A MESSAGE FROM MAYOR TRACEY ROBERTS the best possible place to live, work and raise a family. I am pleased to report that our budget provides for major investment in vital infrastructure and services needed to support Perth’s largest growth municipality. We have also delivered a rate rise that is the lowest for 10 years. Our City’s budget responds significantly to key feedback we received in our recent community surveys,
Welcome to the Winter issue of the What’s Happening magazine. This edition focuses on Council’s 2016/17 budget and outlines the many highlights and initiatives residents can look forward to across the City as we continue, in partnership with our community, to consolidate Wanneroo as
including improving our streetscapes, addressing traffic congestion and increasing community safety. The many new facilities to be constructed across the City are a result of our growth and commitment to urban renewal. Growing as we are, at a rate of up to 120 new residents each day, this budget is an investment in facilities and programs for our community.
We are proud of our success in maintaining such strong and vibrant links with our pioneer history and strengthening community links - past, present and future. It is truly an exciting time to live in Wanneroo and we hope you will find new reasons each day to be happy to call our City home. Mayor Tracey Roberts JP
Elected members encouraging residents to help Fund our Future.
23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo, WA 6065 T : 9405 5000 F : 9405 5499 After Hours 1300 13 83 93 E : enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au wanneroo.wa.gov.au SOUTH
CR LINDA AITKEN M : 0497 790 960
CR RUSSELL DRIVER M : 0414 854 173
Wanneroo residents certainly took the Fund Our Future campaign to heart and the City is pleased with the fantastic public response we received for this vitally important national advocacy campaign. Research confirms that more State and Federal government funding for infrastructure including roads and rail is urgently needed for fast-growing outer suburbs, like those in our City, to grow and prosper. If we do not receive funding commitments, there will be a national backlog for infrastructure within the suburbs, with access to jobs and services deteriorating, increased travel times and worsening social, economic and environmental costs.
TRACEY ROBERTS JP MAYOR T : 9405 5440 F : 9405 5411 M : 0409 112 954
CR GLYNIS PARKER T : 9305 9985 M : 0409 408 171
CR NATALIE SANGALLI M : 0447 712 917
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Many of the City’s residents joined the campaign by signing up online to Fund Our Future and making their voices heard. In fact, the City of Wanneroo led the country for residents signing the petition for the campaign, which is a sign of the strong support within the community and agreement that new infrastructure is vital. We are now transitioning to the state focused advocacy campaign, Wanneroo Connect, but our goals remain the same - rail to Yanchep is needed now and the freeway should be extended to Romeo Road, not stop at Hester Avenue. You will be hearing a lot about Wanneroo Connect over the next few months and there will be plenty of ways for residents get involved.
CR DENIS HAYDEN M : 0432 848 550
CR HUGH NGUYEN M : 0403 439 492
CR LARA SIMPKINS JP M : 0409 198 598
CR BRETT TREBY T : 9343 8175 F : 9343 8175 M : 0411 209 372
CR DOMENIC ZAPPA M : 0415 524 787
CR SABINE WINTON M : 0427 608 627
CR FRANK CVITAN JP T : 9409 9940 F : 9440 4777 M : 0419 994 944
CR SAMANTHA FENN M : 0403 939 292
CR DOT NEWTON JP T : 9405 2824 M : 0407 981 149
The City of Wanneroo’s 2016/17 budget advances Council’s commitment to delivering the infrastructure, services and support our residents need, while continuing to keep rates as low as possible. A $75.54m capital program is a key feature of the budget and coupled with a further $16.8m of works carried forward from the previous financial year, it adds up to a $92m investment. We’re a big city and getting bigger Wanneroo is unique. We’re already Perth’s largest growth city and one of the fastest growing municipalities in Australia. Wanneroo’s population will double in the next 20 years from 180,000 (2014) to 354,000 (2036). Every year up to 8,000 new residents call Wanneroo home. That’s around 150 people each week. We must ensure we continue to provide new and maintain existing infrastructure to ensure residents have access to sport, community and recreation opportunities. Your rates help us to build the city we all need. As we grow, we need to invest in our City Our plan for Wanneroo is a city that offers the best of the bush and the beach as well as housing choice, employment, community services, transport and recreation without having to leave their own community.
As well as creating new facilities libraries, community centres and sporting ovals, we’re mindful of the need to maintain our existing infrastructure - roads, bridges and pathways. The pace of growth at Wanneroo, and the cost of delivering new facilities and services in areas where the population is still growing, makes us very different to our neighbours at Stirling or Joondalup. The focus in those municipalities is on maintaining rather than creating. Our challenge is to do both, and that’s what sets us apart. We’re improving efficiency and managing costs Wanneroo’s rates rank amongst the lowest per capita in Perth. This year, residential rates will increase by an average 3.50% which is the City’s lowest increase in over 10 years. It is important to recognise that as a growth council with a significant capital works program, there is a need to raise rates above CPI. This is so we can meet the needs of our growing population, however every effort is made to ensure these increases are kept to a minimum while still delivering the essential infrastructure and services our expanding community requires.
We have also again included the maximum possible rebate for pensioners and community groups who lease land from the City, while improved internal processes mean Council employee costs are budgeted to decrease by $1.94m from the previous year. We’re listening to our community, and taking action We continue to listen to our residents, to respond to their feedback and to work with our community to build a better Wanneroo. The three areas residents identified in our latest community perception survey as needing improvement streetscapes, traffic management and /security safety - have all been addressed in this year’s budget. Focusing on liveability, the budget includes allowances for improved resident services including extra Ranger patrols during the summer months, an increase in parks maintenance and an additional spend on median and verge landscaping and maintenance. Above all, this budget continues our commitment to working in partnership with our community, and Building a Future Together.
