May 2015
3D Boom at CityU 立體打印技術—實現創意的利器
Road safety enhanced by new infrared detector 新型紅外線探測器—道路安全新法寳
Virtual reality for virtuoso learning 智障學生的「虛擬」互動良師
From the Editor
The 3D revolution in printing technology is set to change the way we manufacture products. But an equally compelling reason for welcoming the 3D boom is its impact on student learning. In this issue of CityU Today, we will examine how rapid prototyping enhances the educational experience of our students. Several faculty members and our technical support team offer their views. It is not just technology, though, that empowers students in learning. Dr Elaine Au of the Department of Applied Social Sciences talks about her UGC teaching award and her commitment to encouraging students to work for the betterment of society through volunteering. In addition, a brand new column focuses on our supporters and donors in the community, men and women who contribute so much to CityU’s development, and we will find out more about our new Dean of the School of Law and his take on legal studies in Hong Kong and further afield. Happy reading!
打印技術的立體化革新,勢必改變我們製作產品的方式;但我們 歡迎立體打印的興起,還有另一層同樣令人振奮的理由:它對學 生探求學問大有好處。本期《今日城大》報道該技術的快速成型 功能如何增強學生的學習體驗,並請數位教師和我們的技術支援 團隊來談談他們的看法。不過,為學生增添助力的不僅是技術, 應用社會科學系的區廖淑貞博士細說她獲得教資會頒發優秀教學 獎的原因,以及鼓勵學生做義工以促進社會進步的信念。此外, 本刊開闢了一個全新專欄,介紹社會上的男女善長對城大如何慷 慨捐贈,以支持我校發展。我們還訪問了法律學院的新任院長, 聽他談談關於本港及外地法律研究的意見。
8 Cover Story 封面專題
3D boom at CityU
Students love it, teachers praise it, and tech guys say it’s getting easier (and cheaper) all the time—3D printing enhances the learning experience through tangible visualisation.
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Ada Tam / 行政編輯:譚麗珍 • Executive Editor : Mirror Fung / 執行編輯:馮美玲 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯: 鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Allen Zhuang / 中文編輯:莊開仁 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收
學生喜愛,教師稱讚,技術員說越來越簡 便(也越來越廉宜)— 立體打印技術將學 生心中的意念變為實物,提高他們的學習 興趣。
May 2015
Features 專題
Virtual reality for virtuoso learning
Road safety enhanced by new infrared detector
Legal training for the region 為亞太區培養法律專才
新型紅外線探測器—道路安全 新法寳
20 Electricity and vision 電•視
17 20
14 14
22 26
Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable
HK$100m donation boosts Veterinary Medicine at CityU 億元捐款支持城大創立 動物醫學院
26 Through The Lens
A meeting of minds, language and culture 思想、語言、文化交匯
28 In the Know
34 Student Voices
The principle of whole-person development 全人教育 持之以恆
A printable dream 立體打印 虛擬成真
32 Donor Voices
Doing ordinary deeds well 做好平凡事
36 Books
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報道香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
May 2015
News & Notable
HK$100m donation boosts Veterinary Medicine at CityU 億元捐款支持城大創立動物醫學院
CityU held a special ceremony to thank acclaimed business leader Dr Li Dak-sum (3rd from left) and his wife (2nd from left) for the huge donation that they have given to CityU. Dr Li, a successful entrepreneur and highly respected philanthropist, is Chairman of Roxy Property Investment Co. Ltd, Corporate Advisor of Sharp-Roxy (HK) Ltd, and Chairman of the Singapore Carlton Hotel Group. He believes research is an integral part of the success of universities and he strongly supports CityU’s plan to develop its School of Veterinary Medicine.
城大舉行「李達三葉耀珍動物醫學發展基 金」成立儀式,以感謝商界知名人士李達三 博士(左三)及夫人(左二)向城大的慷慨捐 贈。李博士是成功的企業家,也是備受尊崇 的慈善家。他身兼樂聲物業投資有限公司董 事會主席、聲寶-樂聲(香港)有限公司董事會 顧問、新加坡卡爾登酒店集團董事會主席。 李博士深信科學研究是今日大學成功的必要 一環,也十分贊同城大創立動物醫學院。
RAE 2014 affirms CityU’s research excellence 2014年研究評審工作結果肯定城大研究表現卓越 The results of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 affirm CityU’s excellence in world-class research and position CityU among the leading universities in the region. RAE 2014, conducted by the UGC, assesses the quality of the research conducted at UGC-funded institutions. The results indicate that 44% of CityU’s research is rated in the top-notch categories as either world-leading (“4 star”) or internationally excellent (“3 star”), locating CityU in the top four UGC-funded universities in terms of overall performance in Hong Kong.
大學教育資助委員會公佈的「2014年研究評審工作」結果,肯定城大的世界級研究表現 卓越,奠定其區內領先學府的地位。評審工作由教資會進行,審核受教資會資助的各大 專院校的研究表現。評審結果顯示,城大有44%的研究達世界領先(4 星)或國際卓越水平 (3 星),整體表現位列本港大學前四名。
CityU chemist receives prestigious Croucher award 城大化學家榮膺裘槎基金會獎項 Professor Kenneth Lo Kam-wing (pictured) of the Department of Biology and Chemistry has been awarded a Senior Research Fellowship by the Croucher Foundation for his pioneering research in inorganic chemistry.
Alumni win top international award with biotech invention 校友憑生物測毒技術獲日內瓦國際 發明展最高榮譽大獎 A biotechnology company founded by alumni Mr Eric Chen Zixiang (3rd from left) and Dr Chen Xueping (2nd from right) has been awarded
His findings have provided a new perspective on the development of biological reagents for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The fellowship will allow Professor Lo to undertake full-time research for a period of one year.
生物及化學系羅錦榮教授(右圖)榮獲本年度裘槎基金會「優秀科研者獎」,以表彰他在無 機化學領域的創新研究。他的研究成果為發展生物試劑在疾病診療方面的應用開拓了一個 全新的方向。裘槎基金會的「優秀科研者獎」讓羅教授有一年時間全職進行研究。
the Grand Prix at the 43rd Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. The company, Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited, won the award for the application of technology
Major cultural awards reward arts promotion at CityU 城大榮獲三項藝術大獎
developed by Professor Cheng Shuk Han (1st from right) from the Department of Biomedical
CityU took home three major prizes at one of Hong Kong’s most prestigious arts and culture events
Sciences at CityU and her research team. The
in April. The honours were part of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards for 2014 organised by
technology helps to improve the safety of food
the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. The event was an excellent opportunity for CityU, and
and daily necessities by rapidly testing for toxins
in particular the School of Creative Media (SCM), to promote the professional education and arts
through the use of zebrafish embryos. It was
research that is such a vital part of our Discovery-enriched Curriculum to the local arts scene and
commended for allowing in vivo detection of
the public in general. SCM won the Award for Arts Promotion; Dr Cédric Maridet of SCM won Artist
toxins without having to use animals. It can
of the Year (Media Arts); and SCM alumnus Mr Kenny Wong Chi-chuen won the Award for Young
simultaneously study over 1,000 toxins, plus the
Artist (Media Arts).
toxicological mechanics of the samples studied.
城大校友陳子翔先生(左三)及陳雪平博士 (右二)創立的水中銀(國際)生物科技有限 公司,把城大開發的生物測毒專利技術,應 用於檢測食物、化妝品等各種物品,並因此 奪得第43屆日內瓦國際發明展的最高榮譽大 獎。他們利用城大生物醫學系鄭淑嫻教授 (右一)及其科研團隊開發的技術檢測毒 素,藉以保障食品及用品安全,卻無須使用 動物測試。獲獎技術以斑馬魚的胚胎來檢測 毒素,能同一時間檢測1,000種毒素,以及 樣本的毒理機制。
Professor Arthur Ellis (right), Provost, and Professor Jenny Lau Kwok-wah (centre), Visiting Professor of SCM, receive the Award for Arts Promotion from the Honourable Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for Home Affairs. 學務副校長李博亞教授(右)、創意媒體學院副院長劉幗 華教授(中)從民政事務局局長曾德成先生手中接過「藝 術推廣獎」。
城大在4月舉行的「2014香港藝術發展獎」 頒獎典禮中榮獲三項大獎,度過一個豐收 的藝術之夜。頒獎典禮由香港藝術發展局主 辦,是本地聲望最高的文化藝術界盛事之 一。專業教育與藝術研究是城大「重探索求 創新課程」的重要一環,當晚城大(尤其是 創意媒體學院)乘出席典禮之機,向香港藝 術界及公眾展示本校在這兩方面的成就。 城大創意媒體學院榮獲「藝術推廣獎」,該 學院的Cédric Maridet博士獲頒「年度藝術家 獎」 (媒體藝術),校友黃智銓先生獲頒「藝 術新秀獎」 (媒體藝術)。
May 2015
News & Notable New council members visit CityU 校董會新成員參觀城大 Two newly appointed Council members learned about CityU’s remarkable progress during a campus visit in April. Professor Way Kuo, University President, and members of the senior management team warmly welcomed Dr Raymond Lee Man-chun (3rd from left), Chairman of Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd, and Mr Dominic Pang Yat-ting (4th from left), Co-Chairman of Chun Wo Development Holdings Ltd. In addition, The Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR has re-appointed Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming as the Council Chairman of CityU, effective from 1 January 2015, for another term of three years.
兩位新就任的城大校董會成員4月參觀城大校園,了解城大的卓越成就。兩位新校董是:理文造紙有限公司主席李文俊博士(左三)、俊 和發展集團聯席主席彭一庭先生(左四)。校長郭位教授及多位大學管理層成員歡迎兩位新校董訪問城大。此外,香港特區行政長官再度 委任胡曉明先生為城大校董會主席,任期三年,自2015 年1月1日起生效。
Annual Discovery Festival celebrates innovation 城大舉辦「探索創新節」展示卓越教學成果 The annual Discovery Festival in March celebrated the achievements of CityU students and faculty in discovery, innovation and creativity, which are the main curricular drivers behind CityU’s unique Discovery-enriched Curriculum. Exhibits included the discovery of how plants absorb the toxic chemical compound formaldehyde in paint; a smart “Sky Wheel” designed for senior citizens, especially for those who live alone, to get hold of things from tall shelves; an age-friendly hairwashing tool designed for senior citizens to wash their hair with less use of their arms; and a means of building a comfortable temporary home quickly for victims of natural disasters using minimal technology.
城大3月舉辦一年一度的城大探索創新節,展示本校師生在探索、創新、創造中獲得的優秀成果,這是城大獨特的「重探索求創新課程」 之三大要素。展品包括:能夠吸收油漆中的甲醛等有毒化合物的植物;特別為長者(尤其是獨居者)而設計的智能摩天輪,以便他們從架 子上高處取下物件;為長者貼心設計的智能洗髮工具,幫助他們無須大動手臂即可為自己洗髮;幫助遭遇天災者使用簡單的技術快速建 造出舒適的臨時住所的災後重建方案。
President’s visits strengthen French ties 校長率團訪法,冀增強與知名大學及機構合作 A delegation led by the University President, Professor Way Kuo, explored collaboration opportunities with prestigious universities and institutions in France at the end of January. The delegation met with representatives from the University of Paris VI (also known as University Pierre and Marie Curie, UPMC), Sciences Po, the University of Strasbourg and Bouygues Construction. In addition, Professor Kuo delivered a lecture on the reliability of nuclear and renewable energy resources at UPMC.
