HOW TO REGISTER Online: Phone: (604) 485-2891 In Person: at 5001 Joyce Ave. FALL 2022 REGISTRATIONOPENSAUGUST22nd Active Living Guide

REGISTRATION INFORMATION ONLINE Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Amex CALL604485-2891 During operational hours Monday Sunday Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Amex INPERSON During operational hours Monday Sunday Payment by Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Debit or Cash At the Recreation Complex 3 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: RECREATIONACCESSPROGRAM FORELEMENTARYSTUDENTS CITY OF POWELL RIVER RECREATION ACCESS PROGRAM - OPTION 1 CITY OF POWELL RIVER RECREATION ACCESS PROGRAM - OPTION 2 GRADE 5 GET ACTIVE GRADE 6 STAY ACTIVE FORQUALITYFOODSSHOPPERS Whoiseligible? Residents whoqualifyasLow-Income accordingtoStatsCanada. Whatisit? 52passesfor swimming,skating,and fitnessattheRecreation Complex Howtogetit: Applyatthe RecreationComplex. Whoiseligible? Residentswho arecurrentlyreceivingBC Benefits(incomeassistance). Whatisit? 52passesfor swimming,skating,andfitness attheRecreationComplex. Howtogetit: Applythrough theMinistryofSocial Development&Economic SecurityandSocial Innovations. Whoiseligible?Grade5 studentswhoattendschoolin thePowellRiverRegion. Whatisit? Freeadmissionto swimming,skating,orshinny hockeyfromthedayfollowing LabourDayuntilJune30th. Howtogetit: Applyatthe Complex'sreceptiondesk. Pleasebringinyourbirth certificate,carecard,orgrade 5reportcardforverification. Whoiseligible?Grade6 studentswhoattendschoolin thePowellRiverRegion. Whatisit? 10childpassesto swimming,skating,orshinny hockeyfromthedayfollowing LabourDayuntilJune30th. Howtogetit: Applyatthe Complex'sreceptiondesk. Pleasebringinyourbirth certificate,carecard,orgrade 6reportcardforverification. REC BUCKS PROGRAM Whoiseligible? Everyone. Whatisit? Apartnership betweenQualityFoodsand Parks,Recreation&Culture. It enablesQFshopperstoredeem QFpointsatthestorefor RecBucks. Howtogetit: Justcashin200,000QualityFoodspointsatthe storefora$20RecBucksvoucherredeemableforrecreation programs,admissionpasses,andfacilityrentals. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS See page 2 for registration information See page 4 for admission fees AQUATICS HEALTH & FITNESS COMMUNITY RECREATION ARENA & SPORT Fall Schedule Ice Events Winter Wonderland Schedule Rec Skate Learn to Skate Better Adult Rec Hockey League Table Tennis Pickleball Fall Schedule Free Try it Week Weight Room Hours Holiday Schedule Weight Room Orientation Seniors Together Glow Yoga Holiday Sweater Fitness Personal Training Groove Movement Drums Alive Hearts in Motion Walking Group Outdoor HIIT ActivAge Empowerment Self Defence Page 21 Page 22 25 Page 23 Page 26 Page 26 Page 27 Page 27 Page 27 Page 38 Page 40 Page 41 Page 41 Page 41 Page 42 Page 42 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 46 Page 47 Page 47 Creative Dance Musical Munchkins Babysitter's Training Home Alone Musical Theatre Learn to Geocache Mad Science Mindfulness Bead Bracelets Mindfulness Art Workshop Breakfast with Santa Pumpkin Carving Christmas Card Creations Willow Chair Making Mushroom Picking Salal Pick & Sell Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 34 Page 35 Page 35 Page 35 Foam Rolling Workshop Family Meal Planning Healthy Eating Habits Fuel Your Body Stronger Together Somatics and Mindfulness Guided Meditation Meditation with Anchors Restorative Hatha Yoga Pilates with Heart Ready Set Glow Pilates Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Thursday Evening Yoga Tuesday Evening Yoga Yin Yoga Yoga for Men Page 48 Page 48 Page 48 Page 48 Page 49 Page 49 Page 49 Page 50 Page 50 Page 50 Page 50 Page 51 Page 51 Page 52 Page 52 Page 52 3 Fall Schedule Fall Swim Lessons Adult Basic Swim Lessons Private & Semi Private Lessons Drop in Masters Drop in Water Fitness Aqua Yoga Deep Fit Kayak in the Pool Water Wellness Bronze Star Intro to Lifesaving Bronze Medallion Lifesaving Bronze Cross Assistant Lifeguard National Lifeguard Recert Emergency First Aid Standard First Aid/OFA Level 1 Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 19
Fees for Swimming, Skating, Drop In Fitness and the Gym GENERAL ADMISSION RATES (TAXES INCLUDED) HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:00am - 9:00pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8:00am - 8:30pm We are closed for Statutory Holidays Single Visit 10 Visits 30 Visits 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month ADULT 19 - 59 6.60 58.70 162.95 71.65 169.30 299.60 566.55 YOUTH 13 - 18 5.00 44.75 124.25 54.65 129.15 228.50 432.10 CHILD 4 - 12 $3.70 $32.80 $91.15 $40.10 $98.00 $167.60 $310.70 SENIOR 60 - 84 STUDENT 19 - 25 SUPER SENIOR 85+ 5.50 49.65 137.95 60.70 143.45 253.90 480.15 5.00 44.75 124.25 54.65 129.15 228.50 432.10 FAMILY 13.55 122.15 339.60 149.35 353.00 624.50 1,181.15 4 The City of Powell River reserves the right to cancel programs. Program withdrawals are accepted are up to seven days prior to the start of a program. Once the program has started, refunds will not be accepted except in the event of medical emergencies in which documentation must be provided.

