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welcome Universities are, by their very nature, centres of change and evolution. CityU is undergoing many changes, whether at the highest echelons of the administration, within the structure of its degree courses or in the form of new buildings and infrastructure projects. With the arrival of Professor Way Kuo, CityU’s fourth President, it seems an opportune and auspicious time to unveil the new design of CityU Today. With a staff and student population approaching 30,000, CityU is effectively a small city in its own right. Although it is a close-knit community, its tentacles reach out from Hong Kong to the rest of the world. In order to better inform the University’s stakeholders and the public, we’ve set out to produce a revitalised, more contemporary and readable magazine. We will continue to publicise the achievements and issues relating to teaching, learning and research at CityU. We hope that these changes will make it a better and more organised experience for you, our loyal and supportive readers.

從本質上說,大學原本就是不斷轉變和進 步的中心。城大目前正經歷着這種蛻變, 從最高領導層到學位課程架構以及新建築 物和基建工程。 第四任城大校長郭位教授最近接掌大學, 《今日城大》藉此東風將以全新的版面設 計亮相。城大現有師生近三萬人,已頗具 小城規模。大學雖然自成一體,觸角卻由 香港向外延伸,遍及全球。為了讓利益相 關人士及公眾更了解大學現狀,我們決定 改版革新。改版後,我們將繼續報導城大 的成就以及與教學、研究相關的事宜。希 望每位始終如一支持我們的讀者在閱讀改 版後的雜誌時更加愉快。

Victor Fung 馮強 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

contents Editor-in-Chief : Victor Fung / 總編輯 : 馮強 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯 : 陳龍根 • Deputy Managing Editor : Michelle Leung / 副行政編輯 : 梁子儀 • Executive Editor : Craig Francis / 執行編輯 : 傅之銳 • Associate Editor : Ellen Chan / 副執行編輯 : 陳倩茹 • Design and Production : Communications Office / 設計及製作 : 傳訊公關處

CityU Today is published six times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年六期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、 研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

Phone / 電話:(852) 2788 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 • Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:como@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications Office, City University of Hong Kong,

Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊 : 香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊公關處 《今日城大》編輯部收


Awards for five of the best teachers 五位傑出教員獲獎


Recruitment drive steps up on the mainland 內地招生推廣活動續創熱潮

Investing in the future — Professor Way Kuo reveals his vision for CityU 投資未來 — 郭位教授談 城大發展大計


An ARCHITECT by design 耿耿建築心

Flying the flag 升旗儀式


Tackling crimes one issue at a time 從生活中尋找滅罪方法

Three distinguished experts join IAB 三位專家加入國際顧問 委員會



Working on democracy 推動民主工作 1+1 = joint mathematics degree programme 與法國學府合辦數學研究生 課程 Rich harvest for film students 創意媒體學生短片 比賽大豐收


Sports teams claim grand slam 體育代表隊大專體壇稱雄 Roll with it 滾動全城



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Photo essay 圖片故事 From gown to town 由校園到社會 Straight from the heart 城大人語


New committee marks milestone in alumni relations 大學評議會緊扣校友與大學 關係






New committee marks milestone in alumni relations 大學評議會緊扣校 友與大學關係


The inauguration ceremony of CityU’s first Standing Committee of the Convocation was held recently, marking a milestone in the development of alumni relations at CityU. The Convocation invited alumni leaders from around the world to attend the ceremony and highlighted the vastness of the alumni network on a world map showing where its members now worked and resided. Mr Patrick Lee Chung-wah, Chairman of the first Standing Committee of the Convocation, said he would strive to forge communication links among the alumni and between alumni and the University. CityU is the third university in the territory to establish a Convocation. Currently, for every five local university graduates, there is one from CityU. Meanwhile, the Development and Alumni Relations Office recruited some 80 final-year students as Class Liaison Ambassadors under the CityU Alumni Ambassador Scheme. At a recent orientation, four veteran alumni ambassadors returned to share their experience serving their alma mater. The new Class Liaison Ambassadors committed themselves to maintaining up-to-date personal records of their classmates and keeping them posted about University and alumni news after their graduation. 城大第一屆大學評議會常務委員會最近舉行成立就職典禮,標誌着校友與城大的關係邁進新 里程。大學評議會在典禮上邀請多名校友領袖在地圖上點出校友網絡,印證城大作育英才、 春風化雨的成果。 第一屆大學評議會常務委員會主席李仲華先生表示,將致力促進大學與校友間的溝通。 1. Four veteran alumni ambassadors share their experience of serving their alma mater. 四名熱心校友大使回校 分享服務母校的經驗。

2. Guests and alumni enjoy dinner at the Alumni Civility Hall. 眾嘉賓及校友在校友樂 禮堂參加高桌晚宴。



另外,發展及校友聯絡處招募了80名 應屆界畢業生擔任校友大使計劃的聯 絡大使。在最近的聯絡大使迎新活動 中,四名熱心校友大使回校分享服務 母校的經驗。新一批畢業班聯絡大使 承諾畢業後定期更新同學資料,把母 校的最新動向和校友消息帶給他們。

Three distingnished experts join IAB Awards for five of 三位專家加入國 the best teachers 際顧問委員會 五位傑出教員獲獎 Five academic staff members will receive Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) this year. The winners are Mr Dean Fisher from the English Language Centre, Dr Kam Pingkwong from the Department of Applied Social Studies, Dr Paul Lam Heung-fai from the Department of Building and Construction, Dr Paul Shin Kam-shing from the Department of Biology and Chemistry, and Dr Tom Vinaimont from the Department of Economics and Finance. TEA was set up to recognise and reward distinguished teachers. The awards will be presented at Congregation 2008 and the winners’ names will be engraved on a TEA Plaque at the entrance to the Academic Building.

The School of Law has invited three distinguished experts to join the International Advisory Board (IAB). Dr Xiao Yang, former President of the Supreme People’s Court, is appointed as the Honorary Chairman of IAB, the Hon Sang-hyun Song, Judge of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and Mr George Tam Siu-ping, Principal of Wah Yan College Hong Kong, are appointed as the members of IAB. A conferment ceremony was held on 6 May.




