CityU Annual Report 2013-2014

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annual report 2013-2014 年報

City University of Hong Kong prides itself on the success of its twin curricular drive to integrate teaching and research under the umbrella of its pioneering Discovery-enriched Curriculum. By incorporating the skills and experiences of our world-class scholars in the lab and the lecture hall, we are providing CityU students with a dynamic, invigorating and highly creative learning experience. 香港城市大學將「教研合一」 融入首創的「重探索求創新課 程」。如今,學術課程的這兩大 支柱取得很大成功,對此我們 深感自豪。城大擁有多位國際 級學者,透過結合他們在實驗 室或演講廳傳道授業的經驗與 知識,我們可為城大學生提供 一個充滿活力而又富有創意的 學習體驗。

contents 目錄


Officium et Civitas 敬業樂群


Vision and Mission 願景及使命


Guiding Principles 引導方針


Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要


Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言

16 Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告 24 President’s Report 校長報告 30 Professional Education 專業教育 42 Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 56 Research and Development 研究及發展 66 Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫 76 University Governance 大學管治 82 Financial Summary 財務摘要

02 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

officium et civitas

vision and mission

The University motto encapsulates our educational philosophy and the attitude we want our students to develop. The first two Chinese words 敬業 encompass the requirement to combine academic professionalism and career ethics. The last two words 樂群 emphasise personal growth and development, and advocate group spirit and the need to care for society.

Vision 願景

Officium et Civitas is the Latin translation for the motto. Officium denotes a high-minded sense of duty. Civitas refers to both town/city and union of citizens.

Mission 使命



City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education. 香港城市大學矢志成為研究優異、專業教育出眾的全球一流學府。

To nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic advancement. 致力培育和拓展學生才能,創造實用知識,推動社會和經濟進步。


annual report 2013–14 年報

guiding principles 引導方針

• Student success in academic achievement and career development • Excellence in learning and research, technology innovation and knowledge transfer • Benefit to the social and economic wellbeing of Hong Kong • Accountability in the use of public resources • Global outreach and international competitiveness • • • • •

促進學生學業成就和事業發展 提升學習、研究、科技創新和知識轉移的表現 致力貢獻香港社會及經濟發展 善用公共資源 加強全球發展及提高國際競爭力

04 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

highlights of the year 年度大事摘要

Anniversary years are meant to be special, and a number of outstanding achievements over the last year certainly created some exciting memories.

校慶年非同一般,而在 過去一年,城大在多個 領域均取得卓越成就, 為校慶增色添輝。

highlights of the year



annual report 2013–14 年報



The core areas of business studies and engineering and computer sciences received international recognition in 2013–2014, a strong endorsement yet again of the teaching and research activities that have been taking place in these two broad areas. The College of Business was ranked 46th in the world and 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the University of Texas at Dallas Top 100 Business School Rankings. The survey analyses publications in two dozen leading academic journals in business that are highly correlated with the top 45 premier business journals used by the Financial Times and the 20 best journals used by Businessweek in their research of the top business schools worldwide.

在2013–14年,城大在商學、工程 ╱ 計算機科學主要領域的 成績獲得國際公認,肯定了大學在這兩大學術領域的教研實 力。根據美國德克薩斯州大學達拉斯管理學院公佈的全球100 所最佳商學院排行榜,城大商學院在全球排名第46,在亞太 區位居第二。此項調查分析了20多種著名商業學術期刊,從 而得出排名;這些期刊多數獲選列入英國《金融時報》最佳45 種商業期刊和美國《商業周刊》最佳20種商業期刊,這兩份報 刊各自分析其所選期刊,以研究世界各地的最佳商學院。

In terms of engineering, CityU was ranked 1st in Greater China, including Hong Kong, and 25th worldwide, in the Broad Subject Field of Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013 by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, showing a steady climb in the past four years, and making a significant contribution to technological innovation in the region.

Community support Naming lecture theatres and academic units in honour of pillars of society reveals the strong undercurrent of public support that CityU attracts. In October 2013 two very moving naming events were held at which relatives honoured their own family members and CityU. The main lecture theatre in Academic 3 was named “Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall” after the late Mr Wong Cheung and Mrs Wong Lo Hui-yuet in commemoration of their patriotism and humanitarianism, and the English Language Centre was named after Mrs Chan Feng Men-ling and her daughter, Miss Chan Shuk-lin, in appreciation of Mrs Chan’s significant support and contribution to the University. These two events were followed in January 2014 by a ceremony naming Lecture Theatre 16 in Academic 1 after alumnus Mr Benjamin Kwok Chan-yiu, Managing Director of Kwonnie Electrical Products Limited, in recognition of his generous support to the alma mater and his contributions to society.

就工科而言,過去四年來,城大在工程 ╱ 技術與計算機科學 領域的排名不斷攀升,根據上海交通大學公佈的2013年「世 界大學學術排名」,今年升至全球第25位,在兩岸四地名列第 一,對區內的科技創新作出重要貢獻。

社會各界的支持 城大以社會賢達的姓名為演講廳與學術單位命名,彰顯我校 繼續獲得各界友好的熱心支持。在2013年10月,城大舉辦了 兩次命名典禮,以捐助人的親屬姓名分別為兩個地方冠名, 場面感人。其中學術樓(三)主演講廳命名為「黃翔羅許月伉 儷講堂」,以紀念已故抗日戰爭英雄黃翔先生及黃羅許月女士 的愛國和人道精神;英語中心則以陳馮曼玲女士及其女兒陳 淑蓮小姐的名字命名,以感謝陳馮曼玲女士對城大的慷慨支 持。 2014年1月,城大又將學術樓(一)16號演講廳正式命名為「郭 燦耀演講廳」,以表彰城大校友、光榮電業有限公司董事總經 理郭燦耀先生對大學的慷慨支持及對社會的貢獻。

highlights of the year

06 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


New facilities


The University’s dedication to growth and development continued unabated with the creation of several new state-of-the-art facilities that embody CityU’s strategic direction. The location of the new Senate Room is particularly significant. It occupies a prominent position on campus, on the top floor of Academic 3, with panoramic views over Kowloon. Likewise, the new Beijing Liaison Office, which opened in May 2014, signified CityU’s intent to maintain a strong presence at the heart of mainland China, strengthening ties with the mainland government, universities, science and technology institutions, enterprises, students and alumni.

城大致力促進大學的成長與發展,去年新增了不少先進教研 設施,體現大學的策略發展方向。例如,將全新的教務會會 議廳設在學術樓(三)頂層,位於校園顯要地點,可以俯瞰九 龍全景。城大亦在2014年5月設立了北京聯絡處,以便緊密聯 絡內地政府、高等院校、科研及企業等機構,以及學生、校 友等人士,標誌著城大以北京為基地加強與內地的交流合作。

Back on campus, several new labs dedicated to promoting discovery and innovation were opened. The Gateway Education Discovery Laboratory (GE Lab) and the Discovery-enriched Curriculum Labs (DEC Labs) added new learning spaces that give students the chance to create, test and communicate ideas for more creative and interactive learning. The HK$4-million GE Lab provides a venue for students from science and non-science disciplines to get their hands wet and transform their dream designs into prototypes, while the DEC Labs have transformed traditional lecture halls into highly re-configurable learning spaces to facilitate more interactive blended-learning and “flip classroom” teaching. Additionally, the new CityU Apps Lab has created a stimulating environment in which students can develop apps for smart communication devices.

校內的幾個新實驗室亦陸續啟用,促進探索與創新,其中有 精進探索實驗室與「重探索求創新課程」實驗室,不僅增加 了學習空間,更使學生有機會發揮創意、測試創新意念,並 彼此交流,靈活地互動學習。新增的精進探索實驗室耗資 400萬港元,為修讀科學及非科學的學生提供動手做實驗的場 地,將理想中的設計變成實物雛型。「重探索求創新課程」實 驗室將傳統的演講廳變成可靈活組合的學習區,以便進行互 動複合式學習,並推廣新興的「反轉課堂」教學法。 此外,城大亦設立應用程式實驗室,鼓勵學生參與開發智能 通訊器材的應用程式。

highlights of the year 年度大事摘要

07 annual report 2013–14 年報

Honorary fellows/graduates

頒授榮譽院士銜 ╱ 榮譽學位

CityU boosted its number of honorary graduates and fellowships at two major conferment ceremonies. In September 2013, CityU conferred the title of Honorary Fellow on five distinguished persons for their unstinting support and wise counsel over many years. They were Mr Rex Auyeung Pak-kuen, President–Asia and Senior Vice-President of the Principal Financial Group; Ms Maggie Chan Man-ki, Senior Partner of CMK Lawyers; Mr David Fong Man-hung, Managing Director of Hip Shing Hong Group; Mr Francis Ngai Wah-sing, Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong; and Mr Wong Kai-man, Director of the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited and the Fung (1906) Foundation Limited.

城大去年舉行兩場重要的典禮,增加了獲頒榮譽博士學位及 榮譽院士銜之傑出人士的數目。2013年9月,城大頒授榮譽 院士銜予五位傑出人士,以感謝他們多年來對城大不遺餘力 的支持。他們是:美國信安金融集團高級副總裁及亞洲區總 裁歐陽伯權先生;陳曼琪律師行首席合夥人陳曼琪女士;香 港協成行集團董事總經理方文雄先生;香港社會創投基金創 辦人兼行政總裁魏華星先生;經綸慈善基金有限公司、馮氏 (1906)慈善基金有限公司董事黃啟民先生。

Similarly, we conferred honorary doctorates on three prominent persons at the Honorary Awards Ceremony in November 2013 in recognition of their significant achievements and contributions to the well-being of society: Dr Yukio Hatoyama, President of the East Asian Community Institute; Mr Koo Ming-kown, founder of Nam Tai Electronics, Inc; and Professor Myron S. Scholes, Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance, Emeritus, at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

與此同時,城大在2013年11月頒授榮譽博士學位予三位傑出 人士,以表彰他們的出色成就及對社會福祉的貢獻。三位榮 譽博士是:東亞共同體研究所理事長鳩山由紀夫博士、南太 電子創辦人顧明均先生、美國史丹福大學商學研究院Frank E. Buck金融學講座教授邁倫•斯科爾斯榮休教授。

highlights of the year

08 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Vet School


The newly founded School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, will serve as an international centre of excellence for researching issues related to public and animal health in Asia in partnership with Cornell University, the top ranked veterinary school in the US and in the world.

城大與美國康奈爾大學合作,創辦了動物醫學院,這是香港 首個同類學院。康奈爾大學動物醫學院的排名在美國乃至全 球都名列前茅。目前,城大的動物醫學院已正式運作,未來 將成為亞洲公共衞生及動物健康問題的國際卓越研究中心。

With the full backing of the Senate, the SVM began to establish its identity with a number of significant events during the year, including the International Animal Welfare Symposium in November 2013 where local and international experts discussed a range of animal welfare issues and how to promote a pet-friendly society; a conference titled “Direction of Sustainable Development for Hong Kong’s Agriculture and Fishery Industry” in March 2014, which brought together CityU academics and industry representatives and experts to explore new opportunities and discuss the development of the local agriculture and fishery industries; and a four-day clinical programme for veterinarians in March 2014, too, to study the latest medical treatments for trauma and fractures in horses and other large animals.

動物醫學院得到教務會全力支持,在年內舉辦或參與了多場 重要活動,逐漸建立聲譽。2013年11月,學院舉辦國際動物 福利論壇,與會的本地及外國專家討論了如何締造人畜共融 社會等一系列有關動物福利的議題。2014年3月,城大舉辦 「香港漁農業持續發展方向研討會」,與業界代表及專家攜手 探索新機遇,討論漁農業在香港的可持續發展;城大在3月亦 舉辦了為期四日的馬科動物骨折臨床治療培訓課程,幫助受 訓的獸醫研習馬科等大型動物骨折及其他創傷的最新治療法。

In addition, CityU co-organised the 4th South China Small Animal Veterinary Conference in December 2013 in Guangzhou, showing how CityU is reaching out across the region to promote the SVM. In July 2013, senior management officials from Cornell University visited CityU to further advance the implementation of the SVM. The visit marked a significant step forward in the construction of a long-term alliance between CityU and Cornell University to build a world-class SVM in Asia, expanding educational opportunities for Hong Kong students.

城大亦於2013年12月參與主辦了在廣州召開的第四屆華南小 動物醫師大會,顯示城大計劃在亞太區內推廣動物醫學院的 決心。 康奈爾大學高層管理人員於2013年7月到訪城大,加深兩校建 立的長遠學術聯盟,攜手共建世界級動物醫學院,為香港學 生提供更多教育機會。

highlights of the year



annual report 2013–14 年報

30th anniversary


The celebration in honour of the University’s 30th anniversary began in earnest at the start of 2014 with a special ceremony to initiate the year-round festivities. Among the many highlights were the 30th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony, 30th Anniversary Banquet and Homecoming Gala 2014, as well as arts, cultural, student and alumni programmes and distinguished lectures and international conferences.

城大在2014年年初為橫跨全年的三十周年慶祝活動揭開序 幕。重點活動包括:三十周年紀念啟動典禮、校慶晚宴、 2014樂聚城大校友日,以及各種藝術、文化、學生、校友活 動,還有多場傑出講座和國際會議。

In addition, distinguished international and CityU academic leaders addressed sustainability challenges in Hong Kong and the East Asia region at the Sustainability Summit in October 2014.

另外,城大於2014年10月舉行可持續發展高峰會,來自多國 及城大校內的卓越學者匯聚一堂,共同探討香港與東亞地區 如何面對推動可持續發展的挑戰。

In April 2014, more than 1,100 participants enjoyed sweet melodies in the “Embrace Our Dreams” joint concert while over 100 students, staff and alumni ran the Gyeongju Cherry Marathon 2014 in South Korea, also in April.

2014年4月,城大在香港大會堂舉辦「讓夢想飛翔」聯合音樂 會,1,100多名參加者聚首一堂,共享悠揚樂曲。同在4月,城 大一百多名學生、教職員及校友遠赴韓國參加了「2014年慶州 櫻花馬拉松賽」。

While 30 years might not be considered a long time for some of the world’s older universities, the celebrations emphasised the extent to which CityU had developed and diversified since 1984, to become one of the leading universities in the world.

對於全球建校歷史較長的大學而言,30年算不上是很長的時 間。然而,城大的慶祝活動著重體現城大自1984年建校至今 如何快速發展,日益多元化,成為全球一流大學。

10 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

chairman’s foreword 校董會主席序言

The past year has been exceptionally successful for CityU. We have continued to flourish thanks to the vision and hard work of our senior management teams, our highly professional faculty and staff, our bright and talented students, our ever-increasing alumni body, and our dedicated friends and supporters in Hong Kong, around the region and much, much further afield, too.

回顧過去一年,城大取得了非凡的成 就。城大能夠持續發展,有賴於大學 管理層的高瞻遠矚與不懈努力,還有 十分專業的大學教職員、聰穎的學 生、不斷壯大的校友群,以及香港、 亞太區及世界各地的城大好友與支持 者。

chairman’s foreword



annual report 2013–14 年報

Rising status


International ranking activities are a very useful indicator of the strength of a university’s reputation in the international arena, but it is not the only means to assess how others regard our development. We have seen in the past year several other clear levels of support from the local and international community for the work that we undertake, and this has been very pleasurable to receive.

國際大學排名榜是一個可以評鑑大學在國際高等教育界的聲 譽及實力的有用指標,惟並非外界評鑑城大發展的唯一方 式。過去一年,城大的工作得到本地社區及國際社會的各種 大力支持,對此我們深感欣喜。

As far as ranking goes, we have maintained our position around the 100 mark among world universities, around the top 10 in Asia, and the top 5 of world universities under 50 years of age. Meanwhile, the College of Business is ranked 2nd in the Asia-Pacific region and 46th in the world, according to the University of Texas at Dallas Top 100 Business School Rankings. Status is also measured by the number of people who take time out of their busy schedules to give talks on our campus or tour our facilities. We have hosted many world-class academics’ visits including a Nobel Prize winner and a former prime minister of Japan over the past year at our various lecture series, and we have entertained delegations from far and wide. Additionally, our rising status is reflected in the willingness of prominent members of the community to offer high levels of support by accepting our honorary awards, such as degrees and fellowships, and through events such as naming ceremonies and gift-giving. Last but not least, our researchers have attracted high levels of funding, too, from local and international bodies, showing approval in many fields for the research agenda that we pursue. We are confident that we remain on track to continue to prosper as a university that provides research that is applicable to today’s world.

城大在全球最佳大學排名榜中繼續位近前100名,在亞洲大學 排名榜中位近前10名,而在建校未滿50年的全球50所最佳大 學排名榜中,城大位列前五名。另外,根據美國德克薩斯州 大學達拉斯管理學院公佈的全球100所最佳商學院排行榜,城 大商學院在全球排名第46,在亞太區位居第二。 城大的地位日漸上升,得以在年內邀得多名知名人士在百忙 中抽空蒞臨城大主持講座或參觀校內設施。在去年舉行的各 類講座系列中,城大有幸邀請到多位世界級學者及名人,包 括諾貝爾獎得主與日本前首相,同時接待了國內外多個代表 團來訪。 此外,熱心支持城大的傑出人士欣然接受大學頒授的榮譽博 士及榮譽院士等榮銜,以及參與命名典禮及接納餽贈等活 動,也反映了城大的地位不斷提升。 還有一點也很重要,城大的研究人員獲得本地或國際機構的 慷慨撥款資助,足見大學多個領域的研究工作皆得到肯定。 我們相信,城大正沿著正確軌道朝前發展,為當今世界提供 切合需要的科研成果。

chairman’s foreword

12 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Public health


In terms of applicable research, we have developed strongly in the broad area of public health over the last year. Our pioneering School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, is now in operation and will serve as an international centre of excellence for researching issues related to public and animal health in Asia in partnership with Cornell University, the top ranked veterinary school in the US and the world. On behalf of CityU, I would like to express our appreciation once again to different sectors of the community for their generous support and strong encouragement to continue pursuing our vision for the welfare of Hong Kong society and the region through the establishment of the SVM.

