CityU Annual Report 2014-2015

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Making a difference Annual Report 2014–15 年報

Contents 目   錄 2

Officium et Civitas




Vision and Mission





Guiding Principles Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要


Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言


Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告


President’s Report 校長報告

Research and Development 研究及發展




Professional Education

Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽


University Governance 大學管治


Financial Summary 財務摘要

CityU aims to make a difference to society by pursuing research that has a direct impact on people’s well-being and by preparing young people for the world of work through training, internationalisation and empowerment. Our brand denotes youth, energy and vitality, in keeping with our discovery-based, innovation-led approach to tertiary education.

城大以促成社會變革進步為宗旨,  既從事可直接增進民眾福祉的研究, 亦教育培訓青年,使之胸懷世界、  自主有為、藝精德成,投身各界實務。 城大的品牌聲譽,標誌著青春、  奮進、充滿活力,契合我校以重  探索、求創新為方針的教育方向。

Officium et Civitas 敬業樂群

The University motto encapsulates our educational philosophy and the attitude we want our students to develop. The first two Chinese words 敬業 encompass the requirement to combine academic professionalism and career ethics. The last two words 樂群 emphasise personal growth and development, and advocate group spirit and the need to care for society. Officium et Civitas is the Latin translation for the motto. Officium denotes a high-minded sense of duty. Civitas refers to both town/city and “union of citizens”.

Vision and Mission 願景及使命

Vision 願景 City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education. 香港城市大學矢志成為研究優異、專業教育出眾的全球  一流學府。 Mission 使命 To nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic advancement. 致力培育和拓展學生才能,創造實用知識,推動社會和  經濟進步。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Guiding Principles 引導方針

Student success in academic achievement and career development Excellence in learning and research, technology innovation and knowledge transfer Benefit to the social and economic wellbeing of Hong Kong Accountability in the use of public resources Global outreach and international competitiveness 促進學生學業成就和事業發展 提升學習、研究、科技創新和知識轉移的表現 致力貢獻香港社會及經濟發展 善用公共資源 加強全球發展及提高國際競爭力

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要 Students, faculty, staff, alumni, stakeholders and friends have contributed enormously to CityU over the last year. Here is a selection of highlights that best reflects CityU’s identity and capacity. 過去一年,城大學生、教職員、校友及各界  友好為大學的發展作出了巨大貢獻。以下年度  大事摘要,充分展示了城大的地位及能力。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Research assessment


We were very pleased with the results of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014. They placed CityU firmly in the top four UGC-funded universities in terms of overall performance in Hong Kong. The results indicated that 44% of CityU’s research is rated in the top-notch categories as either world-leading (“4 star”) or internationally excellent (“3 star”). We performed particularly well in several disciplinary areas, including Building Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communications and Media Studies, Materials Science, and Mathematics and Statistics.

我們對大學教育資助委員會(教資會)公佈的「2014年研究評審 工作」結果深感欣喜,城大在本港教資會資助的大學中整體  表現突出,位列前四名。評審結果顯示,城大44%的研究達 世界領先(4星)或國際卓越水平(3星)。城大在多個學科表現 出色,以獲評為頂尖研究(4星或3星)的百分比計算,在教資 會資助的院校中名列前茅的學科包括建造技術、化學工程、  土木工程、傳理及傳媒學、材料科學、數學及統計學。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Ranking: going up


Employability: We aim to prepare our students for the international job market through our professional education. A unique ranking of today’s best universities in terms of the employability of their graduates indicated that we are on the right trajectory. We were placed in the top 150 in the Global Employability University Survey and Ranking in 2014, an annual survey conducted by the French consulting group Emerging and the German research institute Trendence. Some 4,700 recruiters and executives from 20 countries across Europe, Asia and North America were polled in the survey. Our appearance in the list reflects the positive responses our professional education has elicited internationally, and it was the first time we were cited on the list.


Highly cited researchers: Our scholars have proved their research strengths in terms of their publications both last year and accumulatively over the past few years. CityU ranked 2nd in Hong Kong in the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2014 published by Thomson Reuters. The top-ranked researchers were Professor Lee Shuit-tong (Chemistry and Materials Science), Professor Zhou Dingxuan (Mathematics), Professor Chen Guanrong (Engineering and Physics) and Professor Daniel Ho Wing-cheong (Engineering). Their hard work puts them among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication. University rankings: We continued to maintain our consistently strong performances in QS World University Rankings. We were delighted to be ranked 5th in the QS Top 50 Under 50 survey of universities, and to be positioned as the 9th top university in Asia in 2014. In addition, according to the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities by National Taiwan University Ranking, Engineering at CityU is 1st in Hong Kong.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大希望通過專業教育,培養學生為進入國際就業市場作好  準備。根據一項以畢業生就業能力排序的全球最佳大學調查  結果,城大首次榜上有名。在法國人力資源顧問公司Emerging 與德國研究機構Trendence合作的「2014年全球大學就業能力  調查」中,城大畢業生的就業能力列於首150名之內。調查團隊 訪問了來自歐洲、亞洲和北美洲20個國家約4,700名招聘人員  及行政主管。這次上榜,反映城大的專業教育卓有成效,獲得 國際肯定。

廣獲徵引的科學家名錄: 去年及近幾年來,城大學者在研究出版方面充分展示其優勢。 城大於湯森路透社編製的「2014年度廣獲徵引的科學家名錄」 中,以入選科學家人數計算,在香港位居第二。 獲列入名錄的優秀學者是:李述湯教授(化學及材料科學)、  周定軒教授(數學)、陳關榮教授(工程及物理學)、何永昌教授 (工程)。上述學者研究不輟,其論文在所屬領域及發表年度內 獲引用次數為最多的前1%。

世界大學排名: 城大在QS世界大學排名持續表現強勁。我們欣見城大2014年 在「QS最佳50所創校未滿50年大學」排名中位居第5位,並躋身 亞洲大學前9位。此外,根據國立台灣大學的「世界大學科研 論文質量評比」,城大於工學領域在香港排名第一。

Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Community supporters Donation for veterinary medicine: We were very grateful to receive such a large sum to be used for our new School of Veterinary Medicine from acclaimed business leader Dr Li Dak-sum, Chairman of Roxy Property Investment Co. Ltd, Corporate Advisor of SharpRoxy (HK) Ltd, and Chairman of the Singapore Carlton Hotel Group. Dr Li was honoured at a CityU ceremony in March 2015 in gratitude for the HK$100 million that he donated. Support for strategic initiatives: Dr Koo Ming-kown, founder of the Nam Tai Group and Honorary Graduate of CityU, donated HK$5 million to support the University’s strategic initiatives. Naming events: A number of prominent individuals and their families rewarded CityU by allowing us to name special venues on campus in their honour. Lecture Theatre 18 in Academic 1 was named the “Mr & Mrs Chan Hon Pun Lecture Theatre” in appreciation of the support and generous donations to the University made by Mr Chan Hon-pun and his wife Mrs Chan Hon Yuk-yee. CityU benefits considerably from the support of successful entrepreneurs such as Mr Chan. His capacity to overcome severe adversities and set up his own business is an inspiration to our students. Meanwhile, the Alumni Function Room in Academic 3 was named “Eminence Galaxy” in recognition of the generous contributions of the CityU Eminence Society to the University. The new name signifies the precious assembly of CityU alumni who shine in their professions as well as in society, and unite to support the advancement of their alma mater.

社會各界的支持者 支持動物醫學的捐款: 城大在2015年3月舉行一場特別典禮,感謝商界知名人士  李達三博士捐贈一億港元,支持動物醫學院的長遠發展。  李博士是成功的企業家,身兼樂聲物業投資有限公司董事會  主席、聲寶 — 樂聲(香港)有限公司董事會顧問、新加坡  卡爾登酒店集團董事會主席。

支持大學的長遠發展: 城大獲顧明均博士捐贈500萬港元,用以支持大學的長遠發展。 顧博士是南太集團創辦人,曾獲城大授予榮譽博士學位。

命名儀式: 多位社會賢達及其家人慷慨資助城大,並慨允大學以捐助人  及其親屬的姓名為演講廳及學術單位冠名。城大將學術樓(一)  18號演講廳正式命名為「陳漢斌伉儷演講廳」,以表彰陳漢斌 先生與夫人陳韓玉儀女士對城大的支持和慷慨捐助。來自  陳先生這樣的成功企業家的捐助,對城大十分重要。陳先生  雖曾身處逆境,卻迎難而上,最終創立一番事業,其事跡對  城大學生甚有啟發。 此外,城大將位於學術樓(三)的校友活動室命名為「城賢  匯聚」,以彰顯校友組織「城賢匯」對大學的傑出貢獻。新名稱 象徵城大校友濟濟一堂,在各自的專業領域乃至社會各行各業 發光發熱,同時團結一致,為母校的進步發展共同努力。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

New institute


A foundation stone laying ceremony for the CityU Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) in May 2015 in Shuangliu County in Chengdu marked a new phase for CityU in the promotion of applied research, professional education and incubation on the mainland. CityUCRI, CityU’s first research institute in western China, will focus on the integration of incubation, education and research, and will strive to contribute to industry incubation, technology innovation, professional education and student exchanges for Hong Kong and Chengdu.

城大2015年5月為設於四川成都雙流縣的城大成都研究院舉行 奠基禮,標誌大學在內地推動應用研究、專業教育、孕育產業 的發展進入新階段。成都研究院是城大在中國西部地區設立的 第一所研究院,將注重推動產、學、研三方結合,力求為香港 和成都兩地的產業孕育、技術創新、專業教育及培訓、學生  交流等作出重要貢獻。

Council members The Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR re-appointed Mr Herman Hu Shaoming as the Council Chairman of CityU, effective from 1 January 2015, for another term of three years. The University has benefited immensely from his able leadership and valuable advice. In addition, two leading members of the business community were appointed to the Council. Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting is the Chairman and Non-Executive Director of Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited. He is active in public service in both Hong Kong and the mainland. Dr Raymond Lee Man-chun, BBS, JP, is the Chairman of Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Limited.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

校董會成員 香港特區行政長官再度委任胡曉明先生為城大校董會主席,  任期三年,自2015年1月1日起生效。胡先生的卓越領導和  寶貴意見,使城大獲益良多。 此外,另有兩位商界傑出人士獲委任為新校董:彭一庭先生和 李文俊博士。彭先生是俊和發展集團主席兼非執行董事,一直 積極參與香港及內地的公共服務。李博士現任理文造紙有限  公司主席。

Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Honorary fellows/graduates


Honorary doctoral awards: Honorary doctoral degrees were conferred on Professor David D. Ho, the founding Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, and the Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University; Mr Raymond Or Ching-fai, SBS, JP, Chairman and Chief Executive of China Strategic Holdings Limited; and Mr Yu Kwok-chun, GBS, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Yue Hwa Group and Chairman and Managing Director of Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Limited, in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society. The awards ceremony was held in November during the University’s Congregation.


Honorary fellowships: Four distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of CityU in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, and service to, the University and the community. The distinguished persons were: Mr Simon Hui Hing-tak, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of E.P.S.A. Corporation Limited; Dr Joseph Lee Chung-tak, Chairman of Wofoo Plastics & Chemicals Group; Mr Armstrong Lee Hon-cheung, Director of Worldwide Consulting Group Company Limited; and Mr Yeung Ka-sing, Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Society.

城大頒授榮譽博士學位予艾倫戴蒙愛滋研究中心科學主任  兼行政總裁,洛克菲勒大學Irene Diamond講座教授何大一  教授、中策集團主席及行政總裁柯清輝先生、香港裕華集團  主席和裕華國產百貨有限公司董事長兼總經理余國春先生,  以表彰他們對教育及社會福祉作出的重大貢獻。頒授儀式在 2014年11月的城大學位頒授典禮上同時舉行。

頒授榮譽院士銜: 城大頒授榮譽院士銜予四位傑出人士,以表彰他們服務城大  及社會並促進其發展的傑出貢獻。他們是:億世集團有限公司 主席兼行政總裁許慶得先生、和富塑化集團主席李宗德博士、 環球管理諮詢有限公司董事李漢祥先生、香港房屋協會前主席 楊家聲先生。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Knowledge transfer


A perfect combination of entrepreneurship and scientific research was evident in the success of the biotechnology company founded by alumni Mr Eric Chen Zixiang and Dr Chen Xueping. They won the Grand Prix at the 43rd Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions for the commercialisation of technology developed by Professor Cheng Shuk Han from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at CityU and her research team. The technology helps to improve the safety of food and daily necessities by rapidly testing for toxins through the use of zebrafish embryos.

校友陳子翔先生及陳雪平博士創立的生物科技公司,是企業  精神與科學研究的完美結合。該公司利用城大生物醫學系  鄭淑嫻教授及其科研團隊開發的生物測毒技術,以斑馬魚的  胚胎來檢測毒素,以保障食品及用品安全,因而奪得第43屆 日內瓦國際發明展的最高榮譽大獎。

30th anniversary Community-oriented projects and short videos about university life devised by students received awards at a ceremony that kicked off the 30th Anniversary Student Programmes Exhibition in November 2014. The student projects were part of two major initiatives aimed at celebrating CityU’s anniversary year: the Community Services and Engagement Projects; and the “Life at CityU in 30 Seconds” Video Competition. A special exhibition celebrating our outstanding achievements in research and advanced technology over the past 30 years took place in September and October 2014. The exhibition, titled “30 Years of Research and Innovation@CityU”, was an opportunity to showcase CityU’s achievements to the community. It emphasised CityU’s commitment to excellence in research and professional education. VIPs from across the political, education, business and industry spectrum helped launch the event.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

三十周年校慶 城大2014年11月舉行頒獎禮,頒發獎項予社會服務計劃及  短片比賽的得獎者,同時為「三十周年校慶學生活動」展覽  揭開序幕。該項社會服務計劃及短片比賽分別名為「義工  活動:服務社群,鼓勵參與」計劃及「城大校園生活30秒」  錄像比賽,是城大三十周年校慶中兩項重點學生活動。 為慶祝創校三十周年,城大於2014年9月至10月舉行特別  展覽,名為「城大研究 • 創新三十年」,展現多年來在研究  及先進技術方面所取得的優秀成果。這個展覽展出城大多個  研究項目,讓市民更深入了解城大追求優質研究與專業教育  的成果,並邀請來自教育、工業、政商各界的重要人士擔任  開幕禮的主禮嘉賓。

Highlights of the Year 年度大事摘要

Festive banquet and CityU Foundation


A video presentation, an animation and a new media performance were among the highlights at a festive banquet that brought together in November 2014 more than 800 supporters, alumni, students, faculty and staff of CityU in celebration of the 30th anniversary.

一部錄像、一部動畫片,以及一場新媒體表演,是城大2014年 11月三十周年校慶晚宴的重點。城大支持者、校友等嘉賓, 以及師生職員800多人出席晚宴,歡聚慶賀。

Another highlight of the evening was the launch of the City University of Hong Kong Foundation, a landmark initiative for strengthening ties with our benefactors, bolstering the University’s fundraising capabilities, and ensuring financial sustainability in the pursuit of academic and research excellence.

晚宴活動的另一重點,是宣佈成立「香港城市大學基金」。  這項舉措意義重大,可望更緊密聯絡各界贊助人,提升大學  籌款能力,並確保大學財源持續穩定,以利在教學及科研中  取得卓越成就。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言 The key to innovation is to think differently. To unlock research problems and provide useful solutions, we have to think out of the box. To nurture young minds and foster a new generation of leaders, we have to build on traditional approaches and develop new ways, of teaching, learning and exploring. 創新的關鍵在於思維不落窠臼。若要解決研究問題,  找出切實可行的方案,思維就必須擺脫舊有框架。  要作育英才,培養新一代領袖,在教學及探索時,  就要在借鑒傳統方法之餘,另闢新徑。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言

Our new five-year Strategic Plan 2015–2020, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, encapsulates this drive to be more creative in the way we strategically approach higher education. The Plan will act as a blueprint for our future direction, enabling us to better serve society. Serving as a springboard into new ways of thinking, it is the consolidation of all that our previous Strategic Plan 2010–2015 has achieved. A tennis match analogy is prescient. With every serve we make, every forehand we play, and every volley we return, we look to perform well and hit a winning shot. Our new Plan provides CityU, a young and dynamic institution of higher education, with the necessary groundwork to accomplish such goals. Our visionary and dynamic approach is encapsulated in the strategic alliance forged between the Community College of City University (CCCU) and the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. This exciting initiative is aimed at significantly improving the professional educational opportunities for CCCU students, giving them study opportunities which would not otherwise be possible against a backdrop of reducing demand for associate degree programmes. The Council was very happy to see that CCCU has identified a strategic partner of remarkable international academic standing to embark on this new journey and scale new heights. With UOW’s academic expertise, international education experience and commitment to the development of education in East Asia, I believe CCCU will become a degree-granting university very soon.

城大新的五年策略性發展計劃,以「卓越精益求創新、教研  並進育專才」為題,體現了城大以更多創意發展高等教育的  決心。這項計劃是大學未來發展的藍圖,可令我們更好地服務 社會。新計劃鞏固城大在《2010至2015年策略性發展計劃》 設定的目標而取得的各項成就,並藉此啟發新思維。 不妨以網球術語作個比喻。每次發球、每次正手擊球、每次  截擊,我們都全力以赴,希望打出致勝的好球。城大是一所  朝氣蓬勃、充滿活力的高等教育機構,新計劃有助奠定必要  的基礎以實現這樣的目標。 香港城市大學專上學院(下稱「城專」)與澳洲臥龍崗大學結成 合作聯盟,體現了城大目光遠大與積極進取的態度。這個  聯盟旨在大大增加城專學生接受專業教育的機會。因為從長遠 看來,隨著對副學士學位課程的需求日減,他們獲得專業教育  的機會將愈來愈少。城大校董會樂見城專覓得具有卓越國際  學術地位的結盟夥伴,並即將展開新的里程,再闖高峰。  我相信,憑藉臥龍崗大學在學術發展及國際教育方面的豐富  經驗,以及其對東亞地區發展教育的決心,城專有望升格為  可頒授學位的大學。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言

Our innovative approach has also inspired stronger support from the local community. We have enjoyed a great deal of generous backing in terms of donations and association. Significant donations by a few of Hong Kong’s leading philanthropists were milestones in the history of CityU. The funds will help to provide scholarships for students, improve our academic prowess through the creation of endowed Chairs and help support our School of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, we are very pleased that many prominent persons accepted our awards for honorary doctoral degrees and honorary fellowships. Our naming ceremonies gave us a chance to thank several prominent benefactors for their generous contributions and gracious support for CityU. Strong relationships with alumni are essential to the on-going development of CityU, and with their support, our students can grow and achieve their dreams. In recognition of the generous contributions of the CityU Eminence Society, the Alumni Function Room in Academic 3 was named as “Eminence Galaxy”. This strong partnership reflects the level of support we receive from alumni and serves to show current students the role they can fulfill after graduation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, staff and management for the way in which they managed the potential risks related to the Occupy Central Movement. Students from CityU behaved sensibly and staff and management of the University ensured that student welfare and safety were at the forefront of their approach. Thank you and well done.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大的創新舉措亦獲得本地各界大力擁護。在捐助及建立  聯繫方面,大學都得到熱心支持。香港幾位知名慈善家的巨額 捐款,已成為城大校史上的里程碑。大學所獲的資助,會用於 向學生提供獎學金,設立冠名講座教席以提升學術水平,以及 支持動物醫學院。我們亦很高興見到,多位傑出人士獲頒城大 榮譽博士及榮譽院士銜。城大憑藉舉辦命名典禮,向幾位熱心 的社會賢達對城大的慷慨捐助及支持表示感謝。 城大與校友的密切關係,對大學的持續發展尤為重要。受益於 校友的支持,城大學生得以茁壯成長,實現夢想。為此,城大 將位於學術樓(三)的校友活動室命名為「城賢匯聚」,以彰顯 校友組織「城賢匯」多年來對城大作出的傑出貢獻。大學與  校友之間的良好夥伴關係,既反映校友對城大的全力支持,  也向在校學生展示畢業後如何回饋母校。 藉此機會,我要感謝各位學生、教職員及管理層,妥善處理了  「佔領中環運動」   時的潛在風險。城大學生在此期間表現理智, 大學教職員及管理層亦以學生利益與安全為重。謝謝各位的  出色表現。

Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席序言

I am pleased that the Council has played such an active role in helping to ensure the smooth operation of CityU whilst also striving to continually enhance the working environment. Council has discussed and endorsed several measures aimed at improving the well-being of staff members in addition to vetting the annual budget, standardising working hours, and handling many other important governance issues. The Council also began holding a retreat on a roughly annual basis from 2013 onwards so that members were given a further opportunity to learn more about the University and discuss some important issues in even greater depth. Due to the success of the first retreat, I am pleased to announce that the second Council Retreat took place in 2014 and the third Council Retreat will take place in October 2015. Finally, I would like to thank all Council members for their range of insights and experience and their dedication to open discussion (of sometimes contrasting views) which has always demonstrated the highest standards of fairness together with a genuine wish to carefully consider all contributions.