傑出教學獎為表彰出色教學人員而設,今年 有五位教員獲獎,包括英語中心Dean Fisher 先生、應用社會科學系甘炳光博士、建築 系林向暉博士、生物及化學系單錦城博士 及經濟及金融系Tom Vinaimont博士。傑出 教學獎將於2008學位頒授典禮上頒發,得 獎者姓名將鑴刻在教學樓入口處的傑出教 學獎永久紀念牌匾上。

法律學院邀得三位專家加入國際顧 問委員會,於5月6日舉行任命儀 式。中華人民共和國最高人民法院 前院長蕭揚博士獲委任為榮譽主 席,荷蘭海牙國際刑事法院宋相現 法官及香港華仁書院校長譚兆炳先 生獲委任為委員會成員。

3. The Hon Sang-hyun Song 宋相現法官

4. Dr Xiao Yang 蕭揚博士

5. Mr George Tam Siu-ping 譚兆炳先生

June 六月 2008




Recruitment drive steps up on the mainland 內地招生推廣活動 Building on the successful five-city promotion during the 13th China International Education Exhibition Tour in March, CityU has embarked on a series of mainland student recruitment activities. Dr Zhu Guobin, Director of the External Liaison and Cooperation Office, led a delegation to mainland provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guizhou, between 15 April and 21 April. The delegation hosted large recruitment information seminars, met the administrators of leading secondary schools, participated in open days at prestigious universities, visited many top-notch secondary schools, took part in student recruitment seminars organised by mainland admission authorities and held press conferences.

續創熱潮 繼3月初到內地五個城市參加第13屆中國國 際教育巡迴展後,城大再接再厲,到內地展 開連串招生推廣活動。 對外聯絡合作處處長朱國斌博士4月15至21日 率領團隊到北京、上海、浙江和貴州等省市 舉辦大型招生推介諮詢會,與重點中學負責 人會面,參加內地著名大學開放日活動,拜 訪多所重點中學,並參加內地招生主管部門 舉辦的招生諮詢會和舉行記者會。 2


Flying the flag

1. Flag-raising ceremony 升旗儀式

2. Recruitment information seminars receive an overwhelming response. 招生推介諮詢會座無虛席。

The China Proper Track Society of the Students’ Union held a National Flag-raising Ceremony on 30 April to mark Youth Day. Coinciding with the 100-day countdown to the Beijing Olympics, Mascot Fuwa also attended the ceremony. In a major Olympic honour, Lam Tak-kwan, a year 1 Associate of Business Administration (Global Business) student, was chosen as a torch-bearer for the Hong Kong leg of the Olympic Torch Relay.

升旗儀式 學生會國是會於4月30日在校園舉行升國旗 禮,預祝五四青年節。適逢北京奧運倒數 100日,奧運福娃一起出席典禮。此外,工 商管理副商學士(環球商務)課程一年級 生林德坤獲選為香港區120名火炬手之一。

Working on democracy 推動民主工作 3

A workshop on Asian government entitled Contemporary Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Structures, Institutions and Agency was held from 9 May to 10 May. The workshop was organised by the Southeast Asia Research Centre and drew upon the knowledge of an array of experts on Asian politics to discuss the status of democratic institutions throughout the region. Among the 11 speakers from nine universities around the world, three were from CityU’s Department of Asian and International Studies: Professor William Case, Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing and Dr Jonathan London. The workshop papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of The Pacific Review. 東南亞研究中心於5月9日至10日舉行「東 南亞當代獨裁主義:結構、機構及部門」 工作坊,匯聚亞洲政治專家討論區內民 主制度的情況。來自世界各地九所大學共 11位講者於會上發表演說,其中包括三 名城大亞洲及國際學系的學者,他們是 William Case教授、Kyaw Yin Hlaing博士 及Jonathan London博士。工作坊發表的 論文將有機會收錄在著名期刊The Pacific Review 的特刊內。

1+1 = joint mathematics degree programme 與法國學府合辦數學 研究生課程 In collaboration with the prestigious French Université Paris-Dauphine (UDP), CityU is offering a joint degree programme as part of its Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science. The one-year fulltime courses are taught by experts from both universities. This represents the first postgraduate programme with a wellbalanced course structure covering stateof-the-art knowledge in this area. Professor Christian Hess, the UDP representative coordinating the joint programme, said the agreement between the two universities signed in 2004 has been extended because it had enjoyed such success. “Both universities are well-respected for their standing in mathematical education and research and this degree capitalises on that broad spread of expertise,” said Professor Hess. 城大與法國著名Paris-Dauphine大學合辦聯 校課程,作為金融與精算數學理學碩士課程 的一部分。新課程為期一年,所有科目均由 兩間大學的專家任教,是該學科範圍內首個 內容全面、涵蓋最新知識的研究生課程。 Paris-Dauphine大學負責統籌該課程的 Christian Hess教授表示,兩校於2004年簽 署的合作協議取得成功,故延續合作關係。 他說:「兩校均以數理教育及研究備受尊 崇,合辦這課程正好發揮雙方所長。」

3. Visiting academic Dr Nathan Quimpo delivers his talk on the increasingly authoritarian nature of The Philippines’ ruling elite. 訪問學人Nathan Quimpo 博士就菲律賓 統治精英漸趨獨裁的性 質發表演說。

June 六月 2008






Rich harvest for film students 創意媒體學生短片比賽大豐收

1. Pixsonic Playground can isolate and extract image elements and transform them into music and motion. 《像數樂園》的互動裝置 把影像元素從人的一般認 知中分離,轉化為音樂的 源碼和動作表演。

2. Wisdom Tree depicts the familiar theme of environmental protection but sets it in an unspecified apocalyptic time in the future. 《森.願》以末世戰爭 片的驚世格局探討環保 問題。

Five students and a graduate in the School of Creative Media ( SCM ) won two silver awards and two Special Mention awards in the 13th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (ifva). Will Kwok Yu-ho’s Rubbing Tool and Wong Wing-fat’s Alliance both won Silver Awards while Chris Cheung Hon-him and Jason Lam Chi-fai’s Pixsonic Playground won a Special Mention in the singlescreen-based interactive media category. Benny Chan Siu-chung and Tsui Ka-hei’s Wisdom Tree also won a Special Mention in the animation category. Separately, Wong Wai-nap, a second year SCM student who coproduced the film Distance with 10 other students, won a Special Mention in the student division of the Third Fresh Wave Short Film Competition, which is organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.

