[ AUGUST 2015 ]
BUDGET EDITION Providing facilities and services for our rapidly growing community 04-07 Mayor’s Message 02 Healthy Communities 09 Local Government Election 11 Race in your Rates 12
A MESSAGE FROM MAYOR TRACEY ROBERTS WELCOME TO THE BUDGET EDITION OF WHAT’S HAPPENING MAGAZINE. The community driven budget for 2015/16 was presented to Council for adoption in June and the total capital works allocation is in excess of $81million. For a full roundup of key projects see our budget wrap (pages 4-7).
Elected Members and City staff invested thousands of hours considering capital expenditure, operating expenditure and revenue, including fees and charges, and rates. The Elected Members have particularly focused on community facilities for the forthcoming years. In considering the various issues, we had the benefit of research that predicted some of the challenges for our fast growing Council.
I am pleased to say that we will continue to enhance our planning so that we have the ability to continue to design responsible budgets. Council will continue to identify opportunities for realistic savings while also providing residents with the services and facilities they need. In other news, I recently helped turn the first sod of soil which marked the early official commencement of the Mitchell Freeway extension which is good
news, but I am extremely disappointed that the State Government has not listened to our sound reasons for a more northern exit (see article below). The City will continue to strongly lobby the State Government on the exit of the freeway at Romeo Road and the much needed northern rail extension to Yanchep. I look forward to seeing you in the community. Mayor Tracey Roberts JP
AFTER SIGNIFICANT LOBBYING TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO DELIVER THE MITCHELL FREEWAY EXTENSION EARLIER, IT IS WONDERFUL TO SEE THE PROJECT HAS NOW BEEN BROUGHT FORWARD. This has been made possible with an 80 per cent contribution of project funding, or $209.1million, from the Australian Government - taking the project’s total funding commitment to $264.1million. While it is extremely positive that construction on this much-needed extension is expected to commence in mid-2015, there is mounting concerns that the planned Hester Avenue exit will cause congestions issues for Merriwa and surrounding communities.
There has been an identified need to extend the project another 5.5km to Romeo Road to avoid impacting the nearby school precincts, RAAFA Cambrai retirement village and to take pressure off the increasingly busy Wanneroo Road and Marmion Avenue. The City wrote to Premier Colin Barnett in March urging the State Government to reconsider its decision to end the extension at Hester Avenue, to no avail. Extending the freeway to Romeo Road would also prompt early construction of the Wanneroo Road to Marmion Avenue east-west link. If this concerns you, please contact your local members of parliament.
John Quigley, Butler MLA T 9407 8600 E john.quigley@mp.wa.gov.au Albert Jacob, Ocean Reef MLA T 9305 4099 E albert.jacob@mp.wa.gov.au Paul Miles, Wanneroo MLA T 9405 1244 E enquiry@paulmiles.com.au Ken Travers, North Metro Region MLC T 9300 3422 E ken.travers@mp.wa.gov.au Michael Mischin North Metro Region MLC T 9301 1896 E michael.mischin@mp.wa.gov.au Liz Behjat, North Metro Region MLC T 9440 4433 E liz.behjat@mp.wa.gov.au Peter Katsambanis North Metro Region MLC T 9228 0503 E peter.katsambanis@mp.wa.gov.au Martin Pritchard, North Metro Region MLC T 9201 0582 E martin.pritchard@mp.wa.gov.au
23 Dundebar, Wanneroo, WA 6065 T : 9405 5000 F : 9405 5499 After Hours 1300 13 83 93 enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au wanneroo.wa.gov.au CENTRAL WARD
CR DENIS HAYDEN M : 0432 848 550
CR HUGH NGUYEN M : 0403 439 492
TRACEY ROBERTS JP MAYOR T : 9405 5440 F : 9405 5411
CR BRETT TREBY T : 9343 8175 F : 9343 8175 M : 0411 209 372
DOT NEWTON JP DEPUTY MAYOR T : 9405 2824 M : 0407 981 149
CR NGUYET-ANH TRUONG M : 0414 703 338
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CR DOMENIC ZAPPA M : 0415 524 787
CR FRANK CVITAN JP T : 9409 9940 F : 9440 4777 M : 0419 994 944
CR RUSSELL DRIVER M : 0414 854 173
CR DIANNE GUISE T : 6102 0690
CR GLYNIS PARKER T : 9305 9985 M : 0409 408 171
CR LINDA AITKEN M : 0497 790 960
CR BOB SMITHSON T : 9562 0858 M : 0410 543 385
CR NORMAN HEWER M : 0412 490 096
CR SABINE WINTON M : 0427 608 627
Aerial view of coastal growth in Jindalee.
forward the microchip number to the City for our records. In other news, free poo bags to help you pick up after your pet and keep our parks clean are now available in some City parks and recreation areas.
registration are not valid without a microchip number.