2016/17 Budget highlights Waste and Recycling $26.7m
Community Safety and Health $11m
Libraries, Museum and Heritage $10.1m
Parks, Playgrounds and Conservation $24m
Roads, Street Lighting and Pathways $48.3m
Community Facilities $20.1m
Emergency Management $1.4m
Beach Management $3.2m
Sports Facilities $32.4m
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Figures shown are estimates only which represent both Operational and Capital Works funding from the 2016/17 Budget.
Alexander Heights Park, Park Lane, Alexander Heights Upgrades to Alexander Heights Park are due to take place in 2016/17 with approximately $200,000 earmarked for the project. The concept plan for the park upgrade is currently being finalised but the proposal includes an outdoor fitness circuit, new path around the perimeter of the park and disc golf facilities. The new path network will provide connections to the active reserve and will include new benches. Public consultation for the project began in June. Visit Your Say on the City’s website to have your input.
Hardcastle Park, Hardcastle Avenue, Landsdale Creating healthy lifestyle options for all residents and parks is a key goal for the City of Wanneroo. The 2016/17 budget has set aside $335,000 to continue the development of Hardcastle Park in Landsdale. This funding will go towards the construction of the park, with a nature-based theme that will complement the existing vegetation. The proposed design of the park area will include nature play and conventional play equipment, seating areas and educational signage. Works are scheduled to commence later this year with completion planned for mid 2017.
Hudson Park, Hudson Avenue, Girrawheen The development of Hudson Park in Girrawheen is set to continue in 2016/17 with design works due to commence for a sports amenities building to support the existing Dennis Cooley Pavilion in 2016. Recent work at Hudson Park has included upgrades to floodlighting and installation of a family area, footpaths, baseball/softball back net and new cricket nets. $572,000 has been set aside for the design and construction of the building.
Kingsway Little Athletics Athletics clubs from Kingsway and Landsdale will benefit from a new building set for construction this financial year. The new facilities will include storage, a meeting room and toilets facilities at Kingsway Little Athletics centre, home of Landsdale Little Athletics, Kingsway Little Athletics and Kingsway Senior Athletics. The new building will replace current facilities, consisting of two ageing sheds and a sea container. The City has allocated $668,000 this financial year for construction of the new building which will be used by the three clubs.
Kingsway Little Athletics Centre chairman Carol Hale said they were extremely excited out about the new facility and it would give them a sense of pride and belonging . “Our sport is often forgotten so we feel like it will put us on the
2016/17 BUDGET
map, attract more members and increase our growth. It’s also a nice reward for all those volunteers who dedicate their time.” A further funding application will be sent to the Department of Sport and Recreation.
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Southern Suburbs Library Residents in the southern suburbs can look forward to a new community facility - the City has begun planning a library to serve the growing areas of Darch, Landsdale, Madeley, Wangara and Woodvale. The library will be located in proximity to Kingsway Shopping Centre in Madeley, however the precise site is yet to be finalised. The City’s plans focus on providing a library that will offer a range of
Marangaroo Drive rehabilitation, Templeton Crescent to Wanneroo Road Road users will benefit from works on this section of Marangaroo Drive which borders the suburbs of Marangaroo and Girrawheen. The road is identified as being in need of repair, especially given its high traffic volumes. Works will include resurfacing, kerb replacement and stormwater lid adjustments. The works are planned for late 2016 to early 2017 at an estimated cost of $790,000 consisting of $262,000 of City funds and $525,000 of Main Roads grant funding.
traditional and innovative services and programs for all ages. There will be spaces for reading, learning, meeting and doing business. It will also feature an early learning space for the community’s youngest residents and a technology and art hub featuring a variety of tools and resources. The estimated cost of the library building is $7.25m with $300,000 dedicated to concept planning in the 2016/17 budget.
New shared NORTH COAST WARD paths for Hartman Drive and Ocean Reef Road The City of Wanneroo CENTRAL WARD will soon be a safer place for cyclists and pedestrians thanks to an SOUTH investment of more than WARD $480,000. The Strategic Community Plan for 2013 to 2023 identified the need for the City to increase walking and cycling opportunities. In line with this goal, two new concrete shared paths are scheduled to begin construction this financial year, one on Hartman Drive and one on Ocean Reef Road. The $132,000 Hartman Drive project is set to be a 330m shared path on the west side from Kingsway to Westport Parade. Northern Beaches Cycling Group President Dr Chris Howard said “We all want less traffic congestion and healthier, more active lifestyles. These paths give people a genuine choice to leave their cars at home and ride to the local shops, schools or train station.” The path will improve cyclist and pedestrian connections between Madeley, Darch and Wangara including Kingsway Christian College, Ashdale Secondary College, Ashdale Primary School and Madeley Primary School. The $352,000 Ocean Reef Road project will be a 1160m shared path on the south side, from Hartman Drive to the City boundary and to Trappers Drive. This path will improve cyclist connections between Edgewater Train Station and Wangara Industrial Area.
New peace park for Koondoola A new peace park and war memorial has been proposed for Koondoola Park, located on Koondoola Avenue near the new community centre. The park will be a place for local residents to congregate and remember those who served in the Vietnam War. The proposal includes a central artwork and plaque, paved area around the memorial and a memorial garden. $50,000 for development and design of the project forms part of the 2016/17 budget but the City will also Scott Shearer and Mayor Tracey Roberts enjoy seek funding assistance from the riding in the City of Wanneroo. Department of Veterans’ Affairs Cr Hayden Cr Nguyen Cr Simpkins Cr Treby Cr Zappa for the $100,000 project.