就應用研究而言,城大去年在公共衞生的廣闊領域取得卓越 成就。城大與康奈爾大學合作,在本地率先創辦了動物醫學 院。康奈爾大學動物醫學院的排名在美國乃至全球都名列前 茅。這是香港的首間動物醫學院,現已正式運作,將成為亞 洲公共衞生及動物健康問題的國際卓越研究中心。我在此代 表城大,再次感謝社會各界的慷慨支持及鼓勵,幫助我們創 辦動物醫學院,繼續為實現造福香港社會及亞太區的願景而 努力。

Interdisciplinary research into a wide spectrum of public health issues has been widespread, too. A number of our foremost faculty has been working on projects specifically aimed at improving people’s lives with direct medical applications reaching a wider public such as work on artificial implants using plasma technology, smart clothing that monitors your health, robotics technology that can check for blood diseases, and breakthroughs in our understanding of memory processes in the human mind.

對於範疇廣泛的公共衞生問題,城大亦進行了多方面的跨學 科研究。城大多位優秀教研人員從事多個研究項目,旨在直 接運用於醫學檢測治療,改善民生,造福公眾,例如利用等 離子技術提升人體植入物抗菌功效;研發監測健康情況的智 能緊身衣;運用機械人技術檢測血液疾病;對人類大腦記憶 形成過程的研究亦取得重大進展。

chairman’s foreword



annual report 2013–14 年報

Sustainability and the environment


The University has continued to promote the urgency of adopting more sustainable practices on campus and in the wider community. Sustainability is now very much part of the DNA of CityU’s operations.

城大繼續在校內及社會上倡導盡快施行更多持續發展措施。 同時,可持續發展如今已融入城大日常運作的「基因」之中。

Socially aware initiatives have thrived through activities advanced by both faculty and students. The interdisciplinary collaboration Project Flame continues to pursue an energetic programme of social entrepreneurial education, and equitable and sustainable solutions to social problems, while the Green Roofs over Walls Project, which is strongly supported by the Campus Sustainability Fund, is going from strength to strength promoting permaculture and historical urban landscapes, transforming the rooftop of Academic 2 into a green environment. Meanwhile, many courses across campus include a sustainability element. In the arts and humanities, teaching and learning look at questions about the role of humans in the larger eco-system, reflecting on values and society; the business and social sciences refocus the debate on how a sustainable economy suggests a broader scope of development; and science and engineering look at topics such as the rise of the mega-city, new urbanism and the eco-city. Our aim is to ensure that our graduates are equipped with the latest skills related to creating and maintaining a more sustainable environment, and are more aware of the wider issues and threats, thus contributing directly to improving society.

城大師生組織各類活動,增進社會對可持續發展與環境的了 解。「火焰計劃」是其中一個充滿活力的跨學科活動,目的是 持續推行社會企業精神教育,為社會問題提供公平而可持續 不斷的解決方法。在校園可持續發展基金大力支持下,天台 牆體綠化項目(GROW)日益壯大,推動了永續種植與城市歷史 景觀,並把學術樓(二)的天台變成一片翠綠世界。 此外,城大在全校開設的多項課程亦融入了持續發展的元 素。在人文科學領域,教與學著重探討人類在生態系統中的 作用,思考各種價值觀與社會的關係;在商業及社會科學領 域,則將討論重新集中在可持續發展經濟如何能夠帶來更大 的發展空間;在科學及工程學領域,我們關注大城市的興 起、新都會主義與生態城市等話題。 城大的目標是確保畢業生能夠掌握最新的技能,藉此營造和 維持更利於持續發展的環境,深入了解各類有關的問題及威 脅,為改善社會作出貢獻。

chairman’s foreword

14 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


30th anniversary


Several exciting events have taken place in our anniversary year, making all the celebrations more cheering. We have seen a number of cultural, academic and alumni-related events take place during the year, and in addition to landmark events such as the Antarctica trip, several of our faculty have spearheaded exciting new research projects while students have performed well on regional and international stages. Public events such as the 30th Anniversary Joint Concert involving CityU singers and musicians at Hong Kong City Hall served to emphasise CityU’s role and influence in Hong Kong, allowing the public a chance to experience the CityU spirit and a diverse range of talent.

今年是城大的三十周年校慶年,校方在年內舉辦了多場文化 及學術慶祝活動、校友活動,歡慶的氣氛越來越濃厚。除了 南極探索之旅這類創舉之外,城大教研人員同時亦率先開展 嶄新研究計劃,而城大的學生在本地及國際上也有出色表 現。聯合音樂會是城大三十周年校慶的對外活動之一。城大 音樂團體的成員在香港大會堂舉辦聯合音樂會,展示了城大 在香港的角色與影響,讓公眾有機會體驗城大精神及城大人 在不同領域的才能。

This spirit has also been evident in our participation in regional sporting events such as the Gyeongju Cherry Marathon 2014 which saw over 100 staff and students run the picturesque South Korean race in April. Such events further enhance a sense of belonging to CityU and project a healthy image of the University. Additionally, CityU has reinforced its image as a healthy, unified campus community thanks to the outstanding efforts of its men’s and women’s sports teams. They won the men’s and women’s overall championship titles for an unprecedented eighth time in the annual sports competitions organised by The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, while several CityU athletes were selected for individual prizes in the wake of their outstanding performances.

城大的團隊精神亦體現在積極參與地區的體育比賽,例如 2014年4月,百多名學生與教職員遠赴風景如畫的韓國慶州參 加「2014年慶州櫻花馬拉松賽」。這類活動加強了大家對城大 的歸屬感,同時亦突顯了城大的健康形象。 此外,城大運動隊在多項男子及女子組賽事中獲得佳績,亦 加強了城大社群健康、團結的形象。在本年度香港大專體育 協會的賽事中,城大運動隊第八次贏得男女子團體總冠軍, 另有好幾位運動健兒憑藉其優秀表現,更獲得參賽項目的「最 有價值運動員獎」。

chairman’s foreword



annual report 2013–14 年報

Future trajectories


CityU is a youthful university that continues to evolve. Over the last year we have seen new facilities cropping up; a brand new science department taking root; new names given to departments, reflecting growth and adaption; and a vibrant batch of young faculty members making their mark in their various fields of enquiry, all of which give me a great hope for the future.

城大風華正茂,不斷演進。過去的一年,各項新設施相繼啟 用,新的科學學系成立,亦有部分學系改名,均體現了發展 與變更;還有一批青年學者在多個學術領域表現傑出,上述 種種成就令我對城大的未來寄以厚望。

For these reasons, I am confident that CityU will continue to grow and prosper. I applaud everyone involved in the University’s development, and look to the future with confidence.

Herman Hu Shao-ming, BBS, JP Chairman of the Council

因此,我相信,城大將會繼續成長、蓬勃發展。在此要感謝 各位為城大發展付出的努力,我對城大的前途滿懷信心。

胡曉明,BBS,JP 校董會主席

16 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

treasurer’s report 司庫報告



The University is performing well for the year 2013–14 and has a strong financial base for strategic development. The University achieved a smooth transition to the new 4-year academic structure and the successful admission of undergraduate students under the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC), which was the outcome of careful planning and excellent teamwork across the campus community. Enrollment is also strong, reflecting the relevance of our programmes and our growing local and international reputation.

大學在2013–14年度的財政狀況令人 滿意,財務基礎穩健,有助促進大 學的長遠發展。大學成功推行新的 四年制「重探索求創新課程」,本科 生順利入學,這是大學全體同人審 慎規劃與良好合作的成果。報讀大 學的學生人數持續增長,表明我們 開設的課程切合社會所需,大學在 本港及國際上的學術聲譽日益提升。

treasurer’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

The Group’s consolidated financial results recorded a surplus of $476 million as compared with $397 million last year, which was mainly attributed to the increase in income and interest and investment return of $274 million, offset by an increase in expenditure of $195 million. Net assets increased $476 million, from $4,884 million to $5,360 million, an increase of 10% from the previous year.

大學整體的綜合業績錄得盈餘4億7,600萬元,而2012–13年度 則為3億9,700萬元,主要是由於收入與利息及投資回報增加 2億7,400萬元,抵銷了增加的開支1億9,500萬元。資產淨值由 48億8,400萬元增至53億6,000萬元,較去年上升10%,即 4億7,600萬元。

The Group’s consolidated results for the year ended 30 June 2014 are summarised below:




$ million

$ million



Income 收入



Expenditure and Non-operating items 開支及非營運項目



Interest and Net Investment Return 利息及淨投資回報



Surplus for the year 年度盈餘



treasurer’s report



City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學



The consolidated income, comprising government subventions, student tuition and other fees, donations and matching grants, and other contract and auxiliary revenue, for the financial year 2013–14 was $4,150 million, an increase of $133 million as compared to $4,017 million in 2012–13. This increase in revenue was mainly due to the increase in tuition and other fees income of $112 million, a net increase in government subvention and auxiliary services and other income of $27 million and $20 million, respectively, offset by a reduction in donations of $26 million.

2013–14年度的綜合收入為41億5,000萬元,包括政府撥款、學 費和其他收費、捐款及配對補助金,以及其他合約與雜項收 益,較2012–13年度的40億1,700萬元增加1億3,300萬元。增加 的收入主要是學費和其他收費收入上升1億1,200萬元,政府撥 款增加2,700萬元,其他服務及收益增加2,000萬元,抵銷了減 少的捐款收入2,600萬元。

Income 收入 $ million 百萬元




4 201 總數 otal


0 5 4,1 1,688 132


2,053 Government Subventions 政府撥款 Tuition and Other Fees 學費和其他收費

3 201l 總數

7 1 0 , 4


Donations and Benefactions 捐款及捐助 Auxiliary Services and Other Income 其他服務及收益


treasurer’s report 司庫報告

Government Subventions Government subventions for the year were $2,053 million. These subventions, including block grants, earmarked grants, capital grants and grants from other government agencies, have increased by $27 million, compared with $2,026 million in 2012–13. Block grants and supplementary grants for the salary adjustment rose by $78 million mainly due to additional grants for the increase in senior-year intakes and salary revision on the current triennium. However, the increase in block grants was offset by a reduction in donation matching grants of $72 million as compared with last year. The block allocation for capital and alterations, additions and improvements (AA&I) was reduced by $9 million due to the completion of major building projects last year. The grants from government agencies were increased by $27 million to $83 million for the year 2013–14. The University is committed to disciplinary excellence in research and seeks to maximise the benefits of research for the community. In addition to funding the basic research infrastructure through block grants, the University Grants Committee (UGC) provided earmarked grants for research through the Research Grants Council (RGC) and awards for competitive bids. The amount received for 2013–14 through General Research Funds and other UGC/RGC funding schemes was $93 million. The University also received other research funds of $112 million from governmentrelated organisations and commercial sector and private donors during the year. Tuition and Other Fees Tuition and other fees from students came to $1,800 million, an increase of $34 million and $78 million from UGC-funded programmes and self-financing programmes, respectively. The increase was primarily the result of an increase in tuition fees for non-local students for self-financing programmes and an increase in senior-year intakes and students studying self-financing programmes. As the main purpose of offering self-financing programmes is to meet community and societal needs, the University will continue to promote its mature and robust quality assurance system to ensure that all self-financing programmes are of the same rigorous standards as the UGC-funded programmes.

19 annual report 2013–14 年報

政府撥款 2013–14年度的政府撥款共20億5,300萬元。政府撥款包括整體 撥款、特定撥款、基本工程撥款以及其他政府機構撥款,較 2012–13年度的20億2,600萬元增加2,700萬元。整體撥款及補 助撥款增加7,800萬元,主要是由於增加高年級收生學額和因 應三年撥款期的薪酬調整而增加的撥款。不過與去年相比, 配對補助金減少7,200萬元,因此抵銷了整體撥款的增加。由 於去年幾個重要建築工程項目已完工,基本工程和改建、加 建、維修及改善工程的整體撥款減少900萬元。2013–14年度 來自其他政府機構的撥款為8,300萬元,增加了2,700萬元。 城大致力在不同學科領域取得傑出科研成果,為社會謀取最 大福祉。大學教育資助委員會(教資會)除提供整體撥款資 助基本研究設施外,也透過研究資助局(研資局)提供特定撥 款及角逐撥款資助研究。大學在2013–14年度獲優配研究金及 其他教資會 ╱ 研資局撥款9,300萬元,並從其他政府機構、商 界、個人捐款獲得1億1,200萬元研究資助金。 學費及其他收費 年內的學費及其他收費為18億元,其中教資會資助課程較去 年增加3,400萬元,而自資營運課程則增加7,800萬元。收入增 加主要是因為修讀自資營運課程之非本地學生的學費上升, 同時高年級收生學額及修讀自資營運課程的學生人數均有所 增加。大學開辦自資營運課程的主要目的是配合社區及社會 需要,因此將繼續推行及加強其完善嚴謹的質素保證制度, 務求使所有自資營運課程的質素與教資會資助課程的水平一 致。

treasurer’s report

20 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Donations and Benefactions Donations and benefactions received during the year amounted to $106 million, a reduction of $26 million as compared with last year. The reduction was due to additional donations received during the earlier stage of the commencement of the Sixth Matching Grant Scheme on 1 August 2012. The Sixth Matching Grant Scheme ended on 31 July 2014 and the University secured about $184 million matched donations and $114 million matching grants. The University is thankful to all donors for their generous financial support. The amount raised will be used to support University development and strategic initiatives, research and departmental functions, as well as student learning.

Expenditure Consolidated expenditure totaled $4,183 million in 2013–14, an increase of $195 million, representing a 5% increase on last year of $3,988 million. During the year, the Group spent $2,937 million, about 70% of total consolidated expenditure, on instruction and research, the library, central computing facilities and other academic services in support of award-bearing programmes and a series of innovative teaching and learning projects implemented at the University to enable students to have a chance to make an original discovery by learning to create, cultivate, curate and communicate new knowledge for the benefit of the community. Expenditure on research projects and studentships in 2013–14 was $443 million, compared with $387 million for 2012–13. Institutional support increased to $1,246 million compared with the previous year’s $1,205 million, and accounted for about 30% of total expenditure in 2013–14. During the year under review, the University continued to support a wide range of initiatives such as student exchanges and learning activities that will prepare students for their professional careers. Of the total institutional support expenses, $337 million was spent on management and general, $658 million for premises and related expenses and $251 million for student and general education services and others. The expenditure on premises and related expenses has stayed at the same level of expenditure as compared with 2012–13, mainly due to effective cost control to offset the rise in operating costs for maintenance, utilities and logistic support.

捐款及捐助 年內的捐款及捐助為1億600萬元,較去年減少2,600萬元,主 要是由於2012年8月1日展開第六輪配對補助金計劃的早期收 到了額外捐款。第六輪配對補助金計劃已於2014年7月31日結 束,大學獲得的配對捐款約為1億8,400萬元,配對補助金約為 1億1,400萬元。大學感謝所有捐款人的慷慨捐助,所得捐款將 用作支持大學發展及推行策略性舉措、科研和學系部門工作 以及教學。

開支 2013–14年度的綜合開支總額為41億8,300萬元,較去年的39億 8,800萬元增加5%,即1億9,500萬元。年內約70%的大學整體總 綜合開支,即29億3,700萬元,用於教學及研究、圖書館、中 央電腦設施及其他教學服務,以支援大學開辦的課程及施行 的多項創新教學計劃,令學生在求學期間有機會體驗原創性 質的探索,學習如何創造新知識,如何交流、展示新知識, 然後加以改進,造福社會。2013–14年度的研究開支及助學金 開支合共4億4,300萬元,2012–13年度則為3億8,700萬元。 相較去年的12億500萬元,教學支援的開支增加至12億 4,600萬元,佔2013–14年度總開支約30%。大學年內繼續撥款 支援多方面的舉措,例如推行交換生計劃及學習活動等,培 訓學生為未來的專業事業發展作好準備。教學支援開支中, 管理及一般項目開支為3億3,700萬元,校舍及有關開支為6億 5,800萬元及學生及教育服務和其他開支為2億5,100萬元。校舍 及有關開支與2012–13年度相若,主要是透過良好的成本控制 措施以抵銷維修保養、公用開支、物流支援等營運成本的 上升。

treasurer’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

Expenditure 開支 $ million 百萬元



4 201 總數 otal

T 337

3 8 1 4,





3 201l 總數

8 8 9 , 3


Instruction and Research 教學及研究 Library, Central Computing Facilities and Other Academic Services 圖書館、中央電腦設施及其他教學服務

319 426

Management and General 管理及一般項目 Premises and Related Expenses 校舍及有關開支


Student and General Education Services and Others 學生及教育服務和其他

Staff members are the major resource of the University. Staffing costs represented 63% of the consolidated expenditure, an increase of $119 million from the previous year to $2,629 million. The increase in staffing costs was mainly due to the salary adjustment under the Performance-based Pay Review (PBPR) Scheme. The remaining $1,166 million and $387 million were spent on operating expenses and depreciation and others, respectively.

員工是大學的重要資源。員工薪酬及福利開支佔綜合開支總 額的63%,達26億2,900萬元,較去年增加1億1,900萬元,主要 用於根據「績效獎勵計劃」而作出的薪酬調整。其他開支包括 11億6,600萬元用於營運開支,3億8,700萬元用於折舊及其他項 目。

treasurer’s report

22 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Capital Programmes


Over the past 30 years, the University’s physical structure has undergone a dramatic transformation with the addition of new buildings and facilities. The University opened Academic 3 on campus, which together with Academic 2 and the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, has greatly strengthened our identity and enhanced our image as a modern university. Though there was an increase in new space to support our teaching and research activities, the University will continue to improve space efficiency and energy saving to achieve long-term savings for the University.

