CityU Today No. 49

Page 1

October 2015 二O一五年十月



Strategic planning 計劃為長遠

Diving for science and sustainability 水肺潛水 科研利器

Ancient ships sail on waves of creativity 古船「潮」臨城大

From the Editor

The new Strategic Plan 2015–2020 is an important step forwards for CityU. It will act as a road map for the next five years, encapsulating our goals and aspirations. At the same time, we have recently launched a new logo as part of our new branding campaign aimed at raising our profile locally and further afield. The new plan and logo are featured in the pages of this issue of CityU Today. The next installment of our new series about institutional development features an interview with another prominent donor to the University. We will find out why he has given so much to CityU. On the research side, we profile underwater scuba ventures, thermoelectrics for saving wasted energy, and a unique exhibition about nineteenth century shipping in China, among others. And in this issue’s Student Voices, we meet one of our students taking advantage of a unique joint programme with Columbia University, New York. Happy reading!

《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》是城大邁向未來的重要一步, 它勾勒出城大未來五年發展的路線圖,概括了我校的宏圖遠志。 近期,城大啓用了新的推廣標誌,這是推廣大學新形象活動的一 部分,旨在提升城大在本地及國際上的聲譽。本期《今日城大》 正是以該新發展計劃與推廣標誌為核心,作深入詳盡的報道。 在本期雜誌,各位亦將讀到關於院校發展新系列的最新一期連 載,內容是一位熱心捐助城大的贊助人的訪問;他闡述了慷慨幫 助城大的原因。在研究領域,我們將介紹潛水進行研究與回收廢 熱的熱電技術研究,有關19世紀中國海上世界的獨特展覽,以及 其他精彩故事。《學生心聲》欄目則發表了一位城大學生的文章, 她現身處紐約的哥倫比亞大學,修讀城大與該校合辦的雙聯學士 學位課程。 祝各位開卷快樂!

10 Cover Story 封面專題


Strategic planning, future hopes 計劃為長遠,前景看未來

The new Strategic Plan will guide CityU’s activities for the next five-year cycle, and ensure that we continue on our path to

Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Ada Tam / 行政編輯:譚麗珍 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯: 鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Eva Choy / 中文編輯:蔡卓慧 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收


新的發展計劃將引領城大在未來五年做好各 項工作,確保大學沿着卓越之路繼續邁進。

October 2015 二O一五年十月



Features 專題

14 Log on to new Logo 新推廣標誌啓用 16


Diving for science and sustainability


水肺潛水 科研利器

Ancient ships sail on waves of creativity 古船「潮」臨城大


Thermoelectricity: clean and efficient energy 熱電:潔淨高效的能源

Excellence in teaching, Excellence in research 傑出教學 傑出研究




Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable

28 Donor Voices



$200 million gift will boost CityU’s development 城大獲港幣二億元捐款 支持大學發展

Sowing the seeds for smiles 醫生的微笑

30 Gown to Town

34 Student Voices

學生心聲 Living life to the fullest 積極人生

36 Books


Illuminating innovation 發光魚照亮創業路


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

October 2015


News & Notable

$200 million gift boosts CityU’s development 城大獲港幣二億元捐款支持大學發展

A HK$200 million donation from Mr Yeung Kin-man, founder and chief executive of Biel Crystal (HK) Manufactory Limited, will support the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), students’ overseas exchanges, endowed Chair Professorships and other strategic developments. It is the first time that Mr Yeung has donated to a university in Hong Kong; and it is the largest donation that CityU has ever received. Of the donation, $100 million will support SVM; $50 million will be used for endowed Chair Professorships for a number of departments; and $50 million will support CityU students’ overseas exchanges.

城大獲香港實業家楊建文先生捐款港幣二億元,以支持動物醫學 院、學生海外交流、設立冠名講座教席,以及其他大學策略性發 展。這是楊先生第一次向香港的大學捐款,也是城大歷來獲得的最 大一筆捐款。其中一億元由楊先生指定為動物醫學院專用,另外五 千萬為城大多個學系的冠名講座教席用,餘下的五千萬資助城大學 生海外交流。

(From left) Mr Mai Jiaomeng, Professor Way Kuo, Mr and Mrs Yeung Kin-man, The Honorable C Y Leung, Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming and Mr Ai Xuefeng. (左起)麥教猛先生、郭位教授、楊建文伉儷、梁振英先生、梁乃鵬博士、胡曉明先生、 艾學峰先生。

Honorary Fellowships for two pillars of Hong Kong 城大頒授榮譽院士銜予兩位傑出人士 Two distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of CityU in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, and service to, the University. They were Mr Chan Ka-kui (2nd from right) , Chairman of Mustard Seed Foundation, and Mrs Rebecca Lai Ko Wing-yee (2nd from left), Director of Education Initiatives of the China Graduate School of Theology. Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang (centre), Pro-Chancellor, Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing (far right), Deputy Council Chairman, and Professor Way Kuo (far left), University President, officiated at the ceremony, which was held on 30 September.

城大9月30日頒授榮譽院士名銜予兩位傑出人士,以表彰他們促進 城大發展並為之服務的傑出貢獻。他們是芥籽園基金主席陳家駒 先生(右二),以及中國神學研究院教育策劃主任黎高穎怡女士(左 二)。城大副監督梁乃鵬博士(中)、校董會副主席周永成先生(右 一)、校長郭位教授(左一)主持了頒授儀式。




CityU, National Palace Museum present “Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships New Media Art Exhibition” 城大、國立故宮博物院合辦「同安‧潮-新媒體藝術展」 A new media art exhibition that brought to life sea-faring culture and the Qing Navy’s advancement during the 19th century was a unique collaboration between CityU and the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei. It marked a milestone in terms of cultural and art exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan. The collaboration, titled “Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships New Media Art Exhibition”, was the fruition of CityU’s proactive industry in recent years, and represents the first-ever collaboration between a local university and NPM.

城大與臺北的國立故宮博物院(故宮)合辦「同安‧潮-新媒體藝術 展─同安船與張保仔的故事」。這是故宮首次與香港的大學合作, 展覽以嶄新的新媒體藝術手法,在香港重現19世紀初東亞的海上世 界,以及清廷的水師改革。這次展覽是城大努力取得的豐碩成果, 也是臺港兩地的文化藝術交流里程碑。

Foundation stone laid for CityU Chengdu Research Institute 城大成都研究院奠基 A foundation stone laying ceremony for the CityU Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) was held in May in Shuangliu County in Chengdu. The occasion marked a new phase for CityU in the promotion of applied research, professional education and incubation on the mainland. CityUCRI is CityU’s first research institute in western China. It will strive to contribute to industry incubation, technology innovation, professional education and student exchanges for Hong Kong and Chengdu.

城大5月為設於四川成都雙流縣的城大成都研究院舉行奠基禮, 標誌大學在內地推動應用研究、專業教育、孕育產業的發展進入 新階段。成都研究院是城大在中國西部地區設立的第一所研究 院,將注重推動產、學、研三方結合,力求為香港和成都兩地的產 業孕育、技術創新、專業教育及培訓、學生交流等領域作出重要 貢獻。

QS ranking success 城大在QS世界大學排名中取得佳績 CityU was ranked 57th in the latest QS World University Rankings, which were published in September. We are now positioned among the top 100 universities along with three other universities in Hong Kong. In fact, CityU was ranked 1st in Hong Kong in terms of the number of citations per faculty member, QS revealed, highlighting the quality of its faculty.

城大在最新公佈的QS世界大學排名榜中位居第57,與其他三所香港學府同列全球前100 名;根據QS的報道,城大教授人均論文引用率位列香港第一,突顯城大教授的質素。

October 2015


News & Notable CityU plans advanced equipment purchase with RGC grant 城大獲研資局撥款購置先進科研設備 Two state-of-the-art pieces of research equipment will be purchased in collaboration with other local universities thanks to a grant worth over HK$12 million from the Collaborative Research Fund launched by the Research Grants Council. The atom probe tomography and a light-sheet microscope will be used to study the composition and structural morphology of nanomaterials as well as to monitor cellular developments in a living zebrafish embryo. Both pieces of equipment promise to make breakthroughs in the research of new materials and organ regeneration.

城大獲研究資助局設立的「協作研究金」撥款1,200多萬元,與本港多所大學合購兩件最先進的科研設備,可望在創新材料及器官再生的 研究領域中取得突破。其中一件設備是「原子探針斷層攝影儀」,將用於研究納米材料的成分及結構形態;另一件是「激光片層顯微鏡」, 將用於追踪監測活體斑馬魚胚胎中的細胞發育狀況。

Visionary pioneer in media art

Discovery and Innovation Gala 2015


探索創新展 呈現師生優秀研究成果

Professor Jeffrey Shaw of the School of Creative Media has received the 2015 Golden Nica for Visionary Pioneer of Media Art from the Prix Ars Electronica. It is considered the world’s most prestigious award for digital art. His critically acclaimed art works have been exhibited at major museums and festivals throughout the world where he has pioneered and set benchmarks for the creative use of interactive digital media technologies.

創意媒體學院邵志飛教授榮獲「奧地利國際 電子藝術競賽」頒發的「2015金尼卡遠見媒 體藝術先驅獎」。該獎項獲公認為全球最享 負盛名的數碼藝術大獎。邵志飛教授廣受好 評的藝術作品,曾在全球主要博物館和藝術 節展出。他是使用創新數碼媒體技術方面的 先驅,並設立新基準。

The research achievements of staff and students from the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) were showcased at the Discovery and Innovation Gala 2015 in June. The two-day exhibition showcased creative and practical projects from CSE’s nine departments and one division. These projects included the Data-Driven Computational Manga, which allows users to produce their own manga simply by inputting photos, pictures and dialogue boxes; and the Developing an Aid to Help the Visually Impaired to Navigate at MTR Platform app, with which visually impaired persons can find their location and the nearest escalator in an MTR station.

城大6月舉行「2015 科學及工程學院探索創新展」,展示教研人員及學生的優秀研究成 果。展覽為期兩日,呈現的研究成果既富含創意,又切合實用,分別來自學院轄下的九 個學系及一個學部。其中包括「日式動漫設計程式」,使用者只要輸入相片、圖畫、對話 方塊,即可製作出本人的動漫;以及「視障人士月台定位輔助程式」,視障人士在港鐵站 內,只須藉助智能手機,即可了解自身所處位置、扶手電梯的位置及距離等資訊,以增進 乘搭列車時的便利和安全。




Local entrepreneur donates to CityU 城大獲顧明均博士捐款 CityU has received a HK$5 million donation from Dr Koo Ming-kown, founder of the Nam Tai Group and Honorary Graduate of CityU, to support the University’s strategic initiatives. Dr Koo is well-known for his entrepreneurial success. He is currently the Executive Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of Nam Tai Group, a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

城大獲顧明均博士捐贈500萬港元,用以支持大學的長遠發展。顧博士是南太集團創辦人,曾獲城大授予榮譽博士學位。顧博士以創業 成功而聞名於商界。他現任南太集團主席兼財務總監,該集團是在紐約證券交易所掛牌的上市公司。

Technology transfer boosted by new Yangzhou linkage

Engineering students win top honours with power conversion devices



Scientific and technological collaboration, and the transfer of technology,

Engineering students

was the focus of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with

won the championship

Yangzhou International Technology Transfer Centre in May. The areas

and the 2nd runner-up

of collaboration include technology transfer, technology consultation,

title in the HKIE Joint

research and development cooperation, and organising exchange

Institutes Competition.

activities on a regular basis.