創意媒體學院五名學生及一名畢業生在 第13屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽中勇 奪兩項銀獎和兩項特別表揚獎。郭譽豪 的《虫義》和黃榮法的《連》奪得單螢 幕互動媒體組銀獎;張瀚謙與林志輝的 《像數樂園》奪得特別表揚獎;而陳兆忠 與崔嘉曦的《森.願》則奪得動畫組特別 表揚獎。另外,二年級學生黃瑋納與10 名同學合作拍攝的短片《彼岸》,在香港 藝術發局及香港國際電影節協會合辦的第 三屆鮮浪潮短片競賽中奪得學生組特別表 揚獎。

Sports teams claim grand slam 體育代表隊大專 體壇稱雄 CityU teams dominated the 2007–08 sports competitions organised by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK), claiming the overall championship title in both the men’s and women’s divisions. Of the 11 members of USFHK, CityU is the only higher education institution to have won these titles in the same year. It marks the third time CityU has won these two titles. In addition, Ricco Chan Ye-ko, first year student from the Division of Commerce in the Community College, and Wind Chan Ho-yee, a Year 1 student of the Department of Management, were elected the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year respectively. 城大體育代表隊在2007 – 08年度香港大專 體育協會主辦的運動賽事中,以卓越成績 奪得男、女子組全年團體總冠軍。在11所 參加香港大專體育協會比賽的院校中,城 大是唯一能囊括兩獎的院校,亦是第三度 稱霸大專體壇。城大專上學院商學部一年 級生陳以高及城大管理學系一年級生陳皓怡 則分別獲選為全年最佳男、女子運動員。


Roll with it 滾動全城 Applying creativity to physics, more than 180 secondary school teams from Forms 1 to 7, representing more than 100 Hong Kong and Macau schools, gathered at CityU on 27 April to construct launchers from straws to propel a ball. The Hong Kong and Macau Inter-school Straw Competition 2008 — Roll in the City, organised by CityU’s Physics and Materials Science Society of the Students’ Union, set out to arouse secondary school students’ interest in physics through real-life applications. 逾180隊來自百多所本地及澳門學校的中一 至中七學生4月27日雲集城大,以飲管設計 成形形色色的發射台。「港澳中學生飲管 比賽──滾動全城」由城大學生會物理及 材料科學學科聯會主辦,旨在讓中學生在 日常生活中應用物理知識,提升對物理的 興趣。

3. Students learn about physics and teamwork through real-life experimentation. 參賽者透過比賽學到物理 知識和發揮團隊精神。

June 六月 2008




By Longgen Chen 陳龍根

Investing in the future Professor Way Kuo reveals his vision for CityU 投資未來: 郭位教授談城大發展大計 Professor Way Kuo assumed the presidency on 14 May at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), starting his stewardship at the helm of a young and dynamic institution. On his second day of service, Professor Kuo outlined his strategies during an interview with CityU Today on steering the University along the path to further excellence.

You said in your message to the staff and students that you intended to lead the University to new heights. Do you have any plans for future growth? CityU already has many strong programmes, some of the best faculties and a clear applications-oriented research mission, but we will continue to invest for the future, preferably in the strategic areas of excellence in order to steer the University to new heights. Energy shortages and ageing populations are two major issues facing the world. There is huge potential in both the energy development and biomedical environment subject areas. As part of the strategic development of the University, we’re going to establish two star international advisory boards, the Energy Development Committee and the Biomedical Engineering Committee, to evaluate possibilities in these areas. Members of the first board will be top-notch scholars from the US, mainland China and Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong. The Biomedical Engineering Committee will be constituted mostly of Chinese professors working in top US universities. They’ll help guide us on academic development and administration, for example, looking at our programmes and giving us suggestions on what future programmes will be like.

June 六月 2008

10 interview 人物專訪

As tertiary institutions in Hong Kong switch from a three to fouryear nominative structure, there is going to be competition in retaining and recruiting top-flight and diverse faculty. What will the University do to guarantee we have the necessary talent? 1

pre-determined benchmarks. This is especially important when we plan to invest in new areas of interest, which will benefit the people in Hong Kong and mainland China. We will also establish an award for non-academic staff. At the same time, we will create a healthy and pleasant working environment for our colleagues. We will introduce a positive and proactive management culture, and respond timely to staff needs and requests. Management will go the extra mile to visit potential candidates in recruiting top-flight faculty and staff. 2

Retention and recruitment of elite talent, especially in areas of strategic importance to the development of the University, will be one of my top priorities. Quality faculty and students have always been the two components that make an institution great, therefore, we need to be flexible and prepare competitive packages to attract the best faculty. This, in turn, will attract the best students.

1. Professor Kuo greets the media on his first day at CityU. 郭教授於上任首天與傳 媒作簡短會面。

2. The Hon Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, President of the Legislative Council, and Professor Kuo at the EMBA Association of CityU Annual Dinner on 16 May. 立法會主席范徐麗泰博 士和郭教授於5月16日 出席城大行政人員工商 管理碩士課程同學會周 年晚宴。

We will look for the best possible compensation for the existing faculty and staff as well as new faculty and staff we’re going to recruit. While we may not be able to change the basic salary structure, we will introduce other incentives. The initial plan is to set up an award system for research and teaching. The rewards will be merit-based and of a significant amount, giving priority to niche and strategically important areas. We will empower our staff to perform in both research and teaching and hold them accountable. The awards will be evaluated annually, by a specific committee, on the basis of a series of

According to the University Grants Committee (UGC) mandate, CityU is designated as a university focused on applied research as opposed to pure research. What do you plan to do to strengthen and enhance the University’s position? As a dynamic and growing University, we cannot over-emphasise the importance of research, which is essential to the standing of the University and will ensure we get the best quality faculty and students.

First of all, we need to clarify one thing regarding research. Most of the research we do today is applied anyway, even though it was considered second-class 50 years ago. CityU has done well in many areas, but we need to bring it to a new level by expanding it to other strategic areas. Teaching is important, but it should have resonance far beyond the classroom. Research should be integrated into undergraduate subjects as well. In fact, research and teaching are two inseparable components of higher education. Eat well, exercise well, and you’ll have a healthy body. A tip of the balance either way will result in a fat body or lack of nutrition. If we look at some of the top research universities, MIT for example, their teaching quality is also entrenched in the top league. In order to keep our edge, we’ll look into the possibilities of building partnerships with leading institutions in the US, mainland China and Taiwan. The aim would be to jointly develop the academic agenda, degree programmes and research centres and leverage each other’s strengths and create a synergy effect.

