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Scaling new heights with whole-hearted dedication 積極進取,續攀高峰


ast month, CityU embraced the good news of its world ranking climbing to 149th as we bid goodbye to more than 10,000 graduates who were entering a new stage in their life. At the same time, the Council, at its meeting held on 26 November, approved the recommendation of its Search Committee to appoint Professor Way Kuo, Distinguished Professor and Dean of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, as CityU’s new President (pages 4-6).

In this issue of CityU Today, we bring you face-to-face with Dr Peter Tsang Waiming, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, who is at the forefront of devising the technology that will deliver 3D content using existing standard equipment. With the encoder Dr Tsang has developed, we will be able to enjoy 3D television at home within a decade, without the need for those geeky polarising glasses used in 3D cinemas (page 10). Apart from our research excellence in science and technology, CityU’s research achievements in non-technical subjects like business and humanities are also a source of pride. Professor Jonathan Zhu Jianhua of the Department of English and Communication, for example, has contributed to the understanding and impact of the Internet with his research into the development of this new medium in Hong Kong and the mainland for the last eight years. He keeps himself abreast of the trends through crossdiscipline collaboration and by expanding his research scope to different related disciplines (page 21). Meanwhile, Dr Dennis Wong Sing-wing, Associate Professor of Department of Applied Social Studies, has been actively promoting life education to help people understand the meaning of life and the importance of caring about others. He has tried to unearth the impact of a busy lifestyle on Hong Kong people with his study on the Happiness Index of Hong Kong People. Dr Wong has applied the research results and survey data to community services for the benefit of the community, an embodiment of CityU’s mission (page 28). In terms of promoting technology transfer to society, Mr Wong Hong-yee, Director of the Technology Transfer Office, leaves no stone unturned. Not only does his office post research with market potential onto the “Available Technology Database” on its website for public consumption, it has also introduced the “Innovation to Realisation Scheme” to help corporations understand more about the technologies developed by CityU academics (page 17). In the same issue, CityU alumnus Mr Carlos Cheung Yan tells us how he has grasped every opportunity to face up to challenges in life and as a spot market dealer (page 32). Ms Svenja Koos, a German exchange student, expresses her appreciation of the exchange programme at CityU in her article, from Germany to Hong Kong (page 34).

個月,城大在歡欣鼓舞的氣氛中送 別逾萬名畢業生踏上人生新里程 之際,再次迎來學校排名攀升至第 149位的喜訊。11月26日,校董會更一致通過 校長遴選委員會推薦,委任現職美國田納西 大學大學榮譽講座教授及工學院院長郭位教 授為新一任的校長(第4-6頁)。

在這期《今日城大》內,我們為大家介紹電子 工程系副教授曾偉明博士以及他研發的三維 立體技術。憑藉這項技術,採用普通視像器 材就能傳送包含立體內容的綜合影像訊號, 不消十年時間,人們便可在家中欣賞立體電 視,且不用戴着立體影院用的怪誕可笑的眼 鏡(第10頁)。 除了理工科領域的豐碩研究成果,城大在人 文科學研究方面也不遑多讓。英文與傳播系 祝建華教授研究香港和內地互聯網使用情況 長達八年,對新媒體及其發展和對社會的影 響具有獨到的見解,而且與時並進,積極尋 求跨學科合作,已將研究範疇擴展至其他相 關學科領域(第21頁)。 應用社會科學系副教授黃成榮博士多年來 積極推行「生命教育」,教導人們珍惜生命, 關心他人,並透過「香港人開心指數調查」, 發掘過於繁忙的生活模式給香港人帶來的影 響,以及由此產生的家庭問題。黃博士不滿 足閉門造車,將研究結果和調查數據應用於 社區,力求使大眾得益,體現了城大一貫提倡 的教育使命(第28頁)。 在向社會推介大學科研成果方面,城大技術 轉移處處長黃漢儀先生可謂不遺餘力。該處 於2003年正式成立以來,一方面挑選有市場 潛力的研究匯集成數據庫,放在網上便於公 眾查閱,另一方面推出「從 創意到產品」計 劃,幫助企業了解開發的技術(第17頁)。 同期內,我們還登載了城大校友張恩把握機 會、勇敢面對挑戰的故事(第32頁),以及德 國交換生 Ms Svenja Koos撰寫的文章,以她 的親身感受道出諸多交 換生的心聲(第34 頁)。

Victor Fung 馮強 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

December 十二月 2007

CityU Council announces appointment of Professor Way Kuo as the new President 香港城市大學校董會宣佈委任郭位教授為新一任校長


t its meeting held on 26 November, the City University o f H o n g Ko n g C o u n c i l u n a n i m o u s l y a p p rove d t h e recommendation of its Search Committee to appoint Professor Way Kuo, Distinguished Professor and Dean of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, as its new President.



推薦,委任現職美國田納西大學大學榮譽講 座教授及工學院院長郭位教授為城大新一任 校長。

Mr Chung Shui-ming, Council Chairman, commented, “I am delighted to report that t h e C o u n c i l u n a n i m o u s l y a p p rove d t h e appointment of Professor Kuo. We are very pleased to have such a strong candidate both in terms of academic credentials, leadership in higher education and management experience to lead City Univer sity forward over the coming years.”

「我很高興向大家宣佈,校董會一 致通過委任郭位教授為城大新一任 校長。郭位教授在學術領域、領導 高等教育發展和管理方面均擁有豐 富的經驗和成就,我們非常高興能 夠羅致有如此實力的人選,帶領城 大繼續發展,」校董會主席鍾瑞明 先生說。 校長遴選委員會一致通過,決定向

Professor Way Kuo

The Search Committee agreed unanimously 郭位教授 without reservation to recommend Professor Way Kuo as the next President of the University. Professor Kuo is an elected member of several prestigious institutions including the US National Academy of Engineering, Academia Sinica of Taiwan, an Academician of the International Academy for Quality and an IEEE fellow. He has exceptionally strong academic credentials and has held senior leadership positions and substantial management experience in both academic and research institutions. He has a proven track record in improving the quality of education, recruitment of students and professors and obtaining funding to embark on various initiatives and sustain their development at the institutions with which he has worked.

校董會全力推薦委任郭位教授為 城大新一任校長。郭教授是多所 蜚聲國際的機構的院士及會士,包括美國 國家工程院院士、台灣中央研究院院士、 國際品管學院院士及國際電機電子工程學會 會士。 他擁有傑出的學術成就,並曾擔任多所學術 和研究機構的高級行政和管理職務。郭教授 在其曾任職的機構中貢獻良多,包括提升教 育質素、改善收生情況、招攬優秀教授人 才,及獲取資助和捐獻開拓多項發展計劃並 讓這些計劃得以持續發展。

December 十二月 2007

Congregation celebrates achievements of more than 10,000 graduates 萬名畢業生學而優則專


ityU held its 2007 Congregation from 6 to 15 November. The afternoon session on 8 November, presided by Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor of CityU, also confer red honorary doctoral degrees upon four distinguished social leaders. Among the 10,001 graduates this year, there were 102 doctorates, plus two engineering doctorates; 119 master of philosophy degrees; 2,138 master’s degrees; 353 postg raduate diplomas/ cer tificates; 3,923 bachelor’s degrees; and 442 associate degrees. The Community College of City University conferred 2,922 associate degrees.



督梁乃鵬博士主持的典禮同時舉行榮譽博士 學位頒授儀式。 今年的畢業生共有10,001名 為社會培育了,其中102人 獲頒哲學博士學位、2人獲 頒工程學博士學位、119人 獲哲學碩士學位、2,138人 獲碩士學位、353人獲深造 文憑/證書、3,923人獲學 士學位、442人獲副學士學 位。另有2,922人獲城大專

(From left) Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji; Dr Chan Sui-kau; Mr Chung Shui-ming, Council Chair man; Dr Nor man Leung Nai-pang, ProChancellor; Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki, Acting President; Ms Elizabeth Wang Ming-chun; and Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung.

上學院頒授副學士學位。 此外,四位社會傑出人士獲

In addition, honorary degrees 頒授榮譽博士學位。長江製 were conferred upon Dr Chan 衣有限公司創辦人兼主席 (左起)Claude Cohen-Tannoudji 教授、陳瑞球博士、校董會 主席鍾瑞明先生、副監督梁乃鵬博士、署理校長何炘基教授、 Sui-kau, founder and Executive 陳瑞球博士獲頒授榮譽社會 汪明荃小姐及胡應湘爵士。 C h a i r m a n o f Ya n g t z e k i a n g 科學博士學位;諾貝爾獎得 Gar ment Limited; Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, a 主Claude Cohen-Tannoudji教授獲頒授榮 Nobel laureate; Ms Elizabeth Wang 譽理學博士學位;著名藝人汪明荃小姐獲頒 Ming-chun, an acclaimed artist; and 授榮譽文學博士學位;香港合和實業有限公 Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung, Chairman 司主席胡應湘爵士獲頒授榮譽社會科學博士 of Hopewell Holdings Ltd. 學位。

Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki

In his address, Professor Richard Ho Ya n - k i , A c t i n g P re s i d e n t , t o l d t h e graduates there would be big changes on the campus in the years to come.