The competition was organised by the

城大5月與揚州國際技術轉移中心簽訂技術轉移合作備忘錄,以推 動雙方的科技合作,並促進科研成果的轉移和轉化。雙方合作的範 圍包括技術轉移、科技諮詢、合作研發等,並定期舉辦交流活動。

Student Chapters of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The theme was “Green Life in Hong Kong”. The championshipwinning students developed a system that can convert 80% of the thermal energy released by air-conditioners into electric energy.

城大學生在香港工程師學會大專聯賽中勇奪冠軍及季軍。比賽由 香港工程師學會學生分部主辦,主題為「綠色生活在香港」。冠軍 組設計的能源轉化裝置,最高可以將冷氣系統排放的八成熱能轉 化成電能。

Vector developed by CityU researcher holds promise for cancer therapy 新型基因載體 癌症治療新希望 A novel gene vector developed by Jin Weihong, a PhD student from the Department of Physics and Materials Science, enhances the efficiency of delivering gene therapy and chemotherapy drugs into cancer cells, bringing new hope for cancer patients.

城大物理及材料科學系的博士生金衛紅製成一種新型基因載體,可改善基因療法及把化療 藥物運送入癌細胞的功效,為癌症患者帶來新希望。

October 2015


News & Notable Fun run ignites Marathon spirit 馬拉松精神 推動城大繼續向前 A 2-kilometre Fun Run around the CityU campus marked the inauguration of the CityU Marathon Club in September. Aiming to promote the “Marathon spirit”, the Club was formed by running enthusiasts among academic and administrative staff, alumni and students. The Fun Run saw more than 100 staff, alumni and students run along Tat Chee Avenue, To Yuen Street, Nam Shan Chuen Road and Cornwall Street.

Students win HK$1.6 million in scholarships 城大學生獲頒共160萬元獎學金

城大9月舉行了「城大毅跑會」成立典禮暨二公里環校跑。城大毅跑 會由熱衷參與長跑活動的城大師生、校友及員工組成,致力加強推 廣馬拉松精神。二公里環校跑途經九龍塘達之路、桃源街、南山邨 道、歌和老街,吸引了逾百名城大學生、教職員和校友參加。

​ Twenty-three students were awarded over HK$1.6 million in scholarships in recognition of their outstanding achievements. Two students received HSBC Overseas Scholarships; nine received HSBC Hong Kong Scholarships; ten received HSBC Social Work Scholarships; and two received scholarships from the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and jointly sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission and HSBC.

城大23名學生表現傑出,獲頒共160多萬港元獎學金嘉許。其中兩 人獲頒滙豐海外獎學金,九人獲頒滙豐香港獎學金,十人獲頒滙豐 社工獎學金。另有兩人獲得創新科技獎學金計劃頒發獎學金,該計 劃由香港青年協會舉辦,創新科技署及滙豐銀行贊助。

Scholarship nurtures local talent in veterinary medicine 城大頒授獎學金 為本港培育獸醫專才 A local veterinarian will attend a prestigious programme in the US thanks to a three-year scholarship provided by the School of Veterinary Medicine, through a collaboration between CityU and Cornell University. Dr May Tse Pui-ying (centre), who previously worked as a Veterinary Officer (Residues Control) in the government’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, will use the scholarship, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to enrol in a residency programme in veterinary anatomic pathology at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University.

城大與美國康奈爾大學合作成立的動物醫學院,向本港一名獸醫頒授一筆為期三年的獎學 金,資助她赴美國參加一項著名的專科實習計劃。城大頒授這項獎學金在本港屬首創之 舉,藉此資助,曾擔任漁農自然護理署獸醫(化學物殘餘管制)的謝珮瑩獸醫(中),將加 入美國康奈爾大學動物醫學院的一項專科實習計劃,進修獸醫解剖病理學。




Art exhibition ‘Fade to Black’ inspired by Vietnamese jungle caves 城大舉辦「漸墨洞天」藝術展 Fourteen spectacular artworks inspired by jungle caves in Vietnam were presented at an exhibition titled “Fade to Black” at the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre in June. The artworks were developed by 14 students from CityU’s School of Creative Media. The participants trekked through the Tu Lan cave system in the Vietnamese countryside earlier in the year where they carried out a range of creative research for their artworks.

城大6月在邵逸夫創意媒體中心舉辦藝術展,題為「漸墨洞天」,為大眾呈現在越南叢林岩 洞中得靈感而成的14件精彩的藝術品。這些藝術品的作者是城大創意媒體學院的14名學 生,他們在年初踏遍越南鄉間的圖蘭洞穴群。身處地下時,他們進行了一系列有創意的研 究,以採集必需的素材。

Celebration for sports success 城大為運動健兒頒獎並慶功 An annual prize presentation ceremony cum dinner in May celebrated the outstanding achievements of CityU’s student athletes. The CityU sports teams achieved impressive results in the annual University Sports Federation of Hong Kong competitions. They won the men’s overall championship and were the 1st runners-up in the women’s overall championship. In addition, CityU athletes won the overall championship in three events, the men’s championship in eight events, and the women’s championship in four events.

城大5月舉行每年一度的頒獎典禮暨慶功宴,以表彰學生運動員一 年來的傑出成績。城大運動隊在香港大專體育協會的2014-2015 年度比賽中取得輝煌戰果:男子團體總冠軍、女子團體總亞軍;另 外,城大贏得三項總冠軍,八項男子冠軍,四項女子冠軍。

Alumni reunions on the mainland strengthen network 城大內地校友活動深化聯繫 Some 140 participants joined the “CityU Alumni Reunion @ Shanghai 2015” organised by the Alumni Relations Office with event partners CityU Convocation and the CityU Shanghai Alumni Chapter in July. During the evening programme, Professor Way Kuo, University President, shared news about CityU’s latest developments and alumni achievements, including the generous donation of HK$100 million from Dr Li Dak-sum, an acclaimed business leader, in support of CityU’s efforts in research and education in veterinary medicine.

城大校友聯絡處7月舉辦「城大校友上海之夜2015」,約有140人參 加。活動的合作夥伴是城大評議會、城大上海校友聯誼會。校長郭 位教授於晚宴介紹了城大的最新發展及校友成就,並提到商界知名 人士李達三博士慷慨捐贈了一億港元,以支持城大在動物醫學方面 的教學和研究。

October 2015


News & Notable Managing toxins in the environment 控制環境中的毒素 Marine environmental research was the subject of a talk in the on-going President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia in September. The talk, titled “Managing toxins in the environment”, was delivered by Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Chair Professor of Biology, Director of the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution and CityU’s Chief-of-Staff (Vice-President). Professor Lam is particularly interested in the responses of organisms to toxic chemicals and algal toxins, as well as the risk assessment of these compounds.

城大秘書長(副校長)、生物學講座教授兼海洋污染國家重點實驗室主任林群聲教授9月主 持「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」最新一講,講題為「控制環境中的毒素」,主題是海洋環境 研究。林教授感興趣的研究領域是有機體對有毒化學物品與海藻毒素的反應,以及對這些 複合物的風險評估。

Bacteriologist gives talk on infection biology 法國細菌學家講述感染生物學研究 Professor Pascale Cossart, a bacteriologist at the Pasteur Institute of Paris and a Member of the French Academy of Sciences, delivered a lecture in September in the France–Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series, which is co-organised by the French Academy of Sciences, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and CityU. In the lecture, “The Bacterium Listeria Monocytogenes: A Unique Model in Infection Biology”, Professor Cossart discussed her study on pathogenic micro bacteria.

Golden Key for CityU scholars 城大成立睿博會 凝聚獎學金得主 Scholarship recipients, past and present, can now share information and experience through social media network and leadership training programmes thanks to the newly launched CityU Golden Key Club. The Club will strengthen the competitiveness of graduates in their career development. Activities such as leadership training will further expand the social network of its members, and provide more opportunities for them to get involved with their alma mater and the community.

城大成立睿博會,為城大曾獲獎學金的在校生及畢業生創造一個社 交媒體網絡,並提供領袖才能培訓課程,以便他們交流信息、分享 經驗。該會將提升城大畢業生的競爭力,促進他們的事業發展。領 袖才能培訓等活動將會幫助會員拓寬社交網絡,並為他們提供更多 機會參與母校及社區的活動。



由法國科學院、法國駐港總領事館及城大合辦的「法國-香港傑出 講座系列」,邀請到法國巴黎巴斯德研究所細菌學家兼法蘭西科學 院院士Pascale Cossart教授9月在城大主持講座。講座題為「單核 細胞增生李斯特菌:感染生物學的獨特範例」,介紹了Cossart教 授對致病微生物細菌的研究。


Mid-Autumn Festival welcomes new Staff Social Club 城大教職員康體會成立 並慶中秋 The new Staff Social Club was officially launched during the Mid-Autumn Festival in September. Colleagues could celebrate the festival not only through the sharing of sumptuous dishes, playing traditional guessingthe-riddle games and joining the lucky draw; they could also find out about the new campus Club. A rich variety of activities aimed at fostering staff well-being will be organised by the Club, which the University has funded to the tune of $1 million.

城大在9月25日舉行教職員康體會(康體會)成立典禮暨中秋節聯歡 會,標誌康體會正式成立,並有多項活動慶祝中秋佳節。城大特別撥 備了一百萬元成立康體會,舉辦各類活動,促進教職員的身心健康。

Secondary schools briefed on new admissions model 中學校長教師了解城大收生新安排 About 100 secondary school principals and teachers learned about the new admissions arrangements set out by CityU for next year at an information session in September. They also found out about exciting new learning opportunities. The takeaway from the session was that next year the College of Business and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences would change from a college-based to a departmental admissions model.

接近一百名中學校長和教師於9月出席城大的資訊講座,了解城大明年收生的新安排,以及為學生新設的學習機會。商學院及人文社會 科學院明年將不再以學院制收生,改由個別學系自主收生。

Sustainability course drives policy ideas 可持續發展課程推動政策新意念 Students from CityU and Arizona State University (ASU) studied together, learned about each other’s cultural norms, and exchanged views with policy and sustainability practitioners during a summer course in June on Urban Sustainability in Hong Kong. The course was jointly organised by CityU and ASU. Held at CityU, the course saw students develop policy ideas that addressed Hong Kong’s sustainability challenges in areas such as waste disposal, energy, land use, housing and conservation/biodiversity. This is the second year running that the course has been held, following its success in 2014.

