Parking Management Program Launches
Ordinance Goes Into Effect on May 1
New Pro Prepares for Golf Season
Parking Management Program Launches
Ordinance Goes Into Effect on May 1
New Pro Prepares for Golf Season
Welcome to the new Golden Informer! Inside, you will see a new look and feel, showing off the same great City, full of information about who we are and where we’re headed.
Golden is a full-service City. I say this often to legislators and other mayors, new residents and business owners, and groups and organizations in town and across the region. Many of you know the full breadth and scope of the work of the City, but here’s a reminder that the City of Golden is one of a dwindling number of cities that does it all.
Well, “does it all” doesn’t mean absolutely every public service. Golden residents also receive excellent services from Jeffco Public Schools, Jeffco Library, county agencies, and others. However, what most people think of as core municipal utilities or services are provided by the City team. The City of Golden runs our own water utility, Fire Department, and Parks and Recreation Division. Many of our neighbors receive these services, and pay the associated property taxes, to special districts. Each of those districts has its own budget and board of directors for decision-making. The City of Golden manages our water utility, provides full public safety services including police, fire, and emergency medical services, and maintains a tremendous portfolio of parks, trails, and recreation amenities. This is all done under one budget and one elected decision-making body, City Council.
The list of City services is broad, and you can read about specific efforts in this Informer. Economic Development helps businesses in the City start here, stay here, and expand here. The Thriving Communities Grants program supports individuals in our community and addresses new housing needs as well as preservation of existing housing. Sustainability advances City climate goals to reduce our water use and impacts to the landfill, and to improve the quality of our air. Finally, in the category of “things not all cities manage” fall areas such as our public cemetery, golf course, and history museum.
Good cities provide quality services every day. Great cities look at opportunities to continue providing quality services for decades to come. To me, that means managing the changes that are happening now as well as setting the City up for success to address future changes when they arrive. It means making big investments before problems occur as well as trying new ideas to incrementally improve.
Golden is a great City. We have seen booms and busts over our long history and are currently in a strong position. Individuals and families want to move to Golden, businesses want to locate here, and many people want to visit. Managing impacts during the boom times is essential. Identifying and implementing plans to serve the Golden community of the future is critical. I am grateful for the dedicated professionals who work for our City, our elected City Councilors, and the many volunteers who serve on boards and commissions. Collectively, we take the long view so that Golden can thrive now in 2024 and for many decades to come.
Laura Weinberg Mayor, City of GoldenWhile the Informer may be quarterly, there are a number of ways to access up-to-date information happening around the City, delivered straight to your email.
Interested in receiving a weekly update from the City?
Sign up for Golden’s newsletter, the Weekly Digest, at
Want to stay in the know on emergencies?
Sign up for Lookout Alert at
Want to provide meaningful feedback on City projects?
Register at
Join us on social media and stay informed and updated on City of Golden news and information.
Looking for athletic programs, camps, or memberships?
Sign up for the monthly Parks and Recreation email at
Photo submitted by Suzanne Restle through the Golden Love Notes Contest. Suzanne has lived in Golden for 25 years and enjoys every season through her camera lens.
In 1934, the state of Colorado demanded that the City stop sending its untreated sewage into Clear Creek. It was not until 1956, when Coors agreed to treat our sewage, that we stopped doing so. In 1997, the Colorado School of Mines research institute was torn down, but it still controls the south side of the creek mostly. In 1998, mines in Blackhawk and Idaho Springs got superfund site cleanup, and we opened our new water park, so the creek as a recreation site is only a few decades old. In 2012, the City commissioned a report on water and aquatic life quality, and found that bank erosion impacted both quality measures. As stewards of this important resource, we have an obligation to balance recreational needs with the protection of the creek. Hardening some of the access points and closing off others may serve several functions over time if we choose to limit creek access. Allowing too much access to the stream bank is not good stewardship.
We can enhance stream aquatic life if we manage bank erosion, appropriate creation of eddies for fish to rest and shade, fish passage through the kayak park, and debris from users. There are myriad competing issues associated with the creek, and while our stewardship has improved markedly in the last few decades, we also need to understand as a community that neither unfettered access nor zero access are options. There are no silver bullets (Coors pun intended). We are taking aggressive actions in 2024 to manage the creek and try to find the right balance, and we will report later in the year on this topic.