署理校長何炘基教授於典禮上向畢業生表 示,城大校園未來數年會有一番新景象。


December 十二月 2007

CityU registers another leap in the ranking of world universities 城大在世界最佳學府排名中再次躍升


ityU has jumped five places from 154th last year to 149th this year, among the world’s top universities according to The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) 2007 survey. CityU is one of four Hong Kong universities listed in the top 200.



根據英國《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》2007年 度全球200所頂尖大學排名顯示,城大躍升五 位,居第149位。城大亦是香港四所榜上有名

CityU broke into the world’s top 200 universities four years ago (ranked 198th) and has continued to climb ever since. It was ranked 178th and 154th in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

的頂尖大學之一。城大歷史雖短,但四年前 已名列世界頂尖200所大學,排名第198位, 並且不斷攀升;在2005年及2006年分別升到 第178位及第154位。





New initiatives to help students master English 城大推行新舉措助學生掌握英語技巧


ity University of Hong Kong (CityU) has implemented a number of initiatives to help students master their English language skills. The latest development of the Language Companion Course (LCC), one of several such initiatives, was discussed at a university staff seminar on 10 October. It was organised by the Offices of the Dean of Student Learning and Chief Information Officer.

The seminar attracts a full house. 研討會吸引不少教職員前來參加。

LCC provides online English tutors who comment on students’ course work before they submit it to their teachers. The pre-pilot conducted in semester B 2006–07 showed encouraging results. “Since online tutors did not correct the students’ mistakes but only gave advice on how the writing could be improved, students were more likely to learn from their mistakes,” said Professor Lilian Vrijmoed Kwan Lee-ping, Dean of Student Learning. 大推行一系列協助學生掌握英語技巧的新舉措。學務長及資訊總監辦公室10月10日舉行研討會,介紹和討論大學「英


在「英語支援課程」中,學生在把習作提交給學科導師前,先交由網上英語導師提供文法、用字等方面的意見。2006-07年 度下學期為課程預試階段,成效令人鼓舞。「英語導師不會直接修改學生的文章,而只會給予意見,建議學生怎樣改進, 因此可以鼓勵學生從錯誤中學習寫作技巧,」學務長關利平教授說。

December 十二月 2007

Nobel prize-winning chemist attracts full-house audience 諾貝爾化學獎得主談生命與非生命相遇 的化學作用


full-house audience of almost 200 people was treated on 30 October to an illuminating journey into the world of chemistry, and taken on a guided tour of the milestones in its history, by 1987 Nobel Prize-winning chemist Professor JeanMarie Lehn. Professor Lehn is regarded as one of the founding fathers of supramolecular chemistry.

Professor Jean-Marie Lehn Jean-Marie Lehn教授


年諾貝爾化學獎得主J e a nMarie Lehn教授10月30日在

香港城市大學(城大)做演講,帶領全場近 二百名聽眾神遊化學世界,並逐一講解了化學 史上的不同里程碑。L e h n教授被譽為超分子 化學奠基人之一。

His lecture, titled “From Matter to Life: Chemistry? Chemistry!”, was an exciting, entertaining and highly informative look into the realm of chemistry that links the inanimate to the living.

Lehn教授以「從物質到生命:化學?化學!」 為題,向聽眾揭示聯繫生命與非生命的化學世 界,講座精妙絕倫,生動有趣,資訊非常豐 富。

44 first-year students granted A+++ Scholarship 44位新生獲頒發A+++獎學金


ityU held the A+++ Scholarship Schemes presentation ceremony on 24 October and awarded scholarships to 44 first-year students who had registered outstanding academic and sporting achievements. Forty-four newly-recruited students, together with parents and secondar y school principals and teachers shared in the joy of the awards ceremony. Professor David Tong Shukyin, Deputy President, said it was encouraging that so many students were awarded the A+++ Scholarships. 大於10月24日舉行第二屆「A+++獎學金」頒獎


們在學術成績及體育方面的卓越表現。家長、中學校 長和老師出席了頒獎禮,分享學生獲獎的喜悅心情。 城大常務副校長唐叔賢教授在頒獎禮上致開幕辭時表

Professor David Tong Shuk-yin, Deputy President; Professor Lilian Vrijmoed Kwan Lee-ping, Dean of Student Learning and A+++ Scholarship winners line up in the shape of an “A+++”. 城大常務副校長唐叔賢教授、學務長關利平教授與各A+++獎學金計劃得獎者排成 「A+++」字合照。


December 十二月 2007

SCM students participate in giant grid art oil painting 創意媒體學生參與大型格子油畫製作


ive Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Media students of SCM participated in “The Reappearance of a Blue Sky” Grid Art Oil Painting Event organised by a shopping arcade in October. Students had a chance to paint with famous Austrian artist Emil Herker and the public a giant oil painting consisting of 160,000 tiny grids to awaken people about the importance of environmental protection.



生,於10月參與由一商場舉 辦的齊繪「藍天再現」萬格 子油畫活動,與奧地利著名 畫家Emil Herker及市民共 同繪製由 16萬塊細小畫格合 成的大型油畫,喚醒廣大市 民對環保的關注。

International experts gather at CityU to discuss terrorism 國際專家聚集城大探討恐怖主義問題


he School of Law at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) opened the “Inter national Conference on Ter ror ism, Human Security and Development: Human Rights Perspective” on 16 October. The 16-17 October conference, organised in collaboration with the United Nations University (UNU), Japan, was the first of its kind in Hong Kong.

(From left) Dr Vesselin Popovski; Professor (Chair) Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Acting Vice-President (Undergraduate Education); Professor (Chair) Wang Guiguo, Dean of School of Law; Dr Sukehiro Hasegawa; and Professor Stephen P Marks officiate “International Conference on Terrorism, Human Security and Development: Human Rights Perspective”. (左起)V e s s e l i n P o p o v s k i博士、署理副校長(本科生教育) 林群聲講座教授、法律學院院長王貴國講座教授、長谷川佑弘博士 及Stephen P Marks教授主持「恐怖主義、安全及發展國際會議」。

It brought together more than 25 experts in law and policy issues relating to terrorism, public law, comparative and international law, human rights and development from around the world. The mission of the UNU is to contribute, through research and education, to efforts to resolve pressing global problems that are of concern to the United Nations, its peoples and member states.

大法律學院於10月16日為「恐怖主義、安全及發展國際會議」揭幕。會議於10月16日及17日舉行,由城大與日本 聯合國大學合辦,是本港首次舉行的同類型活動。

來自世界各地共25位研究恐怖主義、公法、比較法及國際法、人權及發展的法律及政策問題專家將參與討論。日本聯合 國大學的使命是透過研究和教育,解決聯合國及其成員國人民所關注的全球問題。

December 十二月 2007

Graduate’s invention helps reduce missing cases of the elderly 城大碩士畢業生創意發明助減少長者走失個案


n view of the increasing number of cases involving the elderly or disabled getting lost, Mr David Cheung Wai-sun, a master graduate of the School of Creative Media (SCM) at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), invented a detection system dubbed the “High Sensitivity Field Interference Wander Detector” to help locate such people.



院應屆碩士畢業生張維新憑藉其創 意,發明一項名為「高靈敏度電場 干擾式游走檢知器」追蹤系統,冀 能協助有需要團體及相關人士,減 少游走失蹤個案。 Mr David Cheung invented the “High Sensitivity Field Interference Wander Detector”.



器」包括兩個部分。第一部分是一 支置於長者身上,長約2.5厘米的合

The system comprises two parts: a 2.5cm long metal alloy needle worn by the person under monitoring, and a high-sensitivity field interference detector installed at the door of the person’s residence. Once the resident passes through the doorway, the detector emits a sound that alerts the nurses. The system has now been successfully installed in six local elderly homes and is undergoing the patenting process.

金小棒;第二部分是安裝於院舍門檻下的 高靈敏度電場干擾儀。每當身上懷有合金 小棒的長者經過干擾儀時,儀器便會發出 響聲,通知院舍的護理員。目前,「高靈 敏度電場干擾式游走檢知器」已被本港六 間老人院舍採用。有關發明現正申請專 利。

Banquet showcases students’ sense of belonging 夜宴盡顯學生歸屬感


he Students’ Union of CityU organised the annual CityU Banquet on 26 October. This year’s theme was “Love – CityU”, highlighting students’ sense of belonging to the University. Nearly 190 tables were fully booked, with more than 2,000 Council members, staff, alumni and students participating in the banquet. 大學生會於10月26日晚舉辦城大夜宴。夜宴以

「愛 • 城大」為主題,充分反映同學對城大的強烈


CityU Banquet brings a memorable night to all participants.



