January 2011 二O一一年一月
Toxic threats beneath the waves 海洋有毒物無所遁形 Photonics in the spotlight 光學研究新亮點
Global arena for science and technology 加強國際體驗,促進科研發展
From the Editor With each passing day, we realise the urgency of the problems facing our planet in terms of pollution, the need for alternative energy sources and the dangers posed by overconsumption. We owe it to future generations to solve these problems before it is too late. In this issue of CityU Today we highlight some of the pioneering work that our research teams are conducting in these vital areas of scientific inquiry, from identifying potential threats to our ecologies to capturing energy from the sun and aiming to reduce food waste. We also take a look at the role of creativity in university education courtesy of new courses in the Department of English, and we get a fascinating glimpse into the process of creating a multi-media art work by a talented member of our senior staff. Also look out for our new section on books written by CityU staff as well as interesting tales from our alumni. Best wishes for 2011! 我們對地球面臨的污染、對替代能源的需求、過度消費帶來的危險等 問題,日感緊迫。我們有責任替後人解決這些問題,以免為時過晚。 在本期《今日城大》中,我們着重報導了城大各研究小組在上述重要 科學領域進行的開拓性工作 ,例如確認對生態的潛在威脅、如何獲 取太陽能、如何減少廚餘等。 與此同時,我們透過城大英文系新開設的課程,介紹大學教育中創意
寫作可以發揮的作用;並透過一位城大高層管理人士之筆,窺探其創 作多媒體藝術作品的神妙過程。 本期雜誌還包括城大校友的一些趣聞軼事,並在新增的欄目「新書推 介」中選介城大教職員撰寫的新書。 順祝2011年萬事勝意!
Cover Story 封面故事
Toxic threats beneath the waves 海洋有毒物無所遁形
It was an unexpected discovery, and one Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯
Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Ellen Chan / 執行編輯:陳倩茹 • English Editor : Michael Gibb / 英文編輯:鄭智友 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址:http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre • E-mail / 電郵:cpro@cityu.edu.hk • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收 c:2 二O一一年一月
that gave cause for concern.
在一次例行的研究中發現了一些不常見的 物質,此事確實引起科學家的關注。
January 2011
Features 專題
Photonics in the spotlight
Global arena for science and technology
20 Order less, saving more 減少廚餘須由源頭開始
26 Planning a painting 邵爵士夫婦畫像的創作過程 32 The creative pulse 創意的脈動
22 Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable
18 Through The Lens
30 Gown To Town
CityU commended by UGC Quality Assurance Council for quality of teaching and
learning 城大教學質素獲教資會 質保局讚揚
光影世界 Discover & Innovate 勇於探索 志在創新
校園到社會 Alumni strengthen CityU’s development 匯聚校友力量 共助母校發展
36 Books
today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。
January 2011
News & Notable
News & Notable
CityU commended by UGC Quality Assurance Council for quality of teaching and learning 城大教學質素獲教資會質保局讚揚
CityU welcomes the 2010 Report of a Quality Audit of City University of Hong Kong issued by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC). We are delighted that the report has commended the high quality of CityU’s education and affirmed the University’s proactive approach to quality assurance. The University has received eight commendations and nine affirmations from the QAC in its report. They are an important validation of CityU’s achievements in professional education. The QAC affirms the University’s emphasis on teaching and learning, and the recognition that it places on innovation in education. This is consistent with CityU’s educational philosophy that scholarship and discovery are essential ingredients for quality education. The QAC also commends CityU for its positive integration of non-local students on campus, the high quality of the supervision and management of PhD candidature, and the University’s pioneering efforts in establishing an evidence-based culture to enhance policy development. 城大歡迎大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下質素保證局(質保局)發 表的2010年《香港城市大學質素核證報告》。 質保局報告讚揚城大優 秀教育質素,並肯定城大積極提升教學工作。質保局的報告就城大教育 質素作出八項讚揚和九項贊同,是對城大專業教育成就的重要確認。 質保局讚揚城大重視教學、激勵創新,肯定了城大歷來秉持的研究探索 與教學創新相輔相成、優質教育缺一不可的理念。 報告同時也讚揚城大能夠採取有效措施,協助非本地學生融入校園生 活,在博士生的指導及管理方面,成效裴然,率先樹立實證為本的校園 文化,加強政策發展。
CityU wins energy saving award 城大贏得節能比賽冠軍 CityU has been recognised for its rigorous efforts in creating a low-carbon campus. The University was named Champion in the company category of the recent Power Smart Contest 2010 organised by Friends of the Earth (HK). The name of the award is the “Power Smart” Biggest Unit Saver Award (Company). It is the first time to have the participation by academia. 城大首次參加香港地球之友舉辦的2010年「知慳惜電」節能比賽,便奪得「知慳惜電」勁減用 量大獎(公司組)冠軍,顯示其多年來致力營建低排碳校園的努力獲得肯定。
University internationalisation strategy seasoned with European flavours 大學國際化發展策略增添歐洲夥伴 CityU recently signed institutional agreements with four European universities. The aim is to enhance our internationalisation strategy and enrich the learning experience of our students. Professor Kuo led a six-member delegation for a week-long visit in early October last year to The University of Nottingham in the UK, Stockholm University in Sweden, and École Central de Lyon and the University of Lyon in France. 城大與四所歐洲大學簽訂院校協議,以加強國際化發展策略,並豐富學生的學習經驗。 郭教授於去年十月初帶領六人代表團到英國諾丁漢大學、瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學,以及法 國里昂中央理工學院和里昂大學作一週訪問。
CityU honours John Dockerill for outstanding service 杜國維先生榮休,城大感謝傑出服務 A retirement party for Mr John Dockerill, Secretary to the Council and Secretary to the Court, celebrated his long service and major contributions to CityU. About 60 guests attended the gathering, including Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor, The Hon Leung Chun-ying, Council Chairman, Professor Way Kuo, University President, and other Council members and colleagues. All three principal officers commended Mr Dockerill for his professionalism and distinguished service rendered over the past 27 years. The gathering was presented with a PowerPoint slide show which revisited many of the memorable events and initiatives led by Mr Dockerill. The party was organised by the Human Resources Office and held on 13 December 2010. 為感謝校董會秘書處及顧問委員會秘書處秘書杜國維先生服務多年並作出重要貢獻,香港城市大學(城大)舉行歡送會,歡送杜先生榮休。 約60名嘉賓出席歡送會,包括城大副監督梁乃鵬博士、校董會主席梁振英先生、校長郭位教授及校董會成員和其他同事。三位大學主管都高度讚 揚杜先生27年來的傑出服務和敬業的專業精神。歡送會上放映了一組幻燈片,再現杜先生服務城大的許多美好時刻和主導的眾多舉措。歡送會由 人力資源處舉辦,於2010年12月13日舉行。
CityU establishes President’s Circle at Thanksgiving Dinner 城大舉行感恩晚宴並成立「賢達會」答謝各界善長 A Thanksgiving Dinner cum President’s Circle Inauguration Ceremony was organised by the Community Relations Committee under the Council of CityU on 25 November 2010 to thank donors and supporters. More than 120 guests, including donors, friends of the University and CityU senior management attended the annual event. An initiative of the President, the President’s Circle facilitates communication between community members, business leaders and donors who mutually support CityU. 城大校董會轄下的社區關係委員會於2010年11月25日舉行感恩晚宴暨「賢達會」成立典禮,以答 謝支持城大發展的各界人士。城大捐助者、各界友好、城大高層主管共120多人出席了每年一度 的盛事。由校長郭位教授倡議發起的「賢達會」有助促進懷有共同理念、熱心支持城大的社區人 士與商界領袖及眾多慈善家彼此聯絡,為大學作貢獻。
January 2011
News & Notable The development of e-book for local primary and secondary school students
Head of CLASS awarded top French honour
Electronic engineering students from CityU will help promote e-learning
Professor Gregory
by developing a new type of e-book, the CityBook, for local primary and
Lee, Dean of the
secondary school students. With the support of industry, this non-profit-
College of Liberal Arts
making initiative provides undergraduates with the opportunity to gain
and Social Sciences
practical experience developing an applicable product.