校董會能夠積極發揮作用,協助城大運作順暢,同時繼續致力 改善工作環境,我甚感欣慰。除了審查年度預算,調整工時, 以及處理其他重大管治事宜,校董會還議決批准了幾項改善  員工待遇的措施。從2013年開始,校董會每年都舉辦一次集 思會,使各位校董有更多機會加深了解大學,對一些重大  議題作深入探討。首次集思會成效甚彰,我在此欣然宣佈,  繼2014年集思會後,第三次集思會將在2015年10月舉行。  我要感謝各位校董,他們在不同的領域具有精闢見解及豐富  經驗,在討論時積極參與(雖然有時不免意見分歧),總是盡量 追求公平,並認真考慮各方的意見。 我們確實能夠改變生活,改善身處的社會。無論是透過有效  學習、創新知識轉移、應用研究成果、策略性領導、志願服務 技能,或是為善舉而籌款,城大的學生、研究人員、教職員、 校友、校董及各界友好,每個人都齊心協力,力求改變本港、 亞太區,以至國際社會,建設更美好家園。

We can change lives, and improve the society in which we live. Whether that is through effective learning and creative knowledge transfer, applicable research achievements or strategic leadership, volunteering skills or fundraising for worthy causes, our students, our researchers, our staff, our alumni, Council members and supporters are working to transform communities, locally, regionally and further afield, into better places.

Herman Hu Shao-ming, BBS, JP Chairman of the Council

胡曉明,BBS,JP 校董會主席

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告 Overview The fiscal year 2014–15 proved to be a financially strong year for City University of Hong Kong. During this period, the University continued to build on its sound financial position. Net assets increased by $424 million, from $5,360 million to $5,784 million, an increase of 8% from the previous year.

摘要 香港城市大學2014–15年度的財政狀況十分理想。  大學在年內繼續維持其穩健財務,資產淨值由53億 6,000萬元增至57億8,400萬元,較去年上升8%,  即4億2,400萬元。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

The Group’s consolidated financial results recorded a surplus of $424 million, or 9% of total operating income, as compared with $476 million last year. The surplus was achieved primarily through income generation and prudent management of operating expenses, as well as careful stewardship of the University’s financial resources.

大學整體的綜合業績錄得盈餘4億2,400萬元,相等於總營運  收入的9%,而去年則為4億7,600萬元。盈餘主要是由於收入 增加、謹慎控制營運開支,以及審慎管理大學的財政資源。 截至2015年6月30日止年度的大學整體綜合業績概述如下:

The Group’s consolidated results for the year ended 30 June 2015 are summarised below: 2015


$ million 百萬元

$ million 百萬元

Income 收入



Expenditure and Non-operating items 開支及非營運項目



Interest and Net Investment Return 利息及淨投資回報



Surplus for the year 年度盈餘



Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告



The consolidated income, comprising government subventions, student tuition and other fees, donations and matching grants, and other contract and auxiliary revenue, for the financial year 2014–15 was $4,538 million, an increase of $388 million as compared to $4,150 million last year. This increase in revenue is mainly due to the $247 million increase in government subventions, tuition and other fees income of $54 million, and auxiliary services and other income of $27 million.

2014–15年度的綜合收入為45億3,800萬元,包括政府撥款、 學費和其他收費、捐款及配對補助金,以及其他合約與雜項  收益,較去年的41億5,000萬元增加3億8,800萬元。增加的  收入主要是政府撥款增加2億4,700萬元、學費和其他收費收入 上升5,400萬元、其他服務及收益增加2,700萬元。

Income 收入

Government Subventions 政府撥款

$ million 百萬元

Tuition and Other Fees 學費和其他收費 Donations and Benefactions 捐款及捐助

218 166 1,854

Auxiliary Services and Other Income 其他服務及收益

2015 Total 總數


191 106 1,800

2014 Total 總數


4,150 2,053


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

Government Subventions Government subventions for the year were $2,300 million, an increase of $247 million compared with $2,053 million in 2013–14. The subventions included block grants and supplementary grants, earmarked grants, matching grants, capital grants and grants from other government agencies. Block and supplementary grants rose by 13%, mainly due to additional grants for the increase in the senior-year intake, triennium inflationary adjustment, and an increase in earmarked grants for various initiatives. The University also saw an increase of $9 million in matching grants due to the release of the last batch of the matching grants for the Sixth Matching Grant Scheme in August 2014. Overall, the University performed strongly in the sixth Matching Grant Scheme of the University Grants Committee (UGC), securing donations that well exceeded the set floor level. In addition, grants from government agencies increased by 11% to $92 million for the year 2014–15, as compared with $83 million last year. In addition to funding the basic research infrastructure through block grants, the UGC provided earmarked grants for research through the Research Grants Council (RGC) and awards for competitive bids. The amount received for 2014–15 through General Research Funds and other UGC/RGC funding schemes was $122 million, an increase of $32 million as compared with last year. The University received other research funds worth $131 million from government-related organisations and commercial sector and private donors during the year.

政府撥款 本年度的政府撥款共23億元,較2013–14年度的20億5,300萬 元增加2億4,700萬元。政府撥款包括整體撥款、補助撥款、  特定撥款、配對補助金、基本工程撥款以及其他政府機構  撥款。整體撥款及補助撥款上升13%,主要是由於增加高年 級收生學額、三年撥款期的通脹調整,以及因應大學各項舉措 的特定撥款有所增加。此外,大學的配對補助金增加900萬元, 原因是2014年8月獲發第六輪配對補助金計劃最後一期的配對 補助金。整體而言,大學在大學教育資助委員會(教資會)的  第六輪配對補助金計劃中表現出色,籌得捐款遠超計劃所訂  的最低款額。此外,2014–15年度來自其他政府機構的撥款  為9,200萬元,較去年的8,300萬元增加11%。 教資會除提供整體撥款資助基本研究設施外,也透過研究  資助局(研資局)提供特定撥款及角逐撥款資助研究。大學在 2014–15年度獲優配研究金及其他教資會╱研資局撥款1億 2,200萬元,較去年上升3,200萬元。此外,大學在年內從其他 政府機構、商界、個人捐款獲得1億3,100萬元研究資助金。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

Tuition and Other Fees Tuition and other fees from students came to $1,854 million, an increase of $45 million and $9 million from UGC-funded programmes and self-financing programmes, respectively. The increase was primarily the result of an increase in the senior-year intake and an increase in tuition fees for self-financing programmes and non-local students. In addition, the number of non-local students studying at CityU continuously increased in 2014–15. As the main purpose of offering self-financing programmes is to meet community and societal needs, the University will continue to promote its robust quality assurance system, and ensure that all self-financing programmes at CityU are of the same rigorous standards as UGC-funded programmes. Donations and Benefactions Donations and benefactions received during the year amounted to $166 million, an increase of $60 million as compared with $106 million last year. The University is thankful to all donors for their generous gifts and financial support. The amount raised will be used to support the University’s development and strategic initiatives, research and departmental functions, and student learning.

Expenditure Consolidated expenditure totaled $4,312 million in 2014–15, an increase of $129 million, representing a 3% increase on last year’s figure of $4,183 million. During the year, the Group spent $3,022 million, about 70% of total consolidated expenditure, on instruction and research, the library, central computing facilities and other academic services in support of award-bearing programmes and a series of innovative teaching and learning projects. The University significantly expanded its international networks and successfully concluded many new agreements for academic/ student exchanges with prestigious institutions around the world in support of the Discovery-enriched Curriculum. Expenditure on research projects and studentships in 2014–15 was $456 million, compared with $443 million for 2013–14.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

學費及其他收費 年內的學費及來自學生的其他收費為18億5,400萬元,其中  教資會資助課程較去年增加4,500萬元,而自資營運課程則  增加900萬元。收入上升主要是因為高年級收生學額以及自資 營運課程及非本地學生的學費有所增加。此外,2014–15年度 入讀城大的非本地生人數持續上升。大學開辦自資營運課程的 主要目的是配合社區及社會需要,因此將繼續推行及加強其  完善嚴謹的質素保證制度,務求所有自資營運課程的質素與  教資會資助課程的嚴格水平一致。

捐款及捐助 年內的捐款及捐助為1億6,600萬元,較去年的1億600萬元  增加6,000萬元。大學感謝所有捐款人的慷慨捐助,所得捐款 將用作支持大學發展及推行重大舉措、科研和學系部門工作  以及教學。

開支 2014–15年度的綜合開支總額為43億1,200萬元,較去年的  41億8,300萬元增加3%,即1億2,900萬元。年內約70%的  大學整體總綜合開支,即30億2,200萬元,用於教學及研究、 圖書館、中央電腦設施及其他教學服務,以支援大學開辦的  課程及施行的多項創新教學計劃。大學致力擴闊其國際網絡, 成功與世界多家著名學府簽訂學術或學生交流的新協議,  以配合大學的「重探索求創新課程」。2014 –15年度的研究  開支及助學金開支合共4億5,600萬元,而2013–14年度則  為4億4,300萬元。

Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

Expenditure 開支

Instruction and Research 教學及研究

$ million 百萬元

Library, Central Computing Facilities and Other Academic Services 圖書館、中央電腦設施及其他教學服務 Management and General 管理及一般項目 Premises and Related Expenses 校舍及有關開支


Student and General Education Services and Others 學生及教育服務和其他



2015 Total 總數



469 337


2014 Total 總數


4,183 448 2,489

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

Institutional support increased to $1,290 million, by about 4% as compared with the previous year’s $1,246 million, and accounted for about 30% of total expenditure in 2014–15. Of the total institutional support expenses, $355 million was spent on management and general, $679 million for premises and related expenses, and $256 million for student and general education services and others. During the year under review, the University continued to support a range of initiatives such as student exchanges and learning activities that will prepare students for their professional careers. The percentage of undergraduate students who have gained international experience through various kinds of exchange and learning programmes has risen significantly. CityU was able to meet its target of enabling 50% of its students to participate in overseas exchanges by 2015, as set out in our 2010–2015 Strategic Plan. Motivated by our responsibility to manage efficiently and effectively, the University has encouraged work simplification and promoted a “green” campus. The aim is to share this common responsibility by reducing waste through recycling and re-using materials where possible in all University operations. The University’s ongoing success is dependent not only on its financial resources, but also its people. Staffing costs amounted to $2,720 million, which represented 63% of consolidated expenditure. Further refinement of the Performance-based Pay Review Scheme has been carried out to ensure that the University’s compensation philosophy and structure appropriately reflect our overall excellence and the work of our remarkable faculty and staff members. The remaining $1,214 million and $378 million were spent on operating expenses and depreciation and others, respectively.

Investment Return Interest and investment returns totaled $198 million, i.e. about a 3.3% return in 2014–15. Under the persistence of an extremely low interest-rate environment, the interest and dividends received during the year were $144 million. Measured over a longer period, the University has been able to achieve a healthy investment and interest income. The 3-year average return is above 5% and can supplement the funding of daily operations and the long-term development of the University.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

相較去年的12億4,600萬元,教學支援的開支上升約4%至  12億9,000萬元,佔2014–15年度的總開支約30%。教學支援 開支中,管理及一般項目開支為3億5,500萬元,校舍及有關開支 為6億7,900萬元,學生及教育服務和其他開支為2億5,600萬元。  大學年內繼續撥款支援多方面的舉措,例如推行交換生計劃  及學習活動等,培訓學生為未來的專業事業發展作好準備。  本科生通過各項交流及學習計劃得到國際體驗的百分比  大幅上升。城大達到了2010–2015年度發展計劃所訂的目標,  至2015年協助50%學生參與海外交流。為了達致更快捷有效  的管理,大學鼓勵簡化工序以及推行「綠色」校園,盡力在  所有運作中循環使用及重複使用物料,以減少廢物,達致  共同肩負社會責任的目標。 大學能夠持續成功,除了財政資源外,更有賴員工。員工薪酬 及福利開支佔綜合開支總額的63%,達27億2,000萬元。大學 推行的「績效獎勵計劃」,將繼續作出修訂,以確保大學的薪 酬福利架構及理念,能夠配合城大的整體卓越表現以及教研和 行政人員的傑出工作。其他開支包括12億1,400萬元用於營運 開支,3億7,800萬元用於折舊及其他項目。

投資回報 大學在2014–15年度錄得1億9,800萬元利息及淨投資回報,  亦即約3.3%的回報率。由於市場利率持續處於極低水平,  年內所得的利息及股息為1億4,400萬元。按過去較長期的  表現衡量,大學在投資方面取得穩健的回報和利息收入。  三年期的平均回報率高於5%,可用以補助大學的日常營運  開支及支持長遠發展。

Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告

Going Forward Guided by our 2010–15 Strategic Plan, Excellence in Research and Professional Education, CityU has transformed into a vibrant, innovative and fast-ascending institution of higher education. During this growth period, many significant milestones and impressive accomplishments were recorded. Similarly, our new Strategic Plan 2015–2020, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, will serve as a blueprint to guide us through further periods of development. The University has succeeded in maintaining a healthy and stable budget environment through judicious financial management, and our resources enable us to provide a premier educational opportunity to support innovation, creativity, and scholarship of the highest quality. To ensure the implementation of our strategic initiatives, the University will remain committed to utilising its financial resources in a sensible, attentive and reliable manner in support of our goals over the next five years. CityU is blessed with significant financial resources, which it is entrusted to protect and preserve. By taking a long-term view, the University can weather financial challenges that may arise.

Joseph Pang Yuk-wing, BBS, JP Treasurer

前瞻 城大按《2010至2015年策略性發展計劃》提出的「學術研究  卓越,專業教育出眾」理念,已蛻變為充滿活力、銳意創新  及不斷邁步向前的高等教育學府。在這發展迅速的五年期間, 城大奠立了多項重要的里程碑,取得不少傑出成就。我們的  《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》以   「卓越精益求創新、教研  並進育專才」為題,將成為引領城大繼續向前邁進的藍圖。 大學透過明智的財務管理,成功維持穩健和穩定的財政狀況。 大學的財政資源足以令城大提供卓越教育,支援創新、創意及  最優質的教研。 為確保長遠發展舉措順利推行,大學將繼續致力以明智、專注 及可靠的方式運用其財政資源,以支援達成未來五年的發展  目標。城大有幸擁有豐厚的財政資源,並將致力保管、善用  這些資源。憑藉著眼於長遠的方針,城大將有能力應付未來的 挑戰。

彭玉榮,BBS,JP 司庫

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


President’s Report 校長報告 Our core objective is to make a difference in people’s lives. We want every student, every faculty member and every researcher who passes through our doors to receive the support they require for their studies and projects. We believe that, by extending such high levels of support, society will ultimately reap the rewards. 改變世界、改變人們的生活,是城大教研的主要目標。 我們希望全體師生及研究人員,都能獲得充足支持從事 研究及開展計劃。我們相信,全力支持他們最終可使  社會受惠,獲得豐碩成果。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

President’s Report 校長報告

Strategic Plan 2015–2020 2015 was a landmark year for CityU. In this year we have embarked upon our next five-year plan, one that further elevates our academic excellence, international standing and importance to society. This new Strategic Plan 2015–2020, titled Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, and approved by Council in April of this year, will help us to maintain our dynamic trajectory towards becoming a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education.

New logo In addition, 2015 saw the launch of our new University logo. The design presents a refreshed image of CityU, one that reflects our achievements and aspirations. The outcome of a series of extensive consultations across campus over the past 12 months, the logo is essentially the 30th anniversary logo used last year minus the numeral 30. It is our hope that this new logo will bring about an inspiring atmosphere of action and progress.

Rising status We have continued our rising trajectory locally and internationally. CityU was ranked 5th in the world’s top 50 universities under 50 years of age, and 9th in the Asian University Rankings by QS. What’s more, the College of Business is ranked second in the Asia Pacific region, with its world ranking rising from 46 to 37 in the UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings. Not only that, Engineering at CityU is ranked top in Hong Kong in the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities.

2015至2020年發展計劃 對城大而言,2015年是關鍵的一年。今年,我們開始實施  未來五年的發展計劃,使城大學術成就更高,國際聲望更隆, 為社會作出更大貢獻。2015年4月,校董會會議通過了以  「卓越精益求創新、教研並進育專才」   為題的《2015至2020年 策略性發展計劃》,這個計劃將有助於城大保持蓬勃活力,  發展為研究成果優異、專業教育出眾的全球一流學府。

新校徽 此外,城大2015年開始啟用新校徽,展示全新形象,突顯我 校的成就與抱負。新校徽的啟用,是過去12個月全校廣泛諮 詢的結果。新校徽基本上就是去年城大三十周年校慶期間  使用的徽標,只是沒有30這個數字,旨在表達城大勵精圖進 的志向。

排名節節上升 城大在本地及國際的學術排名繼續上升。根據國際高等教育  資訊機構QS公佈的排名榜,在建校未滿50年的全球50所最佳 大學排名榜中,城大位居第5位;在亞洲大學排名榜中,城大 名列第9位。此外,根據美國達拉斯德州大學公佈的商學院 首100位研究排名,城大商學院的全球排名由第46位躍升至  第37位,在亞太區位居第二。根據「世界大學科研論文質量  評比」,城大在工學領域發表的論文在香港排名第一。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


President’s Report 校長報告

1st row

Professor Way Kuo, President 2nd row from left to right

Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost Professor Lu Jian, Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Dean of Graduate Studies Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing Vice-President (Student Affairs) 3rd row from left to right

Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on, Vice-President (Development and External Relations) Mr Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, Vice-President (Administration) Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Chief-of-Staff 第一行

校長郭位教授 第二行由左至右

學務副校長李博亞教授 副校長(研究及科技)及 研究生院院長  呂堅教授 副校長(學生事務)葉豪盛教授 第三行由左至右

副校長(發展及對外關係)  李國安教授 副校長(行政)李惠光先生 秘書長林群聲教授


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

President’s Report 校長報告



CityU has worked hard to consolidate the goals and aspirations enshrined in our previous Strategic Plan 2010–2015 in areas of student learning and career development, and globalisation.

