GHS Yearbook 2017

Page 1

• VOLUME 144 Golden High School 701 24th STREET Golden , CO 80401
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The c la ss of 201 7. M os t have b ee n her e at Golden f or f ou r years a nd have allowed the h a ll owed h a ll s to c h a ng e an d evolve them. Ea c h o f these st udents ha s st oo d the test of time and high sc hool. Th ey co ntinu e now into th e world as fre s h-faced and eager as ever.

Their la s t year in high sc hool. Their la st year t o b e a kid . Th e ir la s t year to all b e together . Nev e r again will this exac t same group of students learn , laugh and experience lrfe within th e sa me s quare mile . Now they are given th e in c r ed ibl e opportunity to go out on their own and d e di cate th e ir tim e and work to the life they want to live I implore all thr ee hundred se venty three se niors to never f o rg et their tim e here at Golden , and to u se their ex peri e n ces to better themselves and others Congratulations Golden High School Class of 2017, now it's your time .

Class o/2017


Just Gettinq Started

"Find something you're good at. Find something that no one can take away. Find something that gives you bliss."

Krista Shea ( 12) Art has been a part of Krista Shea 's llfe ever since s he c an remember Many members of her family are great artists. so she ha s always had people to look up to and be 1n sp 1red by High sc ho o l h as given Krista the opportunity to develop a pa ss ion for scu lpting photography, and drawing , where she has found h e r ow n unique style that 1s portrayed 1n all of her art Even though she h as made great memorie s 1n high sc hool, 1t 1s now Krista 's t i me to t a ke off with her art ca reer Kri sta 1s hoping t o own a ce rami cs or other art studio for all types o f arti s t s Just llke Kris t a, we are Just getting started with the rest of our llve s and the memori es we make here a re Ju st the beg1nn ,ng - 8 Calley and N B,rke/o

1 1\uit11n11 1\bb<
Im a n A 1n C> l"\ ' • l )c~gan Bart e l ' /' Sc_)
o ti ~I a k e n z i -'"\11d e r 0 11 ijtL~PJlfW l) ~lr t an, ra 11 Bake r • D°'"r+a-..(\Y,°" (\ B°' Ker lVIacl e lin e B~att1r ., Ka&i.u. f¼ctttf Lo
Dillio11 Bak e r Eli
th "\ b b
ga n r\Jbr ec ht
z ab e th
e le c f}iut1
a r e d Al pi11 e
Balm e r
Carla B e rn1ani

"Never give up! "

"I wa th e kid in high sc ho o l w h o had an 8 o' c l ock c

. ''

hamikBhat Tyler Bra11dow
Ally a Burget Af0Jssa.- 73~,r Lauren Birkelo Co ra Bi hop
e n io)·s 7
Logan Bri tol Ammi Brizt1ela
l\1acle l ei n e Brotl1erton r<"\o.!<-\~ ,.,._ Chri "t O}) h er Bral{l ,,,. Anclreanna Bro",. n Ja c k Burl{halt e r Ca lJ ' b Bt1rton Con 11 e r Cad di gan Braquelle Ca ll e} r '-h.cK 8v. r thc=-t,/e,- c~ .Lw-r~ W\}'UR ~'"\ Zahava H eydel ( 12 ) \ urfew Sabrina J one ( 12)

First Res onder

"You only benefit by going to a class that you will love " - Colin Malone (12) For Cohn. there 1s someth ing to remember everyday at Warren Tech Cohn 1s part of the Emergency M edical Services program , where he 1s striving to earn hi s EMT Ba sic Cert1f1cat1on In order to stay 1n the program , Cohn has two tnes per test t o get an 80 °'o or higher which 1s a lot of stress on all of the students 1n the program Even th ough 1t 1s a lot t o handle Colin has learned how t o be a leader and 1s preparing himself for h rs future ca r eer The pressure ts high and the competrt1on 1s intense but whenever th ere 1s an emergency 1n hfe, Colin will excel 1n being th e " First Re s ponder " to any s 1tuat1on - B Calley and N 81rkelo

8 l 'eoJ> l e
,... .... Br< 1 11clc1 11 ( ' ~tn1 r>l) c ll l\Iia
( 1 Y-''4 {1JJ.I~ / I -aac Cl e1non , k 1::4~ (,, jl
C~t ·ten · ophia Chadez
Marilyn ( ' o llin s Eth~111 ( ' <)11rO)'
Harri on \.~lain I '
Cod)' C'orona Jacob Cros , (~J.,-h
abella Cogdi ll
ran CroT\?le) '

"D o n ' t m o sh in B e r ks."

A udrey Gregory ( 12 )

"D o n ' t let p ai n s h ape w h o yo u are or w h o yo u be c o m e."

E li z abe th H ake ( 12)

Ma c k e nzi e Cunningham \ r fv .A. Mc K e lv ey Cal e b D e nni t o n . De van De ttma11n Amanda Dixon R an Dral{e J5 ~ Ni c hola , E lzi Za c h E lzi -r- -
J ulian D e n z in I ab e lla D eS i ato E ri c E b e rhard .G •
o rri Feaze 11 {WA
Laur e n E dward ' rr- I i co l e Fe

"Destiny is not a matter of cnance but a matter of choice." - Anna Hamelin { 1 Anna may dance as a shadow, but she 1s always 1n the spotlight Anna spends about fourty hours a week dancing for The Silhouettes. who won First Runner Up on America ' s Got Talent Season 6 and also performed at the Inauguration Ball this year Their name 1s exactly how they dance they create shadows by dancing between a light and a large screen Regardle ss of the time crunch. Anna takes multiple AP classes and excells 1n all of them Anna has developed her professionalism and maturity through her dancing, which will help her to continue to grow 1n the future She plans to continue to dance for as long as she can Through all of the choices that we make. we are able to determine our own destiny and the way we live hf e - 8 Calley and N 81rkelo

10 l'eoJ>le
Doroth) ' F l agg Margaret n~ t on "TT'w~ .r~n Tr e nt f.,lamin g l\Iaria F l ores
(l u J)e/ ~~---() •
I) u s t in Ciarcia Cami ll e Fo ter Leo Ga r c ia / l( a) 1 l eig l1 Goetztf Im e * 1' J J Ilan11ah Frazier Naomi Garcl e a r\ndr e"' Go ld,.st~.ip Awiw N

I ab e lla G o1n ez j)~

Ro e mar,· G on z al fotw y

i c l1ol a G r e a e r

l\Iil e G r ee n /l/6t~~ y

Kai Han on l ( tll / (tiM 1 ~

S adi e G rimn1.

~~™ ;.;?

S a1nantha G r oe nh o f ~~~1ra.-

E lizab e th H a l{e

1\n11a H a m e lin

E li z ab e tl1 (Li zz i e)

Hi c k1n a 11


" D o no t go whe r e the pa th m ay l ea d , go in stead w he re t h ere i no pat h a n d l eave a tra il. "

A m be r M cC l e ll and ( 12)

~Ii tc l1 e ll

Hi e rl1 o l ze r ;VL J llh ~lJ J'tJn;;-v

"I s tarted h igh chool w i t h traig h t A' , and now I 'n1 not eve n s traig h t ."

K el ey Tho mp on ( 12)

e n io >·s 11

"Watching my high school basketball career come full circle has really been i ncredible " - Kayden Sund ( 12) Through s i x hours of practice a week, two t o three games a week, as well as taking shots outside of practice , Kayden has become the st ar of the show on the Boys Varsity Basketball team This may be Kayden 's last season as a Demon , but th e game i sn 't over until the buzzer sounds Kayden p lans on playing basketball for Chadron State whe re he will be playing games c l ose to home and family He 1s very passionate about basketball , and he plans on cont1 nu1n g t o fulfill th at passion on the coun where he will make memories th at will last a lifetime - B Calley and N 81rkelo

J,..,.. ' • ....- t :lvi,t ,?...____ K y l
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K!Jr~ ~d
lt!f d,,..... ,~ l{athr11 11 • Kir sc hn e r }\~~ 1\n11J
E d ,,~a r cl II oa l C l1c:ln cll e r
l se l
lll1111. e r Il <>h111a1111 e rl1 ·11n Il o l ,g r l\li c l1<1ll e fJoh11 Jal{e John ' 011 'J1
' ocli l{lal)l<1 Za11e I{napJ)
Autun1n Hu ' ki e abri11a Jon e s
Knee "l{ e r11

"Are y ou f ee lin g it no w , Mr . Kr a bs?" (Sp o ngeB o b)

"In th e e nd , we o nl y regr e t th e c han ces w e dido ' t t ak e." Chl oe Marl ow ( 12)

Jo.w:tntlJo.. '/&th I \ II n- 111 J. II
Loga11 Laue1),8tein
a1nmie Lolk
Shami k Bhat ( 12)
(_ ~~:9~)
Je ica Lagge l\tiaJ.q rala Lauri ta Clifton La" rle Cha e Longoria
e niors 13
Zakan' Lar 011 ..
Rigel Lee¥~Findli11g
Jal e 11 Lt1 c ero
K1rl e Lo c k" rood ,t/k/4/ Tl1oma l\Ia

reates Success

0 Just like anything else, the more time you put in the more successful you'll be." Lilly Plotkin ( 12) Being number one 1n the state for Debate. Lilly knows fi rst hand wha t 1t takes to be successful Lilly's love f or debate and public speaking began in middle school, and 1t has con t inued throughou t high school Although s h e loves debate itself. Lilly enJoys being on a team tha t supports and motivates her t o do better Deba t e Tour n aments are every Saturday and take fourteen hours to complete Lilly also spends six hours a week doing research f or her debate which adds up to over fifteen hundred hours d i rected towards debate these pas t four years I t may be a lot o f work b u t Ltlly ha s learned that 1 f you don't put 1n the effort you aren't going t o be success f ul which 1s important t o know heading in t o college - 8 Calley and N 8,rkelo

1 4 l 'eo 1,l e 1<: 1111n cl l\ l cl c ( ' a ll t11 n ThlG,J,lunn 1' a l o r ~)' 11 u s l{c\ (.,;YA ~1~ Time T r e , ~o r l\I a h a nk e J ,l ) ' CO l ) l\l a n11 E n11n a " 1\ l cl r k o , ,i e h (j'ri ·,,•a. I ..!)., J.. ., , M~ C ' ri s tof<'.\ r ~l C ' C' art 1\111b e r ~~31 --
J-\nt o ni o ~l a lm g r e n Ga ll o ~-:2~ Calli e ~Iar hall
Caitlin l\1 c Ka) r Laura l\IezaCoons ~II~ -~ Julia11na l\Ionderen ~MvflA. fk.. rlt(fh~ Ca1neron l\rlcLane Cameron l\rlillar Jean l\Ioble)' 0me("()fl J1; !l2r Eric Mood1r " Eli ha Morale · "T a lk le s, s mile more."
e nio1· 15
Aaron Burr Taylor Mart y nu ka ( 12) Georg l\leier 1-\ll) ' l\l e li c k Carolina l\Ioita t1ndo l\Iolclauer - !{at e Morri · Kc.rf:htw,, M 11r1 lUj
"I like to think th at I 'm a Magikarp that ha s n 't evolved yet."
Ca l yb Bu rton (12)

"Music has been a part of my life since I can remember."

James Nickell (12) Music isn't JUSt performances and rehearsals for James Nickell ( 12) It ,s also a way to channel and deal with emotions James has been playing music since he was six years old and wan t s to pursue a Bachelor's Degree In M usic as a Percussion Performance MaJor with t he poss 1b1hty of getting a degree In M usic Therapy Beca use o f t he influence of music In his life James has been able to use music as a pos1tIve ou t le t for emotion whe r e he has developed a love and passion f or music This passion has driven him to success where he has had th e opportun i ty t o p lay for A l l-S t ate Band M usic c reates harmony and t he influence of h armony in our lives allows us t o create memori es that we ca n "rewi nd" and play over and over again - 8 Calley and N Blfke/o

1 <> l 'e <>JJl e
.Jack on asky
Delaney Nic kn a ir ·~~, Ald/}a.,L,<) Victoria Oberholtzer l Maxwe ll Noval{ M~r N.o-v-a.k A very Overholt Co n ' ta.nee e- 1 ·o n _,I William O'Brien Gregery Paprosl{i Emi l y g u ye n Co dy O'Connor (;j O' Ni c ole Paris
I ,
Jam e i ckell Mega n Oaklief Scottie Parke r



f,,t1711J1t fh--
At1 tin
e r .4u.Stui.
Emma P e nn
hoo e the twin life ... "
"I didn ' t c
Akira Schwarz (12)
.. ::.,.. ...,,._~-
Logan Pennell 1r,,1e Poole Ben Ra11dall
h o e
The twin life c
e n io}·s 17
Aurora Schwarz ( 12) H e n11 ' Phan1 E ther Phen11a 0 car Reddi11g

"There's always a way to enjoy what you're doing, both on small and large" Shamik Bhat ( 12) Having a pos1t1ve outlook on life having fun and watching Sponge Bob are what Sham1k Bhat ( 12) lives for Sham1k 1s involved all around the school in activi t ies such as Full Orchestra. Interact Club. National Honor Society. Tn-M Chess Clu b, and countless others H e 1s also involved 1n a lot of AP/Honors classes, which are helping him to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor O f course. all o f these act1v1t1es lead t o a lot of time spent working on homework, planning , and other act1v1 t 1es th a t can be considered t o be "boring" However, Sham1k always tries to make the best of every s1tuat1on, which 1s what has kept him going through th ese past f our years of high school (Just like Sponge Bob 1n Sham1k's favorite episode, " Best Day Ever") Hi s pos1t1ve attitude and fun personality have made these past four years go by really quick because time fli es when you 're having f un - 8 Calley and N 8lfkelo

18 l 'e<> J>l e
Chac e RPinl1ctrcl Noah Rl1oiPn ..( \laina Richard Del ~l n)· RoaC'l1 Ra, 11 Robbi11 · • A 11 ge l Roclrigt1ez DdtVvj 'R~~ tJ ltlia11 c l1<>l t Jc,r1 :-1t:,# Andre"· Rog tad

"I t e lud ed us th en but th at's no matt erto mo rr O\l., we \ V 11l run fas ter , s tre tc h o ut o ur arm s farth e r " F Sco tt Fit zgera ld Dea n Secos k. y ( 12)


Bo n1ith aitl,r11 ., pi e l{e rm a nn UtJ t\"In j?1 cl ~ (fKJf7n

"I can' t I ha\ e s occer. and c hee r and ho m e\vo rk. , and findi ng a cure for cance r and sa, 1n g th e ,vorl d f rom al ie n~ Maybe we can hang out a no th e r time '>"

Braq ue ll e Ca ll ey ( 12)

Dean Se c o l{) '
Parker kil e
Grant pri11 kj1
, rin matl1 e
I)~S~ 1 ... . • ' ,. r ; _r, \: ' I . ! ~ \ ' _. . ., $. • • • ... I lvlit c h e l i e
Kri ta h e a
e n iors 19
Cad e im c o .. Li a m immond e lb:\' torr ' '" Ski~ 51::oM.s


"Find something you truly, truly enjoy, and commit to it 100~0!"

-Audrey Bliss (12) Being involved In 4-H Is not only Is a time commitment ,rs also not commonly known to high school studen t s and tea chers But that doesn t matter to Audrey Bliss ( 12) Audrey has been involved In 4-H since she was four years old. originally riding horses but now involved ,n 1unIor leadership. archery, 22 pistol/rifle. market beef lamb and rabbit. fiber sheep breeding rabbits. and Is also an officer In several clubs on the county and state level She spends four hours a day mInImum caring for livestock and then up to an add1t1onal six hours a week for leadership and meetings In order to achieve her dream of becoming a 4-H leader and veterinary consultant. Audrey has had to completely dedicate her life to 4-H. which includes missing a lot of school for shows She sometimes gets weird looks from teachers after telling them why she has to miss school , but her commitment will help her to ride along successfully through the rest of her hfe - 8 Calley and N Btrkelo

l {a i har)' na 'fra, ,.sc~r ~ -r~ 1J1l SN~l1,
gr~ tJackso 11 , , c~ l <ln1a n l\Iarct1 · Tan1 l) tl rro fa~<
Ta11 11er Ti11de ll
Jan1i{\ To l bert

"D o n't te ll m e th e k y i th e limit w h e n th e r e are foo tprint s o n th e m o on ."

Juli a nn a M o nd e r e n ( 12)

"Y o u ca n ca tc h a few fli e wi th ho n ey , bu t yo u ca n ca tc h a l o t of h o n ey b y being fl y ."

J ak e A . J o hn o n ( 12)

Spencer \iVhite SrUi.UA uJIJti., William Wag11er w~ j S)'d11e) ' Waller S~~1UJ~ Je e Ward
e ni o r · 21
Patrice \Villia1n v\rilliam \\' ain" ' right R e acle v\1 ar11 e r 1-\bb)' \Vil on Noal1 \Vi e

(' hri i<> 1)h e r 11;;;;:1-

,,Tur z bac h e r pkac,~ v~

"The roof 1 not my o n , but I w ill r a15e 1t."

Callie Mar h al l ( 12)

is ~sn't the En

"I h ave no idea w ha t I'm doi n g, but I kn ow I'm do in g it rea lly. rea ll y we ll. "

Andy D wyer

Ka ti e Kir c hn e r ( 12)

"Th e po ss ibiliti es for lea d e rs hip are endles s." - Emma Markovich (12) H igh School StudCo 1s one step towards the future for our Student Body President Emma Markovich (12) Emma Is involved In Track & Field, Interact Club , Executive High School Internship Program, Astronomy Club, and N ational H onors Society as well as being In StudCo all four years o f high school She believes that communIcatIon and having a posItIve attitude ,s key to leadership, and she plans on taking these characteristics t o the nex t level In collegiate government Just like Emma, high school is a small step towards the rest of our lives N o ma tt er what you do, always look back on the memories we've made and the fun that we've had - 8 Calley and N 81rkelo

? 9 l 'eo z>l e, I l •• ,..?" ...,
Bar n · Za dik off •


at's ext?



Bl a , ·l e • B a e r , ....___.

h a p111 a n V ni, e r it1 · • (Rig ht )

C' ocl,• ~re~tr a ,, , • Bri11g l1an1 Y otin g t r11i, e r it)· ( L e ft )

J ake J o h11 o n U11i, ·e r ·it3· of an Di ego (Le ft )

(Ri g ht)

c th Chapn1 a 11 , o lorad o ~l e a t rni, e r it:r ( B e lo ")

l{a,·d e n .. uncl , • Chapn1an Uni, •e r ·it)' (L e ft)

C' J1a e Lan ~v ortl1y. l.!11i,•e r ·iti ' of Ari z ona • (lli g ht)

L a , •11 e P o 1 ie ancl To ri • ()l> e rholt ze r , C' oloracl o U11i, c r it, ·. • B o uld e r l.!11i, e r it y o f • ( I.,e ft , B e l o,, ) ~Iiss i ss i1>1>i ( B e l o,,)


.L\11n e Carlson l.! 11i, e r ity of ,,, i co11 in • Ni<·k f~lzi. t ·ni, crsit,· of • Ne , acla. Las \ Tegas (Jl igl1t)

Darre n R ee d ancl T .,J . ,,, ain" ·ri g ht . " e n iors 2 3

Senior Gag Awards are voted on by Seniors at the beginning of every year, and awarded during the Homecoming Assembly These awards have been a Golden High School trad1t1on for many years and only continue to become more ant1c1pated as time goes on From most likely to become the next president, to most likely to be a gold digger, these awards have stood the test of time and always make us smile

t3e riior Gag wards ...

.._',e H io r , " n5 ,:, s:, /
:·"'"' ...."i ( -
:~ t~•:-: : '/~ :•

The Junior class is full of inspiring individuals who come together to make a strong team of students Together we have accomplished three years of high school , the ups and downs, the dramas, the finals, we have done 1t as a team and will continue to push each other in the following year to come .

The class of 2018 is truly a diverse group of students , but in the end we come together to create community within Golden High School. The dream team of 2018 was eager to finish Junior year strong, and did so by relying on their fellow classmates to get through -N

Class of 2018

, ............ _ .................lii;iill______ •

Yuda Bands

Julte Spawn ( 11) was 1n charge of the Yuda Band campaign this year The Yuda Band campa1gn-s goal was to raise money for a scholarship for a student 1n need from

Guatemala Yuda Bands are bracelets made of leather and coconu t and they come with different symbols such as basketballs. hearts. smiles e t c These bracelets are made by Guatemalans so the proceeds not only help Mabeltn. the student but also go directly t o the people who made them "We have sold almost two hundred and Jus t ordered more we are hoping to sell about three hundred so we can sponsor a scholarship f or Mabe hn It's inspiring to see GHS students ltke Julie making a change 1n students fives worldwide

N. Capaul

Taylor A c ree

Emily Adams

Ja s on Adams

Max Allen Sage Allen

Stephanie Alv arez Esco bar

Sophia Ambroz1c

Tu c ker Amdahl

Heavenly Aquino

Jack Arman

Joseph Arm s trong

Brooklyn Aten c io

Alexis Auster

Aidan Baker

Arianna Bandock

Bradley Banks

Mi c hael Barber

Luke Bare l a

Makensy Be c kham

Joshua Beers

Lauren Begg

I saac Berez

Kevin B l oom

Elaina Bonner

Taven Brewer

Cason Brown

Aidan Bryant

Hailey Buesser

3() J>e oJJl e


OurTirrne \ .JU IO s

JUNIOR YEAR , OUR TIME TO SHINE This year has so many new expe ri e n ces for the stud en t s to e nJ oy. Many of us Just started drivi ng " I love being a bl e to drive, I really feel like a n upperclassmen " Abby Garnet ( 11 ) H owever, driving isn ' t the only new experience , this year for the f i rst tim e we could part1c1pate 1n Powde r Puff, an annual homecoming trad1t1on 1n which the Junior girls compe t e against the Senior girls 1n a game of flag f oot b a ll. Another time hon ored tradition Junio rs a r e a part of thi s year 1s th e peach fu zz compe titi on , where the Junior and Senior boys pl ay a fri endly game o f volleyball With a ll the fun act1v1t1es to be a part of Juniors are constan tl y part1cipat1ng 1n sc h oo l events wh ich makes th e t ime fly "T hi s yea r has gone by so fast " J acob Shel t o n ( 11) -N Capaul

Eric Burke

Amel ia Bussi ng

M adeline Ca dry

Brian Caluori

M adison Campbell

Alexis Campos

Nata lie Capaul

Greg Carlin

David Carpenter

M i c hae l Carpenter

Te ssa Carr

Rory Carroll

Jamie so n Cast l e

Ryan Castrellon

Colin Chader

Carissa Chandler

A l exia Chaney

Taylor Cherney

Gra ce Chevalier

H eidi Chrisman

Joyce Chu

Garret C lanton

Ayshia Clark-Deleeuw

H aley Cobb

M ara Coe

Kaylee Coffman

Seba s tian Cogdill

Tyler Cohan

,JH n ior.~ 31

Catherine Cohn

Lupita Contreras Porras

Alexander Corchary

Shawn Cortes

Max 1miliano Cortez

Chase Cross

Adrianna Cubbage

Quinn Cusack

Hannah Czarnecki

M aya Davis

Emma DeBerard

Julien Delmonico

Carter DeM1nk

Aleah Dempsey

Came r on Denney

Taylor Dorrell

Payton Douglass

Thadd1ous Douthit

Taya Dowell

M egan Doyle

Ni co l e Droel

Robert Duarte

M1 ckayla Dyer

Steven Dykes

Ind igo Earhart

Zachary Edie

Leandra Edwards

Blake Elz1

Jack Erger

Cole Ernst

David Fanton

Rache l Fawcett

M ega n Feiner

Jessie Fell

Jessie Fell

3') l 'ro J>l <'


Day by Day

OUR HEARTS AND MINDS ARE FULL OF SPIRIT IN EVERYTHING WE DO. Th e Junior c la ss enJoys support in g eac h other In and outside of schoo l " It's really fun to be an upper classmen" Holly Hammontree ( 11) We have had suc h a great year at GHS and we can't wait for what li es ahead Senior year -A Pa/Jeri


Ellie Ferguson

Fran c i s Ferne

Lauren Ferne

Justin Fink

Jesse Florez

Pablo Forsyth Simon

Matthew Foster

Treston Fredrickson

Antonio Furness

Char le s Garcia

Natalia Garcia

Abigail Garnett

Taylor Garrison

Mari sa Gasca

Elise Gaskell

Zachary Gerard

Santiago Giraldo

Chloe Glass

Colton Gomez

Jonathon Gomez

Dymikal Gonzalez-Gomez

Ashley Gorman

Brennan Grass

Hailey Green

Tyler Green

Tyl er Greenhalgh

Tyler Guerra

Gabriel Hall

Holly Hammontree

Joseph Hann, ck

Mi c haela Hard er

Otakar Ha sek

Dorothy Hazel

Ryder Hernandez

Candi Her one m a

/JJ·ive u Grace Chevalier ( 11) Ca ri,ig Eli Koch ( 11)

Oz Hickman

Megan Higgins

Isabella Holman

Scott Holman

Roxanne Holmes

Hayden Holtrop

Clara Hoppe

Luke Horowitz

Jack Horton

Collin Hutchings

3 , "1:- f->eo1Jle
Samuel Huyler Brandon Hyland Brandon Idler Haley Jackson Rachel Jacobs Anthony Javier Emily Jepkes Heather Jiron
Caitlin Johnson Jared Johnson Liam Johnson
Mia Johnson Dom1n1que Johnston Alexander Jones Allison Jones Juliet Josselyn Koa Kampovitz Noah Karsten Mitchell Kelley Jeremiah Kennah Amanda Kennedy Dawson Kennedy Robert Kenyon Grace Kern Alexander Kim


ree Years


T h is year many 1unIo rs are ab l e to drive and go off campus for l unch . " Having a car and being ab l e to d ri ve has given me so many more respons1b11lt1es, but also a lot more freedom "

Victo ri a M1 lczek ( 11) Junio r year Is one of the hardest years In high schoo l " It's all fun and games unt il the SAT " Victoria Parker ( 11) -A . Pa/Jer,

Josh u a Klein

B ailey Klinge r

D i ll on K l ueber

A cacia Kneale

Elizabeth Koch

H eidi K.y l er

A l exis Langer

Ben L emon

Leona r d Leopold

Jack Lind

Sa r a L ockie

Br a u lio L opez

M egan Lu ce r o

Courtney Lundock

H ope Lyl e

B enJamin Lyo n s

M ichael M adayag

H ea th M addox

Joseph M adsen

Kattaa M adsen

Ethen M alcomb- Rios

M arisa M almg r en

N icho l as M ancini

M arcus M a n e r a

Ab igail M a r sh

Victor M artinez Diaz

Shaye M athias

C h eyenne M ayo

T he r o n M cAdoo

Eden M cCo ll om

Shane M cCo n ne ll

M ackenzie M cco r k l e

S h ae M c En roe

Au san M cGaugh

L ogan M cG h ee


Riley Stoner ( 1 1)

Jl ri e u <I s i t i1>

Aidan Bryant ( 11 ) and Mi c h a el Ca rpente r ( 11 )

Megan Feiner ( 1 1) 1s not only an amazing student but an amazing athlete as well As a Junior she 1s the starting catcher on the Golden High School varsity softball team and even earned the honorable mention award last year Megan s love for the sport has been an ongoing one as she has played for twelve years St1ck1ng wi t h anything for twelve years shows ded1cat1on Megan says she has made 1t this far because "my family members are my mentors They have supported me for twelve years and I know they will continue to do so ' Megan plans on continuing t o play softball through college and the GHS softball team 1s lucky to have her

H a l ey M
n W eston M
k Kylee
ea l B ai l ey N e l so n Ja co b N iss Ca de N ova k Oren N oyes Gavin
N.Capaitl Jack M c laugh lin
M c M anus
M c M anus AhJah M enzor
a n ce ! M equ1
Mil an Ryan Mil an Vi c toria Mil cze k Kaia Mill er
M inor
Mitc h e ll
oah Mitc h ell
o n aha
oo k
c k M oore
ats M orea u
aria h M ossbe rger
Mulkin s
1tlynn Mull iga n
lin M ulligan
M urphy
exan der N ast1c



O EXPRESS THEMSELVES CREATIVELY. Forest Squier ( 11) 1s one of the most talented artists 1n Golden High School. H e was 1n the Jeffco Foot by , Foot gallery last year a nd this year he w ill be 1n the Jeffco Art S how " I love making portraits and botanical 1llustrat1ons Art 1s one of my passions and I love i t " Forest Squier ( 11) Another amaz ing artist 1n GHS 1s Ben L emon. He enJoys makrng movies " I have been making movies for a very long time The one I am working on now has t aken me two years It 1s about how sk11ng 1n the Front Range 1s underrated compa red to sk 11ng at Vari or Aspen I got my 1n spe rat1 on when I was looking through my ski videos over the s ummer of 2015 and I had over two hours of footage At that moment I realized I could make a movie I am making this movie to laun ch my company Br i lliant Skies Pr oduc tion " Ben Lemon ( 11) Our Junior students a re making an effort to have a s u ccessful future -A Pa!ter,

Lauren Ollweiler

Gaemme Orduno

Elias Osada

Ameri ca Paisley

Aspen Palieri

Aspen Parker

Devin Parker

Victoria Parker

Damian Pedraza

Cameron Pendleton

Joseph Penn

Sean Perman

Dominique Perri

Brandy Pettengill

Katlyn Piper

H ay l ee Poggemeyer

W yatt Poulos

Austin Press

Came r on Preston

M aKena Prey

Leslie Pri or

Lu isenrique Rabadan

Jo hn Redding

N oelle Reimers

Ashlee R eynolds

Austin Rice

Hu go Rico

Kadin Ritter

-..i _.. _ HOME ON \ THE RANGE ?) I ir~ 'J! <:r '
....... rt O
,JH H ior8 37
I.. - · - - -_ ..,_

Daisy Rodnguez

C as sidy Rothenberger

Marisa Rubio

M i guel Rubio

D1ondre Ryan

Johana San c hez-Munoz

Gra c e Sander s

Remy Savi

Kathryn Scherf

BenJam1n S c hrag

Jes s e S c rivner

Br a dy Sehell

Paul Seigneur

Alex, Severin

Hu s len Shara,d

Madis o n Sharpe

Ja c ob Shelton

Pasang Sherpa

Steven Sh e rrod

Piper Shira

Samuel Shive

Christopher Shull

Matthew Simond s

John Simpson

Za c hary Singer

Morngan Skelton

Hanna Smiley

Julie Spawn

Kian Spen c er

Savana Sp1ekermann

Fo rest Squier

John Stark

Kyle Stayton

Charles Steele

Kaley Steven s

38 J>eoJ>le
. ·-................ 111111111111111111111111111111111 ............ ...... t- :1._:.."\,"":. ".!,,... •' •:'., ~-~~---• '.l'-\,".;""•r:'I,,;\'"'.!"',{'.,"\."'.'' - ·•.•T ~fa.~1:iii.Wio),'-;iir..ll:>i'iii»i1wi• .,,-:: ,.,~••.,... r J ,;,;_ •··•

Katherine Stocking

Riley Stoner

Lauren Story

Brooke Stratton

Emily Strock

Jackson Stroup

Dalyn Summers -Fritts

Caitlyn Talty

Anna Taylor

Adam Thistlewood

Shelby Toler

Gabriel Trayser

Joshua Tubbs

Taylor Tufano

Maximillian Turner

Jake Tuten

Riley Valentine

Baylor Van Note

Lauren Van Note

Ian Vaughn

Abigail Waltz

Nicholas Warner

Eliza Weese

Emma Weihenmayer

Benjamin Weir

Connor Wenzel

Grier Wenzel

Braeden Wernars

Isaac Wetch

Ethan Whitson

Orion Wilkinson

Brittany Willis

Ashton Wilson

Lilly Wofsey

Andrea Woolsey

Samuel Wubben

.. ,JH H lO )'S 39 .·
- - - -- -·___ --·
... I-

The Sophomore class was full of spirit and support They helped each other succeed in, and out, of school everyday This c l ass was full of students who participated in every event and cheered on their fellow GHS ath l etes They came together this year to create a supportive and safe community

The Class of 2019 got to experience being leaders at GHS as they welcomed the new freshmen class They are now half way through high school and have already shown great success . As they continue through their years at Golden they will be an insperation to their younger c l assmates . The Sophomore class was a good reflection of the values at Golden H

School. -A .

