welcome It isn’t every day a University resorts to boasting that is has tunnel vision. But in an education world obsessed with the big picture, rounded development and broadened horizons, CityU is in the unique position of touting its tunnel vision as a definite positive. The Department of Building and Construction’s vision has materialised in the form of a wind tunnel that will help Hong Kong’s building industry and civic planners contend with issues of air pollution, as well as ensuring our high-rises are capable of withstanding any storm mother nature can dispatch our way. Rest assured we are still focused on the big picture as well. CityU Today gets the inside word on the University’s new curriculum structure as we head towards the introduction of the fouryear degree curriculum. CityU is committed to producing graduates who can benefit society and it is difficult to think of a more beneficial role than that performed by our staff, students and alumni who travelled to Sichuan Province to offer help to survivors of the devastating earthquake that levelled the region earlier this year.
現今教育界崇尚宏觀大局、全面發展、開 闊眼界,很少有大學標榜自己目光專一、 視野僅限於風洞之中,然而此風洞非同一 般,乃城大獨特的「洞窺」之見,優秀的 研究成果。 城大建築系致力研究建成的風洞實驗室, 其測試、實驗可協助香港建築界及城市 規劃人員對抗空氣污染,並確保香港的高 樓大廈無懼天公肆虐,經得起任何狂風吹 襲。 我們固然用功於此洞,但也不忘着眼於宏 觀大局。城大正籌劃轉入本科四年制新課 程,《今日城大》探得若干詳情,本期予 以披露。此外,城大一貫主張未來的畢業 生須造福社會,城大教職員、學生、校友 不久前結隊遠赴年初遭強地震夷為平地的 四川省災區,協助災民重建家園,恰恰體 現了這種關愛精神。對此仁心義舉,本刊 也作了報導。
Longgen Chen 陳龍根 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯
contents Editor-in-Chief : Longgen Chen / 總編輯 : 陳龍根 • Managing Editor : Michelle Leung / 行政編輯 : 梁子儀 • Executive Editor : Craig Francis / 執行編輯 : 傅之銳 • Deputy Editor : Ellen Chan / 副執行編輯 : 陳倩茹 • Design and Production : Communications Office / 設計及製作 : 傳訊公關處
CityU Today is published six times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年六期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及 外務發展上的最新動向。
Phone / 電話:(852) 2788 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 • Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:como@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications Office, City University of Hong Kong,
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊 : 香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊公關處 《今日城大》編輯部收
Council Chair passes baton 校董會主席完成「交接」
President installed during Congregation 校長正式就職
Faculty engineers top 50 ranking 工學領域科研論文質量居領先 地位 Recruitment drive working group formed 教員薪酬福利草案進行廣泛 諮詢
Laboratory and research centre claim international recognition 實驗室及研究中心獲國際認可 President goes online and in-person 校長以不同方法與師生接觸
Physics research pays dividends 科研成就獲肯定 Play day joy for disadvantaged children 為喪親兒童帶來歡樂 Water quality contract for CityU 城大奪得水質顧問合約 Servings of camaraderie at Annual Banquet 城大夜宴凝聚歸屬感
Tunnel vision becomes a reality 風洞實驗:為平衡發展與環 保尋找答案
Four-year curriculum structure ready to soar 四年新學制準備就緒
Helping to rebuild shaken lives 重建新生活
Photo essay 圖片故事
From gown to town 由校園到社會
Straight from the heart 城大人語
CityU’s new management structure 城大新管理層架構
CityU’s new management structure 城大新管理層架構 1
At the same time, the University will consolidate activities now being undertaken by the Dean of Student Learning and the Vice-President for Undergraduate Education to establish the Office of Vice-President for Student Affairs. Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing has been appointed Vice-President for Student Affairs. 2
CityU has adopted a new management structure that aims to streamline operations, empower faculty and leadership teams and clarify lines of accountability. Professor Way Kuo, University President, said the new structure was the result of valuable input from many CityU colleagues and will take effect from 1 January 2009. On top of appointing Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki as the Provost (commonly known as Vice-President for Academic Affairs) to oversee the academic-related matters, the University has added a newly upgraded Vice-President post to lead and consolidate the University’s development and external relations functions.
December 十二月 2008
The current post of Vice-President (Research) is re-titled as Vice-President for Research and Technology. All technology-related subsidiaries previously reporting to the President will report to the Vice-President for Research and Technology under the Office of Knowledge Transfer. Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun has been appointed the Vice-President for Research and Technology.
同時,城大將目前分別劃歸學務長及副校 長(本科生教育)管轄的多項事務加以統 合,設立學生事務副校長辦公室專司督 導,並已任命 林群聲教授擔 任學生事務副 校長。
The current post of VicePresident (Administration) is re-titled Vice-President for Finance and Administration. Dr Ellen Ko Law Yin-lan has agreed to assume the position of Vice-President for Finance and Administration. A search will be conducted soon.
現有的副校長(研究) 一職更名為研究及科技 副校長。與科技相關 的城大各附屬機構先前 須向校長請示,今後將全部隸屬知識轉移 辦公室,統一向研究及科技副校長請示 。 王世全教授獲任命為研究及科技副校長。
1. Professor Way Kuo 郭位教授
2. Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki 何炘基教授
3. Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing 林群聲教授
城大決定施行一套管理層新架構,以便精 簡行政運作、增大放權予教研人員及各領 導團隊,並釐清各部門的負責歸屬關係。 校長郭位教授指出,新架構採納了眾多城 大同人的寶貴建議,是集思廣益的結晶, 並於2009年1月1日生效。 城大早前任命何炘基教授為學務副校長, 專司督導與教學相關的事務;新架構中更 增設一個提升了的副校長職位,以統籌並 領導城大的發展及對外關係工作。
目前的副校長(行政)一職更名為財務及 行政副校長。古羅燕蘭博士同意暫時擔任 這一職位。不久將進行招聘工作。
4. Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun 王世全教授
5. Dr Ellen Ko Law Yinlan 古羅燕蘭博士
Council Chair passes baton 校董會主席完成「交接」 1
Mr Leung Chun-ying, former Council Chairman of Lingnan University, was appointed Council Chairman of CityU by the Hong Kong Government, effective 22 October 2008. “I am so glad and honoured to be a CityU member. I hope being a Council Chairman will become the public duty with which I am most satisfied with my performance,” said Mr Leung. Mr Chung Shui-ming, the outgoing Council Chairman expressed his gratitude for the support of the CityU community in recent years.
