MAY . JUN . JUL | 2018 | ISSUE 18
Discover the Marion Heritage Research Centre The Marion Heritage Research Centre is an exciting focal point for history and cultural heritage in Marion. Our history specialists can give you free one-on-one assistance with: State Library SA Online Directories SAILIS Trove Call us on 7420 6455 to make a time to meet with us! Marion Heritage Research Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047 T 7420 6455 E
Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am–4pm
get into libraries P2
author: hugh mackay P 12
Get Into Libraries
Workshops, Programs and Events
Author Events
City of Marion Libraries are vibrant, modern, community spaces that help thousands of people find all sorts of information. You can also enjoy a range of events, classes, workshops and activities. This edition of 'What’s On' gives you a guide to upcoming events and things to do at your local library throughout May, June and July.
Families 16
SEEDKids P 17
minecraft lock-in P 19
City of Marion acknowledges that it is part of Kaurna land and recognises the Kaurna people as the traditional and continuing custodians of the land.
Children’s Programs
School Holidays
Neighbourhood Centres
Business Marion
Venue Details
Get Into Libraries
Get Into Libraries in 2018! Every month we will have an exciting new theme packed with events and activities designed to lift the lid on our modern libraries. MAY
City of Marion Libraries
Looking to find out what makes you uniquely you? Want to start a family tree but don't know where to begin? We're here to help! Come and meet one of our history specialists for a one-on-one session on how you can access historical records online! We can help you get the best out of: one of the largest online family history research tools available. Trove: the National Library of Australia's online digitization project covering newspapers, images, sound, maps and more. SAILIS: the South Australian Integrated Land Information System holding SA's historical land titles dating back to 1858 when the Torrens Titling system commenced.
Park Holme Library Monday 7 May, 10am–1pm (3 sessions) Monday 14 May, 10am–1pm (3 sessions) Book a 45-minute session for one-on-one help with: Ancestry, Trove, SAILIS T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
cultural centre library
Cove Civic Centre
Tuesday 15 May, 12noon–4pm (4 sessions) Tuesday 22 May, 12noon–4pm (4 sessions) Book a 45-minute session for one-on-one help with: Ancestry T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Monday 21 May, 10am–1pm (3 sessions) Monday 28 May, 10am–1pm (3 sessions) Book a 45-minute session for one-on-one help with: Ancestry, Trove, SAILIS
Get Into History
Get Into History! Personalised Family History Help
T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Did You Know? is available to use for FREE at all Marion Libraries and the Marion Heritage Research Centre.
Get Into Making
Get Into Making! Granny Chic
Get Into Making! Nice 'n' Natural
Learn what granny knew best! Come along and try a range of handicrafts including knitting, cross-stitch, crochet and macrame. Try one or try them all!
Drop in and learn how to make DIY household products using raw, clean ingredients with Anna Heim. Come 'n' try plant propogation using recycled materials, seeds and cuttings with permaculturalist Nadja Osterstock from Nadja's Garden or try your hand at pottery by learning tips and techniques for hand-building ceramics with local artist Fennec Fox! Try one or try them all!
All ages welcome. Saturday 16 June, 10am–2pm Cultural Centre Library 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 T 8375 6755 FREE! No need to book, just come along anytime from 10am–2pm and join in!
All ages welcome. Saturday 23 June, 10am–2pm Park Holme Library Duncan Avenue, Park Holme 5043 T 8375 6755 FREE! No need to book, just come along anytime from 10am–2pm and join in!
Get Into Making! Cat Castles, Digital Craft & Other Creatables Come along and join in the making madness! Create your own Cat Castle or other creatable construction or cardboard habitat. Light up your creation with LED's and other electronics. Use your imagination with our legions of Lego or have a go at electronic craft. Get up close and personal with an Edison robot or come to one of our Lego Photography workshops - there's something to satisfy the creator in anyone! All ages welcome. Saturday 30 June, 10am–2pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! No need to book, just come along anytime from 10am–2pm and join in!
