CityU Today no. 39

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May 2012 二O一二年五月



Materials for tomorrow 新材料,創未來

Reviving Confucian thought 復興儒家思想

Stark reality of planet’s future 地球:前景堪憂

From the Editor

Creating stronger and more ductile materials for a range of industries is the focus of our cover story, followed up by fresh insights into how treating silicone chips in innovative ways can help devise new ways of cooling electronic instruments, paving the way for the development of smaller, thinner devices. Confucianism is on the rise, and three distinguished researchers at CityU will explain why in our Roundtable discussion. Meanwhile we go on a creative media adventure into ancient China and the Californian desert. Sustainability remains an urgent global issue for campus, and CityU’s Burma expert tells us why the political situation in Myanmar remains fragile. Green chemistry suggests how fuel could become more environmentally friendly, and several new programmes reflect the University’s response to deep societal needs. And don’t miss why liberal studies options are vital to whole-person development. Happy reading! 本期的封面故事主要講述新材料的研發,它們具有更高的強度與韌 性,可應用於多個行業;另外,我們介紹了處理矽片的創新方法,有 助改善電子產品的散熱系統,為製造更薄更小的部件開闢了新路。 儒學正在復興,原因何在?三位城大傑出學者會給予詳細解答。此 外,我們還會來一趟創意媒體探險之旅,坐遊古代中國與美國加州


莫哈韋沙漠。 本期其他精彩內容有:大學校園仍要面對的當務之急—可持續發展 問題;緬甸政局依然不穩的緣故;綠色化學品怎樣使燃油更加環保; 切合社會深層需要的城大新課程。 另外,為什麼通識教育對全人發展至為關鍵,亦是本期不容錯過的精

Cover Story 封面故事


Materials for tomorrow 新材料,創未來

彩內容。祝各位開卷快樂! From biomedics and aerospace to energy and architecture, novel structural materials play a vital role in today’s world. CityU’s recently established Centre for Advanced Structural Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on 李國安教授 Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief : Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on / 總編輯:李國安教授 • Managing Editor : Longgen Chen / 行政編輯:陳龍根 • Editor : Michael Gibb / 編輯:鄭智友 • Chinese Editor : Mirror Fung / 中文編輯:馮美玲 • Design and Production : Communications & Public Relations Office and Pixels Graphics Limited / 設計及製作:傳訊及公關處及點子設計有限公司 Phone / 電話:(852) 3442 9317 • Fax / 傳真:(852) 2628 2812 Website / 網址: • E-mail / 電郵 • Mail : CityU Today Editors, Communications & Public Relations Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 通訊:香港九龍達之路香港城市大學傳訊及公關處《今日城大》編輯部收

Materials is spearheading much-needed research into this fast-paced field.

新型結構材料在當今世界佔有舉足輕重的地 位,涉及的領域有生物醫學、航空航天、能 源及建築。最近城大創立了「先進結構材料 中心」,在這個日新月異的領域進行前沿研 究,以滿足社會所需。

May 2012




Features 專題

Building crucial industries


Reviving Confucian thought


Stark reality of planet’s future




16 A journey of discovery 蓮葉的啓示,成功的探索


20 Fruity fuel for the future 未來的水果燃料


New programmes for discovery and innovation 重探索求創新,開設新課程


Enlivening cultural heritage

38 Building trust in Burma 研究緬甸,須取信於雙方 40 Exploring new frontiers 探索新領域





Columns 專欄 2 News & Notable

22 Through The Lens

42 Gown To Town



Merging art with science 科學藝術 融合為一

An electric career path 科研生涯電子路


CityU academics selected for national expert database 城大七位學者入選 《國家科技計劃專 家庫》

44 Books


today is published three times a year by City University of Hong Kong. The mission of the magazine is to inform our stakeholders around the world about CityU issues, people, activities and achievements. 《今日城大》每年三期,旨在報導香港城市大學在教學、研究及外務發展上的最新動向。

May 2012


News & Notable

News & Notable

CityU academics selected for national expert database 城大七位學者入選《國家科技計劃專家庫》

Seven outstanding academics at CityU have been included in the inaugural National Science and Technology Programmes Expert Database in Hong Kong: (clockwise, from left) Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, a leading expert on environmental science; Professor Lu Jian, an expert in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and mechanics; Professor Johnny Chan Chung-leung, a leading expert on atmospheric sciences and tropical cyclones; Professor Lee Shuit-tong, an expert in materials science; Professor Luk Kwai-man, an expert on antenna theories and applications, microwave measurement and computational electromagnetics; Professor Xue Quan, whose research mainly focuses on microwave circuit, antennas, radio frequency integrated circuits; and Professor Chan Chi-hou, whose expertise lies in computational electromagnetics, antenna design, novel microwave circuit analysis and design. 城大七位傑出學者入選《國家科技計劃專家庫》的首輪試行計劃。七位








Academic 2 celebrates at opening ceremony 學術樓(二)慶賀落成啓用 The fully equipped facilities and resources in

function rooms, and plenty of learning resources


the newly opened Academic 2 (AC2) will help

and common areas.


CityU nurture more young professionals for the world of work.

城大不久前建成的學術樓(二)正式啓用,將 以配備齊全的設施和資源促進大學的教學與科

AC2, which was officially opened at a


ceremony on 17 February, provides first-class


facilities for the ever-growing CityU. Altogether


the new 9-storey building will add to campus


20,900 square metres of net operational floor


area, 12 lecture theatres, 45 classrooms, 11


computer rooms, a canteen with a capacity of


800 diners, staff offices, a number of multi-




President gives talk on nuclear energy security and global safety 郭位校長探討核能安全與環球安全 Professor Way Kuo, President, reiterated his message that the world needs to make informed, rational decisions about the future of nuclear energy, taking into consideration the interweaving factors of economic growth, reliability and sustainability, while speaking at the Sino-US Colloquium: Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities on 13 January at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The organiser of the event was the China Energy Fund Committee, a non-profit, non-governmental think tank. 城大校長郭位教授在1月13日舉辦的「中美對話:能源合作的挑戰與機 遇」研討會上發表演講,重申世人對核能的未來所作的決定必須以事實 及理性為依據,並須考慮經濟增長、可靠度、永續發展等彼此交織的因 素。本次研討會在香港會議展覽中心舉行,由中華能源基金委員會組

Hong Kong’s first plume chasing system to monitor vehicle emissions 城大創建本港首個行駛車輛廢氣檢測系統 The first mobile platform for chasing and analysing real-time vehicle emission factors and volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong has been developed by the School of Energy and Environment. The platform inspects the emission factors of vehicles, identifying high emitters and the source of roadside pollutants. 城大能源及環境學院創建本港首個行駛車輛廢氣檢測系統。該系統 可快速偵測行駛中車輛排放的揮發性有機化合物,並分析其成份及 含量,從而辨識高排放的車輛及探明路邊空氣污染的源頭。


Solo information day in Shanghai 城大於內地首次舉辦「招生諮詢日」 A pioneering information day launched in Shanghai drew a packedhouse of more than 300 high school teachers, students and their parents from Shanghai and the neighbouring provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The event on 18 February was the first large-scale enrollment campaign ever conducted in the mainland by any higher education institution in Hong Kong. It was organised by CityU’s Mainland and External Affairs Office together with CityU’s Liaison Office in Shanghai. 城大2月18日於上海首次舉辦「香港城市大學招生諮詢日」,反應熱





May 2012


News & Notable CityU scholar elected Fellow of the National Academy of Technologies of France 城大教授榮獲法國國家技術科學院院士銜 Professor Lu Jian, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering and Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has been elected a Fellow of the National Academy of Technologies of France in recognition of his contributions to the fields of materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and mechanics. This brings the number of national academicians at CityU to 12. 城大科學及工程學院院長兼機械工程講座教授呂堅教授獲選為法國國家 技術科學院院士,以表彰他在材料科學與工程、機械工程,以及力學研 究領域的貢獻。呂教授獲頒院士銜,令城大國家級院士人數增至12人。

Davos invite for Burma expert 緬甸專家出席達沃斯世界經濟論壇 Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing (left), Associate Director of the Southeast Asia Research Centre and Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian and International Studies, attended the prestigious World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2012 in Davos, Switzerland (see page 38). 城大東南亞研究中心副主任 兼亞洲及國際學系助理教授 Kyaw Yin Hlaing博士(左) ,出 席在瑞士達沃斯舉行的著名世 界經濟論壇2012年年會(參見 第38頁)。

Antenna research team receives State Technological Invention Award 城大科研人員天線研究榮獲國家技術發明獎 Researchers from the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves have been conferred a second-class honour in the 2011 State Technological Invention Award. The presentation ceremony took place on 14 February at the annual National Science-Technology Award Ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The team comprised (from left) Professor Xue Quan, Associate Vice-President (Innovation Advancement and China Office), Deputy Director of CityU Shenzhen Research Institute; Professor Chan Chi-hou, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE); Professor Luk Kwai-man, Director of the State Key Lab and Chair Professor in EE; and Dr Steve Wong Hang, Senior Engineer in the State Key Lab. 城大毫米波國家重點實驗室的科研人員,榮獲「2011年度國家技術




勵大會中獲頒發獎項。 研究團隊成員包括(左起)協理副校長(創新






Alumni celebrate New Year in Shenzhen 校友聚首深圳共賀新春

Close to 140 alumni enjoyed a fun-filled New Year reunion in Shenzhen on 18 February. The “Shenzhen Alumni Reunion” organised by the Alumni Relations Office helped to further strengthen links between CityU and alumni. Under the theme “In Celebration of the Year of the Dragon”, the dinner ushered in a prosperous year for CityU and the gathered alumni, most of whom were from Shenzhen while others were from Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang as well as the US. The attractions at the dinner included a talent show, interactive games and a lucky draw. 城大校友聯絡處於2月18日在深圳舉辦「城大校友深圳晚宴」,以 加強城大與內地校友的聯繫。近140名校友參與晚宴,氣氛熱鬧溫 馨。當晚活動以「龍騰飛、賀新歲」為主題。出席的校友大多來自 深圳,也有校友從香港、北京、上海、廣州、南京、浙江、黑龍江, 甚至美國等地趕來相聚。 當晚的節目包括才藝表演、賀年遊戲及幸 運抽獎。