建校30年來,大學新建了多幢大樓,增添了很多新設施,校 園面貌發生巨大變化。學術樓(三)已正式啟用,連同學術 樓(二)及邵逸夫創意媒體中心,三幢大樓大大加強了大學師 生員工對大學的認同感,提升了大學作為一所現代大學的形 象。儘管新建築物為校園增加空間,為教學及研究活動提供 了良好的環境,大學將繼續善用空間,提倡節能,以求達致 長期節省成本的目的。

In 2013–14, the University received government subventions worth $96 million for capital building projects and AA&I works. The capital project management has been strengthened to ensure capital projects are completed in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Investment Return The University has benefitted from the market rise and recorded an interest and net investment return of $509 million, i.e. about a 9% return. Under the persistence of the extremely low interest-rate environment, the interest and dividends received during the year was $156 million. Measured over a longer period, the University has been able to achieve a healthy investment and interest income at about 4% to 5% to supplement the funding of daily operations and the long-term development of the University. Looking to the future, the University is committed to pursuing a prudent and longterm approach to maintain a steady source of income. The current outlook for the global economy is relatively unsettled, and it is vital that we keep a watchful eye over all of our investment funds.

大學於2013–14年度獲政府撥款9,600萬元,進行基本工程及 其他改建、加建及改善工程項目。大學加強了工程項目的管 理,以確保基本工程項目可以高效率下準時完成,並能以最 低成本取得最佳成果。

投資回報 得益於市況好轉,大學錄得5億900萬元利息及淨投資回報, 亦即約9%的回報率。由於市場利率持續處於極低水平,年內 所得的利息及股息為1億5,600萬元。按過去較長期的表現衡 量,大學能夠在投資方面取得約4%到5%的穩健回報和利息收 入,用以補助日常營運開支及支持長遠發展。 放眼未來,大學將繼續努力秉持審慎及著眼長期的投資方 針,以確保得到穩定收入。全球經濟前景迄今尚不明朗,我 們將繼續小心監管大學所有投資基金,此舉至關重要。

treasurer’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

Going Forward


Over the course of the last year, CityU has successfully managed to lend the necessary support to a number of progressive academic programmes, new facilities and strategic initiatives while at the same time guaranteeing that our fiscal environment remains stable. To sustain the momentum of the University’s development, we are committed to the delivery of long-term resources needed by our colleges/schools, to our overall infrastructure, and of course to our students. Our overall objective is to boost our national and international reputation as a higher education institution dedicated to excellence in teaching, learning and research.

在2013–14年度,大學成功地為多項進階學術課程、新設施及 重大舉措提供必需的支援,同時保持穩健的財務狀況。為持 續推動大學的發展,我們將致力為學院、整體基建、學生提 供長期資源。我們的整體目標是提升大學作為高等教育機構 在國內及國際上的聲譽,展示大學追求卓越教學及研究的決 心。

As this is our 30th anniversary year, we have had time to reflect on the University’s immense achievements in professional education and research. We are now topranked in several surveys of global and regional universities, an achievement made possible by our pioneering work in curriculum development, which resulted in the creation of the Discovery-enriched Curriculum, and by our commitment to integrating teaching and research within our academic programmes.

今年是大學創校30周年,我們可以藉此機會回顧大學在專業 教育及研究領域取得的傑出成就。大學在數個世界及亞太區 的大學排名榜上均位居前列,這些成就源於大學率先推動課 程改革,創設「重探索求創新課程」,致力在課程中做到教研 合一。 我們來年的目標是繼續為達成學術願景而努力,並確保以負責 任和可持續的財務方針營運大學。我們亦務求在校務管治方面 與時共進,使財務管理成效更高、更加開放,效率更好。

Over the next 12 months, we will continue to pursue our academic vision, making sure that the University operates in a financially accountable and sustainable manner. We will also keep up-to-date about developments in governance issues in order to ensure more effective, open and efficient operations.

Joseph Pang Yuk-wing, BBS, JP Treasurer

彭玉榮,BBS,JP 司庫

24 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

president’s report 校長報告

Symbols are powerful means for communication. We use them as rallying points where we promote and celebrate our achievements. On our campus, one iconic symbol stands out. It has come to represent the core academic values we hold dear as a modern, international university, and it is now receiving world-wide recognition. In 2014, a German-based architectural data company selected the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC) as one of the most spectacular university buildings in the world, aligning us with equally captivating buildings at universities in Europe and North America, one of only two representatives from Asia.

校園建築物具有豐富的象徵意義,是與 外界交流的有力工具。我們將其作為凝 聚點,藉此宣揚和慶祝大學的成就。城 大校園中的邵逸夫創意媒體中心就是這 樣一座引人注目的標誌性建築。它代表 了城大作為一所現代化國際大學所珍視 的重要學術價值。創意媒體中心現已揚 名國際,2014年,德國一家建築數據公 司評選該中心為世界十大最奪目的大學 建築之一,足以媲美歐洲、北美一些大 學引人注目的建築。亞洲僅有兩所學府 獲此殊榮,城大是其中之一。

president’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

The CMC encapsulates the forward-thinking drive, creative energy and innovative spirit of CityU’s pursuit of excellence in research and professional education, as documented in the following report.

城大矢志成為研究優異、專業教育出眾的一流大學,創意媒體 中心體現了大學開拓前瞻的動力、創造力和創新精神。詳情見 以下報告。

30th anniversary


2014 will always be a special year for CityU because it marks our 30th anniversary. A suitably grand kick-off ceremony in January 2014 began a year-long series of exciting celebration events organised by our students, alumni, and the campus community. The joint concert held in April 2014 by the CityU Philharmonic Orchestra, CityU Chinese Orchestra and the CityU Choir was one of the signature events. The joint concert exemplified the hopes, dreams and passions of our students and alumni, and the audience was deeply touched by the theme song “Embrace Our Dreams”, especially written for this memorable occasion.

對城大而言,2014年將永遠是特別的一年,因為這一年是城 大建校30周年。2014年1月,城大舉行了簡單而隆重的校慶活 動啟動典禮,為紀念校慶的全年慶祝活動揭開序幕。活動均 由城大的師生員工及校友操辦。2014年4月舉辦的城大管弦樂 團、中樂團、合唱團聯合音樂會是校慶重點活動之一,恰如 其分地表達了城大學生及校友對母校的希望、夢想和熱情。 主題曲《讓夢想飛翔》是專為音樂會譜寫的作品,深深感動了 在場的聽眾。

Such events unify our hearts and minds, propelling us to move forward, while sharing our successes and joy.

校慶活動令城大全體同人在分享成功與喜悅之餘,更加團結 一心,推動我校向前邁進。

School of Veterinary Medicine


Our commitment to innovation and professional education is evident in our vision to build a world-class centre of excellence in veterinary education and research in Asia, in collaboration with Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, the leading provider of veterinary education in North America and in the world. The establishment of CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) in March 2014 and the launch of an Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in Veterinary Sciences in September 2014 were significant milestones in realising our vision to promote public health, food safety and animal welfare in the region to benefit society and to expand educational opportunities in critical areas of biomedical sciences for our students.

城大與全球及北美動物醫學教育翹楚美國康奈爾大學合作, 立志要在亞洲創辦一所世界級動物醫學教育及研究中心, 充分體現了城大致力於創新及專業教育的努力。城大在2014 年3月成立了動物醫學院,並在同年9月推出跨學科動物科學 博士課程,這兩項舉措是城大實現動物醫學院願景的兩大里 程碑,目標是要促進亞太區的公共衞生、食物安全及動物福 利,以此造福社會,為我們的學生在生物醫學這個重要領域 提供更多教育機會。

president’s report

26 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


(From left) Mr Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, Vice-President (Administration); Professor Lu Jian, Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Dean of Graduate Studies; Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost; Professor Way Kuo, President; Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun, Vice-President (Development and External Relations); Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, Vice-President (Student Affairs); Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Chief-of-Staff (左起)

副校長(行政)李惠光先生、副校長(研究及科技)及研究生院院長呂堅教授、學務副校長李博亞教授、校長郭位教授、副校長(發展及對外關係)王世全教授、 副校長(學生事務)葉豪盛教授、秘書長林群聲教授

president’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

Antarctica expedition


No other university in Hong Kong has undertaken such a pioneering project as CityU’s expedition to Antarctica. Twenty-three students from different disciplines travelled to this pristine corner of the planet to collect scientific data related to the environment which they transformed into creative works of media art upon their return to Hong Kong. The results were amazing: the 13 installations on view at “Freeze Frame” in May 2014 revealed how skillfully and aesthetically the students had used the data to create intriguing and powerfully voiced interpretations, all of which revealed new perspectives into Antarctica. It is a very good example of CityU’s promotion of interdisciplinarity to address today’s increasingly complex global issues.

城大的南極探索之旅,是首次由本地大學主辦的極地探索活 動。二十三名來自各院系的本科生遠赴地球的原始角落,採 集有關環境的科學數據,返港之後製成別出心裁的媒體藝術 作品。在2014年5月,城大舉辦名為「凝靜之境」的南極探索 之旅展覽,展出13件裝置藝術品。學生運用收集的數據,巧 妙構思,創作出引人入勝的作品,從嶄新的角度有力地闡釋 了南極大陸的生態環境。南極之旅的成功,正是城大近年推 行跨學科研究以解決當今日益複雜的全球問題的出色範例。

Research funding Innovations and creative thinking are cornerstones to the research successes that CityU enjoyed over the past year. The strong performance of our academics in competing for external research funding reflected their intellectual prowess and outstanding scholarship. Over the last year they attracted record amounts of funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and a significant increase in the number of grants, and total amount, from the Research Grants Council (RGC). Their success reflected CityU’s strong commitment to knowledge transmission, creation and application as a modern university of the 21st century.

New capabilities The CityU campus is undergoing significant transformation, with the completion of three iconic buildings, supported by state-of-the-art facilities, to create a modern, vibrant, international university. Academic 2 has now doubled student interactive learning and socialisation space. The new Senate Room on the top floor of Academic 3 reflects the high status we accord to the Senate as the highest body responsible for academic matters at CityU.

研究資助大幅增長 城大去年獲得豐碩的研究成果,創新與創意是這些成果的基 石。城大學者在競逐校外研究資助中表現出色,顯示了他們 的出眾才能與傑出的學術成就。過去一年,城大獲得的國家 自然科學基金資助額創下歷年之冠,此外,獲研究資助局的 資助數量及總額亦出現大幅增長。以上優秀成績反映了作為 21世紀現代化大學的城大,一直不遺餘力地傳遞、創造和應 用知識。

校園設施日臻完善 城大在三幢標誌性的新大樓落成並啟用後,校園面貌因而煥 然一新。這些建築物均配備了先進的設施,有助城大發展成 為充滿活力的現代化國際大學。學術樓(二)正式啟用之後, 供學生互動學習及社交的空間增加了一倍。另外,城大將全 新的教務會會議廳設於學術樓(三)頂層,彰顯了教務會是大 學各項學術事務的最高決策機構。

president’s report

28 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


We are also very pleased with the linkages we are forging with the external community to enhance our facilities and capabilities. In the last year we have established links with DBS Bank for our new Apps Lab and with KEF, a leading loudspeaker brand under the Gold Peak Group, for a brand-new acoustics centre. They provide excellent opportunities for our students to get their hands “dirty” in the lab, and at the same time, enhance their career preparation and employability.

城大一直與外界建立友好關係,以改善大學的設施並提升教 研能力,成果顯著,令人欣喜。去年,城大不僅與星展銀行 結盟,共同推進城大應用程式實驗室的研究和創新;亦與金 山工業集團旗下的著名揚聲器品牌KEF聯合創建了一個先進

Top teachers


At CityU, we emphasise the close integration of teaching and research in our professional education. We were all very proud when one of our faculty was selected for the Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee for applying her research and experience to her student-centred experiential teaching. Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin of the Department of Applied Social Sciences is the second scholar from CityU to win this top teaching honour, which is also recognition for the University’s high quality education.

Top scholars The discovery of new knowledge to benefit society through first-rate scholarship is as important as high quality teaching to nurture talents. CityU was very pleased to see some of our finest researchers receiving prestigious national and international awards that they so thoroughly deserved. It was especially gratifying to see young faculty members getting their research contributions published in top-ranked journals such as Nature, and our more senior scholars getting global recognition for their work in vital areas of research such as memory formation and the use of intelligent clothing to monitor heart conditions as well as work in more esoteric areas such as creating super-dry surfaces for various technologies.

的聲學中心。這些合作為城大學生提供寶貴的機會親手做實 驗,為他們的就業做出更佳準備,提升了他們的就業能力。

城大在專業教育中注重推行教研合一。應用社會科學系副教 授莊明蓮博士獲大學教育資助委員會頒予傑出教學獎,以表 彰其將研究成果及經驗充分應用於教學,採取以學生為本的 「體驗式教學法」,取得卓越教學成就。對此,我們感到十分 自豪。莊博士是城大第二位獲得這項榮譽的教師,這項榮譽 也是對我校優質教育的肯定。

傑出學者獲學術嘉獎 發現新知識,應用精深學問以造福社會,與提供優質教學以 培育英才同樣重要。我們很高興見到,城大一批實至名歸的 傑出學者在國內及國際榮獲各種學術獎項。尤其令人欣喜的 是,城大青年學者多次在《自然》等知名學術期刊上發表論 文,而其他城大資深學人的成就亦在多個重要研究領域獲得 國際公認,其中包括查明記憶形成過程;研發監測及記錄病 人心臟狀況的智能心電緊身衣;及研製具有廣泛技術用途、 疏水性能超佳的材料表面。

president’s report



annual report 2013–14 年報

Discovery and innovation


At CityU, we provide a platform to excel in discovery and innovation, not only for faculty members, but also for our students. Our Discovery-enriched Curriculum is designed to offer opportunities and experiences for students to take risks and explore the unknown, to discover, innovate or create something in their field of study that is new or original as an exciting part of their learning process. We were excited that at the 2014 CityU Discovery Festival, there were so many creative student projects that applied classroom knowledge to address real-world problems. Among these were two smart prototype devices aimed at helping people with visual impairments. One item was a pair of smart navigation glasses that relays information via a video camera, GPS system, voice device, and glasses connected to an app on the wearer’s smart phone. The other was a smart walking stick that helps people with visual impairments take buses. Users can communicate with the bus driver via the walking stick while they are waiting for a bus.

在城大,我們不僅為教研人員、同時也為學生提供促進創新 發現的場地。城大推行「重探索求創新」課程,旨在為學生 提供承擔風險和探索未知事物的機會和親身體驗,並鼓勵他 們在自己的學科領域內有所發現、創新和創造,使這些成為 他們求學生涯中的一個組成部分。學生應用課堂上所學的知 識解決實際問題,取得令人振奮的成果,「2014城大探索創新 節」上展出的眾多創意作品就是明證。其中有兩件幫助失明或 視障人士的智能工具尤為值得注意:一件是智能導航眼鏡, 配有攝錄鏡頭、定位導航儀及耳筒,並與佩戴者的智能電話 應用程式互相連接;另一件是智能乘車手杖,可以幫助候車 的失明或視障人士與巴士司機聯絡。

We are excited by the emergence of a culture of Discovery and Innovation on our campus. CityU is committed to serving society and improving the quality of life through knowledge and the pursuit of excellence. We will continue to strengthen institutional support for knowledge creation and transfer, and enhance service learning, community engagement and entrepreneurship training for our students, to fulfill our goal of excellence in research and professional education.

Way Kuo President and University Distinguished Professor

城大校園的「重探索求創新」文化氛圍日益濃厚,對此我們深 感欣慰。城大致力於創造知識,不懈追求教研優異,以此服 務社會,改善生活質素。我們會繼續大力支持知識創造及轉 移,提升學生的服務學習、社區參與及培養他們的企業家精 神,實現研究卓越、專業教育出眾的目標。

郭 位 校長及大學傑出教授

30 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Under the auspices of our pioneering Discoveryenriched Curriculum (DEC), CityU’s professional education instills a sense of discovery and innovation in its students, and prepares them for the world of work, both in Hong Kong, the region and increasingly further afield.

professional education 專業教育

城大推行獨特的「重探索求 創新課程」,所提供的專業教 育,著重培養學生的探索創新 意識,為學生進入本港、亞太 區乃至全球的就業市場做好 準備。

professional education



annual report 2013–14 年報

Discovery festival


Our annual Discovery Festival showcases the University’s strengths in discovery and innovation, and promotes teaching excellence. This three-week-long festival, held over February and March 2014, displayed some of the most exciting teaching and learning outcomes originating from the DEC, allowing teachers and students to share their experiences and discoveries. The festival aimed to position discovery, innovation and creativity at the forefront of all our courses, ensuring that our students will not only learn from what they study in class, but also that they are equipped with the ability to think critically and independently and to write, reason, and communicate clearly, encouraging them to explore, gain new knowledge, and contribute to society.

城大每年均舉辦「探索創新節」,展示大學推行探索與創新的 實力,以此促進專業教學質素的提升。「2014城大探索創新 節」在2月至3月舉行,為期三周,展示了城大獨特的「重探索 求創新課程」的卓越教學成果,並邀請師生講述自己的經驗、 體會和新發現。「探索創新節」旨在將探索、創新、創造放在 所有科目的首位,務求使學生不但在課堂上學到知識,同時 亦培養他們獨立思考的能力,能夠通曉寫作、理性思考、善 於溝通,並鼓勵學生不斷探索、求取新知,從而對社會有所 貢獻。

New learning centre

致力於提供優質專業教育是大學的長遠發展方向之一,城大 與清華大學簽訂合作備忘錄,設立國家企業信息化應用支撐 軟件工程技術研究中心香港分中心,正是向這個目標邁進的 一大步,這個中心將大大加強我們在工程技術廣泛領域的實 力。

In keeping with our overall strategic direction to develop our professional education offerings, the establishment of the Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Centre on Enterprise Informatisation Software took a step closer to becoming a reality with the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Tsinghua University. The centre will greatly strengthen the broad area of engineering at CityU.