1. Mr Leung Chun-ying 梁振英先生
2. Mr Chung Shui-ming 鍾瑞明先生
December 十二月 2008
Having served CityU for a decade, Mr Chung said he had confronted many hurdles with the University, such as the financial crisis, SARS and budget cuts. He was glad that despite those challenges, CityU had maintained its commitment to nurturing professionals through quality teaching and research and was able to break into the world’s top 150 universities.
曾任嶺南大學校董會主席的梁振英先生獲 香港特區政府委任為城大校董會主席,任 期由2008年10月22日開始。 「能夠成為城大一分子,我感到很高興和 榮幸。希望城大校董會主席這個職務,能 成為我最投入、對自己表現最滿意的一份 公職。」梁先生說。 與此同時,服務城大長達10年的前任校董 會主席鍾瑞明先生10月21日告別城大。鍾 先生在答謝酒會上致辭時表示,多年來與 城大風雨同路,共同面對了金融風暴、沙 士、政府削資等挑戰。雖然挑戰不斷,但 他喜見城大沒有因而降低對培育人才和教 學研究的承擔,最近更躋身世界最佳學府 前150名。
5 3
President installed during Congregation 校長正式就職 The Installation of President cum Honorary Awards Ceremony was held on 11 November at the Chan Tai Ho Multi-purpose Hall. The Chancellor, The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, presided over the ceremony to formally instal Professor Way Kuo as President of the University.
and 354 associate degrees. The Community College of City University conferred 2,242 associate degrees.
At the ceremony, Professor Kuo officially launched the start of the University’s 25th Anniversary festivities, pointing out that the year ahead represented an unprecedented opportunity to highlight the University’s achievements and emphasis on quality teaching and research.
郭教授並於典禮期間宣佈城大創校25周年 慶祝活動正式開始,並指出未來一年將提 供寶貴機會,彰顯大學各項成就及注重優 質教學與研究而作出的努力。
This year, CityU produced 9,151 graduates, comprising 88 doctorates, 4 engineering doctorates, 112 master of philosophy degrees, 1,984 master’s degrees, 271 postgraduate diplomas/ certificates, 4,096 bachelor’s degrees
城大於11月11日假陳大河綜合會堂舉行校 長就職暨榮譽博士學位頒授典禮。 城大監督、香港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭 權先生蒞臨主持校長就職典禮,正式任命 郭位教授為城大校長。
今年,城大為社會培育了9,151名畢業生, 其中88人獲得哲學博士學位、4人獲得工 程學博士學位、112人獲哲學碩士學位、 1,984獲碩士學位、271人獲深造文憑/證 書、4,096人獲學士學位、354人獲副學士 學位。另有2,242人獲城大專上學院頒授副 學士學位。
3. (From left) Mr Leung Chunying, Council Chairman; The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the Chancellor; Dr Norman Leung Naipang, University Pro-Chancellor and Professor Way Kuo, University President. (右起)校董會主席梁 振英先生、大學監督曾 蔭權先生、大學副監督 梁乃鵬博士及校長郭位 教授。
Faculty engineers top 50 ranking 工學領域科研論文質量居領先地位 CityU has ranked among the world’s top 50 for its engineering research papers, according to a Taiwanese survey. Evaluation Bimonthly, published by the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, now ranks CityU number one in Hong Kong and 45th in the world for engineering research papers. 根據最新一期台灣財團法人高等教育評鑑 中心基金會出版的《評鑑》,城大工學領 域科學論文質量位列全球第45名,在香港 地區則位居第一。
Recruitment drive working group formed 教員薪酬福利草案進行廣泛諮詢 CityU plans to recruit an additional 150 academic staff in anticipation of the new four-year curriculum structure to be implemented by 2012. In view of this, the Working Group on Review of Remuneration Package (Working Group) was set up in May this year to assist in reviewing and enriching the remuneration package of the University. The Working Group recently recommended more than 10 new proposals in regard to the remuneration for academic staff and held an open forum on October 21 to explain the proposals in detail to the staff and solicit opinions and feedback.
December 十二月 2008
為配合大學2012年實施三三四新學制,城 大將增聘150名教學人員。校方今年五月 成立薪酬福利方案檢討工作小組(工作小 組),工作小組最近就教員薪酬福利條件 提出十多項建議,於10月21日舉行公開論 壇,向教員詳細講解各項建議,並即場聽 取意見。
7 Laboratory and research centre claim international recognition 實驗室及研究中心獲國 際認可 Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, attended the 10th Annual Assembly of Shenzhen Virtual University Park (SZVUP) and the University Forum where he presided over the opening ceremony of CityU’s State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, which is located in SZVUP. Besides, the Centre for Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology (MERIT), led by CityU, has been designated by a United Nations body as the first Regional Centre of Excellence in Marine Pollution, underpinning its leadership position in the field of marine pollution research, monitoring, assessment and management. 校長郭位教授10月13日出席深圳虛擬大學 園第十屆聯席會議暨大學校長論壇,並為 位於深圳虛擬大學園的城大毫米波國家重 點實驗室主持揭牌儀式。另外,由城大領 導的海洋環境研究及創新科技中心,獲聯 合國轄下組織委任為首個東亞海海洋污染 卓越研究中心,充分顯示中心在海洋污染 研究、監測、評估及管理方面的領導地位。
President goes online and in-person 校長以不同方法與師生 接觸 A range of communication methods have been employed to ensure Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, has had the chance to meet and talk with students and staff across the University. At a tea gathering with staff, he outlined his plan for strengthening both the academic and research capabilities of the University. He also outlined the new organisation structure, campus development plans and measures the University would adopt to support faculty and staff. As the first Hong Kong university president to launch a blog, Professor Kuo regularly posts his opinions on different issues. 校長郭位教授利用不同的方法與師生保持 溝通。他與教職員茶聚時,概括解說了增 強城大教學與科研能力的計劃,同時亦向 員工介紹新的組織架構、校園發展方案和 支援員工的一系列措施。郭教授是全港首 位推出網誌的大學校長。他會定期在網誌 上就不同領域表達個人見解和感想。
Physics research pays dividends 科研成就獲肯定 Professor Lee Shuit-tong, Chair Professor of the Department of Physics and Materials Science, has been awarded the $200,000 Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in recognition of his outstanding achievements in science and technology and his contribution to promoting development in these areas on the mainland. 物理及材料科學系李述湯講座教授榮獲 「何梁何利基金科學與技術進步獎」,該 獎項旨在表彰他卓越的科研成就及對推動 內地科研發展作出的貢獻。
Play day joy for disadvantaged children 為喪親兒童帶來歡樂 More than 40 children of bereaved and single parent families, and their family members, enjoyed a day of songs, dancing, stories and games on 18 October thanks to Project KidSing, a community care project initiated by a group of students from the Department of Applied Social Studies and coorganised by CityU, Disney VoluntEARS and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) Jockey Club Lei Tung Integrated Services Centre.
