January 2010 二O一O年一月
Catching the wireless communication wave
毫米波 新世代無線通訊明星 Youth project volunteers spread joy through community 城青優權計劃 培育學生關愛社群
Changing face of marketing 市場營銷大變身
From the Editor Welcome to the first edition of CityU Today for the new decade. The year 2010 also marks our University’s first steps into its second quarter century of shaping education and research in Hong Kong, the region and across the world. As each of us looks ahead to an exciting future, it is perhaps fitting that this edition should focus on two areas in which CityU confronts this rapidly changing world and helps determine its direction. The Department of Biology and Chemistry is doing its part to make the world a safer place, through groundbreaking research that has led to quicker, cheaper and easier detection of toxins that threaten people or the environment. Scarcely anything encapsulates our ideas about the future more than the communications sector, an area in which CityU excels on two very different fronts. In addition to space-age wireless communications technology research, we will also examine the ways in which the rules of marketing are changing in response to new communications habits. As always, there is much else within these pages that informs and entertains, so please enjoy a future that includes sitting back and taking some time out for a great read. 新年開卷,這一冊《今日城大》是2010年的首期,而城大亦從此步 入校史的第二個25年,繼續致力推進本港、亞太區乃至全球的教育 和科研。 新時代的前景,人人憧憬,因此這一期本刊聚焦於城大因應世界劇 變、把握本校發展方向兩大領域,可謂適時切題。生物及化學系的開 拓性研究,使得檢測危害人體和環境的毒素較先前便捷而廉宜,為全 球的醫藥和環保事業立下一功。
新時代理念的最佳體現,莫過於傳播通訊領域的進展,而城大在性質 不同的兩大前沿都已取得優異成績:本刊不僅敘述太空時代無線通訊 科技的研究,也探討營銷規則如何隨着傳播習慣的變化而演進。
Cover Story 封面故事
本刊將一如既往,不但提供知識信息,也帶給你樂趣,因此讀者一卷 在手,可以輕鬆自在享受愉快閱讀的時光。
毫米波 新世代無線通訊明星
Wireless communication has become one of
Catching the wireless communication wave
our indispensable communication tools in today’s information world. After eliminating
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯
the constraints of wires, scientists are now moving ahead in the direction of “green”
Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Deputy Managing Editor : Michelle Leung / 副行政編輯:梁子儀 • Executive Editor : Ellen Chan / 執行編輯:陳倩茹 • English Editor : Craig Francis / 英文編輯:傅之銳 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:cpro@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收 c:2 二O一O年一月
communication in full swing.
無線通訊已成為信息社會的主要通訊工具 之一。在擺脫了「線」的限制後,科學家 正朝着快速和「綠色」通訊方向發展。
Features 專題
Student law journal creates legal history
Youth project volunteers spread joy through community
城青優權計劃 培育學生關愛社群
Low-cost and efficient testing improves detection of toxic substances
Changing face of marketing
低成本快速測試, 有害物無所遁形
Riveting, gripping debate determines page-turning common read
24 18 Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable
24 Through The Lens
From The Heart
New five-year strategic plan 新的五年策略性 發展計劃
Between Fusion 紅 魅 白
Always room for improvement 百尺竿頭,更進一步
26 Gown To Town
Electronic engineer excelling in business 營商出眾的電子工程師
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
January 2010
News & Notable
News & Notable
New five-year strategic plan 新的五年策略性發展計劃
CityU’s Strategic Plan for 2010–2015, entitled
education and outstanding scholarship in
“Excellence in Research and Professional
problem-focused research.
Education”, received endorsement from the
Council at its meeting on 26 November 2009.
The plan maps out CityU’s development direction
“The new plan reflects CityU’s unswerving commitment to academic excellence and social
for the next five years. It identifies major strategies 通過卓越的研究和專業教育追求學術優異,堅 定不移地促進社會進步。」 and goals that empower the University to build
advancement through outstanding research and
on existing strengths and seize upon new
professional education,” said Professor Way Kuo,
opportunities to realise our vision and fulfil our
University President.
mission in the highly competitive landscape of
global higher education in the 21st century.
The Strategic Plan is the outcome of numerous
rounds of consultation, discussion and revision
at all levels since September 2008, involving
faculty, staff, students, alumni, the Council and
the employers of our graduates. It is an actionoriented plan that positions CityU as a leading
global university in the Asia-Pacific region,
renowned for its excellence in professional
優勢,把握新的機遇,在全球化高等教育競爭 激烈的大環境中實現願景,完成使命。
Report on CityU’s progress at the University Court 校董會主席及校長向顧問委員會報告城大發展 Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang , Pro-Chancellor of CityU, presided over the third meeting of The Court on 8 December 2009. In his opening remarks, he pointed out that promoting the interests of CityU was undoubtedly the most important function of The Court. In his report to The Court, Professor Way Kuo, President, spoke of CityU’s commitment to excellence, both in terms of its faculty and programmes. He also praised the success of the silver jubilee events. The Treasurer, Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing, delivered the Report from the Council on behalf of the Council Chairman, The Hon Leung Chun-ying, who was not able to attend the meeting. Issues included: policy and regulations governing outside practice; the transition to the four-year undergraduate curriculum; the introduction of a new remuneration package for the faculty and an associated performance-based review system; and, the future of the Community College of City University.
城大副監督梁乃鵬博士主持 2009年12月8日召 開的顧問委員會第三次會議。他在歡迎辭中指 出,促進城大的利益無疑是顧問委員會最重要 的使命。 校長郭位教授向顧問委員會做報告時談到城大 在師資和課程設置兩方面追求卓越的承諾,他 還讚揚一系列校慶活動舉辦得很成功。 司庫周永成先生代表無法出席會議的校董會主 席梁振英先生向顧問委員會做了報告。報告回 顧了城大2009年確定的四大優先行動領域的進 展。這四大優先行動領域是:校外工作的政策 及規章;本科生課程設置過渡到四年制;為建 設師資隊伍擬定的新薪酬福利計劃及以工作表 現評估的相關制度;以及城大專上學院的未來 發展。
Silver Jubilee Anniversary Banquet showcases CityU achievements and unity
CityU presents Distinguished Alumni Awards 城大頒發「傑出校友獎」表彰校友卓越成就
銀禧校慶晚宴彰顯城大傑出成就與團結 To recognise the outstanding achievements of our alumni and their A fascinating laser show with projected images illustrating the history
contribution to their professions, alma mater and society, the University
of CityU and showcasing its excellence in professional education and
set up the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2009 and presented the
contributions to society were among the highlights of the opening of
accolades to Dr John Chan Chun-tung (centre) and Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai
the Silver Jubilee Anniversary Banquet held on 6 December 2009. The
(2nd right) during the Anniversary Banquet on 6 December.
Banquet served as a celebration and reunion, bringing together 900 friends, supporters, alumni, students and staff.