Remember the quiet streets and clear skies of the pandemic? We do too. City Council is working to preserve this feel while creating a vibrant City aligned with our Vision 2030 plan. While Council and City staff will always focus the most time and money ensuring professional delivery of core services including plowing streets, safe police and fire services, clean and plentiful water supplies, awardwinning parks & recreation, and a flourishing small business environment, we are also addressing new challenges and delivering concrete quality of life improvements for residents:
• Clear Creek: We are improving access for locals, environmental restoration, partnering with Jefferson County Open Space, adding shuttle services and limiting tubing for responsible tourism on Clear Creek to lessen crowds and environmental impacts
• We are recommitting to address loud highways, tackling speeding, and enforcing parking codes in neighborhoods and Lookout Mountain, and partnering with CoorsTek and Mines to mitigate impacts from more than $1 billion in construction over the next decade.
• We are continuing to improve pedestrian and bicycle mobility, including new stop lights for downtown!
• We are prioritizing seniors, addressing housing issues, and providing resources to people experiencing homelessness, developing equitable services and a sustainable environment to improve public health.
And we are maintaining the heart of who we are as a healthy City by preserving and improving our parks, trails, Community Center, and the historic South Neighborhoods Bachman property.
Passionate about strengthening Golden? Contact your City Councilor, join a board, subscribe to the City’s weekly newsletter, be a part of our Comprehensive Plan update, or visit the new City website launching in May.
Laura Weinberg Mayor
303-384-8179 lweinberg
Lisa Vitry District One
303-358-0444 lvitry
Rob Reed Ward One
303-503-5945 rreed
Council Chambers | City Hall, 911 10th St. | 6:30 p.m.
April 9* May 14* June 11*
April 23 May 28 June 24
*Study sessions begin at 5 p.m. Check online for up-to-date information at
Patty Evans District Two
720-295-0080 pevans
Paul Haseman Ward Two
303-513-2310 phaseman
Don Cameron Ward Three
Bill Fisher Ward Four
Public comment is welcome on the agenda at all regular business meetings. You may also send comments to City Council directly at
You can email; comments submitted before 3 pm of City Council meeting days will be added to the public record.
Sandra Llanes City Attorney
303-384-8012 clorentz@
Jeff Hansen Finance
303-384-8020 jhansen@
Kristen Meier Human Resources
303-384-8017 kmeier@
Joe Harvey Police Chief
303-384-8030 jharvey@
Meredith Ritchie Communications
303-384-8132 mritchie@
Kasey Beal Fire Chief
303-384-8090 kbeal@
Jiles McCoy Innovation and Technology
303-384-8063 jmccoy@
Monica Mendoza City Clerk
303-384-8014 mmendoza@
Rick Muriby Community & Econ. Dev.
303-384-8098 rmuriby@
Tammy Tucker Parks and Recreation
303-384-8120 ttucker@
Theresa Worsham Sustainability
303-384-8117 tworsham@
Anne Beierle Public Works
303-384-8153 abeierle@
Sarah Vaine Thriving Communities
303-384-8075 svaine@
The Historic Preservation Board will study the City’s historic preservation policies. The current preservation program was last updated significantly in 2008. Beginning in April, City staff will work closely with a historic preservation consultant to review the policies, engage with the community on best practices, and determine recommendations for reviews of new structures within historic districts and additions and renovations of existing historic buildings. Watch Guiding Golden for upcoming engagement opportunities at
Stay tuned for a new look and feel of the City of Golden website. The new site is being built with you in mind, to make your experience easier, better and even more golden. Keep an eye out for an email in late Spring announcing the launch!
2024 brings several opportunities for Golden residents to be involved, stay connected and voice opinions with Parks and Recreation Division initiatives. Staff will conduct public processes for the Division Master Plan, Open Space Master Plan and older adult programming. Keep an eye on www. guidinggolden. com or stop in the Community Center to get more information.
