Megan Brewington, Will Wainwright, Nathan Mott, Kayleigh Goetz-Imel, Ben Lyons, Julie Spawn, Alfredo Loya, D1roe Collins, Jo red Estrado , and Mitchel Kelley
Senior Sem taking part in the Race for the Cure at the Pepsi Center.
suson c. 1<omen race
FORTHE cure® • rum 1ne
"It's interesting when you are able to communicate with other people using their language "
Luis Badilla 1 ;
--~ "I wanted to teach Jrfdl._ my native language to others , and Spanish is the best!"
Gabriella Garcia
• ; "There is nothing more- fun than helping kids .learn a language and ,. appreciate another culture! 11
Samantha Cox
::, ,
°;- "I want to spread the Spanish culture and my love for the language!"
Kathy Spaulding
Madame Verleger teaches French 1, 2, 3 and sometimes even French 4! Madame teaches all levels of French by immersion. Class activities include writing and performing stories, speaking, reading and writing activities of all kinds. French is a smaller populated class here at Golden but with celebrations for Mardi Gras and other French holidays, one can I hardly not enioy class.
Nous adorons French Class!
Spanish Class
Spanish class at Golden High School is a great way for students to gain their world language credits for colleges. With celebrations such as Cinco De Mayo and Dia De Las Muertos, students have many dfferent and unique ways to learn about Spanish speaking countries and different spanish speaking cultures. Many students here at Golden take Spanish and we offer levels of Spanish ranging from Spanish 1 to Spanish 4.
J"I became a French tea c her to spread my passion for the language "
Molly Verleger
Boy's Tennis
Moonball! Hail Mary! Cannonball! Buggy whip! What's your favorite type of hit? Here at Golden the Boy's Tennis team was comprised of all types of guys First timers , returning champs, frershmen , seniors, and everyone in between! Working as both a team AND an individual sport makes tennis even more fun!
The Demons Tennis Team had a great sea son , with many returning players and even more first timer s!
What 1s YOUR favorite part of the game?
"Leaming how to ploy ii and ploymg with my friends. It was fun learning how to ploy tennis correctly and I en1oyed ploying with a great group of guys ·
Andrew Wise ( 12)
"There 1s no bench, if you make varsity, you get lo ploy a full match, which is pretty cool guarantee that not many sports make"
"Ploying at the net That's where I con hit the ball as absolutely hard as possible and win lots of points."
Ryan Bullard ( 12)
Kyle Taylor (12)
Golden High School's fashion scene hich Doctor Suess • What would you -1--------......---Top Hat & Bow Tie Do you follow the trends or make Follow 'if You're a Star Belly Sneetch your own? Your Own Dress your best, GHS! Do you like to cause trouble and break the rules or do you play it safe? • I ---------________.,. Troublemaker + Are you neat and organized or are you messy and relaxed? Neat + Cat in the Hat We all know that teacher ... Re l axed + Grinch • tr I Amb i ti o us + Vertie the Turtle
character are you?
rather wear?
Make your feet as funky as your personality
Fun Socks
Working hard or hardly working? I
Do you like to know what's I always g oing on with ..____7e veryth1ng o r are you more car efree? I • I Busybody Carefree
Cindy Lou Who • 1 +
A re you more cautious and stay I Safe
You' re cute and giddy with an adventurous side. You seem innocent but you like to break the rules. You' re optimistic and always like to know what's going on.
Are you nice t dfriends with everyone or are you more introverted and independent?
So !ia l lndep !nd ent
You' re super loveable and kind hearted . You would never hurt a fly and are sweet natured. You' re lumsy and ridiculous but have only good intentions.
Are you more ambitious or down to earth? • I
Down to Earth + Lorax
I Cau tious
I Adventurous
w ith the same crowd or do you like to try new things and be adventurous? • •
Thing 1 & Thin g 2
You' re spunky and upbeat. You never like to be away from your BFF. You' re outgoing and friends with everyone, but not very good at listening.
Would you rather be outside playing or inside eating your favorite food? I I
Ou tside +
Fox in Socks
I Inside + Sam (Green Eggs & Ham)
\ ....____ -
" We are a part of the river watch program ,n Golden We test the water quality of Clear Creek ,n order to monitor the health of our rivers Dunng this process we collect samples of water to test and then send this to the USG$ It's a grea t experience and teaches you about how civilization can impact an environment. We are bo th 619 supporters of this organ1zat1on and highly recommend 1oin1ng River Watch It's an amazing chance to learn about water quality and the environment. We get to go to Clear Creek once a month and are so fortunate to have Ms Onago!"
Katie Kreidle ( 12) and Nicolette Iron-Shell ( 12)
):: "· - -
Artwork by Amanda Berry
"I like River Watch because I get to learn about the things ,n our woter/ nvers I also make a lot of new friends "
Drew Nasky ( 12)
French Club
This year many Golden students joined French Club held by Mrs Verleger They learned more about the french culture by making tasty treats and selling t hem to fellow students and teachers. The me m be r s became closer and even made up their own hand sign
"My favorite part of French Club was participating in the Crepe-a-thon . It was a lot of fun to make crepes with friends then sell them "
Nikki Paris
( 1 1 ) -
Spanish Club
Spanish Club at Golden High School is good for fun as well as practice. They do research to learn more about the Spanish culture , learn more about the language and make great memories together.
"I joined spanish club to learn more about the spanish culture and spend lunch with my friends "
Mia lwan ( 12)
\ • - • F.,.
A N ~ A I S
• ·!......c • - -
"I like being the leader of the team and having the whole team look up to me It's like being a coach on the field I have a lot of idols I look up to but the one I look up to the most is Christiano Ronaldo I modled my good-look, play-good style after him As a team , I believe we have some of the best team chemistry of any team out there and this allows us to work together and understand each other's strengths and weaknesses ."
1 A fast paced and action filled sporl like soccer nevf'r fails lo sweep Golden players off !heir feet.
2 When Golden says "Jump', Jasper Hughes ( 12) ays "How high?'
3 Philip Katzman ( 12) shows off the fancy footwork that keeps him on the Varsity team.
4 Keep your eyes land feet) on the ball, Golden!
"Being a captain of this years boys varsity soccer team allows me to let my leadership skills show. Much like Lionel Messi, I have a passion for the game and enjoy being on the field with my team . This year's team has been very successful thanks to good communication and strong teamwork."
Ph ilip Katzman ( 12)
Mark Se ah o lm ( 1 2 )
What is you favorite Pre-game meal? ,:
5 Cosey Crowley I 12) never foils to gel ahead of the ompehtion.
"My favorite part about being a captain wa s being a leader on th e team , along with thre e other seniors! I really look up to my coach Aaron Manahan j he has inspired me over th e past two years to get better and better! I think this season we , as a team , become very closelike another family and that was huge for us ."
Heads Up!
Ja sper Hughe s ( 12 )
"Being a captain has allowed me to lead my team and be a role model for the younger kids as well. This year, Marisa Markovich has inspired me to be hard working and a postitive influence for my team. We stick together, while having fun playing to win 11
Large, loud crowds of both students, parents, and teachers filled the stands; showing their spirit for the GHS boys soccer team The crowds were never lacking and the school spirit was always over the top . For this year's season of 2014, the boys game wasn't far off from the crowds and all the games were full of energy. The Golden soccer team had you sitting at the edge of your seat the whole time, with surprises around every corner
Team Arvada West Demons Them Ralston Valley Denver South Hinkley Rampart Prairie View Valor Christian Arvada Standley Lake Litteton Green Mountain Wheatridge D'Evelyn Conifer Evergreen Montrose 0 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 0 1 4 0 6 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 ,, 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 1 1
Jake Katzman ( 12 )
"Groovy Girlfriend I" -McLaughlin
Mrs . McLaughlin, one of Golden's most beloved teachers, is retiring this year after 1 0 years at Golden and a whopping 25 years of teaching! Let's hear what words of wisdom she has ....
"I've been a teacher for 25 years; 10 of those being at Golden! I've taught Fashion , Relationships , Child Development, Life Management, Beginning Foods, Fo reign Food s and Cater i ng Fashion and Relationships were definitely my faves though Some students ask why I de ci ded to become a teacher. And it's because I liked doing this in Junior H i gh! I like creativity and helping people , so this was the field for me . While I power lounge and travel w i th the Silver Fox (my hu sband) i n retirement, I'll miss the awesome kids But I w o n't mi ss grading papers Stay Groovy Girlfriend!" -
Helen M c Laughlin
From cooking to sewing to balancing a checkbook and learning to budget, the FACS Department, Family and Consumer Sciences, has taught students at GHS of all ages how to be prepared for the real world coming up ahead Courses offered include Teen Choices, Relationships, Life Management, Cooking of multiple levels, Catering, Fashion and many more!
Helen Mclaughlin
What's something you've taught in your class that you'd like to pass on to students?
"Do what you love."
-Mrs. Thompson
"Mise en place. To have all your ingredients prepared and ready to go before you start cooking."
I I i I ' )
-Mrs. Cyphers
Mountain Biking
This year the Golden High School mountain biking team participated in four events around Colorado With a total of 40 racers on the team , some very strong individuals helped lead to a successful year. Races were held in Snow Mountain Ranch , Leadville , Elbert, and Eagle Our team here at Golden finished 6th at the Colorado State Championship race . Rider Brenna Hattier finished 2nd in the Varsity race and riders Reade Warner and Zach Elzi finished 2nd and 6th in the JV category Blake Ollweiler was awarded " Most Improved Racer" and coach Scott Burcar was awarded the states " Coach of the Year 11 •
"The best port of the season is the feeling of going across the finish line "
"All the races was definatly the best part of the season 11
• I - • ~· •' -·- -
Andrew Townsend ( I 2)
Noah Deal (I I)
Why did you ioin Choir?
1 The real fun storls bockstoge os Choir pr e pores to ,tep onto the risers
2 oroling, caroling now Tyler Roach I 12) and I onrod I 12) go.
3 t 1oss choir looks o 1most os good os they sound as mey f1II the stage for rehearsal
4 e Glissondos don't mind the snow 1n their oz concerl sweote~s
5 I othoryno Troyser 11 O) Ives the dream onn...,unc•ng the choir's well known witty intros.
6 t \ rs Nickell and Tyler Rooch I 12) shore o ,... h1evous smile before rehearsal
This year marks Mrs Nickell's first ot Golden os she hos stepped up to fill the shoes of Mrs Becker who ofter 8 years, retired Golden choirs sing in several concerts over the course of the year such as the Holiday Concert and Pops in the Spring They also work with Mrs Nickell dunng class to learn a wide variety of music and ore often a large port of the cost of the yearly musical The highly talented GHS choirs include the Glissandos, Mountain Magic, Mountain Men, Demon Jazz, and the 24th Street Singers Though they come from many different musical backgrounds, each of these students has found their place in choir
Golden High School's music program is filled with talented students from all ages who work diligently both in ond out of doss to master their instruments There ore four classes on the schedule including Concert Bond, String Orchestra, Full Orchestra, ond Rock Bond Concert Bond and String Orchestra introduce students to the experience of ploying together and performing in concerts through the year In Full Orchestra, the most advanced musicians tackle challenging music and participate not only in school concerts but also in competitions and events Rock Bond does not join the other groups on stage traditionally but performs off campus and in the courtyard during lunch In addition, there ore extracurricular instrumental groups such as Jazz Bond, Drumline, and Winter Percussion Jazz Bond works together all year long and presents a unique sound to the school and community With the help of Mrs Parker, Ms Crisfield, Mr !Joe) Voccorelli, and Mr (Dave) Rohlf, Instrumental Music at GHS encourages these students to do the i r best with fri endly competition in auditions, pract ical lessons, and advice that assists not only with music but with life in general.
in choir because it is very fun being in an all men ' s group ."
Wills ( 11)
"I am i n choir because when I si ng I always smile .•
Scanu ( 11 )
" I' m in choir because tt is a class I really enjoy."
Rylee Wyckoff ( 1 O)
'Music is the oasis in which I con collect myself. When we ploy music we release the •ents and emotions of the day. We work for improvement ,hen o note is wrong and smile when a chord falls perfecrly. Ausic is the difference between 1eing olive and actually living.•
laabella Cauley ( 11)
"I hove received the ability to express myself in on artistic mo nner and grown from the back of the second violins into a member of the Full Orchestra. I hove learned lo be confident in my musical abilities and om proud to hove explored all aspects of music from Music Theory with Dr Groves to Full Orchestra with Mrs Parker "
Erynn Mlkhell ( 12)
"Musicianship expands one's consciousness of the self. It expands the energy emitted between individuals. And this acceptancethis unity- this is music "
Barber ( 1 I )
The challenge of William Shakespeare's work Is not one that Theatre took lightly this November as they performed "Twelfth Night, " a classic comedy full of love and laughs Though the cast and crew faced a tall order, Golden students are not ones to pass up a chance to prove themselves Under the guidance of Mrs Hasbrouck, new and seasoned thespians alike produced the famous show with a twist: it was set in a mall of the 1980's The music and body language of the actors soon had the crowd chuckling and even joining in on the choruses And , of course , few students could resist when Depeche Mode's "Just Can't Get Enough" came on and encouraged the Golden High School Hand Jive Stage Right Productions breathed new life into an old story so successfully that audiences could almost forget they were listening to Shakespeare
.J L
Visual Arts
11 I chose to take art because art is my way to relax and enjoy myself.
Hau Luo ( l 2)
"Art is an opinion thing and everyone has their own reasoning on liking something.
MingXin Ye I 12)
11 I want art to be a big part of my career.
Bailey O'hara ( l 2)
Rd ...
"You'll miss the best things if you keep you're eyes shut."
-Dr. Seuss
Just as anime is becom i ng a widel y popular genre of Japanese film and televis i on , anime c lub i s a fast developi ng tradit i on at Golden H i gh School. From goofing around to serious an i me business, this group of students never fa i ls to keep up w i th the animated world
Students Reaching Out (SRO)
Students Reaching Out 1s a youth development program that provides skills and opportuni ties for high school you t h to make pos1hve changer 1n their communities This program allows students to become empowering leaders inside and outside of school Here at Golden the students 1n the club work with our studen ts 1n the challenge program as wel l as the culturally diverse students
"SRO hos been the most rewarding experience of my life A ll the kids we work wi th in SRO ore my very best fnendsl"
Emmy Adams (9)
"SRO hos made on impact on me because I love helping others "
Maddie Olin ( 12)
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you've ever read?" "To Kill a Mockingbird 11 Mrs Clark "Th Q
11 Middle Sex" Ms Hall "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Mr Parker 11 Pride and Pre1ud1ce" Mrs Davis---\ "The
I l
most influential book
II e uran
Power of One "
"The Dharma Bums" "All Ou1et on the Mr Cousineau Western Front"
Ms Shapiro
Boys .Basket all
Golden's basketball team is known for being one of the top performing teams at the school , and this year was no different The Varsity team finished this year in the final eight and finished as champions in our own league with fourteen wins and only one loss. We "Beat the Wheat" 7 5 to 66 !
The basketball team was even interviewed by 9News earlier in the season
"This year we made it to the final eight for state playoffs Our team took league champs against Wheat Ridge , Littleton , Stanley Lake , Evergreen , Conifer, and Arvada The boys went to Florida for team bonding and training which really helped our season this year We wouldn't have made it as far as we did if our team wasn't as close as it is , " says Varsity Coach Anderson .
This was truly Golden's year! Way to go Demons!
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The acronym UNICEF stands for the United Nations Children's Fund . The group works throughout the year to raise money for children in developing countries Here at Golden High School our UNICEF club is made up of a diverse group of students This year they raised money by selling gum and participating in trick-or-treat street . Unicef also helps out at the annual Trick-or-Treat Street event, and hosts different fundraisers throughtout the year .
,.. -
"As I'm writing this I can't help but feel bittersweet. All four years of high school this has been my entire life. Speech and debate is the best thing that has ever happened to me It's taught me that I have ideas that are worth defending and that I should be proud of what I have to say no matter what that is because what I have to say is important Everyone on the team is like an extension of my family and as I move toward graduation it'll be difficult to say goodbye to all of the great people that have gathered together to make the GHS speech team . "
- Erynn Mitchell Speech and Debate Captain Q '
Some famous quotes our wrestling team lives by :
"We are what we repeatedly do Excellence, then , is not an act, but a habit " -Aristotle
You wonder if all the pain and sacrifice is worth it, now you know .
There are 1 , 440 minutes in a day, and only six of them matter
Why do you wrestle?
The team s u cc eed s o n it s Q ues t for Four
The Quest for Four
Golden has one of the best conditioned wrestling teams around due to coach Dave Sauer's intense practice regime The boys start the season with practice twice a day, giving the team an advantage when it comes to having the stamina to work hard through an entire match
Little known fact, Golden has two girls on its wres tling team While it is a fairly recent development 1n the sport at the high school level we are proud to be on the front of this movement
In an exciting finish to the league championships we managed to pull ahead of Wheat Ridge by just one point, solidifying our team as league winners for the fourth year in a row
The wrestling team always has members make it to the state tournament, and this year was no different After the results were in, Baily Bowker placed 2nd, Chase Daniels placed 4th, and Romelo Salas placed 6th
Congratulations everyone for your hard work!
W hat d id you ta ke away from the exp er ience o f going to St ate C hamp io nships?
• No other feeling like ii, ii' s o once in a lifetime thing , just being there was cool.•
Balley Bowker ( 12)
"That if you put your mind to something you con achieve it.•
Chase Dani e ls ( 1 1 )
11 Art has always been part of my life, and is something I really enjoy. Not only can I express myself, but also show things that most people don't see or think about; show different point of views . With art being a true passion of mine, of course I hope to continue it in the future."
(December Divider)
Catie Comitor ( 12)
"I've been drawing since I was four years old. I love painting and drawing because it's a great way lo express my feelings and understanding of the world and culture that I live in. I hope people can have a positive feeling otter seeing my artwork."
(August & October Divider)
Hao Luo (12)
"I've been making art since I could remember. It's the spirit of my life and I've enjoyed ii for years. People inspire me and are my favorite to create. Art will surely be in my future."
(Summer & September Divider)
Ming Ye (12)
"Painting, drawing, and photography, I love it all. I've been creating art since I was little and all four years at Golden. Next year I plan on studying visual arts, with an emphasis in photography, to pursue the career of my dreams." (Closing Page)
Katherine Phenna ( 12)
"I enjoy the fact it inspires emo tion in others and its rewarding to produce something that you can take pride in. I want to continue fine arts in college and eventually become an art curator for a museum. I am always trying to make something of higher quality, tha t I feel represents me and inspires me to continue. 11 (January Divider)
Katie Kiusalaas ( 12)
"What I like about doing art is feeling totally free. When I have a paintbrush in my hands, its like I can become free to get lost in my thoughts, and forget everything else in the world. It's a truly awesome feeling As an artist, everything inspires me but wha t really inspired me was some personal struggles and art became an outlet like no other I will be attending the Art Institute of Chicago and couldn't be more excited to pursue my passion and see where my next journeys take me and my art. 11
(November, Spring, & February Divider)
Amanda Berry ( 12)
Seuss Can Do It
Dr. Seuss was challenged to write an entire book, but only using fifteen wordsl This became the well known book, Green Eggs and Ham So we challenged our Demons current and past to write a story using only fifty different wordsl
... These Demons av ~ Up the hill from these Demons In Golden's view, There is a G painted By we-don't-know-who. • •
__T=..,;;hese Demons look UP-,~----~---~----~-------
1s qui e
G is quite bright, The Demons make the G a glorious sight!
is Golden because of the G
• OCIO "The Civil War" -Mr Ohlen • 1es 11 The Civil Rights Liberation Movement" -Ms. Fabrizio
has happened in history?" 11 Slavery" -Mr Shackett "Women's Rights 11 -Ms. Anderson 11 Civil Rights Liberation 11 -Mr. Mendoza 11 Equality between races" -Mr Gill
"What's the most important social
inter Break
Over Winter Break, some people will do anything to get out of Colorado and into the sunshine , or just a different snowstorm From visiting family to the lure of a long week away, Golden kids have many reasons to travel over the holiday Of course, many GHS students turned our own beautiful state into a state of snow covered bliss . Their cheeks rosy from the skiing and snow boarding that dominate the winter sport scene , these kids didn't hesitate to take advantage of a photo opportunity .
How Did You Spend Your Winter Break?
From snowy slopes
To holiday hopes GHS spends the chilly season coast to coast
"I went home to Tennessee to see my family.•
Mackenzie Green (10)
• My sister came home to join us for a week of snowshoeing and snowmobiling • Monica Scanu ( 11)
"Chicago with my cousin! I enjoyed the city lights and sights.•
Clara Hoppe (9)
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Girls · Basket all -
Whydo you play? •
t _, ) - • • ' ' • •
Dribble, Dribble, Shoot!
When asked why she plays the sport of basketball Amanda Molle e said , "It is honestly something I have done since I was si x years old It has become apart of me I think that if I wasn ' t play ing it then there would be something missing , I don't think it would feel right ."
Although the girls basketball team didn't compete as well we they had hoped to this year, with four wins out of fifteen games, they worked hard in true demon spirit They became close as a team on and off the courts A little advice from the mind of Dr .Seuss?
"If things start happening , don't worry, don ' t stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too ."
We can't wait to see the happenings you will be up to ne x t year ladies, Go Demons!
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Interact Club
Andrew Wise ( 12)
0 lnteract club does community service projects. We have one international and one local event each year. We work with rotary and help in the Golden community. I like being the president of Interact because I like giving back and helping with our projects, so we can strive to make the club better "
What are you doing with the e x tra money that you're no longer spending on gas?
"With all the money I save on gas, I... buy more gos."
Students of the Interact Club connect with the community . They build leadership skills , and make a difference ; all while having fun Not only do they help their school, but they also help others around them. With all the projects and services they do , Interact is a proud addition to the clubs at GHS.
I"I spend most of my money on food."
Do aHOT?
I •
Jazz Band is a hard working group of students who all share their love for music together. They meet once a week and preform at many different events. Some of those events this year included the Chili Cookoff, all of the band concerts, and the UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival.