城大於2009年首次設立「傑出校友獎」,並於12月6日銀禧校慶晚宴 上頒獎予陳振東博士(中)及范家輝先生(右二),以嘉許他們的卓越成
The opening ceremony was officiated by The Hon Henry Tang Ying-yen,
Chief Secretary for Administration of HKSAR Government and Chairman of CityU’s 25th Anniversary Honorary Advisory Board, Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor, The Hon Leung Chun-ying, Chairman of the Council, Professor Way Kuo, President, Dr Dennis Sun Tai-lun, Chairman of Anniversary Banquet Organising Committee, and Dr Ellen Ko Law Yin-lan, Chairman of 25th Anniversary Organising Committee, followed by a toast to all guests. 城大於2009年12月6日舉行銀禧校慶晚宴,逾900名嘉賓、城大好友、 支持者、校友、學生及教職員歡慶共聚。晚宴以結合投射影像的精采鐳 射表演揭幕,重點介紹城大歷史、專業教育成就以及對社會的貢獻,並 由六位主禮嘉賓以亮燈儀式揭幕,他們是:香港特別行政區政務司司長 及城大25周年校慶榮譽顧問團主席唐英年先生、副監督梁乃鵬博士、校 董會主席梁振英先生、校長郭位教授、校慶晚宴籌備小組主席孫大倫博 士及25周年校慶籌備委員會主席古羅燕蘭博士。
Professor Way Kuo named IAQ Academician Emeritus 郭位教授榮獲國際質量終身院士銜 Professor Way Kuo, University President, was named by the International Academy for Quality (IAQ) as an Academician Emeritus. Professor Kuo was also invited to attend the 7th China Shanghai International Symposium on Quality and the Forum of International Academy for Quality, held in Shanghai in November 2009. At the panel discussion, under the theme “The future of quality for China”, Professor Kuo called on quality professionals to pay closer attention to a broader range of areas, including animal epidemic prevention. 城大校長郭位教授獲國際質量科學院頒發國際質量終身院士銜,並應邀 出席2009年11月在上海舉行的「第七屆上海國際質量研討會暨國際質量 科學院院士論壇」。在題為「中國質量的未來」的論壇上,郭教授以動 物傳染病為例,說明動物問題對全球的影響。
January 2010
News & Notable Key workshop examines animal health implications for humans
Generous donation a boost for senior judges’ programme
Throughout modern history, epidemics and infectious diseases spreading
The School of Law (SLW) received a donation of $1.2 million from the
from animals to humans have battered many cities and countries,
Philip K H Wong Foundation and Philip K H Wong, Kennedy Y H Wong & Co
claiming human lives and causing huge economic losses. The World
on 27 November 2009. The donation will be used to support the second
Health Organisation says about 75% of the new diseases that have
Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges provided by SLW.
affected humans over the past 10 years have been caused by pathogens originating from an animal or from products of animal origin.
法律學院於2009年11月27日獲黃乾亨基金及黃乾亨黃英豪律師事務所 捐贈120萬港元,用以資助第二屆中國高級法官研修班課程。
In response to these global concerns, CityU hosted the One-Health International Workshop on 10 December 2009, to promote the concept that animal and human health are inseparable components in safeguarding the public’s health and well-being. This key workshop provided a forum for international and local experts, such as AIDS expert Professor David Ho (2nd right) and Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow Yat-ngok (2nd left) to examine the links between animal
Animal and human health are inseparable components in safeguarding the public’s health and well-being.
and human health and the importance of building a quality veterinary infrastructure to prevent zoonoses. 在人類現代史中,世界許多城市和國家曾遭受動物傳人流行症及傳染 病侵襲,造成生命與經濟損失。世界衛生組織指出,最近十年來的人 類新疾病,75%來自動物病原體或源自動物製品。 為了積極回應這些全球性的健康問題,城大於2009年12月10日舉辦 「健康一元化」國際研討會,使更多人明白,動物與人類健康是不可 分隔的組成部分,可以確保公共衛生及社會福祉。研討會邀請了愛滋 病研究專家何大一教授(右二)和食物及衛生局局長周一獄醫生(左 二)等國際及本地著名醫學專家,共同探討動物與人類健康的連繫, 以及建立優質獸醫學基礎設施、預防人畜共通疾病的重要性。
Public art makes the familiar unfamiliar 創意媒體學生化尋常為不尋常 More than 100 School of Creative Media students and graduates made the familiar unfamiliar with a public exhibition of their artwork, performances and media art in Hong Kong Park at the invitation of the Hong Kong Government. The exhibition was being held from 24 November 2009 to 31 January 2010. 創意媒體學院一百多名學生及畢業生應政府邀請參加藝術展覽, 化尋常為不尋常,在香港公園展出多個公共藝術、媒體藝術及行 為藝術作品,展覽由2009年11月24日至2010年1月31日舉行。
Mathematics master elected to Chinese Academy of Sciences 數學大師獲選中科院外籍院士
Messaging research project earns accolade at China Hi-Tech Fair 城大研究項目奪得中國高新技術 交易會優秀產品獎
Chair Professor Philippe G Ciarlet from the Department of Mathematics has been elected a foreign member of the prestigious
The Secure Mobile Messaging project led by Dr
Chinese Academy of Sciences, in recognition of his contribution
Duncan Wong Shek, Assistant Professor at the
to developing and utilising mathematical tools to solve critical
Department of Computer Science, has won the
issues in mechanics and modern engineering, as well as promoting
Excellent Product Award at the 11th China Hi-Tech
mathematics in China.
Fair. In addition, CityU received the Excellent Pavilion Award and the Excellent Organiser Award
for its outstanding organisational work and well-
designed exhibition booth.
要貢獻。 The Excellent Product Award was presented to
Science summit examines frontiers of technology 研討會展望工程技術發展前景
outstanding products selected from around 300 technology projects submitted by leading Hong Kong and mainland universities and research institutes.
CityU co-hosted, with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the academician conference “Engineering Science and Technology: Trends and Frontiers” from 14-15 December 2009. It brought together engineers who have played a pivotal role in huge-scale projects in China and other highly regarded scientists to discuss the latest innovations in engineering and the possible frontiers of technological advancement. 城大2009年12月14至15日聯同中國工程院合作舉辦「工程發展趨勢和相關前沿技術」院士論 壇,邀請曾親自參與及領導國家主要工程的專家及其他著名科學家,探討工程科技對人類未來 可持續發展的影響和貢獻。
電腦科學系助理教授王石博士負責的「短信護 盾」研究項目奪得「第11 屆中國國際高新技術 成果交易會」優秀產品獎。 此外,由於城大在 參展組織工作方面表現優秀,展位設計精心, 獲得優秀組織獎及優秀展示獎。 大會共收到本港和內地頂尖學府和科研機構遞 交的近300個科技項目,從中選出優秀產品, 以表嘉許。
January 2010
News & Notable Taiwanese Mayor brings humour to CityU 台中市市長胡志強與城大師生分享幽默的功效 CityU held a Distinguished Lecture hosted by Dr Jason Hu, Mayor of Taichung City, Taiwan, on 7 December 2009. The theme of the lecture was the essential role played by humour in society and it was one of the signature events of CityU’s 25th anniversary programme. During the lecture, Dr Hu stressed that humour possessed the special quality of making people happy by embellishing situations with added flavour and interest. 城大於2009年12月7日舉辦傑出學人講座,邀請台中市市長胡志強 博士以幽默為題發表演講。本次講座是城大為慶祝創校25周年舉辦 的重點活動之一。胡博士強調,幽默就是用心行善;幽默有讓別人 快樂的善意、趣味、情境和知識累積等特質;幽默是跨文化的共同 語言,可以使萬眾的心靈相通。
Humour possessed the special quality of making people happy by embellishing situations with added flavour and interest.
