CityU Today No. 51

Page 1

May 2016




Collaboration for research impact

協作研究創新天 The criminal mind of sex offenders 洞悉性罪犯的犯罪心理

Are you happy? 你開心嗎?

From the Editor

In this issue of CityU Today we profile several CityU researchers, alumni and supporters who are involved in meaningful work. We meet four CityU scholars who have recently won funding for collaborations with other academics around the world. By sharing ideas they are making good progress in cancer research, big data, ecology, and memory and ageing. Our cover story tells the full story. Meanwhile, we learn more about the Italian missionary Giuseppe Castiglione who played such an important role in art history in China during the eighteenth century. An exciting new creative media exhibition organised by CityU and the National Palace Museum in Taipei is bringing his work to life in dramatic ways. And if forensic criminology whets your appetite, find out how one CityU academic is unearthing new insights into the mindset of criminals who perpetrate sex crimes. We also have a chat with alumnus Mr Hectar Pun, one of Hong Kong’s top barristers, and find out what makes people in the region happy. So happy reading!

本期《今日城大》介紹幾位城大研究人員、校友、支持者和他們饒 富意義的工作。其中四位城大教員新近獲得撥款,將與世界各地的 學者合作研究,有望在癌症研究、大數據、生態學、記憶及老化 等領域取得重大進展,本期封面專題對此會作詳述。 我們亦將介紹中國藝術史上的名畫家— 十八世紀意大利傳教士 郎世寧;城大與臺北的國立故宮博物院再度攜手合作,籌辦新媒 體藝術展,以互動方法展現他的傑作。 此外,我們將跟隨一位城大學者探究性侵罪犯的心理,滿足你對 偵緝犯罪學的好奇心;我們還採訪了城大校友、資深大律師潘熙 先生,並探討亞太區的開心指數。

8 Cover Story 封面專題



ageing will benefit from four major collaborative enterprises led by CityU faculty who were recently

Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收


Cancer research, big data, ecology, and memory and

Dr Raymond Chan Kwok-hong 陳國康博士

Editor-in-Chief : Dr Raymond Chan Kwok-hong / 總編輯:陳國康博士 • Managing Editor : Ada Tam / 行政編輯:譚麗珍 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯: 鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Eva Choy / 中文編輯:蔡卓慧 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司

Sharing ideas, sharing success – collaboration in research

awarded substantial government funding.

城大學者獲得巨額政府資助,進行跨學科、跨院校研 究,研究結果將為癌症研究、大數據、生態學、記憶 及老化等領域作出重要貢獻。

May 2016




Features 專題



Loving one’s job, caring for students



The criminal mind of sex offenders

Qing paintings reproduced through creative new media

24 Are you happy? 你開心嗎?

城大藝域展丹青 古今藝術 超時空薈萃





Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable


Creative new media and Castiglione 以新媒體創作展現 郎世寧畫作

28 Donor Voices


Giving back to society 取諸社會,用諸社會

30 Student Voices

學生心聲 Resonance between local and non-local students 共鳴互動風行校園

34 Gown to Town

校園到社會 From CityU to Senior Counsel – legal training at its best 從城大學生到 資深大律師

36 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

May 2016


News & Notable

Creative new media and Castiglione 以新媒體創作展現郎世寧畫作

Combining innovative ideas and digital technology from the School of Creative Media, an exciting new exhibition that opened in April highlighted the value of artwork produced by the Italian Jesuit Giuseppe

城大4月舉辦「城大傑出講座系列」,故宮馮明珠院長應邀演講, 詳述來自意大利的清廷畫師郎世寧其人及經典作品,題為「神筆丹 青—郎世寧其人其藝及其在中國繪畫史上的地位」。

Castiglione (1688–1766) who spent more than 50 years as a painter in the imperial court in Beijing. The “Giuseppe Castiglione – Lang Shining New Media Art Exhibition” was organised by CityU and the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei. This event marks yet another collaboration in cultural heritage and new media between CityU and NPM. In addition, the NPM Director Fung Ming-chu discussed the life and art of Giuseppe Castiglione at a City University Distinguished Lecture at CityU in April. The title of the talk was “Portrayals from a Brush Divine: Giuseppe Castiglione’s Achievements, Art and Influence over Chinese Art”.

城大與臺北的國立故宮博物院(故宮)今年再度攜手合作,籌辦 「藝域漫遊— 郎世寧新媒體藝術展」。展覽從4月開始在城大舉 行,運用數碼科技呈現清代宮廷畫家郎世寧(1688–1766)的畫 作,他旅居北京逾50年。這個展覽融會科技、創意與藝術,為古 畫傑作帶來新的展示方式,也是港臺兩地文化交流的重要里程碑。

(From left) Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Director Fung Ming-chu and Professor Way Kuo officiate at the grand opening of the exhibition. (左起)胡曉明先生、梁乃鵬博士、馮明珠院長及郭位教授主持開幕典禮。

Railway safety project secures HK$40m in funding 鐵路安全研究計劃獲4千萬港元資助 A project on developing a platform of tools that will improve the safety and dependability of high-speed rail and metro systems led by a multidisciplinary CityU team received more than HK$40 million in funding from the Research Grants Council. This five-year project, titled “Safety, Reliability, and Disruption Management of High Speed Rail and Metro Systems”, will focus on two areas: engineering systems; and people movement and capacity management.

The CityU team comprises (front row, from left) Professor Alain Bensoussan, Professor Tsui Kwok-leung and Professor Nozer Darabsha Singpurwalla; (back row, from left) Professor Lo Siu-ming, Dr Shou Biying, Professor Richard Yuen Kwok-kit, Professor Xie Min and Dr Yu Yimin. 城大研究團隊包括(前排,左起)Alain Bensoussan教授、徐國良教授、Nozer Darabsha Singpurwalla教授;(後排,左起)盧兆明教授、壽碧英博士、袁國傑教授、謝旻教授、虞 義敏博士。



城大獲研究資助局撥出4千多萬港元資助,研究提升高速鐵路和鐵 道系統安全及可靠程度的平台和工具。該研究計劃由城大一支跨 學科綜合團隊主導,為期五年,題為「高速鐵路和鐵道系統的安 全性、可靠性及應急管理研究」,其重點在兩個方面:一是工程系 統,二是人群流動和系統容量管理。


Three scientists win international recognition 城大三位科學家獲國際表彰 Three influential CityU scientists were named among the world’s top researchers in 2015 by Thomson Reuters: Professor Chen Guanrong, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, and Professor Daniel Ho Wing-cheong and Professor Zhou Dingxuan, who are both Chair Professors in the Department of Mathematics. Professor Zhou is cited in the broad field of Mathematics while Professor Ho in Engineering. Professor Chen is doubly successful. He is cited in both Mathematics and Engineering. Their selection was based on the number of highly cited papers that they produced between 2003 and 2013.

城大三位具重要影響力的科學家,獲湯森路透社評選為2015年全球最優秀研究員。三位膺選科學家是電子工程學系講座教授陳關榮教 授,以及數學系兩位講座教授何永昌教授及周定軒教授。周教授及何教授的研究論文,分別在數學及工程領域獲廣泛引用;陳教授的論 文則同時在數學及工程領域廣獲徵引。上述三位教授膺選,是因為他們在2003至2013年間,獲廣泛引用的論文數量最多。

RMB 40 million in mainland funding 城大科技計劃獲人民幣4千萬元資助

Engineer wins highest honour in wind engineering 城大教授獲國際風工程最高榮譽獎項

Research teams were awarded RMB 40 million in funding for 70 research projects in 2015 through the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute. The

Professor Li Qiusheng

amount of funding granted from the mainland has increased by 45%

from the Department

compared to 2014. The National Natural Science Foundation of China

of Architecture and

(NSFC), a public institution that promotes and finances research projects

Civil Engineering

in China, will fund 29 CityU research projects with RMB 18.425 million,

was awarded the

locating CityU firmly among the top local universities in terms of the

2016 Jack E. Cermak

number of grants from NSFC and their total value.

Medal by the

城大科研人員2015年透過城大深圳研究院角逐內地研究資助再創 佳績,年度內獲資助研究計劃70項,獲資助總額達人民幣4千萬元, 較上一年增加45%。其中人民幣1842.5萬元的撥款來自國家自然科 學基金,用以資助29項科研項目。城大2015年度獲國家自然科學 基金資助的研究項目,在數量及撥款總額上均位居香港高等院校首 位。

American Society of Civil Engineers. Professor Li is the first Chinese scholar in the world to receive this honour, which is the highest in the field of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics.

城大建築學及土木 工程學系李秋勝教 授獲美國土木工程 師學會頒發2016年度Jack E. Cermak獎。這是國際風工程和工 業空氣動力學領域中最高榮譽的獎項,首次頒予大中華地區的 學者,李教授是獲此殊榮的第一位華人。

May 2016


News & Notable Inaugural IAS lecture held 高等研究院舉辦首場講座 The inaugural Distinguished Lecture for CityU’s new Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) in March was delivered by Professor J. George Shanthikumar, Richard E. Dauch Chair Professor of Manufacturing and Operations Management at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. The subject matter aimed to provide a unified approach to analyse general random supply and demand functions.

美國普渡大學 J. George Shanthikumar 教授3月主持城大近期成立的高等研究院之首場傑出講座,主題是要提供一個統一方法,去分析 一般隨機的供需函數。Shanthikumar 教授是普渡大學Krannert管理學院Richard E. Dauch製造及營運管理講座教授。

Professor Kuo leads delegation to Xi’an, promotes new book 校長率領代表團訪問西安,在香港座談會上介紹新作 Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, led a delegation to attend the 120th anniversary celebrations of Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and signed collaborative agreements with XJTU in April. The President also shared his views on education with local secondary school teachers at a seminar in April. At the event, which was part of the Top Secondary School Alliance Project organised by the Hong Kong Liberal Education Research Association, Professor Way Kuo presented his new book The Soulware within Higher Education.

城大校長郭位教授4月率領代表團參加西安交通大學120周年校慶活動,並與西安交大簽署 了合作協議。 此外,郭教授4月應邀出席座談會,與中學教師分享其教育理念。座談會由香港通識研究協會主辦,為「中學常春藤名師工程」系列講座 之一。郭教授亦在座談會上介紹其新作《高等教育的心件》。

Teaching excellence at CityU 傑出教學獎 The winners of this year’s Teaching Excellence Awards were Dr Yanto Chandra, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy, with a joint appointment in the Department of Management; Dr King Lai Wai-chiu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering; and Mr David Yip Sai-on, Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Accountancy. Each TEA awardee receives a cash prize of HK$15,000 for staff development and related purposes, and a grant of HK$150,000 to undertake a teaching development project of his choice.

城大2016年傑出教學獎的​三位得獎者是公共政策學系助理教授Yanto Chandra博士(兼任 管理學系教職)、機械及生物醫學工程學系助理教授賴偉超博士,以及會計學系高級特任 講師葉世安先生。榮獲傑出教學獎的教師,每人可獲15,000港元的獎金作進修或相關用 途;另外還獲15萬港元的撥款,以從事自選的教學發展項目。



(From left) Dr Yanto Chandra, Mr David Yip Sai-on and Dr King Lai Wai-chiu. (左起)Yanto Chandra博士、葉世安先生、賴偉超博士。


Biochips and mangroves 生物芯片及紅樹林 Professor Michael Yang Mengsu of the Department of Biomedical Sciences discussed the history of DNA and biotechnology, DNA chips for cancer screening, tumours on a chip, and nanomedicine for cancer treatment in a talk for the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia at the start of the year. He concluded that the era of precision and personalised healthcare is not a pipe dream and would be upon us soon. Meanwhile, Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee, Chair Professor of Biology in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, argued that mangrove wetlands were as important to the natural environment as kidneys were to humans in her President’s Lecture Series talk. Just as kidneys remove waste products from our metabolism and toxins from our blood, mangroves remove harmful materials

Professor Michael Yang Mengsu 楊夢甦教授

from water, and dilute and filter pollutants from industrial waste.