城大與美國亞利桑那州立大學繼去年成功在港舉辦有關城市可持 續發展的暑期課程後,今年再度合辦同一課程。來自兩所大學的學生在課程期間一同學習,互相認識各自的文化,並與政策制訂及可 持續發展專業人士交流。學生隨後撰寫建議,探討如何解決香港的可持續發展問題,範疇涵蓋廢物處理、能源、土地運用、住屋以及 保育/生物多樣性。

October 2015


Cover Story

Strategic planning, future hopes By Michael Gibb


In some institutions, a strategic plan (SP) is developed more as window-dressing than as a road map for the future. Not so at City University of Hong Kong. As the President of the University explains, the essence of our SP for 2015–2020 is deeply embedded throughout campus, communicating a clear sense of direction, forthright planning and genuine foresight. “Our SP signifies how we are reinforcing our leadership in higher education, how we make a difference in students’ lives and society at large, as well as how we address global issues. It tells the world that we are truly ‘Professional, Creative, For the World’,” said Professor Way Kuo, President and University Distinguished Professor. Success of Strategic Plan 2010–2015 The title of the new SP, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, offers a precise insight into what we, as an institution, aspire to achieve over the next five years. It emphasises how we are committed to excellence, accountability, good governance and human betterment. Put plainly, it emphasises that we genuinely wish to make a difference, which is indeed what the previous SP, for 2010–2015, set out to accomplish, and succeeded in doing. “Our previous SP 2010–2015, identified several areas for development, all of which have been achieved,” Professor Kuo said.




Among the previous SP’s accomplishments

In addition, Professor Kuo explained, the last

Each of these themes is developed in the

were benchmarking our research, teaching and

SP included scope to develop more effective

SP in greater detail. For instance, under the

operations; enhancing the internationalisation

grievance procedures, for instance for issues

second theme — expanding interdisciplinarity

of learning; establishing Hong Kong’s first

related to sexual harassment. “The aim has

and team-based research to address global

School of Veterinary Medicine; hiring world-

been to promote a more timely resolution for

challenges— there are plans mentioned to

class faculty; and attracting students with

disputes as well as a more robust culture of

establish an Institute for Advanced Study

stronger entrance scores.

collegiality and trust in the University,” he said.

(IAS), which would provide a platform for

The full implementation of the Discovery-

Broader, deeper, more relevant goals

in pioneering research and contribute to

enriched Curriculum (DEC) and the

At the new SP’s heart lie five overarching

postdoctoral/postgraduate training.

Performance-based Pay Review (PBPR) also

strategic themes: deepen discovery and

illustrates the extent to which the previous

innovation in professional education; expand

“IAS will provide a strong platform for us to

SP has filtered through to key areas of the

interdisciplinarity and team-based research

expand interdisciplinarity,” Professor Kuo said.

University’s operations.

to address global challenges; strengthen

“We hope to attract leading scholars and public

internationalisation and global partnerships;

intellectuals from renowned academies as well

The DEC is now a firm springboard for our

enlarge capacity for knowledge transfer

as Nobel laureates.”

teaching, learning and research initiatives; and

and entrepreneurship; and enhance good

the PBPR has placed the focus on hard work

governance and the CityU brand.

world-leading visiting scholars to engage

and achievement as an incentive to inspire excellence in teaching and learning, Professor Kuo said. Community and collegiality Ranking and raising more funds through donations were also strongly prioritised through the previous SP. Our rankings have improved year-on-year across the board; and in areas such as business and science/engineering, we enjoy world-class levels of recognition. Meanwhile, philanthropic donations to CityU are breaking records. A donation in September 2015 of HK$200m from Mr Yeung Kin-man was the largest private gift that CityU has ever received. The “Li Dak Sum & Yip Yio Chin Development Fund for Veterinary Medicine” will have a significant impact on local and regional public health and food safety. Professor Way Kuo 郭位校長

October 2015


Cover Story

計劃為長遠,前景看未來 Making it work As for the implementation of the SP, the President says that there is a 5-year academic review in which each unit in the University is benchmarked and reviewed. “We begin the monitoring process as soon as the SP is put into action,” Professor Kuo said. Essentially, this means that the SP is undergoing a continual process of checks and balances to ensure that the themes are clearly embedded in all areas. Making a difference

有些院校制訂長遠發展計劃,旨在粉飾 門面櫥窗,多過為未來描繪路徑圖。香 港城市大學不做這種裝飾門面的事。城 大校長、傑出教授郭位教授解釋說, 《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》的 精神已經深植於大學各個層面,顯示該 計劃方向明確、部署清晰、富有真知灼 見。

校政管治良好、人人修業進德。簡而言 之,它表達了城大開創新局面的決心,延 續了先前啟動的2010至2015年發展計劃訂 立的目標。

郭教授表示:「我們的長遠發展計劃,就以 下三方面作出指引:如何增強城大在高教 界的領先地位;如何促進學生個人成長乃 至社會改變;如何應對全球層面的問題。 這個計劃向世界表明:城大人真的是『專 業、創新,胸懷全球』。」

根據先前發展計劃訂立的目標而取得的成 就包括:制訂評鑑標準以衡量大學科研、 教學等工作;加強學術國際化;設立香港 首家動物醫學院;聘請世界一流教研人 員;吸引升學考試成績更優異的學生報讀 城大。

2010至2015年計劃目標如期達成 新的發展計劃的標題是「卓越精益求創 新、教研並進育專才」,精確表述了城大未 來五年內要達致的目標。計劃強調城大將 致力追求教研表現卓越、上下各盡其責、

「重探索求創新課程」及「績效獎勵計劃」 的全面推行,也表明先前的發展計劃在城 大各關鍵領域已得到落實。

郭教授說:「先前的五年發展計劃為我校確 立了亟待發展的幾個領域,訂立的目標全 都實現了。」

“Through the new SP, we now wish to deepen our development across campus in all areas of our operations,” Professor Kuo said. “In the years ahead, we will enhance our efforts at institutional identity building and strengthen the image we wish to portray of CityU as a global destination for professional education in the 21st century because of the premium we

Deepen Discovery & Innovation

place on creativity and innovation,” Professor

in Professional Education

Kuo said.


To convey these messages, it is essential that we have a strong and unified voice in all of our communications. “Every time we engage stakeholders, it is an opportunity to build our brand and maintain our image as a world-class institution,” Professor Kuo said.

Expand Interdisciplinarity and Team-based Research to Address Global Challenges 拓寬跨學科協作研究,應對全球性難題

Strengthen Internationalisation and Global Partnerships 加深大學國際化,加強全球網絡 12



今天,「重探索求創新課程」已成為城大推 行授業、求學、科研新舉措的堅實跳板; 「績效獎勵計劃」則以僱員的工作表現及實 效作為評定其薪酬的準繩,鼓勵各方在教 學及科研中精益求精。

郭教授繼續解釋,先前的發展計劃也制訂 了更有效的申訴程序,例如關於性騷擾的 申訴程序。他說:「目的是促使糾紛及時獲 得解決,有利於在大學同仁之間建立和諧 互信的風氣。」

警策自勵,前進不滯 關於新的發展計劃的推行情況,校長表示, 城大定了一個五年學術檢討計劃,將各教研 部門每年的表現與評鑑標準相對照,並加以 檢討。

社會助力,同仁齊心 提升城大國際排名、募集更多善款,也是 先前發展計劃中的首要舉措。我校在這兩 方面成績優異,總體排名逐年上升;在商 學、科學 /工程學等專業領域,城大更享 譽國際。

五大發展領域,拓廣加深 新的發展計劃由五大主題組成:一、強化 專業教育的探索與創新;二、拓寬跨學科 協作研究,應對全球性難題;三、加深大 學國際化,加強全球網絡;四、擴建知識 轉移及創業實力;五、增強良政善治,提 高城大聲譽。

他說:「新的五年發展計劃付諸實行後,追 踪觀察措施就會開始。」

城大獲得的慈善捐贈也一再打破紀錄。 2015年9月,香港商界領袖楊建文先生慷慨 捐助2億港元,是城大歷來獲得的最大一筆 私人捐款。「李達三葉耀珍動物醫學發展基 金」的設立,將有助改善本港及亞太區的 公共衛生及食品安全。

對每一項主題,新的發展計劃均有詳細 指引。例如,在第二個主題下,列有設立 「高等研究院」的計劃,目的在於營造一 個理想的環境,吸引世界一流的客座學者 前來從事開拓性研究,並培養研究生及博 士後學者。 郭教授表示:「高等研究院的設立,將有助 城大拓展跨學科的教學與科研。我們希望 引來各國知名學術機構的一流學者和公共 知識分子,甚至諾貝爾獎得主。」

也就是說,新的發展計劃將會持續經受監 察,以確保五大主題在城大各領域內都能得 到廣泛推行及平衡發展。 提升校譽,再創新局 郭教授說:「我們希望,新的發展計劃有助 推動校內各範疇工作的進步。由於我們特別 注重創意與革新,未來數年內,我們將更注 重城大的定位,使我校作為21世紀世界級專 業教育重鎮的品牌形象更鮮明突出。」 在對外溝通的各種場合,每個城大人都須同 心協力,傳播上述信息。 郭教授補充:「每一次與我校相關人士的交 往,都是樹立城大品牌、提升我校世界一流 學府形象的良機。」

Enlarge Capacity for Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship 擴建知識轉移及創業實力

Enhance Good Governance and the CityU Brand

「這個計劃向世界表明:城大人真的是 『專業、創新,胸懷全球』。」


October 2015


Institutional Development

Log on to new Logo

新推廣標誌啓用 Our campaign to boost our brand locally and internationally has led to a rejigged look in 2015.

By Michael Gibb


organisation and we needed to consult all our stakeholders to ensure that the logo chosen was acceptable.

We talked about the new logo design with Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on (right), Vice-President

Like any major corporation investing in its brand,

(Development and External Relations), Director of

we set up focus groups, and conducted face-to-

the Communications and Public Relations Office,

face discussions and online surveys to gauge

and Chair Professor of Information Systems &

opinion. We contacted, literally, thousands and


thousands of people, and the end-result was that a sizeable majority endorsed the new-look logo.

Why did we need a new logo? CityU has come a long way since it became a

What has been the response to the logo?

university in 1994. We have established a reputation

Well, the logo has actually been in public view

as a dynamic, youthful and highly creative higher

for quite some time. We launched it as part of the

education institution excelling in research and

30th anniversary celebrations last year, with very

professional education, and we are well recognised

favourable reception according to our survey. Our

in world university rankings, being ranked in the top

new logo is almost the same as the anniversary

57 in the world in the latest QS world universities

logo, but with the “30” removed!

ranking, for instance. We felt we needed a new logo that could reflect our rising aspirations and this

Of course, while a lot of people like the new logo,

burgeoning brand image. Internationally people

some might prefer something different. But we

are hearing about us, but locally the perception

feel that what we have produced aligns strongly

that CityU is a poly or even a technical college still

with our strategic direction, the quality of our

persists in some quarters. Through our new logo,

education and the excellent work that our faculty

and through our branding campaign, we want to

are pursuing in their research fields.

let Hong Kong and the world know more about our aspirations and achievements.

What is the message behind the logo? That CityU is an innovative, young university of

How did you come up with the new look logo?

international repute, with great facilities and a rich

It was a lengthy process. In fact, the idea was first

pool of talented students and faculty on board who

suggested about five years ago. Once we decided

are doing great work! Our success is reflected in

that the time was right, we started to talk to people. CityU is a huge publicly funded



many facets of our operations, and the logo is an attempt to capture that spirit.