December 十二月 2008
應用社會科學系的學生聯同其他參與機構 的義工,於10月18日為40多名喪親及單親 兒童及其家人安排精彩活動,讓他們在歌 聲、舞蹈、聽講故事和遊戲中歡度周末。 這項「心連心『童』歌唱」計劃由城大學 生統籌,並由城大、香港迪士尼義工隊及 東華三院賽馬會利東綜合服務中心合辦。
9 1
Servings of camaraderie at Annual Banquet 城大夜宴凝聚歸屬感
Water quality contract for CityU 城大奪得水質顧問合約
The annual CityU Banquet organised by the Students' Union was held on the evening of 31 October, bringing together the CityU community for a display of solidarity and camaraderie. With 188 tables fully booked and more than 2000 members of the CityU community in attendance, the event was a huge success.
CityU has been awarded an $8.7 million government consultancy project that will direct the development of a new set of water quality standards, enabling Hong Kong to more effectively protect our marine environment and its resources. The consultancy project, awarded at a contract signing ceremony on 28 October, was commissioned by the Environmental Protection Department and will form part of the blueprint on the future management and control of water quality in Hong Kong. 城大奪得香港政府一項價值港幣870萬元的 環保顧問合約,根據該顧問合約,城大將 為香港研發一套新的水質標準,以便更有 效地保護海洋環境及資源。環境保護署於 10月28日與城大舉行簽約儀式,該項目的 研究結果將有助繪製香港未來水質監管的 藍圖。
城大學生會舉辦的城大夜宴於10月31日 晚舉行,今年的主題是「一城一宴」,教 職員和學生聚首一堂,歡度一個難忘的晚 上,體現城大社群對大學的歸屬感,以 及師生之間的凝聚力。當晚筵開188席, 2,000多名城大成員,包括校董會成員、教 職員、校友和學生參與這項一年一度的 盛事。
1. (From left) Mr Elvis Au Wai-kwong, Assistant Director, Environmental Protection Department; Mr James Ng Kam-ming, Chief Executive Officer, CityU Professional Services Limited and Professor (Chair) Rudolf Wu Shiu-sun, from the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the contract signing ceremony. (左起)環境保護署助 理處長區偉光先生、城 大專業顧問有限公司行 政總裁伍金銘先生及生 物及化學系胡紹燊講 座教授簽訂環保顧問 合約。
10 cover story 封面故事
By Zoey Tsang 曾邦媛
Hong Kong has long had a reputation as a concrete jungle, with its densely populated districts comprising closely-packed skyscrapers. In such a cramped environment, the population is subjected to stifling pollution as the buildings prevent the circulation of air and wind. This so-called wall effect causes higher temperatures, contaminant build-up in the wake of the buildings.
December 十二月 2008
12 cover story 封面故事
Kong (CityU) said complications could arise because new buildings in Hong Kong were not only extremely tall but also varied in shape and design.“Wind tunnel tests can help to study the wind effect on a building as well as to identify the impact on ventilation in the surrounding areas,” he said.
The latest boundary layer wind tunnel facility in Hong Kong The boundary layer wind tunnel facility built this year by CityU makes it the third local university to own such a facility. The
As a thriving metropolis, new buildings sprout up every year to sustain the growth of the city. The sheer size of the skyscrapers also places demand on builders to ensure they are capable of withstanding super typhoon-strength winds. These design prerequisites, coupled with a growing demand by citizens for better air quality and environmental protection, has meant that real estate developers now consult wind engineering experts in the planning stage of their construction projects. Having studied wind engineering for more than 20 years, Professor Edmund Choi Cheong-chuen from the Department of Building and Construction at City University of Hong
December 十二月 2008
tunnel is 20 metres long, with a testing area about 2m high and 2.7m wide. The facility is installed with state-of-theart, automated equipment that allows it to conduct different tests on buildings, bridges, urban ventilation and air pollution. The wind tunnel can generate wind speeds in excess of 20 m/s. The wind tunnel simulates an actual environment, said Professor Choi. “One objective of the wind tunnel test is to collect air flow data in different areas of the building. The CityU wind tunnel has features that can more accurately simulate actual environmental conditions,” he said.
13 In the testing section, the wind comes from the upstream end, while a turntable at the other end allows model buildings to rotate and test with wind coming from different directions. Over the turntable area, a shutter-like cover, the blockage tolerance roof, enables bigger models to be tested without introducing undue blockage effect. Three remote-controlled independentlyoperated sets of so-called roughness
elements are installed upstream of the turntable (pictured above). The functioning of which is to simulate ground roughness so as to generate boundary layer wind to replicate real world scenarios. Also, special valves are installed to allow better control of the low-speed air flow for certain experiments. Accurately-built models are crucial in obtaining the best test results. The University’s wind tunnel team has designers and model makers specifically responsible for model production. In a typical wind tunnel study, the model maker will first build a topological model to a scale of around 1:4000 to study the wind flow pattern over a 10km area. A detailed model at a scale of about 1:200
to 1:400 is then constructed to accurately model the geometry of all buildings and constructions in detail. The detailed model can be used for wind loading, wind pressure studies, and/or air ventilation studies. Professor Choi said wind tunnel tests can help strike a balance between sustainable development and environmental protection for the territory. “The tests can help property developers understand the impact of wind loading on buildings to not only ensure a more safe and economic structure, but also to help developers select appropriate architectural designs that can improve air flow for better ventilation in the surrounding area,� he said. A wind engineering expert, Professor Choi has many years of experience in wind tunnel studies. He participated in developing the Wind Loading Code for Hong Kong in the 1980s and has performed related works in Australia and Singapore as well as for The International Standards Organisation. He is also a pioneer in various wind engineering studies, such as thunderstorm wind characteristics and wind-driven rain studies.