and Chair Professor of Chinese and
Transcultural Studies
in the Department of
Asian and International Studies of CityU, was named a Chevalier (Knight) of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms) by the government of France for his services to education. 城大人文社會科學院 院長兼亞洲及國際學系中華及跨文化研究講座教授利大英教授獲 法國政府授予他「法國一級教育榮譽騎士勳章」,表彰他對教育 的貢獻。
Senior alumni pledge to serve the University and community 校友為母校及社會作貢獻 A new alumni body called the CityU Eminence Society has been established with the support of CityU. The aim is to bring together enthusiastic and supportive alumni to proactively contribute resources, expertise and networks to help advance the University and serve the community. 「城賢匯」是新近成立的一個校友組織,由城大全力支持。組織旨在 凝聚熱心支持母校的校友,積極運用各方人士的資源、專業知識及人 脈網絡,以促進城大發展,並服務社會。
Computer expert sees reflections of China in internet 李開復城大演講:從中國互聯網看中國社會 The renowned computer expert Dr Lee Kai-Fu, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, gave a lecture on 12 November 2010 to the faculty and students of CityU. The talk was entitled “The Chinese Internet: A Reflection of China”, revealing the myriad social phenomena in China as it undergoes dramatic economic development. 世界電腦奇才、創新工場董事長兼首席執行官李開復博士2010年11月12日應邀為城大師生演講,題 為「中國互聯網:中國的映像」,暢談中國的互聯網如何折射出中國在經濟急速發展中的社會百態。
Regional academic institutes assemble “information bridge” 亞太區逾60所學術機構攜手共建「資 訊橋」 Taiwan’s Academia Sinica and CityU co-organised the 2010 Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium Annual Conference from 1–3 December 2010 at CityU under the theme “From Digital Content to Knowledge Asset”. The focus was primarily on issues dealing with the storage, publicity and utilisation of digital content. 由台灣中央研究院主辦、城大協辦的太平洋鄰 里協會年會暨聯合會議,於2010年12月1日至 者、專家齊聚一堂,以「從數碼內容到知識資
CityU professor honoured by three prestigious international institutions
城大教授成就突出 榮膺國際院士兼獲表彰
的進展和前景。 Professor Ron Hui Shu-yuen, Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering at CityU, has been honoured by three prestigious international institutions, including the IEEE Rudolf Chope Research and Development Award presented by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the IET Achievement Medal by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering, in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the advancement and application of engineering, science and technology. 城大電子工程學系講座教授許樹源教授榮獲三家享譽國際的機構頒發獎項及膺選為院士,包括電 機暨電子工程師學會屬下工業電子學會頒發IEEE Rudolf Chope研究及發展獎、英國工程及科技學 院頒發IET Crompton電力成就獎及獲得澳洲技術科學及工程學院院士榮銜,表彰他對工程、科學 及科技發展和應用作出的卓越貢獻。
January 2011
News & Notable CityU scholars debate environmental issues with government secretary 城大學者與環境局局長討論環境議題 Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, the Secretary for the Environment, met academics and administrators from across campus at CityU on 16 December 2010 to discuss the challenges the world faces in terms of climate change and energy sources. He emphasised the important role universities like CityU can play, creating new knowledge, promoting knowledge transfer, and pursuing creativity and innovation. 香港特區政府環境局局長邱騰華 先生2010年12月16日與城大多 個部門的學者和行政人員會面, 討論全球面對的氣候變化及能源 開採等議題。邱先生談及多個議 題,強調城大等高等學府在創造 新知識、知識轉移、創意及創新 等方面可以發揮的重要作用。
CityU professor awarded major prize in science and technology 電子工程學系教授榮獲「何梁何利基 金科學與技術進步獎」
“We look to universities not just for education but also for ideas and behaviour changes,” said Mr Yau, emphasising that science and technology were at the forefront of any approach to tackling global environmental problems.
Professor Guanrong Chen, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at CityU, won the 2010 Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in the category of electronics and information technology by the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation. The prize honours Professor Chen’s research into nonlinear systems control and dynamics, a key area in engineering today. His research applies to related areas such
Outstanding mainland scientists lecture on astronomy and infrastructure projects 中國傑出科學家暢談天文學及路橋工程的發展
as encryption and secure communications, nonlinear vibrations analysis and control, and chaotic signal generators design, among others. 城大電子工程學系講座教授陳關榮教授榮獲
Professor Su Dingqiang, a prominent academician, and Professor Feng Maorun, a prominent
engineer, from mainland China hosted two inspiring lectures at CityU on 25 November 2010. Their
topics were, respectively, “Telescope and Astronomy: A 400-year Retrospect and Future Prospects”
學的一個核心領域 — 非線性系統的動力學分析
and “Paving Roads and Building Bridges to Benefit the Society”.
和控制 — 的研究成就突出,因此獲得這個獎 項。他的研究成果可廣泛應用於多個領域,包
“Universities in the 21st century should be a place for nurturing new talent and encouraging young people to explore new ideas and knowledge,” Professor Kuo said. CityU delegation visits University of Science and Technology of China 城大代表團訪問中國科學技術大學
Secondary school students taste spirit of innovation and discovery at CityU 中學生城大創新探索之行 More than 130 secondary school students took part in a special programme aimed at introducing select secondary school students to the learning environment at CityU on 15 November 2010. The main theme running through the event was “Discovery and Innovation: Tasting the Life of CityU”. Participants met with the Hon Leung Chun-ying, Chairman of CityU Council, and Professor Way Kuo, University President. 逾130名中學生2010年11月15日參加了城大舉辦的「中學少年,大學體驗」活動,親身體驗充 滿探索與創新精神的城大教學環境,並與校董會主席梁振英先生及校長郭位教授會面。
A CityU delegation led by Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, Acting Vice-President (Research & Technology) and Acting Dean of Graduate Studies, visited the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei from 6 to 7 Dec 2010 to explore deeper levels of collaboration under an agreement between CityU and USTC signed in 2005. 城大署理副校長(研究及科技)兼研究生院署 理院長葉豪盛教授率領代表團,於2010年12月 6至7日訪問中國科學技術大學,就2005年簽訂 的協議探討更深層次的合作交流。
Good governance workshop 優良管治工作坊 A two-day international workshop titled “Good Governance in the Asia-Pacific Region: Civil and Political Society” jointly organised by the Governance in Asia Research Centre and the Southeast Asia Research Centre with the Griffith Asia Research Institute of Griffith University, Australia, was held at CityU from 9 to 10 December 2010. Participants presented findings on current research into relations between civil society, governance and democracy in the Asia-Pacific region and evaluated, questioned and challenged some conventional understandings of these relations in the existing literature and in the broader discourse on governance and democratic reform. 亞洲管治研究中心與澳洲格里菲斯大學格里菲斯亞洲研究所東南亞研究中心聯合舉辦的國際工作坊「亞太區的優良管治:文明社會與政治社會」,於 2010年12月9至10日一連兩天在城大舉行。與會者發表了有關亞太區文明社會、管治與民主之間關係的最新研究,對現有文獻內以及廣泛論述管 治及民主改革的言談中有關這些關係的常見看法作出評價,並提出質疑和挑戰。
January 2011
Cover Story
Toxic threats beneath the waves 海洋有毒物無所遁形
It was an unexpected discovery, and one that gave cause for concern. A routine research project conducted by scientists at CityU two years ago found two emerging chemicals in blubber samples taken from Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Chinese white dolphins) and finless porpoises that had been found stranded in Hong Kong waters. The researchers identified the two substances as TBB (2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate) and TBPH (bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-tetrabromophthalate),
By Ellen Chan
both of which are used in the manufacture of
brominated flame retardants, compounds used to prevent the ignition of combustible materials. Detection of the chemicals raised eyebrows because TBB and TBPH were relatively new flame retardants, and had been found recently in the environments such as in household dust and in sludge from a sewage treatment plant. “It was actually the first time these two compounds had been discovered in mammals,” said Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, Chair Professor of the Department of Biology and Chemistry and the head of the research team. The CityU researchers specialise in identifying toxic substances in the environment. Under the supervision of Professor Lam, who is also CityU’s Vice-President (Student Affairs), and the research team evaluates the potential of residues to cause adverse effect and risk to humans and environment. The ongoing monitoring study on these new contaminants in the top predators of food web serves as an early warning about these
January 2011
Cover Story
Subsequently manufacturers have looked for alternatives, such as TBPH and TBB. But if future studies suggest that these two novel flame retardant compounds pose a toxic threat to the environment, as PBDEs do, we have a problem. And this problem will grow exponentially with the anticipated decline in the use of PBDEs and the increased use of the two alternatives. “[Our] findings have clearly indicated that the new types of flame retardants available for commercial use are entering the domestic Analysis of tissue (blubber and liver) samples of stranded cetaceans
environment where they have the potential to negatively affect human health,” Professor Lam and his team wrote in a recent journal article.
