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welcome The villagers of Guizhou could only marvel at much of the subject matter in our latest issue. Staff and students from various departments recently returned from a six-day cultural tour, captured on film and brought to readers via our Photo Essay. With the benefit of a quality formal education, the visitors helped teach local children. But they too also learnt about the local history, heritage and way of life. Much of the reading material that follows involves a similar journey of discovery. From a pharmaceutical quality control manager who sacrificed potential income to pursue a role with diversity and responsibility, to an English tutor whose path to a coveted CityU teaching award wound through France, Turkey, Singapore, Argentina and the UK. Quite what the villagers of Guizhou would make of the ZigBee technology featured in our enervating cover story is uncertain, but they could undoubtedly relate to the universal youth development issues raised in one of our feature articles. I trust you too will enjoy some discoveries of your own in this edition of CityU Today.

對於本期大部分內容,貴州的村民也許只 能嘆為觀止。不過,貴州的風土人情卻由 各學系師生用相機和文字記載下來,在本 期「圖片故事」中躍然紙上。接受過城大 優質教育的同學,不但在探訪貴州時為當 地學童擔任義教,同時了解了當地的歷 史、文化和生活習慣。 其他文章記述着相同的人生探索之旅,例 如現為藥物品質控制經理的校友,最初寧 願放棄高薪回報而追求更多元化、責任更 強的事業。此外,最近榮獲城大傑出教學 獎的英語導師,在獲得人人稱羨的獎項 前,曾輾轉旅居法國、土耳其、新加坡、 阿根廷和英國等地。 貴州村民如何理解本期封面故事描述的 ZigBee技術,實難推斷。不過,他們應能 明白另一篇談及各地共通的青年成長問題 特稿。 至於各位讀者,深信你們翻開本期《今日 城大》,必然另有發現,自有所得。

Victor Fung 馮強 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯

contents Editor-in-Chief : Victor Fung / 總編輯 : 馮強 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯 : 陳龍根 • Deputy Managing Editor : Michelle Leung / 副行政編輯 : 梁子儀 • Executive Editor : Craig Francis / 執行編輯 : 傅之銳 • Associate Editor : Ellen Chan / 副執行編輯 : 陳倩茹 • Design and Production : Communications Office / 設計及製作 : 傳訊公關處

CityU Today is published six times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年六期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及 外務發展上的最新動向。

Phone / 電話:(852) 2788 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 • Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:como@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications Office, City University of Hong Kong,

Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊 : 香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊公關處 《今日城大》編輯部收

Government names new Council Chairman 政府委任新校董會主席


CityU ranks third in research funding applications 城大角逐研究撥款成功率排第 三位


Honorary Fellow titles on four ardent supporters 大學頒授榮譽院士予四位傑出 人士


Council member, university supporters honoured by HKSAR Government 校董會成員及大學支持者獲 特區政府授勳 Conference on internationalisation of Chinese universities 兩岸四地大學國際化校長 論壇


State key laboratory coming to CityU 城大成立國家重點實驗室 Prestigious world mathematics conference staged at CityU 國際知名數學會議假城大舉行


Technology impresses business leaders 向商界領袖展示技術 Artificial intelligence project shown at museum 人工智能項目於科學館展出 Budding programmers compete at CityU 未來電腦程式員一較高下



Student volunteers lend helping hand 學生義工伸出助人之手


Revolutionary ZigBee all the buzz in energy conservation ZigBee:呼之欲出的先進 能源管理系統


Marketing a department as a brand 周南教授談市場營銷學系發 展:創建更美好的未來


Finding a cure for growing pains 灌輸正面信息 照亮青年成長路


Photo essay 圖片故事


From gown to town 由校園到社會


Straight from the heart 城大人語






CityU ranks third in research funding applications Government names new Council Chairman 政府委任新校董會主席


1. Mr Leung Chun-ying 梁振英先生

Mr Leung Chun-ying, Council Chairman of Lingnan University, has been appointed Council Chairman of CityU by the Hong Kong Government, effective 22 October 2008. Mr Leung replaces outgoing Council Chairman Mr Chung Shui-ming. “We are heartened and excited to hear that Mr Leung has been appointed Council Chairman of CityU,” said Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU. “Mr Leung is no stranger to the higher education arena. He has deep knowledge of how universities function. Among other things, he has been Council Chairman of Lingnan University for many years,” Professor Kuo added. 現任嶺南大學校董會主席梁振英先生獲 香港政府委任為城大校董會主席,任期由 2008年10月22日開始。梁先生將接替 鍾瑞明先生出任此職。 城大校長郭位教授表示:「對於梁振英先 生獲委任為城大校董會主席,我們深感雀 躍和榮幸。梁先生熟知高等教育事務,對 大學的運作尤為熟悉。他擔任嶺南大學校 董會主席已多年。」