城大校長郭位教授1月底率領代表團前往法國,造訪知名的大學及機構,探討雙方在教學及研究方面的合作機會。城大代表團造訪了巴 黎第六大學(又稱「皮埃爾和瑪麗•居里大學」)、巴黎政治大學、斯特拉斯堡大學、布依格建築公司,與各大學及機構代表見面。此外, 郭教授在巴黎第六大學發表演講,內容為核能的可靠度與可再生能源的資源。
Students win international design award 學生榮獲國際設計大獎
Veterinarians join CityU’s course on equine fracture management 城大舉辦獸醫課程講授馬匹骨折治療技術
Two students took the top prize at the Young
Nearly 40 veterinarians learned about new
Structural Engineers’ International Design
developments in equine orthopaedic surgery
Competition with an innovative design of a
at a clinical course organised at CityU in March.
shelter for accommodation following a natural
The course, titled “Advanced Techniques
disaster. Yeung Carman (2nd from left) and
in Equine Fracture Management”, was co-
Cacin Wong Po-ying (3rd from left), both Year
organised by CityU’s School of Veterinary
4 students of the Department of Architecture
Medicine, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, and
and Civil Engineering, received the prestigious
AOVET, a global network for veterinarians.
Drury Medal (for the best entry in the under-25
Well-known experts in equine orthopaedics
category) and collected £2,500 in prize
and traumatology shared their experience in
money at an awards ceremony in London,
fracture treatment through lectures, discussions, and hands-on laboratory sessions over the four
outshining 160 entries from around the world.
Their winning project, titled “Small Bag Big Life”, provides a quick and easy way to build comfortable temporary or permanent shelters for victims of natural disasters using earth bags.
城大兩名學生參加英國青年結構工程師國 際設計比賽,為災後重建居所提出一項富 有創意的設計方案,贏得大獎。參賽的160 個設計方案來自世界各地,城大建築學及 土木工程學系的四年級學生楊嘉文(左二) 和黃保英(左三)脫穎而出,在倫敦舉行 的頒獎儀式上,奪得大獎,榮獲Drury獎 牌(25歲以下組別的最佳作品獎),並贏 得2,500英鎊獎金。她們的獲獎方案名為 「Small Bag Big Life」,提出一套快速而簡 易的建築方法,用沙包為遭遇天災的民眾 建造舒適的臨時或永久居所。
城大3月舉行臨床課程,近40名獸醫前來參加,學習馬匹骨科外科手術。課程名為「高階 馬匹骨折治療技術」,由城大動物醫學院、香港賽馬會、國際獸醫網絡AOVET合辦。為期 四天的課程包含講座、討論、實習等內容,執教者是世界一流的馬匹骨科學及創傷學專 家,為學員傳授治療技術和自己的經驗。
Employers’ luncheon boosts ties with industries 城大僱主午宴增進與各行業的聯繫 An Employers’ Luncheon in April strengthened connections between CityU and global and local businesses, and showcased exceptional student achievements to prospective employers. A total of 300 senior management representatives from a wide spectrum of industries and sectors attended the event. In his welcoming remarks at the luncheon, Professor Way Kuo, University President, stressed the importance of forming strong connections between higher education and the business community.
城大4月舉辦「僱主午宴」, 以增進與本地及跨國企業的 聯繫,並向僱主展示學生的 卓越成績。這是城大促進學 生就業的新舉措之一。來自 各行各業的300名高層管理 人員出席午宴。城大校長郭 位教授在午宴上致詞,強調 高等教育界與商界建立緊密 聯繫的重要。
May 2015
News & Notable Exemplary teachers win excellence award 模範老師榮獲傑出教學獎 Two teachers were honoured with this year’s Teaching Excellence Awards in recognition of their contributions to raising the quality of teaching. Professor Muammer Ozer (right) of the Department of Management and Dr Y-Dang Troeung (left) of the Department of English were selected for “Teaching with a Clear Vision” and “Rediscovering the Familiar through Creative Work”, respectively.
城大向兩位老師授予本年度的傑出教學獎,以表彰他們提升教學質素的貢獻。今屆教學 獎的得獎者是管理學系的歐澤賢教授(右)及英文系的張依蘭博士(左)。歐澤賢教授獲 獎,因為他「理念明晰,教學有方」;張博士獲獎,因為她促使學生「親手創作,從舊識 見新知」。
10th anniversary for City-Youth Empowerment Project 城青優權計劃慶祝推行10周年 Over 400 people attended “Happy Carnival 2015” in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the City-Youth Empowerment Project in April. At the carnival, organisers set up booths and arranged activities such as a largescale collective art project, an African drum circle and music jamming, a South Asian street food corner, and music and dance performances.
城大城青優權計劃4月舉行「快樂嘉年華2015」,並慶祝計劃推行 10周年。活動吸引了400多名社會各界人士參加。主辦者在場內設 立攤位、組織活動,例如展示大型集體藝術圖畫創作、非洲鼓樂 及音樂合奏、南亞地區街頭小食製作、音樂及舞蹈表演等。
Marketing award displays student ingenuity 學生獲市場策劃比賽金獎 The Gold Award in the Joint University Outstanding Marketing Award competition went to a group of marketing and management students for their excellent marketing strategies and outstanding presentation. Competing against 400 teams from local universities, the team helped a company raise its brand awareness and increase loyalty with a strategically designed marketing plan. Their thorough analysis, originality and creativity, organisation and presentation skills helped them to win the contest.
城大市場營銷學系及管理學系的學生參加「全港大學聯校市場策劃比賽」,以出色的營銷 策略及傑出的現場表述而奪得金獎。共有400支來自本地各大專院校的隊伍參加這次比 賽。城大隊精心設計了一套營銷方案,幫助一家公司增強品牌名氣、提高客戶認同感。 他們以精闢的分析、新穎的創意、出色的組織及表述技巧,在比賽中脫穎而出。
Nanotechnology for biomedical microsystems 用於生物醫學微系統的納米技術 The application of nanotechnology to engineer sensors and actuators for biomedical applications were the twin foci of a talk by Professor Stella Pang (pictured), Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, in the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia in February. In her
CityU, International Guoshu Association build first-ever martial arts living archive 城大與中華國術總會合作 首創「香港武術活態資料庫」
presentation, Professor Pang, who is also
The world’s first-ever kung fu heritage project,
the Director of the Centre for Biosystems,
the Hong Kong Martial Arts Living Archive,
Neuroscience, and Nanotechnology at CityU,
jointly built by CityU and the International
touched upon nanotechnology for devices and
Guoshu Association, will preserve the culture
microsystems; the application of nanotechnology
of martial arts using unique 360 degree 3D
in biomedical microsystems; platforms to control
motion capture technology. The archive will
cell migration; neural probes; and plasmonic
comprehensively and precisely document Hong
biosensors to detect cells.
Kong’s kung fu traditions. It encompasses the
城大電子工程講座教授彭慧芝教授(上圖)2月主持「校長講座系列:學術薈萃」,討論的重 點是如何運用納米技術,以設計出可應用於生物醫學的傳感器及驅動器。彭教授在演講中 提到:用於器械及微系統的納米技術;納米技術在生物醫學微系統的應用;可控制細胞遷 移的平台;神經探針;探測細胞的等離子生物傳感器等。彭教授現兼任城大生物系統、神 經科學和納米技術中心主任。
Applied research showcased at International ICT Expo 城大在國際博覽會展示應用研究成果 Fifteen innovative projects developed by CityU researchers showcased CityU’s strengths in applied
first-ever complete digital strategy of archiving and annotating Hong Kong’s diverse kung fu styles and traditions.
城大與中華國術總會合作,利用獨特的360 度立體動作擷取技術,建立全球首創的「香 港武術活態資料庫」,以紀錄保存「功夫」 這一文化遺產。資料庫將完整而精確地紀 錄香港的功夫傳統,同時首創一套完整的 數碼化操作方式,將香港各門派功夫的特 色和傳統逐一存檔,並加註釋。
research at the International ICT Expo 2015, demonstrating how CityU’s innovative technologies can improve the quality of lives. The projects range from wireless communications, biomedical science, consumer electronics, and neural control technology to mobile applications. Each one is a great example of application-oriented research conducted by CityU in response to the needs of society.
城大參加2015年「國際資訊科技博覽」,展出我校研究人員研發的15項創新技術成果,顯 示城大研發的創新科技有助提升生活質素。城大的參展項目涵蓋無線通訊、生物醫學、消 費類電子產品、神經控制技術、手機應用程式等技術領域,每件展品都是城大從事應用研 究以切合社會需求的範例。
Secondary students learn career tips at CityU programme 城大助高中生裝備自己 Distinguished guests from various sectors shared their success and life experience with more than 160 secondary students at the “Shaping Your Future: A Lifetime of Difference” programme in April. In addition to the sharing session, the students had the opportunity to talk with CityU staff and students, and find out more about the programmes and the learning environment during their campus tours.
城大4月舉辦「成功之旅 今日啟航」活動,各界成功人士應邀來城大,為160多名高中生講述自己的成功歷程。與會的中學生不僅獲得 寶貴的人生經驗,同時有機會參觀城大的校園及教研設施,與城大師生交流,了解課程資訊及學習環境。
May 2015
Cover Story
3D boom at CityU 立體打印—實現創意的利器 By Michael Gibb
The media has been carrying stories related to 3D printing for some time now, with journalists speculating that one day we might be able to print out homes, cars and even weapons. But beneath these, often quite sensational stories, the reality at CityU is 3D printing is increasingly adding value to a range of courses and projects.
Rapid prototyping In 3D printing, or rapid prototyping as it is also known, a student can create a physical model of, let’s say, a building using computeraided design software that translates the
Dr King Lai Wai-chiu, Assistant Professor in the
and neutron and X-ray scattering. “In this GE
data from the drawing and sends it to a 3D
Department of Mechanical and Biomedical
course, the students look at wind turbines,
printing machine. In a process called additive
Engineering, quickly saw the benefits of these
solar panels and energy harvesting. By
manufacturing technology, the machine begins
facilities for his Gateway Education (GE) course
creating 3D models, they can really see how
to build a physical model of the virtual design
“Smart Home: Green and Healthy Living
the technology works. Without 3D printing,
by laying down layers of a material, often
the process of creating models with other
different kinds of plastics.
materials by hand would be quite tedious.” “3D printing lets students see how objects and
“It is not a new technology,” explains Mr Frankie
structures are assembled, and allows them
Student training
Fan Tsz-ki who manages the Gateway Education
to visualise their ideas clearly, with a tangible
Naturally, the students more often than not
Laboratory (GE Laboratory) in Academic 1. The
model that they can examine in great detail,”
require training in how to create the models
Lab opened in 2013. “It has been around since
explains Dr Lai, whose research interest lies
and use the machinery. Mr Fan hosts regular
the late 1980s, but recently the technology
in scanning probe microscopy, micro-/nano-
training sessions for GE courses and students.
has reached the maturity stage. Also, after the
manipulation and sensors. In his GE course,
expiry of several major patents of 3D printing
participants have to design a smart home
“We have several student helpers who work
technologies in 2009 and 2014, the price of
using new and sustainable technologies that
with us to train others,” says Mr Fan, who
both the printing machines and the materials
promote smarter living.