Alexander Heights, Darch, Girrawheen, Gnangara, Koondoola, Landsdale, Madeley, Marangaroo, Wangara and Woodvale (Part) ( 05 )
Pearsall Hocking Community Centre, Willespie Drvive, Pearsall Construction is nearly complete on the new Pearsall Hocking Community Centre. The City has allocated $573,000 this financial year to complete the project. The $3.9m facility will provide modern, first-class facilities for local community groups and include a large function room, activity room, meeting room and four office spaces. The centre will also have end of trip facilities for cyclists to shower and change. Popular parks receive upgrades The City has been focused on maintaining and improving parks and playgrounds so the community can enjoy outdoor living spaces now and into the future. As part of the City’s Park Asset Renewal Program, $1.2m will be spent on renewing a number of park facilities including playgrounds, barbeques, sport facilities, bench seats, tables and landscaping at parks throughout the City. The upgraded facilities will make parks safer for local children and their families to enjoy and encourage healthy, safe, vibrant and active communities. Studmaster, Lusinin and Germano parks in Wanneroo are just some Central Ward parks receiving attention.
Lotterywest has contributed $500,000 towards this project. The centre’s location adjacent to the primary school and shopping precinct will create a real hub of positive activity. The multipurpose facility has been designed to cater for a wide range of community activities and it will be a place that the community will be proud of and want to use. The centre is due for completion in the next two months and is anticipated to be available for groups in spring 2016.
Old Yanchep Road Old Yanchep Road between Pederick Road and Wattle Avenue will benefit from significant safety upgrades including realignment of bends, road widening, sealed shoulder and wider verges. The works are scheduled for completion by December 2016 at an estimated cost of $4.23m. The City has allocated $1.42m while the remaining funds will come through the State Government’s Black Spot Project funding.
The 2016/17 budget also commits $1.8m to conserve water through efficient irrigation systems by upgrading ageing pumping systems, irrigation control cabinets and bores. The outcome will be better use of recycled water, great water savings, and greener parks throughout the City.
Some of the Central Ward’s most well used parks, including Lake Joondalup Park in Wanneroo, Greenfields Park in Hocking and Carramar Park Golf Course in Carramar, will benefit from the upgrades.
2016/17 BUDGET
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Conserving our natural assets
As part of the City’s commitment to protecting its CENTRAL WARD natural assets, rehabilitation works will continue at Yellagonga Regional Reserve to improve the condition of the wetlands.
More than $40,000 will be invested this budget to revegetate and increase biodiversity in the reserve. Locals will be pleased to learn that increasing the wetland vegetation by revegetating dry parkland areas is likely to help reduce midge populations too.
Similar rehabilitation works, at a cost of $10,000, will also be done at Ashbrook Park in Pearsall. The City’s conservation team will work to reduce weeds and introduce native species. Both projects will include community education through onsite signage to promote the importance of rehabilitation and encourage park users to keep off newly revegetated areas.
Yellagona Regional Reserve to benefit from rehabilitation works.
Creating a future for business and technology in Neerabup In June, Enterprise Park in Wangara was nationally recognised as Australia’s best industrial park. The City has its sights set on the next venture in this area, a business and technology park in Neerabup. With more than $1m of funds committed in this budget, the City’s aim is to develop an area that generates employment and helps meet State targets for local employment. The area is projected to employ more than 20,000 people.
At 1,000 hectares in total, it is the largest industrial complex in the northern corridor of the Perth Metropolitan Region, has strong regional connections and is well situated on major transport routes, ensuring accessibility for workers as well as freight transport requirements. Council recognises the importance of strategic industry development because increasing employment opportunities is not only beneficial to residents but will also support the decongestion of roads and creation of work life balance through reduced commute times.
The City will work to encourage high-value, high-density businesses and industries that will give the area an advantage over similar sites and achieve sustainable growth. The focus of the project is to create a range of new investment opportunities that will support new business and future growth strategies. Visit YouTube and search Neerabup Industrial Area to view our local jobs for local people video on the City’s YouTube channel.
Ashby, Banksia Grove, Carabooda, Carramar, Hocking, Jandabup, Mariginiup, Neerabup, Nowergup, Pearsall, Pinjar, Sinagra, Tapping and Wanneroo Dep. Mayor Cr Guise
An aerial view of the Neerabup Industrial Area.
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Cr Cvitan
Cr Fenn
Cr Newton
Quinns Beach Update The City of Wanneroo has 32km of spectacular coastline that boasts beautiful beaches for locals and tourists to enjoy and Council is committed to protecting our coast so it can be enjoyed by generations to come. A three part engineering study is underway to find out what can be done to minimise the erosion along Quinns Beach and design long term coastal management measures to protect the City’s foreshores. Stage two of the coastal management study is complete and two preferred coastal management options were presented to the community for feedback. Council will soon make a decision on the preferred option. Due to the high capital costs and the need to limit coastal construction periods to the calmer
Community facilities for Quinns and Mindarie The new Quinns Mindarie Community Centre will be a multi-purpose facility and include a function hall, kitchen, meeting and training rooms and playground facilities. The building will service the surf club, fishing club, local playgroups and be available for wider community use. The $4.2 million centre will be constructed as a second story and ground floor additions to the existing surf lifesaving club building. The City was successful in receiving a $700,000 grant from Lotterywest and will contribute the remaining funds to the project. Construction will commence this August with an estimated completion in June 2017. Meanwhile, Gumblossom Reserve in Quinns Rocks will have its sports building upgraded with the extension of a multi-purpose function room, additional storage and fencing around the oval. The City has allocated $143,000 to finish the upgrade which will
summer months, construction will be staged over a number of years. Funds of $500,000 have been allocated to the first stage of construction. For more information please visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au Visitors to Quinns Rock Beach will have another reason to visit with the installation of a 300-metre shark barrier.
be mainly used by Quinns Rocks Football Club, North Coast Ball Club and Quinns Rocks Primary School. The nearby Gumblossom Community Centre will also benefit with $126,000 going towards installing air-conditioning in the sports hall. Dune restoration Within the capital works program, the City undertakes a number of coastal foreshore restoration projects. This financial year, $250,000 has been allocated to restore dunes at Quinns Rocks Foreshore Reserve, Mindarie, Yanchep and Two Rocks. Dune systems beside the City’s beaches are important as they provide protection from tide effects and provide a home to birds, reptiles and insects. The dune restoration project focuses on dune brushing, wind break fencing and planting coastal native species which assists in preventing access, stabilising dune blowouts and reducing erosion.