城大生物醫學系楊夢甦教授年初主持「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」講座,介紹DNA與生物 技術的發展歷程、用於癌症普查的DNA芯片、腫瘤檢測芯片,以及可治療癌症的納米醫 學。他指出,精準及個人化醫療保健的時代並非妄想,而是即將來臨。 此外,生物及化學系生物學講座教授譚鳳儀教授4月主持另一場「校長講座系列:學術薈 萃」講座,指出紅樹林對自然環境十分重要,有如腎臟之於人體。腎臟有如一家功能強大 的工廠,能夠清除人體新陳代謝產生的廢物,以及血液中的有毒物質。紅樹林亦有類似的 作用,可去除水裏的有害物質,稀釋和過濾工業廢料中的污染物。

Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee 譚鳳儀教授

Outstanding athletes triumph again 城大健兒再度揚威香港大專運動比賽 CityU athletes recorded another triumphant season with the men’s teams winning the overall championship and the women’s teams gaining the overall 1st runner-up position in the 2015–2016 annual intervarsity sports competitions organised by The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China. Nine CityU athletes were named Most Valuable Player in their respective events, underlining CityU’s overall sporting strength. CityU won the championship in nine events, and took home 15 1st runners-up positions and six third-placed positions.

城大男子及女子運動隊再度揚威香港大專運動比賽。在香港大專體 育協會2015–2016年度的賽事中,城大榮膺男子團體總冠軍、女子 團體總亞軍;更有9位運動員在各自的參賽項目獲得「最有價值運 動員獎」,充分展示城大多方面的運動實力。城大運動隊本年度共 獲得9項冠軍、15項亞軍、6項季軍。

May 2016


News & Notable Discovery and innovation 探索創新節

Project Flame promotes zero-carbon life 火焰計劃推動零碳生活

​ The annual Discovery Festival held this year in February showcased our

“Zero Carbon Inno-Day: Sustainable Living 2016” in April suggested

strengths in discovery and innovation, the centerpiece of CityU’s unique

various ways, from meals and transport to entertainment, for people

Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC). In addition, awards were presented

to start making contributions to a zero-carbon lifestyle. The event was

to the winners of the “Smarter Life Aided by Robots” competition, the “My

co-organised by CityU’s Project Flame and the Jockey Club CarbonCare

Own Discovery” contest, and the “Internationalisation Scheme”.

Open Innovation Lab, with sponsorship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The key message was that reducing carbon emissions

城大2月舉行「2016城大探索創新節」,展示本校師生在探索及創新 方面的優秀成果,這是城大獨特的「重探索求創新課程」之要素。 另有多名學生在典禮上獲得嘉許,他們是「智慧機械人讓生活更美 好」、「我的探索比賽」、「校園國際化計劃」等比賽的優勝者。

Employers’ Luncheon strengthens ties with industries 僱主午宴加強與各行業聯繫 An Employers’ Luncheon in March brought together 300 senior management representatives from a wide spectrum of local and multinational enterprises to build closer ties with, and cultivate more opportunities for, CityU students. This was the second year such a luncheon had been held, and it featured a student project exhibition

and resolving global warming should not be just a dream but a possible action in our daily life.

減少碳排放,控制 全球暖化,並不限 於紙上談兵,也可 實踐於日常生活。 城大4月舉行「零碳 香港想創日:永續 生活2016」,由一 日三餐、交通至娛 樂,助參加者踏出 零碳生活第一步。是次活動由城大火焰計劃與香港賽馬會低碳創聚 合辦,獲賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助。

displaying students’ excellent achievements.

城大3月舉辦「僱主午宴」,邀請本地及跨國企業的管理層出席,促 進雙方緊密聯繫,以創造更多合作機會,協助學生投入職場,提升 競爭力。城大今年第二次舉辦僱主午宴,約300名來自各行各業的 高層管理人員出席。場內亦有城大學生專題習作展覽,展示他們的 卓越學習成果。

AC2 named after Dr Li Dak-sum and Ms Yip Yio-chin 城大命名「李達三葉耀珍學術樓」 Academic 2 has been named the “Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building” in appreciation of the support and generous donations of Dr Li Dak-sum and his wife Ms Yip Yio-chin. A successful entrepreneur and highly respected philanthropist, Dr Li is committed to public service for the betterment of society, especially in the field of education. In March 2015, he and his wife made a donation of HK$100 million to set-up the “Li Dak Sum & Yip Yio Chin Development Fund for Veterinary Medicine” in support of the development of CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

(From right) Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Dr Michael Chan Yue-kwong and Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing at the luncheon. (右起)胡曉明先生、陳裕光博士及葉豪盛教授出席午宴。



城大將學術樓(二)命名為「李達三葉耀珍學術樓」,以表彰李達三 博士及夫人葉耀珍女士對城大的支持和慷慨捐助。李博士是成功的 企業家及備受尊崇的慈善家,對服務社會不遺餘力,尤其熱心於教 育事業。李博士伉儷2015年3月捐贈一億港元予城大,成立「李達 三葉耀珍動物醫學發展基金」,支持動物醫學院的長遠發展。


The importance of animal welfare 動物福利的重要性 Promoting animal welfare and respect for animals were the issues under discussion at a talk organised by the Run Run Shaw Library and the Centre for Animal Welfare in the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) in March. During the event, Dr Richard Brown, Associate Director of SVM, talked about definitions of animal welfare and related concerns about pet welfare, arguing that since animals were sentient creatures, their ongoing welfare meant not only mitigating maltreatment but also ensuring they were both physically and psychologically healthy.

Dr Richard Brown talks about animal welfare. 彭偉澤獸醫談動物福利。

城大邵逸夫圖書館與動物醫學院動物福利中心3月合辦講座,主題是「動物福利」,以提高公眾對動物權益的意識,以及宣揚尊重動物的 信息。講座由城大動物醫學院副總監彭偉澤獸醫主持,講述動物權益的定義和動物福利。他表示動物是有感情的,動物福利除了確保動 物不受虐待,還要保障牠們的身心健康。

Vet scholarships for summer school at Cornell University 動物醫學院資助中學生參加康奈爾暑期課程

Gold and silver for innovative technologies 創新科技奪金獎、銀獎 The cross-discipline collaboration and innovative ideas of two teams

Students from local secondary schools will have the opportunity to

formed by students from different departments at CityU earned them

familiarise themselves with veterinary medicine at Cornell University

gold and silver awards, respectively, in the “JOS Innovative IT Project

under new CityU scholarships. The new scholarships, funded by private

Awards 2015–2016”. The mobile app developed by the gold-winning

donations earmarked for CityU’s School of Veterinary Medicine, will allow

team, which beat more than 40 others to enter the final eight, provides

30 top secondary students to participate in a summer school at Cornell

an effective solution for queuing problems at restaurants.

University’s Summer College, Ithaca, US.

城大新設立獎學金,為本港中學生提供到美國康奈爾大學學習的機 會,加深對動物醫學的認識。獎學金來自城大動物醫學院設立的私 人專項捐款,將資助30名本地優秀中學生到美國康奈爾大學的伊薩 卡校園,參加暑期課程。

城大來自不同學系的學生組成兩個隊伍,憑藉跨學科協作及創意 思維,在「2015–2016 JOS Innovative IT Project Awards」比賽 中分別奪得金獎及銀獎。金獎隊伍設計的流動應用程式,方便客 人在多間餐廳排隊,減省等候時間;銀獎隊伍設計的「自動變形 輪椅」能方便殘疾人士上、下的士或私家車。

Accountancy students represent Hong Kong in national tax contest 會計學系學生代表香港參加中國稅務大賽 Two Year 4 students from the Department of Accountancy represented Hong Kong in a national competition for tax professionals in April after winning a local round in February. Phoebe Yip Yanyi (third left) and Ivan Chau Chun-hei (second left) were named the Champion and the 1st Runnerup, respectively, in the Hong Kong leg of the “EY’s Young Tax Professional of the Year 2016”.

城大會計學系兩名四年級學生葉恩怡(左三)和周俊希(左二),2月在香港舉行的「2016年 度安永稅務精英大賽」香港區賽事中脫穎而出,分別贏得冠軍和亞軍,4月代表香港參加全 國大賽。

May 2016


Cover Story

Sharing ideas, sharing success – collaboration in research 協作研究—意念交流、成果共享 By Emily Law, Pui Chan


Nanotechnology for biomimetic tumour In Hong Kong, 13,747 people died of cancerrelated illnesses in 2014, and this number is expected to rise in the coming years as the population continues to age. Our knowledge of the physiology of cancerous tumours is based mainly on in vitro experiments conducted on cultured cells, but a CityU team believes these models are inadequate. In 2D cultured cells, there are monolayers of homogenous cells (they are essentially the same size, containing the same genes) that do not mimic real tumours. Another currently used model is 3D cultured cells, but it lacks control of the physical and chemical environment and cannot simulate tissue complexities. The team also used animal models for testing, but it found that there are interspecies differences so that the accuracy of the result is affected. As a result, drugs that work in laboratories, and are approved for clinical trials, don’t necessarily

Four CityU-led research applications have been awarded HK$25 million in the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) from the Research Grants Council (RGC) in the 2015–16 exercise, which is a record high for CityU in terms of the grant amount and the number of awards, positioning CityU second among local universities.

work on humans.

These successful applications serve as recognition for the excellence of CityU’s research and professional education, and highlight our capacity to lead projects since CRF is meant to encourage groups to engage in collaborative research across disciplines and across institutions.

在研究資助局(研資局)2015–16年度批出的協作研究金中,由城大領導的四 個研究計劃共獲得2,500萬港元。以撥款金額及獲批研究計劃數量計,均為城 大歷年最高,在本地大學中排名第二。 協作研究金旨在鼓勵研究團隊進行跨學科及跨校合作。研資局撥款資助城大多個項 目,是對城大在研究及專業教育方面的卓越表現的肯定,亦顯示了城大領導研究的 能力。



3D platform to mimic blood vessels and tunable drug release in tumour. 在三維平台建構血管網,模仿腫瘤內的血管與可調控藥物 的釋放。


Rather, the development of a tumour is dependent on a complex 3D platform involving multiple cell types, molecules and chemicals. To better understand tumour properties and drug responses, a project coordinated by Professor Stella Pang, Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, and her team will develop a unique 3D biomimetic platform that reproduces the crucial features of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), including the cell type composition and distribution, extracellular matrix, vascularisation and nutrient release. “Our 3D biomimetic microsystem with precise

Professor Stella Pang 彭慧芝教授


control elements, the first of its kind, will lead to a major advancement in battling cancer and will improve the efficiency of anti-cancer therapies,” says Professor Pang, who is leading

在香港,單是2014年便有13,747人死於與 癌症相關的疾病,預計因人口持續老化, 相關死亡數字會繼續上升。

the interdisciplinary team of outstanding engineers and biomedical scientists from various local and international universities.