substances potentially consumed by humans. “We still don’t know whether these two compounds are toxic, which is why we have planned to collect more samples from the environment and then will carry out a more detailed analysis,” said Professor Lam. According to the CityU academic, toxic substances are divided into two types—synthetic and naturally occurring compounds. Synthesised compounds, most of which originate from industry or agriculture, such as organochlorines, perfluorinated compounds (better known as PFCs) and brominated flame retardants. Typical example of naturally occurring toxic compounds is marine or algal toxins that can be found in certain types of seafood. One of the three principal projects for Professor Lam and his team prior to the discovery of the TBB and TBPH compounds in the dolphins has been the study of brominated flame retardants, which are synthetic compounds. After the discovery in the blubber of marine mammals, Professor Lam
“The research team believes PFCs are turning up in unexpected places around the world through the medium of seawater. We’ve achieved some positive results in studying how PFCs are spread in the oceans and how they find their way into human bodies.”
hypothesised that rainwater had washed microscopic dust from products that had been coated with flame retardant into the oceans, placing the chemicals in the marine food chain.
The CityU team has plenty of experience in this essential area of environmental science. One of its major areas of inquiry has been based
If this is the case, there is cause for concern. Previously other chemical
around PFCs, a ubiquitous family of chemicals that some scientists say are
compounds found in flame retardants had filtered into the environment,
and had been found to be toxic. Some of the most notorious environmental pollutants are thought to be polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs),
PFCs have been used for more than 50 years in non-stick cookware, grease-
which were routinely applied in recent years to materials to prevent the
resistant food packaging, cleaning and personal products like shampoo,
spread of fire. But these PBDEs have been phased out in Europe and US ever
dental floss plus waterproof garments and cameras. But from 2004, the
since studies revealed that they might be harmful to human health. There
CityU team started to detect PFCs in seawater in the Arctic, the Antarctic,
is thought to be a particular threat to the thyroid system, and the chemicals
the South China Sea, water from the nearby Pearl River as well as in blood
have even been found in breast milk among women in Sweden.
samples taken from polar bears and humans. Recently, the team found PFCs in rainwater and clouds, suggesting humans and other animals can ingest them through water supplies. “The research team believes PFCs are turning up in unexpected places around the world through the medium of seawater. We’ve achieved some positive results in studying how PFCs are spreading over the oceans and how they find their ways into human bodies. We’re determined to conduct further research in this area,” said Professor Lam. PFCs are thought to disrupt communication between cells, a factor that might cause cancer. The threat is thought to be so great that the use of PFCs has been banned in Europe, Japan and the US; however, no equivalent action has been taken in China so far. In addition to its study of synthetic chemicals, the CityU team has made PFCs were detected in the blood samples of polar bears.
good progress in the study of marine toxins. Our science faculty is wellknown for its detection of the origin of certain toxins found in fish and the development of rapid testing protocols for ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) and paralytic shellfish poisoning. CFP, prevalent in Hong Kong and the mainland, is caused by eating reef fish whose flesh has been contaminated by marine toxins. Global warming is thought to be the main culprit, creating conditions under which the epiphytic dinoflagellates can proliferate. At present CityU is one of the few centres in the world responsible for the inspection of CFP. CityU was awarded $3.2 million by the Research
Two new emerging chemicals were found in blubber samples taken from porpoise.
Grants Council Collaborative Research Fund for the development of rapid testing protocols for CFP and paralytic shellfish poisoning and the assessment of environmental transfer within marine food webs. “The detection of CFP toxins takes two days now. We hope to develop simpler, cheaper and more rapid tests as soon as possible,” said Professor Lam. Meanwhile, research continues into the threat new chemical compounds used in flame retardants might pose to the environment.
CityU team is well-known for the detection of CFP toxins in fish.
January 2011
Cover Story
在一次例行的研究中發現了一些不常見的物質,此事確實引起 科學家的關注。 城大一群生物及化學系科學家在2009至2010年進行例行研究時,在海 豚體內發現含有TBB(2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate)和 TBPH(bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-tetrabromophthalate),這兩種屬於多溴複合 防火劑中使用的化合物。 TBB和TBPH是近年才廣泛使用於防火劑中的化合物,同時在塵埃和污水 處理廠的沉澱物等環境中亦可找到這兩種物質。 「這是全球首次在生物體內發現這兩種化合物;在那以前,只有在一些 美國家庭的塵埃中發現過這些化合物,」生物及化學系講座教授及研究 小組組長林群聲教授說。 城大的研究小組在副校長(學生事務)林教授的帶領下,工作重點是在 環境中找出有毒物質,並致力研究環境中有毒物質對人類或其他生物的 影響。
「我們的研究數據顯示,這些 應用在產品中的新化合物已進 入家居環境,並有可能影響人 類的健康。」
然產生的化合物包括麻痺性貝類毒素及雪卡魚毒素等。 經過研究,他們更發現 城大的研究小組分別研究人工合成的化合物及自然產生的化合物,主要
訊,令一些細胞不斷擴 張並變為癌細胞。2009
林教授表示,自從在哺乳動物中發現TBB及TBPH後,不排除產品製造 商將這兩種化合物用於家具或衣物,後經塵埃散開,隨着雨水流入海
較早前一些防火劑中的化合物不知不覺間會從消費品中釋放到自然環境 裏,部分更含有毒性。其中包括早期普遍使用的溴化二笨醚 (PBDE)。
其快速檢驗法。雪卡毒 如果在未來的研究證實TBB及TBPH會像PBDE那樣含有毒性,並污染環 境,那樣便會出現問題。
是由魚類進食有毒海藻 後轉化而成。故此隨着 地球暖化和海洋污染加劇,令珊瑚群白化及枯死,有利毒海藻生長,
境,並有可能影響人類的 健康,」林教授及其研究小組在一份科研期 刊中提出有關資料。
目前,城大是全球少數具有檢測「雪卡毒素」能力的研究機構之一, 於2009年獲大學教育資助委員會轄下研究資助局(研資局)的恊作
影響。 「現時需要兩天時間才能驗出毒素,希望可以盡快研發出更簡單、廉 原來,很多日常用品中均含有這種化合物,例如家庭常用的易潔鑊表面
即有含PFCs的塗層。此外,在一些食物包裝袋、洗髮露、牙線等個人 清潔用品中,以及部分具防水功能的衣物及相機中,也可以發現PFCs
January 2011
Professional Education & Research
Photonics in the spotlight By Michael Gibb
Photonics is one of the fastest growing research fields in the world today, embracing a range of interdisciplinary areas, from optical communications and imaging to laser spectroscopy and quantum optics. It is essentially the study of light and other forms of radiant energy that have the photon, i.e. the basic unit of light, as its basic element. “Fundamental research in photonics is essential for the successful development of innovative and practical solutions in many areas vital to mankind such as energy, health, environmental protection, communications and data processing, to name a few,” said Professor Andrey Rogach of the Department of Physics and Materials Science at CityU. Professor Rogach, an expert in functional optical materials, particularly in synthesis, optical spectroscopy and applications of semiconductor and metal nanocrystals in photovoltaics and biomedicine, is now heading up a new research centre devoted to the study of this dynamic field. It is called the Centre for Functional Photonics (CFP). “CFP will explore new photonic functions of artificially fabricated micro- and nano-structures, and focus on the fundamental studies of light-matter interactions and their potential applications in photonics, electronics and biomedicine,” said Professor Rogach, who joined CityU in 2009 after highly successful stints at universities in Belarus, Germany and Ireland. “The combination of top-down fabrication methods with bottomup self-assembly aims at the realisation and understanding of new functional photonic structures,” he added. The research agenda will involve expertise from across the sciences and engineering field at CityU. Departments involved include Physics
and Materials Science, Biology and Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management. Strong links with faculty members of the School of Energy and Environment are also envisaged. There is no doubt that the Centre will enhance the international visibility of CityU. Professor Rogach has been ranked 8th worldwide among authors publishing on nanocrystals in the past
“The combination of top-down fabrication methods with bottom-up self-assembly aims at the realisation and understanding of new functional photonic structures.”