2016/17 BUDGET
The City has committed $100,000 for the enclosure with the remaining $200,000 being funded by the State Government as a result of the City’s campaigning efforts. The City will work with key stakeholders to deliver the shark barrier by the end of this year, and it is sure to provide peace of mind to the thousands of swimmers who use the beach every year.
It also promotes seed collection and natural revegetation. Dune areas become de-stabilised due to naturally occurring coastal processes and storm events but damage can also be caused by sand boarding, running up and down the dunes and walking through the dunes instead of staying on designated pathways. Riverlinks Park Riverlinks Park in Clarkson is set to benefit from a new sports complex. To keep up with the high demand for sporting facilities in the area, $1.5m has been allocated to design and construct a sports amenities building. The City has worked closely with potential users to deliver better facilities to the reserve. The new complex will include equipment store rooms, team change rooms, a kiosk, toilet area, first aid room, umpire room, cleaner storage and car park.
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Connolly Drive, Clarkson/ Merriwa/Ridgewood Roadworks on Connolly Drive will see an additional lane constructed in each direction from Lukin Drive to Neerabup Road. The works are underway in anticipation of increased traffic when the Mitchell Freeway extension to Hester Avenue is completed next year. Improvements are also being made to cyclist and pedestrian access. The works are expected to run until November 2016 at a total cost of $8.64m. The State Government has contributed to these works along with the City of Wanneroo. Millions being invested in Yanchep and Two Rocks Mary Lindsay Homestead, originally bought by its namesake in the 1920s, will be revitalised and opened up to the public through two projects in this year’s capital works program. The building will have a $1.23m rejuvenation and become a community meeting space with an emphasis on art and culture. The building will have a gallery, wet rooms and an artist-in-residence space. Meanwhile, $608,000 has been assigned for the development of the public open space surrounding the homestead. There will be playgrounds, barbeques, open grass areas and shelter to
Butler North District Open Space Butler North is set to get a new sports facility that will provide greater sporting and recreational opportunities for the area. The complex is a huge win for local sporting clubs who will have access to high quality fields for local competitions. The total cost of the project is $21.9m. The City has allocated $650,000 this financial year and will contribute a further $6.61m in years to come with the Department of Education and developers contributing the rest of the funds for the project.
The new NORTH COAST WARD complex will include two multi-purpose senior sized playing CENTRAL WARD fields, an activity space, Little Athletics facility, 16 multi-purpose hard courts, sports amenities and SOUTH WARD community art buildings and a landscaped park with picnic facilities, cricket nets, exercise equipment pods and a car park.
welcome the community, as well as access ways, carparking and toilets. Both projects are expected to be completed by late 2017.
A further $3.2m will go towards a new sports amenities building, which will have a 150sqm meeting room, kiosk, six change-rooms and storage spaces.
More than $10m has been allocated to the eagerly awaited Yanchep Active Open Space. Construction of two large ovals that can cater for various sports such as cricket, football and athletics is due to begin soon, with completion expected in late 2017. There will also be hard courts, play equipment and walking pathways. $1.55m has been allocated for oval ground works, and $7.0m has been set aside for the development of additional playing fields to meet the growing demand.
For diagrams of the Butler North District Open Space, please visit our website.
The highly anticipated Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club currently under construction is set to be completed in November 2016. The City will invest a further $3.94m for the completion of the club rooms and car park, which will also provide office space, storage and meeting areas for the club, and public amenities such as changerooms and toilets for the public. Picnic Cove at Yanchep Lagoon will undergo a $480,450 upgrade, complementing the adjacent new surf club. The park will feature a look-out, seating areas, shelter, barbeques and lawn areas. Construction is expected to take place in the first half of 2017. As part of the ongoing beach access upgrade for Fisherman’s Hollow in Yanchep, the new aluminium stair access opened to the public in June. The second phase of capital works will take place in 2016/17 when funds of $46,000 will go towards dune restoration, weed management and erosion control.
Mayor Tracey Roberts with surf lifesavers and elected members Cr Sabine Winton, Cr Natalie Sangalli and Cr Linda Aitken checking out the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club construction.
Alkimos, Butler, Clarkson, Eglinton, Jindalee, Merriwa, Mindarie, Quinns Rocks, Ridgewood, Tamala Park, Two Rocks and Yanchep ( 09 )
Cr Aitken
Cr Driver
Cr Parker
Cr Sangalli
Cr Winton
Players from the Vikings Softball Club enjoying their new facilities.
The new $1.5million baseball and softball clubrooms at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex are already proving a big hit with sporting clubs. The clubrooms, completed earlier this year, are the home base of both the Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club and the Vikings Softball Club. The new facilities include a main hall, change-rooms, kitchen facilities and equipment storage, and have already been enjoyed by the 330 Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club members, and five senior teams and one junior team from the Vikings Softball Club.
The Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club have called Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex home for 40 years and club president Adam Tilley said the improvements have had a really positive impact. “We can now hold tournaments and other finals onsite,” he said. “My favourite part is the new function room which gives us a space indoors where we can entertain and take advantage of the air conditioning and heating. “The City of Wanneroo staff made sure we were kept in the loop and communicated well with us throughout the process.
“It’s great to finally be on the other side and see the benefits of all the work.” Vikings Softball Club are also enjoying the new facilities and says the club has experienced a 40 per cent membership increase since the facility opened. The baseball facility has been selected as a venue for the prestigious Australian University Games when they return to Perth this September. More than 6,000 students from up to 42 universities across Australia will be competing in this multisport event. Check out the clubs’ facebook pages for game times.