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This season , the Girls Swim and Dive team proved that, with hard work, comes great rewards They won medals and ribbons but that's not the reason these girls are smiling . What they won meant much more than that Over and over, we hear stories of a team becoming a family . With Swimming , this seems to be true in the greatest sense as the girls , their coaches, and even the racers from other schools proved that no pool or lane can keep them from bonding . They hold each other and this sport close to their hearts and , although some may not continue to swim or dive after high school , the sportsmanship and compassion learned here will stay with them forever .
Is 11 the racing?
Is 11 the pool?
What on earth
Make s swim ming so cool?
1 It doesn't matter which lone you swim in ot the end of the race.
2 Annie Fox I 121 and Becky Thiede I 121 share wide smiles and celebratory flowers os they exit the oool.
he cold does nothing to phase these girls!
I hey didn't choose the swim life, the swim life chose them,
5 The GHS swim team proves that they con be best friends both in and out of the waler.
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'Regardless of the extremely dry skin , increase in blemishes. and damaged hair, I love swim team. I joined not just to meet new people that hove the same inters! in sports that I hove, but to do something I am passionate about I swam when I was younger and just wanted to start it up again! I'm so glad that I did because I met my second family "
Koa Kampovitz (9)I
" I hod played soccer my whole life and I've always enjoyed being on a sports team , and then thi s year my friends and family urged me to try something new I saw swim as a great opportunity I had never done it before and ii seemed like a great new challenge '
Caitlin McKay (9)
Sabrina Sabadeanu ( 11) has conquered the wa t ers of Golden and now sets course for the Olympic team . She competed at St ate and finished in 4th place overall in backstroke as well as 8th overall in the 200 meter IM This not only earned her bragging rights and the medal pictured but the confidence she needs to follow her dreams .
Why did you ioin swim/ di ve?
•11oined dive learn because 11s similar to gymnastics, and 11 wont ed lo try something ne,v •
CymrySweet (12)
•11ained swim team because I love being In the woter •
Monica Barnes ( 11)
"I joined swim b ecause w hen I was li tt le I was in a swimming club, and I thought ,twas funl"
Nichole Blrkelo (10)
•1 hove been ~w,mming my whole life and I1s fun to be on a team with the school and corT'pete for the school •
Annie Fox ( 12)
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Sadies in the 80's
Totally tubular, dude! This year's Sadie Hewkin's Dance was themed in the 80's; rad! A photo booth complete with props and costumes fit for the era made the night one to remember!
I ·----=-~--"What do you consider the hardest science class that is taught here at Golden?"11 AP Physics" -Mr. Blincoe 11 AP Physics 11 -Mr Christians "AP Music Theory" -Dr. Graves "AP Physics" -Mrs. Onogo "AP Physics" -Mr. Vais "AP Chem 11 -Mrs. Bryson AP Physics 11 -Mr. Burcar - -' "AP Physics 11 -Mr. Miller "Earth Science 11 -Mr Thumin 11 All science classes depending on what your strengths are! 11 -Mr . Oreskovich Have you challenged yourself to AP Physics yet? .. I •• • l t::.:iJ
Golden Demon's cheer team is a hard working and busy group of girls . These girls compete from September to February . Florida hosts cheerleading nationals every February and the girls go every other year In the 2014-2015 season the team placed at every competition and got 1st place at Regionals GHS hosted the spirit leagues this year and when competing they did amazing here at home The girls cheer at football , soccer, wrestling , girls basketball and boys basketball. They attend many parades, assemblies, and school and community functions . The team supports the school tremendously but most of all they have a lot of fun
What is the best part of cheer?
eerlea • 1ng
Captain's Corner
"Being Golden High School's senior captain has truly been an amazing experience These girls have worked so hard this past season and I wouldn't trade them for the world . All of us have formed a sisterly bond that will last forever 'I trade sweat for strength, I trade doubt for belief, I trade cheerleading for nothing '"
Julia Simmons ( 12)
"Being captain for this team has been so awesome . The girls are so sweet and hardworking! I really enjoy leading cheers, especially at basketball games We do so many fundraisers and team bonders that bring us all so close! I wouldn't have wanted to lead any other team with anyone else besides Julio Simmons our senior captain "
Abby Wilson ( 10)
..... -."...-
When most soccer players don their uniforms , they become a team ; a simple group of people working together to acheive a common goal {in this case, many goals) However when the Golden High School Girls Soccer team puts on their uniforms, they become much more than a team They become a group of friends nearly like family It is this that keeps these girls coming back year after year Last season ended successfully and the Demon ladies soccer has high hopes for this year
"I've been playing since I was o little kid and I've always enjoyed ii'
Sam Starley ( 12)
• Honestly my Mom signed me up • Samantha GIimore ( 11 )
"I love being outside and hanging out with my friends and soccer includes both of those"
Sydney Starley (10)
I \ ~I l
The Results
Red Chili
1st Place : Betsy Gehrke
2nd Place : Marianne Clanton
3rd Place : Jessica Fehrn
White Chili
1st Place : Lynnoi Smith
2nd Place : Ms Cyphers Closs
3rd Place : Pamela Rios
Colorado's food scene is full of Hispanic influences. Red , green and white chili have warmed the hearts (and often the mouths) of nearly every Coloradan, big or small. Here at GHS, the annual Chili
Cook Off in the Cafeteria is where local Golden chili legends are made Be it family recipes or new traditions, the cafeteria walls lined with tables and crock pots result bring smiles to the faces of the winners and tasters alike . What may at first seem like a friendly small town competition fast becomes a night of fun and food for the whole family. Some students bring their parents' famous chilis in hopes of winning a coveted parking place awarded each year Others wander through the cafeteria after a practi ce and find their stomachs growling at the smell of this Colorado comfort food .
Overall, it is an evening of Golden culture at it's finest with all the small town spirit one desires
I M M C O R u A , G N • H LI . • ·,.....__ - -
1 The seniors show off the1 pride for the,r lost year on GHS dance leur
2 ne•·o G:lmore I 121 and Madeline Wolters I 121 representing a .Jell deserved win in their d1v1s,on.
3 G-Town gels downl Dance team never tokes a picture without oerteclly matched style
4 A.lwoys o fon favorite, the boys dance was o success at this yea s ecomIn9 assembly
5 on que Laurito 11 11 and Madeline Wohers I 12) shore o hug and nule as they kick off rhe year
6 got sp·ril yes we dol We've 901 spirit al the Homecoming rJ _de, how oboul you?
7 Aleoh Dempsey (9) and Madeline Wolters ( 12) demonstrate the 1--len Dance Tearns signature hug portro1t
8 he girls never foil to show their support.
9 .>mpetition for best dressed or best dancers? Who knows but the.e ladies certainly wm both.
1 0 Demon pride at its finest
11 This Dance Team tno wonts YOU to hove a great time at the I niir~I
12 - ,e cold never bo1hered these g,rls anyway at leost not during .-:,·--r photo opportun lies
13 The sen·or girls owe their success not only to each orher but to their coach. Brandy
11 My favorite
The GHS dance team is a great example of the eclectic Golden town spirit . Hip Hop , Jazz, Lyrical , they can do it all with flying colors. From their extreme routines to their striking and unique outfits, Dance Tearn never ceases to amaze and leave an audience in awe. Flawless teamwork, amazing pirouettes, jumps, leaps, and spins are always in sync and on point . They are an excellent example of the teamwork, dedication , and school spirit at Golden.
1 After o big win, the g rls celebrate by trading in their bright smiles for funny faces
2 When I soy Dance, you soy Teoml The porns ore always o crowd pleaser.
3 Do blondes hove more fun? Or brunettes? On the D in.:e team, 1t doesn't seem to matter
4 No matter the weather, the girls are always dandng
5 Trick or treat! Dance team ,s recogn,zab 1e even in costume
6 The Homecoming assembly shows off the g1ils moves in one of their biggest performances for the school.
7 Main street or the main stage, these girls always strut their stuff
11 My favorite port about being a captain is just knowing all the work to become one I started out my freshmen year as on alternate and through the years, dance team has become so 1mportont to who I om today!"
"Being a cap tain gives me a good opportunity to develop leadership skills and see the gtrls grow and become better dancers. My parents support me the most, but my bro ther gives me advice and tells me to never quit."
Amelia Gilmore ( 12)
being captain is having the girls look up to me and setting an example I feel like we do well working hard to reach our goals I look up to my coach Brandy and the past GHS dance captains "
Monique Lauri ta ( 11)
Madeline Wal ter s ( 12)
Other Sports
1 'rloyden Holtrop 191 placed 18th out of 66 state quol f1ers fo· Giant Slalom and 16th out of 66 fof Slalom
2 Yul Moldouer I 12) 1s well known ot GHS for h,s gymnastic prowess, including notional and in•ernotionol competitive placement
3 Megan Ookl1ef 11 OI may ploy music and en1oy classes ot Golden but her sb racing places her among the talented group known as the Jefferson County Ski Tearn
4 Juggernaut vo 11eybol involves many of the girls including Roeley Baxter I 12), who 1us1 con t get enough of the sport during the GHS ofter school hours
5 Rise Dence Company involves prom1s•ng dancers from all around, in particular our own Brianna Stephens I 121 and Indigo Earhart (91
6 A high 0ymg Yul Moldouer I 121 1s sure to turn up •n books for more important than this one Look for him in the front pages, Golden!
7 Deane Long I 121 glides through the Slalom course with the ease that landed him o chance m the State Championship.
8 Besides earning 2nd in Giant Slalom Brenna Hatler ( 11 I was named All State for g1ds for this sb season.
9 Brianna Stephens 11 2) hos been dancing almos1 as long as she hos been wolkmg This year, she earned her pointe shoes and ploos to continue the hard work far ,nlo the fuiure
10 Caroline Lukens I 121 captures the ottenhon of Golden with her roping skills in Eagle, Co1orado.
l l Katie Harmon I 12), smiling cheek to cheek m Westernaires on her trusty steed
Despite Golden High School ' s efforts to accommodate students with a wide variety of interests and talents, some students find that GHS cannot offer the sport they hold closest to their hearts .
From Colorado's beautiful mountains to its perfect powder days , many kids find themselves on skis for the JeffCo team
The rich history and strong future calls some to the sport that won the west; rodeo . Others outgrow our small hometown with their immense skills and move on to higher levels outside of Golden . Still more begin a sport as soon as they can make their own decisions and continue at the same outside location as they grow up In the end , it is not the awards that matter or the school that changes the students . These young people and what matters to them is what truly matters .
u • m
The Most onderful Times of the Year
Members of the advanced 24th Street Singers look forward to the winter season all year . In some cases, it is the only reason they audition or agree to be a part of I the choir . They get to travel around 1 the city of Golden celebrating the holiday tradition of caroling all day . During this time , they also raise money for the vocal music program by embarrassing their friends in class in a tradition much closer to home, Val -OH-Grams . Songs they sing include age old favorites with a few GHS special twists All of the hearts of Golden are warmed in the chilliest time of the year by the effort and voices of the 24th Street Singers
Alexander Abraham Mahmoud Abu -Sukheila Branden Adams
Sophia Aguilar
Y egor Alexeyev Chase Alten
Alexandra Ambrozic
Laila Amery
Ivana Archer
Savannah Arner
Andreas Artemis
Samantha Auster
Xavier Baioa Baily Baker
Eugene Baker
Ian Barker
,. t I c:::::.J
Roeley Baxter Konner Bemi s
Elena Bis hop
Hannah Blo c k
Wylie Borden
Jacob Borer
Megan Brewington
~_. \-.•"'
Connor Brogan
, Amanda Berry
Joseph Bl oom
Gar rett Brott
Kevin Billings
Olivio Bockmonn-Rose
Bailey Bowker
C 3 0 t
Brooke Brown
I -~ "" ,i ~, • - 'A • '.. " tl tr. r, I .. ------::'.:::==~ ~---__. ~ "-.:I~
Lasse Brunvoll Ryan Bullard
Victor Calderon
Jesse Capaul
Zachary Carder
Grace Carlson
Brynna Carman
Savannah Cas tell
Jordan Chaney
Rachel Chari ton
Omar Chavez
Louis Clark
Samuel Cobb Lea h Coe
Cory Coffman
Noelle Cohn
Buddy Collins Catelyn Comitor
Matthew Conklin Katelyn Connally
Gabriel Connell
Lily Conrad
Alexis Cook
Casey Cook
Terran Coon
Cody Cooper
Gran t Copple
Brett Corley
Josephine Coulter
Katalene Coul ter
Alexander Cowie
Kyle Cox
Dustin Cupp
Jamie Curtis
Morgon Dosch
Logan Davis
Chad Derby
Chose Derby
Carolyn CrosslandWilson
Amir Custic
Hannah Dennis
A ejondro DominguezAmezcua
Cosey Crowley
Cloney Dol ton
Anno Denzel
Brooke Dowell
Anya Dushinski
Theodore Ei ck
Adam Elliott
. ~A -
Spencer Elliott
Gregory Ellison
Joseph Encinas
Julianne Engquist
Madison Evans
Gabrielle Fi ck
Aaron Field Kegan Fields
Morgan Fink
Emily Flora
Anna Fox
Autumn Frankel
Ambyr Freestone
Katherine Fulton
Rachel Garbars
Ryan Garbars
Crystal Garcia
Hector Gardea
Kaitlin Gasper
Daniel Geiger
Alex Giarratano
Anthony Gibbs
Christop her Gilas
Amelia Gilmore
Ashton Gomez
Dominic Gomez
Vincenzo Gomez
Cenovio Gonzales
Jade Goss
Gunner Graves Morgan Graybeal
Cole Greff Annetta Gregory
Sean Haley Garret Halstrom
Taylor Gossett
Kalyn Greaser
Madalynn Greyer
Aspen Hammer
Kayla Gotta
Alexandra Green hagen
Burgandy Dakota Grout
Kathleen Harmon
Chandler Hauk
Jasmine Haver
Kyle Hecht
Jonathan Herzing
Drake Hi c ks
Trevor Hicks
Rachel Hilbrecht
Marissa Hill
Logan Hinkle
Laura Hoover
Jessie Hostetler
Lily Houlton
Jonah Howards
Cody Howrey
Jasper Hughes
Ty l er Hun t
Doniel Hutchens
Loonn Iborra
Nicolette lronShell
Alina lwon
Mikoylo lwon
D'Voris Johnson
Isaak Johnson
Jason Johnson
Zak Johnson
Reed Jones
Kathleen Kosel
t ' . ;~ · '11AJE1
Groce Koshefsko
Bryan Katzman
Jacob Katzman
Philip Katzman Enc Kern
Sarah Kimball
Lucas Kincaid
Miley King
Katherine Kiusalaas
Erin Kneeskern
Ethan Kopp
Luke Kovalcik
Kiyo Kraft
Katherine Kreidle
Adam Kreller
Travis Kyger
Jordan Lairamore
Sara Landucci
Wyatt Larsen
Ethan Larson
Jaegan Lawrence
Anneliese Leavy
Duncan Leene
Rae Lemon
Madison Liedtke
Benjamin Lin
Deane Long
Gabrielle Lowrie
Lindsey Lucero
Caroline Lukens
HaoXin Luo
• w..." C • ' ·• » ,, Q '
Kiley Lynch
Nhi Ma
Sonrisa Macharia
Devin Mackelprang
Amanda Mollee
Makayla Markey
Marisa Markovich
Erynne Martinez
Bailey Massa
Allie Matsuo
Nicholas McCarron
Riley McConnell
Tiffany McCumber
Shaun McDaniel
Shelby McElhenny Spencer McGaughey
James Medina
Megan Meyer
Davis Miller
Shelbilyn Miller
Ryne Mil ls
Taylor Misik
Paris Mues
Christine Negreanu
Callae O'Hara
Erynn Mitchell
Theresa Myers
Alena Nickerson
Jack O'Hara
Yul Moldauer
Jacques Moreau
Carter Nadolsky
Drew Nasky
Odessa Noriega
Bailey O'Hara
Christian O'Neil
Keiko Ohtake-Gordon
Madel i ne Olin
John Ollweiler
Connor Olsen
Emily Oltmanns
Camden Parker
Kayln Peak
Katherine Phenna
Bennett Platt
Ammar Qasim
Antonitta Ramos
Brigg Reimers
I '
Ali Reynolds
Andrew Reynolds
Donovan Rice
Paul Richy
Morissa Rios
Tyler Roa c h
Cameron Rough Andrew Roy ce
Emily Sabo
Whitley Samuels
Andrew Schneider
. · -:- ~-r r-- X!~ ~· :.,C.~ A !;a" -~- ~ ~r"' .... ---11• 'r,;;..-. J:'~ ~"'-.ir:-~ C"1!
Everett Schroeder
Jade Roberts
We ston Rutherford
Riley Sonder s
Mork Seaholm
Vic tor Rolph
And y Ruzicka
Jasmine Schm idt
Rand, Seiwa ld
Isaac Se llinger
Kyle Shottenkirk
Julia Simpkins
) 1 • [:.-~--""ho~;;...:: ""-·-~
Joshua Soich
Hannah Shelley
Alexandra Simmonds
Matthew Singer
Mary Spar ks
Rinjee Sherpa
Katelyn Shipman
Julia Simmons
Baylee Simonds
Brooklynn Sm ith
Rebe cc a Smith
Dana Speiser
Zachary Spellman
Masun Stander
Samantha Starkey
Brianna Stephens
Katelyn Stevens
Sabrina Stock
Hannah Stoner
Cymry Sweet
Cathryn Tafoya
Jacob Tamburro
Catherine Tanner
Kyle Taylor
• • •
Rebec c a Thiede
Ryan Thistlewood
Andrea Thoemke
Andrew Townsend
Curtis Trammell
Olivia Treitman
Brandi Trevithick
Midon Valdez
Ashleigh Van Deusen
Brett Veldman
Megan Vernon
Madeline Walters Easton Wasinger
Katherine Tubbs
Austin Van Lerberghe 1
Maddison Vigil
Samantha Weese
KC Turner
Er ic VanGeet
Tyler Walker
Brittnie Weinelauer
Alexis Weldon Kelsey Wheeler
Bnan Whitfield
Mikaela Wilkins
Troy Wilkinson Kelsie Willbanks
Duncan Williams
\,tJ Ci ->
Ennn Williams
Evelyn Williams
Sage Windell
Andrew Wise
Jennifer Worsw1ck
Stephanie Yarb r oug h
MingXin Ye
Mosho Yi
Cory Ziehr
Joegan =~=-: Lawerence r-==~
Win Survivor Som Starkey --• To be President Eric Kern
be a Soccer Mom Ashton Gomez ·To be a Gold Digger
be a Ski Bum • • C s
be a Cat Lady
Jesse Copoul & Groce Carlson
Kiley Lynch
Konner Bemis
BEST DANCER • • •, •• -
I :..-..-.;:.Ill""'"
Bryan Katzman
Lindsey Boudreau
-.j-1:"l~•,I, - -~ :. :':.i:::. -_Never Leave GOLDEN
Victor Rolph
Travis Kyger
Ben Lin
Kathryn Adams
Zoe Albright
Conner Allen
Andy Amos
Rebekah Anderson
Trenton Anderson
Arianna Ardehali
Jasmine Autry
Dora Bocunn
Cade Boker
Willow Boll
Gavin Banks
Sonia Barber
Monico Barnes
Anna Barr
Mana Barrett
Shannon Boughman
Jackson Beck
Hunter Belcher
Miranda Benfield
Kahealan1 Ben tos1no
Jake Bergstrom
Skye Berkowitz
Ryan Blodgett
Nicholas Boul1neau
Brandon Bowker
Brianna Brannan
Natalie Brunel
Casey Bruno
Gregory Buckendahl
Samuel Burrows
Kristofer Bye
Alexis Cadry
Nicholas Capoul
Grant Carman
Luke Caruthers
Isabella Couley
Rayne Cavazos
Cassandra Cerrillos
Brittany Choet
Ethan Chase
Kasandra Goll
Gavan Childerston
Chase Chrenko
Torrey Chrysler
Jordan Cieluch
Rhett Cito
Chase Claar
Alexa Clark
Tracy Clyncke
Diroe Collins
Ion Conroy
Kristo Coreilius
Samuel Cory
Ion Cowie
Poul Cowie
Sydney Crabb
Megan Criss
M1koylo Cross
Joxon Cusack
Katherine Czarnecki
Benjamin Domhoff
Chase Daniels
Dylan Dempsey
Kaycee Di Lorenzo
Connor Doig
Alec Dolan
Moren Donnelly
Noah Dowell
Jonathon Du Varney
Jacob Duden
Kristen Dunson
r _,.. ·• ""'.:~:-·:n•'"'~~ • .._:,., - • l!~,,;._..,-._•~
Siena Dute
Zackary Dym
Keith Engstrom
Timothy Erickson
Jared Estrada
Sarah Fan ton
Morgan Feazell
Cole Ferguson
Janette Figueroa
Theodore Fleury
Destiny Florez
Zan1b Flynn
James Foster
Sarah Foye
Vincenzo Frac1ca
Kendra Franklin
Stefawna Garb1so
Aylin Garcia
Carlos Garcia
Chyanne Garcia
Jacob Garrard
Kaylen Gehrke
Samantha Gilmore
Reilly Godson
Chantel Gonzales
Chastity Gonzales
Erand1 Gonzalez
Jeffrey Goodwin
Cambria Gorman
Chase Gray
Coby Gray
Katie Greenhalgh
Evan Gregory
f an Gues t
Sheldon Hackler
Tiffann1 Hairfield
Clayton Halstrom
Ryan Hansen
lec Harns
Blake Harns
Cole Harris
Logan Hassen
Brenna Hattier
Jade Hawkes
Dylan Hayden
Alexander Hazel
Casey Hecht
Maggi Moe Hendricks
Alycia Herther
Ethan Hickey
Peter Hinaman
Jasmin Hollaway
Enk Hoppe
Alec Hornecker
Marilyn Horton
Dante Hulin
Kyrcen Hummell
Tegan Hummell
Ethan Hunt
Johnathan Hunt
Gered Hussey
Cole Hynds
Carl lronshell
Kathleen Jackson
Kathnna Jaehne
Elliot Jaramillo
Ross Jenkins
Adrienne Jensen
Dylan Johnson
Wyatt Johnson
Brooks Jordan
Alexander Kampov1tz
-- - -~
Kirsten Konger
Tyler Keller
Kameron Kerby
Michael Kerl
Shahpool Khorsh1d
Avery Kiel
Rachel King
Emily Kirts
Jared Kirts
Riley Koch
William Kopper
Ben1am1n Kromer
Paige Kreutzer
Ellie Kuretich
Brooke Lago
Dom1n1c Landucci
Monique launta
Conner lework
Ramon Limon
Cole Lockey
Hannah Lockie
Isabel longona
Cyn t hia Lopez
Javier Lopez Suarez
Garvans Lorque t
Aidan Loveall
Alfredo Loya
Autumn Lucas
lryya Lyubomyrska
Ben1om1n Mace
Bnonna Maes
Gage Maestas
Joseph Ma1or
Eduardo Manrique
Anahi Mart inez
Bethany Ma rt inez
Faith Mar tinez
Thomas Martynuska
Tanner McAdoo
Samantha McConnell
lane McFarlin
Logan McGregor
Allison McKay
Jake McManus
Tanner Mc Rath
Stephen Meyer
Alexis Milan
Alyssa MI nya rd
Nina Moreland
Sally Morgan
Trent Morns
Nathaniel Mott
Christopher Mulligan
Katelyn Mullings
Jared Nagode
Miriam Needham
Cyrus Nelson-Garrard
Michael N1k1tin
Morgon Oertl1
Blair Ohmert
Cameron Olson
Alyse Oxenford
Noel Packard
Madison Pal1en
Cowen Papke
Sarah Park
Ben1om1n Pennell
Evelyn Perez
Lisa Peters
Bradford Pettengill
Rowan Pfannenstiel
Steven Poindexter
Sora Proffitt
Bren t Purta
Brenden Quinonez
Jailene Rabadan
Hannah Randoll
Thomas Rasmussen
Tawny Reinhard
Meagan Reynolds
Samantha Reynolds
Connor Rice
Kaylo Riggs
Ka,den Rivera
Trevor Roberts
Courtney Romero
Hunter Rose
Grace Rouzaud
Sabrina Rubio
Sabrina Sabadeanu
Sophia Sanford
Monica Scanu
Polino Shchem1kova
Nicholas Shelton
Emily Shephard
Alexandna Shepherd
Samuel Shepherd
Colin Sh ,ra
Lillian Shorey
Bruna Silva
Joseph Simpson
Jeshurun Small
Schy ler Sma t hers
Ashley Smi th
Karl Soders t rom
Raeanne Stanbro
Austin Stephens
Carmen Sterling
Kylie Stewart
Benjamin Stock
Coleson Stodghil l
Daryian Stone
Maya Sudweeks
Ian Swartz
James Tapia
Daniel Thompson
Kentaro Thompson
Skyler Thompson
Corinne Thorshe1m
Lindsey Thorshe1m
Ashley Toon
Christopher Trunko
Mc Lloyd Tuten
Danyell Anne Valdez
Jose Valladares-Palma
Maliea Van
Noelle Van Lerberghe
Judy Van Metre
Madison Vickers
Sydney Villa
Devin Villanueba
Margaret Jane Virden
Shelby Waggoner
James Wald1nger
Acaz1a Wallace
Yixuan Wang
William Weiss
Derek Welch
Robert Wheelan
John Willis
Thomas Willk1son
Rebecca Wilson
Jesangelyn Wisehart
Sophia Wubben
Jacob Youngmark
Grace Zitol1
- • ·-,•,r - /I'<..