This change means dog owners must ensure dogs aged three months and over are microchipped.
If your dog is microchipped, please contact the City on 9405 5000, enquires@wanneroo.wa.gov.au or through the City’s website to advise your dog’s microchip number.
If the City doesn’t have your dog’s microchip number please make contact so your records can be updated. Renewals for your dog
If your dog is not currently microchipped, please contact your local veterinary clinic to arrange to have your dog microchipped and
The free bag initiative will help keep the City’s parks clean and improve enjoyment for all residents, removing the need for dog owners to take their own bags with them when walking their furry friend. Dog owners are reminded to obey the signage in parks and keep their dogs on a leash unless in a specified dog exercise area.
Mayor Roberts with her German Shepherd Deezal.
THE CITY IS A STRONG ADVOCATE OF THE WANNEROO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION AND HAS A LONG HISTORY OF PROVIDING SUPPORT VIA SPONSORSHIP. This support is set to continue for a minimum of three more years with the City recently signing a formal sponsorship proposal with the Association.
“Local businesses provide the backbone of our community through amenity, employment and economic benefit. It is therefore very important to give them the support they need,” Mayor Tracey Roberts said. “This three-year sponsorship agreement is the result of the Wanneroo Business Association changing the way they seek sponsorship - to become more strategic and plan for the future.
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This is a great initiative and one the City supports as it means it will provide additional stability and support for businesses based in the region.” For more information on how the City supports local businesses, telephone the City on 9405 5000. Alternatively contact the Wanneroo Business Association at www.wanneroobusiness.com or call 9206 3888.
BUDGET EDITION - NORTH WARD Community safety, infrastructure, road works, parks and sporting amenities top the list of key projects in the City of Wanneroo’s 2015-16 community driven budget. The City has allocated more than $81million to capital works projects across the City.
YANCHEP ACTIVE OPEN SPACE AND OVALS Concept plans for the development of two senior size sporting fields, car park, basketball/netball courts, play area, internal path network, floodlighting have now been completed and endorsed by Council.
The City of Wanneroo and Yanchep Beach Joint Venture (the Developer) have completed the design and scope documentation for the Marmion Avenue extension and ground works for the ovals.
Cr Aitken
Cr Hewer
Yanchep active open space master plan. Visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au to view the detailed version.
FISHERMAN’S HOLLOW Work to build a beach access point at Fisherman’s Hollow is currently in the design phase. The $185,000 project is awaiting a clearing permit from the Department of Environment Regulation and Aboriginal Heritage Clearance from the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. Works on the replacement of the existing stairs are scheduled for early 2016.
The City is undertaking a needs assessment and feasibility study for a new community centre and library in Yanchep.
Council has awarded the tender for the design of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club and public amenities building.
The City will be contacting community groups to assess community needs.
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The design and documentation is expected to be completed in September at which time the City will call for tenders to build the facility, estimated to be finished in late 2016.
KOONDOOLA COMMUNITY CENTRE The Koondoola Community Centre will provide a much needed addition to the Koondoola area for community groups to come together, meet and interact as well as providing local sporting teams with improved facilities with a canteen, spectator terrace and male and female change rooms. The $3.5million facility will also include a main hall, secondary hall, kitchen facilities, office, meeting room, court yard, toilet facilities, store rooms and landscaping. During 2015/16 funds of $1.3 million will go towards the completion of the Centre, which is expected to open to the community in December 2015.
Artist impressions of the Koondoola Community Centre.
A new library in Kingsway is being planned to service the growing communities of Darch, Madeley and Landsdale.
Athletics clubs from Kingsway and Landsdale will benefit from new storage and toilets facilities at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex.
Community consultation has indicated strong support for a library service at Kingsway and with strong links to the shopping centre, the library is expected to become a popular community hub.
The current facilities, consisting of two ageing sheds and a sea container, have been stretched to capacity.