You started to communicate with faculty and staff even before you assumed the presidency and expressed that such communication would continue. How are you going to do that? I strongly believe in open communication with faculty and students. A university is a place of ideas, creative ideas. I don’t mind people having different ideas and look forward to having more discussions with faculty and students on a broad range of subjects, including issues facing the University.

I’d like to take this opportunity to communicate to my colleagues what I believe in: accountability with a big A. All of us should be accountable for what we do, whether it is the administration of the University, research or teaching. We’re going to designate a special person to look into establishing a series of benchmarks to help us understand what we’re doing. Benchmarks are like mirrors, which tell us what we should do and what we shouldn’t do.

What will be your biggest challenges or major focus during your first year of presidency? What I just said involves plans for the immediate future, as well as mid- to long-term plans. There are other issues facing the University, such as lack of space, applied research development, the transition from a three- to four-year curriculum structure and establishing a culture and system to promote fundraising. I’ll communicate with UGC about the need to create modern programmes for the future, particularly the importance of research to education and its impact and the need for more space. I also believe this is the time to streamline our faculty titles. As the president, I serve as the catalyst to moving things along rapidly and enabling the University to grow and excel in meeting the demands and challenges of rapidly changing higher education scene, both locally and internationally. Among the pressing issues will be internationalising the campus and broadening students’ horizons. We will increase the intake of non-local students. In addition to student feedback, teachers will also be evaluated by other means to enhance teaching quality. I look forward to the opportunity of working with my colleagues towards our common goal. June 六月 2008

12 interview 人物專訪

郭位教授於5月14日正式就任香港城市大學(城大)校長,開始為這家充滿 活力的新進大學掌舵。新校長履職視事的第二天,即接受《今日城大》採 訪,簡述帶領城大追求卓越、更上層樓的宏圖大計。 您在給城大師生的致辭中說,願意帶領 城大再攀高峰。請問您對未來的發展有 何規劃? 城大已開設了許多優質課程,不少院系名 列前茅,而且有明確的應用為主的研究方 針;但我們還要繼續為將來而投資,尤其 是策略性發展、可望有傑出成績的領域, 以便城大續攀高峰。 能源短缺、人口老化,是當前全世界面臨 的兩大問題;因此,能源開發、生命醫學 環境這兩個領域都蘊藏着巨大的潛能。為 了規劃城大的長遠發展,我們將設立兩個 國際星級顧問團,即「能源開發委員會」 和「生命醫學工程委員會」,評估兩大跨 領域學門的種種可能性。「能源開發委員 會」成員不但包括香港本地人,還有來自 美國、內地、台灣的頂尖學者和專家。

我們不但要給增聘的教職員工爭取最好的 待遇,對現有教職員工也將設法給予同樣 待遇。現行基本薪酬結構雖然未必能夠更 改,我們將引進其他獎勵機制。初步計劃 是設立科研教學獎制度,獎金數額可觀, 論功行賞,但優先考慮獎勵重點領域和特 色學科人才。我們將鼓勵教師既教學又做 研究,同時給予適當評估。獎金得主每年 由專任的委員會遴選,以一系列預設的指 標為準。我們將有計劃地投資於對香港及 內地民生有益的領域,因此這項獎勵措施 尤其重要。對於從事非教學研究職務的員 工,我們也將設立獎金。 同時,我們需要營造一個健康的氣氛和愉 快的工作環境,讓同事可以安心工作。我 們還要引進積極、具主動性的文化,及 早察覺和回應同事的需要和訴求。另一方 面,為了延聘優秀的教職員,管理層將主 動出擊,三顧茅廬,動之以情。

「生命醫學工程委員會」成員則多數是任 職美國一流學府的華人教授,他們將協助 指導我們的教學規劃和管理,例如檢查現 有課程設置,就未來的課程規劃提供 建 議 等。

根據大學教育資助委員會(教資會)規 定,城大以應用研究為主,而非從事純 學術研究。請問您有何計劃,可以增 強、提升城大的地位?

香港高等院校將從三年制轉為四年制, 為挽留、延聘多種學科的優秀師資,各 大學之間勢將劇烈競爭。請問城大將有 何舉措確保擁有所需人才?

城大充滿活力,並且不斷成長壯大,無論 怎樣強調研究都不為過。科研不僅對提升 大學地位至關重要,也將確保學校擁有優 良師資和高素質生源。

挽留、延攬優秀人才,尤其是關乎城大前 途的策略性發展領域的傑出教研人員,將 是我們的當務之急。優良師資和高素質學 生,歷來被公認為造就優秀學府的兩大要 素。我們必須靈活應對,提供的薪酬須具 有競爭力,才能羅致一流師資,繼而吸引 一流的生源。

關於研究,有一點先必須澄清。我們當前 所作的研究,大多數都屬於應用性質,儘 管五十年前應用研究被看作是二流工作。 城大在某些領域的研究做得非常出色,但 還須將此擴展到具策略發展意義的其他領 域,把學術研究提升到新的層次。

教學很重要,但須遠遠超出課堂範圍。本 科生課程中也應融入研究。實際上,研究 與教學是一體的兩面,密不可分,兩者都 是高等教育應有之義。譬如一個人飲食合 理、運動適度,才會有健康的身體;二者 間的平衡一旦打破,無論偏向哪一邊,不 是體重超磅,就是營養不良。其實,只要 留意一下世界一流的研究型大學,例如美 國的麻省理工學院,他們的教學素質也同 樣首屈一指。

我希望透過《今日城大》向城大同仁傳達 盡守職責的主張。所有城大人,無論是從 事大學行政管理、科研或教學,業績都應 接受評估。我們將指定專職人員研究釐定 一系列指標,便於大家了解自己的工作。 這些指標好比鏡子,我們可以攬鏡自照, 看清甚麼該做、甚麼不該做。

為了保持優勢,我們將探討和美國、內地 和台灣著名學府建立協作關係的可能性, 希望各自發揮所長,攜手規劃學術發展大 計,合辦學位課程,共建研究中心,以求 獲得協同效應。

