PB Cycle 7 Voter Guide (English)

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Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members recommend to the City Council how to spend part of a public budget. It enables taxpayers to work with government to make the budget decisions that affect their lives.

In 2012, the Vallejo City Council established the first citywide PB process in the Unities States, where residents directly engaged with their local government to develop and recommend projects as part of the annual budget.

The goals of Participatory Budgeting are: 

Improve our city

Engage our community

Open up government

The City and Vallejo residents’ involvement in Participatory Budgeting has made Vallejo a model for city and government institutions worldwide. Through new partnerships with universities and educational institutions, non-profit organizations, generated recognition from The White House, The Atlantic, Slate Magazine, Time and National Public Radio, Vallejo has become the gold standard for public participation and collaborative government.

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WHO CAN VOTE? Any resident of the City of Vallejo that is 14 years of age or older. Participants do not need to be registered voters or U.S. Citizens. We simply request a Vallejo physical address and a date of birth. Individuals residing in Vallejo, but without a home can provide the address to the closest location they reside by.

WHEN CAN I VOTE? The Cycle 7 PB vote will run from September 7, 2021 through October 7, 2021.

HOW DO I VOTE? The Participatory Budgeting process offers two forms to vote. Residents can vote online or with a traditional paper ballot.

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You will need a cellular phone with SMS messaging/texting capacity in order to receive a unique voting code. Standard message and data rates may apply.

If you do not have a cellular phone, and prefer to vote online contact PB Administrative Clerk II, Flor Magallanes via phone at (707) 648-4041 or via email at pbvallejo@cityofvallejo.net. A unique code will be generated and provided to you in order to bypass the texting system.

To visit the voting site click here, or scan the QR Code below. 

You may preview the projects by clicking the blue “View Sample ballot” button.

When you are ready to vote click on the “Vote Now with SMS confirmation” button.

The online platform will require you to complete a registration form that requests the following information: first and last name, year of birth, street address, zip code, cell phone number (optional), and email address (optional)

This site will provide you with detailed information on each individual project.

You may vote for up to two projects.

After submitting your vote, you will have the opportunity to complete a survey. The survey is optional but incredibly helpful to our PB efforts.

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Please complete the registration form attached to your paper ballot, but DO NOT TEAR IT OFF!


Next, open your ballot to preview the eleven projects developed by Vallejo residents, and clearly mark up to two (2) boxes for your preferred projects. 

Please mark boxes clearly with an “ X” “” or completely fill in the box “.”

Please note that you cannot vote for the same project more than once.

Ballots marked with more than two (2) votes are invalid and will not be counted.

Finally, to have your vote counted, submit your paper ballot (with Registration Form attached) to a poll worker. A poll worker will ensure you have completed your ballot correctly and tear off your Registration Form.

Ballots submitted without a Registration Form will not be counted. Paper ballot may be submitted in-person to: City Hall 555 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, CA 94590 Monday - Thursday | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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Cycle 7 of the Participatory Budgeting process began in June of 2019 with the Idea Collection phase. Over the summer, residents of Vallejo contributed over 800 ideas that were categorized. In October of 2019, community volunteers titled Budget Delegates began the painstaking process of vetting ideas categorized into six themes: City Infrastructure, Public Safety, Social Services, Parks & Recreations, Transportation, and Education & Training.

All submitted ideas can be viewed online on the AppCivist platform. Through two difficult years, Budget Delegates worked diligently to bring forth an eleven project ballot. The proposals were developed in close collaboration with City Staff liaisons, Implementing Partners, and with close guidance from the Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee (PBSC) members.

The PBSC is comprised of community volunteers, and it facilitates the PB process, which includes recommending program rules, planning public meetings, and conducting outreach with diverse communities. Members work with City Staff to ensure that PB Vallejo is transparent, fair, and inclusive.

Many thanks to the current and former PBSC members for their dedication to the PB process and Vallejo. Current members include: Patricia Baisden, Lynda Daniels, Patricia Hunter, Jasmine Salmeron, Judy Thomas, Kelly Browning, Alicia Griffin, Emily Parker, Ruscal Cayangyang, Jessica Lozano, Tara Beasley-Stansberry.

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Low-income and homeless pet owners will have access to medical care for their animals, services they do not have the means to pay including spay, neuter, vaccines, and microchips, at no cost to them.

IMPLEMENTER: Humane Society of the North Bay COST:




WHO BENEFITS: Low-income and homeless pet owners in the city of Vallejo. Owners will not have to worry about fees for their animal to be spay/ neutered, receive their vaccines or to be microchipped resulting in healthier animals.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Our animals are part of our family, tending to their care is of the utmost importance for their longevity, health, and safety. Making sure they are vaccinated, spayed or neutered and microchipped is what this project is focused on. Spay and neuter helps fight over population and decreases the urge to wander. Microchipping your pet is one of the most effective means of protecting your animal from being lost or stolen, and greatly aides in reuniting animals with their owners. Vaccinating is effective in preventing future disease. The Humane Society of the North Bay will implement the program to verify eligibility, partnering with local veterinarians for the procedures, and set up vaccine and microchipping appointments on site.