PhD students clinch international awards with original research 博士生憑原創研究勇奪國際獎項 Three PhD students from the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE) have brought home major international awards. Wang Huai (left) was awarded First Prize in the IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest (Postgraduate Category); Liu Fang (middle) took the Best Student Award at the 10th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking; and Wang Dian (right) won the Young Scientist Award in the 2011 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. 城大三位博士生榮獲國際大獎。三位得獎學生均來自電子工程學 系,他們是:獲得電機暨電子工程師學會(IEEE)第十區學生論 文比賽研究生組冠軍的王懷(左)、獲得第10屆國際數碼水印會議 學生組冠軍的劉芳(中)、獲得2011年國際天線與傳播研討會「青 年科學家獎」的王典(右)。

IEEE President-elect visits campus 電機電子工程師學會候任主席訪城大 Dr Peter Staecker, Presidentelect of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, visited campus on 10 January to promote IEEE activities, exchange ideas and provide an opportunity for CityU staff and students to participate in professional activities. In addition to attending a research seminar on the priorities of IEEE, Dr Staecker visited the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre to learn about the latest developments of the School of Creative Media and the creative media industry in Hong Kong from an engineering perspective. 電機電子工程師學會(工程師學會)候任主席Peter Staecker博士於1月 10日到訪城大,宣傳推廣工程師學會的各項活動並從事交流,也使城大師 生有機會參與相關的專業活動。該學會是全球最大的專業組織,旨在推進 電機和電子工程學的進展。除了出席研討會以講述工程師學會的重大工作 計劃,Staecker博士亦參觀了邵逸夫創意媒體中心,聽取了該學院最新發 展的介紹,並從工程學的角度了解香港創意媒體業的現狀。

May 2012


News & Notable Council gets new chairman, member 新成員加入校董會

Conference on mainland media 內地傳媒研討會 Scholars and media workers from the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau

Mr David Sun Tak-kei has been

took part in the 3rd Conference on Intellectuals and the Press in China

appointed as the new Council

co-hosted by the Department of Media and Communication at CityU and

chairman, from 1 April this year to 31

the School of Communication and Design at Sun Yat-sen University in April.

December 2013, and Mrs Rebecca

Under the theme “Journalistic Professionalism in China – Historical Path

Lai Ko Wing-yee, JP, Director of

and Reality Construction”, the conference discussed the development of

Theological Education by Extension

media in China, the change of mainland journalists’ perceptions towards

at the China Graduate School of

their profession, and the production of news reports. The objective of

Theology, was appointed as a

the conference was to understand the intertwined interactions and

member of the Council, from 26

relationships between journalists, media organisations and society.

January 2012 to 31 December 2014. 香港特區行政長官委任孫德基先生為城大校董會主席,任期由 2012年4月1日至2013年12月31日。此外,中國神學研究院延伸課 程主任黎高穎怡太平紳士獲委任為城大校董會成員,任期由2012 年1月26日至2014年12月31日。

城大媒體與傳播系和中山大學傳播與設計學院合作,於4月合辦「第三 屆文人論政學術研討會」,以探討中國記者和大眾傳媒的職業化歷程。 研討會吸引了來自內地、香港、澳門的多名學者和傳媒業者參與。研討 會主題為「中國記者和傳媒的專業主義—歷史路徑與現實建構」,議題 包括:中國傳媒的發展、內地記者的職業觀念變遷、新聞生產方式,旨 在研究新聞從業者、傳媒機構與社會之間複雜的互動關係。

4th batch of LLM Chinese judges commences studies at CityU

New initiatives to embrace mobile technology



Ceremonies held on 6 January welcomed the fourth batch of Chinese

In support of its Discovery-enriched Curriculum and the growing

judges taking the Master of Laws (LLM) programme and congratulated

importance of mobile technology, CityU has redesigned its entire

the third batch that had completed the one-year programme at CityU.

public website to be mobile-friendly and implemented a mobilelearning scheme that allows interactive learning anytime, anywhere.

The fourth batch of students, comprising 28 judges from 15 provinces on the mainland, will join the common law stream of the LLM programme

CityU is currently the only tertiary institution in the world that has

offered by SLW. During their studies, the judges will spend a month at

made its entire public websites to be mobile friendly. It is one of a very

Columbia Law School, visit Korea University in South Korea, and conduct

few in the world that is using the new HTML5/CSS3 technology.

a study tour in Geneva and Vienna. 為配合大學「重探索求創新課程」, 城大1月6日舉行開學迎新暨畢業典禮,歡迎第四屆中國法官法學碩士





機版,最近更積極推動流動學習, 讓學生隨時隨地都能相互交流和



們將修讀普通法分科,修學期間將赴美國哥倫比亞大學學習一個月及 訪問韓國高麗大學,並赴瑞士日內瓦和奧地利維也納遊學參觀。

城大是目前全球唯一為其全部公共網頁推出智能手機版的大學,也 是全世界少數以HTML5/CSS3編寫網頁的大學。




Ancient Buddhist art reproduced in virtual reality at CityU 藥師佛東方淨土再現城大 A world premier event on 16 March marked a milestone in new methods of archaeological exhibition for museums, digital interpretation, and sustainable preservation. For the first time ever, visitors could experience in virtual reality the magnificent Buddhist wall paintings inside Cave 220, part of the famous Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang in Gansu province, China. “Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang” was co-presented by CityU’s Applied Laboratory of Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALiVE) and the Dunhuang Academy. It was supported by the Friends of Dunhuang Hong Kong.

“Zero Food Waste in CityU” campaign launched 城大啓動「零廚餘校園」計劃 The 18-month-long “Zero Food Waste in CityU” campaign newly launched at CityU will promote environmental protection and a greener campus by encouraging students and staff to reduce and reuse food waste. The campaign, the first of its kind among local tertiary institutions, is sponsored by the Environment and Conservation Fund, and it was initiated by CityU and Greeners Action. The objective is to eliminate food waste that would otherwise be dumped in landfills.



















實境技術呈現在觀眾眼前,在全球屬於首例。這場高科技的文化盛 事,對考古發現的展覽方式、數碼技術的發展,以及文物的永續保 育工作,都具有啓發意義。《人間淨土》由城大互動視覺及體現應

Photo provided by Greeners Action. 相片由綠領行動提供。


獲得環境及自然保育基 金支持,在全港高等教育界率先推出在校 園內全面減少廚餘的計劃,以減少廚餘等 廢物埋入垃圾堆填區。

Universities collaborate 城大與兩所清華大學簽訂核能教研合作備忘錄 CityU, Tsinghua University, Beijing and National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 28 February to collaborate on nuclear education and research. The MOU will encourage exchanges between faculties and students on teaching and R&D, and will support each other’s curricula. The three universities will also take turns co-organising academic activities and student training courses. 教學、科技研發與技術服務的交流合作,並互相支援教學課程。此 城大與北京清華大學及新竹清華大學在2月28日簽訂合作備忘錄,三




May 2012


News & Notable Scientists win outstanding scientific research awards 城大傑出科學家獲自然科學獎 Two scientists have won the 2011 Second Class Award in the Natural Science category at the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education. The two awards winners were Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing (left), Vice-President (Student Affairs) and Chair Professor of Biology, and Dr Wallace Tang Kit-sang (right), Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering. 城大副校長(學生事務)兼生物講座教授林群聲教授(左)和電子工程學系副教授鄧榤 生博士(右)分別獲得國家教育部 2011 年度「高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎」自然科 學獎二等獎。

Student residence named after Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu

Six outstanding faculty receive Teaching Excellence Awards



CityU named Student Residence Hall 9 as the Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall at a ceremony on 18 April in appreciation of Sir Gordon Wu’s contributions to the development of CityU and the education sector. Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung (centre, below), Chairman of Hopewell Holdings Limited, is a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has shown great support to CityU over the years, serving as Council Chairman in 2004–2006. 城大於4月18日舉行學生宿舍命名典禮,將第九座宿舍命名為「胡應湘 爵士伉儷堂」,以表彰胡爵士推動教育事業及支持城大發展的貢獻。 合和實業有限公司主席胡應湘爵士(下圖中)為著名企業家,熱心公 益,多年來鼎力支持城大發展,曾於2004至2006年擔任城大校董會 主席。

Six teachers received the Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) 2011–12 on 17 April in recognition of their contributions to raising the quality of teaching at CityU. The six awardees were (from left) Dr Sun Hongyi, Associate Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management; Dr Maris Martinsons, Associate Professor in the Department of Management; Dr Stephen Bremner, Assistant Professor in the Department of English; Dr Ray Cheung Chak-chung, Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering; Dr Li Minming, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science; and Professor Liu Zhiqiang of the School of Creative Media. 城大4月17日舉行2011-12年度傑出教學獎頒獎典禮,表揚六位優秀教師 在提升大學教學質素方面的貢獻。他們分別是:(左起)系統工程及工 程管理學系副教授孫洪義博士、管理學系副教授馬禮士博士、英文系助 理教授Stephen Bremner博士、電子工程學系助理教授張澤松博士、電 腦科學系助理教授李閩溟博士、創意媒體學院劉志強教授。




Law students win global battle of legal minds 法律學生國際法律比賽奪魁 A team from the School of Law beat 91 international teams to win the championship in the 9th Annual Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot (the Moot). The CityU team is the first to reach two consecutive grand finals in the moot’s nine-year history. 城大法律學院的學生辯論隊參加第九屆維斯(東方)國際商事仲裁模 擬法庭辯論賽,擊敗來自世界各地的91支學生辯論隊,奪得總冠軍榮 譽。同時,城大的辯論隊亦首度創下連續兩年進入該項比賽之總決賽 的優秀成績。

CityU, Microchip strengthen student learning 城大與Microchip合作,增強教學科研

The Department of Electronic Engineering established the CityU-Microchip Centre with full support from Microchip Technology Inc. (Microchip). CityU is the first academic partner of Microchip in Hong Kong under an agreement signed with the company. Microchip will provide resources including development tools, software and course materials that will be integrated into the education programmes at the CityU-Microchip Centre to provide teaching support for laboratory and project courses in areas related to microcontrollers and other embedded technology. 城大電子工程學系與 Microchip Technology Inc.(Microchip)攜手 合作,成立城大-Microchip中心,進一步加強大學的教學與科研。 城大與Microchip簽訂合約,成為該公司在香港的第一個學術機構合 作夥伴。Microchip將為城大提供用於開發研究的工具、軟件,供城 大-Microchip中心使用,並提供相關課程的教材,以支援微控制器及嵌 入技術等相關科技領域的實驗教學及專題科目學習。