1. Professor Edmund Choi 2. A scale model of Hong Kong
14 cover story 封面故事
香港地少山多,高樓林立,早有「石屎森林」的「美 譽」;身處石屎森林,不少人都會覺得空氣特別悶熱。其 實建築物和風的關係微妙:四面八方吹來的風,給建築物的結構施加各種壓 力;另一方面,建築物會阻擋風的流動,妨礙建築物附近地區的空氣流通。 風若是被多棟高大寬闊的建築物阻擋,更可能造成屏風效應等問題。 香港是國際大都會,每年都有 新的建築物落成,以配合持續發 展的需要;但香港人對生活質素 的要求日益提高,市民比先前更重 視空氣質素和環境保護。為了尋求 兩者之間的平衡,近年不少發展商在 進行規劃時,都聘請專家作風 工程研究。 從事風工程研究超 過20年的香港 城市大學(城
December 十二月 2008
大)建築系蔡昌全教授說:「香港一些新 落成的樓宇,不但愈來愈高,外形也千奇 百怪,這都令建築結構承受風力的情況變 得複雜。」他表示,利用風洞實驗可以測 試建築物承受各種風力的情況,及其對環 境通風的影響。
全港最新的風洞實驗室 城大今年正式成立風洞設施,成為香港第 三所擁有風洞實驗室的大學。設施全長約 20米,進行實驗的範圍高兩米、闊2.7米, 配有最先進的設備,具備高度自動化操作 功能,可針對建築、通風、橋樑和空氣污 染等問題進行各種風工程測試。風洞設施 產生的風速最高可達20米/秒以上。
15 風洞實驗的重點在於模擬真實環境。蔡教 授說:「風洞實驗的一個目的,就是收集 受測建築物所在地段各種氣流的數據。 風洞實驗是在比例縮小的模擬環境下進 行的,測試的風力也會因應比例作出調 整。」他還表示,城大風洞設施的一些特 點,都是為了更準確地模擬實際環境而設 計的。
蔡教授認為,風洞測試有助於保持香港 持續發展和環保需求之間的平衡。「風 洞實驗有助發展商預先了解樓宇承受風 的能力和對環境風構成的影響,不但令 結構設計更鞏固安全,還能幫助發展商 選擇適當的設計,使建築物所在的環境 保持空氣流通,舒緩廢氣積聚和空氣停 滯的情況,」蔡教授說。
風洞設施內有一個長方形立體空間,一邊 是風口,另一盡頭安裝了一個旋轉盤,讓 安放在盤上的模型可以隨意轉動,以測試
蔡教授是風工程專家,有多年風洞實驗 的經驗。他在80年代初已經參與制訂 香港的風荷載規範,其後還參與澳洲及 新加坡等地,以及國際標準組織的相 關工作。蔡教授也是多項風工程研究 的先驅,包括暴風雨對建築物的影響 和雷暴風特性的研究。
不同風向對模型的影響。轉盤上方的頂 部安裝着狀似「百葉窗」的頂蓋,稱為 blockage tolerance roof,以便在測試體積 較大的模型時,測試結果不會因實驗室空 間限制而受影響。 另外,在風口和旋轉盤之間,安裝了三組 可遙控其高低的金屬組塊,稱為粗糙元, 作用在於模擬邊界層效果,在實驗室中準 確模仿現實環境中的真實風力情況。針對 以低速氣流作測試的實驗,實驗室 安 裝 了 閥門,以便工作人員控制低速氣流。
1. 模型設計師製造各種 模型。
2,3. 工作人員檢查相關 設備。
除了上述種種設施,風洞實驗還需要精確 的模型,才能取得最佳效果。在城大的風 洞設施團隊中,有模型設計師專司製造各 種模型。以一個為指定建築物進行風壓力 測試的實驗為例,設計師會先製造一個比 例約1:4000的山勢模型,範圍約10公里, 先量度測試地點的山勢對風力的影響,然 後再製造比例約為1:200至1:400的精細模 型,準確模仿測試地點附近的樓宇高度和 形狀,收集附近環境的風數據。
4. 蔡昌全教授(右二)與同 事監察風洞實驗的運 作過程。
16 photo essay 圖片故事
Photos: Sunny Wong Text: Ellen Chan 攝影:黃新源 撰文:陳倩茹
The Installation of President cum Honorary Awards Ceremony 校長就職暨榮譽博士學位頒授典禮 The Chancellor, The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, presided at the installation ceremony of the President and the conferment of honorary doctoral degrees on The Hon Mr Justice Patrick Chan, Dr Chow Yei-ching, GBS and Mr Sze Chi-ching, JP. 城大監督、香港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭權先生蒞臨主持校長就職典禮,並頒授 榮譽博士學位予陳兆愷法官、周亦卿博士及施子清先生。
December 十二月 2008
18 interview 人物專訪
By Karen Cheng 鄭誼群
December 十二月 2008
curri culum struc ture read y to soar
Tertiary education in Hong Kong will herald a milestone in 2012, as all local universities adopt the four-year normative curriculum. To gear up for this enormous change, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) is adjusting course content and strengthening support services for students. The University’s new curriculum will lay a foundation of broad-based knowledge for students, helping them enhance language proficiency, develop a global mindset and become a professional ready to meet the needs of society. Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Vice-President for Student Affairs, talks to CityU Today on the latest developments regarding the new curriculum.
20 interview 人物專訪
How will the new curriculum groom competent graduates to meet the challenges of the 21st century? One important objective of the new curriculum is to expose students to a more diverse range of experiences, rather than simply deepening the course content. To meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, students should not only master the knowledge of one discipline, but also equip themselves with useful skills such as language and communication skills and the ability to adopt new technologies. Also, to thrive amidst the rapid development of society, they should also possess in-depth knowledge in one discipline, with diverse skills in various areas. The University will consolidate existing major programmes into five constellations for the new curriculum, namely Creative and Cultural Industries, Information and Other Advanced Technologies, Risk Management and the Security Industry, Professional and Social Services for the Greater China Region, and Enhancement of the Environmental Ambiance for Sustainable Development. These constellations have been designed to capitalise on the unique strengths of CityU. They also represent major trends in economic development and the growing sectors in terms of manpower needs in Hong Kong for the coming decade. Under the new curriculum, students are required to study other subjects in addition to their majors to broaden their knowledge base. The new curriculum will provide general education subjects to broaden students’ horizons, deepen their cultural knowledge base and enhance
December 十二月 2008
their social awareness. All undergraduates need to take at least 30 credits of general education subjects in three disciplines: Arts and Humanities; Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations; and Science and Technology.
How is the development of the new curriculum going? The University has introduced 12 general education subjects (see Table1), including some of a cross-discipline nature, since the second semester of 2007-08. The number of general education subjects will gradually increase year by year, with an expected total of not less than 40 by 2012.