North Coastal Children’s Community Choir Director Natasha Malinovic. Photo M. Kennealey, NC Times
Did you know that the City of Wanneroo provides opportunities for community groups to apply for funding support for a variety of activities and events? Jindalee resident Janet Blenkinsop had a vision to bring an affordable after-school choir to her local community and applied for funding. Months later, she and a group of equally passionate community members organised the North Coastal Children’s Community Choir (NCCC) Come and Try Day.
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The event showcased local school choirs, entertainers and bands, as well as a children’s talent contest. As a result, the NCCC attracted significant community interest for their after school choir activities at the Butler Community Centre. The next round of funding applications close on Friday 16 September 2016. For more information, please visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au/ communityfunding LOCALS
North Coastal Women’s Shed members enjoy a variety of activities
A connected, caring community… that was the vision a group of Merriwa mums decided to turn into a reality when they launched the North Coastal Women’s Shed (NCWS) in April 2014. The NCWS is a space for women of all cultures and generations to come together and learn new skills and
activities while making new friends in the process. New members are most welcome and there are always plenty of activities in which to get involved. Currently there is a fitness program on offer with free weekly classes of Chi Ball, Laughter Yoga or Zumba.
These are held at 10am on the first, second and fourth Mondays of the month respectively. Past activities include art therapy, drumming workshops, crocheting and community gardening. The group also benefits from regular guest speakers who share advice on a variety of topics. Some NCWA members provide a free tutoring service to help children and families in the area who are not in a position to pay for professional help. The group would love more volunteers to join the tutoring project because it means more children will be assisted. The NWCS group meet on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 3pm at the Addison Park Clubrooms on Baltimore Parade in Merriwa. Visit ncws.org.au for more information.
WANNEROO AQUAMOTION DOLPHIN SWIMMING FOR GOLD When Blake Veaney first started swimming with Aquamotion’s Dolphin program, the (then) six year old - who was terrified of water - could not have foreseen that he would one day swim for Team Australia in the Special Olympics and win gold. Blake, now 20, swam with the Dolphins for 14 years and only recently completed his last lesson there. His mother Anthea said that all of the Aquamotion staff had made Blake feel very special over the years, particularly Robyn who has been there from Blake’s very first lesson. “Blake started lessons with no swimming ability at all and he was very frightened of the water,” Anthea said. “The Aquamotion team really needs to be congratulated on the wonderful effort that they put in with these special kids every week.”
“The Aquamotion instructors helped him feel comfortable and safe in the water… and taught him some amazing skills which have seen him win Olympic gold! “We are going to miss them all.” The excitement does not end there though. Blake was recently selected to represent Western Australia as part of an Australian Team to compete at the Special Olympics Trans Tasman Games in New Zealand later this year. “Only eight athletes were selected from Western Australia to compete in Athletics and Aquatics so we are incredibly proud of Blake,” Anthea said. “We are confident Team Aus can win gold again!” Jim Manov, Wanneroo Aquamotion Business Manager, said he was incredibly proud of the City’s Dolphin Swim Program. “It caters for people with a wide range of special needs, promotes water awareness, teaches students to swim independently to
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the best of their ability and is also, a lot of fun.” The Aquamotion Swim School team was recently recognised for their high quality professional development at a national swimming convention. The annual Australia Swimming Coaches & Teachers Association (ASCTA) awards recognise excellence within the swimming coaching and teaching industry. Congratulations Blake and Aquamotion.
Blake Veaney won gold for Australia at the 2013 Special Olympics.
A former Wangara business is the first to move in to the Hybrid Co-working Space, a joint project between the City of Wanneroo and the Wanneroo Business Association. Aboriginal Procurement Solutions operates from the recently opened Hybrid 935, a sharedwork environment at Enterprise House that offers inspiration and education to small to medium-sized businesses, freelancers, start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Aboriginal Procurement Solutions Director Dwayne Rowland said his business is always looking at ways to save costs and innovate so moving to Hybrid 935 was an easy decision. “The business had outgrown our shared premises but could not commit to a larger facility,” he said. “Hybrid gives us a cost effective space with modern, central facilities that has all hours access. “The facility allows you to network in a shared work space that creates an environment of collaboration as well
as having access to training and meeting rooms.” Mayor Tracey Roberts said Hybrid 935 is all about meeting likeminded people with a common vision: helping businesses grow and develop. “By working with other businesses in your local community, you have the chance to build your reputation, create networking opportunities and learn new business skills,” she said. To explore how you can do better business, visit thehybrid935.space/en
CITY LAUNCHES APP TO ASSIST LOCAL BUSINESSES The City of Wanneroo leads the way in connection with local business and has launched its very own Biz@Wanneroo App. The City is one of the first local councils in WA to develop an App specifically tailored to the needs of its business community. The free Biz@Wanneroo App aims to provide the local business community, partners and stakeholders with timely and relevant business information, news and events. Wanneroo Business Association president Vesna Sampson said the App was a great initiative by the City of Wanneroo. “The app enables the business community access and opportunities to influence the shaping and fulfilment of the City’s economic aspirations, in an easy and direct way,” she said. “It’s very important for any entrepreneur and business owner to stay in touch with what’s happening in and around their local area.
Mayor Tracey Roberts with Brendan Wright from CommunitytoGo and Vesna Sampson from the Wanneroo Business Association. Photo M. Kennealey, Community Newspaper Group
“Through community collaboration we can be more creative, innovative and resilient as an entrepreneurial community, when we get to share our collective intelligence and capabilities.” As part of the City’s commitment to local businesses the mobile technology was created by
northern suburbs app developers CommunitytoGo. The App is available free from the App store (on Apple and Android) and for all the latest business news, simply allow the notifications on your device.