August 八月 2008

城大角逐研究撥款成功 率排第三位 Among the eight local higher education institutions in Hong Kong, CityU was ranked third in terms of the percentage of successful applications for funding from the 2008–09 General Research Fund. According to the Research Grants Council, CityU’s success rate in applying for funding was 40.7%, a marked improvement on last year’s 34.3%. This year, 127 CityU projects were funded, with a net value of $61.2m. In terms of the number of grants and their total value, this represented an increase of 16.5% and 1.5% respectively. 研究資助局公布的2008-09年優配研究金 申請結果顯示,城大申請成功率在全港八 大院校中排行第三,達40.7%,較去年的 34.3%顯著上升。 今年城大有127項研究計劃獲得資助,撥款 總額達港幣6,120萬。以申請成功項目數量 和撥款總額計算,分別較去年上升16.5%及 1.5%。

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Honorary Fellow titles on four ardent supporters 大學頒授榮譽院士予四位傑出人士 The First Honorary Fellow Presentation Ceremony on 18 June saw four distinguished persons bestowed with the title of Honorary Fellow in recognition of their distinctive contribution to the development of, and service to, CityU. They were Mr Edward Cheng Wai-sun, Mr Karl C Kwok, Mr John Lee Luen-wai and Ms Marina Wong Yu-pok. Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor; Mr Chung Shuiming, Council Chairman; and Professor Way Kuo, President of the University, officiated at the ceremony. 城大於6月18日舉行首屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,表彰四位傑出人士對城大發展所作的貢獻。 他們是鄭維新先生、郭志樑先生、李聯煒先生及黃汝璞女士。 頒授儀式由城大副監督梁乃鵬博士、校董會主席鍾瑞明先生及校長郭位教授主持。

2. (From left) Mr Edward Cheng, Ms Marina Wong, Professor Way Kuo, Dr Norman Leung, Mr Chung Shui-ming, Mr John Lee and Mr Karl C Kwok. (左起)鄭維新先生、 黃汝璞女士、郭位教授、 梁乃鵬博士、鍾瑞明先 生、李聯煒先生及郭志樑 先生。




Council member, university supporters honoured by HKSAR Government 校董會成員及大學支持者獲特區政府授勳 A Council member and three university supporters are included in this year’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Honours List. Dr Chan Sui-kau, Honorary Doctor of Social Science, is to be awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal; Mr Joseph Lee Chung-tak and Ms Lo Kai-yin, current and former Council members respectively, are to be awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star; and Professor Chan Kei-biu, the University’s Distinguished

Fellow, is to be awarded the Medal of Honour. 一位校董會成員及三位大學支持者今年獲 香港特別行政區政府授勳。 榮譽社會科學博士陳瑞球博士將獲得大紫 荊勳章;現任校董會成員李宗德先生及前 任校董會成員羅啟妍女士將獲得銀紫荊星 章;城大傑出學人陳其鑣教授將獲得榮譽 勳章。

Conference on internationalisation of Chinese universities 兩岸四地大學國際化校長論壇

1. Internationalisation of Chinese universities conference participants 「兩岸四地大學國際化校長 論壇」與會者合照。

August 八月 2008

CityU organised a conference on the internationalisation of Chinese universities from 17 July to 19 July. Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, and more than 40 representatives from mainland, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong universities and government sectors discussed the definition, strategies and objectives of internationalisation for higher education. They also shared insights and experiences in implementing the 1 relevant measures in a bid to further promote the internationalisation of universities.

城大於7月17至19日舉辦「兩岸四地大學 國際化校長論壇」,校長郭位教授與40多 位來自內地、台灣、澳門及香港高等院校 的校長及政界代表會聚一堂,共同探討高 等教育國際化的定義、校園國際化策略和 目標,並交流各院校在推行大學國際化進 程中的經驗和心得,旨在積極推動校園國 際化。

5 State key laboratory coming to CityU


城大成立國家重點實驗室 CityU has obtained approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to set up the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves. It will be the first such laboratory in the engineering discipline in Hong Kong. The laboratory will focus on researching the principal theories and applications of millimeter waves, including the improvement of its penetration to make the technology more accessible. It also has implications for the development of communication technologies in China. 城大獲國家科學技術部批准,成立毫米波國家重點實驗室。這是 香港工程領域的首家國家重點實驗室。 實驗室將致力研究毫米波基礎理論和應用,包括提高 滲透性,使技術更方便易用,可望為國家通訊科技發 展作出貢獻。