As part of the Heart of Golden vision City Council gave direction to continue work toward a design of a new three-story City building at 10th Street and Vasquez. Next steps include engagement of an owner’s representative, design team, and general contractor to participate in the design process. In addition, as we progress on this multi-year project on the eastern end of the corridor, we will re-engage with the community on the amenity and community-oriented aspects of the entire Heart of Golden plan throughout the rest of the corridor.
Visitor impacts are often on our mind as we move into summer and think about ways to manage the influx of people we see in Golden, but it is important to remember it wasn’t long ago that downtown storefronts stood empty. With renovation and redevelopment, beautiful seasonal landscaping, and additional parking, downtown Golden once again attracted new business investment, often by local entrepreneurs, and bolstered the local economy.
A recently completed Golden Tourism Economic Impact Study showed that visitor spending in 2022 resulted in a total
The City of Golden is currently developing a conceptual design for five blocks in the east downtown area. The plan focuses on enhancing pedestrian safety, improving on-street parking, adding landscaping, enhancing public art, and introducing other amenities in the public rightof-way. Primarily centered around Jackson Street, the goal of this project is to ensure a unified look and feel for this vital thoroughfare that complements the anticipated redevelopment of several properties along the corridor.
We value your input! Public engagement opportunities began in March 2024 and will continue throughout the Spring, offering opportunities to review project alternatives
of $191.4 million in direct visitor spending and $5.97 million in sales and lodging tax revenues to the City of Golden.
Visitors to Golden encourage the number and variety of businesses we have, along with their contributions to our economy. Today, our thriving City offers a vibrant mix of specialty shops, restaurants, housing, cultural attractions, and outdoor recreation that serve residents, as well as visitors from the Front Range and elsewhere. This visitor spending helps to drive our local economy. Through direct visitor spending, Golden’s jobs are supported, and sales taxes are generated which helps fund many municipal services and capital investments, such as trail and street improvements, parks and open space, and even the new Ore Cart transit service.
Read more about the vital role visitors play in keeping Golden vibrant in the Golden Tourism Economic Impact Study on the City website.
$191.4 MILLION
The City is proud to partner with Interstate Parking Company of Colorado, LLC, to launch a new and improved, simplified parking program starting May 1, 2024. The program will apply to the entire City parking system, including permitting, enforcement, ticket and fines, and community and business outreach. This new program aims to help remedy the various technologies and systems used to manage the parking system that often resulted in frustration for residents, employees and visitors.
Interstate has demonstrated a more efficient and customer-friendly approach to parking management, successfully operating in many nearby cities including Morrison, Idaho Springs, Breckenridge, and Frisco.
Interstate Parking Company has a website you can take a spin around at, or you can join us at a pop-up event at the Golden Visitor’s Center on the following days:
Tuesday, April 9 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 10 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Golden Resident Permits: All City of Golden residents are now eligible for a city-wide permit that will allow residents to park for up to two hours daily in the downtown garages, surface lots, and Community Center lots without registering at a kiosk or the pay-by-phone system. Residents planning to exceed the two-hour downtown free parking (excluding the Community Center; see Community Center under Parking Regulations for more details) will need to pay using the pay-by-phone system. If you would like to register for a Golden Resident Permit to get simplified access to two-hour downtown parking daily, register at; you must register for this new permit. This city-wide permit is in addition to a neighborhood parking permit required within certain neighborhoods.
• Downtown Residents: If you have an existing 2024 permit, it has been transitioned into the new program, and you do not need to do anything for this permit. You will need to register for a 2025 permit at Please visit to register if you need a new permit or to learn about the revised fee structure.
• Neighborhood Parking Permits: If you have an existing 2024 permit, it has been transitioned into the new program, and you do not need to do anything for this permit. You will need to register for a 2025 permit at New permits can be obtained at Please contact the Golden Parking Ambassador via the website with any questions or concerns about your existing permit or for assistance registering for a new permit.
• Parking Regulations Are Mostly the Same But Here are a Few Changes to be Aware of: Current downtown parking regulations expand to seven days per week, matching 10th Street and the neighborhood permit parking zones.
