FCSS Annual Report for 2012

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Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services Annual Report 2012

Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is committed to empowered individuals, healthy families, and caring communities. FCSS is a funding partnership between local municipal governments, MĂŠtis settlements, and the provincial Human Services Ministry. The FCSS Act requires that this funding be used to support social outcomes that are preventive. The social well-being of individuals and families must be enhanced through promotion or intervention strategies provided at the earliest opportunity. The outcomes must also do one or more of the following:

1. Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis; 2. Help people to develop awareness of social needs; 3. Help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people;

4. Help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them; 5. Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community. Throughout this report, you will learn how the funded agencies and municipal partners are supporting residents. You will read about the partnerships and funding that make FCSS possible, as well as the volunteers who were involved in the programs. Finally, you’ll learn more about the projects and the people who have been directly impacted by Red Deer & District FCSS funding.

Table of contents Message from the Chair 1 Partnerships & funding 2 Data collection 4 Volunteers & participants 5 Children & youth 6 Adults 8 Seniors 9 Families 10 Community development 11


Message from the Chair I am very pleased to share with you the 2012 Red Deer & District FCSS Program Annual Report. Through the client stories and data collected, a picture forms about who FCSS programs are serving and where those individuals and families live. It is exciting and gratifying to see the difference that FCSS funding is making in our community. 2012 was a year of relationship building and of tremendous learning as we laid the foundation for the Outcome Measures Reporting system. The incorporation of logic models and theories of change into the daily workings of the funded projects required a great deal of cooperation and collaboration with our community partners. Through this process, I feel strongly that the Board, staff, and funded projects are strategically aligned to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved for the residents of Red Deer & District FCSS region. It has been an honour and pleasure to serve as Board Chairperson this year and, on behalf of my fellow board members, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the agencies for their hard work, and to all of our community partners and volunteers for their continued efforts in making the Red Deer & District FCSS region a place for empowered individuals, healthy families and caring communities. Sincerely,

Kathy Sitter, Chair Red Deer and District FCSS Board (2012)

2012 FCSS Board of Directors Jill Brett Councillor Village of Delburne Sandy Gamble Councillor Town of Bowden May Harvie Citizen representative Red Deer (Board Chair – Oct, 2012 to present) Louise Higginbottom Councillor Village of Elnora Kathy Sitter Councillor Town of Penhold (Board Chair – Jan to Sep, 2012) David Hoar Councillor Red Deer County Don Nesbitt Councillor Red Deer County (until Sep, 2012) Kathleen Weary Citizen representative Red Deer Cindy Jefferies Councillor The City of Red Deer (until Oct, 2012) Lynne Mulder Councillor The City of Red Deer Kevin Van Bussel Citizen representative Red Deer Petro Sabengele Citizen representative Red Deer (until Apr, 2012) George Gehrke Councillor Red Deer County (Oct, 2012 to present) Buck Buchanan Councillor The City of Red Deer (Nov, 2012 to present)


Partnerships & funding The FCSS program has a long and important history in both Alberta and the Red Deer district. For over 40 years, the provincial and municipal governments have joined together to provide resources that offer a range of support and preventive social services for people of all ages. FCSS is regulated through the Family and Community Support Services Act and, as such, its municipal responsibilities include promoting and facilitating: • stronger communities • public participation in planning, delivering, and governing preventive services • volunteer involvement • efficient and effective use of resources • cooperation and coordination with allied service agencies Red Deer & District FCSS is a partnership of six municipalities, including The City of Red Deer, Red Deer County, Town of Bowden, Village of Elnora, Village of Delburne, and Town of Penhold. The governing Board of Directors is made up of representatives from each municipality as well as four members-at-large. FCSS funding is provided through the provincial Human Services Ministry and the six partner municipalities; administrative support is provided by the Social Planning department of The City of Red Deer. There is strong collaboration between all of these partners. Within the FCSS structure, the Province of Alberta provides 80% of the funding, and partnering municipalities provide the remaining 20%. The table to the right details the breakdown of the total FCSS funding contributions from the Province of Alberta and each municipality in 2012.