在您校長任期的第一年內,甚麼是最大 的難題,或是首要的責任? 我剛才所說的,既涉及近期打算,也包括 中長期規劃。城大還面臨其他一些問題, 例如校園空間狹窄、應用研究發展問題、 課程結構三改四的過渡,以及如何設立募 捐制度,以推廣捐款興學文化。我將與教 資會溝通,闡明擴大校園空間和增設面向 未來的現代化課程的必要性,尤其是研究 對教育的重大意義和深遠影響。同時我認 為,應適時考慮統一學院名稱。



您在正式就任校長前已開始和城大 教職員工溝通,並表示將繼續溝 通。請問今後有甚麼具體打算? 我極力主張與全校師生公開溝通。大 學本是理念之地、創意之鄉;人有不 同意見,我毫不介意,而且期待和全 校師生更多地討論各種議題,範圍寬 闊不拘,包括大學面對的挑戰。

解決這些問題,所需時間或長或短。作為 校長,我願意充當催化劑,促使城大上進 爭先,以應對本港及國內外教育界急速提 升的要求與考驗。其中一項重要工作是把 校園和教育辦得更加國際化,拓寬學生的 國際視野。我們招收的非本地生也將增 加。為了加強教學質素,我們會評估教師 的教學水平,單單靠學生的評核是不夠的。 我期待與諸位同仁攜手合作,爭做社會表 率,齊心向前,以達到共同的目標。

3. Professor Kuo delivers his debut talk “Reliability since Time Immemorial” on 22 May at the City Cultural Salon. 郭教授擔任5月22日的 城市文化沙龍主講嘉 賓,講題為「古往今來 可靠度」。

4. Two CityU students meet the new president. 兩名城大學生向新校長 問好。

June 六月 2008

14 features 專題

ARCHITECT design By Longgen Chen 陳龍根

Architecture is a profession that spans several disciplines, from engineering to law, and with stopovers along the way in the physiological, psychological and behavioural aspects of human life. The major courses in architecture, however, focus on design, with an emphasis on technique, technology and art. In addition to architectural theory, a lecturer in the discipline must be an expert in design and technology. Dr Charlie Xue Qiuli, lecturer in the Division of Building Science and Technology, is ideally equipped to pass his knowledge on to students, given his experience working as a designer for more than a decade.

He sees himself as a teacher, designer and researcher. “For me, teaching is a job, designing a hobby and research an ideal,” says. Dr Xue. “Teaching architecture at CityU, one must fully understand design. Here, we train our students to be the technicians and technology specialists of the future,” he says.

architecture. His efforts have yielded more than 100 research papers and four books. In the past few years, Dr Xue has turned his attention to problems associated with architectural design in Asia’s high-density urban areas, working on consultation projects for the Hong Kong Government.



Top gear Theoretical research and teaching, as Dr Xue sees them, are interdependent. “If architecture is likened to a set of three gears,” Dr Xue explains, “then theory research is the driving gear on the top, research in methodology is the transmission gear in between and practice is the large driven gear below. Only when the top gear turns can the others turn accordingly.” For more than 10 years, Dr Xue has devoted himself tirelessly to research into architectural design in China. As principal investigator of several projects, he has on several occasions been awarded funding by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and CityU for research into the territory’s urban renewal and mainland China’s

Dr Xue has also designed various types of buildings, such as residential houses, student halls, department stores, hotels, resorts, theatres and museums. The Memorial Hall of the Battle of Tai’erzhuang in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, designed by Dr Xue and his colleagues, is listed as a venue of history education and welcomes millions of visitors every year. The whole building cost was less than half a million RMB at the time. “But money is the last thing to gauge such meaningful projects with,” recalls Dr Xue.

1. The model of Tongji Science & Technology Parks in Sanya on Hainan Island. 海南島三亞同濟科技園 總體規劃模型圖。

2. Building a Revolution: Chinese Architecture since 1980 receives high recommendation locally and internationally while Building Practice in China is known as “Charlie’s blackbook” in the Hong Kong architecture field. 《建造革命:1980年 來的中國建築》在海內 外廣受好評;黑色封面 的《中國建築實踐》更 在香港建築業界被譽為 「求理的黑皮書」。

June 六月 2008

16 features 專題

Architecture differs from building, Dr Xue maintains. Buildings are intended to provide shelter. In contrast, architecture not only satisfies the demands of work and lifestyle, it must create meaning for the users and play a role in communication. Dr Xue strives to attain a style based on simple patterns adorned with ample special effect.


“I hope my structures will appear a little reserved, not imposing, which is more in line with the Chinese philosophy and taste,” says the architect. “This style can be seen in the Tongji Science & Technology Parks in Sanya on Hainan Island, a project I worked on with Mr Li Lin of the Chinese Civilisation Centre,” he says. Making use of the slightly slanting terrain, they worked out a design plan for a cluster of detached low-rises built along the hillside. Each building has its own character but in a uniformly clean style. They provide a sense of space and light and yet blend with the surroundings, winning the approval of the companies in the technology parks and earning the respect of many fellow architects.

建築 建築學是跨學科的專業,既牽涉 到工程技術,又與藝術相關,還 牽涉到人的心理、生理、行為,以 及法規、畫圖,甚至包括材料學和 力學。 然而,建築學的主要課程還是設計,講究 技術、工藝和藝術,除了教授建築理論, 講課教師必須懂得設計和技術。擔任過 十餘年專業設計師的建築科技學部講師 薛求理博士對此感觸很深。

3. Dr Xue discusses the design project with his students. 薛博士與學生討論設計 課題。

他既把自己看作是教師,又是設 計師和研究者。「教書是工作, 設計是喜好,研究是理想,」薛博士 說。「在城大教建築學,目標是把學生培 養成為技術員和未來的技術專家,教師必 須懂得設計和實踐。」

教學與研究:一枚硬幣的兩面 在薛博士看來,理論研究和教學是一枚硬 幣的兩面。「如果把建築學看作是互相連 接的三個齒輪,」薛博士解釋道,「理論 研究好比上面的齒輪,方法研究是中間的 齒輪,而實踐則是下面的大齒輪。上面的 轉動,才能帶動下面的齒輪。」