STAY ACTIVE RECREATION COMPLEX Become a member! Swimming, aquafit, skating, weight room, drop in hockey, and drop in fitness classes are all included! 10 visit, 30 visit, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month memberships available! Ask us about our monthly payment plans Visit us online for schedules, upcoming programs and special events this Fall at the

Winter WWonderland inter Wonderland Enjoy this timeless Powell River holiday tradition with family, friends, and coworkers! CALL 604 485-8909 TO BOOK YOUR PRIVATE EVENT

Breakfast with Saturday, December 17th $2 per person or $5 per family (up to 5) WinterWonderlandSkate FestiveFacePainting 2BouncyCastles PancakeBreakfastpreparedandserved bytheRotaryClubofPowellRiver INCLUDEDINYOURREGISTRATION: TOREGISTERCALL604485-2891ORCOMEVISITUSATTHERECREATIONCOMPLEX Seatings at 9am and 10:30am SANTA

We want to know where to go looking for amazing Christmas lights and holiday displays this season? The 3rd Annual Light Up qathet is back for 2022. Do you put on an amazing holiday display? If you're decorating your home for the holidays this year, we want to know! ubmit a picture of your decorated ong with your address to by December 15th ded to the 2022 Light Up qathet the community to enjoy! We will t all entry photos (photo only –es will be on the map only) to our k page on December 16th and then vote on your favourite display! re will be another winner by draw! ers will receive a 3 month Family he Recreation Complex and a ift basket. Voting will conclude on r 23rd at 12pm. This contest is open to ALL of the qathet region. Good luck! 8

Swim Party BIRTHDAY PARTIES Celebrate your child's birthday party with us at the Recreation Complex! Choose your party style! Rate includes skating (and rentals) for up to 10 children and two supervising adults plus use of a party room. Skate Party Rate includes swimming for up to 10 children and two supervising adults plus use of a party room. Children under 7 years of age must have an adult in the water with them who stays with-in arms reach at all times. Ratio of children under 7 yrs. to adults must not exceed 3:1. Call 604 485-8908 or email OR $80 PER PARTY! Book your party TODAY!

AQUATICS Fall Schedule Fall Swim Lessons Adult Basic Swim Lessons Private & Semi Private Lessons Drop in Masters Drop in Water Fitness Aqua Yoga Deep Fit Kayak in the Pool Water Wellness Bronze Star Intro to Lifesaving Bronze Medallion - Lifesaving Bronze Cross Assistant Lifeguard National Lifeguard Recert Emergency First Aid Standard First Aid/OFA Level 1 Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 19

WEEKLY DROP IN AQUATIC SCHEDULE BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 12 - DECEMBER 16 FALL Aquatics Nonswimmersandchildrenundertheageof7yearsoldmustalwaysremainwith-inarmsreachofaswimmingadult.Babiesandpersonswhoarenottoilet-trainedmustwearspeciallydesignedswimdiapers. Private pool rentals are available when facility is closed. Cost is approx. $165 per hour. Call 604485-8908 to book, at least 1 week in advance.

FALL SWIM LESSONS This new swim program features new and challenging skills in the preschool and swimmer levels. Note, children ages 6+ years will need to move down one number level, but there are several new and challenging skills taught in these levels. Aquatics 5 classes x 30 minutes: $32 8 classes x 30 minutes: $50.40 10 classes x 30 minutes: $63 10 classes x 45 minutes: $80.50 (Swimmer 5+) 14

Beginning September 16 - December 16 Fridays from 6:30 - 7:30am coached Sundays from 4:00 - 6:30pm WOW Location: Main Pool 15 Non-swimming children aged 8+ years with a desire to learn the Significantbasics fear of water Special learning challenges No access at programmed times Private or Semi-Private Swim Lessons Ages: 6 & up A registered 5 pack of private lessons are now available during our regular group lessons. If all the spots are full please go on the waitlist and fill out the swimming ability question. If we have cancelled programs, we may be able fit those waitlisted into those spots. Note, there are first term options running Sep Oct, and second term options running Nov Dec. Cost is $115 for 5 private lessons, or $160 for two people to have 5 semi private lessons.
Location: Aquatic Centre
Wednesdays from 6:00 - 6:30pm September 28 - October 26 $45/5 classes Wednesdays from 6:00 - 6:30pm November 2 -30 $45/5 classes Location: Main Pool
Mondays from 10:15 - 10:45am
Drop In Masters Swimming Ages: 19 & up Swim a mixed workout with a coach on Fridays. On Sundays, a workout of the week (WOW) will be posted. 1.5 2.5 km workouts. Regular admission applies.
Beginning September 12 December 17 Mornings Tue/Thu at 9:15am Afternoons Mon/Wed/Fri at 1:00pm Evenings Tue/Thu at 7:45pm Deep Fit Sat at 8:30am Location: Main Pool
*Please contact the pool supervisor at 604-485-8908 if any of the conditions below are inhibiting swim lesson registration. Note, Canadian Tire Jumpstart program may ease financial hardships: Adult Swimming Lessons Ages: 19 & up An opportunity to increase water comfort and practice the basic building blocks for swimming such as floats, glides, breath control, and basic kicking drills. This class will remain in the shallow end, although deep water skills will be introduced to those who are ready for it. 3 options to choose from.
November 7 - December 5 $45/5 classes
Tuesdays from 5:15 - 5:45pm Wednesdays from 6:00 - 6:30pm Thursdays from 5:15 - 5:45pm Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:00pm Saturdays from 11:00 - 11:30am
Drop In Water Fitness - Aqua Fit Ages: 19 & up As part of your membership or daily drop in admission, enjoy options to attend morning, afternoon, evening, or weekend aqua fit classes. Various instructors will lead a 45 minute class.
The City of Powell River reserves the right to cancel programs. Program withdrawals are accepted are up to seven days prior to the start of a program. Once the program has started, refunds will not be accepted except in the event of medical emergencies in which documentation must be provided.

provide a
Instructor: Bianca Hoppe Location: Shallow end of the main pool Deep Fit Ages: 19 & up Feel the freedom in these zero impact classes. Buoyancy belts are provided to help maintain surface support in deep water. classes great core workout you stabilize
will be permitted each
Session Thursdays1 from 10:05 - 10:35am September 22 - October 27 $57/6 classes
and 1
Session Tuesdays2 from 8:15 - 9:00am November 1 - December 6 $57/6 classes
rates apply to additional
September 22 - October 27 $57/6 classes
Please register at least 48 hours in advance to avoid cancellation. Fee covers 1
Session Thursdays2 from 10:05 - 10:35am November 3 - December 8 $57/6 classes
Instructor: Bianca Hoppe Location: Deep end of the main pool Kayak in the Pool - Paddle Practice Ages: 16 & up Bring your own kayak to the pool selected days practice your skills a safe and warm environment. kayaks session. kayak paddler admission paddlers kayak. Sundays from 8:00 - 9:30am September 25, October 30, November 27, and December 18 $15 per Location:dayMain Pool
Session Wednesdays2 from 8:45 - 9:30am November 2 - December 7 $57/6 classes
Aqua Yoga Ages: 19 & up Aqua yoga adapts traditional hatha poses to the water environment. The gentle nature of this exercise makes it ideal for all fitness levels.
sharing a
Thursdays from 8:15 - 9:00am November 3 - December 8 $57/6 classes
yourself while performing various exercises.
Instructor: Kelly Edwards Location: Leisure Pool Water Wellness Ages: 19 & up These shallow water exercises will help you maintain strength, balance, agility, and coordination. Ideal for seniors beginning an exercise program, and those suffering from arthritis.
September 20 - October 25 $57/6classes
Session Wednesdays1 from 8:45 - 9:30am September 21 - October 26 (no class October 5) $47.50/5 classes
Session Tuesdays1 from 8:15 - 9:00am
Thursdays from 8:15 - 9:00am
for each day; regular