Contribution ($)

Province of Alberta


The City of Red Deer


Red Deer County


Town of Bowden


Village of Elnora


Village of Delburne


Town of Penhold Total 2012 FCSS funding

26,311 $2,964,254

Partnerships & funding  3

Within the parameters of the FCSS Act and Regulation, each municipality or Métis settlement determines how the FCSS funding they receive should be allocated to best meet the needs of their community. Local FCSS programs are part of the larger provincial program that collectively helps to ensure Albertans have access to a strong network of prevention supports. Currently, Red Deer & District FCSS projects are funded in one of five funding categories:

• Adults • Children & Youth • Seniors

• Families • Community Development

Ad min 8%

Families 6% Adults 16%

Children & youth 29% Community development 22% Seniors 19%

The pie chart to the right shows the percentage of FCSS funding per category. As you read through the following sections of this report, you’ll see how all of these pieces fit together.

“Having a regional partnership with Red Deer & District FCSS has been a catalyst for many wonderful programs and services that our community in Delburne would not otherwise have access to. Our partnership within the six municipalities has grown leaps and bounds over the last few years with having many dedicated people around the table to bring new ideas forward to help our families have a better quality of life. Many thanks to everyone involved for making this partnership and program possible.” Karen Fegan, Chief Administration Officer, Village of Delburne

2012 Social Planning staff – The City of Red Deer (includes staff funded by Red Deer & District FCSS)

Scott Cameron, Social Planning Manager Linda Boyd, Social Planning Supervisor – Resource & Capacity Development Linda Healing, Social Planning Supervisor – Community Development Chayla Van Koughnett, Senior Administrative Assistant Bonnie Stearns, Contracts & Agreements Specialist Franklin Kutuadu, Research and Evaluation Coordinator Bobby-Jo Stannard, Program Coordinator – FCSS

Amanda Ens, Community Facilitator Brian Einarson, Community Facilitator Jeremy Bouw, Community Facilitator (until Feb, 2012) Jason Taylor, Community Facilitator (Apr, 2012 to present) Roxana Nielsen Stewart, Program Coordinator – Housing Natalie Noble, Housing Data Analyst (until May, 2012) Richard Chen, Housing Data Analyst (July to Dec, 2012)

2012 Regional Partners – FCSS staff Dawn LaMontagne, Red Deer County Community Facilitator Pam Hetu, West Red Deer County FCSS Community Worker Adrian Pidhirney, Springbrook (Red Deer County) FCSS Community Worker Nora Smith, Delburne FCSS Community Worker

Helena Smith, Elnora FCSS Community Worker Corrie Monk, Bowden FCSS Community Worker Gloria Bulmer, Penhold FCSS Community Worker (until Feb, 2012) Jennifer Van Caeseele, Penhold FCSS Community Worker (Mar to present)


Outcome measures The data in this annual report was submitted by funded projects according to FCSS outcome measures reporting; outcome measures reporting was adopted for the 2012-2014 funding cycle to address the FCSS funding model principles of evaluation and accountability. Each project is assessed on performance objectives for its target category based on:

• • • •

Five FCSS outcomes Seven protective factors Project level outcomes and indicators Data in relation to outcomes

The data collected includes both quantitative and qualitative information. Quantitative speaks to the demographic information collected along with client survey results. Qualitative is the personal evidence of client outcomes, which is often anecdotal, that reveals the participant’s experience in the programs and services. Together, these data sets provide a comprehensive look at the projects funded through Red Deer & District FCSS in 2012.

Protective factors for participants Based on the guiding principle of multiple risk and protective factors adopted by the Red Deer & District FCSS Board, funded projects were required to incorporate protective factors into the design of their projects. Protective factors are conditions or attributes, such as skills, strengths, resources, supports, or coping strategies. For individuals, families, communities, or society-at-large, these protective factors help people deal more effectively with stressful events and mitigate or eliminate risk in families and communities. As you read about the different funding categories on the following pages, you’ll learn how these protective factors were put into practice by the funded projects.