現時研究員對癌症腫瘤的生理學認識,主 要是通過培植細胞進行體外實驗所得,但 城大研究團隊認為這樣並不足夠。

The project, awarded around HK$8 million from the RGC, is titled “Biomimetic 3D Microsystem to Study Tumour Survival and Drug Responses”. Deploying novel nanotechnologies and 3D microsystem designs, the team will build the first in vitro platform for modeling the interactions of cancerous and stromal cells in NPC in the

二維(平面)培植的細胞只有單層同質細胞 (大小相同,所含基因也相同),有別於真 正的腫瘤。現在使用的三維培植的細胞又 欠缺可控的物理及化學環境,並且不能模 擬生物組織的複雜性。研究員也會用動物 模型作測試,不過他們發現,不同物種之 間的分別會影響測試結果。

presence of vascularisation. The engineered platforms will also be used to investigate tumour invasion and drug responses. Data produced in this project could be extended to lung and breast cancers, for

因此,在實驗室內測試成功及批准進行臨 床試驗的藥物,應用到病者身上時,結果 也未必理想。腫瘤的發展會受複雜的三維 平台影響,當中包括不同類型的細胞、分 子及化學物質。

instance, and could potentially revolutionise our fundamental understanding of cancer cell dynamics in a tumour environment, Professor

為進一步了解腫瘤特性及藥物反應,電子 工程講座教授彭慧芝教授及其研究團隊正

研發一種獨特的三維仿生平台仿製鼻咽癌 腫瘤。這種仿生系統包含癌細胞的主要特 性,如細胞種類組成及分佈、細胞外基 質、血管形成和養分釋放。 彭教授說:「我們的三維仿生微型系統為全 球首創,具精密監控能力,將為對抗癌症 作出重大突破,提升癌症治療的成效。」她 負責領導這個跨學科研究團隊,成員包括 本地及外國大學的傑出工程師和生物醫學 專家。 研究計劃名為「以仿生三維微系統研究腫 瘤細胞存活及藥物反應」,獲得研資局撥款 近800萬港元。 研究團隊將運用新穎的納米技術和三維微 型系統設計,仿製一個體外平台,模擬鼻 咽癌的癌細胞和基質細胞在血管形成下的 互動情況。該平台亦將用作研究腫瘤如何 攻擊人體,以及人體對藥物的反應。 彭教授補充道,研究計劃所得的數據資料 亦可延伸至肺癌和乳癌等癌症的研究,將 革新人們對腫瘤內的癌細胞活動情況之 基本認識。

Pang added.

May 2016


Cover Story Towards a new computing model

Intriguingly, big data analytics also need faster

“It is an interdisciplinary and collaborative


project that brings together leading mathematicians, electronic and computer

The research project “Efficient Algorithms

Big groups of data existed before and the

engineers and medical scientists,” said Professor

and Hardware Accelerators for Tensor

solution in mathematics and computing, i.e.,

Yan. “The deliverables cover mathematical

Decomposition and Their Applications to

matrices, are considered quite well understood.

theories, software, hardware and applications.”

Multidimensional Data Analysis” led by Professor

However, the current theories and models

Yan Hong, Chair Professor of Computer

simply can’t cope with the scale and complexity

Professor Yan, who has a long-term interest

Engineering and Dean of the College of Science

of high-order tensors, which Professor Yan

in biomedical informatics, and his team have

and Engineering, has received over HK$6 million

actually calls the “data monster”.

decided to look at lung cancer because of the high incidence and mortality rates in Hong

from the RGC. The three-year project sets out to develop

Kong and overseas.

Multidimensional data are an important part

a new computing model, called “tensor

of “big data”, a buzzword originating from the

computing”, and build new corresponding

“Drugs for non-small cell lung cancer, and

unprecedented development of internet and

hardware accelerators. A major objective of the

patients’ reports of positive effect at the

communications systems, and computing

project is the biomedical data analysis of the

beginning before drug resistance, have been

and mobile devices. While big data promises

causes of drug resistance among lung cancer

observed after half or one year,” Professor Yan

great potential, the fundamental mathematics

patients, and personalised treatment for these

explained. “Doctors believe it is attributed to

and computing concepts are being actively


protein mutation.”

developed and hotly debated. The team will build a cancer model with data such as the kind of mutations, 3D molecular structures of the protein mutants, drug binding patterns, the duration of the drug effectiveness and in what way the patients resist the drug. “Cancer is significant. Patients suffer a lot, especially from non-small cell lung cancer,” Professor Yan said. “Personalised treatment based on molecular modeling can bring many benefits to the patients.” Professor Yan and his team aim to achieve a new milestone in scientific computing through this new collaboration.

Professor Yan Hong 嚴洪教授




Threatened coral ecosystems in Hong Kong waters Toxic microalgae are an emerging threat to marine ecosystems in waters around Hong Kong and further afield, according to Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Director of the State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution and Chief-of-Staff at CityU.

A protein-drug complex from the Protein Data Bank for studying lung cancer that is resistant to drugs. 一種蛋白質藥物複合物的立體結構,可用來研究出現抗藥性的肺癌。

The science community is increasingly drawn in particular to benthic microalgae (which live on, in, or near the seabed) because many of

新計算模型 科學及工程學院院長、電腦工程學講座教 授嚴洪教授領導的研究計劃「張量分解的 高效算法和硬件加速以及在高維數據分析 中的應用」,獲得研資局撥款逾600萬港 元。 多維數據是「大數據」的重要部分。「大數 據」一詞的出現,源自互聯網、通訊系統、 電腦運算與流動設備的空前發展。大數據 潛力優厚,其基礎數學與計算概念正在積 極開發之中,爭論也相當熱烈。有意思的 是,大數據分析亦要求較快的計算。

them produce toxins.

嚴教授表示:「這是一項涉及跨學科的協作 計劃,參與者有知名數學家、電子及電腦 工程師、醫學專家,研究成果將涵蓋數學 理論、軟件、硬件及應用。」

One such toxin called ciguatoxin (CTX), which has been detected in coral reef fish imported from the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea, can cause a food-borne illness

嚴教授向來對生物醫學信息學感興趣。他 與研究團隊決定以肺癌為研究對象,是因 為肺癌的發病率及死亡率在香港及海外均 甚高。

called ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP). However, although CFP can induce vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea in patients, information about the impact of serious, long-term exposure of CTX to mammals is limited.

嚴教授解釋說:「用於治療非小細胞肺癌的 藥物,初期效果良好;但患者半年至一年 後會出現抗藥性。醫生認為,原因是蛋白 突變。」

Neuroscientists from CityU’s Department of Biomedical Sciences discovered that CTX accumulated in the brains of rats and mice can cause adverse neurological effects, such as

對於過去已有的大組數據,以及其數學和 計算方面的解決方案(也即矩陣),學界如 今已有深入認識。但是,目前的理論及模 型仍未能處理高階張量的規模及複雜性, 嚴教授稱之為「數據怪獸」。 嚴教授的研究計劃為期三年,將開發一個 名為「張量計算」的新計算模型,及建立相 應的新硬件加速器;其中一個主要目的是 對肺癌患者的抗藥問題之成因作生物醫學 數據分析,為患者提供個人化的治療。

研究團隊將使用多種數據,如突變的種 類、蛋白突變體的立體分子結構、藥物結 合模式、藥效持續時間、患者產生抗藥性 的方式等,建造一個癌症模型。

maladaptive decision-making processes and impaired spatial memories. Fish that scientists look out for include grouper, snapper, moray eel, and mackerel,

嚴教授說:「癌症是重病,患者深受其苦, 尤其是非小細胞肺癌患者。以分子建模為 基礎的個人化治療,能夠為患者帶來莫大 益處。」

all of which live in areas where toxic benthic microalgae are abundant. “We are studying what we call the BETAaffected coral ecosystems,” Professor Lam

嚴教授及其研究團隊希望通過這種新協作 方式,為科學計算開創新里程。

explained. BETA refers to Benthic and Epiphytic Toxic Algae, and such BETA

May 2016


Cover Story

areas have been identified off the coast of Japan, the Korean peninsula, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand as well as Hainan Island and Hong Kong. “We are concerned that toxins in BETA-affected areas could kill off the fish and disrupt food web structures and the function of coral ecosystems,” Professor Lam said. Professor Lam and his team will use a HK$5.5 million grant from the RGC to study the effect of BETA on marine ecosystems and investigate the primary factors that regulate the distribution, growth and toxicity of BETA in Hong Kong waters and along the coast of south China and Taiwan. “The distribution and severity of BETA may be one of the most sensitive indicators of environmental disturbance in tropical coral reef ecosystems. An in-depth understanding of BETA is essential for better estimating the potential threats posed to marine life and humans,” he said.

香港水域珊瑚生態系統的危機 城大海洋污染國家重點實驗室主任兼城大秘 書長林群聲教授指出,有毒的微型藻類對香 港及香港外圍的海洋生態系統構成新威脅。 由於這些藻類可能會釋放毒素,科學家愈益 關注生長於海床內外或附近的底棲微藻。 其中一種毒素名為「雪卡毒素」。在太平 洋、印度洋和加勒比海捕捉到的珊瑚魚身 上,可發現這種毒素,人類攝取後會出現 中雪卡毒的病徵,包括嘔吐、腹瀉、噁心, 但有關長期攝取雪卡毒素對人體影響的資料 則不多。 城大生物醫學系神經學家的研究發現,若老 鼠腦內積聚雪卡毒素,會對神經系統產生不 良影響,包括損害判斷力和記憶力。科學家 發現石斑、紅鯛、海鰻和鯖魚等都生活在有 大量含毒素的底棲微藻的海域。 林教授解釋說:「我們現在研究的是『BETA 影響的珊瑚生態系統』。」BETA是指底棲 及附生有毒藻類(Benthic and Epiphytic Toxic Algae)。目前已知這類藻大多出現於

One of the outcomes of the project will be a map that shows levels of BETA-associated risks. and fish conservationists and governments to design strategies to monitor BETA severity and the negative environmental and societal impacts, develop plans to conserve local coral

林教授說:「我們擔心在受BETA影響的水域 內,毒素會令魚類死亡,並破壞珊瑚生態系 統內的食物網結構及功能。」 林教授及其團隊將運用研資局的550萬港元 撥款,研究BETA對海洋生態系統的影響, 並了解香港、華南及台灣水域內的BETA分 佈、生長情況及毒性等。

研究計劃的目標之一,是製作一幅顯示 BETA相關風險的地圖,以協助海洋生態學 家、珊瑚及魚類保育人士以及各地政府制訂 策略,監察BETA的嚴重程度及其對環境和 社會的不良影響;從而訂立保育珊瑚生態和 養殖魚類的計劃,避免大眾罹患與BETA相 關的疾病。

communities and fisheries resources, and protect consumers against BETA-associated illness.

Collecting benthic and epiphytic algae 採集底棲及附生藻類


日本、朝鮮半島、馬來西亞、台灣、泰國以 至海南島和香港水域。

林教授補充道:「BETA的分佈及其影響,可 能是顯示熱帶珊瑚生態系統內的環境受損情 況之最佳指標。深入了解BETA,有助評估 其對海洋生物及人類的影響。」

The map may enable marine ecologists, coral


Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing 林群聲教授


Finding the ‘memory ink’


The research proposal led by Professor He

生物醫學系賀菊芳教授領導的一項研究計 劃獲得近540萬港元資助。該研究項目為期 三年,名為「膽囊收縮素促進跨模態學習和 記憶的神經機制」,是賀教授跨模式學習研 究的拓展。

Jufang in the Department of Biomedical Sciences has received around HK$5.4 million. The three-year project, titled “Neuronal Mechanism of Cholecystokinin-facilitated Crossmodal Learning and Memory”, is an extension of his research on cross-modal learning. Professor He and his research team have investigated the chemical composition

declarative memories but can still recall

of dozens of neurotransmitters and

older memories, suggesting that the medial

neuromodulators in the medial temporal lobe,

temporal lobe is necessary for encoding

and successfully identified the neuromodulator,

memories in the neocortex,” said Professor He.

which plays a crucial role in memory formation.