Bronze Cross - Assistant Lifeguard
Saturdays from 10:45-11:45am
Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water. Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for Assistant Lifeguard training in Bronze Cross.
Location: Poolside Room & Aquatic Centre
This course begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as Assistant Lifeguards. Candidates build on the skills they learned in the Medallion. Lifesaving skills will be strengthened and expanded as they begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. * Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. This course is required for National Lifeguard training.
Location: Poolside Room & Aquatic Centre 17
Fridays from 4:00 - 6:30pm October 14 - December 9 $225/per person
Location: Poolside Room & Aquatic Centre
Bronze Medallion - Lifesaving Minimum age 13 or hold Bronze Star Certification
Must hold Bronze Medallion
October 1 - December 3 $100/per person
For more information about the Lifesaving Society, visit
Monday to Thursday from 9:30am 3:00pm January 2 5 $225/per person
This course is a pre Bronze Medallion training program that helps to prepare candidates for success in Bronze Medallion. The Lifesaving Society’s Bronze Star develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates refine their stroke mechanics, acquire self rescue skills, and apply fitness principles in training workouts. Bronze Star is excellent preparation for success in Bronze Medallion and provides a fun introduction to lifesaving sport
Bronze Star - Intro to Lifesaving Ages: 10 to 12

National Lifeguard - Pool Option Recertification Prerequisite: Bring roof of previously held NL award. Lifeguard certification expires after 2 years. Renew your award by attending this clinic to perform all required skills and review knowledge for NL. Fitness ability, first aid treatments and lifeguarding scenarios are all tested and evaluated by the national standard. Must provide proof of previously held award to instructor. Bring bag lunch for short break. Sunday November 13 from 8:30am - 4:30pm $120/per person AQUATIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS LIFESAVING SOCIETY For more information about the Lifesaving Society, visit Ask us about birthday parties and group bookings at the pool! Check out page 10 for for more information or give us a call at 604 485-8908 to book your private or semi private swim at the aquatic centre! 18 Look for the NL full course and Swim Instructor programs coming up in the Winter 2023 Active Living guide.

Ages: 15 & up Comprehensive 16 hour course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR C) skills related to adult, child and infant emergencies. Includes a more in pth understanding of common first aid emergencies. s is a required course for National Lifeguard ning. Blended learning environment includes online orial plus classroom session. Certification valid for 3 rs.
Ages: 15 & up Basic 1 day course offering lifesaving first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for the workplace or home. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines for Occupational First Aid level 1. Blended learning environment includes online tutorial plus classroom session. Certification valid for 3 years.
Location: Poolside Room & Aquatic Centre PROGRAMS CANADIAN RED CROSS more information about the Red Cross visit, and certification
Standard First Aid/OFA Level 1
Online Module: 3 hours at your own pace, complete by October 29 Saturday October 29 from 8:30am - 12:30pm $95/per person
Online Module: 8 hours at your own pace, complete by October 29 Saturday October 9 from 8:30am - 4:30pm $165/per person
OOPS! We cancelled it because we didn't know you wanted it! Please register at least one week prior to class to prevent class cancellations! Sign up today by calling 604 485 2891, visit us online at, or come visit us at the Recreation Complex!
Emergency First Aid/OFA Level 1
Location: Poolside Room 19

ARENA & SPORT Fall Schedule Ice Events Winter Wonderland Schedule Rec Skate Learn to Skate Better Adult Rec Hockey League Table Tennis Pickleball Page 21 Page 22 - 25 Page 23 Page 26 Page 26 Page 27 Page 27 Page 27

For private ice bookings please contact the Booking Clerk at 604 485 8909 or email FALL Skating Spend your Birthday with us! For $82.20 your party includes skating (and rentals) for up to 10 children and two supervising adults plus use of a party room. Contact us at 604 485-8909 to book your party! WEEKLY DROP IN SKATING SCHEDULE BEGININNG SEPTEMBER 19 - NOVEMBER 27 Please note there will be no public skating on September 20, October 10, November 11, and November 25 21

Join us for a magical and festive skate on our holiday themed ice rink!
Friday December 2 from 6:30 - 8:30pm FREE - United Way & Royal Lepage Winter Wonderland Skate
Wednesday December 7 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
Saturday December 3 from 10:00am - 12:00pm Winter Wonderland Hamper Skate Ring in the season of good cheer by helping others. Please bring a food bank item or toy donation. Admission is free, skate rentals are extra.
Friday November 4 more information, see page 23 the Kings Family Skate Wear your green and gold or sport your King's jersey come skate with the local Junior A team on the ice! Come for your chance to on a King's goalie and race against of the teams many speedsters!
Tuesday September 20 from 4:00 - 5:30pm Winter Wonderland Opening Night Join us for a magical and festive skate on our holiday themed ice rink!
Saturday December 10 from 10:00am - 12:00pm Christmas Eve Winter Wonderland Skates Ring in the end of the holiday season with our back to back Winter Wonderland skates!
Ice IEvents ce Events Day Skates Fridays September 23 & October 21 & Puck from 10 11:30am Kids Shinny 12 & under 11:45am 1:00pm Welcome from 1:15 3:15pm APPLY OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) Laser Light Skate
Saturday December 24 from 10:00 - 11:30am and 12:00 - 1:30pm 22
Winter Wonderland Skate with Santa! Santa invites families to a special Christmas skate where he will be joining you on the ice. Don't forget to bring a camera for pictures with Santa!