December 十二月 2007

By Craig Francis 傅之銳

If Dr Peter Tsang Wai-ming is right, within a decade we will all be dodging bullets in our loungeroom like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, as we watch our television blockbusters. Not only that, but we will be enjoying this 3D television exper ience without the need for those geeky polarising glasses so intrinsic to 3D cinema. 假如曾偉明博士所言不虛,不消十年時間,我們在 家中欣賞電影時,便要閃避從電視屏幕飛射出來的 子彈了,情形就像奇諾李維斯在電影《22世紀殺人 網絡》 裏 那樣。除此之外,我們欣賞立體電視時, 再不用戴上立體電影院用的哪款怪誕而可笑的眼鏡。


December 十二月 2007


ithin the world of broadcasting, 3D TV has been seen as something of a corporate holy grail. Unbeknownst to most of us, the televisions already exist that create the very convincing illusion of bullets flying towards you, footballs whizzing by or butterflies hovering within reach somewhere between you and the television screen.



道,其實立體電視的技術已經研製成 功,能夠達到子彈射向觀眾、足球橫飛 以及蝴蝶在熒幕與觀眾間飛舞的效果。 可惜的是,立體電視雖已進入原型生產

Unfortunately, this technology has only been developed to the prototype stage and a set would cost you about HK$150,000 – and you’d have little or nothing to watch on it. So while the TV technology might exist, what does not is an effective distribution, compression and storage system that can deliver these 3D images from a television station or DVD without the whole world having to completely revamp the entire communications and electronics infrastructure.

階段,每台售價竟需港幣十五萬元,而 且很少或者沒有甚麼立體節目可看。因 此,技術雖然存在,除非我們徹底修改 現有的通訊與電子架構,目前缺乏有效 的輸送、壓縮和儲存系統,供電視台或 DVD影碟傳送立體影像。 如何在這方面作出突破呢?城大電子工 程學系副教授曾偉明博士可為我們提供

This is where City University’s Associate Professor Dr Peter Tsang, from the Department of Electronic Engineering, comes into the (television) picture.

答案。 曾博士一直致力研究傳送較平面內容更 多資訊的科技,以傳播三維立體內容。

Dr Tsang is at the forefront of devising the technology that will allow the transmission and delivery of 3D content, which carries a great deal more information than its 2D counterpart. T h e e n c o d e r d eve l o p e d by Dr Tsang provides a simple means of producing 3D video content with a sharper visual quality, which can be stored in video format and played back in existing standard equipment, such as DVD players.

曾博士研製出一種編碼器,可將畫質更 清晰的立體影像儲存起來,再用現有標 準器材如DVD播放機播放。 他設計的單套原型系統包括一個解碼器 (置於一個機頂盒內)和一個自動立 體切換的屏幕。他研製的編碼系統名為 「近零計算壓縮」,可讓普通視像器材 傳送包含立體內容的綜合影像訊號,再 將之轉換為立體影像。 曾博士解釋說:「在製作過程方面,編 碼器內藏多個優化系統以平衡影像質素 與立體深度。這個過程可完全配合影像

The standalone prototype comprises a decoder (housed in a set-top box) and

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攝製及播放過程。」 雖然電影仍是主流媒介,曾博士卻創造 了經濟易用的影像顯示技術,適合廣


告商採用。目前的影片顯示器在超級市 場、地鐵和其他交通工具中都可看到, 卻是以平面技術播放的。部分廣告商曾 嘗試用立體顯示技術,但由於硬件和製 作成本高昂,加上沒有足夠內容,並不 十分流行。 「我並不刻意追求製造熒幕外蝴蝶飛舞 的效果,而是希望以更經濟易用的技術 處理立體影像,」曾博士在最近於灣仔 會議展覽中心舉行的香港電子產品展上 對《今日城大》說。 Dr Peter Tsang Wai-ming (right) demonstrates his technology at a trade fair. 曾偉明博士 (右) 在一項展覽中展示他的科技研究。


an autostereoscopic monitor. The encoding system, known as Near Computation Free Compression (NCF), accepts composite video signal carrying 3D content from ordinary video appliances, and converts it into 3D pictures.

眼睛,使每隻眼睛各自看到不同的影 像。由於有多部攝影機捕捉各個影像的 動作,因此多個影像可共同發揮作用。 「立體技術跟平面技術同樣面對儲存、

“On the production side of the process, the encoder embeds a number of optimisation mechanisms to maintain a balance between visual quality and depth perception. The process is totally compatible to the chain of processes between filming and video display,” explained Dr Tsang.

輸送和顯示的問題,只是立體技術要用 到二至十六部攝影機,製作立體內容, 內容訊息龐大,問題更加複雜。」曾博 士解釋道。 「因此,我關注的不是製作蝴蝶飛舞等

While movies remain on the horizon, Dr Tsang has created an economical, handy display technology that will soon be suitable for use by advertisers. These moving image display kiosks can be found at supermarkets, on the MTR and other forms of public transport. But generally, the technology is two dimensional. Some 3D displays have been used by advertisers but their popularity has been limited due to high hardware and production costs as well as a general lack of content.

視覺效果,而是要解決播放這種效果的 技術架構。我們最終要解決將立體訊息 在現今頻寬狹窄的電視上播放的問題, 研製機頂盒算是邁出了第一步,」曾博 士說。 香港即將推出數碼電視廣播,但這種格 式仍未能用作播放立體內容,因此曾博 士將繼續努力研發這方面的技術。

“I’m not overly concerned with butterflies hovering outside the screen – what I’m doing is handling 3D video in a more economical and convenient manner,” said Dr Tsang, when CityU Today caught up with him at the recent Hong Kong Electronics Fair at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai.

他解釋說:「我研究的技術,最大的好 處是可配合現今使用的系統。由於現有 技術架構不會在短時間內改變,因此我 們應以現有架構解決處理、儲存與輸送 訊息的問題。」


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3D technology works by throwing a different image to each eye and angling them so that one eye picks up one and the other picks up the other. There will in fact be as many images working together as there are cameras capturing the action. “3D technology is similar to 2D and both face the same issues in terms of storage, distribution and display. It is just that the problems in relation to 3D are complicated by the fact that in producing content for 3D you use between two and 16 cameras, so there is just so much more information with which to contend,” he explained.

由興趣轉為事業 “So I’m less worried about the butterflies than I am about the infrastructure for this. The set top box we developed is basically one step on a long ladder towards the ultimate solution to carrying the information required of a 3D production on the narrow band television channels of today,” says Dr Tsang. The roll-out of digital television is imminent in Hong Kong but even that format still does not cater for the scale of 3D, adding further impetus for the research and developments of Dr Tsang. “The beauty of what I’m working on is that it fits into the existing system, relates to the existing world. The information needs to be processed and stored and distributed using the existing infrastructure because that is not about to change in a hurry,” he explains.

From hobby to career The nascent fascination with electronics that so captivated a young Peter stemmed from his father’s professional life in the electronics industry.

曾博士年青時即對電子發明產生濃厚興 趣,主要受在電子業任職的父親的 影響。 「大概在九至十歲時,我開始喜歡自行 接駁電路板,接駁成功的話,我會很 開心。我就是這樣從嗜好產生長久的興 趣,再發展成為現在的事業。我頗有信 心這將是我的終身事業。」 工餘時,曾博士受城大同事和朋友影 響,喜歡玩遙控直升機。如果不計可起 到充電作用的紅酒和健身運動,他對電 子研究的愛好,沒有延伸到他的私人生 活空間中。 「我的閒餘時間不涉及任何電子研究, 這已成為我的事業。工餘時,我喜 歡 與妻子享受紅酒美食,」曾博士說。 他在事業上花了十年時間從事與立體播

“I liked, from about the age of nine or ten, building circuits and I got excited when they worked. That was the start of a lifelong interest that would evolve from a hobby into a career - a lifelong one, I guess I can say with some confidence now.”

放有關的研究,又用了兩年時間研究機 頂盒項目。確切地說,他從事的研究是 「要找出全盤的解決方案,以擷取和播 放高質素而無需配戴鏡片欣賞的立體影 像」。

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3D video acquisition and production

Existing video technologies

3D display




Away from the lab, Dr Tsang can often be spotted navigating his remote control helicopter, a hobby inspired by his friends and colleagues at CityU. If you disregard his appreciation of an electrifying red wine or an energy surge on the treadmill, Dr Tsang’s interest in electronics no longer extends into his personal life.