worked as an industrial engineer in product
has become more affordable.” In fact, it is not
development before joining CityU. Some of
uncommon these days for researchers to own
“The students can use 3D printing to create
the helpers have a science and/or technology
their own 3D printers. Several CityU academic
models of their ideas which they then present
background, but some of the helpers have
units have access to their own 3D printers, too,
to the class and to me for assessment,” says
come from very different fields. One recently
including those that offer colour options and
Dr Lai.
recruited student helper, for example, was
nano-scale printing.
studying accountancy. Dr Abhijit Pramanick, Visiting Assistant
Learning benefits
Professor in the Department of Physics and
The students, under the direction of Mr Fan
The GE Laboratory managed by the Office
Materials Science, agrees that 3D printing
and with input from Dr Patrio Chiu Pit-ho,
of Education Development and Gateway
adds value to learning at CityU. He teaches a
Senior Education Development Officer in
Education (EDGE) is the go-to place for any
GE course called “Energy and Technology” that
EDGE, are fast becoming experts in the use
faculty or student who wishes to utilise 3D
aims to help students reflect on our energy
of the GE Lab’s new 3D printers and their
printing in their teaching and/or research. 3D
needs, the role of renewable energy sources
capabilities, and they are winning praise from
printing facilities in the GE Laboratory support
and their environmental impact.
around campus.
the Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC), nurturing students’ ability to discover and
“3D printing is a great educational tool,” says
Dr Pramanick, who researches smart materials
May 2015
Cover Story
Professor Prophet and her artwork. Prophet 教授及她的作品。
Students showcase their prototypes in the Discovery Festival 2015. 學生在2015年「探索創新節」上展示他們的模型。
3D art
“Without a quantitative understanding of how the human brain
Professor Jane Prophet of the School of Creative Media, for example,
responds to images of death, we fail to grasp the full effect of an artist’s
says the Laboratory helped her in winning a Humanities and Social
memento mori images and can only speculate on their impact on
Sciences Prestigious Fellowship last year from the University Grants
human consciousness,” she says.
Committee in Hong Kong. However, despite the significant technological aspect to her research, “The student helpers and staff in the Lab are very impressive and helped
Professor Prophet points out that the 3D model of her head, brain and
me to print the art object for the project I am conducting as part of my
skull is ultimately a work of art and should be allowed the space to stand
fellowship,” she says.
and speak for itself without explanatory peripheral information at an exhibition.
For her fellowship project, Mr Fan and the student helpers printed the highly complex artwork titled Neuro Memento Mori using the latest 3D
“Art can spook us, can make us wonder about meaning, and the 3D
scanning and 3D printing technologies in the Lab. The team first scanned
printing technology we use at CityU has helped us achieve that artistic
Professor Prophet’s face and then the data was merged with MRI scans
goal,” she says.
of her brain. The artwork reveals her face, skull and brain in a style that deliberately references the genre of memento mori.
Not just for scientists and engineers The 3D printing option is available, and useful, to all students and
“The aim of my project is to explore how contemporary neuroscience
teaching staff, and is not limited to science and engineering students,
and new imaging technologies can increase our understanding of
says Dr Alice Chong Ming-lin, Associate Professor of the Department of
consciousness and our response to memento mori paintings,” explains
Applied Social Sciences. She discovered the strong motivating power of
Professor Prophet, whose interests in new materials, technologies and
3D printing for students on her GE course “Ageing Society: Hong Kong
engineering processes have led to research and writing dedicated to
and Beyond”.
transdisciplinary collaboration across art and science. Professor Prophet also plans to develop new memento mori art objects through 3D printing using data collected from other MRI scans of her brain in different situations, such as while she is contemplating other memento mori images and during meditation.
“3D printing lets students see how objects and structures are assembled, and allows them to visualise their ideas clearly.”
One group of social science and management students last year had achieved good grades for their idea for the course called “Smart Hand”, an age-friendly hair-washing tool designed to help senior citizens or people suffering from frozen shoulders to wash their hair with less use of
近來傳媒多有報道立體打印,甚至有記者猜測,有朝一日, 或許房屋、汽車,甚至武器都能打印出來。這些報道往往有 點過分渲染,但在城大,立體打印技術正日益為許多課程與 研究項目增添助力,這點倒是真的。
their arms. Even though the students had completed the course, they still were very keen to develop their conception into a more tangible product. The GE Lab under Mr Fan’s supervision was able to produce a prototype, which was featured at the Discovery Festival in March of this year. “The 3D printing option allowed these social science and management students to produce a model of the ‘Smart Hand’ and exhibit it,” says
快速成型 立體打印又名「快速成型」,學生可運用這一技術製作實物模型, 如一座建築物。學生先用電腦輔助設計軟件將圖紙上的數據加以 轉化,傳送到立體打印機;打印機隨之進入所謂增材製造或加料 製作的程序,依照虛擬的設計將材料—通常是各種塑膠—逐層 鋪疊起來,從而製出實物模型。
Dr Chong. “It was a great achievement for them. They had completed my course but they were still motivated to produce a model. Moreover, in the 3D printing process, this group of students was given an opportunity to re-examine their idea, and fine-tune the design so that the outcome is both creative and viable. Not only is the ‘Smart Hand’ very useful and
負責管理精進教育實驗室的范子祺先生解釋說:「立體打印並非 新技術,1980年代末就出現了,只是最近才逐漸成熟。另外, 這一技術包含的幾項重要專利權在2009年和2014年先後期滿,打 印機和材料的價格下降,變得沒那麼昂貴了。」
highly creative, the students showed that anyone can make use of the great facilities in the GE Lab for 3D printing.” Problem-solving potential For Dr Ron Kwok Chi-wai, Programme Leader of the BBA (Hons) in Global
精進教育實驗室設於學術樓(一),2013年開始啟用。其實,研 究人員自備立體打印機的事已不罕見。城大就有幾個院系自備立 體打印機,有些甚至可打印出不同顏色的模型,以及完成納米尺 度的打印。
Business Systems Management (GBSM) for undergraduates in the Department of Information Systems, 3D printing is essential learning for students in the College of Business. Prior to exchanges in mainland China and overseas in Year 3, GBSM students have to undertake training in patents and 3D printing. “We ask our students to develop a patentable idea during their exchange as part of their assessment. 3D printing is proving an invaluable means for visualising ideas during the learning process,” Dr Kwok says. While learning the skills of 3D printing, a context is also required. By inviting
促進教學 任何城大師生若在教學和研究中想使用立體打印,都可到教育發 展及精進教育處管理的精進教育實驗室去使用立體打印機。實驗 室的立體打印設備有助推行「重探索求創新課程」,培養學生探索 與創新的能力。 機械及生物醫學工程學系助理教授賴偉超博士研究掃描探針顯微 鏡學、微米及納米操作技術與傳感器等課題。他很快發現,這些 設備對於講授精進教育課「智能家居:綠色健康生活環境」很有 幫助。
students to produce highly innovative and creative ideas, these new skills are being put to very specific usage in the context of the programme. One of the most innovative ideas that has originated has been a specially designed ergonomic handle for carrying a mobile phone. The product was also featured at the Discovery Festival in March. “We ask our students to create new knowledge and the facilities at CityU for 3D printing, plus the first-rate training and advice offered by the team in the GE Lab, make it possible for students to see their ideas materialise,” he says.
May 2015
Cover Story
賴博士解釋說:「立體打印使學生能夠看到物件與結構如何組合, 手中有一個具體模型以供細察深究,就能把腦中意念清晰轉化為實 物。」在賴博士講授的這門課中,學生必須運用有利於持續發展的 新技術去設計一所智能房屋,以推廣智能化生活。 賴博士說:「學生可以利用立體打印,為自己的意念創造出模型, 帶到課堂上為大家演示,並交給我評分。」 物理及材料科學系客座助理教授Abhijit Pramanick博士也有同感, 認為立體打印使城大學生的學習過程更充實有趣。他講授一門精 進教育課,名為「能源與科技」,旨在幫助學生思考人類的能源需 求、可再生能源的作用及其對環境的影響。 Pramanick博士說:「立體打印是極好的教學工具。修讀我這門 課的學生要認識風力發動機、太陽能電池板、能量採集等技術。 打印出立體模型,他們就能親眼看到這些技術如何運作;沒有立 體打印,只能用其他材料以手工製作模型,既費時而又乏味。」 Pramanick博士的研究課題是智能材料、中子及X光散射。
培訓學生使用機器 當然,學生往往需要培訓,學習如何創造模型,如何使用機器。范 先生定期為精進教育課程舉辦訓練班,也為學生舉辦培訓班。 范先生加入城大之前,曾擔任工業工程師,負責產品研發。他說: 「我們有幾名學生助手,與我們一起培訓其他人。」有些學生助手 具有理科或科技背景,另有些助手的背景卻大不一樣,例如最近招 聘的一名助手是修讀會計學的學生。 這幾名學生助手在范先生的指導下,再加上教育發展及精進教育處 高級教育發展主任趙必豪博士的幫助,很快熟練掌握實驗室新購置 的立體打印機,並熟悉其各種性能,贏得城大師生的好評。 立體打印藝術作品 創意媒體學院的Jane Prophet教授說,由於得到精進教育實驗室的 幫助,去年贏得大學教育資助委員會給予的「人文學及社會科學傑 出學者計劃」研究金。 「精進教育實驗室的學生助手與職員真是了不起;我從事的研究須 創作藝術作品,他們幫我打印出來。」 為了Prophet教授的研究,范先生與學生助手運用實驗室最新的 立體掃描及立體打印技術,製作出一件極為複雜的藝術品,名為 「人皆必死之神經象徵物」 (Neuro Memento Mori)。他們首先掃 描了Prophet教授的面容,然後將所得資料與她腦部的磁力共振成 像掃描結果相結合,令這件藝術品顯現出她的面容、頭顱、腦部, 其表現風格刻意令人聯想到旨在儆醒世人的「死亡象徵」藝術。 Prophet教授解釋說:「我的研究,目的在於探尋當代神經科學與新 的成像技術如何促使我們加深認識人的意識,並探尋我們對『死亡 象徵』繪畫有何反應。」她的研究興趣是新材料、新技術及新工藝 程序,因此她的研究與論著致力於跨越藝術與科學界限的多學科協 作。
「立體打印使學生能夠看到物件與結構如何組 合,手中有一個具體模型以供細察深究,就能 把腦中意念清晰轉化為實物。」 Mr Frankie Fan of GE Lab. 精進教育實驗室的范子祺先生。
Prophet教授亦計劃將另一些資料用作立體 打印,以創作新的「死亡象徵」藝術品。這 些資料採自她本人的腦部磁力共振成像掃描 結果,例如她在凝視其他「死亡象徵」圖像 時或正在沉思冥想中。 她說:「關於人腦對死亡圖像的反應,如果 沒有數量化的了解,就不能全面把握『死亡 象徵』圖像的效果,只能憑猜想去推測圖像 對人類意識有何影響。」 儘管Prophet教授的研究含有大量科技因 素,她仍指出:以她本人的頭顱、大腦、頭 骨製作的立體模型終究是一件藝術品,展出 時應容許它有獨立的空間,能為自己發聲, 而無須外加解說的資訊。 她說:「藝術能驚醒我們,促使我們思考其 中的意義,而城大的立體打印技術幫助我們 實現了這個藝術目標。」
莊博士說:「有了立體打印,這些修讀社 會科學與管理學的學生能夠製作出智能洗 髮工具的模型,並且拿去參展。對他們而 言,這是很了不起的成就。他們已經修畢 我教的課,但仍想製作一個模型。而且, 在立體打印過程中,這群學生有機會重新 檢驗自己的構想,微調自己的設計,使製 成的實物既有創意又切實好用。智能洗髮 工具很有用,非常有創意。這些學生的經 歷表明:任何人都可以使用實驗室的優良 設備打印立體模型。」 解決問題的潛力 資訊系統學系工商管理榮譽學士(環球商業 系統管理)本科課程主任郭致偉博士認為, 立體打印是商學院學生必學的技能。 修讀環球商業系統管理的學生在大三期間 要前往中國內地或海外作交換學生,在此 之前,必須接受有關專利及立體打印的訓 練。
郭博士說:「我們要求學生在交換期間構 思一項可申請專利的概念,這將列入他們 的學習成績評估之中。事實證明,立體打 印是一種絕佳手法,可以將學習過程中構 思的意念具體化。」學習立體打印技能, 需要環境促成。這門課要求學生提出革新 而有創意的構思,造就了一種環境,促使 他們將新學會的技能應用於十分明確的 目的。 為手機專門設計一款符合人體工學的手 柄,就是由此產生的一項極好的創意。這 件產品亦在今年三月的「探索創新節」上 展出。 郭博士說:「我們要求學生創造新知識。 城大的立體打印設備,加上實驗室團隊提 供的一流訓練和指導,使學生能夠親眼看 到自己的構思如何轉化為實物。」
超乎科技,用途廣泛 應用社會科學系副教授莊明蓮博士說,立體 打印很有用,所有學生與教師都可使用,不 僅限於修讀科學與工程的學生。在講授「香 港及其他老齡化社會:挑戰及機會」這門精 進教育課時,莊博士發現立體打印有助推 動學生學習。 去年,一群修讀社會科學與管理學的學生 選修了這門課,憑智能洗髮工具(Smart Hand)的創新構思獲得了好成績。設計這 個工具,是為了幫助長者或肩周炎患者為自 己洗髮而無須大動手臂。學生已修完這一課 程,卻仍希望自己的構想能夠轉化為有形的 實物。在范先生的指導下,精進教育實驗室 製作出一個模型,在今年三月的城大「探索 創新節」上展出。 Students share their discoveries with the Hon Lam Woon-kwong, Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council . 城大學生與行政會議非官守議員召集人林煥光先生分享探索成果。
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
Virtual reality for virtuoso learning
By Cathy Lau
An innovative virtual reality (VR) programme developed by researchers at CityU is being used to help severely intellectually disabled (SID) students overcome learning challenges. This VR programme, funded by the Quality Education Fund (QEF), helps to strengthen pre-learning abilities and promote self-awareness through learning scenarios that focus on repeated training. The programme, called “Interactive Sensory Programme for Affective Learning” (InSPAL), also decreases behavioural tendencies that can often interfere with learning and social interaction, according to Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing of CityU.