Joseph Zitol1
Au t umn Abbott
Seth Abbott
Victor Aguilar
Sean Ainsworth
Logan Albrecht
Jared Alpine
Angel,tto Alvorez
Iman Amery
Mokenz1 Anderson
Yul,yo Aporshevo
Zack B0100
Brennen Boker
Dillion Boker
Monika Boker
Degon Bartels
Kelton Boss1ngthwaile
Blayke Boyer
Madeline Beatty
Elizabeth Belecky
Shown Bergen
Car lamorrie Bermonis
Sham1k Bha t
Lauren B1rkelo
Cora Bishop
Audrey Bliss
Christopher Broklow
Tyler Brandow
Jasmine Brillor
Logan Bris tol
Jacob Brooks
Madeleine Brotherton
Andreanna Brown
Shelby Brown
Jack Burkhalter
Calyb Burton Conner Caddigan
Braquelle Calley
Brenden Campbell
Anne Carlson
Mio Castens
Sophia Chadez
Harrison Chamberlain
Seth Chapman
Daniela Chavez
Amy Chen
Dylon Christmas
Tyrik Clark
Isaac Clemons
Isabella Cogdill
Marilyn Collins
Ethan Conroy
Cody Corona
Jacob Cross
Cassia Crothers
Ryan Crowley
Mackenzie Cunningham
Rece Dale
McKelvey Davidson
Isabel DelReal
Caleb Denniston
Isabella DeS1ato
Devan Dettmann
Amanda Dixon
Alluxceus Durant
Abigail Durell
Enc Eberhard
Lauren Edwards
Nicholas Elz1
Zacharey Elz1
Alexis England
Noah Ewers
Tnstian Ewing
Alexander Ferns
Corn Feazell
Nicole Ferry
Trent Flaming
Mana Flores
Camille Fos ter
Hannah Frazier
Margaret Funston
Oliver Galvan Cordero
Dustin Garcia
Leo Garcia
Naomi Gardea
Jus t in Garner
Maya Garrard
Robert Gee
Ruel Gerred
Kayleigh Goetz-Ime l
Andrew Goldstein
Isabella Gomez
Rosemary Gonzales
Dylan Graham
Nicholas Greaser
Miles Green
Garre tt Greenhagen
Audrey Gregory
Tyler Griffin
Sadie Grimm
Saman th a Groenhof
El izabeth Hoke
Kayza Hall
Anna Hamelin
Kai Hanson
Antonia Hardy
Hunter Hawk in s
Aubne Hebert
Ka therine Henshaw
Zohava Heydel
Veronica Hibbert
Elizabe t h Hickman
Mitchell Hierholzer
Jacob Hills
Edward Hool
Dylan Hobbs
Luke Hollenbeck
Amberlynn Holsgrove
Abbey Hosch
Ryon Houle
Brooklyn House
Tucker Hunt
Au tumn Husk1e
Chandler Jackson
Joshua Jaramillo
Matthew Jessup
Emrly Jimenez
Zachary Johannes
Michelle John
Joke Johnson
Sobrino Jones
Connor Karo
Kyle Kasel
Brion King
Kathryn Kirschner
Zane Knapp
Matthew Kneeskern
Jenni f er Kuch to
Jessica Lagge
Chase Langworthy
Noyeli Lapointe
Logan Lauens te1n
Makayla Lauri ta
Dongha Lee
Rigel Lee-F1ndl1ng
I -·I - - •_,....
Leonardo Leopold
Joshua Libra
Kyle Lockwood
Samantha Lolk
Chase Longoria
Ashley Longwell
Kyle Lopez
Jalen Lucero
Justin Luebke
Thomas Ma
Emma MacCollurn
Groce Mochov1no
Lauren Mackell
Morgon Maddox
Trevor Mahonke
M1k1ah Makley
Antonio MalmgrenGallo
Colin Malone
Fei-J1on Manley
Jaycob Mann
Abigail Manriquez Rio
Darnen Marcu
Josue Morin
Emma Markovich
Callie Marshall
Toylor Martynuska
Davis McAlister
Cristofer McCart
Amber McClelland
Devin McCoy
Caitlin McKay
Cameron Mclane
Donald Mclaughin
Manna McNary
Cody McStraw
B1ll1eJean Meggitt
Ally Melick
Elizabeth Mesteth
Chadrick Metzger
Lauro Meza -Coons
Cameron Millar
Jeans Mobley
Sundo Moldauer
Enc Moody
Reanna Moore
Elisha Morales
Kate Morns
Jeremy Mosser
Ka thleen Murray
Megan Mustoe
Jackson Nasky
Sierra Neal
Constance Nelson
Christopher Newman
Emily Nguyen
James Nickell
Delaney N1ckna1r
William O'Brien
Megan Oakl1ef
Victoria Oberholtzer
Avery Overholt
Nicole Pans
Scottie Parker
Stefano Pelloux
Logan Pennell
Zachary Persky
Henry Pham
Es ther Phenna
Madison Phillips
Mynah Pitt
Lilly Plotkin
Kyle Poole
-- - -I • .
Layne Posk1e
Leland Probeck
Austin Prosser
Roger Quickle
Joselyn Ramirez
Richard Ramirez
Ben Randall
Dylan Ray
Jesse Reading
Darren Reed
Chace Reinhard
Alaina Richards
Lauren Riley
Cristina Rivera
Delaney Roach
Andrew Rogstad
Lindsey Rohlf Weil Sau
Jacob Schnapp
Julian Schott
Camden Schumacher
Akira Schwarz
Aurora Schwarz
Dean Secosky
Alexander Sehn
Mason Sellars
Krista Shea
Riley Shearer
Cade Simcox
Liam Simmonds
Parker Skiles
Joshua Skwarek
Devin Smathers
Bo Smith
Dylan Smi th
tlyn Sp1ekermann
Gran t Sprinsky
Sydney Starkey
Mitchel Stearns
Camille Steinke
Shelby Storrs
Kayden Sund
Dane Sundeen
Samantha Sundeen
Samuel Sundeen
Marcus Tam burro
Tanner Taylor
Alyssa Tetens
Kelsey Thompson
Tanner Tindell
Jamie Tolbert
Sydney Toler
Nicholas Tom1ch
Katharyna Trayser
Rachel Tre1tman
Jalena VanDyke
Jackson Veldman
Alyssa Vigil
Riley Villa
William Wagner
Thomas Wainwright
William Wainwright
Kyle Walker
Brennan Walters
Jesse Ward
Reade Warner
Ryl1e Wehner
Lucas We1ghall
Nathan We1nelauer
Spencer White
Amanda Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Patrice Williams
Abby Wilson
Noah Wise
Christopher Wisehart
Tyler Witzke
Macy Wullste,n
Rylee-ann Wyckoff
Barry Zadikoff
Toylor Acree
Emily Adams
Jason Adams
Maaz Adnan
Nicholas Alexander
Max Allen
Sage Allen
Stephanie Alvorez
Sophia Ambroz1c
Tucker Amdahl
Jack Arman
Joseph Armstrong
Brooklyn Atencio
Alexis Austur
Gabriel Boer
Arianna Bandock
Bradley Banks
Michael Barber
Luke Barela
Enc Barke
Holey Bass
Makensy Beckham
Joshua Beers
Lauren Begg
Kacye Bishop
Eva Black
Savanna Blackburn
Kevin Bloom
Elaina Bonner
Sarah Bonsell
Toven Brewer
Abril Bnllar
Cason Brown
Hailey Buesser
Toylor Burcar
Alexander Burde
Rebecca Busby
Richard Busby
Madeline Cadry
Brian Caluon
Madison Campbell
Alexis Campos
Katanna Canela
Natalie Capaul
Greg Carlin
David Carpenter
Michael Carpenter
Tessa Carr
Noah Casal,
Ryon Castrellon
Colin Chader
Hector Chamorro
Carissa Chandler
Abbey Cherney
Grace Chevalier
He1d1 Chrisman
Joyce Chu
Garret Clanton
Holey Cobb
Mara Coe
Kaylee Coffman
Sebastion Cogdill
Tyler Cohan
Catherine Cohn
Hollyann Cooprider
Alexander Corchary
Shawn Cortes
Max1mil1ano Cortez
Adrianna Cubbage
Tyler Curtis
Quinn Cusack
Mia Custodio
Hannah Czarnecki
Mayo Davis
Emma DeBerord
Julien Delmonico
Carter DeMink
Aleoh Dempsey
Cameron Denney
Domyen DiFroncesco
Thomas D,Froncesco
Justina Dillman
Tayler Dorrell
Payton Douglass
Thadd,ous Douthit
Tayo Dowell
Megan Doyle
Devin Droher
Nicole Droel
Robert Duarte
Erin Dugan
Ciera Dunn
M1ckaylo Dyer
Steven Dykes
Indigo Earhart
Zach Ed1a
Leandra Edwards
Blake Elz1
Morgan English
Jack Erger
Cole Ernst
Jasper Everi tt
David Fanton
Megan Feiner
Jessie Fell
Ellie Ferguson
Francis Ferrie
Alesya Fillinger
Justin Fink
Nadia Flora
Pablo Forsyth Simon
Matt hew Fos ter
Tns ton Fredrickson
Antonio Furness
Santiago Gallegos
Ch,ef-Manuelrto Garb1so
Charles Garcia
Leanna Garcia
Na talia Garcia
Abigail Garnett
Taylor Garrison
Manso Gasca
El,se Gaskell
Zachary Gerard
Charles Gibbs
Jacquelyn Gile
Santiago Giraldo
Chloe Glass
Hun ter Godsey
Colton Gomez
Jonathon Gomez
Lou Grange
Brennan Grass
Hatley Green
Tyler Green
Tyler Greenhalgh
Tyler Guerra
V1tal1y Guimaraes
Kae t lrn Gw,zdak
Gabnel Hall
Holly Hammontree
O takar Hasek
Dorothy Hazel
Ryder Hernandez
Oz Hickman
Megan H1gg1ns
Krystal Hill
Brandon Hollister
Isabella Holman
Scott Holmon
Roxanne Holmes
Hoyden Holtrop
Claro Hoppe
Jock Horton
Clary Houlton
Samuel Huyler
Brandon Hyland
Brandon Idler
Enc llunga
Michael llungo
Haley Jackson
Rachel Jacobs
Emily Jepkes
Heather Jiron
Caitlin Johnson
Liam Johnson
M,a Johnson
Dom1n1quez Johnston
Alexander Jones
Julie t Josselyn
Koo Kampov1tz
Noah Kars ten
Mitchell Kelley
Amanda Kennedy
Dawson Kennedy
Grace Kern
Dalton Kimball
Joshua Klein
Barley Klinger
Dillon Klueber
Ethan Knowles
Elizabeth Koch
Corley Kursch1nsk1
He,d1 Kyler
Ben Lemon
Leonard Leopold
Jack Lind
Soro Lockie
Ma1esta LovatoLawrence
Megan Lucero
Courtney Lundock
Hope Lyle
Ben1am1n Lyons
Michael Madayag
Heath Maddox
Joseph Madsen
Ethen Malcomb-Rios
Manso Malmgren
Nicholas Manc1n1
Marcus Monera
Jack Mann
Abby Marsh
Cecilio Martinez
Victor Martinez Diaz
Shaye Mathias
Theron McAdoo
Shane McConnell
Mackenzie McCorkle
Shae McEnroe
Ausan McGaugh
Charles McK1n1van
Jack Mclaughlin
Evan McManus
Shea McManus
Zachariah Meade
Larnssa Mendez
Alqah Menzor
Mancel Mequ1
Keenan Milan
Ryan Milan
Victoria Milczek
Kaia Miller
Lillian Minor
Emma Mitchell
Noah Mitchell
Haley Monahan
Romon Moncrief
Weston Mook
Mats Moreau
Mitchell Morgan
Harrison Moss
Monah Mossberger
Jessica Mulkins
Co1tlynn Mulligan
Logan Murphy
Alexander Nastick
Kylee Neal
Badey Nelson
Mackenzie Nelson
Jacob Niss
Code Novak
Oren Noyes
Govin O'Connell
Lauren Ollweiler
Goemme Orduno
Elias Osodo
America Paisley
Aspen Palieri
Devin Parker
Victoria Parker
Zoe Patten
Peyton Peak
Joseph Penn
Cameron Perez
Dominique Perri
Nolan Pe terson
Brandy Pettengill
Ka tl yn Piper
Haylee Poggemeyer
Wyatt Poulos
Jayo Prasth1ka
Austin Press
Cameron Preston
Anthony Quintana
Lu1senrique Rabadan
Devyn Ray
Noelle Reimers
Ashlee Reynolds
Austin Rice
Kad1n Ritter
Asian Reckley
Daisy Rodnguez
Alexander Rollins
Manso Rubio
Miguel Rubio
D1ondre Ryan
Johana Sanchez-Munoz
Grace Sanders
Henry Sanders
Edward Sandoval
Leslie Santos Delgado
Remy Savi
Kathryn Scherf
Madeline Schneider
Ben1am1n Schrag
Alyssa Schroeder
Jesse Scrivner
Cassie Sehn
Paul Seigneur
Michael Sellers
Alex, Severin
Huslen Shara1d
Jacob Shelton
Pasang Sherpa
Steven Sherrod
Piper Shira
Samuel Shive
Christopher Shull
Sac1anee Sigala
Sierra S1mmons-Langa
Ma tt hew Simonds
John Simpson
Zachary Singe r
M orngan Skel ton
Hanna Smiley
Julie Spawn
Kion Spencer
Savona Spickerman
Elizabe t h Squier
John Stork
Shyelynne Stearns
Noah Steger
Shelby Stenberg
Kaley Stevens
Ka t herine Stocking
Ri ley Stoner
Lauren Story
Tyler Stoudt
Emily Strock
Jackson Stroup
Dolyn Summers-Fritts
Billy Sundeen
Caitlyn Tolty
Anno Taylor
Adam Th1stlewood
Shelby Toler
Anna Tracey
Gabriel Trayser
Joshua Tubbs
Taylor Tufano
Max1mdlian Turner
Jake Tuten
Riley Valentine
Lauren Van Note
Chase Van Wyk
Baylor Vannote
Abigail Waltz
Nicholas Warner
Eliza Weese
Emma We1henmayer
Ben1amin Weir
Michael Weiss
Connor Wenzel
Gner Wenzel
Breeden Wernars
Isaac Welch
Ethan Whitson
Micah Wiederwohl
- ------"""'""--....-.--l
Orion Wilkinson
Brittany Willis
Ashton Wilson
Lilly Wofsey
Addison Womack
Andrea Woolsey
Samuel Wubben
Keira Yenzer
Jonathan Ziemann
Vera Aaron
Letitia Agos
Karen A19omouo
Kimberly Aksamit
Oness10 Anderson
Scott Aurand
Tonyo Baalman
Luis Bod1lla-V1veros
Poul Ball
Kate Baughman
Rory Best
Jeremy Blincoe
Will Brady
Enk Buehler
Scott Burcor
Jen Byrne
James Cole
Gretchen Carter
Jon Christians
Heather Clark
Chris Colucci
Bnan Conroy
Eileen Cook
Pa t rick Cosner
Chris Cousineau
Samantha Cox
Sandra Cyphers
Stephanie Davis
Lisa Deal
Christine Demeyer
Cassidy D1nzes
Lindo Fobnz10
Melissa Fine
Jul, Furtek
Gabriela Garcia
Shannon Garvin
Blain Genk1nger
Rochel Gilbert
Robin Gill
Louro Gollhofer
William Groves
Jomes Grisham
Debro Guerrero
Tomsen Holl
Tracy Hamm
Kelly Hasbrouck
Rochel Henderson
Chad Herbers
Manso Holmes
Doniel Hunter
Julie Jarvis
Chris to Jessen
Sarah Julias
Greg Ko tt comp
Kris tin Kottcomp
Lori Locy
Brandon Larsen
Pa tt i Low
Lon Macdonald
Aa ron Monohan
Kimberly Mones
Sarah Manley
Jeanie M ourer
Helen M cloughlin
Paul Mendoza
Poul Miller
T,m M il ler
Trish M iller
Adorn M i tchell
Debro Mondragon
Ka t hryn Mon t gomery
John Moroles
Susan Murphy
Ray Nelson
Diane Nickell
Michael N1sh1oka
Hilary O'kelly
Kurt Ohlen
Crystal Onago
Charles Oreskovich
Katherine Orland1n1
Jason Parker
Katharine Parker
Tamm1e Peters
Christopher Plakorus
Enc Pon1csan
Todd Rago
Lorraine Ramirez
Brittany Ramsay
Chad Reid
Wendy Roberts
Shea Scarlett
Barbara Selzer
Jay Shackett
Cynthia Shapiro
Leola Shoemaker
Rebecca Sieber
Kristin Smock
Daren Sower
Katherine Spaulding
James Summers
Ellen Thompson
Stephanie Thomson
Michael Thum1m
Elizabeth Tibbetts
Jonna Tripp
Joe Voccarell1
Danny Vais
Molly Verleger
Bob Volzer
Tracy Wolkow,cz
Anno Wheatley
Michael Willey
Christine Williams
Rebecca Williams
Rhonda Woodard
Michael Z1nant1
Names and oles an •
r \ - -
m mor1es ••• • • summaries
Jesse Capoul , Mork Seaholm , Cole Horris, Jacob Katzman , Philip Katzman , Camden Parker, Ryan
Thistlewood , Jason Johnson , Cole Greff, Ryan Blodgett, Nicholas Capaul , Kayden Sund
Rylie Wehner, Riley Sanders , Amanda Mollee, Maren Donnelly, Alex Ambrozic, Holey Boss , Emily Sabo , Abigal Garnett, Grace Carlson
Brandon Bowker, Jesse Capaul , Jaxson Meyer, Thomas Martynuska, George
Alexeyev , Vincenz, Froc1ca , Davis Miller
Leo Garcia , Gunner Graves, Cole Greff
Tren t Morns, Joseph Simpson, Chase
Daniels, Jacob Hills, Jacob Niss, Weil Sau
Eugene Baker, Jordon C1eluch , Carl lronshell , D'Vans Johnson , Austin
Stephens, Duncan Will1ams ,Cenov10
Gonzales, Seth Chapman , Kyle Poole, Bailey Bowker, Jared Kirts , Alex Abraham
Riley Koch ,Travis Kyger , Derek Wetch , Kentaro Thompson
Delaney N1ckna1r, Ashlynne Hagestad , Skye Adcox , Marin Felsoc1 , Peyton Smith, Emily Leischner, Morgan Be1nl1ch , Gemma Nowak, T061 Pendley, Kedra Lanuza, Bnttany Harms, Cal1re Kantor, Jesslynne
Kaufl,ng , Grace R,edsel , Emily Hipp, Jen
Lnzua , Jordan Winchester, Kiera Stukey, Sloane Perry, Hayl,eThomas , Hannah
Krois, Kayl,e Lammers, Kylie Yang , Alexa Hagestad, Madison Winchester, Samantha Day, Mad,soyn Johnson , Kam, Cisneros
Zoe Manley, Grace Chevalier, Megan Feiner, Kylee Neal , Sammie Sundeen , Madison Cambell , Taylor Acree , Morgan English
Anna Taylor, Sophia Sanford, Hannah Dennis , Hunter Ro se, Avery Kiel , Elena Bishop, Sarah Ki mball , Kathleen Kasel , Mia Barrett
Ben Platt, Sam Roach , Nick McCarron , Jake Johnson , Parker Skiles, Jeremy Mosser, Blake Harri s, Cole Harris, Alec Harris, Logan Mcgregor, Dominic Landu cci, William O'Brien , Ryder Hernadez
Mats Moreau , Jasper Hughes, Jake McManus, Evan Gregory, William Kopper , Cade Simcox, Zachary Persky, Casey Crowley, Paul Cowie, Brooks Jordan, Alexander Kampovitz, Philip Katzman , Mark Seaholm, Jacob Katzman , Cody McStraw, Nicholas Shelton , Colton Gomez, Adam Elliott, Morgan F,nk, Trenton Anderson , Brian Caluori, Jake Bergstrom , Andrew Town send , Duncan leene, Benjamin Weir, James Foster, Davis McAlister
Rebekah Anderson , Monica Barnes, Shannon Boaughman , Lauren Birkelo, Logan Bristol , Sydney Crabb, Jamie Curtis, Quinn Cusack, Isabella DeSialo, Lauren Edwards, Annie Fox, Margaret Funston, Koo Kampovitz, Paige Kreutzer , Gabrielle Lowrie, Emma MacCallum , Cai tlin McKay, laura Meza-Coons, Nino Moreland , Kate Morris, Avery Overholt, Alyse Oxenford, Cameron Preston , Sabrina Sabadeanu , Aurora Shwarz, Bruna Silva , Raeanne Stanbro, Cymry Swee t, Rebecca Thiede, Megan Vernon
Emily Adams , Mia Castens, Sarah
Fanton , Alex Greenhagen ,
Kathleen Murray, Lisa Peters, Julia Simmons, Danyell Valdez, Abby Wilson , Rebecca Wilson
Savannah Arner Corissa Chandler Toyo Dowell
Siena Dute Jessie Fell, Tiffan i Hairfield, Isabella
Holmon, Mio, Johnson Marreel Mequ1 Theresa
Myers, Emily Nquyen, Colloe O'Hara Layne Poski e, Katelyn Shipman Olivio Tre1tmon Abigail Woltz
Sophia Wubben Samuel Burrows Brenden
Campbell , Torrey Chrysler Ethan Conroy Jonathon
Du Varney David Fanton Justin Fink Justin Garner
Gobnel Holl Alec Hornecker Brandon Hyland
Reed Jones Ethan Knowles. Connor Monn, Jock
Monn, Shone McConnell, Jacques Moreau Kod i n
