CityU Today no. 37

Page 1

October 2011 二O一一年十月



A sustainable wish list 可持續發展的許願單 Addressing urgent energy issues 新研究中心致力解決 能源問題

Tackling heat – a green building solution for warm climates 吸收太陽熱能的窗戶 – 解決溫室效應的環保建築方案

From the Editor

It has become increasingly apparent that our planet has to look for and develop alternative energy sources. It stands to reason that oil will not last forever and there is a general consensus world-wide that we have to reduce our carbon footprint and take greater note of climate change. Our teams of inter-disciplinary researchers at CityU are developing a range of ideas, concepts and technologies that will contribute to the global response to these challenges. In this issue of CityU Today, we provide a snapshot of how our academics, in fields as diverse as policy studies, politics and governance, building and construction, biology and chemistry, energy and the environment, among many others, are working on practical solutions and developing professionally oriented programmes of study to train the next generation for the years ahead. In these pages, we also have our usual book review section and a fascinating update on the career of one of our most interesting alumni. 地球人須尋找並研發新替代能源,這已日益明顯,理由很簡單 — 石油供應並非永無窮盡,世人一致認識到必須減少碳排放量,且對 氣候變化應多加關注。城大跨學科領域的研究小組正探討各種意 念、理論和技術,為解決世界面臨的難題盡一份力。本期《今日城 大》擇要報導城大的政策研究、政治與管治、建築科技、生物化 學、能源與環境等眾多領域的專家學者,如何努力研究切實可行的 解決方案,並策劃設置專業課程,以培育下一代的相關人才。 此外,一貫精采的書評以及最新的校友事業進展專題,依舊見於 本期。

8 Cover Story 封面故事

Best wishes from all of us! 謹代表編輯部仝人,祝各位安好。


A sustainable wish list 可持續發展的許願單 Three academics from different departments working in the broad-reaching inter-disciplinary domain of sustainability articulate their

Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Executive Editor : Ellen Chan / 執行編輯:陳倩茹 • English Editor : Michael Gibb / 英文編輯:鄭智友 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收

“wish list” for the future at a CityU roundtable discussion.

永續發展是個綜合性課題,涉及多個學科領 域;各有專長的三位城大學者聚首交談,把 希望社會大眾關注的環保及節能等事項一一 列出。

October 2011 二O一一年十月



Features 專題


Forensic science for modern-day sleuths




Addressing urgent energy issues

新研究中心致力 解決能源問題

Nanotechnology boosts 28 Tackling heat – a green solar cell efficiency building solution for warm climates 納米技術提升太陽能電池效能

吸收太陽熱能的窗戶 – 解決溫室效應的環保建築方案

32 English in China 英語在中國



24 Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable

18 Through The Lens

34 Gown To Town




CityU has risen to 110th in

Solar light 日光生電 校園節能

Social Work – A Lifetime’s Work 一日社工 終身社工

QS world rankings 城大全球排名 躍升至第110位

36 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform the University’s stakeholders around the world of University issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

October 2011


News & Notable

News & Notable

CityU has risen to 110th in QS world rankings 城大全球排名躍升至第110位

CityU has surged 19 places in the 2011 world university rankings, according to the latest league tables published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). Figures reveal that CityU has risen from 129th position in 2010 to 110th this year in the QS World University Rankings of the world’s top 500 universities. 城大在國際高等教育資訊機構Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)公佈的2011年世界最佳大學排 名榜中躍升19位。根據今年QS世界最佳500所 大學的排名結果,城大從2010年的第129位升 至第110位。

Honorary fellowships conferred on four distinguished citizens 城大頒授榮譽院士予四位傑出人士 Four distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of CityU in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, or service to, the University and the community, and their dedication to public service and the well-being of society. The recipients were Dr John Chan Chun-tung, Mr Wong Cho-bau, Mr Wong Kam-po, and Mr Nelson Yip Siu-hong. Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Pro-Chancellor, The Hon Leung Chun-ying, Council Chairman, and Professor Way Kuo, University President, officiated at the ceremony, which was held on 22 September. 城大頒授榮譽院士名銜予四位傑出人士,以表彰他們積極促進城大 的發展,熱心公益及回饋社會。他們是陳振東博士、黃楚標先生、 黃金寶先生、葉少康先生。 頒授儀式於9月22日舉行,由城大副監督梁乃鵬博士、校董會主席 梁振英先生及校長郭位教授主持。




HK$125 million from The Joseph Lau Luenhung Charitable Trust 劉鑾雄慈善基金捐贈1.25億元支持城大創新 A HK$125 million gift from The Joseph Lau Luen-hung Charitable Trust will fund student awards and bursaries for underprivileged students, and sponsor strategic initiatives and other innovative projects. It is the largest donation that CityU has ever received from a private donor. CityU offered its deep thanks to the Trust at the Ming-wai in Conversation: Creativity & Innovation cum Joseph Lau Luen-hung Charitable Trust Donation Ceremony on 23 September.


Agenda of regional expert meeting on global sustainability




Dr Dou Wenyu (middle), Associate Dean of the College of Business and


Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing at CityU, was the


only speaker on “sustainable business”, and the only representative from Hong Kong, when he gave a talk entitled “The Role of Business in Sustainable Development” at the Regional Expert Meeting on Global Sustainability in Asia in support of the work of the UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability in Beijing, on 30 August. 城大商學院副院長兼市場營銷學系副教授竇文宇博士(中),於8月30 日出席在北京舉行的亞洲地區全球可持續發展專家會議。會議主題 是「商業如何促進可持續發展」,以配合支援聯合國全球可持續發 展高級別小組的工作。竇博士是在會議中就「可持續發展的商業」 議題發表演講的唯一講者,亦是出席會議的本港唯一代表。

HK$7 million in research grants from major mainland research fund 城大獲國家自然科學基金撥款700萬資助研究 CityU has achieved outstanding results in the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Research Grants Competition 2011, with 13 projects awarded more than RMB$5.8 million (equivalent to HK$7 million). Directly under the State Council, NSFC is a public institution set up to promote and finance research projects in China. 城大在2011年度國家自然科學基金委員會的撥款申請中,共有13項研究計劃獲得資助,總金額達人民幣580萬元 (約折合港幣700萬元),成績喜 人。國家自然科學基金委員會是直屬於國務院的政府機構,負責推動及資助中國的科學研究。

October 2011


News & Notable US$1.3 million awarded to CityU’s Korean philosophy project 城大獲130萬美元資助研究韓國哲學 The Academy of Korean Studies has awarded Professor Philip J Ivanhoe and Dr Kim Sung-moon of the Department of Public and Social Administration at CityU a US$1.3 million grant for an unprecedented study on Korean philosophy. The five-year project entitled “Korean Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives” will explore sophisticated theories about ethics, moral psychology, the self, and political philosophy through the comparative study of Korean philosophy. Professor Ivanhoe is the study’s principal investigator and Dr Kim is the principal collaborator. 城大公共及社會行政學系Philip J Ivanhoe教授及金聖文博士獲韓國學中央研究院撥款130萬美元 (逾千萬港元),資助一項突破性韓國哲學比較研究。 這項「韓國哲學比較研究」計劃長達五年,將從比較研究的角度,探討韓國的倫理觀、道德心理 學、個人和政治哲學等精妙理論,藉以促進韓國哲學的研究,令更多西方哲學家了解傳統的韓國 思想與學術論爭。Philip J Ivanhoe教授及金聖文博士是研究計劃的首席研究員及主要合作者。