城大努力實現了2010至2015年發展計劃中制訂的目標與  宏圖,其中包括提升學生的學習體驗及事業發展、全球化  等重要領域。

We met the targets in private donations to support the goal of having at least 50% of undergraduate students participate in exchanges by 2015 to enhance the internationalisation of learning and professional practice; and established CityU Foundation, which serves as a platform for fundraising, engaging donors and strengthening affiliations with the University.

城大設定目標,要在2015年底前籌集足夠私人捐款,支持  至少半數本科生參加各類交流計劃,以促進學習及專業訓練  國際化。我們已達到這個目標,並成立了「城大基金」,以利 籌款及聯絡贊助人,加強贊助人與城大的聯繫。

In addition, CityU formally established the School of Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with Cornell University, offering initially an interdisciplinary PhD programme in Veterinary Sciences under the joint supervision of CityU and Cornell faculty. In terms of Research and Technology Transfer, we were delighted that we performed remarkably well in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014, and that we are now located firmly in the top four UGC-funded universities in terms of overall performance in Hong Kong. In terms of branding, image and culture, we were equally pleased when we received a generous donation of HK$100 million from Dr Li Dak-sum, an acclaimed business leader in the Hong Kong community. The gift will help establish an endowment fund for the development of the School of Veterinary Medicine.

另外,城大與康奈爾大學合作創辦了動物醫學院,成立初期  提供跨學科動物醫學博士課程,由城大與康奈爾大學的教師  共同指導。 在研究及技術轉移領域,城大在2014年的研究評審工作中表現 卓越,令人振奮。評審結果顯示,城大整體表現在教資會資助 的院校中穩居本港大學前四名。 在大學品牌推廣、形象及文化方面,城大同樣取得佳績,獲得 商界知名人士李達三博士捐贈港幣一億元,用作設立「李達三 葉耀珍動物醫學發展基金」,以資助動物醫學院的長遠發展。

未來之路 城大在過去一年成就輝煌。如今,我們在上個五年計劃的堅實 基礎上制訂了新的發展計劃,並設計了令人耳目一新的校徽。 城大憑藉過往的成就,正大步邁進。城大的師生員工,將繼續 精益求精、更上層樓。

Future paths The last year has been extremely rewarding for CityU. With a new Strategic Plan, one that builds on the firm foundations set by our previous Plan, and a refreshed University logo, CityU is on track to capitalise on its milestone achievements. We will continue to make a difference in the lives of our campus community.

Way Kuo President and University Distinguished Professor

郭  位 校長及大學傑出教授

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育 Discovery and innovation are the twin drivers of curricula content at CityU. Over the course of the year, we held several festivals and exhibitions, hosted numerous talks and lectures, established new spaces for learning, and won recognition for the quality of our teaching. 探索新知、實現創意是城大課程內容兩大核心。 在2014–15年度,大學舉辦了探索創新節、科技 節及展覽會,主辦了多場演講,營造新的學習 環境,教學質素更贏得廣泛讚譽。

CityU ranked 9th in QS Asian University Rankings. 城大在「QS亞洲大學」 排名中位居第9位。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Learn &

Professional Education 專業教育

Under the auspices of our pioneering Discovery-enriched Curriculum, CityU’s professional education instills a sense of discovery and innovation in its students, and prepares them for the world of work, both in Hong Kong, the region and increasingly further afield.

Discovery and innovation are the twin drivers of curricula content at CityU. Over the course of the year, we held several festivals and exhibitions, hosted numerous talks and lectures, established new spaces for learning, and won recognition for the quality of our teaching.

城大推行獨特的「重探索求創新課程」, 所提供的專業教育,著重培養學生的探索 創新意識,為學生進入本港、亞太區乃至 全球的就業市場做好準備。

探索新知、實現創意是城大課程內容兩大核心。 在2014–15年度,大學舉辦了探索創新節、科技 節及展覽會,主辦了多場演講,營造新的學習 環境,教學質素更贏得廣泛讚譽。

CityU ranked 9th in QS Asian University Rankings. 城大在「QS亞洲大學」 排名中位居第9位。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育

Under the auspices of our pioneering Discovery-enriched Curriculum, CityU’s professional education instills a sense of discovery and innovation in its students, and prepares them for the world of work, both in Hong Kong, the region and increasingly further afield.

Discovery and innovation are the twin drivers of curricula content at CityU. Over the course of the year, we held several festivals and exhibitions, hosted numerous talks and lectures, established new spaces for learning, and won recognition for the quality of our teaching.

城大推行獨特的「重探索求創新課程」, 所提供的專業教育,著重培養學生的探索 創新意識,為學生進入本港、亞太區乃至 全球的就業市場做好準備。

探索新知、實現創意是城大課程內容兩大核心。 在2014–15年度,大學舉辦了探索創新節、科技 節及展覽會,主辦了多場演講,營造新的學習 環境,教學質素更贏得廣泛讚譽。

CityU ranked 9th in QS Asian University Rankings. 城大在「QS亞洲大學」 排名中位居第9位。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育

The Hon Michael Tien Puk-sun (left), Legislative Councillor, was invited to try the apps developed by students in the first CityU Mobile Technology Festival. 城大舉辦首屆流動科技節,

(From left) Professor Horace Ip, the Hon Lam Woon-kwong, Ms Mabel Cheung, Professor Way Kuo, Professor Arthur Ellis and Mr William Khoo officiated at the opening ceremony of the Discovery Festival 2015. (左起)葉豪盛教授、林煥光先生、張婉婷  女士、郭位教授、李博亞教授、丘煥法先生  主持「2015城大探索創新節」開幕典禮。

立法會議員田北辰先生(左)  應邀試用學生編寫的應用程式。



First Mobile Technology Festival: A ceremony in January 2015 kicked off the first Mobile Technology Festival at CityU. Organised by CityU Apps Lab and co-organised by the Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE), this University-wide festival introduced how mobile technology affects daily life and showcased students’ innovative apps.


CityU Discovery Festival: The annual Discovery Festival in March 2015 celebrated the achievements of students and faculty in discovery, innovation and creativity, which are the main curricular drivers behind CityU’s unique Discovery-enriched Curriculum. The ceremony also saw the presentation of awards to the winners of the “Smarter Life Aided by Robots” competition, the “My Own Discovery” contest, and the “Undergraduate Student Innovators”. Discovery and Innovation Gala 2015: The research achievements of staff and students from the College of Science and Engineering were showcased at the Discovery and Innovation Gala 2015 in June 2015. The exhibition provided opportunities for collaboration between the University and various sectors; boosted technology transfer; enhanced CityU’s strengths in science research; and bolstered the advancement of related industries.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

2015年1月,城大舉辦首屆流動科技節。這是一項全校活動, 由應用程式實驗室主辦,並由教育發展及精進教育處協辦,  旨在介紹應用流動科技如何影響日常生活,並展示城大學生  研發的創新流動應用程式。

探索創新節: 2015年3月,城大舉辦了本年度的「城大探索創新節」,展示  本校師生在探索、創新、創造中獲得的優秀成果,這是城大獨 特的「重探索求創新課程」之三大要素。另有多名學生在開幕 典禮上獲頒各項獎勵,他們是「智慧機械人讓生活更美好」、  「我的探索比賽」   、「本科生創新能手」等比賽的優勝者。

2015科學及工程學院探索創新展: 2015年6月,城大舉行「2015科學及工程學院探索創新展」, 呈現教研人員及學生的優秀研究成果。展覽活動有助開拓大學 與各方合作的機遇,推動知識轉移,增強城大的科研實力,  並促進相關產業的進步。

Professional Education 專業教育 New spaces for learning


Innovation Commons: An opening ceremony in January 2015 brought together interdepartmental expertise to establish Innovation Commons with an aim to commercialising students’ innovative ideas. Innovation Commons has been jointly set up by the Office of the Provost, Office of Education Development and Gateway Education, the Library, School of Law, and the Knowledge Transfer Office.


New department: The Department of Chinese and History (CAH) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to signal the establishment of the Department in January 2015. Professor Zang Xiaowei, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), said in his welcome speech that the establishment of CAH, the seventh department in CLASS, symbolised new energy and new aspirations.

2015年1月,中文及歷史學系舉行剪綵儀式,標誌該學系正式 成立。人文社會科學院院長臧小偉教授致歡迎詞時說,中文  及歷史學系是人文社會科學院的第七個學系,它的成立象徵新 的活力、新的追求。

2015年1月,城大為「創意工作坊」舉行開幕儀式,利用多個 部門的專業知識,指導學生將創新意念轉化為商業產品或  服務。學務副校長辦公室、教育發展及精進教育處、圖書館、  法律學院、知識轉移處等部門攜手設立了這個創意工作坊。


The Department of Chinese and History held a ceremony to signal its establishment. 中文及歷史學系  舉行成立儀式。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育

Dr Y-Dang Troeung (left) and Professor Muammer Ozer 張依蘭博士(左)及歐澤賢教授


Dr Elaine Liu Suk-ching 廖淑貞博士

Recognition of excellence


Teaching Excellence Awards: Two exemplary teachers were honoured with this year’s Teaching Excellence Awards in recognition of their contributions in raising the quality of teaching. Professor Muammer Ozer of the Department of Management and Dr Y-Dang Troeung of the Department of English were selected for “Teaching with a Clear Vision” and “Rediscovering the Familiar through Creative Work”, respectively.


UGC teaching award: Dr Elaine Liu Suk-ching, Associate Professor and Assistant Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences received the Award for Teaching Excellence from the University Grants Committee (UGC) in recognition of her outstanding teaching performance and achievements. This was the third consecutive year that a CityU teacher had won this award, which honours educators who significantly improve, and excel in, teaching in the higher education sector.

應用社會科學系副教授兼助理系主任廖淑貞博士獲大學教育  資助委員會(教資會)頒發傑出教學獎,以表揚其優秀教學表現 和成就。城大連續第三年有教師獲得此重要獎項。獎項旨在  表彰高等院校教師的傑出表現,以及其對提升教學質素作出  的貢獻。

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大向兩位模範老師授予本年度的傑出教學獎,以表彰他們  提升教學質素的貢獻。今屆教學獎的得獎者是管理學系歐澤賢 教授及英文系張依蘭博士。歐澤賢教授因「理念明晰,教學  有方」而獲獎;張博士促使學生「親手創作,從舊識見新知」 而獲獎。


Professional Education 專業教育 Promoting scholarship through lectures

舉辦講座  促進學術發展

Distinguished lectures During the year in question, CityU hosted some of the most well-known researchers in academia and industry at the City University Distinguished Lecture Series.


The disciplines and areas of research discussed covered a range of fascinating topics, all of which tied to CityU’s strategic areas of focus in terms of professional education, research and development. For example, a talk in November 2014 looked at the dynamic nature of HIV replication in vivo which has revolutionised people’s basic understanding of AIDS. The speaker was Professor David Ho, the founding Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, and the Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University, and also a recipient this year of a CityU Honorary Doctor of Science. In addition, in keeping with our drive to enhance public health, Professor Dennis Lo, Fellow of the Royal Society in the UK, and Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences, gave a talk titled “Non-invasive Prenatal and Cancer Tests: Two Sides of the Same Coin” in April 2015. Energy was a hot topic in the series, too, covering topics such as energy conversion and storage. In October 2014, the mathematician Professor Roger J-B Wets from the University of California, Davis, discussed issues related to predicting energy supply needs for an energy mix that includes renewables. In March 2015, Professor Sidney Yip, Professor Emeritus, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explored nuclear science and engineering in a sustainable world. Professor Wan Lijun, President of the University of Science and Technology of China, and Professor of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, discussed in April 2015 how electrode materials were playing key roles in energy conversion and storage devices.

過去一年,城大邀請了多位學術界及業界知名學者主持「城大 傑出講座系列」。 嘉賓講者討論了多個學科及研究領域的重大議題。這些議題  均與城大專業教育、研究與發展等重點發展領域相關。 例如,知名學者何大一教授2014年11月為「城大傑出講座系列」 發表演講。何教授的研究揭示了愛滋病毒在活體內自我複製  的行為特性,令醫學界根本改變了先前對愛滋病毒的認識。  何教授是艾倫戴蒙愛滋研究中心創立至今的科學主任,並任該 中心的行政總裁,他亦是洛克菲勒大學的Irene Diamond講座 教授,並在今年獲城大頒予榮譽理學博士學位。此外,為了  配合促進公共衛生的努力,城大邀請英國皇家學會院士兼美國 國家科學院外籍院士盧煜明教授,於2015年4月為「城大傑出 講座系列」發表演講,題為「無創傷產前檢測與癌症檢測的新 發展」。 能源及能量都是「城大傑出講座系列」的熱門議題,涵蓋了  諸如能量轉換及儲存的主題。2014年10月,加州大學戴維斯 分校的數學傑出研究教授Roger J-B Wets教授主持演講,討論 可再生能源的相關問題。2015年3月,麻省理工學院核子科學 與工程學系榮休教授葉丘教授講述可持續發展世界中核子科學  及工程的作用。2015年4月,中國科學技術大學校長兼中國  科學院化學研究所教授萬立駿教授在演講中介紹電極材料  如何在能量轉換及存儲設備中發揮重要作用。

Professor Roger J-B Wets Roger J-B Wets教授

Professor David Ho 何大一教授

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育 The arts and humanities were well represented during the year. In November 2014, in a prelude to a major exhibition on Tong-an ships to be held in the summer of 2015 at CityU, Director Fung Ming-chu of the National Palace Museum in Taipei discussed how the museum had developed in response to social changes over the past 50 years. Also in November 2014, Professor Peter Burke, Emeritus Professor of Cultural History at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of the British Academy, analysed the impact of innovation on the development of human civilisation. In April 2015, the Taiwanese poet Professor Yu Kwang-chung gave a talk on classical Chinese literature and modern poetry. Other topics included the translation of the genetic code, industrial development in East Asia, the development of Chinese culture, bioengineering, nuclear safety and radiation, and nanotechnology, among others. The President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia This series gives the CityU community a unique opportunity to hear about the latest research and intellectual thought of our own most senior scholars from across the disciplines. In October 2014, Professor Sun Dong, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, delivered a talk on new frontiers in bioengineering. In January 2015, Professor Zang Xiaowei, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, reviewed minority rights and the nationality policy in mainland China; in February 2015, Professor Stella Pang, Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, discussed nanotechnology for biomedical microsystems. In April 2015, Professor Ray Forrest, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Public Policy, explored equity and inequity with regard to urban residential wealth. France – Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture Series This series, founded by Professor Philippe Ciarlet, University Distinguished Professor at CityU, introduces the most prominent French scholars to CityU.

藝術與人文科學學者亦主持了幾場出色的講座。台北的國立  故宮博物院(故宮)馮明珠院長2014年11月應邀演講,詳述  故宮近半個世紀以來因應社會變遷的發展。隨後在2015年夏, 故宮與城大合作在城大校園內舉辦了「同安‧潮-新媒體  藝術展」。劍橋大學榮休文化史教授兼英國社會科學院院士 Peter Burke教授,也在2014年11月綜述了創新對人類文明  發展的影響。台灣著名詩人余光中教授則於2015年4月應邀  講述中國古典文學與現代詩。 其他講座議題還有:生物遺傳密碼的轉錄機理、東亞的工業  發展、中國文化的發展、生物工程、核安全和輻射、納米  技術等。

校長講座系列:學術薈萃 「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」   讓城大師生職員有機會聆聽校內 多個學科的資深學者介紹其研究進展與學術思想。 2014年10月,機械及生物醫學工程學系講座教授兼系主任  孫東教授講述生物工程的前沿領域。2015年1月,人文社會  科學院院長臧小偉教授回顧了中國少數民族的權利及民族  政策;2015年2月,電子工程講座教授彭慧芝教授介紹用於  生物醫學微系統的納米技術。2015年4月,公共政策學系系  主任兼講座教授林睿教授探討城市房產財富的平等與不平等。

法國 — 香港傑出講座系列 大學傑出教授菲立普 • 希阿雷教授提議開設的「法國 - 香港  傑出講座系列」,促進了城大與法國傑出學者的交流。 2014年11月,理論物理學家Edouard Brézin教授引導聽眾領略 高端理論物理學的複雜之處。Brézin教授是巴黎第六大學(又稱  「皮埃爾和瑪麗   • 居里大學」)榮休教授、巴黎綜合理工大學名譽 教授、法國科學院院士,亦是2011年狄拉克獎章得主。

Theoretical physicist Professor Edouard Brézin, Professor Emeritus, Université Pierre et Marie Curie; Honorary Professor, École Polytechnique; Member of the French Academy of Sciences; and winner of the Dirac Medal 2011, discussed the intricacies of high-level theoretical physics in November 2014.

Professor Edouard Brézin Edouard Brézin教授


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Director Fung Ming-chu 馮明珠院長

Professional Education 專業教育 Professor Pierre-Louis Lions, Professor at the Collège de France, Professor at the École Polytechnique, a Member of the French Academy of Sciences, and a Fields Medalist (1994), gave a talk titled “On Mean Field Games”, also in November 2014.

同在11月,Pierre-Louis Lions教授主持講座,題為「平均場  博弈論的要義」。Lions教授是巴黎法蘭西公學院教授、巴黎  綜合理工大學教授、法國科學院院士,以及1994年菲爾茲獎 得主。

School of Veterinary Medicine


CityU’s newest School hosted a number of lectures, workshops and seminars over the year aimed at enhancing professional practice and sharing knowledge in veterinary medicine. Emergency and critical care sessions hosted in June 2015 by Dr Gretchen Lee Schoeffler, Section Chief of Emergency and Critical Care Education and Training at Cornell University Companion Animal Hospital, introduced the latest technologies and discussed actual cases, helping participants acquire practical skills.

動物醫學院是城大最新創辦的學院,過去一年舉辦了多次  講座、工作坊與研討會,旨在促進動物醫學的專業實踐及知識 分享。美國康奈爾大學動物醫學院急救及深切治療部主管 Gretchen Lee Schoeffler獸醫2015年6月主持工作坊,除了介紹 最新技術外,亦討論了真實病例,幫助學員掌握實際獸醫  醫術。

In addition, nearly 40 veterinarians learned about new developments in equine orthopaedic surgery at a clinical course organised at CityU in March 2015, while a similar number practiced new fracture fixation techniques acquired at a two-day continuing education programme in October 2014. There were also sessions on cytology and oncology at a two-day continuing education programme at the end of August 2014.

Inter-University Life Mentor Scheme A special scheme for students has been successfully promoting the integration of different generations, according to follow-up surveys revealed at a sharing session in June 2015. Participating students and life mentors generally agreed that the Inter-University Life Mentor Scheme fostered the integration of generations by enhancing mutual understanding.