In 2009-10, CityU will launch six new undergraduate programmes (see Table 2) that fulfil the major requirements of the new four-year curriculum to complement the development of society. Starting from 2010-11, some existing programmes will adopt a four-year curriculum under a pilot scheme to enable teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the new curriculum format. This will prepare us to offer full-fledged four-year programmes in 2012. To accommodate new teaching needs, the University has started its worldwide recruitment exercise to hire about 200
21 outstanding academics in different disciplines. In addition, construction work on the Multimedia Building and Community College of City University Building is underway. This, together with the planned Academic and Administration Building, will help increase campus space by 60% by 2012. There are also plans to construct Phase 4 of the Student Residence to provide more bed space for students.
Through home stay in an overseas country for internship or study, students can improve their English. We wish to increase the percentage of undergraduates taking part in exchange activities to 50% by 2012, with the long-term goal of enabling all students to participate in some form of exchange programme.
“We are also considering various plans to improve students’ Chinese language proficiency.”
What will be in place to help students foster language proficiency and a global mindset? About 20% of our graduates last year now work outside Hong Kong, including the mainland, Europe and the US. To ensure their competitiveness, students should improve language competence and develop a global mindset. The University has focused its efforts on bolstering students’ English language skills through different units and programmes such as the English Learning Centre, Language Clinic and the Language Companion Course Programme. In addition, we are also considering various plans to improve students’ Chinese language proficiency, including the possibility of making Chinese language a compulsory subject. One effective way to boost students’ language skills is to arrange more exchange activities. Besides the formal student exchange programmes in collaboration with overseas and mainland universities, we also organise short-term exchange activities such as the Cultural and Language Immersion Programme.
How can we ensure a successful new curriculum? A key is our colleagues’ understanding of the four-year academic structure and its advantages. The new curriculum is a novel idea for the local tertiary education sector, and doesn’t mean simply adding one year of general education subjects but integrating different elements into the four-year structure. Another key is the support of nonacademic departments. For example, it will be a complex issue in terms of logistical arrangements when there are two different cohorts of students studying in the same year. All these issues require our colleagues to have a good understanding of the new curriculum to ensure its smooth implementation and to nurture outstanding professionals for society.
22 interview 人物專訪
四年 新學制準備就緒
2012年是香港高等教育的一個重要里程碑,屆時所有三年制的大學本科生課 程將會改為四年制。香港城市大學(城大)已經為四年新學制作好準備,正 在調整課程的內容,以及增強對學生的支援。新學制將會為學生建立更廣闊 的知識基礎,並且著重其提升語文能力,以及協助學生建立國際視野,培養 適合社會需要的優秀人才。學生事務副校長林群聲教授接受《今日城大》的 專訪,介紹新學制的最新發展。
新學制如何培養具競爭力的畢業生,迎 接二十一世紀的挑戰? 設計四年新學制的一個重要原則,是擴 闊學生的接觸面,而非純粹加深課 程內容。社會發展日新月異,要迎 接二十一世紀的挑戰,學生除了需 要深入掌握一門本科知識以外,更 需要配合社會的發展趨勢,掌握一些 終生受用的技能,例如:語文和溝通 技巧、運用新科技的能力等,務求 一專多能,方可應付急速的轉變。 新學制之下,城大將會整合主修 課程,分為五大群組,包括:「創 意及數碼媒體」、「資訊及先進科 技」、「風險管理及資訊保安」、「大 中華地區專業及社會服務」以及「環境保
December 十二月 2008
護及可持續發展」。五大群組的課程設計 配合城大的使命以及競爭優勢,並切合香 港社會未來十年的人力需求以及經濟發展 方向。 在新學制下,本科生選修科目時,除了主 修科之外,還需修讀其他學科,藉此拓闊 知識領域。為了擴闊學生的視野,增加他 們對不同文化的認知,以及更緊貼社會脈 搏,新學制亦會加入通識課程,涵蓋「藝 術及人文」、「社會研究、社會組織及商 業機構」以及「科學及技術」三大領域, 每位本科生都需要修讀最少30個學分的通 識科目。
23 新學制的籌備情況如何? 由2007-08學年的下學期開始,城大已經推 出12個通識科目供學生修讀(附表一), 其中有些是跨學系的科目。通識科目的數 量將會逐年遞增,預計到2012年,總數將 不少於40個。 為配合社會發展趨勢,城大將於2009-10學 年開辦六個新的本科課程(附表二),而 課程設計已經符合四年制的主要要求。由 2010-11學年起,部份學位課程將率先轉為 先導四年制課程,讓師生逐漸熟習四年制 的模式,期望到了2012年,可以推出較為 完善的四年制課程。 為應付教學需要,城大已 於全球展開招聘工作,希 望在不同的領域聘請約二百 位優秀的教學人員。校園內也 有多項建設工程在進行中,包 括興建中的多媒體大樓和專 上學院大樓,以及計劃中 的教學行政大樓。到2012 年,校園面積可望增加六 成。此外,大學正計劃興 建第四期學生宿舍,提供 更多宿位。
城大正透過不同計劃提升學生的英語能 力,包括「英語中心」、「精『英』互動 廊」和「英語支援課程計劃」等。此外, 校方正研究如何提升學生的中文水平,有 多個方案在考慮中,包括把中文列為必 修科。 另一個有效的方法,是參與海外交流活 動。除了與海外和內地的大學合作提供交 換生計劃之外,城大還舉辦一些短期交 流活動,例如「語言及文化深入學習計 劃」。學生到外國讀書或工作,住宿當地 家庭,可以感受當地文化,亦有助提升英 語水平。由現在到2012年,校方預期參與 交流活動的本科生比例,將逐步提高至百 份之五十,而長遠目標是讓所有學生均有 機會參與不同類型的交流活動。
「校方正研究如何提升學 生的中文水平,有多 個 方 案在考慮中。」 如何確保新學制的成功?