Protective factors for five FCSS funding categories Adults:

Access to personal supports and counseling in times of need

Children & youth: Positive adult mentors and role models; and Secure emotional bonds/attachment with parents and caregivers Community development:

Organizations and networks with high participation


Positive parenting practices in day to day life


Strong family and social support networks


Volunteer information Volunteering is essential to prevention Volunteers with FCSS funded projects serve in many capacities in central Alberta, from mentoring youth to assisting senior citizens.

Outcomes for volunteering The Red Deer Meals on Wheels project relies heavily on volunteerism for the delivery of its programming. As part of its outcome measures reporting, this project – like several others – identified an outcome specific to volunteering within its programs. The chosen outcome was: “increased meaningful and fulfilling volunteer opportunities in community,” and there are several indicators that this outcome is being met, as demonstrated below:

many drivers had volunteered with Meals on Wheels for over 15 years

drivers often recruit other volunteer drivers (increasing the volunteer base in the community) many drivers develop close relationships with clients they deliver to (reducing isolation for clients) drivers who are unable to deliver still come in to visit with other drivers and office staff (increasing the level of engagement in the community) The majority of volunteers rated their experience highly; in fact, out of the 80 drivers who completed feedback surveys, all rated their overall volunteer experience 5 out of 5.

Participant information Participants in FCSS funded projects come from throughout the Red Deer & District FCSS region. In 2012, funded projects were asked to expand the demographic data they collect, to provide a more detailed view of who is accessing FCSS programming. Program participants were asked to self-identify in two new categories: Number of Newcomers and Number of Aboriginal Participants. As 2012 was the first time this type of information was collected, data is not yet consistent; however, the funded projects that reported indicated that 292 Aboriginal Participants and 212 Newcomers (less than five years in Canada) were served. Expectations are that, once consistent data is being captured in 2013, these numbers will increase. The table to the right provides information on the total number of people served in each municipality.


# people served

The City of Red Deer


Red Deer County


Town of Bowden


Village of Elnora


Village of Delburne Town of Penhold Total

2,138 918 23,042


Children & Youth 14,081 children and youth were served by FCSS funded projects in 2012.


Funded projects incorporated either of the following protective factors: • Secure emotional bonds/attachment with parents and caregivers • Positive adult mentors and role models Additionally, funded projects addressed the following FCSS outcomes:

• Help people to develop interpersonal and group skills, which enhance constructive

Percentage of funding towards children & youth programming

relationships among people

• Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills, and become more resistant to crisis • Help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them The following examples demonstrate how these protective factors and outcomes are put into practice by funded projects.

Mentoring makes a difference Teachers report an increased level of engagement by students participating in the In-School Mentoring program by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Innisfail. Additionally, there are fewer visits to the school office for disciplinary reasons. Teachers are asking for more mentors because they see these positive results. As one parent reported: “My child was being very disrespectful towards me and others but, after a couple of months of mentoring, I began to notice a shift in her behaviour. In our conversations, it came up that her big buddy told her that a mom’s job is tough and that she is lucky to have a mom that cares. I also talked to the teacher, and my child is more respectful towards her, as well.”

2012 FCSS funded projects supporting children & youth include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Benalto Playschool (Benalto Playschool) In-School Mentoring (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Innisfail) Bowden Playschool (Bowden Play and Learn Society) Immigrant Youth Program (Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee) Family School Wellness Program (Chinook’s Edge School Division) Community Education Program (Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre) Delburne Playschool (Delburne Playschool Society) Elnora Playschool (Elnora Playschool) School Age Child Care (Red Deer Child Care Society) Family School Wellness (Red Deer Public School Division) 49th Street Youth Shelter (Red Deer Youth & Volunteer Center) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Red Deer & District (Red Deer Youth & Volunteer Center) Boys & Girls Club of Red Deer & District (Red Deer Youth & Volunteer Center) Penhold Youth Club (Town of Penhold)