賀教授及其團隊研究內側顳葉裏數十種神 經傳導物質及神經調節物質的化學結構, 找出在記憶形成過程中起關鍵作用的神經 調節物質—膽囊收縮素。該物質能夠把記 憶迅速「寫」入大腦新皮層。這一發現有助 研製新藥物,或可減輕由衰老或阿茲海默 症等腦退化疾病引致的記憶衰退,甚至改 善記憶。

However, the application of a CCK receptor The neuromodulator, which is called

antagonist in the auditory cortex of rats

cholecystokinin (CCK), enables the efficient

prevents the formation of memory.

writing of memory in the neocortex. The team’s findings may help develop drugs that

The new research will extend the investigation

can alleviate or even reverse memory loss

to the role of CCK in memory encoding and

caused by ageing or forms of dementia such as

the cellular mechanism on how CCK switches

Alzheimer’s disease.


“Patients with damage to the medial temporal

“So we will inscribe a memory into an

lobe have great difficulty in forming new

unconscious rat’s brain and observe if the memory has been inscribed

賀教授說:「大腦內側顳葉受損的病人難以 形成新的陳述性記憶,但仍能喚起舊時的 記憶。這說明內側顳葉是在大腦新皮層上 編寫記憶的必要條件。」 反之,如在老鼠的聽覺皮層上注射膽囊收 縮素受體拮抗劑,就會阻止記憶形成。 新研究將揭開膽囊收縮素在形成記憶過程 中的作用,以及膽囊收縮素開啓神經可塑 性的細胞機制。

through a specifically designed behavioral experiment,” said Professor He.

賀教授說:「我們將會把記憶『寫』入一 隻失去知覺的老鼠的大腦裏,然後進行特 別設計的行為實驗,觀察記憶是否真的已 『寫』入其大腦。」

The team expects that their experiment will carry forward to clinical research. “Many scientists in this field are working hard on finding the

研究小組希望能夠發展至臨床研究。賀教 授說:「這個學術領域的很多科學家都在致 力找尋『記憶開關』,相信三年內可以獲得 國際認可的成果。」

‘memory ink’, and we are confident that our findings will be recognised in three Professor He Jufang 賀菊芳教授

years’ time,” he said.

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

Loving one’s job, caring for students 關愛學生的良師

By Pui Chan


A professional accountant-turned-teacher, Mr David Yip Sai-on is a radiant person, and apparently young at heart. The Teaching Excellence Award recipient has spent three decades at CityU growing up with generations of young people, but he never seems to grow old. He listens to their problems, addresses their weaknesses, and nurtures their potential.




“I just love teaching,” says Mr Yip, Senior Teaching Fellow in the

“It was all about confidence. As soon as they realise their potential, they

Department of Accountancy, when asked why he quit accountancy to

can really fly,” he says.

become an academic. “Individual contributions are often limited, but a good teacher can enrich society by preparing young people to give

The next challenge came in the early 2000s when the University began

something back.”

to see an increasing number of students from the mainland.

Mr Yip teaches more than 100 students every year. “I hope I have made a

“In contrast to local Hong Kong students, they were sometimes too

collective contribution by transferring knowledge. Even if only a portion

confident!” he recalls. Mr Yip and his colleagues would challenge the

of my former students become self-respecting practitioners, I will be very

proud young students, and then teach them something more complex.

proud,” he says. “Only when one’s humble can one learn more,” he believes. By and large, accountancy is a technical discipline. Students are expected to build up the hard skills to fulfill the requirements of qualifying as a

Several CityU alumni are now partners at the Big Four and CFOs at

certified public accountant. A large part of Mr Yip’s teaching activities,

prestigious corporations, strengthening his department’s burgeoning

however, falls outside the regular curriculum.


“What is most important is the students’ attitude,” Mr Yip says.

Mr Yip has close connections with the industry, which benefits his students. He has been a board / committee member of the Hong Kong

It’s a point shared by employers, too. In the first lesson in the accounting

Institute of Certified Public Accountants for more than 20 years. His

scholars programme designed for 30 to 40 outstanding students, he tells

knowledge enables him to present to his students the real picture of

students about employers’ expectations and the importance of carefully

accountancy as a career. He reveals that while the working hours can be

planning for one’s life.

long, the material rewards are attractive.

“Being brilliant or not is one thing, but the right attitude is the starting

“There’s nothing wrong with being just an accounting clerk,” he

point,” he argues.

emphasises, “as long as you fully understand the reality – don’t complain in two years’ time you can’t afford a flat, for example.”

Students know Mr Yip is a very good coach. Many of them have won awards at local and international competitions. Instead of offering them

Moreover, Mr Yip makes sure his students are well informed and inspired

golden tips before their competitions, though, he assures them that they

through his mentorship programme and his year-round seminars

are masters of their own destinies. They are the key to their own success,

delivered by industry professionals.

he avers. “If you like the job, you can definitely live with the harsh conditions Looking back, one of the most challenging periods in his teaching career

for the first years,” he says. “Take me as an example. Sometimes I work

was in the 1990s when many CityU students experienced relatively low

through to midnight, too. It’s fine because I love teaching.”

levels of self-esteem.

“Individual contributions are often limited, but a good teacher can enrich society by preparing young people to give something back.” May 2016


Professional Education & Research

他指出:「年輕人聰明與否是一回事,重要的是抱持正確的態度。」 葉先生善於講課,這在學生中間有口皆碑,其中多位在本地或國際 競賽中獲獎。葉先生在賽前不會教學生甚麼奪冠絕招,而是令他們 相信,命運須由自己主宰。葉先生認為,成功的關鍵在於學生自 己。 回顧教學生涯,葉先生認為1990年代是極為嚴峻的時期之一,當 時很多城大學生的自信心不足。他說:「其實就是信心問題,一旦 他們發現自己的潛能,就可以展翅高飛了。」

Mr David Yip (left) won the 2016 Teaching Excellence Award. 葉世安先生(左)獲頒2016年傑出教學獎。

會計學系高級特任講師葉世安先生原是一位會計師,後來投身 教育界,至今在城大任教已有30個寒暑,今年更榮獲城大頒 發「傑出教學獎」。葉先生熱情開朗、心態年輕,培育了好幾 代青年學子,卻一點不顯老。他善於傾聽學生問題、指正他們 的弱點,並發掘他們的潛能。 談及為何離開會計師行業而轉執教鞭,葉先生笑說︰「我就是喜歡 教書。個人對社會的貢獻畢竟有限,然而做一個好老師,培育下一 代,是回報社會的更好方式。」 葉先生每年指導的學生逾百人。他說:「我希望以傳授知識作出貢 獻。教過的學生中,即使只有一部分成為敬業自律的會計師,我也 足感自豪了。」

2000年代初又迎來另一挑戰,其時城大的內地生日益增多。葉先 生回憶:「內地學生與本地學生剛好相反,他們有時過分自信,不 知道天外有天、人外有人。」他和同事會給這些心高氣傲的學生出 點難題,並向他們講授較複雜的知識,因為他認為「只有謙虛,才 能學到更多。」 如今,已有數位城大校友在四大會計師事務所擔任合夥人,或在知 名公司擔任財務總監,城大會計學系亦因此聲譽日隆。 葉先生與會計師行業有緊密聯繫,這對學生頗有助益。他任香港會 計師公會個別功能委員會成員超過20年,其專業知識使他能夠幫助 學生了解將來從事會計業的實況。他坦言會計師的工作時間頗長, 不過報酬亦相當豐厚。 他強調:「當會計文員也沒關係,只要你認清現實,不要有『工作 了兩年還不能買房子』之類的抱怨。」 葉先生與會計界專業人士合作,透過師友計劃、全年不斷的研討會 及講座,使學生對會計業有充分認識,從而確立人生目標。

會計學大體而言是一門技術型學科。學生要逐步建立技術上的知 識,以應付註冊會計師資格的考試。然而葉先生的大部分教學活 動,卻在正規課程之外。

他說:「如果喜歡這份工作,便不會介意起初幾年的艱苦。以我自己 為例,有時亦要工作到夜深,但因為喜歡教書,倒也樂在其中。」

葉先生說:「學生的態度最為重要。」而這點也正是僱主的看法。 會計學系有一門「會計精英計劃」課程,有30至40名優秀學生修 讀,葉先生在第一堂課就告知學生僱主對他們有甚麼樣的期望,囑 咐他們要好好規劃人生。

「個人對社會的貢獻畢竟有限,然而做一個 好老師,培育下一代,是回報社會的更好方 式。」




The criminal mind of sex offenders By Dr Oliver Chan Heng-choon Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences

文:應用社會科學系助理教授 陳慶泉博士

I began my doctoral studies in criminology at the University of South Florida with a full scholarship from a local foundation: the “International Association of Asian Crime Investigators and Chinese-American Education Foundation Scholarship.” Encouraged by my professor, Dr Kathleen Heide, I started to research the behaviour of sexual homicide offenders.

”What propels them to sexually murder their victims?” and “How do they commit the offense?” were two key questions I had in mind. My passion for this topic grew stronger as I studied the literature, and I began to realise that there was a lack of research findings in this area. By knowing more about the answers to these questions through research, I was able to suggest practical implications for investigative strategies in the area of suspect prioritisation (i.e., offender profiling).

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

in mid-2013) and serious sexual offense cases

I also use documentaries in class to illustrate for

(TDG in early 2014).

students how theoretical concepts and ideas can be applied to real-life scenarios.

This grant writing experience and my research track record certainly helped me in my

Undeniably, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy what

subsequent application for the competitive

I am doing now without the support of my

Early Career Scheme grant in late 2014 to

family, mentors, and of course CityU, which

study the overlap between victimisation and

provides me with a good research platform.

offending among youth in Hong Kong. I was

I hope my work will contribute to fostering

awarded the honorary title “Early Career Award”

more academic interest in the field of forensic

by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council of

criminology in Hong Kong.

the University Grants Committee. Here are some final words for students – “Go This line of research is helping me to

chase your dreams. It is never too late or

understand more about an offender’s pre-

too difficult to pursue what you want to do.

crime stalking behaviour, with particular


interest in violent sexual offenders, and the possible role of childhood and adolescence victimisation in subsequent adult offending. I am a strong believer that the more we know about the etiology of this violent offending My fascination for the topic motivated me to

behaviour, the better the chances are that such

work harder, and as a result I was selected for

offenses can be prevented and the offenders

the 2012 Outstanding Criminology Ambassador

can be rehabilitated.

Award by my alma mater.

I use my knowledge and research findings on

After I graduated in June 2012, I joined CityU as

topics related to violent (sexual) offending in

a faculty member. I consider myself fortunate

my teaching. Currently I am teaching three

because there are plenty of internal grants

advanced criminology undergraduate courses:

available at CityU, such as start-up grants for

Forensic Criminology, Sexual Offending and

new faculty and teaching development grants

Psychology of Law Enforcement.

(TDG) that enable young faculty to kick-start their research.