HK director makes history at Korean film festival
CityU conference places HK at forefront of nanotechnology
Dead Slowly, a film directed by Ms Rita Hui Nga-
城大國際會議確立香港納米科技前沿研究地位 An international conference that places Hong Kong at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology was held at CityU on 4-8 January, bringing together more than 40 world-renowned academicians and experts in the field to explore how the technology can benefit mankind. 城大於1月4日舉辦為期五天的「2010年電機及電子工程師學會國際納米電子學會議」,邀請 40多位世界著名學者及專家共同探討如何應用納米科技造福人類。
首部香港導演執導電影入圍釜山國際 電影節競賽
shu, Instructor of the School of Creative Media, has become the first Hong Kong film selected to compete for the New Currents Award at the 14th Pusan International Film Festival since its establishment in 1996. 創意媒體學院導師許雅舒女士執導的電影《慢 性中毒》,入圍第14屆韓國釜山國際電影節新 浪潮(New Currents)競賽組別。這是該獎項 自1996年設立以來,首部入選的香港電影。
Structural engineering academic earns prestigious Australian honour 結構工程學者獲得澳洲殊榮 Chair Professor Sritawat Kitipornchai, Head of the Department of Building and Construction, has been elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. The accolade goes to Professor Kitipornchai in recognition of his outstanding research and world-renowned publications in structural engineering and solid mechanics. 建築系系主任陳錦順講座教授獲澳洲技術科學及工程學院選為院士。這一榮銜旨在表彰他在結構 工程及固體力學領域的卓越研究及論著。
Grant awarded to examine dress phenomena 學者獲資助探討服飾打扮文化 Dr Anne Peirson-Smith (right), Assistant Professor of the Department of English, and Dr Katrien Jacobs (left), Assistant Professor of the Department of Media and Communication, have received funding from the Research Grants Council General Research Fund to explore the phenomenon of Cosplay in Hong Kong and South East Asia. “Cosplay” is a modern trend whereby young adults dress in themed costumes to assume the persona of characters from Japanese comic books, animated cartoons and video games. An international symposium on the subject was staged by the Department of English from 8 to 10 December 2009. 英文系助理教授Anne Peirson-Smith博士(右一)及媒體與傳播系助理教授Katrien Jacobs 博士(左一)去年獲研究資助局優配研究金資助,探討香港及東南亞動漫畫角色扮演的現象。 Cosplay是指時下年青人流行打扮成日本漫畫、動畫及電子遊戲中的角色,英文系在2009年 12月8日至10日舉辦國際研討會探討這種現象。
Design success 設計成就 Three Architectural Studies students with the Division of Building Science and Technology built a reputation at the 2009 Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\ Architecture. The architectural design by Chow Wing-hang, Or Man-piu and Law Hing-wai was chosen as the only student exhibit among the 10 projects to be shown at the developing West Kowloon Cultural District from 4 December 2009
to 27 February 2010. The theme of their work “Interconnectivity” is street furniture for public space, symbolising the link between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. 建築科技學部建築學的三名學生在「 2009 年香 港深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展」上贏得榮譽。周 穎恒、柯文彪和羅慶維的建築設計獲選為雙年 展10項作品中唯一的學生作品,於2009年12月 4日至 2010 年 2 月 27 日在西九文化區展出。 他們的作品「雙連」是擺放於公共場所的街頭 家具,寓意香港和深圳兩個城市之間的聯繫和 合作。
January 2010
Cover Story
Catching the wireless communication wave 毫米波 新世代無線通訊明星 By Ellen Chan
Wireless communication has become one of our indispensable communication tools in today’s information world. After eliminating the constraints of wires, scientists are now moving ahead in the direction of “green” communication in full swing. The Department of Electronic Engineering has, over the years, forged a reputation as an international pioneer in communication technologies. Its expertise has centred on innovations in areas such as microwave and millimetre wave circuit design, antenna technologies and computational electromagnetics. CityU is now at the forefront of new, environmentally-focused wireless communication. In 2008, approval was granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the University to set up the State Key Laboratory of Millimetre Waves, headed by Department Head, Chair Professor Luk Kwai-man, together with Chair Professor Chan Chi-hou, Acting Provost, and Dr Xue Quan, Associate Professor from the Department. The current research specialties of the laboratory include different types of antenna, microwave and RF circuit and subsystems. Besides, many of the communication technologies developed by the Laboratory have been put into practical use, for example, the antenna, transceiver and power amplifier for the user terminal of China’s Beidou 1 Satellite global positioning system (GPS). By employing the millimetre-wave technology developed by CityU, the Beidou 1 Satellite GPS was not bound by communication signal or distance limitations. It also offered advantages over the current US satellite GPS operations, as it allowed two-way signal transmission and text input.
“By employing the millimetre-wave technology developed by CityU, the Beidou 1 Satellite GPS was not bound by communication signal or distance limitations.”
January 2010
Cover Story
CityU has participated in the Beidou 1 Satellite GPS development project since 2002. Its antenna, transceiver and power amplifier can enhance signal reception efficiency by enlarging the signals received and transmitted by a satellite. Dr Xue revealed that CityU’s millimetre-wave technology is not only highly effective, but also has multiple applications at reasonable cost.
Back to earth There is a huge potential in the development of microwave and millimetre wave design and antenna technologies. Dr Xue is currently conducting research into Ultra Wideband (UWB) wireless communication technology, a new field that has earned the tag “green wireless communication” and the technology on Terahertz. UWB boasts low radiation, low energy consumption, fast transmission and precise positioning and can be used in short-range multimedia wireless access systems such as local area network, personal area network, family network and short-distance radar. The (From left) Chair Professor Luk Kwai-man, Dr Xue Quan and Chair Professor Chan Chi-hou.
antenna for this technology will form part of the research into new wireless communications systems. Once developed, it will enable environmentallyfriendly connections between personal electronic products, including mobile phones, camcorders, cameras, iPods and netbooks. The technology on Terahertz will apply on detection, communication and medical services. “People tend to expect wireless communication to transmit as much information as possible over the farthest distance, without actually understanding the price involved, such as environmental pollution caused by electromagnetic radiation, high energy consumption and, of course, cost,” said Dr Xue. “Actually, sufficient capacity is all we need.” This is the
“Green wireless communication boasts low radiation, low energy consumption, fast transmission and precise positioning and can be used in short-range multimedia wireless access systems.”
concept in “green” wireless communication technology.
Millimetre waves – a small explanation A millimetre wave is an electromagnetic wave that has a very short wavelength (usually 1 to 10 millimetres) but a high frequency (30GHz – 300GHz). It can be applied to many fields, including wireless communication, radar, navigation and remote control. Due to its unique characteristics, it can be used in spacecraft antenna and crash-detection radar for helicopters and automobiles. It is also suitable for detecting the speed of cars or locating hidden weapons or drugs.