Hong Kong’s first scholarship for heritage management launched 城大設立全港首項文化與文化產業管理獎學金 A new scholarship in cultural and heritage management was introduced at a ceremony on campus on 20 March. The scholarship, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, is supported by a HK$200,000 donation from Tao Heung Group Limited to help nurture professionals for the local cultural and heritage sector. 城大3月20日宣佈設立全港首創的文化與文化產業管理獎學金。稻香集團為此 向城大捐贈二十萬港元,以供設立這一獎學金,為香港培育文化與文化產業管 理專才。

May 2012


Cover Story




Materials for tomorrow 新材料,創未來

By Mirror Fung


Remember the Bird’s Nest? The National Stadium in Beijing built specially for the 2008 Summer Olympics is a masterpiece of architectural mechanics, made possible thanks to breakthroughs in materials science. Without the invention of a special high-strength, low-alloy steel, the Bird’s Nest would have remained a pipe dream. New structural materials play a vital role in life﹣enhancing biomedical,

Guangdong province will become operational,

automotive, aerospace, sustainable energy and, of course, architectural

while the work to maintain existing ageing

fields. CityU’s recently established Centre for Advanced Structural Materials

reactors will become even more complex, and

(CASM) is spearheading research in this area.

sometimes more urgent.

Based in the College of Science and Engineering (CSE), it provides a

“The panic generated by mishandling even the

platform for senior multidisciplinary scientists, researchers and engineers to

smallest nuclear incident is unthinkable, given

develop innovative solutions for key industrial sectors.

the close proximity of these nuclear power plants to one of the most heavily populated regions

“We will conduct in-depth research on structural-property relationships of

on earth. In this regard, Hong Kong has the

coupled multiphysical and multiscale materials to comprehend, control,

responsibility to protect its residents, and help

predict and optimise material properties and structures,” said Professor

build safe systems,” Professor Lu said.

Lu Jian, Director of CASM, Dean of CSE and Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering.

“One of our research projects focuses on radiation damage in reactor materials. We will

Research is highlighted in five key areas: pre-stressed engineering materials

obtain information concerning the complex

and devices, advanced bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), radiation damage in

behaviour and property change of materials

reactor materials, advanced high-temperature metallic alloys, and new

under a flux of atomic or subatomic particles,

advanced composites. They all have substantial impacts in the design,

providing the knowledge base for the design,

manufacture and fabrication of advanced materials and structures.

maintenance, and operation of facilities in a neutron irradiation environment, such as fission

The public may not know a great deal about advanced structural materials

and fusion reactors,” he explained.

even though there is a strong connection with health, the economy and even safety. For example, in ten years’ time, 15 to 20 new nuclear reactors in

May 2012


Cover Story

Stronger, safer and better materials can help support the continuous

BMGs have been emerging as a new class of metallic materials particularly

development of human society and improve the quality of our daily life,

suitable for casting into precision parts used in micro-device systems, such


as micro-gears in micro-motors. They are also considered to be ideal mimic materials for bones and joints of human bodies because of their high

One of the current projects, supervised by Professor Lu, focuses on

strength, good corrosion resistance and low elastic limit.

pre-stressed engineering materials and devices. Many new materials are multimaterials, for example smart materials and nanostructured

“Our study will focus on different materials with specific surface treatments

materials. They contain residual stresses as a result of the thermal,

for enhancing their biocompatibility and mechanical properties,” Professor

mechanical, microstructural and nanostructural incompatibilities of the

Liu said.

different phases of the material, devices and structure. “In the next decade, China will certainly become an important market “We will develop appropriate pre-stress treatments so as to achieve an

for advanced structural materials. Our ultimate goal is to support the

optimised combination of high-yield strength and high ductility with

social and economic advancements of the region through the creation of

optimised residual stress distributions,” he said.

sustainable high level R&D activities. Our Centre will help train top-level graduates for these knowledge-intensive sectors and thus substantially

Multiscale experimentation tools for the characterisation of laminated

enhance our competitiveness,” Professor Lu concluded.

materials and the nanostructured surface, and a multiscale modelling scheme and design tool for predicting the mechanical and diffusion behaviour of laminated structural materials will also be developed, he added.

還記得「鳥巢」嗎?這座專為2008年北京奧運會而建的國家體 育館被譽為建築力學的傑作,但若非材料工程學家取得突破,研 發出一種特別的高強度低合金鋼,「鳥巢」也許只會止於空想。

Another project, under the direction of Professor Liu Chain-tsuan, University Distinguished Professor in the Centre, explores advanced


BMGs and advanced high-temperature metallic alloys.

能源等領域,先進結構材料都至關重要,在建築工程當然更是如此。 城大新近成立的「先進結構材料研究中心」設在科學及工程學院内,旨 在促進這一領域的創新研究,給資深的跨領域科學家、研究員、工程師 提供一個協作基地,以便眾人合力為各重要產業的工程問題尋找創新的 解決方案。 中心主任呂堅教授說:「我們將深入研究耦合多物理與多尺度材料的結 構和性能關係,以求了解、控制、預測並優化材料的性能及結構。」呂 教授亦是科學及工程學院院長兼機械工程講座教授。








這五個領域對先進材料及其結構的設計和生產製造有巨大影響。 先進大塊金屬玻璃是一類新型金屬材料,尤其適用於鑄造微型裝置系統 一般公眾對先進結構材料也許認識不深,但這些材料與我們的健康、經






其維護保養將更為複雜,有時甚為迫切。 「我們的研究重點,是對各種材料作特殊的表面處理,提升它們的生物 「緊鄰這些核電廠的地區,人口之稠密居於世界前列,即使發生輕微核


事故,處理失當引起的恐慌也將不堪設想。有鑑於此,香港有責任保護 市民,為建立安全系統而出力,」呂教授說。

「未來十年內,中國肯定會成為重要的先進結構材料市場。我們的最終 目標是從事可持續的高水平研發, 為亞洲地區的社會經濟發展出力。我





計、保養、操作處於中子輻射環境下的各種設施,例如核子裂變反應堆 與聚變反應堆,」他解釋說。 Research grants for advanced structural materials 研發更強韌、更安全、更優質的材料,有助人類社會的持續發展,也有

A research grant of RMB 9 million has been secured by CityU and


granted to the team led by Professor Lu for a five-year project, one of the “973 projects” funded by the National Basic Research


Programme under the administration of China’s Ministry of Science


and Technology. The “973 projects” aim to achieve a technology and


strategic edge in various scientific fields. Another grant worth RMB 1.5


million from the Ministry of Science and Technology has been secured

by Professor Liu for a project on advanced metallic alloy.

「我們將研發適當的預應力處理方法,達成殘餘應力的最優分佈,以取 得高屈服強度與高韌性這兩種性能的最佳組合,」他解釋道。

「先進結構材料」研究獲資助 城大的研究項目獲得中國科學技術部轄下的國家重點基礎研究發






的研究項目旨在提升各科學領域的技術優勢和戰略優勢。此外, 劉錦川教授負責的先進合金研究,也得到科技部資助,獲撥款 150萬元人民幣。

May 2012


Face to Face

Building crucial industries 先進材料,工業之基 By Allen Zhuang

文: 莊開仁

It was a comment that needed little explanation. “Those who control materials technology control

A scientist renowned for his work on advanced

“Budding young scientists should examine

structural materials, Professor Liu supervises

today’s situation and spot the less-than-desirable

research at the newly founded Centre for

materials or properties that are causing major

Advanced Structural Materials at CityU.

technological problems. Then they may want to find a remedy, and here you have a good

industries,” said Professor Liu Chain-tsuan, quoting a former president of the Japanese

“Certain mechanical, chemical, optical, and

research topic. Or you can review the past and

multinational IT company, NEC Corporation.

biotechnical properties are desired in structural

identify an outstanding problem, to which you

materials to perform special functions in

can set out to find a solution,” he said.

Today China has become the world’s largest

various industries. For example, steel should

maker of carbon steel, with its output of varieties

be very strong and yet lightweight, resistant to

Even more challenging, Professor Liu said, was to

of crude steel accounting for 40 per cent of the

corrosion and high temperatures, so that it can

foresee what kind of materials or what properties

world’s total. “But, as an advanced steelmaker,

be used in building parts of large aeroplanes and

have the potential for future use. “Go and search

China is not a great power yet when it comes

spacecraft, and in nuclear energy projects,” he

for them in advance,” he advised, “as there may

to producing high-quality steel, namely steel


lie a hidden treasure that’s worth unearthing.”

Distinguished Professor based in the Department

Currently, Professor Liu and his colleagues,

To young researchers already on the road,

of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (MBE).

including Professor Lu Jian, Dean of the

Professor Liu offered some tips on how to

with special properties,” said the University

College of Science and Engineering (CSE), are

carry out a fruitful research project. First, keep

At present, China has to import most of the

trying to develop ultra-high strength metallic

your brains fresh and active, and approach

high-performance steels it needs for its advanced

and intermetallic materials that possess such

the problem from different angles—don’t get

transport and energy systems, underscoring

properties. As a pioneer in the field with decades

stuck in a blind alley, he warned. Then, strive to

Professor Liu’s comment that “materials form the

of experience, he is keen to train a legion of

make good use of state-of-the-art facilities, he

basis for all advanced industrial systems”.

young people for his team.

advised, citing the old Chinese saying traceable




to Confucius: “A craftsman who wishes to practise



his craft well must first sharpen his tools”.



之四十,「但中國還不是鋼鐵強國,因為盛產 “Moreover, make sure you seize opportunities



to work in collaboration with leading experts in



your field,” Professor Liu advised, because when



standing on the shoulders of giants you will have



a much wider horizon, and a much clearer view



















of the road ahead.