• Community Center Lots: To ensure parking is available for Community Center patrons, both lots now have time-limited free parking on weekends, Friday through Sunday, May 1 through September 30. The 10th Street Community Center Lot has twohour free parking with a Golden Resident Permit, and the 8th Street Community Center Lot has four-hour free parking with the same Resident Permit. Register for the Golden Resident Permit at Guests participating in activities inside the GCC for more than four hours can contact the front desk for assistance.
• Guest and Contractor Permits: Please contact the Golden Parking Ambassador at to obtain a permit. City Council will review the guest and contractor permits later in 2024 to determine if any changes are necessary.
• Downtown Employees: Existing 2024 permits have been transitioned into the new program. New permits and information regarding Downtown Employee parking regulations can be obtained at Interstate has been working to contact downtown and neighborhood permit zone businesses directly to ensure employees are registered and coordinate on regular permit updates.
Please visit to learn more about the improved parking program or contact Matt Wempe, Principal Planner, at or 303-215-8884.
The City offers some incredible parks and amenities for you to enjoy all year round, but they are in full-swing come late spring! Did you know that DeLong Park and Friendship Garden, located across from History Park, use only natural and organic products for maintenance of all plants and grasses in the parks, creating a safe and healthy environment for Golden’s community and the wildlife that call this park their home? Check them out on your next spin about town. For more information visit
Golden has 24 beautiful miles of paved shared use paths. As a Thriving Communities grant recipient, Bike Walk Golden (BWG) has compiled “trail side” tips that encourage courtesy and etiquette, an action identified in the City’s Bike/Ped Master Plan, to make our City paths safe and fun for everyone.
Riding, running, strolling or rolling on a shared use path?
Courtesy can make your day. Some of the tips Bike Walk Golden want to share with riders and walkers include:
• Share the Trail
• Pass Carefully
• Mind Your Speed
• Be Aware
• Safety for Children and Pets
• Be Visible and Communicate
Visit with BWG at one of their tent sites to learn how to be a trail user who leaves others feeling great. Grab a giveaway as a thank you!
Wednesday, May 8, 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Shelton Elementary on Bike to School Day
Saturday, May 18 (weather permitting), 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Clear Creek trail west of the RV Park
Tuesday, May 28, Golden Bike Cruise, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. 13th and Arapahoe
Tuesday, June 25, Golden Bike Cruise, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. 13th and Arapahoe
Wednesday, June 26, 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Vanover Park on Bike to Work Day
Visit for more information.
Beverly Heights Park 2151 Lookout Mountain Road
Cressman Gulch Park 1292 Mesa Court
DeLong Park 395 23rd Street
Discovery Park 2300 Illinois Street
Golden Bike Park 4471 Salvia Street
Golden Heights Park 16401 West 2nd Place
Heritage Dells Park
316 Crawford Street
Hockey Stop Park 17533 South Golden Road
Lions Park 1300 10th Street
Lions Park Ballfields 1300 10th Street
New Loveland Mine Park 1309 5th Street
Norman D. Memorial Park 602 North Ford Street
Parfet Park 725 10th Street
Rimrock Park 1625 Utah Street
Rooney Road Sports Complex 1625 Utah Street
Southridge Park 17450 West 16th Avenue
Tony Grampsas Memorial Sports Complex 4471 Salvia Street
Ulysses Sports Complex 1205 Ulysses Street
Vanover Park 1019 Ford Street
White Ash Mine Park 255 White Ash Drive
W. 6th Avenue Overpass Park
19th Street over West 6th Avenue
The Golden Police Department recently entered into a partnership with Restorative Jeffco to pilot a youth restorative justice program that works with the criminal justice system to divert criminal cases to their program. If the program is completed successfully by the youth, the case is then cleared from their record. The program is designed to focus on the root causes of harm and violence through nonpunitive accountability, promotion of healing and repair, and the prevention of future harm while keeping youth out of the criminal justice system.
While the criminal justice system asks what law was broken, who broke it, and how to punish them, restorative justice asks what harm was done and to whom, what needs are there, and whose obligation is it to meet those needs? It is a program designed to bring the youth who
has committed harm, the person who was harmed, and the community together to work through the event in a meaningful way and achieve an outcome that makes a difference for everyone.