我校着力提高在本地及國外的聲望,於 今年啓用新標誌。 《今日城大》訪問了副校長(發展及對外關 係)李國安教授(左圖),請他談談新標誌 的設計。李教授也是城大的傳訊及公關處處 長、資訊系統及電子商務講座教授。 選用新標誌有甚麼意義? 城大自1994年升格為大學以來,取得了長 足進步。如今我校已樹立聲望,廣獲稱許為 一所朝氣勃勃、青春煥發、創意盎然的高等 教育機構;研究卓越,專業教育出眾,在國 際大學的排名中節節上升,例如在最新的 QS世界大學排名中位居第57位。因此我們 認為,需要一個新標誌,突顯本校不斷提升

的聲望以及日益壯大的品牌形象。國際上, 我校已頗有聲望,但本地社區的舊觀念根深 蒂固,部分人仍覺得城大是一所理工學院甚 至是技術學校。我們希望藉助新的標誌,以 及通過新形象推廣活動,令香港以至國際社 會多了解我們的聲望及成就。

大家對新標誌有何反應? 說起來,新標誌其實已公開一段時間了。 去年的30周年校慶系列活動中,校方已推 出這個標誌,我們的調查顯示標誌廣受歡 迎。新推廣標誌與30周年標誌相似,只是 去掉數字「30」而已!

標誌的新形象是如何產生的? 過程很長。其實,新標誌的想法大約五年前 就有人提出了;待到時機成熟時,我們即與 大學各方展開討論。城大是接受公帑資助的 大型機構,需要徵求全體持份者的意見,以 確保選出的標誌獲各方接受。

當然,有些人可能喜好不同,但許多人都 贊成使用新標誌。另外我們覺得,新標誌 十分契合城大的長遠發展方向、優秀的教 學質素,以及教研人員在各自領域中努力 取得的卓越成就。

我們採取一般大公司推出新品牌時的做法, 設立了多個專題小組,進行面對面討論,並 舉行網上調查以收集意見。經實際徵詢的人 數以千計,最終得出結論:大部分人贊成採 用這個面貌一新的標誌。

新標誌要表達的信息是甚麼? 新標誌力圖傳達這樣一個信息,即城大是 一所在國際上廣獲讚譽的新進大學,設備 精良,並聚集了一群才華出眾的教師和學 生,從事一些了不起的工作!我校的成功 表現於大學運作的各個方面。

What’s in a logo?


Professor Matthew Lee says:


The design concept is meant to suggest an atmosphere

新標誌的設計,力求顯現一個積極行動、 不斷進步的形象。我們心目中的標誌應寓意 「創新」與「活力」,其理由在於:城大正藉 助「重探索求創新課程」,致力在校園中培 育創新精神。

of action and progress. We wanted a logo that implied innovation and energy. The rationale is that CityU has focused on nurturing a spirit of innovation on campus through our Discovery-enriched Curriculum. That’s the thinking behind the relatively unconventional shape of the logo, which is jagged and 3D rather than flat and 2D. The use of colour burgundy conveys a sense of passion and energy. We have tried to present a nuance of the “sunlight” on the top right-hand corner of the logo,

新標誌不同尋常的形狀,恰恰體現了上述想 法;標誌一改單調的平面圖形,採用稜角分 明的立體樣式。標誌採用酒紅色,展示城大 的熱誠和活力,右上角還投下一縷「陽光」, 為整體視覺效果增添了一點活力感。

which we feel adds an energetic dimension to the overall visual impact.

October 2015


Professional Education & Research

Diving for science and sustainability Scuba diving is a popular recreational activity; it is also an essential tool in marine ecological research.

By Cathy Lau


“One of our missions is to identify how toxicity is related to species and location, and to identify the mechanism by which the biotoxins present in marine environments are transformed into ciguatoxins as well as their

The SEA STAR team researches a type of marine biotoxins called

transfer and bioaccumulation mechanisms along food chains,” Dr Chan

ciguatoxins found in coral reef food fish, as well as sustainable ecological


aquaculture. These researchers are based in the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution (SKLMP) at CityU. The acronyms SEA and STAR come

That is why scuba diving is so important. Diving enables students and

from Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture and Shenzhen Toxic Algae

scientists to directly observe the morphology, behaviour and interactions


of living marine organisms in their natural habitats; and hence enable an understanding of the actual ecological processes in the environment.

“Over 500,000 people are affected by ciguatera fish poisoning each year, and such a trend will continue to rise since coral reef food fish are

“We believe that the scuba diving conducted by scientists is an invaluable

regarded as a delicacy,” said Dr Leo Chan Lai, Associate Director of SKLMP.

research tool. A trained scientific eye under water provides research value and flexibility that unmanned systems often do not,” Dr Chan said.

Ciguatoxins are produced by toxic microorganisms called epiphytic and benthic toxic dinoflagellates which settle on dead, bleached coral as well

Diving is overlooked due to the cultural misperception within the science

as on macroalgae. Dr Chan said that over 400 species of fish, including

community that it is merely a recreational tool that adds some value to

groupers, snappers, mackerel and moray eels, were thought to be prone

shallow water science, Dr Chan and his team believe.

to ciguatoxins, meaning that contaminated food fish can easily find its way into the human food chain.

“In reality, placing humans within the environment as effective tools offers unparalleled capabilities: human senses, spatial awareness, cognitive interpretation, and so on. Making human intervention a priority will change marine science and contribute to breakthroughs in marine environmental science, technology and education,” he continued. Investment into both technology and, almost more importantly, the people needed to attain and maintain proficiency in using the technology safely are paramount. Dr Chan and his team regularly organise educational programmes and diving courses for scientists who specialise in working below the water. “At present, there is no specialised scientific diving training in Hong Kong or mainland China, and most scientific divers are trained via recreational training programmes,” Dr Chan said.




“We hope to nurture more young scientists through interactive teaching

“The excessive fish feed near a fish raft is an environmental issue. It can

and new learning experiences such as diving training, field trips, and

adversely affect the water quality, resulting in nutrient pollution, and

underwater marine biology classes, and so increase public awareness

hence produce a harmful algal bloom, or red tide, and hypoxia,” Dr Mak

about protecting the oceans.”


Specifically, diving gives the research a new dimension. “The team can

“We are now carrying out monoculture, mainly on groupers, at the

witness how coral bleaching reduces the food sources of the hungry fish,

fish raft, and conducting investigations on the water quality, and

which have to nibble at dead coral,” Dr Chan said.

also biodiversity surveys near the fish raft in order to examine how monoculture will affect marine ecosystems,” she added.

Dr Chan has been working in this area of marine biotoxins for more than 10 years. He has been visiting the Republic of Kiribati, a high risk area for

Dr Mak said that the fish raft was equipped with a real-time observatory

ciguatera, to collect fish samples since 2005.

system which could measure physico-chemical parameters including air temperature, surface water temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH,

“Making human intervention a priority will change marine science and contribute to breakthroughs in marine environmental science, technology and education.”

dissolved oxygen and nutrients, as well as biological parameters such as

“There was no scientific research related to ciguatoxins in Hong Kong

“IMTA aims to achieve systems with a substantially minimised

until relatively recently. We are the first team to do such research not only

environmental impact and consistent economic growth. Sustainability is

in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and other areas of China, but also in Southeast

ultimately achieved through biomitigation, product diversification and

Asia,” he explained.

risk reduction.

In addition to ciguatoxin research, the SEA STAR team is carrying out

“By promoting such skills within the local fishery industry, we hope to

a project on sustainable ecological aquaculture in order to evaluate

increase profits and achieve sustainability,” Dr Mak said.

chlorophyll a. Dr Mak explained that integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is one of their research scopes because it helps to remediate the environmental impacts of monoculture. “IMTA systems can mitigate the environmental impact by reusing and converting the waste from monoculture, i.e., uneaten feed and/or byproducts, into a resource that is utilised in the system,” she said.

how aquaculture affects marine ecology and how to facilitate the development of a more efficient and ecologically sustainable fisheries

The team is also investigating the prevention and control of fish

culture in Hong Kong.

diseases and the development of vaccines for the local fisheries industry in collaboration with CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine and National

The SEA STAR team leader, Dr Maggie Mak Yim-ling, Associate Director of

Cheng Kung University in Taiwan.

Shenzhen Key Laboratory for the Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity, said that a fish raft had been established at O Pui Tong, located in the

Meanwhile CityU’s diving courses will continue to train new generations

northeast part of Hong Kong, as an experimental based mariculture

of scientists in the art of spending valuable research time down among

platform to support in situ scientific research.

the fishes.

October 2015


Professional Education & Research

水肺潛水 科研利器 水肺潛水是廣受喜愛的休閒活動,也 是研究海洋生態的必要考察方法。 城大的SEA STAR小組研究無損生態環境 的可持續水產養殖技術,也研究見於珊 瑚礁中可食用魚類體內的一種海洋生物 毒素,稱為「雪卡毒素」。該團隊的研究 人員隸屬於城大的海洋污染國家重點實 驗室(SKLMP),而SEA STAR的英文全稱 是Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture及 Shenzhen Toxic Algae Research,意思 是可持續生態水產養殖及深圳有毒藻類 研究。 SKLMP副主任陳荔博士說:「每年有50多 萬人因食用含有雪卡毒素的魚而中毒;因 為珊瑚魚被視為美味食物,中毒人數還有 上升的趨勢。」 雪卡毒素的來源是一種寄生於死去或白化 的珊瑚或大型海藻身上的有毒微生物,名 叫「有毒附着底棲甲藻」。陳博士說,目 前學術界認為,石斑魚、鯛魚、鯖魚、 海鰻等400多種魚容易受雪卡毒素污染, 受污染的食用珊瑚魚很容易進入人類食 物鏈。 陳博士說:「我們的任務之一,就是確定 哪些種類的魚受雪卡毒素污染、污染發生 的地點,同時探明海洋環境中的生物毒素 如何轉化成雪卡毒素,以及雪卡毒素如何 經由食物鏈而轉移,並逐步積累。」 水肺潛水的重要意義正在於此。學生和科 學家潛入海中,可直接觀察活生生的海洋 生物在各自天然生境中的形態、活動方 式,以及彼此間的互動,從而了解水 下環境中的實際生態過程。



陳博士說:「我們相信水肺潛水是科學家重 要的研究手段。在水下環境中,科學家訓練 有素的眼光及靈活的觀察力,對於科學研究 的價值,是無人操作系統難以企及的。」

陳博士從事海洋生物毒素研究已逾十年。具 體而言,他從2005年起就持續造訪深受雪 卡毒素之害的基里巴斯共和國,收集各式魚 類標本。

可是,陳博士與他的團隊認為,因為一些文 化方面的誤解,潛水在科學界常被忽視,人 們總錯誤認為它只是一項休閒活動,極其量 只能在淺水區開展的研究稍微發揮作用。

他解釋說:「直到最近,香港才開展雪卡毒 素的相關研究,從前全無研究。不但在香 港、深圳及鄰近地區,甚至在整個東南亞, 城大的研究團隊都是第一家。」

他續說:「其實研究人員親身處於水下環境 中,能發揮機器無可比擬的優勢,包括人類 感官、空間意識、認知推斷等。所以推動科 學家下海探究,有助於在海洋環境的教學、 研究及科技取得突破。」