decade by Thomson Scientific (ISI Essential
January 2011
Professional Education & Research
Science Indicators), with a current h-index of 52. In addition, the Centre has ties with leading international groups, including, for example, Professor Sir John Pendry, Imperial College London, UK, and Professor Jochen Feldmann, University of Munich, Germany. The Centre will look at combined optical spectroscopy and theoretical studies of light-matter interactions in nanomaterials, molecular materials for opto-electronics and photonics, microstructured photonic and nanoreactive devices, and opto-mechanical devices.
It will also address one of the world’s most pressing issues: energy. The
efficient conversion of solar energy into electricity and solar fuels (e.g. hydrogen) is one of the key challenges in modern technology. The world is facing the depletion of conventional sources of energy (oil and natural gas)
and atmospheric environmental problems, most notably global warming Electric power
attributed to the greenhouse effect. The sun is a huge potential source of renewable, clean energy, but the technology for harnessing solar power is expensive and inefficient.
Semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots (QD) for solar energy conversion
“Nanotechnology will open new ways to develop novel hybrid materials with enhanced performance of light harvesting and conversion, thus offering great promise for the development of third generation solar cells
In other words, the research challenge is finding ways to improve the
and water splitting systems allowing the production of hydrogen fuel,”
efficiency of solar cells used to trap, convert and disperse solar energy.
Professor Rogach said. Medicine is another key area of focus, for example, using organometallic complexes as luminescent labels for biomedical studies, such as in the detection and observation of cancer cells. The research agenda will feed into the teaching component of the College of Science and Engineering through new courses on optics and spectroscopy, and relevant GE courses. In terms of networking and outreach, the Centre will consolidate research activities and promote mutual understanding and collaboration between researchers from physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and engineering through joint seminars and workshops, Professor Rogach said.
光學研究新亮點 光學是現今發展最快的研究領域之一,範疇涉及多個學科,包括 光通訊、激光光譜映像以至量子光學。
及學者聯繫緊密,其中包括英國倫敦帝國學院的John Pendry教授和德
國慕尼黑大學的Jochen Feldmann教授。
以及光學機械器材。 「光學的基礎研究對成功研發攸關人類福祉的創新及實用方法至關重要, 涵蓋能源、保健、環境保護、通訊以至數據處理等多個範疇,」城大物
中心亦將研究全球最關注的問題之一:能源。 如何將太陽能有效地轉化
理及材料科學系Andrey Rogach教授說。
對傳統能源(石油及天然氣)即將耗盡以及全球暖化所引致的溫室效應 半導體應用、光伏中的金屬納米晶體以及生物醫學。Rogach教授現 擔任城大新成立的功能光學中心主任,致力研究這一發展迅速的學科
前,Rogach教授先後在白俄羅斯、德國及愛爾蘭的大學任教。 換而言之,研究的目的是要找出方法,提升收集、轉化及傳導太陽能的 「我們把由上而下的構造方法與由下而上的自我組裝方法結合起來進行
研究,目的是要認識及了解新的功能光學結構,」他說。 醫藥領域是另一個研究重點,例如在生物醫學研究中運用有機金屬複合 功能光學中心將邀請城大各科學領域的專家參與研究,參與學系包括
物理及材料科學系、生物及化學系、電子工程學系以及製造工程及 工程管理學系。此外,能源及環境學院的教學人員亦有可能積極參與
January 2011
Through the Lens
CityU encourages its students to become original thinkers and to discover for themselves solutions to the myriad problems we face today. The 21st century will be no different in terms of the scale and complexity of the challenges we face, which is why at CityU we strongly emphasise to our students the relevance of creativity, the need to be curious and the sheer excitement of discovery. 城大鼓勵學生以創新思維,獨立探索,尋求方 法解決人類面對的種種問題。 人類在21世紀仍須面對許多問題,而且規模更 大、更複雜。因此之故,城大務求學生認清: 求知為上,創新無價,發現至樂。
Photo: Sunny Wong
勇於探索 志在創新
January 2011
Short & Sweet
Order less, Saving more There is a Chinese saying that suggests “food is the paramount necessity of the people”. In an affluent society like Hong Kong, this certainly seems to be the case. Hong Kong produces 14,000 metric tones of solid waste each day, according to statistics from the Environmental Protection Department. Food waste is one of the major components of solid waste: about 3,300 metric tonnes will be produced each day. Such a high quantity can be attributable to our unnecessary but habitual demand for excessive amounts of food. In response, the Students’ Union has decided to take action, encouraging diners at last year’s CityU Banquet to order less food for their tables. More than half the participants, or around 100 tables of guests, agreed, cutting the number of dishes from eight to six. “We thought this would be a great way of promoting better eating habits because a lot of food gets wasted at the annual CityU Banquet,” said Amy Kwok Wing-heng, who was in charge of public relations for last year’s Students’ Union and was the chairman of the organising committee for last year’s CityU Banquet. “Our idea is just a starting point, but we hope our initiative inspires more people to get involved,” she added. The Hon Leung Chun-ying, CityU’s Council Chairman, also played a part in bringing the
By Ellen Chan
initiative to life. He and Mr Lee Chung-tak, Council Member, donated $100,000 as the prize for a lucky draw. Through the hard work of all the committee members, 107 tables responded to the call, and their efforts resulted in a
減少廚餘 須由源頭開始
reduction in food waste of around 400 kg. But the students are keen to see that this event was not just a one-off. They would like to see the culture of “ordering less, saving more” take off. “Last year’s banquet was only an experiment,” said Chan Tin-yau, the president of last year’s Students’ Union, “but it was a revealing one.” It showed that even if the number of dishes was reduced to six, there was easily enough food for everyone at the table, even for young
「民以食為天」,在香港這個物資豐裕的城市裏更能體會 到這句話的意思。當大家享受美酒佳餚之餘,可會認真想 過如何處理吃剩的食物(廚餘)呢? 根據環保署資料顯示,香港每日產出的固體廢物有1.4萬公噸,其中 廚餘是固體廢物的主要成分,每日產生約3,300公噸,而造成大量廚 餘的原因是大家習慣虛耗食物。
students with healthy appetites.