「誰控制了材料技術,誰就控制了各種 工業。」

核能發電工程。」 此外,劉教授建議:「一定要爭取機會同自己 劉教授正與科學及工程學院院長呂堅教授等同







May 2012


Professional Education & Research

A journey of discovery 蓮葉的啓示,成功的探索

By Michelle Leung


The purity of the lotus flower has inspired profound philosophical and spiritual thoughts throughout history, its beauty giving rise to the Chinese saying “A lotus that rises out of the silt”, meaning that despite the mud that the plants must push through to grow, the allure remains. But when Chen Xuemei, a second-year PhD student in CityU’s Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (MBE), looks at the lotus she sees something different. She sees the potential for developing new bio-inspired materials. The leaf of a lotus flower is superhydrophobic, i.e. it is very hard to make wet. If you have ever seen rain falling on a lotus leaf, you might have noticed how the drops never wet the surface. A combination of the leaf’s hydrophobic waxiness and microscopic bumps traps air underneath the water drops. This air cushioning gives rise to the superhydrophobicity, making the water roll off rapidly when the leaf’s surface is slightly inclined. The process also keeps the leaf clean from dirt. Chen Xuemei, under the supervision of Dr Wang Zuankai, Assistant Professor in MBE, was inspired by the plant’s self-cleaning capability to develop a superhydrophobic structure that could improve the efficiency of electronic cooling systems in a variety of devices. “My discovery was incredibly exciting,” said Chen Xuemei. “It took a lot of trial and error but I am very pleased with the materials I have developed.” Her innovation has been to cut a series of unique pyramid-like shapes on the surface of silicon. These etchings are a kind of nanograss, specially cut to reduce the contact area between the surface of the material and the water droplets, and thus increase the rate at which the water can depart away. The upper part and the sides of the pyramid structure are layered with this freshly cut nanograss, a technique that makes the microscopic pyramid architecture superhydrophobic, just like the lotus leaf. Meanwhile, the lower part of the pyramid structure is left relatively wettable, enabling water droplets to nucleate, i.e. form and grow.




May 2012


Professional Education & Research What happens next is that the silicon is put onto a cooling stage mounted inside an environmental scanning electron microscope. As the vapour pressure increases in the chamber, it starts to condense into sphericalshaped droplets. These droplets in the wettable patches in the lower part of the pyramid structure grow much faster than at the superhydrophobic upper part. They then coalesce with their neighbouring droplets and depart from the surface spontaneously. The theory is that a faster and more efficient way of cooling can be achieved because heat is removed with the outgoing droplets, creating the kind of cooling system that can be applied to a variety of technologies. The nanograssed surface structure viewed under an electronic microscope.

This new nanograssed micro-pyramid architecture, according to Chen Xuemei, enhances the heat transfer coefficient by 100 to 200 per cent, significantly reducing energy consumption for cooling and making it possible to shrink the size of electronic products—most electronic chips are made of silicon. One of the problems with making devices smaller is managing the heat given off by the circuitry. Chen’s technology paves the


“CityU has research teams, state-of-the-art laboratories and a positive study atmosphere. I can use the equipment and facilities in different departments and get advice from our very patient technicians to deal with difficult technical problems. This helps me focus on my professional research area

way for designers to think even smaller.

and lays a good foundation for my future studies,” the young scientist said.

“I really appreciate Dr Wang’s invaluable and patient guidance, which has

Her hard work was rewarded when Advanced Functional Materials, the

made my PhD study at CityU rewarding and exciting. Also, the fact that my other colleagues and students at the laboratory are so devoted to their research that they usually spend their weekends in the laboratory motivated me to put in long hours,” Chen said.



top-tier full-paper journal in materials science, published her first-authored research paper as the cover story of its December 2011 issue.


蓮花清純優雅,其「出淤泥而不染」的特性尤受人稱道,被譽 為「花之君子」。千百年來,它引發文人的詩興、哲人的深 思,又成為宗教的象徵。

隨後,把矽材料放在一個安裝於環境掃描電子顯微鏡内的冷卻台上。隨 着電子顯微鏡內部蒸汽壓力增大,蒸汽開始凝結成球狀液滴。這些液滴

會黏附在親水的平滑面上,並與鄰近的液滴結合而增大。利用滑走的水 珠把熱量帶走,可以快速散熱,這一模式可應用於多種電子產品。

城大機械及生物醫學工程學系二年級博士生陳雪梅看蓮花時,則把注 意力聚焦在審視蓮葉那滴水不留的特性,並受啓發研發出一種新型仿



的矽表面結構,散熱效能可以提升一至兩倍,不僅大幅節省散熱所需的 能源,且可使電子元件的體積縮得更小。電子產品能否進一步微型化,取





水蠟質與微小隆起相結合,困住了水滴底部的空氣,空氣的緩衝作用產 生了超疏水性,使得葉子的表面只要稍有傾斜,水珠就會迅速滑走。這



博士課程期間獲益良多。看到其他實驗室人員和學生周末也回校做研 究,自己也不敢怠惰。城大有先進的設備,各學系的儀器可以互借共用;










果,論文獲得材料科學界頂尖學術期刊 Advanced Functional Materials 採用,成為2011年12月號的封面專題。

她以蝕刻技術加工矽材料,令表面佈滿纖細的「納米草」,其條狀結構 呈金字塔狀一行行地排列,使細微液滴與矽材料表面減少接觸而迅速 滑走。納米草的金字塔上半部和各行列的間隙,造成材料表面的超疏水 性。相比之下,沒有納米草的材料表面則易於形成液滴。

May 2012


Professional Education & Research

Fruity fuel for the future 未來的水果燃料 By Karen Cheng


A naturally occurring chemical in fruit, which is also a frequently used food additive, shows promise as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels, according to research undertaken by a team led by Professor István Horváth, Head of the Department of Biology and Chemistry.

The principle of converting biomass to GVL may be straightforward, but the technology is more complicated. Professor Horváth and his research team are studying the conversion process at the molecular level so they can understand the particular path for the conversion, and develop technology to control it. Progress is promising and several new GVL-related technologies are under development in his lab as well as in China, Europe,

Gamma-valerolactone (GVL) exhibits a number of properties that make it

Singapore and the US.

an attractive liquid biofuel: a very high boiling point, a low melting point and a low vapour pressure. In addition, it is very stable, non-toxic, and

Professor Horváth’s plan is to make GVL a major feedstock for energy and

produces no smoke when burned. In collaboration with the Hungarian Oil

carbon-based chemicals for the future, but he does not underestimate the

Company, GVL has been successfully tested as a gasoline additive in place

difficulty of the tasks ahead. “Biotechnology is very good for small-scale

of the widely used bioethanol.

chemicals like antibiotics, enzymes and vitamins. But when it comes to commodity-scale applications, it is a different story,” he said, reckoning “The advantage of using

the technology will have to be simple and robust in order to achieve the

biomass to produce fuel is that


the carbon footprint can be minimised as biomass is produced by nature from carbon dioxide and water by photosynthesis, and therefore the burned fuel can be re-grown,” Professor Horváth said.



Professor Horváth admitted it would take some time before his research bore fruit. But he is adamant that a scientist should dare to walk a path no one has walked before. “If you don’t dream, you don’t get anything!”


生物及化學系系主任賀宏教授領導的研究團隊發現:天然存在 於水果中、通常用作食物添加劑的一種化學物質,可望取代傳 統的化石燃料。

的實驗室正在研究製取GVL的幾項新技術,中國、歐洲、新加坡、美 國也從事同樣的研究。 賀宏教授計劃將來把GVL用作製取燃料、生產碳基化學品的主要原














學家應該勇於探索前人從未走 過的路:「沒有夢想,只會一



授和他的研究團隊正在分子層面研究這個轉變過程,力圖探明其具體途 徑,以便開發出特定的技術,加以控制,進展令人鼓舞。除了賀宏教授

Professor Horváth received his PhD in Chemistry in 1979 and held positions at Yale University, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zürich), Exxon (now ExxonMobil) Corporate Research, and Eötvös University Budapest before moving to CityU in May 2009. The fluorous biphasic concept that he invented in 1992 led to the evolution of fluorous chemistry. He was Chairman of COST Action D29 on Sustainable/Green Chemistry and Chemical Technology from 2002 to 2007, an international programme of the European Commission/European Science Foundation dedicated to developing sustainable industrial chemicals and chemical-based consumer products utilising sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. 賀宏教授於1979年獲得化學博士學位。他在2009年5月加入 城大,此前曾任職於美國耶魯大學、瑞士聯邦理工學院(蘇 黎世) 、美國埃克森石油(現今埃克森美孚石油的前身之一) 公司研究部、匈牙利布達佩斯的羅蘭大學。他在1992年發明 的氟雙相催化技術促成了氟化學的變革。從2002至2007年,他 出任COST Action D29可持續 /綠色化學及化工行動的主席。 這是由歐盟委員會暨歐洲科學基金推動的國際計劃,致力推行 可持續、有利環保的技術,研發可持續的化工原料及由此製成 的 消 費 產品。

May 2012


Through the Lens

Merging art with science The 15 student artists from the School of Creative Media (SCM) looked like they were heading off on a science project as they boarded the flight to California. But the sensors and technological tools in their luggage were for reading nature and climate change in a new interdisciplinary way, for art’s sake.

By Joan Yip


“The scientists in California were really fascinated that a group of arts students from Hong Kong were doing such work with the environment,” said one of the SCM students, Verena Henn.

The students were thrilled to be working on such an innovative field of creative media art in

The aim of the project was to create new media

such an exciting physical environment. “I love

art using scientific readings from sand dunes and

the desert landscape very much,” said Kelvin Lam

a dry lake in the Mojave Desert and a canyon in

Kin-choi, another of the students involved.

the Joshua Tree National Park. The outcomes of

the trip will be exhibited at CityU in May.

“We managed to gather some extreme temperature data, even though it is exhausting to climb up the sand dunes in the heat of the desert,” Kelvin said.