The annual Discovery Festival showcased the University’s strengths in discovery and innovation, and promoted teaching excellence. 「城大探索創新節」展示城大推行探索與創新的實力, 以此促進專業教學質素。

professional education

32 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Professor Gregory C. Chow (3rd from right) donated historic land deeds to the Library. 圖書館獲鄒至莊教授(右三)捐贈中國古地契。

Archival donations


The Library remains the most important learning space on campus, unrivalled for its access to print, visual and electronic information. Three major events served to boost its contents. In August 2013, a collection of old Chinese land deeds and family papers was donated by the renowned economist Professor Gregory C. Chow, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Princeton University and Honorary Professor of CityU. The donation of more than 200 papers has greatly expanded the Library’s existing land deeds collection, and provides historical economic data about China, particularly on Guangdong and Hong Kong.

城大邵逸夫圖書館擁有品類繁多的印刷出版物、錄影資料與 電子資料,以供查閱,一直是校內最重要的學習場所。過 去一年,圖書館獲得三次重要捐贈,館藏更加豐富。2013年 8月,圖書館獲得國際著名經濟學家鄒至莊教授捐贈的中國 古地契及家族文件。鄒教授是普林斯頓大學的經濟學榮休教 授,也是城大的榮譽教授,他的捐贈不僅擴充了城大圖書館 現有的地契收藏品,由此增添的資料更可用於研究中國經 濟,尤其是廣東與香港的經濟。

Another Library donation, six months later, saw literary material from the archives of the highly respected Today Literary Magazine, which is published on the mainland. Donated by chief editor Professor Bei Dao, the gift has expanded the Library’s collections, and at the same time provided an important source of research for modern Chinese poetry.

六個月之後,城大圖書館又獲得創辦於中國內地的著名刊物 《今天文學雜誌》的主編北島教授捐贈的《今天文學雜誌檔案》 文獻,不僅擴展了圖書館的收藏,更是研究中國當代詩歌的 重要資料。

The Chinese Visual Communication Archives set up by CityU’s Department of Media and Communication will serve as a treasure trove for the teaching and learning of Chinese documentaries. Donated in April 2014, the video documentaries comprise around 20,000 minutes of material spanning the centuries from the late Qing through to the Republic of China and the present day.

2014年4月,城大獲贈總放映時間長達兩萬多分鐘的影視紀錄 片素材,記錄的年代從晚清、民國直至當代。城大媒體與傳 播系以此為基礎,設立「華語影視傳播典藏」,將為華語紀錄 片的教學與研究創立巨大的資料寶庫。

professional education



annual report 2013–14 年報

Recognising quality teaching


High-quality teaching is the power behind the success of our DEC. Without highly professional teachers, our academic programmes would not succeed. The Teaching Excellence Awards in March 2014 honoured three exceptional scholars for their work in the classroom: Dr Elaine Au Liu Suk-ching, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences, and Assistant Head; Mr Scott Hessels, Associate Professor in the School of Creative Media (SCM); and Dr Samson Young Kar-fai, Assistant Professor, also of SCM.

優質教學是支持「重探索求創新課程」獲得成功的力量。沒 有十分專業的教員,城大的學術課程不會取得成功。2014年3 月,城大向三位模範教師頒授2013–14年度傑出教學獎,以表 彰他們的出色教學成果。三位得獎者是:應用社會科學系副 教授兼助理系主任區廖淑貞博士、創意媒體學院副教授Scott Hessels先生、創意媒體學院助理教授楊嘉輝博士。

Our teaching expertise caught the attention of the external reviewers, too, when Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin, Associate Professor from the Department of Applied Social Sciences, was given the Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in September 2013. This was the second year running that a CityU teacher had won the UGC award.

Three Teaching Excellence Awards winners: (from left) Dr Samson Young Kar-fai, Mr Scott Hessels and Dr Elaine Au Liu Suk-ching. 三位傑出教學獎得獎者:(左起)楊嘉輝博士、Scott Hessels先生、 區廖淑貞博士。

城大的傑出教學亦得到校外教育機構的肯定。2013年9月,大 學教育資助委員會向應用社會科學系副教授莊明蓮博士頒授 傑出教學獎。城大已連續第二年有教師獲此殊榮。

Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin 莊明蓮博士

professional education

34 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


The CityU team trekked to Antarctica on an art and science research expedition. 城大學生組團前往南極從事藝術和科學研究。

Antarctica expedition


The most exciting project that CityU presented to the world this year was perhaps the trip to Antarctica in which more than 20 interdisciplinary students journeyed to the southernmost corner of the planet on an art and science research expedition to find new ways to understand climate change. They transformed the data that was collected during the project into new forms of media artworks.

南極探險之旅堪稱是城大本年度最令世人矚目的項目。逾20 名來自多個院系的本科生啟程遠赴地球最南端,採集有關環 境的科學數據,以新視角觀察、了解環境與氣候的變化,並 利用在當地蒐集的數據製成新媒體藝術作品。

Showcased at “Freeze Frame” in May 2014, the 13 installations, which span the academic spectrum, used emerging technologies such as immersive 3D, robotics and game applications to show the endangered continent from a new perspective. Even the emails sent by the students during the expedition were included in the exhibition, interpreted by LED displays in the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre. The expedition was part of the Extreme Environments programme which began in 2012 with an expedition to the Mojave Desert in California that also sought to merge artistic expression with science.

2014年5月,城大在邵逸夫創意媒體中心舉辦題為「凝靜之景」 的南極之旅科學藝術作品展覽,展出了13件裝置藝術品。學 生在製作過程中運用沉浸式立體、自動機械、遊戲應用程式 等新科技,力求以跨學科的新視角展示南極大陸備受氣候惡 化破壞的現況。在大樓的LED屏幕也是一件展品,展現學生發 送的電郵。 城大早在2012年即開始推行「極地環境」計劃,組織師生前往 美國加州莫哈韋沙漠探索,將藝術創作與科學融合。

professional education



annual report 2013–14 年報

Promoting scholarship through lectures


Dating back to the ancient Greeks, the lecture remains one of the most effective tools for transmitting information, encouraging dialogue between professors of renown and students, bringing the latest research results to interested parties, and allowing CityU colleagues to share information about their work with each other.

演講的歷史可追溯到古希臘時代,至今仍是傳播信息、促進 著名學者與學生對話的最有效工具之一,可將最新的研究成 果帶給相關各方,亦幫助城大的同事互相交流教研資訊。

The City University Distinguished Lecture Series covered a great deal of intellectual ground over the past year. Talks covered, among many other topics, new infectious diseases, breakthroughs in nanotechnology, the roles of higher education in innovation and globalisation, the cultural dynamics of ageing, “virtuous rule” in the 21st century, the development and prospects of the oil and gas industries in mainland China, the global network of supply chains, international relations in East Asia, the world economy, the history of the development of glassy alloys, and Chinese-style democracy.

過去一年,「城大傑出講座系列」的多場演講,涵蓋了廣泛的 知識領域及多個議題,其中包括:新型傳染病、納米技術的 重大進展、創新及國際化中的高等教育之職能、老齡化社會 的文化動力、二十一世紀的王道、中國石油天然氣的發展與 前景展望、全球供應鏈的網絡、東亞區域的國際關係、全球 經濟的走向、玻璃合金的發展歷史,及具有中華文化特色的 民主政治。

Nobel laureate Professor Myron S. Scholes talked about the world economy at a Distinguished Lecture. 諾貝爾獎得主邁倫•斯科爾斯教授在「城大傑出講座」中 探討全球經濟的發展前景。

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36 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


The President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia saw several of CityU’s top academics share their research with faculty and students from different academic backgrounds. Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, Dean of the School of Energy and Environment, argued in his talk “Global Warming: Natural or Human-induced?” in March 2014 that global warming was enhanced by human activities and that we must do everything we can to slow it down. In January 2014, Professor Philip J. Ivanhoe, Chair Professor of East Asian and Comparative Philosophy and Religion in the Department of Public Policy, and Director of the Centre for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy, stated that the Confucian tradition teaches us important lessons about the music in and of our lives, in a talk titled “The Contemporary Significance of Confucian Views about the Ethical Values of Music”. Professor Nozer Singpurwalla, Chair Professor of Risk Analysis and Management, delivered a talk in November 2013 titled “A Conversational Overview of Subjective Probability: its Meaning, Content, Axioms, and Acrobatics”, which offered an appreciation of the philosophical and mathematical underpinnings of quantifying uncertainty.

Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung 陳仲良教授

另外,幾位城大知名學者主持「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」, 向學術背景各異的師生介紹他們的研究近況。能源及環境學 院院長陳仲良教授2014年3月在題為「全球氣候變暖:自然現 象或人類之過?」的演講中指出,人類活動加劇了全球氣候的 變暖,我們必須盡力設法減緩這一趨勢;2014年1月,東亞哲 學與宗教及比較哲學與宗教講座教授兼東亞哲學及比較哲學 研究中心主任艾文賀教授發表演講,題為「儒家樂教思想在當 代的重要意義」。他認為,音樂源於生活、關於生活,儒家的 傳統樂教對當今時代依然具有重要意義。 風險分析及管理科學講座教授Nozer Singpurwalla教授在2013年 11月發表演講,題為「漫談主觀概率論:含義、內容、公理、 技巧」,提出要深入理解對不確定性加以量化的哲學依據及數 學依據。

Professor Philip J Ivanhoe 艾文賀教授

professional education 專業教育

37 annual report 2013–14 年報

Professor Anne Cheng 程艾藍教授

In October 2013, Professor Liu Chain-tsuan, University Distinguished Professor, discussed the history of the relationship between materials, technology and civilisation. The France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series, established in 2005 by Professor Philippe Ciarlet, University Distinguished Professor in the College of Science and Engineering, continues to forge special relations between CityU, Hong Kong and France. The CityU community was treated to three talks by highly distinguished French academics. In June 2014, Professor Yves Bréchet, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies, France, delivered an historical overview of the evolution of materials; in November 2013, Professor Jean-François Bach spoke about the causes of autoimmune and allergic diseases; and in October 2013, Professor Anne Cheng, Professor and Chair in Intellectual History of China at the Collège de France, discussed how the changing perceptions of Confucianism in the 20th century have reshaped our notions of modernity.

2013年10月,大學傑出教授劉錦川教授在演講中回溯千百年 來材料、科技與人類社會之間的關係。 由科學及工程學院的大學傑出教授菲立普 • 希阿雷教授於2005 年提議開設的「法國 - 香港傑出講座系列」,繼續為促進城 大、香港與法國之間的特別關係作出貢獻,使大學師生職員 有幸聆聽了三位法國傑出學者主持的講座。 2014年6月,法國原子能總署高級專員Yves Bréchet教授發表演 講,深入探討材料科學的發展歷程;2013年11月,法國自然 科學院常任秘書Jean-François Bach教授在講座中介紹自身免疫 疾病與過敏症的成因;2013年10月,法蘭西學院中國思想史 講座教授程艾藍教授在演講中論述世人對儒學的理解在20世 紀如何演變,而這種演變又如何改造了我們關於現代化的觀 念。

professional education

38 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Distribution of Employed Full-time 2013 Graduates by Employment Sector 按行業劃分2013年度全日制畢業生的就業人數 Number






• Education 教育



• Non-profit Making Organisations 非牟利機構





• Building and Construction 建築業



• Industry and Manufacturing 工業及製造業







Employment Sector 行業 • Government 政府

• Commerce and Business 商業

• Others 其他 Total 總數 Notes:


1. Valid responses: 2,837 or 83.6% of the total graduate number in 2013.

1. 調查收回的有效問卷共2,837份,佔2013年畢業生總數的83.6%。

2. The figures include only 2013 full-time graduates of UGC-funded degrees and associate

2. 數字只涵蓋2013年度政府資助的全日制學士及副學士畢業生。


professional education



annual report 2013–14 年報

Statistics on New Students 2013 2013年入學新生資料 Sex 性別 Female 女性


Male 男性


Average Age 平均年齡


Place of Birth 出生地 Hong Kong 香港


The mainland 內地


Other regions 其他地區


Housing Type 住屋類別 Private flats 私人住宅


Housing Authority/Housing Society rental or sale flats (including Home Ownership Scheme flats) 公共房屋


Squatter/temporary structure 臨時居所


Others 其他




1. The total number of new students in 2013 was 4,531. Valid respondents: 3,440 (75.9 %).

1. 2013年新生總計4,531人。調查收回的有效問卷共3,440份(75.9%)。

2. Information is gathered through a Student Profile Survey administered to new intakes to

2. 資料取自學生概況調查,調查對象為學士及副學士課程新生,並不包

bachelor’s degree or associate degree programmes. New intakes at postgraduate level are not


covered in this survey. 3. 新生總人數按2013年9月15日紀錄計算,只包括大學教育資助委員會 3. The total number of new students is counted as at 15 September 2013. It covers local students newly admitted to the first year or senior year study of UGC-funded bachelor’s or associate degree programmes as well as those new entrants to self-financed top-up degree programmes.

資助的本科生、副學士課程一年級生及高年級本地新生,以及自資銜 接學位課程新生。

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40 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Academic Awards Conferred in 2013 2013年度頒授的學銜 Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士


Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理學博士


Doctor of Juridical Science 法學博士


Engineering Doctorate 工程學博士


Master of Philosophy 哲學碩士


Master’s Degree 碩士


Postgraduate Diploma 深造文憑


Postgraduate Certificate 深造證書


Bachelor’s Degree 學士


Associate Degree 副學士


Total 總數




The University also conferred another 2,957 Associate Degree awards for Associate Degree


programmes offered by the Community College of City University.


professional education



annual report 2013–14 年報

Student Numbers 2013–14 2013–14年學生人數 Number (in Headcount) 學生人數 Research Postgraduate

Professional Doctorate

Taught Postgraduate


Associate Degree


研究 學位課程

專業 博士課程

修課式 研究生課程

學士 學位課程

副學士 學位課程


College of Business 商學院







College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 人文社會科學院







College of Science and Engineering 科學及工程學院







School of Creative Media 創意媒體學院







School of Energy and Environment 能源及環境學院







School of Law 法律學院













Total 總數 Notes:


The student numbers (including the new intakes) are counted as at the census dates defined


by the University Grants Committee. The figures do not include the enrolment number of


programmes offered by the Community College of City University.

42 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

Students and faculty enjoyed a bumper year of prizes and accolades as the hard work that goes into our professional education and research paid dividends locally, within the region and in the international arena.

城大師生在專業教育及 研究兩方面的努力都得 到豐厚回報,在香港、 亞太區或國際舞台上, 贏取了不少獎項及讚譽。

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

43 annual report 2013–14 年報

Students and alumni 學生及校友 CityU sports teams won the men’s and women’s overall championship titles (Grand Slam) for 2013–2014 in their divisions in the annual sports competitions. Grace Lau Mo-sheung (劉慕裳) of the School of Creative Media was named the Sportswoman of the Year by The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong. In addition, the men’s football team won the Regional Championship in Southern China and took the 1st Runner-up in the college group of the China University Football League. Navin Gopaldas Ahuja, Cheung Yuk-yu (張育瑜), Lam Siu-yeung (林瀟 洋), Kathleen Poon Hei-tung (潘曦彤), Patrick So Ka-ho (蘇家豪) of the School of Law were awarded an Honourable Mention for the Respondent Memorandum at the Twenty First Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2014) organised by the Association for the Organization and Promotion of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot; and Honorable Mention for the Respondent Memorandum at the Eleventh Annual Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot organised by the Vis East Moot Foundation Limited. Pallavi Asthana of the Department of Biomedical Sciences won the Best Conference Poster Award (2014) in the Joint Scientific Conference of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences and the Biophysical Society of Hong Kong. Au King-ho (區景豪), Law Cheuk-yuen (羅卓元), Lee Ka-yip (李嘉業) and Mok Chui-lun (莫翠麟) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management teamed up to win the 2nd Runner-up in the Company Based Student Project Competition organised by the Hong Kong Society for Quality.

Bruce Robert Austin, Kelvin Chan Hoi-ching (陳愷正), Louver Chan Ka-yuen (陳嘉源), Huxley Cheng Hon-sze (鄭漢斯), Cas Choi Hiu-ying (蔡曉瑩), Robert Guzowski, Maggie Lam Wai-yi (林慧怡), Alice Mak Hoi-ting (麥凱婷), Martin Mok Chi-ho (莫智皓), Jenny Ng Sze-wing (吳詩穎), Anthony Tam Chun-kit (譚俊傑), Andy To Man-wai (杜汶偉), Jim Tsang Wai-him (曾偉謙), Griffin Wong Chun-pong (黃振邦) and Victiny Yang Jianchen (楊健晨) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry teamed up to win the 1st Runner-up in the 25th Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (Tertiary Institution) organised by The Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Alessandro Carboni of the School of Creative Media received the Award for Arts Education (Non-school Division) in the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2013 organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Chai Jibang (柴濟邦), Jiang Meifang (蔣梅芳), Leng Xiaohan (冷小涵), Li Zhishen (李治伸), Song Siyuan (宋思源) and Wang Yachao (王亞超) of the Department of Economics and Finance teamed up to win 3rd Place in Algorithmic Trading in the Rotman International Trading Competition 2014 organised by the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Rainbow Chan Hui-ling (陳煦齡) and Chuah Yong Heng (蔡榮興) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering were awarded the Best Student Awards (2014) by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Hong Kong Branch.

prizes and awards

44 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Chan Sai-ho (陳世皓), Fan Siu-leung (樊兆樑), Henry Leung Min-yin (梁銘 賢), Michelle Liu Wing-sum (廖穎心), and Julian Tam Hey-juan (譚希晉) of the School of Law won the Championship, Best Respondent Memorandum, and Best Applicant Memorandum at the Hong Kong Regional Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (2014) organised by the International Law Students Association. Chan Sai-ho was also named the Third Best Speaker at the competition. Miko Chan Tsz-yan (陳芷欣), Conrad Cheung Chun-hung (張鎮洪) and Tom Tam Tai-yuen (譚泰源) of the Department of Management Sciences, and Pearl Wong Chun-chu (黃珍珠) of the Department of Economics and Finance, teamed up to win the 1st and 2nd Prizes of the Stock 360 Investment Competition organised by the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Chan Wai-shan (陳慧珊), Timothy Ho Lok-tim (何樂添), Ken Ip Gee-Kin (葉 子健) and Lee Kin-wai (李健威) of the School of Law won the Law Society of Hong Kong/Bloomsbury Books Prizes 2013/2014 organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong and Bloomsbury Books Limited. Chen Xiaoyin (陳小吟) and Zheng Hanzhuo (鄭寒卓) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the 2nd Place Prize in the ABB’s 2nd University Innovation Contest (2013) organised by the ABB Group. Cheung Chung-hei (張頌禧), Hung Tsz-ki (洪梓棋), Kam Wing-yu (金潁瑜) and Mak Ka-wai (麥嘉惠) of the Division of Building Science and Technology teamed up to win the CIOB Hong Kong Outstanding Student Awards 2012/2013 presented by the Chartered Institute of Building Hong Kong Section.