I like to challenge my students with questions, encourage them to analyse issues critically

These funding opportunities have provided me

and present their ideas openly to the class. I

with the opportunity to cultivate new research

want them to understand that most offending

interests. My first two funded research projects,

behaviours are commonsensical and that the

both Hong Kong based, are related to stalking

causes behind such actions are not hard to

victimisation and perpetration (start-up grant





洞悉性罪犯的犯罪心理 我獲美國南佛羅里達州一家基金會的全 額獎學金(即「亞洲犯罪研究者國際協 會與中美教育基金會獎學金」)資助,到 南佛羅里達大學攻讀犯罪學博士學位, 在導師Kathleen Heide博士的鼓勵 下,開始研究性侵殺人犯的行為。

當時縈繞腦際的兩個關鍵問題是:「甚麼驅 使他們性侵並殺害受害者?」、「他們如何 犯罪?」 細閱文獻後,對這個題目的興趣更濃厚, 並知道相關方面的研究非常缺乏。經過一 番鑽研,我對以上兩個問題的認識略深, 能夠就縮小疑犯範圍(即犯罪心理描繪)的 策略提出實用意見。對這一課題的熱誠促 使我加倍努力學習,因而榮獲母校「2012 年度傑出犯罪學大使獎」。 我2012年6月畢業後加入城大,自覺非常幸 運,因為城大提供各種內部資助,如新教 師的啓動補助金和教學發展補助金,助教 師開展研究。 這些資助令我得以發展新的研究興趣。最 初的兩個資助研究項目都立足香港,分別 是跟蹤受害與犯罪(獲2013年中的啓動補 助金)和嚴重性罪行案件(獲2014年初的教 學發展補助金)。 2014年底,獲得大學教育資助委員會研究 資助局(教資會研資局)設立的「傑出青年 學者計劃」資助,研究香港青少年受害和犯 罪的相互影響。「傑出青年學者計劃」競爭 激烈,過往在城大申請資助的經驗和研究 記錄,無疑大有幫助。我還獲得教資會研 資局的「傑出青年學者獎」。

這方面的研究,使我深入了解罪犯(尤其 是性暴力罪犯)在犯罪前的跟蹤行為,以 及在童年和青春期受害對成年後犯罪的影 響。我確信,對這類暴力罪行的成因了解 愈深入,預防此類罪行和改造罪犯的機會 愈大。 我把自己的專業知識和有關暴力(性暴 力)犯罪的研究所得用於教學,目前在城 大教授三門進階犯罪學本科課程:刑事偵 緝犯罪學、性犯罪學、執法心理學。 我喜歡向學生提問,鼓勵他們分析事件, 在課堂上提出自己的觀點。我希望他們明 白,大多數犯罪行為都可以用常理推斷, 行為背後的原因不難理解。我還在課堂上 播放紀錄片,給學生說明如何將理論、概 念用於現實情況。 無可否認,如果沒有家人、導師和城大的 支援,提供一個極好的研究環境,我就無 法從事現在的工作,並且樂在其中。希望 我的工作有助增進學者研究香港刑事偵緝 犯罪學的興趣。 最後,我想對學生說:「追求目標永不嫌 晚,要放膽追尋自己的夢想。世上無難 事,一切皆有可能!」

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

Qing paintings reproduced through creative new media The newly completed art gallery on the 18th floor of Academic 3 in CityU is an ideal location for exploring exciting new trends in contemporary art.

By Yvonne Lee


Castiglione, also known by his Chinese name Lang Shining, was a native of Milan in Italy. He arrived in Beijing when he was 27 as a Jesuit missionary and worked for over 50 years as a painter in the court of the Qing emperors.

The inaugural exhibition showcased an exciting exchange between classical Chinese and early modern European art.

Castiglione’s work earned the admiration of three emperors—Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong— through the artist’s unique blend of

The high-profile “Giuseppe Castiglione – Lang Shining New Media Art

traditional Chinese paper and silk, pigments, and brushes and western

Exhibition” was jointly organised with the National Palace Museum in

techniques such as perspective, light and shadows.

Taipei (NPM). His approach created a new direction in Chinese art. This new media art exhibition transcended time and space through its re-interpretation of classic works by Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), a

CityU first participated in the “Giuseppe Castiglione – Lang Shining New

Qing Dynasty court painter from Italy.

Media Art Exhibition” in October 2015 in NPM by exhibiting three creative pieces created by Professor Jeffrey Shaw’s team at CityU’s School of Creative Media. They were: “Explore Castiglione’s Painted Flora and Fauna”, “Everyone can paint ‘One Hundred Horses’ ”, and “Spectral Flowers”. This exhibition, which was one of the celebratory activities for the 90th anniversary of NPM, was recently awarded the Best of Show and Best New Media in WorldFest-Houston 2016. From November 2015 to January 2016, this exhibition was held in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Italy, Castiglione’s home country. “Explore Castiglione’s Painted Flora and Fauna” from CityU was one of the exhibits.

The new media art exhibition was held at the art gallery on the 18th floor of Academic 3. 新媒體展在學術樓(三)18樓的藝廊舉行。




CityU and NPM also collaborated on the “Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships

Castiglione’s time through the displays of porcelain, prints, paintings,

New Media Art Exhibition” last year.

early books and other artifacts from the 17th to 20th centuries.

Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, CityU’s Chief-of-Staff, was in charge of

These artifacts were collections from the Hong Kong Maritime Museum,

the exhibition at CityU and the curator was Professor Jeffrey Shaw.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of

The event was co-organised by the School of Creative Media and the

Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong.

Communications and Public Relations Office. Among the featured exhibits were 28 large facsimiles of Castiglione’s original works such as “One Hundred Horses”, “Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring”, “Gathering of Auspicious Signs”, and “Golden Pheasants in Spring”. In addition, 13 new media art pieces were on display, nine of which were created specifically for this exhibition by Professor Jeffery Shaw’s team. They included “Interactive Folding Fan”, “Discover the Painting in Castiglione’s Drawing”, “Interactive ‘One Hundred Horses’ Scroll”, “Another Kind of Chess Game”, “Copperplate Engravings with Sound Effects”, “Reflections of the Peacock”, and three other pieces that had been exhibited in NPM earlier. These new media art pieces presented Castiglione’s works in new and interesting ways, and offered a new and non-traditional perspective that encouraged viewers to interact with Castiglione’s paintings, and at the same time created a spectacular multi-sensory, viewing experience. In conjunction with this new media art exhibition, CityU organised an accompanying exhibition titled “Castiglione in Context” in which viewers could better understand the academic and cultural background to

The exhibition was an exchange between modern artists and Castiglione across time and space. Photo: “Reflections of the Peacock”, re-interpreting Castiglione’s “Peacock Spreading its Tail Feathers”. This spatial and optical re-formulation of the painting illuminated a unique fusion of Western single-point perspective and traditional Chinese painterly aesthetics that Castiglione achieved in his work.

展覽是一場當代藝術家與郎世寧跨時空的交流盛會。圖為「透視孔雀開屏圖」裝置,從 空間和光學上重新演繹《畫孔雀開屏》,展現郎世寧將西方立體透視法與中國國畫元 素融為一體的精妙之處。

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

城大藝域展丹青 古今藝術 超時空薈萃 城大學術樓(三)18樓新竣工的藝廊最近化身為城大藝域,高 規格展出與臺北的國立故宮博物院(故宮)共同籌辦的「藝域 漫遊—郎世寧新媒體藝術展」。 展覽除了展出清代宮廷畫家郎世寧(1688-1766)畫作的原尺寸摹 本外,還以新媒體藝術手法重新演繹郎世寧的經典傑作。這不僅 是當代藝術家與古代藝術家超時空的交流,亦是古今藝術精華的 薈萃。 郎世寧原名Giuseppe Castiglione,原籍意大利米蘭,是一名耶 穌會傳教士。他27歲行抵北京,從此開始了逾50年的清宮畫師生 涯。郎世寧畫藝精湛,畫作題材廣泛,深受康熙、雍正、乾隆三帝

New media art piece “Discover the Painting in Castiglione’s Drawing” is an interactive augmented-reality installation that gives the viewers the opportunity to directly compare Castiglione’s preparatory drawing of “One Hundred Horses” with his final painting. The sketch was exhibited as a full-size printed facsimile, and viewers could hold a tablet in front of it to reveal the superimposed painted scroll, comparing it with the draft. 新媒體作品「從郎世寧草圖看百駿圖」透過互動擴增實境 裝置,把郎世寧繪製的《百駿圖》草圖與最後成品直接比 對。觀眾手持平板電腦在草圖前移動,即可看到兩圖交疊 位置的成品版本,並能比對草圖與成品的不同之處。



賞識。他運用中國傳統紙絹、顏料、毛筆,把西洋透視、光影明 暗等技法巧妙地糅合至中國傳統畫法和題材中,創作了大量精緻、 色彩豔麗的作品。他中西合璧的獨特畫風,為中國畫壇開拓了新的 視野。 這次展覽是城大繼去年與故宮成功籌辦「同安‧潮-新媒體藝 術展—同安船與張保仔的故事」後的再一次合作。城大先於2015 年10月參與故宮舉辦的「藝域漫遊—郎世寧新媒體藝術展」,在 故宮展出三件由城大創意媒體學院邵志飛教授及其團隊創作的作 品—「探索郎世寧世界之花鳥走獸」、「百駿圖畫室」、「虛擬畫瓶 花」。此展覽是故宮90周年院慶活動之一,並榮獲2016年休士頓 國際影展首獎金像獎及新媒體互動成人專業類白金牌獎。2015年


In addition to facsimiles of his original-sized works, innovative interactive devices that re-interpreted Giuseppe Castiglione’s works enabled viewers to appreciate his masterpieces in different ways.

除了郎世寧的畫作的原大摹本外,新媒體展還以新穎的互 動裝置重新演繹他的作品, 讓觀眾以多種方式欣賞他的 傑作。 Created by the NPM, “A Tour of the Imperial Garden: The ‘Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring’” presented four animated films inspired by Castiglione’s “Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring”. Visitors were made to feel as if they were actually walking through a virtual blossoming garden.

故宮作品「百花綺園:仙萼長春新媒體藝術裝置」,由四齣取材自郎世寧《畫仙萼長春》的動畫組成,讓觀眾一 如步入百花齊放的虛擬花園裏。

11月至2016年1月,該展覽在郎世寧的故鄉意大利的聖十字教堂展 出,城大的「探索郎世寧世界之花鳥走獸」也有參展。 今年4月,展覽移師城大,由城大秘書長林群聲教授領導,邵志飛 教授策展,創意媒體學院和傳訊及公關處攜手協辦,除了展出《百 駿圖》、《畫仙萼長春》、《聚瑞圖》、《畫錦春圖》等28幅精選郎世 寧原大複製畫外,還有13件新媒體作品,當中九件由邵志飛教授 領導的團隊創作,包括專為這次展覽製作的「互動書畫合璧摺扇」、 「從郎世寧草圖看百駿圖」、「百駿圖互動卷軸」、「另類棋盤遊戲」、 「加配音效的銅板畫」、「透視孔雀開屏圖」,以及在故宮展出的三

件作品。這些新媒體藝術作品以新穎有趣的方式展現郎氏畫作,不 僅讓觀眾在觀賞古畫時與郎氏畫作進行互動,亦為觀眾創造多重感 官的精彩觀賞體驗。 為配合新媒體藝術展,城大在同一場地舉辦了「從郎世寧看東西文 化交流」展覽,通過展出17至20世紀的瓷器、版畫、畫作及古籍等 珍貴文物,讓觀眾更多了解郎世寧身處時代的學術文化背景。這些 藝術珍品是香港海事博物館、香港中文大學、香港科技大學及香港 大學的藏品。

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

Are you happy?