View all of our events online at
Great characters live in the hearts of their readers. This workshop will help you create compelling characters of your own. Use tropes with a twist; develop a strong voice; write motivations and complex personalities; and learn how characters overlap with genre, plotting, dialogue and point of view. Bring a laptop or pen and paper, and get ready for plenty of ideas, exercises and tips to get you through the first draft of a novel. Presenter Sarah Gates is the author of Love Elimination and a freelance writer for Junkee, Voiceworks and InDaily. Sarah has appeared on panels at National Young Writers Festival and Sydney Writers Festival.
Get Into Character
Get Into Character! How to Create Characters Readers Love (and Love to Hate) - A Writing Workshop with Sarah Gates
Saturday 14 July, 1pm–3pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158 T 8375 6755 Cost $5 per person Payable at time of booking
Workshops, Programs and Events 6
Buying & Selling Online
Exploring Your Android Device
Online Maps & Timetables
From arts and crafts to cars and boats, join us at the Cove Civic Centre to find out how easy it can be to set up an account and safely browse, buy and sell new and secondhand treasures on popular websites like Gumtree and eBay.
Need some help getting started with your Android device? Come along to this session to learn how to confidently navigate your tablet or mobile and find out about some of the most exciting apps that are waiting to be explored.
Please bring your mobile device or tablet if you have one available.
Please bring along your Android device if you have one available.
Having trouble getting from point A to point B (or on weekends point C)? Join us at the Library for a session on how to use online maps and public transport apps such as Google Maps and MetroMATE to work out the most efficient driving route or to find out when the next bus is due to arrive using real-time updates.
Friday 4 May, 10am–11.30am Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158
Friday 18 May, 10am–11.30am Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158
Please bring your mobile device or tablet if you have one available. Friday 1 June, 10am–11.30am Cove Civic Centre
T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Friday 1 June, 1pm–2.30pm Marion Cultural Centre - Sturt Room Friday 1 June, 3.30pm–5pm Park Holme Library
What is SEED? It’s our Space for Exploring Everything Digital. For more information visit
T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Making Sense of Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies
Did you know that the Marion Library Service offers its members access to a free online IELTs preparation course? The road to IELTs selfstudy preparation course is designed to help candidates prepare for the IELTS exam. If you’re preparing to take the test or are simply looking to improve your English, come along to this session to learn more about this helpful Library resource.
You’ve heard of Bitcoin, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, but do you know what exactly they are or how they work? Join us at the Cove Civic Centre to learn about the fundamentals of blockchain technology and why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have the potential to radically transform many sectors of society. This session will present a balanced perspective about the risks and opportunities that these new technologies represent and will break down the technical walls that are barriers to getting started with cryptocurrency.
Please bring your mobile device or tablet if you have one available. Friday 15 June, 1pm–2pm Cultural Centre - Sturt Room Friday 15 June, 3.30pm–4.30pm Park Holme Library T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Presented by Coinstart founder Don Reddin. Thursday 28 June, 7pm–8.30pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Workshops, Programs and Events
Prepairing for your IELTS exam with Road to IELTS
Workshops, Programs and Events 8
Get to Know Your Libraries SA App!
Arduino for Grown-Ups
Did you know that the SA Library network has a new app? From searching the Library catalogue and placing holds to finding out what programs are on at your local library branch, this versatile app allows you to take the library with you wherever you go. This session will show you how to download and make the most of this exciting new app.
Arduino microprocessors are little electronic brains that can be programmed to make your own gadgets. This session is designed for anyone who is interested in Arduino microprocessors and what they can do. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary as this hands-on session will cover topics such as how to connect an Arduino to lights, switches and sensors, how to think like an Arduino, how to program an Arduino and how to do basic troubleshooting when an Arduino doesn’t do what you want it to.