CityU, HNA Group partnership boosts Hong Kong industries 城大與海航集團促進香港航貿金融發展 A collaborative agreement in transport, trade and finance was signed on 17 August between CityU and the HNA Group, an aviation company in mainland China. The letter of intent for cooperation and the forum that was held after the signing ceremony make good use of the support stated in the 12th Five-Year Plan and are aimed at enhancing Hong Kong’s position as an international centre for transport, trade and finance. 城大與中國內地的海航集團8月17日簽訂合作意向書,並合辦「香港未來:航貿金融的可持續創 新」論壇,以加強雙方在航運、貿易、金融方面的合作和交流,並充分利用國家在《十二五規 劃》中給予的支持,攜手提升香港在此三大領域的國際中心地位。

RGC backs CityU research projects 研資局撥款支持城大研究計劃 Nearly $60 million worth of grants for almost 100 research projects has been awarded to CityU under the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) General Research Fund for 2011–12, recognition of CityU’s efforts to achieve excellence in research and professional education. CityU has an overall success rate of 27.4%. Of the projects funded, 60% were assessed by the RGC to be of high quality. 城大近100項研究計劃獲研究資助局(研 資局)2011-12年優配研究金資助,總金 額近6,000萬元,反映城大的研究及專業 教育取得卓越成就。城大研究計劃申請撥 款的整體成功率為27.4%。獲撥款資助的 研究計劃中,有六成得到研資局的高度評 價。




School of Law receives HK$3.5M for HK maritime law scholarship 城大獲政府撥款港幣350萬成立海事法律獎學金 The School of Law at CityU has received HK$3.5 million from the HKSAR Government to set up the Hong Kong Maritime Law Scholarship Scheme. The collaboration among government, industry and academia to launch the Hong Kong Maritime Law Scholarship Scheme will enhance Hong Kong’s role as an international maritime center. It will contribute greatly to meeting the urgent needs of maritime legal professionals and help more local professionals provide value-added maritime law consultancy for the industry. 城大法律學院獲香港特別行政區政府撥款港幣350萬元,成立「香港海事法律獎學金計劃」。 香港海事法律獎學金計劃由政府、業界和學術界攜手設立,有助促成香港從貨櫃轉口港升格為 海事服務中心,並增強香港的國際航運中心地位。獎學金計劃有助於培訓海事法律專才,滿足 社會的急切需要,為業界提供高增值海事法律諮詢服務。

CityU names Multi-media Conference Room after mother of distinguished alumnus 城大以傑出校友母親姓名為多媒體會 議廳命名 CityU named its Multi-media Conference Room after the mother of Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai, a distinguished alumnus and Regional President of Greater China for Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., as the Connie Fan Multi-media Conference Room. The ceremony on 24 June at the same venue recognised Mr Fan’s generous donations and

“The collaboration among government, industry and academia to launch the Hong Kong Maritime Law Scholarship Scheme will enhance Hong Kong’s role as an international maritime center.”

staunch support over the years. 城大於6月24日在多媒體會議廳舉行命名典 禮,以傑出校友、美國如新集團大中華區總裁 范家輝先生母親的姓名,將該會議廳正式命名 為「范彭綺雯多媒體會議廳」,以表彰范先生 對城大的慷慨資助與多年來的大力支持。

Systems engineering expert elected Fellow of international federation 系統工程專家獲國際自動控制聯盟授予院士銜 A renowned scholar, Professor Chen Jie, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at CityU, specialising in systems and control has been elected as Fellow of the prestigious International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). He is one of only 13 people in the world elected as an IFAC Fellow in 2011, and the only one from Hong Kong. 城大電子工程學系講座教授陳杰教授,獲聞名遐邇的國際自動控制聯合會授予院士榮銜。陳教授是著名系統控制專 家。國際自動控制聯合會2011年在全球僅選出13位學者為院士,陳教授是其中唯一的香港學者。

October 2011


News & Notable Innovative media graduate wins top local award

International mooting contest win for CityU 城大奪國際仲裁和調解模擬法庭比賽冠軍

創意媒體學院畢業生獲2010年藝術 新秀獎

A mooting team from CityU beat last year’s winner Murdoch University to win the International

Mr Cheung Hon-him, a graduate from the


School of Creative Media at CityU has won the 2010 Award for Young Artist. He was honoured by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for his special talent of turning light, sound, images, plant specimens, bar codes and even gold fish into an interactive artwork. 畢業於城大創意媒體學院的新媒體藝術家張 瀚謙先生,化平凡為神奇,把聲音、燈光、 影像,或植物標本、包裝袋條碼、金魚變為

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mooting Competition on 13 August after six days’ intense

Fourteen teams participated in the 2nd ADR mooting competition. They came from renowned law schools from the mainland, Australia, Europe, South Korea and the US. Columbia Law School, New York Law School and China University of Political Science and Law were represented. 城大法律學院代表隊經過一連六天的比賽擊敗去年冠軍澳洲梅鐸大學,贏得於8月13日舉行的第 二屆「國際替代性爭議解決機制模擬法庭比賽」決賽冠軍。 今年模擬法庭比賽有來自內地、澳洲、歐洲、南韓、美國著名學府的14隊學生參加,當中包括美 國哥倫比亞大學法律學院、紐約大學法律學院、中國政法大學的參賽隊伍。

新奇有趣的互動藝術品。他的創作深受讚 賞,獲得香港藝術發展局頒發2010年藝術新 秀獎。

Governance conference 城大協助推動制訂有效公共政策 The Governance in Asia Research Centre at CityU co-hosted a public forum titled “Challenges of Economic Integration: Airport Expansion and Infrastructure Development in PRD Area” on 23 July on campus. The first session focused on issues concerning airport expansion plans and the second session focused on the coordination of infrastructure development in the Pearl River Delta area and the challenges for further economic integration. 香港城市大學亞洲管治研究中心與新力量網絡7月23日合辦第八場公共政策圓桌論壇,題為「經濟融 合的挑戰:機場擴建與珠三角基建發展」。論壇分兩部分進行,第一部分討論香港是否必需第三條跑 道,第二部分則討論加強珠三角的基建發展協調。來自航空業、政策研究中心及智庫的代表、學者和 立法會議員參與討論。公共政策圓桌系列旨在就重要公共政策推動理性討論,集思廣益,以協助制 訂有效公共政策。




ICT Expo 國際資訊科技博覽會

UK high school students sample university life at CityU 英國高中生來城大體驗大學生活

The Knowledge Transfer Office featured 10 research projects at the International ICT

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at

Expo 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and

CityU hosted a study tour for overseas secondary

Exhibition Centre. Organised by the Hong

school students for the first time.

Kong Trade Development Council, the expo showcased the latest in ICT products and

A group of 14 pupils from Sutton in southern

solutions in telecommunications, multimedia,

England experienced university life in Hong

the internet, digitainment, computer and

Kong during a one-week sojourn on campus.


The trip, which ended on 21 July, not only gave future UK applicants to CityU valuable insights


into our university, but also provided CityU

展覽中心舉行的 2011 年「國際資訊科技博

students with rich opportunities for cultural


exchange and a unique chance to broaden their


global outlook, according to Professor Gregory


Lee, Dean of the College.