impairments. In addition, Cornwall School has opened an InSPAL resource facility Professor Ip, Director of the Centre for
students learn about cause and effect by raising
Innovative Applications of Internet and
their hands to ‘touch’ virtual colourful balloons
Multimedia Technologies (AIMtech Centre) and
that then burst and transform into a teddy bear,”
In another development, a new VR psycho-
Vice-President (Student Affairs) at CityU, has
he adds.
educational programme for autistic children
developed InSPAL over the past three years
centre that other organisations can access.
was launched in January 2015. The new
with his research team in collaboration with
The training has had a significant impact on
programme, which has also been funded
the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong–
behaviour and learning, says Professor Ip. The
by QEF, targets the behavioural problems
Cornwall School.
students increased their interest in learning and
of autistic children and aims to help them
strengthened their levels of concentration, as
better integrate into mainstream classroom
“InSPAL is a unique psycho-educational
revealed by students raising their hands more
and society.
programme,” Professor Ip explains. “It creatively
frequently in class.
combines virtual reality technologies, 3D
More than 100 autistic students from schools
motion capture and devices that release scents,
“These actions show that the students wanted
all over Hong Kong participated in the
bubbles and artificial snow under the principles
to communicate with the teachers and make
training. Professor Ip says he hopes that the
of psychotherapy and relevant pedagogy.”
requests or ask questions,” he says.
different learning scenarios will help the
During the initial stages of developing InSPAL,
The initial training sessions involved eight
different facial expressions and emotions,
Professor Ip and his research team first set
classes of SID students scheduled over an
and for giving appropriate responses in
about observing the students’ sensory abilities
18-month period. Before the sessions, each
social interactions.
and physical functions, and setting core
class went through a preparation programme
learning objectives. They then developed eight
that allowed the SID students to get
“Two experts from the fields of child
learning scenarios and identified four learning
accustomed to wearing 3D viewing glasses.
psychology and autism have joined us for
domains: safety awareness (Safety at Home
Then they went through 32 training sessions to
this programme. We hope that the students
and Safety at School); cause and effect (Touch
experience four scenarios of two of the learning
can take what they have learned in the
to Change and Coloured Balloon Sculpture);
programme to mainstream classrooms.
students to acquire skills for recognising
balance and coordination (Magic Carpet
This will not only help children with autism
and Walk across the Water); and sensational
Professor Ip said that after the programme
to socialise into mainstream society, it will
experience (Four Seasons and Swimming with
was launched, local centres for senior citizens
also assist teachers in dealing with autistic
showed an interest in using the system to help
students in inclusive classrooms,” Professor
train older members of society with mobility
Ip says.
In one of the learning activities, the students watch animated footage of a flowing river in virtual reality using 3D glasses. “Students learn how to balance and coordinate their bodies by virtually moving across the water towards a sandy beach, stepping on a series of stones,” Professor Ip explains. “In another activity, the
“The students increased their interest in learning and strengthened their levels of concentration.”
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
智障學生的「虛擬」互動良師 城大的研究人員研發了一套創新的虛擬 實境學習系統,幫助有嚴重智障的學生 克服學習困難。 這套虛擬實境學習系統名為「互動『智境』 學習計劃」 (InSPAL),透過以反覆訓練為 重心的學習情境,幫助有嚴重智障的學生 增強預學能力、提高自我意識。InSPAL獲 得香港政府優質教育基金的資助。 InSPAL 是由城大副校長(學生事務)兼多 媒體及互聯網技術創新應用中心(AIMtech Centre)主任葉豪盛教授領導的城大研究團 隊與香港心理衛生會-臻和學校(臻和學 校)在過去三年合作研發的。據葉教授介 紹,InSPAL亦能減輕常會干擾學習及人際 互動的行為傾向。 葉教授解釋說:「InSPAL是一套獨特的心 理學習系統。這套系統別具新意,將虛擬 實境技術、3D動作識別,以及能夠釋出香
味、氣泡和人造雪的裝置,熔於一爐,採 納了心理治療的原理及相關教學法。」 在研發InSPAL的初期,葉教授及其研究團 隊首先觀察學生的感官能力與身體功能, 設定核心學習目標。然後,研究團隊開發 出八個學習情境,確定了四個學習領域: 安全意識(家居安全、校園安全);因果關 係(觸碰引致改變、彩色氣球雕塑);平衡 與協調(魔毯飛行、踏石過河);感知體驗 (四季、與魚同游)。 在其中一項學習活動裏,學生佩戴3D眼鏡 觀看虛擬實境的河流動畫片。葉教授介紹 說:「學生踩著一連串虛擬的石頭過河, 向對岸的沙灘走去,藉此學習平衡和協調 身體的方法。在另一個活動中,學生伸手 『觸碰』虛擬的彩色氣球,氣球隨之爆 裂,變成小熊,學生由此學習因果關係。」 葉教授說,這些訓練對學生的行為與學習
影響很大。學生在課堂上增加了舉手的次 數,表明他們的學習興趣增強了,注意力 更為集中。 他說:「舉手顯示學生希望與老師交流,提 出要求,或者發問。」 依照計劃,在為期18個月的初期訓練階 段,有八個班別的嚴重智障學生參與。每 個班別開始訓練前,先接受一個預備訓練, 使學生習慣於佩戴3D眼鏡,然後接受32堂 課的訓練,體驗兩個學習領域的四種學習 情境。 葉教授說,這套學習系統推出之後,多家 本地長者服務中心表示有興趣使用,以助 訓練行動不便的長者。臻和學校亦開設了 一個裝有InSPAL設施的資源中心,供其他 機構使用。 此外,一套專為自閉症兒童開發的新心理學 教育系統已在2015年1月推出。這套系統亦 獲得優質教育基金的資助,主要針對自閉症 兒童的行為問題,設法幫助他們融入主流 課堂與社會。 全港學校約有逾百名自閉症兒童參加了訓 練。葉教授說,他希望不同的學習情境會 幫助學生獲得技能,在與人交往時能夠辨 別不同的面部表情及不同的情感,作出適 當回應。 葉教授說:「我們的研究團隊新增了兩名兒 童心理學及自閉症專家。我們期待,學生能 夠把從這套系統中學到的技能帶回主流課 堂。這不但可以幫助患有自閉症的兒童融入 主流社會,也可以幫助教師在共融課堂中與 自閉症學生相處。」
Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing 葉豪盛教授
Road safety enhanced by new infrared detector By Christina Wu
Heavy casualties and considerable economic losses are caused by car accidents around the world each year. To enhance road safety and prevent traffic
Assistant Professor in the Department of
Infrared cameras are now installed in some
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. “It not
new and high-end vehicles for the detection of
only enhances drivers’ night vision, but also
near- or far-infrared. However, various technical
detects in bad weather whether an obstacle
constraints exist for the current systems.
ahead is a street light, a human or an animal.” Infra-red emitted by a near-infrared detection
accidents, an expert from CityU is currently leading a project on the development of
Currently known as one of the hardest and
camera will flash back and activate an alarm
graphene-based spectral infrared detectors for
thinnest nanomaterials, graphene is made
if there is an obstacle ahead. However, false
of carbon atoms in a special structure. Its
alarms may occur in heavy rain or snow.
remarkable properties such as high thermal
Besides, the system cannot detect mid- or far-
“An infrared detector using graphene as a
and electric conductivity at room temperature
infrared emitted by the human body.
sensing element is highly sensitive even at
make it a perfect material as a core component
room temperature,” said Dr King Lai Wai-chiu,
for infrared imaging systems.
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
To improve current infrared detection systems, Dr Lai is developing a highly sensitive graphene-based infrared detection chip. If an infrared signal is illuminated on the chip, the device will absorb the infrared photons and then release electrons to generate photocurrent. The voltage signals transformed from the current will be converted to warning signals or recovery images by other technologies. “Our target is to develop a system that can detect infrared signals emitted by different objects at a distance of around 100 metres. Based on an analysis of the wavelength for determining the obstacle ahead, the system will automatically issue a warning signal,” Dr Lai said. “Street lights aid drivers in the evening, but this may not be the case for drivers in the US and Europe where drivers often rely on vehicle headlights outside of urban areas, which can lead to a dangerous situation if an animal is on the road. With a system that can detect Dr King Lai Wai-chiu 賴偉超博士
obstacles 100 metres ahead, drivers will have 4 to 5 seconds to take appropriate action if the vehicle is moving at a speed of 70 to 80 km/ hour.”