Expedition to the jungle caves of Vietnam

2015年3月,學院舉辦臨床課程,各地近40名獸醫參加,  學習馬匹骨科外科手術。2014年10月,學院開辦為期兩天的 獸醫專業持續進修課程,使大約40名獸醫可即時實踐所學到 的最新骨折固定術;另外在2014年8月底舉辦了為期兩天的  有關細胞學及腫瘤學的獸醫專業持續教育課程。

生命導師計劃 根據2015年6月公佈的研究數據顯示,城大推行的「生命導師 計劃」能夠有效推動跨代共融。參與計劃的生命導師及學生  普遍同意計劃增加他們相互之間的了解,有助跨代共融。

越南叢林地下岩洞探險 創意媒體學院14名學生在2015年2月至3月間深入越南鄉村的  圖蘭地區,參加叢林地下洞穴群的探險之旅,有感於洞中奇異 景象而創作的一批藝術品,在2015年6月向公眾展出。探索地下  岩洞之旅是創意媒體學院推行的「極地環境」計劃活動之一。

Fourteen students from the School of Creative Media showcased artwork at an exhibition in June 2015 inspired by an expedition to the amazing underground formations in the jungle caves of Vietnam. The expedition to the Tu Lan cave system in the Vietnamese countryside in February and March 2015 was part of the School’s groundbreaking Extreme Environments programme.

Dr Gretchen Lee Schoeffler Gretchen Lee Schoeffler獸醫

Professor Pierre-Louis Lions Pierre-Louis Lions教授

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育

Distribution of Employed Full-time 2014 Graduates by Employment Sector 按行業劃分2014年度全日制畢業生的就業人數 Number 人數

(%) 百分比



• Education 教育



• Non-profit Making Organisations 非牟利機構





• Building and Construction 建築業



• Industry and Manufacturing 工業及製造業







Employment Sector 行業 • Government 政府

• Commerce and Business 商業

• Others 其他 Total 總數




1. Valid responses: 2,934 or 87.3% of the total graduate number in 2014.

1. 調查收回的有效問卷共2,934份,佔2014年畢業生總數的87.3%。

2. The figures include only 2014 full-time graduates of UGC-funded degrees and associate degrees.

2. 數字只涵蓋2014年度政府資助的全日制學士及副學士畢業生。

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Professional Education 專業教育

Statistics on New Students 2014 2014年入學新生資料 Sex 性別 Female 女性


Male 男性


Average Age 平均年齡


Place of Birth 出生地 Hong Kong 香港


The mainland 內地


Other regions 其他地區


Housing Type 住屋類別 Private flats 私人住宅


Housing Authority / Housing Society rental or sale flats (including Home Ownership Scheme flats) 公共房屋


Squatter / temporary structure 臨時居所


Others 其他




1. The total number of new students in 2014 was 4,369. Valid respondents: 3,259 (74.6%).

1. 2014年新生總計4,369人。調查收回的有效問卷共3,259份(74.6%)。

2. Information is gathered through a Student Profile Survey administered to new intakes to bachelor’s degree or associate degree programmes. New intakes at postgraduate level are not covered in this survey.

2. 資料取自學生概況調查,調查對象為學士及副學士課程新生, 並不包括新取錄的研究生。

3. The total number of new students was counted as at 15 September 2014. It covers local students newly admitted to the first year or senior year study of UGC-funded bachelor’s or associate degree programmes as well as those new entrants to self-financed top-up degree programmes.

3. 新生總人數按2014年9月15日的紀錄計算,只包括修讀大學教育 資助委員會資助的本科生課程及副學士課程的一年級及高年級 本地新生,以及修讀自資銜接學位課程的新生。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Professional Education 專業教育

Academic Awards Conferred in 2014 2014年度頒授的學銜 Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士


Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理學博士


Doctor of Juridical Science 法學博士


Engineering Doctorate 工程學博士


Master of Philosophy 哲學碩士


Master’s Degree 碩士


Postgraduate Diploma 深造文憑


Postgraduate Certificate 深造證書


Bachelor’s Degree 學士


Associate Degree 副學士


Total 總數





The University also conferred another 3,018 Associate Degree awards for Associate Degree programmes offered by the Community College of City University.

大學亦頒授3,018個副學士學銜予香港城市大學專上學院副學士課程 的畢業生。

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Professional Education 專業教育

Student Numbers 2014–15 2014–15年學生人數 Research Postgraduate 研究  學位課程

Professional Doctorate 專業  博士課程

Associate Degree 副學士  學位課程


College of Business 商學院







College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 人文社會科學院







College of Science and Engineering 科學及工程學院







School of Creative Media 創意媒體學院







School of Energy and Environment 能源及環境學院







School of Law 法律學院













Total 總數

Taught Postgraduate Undergraduate 修課式  學士  研究生課程 學位課程




The student numbers (including the new intakes) are counted as at the census dates defined by the University Grants Committee. The figures do not include the enrolment number of programmes offered by the Community College of City University.

學生人數以大學教育資助委員會收集統計數據的日期作準。香港城市 大學專上學院的學生人數不包括在內。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


CityU ranked 2nd in Hong Kong in the list of Highly me to co Cited Researchers 2014. text 城大在「2014年度廣獲徵引的 科學家名錄」中,在香港 位居第二。

Research and Development 研究及發展 CityU provides its world-class faculty with the support needed to transform creative ideas into real benefits for society. Our research teams attracted funding from a variety of local and regional agencies and we saw a number of developments in a range of disciplines.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大重視支持本校的世界級學者,協助他們轉化 創意以造福社會。正因如此,大學研究團隊獲得 本地或區內多個不同類型的機構資助,在多個學 科取得重大進展。

Ex plore &

CityU ranked 2nd in Hong Kong in the list of Highly me to co Cited Researchers 2014. text 城大在「2014年度廣獲徵引的 科學家名錄」中,在香港 位居第二。

Ex pand

Research and Development 研究及發展 CityU provides its world-class faculty with the support needed to transform creative ideas into real benefits for society. Our research teams attracted funding from a variety of local and regional agencies and we saw a number of developments in a range of disciplines.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大重視支持本校的世界級學者,協助他們轉化 創意以造福社會。正因如此,大學研究團隊獲得 本地或區內多個不同類型的機構資助,在多個學 科取得重大進展。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


CityU ranked 2nd in Hong Kong in the list of Highly me to co Cited Researchers 2014. text 城大在「2014年度廣獲徵引的 科學家名錄」中,在香港 位居第二。

Ex pand

Research and Development 研究及發展 CityU provides its world-class faculty with the support needed to transform creative ideas into real benefits for society. Our research teams attracted funding from a variety of local and regional agencies and we saw a number of developments in a range of disciplines.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大重視支持本校的世界級學者,協助他們轉化 創意以造福社會。正因如此,大學研究團隊獲得 本地或區內多個不同類型的機構資助,在多個學 科取得重大進展。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Research and Development 研究及發展

Knowledge / technology exchange


One of our motivating aspirations is to look at ways to bring about change for the better in society. Transferring knowledge from the laboratory is a highly effective means of ensuring that our achievements on campus reach a wider audience.

城大有多項宏圖遠志,其中之一是致力探究各種方法使社會  變得更好。將實驗室發現的知識轉移作實際用途是一種十分  有效的方式,可以保證大學的科研成果惠及更多人。

CityU Chengdu Research Institute: A foundation stone laying ceremony for the CityU Chengdu Research Institute (CityUCRI) held in May 2015 in Shuangliu County in Chengdu marked a new phase for CityU in the promotion of applied research, professional education and incubation on the mainland. It is CityU’s first research institute in western China.

城大2015年5月為設於四川成都雙流縣的城大成都研究院舉行 奠基禮,標誌大學在內地推動應用研究、專業教育、孕育產業 的發展進入新階段。成都研究院是城大在中國西部地區設立  的第一所研究院。

Yangzhou International Technology Transfer Centre: Scientific and technological collaboration, and the transfer of technology, was the focus of a memorandum of understanding signed with the Yangzhou International Technology Transfer Centre in May 2015. The areas of collaboration include technology transfer, technology consultation, research and development cooperation, and organising exchange activities on a regular basis.


揚州國際技術轉移中心: 城大2015年5月與揚州國際技術轉移中心簽訂技術轉移合作備 忘錄,以推動雙方的科技合作,並促進科研成果的轉移。雙方 合作的範圍包括技術轉移、科技諮詢、合作研發等,並定期  舉辦交流活動。

國際資訊科技博覽: 城大在4月參加2015年「國際資訊科技博覽」,展出城大研究人 員研發的15項創新技術成果,顯示城大研發的創新科技有助 提升生活質素。

International ICT Expo: Fifteen innovative projects developed by CityU researchers showcased our strengths in applied research at the International ICT Expo 2015 in April, demonstrating how CityU’s innovative technologies can improve the quality of lives.

CityU signed a memorandum of understanding with the Yangzhou International Technology Transfer Centre. 城大與揚州國際技術轉移中心簽訂合作備忘錄。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Research and Development 研究及發展

China Hi-Tech Fair: Three research projects developed by our faculty won Excellent Product Awards at the 16th China Hi-Tech Fair. The projects are “The Technology of Native Mangrove Planting in Non-forest”, “Small Antenna for Emerging Mobile Communications”, and “Dielectric Microstrip Line for Millimeter Wave and Terahertz”. Longgang District tech development: A memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with Longgang District Government of Shenzhen in November 2014 aimed to strengthen collaboration in higher education, innovative technology and financial projects, veterinary medicine, new technology development, international technology transfer and other areas. The MOU laid a foundation for the comprehensive development of CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

中國國際高新技術成果交易會: 城大參加第十六屆中國國際高新技術成果交易會,展出多項  高新技術研究成果,其中三項研究獲得「優秀產品獎」,即: 非宜林灘塗上營造鄉土紅樹林方法研究、新一代移動通信小型 化天線、應用於毫米波和太赫茲的介質傳輸線。

深圳市龍崗區技術合作: 城大2014年11月與深圳巿龍崗區政府簽訂合作備忘錄,雙方 將在原有基礎上,加強在高等教育、科技創新及金融項目、  動物醫學、新型科技建設、國際技術轉移等方面的合作。  備忘錄為城大動物醫學院的全面發展奠定基礎。

Academic Publications by CityU Staff in 2014–15 2014–15年城大教職員的學術著作 Total number of books (including research books or monographs, textbooks, literary works and translation) authored by CityU staff 城大教職員的學術著作(包括研究書籍、課本、文學及翻譯作品) Total number of research papers authored by CityU staff in peer-reviewed academic journals, externally refereed policy or professional journals worldwide 刊登在世界各地學術及專業期刊的城大教職員研究論文



Arts and Humanities 藝術及人文


Business and Economics 商業及經濟


Science (including Medicine) 科學(包括醫學) Social Sciences (including Law) 社會科學(包括法律)

1,666 223

Figures as at end of June 2015. 數字以2015年6月底為準。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Research and Development 研究及發展

Precious metals research: A long-term strategic partnership with Kunming Institute of Precious Metals and Sino-platinum Metals Co. Ltd aimed to strengthen cooperation in scientific research, technology and talent development. The agreement, signed in October 2014, detailed the partnership, including the set-up of a platform for precious metals research, a workstation for experts, research on new materials for precious metals, and joint training for postgraduate students.

Funding successes Our faculty members proactively seek funding opportunities for a range of projects. Over the past year we have had the opportunity to buy equipment and develop projects with funds from numerous sources at the local and regional levels. Support from RGC: Two state-of-the-art pieces of research equipment will be purchased in collaboration with other local universities thanks to a grant worth over HK$12 million from the Collaborative Research Fund launched by the Research Grants Council (RGC). The atom probe tomography and a light-sheet microscope will be used to study the composition and structural morphology of nanomaterials as well as to monitor cellular developments in a living zebrafish embryo. Both pieces of equipment promise to make breakthroughs in the research of new materials and organ regeneration.

貴金屬研究: 城大與昆明貴金屬研究所及貴研鉑業股份有限公司在2014年 10月簽訂合作協議,建立長期戰略合作夥伴關係,以加強各 方在科學研究、技術開發、人才培養等領域的合作。協議訂明 了合作的細目,包括共建稀貴金屬聯合研發平台、建立專家  工作站、研發稀貴金屬新材料、聯合培養研究生等。

獲取資助 城大教研人員為各類研究計劃積極尋找資金。過去一年,城大 有機會藉著本地及區內的多個資助來源,購置設備並發展多個 研究項目。

獲研究資助局撥款購置設備: 城大獲研究資助局設立的「協作研究金」撥款1,200多萬港元, 與本港多所大學合購兩件最先進的科研設備,可望在創新材料 及器官再生研究領域中取得突破。其中一件設備是「原子探針 斷層攝影儀」,將用於研究納米材料的成分及結構形態;另一 件是「激光片層顯微鏡」,將用於追踪監測活體斑馬魚胚胎中 的細胞發育狀況。

國家自然科學基金委員會: 城大學者與內地學者進行聯合研究,有三項研究課題獲得  「國家自然科學基金委員會及香港研究資助局聯合科研資助    基金」的資助,總金額達300萬港元。

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Three research projects received close to HK$3 million in grants under the National Natural Science Foundation of China/Research Grants Council Joint Research Scheme.

CityU signed an agreement with Kunming Institute of Precious Metals and Sino-platinum Metals Co. Ltd. 城大與昆明貴金屬研究所及貴研鉑業股份有限公司簽訂合作協議。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Research and Development 研究及發展

The project by Dr Yang Yong, Associate Professor from the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at CityU, and Professor Wang Weihua, a researcher from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is titled “Design and Optimizing Laser-Based 3D Printing of Metallic Glass: A Systemic Study of Joining and Crystallization Mechanisms of Amorphous Structures under Laser Irradiation”. The project by Professor Zhou Dingxuan, Chair Professor of the Department of Mathematics at CityU, and Professor Wu Zongmin from the School of Mathematical Sciences at Fudan University, is titled “Approximation Analysis of Information Theoretic Learning and Ranking Type Learning Problems”. The project by Professor Li Wen-jung, Chair Professor from the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at CityU, and Professor Wang Yuechao from the Shenyang Institute of Automation, is titled “Programmable and Integrated Fabrication of Nano-material Devices by Optically-Induced Force Field”.

Research awards Our faculty members compete with the best of the best in terms of research quality. The following three scholars were rewarded for their excellence in the past year. Croucher Award: Professor Kenneth Lo Kam-wing of the Department of Biology and Chemistry was awarded a Senior Research Fellowship by the Croucher Foundation for his pioneering research in inorganic chemistry. His major research area is the utilisation of luminescent transition metal complexes as biomolecular probes and bioimaging reagents.

機械及生物醫學工程學系副教授楊勇博士和中國科學院物理  研究所研究員汪衛華教授合作的研究課題名為「設計和優化  激光3D打印非晶合金技術相關的科學和技術問題研究」。 另一項聯合研究計劃負責人是數學系的周定軒講座教授和復旦 大學數學科學學院的吳宗敏教授,其研究課題是「信息論學習 和排序型學習算法的逼近分析」。 機械及生物醫學工程學系的李文榮講座教授與瀋陽自動化研究 所的王越超教授合作從事的研究課題名為「基於光誘導的可編 程一體化微納製造方法研究」。

研究獎勵 城大教研人員的專業質素之高,與全球相關學術領域的精英  相比,不遑多讓。去年,以下三位學者因其卓越研究成果而  獲得表彰。

裘槎基金會「優秀科研者獎」: 生物及化學系羅錦榮教授榮獲裘槎基金會「優秀科研者獎」, 以表彰他在無機化學領域的開創性研究。羅教授的主要研究  領域是設計製備發光過渡金屬配合物作為生物分子探針及生物 成像試劑。

「城大傑出研究獎」   : 兩位優秀學者榮獲本年度「城大傑出研究獎」,他們是數學系 的Felipe Cucker教授和機械及生物醫學工程學系的孫東教授。 評選小組經過嚴格遴選之後,一致同意推選上述兩位學者  獲獎,並在2014年11月的學位頒授典禮上舉行了頒獎儀式。

CityU Outstanding Research Award: This year’s awardees were Professor Felipe Cucker of the Department of Mathematics and Professor Sun Dong of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. The two scholars were unanimously chosen by a selection panel following a rigorous selection exercise. The Awards were formally presented to the winners at the University Congregation in November 2014.

Professor Sun Dong 孫東教授

Professor Felipe Cucker Felipe Cucker教授 Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Research and Development 研究及發展

Research foci


Areas targeted for research and development cover the spectrum of disciplines at CityU. Many of the projects undertaken at CityU have a strong interdisciplinary flavour in keeping with the strategic drive of our Discovery-enriched Curriculum.

城大從事的研發領域橫跨多個學科,其中不少研究計劃具有  鮮明的跨學科特色,貫徹大學設立的「重探索求創新課程」  主要方針。

New materials: The world’s most super-dry surface was developed by a team of CityU scientists. This superhydrophobic surface can be used for fabricating anti-icing materials, and also for any self-cleaning, anti-bacterial, and anti-corrosion applications.

城大研究團隊研製出疏水性能最佳的材料表面,可用於製造  防積冰材料,並具有自潔淨、抗菌、防腐蝕等多種功能。

Climate change: A cross-disciplinary study on climate change developed by the Department of Public Policy received a prestigious Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung (Germany) (KAS) research grant. Debonding behaviour: Joint research with Massachusetts Institute of Technology identified why adhesives holding together certain materials fracture and fail and what might be done to strengthen these bonds. The research has enormous implications for a wide range of bonded materials, including concrete composites used in Hong Kong’s infrastructure and materials in medical treatments.


氣候變化: 公共政策學系一項關於氣候變化的跨學科研究,獲得著名的  阿登納基金會(德國)撥出的研究資助金。

黏合脫落研究: 城大與美國麻省理工學院進行一項聯合研究,首次在納米層  面上探明某些物料之間的黏合為何會脫落,以及有何方法可增 強其黏合力。這個新發現具有巨大潛力,可應用於增強許多種 物料之間的黏合,包括香港基建設施中的混凝土構件及醫療用 物料。

創意媒體: 城大與中華國術總會合作,利用獨特的360度立體動作擷取技 術,建立全球首創的「香港武術活態資料庫」,以記錄保存  「功夫」   這一文化遺產。

Creative media: The world’s first-ever kung fu heritage project, the Hong Kong Martial Arts Living Archive, jointly built by CityU and the International Guoshu Association, will preserve the culture of martial arts using unique 360 degree 3D motion capture technology.

The world’s most super-dry surface. 疏水性能最佳的材料表面。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Research and Development 研究及發展

Energy: An automatic system developed by CityU scientists is helping Syncrude Canada Limited, one of the world’s largest oil-sand corporations, to monitor the efficiency and health of its oil-sand production pumps. The system will ensure the smooth operation of oil-sand extraction and a highly efficient output, and prevent losses incurred from breakages that disrupt production. Air monitoring sensor package: A next-generation compact sensor package that can measure multiple criteria air pollutants simultaneously, and can be readily placed in different locations to meet diverse monitoring needs, was developed by the School of Energy and Environment. “Bionic eyes”: New technology developed by CityU researchers can enhance the effectiveness of “bionic eyes”, creating more stable images for people suffering from visual impairments. Genetic solution for obesity: Students from the Department of Biology and Chemistry and the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the gold medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Giant Jamboree Competition 2014 in Boston, US with their novel solution utilising genetically modified E. coli to tackle obesity.