Funds of $150,000 have been allocated in the City’s 2015/2016 Capital Works budget for concept planning which will consider the best way of balancing traditional library services with new innovative services which embrace current trends and technology. The new library will be a valuable community facility for the South Ward community where the existing Girrawheen Library has recently also been refurbished. Cr Hayden
Cr Nguyen
Cr Treby
The City has allocated $60,000 this financial year for the design of a new building which will be used by three clubs: Landsdale Little Athletics, Kingsway Little Athletics and Kingsway Senior Athletics. Construction of the new building is expected to take place in 2016/2017 at a cost of $630,000.
Cr Truong
Cr Zappa
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MARANGAROO GOLF COURSE Marangaroo Golf Course is set to undergo some significant improvements including new reticulation lines and perimeter fencing. Funds of $1.2million have been allocated over the next two years for the replacement of reticulation lines. Some of the works will be carried out in the 2015/16 financial year ($630,000) with the remainder completed the following year ($605,000). The budget also includes $500,000 carried over from last year for the replacement of the perimeter fencing. In addition, the City has allocated $165,000 towards ongoing upgrades such as signage, pathways, green replacements and tee upgrades.
The facility’s strong links to the neighbouring services, unique architecture and innovative design will ensure its success as a hub for the community that is suitable for a wide range of uses and changing needs over time.
Construction of the brand new community centre building and car park at Willespie Drive in Pearsall has been budgeted for this financial year. Construction of the $3.56million facility is scheduled to begin later this year, subject to Council consideration of the tender.
NEW PLAYGROUNDS The installation of new playground equipment at Mirto Park in Sinagra and Gidgi Park in Wanneroo will occur in coming months.
The installation is part of the City’s program to provide more facilities at developed parks and reserves. Currently, neither park has playground facilities so the $120,000 project will be a welcome addition to the area. Details will be posted on the City’s Facebook and website as the project progresses. If you would like to provide feedback or suggestions on this project contact the City on 9405 5000. Dep. Mayor Cr Newton
Cr Cvitan
Cr Guise
Pearsall Hocking Community Centre concept plans.
Stage 2 of the Lenore Road realignment is underway.
LENORE ROAD REALIGNMENT Construction commenced on the works to upgrade and realign approximately 2.1km of Lenore Road, south of High Road.
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Construction, which started in April, is due for completion by the middle of 2016. The project involves the construction of a new single carriageway for Lenore Road from Kemp Street to High Road and associated improvements including pathways.
Coastal protection work at Quinns Beach.
BUDGET EDITION - COASTAL WARD COASTAL MAINTENANCE AT QUINNS BEACH BEACH RENEWAL WORKS The City is actively monitoring beach areas and structures along the Quinns Rocks coastline to identify beach and groyne maintenance required. In 2015/16, $250,000 has been budgeted for monitoring and works including sand replacement and maintenance of coastal structures. LONG TERM COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT Council has also approved $250,000 for stage 2 and 3 of the coastal management project, which will
include concept designs and detailed designs - respectively. Concept designs will be presented at a community information session in late 2015, with detailed designs to be completed in 2016.
QUINNS MINDARIE COMMUNITY CENTRE The new community facility, which will be built as an extension to the Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club, will provide a community function space, as well as opportunities Cr Driver for fitness and youth outreach programs. $1.2million in funds have been committed for the detailed design and construction of Stage 1.
CONNOLLY DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS More than $3.8million has been committed for Connolly Drive improvements during 2015/16. These works will include construction of the second carriageway from Neerabup Road to Lukin Drive, as well as improved drainage and pedestrian pathways. This project will improve travel times for commuters, ease congestion and improve road infrastructure and safety. This project will commence at the start of 2016. Cr Parker
Cr Winton
Cr Smithson
1. Butler Train Station 2. Creative Wall Structure 3. Floodlight Playing Fields
A master plan review and design for the Butler North District Open Space will be conducted, to the value of $220,000.
4. Informal Track 5. Nature Play Area 6. Exercise Equiptment 7. 16 Hard Courts
This open space will provide district level active playing fields, hard courts, sports amenities building and supporting infrastructure which will be shared with the Department of Education.
8. College Entry 9. Sporting Pavillion 10. Informal Playing Field 11. Cricket Nets 12. Planted Drainage 13. Entry Road 14. High School 15. Primary School Draft concept drawing of the Butler North District Open Space.
