Vallejo W e e k ly Vo l u m e 9 I s s u e 2 1 May 21, 2021
Photo: Vallejo City Council Chambers
Volume 9 Issue 20
Need Assistance Paying for Internet Service? The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program that helps families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and so much more. The Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. The Benefit is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household. Click here to learn more. May 21, 2021
THE 20’-21’ PROPOSED BUDGET IS NOW AVAILABLE The City of Vallejo has released its proposed budget for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022, which represents the City’s financial plan for the upcoming year starting July 1. The budget totals $264 million, with General Fund expenditures of $120 million and $51 million in the Water Fund. Projected General Fund revenue is $ 120 million, which is an increase of 15.8% compared to FY 20-21 Adopted Budget. The City has a structurally balanced budget for FY 2021-2022 and will continue to operate conservatively due to the financial uncertainty surrounding the pandemic. The proposed budget is scheduled to go to the City Council for a public hearing on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. You can view and particpate in public meetings by visiting the City Agendas and Videos page. Click here to review the proposed budget.
Volume 9 Issue 20
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Volume 9 Issue 20
THE LAKE CHABOT STAKEHOLDERS GROUP WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! How do you and your family utilize Lake Chabot, and how often?Please take a moment to let us know by answering a few questions. Scan the QR code below to be taken directly to the survey, or visit Please complete the survey by the Friday, June 11 deadline. The Lake Chabot Stakeholders Group is a coalition of community partners concerned with management of the lake, including the Greater Vallejo Recreation District, the Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District, the Vallejo Watershed Alliance, the Solano Resource Conservation District, Friends of Lake Chabot, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, and the City of Vallejo.
May 21, 2021
Volume 9 Issue 20
ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR & CITY ENGINEER Meet Melissa Tigbao, your Assistant Public Works Director and City Engineer! Melissa is a Vallejo native and has been serving the Vallejo community for the last two and a half years as our City Engineer. It was at Hogan High School that Melissa realized she wanted to be an engineer. “I took one of those questionnaires about what interested me and my personality type. One of the recommended professions for me was Civil Engineer.” What Melissa found most interesting about being a Civil Engineer was that they have a hand in engineering everything; “From the streets that we drive on, the sidewalks we walk on, the lights we need along the roadways, the water and sewer systems, and the buildings we live and work in,” civil engineers do it all. When Melissa graduated from Hogan High, she was accepted into UC Davis. She credits her academic and professional success to her parents and her Vallejo public school teachers and counselors. Melissa’s parents always told her growing up; education is the one thing that can never be taken away from you.
May 21, 2021
Melissa’s path to becoming a City
that the apple doesn’t fall too far from
Engineer wasn’t the typical one. The
the tree either. Two of her children show
normal progression for a new engineer
promise in leaning towards careers in
is to start as a junior engineer, moving
the engineering field. Melissa strives to
through the ranks as an assistant,
be a role model and supporter of women
associate, senior, and finally, a city
and minorities in STEM. She is also very
engineer. Because of her talent
proud to represent the Filipino community
and tenacity, Melissa had a unique
in working for the City of Vallejo.
opportunity as an assistant engineer to skip over the role of associate directly
When asked what advice she would give
into a senior engineer role. This type of
a young person about being successful
career jump doesn’t often happen in the
and achieving their dreams, Melissa
engineering field, and Melissa is grateful
had this wisdom to offer, “Whatever you
to have had that opportunity. Melissa’s
have a passion for, you can do it! Reach
life and career have come full circle,
out to your teachers, local clubs like
returning to serve Vallejo residents and
Vallejo Rotary, or even your local church.
businesses. Even with the conflicts the
Everyone wants to see you succeed, and
City has faced and still faces, Melissa
it is easier to succeed when you have
loves Vallejo, “there is so much more to
people to talk to who can support you in
be proud of about this community.” Its
achieving those dreams.”
resilience in the face of these struggles and beautiful cultural diversity, make her
The City of Vallejo is proud to have a
proud to be a resident and public servant
Vallejo native and successful engineer
of the City.
like Melissa on our team!
Melissa and her husband, who
Thank you, Melissa, for everything YOU
coincidentally is also a Civil Engineer,
do for Vallejo!
are raising three children, all of whom have gone through or are going through Vallejo public schools. It also appears 10
Volume 9 Issue 20
Check out the latest job openings at the City of Vallejo by visiting
May 21, 2021
CARLOS DIAZ, STREETS SUPERVISOR Meet Carlos Diaz, Public Works Streets Supervisor! Carlos has been with the City of Vallejo for three and a half years, and his favorite part of his job is the daily challenges, and working with his coworkers, who he is incredibly proud of. Carlos was born and raised in Vallejo, and LOVES everything about Vallejo! He takes pride in meeting the frequent demands of various jobs and projects, and considers being hired on with the City one of his biggest accomplishments. We’re so lucky to have Carlos on our team, and appreciate everything that he and his team do for our community!