能源: 城大學者獲全球最大油砂生產公司之一的Syncrude Canada Limited委託,研發一個系統以供監測油砂泵的磨損狀況,  旨在確保油砂的輸送不會中斷,並維持高效率生產。

空氣監測感應系統: 能源及環境學院研發出新一代的小型空氣感應系統,能夠同時 按多項標準量度空氣中各種污染物,並適合在各類環境下安裝 使用,以便監測各處的空氣質素。

「電子眼」   : 城大研究人員改進了人工視網膜遙測系統(又稱「電子眼」)  的電力傳輸效能,令視障人士可接收到更穩定的影像。

減輕癡肥問題的新方案: 來自生物及化學系、機械及生物醫學工程學系的學生組成  隊伍,參加在美國波士頓舉行的2014年國際遺傳工程機器  設計競賽,以利用轉基因大腸桿菌減輕癡肥問題的新穎方案  贏得金獎。

The automatic pump fault diagnosis system for oil-sand pump monitoring. 用以監測油砂泵的自動故障診斷系統。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Research and Development 研究及發展

Supporting the intellectually disabled: A virtual reality-based learning programme developed by a multi-disciplinary team revealed how the pre-learning abilities of severely intellectually disabled students could be enhanced by extending attention span and learning motivation.

城大的多學科團隊研發出一套虛擬實境學習系統,名為  「互動   『智境』學習計劃」,為嚴重智障的學生增強「預學」  能力,例如提高其注意力、激發其學習動力。


Dementia and creativity: Twenty senior citizens at risk of developing dementia exhibited their artwork that was developed during a joint CityU project aimed at slowing down cognitive decline. The works of the artists, who had an average age of 80 years old, were showcased at the “Grandpa Grandma Silver Strand Gala” exhibition in September 2014.

二十位有高風險患上腦退化症的長者於城大展示他們的藝術  作品。他們曾參與為期一年的減慢腦部退化的研究項目,城大 為合辦機構之一。這20位藝術家的平均年齡達80歲,他們的 作品於2014年9月在城大舉行的「老爹媽銀光匯坊」創意藝術 展中展出。

Linguistics: Political concerns generated the most popular new words used by the media in the Pan-Chinese region, while “The Umbrella Movement” was the hottest new word in Hong Kong, according to the 2014 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters released by CityU in February 2015.

城大2015年2月公佈的「2014年LIVAC泛華地區中文新詞榜」 顯示,泛華語地區中文媒體使用最多的熱門新詞受政治因素  影響很大,而香港的熱門新詞則由「雨傘運動」居首。

Our survey output offers researchers a direct line into the thoughts of the people of Hong Kong and the region. The results are useful for people involved in formulating policy that improves society, for example. Happiness index: People in Hong Kong recorded the lowest scores in a region-wide Happiness Index in all areas concerning quality of life, except for the economy, according to a CityU survey conducted by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences comparing Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.

The virtual reality-based learning programme. 虛擬實境學習系統。

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


調查 城大所作的多項調查,讓研究人員了解香港及區內民眾的  想法,調查結果也對參與改善社會民生的決策人士甚有幫助。




開心指數: 人文社會科學院公佈2015年「開心指數研究:香港、日本、  新加坡三地比較」的結果。調查發現,不論是「開心指數」,  或是對各方面生活質素的滿意度,香港所得的分數均低於  新加坡及日本,為三地中之最低,只有「經濟」方面的滿意度 處於中游。

Research and Development 研究及發展

Consumer confidence: The confidence of consumers in four places of the Greater China region in the 4th quarter of 2014 made a small gain against the previous quarter, according to a survey conducted by the Department of Management Sciences. Among the four places, mainland China and Hong Kong saw the most significant increases, up 5.5 and 4.5 points, respectively. Hong Kong still had the lowest consumer confidence on the index. Ethnic minorities: More than 60% of students aged 12 to 23 from ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong said their Chinese proficiency was only comparable to that of average local primary students, according to a survey conducted by CityU and Hong Kong Christian Service.

消費者信心: 管理科學系的一項調查顯示,在2014年第四季,兩岸四地的 消費者信心與上一季度比較皆輕微上升。相對而言,中國內地 和香港的升幅最大,分別比上季度升高5.5及4.5分,但香港仍 然是兩岸四地之中消費者信心最低的地區。

少數族裔: 城大與香港基督教服務處合作的調查發現,12至23歲的少數 族裔學生之中,逾六成自認其中文能力僅達本地一般小學生  水準。

Research Projects 2014–15 2014–15年研究項目 Total on-going research projects funded by external funds and CityU research grants 由校外及校內撥款資助的研究項目總數


Number of on-going research projects by colleges / schools / support centres 各學院/學術支援部門的研究項目數目 College of Business 商學院


College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 人文社會科學院


College of Science and Engineering 科學及工程學院


School of Creative Media 創意媒體學院


School of Energy and Environment 能源及環境學院


School of Law 法律學院


Other Academic Supporting and Administrative Units 其他學術支援及行政部門




Including CityU-funded, RGC-funded and externally funded research projects, with 550 new start-ups during 2014–15. Figures as at end of June 2015.

包括由城大、研究資助局及校外資助的研究項目,其中550項是 2014–15年度內新發展的項目。數字以2015年6月底為準。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫 Our relations with the community are a vital part of our operations, situated as we are geographically, pedagogically and socially at the heart of Hong Kong. Over the last 12 months we have continued to develop and add to our local, regional and international linkages. Here are some examples of our interconnections with other communities. 從地理位置、教學方法或社會聯繫而言,城大都堪稱位居香港 中心,因此與社會的聯繫是大學運作的重要一環。過去一年, 城大與本港、亞太區及國際社會的聯繫不僅獲得加強,而且 有新的拓展。以下是城大對外交流的一些例子。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

During the reporting period, 121 new and renewed agreements/Memorandum of Understanding were concluded at institutional/college/school/department levels for academic exchange, student exchange, and dual/joint degree programmes with 103 institutions from 25 countries/regions. 本年度內,大學與25個國家及地區的103間院校 達成了121項院校 /學院 /學系級別的新訂及續 訂協議/合作備忘錄,在學術交流、交換生以 及雙學位/聯合學位課程等領域進行合作。

Co n n e c t &

Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

nity Relations

During the academic year 2014–15, CityU had 452 active student exchange agreements with 344 partner institutions in 42 countries/ regions. These agreements provided over 1,800 semester-long exchange places for full-time undergraduate students of the University.

Our relations with the community are a vital part of our operations, situated as we are geographically, pedagogically and socially at the heart of Hong Kong. Over the last 12 months we have continued to develop and add to our local, regional and international linkages. Here are some examples of our interconnections with other communities. 從地理位置、教學方法或社會聯繫而言,城大都堪稱位居香港 中心,因此與社會的聯繫是大學運作的重要一環。過去一年, 城大與本港、亞太區及國際社會的聯繫不僅獲得加強,而且 有新的拓展。以下是城大對外交流的一些例子。

城大在2014–15年度與42個國家及地區 的344間夥伴院校簽訂了452項交換生協 議,為城大的全日制本科生提供1,800多 個交換生名額,到其他院校作全學期的 交流。

Co n t r i b u t e


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

nity Relations

During the academic year 2014–15, CityU had 452 active student exchange agreements with 344 partner institutions in 42 countries/ regions. These agreements provided over 1,800 semester-long exchange places for full-time undergraduate students of the University.

Our relations with the community are a vital part of our operations, situated as we are geographically, pedagogically and socially at the heart of Hong Kong. Over the last 12 months we have continued to develop and add to our local, regional and international linkages. Here are some examples of our interconnections with other communities. 從地理位置、教學方法或社會聯繫而言,城大都堪稱位居香港 中心,因此與社會的聯繫是大學運作的重要一環。過去一年, 城大與本港、亞太區及國際社會的聯繫不僅獲得加強,而且 有新的拓展。以下是城大對外交流的一些例子。

城大在2014–15年度與42個國家及地區 的344間夥伴院校簽訂了452項交換生協 議,為城大的全日制本科生提供1,800多 個交換生名額,到其他院校作全學期的 交流。

Co n t r i b u t e


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Establishing links


Our desire to create linkages beyond Hong Kong is closely tied with our   strategic drive to internationalise campus in all our professional education   and research endeavours.

城大致力走出香港,加強與世界各地院校或機構的聯繫交流。 這方面的努力與大學發展專業教育及研究、創立國際化校園的 策略緊密相連。

Within the region: Framework agreements signed with Cornell University and Northern Illinois University in June 2015 established long-term collaboration for joint research projects and academic exchange activities between CityU’s Southeast Asia Research Centre and two of the most important centres for Southeast Asian Studies in the US. Southeast Asia is an integral part of CityU’s regional view.


An agreement on student exchanges was signed in May 2015 with Peking University while discussions were held with the Chairman of the University Council of Tsinghua University, Professor Chen Xu, about CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

城大2015年5月與北京大學簽署了學生交換計劃協議,同時與 清華大學校務委員會主席陳旭教授討論有關動物醫學院的合作 事宜。

Meanwhile, new media art exhibitions from the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei exhibited for the first time in Hong Kong following a memorandum of understanding in October 2014 marked a milestone in cultural and art exchanges. With its strengths in technology and engineering, together with its extensive experience in promoting Chinese culture, history and creative media education, CityU aims to present a new media art exhibition with NPM in Hong Kong.

東南亞是城大著重拓展聯繫的地區之一。2015年6月,城大  與美國的康奈爾大學及北伊利諾斯州大學分別簽訂框架協議,  與兩校的東南亞研究所建立長期協作關係,以促進城大的  東南亞研究中心與海外院校從事聯合研究並進行學術交流。  兩校的東南亞研究所在美國均名列前茅。

2014年10月,城大與台北的國立故宮博物院(故宮)簽署合作 備忘錄,並在今年合辦了新媒體藝術展。這是故宮首次與香港 的大學合作,藝術展成為台港兩地文化藝術交流的里程碑。  城大藉助在工程技術領域的實力,以及推廣中國文化、歷史  及創意媒體教育的豐富經驗,運用新媒體藝術手法在香港呈現 一個嶄新的故宮展覽。 2014年9月,城大與內地頂尖學府上海復旦大學簽訂備忘錄, 促進兩校的學術交流與合作,加強學術及文化資源的共享。

In mainland China, a memorandum of understanding with prestigious Shanghai Fudan University in September 2014 aimed to foster academic exchanges and collaboration, and share academic and cultural resources.


Professor Way Kuo (front row, left), President of CityU, signed an agreement on student exchange with Professor Lin Jianhua, President of Peking University. 城大校長郭位教授(前排左)與北京大學校長林建華  教授分別代表兩校簽署了學生交換計劃協議。


CityU signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Palace Museum in Taipei. 城大與台北的國立故宮博物院簽署合作備忘錄。 1


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Globally: We established further strong ties with Europe over the year. A delegation led by the University President, Professor Way Kuo, explored at the start of the year collaboration opportunities with prestigious French institutions such as the University of Paris VI (also known as University Pierre and Marie Curie, UPMC), Sciences Po, and the University of Strasbourg. Moreover, a memorandum of understanding signed with the University of Groningen in the Netherlands aims to foster academic exchanges and further develop cooperative relationships. It provides a framework for student, academic and research personnel exchanges; scientific research collaboration; sharing of joint research results; and exploring teaching collaboration. On a more international note, CityU was the first university in Hong Kong to join Connect4Climate (C4C), an international coalition on climate change, to share knowledge, raise awareness and encourage action against climate change. Launched by the World Bank, the Italian Ministry of Environment, and the Global Environment Facility in collaboration with over 140 global partners in 2011, C4C is a global partnership programme dedicated to climate change communications.

走向世界: 過去一年,城大繼續加強與歐洲大學及機構的聯繫。2015年 初,校長郭位教授率領代表團前往法國,造訪知名大學及機 構,探討在教學及研究方面的合作機會。代表團訪問了巴黎  第六大學(又稱「皮埃爾和瑪麗 • 居里大學」)、巴黎政治大學 和斯特拉斯堡大學。城大亦與荷蘭的格羅寧根大學簽訂學術合 作備忘錄,以促進兩校之間的學術交流,加強雙方合作關係。 合作備忘錄列明雙方的合作計劃,包括學生及教研人員交流、 科研合作、共享合作研究成果、探討教學合作等。 在更加國際化的領域內,城大加入國際氣候變化計劃「氣候  合作」,傳播有關氣候變化的知識,促進大眾認識這一問題, 並鼓勵有關各方採取行動保護環境。城大是本港率先參與這項 計劃的大學。該計劃由世界銀行、意大利環境部、全球環境  基金在2011年推出,得到全球140多個合作夥伴的支持,致力 於促進有關氣候變化的信息交流。

與支持者及社區的交流 城大的國際學術聲譽蒸蒸日上,同時致力向更多本地社區及  團體展示大學在高等教育領域的實力。

Supporters & community CityU has been enjoying a growing world-wide reputation, and it is keen to showcase to more local communities and groups the strengths that we have developed in higher education.

A CityU delegation visited the University of Strasbourg in France. 城大代表團造訪法國斯特拉斯堡大學。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Golden key: Scholarship recipients, past and present, can now share information and experience through social media network and leadership training programmes thanks to the CityU Golden Key Club. Launched in May 2015, the organisation strengthens the competitiveness of graduates in their career development. EMBA dinner: About 150 alumni and students from the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Association joined the annual dinner in April 2015 under the theme “Life as Play vs Play as Life”. The evening’s highlight was the speech delivered by the guest of honour, Mr Michael Hui Koon-man, the acclaimed Hong Kong actor, comedian and filmmaker. City-Youth Empowerment Project: The City-Youth Empowerment Project (CYEP) celebrated its 10th anniversary in April with over 400 people attending “Happy Carnival 2015”, which was themed “A Decade of Dedication”. The theme signified how CYEP had transformed over the last 10 years, and that the joy of witnessing this fruition was like witnessing a tree blossoming. Student volunteers had accumulated over 100,000 service hours since the project was set up in 2005, and the annual number of registered volunteers has grown to nearly 1,800. Alumni delegation to Japan: An alumni delegation promoted the University and strengthened ties with partners in Japan, while deepening their understanding of Japan’s latest developments and culture, during a visit in March 2015. Highlights of the 4-day programme included visiting Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, the University of Tokyo, Hatoyama Hall. Dr Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan and CityU Honorary Doctor of Laws, received the CityU delegation at Hatoyama Hall.

CityU launched the Golden Key Club. 城大成立睿博會。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

睿博會: 城大2015年5月成立睿博會,為曾獲獎學金的城大在校生及  畢業生創造一個社交媒體網絡,並提供領袖才能培訓課程,  以便他們交流信息、分享經驗。睿博會有助於提升城大畢業生 的競爭力,促進他們的事業發展。

行政人員工管碩士同學會晚宴: 2015年4月,城大行政人員工商管理碩士同學會近150名校友 和學生出席周年晚宴。晚宴以「戲如人生,人生如戲」為主題, 邀得著名演員及電影工作者許冠文先生發表演說。

城青優權計劃: 2015年4月,城大城青優權計劃以「十年建樹」為主題舉行  「快樂嘉年華2015」   ,慶祝計劃推行10周年。活動吸引400多名 社會各界人士參加。今年的主題寓意城青優權計劃在過去十年 有如一棵樹,與參與者一起成長、改變,看到計劃成長壯大的 喜悅猶如看到樹木開花結果。該計劃2005年成立以來,學生 義工服務的總時數已累計10萬小時,年度登記義工數目接近 1,800人。

校友交流團訪問日本: 2015年3月,城大校友交流團訪問日本,與當地著名學府及  機構交流,深入了解日本文化及其發展近況。交流團在四天內 造訪了東芝電梯株式會社、東京大學、鳩山會館等機構。日本 前首相鳩山由紀夫博士在鳩山會館接見了城大交流團。鳩山  博士是城大榮譽法學博士。

Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Gala Homecoming: About 3,000 alumni, students, faculty and staff and their families enjoyed a variety of fun-filled activities at the “CityU Homecoming Gala 2014 cum 30th Anniversary Closing Ceremony” in November. Under the theme “Beautiful Life”, “CityU Homecoming Gala 2014”, organised by Alumni Relations Office, was a perfect finale to the celebratory events of the 30th anniversary. Hall arts festival: Student talent featured at an art and music festival organised by residence masters and students living in halls of residence to raise money for the Crossroads Foundation. Around 300 participants joined the festival, which was held on the grass field outside the student halls in September 2014. The aim was to encourage artists, dancers and musicians living in the student halls to use their talent for the benefit of society.

Ties with industry It is very important for our professional education and research initiatives that the University maintains strong connections with industry, and in particular to stay tuned to what employers look for in new hires, for example. Endorsing social enterprises: Twenty social enterprises that participated in a trial scheme were recognised by Hong Kong’s first social enterprise endorsement system developed by CityU. The project was entrusted by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises to promote the sustainable development of social enterprises and enhance public trust.

樂聚城大校友日: 2014年11月,3,000名校友、學生、教職員及其家人參與了  「2014樂聚城大校友日暨三十周年校慶閉幕禮」   。由校友聯絡 處主辦的「2014樂聚城大校友日」以「美麗人生」為主題,表演 的節目多姿多彩,為城大三十周年校慶活動劃上圓滿的句號。

宿舍藝術及音樂會: 2014年9月,學生宿舍舍監及宿生舉辦藝術及音樂會,展示  才藝並為國際十字路會籌款。活動在學生宿舍外的草地舉行, 吸引約300人參加,目的為鼓勵擅長藝術、舞蹈、音樂的宿生 運用自己的才藝,造福社會。

與業界加強聯繫 城大在專業教育及研究的各項舉措須與業界保持密切聯繫,  這一點非常重要。及時了解僱主希望錄用甚麼類型的新僱員  即是一例。

設計認證系統推動社企發展: 城大受香港社會企業總會委託,設計出全港第一個社會企業  認證系統;首批參與試行計劃的20家社會企業已獲得認證。 這一系統可望推動本港社會企業持續發展,且有助市民加深  認識及信賴社會企業。

The art and music festival was organised by residence masters and students living in halls of residence. 學生宿舍舍監及宿生舉辦藝術及音樂會。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Employers’ Luncheon: An Employers’ Luncheon in April 2015 bolstered connections with global and local businesses and showcased exceptional student achievements to prospective employers. The emphasis was on CityU’s commitment to building closer ties and cultivating more collaborative opportunities with employers in order to enhance the competitiveness of our students, and to nurturing a young, vivacious and highly employable work force. Career Fair 2015: Students explored future career options and pathway in March at the CityU Career Fair 2015. Organised by the Career and Leadership Centre, the fair served as a platform for students to gain market information and job opportunities from industry professionals and company representatives. The event was well-received by the more than 2,300 attending students. They met over 50 employers from a wide spectrum of public and business services organisations.

Prospective students and school principals CityU wishes to attract the best possible secondary school students and encourage them to apply to our programmes. Secondary students programme: Distinguished guests from various sectors shared their success and life experience with more than 160 secondary students at the “Shaping Your Future: A Lifetime of Difference” programme in April 2015. In addition to the sharing session, students had the opportunity to talk with CityU staff and students, and find out more about the programmes and the learning environment during their campus tours.