Cheung Ho-nam (張皓嵐) of the School of Energy and Environment was given the Best Student Paper Presentation Award (2013) by Hong Kong Meteorological Society. Chi Haoran (遲浩然) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the 1st Runner-up in the IET Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition – Postgraduate Session (2014) organised by the Institution of Engineering & Technology Hong Kong. Ching Hong-yan (程康恩) and Choi Chi-kuen (蔡智權) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Best Student Invention (College & Undergraduates) Certificate of Merit in the Hong Kong ICT Awards (2014). Chow Hei-lam (周希琳) of the Department of Media and Communication was the winner of the 2nd and 3rd Tasks (2014) of Cosmo GIRL! PROJECT CG! organised by CosmoGIRL! magazine.

Chow Hei-lam 周希琳

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

Chow Wai-hei (周蔚熙), Chui Kwok-tai (徐國泰) and Benjamin Li Yee-shing (李儀誠) of the Department of Electronic Engineering took the 2nd Prize Award in the IEEE Region 10 Postgraduate Student Paper Contest (2014). Chui Kwok-tai and Li Yee-shing also won the Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China (2014). Li Yeeshing also got the 1st Prize in the IEEE HK Section Student Paper Contest – Postgraduate (2013). Duan Huayi (段華憶), Lin Jianxiong (林建雄), Tong Ka-po (湯嘉寶) and Zheng Liang (鄭靚) of the Department of Computer Science received the IBM Students for a Smarter Planet Award (2014) presented by IBM University Research. Gouda Ibrahim Hashish El-Sayed (顧德) of the Department of Chinese and History was presented with the Honorary Award by the Shijie Huawen Shibao. Fan Wing-to (范永滔) of the Department of Electronic Engineering was the 2nd Runner-up in the 2012/2013 Best Final Year Project Competition (Individual) organised by the Energy Institute (HK Branch). Fang Yuqiang (房玉强) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering got the Best Conference Paper Award in the 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, US. Gao Xiaokun (高曉坤) of the Department of Media and Communication was named the Best Debater of the 6th Intervasity Chinese Debate Tournament, Asia Pacific Open (2013) by the Nanyang Technology University Chinese Society and took the 2nd Runner-up in the College Cup Mandarin Debating Competition (2013) organised by Radio Television Hong Kong. Shrijana Gurung of the Division of Building Science and Technology was presented with the Hong Kong Housing Society Award 2014 by the Hong Kong Housing Society.

45 annual report 2013–14 年報

Hao Chonglei (郝崇磊) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering got the Best Paper Award in the 3rd International Conference on Optofluidics (Hong Kong). He Huiwei (何惠威), Guo Wentong (郭文通), Wang Yaochen (王耀辰), Xiong Jinhui (熊晉暉) and Yan Dongchen (閆冬琛) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Bronze Prize in the Challenge Cup Competition (2013) organised by The Ministry of Education, Communist Youth League of China, China Association for Science & Technology & AllChina Students’ Federation. Hong Hin-yee (韓衍儀) of the School of Creative Media was the Champion of Storyboard (Youth Group) of the Human Rights Storyboard Competition 2013 organised by the Association for the Advancement of Feminism. Dorothy Hung San-ting (洪倩婷) of the School of Law won the Hong Kong Outstanding Youth Volunteer Award (2014) organised by Hong Kong Social Welfare Department. Ip Wai-kei (葉諱機), Liu Xinhong (劉心鴻) and Wu Haotian (吳昊天) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the 3rd Prize in the Intel Cup Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest – Embedded System Design Invitational Contest (2014) sponsored by Intel Corporation. Jang Tsz-ling (金芷靈) of the Department of Media and Communication won the 3rd Runner-up of the Inter-collegiate Debate Basic Law Cup (2014) organised by the Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law in Hong Kong. Ku Pui-sze (古貝詩) and Wong Ho-yan (黃可欣) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science were awarded the 2013 HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (Merit Prize) by the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association.

prizes and awards

46 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Kwan Chung-yan (關頌恩) of the Department of Economics and Finance received the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund–Talent Development Scholarship and Reaching Out Award 2013/14, and was the Champion of the 4th All China University Karatedo Championship and the USFHK Karatedo Competition organised by Federation of University Sports of China and the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong.

Lam Kit-yung (林杰勇) and Annick Lung Long-ting (龍朗婷) of the School of Creative Media received the Best Creativity Award in the ShanghaiHong Kong Hackathon 2014 organised by the Cyberport and Shanghai’s Knowledge and Innovation Community. Lung Long-ting also won the Mobile Match Award in the Global Game Jam 2014 organised by the Global Game Jam, Inc.

Alan Kwan Tsz-wai (關子維) of the School of Creative Media was conferred the Award for Young Artist–Media Arts from the Hong Kong Arts Development Award 2013 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Lam Kong-kwan (林港坤) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science was awarded the Marie Curie Award (2013) by the Radiation Research Society.

Lai Chun-tak (黎俊德) of the Department of the Electronic Engineering won the 1st Prize (Tertiary Institution Category) in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Competition organised by the Samsung Electronics Hong Kong Co. Ltd.

Lau Ho-chi (劉浩知) of the School of Creative Media won the New Face Award (Art Division) in the 17th Japan Media Arts Festival presented by the Japan Media Arts Festival Executive Committee and Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs.

Lam Ho-sang (林浩生), Lee Tsz-to (李梓滔), Leung Ming-yin (梁銘然), Leung Tsz-yan (梁梓恩), Wong Kam-kuen (黃錦權) and Free Yuen Kong (袁 江) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management won the 2nd Runner-up of the HKIE Young Engineers Programme organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

Florence Lee Hoi-ling (李海寧) of the Department of Accountancy won the Championship, Best Proposal Award and My Favorite Team Award in the ACCA HK Business Competition 2013 organised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Lai Chun-tak 黎俊德

Florence Lee Hoi-ling 李海寧

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

Lu Duan (呂端) of the Department of Accountancy won the CPA Australia Outstanding Student of the Year 2014 presented by Certified Practising Accountants, Australia. Lee Linwei (李琳薇) of the Department of Economics and Finance was awarded the Merit Award in the ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2013 (Degree) organised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong. Li Danwudan (李單吾丹), Chaturabul Kuntiga and Wu Hui (吳暉) of the School of Creative Media won the 1st Runner-up in the Disney Imaginations 2013 Design Competition organised by Hong Kong Disneyland. Li Yujian (李雨鍵) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Best Student Paper Award in the National Conference on Antennas 2013 co-organised by the Chinese Institute of Electronics, South China University of Technology, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.7 and No.14 Research Institute, Comba Telecom Systems (Guangzhou) Holdings Ltd, Guangdong Shenglu Telecommunication Tech. Co. Ltd and Tongyu Communication Equipment Co. Ltd.

47 annual report 2013–14 年報

Lui Man-tung (呂敏童) and Wong Wing-sze (黃詠詩) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences won the Best Performance Award for 2014 in the iSmart Public Speaking Competition organised by the iSmart Communications Pte. Ltd, Singapore. Lun Ming-kai (倫銘佳), Tang Wai-man (鄧偉民) and Tsao Tsz-kin (曹子健) of the Department of Public Policy were awarded individually the Outstanding Dissertation Awards (2013) by the Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch. Man Wing-leung (文永亮) and Chau Kwan-ki (周君祈) of the School of Creative Media won the 3rd Class Honour Award in the Challenge Cup 2013 organised by the China Association for Science and Technology. Mo Ka-chun (毛家俊), Pang Hiu-lam (彭曉琳), Tse Chi-ping (謝治平) and Wong Chi-keung (黃志強) of the Department of Economics and Finance teamed up to win the 3rd Prize of the SCMP/Financial Planner Awards 2013 – University Student Category organised by South China Morning Post and the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong.

prizes and awards

48 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Students from the School of Creative Media won four prizes in the 19th ifva (Incubator for Film and Visual Media in Asia) organised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Ng Kai-chung (吳啓忠) and Ng Tsz-ching (吳子晴) won the Gold Award, and Oscar Sheikh (識家希) won the Silver Award in the Animation Category. Chen King-yuen (陳敬元) won the Special Mention Award in the Open Category. Chloe Cheuk Sze-wing (卓思穎) and Kenny Wong Chi-chuen (黃智銓) won the Special Mention Award in the Interactive Media Category.

(1st from left) Poon Chung-yeung (潘誦揚), (2nd from left) To Tsz-yan (涂紫茵), (4th from left) Mo Ka-chun (毛家俊), (5th from left) Wong Ka-ho (黃嘉豪)

Two teams and a student received three prizes in the Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2013 presented by the Society of Registered Financial Planners. Mo Ka-chun (毛家俊), Poon Chungyeung (潘誦揚) and Wong Ka-ho (黃嘉豪) of the Department of Economics and Finance, and To Tsz-yan (涂紫茵) of the College of Business teamed up to win the Championship. Natalie Leung Wing-ki (梁穎棋) and Tang Cheukyiu (鄧婥瑤) of the Department of Economics and Finance, Ho Wai-kwan (何 瑋君) and Cindy Tsoi Sin-yuk (蔡倩玉) of the Department of Management Sciences teamed up to win Certificates of Merit. Mo Ka-chun also won the Best Presenter Award.

Ng Shan-wu (吳珊瑚) and Angela Tsui Yu-wing (徐宇穎) of the Department of Public Policy received individually the Best Student Awards (2013) organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing. Ni Chenying (倪晨穎) of the Department of Computer Science won the Champion Prize in the Student Project Competition (2013) organised by the IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter. Niu Xuejiao (牛雪姣) of the Department of Public Policy received the Excellent Paper Award (2014) presented by the School of Management, Lanzhou University.

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

Valentina Scialpi of the Department of Media and Communication received the Best Paper Award (2014) presented by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, International Summer School on Information and Communication Technology for Democracy. Eric Siu Chi-man (蕭子文) of the School of Creative Media won the Best Digital Entertainment (Interaction Design) Silver Award in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2014 organised by the Hong Kong Information and Communications Technology Awards Steering Committee. David Chung Wai-lung (鍾慧龍) and Carmen Lam Hiu-kwan (林曉筠) of the same school received the Best Digital Entertainment (Interaction Design) Bronze Award in the same competition. Siu Chun-kong (蕭振綱) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was awarded 3rd Prize in the Best Paper on Materials by the Materials Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Siu Wai-hang (蕭偉恒) of the School of Creative Media was the winner of the WYNG Masters Award 2013. Song Long (宋龍) of the Division of Building Science and Technology won the PACIS 2014 Best Paper Award in the Pacific Asia Conference in Information Systems (PACIS 2014) hosted by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China. Sun Xuehua (孫雪華) of the Department of Media and Communication was the Champion of the K. Wah Writing Contest for Celebrating Wen Wei Po’s 65th Anniversary (2013) organised by Wen Wei Po and K. Wah Group.

49 annual report 2013–14 年報

Sze Wai-ping (施慧冰) of the Department of Public Policy won the Young Service Stars Award of Project Competition presented by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Tsang Ngai-hung (曾毅雄) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management won the Best Paper Award in the 2014 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering Special Session: Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety organised by the International Association of Engineers. Tsang Wai-wing (曾偉榮) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences received the Gold Award 2013 presented by the Hong Kong Award for Young People. Tu Caixie (屠采擷) of the Department of Media and Communication was awarded the Second Place Student Paper (2014) by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Wang Dong (王冬) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management received the Outstanding Reviewer Status Award presented by the Journal of Sound and Vibration (Elsevier). Wang Honghua (王紅華) of the Department of Linguistics and Translation won the Graduate Scholar Award in the Twentieth International Conference on Learning organised by University of the Aegean Rhodes, Greece. Wang Jinliang (王金良) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the Champion Award in the Student Project Competition (2013) organised by the Special Safety Committee of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

prizes and awards

50 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Wang Ke (王可) of the Department of Accountancy was named the Hong Kong Top Affiliate by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Wang Wei (王瑋) of the School of Law was awarded the 1st Prize for Outstanding Performance in Law Studies in Shandong Province organised by the Shandong Provincial Politics and Law Committee, the Department of Justice of the Shandong Provincial People’s Government, and the Shandong Law Society. Wang Zhiguan (王止觀) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Lotfi Zadeh Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics and International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 2013 organised by IEEE. Wei Jinjin (魏金金) of the School of Law took the 3rd Prize at the Sixth Nanshan Forum for PhD Candidates from Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan organised by Shenzhen Science and Technology Association (Nanshan District); Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University; Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, and Shenzhen University. Weng Xing (翁星) of the Department of Biomedical Sciences received the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award presented by the Asia Mycological Association, the Mycological Society of China, and the State Key Laboratory of Mycology of the Institute of Microbioloy, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wong Chun (黃進) of the School of Creative Media was the winner of the Higher Education Institutions Group in the First Feature Film Initiative organised by the Create Hong Kong of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau.

Wong Ka-wai (黃家偉) of the Department of Computer Science won the 3rd Prize in the 13th Hong Kong and Macau Region Challenge Cup (2013) organised by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, China Association of Sciences, Ministry of Education, National Academic Association, the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and Soochow University. Xu Yan (許嚴) of the School of Energy and Environment took the 3rd Prize in the 13th Challenge Cup held at Soochow University (2013). It was organised by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the China Association of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, the National Academic Association, the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and Soochow University. Yeung Hon-lung (楊瀚龍) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was the winner of WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition 2014 (Mechatronics) organised by WorldSkills Hong Kong 2014. Yong Qian (雍茜) of the Department of Linguistics and Translation won the Excellent Achievement Prize for Dissertation of Research Students presented by Shanghai Municipal Education Committee. Zhang Mimi (張密密) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management won the Outstanding Paper Award in the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2013 and the Best Paper Award in the 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management & 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety 2013.

prizes and awards



annual report 2013–14 年報

Faculty and staff 教職員 Zhang Tingru (張婷茹) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management won the OSH Best Project Award presented by the Occupational Safety and Health Council and the Best Paper Award in the 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design 2014. Zhang Weiguan (張維冠) and Zhu Haoshen (朱浩慎) of the Department of Electronic Engineering were the winners of the Student Poster Competition in the 28th European Frequency and Time Forum held in Switzerland. Zhao Yue (趙悅) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the 2nd Prize in the IEEE HK Section Student Paper Contest–Undergraduate (2013) organised by IEEE Hong Kong Section. Li Chi-shing (李志誠) and Yip Hon-ming (葉漢明) of the same department took the 3rd Prize in the same contest. They also won the 1st Runner-up of IEEE Asia-Pacific (Region 10) Student Paper Contest 2013 (Undergraduate section) organised by IEEE. Zou Tingqian (鄒挺謙) of the School of Law won the 3rd Prize at the Zhejiang Provincial Court System of the Twenty-third Symposium organised by the Zhejiang Provincial Higher People’s Court.

Chair Professor Alain Bensoussan of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management was awarded the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize (2014) by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Chair Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung (陳仲良講座教授) of the School of Energy and Environment was conferred an Honorary Fellowship by the Energy Institute in the UK. Dr Alan Chan Hoi-shou (陳海壽博士) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management was named a Justice of the Peace (2013) by the HKSAR Government. Chair Professor Chen Guanrong (陳關榮講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering was conferred an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Le Havre, Normandy, France. He was also selected as the Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering and Physics (2014) by Thomson Reuters. Chair Professor Chiang Kin-seng (鄭建成講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering was awarded the Sichuan Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award – 1st Class (2013) by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government. Dr Chin Kwai-sang (錢桂生博士) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management was elected as Academician of the International Academy for Quality. Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin (莊明蓮博士) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences was awarded the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government, the Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee, the Outstanding Paper Presentation Award by the Twentieth Annual Congress of Gerontology of the Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, and the CUHK Social Work Distinguished Alumni Award by the Department of Social Work of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

prizes and awards

52 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Chair Professor Matthew Coop of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering was elected as Professorial Fellow of the University of Paris-Est (École des Ponts ParisTech). Dr Fu Hongbo (傅紅波博士) of the School of Creative Media was the winner of the Emerging Technologies Program and received the Best Demo Award at SIGGRAPH Asia 2013. Dr Annis Fung Lai-chu (馮麗姝博士) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences won the 2013 International Research Award: Hero Award in the National Anti-bullying Summit in the US. Ms Fung Wai-man (馮惠敏女士) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering received the Incubator Sponsorship of the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (2013) organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Hong Kong Institute of Planners. Dr Paul Higgins of the Department of Public Policy received the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing presented by the International Journal of Management Education. Professor Daniel Ho Wing-cheong (何永昌教授) of the Department of Mathematics was named as the Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (2014) by Thomson Reuters. Chair Professor Zhou Dingxuan (周定軒講座 教授) of the same department was named as Highly Cited Researcher in Mathematics.