Students climb up a canyon in the Joshua Tree National Park. 一群學生爬上約書亞樹國家公園的峽谷。

Verena Henn conducts sound recordings at Kelso Dunes. Verena Henn在凱爾索沙丘上錄音。




Balloons carrying barometric sensors that can measure altitude changes in the rugged desert are released at Kelso Dunes. 在凱爾索沙丘上,攜帶氣壓傳感器的氣球被升到半空,用 來測量崎嶇不平的沙漠中各處的海拔高度變化。

科學藝術 融合為一 創意媒體學院十五名修習藝術的學生登 上飛往美國加州的飛機時,貌似要去從 事一項科學研究,但他們行李中雖有傳 感器等科技設備,卻是為着利用跨學科 的新方法去解讀自然與氣候的變化,進 行藝術創作。

「加州的科學家見到一群香港藝術學生來到這個環境從事藝術創作,覺 得非常有意思,」創意媒體學院的學生Verena Henn說。 這項專題功課的目的,是踏勘加州莫哈韋沙漠中的幾座沙丘與一片乾鹽 湖,還有約書亞樹國家公園的一條峽谷,採集種種科學數據,用以創作 新媒體的藝術作品。此行的成果,訂於五月間在城大展出。 同學們能在如此令人興奮的自然環境中,製作別出心裁的創意媒體藝術 品,無不異常激動。 「我很喜愛沙漠風光,不過,我們須頂着沙漠的高溫爬上沙丘,儘管精 疲力竭,總算努力搜集到一些極端溫度數據,」林建才同學說。

May 2012



Reviving Confucian thought 復興儒家思想

By Michael Gibb


Three CityU scholars from different disciplines and backgrounds met to discuss what appears to be a renewed popular interest in Confucian thought in East Asian societies and cultural life. The Western media is full of stories about China’s economic rise, its environmental problems, the human rights situation and the nation’s role in international world affairs. But what gets less exposure beyond East Asia is the resurgence in interest in the ethical and philosophical teachings associated with the Chinese thinker Confucius (551–479 BCE).




and as an alternative to Western ideas of liberal democracy.

“We see examples of this renaissance in daily life in most cities in China and here in Hong Kong.”

Popular interest

The New Culture Movement in China, heavily associated with the May

“We see examples of this renaissance in daily life in most cities in China and

Fourth Movement in 1919, saw intellectuals advocating modernisation.

here in Hong Kong,” explains Professor Fan, who holds a PhD in philosophy

“From the time of the May Fourth Movement, we had in China two

from Rice University in Texas. “Private schools where families can gather

ideological extremes,” Professor Fan says. “One rejected Confucian thought,

to talk and learn about Confucian values have become very popular. They

blaming it for China’s weakness. Intellectuals felt that the West was

meet in the evenings and at weekends to read classical texts.”

powerful because of science and democracy, but Confucianism did not

A new book The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China edited by Professor Fan Ruiping of the Department of Public and Social Adminstration provides a rich collection of articles by scholars reviving Confucian thought as a moral, cultural and political foundation for China

offer that.” Ancestor worship, a core value in Confucian tradition, in particular respect for one’s parents and forebears through filial piety, is also regaining

The other extreme, he says, was held by

influence after years of suppression. After 1949, the year of the foundation

new Confucian scholars claiming that

of the People’s Republic of China, and until quite recently, maintaining

it is possible to find new elements in

rituals such as ancestor worship and sweeping one’s ancestors’ graves was

Confucianism that can lead to prosperity,

impossible, but these practices are now under revival.

modernisation and success. That claim, they argue, is evidenced by the surging

In fact, interest in Confucianism is welcomed by the state, explains Professor

East Asian economies of the past two

Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation

decades. The argument goes that

in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and a leading

Confucian heritage countries in East

scholar in East-West cross-cultural studies.

and Southeast Asia have not developed through Western-style democracy but

Professor Fan

“The spread of Confucian institutes around the world is an official effort. The

under authoritarian governments like


government is investing a great deal of money in this operation, and some

those in Singapore, South Korea and

institutes are very successful. You can also see some writers commenting

Taiwan, the so-called little dragons of Asia. These successes suggest an

on Confucian values with enormous success, reflecting this growing

alternative model to that pursued by the West, one defined by different

popularity,” he says.


New cultural movements

“These Asian values,” Professor Zhang explains, “stem from a collective

The origins of this renaissance are found in new scholarship that is re-

rather than an individualistic ideology, where family and community are

evaluating Confucian values in the wake of rising economic prosperity in

more important than the individual self and the state. The Confucian

East Asia, a Confucian heritage region.

heritage nations in East Asia have strong economies and standards of living without having wholly opened up to Western democratic ideals.” In other

Historically, classical Confucian philosophy fell out of favour in China and

words, although East Asia has not been a hot-bed of democratic reform,

other nations such as pre-colonial Korea as modernity swept across Asia in

several Confucian heritage nations or regions have prospered.

the early part of the twentieth century. Japan’s military victories over China in the mid-1890s and Russia in 1905, its annexation of Korea in 1910 plus

Re-invigorating cultural studies

the increasing economic and industrial power of the US and Europe forced

A fresh look at Confucian values and their impact on societies has

Chinese intellectuals to consider China’s future.

also prompted research and re-evaluation in other areas of cultural

May 2012


Roundtable studies. For example, a new wave of Confucian feminist thought,

學科不同、背景各異的三位城大學者,相聚討論儒家思想在 東亞諸國的社會和文化生活中再度流行的現象。

explains Dr Kim Sung-moon, a political scientist in the Department


of Public and Social Administration,


is challenging the basis of South


Korea’s traditionally patriarchal


society. Feminists have gone back to

Dr Kim 金博士

classical Confucian texts in search of


the origins of an ideology that has


oppressed women for centuries.

家思想以充當中國道德、文化、政治的基礎,使之成為西方自由民主 理念之外的替代選擇。

“There is a debate about the difference between historical Confucianism which has been used for political ends and philosophical


Confucianism which emphasises the concept of ‘All equal under


heaven’,” says Dr Kim, who has a PhD in political science from the


University of Maryland at College Park in the US. “Confucian feminist


thought argues that aspects of life in traditional Korean society have


been hard for women, especially through the institution of marriage, but they are arguing that in classical Confucianism there are no major


gender differences. In Korea, it is a philosophical movement moving to


political advocacy, but there is still a long way to go.”

立後,直到不久前,大規模拜墳祭祖的禮儀遭到禁止,但如今已經 恢復。

Ancient vs modern An understanding of Confucian thought is essential for Westerners, in


particular, to unravel the complexities of social and political discourse


in Confucian heritage countries, Dr Kim adds, especially understanding


the political process in countries such as South Korea. Professor Fan agrees, saying events such as the Tiananmen Square protests in


June 1989 can be analysed in terms of competing visions within the


Confucian framework regarding the proper way of modernising China


by learning from modern Western experiences as well as by drawing on China’s own resources.

回顧新文化運動 這種復活現象源於學術界重新評價儒家學說的研究成果,而這發生在

“My view is we are seeing a conflict not between the East and the


West in events such as the Tiananmen tragedy so much as a conflict


between the ancient and the modern. In classical thought, virtue


was important but today some modern scholars say ‘rights’ should be emphasised more than virtue. This is an on-going debate between liberals and conservatives, not just in China, but all over the world.”









中錯綜複雜的社會政治言論解讀明白, 就必須先了解儒家思想,這對於西方人










件,不妨視之為兩種目標觀點之爭,二 者都以儒家思想為大前提而考慮中國現





Professor Zhang




小龍 」— 即新加坡、韓國、台灣— 得以繁榮發展,並非依靠西方模 式的民主,而是依靠威權政府體制,所以其成功表明在西方遵行的模式



方的衝突,不如說是古代與現代的衝突。傳統思想以『德行』為先,但 當今某些學者認為『權利』應重於『德行』。這場保守派與自由派之爭



集體意識形態,認為家庭與社群高於個人和國家,聲稱有儒家傳統的東 亞諸國無須全盤接受西方民主理想,一樣能享有經濟繁榮、生活富足。 換言之,東亞地區雖然還未孕育出民主改革,卻有幾個儒家傳統影響下 的國家和地區已實現繁榮。 文化研究,增添活力 以新的眼光審視儒家的理念及其對各國社會的影響,亦促成了其他文化 研究領域的新研究與重新評價。公共及社會行政學系的政治學學者金聖 文博士指出,一股儒家女權主義思想新浪潮正在動搖韓國傳統父權社會 的基礎。女權主義者重讀儒學經典,探尋幾百年來令婦女受壓迫的思想 根源。 「有論者認為,歷史上的儒學有別於哲學上的儒學:前者被人利用於政 治目的,而後者強調『天下為公』的觀念,」金博士說。「儒家女權主 義思想認為,傳統韓國社會生活的幾個方面——尤其是婚姻制度——對 女性嚴厲苛刻,但她們聲稱經典的儒家學說並不主張男女大有差別。 如今,這一哲學思潮在韓國已逐漸演進為政治主張,但前面仍 有很長的路要走。」金聖文博士是美國馬里蘭大學帕克 分校的政治學博士。

May 2012


Professional Education & Research

New programmes for discovery and innovation 重探索求創新,開設新課程 By Shirley Cheng


Society is constantly changing and to make sure that its curriculum is fully aligned with the changes taking place, a university has to review, update, and even create new programmes. In the run-up to the implementation of the new

The programme will concentrate on five related areas: nuclear engineering,

4-year undergraduate curriculum in Hong Kong,

medical radiation, maintenance engineering, risk engineering and crisis

CityU has developed seven new interdisciplinary

management. These five areas are in general aligned with two of the

programmes. Each one anticipates future

government’s six new economic pillars, namely testing and certification,

demands in business and industry and is

and medical services.

specifically designed to encourage students to discover and innovate, and to create, cultivate,

“We will seek accreditation of our programme by the Hong Kong

curate and communicate new knowledge to the

Institution of Engineers. Once accredited, the professional qualification will

rest of the world.

be recognised by many foreign countries,” said Professor Peter Yu Kwanngok of the Department of Physics and Materials Science.

An eagerly anticipated programme is the Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk

The University’s dedication to interdisciplinarity is seen in the creation of

Engineering hosted by the Department of

the new Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology in the Department of

Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. Well-

Applied Social Studies (SS). In September 2005, the department introduced

trained nuclear engineers will be in demand in

a highly popular University Grants Committee-funded top-up degree

this region because the nuclear power industry

called the BSocSc (Criminology) for sub-degree graduates. It was the only

is likely to expand. In addition, jobs in the areas

full-time criminology undergraduate programme in Hong Kong, so it was

of medical radiation, advanced maintenance for

heavily over-subscribed. The CityU 4-year criminology programme, also

complex engineering systems, risk engineering

the only one of its kind in Hong Kong, will expand upon this foundation by

and crisis management are likely to increase

equipping students with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes.