香港城市大學(城大)人文社會科學院首次 接待海外高中生。英國南部薩頓區十四名高 中生來城大參加為期一星期的學習團。 學習團於7月21日圓滿結束。發起這次學習 團的人文社會科學院院長利大英教授認為, 訪問活動不僅讓可能報讀本校的英國學生透 過體驗大學生活認識城大,本校學生還可與 他們進行文化交流,拓寬國際視野。

CityU’s creative media students showcase perfect combination of art and technology 創意媒體學生作品展:藝術與科技的完美結合 Student artwork showcased in the “Playful Media” exhibition held by the School of Creative Media (SCM) at CityU offers a perfect blend of digital technology and art. Out of the 42 exhibits on show, there is one installation that turns Facebook photos into a giant mosaic-like picture, an electronic game that combines the multi-touch functions of mobile phones and flat panel computers, and an animation that mingles tango with fencing. Themed “Media Supporting Mobile Lifestyle,” this exhibition is the fifth organised and produced by the Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Creative Media programme. It provides students with an opportunity to display their work, help CityU teachers and students know more about the SCM, and promote art and technology. 香港城市大學(城大)創意媒體學院舉辦「Playful Media」數碼媒體作品展,展出55名學生的 42項數碼電子科技與藝術交融的精彩作品,例如把Facebook相片變為巨型馬賽克圖像的媒體裝 置、結合智能手機與平板電腦觸控特色的遊戲、將探戈舞和擊劍術融為一體的動畫等。 今年的展覽已是第五屆,由創意媒體(榮譽)理學士興趣小組(SIG)籌劃並製作,旨在提供一 個園地,讓同學展示創意媒體作品,並幫助全體師生員工加深對創意媒體學院的認識,同時推 動藝術和科技的學習交流。

October 2011


Cover Story




A sustainable wish list 可持續發展的許願單 By Michael Gibb


We asked three experts teaching and researching in the broad area of sustainable development for their “wish list”, i.e. what they would most like to see in order for society in general to pay greater attention to environmental protection and energy. Prof. Tam. The key point to bear in mind is that balancing development and conservation is very complicated. There are a number of stakeholders whose views should be listened to. That’s why when we talk about sustainable development we need to consider the social, legal, legislative and economic issues involved. I started my career studying the ecology of mangroves and coastal wetlands, and I gradually began to explore their diversity, function and benefits for human society. My research showed me that the value of these precious resources is often eroded by large-scale human disturbance and construction projects. Take the building of a new airport as an example. New airports are important to the development of society but coastal wetland is often the victim, especially if the airport is built on reclaimed land. Pollution, urban infrastructure and housing developments have a profound impact on our ecology, and large-scale projects divide communities. We have seen recent examples in Hong Kong of controversial plans for developments in country parks, for instance. In some cases, the government cannot intervene because the legislation might not be in place. Loopholes often exist when trying to maintain the sustainability of an eco-system.

”The value of precious resources is often eroded by large-scale human disturbance and construction projects.”

October 2011


Cover Story

In addition, we arranged talks on energy consumption with the head of sustainability development at the MTR Corporation, Dr Glenn Frommer, a lecture that was held on-site at MTR headquarters in Kowloon Bay. Meeting a senior business executive responsible for sustainability for his company can be very inspirational for the students. It shows that the subject is more than an academic area of study but something that is real and affects their lives and future work as policy decision-makers. Prof. Tam. Large corporations like the MTR are paying more attention to sustainability issues. They really want to promote their image in this area. This shows that the mindset towards the environment is changing. But the speed of change is still not fast enough because a lot of human behaviour has still not changed. Dr. Francesch. Yes, and to understand the challenges involved I think it is essential that

Dr. Francesch. Another important way to encourage a change of behaviour

our students have the opportunity to meet

and mindset is to show students the range of jobs available in the field of

experts in this field and witness sustainable

sustainable development. For instance, I invited Mr Alex Chan from SGS

development in action. We can teach theories

Hong Kong to introduce the company’s inspection, verification, testing

in the classroom but the students will learn

and certification services. Because of a greater emphasis on corporate

their application best from professional

social responsibility, corporations these days are required to produce

practitioners. Students on the course Sustainable

sustainability reports and be aware of legislation that they might need to

Development: Theory, Research and Policy that I

comply with in Hong Kong or overseas.

developed for the inter-disciplinary programme

BSocSc (Hons) in Environmental Policy Studies

Dr. Lee. I think that the important element for initiating behavioural

(BSocSc EPS) visited Kadoorie Farm and Botanic

change is strong political leadership and a commitment to introduce

Garden recently for hands-on talks on the

policies that can reduce the energy consumption levels of buildings. My

conservation of forests and the restoration of

research looks at global cities and climate change and it is clear that we can

indigenous species given by Dr Ng Sai-chit

make dramatic progress if cities consume less energy. Recent Hong Kong

of the flora conservation department, one of

government statistics show that 60% of greenhouse gases are produced

Hong Kong’s pre-eminent conservationists. They

by energy consumption, and 90% of this consumption originates from

also had the chance to do some planting in the

buildings through the consumption of electricity for air-conditioners and

nursery, look at seedlings and understand the

lighting. But to make buildings “greener” costs money, and without policy

need for biodiversity to maintain sustainability.

and legislation there is little incentive for developers. I recently did some

Professor Nora Tam Fung-yee, Chair Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry A member of the Council for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong, Professor Tam trained as an ecologist and has more than 30 years’ experience conducting applied research and development projects on biological waste treatment, bioremediation and wetland ecology, particularly mangroves. She has close connections with the government, private sector (environmental consultant companies) and local green groups.

生物及化學系講座教授譚鳳儀教授 譚教授為香港政府可持續發展委員會成員,研習生態學,具有逾30年應用研究經驗,範疇包 括廢料處理、生物修復及紅樹林濕地生態,並與政府、私人機構(環保顧問公司)及本地環保 團體聯繫緊密。




research on 600 cities in the US. Those cities

increased consumption and a bigger population. As a result we are

with a greater number of buildings with LEED

witnessing heightened greenhouse gas emissions and human-induced

[Leadership for Energy and Environmental

climate change. The solutions, I believe, can be categorised as market-led,

Design] designation tend to have strong political

government-led and values-driven. Market-led includes technological

leadership. This shows that we need those in

advances for enhancing sustainable development. Government-led

public office to show commitment. By making

includes proper legislation, the increased capacity of government to

buildings greener, we can reduce emissions, save

promote legislation that is legitimate and supported by the citizenry, and

energy and save money. If cities can change their

the education of people in government about sustainable development.

behaviour, infrastructure and policies, we can

And we need to train our students to be decision-makers in this field,

achieve a lot in sustainable development, but

which is the aim of the BSocSc EPS. We don’t have locally trained

leaders need to show the way through building

professionals in this field yet, and our students will be among the first.

codes and by localising global problems.