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This social services proposal will provide essential needs to the homeless by bridging programs, services, and resources that offer sustainable paths to personal enhancement, life skills training, medical care, job opportunities, and going from homeless to self-sufficiency.

IMPLEMENTER: Fighting Back Partnership COST:



Vallejo Adult Navigation Center

WHO BENEFITS: The project benefits at-risk, homeless families, veterans, seniors, and children by providing one-on-one interactions and interventions, leading to reentry to stability, self-sufficiency through training, and health services.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will address a specific population's immediate needs by providing necessities and access to supportive services to homeless people and gap populations throughout the City of Vallejo and through nonprofit, Fighting Back Partnership (FBP) and other city-wide safety net providers. This project will directly address homeless people's targeted needs. Community engagement contractors will provide referrals (direct and indirect) to local safety net case managers to assure homeless in locations throughout the city are informed of available services and have an equal opportunity to benefit from the programs to self-sufficiency.

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The proposal funds the implementation of an on-site Dental Clinic within the Vallejo Navigation Center. This project will secure funds to purchase essential dental equipment and instruments to provide Navigation Center participants services.

IMPLEMENTER: City of Vallejo COST:



Vallejo Adult Navigation Center

WHO BENEFITS: For individuals experiencing homelessness, dental care is a lower priority than survival. This dental program empower the homeless to employment opportunities, financial independence, and a healthy transition to independence.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The provision of dental care has been shown to improve many aspects of health and well-being. Homeless research has shown that providing dental care positively impacts homeless program outcomes including completion of a homeless rehabilitation program, employment, financial stability and permanent housing status. Those who had experienced homelessness report significant improvement in perceived oral health, general health and overall self-esteem. This work supports the concept that dental care is an important aspect of overall homeless rehabilitation and should be included in the road to selfsufficiency and improved whole health.

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This nine-month training provides vocational and financial literacy education to 2,442 students and their family members to support their financial opportunities and clear a path to career success.

IMPLEMENTER: Global Center for Success COST:



Jesse Bethel, Vallejo, MIT, and additional high schools to be determined, career center

WHO BENEFITS: Residents of the City of Vallejo benefit from skilled labor performed by their own youth who will be financially stable. Youth and Adults are motivated by learning the value of money and will be supported in their search of employment opportunities.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Financial literacy training will lead to financial stability and job placement for Vallejo youth and their families. Vallejo youth gain knowledge and understanding to attain long-term employment that starts a career. Sophomore, Junior and Senior students at John Finney High School, Vallejo High School, Jesse Bethel High School, and Mare Island Technology Academy receive financial literacy training resulting in a total of 2,442 participants. Family members are invited. The project supports After-school activities, Financial Literacy, and career preparation for students with disabilities.

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This project will fund hands-on educational mentoring for middle and high school age students who are interested in careers in firefighting, emergency medical technician (EMT), paramedics or nursing.

IMPLEMENTER: Solutions for At-Risk Youth COST:



Vallejo Fire Department Training Center

WHO BENEFITS: The entire Vallejo community benefits when its youth are equipped with the skills that will help them successfully take on the challenges of college, employment and peer mentoring.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Vallejo Firefighter Youth Academy is a youth development program that provides life guidance and career exploration for 30-35 youth. The fundamental principles of this 9-month program are academic achievement, community service, and self discipline. Academy cadets are mentored by firefighters and EMTs and empowered to improve their community while maximizing their potential in a safe, structured and fun environment. This mentoring program is being implemented in honor of fallen firefighter Robbin Mackbee who was the first Vallejo firefighter who lost his life in the line of duty. Robbin dedicated numerous hours tutoring and mentoring youth.

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This educational project will prepare our Vallejo Foster Youth for sustainable employment opportunities and success through professional mentorship, hands-on training, and securing paid Vallejo-based business internships.

IMPLEMENTER: First Place for Youth COST:




WHO BENEFITS: The City of Vallejo and our at-risk youth benefit when Vallejo Foster Youth have the opportunity to develop sustainable career pathways, earning while they learn, while continuing to reside in our thriving community.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Vallejo youth who transition out of Foster Care into adulthood often fall prey to homelessness, unemployment, and poverty. Our Vallejo Foster Youth deserve equal access to educational training and employment opportunities! This project will provide our Vallejo youth with the opportunity to succeed and thrive as they prepare for and secure sustainable, paid internships within our community. An experienced specialist will provide our youth with intensive, individualized training (e.g. resume writing, interview prep workshops) and job placement support. Securing Vallejo-based, sustainable employment will instill in our youth increased self-confidence, stable employment, and a strong connectedness to our beautiful Vallejo community!