Please bring your mobile device or tablet if you have one available. Friday 13 July, 10am–11.30am Cove Civic Centre Friday 13 July, 1pm–2.30pm Cultural Centre - Sturt Room Friday 13 July, 3.30pm–5pm Park Holme Library T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Presented by Techspace Learning. Friday 27 July, 10am–12noon Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Technology Support: Need help using your laptop, tablet or mobile device? Get in touch with any branch of the Marion Library Service to book in for a free one-on-one session with one of our digital literacy volunteers. BYO device, charger and log-in details. Please note that although we will do our best, we specialise in helping you to use your device, we may not be able to fix it. We are unable to provide consumer advice, assist with configuration, viruses, or fix faulty hardware or software. Mondays, 10am–12noon Cultural Centre Library T 8375 6785 Tuesdays, 10am–12noon Wednesdays, 10am–12noon Park Holme Library T 8375 6745 Fridays, 1pm–5pm Cove Civic Centre T 8375 6755
Computer Basics: Need to start from the start? Build your skills, confidence and ability to use a computer and navigate the internet at one or more of our introductory courses. Choose a topic and book in for a free oneon-one session with our friendly (and very knowledgeable) volunteers. Topics include: >> Absolute basics >> Getting to know your device >> Getting Started Online >> Safety first >> More online skills >> Connecting to others Mondays, 2pm–4pm Tuesdays, 1.30pm–3.30pm Park Holme Library T 8375 6745
Workshops, Programs and Events
One-on-one Digital Literacy Support
Author Events
Bruce Munday & Rhondda Harris Tuesday 1 May, 1pm–3pm
Book Talk Tuesday: Bruce Munday 'Those Dry-Stone Walls' & Rhondda Harris 'Ashton's Hotel' Join us for an afternoon of historic discovery as we hear about stories from South Australia's stone age and first prison days. Bruce Munday traverses SA in search of the beautiful stone wall's built by the early settlers, finding historic masterpieces and insights into rural life in the years following settlement in his book Those Dry-Stone Walls. Researcher Rhondda Harris shares the journal of William Baker Ashton, first governor of the Adelaide Gaol, in her book Ashton's Hotel. This is a fascinating book which paints a picture of life at the gaol and in the fledgling colony and is an unusual but absorbing account of the birth of South Australia. Afternoon tea provided. Books available for sale thanks to Wakefield Press. Tuesday 1 May, 1pm–3pm (includes afternoon tea) Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
In 2016, fleeing London with a broken heart, Alexandra returns to Australia to be with her grandparents. With only weeks together, her grandparents begin to reveal the family mysteries they have kept secret for more than half a century. A gorgeously told tale of female friendship, the price of love, and the power of hardship and courage to shape us all. Kirsty Manning grew up in northern New South Wales. A country girl with wanderlust, her travels and studies have taken her through most of Europe, the east and west coasts of the United States and pockets of Asia. Kirsty's first novel was the enchanting The Midsummer Garden published in 2017. The Jade Lily, compelling and pacey, is her second book.
Kirsty Manning Thursday 10 May, 7pm–8pm
Author Events
Meet the Author: Kirsty Manning
Books available for sale thanks to Shakespeare's Bookshop. Thursday 10 May, 7pm–8pm (followed by book signing) Marion Cultural Centre - Domain Theatre 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Author Events
Hugh Mackay Friday 25 May, 7pm–8pm
Meet the Author: Hugh Mackay 'Australia Reimagined' Australia’s most respected and experienced social researcher, Hugh Mackay, believes something is wrong with the state of the nation and in the lives of its citizens. Drawing on his 50 years’ experience of listening to Australians talk about their lives and watching big trends, Mackay shows how an unprecedented run of economic growth has failed to deliver a more stable or harmonious society. He remains optimistic and determined to be part of the solution, offering compelling proposals for a more compassionate society and a call to action to everyone who loves Australia enough to want to make it a better place for us all. Books available for sale thanks to Booked at North Adelaide. Friday 25 May, 7pm–8pm (followed by book signing) Marion Cultural Centre - Domain Theatre 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046
T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Tuesday 19 June, 10.30am–11.30am
Book Talk Tuesday: Mandy Paul 'Bush Mechanics' Bush Mechanics first screened on the ABC in 2001, starring young Walpiri men, rusty old cars and the Australian outback. It was a hit. Funny, ingenious and sometimes confronting, Bush Mechanics was filmed in and around Yuendumu, one of the largest Aboriginal communities in Central Australia. The stories centred around cars, but provided broader insights into contemporary Aboriginal life and culture. This book explores the history and the continuing appeal of Bush Mechanics. Editor Mandy Paul is the director of the Migration Museum and editor Michaelangelo Bolognese is a senior curator at the National Motor Museum.