Prestigious world mathematics conference staged at CityU 國際知名數學會議假城大舉行 CityU hosted the Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) conference, the largest mathematics conference yet to be staged at the University and one of the most wellregarded to be staged anywhere in Asia. The conference that ran from 16 June to 26 June was co-organised by the Society for Foundations of Computational Mathematics and CityU. It was co-sponsored by the University’s Department of Mathematics and Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences and the Hong Kong-based Croucher Foundation. Professor Felipe Cucker, Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, was named chairman of the society for the

next three years, effective June 2008. The position is a major international recognition, with previous chairmen including a Fields Medallist, a Dantzig prizewinner and professors from Oxford and Cambridge universities. 城大舉行基礎計算數學會議,是大學歷來 舉辦的最大型數學會議,亦是亞洲區最矚 目的數學會議之一。會議於6月16至26日 舉行,由城大及基礎計算數學學會合辦, 並由城大數學系、劉璧如數學科學研究中 心及裘槎基金會聯合贊助。 城大數學系Felipe Cucker講座教授獲選為 該學會主席,任期由2008年6月開始,為 期三年。這職銜是重要的國際認可,前任 主席包括菲爾茲獎和丹齊克獎得主,以及 牛津大學和劍橋大學的教授。

2. The laboratory is equipped with worldclass equipment. 實驗室配備最先進精密的 儀器。




Technology impresses business leaders 向商界領袖展示技術 CityU’s industrial and logistics technologies were the focus of a study tour by business and industry leaders from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce on 28 May. The 30-member group was hosted by CityU Professional Services. Visitors were shown CityU’s state-of-the-art technology in wireless communications and optoelectronics, quality assurance, efficiency improvement and logistics during the tour of the RFID applications mini-library, Wireless Communications

1. Visitors were shown CityU’s state-of-the-art technology.

Research Centre, Optoelectronics Laboratory, Advance Coatings Applied Research Laboratory and others. 香港總商會30位工商界領袖應城大專業顧 問有限公司邀請,於5月28日訪問城大,了 解城大在工業和物流科技方面的發展。訪 問團參觀了應用射頻識別技術的微型圖書 館、無線通訊研究中心、光電子科技實驗 室、先進塗層應用研究實驗室等,了解城 大在無線通訊和光電子學、質量保證、效 率提升及物流領域的最新科技研究。


訪問團參觀城大的最新科 技。

2. (From left) Mr Michael Wong, Professor Robert Li, Dr Andy Chun and Professor Cheng Shiuyuen. (左起)黃慶瀾先生、李 國耀教授、陳漢偉博士和 鄭紹遠教授。

Artificial intelligence project shown at museum 人工智能項目於科學館展出 2

August 八月 2008

The Artificial Intelligence and Railway Engineering Works Scheduling project led by Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai, Associate Professor of Department of Computer Science, is being exhibited at the Science News Corner, Hong Kong Science Museum until mid-October. Mr Michael Wong Hing-lan and Professor Cheng Shiu-yuen, Chief Curator and Expert Advisor of the Museum respectively,

Professor Robert Li Kwok-yiu, Associate Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Dr Andy Chun officiated at the opening ceremony on 13 June. 香港科學館科訊廊現正展出由城大電腦科 學系副教授陳漢偉博士領導的「人工智能 與鐵路工程工作調度」項目,展期至10月 中。香港科學館總館長黃慶瀾先生、專家 顧問鄭紹遠教授、城大科學及工程學院副 院長李國耀教授與陳博士於6月13日主持展 覽開幕禮。

7 Student volunteers lend helping hand Budding programmers compete at CityU 未來電腦程式員 一較高下 Twenty-two teams of computing students competed on 5 July in the Collegiate Programming Contest coorganised by the Association for Computing Machinery Hong Kong Chapter and CityU’s Department of Computer Science (CS). The contestants from eight tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and Macau and the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education competed against the clock by solving given programming problems. Professor Frances Yao, Head of CS, said it was a pleasure for CityU to host the long-standing contest, which started in 1991. 二十二隊電腦科學生於7月5日參加由計算 機器學會香港分會及城大電腦科學系合辦 的香港大專電腦編程比賽。來自港澳大學 及香港電腦教育學會的參賽者要在最短時 間內解決大會指定的電腦程式問題。 電腦科學系系主任儲楓教授表示,香港大 專電腦編程比賽自1991年設立,由來已 久,城大很榮幸能舉辦這項活動。