May 2012


Professional Education & Research

“Our BAS in New Media is the first of its kind in the world.” The graduates will have the knowledge and skills required to fill human resources needs in the areas of law enforcement, correction, delinquency and crime control. Career opportunities include positions in the following areas: correctional services and crime prevention agencies such as the Social Welfare Department, the Correctional Services Department and nongovernmental organisations; and many others. “Our criminology top-up degree programme for sub-degree students has earned us a good reputation and we are proud to say we have the strongest expertise and experience,” said Professor Lo Tit-wing of SS. Interdisciplinarity is also the flavour of our new Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) in New Media in the School of Creative Media (SCM). The government regards the creative industries as a priority, and the rapidly changing media industry offers great opportunities for SCM students. The new BAS will draw on a diverse collection of fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, humanities, and social science. It will focus on new media art, using the latest digital technologies for creative purposes, so that students learn to treat technology as an artistic medium, generating learning in a progressive, interdisciplinary context. Future graduates will be prepared as creative content providers for the games industry, animation, website design, TV and digital media broadcasting, cinema, the contemporary arts, the quickly advancing interactive media industry connected to advertising, exhibition and trade shows, and so forth.




“Our BAS in New Media is the first of its kind in the world,” said Dr Hector Rodriguez, Associate Professor of the SCM. “It integrates the strengths of existing SCM majors, while introducing new teaching and learning partnerships with other CityU departments.” The other four new programmes are in banking and financial services, digital TV and broadcasting, bioengineering, and energy science and engineering.

「我們擁有最強的專業 知識與經驗。」 會科學學士銜接課程,大受歡迎。該課 程是全港唯一的全日制犯罪學本科課 程,因此報讀人數大幅超過招生名額。 新的四年制犯罪學課程在本港也是獨

社會在不斷變化,大學要確保其課程與時並進,就要不斷檢 討、更新既有的課程,甚至要創設新課程。

一無二,而且將在現有基礎上拓寬範圍, 令學生獲得更多相關知識和技能,並具 備應有的工作態度。

本港即將推行新四年制本科課程,城大藉此契機設置了七項跨學科新課 程,均為預見工商業界未來的需求而設,且着重鼓勵學生探索與創新,不



罪)防治等專業的聘用要求,可任職的機構包括港府社會福利署及懲教署 轄下的懲教機構和罪案防治機構,以及非政府組織等等。

由機械及生物醫學工程學系統籌的核子與風險工程工學士課程,就是一 項大家翹首以盼的新課程。這是因為核能發電業在亞洲地區料將大有發











院的學生提供了大量機會。這門文理學士課程將涉及多個領域,包括生物 學、化學、物理學、數學、人文科學、社會科學。該課程將以新媒體藝術為











年9月,該學系獲得教資會資助,為 副學位畢業生開設了犯罪學榮譽社

「我們開設的新媒體文理學士課程是世界首創,」創意媒體學院的羅海德 博士說。「它將創意媒體學院現有各主修課程的優勢融合一體,同時聯合 城大的其他學系,在教與學兩方面引進新型合作。」

「若 通 過 評 審 得 到 認 可 ,專業資格將獲 得多個國家承認。」

除了上文所述,城大還會開設另外四項跨學科新課程:銀行及金融服務、 數碼電視及廣播、生物工程、能源科學及工程學。

May 2012


Professional Education & Research

Enlivening cultural heritage 文化遺產煥發新生

By Mirror Fung


The wall paintings appear to glisten on the walls of the cave. You can see the fine detail of the art work and breathe in the beauty of these wonderful murals. It is the next best thing to actually being there.

create interactive experiences for museums and galleries. These systems include 3D panoramic 360-degree displays, hemispherical domes, and 3D panoptic hexagonal viewing systems. The exhibition highlights the value of digital tools such as laser scanning

Visitors to the interactive “Pure Land” exhibition got to experience Cave 220

and high-resolution photography for providing access to cultural heritage

of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu Province here in Hong Kong

under threat.

through an innovative piece of virtual reality technology. “At some point in the future, the Mogao caves will be “‘Pure Land’ is at the forefront of advanced

closed to ensure their long-term survival, just

technologies for digital preservation,

like the Lascaux Caves in France. There will be

cultural heritage interpretation, and

tension between the desire to show this rich and important treasure to the world and

new museography,” said Dr Sarah Kenderdine, project co-leader of “Pure

the on-going protection of the caves.

Land” and Visiting Associate Professor in

The dilemma faced by the custodians of

the Department of Chinese, Translation and

the site may be resolved through new technologies and virtual facsimiles such


as `Pure Land’,” Dr Kenderdine explained. “It is a milestone in new methods of sustainable In widely exhibited installation works, she

preservation,” she said, adding that “Pure Land” was

has amalgamated cultural heritage with new

produced in partnership with the Dunhuang Academy and the Friends of Dunhuang, Hong Kong.

media art practice. Last year, she showcased traditional Jiao festivals in Hong Kong using a panoramic video installation. In 2010,

Viewers enter a 360-degree panoramic projection theatre where they use

she integrated laser-scan archaeological datasets from two tombs of the

a virtual torch and a virtual magnifying glass to zoom in on the painted

Western Han in China, and texts from the Tripitaka Koreana, a collection of

surface of the famed Buddhist art work that adorns this cave. The ultra-

Buddhist scriptures created during the Goryeo Dynasty in Korea 800 years

high resolution images are complemented by 3D animations of orchestral

ago into the Advanced Visualization and Interaction Environment (AVIE),

instruments and dancers that appear to emerge out of the original mural.

the world’s first 360-degree stereoscopic interactive visualisation and audification environment.

In the past few years, Dr Kenderdine, who is also the Director of Research for CityU’s Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment

“New media technologies are allowing practitioners the opportunity for

(ALiVE), has used a variety of large-scale immersive visualisation systems to

cultural innovation and knowledge transformation,” Dr Kenderdine said.




牆上的壁畫似乎在洞窟石壁上熠熠生輝;這些藝術珍品的細 部清晰可見,極其優美,彷彿要破壁而出,讓人有身臨其境 的感覺。






的價值,讓人得以欣賞因受毀壞威脅而必須封存的文 化遺產。

拉斯科岩洞那樣。文物監護機構既渴望向世人 《人間淨土》展覽的負責人之一Sarah Kenderdine博士說:「《人間淨











融合為一。去年,她用全景錄像裝置展示了香港傳統的太平清醮節慶習 俗。2010年,她把中國兩座西漢古墓的激光掃描考古數據資料,以及







生、呼之欲出。 「各種新媒體技術讓藝術從業者有機會更新文化、轉化知識,」 Kenderdine 博士又是城大「互動視覺及體現應用研究室」的研究總


監;近幾年來,已使用各種大型沉浸式視像化系統,為多處博物館及藝 廊設置了互動體驗式的展出環境。這些視像化系統包括立體全景360度 屏幕、半球形圓頂、立體全景六面觀景系統。

May 2012


Institutional Development

Stark reality of planet’s future 地球:前景堪憂 By Michael Gibb





The message could not be simpler, and more sobering: humans are consuming the planet’s finite resources at an untenable rate, and too little is being done to mitigate the impact of our wasteful ways and our collective failure to reduce carbon emissions.

“Sustainability is part of everyone’s job, and my

an example of an academic who has become

job is to help people with good ideas get them

actively involved in public policy debate

put into practice,” he says.

and has been influential on Australia’s land management and climate change policies.

Along with Mr Tony Tung Chun-hung, Facilities Manager in the Campus Development and Facilities Office (CDFO), Mr Gibson sits on the Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium

This is the broad message that environmentalists,

(HKSCC). This consortium brings together

business leaders, industrialists, educationalists,

the eight universities in Hong Kong to share

climate scientists, many politicians and

experience on promoting sustainability through

other groups the world over are trying to

teaching and research, policies and operations,

communicate. But, according to Mr Robert

local and international outreach, and knowledge

Gibson, CityU’s Sustainability Facilitator, the


”There’s no point applying the brakes when you’ve already driven off the cliff.” Managing our footprint at CityU is important. “CDFO has run an excellent programme to

leadership and political will to take the tough decisions required are lacking.

“There are four strands to sustainability

reduce energy consumption for many years,

“The time lags in the climate system mean

work at a university,” he says. “Managing the

and headway is being made in other areas,”

continuing ‘business as usual’ will not work,” says

‘footprint’ of the University; looking at how

Mr Gibson says. For example Dr Andy Cornish,

Mr Gibson, the former Director of Sustainable

sustainability is incorporated into the curriculum;

Director of Conservation at WWF-Hong Kong,

Development for John Swire & Sons. “There’s no

supporting students’ extracurricular activities on

comments that CityU has “made considerable

point applying the brakes when you’ve already

sustainability issues; and thought leadership.”

progress in sourcing paper responsibly” in reference to efforts made to procure

driven off the cliff.” An example of the fourth strand was seen

paper from renewable forests or recycled

Mr Gibson, a chartered accountant with a

in March when CityU hosted a HKSCC event

sources. Responsible sourcing of paper has

master’s degree in engineering science and

that brought Professor Tim Flannery, Chief

been facilitated by the Inter-institutional

economics from Oxford University, has two roles

Commissioner of the Australian Climate

Procurement Liaison Committee, comprising

at CityU. In addition to his role as Sustainability

Commission and author of the best-selling book

representatives of the eight University Grants

Facilitator he teaches on the Master of Science in

on climate change, The Weather Makers, to talk

Committee-funded tertiary institutions which

Energy and Environment in the School of Energy

about how academics can influence government

jointly tender for contracts for common

and Environment.

policy on climate change. Professor Flannery is


May 2012


Institutional Development

However, specific policies covering the sourcing

crises by the end of the century, as millions of

of paper would ensure a culture of sustainability

people are displaced by flooding, droughts and

was maintained at CityU, Dr Cornish added in his

disruption to food supplies.

communication. “This is the future we risk giving to our children

人類正在高速消耗地球的有限資源,令 環境無法承受,同時卻極少採取行動去 緩和浪費資源及全球碳排放有增無減的 惡果:此中的訊息明白至極、催人警 醒。

“We still have a long way to go,” says Mr Gibson,

and, especially, our grandchildren, and explains

pointing out that CityU eats up 1 million sheets

why we must work hard to reduce every aspect


of paper every week. “While the percentage

of our carbon footprint. Steps like reducing


of paper coming from recycled sources has

paper consumption and using recycled paper are


increased significantly to nearly 28 per cent there

small but still worth taking. A much larger step,

展協調員Robert Gibson先生指出,作出艱難

is scope for improvement. We can, and should,

which the government has recommended, is to


have an action plan to get to at least 50 per cent.”

increase the portion of Hong Kong’s electricity


We should also set targets to reduce the total

generated by nuclear power. I’m proud of the

amount of paper we use now that many students

thought leadership work which CityU is doing to


and staff use tablets such as iPADs, Mr Gibson

clarify the issues surrounding this decision so it



can be based on a sound understanding of the


engineering involved,” Mr Gibson says.