And for values-driven, we, as university educators, need to set an example by making campus more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

”It is essential that our students have the opportunity to meet experts in this field and witness sustainable development in action.” Prof. Tam. Above all, I think we need legislation,

Dr. Lee. Yes, and the role that students play and the courses we teach

policy change and business incentives to

at university are both crucial, too. One of my students for his final-year

reduce emissions. The government is currently

project on BSocSc EPS interviewed students who took this programme

engaging the public in focus groups to find out

and those who didn’t about their attitudes towards sustainable

the best way to make buildings more energy-

development and the environment. He found that there was a huge

efficient. The focus is on retail, households,

difference in attitude, making it clear that courses on the environment will

catering and offices since commercial buildings

inspire students to take greater responsibility for our planet.

make up 65% and residential zones 25% of the greenhouse gases emitted by buildings’

Dr. Francesch. My experience is similar. I have found that students are

electricity consumption.

prepared to commit to sustainable development, which is encouraging. I ask my students at the start of my class on sustainable development

Dr. Francesch. I agree. Policy is essential. We

why they selected this course. Of course, they came up with a range of

are experiencing a pressure on resources from

answers, which is not surprising as they are from different disciplines

Dr Maria Francesch Huidobro, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public and Social Administration Dr Francesch trained as a food microbiologist in Spain before doing a master’s degree in public administration and a PhD on environmental governance in Singapore. She became heavily involved in policy research for environmental protection and sustainability through Legco work and her teaching and research at the University of Hong Kong and CityU on environmental protection policy studies, sustainable development, and the governance of climate change in cities.

公共及社會行政學系助理教授方翠琪博士 方翠琪博士在西班牙修習食物微生物學,然後於新加坡修畢公共行政碩士及環境管治哲學博 士課程。她替立法會搜集環境保護及可持續發展政策的資料,並曾經在香港大學及目前任職 的城大教授環保政策研究、可持續發展及城市氣候轉變的管治等課程。

October 2011


Cover Story

and backgrounds, but it is very clear that they

sustainable development but also easy to forget in day-to-day life.

feel environmental policy is an important subject of study whether they are from an international

Dr. Lee. What we should not do is resort to a blame game. It is true that

relations and politics background, a public

buildings emit high levels of greenhouse gases but unless there is a strong

policy and public management background and

incentive or much tighter legislation developers will not feel compelled

whether they are local or overseas. In fact, I have

to change their approach. We need to acknowledge that the driving force

found that the most committed students are

for most people in society, including developers, is money. If we can make

those from mainland China.

people see that sustainable development is a way of saving money, cutting costs and eventually making money, we have a greater chance of success.

Prof. Tam. We have to be aware, though, that it is

Unfortunately, green buildings cost money and so there is the perception

not difficult to make people aware in class. What

that only the rich can live in them. But we should look to Toronto where the

we really want is long-term commitment. Hong

government is building green buildings for low-income families.

Kong is still very much a “throwaway” culture where efficiency and convenience are prized.

Prof Tam. Developers and business leaders should also think about what

Sustainable development as a concept is still

is happening in other cities in the region. If we fail to make Hong Kong

not rooted firmly in society. To change people’s

a better place to live, we won’t be able to retain and attract talented

”If we can make people see that sustainable development is a way of saving money, cutting costs and eventually making money, we have a greater chance of success.” mindsets we need much tighter legislation. Only

human resources to work and live here. They might prefer to live in our

then are we likely to see a shift in behaviour

neighbouring cities where the quality of life could become better.

over the long-term. All the while Hong Kong is a rich society we will remain too focused

Dr. Lee. It is possible to change the way people behave. One recent example

on convenience, fashion and modernising at

is the introduction of payment for plastic bags in some supermarkets and

the expense of protecting the environment.

the need to place waste in appropriate receptacles. These efforts can set

Education must focus on continual practice to

the ball rolling and begin to change the way people think. But it is not just

use less energy, to switch off electrical devices,

individual change we need. We need institutions to change and lead the

recycle and reuse. It is easy to talk about

way. Leading by example is very important.

Dr Lee Tae-dong, Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian and International Studies A political scientist by training, Dr Lee has combined his research interests in sustainable development, environmental policy and international relations to look at global cities—hubs for global finance, trade and law such as Hong Kong, New York, London, Seoul, Sao Paulo, and so forth—and climate change.

亞洲及國際學系助理教授李泰東博士 李博士主修政治科學,並結合可持續發展、環保政策及國際關係等興趣,致力研究香港、 紐約、倫敦、首爾、聖保羅等環球金融、商貿及法律中心大都會以及氣候變化。




《今日城大》邀請三位從事可持續發展教 學與研究的專家舉行圓桌討論會,列出社 會應該關注的環保及能源「許願單」。

科目的學生參觀了嘉道理農場暨植物園,聆聽香港著名保育專家、農場 植物保育部的吳世捷博士講述有關樹林及本地動植物的保育工作,並且 到苗圃親手栽種植物,仔細觀察幼苗,了解生物多樣性對可持續發展的 重要性。此外,我們邀請港鐵公司可持續發展主管Glenn Frommer博士










「城市污染、市區基建以及建造房屋均會對生態帶來 極大影響,而大型建築工程更可能分化社會。」 多樣性、功用以及對人類社會的貢獻。我的研






機場對社會發展很重要,但沿海濕地常因此受 害,如須填海建機場更是如此。此外,城市污












李博士:要推動市民改變的一個重要因素是,政府須有強大的政治領導 能力,以及決心制訂減低建築物耗用能源的政策。我對環球大都市及氣



們應安排他們與有關範疇的專家會面,實地 了解可持續發展。雖然我們可在課堂裏講授理











Dr Francesch (far right) and her students at Kadoorie Farm Francesch博士(右一)與學生 探訪嘉道理農場。

October 2011


Cover Story





城市領導人須制訂建築物條例以及促使當地居 民明白這個全球化的問題。

方博士:我有相同的經驗。我發現學生有意為可持續發展作出承擔,實 在令人鼓舞。我在「環保政策」一科的第一堂課上問學生為何選讀這一









電導致產生的的溫室氣體,商業大廈與住宅區 各佔65%及25%,因此須着重針對零售業、住



需要的是長久的承諾。香港仍流行「丟棄」文化,推崇快捷方便。「可 持續發展」的概念仍未紮根於香港社會。要改變大眾的想法,我們需要



升、資源耗用增加,我們面對更大的資源壓 力,結果造成氣候改變以及排放更多溫室氣

的行為。只要香港社會常期保持富裕,我們只會貪圖方便,嚮往潮流和 現代化,而忽略環保。我們須着力教育,以持續減少用電,鼓勵關上電





括提升可持續發展的科技,政府導向的方法則 包括適當立法、加強推廣合法而受市民支持的








「沒有足夠吸引力的獎賞或更嚴厲的法例,發展 商不會自覺自願改變現行方式。」 學位課程」的目標。這方面還未形成專業行業,

至賺錢,我們就有較大機會成功。可惜的是,環保建築須花費金錢,因 此大家以為只有富人才可住進去。不過,我們應參考多倫多市,當地政 府正為低收入家庭興建環保居所。


譚教授:發展商及商界領袖應考慮區內其他城市的做法。如果香港變得 不太舒適可住,就不能吸引或留住人才在這裏生活和工作。他們會選擇



則,致力使校園變得更環保及可持續發展。 李博士:我們是可以改變行為的。例如,最近超級市場推行付費購買膠 李博士:說得對。學生盡其本份以及我們在大 學開設這門科目,同樣重要。我有 一個修讀「環保政策榮譽社

袋以及用適當的容器分類盛載廢物。這些措施可以起帶頭作用,改 變大眾的想法。不過,我們不單希望個人有所轉變,更 希望機構帶頭轉變。以身作則很重要。

會科學學士學位課程」的 學生;他在做畢業作業 時,訪問了一些修讀 過這個課程以及沒


課程」由公共及社會行政學系、亞洲及國際 學系以及生物及化學系合辦,旨在培育新











Sustainability through professional education and research 促進可持續發展的專業教育及研究 Teaching and learning in sustainability received a significant boost recently when the one-year-old Master of Science in Energy and Environment in the School of Energy and Environment (SEE) obtained accreditation from the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers, one of the professional bodies of the UK Engineering Council. “This is a great achievement on the part of SEE

reference to the Asian setting, pertinent to the role of environment and

colleagues. Such accreditation elevates our

sustainability managers, who are in much demand with the business

programme to a high level of recognition, which

and industry sectors, and for government officials. It also introduces the

should attract more qualified applicants,” said

economic aspects of energy usage and relevant environmental policies

Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, Dean of

and laws to students.

the School of Energy and Environment and Chair Professor of Atmospheric Science.