學生義工伸出助人之手 Youths from Tin Shui Wai, a New Territories district traditionally seen as facing socio-economic challenges, have been given an introduction to CityU and the opportunities it can present. Four students from the Faculty of Business served as volunteers during the “Engage-Action Day Journey of Opportunity”. A tour of the campus was conducted to give the youths an understanding of tertiary education in Hong Kong. The volunteers also accompanied the youths on corporate visits and other leisure activities. 四名商學院學生早前參加「展望之旅」, 向一群來自天水圍的青少年介紹城大。天 水圍一向被視為在社經層面皆充滿挑戰的 新界社區,城大學生除了發揮義工精神, 帶領他們參觀大學校園以了解本港高等教 育的情況之外,亦陪伴他們到企業訪問和 參加餘暇活動。

3. A business student leads the youths from Tin Shui Wai on a tour around the university library. 商學院學生帶領天水圍 青少年參觀大學圖書館。


14 interview 人物專訪

Marketing a department as a Brand

Interview with Professor Zhou Nan

By Ellen Chan 陳倩茹

Professor Zhou Nan has been serving as the Head of the Department of Marketing for more than a decade. During this period, thanks to the concerted efforts of all his colleagues, he has participated in the growth and development of the department. Professor Zhou shares with CityU Today readers his management experience and views about the future development of the department.

August 八月 2008

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After doing administrative work for many years, what is your view on management? Over the years, I have adopted the style of management suggested by (ancient Chinese philosopher) Lao Tse’s Principle of Liberal Governance. University is a place for people to explore their potential and thus my role is to encourage, support and help colleagues work together for the benefit of their personal growth. I try to create an appropriate environment and provide opportunities for colleagues to utilise their strengths. I hope they can achieve their goals by fully utilising their intelligence and capabilities in a pleasant working environment. Wei Zheng, a famous Tang Dynasty historian, said, “Opening up for opinions will make one wise, but listening only to one-sided views will make one dumb.” When encountering problems, I consult all parties. For example, some students once complained to me that they were overloaded by too many assignments given by their teacher. After investigation, I concluded the teaching method adopted by the teacher could not only help students develop a hardworking attitude but also teach them about actual business sector practices. I explained to the students that they could achieve more by working harder and I helped them understand the

good intentions of their teacher. Finally, the problem was solved to everyone’s satisfaction.

How would you encourage colleagues in your department to conduct research and enhance teaching and learning? The focus of our department is marketing in China. In recent years, we have collaborated with our counterparts at top mainland universities to organise academic seminars to exchange ideas on research. I also encourage colleagues, especially the younger ones, to write and edit articles for journals to build an academic network of high standing that may later be useful in their career development and research work. The fundamental objective of a university is to provide quality undergraduate education. Failing to achieve this means failing the expectations of students, parents and society. Hence, I set a very high teaching standard. Teachers are expected to be well prepared for the class and to organise different extra-curricular activities to help students develop their potential. I wish to express my gratitude to my colleagues as all of them are very dedicated. An outstanding teaching award is organised by the department each semester to recognise the contribution of our colleagues, and

1. The teaching staff of the Department of Marketing. 市場營銷學系教員合照。

16 interview 人物專訪

many of them have even gone on to win the University’s Teaching Excellence Awards in recent years.

How will you groom students to meet the ever-changing challenges of a constantly changing world?

2. Students from the Department of Marketing visit the Beijing Shougang Company during a summer training programme focusing on Chinese enterprises.

I hope all marketing students receive an all-round education. In addition to obtaining good academic results, they should equip themselves with practical work experience and have a strong commitment to society. With the support of many organisations over the years, the department provides opportunities for students to compile business consultation reports for local and overseas companies. Some of their proposals have even been adopted by the organisations. Also, students are given opportunities to organise many of the department’s activities. Through organising activities, students develop team spirit and leadership skills.

In addition, we offer overseas exchange programmes for students to broaden their horizons so that university education can become a truly memorable experience.

What does the future hold in store for the department? With prudence and humility, we strive to make the department a teaching and research brand name in the discipline of marketing. As part of CityU, we will do our best to ensure the University realises its goals.


市場營銷學系學生參加中 國企業管理暑期培訓班期 間,訪問北京首鋼股份有 限公司。

周南教授 談市場營銷學系發展:


市場營銷學系系主任周南教授領導學系已逾10年,期間與 系內同事共同努力,參與及見證了學系的成長和發展。在與 《今日城大》的訪談中,周教授分享管理心得之餘,更暢談 了對學系未來發展方向的一些看法。 從事多年行政工作,有甚麼管理心得? 多年來,我推崇老子「無為而治」的管理 方法。大學是讓人成長的地方,我擔當的 角色是鼓勵、支持和協助同事們群策群