無線通訊已成為信息社會的主要通訊工 具之一。在擺脫了「線」的限制後,科 學家正朝着快速和「綠色」通訊方向發 展。城大在這一領域也有許多相關的研 究與發展。
城大於2002年已參與開發「北斗一號」衛星 導航定位系統用戶終端機的天線、收發模塊及 功率放大器,在很短的時間內就完成設計並形 成批量生產的能力。薛泉博士透露,城大開發 的技術不單性能好,而且價格便宜,適用面很 廣。
天線及功率放大器用途廣泛 多年來,城大電子工程學系在微波毫米波電路 設計、天線技術和計算電磁學等多個通訊科技 領域均取得國際領先水平的成果,並於2008年 獲批准成立毫米波國家重點實驗室,由電子 工程學系系主任陸貴文講座教授擔任主任,聯 同署理學務副校長陳志豪講座教授 及電子工程 學系副教授薛泉博士帶領研究工作,主要從事 不同類型的天線、微波毫米波關鍵元部件及子
「 這種天線將成為新的無線 通信研究的一部分,研發後 可以按照環保的方式連接和 協調人身上攜帶的多種個人 電子產品 。 」 研發後可以按照環保的方式連接和協調人身上
小知識 毫米波是波長極短的電磁波,一般只有1至 10毫米,但頻率極高(30GHz-300GHz), 廣泛應用於無線通訊、雷達、導航、遙感等多 個領域。基於這些特點,毫米波技術適用於設 計太空船的天線、直升機和汽車的防撞雷達, 亦可用於偵查車輛是否超速,以及檢測人體是 否藏有槍械或毒品等。
A component for the Beidou 1 Satellite GPS. 應用於「北斗一號」衛星導航定位系統的部件。
January 2010
Short & Sweet
Student law journal creates legal history After more than six months of arduous preparations, the first law journal edited and published by students of the School of Law of CityU has rolled off the press. The publication showcases the students’ professional capabilities and their innovative spirit, and is testament to the School’s focus on producing students capable of meeting the challenges of globalisation.
workload, it has been a great learning experience and I have derived a great sense of satisfaction from editing articles written by top law scholars from all over the world,” she said. It took at least one week to edit each 8,000-word legal article. Much more time was needed for submissions quoting other languages. “There was an article written by a South American scholar who referred to Spanish legal literature in all his supplementary notes. It took us a lot of time to verify the
City University of Hong Kong Law Review (CityU LR) is the first journal of its
information,” said Zaineb.
kind in Hong Kong to have an editorial team comprised solely of students. They are responsible for the entire publication process, from soliciting
Dickie, another chief editor, said the editorial work helped expand the
articles and proofreading to editing. It is a publishing culture that emulates
scope of their legal knowledge and provided insight into controversial
institutions in the US, UK and Australia.
global issues. There is a wide variety of topics covered in the CityU LR, including sexual harassment between homosexuals, the Khmer Rouge trial
Law students Dickie Mok (centre), Prabhjyot Kaur (right) and Zaineb Amirali
and civil law reform.
Nasir are the chief editors of the journal. They pointed out that the editorial work has helped them improve their writing skills and their understanding
With the editorial team consisting of 22 students from different
of legal issues in different countries. Coordinating the process also involved
nationalities, Dickie said they had learned about team spirit within this
the most difficult job of all - rejecting articles by prominent scholars.
unique, mini United Nations. “It has been an unforgettable experience, as we all respect, help and encourage each other,” he added.
“As the contributors’ names are not revealed to us, we can use our own analytical and critical skills to make a judgement. Some writers insist on
To contend with the difficulty of comprehending some of the topics
pushing their viewpoints, which poses a great challenge for us to convey
discussed by experts, they sought the assistance of Dr Surya Deva,
our own opinions and to convince them of the merits of our views,” added
Associate Professor at CityU School of Law. The committee is also guided
Zaineb, a Year 4 student from India.
by an international board of advisors from leading universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Columbia and Sydney.
“On topics that we have only learned about briefly or not even studied before, we need to examine all the relevant background information,
Zaineb said many scholars were now interested in contributing their
communicate with the writers and make suggestions. It has been a very
articles after reading the founding issue. The second issue is now in
good learning opportunity,” said fellow Indian Year 3 student, Prabhjyot.
production and is expected to be published in April 2010.
Zaineb said it was an exciting honour to be an editor of the first issue of CityU LR. “Although the editorial duties added to an already heavy
學生編纂期刊 有助增進法律知識 By Shirley Pang
最近,由城大法律學院學生編輯出版的首本法律期刊終於誕生 由於文章會提及不少案例及論據,編輯需要求證及確保言之有理。 「特別是一些課堂未學到或只有簡單介紹過的議題,我們要深入了解 了。這本由學生主理、花逾半年時間籌備的刊物,見證了同 學們的專業能力和勇於嘗試的精神,亦是城大法律學院努力不 有關背景,亦要與作者溝通,提出改善建議。這實在是很好的學習機 會,」主編之一的同鄉學妹PJ 說。 懈、積極培訓學生面對全球化挑戰的又一明證。 城大法律學院率先引入英國、美國及澳洲等地的文化,於香港首創由學
Zaineb 表示,能夠擔任期刊主編,見證第一期期刊的誕生,既榮幸又
(右)及Zaineb 期刊由法律學院學生莫涵廸(中)、Prabhjyot Kaur(PJ)
Amirali Nasir擔任主編。在分享感受時,他們均表示,編輯工作提升了 他們的寫作技巧,並加深他們對世界各國法律議題的認識,更要硬着頭
之一的印度裔四年級學生Zaineb 解釋道。
革,編輯工作可以拓寬他們的法律知識領域,深入了解世界各地具爭 議性的法律議題。 莫涵廸指出,編輯團隊由22名不同國籍的學生組成,從這個「聯合 國」團隊中學到了團隊合作精神。「同學們做到互相尊重、相輔相成 和彼此勉勵,是一個難忘的經歷,」莫涵廸說。 要理解專家的專業範疇無疑有一定難度,幸而學生編輯委員會一直有 顧問教授從旁指點。倡議學生擔任期刊編輯的發起人、法律學院副教 授Surya Deva博士是負責帶領編輯委員會的教學人員之一,劍橋、牛 津、哥倫比亞、悉尼等著名大學的學者則擔任國際顧問。 談到法律期刊未來的發展時,Zaineb表示,很多學者看過創刊號後 都表示有興趣,並主動聯絡他們,願意供稿,預計第二期期刊可於 2010年4月出版。
January 2010
Professional Education & Research
Youth project volunteers spread joy through community 城青優權計劃 培育學生關愛社群 By Eliza Lee
“No matter how heavy my study load is, I would still go there, because I know my student is waiting for me,” said Li Tong, Year 2 student from the Department of Economics and Finance at CityU. She was referring to her voluntary service with the City-Youth Empowerment Project. A native of Shanxi Province, Li Tong is an only child who grew up with her devoted parents. After starting her studies at CityU, she wanted to meet new friends who also enjoyed helping others. She joined the CityYouth Empowerment Project organised by the Department of Applied Social Studies and provided two-hour tutoring sessions for physically disabled students at Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School on a regular basis. “Volunteers devoted themselves for no specific reward, but I have gained the greatest sense of satisfaction,” she said.
CityU who has helped an eight-year-old boy with the condition improve
The student being tutored by Li Tong is paralysed, only able to use his
It is the third year that Li Tong and Monica have participated in the project
thumb to type on a computer keyboard. Since he has speaking difficulties
and both said they will take part in voluntary services after graduation.
and Li Tong is not fluent in Cantonese, they rely on the computer and
“I am only a participant now but I hope I can line up some organisations
written word to communicate. Li Tong said patience was of paramount
in the future to promote voluntary work on the mainland and help more
importance and their relationship mutually beneficial.
people in need, ” said Li Tong.