The City pilot program will consist of five cases that will be sent from Golden Police after identifying a crime where criminal charges could be filed, and they believe the case could be resolved through restorative justice practices. Cases will be reviewed by Restorative Jeffco through a suitability assessment. If selected, the case would move to a community group conference for repair, healing, reintegration, and decreased recidivism.
If the pilot is effective in the City of Golden, the department could enter into a long-term agreement to continue the program.
On July 10, 2023, the City of Golden launched a Compressed Workweek Pilot at the Golden Police Department (GPD) in which GPD employees moved from a 40-hour workweek to a 32-hour workweek. The 6-month pilot concluded on December 31, 2023. Due to the positive trends of data across the Department, the City will continue the pilot for an additional six months through July 1, 2024, and is considering expansion of the pilot to other departments within the City using similar evaluation methods and metrics.
With Golden’s commitment to safety and service as a top priority, the pilot measured dozens of metrics and sought to not only maintain but improve service and productivity across all roles. Using tools of time management, meeting efficiency, and process improvement through classes, training, and evaluations, the data is promising. In addition to faster response times for Priority 1 Calls comparing July – December 2022 and 2023 data, increased self-initiated activity in Code Enforcement and Patrol, Police Chief Joe Harvey stated that the compressed workweek schedule has improved morale and employee health while reducing stress. Additional departments in the City were identified in March, with several departments joining the pilot program in the spring. City officials are continuing to gather more
data and evaluate productivity while reviewing how work responsibilities and policies may impact employees differently.
No city-wide permanent decisions are expected until 2025 at the earliest. The next community meeting will be held on August 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the City of Golden Council Chambers.
The Golden Fire Department, comprised of over 60 career and volunteer firefighters, undergoes rigorous all-hazards training to ensure readiness for various emergencies, averaging 6 to 8 responses daily. Emergencies range from fire and medical to motor vehicle accidents and technical incidents like swift water, ice, and rope rescue. Renowned regionally for expert water and technical rescue training, Golden firefighters spend countless hours honing these skills annually. They host ice and swift water rescue classes, drawing firefighters nationwide to train in Clear Creek’s cold snowmelt waters.
As spring thaws ponds, creeks, and lakes, dangers of traversing thin ice escalate, with hypothermia setting in rapidly, leaving little time for rescue.
Every rescue poses significant risks to both victim and rescuer, with outcomes uncertain. Caution is urged: Keep dogs leashed near water, and avoid uncertain ice thickness. Spring also brings increased outdoor activities in and around Golden, where accidents prompt highskill backcountry rescues. Golden Fire collaborates with neighboring agencies for these complex incidents.
If you are planning to explore our great outdoors, carry a charged cell phone and water, and inform others of your plans. Dress in layers for unexpected extensions beyond daylight. Remember, hypothermia poses risks on land and water. Prioritize safety, plan wisely, and be Golden this spring!
Let’s Ensure Golden Remains Safe for All Its Residents as We Embrace Outdoor Activities.
As Golden gears up for warmer weather, it’s time to shift our focus from indoor to outdoor fire safety. Spring cleaning of your yard and outdoor areas can be equally as beneficial as preventing fires in the home during colder months.
Here are some essential steps you can take to protect your property this spring:
Trim bushes and remove dead trees: Creating a defensible space around your home reduces the risk of fire spreading. Dead vegetation is highly flammable and can easily catch and spread fire.
Bag yard waste or start composting: Remember, open burning of yard waste is prohibited in Golden.
Clear flammable debris from your roof, gutters, and under your deck: This prevents ember ignition, especially during dry spells. Remember to not trade one risk for another; if unable to safely use or climb a ladder, hire a professional to eliminate both risks.
Check grill safety: Inspect propane tanks, regulators, and connections for damage or leaks. If a problem is found, consider a replacement grill or make the appropriate repairs. Grease and soot buildup can lead to fires, so clean regularly and replace worn-out parts promptly.