全球電子業巨企為電視和影像娛樂媒 體投入龐大資源,一個大學的研究員 財政預算有限,又怎樣和這些大企業 競爭呢?不過,競爭向來不是研究的 動力或考慮的因素。 曾博士解釋道:「研究的領域廣闊遠

“No, my leisure time no longer involves electronics. I like to get away, enjoy wining and dining with my wife; electronics has become a career,” he says.

大,即使業界投入龐大資源,仍有很 多地方需要作研究。即使已面世數十 年的平面電視,仍有不少地方值得鑽 研探索。在促進立體電視成為主流應

That career has seen him spend the past ten years of his life working on 3D-related research and two years on the current set-top box project, more specifically titled “Development of a total solution on the acquisition and display of Lens-free, three dimensional video with enhanced quality”.

用技術的大前題下,我只是進行其中 一小部分研究而已。」 基於這一理念,再加上並非為一己之 私的某些推動力,曾博士覺得沒必要 為自己研發的,以多部攝影機拍下影

Given the huge resources poured into television and visual entertainment media by the mighty electronic corporations of the world, one could be excused for wondering just how a university researcher on a comparatively tiny budget could compete with the big boys. Competition, however, was not the driving force, or indeed a factor to consider, when it came to research. “There are just so many avenues and areas in need of research that even with the resources of the corporate world trained on the industry, there is still virtually no end to the areas subject


像進行壓縮的編碼技術,取得產業擁 有權。

分擔責任 有關技術仍沒有申請專利,一則「申 請成本不低」,再則技術距離可實際 用於商業尚路途遙遠。不過,曾博士 明確表示,不怕對手利用他的技術圖 利,或是按一般人所說的「被人剽 竊」。

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Dr Tsang predicts 3D TV will be in our homes within 10 years. 曾博士預計立體電視在十年內可普及至一般家庭。

to possible research. Even in the realm of 2D television, which has been around for many decades now, there is still so much to discover and develop. When it comes to 3D, I am looking at one small part of one very big picture in terms of making it a mainstream application,” Dr Tsang explains.

曾博士認為,他的研究是為了達成更大 的理想,誠如被廣泛公認為互聯網之父 的Tim Berners-Lee,發明互聯網也非為 了圖利。 「在研究發明中,通力合作多過競

With that in mind, and his own unselfish motivations factored into the equation, Dr Tsang said he did not feel any real sense of proprietorial ownership of his own research and development of the encoding technique that allows the compression of video from an array of cameras.

爭,」他說。「從學術角度看,我並不 太在意知識產權。我 更 喜 歡 學 術 界 分 享經驗的慣常做法,通過分享達到 發展。」 不過曾博士指出,不論有關發明是否在

Sharing the load


The technology has not yet been patented – “patenting is not cheap” – and is still some days and dollars away from fully fledged commercial application. But Dr Tsang insists he does not feel any sense of dread about his technology being subsumed by rivals with a vested pecuniary interest in its use or, as the layman might say, being ripped off.


Much like Tim Berners-Lee, the man widely credited as the inventor of the internet, Dr Tsang feels the research is part of a greater cause.


將專利權按適當比例由大學與發明者分 享。 正如人生追求的眾多事物一樣,三維立 體電視與「近零計算壓縮」的研究需要 金錢和時間。城大著重研究,所以曾博

「均衡分配教學與研究時間,實在是一 門學問,但城大十分支持研究人員花時 間從事研究工作。」

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“There is more complicity than there is competition,” he says. “From an academic point of view, I am not so concerned about intellectual property rights. I am more used to the academic way, where everything is shared. I’m trying to share to expand.”

不論是為美國太空總署、菲利浦或香 港的大學工作,籌募研究資金永遠是 一大挑戰。曾博士研究以低成本的器 材播放高質素的立體內容,為立體電 視作出一項重大貢獻,但仍須繼續研

Dr Tsang did point out that patents, which are the domain of the Technology Transfer Office at CityU, were usually shared between the University and the inventors in fair proportions, regardless of the registered work having been completed on campus and formally remaining University property.

究才可把這項突破性技術,轉化為有 商業用途的原型產品。 「我們需要繼續為研究投資。要加強 這種媒體對廣告商的吸引力,我們需 要降低解碼器的成本。所需資金不

As with most pursuits in life, research into 3D TV and Near Computation Free Compression (NCF) is all about time and money. According to Dr Tsang, CityU’s emphasis on research ensures he has no complaints about the former.

多,大約一兩百萬元港幣。不過,要 籌集起來,這個數目還是不小。」 曾博士為研究解決立體電視技術已花 了不少時間和心血,因此他應該會像

“Dividing time between students and research, and indeed combining the two, is always a delicate balance, but CityU is very good about providing time to researchers.”

《22世紀殺人網絡》中的奇諾李維斯 那樣,即使要閃避橫飛的子彈或應付 技術難題,都會毫不退縮。

Whether working for NASA, Philips or a Hong Kong University, funding is a ubiquitous challenge. While Dr Tsang has contributed a valuable piece to the 3D jigsaw by displaying enhanced 3D content on a low cost 3D unit in this project, work is still needed to turn this groundbreaking technology into a commercially viable prototype. “Further investment is needed. To make the medium more attractive to advertisers, we need to cut down on the cost of the decoder. The type of money we are talking about is not especially large – in the vicinity of one or two million [HK] dollars – but it is still a prohibitively large sum when you are trying to raise it.” One gets the impression that, having come this far in his pursuit of solutions to the 3D TV riddle, Dr Tsang, much like our friend Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, will never choose the easy path – even if it means dodging the odd bullet and eradicating a few technical foes along the way.


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Promoting technology transfer for the benefit of society Local universities have, in recent years, been very proactive in introducing their research achievements to the marketplace, resulting in a number of new products based on technology transferred from local research. Mr Wong Hon-yee, Director of the Technology Transfer Office, talks about the latest developments and plans regarding technology transfer at CityU.

向市場推廣研究成果 促進社會發展 近年來,香港的高等院校積極將研究成果推向市 場,從而在市場上湧現許多以大學科研成果 為基礎的產品,香港城市大學(城大) 技術轉移處處長黃漢儀先生接受 《今日城大》採訪,詳談城大 在技術轉移方面的計劃及 發展。

Q &A

with Mr Wong Hon-yee by Zoey Tsang 曾邦緩


How does Hong Kong compare with other developed countries and regions? Hong Kong has only started to develop its skills in technology transfer in the last decade. On the other hand, the United States passed laws to protect the intellectual rights of technology transferred from university research as far back as twenty years ago. It has now become a global trend to convert academic research into applications or products for market use. CityU established the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) in 2003 with the objective of promoting potential CityU research. How has CityU progressed in promoting technology transfer to the commercial and industrial sectors? Many corporations show keen interest in CityU’s research, but when it comes to further cooperation, there are still some issues that need to be addressed. First, new technologies and knowledge generated by research are, by and large, at the theoretical level that cannot yet be introduced to the market. They must undergo more testing and be redesigned and repackaged before they can become end-user products. Some small- and medium-sized corporations, although interested in the new technologies, may not have the resources to conduct further tests. As a result, the new technologies are not made available to the market. Secondly, some cor porations may have unrealistic expectations for the new technology. The University will tr y to solve the technical problems but should not be responsible for product development. Since the corporations do not have a thorough understanding of the new technologies, there will be a gap between their expectation and reality.

在技術轉移方面,香港與其他先進 國家與地區比較,處於什麼階段? 香港近十年才開始發展技術轉移,屬於較遲起 步的地區。以美國為例,20多年前已經開始發 展技術轉移,並通過法例讓發展技術轉移的大 學擁有開發技術的知識產權。時至今日,全世 界大部分高等院校都已設有技術轉移部門。轉 移研究成果,使其成為能夠推出市場的技術或 產品,已經成為全球的趨勢。城大在2003年正 式成立技術轉移處,協助將具有發展潛力的研 究推向市場。

城大向工商界推廣技術轉移的情況 如何? 很多企業對城大的研究成果都十分感興趣,但 在合作上還存在一些差距。首先,很多由應用 研究產生的新技術和知識,仍然處於學術理論 的層面,並不能即時推出市場。這些知識需要 經過更多測試及重新包裝設計,才能變成產 品,一些對技術有興趣的中小企業,往往缺乏 資源為這些技術進行測試及研究,使得技術與 市場不能銜接。 另外,企業可能對技術的期望太高,希望新技 術能夠達到他們想像中的效果,而院校亦會為 他們解決所有技術上的問題,但事實上院校並 不能擔當開發產品的角色。與此同時,企業對 新技術了解不足,亦可能導致他們對技術的期 望和現實存在差距。

技術轉移處如何幫助企業進一步了 解城大的研究成果? 中小企業由於規模較小,每當他們嘗試採用新 技術,定會承受較大的風險。同時,由於他們 並不了解新技術,就算對一些新技術感興趣, 也不知道從何入手。因此,技術轉移處推出

How does the TTO help corporations better understand CityU’s research achievements? Due to the scale of operation, small- and medium-sized corporations will have to accept higher risks when they adopt new technologies. Since they do not have a good understanding of the new technologies, they may not know what to do with them even though they have a keen interest.