SEA STAR研究團隊不但研究雪卡毒素,還 一直進行一項可持續生態水產養殖業的計 劃,評估水產養殖業對海洋生態有何影響, 研究如何促使香港發展出高效益而又無損於 生態環境的可持續水產養殖業。

可見投放資源在潛水科技,十分重要;更重 要的是人們能安全、熟練地使用這些科技。

深圳海洋生物多樣性可持續利用重點實驗室 副主任麥艷玲博士是SEA STAR研究團隊的 隊長。她說,團隊最近在位於香港東北面的 澳背塘搭建了漁排,用作海產養殖業試驗基 地,以支持本地的科學研究。

陳博士及其團隊定期舉辦教學課程及潛水 班,以訓練專職在水下工作的科學家。 陳博士說:「目前香港和中國大陸都沒有專 門的科學潛水訓練,大部分科研潛水員的訓 練只是來自休閒潛水課程。」 「我們希望,運用互動教學和嶄新的教學活 動,例如潛水技能培訓、實地考察,以及水 下海洋生物課教學等,可培養出更多的青年 海洋科學家,同時也加強公眾對保護海洋生 態的認識。」 潛水給研究帶來了全新的視角。陳博士說: 「研究團隊可親眼看到,珊瑚的白化如何縮 窄了魚類的食物來源,魚類飢不擇食,只好 啃食死去的珊瑚。」


麥博士解釋說:「漁排周圍水中的過量飼 料,是環境問題的一個成因,因為這會影 響水質,造成營養物污染,使有害的藻類 滋生而形成紅潮,造成水中缺氧。」 她又說:「我們正在漁排進行石斑魚的單 養,並調查漁排周圍的水質與生物多樣 性,目的是探明單養對海洋生態系統有何 影響。」 麥博士說,漁排配備有實時觀察系統,可 以測量多項物理化學參數,包括氣溫、表 層水溫、水濁度、水含鹽度、水酸鹼度、 水中溶氧及營養物,還有葉綠素a等生物學 參數。 麥博士解釋說,多營養層綜合水產養殖 (IMTA)亦在研究範圍之內,因為有助於 糾正單養對環境的影響。

料或副產品)重複使用,轉化為可供該系統 利用的物質。」 「IMTA系統的目標是大力減輕水產養殖對 環境的影響,並達致穩定的經濟效益。藉 助生物減排、增加產品種類、降低風險等 措施,最終實現可持續發展。」 麥博士說:「我們希望,在本地水產業界推 廣這些技術,可增加利潤,而且使這個產 業持續發展。」

「推動科學家下海探究,有助 於在海洋環境的教學、研究及 科技取得突破。」

研究團隊亦與城大的動物醫學院、台灣的 國立成功大學合作,研究魚類疾病的預防 與控制,並為本地水產業研製疫苗。 與此同時,城大的潛水課程將繼續訓練出 一代又一代的新科學家,他們技藝純熟, 時常潛泳在魚群之間,從事有價值的研 究。

她說:「IMTA系統能夠減輕對環境的影 響,因為它可將單養產生的廢物(吃剩的飼

Researchers equipped with diving gear prepare to conduct research under the fish raft. 研究員穿上潛水裝備,準備在漁排下水進行研究。

CityU’s fish raft established at O Pui Tong. 城大設於澳背塘的漁排。 October 2015


Professional Education & Research

Ancient ships sail on waves of creativity Excellence and innovation in all disciplines at CityU include the academic development of the arts and culture.

The exhibition, from 15 August to 17 October

Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Chief-of-Staff,

2015, started life as a 2013 exhibition at NPM.

was in charge of the exhibition and it was

It was titled “Voyage with the Tailwind: Qing

co-organised by the School of Creative Media

Archival and Cartographical Materials on

(SCM) and the Communications & Public

Maritime History”. Two models of Tong-an

Relations Office. NPM included the history of

This year CityU and the National Palace

ships were built based on the diagrams on

Cheung Po-tsai, who later became an official in

Museum (NPM) in Taipei co-organised an

two memorial attachments which were drawn

the Qing dynasty, specifically for this exhibition.

exhibition that used cutting-edge new media

up by the Grand Council, a government office

art techniques to bring to life the sea-faring

during the Qing Dynasty.

Meanwhile SCM designed three new media installations for the exhibition: “Linear Navigator

world of East Asia in the 19th century. The occasion also marked the first time that

of Chinese Maritime History”, “Paint and Sail

The exhibition, titled “Rebuilding the Tong-an

NPM had curated an exhibition in Hong Kong,

your Tong-an Ship”, and “Pacifying the South

Ships New Media Art Exhibition”, told the story

and the first time that it had worked with a

China Sea”.

of the infamous local pirate Cheung Po-tsai,

university in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Maritime Museum, a staunch

Tong-an ships, and the history of the Qing Navy reforms. It was a “new” and “trendy” exhibition, an interactive learning experience, with a strong focus on visuals, sound and entertainment.

The exhibits included:

supporter of the exhibition, added to the

• “Cross-over Dialogue” – produced by

diversity of the collection by providing pictures

cutting-edge holographic projection

of the ships and the “Pacifying the South China

• “Puppeteering with your Magical Stylus” – an interactive exhibit using the world’s most advanced movement-sensing system • “Breaking Waves” – a fully immersive interactive simulator based on the CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment architecture



Sea” scroll.


古船「 」臨城大 城大一向追求卓越、着重創新,無論辦 學或是推廣文化藝術,皆以此為目標。 今年城大與臺北的國立故宮博物院(故宮) 合辦「同安‧潮-新媒體藝術展—同安船 與張保仔的故事」 (同安‧潮),以嶄新的 新媒體藝術手法,重現19世紀初東亞的 海上世界,訴說同安船與張保仔的故事, 以及清廷水師改革的歷史,是一個集視、 聽、娛樂和互動學習於一身、既「新」且 「潮」的展覽。

這次展覽於8月15日至10月17日舉行。它源 於2013年故宮策劃的「順風相送 — 院藏清 代海洋史料特展」,參考兩幅軍機處奏摺附 圖,製作了兩個「同安梭船」模型;故宮 還同步製作了「同安‧潮-新媒體藝術展」 在臺北聯袂展出。 這是故宮首次來港策展,並首次與香港的 大學合作。展品包括:採用目前最先進的 投影方式製作的「跨界對話:浮空投影」, 使用世界最先進體感互動操作系統的「執筆 見影」,以及運用沉浸式(CAVE)互動科技 的「操帆破浪」等。

By Yvonne Lee


這次展覽由城大秘書長林群聲教授統領, 創意媒體學院、傳訊及公關處攜手協辦。 故宮還特別為這次展覽加入香港人熟悉的 張保仔的歷史;創意媒體學院則為展覽設 計了「中國海事歷史導航」、「同安船畫室」 和「靖海全圖」三項新媒體作品,並得到香 港海事博物館的大力支持,提供船隻圖片 及《靖海全圖》,使展覽更豐富精彩。

October 2015


Professional Education & Research

NPM created two models of Tong-an ships using the diagrams drawn on two Grand Council memorial attachments (Page 21: Diagram of the Tong-an Ship No. 1; above: Diagram of the Tong-an Ship Ji ). 故宮根據兩幅軍機處奏摺附圖(第21頁:一號同安梭船圖;上:集字號同安梭 船圖),製作了兩個「同安梭船」模型。

NPM’s model of a Tong-an ship in 1/20 scale is displayed at the exhibition. Tong-an ships were built in the mid-Qing dynasty. They were named after their birthplace: Tong-an county in Fujian Province. They were used by merchants, the navy and pirates. They were the most significant ancient sailing vessels in East Asia before the steamship arrived. Cheung Po-tsai sailed on them after he became a Qing Dynasty official. 故宮一比二十的「同安梭船」模型在展覽中展出。清代中葉在福建同安縣打造 的「同安梭船」,是商船、戰船,也是海盜船,曾在東亞海域叱吒風雲,是輪船 出現前最具代表性的中國古帆船。張保仔入朝做官後,也曾駕駛此戰船。



The exhibition was open to the public free-of-charge. Guided tours were also arranged for schools, social organisations and institutions by appointment. 此展覽除免費開放予公眾參觀外,亦歡迎學校、社福機構和團體預約導覽。

The 3rd floor of Academic 3 was transformed into an exhibition hall for new media art. 學術樓(三)三樓化身為新媒體藝術展覽廳。


The installation “Pacifying the South China Sea” was created by Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Chair Professor of SCM, and Professor Sarah Kenderdine, Research Director at the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE). They digitalised this precious scroll, which has been kept in the Hong Kong Maritime Museum. Twenty important scenes were taken from the scroll and brought to life through digital animation in an immersive projection. The scroll was painted around 200 years ago. It tells the story of how Emperor Jiaqing ended piracy, including the careers of pirates such as Cheung Po-tsai, and depicts numerous sea battles involving Tong-an ships. 展品「靖海全圖」由城大創意媒體學院邵志飛講座教授及互 動視覺及體現應用研究室聯合總監Sarah Kenderdine教授 根據香港海事博物館珍藏的《靖海全圖》卷軸數碼化製成。 他們選取卷軸中20幅重要事件場景,做成栩栩如生的數碼 動畫,利用大型投影屏幕環繞觀眾。這幅卷軸原本繪成於 200多年前,記敍19世紀初清朝嘉慶年間朝廷平定由海盜張 保仔帶領的海患之經過,刻劃多場同安船在海上的戰爭。

A large-scale model of a Tong-an ship was created specifically for this exhibition. 城大特別為這次展覽打造了大型同安船模型,讓觀眾登船拍照留念。

A display of a 1/30 Tong-an ship model from NPM plus maritime history books coincided with the “Tong-an Ships” exhibition. 配合「同安‧潮」展覽,邵逸夫圖書館同期展出故宮一比三十的「同安梭船」模 型,以及與海上歷史相關的書籍。

October 2015


Professional Education & Research

Excellence in teaching Professor Muammer Ozer of the Department of Management joined CityU almost 20 years ago and is now the director of the prestigious Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme, and the only faculty member in the College of Business (CB) to have received two very different awards: the College’s Research Excellence Award and the CityU Teaching Excellence Award.

By Pui Chan


Excellence in research “The winners were elected in an anonymous vote. Some students were very confident that they could get some 10 votes, and they were very surprised if they didn’t receive even one. Then, during

A professor of management, a prolific author and a business

the process, the students learned how to pitch a bright idea, how to

expert, Professor Ozer is interested in the studies of strategies;

convince others, and about the reality of the situation.”

behaviour; the performance of individuals, teams, and firms; information technology; and international business.