Ritter Remy Savi, Benjamin Schrag, Jesh Small Tyler
Stoudt, Marcus Tamburro Kyle Walker Nicholas
Worner Brion Whitfield Samuel Wubben
Lindsey Boudreau , Aleah
Dempsey, Amelia Gilmore , Makayla Laurita , Monique Laurita , Lauren Mackell , Victoria Milczek, Samantha McConnell , Victoria
Parker, Lauren Riley, Julia
Simpkins , Madeline Walters, Lilly Wolfsey
Andrew Wise , Brandon Hyland , Brandon Idler, Brennen Baker, Chris Gilas, Cole Ernst, Cory Coffman, Kyle Taylor, Sage Wheelen , Ryan Bullard , Theron M c Adoo , Thomas Wilkinson , V i ncenzo Gomez
Connor Olsen , West Rutherford , Roe
Lemon , Carter Nodolsky, Spencer
McGoughey, Matt Conlklin , Blake
Ollweiler, Caleb Linville, Sam Furness, Eric Kern , Loura Hoover, Andrew
Townsend , Brenna Hattier, Ben Mace, Connor Gravelding , Alyssa Teteris, Reade
Warner, Darren Reed , Will Wainwright, Spenser White , Blaise Snowberg, Zoch
Elzi, Megan Oaklief, Noah Dowell, Taylor Burcar, Sam Sundeen, Lindsey
Rohlf, Gavin O'Connell , Alex Burde, Wyatt Wood , Bradley Jackson, Ausan
McGaugh , Dorothy Hazel, Anthony Furness, Jack Snare, Robert Duarte
Sam Burrows, Matt Jessup , Anthony Quin tana , Dus tin Garcia , Dawson Kennedy, Chase Danie ls, Jalen Lucero, Brennen Baker, Drake Troyer, Micheal Fair, Santiago Giraldo, Bailey Bowker
Varsity Softball
Makayla Markey, Kristen Dunson , Andy Brown , Haley Bass, Mickayla Zamora, Kiley Lynch , Blair Ohmert, Morgan Feazell, Rachel Schmalz, Mikaela Wilkins, Jessie Mulkins, Ale Dominquez
Cade Simcox, Christopher Shull , Hayden
Holtrop , Julien Del monico, Jose ValladaresPalma , Cade Bake r, Benjamin Weir, Ricky Rabadan , Zachary Gerard , Baylor Van Note , Tanner Taylor, Da vid McAlister, Daniel Joyce , Mats Moreau , Lan e Mcfarlin , Jack Erger
Degan Bartels, Co rri Feazell , Thomas Wainwright, Chas e Langworthy, Kai Hanson , Jalen Lucero , Alex Sehnnapp , Harrison
Chamberlain , Nic holas Tomich , Cristofer
McCart, Edward H ool , Dean Secosky, Tyler Witzke , Zane
Jack Simpson , Devin Dreher, Ethan Whitson , Victor Martinez, Jesse Scrivner, Scott Holman, Charlie Gibbs, Coach Baker, Coach Neely, Coach Martynuska , Coach Kelly, Noah Steger, Isaac Wetch , Ryan Casteerllon , Sebastian Cogdill , Josh Beers, Michael Carpenter, Dawson Kennedy, Edward Sandoval, Toven Brewer, Jack Niss, Hunter Godsey, Joe Massen , Ashton White , Cameron Demy, Tyler Greenhalgh , Frank Ferne Kennedy, Edward Sandoval , Toven Brewer, Jack Niss, Hunter F Kennedy , Edward Sandoval , Toven Brewe, Jack Niss, Hunter Godsey, Joe Madsen, Ashton White Kennedy, Edward Sandoval , Toven Kennedy , Edward Sandoval , Taven Brew, Chase Vanwyk
n Ol son , Logan or, Riley Stoner, o seph Madsen , dam Th 1s tlew oo d
ie, Mia Johnson , la Dyer, Sophia , Kathryn Scherf
Pablo Simon , Alexander Jones, Jackson
Stroup , Ja c ob Niss, Ethan Whitson , Jack M c Laughlin , Colton Gomez, Brian Caluori , Ben Randall , Tyler Guerraa , Eric llunga
Delaney Nicknair, Natalie Capaul , Angelitta Alvarez, Direa Collins , Marisa Malmgren , Mia Custodio , Jalena Van Dyke , lryna Lyubomyrska
Players · Abby Marsh , Alexis Auster, America
Paisley, Cassie Sehn , Eli Koch , Emma Mitchell , Emma Weihenmayer, Juliet Josselyn , Kaylee Coffman , Lauren Begg , Maddie Schneider, Megan Higgins
Players · Annie Ca Bishop , Delaney
Cogdill, M c Kelve Rachel Jacobs
Avery Overholt, S Rachel Tnetman , Henshaw, Alexis
Akira Schwartz, Michael Carpenter, Dawson Kennedy , Rosie Gonzales, Riley Koch
Joey Major, Lily Speiser, Adam
, Spencer Elliott , onto , Masha Yi , dweeks , Masun
Chase Chrenko
Zoe Albright, Willow Ball , Kayla Riggs, Grier
Wenzel , Kyle Cox, Ben1amin Pennel , Jacob
Youngmark, Jonathan Ziemann , Elaina Bonner
Goodwin , Morgan
!lie Matsuo, Kayla
lise Leavy, Maddie
lin , Brittany Willis
Ashley Longwell, Jeffery Goodwin, Morgan
Oertli, Jasmine Hover, Allie Matsuo, Kayla
Gotta, Katie Murray, Annelise Leavy, Maddie
Olin, Brittany Willis
Monika Baker, La Bockelman , Abril Buesser, Rebecca
Campbell , Ka tar in Cohn , M1ckayla D
Elise Gaskell , Clo Lovato-Lawerence
Lyle, Constance
Paul Seigneur 1 l Trayser, Brittany Yarbrough , Grae
Megan Brewington , Natile Brunel , Sophia Chadez, Mikayla Cross, Amanda Dixon , Aiudrey Gregory, Michelle John , Bailey Klinger, Jessica Lagge , Grace Machovina , Ally Melick, Nina Moreland , Miriam Needham , Monica Scanu , Carmen Sterling , Sydney Villa
Dillon Smith, Caleb Denniston , Ell, Jaramillo, Zanib Flynn, Dominique Perri
Ben Platt, Lily Co Ol tmann s, Kyle
Kyrcen Hummell
Hoover, Isaac S Guest, Justin Fin Brewington , Will Kayleigh GoetzAlfredo Loya , D1 Mitchel Kelley,
Emile Chastain , , Catrina Cohn , lins, Tyler Curtis, nbottom , Rachel Dylan Johnson , o , Connor Lusk, I, Jeans Mobley , lly Plotkin , Randt nner Taylor, Kat y Wofsey, Ming e, John Ziemann
Morgan Dasch , Riley McConnell , Jose Valladares, Isaac Clemons, Nikki Paris, Tori Oberholtzer, Ethan Conroy, Thomas Ma , Piper Shira , Brennan Baker, Rebecca , Grace Kern , Gaemme Orduno
m1k, Wylie Borden , el Farewell, Ja c ob I, Kyrcen Hummell , ke , Erynn Mitchell, II, Megan Oakleaf, Ian Ro c kly, Lind sey cc a Smith , Kentaro el Tre1tman , M1don Valdez, Masha Yi
Monika Baker, Lauren Birkelo, Morgon Blair, AnnoBelle Bockelman, Abril Brillar, Jasmine Brillor, Holley Buesser, Rebecco Busby, Modeline Cadry, Madison Campbell, Katanna Canelo , Kaylee Coffman , Catherine Cohn , M1ckayla Dyer,Alex1s England , Morgon English, Elise Gaskell , Clara Hoppe, Clary Houlton, Ma1esto LovatoLawerence , Averi Lucas, Megan Lucero, Hope Lyle, Constance Nelson , America Paisley, Cassie Sehn , Paul Seigneur 111 , Morrigan Skelton, Katharyna Trayser, Brittany Wills, Andrea Woolsey, Stephanie Yarbrough , Grace Zitol1
Sonja Barber, Sham i k Bhat, Trev o r Mahanke , James N ic kell , Megan Oaklief, A sian Rec kle y, Lindsey Ro hlf, Julie Spawn , Aly ss a Teten s, Read e Warn e r
Andrew W is e, M lwan , Emil y Nguy
Ma c ha na , He1d1
Bhat, Adrianna C Plott, M i kaela W i l Spawn , So nja Ba
Al,na lwan, Brande
M arshall, Clancy D Koch, Emily M guye
Ka t herine H en shaw
M a, M ac kenzie M c H orton, M io lwan Noriego, Piper Sh,r Son t,ago G,rlado, S Dylan Johnson, Eth
Roeley Baxter Amanda Berry Ryon Bullard, Victor Calderon, Groce Carlson, Cory Coffman, Noelle Cohn, Joxon Cusock, Morgon Dosch, Anno Denzel Alec Dolan Moren Donnelly Brooke Dowell, Jonathon Du Varney Adam Elliot Joseph Encinas. Sarah Fanton, Jomes Fos ter Vincenzo Froc1co Chyonne Gorc10, Reilley Godson, Alexander Hazel Alec Hornecker Alma lwon, Mikoylo lwon, Adrienne Jensen Brooks Jordon, William Kopper Travis Kyger A1den Loveall, Caroline Lukens, Mokoylo Markey Morissa Markovich, Riley McConnell, lone Mcfarlin, Allison McKay. Stephan Meyer, Ryne Mills, Chris t ine Negreonu, Colloe O'Hara, M adeline Olin, Comden Porker Donovan Rice, Tyler Roach, Emily Sabo. Riley Sonders, Colm Shiro, Ashley Smith, Saman tha Starkey Hannah Stoner Cymry Sweet, Jose Vollodores-Polmo, Austin Von lerberghe, Noelle Von Lerberghe Megan Vernon, Madison Vigil, Margaret Jone Virden, Mikaela Wilkins, Andrew Wise, Sophia Wubben
Brannan , Tiffany ntha Groenho f, ake , Amberlynn , Autumn Lucas, rtynuska , Haley caz1e Wallace, lee-ann Wychoff
Jared Alpine , Robert Anderson , Cason Brown, Jordan
Chaney, Torrey Chrysler, Cory Coffman , Ben1amin
Domhoff, James Foster, Ethan Hunt, Chandler Jackson, Joshua Jaramillo, Mitchell Kelley, Connor Lewark, Gage Masias, Ethen Malcomb-Rios, Connor Mann, Jock Monn , Nathan iel Mott, Stefano Pelloux, Henry
Phom , Asian Rockley , Dean Secosky, Doric Sundeen, Breeden Werner s, John Willis Noah W ise
lie Cohn, Cloney Dallon, Greyer Jasmine Hover, Kimball , Erin Kneeskern , rkey Manso Markovi ch, s, Therese Myers Colloe ice, Riley Sonders, Som nsend, Olivio Tre1tmon, k.oh Anderson , Adrianna el, Megan Cnss, Morren zel , Dylan Johnson, Will Greger, All ison M c Kay, Sandford, Nic k Shelton adores, Molieo Van, MJ Virden, Sophia Wubben
Anneliese Leavy, Kayla Gotta , Katie Murray, Jasmine Haver, Jeff Goodwin, Allie Matsuo, Ashley Longwell , Morgan Oertli , Maddie Olin, Brittany Willis
Alexis Cadry, Ryan Castrellon, Cos
Cerrrillos Ivey, Brett Corley, Eric Eb
Jacob Garrard, Chase Gray, Coby
Audrey Gregory, Jade Hawkes, Ale
Hazel, Scott Holman, Deane Long, Morgan, Weston Rutherford , Christ
Ryon Bullard, Groce, Chevalier, Isaac Clemons,Noelle Cohn, Ethan Conroy, Moren Donnelly, Fronzisko Drews-von-Ruckteschell, Jonathon Du Varney, Koylen Gehrke, Lou Grange, Joegon Lawrence, Hannah Lockie, Soro Lockie, Kyle Lockwood, Nicholas Mancini, Mokoylo Markey, Emma Markovich, Mockenize McCorkle, Alison McKay, Jessica Mulkins, Victoria Oberholtzer, Nicole Poris, Zachary Persky, Bennett Plott, Donavon Rice, Nicholas Shelton, Colin Shira, Samantha Starkey, Sydney Starkey, Kesey Thompson Toylor Tufono, Riley Volentine.Jose Valladores-Palmo, Megan Verrnon, Andrew Wise, Sophia Wubben
Jock Armon, Isabella Couley, Haley Cobb, Edwards, Jonathon Gomez, Alycia Herther Hollister, Brandon Idler, Groce Kern, Sierra
Courtney Lundock, Antonio Malmgren-Goll
Marshall, Anohi Mortinez Tiffany Rainee
M inor, Reanna Moore, Meagan Reynolds Schroeder, Alexi Severin, Angelo Shields-A Spawn, ShelbyStorrs, Caitlyn Talty, Alyssa Trayser, Abby Wilson
Ryan Bullard, Grace, Chevalier, Isaac Clemons, Noelle Cohn , Ethan Conroy, Moren Donnelly, Fronziska Drews-von -Ruckteschell, Jona thon Du Varney, Koylen Gehrke , Lou Grange, Jaegon
Lawrence, Hannah Lockie, Sara Lockie, Kyle Lockwood , Nicholas Manc1n1, Makayla Markey, Emma Markovich , Macken1ze McCorkle, Alison McKay, Jessica Mulkins, Vic toria Oberholtzer, Nicole Pans, Zachary Persky, Bennett Platt, Donovan Rice , Nicholas Shelton, Colin Shiro , Samantha Starkey, Sydney Starkey, Kesey Thompson, Taylor Tufano, Riley ValenllneJose Valladares-Palma , Megan Verrnon , Andrew Wise , Sophia Wubben
0 •:.c. .v
elick, Rebek ah er Phenna , Kiley Adams , Monica akayla Laurita , elaney Nickna1r
Sa muel Cobb , Cory Coffman , Carolyn Crossland-Wi l son , Tyler Walker, Brett Yeldman , Randi Seiwald , Benjam in Lin , Odessa N oriega , Joyce C h u, Remm y Savi , Jasper Everi tt, Elizabeth Squier
manda Dix o n, Ben rios , Dono Speiser, rody Hi c ks , Jasmine arisso Rios , Mosen aid , Sobnna Sto c k, nuska, Tyler Roa c h, , Burgandy Dakotaern, Autumn Lu c as, Joey Major, Noah stas, Poul Seigneur, I Kelley , Jake Monn
Andrew Wise , Shamik Bhat, Davis McAlister, Ethan Conroy, Katie Murray, Danyell Valdez, Lisa Peters , Issac Clemons
Robert Anders
Jared Estrada , Hummell , Tego
Robie Foxton , J Eliza Weese ,
Marissa Rios, Donovan Rice, Randi Seiwald , Erynn Mitchell , Cory Coffman , Kaylee Coffman , Allie Matsuo , Elaina Bonner
Julia Simmons, Abby Wilson , Olivia Bockman , Maddie Vickers, Adrienne Jensen , Delaney
Nicknair, Kris Bye, Trevor Mahenke , Colin Malone , Dylan Ray, Dylan Smith , Dustin Garcia , Chyanne Garcia , Tj Chrystler
Brittany Willis, Kayla Gotta , J Morgan Oertli, Allie Matsuo , E
Zahava Heyde J
a VI VI ·.. a E
Tyler I am so very proud of everything you have accomplished as a student You have proved that hard work does pay off You are on your way t o accomplish great things thr oughou t your life I look forward t o watching you grow in t o adulthood . Your future is very bright. . 1 love you with all my heart son
l ove , Your Dad
"We are all a little weird and l,fe's a little weird and when we find someone who's weirdness is compatible with ours we join up w,th them and foll in mutual weirdness and coll it love "
You are ou r best friend and sis ter We couldn' t have mode i t thr ough high sc ho o l without you Whether you ore mak i ng us laugh until we cry o r keeping us under co ntrol backstage, we rely o n you f or everything You're our little bab y and the most amazing , str ong , and i ntell ige nt person we will ever know Never st o p being who you ore.
l ove , T. Roach and Al
Stormy Days Behind
In a Distant Post
Out of the valley and upon the mountain top high
The dork c louds before
Give way to light
With a Roinee Roinbowe
Glimmering in full sight
Time to go Into that night
While the sun shineth forever bright
While the sun shineth forever bright
-Dr. Seuss
• • • >1:
... ... ·...
I I ' I
Kegon ,
In what seems like the blink of on eye, you grew up You were a challenging child , your kindergarten teacher said that you were the most talkative six year old she had i n class and every teacher since then hos said the some Your ability to make friends with anyone w i ll serve you well throughout your life We ore so proud of you for the person that you hove become and ore excited to see the con tr i butions that you will make to the world with your worm and friendly spirit. Our heart is f i lled with joy that you hove accompl ished this milestone No matter what l ife brings you , we will always love and support you
You ore cherished more than we con soy Mom and Dad
paul QD@Jv
Paul, You make us smile, you make us laugh , you bring such happ i ness to our lives Always know we ore here for you as you continue on life ' s' journey
0 Eventuolly, all th,ngs merge into one, and a river runs through it "
-Norman Maclean
Love , Mom and Dad
alina CWffiJ
You ore more than my sis te r and best friend, you ore my other half You helped me become who I am today and I om so incredibly proud of you. I will a lways be there for you. No matter w here life take s us, we ' ll be toge t her forever
Love a lways, Mia
alina & mikayla CWffiJ
You have always been there for each o the r Ma y you continue your journey th rough life having each other ' s back But know that I am here to help you find your individual paths. Follow your dreams
Love, Mom
mikayla lWAN
There once was a g i rl named Mio Who was the greatest person olive She deserves a high f ive That is a fact . Sugar Act : ) Together forever!
Love , Bi g Sis
• 9 ••C:
a ID
It' s hard to believe that you ore graduating already It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. We all ore so proud of your accomplishments and can ' t wait to see what you do 1n the future
Dear Ethan ,
You ore a man committed to the best th i ngs faith , fam il y , c ountry, to lifelong learning and hard work This kind o f character will fuel a successful and happy l i fe . A c limber, hunter, reader, brother, friend , so n and patriot: here comes a good monl
We love you!
Mom and K K
It has been a great 1ourney; congratulations For the future : ,;If you haven ' t found it yet, keep look ing Don ' f seHle As with all matters of the heart, you ' ll know when you find if ." Steve Jobs
love, Mom, Dad and Sean cole©m!l?1J
We have always been proud of you and all you have accomplished You have a bright future with endless possibilities .