"{/' JJ<>lt ,. <t <~t io11.s i11s1Ji1·e ol./1 e,·s to <I 1•<><1111 111<>1·e. l<><t 1·11 1110,·e, clo 11101·<> c111<l l>e<~o,,,e 1110,·e, JJOl.t <t 1"e <t le<t<l<~•·" ,1<>1111 (Jt1i11c) ' 1\cl,1111s 2019 - - - - - - - - -

Favorite Memory

"What I believe to be the most memorable part of every year are the se nior pranks Not only do I really enJOY watching them , but I like them even more when there ' s a teacher invo lved Senior pranks are not on l y funny , but they bring the en tire sc h ool together , like a big family It will a lways be so mething to look forward to during my high school caree r 11 Zakar/ Bayer ( 10)


'2-z: l'eo J>l <'
Danny A cree Sarah A dzema W ilham A1 chholz Cameron Anderson Ra chel Anderson Edgar Antuna Vitally Aparshev Ni cholas Arn er Al ex Aub ert M o lly B ab 1tz Bridget B ad u -M e n sa h Analyse B aker Sa m an th a B a rnard Arthur B attag hn I sabe lla B a ud ie n Zakary Bayer Y ose lin Bayl o n Al exander Baze w, cz An s l ey B ec k D o ugl ass Beeman Jarod Beilman Hail ey Bemi s M a l ea h B e n c ivenga Patrick Benfield Kinsey B e rkman Benjamin B e rube Jayce Billm a n Ry a n Bl ack m o n ~-~-:~~, ,.:; ~:,.:"I.:-.. :.-:-."!:"., , ,.•,._ x;·"\.:.i.-:o ~-. ::•.:..:. ~-ii;~~;i;u,iJl'iil:iil<! ;:~i),;~.;i,,i,i.;;-;:;;r 'j ;i.; ··"'

CLA SS OF 2019

"My favorite part of sophomore year was starting high school gymnastics w i th Green Mount ain s in c e Gold e n doe s n 't h ave a team . During m y tim e with them , I c ompeted JV and Va r si t y on floor, b a r s, and v ault I'm ve ry pr o ud o f m y acc ompli s hm e nts of getting fir st pla c e on bar s at every JV meet and 5th at Var sity . I'm definitely happy that I got 3rd at League and helped m y team beat Pamona At Golden High Sc ho o l, I felt parti c ularly c hallenged with pre-ca l c a nd honors trig along with honors c hemi stry I love all my teachers and meeting s o many new people that are now friend s. Through these people , I've learned s o mu c h about Rio, Denmark, Au stralia and Colorado I' m so p syched about my ne x t two years at Golden , good luck to m y peer s and I on the SAT1 s ne x t year! "

Adam Blackstock

Ayla Blanton

Jacob Bobair

Olivia Bohl

Alyson BndJette

Isaac Brionez

Benjam in Brock

Joseph Brock

Lucia Brotherton

N oah B r own

Lucas Brunel

Tanner Buesser

Anya Burk

Co l yn Cahill

B r oderick Calley

Cheyenne Cavender

Zac h ary Cho r ny

Davis Christensen

Cami ll e Cla r ke

Julian Claussen

Benjamin Cohen

M ayzee Collins

M cKennah Coonts -Lyon s

Brandon Corcihus

Wyatt Crofoot

Hailey Cross

N orman Cross

M iles Dalebroux

44 f><'OJ)/(' Noah Dalrymple Jackt>alton Grant Davidson Angelee Davis Kylee Davis Nicholas Deitz Trent Del Grippo Diego DelReal Braden desGarennes Jacy Dille Patrick Dolan Maya Douglas Adison Douglass Brian Dove Alyssa Drake Luke Duncan Katherine Dunson Laura Dwyer Stewart Eastep Ahssa E1n1g Andrew Elkins Tristan Emory Anthony Estrada Galarza Kenna Farnworth Emily Feasel Jordan Fehrn Jakob Fettig Ashley Ficco Jenna F1cco Savana Fierro Aidan Fletcher Felipe Flores Gabriel Frankel Lauren Frazier Kaleb Fritzler


Sophomore Year

During Sophomore year I learned to stay focused and make memories It's very easy to fall behind 1n sc ho o l because you ' re focused 100% on other things that a r e n ' t as imp o rt ant. But thi s year I was able to have fun and crea t e great memories with fri en d s w hile also being ob l e to do well 1n sc ho o l " Corrinne Metcaffe ( 1OJ

lzabelle Frye

M atthew Fun s t on

Klaudia Fu s ,arz

M ic ha el Gallegos

M a delynn Gerrit sen

A s hl ey Gerwrng

Robert Gibbs

Heather Giddins

Ree se Gomez

Jade Gomez-Chavarria

Jaquelinne Gonzalez

Elena Goodspeed

Angeli ca Goodwin

Emma Gould

Spencer Graf

Sierra Greeley

Chance G r iffin

Chance Griffin- William s

Chance Grotewohl

Grace Guerra

Pre s ton Guest

John Guti errez

Domin ic Hairfi e ld

M akenna Haley

Elizabeth Harp

Paige Harn s

M iranda H ayes

El izabeth H ens h a w

Emily H e rr en

Elij ah H e rring

Jame s H icken bott om

James Hi c km an

Za c hary H iggins

Samuel Hilfer

Tori H i nd s

E >1ll1 u siasl i<' Sa m Lewan ( 1 0)

SJ>ec l <.tc u la r

Mak e n na Hyn d s ( 1 0)

..J.6 l'eoJ>le Sophia Hoefler Schoneman Zachary Horsman Arron Houle Connor Howe Elrot Hubert Renne Huffman Avane Hunt Tri s tan Husk1e Alexander Huston Ariel Hutche ns Makenna Hynds Gage James John Jansen Alexis Johannes Max Johnson Dun can Jone s Zia Kaeding Regina Kelble Kaitlyn Kelley Raymond Kennah Gracie Kersting Quint King s ley Molly Kirkham Megan Kiana Johnny Khs Cheyenne Knapp Blake Komoras Anthony La Geetalr Lal Joshua Lambert Le s ly Lara Camacho Madison Lar so n Juan Lee Cory Leidich Stefan Leo 27 28
WHAT IS YOUR Favorite eniory? "I got to participate in the Spanish Cinco de Mayo party. It was very colorful and interesting watching Mr . Po l o dance Great experience! 11 Dylan Me l cher ( 10) OJ)llo,no,·es 47
Samantha Lewan Collin Liedtke Alice Lin Ma ci Lindsey Charles Longoria He c tor Lopez Jaime Max imi l iano Lopez Jaime Leonardo Lopez Suarez Katelyn Ludf ord Alijah Makl ey
Mayra Marin Adrian M arquez Tatum Mar shall David Marti nez
Justin Meyer Alexandria
i ll er M ax M i ller Reno M i ller Will iam Miller Lan ce Minyard Meaklo M on t oya St u pe n do u s Dyl a n M e l c h e r ( 10 ) l u c ,·edible N o ah Zh ao ( 1 0)
Kaylee M cCall Olivia M cCandless Marina M cCann Alexand er M cClelland Darian M cCoy Mile s M cGaugh Ruby M cGrath Jack M cGuire Dylan Mel cher Trinady Menzer Gabriel Me ssa Corrinne Metcaffe Christin Metca lf

How was your year?

M y sop h omore yea r was fu ll o f l aughs and JOY w ith my friends Also I have f ound a n ew interes t ,n p laying go l f. wh ich pers u a d e d me t o Jorn

r-,, • th e g ir l s go l f t eam here a t Go ld e n In school th is yea r I have lea r ned many new a nd in t e r es tin g th ings ,n my classes In c lu di ng how t o thr ow a mu g ,n po tt e ry, how Ir ving t hings t hrive ,n biology, a nd l ea r ning h ow t o spea k s pan 1s h I h a ve worked very h ar d In my sc h ool wor k an d rt has led me t o awesome o p po rtun I t Ies I ca n 't wai t t o see w h at Is t o come In m y f u t ure years ,n h i gh sc h oo l"

-C. Glass

-18 l'e o JJI <>
Katherine M oore Kage M orrell Troy M ossbarger Alyssa M ulligan Aisling Murphy N attahe Nankerv1s Kalyn Neal Austin N eesmith M az, e N etll Samuel N e w e ll Emma N e w son David O ' Conne ll Erin O'Hara Brennan Oaklief M ercedes Ohlen Anastasia Outekhine M ackenna Overholt Cassi dy Paul son K ae l Persc hba c h e r H an s Pe t e r sen Asa Peterson Lacey Pogge m eyer Ella Poskie Ab igayl e Pos t Olivia Powe ll C h ar l es Pr ogar Ayd an Pr ove n c i o Joseph Quintana
,n g (


'lwo e

"The best part of sophomore year for me was how much I was able to help my school. During the fall s ports season I wa s team-man age r for the football team and during winter I wa s the team -manager f or the boy s ba s ketball t eam . I was able to get an academic letter and s tand up during th e homecoming a sse mbly for my accomp li s hm ents. Sophomore year I had th e c han ce to meet many new and great people I am l ooking f orwa rd to my jun i or year here at GHS t o c hallenge myse lf more in schoo l " H eidi Sm ith

( 10) . -8. Badu-Men sah

Mikkel Ra smu ssen

Trevor Ree d

Ca rly Reeves

Grant Repin e

Julia Reynolds

Stephanie Richards

D an iel Ridley

M aureen Ri dley

Janae Riffl e

Alea Roberts

Emma Roberts

Foxton Robie

Kamren Romero

Jonathan Rosener

Aydan Roth

M adelyn Rouzaud

Jason Sadowski

Sierra Sa ltus

Jenna Samuel son

Vincent Sanchez

Ouynn Sand er-Olho eft

Kaya Sandlow

Dorian Scardello

M axlyn Schaefer

Dylan Scherer

Blake Schram

Grace Schumacher

Jamie Schumann

OJJ ll o1no1·es 49

Zachary Seigneur

Elisabeth ~lhnger

Nicholas Shemesh

Troy Sherman

Hannah Sherry

Anissa Shull

Grant Skomasa

Jason Small

Dylan Smith

He1d1 Smith

Malach, Sparks

Brady Stark

Jaime Strain -Reyna

Kendal Sund

Jack Swanson

Quentin Sweet

Diego Tabuyo

Ali Tahmourasi

Joshua Thoemke

Faith Thompson

Bailey Timlin

Ethan Toon

Alexander Townsend

Hunter Twitty

Cassandra Urtel

Ariana Valiente

Skylar Vallin-Serw1nowsk1

Leah Van Note

Alexa VanSchaardenburg

Harrison Vickers

Alexandra Wagner

Sadee Waite

Jaden Wakefield

Jack Walters

Kasey Ward

50 J>eoJ>l<'
• WHAT IS ONE THING YOU Enjoyed this year? 11 Th1s year my most enJoyable moment was playing foo t ball Myself and the team improved from last year, which· made 1t more fun to p lay I became the leading tackler and also became the leader of the defense It was a great season and I can't wai t for the next" Jordan Fern ( 10) Ol>h O HlO) 'eS 51 Andrew Warner MadeJah Watson Gwenyth Web ster John W eiler J ason We im e r Alex andra We st Bailey We st Lauren Wh ite Sadee Wh ite Dobhran Wil cox e n Max Wil son Pearl Wil son J onah Wimbish Porter Windell Caroline Wi se M ich a el Witu c ki Linus Wood a rd Taylor Wors ham S e ba s t i an Varno Hannah Zaval s ky N oah Zhao Skye Z i egler Madison Zu cc a I u sJJi)·ed Cameron Anderson ( 10) l ' uique EIIJah Herring ( 10)

Fre s hm a n year i s lik e sta rt i ng th e timer ove r . It's a cha n ce for everyo n e to start fre s h an d l ear n new things B eg inning H ig h School ca n be scary, but once you get sett led in a nd get down to it, it s easy t o jump int o the routin e

On the first day of sc hool the Fr eshme n an d a se l ect g r oup of Juni o r s and Seniors all gather in the gym to get t o know one another . Th ey play games a ll t oge th e r, take t o urs of th e sc hool , and bond with th e upperc la ss m e n Thr o ugh o ut the re st of th e year, fre s hm e n learn h ow to thrive i n th e ir new environment. Th e re are up s and d ow n s, but the strong s upport sys tem at Golden h e lp s them thriv e in th eir n ew sc hool. Wel co m e t o Golden , Class of 2020!

CJ ass of 2020

Leader ofGHS

As a freshman this is Maia Sanger ' s first year as a cheerleader for Golden To her being a cheerleader 1s being a leader of the school who inspires o t her students to be the best that they can be " As a cheerleader there can be a lot of pressure to be a big face of the school as a freshmen but I know my teammates will always have my back Whats on Maia 's bucket list 1s to better herself as a cheerleader and to c ontinue doing 1t throughout her high school career Cheering for not only Golden students bu t the community 1s like cheering for a big family

Maia Song e r· (9)

M itchell A cke rman

Grayson Allen

M aya Althen

Laura Ambr osio Zanin

John Anderson

Tyler Ander so n

Eve l yn Anderson- Lent

Damian Ar c huletta

Sepand Ardehah

Eli zabeth Artemis

Leo Avila

Collin Ba c hman

Evan Baker

M ya Baker

Sara Barbato

Katrina B arela

Br axte n Barkley

Danie l Barraza -Vaquera

Kayhn Bate s

Jos hu a Bay

Jack Be c kford

Jennifer B ee r s

Anjah B eh r ens

K a tja B ehrens

Justin B erry

Ali ce Bickford

Allison Bla c kmon

N iko l a u s Boileau

::~=·~lb=>~);i~;~~t.:~~w 1~ ·~t=~·


FRESHMAN VEAR IS All ABOUT FINDING A PLACE. From football and dance t eam to choir and orchestra, the se act 1v1t1es allow the fre shman to find their place 1n high school. Some will switch around , and some will s i ck with th ose ac t1 v1t 1e s for all four years Either way , 1t allows for the stud en t s to sea rch for their niche Golden a ll ows st udents to explore th eir talents , and passions Through these , the stude nts can grow and develop into what th ey will become a ft er th eir four yea r s of high school. Whichever path they chose to go on , 1t w ill lead each person on a unique Journey throught the n ext four years , and beyond

Kai Bokinskie

Trent Bonczyn sk1

Katrina Bonner

Jordan Borgeson

Fior ella Borja

Peter Bowm an

Just in Boyer

Dylan Brabander

Hannah Brandon Stacey

Taylor Bu ckendahl

Natsumi Burde

Krist in Burget

Za chary Butler

N athan Campanelli

N ata l e Campbell

Jaymie Carlock

Elizabeth Carlson

Brenna Carr

I ces Carter

Katarina Chaffee

C l aire Chand l er

Za c hary Chapman

Aiden Chase

Skylar Chase

Christopher Chavez

Jul i ha Chitwood

Kyle Christensen

Emma Church

Brandon Coca

Jacob Coleman

Joshua Colin NaJera

Sienna Colucci

Michael Connally

Michael Connell

Emma Conroy

Dev1lyn Cordova

Max1mus Cory

Thomas Cotton

Zane Covey

Katie Dalrymple

Christopher Denbow

Jesse Denk

Carlye Deutsch

Cecilla D1Francesco

Aah D1g1acomo

Andrea Doyle

Miranda Duarte

Sanna Eagle-Ayala

Braden Edwards

Olivia Elkins

Matthew Elliott

Lindsey Ellison

Dameon Engele

Carson Engesser

Violet Ernstberger

M1eke Esparza

Ab1ga1I Estes

Christopher Faber

Kainoa Farinas

Charlotte Favre-Trosson

Zachariah Fehrn

Sydn1e Ferguson

Jack Ferne

Ro s ie Vega-Lazaro (9)

THIS IS 'here We


BECOMING INVOLVED IN YOUR SCHOOL IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT YOU COULD DO Thi s years fr esh m a n Emma Conroy and Mya Baker kn ow thi s 1s tru e. a nd they Jo i ned Student cou n c il 1n or der to make a difference Thi s year, th ey ha ve done a lot t o help bring u s t ogethe r here at Golden .

Trenton Field

Catherine Fi sc her

M axwell Fi s her

Benjamin Fo s ter

Tayl or Fro s t

Aldo Galvan Cordero

Ella Ganter

Jade Garcia

Cesar Gar ci a- Pena

Oskar Ga rdn er

Elli Garnett

Zan e Ge i be-Bond e

Al exand ri a Genson

Mi c hael Gerelt sog

Diyya Ghafour

Lucy Goldman

Ra c hel Goodri c h

Gabrie l Goodwi n

Gra ce Go ssa rd

Al exa Gra ss

A i d an Gre co

Cyd n ey Green

Samanth a Grimm

Ry an Gro sc h

Lu cy Gryli c k i

Mad e lin e Gu stafso n

Kodi Guy

Kather i ne H ageman

Forre st Hall

Sydney H amme r

H a rm o ny Hamp

Evan H an l ey

Patrick H anneman

Drew Han se n

Emilie H ansen

) Foc us e d Co nn o r M ac k e ll ( 9 ) -
ted Gra
Go ss ard ( 9
58 J>eoJJle
Hensley Tyler Hierholzer
Hilton Kliff Hoang Galen Hohenegger
Hollander Conrad Holmes Molly Hord Molly Houser Katelyn Huff Ab1ga1I Hunt Ian Hunt Amy Ibarra Jadon Ibarra Nataly Ibarra Benjamin Idler Lee Ja c kson Ryan Ja co b s Caleb James Troy Jarvis Hawken Jerome Enn Johnson Madi son Johnson Maia Johnson Noah Johnson Camden Jones Edie Jones Margaret Jones~•.'\.1,.\. \"I,·.• ":"-..:. ': ."'.'_.'."'.!."\'~·-•.".,-,.:•• ;...::~iY\.~. - :.- i.:,:i)f:i:;1~~--'" ..• ··-. ~l'mrR·vi:-;.,..,.wY ·1 :r:· ;.,



Mered ith Jones

Natasha Ka c hersky

Seth Keener

Aden Kepler

Defne Kilinch

Ni cholas Kim

Will Kimball

Elizabeth Kluherz

David Koury

Jake Kringel

Sarah Krohn

Rale igh Kros c hel -Paulson

Kaito Kubota

Lucas Kurns

Carl Landa

Garrett Landmark

Bl ake Lawson

Ra ine Lee-Findling

Kassandra Lloyd

Danielle Lolk

Antonio Lopez

Ma son Lord

Justin L oving 1er

Justtina L ow

Jinqyi Lu

Uriel Lugo

Rebe cca M ac Kay

Connor Ma c kell

Dylan Madd ox

Luke Mae stas

Mara Man era

Zachariah Manley

Samuel M arkovich

Dyl an Marl ow

Shawn Mar s hall


Kod, Guy (9)

Jllol iva l e<l

Stella Schneider (9)

FRESHMEN ARE OFTEN MISCONSTRUED. We are not weak, we are not s mall. We all have the power to s tand together and prove our streng th at Golden We are ohen perceived as incapable , but together we are strong and c an fight the s tereotype s. Fre s hmen are strong , powerful , and are Ju s t as capable as any other student at Golden Its our Job to co ntinue to build a str ong and sa fe c ommunity 59

Musical Arts

Elizabeth Kluherz is in choir here at Golden Although its her first year she 1s already 1n Demon Jau one of the advanced choirs 'Being 1n an advanced choi r as a freshman is very int1m1dat1ng and it's a lot o f hard work but I get support from the upperclassmen says Elizabeth "being 1n cho ir at Golden 1s different than 1t was 1n middle school There are so many more kids and it's a more diverse group of people I hope to pursue choi r throughout all four years of high school When I' m performing on s t age I never want to leave!'

Elizabeth Klu h el--z (9)

Skyl ar M a son

Dylan M ath i as

Pabl o M a t os- Eymar

Ryan M atsuo

Ca h M cCa rron

Antoinette M cC urdy

Ca itlin M c Donough

M ia M c Enro e

B en M cLa ughlin

Za c hary M cLeo d

Amara M ega rg ee

M aura M equi

Jaden M erri m an

El ea nor M esserli

Genevieve M eza-Coons

Ca m eron Mi c haeli s

M a kayla M i ddleton

M akenz ie Middl e t on

Addie Miller

Luka s Mill e r

Audrey Mitc hell

l<enna M o ll en d o r

Jame s M oo r e

Parker Murphy

Ethan Nader

Emm a N elso n

Ob si d ia n Ni c h o l s

Kendal Ni c knair

(>·o l 'eo JJI <'
,.\".~" ••!,.'- "...- V~ "' .•.; : C.. [ _.::• ?i).'\,;}a'l,!;.li»:);~- ' ~n~:,,':~>fsWJit!-::~ " ,..:)li~;.\--..:Vt' ~J; ;.~,·•

THE BEST IS YET to come.

AS A FRESHMAN, THIS MIGHT NOT FEEL LIKE THE BEST OF YOUR FOUR YEARS. It' s a new school, a lot of new people. and many new ideas to explore . It can be very 1nt1m1dat,ng going ,nto a new school with older students We've all seen the movies where freshmen are picked on because they're new Luckily, Golden isn ' t like the movies. Our freshmen are included and welcomed by all upperclassmen r'When I first came into a choir full o f upperclassmen ." says Antoinette Mccurdy (9) , " I was really scared that I wouldn ' t fit 1n Now, these girls are some of my best friends and we 've made memories that will last a lifetime " It's not all bad and you don 't have to be nervous about en t ering a new env ironment Freshman year 1s a ll about f1nd1ng your place and where you belong , and the upperclassmen are a lways th ere to help you on th at Journey

Daniel Niew1arow1 cz

Elizabe th Ninke

Brittany Novak

Jayne Noyes

Isabe lle O'Neill

Cassandra Oberholtzer

Jackson Page-Roth

Bria nna Partin

Reed Pennell

Lydia Pereira

Kieran Perman

Vin cenzo Pe rr i

Ian Persky

Chailyn Pieper

Audrey Pino

Ali c ia Pitman

D i n o Po lizzi

Logan Pomeroy

Travis Poo le

Calista Po ulo s

Devin Prehn

Aidan Prenti ce

Jade Preston

Haley Prey

Trevor Purta

Cole Rand a ll

Joseph Raths

Kaia Redmond

• •

Miranda Rei c h

Natalie Reimers

Ca1tna Remington

Rylee Reynolds

Seth Rhoten

Katelyn Ri cketso n

Ang e li ca Rivera

Emma Roa rk

Yazm1ne Rodriguez-Leon

Alec Roman

Matthew Romero

Colorado Rose

Madigan Rumley

Oliver Rupp

Wyatt Sabadosh

Samuel Salazar

Adam Salindeho

Nathan Sam Rean Savi

Stella Schneider

Annali se Schroeder

Grace Searls

Ava Segur

Christian Sekavee

Herlen Shara1d

Blake Sharpe

Kelsey Shottenkirk

Madelyn Sigala

Wes Simcox

Olivia Skeen

Cody Skelton

Jame s Skinner

Tanner Smeal

Bailey Smith

Ju stin Smith

Nata s ya Smith

Aliyah Snow

Maia Songer

Erin Stampka

Emily Stec

Kiley Sterling

Corban Stewart

Kevin Stroy

Graham Sudweeks

Chankrit Sundarapura

Alea Swanson

Cullen Sytner

Tri s tan Tate

Liam Telgener

Ja c quelyn Tetens

Carter Thomp s on

Nathan Thompson

Tadash, Thompson

Jeffrey To l bert

Shelby Tray l or

Brynne Trembath

-·.- : .· : ·.·. .·. '.. I "'f ~'"\.:.', •• ,.\ •• ,;:-· ·· ~J:i~~)j~-;i,. _-,,';~~ii:VlQtll;::·~·'°;"!~~,..;~-t l" i ,.j 1.: -.: •


The GH S sta ff ca r e about the students and their s u ccess most o f a ll They prepare each student for th e va riou s roads th ey wi ll soo n be dr ivi ng down As Adam Mitc h e ll says " I l ove working at Go ld en , every da y kids come with some thing new a nd exciti ng ." GH S supports every kid 1nd1v1du a ll y -N. Capau/ & A . Pali er,

Kaden Truj i ll o

Kaitlin Tuf ano

Isabe ll a Valenti

Kaden Valentine

Trevor Vardaro

Tyler Vardaro

K e l sey Vasguez

Rosie Vega Lazaro

Ro bert Vermeulen

Andrea Vigil

Tr evor Vigil

Samuel Vogl

Kyla Wak efie ld

Sela W a rd

Tate Warn e r

Jackson Wat erman

Mad ison W ebe r

Tal ia W e hn er

Cate We ige l

Roger Well s

Kendall W e t ch

Reed Wh i t so n

Tru W i lk ins

M a tthew Willi ams

Emily Wi se

Marryah W i tu c ki

Will o w W ofsey

Jayven W oo dward

Gunnar W outers

C hloe Wr ig ht-Kiersch

M i t c h ell Wull stein

Roman Y o ung

M ichae l Z amo r a

Driv e >t

M r Co n roy

F>·eshnzen 63
Mr Col ucci
64 J>eoJ>le Vera Aaron Let1t1a Agos Kimberly Aksamit John Anderson Oness1a Anderson James Aurand Tanya Baalman Luis Badilla-Viveros Rory Best Jeremy Blincoe Jan Bryson Erik Buehler Scott Burcar Jennrfer Byrne Milo Carpenter Gretchen Carter Jon Christians Heather Clark Chris Co l ucci Brian Conroy Chris Cousineau Stephanie Davis Jaime Dayton Lisa Deal Christine Demeyer Chad Derby Cassidy D1nzes Cassidy D1nzes Linda Fabrizio Ashley Ferraro B ob Fields M elissa Fine Karen Finken Elizabeth Fulton Shannon Garvin Robi n Gill W ilham Graves James Gris ham Debra Guerrero Tamsen H a ll Larry H ard ing Amber H ayes Chad Herb e r s Mari sa H o lme s D ana H o rn ec k e r An a Hub e r Lori Hutchen Julie Jarvis C hri s ta Jessen Sarah Juli as Greg Kottcamp Kristin Kottcamp L o n La cy Melind a Langworthy Josh Lanh a m Alish a Lawhorn

Patti low

Matthew Marchal Bafft Martynuska Keith Martynuska Paul Mendoza

Jeanann Meneses Mike Metz

Patricia Miller

Jason Neely Ray Nelson Diane Nickell

Michael Nishioka

Hilary O'kelly Kurt Ohlen Charles Oreskovich

John Ortiz Savannah Ortiz Katharine Parker

Tammie Peters

Cristian Polo Enc Ponicsan

Todd Rago

Lorraine Ramirez Brittany Ramsay

Christopher Reed Harrison Reid

Wendy Roberts Randon Rodarte

Lisa Rudin

Rolf Schlldman

Barbara Selzer Lauren Seymour Jason Shackett

Kristin Smock

Daren Sower

Katherine Spaulding

James Summers

Carne Sutton

Leslie Teteris

Amanda Teves

Stephanie Thomson

Michael Thumim

Janna Tnpp

Janet Tyrrell-Ead

Danny Vais

Molly Verleger

Whitney Vestal

Tracy Walkow,cz

Tracy Walkow1cz

Sam Wood

' faff 65
Tim Miller Adam Mitchell Kathryn Montgomery
Gabriela Morales Oswald Morales Enc Morgenstern
~ i¼;;~;:~,:;,~~-ifi~·;;.irf::•::~:,~~~~;;:~ :~ _ 1 ·--..-
., • • ·-i~~~H~-~ 4 -
68 '

Summer August

Summer 2016 was one to remember . Time was well spent going to concerts, traveling , spending time with our friends , and even ju st laying in bed Although school had been fast approaching, Golden students never forgot how to make the best of every summer moment and let the good time s roll!

HJH » ie 1-/.1\ u gus l D i i 1 i<ler 69
The only 111>si<le lo H'<lk i11g IIJ> l his ea , I JJ i.'i .-. la 1·t i>1g senior yea 1· right 1cill1 a 1,eauliful su11rise a l R<•<l Roc·ks


Th i fir s t tim e trip to Nicaragua was a maJor success. A g ro up of s ix s tud e nt s, ra ng in g from fre s hm a n to juniors, p acke d

th ei r bag s a nd flew across th e wo rld for a n incredib le life

c h a ngi n g ten da ys. Th ey built a s id ewa lk in a s m a ll tow n,

c lim bed thr ee vo lca noes, a nd

re laxed o n th e P aci fi c Coast.

70 Sl u < l e n(l., ife
r ; t& - -·


Every year the AP European Hi s tory Students are given the opportunity t o see the histori ca l sig hts 1n per s on that they have been intentl y s tudying all year From Ver s aille s to 819 Ben the se s tudents are able to absorb history 1n their own time Social Studies provide s s tudent s the experien ce o f learning about the pa st first hand Time truly 1s Golden -Z Heydel

Do you E t,> o. Bro ?

Kyle Lockwood ( 12), Connor Karo ( 12), Elras Osada ( 11 ). and Chase Langworthy ( 12)

B1,clcli e s .

Ti t ctni c?