August 八月 2008

力、共同成長,不時創造機會和環境,便 於同事們發揮所長。我希望他們能夠在愉 快的工作環境下充分發揮聰明才智,有所 成就。



較高的標準。我希望各位老師上 課前準備充足,同時要為學生組 織不同的課外活動,發掘學生的 潛能。系裏同事十分敬業,個個 廢寢忘食,我很感謝大家。系裏 每個學期都頒發優秀教學獎,近 年來,系內多位老師還獲大學 頒發傑出教學獎,可算是一種 認同。

如何培育學生迎接多變及充滿挑戰的社 會? 魏徵說:「兼聽則明,偏信則暗。」遇到 問題,我則多方聽取意見。例如,我曾收 到學生投訴一位老師給的作業量過多,難 以承受。經了解後,我認為老師利用這種 教學法不單可以培養學生吃苦的精神,還 能讓他們提早適應商業社會的實際情況, 於是告誡學生,凡事多付出才有機會得到 收穫,幫助學生理解老師的一片愛心和苦 心,使事情得到圓滿解決。

我希望所有入讀市場營銷學系的學生都能 綜合發展。除了取得優秀的成績外,更應 真刀實槍地獲得職前實習經驗,還要有強 烈的社會責任感。學生有機會替海內外不 同機構制訂商業顧問報告,多年來獲得多 間機構支持,部分建議更獲得機構垂青, 予以採納。系內的許多活動都由學生擔當 統籌工作。學生學會承擔責任,培養團隊 精神,還訓練了領導才能。


與此同時,我們盡量提供資源,讓學生有 機會到海外交流,擴闊視野,讓學生覺得 大學教育是值得回味的一段經歷。

我們的研究重點是中國營銷。這幾年,我 們經常與內地公認為最優秀大學的市場營 銷學系聯繫,舉辦學術研討會,交流研究 心得。我亦鼓勵同事積極參與學術期刊編 撰工作,希望藉此幫助系內教職員,特別是 年輕的學者,建立高層次學術網絡,有助日 後的研究工作和事業發展。

希望我們所做的一切能增強學生的能力、 自信心及對城大的歸屬感,將來貢獻社會 之餘,主動回饋母校。

學系未來的發展方向是甚麼? 大學最基本的責任是提供優質本科生教 育。否則,我們對不起學生、家長和社 會。因此,我對系內教員的教學要求訂立

我們要謙虛謹慎、戒驕戒躁,爭取將學系 辦成市場營銷學的教研名牌。我們是城大 的一部分,踏踏實實把教研做得更好,將 為城大實現更上一層樓的目標作出應有的 貢獻。

3. Professor Zhou Nan has taken part in numerous departmental activities. 周南教授出席系內不同 活動。

18 photo essay 圖片故事

Lessons in life 體驗之旅 活動剪影

Photo: Tso Chun-wai Text: Ellen Chan 攝影:曹俊威 撰文:陳倩茹

August 八月 2008


三十四名來自不同學系的師生今年 3月參加了為期六天的「貴州民族文 化體驗之旅」。旅程中,師生在了 解內地少數民族歷史、民俗及生活 之外,更教導小朋友學習。文化之 旅由學生會幹事會學術部與中國文 化中心合辦。

Students and teachers from several departments took part in the six-day Guizhou Cultural Tour in March. During the journey, the 34 members of the touring party learned about the history, heritage and culture of the ethnic groups. They also helped to teach the children. The tour was organised by the Academic Committee of the Students’ Union and the Chinese Civilisation Centre.

20 from gown to town 由校園到社會

化學專才 Prescribing


the perfect formula By Sharon Ng 伍詠茵

for success Applied chemistry graduate Andy Wong Yu-sun has the formula for personal success. Despite a decade in the pharmaceutical industry, the quality control manager prescribes nothing more than hard work, diligence and teamwork to achieve a healthy degree of professional satisfaction. Before his current role with Europharm Laboratories, Andy earned his chemistry degree from CityU in 1995. Feeling he had only acquired a fundamental level of knowledge, he went on to complete a Master of Philosophy degree in 1997. The ensuing ten years or so have helped forge his belief that if one works diligently, there will always be a good return waiting at the other end. A career in the pharmaceutical industry had not occurred to Andy when he first graduated. At the time, he received two job offers, one from a testing centre and the other from a small, local medicine factory. The former had the lure of a better salary and fringe benefits package but still he opted for the latter. “The salary was lower and I had to do much of the work myself, including the preparation of documents, setting up a test system and even performing tests,” he recalls. “But this exposure allowed me to gain an understanding of the entire company operation in a short time.”