Adam Finch, PGA, was named Fossil Trace Golf Club’s new Head Golf Professional in December of 2023, setting the stage for an exciting future for golf and recreation in Golden. Adam, who has been with the City for 18 years, understands what a special place Golden is and how important recreation, and especially golf, is to the community. Golf programming for both adults and children can create lifetime golfers, where the golf course can be a center for family engagement.
The professional staff at Fossil Trace embrace the special opportunity that exists as both a destination golf experience and a recreation amenity in our community. One of the strengths and continued goals for Adam and his staff is to create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone, whether you’re traveling 3 or 300 miles to play on the course.
Did you know that a percentage of daily tee times at Fossil Trace are for Golden residents only? If you are interested in golfing at beautiful Fossil Trace, visit or call The Golf Shop during business hours to confirm your address and municipal status. Once confirmed, your tee time profile will be set up as a Golden Resident, and you will see more availability of tee times.
For more information about Fossil Trace and resident information, visit
As part of the City’s efforts to promote Healthy Housing, City staff are exploring the benefits and drawbacks of implementing a rental registry in Golden. As the first step in determining the future of a rental registry, renters, landlords, property managers and other interested parties are encouraged to participate in several engagement opportunities detailed below.
The purpose of a rental registry is to create and maintain a comprehensive list of long-term rental properties and relevant contact information of landlords, tenants and property managers. This information would enable swift and effective communication from City staff in emergencies or for official city matters related to rental properties and help the City gain valuable insight into long-term rental properties, including aspects of health and safety, transit, and affordability.
For further information on Healthy Housing in Golden and to stay updated on engagement opportunities, please visit www.guidinggolden. com/Healthy-Housing.
Whether you are a student, teacher or retiree, the City of Golden’s Parks and Recreation Division has a wide array of fun opportunities offering work-life balance. The Division is comprised of Fossil Trace Golf Course, Clear Creek RV Park, the Golden Community Center, 19 inviting parks, and 24 miles of trails, including the Clear Creek Corridor. If you are looking to enjoy the outdoors, work with children, or provide the very best of customer service, Parks and Recreation has a fit for everyone. The Division offers opportunities to work on a team or independently with flexible hours. You can bolster your resume and meet new people with similar interests. Pay is competitive with rates starting at $17.93 per hour. View all opportunities and apply on the City of Golden website.
The City is committed to incorporating community feedback into any program before making any recommendations or decisions regarding a rental registry. To facilitate this, various engagement opportunities are available:
Three public listening sessions at the Golden Community Center will be on:
• Wednesday, April 10, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
• Friday, April 26, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
• Thursday, May 9, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The May 4th Coffee with Councilors will primarily focus on Healthy Housing and a rental registry.
Feedback can be shared with Lauren McKinney at or 303-384-8168.
Additionally, dependent on community interest a work group may be formed to gather diverse perspectives from Golden residents on the rental registry. Contact Lauren McKinney if you are interested.
Golden is offering a discounted rate to residents for lawn replacement through our partnering organization, Resource Central. The discount is up to $500, requires a minimum of 200 square feet to be removed, and can either be applied to having Resource Central remove your irrigated turf OR you can remove the turf yourself. The credit can be applied to Water Wise Gardens to replace the turf as well. “Before” pictures need to be included upon submittal of the application and “after” pictures must be submitted to demonstrate project completion. Please follow Golden’s Erosion Control Measures during the landscape conversion.
The next opportunity to apply is in summer with applications due by June 14, 2024. If the turf is removed before applying and being accepted to the program, the property will not qualify for a discount.
For more information or to be added to the interest list, please go to
Check out the City website to see if you qualify for rebates from the City, State of Colorado, or Xcel Energy, including:
• Energy equipment for your home: heat pumps, electrical panels, insulation, water heaters, clothes dryers, induction cooktops, evaporative coolers, and even water vapor fireplaces.
• Water conservation strategies for your yard: smart irrigation controllers, rain sensors, free irrigation audits, discounts on xeric plants.
• Alternative transportation options include rebates for electric vehicle charging stations. Don’t forget there are free RTD fares for youth through summer and state tax credits for e-bikes.