Mit ch Hierh olzer ( 1 2) and Chase Langworthy ( 12 )

Second Time Around

For seniors Rachel Tre1tman , Jeans Mobley, and Marilyn Collins. thi s 1s their second year traveling to H awa11 for B i ology! On the trip , stude n ts take classes on marine l ife , and then are ab l e to s ee these organisms 1n rea l life by snorkling or scuba

d 1v1ng Students r eally get to bond with each other over their intere s t

1n d 1ssect 1ng s trange underwater creatures 1

Mitch Hierholzer ( 12)

Ted Hoal (12) Kyle Lockwood ( 12) and Elias Osada (11 )

-u,H>Her& .r l ug u sl 7 1

Young Life meetings were always entertaIn1ng thi s year Everyone would get candy for having fun and part1cIpat1ng Wrestling In sleep ing bags. dancing and then carrying someone lrke a baby are Just some of the games that Young Life plays Once everything Is over the night 1s ended with a prayer

72 .S IH<lentl., ife 1f
e nc e i11
I ivisli
I c oulcl'v e don e it all Jou, )· y e a )'S. " E ri r E b er h a rd ( 1 2) I I
"DJi}lg lit e Tilii Tiki Luau tt'cls arz Cl)lla z ing exp e ri
>1iy lasl y e ar of11 iglz scl1ool arid

L ink Crew. made up of Jun iors and se niors. worked to make the fre s hm e n c la ss feel co mfortable and welcom e on th e ir fir s t d ay _ of high school. Link was 1n tra 1n1ng tw o days befor e f reshmen orientation t o se t up

game s and act1vit1es. Fre s hmen were s eparated into groups a nd they pl aye d ~==-, game s and had a fun-filled f irs t day The Link Crew also ho st e d th e 2016 Link Crew Student Conference -A Pa/1er1

The Junior Rafting Trip has been a trad1t1on at GHS for many years They rafted down the Desolation/Grays Canyon and the Utah Green River This trip 1s really special to the Junior class because they are the only ones who have the opportunity to do 1t The rafting tnp bonds the Junior class before their senior year There will never be another group lrke them again "This rafting tnp will stay 1n my memories forever, " said Braquelle Calley ( 12) -A Pa/ieo

The Hand Jive has become an extremly essential part of the student's lives ,n Golden H igh School The incoming freshmen learn the H and Jive from their Link leaders This Hand Jive brings the s t udent body together creating a safe and fun environment for everyone at Golden H tgh School -A Pa/Jeri

~ink Cr ew

Lauren Begg {left) ts a Junior Link leader who really wants to support the freshmen class Her favorite part abou t Link 1s giving her freshmen birthday cards She loves providing insperat1on for the freshmen and she really enioys helping them each and every day ' Whtie being a part of GHS I have really started to understand everyone on a deeper level , I'm really excited to bond with the o t her Link leaders and freshmen " Lauren Begg ( 11) Taylor Tufano (right) ,s also a junior Link leader who Joined because her s ister 1s a freshmen this year While being 1n Link she has a different view of GHS, " tt' s not a stereotypical high school , everyone cares about each other My favorite part of Link ts being with a big groups whose goal 1s to make GHS a better place for everyone " Taylor Tufano (11) -A . Palieri



September may be towards the end of the year, but 1t1s also the beg1nn1ng of fall! As we start to adJust from the warm summer air to the ch i lly fall wind students are starting to get used to not only the weather changes, but to the new sc hool schedule as well September 1s fu ll of events. Ju st like 1t 1s full of color with the leaves s t art i ng to c hange . Homecoming and t he start of fa l l sports make s 1t a bu sy time of the year, but one that most st udents won 't fo rget! - 8 Calley

74 ~ tu<leutLife
&>[Jl e tnb e >· is.. ille rno, c,ble
( 12) Se JJl e >nlJ er is F'all
( 10) SeJJl e>>llJ e r is .. 8 <:J'l ff/11
(9) •
Sabrina Jones
Ashley F,cco
Kristin Burget

Th e sen i or bo y s d ance 1s alw ays some t hing The se b oy s put in a lot o f w o rk t o c h o r eo graph a n d p e rf o rm th e ir awe so m e dan c e m ov es - a lo ng with th e e ntire d ance t ea m - 1n fr on t o f th e wh o l e sc h oo l' Ab o v e 1s s eni o r H a rri so n C h am be rlain s h owin g o tt hi s g reat m o v es 1

Time to Come Together ...

The Homecoming Assembly 1s t h e first t i me t ha t we come toget h er as a whole sch ool fo r t he year A maJo r t rad 1 t 1on t h at we do every year 1s t he hand j ive It bring s everyone together and comple t es t h e as semb ly -

f J.rc i l e>u e n l Cai tlin M cKay ( 12)

Loi,e Quinn C usac k ( 11 ) & Pa bl o Fo r syth Simon ( 11 )

l)ouce Kyle Loc kwood ( 1 2 )

Th e H o m eco ming A sse mbl y 1s alwa ys a tim e w h e r e stud e nts g e t t o co mpl et e ly e mb a rra ss th e m se lves and em br ace 1t as mu c h as p oss ibl e Ab o v e 1s se ni o r r ow d ie , Lo g a n Bri st o l d es p e r a t e ly trying to co n s um e a bea st o f a d o ughnut a s s h e races a gain st the un de r c l ass m e n Obvi o u s ly thi s 1s a tru e t es t o f inte grity a nd h o nor that thi s se ni o r c l ass r epr ese nta tiv e had t o uph o ld -A Gregory

Th e l-/o}u ec o1>1i'>ig .1l ss e }}1bly is <il1vaysfi<n b ecaus e allfo1tr clciss esg e l to lt >atcl1 arid tak e JJart iri s01>i e fttnriy, fri e nclly c onip e tition . ZAHAVA HEYDEL(12)

· m · ·---1·· ~l r,. :•: 7 6 .. t tt cl e u I /,; ife

On the 30th o f September, Drumllne had ,ts annual stage show Thi s gives the druml1ne a c han ce t o show off their sick beats and funny talents at th e s ame tim e Among thi s years s kit s, th e one th at was most memorable wa s a sce ne where the per c u ss 1on1sts u se d c la ss r oo m uten s il s and tools t o make th e ir musi c !

THE FINAL Time for Cheer

Th e fans are what make Golden High school sports exc1t1ng The Demons are always 1nclus1ve and encourage every class to get as rowdy as possible t o support our players To the left 1s G HS senior and s tudent co uncil member. N1kk1 Pans literally glowing with pride as she watches the clock with ant1c1pat1onl And below are two sophomores. Alex Townsend and Patri ck Dolan excited to see the Demons all together! -A Gregory

• e11te nlb er 77

Homecomin-g Parade and Dance

At the beg1nn1ng of each school year Homecoming seems so far away, yet before we know 1t we're marching 1n the parade and dancing the night away 1n the gym The parade 1s what starts the weekend of fest1v1t1es as students march down Washington St proud to be a demon The dance 1s the final event closing out the weekend of fest1v1t1es -N

'1 1l1e :-;1>ecic1l ll1i>1.q <1IJ01,t llo>)1eco)11i11f.J cit ()ol<le11 Ili,q/1 Scl1<><Jl is lll(ll it's ( Ill e i 1e11tjo)' 11,e

CO l}l Ill 14 ll il.lj .L \l tf))I )# i )"('))# i11 isce. little 1,icl..~ J>icl1.tre fl1e)11s~f,,es 011 t11e j1(>Ctls c,11<1 J)Cf relit.<.;; reli1 1e ll1e j'eeli11,g

o.r l11ei )' l10111eco111 i11,g cl<l ,IJS.

First, but ce1tatainly not last

" Homecoming this year was so much fun! I really liked the theme "Go lden Gatsby" My firs t homecoming 1s one I will never forget! " ill ya llttl~ ) (!J) (l<;,Jl)

Mya 1s one of the many freshman that was able to attend the Homecoming Dance for the fir st time this year Compared to middle school "dances " where students go right after school and hang out with friends the whole time , Mya was able to get ready with her friends and family doing her hair and make-up and putting on her gorgeou s formal dress that she rocked at the dance - 8 Calley


40hours of Spirit

A huge build up to homecoming 1s Spirit Week, you have freshmen dressed as babies, seniors as senior c1t1zens , and for 80 's day teachers dressing like they did back 1n high school Sp1rrt week lasts five school days, Monday - Friday, this equalling up to forty hours of sp 1rrtl This week 1s a favorite across the board , Students from all four grades go crazy with unique id eas as they dress up for their f avorite days letting out their spirit

Teacllers l11ro1vin' it bc1c1'· lo tli e 11ea )·s of tl, e 80's!

20 17 VS 2018

H omecoming weekend kicks off with a powderpuff game between the Seniors and Juniors This tr ad1t 1on welcomes the new upperclassmen and creates a friendly compet 1t1 on Aher the game. the players and watchers enJoy a bonfire 1n the parking lot

• eJJle nib er 79
BabJJ Mara Manera (9 )


Science is a student favorite here at GHS Golden has an extremely wide variety o f sc ien ce classes for its s tudents to partake 1n. and an array of wonderful tea che rs to accompany them With classes suc h as Manne Biology Astronomy. and AP Environmental Science. theres endless po ssi b1llte s for stud ents to learn every aspect of this core class - C Hoppe

It i.." i ,,, JJO rl<t Jl l Jo r· el e r11011 e lo Je e l 1il\e t 11 e JJ ct re >·e JJ rese 11 I eel i11 l11isscl1ool . a11<l ll1(1t ll1<)JI feel l~)(Jlco111e r11,e (tO ,lJ 8l1 ·c1i_gl1l Allic111ce l1elJJS e>1co1.41 •<ige a11cl e 111 JJO 1ve , l/1 is i cl ect

June 26th;. 201D

It was an important time for all members of the LGBTO community and their supporters last summer when gay marriage was legalized throughout the country Knowing th at all people no matte r what their gender or sexual orientation have equal rights t o any other person and 1t 1s important f or students to be surrounded with thi s ideal as they con tinu e into th e real world

80 lu<l e ul l ., ife ---------------------------------"""'T"------,,---.....-,..,.....-
:!..;!!.• ~J.-:.••·,

Go lden student s are lu c ky e nough t o ha v e a n op en ca mpu s lun c h Fo r th ose wh o d o n 't drive , th ey w a lk ac r oss th e str ee t t o N a tur a l Gro ce rs, Dom1n os, a nd Los M a r ce l os -A P a/Jeri

I • e1Jl e »1b e r 81

JFafi's A rroilklPld the CIJook

Welcome to October' Seaso n s a re cha nging , and l eaves a re tur ni ng People a re dressing up as their alter egos , a nd putting on fun costumes 1n order to celebra t e the month o f hall oween Now, not on ly do es thi s m ean H a ll owee n, but this also means strategy c lub . the Fall Cho ir Conce rt, and the Link Co nfere n ce ' -C Glass

- - 7 ;;;;;;;;;;:~:-=,, r--:==---,, r--;a111,;;.-:,~r!lr-~m~~~~~;r:-in[lfl]rr.fl~T11r.;;1~rm111- _-_-_-_-_1
t ( ,vl .'\ I ' \ /::;~ I II 't:'r I Jr' , Succ ess Olivi a M c Ca ndl ess ( 10) Siszz li 11. ' KodiGuy (9) Diffe 1~e 11t Defne Ki l in c h (9) r J w~
• Oc t o lJ e >· 83 '====-=:-:=--:;=::;====--- -----,----[I 1rtow,i~~•:f tij:1fi:1,11), , 0 RV. ING AREA


At GHS spa n, s h 1s the mo st popular foreign language o ffer e d Many student s enJOY the lively banter and th e fanta sti c tea c hers Spanish allows for student s to take advantage o f thi s golden opportunity to learn a new language

Fre )1 c l 1 C'7 ub <tll o it 1s s t -ud e nt s l o >>l ee t l oge t1 1e r t o l11 i Hli off1tn f un <lraise 1·s that 1t1o ul < l p r o<li, ce a l clrge <11>10 1, n t of 1n o 11 e y

A ll th e JJr ocee <ls tl1 <il tli efund raise )·s >> t<tlie g o s lra i g l,t t o o r gc1,1iz atio n s ih <tt <t r e in n ee <l of 1,1 o n e y .

Th e Fre n c h c lub was co ll ec ting sc h oo l s uppli es t o se nd t o Si e rr a Leo n e In a dditi o n th ey pr e p a r e d a c r e p e-ath o n th at wi l l gi ve a ll th e pr ocee d s t o H a 1t1 b eca u se o f th e hurr ica n e th at th ey f ace d Th e fr e n c h c lub d ec id e d t o se rv e c r e p es b eca u se it 's a trad i ti o na l a f o od 1n Fr a n ce th at eve ryb o dy lov es

,'-; lu < l e nl J., ife
-· RESENT \ w, ·=•::::-~ I ~o,~ll • 4 r ':'\:',. ·• • ~r.-i;o.' • .· -,.: wi»ii";f,:i ll~)·~;,r.Jn'Ti::..~11,~?'·....._..,., -~"'°'\,"' \ .~;.J,J.-.- :: •

Ole para Espanol

The S pani sh department this yea r has been dedicated to helping our students le arn not o nl y about the phonetics of th e language , but also th e span ,s h cu lture Mr Bad ill a rs from Chi l e, so throughout the year h e in corpo r at es Ch1ll 1an c ultu re 1n hrs teaching of the Span i sh language -Z Heydel


.. Ocioher 85
>niles lu<lies Samantha Gnmm (9) Jenna Samuelson( 10) and Kendall N1cknaire (9)
11 My favorite assignment that we have done 1n French ha s to be th e world proJect because rt opened my mind to th e s1mrlant1es and the differen ces around th e world ." Ko d, Guy (9)

Student Council


Student Council, better known here at Golden as StudCo 1s a s tud ent led organ1zat1on made up of amb 1t1 ous leaders They put on most of the events at GHS from Homecoming to Coco and Cram to the assembehes StudCo's m1ss1on 1s to c reat e a school environmen t that 1s more than Just academics, a place studen t s can truly en Joy -N Capau/


Lulu Brotherton ( 10)

IJ e l er n1 in eel

Katia Behrens (09)

J?o t' »i e. b e i )lg i )l ._',l1td(.,o rti ea )1S lli e i~ ,orl<l l<> ))l e l> ec<i1,-S e I get to l1 e sorr1 eo 11 e w/'10 i .s 'r espo"l-zsibl e fol'· b 'ri11git1.g lhi.s 1von<l e rf1~l scl1ool tog e lli e r.

Eh Koch(11)

Inspired Leader

Emmy Adams ( 11) 1s not only involved 1n numerous clubs but she 1s Student Council's Junior Class President. Emmy has done a lot 1n her three years here at Golden and each student has been touched by her efforts in some way Emmy credits her personal achievements to student council as she says "being in a set ti ng of such strong leadership has helped me build the confidence to make a change"

N.Capaul ____ _

o"(>) • f
1t<l e11l L,ife
"1••-• "'1"1" ·•··••'- ·-· r: ,,_ - ~»w;f£~mi»»»r•-..:~.:..:,;,.;.-,;,;..;, ·, _ •. _ ~ :

Dreams Really Do Come True

Emma Markovich ( 12) Is living out her dream of berng student body president this year Ever since freshman year Emma has aspired to be student body president In her final year In StudCo She says " StudCo Is like a litt l e family, and as student body president I am a figurehead of that family I am so fortunate to have been chosen by the students here at Golden to represent them It' s an honor that I have been elected into this role and nobody can know how much It means to me " -N


Trick or Treat St reet Is a program put on by the student council Many of the c l ubs and sports set up stations to hand out candy to the kids o f the Golden commun ity This year the students of GHS collected enough candy to fill two shopping carts and then some -N Capaul

Oc l obe)· 8 7
8R •· ..


Both instrumental mus i c and chorr beg,n working the frr st day of schoo l to put together an awesome fall concert Thr s year, each group performed beautifully, and lived up to their expe c tation s and more Wrth pieces lrke ' Didn 't rt Ra,n ' from the 24th Street Singers a n d ' Procession of Sardar' f rom the full orchestra, both departments unve i led their truly amaz i ng talent. - C Hoppe

Time to B.E. Together

The Breath Easy c l ub is dedicated to ending the use o f tobacco with not on ly adu lts, but youth as we ll T h e club members work on various act 1v1t1es , they are plan n ing to go to the c rty counsel, plant a tree 1n spring, and ,n December they plan to pass out " qu rtkrts " to t eens and g i ve them a gift card for qu i tting for one whole day - C Brown

1-'<lSS lOll Audrey Gregory (12) shines during her solo .1 l spiratio}1 Amanda Dixon ( 12) showcases her talent during the concert
p iril Taylor M artynuska ( 12) ends the concert wi th a fabulous solo
9() 4 fu<l e nl J., ife . "U.A• ,.. .

Turkey Time

Fall won ' t last f o rever and winter will be upon u s soo n Golden H igh School s tud en t s were strrv,ng to get to Thanksg 1v1ng Br eak. Winter s port s ha ve b egun, Golden s tud en t s were re a dy to run the demon da s h, and the th eatre kids put on a play We we r e all ready to take a break and stuff o ur fa ces with turkey and pie -A Pa/Jer,

One word to describe your Nove mber.

Thanl\jltl A shley F1cco ( 10) Ilec li c Cristina Ri vera ( 12) I:'J nj oyttlJ l e Miles Green (12)

Bethe ange

The FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leader s of America) motto, "Toward New Horizon s" sum s up the program perfe c tly . FCCLA took already prom1 s 1ng leader s and gave them re so ur ces su c h as fundra1 s 1ng opportun1t1es and s tate co nferen ces t o help them be the be st that they could be The s tudent s learned to get involved with their co mmunity , prepare for their future s, and even how to run for office or other leaders hip po s 1t1on s


Plann1ing or tlrie ..._-1utiire

Dom1n1que Perri ( 11) 1s an extremely amb1t1ous headstrong studen t at Golden She has known that she wan t s to be a lawyer for over four years now Dom1n1que likes taking c harge and debating with people During her fre shman year, a teacher noticed her l eadership skills and sugges ted she run for president o f FCCLA. She went to a coup le of mee t ings to try It ou t and got hooked She has loved 1t eve r s ince

Tech Time

Warren Tech

Pat r ice Williams ( 1 2) a lways had an inte r est In TV and Video produ c tion , but until Warren T ech, s he hadn't had the opportunity to pursue it academica ll y. N ow s he is considering finding a ca reer where video production is needed and 1s happy to have l earned so mu c h

Im prov was a group of seven hilarious students who got to show off their humor while making friends and having a blast They learned both short and long form 1mprov, how to elaborate scenes on the spot, and how to come up with unique ways to entertain their audience Every year they performed a show and donated the proceeds to Broadway Cares

Di coi1e l'JJ Foren s ic Science Class Creative Shelby Toler ( 11)


The Demon Dash 1s a n annual event at Golden that in c lude s not only the student s who part1c1pate 1n sports and clubs but teachers and members o f the comm unity as well In the 5k dash a round the Golden area the part1c1pants have the oppo rtunity t o su pport Golden High School but also engage 1n friendly compe t1t on with cas h prize s -NCapaul

" Tliis t o<t s t11 e f o 1t) ll1 y e ar of tl1 e De t)t O )l D <1s l1 <t >l <l u1e 11 <t <l < , r eco r < l tl it >}1b e r of )~,, )l )1 e r s, 1 68. I i v a >-l t l o l l ia Jlk <i ll t11 e s upJJo r·t 1oe g o t f r o rtz tl1 e Go l cl e t1 CO )lllllU>lily ii re )'<tise< l ove t·

Ji 1,e lh o t< Sa}1 < l cl o ll a r s. I Jz op e >-l e.r t y e ar th e r < t ce i v ill co >-1 tiJ11, e l o gro z, ,."


LastEthan Conroy (12) has been an amazing student at GH S H e has been apart of tr ack for four seasons and cross country f or thre e He 1s a great runner and puts all his e ff ort 1n every st ep he takes H e decided t o run th e Demon Dash f or his second ti me this year and came 1n third place "F1n1sh1ng and running th e race was my favorite part There were so many runners this year 1t made th e r ace more fu n'' Ethan Conroy ( 1 2)

-A . Pali e ri

f)..J '>tuc l eu l L, ife

A Show to Die For

This wasn't your typical Shakespeare performance Instead of two hours of language you can't understand. Shakespeare to the Death was full of 1ntens1ty, act ion, and most importantly, death The actors spent nine weeks explori ng new found t a lents with butterfly knives, rapiers, and even katanas With ten actors, nine scenes, eight plays and almost 50 c h ara cters. this show was def1n1tely not easy Despite the d1ff1culty, Stage Right once again put on an amaz in g show, one t o never forget!

The costuming crew hangs out with some actors 1n the dressing room before the show

The thespian officers pose with director Roger Winn after an amazing closing night


For every show, Stage Right comes up with a show word to summarize the rehearsal process and help both actors and tech make each show amazing For Shakespeare. the show word was empathy Empathy was necessary rn order to put everything 1n it' s perfect place and make the show 1ncred1ble

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Lots of things were going on 1n De ce mber We had prepared all semes t er for finals week , and the following winter break made 1t all worthwhile The holidays brought everyone cheer after a long few months of l earning Students spent their break on vacation , hanging out with friends and family , and enJoy1ng the snow! December marked the end of the year and the start o f so mething new'

TJecen,her 97
\ I
Pc1 >·a cl is e Br o deri c k Calley ( 10) and Braque lie Calley ( 12 ) -' 1<1 t '<:' u l u ,·e Victoria Mil czek ( 11) and V1ctona Parke r (11) Ca)'ing N a t alie Capaul ( 11)


I t 's ti me t o lig h t th e li gh t s' A l o t of wo r k goes into prepping a performance at Go l den "The hardest t h ing about prepa ri ng to perfo r m ." says Nicole Woolsey ( 11 } " 1s making sure I remember all o f my cues " O f course everyone he lps t o make s u re problems like m1ss1ng a cue a re reso l ved


"E 1,e )·y p ·rogJ·a>li l1 as its roug l i patc l1es b1(t I c a >l alioays c ot<>il on G old e >i kids to st ep itp to t l i e plat e ct rid b e exce ll e >it probl e l1i solv e >·s."

• •

The Show Must

Go On!

The performing arts department offered a wide variety of programs for students to express their 1nd1v1duahsm At the end of the day, ,twas not three different departments Every student 1n each department worked with the other departments to help ensure amazing performances Theatre students helped with lights and sound for choir and instrumental concerts , choir students loved to perform 1n musica ls. instrumental students played music 1n the pit orchestra The students bonded over the many hours they spent together to put on a production - C Hoppe


Golden had a va ri ety of instrumental music programs to partake 1n , like concert band, full orchestra, s tri ng orchestra. and academic classes like AP mus,c theory Director Ka th arine Parker did an amazing Job helping her students perform their best

Decenlber 99


There are more than ten engineering c las se s offered a t Golden , where students have fun while also learning and preparing for their future s They do hands on proJects like de s1gn1ng c ar s , laun c hing things such a s

c atapults, build i ng rockets et c


" tl l es s SO l)t e ol1 e lik e .110 l~

c al ~es a)l a 10J1~l l o t , }1 o tl1irig is g o i)1 ,g t o ,qe t b e t te r I t 's )l O l ."


Take a Stand

Thi s year Energy Transfer Pa rtners wanted t o build a water pipeline

stret c hing through Stand i ng Ro c k

Indian Re s ervation in North Dakota

The GHS environmental c lub, along with million s of other c iti zen s, took a stan c e again st the po ss ible destru c tion of the native l and s and environmental issues that this pipeline may c ause

Emmy Adam s ( 11) Is pi c tured above wi t h X1uhtezca t l

Martinez an up and c oming environmen t alist who has appeared at the UN and ha s hi s own TED talks

Emmy Adams (11) _ _

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Sourc e s of Stre ngth

" SOS crea t ed a pos1t1ve environment for th e schoo l and h elped brighten th e sc h oo l' s cultu r e We str ove to make Golden a safe place where s tud en t s feel com f ortab l e a nd happy," says Ethan Whitson ( 11 } Man y stud en t s are chose n for SOS or th ey decide to Join Pablo Forsyth -Simon ( 11} happened to be one of them . " I love 1nsp1nng k id s to be h appy and pos1t1ve 1n th e sc h ool and the commun ity." - C Glass

Why Not Start Tod ay?

The environmenta l club ' s m1 ss1on was to make GHS a nd its s tud e nts more environme nta ll y consc i ous Th ey estab li shed water b ottle filling statio n s 1n order to elim in a t e waste fr om plastic water bottles, and 1n January th ey introduced Th e Clim at e C h ange ProJect t o inform on th e dangers facing ou r earth Th e enviro nm ental cl ub has made GH S more awa re about our e nv iro nm ental issues -Z Heydel

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"Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you 11 - Arnold Palmer

Prirrne Tirrne Sports

The athletics program thrived on the value of s portsmanship

It was through the victories and losses that GHS athletes learned how to lose gracefully and win humbly The coaching staff made 1t a point to teach the young athletes to not only imp rove their athletic ab1ht1es but also to have good character, as that•s what build s a young athlete into a st rong ath l ete -N Capaul

How would you describe GHS athletics?

I • 11orts 1 03
1Jt c >·edi1J1<> Sydney Prey ( 12) Fc1 n last i c Esther Phenna ( 12) Po. ss i o u ci t e Zach Perksy ( 1 2)

Who Was Your Mentor?

" During my four years ,n GHS football Cole Greff was my mentor because of his work ethic and leadership skills II TJ

Wainwright ( 12) LEADERSHIP

"All throughout high school my mentor has been Coach Dicks, he was very supportive and pushed me to become a better player 11

Zane Knapp ( 12) ADVERSITY

"While playing GHS football Coach Dicks was my mentor because he was my first coach to really push me to my lrm1t11 11 Seth Chapman ( 12) INTENSE

" Coach Kelley was my mentor durrng my high school football career because he was a great coach and he really new the game II Dean Secosksy ( 12)



The Golden High School football team hasn ' t had the easiest of seasons . However, the players managed to fight through their challenges and still have each other's backs After losrng a lot of players to 1nJurres and personal reasons the team was left with only a few players to represent Golden Cons,derrng the struggles they have had to conquer, the players have done extremely well this season -N Capau/


Comeback tory

Joe Madsen ( 11) returned to the GHS football team this year after taking a year off for personal reasons After not pan1c1pat1ng in the span for a season he was drawn back by his love for the game During his time off Joe unfonunately broke his right leg and had to work with our school athletic trainer, Jamie, to not only recover from his break, but also to regain the muscle he lost " It was hard coming back but once I got into the swing of things with the team we had a blast making the best of a hard season This year was a great learning experience " -N.

---1 r l 'I ' • • I ' I Foo tball 105

Run or Lie!

2016 was a year worth remembering for the Demons XC team , not only did they start the s eason off well , but they endured the season until the very end With the help of the coaches the students showed remarkable per s istence and motIvat1on through every meet and 1nv1tat1onal - S Waller


" We all ca red about how o ther s were doing , and the team be c ame really c lose 11 Gra c e Searl s (9)


" We make each other better be c au s e we are alway s c heering ea c h other on during the race 11

( 12 ) SUPPORT

" The team 1s there for you , and 1t make s It ea sy to keep going through the ra c e "

Maddie Gernts on ( 10)


11 Th1 s year's team Is more o f a family , even though there are more new-come rs 11

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Finish Line

Crossing the finish line first 1s no t always easy but for N oah Rho t en ( 12) 1t 1s no problem Wi t h multiple college offers and killer times he finds himsel f pushing harder than ever The close o f the season was at the end of October with Noah ranking seventh on the varsity team Even though the boys team wasn ' t able to make 1t to State thts season will always be one to remember for Noah, leaving a large role to fill for the upcoming seniors next year - 8 Calley

NoaJ1, R11-ote11 ( 12)

10 7

Ready Set

This year , Bike Team worked hard to place on the podium. and their work payed o ff They pla ced 3rd twice as a team overall. and each individual on the team excelled on their own The t eam had the opportunity to ride in beaut1ful pla ces with a good friends that helped lift each other up to be the best rider s they can be In add1t1on to the strong team , they had a solid team of coac he s to help them excel 1n their co mpetitions -K.