The mid- and far-infrared system operates in a different way. The
sensitivity of infrared detectors in the system will drastically decrease
The global market for infrared detectors is expected to grow to US$7.8
when the operating temperature is above -40˚C. This makes the system
billion by 2015, according to overseas research reports. “With increasing
vulnerable to interference from other signals unless the system is
awareness of road safety and wide applications for infrared detectors, we
equipped with a cooling device. Due to the expensive production cost
believe that the graphene-based infrared detectors will be well received
of the materials and technology, this type of system is mainly used for
by the market,” Dr Lai said. He expected that the whole development
military purposes.
project would be completed by mid-2016.
Infrared Infrared is an invisible energy but it is perceivable. The heat that we feel from sunlight, fire or heaters is a kind of infrared. The primary source of infrared is heat and thermal radiation produced by the motion of atoms and molecules in an object. The higher the temperature, the more the atoms and molecules move, and the more infrared radiation they produce. Any object that has a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15˚C) radiates infrared. Hence, many objects around us emit different infrared wavelengths and intensities. Although infrared is not visible to the human eye, scientists have invented mechanical eyes that can detect it for us: an infrared camera. The same as an ordinary camera that makes use of light to produce images, an infrared camera detects infrared emitted by objects and then generates images. The spectrum of infrared is divided into three sections by wavelengths: near-infrared has a wavelength of 0.75-3 micrometres, mid-infrared 3-8 micrometres, and far-infrared 8-15 micrometres. The wavelength of infrared radiation emitted by humans at normal body temperature is around 12 micrometres.
新型紅外線探測器—道路安全新法寳 全世界每年發生的汽車交通意外,造成大量人身傷亡和經濟 損失。 城大一位專家正主導一個項目,研發汽車用的石墨烯基光譜紅外線 探測器,以增進道路安全,防止交通意外。 這位專家就是機械及生物醫學工程學系助理教授賴偉超博士,他 說:「用石墨烯為探測元件的紅外線探測器即使在室溫下也有很高 的靈敏度,不單能增強駕駛者晚間的視覺,還可在惡劣天氣下探測 到車輛前方的障礙物究竟是路燈、人,還是動物。」 石墨烯是由碳原子組成的一種特殊結構,是目前已知最堅硬、最薄 的納米材料之一,在室溫下導電、導熱能力極強。這些優異的性能 使它成為紅外線成像系統核心部件的理想材料。 現在,一些新款頂級汽車已安裝了紅外線攝影機,探測近紅外線或 遠紅外線。不過,目前這些系統各有不同的技術局限。 近紅外線探測攝影機發射紅外線,如前方有障礙物,紅外線會反射 而觸發警報。然而,在大雨或大雪中也許會發生誤報。此外,近紅 外線探測系統無法探測到人體發出的中紅外線或遠紅外線。 中、遠紅外線探測系統的運作方式不同,工作溫度一旦高於攝氏零
下40度,系統內的紅外線探測器靈敏度就會驟降。如果不配備冷 卻裝置,這類系統很容易遭受其他信號的干擾。由於材料和技術 生產成本高昂,這一類型的系統主要作軍事用途。 賴博士現正研發一種靈敏度高的石墨烯基紅外線探測晶片,以改 良目前使用的紅外線探測系統。如果紅外線信號投射到晶片上, 晶片會吸收紅外線光子,然後釋出電子,產生光電流,光電流轉 換成電壓信號,再轉換為警告信號或透過其他技術還原成圖像。 賴博士說:「我們的目標是發展出一種探測系統,可探測約100 米範圍內的不同物體所發出的紅外線信號。它對信號的波長做分 析,確定前方的障礙物,然後根據分析而自動發出警告信號。」 「在晚間,有路燈幫助駕駛者,但是在美國和歐洲並非所有道路 都有路燈,汽車駕駛者在市區以外往往只能靠車頭燈照明,一旦 有動物走到車道上,會十分危險。採用能夠測到前方100米障礙 物的探測系統,以車輛時速70至80公里計算,駕駛者仍有4至5秒 時間採取適當行動。」 海外的研究報告指出,在2015年,紅外線探測器的全球市場總值 可上升至78億美元。賴博士說:「道路安全愈來愈受重視,加上 紅外線探測器應用範圍廣泛,我們相信石墨烯基紅外線探測器將 會大受市場歡迎。」他預期整個研發項目將於2016年年中完成。
紅外線 紅外線是一種肉眼看不見、但感覺得到的能量。陽光、火、暖爐發出的熱,就屬於紅外線。 紅外線主要來自物體中原子和分子運動時所產生的熱和熱輻射。溫度愈高,原子和分子的運動便 愈劇烈,產生的紅外線輻射也愈多。所有本身溫度高於絕對零度(即攝氏零下273.15度)的物體都 會發出紅外線,故此我們周圍有很多東西可以發出不同波長和強度的紅外線。 人的眼睛雖然無法看到紅外線,但科學家早已發明可探測紅外線的機械眼睛─紅外線攝影機。這 種攝影機能探測物體發出的紅外線,形成圖像,一如普通攝影機利用光線成像一樣。 紅外線的光譜依據波長大致可分為三個區段:近紅外線的波長是0.75至3微米;中紅外線的波長是 3至8微米;遠紅外線的波長是8至15微米。人體在正常體溫下所發出的紅外線波長大約是12微米。
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
Electricity and vision
By Yvonne Lee
Imagine your vision as pixels: it makes sense that the more pixels you have, the better the clarity of your sight.
The grid number is the equivalent of pixels in
stimulate healthy neurons in the retina, and the
a camera: the higher the resolution, the more
latter transmits them to the brain, ultimately
detailed and clearer the image will be seen by
forming an image.
the eyes. Dr Chan participated in the pre-clinical research
We see because our brain responds to natural visual scenes. But will our brain respond in the
In a healthy retina, photoreceptor cells convert
and development of the device when she
same way if we provide an artificial image by
light into electric signals and transmit them
was working at the University of Southern
electrically stimulating the retina? How many
to the brain through inner retinal neurons.
California, US, and the device has already
pixels are good enough for an electrically
In outer retinal diseases, such as Retinitis
received approval from the US Food and Drug
stimulated vision?
Pigmentosa and Aged Macular Degeneration,
photoreceptor cells degenerate progressively, A research team led by Dr Leanne Chan Lai-
leading to complete blindness eventually.
At the moment this second-generation
hang, Assistant Professor of the Department
Currently, there is no known cure for these
microelectrode array contains around 60
of Electronic Engineering, is currently
outer retinal diseases. In recent years, the
grids. The first generation developed in 2003
investigating ways of using electrical
retinal prosthesis (artificial retinal device) has
had only 16 grids. The research Dr Chan is
stimulation to help restore a degree of vision
shown to restore partial vision for the patients.
currently carrying out aims to optimise the functionality of this device by studying the
for people with impaired eyesight. The objective is to help such people recognise
The artificial retinal device includes a pair of
stimulation strategy to reduce crosstalk
human faces and read large print such as
sunglasses and a chip that is implanted into
between stimulation sites using a small
newspaper headlines, and navigate.
the eyes. The sunglasses have pinhole cameras
stimulation electrode (50-75 µm), which will
installed that take images of the outside world.
greatly improve the clarity of the images, with
One of the key elements in the project is a 625-
These images are transmitted as signals to the
significant consequences for blind people.
grid microelectrode array, a sensor or neural
chip in the eyes after image processing. Data
interface responsible for transmitting electrical
and power are wirelessly transmitted from the
Achieving this goal is not an easy task. “Even if
signals to the healthy neurons in the eyes
external device to the implanted device. Then,
we assume that the microelectrode array can
through an electronic device.
using the microelectrode array, the signals
emit thousands of signals, it doesn’t mean the
brain can receive the same amount of signals at the same time,” Dr Chan said. “This could be due
可以把視覺想像為像素。像素愈多,視 覺當然就愈清晰。
to various factors such as the distance between the microelectrode arrays and the retina, and the distance between adjacent microelectrode sites, and the size of the electrode pads. We are also developing microelectrode arrays
我們的視覺是大腦對天然影像的反應。如 果用電刺激視網膜形成人造影像,大腦是 否也會有同樣反應呢?由電刺激形成的視 覺影像,須有多少個像素才足夠呢?
using small size electrodes in a related project. Currently we are examining the spatial interactions between electrode sites in rats’ visual cortex , and hopefully we will achieve our goal in the end.”
電子工程學系助理教授陳儷行博士領導的 團隊,正在研究如何以電刺激的方法幫助 視障人士恢復部分視力,目標是使他們能 辨認人臉,讀印刷品上的大字(如報紙上的 標題),自行四處走動而無需扶助。
On the other hand, the eyeball contains body fluids which are harmful to electronic devices. “It’s like throwing your cell phone into the ocean and expecting it to work without protecting it. Research teams in the field are investigating
這項研究的其中一項關鍵部件,是一枚625 網格的微電極陣列傳感器(神經介面),其 功能是經由一個電子裝置,將電極取得的 信號傳送至健全的眼內神經細胞。
據與電力以無線傳輸方式從外部裝置傳至 植入裝置。隨後,藉助上述微電極陣列傳 感器,這些信號刺激視網膜內健全的神經 細胞,經此傳送給大腦,最終在腦中形成 圖像。 陳博士在美國南加州大學工作期間,就已 參與這一人工視網膜裝置的臨床前期研 發,該裝置已獲得美國食品及藥物管理局 認可。 目前,這一裝置的微電極陣列傳感器含有 約60個網格,屬於第二代;2003年研發的 第一代傳感器只有16個網格。陳博士現正 研究最合適的電刺激方案,目標是改進該 裝置的功能。她採用微型刺激電極(50-75 微米),以減少電干擾,從而大大提高影像 清晰度,這對失明人士有重大意義。
which materials can be used to package and protect the electronic device, so that it can resist corrosion and emit sufficient electricity while not harming the eyes,” she added. This research project has received funding from the Research Grants Council, and it is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
網格的數目,好比是數碼照相機的像素: 由此所得的分辨率愈高,眼睛所見的影像 就愈細緻,視覺也愈清晰。 視網膜內健全的感光細胞將光轉化成電信 號,經由內視網膜神經細胞傳送到大腦。 外層視網膜疾病,如視網膜色素病變或老 年性黃斑病變,會使感 光細胞逐步退化,最終 引致失明。目前,外層 視網膜疾病尚無法治 癒。近年,人工視網膜 裝置可幫助患者恢復部 分視力。
Dr Leanne Chan 陳儷行博士
人工視網膜裝置包含一 副太陽眼鏡和植入雙眼 的晶片。太陽眼鏡裝有 針孔攝錄機,用以攝取 外界的影像,經過圖像 處理後會轉化為信號, 轉遞到眼內的晶片。數
達到這一目標並非易事。陳博士說:「即使 我們假定微電極陣列傳感器可以發出數以 千計的信號,並不表示大腦可以同時接收 這麼多信號。信號受各種因素影響,例如 微電極陣列和視網膜之間的距離、鄰近微 電極區之間的距離、電極板的大小等。我 們正在研究採用微型電極製成微電極陣列 傳感器,並於大鼠的視覺皮層測試各電極 區之間的空間交互作用,希望最終能達到 目標。」 另一方面,由於眼球分泌的液體有腐蝕 性,會損壞人工視網膜裝置。她補充說: 「情況就好像我們把手機掉進海裡,但又 希望它能在沒有受保護的情況下如常操 作。研究人員正研究應採用哪一種物料保 護人工視網膜裝置,才能承受腐蝕並發出 足夠的電刺激,而又不傷害眼睛。」 此項研究已獲得研究資助局的撥款資 助,預計今年底可完成。
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
Legal training for the region
By Michael Gibb
The School of Law (SLW) will continue to consolidate its traditional strengths in Chinese law and enhance its offerings in the area of commercial law, private law and arbitration, according to the School’s new Dean, Professor Geraint Howells. Ever since legal education began at CityU in the late 1980s, Chinese
the nominating committee’s composition, formation and procedure for
and comparative law have been a major part of the curriculum, while
nominating CE candidates; and the CE election voting procedure and
areas such as maritime law and arbitration have both grown to become
other relevant matters.
essential points of focus in the training of students of law. Professional training “We need to ensure that the training we offer our students prepares
An emphasis on arbitration and mediation will also remain an important
them directly for a life in the legal profession,” said Professor Howells, who
fixture in the students’ training. An important activity in this area is the
joined CityU in August 2014 as Chair Professor of Commercial Law and
International Alternative Dispute Resolution Mooting Competition held
Dean of the School of Law.
at CityU in association with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Columbia University (New York), and the United
Professor Howells was previously the Head of the Law School at
Nations Commission on International Trade Law – Region Centre for Asia
Manchester University and is the former President of the International
and the Pacific.