• of Red Deer & District

Children & youth  7

A safe place at Boys and Girls Club Brad lives in a small town that has some small town problems. There is a history of conflict between certain parents, and this contributes to bullying issues between some of the kids. Brad has become a target. On top of this, he has a complicated home life. When Boys and Girls Club started in September, Brad was hesitant to go because many of the kids that bullied him would be there. On the second day of club, he got into a fight with another boy. The coordinator intervened and, as he began talking to Brad, the two started to connect on a more personal level. Brad began to feel more comfortable and, eventually, he felt that he was part of something and that he mattered. He started coming to Boys and Girls Club regularly, and he was invited to join a weekend retreat. During the retreat, Brad and the coordinator bonded even more. Brad really opened up and talked about his family and showed a lot of trust. The next week, he started coming to the club early and leaving late. Brad has expressed that the Boys and Girls Club is the one place where he feels safe and comfortable to be himself.

Conflict resolution skills through Outreach Support Services The Outreach Program was first implemented into the Shelter Program in 1999 to address the lack of followup services available to youth who participate in the shelter programs. Now, youth who discharge and return to placements in the community (home, foster home, or other) leave the shelter with a plan that includes coping skills to support them with staying in their home, even when conflict arises. One of the direct program outcomes of the Outreach Support Services project of the 49th Street Youth Shelter is improved skills and knowledge for conflict resolution. The project is meeting this outcome, as the analysis of data collected by the project manager in 2012 indicated a 34% reduction in families who required conflict resolution support once the child returned home.

Connections for new Canadians Increased socialization skills and community connections are integral components to the Immigrant Youth Program, which is run by the Central Alberta Refugee Effort (CARE). The youth really enjoy activities that offer them exposure to Canadian culture and the Red Deer community. A highlight for many youth was the ‘learn to skate’ event held in January, which allowed the youth to try out a very Canadian activity for three consecutive days. Because of the incredible feedback CARE received from the ‘learn to skate’ program, they decided to make it an annual event.

The Chinook’s Edge Family School Wellness Program offered children, youth and families: • 193 preventive programs with • 6,769 people served The workshops, groups and presentations covered a vast amount of material primarily focused on building capacity and resiliency in communities. The Family School Wellness team took great effort to address the top reasons for referral, which were: 1) separation/divorce, 2) anxiety and stress management, and 3) peer interactions.


Adults 2,693 adults were served by FCSS projects in 2012.


Funded projects incorporated the following protective factor: • Access to personal supports and counseling in times of need Additionally, funded adult projects addressed the following FCSS outcome: • Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills, and become more resistant to crisis The following examples demonstrate how this protective factor and these outcomes are put into practice by funded projects.

Friendship circle members:

Finding strength through friendship The Friendship Circle course is part of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Education Program in central Alberta. The course is designed for people who selfidentify as being lonely and isolated and who need to learn how to make and keep friends. Participants in Friendship Circle had a host of successes aligned with the identified FCSS outcome. On their own time, participants regularly got together to attend the Downtown Farmer’s Market, events at Red Deer Public Library, and evening concerts. Friendship Circle members now use Education Program staff as a resource in a way that reflects their increasing independence and community involvement. When serious problems arise for a member, and occasionally they do, staff help the affected individual and also the group as a whole when they need assistance coping with what has happened.

Statistics from FSCA Counselling Family Services of Central Alberta (FSCA) collected feedback from adults about the Counselling project; participants agreed or strongly agreed with the following:

I have increased my ability to handle this situation. I have increased my ability to make positive changes.