Go chase your dreamsl love you , Mom, Dad and Matt
We ore so proud of you I
Your dad i s watching over you from heaven and he is so proud of you Reach for the stars bobyl
Joseph , I om very proud of you!
Love, Moml
Love, love, lovel !
Riley Bear,
\ I ftJ
II: II .I: ... -
- -
Joseph ,
keiko 0
Keiko, You came to us with light hair and curved pinkies. It was a while before you spoke, but then for years you never stopped . One camping tri p you chose to potty tra in in an outhouse Violin, soccer, horsebackriding , acting , tennis , track and field , swimming, snowboarding , and surfing ; you were always ready to learn from new adventures . The six months you spent in Costa Rica felt like a lifetime to us Today you are a working girl , solid student, loyal friend and trustworthy young woman.
Now you are off to find your own wave . We'll come to watch and maybe ride one with you now and then , and we will always look forward to when your sweet h ip py vibe returns to light up our home.
Love, Mom and Dad
Kyle , You loved this pig ; you took it everywhere But a pig ain ' t go no rhythm But you do, allowing you to rock the drum l i ne and winter percussion and possibly even the tenn is ball. Keep that awesome sense of humor
isaac0 LfYJ!Il©l]11
Congratulations lsaacl
We are so proud of youl Keep having funl Go Z ic and Zoe and Zoe of Patty Nack a Wisis l
Love, Papa , Mama and Lulu {alias Elisabeth)
Congratulations Lindsey!
We ore so proud of youl You are a beautiful person in every way and you have an amazi ng future ahead of you I We love you so muchl
Love, Mom, Joel, Scooter and Band it
Look out world- here I come II
Congratulations Duncanl
We are so proud of you and love you very much .
Love, Mom and Amanda
Whatever you set out to achieve, you always attain and go further or foster Your focus and determination hos served you from music to sports to academ ics. # 1 Varsity XC runner as a freshman , top 20 at State as a junior We loved your performances at Front Range Youth Symphony, All County Orchestras, and Solo and Ensemble Your academ ic awards f ill up the drawers. Top 5% of your class- WOW! We w i sh you oil the happiness the world can offer and may all your dreams come true
With all our love, Mom and Dad a nya 0Q00C8O[I]f3C]J
Dear Anya , We are so proud of you, not only for your graduation , but for the wonderful person you ore . You are a light in our lives and to the rest of the world . May that l i ght shine brightly as you head off into new adventures We will always be here for you and will always love you
Love, Mom and Dad
midor iYAIDIZ
Our little Punchie, From the beginning you had a way of expressi ng yourself Starting with simple funny phrases like "huh ticky" to becoming a wonderfully creative writer Words are your gift to this world. Go get itl
Love, Papa, Mama , Elija and Paco
Hannah, You started as a beautiful baby and have grown into a beautiful young woman We are continually amazed at your maturity and sense. We are so proud of the person you are becoming
We love you so muchl Mom, Dad and Riley
Dear Ashleigh ,
To our favorite youngest daughter! We love spending time with you every day and will miss it very much after this year. You have been a treasure to your family and all of your friends
Love youl Mom and Dad
Hey sissypool
Time is flying by and I hope this year has been wonderful even though you don't get to see me every morning : )
I know you will continue on to do great things with a bit of sass!
Love youl Kaylyn
In ·-.I: • II
Dear Mosho ,
Congra tulations on your hig h school graduation , Closs of 2015! We ore blessed to hove you as our daughter You have brought so much happiness to our lives It hos been such a joy watching you grow from a sweet little girl to a gorgeous young lady We ore very proud of what you have accomplished We love you dearly with all our hearts .
Continue on your journey to college Step upward, fly high , dream big , go for, think brood , and study hard Embrace chal lenge, discover opportunity, pursue career, build future , and contribute to the world
Do your best to live your life to the fullest!
love, Dad and Mom
Dear Elena ,
Oh, how you've grown from a beautiful baby to a fantastic adult Which is odd because , as your parents, we haven ' t aged at all!? We ore still 29 and counting We ore so proud of you for all you hove accomplished and know that you ore ready to branch out into the world These post four years you 'v e been on inspiration to us and your sister Your achievements in sports, academics and Key Club ore to be truly admired. We wish you luck in the future , as you've prepared yourself for a brilliant one! Even though you will be leaving our home next year, we will always be here for you!
Love, Mom and Dad
e lena [DDf3C80[;)
Dear Elena , " In the cookies of lrfe, sisters are the chocolate chips .,, -unknown
You can be the sun in my sky or the storm clouds You are now drafting a new chap ter in you r own life novel. I know you will succeed love, Cora
elena [DDf3C80[;)
Dear Elena , Memories of Fenwick are priceless Annual treks to Seashell City, emp ty ranch dressing bottles hidden under beds These adventures, and countless others we had together, will never be forgo tt en!
Love, Ruthie
.. 0 •
case y@ITl@ Casey, W e l ove you wi th a l l o ur hea rt!
becca MITH
Through all of your hiumphs, and the tribulations that have tested your temerity, you do your best and always choose a good path We are so proud of your determination and your inner strength and your kindness. These quotes remind us of you and of your strong spirit, beautiful Becca! Share your sparkle wherever you a rel
"All our dreams can come true ;f we have the courage to pursue them " -Walt Disney
"Just don ' t g,ve up trying to do what you really want to do ."
-Ella Fitzgerald
"You can be the change you wish to see in the world! " -Gandhi
May our love be the wind beneath your wings!
We are so proud of you Becca I
Love, From Your Family, Mom and Dad, and from your brother Chris and all of your Aunts and Uncles and Cousins
" No act of kindness, however small, 1s ever wasted "'-Aesop
Cheers! to the most kind, funny and intelligent "Mon of Style" I knowl You have an incredible thirst for knowledge (cars, photography, marine biologyl), and a passion for travel that will take you far You have great friends around the globe because you ore a great friend You treat others well {AND you can dance- Crazy Legsl)
You are always successful in the th ings for wh ich you are the most passionate this will serve you well.
\ J t
I am so proudl Love, Mama
Congratulations on your success and we are very proud of you in all your achievements We love you very much and support you in whatever you want to be when you grow up Remember we are here for you and we love you always and forever
Love, Mom and Dad
"The true sign of intelligence 1s not knowledge but imagination ."
-Albert Einstein
We are so proud of you and we can't wait to see what you do nextl
Love, Mom, Dad, Kayla , Stuart and Tazzy
, • .. • • • • • •••
• -
. .. .. '
' '
• •• •
beck ~DC30C3
Becky Lea,
There are not enough words to describe how proud we ore of you You have grown into such a beautiful , smart, talented, strong young woman and we absolutely adore you. This year was not your grand finale but the start of something big You ore going to move mountains and we are so excited to be there cheering you on Congratulations!
We love you!!!
Mom and Dad
gabrielle D:0~[3
My little Peanut,
Time flies just yesterday I was hold i ng you for the first time, looking at you , amazed at how beautiful you were And now, I still look at you that some way but my little Peanut hos grown into a beautiful , funny , smart, classy woman I' m very proud of you I I know you w i ll go for in life I' ll always be here for you
I love you , Daddy bear
gabrielle LOWlll
It has been so amazing to watch you grow into a beautiful, young, intelligent lady throughout your school years You have overcome so many difficult obstacles during your lifetime I'm proud of all that you have accomplished and only hope that one day I can be at least half the wonderful person you are!
Remember- Success is getting what you want But happiness is wanting what you get.
I love you Belle!
Gib, So many years of great memories together, so many more to come!
Very proud of you!
Best buds from the start.. . you will ALWAYS be in my heart!
Endless poss i b i lities await you! Follow your heart, Believe i n yourself, Do the right thing , And en1oy oil this world hos to offer you You ore a smart young man enjoy life wh i le you con
This is your life
To choose what you wont to do
And do i t well.
Toke the power
To love what you want in life
And follow 1t with your heart.
Toke the time to walk in the forest
And be apart of nature
Knowing that your family is always there for you -
love, Grandma K, Mom, Zachary, Mokoylee Joe and Rilee Jo
madeline0 QIJ [I]
It seems like on ly yesterday Congra tulat ions! II
We ' re so proud of you , Maddie love youl Dad and Jan, Mom and Don duncan[l-J
Duncan, Thank you for giving Madison and Ca rter such a great role model. Thank you for being suc h on amazing part of our family
We ' re grateful we got th is year with you and can' t wait to see where your journey tokes you next love, Unc le Al, Aunt Nicole, Madison and Ca rter
emily0~~[I]0 ioel
.wyou may get skinned knees and elbows, but ,t ' s worth ,t ,f you score a spectacular goal." -Mio Hamm
We can ' t wait to see more of your spectacular goals- in life and on the field!
We love you and are so proud of you!
Mom and Dad
We are so proud o f you Bugl You have become an amazing young man and we can ' t wait to see what adven ture s the f utur e holds for you l ove,
Mom , Dad, Paige, Nana and Popa
G @ I: ·... VI :a a I: :a a .I: VI
•• •I: 0 ... VI a Gt
Andrew James Hartman Wise, Congratulations on your graduation from Golden High School! We have enjoyed watching as you excelled in school , student council, sports, friendships and being a great son and brother Your passi on for life, your kindness and consideration of others, your strong intellect, and your great sense of humor will toke you very for in this world We are all so proud of you!
Love, Mom , Dad , Tracy, Cheryle, and Caroline
Rochel , It seems like just yesterday t hat you looked like this! We are so proud of your accomplishments as you reach this milestone We know t ha t you hove grea t things ahead of you Your spirit of adventure and dedication will serve you well.
AJI our love, Mom and Abo
Co n g ra tula tions I
W e love you!
M o m and Dad
Dear Megan ,
Our w ish for you enjoy the simple things in life the bumblebees, the Rowers, the breeze in your hair and neve r give up on your dreams
Love always, Mom and Dad
Adam , Its been a wonderful adventure continue being you and you will be successful.
"Who ' s to soy I can ' t do everything? Well I con try, as I roll along I begin to find things aren ' t always what they seem .,
Love you , Mom and Dad
Congratulations! You have made me very proud, and I can't wait to see what bright, wonderful things your future hold s.
Love, M om
Nicolette, You have hod a determ i ned heart since you were littte That determinati on hos flourished and you ' ve developed i nto to on amazing lady Every second of watching you grow hos been cherished by so many The world i s a better place with you in it and we can ' t wa it to see what else you hove to bring to i tl We ore so proud of you
Love, Dad , Mom, Carl and the rest of your fam i ly
drake NICD
Remember the c urly-ha i red ki ddo w i th the evil grin? Who stuttered " sick of took i es " ? You had to catch them all , WOWI
Anna chased you and she Batman; In the daddy truck, you slept when movi ng , unti l finding both feet; Hops you hove, and launch your sis to the moon you did ; We see a boy and man who ' s the best of both ; Go and make the world yours , my son
G rant , You a re a succ e ss at whatever y ou de ci de l o d o. We are very p ro ud o f y o ur a cco mp lis hment s. You are r un ning u p fro nt and start i ng y our next advent u re You w ill succ eed and we w ish y o u all the be st
M o m and D ad
Iii dana
Sophia , We are so proud of youl You hove been a joy to watch grow up and have bec ome such a beautiful, bright young woman who always keeps us laughing
Love you , Mom and Dad
Congratulations to the best Iii
Lil ' a brother could ask for!
A glow of beauty
Joy and light and wonderment
Radiant Orchid
Love, Mom
gran n i coleHe O~0~0C8~Qib
a -a
Advice from three generations of Markey women
BE NICE. Have faith. TAKE CHANCES . Tell the truth. ASK QUESTIONS. Get to know someone random. BE RANDOM Exercise. SAY I LOVE YOU Keep your promises BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Cry DO YOUR BEST. Be grateful. DANCE IN THE RAIN . Apologize . HAVE FUN. Drink lots of water BE BRAVE. Make yourself proud SMILE. Wear sunscreen. EXPLORE Be safe. THINK Reach for the stars HAVE PURPOSE Lough until your stomach hurts. RESPECT OTHERS Be creative. CALL HOME Make mistakes. LEARN Regret nothing DREAM BIG . Compliment a stranger. BE YOU . Use kind words . SI NG OUT LOUD Show compassion STAY POSITIVE Grow. BE HAPPY Live life KNOW YOU ARE LOVED
When I think of all you ' ve accomplished in 18 years, the phrase that comes to mind is " nothing less than ordinary." Just remember· All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring . You must never, ever be boring
Love, J immy
iasmine ll&Vlll
"You light up the stage,. you light up our lives, now ,t's time to light up the world! "
Break a leg on the stage of life!
I love you, Jes-Babel Mamo
Jas, You've grown up so fast, and be co me a beautiful young woman I' m so proud of you No matter how grown up you get, you will always be my little baby girl. Congratulations on your graduatio n!
Love you I Dad
We ore so very proud of the beautiful young lady you have grown to be Congratulations on each and every one of your many accomplishments!
We love you, Grammy and Pop
Dearest Mouda
You have brought us so much joy, love and excitement and words can ' t express how very proud of you we are . We love your passion and spirit for life and how you ' ve faced challenges head on with courage and determination These experiences have brought you to where you are today and will carry you forward as you move ahead in life as you pursue your dreams . We are so lucky to have such a wonderful son , brother and friend and we love you so much. With all our hearts we wish you a life full of happiness, success and to be surrounded by ones you love forever Congratulations! I
Love always xox, Bobo , Mom and Adam
a -a
0 E = -a • ~0 E .I: a E
,,, • c•!-•;u•.-.00 ~LAt{@ •
So proud of you Mr Corter! You ore on amazing man I know you ore going to go for and do great th ings with that w inning smile
Love you Sonl -) Mom
Since the day th ,s photo wa s taken we have been so proud of you for everything you have a cco mpl is hed We c an ' t wait to wat c h you co ntinue to grow and a c hieve great things 1n this next j ourney you are about to begin We love youl Mom, Dad and Allie Co ngratulation s Rachel and Ryan ,
We are very proud of you and love you very mu c h Good luck wi t h your future in colle ge and beyond May you a c hieve all your hope s and dream s
love, Mom and Dad
hayley 111arie n a dyn e @L-..1....r\....~'-l.
" If I were to invent her, I wouldn ' t change her I'd let her live, among ourselves, whom she, w ith uncommon knowledge, chose She carried many lives around with her, storing them 1n herself " -Chrrsto Wolf
" It 1s our choices, Harry, that show what we truly ore, for more than our ab 1/1t1es .,, -Dumbledore
" I'll love you ,n the rain and ,n the snow and 1n the ha,/ and what else ,s there? • -Hemingway
More than the stars and sand, higher t han the mountains Mom and Dad
Congratulations Wylie ! Swing for the starslll
Love, Mom and Dad
As Dr. Seuss once wro te, "Today you are you l That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! " Thanks fo r le tt ing us be a pa rt of your fantastic journey We love you and are so very p roud of you
love, M om, Dad, Taylor and Chico
Congratulations Cory, we ' re very proud of you I love, M om and Dad
I remember your first day of high sc hool, getting up early wh ile I sl ept in I remember little third g rade Cory Now you ' re here, o graduating senior w i th a very bright future love, Kaylee
wyli co
iaso n, ONN ON
Jason , Congratula tions on all that you have accomplished while be i ng under our roof We are so proud of all that you have accompl i shed in both your academ i c and spiritual development You are an i ncredible son , brother and friend . It is now time for you to step out i nto the world and continue your format io n i n becom i ng o man May God gu i de you and bless the steps that you toke and light the path beneath your feet You are always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers As you continue your journey of li fe , remember that the front door is always open to you
"What you ore is God ' s gift to you, what you become is your g ift to God " -Hons Urs von Bolthosor
Love , Daddy, Mommy and Jared
I hope you hove a great time and I can't wait to hang again I -Jared
Great jo b Connor!
We ' re l ooki ng forward to seeing what the future holds for you
We love you , Mom and Dad
Hey monl You ' re one cool guy Good luck in college and with the ladies
Poul and Ion
I ' m so proud of you and can't wait to see where you go next. You ' re gonna go for ki d.
I love you!
Emily I
Al , You ' ve become such on amazing young manl Reach for the stars babe
I ' m so proud of you I Mom
Austi n, You ' ve been my best fri end for 16 years and counting , that ' ll never change I can ' t thank you enough for everything you ' ve done for me and I know you will conti nue to be the best bi g brother I could ever ask for Love, Noelle
austinWffiJ [L[10fD~CC1[]
We love you , Austin, you ' ve alway s been a wonderful boy
A lways hones t, and in favor of the underdog You don ' t skip school (I th i nk), you keep a schedule Hard w orker in the summertime We are very proud of you, son. "A young man w ith a kind soul."
Mom and Dad
clancy kathleen DALTON
Dearest Girl ,
Seeing you grown up makes your parents feel oldl It' s flown by, but we recall so many events that shaped your l,fe (or ours?} Fr igid beaches, camping , soccer, camporees , chowders so many fleeting memories that seem like yesterday Remember, l i fe ' s a Iourney, not a des tination!
" It matters not what someone 1s born , but what they grow lo be "
Clancy, Congratulations on growing to be the most intelligent, kind and hilarious person I know I' ll always be by your side wherever life may take you , and life Is going to take you far
Love always, Larry
Congratulations Jessi
We ore a ll so pro u d of you I What a wonderful journey we hove shored I All the best and we look forward to watch i ng your next venture
Love, Grandma , Terr i and Bob
Buddy, Hord to believe another milestone hos passed
Congratulations , you ore our pride and joy! Don ' t stop reaching for the stars You 'v e got what it tokes to succeed!
We love you!
Mom and Dad
Clancy, We are blessed to have watched you grow from an adorable and fun li ttle g i rl i nto an i ntell i gent and beauti fu l young woman We are excited to see what you do next and how you change the world
Love, your PNW FamilyThe Barkleys, the Hodges, and the Pattersons
Chubby Cub Scout, I ' m so proud of you , congratulations! I love you so muchl
Love, Becca
Brother Bear, Thanks for being the best little booger of a brother Can ' t bel i eve you ' re off into the real world I ' m so excited to see where it will take you Keep dreaming bigl
Love, M i ssy
I -
• • 1ess1e
I . • . -•
Belle , My w i sh for you is tha t you always follow your dreams Bel i eve in yourself and be proud of the person that you ore as much as I oml
I love you to the moon and bockl Mamo
alexandr ~~
Suives VOS reve sFollow your d ream s!
We love you A l e xll l
Dear O li vi a, From th i s adorable bund le of j oy to the most beauti fu l, young woman of accompli shment, what o wonderful 1ourney i t' s been We ore so very proud of you Now i t' s your time! Ven ture out ond grab oll that life hos to offer you let there be coke ! I
All our love, Mom and Dod
a lex©OO[JI]m@fil1
M y A l ex, You c onti nue to make me pro u d Yo ur a cco mp lis hments ha v e been ou tstand i ng Havi ng y o u as my daughte r make s me the happ ie st mo m I know you w ill succ eed i n anyth i ng y o u p ut yo u r m i nd to I lo ve you I
Chase your dreams, your passi ons, and set your goals high, As you leave, there will be tears and a sigh
Your smile, your charm , your humor, we ' ll miss You ' ll need to come home to give whoozi e a kissl
daniel @[I]@[I;l
Dan ie l,
We are proud of you I You meet th i ngs " head on " and g i ve 110% Your personal i ty, determin a ti on and pride w ill allow you to conquer and be successfu l in all you do May yo u r i ourney through li fe be filled w i th many b lessi ngs!
We love you mo rel Morn
Jam ie,
Yo u h o v e the talent f o r th e c areer that su its y o u and for the li fe y o u tru ly wont to br i ng you happ i ne ss, w ith the sty l e u n i quel y y ours (that i nc lude s an ex tra pa i r of sh o e s! ) I' m very p ro u d o f yo u I
Love, Mom
85 in a 65 , slow down and enjoy the dr ive.
P S Go see the world
theresa ...........
Theresa, What a great beginning in life you have accomplished. We can't wait to see what the future brings!
We love you, Mom, Dad, Jenny, Laura, Justin and Aspen
You have grown into a beautiful and talented young lady! You have a very bright future and can do anything you set your mind tol Your entire family 1s extremely proud of youl
Cong ratulationsl
We love You , Mom, Dad, Tasha, Jus tin and Ahne
ada m[l[l[l{]0ln]
We are proud of the amazing young man you have become We love you and wish you the best as you continue your life journey Your focus, dedication, and kindness will make the world a better place
Love, Mom and Dad
ree cUON•
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out!"
-Dr. Seuss
We are all proud of you. Congratulations.
Love , Mom , Dad , Robbie and Ryan
You' re a clever and adventurous guyl We know that whatever you decide to do ,n life you will be successful and have fun doing 1tl We are proud of the young man you are becoming We are forever here for you and love you always!
Mom and Dad
Feels like 1ust yesterday I was bossing you around and now I have to look up because you ' re taller! I can ' t believe how fast you ' ve grown and all that you ' ve become You inspire me da i ly and I' m excited to see where life takes you
Love you always little brother!
You are a great young man , and we know that your creativity and happiness will lead you on a joyful path through life We love you and are proud of you and hope that you will continue to entertain us throughout your life
Love, Mom and Dad
adam & spencerl Lfl00w
You made a lot of mischief when you were small, with two brains at work on a "project " You ' ve been best friends since birth, and we've loved watching you grow up. We love youl
Love, Your Siblings
P S Where ' s your Rad Flow?
callae & iack
Wow, where has the 18 years gone? It has been a wh irlwind O'Hara household for sure! Your dad and I hove so en1oyed having you in our lrves, all the skiing, snowboarding, hiking, b1k1ng and wonderful trips we have taken Amongst all of this, you hove excelled a t school Now, you are 18 years old and off to college! We are so proud of you both (but will miss you terribly) I Mom and Dad
•ro create, one must first question everything •
-Eileen Gray-architect and designer
We will miss you, but we 're excited for you to move on to th i s next stage of your life and we look forward to seeing what your creative mind will design
Love, Mom, Dad, Mats and Teo
Con gratulat io ns Trav is!