Author Events
Mandy Paul
Books available for sale thanks to Wakefield Press. Tuesday 19 June, 10.30am–11.30am Marion Cultural Centre - Sturt Room 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Author Events
Meet the Author: Monica McInerney – Fiction & Families In her twelve bestselling novels, South Australian author Monica McInerney has created many memorable fictional families, including the Quinlans, Gillespies, Faradays and Templetons. Through her novels, these families have fought, driven each other to distraction and supported each other in the toughest of times. Come and hear Monica – back in Australia from her home in Dublin – talk about her books, writing and inspiration, with plenty of time for a Q&A too. Books available for sale thanks to Shakespeare's Bookshop. Tuesday 10 July, 7pm–8pm (followed by book signing) Marion Cultural Centre - Domain Theatre 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Monica McInerney Tuesday 10 July, 7pm–8pm
The Popeye Murder and A Royal Murder are the first two Rebecca Keith mysteries by author Sandra Winter-Dewhirst. As editor of Taste, the food and wine liftout of Adelaide's daily newspaper, Rebecca Keith has a life of long lunches and social engagements. That is, until she stumbles upon murder and mayhem! A journalist for more than thirty years, Sandra spent ten years as the state director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in South Australia. With degrees in the arts and journalism from Adelaide University and the University of South Australia, she has sat on a range of arts boards and advisory councils within the media industry. In 2008 she was named one of South Australia's 50 most influential people by Adelaide's daily paper, The Advertiser. Sandra has a passion for food and wine and all things Adelaide and South Australian.
Author Events
Book Talk Tuesday: Sandra Winter-Dewhirst & The Rebecca Keith Mysteries
Books available for sale thanks to Wakefield Press. Tuesday 24 July, 10.30am–11.30am Park Holme Library Duncan Avenue, PARK HOLME 5043 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Mother's Day Special - Gift of Love Jar Say thank you on this Mother's Day. Select from our special collections of things to fill in your jar for mum. Personalise, decorate and have it all ready for her special day. Suitable for ages 6+ Saturday 12 May, 1pm–2pm Cultural Centre Library 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Sphero Robot Workshop Join us for a Saturday afternoon of fun with Sphero Robots at the Cove Civic Centre. Learn basic code and discover how it can be used to operate robotic technology! Suitable for ages 8+ Saturday 2 June, 1pm–2.30pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
View all of our events online at
Baby Bounce
A space for kids to explore everything digital! SEEDKids is an after school program for kids who are interested in learning about all kinds of digital technology such as coding, robotics and electronics in a friendly and safe environment where fun reigns supreme!
A fun interactive session aimed at introducing babies and young children to libraries, action songs, nursery rhymes and rhythm.
Suitable for ages 9+ Mondays (during school term) Starting Monday 7 May, 3.30pm–4.30pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 Thursdays (during school term) Starting Thursday 10 May, 3.30pm–4.30pm Park Holme Library Duncan Avenue, PARK HOLME 5043 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Tuesday: Cultural Centre Library Wednesday: Cove Civic Centre Thursday: Park Holme Library 9.30am–10am FREE! Every week during the school term Children must be accompanied by an adult. No need to book, just come along!
Storytelling for Pre-Schoolers A wonderful opportunity to have fun together, meet new friends, listen to stories and make something to take home and stick on the fridge!
Tuesday: Cultural Centre Library Wednesday: Cove Civic Centre Thursday: Park Holme Library 10.30am–11.15am (after Baby Bounce)
T 8375 6755
FREE! Every week during the school term Children must be accompanied by an adult.
No need to book, just come along!