Employers’ luncheon. 僱主午宴。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

僱主午宴: 2015年4月,城大首次舉辦「僱主午宴」,以增進與本地及跨國 企業的聯繫,並向僱主展示學生的卓越成績。午宴強調了城大 與僱主加強緊密聯繫的承諾,以創造更多合作機會,提升學生 競爭力,培養年輕有為、勝任稱職的人才。

2015就業博覽會: 2015年3月,城大舉辦「2015就業博覽會」,眾多學生把握  機會踴躍參加。就業博覽會由事業及領袖策劃中心籌辦,  逾2,300名與會學生有機會接觸各行業專業人士及各公司  代表,以了解市場概況及就業前景,並與50多位來自公私營 機構的僱主晤談。

向中學生及校長推介城大 城大希望吸引優秀中學生,鼓勵他們申請報讀我校的課程。

「成功之旅    今日啟航」活動: 2015年4月,各界成功人士應邀來城大參加「成功之旅  今日 啟航」活動,為160多名高中生講述自己的成功歷程。與會  中學生不僅獲得寶貴的人生經驗,同時有機會參觀城大校園  及教研設施,與城大師生交流,了解課程資訊及學習環境。

Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge: Students and teachers from several elite secondary schools polished their debating skills during a day-long visit to campus in November 2014. More than 200 students and teachers from 18 schools participated in the programme, titled “Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge”, organised by CityU and Young Post, South China Morning Post for the second year running. The aim was to enhance the secondary school students’ understanding of CityU and CityU’s belief in discovery and innovation, hone students’ debating skills, and enhance creativity, communication and critical-thinking skills. Viral robots: Over 500 high school students from 94 secondary and international schools competed in the Fifth CityU-CS Robocode Contest, a computer game programming competition organised by the Department of Computer Science in November 2014. Thirty-two teams, each comprising two students, reached the final. Sheng Kung Hui Lui Ming Choi Secondary School proved victorious. The 1st and 2nd runners-up were Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College and Holy Trinity College, respectively.

重探索求創新辯論賽: 2014年11月,城大舉辦「重探索求創新辯論賽」,參加者是  本港18所優秀中學的200多名學生。本次活動由城大與附屬  於《南華早報》的《青年報》聯合主辦,旨在促使參賽中學生  認識城大及其「重探索求創新」理念,提高辯論技能,並增強 創造力、溝通技能、審辨思維能力。

虛擬機械人比賽: 2014年11月,城大舉辦第五屆「城大電腦科學系機器人編程  比賽」,來自94所本地中學及國際學校的500多名高中學生  踴躍參賽。其中32支隊伍進入總決賽,聖公會呂明才中學的 隊伍奪得冠軍,馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學的隊伍奪得  亞軍,寶血會上智英文書院的隊伍獲得季軍。

語言學新天地: 2014年7月,翻譯及語言學系舉辦暑期活動「語言學新天地」, 共43名本地中學生參加。活動目的在於激發學生對學習語言 的興趣,培養他們對尋求知識和發掘新事物的熱情。

Linguistics Wonderland: Forty-three students from local secondary schools attended the summer enrichment programme Linguistics Wonderland in July 2014, organised by the Department of Linguistics and Translation. The aim of the programme was to stimulate young people’s interest in learning about languages and to foster passion for knowledge and discovery in everyday life.

Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge. 重探索求創新辯論賽。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫



We hosted many high-level delegations from overseas during the years. Such visits are a great way to promote our own brand and programmes, and also to learn from other comparable institutions around the world.

城大在過去一年接待了多個海外代表團。這是推廣大學形象及 課程、與全球其他教育機構互相學習的一大良機。

Thai visit: A delegation of senior officers from nine universities in Thailand exchanged views on issues of sustainability with CityU representatives in June 2015. The 18-member delegation included Dr Chairit Siladech, President of Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University, Dr Prapa Kayee, President of Phuket Rajabhat University, and Dr Sombat Kotchasit, President of Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage.

2015年6月,來自九家泰國大學的代表團到訪城大,並就可  持續發展的議題與城大代表交流意見。一行18人的代表團由 九家大學的高層管理人員組成,包括:國立莊棚皇家大學校長 Chairit Siladech博士、普吉皇家大學校長Prapa Kayee博士、  瓦萊阿隆功皇家大學校長Sombat Kotchasit博士等。

Malaysian officials, paperless office: Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai, CityU’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), and representatives from the Office of CIO, Enterprise Solutions Office and the Human Resources Office introduced CityU’s Paperless Office Project to a delegation from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia in December 2014. China Association for Science and Technology: Delegates from the China Association for Science and Technology accompanied by the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre learned more about developments in science research at CityU during a visit, which included a tour of the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, in November 2014.

A delegation from Thailand universities visited CityU. 泰國大學的代表團到訪城大。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學


向馬來西亞代表介紹「無紙辦公室計劃」: 2014年12月,城大資訊總監陳漢偉博士與分別來自資訊總監 辦公室、資訊系統服務處、人力資源處的代表,向馬來西亞  稅務局代表團介紹了城大推行「無紙辦公室計劃」的情況。

中國科協代表團: 2014年11月,在京港學術交流中心代表陪同下,中國科學  技術協會代表到訪城大,了解大學的科研發展近況,並參觀  毫米波國家重點實驗室。

Outreach and Community Relations 拓展與聯繫

Numbers of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Students Enrolled in CityU Continuing Education Courses (2014–15) 報讀城大持續進修課程相等於全日制學生人數(2014–15) Non-local Award Programmes 非本地學院頒授學銜的課程

Diploma / Certificate Programmes 文憑 /證書學銜課程

General Courses 普通課程

Total 總數






Remarks: This table gives the number of FTE students enrolled in self-financed programmes. The numbers were reported for the financial year 2014–15 for programmes and courses offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Education. The number of FTE students of non-local award programmes is calculated using a normal study load of the same programme delivered in the home country. For diploma / certificate programmes and general courses, a conversion factor of 450 hours to 1 FTE student is used.

上表為2014–15年註冊修讀專業進修學院提供的自資課程相等於  全日制學生的人數。非本地學院頒授學銜課程的學生人數,是根據  頒授學銜的學院所在國家的一般學習時數計算。文憑 /證書課程及  普通課程,則以註冊修讀的學時計算(修讀450個學時等於一個全日制 學生)。

Summary of Consultancy Projects 2014–15 2014–15年度顧問諮詢服務

Project Nature


Number 數目




Professional Practice



Director of Company






Figures as at end of June 2015. 數字以2015年6月底為準。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 It has been an extremely rewarding year for the CityU community in terms of local, regional and international recognition. Indeed, our success indicates that CityU is genuinely “Professional • Creative • For the World”. Across the disciplines and against world-class talent, CityU has proved it can compete with the best of the best. 過去一年,城大同仁取得卓越成就,在本港、區內  及全球均贏得廣泛讚譽。我們的成功表明城大真正做到  「專業、創新、胸懷全球」   。城大匯聚國際傑出學者,  在各學科均足與同領域翹楚並駕齊驅。




City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學



hievemen Ac ademia & CREATIVE


Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 TEACHING It has been an extremely rewarding year for the CityU community in terms of local, regional and international recognition. Indeed, our success indicates that CityU is genuinely “Professional • Creative • For the World”. Across the disciplines and against world-class talent, CityU has proved it can compete with the best of the best. 過去一年,城大同仁取得卓越成就,在本港、區內  及全球均贏得廣泛讚譽。我們的成功表明城大真正做到  「專業、創新、胸懷全球」   。城大匯聚國際傑出學者,  在各學科均足與同領域翹楚並駕齊驅。



Ac hievement CREATIVE




City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 TEACHING It has been an extremely rewarding year for the CityU community in terms of local, regional and international recognition. Indeed, our success indicates that CityU is genuinely “Professional • Creative • For the World”. Across the disciplines and against world-class talent, CityU has proved it can compete with the best of the best. 過去一年,城大同仁取得卓越成就,在本港、區內  及全球均贏得廣泛讚譽。我們的成功表明城大真正做到  「專業、創新、胸懷全球」   。城大匯聚國際傑出學者,  在各學科均足與同領域翹楚並駕齊驅。



Ac hievement CREATIVE




City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Students and Alumni 學生及校友 The CityU sports teams won the men’s overall championship and were the First Runners-up in the women’s overall championship in the annual University Sports Federation of Hong Kong (USFHK) competitions. CityU athletes won the overall championship in three events, the men’s championship in eight events, and the women’s championship in four events. Grace Lau Mo-sheung (劉慕裳) from the School of Creative Media was named the USFHK Sportswoman of the Year for the second consecutive year.

Cao Ying (曹迎) of the Department of Computer Science won the First Runner-up in the Graduate Student Research Paper Competition 2013–14 organised by IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter. Chan Hau-chun (陳巧真) of the School of Creative Media won the Principal Prize in the 61st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (2015), the Gold Award (Open Category) of the 20th ifva (2015) organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre, and the Hong Kong Documentary Award of Chinese Documentary Festival (2014) organised by the Visible Record Ltd. Chan Hin-lok (陳顯犖) of the Department of Media and Communication received the Student Section Merit Award in the Causeway Bay Kwun Yam Temple Festival Photography Competition (2015) organised by the Chinese Temples Committee. Mac Chan Ho-ting (陳浩庭) of the School of Law received the Star of the Stars Award, Top 10 Hong Kong Outstanding Youth Award and Youth Leadership Award in the Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme 2014–15 co-organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Commission on Youth, Hong Kong.

Marilyn Au (區慧兒), Hung Tsz-ching (洪芷澄), Mok Ka-ho (莫嘉豪) and Tong Kai-yi (湯棨怡) of the Department of Marketing won the Gold Award and Best Advertising Video Award in the Joint University Outstanding Marketing Award 2014–2015. Au Yeung Shan-shan (歐陽珊珊), Chung Ka-ming (鍾家明), Hung Chak-chiu (孔澤釗), Kwok Chak-yung (郭澤蓉), Lin Yat-tin (練逸天) and Yip Kin-chung (葉健聰) of the Department of Information Systems won the Creative Award (2014) in the Hong Kong–Taiwan Tertiary Institutions Internet of Things Award organised by GS1 Hong Kong. Bao Aiwu (鮑愛武), Chen Jianping (陳建平) and Liu Qiong (劉琼) of the School of Law received the Third Prize, Second Prize and Merit Prize, respectively, in the 26th National Courts Symposium organised by the Supreme People’s Court of China.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Chan Hung-kit (陳鴻杰) and Tung Chung-pui (董仲培) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Champion Award in the Student Project Competition (2015) organised by the Institute of Measurement and Control (Hong Kong Section). Chan Ka-yan (陳嘉恩), Chan Sze-yan (陳思恩) and Lam Man-sing (林文星) of the School of Energy and Environment won the Merit Award in the Challenge Cup of the Hong Kong University Students Extra-curriculum Technology Contest (2015) organised by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. Chan Ka-yi (陳珈伊), Chan Wai-san (陳偉新) and Tang Tsz-wan (鄧芷韻) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Third Prize in the 13th Guangdong Province Collegiate Programming Contest (2015) jointly organised by the Computer Academy and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong Province. Chau Ka-tsun (周嘉浚) and Yuan Hongning (袁虹凝) of the Department of Computer Science and Zuo Yichen (左藝晨) of the School of Creative Media won the Third Prize in the same competition.

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Chan Kin-long (陳健朗), Kong Tak-hung (江德雄), Ma Man-yu (馬敏如), Ngan Ka-chun (顏家俊) and Wong Tsz-chung (王子聰) of the Department of Information Systems took home the Championship trophy in the 2014 Big Data Competition organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society. Hung Tsun-yin (孔俊賢), Lau Sin-yee (劉倩儀) and Yip Kinchung (葉健聰) of the same department got the First Runner-up in the same competition. Three teams of CityU students joined the Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2014 organised by the Society of Registered Financial Planners. Team Proactive, comprising Kenneth Lau Kin-yin (劉建言), Christy Lee Sze-ting (李詩婷), Sin Yip-fung (冼業豐) and Wong Siu-yuk (黃小玉) of the Department of Economics and Finance, won the First Runner-up and Certificate of Merits. Team Ace, comprising Chan Kai-yin (陳啟然) of the Department of Marketing, Chong Hon-kit (莊漢傑) of the Department of Management Sciences and Fu Cheuk-yau (傅淖柔) of the Department of Economics and Finance, won the Certificate of Excellent Presentation. Team Subtle, comprising Chan Kwan-lai (陳君麗), Heung Suen-tung (向萱彤), Lam Tsz-ho (林子皓) and Lee Kwan-ngo (李君敖) of the Department of Economics and Finance, won the Certificate of Merits.

Christy Lee Sze-ting (front row, 1st from left), Wong Siu-yuk (front row, 1st from right), Sin Yip-fung (back row, left) and Kenneth Lau Kin-yin (back row, right). 李詩婷(前排左一)、黃小玉(前排右一)、冼業豐(後排左)和劉建言(後排右)。

Chan Man-lok (陳文洛), Tsang Yuen-ting (曾沅婷), Wan Mei-sheung (尹美想) and Wong Wai-ting (黃惠渟) of the Division of Building Science and Technology received the CIOB Hong Kong Outstanding Student Awards 2013/2014 given by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Hong Kong Section.

Chan Man-lok (1st from right), Tsang Yuen-ting (2nd from right), Wan Mei-sheung (2nd from left), and Wong Wai-ting (1st from left). 陳文洛(右一)、曾沅婷(右二)、尹美想(左二)、黃惠渟(左一)。

Zoe Chan So-yuen (陳蘇完) of the School of Law received the Gold Award from the Professional Volunteer Service Accreditation Programme organised by the Agency for Volunteer Service, and the Silver Award of the Pro Bono and Community Service Award organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong. Chau Chun-kit (周俊傑), Tiffany Ho Toni Lok (何瑋瑋), Adrian Law Wing-yat (羅永逸), Lori Siu (蕭珞瑤) and Nyon Tsang Yiu-fai (曾曜暉) of the School of Law won the Runner-up in the Eric Bergsten Award for Best Claimant Memoranda in the 12th Annual Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot organised by the Vis East Moot Foundation Limited; the Runner-up in the 5th Budapest Pre-moot for the 22nd Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot organised by Eotvos Lorand University, and Honorable Mentions for the Claimant Memorandum of the 22nd Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot organised by the Association for the Organization and Promotion of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Chen Chujie (陳楚潔) of the Department of Media and Communication received the Second Best Paper Award in the 14th Annual Conference of Research Students in Journalism and Communication (2014) organised by Fudan University. Chen Xiaofeng (陳曉鋒) and Zou Tingqian (鄒挺謙) of the School of Law won the Second Prize and Third Prize, respectively, at the Youth Forum of the Cross-Strait Legal Development Essay Contest (2014) organised by the China Law Society and Macau Basic Law Promotion Association.

Paul Chi Kai-kin (池啟健), Cas Choi Hiu-ying (蔡曉瑩), Cherlin Lee Cheuk-lam (李卓霖), Maria Li Lok-yee (李樂怡), Anthony Lo Hiu-fung (盧曉楓), Marco So Lok-man (蘇樂文), Ronald Tse Man-chak (謝旻澤), Paul Tse Yui-shing (謝睿成) and Joanna Wu Chun-ting (武君亭) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry; and Lyann Chu Lok-ting (朱樂婷), Ken Lau Tsz-kit (劉子傑) and Ada Yeung Sin-yu (楊善茹) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the Gold Medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Giant Jamboree Competition 2014.

Chen Yijing (陳逸靜) of the Department of Media and Communication was given the 2013–2014 Campus Newspaper Award by the China Daily, Hong Kong Edition. Cheng Siu-sum (鄭兆芯) of the Department of Public Policy received the Best Student Award 2014 from the Chartered Institute of Housing (Asian Pacific Branch) and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing. Cheung Hoi-kei (張凱琪) of the Department of Marketing won the First Place in the Shell Case Competition (2015) organised by the Rotterdam School of Management. Cheung Ho-nam (張皓嵐) of the School of Energy and Environment won the Esteemed Paper Prize of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (2015) awarded by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Raymond Cheung Yuk-shing (張育誠) of the School of Law received the George Y.C. Mok & Co.’s Prize (2014/2015) awarded by George Y.C. Mok & Co.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

(Front row, from right): Ada Yeung Sin-yu, Paul Tse Yui-shing, Ronald Tse Man-chak, Marco So Lok Man, Paul Chi Kai-kin, Anthony Lo Hiu-fung. (Back row, from right) Joanna Wu Chun-ting, Lyann Chu Lok-ting, Cherlin Lee Cheuk-lam, Cas Choi Hiu-ying, Maria Li Lok-yee, Ken Lau Tsz-kit. (前排,右起)楊善茹、謝睿成、謝旻澤、蘇樂文、池啟健、盧曉楓。 (後排,右起)武君亭、朱樂婷、李卓霖、蔡曉瑩、李樂怡、劉子傑。

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Chiu Shing-wui (趙成匯) of the Department of Management Sciences, Hon Yu-ping (韓宇平) of the Department of Marketing, Hui Nga-man (許雅雯) of the Department of Accountancy and Tang Jung-wah (鄧頌華) of the Department of Marketing won the First Runner-up, Most Creative Team and My Favourite Team in the ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2014 organised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. All from the Department of Marketing, Poon Shuk-ying (潘淑瀅) was awarded Merit, and Chan Yi-tung (陳綺彤), Kristy Chung Hiu-ying (鍾曉瑩), Poon Yi-ching (潘薏靜) and So Man-ho (蘇文浩) were awarded individually the Judges’ Commendation in the same competition. Cai Yuanzhen (蔡元楨) of the Department of Economics and Finance received Judges’ Commendation in this competition.

Chung Wai-lung (鍾慧龍) and Lam Hiu-kwan (林曉筠) of the School of Creative Media received the Certificate of Merit of 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI): Technological Achievement organised by the HKAI Organising Committee. Victor Chukwuma Dibia of the Department of Information Systems won the PTC Young Scholar Award (2015) awarded by the Pacific Telecommunications Council. Duan Yanlin (段延麟), Jiang Xinnan (蔣昕楠), Liu Chunyou (劉純佑) of the Department of Accountancy and Lisa Zhou Hanye (周涵曄) of the Department of Economics and Finance won the First Prize in the 2015 CIMA Global Business Challenge (Hong Kong final) organised by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

Choi Sai-ho (蔡世豪) of the School of Creative Media was awarded the Outstanding Achievement in Music for Dance in the 17th Hong Kong Dance Awards (2015) organised by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance. Alex Chow Kai-tim (周啟添) of the School of Law received the Davis Polk Prize 2014/15 awarded by Davis Polk & Wardwell and the School of Law, CityU. Anson Chu Man-hin (朱敏軒), Ho Kin-kwan (何鍵坤) and Yip Honming (葉漢明) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the Silver Award in the HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (2014) organised by the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Ltd and the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Education Foundation. Chung Chi-hang (鍾智恆), Leung Ying-lun (梁英麟), Sin Yip-fung (冼業豐) and Wong Chung-hin (黃仲軒) of the Department of Economics and Finance won the Consolation Prize (University Student Category) in the SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planner Awards 2014 jointly organised by the South China Morning Post and the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong.