For Master of Business Administration students, the emphasis shifts from “understanding” to “applying”, as the executives seek to lift

The age range of his students is curiously as wide as his

their careers to another level. “I have to make sure my students can

extensive research interests. His students come from a variety

apply the knowledge in their own settings,” Professor Ozer says.

of backgrounds: from 17-year-old undergraduates who barely have any idea about the business world, to 70-year-old DBA candidates who are veteran entrepreneurs and executives.

DBA students are often established senior executives and successful entrepreneurs who already hold, or have held, key roles in industry or in institutions. Their perspectives not only influence their businesses,

One can’t but wonder how Professor Ozer manages to work on all fronts.

but also the local, regional and even world economy.

However, as an avid promoter of a holistic approach to academic life, he believes that teaching and research seamlessly complement each other.

“On this level, when we are talking about research, there must be a

“Excellence in teaching helps me in my delivery and pedagogy; while

positive impact for human beings,” he says. For example, a regional CEO

excellence in research provides me with the content,” he says.

of a major multinational investment company wanted to study The Art of War out of personal interest. Professor Ozer steered him to a wider

Because of the wide spectrum of courses and students he has to teach,

audience with the new topic concerning how to regulate the investment

Professor Ozer says he does not have a generic teaching philosophy.


Instead, he applies different philosophies to different groups of students. From time to time, his former students email him to say thank you for “For undergraduates with little or no working experience, it’s important

teaching certain concepts and knowledge that later have proved valuable

to make them clearly understand all facets of professional life,” Professor

in the workplace.

Ozer explains. For example, one of his in-class activities encourages students to practice pitching ideas, which is a creative, as well as a political, process, and which promotes innovation.



“It is very motivating,” he adds.


傑出教學 傑出研究 管理學系的歐澤賢教授加入城大近廿 載,現為口碑載道的工商管理博士課程 主任,是商學院唯一一名教員曾獲兩  項性質迥然不同的獎項 – 商學院的  「傑出研究獎」以及城大的「傑出教  學獎」。

「優勝者由不記名投票選出。有些同學以 為自己穩操勝券,可得到約十票,但結果 卻大出意料之外,一票也得不到。在活動 過程中,學生學會如何提出好主意、如何 說服他人,以及認識到現實情況是怎樣 的。」

歐澤賢教授不但是管理學教授,更是著作 等身的學者和商學專家。他的研究範圍是 個人、團隊和機構的策略、行為、表現, 以及資訊科技和國際商貿。

對於修讀工商管理碩士課程的學生,由於 他們大多數是希望令事業更上層樓的行 政人員,歐澤賢教授的教學重點就從「了 解」改為「應用」。他說:「我要肯定學生 能把所學的知識應用在工作上。」

他教導的學生的年齡組別,跟他的研究範 圍同樣廣闊。他的學生來自不同背景:既 有對商業世界毫無認識的17歲本科生,也 有達70高齡、具豐富創業及行政經驗的工 商管理學準博士。 歐澤賢教授如何能夠兼顧各方?對於積極 提倡全面學習的歐澤賢教授來說,教學與 研究,兩者相輔相成,互相配合得天衣無 縫。他表示:「精於教學,使我能講課動 人、施教得法;而精於研究,則使我的教 學言之有物。」 他說,因為要講授多種不同的課程、指導 各類學生,所以他沒有單一的教學理念, 而是因材施教,對不同的學生,運用不同 的教學方法。 他解釋說:「對於沒有甚麼工作經驗的本科 生,教學重點是使他們清楚明白各種實際 的商業情況。」例如,他會在課堂上鼓勵 學生發表不同的想法,並說服其他同學支 持其想法。想法須具創意,遊說過程又可 訓練政治智慧,這種教學法有助促進創新。

修讀工商管理博士課程的學生,則 通常是事業有成的資深行政人員或 企業家,在行內或所屬機構現任或 曾任要職。他們的想法不但影響其 公司業務,更可能影響本地、亞太 區甚至全球的經濟。 他說:「到了這個層次的課程,應 着眼於能夠造福人群的研究。」他 的一名學生是跨國投資機構的區域 行政總裁,原本打算按自己的興 趣,研究中國的《孫子兵法》。歐 澤賢教授建議這名學生考慮較廣的 讀者層面,把研究題目改為如何規 管投資行業。 他的學生畢業後,不時會寫電郵 感謝他,說他教導的一些理論和 知識,對他們的工作大有用處。他 說:「這是很好的激勵。」

October 2015


Face to Face

Thermoelectricity: clean and efficient energy 熱電:潔淨高效的能源

By Eva Choy


Dr Roy Vellaisamy, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Materials Science, and Dr Joseph Wong Chungkai, Laboratory Manager from the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, discuss their recent research on thermoelectric assembly for vehicle waste heat recovery. Their project is a collaboration with a local bus company. What is thermoelectricity?

What exactly will your project achieve?

When an electron moves from a hot area to a cold one, it creates an

At the beginning of this two-year project, we study zinc antimonide

electric current. When this current passes from one type of material

thermoelectric materials doped with various ions to work at a

(basically a semiconductor) to another, it generates a charge. Thus,

temperature of a maximum of 400°C using inexpensive materials.

thermal energy is converted into usable power.

During the final stage, we will achieve a thermoelectric generator that produces higher efficiency than the current 5–6% and can be installed

What are the current applications of thermoelectricity?

for heat conversion wherever there is waste heat. To prove the concept,

This technology, which was first applied within the aerospace industry,

thermoelectric modules will be installed in a bus engine for successful

has reached more diverse markets in recent years. Thermoelectricity-

power conversion in collaboration with a local bus company.

based devices are applicable in all kinds of industries and machinery that produce heat, ranging from cars to power plants. Thermoelectric

What is your expectation on the future development of this

generators, or thermoelectricity-based waste heat recovery boxes, can


convert waste heat into additional electrical power in automobile engines

The development of thermoelectric materials is progressing at a frenetic

for increasing fuel efficiency.

pace. It is expected that the waste heat can be recovered from the bus exhaust using new materials. Aside from the zero-toxicity factor,

How did you come up with this research idea?

thermoelectric efficiency has to be increased even further (currently

Heat is everywhere. Most of the heat produced by machinery and

5–6%) for it to be a viable ancillary power source in vehicles. From our

industry is wasted in the air. We are moving closer to figuring out how to

project, we are sure that having the biggest bus company in Hong Kong

harvest power from waste heat, especially from vehicle engines in Hong

carry out this step will help us to better integrate thermoelectric devices

Kong. Nowadays, the world’s greatest automobile manufacturers have

in vehicles.

equipped their test cars with prototype thermoelectric devices.




城大物理及材料科學系副教授華禮生博 士和建築學及土木工程學系實驗室主管 王中介博士,與我們暢談他們正在進行 的一項關於回收利用汽車廢熱的研究。 一家本港巴士公司參與協作這項研究。 甚麼是熱電? 當電子從熱區移動到冷區時,就會產生電 流;當這個電流從一種材料(基本屬於半導 體)流到另一種材料時,就會產生電荷。熱 能由此轉化為可用的電力。 熱電目前的應用情況怎樣? 這種技術最早用於航天業,在最近數年,也 已開始應用於商業。事實上,基於熱電技 術的設備,可用於各個產生熱量的行業和機 械裝置,例如汽車、發電廠等。熱電發電機 (或稱熱電廢熱回收器)可在汽車引擎內將 廢熱轉化為額外的電力,從而提高燃油的使 用效率。

你們是如何想到做這個研究的? 熱量無處不在。但機械裝置以及在工業生 產中產生的熱量,大都散失到空氣中浪費 掉了。目前在香港,我們已在如何從廢熱 (尤其是汽車引擎產生的廢熱)中獲取電 力的研究方面取得進展。現在,世界頂尖 的汽車生產商都已為試驗車安裝原型熱電 裝置。

你們對該技術的未來有何展望? 熱電材料的發展日新月異。我們期望通過 使用新材料,實現汽車尾氣廢熱的回收 再用。除了滿足有毒廢氣的零排放要求, 熱電效率也必須進一步提高(目前僅為 5 - 6%),這樣才能用作汽車的輔助電源。 我們相信在全港最大的巴士公司協作下, 我們能夠將熱電裝置與汽車結合得更好。

你們的研究目標是甚麼? 這個研究項目為期兩年。在初始階段,我 們以混有不同離子的銻化鋅作為熱電材 料,考察它們在高達攝氏400度的溫度和使 用廉價物料情況下的性能。在研究的最後 階段,我們的目標是研製出一款熱電發電 機,效率預期比現在的5 - 6%更高,而且能 安裝於各種產生廢熱的設備上進行熱能轉 換。為驗證這一設想,我們將與一家本港 巴士公司合作,在汽車引擎上安裝熱電模 塊,以進行能源轉換。

「熱電發電機可在汽車引擎內將廢熱轉化為額外的電力, 從而提高燃油的使用效率。」

Dr Roy Vellaisamy 華禮生博士

October 2015


Donor Voices

Founded in 2014, the City University of Hong Kong Foundation (CityU Foundation) enables members of the public and those who care about CityU to contribute to the University’s growth and educational progress in Hong Kong. Members of the Foundation will share their life stories in CityU Today. 「香港城市大學基金」於2014年 成立,旨在為社會賢達和關心城大 發展的朋友搭建平台,共同為香港 教育和城大發展作出貢獻。《今日 城大》每期將訪問一位城大基金會 員,邀請他們分享人生故事。

Sowing the seeds for smiles It was a shivering night in late 1999 when the Hong Kong team arrived at a hospital in Nanjing. Several hundred parents and their children, all of whom suffered from cleft lips or palates, were waiting in the rain wrapped in cotton quilts. They looked to the doctors with eyes full of hope, full of anxiety. “This scene is deeply pressed on my mind. I clearly remember it even today,” said Dr Peter Pang Chi-wang, a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of Operation Smile China Medical Mission. Dr Pang joined his mentor on a visit to a hospital in Nanjing while he was still a medical student. Since then, Dr Pang, a plastic surgeon, has become an active supporter for Operation Smile. He has volunteered to perform reconstructive surgery on patients with cleft lips or cleft palates in Cambodia, mainland China, Kenya and the Philippines, among others. Children with cleft lips or cleft palates often find it hard to assimilate, Dr Pang said. They experience high levels of discrimination because of the way they look and the way they speak. “I am happy I can use my professional skills to help people in need. Medical treatment, particularly plastic surgery, can produce an immediate effect,” he said. However, he is aware that the impact of education can take much longer to reveal itself, maybe as long as 20 years. “We need to sow the seeds today or there won’t be any harvest in 20 years’ time,” Dr Pang said. This philosophy motivated Dr Pang to donate scholarships to CityU students after learning about CityU’s student development from Mr Or Sik-ling, a fellow member of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, in 2013. Mr Or, Honorary Director of the CityU Foundation, has also donated to CityU. Later on, Dr Pang became a principal member of the City University of Hong Kong Foundation and promoted the “Rotary • CityU Nurturing Future


十月   二O一五年十月


Generations” Donation Scheme co-organised by CityU and the Rotary Club. He encourages Rotary Club members to support CityU’s development with offers of student scholarships and grants. “The CityU students I have met are diligent in