We o re so proud of you and who you've become . Keep smiling and mak in g people happy
We love you very much! Dad, Mom and Kellen
sam @3[D[D
We love you Sarni
We ore so proud of you and can't wait to see what comes next.
samantha gran gran
Congra tu l ations to our very favorite oldest daughter
We love you b i g much , Mom and Dad
You have brought so much joy into my life. I feel extremely blessed that you ore my son. You hove such a br i ght future ahead of you. Follow your dream and you will be successful.
Love, Mom
You ore moving on to the next tra ck in your life. The confidence, intelligence, and desire to succeed will help propel you to any level of success you choose to ob tain
Godspeed , Dad
What a wonderful person you hove grown to be Marisol
We couldn't be prouder of you. Enjoy your journey.
We love you , Mom and Dad
Daddy and Seany, In His arms forever.
Seany and baby sister Mckenna So Loved
You ' re the best big brother Sean!
sean brookie
Momma and Seony, " This little piggy " You ore my sunshine!
Love you always Mom
" Bear Bear" and Seony
Love you so much!
Beautiful, smart and kind.
Congratulations Brooke, Mom and Dad
You ore the best big sister ever!
We love you, Rochel and Erika
Sister and brother Unbreakable bond
Brooke ,
We ore so proud of everyth i ng you do You have accompl i shed so much in o short amount of ti me! Can ' t wait to see what ' s next.
Love, Mom and Dad
It' s amazing that you ore already o senior and will soon be off to college We love you so much and look forward to the next journey in your life!
Love , Dad and Mom
Davis, What o blessing you have been to us. We ore so proud of you
With our love and support, Mom and Dad
- ------~
savanna hAllNlll
Nungl You did itl I' m so proud of you! You accomplished so much in your four years at Golden! Congrats! From hiking 14ers to quoting LOTR to poddleboard yoga , you ore my other half and I can ' t wait to see what you take on next! #EuroTrip Love , DLF 1
savanna ~[I;l
Our beautiful Savannah, You have grown into such a strong, confident young woman We love your Ioy of life and your sense of humor Now, 1t' s time to go shore your gifts with the world. Our love will always be with you
Love, Mom and Dad
Bes t "fish e s," Ris a !
You have a lways be e n and will always be my smil e !
I love you, Mom
Cody, Since the moment we were blessed with your arrival into the family , you have always been a Super Hero 1n our eyes We have been amazed and proud to watch you grow into such a fine young man , t hrough all your trials and tribulations
Love, Mom and Dad
morgan l][][r]~
We are so proud of you I
Cong ra tulotions on a ll you have a ccomplished.
Follow your dreams M org a n!
Love, Mom, D a d and Justin
We know that you'll land the lunker (and more) in your future !
Wi th love and admiration, Aunt Pam a nd Uncl e John codyC80~
W e c a n't b e li ev e th a t our b a by broth e r is g ra du a tin g from high school. Tim e h o s rea lly flown You a re a n a mazing p e rson a nd we ca n' t w ai t to see the ma n you turn in to. Lov e your bi g broth e rs, Cory a nd Cas ey
morgan RNK
We co ul dn ' t ask for a fi ner grandson
We love y ou so mu c h, Grandpa a nd Grandma
kaitlin ©OO~
So proud of you Kaitlin!
God bless you, XO,
Mom and Dad
Good luck 1n college!
Congratulations Kelsey!
We are so happy for you and very proud You ore such a blessing and we love you so much!! We'll always be your biggest fans
Mom and Popa
ashton @©~
You ore so sweet and mean the world to us. We ore proud of everything you hove accomplished We love you so much!
Dad, Mom, Tatum and Colton
We ore so grateful for and proud of the wonderful young man that you are May all of your endeavors be successful, and all your dreams come true
We love you!
Mom , Dad , Kaitlyn and Nona...
Congratulations Anthony , you did it!
We ore so very proud of you We know you will continue to do great things with your life
We love you, Mom, Dad, and you bro, David
kayla ©vwB
Camera? OH I got th1sl
Groce, We are so incredibly proud of the person you've become. So many exciting things ahead in your future.
We love you!
Mom, Dad, Annie and Elizabeth
To my lovely Kayla who s never been shy for the camera I Thank you for the many moments we ' ve c aptured You are the music in my day, the 1oy in my heart and the light 1n my world You truly are a breath of fresh oirl
I treasure the 91ft that you ore and I' m so proud to coll you my doughier!
I -
'(,...I •
Mary, Mary, quite contral'Y.l how fun It's been watching you grow. With sandy beaches and mountain vistas and curly hair all in a bow! From super hero ballerina to beautiful singer, hoping your future Is full of adventure!
Congratulations Mary!
Love, Mom and Dad -.
We are so proud of you and all that you have and w ill accomplish! May all your dreams come true!
We love youl Mom and Dad
konner Qcruo0
"So me are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them .~ - W illi am Shakespeare
Be great Konnerl We love you and are proud of you. love, Dad, Mom , Elena, Corby and Hailey
Mikaela was the cutest baby ever! And the best I am so very proud of everything she has accomplished It was challenging raising her alone. I think we did a good jo b together
love U Boo
do111inic eGMIZ
From the first moment we laid eyes on you , we knew you were an extraordinarily talented and brilliant child. You hove already achieved so much in your 18 years- we can't wait to see what the future holds for you. We ' re very proud of you, and we love you with oil of our hearts Just remember, regardless of what success you achieve in life, you'll always be our " Little Monkey! "
XXOO , Mom and Dad
katie [~<I ~lf100QD
Katie ,
Thanks for being the best sister anyone could ever ask for . We are so proud of all of your accompl is hments and who you have become , small fry Good luck in college and remember to always be the best that you can be May your life hold great adventures Enjoy the journey
We love you Kat ie,
James and Connor
Katie ,
Words cannot describe how proud we are of you You have so much to offer the world As you m ove on to your next adventure, always follow your dreams and remember who you are Your quiet strength and compassion for o thers wtll carry you far Make a difference Nourish your passions Dream 619
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children One ,s roots the other, wings "
-Hodd1ngton Carter
We will always be here as your support system and your biggest fans CD
We love you with all of our hearts , Mom and Dad
I ' -
·.. II
Pigpen ,
amanda J
Amanda Lynn , We Love you so much and are so proud of you and the person you are. Your vibrant wonderful personality, your smile and laugh light up a room Your Love for your family and friends is endless and your attitude always positive We Love you to the moon and back and always will. Make good choices and keep your family and God a priority in life and you will go far. Your faith 1s everything
We wish you a bright and wonderful future, Peanut.
Dad, Mom and your whole family
We are so proud of you and you will always be our little " worm. "
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Maddie, I am so proud of you and can ' t wait to see what the future holds for you Love you! Mom
iulianne ENGQUIST
Happy graduation to the most beautiful human on this planet- Julianne Engquist!
Your strength , your integrity, your sense-of-self, your 1nd1v1dual1ty and your determ1not1on will toke you very for 1n this world!
We could not be more proud of you!
Jack, Callee, Laura & Brigg
You have been friends since preschool , Ralston Elementary, Manning and now you are graduating from Golden H,gh School! Do you remember this day? That was one major mud fight! You laughed and laughed We hod to literally hose you off when you come home We are so proud of you and have thoroughly enjoyed being around you all these years
Congratulations! Sincerely, Laura and Tom O ' hara
P S Love, Love and LAUGHI
congratulations seniors SS Of 2015
I \·~ -
Bliss Audrey 11 8
Block Hannah 83
Bonsell So oh 4 8 33 53 72 126
Borden Wylie 30, 83
Borer Jacob 39 83
B01.,d1eou Lindsey 3 21 32 42 76 77
83 108 145
Boulineou Nicholas I 10
Bowker Bailey 59 83 146 149
Bowker Brandon 40 110
Brody W, 137
Brok.low Christopher 118
Brandow Tyler 11 8
Brannon Brianna 110 154
Brewer Toven 22 104 127
Brewington Megan 2 33 37 80 83
151 156
Bnllo Ab 11 48, 127 152
Brillor Jasmine 48 80 118 152
Bristol Logan 102 118, 144
Brogan Connor 83
Brooks, Jacob 118
Brothenon, Madeleine 71 I I 9, 148
Broll Garrett 83
Brown Andreonno 2 14, 15 119 147
Brown Brooke 83
Brown Cason 127
Brown Shelby 119
Brunel NotoI,e 18 110 151 154
Bruno Cosey 110
Brunvoll losse 84
Buchler Er,k 9 137
BuckendoM Gregory 110
Buesser Ho,ley 40, 48 127 134 152
Bullard Ryon 10 12 13 25 39 84 146
Burcor Scoll 71 137
Burcor Toylor 127 146
Burde Alexander 127 146
Burkhalter Jock 119
Burrows Samuel 111 146 149
Burton Colyb 119
Busby Rebecca 40 127 152
Busby Richard 127 151
Bye Knstofer 111
Byrne Jen 137
Codd gan, Conner 119
Cadry Ale)(1S 56 11 I 155
Codry Madeline 70 81 127 152
Ca1deron, Victor 84, 153
Co'e, Jomes 9 137
Colley, Broquelle 70, 11 O
Caluon B11on 127 144 148
Campbell Brenden 11 Q Campbell Madison 127 l 43 15 2
Compos Alexis 127 134
Canelo, Kotorino 127 130, 152
Aorc 137 Abbott Autumn 28 32 81 118 Abbo11, Selh 118 Abraham Alexander 82 Abu-Sukhe o Mahmoud 26, 27 45 82 Acree Taylor 14 15 126 143 Adams Bionden 17 33 82 I04 153 186 Adams Em,ly 4 8, 33 52 72 73, 81 126 145 156 Adams Jason 126 Adams, Kathryn 110 Adnon, Mooz 126 Agos ler,110 137 Aguilar Soph o I0, 82 Agu,lor Victor I 18 Argomouo Koren 137 Ainsworth Sean 118 Aksom1I Kimberly 9, 30 137 Albrecht, Logan I 18 Albngh 1 Zoe 52 81 110, 150 187 Alexander Nicholas 126 Alexeyev Yegor 76 82 A! en Conner 53 110 Allen Mox I 26 Allen Sage 126 Alpine:, Jared 118 Allen Chose 82 Alvorez Angel,tto 118 148 Alvo·ez Stephanie 9 126 Ambroz,c Alexond o 82 108 109 142 Ambroz,c, Sophia 126 148 Amdahl Tuc:ker 126 Amery Iman 1 18 Amery lo o 82 87 Amos, Andy 110 Anderson, Mokenz, 1 18 Anderson Oness10 24 62 72 105 137 Anderson Rebekah 8 18 33 52, 104, 110, I 44, 154, 156, 187 Anderson Roberl 80, 156 Anderson Trenron 110 144 Aporshevo, Yuliyo 118 Archer Ivana 25, 82 Ardel1oli, Anonno 8 18 110 154 Armon Jock 57 126 155 Armstrong Joseph 120 Arner, Sovo"lnoh 6, 34 35, 82, 108, 109 145 Artemis, Andreas 82 Atencio, Brooklyn 126 Aurand Scoll 36, 137 Auster Alexis 126, 149 Auster, Somontho 82 t I I Jo ,mine I 04 110 188 I ooll"' ,r T myo 137 Bacurin, Doro 110 Bod,llo.V,veros Luis 38, 137 Boer Gob ,el 126 Bo oo Xavier 82 B0100 Zack 11 8 Bokei Bo,ly 82 Boker Brennen 39 7 5 I 03 I 18, I 46, 149 156 Boker Code 110 Boker D1ll1on 1 18 Boker Eugene 82 Boker Monika 118 152 Boll, Poul 137 Boll Willow I 10 150 Bondock, Anon"IO 65 126 148 Banks Bradley 126 Bo"lks Govin 110 Banta Andrew 24 37 67 79 Barbe Michael 126 Barber Son10 49 67 75 80 81 102 105 110 153 Barela Luke 126 Borke Enc 126 Barker Ion 82 Bomes Monico 52, 69 110 144 152 156 Borr Anno 110 Borrozo-Voquero Montzo 80 Borrell Mono 8 18 28 110 143 154 Barrels Degon 102 I 18 Boss, Holey 2 14 15 126 142 147 Boss1ngthw011e Kelton 1 18 Boughman Ko'e 137 Bougnmon, Shannon 53 110 144 Boxier Roeley 17 25 78 83 88 103 153 Boyer Bloyke 118 Beatty Model•!le 11 8 Beck Jackson 110 Beckham, Mokensy 126 Beers Joshua 126 Begg, Lauren 126, 149 Belcher Hunter 110 Beleck.y Elizabeth 11 8 Bemis Kanner 26 27 32 83 107 Benfield M1iondo 110 Bentosino, Koheolom 17 103, 110 153 Be!gen Shown 104 I 18 Bergstrom, Joke 44, I 10 144 148 Berkowitz Skye 4 I 110 Berman s, Co!lomorne 118 Berry Amanda 60 83, 153 Best, Rory 34 52 137 145 Bhat Shom,k 56 67 75 118 153, 156 B,11,ngs Kevin 83 Birkelo Nichole 69 I 18 144 152, 156 Bishop Coro 17, 29, '33, 40 118 149 B shop Elena 5 17 29 33 75, 83, 153, 186 Bishop Kocye 126 Block Eva 126 Blackbum, Savanna 126 Blincoe Jeremy
71 137 139
32, 45 54 55 105,
Blodgell Ryon 18
Bloom Joseph 83 Bloom Kevin
83 100 157
126, 150
Bonner, Elaina
Copoul, Notolie
Carlson, Anne I IQ
Carlson Groce 18 32 40 64 70 t.4 107 142 153 154 Corman Brynna 70 84 Co•mon Grant 111 Carpenter David 127 Corpen•er M choel 127 140 149 Corr Tesso 127 Corte! Gretchen 11 137 Caruthers Luke 111 Casal, Nooh ?27 Costell Sovonnoh 84 96 186 Costens Mio 4 8 72 73 119 145 Castrellon Ryon 22 56 127 155 Couley babel o 32, 4Q 57 80 111 152 155 Covozos, Rayne 111 Cernllos Cassondra 24 56 79 81 103 104 110 111 150 155 156 190 Choder Col n 127 Chadez Sophia 1 I O, 15 1 Choet Bnuony 11 1 Chomberlo,n Hamson 119 Chamorro Hector 127 Chandler Consso 127 Chaney Jordon 84 180 Chapmon Seth 103 11 Q Chariton Rochel 10 84 Chose Ethan 111 Chavez Daniela 11 Q Chavez Kasandra 111 Chavez Omar 84 Chen Amy 119 Che ney Abbey 127 Chevo er Groce 13 14 33 80 127 143 Ch deislon, Govon 42 110 111 Chrenko Chose 24 79 104 11 1 150 Chnsrnon Heid, 127 Chnshons Jon 71 137 Chnstmos, Dylan 11 Q Chrysler Torrey 34 111 157 190 Chu Joyce 36 127 15 1 156 C1eluch Jordon 11 l C,to Rhett 111 Claar Chose I 04 I 11 Clanton Garret 127 136 Clark Alexa l 11 Clarl Hayley 84 Clark Heather 53 137 Clark. lou,s 84 Clark Tynk 119 Clemons lsooc 13 33 40 43 56 57 119 152 153 156 Clyncke. Tracy 111 Cobb Holey 127 155 Cobb,Somuel36 84 156 Coe leoh l O 37 84 Coe Moro 127 Coffman. Cory 36, 85, 146 153 156 157 Coffman Kaylee 20 57 127 149 152 157 Cogdill Isabella 119 149 Cogdill Sebastion 127 Cohan, Tyler 127 Cohn, Catherine 57 127 Cohn Noel e 1 4 5 11 12 13 18 24 39 57 85 102 146 153 154 Collins Buddy 85 Collins, Diroe 37 111 148
Copaul, Jesse 22 54 55, 76, 84 103, 107 142
127 148 Copoul N,cholos 32 40 54 55 111
Corder, Zachary 17 84, l 02, 104 153
Corlm, Greg 127
111 145 153 155
Duarte Robert 128 146
Duden Jacob 71 111
Dugan Erl!l 128
Dunn Ciera 128
Dunson, K11sIen 2 14 l 1 I l .47
Durant Alluxceus 119
Durell Abigail l 19
Dush,nski Anya 24 87 Dute Siena 34 35 11 2
Dykes, Steven 128
Dpr- Zackary 1 12
Elliott Spencer 10 24 26 37 79 87 93
102 104 107 150 151
Ellison Gregory 87
Elz1 Bio' e 128
Elz, Nicholas 119
Elz1 Zachoiey 119 146
Enemas Joseph 87 153
England Alexis 119
Eng' sh Morgon 15 70 128 143 152
Engquist Jul1on11e 7 10 24 25 26 32
74 87
Engstrom Ke ·h 1 I 2
Erger Jock 128
Enckson Timothy 11 2
Ernst Cole 128 146
Estrado Jared 37 112
Evans Madison 6 87
Eventt Jasper 128 134, 156
Ewers, Nooh 1 l 9
Ewmg T11sIon 119
lulr 138
Dtorho1t 1d190 70 78, 128 191
Eberhard, Enc 56, 1 19 155
Ed10 Zoch 128
Edwards Lauren 45 68 69 l 19 l 44
Edwards Leandra 128 155
Eick Theodore 25, 87
Elliott Adam 10 24, 44 79 87 l 04 144
150 153
Fobnz•o Lindo 62 138
Fanion David 128
Fanton Sarah 8 72 73 80 112 145
Fo1ewell Joel 87
Fems Alexander 120
Feazell Corn 120 142 l 47
Feazell Morgan 2 14 15 l 12 147
Feiner Megan 2 14 15 128 143
Fell Jessie 128
Ferguson Cole 112
Ferguson Ell,e 128
Ferr e Fronc,s 128
Ferry Nicole 120
F,ck Gabrielle 4 70 87
Field Aaron 87
F,e ds Kegon 87
F,gueroo Janette 1 12
F,11,nger Alesya 128 151
F,ne Melissa 53 138
Fink Justin 2 37 128 151
Fink Morgon 7 10 87 136 144 153
Flaming Tren! 120
Fleury Theodore l 12
Floro Em,ly 80 87
Floro, Nod,o 105 128 154
Flores Mona 52, 53 120 151 156
Florez Deshny 1 l 2
Flynn, lornb 112 151
Forsyth Simon Pablo 32 128 148
foster Com,lle 120
Fosler Jomes 112 l 44 153
Fosler Matthew 128 130
Fox Anno 33 37 68 69 87 l 44
Foye Sarah 1 12
Frac1co Vincenzo 112 153
Frankel Autumn 87
Franklin Kendra 112
Frazier Hannah 120
Frednckson Trislon 128
Freestone Ambyr 8 33, 72, 88
Fulton, Ka1henne 88
Funston, Morgo·et 120 144
I I ns Marilyn 17 57 119 152 Chns 30 32 34 137 Com 101 Colelyn 60 85 or l1n Mo'lhew 24 85 107 146 r.no Ko•elyn 85 on e Gob 1el 85 C r od Lily 1 4 5 6 24 27 31 37 48 40 70 85 90 150 151 152 156 Con·o) 810n 75 81 108 109 137 Con·oy E1hon 13 34 43 56 75 119 45 53 15c C y Ion 2 80 111 Cook Alexis 24 79 85 104 150 C l Cosey 46 85 98 Cool E aen 30 137 _oon Te ran 85 Cooper Cody 85 Coopr ::Jer Hollyonn l 27 r opple Gron! 4 5 85 Corcho,y Alexander l 27 Corc1l1us Kristo 1 11 Corley B•e't 42 56 85 155 Cororo Cody l 19 C rtes Shown 127 <..orti>z tv1ox,-n· ono 127 C ry Som ~el 11 l (osner ~011,ck l 37 ::>uher Joseph ne 7 85 o ,her Kotolene 85 C":o ,eou Ch11s 40 53 137 Co.-11e Alexo'lder 86 C w P Ion 111 o...-Ie Poul l 11 l 44 Cox Kyle 86 108 109 150 C x Samantha 9 38 137 Crabb Sydney 14 15 68 l 1 1 144 r rs Megan 8 18 1 l l 154 Cross Jacob 1 19 Cross M1koylo 11 l 189 1..ro•slond-W1 son Coralyn 86 108 109 '56 rothers Cossio 119 Crowley Cosey 24 44 76, 86 144 rowey Ryon 119 Cubbage Ad Ionno 127 15 l 153 C n rghom Mackenzie 119 pp Dustin 86 ~urt s Jom,e 4 5 10 24, 25 27 37 86 144 C.ur' Ty!er 127 Cusack Joxon 103 1 11 153 ock Gu nn 68 l 27 144 C. •• c Arr 7 86 1 ••od,o Mio l 27 '48 CYPhe s Sandro 9 137 lO neck, rlonnoh 128 Clo reek, Kothenne l l 1