「從創意到產品」計劃。透過這個計劃,城大 研究人員可以利用撥款為其研發的技術進行可 行性測試,一來企業可以更了解開發的技術, 二來可以更真切地看到這些技術的實際應用 價值� 。

To address these issues, the TTO introduced the “Innovation to Realisation (I2R) Scheme”. Through this scheme, CityU’s academics can apply for grants to conduct feasibility tests on their research applications. It not only lets corporations understand more about the technologies, but also enables them to witness an actual demonstration of their practical use. For example, academics can build a prototype and use it to explain and demonstrate the new technologies more effectively. This scheme helps both CityU and corporations to take one step forward in transferring the technology. The corporations only have to pay a low direct cost in conducting the tests. The response to this scheme has been very encouraging and more than 10 applications have been received, including those on research conducted by both our undergraduates and post-graduates. It illustrates the enthusiastic interest in research and technology developments on the campus.

例如,研究人員可以先製造一個原型, 有了實實在在的產品,就可以更有效地 介紹及展示研究出來的技術。這個計劃 代表城大與企業各自都往前多走一步, 城大多作一些測試證明技術的可行性, 而企業只須承擔金額不大的直接開支。 計劃推出後反應良好,目前已接到十幾 個申請,其中甚至包括本科生及研究生 的研究技術,情況令人鼓舞,同時可見 城大科研氣氛熱烈。

技術轉移處如何鼓勵城大學者 將研究成果推向市場? 技術轉移處將城大所有應用研究的資料 匯集成數據庫,並挑選有市場潛力的研

究���������������� ,��������������� 主動與������������ 學者���������� 聯絡,探討進一步發展 How does the TTO encourage the University’s academics to 的可能性。技術轉移處同時將這些研究 take their research a step further into the market? Our office has a database of all the applied 放在網上���������� 版,�������� 可發展技術數據庫 research conducted on the campus. We 內�������� ,便於公眾查閱。 "The response to this will select research with market potential scheme has been very and approach the academics to discuss the 為了讓城大學者在進行應用研究 encouraging." possibility of further development. In the 時充分考慮市場的情況及需要, 「計劃推出後反應良好。」 meantime, the Office will post the research 技術轉移處特別設置了應用研究 onto the “Available Technology Database” 撥款,要求申請人尋找業界合作 on TTO’s website for public consumption. 者一起參與研究,合作者必須投資贊助 研究,使研究出來的成果更貼近市場需

To ensure CityU’s academics clearly understand the market needs when conducting applied research, the Office has set up the “Applied Research Grant”. Applicants have to seek support from industrial partners to ensure the technology developed is closely linked to the market’s demands. The grant has been in operation for two years and the Office is following up on more than 10 projects, with some of them already at the final stage of technology transfer.

要。撥款成立兩年,本處目前正跟進十 幾項準備進行技術轉移的研究,有些已 經進入技術轉移的最後階段。 除此以外,本處亦會協助城大為各項研 究成果申請專利,成功的例子包括電子 工程學系許樹源講座教授研製的「無線 電池充電平台」、陸貴文教授的「L-

In addition, the Office will assist in patent applications for CityU inventions. Successful examples include the “Universal wireless battery charging platform” invented by Professor (Chair) Ron Hui Shuyuen, the “Patch Antenna with L-shaped Probe” by Professor Luk Kwai-man and the “Power Amplifiers for Mobile Phones and Consumer Electronic Appliances” by Dr Xue Quan, all from the Department of Electronic Engineering.

型探針平面天線」及薛泉博士的「流動電 話和消費者電子設備功率放大器」等。

你認為技術轉移的意義��� 何�� 在? 技術轉移有點類似教育。教育不是為了 賺取學費,而是為了培育對社會有貢獻 的人才;技術轉移也一樣,並不是為了


What is the value of technology transfer? There is an analogy between technology transfer and education. Education aims not to make a profit on tuition fees but to nurture talent for the well-being of society. Similarly, technology transfer is not focused on making money by converting technology into products. Rather, it is aimed at promoting new technologies, encouraging the development of society and creating a better life for people. Technology transfer i s a p a r t o f k n ow l e d g e t r a n s f e r. T h e r e s e a r c h findings of non-technical subjects like business and humanities could also be applied to the community through knowledge transfer.

透過將技術變成產品而牟利。技術轉移的最大 作用在於為社會推介新技術,促進社會發展, 為人類創造美好的生活。��������� 其實,������ 技術轉移�� 是知 識轉移的一部分,所以一些非������� 工科,���� 例如�� 商科 和人文科學研究成果����������� ,亦可透過知識轉移應用 於社會� 。

“Universal wireless battery charging platform” is one of the successful inventions in patent application. 「無線電池充電平台」 是其中一項成功 申請專利的產品。

Innovation to Realisatio n (I2R) Sche me T h e o b je ct ive o f th e I2 R P ro g ra m m e is to ac th e p re -c o m ce le ra te m e rc ia li sa ti o n d eve lo p m e n t o f p ro m te ch n o log ie is in g s o r in n ova ti ve id ea s an d ex p o rt th em the laborato fro m ry to the m arket. The I2 R Prog ramme, partial fundin with g from indu strial donatio ns, provides su p p o rt to financial fa cu lt y m em b er s an d st u d en ts to ta ke th innovative id eas one step ei r closer to bec oming comm viable produ ercially cts or servic es. An assess m en t panel compo of representa tives of the W sed orking Grou p on Applied and prominen R&D t industrial le aders will be re sponsible for vetting of th the e proposals. The maxim um funding approved pro for each ject is HK$2 00,000.



產品 創意到


旨在 I2R計劃




每個 申請,








評估 組成的



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服務 產品或


可投 果變成



及學 教職員



部分 業界的


。該 到市場



實驗 念,把



力的 市場潛

可獲 目最高


the crossroads in the Internet era

互聯網世代的轉捩點 By Longgen Chen 陳龍根

We have been advised to read to be more learned, whether they are books to be tasted, swallowed or chewed and digested. And we have been advised to travel to be more savvy about the world in which we live. In this day and age, all this is possible without having to step out the front door thanks to the Internet instantaneously connecting people from all corners of the world with a vast repository of knowledge. 古人說:「讀萬卷書,行萬里路。」讀萬卷書,方能博 古通今,無論是供淺嘗、吞食或咀嚼消化的書;行萬里 路,方知天下事,無論是上山下海,走南闖北。不過, 在現今這個互聯網時代,即使足不出戶,我們已可知天 下事,博覽古今中外飽學之士的經綸之作。

December 十二月 2007


“The most recent survey on Internet use in China recorded a 23.4% increase over 2005, with 137 million people online as of December 2006,” says Professor Jonathan Zhu Jianhua of the Department of English and Communications, who has been involved in research on Internet use in Hong Kong and China for eight years.

研究香港和內地互聯網使用情況達八年 的英文與傳播系祝建華教授說:「最新 的互聯網使用調查顯示,截止2006年12 月中國已有一億三千七百萬名網民,比 2005年增長了23.4%。」

互聯網的快速發展對社會影 響深遠 內地互聯網民人數上升速度之快固令人 驚嘆,但其發展潛力將更令人刮目相 看。香港和台灣的互聯網滲透率目前已 達六成;與此相比,國內大城市僅為百 分之八至三十。 互聯網發展如此快速,已成為極具影響 力的新媒體,有人視之為洪水猛獸, 但亦有人認為互聯網代表着新時代的智 慧,認為這是最美好的事物。 祝建華教授

Professor Jonathan Zhu Jianhua

專門研究新媒體互聯網數據庫及統計分 析理論的朱教授說:「互聯網既然成為

Rapid expansion of the Internet and its effect on society


The r ise in the number of Inter net users is undoubtedly astonishing, but the potential is even more mind-boggling when we look at the penetration rate, ranging from a relatively low 8% to 30% in the big Chinese cities, compared to penetration rates in Hong Kong and Taiwan of 60% or more.


會對中國社會帶來長遠的潛移默化的轉 變化一樣。」 在與他人合著的論文《互聯網在中國的 擴散、使用與影響》中,他以2003年沙 氏病症爆發為例,最初主流媒體很少報

With the growth of the Inter net comes the magic-bullet assumption of the new media’s power and impact, with some people decrying it as a beast, and others accepting it as a beauty that reflects the new conventional wisdom. “As a form of media used by such a huge number of people in China and Hong Kong, the Internet has undoubtedly resulted in subtle but enduring changes throughout Chinese society, much like those that have occurred in Europe, Japan, and the US,” comments Professor Zhu, who specialises in the theories of new media, web database and statistical analysis.