MYPOST DIGITAL MAILBOX The City of Wanneroo has introduced an electronic delivery option to residents for annual rates and bills. For the first time, ratepayers have the option to register for the system and then receive their rates bill via MyPost Digital Mailbox. ( 12 )
Bills and payments are conveniently available in the same place and residents can also set up payment reminders through the system. Visit digitalmailbox.auspost.com.au and sign up today. ONLINE
Recycling reduces landfill, decreases pollution and reduces energy consumption. Ever wondered where the contents of your yellow lid bin go? Recycling collections occur fortnightly. Collection trucks make their way to the Bayswater material recovery facility. The recycling is tipped out and sorted by manual workers and machinery. Containers, cartons, bottles, cans and jars are sorted by hand. A machine with holes helps to sort the recycling, as it turns; containers, bottles, cans and jars fall through the holes and flat things, like paper, come out the other end. Once the recycling has been sorted, bailing machines squash it into bales. The bales get shipped around the world to reprocessing factories where they get made into new things.
City of Wanneroo’s waste facility in Neerabup.
For example old newspapers are made into newsprint or egg cartons, while plastics are made into clothing, carpet, car parts, luggage and upholstery… the possibilities are endless! The City of Wanneroo saves approximately 229,276 cubic metres of landfill per annum (including domestic, recycling and greens waste).
This equates to 91 Olympic sized swimming pools or 1,433 London buses. Recycling is so much more than a waste management system. The City encourages residents to recycle right and reduce waste to help protect our planet. For more information, please visit the City’s website wanneroo.wa.gov.au
“Please pass on my gratitude and thank the waste truck driver of the Pearsall area. I forgot to put my bin out last week and the driver could see me running out with my bin as he drove by and then he turned around and waited for me to put my bin on the other side of the road. Very kind of him and exceptional customer service. Please pass on my thanks and know that your drivers are doing a great job.” Emma, Pearsall. “Another thank you to our bin guy this morning. He saved our bacon with our full bin. Please pass on for us. This guy is a legend! He went out of his way again and we are very appreciative.” K Hughes, Clarkson. Quinns Rocks residents Simon and Oscar Musgrave enjoying their morning visit from their garbo.
How much do you love your garbo? June 17 marked National Garbage Man Day in America. While we don’t have an equivalent recognition day in Australia, the City of Wanneroo certainly has plenty of reasons to celebrate our Waste Services team! The City has recently received a number of compliments from happy residents who wanted to express their gratitude for their local rubbish collectors.
Here are just some of the messages of appreciation: “I just want to mention the driver of the rubbish truck that empties our bin each Friday, a big thank you. My two year old daughter loves trucks and you take the two extra seconds to wave and beep the horn of the truck which makes her day! The smile on her face afterwards is amazing. Great job, we need more of this in the world today.” Gavin, Banksia Grove. ( 13 )
“I would like to thank the driver who collected my waste this morning in Banksia Grove. I forgot to put my bin out and the truck left. I tried to wave at him and then he came back to collect it. I greatly appreciate his kind gesture and the extra mile to do this service for me. Thank you.” Dev, Banksia Grove. Do you have a similar story to tell about a City waste collector who always goes the extra mile? Share it via the City’s Facebook page with the hashtag #loveyourgarbo
The great work of the City’s Parks and Conservation Management team was acknowledged in some positive community feedback recently. The praise came in response to landscape improvement works on the median strips in Wanneroo Road from Beach Road to Joondalup Drive and Marmion Avenue from the southern boundary to Hughie Edwards Drive. Works included the pruning of existing trees, rubbish removal, mulching and removal of some understory vegetation and debris. New trees were then planted to increase tree density and canopy cover along these arterial roads.
One resident wrote in to thank the team for all the hard work they put into the improvements saying it ‘really looks great!’ Another commented that the maintenance of the parks and gardens has always been ‘one of the
strengths of this council’ and they had always appreciated the efforts having lived in the Wanneroo area since 1976. At completion of the project, it is estimated that an additional 600 trees will be planted on these medians.
Mayor Tracey Roberts with the City’s Parks and Conservation Manager Grant Chettleburgh.
KEEPING WANNEROO MOVING DURING THE WINTER MONTHS Walking Tour The City recently partnered with Yanchep National Park to host an Aboriginal Cultural Walking tour along a section of the Yaberoo Budjara trail. Participants learnt about the diverse culture and history of the trail and the local Aboriginal people. Keep an eye out on the City’s event webpage for future tours. Shared Pathway
The cold weather is no reason to stop exercising, with plenty happening this winter to keep you moving.
Construction has started on a red asphalt shared path along Ocean Reef Road, from Trappers Drive to Wanneroo Road, which will enable workers in Wangara to ride to and from Edgewater Train Station.
Bike Skills Bike skills workshops are currently being delivered in City of Wanneroo primary schools. If you would like a workshop in your school contact the Healthy and Inclusive Communities team. Don’t forget the City of Wanneroo and Your Move webpages continue to provide helpful resources to keep you moving. Head to wanneroo.wa.gov.au/ sportandleisure to see the latest information on fitness centres, wellbeing programs and parks in the City or to yourmove.org.au for travel maps and other handy recreation and transport tools.
Almost 8,000 new plants will boost the natural areas in the City over the coming months with the annual winter community planting events kicking off in June. Local residents were invited to help rejuvenate bushland, foreshores and dunes across the City by getting involved in the planting events. The species being planted complement the existing vegetation at each site, including Banksia/Jarrah woodland species, coastal heath/ shrubland and grassland.
July events will be held at Quinns Beach bushland, Yanchep Foreshore, and National Tree Day will be celebrated at Long Beach Reserve in Mindarie. Registration is essential. For more information or to register for these events, please contact the City’s Conservation Team on 9405 5000. Please bring gloves, a trowel, water bottle and wear sturdy shoes. Morning tea will be provided.
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Feel like meeting some new people and shaking up your day-to day-routine with a Tai Chi class or table tennis tournament? Our Senior Citizens clubs located in Wanneroo, Girrawheen/Koondoola and Quinns Rock are welcoming new members and offer a wide range of in-house activities including art, bingo, bowls, craft, line-dancing, snooker and table tennis plus day trips out and about.