Children's Programs
T 8375 6755 W
Ju l y
ys Sc h o o l h o lida
Printing in the 3rd Dimension Interested in 3D printing? Learn the basics of using CAD (computer-aided design) software and then try your hand at designing your own printable 3D object. Objects will be printed and ready for collection from the library before the end of the holidays. Presented by DOMSTEM. Suitable for ages 8+ BYO snacks and drinks Monday 9 July, 12noon–4pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential BYO Laptop & mouse
Native Wildlife @ Your Library
Minecraft Lock-In
Learn how to draw manga, with step-by-step instructions for everything from cute creatures to a comic strip. Create a new style or develop your own. Presented by Tsunami Hee Ja.
Experience an intimate, hands-on wildlife session with creatures like pythons, gliders, possums, wallabies, bettong joeys and owls. A chance to get up close and personal and experience fur, feathers and scales with a brief presentation followed by animal handling opportunities. Adult supervision required. Presented by Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary.
Minecraft is not just a computer game about placing blocks and going on adventures, it’s become a global phenomenon played by over 40 million people every month. Join us at the library for a 90-minute Minecraft lock-in session. Mine blocks, build your creations and protect them in survival mode!
Suitable for all ages Wednesday 11 July, 10am–11am Cultural Centre Library 287 Diagonal Road, OAKLANDS PARK 5046 Thursday 12 July, 10am–11am Park Holme Library Duncan Avenue, Park Holme 5043 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential Bookings open Friday 1 June
Suitable for all ages Wednesday 18 July, 10am–11am Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings essential Bookings open Friday 1 June
Suitable for ages 8+ Pizza provided!
School Holidays
Manga Drawing Workshop
Tuesday 17 July, 5.30pm–7pm Cultural Centre Library Wednesday 18 July, 5.30pm–7pm Cove Civic Centre Thursday 19 July, 5.30pm–7pm Park Holme Library T 8375 6755 FREE! Bookings Essential
Neighbourhood Centres
Laugh, learn, leisure
Sing Along with Sing Australia
Your local neighbourhood centre is the perfect place to have fun, meet people and learn something new.
Enjoy singing along with our guest choir from Sing Australia. Singing is proven to have both physical and psychological benefits, improving aerobic activity, emotional wellbeing and reducing stress.
We have four neighbourhood centres in the City of Marion; Cooinda, Glandore, Mitchell Park and Trott Park, which create opportunities for our community to meet, socialise and connect. For more information about our Neighbourhood Centres visit
20 neighbourhood-centres
Tuesday 1 May, 12.30pm–2.30pm Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt 5047 T 8375 6703 Cost $11/$9 if registered with My Aged Care (includes lunch) Bookings Essential
Eat Smart and Move More Over a delicious and nutritious lunch our presenter Danielle (a dietician) will provide you with some information and useful tips for ensuring you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle while continuing to enjoy life. Tuseday 8 May, 12.30pm–2.30pm Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt 5047 T 8375 6703 Cost $11/$9 if registered with My Aged Care (includes lunch) Bookings Essential
Stress Less about Utilities
Art Evolution
Sew Much Fun
Ian and Judy from the Marion Heritage Research Centre will share the story of Colin Phelps a former resident of the “Red House”. Colin was in the RAF as a Lancaster Bomber pilot and had a mid-air collision while bombing Berlin. Learn about this local hero whose story has been complied through a collection of letters.
Do you wonder what you can do to lower your bills? This formative presentation will give you some tools and tips for you to stay on top of your energy bills. Bring along your questions or you bills (optional). Improve wellbeing by stressing less about utilities.
Our art Evolution program is an ongoing class that explores a variety of art mediums. This term we are starting with Mosaics. A beginners class to demistify the art of mosaics, we supply all you need for a simple starter project or you can bring your own base to start on. Learn to design, cut, glue and grout your work of art.
Learn basic sewing techniques, as our helpful volunteers assist you in achieving your sewing goals. Repurpose a garment, replace a zip, mend a hole or sew a basic item, the choice is yours.