雖說在建築科技學部沒有必要做研究,薛 博士卻認為,「要給學生一杯水,自己必 須準備幾桶水,甚至幾十桶水,同時憑廣 博的知識引導學生找水。」 十多年來,他孜孜不倦,積極探討中國建 築創作和實踐,作為首席課題研究人曾獲 香港研究資助局和城大多項研究基金資 助,從事香港舊城改造和中國當代建築研 究,並發表了100多篇文章及四本專著。近 年來,他開始關注亞洲高密度城市建築設計 問題,並為香港政府做了一些顧問工程。

建築設計:掛念最多 教建築設計課的教師必須懂得設計,而不 僅僅是「紙上談兵」。這對有多年實際設 計經驗的薛博士可謂正中下懷,可以發揮 創意。

薛博士認為,建築不同於用來遮風蔽雨的 房屋,除了滿足生產、生活需要,還要對 使用者產生意義,在交流中起到一定的作 用。在他的建築設計中,薛博士努力追求 裝飾簡單、空間豐富的風格。 「我希望設計的建築帶一點含蓄,不要十 分張揚,這更合乎中國人的文化和使用習 慣,」薛博士說。「這一風格體現在我和 中國文化中心的李磷先生共同構思創作的 海南島三亞同濟科技園總體規劃以及第一 期建築設計中。」 他們充分利用科技園的地形,設計出依山 而築的一組組單棟小屋,每棟房屋塊面簡 潔、各具特色,既注意到採光通風,又能 隱入周邊環境,深得進駐科技園的公司喜 愛,引來許多同行參觀。

他曾設計過住宅、劇院、度假村、旅館、 百貨商店、宿舍、博物館等多種建築。上 世紀九十年代與人合作設計的山東台兒莊 大戰紀念館被列為歷史教育基地,每年觀 者如潮,但造價卻只有幾十萬人民幣。「故 有意義的事未必可以用金錢衡量,」薛博士 回憶道。



4. Buildings No. 1, 5, 6 & 11 of Tongji Science & Technology Parks in Sanya. 三亞同濟科技園1號 樓、5號樓、6號樓及11 號樓。

5. The Memorial Hall of the Battle of Tai’erzhuang 台兒莊大戰紀念館

June 六月 2008

18 photo essay 圖片故事

g n i t e Me

o r r o tom

Photo: Sunny Wong 黃新源 Text: Ellen Chan 陳倩茹

f o s e g n e l l ha

the c

d l r o w s ' w o

會 社 福 造 究 研


Scholars and scientists engage in cutting-edge research to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. 不同背景的學者與研究員,每天致 力研究最新技術,迎對瞬息萬變的 社會環境。 June 六月 2008


By Sharon Ng 伍詠茵

Wearing a pilot uniform and sitting in the cockpit of an aeroplane is the dream of many. As a youngster, Kevin Ng Kwok-cheung was no exception. To realise his dream, he equipped himself with knowledge of the mechanical operation of aeroplanes by studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management with the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management at CityU. Later, he was accepted by Dragonair as a cadet pilot. After graduating in 2002, Kevin worked at a trading company as an assistant manager for a short period of time to acquire some work experience, before applying to become a cadet pilot. He formally joined the ranks of Dragonair pilots after completing a stringent training regimen. He now works as a Junior First Officer, assisting the captain,

飛 reading all flight documents before takeoff, preparing flight plans, inputting data into the automated system and taking responsibility for take-offs, landings and navigation.

Kevin said studying Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at CityU significantly aided his career. “The curriculum of this programme is well tailored to the job of pilot. In fact, I had already learnt at CityU much of what was in my pilot training courses,” he says. “The management skills acquired in my degree programme are also very useful in my job. Each of my flights will involve different ground service personnel and aircrew members. To ensure the smooth operation of all flights, I need to work closely with them, taking into account their different qualities and personalities.” Kevin has now accumulated two years worth of flying experience and has travelled to more than 20 destinations in mainland China and South East Asia. Apart from expanding his travel horizons, he has learned how to work and get along with different people. Each time passengers thank him upon arrival at their destination, he derives a great sense of satisfaction. His goal is to become a qualified captain within two years.

飛 身穿威風凜凜的飛機師制服,在駕駛艙 操控飛機,是許多人的夢想。自小立志成 為機師的吳國章,為了追求夢想,選擇入 讀城大製造工程及工程管理學系的工業工 程及工程管理學榮譽工學士課程,以求裝 備自己,熟悉飛機組件運作,2002年畢 業後,最終成功加入港龍航空成為見習機 師。 吳國章畢業後,曾短時間在貿易公司任職 助理經理,取得一定經驗及知識後,才投 考機師。經過一輪嚴格培訓,正式加入港 龍航空,現時擔任初級第一副機長,負責 協助機長的工作,包括起飛前閱讀所有航 行文件、準備飛行計劃、將資料輸入駕駛 艙電腦及負責航機升降和導航。

吳國章表示,在城大攻讀工業工程及工程 管理學課程,對自己目前的航空事業很有 幫助。「這門課程的內容最適合機師的工 作,事實上,受訓期間所學的知識我早在 大學裏已學過,因而在操控飛機時更有信 心,」吳國章說。「課程中學到的管理知 識對事業也很受用。每次飛行時都會遇到 不同的地勤或機組人員,我們需要利用他 們的不同長處和特點給予合作,才能確保 每次旅程順利。」 吳國章目前已積累了兩年飛行經驗,先後 到過內地及東南亞二十多個地方,拓闊視 野之餘,更從工作中學會與不同崗位的人 相處溝通。每當乘客在飛機抵 後向他道 謝,他都有很大的滿足感。目前,他的 最大目標是希望在兩年後考取正機長 資格。

22 straight from the heart 城大人語

I mature with




Full of curiosity, Sally Qian Jiaojiao came all the way from the ancient city of Nanjing to the modern metropolis of Hong Kong to start her studies at City University of Hong Kong in the summer of 2006. 2006年夏天,錢姣姣懷著一顆憧憬的心,由古城南京來到國際都市香港,進 入香港城市大學。