EVERYONE WELCOME 7 - 10PM Family skate 7 - 8:45pm Teen skate 9 - 10pm SINGLE $5 FAMILY $15 3 AND UNDER FREE! 23

December December DECEMBER WEEKLY DROP IN SCHEDULE & WINTER WONDERLAND SCHEDULE For private ice bookings please contact the Booking Clerk at 604 485 8909 or email 24


Tuesdays from 5:00 - 5:30pm Session 1 October 4 - 25 $35/4 Session 2 November 1 - 22 $35/4
$35/4 classes Session 2 November
start of a program. Once
emergencies in which documentation must be provided.
Learn to Skate Better Ages: 5-10 This program is a progression from our Rec Skate program. The focus of this class will be to develop basic striding and gliding on the ice as well as improving stopping. This is not a hockey development program and is intended for casual skaters. If your child is enrolled in minor hockey or Can Skate, this program is not intended for them.
Location: Arena Instructors: Suzi Wiebe and Aubrey Palme
Rec Skate Ages: 6 - 8 Tuesdays from
Location: Arena Instructors: Suzi Wiebe and Aubrey Palme
The City of Powell River reserves the right to to the the program has started, will event medical
4 class
cancel programs. Program withdrawals are accepted are up to seven days prior
Rec Skate - PM Ages: 6 - 8 Tuesdays from 3:30 - 4:00pm Session 1 October 4 - 25 $35/4 classes Session 2 November 1 - 22 $35/4 classes
$35/4 classes
feeder program to both minor hockey and the Can Skate program. Helmets and skates will be made available. This
geared towards children who have no experience skating and need i i h l i h FUNd l If Rec Skate - AM Ages: 3 - 5 Tuesdays from 10:30 - 11:00am Session 1 October 4 - 25 $35/4 classes Session 2 November 1 - 22 $35/4classes
Rec Skate Rec skate is a set is intended to be a program specifically
not be accepted except in the
of beginner skate lessons that
Session 1 October
Location: Arena Instructors: Suzi Wiebe and Aubrey Palme 4:15 - 4:45pm 4 25 1 - 22
Location: Arena Suzi Wiebe and Palme

DROP IN ARENA & ASPORT RENA & SPORT Adult Rec Hockey League Contact Sport & Recreation Program Coordinator Alex Craig for details and to find a team: or 604 485 8900 REGISTERED ARENA & SPORTS PROGRAMS Table Tennis Mondays from 1:00 3:30pm Tuesdays from 1:00 - 3:30pm Wednesdays from 6:00 8:00pm Thursdays from 6:00 8:00pm Fridays from 1:00 - 3:30pm $3 per drop in or purchase a package of 10 tickets for $27 Location: Recreation Complex (rooms vary) Pickleball Mondays from 4:00 6:00pm Wednesdays from 4:00 7:00pm Fridays from 4:00 7:00pm Sundays from 1:00 5:00pm (with free coaching available between 1:00 2:00pm) $3 per drop in or purchase a package of 10 tickets for $27 Location: Oceanview Education Centre Gym 27

COMMUNITY RECREATION Creative Dance Musical Munchkins Babysitter's Training Home Alone Musical Theatre Learn to Geocache Mad Science Mindfulness Bead Bracelets Mindfulness Art Workshop Breakfast with Santa Pumpkin Carving Christmas Card Creations Willow Chair Making Mushroom Picking Salal Pick & Sell Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 34 Page 35 Page 35 Page 35

Musical Munchkins Ages: 3 - 5 A fun and interactive introduction to singing and rhythm! Musical Munchkins will get a chance to explore rhythm patterns while singing their little hearts out! Mondays from 10:00 - 10:30am Session 1 October 3 - 31 (no class Oct 10) $40/4 classes Session 2 November 1 - 22 $40/4 classes Instructor: Brittany Service Location: Poolside Room REGISTERED COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAMS EARLY YEARS Creative Dance Ages: 1 5 3 Introduce your little ones to the world of dance Classes are designed to encourage little dancers to join in and have fun while dancing with mom or dad. The teacher guides the parent/tot team in a way that makes discovering movement, balance and listening skills easy and fun. Tuesdays from 9:45 10:15am Session 1 October 4 25 $35/4 classes Session 2 November 1 29 $35/4 classes No class on Nov 15 Instructor: Sydney Spenst Location: Poolside Room COMMUNITY CRECREATION OMMUNITY RECREATION 29

Home Alone Ages: 10 & up The Home Alone Program is designed to provide children with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. This course will help children understand how to prevent problems, handle real life situations, and keep them safe and constructively occupied.
Friday October 21 from 9:00am 12:00pm $30 per person Location: Rehearsal Room 30
CHILDREN & YOUTH Babysitter's Training Ages: 11 & up The Babysitter's Training Course is aimed at young people turning 12 years of age within the calendar year or older who want to demonstrate their capabilities by completing the course under responsible direction. The Babysitter's Training Course is loaded with special features such as: Child Development and Behavioral Problems, Safety, Handling Emergencies, Games and Play Activities, Children with Special Needs, and more. Certification is included! Remember to pack a lunch!
Musical Theatre - Mary Poppins Ages: 13 - 18 With this program, children ages 13 18 will have the chance to immerse themselves in the process of putting on a Musical Theatre Production. Two weekly rehearsals will be fast paced and packed full of the many facets that make up a musical. Cast members will receive vocal training, discover how to memorize, and block dialogue and learn choreography. Taught by trained and certified professionals, this program is in partnership with the Beanstalk Theatre Company and will conclude with three live performances by the cast. This program is by audition only, and while those with experience are encouraged, anyone is welcome to try out! Auditions will be held in the Elm Room on August 19th from 11:00am 3:00pm or August 24 from 4:00 8:00pm. For more audition information, visit or email
Friday October 21 from 9:00am - 3:30pm $50 per person Location: Elm Room


Wednesday October 19 from 4:30 - 6:30pm $60/per person
Mindfulness Bead Bracelets
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kyla Mazurak
These hands on classes are themed around creating crafts, safe chemical reactions, and the best part of all is campers get to take home things that relate to what they learned that day!
Sunday October 23 from 2:00 - 3:00pm $30/per person
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kyla Mazurak Learn to Geocache Ages: 6 - 10 Geocaching is a great activity to enjoy while outdoors. Turn a simple walk in the trails into an adventurous treasure hunt! Our instructor will teach kids all the basics of navigating, finding clues, and logging finds! No cellphones will be required for this one day class.
Ages: 16 and up Create your own stone bead bracelet with the purpose of using it at home to meditate with. A variety of stone choices will be provided. A short group guided mediation will be given to set an intention for the bracelet and the wearer.
Saturday October 8 from 10:00am - 12:00pm $10/per person
Mindfulness Art Workshop
Ages: 16 and up Give yourself permission to express yourself in a mindful, creative way with three drawing exercises, after a short group guided meditation. The goal for the art pieces is simply to bring awareness to each moment during the activity and be fully immersed in the process with no judgement.
Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:15pm October 4 25 $40/4 classes Location: Rehearsal Room
Thissymbolindicatesthattheprogramisrun inpartnershipwiththeVKWellnessInitiative
Location: Main Foyer Recreation Complex Mad Science Ages: 6 - 10 Science is a great way to spark the imagination!