By Mirror Fung



The United Nations has been publishing a World Happiness Report since 2012. Why? Because it sees a need to help countries develop public policies aimed at enhancing levels of happiness all over the world. After all, we all want to lead a happy life. To review the state of happiness in Hong Kong

environment; public health; leisure and

Unfortunately for those

and nearby regions, Professor Dennis Wong

entertainment; and housing (with the minimum

of us living in this city,

Sing-wing, Associate Dean of the College of

score 1 for least satisfied and the maximum

respondents in Hong

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at CityU, and

score 10 for most satisfied).

Kong had the lowest

his research team conducted two surveys for a

scores across the board except for a median

happiness index in January 2015 and January

The survey in 2015 showed that

score in economy.


Singapore had the highest overall score in the Happiness Index, followed by

To be precise, Hong Kong people’s

In 2015, the team interviewed more than 1,100

Japan and Hong Kong. Singaporeans

score in the Happiness Index

citizens in Hong Kong, Osaka and Singapore

also had the highest levels of

dropped only slightly (0.15) against

and collected a total of 3,468 questionnaires;

satisfaction for life quality in five areas,

last year’s results, but the scores for all

while in 2016, they interviewed more than 1,100

except leisure and entertainment.

six areas of quality of life fell, except

citizens in Hong Kong, Osaka and Seoul and

for public health, which showed some

collected a total of 3,453 questionnaires.

improvement. (See Table 1 and 2.)

The surveys tried to uncover the personal

“According to the ‘World Happiness Report

feelings of the interviewees in the past year,

2015’, the happiest countries among 158

including their attitudes towards happiness

nations and regions in the world are mostly


(with the minimum score 1 for not happy and the maximum score 10 for very happy) and their levels of satisfaction about the quality of life in six areas: politics and society; economy;

ex and Qua d n I lity ss e n i








of L



p p a

Professor Wong said.





located in western and northern Europe,”


“The top three countries are Switzerland,

Table 1: Happiness Index: Comparison between Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea (2016) 表一:開心指數研究:香港、日本、韓國三地比較(2016年)

Iceland and Denmark, respectively. Singapore was ranked 24th, Japan 46th, South Korea 47th,

Hong Kong 香港 (N=1,189)

but Hong Kong 72nd, in line with our research results,” he added. Compared with last year, it seems that what

Japan (Osaka) 日本(大阪) (N=1,129)

South Korea (Seoul) 韓國(首爾) (N=1,135)

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差







Hong Kong people feel most dissatisfied with

1)Overall level of happiness 整體開心指數

is housing, followed by politics and society and

2)Satisfaction towards Quality of Life measures 生活質素滿意度

the environment, according to the report.

Politics and society 政治及社會狀況







Economy 經濟狀況







Environment 環境狀況








Public health 醫療保健狀況







“In the area of politics and society, there have

Leisure and entertainment 娛樂消閒狀況







Housing 住房狀況







Dissatisfaction could be attributed to a shortage of public housing, exorbitant house prices and ineffective government policy, Professor Wong

been many controversial issues, such as the row involving the Council of the University of Hong Kong, the universal retirement protection scheme, and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill

Although Osaka had a lower score in

On the economic front, South Korea has

2014. All these issues have aggravated the

entertainment than Seoul did, it should be

been actively developing its tourism

polarisation of Hong Kong society and led

noted that the score was still as high as 7.78.

industry. Following the “Korean Wave”, the

to dissatisfaction with the government,” he

Professor Wong pointed out that there was

locations where popular South Korean TV


an abundance of entertainment facilities with

series were filmed have become tourism

theme parks and shopping streets in Osaka.

spots. Furthermore, the successful launch

On the environmental front, local people

Therefore, leisure and entertainment received

of electronic products in overseas markets

believe that the air quality in Hong Kong will

the highest score for levels of satisfaction about

has provided momentum for South Korea’s

adversely affect their health. That’s why Hong

quality of life in Japan.

economic development.

Among the three cities, Seoul had the highest

However, the outbreak of the Middle East

Kong’s scores for quality of life in these three areas were below 5.

score in leisure and entertainment, public

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) last year

Compared to Hong Kong and Seoul, Japanese

health, economy and the environment.

significantly affected South Korea’s tourism

people had the highest score for housing and

Professor Wong said the entertainment industry

industry. Therefore, although South Korea

politics and society because, Professor Wong

in South Korea had developed rapidly. Seoul

had the highest level of satisfaction about

posited, Japan’s government supported low-

has a lot of traditional cultural activities and

the economy among the three cities, its score

income people and property prices were more

unique streets that offer culturally rich options.

was only 5.76. On the other hand, in terms of

affordable when compared with income in

What’s more, South Korea has significantly

the environment, Seoul residents were quite

Japan. In addition, the government has worked

improved its public health system by

satisfied because their local government has

hard to improve the political, societal and

consolidating related health insurance policies.

introduced green policies aimed at

economic situation in recent years, which has

tackling environmental problems, he said.

sustained stability, he added.

May 2016


Professional Education & Research

In addition, both surveys found that in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and South Korea, the happiness index among women is higher than that among men, and the index among

聯合國自2012年起發表《世界快樂報告》 , 以協助各國政府制訂公共政策,提升國民 快樂程度。畢竟人生在世,誰不追求活得 開心快樂?

adults (aged 25-64) is lower than that of senior citizens (aged 65 or above) and young people (aged below 24). For the correlation between education level and happiness, interviewees with only primary education in all three places were the happiest people. “Regarding social policy and livelihood issues, we hope that the Hong Kong government will

為了探討香港及相鄰地區的開心指數,城 大人文社會科學院副院長黃成榮教授及其 研究團隊,在去年及今年1月,先後進行 了兩次開心指數研究。2015年,團隊在香 港、大阪、新加坡各訪問了1,100多名市 民,共收集了3,468份問卷;2016年則在香 港、大阪、首爾各訪問了1,100多名市民, 共收集了3,453份問卷。

listen to the voice of the public and introduce policies that can meet the urgent needs of citizens, and reduce social differentiation. Then, Hong Kong’s score on the happiness index will definitely rise. Hong Kong, then, will be a happier place,” Professor Wong added.

這項研究旨在探討受訪者對過往一年的主 觀感受,包括其「開心指數」 (10分為最 開心,1分為最不開心),以及對政治及社 會、經濟、環境、醫療保健、娛樂消閒、住 房狀況六個方面的生活質素的滿意程度(10 分為最滿意,1分為最不滿意)。

2015年的研究結果顯示,新加坡人的開心 指數最高,大阪緊接其後,香港的得分最 低。除了娛樂消閒一項,新加坡受訪者對其 餘五項生活質素的滿意度均為三地最高;至 於香港,受訪者除了對經濟這項生活質素的 滿意度居中之外,對其他五個方面的生活質 素的滿意程度皆為最低。 香港人今年的開心指數較去年微降(0.15 分)。在六項生活質素的滿意程度方面,除 了在醫療及健康方面略有改善外,其他方面 的滿意度均有下降。(詳見表一和表二。) 黃教授說:「根據聯合國《2015年世界快樂 報告》,在全球158個國家和地區當中,最 快樂的國家大多在西歐和北歐。首三名國家 為瑞士、冰島、丹麥,新加坡排第24位、日 本第46位、韓國第47位、香港第72位,與 我們的研究結果一致。」

Professor Dennis Wong (centre) and his research team. 黃成榮教授(中)及其研究團隊。




CityU students interview local citizens in (from left to right) Hong Kong, Osaka and Seoul. 城大學生在(從左至右)香港、大阪及首爾訪問當地 市民。

今年的報告顯示,香港市民最不滿的是住 房狀況,其次是政治及社會狀況和環境狀 況。黃教授表示,香港市民面臨公營住房 短缺、私人住宅樓價高企的困境,而香港 政府的房屋政策未能紓緩房屋問題,市民 自然對住房狀況不滿。另外,近期政治民 生議題的爭論不斷,例如:港大校委會風 波、全民退休保障方案、2014年版權(修 訂)條例草案(即網絡廿三條)等,令社 會分化愈趨明顯,市民對政府愈加不滿。 環境方面,香港市民認為空氣質素持續惡 化,會對健康構成威脅。香港市民對上述 三項生活質素的滿意度評分都低於5分,與 以上因素有關。

黃教授解釋,比較三地市民,日本人對住 房、政治及社會兩項的生活質素最為滿 意,原因在於日本政府對低收入人士提 供住房支援;而且相對於日本人的收入, 現時當地房價並非高不可攀;加上日本政 府近年在政治、社會和經濟方面的努力, 對國家穩定發揮一定作用,故日本人對住 房和政治及社會兩方面相對滿意。雖然研 究結果顯示日本的娛樂消閒滿意度較韓國 低,但亦有7.78分之高。黃教授認為,這 是因為日本大阪的娛樂消閒設施充足,有 主題樂園和購物街等,因此日本人對娛樂 消閒的滿意度在六項之中得分最高。

Table 2: Happiness Index: Comparison between Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore (2015) 表二:開心指數研究:香港、日本、新加坡三地比較(2015年) Hong Kong 香港 (N=1,184)

1)Overall level of happiness 整體開心指數

Japan (Osaka) 日本(大阪) (N=1,131)

Singapore 新加坡 (N=1,153)

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差

Mean Score 平均分

Standard Deviation 標準差







2)Satisfaction towards Quality of Life measures 生活質素滿意度 Politics and society 政治及社會狀況







Economy 經濟狀況







Environment 環境狀況







Public health 醫療保健狀況







Leisure and entertainment 娛樂消閒狀況







Housing 住房狀況







他指出,三地之中,韓國在娛樂消閒、醫療 保健、經濟及環境方面,均得到最高分數。 黃教授指出,近年韓國娛樂事業發展迅速, 首爾有不少傳統文化活動,及富有藝術氣氛 的特色街道等,韓國人有不少娛樂消閒的選 擇。在醫療保健方面,韓國統一國民健康保 險的政策令醫療福利制度趨於完善。 在經濟方面,韓國近年積極發展旅遊業,韓 風效應令韓劇中的場景成為熱門旅遊景點; 不少韓國知名電子產品品牌成功打入海外市 場,帶動韓國經濟發展。不過,韓國去年遭 受中東呼吸綜合症(MERS)的衝擊,旅遊 業大受影響,即使經濟分數居三地最高,也 只有5.76分。在環境方面,首爾市政府大力 推行綠化政策,並積極解決環境問題,令首 爾市民相對感到滿意。 兩次調查都發現,不論是香港、新加坡、日 本或韓國,女性的開心指數普遍高於男性; 而成年人(25歲至64歲者)的開心指數均低 於年長者(年滿65歲者)及年輕人(不超過 24歲者)。另外,在教育程度與開心指數關 係方面,三地只有小學程度的受訪者的開心 指數均為最高。 黃教授補充:「在社會政策及民生事務上, 我們期望香港政府能聆聽市民心聲,施行 政策時針對市民最急切的需要,減少社會分 化。屆時香港人的開心指數必定提升,香港 人會較現在快樂。」

May 2016


Donor Voices

Founded in 2014, the City University of Hong Kong Foundation (CityU Foundation) enables members of the public and those who care about CityU to contribute to the University’s growth and educational progress in Hong Kong. Members of the Foundation will share their life stories in CityU Today. 「香港城市大學基金」於2014年成 立,旨在為社會賢達和關心城大 發展的朋友搭建平台,共同為香港 教育和城大發展作出貢獻。《今日 城大》每期將訪問一位城大基金會 員,邀請他們分享人生故事。

Giving back to society Corporate social responsibilities top the agenda of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), which was established in 1934. The CMA is known not only for its commitment to corporate social responsibility but also for its sterling work in supporting local education initiatives.