Adapting to the all-English teaching format at CityU was both novel and challenging. Inside and outside the classroom, and from textbooks to term-end exams, I needed to learn, think and express myself in an English environment. The English Learning Centre provided various English activities and programmes, in addition to its learning facilities and a full range of software and books. Gradually, my English proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking improved. When I first came to Hong Kong, I felt depressed because I couldn’t

understand a word of Cantonese. However, after watching the television news and carefully listening to other people’s conversation day-by-day, I soon began to understand the meaning of some words. After one semester, I could speak some simple Cantonese phrases. And within just one year, I could exchange ideas in Cantonese with local students. With my strength in languages, I was offered a full-time job at the International and Non-local Students Office during my first summer in Hong Kong. It was the peak period of processing visa applications for non-local students and I was mainly

responsible for answering phone calls, checking visa application data and making preparations for the September welcoming ceremony. The three months of work provided a taste of local office work, allowed me to accumulate valuable work experience and gave me my very first salary payment. I participated in community and voluntary services after class, for example, serving as a CityU Student Ambassador. The training I received enhanced my leadership abilities and developed my team spirit and social skills. Also, I was offered the chance to receive honourable guests and participate in exchange visits that served the University. Life in the student residence was colourful. I organised a decoration competition last year and my floor won the runner-up prize. I also won a cooking contest. Based on my academic performance and contributions to the student residence, I was awarded the Jockey Club Harmony Hall Residence Scholarship.

記得剛到香港,由於完全不懂廣東話,我 有些沮喪。但是憑着每天看新聞,留心周 圍的對話,沒多久我就能聽懂部分廣東話 了,一個學期下來,我已開始試着說一些 簡單的日常用語。一年之內,我便可以用 廣東話和本地學生交流了。 第一年暑假,憑藉語言優勢,我有幸在城 大國際及外地學生處擔任全職工作。那段 時間是非本地學生辦理簽證的高峰期,我 主要負責接聽電話、檢查簽證申請資料, 以及準備來年的迎新典禮。三個月的工 作,讓我初步接觸香港的辦公室工作,積 累了工作經驗,也拿到平生第一份薪水。 課餘時間我積極參加社團以及義工服務活 動。例如,我是學校的學生大使,經過一 系列訓練課程後,既提高了領袖才能, 培養團隊精神和社交能力,又參加迎接賓 客、交流訪問,為城大提供服務。 宿舍的生活更是多姿多彩。去年,我組織 了樓層的裝飾比賽並獲得二等獎;在烹飪 大賽中,我烹煮的食物還奪得了桂冠。在 學習成績和對宿舍貢獻的綜合基礎上,我 有幸獲授賽馬會群萃堂住宿獎學金。 一年半時間過去了,它很短暫,因為我的 每一天都很繁忙充實;但回味起來,又覺 得很長久,因為我的經歷與收穫非常豐 富。城大鍛煉了我,也陪伴着我成長。

Eighteen months passed quickly, as each day was filled with activities. On the other hand, it seems like a long time, as I gained a lot and enjoyed so many different experiences. CityU nurtured and accompanied me as I grew up.

Sally Qian Jiaojiao 
 Year 1 Department of Economics and 全英語的教學模式,對於初來乍到的我, 既新鮮又是挑戰。從課堂到課後作業;從 閱讀課本到期末考試,我在英語環境中接 受知識、思考、表達。城大的英語中心為 我們提供各種各樣英語活動和課程,還有 各類軟件、書籍、學習設備。就這樣,我 的英語聽說讀寫能力在日積月累中漸漸 提高。

Finance student Student Ambassador

錢姣姣 經濟與金融系一年級學生 學生大使

June 六月 2008

24 features 專題

By Craig Francis 傅之銳

A new publication is hitting the stands around campus and the publishers are hoping readers will be willing to beg, borrow or (dare we say it) steal a copy. Crime Issues is just one of a string of dashing, and at times daring, initiatives invoked by the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS) in its criminology programme.

The issues are indeed confrontational; child abuse, drug addiction, domestic and workplace violence, triad membership, youth gangs, rape. Far from deterring students, the criminology course and its challenging subject matter has proven immensely popular. More than 500 students apply to the course every year, with about 30



Criminology is a relatively new addition to the department’s curriculum — the first graduates with a criminology major only completing their bachelor’s degrees last year. As a new kid on the block, you can either shy away or make an immediate attention-grabbing impact. SS Department Lecturer Dr Jessica Li Chi-mei has no doubts that the latter approach is the most effective means of retaining student interest and broadening their educational horizons. Whether they are meeting drug addicts, attending lectures by former triad members or going undercover as investigative journalists for Crime Issues newsletter, criminology students are being fully immersed in the issues surrounding their chosen field of study. “We aim to give the students real-life encounters. It is the cornerstone of the success of our programme,” says Dr Li. “The issues they have to confront and learn about they tackle head-on, not just via books, television news or video.”

accepted in 2008. The decision on who to admit is based upon academic results and interviews designed to identify the most motivated and enthusiastic applicants. While the subject matter can be harrowing, the approach taken by the academic department is empathetic. Students get to peer behind the headlines and stereotypes, meeting and getting to know and understand those most affected by crime. They hear from social work professionals who have a wealth of knowledge on the subject gleaned from many years on both sides of the legal divide. Among the recent projects aimed at providing first-hand insight into the mindset of those they ultimately aim to assist, were a student visit to a female drug treatment centre on Lamma Island, observation at a hospital of the

1. Dr Jessica Li Chi-mei 李紫媚博士 2. Dr Jessica Li Chi-mei and her students. 李紫媚博士與學生合照。

June 六月 2008

26 features 專題

effects of workplace violence, meeting a female ex-offender and lectures at CityU by respected social workers and one-time triad members. Students have also produced the first edition of their newsletter, Crime Issues. The students themselves have been impressed by the array of insider stories they have heard and the practical nature of the course. One student spoke of how the meeting with former triad members who had gone on to become highly respected social workers had helped to humanise the criminal element. “I can now see that those who might join a triad are not necessarily any different to me. It was the first time I had heard that the so-called triad ‘big brothers’ could treat their subordinate members with kindness. Triad members are often lulled into joining by the sense of fraternity and are often from a similar background and childhood to myself but they have met other triad members and chosen the wrong path,” says student Lam Chun-wah. Students recently visited the Barnabas Charitable Service Association on Lamma Island where they had an eyeopening and revealing day in the company of recovering female drug