Each club has its own activity schedule, opening hours and membership process. Girrawheen/Koondoola Senior Citizens Girrawheen Koondoola Senior Citizens Centre, 11 Patrick Court Girrawheen Tuesday and Thursday with 60 plus members. Contact 9342 0905.
Quinns Rock Senior Citizens Gumblossum Hall Tapping Way, Quinns Rocks Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday with 140 plus members. Contact 9305 1087. Wanneroo Senior Citizens Wanneroo Community Centre 23 Civic Drive, Wanneroo Five days a week with 300 plus members. Contact 9405 2628.
If you need help to stay living at home and in your community, you may be eligible for assistance from the City’s Home and Community Care program. The program provides basic support in the home and opportunities for social connections. Please call 9405 5609 for more information.
Thank you to all who participated in our community engagement activities to assist the City to develop its very first Age Friendly Strategy. The strategy will aim to promote an age friendly environment that benefits our community for current and future generations. Our seniors were asked to reveal what they love most about living in Wanneroo. The beautiful parks and open spaces of our City garnered the most praise,
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followed closely by the semi-rural feel and spaciousness of our suburbs. Accessibility to the coast, medical centres and shopping centres were other draw cards. Those who participated in the forum remarked on the impressive number of community centres, sporting facilities and senior focussed activities within the City. Our library and cultural centres also received many mentions.
City of Wanneroo residents and staff have saved more than 7,545 lives since April this year! The City took part in a TriCities blood challenge from 1 April to 30 June this year, competing with the Cities of Joondalup and Stirling to see who could get the most registered people to donate blood. In conjunction with the Australian Red Cross National Councils Blood Challenge, each of the Cities participated in two competitions, one corporate - for City staff, executive and elected members and one community - for residents. Wanneroo won the corporate challenge donating more blood than any of the other local governments in the whole of Western Australia. We came third in the community competition with 2,465 overall donations, a fantastic effort that will save 7,395 lives!
City youth workers, rangers, lifeguards and civic centre staff contribute to the lifesaving effort.
The purpose of the competition was to encourage new blood donors to get involved and extend the community spirit. One in three people will need blood in their lifetime and currently only 1 in 30 people actually donate.
While third term has just begun, the City of Wanneroo’s Youth Services team is already busy planning heaps of fun activities for young people in the October school holidays. Check out the Youth Facebook page for all the details and
If you would like to find out more about donating blood or book an appointment, please visit donateblood.com.au
information on how you can book your place: facebook.com/CoWYouth You can also find out about the many activities that are on during the term, and see the progress of the Wanneroo Skate Facility which is almost complete.
HELP FOR PARENTS IN NAVIGATING A MEDIA MINEFIELD In today’s world it can sometimes be difficult for parents to know what movies and online content are suitable for their children to watch. Fortunately, the Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM)
is committed to helping families and the industry shape a media environment that supports the healthy development of children. The ACCM’s website provides a wealth of information, including
reviews about movies and online apps to help parents make informed decisions. Visit childrenandmedia.org.au for information and details.
Don’t miss the opportunity to get your business in front of 5,000 families, new home owners and their furry friends at this year’s Living & Leisure Expo featuring Dogs Breakfast on 23 October. Delivering high quality exhibits showcasing products and services for the home, leisure, pets and adventure, this event is very popular,
and is the perfect platform to make immediate sales, launch new products, generate leads and create new customer relationships. Numbers are limited so don’t miss out on a unique opportunity to promote your company and products to an engaged audience. Exhibitor stalls start from $200 for a 3m x 3m marquee.
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The event will be held on the soccer ovals at the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex in Madeley. If you are interested in exhibiting, please email the events officers at events@wanneroo.wa.gov.au to register by Friday 5 August.
Wanneroo 9405 5940 Clarkson 9407 1600 Girrawheen 9342 8844 Yanchep/Two Rocks 9561 1110
CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK AND THE READING HOUR One, Two, Three - Read! It’s Olympics time and game on at Wanneroo libraries, so race in as fast as you can for some stories and a fabulous fun time. Bring the whole family, wear your best sports or national outfit and listen to staff share their favourite books. Help us to celebrate Children’s Book Week and The Reading Hour. Healthy snacks will be provided and please note that bookings are essential.
eMagazines available Follow the link to find your favourite magazines online library.wanneroo.wa.gov.au
Tuesday 16 August to Saturday 20 August 2016 Girrawheen Tuesday 16 August 2016 6pm-7pm Wanneroo and Clarkson Thursday 18 August 2016 5.30pm-6.30pm Yanchep Saturday 20 August 2016 10.30am-11.30am
Come celebrate Children’s Book Week with Clarkson and Girrawheen Libraries and experience the wonder of seeing our chicks hatch. We will be having egg and chicken themed competitions and we will be holding special It’s All About Stories sessions celebrating Australian authors. Our chickens will be living in the Girrawheen and Clarkson libraries from 22 August to 1 September 2016.
Join author, Jacqueline Dinan for this enriching and informative book tour. Jacqueline has interviewed women around Australia who ‘did their bit’ during WWII. They took part as nurses in war zones, members of the services, workers on the land and in factories, volunteers in community service, managers in organisations and housewives juggling a ration book. The session will be followed by an introduction to Museum in a Box, which highlights how local women were affected by the war. Saturday 23 July 2016 10am-12pm Wanneroo Library Bookings are essential
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The City’s Library Service has become the first in Western Australia to be acknowledged as a cybersafety leader as part of a nationwide program. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation and the Telstra Foundation have officially recognised the City of Wanneroo Library Service as an eSmart library service, equipped to support its customers to use technology in a smart, safe and responsible way. eSmart Libraries is one of the most significant community cybersafety programs ever undertaken in Australia, with over 50 percent of all libraries currently involved in the program. A celebration event was held during Libraries and Information Week in May this year.