92% 93%

2012 FCSS funded projects supporting adults include: • • • • • •

Percentage of funding towards adult programming

Education Program (Canadian Mental Health Association) Learning Together Program (Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee) Boundaries Group (Central Alberta Women’s Outreach Society) Walk In Clinic (Parkland Youth Homes) Counseling (Family Services of Central Alberta) Take Care (Family Services of Central Alberta)

• Helped each other move • Had holiday meals at

each other’s homes • Visited people when they were ill or hospitalized • Did all the things seen as markers of friendship

• of Red Deer & District  9

Seniors 1,928 seniors were served by FCSS projects in 2012. 19%

Funded projects incorporated the following protective factor: • Strong family and social support networks Additionally, funded seniors projects addressed the following FCSS outcomes: • Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills, and become more resistant to crisis • Help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people • Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community

Percentage of funding towards seniors programming

The following examples demonstrate how this protective factor and these outcomes are put into practice by funded projects.

Increasing opportunities at the Golden Circle

Feedback from the Home Support Project Staff at Family Services of Central Alberta have observed that clients of the Home Support Project are increasingly frail seniors who have small family and social support networks. Additionally, staff members have noted they are seeing more clients who are socially isolated and who show signs of hoarding and depression. However, the project is having a positive impact on these clients, as revealed through participant comments below:

(Units of service = each time a program was accessed)

21,989 16,173

Social category (group social opportunities, i.e. hot lunches)





8,138 2011

The outreach Christmas party invited members of CARE’s senior program to join us, and we had 12 Golden Circle Hispanic participants also join us. The entertainment that night was diverse, giving everyone a sense of belonging. We also had praise for the food – given in four languages. The feedback was overwhelming and everyone enjoyed the diversity of the event. We are slowly making connections into the multicultural community to improve access to programs at the Golden Circle. “ Golden Circle staff

Units of service – from My Senior Centre database

“The participants have shared with us that in 2012 there has been an increase in opportunities to get together with friends, and they are happy with what is happening at the Golden Circle. We expanded our hours of operation to 8 p.m. in October of 2012, and we have provided three new evening programs that will give people the opportunity to come together.

Increasing services at Golden Circle

Event sign-ins (programs)

2012 FCSS funded projects supporting seniors include: • Immigrant Seniors Program – Men’s Group

(Central Alberta Refugee Effort Committee)

• Outreach Social Services (Golden Circle Seniors Center)

“I wish my worker could come more often as I feel so much better knowing someone cares.”

• Meals on Wheels (Village of Delburne) • Meals on Wheels (Village of Elnora) • Meals on Wheels (Red Deer Meals on

“My home support worker lights up my day.”

• Home Support (Family Services of Central




Families FCSS projects served 268 families (658 participants) in 2012.


Funded projects incorporated the following protective factor: • Positive parenting practices in day to day life Additionally, funded family projects addressed the following FCSS outcome: • Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills, and become more resistant to crisis Percentage of funding towards family programming

The following examples demonstrate how this protective factor and outcome are put into practice by funded projects.

Helping families at the Infant Preschool Wellness Program Parents involved with the Infant Preschool Wellness Program completed a survey, providing the following feedback on how the program impacted their abilities to parent:


Increased understanding of how to guide their children’s behaviour

Assisted by Outreach Worker to establish goals for themselves and their children Increased decision making and coping skills as a result of home visitation

Participant feedback Parent feedback demonstrates how family funded projects achieve the FCSS outcome for this group:

“I have learned to be patient with my children and learn and grow as they learn and grow.”



2012 FCSS funded projects supporting families include: • Education Program (Family Services of Central Alberta)

• Infant Preschool Wellness Program (Family Services of Central Alberta)

Active parenting The pre and post surveys of the Active Parenting Program indicate that, after the program, parents had a better understanding of their children’s development areas. Parents also gained a new understanding about the need to take care of themselves.

• of Red Deer & District  11

Community development One of the most significant changes in the 2012 - 2014 funding cycle is the expanded investment in service delivery to rural residents of the Red Deer & District FCSS region. The hours and roles of FCSS Community Workers increased in 2012 to meet the changing needs of the communities of Delburne, Elnora, Bowden, Penhold, and Red Deer County (including West Red Deer County and Springbrook). These changes allow community workers to provide local programming, such as children’s and seniors’ programs. Additionally, workers now have the opportunity to facilitate community conversations around issues arising from the needs of the populations they serve.