Tuesday 5 June, 12.30pm–2.30pm Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt 5047 T 8375 6703 Cost $11/$9 if registered with My Aged Care (includes lunch) Bookings Essential
Tuesday 10 July, 12.30pm–2.30pm Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt 5047 T 8375 6703 Cost $11/$9 if registered with My Aged Care (includes lunch) Bookings Essential
5 weeks starting Monday 30 April, 10am–12noon Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera Street, Glandore 5037 T 8371 1139
Mondays (during school term), 9.30am–12noon Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera Street, Glandore 5037 T 8371 1139
Neighbourhood Centres
The Colin Phelps Story
Cost $4 per session Bookings Essential
Cost $50 Bookings Essential
Neighbourhood Centres
Life Skills
Guitar for Beginners
A lively group that empowers people living with a disability to live independantly. A fun and engaging group that learn and laugh at the same time.
Join Gary our musical maestro, that runs a casual gutair group for beginners. If you have a gutair laying around at home and you don't know what to do with it, bring it along and start to learn the basics. A no pressure group that everyone enjoys.
This relaxing course is suitable for a beginner or those that would like a little support in practising their technique. Exploring different meditation styles, gives you the opportunity to discover the one that suits you best.
Thursdays, 9.30am–12noon Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera Street, Glandore 5037 T 8371 1139 Cost $4 per session Bookings Essential
Thursdays, 10.30am–12noon Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera Street, Glandore 5037 T 8371 1139 Cost $4 per session Bookings Essential
Thursdays (during school term), 2pm–3pm Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera Street, Glandore 5037 T 8371 1139 Cost $7 per session Bookings Essential
Getting to know your Neighbourhood Centre Would you like to know what is available at Mitchell Park Neighbourhood Centre? Come for an informal chat over afternoon tea to gain information on community programs, activities, opportunities and events. Tuesday 27 April, Monday 21 May, Thursday 28 June, 1.30pm–2.30pm Mitchell Park Neighbourhood Centre 1 Cumbria Court, Mitchell Park 5043 T 8375 6804 FREE!
For more information visit
A History of Sturt Road
Mitchell Park Neighbourhood Centre and City of Marion are pleased to announce playgroup will continue in Term 2. Tea and coffee provided for adults.
Sturt Road like before the heavy traffic? Join researcher Ian Morphett as he shares his discoveries about the people and buildings who used to be here and life as it was on Sturt Road in Marion’s rural and historic past.
Thursdays, 9.30am–11.30am Mitchell Park Neighbourhood Centre 1 Cumbria Court, Mitchell Park 5043 T 8375 6804 Cost $3 per family + bring a piece of fruit to share
Thursday 14 June, 1pm–3pm Trott Park Neighbourhood Centre 34 Hessing Crescent, trott park 5158 T 8387 2074 Cost $11/$9 if registered with My Aged Care (includes lunch) Bookings Essential
Crystal Mindfulness & Healing Would you like to learn how crystals can help you live a happier life? Come and join Victoria to experience your own healing journey. You will learn how to choose your personal crystal, cleanse, clear and charge them. How crystals can benefit your everyday life. No experience necessary and crystals provided if you do not have your own. Mondays (during school term), 11am–12.30pm Trott Park Neighbourhood Centre 34 Hessing Crescent, trott park 5158 T 8387 2074
Yoga Needing some calming time? Come along and try Trott Parks new Yoga class. Breath, stretch, relax. Tuesdays (during school term), 11.15am–12.45pm Trott Park Neighbourhood Centre 34 Hessing Crescent, trott park 5158 T 8387 2074 Cost $10 Bookings Essential
Neighbourhood Centres
Cost $5 per class Bookings Essential
Business Marion
Southern Adelaide Business Advisory Service The City of Marion, City of Onkaparinga and the Department of State Development have joined forces to fund a service aimed at helping businesses develop and grow in the region. This service is free and offers confidential one-on-one advisory sessions for those wishing to start a business or operating a business in the Southern Adelaide region including: >> ‘Business Health Check’ for existing businesses >> One-on-one consultations at a location suitable to you >> Growth Services
FREE! Bookings Essential T 7228 6208 E
Amazon Marketplace
Facebook for Business
Amazon have come to Australia and small traders have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor. What are the benefits and what are the likely pitfalls for this channel? This meet-up is an opportunity for interested local traders to share and discuss various topics about Amazon including its key benefits of and how it compares to creating and managing your own online store.