如何提升學生的語文能力,以及幫助他 們建立國際視野? 城大去年的畢業生當中,有兩成在香港以 外的地區工作,包括內地和歐美。要具備 競爭能力,學生必須提升語文水平和建立 國際視野。
最重要的是,同事必須明白四年制的模式 及其好處。對於香港的高等教育界,四 年制是新事物。轉變過程並非意味 着在三 年制的基礎上,簡單地增加一年的通識課 程,而是需要將很多不同的元素整合起 來。此外,非學術部門的支援亦很重要, 當校園同時容納兩批不同學制的學生上 課,安排上會相當複雜。因此,同事必須 對新學制有深入認識,方能順利推行改 制,為社會培育優秀的專業人才。
24 interview 人物專訪
Table1: General Education courses that have been offered 範疇
通識科目 中國文化遺產與當代社會 Chinese Cultural Heritage in Modern Perspective
藝術及人文 Arts and Humanities
東西方電影 Cinema: East and West 公民與司法 Citizens and Justice 理性思考與創意 Rational Thinking and Creative Ideas 與世界宗教會心 Encountering World Religions 資訊管理及其對社會的影響 Information Management and its Social Impact
社會及商業組織 Studies of Society, Social and Business Organisations
全球化下的身份與公民意識 Identity and Citizenship in a Globalised World 全球化與商業 Globalisation and Business 新晉專業人員心理學 Psychology for Young Professionals 商業倫理學與社會 Business Ethics and Society
科學及科技 Science and Technology
科學與科技:過去與未來 Science and Technology: From Past to Future 法證科學和現代社會 Forensics and Modern Society
Table 2: New undergraduate programmes offer in 2009-10 工商管理榮譽學士 – 數量金融及風險管理 BBA (Hons) Quantitative Finance and Risk Management 工商管理榮譽學士 – 營銷資訊管理 BBA (Hons) Marketing Information Management 文化與文化產業管理榮譽文學士 BA (Hons) Cultural and Heritage Management 社會科學榮譽學士 – 環境政策 BSocSc (Hons) Environmental Policy Studies 綜合質量工程學榮譽工學士 BEng (Hons) Total Quality Engineering 數碼媒體廣播(榮譽)文學士 BA (Hons) Digital Media Broadcasting
December 十二月 2008
Looki ng back on y lookin ears of g ahe ad
For a man with a steadfast dislike of looking back, it is indeed fortunate that he has forged a 25-year career with CityU doing the exact opposite – planning for the future. Here, Mr John Dockerill, Secretary to the Council and former Director of Planning, breaks his habit of a lifetime and shares his memories of a quarter of a century at CityU. As with the rest of the world over the course of 25 years, much has changed at CityU. I arrived in Hong Kong from London, where I had been involved in teaching computer science. It was through my interest in computing that I came to be involved in computer modelling and, in turn, in planning issues. CityU was still a polytechnic when, as Secretary of the Academic and Resources Planning Committee, I was involved in much of the planning for the new university. We were actually amongst the very first to employ the use of computers in the planning process.
It’s not actually in my nature to look back on the past. I always recall, as a student at a small school in the East End of London, one of the speakers at our leaving event advising we should always look forward because “every time you look back, you die a little.” This sounded very reasonable to me at the time and I think it is one of the reasons I became a planner, because you are always looking forward, looking at new things.
26 straight from the heart 城大人語
December 十二月 2008
While my nature, in this regard, may not have changed over the years, the environment in which we now conduct this planning and decision-making certainly has. When I started in 1984 there was only a small management team and some administration staff to help out. It was an exciting time in many ways, because important decisions were often made by individuals, without a great deal of administrative consultation – or interference. Today, decisions require a much lengthier process but do have the advantage of broader input from a range of stakeholders.
had gathered and sat down to listen to speeches and show their support for the students in Beijing. The atmosphere was very solemn but that was a very moving time.
There are many special memories over such a long career. One of the most poignant memories of my time at CityU was the Tiananmen Square tragedy on June 4, 1989, which obviously came as a great shock to people. There was a road at the back of the University where all the staff and students
Times have obviously changed and procedures are handled in a much more professional manner these days. But irrespective of the era and prevailing mode of operation, I like to think that I have learned that no matter what the crisis, do not take it too seriously. Make a decision and stick to it and things will always be resolved. Just keep looking ahead and planning for the future.
Moving into the campus was a very different experience, both stressful and a lot of fun. We’d only gotten the University’s occupation permit two weeks before term was due to start. I came in at midnight on the Saturday night before the first classes on Monday and they were still putting in the lecture theatre seating. I can still remember myself and the staff from the Computer Centre and the Education Technology Unit putting up the whiteboards and moving in the desks and chairs the day before classes were due to start.
年前瞻, 今日回顧 一個最不喜歡緬懷過去的人,在城大的工作恰好是計劃未來,當然是求 之不得,難怪乎一做就是 25 年:這人正是校董會秘書、前規劃處處長 杜國維先生。這一回,他打破平生慣例,撰文與大家分享他在城大任職 四分一世紀的回憶。 過去25年來,城大一如世間萬物,起了極 大的變化。我原來在倫敦任教電腦科學, 卻來了香港;由於對電腦的興趣,我參與 設立電腦模型,從而擔任起計劃未來的工 作。當年城大仍是理工學院,那 時我身為學術及資源計 劃委員會秘書,參與學 院升格為大學的許多籌劃 工作。城大當時已將電腦 用於籌劃工作,是採用此技 術的先驅之一。 我生性不喜歡回顧過去。我永遠記得,在 倫敦東區一所小小的學校就讀,即將畢業 離校時,一位演講者勸告我們應時刻往前 看,因為「每一次回望,就是一次小小的 死亡」。我當時聽了覺得很有道理,也許 正因為如此,我後來擔任了策劃工作,因 為可以永遠向前看,展望新的事物。 我這樣的性情也許多年未改,但如今我們 做計劃決策的外在環境卻肯定大有轉變。 我在1984年入職城大時,領導層的人數不 多,也只有幾位行政員工協助。從許多方 面看,那真是令人振奮的年代,因為重大 決策往往由個人敲定,無須經過太多行政 諮詢,也可說是沒有太多的干擾。如今的 決策過程需時甚長,但好處是可得益於各 方相關人士的廣泛意見。
在城大工作多年,我有不少特別的回憶。 最深刻的一次是令許多人震驚的、發生在 1989年6月4日的天安門事件,當時大學校 園後面有一條路,全校師生聚集在 那裏,坐下聆聽演講,表示支持北 京學生,氣氛嚴肅,非常感人。 城大搬進新校園,是我的另一種 特別經歷,既緊張又有趣。距 離開學只有兩個星期,我們才 取得入伙紙。我在周六的午夜 遷進校園,下周一就有第一堂課了,而工 人仍在演講廳裝設座位。我仍記得,就在 開課前一天,我和電腦中心及教育科技組 的同事還在演講廳裝設白板,搬進桌椅。 時代顯然大不相同,如今的辦事程序也大 為專業化了。不過,不論時代如何變遷, 運作模式如何演進,我覺得自己學會懂 得:任憑危機來襲,不作過份憂慮。做出 決定後,堅定執行,事情總會迎刃而解。 不斷前瞻,籌劃未來。
Mr John Dockerill, Secretary to the Council 杜國維先生 校董會秘書
28 features 專題
Helping to By Scarlett Leung 梁瑞景
December 十二月 2008
Children’s sweet and grateful laughter filled the air at the Junle County grade school as they enjoyed simple games organised by voluntary workers. It was a distraction from the painful memories of the Sichuan earthquake. Their watching parents smiled as they basked in their children’s happiness.