In terms of research, a project proposed by Dr Patrick Lee Kwan-hon, Assistant Professor in SEE, on bioprospecting the environment for

The programme aims to provide students

organisms and genes to transform food waste into bioenergy and

with the necessary knowledge and skills in the

bioplastics received a grant worth nearly HK$1 million from the General

areas of energy and environment, with special

Research Fund of the Research Grants Council.

October 2011


Cover Story

sustainable development form the basis of SS4585 Social Capital and Sustainable Development in the Department of Applied Social Studies, while SA3239 Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy in the Department of Public and Social Administration provides students with the knowledge of and capability to work with the principles, alternative conceptions and theoretical interpretations of the notion of sustainable development. It introduces research on sustainable development politics and on the processes of policy-making for sustainability at the international and local levels in high consumption societies and in the third world. In addition, GE2220 Sustainable Business: Doing Good Business While

Dr Patrick Lee

Doing Good offered by the Department of Marketing presents a broad This project aligns with the Hong Kong

understanding of business and the interconnectedness between business

government’s goal to reduce the total volume of

and its environment, while GE2206 Sustainable Cities for the 21st Century

municipal solid waste to less than 25% by 2014.

in the Department of Asian and International Studies explains why

Every year Hong Kong generates 1.3 million

sustainability is a growing concern for cities and city-dwellers, including

tons of food waste and the majority ends up

issues of food supply and social relations as we enter the “peak oil” era

in landfills. This is problematic because we are

of declining supply and rising energy costs, and face rising demands to

exhausting landfill space in Hong Kong. Dr Lee’s

reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

project offers an innovative approach to the problem.

From a more technological angle, MEEM6051 Sustainable Green Manufacturing in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical

“We will prospect the vast and often unexplored

Engineering explains the design concepts, methods, tools and some

biodiversity in the environment and screen

technologies, and operations of sustainable lean and green manufacturing

microbial communities for the appropriate

systems and processes.

combination of organisms and genes that can yield a high concentration of bioenergy

Our professional education also includes on-site development for students

and bioplastics from food waste,” Dr Lee said.

in sustainability issues. Students on the BSocSc (Hons) Environmental

“Bioenergy in the forms of ethanol, butanol

Policy Studies programme who are already certified carbon auditors intern

or methane and the biodegradable plastics

with the Campus Development and Facilities Office for six weeks during

polyhydroxyalkanoates, or PHAs, that can

the summer. This project works on two levels: students get to fulfill their

be produced from food waste are significant

internship requirements and the University has more students engaged in

business and economic opportunities.”

green initiatives on campus.

Overall, CityU students wishing to learn about sustainability issues can choose from a rich choice of inter-disciplinary core courses, electives and Gateway Education courses. The concepts of social capital and theories of




能源及環境學院開辦的「能源及環境理學碩士課程」至今僅一 年,即獲得英國工程協會一個專業組織「氣體專業學會」認 證,令人鼓舞。








心科目、選修科目以及通才教育課程。 應用社會科學系開設的「SS4585社會資本及可持續發展」,講授社

高消費社會中制訂可持續發展政策的程序。 該課程旨在傳授能源及環境範疇的重要知識及技巧,特別着重亞洲的環 境,切合工商界及政府對環境及可持續發展的管理人才的迫切需求。此外,





際學系的「GE2206二十一世紀可持續發展的城市」,講解城市與城市 人須關注可持續發展的原因,其中包括食物供應問題、伴隨着能源供應











士的研究計劃有望提出創新的解決方法。 城大的專業教育還將為學生提供可持續發展的實習體驗。「環保政策研 「我們將研究環境中大量未經探究的多種生物,為微生物分類,以便適








Info box


An adjunct professor in the School of Energy and Environment has a dual


role as teacher and facilitator on sustainability issues, Professor Chan


explained. 前香港太古集團有限公司持續發展部主任Robert Gibson先生負責教 Mr Robert Gibson, former Director of Sustainable Development for John


Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd, is contributing to courses on sustainability at CityU


and recommending new ideas for making CityU a more “green” campus. 他將與環境委員會主席陳教授合作,在校內發掘及推動不同的環保 Working with CityU’s Environment Committee, chaired by Professor


Chan, Mr Gibson will facilitate, promote and identify possible activities throughout campus for all stakeholders.

October 2011


Through the Lens

Solar light

Solar panels have been set up at CityU on open rooftops to make campus more energy efficient. A sustainable environment is our goal, and these panels represent one of the options we have to choose from in a bid to protect people and the planet.

日光生電 校園節能 城大在多處樓頂平台裝設了太陽能電池板,以提高校園能源使用效 率。我們的目標是使用永續供應的能源以保育環境;日光生電是可 行措施之一,我們力求藉此保全人類,保護地球 。

Photo: Sunny Wong





October 2011


Professional Education & Research

Forensic science for modern-day sleuths 現代偵探倚重的鑑證科學 By Ellen Chan


Mr Lee Chan-hee and Dr Michael Lam Hon-wah (right)




White-masked investigators collect samples from the bloodstains, fingerprints, shoeprints and debris scattered over the floor. They take notes and confer with each other in low tones over microscopes.

of the new senior secondary academic structure. Students had the chance to learn the basic theories behind forensic science in the context of

It makes for a disturbing sight, not unlike a

studying chemistry, a golden opportunity to gain

scene from the television drama CSI. But there

practical experience outside the classroom.

are no actors or film crew present today. What we have before us are 100 secondary school

CityU is not only spearheading this kind of

students keen on experiencing life as a 21st

workshop for secondary school students, it is

century sleuth.

also the first university in Hong Kong to launch a forensic science course for undergraduates.

The students were forensic investigators for

The inter-disciplinary Gateway Education course

the day, collecting evidence at a simulated

GE2302 Forensics and Modern Society is jointly

crime scene at the student residence at CityU.

offered by BCH, the Department of Computer

Dr Michael Lam Hon-wah, Associate Professor

Science (CS) and the Department of Physics and

in CityU’s Department of Biology and Chemistry

Materials Science (AP).

(BCH), was supervising this pioneering workshop, the first of its kind in Hong Kong,

The course introduces students to forensic

which CityU co-organised with the Federation of

science, digital forensics and forensic

Youth Groups.

engineering, as applied in sophisticated societies like Hong Kong, according to Dr Lam.