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ACCESS AND INCLUSION IN THE CITY HELP THE CITY OF WANNEROO ENSURE ALL PEOPLE HAVE EQUAL ACCESS TO LIFE’S OPPORTUNITIES BY SUBMITTING YOUR FEEDBACK. The City has recently conducted a series of consultation workshops seeking feedback on its efforts to ensure all people have equal access to facilities, services, events information and employment. This information has been included into the City of Wanneroo’s Draft Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-2019.
The draft plan will be available for public comment from 27 August to 18 September 2015 at City of Wanneroo libraries, community centres, leisure centres and the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre. You can also access the plan and submit your comments online via the City’s website or Facebook page. People who submit their comments will go in the running to receive a $300 Coles Myer voucher. For all enquiries contact 9405 5918 or enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
Mayor Tracey Roberts pictured with City staff and recipients of the City’s first Scores on Doors certificates recognising food hygiene and safety requirements. From L to R, Wayne Harris, Ron Chiltern, Hal Vo and Dep Duong (front) Mayor Tracey Roberts, Ian Bickle and Sarah Kermode, Amir Budroodin and Alan McColl.
CITY LAUNCHES SCORES ON DOORS FOOD HYGIENE PROGRAM DINERS CAN NOW SEE HOW WELL LOCAL CAFES AND RESTAURANTS ARE COMPLYING WITH FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOLLOWING THE LAUNCH OF A NEW RATING PROGRAM. As part of the City’s Scores on Doors program, participating food businesses will display distinctive blue and yellow posters which rate their compliance with food safety standards, including food temperature control, food prepared in advance of service, food handler hygiene, cleaning, sanitisation and pest control.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said the initiative which would allow people to make an informed choice about where to eat or shop for food. “City health officers regularly inspect our local food businesses and rate their compliance with food safety standards and Scores on Doors means this information will be readily available as posters displayed in the business’ door or window,” Mayor Roberts said. “We have a fantastic range of quality restaurants within our City so I hope our residents will support the businesses that are taking part in this program.”
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Mayor Roberts recently met with owners of four local food businesses who were rated as Excellent: • Hal Vo and Dep Duong from Darch Fish and Chips in Madeley • Amir Budroodin from Mughal Foods in Wangara • Sarah Kermode and Ian Bickle from Bib’s Tuck Shop in Yanchep • Ron Chilton from Christo’s Lunch Bar in Landsdale FOOD
A NEW BICYCLE PLAN AIMS TO MAKE CYCLING AN INTEGRAL PART OF DAILY LIFE IN WANNEROO FOR ALL RESIDENTS. The strategy links major activity centres such as schools, commercial precincts and new residential developments within the transport hub. Extensive community engagement was conducted via the City’s website. This feedback helped to create a high quality, connected and accessible bicycle plan. The City will ask for further community feedback with the plan to be presented to council later in the year.
Mayor Tracey Roberts with active cyclist Scott Shearer.
MORE THAN 10,000 HOUSEHOLDS ARE NOW ON THEIR WAY TO GETTING MORE ACTIVE AND CONNECTED IN THE CITY AS PART OF THE YOUR MOVE PROGRAM. More and more people are walking, cycling and getting active around the City - you’ve probably noticed this change happening around your local neighbourhood too. Local Banksia Grove resident Preeti Chana heard about the Your Move program at the Banksia Grove Community Centre and signed up to make sure herself and her baby stayed active.
Local resident Preeti Chana enjoys the Your Move program.
“The program will help me be more active than I was,” she said.
To help participants reach their goals, some exciting activities will be happening across the City including the installation of three bike repair stations, multiple new bicycle racks and bus stop shelters, free HBF fitness sessions as well as some great events. Find out more at: Website www.yourmove.org.au Facebook facebook.com/YourMoveWA Twitter @YourMoveWA and Instagram YourMoveWA Your Move is a State Government program supported by the City of Wanneroo and RAC, and delivered with the assistance of HBF, North Metropolitan Health Service, Heart Foundation, Nature Play WA and Diabetes WA.
HEALTHY COMMUNITIES FITNESS AND HEALTH PROGRAMS THE CITY OF WANNEROO IS COMMITTED TO PROVIDING HEALTHY LIFESTYLE OPTIONS FOR ALL RESIDENTS. FOOD SENSATIONS WORKSHOPS This free workshop will teach you about nutritious foods and provide you with the skills to purchase and prepare them. A free crèche is also available.