導,但一般中國民眾卻透過電郵、非官 方網站和其他渠道得知了染病的情況。 世界衛生組織最先從中國收到的有關報 告,則是由無名氏在2003年2月20日發 出的一封電郵。 不過論文在結論指出,未有科學研究可 以證實互聯網傳播威力的理論。「我們 的研究結果不但與其他國家的互聯網研 究相吻合,而且與早期全球關於電台、 電視及其他電子媒介等傳統大眾傳播媒

He cited the outbreak of SARS in 2003 to illustrate the point, which was included in his co-authored research paper: Diffusion,


介的影響力研究也完全一致。」朱教授 說:「所有關於互聯網的負面影響指

December 十二月 2007

Use, and Effect of the Internet in China. While there was little coverage in the mainstream media initially, the average Chinese citizen learned about the epidemic through email and unofficial websites, as well as other channels. The first report the World Health Organisation received from China was an anonymous email on 20 February, 2003.


But the paper concludes that no scientific research proves the theory of the medium’s magic bullet power. “Our findings are not only consistent with Internet research in most other countr ies, but with even earlier research on the effect of conventional mass media around the world, such as radio, television and other electronic media,” says Professor Zhu. “All the alleged negative consequences of the Internet, such as teenage indulgence in online games, Internet bars, online pornography etc, could just be a reflection of other social problems, such as peer influence, negligence or lack of care or, in the cases of single-parent or two-income families where the parents are very busy, not spending enough time taking an interest in or communicating with their children.”


“To put our discussion of the effect of the Inter net in perspective, it is worth noting that the development of another mass medium of communication – the mobile phone, is growing at a far greater speed than the Internet,” adds Professor Zhu.

網上色情物等,可能只是其他社會問題 的一個反映,例如同輩的影響、缺乏或 忽略對青少年的關懷、家長忙於工作以 致未有足夠時間了解或與子女溝通、單 親或夫婦均需工作等家庭問題。」

餘,應留意其他大眾通訊媒體的發展, 例如流動電話的發展速度就遠遠超過互 聯網。」

互聯網朝2.0的轉型 在人們對互聯網的好壞仍爭論不休之 際,互聯網本身的技術卻在繼續快速發

Transformation of the Internet to Web 2.0 While the debate about its virtues and vices continues, the technology itself is developing rapidly with more people getting online through broadband or Wi-Fi connections. With the improvement of technology, the Internet as a new media form is evolving into Web 2.0. Ever more powerful and user-friendly applications allow more individual freedom to the users.

展,愈來愈多人開始使用寬頻或W i-F i 上網。隨着科技的發展,作為新媒體形 式的互聯網已開始向2.0轉型。功能更 強大、使用更方便的應用軟件給使用者 提供更多自由。 「互聯網的使用情況肯定跟10年或15年 前大不一樣,」朱教授說:「香港現在

“The Web experience is definitely not the same as it was 10 or 15 years ago,” says Professor Zhu, “In Hong Kong, about 90% of the users use broadband connection now. The Wi-Fi connection is inching up as well, to 8% in 2006. For Taiwan, the figure is even higher at over 20%.”

約有九成用家以寬頻上網,W i-F i上網 亦在漸漸上升,2006年為百分之八;而 在台灣,以W i-F i上網的比率已高逾二 成。」 雖然「互聯網2.0」一詞是否用得準確

Even though there are still heated disputes about the accuracy of the term, Web 2.0 serves to describe a new phenomenon in the

December 十二月 2007

仍有很大爭論,但這個術語明顯描述了 網路世界的一種新現象。在互聯網的


online world, with its data and content changing and growing all the time. Web-based applications are a big component, ranging from blogging, Wikipedia (free online encyclopaedia), Google AdSense (online personalised ads), search engine optimisation, Flickr (online photo sharing) and various other web services. It invites more user participation. “We are at a crossroad, traversing from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, from broadband to Wi-Fi and from analogue to digital broadcasting,” said Professor Zhu at a recent seminar on research findings of the Web 2.0. “And increasing focus on the users is definitely a trend.”

世界裏,數據和內容在不斷增長改變。 互聯網的功能也愈來愈多,從網誌(博 克)、維基百科、網上個人化廣告、搜 索器優化、網上相片分享到各種其他網 上服務,吸引愈來愈多的用者使用互聯 網這一大眾傳媒工具。 「我們正處於科技的轉捩世代,從互聯 網1.0轉型到2.0,從寬頻轉型到Wi-Fi無 線上網,從模擬傳送轉為數碼廣播,」 朱教授在最近一次探討互聯網2.0的研 究論壇上說,「以服務用者為主導肯定

Traversing the gap between social science and science / technology


Not only is the Internet traversing the crossroad, academics today are compelled to embrace interdisciplinary collaborations in order to stay ahead of the changes. As an acute observer of the changes and evolvement of new media, Professor Zhu keeps abreast of the trends by expanding his research scope to different related disciplines. With more than 100 research or conference papers to his credit, he is regarded one of the few world- renowned scholars in the communication arena who traverses the divide between social science and science / technology.

跨越社會科學與自然科學及 科技 不單互聯網正在轉型發展,現今的學者 要走在潮流變化之前,也必須尋求跨學 科合作。朱教授敏銳觀察到新媒體的轉 變演化,為求與時並進,已將研究範疇 擴展至其他相關的學科領域,並先後發 表了逾100篇研究報告 或論文,在傳意通訊 領域內成為世界知名 學者,其研究跨越社會

Although an expert in communication, Professor Zhu has gained recognition from colleagues in the science and technology fields, especially within the realm of computer science. H e h a s d e l ive re d key n o t e o r guest speeches at various sciencetechnology conferences and seminars, such as the Fifth China National Symposium on Search Engine and Web Mining and the Chaos and Complex Systems Centre; he has collaborated with science-technology researchers and published papers in science-technology journals, including Communications of the ACM and Communications of CCF; and he is a participant in the Oxford World Wide Science project.

科學與自然科學及科技 的界限。 朱教授雖然是傳意通 訊領域的專家,在自 然科學及科技研究領 域,尤其是電腦科學領域,也廣 受推崇。他曾在不同科學科技論壇和會 議中發表專題或客席講座,其中包括第 五屆中國全國搜索器與網頁探勘及複雜 混亂系統中心研討會。此外,他曾與 科技學者合作在科技期刊發表過多篇 論文,包括《A C M通訊》及《C C F通 訊》。朱教授還參與了牛津環球科學研 究項目。


December 十二月 2007

Professor Zhu has also promoted in the Asia Pacific region, “e-Social Science”, social science that uses Grid Computing and other IT technolog ies to collect, process, integ rate, share and disseminate social and behavioural data. It is called cyberinfrastructure in the US.


He straddles so many disciplines that keying in his name in the Google search engine, for example, yields 14,700 citations, a very high profile online for an academic. But research on Internet and its development in China and Hong Kong will remain one of his major focuses.


科」,即採用網格計算及其他資訊科技 搜集、綜合、分享和傳播社會及行為數 據。這種研究方式在美國被稱為「網絡 基礎設施」。

在Google搜索器上輸入他的名字,即可 找到14,700項結果,作為一個學者這已 是頗高的網上搜索結果。不過,他的研 究重心仍然集中在互聯網及其在國內與 香港的發展這一領域。

“We don’t know what the Internet is going to look like in the future, but emerging evidence suggests it is going to change the lives of its users as their experience with the new medium becomes more routine and pervasive,” concludes Professor Zhu Jianhua.

朱教授總結說:「互聯網未來的發展難 以預測,但從所見的事實看來,互聯網 的使用必將更加普遍,這種新媒體將大 大改變使用者的生活。」

What is Web 2.0? 互聯網2.0是甚麼? The term came into use during the first O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in 2004. It refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services – such as social-networking sites, Wikis and folksonomies – which aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users.

「互聯網2.0」一詞最早見於2004 年第一屆O’Reilly媒體2.0論壇, 指當時出現的第二代以互聯網為 基礎的網上社區及相關服務,例 如Wikis和folksonomies等社會網 絡。這些網站均致力推廣使用者 之間的合作與資訊分享。

December 十二月 2007



December 十二月 2007

The Pride and Joy of

CityU 城大的

December 十二月 2007


Photos: Sunny Wong

Coordinator: Ellen Chan




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December 十二月 2007


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Human Relationships


Conflicts and Restore By Jo Kam 金恬薇

剖解 衝突 之源 復和人際關係


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The Happiness Index of Hong Kong People, a collaboration between Dr Wong and Radio Hong Kong, has found that the happiness levels of Hong Kong people during the past several years has been consistently below that of other citizens in developed cities. “We lead a life that is too busy with too much emphasis on working for money. We sacrifice the time to enjoy life with our families, or may even sacrifice ourselves. Sometimes, we don’t know why we are so busy or what we are living for,” Dr Wong pointed out. “Under the influence of this style of living, we may easily get angry with others and may never be willing to forgive.”