醫生的微笑 1999年年底一個寒冷的夜晚,一隊香港 醫護人員抵達南京一家醫院,幾百名唇 顎裂患者的父母在排隊等候。他們用棉 被裹着子女,看着醫護人員,眼裏充滿 希冀、焦慮。

their studies. I hope our donations can help high-achieving students. A gift to youngsters is a gift to our future.” Dr Pang encourages young people to work hard, acquire diverse knowledge, enhance their personal qualities and actively serve society. Putting his beliefs into practice, Dr Pang not only

微笑行動執行委員及董事彭志宏醫生說: 「那個場景至今仍歷歷在目。」當年,他 跟隨修讀醫科時的導師到南京。從那時開 始,彭醫生積極參與微笑行動,到過柬埔 寨、中國內地、肯亞、菲律賓等地,免費 為當地人士做修補唇顎裂(俗稱兔唇)手 術。

a medical centre on the mainland. Furthermore, the Happy Health Society, which he formed with Rotary Club members, holds seminars on physical and mental health for local citizens. In recognition of his contributions to promoting the spirit of humanity, Dr Pang was given the Hong Kong Humanity Award from the Hong

「我接觸過的城大學生都十分努力學習,希 望捐款可以幫助優秀的學生。給年輕人一份 禮物,就是給我們的將來一份禮物。」

彭醫生說唇顎裂患者往往因外表、說話能 力差而遭受歧視。他說:「我慶幸自己是 矯形外科專科醫生,能夠用自己的專業技 能幫助有需要的人。醫療,尤其是外科手 術,可以立刻看到成效。」

彭醫生勉勵年輕人努力增進多元知識,修養 自身品格,積極服務社會。他自己一直身體 力行,除了參與微笑行動、扶輪社,還協助 在內地興建慈善醫院、治療中心,又與扶輪 社社員籌組「樂健會社」,為香港市民舉辦 有關防治身心疾病的講座。

然而,他明白到,教育可能需要20年才有 收成。彭醫生說:「今天不撒下種子,20年 後就不會有收成。」

2011年,他獲香港紅十字會及香港電台頒 授香港人道年獎,表揚他以實際行動體現人 道精神。

works for Operation Smile and the Rotary Club, he is also helping to build a charity hospital and

因此,他2013年透過扶輪社社友柯錫齡先 生了解城大學生的發展後,不但捐助獎學金 給城大學生,成為香港城市大學基金首席 會員,更大力推動城大與扶輪社合辦的「扶 輪.城就未來」捐款計劃,邀請扶輪社社員 捐款支持城大發展,提供不同類型的獎助學 金給城大學生。柯先生亦曾捐款支持城大, 是香港城市大學基金榮譽董事。

Kong Red Cross and RTHK in 2011.

Positions held by Dr Pang Chi-wang:


• Director, Zonk Limited

• 宏博發展有限公司董事

• Director, Union Plastic and Aesthetic Centre

• 仁安醫院整形及美容中心總監

• Director, Union Hair Transplant Centre

• 仁安醫院植髮中心總監

• Director, Paragon Medical Centre (Plastic Surgery)

• 翹采醫務中心整形外科總監

• District Governor 2015–16 of Rotary District 3450

• 國際扶輪3450地區總監2015 –16

• Vice-Chairman, New Territories General Chamber of Commerce

• 新界總商會副主席

• Executive Committee Member, Operation Smile China Medical Mission

• 微笑行動中國基金執行委員

• Honorary President, Hong Kong Happy Charitable Foundation Ltd

• 香港開心慈善基金會有限公司榮譽會長

Operation Smile has changed to Beam International Foundation Ltd. 微笑行動已改名為曙光國際基金有限公司。 October 2015


Gown to Town

Illuminating innovation 發光魚照亮創業路

By Christina Wu


A fluorescent fish embryo signals landmark changes to toxin tests and lights the entrepreneurial spirit for two alumni. Mr Eric Chen Zixiang received a scholarship to

chance for his dream of starting a business to come true.

study e-logistics and technology management at CityU in 2006. In his spare time, he actively

It was a tough task to start everything from scratch. Financing and

took part in various activities and helped set up

business partners quitting were all thorny issues to deal with. But Mr

the association Under HK’s Sky to help non-local

Chen’s confidence remained unaffected. He declined lucrative job offers

students to learn Cantonese.

from major corporations and devoted himself fully to setting up his new company, Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited.

As an avid athlete in Guangzhou and a former member of China’s junior baseball team, he was

“Our business concept was turned down by many investors,” Mr Chen said.

very excited to see the Olympic Games held

“Finally, an adjudicator that we knew from a competition became our

in Beijing in 2008. However, the incident of

major investor.”

melamine found in infant formula that occurred soon after the Games made him determined

He finally convinced Dr Chen and some others to join the company

to devote himself to food safety for China. His

as partners and other investors as shareholders. He was able to raise

aspiration found its breeding ground at CityU.

about $10 million to start his business with the matching fund from the Innovation and Technology Commission and rental exemption from Hong

In 2010, he took part in a business proposal

Kong Science and Technology Parks.

competition with his fellow students. Their instructor introduced them to Professor

He said he was grateful to CityU for helping him realise his dream.

Cheng Shuk Han and Dr Chen Xueping in the

“Many teachers and administrative staff offered me help. About a dozen

Department of Biomedical Sciences. Based

professors from different disciplines such as marketing, engineering, law,

on the technology developed by Professor

finance and accounting, as well as staff from the Knowledge Transfer

Cheng and Dr Chen to use transgenic fish for

Office provided valuable advice to us. Even one of CityU’s vice-presidents

detecting toxins, their business plans won many

went with us to meet clients. They were so helpful.”

top awards. Mr Chen then felt that there was a




Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited founded by Mr Eric Chen Zixiang (right) and Dr Chen Xueping (left) was awarded the Grand Prix at the 43rd Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. They won the award for the application of technology developed by Professor Cheng Shuk Han (centre) and her research team to use transgenic fish for detecting toxins. 陳子翔先生(右)及陳雪平博士(左)創立的「水中銀」生物科技公司,應用鄭淑嫻教授(中)及其科研團隊研發的 轉基因魚檢測毒素技術,並因此奪得第43屆日內瓦國際發明展的最高榮譽大獎。

Running a business was rarely easy. When the company eventually

“Doing exercise can help me strengthen my will and make me healthy,

started to make a profit, some clients failed to make payment. But in the

keeping me in my best shape both spiritually and physically,” he said. His

end the team overcame all difficulties.

target is to further develop the company’s toxin testing technology into an international standard that can surpass the prevailing technologies in

“I was very determined and I would persevere to deal with all sorts of

Europe and the US.

difficult problems. From an optimistic point of view, the more difficulties I have had represented a higher threshold for other competitors to enter into this market.” As founder and director of the company, Mr Chen has a hectic daily schedule and needs to go for business trips every week. Yet he regularly exercises, including swimming every day and playing badminton against top athletes.

“From an optimistic point of view, the more difficulties I have had represented a higher threshold for other competitors to enter into this market.” October 2015


Gown to Town

Dr Chen Xueping came to Hong Kong from Hunan Province in 2005 to study her PhD programme at CityU. “At that time, CityU was recruiting PhD students to study transgenic fish. I studied animal biology initially, but I was attracted by the interesting topic of transgenic fish.” Her supervisor was Professor Cheng Shuk Han. Professor Cheng’s research team focused on toxins and the growth and regenerative biology of zebrafish embryos. Dr Chen then introduced the technology to medaka and developed transgenic technology. The cultivated transgenic fish embryo emits a green fluorescent light in polluted water. In order to identify the medaka that has the best glowing

After talking to Mr Chen, she had a new perspective about her research.

effect, Dr Chen injected DNA into the fertilised embryos of many fish day

“There have been a lot of resources provided by the world in an attempt

after day. After almost 5,000 experiments, she finally succeeded in finding

to deal with environmental pollution, but no significant results have

the most appropriate medaka.

been produced yet. The transgenic fish technology can be applied to the surveillance of pollution, and it can be extended to testing the

For a scientist, patience and perseverance are the critical success factors

safety of food and cosmetics which are closely related to our daily life.

for scientific research. “It is quite challenging to do research as more often

Commercialising this technology is very meaningful, as it can benefit

than not the experiments fail. Only by repeatedly doing tests and trials

society as well as the whole world.”

will there be a chance of success, as it is the case in most science and engineering experiments,” said Dr Chen.

She declined job offers from many overseas universities and left CityU in 2011 to found Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited with Mr

Dr Chen received her PhD degree after only three years. She stayed on to

Chen. She currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer.

conduct postdoctoral research until Professor Cheng asked her to explain the transgenic fish technology to Mr Eric Chen Zixiang in 2010.

“Luck is needed for success, yet how much you are willing to give is very important. As long as you do something with commitment and dedication, you will eventually succeed,” she said. Professor Cheng’s support has also helped her. “Professor Cheng has provided a lot of opportunities for me to train up myself. She arranged for me to receive visiting scholars from overseas and encouraged me to take part in overseas exchanges as well as international conferences and exhibitions. It not only enhanced my academic development, but also allowed me to learn social skills which are very useful for my job now.” How difficult is it to start a new business? “One needs to get at least 80 marks to work in a corporation. But starting a company requires more than 150 marks!” she said. Even though she is a mother now, she needs to go on business trips frequently. She is grateful to her family members because their support allowed her to devote herself fully to her career.

Mr Eric Chen (far right), Dr Chen Xueping (2nd from left) and their colleagues Mr Jimmy Tao (far left), CEO, and Mr Jeffrey Cheung (2nd from right), CFO. 陳子翔先生(右一)及陳雪平博士(左二)與兩位公司同事合照。杜偉梁先生(左一)是行政 總裁,章子豪先生(右二)是財務總監。




其他合作夥伴,並爭取到投資者入股,加 上創新科技署的配對資助及獲科學園豁免 租金,共籌集到相當於1,000萬元的資金。

一個會發光的魚胚胎,為毒理測試帶來 重大改變,也照亮了兩位校友的創業之 路。 陳子翔先生2006年獲得獎學金到城大修讀 電子物流及科技管理課程,課餘時積極參 與各類活動,曾籌辦幫助非本地同學學習 廣東話的「明粵會」。 2008年北京舉辦奧運,來自廣州的他是 運動健將,小學時是國家少年棒球隊的成 員,因此感到份外興奮;但不久即發生奶 粉中含三聚氰氨的事件,令他立志為國家 食物安全出力。他的夢想,在城大找到發 芽的土壤。 2010年,陳先生與同學組隊參加創業比 賽,導師介紹他們認識生物醫學系的鄭淑 嫻教授及陳雪平博士,得悉她們研發的轉 基因魚檢測毒素技術。陳先生的隊伍憑着 把這項技術商業化的計劃,贏得多個商業 比賽的大獎。那時他知道創業機會來了。 萬事起頭難,融資、創業夥伴離隊,都是 棘手的問題;但他絲毫沒有動搖,也沒有 對大企業的高薪厚職動心,全力投入創辦 「水中銀」生物科技公司。 陳先生說:「我們曾向數百個投資者推銷創 業計劃,均一一被拒,最後是比賽時認識 的一位評審,成為我們的主要投資者。」 幾經努力,他找到包括陳雪平博士在內的