August 八月 2008

After acquiring substantial experience at his first job, Andy joined Europharm Laboratories in 2000. As the quality control manager he is responsible for the manufacturing process of all products, as well as the quality control and management of products post-packaging and pre-sales. He assisted the company in becoming one of the first medicine companies to acquire the Good Manufacture Practice (GMP) accreditation in 2001. One of his newest challenges involves improving the company's laboratory to meet with the international standard and helping the company secure the GMP accreditation for Chinese medicine production. He said part of his management knowledge was

21 acquired through participation in student societies during his university education. He was a member of the Election Committee for the Students’ Union and the Executive Chairman of the Student Association for the Department of Biology and Chemistry. After graduation, he was an organiser of the Alumni Association for the department.

“Through participation in student societies, my management and organisational skills were definitely honed,” says Andy. “And I learned the importance of interpersonal skills, team work and of putting the right person in the right position. These were all very useful both within my life and my career.” 2


王宇新現任歐化藥業有限公司品質控制經理,投身藥業界已10年。多年來, 他不斷進修,充實自己,已成為化學專才。王宇新在總結經驗時透露了成功 的配方──做工和做人一樣,不能怕吃虧,而且要吃得起苦,最終必有回報。 王宇新1995年獲得城大應用化學學士學 位,自感學到的只是基礎知識,於是繼續 進修,並於1997年取得哲學碩士。 王宇新坦言,畢業後並沒想過投身藥業 界。想當年,他同時獲得兩份聘書,一份 來自一間檢測中心,無論從薪酬或福利 上看都是一份優渥的差事,但最終選擇 了一間小型本地藥廠。「雖然薪金較少, 而且由準備文件至建立測試系統,甚至測 試等,都由我一個人負責,」王宇新回憶 道。「但可在短時間內熟悉整間公司的運 作。」 當年,適逢香港的藥廠需要申請良好藥品 生產規範(GMP)認證,對化學人才需求 很大。「我相信,這一行業的發展潛力很 大,」王宇新補充說。 在這家公司積聚一定經驗後,王宇新於 2000年加入現在任職的歐化藥業有限公 司,擔任品質控制經理,負責所有產品製

造過程以及產品包裝後、出售前的品質 控制和管理,並協助公司於2001年取得 GMP認證,成為本港首批取得有關資格的 藥廠。他未來的目標是提升公司實驗室水 平,使之達到國際標準,並在中藥生產方 面取得GMP認證。 王宇新表示,他的管理哲學部分來自大學 時參與學生會事務的體會。他曾擔任學生 會選舉委員會成員、生物及化學系系會執 行主席,並在學士畢業那年協助籌組舊 生會。 「透過參與學生會活動,我增強了管理和 組識能力,」王宇新說。「而且懂得知人 善用和團隊合作的重要性,學會如何待人 接物。這些對事業和人生都有助益。」

1, 2 Andy Wong, quality control manager, is responsible for the manufacturing process of all products. 負責監控製藥過程的 王宇新對每個環節都瞭 如指掌。

22 straight from the heart 城大人語

Reflecting on 執教十年, 回首一瞬間 years of English language teaching In April this year, along with four other teachers, I was very honoured to receive City University’s award for excellence in teaching and have been invited to tell my personal story of teaching English at CityU. Before joining the English Language Centre (ELC) in 1998, I had taught English in schools, businesses and language institutions in France, Turkey, Singapore, Argentina and the UK. Just as the university experience is meant to broaden the minds of students, my experience at CityU has greatly widened my own perspective of teaching. I arrived in Hong Kong as an English language teacher and in the early years after the 1997 Hong Kong handover I was often asked the same question – “Did I think the level of English in Hong Kong was declining?” It was certainly clear that many more students were being given the opportunity to go to university than in the past and these students’ English language skills were often weaker, giving the impression that the standard of English among Hong Kong students was on the wane. The ELC was set up specifically to help improve the level of August 八月 2008

English of these particular students but was designated less than 200 hours over three years and relatively few course credits. The situation was (and still is) a challenging one, but it is a challenge that has made me extremely proud to be a member of the ELC. Over the years at CityU, I have worked with a lot of dedicated and very hardworking professional English language teachers whose ideas and willingness to both adapt to and instigate change have created a centre that has the development of its students at its heart. CityU has provided me with opportunities to expand my own repertoire as a teacher and these experiences have helped me grow and develop; from writing, teaching and training others to teach a course hosted by the Department of Marketing

23 in creative and critical thinking; to researching extensively with other ELC colleagues into self-directed learning and incorporating these skills into our courses; to the current close collaboration with the Education Development Office to research and develop ePortfolios for learning and employment; and to working with the other seven Hong Kong universities on an exit-ePortfolio that will showcase students’ English language skills and achievements upon graduation. These experiences have deeply affected my impression of what makes a good

teacher. I have grown into a facilitator of learning. I recognise that helping students enhance their creative and critical thinking to solve problems and make good decisions, as well as acquiring independent learning skills, sets a person up for life. Everyone’s power to learn has no limits.