(From left) Duan Yanlin, Jiang Xinnan, Liu Chunyou and Lisa Zhou Hanye. (左起)段延麟、蔣昕楠、  劉純佑、周涵曄。

Chung Lai-hon (鍾禮匡) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry won the Second Runner-up of the oral presentation session at the 22nd Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research organised by the Hong Kong Chemical Society.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Fong Yee-hung (方綺紅), Lee Ka-ho (李嘉豪) and Siu Chit-man (蕭捷文) of the Department of Management Sciences won the Champion of the 2015 Beijing–HK University Student Big Data Modelling Competition organised by Renmin University of China. From the same department, Ng Ching-yee (吳靜儀) won the First Runner-up and Chu Ka-yan (朱嘉欣) and Kong Wai-pong (江偉邦) won the Second Runner-up in this competition. Irisa Fung Tsz-yau (馮芷悠) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences won the First Runner-up of the 53rd Hong Kong-Macau Interport Swimming Competition 2014 organised by the Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association. Ge Lei (葛磊) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the First Prize in the Student Innovation Competition of the IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics (2014) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Daisy Huang Ju (黃菊) of the Department of Economics and Finance won the CRIC Best Paper Award in the 6th Annual Conference of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (2014). Hui Hei-loi (許莃萊) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science won the First Prize of the Best Paper on Materials 2014 awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Materials Division. Macleod Ji Tian (季麥天) of the School of Creative Media won the First Place (International Dialogue between Cultures 2014/15) in the Switch On Your Creativity (2015) organised by the Asian Studies Group.

Guo Liang (郭亮) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Paper Award at the 2014 International Conference on Engineering Tribology Technology organised by the Taiwan Society of Tribology Technology.

Jin Weihong (金衛紅) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science received the Young Scientist Award (2015) awarded by the European Materials Research Society.

Guo Yipeng (郭逸鵬) of the Department of Asian and International Studies was awarded the National Top 10 of 2014 Phoenix Satellite Television U Radio Campus Talk Show Host Competition.

Bryan Kan Lai-kan (簡禮勤) of the Department of Accountancy won the Champion of Top Performing Cadets and Team Award: Best Promotion Campaign in Facebook of EY Academy CSR Challenge 2015 organised by Ernst & Young.

Ha Hiu-fai (夏曉暉) of the Department of Marketing received the Innovative Entrepreneur Award in the 19th Innovative Entrepreneur Award (2015) organised by the JCI City Junior Chamber. Hu Tianhong (胡天泓) and Yang Qiuyao (楊秋謠) of the Department of Accountancy won the Champion and the Best Presenter Award in the “Women In the Accounting Profession” 2014 Competition organised by the Association of Women Accountants (Hong Kong) Limited. Wong Hiu-ching (黃曉禎) of the same department won the Second Runner-up. Hu Tianhong also won the Second Prize and My Favourite Presenter Award of the Local Competition, and the Third Prize of the National Competition of Young Tax Professional of the Year (2015) organised by Ernst & Young.


Hu Xiao (胡驍) of the Department of Electronic Engineering received the JCAP Outstanding Paper Award (2014) in the 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology organised by the Chinese Institute of Electronics and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Kong Man-ho (江文豪) and Zhu Qian (祝倩) of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Ng Chung-chung (伍聰聰) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science were awarded the Merit Prize individually in the HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (2014) organised by the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association and Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Education Foundation. Lai Chun-tak (黎俊德) and Yim Man-to (嚴文滔) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Championship in the HKIE Student Chapter Joint Institutes Competition (2015) organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Student Chapters and the HKIE Divisions.

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Sam Lai Hok-sum (黎學深) and Zhao Yuliang (趙玉良) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Paper Award at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (2014) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Law Ming-fai (羅明輝) of the Department of Computer Science was the Winner (Trade of IT Software Solution for Business) of the WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition 2014 co-organised by the Vocational Training Council, the Construction Industry Council and the Clothing Industry Training Authority.

Lam Fong-wai (林芳慧), Lo Kai-ching (羅啟正), Tsang Ka-ling (曾嘉玲) and Yau Chun-yan (邱雋恩) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management won the Champion in the 2015 Company Based Student Project Competition organised by the Hong Kong Society for Quality.

David Lee Kwong-yiu (李光耀) of the School of Creative Media was awarded the Best New Director at the 34th Hong Kong Film Awards (2015). Angus Lee Zhenjie (李震傑), Szeto Ka-yan (司徒嘉恩), Tam Hei-yin (譚晞彦), Wong Hau-ching (黃巧靖) and Yip Chun-kit (葉俊傑) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the First Runner-up for the Best Student Paper Competition Award at the Biomedical Engineering International Conference (2014) organised by Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – Biomedical Division. Li Chi-shing (李志誠) and Yip Hon-ming (葉漢明) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering won the First Runner-up of 2014 IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest (Undergraduate Category) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Lin Wei (藺偉) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Second Prize of IEEE HK Section 2014 (Postgraduate) Student Paper Contest.

(From right) Lo Kai-ching, Lam Fong-wai, Tsang Ka-ling and Yau Chun-yan. (右起)羅啟正、林芳慧、曾嘉玲、邱雋恩。

Students from the School of Creative Media won four prizes in the 20th ifva (Incubator for Film and Visual Media in Asia) organised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Lau Ching-wa (劉清華) won the Silver Award and the Best Local Work in the Media Art Category. Man Chun-yip (文駿業) won a Special Mention in the Animation Category. Ng Siu-lun (吳兆倫) won a Special Mention in the Open Category.

Li Jiachen (李嘉辰) of the Department of Linguistics and Translation won the Second Prize in the 5th Cross-Strait Interpretation Contest (2014) jointly organised by CityU and Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation. Li Yujian (李雨健) of the Department of Electronic Engineering received the Best Paper Award of the 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (2015) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Law Chi-hei (羅熾熹) and Tsui Chun-kit (徐俊杰) of the School of Creative Media won the Best Demo award of SIGGRAPH Asia (2014) organised by the Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) 2014 Committee and the Association for Computing Machinery.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Liu Shaobo (劉少博) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the Dissertation/Thesis Awards for Postgraduate Students (PhD) (2014) awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.

Sadhika Nanda of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences won the Championship at the Dual-Culture Cup Debate Competition (2015) jointly organised by Junior Chamber International Hong Kong and the Postgraduate Student Association, University of Hong Kong.

Liu Yahua (劉亞華) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Graduate Student Silver Award (2015) presented by the Material Research Society.

Ng Chun-yin (吳俊賢) of the Department of Economics and Finance won the Distinguished Salesperson Award (2015) awarded by the Hong Kong Management Association. Ng Kai-kwong (吳啟光), Tsang Yim-yu (曾艷如) and Yau Fung-yi (丘鳳 儀) of the Department of Public Policy won the Outstanding Dissertation Award 2014 awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing (Asian Pacific Branch). Ng Ming-wai (吳明慧) and Wong Kai-hei (黃啟曦) of the Department of Computer Science won the Third Prize in the 2014 Intel Cup Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest–Embedded System Design Invitational Contest organised by Shanghai Jiaotong University. Ng Wai-lok (伍瑋諾) of the Department of Public Policy won the Champion (Image/Text category) of the Exceptional Challenge (2015) organised by the New World Development Company Limited.

Liu Yahua 劉亞華

Lu Zhiwu (盧志武) and Zhou Liuyang (周柳陽) of the Department of Computer Science won the Best Paper Award at the 31st Computer Graphics International Conference (2014) organised by the Computer Graphics International. Mao Tian (毛田) of the Department of Electronic Engineering received the Best Student Paper Award of the 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (2014) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Meng Weizhi (蒙威志) of the Department of Computer Science received the HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2014 awarded by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Ng Yu-ki (伍于祺) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management received the Best Student Paper Award in the 2015 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering organised by the International Association of Engineers. Ellen Lois Pearlman of the School of Creative Media won the Best Blog Award of the 2014 International Association of Art Critics/USA (AICA) Awards organised by the International Art Critics Association of America. Nicola Sebastian of the Department of English won the First Prize (Essay) of the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards (2014) awarded by the Carlos Palanca Foundation.

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Sham Pak-yin (沈柏言), Sy Hoi-ting (施海霆) and Wong Oi-man (王藹文) of the Department of Information Systems won the Outstanding Performance Award (2014) of the GTA Cup Entrepreneurship Contest of Cross-strait Four Regions organised by the GTA Information Technology Co. Ltd. Shao Zhanpeng (邵展鵬) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Conference Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Queenie Shum Kwan-yee (岑鈞宜) of the School of Law received the Best Participant Award in the Herbert Smith Freehills Client Advice Workshop organised by Herbert Smith Freehills. So Tsz-ying (蘇芷瑩) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences won the Third Runner-up of the 8th Shadow Entrepreneur Creative Business Competition organised by the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. Soh Jia-ling (蘇笳櫺) of the Department of Accountancy won the Bronze Medal of Asian Job Express (AJE) Contest 2014 organised by the Link and Motivation Inc. Angelo M. Solarino of the Department of Management received the Outstanding Reviewer Award (2015) presented by the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the Academy of Management. Sun Chenguang (孫晨光) of the Department of Asian and International Studies was given the Second Best Paper Award in The Urban Community Planning and Growth Embedded in the Era of China’s Urbanization Subforum (2014) organised by Tongji University.

Steve Tsang Ngai-hung (曾毅雄) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management received the HKES Outstanding Project Award 2014/15 (Postgraduate Level) from the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society. Tsang Wing-sze (曾詠詩) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences received the Open Group Outstanding Award of the 40th Hong Kong Youth Chinese Story-Writing Competition (2015) organised by Hong Kong Youth Cultural and Arts Competitions Committee. Tse Ka-pik (謝嘉碧) of the Department of Information Systems was named the Outstanding Intern of the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Programme 2014 organised by Citibank. Tsui To (徐韜) of the Department of Computer Science received the Merit Award in the 11th Final Year Project Competition organised by IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter. Sarah Vallance of the Department of English won a Pushcart Prize (2015) presented by Pushcart Press. Wang Ning (王寧) of the Department of Chinese and History won the First Prize in He Yi Forum (2015) organised by the He Yi Forum’s Preparatory Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Wang Peng (王鵬) of the Department of Computer Science received the Best Paper Award (2014) in the Student Workshop of the 2014 International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies organised by the Association for Computing Machinery. Genevieve Wong Mei-xuan of the Department of English was awarded the Best of Prose in the Best of Blood and Thunder (2014) published by the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Wong Ka-ho (黃嘉浩) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences won the Champion (Mixed Doubles) of the 2015 Hong Kong Open Table Tennis Championships (Individual Event) organised by the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association, and won the 4th Runner-up (Men Doubles) in the All China University Table Tennis Tournament organised by the Federation of University Sports of China. Nicholas Wong Yu-bon (黃裕邦) of the Department of English was elected the Asian American Poet to Watch (2015) by NBC News.

Yau Chung-kai (邱仲佳) of the Department of Marketing and his team won the Champion of the 2014 Philips Business Competition organised by the Philips (China) Investment Co Ltd. Yeung Hiu-lam (楊曉林) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences won the Bronze Medal in the Boccia Mixed Team BC1-2 Competition and received a Certificate of Commendation in the 2014 Asian Para Games.

Wong Po-ying (黃保英) and Carman Yeung (楊嘉文) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the Drury Medal (2015) in the Young Structural Engineers’ International Design Competition organised by the Institution of Structural Engineers.

Yeung Hiu-lam (front row, centre) 楊曉林(前排中)

Wong Po-ying (right) and Carman Yeung 黃保英(右)及楊嘉文

Woo Cheuk-ling (胡卓凌) of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences received the Silver Award for Volunteer Service in 2014 (Individual) awarded by the Social Welfare Department. Xiao Hanyu (肖漢宇) of Department of Public Policy received the Best Paper Award (2014) at the 9th China Management Annual Meeting jointly organised by the Chinese Society of Management Modernization, Fudan Premium Fund of Management and Sun Yat-sen Business School.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Yiu Chi-wah (姚志華) of the Department of Chinese and History won the Merit Prize in the Writing Competition for the 50th Anniversary of Christian Weekly (2014) organised by the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union. Melody Yiu Tsz-wai (姚旨蔚) of the School of Creative Media was awarded Winning Work of the 8th ASIAGRAPH CG Art Gallery – Division II (CG Animation Theater) (2014) organised by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Digital Content Association of Japan. Zhan Yuexing (詹悅星) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Student Presentation Award at the 19th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2015).

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Zhang Boming (張博明) and Shen Lu (沈鷺) of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering won the Top Award and Second Award, respectively, in the Outstanding Final Year Dissertation Awards (2014) by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Zhang Tao (張濤) of the Department of Management Sciences received the Best Paper Award of the 7th Global Supply Chain Management Conference (2015) organised by the Zhejiang University in Zhejiang Province. Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited, a biotechnology company founded by Mr Eric Chen Zixiang (陳子翔先生) and Dr Chen Xueping (陳雪平博士), both alumni of CityU, was awarded the Grand Prix at the 43rd Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. The company won the award for the application of technology developed by Professor Cheng Shuk Han (鄭淑嫻教授) from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at CityU and her research team.

Staff 教職員 Dr Elaine Liu Suk-ching (廖淑貞博士) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences received the 2014 UGC Teaching Award presented by the University Grants Committee. Chair Professor Alain Bensoussan of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was awarded the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics (2014) awarded by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Dr Chan Hok-yin (陳學然博士) of the Department of Chinese and History won the Hong Kong Book Prize 2015 co-organised by Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Publishing Federation and Hong Kong Public Libraries, Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

Dr Chan Hok-yin 陳學然博士

(From left) Dr Chen Xueping, Professor Cheng Shuk Han and Mr Eric Chen Zixiang. (左起)陳雪平博士、鄭淑嫻教授、陳子翔先生。

Dr Caroline Chan Tak-wa (陳德華博士), Dr Arthur Leung Wing-tak (梁永達博士) and Dr Andy Ng Kung-wing (吳公永博士) of the Division of Building Science and Technology received the Merit Award in the Innovation in Education and Training Award category in the International Innovation and Research Award 2014 organised by the Chartered Institute of Building. Chair Professor Chen Guanrong (陳關榮講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering was elected the 2014 Member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section by the Academia Europaea.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Dr Chen Ting-hsuan (陳定璿博士), Dr Lam Miu-ling (林妙玲博士) of the School of Creative Media and Mr Chen Bin (陳濱先生) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Conference Poster Award in the 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (2015) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Dr Cheung Hon-yeung (張漢揚博士) of the Department of Biomedical Sciences was awarded the Ishidate Prize in Pharmaceutical Education (2014) by the Congress of Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations.

Professor Eric Chui Wing-hong (崔永康教授) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences was appointed Honorary Professor (2014–2017) at the University of Hong Kong. Dr Chun Hon-Wai (陳漢偉博士) of the Department of Computer Science received the Merit award (Government and Public Sector Award category) in the 2014 Asia Pacific Information Communications Technology Awards organised by the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance, and the 2014 Innovative Applications of AI Award by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

Dr Melody Chong Pui-man (莊珮雯博士) of the Department of Asian and International Studies received the Outstanding Paper Award (2015) in the Leadership & Organization Development Journal by the Emerald Group Limited.

Dr Fong Ming-lun (方銘麟博士) and Mr Chan Chak-wa (陳則樺先生) in the Division of Building Science and Technology received the Best Paper Award (2014) in the Third Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society organised by the Higher Education Forum.

Dr Esther Chow Oi-wah (周愛華博士) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences was elected Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (2015).

Chair Professor István T. Horváth (賀宏講座教授) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry was elected Fellow of the American Chemical Society (2014).

Chair Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho (朱劍豪講座教授) of the Department of Physics and Materials Science was elected Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Science (2014).

Dr Jacky Keung Wai (姜煒博士) of the Department of Computer Science received the Science Award (second class) of the Higher Education Science Excellent Research Award by the Ministry of Education. Chair Professor Kim Jeong-bon (金正本講座教授) of the Department of Accountancy won the Best Paper Award in the 2015 Joint Mid-Year Meeting of the Accounting Information System Section and the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section organised by American Accounting Association. He also won with Dr Wong Man-kong (黃敏剛博士) from the same department the Best Paper Award of the 2014 International Conference on Business and Information co-organised by International Business Academics Consortium & Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research.

Chair Professor Paul Chu Kim-ho 朱劍豪講座教授


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Dr Stefan Krakhofer of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering was awarded the 40 under 40 Award (architecture) (2014) by the Asia Perspective. Professor Way Kuo (郭位教授), University President, was presented the 2014 Outstanding Achievement Award by the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries. Chair Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing (林群聲講座教授) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (2014) by the Hong Kong Government. Dr Charles Leung Ka-yui (梁嘉銳博士) of the Department of Economics and Finance won the CRIC Best Paper Award in the 6th Annual Conference of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (2014). Dr Li Minming (李閩溟博士) of the Department of Computer Science received the Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (2014). Chair Professor Li Wen-jung (李文榮講座教授) and Dr Zhang Guanglie (張光烈博士) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Paper Award at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (2014) organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Professor Liu Chain-tsuan 劉錦川教授

Professor Kenneth Lo Kam-wing 羅錦榮教授

Professor Liu Chain-tsuan (劉錦川教授) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering was elected Academician (2014) by Academia Sinica, and received the Shi Changxu Best Paper Award from the Journal of Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, sponsored by China-Materials Research Society and the International Union of Materials Research Societies. Professor Kenneth Lo Kam-wing (羅錦榮教授) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry was awarded a Senior Research Fellowship by the Croucher Foundation (2014). Chair Professor Luk Kwai-man (陸貴文講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Best Paper Award 2014 in the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Professor Phyllis Mo Lai-lan (巫麗蘭教授) of the Department of Accountancy won the Best Paper Award in the 5th Biennial Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series organised by the University of Macau.

Professor Way Kuo 郭位教授

Chair Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing 林群聲講座教授

Professor Ngo Chong-wah (楊宗樺教授) of the Department of Computer Science received the Best Poster Award and was the Third Place Winner in MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2014) organised by the Association for Computing Machinery.

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Dr Daniel Pascoe of the School of Law won the Award for Best Paper in the 12th Asian Law Institute Conference (2015) organised by the Asian Law Institute and National Taiwan University. Dr Margaret Poon Chong-ching (潘莊正博士) of the Department of Accountancy received the Awards for Excellence (2014) in the Highly Commended Papers in Managerial Auditing Journal by the Emerald Group Limited. Dr Hector Rodriguez (羅海德博士) of the School of Creative Media was awarded Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Arts and Culture of Secretary in the Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme Award (2014) by the Home Affairs Bureau. Chair Professor Andrei Rogatch of the Department of Physics and Materials Science was elected Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy (2014). Professor Jeffrey Shaw (邵志飛教授) of the School of Creative Media was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Society of Art and Technology in Canada.

Chair Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee (譚鳳儀講座教授) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Dr Wong Hang (黃衡博士) and Chair Professor Xue Quan (薛泉講座教授) of the Department of Electronic Engineering won the Excellent Product Awards individually in the 16th China Hi-Tech Fair. Dr Tan Chee-wei (陳志為博士) of the Department of Computer Science received the 2014 Young Scientist Award from the International Union of Radio Science. Professor Christopher To Wing (陶榮教授) of the School of Law was awarded Mediation Lawyer of the Year of the Finance Monthly Global Awards 2015 by Finance Monthly, and an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering by Glasgow Caledonian University. Chair Professor Tsui Kwok-leung (徐國良講座教授) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management won the 2015 Best Paper of the IIE Transactions Focused Issue on Quality & Reliability Engineering. Chair Professor Richard Walker of Department of Public Policy received the Award for Best Paper published in Public Management Review (2014). Dr Louisa Wei Shiyu (魏時煜博士) of the School of Creative Media received the Intra-Cultural Spotlight Award of the Second Biennial DC Chinese Film Festival (2014).

