2 minute read
Myth #7: Recycling in Goodyear

Goodyear is proud to have a successful recycling program in partnership with Waste Connections of Arizona. There was a temporary pause in the program during the height of the pandemic due to restrictions at the recycling facility, but that has long ended.

At the recycling plant, items are sorted and separated based on the type of material. Items that are not accepted in our recycling program must be removed and sent to the landfill. If contamination increases (the number of items that are in a recycling bin that aren’t recyclable), over a period of time, it could impact the cost of the program. Thankfully, we have great residents who know what to throw in the green container verse the brown one.
Not sure what you can recycle? Ask the Recycle Right Wizard!
Simply type in an item and the wizard will let you know what container to put it in. To ask the wizard or for more recycling tips, visit goodyearaz.gov/recycle.
Top Items to Recycle
Soda cans
Water bottles
Milk and water jugs
Cereal box (remove plastic inside)
Paper egg cartons
Post-it Notes
Cardboard boxes
Laundry detergent plastic jug
The printed edition of this InFocus magazine!

We Have That, Too!
Along with recycling and trash, the city has two other sanitation services worth noting:
Bulk Trash Pickup:
Residents can place items that are too large to fit into a trash can on the curb for bulk pickup on their designated day each month. To find your monthly bulk pickup day or to learn more about approved items, visit goodyearaz.gov/trash.
Household Hazardous Waste Curbside Pickup:
Residents can schedule to have items such as paint, flammable liquids and household cleaners picked up twice a year. Scheduling for the next pickup starts on May 2 at goodyearaz.gov/HHW.
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