Working together and having fun even though its an 1nd1v1dual s port

Alex Townsend (9)


Supporting each other and working hard to get the top sco re

Brennan Oaklief (9) SUPPORT

108 ports

On The Podium

This year , GHS senior Reade Warner spent his last year on the bike team He spent every race riding at a high speed 1n the heat. melted snow or a wh1rlw1nd of dust Despite the se hardships Reade worked hard. practicing every day with the team to build up his streng th This hard work payed off and he got to compete w,th some of the fastest riders 1n the state While talking about the team he said that he "was very glad to have an opportunity to help the new riders learn to love mountain b1k1ng" Needless to say, Reade 's hard work payed off his last year -K Mt/fer

Reade Warner (12)

•lllountain Biking 109

My Present, My Future

Golden High School was proud to have two Golden students playing on this year ' s field hockey team Katrina Barela (09) and Erin Johnson (09) "There were twelve schools that were represented on the team and we were proud to be one of them Our field was located where we can see the school the G on the mountain and all of Golden Since most of the team was not from Golden we loved showing them around our beautiful town " Katrina and Enn Golden was delighted to support these two girls who were an integral part of the team -A Palter,

110 SJJO>'iB

Sports Ou t sid e of S chool

Megan Feiner ( 11 ) loves to snowboard , " I have been compe t1t1vely snowboa rding for five year s with the Eldora sk i and snowboard team I am inspired by one of my teammates who has Aspergers syndrome She 1n sp 1res me to push myself to my full potential. "


Caitlin Johnson ( 11) enJoys riding horses every Saturday, " I have been 1n Westernaires for five years now and my team 1s ca lled the Crimson Ranger s, we are the highest level I got to this point because of my instructors who push me

to be the best I can


Roxy H o l mes ( 11) has a strong passion for sk11ng. " I have been sk11ng for fourteen years a nd I've been doing 1t compet1t1vely for six years I am part of the Loveland sk i team and the friend s . I have made have become part of my family "


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~ "' ' [ ?iel<l I-Jockey 111 -,--_

Isabella Cogdill ( 1 2) said that she ha s been playing volleyba ll throughout her en tire high school ca re er

Hannah Brandon (9) practices vo ll eyba ll at least ten hours a day, not 1nclud 1ng games U rMENT

Ashley F1 cco's ( 10} f avorite thing about playing volleyball 1s the home games


What a great Volleyball season! It 1s amaz ing how the players were able to bond so quickly and become such a solid and supportive team The Golden Volleyball team worked very hard this seaso n and were full of energy The ded1cat1on , teamwork, sk ill l evel, a nd the 1nd1v1dual personalities on the team allowed the girls to continue to grow and improve throughout the seaso n -N 81rke/o

Dannie Lolk (9) said that her fav o rite word to desc ribe volleyball 1s 1nsp 1rat 1onal I _ I . T

11 ~ , 11orls

Lives Ahead

Sela Ward (9) said she 1s looking forward to being on a new team with new people she can be friends with She wants to try and make 1t onto the Junior varsity volleyball team next year Ward wants to get better on her serve and 1s also looking forward to playing home games and winning a lot more games than they did this season She loves to support her teammates Her favorite part of playing 1s warming up with her friends before a game


Tirrne's on Our Side


" M y bro t her, Et h an W hitson ( 11 ), played ten n i s and t h at really go t me i n to the sport 11

Reed W h i t son (9) 0

11 1 play t e n nis because i t 's real ly fu n and 1t makes me s t ay active wi t h my t eam " Zakary Baye r ( 1 0)

J G_

11 I p l ay t enn is because I li ke t he group o f peop l e th at I pl ay w it h o n my t ea m "

T h e r on M cAdoo ( 1 1 ) I

"T e nni s has always b ee n a ho b by o f m i n e a nd I wa nte d t o ge t b ett er a t th e ga m e 11

Oart anya n B ake r ( 1 2}

T F 0


A Cole E rn st ( 1 1) a i d, " I r ea ll y e nj oy h a n g in g o ut w ith th e o th e r pl aye r , we a ll h ave a r ea ll y c l ose bo n d a nd th e team is li k e a seco nd fami l y to u '' Te nni mean s so m e thin g diff e r e nt t o eac h pl aye r Th e team i c l o e l y b o n ded t oge th er a nd th e ir coac h is a l ways th e r e t o h e lp th e m T e nn1 1s a g r ea t way to mee t n ew p eo pl e a nd try o met h1n g new

.r 114 a.'>JJO 1•{ s
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Putt t1ie Ti1ne Away

C h a n ce S un darupa (9) wa o n e of fo ur tate co m pe ti tor o n th e G H S go l f tea m a nd th e o nl y fr e s hm an to q u a li fy for th e com p e t iti o n . H e i a n amzi n g go l fe r th a t G H S i g l a d t o h ave o n th e tea m "Golfi n g i m y way to d e- tre s f r o m c h ool. I l ove to go lf' C h a n ce S und a ru pa 6 !J Go(f

B o y 's T e nnis a,zd Go lf 115
-· I

The Go ld en High Sc h ool boys soccer team had great successes thi s year, and not all were made on the field " Everyone Is a little weird," says se nio r, Tanner Taylor, " nobody cared that everybody was we1rd 11 Underclassmen made up almost half of th e t eam this year, but th a t did n o t sto p all o f the boys from forming th e tight knit co nn ec ti ons th at all owe d them to unify on and off the f 1eld -A Gregory


"Artie (9) and I mimed a cannon be in g shot as Zach Perskey scored a f ree kick ' "

T anner T aylor ( 1 2) IMAGINATION

" When I ran up th e s id eli n e and sco r ed a goal In the s game aga in st Longmont "

Cade Simcox ( 12} INITIATIVE

11 1 scored the w1nn1ng free kick 1n the Wheat Ridge game, the was really great! "

Zach Perskey ( 12) LEADERSHIP

" Bea ting L o ngm ont, b eca u se , th ey were a re a lly good t eam , but we were better 11

Chri s S hull ( 11 ) COMPETITION

116 SJJ01 ts IT'

Forthe F111ture

Ryan Crowley (12) 1s currently a senior at Golden and although he does not play on our school's team soccer 1s a huge part of Ryan 's past. and his future' Ryan plays with Colorado Rush Academy as a midfielder He 1s ranked as one of the top 50 players in the entire country' Ryan spends his life on the field and has dedicated countless hours perfecting his game Ryan 's hard work has finally paid off as he will be signing wrth the Un1vers1ty of Washington this February as part of their 01v1s1on 1 competitive soccer team -A Gregory

Ilya )l (1)'"0 it,le y ( 12)

B o y s occer 117

Bottom of the Ninth Time for a

The Demons Softball Program had an excellent s eason this year! The Varsity team f1n1shed the regular season with a record of 7-5 Head Coach Chad Herbers prepared the team along with Assistant Coaches Addie Tanton and Ca1t1e Booco and JV Coach Lisa Deal In add1t1on to the guidance provided by the c oaches, the four graduating seniors provided leadership by setting a great example for the team Andreanna Brown ( 12), Rachel Schmalz ( 12), Ally Burget ( 12), and Lindsey James ( 12) led the team to their f 1rst ever Regional Tournament! It was a " golden " way to f1n1sh their last season as Demons - 8 Calley

11 8

How was the Team this Year?

"This was my first year playing with Golden , and I loved ,t because all of the girls are dedicated and love playing the game ." Nattal1e Nankerv1s ( 1 O)


'' My favorite memory of this season was when Ally Burget ( 12) got hit ,n the face with a ball Just after coach told her to put her glove 1n front of her face " Madison Campbell ( 11)


" I was so excited that we made 1t to the regional tournament this year' What I'm looking forward to next season 1s making it into the p l ayoffs again " M1ckayla Dyer ( 11)


•• oftl>all 119

Ti • ine

Co11i1J e t1·t1·ve G y1ltlicistics

While GHS offers many sports w1th1n the school, many students part1c1pate 1n outside or club teams Jacy DIiie ( 10) does compet1t1ve gymnastics 1n her time outside of GHS "Gymnastics 1s an outlet for me , it's something I am so passionate and involved 1n It's not Just a sport, it's a way of life The people and community are unreal , my teammates are my sisters, my coaches are my parents It's such a surreal environment and I'm completely addicted to 1t I love 1t because 1t offers a healthy way for me to express my emotions and I can push my bodies limits daily I have learned to trust myself as well as respect my peers and role models Gymnastics 1s truly the best thing that has happened to me " Jacy DIiie ( 10)

Varsity Wrestling

What does wrestling mean to you?

"Wres tling 1s my passion It's truly one of my favorite thing s to do and being able t o w restle means th e world t o me , I will be playing on a club team ,n co ll ege II Ak1ra S h wartz ( 12)


"W r es tling means compet 1t1 on a nd ded1cat1on love th e feeling that I am doing some thing worthwhile It's a lways a fun time t o hang with th e team II D artanya n Baker ( 12)


"W r es tling t o me means family The t eam 1s so connecte d When I wrestle I feel 1nv1nc1ble I am st ill und eci d e d 1f I will wrestle 1n college. but wrestling has been an amazing experience so far " Ro sie Gonzales ( 1 2)


Co nzp e tifil' e Gynznas ti cs an<l li ' 1·es lliHg 121

va~~sity sivi11iming

The swim team was determined to leave 1t all 1n the water The girls practiced their hearts out to reach their goal of making 1t to the state compet1t1on The team closely bonded and was full of support for one another 11The people on the team are so supportive and nice , 1t makes me want to do better at every compet1t1on ," said Jackelyne Allen (9} " I have made so many new friends on the team , everyone 1s so nice." said Madison Larson( 10) After hours of tra 1n1ng and compet 1t1on , the team became a family -A Pa/!er,

1 ')') -r.,THE


"The GHS swim team Is full of 1ncred1ble people Every sing le one of them Is so fun t o be around Thi s year , I am going to state. One of my races will be butterfly It Is my best stroke I have been sw ImmIng for nine years , and every day I lo ve It even more II Kate Morns ( 1 2)


,rTh1s year , the swim team has such a variety of girls It h as been a lot of fun I am going to state for the 100 fly , 200IM , and some relays I have been swImmI ng for ten years and have loved every part of It II Emma M accallum ( 12)


" Being part of the GHS swim team has been an ,__111 amazIng adventure I have been sw ImmIng s in ce I was s ix years old, a nd I reall y enJoy It Th e team loves to have fun , and all the girls are awesome I look forward t o swImmIng on th e t eam every year II Logan Bristol ( 12)


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boys bask e tba

This was a great season f o r the Golden High Schoo l Varsity Ba ske tball team The b oys worked hard and played harder to eve ntually make It to the Final Four playoff game where they played against Valor Christian at the Denver Coliseum' With guidance from the lone se nior, Kayden Sund , the Demon s were able to s tep up and co m e t oge ther as a team , ''The guys all looke d to me f o r guidance, " says Sund as he remInIsces o n his triumph s as the Team Captain The team Is co nfident 1n their ab1llt1es and Is pred1 c t1ng they will win State next year -A


124 ) S11orfs -r •


"The last seconds of the Evergreen game when we knew we won and were going to Finals'"

Jack Moore ( 11) TEAMWORK

11 Def1n1tely beating Evergreen , 1t felt really good to win against those guys"

Kayden Sund ( 12)


11 Walk1ng into the gym at the final four, there was no one else there and 1t was fantastic! "

Adam Thistle wood ( 11) OPPORTUNITY

Boys Ba,sl~·ell)all 125


Girls basketball had a truly riveting season Out of 25 games, varsity had on ly lost three of them When they beat Holy Family 56-48, the team moved on to the Great Eight 1n Pueblo Unfortunately, they did not take • home the trophy this time " It was d1 sappo1 nt1ng that we didn 't get to move on to the final four ," says Audrey Pino (9), " but I was so proud of everything

gi1Als bask etball my team and I had accomp li s hed "


" Encouragement I loved making my t eam as well as my se lf feel awesome " Mann a M cCann (9) ENCOURAGEMENT

" Commun1cat1on We always liked talking to each o th er and f1gu1ng out how we were going to win' " Delaney Webb (9) COMMUNICATION

" Energy' We loved gett i ng our team pumped up! " Cassidy Paul so n ( 10) and Jennifer Bee r s (9)



Senior Super Star

Sydney Prey ( 12) was the only senior on any of the girl 's basketball teams She said that the highlight of her senior year was making 1t to the Great Eight " Getting to the Great Eight felt amazing we faced a lot of adversity throughout the season but we fought through 1t• " Although she does not yet know where she will be attending school in the f all, Sydney says she will most likely continue her basketball career as well as pursue a law degree Sydney believes her time was spent well this season. becase she was focused and prepared to help her team 1n whatever way she could

Sydn e y Pre y (12)

Gi ) l s Ba k et ball


Every year , the GHS Dane Team excels ,n compet1t1ons This year was no exception Not only did the team go to Nationals, they got 3rd ,n the nation for their porns routine The dance team spent the week 1n Florida , competing and working hard , as well as exploring Florida The girls on the team all had an unbreakable bond , allowing them to do exceptionally well ,n compet1t1ons

1-')0 o •'>JJO 1•( S
• / Jan ee 1'e an, 129

Time to Get Rowdy with eer va l"sity spo r·t

GHS Cheer is a coed team that 1s compet1t1ve at the state regional , and national level They cheered at games for each of the school sports The team attended practices and events all year and up to five days a week

1'They also attended events w1th1n the Golden community, performing at Pep-Rallies for the area elementary schools and part1c1pat 1ng ,n the Buffalo B1II Days Parade The kids worked very hard , but also had a lot of fun and were so happy to cheer for Colorado ' s oldest loudest and proudest school. Golden High' "

S,a Anderson (coach)

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What 1s your favorite part about cheer, and one word that describes your team?

11 Mak1ng new fri ends, and being with a team that works together like a family." Br aquelle Calley ( 12} SPIRIT

" I love th e tumbling part of 1t, and the team env ironment 11 Came r on Anderson {10) STRONG

Ch eer 131

A ewStart to the ...._ ~ ock

As th e New Y ea r o f 2017 began , many stu d ents ce l ebrated 1n different ways Between celeb rat ory parties t o New Year 's re so luti ons, releasing o n e's fru stra ti on and negat1v1ty into th e s ky , o r popping 1t with a stomp , studen t s c ho se amb 1t1 on t o help th em trav e l through th e year " I love how th e N ew Year gives you l ike a do-over It's a fr es h s tart " Ste l l a Sc hn e id er (9)

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JJ Camden Jones (9)
e u I David Koury (9)
Shelby Traylor (9)
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At Golden High School, co re c l asses are a maJor part of the c urri c ulum There are a variety of Engli s h c l asses 1nclud1ng Regular, H onors, and Advan ce d Pla ce ment Students were able to o pen their mind s by exp l oring lit e rature and co mpo s ItIon through fa c t a nd f1 c t1on

E J-1gl isli i-S rtz y fa vo rile co r e of llie d<,y. I <1l1va.i1s lool, forwa rel to goi11g an cl l e<iniing neu , c,nd coo l i n.f01·>11 <1 t'i on.

Maddy Cadry ( 11)

Fun Times

" My f avori t e class Is Engli s h w ith Mrs. Ferraro She 's s o pa ss i onate a bout h e r teaching and I r ea l ly l ove It be c au se It make s m e want t o l earn . Plu s, we h ave l ot s of fun In c l ass " El i as Osada ( 11)

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.... GIHS AWARDS LLEN I ~' I Interact Club " Intera ct C l ub gave the opportunity to help those ,n need 1n our com munity, as well as opened u s up to a global community of 1nsp1nng people 111 Es ther Ph e nna ( 12)
I ,..


Tinie to Debate

Th e GHS debate team c ompeted 1n event s nearl y every we e k e nd of the sea s on Our s tudent s won rating s ribbon s a nd w e re el ec t e d as Presiding Offi c er s of their c hamber s. We al s o had four s tudent s selected a s a lternate s to the National Tournament 1n Congressiona l Debate thi s year. Whether the Golden High S c h o ol debate team won or l ost, a ll the members improv e d their r es ear c h and argument s through e ach event . - N. Birke l o

GHStech t eanriis on a roll!

The Gold e n High sc h oo l t ec h t ea m w e nt t o c omp e t1t1 o n s f o r engine e ring The t ec h t ea m built c r ea ti o n s to tak e to co mpet1t1 o n s They al s o went t o c onf e r e n ces The t ec h t ea m c omp e ted 1n se v e ral r e gi o n a l a nd s tat e c omp e t1t1on s Th e be st r o b o ti cs c omp e t1t1on w as 1n the fall. Th e st at e c ompet1t1 o n w as held a t Colorad o Sc ho o l o f Min es - N B1rk e l o

• ,fa )l l((l 1 ,lJ 137
PF••• l ·--~ .. __ --·c::::.:. --·-· -I,, E.rc iti>l lJ Eltsha M orales (
.L1>>1<1lg<1 >>tat io>l Issac Clemons ( 12)
I ' l T>l ique Sienna Colucci (9)

Love 1s something that 1s different for everyone People have lo ve for their friends , teachers , and pets Thi s month we celebrated 1ns1de and outside of Golden Hi gh School Along with Valentine ' s Day, NHS also hosted the annual Ch1ll1 Cook Off This was a night w h ere our community came together to honor one another

One word to describe your February

• Th e m o nth o f love f o r a ll .
~'JS llOl V Be n Le m o n ( 11 ) [ ?ri e ucls Te ss a Carr ( 11 ) Boo l ,s Gr ace Kern ( 11 )
1..J() -· _,. ~,,. ______________ _

Take Tirrne Every Day

Helping Out


National Honor Society was a group of Juniors and seniors who were excelling In academics with a 3 8 or higher GPA The students helped out the Golden community by volunteering at Plea san t View Elementary School an hour a week and emptying the recycling around the school They were dedicated , hardworking students who have shown their success all through their high school careers -A Pa/1er1 & N Capau/ E >HJ)OH'e >·ing O i, l )·e cr c lt C11<l 1·i f <ll) l e Anna Hamelin ( 12) Theron McAdoo ( 11) Marilyn Collins ( 12)
Being the treasurer of N H S
the volunteer opportunItIes
has enhanced
high school experience Planning
has given me great
ski l ls Volunteering at Pleasant V i ew Is a breathtaking experience I love work i ng with the kids ; it's so rewarding Jo1n1ng N H S Is a great way to meet new people and g ive back to the community."
Lauren Story ( 11)

It 's tim e t o make some ... Art

There were many talented artists at GHS all at d1tterent levels, and with different skills When you walked through the hallway s of the school. you would see art from different people hung up, changing constantly, with new and 1n sp1n ng pie ces

Tli e )'e 's s tt c h c, Jii.f.g e va )~ e ly of ctrt c la s ses t o tak e 11 e l·e

Tl1 e -r·e tv ill al iv ays b e a Ji e iv c las s lo lak e, s o y o u c a>i

c r e a l e so n1 u c ft

( 11)

The Music of Art

This year an AP art student at Golden had the opportunity to design the program for the Colorado Symphony

The director of the symphony asked Mr Miller 1f there was a s tudent who would be interested , and he instantly thought of Emma Penn Emma worked hand 1n hand wtth th e director o f the symphony, designing the layout. and dec1d1ng th e fonts When asked about the experience, Emma explained that "while a t times , 1t was stressful and confusing. 1t was a great experie n ce, learning how all of these aspects of design are done 1n the professional world

Emma P enn (12)

142 ~,,.. •·---------------------------------

Art of all Kinds

This year, one of the drawing classes. along with students from AP , v1s1ted Golden Pond to talk with the seniors there They got photos of them , 1nterv1ewed them , and then proceeded to draw them Then , they presented the drawing s to the seniors. This was a great experience for the students as 1t opened th e m up to new people learning the stones they had to tell

) • ... •.. ,, • • • •• • 1-13 rebrua,·11

Going bac~ to ...

Black and

This year, the Sadie s theme was all elegance and class Spirit Week set the tone nght for Saturday night, where everyone put on their evening dresses and bow ties and danced their hearts out to the beat of the music Even though 1t was a black and white affair everyone brought out their true colors for a night they will remember forever - 8 Calley

Mak e roo1n fo r th e ladi e , f e lla ! a di e i d e di c at e d to th e ladi , g i,ri n g g irl t h e c han ce t o , "mak e t h e ir m o e " o n th e ir fa orit e g u y o r ju t ha ve a fun nigh t o ut \'\·ith e a c h oth e r . - B. Call ey

Dancing the Night Away

Luke Brunel ( 10) was one of the few Demons who got to go to Sad1es for the first time this year Luke went through th e whole, "Chabang." as he put 1t dressing up fan cy, taking pictures with his fun group of friends, eating dinner at a fancy restaurant. and of course letting loose at the dance He thought that the theme and the dance this year exceeded his expectations, and every part of the dance was a great experience You can definitely count on Luke to be at the dance next yearl

Lucas Bru,n e l (10)

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Can you Feel the Love Tonight?

Valograms have been a cherished trad1t1on on Valentine 's Day, especia ll y 1f you were on the g1v1ng side of one Whether th ey were used t o embarrass best fri e nd s or to proclaim eve rl as ti ng love t o a secret crush, va lograms were everyw h er e Teachers and st uden t s a li ke were su rpri se d when th e 24 th Str eet Choir interrupted c la ss t o si n g love songs to th e lucky rec1p1ents o f valograms - B Calley


Sp1nt Week was Just the beg1nn1ng of the f un-fllled weekend Dress Up Day and Black & White Day really got the school prepped for the theme , but College, Demon, and PaJama Day were extra fun and even more enterta1n 1ng to take a part in' - 8 Calley

En l e rl<t iu iug Taylor Martynuska (12) lJ Torllt tfllt ile Carter OeM1nk ( 11)

M a rc h wa s th e mon th w h en s t uden t s loo k e d f o rw ar d t o Sp ri ng Break T h is wa s t he mo n th we at e p re and wore g ree n M a rc h had b ee n ho t as s umm e r th i s yea r and th e fl owe rs we re st a rt i ng t o b loo m Stu de nts were rea d y f o r a br ea k Th e se ni o r s had s en i o r f eve r and we r e wa1 t1n g 1mp a t1 ently f o r M ay W e we r e h a lfway t o s umm er a nd stud e nts co uldn 't wa it

-A Pal1er1 One word to desc ribe the month o f Ma rch

- -- ,:-:-:-:r.:-:=- ".'"'"J t' ·.•.· .:.·.•!.·· .a·- ,--------- -----,- jllo,,. ,.IT'S M A RCH A ND IT' S Spring Tinie
J,rfiu it e Ca th e rin e Co hn ( 11 } l. 1H eXJJ<' <' l eel Ga e mm e Ordun o ( 11 ) ... f1J.rc i l i )t !J Julian Den zin ( 1 2 }


W e mi g ht n o t a ll e nJoy math

c l ass, but w h e n we f in all y und e rs t oo d so m e thi n g 1t was an e xtra o rdinary

f ee ling Be ing s urro und e d

b y h e lpfu l and e n co ura ging

t e a c h e r s a nd s upporting

stud e nts m a d e m ath

b e ar abl e a nd fun all a t th e sa m e t i m e 11lc,t11 is)l 'l ct '; IJ<t<l <ts J) eo1Jl e s ct,tJ ll ,.illl tl1 e r·igl1l t ec,cll e )·

Ct)lll s 0)11 e effort ))lafl1 c ct)l l> e <t r e<i.llyji(>l c l<t ss <l>l<l ctlso <t r ectllyfl()l St(lJj ect to l ect)')L

Aly ss a Mu lli g a n ( 10 )

Favorite memor in mat

My favorite niemol) from math would ha-.t: to be when the teacher wou Id II) Jnd mal..e Joke, \\ hen I t h ey were teach i ng u, ,omcth 1ng ne"' There wa, one da} when we v.erc leammg about log" in Algebra II and the teac her ud " you ha\.e 10 drop a log to ge t a log " Th ere were a i'>O o ther times v.. hen the teacher wou ld ,a> "graph th a t n1other fun c tion " Some time'> the \i. h ole da,s laugh.-, and other time, 11\ JU,t silent. Il \ a lwa}'> fun to ,ee a te acher try and m,11.. e a Joke n1am ly w hen no o n e laug h,

:--------------------,--------~~ .,.,,..ITS
Samantha Groenho lf (12)
L~• ',yp " ~"' -:, ~"' A b-~ i-. 1


P1 Day was the one day when everyone celeb rated the cons tant number p1 P1 Day 1s ce lebrated on March 14 because 3 , 1, and 4 are th e first d1g1ts of p1 We got t o ea t a ll the pie a nd circu lar foods that we wanted Pt Day 1s only celebrated 1n count ri es that follow th e m/dd format because th at 's the orde r p1 goes 1n Show your apprec1at1on for the co n stan t numb er and throw a pie party -8 BaduMen sah


FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athlete s A group of students - that a ll have a ~common interest in "-!al.~ b_~athlet1cs and also • ~Christianity FCA is a s tud ent-led group When everyone came together for a meeting it usually consisted of ~the students going over biblical stories or passages from the Bibl e . The group kept th e values of integrity , serving, teamwork, and excellence 1n mind . -B.Badu-Mensah

.. Jla >·ell 149
Del e >·lniunt ion Megan Klane ( 10) "lsJJ i >•a l i o H Danny Acree ( 1 0)
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In March 2017 , Stage Right Productions put on their ruby slippers and whisked away to the Merry Old Land of Oz Incredible special effects, magical costumes, and colorful sets made this year 's musical amazing The show word happened to be " home ", rem1nd1ng these students that the theater can always be a home to them , no matter where they go For many freshmen , 1t was their first musical , and for many seniors, 1t was their l ast. The time spent working on the show could be looked back on as wonderful memories that these students will have forever

Tech Time

What would a musical be without costumes, props, lights, and sound? You may not have noticed them , but they were there The tech c rews spent hours upon hours with fabric, power tools, and lots o f hot glue The se long hours were spent doing what the kids loved, and went toward presenting magnificent shows to each and every audie n ce.

..llarch 151
ll "ickecl Kaya Sand low ( 10) Kuolt 1l e clg e Justin Meyer ( 10) Co urag e Mitchell Kelley ( 1 1) l {incln e~~s Megan Klane ( 10)

Cross Country

Mya Baker (9) Hailey Bemis ( 10) Peter Bowman (9) Noah Brown ( 10)

Carissa Chandler (11) Claire Chandler (9) Ethan Conroy (12) Taya Dowell (11) Andrea Doyle (9) David Fanton (11) Madelynn Gerritsen (10) Rachel Goodrich (9) Brayden Harmon (9) Katherine Henshaw ( 12) Ethan Hensley (9) Isabella Holman (11) Jaycob Mann (12) Shane McConnell (11) Mancel

Mequ1 (11) Ryan Milan (11) Cameron Pendleton ( 11) Vincenzo Perri (9) Ella Posk1e (10) Layne Poskie (12) Trevor Reed (10) Noah Rhoten (12) Austin Rice (11) Daniel Ridley (10) Maureen Ridley (10) Emma Roark (9) Alec

Roman (9) Grace Searls (9) Elisabeth Sellinger ( 10) Jack Swanson ( 10)

Marcus Tamburro ( 12) Hunter Twitty ( 10) Kyle Walker ( 12) Andrew Warner (10) Taylor Worsham (10) Samuel Wubben (1 1 )

Varsity/ JV' Football

Nicholas Arner (10) Nolan Balmer (12) Taven Brewer (11) Benjamin Brock (10) Joseph Brock (10) Broderick Calley ( 10) Ryan Castrellon (11) Harrison Chamberlain (12) Seth Chapman (12) Diego DelReal (10) Cameron Denney (11) Julian Denzin (12) Devin Draher (11) Stewart Eastep (10) Corri Feazell (12) Jordan Fehrn ( 10) Francis Ferrie (11) Felipe Flores (10) Kaleb Fritzler ( 1 0) Leo Garcia ( 12) Robert Gibbs ( 1 0) Edward HoaI ( 12) Scott Holman ( 11) Dawson Kennedy (1 1 ) Zane Knapp (12) Chase Langworthy ( 12) Zakary Larson (12) Jalen Lucero (12) Joseph Madsen (11) Cristofer McCart (12) Jack McGuire ( 10) Troy Mossberger (10) David O'Connell (10) Weil Sau (12) Dylan Scherer (10) Jesse Scrivner (11) Dean Secosky (12) Troy Sherman (10) Steven Sherrod ( 11) Grant Skomasa (10) John Simpson (11) Isaac Tallent ( 12) Thomas Wainright ( 12) Jack Walters ( 10) Sebastian Varno ( 10)

Boys Golf

John Anderson (9) Leo Avila (9) Daniel Barraza -Va quera (9) Jack Beckford (9) Nathan Campanelli (9) Christopher Chavez (9) Chris topher Denbow (9)

Braden Edwards (9) Matthew Elliott (9) Zachariah Fehrn (9) Jack Ferrie (9) Aiden Greco (9) Caleb James (9) Uriel Lugo (9) Dylan Maddox (9) Zachariah Manley (9) Dylan Mathias (9) Ethan Nader (9) Travis Poole (9) Devin Prehn (9) Oliver Rupp (9) Tanner Smeal (9) Liam Telenger (9) Carter Thompson (9) Tadashi Thompson (9) Kaden Trujillo (9) Mitchell Wullstein (9) Roman Young (9) Michael Zamora (9)

Kai Bokinskie (9) Brenden Campbell (12) Oskar Gardner (9) Ryder Hernandez (11) Brandon Hyland (11) Jake Johnson (12) Nicholas Man cini (11) Cade Novak (11) William O'Brien (12) Cha rle s Progar (10) Se th Rhoten (9) Parker Skiles (12) Chan kr it Sundarapura (9)


Arthur Battaglin (1 0} Douglass Beeman (10) Brian Caluon (11) Jesse Denk (9) Patrick Dolan (10) Colton Gomez (11) Cody McStraw (12) Georg Meier (12) Mats Moreau (11) Zachary Persky (12) Ayden Provencio (10)

Christopher Shull (11) Cade Simcox (11) Tanner Taylor (12) Nathan Thompson (9) Ethan Toon (10) Benjamin Weir ( 11)

Boys JV Socc e r

Grayson Allen (9) Zachary Chapman (9) Joshua Colin NaJera (9) Grant Davidson (10) Nicholas Deitz (10) Julien Delmonico (11) Tyler Duhl (10)

Maxwell Fisher (9) Hayden Holtrop (11) Eliot Hubert (10) David Koury (9)

Maximiltano Lopez Jaime (10) Connor Ma ckell (9) Samuel Markovi ch (9)

Lance Minyard (10) Cassidy Paulson (10) Ian Persky (9) Christian Sekavec (9) Wes Simcox (9) Joshua Thoemke (1 0} Alexander Townsend (10) Jonah Wimbish (10) Samuel Wubben (11)

Varsity Softball

Taylor Acree (11) Andreanna Brown ( 12) Eugenie Burget (12) Madison Campbell (11) Mrckayla Dyer (11) Megan Ferner ( 11 ) Jade GomezChavarria (10) Makayla Middleton (9) Makenzre Middleton (9) Cassidy Paulson (10)

JV Softball

Jennifer Beers (9} Elaina Bonner (11) Katrina Bonner (9} Kirstin Burget (9) Ices Carter (9) Emma Church (9) Katie Dalrymple (9) Katherine Dunson (10) Jaquelrnne Gonzales (10) Elena Goodspeed (10) Molly Hord (9)

Abigail Hunt (9) Lesly Lara Camacho (10) Nattalie Nakerv1s (10) Haley

Prey (9) Yazmrn Rodnguez-Leon (9) Madelyn Sigala (9) Skye Ziegler (10)

1 53

Boys Te n ,nis

Brennen Baker (12) Zakary Bayer (10) Adam Blackstock (10) Trent Bonczynsk1 (9) Zachary Butler (9) Zachary Chorny ( 10) Julian Claussen (10) Rece Dale (12) Cole Ernst (11) Tristan Husk1e ( 10) Beniamin Idler (9) Brandon Idler ( 11) Jake Kringel (9) Garrett Landmark (9) Theron McAdoo ( 11) Hans Petersen ( 10) Wyatt Sabadosh (9) Dylan Smith ( 10) Ali Tahmourasi (10) Max1m1lian Turner ( 11) Reed Whitson (9)

Ch ee r

Emmy Adams ( 11) Cameron Anderson ( 10) Makensy Beckham ( 11) Hailey Buesser (11) Braquelle Calley (12) Mia Castens (12) Carlye Deutsch (9) Alyssa Drake (10) Zach Gerard (11) Sabrina Jones (12) Zia Kaeding (10) Calt Mccarron (9) Katie Murray (12) Jamie Schumann ( 10) Ak1ra Schwarz (12) Aurora Schwarz (12) Hannah Sherry (10) Mata Songer (9) John Stark (11) Ariana Valiente ( 10) MadeJah Watson (10) Abby Wilson (12)


Maddie Beatty (12) Katja Behrens (9) Lucia Brotherton (10) Jenna Ficco (10) Katie Hutt (9) Aden Kepler (9) Samantha Lewan (10) Lauren Mackell (12) Tatum Marshall (10) Lauren Riley (12) Stella Schneider (9) Lilly Wofsey (11)

Varsity Volleyball

Autumn Abbott (12) Alexis Auster (11) Anne Carlson (12) Isabella Cogdill (12) Makenna Haley ( 10) Emily Jepkes (11) Bailey Klinger (11) Myriah Pitt ( 12) Emma Roberts (10) Anna Taylor ( 11)

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..Jl1 Volleuball

Mayzee Collins (10) Ashley Ficco (10) Angelica Goodwin (10) Grace Gossard (9) Megan Higgins (11) Juliet Josselyn (11) Katherine Moore (10) Anastasia Outekine (10) Amer ica Paisley (11)

Level 3 Volleyball

Braxten Barkley (9) Hannah Brandon (9) Kaylee Co ffm an (11) Laura Dwyer (10) Carson Engesser (9) Tristyn Hollander (9) Gracie Kersting (10) Calista Poulos (9) Jade Preston (9) Janae Riffle (10)