“It is clear that we must start to reduce food waste and one of the most
是責無旁貸,所以校董會仿照社會企業責任概念,成立了「社會責 任委員會」,着意關注與人類及地球(包括減廢、減排和綠化)有關
effective ways is to order less,” he said, adding that he hoped the CityU community will continue to reflect on food issues. The need to reduce food waste, along with eliminating emissions and greening campus, is also an important part of the mission set forth by the newly formed University Social Responsibility Committee at the suggestion of Mr Leung.
的事情。 減少和處理廚餘是城大社會責任的重點之一,城大學生會亦積極回應 及支持這個概念,並且坐言起行以去年舉辦的城大夜宴作為開端,過 半席數(約100席)的赴宴者同意,將八道菜減至六道,避免過量廚 餘,希望藉此令同學開始思考浪費食物的問題。 「這個建議十分有意義,一方面可以減少浪費食物,同時減少製造廢 物,」上屆城大學生會公關秘書兼城大夜宴籌備委員會主席郭詠恆 說。「雖然這次活動只是一個起點,甚至好像有點微不足道,但我相 信藉着這次活動可以喚起城大社群關注這個議題,更希望大家身體力 行,減少製造廢物。」 為了鼓勵學生參加,校董會主席梁振英先生與另一位校董李宗德先 生捐出10萬元,作為減少菜式的學生的抽獎禮物。經過大家的同心 協力,最終有107席響應減少菜式,合共減少400多公斤廚餘。這次 活動後,郭詠恆更加明白凡事要親力親為,才可以感染和推動身邊 的同學。 上屆學生會主席陳天佑說:「這次夜宴是個試驗,即使減少至六道 菜,每人仍有足夠的份量。所以,減少廚餘真須由源頭開始。」他希 望城大人嘗試由自己開始,學習適應這種生活,繼而慢慢影響身邊的 人。
January 2011
Face to Face
Global arena for science and technology By Sally Ling
Professor Lu Jian, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering (CSE), is drawing on his 26 years of living and working in France to help expand exchange programmes in CSE in order to instill within students a more tangible experience of different cultures.
What are the future directions of CSE? We are striving to expand our student exchange programmes in order to provide our students with opportunities to widen their horizons and enhance their cultural experiences. We will also augment our internship programmes and give our students six months to prepare their finalyear project with our international or industrial
What are your aims as the new dean of CSE?
We have made our mark already as the only
Another plan is to broaden the research
college in Hong Kong with departments of
spectrum within the college and undertake
science and engineering under one roof. For
more joint research and development projects
example, we are among the world’s top 50
with the mainland and other top level research
universities in engineering/technology and
institutions worldwide.
computer sciences, according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s academic ranking of world universities by broad subject fields. So I think my role as the new dean is to maintain this momentum and to make our college the preferred destination for the best students, faculty, scholars and researchers from around the globe.
January 2011
Face to Face
How will you encourage students to support social and economic advancement in society?
scientists and engineers. Our young graduates should be ready for change and possess the ability to innovate.
One of our core beliefs is to promote academic excellence. We believe that this provides a firm basis on which students can grow. Also, our
In terms of opportunities, the government is refocusing its efforts on
exchange programmes allow our students to study abroad in top
promoting science and technology following the global economic
universities around the globe. Since 2006, almost 500 inbound and
tsunami. The Task Force on Economic Challenges has recommended the
outbound students have taken advantage of this programme. This gives
development of six industries where Hong Kong enjoys advantages. These
them a distinct edge over other graduates.
new sectors are linked to innovation and technology, where our graduates have a clear advantage.
They also benefit from an interdisciplinary background and our active inter-departmental collaboration. There are seven academic departments and one division with expertise across diverse domains in science and engineering, which is a huge and rich boon for our students. Another factor is our forward-looking curriculum. The college enthusiastically supports students working hand-in-hand with faculty members
”Hong Kong is moving to a knowledge-based economy, a shift that will require many more creative and flexible scientists and engineers .”
on research activities. By doing so, students are
How do you think the Hong Kong education system, in particular the tertiary sector, can learn from its counterpart in France? I studied and worked for more than 26 years in France. I think that the major difference is that France believes in high technology. For these reasons, scientists and engineers are highly
encouraged to exploit new ideas in scientific innovations and have an
respected and a very large portion of top students are oriented in these
early taste of research during their undergraduate studies.
fields. French companies such as Airbus, Alcatel, AREVA (Nuclear Energy) are world leaders. The advantage of spending so much time in that wonderful
Our close ties with industry are also important. Our students receive
European country was the exposure I had to professors from all over the
training opportunities that align with their major studies through our on-
world. It is this sort of global environment that we should aim to create for
going placement schemes. These interactive learning activities provide a
our students, who are the scientists and engineers of the future.
platform for our students to sharpen their interpersonal skills in real-life settings.
How can we promote science and engineering education in Hong Kong? What are the challenges ahead? Science and technology contribute to people’s well-being every day, from the computer and the internet to high-speed trains and aircraft. That’s why studying science and engineering at CityU should be considered a higher calling! As for the challenges, Hong Kong is moving to a knowledge-based economy, a shift that will require many more creative and flexible
加強國際體驗,促進科研發展 新上任的科學及工程學院院長呂堅教授 曾在法國生活及工作了26年,他希望擴 大學院的交換生計劃,讓學生親身體驗 不同文化。 出任科學及工程學院院長後,你訂立下甚麼樣 的目標? 我們是香港唯一兼備科學和工程學的學院,已 建立卓絕的聲譽,在上海交通大學發表的世界 大學學術排名中,我們在工程學/科技及電腦科 學範疇內位列前50名。我出任新院長後,希望 能夠再接再厲,令學院成為全球傑出學生、教 學人員、學者及研究員的優先選擇。 科學及工程學院的未來發展有些甚麼具體的舉
技,我們的畢業生在這方面具有明顯 優勢。
機會,拓闊視野及加強文化體驗。我們將延長 交換生計劃的逗留時間,讓學生在國際合作夥
及國際其他著名學府進行更多研究及發展合作 項目。
司均為全球多個行業的領先企業。我 在法國工作、生活這麼多年的優點之
生到海外國際著名大學進修。自2006年以來, 近500名城大與海外學府的學生受惠於這項計
我們有七個學系和一個學部,各自擁有科學與 工程學不同範疇的專業知識,學院內的跨學科 課程以及各學系之間的積極合作,令學生學習
January 2011
In the Know
Planning a painting 卲爵士夫婦畫像的創作過程 By Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai Chief Information Officer Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
文:陳漢偉博士 資訊總監及電腦科學系副教授
Dr Andy Chun Hon-wai, Chief Information Officer at CityU, talks about the creative process behind the photo-realistic oil paintings that he created for movie magnate and philanthropist Sir Run Run Shaw following the HK$100 million donation from the Shaw Foundation to the University.