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The purpose of this project is to provide Vallejo seniors, whom are over 60, five hot meals per week. It will also provide up to three shelf stable meals in time of emergencies. Seniors are also checked on, to ensure their wellbeing three days a week.

IMPLEMENTER: Meals on Wheels of Solano County COST:




WHO BENEFITS: Home-bound seniors receive 260 meals and are physically checked on three days a week, providing a safety check for falls and other risks. With the emergency boxes there are more options for feeding seniors during emergencies.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Meals are developed by a Registered Dietician and meet one third of the daily nutritional needs for seniors. Additional programs provide Elder Abuse screening, referrals and case management through a partnership with Ombudsmen Services of Contra Costa and Solano and Fall Prevention screening and home modifications for home bound seniors. Pets Assisting the Well Being of Seniors (PAWS) is a MOWSC program that provides supplemental dog/cat food, litter, and flea medicine to program participants to assist in caring for their furry companions. Emergency boxes provide meals in the event of power outages, fires (smoke) etc. or when it is not safe for volunteers to deliver meals.

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This proposal would serve 187 of the neediest children, from Vallejo City Unified School Districts schools, providing weekend meals for forty weeks. These students receive free or reduced cost lunches, but are food insecure on weekends.





WHO BENEFITS: Children, who eat nutritious meals on a regular basis perform better in school and develop their full potential. The result for Vallejo is better educated citizens which is our future

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Studies have shown myriad of problems caused by hungry and malnourished children. Children who know that they will not get enough to eat on weekends start acting out on Friday afternoons and their behavior doesn't stabilize until Monday afternoon. Because of this acting out they learn less resulting in lower achievement and test scores. Acting out can lead to these children being ostracized by other children resulting in retarded social growth. Studies have shown that this retarded social growth can follow them into adulthood. This period of hunger stunts emotional and physical development. 100 percent of the children served by this program are below poverty level. This type of project has been successfully done in other school districts.

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Successful reentry programs give former offenders opportunities to support themselves through legitimate and productive work, reduce recidivism, and improve public safety. These targeted programs are held at Vallejo Center for Positive Change.

IMPLEMENTER: Solano County Probation Department - Vallejo COST:



Vallejo Center for Positive Change

WHO BENEFITS: There are significant benefits for communities investing in treatment and supportive services that benefit ex-offenders and their families to reduce criminal behavior incidents affecting the safety of the neighborhoods.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Center for Positive Change is a multidisciplinary, one-stop treatment and services site that support clients under Probation supervision with an array of evidence-based services. These services are designed to reduce the likelihood of the individual's further involvement in the criminal justice system and enhance prosocial (a concern for the rights, feelings, and welfare of other people) community connections. Research demonstrates that high risk offenders require between 200300 dosage hours of treatment and skill building programs in compliance with evidence-based programming in order to realize reductions in recidivism. This program will increase intensity of programming (hours participating), address several issues that are linked .

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Proposal funds will cover the cost of monthly transportation used by Vallejo’s Navigation Center for Homeless Adults for crucial appointments. Case Managers at the Navigation Center will manage qualifying trips.

IMPLEMENTER: City of Vallejo COST:



Vallejo Adult Navigation Center

WHO BENEFITS: The citizens and city will save money on policing, emergency services, and the clean-up of homeless encampments. Vallejo residents will feel safer. Its image will improve, attracting more businesses and visitors.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As a preventative measure, this program is critical in fighting homelessness and poverty. It provides an unmet need and allows clients to get to shelters, medical clinics, detoxification facilities, public assistance offices, and local service providers.

The challenge for those with needs accessing benefits and services is transportation to mainstream agency locations that are remote, inconvenient, or limited by the days and hours that offices are open. This service ensures that the unhoused have equal opportunity to receive referrals to health, dental, mental health, housing, substance abuse, and other appropriate services.

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This project will help provide the Vallejo Fire Department’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) with equipment necessary for heavy rescue operations. Currently the USAR capabilities are rated for “light” and "medium" rescue operations only.

IMPLEMENTER: Vallejo Fire Department COST:




WHO BENEFITS: With these improvements, the Vallejo Fire Department's USAR team will have a complete toolbox to respond to residents and visitors immediately when a disaster strikes or a complex rescue occurs.

DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Vallejo's USAR Rescue truck is not big enough to carry all the specialized equipment needed to handle the type of life saving rescue emergencies that employ the use of tools and skills that exceed those normally reserved for common emergency medical services or firefighting much less a major disaster. Our proposal will provide the USAR with a "ready to go" trailer which will be able to deliver their entire search and rescue equipment with first responders thereby helping to ensure rapid deployment. Also we'll purchase a "heavy" stabilization kit that will enable the stabilization of a Maximum load up to 120,000 lbs / 54,431 kg. to address the lack of equipment designed for stabilizing medium-heavy vehicles or collapsing buildings.

PB VALLEJO City of Vallejo 555 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, CA 94950 (707) 648-4041 pbvallejo.org pbvallejo@cityofvallejo.net

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