Level 4 Volleyball

Natale Camp bell (9) Elizabeth Carlson (9) Skylar Chase (9) Sienna Colucci (9 M1eke Esparza (9) Harmony Hamp (9) Danielle Lolk (9) Kaia Redmond (9 Natasya Smith (9) Shelby Traylor (9) Sela Ward (9) Chloe WrightKe1rsch (9)

Field Hockey

Katrina Barela (9) Florence Behrens (12) Mackenzie Belmont (9) Hannah Krats (12) Sara Ha efele {11) Izzy C isn eros (10) Lauren Conant (12) Mary D,esslin ( 11) Kendall Garcia (10) Breanna Gillan (11) Maddi Hipp (10) Erin Johnson (9) Tia Krats (9) Kailee Lammers ( 11) Caela McCartney ( 11)

Grace Ailey (11) Bo Shaffer (12) Abby S teinman (10) Rachel Steinman (9)

Jordan Winchester (11) Mackenzie Winchester (11) Kylie Yang (12)

:f'a l l ]>Ort. · 1 55

Boys Varsity Basketball

Jack Anderson ( 9 ) Pablo Forsyth Simon ( 11 ) Tyler Guerra ( 11 ) Alexander Jones (11) Joseph Madsen ( 11) Jack Mcla ughlin (11) Jack Moore ( 11) Logan Murphy ( 11 ) Jacob Niss ( 11) Riley Stoner ( 11) Kayden Sund (12) Kendal Sund ( 10) Adam Th1stlewood ( 11)

Boys JV Basketball

Jesse Denk (9) Matt Elliott (9) Eliot Hubert (10) Noah Johnson (9) Zach Manley (9) Samuel Markovich (9) Ben Mclaughlin (9) Parker Murphy David O'Connell (10) Ali Tahmouras1 (9) Carter Thompson (9) Jack Walters (10)

Girls Swim, & Dive

Sa rah Adzema (10) Jackelyne Allen (9) Rachel Anderson ( 10 ) Hailey Bemis (10) Nichole Birkelo (12) Allison Blackmon (9) Hannah Brandon (9) Logan Bristol (12) Quinn Cusack (1 1 ) Katie Dalrymple (9) Isabella DeSiato (12) Lauren Edwards (12) Jessie Fell (11) Dorothy Flagg ( 12) Margaret Funston (12) Klaudia Fusiarz (10) Ashley Gorman (11) Madel ine Gustafson (9) Rania Hart (9) Regina Kelble ( 10 ) Cheyenne Knapp ( 10) Geetali Lal ( 1 0) Madi son Larson ( 1 0) Alice Lin ( 10) Katelyn Ludford ( 1 0) Emma Ma ccallum (12) Mia McEnroe (9) Caitlin McKay (12) Genevieve MezaCoons (9) Laura Meza-Coon s (12) Kate Morris (12) Isabelle O'Neill (9) Avery Overholt (12) Asa Peterson (10) Ella Poskie (10) Cameron Preston (11) Grace Schumacher (10) Aurora Schwarz (12) Anissa Shull (10) Bailey Smith (9) Emma Sprueill (9) Lauren White (10) Marryah Witucki (9) Mae Wolf (11) Taylor Worsham (10)

. ,. -
• l
Jack Anderson (9) Julian Claussen ( 10) Ty Guerra ( 11) Connor Howe ( 10 ) Jared Johnson (11) Alexander Jones ( 11) Collin Liedtke (10) Colin Mulligan ( 11 )

Girls JV Basketball

Girls Varsity Basketball

Girls Level 3 Basketball

Dartanyan Baker (12) Adam Blackstock (10) Christopher Faber (9) Rosemary Gonzales (12) Ethan Hensley (9) Dylan Scherer (10) Akira Schwarz (12) Drake Troyer (11)
ll ""inter JJOrts 1 5 7
Mya Baker (9) Kaylin Bates (9) Allyson Goodwin (9) Sierra Greeley (10) Margaret Jones (9) Cassidy Paulson (10) Audrey Pino (9) Olivia Powell (10) Delaney Webb (9) Mya Baker (9) Abigail Garnett (11) Elli Garnett (9) Allyson Goodwin (9)Mia Johnson (11) Margaret Jones (9) Audrey Pino (9) Haley Prey (9)MaKena Prey ( 11) Sydney Prey ( 12) Kaylin Bates (9) Jennifer Beers (9) Quincey Garren (9) Marina Mccann (10) Cassidy Paulson (10) Olivia Powell (10) Madelyn Sigala (9) Delaney Webb (9)

2 4 th Str ee t Sing ers

Lucas Brunel (10) Madeline Cadry ( 11) Carter DeMink ( 11) Amanda Dixon (12) Audrey Gregory (12) Mi che lle John (12) Mit c hell Kelley ( 11 ) Bailey

Klinger ( 11 ) Jessica Lagge (12) Taylor Martynuska ( 1 2) Justin Meyer ( 10)

Henry Pham ( 12) Dean Secosky ( 12)

Con cert Band

Evan Baker (9) Ka, Bokinskie (9) Cheyenne Cavender (1 O} Juliha Chitwood (9) Maxim us Cory (9) Adrianna Cubbage ( 11) Cameron Denney ( 11 )

Andrea Doyle (9) Felipe Flores ( 10) Elena Goodspeed ( 10) Hailey Green

( 11 ) Madeline Gustafson (9) Ian Hunt (9) Blake Komoras ( 10) Alice Lin (10}

BenJamin Lyons (11) Cecilia Martinez (1 1 ) Weston Mook (11) James Moore (9) Samuel Newell (10) Daniel Niewiarowicz ( 9) Cody Skelton (9) Rosie Vega Lazaro (9) Balley West ( 10) Tru Wilkins ( 9 )

Co11cerl Clioi1,.

Maleah Bencivenga (10) Nichole Birkelo (12) Jacob Boba1r (10) Jordan Boregson (9) Hannah Brandon (9) Juston Bye (10) Katie Dalrymple (9)

Alexandra Ford (9) lzabelle Frye (10) Maria Giulianelli ( 10) Cydney Green ( 10) Chance Griffin-Williams (10) Forrest Hall (9) Alyssa Haro (9) Tristyn

Hollander (9) Ariel Hutchens (10) Molly Kirkham (10) Johnny Klis (10) Maci

Lindsey (10) Danielle Lolk (9) Olivia McCandless (10) Amara Megargee (9)

Jesse Nelson (10) Henry Pham (12) Alec Roman (9) Paul Seigneur (11)

Alexi Severin (11) Ryan Shepherd (11) Olivia Skeen (9) Morrigan Skelton ( 11) Balley Smi t h (9) Aliyah Snow (9) Faith Thompson ( 10) Brynne

Trembath (9) Cassie Urtel (10) Ariana Valien te (10) Sela Ward (9)


Madison Campbell (11) Elise Gaskell (11) Eltzabeth H ake (12) Amberlynn Holsgrove (12) Elizabe th Kluherz (9) Megan Lucero (11) Hope Lyle (11)

Rebecca Mac Kay (9) Grace Machovina (12) Antoine tt e McCurdy (9)

Christin Metcal f (10) Anastastia Outekhine (10) Kaya Sandlow (10)

Madison Sharpe (11) Alyssa Te teris (12) Katharyna Trayser (12) Pear l Wilson (10) Nicole Woolsey (11) Rylee-Ann Wyckoff (12)


En ,vironinent Club

Joe Armstrong ( 11) Evan Baker (9) Kai Bokinskie (9) Luke Brunel (10)

Haley Cobb (11) Marisa Gasca (11) Forrest Hall (9) Gabe Hall (11) Hunter

Hohmann (12) Ariel Hutchens (10) Mitchell Kelley (11) Kaitlyn Kelly (10)

Ben Lyons (11) Weston Mook (11) Gaemme Orduno (11) Foxton Robie (10)

Alexi Severin (11) Julie Spawn (11) Caitlyn Talty (11) Will Wainwright (12)

Nicole Woolsey ( 11)


Izzy Frye (10) Dominique Perri (11) Vincenzo Perri (9) Alicia Pitman (9) Shelby Toler ( 11) Ariana Vailente ( 10)

Forensics, Speech, & Debate

AnJall Behrens (9) David Carpenter (11) Codey Carr (9) Isaac Clemons (12) Kaylee Coffman (11) Sienna Colucci (9) Tom Cotton (9) Ad1son

Douglass (10) Damian Engele (9) Andrew Goldstein (12) Emma Gould (10)

Chance Grotewohl (10) Hannah Hirst (12) Molly Hord (9) Emily Jimenez (12) Chase Julian (12) Cheyenne Knapp (10) Connor Lusk (12) Jeans

Mobley ( 12) Elisha Morales (12) Emma Newson ( 10) Ian Persky (9) Lilly

Plotkin (12) Ab1gayle Post (10) Alec Roman (9) Maia Songer (9) Tanner

Taylor ( 12) Katharyna Trayser (12) Trevor Vigil (9) Skye Ziegler ( 10)

1 59
Emmy Adams (11) Madeline Cadry (11) Mara Coe (11) Alyssa Drake ( 10) Haley Hard (9) Molly Kirkham ( 10) Sara Lockie ( 11) Noelle Reimers ( 11) Marisa Rubio (11) Grace Sanders (11) Maia Songer (9) Katherine Stocking (11) Taylor Tufano (11) Lauren Van Nole (11)

Fr e nch Club

Emmy Adams (11) Mya Baker (9) Isaac Clemons (12) Emma Conroy (9) Ethan Conroy (12) Hailey Green (11) Grace Kern (11) Cheyenne Knapp ( 10) Thomas Ma ( 12) Nicole Paris ( 12) Piper Shira ( 11) Emma Weihenmayer ( 11)

Full Orchestra

Jack Arman (11) Kinsey Berkman (10) Sham1k Bhat (12) Braquelle Calley ( 12) Joyce Chu ( 11) Tyler Cohan ( 11 ) Carter DeMink ( 11) Megan Doyle ( 11)

Brandon Idler (11) Rachel Jacobs ( 11) Geetah Lal (10) Trevor Mahanke (12) Keenan Milan (11) Jeans Mobley (12) James Nickell (12) Brennan

Oakhef ( 10) Megan Oakhef ( 12) Olivia Powell ( 10) Foxton Robie (10)

Lindsey Rohlf (12) Dorian Scardello (10) Christopher Shull (10) Juhe

Spawn ( 11) Caitlyn Talty ( 11) Alyssa Teteris ( 12) Alex Townsend { 1 0)

Rachel Tre1tman { 12) Hunter Twitty (10) John Weiler (10)


David Carpenter (11) Codey Carr (9) Payton Douglass (11) Dominique Johnston ( 11) Emma Penn ( 12) Isaac Penn (11) Abigayle Post { 10) Emma Spruell! (9) Grier Wenzel (11)

Interact Club

Logan Bristol (12) Madeleine Bro therton (12) McKelvey Davidson (12) Diyya Ghafour (9) Isabella Gomez { 12) Em ma Maccallum (12) Emma Markovich { 12) Kate Morris (12) Mazie Neill (10) Emily Nguyen (12) Esther Phenna (12) Anissa Shull ( 10) Heidi Smi t h { 10) Sydney S tarkey (12) Rachel Trei tman (12) Taylor Tu fano (11)

. -1 (> ' 0 (' I 1, hs/(} 1·0 1, J JS

Link Leaders

Lauren Begg (11) Madison Campbell (11) Natalie Capaul (11) Mia Castens (12) Garret Clanton (11) M 1ckayla Dyer (11) Eric Eberhard (12) Megan Feiner (11) Zachary Gerard (11) Caitlin Johnson (11) Koa Kampov1tz (11) Dillon Klueber (11) Mari sa Malmgren (11) AhJah Menzor (11) Haley Monahan (11) Gaemme O rd uno (11) Aspen Paheri (11) Cameron Preston ( 11) Austin Rice (11) Grace Sanders {11) Piper Shira (11) Kian Spencer ( 11) John Stark ( 11) Lauren Story ( 11) Taylor Tufano ( 11) Abby Wilson ( 1 2)

Mountain Biking

William A 1chholz {10) Benjamin Berub e ( 10) Noah Brown ( 10 ) Alex Burde ( 11) Grant Davidson {10) Brian Dove ( 10) Robert Duarte (11) Zacharey Elz1 (12) Carson Engesse r (9) Aidan Fletcher { 10 ) Anthony Furness ( 11)

Madelynn Gerri tsen (10) Ty le r Green (11) Jack Hathway (9) Dorothy Hazel

( 1 1) Duncan Jones (10) M ason Lord {9) Ausan McGa ugh (11) Wyatt

McG regor ( 10 ) Dylan Melche r (10) Jaden Merriman (9) Lukas Miller (9)

Mazie Neill (10) Gavin O'Connell ( 11) M egan Oaklief ( 12) Brenn an Oa khef ( 10) Jackson Page-Ro t h (9) Ja c k Redding (1 1) Kad in Ri tter ( 11 ) Jason

S adows ki (10) B r ady Stark (1 0) A lys sa Teteri s ( 12 ) Jacqueline Teteris (9)

Alex Townsend ( 10) William Wai nwright (12) Rea de Warn er { 12) Tate

Warner (9) John Weiler ( 10) Spencer White (12) Porter W in dell ( 10) Justin

Wolniak (12) Linus Woodard (10)

National Honors Society

Em my Adams (11) Sophi Ambroz1c { 11 ) Sham1k Bhat { 1 2) M ady Brotherton (12) Braquelle Calley (12) Na ta lie Capaul (11) H arrison C hamb er lain (12) Ca ri ssa Chandler (11) Tyler Cohan (11) M arilyn Collins (12) Megan Feiner (1 1 ) Isabella Gomez (12) Ty Guerra (11) Anna Hamelin {12) Katherine H ens haw (12) Autumn Huskie ( 1 2) Brandon Idler (11) Mia John son (11) Al ex Kim (11) Katie Kirschner (12) Ell Koch (11) Jenni fer Ku c hta ( 12) Emma Ma cCa ll u m (12) Emma Markovich (12) Theron M cAdoo

(11) Ma ckenzie Mccor kl e (11) Co d y McS traw (12) Ally M elick (12) Ryan

Mila n (11) Jeans Mo bl ey (12) Kate M orns (12) Katie Murr ay (12) Emily

N g uy en (12) Avery Overholt (12) Aspen Palte ri (11) Nikki Pans (12) Scottie Parker (12) Lily Plotkin (12) Layne Posk1e (12) Cameron Preston (11)

M a Kena Prey ( 11 ) Sydney Prey ( 1 2) Ben Randall ( 12) Noelle Reimers ( 11) Grace Sande r s (1 1 ) Jacob Shelton (11) Lauren S tory (11) Sydney Toler

( 12) Rachel Treitman ( 12) Taylor Tufano ( 11) Lau r en Van Note { 11)

S pen ce r Wh i te (12) Amanda Willrams (12)

Jack Arman (11) Shamik Bhat ( 12 ) Brian Dove ( 1 0) Justin Fink (11) James Nickell (12) Megan Oaklief (12) Lindsey Rohlf (12) Julie Spawn (11) Alyssa Tetens (12) Jacquelyn Teteri s (9) Reade Warn er (12)
C'lul>s/G,·oHJ)S 1 61

Stud ent Council

Emmy Adams ( 11) Sophia Ambroz1c ( 11 ) Molly Bab1tz ( 10) Katia Behrens (9)

Lucia Brotherton (10) Isaac Clemons (12) Emma Conroy (9) Ethan Conroy ( 12) Ella Ganter (9) Elizabeth Koch ( 11) Kyle Lockwood ( 12) Nicholas

Mancini (11) Emma Markovich (12) Samuel Markovich (9) Mackenzie

Mccorkle ( 11) Cody McStraw { 12) Kathleen Murray { 12) Elizabeth Ninke (9)

Cassandra Oberholtzer (9) Victoria Oberholtzer ( 12) Nicole Paris ( 12)

Zachary Persky (12) Sydney Starkey (12) Adam Th1stlewood (11) Taylor

Tufano (11) Lauren White (10)

Mitchell Ackerman (9) Carter DeM1nk (11) Amanda Dixon ( 12) Payton

Douglass (11) Violet Ernstberger (9) lzabelle Frye (10) Audrey Gregory (12)

Rania Hart (9) Zahava Heydel (12) Oz Hickman (11) Clara Hoppe (11)

Abigail Hunt (9) Ian Hunt (9) Mitchell Kelley (11) Grace Kern ( 11) Molly

Kirkham ( 10) Megan Klane ( 10) Johnny Klis ( 10) Elizabeth Kluherz (9)

Blake Komoras (10) Hope Lyle (11) Pablo Ma tos (9) Justin Meyer (10) Kaia

Miller (11) Henry Pham (12) Emma Roark (9) Cassidy Rothenberger (11)

Maddie Rumley (9) Jenna Samuelson (10) Kaya Sandlow (10) Dean

Secosky ( 12) Olivia Skeen (9) Sydney Toler (12) Nicole Woolsey ( 11)

Willow Wofsey (9)

Jacob Boba1r { 10) Jaymie Carlock (9) Lindsey Ellison (9) Oskar Gardner (9)

Heather Giddins (10) Jonathon Gomez (11) John Gutierrez (10) Miranda Hayes (10) Ton Hinds (10) BenJamin Idler (9) Erin Johnson (9)

Rebecca Mac Kay (9) Tony Malmgren-Gallo (12) Ryan Matsuo (9) Ashlyn Meyer (9) Alexandria Miller (10) Abigayle Post (10) Annalise Schroeder (9)

Alexi Severin (11) Jackie Teteris (9)


Shamik Bha t (12) Braquelle Calley (12) Adrianna Cubbage (11) Megan Doyle (11) Benjamin Idler (9) Brandon Idler ( 11) James Nickell (12) Brennan Oakllef (10) Megan Oaklie f (12) Lindsey Rohl f ( 1 2) Annalise Schroeder (9) Julie Spawn (11) Alyssa Te teris ( 12) Jackie Te teris (9) Rachel Treitman (12) Rosie Vega Lazaro (9)

1 (:J2 ('l u bs/(;>•o uJ JS
Bridget Badu-M ensah (10) Nicole Birkelo (12) Braquelle Calley (12) Nat alie Capaul (11) Chloe Glass (11) Audrey Gregory (12) Zahava Heydel ( 12) Cl a r a Hoppe ( 11) Rowan Kremer ( 11) Kaia M iller ( 11) Aspen Palieri (11) Anna Taylor (11) Drumli n e lays d own the funky Jams du r ing the Homecoming game Nilliam Wainwr i ght ( 12), Cai tlyn T alty (11 }, M itchell Kelley (11 ) and Weston M ook ( 11) Students share a fun laugh during rehearsal for the Spring musical
C7. u bs/ G )'O H]JS 163
Ian Hunt (9), Henry Pham (12), and Johnny Klis (1 0)
When you entered high school it was easy to feel like you were just one in a million, but the clubs and organizations helped to gather students together in an environnient that would foster enduring friendships.
Whether it was a desire to serve the conirnunity, share cultures, or iniprove skills people were able to put differences aside to unite with one comnion purpose.
A few students in Interact Club come together to accept an award from the Mayor Emmy Adams (11 ) Ethan Conroy (1 2) , Diyya Gahfour (9) , Sydney Toler (12), Emily Nguyen ( 12) , Esther Phenna (12) , and Emma Markovich (12) Girls from French C l ub help pass out /es bonbons at Trick or Treat Street. Erin Johnson (9) , Hailey Green (11 ), Cidney Green (9 ), Gaemme Orduno (11)

What d e cad e do you b e long in?

Which is your __ Class i c al favorite classic movie? Jazz

Which is the better instrument?

How do you prefer to communicate?

Which is the better outfit? -

Which party would -----you rather go to?

Which car?

Classic Mustang Lambo

16-1 )!":7:'t:":':·!'~ - • • ._,. ·-· .,
Wa r s G r e a se
G ats b y 21 Jump Str ee t ...___ __. 2 0' s

Which is your favorite type of music?

Top Hi ts


Who's your favorite artist?

Which is your favorite Netflix genre?

Drama Com e dy

Which iconic TV family? ~rad y un c h


e r and d ancing.............._ Dinn e r and a

~- Ross and How do you prefer Ra c h e l to listen to music? Dinn

/ • 165
Qu ee n B ey
I I , \ 11 • 1 ·c:.,_t,-. +---+---
Which night out? -'-\ I>a li e ri N. Ca p a ul
movi e 80's now-

scottie ~~KER

Nobody puts baby ,n the corner

There 1s no one else 1n the world th at cou ld be scared of a ch i cken, the co l o r blue and clowns at the same time while still running th e family

You a r e and w ill f orever be the babe of a ll babes , wi th the rudest ' tude 1n the wo rld We l ove you and remember, your permission s lip for co ll ege 1s not s igned yet

Love, Th e Fam

logan ll-'BRECIIT

Loga n , You 've g r own fr om a tiny , beautiful baby into a con fident , independent young woman You ' ve got such a bright future! Life awa its- you ' re going to rock 1t! We co uldn 't be more proud of you

Love, M om and Dad


Co n gratulat i ons Laure n ! We are so proud of you and love you so mu c h! Our st rongminded littl e girl h as grown into a beautiful, bright and funny young wo man M ay all your dreams come true , we will be behind you all th e way!!!

Love, M om, D ad a nd Connor

parker ~KILES

Parke r, Our kind , genuine, smart, s p iri ted , compass i ona t e, loving , fun , sweet boy we co uld not be more proud of you You are our greatest blessing and o ur pnde and Joy . Your quiet con fid ence and t enaci ty will lead you to great things . Con tinu e to s hare your wisdom and grace wi th th e world EnJ oy every seco nd of thi s next adventure

We l ove you t o the m oo n and back!

Mom and Dad


L ogan, I kn ow you have a lways looked up t o m e and thought I was the coo lest. well, hey, you ' re pr e tty cool now too!

Cong r atu lat1on s Love , Nolan

katie fURRAY

Kati e, W e have l oved watching you g r ow from a little bald baby to th e b ea utiful girl you are t o day A s you sp read your wings and fly always remember to make • good c hoi ces and never f o rget the way ba ck home

Love, M om, Dad , Alli so n , Courteney, Meg a n and Gianna

e H iors \ e l s
.. II l I


So my big (ta l l litt le) granddaughter 1s ready to nde off into the bright light of the wide wild wonderful world Keep your sadd l e cinched tight & your eyes looking straight ahead.

Your Grandpa, Bernard Peter

To our swee t Isa bella , Good luck 1n whatever you de c ide to do. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Cogdill

Isabella, Jus

t yesterday you were like a little bird 1n a nest Just learning to fly Now 1t's time to spread your wings and head for the sky Stay true to your heart and alway s be l i eve 1n all thing s 1n life ca n be accomplished .

Love you, Grandma and Grandpa Lore nzo

Thanks for taking me to sc hool every day

Love you, sis

How you have grown up, but to me, you will always be my little girl

Love, Daddy

You have flouri s hed- with a g lamorous and robu s t personality with a fiery and unforg1v1ng sp i rit- you will succeed and flouri sh 1n life my Baby Bell

Love you more, Mom

isabella cheri ~OGDILL

"en ior l<ls 167

Dear Tanner,

We are. very proud o f um , Tanner, wake up what do you mean you ' re awake? really7 you ' re paying complete atten ti on? . ah , resting your eyes you a r e we ll , you ' ve done a g r eat Job 1n sc h ool and we ' re very p r oud of you In f act you were ou r youngest child t o achieve ,, most f avored son status ." We expect g r ea t things 1n the future

dartanyan 3AKER

1 Brennen, I can 't believe you are already graduating. Tim e goes by so fast I remember our many adventures as if they we re yesterday. You were always there to ha ve my back I'm gra t efu l that I had/have the privilege of being you r older brother You ' ve al ways been a nd always wi ll be my BE ST fri end MY MAIN MAN ! I love you , bro! I'm proud of you and what a n a mazi ng person you are and the examp le you are t o me

See you soon! Gavin

Love, M om and D ad

dartanyan 3AKER

You ' re such an AWESOME brother I l ove 1t w h e n we are Jamm 1n ' out to new songs or quoting Di sney movies You have a lways been there for me


I LOVE YOU! I love the spark l e you h ave always had 1n you r eyes, you r free sp irit your contag iou s l a ugh , your w i sdom , your hug s, your exa mpl e t o me . Th ank you f o r being you! D on' t l et the " wor ld " c hang e who you are Keep the s p a rkl e ! M o mmy

I am proud of you a nd your accomplishments

Bob -

eric If ()ODY

Congratulations, Eri c!

We are very proud of you.

Lo ve, Mom and Dad

oscar iHDDINUOscar, We are looking forward to great things from you!

Love , Mom and Dad


Liv e every m o m en t , l augh every day, l ove beyond words.

W e are so proud of yo u a nd all th at you h ave accomp li shed W e can ' t wait t o see what yo ur futur e brings.

Lov e, M o m , D ad and M att


avery )VERHOLT

M y w i sh, for you , is that t h is life become s all that you want it to , Your dream s stay big , your wo rri es stay small , You never need to carry more th an you ca n hold , And w h ile you ' re o ut there getting where you ' re getting to , I h ope you know some body love s you, a nd wants t h e same things too, Yeah , thi s, is my wis h

We could not be prouder of you and you amaze u s with your grace . All ou r love, M om, Dad , M o, Bub , M j, M onty and Bodi

ryan lJRAKE logan '.ENNELL


We are so proud o f you We wan t you t o conti nu e to have a great life Re m ember t o wo rk hard a nd play h ard

We love you tons , M om, Dad , Alyssa and Jack

,--------, Logan , You ' re an amazing young man and we a re so proud o f you! We can ' t wait to see a ll of the great experiences and accomplishments that l ie a h ead for you! Live long and prosper!

Love always , Your Family


la yne -;,OSKIE

Oh , the Places You ' ll Go!

Layne , We are SO proud of the person you have become Kind , thoughtful , loyal , athletic and smart' What a fun nde the past 18 years have been for our family We love you for being YOU' Keep reaching for the stars and enJoy the adventure before you' Love you forever, Mom , D ad and Ella

brenden ]AMPBELL

Words cannot even describe how very proud of you we are You have accomplished so much and have become an amazing young man! You are extremely intelligent and we canno t wai t to see what the next chap t er of your life holds for you. Remember al ways how much we love and suppor t you 1n all the things you do

We love you to the moon and back! Mom, D ad and Madi

mckelvey VIDSON

" I hope th at you spend your days , but th ey all add up And when that sun goes down, I hope you raise your cup Oh, I wish th at I cou ld witness all your JOY and all your pain I hope when the moment comes, you ' ll say, ' I, I d i d it all' ."

With absolute adoration, D ad, Mom a nd Grant (One Re publi c, Native 2014)

kelsey · 110M ~SON

Fr om before kindergarten through your se ni o r year- you have amaze d us every day!

We l ove you and ca n 't wait to see how you will conti nu e t o amaze us every day f o rward!

We a re so proud o f you Cong ratul ati o n s! Love, M om, Dad a nd N at e


J ake, You make u s proud! You ' re a wonderful son and a wonderful big brother Congratulations on making the most of your high sc hool ca reer

We love you so mu c h! Mom, Dad and M ax

170 Seu iors \<I ';

Cora , Congratulation s on your graduation. W e are so proud of yo u! You have s hown great per so nal strength and are ready t o take on the world The journey ahead i s as import a nt as th e end goal. Li ste n , learn a nd love who you are and who you are yet to be You have s hown bravery in your choices to learn la c ro sse and s pend s ix m o nths in Au stra lia . If you can, at age 16 , venture across the Pac ific to live with p erfec t str a ng e r s, we believe you ca n adapt and make the most of any ci r c um st ance . We wi s h you s u ccess no matter what path you take.

We l ove you and beli eve in you! Mom , Dad a nd El e n a!

nikki _>.A1t1::,

Good jo b o n g r a du ating high school! N ow comes the fun part. I love you so much It' s b een a m azi n g t o watch yo u g row i nto a ca r ing a nd a lways sm il ing p e rson! I can ' t wai t for all th e adven ture s life holds for us!

Love, Ni n a

This picture showcases your multi-tasking ski ll s Never a dull moment being around you! Love your positive e n ergy and a ll the laughs . I know you wi ll have fun in whatever you decide to do next and so will we

Love ,

M om and Dad

fftakayla '._J A[JRITA ethan p. u -It{JY

Creative, compass i onate , smart and beautiful!

Makayla , As your Journey con ti nues keep your determ1nat1on and yo u will n o doubt be success fu l. We love you and are so ve ry proud of you!

M om a nd Dad , Monique and Ni cho las

You are a wonderfu l young man and someone who ha s great things ahead of you You make us proud to be your mama , papa , and sister Th e world awaits your voice and your l eade r ship, and 1t desperately needs it .

Love you, Kristi , Brian and Emma

~euio1· l <fs 171
-,. " 1.-.• ·"' • 172 ni o r s ,. \ < l s ....... • IC I ,~ ;;;...~ , , ,#...

Oh, baby girl it is your time to fly. Take the world be the horns and steer it where you want to go. We are proud of you and can ' t wait to see what comes next.

When you walk off into the sunset hold that fist up high

reade VARNER

Reade , So happy was the day you were born , and so amazing have been all the days since You are a gift to us and to the world , now go change it for the better!

We are very proud of you!

Love , Mom , Dad, and Tate

Love you so very much, Mom, Dad and Tommy

rachel 'REITMAN

You have brought so much joy and laughter into our hearts . We are proud of the great young lady you have become and we have enJoyed watching you grow up . You are successful in all you do, and you have had quite a journey so far. From soccer, to music, or your academics , you have shined brightly Now it is time for you to head out into the world and find your passion and enjoy life Congratulations!

With all our love , Mom and Dad

rachel 'REITJltIA

Dear Rachel , To the sweetest, funniest , most generous person , here ' s to all that life has to offer you We are very proud of you! Reach for the stars and dream big! You wrll accomplish anything and everything that you set out to do

With all our love , Mom and Dad




You ' ve always had s o mu c h focus on what you want to have happen with your life

You ' ve shown great s u c ces s and continue to do s o . You make us proud

Love , Mom , Dad , Aidan and Landon

'- enio1· J: l<ls 173

We are so blessed to have you 1n our lives and so proud of all your accomp li shments You have brought so much JOY t o al l of us w ith your happy d1spos1t1on It has been wonde rful watch in g you grow from a cu r ious and bright young boy into a k ind and capab l e young man You have a caring heart and a swif t mind We know that you w ill go f ar 1n life and we wish you blessings each and every day a l ong your Jou rn ey Always remember to have fun, learn l o t s , and make fn ends

We love you dearly and 1t was def1n1tely a high " F." We love that your glass 1s half full Th anks fo r being ou r Eagle Scout! We are so blessed! Always know that you are deeply lo ved Just as you are

All of o ur love , Greg , M om and Shea

ka tlitt~y n KlRSCill\TER degali 1~ TELt,

Wow Katie'

We are so proud of you and love you so much We are exci t ed for the next step 1n you r grea t adven ture' D on ' t forget t o call h ome!