“The aim of the workshop is to help secondary school students know more about science

“We deal with the principles of traditional

that is closely related to our daily lives,” said

crime scene investigation and techniques and

Dr Lam, pointing out that the content of the

effective presentation of evidence in court, and

event aligned closely with the science portion

demonstrate how the exercise of common sense

October 2011


Professional Education & Research

and logical thinking are harnessed in counter

BCH students can also take the course BCH4051

terrorism, computer crimes, and the causes of

Forensic Chemistry during their studies. Forensic

engineering failures and accidents,” Dr Lam said.

chemistry is a field of applied chemistry and the course emphasises the applications of chemical

The importance of accuracy, the application of

knowledge and techniques to the industry and

existing knowledge to new challenges, honesty

community as a whole.

and ethical behaviour are also highlighted. Through the course, students learn analytical “A tiny error or omission can damage the

chemical, biochemical and chemometric

evidence, leading to a completely different

principles and techniques that are applied to

result,” Dr Lam explained. Assisted by

aid the enforcement of the law and the analysis

Professor Lawrence Wu Chi-man of AP and

of evidence found at crime scenes or on/in the

Mr Lee Chan-hee, Associate Professor of CS,

bodies of the crime suspects/victims.

Dr Lam encourages students to fine-tune their observational skills throughout the course.

They are also trained to think logically and develop an awareness of the practical aspects of scientific knowledge, thus contributing to society in a highly positive way, Dr Lam concluded.




血跡、指模、鞋印、碎片,散滿一地。 戴着白色面罩的調查員一邊做筆記、收 集樣本、低聲交談,一邊透過顯微鏡檢 視着。





學生可學習鑑證科學所包含的基本化學原理, 是在課堂以外通過實際學習的良好機會。

「只要犯一個小小的錯誤或是遺漏一點點細 節,便足以破壞證據,產生截然不同的結



















「BCH4051鑑證化學」。鑑證化學屬於應用 化學範疇,着重講解如何在工業界及整體社







創,由城大生物及化學系副教授林漢華博士負 責統籌。








和受害人身上或體內發現的證據。 林博士作結道,課程將訓練學生的邏輯推理 能力以及提升學生對科學知識的實用性的認 知,從而對社會作出積極貢獻。

October 2011


Professional Education & Research

Addressing urgent energy issues By Karen Cheng


Energy is essential but our heavy reliance on finite fossil fuel supplies has caused a burgeoning crisis and climate change problems. These problems have become more acute as the demand for energy around the world continues to rise. In response, CityU has set up a new centre dedicated to the research of energy science and technology with a HK$10 million donation from Ability R&D Limited. The centre has been named after the company in appreciation of its generous support. The Ability R&D Energy Research Centre is housed under the School of Energy and Environment (SEE), and aims to develop innovative technologies that increase energy efficiency and create a clean, safe, costeffective and sustainable energy supply. In addition, part of the fund will be used to set up scholarships and bursaries for students. Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, Dean of SEE, said cutting-edge research is needed to speed up the development of clean energy technologies and practical engineering solutions. “The research and development [R&D] works should cover state-of-the-art energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies that help reduce fossil fuel consumption. More importantly, research efforts should target turning promising renewable energy technologies into cost-competitive alternatives,” he added.




新研究中心致力 解決能源問題 能源至關重要,但過份依賴有限的化石燃料供應會導致 產生能源危機和氣候變化等問題。隨着全球對能源的需 求不斷增加,這些問題變得愈來愈嚴重。 針對上述問題,城大特別成立一所專門研究能源科學及科技的新 研究中心。新研究中心獲能量研發有限公司慷慨捐贈港幣1,000 萬元,並以「能量研發」冠名,表彰捐贈機構對城大的支持。 隸屬能源及環境學院的「能量研發能源研究中心」,旨在研發創 新技術,以提升能源使用效益,力求提供潔淨、安全、高效低 The new centre will enhance SEE’s research strengths, according to


Professor Chan. “SEE strives to develop internationally competitive


research with local and regional significance. Moreover, with multidisciplinary backgrounds and expertise, our faculty members will


be able to conduct research in a range of related issues,” he added.

究,加速研發潔淨的能源科技及實際工程解決方案。「研發工 作須涵蓋先進的能源效益及節能科技,以減省耗用石化燃料。此

The centre is led by Dr Michael Leung Kwok-hi, Associate Professor of SEE,


and comprises as members of the management team Professor Chan,


Dr Wey Yang Teoh and Dr Patrick Lee Kwan-hon, both assistant professors in SEE. The centre will focus its research in five areas: energy


efficiency, clean energy, renewable energy, low carbon economy, and



重要意義的研究。此外,我們的教學人員擁有跨學科學術訓練和 專門知識,能夠研究多種相關問題,」他續說。

Dr Leung said the centre will research on energy efficiency and conservation technologies as well as the development of renewable


energy sources through wind turbines, biomass, solar and ocean wave


and tidal energy. Another area promotes low-carbon lifestyles through


carbon accounting and evaluating newly developed energy systems.


The centre will focus on meeting local and regional needs, as well as


global challenges, and encouraging more students to participate in


research, Dr Leung added.

另一發展領域是通過碳排計算和評核新能源系統,推廣低碳生活 方式。 梁博士續說,中心既考慮到本地和區內需要,也會重視全球面對 的挑戰,並會鼓勵更多學生參與研究。

October 2011


Professional Education & Research

Nanotechnology boosts solar cell efficiency By Christine Wu


In theory it is possible to convert a day’s worth of sunlight that falls on Earth into enough power to meet all our energy needs for an entire year. At the moment, though, we use less than 1% of what’s available. In the science of photovoltaics—the conversion of solar radiation into

Nanostructures, with a scale comparable to

direct current electricity using semiconductors— the biggest problem

the wavelengths of most of the utilised solar

is the high cost–low efficiency ratio. In other words, it costs a lot to

spectrum, can manipulate the flow of photons,

produce a little. The expense is largely due to the materials used for the

a unit of energy that carries light, and trap

production of the solar cells used in the conversion process. One possible

them inside the solar cell for longer. Using

solution is the application of nanotechnology, according to Dr Johnny

nanostructure materials can thus improve the

Ho Chung-yin, Assistant Professor from the Department of Physics and

absorption of light. In fact, solar cells using

Materials Science at CityU.

nanotechnology can have a light absorption rate of 100%, that is, 20–30% higher than

Efficient but expensive

monocrystalline silicon solar cells.

The material used for the production of the first generation of solar cells was monocrystalline silicon. It had a conversion rate of 24–25%, but the

“Nevertheless, solar cells using nanotechnology

cost was high: US$1.5–1.7 per watt compared with US$1 per watt for

have not been launched in the market yet as the

conventional fossil fuels like coal and petroleum.

efficiency of light conversion is still lower than that of the first generation solar cells,” Dr Ho

The second generation used thin film technology to coat plastics or steel

said. His research project with another scientist,

with lighter and more flexible silicon. Costs were lowered because less

Dr Fan Zhiyong of Hong Kong University of

silicone was used in the process, making transportation and installation a

Science and Technology, on the application

lot more convenient. However, efficiency was only 9–10%.

of nanotechnology to the third generation of monocrystalline silicon cells has received a grant

Nano for the future

worth HK$1 million from the Innovation and

Scientists are now reducing costs further for the next generation by

Technology Commission.

exploiting nanotechnology and even thinner materials made out of even more flexible semiconductor nano-material such as cadmium telluride,

Pressing need for renewable energy

copper indium gallium selenium compound semiconductor as well as

When asked whether solar energy can replace

organic materials.

fossil fuels, Dr Ho said, “We are not talking about feasibility. We are talking about how to replace

“During the production of solar cells, nanotechnology can expedite the

fossil fuels with substitutes.”

process of ‘doping’ and reduce costs,” Dr Ho said. “Doping” is the process of adding controlled impurities to semiconductors to alter their conductivity.