黃博士與香港電台合作,做了數年「香 港人開心指數調查」,發現香港人多年 來的開心指數都未能達到其他已發展城 市的標準。「香港人生活過於繁忙,整 天只顧工作賺錢,卻犧牲了與自己最親 密的家人相處的時間,甚至犧牲了自 己。有時,我們不知為誰而忙,為何 而活,」黃博士指出道。「由於受這種 生活模式的影響,我們經常動輒對人生 氣,而且永遠不肯原諒別人。」 父母每天早出晚歸,顧及不到兒女的教

Family problems may easily arise when parents work long hours and cannot spare the time to educate their children. This was recently reflected in several news reports on babies born and abandoned by their immature young mothers. Dr Wong indicated that young people would turn their affection to, and look for comfort from, their friends of the opposite sex when they could not get love from their families. They may even dream of building a new family that will not have the problems inherent in their existing families. Such immature thinking and behaviour will usually lead to difficulties. “Those parents reported in the news did not even notice the pregnancy of their immature daughters. This shows how alienated the relationship was between those family members,” said Dr Wong.

育,往往會導致產生一些家庭問題。近 期媒體接二連三報導未成年少女懷孕產 子及棄嬰的現象,就是其中之一。黃博 士指出,青少年得不到家人關心,情感 容易轉移至異性身上,尋求依賴,更期 望組織一個沒有原生家庭那些問題的美 滿的家。他們這種不成熟的想法及行 為,往往會導致產生悲劇。 具有諷刺意味的是,這些未成年少女 的家人往往連女兒懷孕也未能察覺。 「這種現象充分反映家人之間的關 係有多麼疏離,」黃博士說。 繼開心指數之後,黃博士又展開

In addition to the Happiness Index, Dr Wong has also conducted research into “How Hong Kong People Deal With Interpersonal Conflicts”, which shows that Hong Kong people tend to engage in conflicts easily but find it difficult to forgive others.

了一項「香港人如何面對人際衝 突」調查。結果顯示,香港人傾 向於輕易與別人發生衝突,且 不大能饒恕他人。

走入社群 黃博士是城大青 年研究室的副總

Stepping into society


Being the Deputy Director of CityU Youth Studies Net, Dr Wong has been actively working on youth problem studies and counselling services over

於青少年問題研究 與輔導工作,更於 2000年與應用社會 We l ea

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Dr Dennis Wong Sing-wing 黃成榮博士



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December 十二月 2007






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the years. He founded the Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships in 2000 with colleagues of the Department of Applied Social Studies and other good friends to lend support to those in need in the community.

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志同道合的友好成立了復和綜合服務中 心,走入社群,協助需要幫助的人。 數年前接受「今日城大」訪問時,黃博 士就提及積極推行的「生命教育」,教

In his interview with CityU Today a few years ago, Dr Wong mentioned his active promotion of life education to help people understand the meaning of life and the importance of caring about others. In just a few years, Youth Studies Net has received support from various sectors and even a grant from the Quality Education Fund to publish handbooks. The publications were distributed free to primary and secondary school teachers so they could use the practical materials for teaching in class.

導人珍惜生命,關心別人。短短數年 間,城大青年研究室得到各界支持,並 獲得優質教育基金撥款,印製了內容充 實的指引手冊,免費派發給各中、小學 教師,指引手冊內更附有實用教材,便 於教師直接在課堂上使用。 「我們期望透過這些指引手冊,讓更多 教師及同學明白自己的角色及責任,

“We hope the handbooks help teachers and students better understand their roles and responsibilities so they can learn how to use peaceful means to solve conflicts,” said Dr Wong. Although there are no official statistics on how many schools have used the handbooks, it is encouraging that positive feedback was made by many schools that adopted them. They indicated the handbooks provided many practical suggestions that helped them resolve conflicts and disputes between students. “Many schools even invited us to conduct training for them,” Dr Wong was pleased to reveal.

學習如何以平和的方法處理衝突,」 黃博士說。令人鼓舞的是,雖未有正式 數據顯示全港共有多少學校採用這些指 引手冊,凡是已採用的學校都表示指引 手冊提供很多實用性建議,更幫助他們 解決不少學生之間的糾紛及衝突。「有 不少學校甚至希望邀請我們去進行培訓 呢!」黃博士欣喜地說。

由研究到實踐 同樣使黃博士感到欣慰的是,

From research to application Dr Wong is also happy to see the Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships becoming a member of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, which ensures sufficient funding of its operation.

復和綜合服務中心今年已 成為公益金會員,從而可 以確保有足夠的運作經 費。

“The Director of the Centre is a CityU graduate of Applied Social Studies who has completed a Master’s deg ree at CityU,” Dr Wong said. “Seeing my


December 十二月 2007

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student apply what has been learned to help others, I feel particularly gratified.” The Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships recently pr inted some cards with a var iety of phrases on them to remind people of the importance of maintaining harmony. One of the cards reads: “We may not be able to avoid interpersonal conflicts but we may better know how to handle them.” It reminds people to handle conflicts in a rational and amicable manner.

「中心主任是城大應用社會科學系畢業 生,並在城大修讀了碩士課程。看到 學生學以致用,幫助他人,我感到特 別高興,」黃博士自豪地說。復和綜合 服務中心早前印製了一些「服和卡」, 卡上寫着不同句語,提醒人們「以和為 貴」。其中一張寫道:「人際衝突避不 了,懂得處理最重要。」提醒人們以理 性、溫和的態度處理人際關係中遇到的

“Academic studies should not mean confining oneself in an ivory tower, nor should it be done at a theoretical level only. We should apply the research results and survey data to community services for the benefit of the community. This should be the real objective of doing research,” Dr Wong said. “The purpose of setting up Youth Studies Net and the Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships is to build another type of infrastructure for the community – the infrastructure of civilisation. The core values of Hong Kong people should be built on a foundation of interpersonal harmony.”

問題。 「做學問不能閉門造車,也不能 停留在理論研究上。我們應將研 究結果、調查數據等應用於社 區,使大眾得益。這才是做研究 的目的,」黃博士說。「我們成 立城大青年研究室及復和綜合服 務中心就是為了推行另類社會建設 — 精神文明的建設。香港人的核心 價值觀不能偏離人際間和睦相處的基 礎。」


Six steps in mediating conflict


Dr Wong suggested the following six steps in managing conflicts, by using as an example a dispute between spouses.

了以下的六步曲: 「夫妻之間若發生爭執,處理不當,常

“If a conflict between spouses is not handled properly, their relationship may turn hostile. Therefore, next time you have a heated argument with your spouse over some trivial matter, you should first ‘Stop’ for a moment. Secondly, you should ‘Think’ of the wonderful moments you and your spouse have shared. Then you should ‘Look’ and ‘Listen’. What makes you argue with your spouse? Is it worth arguing about? What is the viewpoint of your spouse? You may find that the problem is actually resolvable. After that, you should try to ‘Share’ your feelings with your spouse and work out a win-win solution for both. Finally, and most importantly, you should ‘Forgive’ your spouse, who might have offended you in the heated argument. Remember, forgiving others means relief for yourself and setting yourself free.”

December 十二月 2007

會反目成仇。下一次,當配偶為瑣碎小 事爭吵時,不防先『等一等』、『想 一想』:丈夫追求自己時花了多少心 思;妻子又曾如何小鳥依人地依偎在自 己的肩膀上。然後再『看一看』、『聽 一聽』,到底為了甚麼爭執?值得嗎? 對方有些甚麼想法?仔細思量後也許會 覺悟到,原來事情並非不可解決。接着 再好好與對方『傾一傾』,找出雙贏的 解決方案。最後,同時也是最要緊的是 『恕一恕』。記住,饒恕別人可以還自 己一個心靈自由。」



market dealer tells how to play your hand 把握機會 勇敢面對挑戰 求學到工作,張恩遇到過很多發



rom both his studies and employment, Mr Carlos Cheung Yan has been fortunate to enjoy ample opportunity for advancement. The key to success, he says, is to grasp opportunities when they arise and work hard, as success will not come easily or by chance.

的是自身的努力,好好把握這些機會, 才能達致成功。他認為,成功並非來自 僥倖。 張恩於1989年從城大取得商業學榮譽文 學士學位後,又在香港公開大學修讀工 商管理碩士課程,繼而在城大取得金融

After graduating from CityU with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business in 1989, Mr Cheung completed his Master of Business Administration at the Open University of Hong Kong and obtained his Master of Science in Finance from CityU. He now works as the Chief Dealer (Spot Market Section) at the Bank of East Asia.