Just for fun and relaxation, I regularly “exercise” my own right brain skills by creating art for the University. Some of my artworks are displayed around campus, such as in the lobby of the Department of Computer Science and at the entrance to the Computer Science laboratory in
This might sound surprising, but for me, IT and art are very similar. They
the Mong Man-wai Building where my daughter,
both require high levels of creativity, problem-solving skills, creative
Isabel, and I created a mural. In fact, I was also
processes and research acumen. In fact, I strongly encourage my science
one of the artists for CityU’s first “Exhibition of Art
and engineering students to practice something artistic, either art, music
Works by Members of CityU Community” back in
or dance, as a way to exercise their “right brains”. Everyone needs a balance
between their right and left brain skills if they want to be successful. You
cannot be a successful engineer without being creative. Likewise, you
For the Sir Run Run Shaw donation, I created two
cannot be a successful artist if you cannot solve problems.
paintings: one of Sir Run Run (36in x 48in) and
spray paint.
“I decided to give the painting a golden background to reflect Sir Run Run’s raised status in the Hong Kong film industry.”
I started the project with a detailed study of the
For the Sir Run Run portrait, I started with a
and intensity for the rest of the portrait. The
personalities and mannerisms of Sir Run Run and
pencil and paper sketch to familiarise myself
photo-realistic effect is created using Gerhard
Lady Shaw. Since it was not feasible to observe
with the lines and shading of the subject’s face. I
Richter-like blurring brush strokes but at a
them in person, I studied several documentaries
then redrew a light-weight pencil sketch on the
microscopic level.
and movies. One had interviews with Sir Run Run
large 36 inch x 48 inch canvas. By the way, I do
when he was younger. I was really impressed
my sketching with just a plain HB pencil. On top
Sir Run Run’s upper body was painted using
how he presented himself. He was young and
of the pencil sketch, I then added a thin layer of
a modern acrylic medium and a modern
intelligent and spoke eloquently in English, and I
acrylic with transparent colours to lock in the
computer graphics-like style to signify that
wanted to capture this fascinating personality in
sketch so that it will not smear while the other
Shaw’s ideas and influence are still greatly felt
the painting.
parts of the painting are being done.
in our modern world. The color purple was
another of Lady Mona Shaw (30in x 30in). Both paintings were mixed-media on canvas using ultra-modern high-tech media, such as watersoluble oil, slow-drying acrylic, and/or graffiti
selected because it represents sophistication, For Lady Shaw, I studied several movies she was
When I am ready to start on the portrait, I begin
wealth, dignity and royalty in Chinese colour
in from the 1960s, in which she sang English
with an oil underpainting, which is a detailed
covers. It was this sense of nostalgia that I
colour sketch and provides a medium ground to
wanted to capture.
work upon. On top of the detailed underpainting,
Behind Sir Run Run is the Run Run Shaw
the actual painting is then built one colour layer
Creative Media Centre, which posed its own
After the background study, I designed the
at a time, very much like a laser printer. This
challenges: using paint alone would create a
two paintings with different compositions and
method is a variation of the classical 15th century
flat and boring building. So I first “sculpted” it
layouts using a computer to study colour and
Flemish technique of layered oil painting. My
with thick molding paste to give it a 3D look
shade. For both paintings, I used grids and
colour layers consist of red (madder), dark red
and concrete texture, and then painted it with
the traditional “rule of thirds” to define the
(alizarin crimson), flesh tone (titanium white +
oil, borrowing subtle shading techniques from
composition. I also used a computer to analyse
madder + yellow ochre), brown (burnt sienna),
the American artist Georgia O’Keeffe.
the lines, intersections and shapes of the Run
and dark brown (raw umber). Other colours were
Run Shaw Creative Media Centre which we
added if necessary, such as ultramarine blue and
The golden background is meant to be
wanted in the background.
black for the hair and eyes. I always paint all the
reminiscent of 13th–15th century Christian
layers for the ears and neck first. This sets the hue
art. I decided to give the painting a golden
Step 1: HB pencil sketch on A4 paper
Step 2: HB pencil sketch on 3’ x 4’ canvas
Step 3: HB Acrylic seal
Step 4: Oil underpainting
Step 5: Detailed underpainting sketch
Step 6: Start layering process
Final Version
January 2011
In the Know
background to reflect Sir Run Run’s raised status in the Hong Kong film industry and his enduring role in worldwide cinematic arts. However, instead of using gold foil like in early Christian art, I opted for three different
較早前,邵氏基金捐款一億港元予城 大,資訊總監陳漢偉博士為電影巨擘兼 慈善家邵逸夫爵士創作實照油畫,現特 撰文細述其創作過程。
shades of golden spray paint, which was applied in the style of Mark Rothko-like
abstract expressionism.
訊科技跟藝術其實很相近。兩者均需要高度的 創作力、解難技巧、創作過程和細心研究。事
The most significant part of the painting is Sir Run Run’s eyes and smile, but the solid black line
實上,我常鼓勵修讀科學和工程學的學生做點 帶藝術成分的事情,例如創作藝術、音樂和舞
at the bottom of the painting plays a crucial role, too. This is a technique
borrowed from the abstract expressionist Barnett Newman who used a line
or “zip” to define the spatial structure of his paintings. Unlike Newman’s
lines, which are uninterrupted, the black line in the Shaw painting used
Gestalt principles to give the objects 3D perspective as well as structure and orientation.
For the Lady Shaw painting, I decided to give it a feeling of the 1960s but
「練習」右腦技巧,為城大創作藝術品。校園 裏可以找到我的一些作品,例如電腦科學系的
using a modern stencil spray paint technique popularised by graffiti artists such as Britain’s Banksy. This painting also used one colour layer at a time
大堂內;蒙民偉樓電腦科學實驗室大門外則掛 着我和女兒Isabel創作的壁畫。事實上,我還
with a different painstakingly hand-cut paper stencil for each part of the
painting. This became a family project as my daughter helped with the
time-consuming paper cutting. 我為城大答謝邵逸夫爵士的捐助,創作了兩幅 I also used a wet-on-wet spraying technique to give Lady Shaw’s dress a
畫作:一幅是邵爵士(36吋x 48吋),另一幅
wool-like texture. This is a bit tricky. You have to be very familiar with the
是邵方逸華女士(30吋x 30吋)。兩幅作品均
medium and work very fast to get the wet-on-wet effect since the medium
dries instantly.
I am pleased that the art work was well received by the Shaws. My
experience with art, as with life, tells me nothing ever goes as planned.
However, if you work at it, you often discover something more wonderful
than anything you originally planned or imagined.
年輕時的邵爵士的紀錄片。他的對答談吐,深 深吸引了我。年輕的邵爵士聰慧過人,英語說
得優雅流利。我很想在畫作裏體現這種充滿魅 力的個性。 至於方女士,我看了她在六十年代演出的幾齣 電影,影片裏的英語歌曲由她主唱。我想捕捉 的是那種懷舊的𩐳味。 完成背景研究後,我用電腦以不同的構圖、佈 局、色彩、光暗設計了這兩幅畫作。構圖方 面,我用了上方格和傳統的黃金分割定律的 「三分細則」。用作背景的邵逸夫創意媒體 中心,我則運用電腦分析其線條、交叉線及 外型。 繪畫邵爵士的畫像時,我先用鉛筆和白紙作素 描,以熟習掌握主角人物面部的線條和光暗。 接着,我用輕幼鉛筆在36吋乘48吋的大畫布上 重畫素描,用的是普通的HB鉛筆。我在鉛筆素 描上加上一層薄薄的透明塑膠彩,先把素描封 好,以免繪畫其他部分時弄污。
箔,而是採用了類似Mark Rothko的抽象表現
細緻但類似Gerhard Richter的模糊點掃畫法,
象表現派大師Barnett Newman的筆法,以線 我用現代塑膠材料和現代電腦圖像相類的風
富、高貴和皇族身份。 至於方女士的畫像,我希望營造六十年代的感 繪畫邵爵士身體後面的邵逸夫創意媒體中心時
January 2011
Gown to Town
Alumni strengthen CityU’s development 匯聚校友力量 共助母校發展
By Ellen Chan
Hong Kong is in the process of transforming itself into a knowledge-based economy, a move that requires qualified professionals and high value-added industries. So it is a competitive arena into which our graduates will emerge, and higher education institutions must nurture high-calibre graduates to meet the demands laid down by society and industry. “Universities have to understand fully the
has been a prominent figure in founding the
Currently the managing director of Techworld
needs of the community in terms of personnel
CityU Eminence Society. This new body brings
Industries Limited, Mr Ho is an entrepreneur
requirements and then fully exploit the available
together enthusiastic former students with
working in consumer electronic products in
resources,” said Mr Peter Ho Ka-nam, an alumnus
the support of the Alumni Relations Office to
Hong Kong. With a long and close relationship
of the College of Science and Engineering at
contribute resources, expertise and networks
with his alma mater, he has provided science
to help advance the University and serve the
and engineering students with internship
community. Mr Ho is the first chairman of the
opportunities through CityU’s Industrial
new organisation.