• Outdoor irrigation (drip and auto irrigation) is allowed anytime between October 1 and April 30.
• Hand watering of gardens, annual, and perennial plants using an automatic shut off valve is allowed anytime.
• Drip irrigation of gardens, annual, and perennial plants (except turfgrass) is allowed at any time.
• Automatic sprinkler irrigation is allowed up to three (3) days per week between the hours of 6 p.m. and 10 a.m.
• Allowing City irrigation water to pool or run off into the stormwater collection and conveyance system, regardless of month or time of day.
• Irrigating turfgrass, gardens, annuals, or perennial species using an automated or manual sprinkler between May 1 and September 30, more than three days a week, or between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
• Failing to repair leaks, including leaks on irrigation systems, as required by the Golden Municipal Code.
There are lots of ways that you can be more conscious of your water usage. Check out Water Wise Seminars, Garden in a Box, or Slow the Flow at
Thinking of replacing your old gas lawnmower with an efficient electric version? Take advantage of free money through the Colorado Mow Down Pollution program. All electric mowers at participating retailers are discounted 30% at the point of sale. No vouchers, no trade-ins, no sign-ups needed. Visit for details.
Historically, visitor experiences were the primary driver of the corridor; the City has taken a more active role in the last few years to manage the creek to help bring balance to raise resident access and experience.
Proactively manage the Clear Creek corridor for the benefit of a wide variety of users (including pedestrians, cyclists, tubers, and kayaks), in consultation with Council, staff, residents, businesses, and Jefferson County, while sustainably protecting the environment.
• The most common feedback is to “control the amount of people”
• The City can legally regulate access to the creek but we have limited authority to impose use or partial use restrictions on the creek itself.
• Anyone can bring their own tube, kayak or swim within the creek.
• Numerous entry points exist outside Golden city limits within Jefferson County, including access below the Gateway Trailhead. Golden has no authority over the creek outside its city limits.
• Golden regulates creek usage to a greater degree than other Colorado communities. We are testing creative solutions and developing best practices.
• Small incremental changes to lead up to bigger change
• Collect and use data to make informed decisions
• Try new strategies every year to learn the most effective approaches
• Be flexible and responsive to community ideas and feedback
• Email to provide feedback about your experience at the creek or to provide ideas or input on management of the creek.
• To report creek concerns, call 303-384-8074
• Created path rules, South trail for fast traffic and North for slow. Painted stripes and tubers on paths for directions.
• Created safety flag system
• Created licensing program for outfitters, limiting rentals and requiring safety information
• Collected camera and RFID data on numbers of visitors
• Required shuttle service offerings
• Implemented weekly volunteer clean-ups
• Created Creek Ambassador program to provide information before violations
• Formalize beach area for access and smaller/ shorter visits
• Widen trail along RV park
• Move to parking management company to increase compliance and enforcement
• Create annual permit for Golden residents for two hours free parking in the garages and surface lots daily
• Use reusable wristbands, luggage tags, and inside of tube tags to collect information instead of stickers
• Create “Inflation Station” at Ambassador Stations to funnel users to resources
• Add fencing to areas for re-vegetation
• Add gates to some of the entry points
• Follow Guiding Golden Creek page for information
• Sign up for Weekly Digest for regular creek updates
• Recap of Creek Season scheduled for October 8th City Council Meeting
The City of Golden offers a wealth of events year-round to satisfy your every interest! This calendar features just a few of the many exciting things happening, but you can find more events on
COFFEE WITH COUNCILORS: Saturday, April 6, 10:00–11:00 a.m.
Join your Councilors in the Golden Community Center Bear Creek South room (1470 10th Street). This month’s event features Matt Wempe, Principle Planner—Long Range, who will share updates on the downtown parking program, including an introduction to Interstate Parking, the City’s new contracted parking management company.
MARV KAY DAY: Sunday, April 14, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
The Golden Community Center welcomes all on Marv Kay Day as we celebrate the former mayor whose passion for fitness and volunteerism opened the first doors at the GCC, by opening those same doors to everyone for free. Come see what the GCC can offer after 30 years of excellence. Partake in some goodies and planned programming to commemorate Marv and what he brought to the Golden community.