今年4月,我很榮幸能夠和其他四位 老師獲得城大傑出教學獎,並獲邀 分享在城大教授英語的個人經驗。 我1998年加入城大英語中心,在那 之前曾在法國、土耳其、新加坡、 阿根廷和英國的學校、商業機構和 語文中心教授英語。 大學之道在於擴闊學生思維,任教城大同 時也大大擴展了我的教學視野。我在1997 年香港回歸後不久來港擔任英語老師,因

此常被問及一個問題:有沒有察覺到香港 的英語水平下降了?有一點很明顯,即現 在有更多學生升讀大學,而以前未能入讀 大學的學生通常英語能力較弱,因此令人 覺得香港學生的英語水平下降了。 成立英語中心,目的在於協助這些學生提 升英語水平。不過,中心三年中只能為他 們提供不足200小時的英語學習,而且學分 很少。這樣的設計極具挑戰,也令我對於 能夠身為英語中心一分子感到十分自豪。 在城大多年,我有幸和不少充滿熱忱、非 常勤奮的專業英語老師一起工作。他們極 具創意,也願意接受改變,努力以培育學 生為重點,建設英語中心。 城大為我提供很多機會,從事不同教學工 作,並從中成長發展。這些工作包括寫 作、教學、為市場營銷學系培訓教授創意 和批判思考學科的人才,及與英語中心其 他同事努力研究自我主導學習,並將有關 技巧加入課程範圍。同時,我與教育發展 處緊密合作,研究及設計用作學習和工作 的電子歷程檔案。此外,我還與本地其他 七家大學合作設計學生畢業電子歷程檔 案,以顯示學生在大學畢業時的英語能力 和成就。 這些經歷使我更加明白怎樣才能成為一名 好教師。我慢慢成為學習的促進者,並認 識到幫助學生提升創意和思辨能力,自行 解決難題和做出判斷,並掌握自學能力, 對學生終身有益。每個人的學習潛能都沒 有止境。

Dean Fisher English Enhancement Course Tutor English Language Centre 英語中心英語進階科目導師

24 features 專題

Finding By Michelle Leung 梁子儀

August 八月 2008

a cure for


growing pains If the Dickensian hero David, in the novel David Copperfield had not lost his mother in childhood, nor endured his stepfather’s torture or been subjected to cruel factory work as a young boy, would he have led a different life? Life experience during adolescence is undoubtedly a key factor in character formation and intellectual and mental development. Governments around the world allocate vast resources to teen issues such as drug abuse, suicide, premature pregnancy and criminal behaviour. Dr Lee Tak-yan, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies, who has studied youthrelated issues for many years, says the answer to much of the problems could lie in the right advice from the right friend. Rather than tackling problems once they have manifested into destructive behaviour, Dr Lee argues it is beneficial to imbue teenagers with a positive outlook, help them make friends with peers and adults with a positive attitude, and develop their ability to face adversity.

Right path With the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Dr Lee collaborated, as a co-principal investigator, with academics from five other local universities on a youth enhancement scheme called “PATHS to Adulthood” (“PATHS” stands for Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social programmes). Launched in 2005, the scheme has developed a teaching kit to encourage positive youth development for Form 1 to Form 3 students during regular class master periods, life education or ethics lessons. A series of three-day training workshops were also held to familiarise teachers and social workers with the teaching kit. “Many people think teenagers just develop automatically and that those achieving good academic results have no problems. It is actually a

26 features 專題

misconception,” says Dr Lee. “It is certainly important for teenagers to observe the law but it is equally important they have a positive outlook on life, care about others and take up social responsibilities.”

individual, helping teenagers establish sound interpersonal relationships and mutual trust with positive friends definitely helps. So too does learning to differentiate between good friends and bad.

Although it had not been Dr Lee’s aspiration to become a social worker, his interest in social work and related research has not diminished in 20 years. He majored in journalism with a minor in social work during his undergraduate years. He later worked for two years as a reporter and further honed his interest in social issues. He went on to work for the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, writing and editing publications related to social issues. He became a social worker and concentrated on youth work for eight years. Since joining CityU in 1989, he has been engaged in teaching and social work research.

“Schools can actually do more in this respect. Academic results should not be over-emphasised and students with less satisfactory results should not be treated as second-class citizens,” says Dr Lee. Not only should good relationships be established among students but close contact between students and teachers is also integral to creating a balanced and positive environment. Dr Lee encourages teachers joining the “‘PATHS to Adulthood” scheme to open up to students about their own experience of adolescence. This can foster a more intimate relationship and encourage students to understand the difficulties overcome by others and focus on solutions to their own problems.