學理學碩士學位,現任東亞銀行外滙市 場組首席交易經理(資金部)。 張恩在大學畢業後隨即投身銀行界,接 觸財資市場,轉眼已做了十多年。他現 在的主要工作是發展交易室產品,為客 戶作出全面及長遠的財資市場分析。

He has spent more than ten years in the money market since completing his undergraduate degree and starting his career in the banking industry. His current major job responsibility is to develop trading products and conduct comprehensive longterm analysis of financial markets for his clients.

張恩最初的職業志向卻不是財金,而是 工程。由於他身邊有很多親友均從事工 科工作,他也順理成章朝工科發展,年 少時選擇入讀香港仔工業學校,希望一 技旁身,不愁無財。但當他預科畢業

His initial career goal was not in the field of finance but engineering. Influenced by many of his relatives and friends who worked in the industrial sector, he chose to study at Aberdeen Technical School during his secondary school education, hoping to acquire practical technical skills. However, when he completed Form 7, he noticed the advantages Hong Kong held as an international financial centre. He changed his


時,便看準香港作為國際金融中心的優 勢,毅然棄工從商,到城大修讀商業課 程。結果證明他當時的選擇是明智的。 過去十數年裏,張恩可謂見證了香港金 融市場的蓬勃發展。

December 十二月 2007

mind and studied business at CityU, which proved to be a wise choice. In the past ten years, he has witnessed the rapid growth of the local financial sector. With rapid changes and tremendous opportunities, financial markets have always been a challenging field in which to work. He recalls how nervous he was on his first day of trading, as well as the first interview he conducted with the media. His success today is evidence of how he has grabbed each opportunity and overcome challenges one by one. “As the financial markets become globalised,” he said, “there is still much room for expansion in Hong Kong and the mainland. However, both the mainland and the territory face a shortage of young professionals with expertise and extensive knowledge of finance.” To promote the healthy growth of financial markets in the Greater China Region, Mr Cheung is actively involved in professional training as a senior practitioner in the field. He is also a committee member of the Market Development Committee of the Treasury Markets Association. In addition to his contributions to the local financial sector, Mr Cheung also cares greatly about CityU’s development. “Although a young university, CityU has produced many graduates who have made substantial achievements in the community,” he said. “I wish to help the alma mater in establishing an extensive network so that CityU can obtain more support from the community for its development of teaching, research and overall growth.” He has maintained close contact with the University and its alumni, hoping to make more contributions to the future development of the University by uniting more of his fellow alumni. Mr Cheung encourages young undergraduates to strive towards maximising their opportunities to learn and work, rather than caring too much about the importance of the assigned tasks. He points out that each task, be it significant or minor, will offer an opportunity for growth and development. He also said critical thinking and problem-solving skills were very important in the workplace.

財資市場瞬息萬變、機遇處處,張恩多 年來在財資市場的工作充滿挑戰。他還 記得第一天做交易及第一次接受傳媒訪 問時的緊張心情,但到了今天,他對這 一切都已駕輕就熟,游刃有餘。正因張 恩能夠把握身邊的每一個機會,憑着自 己的努力衝破一個個難關,才有了今天 的成就。 張恩說:「隨着金融市場國際化,香港 以至內地的財資市場仍然有很大發展空 間,但兩地都缺乏年輕、專業及對金融 市場擁有豐富知識的專業人士,出現人 才荒。」為了讓大中華區的財資市場能 夠健康發展,身為資深業界從業員的張 恩,近年積極參與人才培訓工作,他現 為財資市場公會市場發展委員會委員。 除了為財資市場作出貢獻,張恩十分關 注城大的發展。他說:「城大雖然是一 所年輕的大學,但已有不少畢業生在社 會上取得很好的成績。我希望能夠幫助 城大建立一個龐大的人脈網絡,讓城大 在教學、研究和大學整體發展上獲得社 會各界更多的支持。」張恩一直與母校 和校友保持聯繫,希望為城大未來的發 展多盡一分力。 張恩寄語即將投身社會的學弟學妹,希 望他們爭取學習和工作機會,不要太在 意所做的工作是否重要,因為每一份工 作都是讓自己成長和進步的機會。他 亦表示,批判思考和解難的能力在職 場上相當重要,他希望城大學生在求 學期閃,能夠把握機會,提升這方面 的能力。

December 十二月 2007


從德國到香港 全新的學習與工作體驗 My name is Svenja Koos. I study Meteorology at the University of Hanover. I was an exchange student at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in 2006/07. During the year I joined the programme ‘Co-operative Education Scheme’ organised by the Faculty of Science and Engineering of CityU. It offered me the opportunity to gain working experience and theoretical knowledge.

我是Svenja Koos,在德國漢諾威大學 修讀氣象學。透過香港城市大學(城 大)科學及工程學院舉辦的「協作教育 計劃」,我於2006 –07學年到香港當了 一年交換生,使我有機會學習更多理論 知識和汲取工作經驗。 來港前,我已在原校完成所有必修科,

When I came to Hong Kong I had already finished all the compulsory courses at my home university. So I was really lucky to get the chance to attend courses that were offered in Hanover and at the same time I could do an internship in a government office. I worked in the Hong Kong Observatory from September 2006 to the middle of July 2007.

因此可以在城大選修漢諾威大學沒有開 辦的課程。做交換生期間(2006年9月 至2007年7月中),我還有機會到香港 天文台實習了一段時期。 經過幾個星期熟悉了天文台的環境後, 我便開始正式工作,協助上司做研究,

After a few weeks of familiarisation I started to work with my supervisor and helped him with his research project. The main part was the improvement of the results of a numerical forecasting computer model. I prepared the input data by writing computer programmes to format the data. This was not one of my favourite exercises, however, and I was compelled to improve the programming skills that would be very useful for my future career.

改善數據預測電腦模型的結果。我利用 電腦程式將數據格式化。雖然我不太喜 歡編寫程式的工作,卻透過這項工作改 進了編寫電腦程式的技巧,對我將來的 工作很有幫助。 我後來在天文台做了幾項分析,將數據 模式與輸入或不輸入額外特定數據的結 果做比較,研究主題為「大嶼山地形對

Later I got to work on a few cases and compared the results of the numerical models with and without the extra, more specific, input data. The research topic was called ‘Wind circulations near the Hong Kong International Airport induced by the terrain of Lantau Island’. I learned a lot about the local weather systems, especially the wind phenomena.


香港國際機場周邊形成的風速流動」。 透過這項研究,我對本地天氣系統有了 不少認識,特別是有關風的各種現象。

The courses I took at CityU enhanced my knowledge of subjects I could not have taken at home, such as astronomy. Attending the lecture on air pollution was interesting because I could access this subject from a different point of view, as studied by scientists who live in a mega-city. I really appreciated having access to such high technology. The CityU e-portal was a great way to organise the homework sheets or the lecture notes. In Germany, we do not have transcripts for every lecture, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand and write down all the information the professor covers in a lecture. Life in the student residence was the part I loved the most. I also got to know people from all over the world. CityU has exchange students from many different countries and continents. I went hiking with students from Sweden, Canada and Singapore, camped with locals, mainland Chinese and Canadian, Australian, and other German students on beaches and enjoyed my most international Christmas ever. I have enjoyed my entire stay very much and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. I have learned a lot about my own personality, my strengths and weaknesses. The staff and students from CityU are a great help and give a lot of support to the exchange students. Thanks a lot to all of you and I hope all new exchange students will have a good time as well!

城大的課程讓我學到一些無法在德國原 校修讀的學科知識,例如有關天文學的 課程。另外,有關空氣污染的課堂也很 有趣,我可以從另一個角度接觸這一學 科,了解由生活在香港這個大都市的科 學家研究出來的理論。 我很欣賞城大的先進科技設備,其入門 網站為同學編排作業和課堂講義提供了 方便。我們在德國並不是每堂課都有講 義的,因此有時候不容易明白或記下教 授所講的內容。 我最喜歡的是宿舍生活。此外,我在城 大認識了來自世界各地的交換生,我跟 瑞典、加拿大和新加坡的同學一起遠 足,與香港、中國大陸、加拿大、澳洲 及其他德國學生在沙灘露營,度過了有 生以來最國際化的聖誕節。 在香港的學習和工作生活既充實又難 忘,有機會我一定會再來。經過這一年 的生活,我更清楚自己的個性、優點和 缺點。城大的師生很樂意幫助和支持交 換生,我非常感謝他們,希望將來的交 換生在城大也一樣學習愉快!

By Svenja Koos Exchange student from Germany 德國交換生


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