Attachment Scheme. In addition, he has set up a
CityU is a relatively young university,
number of awards and scholarships to support
founded just 26 years ago, but Mr Ho said it
and encourage aspiring young students.
is encouraging to see its recent rise in world
“As senior alumni, we are glad to see the
university rankings. However, at the same time,
rapid development of our alma mater. We
he said CityU’s practical research applications
wish to contribute our work experience and
Mr Ho graduated from CityU with a master’s
can offer industry more in terms of ideas and
social networks and create a better learning
degree in engineering management in 2007 and
environment for the students,” Mr Ho said.
was conferred with the title of Honorary Fellow
That’s why Mr Ho serves as Patron of the CityU
He added that members of the CityU Eminence
constantly upgrades himself, currently studying
Business and Industrial Club (CUBIC) and
Society will help develop CityU by contributing
for an Engineering Doctorate (Engineering
Chairman of CUBIC’s Consumer Electronics
ideas and sponsoring activities, such as the
Management) at CityU.
Group. He acts as a bridge between CityU and
City-Youth Empowerment Project, which
industry, promoting the University’s research
provides opportunities for students to develop
achievements and helping his alma mater know
themselves. In addition, the CityU Eminence
more about the needs of the industry.
Society will organise overseas study tours
by CityU in 2009. He is a diligent person who
for students working in different sectors, It is one of his most passionate beliefs that we
expanding their exposure and promoting CityU’s
treasure the alumni network, which is why he
international image.
香港正逐步發展成為知識型社會,其特 點是人才高學歷、產業高增值;要在瞬 息萬變的世界競爭中勝出,高等院校必 須培育更多優質人才去迎接挑戰。「我 相信大學亦要認清業界對人才的要求, 才能善用教育資源去培育人才,」城大 科學及工程學院的校友何稼楠先生說。
何先生是一位具前瞻性的企業家,現任科匯工業 有限公司的董事總經理,在香港創辦了消費電子 產品的企業王國。他和城大早已結下不解之緣, 他透過城大設立的「工業培訓計劃」為工科學生 提供實習機會,並設立多個獎項及獎學金來扶持 鼓勵有志青年。 何先生2007年在城大修畢工程管理學理學碩
大的科研成果十分實用,卻可惜尚未獲得外界 的充分認識。 因此,他出任工商協進會的贊助人兼消費者電 器組主席,為城大與工商界之間搭建一座橋 樑,將城大的科研成果向外界介紹推廣,同時 亦協助城大深入了解業界的願望和需求。 何先生認為,校友網絡的資源不應浪費,而應 將這股力量匯聚起來,為母校的發展作出貢 獻。他遂邀集一群資深校友,在校友聯絡處的 協助下,成立了「城賢匯」這個校友組織,並 擔任首屆主席。 「我們這群資深校友樂見母校近年來的快速發 展,希望我們可以運用各人的工作經驗及各界 的人脈網絡,與其他校友交流分享,大家各盡 其力攜手回饋母校,好讓學弟學妹有更完善的 學習環境,」何先生說。 何先生表示,「城賢匯」的各位成員將會積極 協助母校的發展項目,集思廣益貢獻意見,亦 會支持城大的的活動,例如青年優權計劃,幫 助更多後輩學生獲得機會去充實自己。「城 賢匯」亦將協助組織學生考察團到海外去 實地體驗各類企業的運作,既增廣自身 的見聞,也有利於在海外提升城大的 形象。
January 2011
Professional Education & Research
The creative 創意的脈動
By Michael Gibb
Historically, education planners in Hong Kong rarely promote creative writing. Isolated pockets of resistance exist, usually in the humanities and language learning departments, and some secondary schools serve up a reasonable slice of the world literary canon. But, compared with other countries or regions, especially the United Kingdom, for example, where more than 100 universities and colleges offer postgraduate courses in creative writing, the Hong Kong SAR usually places greater emphasis on seemingly more utilitarian subjects than writing short stories and haiku. But the Department of English at CityU is looking to change this mindset. In the past year it has placed creativity and creative writing at the heart of its educational mission, adding a new stream to its flagship BA programme, launching an innovative master’s in creative writing and hiring prize-winning faculty with strong research interests in literature and an impressive publishing record in fiction and creative nonfiction. “We want the Department of English to be a hub of creativity and to pioneer English for the creative professions in Hong Kong and the region,” said Professor Kingsley Bolton, Head of the Department and Chair Professor of English.
“We are already very strong in English language education, English for
as part of the pilot of our 4-year curriculum in 2010–2011,” said Professor
specific purposes, applied linguistics and English for the corporate and
Bolton, whose research interests include English language and literature
business world. What we have added to complement this level of expertise
worldwide, language and globalisation, multilingualism, sociolinguistics
is greater emphasis on literature, new media, film, drama and performance,”
and world Englishes.
he said. This new stream is offered in conjunction with the already established Professor Bolton says this shift in focus to creativity is a direct response to
component of English for professional communication, he said.
regional manpower needs. In the 2005 Policy Address, the Chief Executive
“The new stream offers a professionally oriented approach to literature
of Hong Kong SAR, stressed the need to foster the growth of the creative
and creative writing which students can apply to areas such as
industries, everything from advertising and animation production to
advertising, public relations and the entertainment industries,” Professor
software development and product design. In addition, the government
Bolton continued.
set up the agency Create Hong Kong just last year to spearhead the However, the department’s new direction is not dictated simply by issues
development of the creative economy.
related to human resource management. Faculty teaching the creative This new direction also aligns with CityU’s greater commitment to the
writing and literature courses in the department take the position that
creative industries. This drive is evidenced
the macro-skills needed to draw up a press
in the establishment of the Applied
release, a breaking news story, a script for an
Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE), a showcase for interdisciplinary research and innovation in creative media, and the new Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, which will provide a space for developing superior levels of education and training in the creative media fields. The department has already initiated the valorisation of creativity within its curriculum. “We included the innovative concentration of English for the creative professions in our BA in English Studies
“We want the Department of English to be a hub
animation or a even corporate annual report are essentially the same. What you learn from, for instance, studying narrative and point of view in short fiction dovetails with the essence of corporate communications,
of creativity and to
explained Mr Justin Hill, an award-winning
pioneer English for the
department teaching undergraduates at
creative professions
British novelist and a Visiting Writer in the CityU. “The writing skills we explore are applicable to
in Hong Kong and the
a number of genres of writing, not just fiction,”
first novel, The Drink and Dream Teahouse, won
said Mr Hill, whose internationally acclaimed the 2003 Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize and
January 2011
Professional Education & Research
reasons but to see the novel, for example, as a work of art that has something of value to say,” said Professor Rocio Davis, who specialises in Asian North American literature, memoir, postcolonialism and children’s literature. She teaches courses on culture and literary studies in the department. Complementing the undergraduate programme is the innovative new master of fine arts (MFA) in creative writing run by Ms Xu Xi, an acclaimed author who was the faculty chair of creative writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts before joining CityU. Her latest novel Habit of a Foreign Sky was shortlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize in 2007. It is the first low-residency MFA in Asia, and the
(From left) Professor Kingsley Bolton, Ms Xu Xi, Professor Rocio Davis and Mr Justin Hill.