他感激城大助他實現夢想:「大學各職級的 教職員都大力相助。十多位來自市場營銷 學、工程學、法學、金融學、會計學的教 授,還有知識轉移處的職員給我們許多寶 貴的意見。副校長甚至與我們一起會見客 戶,實在非常難得!」 公司經營困難重重,例如好不容易公司開 始有盈利,卻又遇上客戶欠款,幸而這一 切難關都跨過了。「有了目標,無論多困難 都要堅持下去,把問題克服。樂觀地想, 我面對的困難愈多,代表其他人加入這行 的競爭門檻愈高。」 現在陳子翔是「水中銀」的創辦人兼董事, 每星期都會到外地洽談生意,忙得不可開 交,但仍堅持每天游泳、不時與頂尖羽毛 球手打羽毛球。「運動有助鍛鍊意志力、保 持身體健康,令我精神上、身體上都保持 最佳狀態。」他的目標是打破歐美的壟斷, 把檢測技術發展為全球檢測標準。

「做實驗實在很困難,經常失 敗,屢敗屢試才能成功。」 陳雪平博士2005年從湖南來港,到城大攻 讀博士課程。「當時城大招收博士生研究轉 基因魚,我本來研究動物生物學,與轉基 因魚不同,但這題目很吸引人。」她的指 導老師是鄭淑嫻教授。 鄭教授的研究組專攻斑馬魚胚胎的毒理、 發育和再生生物學。陳博士將有關技術引 進至鯖鱂魚,並在此基礎上引進轉基因魚 技術,培育的轉基因魚胚胎在受到污染的 水中會發出綠色螢光。為了找到發光效果 最好的鯖鱂魚,陳博士在半年內,日復一

日地把基因注射至已受精的胚胎,如此做 了近5,000次之後,終於成功了。 科學家的耐心與毅力,一直都是成功的關 鍵。陳博士說:「做實驗實在很困難,經常 失敗,屢敗屢試才能成功,大部分理工科 的實驗都是如此。」 陳博士僅用了三年便取得博士學位,之後 在城大做博士後研究,直至2010年鄭教授 找她向陳子翔先生解釋轉基因魚的研究。 與陳先生詳談後,她對自己的研究有了新 體會:「全球投入不少資源試圖處理環境污 染問題,但成效不彰。轉基因魚能監測污 染,甚至擴展至監測食品、化妝品的安全 等日常生活層面,把這項技術商業化,對 社會甚至全球都有益處,非常有意義。」 她推卻了外國多間大學的聘書,2011年離 開城大,與陳先生共同創立「水中銀」, 並擔任首席技術官。 「成功需要運氣,也視乎付出多少。認 真、專心地去做,是會做到的。」成功還有 賴鄭教授的栽培,她說:「鄭教授給我很多 鍛鍊的機會,如接待外國的訪問學者,鼓 勵我去國外的學校交流、參加國際會議、 展覽,不但有助在學術上的發展,還能從 中學習如何待人接物,這些技巧都可應用 於現在的業務。」 創業有多困難?她說:「在一家機構打工, 最少要做到80分,但創業要做到150分以 上!」她已為人母,但仍須不時到外地公 幹。她感激家人的支持,令她無後顧之 憂,可為事業全力衝刺。

October 2015


Student Voices

Living life to the fullest 積極人生 By Gigi Yan Ying-fong

I was admitted to CityU from the waiting list in

I had to pass numerous screenings and

Department of Applied Social Sciences

2012. By the time I enrolled, all the orientation

interviews. But when I knew I had got a place,


camps had ended. My fellow students had

I thought I would have to decline the offer.


already got to know each other, I was like a

The problem was the tuition fees and living

stranger outside their circle. Since I had no

expenses for two years in the US added up to

other friends or schoolmates in Hong Kong, I

more than HK$1 million.

felt lonely and I lacked confidence. I shared my concerns with teachers and staff Fortunately the student mentoring schemes

at CityU. They were really helpful. With help

at CityU helped me to connect with fellow

from the Global Services Office, Student

students whom I could chat and spend time

Development Services and the Finance Office of

with. They have become my good friends.

CityU and Columbia University, I received two scholarships and one bursary. These funds can

I have enjoyed a very rich university life over

support my two years’ study in the US. I wish to

the past three years. In addition to acquiring

express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers

academic knowledge, I had the opportunity to

and staff for their help.

work as a student helper on a research project

I received my secondary education in India where there are lots of poor people. However, material deprivation doesn’t necessarily make people unhappy. I sometimes saw children playing happily on the streets with just some plastic bags. Such scenes made me interested in people’s thoughts and behaviour, and I was determined to study psychology after I got back to Hong Kong.

led by Dr Anna Hui Na-na, Associate Professor in

I would like to say to my family: thank you for

the Department of Applied Social Sciences.

always being around and taking care of me.

The experience I gained from the project made

To all the professors who have taught and

me determined to focus my study on child and

bestowed me with insights: I want to thank

positive psychology. To broaden my horizons, I

you for being a bright light on the road of

participated in voluntary work organised by the


City-Youth Empowerment Project. I experienced the education system at Purdue University in

To all the friends and seniors I have met: I am

the US last September, and I helped out on a

grateful for meeting all of you; my life in CityU

psychology research project as an intern at

would not have been the same without any one

Tsinghua University in Beijing this summer.

of you.

Since August, I have been in the US for the

To fellow CityU students: Never give up on your

Joint Bachelor’s Degree Programme co-

dreams because of foreseen obstacles; failing

organised by CityU and Columbia University.

from trying is better than regretting a missed

Columbia University is one of the top academic


institutions in the world. Before being accepted,




我在印度唸中學,當地有不少窮人, 但物質匱乏並不一定令人不快樂。比如 說,有時看見一些小孩子在街邊玩塑膠 袋,也可以很開心。這使我對人類的思 想行為產生興趣,立志回港後攻讀心理 學。 2012年,我以候補生的資格入讀城大,入 學時各種迎新營已結束,其他同學已經互相 認識,我好像落在他們的圈子之外;再加上 在香港沒有朋友、沒有舊同學,因此覺得孤 單又沒有自信。

幸好城大有師兄師姐計劃,使我認識了一班 可以一起談天作伴的同學。現在,他們已成 為我的好朋友。 三年的大學生活十分充實,除了在學術知識 上有所得益,我還有機會在應用社會科學系 副教授許娜娜博士的研究項目中擔任學生助 手,確立了自己的路向,那就是研究兒童心 理學、積極心理學。我也把握了每個拓寬眼 界的機會。不但參加城青優權計劃安排的義 務工作,又在去年九月到美國普渡大學體驗 他們的教育方式,暑假則到北京清華大學實 習,參與心理學研究。今年八月,我負笈美 國,修讀香港城市大學—美國哥倫比亞大學 雙聯學士學位課程。 哥倫比亞大學是一所世界知名學府,申請這 個雙聯學士學位課程,須經過多重篩選和面 試。不過在得知申請成功之後,我曾考慮放 棄,因為兩年的學費及生活費加起來逾一百 萬港元,我實在無法負擔。

我將自己的困難告訴城大的教職員,結果 得到很多人熱心幫忙。在城大環球事務 處、學生發展處、財務處,以及哥倫比亞 大學的幫助之下,我獲得兩份獎學金和一 份助學金,足夠支付兩年的學費及生活 費。在此我衷心感謝所有幫助過我的老師 和職員。 我也要感謝家人一直在我身邊照顧我;感 謝各位老師教導我深入客觀看待事物,你 們是引領我走上知識之路的明燈;感謝各 位朋友及學長:能與各位相識,我心懷感 激。沒有你們任何一位的相伴,我在城大 的校園生活都會失色不少。 最後,我想寄語所有城大學生:不要因為 遇到困難就放棄夢想!寧可嘗試而失敗, 亦勝過後悔錯失機會。

October 2015


Books Ethnicity in China: A Critical Introduction Professor Zang Xiaowei, Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Chair Professor of Social Sciences; Polity Press, 2015

The New Middle Class in China Dr Eileen Tsang Yuk-ha, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied

This insightful book reveals the ethnic diversity underlying the

Based on qualitative interviews in Guangdong in South China, this

People’s Republic of China, and examines how ethnicity intersects

book looks at entrepreneurs, professionals, and regional party cadres

with social and political issues through key themes such as ethnic

from various age groups, showing the complex networks among

inequality, the preservation and contribution of the rich traditions

these different groups and the continuing significance of cadres.

Social Sciences; Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

and customs of minority cultures, and the autonomy of regions such as Tibet and Xinjiang.

The study also explores generational differences,

The author investigates the important role of the state and Beijing’s

exposing how older

assimilation stance to show how its nationality policy, driven by

generations are pragmatic

Confucian assimilation ideology, has dictated China’s own minority

and business-oriented, rather

rights regime and influenced its foreign policy towards international

than personally oriented in their

minority rights.

consumption; whereas the younger generations appear more flexible

《中國民族問題導論》 人文社會科學院院長、社會科學講座教授臧小偉教授 Polity Press;2015年

and hedonistic and tend to be more individualistic, materialistic and oriented towards personal gain. In neither older nor younger generations is there much evidence

本書極富洞見,揭示了多民族並存乃中華人民共和國的基石, 並探討多項重大議題,例如民族之間的不平等、少數民族文化 的豐富傳統習俗之保存及貢獻、西藏及新疆等地區的少數民族 自治等,藉以闡明中國的民族問題如何與社會及政治問題相 互交織。 作者討論了國家在民族事務上的重大功能,以及北京政府對於 民族同化的立場,以說明源自儒家同化思想的民族政策如何主 導產生了中國獨有的少數民族權利制度,並如何影響中國對於 一般外國少數民族權利的外交政策。

that the new Chinese middle class is taking on a political role in advocating political reform alongside market reforms as is suggested by some Western stratification theorists. Despite being in the vanguard of consumption, they are the laggards in politics.

《中國的新中產階級》 應用社會科學系助理教授曾玉霞博士 Palgrave Macmillan;2014年 本書根據廣東省的定性訪談調查,研究了各年齡組的企業家、 專業人士、地方黨政幹部等群體,揭示出各群體之間複雜的網 絡關係,以及幹部群體持續發揮的重大作用。 本書也研究了這個階級內部的新、老世代之差異,顯示老一代 在消費方面講求實用、計較得失,而非率性任意;青年一代則 顯得較為靈活而追求享樂,往往較為強調自我、崇尚物質,注 重個人利益。然而,無論是老一代、新一代,鮮有證據顯示中 國的新中產階級如同某些西方階級分化論者所言,目前正發揮 政治影響,主張應有政治改革以伴隨市場改革。他們在消費上 雖走在前列,在政治上卻落於人後。





學位頒授典禮 November 2015


National labs for global research 城大國家重點實驗室從事造福 全球的研究 Marine pollution and millimeter wave scholarship offers exciting opportunities for CityU academics and students to immerse themselves in projects that genuinely give back to society. 海洋污染國家重點實驗室及毫米波國家重點實驗室提供 獎學金,幫助城大師生專心從事回饋社會的研究。

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