The community development team reported on the protective factor of:

• Organizations and networks with high participation

Percentage of funding towards community development

Additionally, community development work addressed the following FCSS outcomes:

• Help people to develop an awareness of social needs • Help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them

• Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community

The following examples demonstrate how this protective factor and these outcomes are put into practice by the community development team.

The community development team includes: • Six FCSS Community Workers • Four Community Facilitators • The City of Red Deer (3) • Red Deer County (1)

Delivering projects to communities All members of the community development team completed an evaluation tool that provided information about their projects, including what FCSS funding category they worked with. The graph below provides information on the funding categories that were served by the team in 2012.


Community development 24%

Children & youth 10%

Seniors 5%

Families Adults



Community development (continued) Community dialogue – reducing poverty in central Alberta In 2012, the community development team continued to support the development of Central Alberta Poverty Reduction Alliance (CAPRA) – one of the most progressive and timely projects of the past year. A Community Facilitator provided support and leadership to this committee of invested community leaders. The group worked to engage a broad sector of central Alberta citizens and professionals in planning for a Poverty Reduction Strategy and to educate citizens on the importance of poverty reduction versus poverty alleviation. CAPRA has ties to the Action to End Poverty in Alberta initiative and continues to work with eight municipalities across the province to influence the Government of Alberta to develop a Provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy. The group is also a part of the Vibrant Communities Canada - Cities Reducing Poverty initiative through the Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement, and it continues to share best practice information with cities that are embarking on poverty reduction journeys in their respective communities. CAPRA continues to learn from examples of cities across the country that are making strides to reduce and eliminate poverty for the most vulnerable citizens.

Building community Every day, FCSS Community Workers work to build a sense of community through local programs and initiatives. The Springbrook (Red Deer County) FCSS Community Worker began a Community Garden Project in partnership with the Springbrook Healthy Living Team in 2012. The garden provides a gathering place for the community where strong social networks are created and intergenerational activities regularly occur. This creates a sense of belonging among residents and are important to the social well-being of the population as a whole.

Community engagement The community development team also responds to requests for facilitation assistance from other community partners. One such example is the community engagement process of the Social Policy Framework by the Ministry of Human Services in 2012. Red Deer & District FCSS staff facilitated nine conversations to ensure the region’s voice was heard in this provincial policy setting process.

• of Red Deer & District

Community development   13

Regional projects – Small Acts Matter In February of 2012, the Red Deer and District FCSS Board launched a Small Acts Matter promotional campaign to enhance community awareness about simple actions that people could take to support the social well-being of children and families. The campaign was designed to promote the protective factor of “positive parenting practices in day to day life.” For the Small Acts Matter campaign, a package of four messages were developed and were released to the public in February, in celebration of Family Day. The messages were promoted through advertisements in local newspapers, transit bus and bus bench advertising, community newsletters, and The City of Red Deer website. Each image on the website also contained a link to the foundational research for the messages depicted, giving readers the opportunity to delve into the detailed information. The Small Acts Matter campaign has continued in 2013 with financial support from the Red Deer & District FCSS Board and strategic input from a community-based committee. New messages will be released in a variety of formats over the next year, and these will promote protective factors for additional demographics.

“As a police officer, I am aware of the negative trends taking place in our community. I believe that we all have a responsibility to make a difference. “Small Acts” do matter. By engaging with our children and the youth in the community, Red Deer can become an even better place to live.” Cpl. Leanne Molzahn, Red Deer RCMP

By reading, playing and talking with your kids, you help them develop to their full potential.

Small acts matter. Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services www.reddeer.ca/fcss

For more information on Red Deer & District FCSS please visit www.reddeer.ca/socialplanning or call Social Planning at 403.342.8100 FCSS partners:

Town of Bowden Village of Delburne Village of Elnora Town of Penhold Red Deer County The City of Red Deer Province of Alberta

Report published August, 2013

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