Breakfast with Saturday, December 17th $2 per person or $5 per family (up to 5) WinterWonderlandSkate FestiveFacePainting 2BouncyCastles PancakeBreakfastpreparedandserved bytheRotaryClubofPowellRiver INCLUDEDINYOURREGISTRATION: TOREGISTERCALL604485-2891ORCOMEVISITUSATTHERECREATIONCOMPLEX Seatings at 9am and 10:30am SANTA 33

Pumpkin Carving Ages: 6 - 12 Just in time for Halloween! Each child will be given their own pumpkin and supplies to make their own spook tacular masterpiece! Dressing up is encouraged! Wednesday October 26 from 4:00 - 5:15pm $10/per person Location: Rehearsal Room REGISTERED COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAMS CHILDREN & YOUTH - HOLIDAY THEMED! Christmas Card Creations Ages: 6 - 10 Make special hand made Christmas cards for all your favourite people! Each student will leave class with unique cards to give family and friends! All materials included Thursday December 15 from 4:00 - 6:00pm $15/per person Location: Rehearsal Room OOPS! We cancelled it...because we didn't know you wanted it! Please register at least one week prior to class to prevent class cancellations! Sign up for your favourite classes today by calling 604 485 2891, visit us online at www powellriverprc ca, or come visit us at the Recreation Complex! LookingforSpecialEvents? LaserLightSkatepage23 IceEventspage22 BreakfastwithSantapage34 WinterWonderlandpage24 Lightupqathetpage8 34

Willow Chair Making Ages: 16 and up In one day you can make and take home your own classic Willow chair. Using Willow for bent shoots, Alder for the frame pieces, this a great first rustic building project. All tools and materials provided, no previous woodworking experience needed.
35 The City of Powell River reserves the right to cancel programs. Program withdrawals are accepted are up to seven days prior to the start of a program. Once the program has started, refunds will not be accepted except in the event of medical emergencies in which documentation must be provided.
Participants are welcome to bring a helper and need to bring a lunch.
Instructor: Andrew Kent Location: Rehearsal Room
al Pick & Sell Ages: 16 and up l is most commonly used in floral ngements. During this hands-on class we will er where to find, how to pick, and tips for dling the Salal you wish to sell. The class will go n the bush gathering as well as visit the cessing plant. Dress for rain or shine. Bring dening gloves.
Registration opens at 9am on June 8th for all Aerials Programs space is limited! PROGRAMS
Mushroom Picking Ages: 16 and up Come join John for a great outdoor experience that will cover the process of picking & selling this locally available produce. John will go over the process of what, where, and how to pick the produce plus take you to the finishing station. The class will also cover picking season plus clothing gear and safety aspects.
Sunday September 24 from 9:00am - 5:00pm $300/per person
Location: Poolside Room
Sunday October 23 from 9:00am - 12:00pm $20/individual or $27/per couple

STAY ACTIVE RECREATION COMPLEX Become a member! Swimming, aquafit, skating, weight room, drop in hockey, and drop in fitness classes are all included! 10 visit, 30 visit, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month memberships available! Ask us about our monthly payment plans Visit us online for schedules, upcoming programs and special events this Fall at the

HEALTH & FITNESS Fall Schedule Free Try it Week Weight Room Hours Holiday Schedule Weight Room Orientation Seniors Together Glow Yoga Holiday Sweater Fitness Personal Training Groove Movement Drums Alive Hearts in Motion Walking Group Outdoor HIIT ActivAge Empowerment Self Defence Page 38 Page 40 Page 41 Page 41 Page 41 Page 42 Page 42 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 46 Page 47 Page 47 Foam Rolling Workshop Family Meal Planning Healthy Eating Habits Fuel Your Body Stronger Together Somatics and Mindfulness Guided Meditation Meditation with Anchors Restorative Hatha Yoga Pilates with Heart Ready Set Glow Pilates Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Thursday Evening Yoga Tuesday Evening Yoga Yin Yoga Yoga for Men Page 48 Page 48 Page 48 Page 48 Page 49 Page 49 Page 49 Page 50 Page 50 Page 50 Page 50 Page 51 Page 51 Page 52 Page 52 Page 52




FITNESSHoliday Schedule WEIGHT ROOM HOURS & HOLIDAY SCHEDULE HEALTH & HFITNESS EALTH & FITNESS MONDAY - FRIDAY from 6:00am 2:30pm & 3:30 - 9:00pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY from 8:00am - 8:30pm The weight room will be closed on Statutory Holidays Effective December 19 - 23 Weight Room Orientation Ages: 15 & up Are you new to the weight room? Attend a one hour orientation session to familiarize yourself with out cardio and weight equipment and learn how to use them safely and effectively. Please contact the Recreation Complex reception to be scheduled. DATES/TIMES: Orientations will be scheduled at a time that is agreed upon between the participant and the weight room attendant. Fee: $20 private/$10 per group of 2 or more Location: Recreation Complex Weight Room 41

n the k yoga rough ass. Pre registration is required. Friday October 14 from 7:00 - 8:00pm Location: Dogwood Room Instructors: Bristol and Kimberley Ages: 16 & up Celebrate the holidays in style Holiday Sweater Fitness class workout with holiday themed prizes. Costumes are highly e is FREE. Pre registration is req Wednesday December 21 from 9:15 - 10:15am Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Donna Koleszar HEALTH & FITNESS - SPECIAL EVENTS In partnership with the Cranberry Seniors Centre, join us for this FREE event for Seniors that includes an educational presentation and a light lunch. Formerly held at the Recreation Complex, this event will be hosted at the Cranberry Seniors Wednesdays September 21, October 19, November 16, and December 21. from 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Cranberry Seniors Centre e what class or program is for you? tness TRY IT FOR FREE Week - 17 Schedule on page 40 Holiday Sweater Fitness Seniors Together 42