Volume 9 Issue 20
May 21, 2021
Volume 9 Issue 20
JANNAH LUNAR-KAPLLI, ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK, FLEET We’re also shining the spotlight on Public Works’ Administrative Clerk II, Jannah Lunar-Kaplli! Jannah is a longtime Vallejo resident, and joined our team about a year and a half ago. Her favorite part of her job is being able to interact with hard-working individuals across all different departments, who collectively make up such an amazing team. Jannah has grown a tremendous love for culturally diverse Vallejo, and loves seeing how much Vallejo has grown over the years with new and upcoming restaurants, stores, and attractions. We love having Vallejo Proud residents like Jannah as part of our diverse team! Thank you, Jannah, for all that you do for us!
May 21, 2021
JEREMIAH ROBINSON, ELECTRICIAN In our continued celebration of National Public Works Week 2021, click or tap here to meet Jeremiah Robinson, an electrician with Vallejo’s Public Works Department. Jeremiah has been with the City of Vallejo for just over five years, and his favorite part of the job is helping residents by restoring service to traffic signals and street lights. He is excited to have been promoted from Acting Supervisor to Electrician, and is appreciative of his coworkers who have helped him in that journey. He particularly loves Vallejo because of our atmosphere, weather, and residents! Thank you, Jeremiah, for all that you do for us!
Volume 9 Issue 20
May 21, 2021
Volume 9 Issue 20
GIVE LITTER THE BOOT! What better way to celebrate National Public Works Week than by pitching in to help out our crews AND our community!? Join us and Leadership Vallejo and GIVE LITTER THE BOOT! Just show up with your face mask - the community cleanup tool trailer will be there will all the tools you’ll need! *Masks and social distancing are REQUIRED. Interested in hosting a community cleanup? Contact our Community and Volunteer Coordinator at or (707) 648-8616 to get started.
May 21, 2021
MAY 16-22 IS EMS APPRECIATION WEEK Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week is a time to recognize and celebrate emergency responders serving on the frontlines. Trained to respond to any emergency, EMS personnel have faced the added challenges of working on the frontlines in the middle of a historic pandemic. Vallejo Fire Department firefighters and paramedics, as well as their local service partners, work tirelessly to serve our Vallejo community. As an “all-risk” agency, the Vallejo Fire Department responds to medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, vehicle accidents, rescues, as well as structure fires, wildland fires and, vegetation fires. If you experience a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. 20
Volume 9 Issue 20
CALLING ALL YOUNG LEADERS OF SOLANO COUNTY Solano Land Trust would like to receive input from the Vallejo Community about how can open spaces help the community be healthier, happier, and more connected; how can natural areas better support the needs of all people who live in Solano County; and how important is it for kids to connect to nature. Participants will receive a $20 gift card to a local small business, a $20 gift card to Walmart, and a free parking pass for Lynch Canyon Open Space. Join the Zoom community conversation on Tuesday, May 25 from 4:300 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Space is limited, to participate, click here. For questions, email Nicole Braddock at
May 21, 2021
million in funding the County received
Renters in Solano County who have
program will also provide participants with
lost income or experienced other
additional resources, including access to
financial hardship due to COVID-19
housing stability case management.
from the U.S. Treasury to implement the program. ERAP will provide rental assistance paid directly to landlords on behalf of eligible renter households. The
and need rental or utility assistance are urged to apply to the federally funded
“Catholic Charities is grateful for the
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
opportunity to continue supporting our
(ERAP), designed to support low income
community’s path to economic recovery
households impacted by the pandemic
by providing rent and utilities assistance
health emergency.
to local renter households most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the
The Solano County Board of Supervisors
coming weeks, Catholic Charities will
unanimously approved a contract with
host several events across the County
Catholic Charities to administer $13.3
to provide information on the assistance
Volume 9 Issue 20
offered, eligibility, requirements and how
The total cash-assistance amount
to apply.”
applicants will be eligible for toward their monthly rental costs will vary depending
To qualify for the COVID-19 cash-
on need but may be as much as 12
assistance rental program:
months of back rent, 3 months of future rent, and overdue utilities. The application
Applicants must:
period may close on July 31, 2021 at 5:00
• Have a head of household over 18
years of age • Be a Solano County resident
Visit the Catholic Charities of Yolo and
• Have an income at or below 80
Solano website at https://www.ccyoso.
percent of the Area Median Income for
org/solanoerap for the program and
its household size
application information.
• Be at risk or homelessness or housing insecurity • Be eligible for unemployment or has
Applicants may also call (707) 400-0741 to apply by phone.
experienced a financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. May 21, 2021
CITY OF VALLEJO SELECTED FOR AN ASSESSMENT GRANT On May 11, 2021, the City of Vallejo was awarded the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment Grant. The City will begin to negotiate the award and a cooperative agreement for the Assessment Grant next month. The Assessment Grant is to survey areas within the city that qualify as Brownfield sites which are areas that need soil remediation (cleanup) within the City. This grant awards $600k in order to assess soil clean-up sites and will allow for Vallejo to apply for additional funding in the following years for clean-up plans and remediation on the selected sites.
Volume 9 Issue 20
Vallejo W e e k ly WWW.CITYOFVALLEJO.NET Subscribe to the Vallejo Weekly, and other City communications, here. View previous issues of the Vallejo Weekly, here. Submit your positive community story or event for consideration in the Vallejo News section, here.