He pointed out that the new driving force


納米技術提升 太陽能電池效能 只要把地球一天接收到的陽光轉為電能,便足夠地球使用一整年,但目前人類僅 收集少於1%陽光發電。成本高、效率低是太陽能發電的最大障礙,城大物理及材 料科學系助理教授何頌賢博士研究利用納米技術製造太陽能電池,將為太陽能普 及帶來曙光。 太陽能板由太陽能電池組成,當陽光照射到太







納米結構的物料因而能減少對陽光的反射, 有助收集和吸收陽光。用納米技術製成的太

硅電池 效率高成本也高




第一代材料,其中以單晶硅的能量轉換效率最 高,能把24%至25%太陽能轉為電能,現時業


behind the global economy comes from Brazil,



Russia, India and China, the so-called BRIC



nations. To help these four countries maintain



their economic development, sufficient power



supply is needed. Fossil fuels will run out some


day, so there is a pressing need to develop


renewable energy.


研發再生能源 刻不容緩



Since applied research on solar energy has a



high commercial value, many manufacturers



work closely with academics in overseas


countries. Such collaborations have not taken

納米電池 科研新方向


place in China yet even though it is the largest



manufacturer of solar cells in the world.





Dr Ho hopes the Hong Kong government will


encourage the public to use solar energy and



thereby contribute more to protecting the



environment, in much the same way countries


like Australia, Japan and the US offer tax rebates



to encourage their citizens to use electronic



automobiles and install solar panels.





October 2011


In the Know

a green building solution for warm climates 吸收太陽熱能的窗戶 – 解決溫室效應的環保建築方案 By Dr Chow Tin-Tai Division of Building Science and Technology College of Science and Engineering

文:科學及工程學院 建築科技學部 周天泰博士

In many modern cities like Hong Kong, extensively-glazed buildings from commercial complexes to residences can be found everywhere because of their lightness and good exterior appearance. But this building design intensifies the solar heat gain and therefore the air-conditioning electricity consumption. To cope with sustainability needs, pioneering designers and researchers have given window glazing a revised identity. There are two general design principles for warm climate applications: to filter out solar transmission, particularly the infrared portion, but not the visible light range which is to be controlled and fully utilised; and to utilise the incoming solar irradiance as a renewable energy source.




October 2011


In the Know

Fig.1. Water-flow double-pane window 圖1. 流水雙層玻璃窗

Double-pipe heat exchanger 雙管道熱能轉換器 Feed water out 注水出

Upper header 上管出水 Water flow between glass panes 在玻璃層中流動的水

Insulated distribution tube 保温管道

Feed water in 注水入

Ambient 室外

Room 室內

Glass panes 玻璃

Water flow from upper header to heat exchanger 從上管朝熱能轉換器 流動的水

Incident solar radiation 太陽光輻射照入

Lower header 下管入水

(a) Water-flow circuit 水流循環

Water discharged from lower header 下管排出的水

glazed, with clear glass offered for residential developments and tinted or reflective glass for commercial applications. Alternatively, photovoltaic (PV) glazing can be used to facilitate both sun shading and electricity generation. At present, the unfavorable investment cost, output efficiency and life expectancy are all drawbacks for PV products. On the other hand, double-glazing is

“Alternatively, photovoltaic (PV) glazing can be used to facilitate both sun shading and electricity generation.”

increasingly in use in warm climate regions. a water inlet and outlet headers at its lower and


Solar absorption by water and glass 玻璃及水吸收的太陽熱能

(b) Sectional view 側面圖

Most buildings in a warm climate are single-


Solar transmission 太陽光透入室內

Solar reflection 太陽光反射

Although water has been widely used in solar

upper ends. Together with a water-to-water heat

thermal systems, its role in solar heat extraction

exchanger at the top and the interconnecting

via window glazing is so far not well examined.

tubing at the side (all are housed in the window

Figure 1 shows one possible solution. The cavity

frame), this forms a fully enclosed water circuitry.

in a double-pane window is incorporated with

Under bright sunshine, the infrared portion of


香港跟其他大多數現代化城市一樣,隨處可見建有大量玻璃窗的商業大廈和住宅 樓宇。這些玻璃窗物料較輕,外型美觀,很受歡迎,只是會讓大量太陽輻射透入 室內,耗用不少空調電力,不符合持續發展的原則。因此,前衛的設計師和研究 人員為温暖地帶的玻璃窗規劃出兩項設計原則:其一為過濾陽光中的紅外線,又 可有效地運用可見光源;其二為把陽光轉化為再生能源。 the solar radiation is partly absorbed by the water


in the cavity. This reduces the solar heat gain in


the room space. At the same time, the water in


the cavity has its temperature increase and this


develops a natural circulation of flow without the


use of a pumping device. The heat conversion


「現時在玻璃空隔內藏水及防 漏的技術已很成熟。在香港, 更不必擔心冬天出現冷水結冰 的情況。」

to another water stream via the heat exchanger allows the utilisation of absorbed solar heat in a



domestic hot water system. Hence the two general



design principles mentioned above are achieved.







The initial investment and operating costs of a water-flow window system are low. Water is natural,


colourless, odourless, non-toxic, and plentiful. Water


sealing techniques have been well developed


for glass cavities and for concealed tubing in building structures. In Hong Kong for instance,


there is no worry of water freezing in winter


time. Such a window system is deemed to have


very good application potential in hotels, health


clubs, sport centers, swimming pools, homes


for senior citizens, residences, and any domestic


or commercial complex with a stable hot water


demand. A full-size experimental rig (see Figure


2) has been designed and constructed for testing


the energy performance of the proposed system.

裝置 (見圖2),用於測試有關系統的性能及

The preliminary results are highly promising. There


is a great hope to develop a series of commercial


products based on this working principle to suit


specific building applications.

Fig. 2. A photo of the experimental water-flow window system 圖2. 實驗水流式玻璃窗系統圖片

October 2011


Professional Education & Research

By Scarlett Leung


The English language has dominated the world for centuries, starting with the rise of British colonial rule, and strengthened by more recent American economic power in the 20th century.

Taiwan, can contribute to the teaching of English

The research team has taken samples of China

in these places and better definition of English as

English from the published media including

an international language.

newspapers, magazines and the internet. The corpus of texts, which contains over 100 million

In response to the emergent role of China

words, covers news reports, editorials, arts and

English within the family of world Englishes,

social life, and commerce. The team has also

But another reason for the continued rise of

Dr Alex Fang Chengyu, Assistant Professor of

created a comparable corpus of the same design

English is its currency in heavily populated India

the Department of Chinese, Translation and

for British English, subsampled from the British

and China thanks in part to globalisation and

Linguistics at CityU, is building a comparable

National Corpus with over one million words

social development. More and more people are

corpus for comparative studies of China English.

originally designed and constructed primarily for lexicographical studies of contemporary British

using English as a medium of communication in mainland China, and mainland China has the

Dr Fang and his research team at the Dialogue

largest English-learning population in the world.