Bianca Hoppe has a professional background in the medical field and is a certified BCRPA Group Fitness, Aquatic Fitness, Third Age, Weight Training, Spin and Pilates instructor. She is also a certified Personal Trainer on land and in water. Bianca is fascinated by the human body and all its capabilities and the science that always discovers new and improved workouts to either get people in better shape, helps them to recover from injuries or improve their everyday mobility. Gail Westgate has studied fitness theory, weight training and personal training for over a decade. Gail has focused on helping people achieve positive health and fitness changes that support their day to day life. She has learned from personal experience how to overcome fears and blocks and develop new skills that promote well being and accomplishment. Gail is especially adept at engaging with clients to realize important life style challenges and integrate new strengths and interest to their day to day life. Her good humour and positive attitude have inspired many people to make long lasting changes and gain confidence in their abilities.
All session are 45 minutes. The viscosity of the water provides an excellent source of resistance when incorporated into an Aquatic Personal Training Program. This resistance allows for muscle strengthening without the need of weights. This program is especially useful for those with arthritis, healing fractured bones, or who are overweight.
3 $36.00$38.00$40.00 $360.00$190.00$120.00
Aquatic Personal Training Packages
Number of Sessions Cost per session Cost per package
Our certified trainers can provide training one on one or in group session. Whether you are new to fitness, need personalized motivation or sport specific training, our personal trainers can develop a program individualized to you and your specific goals. Our trainers can motivate you by assisting with goal setting, providing feedback and accountability. Speak to the Health and Fitness Program Coordinator for more information and to set up an appointment.
Private Personal Training Packages
Number of Sessions Cost per session Cost per package Semi Private Personal Training Packages
All sessions are 1 hour. Sessions include you and your trainer in a one on one 60 minute session addressing your personal related goals.
1053 $48.00$50.66$53.33 $480.00$253.25$160 1053 $38.40$40.53$42.66 $384.00$202.65$128.00
Roché Rossouw is a BCRPA personal trainer, group fitness instructor and health coach. She is certified in Older Adult, Steady Feet , and Precision Nutrition Level 2, and enjoys teaching people to use the best technique possible when they exercise. “I believe everybody who is able to move, can start somewhere and get stronger if they use good exercise technique, consistently show up to train and try to have fun in the process." what moves you! 43
Number of Sessions Cost per session Cost per package
All sessions are 1 hour. Sessions include you and your trainer in a one on one 60 minute session addressing your personal related goals.

Mondays from 5:15 - 6:15pm Session 1 September 19 - October 24 $50/5 classes No class October 10 Session 2 October 31 - December 12 $70/7 classes
Location: Elm Room Instructor: France Gendron Groove Dance Ages: 16 & up Groove dance is a dynamically interactive creative group dance experience. With great music, the facilitator will unite everyone in a simple movement or rhythm but you get the chance to dance it in your own unique way. While exploring a variety of styles and genres, you will experience everything from slow, delicious meditative grooves to heart thumping and strength building cardio beats. The perfect recipe to nurture your body, mind, heart, and soul.
Thursdays from 1:30 - 2:30pm Session 1 September 22 - October 27 $60/6 classes Session 2 November 3 - December 15 $70/7 classes
Try Groove Dance with your whole family! From toddlers to grandparents, everyone is invited to experience this dynamically interactive and creative group dance experience together. The perfect activity to explore new music and bring awareness to creative movement styles at any age.
Location: Elm Room Instructor: France Gendron
France Gendron Hi, I'm France! Since my early childhood I was compelled to move and dance to music. Throughout my life I've explored different styles of dance and music, and learned African and Arabic drumming, which comes hand in hand with dancing. I have now found the Groove method which combines my love of great music with the freedom dance as if no one is watching! I am thrilled to share this with you in our class. MEET THE INSTRUCTOR 44
Saturdays from 10:00 - 11:30am September 24, October 22, and November 26
Groove Dance Family
$50 per family (up to 2 adults and 4 children)

HEALTH & HFITNESS EALTH & FITNESS REGISTERED GROUP FITNESS PROGRAMS Drums Alive Ages: 16 & up Feel and experience the pulsating rhythms, dynamic movements and powerful percussions of this unique high-energy rhythmical workout. Drums alive combines movement with the power of drumming. The beginner course will ensure you are familiar with the movements before graduating to more complex choreography in the intermediate class. Beginner Tuesdays from 2:45 - 3:45pm Session 1 September 20 - October 25 $57/6 classes Session 2 November 1 - December 13 $66/7 classes Intermediate Tuesdays from 1:30 - 2:30pm Session 1 September 20 - October 25 $57/6 classes Session 2 November 1 - December 13 $66/7 classes Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Christine Masters Interested in attending DROP IN FITNESS CLASSES? See our classes and schedule on page 38

Location: Horseshoe Pitch Complex
REGISTERED GROUP FITNESS PROGRAMS Outdoor HIIT Ages: 16 & up Finish your day with this energy charged outdoor HIIT class. Burn stress, build strength, and gain cardio fitness, all while learning how effective exercises can be with minimal equipment. This group class has a welcoming, supportive atmosphere and the intensity can be toned down or tuned up to match your goals!. Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:15pm September 14 - October 19 $58/6 classes
into any
Ages: 16 & up The
You can
and it's
most days of the
Instructor: Margot Glaspey City Powell
46 The
will occur in various locations around the community. Tuesdays from 10:00 - 11:00am Session 1 September 13 October 25 $22/7 classes Session 2 November 1 December 13 $22/7 classes Meet
Hearts in Motion Walking Group Hearts in Motion Walking program designed to encourage people to participate in regular physical activity by walking. Walking great way to boost health and energy easily incorporated lifestyle. reduce risk such as stress, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and body fat incorporating thirty of physical activity week. Walks at the Recreation Complex lower
is a
River reserves the right to cancel programs. Program withdrawals are accepted are up to seven days prior to the start of a program. Once the program has started, refunds will not be accepted except in the event of medical emergencies in which documentation must be provided.
Instructor: Kimberley Gage
- Recreation
foyer entrance (first class)

Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Bianca Hoppe
Empowerment Self-Defence Adult Workshop Ages: 19 & up
ActivAge - FREE Ages: 65 & up ActivAge™ is a free group led physical activity program for inactive older adults. It introduces participants to physical activity and reinforces their commitment to incorporate it into their daily lives. The program is progressive with planned physical activities (stretching, activity, and cool down) based on ActivAge™ training. This fun and social program will help get participants moving in a relaxed environment with likeminded people. The program focuses on improving activities associated with daily living, strengthening muscles used day-today. Each class incorporates physical activities that engage participants, and features in class discussions and resources to improve overall health and physical well being.
This Empowerment Self-Defence Workshop is specifically designed for women (LGBTQ inclusive) 19 and over. Participants will be taught a holistic approach to personal safety and given a set of tools to combat the whole spectrum of violence, from verbal harassment to physical violence. Participants will be introduced to concepts such as how to interrupt violence by listening to their intuition, assessing their options, asserting boundaries, using de escalation strategies, and practicing a range of mental, verbal and physical responses to protect their emotional, physical and mental well being.
Thursdays from 1:00 - 2:00pm
Thursday September 29 from 6:30-8:30pm $27/per person
This Empowerment Self-Defence Workshop is specifically designed for young women (LGBTQ inclusive), ages 13 18. We will be discussing the spectrum of gender based violence and how to recognize and interrupt behaviors starting at the lower end of the continuum as a method of preventing violence. Participants will be introduced to techniques to increase their awareness and intuition skills; they will practice setting boundaries and saying no with assertive voice and body language through role plays and other verbal activities. They will also have a chance to try out simple, yet efficient physical techniques and have fun tapping into their inherent power.
Thursday September 22 from 6:30-8:30pm $25/per person
Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Emily McKee 47
Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Emily McKee Empowerment Self-Defence Youth Workshop
Ages: 13 - 18
Session 1 September 22 - October 27 Session 2 November 3 - December 8

Instructor: Roche Rossouw Healthy Eating Habits Ages: 16 & up How you eat is more important than what you eat if you want to lose fat. Join Roché, Precision Nutrition Level 2 Coach, as she outlines her five simple habits that help her align her nutrition with her health and fitness goals HINT: It has nothing to do with cutting out favourite foods.
Saturday October 29 from 1:00 - 3:00pm $30/per person Instructor: Cherie Seidler, Natural Nutritional Practitioner and Coach
Saturday November 5 from 9:30 - 11:30am $20/per person
Foam rolling helps to keep your fascia healthy and facilitates recovery. Learn how to get the most out of this self massage method in this two hour workshop.
Location: Dogwood Room
Saturday October 1 from 9:30 - 11:30am $30/per family Location: Elm Room Instructor: Cherie Seidler, Natural Nutritional Practitioner and Coach Fuel Your Body to Reduce Anxiety and Stress Ages: 16 & up We all have daily responsibilities that can make us feel overwhelmed and stressed. While we cannot take away your stress, what you eat or don't eat can help determine your response OR your reaction. Learn about the gut brain axis, how serotonin is produced and what foods should you eat daily to ensure you can easily handle everyday stresses. Receive a full stress relieving meal plan with a grocery list and all the recipes you will need to keep your fridge and pantry ready for anything life throws at you.
Foam Rolling Workshop Ages: 16 & up
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Roche Rossouw Family Meal Planning Ages: 16 & up Join us in learning how to plan meals the entire family will enjoy. Learn the importance of the macros required daily to ensure the family is getting what they need to stay focused on their responsibilities and have more energy. Understand what kids actually need to grow and have more balanced moods and learn tips and tricks to stay prepared so you don't have to constantly worry about daily meal prep. Once people register, a form will be emailed out for "family preferences". Each family who joins will get a full meal plan created for their entire family to enjoy.
Saturday October 29 from 9:30 - 11:30am $20/per person

Instructor: Brian Bomprezzi Formerly the Brave Hearts Walk & Talk, this program has now expanded to include those living with a variety of chronic health conditions.
Location: The group meets in the lower foyer of the complex
Mondays from 10:00 - 11:00am Session 1 September 19 - October 24 (no classes September 26 & October 10)
Location: Elm Room
Session 2 October 31 - December 12
Instructor: Brittney Chisholm, B.Sc., D.C. YOGA, PILATES & MARTIAL ARTS
REGISTERED Gratitude Meditation Ages: 16 & up A group guided meditation to bring more awareness to the things we are grateful for. This class helps us to recognize the power or gratitude and tap into where that is felt in the body. By connecting more deeply to a sense of appreciated for what we already have, we open up to receive more positivity, love and support.
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:45 - 11:45am
Wednesday October 12 from 5:15 - 6:00pm $20/per person
Instructor: Kyla Mazurak 49 Thissymbolindicatesthattheprogramisrun inpartnershipwiththeVKWellnessInitiative
Somatics and Mindfulness for Chronic Pain Ages: 16 & up This program, developed by physiotherapist Neil Pearson one of Canada’s leading experts on movement and chronic pain, is designed to help people with persistent pain learn to feel safe to move again. Facilitated in Powell River, by Chiropractor Dr. Britney Chisholm, this program covers topics on breath awareness and regulation, body tension regulation, and movement and relaxation techniques in both seated and standing positions. Each class will leave you with less tension in your muscles, more relaxation throughout your body and show you tools to help treat your own pain.
Session 1 September 13 - October 13 $150 Session 2 November 1 - December 1 $150 Location: Elm Room
Stronger Together Walk & Talk - FREE Ages: 65 & up In partnership with the BCEHS Community Paramedicine Program, this engaging and supportive walking program is designed for individuals that have a chronic health condition that their primary care provider has recommended joining a walking group. Participants will walk the paved pathway around the Recreation Complex as well as through Millennium Park trails, while discussing current concerns and supporting each other.

Session 2 November 2 - December 14 $70/7 classes
Tuesdays from 9:30 - 10:30am
Tuesdays from 6:45 - 7:45pm
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Alexis Kraig Meditation with Anchors Ages: 16 & up For those of us with overactive minds who struggle with meditating because of distracting or overwhelming thoughts (maybe all of us?!) Both tangible and intangible points of focus, or "anchors", are used throughout this group guided meditation, providing a different approach to meditation. Wednesday October 5 from 5:15 - 6:00pm $20/per person
Session 2 November 1 - December 13 $70/7 classes
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kyla Mazurak
This program is designed to work your entire body, including your heart! Get ready to feel the heat and get empowered so that you can align, renew, and tone your body. One of the main focuses of Pilates is the core and this class is designed to improve your posture, tone your tummy, and strengthen the pelvic floor. Beginners welcome!
Session 2 November 1 - December 13 $70/7 classes
Wednesdays from 8:00 - 8:45am Session 1 September 21 - October 26 $60/6 classes
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Alexis Kraig
Pilates with Heart Ages: 16 & up
Session 1 September 20 - October 25 $60/6 classes
Session 1 September 20 - October 25 $60/6 classes
This gentle yoga practice incorporates the use of yoga props and chairs to modify the poses to allow participants to ease into each pose. Please bring a mat and water bottle to class.
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kelly Edwards Ready Set Glow Pilates Ages: 16 & up You know the feeling you get after an amazing workout? This Pilates program is designed to help you get your 'glow' on. Each class works your entire body with a fusion of Pilates and fitness. Ideal for beginners and those who want a safe and effective class experience to build a solid Pilates foundation. Focus on form and alignment to help you master the Pilates fundamentals, so that you can get the most out of your workout as you become more advanced. This class is ideal for all fitness levels and is easily modified for those with physical limitations. This series will help you get your shimmer on. Ready, set, glow!