By Eva Choy


and practical, and many corporate members of the CMA like to hire them,” he says. Taking into account Hong Kong’s unique political and economic context, the CMA offers business proposals to the government. Moreover, Dr Li believes the CMA and universities can work closely to enable students to seize opportunities in mainland China for their career development

CityU is lucky to have been receiving long-

and to encourage more contributions to society.

standing support as far back as 1985 from the CMA, which has been donating many CityU

For instance, the CMA recruited eight students

scholarships due to the help of warm-hearted

from each of the local universities when it

persons like Dr Eddy Li Sau-hung, President of

organised the 2015 Hong Kong Trendy Products

CMA, who work diligently behind the scenes.

Expo, Tianjin not too long ago. The students helped to promote Hong Kong products at the

“Upholding our principle that

booths for different companies. Afterwards,

‘we should give back to society in

they reported that they felt that the activity

accordance with what we have earned’,

had enhanced their understanding about the

we not only sponsor scholarships, we

business sector and the mainland and broadened

also collaborate with CityU on business

their visions.

research,” says Dr Li. Over the years, he says, the CMA has witnessed CityU’s

In today’s information age, the market and

marked progress in world academic

communication mode as well as people’s

ranking, teaching quality, research achievements and CityU graduates’

Dr Eddy Li

distinguished career advancement and

• Managing Director, Campell Group (Holdings) Limited

hopes to enhance its relationship with and support to CityU and its students for nourishing talent for Hong Kong. Dr Li has been personally very supportive to education. He has vivid memories of his previous experience as an adjunct professor at CityU, discussing real-world cases with MBA students. “CityU students are intelligent



• Member, The Selection Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region • Committee Member, Trade and Industry Department SME Development Fund • Member, Economic Development Commission • Member, Hong Kong Trade Development Council • Member, Family Council of Home Affairs Bureau • Committee Member, The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, PRC


mentality have changed dramatically compared to dozens of years ago. Dr Li believes that the only way to business success lies in continuously adapting to the ever-changing Hong Kong context. “The most important thing is to find ways to use resources more effectively,” he says. One such example is recruiting student volunteers to help out senior citizens living alone and people with disabilities who visited and shopped at The 70th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo, Dr Li says. They demonstrated their willingness to participate and passion to serve the community. This innovative activity, on the other hand, exemplifies the CMA’s commitment to social responsibility and promoting harmony. Dr Li believes that Hong Kong’s most distinctive feature is its adaptability and the opportunities the city offers. He encourages young people to find out more about history and current affairs in order to construct their own understanding concerning Hong Kong and the mainland. He suggests that they should “make the most of their youth to seize opportunities for personal

取諸社會,用諸社會 香港中華廠商聯合會(廠商會)創立於 1934年,不僅重視履行企業社會責 任,而且對本地教育貢獻良多。 城大的發展也有幸獲得廠商會的大力支 持。遠從1985年起,該會對城大獎學金計 劃的贊助就從未間斷,其中離不開如廠商 會會長李秀恒博士那樣在幕後默默耕耘的 熱心人士。 李博士說:「廠商會的宗旨是『取諸社會, 用諸社會』。除了資助獎學金,我們也和 城大的一些學系有合作計劃,進行企業研 究。」多年來,廠商會目睹了城大在世界 大學排名、教學質素、科研方面的成果和 畢業生的卓越成就,並希望將來能夠加強 對城大及學生的聯繫和支持,為香港培育 人才。 李博士本人向來也支持教育發展,曾擔任 城大客席教授,以實際經驗和廣博見識與 工商管理碩士學生討論實際營商個案。他 對這段愉快經歷記憶猶新:「城大學生勤

development”. 李秀恒博士 • Ten Outstanding Young Persons of 1991 Hong Kong

• 金寶集團(控股)有限公司董事長

• Young Industrialist Awardee 1993

• 工貿署中小企發展資助基金撥款委員會委員

• The HKSAR Bronze Bauhinia Star Award 2000

• 經濟發展委員會委員

• Justice of the Peace 2012

• 香港貿易發展局委員

• 香港特別行政區選舉委員會委員

• 民政事務局家庭議會委員 • 全國政協委員 • 1991年度香港十大傑出青年 • 1993年獲香港青年工業家獎 • 2000年獲香港特別行政區頒授銅紫荊星章 • 2012年獲委任為太平紳士

奮、務實,廠商會的企業會員,就聘請了 不少城大畢業生。」 廠商會經常因應香港獨特的政治、經濟形 勢,向政府就工商業事項提出意見。李博 士認為,廠商會和大學可加強合作,幫助 學生把握國家發展的機遇,為個人發展和 社會進步出力。 不久前廠商會籌辦了天津工展會,從香港 每所大學各招收了八名學生參與,加入不 同展商的攤位,協助推廣香港產品。學生 們都表示,參與展覽活動讓他們增加對商 界及內地的認識,吸收到實戰經驗,眼界 大開。 在現今資訊年代,市場、溝通方式,以至 思維模式,都與數十年前不太相同。李博 士表示,因應香港形勢、不斷奮發求變是 唯一的營商之道。他說:「以更好的方法運 用資源非常重要。」 廠商會早前舉辦的工展會,便是一個絕佳 例子。這個有70多年歷史的展銷會,特別 招攬年輕義工照顧獨居長者及殘疾人士入 場購物。他們透過活動展示了積極參與、 投入服務社會的熱忱。這項「工展顯關懷 之惠澤社群」活動,為傳統展銷會注入新 意,亦把商業活動與社會責任相結合,促 進了社會各階層的和諧。 李博士說,香港最大的特點是靈活,且機 遇處處。他勉勵年輕人多認識世界歷史、 各國現況,作多角度、理性思考,以對國 家和香港有一個正確的認識。他寄語年輕 學子:「應趁年輕善用光陰,打好根基,才 能把握機會、發展自己。」

May 2016


Student Voices

Resonance between local and non-local students By Yusuf Rafique Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 文:Yusuf Rafique 系統工程及工程管理學系

Exchange means interaction. When I came from India to study at CityU, I wanted not only to assimilate into the local community but also to introduce Indian culture to Hong Kong. I wanted to try and build a congenial atmosphere on campus that would promote a world of universal harmony. When I first came to Hong Kong three years ago, I was faced with numerous predicaments. The most difficult issue for me was food. As a Muslim, I do not eat pork or meat that hasn’t been slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law. As I was an outsider in Hong Kong in my first semester, my most frequent meal was the vegetarian sandwiches at CityU’s canteens. Fortunately, my fellow students and hall mates from different countries introduced me to restaurants in Sham Shui Po and Tsim Sha Tsui that offer food for Muslims. Hong Kong has now become my second hometown. I believe that non-local students are often filled with anxiety and need help with everyday activities when they first come to Hong Kong. To help them out, I took the initiative to launch the Resonance Project in February 2015 where we worked together with students from Bangladesh, India, Iraq and South Korea. We even had a few local students in our committee to get an all-round perspective. The multicultural activities that we have organised for all students have helped to foster friendships between local and non-local students. Resonance comprises six committees, with 80 members from nearly 10 countries and regions. Yusuf (centre) and his fellow students Yusuf(中)及他的同學




We were all very encouraged to hear that the University Grants

In addition, it is not always easy for local students and their non-

Committee (UGC) had adjudged the Project as the best multi-cultural

local counterparts to integrate. Cultural differences often pose major

integration project initiated by students at local higher education

obstacles. Different groups take different aspects for granted, and it

institutes. The UGC has offered us grants to support our project.

takes time for some students to comprehend opinions suggested by students from different backgrounds.

Among our activities, I hope to introduce an organisation style that Indian institutions use to recruit students from different backgrounds to work

For instance, prior to coming to Hong Kong, attracting students to join

together and learn from each other. In India, universities often organise

activities by physically handing out brochures and verbally convincing

joint activities such as science festivals or information technology

them of the benefits of our event was an unfamiliar concept to me. In

festivals with secondary schools and other institutions. But in Hong Kong,

India, we usually promote student societies and activities by producing

similar activities are usually hosted by academic departments or student

and uploading videos on the internet. Sometimes we may publish some

societies in the universities.

brochures. That’s why I was surprised when some of my fellow students

May 2016


Student Voices

suggested the direct “hard-sale” approach of shouting and yelling during

followed there. Students in Canada actively discuss their views with

a campaign. I was skeptical about the effectiveness of such a method.

teachers, and other students enjoy listening to the discussions. It was

However, the overwhelming response soon dispelled all my doubts.

really inspiring to listen to the views of students from different places and backgrounds.

Hong Kong has changed from a strange environment to a warm and familiar place in such a short period of time all because people care about

I hope CityU students can expand their social circle, learn about different

others, and that is exactly the spirit promoted by the Resonance Project.

cultures and develop the quality of tolerance through the Resonance

When I take the initiative to socialise, other students are willing to interact

Project. To this end, the Resonance Project organised five full-day events

with me, which builds up friendship without national boundaries.

on campus last year, namely “Optimus”, “Brokers Quest”, “Printisable”, “Crime Buster” and “Indubious”. Participants were required to develop

During the holidays, I enjoy exploring Hong Kong with my fellow

futuristic products or 3D models; survive a shipwreck; play a game

students, just like any tourists. Apart from scenic spots, I have also

that combines the board game “Monopoly” and a treasure hunt; and

explored the cemetery in Chai Wan where you can see the tombs of the

investigate a fictitious crime. About 350 local and non-local students took

Indian soldiers who fought during the Second World War. I hope to know

up the challenge to test their intelligence and physical strength.

more about Hong Kong and find more historical traces of my country in I hope the project continues to find resonance with all students on

this city.

campus. After joining the big CityU family, I have been on an exchange to Canada where I have gained insight into the teaching and learning methods

”I hope CityU students can expand their social circle, learn about different cultures and develop the quality of tolerance through the Resonance Project.” (From left) Szeto Cheuk-ting, Maruful Islam, Yusuf Rafique, Al-Abbasi Ali Mustafa Hamid and Mohammed Usman (左起)司徒卓庭、Maruful Islam、Yusuf Rafique、Al-Abbasi Ali Mustafa Hamid、Mohammed Usman





要融合本地和外來學生並不容易,文化差異是一大阻礙。有時候, 不同背景的同學需要時間消化對方提出的意見,因為對某些人來說 是理所當然的事情,其他人未必理解、贊同。

交流是互動的。我由印度來城大升學,除了要融入香港的生 活,也想將印度的文化帶來香港,在校園建立融洽包容的氛 圍,宣揚世界大同的精神。 三年前剛到香港時,覺得最難的是「搵食」!作為穆斯林,除了不 吃豬肉外,非誦經而宰殺的動物亦不會進食。第一個學期時人生路 不熟,只能與學校飯堂的蔬菜三文治作伴。幸而後來得到不同國籍 的同學、宿友幫忙,帶我外出「覓食」,才知道深水埗和尖沙咀有 專為穆斯林而設的食肆,解決了食的難題。如今香港已是我第二個 家。

例如,我從沒想過要親身上陣,在校園內大喊大叫招攬參與者。在 印度,學生通常會製作短片介紹學會及活動,然後發佈到網絡媒 體,也會派發小冊子吸引學生參與。所以,當其他同學提議用叫喊 這種簡單直接的宣傳手法時,我簡直覺得難以想像,而且懷疑是否 可行。但結果反應十分熱烈,我的疑慮因此一掃而空! 香港的陌生環境與面孔能夠在短時間內變得親切和熟絡,全靠人與 人之間的關懷,這也正是「共鳴」宣揚的精神。只要我先踏出第一 步,其他同學都樂意與我交流,無分國界的友誼就這樣建立起來。