Love you , M om a nd D ad

ted fIOAL

Ted ,


Stay tru e t o yourse lf, keep love 1n your he a rt and you w ,11 do well ,n life W e feel privi l eged to be your parents

L ove, Mom and Dad

"M ay God ble ss a nd keep you a l ways, may your wishes all come true May you always d o for others and let others do f o r you May you grow up t o be righte o us, grow up to be true May your heart be joyful and forever young ." -BO

We love you Degan!

alyssa "ETERIS



You a re a n awesome young lady and you have brought us JOY every day of your life. Congratulations on all you have accomplished N ever give up on your dreams and keep s miling! Good luck! We l ove you , Dad Mom , Jackie and Milo


isabella _JESIATO

Bella Boo,

We love you so much are proud of all your accomplishments. Take pride in how far you have come have faith in how far you can go. The Sky is the limit for you. Just keep being your sassy self and be kind to all. Your future is so bright, we have no doubt you will be successful at whatever you put your mind to . Follow your passion

Lots of love, Mom and Dad

sydney TOLER

We are so incredibly proud of you Sydney! Anything you set your mind to you achieve with such poise. You have grown into an amazing , confident and beautiful young lady with a krnd heart and a strong mind Take pnde in how far you have come and have faith ,n how far you can go We will be by your side every step of . your Journey .

We all love you , Alan, Heather, Zeb Ill , Zeb IV, Braxton and Shelby

myriah ITT


That ' s how we ' ve felt wat c hing you grow with grace, mature with composure, a nd blossom with unspeakable beauty. You ' re a c omb1nat1on of the best of both of u s, somehow ducking the worst. mostly You 've made us proud , giddy, amazed , sometime s sad , occasionally alarmed , but always grateful ; knowing how blessed we are to have you in our lives. That's the sweet. Now the bitter the past four years have flown by and escaped us We ' d like them over, please But no, you ' re ready You don ' t need any more advice from us , especially Dad

Love you to the moon and back, Mom and Dad

cody _ f cS'l'R

Cody, We are so proud of the person you have become!

Thank you for all the smiles and laughter that you have brought into our lives!

Congratulations-we know you will do great things 1n life!!

Love, Mom and Dad

ryan tJRU WLEY

Ryan ,

We love you with all of our heart We ' re s o proud of you

Congratulations! Mom , Dad , Casey and Ka,

9eu ior J\<ls 17,5

·All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances: And one man 1n his time plays many parts ·


Zahava ,

You have been such a JOY to watch perform and make us laugh and captivate us Your appreciation for theater and your curiosity of the human c ond1t1on has been s o 1mpress Ive . May you continue to touch and InspIre many through theater In the years to come

Love , Mom

Theater i s where people learn about the world and even more importantly the people of the world No one can tell an artist what to create or how to create 1t- it is a forum to speak your truth ·

alyssa Tf(JIL

Alyssa , I am so proud of the person you have become You make me smile every day I love you!


loganBRit-J'l UL

Adventure Is out there Logan!

Know Mom Is smiling down on you as well and would be so proud of the amazing young lady you have grown to be

Love , Dad

rmackenzie U~TNINUHA11'1

Thank you for blessing our lives for the past 18 years! May your generous heart and happy spirit continue as you move forward in your next chapter of life We are so proud of you Mackenzie!

Love, Your Family, Mom , Andy, Dad, Jordan and Alex

isaac -Yf.;b1lf.U1 t,

Dear I saac,

You have always been the Captain of your ship You are the most aut h en ti c person Your depth and understanding know no bounds Your great mind and compassionate heart wil l enric h and inspire the world You are s uch a joy!

With l ove, Your Family

...,. .. 176 i~niors A<.l'>
7 • I

Ni c h o l e, W e a re so pr o ud o f yo u a nd a l l you ' ve acco mplis h e d in h ig h sc h ool. You ' ve g rown up t o b e n ot o nl y a b ea uti f ul yo u ng wo m an o n th e o uts id e, but yo u h ave b eco m e a co nfid e nt, co mp assio n at e ind ivi d ual w h o is ca p a bl e o f so mu c h mo r e You sho ul d be pr o ud o f yo ursel f W e l oo k f o r wa rd t o w h ere l i f e t a kes yo u as - · yo u ent e r the n ex t c hapter o f yo ur life and co uldn 't b e more pr o ud o f yo u

caitlin McKAY

Cai tl i n,

I a m so very p r oud of you and wish you the very b es t i n your n ext adven t ure i n l ife . You are a str o n g, b ea u ti ful a n d compassio n ate l ady ' Love yo u so mu c h !

HB e who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don 't matter and those who matter don 't mind ,. -Dr.

L ove always , Momma

Love fro m us a ll , D a d dy, M o m a nd Kri s t ine

lauren _ iILEY

Amu sem e nt rid es, tr av e ling w i th f a mil y o r d a n c ing w ith h ea r t an d s oul ; you 'v e don e so mu c h with e nthu si as m a nd st y l e!! Kee p yo ur adventurou s s pirit as y o ur j o urn e y co ntinu es !

kayeigh GOETZ-IlliEL

Eve ntu a ll y a ll th e pi eces f a ll

i nt o pl ace Until th e n, l a u g h

a t th e co nfu si o n , li ve f o r

th e m o m e nt a nd k n ow th at

eve rythin g h app ens f o r a

r ea so n W e co uld n ot b e m ore

pro ud o f yo u a nd w h at yo u

h ave acco mpl is h ed ah e r w h at yo u h ave b ee n thr o u g h !!

W e l ove yo u !

Tri s h a nd Roy

Lov e and hu gs, Yo ur Fa mil y ros e

niary 7- 0ATZALES

Rosie , We are so pro ud o f you, fo r yo u r accompl ishment, so know that we will a l ways love and s u p p or t yo u i n whatever you wa nt to.

Love a lways, M om and Dad

~5en ior .1 \<ls 177

Simple words ca nnot describe what you mean to u s and how proud we are of you The compass i on and grace you show ot h ers 1s beaut iful to watch You ' re a cha mpion of tho se w h o a re l ess advantaged You know w h o you are and what you ' re made o f and you ' re not a fr aid to ow n 1t.

"Find though she may be /Jttle, she is fierce " -Shakespeare

D ean, You have grown into an amazing young man with a giant sized heart, a love for God , an appetite for adventure, and an ability to heal quickly! We a re so proud of you! Stay focused and you will be successful!

W e love you Katherine Lov e, M o m a nd D ad

Love you , Dad , Mom and Nyk

annie :ARLt:iUN

Annie , You are as beautiful on the in side as you a re on the o ut sid e. You n ever cease to amaze u s, we a r e so proud of yo u and can' t wa,t for you to begin your n ex t adventure .

We love you!

M om, Dad , Gra ce a nd Elizabeth

rylee-ann VYCI(UJ<,P

Butterfly Ry, You did it! We ' re always so pr o ud of you You ' re a bea st! Every minute of every day you co ntinue to amaze us with you Just being you! Continue to fly high sweet bird!

B19 dog gotta Eat!

Love and punches, Mam a, Daddy and Bubb a

1 -,s .- - .... .">e H io rs \ els
n~1-»r, •'! ~ ~-... ·,.,.,.., ~,,_ ·-t. •··-~



We never could have imagined that your senior year would have come so fast! In the blink of an eye, you became an adult, voted and have come face to face with making decisions for your next adventure Chart your course and stay steady. We know that whatever this big , beautiful world has 1n store for you , you will embrace with careful consideration , wit , charm , grace , 1nst1nct and humility! We will be on the sidelines, cheering you on , every step of the way! You have made us so very proud!

Flap , Baby Bird, Flapt

L ove , Dad, Mom , Lulu and Coco


Congratulations, With love for the grandson you are and with pride ,n the amazing person you are becoming.

Al l our love, Nene and Papaw

williani WAGNER

Dear Billy, If we cou l d give you one thing 1n life, we would give you the ability to see yourself through our eyes Only then you would realize how special you are to us

We are very proud of you!

Dad and Mom

Sisters are like fat thighs they stick together, and boy, do we all stick together

We ' ve watched you blossom into an awesome , although slightly crazy, young l ady and we couldn ' t be more proud of you. You ' re going to go far in life and we ' l l be right by your s ide the whole time Thanks for being the best little brother we can ever ask for We love you or something sweet like that.

P. S. you ' ll always be a pirate at heart.

• enior \<ls 17f)

Tori ,

To s um up our feelings for you- love , respe c t , pnde , o pt1m1 s m and Joy Your s trength of c hara c ter Is 1nsp1nng Be happy and do good thing s.

Our Son , We wish you the strength to face c hallenge s with co nf i dence ... along with wisdom to c hoose your battles carefully We wish you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help someone along the way li sten to your heart and take ri s ks ca refully .. Remember how mu c h you are loved We are so so proud of you!!

Love , Mom , Dad and Cassie

blayke 1AYER

Dear Blayke rz , God ble sse d u s with you and our lives changed forever! You make us proud every day! You ' re a great big sister You danced in my be ll y and stil l cont i nue to spread JOY with your 91ft of dan c e Stay true to who you are and always fo ll ow your dreams . " You 1s kind , you Is sma r t , you 1s important " We ' ll l ove you forever ; we ' l l like you for a l ways , as long as you ' re living ou r baby you ' l l be! Go Blayke Em l

Love , Dad and M om

r,~ylie claire

Love always , Dad , Mom , Darian and Drea

Looking back, we wouldn ' t change a thing ,n you r Journey of life The cha ll enge s you have faced made you the st rong and determined person you are, ready t o show them wha t you are made o f Always stay humb le and kind , We l ove you M 1n1, Mom and Dad

kyle ,OCKliJTUOD

Wow Ky le!

Yo u di d ,t , a n d yo u d id we ll. We ' re happy f o r you L ife w ill be full of s ur prises, b ut yo u' re ready. W e ' ll be h e r e, we l ove yo u W e kn ow yo u' ll b e g rea t ! Da d a nd M o m

- - II--

Dear H arrison,

As it has been said , small and simple things are the building blocks of the eternities . " Just as large beautiful buildings are the result of thousands of many smaller pieces being put together in there proper order, our lives are constructed on a day-by-day, and decision-by-decision basis ." We are proud of the decisions you have made which have built a solid foundation for the exciting new journey awaiting you We are so proud of the valiant man that you have become Thank you for standing for something , and in doing so , being a light to those around you.

With much love and adoration , Mom and Dad



We are s o proud of you!!

Love , Mom and Dad


-Marilyn Manson

We are so very blessed to call you our daughter and look forward to watching you grow further into who you are and what you have to offer this world Shine bright baby girl like you always do!

maddie 1EATTY

Mads ,

into our life , you ' ve been a constant sour c e of Joy Your heart and spirit have helped get you to this point, your passion and effort will get you through the next chapter Always remember, everything

is possible when you believe 1n yourself- you are braver than you believe , stronger than you know , and smarter than you think We couldn ' t be prouder or more excited to see what's next We love you!

Love, Mom and Dad

I ••
Se n io} ·. \<l '> 181
Congratulations! From the moment you c ame , . .. •••• • •
, , Music is the stronge st form of MAGIC


M ay th e S U N 's r ays gui d e you on yo ur j o urn ey thr o ugh l i f e, th e glow o f th e M OO N a lways l ead yo u t o sel f -awa r e n ess a nd th e STAR S g uid e yo ur p ass i o n at e s pir it .

With a bund a n ce, love a nd s upp o rt , M o m , D a d , J o rd an, Sp art a a nd f o r eve r, Ri o


So proud of you- who you are , all you have accomplished and most of all your incredible heart' What an amazing young lady you are! So exerted to see all that is yet to come sunshine!

Love you always, Momma

Carter Ice, 55 118 153

C,hh:n,. l\11a 8 26. 27 66, T2., 73, 74. 130,131 144 154

Ca,tle. Jamie~on 31

Ca.,trellon. R}an 11 I S2

Ca\ ender. Che) cnnc. 40 43 I 58

Chadcr Cohn 3 1

Chade,, Sophia 8. 26. 27

Chaffee Katanna 55

Chamberlain Ham ,on 2 8, 24, 26.

27. 73. 76, I S2, 18 I

Chan. Karel} 26 27

Chandler Can,,a 31. 106 152, 161

Chandler Claire 5S I 'i2

Chane) Alexia 31

Chapman Seth 4. 8 23 26, 27, 104, 152

Chapman. ZJchaI) 55. I 53

Chase A1den 55. 60, 80

Cha,c SI-} Jar 55 98 l S5

Cha\ Cl Chn--topher 55 152

Cha, c1. Dame la 8, 26. 27

Chen. Am) 8 26. 27

Cherne, Ta} lor 1 I

Che\ alter Grace 30 31 32 13, 73,


Chitwood. Juhha 55 72 158

Chom} Zachar) 43. 154

Chn\man He1d1 31

Chn,tcn,en Da, 1, 43

Chn,tcn,en K)le 55

Chnstian, Jon 64 80

Chu. Joyce 31 80 160

Church, Emma 55 118 153

Ci,ncn.h. I ll} 155. 157

Clanton. Garret 31 73 97, 101

Clark, Heather 64

Clari. DeLceu,,. Ay,hia 31 J 'i7

Clarke Camille 43

Clau,sen Juhan 43. I 14 154 I 'i6

Clemon,. I"1.ilc 8. 24. 26 27 69 84

8687. 162176

Cobb, H ale} 31. 80 l 59

Coca B randon 56

Coe l\lara 31 100. 101 , 159

Coffman 1'.a) lee 31 113, 136 I 'i5, 159

Cogdill. habella 8, 26 27, I02 112, I I 3 147 154 167

Cogd1ll. Seba,t,an 31 140

Cohan. T)ler11. 141 148 160

Cohen. BenJamin 43

Cohn Cathennc 32 85 146

Coleman. Jacob S6

Colin '-.aJera Jo,hua S6. 151

Collin, l\1anl)n 8. 26. 27 71, 141

Collrns 1'1a)7ee 43. 155

Colucc1 Chri~ 63 64

Colucc1 Sienna 56. 136 I 37 I S5 159

Conant, Lauren 155 157

Connall) l\.lichae l 56 Connell. l\11 chacl 56. 67. 186

Conro). Bnan 63. 6-4. I 07

Conro) Emma 56, S7. 84. 160, 162

Con r O) Elhan 8. 26. 27. 84 87 90, 94, 106 107 152. 160. 162 163 171

Contrera., Porra, Lup11a 32

Coonl5-Lyon,. l\lcKennah 4 3

CorchaI). Ale>.ander 32

Corctliu,, Brandon 43

Cordo,a De\,l)n 56

Corona. Cod} 8. 26 27

Corte~. Sha\\ n 32

Corte, "-1ax1m1hano 32

Cor). l .u1mu, 56. 99 158

Couon. Thoma, 56 136 1S9

Cou,meau. Chn, 64

Cove), lane 56

Crofoot \\ ) alt 43

Cro,, Cha,e 32

Cro" H aile} 43

Cro,,. Jacob 8. 26. 27

Cro,,, Norman 43

Cro"c: i\lorgan 154

Aaron, Vera 64 Abbott Autumn 6 26. 27. 102 I 12. 1.34. 143 144 154 Abbott. Seth 6. 26 27 Ad.ennan. \lttc h ell 54 95. 99 150. 162, I 8'i Acree Dann) 42 , 49 85. 149 Acree Ta)lor 10.153 Adam Callan 133 Adams Emtl) 30. 32 72. 73 84 85, 86. 87. 100. 101. 130 131 135. 140, 141. 144 146, 147 154. I 59 160. 161. 162 Adam, Emm ) 130 131 135 I 63 \drulb Jason 30 Adzema. Sarah 4 2 156 Ago,, LetJtta 64 Aguilar, \ JCl0r 6. 26, 27 Aichhol z. \Vtlham 42 161 Ak<.am11 Kimberly 64 Albrecht. Logan 6 26. 27 100. 166 \li en. Gra} ,on 54 153 .\lien Jackel)ne Ann 148, 156 Allen \ 1ax 30 Allen Sage 30 Alpme Jared 6. 26, 27 Allhen. Ma)a 54. 182 .\hareL E.,cobar. Stephanie 30 Ambro\JO Zanm. Laura 54. 61 Ambro1..1c. Sophia 28. 30. 3 I 7 I 83, 85, 87 90. 91. 140 141 161, 162 Amdahl. Tucker 30 Amer), Iman 6. 26. 27 Anderson. Cameron 42. 51 130. 131. 154 Anden.on John 54. 64 75. 85 152 156 Anden.on. ~1akenz1 6. 26 27 73 74 130. 131 Anderson One ,.s1a 64 82. 83 130. 13 I Anderson.Rachel 42, 71. 156 Anderson. T)ler 54 .\ndel"On-Lent. Evelyn 54 \ntuna. Edgar 42 49 Aparshc, Viult) 42 Aqumo Heaven)) 30 Archulella, Damian 54 ~chali. Sepand 54 Arman Jack 30, 80. 150. 160. I 6 I Amt~trong, Joseph 30 Amer Nichola, 42 152 Artemi,. Elizabeth 54 Atencio Brookl}n 30. 134 Auben , Alex 42 Aurand , Jame.!. 64. 137 Auster Alexi\ 30, 73, I 02 112, 113. 154 Ania Leo 54. 152 Baalman , Tan> ·a 64 Bab1tz. l\1olly 42, 50. 87 Bachman. Colhn 54 Badilla-V1vcros. Lu" 64 Badu-l\1en,ah, Bndge1 4 2 163 Balcer Aidan 30 B.:.ker Analy e 42 Bfl ker Brennen 26, 27. 78, 114, 154 Baker Dartan)an 6, 26 27, 103, 121. 157. 168 Baker. D11l1 on 6. 26 27 Baker. E, an 54. 158 I 59 Bal-er. l\1 }a 54. 57. 67. 78 84. 106, 107. 126. 127. 152. 157 160 Balme r !\olan 6. 26, 27 152 Band oc l Ananna 10 80 Bank, Brad le) 30. 38 Barbato. Sara S4. 60. 99 148 Barber. l\l1chael 30. 67 Barel a. Katnna 54 110 155 157 Barela. Luk e 30 Barkle). Bra.'\ten 54. I 55 Barn ard, Samantha 42 Barraza- Vaqucr.i. Dan iel 54 152 Barteb. Degan 6 26. 27 174 Bate,.,, Ka}hn 54. 157 Bauaghn. Arthur 42. I 03 117 153 Baud1en. habella 42, 78 Ba}. Jo,hua 54 B a)er, Bl a} k c 6. 23 24 26. 27 69 77 180 Ba)cr Zakar) 42. 43, 114 Ba, Ion ) o,chn 42 Baze\\ KL Alc'\ander 42 142 Beall) i\1adehne 2 4 6 25. 26 27, 68. 76 128. 129 133. 154 164, 181, 185 Beel. An,le) .W. 42. 148, 185 Bec k ford. Jack 'i4 75 85 152 B L"Ckham, l\1a.ken,) 30 32. '37. I 30, 146. 147. 154 Beeman. Dougla , 42 J 53 Beers. Jennifer 5 4 I 18 126 153 157 Beer,; Jo,hua 30 B egg. Lauren 30 16. 73, 90. 133 161 Behren~. AnJah 54 72. 73 81 136. 159 Behren Florence 155. 157 Behrens, K atJa 2. 52 54. 58. 72. 81, 86. 87 128. I 29, 134 154. 162 Be1lman Jarod 42 Belec k ,. Elizabeth 6 26, 27. 183 Belmont. i\1acken1..1e 155. 157 Berni, Halle) 42 106. 122 152 156 Benc l\ enga, i\1aleah 42 158 Benfiel d Patnck 42 Be re z. haac 30 Berkman Kmse\ 42 160 Bennan1\. Carla·6 Bermani,. Carlamame 26 27 BeIT). Ju<,tm 54 Berube. BenJamm 42. 43 46, 47 48. 109. 143. 161 Best. R of} 64. 94 161 Bhat. Sham1 k 7, 13 18 , 24, 26, 27, 99. 141. 160. 161 81 c kl ord. Abee 54 Billman. J a)Ce 4 2 B,rk e lo, Lauren 7. 26. 27. 88 98 123. 156. 158,163.177. 186 Bi,h op. Cora 7. 26, 27, 71 171, 187 Blackmon, Alll\on 54 136, 137 156 Bl ackmon. Ryan 42 Bl ackstoc k Adam 43 154 157 Bl anton. A) la 43 Blincoe. J erem) 64 Bh,,. Audre, 7. 20. 26 27. 187 Bloom. Ke, rn 30 Bo b :u r J acob 4 l 158 162 Bo hl O11\ia 43 143 801leau, \likolau, 54 Bol-m \ lc1e. Kai 55 IO I I 15 152 158 Bon czy n " k1 , T rent 55 154 Bonner El :.una 30. 118. I 19, I 53 Bonn e r, Ka tnna 55 118 151 Borge~on. Jordan 55 66 158 B orja. Fiorella 55 Bo" man Peter 55 I 00. I 52 B o} er J u,tm 55 Brabander
B raklo\\ Chn,tophcr 7 26 27 B r.wdon Stace). Hannah 55 158 Brandon. H annah 98, I 12 122 155 156 B rJ.ndO\\ T) ler 7 26. 27 Bre,,er. Ta,en 10 34. 152 BndJclle Aly,on 41 Bnone, haac 43 Bn,toL Logan 7. 25 26, 27. 68. 69 70. 72 76, 87, 122, 121 133 135 156 160, 176 Bn,uela. Amm1 7. 26. 27 Brock. BenJamm 43 46. I 52 Brock. J o,eph 43 50 152 Brotherton. L ucia 2. 41 68 78, 86, 87 129 154. 185 186 Brotherton \1 adeleme 7 26, 27. 68, 69 160 179 Bro\\ n Andreanna 7 26. 27, I 18, 1 19 153. 187 B ro,\n. Ca,on 30. 16 88 Bro\\n. \1oah43 107 152 161 Brunet Luc~ 43 I 44 I 58 159 81) ant, Aidan 30. 32 35 Br) son, Jan 64 B ucl,;endahL Ta) lor S5 Buehler Erik 64 Bue"cr Haile) 30, S3, 130 13 I, 154 Bue-.,cr. Tanner 43 Burcar ~cott 6-4 187 Burcar Ta, lor 17 Burde Ale·xandcr 161 Burd e '-ia1,um1 55 Burget All) '-'-1 7. 26. 27 Burget Eugeme 153 Burget.Kn,11055 74 118. 145 151 Burk , Ao}a 43 Burke. Em. 31 Burl,hal1er. Jack 7. 26. 27 75 B urton. Cal\b 7. I 5. 26 27 187 Bu ,--mg, Ameha 31. 88 98 Butler Zlchar) 55. 154 B)me J enmfor 64 94 106, 107 Caddigan Conner 7. 26 27 Cad!). l\1adehne 31 88. 91 95, 96 97. 98. 100. 134. 138 145 , 158 187 Cahill. Cohn 43. 140 Calle). Braquellc 7 19 26. 27 66 67 88. 97 130. 131 160 161 162 163. 187 Calle) Brodenck 4 3 97 152 Caluon. Bnan 2. 11 153 Campanelli 1\athan 55. 152 Campbell Brenden 8. 26 27 152. 170 Campbell l\tad1,on 31. 73. 88 98 118. I 19 153. 158, 161. 186 Campbell "•Jatale 55. 155 Campo,. Ale,,, 31 100 Capaul 1\alal1e 31 32, 73, 88 97 161 163 Carlin Greg 3 I Carlock. Ja) mie 55. 162 CarJ,on Anne 8, 23. 24, 26 27 68 69. 112.113. 133. 139. 154. 178 Carbon. Elua~th 55, 60. I 55 Carpen ter. Da\ 1d 28. 31 91 95 136, 144. I S9 160 Carpenter. l\h chael 31, 32 35 Carpenter l\1ilo 64 Carr Brenna 55. 80, 136, 159 160 Carr Tes a 28 31 82. 85 90. 9 I. 139 Carroll. R on 31 Carter Gre tchen 64. 79, 161
D} Ian 55
Cn.111 le} R,an li, 24, 26, 27, 68, 117, ]"7'i Cubbage \dnanna .12, 158. 162 Cunningham, ~fa c kenne 9, 26, 27, 176 (u,a<.:1- Qumn 28, 32. 34, 36, 76, 133 (56 183 Ct.amccki Hannah 32 Dalebmu'- t.11lc, 4 3 Dal~ mpk Kalle 56 74, 75, 11 S, 123. 153 156. 158 Dal!)mpk 1\oah 44 89 Dalton, Jack 44 Da\ld,on Grant 44. l 53. I 61 Oa\ 1d,on Mc Keh c) 9. 25 26 27, 6S 69 86. 1,3. 160, 170 Da, 1, \nedec 44 Da\t, K,fec44 142 Da,i, \1aya 32 143 D.1\1, Stephame 64 Da)tOn Jaime 64 Deal l.1,a 64, 127, 162 D.:Berard Emma 28, 32, 85, 90, 91 Dc1t1 \/1~hola, 44, I 'i3 Del Gnppo Trent 43 44 Dclmumco Julien 32 75 15, 187 DelReal. Diego 44 152 Deme,cr. Chn,tmc 6-t Dc~ h nk. Carter 2 32, 80. 88 89 91 95 96 98 Q9. )18 145 150, I 'i I I 58 160. I 62 IS., Dcmp,c} Ale·1h 12 68. 7'i, 185 Dc:n0t)\\ Chn,topher 56 152 Denk Je,,c 56. 116 l 'i1 156 Denne). Cameron 32. 158 Denn1,1on. Caleb 9 26, 27 Dentm , Julian 9 26. 27, I 39, 146 , 152 D.:rb) Chad 64 de,Garennc,. Braden 44 46 164 DeS1a10. I -.abella 9. 26. 27, 68. 69, 77 86. 133 I 56 I 75 Dettmann , De, an 9 26. 27 Deuhch Carl) c 56 74, 130, 13 I, 154 D1c_v,lm. \tan I SS 157 D1Fr:10cc,co. Cec1ha 56 Dtg1o.1corno, A,1h 56 D1llc Jae) 44 120 Dm,c,. C~,1d} M Dixon Am.1nda 2. 9. 26. 27 88, 89. 9 1 9'i 96 98. 99 145. 158 181, 187 Dolan Patrick 44 46 77 I 17, 153 Dorrell Taylor 32 Dougla, \la}a 44 Dougla." Ad1,on 44. 136. 159 182 Dougla,._ Pa) ton 32 160 162 Douthit. Thadd1ou, 32 Dove. Bnan 44 161 Do\\ ell. Ta) a 32 152 Do)le. Andrea 56 88 106, I 'i2 158 160 Do) le 1\lcgan .32. 160 162 Draller Devin I S2 Drake Al) ,,a 44 66. I 10, 131, I 54, 159 Dr.ike R)an 9 26 27. 169 Droel \licolc 32 Duarte \ hrnnda 56 Duarte Robert 32 100, 161 Duhl. T)ler 153 Duncan Lule 44 Dun,on Kathenne 44 118 151 D,\) er Laura 44 155 D)cr \t 1cla)la 32 73. 118 I 19 153 161 0) ke,. Ste\ en 32

florc , Jc,,e 3 '

f·ord Ah:,andr.1 15 8

Fo" , ' th Simon , Pablo 28 , 30 , 33,

76 , IO I l 'i6 18'

l ·o,tcr, BcnJamtn 57

Fo,ter, C.m11lk 10, 26 , 27

Fo,tcr, 1\1.inhc \l. 3 1, 33

f-rankcl , GJhncl 44

f r.u1er , Hannah I0 , 26 , 1 7

Fr.vier , l.auren 44

l-redn c k,on , fn,ton :n

Fnl/lcr , Kaleb 44 , 15 2

Fro,t , Ta) lor 57, 61

f-T) c, l1abelle 45 , 66 , 67, 82 , 8 3, 92 ,

148, 15 1, 158 , 159, I 62

Fulton , f.h1ahc:1h b4

Fun,1011 , \ l argarct I 0 , 26 , 27 , 122 ,

156, 169

Fun,1 o n , Mallh C\\ 4'i

Fume", , \111 0 1110 33, 161

Fu,1ar1 , KlauJ1a 4 5, 15 6

Gon,ale1 -Gomc1 , Oym1kal 33

Goodn c h , Rachel 5 7 , 106, 107, 152

Good,~ Elena 45 , 88 , 118, 15 3, 158

Good\\-tn , All)-,on 127,15 7

Go<xl\\ m , Angelica 42 , 4 5, 155 , 182

GOl.~h~ in , Gabncl 5 7

Gom1an , A,hlc) 3 1, 156

Go"ard 5 7, 15

Haye-. Amber 64 , 79

Haye, , M iran<il 45 , 162 , Doruth> 33 , 39, 144 , 161

H en!"\ , Chloe 58

Hen,h.1\1. , Eti,.abeth 45 , 144

Hen,ha\\-, Kathenne 11 , 26 , 27 , 106, 152 178

Hcn,lc) , Ethan 58, 152, 157

Herber- , Chad 64 , 118

Hernande, Ryder 33 39, 152

H croncma. Cand i 33

Herren , Emit-. 45

Hemng EliJ";ili 42, 45 , 49 , 51 , 78

8 3 '

He)del Sahara 26 , 27

He)del /...iha~u 7, 11 , 66 69 , 88 , 91, 9 1, 9 5, 98 , 99 , 151 , 162 , 163,176, 188

H icl.cnbottom. Jame, 45

H ickman , Elu.ibcth (L111ie) 11

H ickman Eliz..ibcth 26, 27

H ickman , Jame, 45

H ickman , O.134 , 138, 151 , 162

H icrhol,cr , J\11tchell 11 , 25 , 26 , 27, 70 , 7 I, 186

H1erhol,er, T) lcr 58 13 3

H1ggm,. ~fcgan '\4 155, 182

Higgin,. Ll\.'haf) 45, 182

Htlfcr Samuel 45

Hilton Patience 54 , 5S

C,.1bnc Colton IO 26 , 27

C,.1llc~l" , l 1c hacl 42 , 45 , 149

G.ih ,in Cordero , Aldo 57

Ganter , Ella 5 2, 57, 162 , 184

Garc1.1 Ch.irk, 33

Gi.lfe 1.i , Du,tin I 0 , 26, 27

Garcia, Jad e 5 7

Garcia Je,u, 7 2

Garc ia Kendall 155 , 157

Garcia, I co I 0 , 26 , 27 , 15 2

G.1rc1a ~atah;i 33, 101

G.irc 1a Pena , Ce,.,r 5 7

Gardea , Naomi I 0 , 26 , 2 7

Gardner , O,l;ar 57, 15 2, 162

Gamer, Ju,t in 10, 26 , 27

G.iml' II , Ab1g.11l 30 , 3 2, 1 3, J 4, 126 , 127, 15 7

G.1rne11 I•lh 57. 81 , 126 , 127, 157

Gam,on I a) lor 33

Gan.m Shannon b4

G.1,tJ \ l an,.i 2 , 3.\ 77

Ga,kell , Eh,c J O, 33, S8 , 98 , 15 8 ,


Gee , Robert 10, 26 , 2 7



Hath\lo,I) Jac k 58 161

Ha, lat Da111cl 58

lhnd, , Ton 45 , 162

Hipp ~1add1 155 , 157

H1r-t , Hannah 136 159

Hoal , Ed"an:I 12, 25. 26 , 2 7, 70 , 71 , 139, 152 174, 186

Hll.lll£ k.. htl 58

Hl~ner Sl'honem.m. Sophia 43 , 4o

Hohenegger Galen 58

Hohmann H un1er 12 , 26 , 2 7, 150

159. 173

Holl.tnder , Tn,t)n 58. 98. 155 , 158

Hollcnhc:ck l u l. e 12 26. 27

Holman hahdla 34 152 18'\

Holman Scott ,1 34 105 152

Holme, Conrad 58

Holme, , ~lan-.a 6-t

Holme, Ro\anne 34 , IO I , 11 I

H ot,gro,e ruherl)nn 12, 26 , !7.