Association of Consumer Law. Before that, he held chairs at the University of Sheffield and Lancaster University.
The 6th such competition will be held in August 2015 at CityU. Last year’s competition attracted 24 teams from all around the world, including
“Maritime law is especially important to Hong Kong because of the
Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland,
associated commercial services in areas such as insurance and other
Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Taiwan and the UK.
related services,” he added. Whereas mediation is a voluntary dispute resolution process through In addition, major conferences that touch upon important legal issues
which a mediator seeks to help the parties to reach their own solution,
give the School the chance to participate directly in issues that matter.
arbitration is resolved by a neutral party that gives a decision in favour of
For instance, the Roundtable on the Second Round of Consultation on
one of the parties, Professor Howells explained.
the Chief Executive (CE) Election 2017 in February, organised by the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law in the School of Law, gave local
“Our School of Law is now internationally renowned for its mooting
experts on constitutional law a platform to discuss matters surrounding
successes,” said Professor Howells, whose research interests include consumer law, product liability and European private law and
“The world is a lawyer’s laboratory.” 22
e-commerce. The CityU team won the Hong Kong regional round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in March 2014
for the second year in a row and has won other major moots such as the
D&I in legal world
Twentieth Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration
The School of Law will also press home to students the urgent need to
Moot in 2013 and, in 2012, it clinched the 9th Annual Willem C. Vis (East)
discover and innovate, continued Professor Howells, in keeping with
International Commercial Arbitration Moot, a sister competition held in
the University’s Discovery-enriched Curriculum.
Hong Kong. Law undergraduates have to be prepared to engage with a diverse “These are great achievements; however, it is not just the winning that
range of complex topics, including the Basic Law of Hong Kong,
is important. The students acquire extremely valuable experience while
constitutional issues, changes in trading patterns, war and conflict,
preparing, and participating in the moots, and these extensive skill sets
genocide and assisted suicide, among others, plus issues surrounding
will give them a huge advantage in the job market after they graduate,”
controversial areas such as tobacco, a hugely important part of
Professor Howells said.
consumer protection law, which is one of Professor Howells’ areas of expertise.
“These collaborations have given everyone involved a unique opportunity to learn from each other,” Professor Howells said. Quality students Competition for places on CityU’s law programmes, including the Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Juris Doctor, Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Laws (LLM) (leading to a Renmin University of China award), the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, and research degrees, is fierce, which is why the School’s students are among the brightest on campus. Among all Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) students admitted to CityU in 2013/14, LLB had the highest average DSE scores, taking into account the results of 4 core subjects and 2 electives, and the highest average English score among all newly admitted students. In 2014/15, the average DSE scores of the new intake of SLW students were also the highest. New teaching In keeping with its overall evolution and adaptation, the LLM programme recently introduced a new stream: Intellectual Property and Technology Law. This new stream explores cutting-edge issues related to copyright, patents, trademarks, designs, trade secrets and cyberspace. “It further investigates the possible boundaries in intellectual property between commerce, industry, technology innovation, governance, education, and the relationship of law to each,” wrote Dr Chen Lei, Associate Professor of SLW, in a recent newsletter. Professor Geraint Howells Geraint Howells教授
May 2015
Professional Education & Research
“Tobacco is a complex legal, moral and public health issue, one that everyone seems to have a view on,” said Professor Howells, whose book on the subject, The Tobacco Challenge: Legal Policy and Consumer
據法律學院新任院長Geraint Howells教授介紹,學院將繼 續提升中國法方面的傳統優勢,同時改進商業法、私法、仲 裁等領域的課程。
Protection (2011), explores the need to control and regulate tobacco consumption. Future trajectories
城大從1980年代末開設法律課程以來,「中國法」及「比較法」在課 程中向來佔一大部分,而「海事法」及「仲裁」等領域亦逐漸成為法 律學生必不可少的訓練重點。
A core belief in CityU’s curriculum is the need to integrate teaching and research, and the School of Law is an exemplar of how that is possible. The application of law and case studies to new problems in the quest to find resolutions is the foundation of legal education. “We will continue to enhance our strengths and offer our students the best possible legal education through our traditional strengths in Chinese law and enhanced offerings in commercial, private law and arbitration,”
Howells教授在2014年8月加入城大,擔任商業法講座教授兼法律 學院院長。他說:「我們必須確保學院給予學生的訓練能使他們準 備就緒,可直接投入法律專業的生涯。」 先前Howells教授曾任英國曼徹斯特大學的法學院院長,亦是國際 消費者法協會的前任主席。更早前,他曾在謝菲爾德大學與蘭開斯 特大學擔任講座教授。
the new Dean said. “We encourage our students to engage, discover and innovate within
他說:「海事法對香港尤其重要,因為這裏有保險等行業的配套商 業服務,以及其他相關的服務。」
their surroundings. After all, the world is a lawyer’s laboratory.”
此外,一些涉及重大法律問題的大型會議在這裏舉行,也使法律學 院有機會直接參與一些有影響的事務。 例如,今年2月,法律學院屬下的「中國法與比較法研究中心」籌辦 了關於2017年行政長官選舉第二輪諮詢的圓桌會議,使本港的憲 法學者得以聚首一堂,討論多項有關議題:提名委員會的構成及產 生辦法、提名行政長官候選人的程序、行政長官選舉的投票程序等 等。 專業訓練 在學生所受訓練之中,仲裁與調解仍將是不可缺少的一部分,其中 一項重要活動是在城大舉行的「國際替代性爭議解決機制模擬法庭 比賽」,參與籌辦這項比賽的合作機構是中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委 員會、美國哥倫比亞大學、聯合國國際貿易法委員會亞洲及太平洋 區域中心。 第六屆「國際替代性爭議解決機制模擬法庭比賽」訂於2015年8月 在城大舉行。去年,這項比賽吸引了全球各地24支隊伍參加,包括 澳洲、中國內地、香港、印度、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、波蘭、新加 坡、斯洛文尼亞、韓國、台灣、英國等。
Howells教授解釋說,「調解」是自願解決紛爭的程序,由調解人設 法幫助各方自行解決紛爭,而「仲裁」的解決辦法,則是由中立者 作出某一方勝訴的裁決。
法學世界的探索與創新 Howells教授還說,為了配合城大的「重探索求創新課程」,法律 學院將會對學生反覆強調探索與創新的迫切性。
Howells教授的學術研究興趣包括消費者法、產品責任、歐洲私 法、電子商務等專題。他說:「城大法律學院在模擬法庭競賽中屢 創佳績,如今已聞名國際。」城大代表隊曾在2014年3月舉行的菲 立斯國際法模擬法庭辯論賽之香港分區賽中連續第二年奪冠;此 前亦在其他重要的模擬法庭競賽中獲勝,如2013年第20屆維斯國 際商事仲裁模擬法庭辯論賽,並在2012年參加該項比賽的香港姊 妹賽事—第九屆維斯(東方)國際商事仲裁模擬法庭辯論賽中奪得 冠軍。
學院的本科生必須做好準備,以應付多方面的複雜問題,包括香 港基本法、憲法問題、交易模式的變化、戰爭及衝突、種族滅 絕、協助自殺等,以及惹人爭議的問題,如煙草等領域,而煙草 問題是消費者保障法例中的一大要點,亦是Howells教授所專長 的一個領域。
Howells教授說:「這些成績都很了不起,但重要的不僅是獲獎。 學生在準備和參賽期間獲得極寶貴的經驗,並學到許多技能;畢 業後進入就業市場,這些技能能給他們帶來極大的優勢。」 優質生源 法律學院開設多個學位課程,包括法律學學士課程、法律博士課 程、仲裁及爭議解決學法學碩士課程、法學碩士課程、最後由中國 人民大學頒授學位的法學碩士課程、香港法律深造文憑,還有多 種研究式學位課程;有意報讀者的競爭十分激烈,因此學院的學 生都是城大校園內的佼佼者。 2013-2014學年,修讀法律學學士課程的新生的中學文憑試六科 (包括四個主科及兩個選修科)平均成績,在城大新生中屬於最 高,其英文科平均成績也最高。2014-2015學年,法律學院錄取的 新生的中學文憑試六科平均成績,同樣在城大全校新生之中屬於 最高。
「煙草是一個涉及法律、道德、公眾健康等各個方面的複雜問 題,似乎人人都有自己的見解,」Howells教授說。他的專著 《煙草的挑戰:法律政策與消費者保障》(2011)探討為何必須 控制煙草消費,並立例規管。 未來發展的方向 「教研合一」是城大課程的核心理念,而法律學院正是實踐這個 理念的模範。學院的法學教育,乃建基於將法律與案例研究運用 於當前的新問題,以求得解決方法。 Howells教授說:「我們將繼續提升中國法方面的傳統優勢,同 時改進商業法、私法、仲裁等領域的課程,由此增強本學院的實 力,為學生提供最好的法學教育。」 「學院鼓勵學生在學習過程中積極參與社會,努力探索、創新。 說到底,這個世界就是律師的實驗室。」
新式教學 法學碩士課程不但在整體上與時並進、適應社會所需,而且最近 開設了「知識產權法與科技法」新專業,探討有關版權、專利、商 標、設計、商業機密、網絡空間的最新議題。 「這個新專業亦研究知識產權內部各領域之間可能存在的界限, 如商業、工業、技術創新、政府管治、教育等各類知識產權之間 的界限,以及法律與其中每一類的關係,」法律學院副教授陳磊 博士在近期的《法律學院通訊》中說。
May 2015
Through the Lens
A meeting of minds, language and culture CityU’s professional education and research attract students from all over the world.