Finding Facebook for Business confusing? Do you know you should be using Facebook for your business but are having trouble finding the time or inspiration on what to post? If you are busy running your business but want to make a splash on Facebook, Social Media Manager Gaylene Clark from Company Hub will give you the run down on why you should be using Facebook for your business. She will also give you her top tips and time savers for you to implement straight away in this informative seminar.
Tuesday 8 May, 7pm–8.30pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 FREE! Bookings Essential W
Tuesday 29 May, 5.30pm–7pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 FREE! Bookings Essential W
Tonsley Innovation District Walking Tours Join us for a walking tour of Tonsley. This tour will give and overview of the site’s mixed use design with businesses, residential and community living. Learn how this site supports businesses wanting to innovate, grow, go global and move up the value chain. Every Thursday, 11am–12pm Tonsley Innovation District 1284 South Road, CLOVELLY PARK 5042 FREE! Bookings Essential W https://tonsleytour2018.
Marion Cultural Centre
Living Kaurna Cultural Centre
1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove, SA 5158 T 8375 6755
287 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park, SA 5046 T 8375 6855
Warriparinga Way (off Sturt Road) Bedford Park, SA 5042 T 8357 5900
The Cove Civic Centre is home to a library, enterprise hub and community spaces. It holds a diverse range of activities for all sections of the community as well as supporting local businesses with their endeavours.
The Marion Cultural Centre holds many different events throughout the year, offering something for everyone. To find out more about what is happening at MCC visit and download the May to July 2016 brochure.
Over eons of time, the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains have gathered at Warriparinga. The Living Kaurna Cultural Centre was built here to ensure that Kaurna culture, and the Dreaming Story of the Land, is passed on from generation to generation.
Marion Outdoor Swimming Centre
Arts and Cultural Development
Marion Heritage Research Centre 245 Sturt Road, Sturt, SA 5047 T 7420 6455 The centre located in the old ‘Red House’, next to the administration building, provides a focal point for Marion’s cultural heritage. Documents and photographs relating to Marion’s history are preserved, stored, shared and researched from here.
Oaklands Road (Corner Hendrie Street), Park Holme, SA 5043 T 8267 4939 The Marion Swimming Centre is a premier open air swimming facility set in grassed and shady grounds and located in the heart of Marion, offering summertime fun and relaxation for everyone.
245 Sturt Road, Sturt, SA 5046 T 8375 6600 Council provides opportunities for residents to participate in arts and cultural development programs and projects which express the identity of our local area, explore new ideas and encourage cultural connections between diverse community groups including age, ability, sexuality and ethnicity.
Neighbourhood and Community Centres Cooinda, Glandore, Mitchell Park, Trott Park T 8375 6600 Neighbourhood Centres aim to respond to the health, welfare, social, educational and recreational needs of the community. As well as having a huge choice of what to do, you are guaranteed a warm and welcoming environment with great staff, helpful volunteers and good company.
For more programs, events, workshops and venues in Marion Visit the City of Marion Events calendar at for all City of Marion events or phone 8375 6600
Venue Details
Cove Civic Centre
LIBRARY Locations and Opening times
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Cultural Centre
Park Holme
287 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park, SA 5046
1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove, SA 5158
Duncan Avenue, Park Holme, SA 5043
T 8375 6785
T 8375 6755
T 8375 6745
9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 5pm 10am – 4pm 1pm – 4pm
9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 5pm 10am – 4pm 1pm – 4pm
9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 7pm 9.30am – 5pm 9.30am – 5pm 10am – 4pm Closed
To book for programs, events and workshops to Visit rary lib y an it vis e, book onlin 6785. 75 83 e on ph or nch bra
Wheelchair access | All libraries are closed on public holidays
For more information City of Marion Libraries
Visit scan the code or call 8375 6785 City of Marion