only one in the world that focuses on Asian writing. Writers from as far afield as mainland China, India, the Philippines as well as Hong Kong are honing their writing skills with some of the world’s most
whose second novel, Passing Under Heaven, won
influential teachers. Professor Robin Hemley, the director of the non-fiction
the 2005 Somerset Maugham Award.
programme at the University of Iowa, and Mr Timothy Mo, an awardwinning Anglo-Chinese novelist, are just two of the visiting faculty who
“It’s about ordering your thoughts, catching
are helping the students to workshop their portfolios of poetry, fiction and
the readers’ attention, editing, deciding what
creative non-fiction.
should be cut and what should stay,” he added. In other words, in most forms of writing—creative,
Ultimately, the focus on creativity, especially in literature and creative
personal, corporate or literary—the writer needs
writing, goes beyond the functional need to pass a course, fulfill academic
to identify the germ of the story, the identity of
requirements and improve technical writing skills. The broader canvas sees
the reader and how best to convey the essence
creativity as a means of reflecting on ethical and social responsibilities, and
of the narrative.
a space to think through moral dilemmas, personal principles and issues of identity and relationships.
In addition, the department wants to encourage
students to view literature as an artistic
“The students are encouraged to express their emotions and articulate their
experience comparable to viewing a painting or
feelings,” Mr Hill explains. “There is no right and there is no wrong. It’s about
listening to music. “We want our students to be
self expression. Creative writing encourages the students to care about
exposed to good writing, not just for functional
what they write.”
歷來香港的教育規劃當局很少提倡創意寫作,對此堅守不棄者只能各自為戰,通常是大學人文學科或語文學系仍有相關科 目,有些中學的課程仍包含不少世界文學經典。香港的境況遠遜於其他國家或地區,例如英國有超過一百家大學和學院的 研究生課程設有創意寫作科目。相比之下,香港更看重的是貌似實用的科目,而非創作短篇小說或俳句之類。 不過,城大英文系正力求扭轉這種心態。英文系去年將鼓勵創意和創意
且有濃厚興趣研究文學的獲獎作家來校任教。 「寫作之道,在於整理思緒、吸引讀者,要斟酌修改,懂得如何去蕪存 「我們希望英文系成為一個創意中心,並為英語開拓新路,應用在香港及
亞洲區的各門創意專業中,」英文系系主任Kingsley Bolton講座教授說。
業文書,或是文學作品,都要求作者找出有待發揮的細節,明確讀者對 象,設法把內容精華完美表達出來。
「我們在英語教育、專用英語、應用語言學、企業與商界英語等方面 已具有優勢,如今我們再走前一步,着力發展文學、新媒體、電影、戲
畫作、聆聽音樂一樣。「我們希望學生感受寫作之美,而不僅是考慮其 功用,例如將小說視為一件言之有物的藝術品,」Rocio Davis教授這麼
創意產業,從廣告和動畫製作,直到軟件開發和產品設計,都要大力推 動。不僅如此,政府去年成立了專責辦公室「創意香港」,負責領導發
意寫作主持教授;她的最新小說Habit of a Foreign Sky是2007年曼氏亞洲文 尤其表現在成立了互動視覺及體現應用研究室(ALiVE),從事創意媒體跨學 科研究及創新。此外,新建的邵逸夫創意媒體中心落成,亦將開闢更大
程,在亞洲屬於首創,也是全球唯一以亞洲寫作為重心的課程。來自 中國內地、印度、菲律賓以及香港本地的作家,將與多位國際著名的指
Hemley教授,以及具中英血統的得獎小說家Timothy Mo先生,是其中的
看,創意課程為的是讓人省思自身的道德責任及社會責任,給人一個空 間去思考道德困境的出路、個人的操守,以及身份認同和人際關係等等
講授創意寫作及文學等科目的英文系同事均認為,撰寫新聞公告、突發 新聞、動畫劇本,乃至公司年報,所需的寫作技巧大致相同。例如,短
前在英文系擔任訪問作家並講授本科課程的英國得獎小說家Justin Hill先 生解釋說。
January 2011
Dr Vivian Lee Pui-yin (Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics) Hong Kong Cinema Since 1997: The Post-Nostalgic Imagination UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 The change of sovereignty in 1997 marked the end of British colonial rule and the beginning of a new era in the history of Hong Professor Nadja Alexander (School of Law) Mediation: Process and Practice in Hong Kong Hong Kong: Lexis Nexis, 2010 Mediation in Hong Kong is a hub of activity. With recent developments under the Civil Justice Reform and various legal bodies working to implement and promote alternative forms of dispute resolution, it is necessary for education, training and proper accreditation for both present and future mediators to be made available and adopted by institutions and organisations to maintain both the necessary number and quality of available mediators in Hong Kong. Mediation: Process and Practice in Hong Kong draws upon diverse traditional and contemporary practices to offer a layered and nuanced view of mediation to reflect the internationality of Hong Kong. The chapters are lucidly written and structured with useful illustrations, diagrams and figures that visually enhance and assist the reader to consolidate the wealth of information shared by the author. Nadja Alexander教授(法律學院) 《香港的調解程序及方式》; 香港:Lexis Nexis,2010年 香港已逐步發展為調解中心。隨着民事司法制度改革以及各個法律 團體致力提倡其他解決紛爭的方法,教育團體、培訓中心以及認證 機構應盡力培育專業的調解人員,應付社會現在及未來的需要,以 維持香港在這方面的人才數量及質素。 《香港的調解程序及方式》引述香港各種傳統及現今的調解方法, 展示不同層次和變化的調解,突顯香港的國際城市特色。每章編寫 清晰,附以實用說明、圖像及數據,有助讀者綜合理解作者提供的 豐富資訊。
Kong. Taking its point of departure from Hong Kong cinema’s transition to the post-colonial present, this study traces the form and content of a still evolving mode of cinematic imagination in Hong Kong films during the first decade of Chinese rule. Using the term “post-nostalgic” to distinguish the treatment of nostalgia in post-handover films from Jameson’s critique of postmodern nostalgia, it revisits current debates over local identity, nationhood, globalisation and transnational film cultures to reflect on how Hong Kong filmmakers have negotiated between a local consciousness and the need to embrace the global and the national. 李佩然博士(中文、翻譯及語言學系) 《1997年以後的香港電影 – 後懷舊之想》;英國:Palgrave Macmillan,2009年 1997年香港主權變更,標誌着英國殖民地統治的結束,也揭開 香港歷史的新紀元。本書討論香港電影從10年前主權轉變到現 今後殖民地時代,經歷回歸中國首10年以來,在電影形式及內 容上的不斷變化。書名「後懷舊」一詞來自Jameson對後現代 懷舊的批評,用以突出回歸後香 港電影對懷舊的處理,重 新審視香港電影現 行探討的港人身 份、國家意識、 全球化以及跨國度 的電影文化,反映香 港電影人如何在本地意 識與國際化、中國化之間 取得平衡。
A university of learning 專業教育,城大之道
All our students are offered the chance to experience new knowledge and to communicate, apply and curate that knowledge in authentic, meaningful situations. 所有城大學生都有機會體驗新知識,交流、運用新知識,建構新知識的殿堂。
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區九龍達之路