WATER CONSERVATION SEMINAR: Tuesday, April 16, 4:00–5:00 p.m. and Friday, April 19, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Join City staff to learn about water efficiency updates and programs. Topics will include the Waste of Water Ordinance, Lawn Replacement Program, Homeowner Associations, and the Golden Drought Management Plan. The presentations will be held at Council Chambers at 911 10th Street Golden. For any additional questions, contact Katie Duke at or (303)-384-8180.
EARTH DAY CELEBRATION: Saturday, April 27, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
The City and Weedbuster volunteers invite you to DeLong Park (395 23rd Street) to celebrate Earth Day, learn about the pesticide-free park and its native plants and relax in our beautiful park. We’ll have some games for the children, exploration learning, giveaways, and more. For questions about the event, please email
COFFEE WITH COUNCILORS: Saturday, May 4, 10 :00–11:00 a.m.
Join your Councilors in the Golden Community Center Bear Creek South room (1470 10th Street). This month’s event features Lauren McKinney, Affordable Housing Policy Coordinator, who will share information on Healthy Housing initiatives and the rental registry.
COMPOST YOUR SPRING YARD WASTE: Monday, May 6–Friday, May 10
For Pay as You Throw (PAYT) customers, join us for the semi-annual spring yard waste collection. Yard waste should be placed at or near where your trash is collected by 7 a.m. on your weekly service day. Material may be bundled, placed in reusable containers of your choice or in kraft paper bags available for purchase at home improvement or grocery stores. Yard waste includes grass clippings, pine needles, leaves, weeds, branches, sawdust, and ground and chipped wood.
Make sure to mark May 25 on your calendar, as the Splash Water Park will be making waves throughout the summer once again. Escape the heat, and cool off on the slides and in pool, or get drenched by the giant bucket of water! Splash is a must for an exciting summer in Golden.
GOLDEN BIKE CRUISE BEGINS: Tuesday, May 28, 5:30–9:00 p.m.
Held on the last Tuesday of the month May through September, beginning at Calvary Church at 13th and Arapahoe. The event features costume-themed bike rides, beer from New Terrain, food from Bob’s Atomic Burgers, and music from local Golden bands. Kegs are tapped at 5:30 p.m., the Cruise begins at 6:30 p.m., and the fun continues until 9 p.m. For themes and more information, visit:
GOLDEN FARMER’S MARKET OPENS: Saturday, June 1, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Every Saturday, June 1–October 5 (closed July 27)
Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce, the Farmers Market features 70 vendors of produce and homemade artisanal foods and goods. Food trucks are onsite to enjoy breakfast or lunch by the creek. Leashed, friendly dogs are welcome. Parking in the area is by permit or paid, please pay attention to signs when visiting the market. Proudly serving our SNAP customers. For more information visit:
COFFEE WITH COUNCILORS: Saturday, June 1, 10:00–11:00 a.m.
Join your Councilors in the Golden Community Center Bear Creek South room (1470 10th Street). This month’s event features Meredith Ritchie, Engagement and Communications Director, who will introduce the City’s new website and discuss current and future communications strategies.
The Scandinavian Midsummer Festival is coming to Golden! Experience the rich traditions and cultural heritage of Scandinavia through food, crafts, dance, music, performances, and demonstrations. The event features 80 artisans, the raising of the maypole, aquavit, and more to Golden, and is sponsored by the Scandinavian Alliance of Colorado. Free and open to the public. Learn more at
Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23
ARTSWEEK GOLDEN is a week long celebration of the arts, culminating in the ARTSWEEK GOLDEN FESTIVAL, a juried arts festival with local and national artists exhibiting their works in downtown Golden. Exact location to be announced, but the festival happens right in downtown Golden. More information is available at
BIKE TO WORK DAY: Wednesday, June 26
Ditch your vehicle, grab your bike, and join others on Bike To Work Day, Wednesday, June 26. Visit local rest stations, including the main event in Golden at Vanover Park on your way to work for freebies and more. Register as an individual or work group, and become king of the hill on the leaderboard at MAY