Places are limited and bookings are essential. For more information on this and other programs, contact the Healthy Communities team on 9405 5000, email programs@wanneroo.wa.gov.au or visit the website.
LUNCH BOXES AND SNACKS Wednesday 12 August // 10am-2pm Phil Renkin Centre 59 Lisford Avenue, Two Rocks
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RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF WANNEROO ARE SERVICED WITH ONE GREEN WASTE AND ONE JUNK BULK COLLECTION EACH YEAR. For service information and collection dates for your suburb, look for adverts in the community newspaper, signs at suburb entry roads, call customer service on 9405 5000 or visit our website wanneroo.wa.gov.au
SENIORS AGEING WELL IN WANNEROO / FORUMS AND CLUBS THE CITY HOSTS A NUMBER OF SENIORS FORUMS TO PROVIDE INFORMATION AND RESOURCES TO OLDER RESIDENTS. They provide the opportunity to discuss relevant issues and enjoy some light refreshments. Tuesday 8 September 2015 Hainsworth Community Centre, Girrawheen Wednesday 23 September 2015 Phil Renkin Centre, Two Rocks Enquiries 9405 5600.
SENIOR CITIZENS CLUBS AND U3A For social and leisure activities in your area why not join your local Senior Citizens Club or expand your mind with the University of the Third Age. • Alexander Heights Senior Citizens Tuesday and Thursday, enquiries 9343 7877 • Girrawheen-Koondoola Senior Citizens, Tuesday and Thursday, enquiries 0421 199 324 • Quinns Rocks Senior Citizens Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, enquiries 9406 8308
• Wanneroo Senior Citizens, Monday to Friday, enquiries 9405 2628 • Yanchep Two Rocks Senior Citizens Mondays, enquiries 9561 1287 • University of the Third Age (U3A) Wanneroo Recreation Centre. Last Thursday of the month, enquiries 9206 3440. SENIORS
GOOD NEWS FOR LOCAL SOCCER FANS COUNCIL RECENTLY APPROVED A NEW LEASE FOR THE WANNEROO SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB (WSCC). The move means avid soccer players in Wanneroo are a step closer to competing in outdoor five-a-side games at the site. Last year the WSSC requested Council’s permission to sublease an area of unused land to Area 5 Football Pty Ltd, a 5-a-side soccer business with existing operations at Lake Monger Recreation Club in Wembley. Subject to relevant approvals, Area 5 would install two synthetic AstroTurf pitches and overhead flood lighting within the sub-lease area and local teams could rent
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the pitches as part of a competitive 5-a-side league. Soccer is a truly global sport and in a City as diverse and multi-cultural as ours it makes sense to support facilities for a game loved by millions worldwide. There will also be a financial benefit, as all future maintenance and costs would be the responsibility of Area 5. The City will now seek approval from the Minister for Lands to incorporate unused land into the WSCC site.
The competition invited amateur photographers to capture their favourite place within the City in the categories of Coastal and Maritime, and Heritage and Nature.
Many of the winning photographs will feature in the City’s 2016 Calendar, distributed to City of Wanneroo residents at the end of the year.
For the first time, the City also ran an Instagram category, using the hashtag #discoverwanneroo2015.
Adult Overall Winner - Susan Kay - Cockman House.
Youth Overall Winner - Teka Davies - Walk at Sunrise.
Coastal and Maritime Winner - Adam Johns - Sunset Fishermen at Quinns Rocks.
Instagram Winner - Benn Tudor-Roberts - Surfing a Wave.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION THE 2015 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER 2015. If you are an owner or occupier of property within the City of Wanneroo, and meet the eligibility criteria, you can enrol to vote. If you are already enrolled on the State electoral roll as living at your current address then you are automatically included on the Local Government roll. If you are not already registered but meet the eligibility criteria, please visit the enrolment page
of the Western Australian Electoral Commission www.elections.wa.gov.au and enrol to vote online. Remember, you must be enrolled by Friday 29 August 2015. The WA Electoral Commission will send postal voting packages to eligible voters approximately three weeks prior to polling day. Your voting package must be received by return mail before 6pm on polling day to count. You can post your vote or place it in the ballot box at the City’s Civic Centre.
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To use the ballot box at the Civic Centre you must bring your postal voting package with you. However, if your postal voting package was destroyed, lost or not received, replacement packages can be obtained by calling 9405 5000. or visiting the City’s Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo. The Civic Centre will be open from 8am on polling day.
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