88 , 98 158

H oltrop Ha)den ¼. 15 '\

Hllppc. Clara l , ~ 95 9", 98 , 99 , 13 '\ ISi 162 , 163

Hord \ 1oll) 58. 67 , 118 , I 19,136 , 153 , 159

Horncd,er, Dana 64 , 79

H oro\\ Ill Luke 34

Hor-man, '.i'.achaf\ 46

Honon , Ja\.'k '4 ·

H oule , Amm 46

H llu,,.r \l oll, 'i8

HO\\l,' Connor 46 48 156

H uber r\n.i 6-t

H ul:icrt.Ehot42 46 15'\. 156

H ufl Katcl) n 2 58 128. 148 I 'i4

H Renne 46 66 , 182

H unt. Abigail 58 98. 9<J , 118, 140, 150. 1s., 162 18s

H unt \,ane

f.uglc:• \}ala \anna 5 6 Earh.,n lnd1 l! o i2 69 , 91 f .a ,tep , St c \\,1n 44 15 2 Eberhard f-n c 9 , 26 , 27, 73 Edi e, /...i c hal) 32 Ed\\anh , Br.idcn 5 6 , 82 , S5, 15 2 Ed\\ a rd, , La ure n 9 , 26 , 27, 12 2, 123, 133, 15 6 P..d \\ ard, , l .c.mdr.i 3 2 E1mg , Ah , ,a 44 f lkm ,, ndrc\\ 44 Ell..m, , OIi\ 1a 56 Elh o ll , \ 1atthc\\ 56 , 84 , 15 2 , 15 6 Elh'<m , I md-.c.> 56 61 , 82 , 162 E.111 , Blal. e .32 El11 , N1 c hola, 9 , 2 .3, 26 , 27 , 17 2 Eln , ,'.a c h 9 E111 , Z.1 c h.m: ) 4 , 26 , 27, 81 , 109, 161 , 172, 187 1-:mo T) , Tn,tcn 44 F.ngc lc: , Damcon 56 , 60 , 13 6 , 15 9 En gc"cr, Caf'on 5 6 , I 09 , 155, I 61 Erg er, Ja c k 3 2 F.m,1 , Cole 28 , 3 2 , 33, 114 , 15 4 f rn,tbcrg cr , Violet 56 , 9 5. 98 , 162 E,paila, \11c:l, c 56 E, h: , , Abtg ,ul 56 H.,tradJ Galar1a , Anthon .) 44 E\\ tn g, Tn,tan 9 , 26 , 2 7 Faber , Chn,tophcr 56 , 157 fabn110 , Linda 6-t F,mton , D.n 1d 3 2 , 152 Farina, Kainoa 5 6 Fanl\\onh , Kcnn.i 4 J, 4-1 F'a, n: - l n•"on Ch,1rlottc 56 , 7'2 fa\\ cell , R.ichcl 32 , flrml ) 44 , 78, 135, 142 Fea.1ell Com 9 , 26 , 27, 152 fchrn Jordan 44 , 149, 15 2 f e hrn /.athanah 5 5, 5 6 , 75, 85 , 15 2 rein c r \1cgan 3 2, 36 , 7 3, 111 , 140, 153, 161 ~ell , Jc"u: 3 2 14 , 3 6 , I 2 3, 156, 18 3 fergu,on I Ilic 33, 140 Fcrgu,on Sydruc 56 , 140 f erraro A,hlc} b4 Ferne , f·ranc .., 33, 152 Ferne , Ja c k 56 152 fcmc , I..1uren 33, 187 Ferf) , Ni cole 9 , 26 , 2 7 Fettig , Jakob 44 F1cc o , A,hle) 44 , 7 4 , 91 , I 12 , 11 3, 155 f1 cc o , Jenna 2 , 44 , 128 , 129, 154 Field , J n:nton 5 7 Fi e ld, Bob 6-t Fierro , Sa\ an.1 44 fint l\.1clt"U 64 Finl.. Ju,11n 3 3 , 15 0 , 161, 184 Finken, Karen 6-t fi, c hcr, Cathennc 57 F1~her, ",,cll 5 7, 153 Flagg , Doroth) 10, 26
27, 88
98, 156
, Trent 10, 26 , 27
,\idan 44 , 46 , 161
f·chp.: 44 , 88 , 99 , 152, 158
\ 1an<1 4 , I 0, 26 , 27
- Bondc , 7 anc 5 7 Gen,on , ,\lcx.andna 5 7 Ger,1rd , 'l 1l hJI') 10, J2 , .1 3, 73, 74 , 8 7, IJ O , 13 1, 154, 161 Gerclt,og , J\11chacl 57 Gcm:d , Ruel 10, 26 , 2 7 Gcm1,en , Madchnn 45 , 106, 107, 15 2 , 161 • Gen., mg i \,hlc) 45 , 48 Gh,tlour. Dl)}a 57 , 66 , 67 , 160, 161 G1bh, Rohen 4 5, 15 2 G1ddm, Heather 45 , 1 n , 162 Gill , Rohm 6-t Gillan Breanna 15 5 , 157 Giraldo Sanllago 28 , 33 , 90 , 91 G1uhanelh \ 158 Gl,t" , C hloc; 3, 16, 88 , 90 , 13 3, I 6 3 Goc11 -l md Ka) lcigh 10, 26 , 17, 7 8 , 17 7 Goldman , L Ul') 5 7, 6 7, 7 2 Golthtein , ,\ndrC\\ 10, 26 , 27 , 1.3 6 , 159 Gome, , Colton 30, 33 , 14 , 117, 153 Gome,, 11 , 26 , 2 7, 70 , 7 1, 160 186 (,ome, , Jonathon 1, 162
Ree,c 45
Cha,arna, Jadc4S 118 , 15J Gon,alc, , Ro,clllal) 1 I 26 2 7, I 21 , 15 7 177
G11n1ale1, Jaquelinn,_• 45 , 118
5 , I X2 Gould f-mm.1 45 , 13 6 , 159 Graf Spencer 45 Grn" Alc,a 57, 7 2, 90 Gr.i" , Brennan 33 Gra,e, , \\ 1lham b4 Grea,cr. 11.: hola, 11 26 27 Greu, A1deo 57, 60 1'52 Greek, Sien-a 40 , 4'i 'i5 157 Green ( 1dnc, 163 Green , C ) dOC) 5 7, 59 , 6 7, 158 Green Haile) 3\ 84 15 8 , 160, 163 Green , \hie, 11 , 26 , 27, 91 Green , 1 ) ler 33, 39 , 161 Greenhalgh , T) ler 31 Grego!) , Audre,> I , 9, 11 , 25 , 26 , 27, 88 , 89 , 91 , 9 3, 95 , 96 98 , 99 , 13 8 , 15 0 , 15 1, 158 , 162, 163, 164 , 182, 185 , IS 7, 188 Gntiin Chan ce 4 5, 185 Gnllin 1 >lcr 11 , 26 , 2 7 Gnllm \\ 1ll1am, Chan -c 45 Gnrnm S.idtc 11 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27, 73, I 7 li Gnmm S un.intha 5 7, 84 , S5 Gn,ham. , 6 \ 64 , 156 Groenhol \amJnth.1 11 , 26 , 2 7, 148 Gn,,c h R,an 5 7 Gnllc\, ohi. Chance 45 , 66 , 136, 15 9 , 18 5 GT) hd.1 , LUl' ) 5 7, 148 GucrrJ , Gral.: C 45 Gucn-.i, T)ler 33, 102 , 103, 156, 161 Guerrero , Dehm b4 Guc,1 , Prc,ton 45 Gu,tahon , J\l adchnc 5 7, I 56 158 Gu11erre1 John 45 162 Gu) Kodt 5 7, 59 , S2, 85 Haclele Sara J 'i5 , I 57 H ageman, J.. athcnnc 5 7, 98 , 99 Hairlidd. Domm1c 45 Hake , f:h1al:icth 9 , 11 2.6 17 , RS , 98 , 158 H uk,, ~lakenna 45 1'i4 H.111 f l1m:,t 5 7. 60 (:, 7 80 , 158 H all Gabncl 13, 66 Hall Tam,cn 6-t Hamelin \ona 10, 11 , 2o 27, 141, 148 Hammer S)dOC) 57 Hammontree Holl\ ,o 32 , 3 68 Hamp, H .mnon) 5~ 'i 7 60 , I 55 Hanle) , E,an 57 Hanneman. P.itnck 5 7 Hannkk Jo,eph 3J H un,,.•n Ort:'\\ 5 7 Han,cn f miht 5 7 Han,on Kai 11 24 , 26 , 27 Hard Hak') 58 , 159 H.1rder \l 1ch.iel.1 33 Hard1np L,trr} 6-t H nrmon Bni) den 58 152 Ham \l)''a 'i8. I S8 Harp E:-.h1.ihcth 45 49 H nm, P.uec 45 H,in R,1111,1 '58, 61 I 'i6 Ha,ck Otakar
46 H unt. Ian S6. 'iS. 9'\ 95 99 150. I 51 I 58 t 62 163 H u,k1e \utumn 12 26 27 , 16 1 H u,kic Tn,tan 4 6, 15 4 H u,wn \lei.andcr 46 Huh.:hcn. Lon b4 H uh.:hcn,, Ancl 2, 46 H utching, Collm 34 183 H u) lcr Samuel 34 H }land Brnndon 30. 11 , 34 I 15 152 H} nd, \ l .ikcnn.i 4 'i 46 Ibarra. Arn) 58 Ibarra. Jadon 58 l barr.i. 58 Idler, Bcnjamm 58, 6 1, 145 154 162 Idler B randon 34 , 14 1, 154. 160, 161 , 162 Jae ,on , Chandler 12, 26, 27 , 174, 179 Jack..,on Haley 34 Jacl..,on. Lee 58 Jacob,. Rachel 14. 160 Jacob,. R ..,an 58 Jame.. c;leh 58. 152 Jame.. Gage 4o 89 185 Jan..en. John 42 -io. 149 J ilf\1...._ J ulie 64 Jan 1'. Tm) 58 Ja~1cr. Anthon) 14 Jep ke.. Emil) 30. 34. 102, 1 1J. 154 J erome , Ha"' ken 58 J c:,._-.en. Chn\ta 64 J imenez. Emil) 12. 26. 27, 136, 159 J iron , Heather 34, 66 Johannc... , Ale, 1, 4o J ohn M ichelle 12 26. 27 88, 98, 158 J ohn,on Cai tl in .34 36. 73. 11 1 161 J ohn,on. Erin 58. 61 110 155 is-. 162 163 John,on JaJ...e 12 21 23 25, 26, 27 152 l 1 0 J ohn'°n Jared 34 78 102 103, 156 John,on. Liam '4 John,on. lad1,on 58 John~on. ~t aia 58 John,on. l\l a.\ 4o John,on. J\ lta 12. 34, 37 126. I ,7 157 John,on. Noah 58. 102, 103 I S6 J<•ho,to n D ommique 34 SO Jone,. Ak\andcr 34 102 103 I<;(:, Jone,. Ath,on 34 Jone,. Camde n 55 58. 132 Jone,. Duncan 4o 161 Jone,. &he 58 Jone,. \1 argaret 58 I 17 157 Jone,. l\ te rednh 59 Jone,. Sabnn;i 7. 12 26. 27. 66, 73 74 110. 131 154 Jo} n. J uliet 34. 134 155 Juba, Sarah b4 Kacher- I..) ata.,ha 59 Kaeding. Zia 4 6 66, 74 130. 13 1, 154 K.impo, Ill Koa 3 I, 3 4 , 73 , 133. 161 Karo.Connor26 27 70.7 1 Karo.ten. '\ 0ah 34 Ka,e l. k.. ) le 11. 26, 27 Keener Set h 'i9

Ling\l.orth) t\1 chn<Lt 64

L:mham Josh 64

tapom tc Nayeh 13 26. 27

Lara Camacho, Le. ly 46, I 53

Larson, Mac:IJ son 46, 71, 122, 156

Larson, Zakary 13. 26. 27. 140, 152

Lauenstem, Logan 13, 26, 27

Laurita. Makay l a 2 4 l5 26, 27 171

Launt.a, Makyala 13

Lawhorn. A lisha 64

Lawl e.c;.-,, Clifton 13, 26 27

Lawson Blake 59

Lee, Juan 46 49

Lcc-- Findhn g, Raine 55. 59

Lee-Fmdhng, Rigel 13.26 ,27, 148

Lc1c:1Jch. C'ory 46

Lemoo. Ben 35, 37, 85. 139

Leo. Stefan 46, 4 7

Leopo ld , Leonard 35

Lewan , Samantha 4 5. 47, 78. 128,

129, 154

L1cdllce, Collin 47, 48 , 156

Lm. Ahce47 , 122,156.158. 186

Lmd, J ac k 35

Lrn d-.ey. M ae 1 4 7. 67 158

Lloyd, Kassandra 59

Lockie. Sara 35. 91 , 100

Lockwood, K y le 13 26. 27. 68. 69 70, 71. 73, 76, 79. 87, 162, 180, I 86

Lotk. Danielle 59, 112, 155 158

Lolk.. Saman th a 26. 27

Lolk. Sammie 13 Longona, Charle., 47

Longona. Cha..\C I 3, 26, 27

Lopez J aime, Hector 47

Lopez J aime, M aium1 h ano 42, 47 ,

149. 153

Lopez S uare,. Leonardo 47

Lopez, A nt onio 59

Lope, Braulio 30. 35

Lopez. Kyle 13. 26, 27

Lopct- Di u. Br-Julio 34

Lord , M a,on 59. 161

Lov10g1er Ju,un 59

Low J u.,nrna 55, 59

Low Pau1 65 Lu Jmqy1 59

Lucero, J alen 13 , 26 27 I 52

Lu cero. M egan 35, 98, 158

Lud ford. Katelyn 47 78, 135 156

Lugo Uncl 59. 152


Malmgren-Gallo, Antonio 26. 27,


M alone, Co hn 8. 14, 26 27

Man ci ni N1c.hota, 3 1 35, 83, 87

115. 152

Man er-J.. Mara 52.. 59, 72.. 74, 79 83, 130, 131 , 185

M anera, M arcus 35

Manl ey, Zaebanah 59. 152, 156

Mann , J aycob 14,26,27, 100, 106 107,

M elick. A ll y 2 15 26 27 88 89 96. 98, 145. I S8 187

M endota. P aul 65 , 159

M eneses, J eanan n 65

Menzor, A bJah 28, 36. 38, 73. 90. 91. 100, 16 I

M en1or, Tnnady 47, 100, 101

Meqw M arice I 36, 10 I I 06, I 07


Mequ1. M aura 60

M e mman , Jaden60 161

M e..~ Gabnel 4 7 M e.-.serh, Eleanor 54, 60. 142

Metcaffe. Comnn e 40, 44. 45 , 47

Metcalf. Chri sun 47 72, 88

M etcalf. S h anae 4 7

M eu. Mik e 65

M eyer, Ashlyn 162

M eyer, J usun 47, 88, 91. 95 96. 98, 99, 138 139 145 , 148 150. 151 158, 162 187

M eza-Coon!,, Genevteve 60, 122,


M eza-Coons. Laura 15 26, 27, 78, 122. 113. I S6

Mi chaeli,, Cameron 60

M1ddl etoo, Mak ay la 60, 118, 140,


Middl eton Mak enz1e 60, 118, 1 19

140 153

Milan Keenan 36, 160

Milan R yan 36, I 07 141 , 152, 164

M1 lczek, Victona 36, 38 68. 75, 97,


M illar. Cameron 15 26, 27

M1ll er, Addie 60 Mill er. Alexandna 47 J62

Pablo 52, 60, 80 9 1, 95, 98, 99, 150, I 85 Mal\uo, R yan 60. 61, 162

M ayo Cheyenne 35 M cAdoo, Theron 28 35 114 , 141, 154 M cCall, Kaylee 47 McCandless, Ohvia 42. 47. 82.. 158 M cCann, M anna 47 126, 157 M cCarro n Cali 60, 66, 72. I 30,

I40 , 154

M CCart, Cnstofer 14 , 26, 27 152

M cCanney, Cacla

M iller. Kaia 36. 66. 69, 88, 95 98,

99. 143. 151. 162, 163

Mill er. Lukas 60 161

Miller. M ax 4 7

Milt e r , Patn c ia 65

Miller R eno 47 182

M 11ler, Tim 65

M iller. Wilham 47 , 49

Mm or. Ltlltan 36

Minyard, Lance 47 153

Mit chell Adam 63 65

M11 ebell Audrey 58 60

Mnchcll. Emma 36, 133

Mitc h e ll Noah 36

Mobley, Jeans 4 15 , 26, 27 71, 136, 148, 159. 160,161

Mo1ta, Carolina I 5. 26. 27

Moldauer Sundo 15. 25 26, 27, 68

M ollendor. Kenna 60, 72

M onahan H aley 28 36. 73, 91

M onderen J ohanna 15. 2 1, 26. 27

Montgomery, Kathryn 65

M ontoya. M ca.klo 47

M oody, Enc 15. 26, 27. 168

M ook. Weston 36, 56, 98, J 50, 158, 159. 163, 164

Moore, Jack 30, 36. 38, I 24, 115 132 l 33, 156

Moore James 60, 158

Moore, Katherine 42, 48 , I I 3, 155


Morales , Eh,ha 15 26, 27, 84, 136

137 159

Morales Gabnela 65

M orales, Oswald 6S

Moreau, M ats 36, 153

M orgenstern. Enc 65

Morrell, Kage 48

Morri s, Kate 15, 26 27 69 75, 122, 123 156, 160, 169 Mo ssberger, Manah 36 Mo~berger. Troy 48. 152

Mulkins. Je~ica 36, 91

Mulligan. Alys~ 48


Mulligan , Caillynn 36 Mulligan, Cohn 36. 156 Murphy A1slmg 48

Kclblc Regma 46, 156 Kelle) Kaitlyn 2, 46 Kelley. M1t ch ell 2. 34. 73. 77, 83, 88,89 91.92 93,95,96,98,99, 138 145, 150, 151. 158, 162, 163, JR Kcnnilh. Jeremiah 34, 80 KcnnJ.h. Raymond 46 k.cnnedy. Amanda 34 Kennedy. Dawson 30, 34, 152 Kenyon. Robert 34 Kep ler, Aden 2, 52, 59, 15 4 , 183 Kem , Grace 28, 34, 84, 90, 9 I, 95 98, 99. 139, 150.160, 162, J85, 187 Ker.Un g, Gracie 40, 46, 155 Kilinch, Defo e 58, 59 72, 82 Kim, Alexander 34 Kim, Nichol& 59 Kimball Will 59 Kmg~ley Qumt 46 K1rlham, Moll y 46, 99 100 150, 158. 159. 162. 185 Kir-.chner. Kathryn 12, 22, 26. 27, 70. 174 186, 187 KJable. Coch 12. 26, 27 Kl ane, Megan46,99, 149 150, 151 161 I 85 Klem. J oshua 35, 100 Klin ge r Bade) 2. 35. 83, 88. 89 96,98. 102,112,113, 138,139,145 154, 158. 187 Kh ,. Johnny 46, 93, 99 150 151, 158. 162, 163 Klu cbcr. Dill on 35, 73, 133, 161 Kluheo. Eliz.abeth 59 60, 88, 98 99, 150, 158. 162. 186 Knapp. Cheyenne 46. 84 95 , 136, 156 159 160 Knapp Zane 12 26, 27 104, 140 152 Kne.ile. Acacia 35 Knees ke rn , Matthe w 12 26. 27 K°'h [l11.abeth 3 1 33, 35 70, 80, 87 135. 162 Komorai. Blak e 46. 88, 95, 98 99, 158. 162 Kott camp. Greg 64, 145 Kottcamp. Krist10 64 Koury. Davi d 54. 59. 132. 153 Kral.,, Hannah 155, I 57 Km L,. Tia 155. 157 Kremer. Rowan 81 163 Knngel. Jak e 52. 59, 154 Krohn. Sarah 59 Kru-.chel-Pau lw n , Raleigh 59 Kubo ta. Kauo 59, 82 Ku chta, J enn ife r 13 26, 27, 135 161 Kuhn,. Liberty 150 Kurns. Luca, 59 Kyler He1 d 1 35 137 La. Anthon) 46 Lacy Lon 64 144 Liggt: Jess1ca 13 26, 27. 88. 96. 98. 158 Lal. Gcetali 42, 46 78, 99. I 22. 123. 156 Lambert. Joshua 46 Lammer.. Kailcc 155, I S7
Carl 59 Lmdmark. Garrett 54. 59 133. 154 l~e Hannah 150
Alexis 35 Langworthy Chase 13 23 26 27. 7'l, 71. 152 186
Courtney 35 Lusk. Connor 136, 159 Lyle, H ope 30 35, 95. 98. 151 158 Lyons, Bcn;amin 35. 99, I 58, 159 M a. Th oma, 13, 26. 27 84, 160 M ac. Ka y, Rebecca 59 158, 162 M acCallum, Emma 14 26, 27 122, 123, 156 160 161 186 M achovma. Grace I4 26, 27 78 88. 158 M ackell, Connor 55, 57, 59, 153 M ackell, Lauren 14, 26 27. 68. 76, 128, 129 133 134, 144 154, 166 185 Madayag Mi chael 35. 70 M addox. Dylan 59, 152 t\.fodd ox. H eath 35 39 M adsen. J o..eph 30, 34, 35 105 124 152. 156 M adsen. Katua 35, 136. 137 Mae,ta., Luke 59 Mah anke Trc\ or 14 26, 27, 7 2. 15 1 16() Makl ey, AhJah 47
Ethen 2 35, 88, 89, 96.98
Gallo Antonio 14 l\,lalmgn:n Man-.a 35 73, I 61
152 M archal, M atthew 65 Mann M ayra 47 Markov1eb. Emma 14 , 22, 26, 27 68 , 69. 73, 79 87 135 141 , 144 160, 162. 163 Markovich, Samuel 59, 153 , 156. 162 Marl ow. Chloe 13 , 14 26, 27 Marl ow, Dylan 59 Marqu ez. Adrian 47 Mar.h. Abigail 35 M arshall, CaJhe 4 14, 22, 26, 27, 184, 187 M ars h al l, Shawn 59 M an.hal t Tatum 2, 40. 47 128 129. 154, 185 M aruoez D uu.., Victor 35 M artrnez. David 47 Martyn us ka, BafTt 65 Martynuska. Keith 65 M artynu<,ka., Taylor 14 , 15, 26. 27, 88, 89, 95. 96. 98, 145, I 58 173 Ma..,on. S kylar 60 M athewwn James 14. 26. 27 M athias, Dylan 55, 60, 152 M atluas. Shaye 35, 73. 91. 120 M ato.,- Eymar
155. 157 McClellan d Alexander 47 M cC le ll and Amber 11 , 14 26, 27, 142. 183 M cColtom. Eden 35 80 McConnell, Shane 31 35 90, 139 152 M cCorklc. M ackenzie 3 1, 35 87, 134. 135. 161. 162 t-.1cCoy Danan 47 McCoy, Devm 14. 26, 27. 140 180 M cCurdy. Antoinette 60, 61. 72, 73, 98. 158, 186 M cDonough. Caitlin 60. 182 McEnroe. M ia 60. 73. IOI , 122, 156 M cE nroe, Shae 35, 91, JOO 101 M cGaugh, Ausan 35, 161 McGaugh , Miles 47 McGhec. Logan 35 McGrath. Ruby 47. 66 McGregor. Wyau 161 McGwre, J ack 42 47 149, 152 McKay. Caitlin 15 25, 26. 27 68. 69 76. 1S6, 177 M clane, Cameron 15. 26. 27 148 M c Laughlin Ben 60, 133. 156 t-.1cl..aughlin , Jack 30, 32 33, 36. 156, 182 McLeod. Zachary 60 78. 102 103 McMJnu,. Evan 36 MeManus, Shea 36. 39 McStr.iw Cod} 2. IS, 23. 24. 26 27. 69. 73, 79. 87, 116 147 153, 175 Megargce. A.mar.i 60. 158 Meier Georg 2. 15 26 27 153 Mel c her, Dylan 42 47 149 161
Logan .i0, 36, 38, 90, 102, 103 , 149 156
Parker 60. 102, 103, 156 Murra y. Kathleen 4 15, 26, 27, 69, 73. 79. 87 130 131 154. 16 1, 162. 164, 166 Nader , an 52, 55 58, 60 152 Nankerv,s., Nattah e 40. 48 74 75, 118, 11 9, 153 Nasky, J ackson 16. 26. 27 Na5uck, Alexander 36, 38 67 72, 137 Neal. Kal yn 48, 78 Neal. Kylee 36 Neal , Sierra 16. 26, 27 Neely. Jason 65 NeeSm1th, Ausun 48 Ne ill M azie 48. l 08 160. I 6 I Nelson Bailey 36. 67 Nel\on Con\lance 16, 26, 27 Nelson. Emma 60 Nelson Jesse 158 Nehon Ray 65 Newell Samue l 48. 158 Newson. Emma 48. 136 , 159 I 85 Ngu yen Erruly 16, 26 27 73 135, 160, 163 Nic hols, Obsidian 60 Nickell Diane 6S N ic ke ll J ame~ I 16 26, 27 150. 160 161 188 Nicknai r Delaney 16 26. 27, 72, 184 Nicknair, Kendal 58. 60, 72, 84 85 N 1ewiarow1cz, Daniel 61. 158 Ninke Elizabeth 61, 84 162 N 1-,h1oka. Mi chael 65 Nis.:\, Jacob 36. 38 I 02, I 03, 125 132. 133 , 156 Novak, Bntt.any 61. 67 Novak , Cade 36, 152 Novak, M aitwell 16, 26. 27 Noye.,;, J ayne 58 61 I 82 Noyes, Oreo 36 O'Bnen W1l11am 16, 26, 27, 152 O 'Co nnell. David 48, 152. 156. 164 O'Connell , Gavtn 36. 67, 109 161 O'Connor, Cody 16, 26 27 O' Hara. Erin 4 8 O'kelly, Hil ary 65 O 'Ne ill , Isabelle 61 , I56 Oaktief, B rennan 43 48, I 08. I 60. 161. 162 Oakhef, Megan 16 26, 27, 109 148 160, 16 I , 187 Oberholtzer, Cas\andra 52 61 148 162 Obcrhoh2er, Victona 16 23, 26 27, 69. 84. 86. 87, 133, 180 Ohlen. Kurt 65 Ohlen. Mercedes 48 Ollweiler, Lauren 37 Orduno, Gaemme 28, 36, 37, 73, 85, 146. 159 I 61. 163 Ore~kov1ch, Charles 65 Ortiz John 65 Ortiz Savannah 65 O,ada, Ehas 37, 49 70, 71, 134, I 86

Outekhmc, Ana,ta,1a 48, 155, I 58 O,crhoh, \,er. 16, 68, 69, 79. 87, 133, 134, 144 156, 161, 169

O\C:rholt, Mackenna 40, 48, 71, 78, 83,87, 113,143,162 ...

Prc,ton, J,1dc 61, 67, 72, 155

Pre), Hale) 61, 118, 119, 126, 127, 148,153,157

Pre), \ 1aKcn.i 37, 126, 127, 157, 187

Pre), S)dne) 17, 26, 27, 103, I 26, 127, 157

Pnor, l.c,hc 37, 19

Prog.1r, Charle, 48, 152

Pro"cr, ,\u,un 17, 26, 27

Pro,cnc10, A)dan .is, 153

Purtu, Tri:, or 61

Rohen,, \\'endy 65

Roh1e, fo~ton 49, 99 150, 159

Rodanc, Randon 65

Rodngue,, Angel 18, 26, 27

Rodnguc,, 38

Rodnguc1- l .e<,n, Y~nunc 62, 118, 140, 153

Rog,tud, Andre\\ 18, 26, 27

Rohlf, I tnd..c) 18, 26, 27. 148, 160, 161, 184, 187

Rom.1n, Alce 52, 56, 62, I16, 152, 158, 159

Romero, Karnrcn 49

Scl,cr. 8arb.1ra 65

Sc,enn, Alc,1 2, 38, 158, 159, 162

Sc) mour, Lauren 65

Shackett, Ja-.on 65

Shafter, Bo 155, 157

ShJrJld, Herlen 54, 62

Shar.11d, Hu,Jen 38

Sharpe, Blake 62

Sharpe \fad1-.on 38, 158, 186

She.1. Kn~ta 6, 19, 26, 27, 142. 179, 181

Shelton, J ~ob 38, 67, 140, 141, 161

Shemc,h, N1chola, 50

Stor., Lauren 28, 36, 39, 7 • 141, 16 I

Strain-Re,na, Jaime 50

Stratton, Brooke 39

Strock, Emil) 39, 143

Stroup, Jack ,on 39

Stro,. Kc, in 62. 8-1 Sud,, eek,, Graham 62, 81

Summer-, Jame, 65

Summe"•Fnth, Dahn 39 Sund. Ka)den

Page-Roth Jack,lln 61, 139, 161 P.11,le), ,\mcnca 37, 155, 182

P.1hcn, A,pen 31, 32, 37, 67, 73, 87, 88, 161, 163 Papro,l;1, Grcgel') 16, 26, 27

1'icole 16, 24, 26, 27, 69, 77,

84, 86, 87, 141, 1-t.i, 160, 161, 162, 171

PJTkcr, A ,pen 37

PJTkcr, Dc,in 37, 91 Parker. Kathanne 65, 67

Scottie 16, 26, 27, 141, 1-t.i, 161, 166 Parker, \!ictona 2. 37, 38, 68, 97 P.1nm. Brfonna 61 Pauhon, Ca,,1d\ 48, 118, I 19, 126, 127,153, 157 •

Pcdr.v.i.. D.1m1an 37

Pendleton, Cameron 37, 145, 152

Penn, Emm.1 I 7, 26, 27, 80, 142. 146, 147, 160, 182

Penn, Jo~ph 37, 100, 160

Pennell, Logan 17, 26, 27, 169

Pennell, Recd 61

Pereira, L)dt.1 61

Perman, K1eran 61

Pemun, Scan .17

Pcm, Dominique 37, 92, 132, 144, 146, 147, 149, 159

Pt:m, \'mcen,o 61, 132, 152, 159

Per.;chbacher, K.1cl 48

Pcr,k), l<lll 61, 136, 153, 159

Per,ky, t'_..ichat) 4, 17, 25, 26, 27, 69,73,87, 103,153,162

Peter-, T amm1e 65

PeteN:n. Han, 43, 48, I 54

Pctcf'-on A -.J 48, 156, 186

Pc1teng1ll Br.1nd) 37

Pham, Henr. 1~. 26, 27, 88, 89, 96, 98, 99, 150, 158, 162, 163, 185, 187

Phcnna, E thcr 17, 26,

Qumtuna, Jo~ph 48

Romero, 1\latthc\\ 62

Ro..e, Color.ido 62

Ro--cncr, JonJthan 49

Ro,hak, E, an 136

Roth, AHfan 49

Rothenberger, Ca\,Jd) 37, 38, 95, 98, 162

Rou,.aud ,\!Jdclyn 43, 49, 143

Rubio, \1an'><.I 38, 91, I00, 133

Ruh10, Miguel 38

Rudin, Lha 65

Ru11, l.111) 150

Rumle), :\1ad1gan 62, 95, 99

Rupp. O11\cr 62, 152

R)an, D1ondre 38

Shepherd, R)an 158

Sherman. Tro, 50, 152

Sherpa. Pa,an·g 38

Shcmxl. Ste,en 38, 152

Shem Hannah 50, 66, 74, I JO, 131, I 54

Shim Piper 38, 73, 84, 160, 161

Shi e Samuel 38

Shottenk1rk, Kelse, 62

Shull An1',a 50, 156, 160

Shull Chn,tophcr 38, 99, 153, 160

Shulte SI.) 19, 26, 27

S1g.1la \ 1adel) n 62. 118, 153, 157

Simco\, Cide 2, 4, 19, 25, 26, 27.