shaken lives
30 features 專題
A massive earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale hit Wenchuan at 14:28, Beijing time, on 12 May 2008, and claimed tens of thousands of lives. In response to the devastation, CityU students, staff and alumni formed the Sichuan Earthquake Concern Group in a bid to help the victims. After careful planning and preparation, 40 CityU volunteers travelled to the disasterstricken areas of Sichuan on 11 August. For 10 days they organised therapeutic games to help survivors overcome their grief and rebuild their lives. The visit was part of “Rebuilding Lives and Schools – Project Rebuild for the Sichuan Earthquake,” initiated by CityU’s Department of Applied Social Studies. Students, staff and alumni from different faculties and departments and Sichuan students visited the towns of Junle, Xiaoyudong and Hongyan in Pengzhou City and the townships of Hanwang and Zundao in Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province. By distributing stationery and greeting cards and organising therapeutic games, they helped coax local children to express their inner feelings and seek some solace from the traumatic events they had survived. To gain an understanding of the needs of earthquake victims, the CityU voluntary team conducted a survey of 120
December 十二月 2008
households. They also formed a focus group of volunteers from other areas and organisations to discuss the victims’ rebuilding needs.
Long-term support The Sichuan visit was organised by Dr Leung Kwan-kwok and Dr Lee Tak-yan, associate professors of the Department of Applied Social Studies. “Although we have not experienced such a serious disaster before, we needed to explain the related counselling skills to local teachers, students and volunteers in the affected areas. It was a valuable experience to us as teachers as well,” said Dr Leung. “It is hoped the visit could promote a caring spirit and encourage students to make a positive contribution to society,” added Dr Lee. The experience helped Sonya Kan Wing-yan, Year 2 student of BSocSc (Hons) in Social Work, better understand her chosen profession. “It has provided me with a very good opportunity to practice my counselling skills to help the victims,” she said. Joining with the Sowers Action charity, the University hoped to raise funds from its members in order to build earthquakeresistant schools for children in the
affected areas of Sichuan. It also collaborated with Southwest Jiaotong University to provide relief work to the affected areas, where the students of Southwest Jiaotong University helped interpret the Sichuan dialect during CityU’s interviews with earthquake survivors. The two universities will follow up on the rebuilding work after analysing the survey results of more than 200 questionnaires. Dr Leung said it was hoped that a longterm collaboration with local education institutes could be maintained. They would follow up on the rebuilding programme, including a plan to set up a community rebuilding centre in Sichuan to help victims rebuild their homes and offer practical training opportunities to CityU students.
Sharing the burden Besides visiting the affected areas, CityU has organised various other activities. Soon after the earthquake, the Staff Association, Students’ Union and Convocation held charity sales and concerts to raise funds for quake victims. The Concern Group collected greeting
cards from local citizens in downtown areas and on campus and held condolence gatherings and reflection evenings, a fund-raising vegetarian banquet and auctions. All donations have been forwarded to charity organisations to help Sichuan’s victims rebuild their homes.
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32 features 專題
小童銀鈴般的笑聲,響徹軍樂鎮九年制校園的每個角落。簡單的遊戲、 熱誠的關懷、真摰的愛心,便是快樂的鑰匙,釋放飽受地震之苦的一顆 顆童心,讓孩子們發出滿足而愉悅的笑聲;旁觀的親人,也無不感染上 他們的快樂,嘴角眉宇之間,不覺泛起笑意。 天災無情 人間有愛 北京時間2008年5月12日14時28分,天搖 地動,汶川發生8級大地震。突如其來的 天災,引起民間強烈迴響,香港城市大學 (城大)學生、校友及教職員自發組成 「四川地震關注小組」,希望 為災民出一分力。經多方 籌備,城大團隊一行40人 於8月11日起,在四川災區探 訪,一連十天,透過遊戲等心 理輔導活動協助倖存者告別悲 傷、重新生活。 災區探訪是城大應用社會科學系「重建校 園、重見彩虹:四川震區重建計劃」活動 之一。來自各個院系的師生,包括四川內 地生和校友,在災區擔任義工,分別探訪 了彭州市軍樂鎮、小魚洞鎮、紅岩鎮、綿 竹市漢旺鎮、遵道鎮等地的學校和災民安 置點,向災民捐贈文具、致送心意卡,並 透過遊戲等心理輔導活動協助災區兒童抒 發內心感受,重拾歡樂。 為着了解災民的重建需求,城大團隊同時 在災區作抽樣問卷調查研究,一共訪問了 120戶人家。另外,城大團隊亦進行「志
December 十二月 2008
願者焦點討論」,圍繞相同的主題,跟多 名曾到不同災區服務的志願者進行深入 討論。
教學相長 為災區提供中、長期支援 災區探訪活動由應用社會科學系副教授 梁君國博士及李德仁博士統籌。「這次活 動為城大師生及校友提供寶貴的平台, 學習面對災難,達到教學相長。事實 上,即使作為老師,我們自己也未曾 親身經歷過這麼嚴重的地震災害, 但來到災區,卻要把相關的輔導 知識傳授給當地的師生和志願工 作者,對於我們也是難得的一課,」梁博 士說。「我們希望透過這次活動傳揚關心 他人、關心社會的精神,鼓勵學生貢獻社 會,」李博士補充說。 社會科學榮譽學士–社會工作課程二年級 學生簡詠妍認為,有了這段難得的經歷,
她更加了解自己所學的專業。「我將這次 探訪視為歷練,力求學以致用,運用輔導 技巧,幫助災民,」她說。