Gibson先生說,「駕車的人直到跌落懸崖才 去踩刹車,還有什麽意義呢?」他是註冊會計

if we fail to act, climate change and rising sea

“Time for averting disastrous climate change is


levels will create a high risk of major refugee

running out.”


The threat is real. Climatologists predict that

發展協調員,同時在能源及環境學院的能源及 環境理學碩士課程任教。 Mr Gibson identifies four ways to reduce carbon emissions and make our civilisation more sustainable.

「可持續發展,人人有責。我的職責就是幫助 有好主意的人將理念付諸實踐,」他說。

• Better technology, such as energy-saving light bulbs, coupled with fiscal action to neutralise the rebound effect. Without fiscal action, people who have saved money because of energy


efficiency will spend it on activities which increase energy consumption elsewhere.

理董鎮洪先生一樣,都是香港可持續校園聯盟 的成員。該聯盟由香港八所院校組成,旨在互

• Market forces, with higher prices making people more careful how they use resources. (“I agree with the Stern Report* that the greatest market failure of all time has been the failure to


put a price on carbon emissions,” Mr Gibson says.)


• Government regulation such as Hong Kong’s new building energy code that requires new buildings to meet minimum energy efficiency standards. • Communication and values. “We all need to change our personal values and behaviour. Simple changes like flying less, using less air-conditioning and eating less meat, especially beef, will reduce carbon emissions,” he says. * The 2006 report by the British economist Dr Nicholas Stern on the effect of global warming on the world economy.





他說:「一所大學可從四個方面做好可持續發 展的工作:控制校內的『碳足跡』、設法在課 程中納入可持續發展內容、支持學生從事促進

「駕車的人直到跌落懸崖才去 踩 刹 車,還有什麽意義呢?」

量。 凶兆已在眼前。據氣候科學家預測,如果人

可持續發展的課外活動,以及發揮引導思想的 作用。」














製造了天氣》(The Weather Makers)的作


Gibson先生說:「這就是我們可能留給子孫 的局面。正因為如此,我們必須努力減少各

者 Tim Flannery 教授,為大家講述學術界人 士可如何推動及影響政府決策以應對氣候變



化。Flannery 教授積極參與公共政策討論,


小小一步,卻值得去做。更重大的步驟,如 香港政府所建議的,是提高本地用電總量中

對澳洲的土地管理政策與氣候變化政策很有影 「前方依然是長路漫漫,」Gibson先生說。他















Gibson先生認為,有四種方式可減少碳排放,使人類文明得以  延續。 採用先進技術:例如改用節能燈泡,但須輔以財務措施以消除反彈 效果—若無適當的措施,有人或會用節能省下的錢去從事其他消耗 能源的活動。 依靠市場力量:提高收費,以促使用家小心節能。(Gibson先生 說:「我同意斯特恩報告*的說法,從古至今,最大的市場失誤就是 沒有對碳排放收費。」) 政府制定條例:例如香港新近制定《建築物能源效益守則》,要求 新建樓宇符合起碼的節能標準。 溝通宣傳,轉變觀念行為:Gibson先生說:「我們要轉變個人的觀 念及行為,例如少乘飛機、少用冷氣、少吃肉類,特別是牛肉,這 些簡單的轉變即可減少碳排放。」 *指英國經濟學家尼古拉斯 · 斯特恩博士在2006年撰寫的一篇報告,探討全球變 暖對世界經濟的影響。

May 2012


Professional Education & Research

Building trust in Burma 研究緬甸,須取信於雙方 Academics need to wear several hats during their careers: researcher, writer, teacher, manager, public speaker, editor, to name but a few. But in some cases a scholar needs the skills worthy of a diplomat.

By Michael Gibb


He was invited to give a talk at the prestigious World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

Dr Kyaw Yin Hlaing, Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian and

in January. There, he

International Studies, treads a careful path in his research into state-society

discussed political

relations, social movements and comparative democratisation. His work,

liberalisation and

while encompassing Southeast Asia in general, maintains a special focus on

the peace process

Myanmar (Burma).

in Myanmar with political, business and

Dr Kyaw ( right ) with Aung San Suu Kyi. Kyaw博士(右)及昂山素姬。

“I work with the government and with members of the opposition in

civil society leaders. He also organised a conference in January concerning

Myanmar, so I need to build trust on both sides,” said Dr Kyaw, who

Myanmar after the 2010 elections at CityU. The event is thought to

studied at Mandalay University in Myanmar before taking a PhD at Cornell

have been the largest meeting of its kind on Myanmar since political

University in the US.

liberalisation began last year.

Dr Kyaw’s standing in Myanmar is such that he was heavily involved in the

However, his work remains tightly focused on grassroots aspects of the

recent peace negotiations between the Myanmar government and the

social movements and political development taking place in Myanmar. “I

Karen National Union. These talks culminated earlier this year in a cease-fire

teach classes on capacity building at Myanmar Egress, providing training in

that ended a decades-long conflict.

social science-related areas,” Dr Kyaw said. At CityU, he contributes classes to the Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies and Master of

“Events in Myanmar are happening more quickly than we anticipated,”

Arts in Asian and International Studies in CityU’s Department of Asian and

Dr Kyaw explained, with reference to the recent political and economic

International Studies.

reforms initiated by the new civilian administration in the South Asian country. Of special note, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National

One of his on-going projects, in addition to two book projects focusing

League for Democracy (NLD), successfully ran for parliament in the 2012

on the problems of political transition, and cronyism and dictatorship,

April by-elections after years under house arrest.

respectively, explores rice production in Southeast Asia, in particular the problems that have beset the industry in Myanmar.

Dr Kyaw, who is also Associate Director of CityU’s Southeast Asia Research Centre and a director of Myanmar Egress, an NGO concerned with political

“As an academic researching about Myanmar, with contacts at both ends

reform in his home country, has become a much-in-demand commentator

of the political spectrum, I have to be wary of what I write,” Dr Kyaw said.

as the world turns its attention to events unfolding in Myanmar.

“Scholars have to be very responsible and respectful when working in authoritarian countries because people can get into trouble.”




學者在生涯中必須一身多任,既是研究者、作家、教師、管理 人員、演說家、編輯,在某些情況下,甚至要具備勝任外交官 的技能。

Kyaw博士是城大東南亞研究中心副主任,同 時也是關注緬甸政治改革的非政府組織「緬甸 出路」的主任。世人對緬甸事態的進展日益關 注,於是他時常應多方邀請而擔任評論員。

亞洲及國際學系助理教授Kyaw Yin Hlaing博士的研究涉及國家與社會的 關係、社會運動、各國民主化進程的比較,因此須步步留神。他的研究



行的著名「世界經濟論壇」2012年年會,同與 會的多國政商要人及社會領袖討論緬甸的政治






自緬甸去年政治開放以來探討該國議題的最大 型會議。

Kyaw博士在緬甸的地位很重要,積極地參與了不久前緬甸政府與克倫 民族聯盟舉行的和談。雙方多輪會談之後,終於在今年初達成停火協













學碩士課程授課。 Kyaw博士目前從事多項研究,包括撰寫兩部 著作,分別論述政治轉型、朋黨政治與獨裁政 治問題;此外,他還研究東南亞地區的稻米生 產,尤其是一直困擾緬甸稻米業的種種問題。 「作為研究緬甸問題的學者,我與政治上對 立的雙方都有聯繫,因此寫作必須小心謹 慎,」他說。 「學者在專制國家做研究,既要負責任,又須 尊重他人,因為可能惹上麻煩。」

Dr Kyaw ( centre, back row, blue shirt ) at recent peace negotiations between the government and the Karen National Union. Kyaw博士(後排中央穿藍衣者)與緬甸政府及克倫民族聯盟的和談代表合照。

May 2012


In the Know

Exploring new frontiers 探索新領域 By Dr John Leung Wai﹣keung Associate Professor, Department of Marketing Director of Executive MBA programme

文:梁偉強博士 市場學系副教授 行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任

Students are required to take general courses under the new 4-year undergraduate degree structure. However, not all the students will appreciate why such courses are important. Believe me, I was in a similar situation when I was a student. After Form 7, I went to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in the US to study mathematics and chemistry. The university required all students to take courses in other faculties, and in my case, courses like English literature, history, philosophy and sociology. I didn’t and couldn’t understand at the time why a science major needed to read literature. I remember the first time I had to work on an English literature assignment. The story was about a husband trying to concoct some scar-removing medicine for his wife, only to kill her in the end. The tutor asked every student to write a review.




One student questioned the husband’s love for his wife, whether it was genuine or not. Another wondered who would really benefit from the medicine if the scars were removed. Another took a closer look at human

在新的四年本科學制中,學生須修讀通識科目,然而並非人 人明白為什麼必須修讀通識科目。說實在的,我做學生的時 候也不太明白。

nature. Yet another reminded us of the limitations of science. 中七畢業後,我到美國威斯康辛大學史蒂芬斯角分校修讀數學與化學, All I could think of at that time was that it was surely a chemical experiment


that had gone horribly wrong. It could be something like cyanide that had


caused the accident. But how come the rest of the class could look at the story from such diverse perspectives? More to the point, why couldn’t I?

還記得第一次做的英國文學功課,所讀的故事說到有個丈夫試圖為妻子 調製一種去除臉上疤痕的新藥,最後反而害死了太太。導師要求每個學

I learnt later that students from different backgrounds and disciplines


naturally develop their own unique ways of thinking. That’s why taking a new course outside of one’s own field opens one’s mind to other ways of


looking at things.