“I am moved by his amazing perseverance. Although he has a physical
Launched in 2005, the City-Youth Empowerment Project initially targeted
deficiency, he studies hard and has a positive and optimistic attitude
recruitment of undergraduate students from the Student Residence to
towards life. He makes me understand that my own difficulties are relatively
enhance their self-confidence, communication skills and understanding
easy to deal with,” said Li Tong.
of Hong Kong through voluntary work. The project has received an
his communication and social skills. Although she has received professional social work training and had fieldwork experience, Monica encountered difficulties in the early training stage. “At the beginning, he resisted me and did not want to talk to me. After contacting his mother, knowing that he likes playing basketball, I used the sport to break the ice and started to talk with him,” said Monica. With love and patience, Monica carried out regular monthly training with the boy for about six months. He is now more outgoing, and his mother has praised his emotional improvement. “Although there is fieldwork practice for social work students, I have learned a lot outside the classroom by helping people with special needs. It will be very useful for my future career,” said Monica.
overwhelming response and expanded over the years, from less than 200 Dealing with Asperger syndrome
applicants in 2005 to around 1,000 volunteers in the team this year. It is
“Children with Asperger syndrome have normal intelligence and language
now collaborating with 11 non-governmental social services organisations
development, but are weak in interpersonal skills,” said Monica Lam Pui-
to run community projects.
ying, a Year 3 student from the Department of Applied Social Studies at
January 2010
Professional Education & Research
The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong is one of these organisations. Mr Cheung Cheung-ho, a registered social worker responsible for the Youth Action Network, commended the sincerity of CityU students. The programme assists juvenile offenders aged 12-18, who are cautioned under the Police Superintendents’ Discretion Scheme for unlawful behaviour, in building their self-confidence and reintegrating them into the community. CityU students serve as companions to provide one-on-one tutorials and mentoring for about 20 juveniles in this programme. Mr Cheung said, “CityU students have a strong sense of self-motivation, responsibility and discipline. For example, during the 90-minute tutorial sessions they never use their phones for calls or messaging, which is actually not easy for today’s young people. They build good relationships with the teenagers easily and serve as brothers and sisters to offer guidance.” Mr Cheung also said CityU students offered extra help not specified by the programme. For example, they helped a teenager with low family income search for a second-hand computer and allowed another to visit a theme park. “These sincere actions improve the teens’ attitude and pass the message of caring to them,” he added. “Voluntary work is an important ingredient in promoting positive human development, especially for young people,” said Dr Elaine Au Liu Suk-ching (right), Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Social Studies and the convenor of the City-Youth Empowerment Project. “We encourage students from all academic disciplines and nationalities to join us. As long as they want to be a volunteer, they are all welcome.” She pointed out that volunteers get a stronger sense of the community and are willing to contribute more to social cohesiveness, harmony and stability. Currently managed by Dr Au and four social workers who graduated from CityU, the project’s key beneficiaries include elderly people living alone, delinquent teenagers, children suffering from chronic disease or physical disability and those from low income and new immigrant families. They arrange regular or one-off activities in different forms based on the volunteers’ abilities.
“Voluntary work is an important ingredient in promoting positive human development, especially for young people.”
「無論功課多忙我都會去,因為我知道那裏的學生在等我,」 城大經濟及金融系二年級學生李桐說。她指的是城青優權計劃 安排的義工服務。李桐來自山西省,是家中的獨女,自小在 父母的寵愛中成長。來到城大後,為了認識更多志同道合的朋 友,她報名參加應用社會科學系舉辦的城青優權計劃,定期前 往藍田雅麗珊郡主紅十字會學校,替殘障學生提供兩小時功課 輔導。李桐說:「當義工是無條件的付出,我卻獲得前所未有 的滿足感。」
城青優權計劃(前稱城大青年充權計劃)始於2005年,最初只招募宿舍 的學生參與義工服務,透過服務他人增強自信、改善溝通技巧,以及增 進對香港的了解。計劃推出後反應熱烈,規模愈來愈大,由2005年不足 200人報名,發展至今年整個義工團隊有近1,000人,與11個非政府社會 服務機構合作推行社區計劃。
服務專一 傳遞人間愛心 小童群益會是參與計劃的社會服務機構之一,其「青鋒網」計劃的註冊 社工章祥浩先生十分欣賞城大學生真心的服務。該社區計劃旨在幫助西
不問付出 收穫豐富
靠寫字和用鍵盤溝通,但李桐認為,這正可以訓練自己的耐性,更形容 兩人的關係是互助互補。
章祥浩說:「城大學生主動性強,有責任心,也很專注。在一個半小時 的輔導中從來不通電話或傳短訊,對於年青人這很難得。由他們擔當大
動幫助家境貧窮的青少年找尋二手電腦或帶他們到主題公園遊玩等。 「這些微細的動作讓青少年體會到人與人之間的關心,從而改善了他們
「患亞氏保加症的小朋友智力及語文發展均正常,但社交能力較弱,」 應用社會科學系三年級學生林佩瑩說。她曾協助訓練一名患亞氏保加症 的八歲男孩改善溝通技巧及社交能力。雖曾接受社工專業訓練並有實習
推動個人成長 回饋社會 「義務工作對推動個人成長,尤其是青年人的正面發展可起到重要的作
人,學到更多課外知識,對將來的工作幫助很大,」林佩瑩說。 區博士表示,學生可以透過服務肯定自我及找到自己的價值,也明白自 李桐與林佩瑩已經是第三年參加計劃,她們均表示畢業後會繼續參與義
January 2010
Short & Sweet
Low-cost and efficient testing improves detection of toxic substances By Scarlett Leung
Frequent food poisoning cases and contamination caused by pesticides and chemicals in recent years have highlighted the enormous threat posed to the environment and public health. In response, efforts have been made to develop new, more efficient testing methods. Researchers at CityU have devised a chemosensing analysis method of testing medicines and detecting pesticides in foods, pollutants in water and toxins in fish that is more cost-efficient, rapid and effective.
Chemosensing is a chemical-detection method in which targeted analytes are detected by molecular-level sensors known as chemosensors. The application of such a technique has always been limited by associated high costs. But CityU researchers have successfully achieved a breakthrough in overcoming such technical barriers with their molecular imprinting
低成本快速測試, 有害物無所遁形
technology that reduces the cost of developing new chemosensors. The molecular imprinting technology is known as the template-directed polymerisation technique. The name is a big mouthful but its’ small when it comes to the costs associated with generating artificial receptors for chemosensors.
近年來,頻頻發生有毒食品事件、農藥和化學物品污染等, 對環境、食品安全和健康造成極大威脅。社會各界不斷研發 新的檢測方法,力求避免人類進食受污染食物,危害健康。 城大科研人員歷來注重研究對社會的實質貢獻,研發出一套 化學傳感分析方法,可以更經濟、快速而有效地測試藥物, 檢測出食物中的殺蟲劑、水中的污染物和魚類體內的毒素。
“CityU has developed chemosensing applications from low-cost molecularly imprinted polymer materials for clinical testing, and
environmental and food safety monitoring. It enables the pre-testing necessary for laboratory tests, and the testing results are highly reliable,”
物進行檢測。這種技術在開發過程中需要不斷優化,一般造價較高, 因此很少能作廣泛應用,然而城大的科研人員藉助分子印迹技術突破
said Dr Michael Lam Hon-wah, Associate Professor of the Department of
Biology and Chemistry at CityU. The Knowledge Transfer Office of CityU is now applying for a patent for this technical innovation.