116 153

Simco:,,, \\'e, 62, 153 Lu1,ennque 37

R.idchfl, P.11gc 164

Rago, Todd 65

R.imire,. Jo-.elyn 17, 26, 27

Ramire,, Lorraine 65

Ram-.a), Bnttan)' 65

Randall, Ben 17, 26, 27

Ra.ndall, Cole 61

Ra.,mu,,en, ~hkl.el 49

R.1th,, Jo,eph 61

Rat\\ a), t.1ad1-.on 66, 183

Ra), D) Ian 17, 26, 27

Redding, John 37, 161

Redding, o., 17, 26, 27, 69, 168

Redmond, Ka1.1 61, 67, 155

Recd, Chn,topher 65

Recd, DJTren 18, 23, 26, 27

Reed, Tn:\(1r 49, 94, 152

Rec, e,, Carl\ -19

Retch, t.1imnda 62

Reid, H~,on 65

Reunef', atalte 61, 62, 67

ReimeT'>, oclle 37, HXl, IO I, 159, 161

Remh.u-d, Chace 18, 26, 27

Remington, C.11tria 62, 182

Rcpme, Grant 49

Re)nold,. A,hlec 37

Rc)nold, Julta -'9

Re} nold, R) Jee 62

Rhoten !'lioah 18, 26, 27, 107, 152

Rhoten Seth 52, 55, 57, 62, 115,

149, 152

Rice, Au,tm 37, 7J, 107, 152

Richard, Alain.1 18, 26, 27

R1chanh Stephanie 49

R11.l.ct,on. Katelyn 62, 84

Rico H ugo 37, 66

R1dlc,, Daniel 40, 49, 71, 91, 9-t, 107 i52

R 1dlc), Maureen 42, 49

Riffle, Janae 49 70 I5S

Rile\, Grace 155 157

Riley. Lauren 18 26 27, 128, 129,

1S4 177

Ritter Kadm 37 161

R t\em Cahcn1c. ( ·n,tina 18

R1\t:ra. Angelica 62

R l\cra. Cn,una 26 27, 91

Roach, Delancy 26 27

S,1hi1 <hh \\'}alt 55, 62, 154

Sado,,,k1 Ja,on 49, 161

S.1la1JI SJmuel 62

S.1lindcho Ad.1m 62

Saltu-. Sicrr'J 40, 49

S:un '\ath.1n 62

Samucl,on, Jenna 49, S2, 85, 95, 162

Sane he,, \'mcent 49

S.1nc he1-:\1unoz, Johana 38

S.indcr-Olhoelt, Qu) on 49

Sandcf'-. GrJce 31, JR, 73, 87, 91, 100 1,5 140, 141, 159, 161

Silndlo\\ Ka) a 49, 88, 91, 95, 98, 99 150 IS I 158, 162, 187

Sau \\e1l 18, 26, 27, 101, 152

SJ,1 Rean 62

Sa,1 Rem} 38

S\:i1Tdello Oonan 49, 160

Schaefer. \ 1.ul)0 49, 50, 78 1kherer D)lan -19, 152, 157 S\:her1 Kathf}n 38, 157

Simmond,, Liam 19 26 27

Simond,, ,\1atthc\\ 38

S1mp,on, John 38 105 152

Singer, Zachar) 38

Skeen, OhHa 62, 158

Sl.elton, Co<h 62, 158

Sl.clton, :\1onigan 38, 158

Skile,, Parker 19, 26, 27, 152, 166

SL.inner, Jame, 62

Sl..oma--a, Grant 50, 152

Sk\\arek. Jo,hua 19, 26, 27. 1-15

Small, Ja,on 4 \ 50

Smathef'-, Dc,in 19. 26. 27

Smeal, Tanner 62 152

Smale\, Hanna 38 143

Smith: Baile) 62 156 158

Snuth, Bo 19, 26. 27

Smith, O, lilO 50. 15-l

Smith, Heidi 49 SO 160

Snuth. Ju~tin 62

Smith. '\;ata,, a 62, 155

Smock. Kn,un 65

Sno\\ -\h) ah 62. 66, 6 7 I 58

Songer, Maia 5-1. 62, 66 110 I 31,

I 36 145, 154. 159

So\\ er, Daren 65

Sparl.,, l\1.1lach1 50. 185

Spauldmg Kathenne 65

Spa\\n, J ulie 28. 30, 38, 66, 67 135

ISO 159. 160 161

Spencer K,an 36. 38, 73, 90, 16 I

Sp1ekermann. Caitl)n 19, 26, 27

Sp1ckem1ann. Sa\ana 38 Spnn,k), Grant 19 26. 27

Sprut:111, Emma 156 160

Squier Fore,t 37. 38 137, 1-13

Stampka. Enn 59, 62, 66

Stark Br.1d) 50, 161

Stark. J ohn 3S. 73, 130 I 3 I 154

Starke), Sydnc) 19. 24 26 27. 68. 69 ~3 79 86, 87 133 160,162

Sta) 100. K) le 38

Steam,. l\ htchel 19 26, 27

Ste'- Emil\ 62

Steck Charle, 38

Steinman Ahb} I 55 I 57

S teinman Rachel 155. 157

Sterling K ile) 62 84 182

Ste, en,. K,1lc) JO. 'l8

48. 99 157, 160

P rehn Dc,in 61. 152

P rcnllcc Aidan 61

Pn:,, Au,un 17

P rc,ton. Cameron 34 36. 17 71 101 122 123 133, 140, 1-11 156 161 183

Roach Delao) 18

Ro.irk. Emma 62 98 99, I 50, 15 1, 152 162. 185

Robbin,, Ra,) n I 8, 26, 27

Rohen,. A.lea -19

Robert,, Emma 49, l 02, 112, 154

162,178,187 Segur, A,a 62. 67 72 Sehell, Brad\ 'l8 Seigneur, Paul 38 IM Seigneur. 7.1cha1) 50 Scka,cc, Chn,t1an l S'l Sckavcc Chn, t1an 62 Sellinger, Fh-.ubcth SO 9 -t 152

S te,,art Corban 62

Sto, 1. mg Kathenne 39 100 IOI.


Stoner. R ile) 32 13 35 39 124, 125 156

Storr-.. Shclh) 19, 26. 27

27, 10.\ 135, 160, 163 Pieper. Chatl)n 61 Ptno. Audre) 61, 127, 148, 157 Piper Katl}n 37 Pitman. Alicia 61, 67, 92 Pttt, t.1}nah 17, 23, 24, 26, 27, 68, 69, 112, 113, 133, 154, 175 Plotkin, I.ill) 4, 14, I 7, 26, 27, 136, 159, 161 Poggeme)er, Ha)'ICC 37 Poggeme)er, Lace) 48 Poli, ,i, Dino 61 Polo, Cn,11an 65 Pomeroy. Logan 61 Ponic,an Eric 65 Pooh:. Kyle 17, 26, 27 Poole Tra\1, 61,152 Po,k1c, Ella 48, 94, 152 156 Po,kte, Layne 17, 23, 26. 27 I 06, 107, 152, 170 Po,t, Abigayle 48, 80. 136, 159, 160. 162. 182 Poulo, Call\ta 61. 67 155 Pou lo,. \.\ yau 17 39 Powell Ohvta
62, 73 81. I 54 Schott Julian 18, 26, 27 Schra!,? BcnJamin 38, 139 Schram Blake 49 Schroeder,
61, 62 66, 6
145. 162 Schum.icher,
74, 83 130, 131 l S-1 Sch\\at7 Ak1r.1 17, 18 26, 17 67, 73. 78, 121, 130, 131 154 157 Sch\\ar,. Auror.1 l 7 18. 26. 27 67 73 81 122. 130, 131 154 IS6 187 Sen, ner Jc"c 38, I ~2 Searl, Gr.tee 62 106,107,152 Seco,I.). Dean 4 19. 26, 27, 79. XI, 83. 88, 96. 98 99 104,138,139, ISO, 151 152 158,
Rolf 65
Stella 2, 55, 57, 59,
Grnc~· -19, 122, 156
Jamie 49,
12, 19, 23, 26, 27, 77 I 24. 125. 132, 133, 147, 156, 182 Sund Kendal 50, 156 Sundarapura. Chankrit 62, 152 Sundeen, Dane 20, 26. 27, 140 Sundeen.Samuel20,26,27 Sunon, Came 65 S\\amston, Zane 20 S\\an-,on, Alea 62. 80 $\\ an...on, Jacl; 50, 152 $\\eel, Quentin 50 SYtner, Cullen 62 Tabu)o, Diego 49 'iQ Tahmoura,1, Ah 50 102, 103, 154 156 Tallent haac 26. 27, 152 Tait,. Catthn JO, 39, 66, 67, 77, 150.' 159 160 163 Tamburro. \ 1an:u~ 20. 26, 27, 106, 152 Tate, Tn,tan 62 Ta)lor.Anll.J31,39,69.11'!...113 154 163 Ta, tor, Tanner 20, 26, 27, 136, I( , 159 168 Telgener Liam 62 152 Te ten~. Al) ,-.a 20. 26 2~ 88, I0-J, 158 160. 161 174. 184 187 Teten,, Jacquel)n 62 145 161, If,_ Teteri,, Leslie 65 Te,es, Amanda 65 15'i Tiw,tlC\\ ood, Adam 39 s~ 125. 132,133 l'i6.162 ThoemL.e Jo,hua 50 I 'i l Thomp,on. Carter 55. 62. 152, 156 Thomp,on, Faith 50. 72. 111, 15S Thomp,on Kebe) 11, 20, 26, 2 70, 73. 170 Thtlmp,on. '-athan 62. 84 117, I ,;3 Thompson. Tada:;h1 62 75 152 Thom,on Stephanie 65 Thum1m ~11chael 65 Timhn. Baile) 50 Tindell. Tanner 20, 26. 27 Tolben. Janue 20. 26, 27 Tolbert. Jeffre, 62 Toler. Shelb) 39 92. 93 Toler. S)dne} 20 26, 27, 135, lt- 1 162. 163. 175 Toon. Ethan 2. 50. 153 To\\ n--end. Alexander 50. "7 I0.1 138. 151. 153,16 1 Tra) lor Shelb) 54 62 132 I S5 Tm, ,er Gabriel 39 Tra)~Cr Kathar)na 20. 26 2 , 88, 98. 136. 158. 159. 186 Trellman. Rachel 20. 26, 27 71. 1-'I 144. 160. 162. 173 Trembath. Br)nnc 62 158 183 Tnpp J anna 65 TruJ illo. Kadcn 63 152 Tubb,. Jo,hua 39 Tufan o, Katthn 52 63, 72 Tufano, Ta} lor 31 39, 73, 86, 87, 133, 135, 159. 160, 161, 162 T urner, M a,imilhan 19, IJ4, 154 Tuten J ake 39

21 25 26 , 27, 108 , 115 161 187

\\'h1t,on. Ethan 39 IOI, 134

\\ b1tson, Reed 55 63 I I-4 I S4

\\'hill. Bnx:k -43

\\ ilcoxen. Dobhran 51

\\ 1lkm~. Tru 63. 72 158

\\ 1lkm,on. Onon 39

\\ 1lhil1Ils. Amanda 21 26. 27, 73

\\'1l11am-.. \1atthe,, 63

\\ 1lham". Patrice 21 , 26, 27

\\ 1lh~.

T\\111), Hunter 50. 107 151 152, I ~8. 160 T) rrcll-Ead, Janet 65, 139 Uncl -.andra 48 50. 66 158 Va1,, ann) 65 Vale nu Isabella 63. 144 Valentine. Kaden 63 V:ilen11ne. Rile) 39 69 \'ahentc Anana 50 83 130 131 154 158 159 \ allin Serwrnow~k1. Sk) Jar 40 50 Van ,01e Ba) lor 39 87 V:m :-;ote Lauren 39, I 00. IO I , 134 159. 161 \'an Note. Leah 50 78 VanSchaardenburg. Ale:1;a 40. 50 70 Vardaro, Trevor 63 Vardaro. T) ler 63 \'a..guc:,. Kel!.e} 63 Vaughn. Ian 39 Vega uvaro Ro,1e 56 61 63 145 158, 162 Veldman. Jad,<.On 20. 26. 27 Vcrlc:ger \1oll) 65. 84. 160 Vermeulen. Rohen 63 84 \ e;;tal, \\b1tne} 65 \'1cl..ers, Hani~on 50, 72 \'1gil, Al)s.~ 20 25 26, 27, 68 69. 133. 176 \'i2il, Andrea 63 Vigil, Halli 20, 26, 27 Vigil Tre,or 63. 136, 159 Villa. Rile, 21 , 24 , 26, 27 Vogl. Sam.ucl 63 \\agner. A e:\andra 50 Wagner \\'ilham 21. 26 27 179 \\'aim\ nght T J 21. I 04 148 \\'amwright, Thomas 22 21 26, 27, 152 Watn\\right. \\'illian121, 26. 27, 73, 77, 79. 109. 161 163 187 \\aite. Sadee 50 \\ akelleld. Jaden 50 85 \\'.ikelield. K)la 63 Walker Jetfel) 2L 26. 27 \\'aJlccr K)le 21. 26. 27 107 152 \\'alkow1c2. Trac) 65 Waller. S)dne} 21. 26. 27 Wattc:f\. Jack 40. 41 50. 152 156 \\ altz, Ab1ga1I 39 68 \\'ard Je,--e 21 26, 27 \\ ard Ka-.c, 50 \\'ard Sela 59, 63, I S5. 158 Warner. Andre,, 51 106. 107, 152 Warner '\11chol~ 19 Warner. Reade 21 26 27, 109, 161, 173, 187 \Varner, T ate 5S. 57. 63 109, 161 \'atcnnan, Jack,on 63 \\' ahon. MadeJah 49 SI 66, 130, 131. 112 154 \\ ebb. De lane) 126. 151 \\ eber. ~facli,on 63 \\ eb,ter. G\, en) th 51 \\ eei.e Ehza 39 \\ ehner R, he 21, 24 , 26 , 27 , Tl , 157. 180 IR3 \\ehner. Taha 63. 72 \\ e1gel Cale 63 \\ e1hcnma)er Emma 39 84 85 160 \\e1ler John 46. 51 109 160 161 \\ c1mer Ja,on SI \\ e1r BcnJamrn 39 153 \\ elh Roger 63 \\en,el. Connor 39 \\ enzel. Gner 39, 80 \\ emar... Braeden 39 \\ e,t Alexandra 42. 51 \\ e,t. Baile) 51. 156 \\ etch haac 39. I 00. 149 \\etch Kendall 52. 63 \\'h11e. l....Jurcn 40 51 78 86 87, 156 \\'h11e. Sadee 51 \\'hue. Spencer
Bnttan) 39 , 67, 89 \Vihon. Abb) 2 , 21 , 26, 27 , 73, 7-4 , 130. 131. 154. 161 \\ ,!,on , Ashton 39 \v1hon. i\1ax 49. 51 \\, iJ,on. Pearl 51. 98. I 58 \\ 1mb1'h. Jonah 51 J 53 \\ rnchcster. Jordan I S5. 157 \\ mche,ter. \.1aclenz1e 155 I S7 \\ mdcll. Poner 51 16 I \\'1se Caroline 51 78 183 \\ 1,e, Emil) 63 \\ 1,e \ioah 21. 26. 27 \\ 1-.ehan. Chn•aopher 22 26. 27 \\ituck1 \1aIT)ah 63. 122 156 \\ 1tucl1 ~1ichael 51 \\ of,e) Lill) 19 54 73 82, 129 154 185 \\ of--e) \\ 1l10,, 63 98. 99 150. 185 \\olfe. \1ae 156 \\olmai.... Justin 22 26 27, 161 \vood. Sam 65 139 \\ oodard. Lrnu-, 51 161 \\ ood,,ard , J a), en 63 \\ ool,e), Andrea 2 19 77 88 98. 158 \\'ol'!,ham. Ta) lor SI. 78 152, 156 \voutef' Gunnar 60. 63. 80 \\ nght-Klef'\.h Chloe 63 155 \\'ubben. Samuel 39 139 144. 152 183 \\ ull<.tern, ~fac) 22. 26. 27 \\ ulbtem, ~1ttchell 63. 152 \\ urzbacher. Ale)..ander 22 26, 27 \Vyckoff R) lee 22 88. 98 145 \v) ck off R) Jce--ann 26, 27 I S8. 178 186 Yang K}he ISS 157 Yarno Seba,t1an 51. 152 Young Roman 63, 1S2 = · ·.·.· " " ,...:,,.-,._--r ·««~ ,., '. ~- •.• «>i;<{«t1:Cii•t~-'li~ t" t ..,:«.,:-.,u_~:.( ,(~(!'It.< _ BaIT) 22 26 , 27 Zamora. i\ltchael 52 63 152 ZJ, ahk,. Hannah 'i I 91 Zhao. N'oah 4 7 51 Ziegler. Sk)e 51. 118 136 I 'i3 159 Zucca. \1ad1,on 46, 51 1 87 -- - --·-• - ·-.......... ·-- -------.:...
, . ........ ,.• ~,e- -:. -,.=.• - • ,1 , ---.;,t~ ~---·-_,, ~ §7 •-. - ,r - .J5•=-· -:c
BASEBALL GREATS POSITION AL WINNER TEAM POSITION NL WINNER TEAM p Dallas Keuchel HOU p Zack Greinke ARI C Salvador Perez KCR C Buster Posey SFG 18 Mitch Moreland TEX 18 Anthony Rizzo CHC 28 Ian Kinsler DET 28 Joe Panik SFG •• I 38 Adrian Beltre TEX 38 Nolan Arenado COL ss Francisco Lindor CLE ss Brandon Crawford SFG LF Brett Gardner NYY f Starling Marte PIT CF Kevin Kiern1aier TBA CF Ender lnclarte ATL RF Mook1e Betts BOS RF Jason Heyward CHC
• / · VI
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• Things your parents did but you may never do : • Miss your favonte TV show or sit through all of the commercials • Roll down the car window manually • Use a printed paper map on a road trip • Rent a movie that the person before you d i d not rewind • Use a printed encyclopedia to do homework • Look for a phone number 1n a book • Develop a roll of film to see pictures taken • Hear a typewriter • Use 1- 800 -COLLECT ...
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Spring Break

Spring break 1s a great way t o relax before the hectic l ast weeks o f school This year , many students traveled together. whrle some traveled with their family , or stayed rn Colorado The week of spring break marks the st art of the final push to the end of the yea r and however you spent rt. the break 1s a great rn cen trv e to keep work i ng hard until summer!

('ci.liforu io Seniors l rn ii Tessa Carr ( 11) and Emily Jepkes ( 11)
,. " ' r ,r -.. • •.,. / • '•

Senior Serrninar

Senior Sem is a great way to meet new people , create bonds. and travel the country all while learning through experimental educa tion Its about education outside the traditional box Students develop pr ob lem solvi ng skills. maturity, people ski ll s, and gain real world experience Students parti ci pate in a lot of co mmunity se rvi ce and h i kes throughout the semester, as well as seve ral out of state trips


Senior Sem went on many trips such as : Phoenix , Tu scan , the Grand Canyon Santa Fe Albuquerque , San Diego, Taos , Washington D C. and a bike trip in Moab The trips included information on snowcaves. a science based trip in which students learn about desert ecology, D C where government is taught, the sou thwe st which i s informa t ion is l earned on history of the land , the bike trip of the Kokopelli Trail reaching fr om Moab , UT t o Fruita , CO and an end o f he year philosophy presentation

enior 'enlinar 3
Ca lifo rnia Loca l Hikes

TIME TO MAKE A splash! ...

The boys swim and dive team had an awesome season' Cory Le1d1ch ( 10) came 1n first place during the 200 meter freestyle , with a time of 0 1 46 42 Tyler Cohan ( 11) also got first place 1n the 50 meter freestyle with a time of 22 seconds

Congratulations to the entire team'

4 ,.. , J)O r l s ..,

Hit the Slopes!

The Golden students on the Jeffco Ski T eam had an amazing seaso n H ayden Holtrop ( 11) a nd M egan Oaklief ( 12) qualified f o r th e St ate Champ1o n s h1p s and b oth received va r s ity letters Th e team won the s t ate championship for b oys 1n both giant s l alom and s lalom a nd th e girl s won th e st ate 1n g iant s l a lom and 3 rd 1n s lal om . Everyone on th e team had s u ccesses thi s year. and th ey a r e a ll excited f o r what the s ea so n s to come h ave in store

• I-Joys SH •in, & Sl1-i 1 'e an1 5
H' orc l you u se to cl esc rib e skii n g ?
F:rh il<t ro.t i11.g Megan Oakllef ( 12) EJJ i c Molly Bab1tz ( 10)

TIME F.QR SOME GIRL • Gir l s Go lf & Tenn ~ i s

Both girls golf and tennis had amazing seaso ns Varsity tennis qualified for State Ma ken a ( 11) and Sydney ( 1 2) Prey both qualified for State 1n golf " Golf 1s my favorite s port to do here at Golden ," says Ashley Gerw1ng (9), 11 1 can't wait to come back and play again next year" Each grrl on the tenni s and golf teams have made the be st memories and friends

• 6 1>orts

What 1s your favorite part about tennis?

" My favorite part about t e nnis 1s watching the others grow, and sp routing new friend s hips " Kendal N ickna1r (9) Kindness

" My favorite part about tenni s 1s hanging out with all my friends ." Lauren Story ( 11) Caring

" My favorite part about tenni s 1s the team , how we are c lo se, and that we are a ll a big family II Sydney Toler ( 1 2) Teamwork

()irls Go lf&· TeH His 7

BASEBALL 7innin 1 a e

boys bas e ball

Welcome to GHS baseball H ere at GH S you have three different teams you can make. however they are all one family " We are the underdogs We are a band of brothers that never stop f1ght1ng to ach i eve what we want We p l ay not only as a team. but as a family We are the Golden High School Demons " Victor Martinez ( 11)

Who ,s your favorite MLB team and why1

The Giants, because Mark Melancon plays for them and he went to Golden Jacob Douthit ( 11)


The Angles , I admire the players and how they work as a team Jackson Stroup ( 11) TEAMWORK

The T i gers, because I have f amily that li ve out 1n Anne Arbor M1ch1gan Max Allen ( 11)


The St Louis Cardinals , because I was born 1n St Louis. and my heart belongs to the gateway of the West Pabl o Foursyth-S1mon ( 11 ) HOME


Bus Rides

I love going to soccer games mainly when they are away games The bus rides are incredibly cheerful and fun We listen to music on the loud speaker and sing along to the lyrics Everyone sings at the top their lungs and dances to the songs, we might not all be great singers and dancers but thats what makes the bus rides fun When everyone starts to get hungry we have a small snack and Just have great conversations throughout the bus ride By the time we get to the game everyone 1s 1n a great mood and is ready to win a game

Mari ce l A'I e qui(11)

• B o.lJS Ba se l Ja ll & G ir l s. occe )·

It' s Time to

The GHS Girl 's Lacrosse team has had a wonderful season With several wins this spring , the team has created another GHS athletic program that Is on the nse and proving to be tough compet1t1on for their counter parts Each member of the team has said how truly great the sport Is because they get to make so many friends and share their wins and losses with so to the Maxi many great people -N Capau!

Gi r l 's La c ross e

What do you like about playing la c ro ss e7

11 Play1ng lacrosse Is s o much fun , I' m not a very c ompetIt1ve pers on but I love the c ompet1tIon on the field 11 - Katie Kir sc hner ( 12)


" lacrosse 1s a very aggressive sport which I really like, a s well I hke the opportunity 1t provides to make friends " -Mari s a Malmgren ( 11)


11 1 like 1t becau s e it's a great team bu1ld1ng experien c e and it' s a great way to stay active " - Mercedes Ohlen ( 10)


11 1 play lacrosse because it's a super exh1larat1ng sport and I l ove that I can make friends through my teammates " -Maura Mequ1 (9)


..,. 10
"' ' • .... · -~


My Last Season

H arrison Chamberlain Is a senior at Golden High School this year He has been an all around amazing student and lacrosse player "I have so much fun playing lacrosse have big hopes for the team this season I am excited for what we could accomplish The new coach Mr Thum1m Is amazing and his posItIve attitude makes the game more exciting and enJoyable " H arrison Chamberla i n ( 12) # 24 Harrison ,s going to be missed next year by the school and the team -A Palteo

S e nior Y e ar

/41 L a 11

T1~ack & Fi el d


Our GH S Track and Field team always seems to be ra1s1ng t he bar higher and higher every year ' W ith many great l eaders both on a n d off the t rack, several experienced seniors, and encouraging c oaches lead i ng the way , Track and Fi eld 1s al ways ready to represent Golden H igh School and perform the i r best' -


"I always t ry to eat a good breakfast. get a short run in. and have a pep t alk with my teammates before I compe t e ' - Sabrina Jones ( 12) DEDICATED

" Putting on my uniform always reminds me of who I compete for and why I compe te "· Keenan Mil an ( 11) MOTIVATED

" I always t ry t o eat healthy and hydrate a lot so that I have enough energy t o perform my best."


" I always have t o eat before I warm· up. and no matter what I listen to my music It helps me foc us" • Zach Chapman (9) CONCENTRATED

1 ~ 'JJO)" {S ..,.
Runners , time to
, •
I '

Endure to the End

Marcus Tamburro { 12) 1s one of the few seniors on the Track and Field team this year Marcus spec1ahzes in the 800 Meter and 1 Mile runs. both of which take a lot of intense training All of the long distance runners have to adJust their workouts depending on what they want to work on that day Some of the workouts include long endurance runs and shon repeated, uphill sprints Marcus has been a pan of the team for 3 years now, and even though he isn't continuing Track in college, he still plans on cont1nu1ng to run the rest o f his hfe If Track has taugh t Marcus anything 1t 1s how to endure to the end in " long distance " situations where you JUSt feel hke giving up -B Calley k lal'"CUS Taniburro


• T ra ck <t H(l Fi e l < l 1 3


This year's Junior and Senior Prom was he l d at t he Museum o f Natu re and Science 1n Downtown Denver! Students were able to exp l ore and dance among the Ma rs sand and some very intrica t e animal exh1b1ts'

Student Council has put in a lot of working to making sure Prom is as exciting and unique as possible!

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The term " Prom " co mes from the word Promenade which was when a pair would enter into a ballroom and be announced as a couple Lu ckily, today, everyone 1s welcomed t o Prom whether they are in a big group, with Just their date, or nd1ng solo' Henry Pham ( 12) Carter DeMink ( 11 ). Oz Hickman ( 11 ). and Zach Singer ( 11) take a moment away from their beautiful dates to take a picture with "Just the guys " (Top) Captured below 1s En c Eberhard ( 12 ), with his date Emmy Adams ( 11 ). and Troy Sherman ( 10) with his date, Kelsey Thompson ( 12) Pr om 1s an exciting night that can be enJoyed by all 1

Th e runners up for the Prom Fashion Show, Cody McStraw, and Avery Overholt They ended their routine 1n this dramatic power pose co mplete w ith flawless hair flrp , and what dance would be complete without Cody's "s i gnature move "

Prom Royalty

This year 's prom King and Queen went to Cody McStraw and Avery Overholt After they were crowned they shared this adorab l e moment on the dance floor as they belted out the lyrics to therr frrst dan ce as Pr om Royalty!

Fashion 1lou, & P1·on1 15
Tanner Taylor and N1kk1 Pans take home third place at th e Prom Fashion Show thanks to their great chemis try on stage and to this 1mpress1ve tn ckl Tanner and N1kk1 s troll ed up to the fa sh ion show pairing a classic white tu x and embroidered dres s

Audrey Gregory, student director, was thrilled to be given this amazing experience to learn more about directing.


In the 1950 communism invaded Hollywood , which created a mass crusade to route out the red menact GHS Stage Right Production ' s fall comedy , " Red Scare On Sunset " satiri cally addresses this epidemic l fast paced and wild show addressee everyth ing from 11th century Engla1 Ru ss ian samovars

On the 4th , 5th , and 6th of May,"! Scare On Sunset11 was performed 1 the Golden High School aud1tonun The entire c ast and c rew had a bla tran s p o rting th e audience to 1951 H o llywoo d

This 11n be e n til e >>zo t ivork Iliav e put i>1to a sliozv. It's i>zcre clibly exciting to lza ve th is O]Jportu >l ity, espec iall :t 1t1h e>1 directing is goi>1g to be l>ly >>zajo>· in college.

Audrey Gregory ( 12 )

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Zahava Heydel ( 12) plays Mary Dale a naive movie star trying to hold onto her American way of life while her friends and husband are corrupted by Communism Pictured above Mary 1s confronted when her bes t friend Pat. played by Amanda D1x1on { 12) acknowledges herself as a Communist 8('<-tH(l(ll Mitchell Kelley ( 11) IJc,uger Kaya Sandlow ( 10) ln,eri<·a Justin Meyer ( 10)

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