思想、語言、 文化交匯 城大的專業教育和研究,吸引全球各地的學生。
Photo: Sunny Wong
May 2015
In the Know
The principle of whole-person development 全人教育 持之以恆 By Dr Elaine Au Liu Suk-ching Associate Professor and Assistant Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences
文:區廖淑貞博士 應用社會科學系副教授兼助理系主任
Born in a poor family, I had no particular aspirations for my future when I was a child. All I knew was to study hard and find a good job upon graduation. I wished to be an office clerk when I was in junior secondary school. Later when I studied in high school, my dream career was “upgraded” to a secretary. Unintentionally, I became a social worker upon graduation. I joined CityU as a faculty member after being a social worker for 10 years. Another 12 years passed, and I was appointed as the Residence Master of Jockey Club Humanity Hall (a student residence in the first phase). Living with students from various disciplines, I found my previous social work experience particularly useful. At some point I was even inspired to develop the City-Youth Empowerment Project (CYE Project) that aims to encourage students to do voluntary work and build up their confidence. Last year, I was one of the three recipients of the Award for Teaching Excellence from the University Grants Committee (UGC). That year also marked the 10th anniversary of the CYE Project that has developed from an initial enrollment of some 100 participants to more than 1,000 now. My social work experience has had a significant influence on me, making me realise that a social worker serves the role of a companion, accompanying those seeking help, caring about them and helping them rebuild their confidence so that they can move forward. For many students, university hall life means living with a large group of people away from home for the first time, which takes time to get used to. Therefore, for some minor behaviour problems, I do not resort to disciplinary actions. Rather, I wish to encourage students to do meaningful things and cultivate their sense of belonging to society. This is exactly my original idea of setting up the CYE Project.
Many young people appear to be very assertive, but deep down they are not sure about themselves. They need moral support and someone trustworthy to give them that extra push. Therefore, for both hall activities and the CYE Project, I ensure that students know clearly about their plans. Then I let them take charge of the activities so they can build up their confidence and a greater sense of responsibility. Humanity Hall has eight Year 3 or Year 4 students serving as residence tutors who take care of all matters and lead all 341 students of the Hall. Sometimes the young leaders are hesitant and I tell them, “All eight of you are university students; you are better qualified than the management
Volunteers from the CYE Project educate the students on maintenance of personal hygiene in Myanmar. 城青優權計劃義工於緬甸教導當地孩童個人衛生常識。
of many companies. Why would there be anything that you can’t do?” However, empowerment does not mean that I will completely withdraw
make use of their professional knowledge and work with local people
myself from supervision. I will be their backup and care about their
for community development. The Project started with Humanity Hall
and expanded to other halls and students not living on campus. Some students continue to work for the Project even after graduation. Who
I don’t meet students in a conference room or my office. I always hold
says that the new generation only knows how to complain and is not
meetings in my home. I insist on serving students home-made food. My
willing to contribute?
husband and I plan and prepare all ingredients before each gathering, which is often for 20 to 30 students. Once more than 70 students came!
Many voluntary projects cease operation without achieving much
All the concepts and culture about Humanity Hall, the establishment and
because participants do not receive sufficient guidance. A young man
experience of the CYE Project and tips on leadership charisma are passed
told me that the organisation that he was serving had not contacted
on at these dinner gatherings.
him again after his supervisor left. He felt that his services were not needed anymore and he was too bashful to take the initiative to contact
Even my son said to me, “Your students are so lucky. I have never met a
the organisation. As a result, he quit voluntary service, which was a
professor who cares so much about the students.”
Participants don’t earn academic credit or awards on the CYE Project, but,
From the first day that the CYE Project was launched, I have tried to
even so, it has gone from strength by strength over the past ten years.
ensure that all participating students are supported by full-time staff.
Over 800 students have done regular voluntary work after signing up. We
My objective is to establish a long-term relationship between volunteers
have collaborated with more than 30 organisations and set up “contact
and the organisation and help them build up their confidence, acquire
points” in Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal through which students can
leadership skills and develop appropriate concepts about values.
“My motto is to stay away from disputes even for the price of sacrificing some of my benefits. I have saved a lot of time.”
May 2015
In the Know
Since teaching the course “Introduction to Social Work” at the beginning of my teaching career, I know clearly my role in inspiring students. When City Polytechnic was upgraded to a university, I had to study for my doctorate degree, conduct research and write my thesis while performing
我生於清貧家庭,幼時對前途沒有什麼奢望,只知道最重要 的是努力讀書,畢業時找一份好工作。初中時的志願是當文 員,高中時的理想職業「升了級」,想當秘書。可是因緣際 會,畢業後當了社工。
teaching duties. It was not easy at all, as my son was only a few years old then. Afterwards, I accepted the appointment of residence master and developed the CYE Project for all students. I never see difficulties as anything that cannot be overcome, and I do not
做了10年社工後,加入城大任教,12年後獲委任為城大第一期舍 堂賽馬會敬賢堂的舍監。與來自不同學系的學生相處時,發覺當 年的社工經驗大有助益,甚至從中受到啟發,創辦了「城青優權計 劃」,鼓勵學生投入義務工作,建立自信。
mind to do something additional. I think it is this enthusiastic attitude to life that influences students to participate in voluntary work and contribute to society.
去年,我有幸成為大學教育資助委員會(教資會)傑出教學獎的三 位獲獎者之一。城青優權計劃也於同年踏入十周年,參與的學生由 百多個發展至今天的千多個。 早年當社工的經驗對我影響很深,令我體會到社工的責任是「伴 行」— 陪伴尋求輔助者,關懷他們,幫助他們重建信心向前行。 對於許多學生而言,大學宿舍生活是第一次離開家、與一大群外人 同住,需要時間適應。正因如此,我對輕微的違規行為並不採取紀 律處分;反之,我會鼓勵學生做有意義的事情,培養他們對社會的 歸屬感。這正是創立城青優權計劃的本意。
不少年輕人看似衝勁十足,其實內心欠缺自信,需要精神支持,需 要一個他們信任的人給予額外的推動。因此,不論是舍堂事務或優 權計劃,我都會確保學生完全明白每個計劃,然後放手讓學生負責 各項活動,以培養他們的自信和加強他們的責任感。
有許多義務工作項目成效不彰,無疾而終,是因為參與者得不到 有效的指引。曾聽一個年輕人說,他服務的機構在他的上級離職 後再沒有聯絡他,他感到自己的服務再也不為人所需,又太靦 腆,不敢主動聯絡對方,結果退出了義務工作。這很可惜。
敬賢堂的架構是由八名三、四年級的學生擔任導師,負責舍堂的大 小事務,領導341名宿生。有時學生導師猶豫不決,我會勉勵他們 說:「你們八個大學生,加起來已勝過很多公司的管理層了,怎麽 會有做不到的事?」但下放權力不等於放任不管,我會做學生的後 盾,與他們分憂。
打從城青優權計劃推出的第一天起,我便盡力使所有參與的學生 都有全職同事支援。我的方針是建立起義工與機構之間的長遠關 係,幫助義工建立自信,掌握領導才能,培養正確價值觀。
我與學生開會,不是在會議室,不是在辦公室,而是在我家的飯 廳。我堅持用住家飯招待學生,每次飯局前都與丈夫一同計劃、準 備、搜羅好食材,有20到30個學生前來吃飯是等閒事,最多一次 有70人之多!敬賢堂的理念、文化,城青優權計劃的成立過程、經 驗,培養領袖感染力的秘訣,都是在飯桌上宣揚、傳授的。 連我兒子也說:「你的學生真幸運,我就從來沒遇見過一個跟你一 樣對待學生的教授!」
我的教育生涯是由執教「社會工作導讀」課開始的,自此便深明自 己肩負啟發學生的重任。當城市理工升格為大學時,我一邊攻讀 博士課程,一邊教學、做研究、寫論文,絕不輕鬆,而那時兒子 才幾歲大。未幾更接受任命,出任舍監,為所有學生創立了優權 計劃。我從不視困難為畏途,從不介意多做一些。我想,就是這 份熱切的人生態度,感染著學生投入義務工作,貢獻社會。
「我的座右銘是寧可吃虧一點也要遠離爭端。 這樣省下了很多時間。」
城青優權計劃不計學分、沒有獎賞,儘管如此,它在十年間茁壯成 長,吸引了逾800個學生投入定期的義務工作,曾合作的機構多達 30個,甚至在尼泊爾、緬甸、柬埔寨建立了「接觸點」。透過接觸 點,學生得以實際應用專業知識,與當地人一起致力於社區發展。 城青優權計劃由敬賢堂開始,現已擴展至其他舍堂和非住校生,甚 至有不少學生畢業後繼續參加─誰說這一代年輕人不願付出、只 懂抱怨?
May 2015
Donor Voices
Founded in 2014, City University of Hong Kong Foundation (CityU Foundation) is committed to serving as a platform for worthy members of the public and all those who care about CityU to contribute to the University’s growth and the development of education in Hong Kong as a whole. Starting from this issue, CityU Today will carry interviews with members of the Foundation, one person at a time, who will share their life stories and talk about how they became associated with the University and its developments. 「香港城市大學基金」於2014年成立, 旨在為社會賢達和關心城大發展的朋友 搭建平台,共同為香港教育和城大發展 作出貢獻。《今日城大》每期將訪問一 位城大基金會員,邀請他們分享人生故 事,以及與城大結緣的點滴。
Doing ordinary deeds well Mr Chan Hon-pun first came into contact with CityU in 2007 when attending a forum hosted by the University as a member of the Buddha’s Light International Association of Hong Kong (BLIA), and later in 2014 when attending a seminar at CityU about age-friendly communities, representing the Rotary Club of Shatin. “I can feel the ceaseless efforts CityU has made all these years, and its progress and developments are obvious to all,” he said. “I converted to Buddhism in 1990 under the inspiration of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” he recalled. “Then, seeing the great need for well-educated people for the future of society, I decided to do some good by contributing to education, though I knew there wouldn’t be immediate results.” He chose to help CityU, thinking his donations would have a greater impact on this young university. “Compared with the older institutions, CityU was receiving less help in the form of donations from well-established alumni. That’s why I thought more help was needed from those who could help.” Since joining the Board of Governors of the CityU Foundation, he has seen how the President, his deputies and the faculty and staff members alike contribute in various ways to the University and the students. For example, in recent years, many students have won prizes and titles in local and international competitions, revealing the great efforts they and their teachers have made, he said. Mr Chan said he was happy to have witnessed the major advances that CityU has achieved recently, such as the setting up of the CityU Foundation and the School of Veterinary
Mr Chan Hon-pun 陳漢斌先生
Medicine. He expressed his hopes that CityU
做好平凡事 would scale even greater heights in terms of research and teaching, the quality of its graduates and our status in the rankings of global universities.
陳漢斌先生於2007年首次接觸城大。當 時,他透過國際佛光會香港協會參與城 大主辦的論壇,後來在2014年代表沙田 扶輪社參加了城大舉辦有關長者友善社 區的研討會。
He firmly believes that the CityU Foundation, though still in its infancy, is definitely an important move for the University. Mr Chan’s life story, as told to CityU Today, is fascinating. Born into an ordinary family in the 1950s, he started working in his early teens, earning money through labour. He has experienced the challenges of poverty. By a stroke of good fortune, he managed to start his own business and, after many ups and downs, he finally settled down in his undertaking. After achieving success, Mr Chan began to devote himself heart and soul to charitable work, wishing to give back to society. He has set
陳先生說:「城大在這幾年間努力不懈,進 步和發展有目共睹。」 他又說:「1990年,受星雲法師啟發而皈依 佛教,並深深感受到人才對未來社會發展 非常重要,所以即使知道不會有立竿見影 的效果,還是選擇支持教育。」他選擇捐助 城大這所年輕的大學,讓捐款發揮更大效 用。他說:「與歷史悠久的大學相比,城大 比較缺少有社會地位校友的捐助,所以更 需要其他賢達的支持。」加入城大基金理事 會後,他說感受到不論是校長、各位副校 長、教員和其他同事都很專業、投入地為 大學和學生做了許多有利學生成長的事。 很多學生近年能夠在本地或國際不同比賽 中取得優異成績,可想而知,老師和同學 都付出了很大的努力。
a worthy example to the younger generation. From his life’s experience, Mr Chan knows well that one’s mentality and attitudes matter far more than the deeds performed, and that the wisdom of “knowing thyself” is far more important than just being smart.