分子印迹技術屬於範本導向型聚合技術,是製造化學傳感器最簡易且 成本低的技術。
Detection is usually undertaken in laboratories where analysis instruments are used in a costly and time-consuming process. The cutting-edge
technology developed by CityU is unique and offers competitive
advantages. It only costs one-tenth the present testing price. Results can be
obtained within one minute and this testing technique is easy to manage
and the technical proficiency required of operators is relatively low. The
molecular imprinted polymer materials are small and highly portable. 現行檢測多在實驗室以分析儀器執行,所需時間較長,費用昂貴。城 Molecularly imprinted polymer materials can be used widely in commercial
applications to detect numerous chemicals, including harmful pesticides in agricultural products, such as DDT; contaminants in drinking water,
器測試的十分之一;其次是速度快,可於一分鐘內知道測試結果。檢 測技術易於掌握,操作員只須簡單培訓便可。再者,分子印迹聚合材
such as HCH; toxins in seafood, such as histamine; leaked poisonous gas;
and Tributyltin (TBT), a harmful substance in marine coatings that can damage the auditory systems of dolphins. This innovative testing method
can also prevent or minimise physical damage to both humans and the
如六六六;海產食品內的毒素,如組織胺;有毒氣體洩漏;及船舶漆 中會造成海豚聽力受損的有害物三丁基錫等。這項檢測還有助預防及 減少對人體及環境的危害。
January 2010
Face to Face
Changing face of marketing 市場營銷大變身 By Ellen Chan
The internet continues to evolve, with new social networking platforms seemingly arriving on the scene every few months. News organisations look at new ways to disseminate information and attract revenue and search engines compete to provide the most effective search results. Another area trying to keep pace with the rapid rate of change in the online world is marketing. As broadband access spreads and users spend more time online, marketers are similarly seeking new and innovative ways to reach consumers. Dr Dou Wenyu, Associate Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing at CityU, shares his views on the developments taking place in online marketing and how the next generation of marketing professionals is being prepared for the challenges of the future.
“I believe that marketers should be more subtle and skilful in the way in which they organise campaigns in the new social media environment.” What is the difference between online marketing and traditional marketing? Let’s examine, for example, the use of online
Are the traditional marketing strategies still applicable in this new media environment?
social media for marketing purposes. Social
The underlying principles of persuasion and
media is all about two-way communication and
influencing consumer decision-making are
involves a lot of interactivity. Since the original
still the same but firms need to adapt to how
purpose of social media websites is to connect
consumers behave nowadays. For example,
people, capitalising on these new mediums can
consumers are more proactive in seeking
be a challenge for online marketers. In this new
product information, and in deciding what
media platform, consumers can easily voice their
kind of information they want.
opinions about products and give opinions on new trends and consumer goods and services.
The big picture is that consumers have developed new behavioural patterns with the
How do marketers promote their products online?
maturing of the digital lifestyle. For instance,
Some companies try to exert influence over
kind of advertising they want to receive. They
user opinions by posting their own comments
are more active in voicing their opinions
on user forums or by simply making news
because the internet provides an easy outlet
announcements about their products online. Still,
to vent their feelings and offers contributors
other companies may try to influence product
an audience with similar interests or tastes.
opinion shapers by disseminating information
Hence, firms must adapt to these kinds of
about their products on blogs, social networking
behavioural changes. They need to establish
sites and discussion boards. In fact, there are
marketing as a two-way dialogue between
companies today that specialise in using social
them and their customers, as opposed the
media to organise promotional campaigns for
one-way communication push that they have
firms. Of course, I believe that marketers should
been used to.
they are more likely to be in control of the
be more subtle and skilful in the way in which they organise campaigns in the new social media environment.
January 2010
Face to Face
department is also responding to the demands of the new environment by offering courses that equip students with adequate skills to develop marketing campaigns that cover all platforms. At the undergraduate level, we offer an e-marketing course, where we familiarise our students with internet marketing. At the post-graduate level, we have the cybermarketing course and also teach our students how to leverage the new media environment for business development in marketing. Especially worth noting is the new Marketing Information Management BBA programme, jointly offered by the Marketing Department and the Information Systems Department in the fall of 2009. In this programme, we provide comprehensive and thorough training to the students on how to leverage digital technologies to enhance the
Can we measure the effectiveness of online marketing initiatives?
effectiveness of marketing activities. We expect
Of course. In fact, the internet in certain ways
positions a few years down the road.
graduates to take on important digital marketing
is more quantifiable than traditional media can be two types of measurements. One is in
What changes can you foresee in the industry?
terms of behavioral responses. You can see
The future of internet marketing is promising,
whether people make recommendations and
as companies gradually shift their focus towards
comments, or forward material to friends or ask
social networking tools. I think we need to
for additional information. These actions can be
expand our perspective beyond Hong Kong.
measured easily. The other one is impression-
Given our advantageous geographic location
based as firms can still gauge how many
and cosmopolitan status, Hong Kong can do
people actually browse their advertisements or
more to position itself as the e-business hub
for Asian-Pacific companies in terms of online
in terms of marketing effectiveness. There
services and electronic trading.
How can we prepare students to face the challenge of constant change? Certain marketing values are universal and, beyond teaching these fundamentals, our
互聯網世界不斷擴充發展,每隔數月就 有一批新的社交網站湧現。新聞機構嘗 試以新方法傳播資訊、增加收入,而搜 索引擎供應商則激烈角逐提供最有效的 互聯網搜查方法。市場營銷手法亦隨着 日新月異的互聯網不斷變換。寬頻上網 普及後,用戶花在網上的時間愈來愈長, 網上商品營銷商自然會想出許多新的推 銷方法。城大市場營銷學系副系主任兼 副教授竇文宇博士接受《今日城大》採 訪,論述網上營銷的發展以及如何培育 新一代營銷專才,迎接未來挑戰。
現今消費者已形成新的網上行為模式。例如,他 們較傾向自行控制接收哪一類廣告。此外,由於 互聯網方便發表意見,為他們找到趣味相近的同 好人士,因此消費者更熱衷發表自己的意見。商 戶必須適應這種行為轉變。市場營銷再不像以前 的年代,以單向溝通渠道向消費者灌輸訊息,而 改為雙向溝通。商戶須就此重新審視市場推廣 策略。
如何量度網上推廣的功效? 互聯網在某些方面較傳統媒體更容易量度功效, 量度的方法有二。首先是行為反應。可以知道是 否有人提意見或建議,或將資訊轉遞給朋友或要
意就是要聯繫不同的人。如何善用新媒體渠 道,是網上市場營銷商必須面對的一個挑戰。
「社交媒體注重雙向溝通, 講求互動。社交網站的原意 就是要聯繫不同的人。如何 善用新媒體渠道,是網上市 場營銷商必須面對的一個挑 戰。」
報導。有些公司則運用影響力影響主流意見人 士,在他們的網誌、社交網站和討論室發放產
你預測這一行業會有甚麼轉變? 傳統的營銷策略在新媒體環境中是否仍 然適用?