Professor Way Kuo 郭位教授

Professor Sam Kwong Tak-wu (鄺得互教授) of the Department of Computer Science was elected as a Fellow of IEEE 2014 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Professor Way Kuo (郭位教授), University President, was elected as a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering. Chair Professor Lee Chin-chuan (李金銓講座教授) of the Department of Media and Communication was presented with the Audrey Fischer Mentorship Award (2014) by the International Communication Association. Dr Leung Mei-yung (梁美容博士) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the RGC–Fulbright Hong Kong Senior Scholar Award (2014) presented by the Hong Kong America Center. Dr Howard Leung Wing-ho (梁永豪博士) of the Department of Computer Science won the Best Paper Award 2014 presented by the 31st Computer Graphics International.

prizes and awards



Dr Li Tao (李濤博士) of the Department of Economics and Finance was awarded the Charles River Associates Award for the Best Paper on Corporate Finance (2014) and the Global Association of Risk Professionals Risk Management Best Paper Award (2014) by the Western Finance Association and the European Financial Management Association. Professor Lim Chee-wah (林志華教授) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering was elected Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

annual report 2013–14 年報

Chair Professor Lu Jian (呂堅講座教授) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was conferred as Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Science (2013). Professor Jane Lu Weizhen (盧偉真教授) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the 2nd Class National Science & Technology Award (2014) presented by the National Bureau of Education.

Professor Liu Chain-tsuan (劉錦川教授) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was conferred Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Science (2013).

Dr Lu Yang (陸洋博士) and Dr Tin Chung (田翀博士) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, and Dr Zhou Qiang (周強博士) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management were awarded the Early Career Awards (2013–14) individually by the University Grants Committee.

Dr Miguel Angel Martinez Lopez of the Department of Public Policy was presented with the Antipode Foundation International Workshop Award (2014) by the Antipode Foundation.

Dr Ni Mengcheng (倪孟正博士) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering was selected as Representative of Taiwan Outstanding Young Engineer (2013) of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia.

Chair Professor Lu Jian 呂堅講座教授

prizes and awards

54 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Mr Christopher To Wing (陶榮先生) of the School of Law was conferred an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering and Alumni of the Year by Glasgow Caledonian University, and Mediation Lawyer of the Year by the Finance Monthly Global Awards (London). Dr Peter Tsang Wai-ming (曾偉明博士) and Chair Professor Yan Hong (嚴洪講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Dr Roy Vellaisamy (華禮生博士) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science won the Excellent Product Awards individually in the 15th China HiTech Fair (2013).

Chair Professor Jeffrey Shaw 邵志飛講座教授

Chair Professor Jeffrey Shaw (邵志飛講座教授) of the School of Creative Media was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Society of Art and Technology, Montreal. He was also selected as Honorary Doctor of Creative Media at Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, and Honorary Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Chair Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee (譚鳳儀講座教授) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry was given the Award of the Guardian of the Most Beautiful Coastal Wetlands in China by The Envoy of China Dream, the Excellent Products Award in the 15th China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen and the 2nd Prize of the Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Award (Natural science) by the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality.

Chair Professor Tsui Kwok-leung (徐國良講座教授) of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management was elected as Fellow of the American Society for Quality and Fellow of International Society of Engineering Asset Management. Dr Joseph Wong Francis (黃偉祖博士) of the Division of Building Science and Technology was awarded the 2014 International Berkeley Prize Teaching Fellowship by the Berkeley Prize Committee, University of California at Berkeley. Dr Raymond Wong Man-kong (黃敏剛博士) of the Department of Accountancy was awarded the Best Paper Award in the 6th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference (2014) organised by the World Business Institute. Professor Linda Wong Lai Yeuk-lin (黃黎若蓮教授) of the Department of Public Policy was named as the Impact 100 Fellow by the Education for Good Community Interest Company Limited.

prizes and awards 獎項與榮譽

55 annual report 2013–14 年報

Dr Charlie Xue Qiuli (薛求理博士), Yang Ke (楊珂) and Zang Peng (臧鵬) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering received the Merit Award in the 2013 “China building” – National Environmental Arts Design Competition (Professional Group) organised by the Architectural Society of China. Dr Yau Yung (邱勇博士) of the Department of Public Policy won the Best Conference Paper Award (2014) in the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference 2013 organised by the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society. Dr Yu Jingyu (于競宇博士) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering received the Best Paper Award (2014) presented by The Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors. Chair Professor Zhang Longxi (張隆溪講座教授) of the Department of Chinese and History was elected the 2013 Foreign Member for literary and theatrical studies by Academia Europaea. Chair Professor Leon Zhao Jianliang (趙建良講座教授), Dr Tan Chuan Hoo and PhD student Kang Lele (康樂樂) of the Department of Information Systems won the HCI Business Best Paper Award in the 16th International Conference on Human – Computer Interaction organised by HCI International 2014. Dr Tan Chuan Hoo was also awarded the 2013 INFORMS ISS Design Science Award – Outstanding Design Science Project by the INFORMS Information Systems Society, US.

Chair Professor Zhang Longxi 張隆溪講座教授

Dr Zhou Wenzhong (周文忠博士) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was awarded the Elsevier Reviewer Badge in the field of Nuclear Energy (2013) by Elsevier and the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing (2013) by Progress in Nuclear Energy Journal.

56 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

research and development 研究及發展

Contributing to the development of society by producing world-class research that directly benefits people’s lives is fundamental to the research that takes place at CityU, and this year has been no different. From funding success to the opening of new research centres and the transfer of knowledge to industry, CityU has maintained its position at the forefront of research in the region.

城大從事研究的基本原 則是,以直接惠及大眾 生活的世界級科研成果 促進社會發展。本年度 亦不例外。無論是獲得 研究資助的數額、創辦 新的研究中心,抑或是 向業界提供知識轉移, 城大在區內研究領域依 然保持領先地位。

research and development



annual report 2013–14 年報

Winning projects, attracting funds


Research grants and contracts were successfully obtained by CityU researchers over the course of the year, reflecting the high quality of their work and the strategic direction that the University has adopted.

在2013–14年度,城大研究人員成功獲得多項研究資助及合 約,顯示了他們的卓越研究質素與大學制定的長遠發展方向。

The achievements on the mainland were particularly notable. Research funding at the City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute (CityUSRI) totaled nearly RMB33 million (about HK$42 million) in 2013, a record high for CityUSRI. In addition, 88 grants were obtained, an increase of 49% from the previous year. Similarly, CityU performed outstandingly in the 2013 National Natural Science Fund competition, securing grants for 30 projects totaling RMB15.58 million (about HK$19.75 million), an increase of 30% and 14.3% in terms of the number of projects and funding amount compared with those of the previous year, respectively. In addition, CityUSRI achieved a success rate of 34% out of its 88 applications, higher than the national average of 22.5%.

The City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute received record high research funding in 2013. 香港城市大學深圳研究院 在2013年內獲得的研究撥款 創下歷年之冠。

城大獲得國家撥款資助之數額及數量尤其令人矚目。香港城 市大學深圳研究院在2013年內獲得的研究撥款總額近人民幣 3,300萬元(港幣約4,200萬元),創下歷年之冠。此外,研究院 共獲得88項研究資助,總數較2012年增長49%。 此外,城大在競逐2013年國家自然科學基金資助研究計劃方 面,亦取得優秀成績,有30項研究計劃獲得撥款,總額達人 民幣1,558萬元(港幣約1,975萬元)。與2012年相比,獲資助 的計劃數量增加30%,所獲撥款額增長14.3%。城大深圳研究 院今年呈交88項研究計劃以競逐撥款,獲得撥款的成功率為 34%,高於22.5%的全國平均成功率。

research and development

58 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


More locally, CityU impressed funding bodies with its R&D projects, securing a total of 154 grants with funding worth HK$87.7 million from the Research Grants Council, an increase of 29% and 22%, respectively, compared to the previous year’s figures. In addition, the total amount from the Innovation and Technology Fund secured in the year was HK$149.53 million. Contract and privately funded projects received a total of HK$160.77 million.

以本地而言,在研究資助局公佈的2013–14年度撥款結果中, 城大表現同樣出色,共有154項計劃獲得資助,總額達8,770 萬港元。獲資助的計劃數量較去年增加29%,所獲撥款額增 長22%。此外,年內獲得創新及科技基金撥款共1億4,953萬港 元;合約及私人機構贊助研究項目共獲得1億6,077萬港元資 助。

Our performance also showed great promise for the future in terms of the success rate of young faculty. CityU was ranked 1st for the second year running in terms of the number of grants and the volume of funding received under the Early Career Scheme, a government initiative that supports research and teaching projects designed by young faculty.

城大青年學者申請資助亦有極高的成功率,如此佳績顯示了 城大的廣闊發展前景。在研究資助局的「傑出青年學者計劃」 中,城大獲資助的研究項目和撥款額連續第二年名列榜首。 「傑出青年學者計劃」旨在支持青年學者的教研工作。

Such is the respect that CityU has earned for its R&D capabilities that it was awarded a contract valued at RMB7.2 million (approximately HK$9 million) to monitor the construction safety and structural health condition of the Ping An Finance Centre, the tallest building in Greater China. Professor Li Qiusheng and other researchers from the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering are using an innovative monitoring system to check structural performance during construction and monitor structural safety after the completion of the structure.

Professor Li Qiusheng 李秋勝教授

城大在研究及發展領域所擁有的雄厚實力,令大學廣受尊 崇。例如,建築學及土木工程學系李秋勝教授與其他研究人 員獲得總值人民幣720萬元(港幣約900萬元)的合約,以創新 的監測系統監控大中華地區最高建築物「深圳平安金融中心」 的結構施工,並在竣工後監測其結構安全。

research and development



annual report 2013–14 年報

Establishing a research base


Partners across the region are an integral part of CityU’s strategic development. Shuangliu County in the southern part of Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan, ranks first in terms of economic strength in Sichuan Province. The agreement struck between CityU and the Shuangliu Government in Chengdu in August 2013 is an important step towards enhancing our presence in mainland China. Under the agreement, the Shuangliu Government will provide land and will construct a building for the CityU Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI).

積極在內地尋找合作夥伴是城大策略發展的重要一環。2013 年8月,城大與成都市雙流縣政府簽訂協議,雙方合作設立香 港城市大學成都研究院。成都市是四川省的省會,亦是中國 西部的經濟重鎮,雙流縣位於成都市南部。研究院有助於提 高城大在內地的聲譽和影響。根據合作協議,雙流縣政府將 提供建築用地,並建造一座大樓,以供設立香港城市大學成 都研究院。

CityUCRI is the University’s second strategic platform in China for research and development, incubation and innovation, and professional education and training.

該研究院是城大在內地創辦的第二個長期科研協作基地,將 注重研究與開發,從事產業孕育與技術創新,並提供專業教 育與培訓。

Listening to the future The future begins with new initiatives that embrace fresh ideas and give faculty and students the opportunity to collaborate upon and expand their innovations. One such initiative was the CityU-KEF Acoustics Centre, established by CityU and the Gold Peak Group in October 2013, which is providing students with a well-equipped learning environment for the use, production, monitoring and manipulation of sound for a variety of purposes and spaces. The applications include the design of loudspeakers and amplifiers, the exploration of 3D sound technology and the analysis of AV room design.

成立聲學中心 城大施行多項富有創意的新舉措,使師生有機會合作以拓展 創思,幫助學生為未來作好準備。其中一項是2013年10月城 大與金山工業集團旗下的著名揚聲器品牌KEF聯合成立的先進 聲學中心。聲學中心為學生提供設備完善的教學環境,以配 合各種需求及因應各類空間環境,學習製作、使用、監察及 調控聲學產品。學生還可在中心從事各項專題研究,包括揚 聲器與擴音器的設計、3D音響技術的探索,以及對視聽室的 設計做分析等。

The opening ceremony of the CityU–KEF Acoustics Centre. 「城大–KEF聲學中心」啟用禮。

research and development

60 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Outstanding faculty projects


Nanotechnology: Numerous research projects from the past year deserve praise, and some of the most fascinating breakthroughs have been in the broad area of nano-technology, a particular area of strength at CityU.

納米技術: 在上一個學年,城大有許多研究成果均值得表揚。其中,在 城大素負盛名的納米技術這一廣闊領域,更是取得極為重大 的突破。

In June 2014, a novel technology was unveiled by Dr Walid Daoud, Assistant Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, and his team that enabled delicate cashmere fibres to clean themselves using nano-sized photocatalysts. Meanwhile, Dr Peggy Lo Pik-kwan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, contributed to the development of a novel nano-thermometer for probing the health status of living cells, leading to the publication of a co-authored article in the highly prestigious international journal Nature in collaboration with researchers from Harvard University.

2014年6月,能源及環境學院助理教授Walid Daoud博士及其研 究團隊,研發出一種納米型光觸媒的創新技術,可令高山羊 絨(茄士咩)纖維自我潔淨。另外,生物及化學系的助理教授 羅璧君博士與哈佛大學的研究人員合作,研究新型納米溫度 計探測活細胞的健康狀況而取得成果,合撰的論文發表於國 際著名的《自然》期刊。

Creative media: The world of creative media continued its inexorable development at CityU through the work carried out at the School of Creative Media under the guidance of the Dean, renowned media artist Professor Jeffrey Shaw. “Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang,” a creative media project jointly presented by CityU’s Applied Laboratory of Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE), the Dunhuang Academy and the Friends of Dunhuang, was exhibited at the Hong Kong Book Fair in July 2013, showcasing 2D and 3D animation works of the magnificent cave art of Dunhuang. The art of Dunhuang was one of the themes of last year’s fair and the CityU exhibition was one of the most popular events.

創意媒體: 在創意媒體學院院長、知名媒體藝術家邵志飛教授的領導 下,城大的創意媒體領域繼續保持迅猛發展之勢。2013年 7月,城大互動視覺及體現應用研究室(ALiVE)、敦煌研究院、 香港敦煌之友聯合製作的創意媒體作品「人間淨土 —— 走進 敦煌莫高窟」在香港書展期間展出,觀眾得以從平面及立體動 畫中,如臨其境地欣賞敦煌莫高窟內的瑰麗景象。敦煌藝術 是2013年香港書展的主題之一,展覽大受市民歡迎。

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annual report 2013–14 年報

Robotics technology: A fascinating piece of robotics research was promoted to the public in May 2014, with a great deal of promise for the future treatment of blood diseases such as acute myeloid leukemia. The project was created by Professor Sun Dong, Chair Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, with funding of around HK$6 million from the Research Grants Council. The system can be used to probe the functional mechanism of hematopoietic cells, which can foster the development of treatment for blood diseases. Surveys: Several projects in the form of surveys brought to light interesting findings in a number of areas of enquiry.  In January 2014, researchers announced that around 16% of children in Hong Kong have anxiety levels that are above the normal cut-off and slightly higher than the percentage reported in studies in other countries. The study also found that parenting styles affect children’s anxiety levels, suggesting that parents should nurture children’s character strengths in order to decrease their chances of developing anxiety symptoms in the future.

Professor Sun Dong 孫東教授

機械人技術: 2014年5月,城大向公眾推廣一項非常實用的機械人技術成 果。該技術用途廣泛,有望用於治療急性白血病等血液病。 這項研究計劃由機械及生物醫學工程學系講座教授孫東教授 主持,獲研究資助局近600萬港元撥款,用以資助對造血細胞 微操作的研究,有助改進急性白血病等血液病的治療方法。 社會調查: 城大數個調查方式的研究項目在幾個方面獲得引人注目的調 查結果。  城大在2014年1月的一項調查中發現,香港有一成六幼兒的 焦慮程度高於正常水平,比海外同齡兒童略高,而父母的 管教方法對幼兒的焦慮程度有重大影響。研究建議,父母 應從小為幼兒培養性格優點,以減低孩子患上焦慮症的風 險。

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62 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


 In November 2013, a CityU survey in collaboration with the University of Bristol, UK, revealed that 21% of people and 27% of children in Hong Kong were living in poverty. The survey was built on a new measure for analysing poverty and deprivation developed by Dr Maggie Lau Ka-wai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy at CityU, and two scholars from the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol.  In August 2013, around 300 CityU students participated in a city-wide homeless street count through the Homeless Outreach Population Estimation (HOPE Hong Kong 2013). The aim was for community organisations to use the accurate, up-to-date data provided by the street count to call for more useful resources. One of the findings was that a lack of affordable housing was a major reason for homelessness. Health: One of the most important areas that CityU contributes to is health, and one of the most important pieces of research announced during the year involved the use of smart clothing that remotely monitors the heart conditions of patients. The technology was developed by Dr Raymond Lam Hiu-wai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. The data can be transmitted by blue-tooth technology to the patient’s home computer and servers at hospitals for medical professionals to access and interpret.