假日期間我會像遊客一樣,與同學結伴到處遊覽。除旅遊景點外, 相信不少外地生初來港升學都會感覺徬徨,需要朋友和支援。 還曾去過柴灣的墳場「考古」,因該處葬有印度軍人,我希望了解 為了令海外同學不覺得孤單,我在2015年2月發起組織「共鳴」 香港的文化,並從中找到自己國家的歷史遺跡。 (Resonance)計劃,聯同校內來自孟加拉、印度、伊拉克及韓國 等地的學生籌組活動,並邀請香港學生加入,使視角更全面。我們 「希望城大學生可以透過參與『共鳴』擴大 在校園推動多元文化活動,全校學生都可參與,幫助本地與非本地 學生互相認識。現在,「共鳴」計劃下已設立六個小組委員會,共有 社交圈子,學習了解不同國家的文化,培養 80名成員,來自近十個國家和地區。


計劃獲大學教育資助委員會評為高教界學生主導的最佳多元文化融 合活動計劃,更獲得資助,這對我們來說是很大的鼓勵。 在印度,不少大學會與中學及各類院校合作,由學生自己籌劃科學 節、資訊科技節等聯校活動;但在香港,這類活動大多由學系或學 會舉辦。我希望將印度學生籌組大型活動的風氣帶到香港,吸納更 多不同背景的學生共同策劃及參與,相互交流和學習。

加入城大這個大家庭後,我曾去加拿大當交流生,對當地的教學深 有體會。加拿大的學生踴躍與老師討論自己的見解,其他同學即使 旁聽也樂在其中。多聽來自不同背景學生的想法,的確對自己的思 維有所衝擊。 希望城大學生可以透過參與「共鳴」擴大社交圈子,學習了解不 同國家的文化,培養包容之心。為此,「共鳴」去年舉行了「最優方 案」、「經紀探索記」、「可想而印」、「罪案剋星」、「確信不疑」等 五項全日賽事,分別在校園內多處地點舉行。 活動要求參加者設計未來的產品或3D模型、在沉船海難中設法求 生、玩一個糅合了「大富翁」及尋寶的遊戲、偵破罪案等,考驗他 們的體能和智力,參與活動的本地及國際學生多達350人。 希望「共鳴」計劃將在校園內不同學生身上產生共鳴!

Yusuf (right) and Ms Winnie Koo Wing-yan (centre), the staff coordinator for Resonance from the Global Services Office, worked together to organise multi-cultural activities. Yusuf(左)及城大環球事務處職員古詠欣女士(中)攜手合作,籌組多元文化活動。

May 2016


Gown to Town

From CityU to Senior Counsel – legal training at its best By Michael Gibb


No matter where you come from or what your background is, CityU will provide you with a world-class legal education, says Mr Hectar Pun Hei, a former law student at CityU and an appointed Senior Counsel (SC) in Hong Kong.

addition to studying for a master’s programme

Undoubtedly his education in the School of Law

at the University of Oxford.

at CityU prepared him for this role, as did his experience as President of the Students’ Union

Mr Pun’s appointment to Senior Counsel is

(SU) when he was an undergraduate.

the culmination of several years working on some of the highest profile legal cases in local

“I learned a great deal during my time as

courts. He has specialised in human rights

President of the SU,” Mr Pun explains. “I

law, acting for clients challenging deportation

developed my interpersonal and communication

He is in fact the first CityU law school graduate

orders and people fighting for equality and gay

skills because I had to talk to everyone, from

to be appointed to this prestigious position in

and transsexual rights. In one highly complex

senior management to the business people

the local law profession.

case, he represented a post-operative male-to-

who ran the canteens. I also worked on my

female transsexual in a constitutional challenge

organisation skills. Being president is less about

“I believe strongly that CityU law graduates are

to the decision of the Registrar of Marriages

leadership than about organising things. A

well-trained for the legal profession on one of

that she did not qualify as “a woman” under

president has to be a good organiser!”

the best programmes in the world,” says Mr Pun.

the Marriage Ordinance and the Matrimonial

In fact, the chambers he works for has taken

Causes Ordinance.

Despite his busy schedule, Mr Pun finds time to participate in events held by CityU’s Alumni

several CityU alumni, and his current pupil, Mr Austin Yiu Tze-hin, is also a CityU alumnus.

“To share my experience with CityU law

Relations Office, the Alumni Association of

Mr Yiu studied for his Bachelor of Laws and

students, I teach at CityU once a week as an

the School of Law of CityU, and also the CityU

Postgraduate Certificate in Laws at CityU in

Adjunct Professor, focusing on public law and

Eminence Society, an independent organisation

human rights,” he says. He also gives advice

formed by enthusiastic senior alumni who are

on career development and insight into the

committed to contributing their expertise and

life of a Barrister-at-Law and the importance

resources to CityU and the community.

of impartiality and neutrality within the boundaries of the law. As an SC in Hong Kong, Mr Pun is now elevated to the ranks of Hong Kong’s most senior legal minds. “The position means that I take on a more senior position especially on more complex cases,” says Mr Pun.



“I love to help CityU however I can,” he says. SNAPSHOT • CityU alumnus (LLB, PCLL) • King’s College London (LLM) on British Chevening Postgraduate Scholarship • Peking University (LLB) • Called to the Bar in 1995 • Denis Chang’s Chambers • Took Silk in 2015 • CityU Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015


從城大學生到 資深大律師 潘熙先生畢業於城大法律系,現為香港 資深大律師。他認為,不論學生的出身 與背景為何,城大都可為他們提供世界 級的法學教育。 資深大律師在香港法律界地位崇高,潘先生 是首位獲此殊榮的城大法律系畢業生。 潘先生說:「我深信城大的法學課程位居世 界前列,學院的畢業生接受良好訓練,能勝 任專業工作。」他任職的大律師事務所就吸 納了數名城大校友。他現時的徒弟姚子軒先 生也畢業於城大。姚先生在城大獲得法律學 榮譽學士及法學專業證書,後來又到英國牛 津大學攻讀碩士課程。 過去數年裏,潘先生在本港法庭代理了數 宗廣受關注的案件,因而獲委任為資深大律 師。他的專業為人權法,主要代表客戶對遞 解離境令提出質疑,並為爭取平等、爭取同 性戀者和變性人權利的客戶出庭。例如在一 宗頗為複雜的案件中,他曾代表一名經手術 由男性轉為女性的變性人,質疑婚姻登記官 的判決違憲;該官員根據《婚姻條例》及


• 城大校友(法律學榮譽學士、法學專業證書) • 獲「志奮領獎學金」赴英國倫敦國王學院攻讀 並取得法學碩士學位 • 獲北京大學法學士學位 • 1995年取得大律師資格 • 任職於張健利資深大律師事務所 • 2015年獲委任為資深大律師 • 2015年獲頒城大「傑出校友獎」

《婚姻訴訟條例》認為這位變性人不符合成 為「女人」的資格。 潘先生說:「我擔任城大法學特約教授,每 星期講一次課,與城大的法律系學生分享 經驗,主要探討公共法及人權。」他亦會向 學生提供有關事業發展的建議,介紹大律 師的工作,以及講述在法律範圍內爭取公 正與中立的重要。 獲委任為資深大律師,標誌潘先生已躋身 香港法律界精英之列。他表示:「成為資 深大律師後,我會處理一些更為複雜的案 件。」

他表示:「擔任學生會會長使我獲益良 多,例如培養了我的交際與溝通能力,因 為我要跟不同身分的人士交談,從大學管 理層到飯堂主管。我的組織能力亦獲得鍛 鍊,擔任會長其實是組織協調多於領導指 揮;會長一定要有良好的組織能力。」 儘管工作繁忙,潘先生仍然抽空參加城 大校友聯絡處、法律學院校友會及「城賢 匯」的活動。「城賢匯」是城大的一個校友 組織,由熱心的資深校友創立,旨在透過 他們的專業經驗及資源,促進城大發展和 服務社會。 他說:「我樂意為母校貢獻綿薄之力。」

潘先生今日的成就,與他在城大法律學院 接受的教育,以及他是城大本科生時擔任 學生會會長的經歷大有關係。

May 2016



Oxford University Press, 2014

Understanding Sexual Homicide Offenders: An Integrated Approach Dr Oliver Chan Heng-choon, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

This book presents an analysis of social, technical, economic and

This book offers a comprehensive understanding of sexual homicide.

political (STEP) barriers that research shows tend to stymie wind

It includes a thorough survey of offender classifications, and analyses

power development. Case studies that examine phlegmatic wind

current theoretical explanations and understandings of sexual

power development in Australia, Canada, Japan and Taiwan are

homicide from a criminological perspective. It proposes an important

presented in order to demonstrate to the reader how these barriers

new integrated theoretical understanding of sexual homicide

manifest themselves in practice.

offenders. The author moves beyond the sensationalism of media

Wind Power Politics and Policy Dr Scott Victor Valentine, Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy and School of Energy and Environment

depictions of these crimes and their killers. With the precision of a The book also presents an analysis of STEP catalysts that have been

surgeon doing a complex operation, he dissects, synthesises, and

linked to the successful growth of wind power capacity in select

critically evaluates the literature.

nations. Case studies that examine the successful development of wind power in China, Denmark, Germany and the US are put forth

This book is a well-written

as practical examples of how supportive factors conflate to produce

and well-organised

conditions that are conducive to the growth of wind power markets.

compendium of information

By examining impediments and catalysts, the book will provide

that will hold the interest

policymakers with insight into the types of factors that must be

of law enforcement agents,

effectively managed in order to maximise wind power development.

lawyers, judges, correctional staff, mental health professionals

《風能的政治與政策》 公共政策學系及能源與環境學院副教授武龍天博士 牛津大學出版社,2014年

and university students who want to know more about the circumstances, background, and motivation that lead some individuals to engage in sexual homicide.

研究顯示,社會、技 術、經濟及政治都會 妨礙風能的發展,本書 分析了這些障礙。書中列 出澳洲、加拿大、日本及台 灣的個案研究,向讀者展示實 際情形中的障礙,這幾個國家或 地區的風能發展都停滯不前。 同時,本書亦呈現一些成功發展風力發電的模範國家,包括中 國、丹麥、德國與美國,並分析了促使其獲得成功的社會、技 術、經濟及政治因素,以此為實例說明各種有利因素如何合力 促成有利於風能市場發展的形勢。本書詳細分析了阻礙或促進 風能發展的種種因素,以便決策者可以高瞻遠矚,處理好這些 因素,充分發展風能。



《全面解讀性侵殺人犯》 應用社會科學系助理教授陳慶泉博士 Palgrave Macmillan,2015年 本書幫助讀者全面認識性侵殺人,包括性侵殺人犯分類縱覽, 當前相關理論闡釋的分析,以及從犯罪學角度了解性侵殺人, 並且對性侵殺人犯的研究提出新的重要綜合理論。作者摒棄了 媒體對此類罪案及罪犯慣用的渲染手法,以外科醫生做複雜手 術的精準手法,對相關文獻資料作出綜合剖析與嚴格評論。 本書文筆精到,條理清楚,概述了該學術領域的有關知識,可 以幫助對此感興趣的讀者,例如執法人員、律師、法官、懲教 人員、精神健康工作者及大學生,加深了解某些性侵殺人者的 環境、背景及動機。

Never stop innovating! 探索創新 永不停步 Genuinely creative thinking nurtured by CityU’s pioneering Discovery-enriched Curriculum firmly characterised the excellent student projects featured in this year’s exciting Discovery Festival. 今年的「探索創新節」展出多個優秀學生作品,充分反映城大 首創的「重探索求創新」課程有助培育學生的創新能力。

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