聯網工具。我覺得我們的目光不應局限於香港。 憑着我們有利的地理位置和國際都市地位,香港
January 2010
Through the Lens
Between Fusion This series of photos was produced by Year 2 student Ting Sai-kuen of School of Creative Media at CityU. She combined photography with art direction and culture and turn it into an eye candy. 城大創意媒體學院二年級生丁世娟將相片、美 術與文化融合,化成服飾再投射於視野內。
Photography by Ting Sai-kuen
紅 魅 白 Artist’s statement A boundary between Chinese and Japanese, they are similar and yet not the same. I call it red with white. Within these seven, is there any fusion or fission?
創作人語 一個中與日之間並列,既相似又有分別, 紅白是也。 七張韻味與智慧相存,是進化或演變改良, 還是反璞歸真?
January 2010
Gown to Town
Electronic engineer excelling in business 營商出眾的電子工程師 By Jo Kam
When we think of electronic engineering, the image we usually generate is one of laboratories and a cluster of equations and symbols. But for Dr Kenji Yum Tsz-yin, it is far more than that. His diverse range of duties embrace everything from product design and manufacturing to sales and promotion. Applying a diligent attitude to work, he completed a successful transformation from electronic engineer to business development manager in the short span of four years. Currently responsible for running a self-financed subsidiary company of IDT International, he is committed to the long-term development of the parent company.
electronic engineering at CityU has equipped me
CityU, he was offered an appointment by the
with extensive knowledge and experience in this
government’s Electrical and Mechanical Services
area. With this high adaptability to a new work
Department. However, with a higher goal in
environment, I could quickly adjust to a new job
mind, he declined the lucrative and tempting
position,” he said.
appointment to further his studies. In just six years, he had finished his bachelor and PhD
Dr Yum stressed the importance of gaining the
degrees at CityU and joined IDT International on
trust of senior management. When he first joined
the recommendation of his professor.
the company, it was facing a potential loss of more than $10 million, as one of its products
“I have been very lucky. CityU has given me
had not been granted an export license. As
an excellent education and the professors and
an electronic engineer, Dr Yum refused to
instructors were like a father and personal
accept this as the final verdict. Instead, he took
mentor. When I needed to stay overnight in
the initiative to learn all the details from his
the laboratory to do research, my professor
laboratory colleagues, then conducted research,
would work with me through the night. It was
collected information and wrote letters to
a memorable experience. They encouraged
the government, urging an amendment to
innovation and gave me the space to find my
the export regulations. He succeeded and an
own solutions to problems and identify my own
“Preempting trends, we constantly introduce
export license was granted to the company. Not
new products to the market by integrating
satisfied with that achievement, he then visited
the latest technology and fashionable design
Japan and negotiated for one month with local
Dr Yum is also working with the Head Office in
elements. We have established a reputation
manufacturers in order to launch the product
product and new business channel development
for our electronic, telecommunication and
successfully in the Japanese market.
and leads a team marketing health and lifestyle products. “Success depends on both the internal
digital media products, with our brand, Oregon Scientific, ranked among the top 100 Italian
It was not simply by chance that Dr Yum joined
factor of an individual’s diligent effort and the
brands,” said Dr Yum with pride.
IDT International. His talent was recognised
external factor of the outside environment.
during his university studies, with the
CityU’s education has had a positive effect on
Managing and operating a company was a novel
conferrment of the Certificate of Excellence in
my personal growth, as I have benefitted from
experience for Dr Yum. He revealed that the key
the Hong Kong Young Scientist Awards and
valuable trust and developed a flexible attitude
to success was to set a clear objective and then
more than 30 awards in various international
throughout my studies. My success should be
strive to achieve it. “My academic training in
competitions. When he graduated from
attributed to CityU,” said Dr Yum.
提起電子工程,大多數人會聯想到實驗 室或是一大堆程式符號,然而電子工程 學出身的任子賢博士的主要任務卻是產 品生產、設計、推廣及營銷。憑着積極 進取的性格,他於短短四年內由萬威國 際有限公司集團電子工程師轉型,並晉 升為業務拓展經理,負責管理集團一家 子公司,自負盈虧為母公司的長遠發展 悉力以赴。 「我們不斷推陳出新,以最新科技融合高水準 時尚設計,建立電子、電訊及數碼媒體產品的 品牌形象及口碑。其中歐西亞更成功打入意大 利100大品牌行列,」任博士自豪地說。 管理及營商對任博士可算是新的挑戰,他是如 何面對挑戰的呢?任博士表示,做事最重要的 是訂下清晰目標並全力以赴。他說:「我是在 城大讀電子工程的,有豐富的技術知識及經 驗,加上性格較富彈性,能夠靈活變通,很快 適應不同崗位。」 任博士十分感激公司的信任,但這種信任並非 必然。剛加入萬威不久,公司有一件產品未能 獲得出口證,有可能損失逾千萬。當時,擔任 電子工程師的任博士心有不甘,向實驗室工作
鼓勵創新,放手讓我嘗試以自己的方法 解決問題,尋找自己的方向。」
任博士加入萬威並非巧合。他的才能早於就讀 大學期間已顯露出來,曾經獲得香港科學會頒
January 2010
From the Heart
Always room for improvement By Penny Akers, English Enhancement Course Tutor, English Language Centre
文:Penny Akers 英語中心英語進階科目導師
I am often asked what it is that I particularly like about my job as an English teacher in the English Language Centre (ELC). There are many different aspects to my job that I enjoy, such as the actual teaching, plus working in a department with very supportive, collegial staff members and having the opportunity to get involved in a wide variety of projects. Above all though, it is my role as a teacher trainer that I find most rewarding. In the past few years
teacher and more aware of my own strengths
I have been the
and weaknesses through observing others
department’s mentor
teach and reading more extensively about
to newly qualified
practical teaching strategies. If we, as teachers,
instructors. This involves
are promoting to our students the importance
providing advice and
of being lifelong learners, then it is also our
support, observing their classes, and more recently running workshops for them on
responsibility to continue to develop our own teaching skills, so we can help our students become better learners.
a variety of teaching strategies. The more I have become involved in teacher training the more I realise just how
With my TEA research funding I am going to
important it is for us all to have the opportunity to develop as teachers.
publish a journal on practical teaching tips. Articles will include ‘How to use Power Point
I wonder when the last time was you picked up a book or journal on
slides more effectively’, ‘Integrating ePortfolio
teaching. I am not referring to academic articles on research; I mean an
to enhance learning’ and ‘Using Twitter to give
actual book or journal on practical teaching tips or strategies. For many
students a voice in large classes’. I hope that
of us who have been teaching for several years, it is so easy to take for
the journal will provide staff with ideas on how
granted that with so much teaching experience behind us, we don’t need
they can develop their teaching and as a result
to improve or acquire new skills. Yet I know, from not only my teaching
engage our students. If you have any suggestions
training experience, but also from going through the Teaching Excellence
about what you would like to see included in the
Award (TEA) process this past year, that as teachers we should never stop
journal please let me know.
reflecting on our own teaching practices. I believe I have become a better
常有人問我為甚麼特別喜歡在英語中心當英語教師?其實我 享受這份工作的多個範疇,例如課堂教學、中心裏有熱心助 人而又友善的同事。此外,還有機會參與籌備各類項目和活 動。不過,我最有滿足感的還是培訓教師的工作。 過去數年,我為中心擔當新任導師輔導員,為他們提供意見和支援、 觀課以及舉辦各類教學方法工作坊。自從負責培訓教師的工作後,我 深信為教師提供培訓的機會是非常重要的。 我不知道你上一次是甚麼時候翻閱有關教學的書籍或學報的?我指的 不是甚麼學術論文,而是有關實際教學心得或方法的書籍或學報。 對於我們教書多年的老師來說,很容易會自以為教學經驗豐富,便不 需要再追求改進或學習甚麼新技巧。可是,從我做教學培訓的經驗所 得,以及去年評選傑出教學獎的經歷來說,教師實在應不斷檢討自己 的教學方法。只有通過觀摩別人的教學以及閱讀大量實際教學方法, 才能成為較出色的老師,並且更能夠清楚了解自己的優點和弱點。倘 若我們以老師的身分向學生宣揚終身學習的重要性,我們自己就有責 任不斷改進自己的教學技巧,才可協助學生更有效地學習。
“It is also our responsibility to continue to develop our own teaching skills, so we can help our students become better learners.”