陳先生對城大近年的重要發展感到欣喜, 例如城大基金和動物醫學院的成立。他期 望城大在研究和教學、畢業生質素、大學 排名等各方面都會更上層樓;也深信城大 基金雖然剛成立,卻是重要的開始。
積極投入慈善事業,回饋社會,令人崇 敬,是年輕人學習的好榜樣。 經過生活的歷練,陳先生明白,心態比 事情重要,而「自知之明」亦比「聰明」要 緊。他願以「一生平凡事,平凡過一生; 做好平凡事,一生不平凡」與《今日城 大》的讀者共勉。
Positions held by Mr Chan Hon-pun: • Director, Buddha’s Light International
Association World Headquarters
• Board Member and Honorary President, City University of Hong Kong Foundation • Director, Happy Brave Trading Company Limited • Former President, Buddha’s Light International Association of Hong Kong • Past President, Rotary Club of Shatin
陳漢斌先生職務 • 國際佛光會世界總會理事 • 香港城市大學基金理事暨榮譽會長 • 奔驊貿易有限公司董事 • 國際佛光會香港協會前任會長
In conclusion, he would like to share with readers of CityU Today his motto: “We are ordinary people doing ordinary deeds. But such deeds done well will make your life extraordinary.”
陳先生的個人故事很精彩。他出生於50 年代香港一個普通家庭,十多歲已外出從 事勞力的工作,對貧窮的滋味並不陌生。 及後因緣巧合開始創業,雖然其間經歷起 跌,最終穩定下來。事業有成後,陳先生
• 沙田扶輪社前任社長
May 2015
Student Voices
A printable dream 立體打印 虛擬成真 Beyond the simplified manufacturing process, the personal, social and working implications of 3D printing may give me a helping hand in my professional life.
By Ho Ka-ying Department of Information Systems
文:何嘉凝 資訊系統學系
According to Mr Frankie Fan Tsz-ki, the manager
Thanks to their help, my team won the
of the GE Lab, “trial and error” is an important
Championship in the 2015 Printisable 3D
step in the creativity process. Failure is always
Design Competition with the movable speaker.
the best tutor. After numerous attempts, I
Making new friends, brainstorming together
learned to pay more attention to details while
and assisting each other in this competition
keeping big ideas in mind. Besides getting
constitute some of the best memories of my
When I was first introduced to 3D printing
better designs, I was surprised that this
university life.
through my major leader, Dr Ron Kwok Chi-
mindset is applicable to my daily life, no matter
wai, Associate Professor in the Department
doing business projects or planning my daily
Future development
of Information Systems, I became curious
schedule. Focusing on details while sticking
3D printing is now changing the world’s
about what 3D printing meant for business.
to the big direction gave me a better overall
business model. I believe that one day,
Fascinated by its wide application in different
there will be a 3D printer in everybody’s home, printing everything we need, from
sectors, I started my exploration of 3D printing by working in the CityU Gateway Education
Social network
food to clothes to utensils. This would be
Laboratory (GE Lab), a well-established
As 3D printing has penetrated different sectors,
a huge challenge to logistics, retailers and
makerspace with professional software and 3D
more teachers are including 3D printing as
manufacturers. Indeed, with more and more
one of their teaching tools. The classmates in
materials like iron, plastics with different levels
my GE course have different backgrounds and
of elasticity and even food ingredients and
Personal development
knowledge, and they inspired me a lot when
bio-ingredients available, 3D printing will no
Generally, we all start designing a product by
I was constructing the model. For instance, I
longer be limited to building just prototypes or
imagining the outermost part, like the shape
consulted three classmates from the Electronic
mechanical parts; it will expand to other sectors
and size, before going into details. However,
Engineering, Physics and Materials Science and
like groceries, medical and food industries.
drawing a computer-aided design (CAD) model
Architecture and Civil Engineering departments
is the opposite. Using manufacturing-level
for their professional advice when I was
CAD drawing software, every part of the design
building the movable speaker. In addition,
is mathematically correlated. From length to
other student helpers in the Lab are
angles, from plane to plane, all the parts have to
specialised in different software such
be accurately measured and assembled.
as Maya, ThinkerCAD, and ColourIT. Cooperating with them not only
Taking the movable speaker I designed as an
improved my model, it also
example, the number of gears inside and their
enhanced my software skills.
vibration speeds are all manually input to generate animation and feasibility checking.
Ho Ka-ying (left) holds a 3D model with another helper. 何嘉凝(左)與另一名學生助手拿著一件 立體模型。
立體打印不僅簡化了製造過程,在個 人、社會及工作層面上還促進了我的專 業發展。 自從在主修課程主任、資訊系統學系副教授 郭致偉博士的引導下認識了立體打印技術 後,我就對立體打印的商業用途很好奇。 後來,更被立體打印在不同行業的廣泛應 用所吸引而加入城大精進教育實驗室當學 生助手,冀能深入了解立體打印技術。這 所實驗室設備精良,配有專業軟件與數台 立體打印機。 個人發展 設計產品時,一般都是先設想其最外層部 分,比如形狀與大小,然後才考慮細節。 但是,利用電腦輔助設計 (CAD) 描畫模型 則剛好相反。使用製造水平的CAD製圖軟 件,所設計的每個部分都有數學式關聯。無 論是長度、角度,或從一個平面到另一個平 面,各個部分都必須精確計量與裝配。就以 我設計的移動擴音器為例,其內部齒輪的數 目及振動速度均須以人手自行輸入,以產生 電腦動畫並作可行性檢查。
The award-winning movable speaker 獲獎的移動擴音器
精進教育實驗室主管范子祺先生對我說, 「屢敗屢試」是創新過程中的一個重要步 驟。失敗向來是最好的老師,總有可借鑒之 處。經過多次嘗試之後,我學會在加倍注重 細節的同時,亦不忘新創意的大方向。令我 驚喜的是,這種心態不但使我的設計更好, 對日常生活也有益處,無論是制定商業計 劃,還是規劃每天日程,注重細節,而又堅 持大方向,使我的整體表現更加出色!
啟發。例如,在設計移動擴音器時,我聽 取了三位同學的專業意見;他們分別來自 電子工程學系、物理及材料科學系、建築 學及土木工程學系。此外,實驗室的其他 學生助手對我的幫助亦很大,他們是精通 Maya, ThinkerCAD和ColourIT等多款軟件 的高手。與他們合作,不但改善了我的模 型,也提升了我使用軟件的技能。
建立社交網絡 立體打印已經滲透各行各業,愈來愈多教師 把立體打印當作教學工具。與我修讀同一 精進教育課的同學背景各異,學識也不一 樣。在構思這個模型時,他們給了我很大的
有了他們的幫助,我的隊伍憑著移動擴音 器榮獲2015年Printisable 3D設計比賽冠 軍。結識新朋友、集思廣益、在比賽期間 互相幫助,這些成了我大學生活中一些最 美好的回憶。 未來發展 立體打印正在改變全球商業模式。終有一 天,家家戶戶都會有一台立體打印機,把 我們所需的一切東西打印出來,包括食 品、衣服、用具等等。這對物流、零售商 及製造商都是巨大挑戰。目前,可供立體 打印用的材料愈來愈多,比如鐵、不同彈 性的塑膠,以及食材和生物成分。立體打 印將不再局限於製作原型或機械零件,還 會擴大到雜貨、醫學及食品等行業。
「立體打印已經滲透各行各業,愈來愈多教師把立體打印當 作教學工具。」
May 2015
Cinema East and West Dr Louisa Wei Shiyu, Associate Professor, School of Creative Media, CityU; City University Press, 2014
Climate Change Governance in Chinese Cities Dr Maria Francesch-Huidobro, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy, CityU, and Dr Mai Qianqing, Durham University, UK Routledge, 2015
Although invented in the West, cinematography began its journey to the East just one year after its conception. Thus the history of
As China commits to
film over the past 120 years is the same length in the East and in
considerably lower
the West. However, most textbooks focus on cinema development
the carbon intensity of
in the US and Europe, with very little discussion on the relations
its economy, this book
between films of the East and the West.
analyses and explains the governance of climate
This book aims to fill the above gap and discusses why the “new
change mitigation in major
wave” of movies in developing countries, which have relatively
Chinese cities. It specifically
backward production technology, have received such recognition in
focuses on two highly carbon
the western world. In addition, it presents the contributions of many
intensive sectors, buildings
female directors who are often overlooked, and explores artistic,
and transportation, to explore
economic and social factors that have led to different movements
how climate change collaborative municipal networks function in
in film production. Through film history, this book helps us better
practice in Chinese cities. The authors find that effective coordination
understand the influences and interactions between the cultures of
relies on the political will of local administrative elites, the political
the East and the West.
significance attached to climate change, the legitimate authority of the coordinating agency, and human and financial capitals. The
《東西方電影》 城大創意媒體學院副教授魏時煜博士 香港城市大學出版社,2014年
book concludes that the enhanced collaboration and coordination between networks that have emerged in the process of low carbon transitions are transforming the Chinese environmental state into a more pluralistic, inclusive and legitimate one.
電影雖然是西方發明 的,但在其誕生一年 之後已傳入東方。回望 電影120年來的發展,亞 洲地區與歐美一樣有著深 厚綿長的軌跡。然而,現 時的電影教科書通常只側重 西方,在講述世界電影發展史 時,極少論及東西方電影之間的 關係。 本書旨在彌補上述缺失,並探究電影技術相對滯後的發展中國 家出現的電影「新浪潮」,為何常會得到西方的讚揚。此外, 本書闡述了電影史中經常遭忽視的各國先鋒女性導演的貢獻, 並探討促成各種電影運動的藝術、經濟及社會因素,讀者可透 過本書所述的電影發展史,了解東西方文化如何相互影響與 滲透。
《中國城市的氣候變化治理》 城大公共政策學系助理教授方翠琪博士、英國杜倫大學麥倩青 博士合著 Routledge出版社,2015年 由於中國承諾大幅降低其經濟中的碳排放強度,本書試圖分析 及說明數個中國主要城市緩和氣候變化的治理方法。本書特別 聚焦於兩個高密度碳排放行業—建築業和運輸業,以探討中 國城市的市政協作網絡如何實際發揮效能。作者發現,有效的 協作有賴於地方行政主管的政治意願、氣候變化帶有的政治意 義、協調機構所獲的法定職權、人力資源和資金等。本書認 為,在低碳轉型過程中興起的城市網絡之間合作與協調的加 強,正在改變中國的環境狀況,使其變得更多樣化、更包容、 更合理。
Prize-winning CityU 城市大學 得獎奪標 Coming top proves CityU students, faculty and alumni can compete with the best of the best in Hong Kong and overseas. 屢獲大獎,足證城大師生校友可媲美本港及海外精英,爭優奪先。
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路
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