 2013年11月,城大與英國布里斯托大學聯合進行的一項調 查發現,香港有21%的人口與27%的兒童生活於貧窮之中。 這項調查採用新方法分析香港的貧窮及社會剝削的狀況, 其設計者是城大公共政策學系助理教授劉嘉慧博士與布里 斯托大學政策研究學院的兩位學者。  2013年8月,約300名城大學生參與「2013全港無家者人口 統計行動」的全港露宿者人口街頭調查。這次活動旨在計 算最新露宿者的準確人數,以供社會團體為他們爭取必需 的援助。該調查發現,無家者露宿街頭的主要原因是無力 負擔房租。 健康技術: 城大亦在健康這個至關重要的領域作出貢獻。智能心電緊身 衣就是年內一項極其重要的研究成果。機械及生物醫學工程 學系助理教授林曉維博士改良心電圖機的電極貼,研發出能 長期監測並記錄病人心臟狀況的智能心電緊身衣,可使醫護 人員遙距追踪患者的病況。根據林博士的設計,電極貼從病 人身體表面各處所採集的心電圖訊號,經由藍牙技術傳送至 病人家中的電腦,再進而傳送至醫院的伺服器,供醫護人員 存取、分析。

Dr Raymond Lam Hiu-wai (seated) and his team 林曉維博士(坐)及其研究團隊

research and development 研究及發展

Another major challenge in health is that implanting artificial bones or teeth into human bodies may cause infection after surgery. But in March 2014, Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho, Chair Professor in the Department of Physics and Materials Science, showed that injecting antibacterial silver ions into the artificial parts for implantation with plasma technology can kill Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), as well as two types of bacteria that cause periodontal disease. In addition, the release of silver ions can be controlled to prevent health problems for patients. Another major breakthrough was revealed by Professor He Jufang of the Department of Biomedical Sciences in February 2014. He and his team have identified the neuromodulator which plays a crucial role in memory formation. The neuromodulator is called cholecystokinin, which enables memory writing in the neocortex with very high efficiency. The research may help develop drugs that can alleviate or even reverse the memory loss process caused by ageing or forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. Pan-Chinese new word rosters: Society moves on and develops, and language reflects those changes. As in previous years, some new words for 2013 signified new cultural phenomena. The term “bitcoin” was the most popular new word used by the media in the Pan-Chinese region, while “Occupy Central” was the hottest new word in Hong Kong, according to the 2013 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters released by CityU researchers. The new Chinese words in the 2013 Rosters come from a wide spectrum of domains including politics, economics, science and daily life. It was also found that the top three places on this year’s Annual LIVAC Pan-Chinese Celebrity Roster were taken by political figures: President Xi Jinping of mainland China; US President Barack Obama; and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, indicating that political issues were dominating media coverage in Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong.

63 annual report 2013–14 年報

在人體植入骨科及牙科人造部件,手術後常發生細菌感染而 影響療效。2014年3月,物理及材料科學系朱劍豪講座教授運 用等離子技術,為通常用於移植的鈦金屬部件注入具有抗菌 功效的銀離子,對殺死大腸桿菌、金黃葡萄球菌,以及引致 牙周病的兩種細菌非常有效,而銀離子卻不會大量釋放出來 損及人體健康。這項研究解決了健康領域的另一大難題。 生物醫學系賀菊芳教授2014年2月對外公佈另一項健康技術的 重大進展。他及其研究小組找出記憶形成過程中起關鍵作用 的神經調節物質 ——「膽囊收縮素」(CCK),該物質能夠把記 憶迅速地「寫」入大腦皮層裏。這一發現有助研製新藥物,使 衰老過程或阿茲海默症等腦退化疾病引起的記憶衰退得到減 輕,甚至可改善記憶。 泛華地區中文新詞榜: 社會在不斷前進與發展,而這些變化也反映在語言之中。一 如既往,新詞背後都有新出現的社會文化現象。2013年泛華 語地區湧現出許多新詞,根據城大研究人員公佈的「2013年 LIVAC泛華地區中文新詞榜」,泛華語地區中文媒體使用最多的 熱門新詞是風靡全球的「比特幣」(Bitcoin),而香港的熱門新詞 則由「佔中」居首。入選上榜的有政治、經濟、科學、民生各 範疇的新詞。 此外,年內該新詞榜上的前三名均是政治人物:中國國家主 席習近平、美國總統奧巴馬、日本首相安倍晉三,顯示政治 仍是兩岸三地媒體重點關注的問題。

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64 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Knowledge/technology exchange


Knowledge developed and then left in the lab will not benefit society, which is why knowledge transfer is so important. In April 2014, 20 innovative projects showcased CityU’s strengths in cutting-edge research at the International ICT Expo 2014, and also attracted interest from potential partners for technology transfer. The projects range from wireless communications, biomedical science, power electronics, multimedia, optoelectronics and telecommunications, consumer electronics, neural control technology to mobile applications. Each project is a great example of application-oriented research conducted by CityU in response to the needs of society.

知識開發之後若留在實驗室內,就無法造福社會,因此知識 轉移非常重要。城大2014年4月參加「國際資訊科技博覽會」, 展出了20項創新科技項目,展示城大尖端研究領域的實力, 多個合作夥伴都表示對技術轉移有興趣。這些創新科技包括 無線通信、生物科學、電力電子、多媒體、光電、電信、消 費類電子產品、神經網絡控制技術、移動應用程序等。每個 項目都是城大注重應用導向型研究以切合社會之需的範例。

Likewise, InnoCarnival 2013, the flagship event of InnoTech Month 2013 organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Government, provided a great opportunity to showcase groundbreaking technologies developed by CityU researchers. The aim of the event was to enhance public understanding of, and interest in, innovation and technology, particularly among the younger generation.

城大亦藉著參加「創新科技嘉年華2013」的機會,展出研究人 員研發的科技作品,設計新穎且趣味盎然,大受觀眾歡迎。 「創新科技嘉年華2013」在香港科學園舉行,是創新科技署主 辦的「創新科技月」的重要活動,旨在提升市民 — 尤其是年輕 一代 — 對創新科技的認識及興趣。

Academic Publications by CityU Staff in 2013–14 2013–14年城大教職員的學術著作 Total number of books (including research books or monographs, textbooks, literary works and translation) authored by CityU staff 城大教職員的學術著作(包括研究書籍、課本、文學及翻譯作品) Total number of research papers authored by CityU staff in peer-reviewed academic journals, externally refereed policy or professional journals worldwide 刊登在世界各地學術及專業期刊的城大教職員研究論文

74 2,151

Arts and Humanities 藝術及人文


Business and Economics 商業及經濟


Science (including Medicine) 科學(包括醫學) Social Sciences (including Law) 社會科學(包括法律) Figures as at end of June 2014. 數字以2014年6月底為準。

1,530 245

research and development



annual report 2013–14 年報

Research Projects 2013–14 2013–14研究項目 Total-on-going research projects funded by external funds and CityU research grants 由校外及校內撥款資助的研究項目總數


Number of on-going research projects by faculties/support centres 各學院 ╱ 學術支援部門的研究項目數目 College of Business 商學院


College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 人文社會科學院


College of Science and Engineering 科學及工程學院


School of Creative Media 創意媒體學院


School of Energy and Environment 能源及環境學院


School of Law 法律學院


Other Academic Supporting and Administrative Units 其他學術支援及行政部門




Including CityU-funded, RGC-funded and externally funded research projects, with 546 new start-


ups during 2013-14. Figures as at end of June 2014.


66 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

outreach and community relations 拓展與聯繫

CityU’s relations with the local, regional and international community strengthened over the course of the past year thanks to a number of agreements and partnerships, visits and exhibitions, special events and programmes, as well as sports activities.

過去一年,城大簽訂了 多份合約,與多家機構 建立了夥伴關係,訪問 了多家機構,也接待了 不少訪問團,並舉辦各 種展覽及特別活動,推 出培訓課程,參與體育 競賽,加強了大學與本 港、區內及國際社會的 聯繫。

outreach and community relations



annual report 2013–14 年報

Establishing links


Greater China is a major focal point for CityU’s continued strategic direction. In June 2014, CityU signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with South University of Science and Technology of China to forge closer ties in the areas of PhD student supervision, research projects, exchange of researchers and sharing of research results.

兩岸四地依然是城大長遠發展方向的重點所在。2014年6月, 城大與深圳的南方科技大學簽署學術合作備忘錄,加強雙方 合作,包括聯合培養博士研究生、交換學者及研究人員,以 及合作研究、共享研究成果等。

Similarly, an MOU was signed in November 2013 with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, an extension of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, for collaborations in jointly setting up research centres, applying for grants, supervising PhDs, knowledge transfer and sharing resources in the areas of new energy, advanced materials, biotechnology, energy conservation and smart grid. Official visits continued to play a major role in developing linkages. In July 2013, CityU President, Professor Way Kuo and senior CityU managers explored academic exchanges and cooperation with major universities and research institutions in Beijing on a 4-day trip. During their visit in May 2014, greater opportunities for indepth collaboration were the focus of talks between the presidents of both CityU and Zhejiang University. CityU also played host to two major visits from Taiwanese groups, emphasising our strong links with industry and higher education institutions there. A delegation from the Asia Pacific Taiwan Federation of Industry and Commerce visited in May 2014 to get updates on the University’s latest development, while a 10-member delegation from the University System of Taiwan explored possible collaborations with CityU and toured our facilities during a visit in February 2014.

A delegation from the Asia Pacific Taiwan Federation of Industry and Commerce visited CityU. 亞太台商聯合總會代表團到訪城大。

城大又於2013年11月與深圳先進技術研究院簽署合作備忘 錄。該研究院是中國科學院(中科院)轄下的機構。雙方合作 的計劃包括攜手建立研究中心、申請撥款資助、指導博士研 究生、進行知識轉移,並在新能源、先進物料、生物科技、 節省能源、智能電網等領域分享科研資源等。 正式的外訪在拓展聯繫方面繼續發揮重要作用。2013年7月, 校長郭位教授與管理層成員訪問北京四天,與當地主要大學 及研究機構探討學術交流與合作的機會。2014年5月,校長郭 位教授與管理層訪問浙江大學(浙大),與浙大校長會面,尋 求更多、更深入的合作機會。城大亦接待了兩個重要台灣代 表團,加強與台灣工商界及高等教育機構的緊密聯繫。亞太 台商聯合總會代表團2014年5月到訪城大,了解城大的發展近 況;台灣聯合大學系統一個十人代表團則於2014年2月來訪, 探討加強未來合作的機會,並參觀了城大多個教學設施。

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68 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


In May 2014, senior personnel from the University of Macau praised the dynamic innovations and forward-looking management at CityU.

2014年5月,澳門大學高層管理人員來訪,對城大充滿活力的 創新風氣及富有遠見的管理深表讚許。

Our research initiatives continued to catch the eye of government officials in

城大的研究計劃繼續引起內地政府官員注目。2013年12月, 深圳市人民政府副市長陳彪先生率領代表團到訪城大深圳研 究院,深入了解研究院各中心從事的研究計劃及其研究成果。

the mainland. A delegation led by Mr Chen Biao, Deputy Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, visited the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute in December 2013 to find out more about the latest research undertaken at the different centres and their research output. Training is a highly effective means of building networks. An event titled “Symposium and Train-the-Trainer Workshop for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education” organised by CityU in December 2013 aimed to encourage higher education institutions to add elements of innovation and entrepreneurship to their curricula. A follow-up event took place at Nanjing Audit University in June 2014.

開設培訓班亦可拓展大學的關係網絡。2013年12月,城大舉 辦了「創新創業教育」研討會暨師資培訓班,以助推動高等院 校在課程中納入創新及創業元素。2014年6月,又在南京審計 學院舉辦了第二期培訓班。 2013年11月,城大夥同台灣清華大學及中國工程院合作舉辦 傑出學人書法展,推動大中華的文化交流,而對外拓展正是 舉辦該次展覽的動力之一。

Community outreach was also part of the driving force behind a calligraphy exhibition in November 2013 at which academicians and other distinguished scholars displayed their calligraphy skills. Jointly organised by CityU, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the exhibition helped to promote academic exchange in Greater China.

The Calligraphy Exhibition of the Distinguished Scholars showcases calligraphy works by seven distinguished scholars in mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. 傑出學人書法展展出內地、台灣、 香港七位傑出學人的書法作品。

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annual report 2013–14 年報

With overseas partners


Looking further afield, the University pursued its long-established strategy for developing a more internationalised campus by establishing and strengthening links with institutions all over the world.

城大與全球多家大學建立聯繫或加強合作,以促進校園的國 際化,體現了大學的長遠策略與高瞻遠矚。

In February 2014, CityU President, Professor Way Kuo, led a CityU delegation on a visit of five Singapore universities and research institutes to enhance academic cooperation at the institutional level, ranging from research collaborations to student exchange. And in October 2013, 30 senior federal government officials from Russia discussed a range of economic, finance, political and social development issues concerning China and Hong Kong at the Advanced Programme in Public Policy and Administration, an executive education programme offered by CityU.

2014年2月,校長郭位教授帶領城大代表團訪問新加坡五所大 學及研究院,旨在加強城大與這些教研機構的學術合作,範 圍涉及研究合作及學生交流。 2013年10月,俄羅斯聯邦政府要員組成30人代表團參加公共 政策及管理高級課程,討論內地及香港的經濟、金融、政治 及社會發展等議題。該課程是城大開設的高層管理人員培訓 課程。


With supporters & community

城大在年內舉辦了多次校友活動,擴大支持城大者的基礎, 並幫助校友增進公交與私誼。

A number of alumni events took place during the year. These events were effective ways of expanding the support base for CityU and helping former students to stay in touch with each other for professional and personal reasons.

大學年內分別在北京和上海舉辦了城大校友聚會。城大的校 友網絡正在穩步擴大,現有3,600多名校友居住於中國內地。

Two alumni reunion activities were organised in Beijing and Shanghai during the year. With more than 3,600 alumni now living on the mainland, CityU’s alumni networks are developing steadily.

outreach and community relations

70 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Thirty outstanding CityU alumni shared their success stories in the new book 30th Anniversary Alumni Story Book. 城大出版的新書《三十而立》 輯錄了30位傑出校友的訪談, 呈現各人成功之道。

To show its appreciation, CityU conferred in April 2014 Distinguished Alumni Awards on Mr Francis Ngai Wah-sing, a prominent and dedicated social entrepreneur, and Dr Peter Ho Ka-nam, a renowned and outstanding industrialist. A new book titled 30th Anniversary Alumni Story Book featuring the success stories of 30 CityU alumni was launched at the same event in celebration of CityU’s 30th anniversary. Another alumni activity was the Happy Hour Gathering which enjoyed a full house with over 270 alumni coming back to campus to test out basic memory techniques with the representatives from the Hong Kong Memory Sports Council. At a forum in December 2013, two prominent experts from the real estate and stock markets shared their views on the current market situation with CityU alumni.

城大2014年4月頒發傑出校友獎予知名的熱心社會企業家魏華 星先生及著名的傑出工業家何稼楠博士,藉此感謝校友的支 持。另外,城大為校友專訪集《三十而立》舉行新書發佈會, 概述30位城大校友的成功之路,以慶祝城大建校30周年。 另一個校友活動是Happy Hour Gathering聚會,逾270名校友重 逢於母校,向香港記憶運動協會的代表學習記憶增強術。此 外,2013年12月舉辦的校友論壇,邀請兩位地產及金融界的 星級專家出席,為校友分析當時的市場狀況。

outreach and community relations



annual report 2013–14 年報

One of the biggest events for bringing people together was the annual Thanksgiving Dinner held in November 2013. The Dinner acknowledged alumni, donors and friends for their long-standing support over the years. More than 160 donors, guests, Council members, alumni and students took part in the event which was organised by the Community Relations Committee under CityU’s Council.

2013年11月,城大舉行一年一度的感恩晚宴,向多年來支持 城大發展的校友、捐助人及各界友好表達謝意。這是本年度 規模最大的活動之一。出席者有捐助人、特邀嘉賓、校董、 校友、學生等共計160餘人,晚宴由城大校董會轄下的社區關 係委員會籌辦。

With industry

城大與協作夥伴就共同感興趣的科研領域簽訂新合約,增進 了與業界的關係。2014年3月,城大與國際著名的發電、輸 電、交通基建企業阿爾斯通控股公司簽訂合作框架備忘錄, 雙方結為長期協作夥伴,共同研發智能城市的先進開放系統。

Relations with industry benefited from new agreements with useful partners in shared areas of interest. The agreement signed in March 2014 with Alstom, a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure, established a long-term strategic alliance for Advanced Open Systems for Smart Cities.

CityU signed a Framework Memorandum of Understanding with Alstom. 城大與阿爾斯通控股公司 簽訂合作框架備忘錄。


outreach and community relations

72 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


The Apps Lab of CityU and DBS Bank formed a strategic alliance. 城大應用程式實驗室與星展銀行結為重要合作夥伴。

CityU and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited signed a framework agreement. 城大與廣州醫藥集團有限公司簽訂框架協議。

In February 2014, CityU’s Apps Lab and DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited announced the formation of a new strategic alliance that would accelerate research and innovation in the banking sector among CityU students.

2014年2月,城大應用程式實驗室與星展銀行(香港)有限公 司宣佈結為重要合作夥伴,以促進城大學生在銀行業資訊科 技方面的研究和創新。

In December 2013, CityU signed a framework agreement and announced the formation of a strategic alliance with Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited aimed at developing collaboration in areas including business, economic and financial policy research; new drugs and diagnostic and therapeutic technologies development; and the training of healthcare management professionals.

2013年12月,城大與廣州醫藥集團有限公司宣佈結為重要合 作夥伴,雙方簽訂框架協議,在商業、經濟與金融政策研 究、新藥及診療技術研發,以及醫藥保健管理人才培訓等領 域開展全面合作。

With prospective students & school principals

城大積極拓展與本地中學師生及家長的聯繫,旨在展示城大 的教學能力,吸引優秀學生入讀城大。

The aim of reaching out to students, teachers and parents from the local secondary school sector is to promote CityU’s teaching and learning capabilities and attract the best possible students to our programmes.


outreach and community relations 拓展與聯繫

73 annual report 2013–14 年報

Information Day in October 2013 attracted more than 35,000 visitors to campus. A large number of students was also seen when nearly 800 Form 6 students and their parents came to campus to learn more about the Discovery-enriched Curriculum on offer through campus tours and talks organised by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences in July 2013. Inspiring young people is a vital part of our involvement with the secondary school sector. In May 2014, distinguished guests from various sectors shared their views and experiences with 180 high school students at the “Shaping Your Future: A Lifetime of Difference” programme aimed at helping youngsters set goals, choose study programmes and realise their dreams. In December, around 200 students from 18 top-tier secondary schools participated in the “Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge” programme to enhance an understanding of CityU, polish their English debating skills, and encourage new knowledge and innovation.