Do"' RP.ce l 19 0o Ion C ency 18 86 154 Dorrho'f Ben1om1n 11 1 D1r,els Chose 23 40 59 71, 111 146 49 1 osch Morgon 18 27 33 38 43, 45 86 106 153 154 I Davidson McKelvey l 19 149 Davis Logan 86 Davis Mayo 128 DOV1s S1ephon,e 1 l 53, l 37 Deal Lisa 9 12 13 137 148 DeBerord Emma 128 Delmonico Ju' en 128 DelReol Isobel 119 Demeyer Christine 137 DeMink. Ca1Ier 128 151 Dempsey Aleoh 21 76 77 128 145 Dempsey Dylan 53 103 111 Denney Cameron 128 151 Dennis Hannah 28 86 143 Denn1sIon Caleb 119 Denzel Anno 25 86 153 Derby Chad 27 8 l 86 Derby Chose 8, 86 DeS10!0 Isabella 68, 1 19 144 Denmonn Devon 119 D Lorenzo Kaycee 25 1 11 D1Froncesco Domyen 128 D,Froncesco, Thomas 128 Dillman Jus11no 128
Cassidy 9 30 40 138 Dixon Amanda 49 119 151 156
111 Dolan Alec 111 153
Ale1ondro 2 14 15 24 86 147
Maren 6 12, 18 25 32 64 111142153154
Toylor 128 Douglass Payton l 02 128 156 Douthit Thodd ous 128 Dowell Brooke 7 25 70 86 102 153 Dowell Nooh 47 11 l 146 Dowell Toyo 128 Doyle Megan 128 151 Dreher DeVJn 128
Nicole 128 Du Varney Jonathon 12 34 35 39,
0019 Connor
14 15 128 147 I 48, 152
--· Pri
Furness AnIon10 128 146 Gorbors Ryon 81 88 Go b,so Ch,ef-Monuel,to 129 Go b,so S•efowno 11 2 Go cI0 Ayl1n l 12 Gorc,o Carlos 1 12 Gorc,o Charles 11 30 129 Gorc,o Chyanne l 04 1 12 153 157 Gorc,a Crystal 88 Gorc10 Dus!·n 120 146 149 Garcia Gabe ela 9 38 138 Garc,o leonno 129 Gorc,o Leo 120 Gorc10 Natol10 129 Gardea Hector 88 Gardea Naom, 120 Gorn"'r Jus• n l 20 Garnett Ab ga,I 129 142 Garrard Jacob 56 112 155 Gor{ord Moya 120 Garrison Toylor 129 Goivm Shannon 30 138 Gasco Manso 129 Gaskell El,se 81 129 152 Gosper Ko,il,n 24 88 Gee Robert 120 Gehrke Koylen 12 18 104 1 12 l 16 154 Ge,ger Don el 25 37 45 76 88 Genkinger Blom 138 Gerard, Zocho,y 129 147 Gerred Ruel l 20 G,arro•ono Alex J 1 49 88 156 Gibbs Anthony 88 G,bbs Charles 129 Giles Chnslopher 39 88 l 46 G,lbert Rochel 138 G,le Jacquelyn 129 G,11 Robin 62 138 Gilmore Amelio 3 6, 21 24 76 /7 88 145 Gilmore Somontho 6 7 4 112 Giraldo Sanhogo 129 146 149 Gloss, Ch 1oe 129 130 Godsey Hunler 129 Godson Rt>1lly l 12 153 Goetz Imel Kayleigh 24 37 120 l 51 Golds1ein Andrew 120 Gollhofer Lou o l l 137 138 Gomez Ashlan 70 88 106 Gomez. Colton 129 144 148 Gomez Domm,c 88 Gomez Isabella 120 Gomez Jonathon 129 155 Gomez V,ncenzo 39 88 146 Gonzoles Cenovio 89 Gonzales Chantell 112 Gonzoles Chas• ty 1 12 Gonzoles Rosemoiy 58 59 120 146 149 Gonzolez Erand1 l 12
lnllago 129
GaIvon Cordero OI,ver l 04 120 Garbors Rochel l O 66 88
Hummel Kyrcen 2 24 37 79, l 04 113
150 152
Hummell Tegan 37 75 80 81 113 152
Hu11t Ethan l 13
Hunl Johnolhon l 13
Hunt Tucker 121
Hunt Tyler 90 104
Hunter Don el 138
Husk,e Autumn 121
Hussey Gered 113
Hu•chens Doniel 32 91
Huyler Samuel 130
Hyland Brandon 130 l 46
Hynds Cole 113 188
Ibo ro loAnn 80 91
Idler Brandon 48 130 146 155
llungo Enc 130 148
l'ungo M choel l 30
Iron Shell Corl 40 1 13
Iron Shell N coleite 42 91
lwon, Al,no 18 39 91 101 153
lwon M1koylo 17 18 33 43 91 101
153 154
J.'.l__ n Chond'er 105 121
Jackson Holey 130
Jackson Kathleen 1 13
Jacobs Rochel 130 149 151
Joehne Kothrmo 1 13
Jorom11lo El ol 113 151
Jorom1llo Joshua 121
Jarvis Julie 138
Jenkins Ross 113
Jensen Adnenr.e l 13 153 157
Jepkes Emily 130 149
Jessen Ch Isto 138
Jessup Matthew 58 121, 146 149
Jimenez Emily 57 121 154
J, on, Heather 130
Johannes Zachary 121
John Michelle 121 151
Johnson Co,tltn l 30
Johnson D'Vo11s 23 91
Johnson, Dylan 18 57 11 3 154
Johnson Isaak 91
Johnson Joke 16 71 121 144
Johnson Jason 91 142
Johnson Liam 130
Johnson, M,a 130, 148
Joh11son Wyott 11 3
Johnson, Zokory 24 26 76 91
Johnston Dominique 39 130
Jones, Alexonder 70 130 14 8
Jones, Reed 8 42 91 145 14 6
Jones Sobrino 15 121 14 8
Jordon, Brooks 27 45 1 13 144 153
Josselyn Juliet 130, l 49
Joyce Doniel 14 1
Goodwin Jeffrey 19 32 81 l 12, 148 150 154 157 • Gorman Cambria 112 Goss Jade 27 41 80 81 89 102 GosseH Toyloc 89 Gotto Kaylo 10 19 51 81 89 95 105 150 154 15/ Graham Dylan 120 Grange Lou 53 81 104 129 l 55 Gross Brennon 17 129 Groves Gunner 89 Groves W1 1am 71 138 Gray Chose 24 4 1 56 11 2 155 Gray Coby 56 112 l 55 Graybeal Morgan 5 7 11 18 24 89 154 Greaser Kalyn 89 Grease• Nicholas 120 G{een Hailey 129 134 151 Green Mackenzie 63 81 Green Miles 118 120 Green Tyler 129 Greenhogen Alexandro 4, 33 72 73 89 145 Greenhogen Garrett 120 Greenho gh Ko11e 112 Greenhalgh Tyler 129 Greff Cole 22 54 55 76 89 106 142 Gregory Annetlo 89 151 Gregory Aud•ey 49 63 70 120 122 151 155 156 Gregory Evon 44 11 2 144 Greyer Modolynn 7 10 18 89 98 154 Gnlf1n Tyler 120 Gr,rnm Sod1e 120 Grisham Jomes 9 30 75 138 149 Groenhof Somonlho 120 154 Grout Burgondy Dakota 89 152 154 Guerro Tyler 129 14 8 Guerero Debro 138 Guest Stefon 37 1 12 Gu inoroes V11ol1y 129 Gw, l I 1etlin 129 Hackler Sheldon l 12 Hairfield T,ffonn 34 l 02 1 12, 145 Hoke El zobeth 120 15 l 154 Holey
5, 7, 53 138
Garret 89
Anno 120 Hamm, Tracy 138
Aspen 10 43 89 Hammontree Holly 80 104 129 Hansen Ryon 112 Hanson Ko, l 20 Hardy Antonio l 20 Ho mon, Kathleen /8 89 Horris Alec6 16, 103 112 144 148 Homs, Bloke 6 16 112 144 Homs,Cole6,54,55, 112,142 144 Hosbcouck, Kelly 138 156 Hosek Otokor 129 Hassen Logan 112 Hottlec Brenna 8 18 78 113 146 154 Houk Chandler 90 Hover Josm,ne 1 4 5 l 1 18 19 31 46 49 70 80 81 90 92 107 150 154, 156 157 Hawkes Jade 17 56 113 153 l55 Howkms Hunter 120 Hoyden Dylan 1 13 Hazel Alexander 18 30 l 13 153 154 155 Haze Dorothy 129 146 Hebert Aubrie 120 Hecht Cosey 113 Hecht Kyle 90 Henderson Rochel 52 138 156 Hendricks Mogg, Moe 113 Henshaw Katherine 17 15 118 120 149 Herbers Chad 14 30 138 Hernandez Ryder 16 l 29 l 44 Herther Alyc,o 113 155 Herzing Jonathon 90 Heydel Zohovo 1 31 49 70 102 120 122 156 Hibbert Veronica 120 156 191 H,ckey Ethan 113 H ckmon El,zobe•n 11 33 105 120 149 189 Hickmon Oz l 04 130 Hicks Droke 90 Hicks Trevor 26 90 Hierholzer M,tche1 120 H1gg1ns Megan 29 130 135 149 H,Ibrech1 Rochel 24 51 80 90 l 08 109 H Krystal l 30 H,11 Monsso 48 90 Hills Jocob 120 H,no:non Peter 1 13 Hinkle Logan 90 Hool Edward 120 142 147 Hobbs Dylan 121 Holloway, Josm·n 113 Hollenbeck Luke 121 HoI ster Brandon 130 155 Holmon Isobel o 130 Holmon Scott 56 130, 147 155 Holmes Mousa 138 Holmes Roxanne 130 Holsgrove Amberlynn l 05 121 154 Holt op Hoyden 78 130 Hoover Louro l O 18 24 27 37 90 146 151 154 Hoppe Clora 63 81 130 152 156 Hoppe Erik l 13 Hornecker Alec 35 113 153 Horton Jock 130 Horton Mo!llyn 17 l 13 Hosch Abbey 121 Hostetler Jess,e 90 108 109
Sean 89 Holl Gabriel l 29 Holl, Koyzo l 20 Holl Tom~en
Holstrom, Clayton l
Houle Ryon
130 152
12 1
House, Brooklyn
Cody 82 90
Josper7 44,45 70,90, 144
ie 113
Julio(. <snfnh 9 138 KompoVJtz J\lexonder 30 113 144 KompoVJIZ Koo 69 130 144 88 Konger K1r5!en l l 4 Karo Connor 121 Karsten Nooh 130 136 Kosel Ko1hleen 28 9 Kosel Kyle 46 121 Koshefsko Groce 91 Katzman Bryon 91 108 Katzman Jacob 26 45 55 91 142 44 Kotzmon Ph1l1p 44 55 76 91 4? 44 Keller Tyler 114 l 57 Kel ey M11chell 130 Kennedy Amondo 126 130 Kennedy Dowson 13 I 146 49 Kerby Komeroo 114 Kerl Michael l 04 114 156 Kern Eric45 76 91 106 146 Kern Groce l 30 I 31 155 Khorsh1d Shohpool 80 114 l 16 Kiel Avery 70 71 114 143 K•-rnboll Dolton 36 131 v,mboll, Sarah 18 92 143 154 Kinco1d Lucas 92 King Bnon 121 King M•ey92 King Rochel 114 Kirschner Kathryn 17 121 K•·ts Em•y l 14 Kirts Jared 114 K1usaloas Ko 1her ne oO 92 Klem Joshua l 3 l Klinger Bailey 17 131 149 151 Klueber D1llo'l 13 1 Knopp Zone 121 Kneeskern Erm 7 10 18 92 54 Kneeskem Mo'lhew 121 Knowles Ethon 13 l Koch, Elizabeth 17 57 131 149 Koch Riley 114 146 149 Kopp Ethan 92 Koppef W,11,om 18 24 114 144 I S3 154 Kollcomp Greg 6 138 Kot1comp Knshn 6 138 Kovalcik. Luke 92 Kroft Kiyo 92 Kromer Ben1am n 114 Kre1dle Katie 42, 7 4 89 92 Kreller Adorn 27 84, 92 Kreulzer Paige 68 114 l 4 4 Kuchta Jenn fer 17 105 121 15 1 Ku·ehch El'1e 114 Kursch1nsb Corly 131 Kyger Trov,s 76 92 104 109 153 Kyler He1d1 1 66 l 05 131 153 Locy loll 138
49 81 l 05 122 154
Mourer Jeanie 138
McAdoo Tonner 18 114 154
McAdoo Theron 17 39 13 I 146
McAl1ster Davis 56 122 144 156
McCorron N1c.holos 94 144
McCort, Cnstofer 122 142 147
McCle' ond Amber 122
McConnell Riley 4 33 38 43 94 153
McConnell, Somonlho 3 21
156 189
Mortynusko Thomas 40 l 14
Mossa Bailey 94
Moth1os, Shoye 131
Matsuo Allie
gge Jessica 121 151 Logo Brooke 1 14 Loiromo·e Jordon 75 92 99 Landucci Domin c 16 53, l 14 l 44 or.duce, Sora 92 Lon3worthy Chase 121 loPoin'e Noye!, 121 Larsen Brandon 138 Larsen Wyo'! 70 92 Lorson E1hon 92 ,0Jenste n logon 121 LoHoMokoylo321767712l l45 lo H1 10 Monique 3 8 18 21 26 70 70 77 l 4 145 154 ' Lawrence Joegon 12, 93 l 06 eovy Anne•·ese l 0 19 81 85 93, l 05 150 154 157 lee Dongho l 21 ee-f,nd ng Rigel 121 leene Duncan 93 144 le11on, Ben 13 l lemon Roe 1O 93 146 eooold leonord 13 I eopald leonoido 122 ework Conner 8 1 1 14 ubro ,oshuo 122 ed•ke Mod,son 6 70 93 Lrron Romon 114 Ln Be111am1n 36 93 l 02 109 156 Lnd Jock 104 13 1 Loc}e.,, Cole I 14 Lael., Hannah 25 I l 4 148 155 l<Xl e Soro 33 131 155 Lockwood Kyle 24 122 oil Somon•ha 29 122 149 long Deane 56 78 93 155 l ngor o Chose 122 l)ngono Isobel 114 long.ve1 Ashley 19 63 8 1 122 150 154 57 Lopez SJorez Javier 114 opez Cyn1h10 I 14 lo~z Kyle 122 .o que1 Gorvons 1 14 0 o•o-lowrence Mo1esto 13 1, 152 oveo Aldon 1 14 153 ow Pott, 138 Nr e Gobnelle 45 68 70 80, 81 93 107 144 Loya Airedo 24 26 37 110 114 151 hca~ Autumn 114 154, 156 lut"f O Jelen 122 l 42 146, 147 149 li.,r e•o Lindsey 9 3 luce·o Meg on 13 1 15 2 Luebke Just n 122 Lukens Caroline 3 18 25 78 93 153 154 ' ' ur:lock Courlney 131, 155 Luo HooX•n 50, 57 60 93 152 Lyle Hope 13 1, 152 156 lyrch, K,ey 2 14 15 24 52 93 107 147 156 ' lyors Be'l1omin 131, 15 1 1Ubomyr~ko lryno 1 14 148 f \L, "-l -, )3 153 186 Mo Thomas 122 MocCol um Emma l 22 144 Macdonald Lon 30 104 138 Mace Ben1omin 114 146 Machana, Sonnsa 4, 5 18 88 93 153 154 Moc.hovino Groce 122 Macke Lauren 21 24 / 6 77 122 145 Mackelprong Devin 93 Madayag Michael 131 Maddox Heath 131 Maddox, Morgon 122 Madsen Joseph 22 24 54 131 148 188 Moes Bnonno 8 72 l 14 Maestos Gage 114 Mohonke Trevor 67 75 122 151 152 153 Mo1or Joseph 2 8, 24 37 70 79 80 81 103 104 114,150 151 156 Makley M1kioh 122 Molcomb-R,os E1hen 129 131 Mo' ec Amanda 93 l 42 Malmgren Manso 70 103 131 148, 189 Malmgren-Gallo Antonio 122 155 Molone, Colin 122 Monohan Aaron 138 Mancini Nicholas 32 131 155 Monera Marcus 131 tv1ones, Kimberly 138 Manley Fe1-J1on 122 Manley Sarah 104, 138 186 Monn Connor 133 Monn Joc.k 104 13 1 151 Monn Joycob 34 35 122 Manrique Eduardo 5 114 Manriquez Rio, Abigail 122 Morcu, Darnen 122 Morin Josu<> 122 Markey Mokoylo 1 2 7 12 13 14 15 18 24 70 94 102 147 153 154 Morkonc.h Manso 18, 27 74 153, 154 Markovich Emma l 2, 13 122 Morkov1c.h, Monso 94 Morq.uez Aliso 154 Marsh Abby 28, 29, l 04 130, 131 136 149 187 Moish Abigail 28 Marshall Collie l 17 75, 122 155 Mo 11nez Droz Victor l 3 l Mort nez Anoh1 114 155 Mo1t1nez Bethany 114 Mortmez Cecilio 131 151 Mortinez Erynne 94 Mortinez Fo1th 114 Mortynusko Toylor
1 8 19, 31, 33 79
150 154 156 157 158
24 76 77 114 145 McConnell Shone 131 McCorkle Mockenz,e l 31 McCoy Devin 71 122 McCurriber Tiffany 94 158 McDaniel Shoun 94 McElhenny Shelby 94 McEnroe Shoe 131 McForl1n lone 71 114 141 153 McGough Auson 131 146 McGoug~ey Spencer 94, 146 McGregor Logan I 6 54 1 14 144 148 McKay All son 12 18 24 25 45 1 15 153 154 McKay Caitlin 68, 69 l 04 123 l 44 Mc.KinJVon Charles 131 Melone Cameron 123 Mclaughin Donald 123 Mcloughlin He1en 40 46 138 151 Mclough' n Joc.k 13 I 148 McMonus, Evon 131 McMonus, Joke 3 44 1 15 144 McMonus Shea 105 131 McNary Manno 123 McRoth Tonner 115 McStrow Cody 45 123 144 Meade Zochonoh 131 Med no Jomes 94 104 186 Meg9111 B 1eJeon 123 Me' ck Al Y 17 33 52 53 123 151 153 156 Mendez lomsso 28 32 131 Mendoza Poul 62 138 Menzor Al ,oh 132 Mequ1 Morice! 132 Mesteth Elizabeth 123 Metzge~ Chodnc.k 123 Meyer Megan 10, 25 94 Meyer Stephen 23 40 71 115 153 Mezo-Coons Louro 123 144 Milon, Alex,s I 8, 115 154 Milon Keenoii 132 Milon, Ryon 132 M,lczek, V1ctono 3 21 76 77 132, 145 Millar Cameron 123 Miller Davis 23 45 94 Miller Ko10 53, 70 I 04, 13 2 156 Miller Poul 71 138 Miller Shelbilyn 5 18, 32 94 154 Miller T,m 138 Miller, Tnsh 9 138 Mills, Ryne 94 153 Minor l1ll1on 48, 132 155 M nyord Alyssa 1 15 • Misik. Toylor IO 27 84 9 5 Mitchell Adorn 138 Mitchell, Emmo 28 132 149 Mitchell, Erynn 32 33, 49, 56, 57 80, 81 91, 95 152 156, 157 M,tc.he'I, Noah 132 Mobley Jeans 52 57 123 151 152 156 Moldouer Sundo 118 123 Moldouer Yu 26 78 95 Monohan Holey 132 154 Moncrief Romon 132 Mondragon, Debro 9 138 Montgomery Kathryn 138 Moody Enc 123 Mook Weston 132, 151 Moore Reanna 123 154 155 Moro•es Elisha 57 71 123 152 156 Moroles John 16 81 138 Moreau Jacques 37 95 Moreau Mots 132 144 Moreland Nino 68 103 115 144 151 Mo gan lv'\1tchell 132 Morgon Solly 63 11 5 155 Moms Kate 123 144 Moms Trent 22 23 25 27 115 Moss Harrison 130 132 Mossberger Mo ,oh 19 132 Mosser Jeremy 16 123 l 44 Mott Nathan el 37 53 1 15 Mues Pons 18 45 95 154 Mulk,o:is Jessica 12 14 132 147 Mulligan Co1:lyn11 132 Mulligan Chostopher l 15 Mullings Kate yn l 15 Muiphy Logan 53, 104 132 148 Mu phy Suson 137 139 Murray Ko 1h1een 8 19 33 56 72 73 81 123 145 150 154 156 157 Mustoe Megan 123 Myers Theresa 7 18 24 34 35 95 145 • • .. Nodo,. i rer 9 5 146 Nagode Jo ed I 15 Nosky Drew 42 95 Nosky Jackson 123 Noshck Alexander 132 Neal Kylee 14, 15 132 143 Neal S1erro 80 123 Needham M1nom 103 115 151 Negreonu Christine 12 70 Q5 l 04 I 07 153 Nelson, Bailey 126 132 Nelson, Constance 123 Nelson Mackenzie 132 Nelson Roy 139 Nelson-Garrard Cyrus 115 Newmon, Chuslopher 123 Nguyen, tm iy 66, 123 153 N1clell Dione 9 48 104 139 156 Nickell Jomes 2 79 123, 151 152 153 Nickerson Alena 95 N1c.kno1r, Deloney 80, 123, 143, 148 N 1ktt1n M1ehoel 115 N1sh1oko M,choel 9 30 139 Niss, Jacob 132 148 Nor,ego, Odessa 33 36 93, 95 156 Novak, Code 132 Noyes Oren 132
70 115
Reynolds, Al, 96
Reynolds Andrew 96
Reynolds Ashlee 133
Reynolds Meagan l 15 155
Reynolds Sornantha 115
Rice Aust n 133
Rice Connor l 15
Rice Donovan 10 12 24 31 41 80 81
96 153 155 157
Richards Alo,na 124
Richy Paul 42 96
Riggs Kayla 31 52 81 1 I 5 150
R1 1ey Lauren 3 21 24 76 77 124 145
Rios, Morissa 1 31 33 97 156 157 158
Ritter Kod n 133
R1ve10 Cnsllna 124
Rivera Ko,den 115
Roach. Delaney 124 149
Roach Samuel 16 55,144
Roach, Tyler 1 11 24 31 33 40 48 79
97 107 150 153 156 158
Roberts Jade 97
Roberls Trevor l 16
Roberts Wendy 139
Rockley Asian 53 67 126 133, 152
Rodriguez Daisy 133
Rogstad Andrew 124
Rohl~ Lindsey 47 67 124 146 152 153
Rollins Alexander 133
Rolph Victor 97 109
Rome10 Courtney 1 16
Rose Hu11ter 18 28 104 116 143 154
Rough, Cameron 97 107
Rouzaud Groce 116
Royce And1ew 97
Rubio Manso 104 133
Rubio Miguel 133
Rub,o Sobrrno l 16
Ru1herford Weslon 56 97 146 155
Ruzicka, Andy 97
r,o - rdre 104 133 -.Jl f'lue• Inu Sobrino 68 69 l 16 144 187
Sabo Em,ly 39 64 97 142 153
Samuels Wh,tley 97
Sanchez-Munoz Johana 133 Sanders Grace 70 133
Sonders Henry 133 Sanders Riley 6 18 27 32 39 74 97 106, 142 153, 154
Sandoval Edward 133
Sanford Sophia 18 116 154
Sanford Sophia 18 143
Sonics Delgado, Lesl,e 1 33
Sau We,I 124
Savi Remy 133 156
Sconu, Monico 31 48 52 63 81 116, 151 156
Shea 139
Kathryn 133 148
Jacob 124
133, 149
O'Brien W1ll1am 16 123 I 44 O'Connell Govin 132 146 O'Hara Bailey 50, 95 O'hara Callee 34 145 O'Hara Callee 95 153 O'Hara, Jack 95 O'kelly Hilary 139 O'Neil Chnsllan 95 Oakl1ef Megan 67 78, 123 146 153 Oberho1 zer V,ctoria 13 24 43 105 123 155 Oerth Morgan 1Q 80, 8 I 115 150 157 OHa·a Bailey 32 OHara CoI ae 18 34 154 Oh'en, Kun 62 139 Ohmer! Blair 2 14 15 18 115 147 154 Ohtake-Gordon Keiko 70 95 Olin Madeline 19 52 96 100 108 109 150 153,156 157 0 1iwe1ler John 96, 146 01 we, er Lauren 132 Olsen Conno{ 12 13 24 16 96 106 146 Olson Cameron 115 148 Ohmonns Emily 24 26 37 71 94 96 151 Onaga Crysta 17 71 139 140 Orduno Goemme 17 15 132 Oreskovich Charles 71 139 Orlond1ni, Katherine 139 Osodo, El,as 132 Overho11 Avery 68 71 123 144 149 O:xenford Alyse 11 5 144