Professor Jeffery Shaw 邵志飛教授

Dr Shen Fei (沈菲博士) of the Department of Media and Communication received the Faculty Research Award (2014) awarded by Google Inc. Dr So Hing-cheung (蘇慶祥博士) of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Professor Sun Dong (孫東教授) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering were both elected as Fellows of IEEE 2014 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Dr Louisa Wei Shiyu 魏時煜博士

Prizes and Awards 獎項與榮譽 Dr Patrick Wong Pat-lam (黃柏林博士) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Best Paper Award in the 2014 International Conference on Engineering Tribology Technology organised by the Taiwan Society of Tribology Technology.

Ms Zhang Ziyu (張子鈺女士) of the Department of Media and Communication received the First Prize in the First Session of China Digital News Competition (2015) organised by the China Communication Economics and Management Association.

Chair Professor Xie Min (謝旻講座教授) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management received the Best Reviewer Award by the Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal 2010–2014.

Dr Zheng Yu (鄭瑜博士) of the Department of Economics and Finance was awarded Max Weber Fellow 2015–2016 by the European University Institute.

Dr Xu Hong (徐宏博士) of the Department of Computer Science received the Best Paper Award (2014) in the Student Workshop of the 2014 International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies organised by the Association for Computing Machinery. Dr Yam Ching-man (任正民博士) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management won the 2015 Second Class Award at the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards from the Ministry of Education. Professor Yang Zhilin (楊志林教授) of the Department of Marketing received the Highly Commended Award of the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2015) by the Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Dr Zhou Wenzhong (周文忠博士) of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering received the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing presented by Elsevier. CityU took home three major prizes at one of Hong Kong’s most prestigious arts and culture events. The honours were part of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards for 2014 organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. The School of Creative Media (SCM) won the Award for Arts Promotion; Dr Cédric Maridet of SCM won Artist of the Year (Media Arts); and SCM alumnus Mr Kenny Wong Chi-chuen (黃智銓先生) won the Award for Young Artist (Media Arts).

Dr Yau Yung (邱勇教授) of the Department of Public Policy received the 2014 Outstanding Reviewer Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dr Yu Yangxin (余揚新博士) of the Department of Accountancy received the Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award of the 26th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues organised by the University of Economics and Law, Vietnam. Professor Arthur Ellis (right) and Professor Jenny Lau Kwok-wah (middle) received the Award for Arts Promotion. 李博亞教授(右)、劉幗華教授(中)領取「藝術推廣獎」。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


University Governance 大學管治 The robust governing framework that the Council has developed and maintained over the past years has enabled the University to grow and develop further, nurturing young minds and fostering a new generation of young leaders. 校董會一直以來建立和維持的穩健管治架構,使大學得以 日益壯大,持續發展,教育莘莘學子,培養新一代青年領袖。 The Council has played an active role in helping to ensure the strong governance and efficient operation of City University of Hong Kong, while striving to continually improve our working environment so that we continue to attract and keep the very best faculty and staff that the world has to offer. The Council now holds an annual retreat (the third will take place in October 2015) so that members are given an opportunity to learn more about the University and discuss important issues in some considerable depth. The Council was delighted to approve the 2015–2020 Strategic Plan, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, which capitalises on the strong foundations that the University has established. The Plan continues our successful path, extending the high-level aspirations defined in the previous Strategic Plan for 2010–2015. Our new plan charts the University’s direction for the next five years to ensure we can further enhance academic performance by supporting cutting-edge and problembased research initiatives, and strengthening policies and processes for governance, quality assurance and accountability. 校董會在協助香港城市大學推行卓有成效的管治及運作上,發揮了積極作用, 同時致力於改善工作環境,以求繼續從全球羅致並挽留最優秀的教職員。 校董會現在每年都會舉辦集思會,讓各校董會成員有更多機會加深了解大學, 對一些重大問題作深入探討,第三次集思會將在2015年10月舉行。 校董會議決並欣然批准了《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》。新計劃以「卓越 精益求創新、教研並進育專才」為題,是在已有的穩固基礎上制訂出來的, 並延續了《2010至2015年策略性發展計劃》的成功路徑。新計劃為大學的未來 五年發展定下清晰方向,通過支持尖端及問題導向型研究計劃,並同時加強大 學管治、質素保證及責任承擔,以進一步提升大學的學術表現。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

S teer &

University Governance 大學管治


The robust governing framework that the Council has developed and maintained over the past years has enabled the University to grow and develop further, nurturing young minds and fostering a new generation of young leaders. 校董會一直以來建立和維持的穩健管治架構,使大學得以 日益壯大,持續發展,教育莘莘學子,培養新一代青年領袖。 The Council has played an active role in helping to ensure the strong governance and efficient operation of City University of Hong Kong, while striving to continually improve our working environment so that we continue to attract and keep the very best faculty and staff that the world has to offer. The Council now holds an annual retreat (the third will take place in October 2015) so that members are given an opportunity to learn more about the University and discuss important issues in some considerable depth. The Council was delighted to approve the 2015–2020 Strategic Plan, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, which capitalises on the strong foundations that the University has established. The Plan continues our successful path, extending the high-level aspirations defined in the previous Strategic Plan for 2010–2015. Our new plan charts the University’s direction for the next five years to ensure we can further enhance academic performance by supporting cutting-edge and problembased research initiatives, and strengthening policies and processes for governance, quality assurance and accountability.

S upport

校董會在協助香港城市大學推行卓有成效的管治及運作上,發揮了積極作用, 同時致力於改善工作環境,以求繼續從全球羅致並挽留最優秀的教職員。 校董會現在每年都會舉辦集思會,讓各校董會成員有更多機會加深了解大學, 對一些重大問題作深入探討,第三次集思會將在2015年10月舉行。 校董會議決並欣然批准了《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》。新計劃以「卓越 精益求創新、教研並進育專才」為題,是在已有的穩固基礎上制訂出來的, 並延續了《2010至2015年策略性發展計劃》的成功路徑。新計劃為大學的未來 五年發展定下清晰方向,通過支持尖端及問題導向型研究計劃,並同時加強大 學管治、質素保證及責任承擔,以進一步提升大學的學術表現。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


University Governance 大學管治


The robust governing framework that the Council has developed and maintained over the past years has enabled the University to grow and develop further, nurturing young minds and fostering a new generation of young leaders. 校董會一直以來建立和維持的穩健管治架構,使大學得以 日益壯大,持續發展,教育莘莘學子,培養新一代青年領袖。 The Council has played an active role in helping to ensure the strong governance and efficient operation of City University of Hong Kong, while striving to continually improve our working environment so that we continue to attract and keep the very best faculty and staff that the world has to offer. The Council now holds an annual retreat (the third will take place in October 2015) so that members are given an opportunity to learn more about the University and discuss important issues in some considerable depth. The Council was delighted to approve the 2015–2020 Strategic Plan, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and Professional Education, which capitalises on the strong foundations that the University has established. The Plan continues our successful path, extending the high-level aspirations defined in the previous Strategic Plan for 2010–2015. Our new plan charts the University’s direction for the next five years to ensure we can further enhance academic performance by supporting cutting-edge and problembased research initiatives, and strengthening policies and processes for governance, quality assurance and accountability.

S upport

校董會在協助香港城市大學推行卓有成效的管治及運作上,發揮了積極作用, 同時致力於改善工作環境,以求繼續從全球羅致並挽留最優秀的教職員。 校董會現在每年都會舉辦集思會,讓各校董會成員有更多機會加深了解大學, 對一些重大問題作深入探討,第三次集思會將在2015年10月舉行。 校董會議決並欣然批准了《2015至2020年策略性發展計劃》。新計劃以「卓越 精益求創新、教研並進育專才」為題,是在已有的穩固基礎上制訂出來的, 並延續了《2010至2015年策略性發展計劃》的成功路徑。新計劃為大學的未來 五年發展定下清晰方向,通過支持尖端及問題導向型研究計劃,並同時加強大 學管治、質素保證及責任承擔,以進一步提升大學的學術表現。


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


University Governance 大學管治

Our success stems from the quality of our staff and, to attract even more distinguished experts to our campus, the Council has approved the creation of the grade Professor of Practice. Such professors will provide professional advice and conduct teaching and learning activities related to the instruction and practice of specialist subjects. Our success is also directly related to the well-being of staff members. To further improve the working environment and standardise working hours for non-academic support staff, the Council approved a decision to align the working hours of Junior General Grade and Minor Grade staff with those of the majority of non-academic staff. The Council also approved the modification to the Regulations Governing Staff Discipline in light of operational experience in handling disciplinary cases following recommendations from the Audit Committee, and the continuation of the provision of the non-accountable cash allowance in lieu of housing and passage benefits for visiting appointees in order to provide enhanced flexibility and departmental operational efficiency. In November 2014, the Council approved the proposal for the Community College of City University (CCCU) to form a strategic alliance with the University of Wollongong, Australia with the objective of significantly expanding articulation opportunities for CCCU students, facilitating the development of new programmes for CCCU, and paving the way for CCCU to become a degree-granting university. This will enable CCCU to embark on a new journey and scale new heights in close collaboration with a strategic partner of remarkable international academic standing. Constantly striving for excellence, the University continues to strengthen its governance, foster closer relationships with, and receive increasing support, from the community. Under the delegation granted to the Community Relations Committee, the Council was pleased to approve the acceptance of donation offers from different sectors of society during the year. Philanthropy not only plays an important role in the development of the University, it also signifies increasing levels of recognition and support for the University from the community. The receipt of a significant donation of HK$100 million from acclaimed business leader Dr Li Dak-sum was among the most remarkable gifts of late. Such tremendous support has enabled a number of important initiatives including the establishment of an endowment fund that will contribute to research and education in veterinary medicine.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

城大的成功源於大學教職員的質素。為吸引更多傑出學者  來校任教,校董會批准設立「專業實踐教授」一職。「專業  實踐教授」將提供專業建議,從事與專業課題相關的教學及  專業應用活動。 城大的成功,也與教職員的福祉有直接關係。為改善員工的  工作環境,並統一非教學支援人員的工作時數,校董會議決  批准調整初級一般職級職員及基層職級職員的工作時數,  使之與其他非教學職員的工作時數一致。校董會還參考審計  委員會的提議,根據處理實際紀律個案的經驗,批准了「教職 員紀律規例」的修訂,並批准了繼續向客座受聘人士提供非  實報實銷現金津貼的決定,以之代替住宿及差旅津貼,以增加 靈活性,提升學系運作效率。 2014年11月,校董會議決批准香港城市大學專上學院(下稱  「城專」   )與澳洲臥龍崗大學結成合作聯盟,以大幅度增加城專 學生升讀大學銜接課程的機會,輔助城專發展及開辦新課程, 最終可望升格為頒授學位的大學。此舉令城專得與具有卓越  國際學術地位的策略夥伴結盟,有助其踏上新里程,攀登  新高峰。 城大不斷追求卓越,持續提升大學管治,促進與社會各界建立 更緊密關係,亦得到各界友好的大力支持。校董會授權予轄下 的社區關係委員會,在年內欣然批准接受社會各界的捐助。  各方捐助不僅對城大的發展至關重要,亦反映大學日益獲得  社會的肯定和支持。當中,城大有幸獲得香港商界知名人士  李達三博士捐贈一億港元。此慷慨捐贈協助城大推行多項重要 舉措,包括成立發展基金,支持城大在動物醫學方面的教研  工作。

University Governance 大學管治

All these significant developments reflect the growth of the University and offer great hope for the future. With the unfailing support of the community and members of the University, we have complete confidence that the University will continue to prosper and gain even greater recognition from the international academic world.

上述各項重要發展均體現了大學的成長以及光明的前景。  在社會各界與城大全體成員的大力支持下,我們充滿信心,  城大將會繼續蓬勃發展,獲得全球學術界更多肯定。

The Council 校董會 Chairman




Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, BBS, JP


Professor Way Kuo


Deputy Chairman


Deputy President


Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing, BBS, JP






Senate Representative


Mr Joseph Pang Yuk-wing, BBS, JP


Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing


External Members


Elected Staff Members


Ms Shirley Chan Suk-ling, JP


Dr Fung Wai-wah


Ms Dilys Chau Suet-fung


Mr Mak Hoi-wah


Ms Lilian Chiang Sui-fook


Chairman of the Convocation


Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai


Mr Clovis Lau Koong-yep


Mr Christopher Hui Ching-yu


President of Students’ Union


Mr Lau Ming-wai, BBS, JP


Mr Cyrus Chu Kwok-chi


Dr Law Hing-chung


Elected Postgraduate Student Member


Dr Raymond Lee Man-chun, BBS, JP


Mr Zhou Junze


Mr Kennedy Liu Tat-yin




Miss Lo Po-man


Dr Kevin Downing


Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting


Mr Herbert Tsoi Hak-kong, BBS, JP


Membership as at 30 June 2015. 校董會成員以2015年6月30日為準。

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


University Governance 大學管治

Attendance of Members at Council Meetings in 2014–15 2014–15年校董會會議出席率 Council 校董會 Total number of Council members

Number of members present

Percentage of members present




Date of meeting


16 October 2014





21 November 2014





16 April 2015





18 June 2015





Total number of meetings

Average attendance rate of Council members



Council Committees 校董會委員會


Council Committees


Audit Committee




Community Relations Committee




Executive Committee




Finance Committee




Honorary Awards Committee




Human Resources Committee




Nominations Committee




City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

University Governance 大學管治

(From left to right) Back row : Mr Mak Hoi-wah, Mr Kennedy Liu, Dr Fung Wai-wah, Prof Horace Ip, Dr Law Hing-chung Middle row : Mr Cyrus Chu, Dr Raymond Lee, Mr Christopher Hui, Mr Dominic Pang, Mr Clovis Lau, Mr Zhou Junze, Dr Kevin Downing Front row : Mr Herbert Tsoi, Ms Lilian Chiang, Mr Joseph Pang, Prof Way Kuo, Mr Herman Hu, Mr Vincent Chow, Ms Dilys Chau, Mr Andrew Fan (由左至右) 後排 : 麥海華、廖達賢、馮偉華、葉豪盛、羅慶琮 中排 : 朱國智、李文俊、許正宇、彭一庭、劉冠業、周俊澤、唐寧 前排 : 蔡克剛、蔣瑞福、彭玉榮、郭位、胡曉明、周永成、周雪鳳、范家輝

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Financial Summary 財務摘要 The fiscal year 2014–15 proved to be a financially strong one for the University. The Group’s consolidated financial results recorded a surplus of $424 million, as compared with $476 million last year. The surplus was achieved primarily through income generation and prudent management of operating expenses, as well as careful stewardship of the University’s financial resources. The consolidated income from government subventions, student tuition and other fees, donations and matching grants, and other contract and auxiliary revenue for the financial year stood at $4,538 million, as compared to $4,150 million in 2013–14. The consolidated expenditure totaled $4,312 million in 2014–15 as compared with $4,183 million last year. During the year, $3,022 million, about 70% of total consolidated expenditure, was spent on instruction and research, the library, central computing facilities and other academic services. To ensure the implementation of the University’s strategic initiatives, the University will remain committed to utilising its financial resources in a sensible, attentive and reliable manner in support of the University’s goals over the next five years.


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

在2014–15年度,大學的財務狀況十分穩健。本年度大學  的綜合業績錄得4億2,400萬元盈餘,去年的盈餘為4億  7,600萬元。盈餘主要源於收入增加以及審慎管理營運開支, 同時慎重監管大學的財政資源。 2014–15年度的綜合收入為45億3,800萬元,包括政府撥款、 學費和其他收費、捐款及配對補助金,以及其他合約與雜項  收益,而2013–14年度為41億5,000萬元。 2014–15年度的綜合開支總額為43億1,200萬元,去年則為  41億8,300萬元。年內約70%的大學整體總綜合開支,即30億 2,200萬元,用於教學及研究、圖書館、中央電腦設施及其他 教學服務。 為確保順利推行各項長遠發展舉措,大學將繼續以合理周全、 明智可靠的方式善用財政資源,支持大學實現未來五年的  目標。

Financial Summary 財務摘要

Statement of Comprehensive Income 全面收益表 For the Year Ended 30 June 2015 截至2015年6月30日止年度

The Group 大學整體

(In thousands of Hong Kong dollars) (以千港元計)

The University 大學







Government Subventions






Tuition and Other Fees






Donations and Benefactions






Auxiliary Services






Other Income












Learning and Research


Instruction and Research












Central Computing Facilities






Other Academic Services






Institutional Support


Management and General






Premises and Related Expenses






Student and General Education Services






Other Activities










Surplus/(Deficit) from Operations before   Interest and Net Investment Return

除利息及淨投資回報前營運    盈餘/(虧損)





Interest and Net Investment Return






Surplus from Operations






Finance Costs


Share of Net Profit of an Associate




Gain on Disposal of an Associate



Surplus before Taxation









(1,133) –



Surplus for the Year


Other Comprehensive Income Items that may be Reclassified Subsequently   to Income and Expenditure Accounts

其他全面收益 期後或會轉往收支帳項    的項目

Exchange Differences on Translation of   Operations outside Hong Kong

換算香港境外營運之    匯兌差額



Other Comprehensive Income for the Year




Total Comprehensive Income for the Year






(157) 424,003

(80) 476,440

(102) 414,522

(42) 421,683

Annual Report 2014–15 年報


Financial Summary 財務摘要

Statement of Financial Position 財務狀況表 As at 30 June 2015 於2015年6月30日

The Group 大學整體

(In thousands of Hong Kong dollars) (以千港元計)



2014 3,522,892

Non-current Assets


Property, Plant and Equipment





Intangible Assets




Investments in Securities






Investments in Subsidiaries




Interest in an Associate



Loans Receivable

應收貸款 其他應收帳款

– –

8,250 –


Other Receivable

– 560 3,514,996




Current Assets


Investments in Securities






Loans Receivable






Accounts Receivable, Prepayments and Others

應收帳款、預付帳款及其他 現金及銀行存款

181,007 933,541

199,061 1,890,911


Cash and Bank Deposits

199,975 1,036,798 5,518,797




Assets Held for Transfer









Current Liabilities


Deferred Income






Accounts Payable and Accruals






Provision for Employee Benefits






Tax Payable


Loans and Borrowings


14 37,240

86 37,240

– 60,490






Liabilities Directly Associated with   Assets Held for Transfer

直接與持作轉讓資產    相關的負債


















– 41,616


Net Current Assets Total Assets less Current Liabilities

流動資產淨值 資產總值減流動負債

Non-current Liabilities


Deferred Income


Provision for Employee Benefits


Deferred Capital Funds Net Assets

遞延資本基金 資產淨值

Represented By:


Restricted Fund for Research






Other Funds






Total Funds






Approved and authorised for issue by the Council on 19 October 2015.


The University 大學


City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學














Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to all students and staff members who have contributed to the preparation of this publication, especially to those who agreed to have their pictures featured. Published by Authority of the Council Š City University of Hong Kong, 2015 This report is available from: Communications and Public Relations Office City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Hong Kong. Tel +852 3442 9317 Fax +852 3442 0337 Email Concept and Design Sedgwick Richardson Photography Sunny Wong

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