YOGA, PILATES & MARTIAL ARTS REGISTERED PROGRAMS Thursday Evening Yoga Ages: 16 & up Build strength, stability, endurance and flexibility with this regular yoga practice. Dedicate the hour to increasing your health and wellness through guided postures and breathing exercises. A variety of yoga styles will be explored throughout the series, making the program perfect for beginners and seasoned yogis alike. Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:30pm Session 1 September 22 - October 27 $60/6 classes Session 2 November 3 - December 15 $70/7 classes Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kelly Edwards Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Ages: 16 & up Tai Chi is a type of martial art very well known for its health benefits. It is performed as a concentrated, slow, centered, and coordinated body movements designed to enhance relaxation, inner calm, and peace. Tai Chi 'meditation in motion,' can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, muscle control and boost up your immunity. Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:00pm Session 1 September 21 - October 26 $60/6 classes Session 2 November 2 - December 14 $70/7 classes Location: Dogwood Room Instructor: Will Van Delft Not sure what class is for you? Find what moves you this Fall in our Free Fitness Try it Week September 12 - 17. See the schedule page 40 51

Yoga for Men Ages: 16 & up Yoga for Men combines core strengthening and yoga postures with functional fitness exercises for an amazing workout. This program is designed for both people who enjoy sports and want to improve their game and people who are looking to de-stres and find some clarity in life. It will definitely help loosen up those tight hips, lower backs and shoulders.
Tuesday Evening Yoga Ages: 16 & up Explore dynamic movement and postures to unlock tension within your body. This flow yoga series will help you to build a strong personal relationship with your practice and discover the many benefits of adding yoga to your life.
Tuesdays from 5:30 - 6:30pm
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Keely Spengler 52
classes No
Thursdays from 6:45 - 7:45pm Session 1 September 22 - October 27 $60/6 Session 2 November 3 - December 15 $70/7 classes
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kelly Edwards Yin Yoga Ages: 16 & up A relaxing yoga program that is led through the lens of mindfulness and focuses on the body in each moment. Poses are held for up to 5 minutes to allow for deep fascial work and to give participants time to foster a stronger mind and body connection.
Session 1 September 20 - October 25 $60/6
Session 2 November 1 - December 13 $70/7
Mondays from 6:45 - 7:45pm Session 1 19 - October 24 $50/5 class 10 Session 2 October 31 - December 12 $70/7
Location: Elm Room Instructor: Kaylin Foisy

46 FACILITYRENTALS The City of Powell River boasts a variety of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities available throughout the community for bookings. Wedding, special events, birthday parties? We have the space for you! Call us at 604 485 8909 or email for more information! MAIL: BOOKINGS@POWELLRIVER.CA Meeting Rooms The Recreation Complex has a variety of meeting rooms with various seating capacities, large screen TVs for computer access, projector screens, tables and chairs. Parks & Playing Fields Our City has many parks and playing fields available for use from community recreation to organized sports and competitions. Arbutus Room 250 seat capacity Cedar Room 120 seat capacity Elm Room Poplar Room Maple Room Poolside Room Rehearsal Room TV & projector screens Tables and chairs Kitchen with commercial 10 burner gas stove Electric convection oven Commerical refrigerator and dishwasher The Complex's meeting rooms include: (Combined rooms for 370 seat capacity) Stage Pavilion 30 amp service Spray Park All purpose field Loggers Memorial Bowl Adult Fitness Park Historical Museum Campground Seasonal Concession Playgrounds Willingdon Beach Park features: Larry Gouthro Park DA Evans Parks Sunset Park Lindsay Park Henderson Park Grief Point Park Wharf at Westview Spirit Square JP Dallos Field Timberlane Track Other City Parks include:

FACILITYRENTALS Aquatic Centre 6 lanes by 25m length, 3.5m depth at 27°C Shallow Leisure Pool at 32°C Hot Tub at 39°C Electric Dry Sauna Mens, Womens, and Universal Changerooms Arena & Rink Ice 2 Full Sized NHL Playing Services Grandstand seating up to 1200 Over 17,000sq ft space for conventions, tradeshows, concerts, and banquets Easy load in/load out access Evergreen Theatre Consider the Evergreen Theatre, with either a 260 seat compact set up, or 716 seat full theatre extension consisting of stage theatre, lighting, excellent acoustics, dressing and rehearsal rooms. The Theatre is well suited for musical Dwight Hall Consider the historic Dwight Hall filled with charm and eleganc for your next function. With a capacity for 440 guests, the Hall a superb location for your wedding, fundraiser, ceremony, or special concert The Hall has a grand ballroom with dance floo supper room, large non commercial kitchen, and performance stage. Grand Ball Room - 440 seat capacity Supper room - 128 seat capacity Two refrigerators and two ovens Performance stage and portable stage Portable Microphonebarand podium Projector Screen Tables and chairs PHONE: 604 485-8909 • EMAIL: BOOKINGS@POWELLRIVER.CA

CONTACTUS INPERSON During operational hours Monday Sunday Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Amex Debit or Cash At the Recreation Complex POWELL RIVER RECREATION COMPLEX • 5001 JOYCE AVE, POWELL RIVER, BC, V8A 5R2 604 485-2891 Manager of Recreation Neil Pukesh 604 485 8904 Maintenance Supervisor Todd Fougere 604 485 8911 tfougere@powellriver ca Parks Supervisor Mike Kaban 604 414 8838 mkaban@powellriver ca Recreation Services Supervisor Ray Dubé 604 485 8901 Head Lifeguard Melissa Furlotte 604 485 8912 Marketing & Communications Coordinator Shawna Rahier 604 485 8902 srahier@powellriver ca Health & Fitness Coordinator Christine Creer 604 485 8903 ccreer@powellriver ca Sport & Recreation Coordinator Alex Craig 604 485 8900 ONLINE Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Amex CALL604485-2891 During operational hours Monday Sunday Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Amex CONTACTS Director of Parks, Rec & Culture Tara O'Donnell 604 485-8907 Facility Booking Clerk Janice Gunn 604 485 8909 jgunn@powellriver ca Aquatic Program Supervisor Tami Wood 604 485-8908 Willingdon Beach Campsite 604 485 2242 www willingdonbeach ca 3 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: For general inquiries please call 604 485 8919 or email parksrec@powellriver ca