Packard, Noel 115 Pasley America 28 130 132 136, 149 152 Pal1e11 Aspen 132 Pol1eri Madison l 15 Popke Cowen 1 15 Pans, N,cole 12 43 57 123 Pork., Sarah 103 104 I 15 188 Parker Comden 11 24 3 2 45 55 96 106, 153 Porker Dev,n 132 Porker Jason 9 40 53 137 139 Porker Katharine l 9, 48 80 139 Porker, Scolhe 32, 81, 121 123 149 Po1ker, V,ctono 3, 21 76, 77 132 l 45 Pollen, Zoe 27 105 132 156 Peak Koyln 96 Peak Peyton 132 Pelloux, Stefano 31, 33 49, 70, 80 81 123 Penn, Joseph 132 Pennell Ben1omln 1 15 150 Pem1eH, Logan 123 Perez, Cameron 132, 134 Perez, Evelyn 115 Pero Dominique 132 135 151 Persky Zachary 13 70 105 12 3 144 Peters Lisa 4, 8, 30 33 56 72 73 105 115 145 152 156 190 191 Peters Tomm,e 53 61 139 152 Pe•erson Nolan 132 Pettengill Bradford 115 Pelleng,11 Brandy 132 Pfonnens• el Rowan 1 15 Phom Henry 123 Phenno Esther 17 40 52 53 123 156 Phenna Ko•henne 4 5 27 60 96 Ph1l1p Kolzman 44 54 106 Ph1ll,ps Madison 123 Piper Katlyn 132 Pin Mynah 123 149 Plokorus C~nstopher 139 Plan Bennel1 10 12 13 18 24 27 30 37 39 96 103 144 151 153 154 190 Plotkin Lilly 17 33 56 57 105 123 152 Poggemeyer Haylee 133 Po.ndexter Steven 115 Pon cson Enc 30 139 Poole, Kyle 123 Posk,e Layne 124 Poulos Wyon 133, 134 Probhurom Joyo Pros1h,ko 133 Press Aust n 133 Preston Cameron 104 133 144 Probeck Leland 124 Proff,11 Sora l 15 Prosser Austin 124 P ,- B enl l 15 (, 1 , nor 96 Quickle Roger 124 Qu nonez Brenden 32 115 Quintona Anthony 133 146 149 Rabadan Joilene 115 Rabadan Lu1senr1que 130, 133 ~ago Todd 139 Rom·•ez Joselyn 124 Rom11ez, lorro,ne 139 Ramuez Richard 124 Ramos Anton 110 96 Ramsay Bnllony 139 149 Rondell Ben 124 148 Randol Hannah 115 Rasmussen Thomas 115 Roy Devyn 133
DDylan 124 157 Reading
124 Reed Darren l 05 124 Reid Chad 139
s Bugg 7 06
Chace 124 Re nhord Towny
Reimers Noelle
Sch11e1der Madeline
Scholl Julian
Schrag Ben1amm 133 Schroeder Alyssa 133 155 Schroeder Everett 26 97 Schumacher Comden 124 Schwo1z Akiro 58 124 l 46 149 Schwarz Aurora 68 124 144 Scrrvnef Jesse 133 Seaholm Mark 44 55 76 97 144 Secosky Deon 124 142 147 Sehn Alexander 124 Sehn Cosse 28 133 149 152 Seigneur Po.1I 11 32 134 152 Seiwald ~ond1 24 32 36 57 80 81 97 156 157 Sellars Mason 124 Sel'ers Michael 134 147 Se!' nger Isaac 2 4 27 08 102 Sel nger Isac 30 37 45 Selzer Barbo a 139 Seve in AleXI l 134 155 Shock.en, Jay 27 62 75 139 Shapiro Cynth o 9 1 l 53 139 Sharo,d Huslen 134 Shchenn,kovo Polino 116 Shea Kristo 102 105 124 Shearer R• ey 102 124 Shelley Hannah 98 103 Shelion Jacob 134 Shelton N,cholos 12 13, 37 116 14A 155 Shepho1d, Emily 80 l 16 Shepheid Alexandno 116 Shepherd Sorr,uel 116 Sherpa Posong , 34 Sherpa Rm1ee 98 Sherrod Steven 134 Shipman Katelyn 34 35 98 145 Sh•ro Colin 116 153 155 Sh a Piper 134 Shive Sa'lluel 134 Shoemaker leo1o 130 Shorey Lill,an 116 Shottenki·k Kyle 98 Shull Christopher 134 147 Sieber Rebecca 139 S,galo Soc1011ee 1 34 S,lvo Bruno 116 144 S,r:icox Cade 124 144 Simmonds Alexand o 7 18 30 98 Simmonds Liam 124 Simmons, J1.i o 8 72 73, 98 145 157 S1mmons-lango Sierra l 34 Simonds Saylee 98 Simonds Monhew 126 134 190 S1mpk1ns Julia 21 7 6 98 145 S,mpson, John 134 Simpson Joseph 116 Smger Matthew 98 S1nge1 Zachary 1 34 Ske1ron, Mo ngan 134 152 Skiles Porker 16 124 l 44 Skwarek Joshua 124 Small, Jeshu!un 34 35 53 116 186 Smathers Devin l 24 Smathe1s Schyler l 16 Smiley Hanno l 34 Smith, Ashley 71 116, 153 Smith, Bo 124 Smith Brooklynn 6 25 98
Volentine Riley 135 155
Vollodores-Polmo Jose 12 18 43 75 117
l 47 153 154
Von Deusen Ashleigh 7 18 100 154
Von leiberghe Austin 7 10 l l 26 27, 66
I 00 153
Von le•berghe Noel e 6 25 27 7 4 117 153
Von Me1re Judy l 17
Von Nole Lauren 135
Von Wyk Chose 133 135
Von Mol1eo 8 10A 117
VonDeusen Ash 1e19h 7 10 18
VonDyke Jolene 125 148
VonGeet Enc 100
Vannote Baylor 135
Veldmon Brett I 00 156
Veldmon Jackson 125
Verleger Molly 38 140
Vernon Megan 12 13 68 100 l 44
153 155
Vickers Madison 8 117 157
V191I Alyssa J 04 125
V1g1i Madison 45 70 100 153
Villa Riley 125
Villa Sydney 14 15 27 1 17 15 l
Villon11ebo Devin I 17
V,rden Margaret Jone 18 25 117 153
Vnlzp, Bob l 40
V J~ t! elby 117
Wagner W1ll1om 125
Wo1nwrrght Thomas 22 71 125
Wainwright W1h1om 2A 26 37 105 125
146 151
Wold1nger Jomes l 17
Walker Kyle l 03 125
Walker Tyler 36 l 00 156
Wal~O\'IICZ Tracy 140
Wallace Acoz10 l 04 117 188
Wolters Brennon 125
Wolters Madeline 3 6 21 24 26 76
77 l 00 107 145
Wo'tz Ab190 70 135
Wong Y1xuon 117
Wo d Jesse l 25
Womer Nicholas 135
Worner Reade 67 15 l 04 125 l 46
Wasinger Easton 100
Weese Eliza 135 156
\/'/eese Samantha 4 5 100
Wehner Rylie 7 4 125 l 42
We1ghall Lucas 125
We1henmoyer Emrro 135 149
We,nelauer Bnttme 100
We nelouer No•hon 125
We Ben10min 135 l 44
We,ss, Michael 135
We ss W1ll1om l 17
Weldon Alexis 101
Wenzel Connor 46 135 152
Wenzel Gner l 03 135 150
Wernors B10eden 135
Welch Derek 117
Weich lsoac 135
Wheatley Anno 140
Wheelan, Robert 117 146
Wheeler Kelsey 25 10 l Wh te Spencer 47 79 104 125 146
Sr- h Dylan 41 l 24 15 l 157 rr Rebecca 32 98 Srr l Kost1n 139 Sod,. strom Kori l 16 S c Joshua 98 11er Doren l 39 Spn ks Mory 24 79 98 104 150 5pou ding Kothenne 38 43 l 39 Spown Julie 1 41 75 134 153 155 5pe1se Dono 7 24 49 79 87 98 104 50 156 SPt -non Zcchoiy 98 Spe11cer K1on 17 134 Sp glerrrionn Caitlyn 124 136 Sp eke monn Sovono 80 81 l 34 Sp rsky Gronl 124 SqJ er El,zobeth 11 27 134 156 Sonbro Roeonne l 16 144 ::itonder tv\osun 4 9 79 99 l 04 150 Sto , John I05 134 Starkey Samantha l 11 12 13 18 25 74 83 Q9 106 108 109 153 154 .>'or1<.ey Sydney 12 13 33 70 7 4 124 55 Stearns M11chel 124 S 0 e'Jrns Shyelym1e 134 ~teger Noah l 34 •e nke Camille 124 S•enberg Shelby 134 S•epnens Aust n 116 1""p'1ens Brianna 78 86 99 Sterl !19 Co1men 116 15 l S•evens Kaley 24 134 •evens Katelyn 99 S•ewort Kyle 116 .> 1oc.k Ben1om1n l 5 33 49 116 191 5•ock Sobrino 99 Stoel mg Katherine l 34 Sodgh Coleson l 16 S 101e Dory1on l 7 116 Stoner Hannah 18 24, 25 71 7 4, 99 106 153 154 S•oner Riley 30 32 134, 136 l 48 S•orrs Shelby 12 4 155 Story Lauren 80 l 34 10 dt Tyler 134 Sr k Erridy 135 "rvup Jac.KSOn 135 148 S1,dweeks Moya 6 32 79 104, 116 50 ':>i..rnrrers Jomes 139 1.,-.,rr ers-Fritts Dolyn 135 S1.1 d Koyden 54 55 124 142 Sundeen Billy 135 S ndeen Doric 125 S1.1r deen Somontho l 25 143 S n-deen Samuel 125 146 S1ltlrtz Ion 37 l 16 151 Swee • Cymry 10 25 27 69 99, 144 53 SMshe II ti- ~y 136 T foya Co •hryn 99 103 T ty Caitlyn 135 136 155 Torrburro Jacob 5 99Tamburro Marcus 125 Tonner Cothenne 6 99 108 109 Top10 Jomes l 17 Toylor Anno l 35 Taylor Kyle 7 10, 18 24 37 39 99 146 154 Toylor Tonner 30 57 105 l 25 147 Tet ens Alyssa 1 67 7 5 125 146 153 155 Thiede Rebecca 68 99 144 Th,stlewood Adorn 30 54 80 135 148 Th1stlewood Ryon 54 55 99 142 Thoemke Andrea 99 Thompson Doniel l 17 Thompson Ellen 139 Thompson Kel~ey 12 13 l 05 125 Thorrpson Kentoro 117 Thompson Skyler 117 Thomson Stephan e 9 140 15 l Thorshe1m Connne 6 8 18 25 30 7 4 117 154 Thorshe1m Lindsey 6 18 25 79 l 04 l 17 150 154 Thum1m M choel 71 79 l 40 Tibbetts El zobeth 140 Tindell Tonner 125 Tolbert, Jamie l 25 Toler Shelby 135 To er Sydney 53 125 Tomich N cholos 125 Toon Ash ey l l 3 117 Townsend Andrew 10 18 44 45 47 99 144 146 154 Tracey Anno 135 Trammell Curtis 99 Troyser Gabriel 135 151 Troyser Kothoryno 48 57 105 125 152 155 Tre1tmon Olivio l 0 18 30 100 154 Tre1tmon Rochel 30 34 125 149 Trevithick Brandi 100 Tnpp Jonna l 40 Trunko, Ch rstopher 117 155 Tubbs Joshua 135 Tubbs, Kothenne 10 74, 97 JOO 104, 106 Tufano Taylor 33 53 135 155 Turner KC 100 108 109 Turn er Maxim ' on 13 5 Tuten Joke 135 T fen 1,.,1-11 -{d 117
o ell Joe 24 140
Donny 9 71 l 40
Danyell Anne 4 8 33, 56 72 73. 117 145 156
M1don l 00 152
27, 34 35 l Ol 145_,._ ..-, IWh •son Ethan 135, 148 W1ederwohl Micah 135 Wt kins tv\1koelo 7 l 0 14 15 18 24 101 102 147 153 154 W, Kinson Onon 129 l 36 151 Wh:.1nson Thomas 146 W1 1r.inson Troy 10 l W1hbonk.s Keis e 10 l W1lle'l M choe 1 140 W1lltoms Amanda 52 79 125 156 W1ll1oms Chrrshne 140 W1ll1oms Duricon 101 W1ll1oms Elizabeth l 25 W1ll1oms Erinn 10 l W,11,ams Evelyn 6 10 I 108 l 09 W1ll10ms Po• ice 125 W1ll1oms Rebecca 137 l 40 145 Willis Brittany 19 40 48 l 04 136 152 157 187 Wt l1s John 48 1 ,1 W lkrson Thomas l 17 W son Abby l 4 8 33 72 73 81 121 125 145 155 157 W1 son Ashton l 36 W1 son Rebecca 4 8 72 73 I 17 Winde I Sage 25 l 0 1 105 Wise Andrew 10 12 13 39 56 66 lOl 146 153 156 Wise Noah 38 49 71 125 156 Wisehart Ch 1stopher 125 Wisehart Jesongelyn 117 Witzke Tyler 125 Wofsey L ly 3 21 76 77 136 l 45 Womack, Addison 136 Woodard Rhonda l 40 Woolsey And ea 136 152 Wo swick Jennifer 25 l O l Wubben Somuel35 75 104 136 Wubben Soph o 6 12 13 18 25 34 117 153 154 Wu I stein Macy 125 ~., ~ee48 103 118 125 154 Yarbrough Stephanie 101 Ye MmgXin50 57 60 101 152 Yenzer Keira 136 Y1 Mosho 24 41 79 81 101 104 150 152 156 Youngmork Jacob 117 Zod koff Barry 125 Z1ehr Coiy 101 Ziemann, Jonottion l 34 136 150 152 Zinonh M choel 140 Z1tol1 Groce 52 72 73 117 l 52 211011 Joseph l 17 .
150 153 Wh 1,e'd Brion
'~ J • , i1 !\ J'-
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How did you spend your 2015 Spring Break?
"I went to Spain and the experience was one I'll never forget."
Nate Moff (11)
11 1 spent my break with my friends just hangingout, listening ro music, hikikng, tanning , laughing."
Autumn Abbott ( 10)
Baseball atGHS
inter Percussion
Winter Percussion is a competitive musical ensemble that involves students from GHS and Bell Middle School. The students practice si x hours a week from November through April, and compete every Saturday in the spring While the majority of students play keyed instruments, such as the marimba or vibraphone, there are also plenty of other sounds in the mi x, like the drum set, bass, and the timpani. The students in this group always form a strong bond each year, and very much enjoy spending time with each other throughout the season .
Go \de n Hi gh Schoo
Instrumenta l M ·
In 8 th grade, I d idn't know t he people very well! But now I've made a lot of really good friends and I am more co mfortable performing "
Juli e Spawn ( 9 )
Behind the Scenes of the Musical
G o lden' s te c h te am was s tr o n ger than e ve r th is ye ar The y had to make the magi c o f C ind e r e ll a c ome to life o n th e sta ge Fr o m walking thr o ugh w all s, pump ki n s to c arr ia g es, and tran s fo rm ing ballgown s, th ey d id it all. The se ind iv idua ls are the so ul re a so n o ur s h o w s ar e al ways suc h wonderful s ucc e sses. Tec h does e ve rythin g but a c t, th ey sew cos tum e s, de s ig n lig h ti n g , r u n so und , bu ild th e se t-the lis t goes o n Th e te c h te am a re th e r e al star s o f th e s h ow, w ith ou t th e m th er e wo u ld b e no show
II •--• rf)v
The ladies golf team this year really showed their skills and finished with a memorable year . They had great moments such as playing in tournaments with other schools and playing at beautiful courses. They finished the year with awesome friends and a great record .
Congrats on the great year ladies I
What do you love most about the sport of golf?
• I love that it's a physical and a mental sport."
Savannah Castell (12)
This year the lady demon tennis team came together closer as a sisterhood rather than a team. They dominated the court, finishing the season with great memories and • many wins. This year was definitely a great year and one to that they will always look back on.
What do you love most about the sport of tennis?
•1t1s helped me make o lot of new fnends that like tennis os much as I dol" Catrina Cohn (9) " Making great fnends wh ile ploying o life long
Plotkin ( 10)
sport" LIiy
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America , otherwise known as FCCLA is a club to help the members increase their leadership skills and prepare them for life
• such as problem solving , goal setting ,
• planning ,
• ' decision making and more!
ProStart State Competition
Friday, March 20
ProStart is a program that helps prepare students who might want a career in the food industry. One part of the group prepares the food and the other half handles the business end of the food industry.
.. ::
Our girls soccer team at GHS really knows how to kick it into action and it's impossible to pass up an opportunity to support them With their competitive attitudes and and extreme teamwork, taking a loss is never an option Even with a tie of 1-1 , beating the wheat is always a goal.
My favorite part about being captain is having the honor to be a leader and being able to help my teammates improve their lacrosse skills.
My mistakes inspire me to be better. If I miss a shot during a game, the next day I will spend hours working on my accuracy until I can assure the same mistake won't happen again or at least not as often.
Yes I will continue on to play collegiate lacrosse at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, and I could not be more excited!
Be i ng in a c hallenging and rigorous sport, the GHS lacrosse teams settle for nothing less than perfection. Showing the i r hardwork and dedication on the field - the long and gruesome practices pay off!
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Morgan Dasch ( 12)
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I ' DEKOIS • • , 4Vi ' , .. ' • T' T • 1'
Fol De Roll and Fiddle Dee Dee! As their final instalment for the 2014-2015 school year, the Golden High School Thespians over at Stage Right Productions performed Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella! Even with a Cinderella movie and broadway traveling show opening at the same time , this didn't stop audiences from flooding to see this show From amazing costume transformations to beautiful classical waltzes, this show was a family favorite and hundreds of young girls flocked to the theatre , hoping to be the girl who fit into the shoe Prince Charming was so desperately searching for. ---
Nearly as highly anticipated as Prom itself, the Prom Fashion Show is one of Golden's most iconic assemblies . With
.:-- a little help from local formal outfitters , 0 couples from various school groups
"-A.JO~ strut their stuff dressed to the nines in - hopes of winning free Prom tickets
Funky routines and games get the students clapping but it isn't the fancy clothes or even the moves of the runway walkers that keep the crowd cheering Instead , it is the spirit of the staff that gets everyone to sing and dance along .
Track & Field
What was your best event of the season?
"My 100 meter dash ot the beginning of the year because I was coming off on in1ury"
Maddie Greyer ( 12)
"My 100 meter dash was my best because I kep t dropping time throughout the season "
Katie Murray ( 10)
"My 800 spiri t medley wen t well but I olso did really well in my 1ump1ng events this yeorl"
Lizzie Belecky ( 10)
The many characters of this years track team
Track and Field at Golden High School consists of many elite athletes who train tremendously hard everyday . From pole vaulting , track events, jumping events and even throwing events, the athletes do it all. The team participated in about fifteen meets this year all around the Jeffco area and went to state in May Every year the team creates a great bond from sitting at track meets, practicing together, and cheering ea c h other on. One thing is for sure, trackletes are like no other!
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From building snow caves to hiking the Grand Canyon , Senior Sem has explored the country on a wide spectrum Not only do they help each other, but also those around them Giving back to those of the Golden Community, by handing out gloves and coats on Colfax and serving lunch to senior citizens on Valentine's Day With team building activities like scavenger hunts and vows of silence, the students have not only bonded with each other, but also teachers, leaders, and those they have met along their .1ourneys
111e111orable experience?
Whatv,as your 111ost
Every year, Golden upperclassmen eagerly await prom night. They gather for dinner, pictures, and dancing. This year, G-Town got down in Denver at Sports Authority Stadium at Mile High. The sporty theme featured the Golden athletes with slideshows all over • the club level but the dance floor had space for students from all walks of life.
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Grace Carlson ( 1 2) Ryan Thistlewood { 12)
Ari Ardenhali ( 1 1) Alec Honecker ( 1 1 )