1 minute read
Myth #4: Restaurants in Goodyear

There are nearly 200 restaurants in Goodyear and the number of locally-owned restaurants on that list is climbing. Although not unique to Goodyear, chain restaurants are often owned by entrepreneurs who live in or near Goodyear. You hear a name like Culver’s and may automatically think the restaurant is owned by someone miles and miles away, when in fact, the owner is a Goodyear resident.

You can view the Goodyear Locally-Owned “Mom & Pop” Restaurants & Specialty Foods list at developgoodyearaz.com/dinelocal.
Bringing the Most Desired Restaurants to Goodyear
The city gets feedback on the most wanted businesses via the Goodyear Retail Survey. Hearing what your favorite shopping, dining and entertainment options are helps the city know which companies to pursue, and it also lets the retailers know they are highly desired in Goodyear. Ultimately, restaurants and retailers open in areas that best fit their needs and specific business model. So, while the city can’t force a business to come to Goodyear, it can choose which businesses to try and attract to our city.
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