城大社群提供的物質支援誠然微不足道, 但無私的奉獻所帶來的兒童歡悅、稚嫩的 笑聲,卻正好預示疾風暴雨即將過去,彩 虹終會重現晴空。
成立重建計劃的初衷在於透過校 內募捐,與「苗圃行動」合作, 在災區重建防震學校;而災區探 訪活動則與西南交通大學合辦, 兩校師生一同前往災區提供服務 及援助,並由該校學生提供四川 話翻譯服務。兩校收集到 200多份調查結果,分析後 將作進一步跟進。 梁博士表示,希望與當地教育機構保 持長遠合作關係,並跟進重建計劃,包 括考慮在當地成立重建社區實務中心, 協助災民重建家園,及為學生提供一個 學習良機。
一方有難 八方支援 正所謂一方有難,八方支援。城大社群除 了到災區實地探訪,還透過不同活動,發 揮城大關心社會的博愛精神。地震後不 久,城大教職員協會、學生會、大學評議 會等陸續發起義賣及慈善籌款音樂會等賑 災活動。「四川地震關注小組」亦曾在閙 市及校園收集市民的心意卡,舉辦追思與 反思晚會、慈善籌款素宴及拍賣。所有善 款均轉交慈善機構,幫助災民重建家園。
計 重建 震區 川 組 :四 圖像 彩虹 葉的 見 竹 重 及 想到 園、 人聯 彩虹 校 令 、 貓 建 校 了計 而熊 「重 由學 代表 物, 標誌 校 食 學 的 。 建學 貓的 劃」 四川 是熊 區重 表 葉 災 代 竹 助 時 葉 成。 ,協 鐘的 用竹 方時 理念 所以 上 , 的 一 學校 四川 園」 震的 園。 建校 大地 校 重 川 返 四 該計 重 劃「 發生 象徵 子能 錄 , 孩 紀 虹 令 望為 色彩 校, 8分, 更希 條七 , 2時2 一 園 着 、 有 建校 針指 生活 方畫 童重 重建 校上 兒 們 學 的 他 八個 區 刻。 協助 」這 為災 , 虹 要 助 彩 單 人 幫 重見 劃不 香港 身的 園、 達了 供親 校 表 提 建 寫, 他們 「重 友所 虹。 朋 彩 小 港 重見 個香 福。 由一 是 的祝 字 兒童 區 災 民對
意 饒富
計 義的
34 from gown to town 由校園到社會
By Zoey Tsang 曾邦媛
Typhoon signals career in
weather forecasting
David Hui, a Scientific Officer of Hong Kong Observatory, was only a small boy when tropical storm Hope struck Hong Kong in 1979. The typhoon was so strong the typhoon signal No. 10 was hoisted. When David witnessed a strange and macabre scene from the window of his Tai Po village home - a little piglet being blown into the sky by the tornado - he had begun his journey of discovery studying weather. Through the “flying piglet” incident and the Tai Po village’s transformation into a major town centre, David became keenly interested in both meteorology and environmental science. He later studied at the Department of Applied Physics at City University of Hong Kong (then called City Polytechnic), majoring in applied physics. CityU has opened the door of meteorological and environmental sciences for David. The research topic of his final year project examined the El Niño phenomenon. After graduating in 1992, he worked as an environmental protection officer at the Environmental Protection Department for a year, before joining Hong Kong Observatory. David has handled various tasks at the Observatory, including managing December 十二月 2008
the numeric weather forecast model, processing historical records of Hong Kong weather, promoting the works of the Observatory, disseminating weather information to the public and participating in the so-called millennium bug computer system contingency plan. David has also worked at the Observatory headquarters for forecasting and announcements. After studying Hong Kong weather for many years, David brought in a climate forecasting system from the US and adjusted it for use in climate forecasting in Hong Kong. The system, installed in 2006, makes local climate predictions for the upcoming three months. For example, the system predicts abnormal weather patterns, such as excessive rain and extreme temperatures.
35 David is now responsible for training internal staff and meteorologists from other countries. “Hong Kong has a wellestablished public weather service and sophisticated communication system. Many countries send representatives to learn from our experience,” says David.
He believes studying pure science at CityU helped build the solid knowledge base and critical thinking skills that allowed him to study effectively and attain this level of proficiency. “Young people have a great capacity to learn. University students should maximise their learning opportunities at the prime age span of between 20 and 30-years-ofage,” David says. “They should continue to develop their skills and qualifications
The Observatory needs to make accurate forecasts based on collected data, David added, in order to provide an effective weather information service. Also, the assistance of various government departments, public organisations and the media are crucial in minimising the impact of weather on the community.
after graduation.”
1979年颱風荷貝襲港,十號風球高懸,香港天文台科學主任許大偉當年還是 個孩子,從家中窗戶看到一隻小豬被強風吹到半空中。這個奇景令他對大氣 現象產生好奇心,自此和天氣結下不解之緣。 許大偉在大埔長大,看着大埔由農村發展 成新市鎮,再加上那次「飛天豬」事件, 對氣象環境科學產生濃厚的興趣,後來 決定入讀香港城市大學(當時稱為城市理 工學院)應用物理學系,專攻應用物理課 程。 應用物理學系為許大偉打開氣象學和環境 科學知識的大門,他的興趣和志向得以發 展,畢業論文還以厄爾尼諾氣候現象作為 研究題目。1992年畢業後,許大偉曾經在 環境保護署做了一年多環保督察,其後加 入香港天文台。 許大偉在天文台負責過多項工作,包括管 理數值天氣預報模式、處理香港氣象記錄 的典藏、向市民介紹天文台工作及推廣天 氣知識、參與千年蟲問題的應變工作,也 曾在人稱「木人巷」的天文台預測總部工 作過,負責天氣預測及發佈各項天氣預 告。 許大偉已從事香港氣候研究多年。他從美 國引進氣候模式系統,並調校至適用於預 測香港氣候狀況。這個氣候預測系統已於
2006年付諸使用,可以預測三個月內的香 港大致氣候狀況,例如會否特別多雨水或 氣溫異常等。許大偉對氣候研究特別有興 趣,對於獲得這項工作成果很有滿足感。 現在,許大偉在天文台負責內部培訓工 作,也會為來自世界各地的同行提供培 訓。「香港的公眾氣象服務和通報系統發 展成熟,很多國家會派人來港學習和汲取 經驗,」許大偉說。 他表示,為了有效提供天氣資訊,除了天 文台需要根據氣象資料作出預測外,也需 要多個政府部門、公共機構及傳媒的協 助,才能將天氣給市民生活帶來的影響減 到最低。 許大偉認為,當年修讀純科學課程,有助 打好知識基礎和訓練思考方法,同時學會 如何有效學習。 他說:「年青人吸收能力強。大學生應該 好好把握二、三十歲的黃金歲月,畢業後 到了工作崗位上,也要把握學習機會,保 持不斷進步。」