於能去除疤痕的新藥;還有一個則探究人性;更有一個指出科學有其 局限。

A widened world view has also enabled me to see the vastness of the universe. It is indeed a world full of fun and interesting things. My thirst for


knowledge has thus been aroused.

成了事故。可是為什麼班上同學讀同一篇故事會有這麼多的視角呢?更 重要的是:為什麼我只懂得從化學角度分析呢?

In hindsight, general education not only changed my mindset, it had an impact on my whole life, though I could not see it at the time. I learnt how


to appreciate different things, and become more adaptable and more agile


in my thought processes.

視角看事物。眼界拓寬,令我看到天地之大,充滿新奇有趣的事物,激 起我對知識的渴求。

Most importantly, I become more daring, trying out new things and stepping out of my comfort zone. As a result, my career path broadened,


and I was offered, and was willing to take up, different kinds of jobs.

管當時我並不知道。我學會欣賞不同的事物,增強了適應能力,思考亦 變得靈活了。

For instance, I was once a senior consultant for Eastman Kodak, responsible for developing and conducting corporate training courses on improving


and controlling the quality of large-scale systems development. Then I was


offered a job as an operations executive at American Express, responsible for re-engineering the credit authorisation process and optimising the


operations policies for authorisation centres worldwide. Now, I am the


Director of the EMBA programme and an associate professor of marketing.

司擔任營運主任,負責重建其信貸授權程序,並優化其全球各地授權中 心的營運政策。如今,我是城大行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任兼市場

I hope students will be more receptive to the variety of courses offered


at the University. These courses will open up hidden potential and perspectives, and life will never be the same again.

我希望學生能以開放眼光看待大學開設的各種通識科目,以便發掘潛 能、拓寬視野,生活將從此改變。

May 2012


Gown to Town

An electric career path 科研生涯電子路 By Eliza Lee


Away from the prying eyes of the adults around him, an inquisitive child would sneak off to play with transistor radios, electric fans or TV sets, taking them apart and trying to understand how they worked.

“I was greatly intrigued by the funny looking ‘toys’ in the CityU labs. State-

“I was fascinated by the colourful parts and cables inside those gadgets,”

Dr Wong didn’t go into research straight away. Upon graduation, he had a

recalled Dr Steve Wong Hang, Senior Engineer in the State Key Laboratory

stint in sales engineering. It was during this period that he witnessed the

of Millimeter Waves at CityU. “I would wonder where the sound came from

decline in Hong Kong’s manufacturing sector and the lack of research and

and why there was a light.”

resources to keep it going. “I was hoping that I could do my part to put

of-the-art equipment, that’s how it was to a young mind. Each of those ‘toys’ would cost millions of dollars,” said Dr Wong, explaining why he took up electronic engineering at CityU.

‘Made in Hong Kong’ electronics products back on the map. So I decided to It was while reading the Taiwanese author Kenneth Pai Hsien-Yung’s short

take up Professor Luk Kwai-man’s offer of a research fellowship at CityU,” he

story collection Lamentations for Bygone Days at secondary school that


Dr Wong came to understand that each person is wired differently and what makes each person tick varies widely.

Following a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering, an MPhil and then a PhD, he joined CityU’s research team in 2002, specialising in wireless

It came as no surprise, then, that Dr Wong took up engineering in his

network antenna design. Dr Wong has since received several awards and

studies. Later on, visits to university laboratories across Hong Kong clarified

accolades. Together with his team, he has secured scores of patents and

the career path he should take.

intellectual property rights in mainland China and the US.




In March 2011, the Hong Kong native started work with the Department

Luk inspired me to take things to the next level, Professor Chan Chi-hou

of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in the US. In September the

helped me expand the scope of my thinking, and Professor Xue Quan gave

same year, he took up a one-year research contract with the university. Part

me ample opportunity to put what I had learnt into practical use,” he said.

of his responsibility is to supervise Stanford’s PhD students in their research work on advance antennas.

“Scientific research has made significant contributions to society, and brought me great satisfaction. My research promotes the development of

“I was very lucky to be able to work under the guidance of three great

science and technology, which will not be washed away by the financial

mentors in the Department of Electronic Engineering,” he said. “Professor


城大毫米波國家重點實驗室的高級工程師黃衡博士自小充滿 好奇心,曾在家中的成年人不察覺時,偷偷拆開收音機、風 扇及電視機看看內裏的構造。

引,我實在非常幸運。科研工作對社會有莫大貢獻,亦為我帶來極大滿 足感,這些研究成果促進科技發展,是金融海嘯沖不走的,」黃博 士說。

「我發現五顏六色的電線及零件很有趣,又疑惑為何機器會發聲、發 光,」黃博士說。 中學時讀了白先勇的《驀然回首》,令他明白「個人的志趣是勉強不來 的」,於是下定決心、根據自己的興趣選修工程學系。參觀了全港大

Some notable awards and accolades:


State Technological Invention Award 2011 - Second Class Honours

程。「當時城大實驗室有很多古靈精怪的器材,那些『大玩具』動輒 幾百萬一台,是一些高端的儀器。」

International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2011 Young Scientist Award


International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2008 Best Paper Award

程師,深深感到香港工業式微,缺乏人才發展科研及工業。黃博士說: 「我希望自己可以為香港的工業做貢獻,使市場上可以再次看到『香 港製造』的電子元件,加上陸貴文教授的邀請,便回城大修讀研 究學位。」 黃博士先後取得城大電子工程學學士、哲學碩士、哲學博士學位。自

The Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006 - Microwave Student Prize IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest (Postgraduate Category) 2002 - Best Paper Award




2011年度國家技術發明獎二等獎 2011年天線與傳播國際研討會青年科學家獎

這位土生土長的年輕工程師去年三月開始與美國史丹福大學電機工程系 合作;九月更獲邀到美國進行為期一年的研究工作,並協助指導博士研 究生設計先進天線。 「陸教授是我的啓蒙老師、陳志豪教授經常用啓發性問題作引導、薛泉

2008年天線與傳播國際研討會最佳論文獎 2006年亞太微波會議最佳學生論文大獎 2002年電機暨電子工程師學會香港分會(研究生組) 最佳論文獎


May 2012



Whither China’s Democracy? Democratization in China since the

On Psychology of Humor

Tiananmen Incident

Dr Yue Xiaodong, Associate Professor, Department of Applied

Edited by Professor Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, Chair Professor of

Social Studies; City University of Hong Kong Press, 2011

Political Science; City University of Hong Kong Press, 2011 How often do we hear “The Chinese are very serious”, “The Chinese do This weighty monograph offers

not know how to crack jokes”, or “The Chinese do not have a sense of

a thoughtful assessment of

humour”? Comedy doesn’t seem to have a connection with Chinese

one of China’s most profound

people unlike in Western societies which appear to value it more.

political issues—democratisation since the 1989 Tiananmen Incident.

This book presents theoretical perspectives on the psychology of humour by exploring aspects of Chinese culture, explaining the role

Not exactly a retrospective nor a

of humour in traditional Chinese society and why the Chinese seem to

typical commemorative work, this book

dislike humour. The research looks at perceptions of humour among

harbours a more prospecting approach

students from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

with 13 substantive chapters yielding informed analysis and insightful interpretations of key issues. The core subjects range from the legal

The author stresses the relationship between humour and creativity,

foundation of Chinese democracy, middle-class politics, internet-

and suggests that if young people spent more time developing their

based democratisation debates and pro-democratic mobilisations,

potential for humour, their ability to tackle complex issues might be

civic society activism, to the external and international media’s

enhanced, leading to stronger self-cognition abilities.

inputs, democracy and China’s ethnic minorities; and the PRC–Vatican interface.

《幽默心理學》—思考與研究 應用社會科學系副教授岳曉東博士;香港城市大學出版社,

This timely volume will be of considerable interest to scholars,


journalists, and those keen to learn about contemporary China’s ideopolitical transformation.

「中國人很嚴肅」、「中國人不懂說笑」、「中國人沒有幽默 感」⋯⋯ 說到幽默,好像從來與中國人扯不上關係。相比起西方



政治學講座教授鄭宇碩教授編著;香港城市大學出版社,2011年 本書作者透過對中國傳統文化的分析,結合幽默理論,指出幽默 中國自1989年天安門事件以來的民主化是全球關心的中國政治中意
















此書的出版可謂適逢其時,學術界、新聞界人士,以及渴望了解中 國當代思想政治轉型的人士,對此應會有興趣。



Edited by Joseph Y. S. CHENG ISBN: 978-962-937-197-5 660 pages • 152 x 229 mm • Paperback Publication Date: May 2012 List Price: HK$238

This volume presents a timely assessment of the Hu–Wen Administration at the juncture of preparing a change of China’s leadership in 2012–13. The assessment is important because the administration’s apparent success tends to create a path-dependent orientation on the part of its successor. Bringing together a collection of twenty major essays, this book offers a fresh perspective of evaluating the performance and achievements of China in the Hu–Wen era in terms of economic development, the establishment of a rudimentary social security system and her rising international status, etc; the new opportunities and challenges facing China; and how the likely successors Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will handle those opportunities and challenges. New policy programmes will also be discussed in greater detail. Each essay is written by experts and scholars from different academic disciplines and backgrounds to provide readers with a unique overview of their respective areas of expertise. This book will provide a platform for further informed deliberations among academics, students, corporate executives and professionals who are interested in China’s development.

Online ordering: Enquiry : 3442 6818 Fax : 2779 3071 Email :

Contributors Chris King-chi CHAN Joseph Y. S. CHENG Jie GAO Mobo GAO Jia GUO Steven HOLM Chin-fu HUNG Ronald C. KEITH Willy Wo-Lap LAM Yok-shiu F. LEE Beatrice LEUNG LI Jun Yang LI LIN Feng Carlos Wing-Hung LO Stefania PALADINI Baozhi QU Alvin Y. SO Qinghua WANG Linda WONG

Discovery and innovation 重探索、求創新

Through discovery and innovation, CityU’s new 4-year curriculum offers young people today a learning experience that will prepare them for the world of work tomorrow. 城大的四年制新課程重探索、求創新,為今天的青年學子提供學習 體驗,幫助他們適應未來的工作環境。

City University of Hong Kong  香港城市大學   Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR  香港特別行政區九龍達之路

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