Systems Group will focus on grammatical


aspects. “Given that a lot of research on

By working on this research, Dr Fang hopes

However, the use of the English language in

variational studies has been lexically oriented,

to develop a descriptive model for varieties

these two developing nations stands in marked

we wish to advance to a level of description that

of English in terms of grammatical features to

contrast to the way the language is used by the

focuses on the grammatical aspects of China

facilitate the teaching and learning of English in

British and the Americans. Researchers say that

English for empirical indications of both the

Chinese communities and to help understand

an understanding of the use of English, or China

common features amongst world Englishes and

better the impact of extra-linguistic factors on

English, in the Chinese communities, particularly

the salient ones specific to China English alone,”

the development of regional varieties.

on the mainland, in Hong Kong, Macau and

he said.




英語在中國 英國殖民統治的興起以及美國20世紀的 強大經濟力量,導致英語雄霸世界多個 世紀。













內地愈來愈人用英語溝通,更成為全球最多人 學習英語的地方。 不過,中印兩大發展中國家對英語的運用,跟 英美人士有頗大差異。研究人員認為,了解中 國內地、香港、澳門及台灣等華人社區所用的 英語,可改進這些地方的英語教學以及清楚界 定作為國際語言的英語。 城大中文、翻譯及語言學系助理教授方稱宇博 士,為了解世界英語中新興的中國英語,現正 建構用作比較研究中國英語的語料庫。 方博士及其Dialogue Systems Group研究組成 員將專注研究中國英語的語法。「大部分語言 差異的研究均着眼於詞彙,而我們將進一步從 語言描述的角度研究中國英語的語法,希望找 出實證,了解世界英語之間的共同點以及中國 英語專有的特色,」方博士說。 方博士的研究小組已從報章、雜誌及互聯網等 出版媒介收集中國英語的素材,現已建立的文

October 2011


Gown to Town

Social Work – A Lifetime’s Work By Joan Yip


CityU alumna Annie Chiang has played multiple roles throughout her career. She began as a social worker after she graduated and is now the author of a number of successful books, and the founder of a popular blog. She also works as a training instructor for staff development and team building. How would she describe herself? A “social worker in the

change on their own terms. “There are times

publishing industry”, she says. That is, even though she has

we get emotional, and may even cry. This is not

made a career change to become a writer, she is still living

problematic as long as we understand why we

up to the spirit of being a social worker by helping others,

are angry or upset. I hope my books can inspire

using the professional knowledge learned from CityU. “I

readers to find a way out if they feel that they

have always enjoyed helping people. I have worn different

are at an emotional dead end,” she says.

‘hats’ throughout my career, but I am still helping others – only now through different means,” she says.

At the same time, her books open a window for her to interact with many different people.

After quitting her job as a social worker, Annie created a

She uses her professional knowledge to

blog and wrote books about how to adopt a more positive

advise readers who write to her about their

attitude in life, especially on how to respect oneself, live

problems. In some cases, she encourages her

happily, face adversity and stay strong. She has published six

correspondents to seek help from appropriate

books since 2008 and now spends half her time writing. She plans


to publish two volumes every year. “Many people do not have the courage to seek



In her writing, Annie uses situational stories based on real life to encourage

help from a social worker because they worry

readers to search for meaning and fulfillment in their own lives and pursue

that they might get labeled. However, they will


一日社工 終身社工 write to an author to discuss their problems and best to help them,” Annie says.

城大校友蔣慧瑜擁有多重身份。她在城大修畢社工課程後,曾任職社工,近年投 身寫作行列,是心靈勵志書作家、網上互動心靈雜誌創辦人,同時也是員工培訓 及團隊訓練導師。

Recalling her student life in CityU, Annie



says her most unforgettable experience



was working for the Students’ Union as the



External Vice-Chairperson. It provided her with



a lot of opportunities to speak in front of an



audience and improve her interpersonal and


communication skills. After graduation, she


reveal their innermost feelings. I therefore try my

assisted in the work of the Alumni Association.

回首在城大讀書的日子,蔣慧瑜最難忘參與 學生會的活動。當年,她是學生會的外務副

“These were priceless experiences. I would



encourage any CityU student to take part in the



Students’ Union,” Annie says.







Just as CityU has made substantial advancements over recent years, Annie has


found success through the professional


knowledge that she acquired from her



alma mater and the experience that she has



accumulated over the years.





It is no wonder she has a strong sense of


belonging. 蔣慧瑜的創作,更為她打開一扇窗,讓她接觸 “I have grown up with CityU.”


October 2011



Edited by Professor Fan Ruiping, Department of Public and Social

Edited by Dr Lin Feng, Associate Professor, School of Law


Constitutionalism in China in the Last 100 Years and Its Future

The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China

HK: City University Press, 2011

London: Springer, 2011 As one of the major powers in the world, China has a close interaction This volume provides a unique view of the emerging Confucian vision

with the world’s current and future development of constitutionalism.

for China and the world in the 21st century. Unlike the Neo-Confucians

Its constitutional experience has also a significant implication on the

in North America who recast Confucianism in terms of modern Western

future development of peace in the world.

values, a new generation of Chinese scholars takes the authentic roots of Confucian thought seriously. This collection of essays offers the first

An academic study of Chinese law and comparative law, this book aims

critical exploration in English of the emerging Confucian, non-liberal,

to contribute to the progressive implementation of constitutionalism

non-social-democratic, moral and political vision for China’s future.

in China through discussion of issues concerning its constitutional

Inspired by the life and scholarship of Jiang Qing who has emerged

act and constitutional experience, with recommendations of

as China’s exemplar contemporary Confucian, this volume allows

reform proposed. The other half of the book is a comparative study

the English reader access to a moral and cultural vision that seeks to

of constitutional governments and constitutional developments

direct China’s political power, social governance, and moral life. For

between China and other socialist countries, discussed by scholars of

those working in Chinese studies, this collection provides the first

constitutional law from various countries.

access in English to major debates in China concerning a Confucian reconceptualisation of governance, a critical Confucian assessment of feminism, Confucianism functioning again as a religion, and the possibility of a moral vision that can fill the cultural vacuum created by the collapse of Marxism. 公共及社會行政學系范瑞平教授 編 《當代中國儒家思想復興》,倫敦:Springer,2011 本書以獨特的觀點,透視21世紀中國及全球新興儒家的知見。與 北美洲新儒學家以現代西方價值觀重新建構儒家理論不同,中國新 一代的學者返璞歸真,由儒家思想的根源入手進行研究。本書收錄

法律學院副教授林峰 編





受啟發於中國當代儒學大師蔣慶的生平和學識,英文讀者可由此了 解旨在指引中國的政治權力、社會管治和倫理生活的道德倫理和文




學者來說,本書為首本討論 在中國激起爭論的多項










道德思維如何填補馬克思主義沒落 後出現的文化真空。



Where dreams come true 憧憬前程 起步足下

At CityU, we provide programmes of study for young people that are tailor-made to meet the needs of society. 城大針對社會所需,為學生設置了廣闊而充實的課程。

City University of Hong Kong  香港城市大學   Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR  香港特別行政區九龍達之路

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