Pesky peers Over the years, Dr Lee focused his research on two of the numerous elements identified as common to successful youth development programmes: promotion of bonding with healthy adults and positive peers, and the cultivation of resilience. As good and bad friends will have positive and negative influences on an

August 八月 2008

Cultivating inner resilience will enable teenagers to overcome difficulties. Learning to understand, analyse and solve problems, knowing when to ask for help and when to say “No” are all part of this process. Teenagers know right from wrong but frequently it is

27 peer pressure that coerces them into choosing the latter over the former. Dr Lee says it is very important for teenagers to know how to turn down friends who persuade them to smoke, take drugs, fight or partake in myriad other anti-social activities. The “‘PATHS to Adulthood” scheme has received an encouraging response, with about 300 secondary schools joining so far. Feedback suggests students

and teachers have gained much from the scheme, with participants overwhelmingly positive about the experience. To allow more teenagers to benefit from the scheme, the research team is now developing an English version of the teaching kit for local non-Chinesespeaking students. An adapted edition is now being used in a test run in Shanghai and Singapore.

灌輸正面信息 照亮青年成長路 如果《塊肉餘生記》裏的大衛沒有經歷年幼喪母之痛,沒有受繼父虐待,沒 有到工廠當童工,他的人生會否不一樣? 青少年的成長歷程是塑造人格、發展心智 的關鍵階段。世界各國政府為此投放許 多資源,嘗試解決青少年濫藥、自殺、 未婚懷孕、犯罪等問題。從事青少年研究 多年的應用社會科學系副教授李德仁博士 認為,向青少年灌輸正面成長信息,協助 他們與健康成人和益友建立聯繫,培養抗 逆能力,比「頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳」更有效。


設計課程 促進健康成長 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助下,李博 士以聯合研究者身分與本地五家大學學者 合作,於2005年起推行「共創成長路」 ─賽馬會青少年培育計劃,設計、推行 和評估一套為全港中一至中三學生而設的 正面發展教材,以便學校利用班主任課、 生命教育課或倫理課,向學生灌輸正面信 息。負責教學的教師和社工亦獲安排參加 三天培訓,學習怎樣使用教材。

「不少人認為青少年會自然長大,成績好 的學生就沒有問題,其實是誤解,」李博 士說。「青少年守法固然重要,但如果他 們能積極面對人生,關心他人,對社會有 承擔,則更加理想。」

1. Dr Lee Tak-yan 李德仁博士

28 features 專題

雖然做社工並非李 博士從小立下的志願,20多 年來,他對社會工作和進行相關研究的興 趣和熱誠從未減退過。他唸大學時主修新 聞學,副修社會工作,畢業後做了兩年記 者,特別有興趣探討社會問題。隨後,他 轉到社會服務聯會從事出版、寫稿工作, 接觸的也是社會服務資訊,後來乾脆轉做 社工,主要從事青年工作,一做便是八 年。1989年加入城大,一直專心從事社會 工作教學和研究。

培養青少年對抗逆境的能力,有助於應付 困難。這種能力包括了解、解決、分析問 題的能力,遇到問題時向人求助的能力, 以及懂得說「不」的能力。其實,不少青 少年因為抵受不住朋輩壓力而誤入歧途, 做出明知不該做的事情。李博士指出,青 少年懂得向慫恿自己抽煙、吸毒、打架等 的朋友說「不」,相當重要。 「共創成長路」計劃推出以來反應熱烈, 至今約有300間中學參加。評估結果亦顯示 不少學生和教師均認為計劃有幫助。

培養對抗逆境能力 有研究指出,成功的青少年成長計劃通常 涵蓋15個元素。多年來,李博士主要集中 研究與健康成人和益友建立聯繫及抗逆能 力問題。所謂「近朱者赤,近墨者黑」, 協助成長中的青少年與身邊健康的成人和 益友建立良好人際關係和互信,並學會分 辨損友和益友,絕對有助於正面成長。 「學校其實可以做更多這方面的工作,而 不應只注重學業成績,把成績稍遜的學生 視為『二等公民』,」李博士說。除了學 生之間須建立良好關係,師生之間的聯繫 亦不能忽視。因此,李博士鼓勵參與「共 創成長路」的教師放下身段,用個人經歷 做分析的例子,讓學生思考易地而處會怎 樣做,從而拉近與學生的距離,並讓他們 明白即使老師在成長過程中也都會遇到 困難。

August 八月 2008

為了讓更多青少年受惠,研究小組現正設 計英文版課程,供本地教授非華語學生的 學校使用;上海和新加坡已在試用改編版 的課程。

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