Distinguished guests shared their views and experiences with high school students at the ”Shaping Your Future: A Lifetime of Difference” programme. 城大為高中學生舉辦「成功之旅•今日啟航」 活動,邀請多位成功人士與學生交流。

2013年10月,城大舉辦入學資訊日,共吸引35,000名中學生及 家長參加活動。2013年7月,人文社會科學院帶領來賓參觀城 大校園並安排多場講座,向近800名中六學生及家長深入介紹 「重探索求創新課程」。 城大積極拓展與中學的聯繫,其中一個舉措是指導青年學 生。2014年5月,城大為180名高中學生舉辦「成功之旅 • 今日 啟航」活動,邀請幾位成功人士與學生交流,幫助青少年確定 目標、規劃人生,做好升學選科的準備,邁向理想。 在2013年12月,18所名校約200名中學生參加「重探索求創新 辯論賽」。此項比賽旨在促使參加者深入認識城大、增進英語 辯論技能,並鼓勵探索新知、革故創新。

outreach and community relations

74 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


CityU runners joined the Gyeongju Cherry Marathon 2014 in South Korea. 城大代表隊參加在韓國 舉行的「2014年慶州櫻花馬拉松賽」。

Other highly successful outreach events included virtual robots competing against each other in the final contest of the 4th CityU–CS Robocode Contest in November 2013; and over 100 secondary students enhancing their critical-thinking skills on a 6-day forensic science scheme in August the same year.

2013年11月舉行的第四屆「城大電腦科學系機器人編程比賽」 總決賽,是另一對外拓展活動;同年8月,逾百名高中學生參



A sporting ethos was felt throughout the University through two major events. One example was the dragon boat team formed by over 30 students and staff members who competed for the third consecutive year at the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races in Victoria Harbour in June 2014.

城大年內參加了兩場體育盛事,充分彰顯了大學的體育精 神。在2014年6月,城大30多名學生及教職員組隊,參加在維 多利亞港舉行的香港國際龍舟邀請賽。這是城大連續第三年 參加這項比賽。

The other was the University’s participation in the Gyeongju Cherry Marathon in South Korea in April 2014. Over 100 students, staff and alumni finished the competition in a sea of pink cherry blossom, promoting CityU’s image overseas as a young, dynamic and healthy University.

2014年4月,城大百多名學生、教職員及校友參加了另一場賽 事,在一片粉紅色花海中完成在韓國舉行的「慶州櫻花馬拉 松賽」。這次活動在海外展示了城大健康蓬勃、充滿活力的形 象。

與為期六天的司法鑑證科學培訓計劃,透過活動增強了思辨 能力。

outreach and community relations



annual report 2013–14 年報

Numbers of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Students Enrolled in CityU Continuing Education Courses (2013–14) 報讀城大持續進修課程相等於全日制學生人數(2013–14) Non-local Award Programmes 非本地學院頒授學銜的課程

Diploma/Certificate Programmes 文憑 ╱ 證書學銜課程

General Courses 普通課程

Total 總數







This table gives the number of FTE students enrolled in self-financed programmes. The numbers


were reported for the financial year 2013–14 for programmes and courses offered by the School


of Continuing and Professional Education. The number of FTE students of non-local award

院所在國家的一般學習時數計算。文憑 ╱ 證書課程及普通課程,則以註

programmes is calculated using a normal study load of the same programme delivered in the


home country. For diploma/certificate programmes and general courses, a conversion factor of 450 hours to 1 FTE student is used.

Summary of Consultancy Projects 2013–14 2013–14年度顧問諮詢服務 Project Nature


Number 數目




Professional Practice



Director of Company









Figures as at end of June 2014. 數字以2014年6月底為準。

76 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

university governance 大學管治

The University’s 30th anniversary is a landmark milestone giving us the opportunity to reflect on all we have achieved in the past, to celebrate the present and to look forward to building on our success in the future. The Council applauds the many remarkable achievements of the University in these years. The Council has been, and will continue to be, performing its role in the development of the University by maintaining a robust framework for effective governance.

三十周年校慶是城大發 展的一個里程碑,我們 可藉此機會回顧大學過 往的成就,慶祝今天的 發展,期待未來續攀高 峰。校董會讚賞大學 30年來取得的各項重要 成就。校董會在大學的 發展過程中,將始終如 一發揮其應盡之職能, 維持健全的管理體系, 以富有成效的方式管治 大學。

university governance 大學管治

During the year, the Council was delighted to observe new academic initiatives which reinforce the University’s commitment to excellence in research and professional education. Further to approval in previous years for collaboration with the Shuangliu Government for the establishment of the City University of Hong Kong Chengdu Research Institute, and the establishment of the School of Veterinary Medicine, the Council has been closely monitoring developments, and invited the University’s management to provide updates to the Council. The Council noted that the projects have been progressing well. The collaboration with Cornell University, a world leader in veterinary medicine, is well underway. The parties have been working proactively on details of the postgraduate programmes, joint research and teaching, faculty recruitment. The School Office and School Board of the School of Veterinary Medicine have been set up, with the first cohort of the Doctor of Philosophy students to be admitted soon. In addition, the University is actively exploring collaboration opportunities with institutions from overseas and the mainland to create synergy. The Council is delighted to learn that the School of Veterinary Medicine has received a great deal of local and overseas support for the University’s aspirations. With an aim to align the functions of Council Committees for better support to the University, the Council reviewed the structure of its committees and approved the formation of task forces, as and when required, to take the place of the Strategic Development Committee. This initiative has streamlined the operations of the Council, enabling it to function more effectively and efficiently and cater for the changing needs arising from the latest developments of the University. The Council’s retreat in March 2014, which followed on from the new initiative introduced last year, proved to be another successful and fruitful event. With members of the senior management invited, too, the retreat was a useful sharing platform for attendees to delve into the University’s latest developments and strategies and exchange ideas with senior management. The Council is pleased to see a sound and closer working relationship with the University management.

77 annual report 2013–14 年報

大學在年內推行了多項學術新措施,推動城大發展成為研究卓 越、專業教育出眾的一流學府,校董會對此深感欣喜。去年, 校董會批准城大與四川省雙流縣政府合作成立香港城市大學成 都研究院,並且批准城大創辦動物醫學院。此後,校董會一直 密切監督以上項目的進展,並邀請大學管理層向校董會匯報其 最新情況。校董會欣悉,上述重要計劃目前進展順利。城大與 全球動物醫學界首屈一指的美國康奈爾大學合作順暢,雙方積 極討論了開設研究生課程的細節,以及合作研究與教學及教員 招聘等事項。動物醫學院辦公室與動物醫學院院務會已成立, 第一批博士研究生新生即將入學。此外,大學還積極拓展與海 外及內地院校合作的機會,以收協同增效之利。大學矢志創辦 動物醫學院,得到本港及海外友好人士的大力支持,對此校董 會深受鼓舞。 校董會檢討了轄下各個委員會的架構,批准以成立專責小組的 形式取代策略發展委員會,在需要時集中發揮其職能。此舉旨 在協調校董會各委員會的職能,給予大學更有力的支持。這項 舉措簡化了校董會的運作,令其更有效率、更順暢,以因應大 學的最新發展,靈活配合不斷轉變之需要。 舉辦校董會集思會是校董會去年推出的新措施,亦是一項卓有 成效的活動。本年度的集思會已在2014年3月舉行,大學高層 管理人員應邀出席了集思會。校董會成員藉此場合深入討論了 大學的近期發展及長遠策略,並與大學高層管理人員交流意 見。校董會與大學管理層繼續保持密切、良好的工作關係,為 此校董會感到欣喜。

university governance

78 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


The Council 校董會 Chairman 主席

President 校長

Mr Herman HU Shao-ming, BBS, JP 胡曉明

Professor Way KUO 郭位

Deputy Chairman 副主席

Deputy President 常務副校長

Mr Vincent CHOW Wing-shing, BBS, JP 周永成

Vacant 懸空

Treasurer 司庫

Senate Representative 教務會成員

Mr Joseph PANG Yuk-wing, BBS, JP 彭玉榮

Professor Roderick WONG Sue-cheun 王世全

External Members 校外成員

Elected Staff Members 員工成員

Mr CHAN Ka-kui, BBS, JP 陳家駒

Dr FUNG Wai-wah 馮偉華

Ms Shirley CHAN Suk-ling, JP 陳淑玲

Mr MAK Hoi-wah 麥海華

Ms Dilys CHAU Suet-fung 周雪鳳

Chairman of the Convocation 評議會主席

Ms Lilian CHIANG Sui-fook 蔣瑞福

Mr Clovis LAU Koong-yep 劉冠業

Mr Andrew FAN Ka-fai 范家輝 Mr Christopher HUI Ching-yu 許正宇 Mrs Rebecca LAI KO Wing-yee, JP 黎高穎怡 Mr LAU Ming-wai, BBS, JP 劉鳴煒 Dr LAW Hing-chung 羅慶琮 Mr Kennedy LIU Tat-yin 廖達賢 Miss LO Po-man 羅寶文 Mr Herbert TSOI Hak-kong, BBS, JP 蔡克剛 Membership as at 30 June 2014. 校董會成員以2014年6月30日為準。

President of Students’ Union 學生會會長 Mr Thomas LEONG Chun-yiu (Acting) 梁竣堯(署理) Elected Postgraduate Student Member 研究生成員 Miss WEI Jinjin 魏金金 Secretary 秘書 Dr Kevin DOWNING 唐寧

university governance 大學管治

(From left to right) Back row : Middle row : Front row :

79 annual report 2013–14 年報

Mr Mak Hoi-wah, Mr Kennedy Liu, Mr Christopher Hui, Mr Lau Ming-wai, Dr Fung Wai-wah, Prof Roderick Wong Mr Chan Ka-kui, Miss Lo Po-man, Ms Shirley Chan, Mrs Rebecca Lai, Miss Wei Jinjin, Dr Kevin Downing Ms Lilian Chiang, Mr Joseph Pang, Prof Way Kuo, Mr Herman Hu, Mr Vincent Chow, Mr Andrew Fan

(由左至右) 後排: 麥海華、廖達賢、許正宇、劉鳴煒、馮偉華、王世全 中排: 陳家駒、羅寶文、陳淑玲、黎高穎怡、魏金金、唐寧 前排: 蔣瑞福、彭玉榮、郭位、胡曉明、周永成、范家輝

university governance



City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Attendance of Members at Council Meetings in 2013–14 校董會會議出席率 Council 校董會 Total number of Council members

Number of members present

Percentage of members present




Date of meeting


17 October 2013





11 November 2013





27 March 2014





12 June 2014





Council Committees 校董會委員會 Total number of meetings

Average attendance rate of Council members



Council Committees


Audit Committee




Community Relations Committee




Executive Committee




Finance Committee




Honorary Awards Committee




Human Resources Committee




Nominations Committee




university governance 大學管治

81 annual report 2013–14 年報

82 City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

financial summary 財務摘要

Over the course of the year 2013–2014, the University sustained its strong financial base, ensuring that the University has the capacity to proceed with its on-going strategic development in terms of supporting new academic programmes, new facilities and strategic initiatives. The overall picture looks very healthy in terms of consolidated financial results. The University recorded a surplus of $476 million, as compared with $397 million last year. As for consolidated income, i.e. government subventions, student tuition and other fees, donations and matching grants, and other contract and auxiliary revenue, the figure stands at $4,150 million, compared to $4,017 million in 2012–13. The University saw an increase of $195 million in terms of its consolidated expenditure to a total of $4,183 million, which was a 5% increase on last year. During the year, the University spent $2,937 million, about 70% of total consolidated expenditure, on instruction and research, the library, central computing facilities and other academic services. Over the next 12 months, we will continue to operate in a financially accountable and sustainable manner in pursuit of our overall academic vision.

在2013–14年度,大學維持穩健的財務基礎,確保大學有能力 促進持續性的策略發展,如支持開設新課程,興建新設施及 推行策略性舉措。 本年度大學的綜合業績整體狀況良好,錄得4億7,600萬元盈 餘,而去年的盈餘則為3億9,700萬元。以綜合收入而論, 2013–14年度為41億5,000萬元,其中包括政府撥款、學費和其 他收費、捐款及配對補助金,以及其他合約與雜項收益,而 2012–13年度為40億1,700萬元。 大學2013–14年度的綜合開支總額為41億8,300萬元,較去年增 加5%,即1億9,500萬元。年內約70%的大學整體總綜合開支, 即29億3,700萬元,用於教學及研究、圖書館、中央電腦設施 及其他教學服務。 我們將在未來一年繼續以負責任和可持續的財務態度營運大 學,為達成學術願景而努力。

financial summary



annual report 2013–14 年報

Statement of Comprehensive Income 全面收益表 For the Year Ended 30 June 2014 截至2014年6月30日止年度

The Group 大學整體

(In thousands of Hong Kong dollars) (以千港元計)

Income Government Subventions Tuition and Other Fees Donations and Benefactions Auxiliary Services Other Income

收入 政府撥款 學費及其他收費 捐款及捐助 雜項服務 其他收入

Expenditure Learning and Research   Instruction and Research  Library   Central Computing Facilities   Other Academic Services Institutional Support   Management and General   Premises and Related Expenses   Student and General Education Services   Other Activities

開支 教育及研究 教學及研究 圖書館 中央電腦設施 其他教學服務 教學支援 管理及一般項目 校舍及有關開支 學生及教育服務 其他活動

(Deficit)/Surplus from Operations before   Interest and Net Investment Return Interest and Net Investment Return Surplus from Operations Finance Costs Share of Net Profits of Associates Surplus before Taxation Taxation Surplus for the Year Other Comprehensive Income Items that may be Reclassified Subsequently   to Income and Expenditure Accounts Exchange Differences on Translation of   Operations outside Hong Kong Available-for-Sale Securities:   Change in Fair Value Recognised during   the Year   Reclassification Adjustments for Amounts    Transferred to Income and Expenditure   Accounts:    Gain on Disposal    Impairment Loss Other Comprehensive Income for the Year Total Comprehensive Income for the Year

除利息及淨投資回報前營運 (虧損)╱ 盈餘 利息及淨投資回報 營運盈餘 財務費用 應佔聯營公司淨盈利 除稅前盈餘 稅項 本年度盈餘 其他全面收益 期後或會轉往收支帳項 的項目 換算香港境外營運之 匯兌差額 可作出售證券: 本年度確認公允價值 的改變 轉往收支帳項的 重新分類 調整項目: 出售收益 減值虧損 本年度其他全面收益 本年度全面收益總額

The University 大學





2,052,985 1,800,566 106,162 133,037 57,633 4,150,383

2,026,225 1,688,583 131,696 127,490 43,403 4,017,397

2,046,309 1,481,598 105,962 125,988 56,169 3,816,026

2,021,971 1,370,166 131,462 119,406 43,655 3,686,660

2,488,691 118,100 167,691 162,737

2,356,557 114,129 159,277 153,047

2,390,307 112,732 156,858 147,502

2,269,037 108,795 148,512 138,016

337,225 657,352 237,361 13,075 4,182,232

319,329 651,982 218,798 14,429 3,987,548

293,749 567,465 217,286 4,416 3,890,315

282,331 562,614 204,195 6,737 3,720,237

(31,849) 509,423 477,574 (1,133) 79 476,520 (80) 476,440

29,849 368,247 398,096 (1,117) 163 397,142 (150) 396,992




(738) 4,134 4,420 401,412

– – – 421,683

– – – 321,012

– – (968) 475,472

(74,289) 497,147 422,858 (1,133) – 421,725 (42) 421,683

(33,577) 355,819 322,242 (1,117) – 321,125 (113) 321,012

financial summary



City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Statement of Financial Position 財務狀況表 As at 30 June 2014 於2014年6月30日

The Group 大學整體

(In thousands of Hong Kong dollars) (以千港元計)

The University 大學





3,624,291 16 15,547 – 1,144 –

3,727,569 21 114,356 – 1,440 16

3,522,892 – 15,547 123,896 – 9,625

3,620,508 – 110,624 125,250 – 11,000





4,617,841 101,640 181,007 933,541

4,459,911 98,070 192,140 752,076

4,617,841 103,015 170,249 876,598

4,459,911 102,546 186,215 695,527





490,773 536,956 474,521 86 37,240

362,758 564,458 440,793 34 70,113

488,200 1,452,392 467,404 – 37,240

361,590 1,426,210 433,469 – 70,113

Non-current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Investments in Securities Investments in Subsidiaries Interests in Associates Loans Receivable

非流動資產 校舍、機器及設備 無形資產 證券投資 附屬公司投資 聯營公司權益 應收貸款

Current Assets Investments in Securities Loans Receivable Accounts Receivable, Prepayments and Others Cash and Bank Deposits

流動資產 證券投資 應收貸款 應收帳款、預付帳款及其他 現金及銀行存款

Current Liabilities Deferred Income Accounts Payable and Accruals Provision for Employee Benefits Tax Payable Loans and Borrowings

流動負債 遞延收入 應付帳款及應計費用 僱員福利撥備 應付稅款 貸款及借貸





Net Current Assets






Total Assets less Current Liabilities






Non-current Liabilities Deferred Income Provision for Employee Benefits Loans and Borrowings

非流動負債 遞延收入 僱員褔利撥備 貸款及借貸

24 34,756 –

33 26,476 397,563

– 34,756 –

– 26,476 397,563





Deferred Capital Funds






Net Assets






Represented By: Restricted Fund for Research Other Funds

資金來源: 研究專用基金 其他基金

274,164 5,085,282

286,268 4,597,706

274,067 4,144,379

286,171 3,710,592

Total Funds






Approved and authorised for issue by the Council on 16 October 2014.


acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to all students and staff members who have contributed to the preparation of this publication, especially to those who agreed to have their pictures featured. Published by Authority of the Council Š City University of Hong Kong, 2014 This report is available from: Communications and Public Relations Office City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Hong Kong. Tel: +852 3442 9317 Fax: +852 3442 0337 Email: Concept and Design: Toppan Vite Limited Photography: Sunny Wong This report is printed on environmentally friendly paper.

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