我將以傑出教學獎的撥款,出版一本關於實際教學心得的學報,收錄 的文章包括「如何更有效地運用簡報表的投影片」、「結合電子學 習檔案加強教學」、「運用Twitter令學生在大課堂表達意見」等。我 希望學報可為同事提供改進教學技巧的方法,並且令學生對學習更投 入。倘若你有甚麼想讀的文章,希望收進學報,歡迎提出建議。
January 2010
In the Know
Riveting, gripping debate determines page-turning
common read
A “common book” (sometimes called a “common read”) is a single book that all students in a department, college or university read.
that are of interest and relevance to students.
There are many purposes for such a read within
As you can imagine, the discussions about
the framework of general education. First and
which book to choose were quite animated
foremost, having students read a book that is not
and intense. First, all faculty (as well as alumni
necessarily tied in a direct way to any course or
and external academic advisors) in the
assignment helps them see the value of reading
department were asked to suggest books. Then
in a broader sense (“reading for life”) and to
the programme committee of the Bachelor of
hopefully develop the habit of reading outside
Arts with Honours in English for Professional
of class. The common book also introduces
Communication considered the suggestions
students to ideas or concepts that span across
and narrowed the list based on judgements
courses and disciplines, helping them to learn
about theme, length and readability. After this,
to make interdisciplinary connections. Finally,
a smaller task force of the committee reviewed
a common book helps students feel a sense of
the books on the finalist list and came to a
shared intellectual experience and gives them
consensus about the book to choose, which
the experience of being part of a community of
formed the basis of their recommendation to
readers, all of whom have a common reference
the committee and the department head. There
point for discussion.
were many heated debates in the course of this
And it should be of high literary standard so that it can act as an example to students of superior use of language and rhetoric.
process about, for example, whether or not the The book has to meet certain criteria. It must
book should be a classic or a more contemporary
be of an appropriate level so it is accessible
book, and what sort of genre (fiction, non-
to all students but not too easy for the better
fiction) would be appropriate. Finally, Northern
students. It should deal with themes and issues
Lights by Phillip Pullman was selected.
熱切討論下選出的 「共讀書」 By Dr Rodney Jones, Associate Head, Department of English
文:Rodney Jones博士 英文系副系主任
“A common book helps students to feel a sense of shared intellectual experience and gives them the experience of being part of a community of readers.” The reasons were: 1. It is a contemporary book written at a level most students could handle. 2. It was well reviewed and deemed to be of high literary merit. 3. It is a fantasy, a genre we believed would appeal to many students. 4. It is based on a classic in English literature (Paradise Lost), and contains a lot of allegory and symbolism that would give our students a good introduction to the kinds of devices used in literary works they will encounter later in their studies. 5. It is an extremely popular book, and so there are many online resources available that would help students feel part of a larger reading community beyond the walls of the campus. Having a common read across the whole university is a common practice at US universities. For example, the common read at University of Washington this year is Barak Obama’s Dreams from My Father. It would be wonderful to institute this at CityU, but there are also some difficulties. Firstly, there is quite a lot of variation in English proficiency among the students, so choosing a suitable book would be difficult. Secondly, measures need to be devised to motivate students and ensure that they read the book. In the English department these measures include the books being referred to and used as teaching material in all first year courses. The department also holds regular functions (social events, seminars, etc.) around the theme of the book. These kinds of measures would be more difficult to institute across the university.
January 2010
In the Know 「共讀書」指的是一所大學、學院或學系所有學生共同讀 的一本書。 從通識教育角度看,這樣一本書有多種功能。首先,這本書不必和 任何科目或作業有直接關係,但學生可以從廣義上明白閱讀的價值 (終生閱讀),並藉此培養課外閱讀習慣。此外,這本書可以向學 生介紹涵蓋各學科的思想或概念,幫助他們融會貫通不同學科知 識。最後,這本書可以讓學生感受思想交流,體驗成為廣大讀者的 一分子,討論時有一個共同的話題。 這樣一本書必須符合一些條件。首先,程度要適中,讓每個學生都 可以看懂,但對能力較佳的學生又不致於過份淺易。此外,書的主 題和內容應符合學生的興趣及與學生的生活有切身關係。還有,該 書應具有較高的文學水平,讓學生可以學到流暢的文筆和精湛的修 辭技巧。 因此不難想像,決定選哪一本為「共讀書」時,引發的討論是何等 激烈。首先,學系的所有教師(還有校友和校外學術顧問)均獲邀 請建議選用的書籍。專業英語傳意榮譽文學士學位課程委員會隨後 按主題、長度及可讀性等原則,考慮各項提議,收窄名單。委員會
「共讀書的主題和內容應符合學生的興趣及與學 生的生活有切身關係。還有,該書應具有較高的 文學水平,讓學生可以學到流暢的文筆和精湛的 修辭技巧。」 的一個工作小組再按候選名單審閱書籍,取得共識後向委員會及系主任 推薦所選的書。評選過程中有不少激烈的討論,例如所選書籍應該是經 典名著還是當代作品,哪種體裁(小說或非小說)最合適。最後,菲利 普•普爾曼的Northern Lights(《北極光》)獲得選用。理由是: 1. 這是一本當代作品,程度適合大部分學生。 2. 本書廣受好評,公認具有較高文學價值。 3. 本書為幻想體裁作品,應會令大部分學生感興趣。 4. 本書以英國文學經典《失樂園》為藍本,全書充滿寓意和象徵意 義,藉此可讓學生提早學習這些文學技巧以備日後之需。 5. 本書極受讀者歡迎,互聯網上有大量相關的網頁,有助學生感覺與 校園外的廣大讀者群相連。 為整所大學選一本共讀書,是美國大學慣常的做法。例如,華盛頓大學 就選了巴拉克• 奧巴馬 Dreams from My Father(《歐巴馬的夢想之路—以父之名》)為 本年度共讀書。如果城大也能這麼做固然很好,但其中會有一點困難。 首先,由於學生的英語水平差異大,要選一本合適的書並不容易。其 次,我們要訂立一些方法鼓勵及確保學生都會閱讀該書。我們在英文系 推行的方法包括在所有一年級科目裏將該書列為討論及學習教材,以及 定期舉行有關該書主題的活動(例如社交活動及研討會等)。要在全校 推行這些措施相對較難。
Professional Education and Research 專業教育與研究
CityU focuses on professional education and research. 城大堅持專業教育與研究並重。
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路