All library event bookings can be made online via the Events Calendar at library.wanneroo.wa.gov.au
CITY OF WANNEROO MUSEUM AND HERITAGE MUSEUM IN A BOX FAMILY HISTORY FAMILY HISTORY The extremely popular Museum in Presented by Wendy Bloomfield and MORNINGS a Box program has been designed Olive Sampson. HISTORIC
for use by educational institutions throughout Perth. The City has curated four different boxes, each addressing a different person or subject connected to World War I and the Wanneroo area. Each box contains real museum specimens and artefacts, images, DVDs, CDs, books and educational resources. For more details contact the City on 9405 5905.
Family history research is lots of fun and very addictive but knowing where to start can be difficult. Join us for a guided presentation about genealogy tools and resources such as Ancestry and learn how to record and organise the information you discover. Saturday 23 July 2016 / 2pm-4.30pm Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Cost $20 per person, bookings are essential. Enquiries on 9405 5920 or email museum@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
ALL THINGS LEGO® The City will come alive with the biggest and largest LEGO® display we have seen, packed with fantastic models and there will be plenty to occupy the whole family. There will be a ‘Brickpit’ play section with 20,000 LEGO® bricks and DUPLO® for young children and LEGO® workshops for children aged 4-12 years old only.
A new exhibition, Collecting Stories and Telling Tales, commemorates Wanneroo’s rich history by sharing the diverse stories of people who have called Wanneroo home or who have a connection to the region. Part installation and part exhibition, this showcase of photographs, art, maps, historical objects, films and oral histories takes you through Wanneroo’s history from before settlement, through to recent times. Best of all, you can get involved! Record your memories of Wanneroo on one of our memory cards, collect your card from your local library or
the Wanneroo Museum to have it featured in the exhibition. You can also join us in the Wanneroo Gallery to have your photo taken as part of the exhibition. There are costumes and props available and you can print your photo and keep it as a memento. 3 free photo sessions are available: Monday 4 July 2016 / 1pm-3pm Friday 15 July 2016 / 1pm-3pm Saturday 23 July 2016 / 1pm-3pm Enquiries to 9405 5920
Soldiers at the 10th Lighthorse Camp.
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Visit the Museum’s Community History Centre on Monday mornings to learn all about your ancestors. Experienced genealogical research volunteers will be on hand to assist you. Mondays from 10am-1pm Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Enquiries on 9405 5925 or email museum@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
All materials provided. Parents and caregivers are free but must stay and play. Saturday 16 July and Sunday 17 July 2016 10am-4pm, Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Cost $5 per person Spaces are limited and bookings are essential by calling 9405 5920
PRIVATE COLLECTIONS Do you have an interesting collection that you would like to share with the public? Contact the City to discuss displaying your private collection at the Wanneroo Museum during November and February 2017. Contact the curator on 9405 5903.
Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre (WLCC)
These stories provide an insight into a part of our nation’s history that often goes unheard or untold. Thursday 21 July to Monday 22 August 2016 Open Monday to Saturday from 10am-4pm Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Enquiries 9405 5914
This portrait exhibition coordinated by Community Arts Network WA (CAN WA) celebrates the strength and resilience of 16 Noongar elders from across the Wheatbelt. The elders are part of CAN WA’s Bush Babies community arts project, which captures the stories of Noongar babies who were born at a time when Aboriginal people were subject to tight government controls and not permitted to live in towns or cities.
Nana Purple by Graham Smith.
ART TALKS - THE BRILLIANCE OF PRINTMAKING Join the team from Beau Est Mien (Beautiful is Mine) for an art talk about printmaking. Founded and directed by Magali Dincher, Beau Est Mien offers printmaking workshops for children and adults specialising in screen printing, dry point, etching, monoprint, collagraph and more!
Thursday 11 August 2016 6pm-7.30pm Clarkson Library, Corner Ebb Way and Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson Cost $5 for library members and $10 for library non-members Bookings essential Wanneroo.evanced.info
INSIGHT INTO INTERIOR STYLING WITH KRISTIE CASTAGNA Join interior stylist, colour consultant and blogger Kristie Castagna from Elements at Home as she shares her flair for design with tips to style your own home! In this art talk, learn about her ourney into the world of design, the impact colours can have on a space and how you can apply her simple styling tricks to transform your home on any budget.
Thursday 15 September 2016 6pm-7.30pm Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo Cost $5 for library members and $10 for library non-members Bookings essential Wanneroo.spydus.com/events
2016 COMMUNITY ART AWARDS SHOWCASE LOCAL TALENT Almost $17,000 worth of prizes were awarded at the 15th annual City of Wanneroo Community Art Awards and Exhibition. The highlight of our City’s artistic community featured 230 entries on the opening night.
Congratulations to all winners, especially the winner of the City of Wanneroo Open Award (acquisitive), Andy Quilty with his Works on Paper piece Papa #3, which was highly praised by the judges.
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Special mention also goes to Clarkson resident Janey Emery for winning the People’s Choice and Best City of Wanneroo Resident award for her painting A Quiet Path. Please visit our website to view all the winning artworks.
• $5,000 holiday package (Major prize) • $2,000 Ocean Keys Shopping Centre voucher • Rottnest Island package • Mindarie Marina getaway • Bubble Sports event package
or prize! * to win the maj ce an ch a r tember 2016 mber fo ep te S ep 5 S y 5 b t y b en ll m s in fu the first instal Pay your rate itions. apply ose who pay th *Conditions r fo rms and cond le b te la n, ai io at av rm so fo al in e es or Priz gov.au for m o.wa.
Visit wannero
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COL MY ES AND E VOU R GIFT E N T S : TO CHERS THE VAL Saturday 5 November UE O F Wanneroo
Y October SundayA23 D I L Kingsway HO
January and February Wanneroo
Saturday 4 March Yanchep
Saturday 18 March Girrawheen