addicts. After participating in some ice-breaking games, students and the recovering addicts were divided into groups of four to share their stories and learn first-hand what attracted the users to drugs and the impact it had on their lives, ultimately to their harsh detriment. As well as this heart-to-heart talk, each group then presented a short dramatic play based on the theme New Year, New Hope. “I can learn in books about the effects of drugs and the difficulties of breaking the cycle of addiction. But actually listening to the personal hardships and stories of those who had experienced the grip of drugs was a rare and special opportunity that was more convincing and powerful than anything I could have ever read about in a textbook,” says Kan Suk-han. In order to uncover more information and study their chosen crime topic, students have also adopted the guise of investigative reporter for a student publication. Crime Issues is a two-year project supported by the University Teaching Development Grant that aims to instil in students critical thinking and analytical skills in studying social crime issues. While a majority of the students taking part in the project are majoring in criminology, some are from diverse disciplines such as psychology, applied sociology, translation and accounting. “The course is a real team effort and without the support of the Education Development Office and the

programme leader of the criminology course, Dr Dennis Wong Sing-wing, this project would not be possible,” Dr Li says. The 32 final-year students in the course have conducted interviews, surveys and acquired information for their reports on a range of areas of criminality. The results of their endeavours are evident in the newsletter, which has an impressive first print run of 5,000 copies, distributed to CityU students. Dr Li said the hands-on approach to coursework had paid rich dividends, with the first batch of graduates now working in an array of fields, including government agencies, security management, social work, policing and the business sector. “The real essence of this approach has been to constantly provide the students with new kinds of challenges to motivate them to become the best they can be. And there’s never a dull moment,” says Dr Li.

校園各處報刊架上快將出現一份新 刊物!出版人當然希望一紙風行, 讀者會爭相傳閱,如果借不到的 話,甚至(請容許我們斗膽地說) 偷取一本閱讀。新刊物名為《犯罪 學》,是應用社會科學系為推廣犯 罪學課程所採取的一連串創新、甚 至可以說是大膽的行動之一。 犯罪學是應用社會科學系新開設的學士學 位課程,去年剛有首批學生畢業。對於一 門新開的課程,學系可決定低調處理,也 可大肆張揚、引人注目。應用社會科學系 講師李紫媚博士明顯選擇了後者,並認為 這種方法最有效,可提高學生興趣,拓寬 眼界。 參與編寫《犯罪學》通訊的同學,不論是 訪問濫藥者、聆聽前三合會會員講座或是 作 底新聞記者,個個浸淫在主修的課 題中。 「新課程的成功關鍵在於鼓勵學生親身接 觸現實生活,」李博士說。「同學將來要 面對和學習的問題,不能單靠書本、電視 新聞或影像學習,還要通過直接接觸。」 學生需要面對及學習的都是帶衝突性的社 會問題,包括虐兒、濫藥、家庭和工作暴 力、黑社會、童黨、強姦等。但是,這 門課程以及棘手的課程內容不僅沒有嚇退 學生,反而很受歡迎。每年有五百多人報 讀,而今年只收錄了30名學生。除了學業 成績優異之外,報讀者還要參加面試,以 確保最熱誠者獲得錄取。 課程的內容可能令人傷心,但學系採取的 教學態度卻是充滿同情。學生學習分析新 聞和典型報導背後的含義,並常在很私 密的條件下探訪深受罪行影響的人士。此 外,他們也會聽取有多年正反兩方面豐富 體驗人士的講解。

June 六月 2008

28 features 專題

「我可以從書本上了解毒品的害處以及戒 除毒癮的困難,但親身聆聽曾受毒品逼害 的體驗,卻十分難能可貴,也比從書本讀到 的內容更有說服力和更震撼,」簡淑嫻說。


為了發掘更多資料和學習所選的犯罪學問 題,學生更喬裝成一份校內刊物記者。他 們編輯的《犯罪學》通訊獲大學教學發展


為了讓學生了解將來需要輔助的 對象的內心世界,學系安排了多 項活動。最近的活動包括探訪南 丫島一個女子戒毒中心、與一名曾經 犯過案的女子作訪談,以及出席曾為黑 社會成員、現為知名社工在城大舉辦的講 座。此外,學生還編輯出版了第一期《犯 罪學》通訊。 能夠聆聽眾多親身經歷,再加上課程內容 切合實際,學生感到非常難得。一名學生 表示,與前黑社會成員、其後努力向善成 為知名社工的人士訪談後,他對犯罪行為 多了一層人性考量。 「我現在明白,曾經加入黑社會的人其實 與我們不一定有甚麼不同,也初次了解黑 社會『大佬』也會善待弟兄。加入黑社會 的人有時可能是因為義氣驅使,背景和童 年跟我的很相似,只是遇到了其他黑社會 成員,才誤入歧途。」林振華說。

3-4. Students visit the Barnabas Charitable Service Association on Lamma Island.

學生訪問基督教 巴拿巴愛心服務團。

學生最近訪問了南丫島基督教巴拿巴愛心 服務團,在戒毒女子陪伴下,度過了大開 眼界而又溫暖的一天。他們先跟女戒毒者 一起玩遊戲結識對方,然後分為四人一組 交談,聆聽女戒毒者講述最初如何染上毒 癮,後來怎樣飽受煎熬。經過坦誠交談 後,每組再按「新年新希望」的主題表演 短劇。

基金撥款資助出版兩年,以便研究社會犯 罪問題,同時培養批判思考和分析能力。 雖然參與出版通訊的學生大部分主修犯罪 學,也有部分主修心理學、應用社會科 學、翻譯和會計等。 「這個課程很需要真正的團隊合作。此 外,要是沒有教育發展處和犯罪學課程主 任黃成榮博士的支持,這份刊物就辦不成 了,」李博士說。 主修犯罪學的32名三年級學生為撰寫各項 問題報告,做了許多訪問、調查及搜集資 料工作。他們的努力結果在《犯罪學》通 訊中可見一斑。印數達5,000份的創刊號將 派發給所有城大學生。 李博士表示,課程要求學生親身體驗,這 種教學法已取得很好成績。首屆畢業生目 前從事多種行業,包括政府機構、保安管 理、社會工作、警察以及商界。 「這種教學方法的精髓在於不斷為學生提 供新的挑戰,促使他們發揮所有潛能,絕 不會有沉悶的感覺,」李博士說。

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